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.Biedfteh Aides~ ~ . --.;:...Israelis Raid

... • .. •

Bl-st Makeup '


1118ide Lebanon·

TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 16r 1979 .. VOL 11, MO. 16, l ~ctlOHS, l6 ~AOH

I. Untouchable /\

11,.Wl ....... e

This is on~f India 's 100 million " untouchables." vie· tims of a caste system outla \\-cd by the country 's con· stitution but continued-by tradition . See story,.other pic­tures on Page AS

Alimony· Trial

Michelle Marvin Relates Roma~e

. LOS ANGELES I A P > expected to set a precedent for Mich~lle Triola Mar vin took the payment of alimony in cases of witness stand today lo te ll of her unma rried cohabitants romance_ with aclor Lee M~rvln Miss Marvin, sedately attir '!d

~tressing details s~e beheves .. . ,.ji'J ·a blac)t pants suit, began her enllt~e h,e r to a $1 ~illion sttare , · - testimony by telUng or her meet­or his 1nc~me during the s ix ing Marvin in 1964 years they Uved together . . .

The trial is the first to test an 1 was working on a fi,lm that he a ppeals court decision a nd is w as ,working o n Ship or

· Fools ... I was a stand-in\ an ex­tra d ancer1l believe I hao some

~---------- lines. " . .

Wayne Quits Care Unit?

COS ANGEL~ <AP \ .....

Her attorney, Marvin Mitchelson. ask~ Miss TTiola to teH Judge Arthur Marshall in the non-Jury Superior Court trial the history or he r . ca reel' as a dancer and sktger before she met Marvin.

These details were intended to (See JIA&VIN, Page A!)

-Israelis Bit in ..

Lebanon TEL AVIV. Israel <AP I -

Is raeli comma ndos landed In . Lebanon early today and blew

up a building used by Palestin­ian guerrillas. while navy gun­bo'llts shelled area"S a long the coast . the army announced .

The -nighttime raid was car­ried out at Ras el-Ain. two miles south of the Lebanese port of Tyre and 12 miles oorth of the Is raeli border .

The a rmy s pokesman said there were no Is raeli casualties in the attack. The army gave no indication whether Palestinian guerrillas were at the base dur-

' ing the assault or whethe r any 1 fi ghting took place. The s ize or

the Israeli force was not dis­closed .

The announcement said the Is r ae lis " blew .up a building which sheltered terrorists . . . Navy ves~ls shelled terror ist concentrations a long the ~hore . "

In Be irut . the Palestin e Liberation Organization claimed g u e r ril I as Infli c t e d h ea-v Y. casualties on the raide rs .

" The enemy pulled out leaving big amounts or weapons and pools of blood behind," a com· munique from the Palestinian command said.

The mes.'Jage said the raiding party blew up " an e·mpty rarm

<See RAID. Page A%)


-...... .

Moths UFOs? Vtah Sightings 'Ludicrous'

ST. PETERSBURG . Fla. CAP ) A band of hun · gry moths out for a free lunch was probably ·responsible (or thousands of cigar-shaped . humming and blinking UFOs that descended on northeast Utah in the late t960s. a University of Florida researcher says.

In fact . Dr. Philip Calla han says entomologists mig ht be' able to e xplain thousands of reported un­identified flying object s ightings.

··1 believe in UFOs . too. but 42.000 times?" says Ca lla han. referring to the a pproximate number of s ig htings reported in 30 years . ·'That's ludicrous . Maybe eight or 10. ·· ·

Published reports of the s ightings in Utah 's Uint a Mounta ins sounded a lot like s warms of locusts he'd seen flyi ng toward pines in lrctQI oil fields after World War II . Call ahan told the St. Pete rsburg Times.

Indletment ·Fought

Diedric Graml

Blasts uryMakeup

Or a nge Count.¥ S upe rvisor Ralph Diedrich ·s 13·month erfort lo quash a bribery indictm~nt aga ins t him took a new twist Mo nday whe n hi s atteroeys challenged the makeup of the county grand jury that indicted him. -

Included in Oiedrkh's latest legal maneuver to avoid sland-

eve ntually beca me the grand jurors who. in effect . said there was sufficient evidence to make Diedrich and Rose s tand trial on bribery allegations related to a 1973 board of supervisors tand use decision.

Preal. ey's Dad Sick Ing trial on the bribery charges tbe subpoena of 33 or Ora nge

In his latest move to have the multi -count 'ndictmenl quashed . it is Diedrich 's ronlenlio.1 that the jurv no minees did nol

<See DIEDRICH, Page i\2J MEMPHIS, Tenn. <Af ) - County's 40 Superior Court

Vernon Presley, father of the judges. late singing legend Elvis The subpoenaed Judges are Presley, has been hospitalized· those who nominated pros pee-r or treatment or an apparent tive m e mbers or the 1977-78 heart-problem. ·Baptist Hospital · county grand jw-y that on Dec. offlclals said Presley was in sta· lS. 1_977. indicted Diedrich and ble condition •fter treatment architect LeRoy Rose on bribery Monday. He has a history of · char ges. · heart ailments. . . Nineteen or those nominees

fjgbt Stranded VISALIA I AP l - Ei g ht

Tulare residents ~ere st randed almost 24 hours in fi ve feet of snow near Kings Canyon Na­tiona l Park before being rescued uninjured Monday nlf(hl. Ac tor John Wayne of

Newport Beach may be re­moved rn>m an Intensive cart unit sooner than ex· peeled because of the rapid1>rogress he is malc­ing ln recovering from cancer surger y, orricials at UCLA Medical Cente r reported today.

·storm, ~lides Slam Oce&:riside " Hla vitaJ signs remain

normal and he spent a rntrul n.igbl." hos_pital ad· mintstra tor Bernard Strohm sald. .,

The 71-yea r ·old film • tar 's s tomach was re­moved during a nlne·hour o peration Friday after

....JWton diseovered It con· -ra'tneo m1U1·

nant tumof a\U'in1 what was 1uPOOICd to be l'qutlftf 1all blaader aur,er~.

• F ..... AP Dlspatclles A 1torm that dumped about an

inch of rain in some areas c•uaed fioodln1. • mudalJde, cloaed roadt and a widespread telephone outage tn northern San Dlego County. officials Hid .

A mud.slide cloe4!(1 Oce.,.lde­BouJevard e•t ol lntentate 5 fer about three houn lD late af. temoon Monday, ••cutlln8 off the eaat•rn put of Oeean1kle" to

- tr•lflc. accordlil to police • ~pokesman Jim Sandller. The

downpour noodod major ln· tenecUont but no lnjuriea were reported, be-said

The slide apparently dam81ed the OffaJllick. Vhtta trunking ca· ble lor Padllc Telephone Co., af.

. lectln1 service to an un · determined number ot ~Jepbone customers ta Vltta, Oeeanakle San Mareoa, P'allbrook and Carla bad,. apokesm•n Cam Miller said.

State Route 78 between El Camino RH I and Jefferson Street •• doeed aever1I beurl wtth au.. ta. Cartabed and Vis­ta aleo eloMd for a ttrne ben• of llood!u. olftctaa. aald. ·

Meanw[aUe, a •eatber h'ont thet wouldn't so ••a> dumped

more than t Y.a lpchel or rain. c losed roads, knocked out com­ntunlcatloh8 and nooded build· 1n11 ove r a wid e area or Southeni California as It entered lta HConcl day today.

Authorities expressed relief · that the downpour wUIJ't worwe.

Particularly hard bJt by the storm were coutaJ areas ln San D6e10 ..-d lol An1etes counties.

' Tb·e Calllornla H l1hway Pairol reported alJ maJor roeda la Soutbem California "90pened tbla momlnl after widespread ~losures Monday . But the Cff P warned mo torl., t 11 to avoi d

traveling on the Pacific Coast Highway from Sunset Boulevard north to Ventura Count,y because of Ooodlng and periodic s lide ac· Uvity . '

Co ntinu ous ro c k a nd muds lldes k e pt Cu ltforn la Department ef Tran1portatlon workers busy through the night in Malibu, whe~ slides cl08ed Malibu Canyon Boad and Oooded at least two buUcllngs, Burrow aald.

The Nllllonal Wt!lther Service cancelled a naah nood ..ntch ror Los Antel• . Ventura, Oran1e.

(8ee~aM, P11e "2>



-11 II


Return Called ·nouhtful --- - ~

TEHRAN. rran CAP . With leiJrs in his eye:.. Shah Moham med Reza Pahh1v1 left Iran to day for: Egypt and tbt• United States, pilot ing n1~ own jct on a j ourney rnany believe- will end in J>('rm anent exile llis departure touched off jubilant cele brul1on.-. t hroughout Tehran

Two officers of the shah . ., ·roy~I guard fell io their knees and (ried to kiss the moium.:h ·s fee t at Tehran "-; aU"port. but ht.· motloneo ror them to rt l>e. court sourres said.

T"'o olhcr ofrtecr i>. st LJ n<lm~ face- lo face . hdd aloft a t'OPY of th e Koran . the Mos le m holy book , and the royal C"o upl e pc.issed beneath thl.' impromptu arc h to board the ··S hah "-; r a k on:· a royal Boem~ 727 ··ourt sources said ttic monarch oolNhl' conlrols himself

" The shuh is gone forever ' .. >eople ch a nt ed "" rn1ll1o ns >1i1.1re d int o lh l' s lr t•c l l-. . of

T t:' hran. showering each otht:!r N1lh candies and rose water. <' h t• e r ing and shout in g with joy at what they saw a~ vicfory in a year long_. bloody uprising · to topple the 59-year -old shah

Moto ri sts h O(li<cd h orns. flashed headlights and turned on "ind s h icld W\pcrs Ma n y Jumped from cars a nd"'ugged cat:h other.

The SO·ycar-old shah later a r­<See IRAN, Page A:? >

Coast ·

Weather Pa rtial clcuring toni~ht

a n a mo s tl y s unn y Wcd n l• s day . A littl e war mer Wednesday wit h h ig h s o f 62 66 . Low s tonight in lht.> upper' 40s Chance of rain dccrt.>asmg to 20 percent toni~ht und • near zero Wednesday .

INSIDE TODA 't' Over the span of has 52·

year career. John Waynt 's movie image hall become 1n­e.ct ricobl y linked with the man hlmael/ . 1'"or o Look at Wayne. mon and myth. see F'eaturmg Pace CI.



~ . M'of«-lling Co119~•• hi Aettoti

1C1•p 1<.1lph S H1•i:'ul .1. I< 01111'1 1lu1t' ulonu wtth thrl'c · 11111d1·11t1lh·1I 1 h1hll · ·11 , , , th• · .th , , .,,1011 ol t'onun•M!>

u 1w 11!> an \\.u..,1110.lon MAmon~ lh ' l»l'l' l ,1lo• 1t WUl'I uclrt::.::.

. .

1<;11iubcth T uylo r , who wutched her husband sworn in as u m.""W scnutor.


.. Shah'81 Kin Arrive in Texas. Croiai Pruice iii ·ghl, Training; Relativea Move In ..

L \1JHUl(' K . 1"17x..1' •AP 1 U1•lull\1'' of ttw Shuh or It :rn '>hp~·d c~ 111ctl y 1r1!11 th1• hom<· uf' 1·rnwn "'"' 1• t•arly tod .1 ~ Hut fut ttw JWIOt 1 undcrwo111~ Uii.?hl t r;.irnintt h re 1t w.1-. hU'>IOl'" ·'' U:>UJI

Thi· ,I\~ I HI)' hou' ' ' 1 ~ 111 a ''"''h n 'ldt•nt ..c11 .. 1 rl(•l or I Im. • ''" of 11:.'l ooo 1n 011 nd1 W1•:1t l't •\J"I

" l'tll'rt' :- a p<1,s1hll1t y ht• muy fl y ttHlay " ~aul Capt Uolwrt fh u .. nf Ht•t•se Air f<'orn• Hu .. e , ~ h l• rt• Crown Princ-l' H1•1,P

l'ahlava . 17·Yt.> ur-0ld 'on of !ht! \ h.1h I!> tratntn~

Thi· 59 yN.1r-old s hah and Ern

Fro• Pa,ge A I ·

.DIEDRICH. • I l'J>rl'~t·nt a true t' roSS·Seetion or tlw 1.·111.lnty's populalton.

111 ~h court!> lw v.. ruled thul 1111·.11 g rand JUrie s mu lS t n ·p rc•-.1•nt a sclcct1on that is tru \ · rc•prt•sentat 1 Vt' ,,r th{' lo<' a I

pop11 la llon wlwn tak111g :-ul·h fa<· IOI .. iJS rtH'l', a gt• , !'\{' X <i nd 1·1·111111mu· :-l a t11s into :J('{'OUnl

Thl' motion <·hallcnging lht· Jllr) ·s m akt}U p wa::. f1kd on l>H•llrtl'h 's twhalf by <1llorneys l\1•1th Monrot• anti .James Hid tlt; t

It doc:. not s1.x·e1fy how lht· 77 7li Jury mi ght h:.i ve falll·n .. tiort or the legal rt•qu1remeni

H1ddt!l . howt.•v t•r, indi cated that .-arh of th<• 33 s ubpot'n:wd 1ud gt's will b<' ' aske d wh:it t•rtll'ria he u:-.c•cl 1n nominat1ng a pros1n·t·t1vt• Juror •

That qucst1onang 1s 8<'h<'duh·d IO h1•1dn 22 tn San Dwgu !-iupt•rwr Court in Vis ta wht·rt· tht• DH' drtt· h Hn s t• tri a l 1s s t·h t•du lt.·d t11 <;t;1rt .Fch. 5.

Hut tfw l:.1ll'st wries of lcgu l movl'' by th t• tounly s upervisor und HoM· 1s expected lo delay lht• alrradyort dqlayed tpal

('a I Ii nA lh<' 33 J udgl'.':., a s wit m•ss1•s to apr>ear in the northt.·rn San Diego County l'ily will s low . " '"l not ha lt. judicial proceed

111gs 1n Oran~e County.

4t1ddel i.aicJ only four to s ix Judges will h1• t:a llNI on th1· ' amt• du v :ind tlil'n al appointc-d hours in an t•ffo rl to rnlmm1l1' tht.·1r al>s<.:nn· frorn the bench

Woman Slain By Robbers

SJ\N DlEGO IJ\P l J\ I.a Mes:.1 woman who had s topix'tl with her famil y tsJ cons ult a m:.p ht.•t·ausl' they w1•rc lust in a driv 111"' rn1nst.orm wai. ~hot dead by robh<>rs who attacked them a~ lht.•y sat mtht'1r car, poiice say

nrnrlott(' J\nn Clark , 29, Wa!> kr ll('d-11111tantl y Monda)' night wht.•n she wa-; 11truck io t hf' .£;hr•11 t hy a s mall rnli llt'r bullt•l as "stw ~mt bt•hind tht.• 11tet>rang whct.•I of ht•r c:ar. i;a1d pol11:e -.pokcsman Bob P1.,>ter.1


DAILY PILOT ,,,,. t)t4fl"•; c 4rit'\• tu.1, ••·JiM ..,,," "'™•' ~" h•rfltt0' N,.....f•tr'-\ "t".1hU•tlot'1l1~U111 fh # II'

Cf .... f t'uN1\l'Uf'IQ( '1'"~Y .... tt•t• eil1 Hllf •r-t

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Telep.,one 171 • )142-4321

pr<'s~ t"nruh lt!ft l run today for t-;g pt Dftl'r lhe lower hOWll' or PJrlljimcnt uppruvt•d the cOUI\· lry ·~ ht'" c•lvlllan guv(•rnmcQl

Url.lh s .11<1 he could not com· ment on whether uny of th '1 11r1nel"' fu mll y were on t he llJ'i(' . .

1\ 11 ... irh rnorn in.: flight to H t•t•:H' h11111~hl the t. hah 's moth1·1 10 1.1w und three of tlls c h1 ldn·n to Lubbock They were taken to llw l' r lncl' ·s residence on W t•s l 21s t S treet . 11 wide lhorou..:hrurt• dolled . with ex· pens1v1· homt•s

Spotlt..:ht~ atop s t andards sur round the• hrn.·k home, as doc>t> a

low brick wti ll . Trame In und oul or tht• dr1vewuy was brisk th is momm((

Oceupunts of cars leaving and a rriv ing decllntid to talk to re· porttirs. Two off.duty Lubbock police offi cers a captain and a seFge1mt _guarded a s imple gale to the grounds. They said they replaced State Department guards who took up their posts s hortly · afte r the family mom· bcrs arri ved .

Only reporte rs were at the snn e . Towm1people did nol. seem int.ereslcd . tn the famil y 's urrtvul.

Wants Firing Squad

Execution Asked By Conv~cted Man

T~<H:LE. Utuh !J\ P 1 J\ 1ury' round W::iltc:r J Wood. 40. of t)ut•lwc: City, QuT'l){'c. J?U1 lty of ftrs t -degn:e murder . and Wood

fi'rotrt Pa~ A I

MARVIN •. ~ s how that Miss Mar vrn gave up <.1 lucrative ca reer to become full -t ime homemaker and com· panion to the Oscar·wrnning iJC· tor. ·

M 1tchclson introdu t·ed in evidC' rH'l' pulJli<:it y photos of M isl> Mur v1n danc rng in Lai. Vega11 shows where s he was the teat uret1 p<:rfomcr

M il <:he li-on cont c nrls Miss Marvin is eniilled lo compcnsa· t1on for giving up her career and devoting heri.etr to Marvin 's s uc· Cl•S:., a lthough they never mar· ried .

Miss Marvrn, 46, changed her name lcl(ully s hortly before s he and Marvin. 54. broke up in 1970.

The eaSt' of Marvin vs . Marvrn has ulready become a l<indmark a l the appellate level. Jt led t.o the 1'976 Californi a Supreme Cou r l r ul ing that unmarried partnt>n> cc>uld s ue ror property ~wlllcment s imilar to t hat which Ii. c·om mon 1n di vorc<' cases.

M 1tcht•li.on s ::i1d Monday that Mi ss Trio la M atvln would probahly testify for several days be fore the Acadc•my awu rd · win ner would be ca lled to the stand

- -

told the court that he wanted to be cxccuu."<i immediately.

• " Take me to the firing squad right now," he said Monday. r<'ca lling a dem and-m ade in the sa me st ate by convicted killer Gury Gilmore two ye<trs before.

G ilmore. th e o nl y per son executed in the United Sta tes m the last decade, had ins isted that he wanted to be executed rather than spend his life in prison. lie got ht s wis h be fore a f1rin~ squad Jan . 17. 197'7': a ft e r u lengthy court fi..:ht.

The verdic t In Wood ':. case came afte r Wood denied lm1t week that he killed the R('v . Uav id Aas ved , 26 . o f F'or l Wayne. Ind. Aasved was s hot to death Jun1:: 10 a fte r his car ran out of gas en route to his fi rst m inisterial post 1n California .

J\ companion or Wood. J oseph Julian Johann. 3.1, of Sal(inaw. Mieh., testified that Wood shot J\asved a fter picking him up on the highway , and Wood said m a taped conrcst1ion played to the JUry that he killed the m an for money.

But 'in <'ourt be dent ed the m urdet', saying the confession was made on ly b ecu u!le he wa nt e d to kill h i m se lf b y iiubjectinJ,t himself to Utah 's death penalty.

CleHlfled Ad.,.10.ino 642·M,._ ..... __

'Mounties' •~ . Chic.ago . Surefootednesa is one Qf the aou1ht·after commodidea tn

-·-;ll'"J&O, where four more inches of 1now have esccndcd on top of a 20·lnch batch delivered over the

weekend. The e mounted policemen may well be con· sidenng the virtues of Indoor employment. <See story. Page A3. l '


The policemen on duty at the home werf polite. but s kirted qu e11lion s abo.ut a c tivit ies inside Lubbock,~ home or Texas Tech

Unive rs ity. has a larg1:: Iranian s tudent population.

Afkr the convoy arrived . the prince was seen playing with children m the lighted arcit of his back yvd. The Lubbock A valanchc·Hourntd r 1::ported 1t confirmed Monday tha t Jraniun governm ent o ffi c ial s r ented rooms at a Lubbock hotel.

An Imperial Iranian 747 Jet landed at McGuire Air Force Buse in New J ersey cu rlier Mon· day, reportedly carryrng mem· hers o r the roya l fum ily who w e r e t h C' n tra ns ferred to u s maller 707 l runlan Jet

Witnesses Ln I ran 1dcnl1fied the royul fa mily members as the s hah 's mothe r ·in· l::iw , f'arideh Diba, and Princess Furahnu1., LS. Prlnrc Allrez::i . 12. and Prin cess Layl&.1 . 8.

T he sh<.1h's motht•r . TadJ c l Moulouk . arrived in the United Sta tes las t month , joining thl! s ha h 's sister , Princess Cham!>, al l hl' princess' estate in 1levc·r ly llills .

T he women took refuge at th~ C'Sl ulc of Wallt'r Anncn berg . former U.S . Ambussador t4-0 Grea t Br itain, neu r rPann Spri ngs. afte r about 2.000 ··1ra _ m a n unt1-s hah d t>mons trators bcs il'ged the princess' estutl• The l WO women late r moYed lO a n undisclosed location .

* * !1 * . fi'roM Page A J

IRAN .. .. . ri ved in Asw::in, E~ypt . where he was greeted by President Anwar Sadat , Egypt 's Middle Eu 1-1t News Agency reported . The two the n drove to a ho te l on an Island in the Nile Ri ver , where

· the shah, wife and their <'n· toura ge had three suites on the fourth noor.

The news ag('ncy sa id the s hah is expect.eel to s tay a few d::iys 1n

Egypt before Oying to the Unit · cd States.

Hote l em ployees said offi cials told them the Iranian leade r will meet wi-t1\ for m er Prcsid<"nt Gerald R Ford on Thursday in Aswan Ford . on a Middle Eust tou r . h ad been sc heduled to meet with Sadat Thursday . and Egyptian sources sa id the meet · ing with the s hah was a rranged when It became clear the three would be ln As wan at the sume lime .

In a statement lo Iran 's of· rl c la l Pars news ugcncy , the s ha h said he was going " on vacation because I am fee ling tired . .. ~le le ft his royal powers with a 'ltegency Council and up· pea led to the Iranian people lo preserve the monarchy durin~ his absence.

The shah said the lenlllt:l of his stay abroad would depen'd on his " phyidcal condition." But many belleve the vacatkm will tum in· to pe rma:nem ex11e and the end of the dynasty his soldie r .father founded 54 years ago.

" I hope the J(overnment wjll be able to make amend 11 for the pas t ood also s ucceed In laying the foundation for the future ." said the shah. " This work needs a long period or cooperatfon and patriotism in lt.s utmost mean· Ing. Our economy mus t start rolling again and we mus t have better planninte for the future "

Ay alull a h Kho main l. t he Shiite Mc>slem re llgloua leade r who 11 the shah'• most tnnuen· tlal opponent, con8retulated the " he roic people of Iran" on the shah ·a departure and said It was " the first step toward ending the Pahlavi dynasty."

Khomalnl , an exile in France, aald he would return to Iran " 11t the nrs t propel' time" an~ would name hi• own " provlllon1l gov· ernment" to aupP-lant Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtlar and the govornmont. 1 ppointl!d by the 1hah.

The lower hoUM of the Majlls, the Tun an Parllament:-Con· nrmed BtkhUar and hl• cabfnet· today by a vote ol 14$-43 with 13 1b1tentfons. Tho Senate 1ave It a vote ol confidence Monday.

' .

' Drug Trial

Jury ·Ponders - ... ..

Kulik· Charge By KATllY CLANCY! rrom the,. car ." und " I will 'lue"

An 0r::.~o.1Co~:t;-SuJl!erior .us the car seQrch procf•ed~d court Jury ....... an Its fi rst fu0 day De Musa. however . aflr1but·

¥"" 1d llJ,ieh conduct to K uh k '"' being ot distlt>er9UoTis todar in the " ouf of nT~ the mornfng or hi!> a r-he rorn possc>Ssion trla of . one· n•11t . sufferina; th<' cffectl'I or lime Ne wport Beuch res ident vall um and jct lug ufl<'r a round-

. Alexander ~ullk. . the world tnp. The case pasted Into the Jury s ,__ - K reber went on to r('ft•r to

- !'andt late Monday. us testimony Kult k ·s lavish HreHtyle und the ~n the T~r·week .~nded and defe ndant 's t e11t1mony that he atlo_roeyil fo r both s1d~s complet · had contributed S2 million In re-ed ftnal a rguments . . een t years to Uie worldwide

Kulik , ulso a suspect 111 th4i leudc r of the Kris hna religion Stephe n John, Bovan mur~er . " T here would IX' no on(· l'l lic· In waa arrested an a Mission Viejo Ora nge County th at had any parking 1$)l In a borrowed S60.000 more mollve to is1::ll her01.0 at Stutz Blackhawk car. The arrel!l thul t ime th~n the defendant ," was a f'!w hours after B.9van 8 Krcber contended . 1977 s layang.

Sheriff's deputies allciicd they round three Jars or nea rly pure China White heroin tn a grocery


sack in the car's rear ~eat . STORM Prosecut.or Roo Kreber Mon· • • •

day urged the Jury to . convict KuUk on charge&.Jtf possessing San Bernardino a nd Riverside the t.l pounds ol heroin for sale counties s hortly before 5 a .m . a nd fo r transporting the St a rte r radar indkated that the million cache or ltugs. expected pockets of hea vy ram.

He uked jurors to discount fa ll would not mott•ri altze Defe ns e Atto rn ey Phtl l p Interstate 5. closed by s now In DeMassa 's contention the drugs the m ounta in passes hetwcon wer.e mistakenly round on Kulik Los Ange les a nd Bake rs field. and were Intended aa a plant by was opened about J a .m . s a id law enforcement ofticers for CHP officer J im Cox . Cha ins ad aomeoneelae. vlsorles remained 1n effect for

Kreber accused DeMaasa of roads above 4.500 feet . he said trying to .. mudd y up " th1:: Wcalhe r servict• meteoroloi;(1st prosecution 's case by hinting the 'Bi ll ~ulli v::i n 1rn1d th1· ... 1uw 1. 1 pounds of he roin could have mnvin~ storm , which ltni;: t: n-d come from vurious sources rang. pas t iL'5 ant1r1 11at<•d dep::irlUre to· ing from Newport Beach police to day . would ma intain a 30 p..r. fede ra l agentst.o the l968 " 1'rench ce n t c- hanct! o r rain tontJ(ht , eonneclion" case. t upl·ring Wednt•!-'1a y when tf·m

De M<.1s1sa. however . argued perutures- an • expcl·tcd tu climb that his defense proved KuJlk back into the 60s didn't know a!>Q4t the presence T he storm , which bf•gan Mon· o r drugs In the car he bor rowed duy morning and dum1wcl 1 41 from hisu11sociate. Richard W1lhs 1nclws on Los Angele:- tn tl!> first of Ne wport Beach. 24 hours. brou~ht tht• M·asnn 's

" There is a reasonable doubt rainfa ll total to 7 93 inehc11 by a nd it is based upon the in· daw n. compared t-0 the norrnu l t e rpretations of drcµm stantlaJ ~eason prec1pilatio11.. qr fi w ev ide n ce ." De Massa said . ., mchcs. ·'They are trying · to build an a rch o( clrcumstantia l evidenee to s upport lheis: case and I sub·


mil to you tha t it a ll doesn·t m. · RAID lie conte nded Willis " lied " • • • when he 11uid he promised-to pr

range .ror a drug plant but d~'t carry 1t out. ~ .

" He lied and he got paid .0 with bis Immunity," De Mass , s aid . re ferring to Willis' 1m · munity from prosecution in both t he drug and Bovan murder case. ) ·

" Mr. Kulik is the vict im 1n this ease because everyooo e lse has gotten a walk in this case." DeM as~a continued.

Kreber argued tha t s m a ll eon­taine rs of the sa me kind of rarE' o riental he roin found in Kulik ·s Leucadia home and his motor home. a long with drug traces fQund on his clothing as pointing toward guilt.

H e a l so m e n tio n e d a ringecprint found on one or the ja rs not posiU•ely ide ntified a<; Kulik 's but bearing ei_ght pointS or s imilarity to the defenda nt. -

In addition. he a rgued . Kulik gave the ttrrcsting officer a f::ibc n ame . birth CE'rtH1cate and dri ver's license upon arrest and yelled s ueh things as " get away

Spaee l'uttor1

house" in RaR el·Ain , but lhl•rt• were no e1vi ll an or gue rnll..1 casualties in the c lash

It said the attack came 1•:irly in ' the morning " but our fnr t •'l> were on the a le rt and quickly rn t e r ceptcd a n d e n gaged th•· ene m y ." .

The guerrillas said at lea!'\l IU Is r aeli gunboats patrolled lht• Le banese coast oppos ite Tyrl' Monday,·prompllng gue rrillas to open fire from s horeline J>C >!>1 taons .

L e b a n ese provi n c- 1al ..1u thorit1cs said lbe Is rae li all.H·k ca m e shortl y a ft er mr dn1 g h1 whe n a comma ndo force lundNt .i i Ra s e l·Ain in rubber bo J l !oo lowered from the gunboats

The raid las ted one hour Thi• Lebanese authorities cQnf1rm1•cl the guerrillas engaged lht' ..,1 l a<'kers in machine -gun battl1•-.

Tht• landing !>pot wus ~ It ·\~ hundrl'd yards from the r.w1-.1 I ions of U N ru:ace kN·p111g troops. Tyrt"s d1 'i tri ct .111 i:nin1s trator reported

Sis ·)'ear.old Callforniltn Jaced Relaman, wbo-ha1 • hypersensitivity to many substances In the air, runs throu1h the corr1doNI of National Jewish Hospital in Denver squirting nurses and ~cwimen 'With his water pistol .

·. ,..




! • ;,•

.. . Te••Y'•£1 .....

N.Y. Steeb


.hah~Invited-~o ·Pahn· Springs Retreat BVU..ETIN

PAL• . 8 P-alNGK <AP ) -Walltr ff. AHenbtr 1 , former

. asnkuador to Gft'at lrl· , taln, H id I.Oday lbt ... l.vlled tlw Allall ol lraa .. take l'f'f•&• la An...-..kl'I'• 211-au f' dHert t'I& •if! war a.ere.

TF..llRAN. Iran <AP > With teura In tu11 Shah med Reu Pahlavi left l run t<>-

duy for F4fJ~and the United Sta{u. pil hi• ow n et on a Journey many 11.,ve w1l1 end in perm anent .-xlle . fUs depaJ1urc louchL-d o<r Jubilant cclcbr1tUons lhrouahout Tehran.

T wo om cors or the s ha h 's roya l ~uanJ M l to their knees and t ried to kla.<s t he monarch's feet at Tehran's airport , but he mbtto~ or them to rise, court aourcea awd.

Two other otflcen, standin, race to race. held aloft a copf of the Koran , the Moale m holy book , a nd the roya l couple paased beneath the Impromptu a r c h to board th e " Shah ' s Falcon." a royal Boeing 727. Court sources said the monarch took the controls himself.

" The shah ls gone fore ver ! .. people ch a nted as m i llio ns po ur ed Into the s treet s of

Tehr~n. lbowertnc each other with candlet and rote 'Y• cheerln1 and 1houUn1 with Joy at what they aaw as .victory In a bloody uprblna to topple the 59-year-old 1bah.

M otorlsts honk ed born1. naabed headlight.I and turned on wlnd a hleld ·wiperl\.. Many Jumped from can ·and hulled each other.

Tbe shah later arrived. In

Aawan. Egypt, - wf!e re he WH 1reeted by Prealdent Anwitr Sadat. £aypt '• Middle Eatt News A1ency reported. The two then drove to a hot.el oft an Island in the Niie River, where the shab. his wlte and their entourage had three aulteson the fourth n oor.

The news aaency sald the shah la expected tdatu.,e '~ays In E.iypt before nying to· the Unit·

. <lee lllAN, Pate AU

Bl-own Asks State Refonifs· • JI# .

,.,._,..,..... SHAH LEAVES IRAN

Heading for Egypt

Job Programs Cited S~CRAMENTO IAP > Gov.

Edm und Brown J r . proposed re· r o rm s o f M e d i Cu l a n d Californla 's civil service system today In his annua l Sta le of the Stale address to the Leg1sluture.

T he Democratic governor also pledged an unspecified re rorm of state and local government finances. and put emphasis on programs to c reQte more jobs, a nd dl..scrlmlnalion agai nst homosexuals a nd m ake work s il.('ssafer.

m e nt budge t d e fi c it s and sounded more like a kickoff ot a presidentia l campaign· than the s ta rt or a second te rm as gov· e rnor

Brown , wh o ha s i rk e d leglslaton In the past with hjs m anner. was conciliatory and emphasized tha t his progra m ls " not t:0ntintjust from the ex~ ecutlve branch , but ra ther is a lis t or things we can do together to build ror the futu re . ..

TJ1e ~.minute message was He said Cattromla ·s $4 bllllon-·tota lly dtfre rent Crom his in· a .yea r Medi-Cal progra m must a u g u ral a ddreu eig ht.,.J;l!lys /be reformed to curb escaletin« earl~er , ~hlch emph~slzed rt~ costs . And he pro mised cost· Ing inflation and federa l govern· conta inment reforms which he

said wlll " not be done at the ex­

Nat11re Lives pense or the 6oor" who rely on the program for medical ca re .

He sa id doctors a nd othcrR .... .• providing Medl·Cal services "do

not have a cons titutiona l right to . . . a ll the Medi -Cal dolla rs they can get." but he .did not specify the reforms .

Plot Nurtures EnvirOnment By JACKIE HYMAN

Of ... O.lly l"lillt SIMI

If you step through a gate from lhe- Newport Harbor High School athletic fie ld - or witlk sen.Ms lfith Street from the Oakwood Apart ments in Newport Beach, you can :

- visit a redwood forHl. watch m1grallng·btrds alight

tn t h<.- dCfiCrt. . listen to a rippling brook as

you sit among syca more t r e<."8. . ! s niff a wild horseradish

mo r e th a n l hrce inc hes ln dia meter

t1.1ste the licor ice -flavored seed of a native aniseed plant.

As you sit on a hill over a pond and watch a c lump of grass dis · appear apparently into the earth nnd nctually into the mouth of a !(Opher , you may find it hurd to believe lhnl thh1 wus u hurren. Oat plot of land only 10 years a~o

The ~nv 1 ronm<>nta l Nature <:enter was founded in J970 by a l(roup of coas t citizens who, with the help of volunteers, Newport Beach .and the Newport Mesa Uni fied School Dis trict, have transformed a two-and -a -half a c r e plot of gro un d into a m1ruature Cali fornia .

The land. which belongs to the ~rhool dis tr ict and s its next to d111trict hcudqua.rte rs . contains 12 se parate environments de· s lgnl'd to imitate different re i.:111ns of the stale, complete w1lh m1t1ve plants.

Such plants are becoming KO uncommon, in fac t , that al most a ll the weeds pulled out of the center are plant" of European or

<See NATUR E, Page AZ>


Weathe r Partial clear ing ton1J(hl

an d mo11 ll y su n ny W(.'d n l' ll dlly . A l t ltl e war mt>r Wcdn<'11doy with h ig h s o f 62 66 . Low:1 tonight l n the upper 40&. Chance or ruin decreaslnJJ to 20 percent tonlJ(ht a nd near zero Wc.>dnesday.

INSIDE TODAY OwT '"' 'PO" 0/ hit 52·

llf!Or ~. John Wairw'• movlt lrMO' Im become fn.­•.tlrlcobl ll lfnk4'd with tht man him.wit. For o look at Wa11rw. '"°" and m11th. lflt " 'toCurlng Pooc CJ.

'•••• ' At.,_ """9 Alt ...._ • ..._ .. l.rlfl• ._... f! ,_ ::'"' ~ ~r .... :::.. ..... .,


Jury Begins Deliberation In Kulik Case

By KATHY CLANCY Of, .. DMIY ,. . ...

An Orange County Superior Court j ury began Its firs t full day . of de li berations lod ay In the he roin possession trial of one· • lime Newport Beuch reKldont Alexander Kulik.

The case passed lnto the jury's hands late Monday as tetllm0ny In the four-week tria l ended and a ttorneys for both sldea complet·

· ed fina l a rguments. • , Kulilt , a lso a suspect In the

S tephen J Qhn Bovan murder , was arrested In a .Mlulon Viejo parking lot in a borrowed 960,000 Stutz Blackhawk car. The arrat was a few houri afte r Bovan'a um s laying.

.sbe rilr'a deputies alleged the)' founa three a ot 11HJ'ly pure Chlna White heroin In a grocery sack ln the e1r'1 rear H at.

Prosecutor Ron Kreber Mon· day ur1ed the jury to convict Kulik on charget ol- J>09 .... lnt the 1.1 pound& of heroin for tale and for tran1portln1 the •1 mllllon cache ol dna11.

He asked Juro" to dt1eount P e fen ltl Attorn e y Pblllp De M11sa's contention the drup were mlatuenly found on Kulik

" and wert1 Int.ended .., • plant by law e nforcement ofllcera for aomeoneelae.

Applause from the a udience of "'ore than JOO state senator11 and asse mbly me n was polite but 1ubdu.d. -

B o th D e m o cr a ti c a nd Republican lawma~ra viewed the addrlal •M • attempt by Brown to court liberals who were lDCenled b)' the extremely coa.ervalive tone of Brown's tn· aur.-aral •

• I think It was apparent, he was trylni to respond to some or the ttlUclJlm or hls inaugural speech that he had gone too fa r to the right. " said Sen. AJan Sle roty, D·Los Angeles , who added . " I think It will take more than thl.8 " to calm libera ls .

" I thlnk he rriay have r-;cnscd the r of the Legis lature was. not aJI warm &Ii in prior years," Sic roty added.

" I think he Is gearing up for the New Ham pshire snows," and the first presidentia l primary In 1980. said Sena te Republi can floor leader Bill Campbell or Ha· clenda Heights. ' T thlnk he Is defin itely t rying to recoup some of the s upport lost from liberal Dem ocrats."

Brown al8o made Reneral ref· e rences to the need to build new hous ing In the cities rathe r than continue urban sprawl, and brief· ly re peated his continued support of a controversial m ajor re· ser voln .'0Mtruct1on progra m .


'State of the 81ate' Addrea• to ~ure lnctudehedM:el, Clvll Servtte Reform•

. ,. Makes Progres8

.Wayne ieaves Care Unit LOS ANGEL ES IAP l - J ohn

Wayne, making ropld progress In his recovery from cancer sur · gcry. has been moved out of in· tens ive care to a private room at UCLA M<.odical Center, hospitul wuthoritlcs suld today.

Wayne was moved to hlR room la te Monday a fternoon , onl y th'ree days after his cancerowi s to m ach J'J!.DlOved In a mine -hour ope r ation . hospita l adm inistrator Bernard Strohm said 1n today's dully report on the 71-year-old mm star's condl· t1on. '

Wayne was oriRlna lly expect· ed lo remain m the Intensive ca re unJt four or five days

" He spent another good nJght bu t with some discom fo r t ." St roh!" added this mom lnii.

" X · r ay t es t s th a t were 'performed this morning showed ~arly healing at the site of the yperatton. He IR t aking liquid nourishment by mouth In smull amounts.

" Among the many te legrams tha t have been received wa'I a

te legram from Pres ident Carter wishing him well , and former president Nixon has called . ..

Strohm said two of Wayne 's so n11, Mic hae l a nd Pat r ick , wou ld answer qucs t1on!'l on rum1· ly mutters Wc.odneRduy

CANtstllne Shelled

Israeli Commandos ....

Hit Lebanon Site T E L AVrY. Is r ael <AP > -

Is r aeli comma ndos landed in Lebanon early today and blew up a building uaed by Palestin· Ian guerrlJlaa, while navy gun· boats she lled a reas a long the coast . the army 1tnnounced .

The nighu.lme raid was car · ried out al Ras cl·Aln,. two miles south oflhe (A)baneso port of Tyre and 12 miles north or the ls roeli borde r .

The army s pokesm a n said there were no Israeli casualUcs In the a ttack. The a rmy-gave no lndlcatlon whether Paleallnllm gue rrillat were a t the base dur· Ing tbe -nsault or whether any fighting took place. The s ize of th' IaraeU rorcc was not dis · closed.

The a MOuncemcnt said the l1raell1 " blew uv a building which lhel~ terrorlau . . . Navy vessels shelled te r rorist concentratJona a lonR the 1hore ."

Jn Be irut , th e Palestin e


0 10 I , I

l11es ,,.,. .. ,....,

MIDEAST RAIO SCENE ,.., ..... Htt Lebenon

U beraUon Orianl11lion c laimed I~raeli l\Jftboal3 pa t rolled ~ guerrlllH Inflicte d h eavy Lebanese coa11l opposite Tyre caaoalU. op the ra lde" . Monday, prompllnR " uorrlllaa to

" The enemy pulled out leaving open fire from flho rc llne PQ81· bl< amount.I or woa~na and tlona. poohs of blood bchlntl, a com· · L e banese ~cl-a l a u · munlque from the Pal..uniln thorltlett aa1d tHe jaroell attack command Ald. . ' . came . • hortly afte r m idnhcht

, The n1e1aa1e . ~ald the faldlng w~en a commando rorce landod at party .~ up an empty rarfY\..-1 Raa e l·Aln In rubber boata houH In R•.el·Aln, but the"' lowere4fromthe•unboal11. · we re "° civilian or 1oe rrUla The ra.ld lu ted one bour. The cuualtl• in the clu h. Leban.e MllhortUeA confirmed

~~ ................. AJ ____.~~!;: 1

&--ri e.; . ,.. 1 ... 1_. Cl -- M

Kreber accuaed DeMa111 ot t r.y ln1 to " mudd y up" the proaecutlon '1 cue by hlntlnt the 1 1 pound& ol Jaaroin could ha"f come from vartoua eoureea ,.... ••• fl'Olll Newport .... ~to .. fedeHl qenU totbe t• 1 ' l'Nedl

(lee KVUK, Pap AJ)

Thi• ll one of lndl• '1 100 mllllon "untouchablet," vie· dma al • H IM •Yl&em outlawed by the countl')''a lbn· .UtuUon but oedhu•!~~-*"..t'Uon. SM •too. otber plc· turn on Pqe Al. ·

It laid lhe au.ell came early the 1uerrUlas en1a1ed the at · J inomlnL"but .OUr.. rOttM

- were oft'tfil alert aad quick Iv In· tlC~tra ln mflJl.lpe·fun battle.. ' The landlna apot ••• a rew ~~:~~d and 081•1•d th• huDdNCI yardl from tbe potl·

Tbe imrrtu- Aid a"'helt IO llODI of U.N. ~katDJnt . . • troop•

I 1 I - v

I •• , . '




·Weather Hairs. ,,

,. Crftsh Pr6be Sq ually ~ather la preventing

•lr utttr lnvt•tlcalora from ct11eoverlqa what ca u1e d a T ran1·cataJln• A1rUnes Orum: n'lan Mall.rd to nop aod 1lnk ln 40 feet of water o ff Santa C at.allo.a& IA land Th~ 14·pa¥Scnii('r umphlbian

had haken otf Sunduy from lls water base at Pebbly Beach,

• u mUe eut of l\valon, when It cr1t1hf'd and overturned in the water

( wlly~ ..... ~

WOODLAND ENVIRONMENT IS SURROUNDED BY CITY NMure Center TranefofrMd ,..wDon •waeteland'

l',....P.,,e.4J ..

NATURE UVES ••• other foreign orilin. said Robert House, head of the Newport Harbor High School science de· partment and a member of the center's board of directors.

The center . which depends heavily on donations by private individual& and organizations,. provides tours for school groups and youth organizations as well as opening the reserve to the public every day during daylight hours.

The center's resource room next to the preserve at 1601 16th & . ia open trom 1fLa. m~ to noon ~nd 1 to 4 p .m . Tuesdays, Wed· neadays and Thursdays under

C:Onstruction Trailers Hit In Burglaries

Newport Beach police a re in· ves tigating the burglary of three construction trailers on a build· inc site at 4000 MacArthur Blvd. that netted thieves more than $5,000 worth of equipment.

Hit over the weekend were on· s ite office and storage trailers owned by the Don Koll Company and Andenion and Howard Elec· trical. both of Newport Beach. and the Air Conditioning Com· pany of Glendale.

lnvesUgators said hln1ea were pried from three trailers' doors and construction. drafting and ai r conditi oning t oo ls and

• materials taken. The Koll Company's loss w~

lis ted al $3,528. Ande rson and Howard los t a reported $350 worth of materials and lbe air conditioning firm. about SI~ worth , police said.

Furniture Taken At Newport Office

An estimated $900 worth of furniture was reported s tolen ove r the weekend from the second story of an office build · ing at 3345 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach.

J ohn P . Myen told police that two coffee t.ables and two arm c h airs were taken from. a second-noor lobby.


i•HirjQlt111 , ... °'- Cil9\t 0..1• ~llot, .. 1 ... _ .. .. ( -... ~ ..... ..._ ..... , .. ............ ...,, ... °'_ c .... .._,.,..... , _ ~ ....... - ... ............. - .. ,,,,_ ,,, ........ C-1• Mt\4 ..._. 9"«11 .............., .... ,.,~ .... ., .. ,..,, ... - . l-"-0<1!' ....... '*'''·" ,.,....,..._,, .. , .............. _,,,_ .... _ w-.- , ......... - ..................... , ... .. ..... ··~-.(--,(.111-... .. --..... ...__,_.....,._

' .. , .... ,,,,., ....... C1111tr1e• Mv~ ........


the 1uid•nce of center Ex­ecutive Director Betty Hogg.

Tours and slide shows are available for groups by contact­ing Mrs Hogg at · &45·8489.­Persons interested in leamins more about-the retel"\'e indepth and training as tour guides can s ign up for a Coastline Com· munlty College course, whlcb will run six Wednesday morn­ings beginnlng Feb. 7 at the center resource room.

Information on the course is available by calling Mrs. Hogg.

' lt wu Just a bit of waateland," House said of the site before It waa shaped into a reserve.

After winning school board permission to establish the re­serve, ba c k e r s asked a l a nd scap e architect for a n estimate to tranaform it. House said .

When the figure of $80,000 was presented, Howie said , founders decided they'd have to come up with an alternative method or· c reating the center .

And they did. For several years, courses tn

nature development were set up at Newport Harbor High and the students helped design the en· vlronments.

Earth dug ..from the Olympic pool aile at the school was dumped on the-reserve to c retile h ill~ and s lopes. while one natural pond was incorp0ratcd into a system of streams and a second pond was bulll, complete with pumps and o waterfall.

Materials were donated by the city and private groups , Howse said . The school dis trict pro· videa a caretaker.

Ex isting piants, including some eucalyptus of Australian ort1in, were araduaUy replaced with small native plant.a that, over the past e ight years, have grown quite lar"e.

Gophers and other small animals moved In and birds round the place a haven , House ·said

John H. Johnson. who retired five years ago M science depatrt· m ent chairman at Corona del Mar High School , hall j ust com· pleted a catalog of the plants al the center, said House.

Plants were analyzed atnd located oo a map, House said.

The 12 separate plant environ· menta are desert, coastal sage scrub. eouthern oak woodland. foothill woodland, northern ouk woodland. riparian woodland, California Island , evergreen forest. redwood f.erest , closea cone pine forest , coastal chapur• ral and valley grusland.

Visitors to the cente r can ex· perience the plants in a variety of waya under the guidance of a tour leader, Home sai~.- ·

The)' are invited to s niff, touch, taste and Usteo, •• well as enjoy the siaht. of wildflowers~ - includlnc poppies and l'OHI - -and trees that -sereen OUf. the aurroundinl urban area . •

Studeata can learn bow to in· teract wttll a natural flMron· ment wltbcM& barmlq lt, ~ said, and can ptck up • bit or hla· Lory u weU, such u .eelna the natlve holly froll'I wliteh Hollywood tooll lta name.

" Ye>u feel llll• yoa 'n mllee away from cMUaaUon," HOUM aaJd. " lt'a bard w btUeve you're ln the mlddle ot a clly."

The <' tullh d uDked U> Qe<>ple obourd the plane. but. apparent· ly no ono was in.lured seriously . An Irvine man. Paul Kefchum, 65. of 44 Sycitmore Creek, was taken for observation to Avalon . Municipal Hospita l. because o( a pre-existing heart condition.

Ketchum was released to go home late Monday.

Thti pilot , Russ e ll D. Sl ­Plerre, 31, of Northridge, was treated for cut fingers and a lacerated scalp.

A F e deral Avi atio n Ad · ministra tion spokesman said St. Pierre reported that on takeoff his aircraft lm.'t power in one of i~ two engines and fell back into the water al an angle .

Ketchum said that from rus perspective the uirplane never got out of the water. He said that as the pilot tried to gain speed for takeoff, large waves slapped, '' harder and harde r and harder, " the side of the plane. 1-W,Asald a big crest finally tipped them over.

Abak>ne llshennen aboard the Avalon·baaed Supermex spotted the crash. The boat's captain, Ri chard Rut%, steered a course for the downed plane and the victi ms were fi shed from the ocean.

Wally Funk. un Investigator

Judge Masi ToResi~ .

~~ Sometimes controversial Ccn·

tral Orange County Municipal Court Judge Paul Mast a n· nounced Monday he is retiring from the bench .

Mast. said his retirement afte r 13 years on the bench will be ef· fective immediately or when a 1ury now deliberating the fate of a lleged drug deuler Alexander Kulik returns its verdict.

The 46-year:0ld former ally of now imprisoned county political • kingmaker Louis Cella gave a multitude of reasona ror his abrupt reilrement.

Among other things, Mast said he is leaving .the bench to prac­tice law 4ls a priva te attorney becau"Se he~

- Does not find life as a Municipal Court judge "as cha lleng.lng or intereatingas it once was."

- Is Increasingly disenchantt!d ·'when an attorney a ppears before me Ill-prepared and P,OOrly representahborherclienl. ' client."

- Is concerned about stepped up public attacks o n the j udl c lal'y., espec ially attacks l au nched by publlc office holde rs such as Gov. Edmund G. Brown J r .. the son of the man who appointed Mas t to the bench .

- I s worri e d a bout th e " potlllciz.lng" ot the j udiciary. including the recent e lection de· feat of four 11\cumbenl judges in Orange County.


for the NaUonal TransPortation Sare ... Board who lJI 11slaned to the cate, aa1d today Hhe bad 11tlll to inte~the pllot.-. But without the Grumman Malla rd. now In 40 feet of water a quarter -mile of/shore . she said , the cuuse of the mistaap can' t be known.

The ln~estigator said it was PO$Slble that the aircraft can be salvaged today or Wednes· day .

Trans -Ca tullna Airlines. mca.nwhil e , has refus~ to make any publi c s t ate me nt about the crash, about the com­pany , or about Its officers.

However . the Los Angeles County Sheriff's substatk>n on Catalina re leased a list of the passengers . Bes ides Ketchum. his wife and son. there were tourists from Sausalito , San Marino. San Pedro and from out-of ·Slate.

FAA records r e veal that Trana-Catalina begun operations in J anuary of 1978, less than it year ago. inUially with flights from Long Bea <;h to Pebbly Beach. . ·

During the year, the company increased its flights with the ad· dition of three Grumman Mallards---bringing ils airline to four planes. Flights a lso were run to Catalina from San Pedro and Orange County.

The company shares joint use facilities with Catalina Airlines. a separate company which uses the Grumman Goose airplane, as well as helicopters.

Trans-Catalina averages J 1 round trtp nights per day to Catalina during peak"summer months. about half that durtng the winter. according to the FAA

Sunday 's accident was lhe com. puny 's fi rst.


KU.Lllt ••• . connection '' case.

De Massa, however . argued that hla defense proved Kulik didn't know about the p~sence of dru~s in the car he borrowed from his associate, Richard Willis of Newport Beach.

" There Is a reasonable doubt and It Is based upon the In terprctat ions of circumstantial e vidence ," Oe Massa said . " They are tryl nf( to build an a rch of circumstantial evidence to support their case and I sub· m il to you that It all doesn't fit."

He contended Willis " lied " when he said he promised to a r · range for a drug plant but didn't carry It out.

" He lied and he got paid off with his immunity," DeMassa s aid , referring to WIJlls' Im· munlty from prosecution in both th e drug a nd Bovan murder case .

" Mr. Kulik ls the victim in this case because everyone else has gotten a walk In thJs case, .. DeMaHsa contlnue:

Kreber argued that s mall con· lainers of the same kind of rare oriental heroin found In Kullk 's Leucadia home a nd his motor home. along with drug traces found on his clo\hing as pointing toward guilt.

He a l so mentioned a flngerprtnt found on one of the jars not positively Identified as Kullk'a but bearing eight points of simllartly to the defendant.

In addition. he argued, Kulik gave the arresting offi cer a false name. birth certificate and driver's upon arrest and yelled such things as "gel away from the car." and " I wi ll sue" as the car ltcurch proceeded .


Tom Dailey. 36, has been promoted from ca\>taln to bat.t-alion chief . Newport Beach .Fire Chief Leo Love has announced. Dailey. once the city 's " fireman of the year ," has been a Newport firefiihter since 1964. He Ii ves tn Tustin.

Services Set For Newport Cr.ash Victim

M e m o r i a I s e r v.I c es are scheduled Wednesday at 2 p.m . for Christopher Scott Hightower, 21 , a U.S. Navy hoapitalman' who died Jan. 8 of injuries ·suf. fered In an automobile accident in the Philippines.

Hospltalman Hightower joined the Navy March JO, 1978, and was assigned to the Naval Regional MedJcal Center . Sublc Bay in September. He was critically Injured in ao auto accl· ·

. dent at San Felipe, Zambales. tht: Navy reports. •

He is survived by hls parents , Mr. and Mrs. E . S. Hightower, und a brother, Paul

The m e mori a l se rvice is Ke h e duled fo r St . James Episcopal Church. 3209 Viit Lido. Newport .Beach with the Rev. J ohn P . Ashey JI officiating. '

Burial is to follow at sea , ac. cord in g to Paci fi c Vi e w Mortuary directors .

The family ~as suggested m emorial contributions to the d o n o r 's favorit e c ha rHy in Christopher Hlghtower ·s name.

QualreRocb &a,,em· Iran

STOCKHOLM , Sweden CAP ) .::. A strong earth· quake struck east.em Iran today , the Hagfors seismological observatory reported.

The observaloTy said the quake registered an esitmated 6 .8 on the Richter scale. The U.S . National Earttiquake In · form atlon Service In Golden , Colo .. said it s truc k about 80 m iles so uth of Mashhad in northeast Iran.

The American service said the tremor wa& pot.en· tially damaging . The re we re no immediate casual­ty or damage reports from Iran .

· 87 Million asked MIAMI BEACH, Fla. CAP I

Gov. Bob Graham said Monday he will ask the U!gtslature to provide as much as $7 million to lure tho 1980 Republican Na­llona I Conv ention to Miami Reach.

Wm'fMn dl1mantle portion1 of Ure S.nclptpe:r nn on~ Cout Hllh••Y ln Corona del Mar to make way for a new Buie al Newport buildlftl. 'lbe lobby Ind

resi.urant ~the former motel are betna torn down. The Um 'I a livlnl UDitl 'Wt11 be eonverted into condomlnlums.

,. I

Family' Gathers In Texas

LUBBOCK. Teua CAP ) -RelaUvtt of the Shah of Iran aUpped qUleUy lnto the home of Iran'• crown prtoce early today. But for the prince - undersomg fliChl tralninl here - lt WU busiQeU u Ulual.

The sprawling house is in a plush residential district of this city of 1~.000 ln oll·r lch West Texas.

"There'• a possibijlt~ he may Oy toda~" sald C@pt. R~bert Brua of Reese Air Force Bue. where Crown Prince Reru Pahlavi. 17-year-old son of the shah , ls training,.

The 59-year-old shah and Em· press Farah left Iran today ·for E1ypt after the lower houae or Parliament approved the coun· try'a new civilian covemment.

Brua aaid he could not com· ment on whether any of the prince 's ~mlly we re on the baae.

An early-morning fllaht to Reese brought the shah 's mother-lo-law and three of his children to Lubbock. They were taken to the prince 's residence on W eat 21st Stree t . a wide thoroughfare dotted with ex ­pensive homes .

Spolll~hts atop standards sur· round the brick home. as does a low brick wall. Traffic in and out of the driveway was brisk thla morning.

Occupant.a of cars leaving and arriving declined to talk to re· Portera. Two off-duty Lubbock police officers - a captain and a seraeant - guarded a simple gate to the around& .They said they replaced &al.e bt;partment guards who took up their posts shortly the (amity mem· bers arrived. ·

Only reporters were at the scene. Towns people d id not seem interested In the family':. a rrival .

The police men on duty ul thl' home were polite . but sk1rtc<1 ti o ns a bo ut ucti vi.tie., in.side.

Lubbock . home of Te xa i- Tech University, has a la rge l raruan student population.

After lbe convoy an:h ed . the prince was seen playing with children in the h~htcd urea or h is b a<'k ya rd . The Lubbol'k Avala n('he-l-lournal reported II confirmed Monday that Iranian governm'e nr 0Hic 1uls rc nte<l rooms at a Lubbock hotel.

* 1\: * ,..,....rage Al

IRAN ••• ed States. · Hotel employees said officfah. told them the Iranian leader wlll m eet with forme r President Gerald R. Ford on Thursday in •

Aswan. Ford, on a Middle East tour . had been scheduled to meet with Sadat Thursday. and Egyptian sources said the m~t ing with the shah was a rrangt>d when it beca·me clear the lhn·t• would be in Aswan at lhc same time .

Jn a statement to Ira n's of flclal Par11 news agency, the $1\a h said he was goi ng "on vacation because I a m feeling tired." He left hls royal powen. wtth a Regency Council and ap· pealed to the Iranian people to preserve the monarchy durln~ hi8 absence.

The shah said the lenirth of hu, s tay abroad would depend on h1!> " physical condition." But many be lieve the vacation wlll tum In· to permanent eXJle a nd thl' end or the dynasty his sold1er-fothcr founded 54 years ago.

" I hope the government Wlll be able to make amends for the pas t and alao succ~ In laying the foundation for the ... said the shah . " This work needs a long period of cooperation anff patriotism in its utmost mean­ing. Our economy mus t start rolllna again and we must have better planning for tM future ...

Ayalullah Khomain1 , th e Shiite Moalem rel1gious leader who is the shah 's most influen· tlal opponent, conaratuluted the " heroic people of Iran" on the shah 's departure and Hid It wai, " the flnt step toward ending the Pahlavi dynasty."

HmmiiFilm Slated Sunday

A travel Olm 6n Hawaii w111 be sho!m free Jan. 21at2:30 p. m. at OAlijS cent« for older adults In CorOnadelMar.

The lbowtnc. at which refreah­llMftta will be aerved, la Open to the pu bile at the center. loea Led a t M ar1uert&e and Fifth avenues. .

The event la plaMed In honor of a 1roup from OASIS who wUI be takla1 a trtp to Hawaii st•= March I . Spokeswoman Ga Benidr said a few eeata arHWlev.Uab&e.

She laid trip to four lalandt COlta ~ wtUch lacludM botelJ and. p; -•- * .. Oflll-tothe public . Add1Uonar1nronnal~l1 available by Callins 1•tdl.


, ..... ,~ WAITING FOR VISITORS FROM OUTER SPACE Wiii Ruth Norman Collect on Hef $1 ,000 Bet? .

Trllth Near? Woman Awaits Spa£e VU.iton

JAMUL CAP> - Ruth NormarusexdtedovertherashofUFO sl1htlngs over Australia, New 1.ealand and South Africa She claims lhes lghtlogs must meanthemomentoftnrth ts near.

The 78-year-old leader of the SocietY, of Unarius believes her Jong alt for beings from outer space to land on earth is about to pay off So far, though.only she has paid off - undisclosedt:h9usandsof dollars with Ladbroke & CO .• a London betting hOuse that spaceships would arrive on certain dates

STILL OUTSTANDING IS A SI, ... bet lhat s pacemen wi/ someday come at all ·

After buying 65 acres In southern San Diego~County . U widow of an engineer who ·'found t.rutb '• an metaphysics waits the El Cajon headquarters of her g.rouJJ.

No need to fear. 'Mrs. Norman said in an lnterview Mondt The spacemen.will bring peace and love to couater evil foNJ on this planet. teaching earthlings a great messagelf spirituality

A BEAtmAJL UGBT Wll.L EllANATE from their h4ia she said, describing it as an outward manifestation of e~al ene r gy . Among them will be h istorical figures sue a s Shakespeare, ~tze. Goethe, Mark Twaln and Athene.

At the end of Mrs. Norman's headquarters is an ~ted platform which supports a peacock throoe lined in blue vell.

Mrs. Norman climbs upon it, in her flowlng saffron dr'. to instruct 60 followers in the art of higher mental st.atf and he aling through scientific unde.rst.andiog

THE ORGANIZATION'S NAME Unarhas is an acrotrn for Universal Articulate lnterdimensional Undersl$io g of Science. Its leader claims more tban 300.000 " b ra" throughout the wOl'ld, all diadP.les of a re1eneraUve Y founded by Ernest Norman.

Mrs. Norman baa claimed to be in touch psycblcr with leade rs of 58 planets.

The flying saucers aniving soon, she 'Said, are ade of crystal and gold and propelled by eleclJ'o..forces mi wtlh the magnetic fields of the universe . An inter etary confederation, a massive intergalactic gathering, is a h ed.

Mrs. Norman says a s imilar vis it was made 160f' years ago but nobody remembers thaL

Irvine Foundati~n Adds Mrs. 011~~0

The electlon of Mrs. Virginia B Duncan of San Francisco as a director of the J a mes Irvine Foundation has been announced b y Morris M. Doyle. Qres ldent of the foundation.

The Irvine Foundation. which maintains offices 10 San Fran · ci sco and Newport Beach . makes grants. to a variety of

Billy Carter Bum Rapped?

NEW YORK <A1>) -Billy Carte r asserte d today that his words and behavior of the pa s t several days have been cited oul ol context and said, " I don't think I've been bad."

A an example.. oLhls actlvltles beinc put in a bad l11bt, be cited a much-publicized episode in which be urinated oo t he Atlanta airport runway.

"We were on the end of the runway waiting for three h o urs ." the pres ident's brother said on ABC 'a "Good MornLPg America" Pf"081'am.

" A reporter apologized to me because he alto sot out and dld the same tbln1 . .... . We had a policeman wttb UI. I uked if It •• all rt"1t. And we'd bella lllUiil then tor &laNe ..... 1W had f\all aeevtty com1nt ftl. ·•

charitable insm;.ons in the fields of inde~ent highe r education, medio and health car e. youth P~!ams, com muoity services !° cultural ac· tivities

executive of the Bechtel ration. was formerly a adca:iling ex-ecutive and c nlly is on the Board or ectors or the Corporation Public Broad· . casting. She a member of the Carnegie .D"llssloo on the Future of bUc Broadcastinl and serves Nltiooal Endow­ment for as a member of Its Media P

of the University . Mrs. Duncan has

resided the San Francisco Bay A or 20 years.

Mrs. an joins 10 others on the f dalion board. Bes ides Doyle San Francisco, they ln­clud

llo..·-~~~ ff. Metqar of San ncUM.V, ·John V. Newman ol

ntura . Rudolph A. J>etenon ol n Fr~i5co and Mrs. Katheyn

. WbeelerolNeWl>Qrt Beach.

James Irvine. who died In 19t7, estabUahed the foundaUon. He was tbe IOft of the founder of Orange County's Irvine Rlbeh. Liit year, the fouNlaUon made IDOfe than • mlllioa In 1ran&a to 123 lnalitullons tbrou1bout Callf OrnLL

. . ..

TUft9!X, January 1 B. 1979 DAILY PILOT Jt 1

· C iCago·· Walloped Again our More Inches of Snow Fall; Fuel Slwrt

~ NaUooaJ ~tather Service said there wu a cbabce or more .snow lonlghL

d ea th s ln lll l ool a . 15 1n Wlaconsln. eeven \ll Xaruu. four each in Miuouri anctlowa, three In M kbigan and one in Ohio and one In Nebraska.

Thom peon requetild federal aid I or 22 CCMllllMI dtdared dtUl&oet' .,.. ... He tben new to belmy Florlda for 11 vacation at an UD· dlsc&oled apot.

Wflary to co thrH 'pliel. I t 0 ' the D

In the hard-hit Chicaeo area . wh.ere \II> to four lncbes ol snow reu aaop the ao.3 lncbet that ar­r Ive d ove r lhe weekend, authorlUet counltcl l'J deathl. linked to lbe clti'a wonl atonD

Chlcqo sci.oaa were doeed f'S te mperatures. warmed thls -morainl alter record lows Mon· d ay.

QfHdalA U1 llilw~ullee , where 5 .. cMs of UIDW r.I& 11o9day, • ur,ed Gov. Lee Dreyfus to seek a ederal dlsuter liclaration for lhe dty - now u!Mler 30 tac.... of IOOW. tile mest it aeenlaG,....._ •

Th cum

ntests lit/ictment

(anae County ~ervisor R Diedrich's 13~th effort

uash a bribery indictment l him took a new twist

day when bis attorneys llenged the makeup or the ty grand jury that lndicted

ncluded ln Diedrich 's ·latest Jal maneuver to avoid stand· a trial on the bribery charges the subpoena or 33 of Orange

a unty 's 40 S uperior Court .Jdges

The subpoenaed judges are hose who nominated prospec· ~Ive me mbers or the 1977·78 .county grand j ury· that on Dec. IS, 1977. indicted Diedrich and architect LeRoy Rose on bribery charges.

Nineteen of tbolSe nominees eventually became the grand jurors who. in effect, said there was sufficient evidence t& make Diedrich and Rose stand trial on bribery aJlegaUons related to a 1973 board or supervisors land use decis ion.

In his latest move to have the m ulti-count indictment quashed. it is Diedrich's contention that th e j ury no minees did not ~present a true cross-section or the county's population.

High· courts have ruled that l oca I grand juries mus t represent a selecl1on that is tru· ly representative of the local populaUoc{when taking such fac ­tors as race, age, sex and economic status lnto a~unt.

The motion .challengfng the jury's makeup was filed on Diedrich's behalf by attorneys Keith Monroe and James Rid· det.

It does not specify bow the 77-78 jury might have fallen

·s hort of the legal requirement Riddel. howe ve r . indicated

that each of the 33 subpoenaed ju(lges will be -asked what criteria he use<J In nominating a prospective juror.

That questioning is scheduled to begin Jan. 22 in San Diego Superior Court in Vista where the Diedrich-Rose trial Is scheduled to Feb. 5.

But the latest series of legal moves by the county supervisor and Roee· is expected ·to delay the a l ready oft-delayed trial.

Callinl the 33 jµdges as wil· nesses to appear lo the northern San Diego County city will s low, but not halt.- judicial proceed­ings in Orange County.

Riddel said only four to six judges will be caJled on the same day and then p.t appointed hours in an effort to minimi.ze1 their absence from the bench.

Ranch Chief •

leo Cuesta Dead at 73

Leo Vincent de la Cuesta, of Buena P a rk, whose f a the r owned the historic Rancho La Vega in the Santa Yne Z" Valley in Santa Barbara County, died at the age or 73. ..

A salesman for various paper firms for more than SO years, he dted Saturday at. his home ·in Buena Park.

· He is survived by bis wife, Margaret: sons Leo Jr., Jack. MUre ~ David: s is ter, ToUta Cannel ; 10 grandchi ldren and two great-grandcbildi'en.

Funeral services at St. Pius V Church in Bue na Park were to be he Jct today.

a!nce 1967. • There have ~ 18 rePolted

NEWSMAN DEAD AT U Laguna'• Pete ~ulmer

Wast Writer Pete-F11lmer, ~2, Succumbs

By STEVE MITCHELL Ol•D<Mf't ...........

Peter D. " Pete" Fulmer. whose newspaper career . com­mercial photography and public relations work spanned three decade5 In Orange County. died at his Lagwia Beach home Fri· day al the aee of 62.

A m e morial s ervice ls scheduled fo.r 2 p .m . Friday ln the auditorium of South Coast Medic~ Center.

The former newsman worked for a ball dozen newspapers in bis earlier years . He also worked iD public' rdaµona ror South Coast Medical 'Center. civic groups, art galleries aod the Laeuna Beach Festival or Arts. --

He leaves t\is wife. Eloise. of the family home at 439 Los Robles. and a brother, John Fulmer ol San Carlos.

His wife said there wUI be no fune ral and asks that donations be made In the name of Pete Fulmer lo the South Coast Medical Center FotmdaUon.

, llllnols Gov . James R .

Nixon's Docuniellts Go Public

By,._ A111da&ect Pm• Pre-presidential correspcm.

dence of Ricba(d M. Nixan. iD­cluding some of ~pen for which he once dal a ss-. tax dechdiGD, are:""" totM public to:.J at N•Uoul Archives Recordl ceattl' ill Laguna Nicuet. ·

Tbe ooetilu ol tM nnt 1tt~ m• of die dOemneata some 600,000 .,... - was caulklufly announced Monday by the General Servtces AdmlolJst~ lion In Washinpn. D.C.

· " I doo'l want to convey th.ii Is a sensational opening," said Richard Jacot.. acUng 'd~ of the GSA 's NIXOG PresideDtiAl Material& ProjecL -·

" It's not 10 IJl\lCb lbe cOllCeat or this mM.erial that i& •ilnifl· caot bat tbllt time are Ute first of the NmlD P9Pll'S 19 be open for pubk ftewtlag." added wt. Rossman. dUef ol the f'*ral archiW. b('ancb.

TM papers. wbkb have been screened to avoid invasion or privacy and matters of national ~ecurity , include letters, memos and speech drafts.

Jacob& said the open files con· stltute nearly one-fourth or the t ,300 cubic feet of documents in· volved in the Nixon deed : The rest will be opened when screen­ing procedures. agreed to by the former presidetlt earllH this year, are comp&eted.

Included in the files are Nixon papers from his 1866 vice pres· idential llDd 1980 .PresldenUal ca mpaigns, spea lting •P· pearances and trips. The rest of the pre-presidealial papers in clOled storage with a letter of intent to donate tbem later.

Altogether , the National Archives has 2.6 million pagee of Nixon 's pre- presi d e nti a l materi.al5.

N(xon WU in tJaie first ~ar o( his presidency when he gave the papers to the government. 111e deed - dated Mardi 27, 18. altbou1h not delivered until after April 10. im - was not s igned blV NilllOn but by deputy counsel Eaward L. Morgan.

Pubk ..._. la llllwaukee were cta.ed • .__. da1 today. tbe ftnl ttme' ballfe been abut hr e..-uliw days since lNJ,

Public woru 'rommissioner Herbert Ooetlcb caleulated that snow removal will cos t $1 mllUoo 1Dore than l1 budlleted. P\re otncials wor­rtea because ftre hydNnls are burled undermounds of snow.

The ntgion remained locked in ae _..., k'y pip. Warroad. lflu .• reported the nation 's loWIM~tqday, ·3S T• . r WM 'l2 ck1rees at Fort .......... na., tbe U.S. hot spot. •

Thouaaadl of tffluelers spent MOlher .... m ~o hotels becaus& O"Hare International Airport wtltdl closed for only the sixth time in it!' his tory s.tu~a,y wu Umited lo one runway.

Commuters · there are 2.25 million In Chicago - hltc.hhiked or faced two-bow' delays due to icy elevated tracks and stalled b\IMS.

Badham Seeks Funding for Slide Victims

Rep. Robe rt Badham . R · Calif . . fotlowin« up on a promise made to Lagwia Beach lands lide victims last year . introduced legis lation in lbe House of Repreaent.aliva Monday calling for aow interest k>ans for victifl\.~ of nae Oct. 2 earth movement in Bluebird Canyoo.

The E l Toro congressman Jumped disasters from 14 Qther states in his bifi that would pro­vldf tbree pertent loams for the fi~t $65,000 in damages suffered by owners of homes due lo floods. tornadoes. or landslides, sv~h as the one in Lag una Beach.

President Carter vetoed a bill Oct. 25 that would have extended a similar law for disas ter vie· Ums. Thal bill would have been reb'oactift to Oct. I - a day before the Laguna disaster. As a reHll ol tbe Carter veto. in· terest raties for disaster victims borrowing from lbe federal gov· ernment are peued al 7~ per· cent.

L'oreal '>rt1 Preference

Hair Coloring

A Whale of a -Sale!

20o/o OFF

S2!!'·J-(j AR Gift & Cosmetic

Merchanclse in Stock!

Princess Gardner -~ "Hide-Away" ~ Chtckbook -

~ ' '-9.!.! ., .. o Sale Ends

January 'l9

Borghese Speci~~1 ~ .... of

Skin Care Annual Special ~ IO contains crema di notte beauty treatmen~ deep SI 1 SI cleanser. balancing & toning lotion. 140 val.

Super Rich. . se Sl.r(so Hand Cream & Body Lotton ,. U Vat. Ca.,•• prescription

pricet- ....... s g1 ... "*1fy-Herbal Blend s7se .

Meeting_..S,,..e~t .. _ __. Shampoo & Conditioner 113 Val.

h er yth111 ~ Oisc~unt e£P Fant as tic Savin~ s on Revlon. On Reforou.:·· Tom Moody, soutb ~OUDQ'

Common Cause coordinalOr IDil leader ol ~ 'nme 11 Now. To Clean Up PoHtlcs m~ CUPl movement ln Oran1e County. will ~ak _on govemmtot re­form 'fbW'lday In San Clelttelrte. · Moody wUJ addrell a meetlnfJ of the San Clemente Uomeo~rs AssoctaUon, •tart· rbg at 7 p.m. ln the auditorium ol the San Diego Gas and Elec· tric Company offices. 101 W. El Portal.

Add!Uonal tnrormatlon on the meeti~ or the homeowners ' or­~:...:.ftllt~ .. ::able by call· • lDC Floretta Elnaclc, 4.92-2172.

Pai1tene 8011111e Beil. Char ies of the Ritz. Alo Cosmetics & more ~

l .ariners Pha.nnacy -,._. ewa ......... p• amcy ~...,. --"tcet•


\ 1

4t 645-7200 ........ 11:cn ....... ..... ···-= ... ~ ...


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-. ..

.44 DAIL Y,"'l.OT

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• aaPPSNG IOXTOPS D n . You ma1 have noted ln

tlaie oews U..l Ltw ~rill Tnde OommlNtoft l1 at it 11aln. tlUI Utne Oa.tlnl televlllon commercl1l1 thal 1Ue1edly brafnnab the lddd'- · ·

OM CGllllUllMr adV()('ate really rapped UM breakt11t food peapa. bf ('mna, " Where la It Wrltt.a UaM UM n.w lamfly tlnart\ll'e Ii clilld. paseat and ~raJ f"oodl'!" '

WtU, J have new1 for bJm. Where did he ever 1et the notion t.hlt t.bit wu 1 new family alruclu~!

So be'• out to put lM knod: on every kiddie cartoon -ahow that tri• to peddll tu11rtd breakfast cl"W'lchlea

<~ ,._ - - ~

8'11' IN Tall'l'M. the breakfut food pi(f(llert have t>t-en~ the bard·tell to Juvennea prObabty _lone

Slop lhe Mall! I Sent the Wrong Kind of Bo:rtop!

befQre this consumer advocate was born and certainly before the Boob Tube came into every AmeMcan home.

They did It with a device called ~dio.

In those bygone days, kids acl'08s Uie land gathered­before the magic radio box every afternoon to Usten to lex· plolt.s of people like Superman. Jack APlftet:ou !The All· American Boy ), Little Orphan Annie, Captain Mldnigfit e nd Don Winslow or the ,Navy.

And all or these heroes peddled such goods u sugared com flakes. shredded wheat and hot chocolate drinks to the younger generations.

Added incentive ror the kids of those days to munch, crunch and drink the hot s tuff included prizes you sent away for by ripping off box tops or tin lids and mailina in juat 25 cents lfor handling and pe>stage> to the product. hawkers. . -

HOW fN mE WO~LD could you posalbJy know what was h appening to Captain MldnJght, for example , lf you didn 't have one.or his Secret Decoders?

Rip off those tin lids . Get them in the mail today! One or the most tragic events of my young life came

after I had ripped orr the lids, packaged them and sent them away with my 25 cents. Every day thereafter. J watched the mail for the arrival of my Secret Decoder.

Fl.Dally, I got a . letter. It declared, " Dear Sir : We regret to inform you that upon examining the Ovaltlne lids you sent for your Secret Decoder. you Included one Malt·O· Meal lid. This Ud does not quaUfy for a Secret Decoder! Please remit the proper lid .. . "

OR, THE SHAME OF IT. The frustration. The los!l of not having my Secret Decoder for at least three more weeks.

And the consu!1ler advocates today are fre tting over a few boob tube commercials?

Where wa1 the Federal Trade Commission when J needed It?

• BANOKOK. Th11Hand IA'P ) - Forces loyal to t ousted

'ambOctiin govemment recaptured Kompong Som. °" "'"'~.._ only deepwater port, lnformed sources reported today. But Vl e tnamne warplanes flew the heaviest strike thret·week-old war. and It was not known who held the rt

Thal lnte1U1ence offic ials and othe'r rellable sources said Kom pong So in . 135 mil es IO\llheaal ot Phnom Penh, was r etaken Monday after stlff rithl na. Then lhe Vietnamese air rorce went Into uctlon, and the altuoUon today was unclear. aourct.oa said'.

THE SOtJRCES ALSO reported na.,val fighting around several lslandS In the Kompong So m a rea ond a Vietnamese

' a ttack on the largest of them , Ko ng Island . where holdouts

Nixon Due _At WhiW House Fete

WASHINGTON I AP l -Rlc,llard M. Ni"on Is going to the While Houte. for the firs t lime since· hJs resignation. to have dinne r late r this month with PrHldent Carter and China 's Teng H1lao·plng. ·

Nixon. whose 1972 outre ach to China e nded 22 years gf estranaement· between the two nations , wu invited by Carter. who built on Nixon's Initiative by establlsblng full dlplomatlc relatl~na with Peking.

"HE WAS INVITED and he has accepted . .. said Mary lloyt, press secretary to first lady Rosalynn Carter. Nixon aides in C alttornla c o nfirm e d the acceptance.

" It seemed the a ppropria te thing to do\" a White House of· flcial said of the Invitation . The official. who asked not to be named, said Nixon was invited " because of his role In opening up the process of normaliza. lion. ··

NIXON 1lAS N0',1' been In the Executive Mansion sipce he re. signed unde r the blistering heat of Watergate Aug. 9. 1974. T~ng, ChJna's vice premier. Is

scheduled to begin a week 's tour of the United Jan. 29 with a White House- vj11it. The state dinner Is that night. . Gerald Ford , who also made a

"presidential trip lo. China . was invited, too. but he expects to be oul of the country on. a trip to the Middle East that began Monday nlght.

IT WAS NOT known whether ,Nixqp will Oy to Washington on a government plane. Mrs. Nixon will not come along. .

Nixon has been In the capital only twice since he resigned . He was here briefly a year ago for Hubert Humphrey's funeral and again last month for a meeting of the Tuesday Oroup. a club of former White House co-workers.

LIKE ALL· FORMEa presl· • dents In recent years. Nixon has received periodic admlnistraUon foreign policy reports. His ma· jor interest hu been with China, a country he revisited In 1976 as a private citizen .

from the former 10 were reported selling for guerrilla resistance.

It was not known wh Vietnamese. and. Cambodian rebel allle eized Kong Is land or others a rea .

Western sources 1n said e arlier that the Ca lLl!Jlb.Oat n avy w as h re m n 'anl s o f th e o FtO Vernm e nt es tabl headquarters or supply the southwest Is lands a so m e of, the 20.000 C e s.e ad Y'tsers and technician ho had been reported advisl old regime were In the are

OFFlaALS OF THE f gov e rnment have also n reported taking refuge In e Carda m om ·and Eleph t mou1na i n s of s outhw t Cambodia to carry on guer r es i s tan ce t o th e n pro · V1 etn 11 m cs<' ~ov c rnm wp lt'h took over Phnom Pc Jan . 7.

A radio station believed to in China went on the air today s p e ak for t h e ou s t government. Calling itself V o i ce o f Dcmocrall Kaf!}.puch e a 1Camboa1a l , tit<?adca s t on the s am frequency as Radio Peking' Cambodian-language station and Its broadcasts were ve s imilar in style to those fro Phn o m P e nh b e for e the Vietnamese victor~ .

TROOPS L-OVAL to the ousted government were r~ported s till fi ghting to main control or a provincial capital in northwest Ca mbodia and harassing the Vietnamese invaders and their Cambodian allies a l numerous other scattered point<> .

Western sources said Pursat. too miles northwest of Phnolh Penh on the main highway to the Thai border. had not fallen to the Vietnamese Invaders and the rebel Cambodian moveme nt lfanol sponsored. .

Fighting was also reported continuing around Battambang. northwe~t Cambodia 's chief city : near Slsophon . 30 miles cas t of th e Thal border : at Nl.tnl l. 13 miles from the fronti e r . and around Komporfg Som. th e c o µntry 's onl y deep-water port.

Weather Dftmage Tallied Dead Cattle, PeriahabJe•, Fuel Slwrtage .Cited

• T~•perat•re• Calltonda

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Sole Surrieor A. 3.year-old orangutan is the only animal that survived a fire in the Henry Doorly Zoo hospital nursery in Omaha. The blaze that killed s ix animals started from' a propane h~ater . A 4-year-old gorilla died from smoke Inhalation while an exotic South American cat ~nd four exotic birds valued at over·burned to death . Lee Simmons. son of the zoo 's d irector . and Julie Morris.r.zoo

· s taffe r . g ive the orangutan -oxyge n at a n Omaha .. emergency a!Umal clinic .


Bald Eagle Blocks Main· Oil Refinery

PORTLAND. Maine <AP I - Oil and the.aid eagle don 't mix . says ~feqeral government. whtch has bl~ked a S700 million oil re tineryJ)ranned for the Maine Coast . •

~ The·U.S. Environmental Prott.-ct1on Agency's regional ofrice ID

oslon Mon<tay denied a pollution permit needed for construction f the 250.000 barrel-per-day refinery and an oil1tanker terminal ID

ast,port, the nation 's eas ternmost community.

THE EPA SA.ID the complex could damage the Northeast 's \ st nesting ground for the national symbol. t WllUam Adams Jr .. EPA regional administrator. said a report ~m 'the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was the basis for the ~ecUon. · .

~"We were advised that the refinery would have significant erse Impacts on the eagles and their habitat as a result of oil

s •• air pollution. and the impact of refinery construction and orations." he said.

•'THESE POTENTIAL impacts could.-not be avoided or mizated by any means short of denial or the permit ...

\>itt.ston. a New York-based corporal.Ion primarily involved in co rocluction. could not be reached for comment. Earlier this m . A.F . Kaulakls. Pitts ton vice president for energy de opme nt . s aid the proJect would be sc rapped unle ss gov ment obstacles' were removed within the year. ·


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We~·lthY- .S~~oOl . . . . . . . :...-.;

_f>ut~ts May ·See ·Aid Cuts I

SACRAMENTO CAP )f:- SUcb wealthy ICbool diltrict.I u San Pr~•. 8erftley and Bewr· )..1 Hilla fd Mven· cuts ID •• aid under a Pf'OPOlal a4opteci by Gov. l:dm'-.nd Brown Jr . '• PrC>DO&tUon 13 comm lOft.

The NC!Omm~aUon. ~ un1ntmou1ly Monday by the Com mtu•on on Gon·nu•e1tt Reform, cUrtcUy coDlra.d.Atl pl{or\U. ln the 1..,.IO bu.dftt. ~ropoaed laat week by tlto ·Dtmocrall~ 10vemor.

TBS nOPOSAL aleo feces lntMN e>ppolit.ioG. in tbe at.alt! Le lalature. ••Ule IOllM ol the uaa cUU bit ._...... at the

o e dlltricta of the Le1blat.,.. ·1 moet tnnu ntlal memben; _ l_ncludlna Asaembly ~Mtt uo McCaflly of San Jrand*'O.

The rommlsslon. appointed br Brown to help deal with f>roPo6 tlon 13, abo ado~ two other polltlcally tx,tOilvf' propoul H It put the rinlsb.lng touches on more U\a.n 100 Pat ol recotn· mendaUona arrecttng almost enry phue ol 1oc.-1 aod stale aoverameot.

One W'let unapeclfled state tax inc:reues to pay for euen­tial services lf its proposed re· forms do not cut spending enOUl'h to balance state and local budget.a after Proposition 13 cutback.s.

'11gfat ~queeze

·ANOTBSa SND0&8ES 1pelldllll OtT NWDue Umlll, bubo ooJy by .......... UU.lh the type Of' CGMtlllltiOftal a1Pend· meat ~rrenlly uonaored by PropotlUon lS co-author P•ul Gann aad Hvtral lnflutntlal lt1l1laton.

The comm1Mi0o allO .attnded tu deadbne .... ,.... ~ hMa lllomlay Ulllll UM net of the ~· · The t.y l\:Mol ftnaMe recom· meadatioa ur.- aovernor and L411Wee.. '4..1lve futw" ''ball-out·· ,_. to local 1cbools t.hrou@ a b'mula tUt eQ\Wi1 t.M dOUMI Dtt PUPll ot.rleb and poor dlllrtct..

LA8T YEARb local school• were '1ven $2.3 llUOft ln rMCUe fund• lhrou1h a formula ln· tended to 1ub1Utute lltate 1ur· plu1 dOllara· f9f' local ~•l'lY tax dollars lose lhroujth- voter enactment ot f>ropotltlon u:

Since the rlcheat districts w•r ~ wiUa &M-bl11ut...loc&l property tax revenues per pupil. that me.ant tbe at.ale save nearly nine Umea •• much ball-out monfy per pupil to the districts that already were the richest.

Commlllioa cbalrman A. Alan Poat said the reKue funda gave Beverly Hllll aehoola $1,288 per

LA iO Probe· Link ·To Strangler ·Case

BEt.UNGHAM, Wash. (AP ) - A former Los Angeles man who has been questJoned ln the s trangulation deaths of two West.em WuhlnCton Unlvenlty coedJ has drawn the interest olZ;Los An1e&es HWaide Stranaler Tut Force.

Kenneth A. Biancbf. in hls late ~ made an initial rt ap-~arance Monday. -...;;;..---~------

He has been charged .wlth McEachran, Whatcom County second -de1ree possession or prosecutor. stolen property and Is being held Arraignment was set for Fri -on SlS0,000 bail. said Dave day.

,. ...........

LOS ANGELES au~horities s aid the y were check in g Bianchi 's background in conntt: lion with the Hillside Strangler investigation into the strangula­tion deaths or l3 women in the Los Angeles area.

" We have talked to police up there ln Belllngham," said Los Angeles police spokesman Lt. D,an Cooke. . ·

"We are Investigating him, checking into his bactcground. It is ir routlne matter.••

BIANCHI MOVED to Bell · ingham last May from the Los Angeles area, police say.

McEachran s aid there is a definite possibility or further . charges agalns( 'Bianchi and

·added no further arrests are ex · pectedlnthecase. · ~

The stolen rroperty involved in the curren charge Involves telephones and a saw, he said, but refused to elaborate.

'. 'WE ARE invesligatinJ many things at this point, " McEacbran said .

"We are awaiting responses from the FBI lab where we are having some material s pro· cessed. Other items are being pro­cessed in the state."

The prosecutor said some of the tests could fake as long as two weeks.

THE BODIES OF Karen L. Mandie, 22. of Bellevue. and Diane A. Wilder. 27 . of Bremerton were found Friday, stuffed in the back of Ms. Man­die 's car in a secluded Bell· ingham cul de sac.

Both were foand clothed -and had not been sexuallr molested. a pathologist repon.eci.

Police Chief Terry MangansaJd the women may have been lured to t h e i r d eat h s b·Y a promise or money. ii they would assist in a private investigation for a couple of hours. He refused

Somehow. the driver of this car managed to plunge it through trees and a wire fence before landing in this flood control channel in Riverside. Tow truck operator Larry Lawler is shown crawling into the car in an at­tempt to drive it .out of the channel. That effort failed a nd the car was pulled out by a hoist.


THE IOU.SIDE Strangler 's victims. ranglng in age from 12 to 28, were- found in hillside areas around 'Los Angeles between September 1977 and February 1978.

Hospital Charg~s Hit Medi-Cal Double Billing Alleged in State

S A CRAMENTO CAP > -­University hospitals are charg­ing more than cost for treating Medi-Cal patients and may be violatinll the law by double bill· ing. the Assembly Health Com­mittee has been told .

" Medi-Cal overpayments mar. go for medical education, facu ·. ty bonuses or int,Q a medical school or uni verSity general fund, " stale Health Services Director Beverlee Myers testified Monday.

" Medi.Cal was not necessarily intended to sul;lsidlze these in· slltutions and activities. Through Medi-Cal, the public purchases medical care for the needy. ''

. Arn•• .. a...,..""'• SACRAMENTO (AP> - The

late Martin Luther King was honored by the state Aasembly ou the 50th anni.venary of his btrtb a "a symbol of the strug­gle •1alut raci1m and op­preaalcao.. ''

The wordiq WU ln ACR 14, introduced by Aaaemblyman Willie Brown. O.San Fraocbco, and approved by a volte vote Monday. 'Jbe state Senate ad· Joumed Its Monday aes1lon ln memory ol King.

IJll•• ...... •-••

( )

whose representatives plan to meet with the Libyans.

Sl'.4TE _ _ SJOO Mllllon E•tate

stadium. 1ald spokesman. Doug Jones . No one has been ap­prehended.

U..-• !Ilea Nl~ed • LOS ANGELES (AP l Mayor Tom Bradley has no plan1 lo meet with a coo­troverslal 12-member Libyan delegaUon durJng its Jan. 24-26

• visittol.-OsAngeles. The apparent soub came Mon­

day ln response to requests from Occidental Petroleum Corp.,

LOS ANGELES <AP > - Hotel magnate Conrad. Hilton , who died Jan. 3 at the .age or 91, has left a n estate <ff about $100 m'lllon, a.ccording to documents filed in court.

A petition for probate of the will llled ln · Superior Court on Hilton's son, Barron, and James E. Bites - co­executors ol the will - Included bequests ol $150,000 to Barron Hilton, $300,000 to son Eric, and $100,000 to daughter Constance Francesca Hilton. • •

2 Rescued· Skiers F-aCe GOurt-A.clion ·_

CRYSTAL BAY <AP> - Two Calllornla akifn who wete the object of a weebad eearch at the north abore of Lake Tahoe have been aer'Ved wttb mlldemeaaor citationa for •kilna where they weren't •u~ to. •

Placer Ccxattr a&ert1f'1 omoen cbar1ed Gary Ant.loulatof ol Truckee md Davtd Wlchm~olHermoH Beach wttll 1mowtn1lylki· tnglnanareaoronaskttrallcloledtotbtpubllc.

The two »year-old men were believed to have been the fil'lt cbar1edundutbeyear-olda.ddiUoatoCallfomta•1penalcode.

A 8POKE811AN POa TRB NOaTll Star 1teeort Hid the two -wes;:e reported mlatnr'behtnct--the rftOrt'•boJll•·P·-.. Suday

ancf were found aome lour boun later.

_pupil lo make up for lost proper· ly tax revenues. while the low· income Baldw1n Park district got only $145 per pupil.

uwHY lS IT necessary for the


1 te to

1t ~ri>ttutat.e .. thedlil kind of

spar y?"Pos asa , Harvey Hunt, a regreaentatlve

of state schools chief Wilson Biles. arguea ~tl'Ongly against the proP.Rsal. which- he said would • dl1mantle" the better local school programs and do rel­,u ve ly little for the poorer school.a.

But Hunt llld not object oo a

. . final unanl~ volce vote.

Coleman Bleue, an attorney a11l1tlng Riles on the Serrano cue, said adopllon of Propoal· Uon 13 "bas dramatically chan~ed the legal cont.ext of Ser­rano, · invalJdaUftl the constitu­tional basis or the court order · for 'equalization.

-THE ONLY concession won by foes or the recomme~atlon wu a soflenlns or the propowed timetable for reform from "two .. year•" to "as qwckly as poul­ble, perhaps two years."

Brown'• . budlet called for a

llowdown 1n the Serrano equallzailoo funda, known as AB 65 fundl, but contlnuaUon ol lhe property tax ball-out funds. .

The ball-out fUDda in question represent about 4Q percent of the c~UTr&nt state ald t'o loca l ~bOola, about $2.3 bllUon, com­pared wUh $3.• bllU(>n allocated accordl!fi to formulas that give more. p_ to..Jo.w -we I dls­lricu.

But the bell-out for local IOV· emments enacted after Proposi­tion 13 provided fundJ to schools on the bul.a ol aubeUtutinc for lost property tax dollars. _















./ AMGa·s RJGHW .


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I EVERTilftNG GOES - NO EX<lPTIONS I - -- . -----: -!~ - NO.RES1RICllONS · _


STOU HOUIS: D.., I 0 A.M. .. t P.M. - Mt. I 0 A.M. • 6 P.M. - S.. 12·5

SAN ..1.nS OBISPO <AP> -The library director al Cal Poly 5 .. Luis Obilpo WH crlUcaJly woanded wbeD be wa.a abot lil

~----.,;,...::;. ead on-uie campu, • UlliYtnlt.11~manuid.

SDOlletman Vance Fox Mid tbe two .bad aoulht shelter ln a ~le ol IOa left over from. previoul loul.DI °""atlOm, bed built a 1m1ll nn ad ·~NattT wen ..uima-m. for the ..._._..,..., were teecuecl ln IOOd condltloa, ~ 1ald.

• Normliil Alalader,•• WU fond llGDdu ta • Nddu lot Har U.. un1Yer1ltj 9-~Dall

-~:.:::.:'no u:.: ~r=~ ==-~a.a:: tbt ..... roed 11 aom• nve to ............ ,.


., , l


CQunty' Fiscal Test Still Ahead

': · In hll t t.e of the county'addrns l111t wttk. out10ln1 Boa rd ol Supervlsora Chalnntlfl Thom " fUlf'y rated cop· ana w th Proposition 13 a count•)' riovcm1n~nt 'a oul&t.and lnat accomDll hm~nt ln 1978. . ·

ltUer~ to lftdk'<l't.e 1978 • prett.Y C' year for Oranae County AA ror coplna Propoel· 13. that ·a a t.aak. that may Ue m tnly ln the (~re

- The county dld manaae t.o chop m. 7 mUUon from the budget , wblle xteodlna .ervl~ to 41 .000 new retldenll. But lt also r~e1ved S8 m1lUon m ball-out aid Croat. the ata~e . 'that's not txactly o full scBlc Job of coptna. And lf the etate t1urptus- tht Y~•' tJ as bl,- u estimated, and the

: ball-Out la repealed. lt could wen be another year or two belor the full Impact ot 13 ls i It.

.• R l y wu able to present 10me very pc»IUve racu about the state of th rount}'. New Jobi were created at

•• double the tat widt growth rat and unemployment was he ld ut s.~ percent for th y ar u a whole. goina down to

• 3.7 p r~t ln Novembtr. T hat 11 th low t rate ln the whole nation.

~ Relall sal of no bllhoo wero second ln the state to Los Anaeles County and the median lncome went up to $22 ,000.·

• The supervisor aJso cited au cdlful eff ort.s to provide more parka and open apace. lncl!.Klin1 the S2.5 miWon purchase of beachlront aclJoining OOheny State Beach.

Riley concluded that the board's major challqe in • Ute future will be to continue to provide services to an.ex

, 1• pa nding population in the face of fiscal constraints. That's for sure . .

·. Especially when and if the real impac.."t of Proposition J3 rN1ches the coffer~ of local i:ov4:rnment .

. Privacy Act Misfires .. : ' Conmcts between California's Privacy Act · passed by the Cegislature last ·year, and the Pub~ . Records Act. which guarantees public access to . certain . stal'l records, apparently will have to be resolved by some remedial legis lation -

The Privacy Act was designed to limit state record· 'Jte.eping on individual citizens to the actuaPneeds ol each agency and lo prohibit inter·agency exchange of such re·

. : cords. . ~ This "'ets a worthy goal. but a last -minute amend·

ment restrictin~ the release of information that would " clearly be disp<Jraging or threatening to the reputation or ind ividuals " has rcsultod in some unfortunate interpreta ­tion

One , as _noted he re , recently, was a decison by the Calif omia Highway Patrol to slop releasing to the press

• the addresses of accident victims and persons arrested. _ · ·-.Ut limiting information to the name and hometown

91 'the victim or arrestee can lead to con!U$lOD hi lden­'. · Ufication and result in embarrassment of persona bearing

. .. s imilar names and distress for their relative&. . Sen. David A. Roberti, f>-Los Angeles, author Of the ·P rivacy Act, has sa id it was not his intention tO i tns)ose such a limit a nd that it was his understanding the Public Records Act would preva1l in cases of confiict with the new privacy law. He says he will introduce urgency legis lation to correct the discrepancies.

This is as it should be. Privacy is an admirable goal. but it shQuld not be left lo the discretion of s tate cmployres to determine which records or parts of records should be withheld lrom the public.

Hmpanitarian Law • Relief from one or the most trying alde-eUecta of

: chemotherapy may be in store ror cancer. patients ti the st.ate Legislature passes a bill introduced-by Sen. Robert ·Presley, D-Riverslde.

1l would permit doctors to prescribe marijuana 111 the , ... t.T,:eatment of certain medical ailments, including cancer .:and glaucoma. ·

Medical studies have shown that the drug is re· ._ • ark ably effective in controlling the debilitating nausea ~ al frequently accompanies chemotherapy treatmeni,s.,

t also has proved va luable in the treatment of glaucoma.

~ Presley's bill calls for creation of a state commission

approve each a pplication for medical use of-marijuana urinJ{a two-year test period.

t Four other states. Florida. Louisiana. New Mexico and lllino~~. already have passed laws authorizing medical use of the drug , but, as 'baled on this page in a recent column by J ack Anderson, New Ptlexico had to spend months trying lo obtain approval for release of lhe drug from the federal Food and Drug Administration. . ·

By the time the authorization was received. some o{. the t•anccr patients had died.

To avoid simllor delay, the proposed California bl 1 wou ld- authori ze rc·leasc of marijuana to qualified doctors by e ither st~te or federal n&,rcotlcs authoriHes.

The precedent set by New Mexico's successful cam­paign could help speed implementation of a humanitarian law for those sufferers who would not wisll to Q~~-~in the drug illegally . . . ·

' . " . ' . Op1n1on1 expressed ~6 the space above are thOse of the Dalty Piiot.

· Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and .artists. Reader comment Is invited. Addr ... The Daily Piiot. P.O. Box '1560. _Costa Mesa, .CA ~626. Phone (714) 842·4321 .

· · Boydi'Beetles' . ByL.M. BOYD

True , West Germnny no l o n ger eicporu tho se Volkswagen "8eetlC8." None ~re made there anymore

Dear .Gloomy

Gu That couple u·p in Ore1on Jhowed there •a aothlnl like a dlrty, name - callln1 acrlmonlou1. bille t eourt fi&ht ~leb up a troublecl maniap.


iElm~·-~·"·· ... ·=..-= - .... . ,....

I I} .

But lt imports a lot ()( them. l''rom Mexico.

The word "sexy" appenn>d In print for the finst time only S3 yean qo.

Ll ~derkranz chee1 e origtnat.f!d not in Eul-ope, but

. In New York'• M~ Co.m­ty. It WU named la bonot of New York Ctty's Llederkram Slnclna Soclet.y.

The redder the aalmon ln the CAD, thu Q>Or'O the Cott ot aame.

1'"11 , • .,..,........~...._

Tur1'1 modernized their calendar, jumptn• on New Year '• Eve trocn 1* to 1-. Soma Hew Ytar'• Svel It c:ovtnd' 682 ,..,..,

eon.,... •teMc& .m ... .... ,.,..,. .......... ... ct.. ...... ., .... ~ Uon1.


Jack Andenon

Navy Seeks Energy in Mojave~ WA.SHINOTON " Oernn the

to'tpHoei, t\all •PM<l ahead 1 • • Is ope of the Navf'• moet tamowJ •lof•u. But ln the Navy'• con· U_p uha1 Hatcb for ,e.nun 10Urcee. ldmlrall ot 1 ... than Duld rarra•ut 1uture are opetattn.& on the IJotan, " Damn th• e nvrronmt nt and tbo ex· peue, tull •peed utern' ''

ment of EnertY officials, who 8'bt 1tuck with tho drilllnl east.a. aaf they have t.etted UM w.U a number of UllMI and no way la It up to commercial 1undards. Tbt Navy huUl1 revl1td It.a earlier dalm, ataUDI u,. project MVer ,..Uy WU expected lo be a prod~nc well, Juat an "ex· plorator)' bole." "*' the ad· mlrala aaktd tbe DOE for

P'or yean, power comp~ alienate Calllomla at.ate •sen· in ener1y·buncry $Q__ulhern cie1 and the Department ot lb· Califomla have been bun~y te~r u weU u Ind.lea lrc>UPS eye la I t b t Ch l n a i; a'k e and OM lhut~t butlnetlmen. geothermal deposit, boplq or a Like the fabled dot tn tbe ch,noe to develop ~t. But the · man1er, tbl Navy Hema unable Navy la fUU'd1DI lu potenUal to uae lll "flu_rled treuure." but ener1y IOW'ee Jealoualy. - ts re luctant lo let anyone el8e

. ua.elt.

n'la. at aay rate. la the c:oo­dualon lo be drawn from the

~ another 8250,000 ~drill deeper.

Oaly recently have tbe ad­miral• qreed to belln leaalna 10me ol the land la about Ulll. They are raervt~ the cbolceet sectlont for Navy exploltaUon and planning to have prtvate contract.on do tht drtWng.

INCOMrel ENT collectorl: One way to help cut tb e federal pemment'1 sta11ertng deficit would be to collect money that corporatlon 11 and In · dlvlduala owe to Uncle Sam. As ot September. 1977, the un· collected billa amounted to $118 blllloa, accordlna to an un­releued report prepared ~Y th!! General Accountlna Office .

mlamaaa1•· ment ot the Navy ' 1 a t · tempt to WP gf'o thermal e nergy from underl!ro1Jnd dupos lta ot molten lava ln the Mojave DHert . Tho adm l r ala have 1tmk rn1Wom ot dollars In­to well-drilU,.. projeel.a with OG­b' queaUooaa. ,_ult.a so far.

THE SHENANIGANS began when the Navy learned that it.a China Lake Naval Weapons Center sits on what may be the largest deposit ot close·lo-f.he,_ surface lava in North America. Usually the alizllng liquid Is deep in the earth 's core. but in rare cate1 it can be round within several tbouaand feet of the sur­face. 'Ibat'a the 1Uuallon at the Mojave Desert base.

If the depolit CUI be tapped tor the mero 1enerated by the lntenae uadercroul>d heat. tbe Navy figures lt c!ouJd provide power tor all the naval lnstalla· Uons on the West Coast. The trouble ii that after two wells a nd $3 million worth of drilling. the pote ntia lly ri c h e ne rgy t1ource still remains· untapped.

The first well wai; bungled so badly it had to be filled with <:e· ment. The second we ll was re·

. · cently completed, with accom­panying Navy fanfare that it wa1 " commercial:' ' But Depart·

Earl Waters

THE NAVY'S recklets probes for ener&Y, meewhUe, bave been coaducted wjth lltUe re· gord (or the impact on the en· vironment. In particular. an im­periled hot 1prlfll on the naval base bu for centuries · been an Important spiritual shrtne for several lodian tribes In the area. u well u a aource of medicinal waten. The Navy limlu the naUve Americana' acceu to tbe sacred 1prtnc.

THIS HAS Umited appeal lo the private companies, which see UtUe prolil potenUal In risk · ln1 their money and ex~rtlle to dt~elop an energy source that ~l theo be Pll-empt.ed yy the Navy. /._

Tbe blP,.banded attitude of the Navy brau baa mana1ed lo

The bulc trouble, GAO ln· ve1U1aton found , 11 that the federal pemmeot doesn't do th e elementary thln11 that private collection •Jencies rt>ullnely cto. For example:

- THEaE 18 NO uniform poUcy for set.tins inte rest rates on debta owed lo the govern­ment. When one offlce of the Energy Research and Develop­meo~ Administration started char1lnc 1 percent a month on bills not paid within 30 days, 95 percent ol thole bllla were paid.

- The government generally doesn't Beek court )udemeata on debt1 ot less than teoo. Yet private llnna bav~ told ua that it '- WOl'thwblle IOinl to court .on overdue bWa u 1mall ar '25 . Even wblllD tbe sovernment does take lepl acUoo, It punues the Cite with aucb letharty that il utually takes a year to 1et a Jud1ment. Private collecUon agencies usually get a Jud1ment within five months .

- The federal government. leery bf the privacy laws, re· fuaes to report dellnque nt debt· ors to c r edit bureaus. Bul private debt collect.ors tell us that protecUoo of one's c~t rating ls the ! lngle most lmpOr­t.ant motive ror paying a debt.

Brown Adopts 'Show Biz' Tricks Not since William McKinley

has the public been tr~aled to such fiscally conservative rhetoric as was deUvered by Governor Jerry Brown in bis second Inaugural ad· d resa to the Legislature last week,. . Allboueh it waa supposed to be the 1overaor's report to the lawmakenon the •'at.ate of the 1tate," moat puadita aaw it u the opening ahot In Brown' s campajgn for th e Presl · dency.

For-, ln call· Ing f or a balanced federal bud1et. Brown's 1peecb leaped over the California borders all the way to the Potomac wttb an appeal Intended to emban'us Preaklent Jimmy Carter for bb failure to halt lnfla. Uon, reduce laxel and spending.

f'luab wltb obscene treUwY aurpluaes it wu easy tor Brown to


assumelhe"lookwha\agoodboy am I " attitude. pledalng a billion dollar tax cut, ma11lve 1tale payroll slaahes, and a budget re· duetlon. If the clUzena 'lre befuddled by

the seeming lnconaruity ot a gov­ernor clala:Dlns reduc:Uooa in a bud1et wbl~ 'will be at leut $2 billion sruter than lut year, tt 's only because tbev "don 't un·­dera~ "lbowbb. '"'

IT WM Ronald Reagan, the cowboy actor turned "citizen· -politician, .. who nrat dil<!overed. the parallel between pollt.lca and show business while he was cam­paigning for Goldwater for Presi· dent. NoUnc the •rowinJ tremen· dous lnfiuence of televl1lon upon the voling public, Ronnie quickly concluded that a professional ac­tor coWd outab1ne any poUUcian any day ot the week ln Ulii new world ol tbeartca. After all, the pollUd ans were Just amateur bll­trlonics.

Rallying the muses against " big g<Wemment." Ronnie rode the camJ>llan range far and wide whoop(n1 "cul. t rim and equeese" u bis baWecry for re· duce~hpendlng.

80 •.UTEaFUL was his performance that moet or the aa­Uob stW believes today that he fullllled bll pledles aa governor de1pite the ~act be eotered omce when the s14te•s budget was S4 billion and left it eight years later with a $10 billion budget. slgne<t into law . the greatest tax in· creaaet-in the at.ate-' a hlatory. aAd created the most mammoth gov . ermental agency known outside or the federal establishment. That lsreallyshowbiz!

Brown ls a quick study, a le arner. He recognized from Reagan's pbeoomenal 1ucceas tbat lt ii not what you do u aov· ernor but wbat )'Ol.I can make peo. pie believe you did. And those tint imprealoos are important. If you

firmly plant the idea at the start that you have cul the bud1et i• doean ' l matter whether you do or not.

IN HIS PLOY to ~urn a blUk>n . dollars revenues to the pee>· pie. be bu CUUed the public Into bellevlq It la like manna from heav e n Instead of money wrongfully taken from them in thefirs~place.

Telling the people that the S2 billion budget increase simply reflects the 10 percent lnflatioo rate he.hopes to bl'ot out the (act that in his four short years lo of· flee he ba.1 upped the budget from $10 billion to $20 blUJon. a 100 per· cent increase! Like a pres ­lidigltator whose hand is quicker than the eye. be waqt.s to dazzle the audience with fantasy for h<! k.nowa that nobody would accept lnllat.loa as an excuse tor such an Increase it given time to think aboutlt. 'Ibal'sshowbiz !

A· Printer for· Sensible Govenunent/T~ Reform .;I'o the F.ditor :

Re : The need for more mean· lngful government and lax re· form . .

I believe that I and the public a r c being ~lltlcall y mlsled. Gov. Brown s opportunis~c and dlclatorlal proposals rn· reaponae lo the need for real government ' reform are prime examples of this m l8d.lreclion. Proposition 13 18 it meat ax app'toach to re· form. Citizens voted for lt out of dHperatlon ln order that they mlgllt buy and keep a home. Moat o r us do not accept Proposition 13 as proper reform. What Is needed is to:

I Llat .U proper government acUvltles. ·

2 Have the publlc rank order lheae a!j.1v1Ues. ·

3 Fairly defemi nea tax ltr'1IC· lure and revenue tot.all. ,

- Row much revenue trom sales tax?

- How much revenue troPl bualnesa lncomo tax?

- How much revenue trom personal tncome ux 7 · ~ N.ow much revenue rrom

bualMMM valonm t.ax7 - How mucb revenue from

bualnffl propertJ tu? - Row much revenue 'from

rt1&cMnUal ineomeprepertytu? - H" mueta renaae trom ..... °"' '*"' propert, ta?

C2> above. The budget must be balanced 110 lower priority ac­tivities mJght have to be cut out entirely.

Gov. Brown 1hould be calling for a sta&e conaUtuUonal conven· tlon to accomplish the above. He bu not. · We must quit kiddin g ourselves. Gov. Brown's merely tlol04 some dict.ator·Uke meat u ~tJWng - it 1Ull leaves all of the 4bove to be done . Why not atarl now?


To the F.dlt.Or: I am l°'DC to teQ you what'•

Wf"ODt wttb the eovemment ~ the United Stalel ot Amertc:a l

I at U.\OPand WOl'U ~ ~the. chain ot com· mand, comtantlJ ptrpetuatinl the 1ylteg) throUlb rbetorlc and 1howmUl.lm. .the 1y1tem . lt 1tud:! ·

I work at the Colt.a Meaa Polt otnee where lhl •tuck •flt.em II In· full evidencel. TM pe)Wiuaj

.. promo&ton ol la1164'u; · ·1cruat"' worktn• babt"° uuat• toad{. U6na, .ebauvlal1Uc attitude, carea,...· and tneom,.._. r.t1m ..... lfjlMllt of fenoMI, vor.....,. ~. dllertmlna· tlon, M~m.· uil dtlMallty, ••dllll. • llnnf• lld -. .,..........,.., I

,,.. ........ ~·· 11 ln

full force ut the Costa Mesa Post omcc.

JN THE LA.ST couple oi years I bave aeen the morale drop to the bottom or the buc ke t. Supervision knowa ablolutely notbine abc>Jrt manaama people ... all vinegar! ~ployees do not want to work and many Just go through the motion.

Something Is wrong, and It smells rotten! I do not know what wtU come from the sltua· Cion. r.

I am not above suapicl0n, t am frequently late and I admlt It. but a worker I am. and I can have an,yone I have worked with at.and Qp for me ; while manage·

~ ....

'66# '


ment will Dot be able to rind one ascalnst me. let alone one per.ion to stand beside them !

You uk why not me with the union ... witless!

You ask why Dot me with the EEO . . . useless!


c,.._eP•lflt To the FAltor:

Who says that crime doesn't pay? l read In a recent Daily Piiot that Superior Court Judge Leslie W. Ughl sentenced Mrs. Sharlene Gray to two years in 1tate prtaon on her l>Kelftber 1 guilty plea to three count.a or we lfare traud Involving $123,069 lo Loi Anseles Count~.

Jildte IJcftt 0tdered lb& aen­tente to nm concurrently Ytllh a l~·montb term lmpoHd ''* a similar convtctlon In Ventur1t County lnvolvtne an addlUonaJ

"$14,000. AH ... mln«i Mn. Oray servefl

the entlN two ye'"' (whlch 111 not Ukely ), her ~ako averq es out to Jwit over Me.~ per year

· 1ervect. Not a bad " salary" uvcn ln those lnllaUonary times!

DERALD D. HUNT , .....__ .... _..,,_..;; .. ;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;,;..·_-_ ... _,,,. . -~-



Mower· Safety · Aid Eyed

WA S HINGTON t AP > Fed nl otfic:lala hav. recom· IDHCMcl a ufely rqul.UO. &My Wet woWd add '20 to MS to molt power lawn mowerpriNI but,.... ventl0,000ll\Ju.ri6a•>'Hr. ·

Tbe lltandard. ~mm•aded b)' tbe 1talf ol the ConHIMr Product Safety Commluk>n. lt expectf.od to be approved wlM!n ~mmiMk>n mceta Jan. ~

HOWEY£• . AN ... ~•auon reprneotlnc mott or the power lawn moWtt lndual ry aald lt op­po1e d the reco m m e ndation . which developed from It.a im tt· quest fora ~arutalion

" We are vu anteCS becaute ln the maln tbt'y telling the manufacturers how to do thlnp." aa1d Deftftlt Dlx. ex ecutlve dlrettor ol the Ou&.4iQoc" Power Eq ulpmr n t ln1tltule . " What we wanl4!id la one that would allow lechnolol.Y to de· velop t.o meet a perlormantt s ta ndard. instead or tbe 1ovem · ment mandating a design ...

The regu.JatioD, which would take effect Dec. 3 1, 1981. would requ ir e th a t po we r mo we r bla des be shielded from the mower 's ope r a tor . T he rule would a lso r equire that the blades stop three s~nds after the operator walked (rom behind the m achine

SOllE 11.• people surfer am­putated fi ngers or toes. Jacera· lions and fractures a nd other ln· j 4ries yearly t>esause they come in contact with movlng blades, the agency staff said . Most lnjwies • occur when an operator tries t.o ad1ust the mower or clear the dis· char ge chute.

·About three.fourths of those injuries could be pre vented by the .re, ulatio n . s taff officials estimated.

Mower blades can revolve at up to 200 miles an hour only a rraction or a n inch inside the machine's cove r

THE REGUL,\TION would not apply to manual mowers, riding mowers, lawn or garden tractors . a nd la r ge mowers seldom used by consumers.

The regulation would also cov­e r shield strength . control loca­tion and a mower 's ability t.o pass over depress ions· and ob· s tructat>ns

.... _.,...._ Cool Cottee Break

Swimming instructor Gerd Ke mpkens enjoys a cup of hot coffee while having a bath in icy waters of a public swint· ming pool in Lahnstein, West Germa ny.

'Good Guy' Senator Winds Up Tieless

. WASIDNGTON <AP) - This ia the story of six Republican senators, fi ve neckties and two televtsloo crews.

It begins on board a big silver and blue jet. one of the presiden­t ial fleet. High above the North AU~nUc, the plane was carrying the sen.aton on the homeward leg of trip to Moecow where they met with Soviet leaders, including President Leonid Brezhnev.

A MESSAGE CAME FOR SEN. J ake Garn of Utah : a television crew from Sall Lake City was waiting to inter view the · sena tor Wfien they· landed at Andrews Air Force Base riear Wasblngton.

Crisis! Garn had packed all his neckties. . " Take mine," said Sen. John Danforth of Missouri , und<Ying

his bright red tie and handing it to Garn. ~

HOURS LATER WHEN THE JET landed . Garn stepped from the plane, looking as sartorially proper as a senator should .

Danforth s tepped tieless from the pl ane only to be greeted by a television crew from Missouri .

" Garn never offered to give it back," said Danforth an er his open-collar interview.

Synanon to Keep Airstrip Use FRESNO <AP l - Syna non

can keep using its airstrip at Badger In 1\aJare County. the s tate ·s Slh District Court of Ap­peal says.

The appellate court Mond.ay reve rsed a preliminary injunc­t ion issued against the airport 's use In 1977 by Tula re County

State of Union ,

Address ]a~ 23 WASIDNGTON <AP > - President Carter 's

1979 State of the Union address will be given J an. 23 before both houses of Congress.

The speech, which will be available for live broadcast by the nation 's tek?vision networks, will bel{in at 6 p.m. PST. the While HOUM' AnnnunN"ff

6MonthsAgo Bobby-S Reading Skills Were

18 Months Behind. RCA ACA YCT201

T~. Jen'baty 1e. 197'9 DAIL V PILO't A 7

-Iceberg Towfug RlairOed._ Experiment in Drought Relief Sei to. Go

. -. WASHJNOTON <AP) - 1be

ldH of towinC lceber•I acl'Oll t.houlandl cl mU.. <#' oceaa to provide water for detert areu - often sreeted~ a cbudlle 1lnce lL wu t ,up ln the ll50I - la c to becomlftl a re"allty.

'An .xperl,m ent ln towina lc.t>.rp wlll be launched thia aprlDI by an AuatrAllan lblp, 11ld Dr. WUUam ~ampbell cl the U .s. <*>JOclcal survey. part of an lnternaUooal 12-member team atudYtnc the poulblUty of u1ln a ice beraa to help the world's arid regions.

''I THINK 'ftlE theories ar~ far enough aJonC . .. the idea is reasonably well accepted." said Campbell. " I feel our aucceaa or fa ilure depends on a knowledge of the ocean curnmt.a. · •

La rge ice ber1s cannot be moved at much more than one· half knot. be said, and if the cur· rent ia movinl at one-ball knot you ctn double the speed by moving wtth IL Movtn1 a&ainst such a current. he added. ""°"1d be impoeaible .

Sa te llites are . being. uaed to study currenta both by photo· graphing drlfllng icebergs and relaying signals rrom drifting ice and buoys.

THE nll8'1' A'M'EMPT to t.ow an iceberg will be a imed at Australia. which hu large areas

. of desert and is close to the an· ta rctlc origin of the Icebergs. Proximity also make pa rts of Chile . Argentina and southern Africa possible users of water from antar ctic Ice .

Prince Mohamed Al ·Ji'aiaal of Saudi Arabia hu abown interest in this wate r source for his drought-plagued land and was instrumental in getting int.em a · tiona l study efforts underway through the " Ice bergs For the Future" group headquartered in P a ris . ,.

F aisal sponsored an interna­lio n a l confe r e nce ln iceber g tec hnology two yea rs ago in Ames. Iowa.

WHILE FAISAL HAS pro· vided financial aid to the pro­ject. Saudi Ara bia wasn 't select­ed fo r the first test because " It's a difficult task at beat a nd to choose the most difficult place to tow it is absurd . And the Ara· bi a n peninsula is the most dif· ficul t place ." Campbell s aid .

The first · ptOblem in su<:h a

venture. CampbeU explalned ln a paper wtth Dr. Wilford w-. of the U.S. Am\Y. la JocallQI a source ol suitable lceberp for towtnc.

Tabular. or tarce · nat berca are neceaaary. he explained, t.o a vold the dancer of an lceber1 rollln1 owr on the ship.

TABUIA& ICEBE&GS, rare ln the an:Uc, are common in An· tarctlca where they break off from lar1e ice' lhelv.. that fr· Ln1e the coatiMnt . Eilfhly per­cent of the world's rreah water ii contained '" that lee cap -whlcb la formed from' snowfall - Cam&>bell noted.

The next problem. the ex-perts say . ·is moving s uc h a large bulk. ~ -

A variety of ideas have been propos ed and a wait testing. These range from convenUooal tucboats or nuclear aupertup to electrically driven propellers mounted directly on the iceberlf and powered b y rto a tlng powerplanls . Scle ntiats ha ve even considered" uaing the dlf. rerence in salinity in the iceberg abd - the seawater Is heavie r - to power the ber~ but


Dancer Says

'I Do' in _ ..

Ve~a8 Styk LAS VEGAS. Nev. <AP I

Anne Bowman said her " I do" in the same casino showroom -a nd pretty much the same cos· tume - in which she performs as a topless dancer under the na me of " Anne Fanny."

Wearing a see-through wed· ding dress. Miss Bowman was s urro unde d b y l + t o pless bridesmaids in red tights bear­ing t.aquets of red and white carnations at the cererpony.

The 216-year -old topless da ncer a t the J oll y Tro lly m arried Airman 2nd Class Wayne Bray, 20. The wedding •was the fourth for Miss Bowma n: the first for Bray.

The new Mrs. ~ray says she will dance at the casino until her hus band finishes basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

ar• not certain bow thla ~ work.

OONUNTIONAL TtJGS hM been Wied ln the North Atlantk to tow lceberp headln1 towarc:I oll nc• but only for abort dla tance1.

Onee a suitable lceberg it loeat.ed and taken ln tow. tber. comes the problem ot mellinc ai lt P•IMI throu&h warm wet.en.

For ex.ample, Campbell said tr an lceberl 2, 100 meten ICltaan and·250 metenihlck were towe< from Antarctica to Australia the. lceberl on arrival ~ bi 130 me te rs lhlck a nd Zt46< mete ra aquare. •

· 'This amounts to 'JJf1 bUUor gallons ol lee, which woukl b worth $5.S million, which i~ Ont tenth the cost of this much de

· aallne~...._ ·nterf' -Campbel said. ·

He estimated that operatini the wt ror the 12-day trip to th Antarctic. and the 2$0-day trl1 back would coet Sl mUllon. Th distance Is about 2. 100 miles.

IF 11IE SAME 8£8G }ft? towed the 2.800 miles t.o the Ar, t aca m a Des e r t in Sout l Ame rica, Campbell said, the ai r iva l Ice would tolal 101 bUlio. gallons . He said W s would b worth $2. 7 mJIUon while the costc. lhe tripwouJd beSt.JmiUiQn. -

" All in all . Uw in-transit melt ing, a lthough significant, li no prohibitive, " he sa id .

However. for Ion~ trips. say·t• Sa udi Arabia. ideas to ins uJat icebergs against melting haVI been put forth . Tht' most com mon is covering the a.. s ide s of the berg wtth a plasU sheet . using meltwater lrappa between iceberg and covering a the insulation .

THE ICE HAS accumulated iJ Antarctica through thousands o ye ars o f s nowfa ll s . Man! icebergs break off e ach year drifting north a nd melting iJ, war mer waters.

The annual yield or the melt ing bergs is equal · t.o the tota' a mount of water used in th• U nite d Sta tes,. a ccording L< Robert Civlak or the govern ment 's Environmental Science Information Center .

The idea of towing lce~rgs for use as a fresh waler source a ppears to date back t.o 1853 when ships supplying San Fran­c isco with lake ice found a l?hortage in Alaska and had tc i us~ ice from a glacier

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But you can't do lt alone. &­cauae alcohol become& lnt«woven with our act.loot and habit patterns, and ~ caUM it8 importance grows 80 11ubtly. you need the .help o( profeseionola w m~ke a -~nent transit.ion. At. Advanced Health .:ct? «1r ~f. Ort have a remarkable t.r&ck record with men and women of all ape who want to live a f'ulfllled Ille without. alcohol.

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·Bights Strugfile ·lnerelises Vl(ll~·

. · .

/ .. . , • . -


.. ..... ..

SOCIAL SYSTEM TRADfTIONA1.9l Y SEGREGATED 'Untouchable' Glrt Face a Many Problem•

HARIJANS, 'CHILDREN OF GOO,' IN BIHAR, INDIA Motta~• Gandhi Fought for Alghta 50 Yeara Ago

,., ........ y._...,.._, 'UNTouCHABLE' LOOKS OVER SHOU~

• Lowffe8t Workera Declared Forever Outcaata

'Untouchables' ·.Numher 100 ·Million • m India .. :r Bl EDDIE ADAMS ., f "5-•MCMTe,.......

UNTOUCHABLE VJL~GES HA \t"E BEEN burned the ·~ast year. lnsedlcldes have been dumped in wells. women raped and men murdered. In Patna, capital or the comparatively wealthy state of Blhar, a .. caste war" is taking place marked by murders <ind student protes ts.

touchables may enter Hindu temples but must pray In ret1erved areas . Places have been set aside ln·universitles for untouchable s tudents. Land waiOl'strlbuled to many untouchables as part of a general land reform.

PATNA. Jnc:h p Their fate was decreed 3.500 years ago - that Uie lowliest workers 10 India would forever be d?mned as outcasts .

Tod ay, lhestc> " untouchables." or Hurijans. num ber ·nearly 100 million. but tht>y claim th('11~ 1tre in modem India remains as cruel und unfair as it wus in ancient times.

The unrest ren ccts rising resistance by higher cast~ .to un· touchable demands for a better way of life. Untouchab11ity was outlawed bl the 1950 Indian conslltulion . but the taboos s till run deep. ·

But higher castes have been riotin~ in New Deihl in an attempt lo gain back the distributed land. . ·

ONE. OF INDIA'S LEADING UNTOUCHABLES. Defense M inlster J agjivan Ram , said recently that "the only way to end un­touchabilily is to radically restructure Hindu society and promote in· tcrcaste marriages. In order to break out of their predica ment un. touchables may have to go to j ailorevcn face bullets.··

ONE, A BEGGAR. llt:LD UP HIS small, potbellied <'hild for a visitor to Patna

,. " St't'. my son is d ying Our baby bcrore th is has already died from s ickness · ' ·

It began 3.500 years ago when Aryan Invaders set up a social • sys tem that included priests , warriors. traders and meni al

. . :-"'-:. . : : But the s truggle has reached beyond s ickness and s tar vation. : 'fhe battle ror human and economic rights for untouchables in· . ~luding such s imple dignities as wearmg earrings or ridinJ( a bicy · 4:le - has brought increasi ng violence to India and political strafe • fo NPW Delhi

• workers, but lert outs ide this the untouchables, the lowliest laborers or all.

UNTOUCHABLES TODAY STILL ARE often forced to live in ' egregatt>d areai:;, d rink from separate wells, and face (?hys ica l a buse · ·

There have been s ome advances . In m ajor cities. un·

. R. Q. Rizva, a retired government official. sajd, " It is j us t hk<· the bU\c)rproblem in America. Only now are the Harljans allowed to joln'tbe army . Up to 1939 no American black couJd join the U.S . Navy. 'I'he black problem in America cannot be a llowed to be forgot­ten by U.S. society. And so It is with the untouchables here. '·


646-2424 Costa Me a 673-~ . _ ,


110 OroadWay - Cos•• Mesa 642·91 50


WIS~CHAPa Qerret~ • Flower Shop

427 E 17th St CostaMe1a 64~·


627 Main St Hunti~ Beach ~539 .......

COUMAl. ..... AL Hoe.

7801 Bolaa Ave'­'""Wettminster

893-3525 ' .;...._


cemetery Mortuary CNpef

3800 PICtflC "'" Drive NewPOrt~


....CO• ICI MOITUAllU ~leach • • ...... ,&

~'· San "'*' .-111e . ~

. •


CorO\'la Oel Mar PMM'd ew•Y Ji11'"41<Y u . ""· Survlwd by llu•-d J O WllllnfY, 7 lOf>\, FreO C. WllltMY of • eor- ctet _, 4"111 Jdln o Wllttney

of s. ..... """' OeuvM~ MilrtN AMt L9t'f of Or-. \ Qrenckl\lldrtn. 6 9rt•l·9rendcllll<1ren, ' tl1len Mr'\ R .G. eurve MO MIM Merv Ollld , bOlll o l 8erk eltv C• Pr lv•I • 1am11v w. ... lcn _.."'"" TUPSO.V •I PMlllC' vi.w c,,.,,... 11'119mWnl P11<M 1< View M emorltl P•rll , P•Cl llC View Monu.ry clil'ICIOr\. ••••• A l M l RA ELIZABETH RfNNI[ . rnlOe l't ol l•ndtr'I>, C• . I YU«<I V•llev l. Pt"9CI •••v J el't. 7, lt7,. Survlv9CI by two !>rot/"'" JoM P Gfldtey •nd 0-.ttr Grkllf'y, llOlll o t Costa Mes.., C. . 'M•t~r Tllet,,,. ~v Sc.ou oc awin.. ce Prlv•t• '"'••rnent "4trvlce\ _,., l'letd on Tue'IClav. Jin 16, 1•'9 el 10•30 AM M Ro<it H iii ' Memorlel Pll<'k. Wl'llttler. C• . Oell Bro •Oway Mor h liU V Olre t t ort .. ,..uo


,qi Westmlft!>IM, C.. Pet""' • wey J•n is, '"'· LovlnQ !.On ol Paul and Holly """"' Of ~mln\lf'I', C:e. CW•ve~ICM wv•os wltl ti. ~on Tuetdey, Jlft,

• Plate of the Day

FEaaAal - Owned by Larry Ruiz ·or Chatsworth. 'Ibis plate wu requestfd by 176 people when the OMV accepted appllhtiona for seven-c:baracter conflgur!ltiona ln 1978 •.

lnl-tllon I« IM "Pl<Ut of tlle O.y" I t ~led :r Miiie ,..,..., •utllOf 01 me 1'1' eo1t1on ol ,.,. 'Who'• Wllo Pwn Ofttllttd C.lltorn11 L~ Pletn ." II you M¥e.., l,,..,.,.lnl plett, Wnd o. 1111\ to Miiie F ... ley, 9101 Wll""rt Blvd ., Sult. I02, 8e-ly H iii•


Article Reports ()µHealth Foods

WASllJ NGTON I AP I - Americans arc becoming more and more aware or the Importance of what they cat, but the government warns that consumers should be cautious or claims ror special . health benefits from certa in items.

The Food and Drug Administration, for exam­ple, reports that vitamins from natural sources have no nutritional superior ity over synthetic vitamins. So. the agency says, don't get caught

· paying higher prices for " natural " vitamins.

PART OF THE CONFUSION OVER . health foods, natural foods and organic ·roods, the agencY' says, Is beeause s tores selling foods under these

-titles don't- alweys have a c lear idea of which ls what. .

· The term natural, for example, is applied to( CONS.'UMER J eve r y thin g from vegetables to bread to -------­potato.chips.

Org~ foods a re usually thought to be free fro m pesticides, the FDA reports. But lt notes that m any of these Items m ay cont"'11n pesticide re: sldues.

THIS 18 BECAUSE EVEN IF no peaUcidcs were uaed on·the fo6ds themselves, tbe chemicals

16, " " _, It AM at Good Sllepfllrd Cemetff'( 111 HUl'lllllQllOft BM<l'I, U . can remain LO the SOU for years. ' ::.!~" 4;~ ,~,~:.' ::· - " w..ay' to ~\h f®d " the '*.,...· · agency says, " other then to NY that wttbout fooct

WALLACE ~~.r:: CALLAHAN none of us would be very healthy... . SR1 1tu11ten1 .,. co••• - ... u Despite thls, thousands of$!:e b1ve been ""- •-Y J ..... u. "" .. t11e •.,. lured to health foods in lbe they' re safer ,. f'UMl'tl Wf'<lkM l*ldfllO •I lmllll h r .. 111111 lMl'ICI Mortu#'v • .u I!. J1111 t an c~~. \jooaUQOds. This ls_ ecessarUy_so, MrHl,ee>.taMeM............ the FDJC'hys. ,,.

New Director SAMAMENTo- <AP l

- Robert Martinez, a 18-year employee al all levei. of the lt8te m•n· taJ bospftal ~ID WU awed ewuu .. 4'NC tor of Patton Stat• Ho I pH 11 t D 8 a D 8ernardln0 County.


For example, potassium chloride, a lao called potaaalum sail ls often sol~ In health rood stores as a dietaupplemc!ll.. '

• AOOIHNTAL-O\riatJp OF TKl8 rr&• ii known to have caused dHthl nd It 1hould only be used under medical supervision, the FDA 1ay1.

The FDA'• mai11lne, "FDA Comumer," h .. publltillld I dlt.9Uecl 1rtk .. to belp IOl't out tbe IDJtU IDll (am ~ buWI foadl. 8eprtntl of "The Confuailw World of H..atlt roo.t.•• are available wUbout char1e from tile Ocwilllmlr lnform1Uoa Ceni.r, Dept. 5480. Pueblo, Colo .....



Elsewhere NEW YORK !AP I - I

J o hnn y Dio, ~4 . o.r · ga ni zed c rime 's mos t n o t o r ious l abo r racketeer, died Friday of a heart ailment while se rving a 15-year sen· tence for stock fraud .

KANSAS CITY. Mo. 'AP l - Ralph] Lar.rtbee Gray, 84 1 board c h airman of Arm co. Steel from 1959 until re· tlrement in 1964, died Saturday.

Classes Scheduled . .

The La guna Be ach Coun cil on Aging and Saddleback College will present rive classes for senior citizens beginning Jan. 22 al City Ha ll , 505 Avenue, Laguna Beach.

Folk dancing, creative writing and Spanish will be ortcred as well as classes In wills and pro· bate and How to Travel.

Regl11tr1o1Uon ls to be m a d e a( Saddlebac k College. More ln!orm a· lion is available from Bob, 497_._2441.

-----------~ PUBLIC NOTICE


NOTICE .. tCTITIOOS aUSINHS -Securi ty P<Kl lK N•ll01'411 B•n • NAMI! STATl!MIENT

8"tn<ll lll>Pk.•tlon flll'd J-ry • T"" tol lO#lll(I ~''°"' •re Ooono ""· v ttll' •IV o t H••DO• &nd Du4i~·~ M•<Ar11\Ur Bou .. v•fd\, ~t• AM , THE MO NAR CH (.ROUP, 21 Or&"O@ COUMV. C..tllorl'tla Mon•rcll 8n Pl•t•. Sui te C, So

Pl.tbll\lllld Otanoe CO<l\I Oallv P llOt L41Qune . CA '12611 Jen t•. ?J. "" Herbert M Burr l oo~ . S1 NO

t4J 1'I PortOI•. So ~ CA '7•17 ----------- J ul't Chino, >11~1 S<e<u< O.lve. So



Tiie foll0w1"9 per\Oll • are OoJno llul lntnH'


-~11c;,••• EOW•rd w .. r . ' '" e HllM I• . H"'l!Or18N<'t!. CA'7t63

Peul Mtttllew Alldt!rsen. t o 6tno, Newport llHc:lt.. CA 97"3

T lllt bll\llleU I\ C.onOu<led tly a 9e11er•I~

CNrtftE.W-Tlllt \let- WH flied w ith , ...

Co..11ty c...-. of 0t•ll09 County on JMl!HHY II, 1m. ,.,..,,,,

PutllllNll Orenot eo.i.t o.i1y Piiot J .... " · ».JO. ~ •. ""


Yo""•· CA on.11 Atoon E. oar1o. 7m7 v 1.i.oe1 Sol.

Sovll\L~. CA'1611 Fred R. Smith, ., f!j0r111 U!iel!CM,

So L•9Uf'I•, CA m.11 .. Tllh buSlnft\ I\ tOl'OUClllCI by e

91"" .. t pe.-...Np H..tien M Burr IOQe

Tiii\ st•I- .,,., .. ..,,, with Ille Coun ty C•••' of Ot- COunlY on J-fV IS, .. ,,. .. ,.,.

Publl•hecl 0.dftOI' C.0.\ 1 Dally P lio. J•l't 11, H ,l l l-eb ' · "'" 1•11'



T,.. lollowf1>9 oerson• ere doll'tQ lillnlnfn••

PRIM E TIME ACTI O N, U31 K•mell• Circle, YOfba LI""•· CA.

~---~-------· ~ ... ll'ICTITIOUI auStN ESS

NNlle ITAT•MIHT Tiie fot'°"""V l*"ton '' doln9 bust.


._., ,~~CA'2i2L Mkllaet En1e1I Freem•n. ~30 w

Wilson • 41, Co\le Mau, CA '7671 T111\ bO"~ Is <ondllc leo bv .,., ,,..

d lvldutl Mtcllael e. Fr...,...,

Tiiis ll•- ••• llltd w1111 t,,. Countv Cktrt< ol OrM!Oe COunly on 1•11 11, t'1•

FlllMJ Publlshecl Orill!OO Co.nt Oal•y Pilot,

J•"· t•, t>. llO. ~. ' · i.n


Louisa Moolll&•I. Ult Ktl'Nl'lt Ci rcle, Y- Lindt, CA.~

E ""lvn Roo/, 1~1 H~ 8t¥d., YIOt , C~l•Mew. CA "61&

Th i• bu\hle\\ ' ' Con<IU<ll>d by a teM••l e>artnff<..lllp

Ev,.IYTI Roy Tr1I• Mat.,.,..,..1 • •• llled 'wolll tl'le

Countv Cl&t'k 01 Or•noe Colll'tt Y on JllnU••Y 11. lffl .. , ... ,

Pvblli""" 0.-.inot\I Dally P llOt, Jal't " · 2a. 30 F-eb • · tffl




'"tcrmous au,.NHS HA#E $TATE MIENT

Tl\e IOI~ ~ I• clOtl'tQ D<I•• ,..,~ .. ,

BRIA N IC. ICNIFF, 0 .0 S. P.C... dba FAMILY OE NlAL CE NT EI' . llS&1 8tKll 8 1.0. #2t4, Hul'tlnQIOI' 8"<11,CA.,...

8 r l6n Kff'll Knllf. IQ Ooftr Or • N--1 8Nch, CA '1640

Tll<l o.AOMU l\ C.~ted by..., In ,,..,._, 8rt..., IC . Klllt(J>OS. PC

f llj\ \t'"- ••• 11..,,, with ""' County Clet"ll ol 0r*"J9 Coun!y on\. ti.,.,,. '"'"'" Put111~ o..,. co.01 o..11y J>11o1 .

J • n . I&, 1l. JO. Fm•. t91'1


l lie fol low•"9 person• •re OO•n9 OU\IM\'o O - HAL ~ MOUN TA I N MtN tN C..

'VE NTURE, )000 Irvine Aw., :.Ut t' ' 200. N•-1 BM<ll, (a, '1t60

e._ P CottennMl. eotO va110 ~ •• Sr91itl>flelel. Te_..\ 1•180

Eugene P•ul Coll• •""'" · &O•O V•llt y 0. , 5'ftltllloekl. ''" "'' l t!IO

T "" bu•I~• I\ c.onouO(](I bv 41<1 ...,. lncorPOrateO .UOC:lallQft OC""r l l'll>n " p.trlller\lllp.

f UQtN P. Cott.......,., '"" .... .,.._, .,, ... """' ""'" .....

Couftt y Clerk of 0. otnQOt Count., on JMtU•rY I . If-,. . ,.,., ... ,

PubllSlled O,.a1199 C:O.\I 0.lly P iiot J•l't. '· Ill, U .. :IO. "" • Y /q



NAM« ITATllMeNT Tiie tollO'*lllO perwn• • •• dO•nQ

boslMO .. : M 6 It 9AOCHOE SVC.. UJ:l At~ • ·

tftdr I • Or • Htlflllfl9t0n h«ll, CA ,,.., J • mes Mtt1tn M<Alldrww, ' "'

Ale .. lldrl4 Or., HvftllnQlon S.acft, • ('A. '2647

Ool'lld Wttlty "'"'"''· 11111 ~SI., YtltM Lindt, CA.,,._.

Tlll t bu•lnns Is cO!ldu<ltd by • 91"'4trtl~

"-M. McAedNW Tiii ' 11111- WM llleO with llW'

Count y Cl.nt Of Or•"99 C-ty on

J-• fY II, ""· • ' '1tml

Putlllsl'led Or .... C.0.ll 0.tty P llOI, Jtn. 14; 1l. • ...,~ell. ' · .. ,,





' , i 1 ~ . . . ' 4 ; , ~

j • • t .


LONDON CAP > - wuu._. $)-tr lriitowe, wbo a-. tp6delw •• Thailand and abooll up punqen by taktAI • put .,wler rw • waa.. oa • lnm· .AUIJMK J baa dMd at the ... ofn, I

A 1cl1nh1t b1 traiala1. a peuonnel manaaer b1. pro. fealoo. 8rillowe made "6mlllf a world •~thorilY on sl*lera. He betan watch101 lbem ht hie aiarden u a chlkt and when ht atarttd reada o a boo ll 1 o n • Plden.

••• FOUND 111£ boob ~ a ll wrong ... t\e totd T it Aa SO<"la(ed ~s m an interview an 1975

Th e i nterv ar w was n ot publilhed becauae ert.iowe re­marked, " I wtll get cruty Jett.en• from an over the place If you say I ate 1piders."

His three dauctKet'I uid be died peacefull)' at hi1 home lo Whatllngton In Suaitex . IOUlbem Ena land. •

BE at:CAl~LED ASKING relatives for help lo splMr hunt­ing when he was 4 and saJd be was s hocked by_ e rror s In books " because I didn 'l lh.inJc gro.wnups could say things that were wrong. ll stimulated me to search for lbt! t ruth."

He added: LBu\ t won't speak ill of the dead. They did not go out to • watch spiders, and I traced some of their mistakes bacl~ to Aristo-tle ." '

He said be collected spiders 'Jin the' bedrooms of the best hote ls and in Eton Col~ge. "

TRACKING SPIDER legend , Bristowe visited the Scottish cave where legend says a spider r epairing its damaged web in­spi red Robert Bruce to carry on his fight against the English about 700 years ago.

" Lo and behold. there was a s pide r . a Zgiella X-nolata," Br islowe said. ,

Bristowe had a glass case in his living room conta ining the preserved body of a huge bird· eating spider which he collected alive on a t r ip to Brazil and Colombia

" COMING HOME ON the liner I put a ie·ash a round it a nd we went for a walk along the deck . The other passengers were ve ry s urprised." he said.

He ate spiders in Tha iland beca use the Thats did 1JO and ·'knowing . that was . not enough for me. I wanted to know. which ones. how they were cooked. how they tasted and thelr pro· Lein value. I brought some home a nd had them analyzed."

The spiders t asted bitter , he said ,· ' but not unpleasantly so."

HE C ALCULATED THE s pider population of an En&lish field at 21/.t million to the acre in summer and 900,000 in winter by searching every blade of grass inside a 12-inch squa re frame once a month throughout one year

Asked what . advice he would give to a would-be naturalist , Bristowe said : "The young must l09k for things with their own eyes and must not overrate the knowledge we already posaeas. I thought f was an expert at 17 but I now realize bow little I know. There la always a trem~ lot to find j)tJl about everytbing. Concentrate on one thing and you will find out bow little la known about it ."


LEARNING HOW TO MIX 'EM Oreg Schnelder Practk:e• Drtnk~ldng

Bartender Shqres Mixing Expertise

. CINCINNATI <AP ) - Doug Smith went to bartending school three years ago planning to mix drink_s for '.'a good part· time income." But. "good money and good limes" have made him a career bartender .

He 's passing his skills on to others at a Cincinnati-area bartending sch~I. '

Disettning \drinkers llPPreclate a good bartender and re· ward him accordingly. Smith said.

"THEY WON'T SAY ANYTIDNG," he said . ~'They'll just leave you a better tip. It 's interesting that the people who cause you the most trouble leave you th~ smallest tips."

Gratuities account for two-thirds of a baneoder 's salary, Smith said, so be likes to work private parties where drinks are free and people let loose of their spare change.

"Anytime you give people free booze, they keep coming back. " he said . "Genet:"a lly, it 's the older crowd that has the money" to make It a profita ble night for the mixologist.

THE M·YEA&.OLD SMITH SAID a good bartender will not drink. on the job and should be able to liaten to a customer 's pro. ble ms without becoming too involved.

He said he teaches student bartenders to "offer helpful sug· gestions without intruding" and to give customers ~rsonalized service. such as ~ water chaser with any drink !containing straight liquor.

" Filly percent won't use it, but will be impressed with the bartender'• concem for the cuatomer," Smith said.

A good bartender also Is a bit of a diplomat, especially when it's tell a customer he's had enough. ·

"IT'S A VDY DELICATE situation," Smith said. " U you just cut them off cold turkey, they can get very violent." .

To graduate, a student bartender must score at least 75 pe.-. cent on a final written exam and mix 10 drinks in eight minutes .

" A student is allowed to miss one drink," SmJth said. "Speed ls very important, but secondary to accuracy. You've got to know what you're doing."

Six Students Set For Trips Abroad Six seniors from Corona del

Mar Hilb School have been selected as American Field Service flnalists and will spend a summer or a year abroad, if enouah homes can be found oveneaa.

The six, who were screened for maturity and awareness of current even.ta and required to write several euays before they were aelectedil are Kim Brown. Mike Mitehe • GleM Parrish, Helen Sword, Randy Walsh and Cam Woods.

Nursing Seminar Offered G11aca1110IE

Respiratory care will be the topic of "Opera­tion Education" starUnc at 8 a . m. Jan. 25 in the South Coast Medica l Center auditorium.

Dr. Ne"8l Amsden, director of respiratory"' therap y , and Dr . R ic h a rd .Corc or a n , direct<Jr or the intensive care unit, will be the . speakers.

There is no cost for nu rses e mployed al Sout h Coast Medl~ al Center. For others, the fee i i $30 and includes a buffet luncheon..

Pre-regiatratioa ia re­qu i r e d and may be made by calling the mtnhat lnlendce omce,· -.13u ext. m :

MSAV....SOM • HOt•owtas • AUTO ... _._.




.QOACAMOLE OMELETTE $1.~ ~, · 3 eggs with two slices of Atnerlcan cheue fClded Inside. Topped with ze.1ty gu.teamole. ·~rved w th hulled brown potatoes •nd toast.

·aaACAMOLE BORGER $144 Alnto9t 1/3 pound of grlW beef on touted dough bread. Crowned with luldou• gUKemOle

·- - .

....... •Or .... . , ...........

'Ir.affic ·In Aliens On Bise

SAN DiEOO <APl -All•1' 1mu1•lin1 ls btcomiDC IO Profitable that It pays better Uwa narcoUcs. say federal autbortuee. wbo believe 2,000 proleulooala are lettiDLridl t.bal WIY ·

--~. 11.1119

NOTICE TO·VETERANS ~ • If you are an Honorable Discharged of the Armed Fon::ee of

the United States. In good health, you are entttled to , oouble lnttt· ment Spece (for you and your Spouse) in our Oec:Ucated Veferan'a Section at the cost. to you. of only a Single Interment Space p lua the Endowment ((are Fund Oepoa!~ required by State Law.

Harbor Lawn, long known for Its Special Considerations to Veterans. Is making thl• Program available to the Veterans of this •ea. Spece la limited and )t will be ualgned on a first come. first 88fWd basia. To assure your space, MAIL THE COUPON TODAY!

,~------~-----.-------,------~-----, I "-'""'-~ MelWtet PM a McNtuery I • 1121 Ol8'er Ave., Coeta MeM. CA 12121 I Thei r Income 11

eatlmat.ed by Robert F. Mitton, deputy dlatrtct director ol the U.S. Im· migration aod Naturalization Service, at " the tent-.Df millions of dollars." . '

I (llCllH•llltoltte ... '*lltflWrMOl)et ........... , I

! I am an ..&no.- Dlectta-..,_ l · I In QOOd heeltti • . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . • . . ... . . . • • • . . . . • • • I I .. t " WHEN YOU'RE

talking·SOO aliens a week at $300 a head, it's big

I I I Serial No. . . . . . . . . . . ...... Oisctiarge Oate . • . . . I .

oaeft," . 1ay1 '• I I Addreae •..... • , . . . . . .. , . . • . • . . . , . . • • . . . . . . .

' O'Kee e, MJtton .. s tfoh.

The deputy chief U.S. I CllY . . . ... . . ... ... ....... • . . . . . ... · I I L~PhoneNo. ... . ..... ... ......... .......... ... ......... .... !· ----~~---~~ --~-----~--.-.~-·

Border Patrol agent in the San Dieao area. says 14,000 Ulelaf allena were apprehended last month even t.bouah many more s Ii p ped fbrougb with .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I. profeuioofll help. .J

SAID ALBERT F . Fra nco, In an in terview: .. We're convinced there ls more money to be

~made rrom alien smug­g 11 n g th a n fr o m narcotics smuggling ...

Nearing the end or his first year in office, U.S . . Attorney Michael Walsh has stepped up the fight in his district which In­cludes Imperial County, cons idered the major alien smuggling point.

WALSH ASSIGNED seve r al top aides to run rield training segiinars

·for immlgr~Uon in· vestlgators. and liaison be tween the U.S. a l · torney 's office and the Bo"der Patrol bas been t ightened.

The number or immi­gra ti on a g e nt s i n · vesti gatin-g smuggling conspiracy ID San Diego al)d I m~rial counties has beed"""doubled, to 28. Despite critic is m by so m e M e x ica n· American groups, a ne w border fence or heavy meta l, anchored in con· crete. is due for con­struction this year.

The '688


Offer Expires Januray 31, 1979

Walsh r ecently s aid that there are too few jails for illegal aliens but not for smugglers .

Oft..the·Mall at South <:oamt Plaza Near the Caromel Oft the Flnt LewJ. For raenatiol\a call: 540-8119

IJmit Nixed l

•· LOS ANGELES CAP > - An appeal court has upheld a Jower <:OUrt de · dalon declaring that a $250,000 limit on medical malpractice cases is an unconstJtutional denial of equal protection UD· der the law.


YOUR DAILY PILOT CAN BE RECYCLED. Orange Coast College operates the official recycling · center for Costa Mesa. 556-5981




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'Newport Equity ~unds ~Inc

• . ' I


1 &~, W@MIT' _Uou·nty ~elays O'Neill .. Park Pr~j,ect ® @r;lM fl ~ ~ Imp-. to O'N.;11 -Parle'• t••n bod earlier l.u.d to ....,.._ Dtedr1c1> - for a lo.det 411:.,:' pha .. lncludlnc tl>e ci.a:... .:.. of

U \J lJ ~ ~ waQr and Mwer 1y1tem have bMft any I~ propoull. the park plaa to ctve him lime to y the creek fioodlng throu1h the park " GOf o ~· rJwft .,,,..,. ro Pot o... Pol '°"' put off for two monlhl to 1lve COWlt)' _ • • tbe park m...., p1M'1 drcula· creation ol more campaUu and 1m'. cut'"' Jape, ~ttbtg t~ Gf!Ntt• °""'ad•"'*~ otnclala time to reopen nelQtiaUoU nvwBVD; TBS UJ&ellhood tbat tioaa)'ltem. provement.a to the park'a ln&enlal 10 IOlw ~ .,. '1C>Df"'.....,., Olt4 bti.talw• lf-' \o acqut.r. mot• Jud fM the part nept!.UW would be rwwecl wttb a He abo takS ~ •aated Cbt time to road 1y1tem. "°"'~°"'to Pol o...11 Af Y0111' Sm/kt Or.., from lbe Rancho Mluk>n Viejo. moH 1.PMille Jtlan emerpd Juet dlacuu "coatribuUona Of the MiMioD Faced with budget cuts after COGlt ~ ~ PO 8~ IJIO C.a 1'tt0 CA - A 1pokuman for the Viejo beforeU.••~YHr--COCID- VleJo Jlaneh Md dedlcaUom to UM Propotltion La members or the coon· ...,., Al,.._, wt.~.., ,. .. .,._·llllU-.._~.. ...,..!=l Cou\paft1 aaad the ft.rm lY 1upentmn we to Uft ~OD park. • .. ty•a Harbor.' Beache1 and' Parka kt pltOltH #tql&.im• .6' ,.,,.,, ..,. -~ tlW • t. wtl to ._..., U.. mdW wkb u tmpro .. mellt)laa for tile~ Com million tbhlk the wortt ouaM. to "'°*''•/Whcanw. oddJ'naCMdtw-••Mln' pllou ::::r. . clala. He •aid • ·IJOU:al part loc...StaTnbueoeaftJOli. llNCE TBBN, eouatr IUlft metn· be done u Ute park'• 1taff llaa ume '"""~~bf ~Nd Tluc:oltnftllCllpf)fQndcU· Mloal ~t tut.ct neatly '°"" At thal Ume. 1upervlaor Ralph bera have lnlllted tbeJ doo't kaow to do ll on LO own. Some of the work

' lr1ncfP1 SaltANk.qJ1 " _ what die~ bad lD mlDd N · around the Arroyo Trabuco could be ••rdl1t1 •loti•Uom and l>6edrieh paid for wtth f1oocl control money.

n>•&Htne l'dorder.-0 woam 't available I di n 'l want any O( lt\to 11ubtlttlutt'll offt'r~ and a kt'd for a rtfund l 'd paid t8Lolht'ttalt<•m•n and mailed a ch t'k for$12 to the compuny l ho vco't heard one word from fuhndl Sal~ . and need htllp an &elltnll W s re ·

' V S , eo.ta M~H 1't.e " coiWlf' tdwuUOll" f'Olld.e 1au beetl --4

for yean by UMCnapuJou• ._. .... ._ •a&aaloe aalet ~Uwet, alMI &Ma ~ l8 kaell 18 H auuraHe dae ma1ad11e la "erprtced. The lalUat P•UAHl you ....... tlae Nlet c.•· •laalM. Ne enters are ,aaced wt&ll p~n ~ • . UI lite fall •bffrtpUoe fee 11 reeei-YM y I.lie ftr• &akln1 Ule orckr. After, up to tUee _... ... furthf'r delay tH be expedd before .Uvery be.cJn1. AVS also hu bad • Hmber of complalnu where lhfo ~aleti representatlvn of urlom

. "dlnppeued" with tbe commlulotl and DO tab· tcrlptlon WH ever t ubmlUed to tlae ftrm.

Chapel Sales Inc. wH contaded by AVS. Patricia Brady ot c111&omer servlte UJI• yCMlr or· der (annot be located. St~ you ban proof ol p11r<'bue aod your receipt from uleamH, tt.e ftrm pl'Otlli.Rs &o "try to locate" your ft)e aad COD· lad yoa penionally regardlnc a muad. If yoa do not kar from Chapel Sales wtWa two weeks, let A VS know.

cw.a ftqltttf!91nef • A., ..... ,, DEAR PAT: Chr:1stmas· dinner at our ho~

was JUSl great except for one thin~ . I broke several pieces of my old Franciscan chm.a. ls there any replacement source either In Orange County or Los Ange les"

G J .• Laguna Beach Tiie. FrantlHan Shop, %901 LOs Feliz, Loe

AncelH; has a good selectloa of replacement plecea for older Franclsc:an <'bina patterns. Pboee lhe shop at (213) a33·33CI weekdays or <Zl3> 633·45'9 after s p.m. and S•&ard.ays, to laqalre If Ute plett1 yoa need are available. If not. yoa will hf' &old. about .everal other buytag sources la Ute Loa Aaceles area.

~~Ca•fio• ,DEAR PAT: I know that exercise Is good for

olde r people. but Isn't lhcre a heart rate limit they s h'ould try lo s tay within dunng exercise? I'm cunous about this because my elderly father has s tarted quite a vigorous exercise program with his doctor's approval, but oo mention was made of a recommended heart rate

J.E .. Fountain Valley Medical experts uy that aerobic

whltb demand oxygen, help Ute elderly develop H muth pulmonary reserve H poalble, whkt. ta Im· portanl In meeting stressful sltaatlou. Heart rate. should be moaJ&ored, however, and kept below lit beat1 per minute during acUvlty. AdTise yoar father to ask tat• doctor abotlt &Jli1. Playalcal traln· lng programi also can reLard tbe decUae In heart, lung and drctdatory fandloa tbal ~mes wllb a1e.

fR," Deadllnr Approadti•fl DEAR PAT: What is the last day I can add

money to m y Individual Retirement Account for the 1978 tax yea r" I'd also like to find out if l have t.o rile Form 5329 for my IRA for 1978.

' K.E .. llunUngton Beach AprtJ 16, 1979 itl the deadl!M, accordlnl to the

IRS. Taxpayers alllO ' have until date &o open •n I RA. i\nyone who makes CODtrtbtltlou or open.a an account after Jan. l for 1918 should make cer· taln that the trwilee accepting lbe cootrtbutiojl la aware ol the year for whlc)l the mene'y 18 ln~:

•·orm 53%9, newly r etlt)ed Re turn fo r ID· dlvldual Retirement Arrangement, mut be filed with the regular tax return only by a lax· payer who ba11 a pen•lty &o pay oa bil/ber IRA. Othe r taxpayers do not need to m e form. '

Oiamber Installs Officers for .1979

New offict>rs of the. Westmlnster Chamber of Commerce Hoard Of Oirttcters h,ave taken their St'als .for the coming year, elected by the mem. tx>rshap tis a whole.

SFJ'L -le CJ - - ·Vacancy Filled ba• not beec\ available for eommeat commillioners have 1u1geat.ed. W '"-" ""38 OD the IUbject. But George o.bome, head ol the SACRAMENTO <AP) The raocb apokesman illdkated h1I Envlronment.aJ Management Agency

Set at OCC Mo~ lh•n ~ Orange Coast Colleee atudents

will Introduce Orange County primary and HCOO· dary school atudenu l<> the Cafilornla Gray Whale lhla aprtng

The OCC atudenta •re worklna wltb Whalewatch Orange County. aa or1anlsaUon apoaeored by the American Cetaceu Society, Oranae County.

"The Wbalewatch pro1ram be1an last 1prtn1." said Dennis Kelly, an OCC marine tclence wtructor and public relations otftter or the Oranae County Cbapterottbe AmerlcanCetaceanSoclety.

" A Cl.Ass WAS Offered at OCC last aprtna to teach students to become lecturers and 1peakers on cruJses and in school classrooms. More than~ sluden~ completed the program."

The atudenta received tralnlng In public speak· lni. group dynamics . s lide presentations, and in observing and describing whale behavior. They also received IMtructlon In the biology and ecolon of the California Gray Whale.

- Gov. Edmund Brown firm would expect net9l1atiom to be donn 't w.- the flood control money Jr. bH •pointed a reopened on the t>.sl1 ot Diedrleh'a used ln the park. former vtce mayor of remark. Sacramento to fill a The·park muter plan.~ won' IN8TEAD HE'8 recommendecithat vaeanc Oft t~e 1ute come before the board unUJ the end tbe park's water and sewer system

McGbee, .a. wu.oaaied to 1ucceed re t{red JutUce Leoaard Fried· . man IA th coart'a lrd ap­pellate d11trtct, wbicb cov.era ZJ nortbeut countie..

about 14 mJUion for improving the plcrtic areas and camp9rounda that contain 317

THE MASTEa plan Usts $1 . 1 million worth or proJecu ror lbe fint




HOMIMADI MDICAH FOOD· ·a,....., ........ '',... I ...... , .... c.,...

UI PAUl.AltlMO c.... ............ ....


master plan's Us\ of projects be de· layed.

He said the water and sewer ayatem bas been built haphazardly over the years and.c<Suld constit.ute a major public ~aJth problem al the puk. .


r~z through March Jlonly.

They include Rev . Robert Lewis. of the First Baptist Church, preside nt ; David Jones, or DM xjd"l" -~·' W. J ones Jewelers . first vice president· Barbate ~ .. ~ Wa llace. of llbme Savings and Loan. second vice I

presl~nt. and Marlon Agulrre, of the City of Westmmster , thJrd vice president.

Lorraine Kelley. of General Telephone Com· puny , secretary and Melvin M. J ay, Certified Public Accounltint, treasurer.

New! Reduced restrtct1om--OO Super: Saver.Go fora weekend, a Week, a month or more.

New!11ie~u..•tak£a~ •a half fare ~eoam. Make . a buliDe88 trip into a vacation.

&vi The child Ulfder-12 that ·mes With you.goes free.

Unlted's Super-Saver Is easier th:m ever to use. Make reservations ond buy your -SUper Saver UCket only-14' dayti bcfor<: depar ture ( Instead ot 30 days): 11t1ty rui short ;.1S a weekend (over.Al Satuida~tght)oras lo ng as 60 days. On United flllthts leaving after" • 9 p.m .. you can save 5!>% Mondi!}' throu1th Thursday. 45% Friday throu&t! Swlday. on Nlght C.oach Super saver. You11 save 45% durlnQ the day Monday lhro~ Thursday. Save 35% when you fly Friday through Sunda~ (Hawaii and Canada exdudOO.) / Super Saver does not aobly to wweL w.lthlt\. _ the state or CaJifomla. Return n ight reser va&~ons may be changed. but you m\lllt do eo at least 14 days before new daw of return. Seats are limited. -

• I

When you fly full fare Coach or rCRular Night Coach. you cnn take someone along for half the regular full Coach fare ((l:lwalt excluded.) The only restrlctlonN: you mWit buy your tickets at the san\C tame. both depart and return t<>gct h<:r. and your l:itay must be at least over a Saturda.r, nlRht .and may be as long as seven days.1 here IS'no scat limitation. ..,

(__ "With 14vtnps If I«> these.

why 1tay home?" .L.,.=~lllCl T - ·

Now QjlC child under 12 traveling with .. an adult canny absolutely fr(.'(! The child must dep.irt and rf'turn on the t.umc n1~h1 as the adult and will !.i' with the adult 1 hl· adult may ny First Cln..,i. Coach .or o n .lily available d1RCourn fare < 1f adult Is on cJo. .. count f;u-e.chlld'N ticket Is subject to limltallonl) of applicable d1M:ount fare ). (liawall excluded.) .. For reservations. call your 'Travel Age nt. Or call Unltt."<1 at 537·752L .

Partners In 'Ttavel with Wester n lntemallonal Horels.

.~ J_.:.~

' .



1 )

, ' ..

''·'·N·S·l·D·E·:·:·~-t:c.v_~_·_:_;_:_~_·".:._-:_-n_-_, ___ ... _~·-·TUllCllW-·.l!llJlnulty_., : .... ·,m ______ o.AIL·V·Pl·LO·T·; ·-~.S ... P-.•rts •

Super M ·tfi-

·Carew Sparks ou .. . .

Recalled Pennant -MIAMI <AP l - ~ D041y ar·1

r h -. 1 of Dallas Cowboy• llntbacktr TbolDu Heodel"liOft for Sund•>' ' Super Bowl ,.... 41'lfnd~d Don Siuda and Earl

For Californi8 ---Morrall ol>tMr &.per Mouth

an l~t y~n1 layboy

He~rson. who sUf'ftd con• troversy two "'""' .. Jo by ln· 11latin1 the .Lolt Antelea Rams dldn ·f havt- the c~u to rut'h tht Super Bowl. a lready has gone after the Pittsburgh StHlt r with such comm.nta aa ··1 took wefdin«." and lhal he would cut through the Steel Cur­tain.

TE~ \'EAllS AGO, Namath lolled• on Ute South Florida beac h es a nd i n the · Fort Lauderdale bars and "euaran­teed " victory for the upstart New York Jeu agaJnst " the old men ·· ~t!llmore Colts.

The lllOlf Super Bowl was a confrontation of -the Mtf'prise winner of the American Football League against one of the NFL's · established powers._,,Whlle the f I a m b'o y a.n t N a m at h quarterbacked the Jet~ the

\.shopworn. crewcut Morrall and · Johnny Unitas led the Colts.

Namath underlined the con· lrasts with his headline-makinR statements, then backed them up with a superb game. He led the.Jet..5 to a startling 16·7 upseL

SHULA. THEN THE Colts coach. chuckled Monday as he rec a li ed the Cuss Namath caused But Shula, who also led the Mi ami Dol{>hlns •inlo lhree Super Bowls. d!smlssetl . tbe _eC. feet of bumptious players during Super Bowl week.

" I don't thi nk brash slate· ments make a team want to get so mebody. or make any dif­ference lf it takes something like that to fire you up for the S uper Bowl . so m e thln g's wrong," Shula said.

Shul a said he would never' " try lo suppress my players" before a big game.

.. If some bod) expresses som ething that he honestly b e llev es, I wouldn "t s ay anything. The thing I would watch for is the unnatural situa­tion. where a quJet guy all of the sudden talks a lot or a guy who talks a lot. worn say anything.

"IF BOB GREENE tried to be Joe Namath or Joe Namath tried to be Bob Greene. that would concern me," he said.

• By DAVE ctJNNiNGHAM' °' ... l)Mty " ... Matt Instant pennant? That's what

aome Calllornia Angel watchers are saying on the eve ot the club's first negotiation meeting with Minnesota Twins superstar

~~--aod Carew. Carew and Angels General

Manager Buzzie Bavasl are ex­pected to meet Wednesday to talk salary. although the great hiller has yet t.o be traded.

The San Fra nc isco Giants withdrew their offer for Carew Monday after the Twins -report­ed that be wants to the American League. · sut Carew says he has not ruled out the possibility or {>laying (or the Giants.

"SAN FRANCISCO is still in the picture. definite ly . but l would prefer t o stay in the American League, .. Carew said.

Because of that preference. Carew told the Twins he wanted fo talk with the California Angels before making a final de­cision.

A trade was finalized between the Twins and Giants but Carew has the option to tum down any deal he doesn 't Jike. and former teammate Dan Ford. now with the Angels. says Carew 's No. 1 choice is to play in Anaheim.

Afte r the Giants hea rd of Carew's desire to talk with the Angels. they withdrew the trade offe r . The Twins then gave California permission to speak their unhappy fi rst baseman.

AT 33, CAREW has stated publicly that he will not play another season in Minnesota.

Oe1ry ~, ... ,._.. __.. .where he has had repeated con· ROD CAREW BEGINS TALKS WITH THE ANGELS THIS WEEK. m ets with management.

TrevinO's Tip Paid Off ~

Mahaffey ·co~red Dri~ Prob~m By BOWARD L. HANDY

Of - o.ftof ~· ... s-LA COST A - Lee Trevino. the man John

Mahaffey beat out lo capture the Bob Hope Desert Golf Classic last week . helped the winner over a drinking problem seve ral years ago.

· " Lee was very Instrumental in talking to me about drinking," Mahaffey toJd a group of writers Monday at La Costa Country Club where he was honored as the Comeback Golfer of the Year ·in

three hples' ln light to heavy rain with six different groups of writers?

" I enjoy it. J really do," he s~id . "You people are quality people and I thank each and every pe rson I played with . J enjoy playing with amateurs and J think it's good for golf. And golf has been good to roe. I told them before we started not to worry about me. I won't melt.''-

But U the Twins can't reach a trade agreement with another club that Carew approves ol, the seven-time batting champion wUI naveU>play orre~ without a contract le gain his free agent status.

Then he would be free to slgn with the team of his choice, and • the Twins would receive no com­pensation for him. so It's obvious· ly in their interest to trade him now.

Realizing hJs club was high <>n Carew 'a priority list , sent the Twins a list of players be would be willing to p1art with, but · the Twins aren ' l lmpressed.

''THE ANGELS HAVEN"I· given us the names of anr, players we are interested ln, ' sa id a Twins official. " We ~t lo hear from B~vasi. and ma)'.~ he will make an offer we can a\ least consider."

The Twins official also said he felt the negotiations with Califonua were getting off on the wrone- foot.

" We'r e going about this backwards." he said. "Usually the team has to be satisfied. then the player . This time. the Angels are going to find out If they can satisfy Carew's salary demands before they get an agreement with us."

THE TWINS ARE reportedly interested in a couple of promis· ing An&el youngsters. outfielder Ke n Landrea ux a nd third baseman Carney-Lansford.

" No one on a ballclub is truly untouchable, but if anyone is. it would be Lansford." Bavasi told the Daily Pilot a month ago. "He 's maybe the last playe r we would be wilting to part with."

Landreaux. however. may be a different story.

" I like Ken Landreaux. but I don't think Minnesota insisting on him would deter us from maklrrg a trade. " .Bavasi said Monday. · •

" Who is going to he1p us more In the next three years-Carew c>r Landreaux?" Bavasi says. " And ifyourscouucan'tcomeup "tth another Landreaux they stiould all be fired."

No one has ever said that about Rod Carew, and that 's why the Angels may be willing to pay $4 million for a Cive­vear contract. Morrall . who replaced the

legendary Unitas in 1968 and bad . the best season of bis career, re­m e mbe r e d that th e Colt veterans were "very aware" of Na m ath 's pop-offs . He said . though. that Namath 's passing dis rupted the Colts much more

1978 MAHAFFEY CREDITS Ben Hogan with help.- .

ing him get started on the t.our when he finished CiJACH DENIES college in Houston. - -

... NEVER FELT Uke t was drinking that much but some people started stine Ill-founded rumors to that effect . Lee told me that once a tournament starts, I shouldn't drink. Since then. [ don't drink that much And not during a lourna· ment.

- · ''Mr. Ho_gan helped me ~et an exemptiQD in a (J'1~~D'/D "'C~ tournament in Texas in 1970. ·he says. 1

.' ' ~~~ • .v. i. · - --i-wo other g.olfen also had a hand in he16i•,

than his words. · " We didn 't play a bad game,

but the Jets just had a great game

··You don't concentrate on the o't her guy's rem a rks ... coaches try to fire you up with them , create more intensity. Th ey put .clippings on the blackboard. Ol course you don't li ke to have things said about you. but rou concentrate on your preparation for the game." Mor­rall said.

" lie just sat down with me and we talked. He told me, ·1 trunk you are going to be a gOOd player, maybe a great one. But drinking during a tourna­ment will hurt you.'

" Lee and I have been friends a long time.'' Mahaffey was so far down he didn't have an

exemption for the San Diego Open a year ago. He ~ wrote asking for one and dldn 't receive a reply.

Mahaffey, a cheerful young man with a smiling NE W YORK IAP > - New face who reached the depth or despair during a Jerse y Nets Coach Ke vin divorce and has now bounced back with a new Loughery has been sum~oned wife . ' to l)ppe'a r befor.e National

"Leonard Thompson 1¥ed to call me every B~sk.etball Assocaatlon , Com-• week " Mahalfe·y said ... 'Little Buddy what can It m1ss1oner Lawrence 0 Brien

d .-h. 1 • ed. k • even though the coach fias de-o to e P you, he us to 88 me. nied charging the referees are

" HUBERT GREEN was nice enough to Invite conspiri~ against him. my wife and t down to Florida and he worked with '·consp_1racy is a word used in

th t' t r bo t the headlines of newspapers . I me Of?. my game on e prac tee ee or a u a never said it." Loughery s aid. ··THE LOS ANGELES OPEN told me they wee~ight now MatJaffey is ooe of the hottest ~ung Loughery was directed by

JV O'Brien to attend an afternoon Morra ll works for a Fort

didn •t have room beuuse they were exeµipting some younger players and thal was all right. gclre rs on the circuit. winning four of his last 10 s ession t od ay in the com-

toumaments in this country. He was the guest of . 1 Laud le industrial firm now, wh1I N lh who rare ly con· ~cnt t o inte lews. also lives In Fort Lauderdale and wiU soon ope n a bar there call e d " Bachelor's UJ "

"But San Diego didn't bother to answer and J won't pla~ there this year but J will play in Los Angeles .·

th~ writers and Mutual of New York. sponsor of mtss oner's office after the fiery. the Tournament of Champions here April 19·22. coach was quoted as sayin' the

" I have to concentrate on not swinging too referees "are out to get me. ' fast. " he said in analyz:tng his own game. " You The comment was allegedly have to be aggressive and you have to believe in mad e a fte r F'r id ay ni ght 's

After playing four rou...ds with different amateur partners e'Bch day in Palm Springs. why did Mahaffey come to La Costa to play two or See MAHAFFEY, Page 82 \17-116 loss to the Los Angeles


Super-·Bowl Greats StrOm ~yzes Top Coaches; Pl.ayers

In tM lad o/ o tl(l()opart .~• on Uw Supn­BotDI. odmM coacla HOftk Strom Jalb about 101M o/ tlu s~ Bod · greota, GllOl'2Mo "'~ top coaclucand ~

. ly BANK STLUI ~ .... c.or:.: tllC.

Gren Bay aM VlDee 1.embanU 1"'1-41 ~ ..... CIMl""llRll

The Packers were an exceUeat football team witb superb personnel and near perfect execution. Bart Starr enjoyed two of the finest games ever played by a quarterJ>ack In Super Bowl competition against ~-us

~ ... -<X:-~~)"""-"- ~~e=-...:.;;ftsaln .. ---~ he eonverted third-down · un.ities into . bullcUng blocks of victory.

Bart wu a muter a redq defensee and ptckbtl up any blat OI bUtzins tacUcs. u you made a mistake . lD .,... eowrqe, be would take immediate adv._. of tt.

VLDce Lombardi bad the reputaUon of be· tna a tOUlb tulunuter. He •• MDOdoaal, yet very dilctplioed. At the same Ume. be eoalcl be a very warm Uld kind men .. dmMath tbat toqb, bard·DOled merto( )'OU HW oa the 1kleliael. Vlnee, of COUl'M, WU a super motiT111or wbo bad U.. tapeet\J to pt lt• IDOlt out of people - lJe they ~&yen. coa°"" or mana1ement penonnel. \ -

' • I , . -.a ........... ,_. , .... ~ .... ~· Tbe .Itta• '1idOl'Y over tbe Colta, wt»eb

wu......-...-11ir1oeN...aboatibeaw.ol Super Jto•l Jflz..._ waa a • .,. HU1frta1 tr\Ulpb lband VJ ... ,,. in .. .-bi

American FoOtbaU t;e"aglie. amath was out­standing in terms of executing Weeb's game plan agd the Jets played veri opportunlsllc defensi. When they forced the Colt..5 into mis­takes. Namath and the offense, featuring Matt Snell and George Sauer, took full ad· vantage of the resultant opportunities.

At. a coach, Webb was deadly serious about football but he always kept the proper perspective, regarding it always as a game. 1,1lways fun. It was competition with excite­ment and dtarqa. but all withJn the realm of sport. It wasn't a substitute religion nor was_ .

,~.,·~~~is.:.:~-only coach~ b~v~-won championships in .both leagues, but that accomPlishment has'Deen overabadowed by lbe fact that he also coacbed two of the 1reitest quarterbacb ever to drop, back to pass - John Unilu and Jbe Namath. Yet the quaHty of bb coachin1 record la attested to by the feet that he bu joined Vinc:e Lom· . bardl ln the Can&on Pro Football Hall of Fame.

,...,,~ ... die Otno,1 ntn,'11 ..... ~0 I I

TIM IDOIJt lmpreglve thlnl abcNt U.e Cowboys, and thelr Super Bowl triumphs Is the fact I.bat Landry bas c:oaebed two dif· ftNnt teems to vletory. The. Cowboys of Super Bowl VI ln New Orlea111 were a veteran t.m wttb peat ~. wblle la•t year'• club. thoulb aUU ..., tbe field C!Olltmmtof ._,._..._ ... ..-U&Uy ..... ~,.....--

w .... • •. w • • . I t

, .... . .,

• • I

....... red Ron Davis of Corona del Mar High has been selected · athleUc director of the year by the <:::alifornia Coaches ., Assn. Davis, who has been the Sea Kings· athletic director for 10 years. cur­rently serves as president of the National Assn. of Secondary Schools Athletic Directors.

Anteaters ·Mixlt Up With Loyola


UC Irvine and Loyola. two simila r college basketball teams looking for the same reprieve, clash tonight (7 :30 ) in a non­conference game at UC I.

Both clubs are winless in con· ference action. with 'UCI 0.2 in the PCAA after Saturday's~ loss t.o UC Santa Barbar~ and Loyola 0-4 in the WCAC after Saturday 's 98-80 loss to St Mary's.

In addition, ne1ther team has exceptional height and both pre­fer to operate pattern offenses rather than break:

Loyola depend s on it !' forwards for most of its scorinµ Greg is averaging 16 !>

.J>Oints and David Knox 13.5 Both stand 6,-5 and flank 6·8 center Tom Branlch . Clyde J o hn son. 6 -2, a nd Bruno Marcotulli. 6·4. ar e r)le lions ' guards. .

ucr·s biggest guns in two PCAA games Jast week were 6·5 Steve McGuire and 6-8 Steve Rodgers. McGuire. averac~ over J4 point.a on the season.~ back-to-back games of 16 anit ii point$. Rodgers had 26 po6ms last week, 16 against Long Beach State. while guard Lester Jones had 30. Including 22 in the loss to UC Santa Barbara. .

Jones and McGuire are tied for 12th in the PCAA scoring list. headed by Long Beach State's · Ri ckey Williams with a 21.5 average.

Ca l State Fullerton and University of the Pacific. which emerged as the only unbeaten teams after the first week of PCAA play, both have three players among the top 10 scorers .

The PCAN'teaders: A. Wllll•MS, l0fl9 llffel\ Sf alt CAl'fte', P«lflC 9 Jechott. s.n JOW Stefe Cornell us. P.c If le Hiln, CAI SI.tie Fullerton McOo!leld. VI.ell Slat• e. Jed<son. Heenan, c.t SI.tie Futlerton 11to0em. c.e Fuller1on M<L ..... lln, PklllC WIM, LOftCI 9H<'.h Stale Meo.IA, UC IMM ,_., u c '"""' OceMo, U~• llerbe,•• ........ UCI,,,... Hvfl9ff, utel\Stel• Allderton, C.91 Slew Futltrton 14. Wllll-, F,.._ Stel• Peottottl, f!'~~ 9,_.,.; S...~ SUI•

. '" ..... 2 ,, t1 \ 2 40 10.0 2 31 ,, \ 1 l6 1f0 2 l6 If 0 J }3 11 1 J u 113 1 Jot 11.0 1 33 It.$ 1 3J 11>.\ 7 l1 lj \' 2 lt IS.I 2 tt IS.I 2 , • • •• 0

" . \I) 1' . "'° 2 , , 12.0

3 3$ 11.' J• ,. 11.J

1 '° 10.0

Bonds Seeks S~Hike To 8400,000

' CLEVELAND ,,.q~y Bond s want's sec~ufTtY for himself and his family. -and the Clevelalld Indians waat. the veteran outfielder. ·

Now the two parties are tryioc to work Out the details of a set· pement that will bring the reltac­tut star"'° the Jndlana' fold.

Bondi aad tu. aceat, attomey Rod Wright of Palm SpriDP. met f« moet of Mooday wttb In­diana Presldent Gabe Paw and General llanqer Phil Sethi re. portedly la H effort to . re­ne1ottate Bonda· current ~-tract. •

TM' fleet out.qelder appa,_.y wants an extemion be)Ond ti.. four yean remainlnc on blt cu:r­retlt pact, u weU u a ratle tn aalary, reported to be •' M00.000 a £:d.aow. - ·

, 4'8, WU traded to the lndlanl f'rolD Teua laa& October .. ,.tt ot I MYta·player deal.

I ,


Travel Agency. Slapped Over Super Bo;f) Tickets ..... ,,..~

WASHING TON - A Civil Aeroo1utlc1 Ill =1-=" ~ :.~~·.r..::~ ' r:.:~~u. cJ~==,::r·

,,_CAB .. ..._Q ol ~ pc'Ot~Uoa a.Ued \he board Moeday to M¥J dvtl ,...._ of 110.eeo ln ew­Uoa wtdl "" ~mmt.a P\mftlpt.a Jne. placed ln Ute tf'ade cbUcaUon Trave l Wfftly ht November ud

~wew.r. Barry DlamODCl. a lawytt tor l'\WJilbUI, aaid lbe fJnl:l bad MIG " ln tedWcal ~latk>o" ot CA te· 1watJonl ID pladnc the ads . but M said no euatomeni bad beea Pt"Olft'8ed tidr.eU and lhttl denied them.

He a1ao ~ bureau ol be ni "hllh·handed" and aald it wu "not lr)ttna to do an)'thlne but eet 1<>mtt pubUclly ."

The bureau aald Funtu1bta ' advertl1e10enu for ftldlts from .ever a l East Coul citlea to Miami ror the Nadonal 'Football Leaaue champk>nahip game S~ay lncl\Mled offers of aame ticket.a for an extra charae. · n.o.e adl ran lJl Trave l Weekly oo five occutou from Nov. 2 to Dec. 7. But the company did not Ille a pro1pectus for the ch.vter fiiCbLs with the CAB untJl Nov. 2:"1 , and that prospectua. w:tdch l1 requJred by the CAB. did not i~lude a n auurance that Fun!Ughts bad a bindln& commitment for lhe ticket.a, the bureau s aid. -

Most of the Charter I lights tnvolved wUI be from Pitts· burgh, home or one of th~ two team• playing in the final game. and Diamond said many purchasers of the charter oackagt.>S aJ~ady had tickets to the game.

'l'lw Cot'• Meo"' NEW YORK - Dr. Gil Morgan, a star pro­

fessional golfer, and bis wire, Jeanine, travel on the PGA tour with a . named Claude.

" He is named for Cla ude ~sy." Mrs. Morgan. a &over of music . explained. " We had a cal before this one.named Igor. He was named for Igor Slravlnsky.

----fl•te •I die ... ____ ..,.

World heavyweight boxing champion Mabam· mad All, at a press conference in London: "l thought m y purpose in life was to be world champion. But I see now that was not the case. Boxing was just a plat·

~ lJ fo rm to let people know who 1 am so I can spread the _, word of Allah."

Nefre D•aw Tidw. O"er No. I The Top Twenty teams in The .Associated Press col·

lege basktiball poll, with first·place votes in parentheses and seasod records.

1. N otre Dame 146 > 2. North Carolina <3) J . UCLA 4. Illinois (5) 5. Indiana St. <2 l 6. Michigan St.. 7. Louisvllle 8. Duke 9. Louisiana St .

10. Georgetown

8· l 12·2 11·2 15-t 14·0 9.3

12·3 10·3 12·2 12·2

11. Arkansas 12. Syracuse 13. Marquette 14. N. Carolina st .. 15. Texas A&M 16. Ohio st. 17. Te mple 18. Alabama 19. Maryland 20. Kansus

Steeler• Ta•lled .. ~-·

10.2 12·2 .. 11 ·2 11 ·4 13·3 9-4

12· 1 10·4 11 .4 9.4

OTHER SPOllTS - - A Miami News poll of 23 National Football .League coaches yielded 17 predictions that Pitts-

EwJll dethrone the Dallas Cowboys· in this week 's S wl. while only six coaches picked the defending c .. Backers or a proposed NFL franchise in Jn. d pol s wm be able to make their pitch In March during \he league meetings In Hawaii . . . All but one of the 52 major league baseball umpires ha~ returned their In­dividual contract.I to attorney llkhJe Pbllllps, who will negotiate for them. Umpire Larry McCoy aald the act.ion waa not a strike, but that the umps want more money . . . -nm v ... 4 scored fi~ goals and added as assist Monday nilbl, pacing the Minnesota North Stan to an S.1 rout of the New York Rangers. ending their nine·game winning streak ..• An autopgy report today concluded that Jaeeb Sejenee. a 26-year-0ld lightweight, died from blows to the head during a n amateur match in Sweden last Friday .. . Wally EagUsb says he Is quitting as offenaive footba ll coordini.tor for Brigham Young University and will lake a sundar pos1t1on at the Unfversity of J>iffs . burgh. . Cale Yarborough, winner of three s traight Grand Na­

tional stock car racing championships, is in third pla~ on NASCAR points the openJng event of 1979. Darrell Waltrip has the lead, followed by David Peanoa . . . • Fullerton Stale forward Mike NUes has been named the Paeific Coast Athletic Assn. '5 basketball player of the week .... The deadUne for a contract settlement between

, the New York Racing Assn. and mutueJ clerks at Aqueduct · racetrack has passed-, but no one seems lo know whether or not a s trike ls on because the track was closed today . .. The Los Angeles Aztecs or the North American Scoc· cer League announced Monday that goalie Bob Rigby has s igned a multi.year contract with the 'club.

· T.,...Ufoft~ Radio Following are the major sports events on

tefevi~ion today. Ratings are: ./ ./ I .r excellent · 1 1 ., wor'th watching ; .t .t fair ; ./ forget It. '

(s2) 5:30 p.m., Channet 521 ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Long Beach State at

Marquette. Announcers : Eddi~ Arexander and Roman


Long Beach State' wh~ MS tost four of Its Int five aames. ooes out of state aaeln tontcmt to face In Mltwaukee. Lono Be.ach has a 9"' retord after a 81-n overtime toss to Cat State Fullerton fa st Saturday whtle Ma. rquette Is 11-1_ Mfcfleet\WUey, Rkkey Wiiiiams and Francoise Wise spark Long Beach. Former Saddlebltdc Coft.Qe stan, ~t Artle Green, a sopho~, pfays fSW Marqlaette.

RADIO! Basttetball ~ l..onQ State at Mar· quette, S:45 p.m ., K FOX (93.S. FM>.




Favored In Sea View

Corona del Mar Ju,h'• Sea IOnat __. IM ~ an l) .. t ............ -40p ......... u See View Leacue beiket' ball MUOD ~Chet Wednee• day ntlht. ·

But lbere " I Cleal' tblMt t6 6woaa ............. for .• Udrd leNUe (#m,....bip jn a row and that conMI from l:lltu­ci•. where the EacSet tte erelaf • ~ ........ crowfl lD three caml>aiol-.

Coach Jack Err6on '1 ~. kine• are Oraoc• County's No. 2 Ltlain and know how to wln the close ones u evidenced by a pair of one·polnt ded1iooa.

Bacld.Qs up Corona del Mar's top bUUna lJ All.CJF returner Dave Koehler, 6-3 1eaJor Chrt1 Jobutoo aad 1-S junior 8-wn Ahearn, wbo cu put tbe Uibta out from 20 feet.

Steve Van Hora. the M Junior aad IOO ol FuUertoo CoUece Coach Ezra Van Hom, bu been the b'- noise out of Estancia with bla 21.4 scoriq averqe, and Collcb Larry SUndennan's Eagles have that drive to the bucket t e nde ncy which can break It OPen quickly.

While Corona del Mar has it.. aces. backed up by guard Todd Pickel and center Rich Kindorl, Estancia boasts a deep lineup, too, · wilh perhaps more bench strength than a nyone In the league . 1

No other is a serious con· tender. 'altbougb El Toro. Cost.a Mesa and tJnJvenlty can spoil anyone's algbt aod each bouts an All·&eque candidate.

~aelc Goiter -

Coit.a Mesa ·a Chris Beasley averages ~. 1 points a same ;and • cored 25 an Meu's recent vie· tory over Newport Harbor; S-4 junior Ron Holmes o( El Toro bas a baseetball touch that is In a class by itself; and 6-5 Russ Stol toff or University, given. some support, can spearhead an upset.

Sam Cantor <lefU presents John Mahaffey With the Comeback Golfer of the Year trophy at La Costa Coun· try Club Monday. Mahaffey was honored by California golf writers and Mutual of New York. for his comeback last year on the PGA tour. He has .won four of the last 10 events.


El Toro·s cause took a beating with the loss ol 6·6 sophomore Wayne Carlander . wh o transferred to Ocean View.


Here·s how the Daily Pilot" handicaps the Sea View League race :

c-tlt 3 TlllO llt flow' CdM '\ ,.a., nw-e•t Holme1 a <Awn C•n Win lllO°"" TOUQ" •I Tl'""\ S4111 l.•- "9 . ~,

Dana Hills Picked ·second

In ·L-Oop Race

a much different and younger team .

The ~ of the defensive line featuring Harvey Ma rtin, Ed Jones aild Randy White against their former teammate. Craig Morton, directing the Denver Bronco attack, was simply de· vas tatlng - as w e r e the performances of Bob Lilly. Geor1e Andrie, Jethro Pugh and La rry Cole six years before against a young Dolphin ocrense

- piloted by Bob Griese. Tom Landry is another person

whose media image is very de· ceptive In that it casts a very cold. austere a ttitude as a coa ch. Sure. his side.line de · meanor ls stoic. but that doesn't mean he isn 't enjoying what he's

With the one·lwo punch ol doing or that he doesn 't have fun Pete Decasa s and Mike coachinat . Roberta, Miuioo V~jo'I J.2.3 re- Doa Sinai• ud &a.e Dolpb1aa cord and No. 7 ranking ia 1~4.._ .... aiu..,.•••• Oran.,ie County 1peakl for tt.elf • • Mlem1 put ~ejber the only as the Diabloe enter South Coast perfect se~ ·m ~ modern Leasue basketball action Wed· hlltory . of the NFL wt th . ita 17--0 nesday night the ·clear favorite record an urn. a~ the thing l;ha~ to win the championship. stands out rnosl an the O,OlphiDs

There are two reaHstic conten· back ·lO ·back ch.amp1onship den that could spoil the Diablos' years was the fine sen~e of plans. however, tn Dana Hills balance between the club s de-and Capistrano Valley. fense and offense. .

The Dolpblna of Dana Hills Under the direction or Bob Coach Art Jenkins will probably Griese. ~e Dol.pbin .offe nse ~as never Jose a rebounding battle outstanding with contributions a n d 6. • M i k e Sa mu e J s from • superb offensive Une and 1pearheada what appears to be a atrons supporting cast in the the beat Dolpb.lns team ever . . skill positions featuring P~ul

Dana Hills bas more to olfer Warfield, Larry Csonka. Jim than just Samuels, too. wltb 6-6 Klick. Me rcury Morris and

celled in the art or ex~ution. and it too. had its Ahare ol talent - Manny Fernandez, Nick Buoniconti, Dick Anderson and Jake Scott.

As a coach. Don Shula comes closest to being in the mold oJ Lombardi or all the people we've discussed. Don has an explosive temperament and is an int.eme and prideful competitor .

John Madden and tlle Raiders ,,.,,,_._.~,

The Raiders' win in Super · Bowl XJ against the Vikings was something I was extremely hap­py to see. While with the Chiefs I a lways enjoyed the competition agains t the Raiders and John Madden. f had a great respect for J ohn·s control or the s itua­tion on t~e sideline: he did a good Job of runnipg the team during the geme 1lnd handling problems and pressures that come up during a contest. Like myself. Madden was a very emotional a nd e nthusias tic coach who wasn't a fraid to let others sec him enjoy his team 's success.

5-lfttW'-' Yf:•ll nAM l'IU G~ 9..., p.,.~.,,.. 1'161 C.rffn IH•<"\ l~'I H"" Yori< .WI' ,.,., f( _ , City CIWfll\

"" fl•ll•~ Coll\ ,.,, 0•11.s C-V\ 1'11J Ml-• OolpNn\ 1'14 M l- OoloNn\ ,.,~ Pon~s1 ... 1~ ••16 Pf~Oll Sl~IK\

"" o ... ,...., "-'· "11 0.11 ... ()ow~

OIMOI Vl1><•~ V l1><e Loma.~I

Weeb E Wb<lnl! H- SlrMn

0...Mc~ Tom~r

Don Sl!ul• OonSllui•

°""""°'' Oluck-1 .-.M.-n

Tom Uncll-y

Doug Andrews . 6 · 5 Chris Howard Twilley . The defense ex-Matbieu and guard Ian O'Don· Spo ..... Mailbag · nell in the attack. •:&a

Capistrano ValJey has Robin ,.,.... Page •1 Dear Sirs : Charles and sophomore Cam Now that the high school foot· Bryant and that's a combination MAHAFFEY ball season Is over , I would Uke tnat could spark the Coogal'I! to · • • to tha nk the Daily Pilot and its better than a third place finish. you1'9ell. You also have to have sports staff for the honors they

San Clemente's slow pace con- a relaxed U:mer calm and , .... lo have bestowed upon me thi• trasta ~ly with the cham- ~ "· Th t l pionshlp con t e nd ers an d happen. yea r . ey a re ru Y •P·

predated. althoueh may not be the "THE GUY WHO WORKS the I would a1JK> like to thailk the year Ol the Tritoaa. overlooking h a rdest aad lakes care or paper for tts superb covera1e of San ClftDellte could prove fatal himself wil1 win ' ' he added the so th Coas t League to the coot.enden. ' 'You have to be a ble to manue u '

Rou Sutton•• ts.3 scoring ~·r life on and--the -·rse-'"'·' • especially that of San Clemente J~""' ·-i "" '"""' H l I h Sch o o I. Be I n I t be average ii sicnlficant inasmuch . M abufey feels that college southernmost school In <>ranie aa the Trttom' team scoring golf la a tremendous 111et. \() Co oth ._.. averase ii but c. ......i .... a start. young players sl~rtln~ out. unty er newspapers 1.CU\11 to - .,_...... 1'he ha foraet about us. but you fairly

Here's bow tbe l>aJly Pilot ~ 1~1hel ve .. ~ tour of the r ~ reported our gam es all year handlcap1 the South Coast t ·•J>I J Th nk h _ ___. Lea""~ race : He said that the 15.foot birdie ong. a you very muc tlQU

• putt be made before millions ot kffp it up. · TV viewers and those on band in Pf_lke Wade Palm Springs Sunday. w11s the Su~ second moat. important of h111 '-....


Racing Entries ~ ......... ...... ,.,... ... ,, ...

Pl•ST aAC8 - • VIit&' !IV' .idL lfM 11\ C.111 . MM~ 9'wM U .100. Cl•lfnlllf Prk• ·-· .,. An lf.r ,.,......, / Wl..-Vt llMQI• lhdllel• ~ WWI CIC ..... t ; ... ~ l..._.11 i.iiii; ,._I' ... C~ll T• ~ tT- 1; C....tT ..... IM,._.1; ......._•Y Off'! l._,.I: ............ 1""-l; ~Too IC:.W.-1.

.. - .. _.. - ... ~ .... ....... a... .........

...... ~ ~); --c-.., ,...,.._.,,, , Wlft -- """ ..... ; ~ ,,..,_, : Ml ...-. IMenl: ~; Mtr\11 Lotk tOer'-11 T•-.... Cu.dl .. I.

,,. ... &IClf . ...... _ ... £ UC>

""-"·-~""°'11-. G ... ,_., ICr•• .. r l; S11tfl" 0-1t•r•I IWilhOll >; ...., .. ""'°"""' ._......, >; ._,. f"wt l lC....,..) ; OWf"9 0..... ICMWlcAl l : ~ 4 .. ..... tT-1: SIHeo L.MOi. ·~·. ........, l lf_,l!Mtll. ~·, ,,._ ILlllNml: 0-'• Hlfw f ...... I.

POV•ne 8AQ • 4CIO yorOl > .,._, Old ~ ~ fVM 12.100. ~ l'l'l<.9 ss.-

IC ..... .,_.., 1...,...1 ; ~ Ootlohl l~l;MllWW.O....fQorl ... l1 NM!An ....... CMy!MI; Oolllo' LlirNt~ 18wcll ; ...ii n..,

~ l U........1; • ....,.,.. M.-. ·~·· 11 ... elf. ~) ; ~--- (.....,); l,...,.MW ..... <Mllrl.

"'"" llACll - .,..,,., • - .... ll'llrM ., ...... ~~ ..... . Ole '°'"'" to.tile l : ... u ~ • ......,.,:

• ..., •ocNt CM¥M>: 5Mv<vtlelo4 cer-11: Go A ~. l l-11: Wr""Oler1 ~IC•v CT--); Kill~ 1,....,....1: c:-i. Ao­IO 19.tno; ,._.,...,... ,.,_._,.

11xne •ace ,...,_ ,.,..,Old~

""'- '2 ML ~ pna ' I0.000 Te 81~1111 l lto<IQfl I ; >o.ed• Mine ( Herl I : ~ IOeri.wl ; V..,.. LeOfl LM 18¥<11, M••• In ()Ill• IAd• lrl ; M iu """' Atb CT,_el; 1'19nfy()I ~ IWWO I.

HV•NTlf ltAa ..0 , .. ~. > .,..,. °'°' & ...,. 1=1111es &,_.._ ~u.-. C...,,,•o MMO. c.1....0.

Miu K .. le ,,,,,.,. IH-" I ; Swl"9 0.. Gel l~I; C.. C- ·- IFFftlenl; ~ E11A 8e<' IClen-1: IE- • J - IGlrOCIU I. "'"'• l•' • Ht•c:e tMylftl: e.- •llpt.em l ; Bun ...,, Kie> IW-•: OW..,,.n Woy l~I; OINh Mo l.-11.

..... .,. aACa )jO ...,..,.. > - °'°' & up l'Hlle$ & ""-"-· PwM'6.5GO.

T•Hlle" Go4dust t waro 1; O lrt y 'Th lr111 IWtlM81; ,,_ I• .. y NMi... t ttanl ; l'lfto .. 1M11 .. Ujty .. ~I: MMley GI- IHkO*m.n l ; A01>9" .,.,,.,.._ l e.rd• : SOC~• s.<11.,.. rci.r1ue 1, ~Olk IMllcfteft>; lweitlte IW""' 1.

fllNTM 11.&ta -~~ l .,..,. o4ch. "'-'"' U .M . Ct~ .,ne.. t.4.000.

MOOll l1t Slo lo.rt-I; Jet O.-.OY 8-rTrffMKel ; ~ 8e Trlle 18-dl, Mll\.ler°"°"" 18•n• sl; Ol<IP.•1 Ooc ll(nlglltl . ol.?y G<Jy IBrOOl<\I ; Ren11t Ola,,,e IMH~ll1; A ... l>UI«• knOOOU1 IFl'ftlon l. c.tpt.inSolrlt IP •rM• I. Jv1 811 K1t'9111 IVll<irdl .



Basketball l'A•wt:ST

C"'llornla,~. W-n ~ ~Ull le·Pe<lllC 80, St-<>flil• /1 P ... SoundlO. H-.,1 •1

EAST Hohlre 61, '°'~°" 44 ll11<•Mll'1. 0..-1 .. U~lle 6&. WM! 0...>l~r SI U 86\10<\ <Rl•eoo ~.St . AnwtlM' > I~ llHIOll IJrolv. 97, .......,_, 6S , .,,,.. . ... For-...6.)

8radl9y10,~H· OelrOl!97, WMlem Ml<,.. Tl 11"'1 Si...ttO. llU!le• n Ind!- St.- If ~~l(o SI. • t M l\Sl\>icil>I $1 t.J. K-w •• ., v....-""" 1i. Al....,. n LSU ... ..._..., Ml"Klnlqtl '9. I'-~ , . ,,_ ,_ n, Soult> c.ro11n., .. v1.._ie " · ()wj••art 11 ,,,,_ S!. -°""-s. Cll-111, . , ...._ CMollN S4 N1•""'"1 ~. Oevlehorl 1• So<lf-l~n Lo.Hslan" 77. So11U~r" M lt.Mulp.

o•O llOCIC llES

MOllleNI 61, Air rO<'u• n $0\ITMWf!oT

(rnl41Mrv•l:~Tnl\911 L•m•r IOS. H8rdln Slmmon' a•

OSU Aides Out COLUMDUS, Ohio <AP > - Six

ol Ohio Stale Unjversity 's eight aS1l1Lanu to the fired Woody ffl"9 will be released by" Earle Bruce, the Buckeyes' new foot­ball coach, the Ohio Stale Lan-tern •aid. ..

The Lantern, in today's edi· tlon•, n ld a n unide ntified member of the Hayes' s tair dis.I cloeed only quarterback Coach George Chaump and G le n MalOll, a· defensive coach , will be re tained by Bruce .

career. · ·The most imporlaot one was

on the serond hole or~the PCA tournament last year. u was a 12·f ooter and bad three breaks befo~ It reacMd the cup~eft. richt and left ...

Orantes Upset ProScoree

MnMAL MOOllY UIAOW a.w-. .............. , .... ., _ _.,.... ,

Oee11n Vlew Taltlled Seeo11d BE llADE TllAT °':~ too. to

defeat Tom Wauioo Jf!f'r)' Pat.e for the POA ebamp6onlblp.

WileG be made the ODe SUn. da)' . be dkln"t ... TreYiDo .i the ••• of the green, perhapt bop. in1 he would miu and force. a

BIRMINGHAM . Ala . <API -Uueeded Buster Mottram upeet No. 6 Manuel Orantee of Spa1a ta the~ l"OUDd of the Blrml...rham ~ lDdoor Temda Tournameal. 1-1. M .

Deon Joubert beat Mlb CabW 7.C, 1-7, 6-3.

la ft8t GOald Pf'O•lde Uae eapadlr. lwwu•'j NM! riJa a elolut .~b•p ra~e of haaed ..-, .. 5 elf Eberta.rd any ol UM ~ta wtMre an • ud 5-ll IUlll'd lUek Lopes, Ule Oran,. ee.t area tum t1I tn- Klllel* appear ready to make wolved, KMelJa Htata 18 ~ tUsht tbeir uaul .... favorLte. to wln 1U Elftplt.. ___ V\ew ~·· S.abawb,

b•llttMll ~. Play llDdef Ooeda ~ lie~ ••11lla1. . ...... ta. ...... ot tbe ,.... hlllU ol Coietl Torn ...._ xna&t. cal!l*I wkb die.

DuieJ ._. eompJecl a dectlv. VIila JP.-k ......._.., dMllD· -. ._, r...n .....-..-~. ~~ an. :::r;:•ac o1 ..,.uuoe 11rltb •sJtfpl• pro. · _.... . ..... ''"""'--~... .... ............... . ,.., ...... _ .... l•••Dt. ....... .. .-....... .. . ltf11Da .. __.ii ....... flall • comb&udlm cl SI Toro tllilllf•

pla)'Off. . "l didn't Mt lAe and I wasn't

thialtta1 about the reoplc wa&da.., on ~n. l you do Ula&.. h. would probably ac&re you to dHlh aad you w6ukt eewr ..... lt.· n. ... tMld • partiql •bot for

Uwwdlw1. ··u 10\.I • • ._,..ament hHflOfaeldaelll'lll.J~ ~ ............. ..,. fll" •

Jn other matcbea. Terry Jloor but Bemle MJttoft u. t-J. 1.- and Oeoe Vayer defe.ted Tom Leoculrd .... M . 6-4 . .

At llouiston. Webdy Turnbull beat Janet Newberry 1-3, 7·5 in the n:nt round of a wtimeo'ir 1.erU\11 tourDameat at the M lroarena .

! artier. seventh -aeeded Vlr1lnla RJUlcl took i 6-4, 6·1 wla O¥S" £wane. Vermaall.

• ..... k · tJIDD Stuart blasted 8alld1 Odm 1-1, • 8·1, Stacy Mar~~-- J•aa DUVall M . M . ... beat Mimi JaUIO\'t!C f.2, M .

' - -




AO&ERT OtCK'S DAY STARTS WITH 39 CUPS OF lJA TO SNIFF, SLURP When Tho .. Are Done, lt'e •Men, All to ...... U.S. stppera

aw·l'VLBSLOB ~._...6" ' , •

NEW YORK-Such a atraace · J)laee to ftml • tea rootn, down

by '"burly Jlrootb'D doda, and sUGb a~ tea room to ftnd . .

The proprietor l1 a courtly •"' witb a Udy white °'Ulllad»e. a ~ IClft.taed by a J.Lo•erina . l!!JCe of Deep Soutti. .ad a palate respeet.ed from' Darjeel· lnl to Ceyton, wherever the &ea tr• wlndl blow.

He is Robert Dick, America's top tea taster.

WREN A WPMENT of im· portea tea arrives l~ sits on the pier until Dick 1et. a aample, brewa its. mifts It, tastes it and nods . Should be disapprove, back it goes to where it e&me from .

"Tea merebanta the world over know our staadarda," Dick said. "so the rejection rate is low. lea tbaD a t.enth ol a per­cent."

It wasn't always tbu1. The reuoo the U.S . government bas an offidal tea taster - his actual title is Supervisory Tea Ex· amlner - UI because in the early years '1 the republic , Dick ex· plained, America was the dump-ing ground for the world's worst tea .

to a ( )

He IHI at. tbe table .and 11111Us ~U£'0.,. ~ eacb .u.mlD& cap. tbea .,._

AID, ... ~ up tbe wet tea leawe ud ~ .... ---------J them rtOit. .. to his. DOie '°Pl · u-...-.....wtdff. •'I 8lJPP08I: TllEY were get­

Ung back at us for the BoltoG Tea Party," Dick Mid.

" lo any caae, our tea im· porters' uked the iovemmeat to do IOllM!tldog about it ud re­sult wu the Tea Aetof 197."

Tbere are two otbel' eovent­ment tasters. one in Bolton and ooe in San Fraociaeo. Tbey ac­cept tea into the eouatry, but oo­ly Dick bu the authority <to re­ject it. U they suspect a tea is substandard,.Y and it to Dick for a flnal test.

ONCE K YEO Dick sum­mons a ball doaen of the natioln foremost tea experts to set tbe standard. 'Ibey sjt around a ta· ble and slurp tea uaW they agree oo a "aweet.. .ound, com· mon tea."

"It really is not very Sood tea." Dick said.

·' lt is the worst we will allow lo lbe country. But it is a h1Cber standard than other coUntries have. including Britain. where they driok so much of it... ·

. THAT DONE, HE waita 'PtUJ tbe le• bl clOOI enough to drtnk ucl bM at it. ~ and aplt­tlA& bla way around tbe table.

'tbeD lie -. the d1lbes and stuta aD cww apin.

' 'Slurp6q la DeeeNary' •• be said, a1JllOI& ~ally.

•-yoo B.\VE TO draw tbe tea rieht to the Met of 10QI' throat so Ulat all at ~ you aet tbe .ar.orna. the taste and Ute aatriqency, the full navor ...

Dick bu been at this buatneSs for 40 years. Ac\eOrdinc to Fay Kim, bis uqderstucty, be ls so good at it be can detect in one stalwart alurp not only tbe tea·~ comrtry al ori81n but often ue very esta&e, tbe Vft'Y prdea. where it WU &f'OWIL •

Do thele most cultivated Of tut.e Midi have a favorite?

"Y•," Dick said. " lb' owb blend. . .

Pinto Revs Up .for Comeback Sharp. incidentally, is the apt

verb. Tea tasters do not sip tea, they alurp it. io a ritual lbal would mortify ~t Prudence. And If slurping weren 't bad enough, tQeY then · spit it into a spittoon.

At least that is the way Robert

... IX S£VEa POTS of t$ from Ceylon groWJI above 5,000 feet. t'WO parts of Asaam tea from the Brahmaputra PJaJn, two parts of tea picked in India 1s Nilfi.ri Hills between June al'K1 July. ; . ···Now that 's a nice cup or, tea."

DETROIT <AP) - David' Trower. sales manager at a sub­urban Detroit Ford dealership, uys sales of the 197'9 Font Piao are so good that he is doubling his order of Pintos for February

Pintos? The cars with a re­putation - based on past mod.els - for bursting into flames in rear-end collisi~?

• I

THE NAME'S THE same, but the Piiill> has bad ~orrective sur· gery and a facelift . And Ford Motor Co. is · cautious ly· op­timistk that i~ new Pintos, with r edesigned fuet systems. are

OCCtoOffer Office Seminar

" Invest in Youraelt - You're Worth It," a four-hour semi041' for office management person­nel, will be presented Jan. Z7 at Orange Coast Colle1e, ea.ta Mesa.

Co-sponsored by OCC and the Bahia chapter of the NationaJ Secretaries Association , the seminar will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the college 's Stu­dent Center.

Registration fee is $12 and in· cJudes breakfast.. More informa· lion is available at the college. 556-5880.

( IN mGII CE.4.R )

overcoming the adverse publki· ty on earlier models .

The lateM chapter in the Pinto saga shows a modest revival of sales as negative publicity sub- · s ides. Fol'd has spared the car from major price boosts over the past several months.

The subcompact Pinto enjoyed a 2 nercent sales increase in December over October, buck· ing the s.easonal trend that sa~ subcompacts as a class drop 12 percent and total car volume ran 23 percent.

SALES OF THE low-cost Pin· to gre w from 1.2 eercent of aJl cars sold lo October to 1.3 per­cent io November and 1.6 per­cent Jut moatJa.

' 1We sold 42 cars in December. and ei&bt of t.bein were Pint.os," saya 'trower. ' "That 's r o ex· tremely high peT'~entage . I 'm down to a 30 days' supply or Pin­tos."

Trower uses a traditional salesman's defense in dealing with the Pinto's past reputaUoa. Be says be jokes with customers by offering to throw in an asbestos suit and a fire in· surance policy as part of the rleal. ·

In Nemport Benda

FO&D HAS GRITTED iU. teeth over' the put 18 mooths as pre-1977 Pinto sedans were sub· ject.ed to a mauive r«all and television cameras recorded riery Ct'Ubes of the allegedly un· aafecJ(. .

The company bas been indict· ed on homicide charges by an Indiana grand jury, which said Ford recklessly designed the earlier Pinto fuel tank system and made it especiaUy suscepti· bJe to fire in rear-end crashes.

The headlines rubbed off on the current Pintos. though the fuet system was improved as of the 1977 model year. Sales plum· meted last June after lbe recall of 1.5 million earlier Pintos and ended 1978 nearly 2S percent :short of 1977's total of 220,775.

FORD NEEDS ~ Pinto -its 22 miles ~r gallop in city ·driv~g helps the company meet federal-fuel economy standards - and for 1'19 1ave the dlz its biggest reetyling Job aince it aP· peared in im.

The company also held the line oo prices. Ford said a policy liatiog some previously opt:ioaaJ it.ems as standard on this model has made the new Pinto up to $150 cheaper than the 1978 model .

At tbe same time. importer.I have repeatedly jacked up·


Homeowner s: Business Series Due Loans arranged for Security Pacific Na · of business manage- analysi~ and capital any reason. Credit. tional .Bank will offer a ment , according to budgeting. no p r ob I e m . 10 -week seminar in ~eor{e A. McFedrles. B orrow· on your NewportBeacbonfman· JD.ltruetor. PROFESSIONALS in equity. Call now for ciJil management for He is assistant vice tax accounting , fl1Jt.ate Court eo u s . fas t s mall-business owners president at the bank's planoine and capital

and 1 AIO .. Be ch nd "•~ .. - sources will discuss the information managers. ._...,, a a l'UVU\U a branches. impact oC their fields on

17141 547-71 SI THE SfJHES will cov· Topics will include tbe small business AMERICAN e r various f ina ncial financial s tate ment m a nager, McFedries

Morin-- Co. techniques and their ap- analysis, profit planning said . ._ ____ ·ri=------ pllcaUon in dealing with and cash budge ting, The series will begin - tbe day·to-d!l}_problems cost - profit - vo lym e · Feb. 13 and wlll run

--------------""~-------_.....;....;;~-....-..-.;;.~~ thre>Qgh Aprll 17. Fee is



Come to ......... .. hewtoww•te••tsest.

Join us for wine. cheese and all the facts . ond high interest figures on fnuesting Jn $0fe. · secure second trust deeds.

Find out why every single one of our lnuesrors over the past 10 years has eomed

ot least l~ rnterest on h&i money._

Attending our seminar places VoU under no obU9adon. But plecJS(l call for a reservadon,

because space ls limfted. ·

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Wcdnetdto,i.Ja"'4MY 17. 45:30 P.M. R..'CI Onlon- 23732 El bo- El bo . Wed~ Januaiy ~. 4'5'.30 P.M.

M.11'1'1oft Hoeitl - 900 ~ c.n.r Drtvc. 5,)loft ME'" -~ Beach

R.S.V.P. 830-5190 '·

$140 and includes text. materials and parking . Class w111 be held at Corona deJ Mar High School. Newport Beach.

More lnformatiOn is available at <Ul l 613-5636.

prices as lbe dollar declined overseas. The current Pinto starts at $3.233.

Gordon 8 . MacKenzie, Femi vice presideat for sales, fays the Pinto "probably repr-~ts the heal vafue for the money on the road today. '' ·

TROWER SAYS the owners of the 2.6 millioo Pintos sOld since 197J are a loyal bunch who come to buy new ones. He says Lhey " couldn't care less" about the fuel tank problem.

Diet does it. .

EACH morning· be puts two big keales OD to boil and &eta out

· 3t bone china cups, wl~t bandies. around the edge OI an old .Palten table. There Ls nothing significant about 39; ~t ls bow many cups fit around the table.

Into each cup be put.a prttile· ly 35 grains of tea. by weigbl, which is a right healthy pinch. When the water comes to a ro(J . ing boil he fills the cups and goes to work.

Over The Counter NASDUtl' i'

Bank. Reports StockSpUt lnine National Bank, Irvine,

bas split its c0mmoo stock two for .oae effective Dec. 29, 1978.

Certificates representing one new share for each previously held were to be sen't to shareholders this month. There were 322,717 shar es outst.anding before the split.


. .. ••

.. ~ ·

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· ~

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.. .. .. =·

. ~ •• .... ~ ...

Tueaday' Cloelnt1 Pricl

Tueedey, Jenwwy 11. 1t7t

.... ..



Not Too Old,

By SYLVIA POllTEa . AlebouCb recqrd numbtlrs wtll work j••t the trecll ·

Uonal retlre.ment ace of 6S In im. recor numbert' alao will opt IO accept pentlons at a1e a or earUer. It It a pata'1oll J..baL.bolh ttio e trend• ar• occurring 1lmul~ly.

Thole reUrin8 may look ror ways to tmprove the quail· ty pf thetr •~-V~I tb.tOUlh taking advanla&e or the fncreU· lnl educ•~ opportunlUes designed apectncally fot them.

ADVLT EDUCATION P•009tAM8 ARE multlplylnc in locaJ public school systems. Vocational, t.ehnlcaJ and hlth school counea In special areas and trainJn1 In 'Pfff •J acUvltiea also are on the rlae. Special courses are belnl of. fered on a mounUng scale in community colleges and uni· veraltieafor a modest fee or without charge.

Fact.a about many of the educational opportunities are a.vallable rrom 'city or county boar<IA of education and state department.a of education. For many counes. part of the coats are underwritten by feder~l gra~ls .

~----.... ------------.....

Money's Worth

The Old~r Ame r· leans Act of 196~ . amended. created ·tbe Administration on Ag· Ing . It serves as a federaJ focal point and adv'ocate tor older ' pertons. adm.lniatering and coordlnaUn1 programs ln their behalf. lt also actl u a

·clearinghouse for information rel1ted to the problem& or the 1ged and agine. Amendments to the act earlier in this decade mandated the establi.<shment of state. and 1rea agencies on agjng to concentrate on both state and local is· sues.

Agencies on aging e xist In each sta te and in more than 550 sub-fltale a reas to plan and coordinate services to help carry out their obJective11. State agencieti can direet people to educational opportunities offered by the s tate's or­ganization, scnJor centers. schools and colleges.

THE FEDE•AL GOVE RNM ENT sponsors t9an , scholarship and work-study ·programs designed to assist students enrolled in post ·high school vocationa.I , certificate and de~ree programs . Informat ion on these is available from the financial aid officer in schools o.r from the Divis ion of Student Suppor t and Specia l Protrams. Bureau of Postsecondary EducaUon, Office of EducaUon. Department of Health . EducaUon & Welfare, 400 Maryland Ave. S . W .. Washington, D.C.,20202. Phone 1202245-8106.

Facts on grants for adult education a re available from the Divbion of Adult Education, tfEW. Washington, D.C., 20201. Phone : (202 l 245·2143.

THE NATIONAL UNIVE RSITY Extentlon Associa­tion. Suite 360. One du P ont Circle, N.W., Washington. D.C .. ,20036 can· answer qu~tions about eommunities and colleges with progr ams for I.he elderly. Phone : 1202 1 293-7050. So will The Clear l nl?house on Adult Edu~ation ~nd Life-Long Learning c /o ·l nfo rmalacs, Inc .. 6000 Executive Blvd ., Rockville. Md .. 20852 Phone : 13011 770-3000. Educa­tional Resources Information Center iii a national lnforma­t ion ne two rk ; wri te Offi ce or Dissemina tion a nd Resources. National Institute . of E ducati on. II EW, Washington. O.C .. 20208

This is a sampling or progr ams des igned . specifically to help older persons get the education they need .

Srock Market Hit By Profit Taking

NEW YORI( l ,t.P I

N EW YOAIC Aooro a llnAI Pr11•I01" Olly w ..... AOO

MOf\111 -Y•A' AOO two,,..,, -Jan • lo «Ml,. l•TI to d•le "" IO dAf"


IAP I 0 NV SIO<~ ~\ JO,)t(l,000 11,s10,ooo 11,100.000


>Of,an.100 ,. ... . ... ,-. .... 000


wtlAT AMl!X 0 10 NEW V(JllK l /IPI


°"'"­Untll•~d Tota l Is\.,.. - h lQfl\ Nt• IO•• °""Lo••

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. ' ' Tel

,, .. .,,. •• e•£•1'e Richud Van Vlee t and Nanc y Frandone portray two people, married to otien. who fall ln love on the ABC soap e>pera "All My Children." seen weekdays at 1 p.m. on Channel 7.


I KNXT(~ Los ~les KHBC ( Los Anga&es

I K'Tl.A(lnd.) Loe,...... KABC-lV (ABC) Los Angelu

()) l<FMB(C8S) San Diego • l<HJ-TV(lnd.) LOSAngeles o:1 KCST (ABC) San Diego

I KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles !<COP-TV (Ind.) Los Angeles KCET· TV (P8$) Los AngMes

• KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach

Yet"/ COl'IC*ned lit • ....

·~ progtlln'I •l>Ollt • IMft, .. llOll ~ their ~ ~ -~/&.84MR ...aRT e caor•GHOMC INtlNOM ''WftlN To Oo ,-_,. ....,_ ..

., •• CMaM Holla: Cel OOOIS. SllettiMe UuNfloe.

- -8-aMlatACllC8JO WAIHMOTON Sen. l(Mley ~ fof WI Im 11.i.-;c.n IMo "'9 ~

ltlea °' • poMrfUI ~ ..... . I °"TlllGG-.


I TIC T lttC OOUCIH N»M-11 ~ 9fld Aeed toivet' to "oo by ttie book" ......, cit·

· ll'O • tralflc .._.or wno ltlr'N out to ti. wented tor

""'*' robbery e •TONIGHT

TUBE TOPPERS c~ e s:oo ~ c~ Reports. The

plight of 25 million Vietnanwe Nfqeee ls examined in thla ae....-. ·entltled '"The Boat People.·· <See review below> ·

NBC• 8:00 - "M\Jfder in Mutic Cl· ty.' • Sonny Bono st.ifs in this TV mbVie about a IDUlictan wbo tW'DI deteet.lve to solve a murder.


" c~ e t :oo - •-saty Rklll!irl." Ter· roriam in the a1r is the subJect of this 1976 movie with James Cobum and Suaannah York.

• ........, "' -- Qty" "''"' ..... ~ 8orto. ~ Purwl. A~ lftd ....................... tum ....,.,_. '° IMm wflO murdered ·~ oeteo-u: ~'· .... Md~., • ....... '° IMm ... Jade I• d•tlnt .,. " otder" ~ • WRY°"'"' Oullta: ZM Z.. Oetlor, Joe ........ George Mlhr. ~ ,_., Mn-Marie ..... ..... MCME

.J *.. ""**" leetion" (1tf.6) Docwm~tery. Coeta-Grew .. eaMtlnM totelltatienllm In FrAne:e dwttnt IN v~ regime of W0f10WwH. • MMft»llCC THIATM " The ~ Of Duk• 6treet: One Nlgllt'• Oraoe"

l.oulN --- • ~ e lfNOMng Lons HMl""91 •

end ai.rt.'1 ooueln. (Per1 ,, ot 15)

t-.J089 TAXI A wee11t1Y oldlf women (Allltl Qor4on) .,. 10 bu)' A*'• 001npenio.W111p.

-11~& HUTCH Staraky potee •• t meelc«I .,...- wMtl •

myater1oua penon -­• dMttl ,,., .. , ~' one ot the mg warnor.. • NIGHT GAU.8'Y , A - '9tum1 to tNI tarrnno.- In wfllctl h«


Love" (ttf61 Aob«t ColWld. Dell 8nwd. ,,. '*Y " ..... Aof* ' .,.. bYIN ... .. nMl'lld the .,... of .... ~ ..... ol,.,,,..

i ............ . ,._..,..IMOW .......... ................. """ .................

-.-~~ .... MOAMUQ ... ,...,,mm .., ......... _.. _.., 1111$ ,,,, ........ Md1Mp111111 ..... ... ~,;_ ... ... i;.;:::Hn'CHOOCllC ...................

. .................. to ... ._ ..... • <mlMM't .............. ,..,.,. • -.-.....-: INOry lroMt<AOS. .1*,FIDF• .. LMno In ~ The ,.....,..,............,.., . ~ ........ U::ID. MOVIE **YI "0111tflgllt At C.•ldlle ~ (1913) Aud4e MufP'tl'· Ben A dlflllOIMI II ~IOllOIMtlabend oe-.t11w .. 66mln.)

-~ * * -TM e-.p on 8lood lel•rtd" ( 1151) C erf ....._. ,.,.. Morell. • MOVIE • * "Tlwwe ...--. In ..... we." ,,... Jodi ~ ey, Tony Danw. ~

12*. {)) C8I LATE MOYIE •*°"~: Now You S.. Him - Now You

Doft't " '""' o-oe .....,..~,..__

, •• TI:llltOFNM a...te: ..... ec.n. •• 0-... OOIM•flllf artilC 8M'9 lMllw1lh. Munder -°' ............... ~

i LOYEWll ,. Niwa . WANTll:k DUD OR

ALM a.1: r **"' "'Trelrl Of £1191'1ta" (1i52) v ...... Hobeon. John ClemerTte.


• "°"" .. ..,..,.......,,,.. , • .,, c.y Gr9N. ..... -0.-..

• enlliiMT ..................... 0 ........ _'° I

........ 1:• -- --.. lllCMI ...,....,. • ._, r , .... ....., ...... ,., .. ..i~ ........... ~.,, ....

(1tH) ~ eoo.e,, ,....,.....,. .. ,-... ..,. ** ''LMC "-9 To ...,.,_" (*6) ......... ,......,~ ....... • liD'll *** ...,._ W~ To The Stare" ( 1$4f) M~MI Redgrelle. John ....... • MOVIE • * " HOffOf C .. tle" , .... , ~ c.-. AoeMna PoOel&a

' .......... ,. ... ,, ... /lleeW.

APnRMOON --···•·'nleo-t ....- ''"°' v..... De Cer1o, ....._.. 0.-. A .,...,.. beed' ..... MIO ~ .. ,...,,,ltla ~ front .... -- of • • wldl«t prtnoa. .... Ii!' IOole wlltl. ~ ... ,..._,. ptir .. 30Mlol.} •••• ~'"Olde" ( 1948) Rita W.l'WO!itt, ONnn Ford. The .- of a 8ollttl

~ cMlno -.... 1n · low ..... ,_ "'*-'d'• f10M Miii men. t!_llt .• 50Mlrl.I

~O**""""'~ .... ,, .. ( tl7t) c.,, •• Sn~doreu, Mlctl•et C-tantlM. A ._,., WOltier Ollt1 eof\19 lier own

~----·· -~---~ ~ -.· .. c••~ao"*'·• ~.__. .. ..... ,_ .. -' ,. ~(11951~ ..

Awklft, Debor• Wr/l/lfly. ,..._ • ..,..,. lltp, en offl. '* ...,.,.._ - cs.. _,!owe ... ~ '*--'Y· ~ P8i•Onelit~. ( f "'~ 30 INn.)

~ ··~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•: ' ;·

· Refugee. Focua of.Documenlary

.... ,.


CBS pn!llellt.a a tralic little footnote to American lmtory. a reminder ot how pwiy a mi&bty oaUon can seem wheft tt tne. to bide put millak• btblnd bureaucratic walls. , , "CBS Reports : Tbe Boal People" a,. 8 on Channel 2, is like a letter (rom · a creditor you

boped bad forgot. ten the debt . Newsman E-d Bradley, wbo COV· ered tbe Vietnam War few CBS. re. tunas to doeumea.t the Pllcbt of the thouandl ot Viet· namese refuceea who bought or stole their Wl!Y out .

, of c·olnmunlst .)Vietnam only to find the rest of the

world wasn't exactly wallina for µ.em arms open.

Bradley s hows us a tattered. beaten group of refugees arrtvtµe at the shores of Malaysia, the · only country that would accept them, in a shabby totterini boat you ~'t want to crou a stream in. much lea ~South Cblna Sea .

" ' ~ ··. THEY. UJtE other refugees before •• ·,bem,' are shutUed to a formerly un­,. ~habited Malaysian island. where ' .,. 00,000 of them ltruggle for life and

' " ' ~ ..

.. I

await news of their future . It ia usually bad news . .. Moa t ol them discover that America found jt easier to < thetr country. fight a war, and then leave again tbao to off er refuae tot.he friend.s the)' foupt to free. Tbey tell Bndley· that America tSOld them a dream, a promiletbeJnowwanttocaahln.

:'.. Belore Bradley left the island, be re­~rded a meuaa.e from I.he r~f· q .. totlleAmerican people:

- .. PLSME HELP ua to iurYlve 10 " 'that we can one day live in freedom

aa you do • . • you are our ooly

~ ~:~ there ls the Hal Honi. the

.. . ,.,,.------------.... ••

.,,. .. . . ' ... . .



. . ~

~· II •

~*··· ' • .. ~I r'. ; • . . tfli. ....

.,....., \f •


'Rocky,' Airs On Feb. 4

HOLLYWOOD CAP> - Tbe Academv AwU'd·wlnD.iu movie " Roctyt'I will bav.t lta televilklla premiere oa C82f • Sunda1 • Fetti'\.C. '

-. - ~~~»-SyJ= Stallone stars ln u,.

boa lUt. wblcb he aleo wrote . h1$ldes Best Picture. 'tJloekf" ww Olean for direc· ·~_Artldeen •eel lor...Jla... ellUDa.

,,.. ..... 14119 u. ....... ~ota..ndme.....-.tL-forta to ........... ol ht ...

( TV REVIEW) bqe lldp that wandered about the Sout.b -China Sea, hunting a safe harbor for its 2 , 500 ref,gee paueqen. Mat.ysla finally accept­ed them, b\ll even alter l ,000 of them were a1rtifted to the United, Canada and other destinatJoas, more tban 1,000 remained aboard. -:aJUng.

ADd t.wo more crammed ah.lps are anchored nearby.

Health Insurance Eyed

... . - DAil Y '9LOT

A,. ...... voaCATCHES


Di,va Bids .A&.py. 'F~ll'

NSW YORK CAP'> Beverly Sills has bade fa rewell to the New York con«rl stage , and the catch in her voice wasn' t emotion it was 4aryng1Us.

The soprano. who will becom e general director of the New York City Opera in July. plans to con tinue in operati c roles until the fall of t.r.

Durin g h e r ap · pearance at Alice Tully Hall with the Cha mber Music Soclety of Lincoln Center. st)e seem ed lo have little trouble s ing. ing through the two-hour progr am. but her voice was hoarse and s trained as she told the audience t hat she had been <ie · term ined not to cancel her appearance


·A Spirited 'La Mancha' Palnn, cllA"<'tor Gary D•vll Wilb '!be 1l rrln•

m.Ul•etl " Man ol La Mancha" la one ot LhoM mu• rltlH made m heavtn, and the honeymoon will tHl thfoulh Apnl I at. SebuUan'• Vt'Ht. Dinnel'

, Pia~~·

Davta. Who •t•ttl'd • ma,.Ufi~l ver Ion or the DCM> Ovbote ~c for· lhe Lone Beach Clvlr Llfht O~ra etlhl yean a10. ba1 mounted anothtir lu1ty. 1plr1t9d account or tht: "lmPo••lbl~ · OrHm" muicaJ lhat should k p the t.abl" filled at tM San Cl~te dinMr houae ror the next couple of months. .

CHAaACTEalZATION, RATHE& than vocal puffJction. I• mph1uJizcd In ttu1 more i!lllrnatc production which tbrob11 with a sense or .im· medlt<'Y lt'ldom rttullied on the muskal stage. ConnlcUna paulorib ignite realh1Ucally, whether or not UMoy ere nrcompanied by 'Oluain whlch almos t seems se condary IJl this production . how~ver superb th • 11core >,

One member or Davls' memorable 19'11 " La Ma n<'ha" cut return. 1n his role - Vince Trani as the comic se r va nt Sancho - aitd he 1s the strongest otthe 'company vocally.·Trani turns w~t is geperally a secondary asalanment lnto a rousing . highly laudable performance.

David· Brum mel. recently seen In the leading role of " Pajam a Game" at the Harlequin Dinner Playbou.w. takes the armor of Don Quixote with authority and gusto. Despite a throat ailment whic h ke pt him fr o m hi s peak si ng in g performance last weekend . Brummel is highly 1m· pressive In his ninth production or " La Mancha" and his first as the s tar. 1

AS.ALDONZA. THE firebrand harlot In whom Quixote finds a virginal beauty, Livia Genise Is physically perfeet. What she lacks in vocal power s be more than compensates her scratc!ting and clawing approach to the role.

Others rendering s trong perfor'mances in a splendid cast are Tobias Andersen as the doctor who pWlClu.res Brummel's dreams of knighthood , Dan Tul.lis Jr. as .the frustrated innkeeper. J erry Scurlock as the mad prisoner turned· clergyman

· and Gary Brunson as the swaggering muleteer leade r. ..

But ror live hila rious. minutes. the stage belongs to Carl Nelson in one or his favorite vig · that of the barber who loses his "gold.en

Movie Ca8l

. Intermission Tom .Ti us

helmet" to Don Qulxote. Nelson. a local ravorlte ln a number of leadina roles. turns the show into pan· tomlmlc comeqv witb hls extended - and up· roarlous - routine. ·

·TllE&E ARE FEW MUSICALS that. when done as well as this one. are capable or rousing the viewer's spirits so much as " Man or La Ma ncha · with Ill lm~cable score and it.s clarion call to dreamers everywhere that reality is on~ a state of mlnd . It is an experience to treasure.

" Man of La..Ma~cha" will be s'llffying forth to battle the forces .br evil eyery l).ight but Monday through March at Sebastian's. 140 Avenlda Pico San Clemente. ft is a musical ·for the playgoer'~ " must list.'' no matter how many times It has been seen before.

• CALLBOARD Golden West College will

hold auditions for the musical "Cabaret" nei<t ~·Monday. ~ay and Wednes<lay at 7J>.m . in the

Actors Playbox on campus ... : Charles Mitchell will be direeting the show. which is scheduled to open May 2S for three weekends ...

BA~AGE --:- South Coast Repertory has a few opem.ogs available for its new Evening Conservat6ry. which gets under way Feb. S for people 18 and over desiring professional acting training . . . . the coutse consists or scene work. !TIOVement for Character ization and beginning act · rn g . . . . for information. call conservatory director~ Shallat at 857·2602 . • . .

* * ..

" MAN 0~ LA MANCHA" I> mu•k tl bY 0.le w uwrmen,

Milt II Lei911....S Joe Derion, Otre<le< by ~ry Devis. fnlllic .. cl're(tor NIO Venoen. lecllnlcel dlrttt0< W•'fM Med l\Oll • .,,.._ nl9flllY octpt Mondeyl ttlr°"9f' At)rll I at Sebt•· ilan' • WHI Ol.-r Pleyt>ouw. lol() l>wnld• Pk a. S...c:Mfnente. Atwrv• llonUt1·"50

THE CAST OonOul•ot• •.. , . .•. O•vldBrunuMt-.. ~ Aldon ta •••••••••• Llvla Ci•nl\e S.t>eho P.n.ra... .. . Vino T ,.,,, Or C•rr•\(O . . . TobO•~Anct.rwn Tiie lnnll-r ...... . ()an Tulh•Jt. Tiie Peore . . • Je rry S<urioc: k TMHOU\elleeper .. Lorr~l"f Fo,,.m....-Anton•• ....... Anonde Trel\C~I Tl•eBerbtr ••. . •. • • Cer lNtlson ~o . . . ......... . . . G¥v 8"""°" C..pte ln . ........ . ... . . ... John Sllvll Fermin• •••...•. •.... N.-Tyoeu Muleleef\ ••• ..• 'f'l>ltle>Cleyton. IYrOfl Speiser . • . • . . . . • • . • • . Roban L«tle <M•al

CIHEMALAND MIHt llifMr ..... ID-1111 ,... __

"GOtH' SOUTM" IPGI ........ ,,__,,,.._.. "MUllDll IY DIA TH" ,,... ,_ .... ,~,...·-

Ma. A&.M ,... au .,,.. c.un CAllfottMA tum,,.>

I lla t Jill e t'.M t ... e t ,a & l t :a


IUT LOON (POI 11JJMJt ... ,...,. .... ., • ll :ot


THI llNOl l'OI l l>&teail ........... & •••

Radio City Still. Rmming in Red

H OLLY.WOOD CAP l - Charles Grodin and Albert Brooks st a r in " Real Life." a comedy about what happe ns when a group of film·

~~~~~~ ra:iu~n l:i~a:~ CallP&u~2--t~~~orda Ml11;=r°'·-.:,..~r:::t NIMOT

NE~ YORK CAP> - Radio City Music Hall is a movie . . to work for ou. .,,., • ,,. • ••••••a lo.u still losing money despite bigger crowds paying --------------------M highe r ticket prices, the landmark theater says.

A preliminary revJew or 1978 operations shows the home of the high·kicking Rockettes lost S2.3 million. the same as ~n 1977. The deficit was Sl.2 million less than reared by Rockereller Center Inc . , the building's owner.

More than S2 million or the loss was attributed to la nd rental fees ror the n1ld·Manhattan theater s1tE;. Columbia University owns the property on whrch lhe Art Deco-era landmark w.a5-buiU...

"The losses continue lo be substantial despite the increa~ in attendance rrom 1,797,143 in 1977 to 2.179.753 in 1978." and a 12'h percent m id.year in· crease tr\ the price of admissions, said Music Hall om cials

' The price of a general admission ticket was raised rrom S4 l-0 4.50 in June.

Attendance figures surged during the theater's Easter Show, when it appeared the hall would be closed and de molished. Engagement.s by Frank Sinatra and Diana Ross also helped attendanc~ f igures. but Christm as show crowds dropped by 13 percent compared to 1977, officials said.

SPECW.UMfTID~NTl Held Over 2nd Bia Week

AT-A. TMEATR! OR DAIW...n.tAR. SOUTH COAST PLAZA, a.... ~271 f CYPRESS. CypreM tn-1to0 FAMtlYTWIN, Fount•n Valley M2· taiet VILLA PARK. Orange 1»4111 CINIMALAND, AMMJm Qt.1'01 VALLEY VIEW, o.den Grove ... Im PARAD19E, bin. Beedl 429-M11 ANAHEIM ORAN Anaheim .,...... FOUNTAIN vwv DR-IN, Foumeln v .... y .. a. ... , MOVE, Gjllrden 0.0.. 1---0RANGE flMU., Onmge. - ••-LOS ALTOS DRIVE-IN, (Oft9 ..... m: °""" ..... ~ ......... ..


0 8EST FOREIGN FILM OFTHEYEAR!" - ••c..., W•ns1en t• v "°''

- Judith Crist

l,ti~t • I '"' •• - , • "" • l• ... 111




~---------..... llllimi_. ·FORCE TEN .FROM NAVARONE" !PG> " THE BOYS IN·COMPANY C" <RI

, SEE SUPERVOLKS! t. 5Mcle-Mw '7' ..... ~ SdNccO..

D1 .. 1rs. ..... c ............ .,....... ...... c...,.


"UP fN SMOKE" "llLACIC IU~V" (.,)

·'"""' ·~ 1131QMSIO MAN MM ..... a.u ITAi can

CAUPOINIA IUfTI (POI ,,, .. ,,. ............. .... IYlwtlftl lfAUONI


""" AMlllCAN OIAlfm (POI


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, ..... .>t Uf,__l:l~l:l-1~1'.-CN

TWO .CMAn ,.YOe Mlfll 'llUI COUAa (II

'"'' ¥1Hl(H WAY IS U"(ll ---- ---......... -~--·· 17t·H50

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'"" THI twtSI CONlt'tUCY !NI


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TWO ...... "'°' 111n1 IWI COUAI (I I

""' WHICM WAY II !#f111

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l'OVU eo..M'.\11 ----~ ..... CJllt.ll' __ _,_,,_

SUPZIUIAN .. _.. ()

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;:~:~ • .... ··-· · PlutMI ' "'THE WILO GEHf'"



. INSIDE: •Ann gftdj~ ·H~roscope .

•Erma Bombeck •Comics ~ . ...,.,y ... 1171

.. OAM.YN.OT Cl · • ••• •

J•lin wape: •

Man and Mph 1he 'Man Upstairs' has not yet deemed it time for the old R_ingo Kid to ride into· the sunset .

• , D&NNISlkLD.IAN I ........ "" ... A vouthfu.lly hancbome .lob.n Wa~ strode ln·

to- view oe the te&evisMM\ tcl"ft'I) S.\urday after· noon. It wu a lhowtna of·~ Lady and the Cowboy ... an RXO Plct'lNI made In \MS, Wayne's heyday u a cnatinH ktol.

•·uuftlly . ttwl tall. lean modtm,day rowbo)' that W •me playt ln the movi~, '" named Duke He's a hard drinking, crap.ahoollni. quirk to

-Atht..naan's maAtrying to avoid belna tamed by a smitten Jean Arthur

The movte lmaa,e is not at all unlike the rnov · le·colnc public 's &deaoft.he manb.imself. Man and myth. over the years it. seems, have become inex· tricably

While the myth pJayed out oo the ICf'MO, the man. now 71, was resting In a IMS a day 35 miles away In tbe UCLA Medicll where be was recovering from a cancer operation the day before .

Tl,IE LEGENDA&V DUK~. who more than a ~eeadeagolicked "the BigC" andonlylast spr1ng · sucrenfully underwent heart surgery. bad come through again. .

.Newspapers across the nation once again • could file away the pre.written obituaries chronidinl John Wayne's apectacular S2·year career. Fans. hundreds of whom swamped the bospilal wtth- ft~wiahn, once ~gain could -breathe eaaaer. -

The "Man U~ .. had not yet deemed it time for the old Rinlo Kid to ride into the sunset.

The out.come ol this true-to-life dram'a was uncertain Friday afternoon. however. when Wayne's acheduled gallbladder operation went into, ... sixth hour

The number ol people standing vigil al the hospital grew. Fans bY. the thousands - millions - turned to their radios and televtslons to hear the

latest reports

WATOONG 111E 35. YEAR-OLD Duke and thinking about the 71 -year-old man lying ln a hospital bed. I began thinking how hard it must be to get old and lose.the smooUI good looks and ex. uberanceof youth. .

We all grow old, of course. But it must be especially difficult to be constantly confront· ed with reminders of long lost youth. . Seeing young Duke in action on TV, I was re· minded of two occasions when, as a reporter. I've seen fansapproachWayneforautographs.

" The first time was at a belated 70lh birthday celebration for Wayne al Cal Stale FuUert.oo. where students had been studying the actor's film career

" ll 'a been an honor knowtnl you all tbeM -1ean." Mid a atudeot handlna Wayne 1 photo. ir•fhlakeo40yeanaico

" Y• air," Hid Wayne He scrawted his al.nature. thftl pauaed momentarily looking at tbt' picture " Oh. be was • pretty kid. . . "

Tfft: SECOND TIME wu prior to an In: tervitw at Wayne's exclusive Baysbores home in Newport Beach He had just finished an interview wJth a Brltl11h tum 'cre w when a crew member asked the actor to sign a photograph.

The always-Obliging Wayne signed, pa-.slng once again to gaie al his youthful likeness.

"That was taken a long time aao1" be quietly mused. " I wiahlt wuthJsyear."

( Conanaent ) '· Both Instances were brter. barely eerceptible ·

lo all but the most watchful observer. They were · the poignant moments of a man momentarily

reflecting on youtl\ gone by and the passage ot time .

But John Wayne is not one todweU on the past. "~ll." he told one interviewer. " I 'm not through with tomorrow yet. • : · •

And so weJ>ave a new image of John Wayne, one that ls n0 longer that ol the smooth.faced young UeutenanL He's now the gruff, barrel· chested grandfather figure .

BUT ffE•ssnLL an Imposing. heroic figure. He still speaks in that gravelly voice with the mid· sentence pauses that .project an air of authority and command over any situation he's thrust lpto.

We've grown to rely on that image, Uk~ the giant redwoods in those savings and loan com· mercials Wayne makes . ll 's an image of strength and imperturbability. .

And then we learn that even mighty redwoods Call.

And there's John Wayne, the man, lying weak and helpless in an operating room and we're all re · mlndedofourownmortality.

There's not many llke the old Duke left. ll 's an age or the anti· hero, a time when heroes - fact or fiction - areal a premium.

And so. it seems. we want to hold on to those wehaveaslongaswecan.

And we wait. We wait for word Crom the bo5pital. And then the word comes - · ·ms current condition ls satisfactory and his prognosis ts ex· cellent" - and we all breatheaJitUeeasier. · 1he changing image of John Wayne: At right, Wayne· in "Stagecoach,··

1939 and, at left, "Chisum," 1970.

Dalis of Aeademe 'In the 1950s and '60s, life at the university looked like wine and roses. Today it's not. It's not a time of high morale. '

By IVDl'rHOLSON OI •Detty"""' Jutf

Ever since the French critic and philosopher Charles Saint · Beuve­coined the term "ivory tower" in the 19th Century, the halls or academe have been characterized as a place or refuge for the scholarly.

This myth has been shattered to· day·, according to Dr. David Whit· comb. director of the Center for Faculty Development at C4ilifomia State University. Long Beach.

There are troubled Umes ahead ror the university and the status of the professor ia in ·more jeopardy than it has ever been before. he said.

The biggest cuJJ>rits are declining enrollments and UgMened budgets.

" In the l9SOs and '60s Ille at the un· iversity looked Uke wlne and roses. Today it's not. It's not a time ot high morale," Dr. Whitcomb said.

"In the 1980s tenured faculty will have to be let 10 because of lessening enrollments.

"Now, there are fewer sabbaticals. It's more difficult for people to take time orf' without pay because of

input usually pblalned by professors has dropped. There is more chance of " burn-out." •

With fewer s lots available the com­petition is keener for existing JObs. -Professors must be a t their best an<t sometimes need extra help in re· maining up to date.

All of these problems arc the bailiwick of the Center for F~culty Development, a concept which was introduced to the university eight years ago by President Stephen Horn.

It first was a summer career de· velopment institute for faculty mem· bers from all of the 19 s tate colleges and universities. " They were invited lo spend a full week looking at new designs for teac h in g and new methodology," Dr. Whitcomb said.

" Within a year we had established a center with a full ·time direct.or. Then It became a campus opera· lion."

can taITT semester off and team lo teach in a new area .

Th is is valuable, Dr. Whitcomb said , both ~cause 1l gives instruct.­tors · new intc re:.ts and fill s s lots formerly occupied by part-timers who have not been rehired.

The current proJect has e ight facul· ty members, from the departments of education and history , learning lo teach En~lish composition.

Another offered teachers from geogr aphy. his tory. urban studies and radio-TV an opportunity t.o learn a course covering the popular arts of Ame rica, .

" Life management' ' is another im· port ant part- of th e prog ram . .. Workshops are geared to faculty who need to thmk about a mid-career shift.·· Or. Whitcomb said.

These include tenured faculty who want to try another profession and .. youn(? Ph.D ·s who may not last through Ulel980s."

......, "" ...... .., ,.a1c11 O',,__. froten salaries.''

IT IN1'11ALLY WAS aimed at in· structional development and then moved into professional and personal growth. " We were dealing with the motivation of the faculty and their concerns for the future. ~ ·

OF THE APPROXIMATELY 950 fac ulty ·membe rs at Long Beach Stale, some 48 percent have been in· volved with the center on a voluntary basis. Or. Wh1tcomb said.

Dr David Whitcomb, director of the Center for 1Facu/ty WITH FEWER new racutty mem· Dtwelopment st CsNfomla State University, Long Beach. ben beinl ~ the amount of fresh

The center now is also sponsoring ret-raining ·projects where professors

They have participated ln

<See ACADEME, Page CZ>

Guardian Honored . Jlln. Oalft Mdtende, grand guardian of the state of California, and Hal o..r, USQClatt grand 1uardLan, were honored by Job '• Dau1bten Bethela 321, UO and 54 in HWlllqt.oa Beach and Fountain Valley.

Tbe meetiDI WU themed A Shining Star Brtn11 Peace to' the Heart and the colon of blue yellow md1U.ver were \lied for decoraUoaa. '

Day at Raaes · ' . .

. (~-B-appe __ •_••_•_• ___ __,) champagne luncheon ThW'lday, Jan. 18, al Bia Canyon Couotty Club. ·

Cbainnan of the event l• Ame E.eill and co-.chairmen are Floreoce hrlbt and 8ldrleJ IA•J· Guest IPQker will be bMae .,...., poeral chairman of the lint San Francl.sco Jewtab WeUare hderation Campaip.

AalllUnl wJth plans event are Fri.Mee GeM•M, CaNIJll• Goldaaa. .... Beer, .... £ ................... ~ ....... .... Kaaf•D. o.nnr.,~•rna. 8eeb1ee --, N .. •lMd•r, le .... su.el~,Lea .... , "- .................. cella <Md·


Career Planning Women tend to waft to be picked for a c~rtain job, says career counselor Linda Kline. Wometr wait. for ~ne to say, 'Darling, you have done a great JOb, here is the gold star on your forehead. ' . ' ~ .

BJ COOL DEEGAN NEW YORK <APl- Most women probably

1pead more time making such a minor decision u where to real an apartment than they do thlnkin1 about thelr careers , says job· eouftHllq 1pec:ialilt Linda Kline .

placement of women and mlnorlllt11. She-says women now constitute 40 per~ent

of the .U.S. work force, a SO f)ercent increase in the past '1> years. Yet less than two percent of a ll women who work ·earn Sl0,000 or more a .veu. And only about one percent earn S2S,OOO or'

:· -: :· . .

' .

Saata Anita Racetrack bat ~ that charitable IJ'OUPI an lnvtted to oqanbe ' ·A Da.y lit the Races'"~ for tbeir benent. Groups

_ JroJIL25JoJ.OQOeaa-.aoeont"M"htecl. ae~­to Bllellda Wener, a apokesman for the track. Further lnformaUon ii available at SaDta A.Dlt.a '1 · 8peela10roupoftlce, <213)17f-11A

•u,&.;iji; and••TPtlaw.

New Officers Ormae Oounty Chapter of Ex«uUve Women

lnternaUoaal installed lta new omeen durinc a din.Der meetlq at the Inn.

"MOit of us, as women. sort of fall lnto our work. We don't really slt down and decide very eoucioully what lt la we would like lo do. bow we would Uke to go about getting there, and whal the lhtnas that we have to do to get In· to UM vari«w ~panles or the vanous kinds of tobl. or even bow to pnpare ourselves," 11)'1.

more 1 year. / One reason for low »incomes Is that many

women work In clerical . or factory-type joba. But . Ma. .KUrJe sa)'...S , there .ar.e now OP.:... .. portuniUes ror women who are eduoated and who are tooklng for real careers to go Into cor· poratloo.s&nd aet p()sllions wttere they can 1row Into manaaement·level jobs. .

~w Division Campalgfl_

~ ... ~-r.::r.= ~::r.~·..:.:. = .,..... • .., ... campalp wUJ be .......

, .

Tbey are ...._ ....., PIWtdlnt; bW s•rH••· vice preeldent: ...... &rH1l1, ~tary.and8" °""'· u. .... .

.,..... fOt" the evenlal ... poet .... ....... ..._ teple WM AD AmmteeD la LIWt Wttll o.try. . .

Ml. ID.INS. II," preaklen( ol a corporat. coftlulU111 and ewecullve aeareb company here 1peelalia1ae la tbe aearcb for, ~in1. and

· .. Ln'S FACE IT, moat men who are work· lq and have worked for ,. .... clO nol become

<See CA&EElt, Pare C!>


!_ (2 OM.YlltlOT TUl!edey, J~tl. 1179 •


( ...... hpot() •earh11n. 1mercam1'H bk•. worklbopt , eoemct . m•u••ment ..... Iona and lndMdual couul~Uona

TM ffld« a1lo belpe with faculty dltpu'- •hen tht~ IU"1 " rlvtl ....,.. .. within detMartmenta. -

Moel ot aU the rcrur Uwore to .,.lp f8l'Ully memberl ~lt.h IQ)' pro Wem1dwym11hne

The Med ,_ Heh • ~ .. CHl, Dr . Wbltt"OIDb IUHHl d, blc1YM ~Wta and W\fyfl'llUel Ml U.. 1 .. few ye.n h• ve ulttd pro­=~'?. work within .. nnrow

And1 until recent11 . ca~pu1 poc>uladou have bHo HPMdJnt. SinCtll lhe poat Workt Wat IJ ~b)' boom la now put rofk- qe •M fewer chlJdrton att bt-in& born f') )'tar, umnrslt)' mroum~nl .. drop plnJ five to 11even Pfrttnt a rear

, . Thffe problf'nu art' h81't'd b) all

coU~1ee. Or Whitcomb 1d Tt\C'r" are oow more tha n 1.000 I U<'h N ntt"h

0 acro11 t.he US. and " Ot'• proft•ms are open!na all lbe·Um ••

WBt:aa WOULD pro(eaon turn for twlp lf Uw Ct'Oler did not exlat ! '-To department cbatrt and ~ .....

wbo are .trud.1 &oo buay." Or. \Vhit comb MW • • • http ii available from coUMcuM but J.hey ue tM.111 IJ.O.

" ome 11 ava11abl from pro· In lonaJ or-pntaatkint but Uwre .ar• (~w tbtor r .uurua auc:b u .t-., c nter •·

ll't • HI \ r for t"°" 1\K'ft u tlw HtOft4.,.,. P")INllOI' lit CSUL.8 .-wltb ............ Oft the boc1aan -• l'IO WH ~n1. b•lbW·aVtrAll euluUclM bla 1tudentt

· • W~ wideotaptd hh c la u ..... '°"".. Or Whitcomb aa&d. " Md aupf'Mfid ••r• for hlm to 1« mid· term fttdN<-a. rrom hll atudenla."

Anotlwr .proft"UCH', In lM rttraln· Int rro•nm, WU 8Mloul lbout the f•na fH.l'D and fM'eded to talk.

Still ano\.hcr ~ help In clanfy •n11 hi• tdc"n for a new project ln an .-Hn.r' to 11c-t fuodlni ·

ThN•f Cf &0 dl1pel the myth tbat th, hOr)' towtr ~· a plac!! where prof~uonr. hive udllmlte d Ume to atudy . read al\d do ruearch.

Th11y are not removed from Ute, u many would beUeve. · but tnatead are •trua.I ni wtth their c•reera and so•ll Juit liJteeveryooe else.

··u ·s hard work beln1 a' profeNOr." Dr. Whit(omb uld

DE A. ft ANN 1..AHOEAI< My hutband •"d I t\lll r.wmed from I twO•WMk lrtp. I would hardly clll lt • vacation. ll WH .._. like Mll In an a~le. When a penon la locked ln a car wlUa a 1urly.. te11e, belllfeNGt IOUl1)U8a for elp and lO howl at • atretcb OM ~11na to cou&del' the advutaaes ol autrdilr - eveo In 1tatH wMre thue ia upilll punlab.meftt

M )' bulband'• Idea of a v acaUon Lt to tee how m any milet be can put on the car. He wouldn 't dr~•m ol stoJ)plna to en­joy a beautll~ park . s hl 1 torl c 1l spot. a laodman :- or even a

• dectnt meal. When we wel'e looldna for a plac-e to eat I •aicf. "Let's at.op here - there 1te six trucka parked outslde. That 'a I IOOd sip "

"True~ drlvers???" b' yelled. " What do

_._._._C_~~-r-p .• -~-,,e_r __ { __ u_o_ri_•_•_c_•_P_e _ _,,,) prestdenu of their corporations or vice pres t· dents. Most of u& reach son of mlddlt: manage· ment levels.

" But until a few years ago even the m ddle levels have been cloeed to ·wom4!n. So things have ch~ed very much for the positive In that direction,· said Ms . Kline. who head# Maximus, Consulting Inc. and Maxima Ltd.

Ms. Kline says if a woman wants to com ­pete In bus&neA, •t>e has to have the dght kind of academic background. So, lf a women with a liberal art.I degree wants to get involved in bual· .ness, it 's a good idea for her to earn a master's degree in business. or at least to lake some business courses

.. VOU HAVE TO BE, at least to start with. a specialist In something. Jt isn't really good to be a generalist and to be a jack-of-all trades," she said ·

" Also. lf you a re In a posltioo that you con· s ider dead.end and you don 't tl).lnJc you' re going to be promoted where you are, get out. _

" If you're loyal to the company but you do not feel that your company has a particular loyalty to you, and they view you in one way and you feel it 's going lo. be too hard lo change the s tereotY,J>e image, then get out.

"There are lots of other companies around "

~s. KLINE SAYS if you choose to stay \n your company and try to get promoted, then always dress one level up

Ms. Kline says it's ·also a good idea for a woman to pick somoone in her company as a role model or u menlor - som(>One w.ho is tn· teresled in helpinf( her advance her carni;r bcca uge she makes that perll-On look good.

"YOU SEEK OUT SOMEONE in power -who· may not be your boss, It may be a totally different department - someone whOm you would liJ<e to emu.late, you Vr'OU.ld Uke to learn from. and find out if that person is willing to 'sponsor' you.

·'Will they leach you what you need to know to get out of your department into something else" Do you they view you as someone who has the potential to go far In the company and also work wtlh them and help them look good ?



ARIES <Ma r c h 21 April 19>. Finisb rather than begin - stress work , service, ability to streamline procedures. Libra is in picturi' -a nd so la anotbec Aries.

TAURUS CAprll 20· May 20 >: Good lun a r aspect coincides now with speeulalion, getting lo heart or matters. new contacts. discovery that your feelings run deep about a "s pecial person. ·

GEMINI <May 21· June 20): You get the keys. The doors will open. Security no longer will be . a s trange r . Aquarius, Can~r. Leo.

. figure prominently. ln · dividual who was your " t eache r ". is again available.

CANCER CJune 21 · July 22 r: Hold off on final deci s ions . avoid direct confrontations . Ge m ini , Sagltta-ri us fi g ur~ prominentl y . Good news 1s on the way .

LEO IJu ly 23•Aug . 22 I: Accent on finances, being aware of details. bre aking t~rough red tape. Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio figure prom­inently . What had im· peded progress 1s re · moved.

VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22 l: Take le1td , assert you r s el f In itiate

change. travel. variety . Mem ber or opposite sex f inds you fasc inating

. and makes no secret of l~ .. Tru.l _yourse lf -make decisions', new starts , pe r sonal ap ­pearances and appeals.

LIBllA <Sept. 23-0ct . 22 I: Low key approach ls best-- some seclusion can prove beneficial. Keep promise to one who is conflned to home or hospital. You ' rt on brink of "good fortune.· ·

SCORPIO IOct . 23 · Nov. 2U : Emphasis on wishes, romance', 11 · lus iori , temporary con · flnemenl. Pisces figures prominently .

SAGITl'ARIUS <Nov . 22·Dec. 21 1: Production. authority, civic duty and honor are featured . Yes. you can put reputation on line.

CAPRICORN I De c . 22-J an. 19 I: Establis h lines of communication . Get r id of burden not righ tl y you r own . Slrea mline procedures .

AQUARIUS <J an . 20-f'eb 18 1: Make fresh effort to 1mpnnt s tyle. Deal with Loo. Accent o n financia l resources. de bts incurred by one close to you .

PI SCES <Feb . 19· M ar c h 20l : Go s lo.w , check legal papers, ~ posit ive conceriil n g . commitments, involve· ment, ties. partnership, cooperative e fforts . fo" o ll ow throu g h o n. hunch. ·

THEY know?" When I Lake the wheel

tor •n hour eo h can re· lax . he cr itic lies my driving. aweart • purple 11t r t1 alc a nd maku1 a nervous wreek out o( m•.

Aaa L••der•

name aoo T .R. No name. rn!nd you - th• lnillal1. When we Hked what T.R. • tood for , they said, ··we have Ioli or frit.('d1 wt\oso nam .. be~ with 1' and fl . Th e n there ' •

Thi• ntmiQa he 1\art· Gr1ndpa Theodore. ed to talk about neJCl Aunt ThcreH. Cousin yea r '• vaeaUoD. ewe RoJly and Brother Rob. aeeond Ume Ulla week a NIED NO. -4 IN KEN· always drl\'.e south In We think lt'1 diffe rent peiahbor'1 child abowe<t TON. ORJO. November. l I told him a nd fun." up at a\)' froat door anCI I 'd conatder lt •treat lf My h"8tMtnd apd I sre said , "Mom hid to go DEAa DON'T NEEi>: he 'd Just 10 and letve hu rt . We think our 1o m tplace . I ' m sup· Yet, yw wn W.-1..t me home. He aaJd, " No c h 11 d r e n a .rt d 1 s posed to .stay with you to &ake ., roupCer ... ~ lt '1 • wile's duty to reape c ttul a nd ad . tlU,the &eta back." If someUU.q ltad ltap. v a c at lo n w l th h e r dlebratned. Your opin· i have three kidt . of petted &o her 1•'d never husband.'' to n . plea• c . m" own _ the youngest hen ,..,.... JMnelf:-

la It" - TOO MUCH THROCKMORTON ANO 18 ' in diapers . I dldn' t Otan&ed. &Ile motller ha4 TOGETHERN~ MEHJTABEL want to be rcspon11lble DO bu11aeM dumping lkr

DEAa TOO MlJCH : I DEAR T. AND M.: I Cot: another kid. so J sent OD,,YOU, but SM child was Hlfet' a compromlM. tbhak pareau llave the the little gl rl ho m e . tla~ vh:Um arul you Tel Wm you'U 10 with rl1ht to aame their After about an hour l •hoald have un•rltood bhD Md year If he'll cblldren wba&ever they fell 50 guilty 1 couldn 't Uaat. fly . And 1Uck to yoar •lab. ic &Mil I ban a . sla'l,d It. r decided to go ffavtt a talk wtdl the ,...... It IOUDdt .. II Qame and aot lllitlals. I gel the child. Al lhal WOIDIL Tell ber •be CH• roa ve paid YOV d8",. -.oder wlaat &laoee fotks mom ent her mother DOttelMIW)'OUDla&erto Hooey. oat 'b.tre 1Wbo oaly bave drove up yoa ·~ prior ~ltt

D E A R A N N laltlala WU. Do daey W aa 1 · wrong not to - Hd II poulble, glvt L A N D E R S • 0 u r Wee It?'• 'em. take lhe youngater in '> lter Uae ualeS ot 101ae daughter a nd h e r - D EA R· A N N What ahouJd 1 do about 1rana1·11Ueu l• tlae bus band d ecide d l o LANDERS · For the. tA .. ltuMion?-OON'T- Mil_hbort.ood.

Rocking Grandma

MODESrO <AP l - To look a t 78-year·old Effie Nelson , you wouldn ' t think she ''rock& around the clock."

But that 's exactl y what she does on her monthly visits to the .Rose Avenue School kin· dergart.en class taught by h e r d a ugh te r . Adrienne Lucy.

The Hilmar woman move11 a round t h e classroom here. ·s itting at the liltle tables and talking wtth the S·year· olds .

THEN SHE HEADS for the ~orner o f the room to a rocking chair , much like a department store Santa Claus.

T he line forms a nd one by one, the children a pproach Mrs. Nelson, who they ca ll " Grandma," for their turn on her lap.

" Jump! Let's <cock ." she says, and a lllUe:: girl hops up for a hug, kisses a nd some good old · fashioned rocking.

" Some kids will sit here all day If l let them, to I let them know ~hen their lime's up," says Mrs. Nelson.

.. SOME OF THE M a re thrilled whe n they can sit on my lap. They don ' t Just come one time . They come back for more, eve n the boys. "

ll was Mrs . Lucy 's

Ide a to Invite her mother Into her classroom. She r easoned that jus t as elderly people need love, so do little 5-year -olds.

" I started thinking about older people In our community who need to be lov~ and need t4) be needed.· she sald m a te le phone Interview.


" They ha ve gifts to tcive and yet they are JUSt sort o f s 1U1ng there."

MRS. LUCY SAVS the Effie Nelson. 78~ with 5-year~ld Marcia Valdivia.

children respond to tier Mrs . Lucy used t o mother, creating " a de· · br ing a rocking chair to llghtf-ul e xchange or school on the days her s har ing feelings and e x· mother ~as to visit , but periences . " And s he now the chair stays in loves watc h ing -h e r the room aJI the time . mother " become so alive " l s it in it as 8 teacher

. with the children." a nd rock the childre n ' ' It is a beautl/ul feel· whe n they want to be

Ing seeing a n o lder r ock ed," Mrs . Lucy penon touch the lives or s ays .\When mothers a younger person. We "help. they read to the need eaeh othe r ," the t'hlldren in the chair teacher says. ''Tht! rocking chair

M rs . Lu c y s a y s has a very warm fei!ling sometimes children r " M L d .... o r . m e , r s .. ucy on ~ -get enough lovj! says. " My grandmother

and atl~ntion at home used to rock me . We and some extra warmth used to take tmaginaqt at school can fill the vold . -

tr ips to Sweden on a rocking chair ...

Mrs. Ne lson enJOY~ the days she spends at kindergarten as much as the children.

" I look forward to thi s . ll builds up my ego, " she says. " I ask the kids a lot of ques ­tions, about a nything. about their gr andmas. Thi s givc•s th e m :.i

chance to be rock~-d . to be loved. and kids lov~ to be loved.

" For me . it 's no labor. It 's j ust plain love .·•

"FAMILIES ARE busy working and they sometimes cannot give - holding a cruld. tak· ins u~ to Uaten. That experience at school can · add lo this," she says. " I don 't t.h1nk any of us can ever be listened to ~nough."

~forfY,SS~ · ~ Healthy Food. Naturally

Hearty Soups • Delectable Salads • Munchies Quiches • Exotic Cheese Pots • Hamburgers Wonderful Sandwiches • Steamed Veggies

" ' is very important," Ms. Kline said " Women tend to watt to be picked. We sit there and we waJt. we wail for someone to say, 'Dar · ling, you have done a great }ob. here is the gold s tar on your forehead .· That does not happen . .. Cutting Corners

Whole-Grain Ouesad1llas • Yogurt • Desserts Homemade MuHlns & Cookies. and more

T ake·Oul. too . .

RUFFELL'S UPHOl.STEIY Cluh CaL~r ru"3 each -.. Y• w• WedMaday rn the Daily

.. lett P'lwt and contatttS not•ces tfJJ H.tiw •"9. o/ ~n·,, ond service

C.... MKe - 541-0Jlt club meetmgs and events

'======~== /or tl!R followtng week ----------- T11ursday through Wednes·

day Send notices to Club _ ,. / _ Calendar. Dally f'tlof, P 0 ~~ 13oI 1560. Costa Mesa. CA

~ 92626 Bt sure tu include 25°/o OFF uuur naml' and ph'une

ALL CUSTOM numbt>r No11ces mu.1t be READY TO WEAR m our hands two weeks m o.e-o.,._ u.••no wv.a adoonce

·---- ~.... To req"e11 I a picture. ·-.--. • - write or call thL' Features .c-. '"==:.. ~ Departmenl . 642 •321 Pie ·

,_~c..1 lures are limited to fund· ............ bl

411 1. t 7"' M .. c.M. ra'3Us open to the pu ic c._.,..._,,,. .

f0tlht ...... C* ... ,.

OoSo,.Jhins Oiffacnt rortt.c ~--·-·-· ... -·­.-..0 0.- - _ __,

- - ,..,... ,,,_>"« ~ " ~"·----

If you hove an item for tM Sin(l~I ~. Hftd It to Cheryl Romo. F'eatur· ing Deport~t. Ora~ Coaet Dot111 Pilot , P.O. Boz 15'0 •. Cotta Meeo. Co.

, 92426. Please lncludl> your nal'J\e. a.ddreat and phoM nunlber. 1

..... _,..._.,. ___ . ' w ........ ,. ..... . ....,.,WW.._ ......... . SAVE .. -'ANUARY·CUMAHCI NOW IN .... n1 . . SAVE ,,, .....,.tfvl

w.y .. o.

.W. Rabat A,was ............ _ .... ...,. ....... , ,...,, ' ,_..,,, •W...,lt


HAMMOND OIGAM AND PIANO CD4 IR ... & c..e 'T.71~ «i;-........ ~ ., . .. ~----------------------------- .. ..

Er11n.11 lmportttl Wmtts & IJttu /tt a Clraf1'1in1 Pai10 AtmoJphtu

IOUTH COAIT PLAZA. COSTA MESA Main l.ft9e, between I. M.gnln'a and lullocll'a

. 111-1100 ~

also: FORTY CARROTS •• JR • WESTWOOD VILLAO! 10923 Wfl'ibum Avenue • • 77-85•7

950 f . 0RNaTH0RPE "A' ANAHEIM, CA.

• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • \ .


' .

_.:,x>u ____ 1C_s~/-C~A08SW~~~°":;:.:.:D~.----:::.--::....:..... ____ ._. ...... ------...... ----------------------------------------__;n~-~·~·~~~~1~~-1•-~---....~~~0AA.-- ~Y-PtLO--=T~~~S!--.~ I C



''I'm aorry I rMntloned I neect.d a light for my pipe I"


an~ IW!t~EN n;~ - · ~EO OUT OF-~ 1.Allt• · 8&/T NN#llJE '!

™19 ~;AC-- I& ~ltllR-TM4T llOl!KX-P*cK-­~~ THOISE COlr~6··!


1. Whatwai~ Pelapaue~an war?



D~O 1-0V~ TO -ret..-1.­~ He' WAS A "~12· Pit.OT OURl~6 'THe ~eA"r DE~SSSION ~

- .



. fl)tJ ~~· ~ (AJA6 MANED ~~ ANO MIS

006 WA& ~MED euu.ET.


• I

I 1

-• . !CJ\.~"/

Kc..A"'°" -Hlifo~a. ~UMf~ pelf~

~ • 'J

by Pasko, Tuska & CoUetta


by Tom BIUuk



~ "fHOUCSH-r' YOUR l .,..At..IAN veRSION OF P:.CUP UNC-r'URe WAS A 60017 1oeA, .,.-00, ~R. ROSSI ...



I.ANO IN-nE MIDDL.E CJ; NOWH~~ ... L.\~ A~ZON~Ofl .• COl..ORADO~

by Mell

by Gus Arriola

by Harold Le Dou•








by Tom K. Ryan WH¥, OFC~ '10l.I MA'Y';PRl~A~!









by Charltt M. Sc11-.11

MAl/&E ~IN6 MM PATT1< ~ .. 5"E1S ONE

OF Ml/ IOQLS ..•


by George Lemont

by Templeton & Forman

6EAT5601N6 'Mro<J~ C<.J€,TOM€t

It.I t-l~W )'012K -~1



1 Cheese 5 Foundclhon

1c halian wine center

,. Btg Wind

15 Baffle 16 Prepas1tton 11- - pte 19 Curling team 20 Declarer 21 Comic str10

word 12 Poems 23 Smells 25 Belore

Prelut 16 Dull noises JO Sp. Ulle 31 Explore l 4 loolo, IOf 36 Encourages 38 En1rea1 39 "Goo<l

show• · 42 River to lhe

Volga ~Upright·

2 words 44 Biiiow •5 Rule out 47 German art•·


SO Air covntr1t ~ 1 Malay gib­

bons -53 SF ti'aiis.

system 55 Container 56 F0<emon 61 N.A Indian 62 Relneval 64 Alaakan gov·

ernor 65 Deputy 66 French river 61 Pleat 68 Tries &9 EQu1pmen1 DOWN

UNI TED F111ure Syndicate Monday s Puute So1yed

s.~ ~ 1. ! ... .. . . ' 1 0 ,> ;J

.!...!. .!.,!!. L A 0 s ( A" d • 0, S I l v l s ... 'r, t1• A C ' u , t I ( y .. ' 0 A S A ( A II f ' ' . ,, •• • - l• 'IM' s

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• 0 " 0 ( l V I l • • 0 f I 0 f I ( a 0 ( " • • "' ( !!..:.

I Ova.: 25 Annoyers · 46 Serve Z Arrow 16 Porlt product •8 Orwes !'lac ~ J Or goddess 27 Aroused 51 F.-i11Mu1 ' Encounter 28 Of runnrng a 5< Sot1~ 5 Delles ~slncss ~ Tvpe 01 meat 6 H1gtt mount 29 Eur !Ille 54 Const&lia 7 Excesses 31 Dep 8 Loafs 32 Cuban 9 Search dance

10 Dawn god· 33 Watered dess down

H Wandering 35 Wedding Jew, e g llW>f<!

tl Soun<l 37 l ree IJ Printing llu- 40 Chemical

Ids suffix 18 New· Preti~ 41 Right: Law, 24 Oecla1m var


55 Imp 57 O.rrv ro1; 511 Dned ~ llafta" com


60 Silver IT'or ~ mg AbO•

49 African vii· l&Qe

l ' 1 ) 4

63 TorontCI ~ prov

~ • J

J ""',,-+---+--!~ I ., i tft--t--'"t-""i--t--t--


PVBUC NOTICE -~~~~~~~~~~~-




E\lele of J~N"'EARL HE NR Y De<••Wd.

..OTICE IS HERE8'f G IVEN IMt l> .t.lo~ K , P AlTEASON lies llled here i n • Petition for P•Ob•to of Wiii •n4 IHu•n<• Of lerten US1""""4.,y lo Ille PitllC-r ""°to, 11utr>ofl1110on lo 4dmlnlste, Ull­Oer ,,,. l~lde111 11C1mlt111tre1lon of EslelH A<t ,..l•r•n<• to wlll<ll f\ ""'°" ~ lurtfler l*ik lllen. •nd tllAt I~ time~ 111«9 ot llM<lno Ille -"" bHft M( for J_., •. 1'19, "' 10:00 " ·"'·· In - <-1-of DetNft· -ftf Ho. 3 ot ~ ~. Ill 100 Clvi<I c.n1 .. on .. -.. In IN O ty of,.,,,. AM, Clll~, Olllff'.l~I0 . .. 19

Laa A. ... '904 County~

lllCHAllO M. KaTTLIY •1t10....--. ........ .._.._..~ ... Tel: OWi '-U .. •11ertoevMr1~

Puollu.d Or .. CoMt Oe11., PllOt, J-, 1S, ... n. Im IU.7'1

-·--------~----~-------Pt18UC NOTICE


TM loliowlnt ~r-• • •• dolnQ ouunen•a·

A U T O CO N S ULT AN T$ UNLI MITED. *1 Mklltl._ Sl,,,.C, ~it• . . ......... CllllfotN• '211S

E nol-ll'Q Unlimited, In< . • c..11,.,,.,,le --etlon, Jlll2 Mk llehon Slree t , Sull• JOI, lrvliM. C.Ofornle .,,,,

Tllli. '""~ In <onclUClllCI by • <or· POretlOn

fl NGI HEEPIH(; UHLIMIT1'0, INC. W illl41m A. Horvetto Prn-

T 11 1~ alet- • H tlleO IOrill\ Ille c;oun!~ Clertlo4

Or.,,_. ~yon DK. '7, tm

TNOMAt-ITYlllt llU•TOtt 7t8CIWCC..CM._, ..,.

·~ ...... .. se.. .... CalHer-. mea



SU~ElttOll C:OUll'T Of' THIE ST A TE Of' CM.I "°"NIA flOlt THI C:OUNTY.Ofl OttAMGI. . .... ~


Creellten of tllt .... llMl'>tCI -­ltwt ... -- llellff!,,,.~,ntl ltle Mid --..e •• ~ 10 t ile lfle..,, wlltl .. -~ ¥Due,_,.., In lfle ottlu of tile CWk of. ,,_~ -tlli.ct GOIWt, or lo Pf'.....,I l lWm, wltll Ille ,,.G.,..,.,, -hers, lo - .,,.. o.rs1onecs .. mo H111110r BIO'd., s..11e * · Cosle Mew. CA, Wllk ll Is tfle Pl~e ot ~ ef 1t1e Ulldtnloned In 1111 IMtters ~no to Ille "IAIW ol W1c1 dKeclMt, wltllin tour ~ ef~ Ille llnt llUllliutlon ol INs notk e .

O.ttd DlcMTar n . 1m. . MAY MARI E tt"RT'ZLl:R

McllEATH EMKolln llOflMW)ll Of 111e-.......,,., ~

llOY I!, JVff«

;.,....,...,..,,s...._ CINlll-.._CA.._ Te4: ...... • __, 4W ~ ...

Pu1141....., Or.,.. ~ o,ilr P lrot J•" "· 14, J1, Fet>. 7. ,.,, """






To Whom It Mlly Conttnt: ,.,,,,.

S..OJKt IO l-.c:e Of .... II("°"'.,,_ Plied fw, llOllq I t 111'...0., ti_, INI ,,.. 11..0.rstOMO ~OPOIH to .. ,, akofloll< ,,._..,, ., ,,,. P'-41H, clttcrllMO • IOI~ In tM lj)Ke oro­'111df41 t»I-:



.. . The .._.,, Mattieapaec. on tM O..iftte Cee.t

DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Catt ... "· Ffnd tt. Ma• One Cal .. ,__ ,,.. " ..... w .... Ad , ... c... ~ ..

....................... •··•·•······•··•······· ···········~· .. ······· lrnr.. 1002 ._,.. IOOJ


n t I ha·- Molk•: .\ll real~ advertised in thla newspaper la a ub­J«t t.o FedtrJl Fair lfouslna Act of 1968 wbidl makes it i~aal t.o 1dvertis e " any pre · fereoce, limitation, or dllcriminaUoa bued oo ~={ ~liglon, IH, or orilio. or an lnteatioa to make any sucb prelereaee. limlta­Uon. ordiacrhninat.ioo."

11tb newspaper will not knowinf ly accept a ny advert sine for r eal estate whlctJ is in viola· tion ol the law.



·so Foot R-2 lot! Locateaon AvOC'allo ,i.(>uth of Coa8t Hwy. Wide divided street. Alley. Older 2-story home + 3·car garage with 1 bdrm & office ap,rtment over. Near Irvine Terr•ce. Ideal for redevelopment. $17S.OOO. WESUY N. TAYl.Olt CO .. a.Al.TORS

Zttt S.JHq Ir ........ MEWPOIT C1M111. M.1, 6•4-4! I 0


Eastaide. Costa Mesa. 3 COST A MISA bedrm charmer. Formal AttenUoa. builders, in­tivinc rm w/ real wO<MI veators , everyone! buml.og ~ace. Love· IMP R·2 lot witb .wte 2 ly r emodeled kitchen bdnn. llome OD rear: on­w/cu1~om cabinet• fr b'-.000 .... ! ..,..._ '*'"""window to din· .......... ..... cMdl....... me area. Added OD f.izll· .... i lY rm. Qlaverted «ara1e * '7S.7060 •

.., -~ .... ma1 bi\ .. ,u1e• for lger;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ,... .I • .....,. Tiie pme n:n. ~this •t an DAILY PILOT .._, atrm1ab1e price. 673-85$0 ......,.............. Ol'fNl110•tl \ IUN10/llNIC I ' ...,........... . I • .

l 'j ,. f

......... w. ....................... Gnnu.. 100.Z .......................



CIMl'IAL MIWPOIT Authentic Spaniah 2 bdno...l.M&h.!loll~ bloct to be•cb. <>wner leavins atate : asking *125.GOO ~ 67$.1752

associated k.. .. ' .. ' • - ·, . . ;.. ., . '

1979 bargain for' VA buyers . Large well planned Costa Mesa home. features: Mmlty room with fireplace, tge kildim and gracious )jy. room. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. dbl garage, all f«~only $119.900.-Just listed, call 540-1151

.. MISAVIRDI Owns U. taken the tint step It compaetely tt· mod.eled the kitchen . Thia lge 4 bdrm home baa rm• rrml din rm• la in one d Mesa <Wll•DISPB.ATI! Verde's most prestigious Wll .-,doMrNJ cCKts! --. Chance to malt~ Oklis' home that needs IOIDe real money here. eome won A that has Call ~Y • bring your trwnmdiaul potential. 3 l m a c 1 n a t I o n " bdrm, 2 baths, located in chedbook. Open e'{es. tbe Beel( Bay Newport 5'S-9t81. area . Has hardwood

(1QrlW!1134111J) RealFAta~ ~ HERITAGE


f1oan at bltna. Owner wil conalder a carpet a l· lowa nce . Full pri ce $M,900. CALL 556-2660


HAltlOll YllW RARE SPLIT LEVEL. Double doors open into

3 IR-RXER this love ly 4 be.drm •-----Tr---... ---b--M-· FORECLOSURE! home. Formal dining Want to ... e 5 r ., esa

TR~n:-1. 3 Bed- fixe r · room It living rm w/ fplc : CV~ft· f7PorMS br.Sucndondo. vic. • .... Family room adjoining ... • or a y.

upper. will go Into fully bu.Ill-an a ll e lec , __ 9'1N4_ 78_· ------foreclosure shortly! kitc hen. 3

Bedrms· up 11 ________ _

Bank has notified owner of it's intent. Good toed- with master s uite & tion. 8'7Xl07 Lot sire. FuU added on boous rm on price juat $65,000! Take private lower level. advantage, call 752-1700 Spectacu lar view o f Now' ocean, harbor & nlte OP1r·t'11r<1 • ''\ti.JN 106' f t<r • lites. 67J..85:SO ·

t•IMlll {i.ijill HAltlOlt VllW

- - - __ I

8Ul 4 bdrm, rmly home wnvty night tight view. wet bar at wood decked badcyrd. Priced to sell fast . Submit today ! 646-mt


Xlnt condition. Almost new crpts. BUI patio. Sharp 3 bdrm condo. 3 pools. Jge parks plus dubbouse. Great starter home or investment.


Two bedrooms and three On the water with fabul ous view . In beautiful condition for sophisticated entertain· ing. Security building. Approll" 40' boat s lip available. COLI OF NIWflOIT

IEALTOIS '75-5511

Pboae today. Open eves. I•-------· RN1 Estate 5'S-14ft

C!J Walker & Lee

OLJ•~::a~! DE~ (ro=-.. 1"~"t•"'n•m•1 ... m"1•g•1• was:=.::IMT MAR A charmer, many xtras

4.000sq. ft . Reel t)tate in this 3 bdnn 2 bath Yee!!! Triple A. double family home. Close to =. ~oJn~ ~~inoceg ri: 4 BR-$74,500! ~~?lollc,BaC~urcb and

~-.. + c--...a ~. aer. + family rm w /wet bar. ,._.,... r • ,. •• S l~e bedrms. each it's true! Giant corner 480lll" • RM AU with at 's own bath. 3 lot. 4 Bedrm-2 bath CJI. -.U secluded J,>rivate patios. dream houle! ALL NEW Spiral staircase ludiq PAINT INSIDE ANO lo 2nd level. 4 car OUT! 'NEW PLlrSH~~~~~~~~~ eoc'°led prage. All this .c A R P E T I N G J: under one roof oo comer 'IHRUOUT! ALL NEW lot. Don't let this ooe get ROOF! An incredible WON'T LAST~ -:.-!' Call873-8550 bargaio·auper location ~ uaum. ' loan . Ol'f 111 9 · "\ ' IA •u1<1 1·m • too! Tate .ctvaatage call Great ram. home. 4 bdr ..

[WIHEll ~~~.~r~.~-~.. ~iH.~ .. S W --~- l'fl.RIJtN ..,... ...... See tO L8Q4 HEIGHTS _ , -=--•-=-•-:i- believe. •.to0. m -5370.

MIA· '!J .AC~E s-tftoiRh Ifft MlsA VIUE Beau'tttul Executive Bestror surer Beat floor $15 000 home. Delightful 4 bdrm. pl ............... room 2 . ' __, __ _ 3 ba Meredith bui lt an WIUJ ~ ._.. •• ()tflfanctiq a .....uvvw. home Amenities plus batha, .formal dlnlo1 2 bath with • cozy -.mi · room. kitchen nc>M and ~for cold winter

lush landacaplng. Beat niebta. nu. home . bas priceatonly$841.900. Beal been completely re · t«ms! ~ ana VA and decoratedandltiapriced

~ Walker & Ler. Real Conventional. Be ller fiCbt! CALL 751·3191

---------•Hurry! Our beat alwars

Is Your Prof'esaion . HOKE REPAJRS? Did you know you can s>lace a classlfied ad in the o.ny Pilot Service Dlredory tor a ·whole month for aa llttl• aa


goQftnrt ... 540-.~ J ,_._:_~_L_E_CT_RT_r_E __ S ·When you call Cluallied to Sll•ce an ad, you 're • s­s u red or a friendly welcome and help In

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642.$878 Claeaified ad. M.2·5171

wordi.n« YOUC. ad (or best rupc)nae . Call " Now ! HZ-58711


Two oonte~ custom homes just CC>mPfeted in Newport Heights. Conveniently located to

beaches. schools & .shopping.



' ..

•:::J .... . ....... , ............. . .

IAca IAY ftUM Pricfd to ffll at St09.500 This 3 Bdrm, 2'~ Ba. 2 tory end unll deall)' located.

lUITLmtOa Broadmoor Plan 111 - $ Bdrm. 2~ Ba on ree land. Coad location & a great value at SW.000

[fl lC. TAYL• Cl 14&-5112

llST IUY IM 11>.omncENT MISA WOODS COUNTRY P'IU'.:NOt MANSION ~ prite. 2 atoey lo Almc.l 1000 sq. n. of lr9d.. Lvty 4 bdrm bo~e c 1 a u l <' • l • i a n c e , wllpflab' rm• fnnld&n met c:t.alo"al)' detalled ,.. ~ tal.bMral wllll , •• , ... \1 0 or =...""f6 Cout~ukltA ·muonry , i mported allamools. Zbluh'om 10 t'erami c tll•1. b~nd · acre put, All W. for OG· rubbed oak calMD«I " tySJ.JUllObtetudlnsatce &rim. opu.leat c111tal boaul rm ()peo evea d\encWien. Mammoth 56Nll · · ~~~e c;'J Walker t: lee au featwint

Sberle Wa1n•r band · lleialed porcelain bowla

~~~Real _ _ D_~_t.e _ __ 1 ~ matcblnt braas rauc8"t1. 4 s uperb ftftp&aces, tars• under· P"OUnd wine cellar te· adM!d by a winding anli· que brick tunnel. The kitchen Is a culinary master 's delight, 20x40 Uvinc room. Ir huge

IHNT AXEi Abandoned! Needs woril! lb32' awimming pool! ~ted on quiet

, cul-de-sac:. VA terms I Hurry!Call : MS-0803

formal dining room . Located bip up ID the 1\llt.ln Hilla with sweep.

talMC 1WTLllOCI TCWfl•IOMI Htre'a an lrvlne townhome that has everytNng bu\ heav1 maintenance: 4 bedroom., rormal dlnJnB! 2 fireplaceo. 2i.; vauJted cefunp, private courtyard entry and a locat.lon that's prtvate yet In close proximity to chook, lhode. pool and jacuid. At

$131.000. Uia{'s 0t1c terrific Turtleroclt townhome! ·

U,._.l()U tf()M S REAL TORS•, «t75 8000

2443 Eaat Coast H Qhwev, Corona del MIW ulso in Ml"'1 Vc1de, di 546 5990

WMtlC· ....... ASSUMUd At.A LOAN - beautifully landscaped 3 BR. -l ' JlA._College Park. CM $88,500. Call Glen Hellwarth

II/MAX of colfa Msa. nlM, •wport IModa. IK. 234 E. 17th SfrHt, Coat. Mno 611-1266

Nationwide Network of lnd1V1dually OWTl<'d and Operated Real ~~Offices

FOREST E OLSON . views of tree t.ope, ................ 1-------~----...

&r diataDt cit.ie9 in· •~~ c ln1 a peek at CUSTOM

-------..--t Catalina. _tyoo,ooo . .....,.,. He~la BA V & .. " . "

.............. _, °"'*' will nnanee with Frencb doon lead to a ft I reuouble down P•Y· country Sarden in tbis BEACH meat. Ezcban1es eon· completely remodeled l-IOOM

IAltHAUOR With view In charming pted Seaview.

2107 ¥ acbt Grayling $21t,900

~ I I 'I\ • I' I \I I )

;-. '"i I ~ .1 J ' 14et ... o 0"l Jt ¥1

lkllnd. Priocipala only home ; w a rm n e w p&eue. Owner-Broker, carpets, all new •P· 4 IUck Alderette, 731·5115. l>liances. new plumbing.


WEAR-Wll lf.All TOPS-one tailored. tllt otllef a sc.oop ol soltntSS. Sew them· '" sin~ 1ohds- cott011 Of s1I~ crepe-to wear witll •N }'Ollr 1979 partl'lffS.

Printed Pattern 9155: Misses SlltS 8, 10, 12. l•. 16. 18. 20. Sile 12 (bvst 34) bend MCll Ut ,ch. 60'': aoped I ~18 ,n. s..ue ... ,.._.., ................ ................. s.. • . --Pattern Dept. '42 O.lly Piiot

m ..... = .. '""'" lWU.Mlt ~ m,SIZl_. ..... All Ille new clothes JOii nMd lor fOlll busy kit trt 1n Olll SPRIHG­SUMM CR PAnE~N C.ATALOC• iops. skirts. ptl!tS. mts, jK!ltts.. Ph1J Sl.50 fret 11auern COUl)Oll, Send 75C l» ...... sa.Jl.51.SUI =blft ...... SUI 1 zt ..... -; .SUI J'7,._,~ ....... S1Jt


l>ro(..._ decorated, with mlrrnt /wood wall, c~ wallpaper. RV access; a ll tbia just minutes to the beach. Call for more inlorma· tioo

~~'!our li(eatyle in tbla ''tumkey'' condo? 1bia ~~a Plan in tbe

baa3bdrms .• 2 baths • 2 paUos · conve­nient to pool It recreation . Only SllZ,5CIO..

KEAN VIEW . Exceptlonally sharp duplex. Jult 1-door re· __ .......... _, moved from tbe beacb . jult eDOUllb to mute the --... -·a---. ---1 aound ol the surf. Eacb

-- mil bu 3 bdrma. " ~ Jllal. U.ted f Gorieoua blitbl + tlled shower out· Linda l.sJe beyfroat home *le far beadl bathent with pkr Is allp far large yadlL built "' tbe fineet quality ; 4 bdrm., 4~ batbl, prime loca&m, wltb view ol tumiol buin . .,,000

67J.4400 .• HARBOR



MEW USTIMG In The Fabulous Bayside Cove Community With Security Gate. Near Private Beach On Bay. 2 BR + 2 BA. Original Model Home Completely Furnished Except For' Master Bdrm. Pool, Jacuzzi . Very Charming . Call To In s pect. Offering.

SUPERI DUPLEX On Capistrano Beach. Each Unit Has 3 BR +fireplace. Wonderful Location With Seclusion And Leisure On The Sand Midway Between L.A. & San Diego. Come lnsJ)ect This Gorgeous Smog-Free And Temperate Locale. $750,000.

® ~ ......

631-1'8 Ill DOYla DllVI

IACI IAY Frne 4 bdrm .• 2-,., bath family home on quiet ,ul de aac. Oversized pool, playhouse, storaae $188,000. Tenm.

IAYflOtfT Several fine bayfront homes

with pier & all~

AYALOM Well constructed, 3 BR. 1 ba. oak floor, partial basement. concrete foundation. Flats .area. .~Fee.

'UDUC9 NICI - Vi"9 of Laguna Hills with pool. jacuzzi. tennis courts &- mueh- mor..e .. . Io.r. orily $71,950. Hurry. Vacant & ready to move fn !

- CaU 54Mt41 -Sf'rv1ng Costa Mesa-Irvi ne

Hu nt111gton Be.icn-Newrurt Bc.i r: h

DWLIX ........... ., oo lo•el1 A•ocado


...... d .... .,.... .............. ... ¥llw ...._ II ... 2 ~•*••• dn - · Fe•t•nt hacllHI• ••r4weo4 fleen. "Z'"' _. ~ ,..... ...... ....., .. ,, 0,000

497.3331 . •

Aveaue. a cbarmtni 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bdrm, 2 at11 . upclde .:: dawn tio... with cedar ....... aterior' and SUD· c-....... I 024 I I • --·- I 040 deck ~--·-········· ··············-······· PLUS · 5'AMSH VILLA lmuriom 2 bdrm, 3 bath I .-L ~Lo.I • 1'olrDboUle with tennis, tPl Covered patio and 3 WD11 ~m.... ft.replace, and 38R. 2""1 car...,... 1210,000 Off U :?. R ba. siouoo

CALL 644-72 I I Y Ill MULHUIM FORINPOIUIATloJ't°' J bedrooal eo rtatner -..,az-

' wilb dlainc. ea1iq area, 7R .. 7 mmlD' ldt.cbea .ad coay 1--------­ftnplace, Don't wait. Brand new cu.tom faollle Stl.stO. BKR. Call walk to the beach, vin HHnjD of tbe ocean, 3 br, 2~ ba .

OCEAN/~ON VJBW ,,.-.B 1L Detm.DJ.m.llt&. Jumtne Creek CODdo. 11ih It.or)' house for nle POOla/tamla crta. 3 br, -. w/pool 8"S Part Hunt lam-rm. Owner anxious. ,__._ R.V ....,. ..... .., 11 Jasmine Creek Dr. ••MDMIW .._..... ·--M0-251'1. - ?OWMH°tt" 1044

3 Br. 2 ba on eoroer tot -...._Woods" - _ .................... . w/lceyard. Sl75JI00, 6'l <Eutlkletoltalleaa) ACRIFICE! Beaut. Nattisaua. 544-0l14 or - Woodbrtdgo 3 Br 2148' m.3217, · F.tldab Tadoc' 2U Br PLUS elefraDl 2 Brcoodo

spilt level , 21:3 car priced below market.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c:.taMeM IOJ4 i a r a 1 e, fr p l c 1 , Bolla or lake. 673-4311. _............... .... microwaves. greenbou.e Owf#fAt,t..

Now Is Ol'H'#llt9 • tl~IUNl0 11"-<1 ' =ft'OID~: l_pa.I;,•, iii, iiiiiillAUTlfUL~-----DICOIATOl'S

DIMM 2 Bdrm. 2 Be. formal din· ini roeai. Newfor.l Crest. Tbl1 one • a .....,.

. -----ll20 .... ff TH(' TIME Developed by ~~::::.:soa::d

to ba .. a:. manet your !.~~~ o!~~~~.:, . ;::~~!~:!~.:.~;~ ='Call UI for de· ~~~.Jaat IMlllll =-~~=~ 645-9161



T•tobclC...... Mela Verde 3 B 2 Ba . -••••-- todementaiy ICbool . Ji 754-l20Z formal din. c~untry WANT ADEA.L1 pleMjng bome at a price

116oaltlmld 1006 llitcheo.. Sl02,90C1. Ownr. Like new 3 bdrm. -•••••••••••••••'•••• 7Sl·72'74 Ealtaide home--warm

. '

red hill.-. 5 5 2-7500

-----------•! '.. . brick fireplace aunJdst ------- --'-dupJx, inclUCW1g bay BY OWNER: Eastaide 3 ,family k ltcben. Huge ..... , bcGt U> be excb. down io bdr., den 6 Conv. Gar., "·m meet lot. Reduced ·-------- .... allQ.~886-DIO zm Watennao $U8.000. ,... , .. rut tale. Only - ------ -

11S1D••c1 • fYlews Ll.aamioul coodomiolwn ON WATER ol aupreme gu.a.!itY . with vlewa ot lla)'D'Clll& Is Ocean from omloal' balcoQy. Finest c1eccr. z . be4room wi\b m.ter aulte tncludtn1

-a::i==~~-1 _..., tll,IDO. callfl41.11TI WAIWMT


IMVESTOllS UniYenity Park take· OW!I' loan. 123,000 dowa bup a 3 BR home in Vll1a9e Ill. A 9".'> loan apn ~ mo oecative. kiDc lenD tenant.. Prine only. Oww /bb', 5'5a-$479 .... bMb. --- area and

UUDL Privacy, aecuril) and adalve facilities mdalle a palatial SalOll wltb card area, billiard room. pool aod Jacuu.l. •• 000 I

• - l10M£S

·=~== dock. Perfett for U. CMDel' wbo want.a to Uve in a spedoua bome and bave an income unit· OR bame ad aepent.e wilt far teeo-aaer-or mother in law. Front house ia 3 bedr0om, dlninl rm . Uait U. 1 BdnD and ioft ~bllbceiliap.


'Dim IDUe ao appoint· mml to .. Wa beautiful cul&cm bome. near the lleaa Verde Co111DtrJ Qub. lt feeturel 4 bdrm 3 belb wtua separate fallli­b' room and dia1Qi room. Call ~ for ao ap­printmeat to Ne




REAL ESTATE 631-1400

~~n: ~ e.~no 1 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili


macnab I Irvine realty

Sount OF FWY & AffOIDAIU Irvine's hottest new development is now available for resale! Choose from the popular Portola Plan in Rancho San Joaquin Villas or the award-winning Solano Plan. Both have intriguing upgrades & both are priced to sell I From $110,000. Amy Brown 752-1414. <I-125)

642-8235 6444200 to1 Dover Drive Harbor v .. w Cenler

Irvine at C.mpus Valley c.nter 752-1414


..,c .... .._ Huge 5 BR. 3 ba, avail 2/1. S198,500. 54&-1141

IYOWMIA Gr eat h omes, fl ex financing, beat areas. 546-114.l

Han •9UIC• W11m, COC1· comfort• · ble. Nice9t ID area. '8R, 2ba home. All ~erms. fl2.IDO. .



In tbe Colony . This ~.=..;;=.=:.=-..;=;....._--1 beautiful 3 bedroom _____________ , bame la only l block to

~ ... o ooo cwa:maJty pool aoc1 ten· .,. • ais. CIMn iDIJde aod out.

PIRHOUSE Lu1b private back yard . 5 houn on ·one lot. -..Gnilt location. Need tA> l'8lced ,.,.., enclosed . eeU rat at 187.900. ca11 ,.,..... For info call: now to 11ee. .





Rel SlO.* to S89,SIO. Dina Pomt Beach style boule. 3 BR. 2bath. 6 Yl"ll old. Vacant. llake offer. Must sell Immediately. Wlll meke great hocne or beech rental. INVESTMENT STORE

~lrTlS. at boun .,.... 1012 .......................

ELEGANT 2 Bdrm. San Mateo Model in Rancho San JoaqWn. Excellent loc:a· tion. Patio overlooklng ~- Close to pool & Jae. Qwck escrow pmslble.

't573 CMtiPUS~hMME

TERMS! TERMS! Hun? oa t.b1a I arge 4 bedroon1 2 atory Colony home wttb formal dining. large lot and 1 block from tennis court.a and pool. EHy terms can move >'O'l io faaL Only SI07,.IOO.


.. . , . .

oee-1.- . .... oM.w IHt . .... • ................... ....... U•fwWIM• H1U1e1 Uefurlll.a..~ Af • l .. ata ....,.. ... , • ..:;:::;;;.......;:;;.;;:.,;..;.;;~~------T;.;WNd!y .... .,.. .... ~--,,..~•..,.l;:......,tt.,,11.;; •-••••• .. ••••t•••••••• ••• ••••••• • ••••••••••• ... •••••• •••••••.•••••~· •••••• •• • ••••••••••••••

~- ' · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • till rt a..aa -.z., 111111t 11 '8 ~--..c.;... ... "'!'IMl•llllil•••hr'* • ..._..,..~ M11111 hr.. t 11111'-... 11\ t4to .._,..,.rtw loio c:.... ........................ 1 •• 2.M •• • ........ ..-...... ............ . i.· .u •• o. =~·············· _ .................. . ........ . ............ . ............................................. ·•··········•···•···· ·· ····•··········•······· .._.._. , .. ...._..._. ,.., ttvwxrt..... 116' Qu11W buu&lM oc... N.w W bdrm. frtlc, atw, l b• Condo w/dbl 2 .. Br. 2 b• condo n .. r l1J!~ , • .. E6A~.__:T111~


~ .. - ........... ~-•-H•H ....,..-.- ............ nonr. tOmJJJ•rt'IJt t>uUd ....... UMITS bftnt. lc.,....-m' .... MIO 11.,-,-, -· pocri . UH. - a..ctL -WrtJ:;.. WIO, _.. •::;,,•TV-biat.ei *- t ohklM w · ...... COfttnct o1 .. 1. • -.OUJ. a.l511McrSP M. csenr. ,ar . .. \(le' pool , 11110tuur. (TM> ....... • • * ........ ,,.... • ....-0• lS, TOO '4 II& t~ Uit.e'"l w/2J% "'- 2 br, l \>\ be ~. '"Br. - --....., 1 at lie IQ !!_U!~;.. ~~ .... · $0 '-l'O. .N. OoMUhry. •

•1 Rt ldl ~en vt.w . bllae dqwn . XUU Anahei m ,_,., " -- ..,.._, •·-- - ' ea ... e ••• .• , . ......... .... .... v. public 1....:.._ • ._ D ..... u •-y .. t dbl.., ..... l/p. Open b~b. Totel rec pka. •

.. •' •• f l • i : • ' ·t •• •• f . ;, ., • !! ·' •t .. t!

.. " • I •


• ,_.&IMCO..

~tklln1 •eW' •• F1•d .......... ,..

lk ....Ula ¥eoonmk v-. o1 cw-.. ., • aolf eiourw. walll lo beat-b • ~. ~ tJq,llOO

- •• • ......... ~ ~ _.,._. nu ... beem cellh•,• · Pool, lmtMdoceup•valJ. on l l•--------1 Of'ftt"tid by Pac~ttt Homn nu.i. .. n::.t:', ot tow: ..-..Mt-DU JM'UA.I. J1t" Alt. $4.50. JTIM. (lll>tlHIMl. T•O•ttory , •• with ............. 116'

RHJl!li t"l F.LD PLACE' _..., T.rm• Ana'°"' la.ft ec:ta t u.nill .._ mile mo. Ml-5280. 1 ...._ ror renl. , .......,_VIEW, J dteka. •"•'••• •••••••• ••••••• Ensl h Tudor t:lt-iant fraturlnf. ...,. rltr H•l4M naa to bdt.. u x JtOI•. 1031 llOl/ NTS C)t( .i..tuea.NN-~. '700/mo. auR + rftttll and 21'1 halhl~ A r r I ... ~ . ... 400. Bllr. rmnua:SE. 1 B& am" Mf·aG. IAYNOMT In•• __, nnnn ... unllv ' C ~ '14-~llCO ., BR t•e" 8 .. 2 .... 10 OCl!ANFRONT 38R,, Jba.,year·

• 'iih;;;;tT;._tin<fAvc, NO. :O:J!;0 ' ''°o' tTtrWJ - ;... ""· .. · n • 4..W. l'l~ IATH ~~ =~~':v:U ty,~NT Open S turd Sund~y from lO AM .......... ............ ,. .... 2100 urand new overa lHd walll w ocean. ISOO/mo lweorabotl~nn. BR,lb8. rt '550

or !11£W$HOPPINO ····~············· ····· BOOCOLA Hom.i In new = up1nded. Nf'W Wa&MfroatHonMt ' 2 sti.-s·lcliucH

ronl :t Jt>i.1"1•.~/~l~y' flnlrlalppt to 1c: ..... ~at!'"' ..... ':~rtt co. .. ~.;.r:zJ~~~~~: ~T1~1J:2~~~: 11•rJ1'°u': ... •; '• Hl-1400 ~fk.~':-.~:e ,. ;;;; ~ ;.,.,ea&.".ct. Ltlt"'; W. -UOO ~!!!:·!!,.u: ~l r :,~~ .J\·; I fill!J Cbar mlDI Ouufront ~==:~~:it 3$

~me Wo '1•ff&c.~nt ..... •••••••••••••••••• ,_..,, , __ m1 115! l8R. clan, dJn.ln1 rm, , ... AAU IU1Pft CONDO DW'LU 11,UOO ~ ooof.-t rntabl• WUl \tide 21r't NtOrt •m·1 trpk, yrty. m.- Bil. ... I I p I a_., 1 Wnn a. .,_n ...-.. r1tO d 9UIQ( MOVI IM 2 i .IN., rp • oo · ~ -~ ....... 8otlt J8r. 2b1 upll1 9T.f· .... c.. oolU.l.n Jl!lko. Neva a ..__,. __ .. br 1 ..... ba Sharp2BdrmCondo. t350 Udollle, S8R.2~ ba.22()

· ...... ,.. ••• alt..- c.o t..-rb. Uall up .. - IOI' ca.II, Hllboat, t'ar , t-:=:: ....... -·-· ••. 1 1e . ~Hai pwmo.C&lllD-1111,uk Vla It h aca , UOO . ~ ~· mJ:.~ ~~ ~:"~l~I~ ·:~;;r :::::rd•. aold. etc . ;;:;Jun~ U:,llqf\of forl'liot. 4

- 660151,141-*I .,. '117,4'09, c.n ,,,, •PP• . huury lhlo" Only~ ...... HouMforNni6aN..,cwt associated lllUOO Ml tf'JI 114/MUtZI IU<R Aili Prune W•terfronl com WUl tr1Mie 3 1ub divided mo. 3 leftl Oftvt by 2$'8 tWiw 1241- Beach. s br. 2 be., Ire.

HO.So Co.It H!way M"WfOaT HT~ I« Pa.w PRINC:IPAL.'i metc1at loo lion Tor io..t Laa Veaas1 for cash, Oran11e Ave. Then call . . . .................... tam. rm. Oardtw l.ncld. lftVUl11ereJr _.. CJHLVf•L.EAiSt: h.1a1, In Lido tehrlna Ullooat. rer, olainond11. M2-02112. Townbouae 2liK, 2.,., ba, ~'100~~. C.~ll~M4~·~7fl/Yl~:--=-:--lj~~~~~~~~~

0 •• ~ , t• I JI , u t r, • .,_ ·, , .,.., I' I I

L.AOUNA HEAt'.'11 W1 UY• lwo I bttrrn • 2 vw. ... m-Otl2 * f75-7tl17 = I t ·~ ... ~ h b • ,,. '"' .., .;.. ... I ba. refrl~. fncd t'mo'•c. ·,.:!'u3"111"7· enn .... S"""Vlou; . .. Br • n n, '" 497 2457 ... t omet, ,,. 1re11 ONCUf.HMV J.Af(... C-=· I ~T •= D . _... ~ u. _. """ """ • /1 ...., • • lorauon! 8atb have Oalt 4 \lt 8t. 4 n., 2 frplr . t 'I ltll .. a owa• t.. e...-., yaird , c lose a•r . z..1t1. priv. cate, Ullnl$, --- ------.., ••••••••91 fln& • ft11ks Tlwt 001 1NWJU1blo lotan. lt•rnu tw 1700 2400 chl1dren oil. no J>ett. U.5 . .Atnt or ·t.eaH. L1e dhc poot, '1300 ~

~... 10&0 Wtthlhl4 rar1•r•aci t1 By .Ownu t•ran only ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• •• ••• ~. 682Joaon"B" . condo. nrwater. 2BR.2'..., ..:,....__..;.. ______ _ •••• ••••••••••••••••••• 11.M,OllO, O'll othf<r h••" sua.OOQ .,.2 112a. dy• . Pot Sa le by owner Cabin ror rent 1 3 Br. 1 bath.I . bl~ln 1, relr1&. Bhlr1 . .uper bay vlew t 3

•b•k• roor and I m•1e.v .. 1wllnd1 ·~ condo In GretnValleyLHO,near Mull tlvtn1. new dupex w I w c p t II . 8R,21fiba. f160Mo. It'• ~~1 2 8'/8 4

br. 11w .... forS1J7 ,SOO ~ 6'!11t b, 6 mo.. Soow Valley , 5$2 8160 i pucloua 3 Dr 2 Ba. wuhtr/dl)'ttr, pvt yard. Atent844-ll.33 ~up:Ji ~.1 •8~:! . CAU.W~ HAUOIY• W old2bd.2 ba l5BlaOip wkdndlMMr1·2220 ~~:f:Be•. HOO mo. 2 car 1ar. Pool. '49$. WATERFRONT w/ Dock. vac. aar opor. brlcll El•l••Hly d•corat.0 pw Ct. H8. Cw de Sa:. .......... EvelfcWkndl8*-0l82 Vcny nlcU BR ilnate Apanm.nta,

Ent•rtain.JMnt. Rec:reation .•• Youn-385 dcaya a yearl

pel\o, prof 1nd1r p All w/ roM bet1e d ... pllo ~ MJ.000. .,. lldi• 1 2100 S Br I~ 88 + den, + ....... U•• bouM. BUn tu1e. D/W, t.b1a 1t more ror °"i:t.' ~. • ••lift;.'· JHR .IYOWMIA . .. ~ ... .... f ............. ~· u.o mo. s111 . . ..................... retria, '750/mo. l>ockex· Sl.IUOO. Rutty Wor ' :n'ch~~1orne'r h1':te 1 bdrm . t-uodo. patio IMAMOttD I 90LO Sl.331'.>ublin. 9'19-7838 Woodbliclae 38' 1'41 ba, _tn_._'7$._ 190t ____ _ -...o. So11thlandtn urport.1.. nr, lteac:h It IAdielcUa rin1ovtr3l1.. M~A WOODS. nr. So. new! Near Lake ~rb. DoverSborel. View - Nie. TO Sa&. FantHtlc 1100 '? rt Ul.ZW. e.u.~ ~ ·~· · " 5,$00. Alto 2 •PPI'· over '43.00C>fdlt" Cat Vine. 3 br .+ den/or· Nopeta. St:iO. W. Homee. pool, beauUlul ---~y Ott' 'tor t.hla borne in Eaatbluf w / 'J bdrili. l t.'t ba brk frplc , amt. ol aold cotn1. Trade rte .. . f•m rm. frplc . larldlc .• t br. 3~ ba . 3

............. 8 in . " townbome" renl•I• BEACH MW~ .. $$UOOM3 l:M2 ,.,,. TD. Ot' RHI FAtate. • tr I um • n I c e Ir Her. Park. 2Br. 1..,, b• . rrplca .. D.R .. L.R .. Fam. • hcNtUul 9'nqt..

l & 2 Bedroom r~4 Un.turnWuod Apanm.nt1

roomy 3

Rhome] M•nr Uv• In Newport'• l>e•t o.= ... 1'. - - Crdl Dane 752· 1920 or lllMsca~ yard It cu · Comm pool . n.ew · no Rm, akylilhl. wel ber. 11menU1eai. A IC. Z ur ......... r-•• In • hom4! of -- - ... '"ft''~ ... _ •· ....,,.,,. In ""lB 8rk patio $395 .-J in ... 3 Vfll " tat ..... """' llOO 56'1_ ~~ve1-.~ """''c l)O ..... ......,.,. • ,,~ • • """"· t . ... ecor., car acu a ... n~ ei )'WI' OW\\ •e nJOy over ~ - cJ.-entnT.~499. im-8600 gar.· Jene Sl500/ mo 791-5008 - m.'*> ot renl•l ·lnc:om.. "FIXER" ...................... ~ l.edlli9fe 642 1724 N t

wa......1 1052 P In on lb A11kin11 ... '-&...1 4 .. _. W.ted 2'00 immaculate J bdr . 2 ba. RIMTALS · · 0 aien 1

a.a,..._.,...... · ' · A Cu•• 3 br b .. • C'\ h11" ""'"T""'·~ .,...,. t d 1.8 2 2 on 2' b $395 pleue. •No"-~~ •••••••••••••••••#••••• lll'J0 ,000 wnr / tel " " n ,- In a ,,rt1•ll1Cloua •••••••••••••••••••• •• • newpain . l'Jl6,Crp. ·~ "I a ....... ..

• AU Uti!IU.. Pend

640-52118or 96.1 0000 Wood bum <'Cllk1 ~" IMMIChbothood near flunl Prhale party wanlll lo car 1t1tr. c.:ov paUo. encl 3 BR, 111• ha ........ $4!50 New 38R 2ba, gar . patio • ••1rluawJ. Tefll\la. Laguna Niguel -- Uli<'k frplc Need11 work 1 n "l 0 n 11 a r b 0 u r . ~older lnrom prOJlt'r yd, achools, t'eunlryUke 3 HR. 2 ba •...•. . ~1650 Frplc. Bltlns. 1 block 11111.,,-,1. 81.UFJl'S FRONT ROW but you Save. tlurry . <'ttll Spaciou•. drllmatlcully l,y reaardlep of condl· ll(..'t.Lim1. av11ll now. P / P . J BR, 2~ ba .... . • .. $650 from bch. Av11ll tll June • A'11Yltiea Dir-.

R lty • 8AYVUCW. 3Rli. MUS1' now!~722l. ch!ilU. rved unit wl&h C!ll · Uon. !M'7-3l82 ~/mo. 714~156. 38R,3bll ... . ....... 162S IS. $450/ mo. 673·3606, r, .. s..ndoy~• &a SELL NOW AT ' 76 I VACANT . B"'• u tlful tOR,2i, . .... ~/~ •UJlhves . ~ , • fc.aldlOWia.~ PRIC~ OF ••• ., .. ,.,,. , ,, ptimv6vuw. • . .. •eR 3b . .. 1 .. <nlOUSA.NoS e'ffi>w M0-2.'WS 9604370 .... tBR/den <W S BR. Sep • 4 ea,2~·b8:.Ji00o 'Na" 2BR 2b• C'ondo nur PLUS MUCH MOREi

T•O.erf'/•O/• Lo. OTH£RS) . ..SPECIAL ..._,.. rtl 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tam rm w/rfl!lc . 2000 aq be•ch. Refrig, W/ O, .2 Oakwood Owner wUI carry 2nd TD SITUATION. DON ' T •••••••:!t::J ............. ,.,..lhd ft . $585/ mo. 5S7-M23 cat gar. Frplc. pool, 1,.._...a __ A---•· on be•utJluJly appointed MJSSTHLS DEAL. Aaent .. ••••••••• •••••••••••• aaune. Jae . $550 / mo . '-"Ua.n .,_ .. ..--

2 bdrm townbome on atO-!GeO W..eclff lMtty 2 GOOD ..... ,....... l t 07 ~-~~tlo~ J'c~·~!~d · 813 · H l O. U 5 • 95 H N.-pott leadl/Morth hi4lb t>omer lot W/IOme ..;___,:._,;... ....... ___ __ ---------- TO. TIUI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ao.. to~ • • . m.imo.,7~5710 eeo Irvin. . ocean & mnln view~ z •-o.... ' 16th)

G rd "v ,.. I llACH NOUSIS Short lttm teue. Feh lat Nice. l500 6"·!1187 or c_---... "'"'76 °1 Prof. redec. ua I 2Bedroomhowle, l block -.. LOT toJunelat. Lovely3br. 2 6"-&519 _ __.__ .... 17 141 64~)~ rommuo. $132,500 ..... i...u-".beach. Plentyo( vnA ba home. Frplc , pvt •••••••• •••• ••••••• •••• ., 8-h/Solh 4'J.t494 4'5·122 ;to add on. Sl~.000 2BLOCKS 2 BEACH ,.U0. 833-7761 ; M9·511l LIASl<>rTIOM 2 bdr .. 2 ba. condo aar.. •·•~ lbth St u 4''-2411 130-505 2HOUS~•·ORONLY !> BR. 3 ba, 1101! rou~t muu vu S*1Mo ID<w•ra1 11.thl ---- ---- M3.750ea. MUST BE • - .. ach 3 148 • 2 C - """"" ""'LD1'0GE""'l1L'. f' .......- home. S7Zl mo. $199. lt5 3 AM"15 "-·. l~t ... E __.,..., (1!41"'42·11170 Uy owner Monarch Sum '7\J " I r_ ' • •••• • • ••••• ••••• • • • ••• 1 .. l Ala ,..,, "

d • ~I '' · - • 1ulta only n•· ""'• rnlt 2 & <len con o 00""'T 8 "'. 2L". 1' L' 281\ll(!mi tum. 1\IO <:i11 T OE PRK 3b 3 c__.._ 1210 " v ,.-· SIU,000 . 495 · 1'4 07 or , .. ,., "., nyonAC'resl>r $395 l'h I r old J Br 2 Ba tlJo~RI A · . r -.AM Mrid• lar. nd111t 10 7 334 .~ sccrrr R~:t\LTY . ~e. rJr So Co&lil ha. '"m. rm d .r . new UP· •••••••••• • • • •••••• • ••• =.-::..-::....~-~..;_,.;_..... _ __.

536.7533 2µ1399-~l 4 PluM, pOOl/tennis, $!!'!> 11rades pool SS5<l mo. Beaut1ru1 J Rr , 2 ba 13i!:S. One bdrm. i,., blk Htwpod .. ach l 169 mo. ~ Wkdys c11 11 64(Hlt"6 w/ pool pl•y1round. Di&· bayToCean. Av nil 2/1 on

76UNITS ••••••••••••••••••••••• nft5PM. Neat 2 br, Iba , frplc, ·hwasher . dbl a•r . mo lO ~· Owner/ Agt lyOWNER u-.--""*-"'IMd mhwhr, cove r 'd patio. $U5+dep l40 A CDr · 644-7~ __ _

' ~ l T k r r-. New Home 3 bdr. 2 ba . rncd~d, gar. Kida" pet.. r lage . Call Ren at• ·~TllM, fU•..a . . ,,,.,w ren · u e ove ••••••• •••• • • • ••• • • •••• Near Haker/ Ocur . Ne ver ok. 2S. A.,,. . no fe e . .566-7707 -• Kn ~....,% loan . No vucanciPs . G1• ad 1202 occupied R""uire l 11 l ~· --------- 51i""'1y h1°her ra l.ell 1( ~ locaCA.>d at 1()49 ..... !::............... last" seeurity. $500 pe~ 116+2S66 , 9'73-Z97l. ...... ,.,.. .... d or c:i;1 mOOlh renllil Westcu •Sts·:~·~'676 RIHT"TIL YOURS. mo. Call Jack or Kay California Homes• br, 2 u.twU•d JJOO I BR, Iba .. fum .. ... $350

- - G RO""~''ROVL .:>tl)-$.'!06 ba, patio, fncd yd. gar, •••• ••••• ••••••••••• ••• 2Bft,lba. house •... S47~ for Into. Bk rs welcome A "" .. u r · 11 1.a. 11 .~ .... . •••«, Ant , J BR. 2"' ba. new homt". 3 BR 2b• family rm . . , 1 bd l b f-h r"' _.. . .,.. ......., •· ., ge r . a .. •• · "" noree. 2566,· trt3 29'11 ....- •H-.....• oceanfront. wk. or mo

:1 bdr., fam rm .. tin<' IHd

•DOWN BY OWNER. WU.I carry ba.I on contract. Choose from 9 different vacant properties. C . M . / Npl area. No qualifying nee.

SACRIFICE ~~~~~~~ Pnnc. only . Call &tS-5399. ftrallt"48R, p00I, spa , lge = ya.r'J. Kint are11. $14Z.500. r.AMOIAMIC VllW S.. at,IMwh I 076

4 8 I duplexes , Oilldren ~ 9-"_l.8 $475. dee . nu cpt .. stove/frig, = •n"'= IAUOA-HEWPORT incl. bayfrout to be exch. MULHUI H tld. l'flt. tge . yd. MSO/ Mo 'AMOIAMIC VllW ~-· . "" UAl.TY 67M t 70 down 1 n a Pk g . 1.-1tyRe9'ster 213-~1644 2 br. 2 ba oew luxury Rent. option w buy Info, --------

673-4311 Agt. from NewJIC)rt Bay 1.0 Ml. • •••••••• •••• • • •••• • ••• e.Jc;ty. E1Lqw11le home . Reing .. Admiral, 14 "u

HOME + ~P.T. at hr guarded g11t.e. 3Bfl . Qippertone. xlnt. cond

21311184·3200 754-7800 tn Turtlerock. repo's, &oin u~umopcJonc Reach, lg 4 Hr 2 Ha, yrly 2BR. c lean, \de of pool &i S&'IOmo. 955-:US4. ·

9 *,.; .. ~.'}finance .A .. Jae 1750• f't'b \·June 20 llACH ftlH 1a11oo 1.a..d 1206 Ju c u z z I . S 3 9 5 I m o . ....,~ 41'JS.3WI

SI I S,000. •••••••••••••••• •••••• • ~orMi..+758 Univenilty Pll VIiiage Ill , · MlllleHO. ltore ..,.,. ' . 2liR house + Apl over den, ram rm. 2 frplc11. 752-1439 or tt e r1 Uge .iar. R2 Big corner lot, Jacuu1. $298,500. Ca ll Jrvlne. ·

Ran Clt:mente Tri Plux , 48R 3ba, den. dining rm . -- be- I 1-. - --1- J br k ram rm. din rm Watm1nater 8-·8895 s.a.-• 3776 pri 1.~ t.oHll. puUo w / KUS bbq. New Green t

1 ving. tenn 11

' A/C, e ledronlc air filte r. Anaheim 956-1011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "''-'"'· DIR . J./ ll , den day11 644 ·6725. He b r.... IOto 1225,000. Appt ooly 215 Sl . 675-4!0l8 ,... _ •••••••••••• • ••• • • ••• • •

W 111 t ,... 2 I l I $775 ooola. 3Br, 2'hbM, blhna, n....1 ,,_ •-ru• ,,.1 ....... c~~ •• An ..... 7070 e ocu~. 1 • tile, very cean . . trplcc, ,. 1c. t1ar opnr . ;-~,.:...'"'"',. '" · ..,.,.,. ~:-.. _ .. !_Im -:::;;."""l·BR.SZ20Mo., 1al4' 111.11t :

Bt.:HTifJ\ f(l•;N llY 1175-1442 '' .............., .--"'·' .. """ .,,___, ,..._. W M S Andr e ws Rd . A~L ---------~0608 . ILUffS '"%" S7100Dowt1

Big-4--bdrm. homa. pool abed lot. owe s1•uoo bel. no credit needed. Prin. Only 844·5.W evet

It EAL TORS . '600. 64().()llt, 631·2133 . W Anahe 761 1'442 "" · anpo81l, am 21.5Del Mar •92 4121 C>ut1t11ndlng Ba yfron t l·BR + loft. condo; new : tm · Clemente. 492.9430

• d~lex, inchidlng bay fl'Ofll le) be excban&ed d o wo In a pkg . 21.3 /fllM.l300


llif11ter bedroom dowrwt.lln in this • Br· bon1.111 rm boCl}e on ctio1ce greenbelt . Offered at $1S4,!00.

~~~~.~ ..... . R E A L T Y ~~!::~ .... ~~~~

W/p;M 2 bdr , 2 ba , 3 .,_,.. - JJ26 tamia, l)09I , HWll· Xlnl .... · j UMITS.C.M. frplcs-, l10001Mo675 7285 •••••••••• ••••• •• •••••• k>c.. SMO Mo. 65f.fl.Jf ~'!'9.-bf!raconht.! 2bNrB •. 200IJAv~·1 ~ Beaut . new' building . cBR y R Dl R1n 3 ..... _ ba ,_...,, v.: .. m ~

••'lrel>l•ce., xlnt location. Yrly 2 bdrm. 2 bu. (rplc . • am m. n lO 3 - .. ~ 2 • c...._ 1ar. 2/1.131-0IOO; 7~·1677 ••••N••••••••••••••••• T8Llnvmta &t2 1603 lrg. patio Sun deck , yrs old. Owner lived., cpt.. • drape• .... , i ..... a 3107 ~a~~mo 6T~: &:~~ malnt,$1!00. 488-108hva StOO/Moforappt~ C==~f'' l•OO _ ................... .

lllAICIVIH ~16 2BR. deo. Condo. Creal ~.._.. J Z41 - ••••••••••••••••••• • Newer 2BR .2ba. yrly . t lo/o OOWH • oce.n View on coa.t aide •••••••••••••u•••••••• On the uOd 2 br 2 ba StOO/mo yrlf~Xttntbt-Ro

4-Ple• "- Sn11 Family . .... , ..... 3207 d POI. Above M•k1na, 1 Br unique quiet ~ •c. = uun~ 1e~urHy' pets. Evea21.3/257-9792 4 Br. :a Ba , m&1ter bdrm retreat, 2 frplcs , formal dlnang, 3c•r &•rage. ap· prox. 3000 1q. ft . 22W1 U. , .. ,.. .LJ"f Unda Court. Sllf9.~. ___ ..,__ .,_ • __ _

A11ume . SeHe....-w.ill •••••••••••••••••••••• • undersround P•r ng. F·rpl" . ... lda~·ts ok 'mo ~ ·, , .... l1n"'on° Pool. Jae , etc. St95. "· • "' · u · .... s• 3 Bdrm. 2i,., ba , $650. Jlr carr( paper . Mngmt Oceanfronl 3RR 2ba Con· ,_.,,1me •oo..oo:s Rough. 5'!50. '4 ·22116. PIClfJca. 2 ·333·3846 mo. yrly. Working girl:>

Ul\itil • HOMI 11v111 • Agent. Gary O . do. Set·urlty bid a. 9 mo ,,,..,.., .. d l'I OwbeJ' I Agent. 642-2164 or en.a182. ---

W t:ND Lg (Mm home 3 + PIUll 2 on RZ llO' bw Id able ~ 12H5M. 7101 84!11111\ore, owner Wiii ronsl de r Coodo trade . 645-841 O

Sl_O,• Down uSTILUFF

s 8r 3 Ba, expanded liv· ll1i rm, lg kitchen, den

1 frpl c , Owner wil flOlll)Ce. No quallfyins. 1217,000 Owner. &40-7778

IYOWHIR Grt!11 t hom e11 . fl eli fin1rncing, best 11re111 ~ll41

llACHDUPLIX l·Blk. lo oc·~1rn . newly rMOV•lM $155,000

MIWPORT llACH llALTY 675· I '42

tlOOSntnL-. Only sm,500 for thl• 3 bdrm " aen home on a corner lot within walking distance of the W estclifr shops. Vacant at ready for. a happy family . Wlg­(lfllborti RJ lnl. f 75-6160.

~ ... ,,~ bier lae Ss.50/mo. 6'73 681J-O. New 3 bdrm . 2111 ba . C 11h1,....w pry/. Jl.3 Alvimt o · ~- v... 960-4388or536·2498 f17~728.1 •Toro 3232 garage. frplc . + xlraa U.fwwl.a..d 3425 &ll-0234or875-3600_. _

Rent, option to buy Info, Pnnclpahi only ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean view . Close lo ••• •••••••••••••••• • ••• v cle 1 br ,,.., hilt to repo'1, loan asaumpl!on ---------- c.,1•- leoclt 32 11 New lovely extra 11e 3 br, ~ "beach. No amwll Adult.I over 40. 3 br un· :Zeh. ms1mo'. 675 30211 etc. Easy finance 0 .A.C. TWODUPLIXIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ha . tam rm, frplc . kids/ nopeu. Av11ll . Jan . rum. Security. recrea · eves orwknds 9offlet'8. AA.aaLOT! Avall 1· 10 2br h ou1e. Chi ldr e n ok Aliso 1Mh. $700tiM-«>70 Uon. H.8 . 980-1* _;_-·------...._"--Ste... """" Refna. Newly carpet~. Wood .,."'' 64 .. 11931· PerunauJa Point E. Anahelm 956-4600 • $115;000• WaJJr9t.o bch. lM64fJ Via ;ro.~l~S ..,>I\/. •· ' 3Brtwnhlle. woeeanview, O.yfmt.BelmootShore 2 Veryl1Zbr 2 ba , drt'S~ · W. Anahelm 761 ·1442 8eUeve It. ~l price Cat • llna SU ·6536 for pool It Jacuul , S5$0. br. 2 b• eondo In ~c. inl rm newid11>11 crpt Wellmlnater IM8-889S in Eu\alde Coll.Al Mesa. appt.~. 'fl4Me0205: 2U·-..11171 bide. Welbar-, wa hr / IC>Uthem expo1ure. No

». 00 N Anaheim 951H011 Cozy and cute upgraded ~... J2$0 drye r . edult• onl{i . pets. Adwll. Yrly. $395. 0 0 SMtaAna M4·7070 Interiors ; allr acllve C.--del Mm' ;;«;•••••••••••••••••• tllOO/mo. Bo•t aUp •va I. UH M tram a r Dr brick 1idln1 out..lde. A •••••••• •••••••••••••• • Cllarmin& executive 2 1ty Nr=W:· 388 ti r 2~. 975-lJlil.

G .... _ 2 b . .. .. ~~ -------- realatffll 7~1~ · 28rhome. adu.lta, oo pell!, 4 BR. den. pool, room ln • ...:... •,.mfrwmlzs. n... ,.__ __ ... 2

b 2

b 4 au.-m, a u .1 nu e $16,900 J qu ... ,L aara"e gardener. $425 01111' beat. acboot. seoo. nr ••• ...,,,.. ...... ,_ . "" um ....... r. • . .. 2BR w/deck. New

w/ pool , Jae , fam rm , -10 ···cH A mo ms.1268 :=~..... . .,., mo. owner-·-· pool, aecurily, aauna . .,..,... It CpU. 1,,., bill l.o completely remodeled. .,.,_.., - · ~Ml• · or•7530aIUPM "50imo up. ffuntinllon bcb..87lM2'79aft.llpm .

~o';.-ir~~~~~~~ ~~:, ·i· ~~ll~~m: PLACE ~2~ti·,~r('~lo~ ~~.t=.°7:~~~~e:: ~....... lJU Pac19ca,213·:J33.31M6. c.1 ... - ..... 11 11 credit rteeded. Sl5S,OOO iMr. Sub allowed. PIOPMftlS"' yeMly C.ll 5:>4 4840 vauJted celll~. frplc 3 •• .. • • • • •••••••••• •• Condo rcw leue new 3 br. 2 • ••••••••••••• • ••••••• • baalan~t . Ask fo r Ed 1AcaW1nTr•casure ls l -JOr.MI . - - ·-.- fir bll\nJ akiUght wet NIGUEL S ll ORF.S : bl., l.aJC. llllt. ,[lo pelJI aplalrano Palludc li ~"'4·24~ :r8>1 Paclllc Coa11l Hwy IO,.. fl · _ . _ AvaJluble late l''cbruary bar ti jac' dbl at SpMclOWl •bdrm, 2~ ba. "50. (714) 7~-0677 aft.. Cuittom bum Townhouse

[,a1. Reh. Offered hy 3f UnJll. SA. 122K per Lovely J br I 2 ha on cor tac~ru1re 'Near J,oe fam rm. bHch, lenms 6PM fofleAISe. Col8lllne view, 2!' t>!a~;.~'ie1!!ilt~i1~ 7~~-~ I! '1·~ n c e M I' Unit Good Terms. ner w/ lgo yard . (,ease Cllb11Jle ro S'por-tll Club. S635/ m o . 493· 11293 or WaJout Sq Condo lrvlne 2 pnten, 2 bdrtn. Z'it bo . decorated •numlible .... _._,, EdwardFl1tlRe11llor S575

14mo. ll38 · 3232: $575. 546·32 11 h\'l. 96, 831-1453 &ty,Zbd. 2 t>. . ~l . S425 Roomy . fi'or lhf' di&·

9"4 io.n. Sl.5,000 under l·BR + . fully recond. Pvt. 548·9673 5'4--08 - -- Moo Fri Niguel Shores . garden ~otUpm crimlnalive. 661·2.171 ma..ut.~. 644·77 beach• dock, Lido lale HIWDUPLll Uke Ntiw Broad moor 2 Story •BR. frplc . park home , 2 BR, 2 ba, :!:i C.-.. Ms Ja22

lltJOO. AJ!t, 67541170 3 81' 2,., Sa ••· pillo, Sea view home. Vl•w. •be yard . Nr. Ml SQ. walk top~ bth, g1&& " lliaRh ,.,........ • . ............ ~ .... .. ..

..... -e 1&.1" ar e 2188 Mlner St, 1ecurtty and prtvacy. J~. 1&7&. Ph ~. comm. l 001. no pela. •••••• •••••• •••••••• ••• et lmm•e. z 8 , upper • i.YourProlHflon • m ~~$t' Bldr/ A&l. MO/mo.Ownerm-8480 •zno OardenJna Inc.rd. '*· ..... , ' 11 J707 em celUn11. llv rm

•TIUY IMTOWH HOME REPAJRS? ~l~ll~n.::::1:: !!67..wrt 2bdr 1 be. ~/M0tz50 • ......_ ....... )240 MMIZtD . · ........ ............ ... frplc, rerrl~ ran&t'. TflJPLEX +guest DW you no. you ca NEWPORT. O n~ h IMCHPIXB ~ll at iat • lHl Mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Villa PKlllc• Near New 1 bdr.~ atreet parkln1. cr:f:.ll/:r,• ~R,:~•

Great 1Uce • c1 ... t1lld ad ln =:a new 2BR •l I I I 000 • '91l. ~tll8 111ew.-..i-ant,.:t bedroom Patio Home Neer yrt.y__, ~i no'.!... • . 640-71110 Srnr/Wntr Rentel the Dally PikJt Servi I , _ ---lbedroom +den Oceen. Adwta. 2 bdrm. 8'1M07084Mi2SI

122 .--

Oo.ewlJtarh&r Ba,y Dtr.d.oq lor • wbole -WMR.L San·CteaMIPte Tr1 ·Ptex1

1.4e. GDR. ram rm., din. =:;:·~..;.-, ._ wladow rorm&1din. rm. Nopet1. ,._ ...... _ 1.7


ar5'J·l ~ M k rvr IOOntb '"' •• ll&Ue .. - prlud lO aelL Wei rrn . 2 frplet .• Jae. lot . .., • .,. "-- .. .-mo. Vacant..,... - -- A , .._ ... ~ ... b 2 b Pl h

Sl50. • 41"" er SI 77 per day~ For more 67J.IOZO~ located. Gardiner Incl. '821 Mo. home. Ylve bloc .. , lo • ••••••• • • ••••• •••••••• ._""" • r . • · "' ,,_....,,IM., Worm.uon,ull ........... PORT B""ACJf ON BERnfA HE.NRV Acent 67H354 beactl. Prtva

1te 2· c

1ar 3 BR Condo. 2 Ba. froota f..arM. t:Kilhl l· BR rum. crpt, 1~· P•A~.1~pk . '7).•2 r 0 M2 5'71 "'Et" Et REAL TO KS r,::.r· l"u 1 )'. rn a n on 1011 coune. Pool. d4!Ck. 1 Bl)l. to Ria i>«i•ch Hltnl.1.=.::: Wlr. I# g no ________ ., ' IJOO. 2111,.,1 Mar • 92.4121 281l lba, ff1>lt , bltln1. new yard. Adults. No J•c:uul. $450. 419.1636 ~; adu.ll only . S3:wi ~. """· mo. 8'5,377 or

-- - Plectng e Claa11fied ad la •• 28R.t:M.OOO - clJ(.ll.1ar Adulta/no pcila. peg, Inquire at S2'7 I.8th Incl lill Ownert17l-ld4 M&-'1Jtor640-~. lfave IOfnethln1 you wunt Ill easy q di a Ung your 11a..1121 Reis. '475 &M 7*'8 8tnet (714) 980..Wl. ... ....... •• UM · · bl

1 to~ll? Claulried •dado Phone. Give u1 a call -- ,.....l.laDI ....... •• •••••••••••••• c..t.Mele J724 lBr1.8!>· d hwy,all ~rlna it wtl.6U ~8. \\'t1'11dolheretl . &42-6178 AIN•fwS. UOO ,.~.....__, ,. •a..u 2 bdrm. l bt. ln old CdM. Jt!x.ecuU\'e home, 2 mite•. -·~·•.u.LIO~- y..a.. ••••••••h••••••••••••• w/C1111twulMr &r re ic •

- - •• •••••••••••••• • • ••••• ~__, • -• Jt25per, mo. co bf.ach. S br. 2 be . fam _.. - •"' •• wood ce1Un1111. e•rthtone ~....... IOI 700ACIH Vtf'1 .uracUve 2 lidrm 8'()..8012 rm, rrplr. d1hwhr. Prof. • UM"" .. SUSCAllT- c1rpet1n11 etc. Oenice ••••••••••••••••••• • f RI-Ide C®nt)' al • front coU•I• w / coay· I• nd 1e • pe d . Inc I. 1Mft 2 1tory home. bla ,..,... • am•ll l bdrnt. w/wttlr, dryeupece 536$

. ... . olf warm ftno4•ce and dt · c..t..._ 1124 ......,.., M"1y eicu-aa. rooms. vaulc.d/beam1, 2 encl. 1ar. 5245 • up . mo.fl65.»4ievn.

PACIRC ISLAM> YILLA .. Ocean View condo ln adu lt community. Spac\ou• 3 Bdrm 3 bath, l fire,>tace, country kitchen ~ many other extras. Owner1 mu•t ICU. SlM.000,


488·7222 831·0838 ~~~----M•i .. .., ....


;::. '!:~:,.m~~:;:j tacbed H~AND N1E~ ............. , . ........ Jack Ok. No pet.a, '700. b= btdrooma, 2be . ~:aoJ.•~ 2110 ..... JIJ• po4MK.l•l. ftt..padly de· DUPLE n~•u ':F·' kit. P1ntaatJc A#J.. No ' " · ....... : · ~~~u.~ . . ............ , ......... . Wik1f1a1 ....a It 2 mta.. =aji•?I' il~e. M60 mo. m..n. , work ·apeN~' tawtet ai.r. r..11kle, 1 bt, pr. AUnct 2 It dup ... 'Jpl, fA ,....,., t*ta1e. In· ~ 181l 2ba • · vauat • I r ' "' Ba , C;. 1 dalld, oo pet.a, rd: oll4' "*· .uL pd. INDr. P71Amo. m A WllW~l.I. 1t • ll4tllpi...._ PLUS 1:'9*nr l'7UtfJOrl,IBR ,_.<Ml~ tul ... ae. Gnilthault.-...... • 1.._,"'4910. .Joann. Ul· 'f1ll (U ·~ .... ' fa: ....,_,. , . I"· 111•,, trp lc . '37 / mo. lddl .... 171 • UDO ISL& J"BRI Bl 281', t M.aokldtorttta. m.aw1'"..:.. - - --

l1tn.-ertt latolM property AYaulJFebMl•.W. a.p. 4 br 1 bl dll»whr =:'.I: paUO. " '°*o' fall . mo/ mo . T• fl . a.di -...:aitakkqui•t.

WH T'o Do wltb a rHHttlc In· led 28r28a Incl I ~~yd, iar. Kldi :....a . .,,._. Cantekift1ttnpaoJ~t ,. ~~;r.merr biWna. MW ei_rpct~ ~: ii ...... ok. gd'8oO H.8. I It a~ la townhouae, w= •.... ~ on p ram IHI . =o"",000 67 .. Jll I =•f'f• no ptta. , :::~:'\fi.n .o ~ 811 Cuyoa w / 1ecc ...... -~~-·· lftlpm, "*9· UM105· . tac\llat v.._, _pool, Jae., __ .,.._

T -.._ v..-

7 I 8r l\t IHI coodO, nu OM J br. 2 be, dabwhr. . .AnU 211111. • eo.n-. KtlclMM JIMlltLOR. LP feac_.

,_ 1 .11 •RACH cr»&.t, noor.. Nr So. Cit~ patio. tncd )'d, mo. AltePM,•... n=Mr\'lce · TV ferd . Avail now ...... I 1 UNIT APART~NT Prau, encl. rare~ . rt Kida 6 peg oil 1445. C.._ Conclo. 2 3 to•ll major HO/ mo. lJUI r•ld . . .-:... .. :;=.. HOOIE"°"w•• ,000 .,_,., kida play ar ... o J-.!!.O lee. 1114·1"41: ~bdrin• .. II/ up ~~••llrvme a1 .s:J•. HI · 20• , _.......,. ,....,...,.. ~•1•.000 f:'· too 140·210 , ..,.. ~'011 lmaiect . Alt "-PodltMh.,..... 1..;;;• ;;;..;;m;.;..;.... _ ___ _

='='=='i'b~ -~:nUALn .... :::=;~. ~r .. Y1irJ!•i!::.... ~s~=.- ·~:.!J.;~'::· H••••ttr left, •••l IN-7UJ ~ .. ~ ~. '1f:-,t:::·. B•t·A~irrln:"ie°!: ~..r,~.:•t, :zJSt.'it1 ~~~:.J:f~ &1t1t 1 LH,. l llr. , -- 1a--- MNlll .,....., II..... -·'- ; . -· -·-- - •' " ...

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- . · •11' 111ti...... ....., Af • J ;: · / T~. January 18, 19~ • DAILY PILOT q •••••••• ••• .. •••-••• ••••••••••-·--.. , ...................... Ct ti ltlf IOOI •

----=CiitiMiiii JIJ4 ..._ •M Ml • ,,.._. ... Nee llouM/elea.. llw -·' ................ Pa 1r• lllO MllitWeh;~ 7100 ....,W....., 7100 •H•n••-"••••••.. ...-.. ... ••••••••••M• 9"ill•M•••-•••••••• V • r d e . I l 7 I WW• BES•. ,.er •••!••••••••••••••••••• -~ .. ••••••••••••••• ·-••-•••••••••'••••• l.AMAMCHAAPn LMlit l ............ 1.a.aaUN1T1 -..+lldllU.. 111r . C.ll ....... SXICVTIV! roH4 OD tbe bHdt. ww...... 3,1.... •• Larp &.Ml M4rooa emir-~· • .,. IUI+••••· llft • . • ,,.., , Ol'PICE for u Utt.le aa &tat• u + w6Ddow &lll'"So.l'JCaaaiaoReaJ AdwrlW8a - ... , ol .~:\S .. , ... :,r.::· •"•lh, • 'M•oria. CM-. •tl.14ra.• ¥1 1u ..... 4210 a&01110. INCLUDES: S..Cltnwe.e; l\aUyUc. ftAMC ,. ooe ._ .. -"!& .,..._., wl ~ w Ctl ..... 116-7101 ... - ................. S.tretarial HrvleH, A/l.. TSJ· WGO rorappt. • ·7* CO()IDIMATOIJ ~~:':: f:~·PI~= aa-1• acr.-,.u. IMnW ,..._lpriApluury~. ~t. ~ St•r~... DDAMCIOffUMXX =:i~~c=:a f__, a aa... Traiotn1

W\11 ...... dUJd/s*. twt. ~~r'::"a ~1~~~~ ;:.a!f; :°",.,..":[~ ITVl>IO. w111 train . t:t~~&ctz.~~~P ~or 1tatl1Uca1 ProsramU..t'ueeoodt.o W......... - 19-1UO · i. ""*'· Hut• PMlo ~ •711T ._._ Cneparlda1•cot· laeludff truck, toola , H!M&ou. tA to •AM b1ck1ro11ad reqlllred. ~~-. -· mWJt be• •••atllul br .. d nt Pool. 11.wr. idulla. no - ' • .r.. . ..WtJ•. •Janitorial ~ • coaunlMlonl. Mut iftJcw detail aod be ,.,... ,_

....... No~ Poe>a ._,_, JIJ6 '*· - '12l A111i1ot mo 8&AJl 1IJ19 14, ~. Near lntmee· flloP In Lquoa. S7000. f!:~. 1~~:~~.~~- able to follow up on pro- i=~·::!•i:~=~~: Jacu&li ON1 ady. • ....................... W-y . S..OW• bJ appt . t.W.. colol- 1V, 2 lion of Santa Ana ._, Pb.,..,uo ln1 24 hr r ecord lnl ducUoa order•. Apply ed In not Jldt • u la

-=~ i:f:.S fW ..... a 8r 1"- a., .... ltMtlf. Newpon ..... ya. .. ~· 5CJt22 ~=a':dia:::;,3~i " job" but a SALES ••-·• ::;ti:-vt.w,lt'C'ur ..... ._. 4JH 1'1Hw0Hla §i.t...r 1011 Birch St., Newport C\REJ:R. ••-• -.. ~~~tla, Mr/kMdilea. 117'.' Yrb' ' •-................... ~,-=~ey,c>Ur - u•••• ......... ~MILLI'S Beach, Ole•r O. C . ::!!4'.:C,~~Y::;~

'!'SLMsmt M-1 •-- .... Clf.. _.,... .u. OARDENINO ROUT£ •o.ktl• Airport>.:.. £911al Op· ~ ..,._ ~ Sl•MQYErN E lbl u ' I l ~ ..... "t 714-147·1907 CM. Pf8, "0911. lmne. UAll·ZAif -. UWT49 --6t1~er. ...... You~~ad:~ I lw, 1 bA. •~*1r1r IWl~~...!,, 6 ;:..,uDOPtta. &/.°.:0 : SbanabOmeoraptment ll:l&a. ft . Office apace to =:r..:tulJ;~=~~ LMIAAYICKI to• full con11nl11lon Covtnd 1rkln1 ,., • et ,.. .. .: MM7f7 Quusi:O>Aru i.lHuMmn ::1';l•l!•P: fl:•u~~ blfUll7. OllalM••• AIP•1Wi11,.r ::~~Jfer~~:~,~ mo. eoo IJ. Headlton P-waJue&..aD a •drooan. a ull Im · ~~~~ht~ ..ui ol u.e s.q ofeio MIJiwu .. Trwt ,_1't,.ofltt Wi lt tt.Ptnc for R. ! . eamedS20.000lutyear.) ••~ortolllf ...._ __ . _ medtat••r · No pe t • . c.J ~l...,_~ Freeway . QOI mODtb. o.itli' IOJS ServlrslatJOraaieCo. °"'""' NptBcb. "12 lcle1ll1 you will han -..,,_ ---..... : ........ "•'•~·· · _...._,.,, .w.u.- .,...... -··-................ ....,.,. ·~iu!r.!.t;. _,....,, • .-....,_ t Bil DU. Pool. )at'taad, 0.. PQiet. MNIU, oo ....,., ROOMM •TES Delue medical 1111te, CC)Cld. Call Mr not DeCttHrily la the pr. avaU. Ad"1&a. o ,......,. 2bdr. sm . ispulou z Br •Pl A l1'0lmd nr., Corona del LOWEST •ESCORTS• Leew\ be\wnZ.5pm, r:!:v':r~~-!mrl:~!: Pf'll. ~ ltarla A•t, Wr. ~ Ln• for I • lapect.vlew of bay . · S ... tmN S..e IW'. ReeklaomicaCorp. llllU........ t7J.flJI IMO-STTJ. Ned and l1'0W with our ~ ,..,. --It- • · tu Udo .Pa~ Dr £1\joymon. Pay Ina! 87W'700 htT.D.'..... APT MGR couple a1e 40 mmpa.ny is equally Im ·

•lbc', t'- ba.tW1lhle ISrlS. f7Mlll AlltC:ut•ttles. m-5'>0 aq. ft. ofncta. MT.D.Leml. MASSAGE +to muqe wel~ln- C'::l Car, fpk, piaUu, aOCMI kw. •f~&flll" WATMNONT We Reference. ~ 1145. lacl. utU. 779 Fainlt'tennaatn~ lN8 MUii MOD&S Ufaied11' +adult ln ... ~Uon to ou.r out-~ mo 1 . e..a..t... C41114M212 w ...... St - ........._~c Otaoce County. Xlnt te· ........... gprofram,weof· n;a. MJJDt ...,_1 ._....,.a br, dea, z b• . uui . 54().._,.,. __. o. ISCOITS Sat bon fer a complete rr1nse - • w/apect•cular view FemaJe. ~bdrm, 2 ba AIR.PORTOFFICES '4J.2171 I 45-061 I --... · ·~y ~~1.&- e.~30 towss bmefit package lnchJd ·

u... •• -6 2 BB.• ..... ... ,...~ .,..,.. '8lZ Luxurio.1t' · -•'--- • '-" ...._,._,. ·"~ lif ._.. • - ,.._ undy bea ch, buut '. <.Uldo. lrv . t:M-8050or I to 3 room lultAle, all ~..,...... pm. " ' ~--==._,anct'~·. t.' Drtvt. nr S A. Cntr)' -·••••••••••••••••• d l ~. Gall. eervices Noleuer~·d .. •••i•••/ ~-~ ~"' Ollb. Pvt focd yard, ~new apts. Near ~oa. ove r oo h · · ·2140 ASS EM B L E RS , You may YOW' ap. carfOrt w/~e. everyu-.. , . l

1a • 2·1 lalaftd. 8oat 1Up AUNIQUESERVICE =.'!:. ~~'_11~: r:.r~. ~LDDtGIRL saUboata. We will traln. pticatioft ~team more

mo 11H1J11., ••11t1•. UIO·UU. 494 ... 11 , av.JI. Aduna, no pet.a. ..... ............... _ zoo Ne • ~ R"' S4 br Ii up. MacGregor about bow ou can ~lo - ... fr'4)f71..Ml4 DIWWI, GU- • • • ....................... ......__ .... Pl l '- -...a1 · Let m beJp eut your rent (714)SS7·1010. •a • • n•• I IOO *Sl9UIM* Y-..-, l.w.i aceot a, our team by calllnl r .

Baaut. ~o= I' ·~-IHidl Jl40 LIDO BAYFR O NT . ~~0r~:U:~f=~·~ ............. - ..................... MOOELSliESCORTS ot. Jowat ~u•c•tow . Pool , -*·••••• ......... &operb vi•!.1.. n•d1 Our fees are lela~ Ref'• ..-_... .uuv llale·Pem1le 761-7222 jacuzat•bbqarea - A SllAR.P,beacU,JliS8R, ~~&c. ~R. 185(). daecked -...... n...... JUinwvio,o.c . An.moM . JOHh ,..SOM 2 br •--··- lnq. l ""-'-" ..u... ... _,._ 1 ru · ..Private luite with recep. 2ll7 Eklea Ave, CM II Or-........ ~OUT ....,.._ • ..__..,. 65--at "-· - ...... . 1ara e SHARERENTALS · lion Ii 1ecret1rlal •Mll'HO 71W70I ",,..... --·"' t.22ndSt.. tt6.C45-

91 ·~ 1 Br, back Uldt, ol Cape ~IATION servi ce, conference ~ .......... Mecn1 lrvineAutoCenter Newt)'cteeoraC.ecUbr, 2 ba ~. love\)' , • P•c. Cod styte bktS ln Can· lCNllN. Tua~Bl;Or. room, all facWUes. 2082 ADS Mt •II• orh U you are new t.o Co8ta , -= towobouae .• Spaclou1, •home-like. 2 br with Df.l')'VilJ. Blt-lDa,drapes, SteJG-9000,639·9003 Mlcbelloa, Irv i n e . MIC Meaa, temporarily dla· AUTO'AITS fireplace &t pool_. Qlllet init. aat.ed entrance + 2 ::J:·87~05 Aull. ut'ture.fenwle roommate 7SZ-OZ34 ONLY R 77MIOI CCJlltlauing your educa- Trainee & d ell very .

, area. Adulta, no pet.a, pedQJ. Some with att. · ,,,,. · 'ic;"abare fl.rat clan apt. ServinaallOr. Cty. Uon. reeenUydlarbarged P / tlme morning s . MOO. 645.aalll ; &7$-6N8 prqe. Swlmmin1 pool. Eaatbluff area rarden Lake Forest area. $187 DICUTIVI JOAM-3AIL from the service, or for

1_83_1-0_ 1_1_1 _____ _

•Eastalde adult 2 Br, den, Jacuw. Tennil courta. 1 type adu.Jt living. 1 br 1 each. Must be~93-1320 SUm$ Sell any Item or rom- ~6: Enterprt~ :::~~.~=~~~~T~: Auto rental agent exp .

2 Ba condo. Po<>I dbl bit to Puntiniton • bop· ba s.m. mo. 2 b.r. 2 ba 8 to 5. 486-&c~:fl. S~ Uaxuriouaprivateofflcea btnallon of items for '75 · apman, · ment, conilder Um uni- ~ary not preferred , $'25.~~~ar, IJinacentermall. Adu,lts. MOO. mo. Sorry , no . Sharon. _ with penonaJ telept)oi>e or less with a P~nny que~WU'"· fUUUmepoaiUon54CMl100 ,,_,.._ tiilo - pell . From S435. 644-87216 • &executiveaecretary . Pincher Ad. 3 lines ror 2 ..,

2 Br I ba crpt.s dJ1l8 no Seaw!nd VIiiage, 1SS5S · Fern. needs fem 22-30 to Coaference Room consecutive days. Each • C• '-"" BABVSITl'ER-My home . dois ! i2u. 'carp~rt fbWnctoo Village Lane, Yrly new 2 Br. dahwabr/ share Corona del Mar Xerox-Telex lldd.loon.I line la 60< for Mon-Fri. 2 children Rer. m-Oll6. H.B. (714)M-1181. '\ atove, walk to beach. bouae.Sl50. Call 846-1426. Nr. So. Coast Plaza, lbt2daya. Charae It '.

1005 Req. 642-0870 aft 5. ·

Avail Feb. $425. f'IS-3925 M/F Room ed &Uport & freeways. No commemal ads. sz 16 ,.., W• • Stunninc lrl 2 BR,. 2 ba V.. Pecfflca . mate want . BAKER CENTER •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Babysitter needed for Jst

prdea apt., poo~ '295. Mew ONCANAL ,, bdrm.Prof m3 tbaddl8e atceHdarb.. 3 '79-2llll P'ot more ln~or ~011 IH!•IEST•TE £:~!, trom l :Pom4S-S:30 . • 710W. labSt. • ...__.....___ Cute redec am a ll 2 · un andtoplaceyoura rail ~ " ....._ .,.c. up al ona

tDtrr .._....,__, bdrm .• 2nd nr. upl':ir , Ready Feb. l . $3SO per $111) u~ Offl~·•tore, 480 LICB4SE Hued on your produc · School. Refs. 642-6249 2r .. ~mcomappt,!:. U.::,';:.1!· fm. 2 ~~~:,;. ~ pd.;.;._?1~~•r ref mo.•2221 Ktt.B.~ .;.,,1.1?'~ .. ~ach Bl, 642·56 ~.v~~l:?"a ·-!!,"'it

1_after_-'6pm'-------•m aiit'3: C'oueie vkledbyifrikey-carden· mov·--eves . Waaledt.Qabare2br,Park .....,_ ... - 21134 SCHOOL .. ~ __ ...,. ..... .,. Babysitter.El Toro area.

Aft.1142-9790. t r7 . It n k lt c: b Bayfroat, 2 bd, 2 ba, NF e w P,. ol ~lt" .. A pt . ' ~THE m-- -~ nJ•- "10 OFFERS =~men 'lH ~ womllJ>, s tarting w/luminoua clp. Pluah frple . , dock , Agent ~:sl':, ·• .. eve • ~ --.v• • ._. """'• o- · we looking fOf' may be Jan~ wlc. daya7 am to

. UUl2Bf, ll.SOsq.ft. Fplc, e&r1let. Ice pvt patio or ~- . WATER! cael•trano v.1~r HI bred ct typing, roktlng 4:30. Cu e for lnrant. encl gar, DW, G/ D. New ba)con lea w / x tr a • Spacioos prtvate suite In Sc ool , caab pr ie1. G.esf Ltdse "'" papers, warel>Ouse jobs Ref. req. 768-7446 cpta. $375. Mesa Verde. storaae. Pool,..apa, light· 3 Br 2 Ba, encl gar, re· NB '°' employed M/ F DIC.SUITES ~1187 ~~orallmlted YSIT'ftR-lor

11 yr

asT·l.568: 754-&16 ed tennls court, lodry centlyupgraded, cl~elo t'>'>C-... .... ,.,......,. • 350to1750~ft. .__...IE--..ol SJOO ....--... ,. ___ .,available k th _. .. yng lady, my hm . facll Limi'ed preview beach. Avail. 211. $475 .....,....,, '"""'- F ~y -·~ -""'-""""""' income. o r w1 " .,...

Eastside 2 br & den spUt- ~ I i• ... ws ....................... •Materials provided. )'Ol.llg people. Rapid ad- After 3:30pm 8ome evs, level, frpk , skyliRhl, all rent.ala. From t29o Per per mo. lat & ut + . LSO fl\Jm. 2 br, 1 b1, lge paUo • ., l..olt or Found a pet? Call •Small cl asses for vancement pos~1ble . H Balboa Bl/19th St a reu . extras. S420. mo. No tno. Models open -daily sec.~. w/beach view. M or F . UdoM•h•a Animal Au .l s tan ce 1>en0n&tizedinllruction. YoU are 18 or. over and 67:! 6366 Chlldr- or pets. Days lOAM to dusk . 2 15 3 Bd . 2 b th 1· 776-60471\ftS, Greg. via- '---~ """ """'3 f *°'°°6e own tute-<Say would be avallabl(I to•------- -....,, . Wi c b l t.a A ve Cat rm, . a • )'ry . .__,.. ~-.. ..,, ._.,.no ee. & ·..w •---- BABYSITTER 646-Q!Z;evcs &tS-9543 Ycwktowo ) S te. •09M. Ocea n vi e w, de c,k , Nood M / F roommate to Newport 675-8662 m., .. c....._,., start work immediately,

. Clca_n 2 BR 1 Ba, lge pvt 7t+53S-4455 :!:~::eJ:~~·~~~~~ fn~:.~~1ti;~~ ooc dlx suites, utH pd. ~rd'e>j ~e;.aA~wc•a~ to 80% call .... 645-6514 ~~-~ptd~ch~:J.:i~~ paliO, refrig Incl. Adil.A, SHARP/NEW 2 bdrm S.,..._ ll forlnfo. AC, ampl pkg. ll'r $250. 64G-7552/67S..5425 FreeJWeek Babysittcrnee<ied. nopeta. $32Smo. W79-44IO +den. frplc faraae No _........,. 76 · 400'. Nolaereqd. 675-6800 REW'""" 'or return of Sales ,,_,_ m1dnlte. Your hom e . cblld ' 375 · ••-•••••••••••••••••••Femal e roommate 1UU1 ' ' · 'tr ........ g. AlTl'OMOTIVE

1325. Beaut.. new I br loft :a,~:k"i M . EXCLUSIVE OCEAN needed to abare Corona 91200 aq. ft. Hwy via· Black Balboa Cruiser CGl·Foro.tallt •AlltoD••~ Must have references. lll)'le apt, trplc, patio, all or • • FRONT l & 2 bdrm. deJ Mar home. &75-9206 6 lbility, new erpt, drpe, & taken from Sav•n Drugs, .. 31·1003 4tla044Z ,._ .... ~11! Monday t.hru Frlda.y. us W. lt·lns. *·"'" c:... .. cious new 2 br, apt 's. avail . Securit~ 87~ paint, under~ouod NBll/22/78. ~7857. Ka'·Ua - close to Magnolia & TSLM t ., ... 1803 ....., ..,... .... .tM.a •- No ...... a "" Or•"""" County orowth Adam s as pos s ibl e . gm _. 2\>!t ba \ownbome apt.a a~tem elentor· dis -~ .., · •-- · lAlst: AJJ black Shep/Lab Real Estate School _... "

Beaut. brand new adult w/luxury features. Small washer.' dbl. oven&. Pen· Fe!: ~ ~ furr t~rm ml.unale. Vic. Bear St le 32031 Camino Capi.atraoo req u l rea H 0 WA RD _9M-_ UW8 __ . -----s •. b petok. • tboule with frplc" prv ""<iN emp . •& + '"""Sq Pl Ni.....~rt n-h .,,_.,~ CM J ..... ~ • SaaJ&aanCa,..·traoo Chevroletexpanalon! Banldng upt.s. pac. 1 • 2 r GeminiReaJt 839~ aundeck from -1325 up· w.1.Marilou545-090aall. _, .. .,,.,..., °" . ......,.""""""• .. an""". .,... fl.HEAVY-DUTY LINE

w/ t o wnb se sty l e. Y -.-.or995-Jl23 · 6. «flee prime loc. 75t ft . m.87, lm-5030. Jata.W......_ 7075 MECHANICS! Plenty of ~S Schedu.led move-In Feb. Dehoie beach apta, fr_pk. Call Berbara~2274 fo"'-d F Chl.h h ••••••••••••••••••••••• C\lltomer pa)'. 4 worklng Experfenc preferred . J. encl garage patios . 2 BR apt, S275 mo. Cloeefo Room ma le • Ba Ibo• llAUTIFUL " white ·olderudo~~·6.8n Prac. nune, pit. Corona stalls each. See Ma rk. Full lime f our COlita 1 Br, I Ba $330-$340 Peggy~ beach. Isl.and 3br, 2ba rrl.J ren- sums 66~alln. or eves. del Mar, Laguna Beacb • 2 . p A R T S Mesa offic~. Call Mr. ~lJ,,&!t ~-= z-llr;T~ .....__1 -.e,w ~7 m o inc util ..,... """"Sq Ft • only,refs, &7S-886l. COUNTERMEN ! GM WHaragner

8a1tA540-2300 2700

· ,.m · • • .. ..., >n:: come, vuuto........ . . Found: 3-5 p old Husky, dJr. part.a exp. required. rbor . "\4. 3 bdrm'¥ wnbo At near 5 Points. *285. See 2 bedtoocns, ocean view, h:r!..t Crpts,drpa,aervtced fe male, Vic : Fair & Would II ke t o do Inve ntory 125M . See Part time for our South Mutts.

0 use P · manacer at 7871 Com· newcaf1'8ta, drapea,S&11 fw C. rce,.,.. Harboa::.c.M. '47-5638 mecbaaicaldralUngP/T Qiot. Cout Plaut office. Mon

l Y.t ba. U25 per modore U Sorry no Cle~eate UOO . PM 4310 1)iewport UJ.8813 •Uor:JGaroa. eves It at home pre - u . MET ALMEN ! thnl Fri 4:15 to 9:30 pm . mo. Gupajd.~3 p«a. ' · ' ...... ....................... fenbly.~ F iberglass work OP · Sat9:45to6~3D Call Mr.

~1 tgd. f!~l~d,!e· CalltornianApta, U&2Br. 2 ar z e.leaoc1o.iPOC!'· ':·~~~h~Ot~~ ~~. 0~~c:•·b:i i3f:: ~~~t~:fteb~: HlfpW..._. 7100 UMaJ. Buay ahop! See Kinn1n1s or Ms . Am · .,... . ....... y . .... .,. ... . ,..... C'loae \o bch " ·lbos*. ocean v ew, 31• . Alla.Ave altUAM A / C I t I I ,. __ . to Gabe 639~"c."7 -·•••••••••••••••••••• ~&h_ !y . .. ~ .... •-g"""ndl· ~toleySta.t,.~. Mesa3333_ Cul -de -Sac, acbool. Fromti211t.,_7176 Zl3/ llaz..952S ' • • x n oc . n rva. ......., """",.... WVlouu .. v "'"" ..,.,.,uo 1325.SD-5719 · · Newport Heights dbl Weatmlnater . Global 85lbs. Aceounting/~keeplng t.iooa. benefits. Opp. for ·Calf. Federal

Slwp 2 bed, el .. e to2 ... 2a. .-. or 3 8' --oolY. $15 R.E.•- REWAllD. Lootl/12. Lae baek••ouod lo< l><e· .ad•••r In hst -&lou l..ar1ce l Bdrm 1265. Quiet lwlJ. bltns w/carqe. 2~ Jla. pool/Jae. After 8, .., 83'M.2Z8 • I ._._. .. 450 black '-ft hair aJt rnaJe • t I g Io u 1 mortgage growing e County EquaJ <Ji>portunlty Wldlnc with beauUful • 511-7SIO' &n·18N r- · .. 1. 111--- .. at.~ pot b t brobrqe firm louted AbiJort Ultrial com · £ .,J,... 1~. Jaodscaplng Ideal for · · Office._... 4400 -·•••••••••••••••••• c ... _ • on & es . in Newport Center. Call pleX. m.,..,.Fer M adult.a over 3s. No pets . . ADULT. qutET S....AM lllO -••••••••••••••••••• 2 ~Vac:an~lea downto•nn Wbtampapee BorcolnhlaarmwV h 1lh,. ~ Barbara Via&M-mt. HOW ClwYroe.t LEEWARD APTS 2020 . • ............ •••••••••• "'" HuntiDitoo Be•ch 210 · " · · $177 DAY fouJlertonAve , (lbtkeaat ~~~J.i,:.~. ~ ADULT-OUllT ~e:J'ceft'uii: Sub- Main St. Mini mall . ~~&Newport, CM. ·MA~~C~~£D N~~~k~~ • per Newport Ave, " lblk patio. Nr bcb , park , 2 BR. 2 Ba, biw, D/ W, resa. bldt' OD B~~~ 960-u.58. . PERSON r 1'fl ALL llOUlho!Bay).631·0397. shops , bu.a. SJ45/·mo. newcpta/drps. Eoclgar. Blvd Rece~oo area, 3 Newllott Mariner's Mile Lost: In NB. Gold chain ctg pos .to:acc :'!:oc; at's rorloupay

!!:astaide 2 br, bltns, no 1Bt/lst. 980-1Z79 Forced air &eat, walk to prtv. offices , cabinet Modem 502 sq n. at.ore. w/ c harm bo lder " Yacbta, 642-6830. 30_dayad pet.II . S310 mo. . •Waui to the-beach• :S-C.t Pla7za51· .. ~ mo. work "ot.her extr aa. All 2 6 3 o < C > A v o n . EV:lral cbofarmsu. Somt e, for Ad Actt'on in the 552-4201 ,. __ ..1-.1 Sol ........ uW. &Janitorial aerv. ln· iu.m.7001 . u m.1 ooma sen men a

_ _, ....... ,- LIVl .... ft. • d Call · a.-0802 value only . Reward. Accounting DAILY PILOT Beauurut -- ..... . . BALBOA ISLAND Evee642-5149 c II a I br + den . Stove, refng.,

In dry ., pool. Wlr pct adlls . No pet s. $270. 549-~.

Adult Apts lkautlfully '-ndacaped. Nwpt e..twr Offkn Overlooldnt Marine Ave a 21661 Brookhunit, HB Soac. 162 Bdrm anitt. Co ...... lete full •ervlce Of~ or atore, SSOO Mo: l;&~Sat. PM, Gold llOll•R'I' ......... Daily Pilot SERVICE

NEED 3 br apt CM/ Npt Hta area for reapon employed mother w /2 tees.. $325-$350, un!urn. Pb667857 eves.

t6J.665J Oole to lbooa " frwys nor .... _tll'75-6700 • ._...,.,., bracelet, btwn er Recreatlooal faclUti,8 legal tulle. 2 large Of· ._ Saata Ana, " Udo Is le. a~unl ,_me:. . ... ·v1so1 llRECTORY I BLOCK TO OCEAN Rll!otafromS28S. nee. wit.h ocean vlews . NEW Ofc bldJi fOf' leue. Rewerd. 714-67J.8502 . ~ All"

2 Br, 1'4 ba,-frplc , 2 ftAllC "-Ali I 7\4/840-23&0 ~ 5°&.!:it acr~ Found· Blk/ Wbt/Gry M = ~cer ~l~~~ 642-5678 00 lT NOW! ~. S3:i0. mo. Adults OD· 9008. Jl1ower~7NO •- _.v .Jr.a ...... a- est. •- Pup. py Vic Col0leg '

c-1no, ~· • "'""-• ,.._ prk'g lac, 1400 aq ft . ""'· · · Viall Us Al Our New No pet.a. A.A for Dick 6f lw• ,_ ..... d deeor, w/ RC. aerv., cont. ~. , Pr11 lrv. SSl-3879 Location. onlyll8U15Uto5. • •U.rawl•d ltoO rm, copier. monthly COLDWELL BANKER!•-------• ;;••;;;;;;;;;;;1 ~3~Br~. -:;3-;aa;:-,:c:rp::t-. -:;c1r:.::pea=-. --·••••••••••••••••• •

1te For Lease. tss sq rt . SC'DIU 1£TS BUILDING l~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EAST SIDI frplc, priv, patio, a blk. .New.Po r t P r l m e ~<JW"'L SUITE 200 II


2 Bdrm 2 bath apt. 2 from beach MOO MOD . MOllLIHOMI laAMDMIW Wat.edront commettl•I ·~wes 2333NBROADWAY years old, upper unit of days 536-e6G, 536-8705 ...OIMA TIOM 3 NEW OFFICES loeation 1n Lido Vlllage . ur!'Jt- Probe _ SANTA ANA ~~.xS.~~~ per mo . eve.840-SiG. Rent, oPUoo to b'O' info, ON LIDO Peninsula m-OC Pecan - Nuance - We have an iocreHlng ~~~~~~~~~l&...g..leodt Jl41 repo's foan assumption, Avail aow. Aaswering Store 20xSO, downtown PRICES demand through o ut - ...... ••••••••••••••••• etc. Easy finance 0 .A.C. aervlce. x

1erox •• _'f, com- a.ta Mesa, nr. buy oor- M Y uncle works on a ()range County for ex·

DUPW CLIFF DRIVE VIEW 9o«l~. ' · puterserYce a • ..,. Am· ner . $495 Mo . Bkr . llnn fu.11 time ra141ng perienrect accounUnic & l'tuah studio, newly re- CONDO. No- t.uuna. 2 ........ tt.... Ston · pie Parking. 675-'6'100 pigs. My aunt works in a bookkeeping personnel, ~ e co r a l e d • F r . Br. I ~ Ba, frpT, deck , Santa Ana 554-7070 ............ ...... 4500 a~rmarket part time CallOf' visit u.s today- we townhouse styling, 2 Br _,/mo. yrly. 673-5089. · Westmlnater $48 ralltbl PRICES. are klo&iog forward to + 20xJO den, 2 8a fully E. Anaheim 956-4500 •••••••!• .. •••••••••••• p-eetiog you io our new tiled & wallpatered, Ckeanfroot 1 br apt, $400 W. Anahetm 7'1·1442 •...SSIOMYllJO• Found : Old E ngli sh location.

~~.:!a~ .. ~~-~ ~~~ctor M\llo. b.Wbetm 956-1011 Prime locaUocl aullable =t.J:~;:.~ 1714JIJMIOl r boolr ror comm'I or lod'I I.lie. Of'511·2ZT3 FREE PARKING ~r up, alitodoor 2bdnn. 2ba. Upper,Spec. 1HEEXCmNO -------- • 1&'10to2IOllOaqft. A/Cof· --------1~~~~~~~~] ..-. c\'!!v. patio, com· tacular Ocean view . 'ALMMISA ArT'S Dbliuteriordeelp •tudlo, tlCe, lOOamp power. Cal f'ound : Small approx . ADt•tASSIST

~·1 ~!u,.u~t·:~~c:; ~m:.O~ !,W:~t IONUTESTONPTBCH &f9u!:!.'. ~':°°·~ .E. C'114)S22·054 daya : Dbl flelUleb~ypeddoe. Pbr'ovwtnllmportfirm Tullp/ EJde!I. $4116 mo. No ZiHu.1449 ' • Beeb, 162 BR u <714>m-aM eve.. r!:~.1an: as ~I~ e;~: In Newport Center. Good pe&l. !WM754. fromt255Aut. Downtown 1:1Untlngton ..... W..eM 4600 &at. VIJla MeH Apta. opportWsit)' for bri1ht,

"'-lilla JllO Ad\IJa&. NopeCA. Beach. 210~ Main St . .......... ••••••••••••• CM en..., amblUous pel'lon who Coldortable new 2 br. 2 .;;;:;;;-.••••••••••••••• 15SfMeaa Dr. One 2-rm office avail. --·-------• bat an an.a.l)'Ucal mind be, kid• ok, no P•t•. Ftlrl'eftt.lBR, batbltlar ($.BlklEaatofNewport '1l0. 980-.w8. R::~!~'b!~·.::r~I:~ "'-d: min. WbJtePood and:'°.Cworiltogwltb 567.-SS38Smo. lo love~ Garden VllJ1 lQvcl> Jl\tmished utlllt!~ paid. btdroom c.o_ttace In f'emal e Vi c . Meu =:com~~~~~:.

S:US. Le· 2t1d, newly dee. :J::· be r 101~ c~e. tam.apm ~lllllO AlrtJOrt Area 225 J1<4 . ft. Coron.I del Mar or Cotta =-C.M. after 41PM U0..-4' Iota ol t.eleoboae pool, adull.a, no /e\1. over · C e. - 4000 DO() per mo. 833-0821 Mela. Quletneu eaaen- -------- coatact. eon tact Terri ~ 17th Ptce, off .Ana Tl'IMl40 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• tial. Wrt14 Clasalfied Ad Found vie:. Hamm.on ' Swank at Traaamark . Ave.alt. UAM. ...._...... •ll6' Quaint22.Hq ft rum. N.8 . , .. Daity. Pilot, P .O. ' Buabard , H. B. • mall MC-7NZ

,. D.. pl•-.. towMI • M••'•••••••••••••••••• ... • ._ olflcc. Incl JOM Se . Box lJIO, Costa MeH ...__male ~No col· --------, .. - .... ~ * •••• ,_. tt;ainu n c bl eta te - all - .. '""' ... ....__ c -mo. "'o-•", • ype. PAa MIWPOIT r --a.. ... ...._ 1--'-- n,. a n • e . °' e ... 17$-- lar. Doa1e t.J'pe . 5749. ltlln.-••• .... v , .. ,..._ .. ...,..WV --na· lvuaa , mo. fl'73·13S4. to.5CllZ aacbelou. l or 2 wtr. fall 1Ad7...tlpriv. rmatl35 rouDd bla ck 6 tan 15 89droocM. Townbouat9 •Ddlen Pac:U. avaJI. s HARE n e ... 0,, I u wt w I tome II ttch a 0."IDlllUbtD. mill 1'0Wll

-----... -- Jl'tomSMt.~ decw;D, lwatedpool $19 5 / Mo Co•ta ="· T4J.017111 ftmale . JlunUn1toa ' lpedacular tpe, total •"'1Yor41albmohn. M•u 1Newport area lcllana. 8taeb C.&ral LilirU'J *DrnPLE rtere•tlon pro1ram, .irv6....,...a•all•ble -.1 ft'Clf Dill ..a ,.._ • 11aont. 1CT·~· r:w =::.-,u'f'.:.:.! M~=Wli ~~ ·~·J: 'Cl~.:. t.11iebl..,w~.~-~H.; ,_ r rt IHO · u....L.d

~~~~~~~~~ lllled'. Jam11ontft8aa o.ia._ ••t0 ;::&ii.rUct•eii .... ·--- - .. - ........... • 1111RR11 ~llllltRoect NewPort Cntr Dr NB .... Ra.AXINOllASIAO& lmmediatalJ f1141644-lf00 ,.,. tlooo per m0 Cali a.bJ.-.ueM....w

Jbr., tieo UUUU .. Pd . • ..._1_ ··-•t u.. bl ., Roomw/kieebemMUe Mr. 'lbomai~ , .......,...,.,., Oulcallf.t,•·5111 c.upon, adulta·no pet,t. c ... __ _, '"' oea .. ..-• • · ..._.. , "ft•ONANTT ~ rl ~ 89 mw. B 11 frun btach. AH utl1 " · ... ,,., ,-....... ""-··············· 4" • "' "'-· No ~ >-..U IOl E. - - I y cca611uUaJ COUOHUDI.

Sll5. OPPn aeR .~ba. Balboa·~. '-'5o ,., hrD. room 6 bath , .....,,..TOOi d: tsdtJ IOOI ~11· Abort.laa. •dop- ~lor• Gals No· pm. ChJldren OK. 1110. + MCUritr dtp, CaU E/llde, C.11. lleO. ntr11. ::, ~~ve Che belt 9'!~· ~••••••••• .. •••• ~~· MT zsa !!a..!.:..O r"" V1len cl a . a..•1101 - -..i •-·- .!.,9'·'-NQ' ~ • .,,.. rcwaale. · No 1101. N1>' n • _ -•--1 '""- ';;_--:-- -- ~ .... ,.._... perl111ee net. ComPHY

. Dlla 4 BR. a ba, tar .tJ!O 8teuliM room lD llouM, "7 -471/0 • '"'-::::.-- ' ._.....,. '" wuu. wtlllnt to lraia. Part I Ba i. l 'llde Cotta -. Allll to bcb, •1• .,.. ......._, 'for ~. • • rw-.ft * ttme or full u .... Call .... /mt>. ,r'1w.•wa. ..... ,............. 2~.c..~ : : COCKTAILS. dluer ~·· ....

1 .... 1111 ••1-r IN...._ •· .., .. _.. For ..a-.u.tMiiioii ... , -., ...._.Bun. •1111 "'""'' Dllailtaa""9. MUJtt ._...,;....An....:: oller •••l •d '.Jon r:.......,, .hau Ill: Propert1 .m.i..,.. ..._.,.... • :.:.£.':..=··. llOI aw '°".'1-- ==:.9l.r. 0 lllfttd ""'o:.... ;:-- -r...; A#I.. i;,:s=.=. la =._PUatawn.tAL




MONEY Enrich 1979. by joining

•••---~The Anaconda Team .

I \\'e have 1979 salaries

th1t undentand1979 price$.

ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS These positions ofter an e)(Cellont

stMting salary with frequent and automatic

flOY i nc:r eases.

{ Compeny peld Medlctl ln-.ttnc. tot VCMI Md y~ fem1lv

./ ~ ptld DENTAL ln.clrMOe for VCMI Md yow temHv

I o.v °' lwlftt 1t11tt , ..... .., • .wi1ne ... "Y wfttt , .... ~

end ........... ,,.., fftc .......

-/Uftl"""" ~hy '°' ...._"'9ftt

./T ultlon ''"'*""'"*'' "' ' ,..., -. ... .

./2 ....... ptld .... Ion .. v'211t tfltf1~lufl'I fOf .:..onct ahltt ~ ... .., ..

A/ltJly ., Oflf ilt;Jflty. Wf ,,,. IOC•tN off Llr:com "-~ lwlld Md •rot>Ahtlnt.


, . ..............

CAIW?• UellflJl....,4 PNl•Walt avellabl•

-MLPIXrT• CatHDter, palntln1 . - · ....... u ,,. lft area. Ml-ITU


~=.~:!'!: .... =!~ ............. ~~!!.'E'.~ ... .. PWdai'DCll qtllet W 0 UL DH ' T Y 0 U nral PA.INTINO *-,..._ • ...._ boaie&o can for la 10U1 RATH\£ a b av• a Eapr'd . a ... Rate1 . ..llT. "J.14lt at.w.. 'llMIM e.un.d Public: Attoao· PYM Ell. Call 0He PA'lalPl.MTEJlJNG

H1 rd1aJ11 =-~~'f' y':; __. Al l t1pe~ . rue ......... •••••••••••••• -.c:an-..m Plladal-~/lntr. E•· lllbaiWl. c.llMO-tl25 •a.=N' S ROUSE· I• ...... 1 ft~il== ...... Ft ti 1

~O . SERVICE, -·•-•••••'••••••••••• •••-••• •••••••••••••• f:.:.=bb' ~H Laud1caper. Prof petotlac. EJrt • lDt. 'etnpeir~. In ----...-----• Top wart. l'air 1,nce. Low rai.. Ref1. Pree • re-Wlllt a R&ALLY CLl!A.N llAlnt. &ef1. 14 , '871 ........ ...- ... Pl. w..!"cet· oP HOUIELCall 01.n&ttaJD cb'a/evet. ,__ EIUr' PeiDUAI ~ Hit· um._.. U1· otrt:-JINi•.161f2:1 t°JLL -, R._.. aL lie., im. Try Fll&E'10 nw ....,Y. Job .......... - .................. a.tars. Off fOUI' nut pbunblnc

~..U ~.:.~II ~lOD-op.. Bridrwort. &mall Jobi. lat, at. MniDI.,.. I« T ~ia!'r1~· 1 l:"pl'r:~ IUIDI ._.. .. Ct. Nftport. eo.ta ...... 11"· Prof. qui. work. • lnille. '1$ol111evee. Resld/Aph/Comm . :::S.81aebPlumbin1,

Comp. bouHcleanln1. ~. plaDten et.e - -Dave._...

------· L.... aU ---·- . ILllCTIUCIAl!f·Prlted - ......... rilbl· ..... ettl••te 00 ,.._..._

~~WI~ laittorlmall.tolle. - •••••••••••••••• •---~-----• CONTACI' u.Nmed ITs.oaet '.1o,J1 6 ltome res»alr.

w..vutf r 1.,. ,...,;.t,.,.,C>d4<_.· Pree Aptl, coado1 . i'ul, Nlw-.....0.W. a.ta.' r.L ~ PdDl.lAI, mt/· .... ctplMlbl. • .Ollar. SU.OUl5 -...a m. Sand.,...._ tat coal- --·•-•••••••••

~t.Y ltJaouttet .... ~·-············ .... _______ _ 1:1JfW.-ktlff, 8lel08 K 6 8 Wood Feaclaf, repaln, pal.nt·

nma.~~LADY Bid. bnck, 1lumps&oae -..Oamm./a..•auo ~~~.~~~re ~I! mldml blecm I · illia· walla, plaaten. Reuoa . .._..,: qual, won. IO rocubakn-compo-tar. bleaienk!e, rsnratet. m. L ie/bonded . Bob . yn eaper . Honeat., ...... elt. 541·58IO ,...,.., l.n"- Vll'ue• ""'-- .. &aati'"' wort . Nwpor\ ... a ch ·--••.ace,.,air ln~_,p lumb, elec, • -DDerY - .___ • .. .., b · - 1 Gl.oslO TU·tll8 ~ • .....U 1 Jn, raln 1utten

... • r ID a II o a• 'I relDOdea;ml ara e c . Rellable Reas . . Mauattt 1oba • Bob or Fence Builder nee d• RalplLS:Jl·SG4

IUNd.552-aM m4MJ4~ cblndbl, low"t prieH, ..._ Howecle• ..... ,. Ruaooa Uc/ Boaded/1111. • .... ......... . ......... .. .................... . b I e · 0 w n t r a D S • -·•••••• .. ••• •••••••• Papemao1in1. St.artln1 C E R A M I e T I L' E : Relenoces. m.7• ·MOVING6STORAOE· Ill aoo per ..... roll. ldtchml, bathll, entrys .

Monthly blll P•Y'"! tltnl or)Sl.0719 c::-.t/Cr 1 eie work J7 yn exper in•----------t'J:J=c•, Slabkttlll Pl t" .............. ........ wood & c ha in llnlt . II , I ~ the oew ~r--· .Ml.A at ........ ~ ...................... . ri ! Call for a I ··~ .................... Yound1Uoo1. r"talnan¥ --... ..,.m. Jmmac\Wite protculonaJ SPECIALIST·AT· .... ,.AIUwliiob. Yo&ar tlle or mine . ~lion m-m1 SNmpoo • •t.c•m clean wall•, blocllls , 0111 01 rr L · · apartment C~I- CM LOCALS QUAJ.JTY PA1N'11NG •acm

area. 541-3ll4. Profesaional pa.cklaa. Int/Ext. Neat Reuoo•· t...--511- , --Colle1e Student want• ~K:.':!7c=e ble. W1yne · UXOYE) -•••••-••••••••••

----.i Coler bnpteftet'll , wbl Uc'd. Slf.501J, -~ _ •• .;-~•••••••••••••. - · atc'y dOtll lypUal, Cll'l 10 ml.n bleach. Clean Spec. in Ret/ unill Fut, 1---------b&kn • maJUDI Ac h , dm rm. baJI SU: A•I Ct 11 wt• clo 6 prof Own tools cur11&.e6dpadbl. ~ rm 1'1~. couch 110. cbr - ••••••••••••••••••••• Deve8'5-i.sia/MZ·ll809 wort, OWD tranl, reu. P.U.C. ltT· lZMh CruUoaa Ex-

a. GW ehra l>d odor Rtomodel , repair, f_,n . · C at 101 J'I I CW& ,..U, 15 yrs eq>I'. carpentry, old t me ... 11111 i-::=-:;;;:.:.:::...;;;.;..;.-=::::.-•-•••••••••••••••• • Oo wcdl myaeU. Rell. ~P- 11 yra In •••-•••••••••••••••••• te haulln1 · movln1.

"7·85/5U·S7M AMERJCANn4/Ml-1002 a.tGmW~al pert abalQI, UWullng, .... ..,_.. "··--. Ell. :'~ rem:oval.175-2821. Satisfied cu1tomeu Morris Movla&: Uc'd as ," ....

choole me over rnt. In 1" red . 1' 11 5 IH . ___ .:~z::151=----t-:::::::::-::=:-=-:-=:::--Anita IM-31111 (>rofe11lon'al service . WAL.LP.,..._ COllPLETECARE

MC/Viaa~NZ-4242 Trtmmlnc. removal, Oabla:ltl 6 Coupi.r Top11 S.11-41.0l area. L&C'd. Mr. Palom- Gardenlo1, Clean-ups, Gara1e·Yard cleaalnc. - Carpentry . Roa &.ICTllClAN bo.11128314 treelrimmina. Pree ett. Real. ra&a. ie0705

Hou.secleanloe Is ban - ~ Maolfenfl £vet, c lun-upa, Uc'd /l ns . sJyman repalra. NB/CM The futelt draw in the 831-31115. 8'75-ll96 -.18'5 KIUllCll18ob1NZ·7378 n- Com bl Reas . ratea. ~9858 ave P / U wi-11 haul ._, m 'I, Ind. Ran • 0.0. PUmtr & Son •

SELL Idle Items w1U1 a Zynexper. Llc278041 Remoctellsaddltlona. Fitad what you want ln anything . Cheapest OaUy Pilot Clu!llled Ad. CALL 64M • 1' M'7.al32. Uc'd/lns. Daily Pt.lot Claaslrleds. rates. 54S-8CM6

area . Bonded cpl. West ... a Daily Pilot 5.'SM123Aft3orwk.nda. OaealnedAd. 642-5178. Clwllied.AU 842-5178 WantAde C.11842-5678

Help w..tec1 11 oo Help W..a.d 11 oo tw, •••• w...... 1 i oo · Heep Wcmhd 1 •• •.0.0. -~~~ ..... ?!~~ ~!!~ ..... ?!!~ ..... w ................. ?!~ ""' .•..• w ••• ..a.4 •••••••••• 1 •• •.oo ....... !!~ ...... !!~~ _ .....•................. ....•.....•.•....•..... . ................... .................. -~----~ ~HJER: Eitp. require<!

BlllkSecy/ Dld SOOO .for rull tame position . COUATOA DATA ENTRY

Rapldly expandine com­pany needs hill Ume data entry operator. If you have 10.key we will traln. Great salary 1 ex cell. benellta & gooo working environment. For appl. caJJ .....,. ' 54t-I043

Purcb Clerk S800 Xlnl wage;, benerlts & Genl Office $900 oppor. for advancement.


~Call For Appl '· Please apply In person Irvine Penonnel Agency at G r e e n 1f a v e n

Willing lo train an in· du1triou1 ca reer In · dividu1I to package educational materials. Excellent working condi· Uon1 and benefits. 40 Hour week. Apply North

ea E 17th, Costa Mesa Gardens, 2.123 ~ewport <iuJteZM "2· 1•70 _Bl_vd._ C_._M_. ____ _ ~......,.....--~ Clearung Lady for SD. Be11utiC1an to operate t Laguna Motel. Good pay &taUon aatoo. 609 W 19th. & workine conditions .

American Se r vice ---------Center, 1338 E. Warner , DATAINTIY 646-8480, 846-1145 The _4118-_ ZZZI ______ _

flayr Bam Santa Ana. £qual Op- Senior operator for 1 well

IOATIUI El Wonnng forema o nffded

· to 11uperv111e conslructaon & wisembl.y of 25' ~Ues•I fiber~ f1stuna boat. !J4Hl63 -------·

BOOKKEEPER for p ro­~ive co. Prefer com­puter exp. Salary com· menaurate with abiUty. Non-smoker. Send r e · sume to: Huish Manage­~nt Co 33208 Paseo Cerveza. Suite C., San JuanC.p. 92675

BOOKKEEPER, exper. lmowledge of payroll, rest.aurant ex per helpful. S . county urea. Send ru· sume to Ad. No. 381, Dal· ly Pilot, PO Box 1S60, Cost.a Mesa Ca. 92626

portunity Employer. establi s he d growin g Q.ERICA!; Oranae Co. corp. Xlnt Earn extra money! COMBAT ARMS: Men 00. working conditions &

S benefits. Min 3 yrs of TYPIST ly. Train ln small unit keypunch r eqd . IBM _ PIX tactics. Rugged outdoor 3741/ 3742 helpful or we

wortt. T4lllkB. Artillery. ··""train Pay will com ACCT CLERKS Want.ry. Cash · bonuses ww · · ift:V811 ... CH. ore· for 4-yel?' enlistments. menaurate w/exper. Ap-l\li 1 .-v" · Call ror details. Army ply ln person, Mon lhru

CLERKS R.ecruit1n : Fri. Sa~m. Must have phone" reUa- Costa }Jesa 540-1026 The llOC)M' hie ble transp. Long & short . Huntingtpn Bch962·8821 170'2 Glllette Ave term aaaJgnmeots. Holl· Laguna HUls 768·5251 Irvine, Ce day ~ vacation pay -- (714) 546-0331 Hos pitalization plan =~~ g~~4'~a~fh --------­available. education program. Co- DELIVERY DRIVER.

ordinate· volunteer ec· Must be 18, have valid tMUes. Extensive public CA Uc & k:oow C.M. App· speaking. Position te m· lY Hub Auto Supply, 2120 porary full time . Call Harbor Bl, CM. 646-2464, 91 9 . 2 2 7 O . M r 1 . aaldorClaude.

VOLT . 't"I Mt>#f •tAt•Y h t l lVR.t ~

ll41C...-Drin 546-4741 Delivery -& stock work . Sutherland.

(Across Prom Corltir· ~ce female & male apph . 0 ~-I / canta welcome. Xlnt op-

BOOK PASTE up OrangeCo. Airport) upportun Y w pay . portunltylot.ralnlnauto F.quaJ Opport Employer Mature woman w / car .

Part tame pe rson on net!ded to homemake parts sales . apply W2 Mon. & Tuei. No exper severil hrs a day ror Newport Blvd. , Costa necessa ry . Apply an --------- eJderly. Laguna Beach Mesa, or 10080 Adams, penioo Pennysaver 1600 --------- area '497.2375 H u n t . B e a c h . Ptacenua,C.M. CLERICAL . Automotive Supply

Qimpaoioo Houaelleeper G 1 Work local temporary live in. Private room & De livery & e n e ra BUS 80\ aMigDmenta. Open to all bath. clcee to the water. Helper, f'-eeway Auto,

~:i&~!\fcx~:.~ ~· CalForAll Mustdrlve. 673-2191 ~~very Parkway,

Rest. lOISMainSt. Balboa lppal lw .. Today CoMsTIUCTIOM DEUVERY PERSON, 35

&lployu•.t VETERANS

Jobs&JobT,,_.. A ....... ,.. ~y .......

U.t.g •• 0,.-. COllllfy

loOW.1p1n $3.SOl'erHour

IWfetltory COlltrol $4.50 to $5.04 , ... Ho..

lf9• 1erillg De•elopm1..t T~ $4.70 to $6.00 ,.,. Hour

Design l':ngll"er $20,000 Per Year

Medlankal AsMillbler U .50 fter How

SalH Ullk R-. $5. 16 , ... Hour AMto Mechmk: S4.00 Per How

SWppil~RKelvlncJ Sl.50 erHour

hlldlncJ MaNwte11111tC• ' SS. 00. Per ,Hour Sheet Metal Fabricator

$4.00 , ... Hour l'rodYcffot1

$4.00 Per How ,......., Sl.50 to SS.50 Per Hour

Toot Motten $4.27 to $9.13 , ... Ho..


Apply al l•pl=•t & Tral•l•1 Ad..watratlon of ;e... leaclll. U M• Street. I lwt:r• Cal .ow 516-2526 - 619-15 4.

GENERAL...OFFICE · Wbo&euJe Lumber Co. 70 WPM. 10 key, good math ability. Mature, depen­dable " well lrtlC>med. Xlbt oppor. ror advance­ment . Co. benertts . Salary commeosur1te with ap. Will tram. Call for ~. 11s-se:o

G_.r .. OHlce Rapidly npandlng com· pany needa fuU time person for asaorted.ofrlce duties including phones. lite typlng etc. 10.key helpful. Excelleal start· Ing pay, good fringe benefits. For appl call Mary. 54llMCM3

General Maintenance­T ruck drlver -



• Front Desk Clerk • Door Attendant <Full & Part Time >

• H06l/ Hostess <PIT> • PBX Operator

Enjoy excellent working conditi<>ns & company .benefits. Apply 9am-Noon. Mon-Fri Personnel.

MAltltlOTI' HOTa 900 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach E .O.E .

Handyman. Colla Mesi. GUARDS 548-564.1. All GREETERS

7 AM · 12Mooa f'\ill & p/Ume. areas. GENERAL OFFICE . Uniform• fu r n ished . TYPIST , accurate Aces%1orover. Re,t.Jred

7AM·lPM Company baa openings lo Costa Men, Santa ADa & Oranae for 1Urac· live mature Individuals to sreet custorr,1ers for new car dealer's service dept. Some filing & telephone worli . Good atMting salary, advance­ment and fringe benefits. ~Y Mon t.hru Thurs from 9AM lo 3PM it Nu Or m PLans. 3194-C

~ 549-31N2 welcome. No expenen~ ._ .. .,m. nee. Apply Unlverul

G1•NI Office Protection Servlce, l.22e A.cew' typina req. Lt bk· W. Sib Street. Santa Ana. k k f hJt.eroeWs hours 9-12 • pl. noo -s m r pre . l"'Moothru Fri. AirpOrt area. Sal open. ---------54&-3'00.





SECURITY Due lo our recent ex· Airport Loop Dr· Cost.a pan1k>n prognm, WeU. ,_Meta_ . _____ _ Farco cu.ant Serticea It u.-..1 ...... _.... rt o..i ... _ .. "~·· .. ty Gu.arda ..,... ~eeper; pa ....... ~ ... • Ume stock t;oy Ir maids . for: 1be Jno At, 211 lrfllllt/Newportleedl N. Cat Hwy, Laguna S... AMI A1rll1&. Beach · M ...,, ....... _. ffotel·f'nlat Deak Clerk,:

eo.e.MeM&11w Dita, 4pm·2am 1 da) Pellin or 298 E. l'llb St. 557.0061 AmbWoul • /tome expr. bn wt. No wkeoda. (or Costa Mesa. ~o~ ~ff 1. Ce • ln all tradea, W/ good C . M . r bar mac y, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

common senae. Mutt IG--OUll. •DlllVR• BUSu· anDScRhooJVEl .RSAp~glrycltt.,~; 0 overload bavetrans.873-5553 ._ID .....

Jo' .,..,.., DENTAL ASST . Expanding co. looking KN'" "-Brookhurs t , ' tn Vly v~ afOp E lo r ---•C•OOl--S---1 Cbainlde part time. X· for people wllllog to Proc\ire all materiala &

Must have reliable tramp. " phone. Loq • abort tenn aa&llftm~ta. Holiday & vacaUon pay. Hos pitalization plan available.

Wlllttllf' Ana tpm.llpm. C.11 ior appl. M,S.5000 ext S2IO.

I M M I D I A T I tbel·Motel OPINI N& .S for .. GHT AUDfTOI

. 963-7831. ""«u por . mp ye Ray Uc. 646-3000 work. Neal appear. Good schedule work for build· Business man reqwres re· . Exeandine restaurant driving rec. Over 18. Co. Ing maintenance dept. liable person spure lime Oerlt 7-ll, Part time f'n. cbaio with over 50 untta. Dental Chair-si de 88 · vehicles. S2.85 per hr + Must have some con­lo m 8 0 a I( e 0 i 8

tr . Sat. ll pm. to 7 am . $.1.()( FamiJy-OWned organlza· lt./RDA 4 day week, GP, incentives. Call Eric . struc tlon knowledge, Consulting Business Op· per hr. 675 Pauhmnc lion offers p leount ed. benefits, top aaiary. 673-9283· clerical skllla le be able

~. to start your own 751-4652 working condition s . 847·3507,962·373'. to deal with users. 2 Good opportunities for AS DRIVERS&HELPERS Years college necessary. mes.. without invest· advancement Excellent DENTAL ST. Bu•)' Ne e ded f 0 r 10 ca 1 Apply

VOLT 1 1Mf•flflf\U" fd hw• • l.-


ll41C ..... Drhe 546-4741

(Across 1'-om Oran= Airport ) F,qual EmplO)'er meot.646-7M ...._ · t Newport Bea c n ho ehold movin1 O Oerk company uwnef ts. Ex· r estorative pracllc~ IM'7~.J,s · THlllVtMIC

Buslnea woman net.'Cis J MAIL Cl.Ell perience desired. Apply n eeds s h a r ~ , e n . um Camelbaclt . Key people with ambi · '8l)Opermo. lnpenon thu1lastlc exp . aut . . lrvlne 144-llOlO 1-:.:i----•

Hper•lsory l••.el 11 pm to 7 a m , ex · s.c.fty Offlcen who perienced NCR 4200. Im · ...tTOft ftAY wfttt a mediate opening. Full

I lllne. ra .. dHClllf_,. .,.._sodorlM

LUM Sl.00 TO S'J.15 patfOUI



C...Mna (714)~

HOUSE CLIAMIAS St.rt al $3.7S hr. lmmed raile when trained. Car nee. (714)646.9780.

tJon & a desire for fanan - Entry level position Wtth *'3oftg l9r•. 831·3'80. . DllVBS ~N <ial sec:urity. For appt. map land developer. M or en 25 vn or H 1 Sb Apply in penon Mood1y ~---- 1t ...... -s calJ Juhe 549-3762 t'rom ~ & delJvering in· DeatalOffice,excepUoaal en worn 1 Factory· e 1p· op Auemblen, Trainees, to FridQ 8AJI to 5PM nvv~ 9am to 12am •- all filln •. ·~ ,,a., .. a •,1, opport.unjty for tbe right older. Know the coast Trainee. lmmecL open· Qerical etc · t • & HouHwlvet . P / time

~~.1t-.-..1 ~~relle:dufiC:. llllWC-tH Y penoo. Call844-0683 =~.~:;:>,~wrok.~~ ::~C:-."o~t~~S::1,~t!°"~ . DOUli.IPAY a : WELLS =~.~~J~med. ~ rvvu Must have front ofrice - w Dial A RJde Yellow Cab, 17300 Mt. monthly review•. Call FOR I sf DAY

5-rfke AHNde..t appearance. Call Debbie ... .,..... .._.. Ort"" Herrm1nn , Fountain for appt. Deltroalc Corp, after wortdna 60 hours. FARGO Housek~er : driv ers Por prepura t1on & ~-8220Ext. 2ll ~ale modem equip· Valley. <No of Slater ~ Brina t.hla ad In and re- .. GU •RD uc., w off. 5 school

, s e rva ce · No exp . --------- COOK-For active retire· ment. & door to door betwn Newh·ope & gisterwithusb1 Feblst. " ctuldreo. Speak Spanish necc!llJ!ary. Mon thru Fri. CLERIS ment borne. Relief ahln.. transp. C.Uf. dri vers lie Euclid) f'ACTORY , Aaaem , YICTOI SERVICES _84_7_41567 _____ _ day shin. fUll benefits . Good benefits. Salary req'd. No prior ex per Warehouse. LlttJe or no Tew-~y SerYlces IR 2 ., W HOUSHHPH Call for appt . 759-G_Ul.1 based on exp. Newport nee. Good driving rec a ....-· ••& 1 Vlll 4000HUari wa must. NoSundaywork . DRIVER experience,worltday'Or "14lBitthSC, Ste21J C-•w"'"" 4dayawk,4 hnday. a so

CA MF.RA Pe rson ful l UTOTEM N . .t6c.S88J a ay, Orange Coast Yellow night. No foe . Weekly NewpprtBeacb.~ Mlrt CA preparelmeal.SlOO/wk . lJmeantbeCemera Dcpl. Cab, 17300 Ml . · , ... TED ,,_y. Start now, no wait· ms. MainSt,Ste56~ -Apply Mn . Green. P.O. l'' amillar with PMT ()peninpNtwAvallable COOK. for conv hoepllal. F VI M Ill&- Orange, 135-2822 OR BoxC, Downey,CA90240 Process. Exper. prefr. for full or p/Ume clerks Free health lnaurance rmann, . y . SIJND. IJ ONLY • ....._., COUPON u-.. .... Tueeday, Wed· ffouaekee .... r , live-in, ~Y Pennyaaver 1660 on 2nct-4& 3rd 1bifta. No after probationary DIETARY AIDES 1t ""''llJI ------• ~da"Y..1. Thursd11y

0 IOllle English. pref'd .

Kt!OUaAve. C.M. ~~P•pes:~r:.e period . Every other conv. hoep. Day' & PM To deliver DAILY ~Serviees OENL OFC atrt prr for 10A¥·4rll, CLOSEI Otlldcare.846-f707 .. --------•I · hr. wll:nd off. Apply 1'45 abirla. Stable employ · PU.OT bundlet 14 car· ~1 EOE DJOl'DiaO. lluat ipeU 6 ~at

CAMBA :. .. ~e:::.:t:.Ad: aq,erior,NB ment. App ly l44G nen in N"J)Or'l leach ~. Ca1Jm.1n1. llOWW__,. HauNwares 6 liftwarea - ._ .. , Superior. NB. area. Recuaree vaa or b d · .. Jlr ~ c~1 experience

OPRATOlt vanc:emeat opport.....wH COUNTERWOllA.N large ita&Ioo wa1on le a Fu ion acce11ory • · Olaaier, exper. cutom • ........_ "'-C"' reqd.1'\&Uume. Exp~ rl e nce with I tot.boMwboqu.allfy. For Towritecontract1inren- DRIVER. Tow Truck, ex- good drlvlol record. alper, Meb part time min'or man, t.op pay, -- .. Wallberi or Nu Arc cPitormaUon go to our tal ceoter. Mut be aVlll per only need apply . ~II · ..i.tant in UMmbly le Stat.el.Jc. Noc.- RJONHARDWARE. 10?.4 tamera Pft!fernd. Must ...n.t market or COO· weekends. APJ>ly 1930 MulttivelnC.M. area. 24 · '4J.4'HI . 1trtn1ln1 or Jewefry .,ty Irvine Ave . , N . 8 . be able lo make half· tac.t tbe penonnel office NewportBlvd, C.M. yna&over,call751·15U. Alli for ---~------- Gi-R·E-A·T £m&*>yer.. IG-l1J3u1rforPhU. tones .. ExJ:rienced lo

81 J.JM2Lampaon'St COUNTER GIRL. P IT Driver, Stock Clerlt. ' O.~or Fem1le Companion to SALIS JOI NOW ~~~~~~~~!!M a ke those «o od

slnpp111a or 19~~25'-' Gardea Orove53'7-4840 io:I0-1 :30. sa. hr. City Cl'l1nce for advance· u-~ handk apDed m1n. No OP84 U you're not ttadlna the houlebo&c1 Items tou'r1: prcal1lsu a s ws abet v-.. ·'()ppor Employer Cleaners, L•I Bc b ment, must know Q.O. ..._., _.._, nW"lllng, Ote housework GOOD PAY GOOD llW"' _ .. _ ln Claulned, ...... ""In• avails le to . 11m er o~ses . ... uat ~ .-.. ....... p Ind 8:.tply l•HI o,-rtHlf y & ........ ,R_ room board "' ..a ' """ .... .. . able to..,. d evelo]>e 3M ._......., area. ac. · ' , r- ... ..,.,..,,..., • HOURS, GOOD CON - you•,,. mwln1 a lot or aomeotherfamilyby ad

ood P ZllTS. Hathaway, ~ -- - • _Ir,. &l&laty. 01Hell6. I f •lion at • ...-. .... ....-. ..... 111 ~ ... ~• In =· C company Oerlt Typist, run time, OOUNTER HEL • Pert · r nrTT01'fS:-w-A~ y newsy norm .. ~ .......... "" ..,, .,., 1UJ, 4d1tywttk. Ap· 80wpm $4 oo hr + 11me, Dependable. DRIVERS · Jl'ull tlmt ! DIYCLIAMRI FF.MALE Factory PRINOE BENEFITS. wellasaome1reatbuys . ClaNlfiedC.11642·5178

Pb8am-1lam, lpm-3pm, benenti . 1141979-22'70 . Mike'aF\thFry. MS-2875 Cl1111 t , dellverlna needlmatureperaoo~or worken. SUO per1hr to FIB'r GROWING COM·

Nadonal F.ducaUoo, 4401 M1M&roa nunery ltock loSO.Callr. counter as mark!na. f\ilf at art. Merit ra HI . PANY PROM OTES T' l'&R GA,,. EKfl «. Birch St. , Newport COUMTBLADY Oeeocut&1ooddrivln1 Ume, Sda)'ll. Expr. prel. S-.5125z.1$3T Monrovl1 P'ROMWJnllN. TRAlN .rw.C1.AYt.. l'<X.l..\ • ·11 Boch . (Nur 0 . C . a.rt Typjat for 1rowln1 Dry Qe8nen. Npt Bch. 3 record. ~contact Mr . A11P1J Mr. BettCleanen, Aw,N.a . f' 0 , l\ T 0 P M. ,._°""'_,~r+--M.-~--~ AJrport) . Equal Op .Hewport Beach Te~le da)'lweelt. Call6*7621 M&rtin tW llr. MoUH ta1'D a.a. 2111 I!:. Cout -FU- e-"--c-le-rk- ...---- - p-•rt- II AN Jt:0 E II EN 'I' Y At_. .... .__ -r pGf'baily Em ~loyer. r\nn. Need Sood ty:'::l; r...-i... .,-~~ •· m•'"af• _.,. Hwy, ODI. m.- ••- for .... ~, ..-~ ."' 20 S T A ~ T S ' ' I M • T• ..._ ._... ._ .......... 1 lo .. ,., c•ral -a .._ - - .... ...... anm ""'~ u • D AT .. L y ' ' . iti~~~ ,..._.••=• ...... --.. .. - --- -----1 ablUty.' . .... .,_;;it•. 1ml bualaeu, P / . .Driven; ta1dal 1ppllc• IU.ENCARTEIUI boun per •Mk. Call Ki: y 8 0 A R 0 • .,.,...,.._.-.,._ ...,..

CallYMP9noa · 8oatCOY swo,_.week + a~tOnl· IOll'M UOMfoucboolbul. 94.0G Lady'a llabtrdulMr Balboe Mtnoe .. em EX p I: Rt I: NC g ::.- "~ ::' ocr. en, es.per . Saile by i.a to ap. WW tralo. CUSTO•&R SERVICE Hr. t o 1tart1 4 br . Now lntenlewtn1 full lorappt. BO&Mtr. Ha.PPUL. WE HAVI: ·~ =~ .,,_.oh ~.875-llZI. 001MS-108I Lar1a Antique 1tor e J:>•raotee. Ut•Olll . tlllDe WeawoaMD. Apply nLJ:Q.l:RK OUR OWN TRAININO :::- =~ it... 17·'4'_,NIN~

CAKPET CLEANE R . CL I: R K Ty p Is T . ...U penoe to H1iat ltEmplor!r in penoo. 131 P'uhloo ·lNSU1lA.NCE PROGRAM PUT OSNTOBYP '=:... :ir : ::::, Mull be neat, tull-Ume. Newport Beac h de · cuetome r •, en1wer Drtven foe o.ttal Lab. talandllall. N.B. 81~ 1pot fqr 11f:l 11m COUNTRY' .t- •- • ......., . lmmed openln1 . c .. 1 velope r need a s harp llbonel. 6 run r e1l1ter . Part tlmJ, cholce of Executive Secretary . penon, pleuant work I 0 R 0 AN SA L E S ~~ ~~ a;: fH0.2700. Ptf'IOh with lood typlnl bee~ in cu.t~'d~' mom.1n11 or aftemoon1. WOtMnWith ekllll In lYP· CGDdl. oppty for tralnlng PEOPLE. CALL AT ~ih:ZL.l ,11:" ;:- J'J, ...

skills Reapontibl~. ata· = O?J~r ~r ~ MUil bav. Vllld O.L. " iq, shorthand and U1ht • ad~rMnt. lflAI :'f' ?~Riilw. bRiA~ ~~ .. ~· ::::.. NOWISTHITIMI bleperson. Conatrucllon ""--:.......J:~~Y =dr1vln1 record 1ccovnt1n1. Pay cQm· ~1~0· ~1 •t~ · P.:XCHANGJJ , STAN ~fl:,.. :tr ~::;

for Job leekera to cbMk l)ll( kfll'OIJnd ~rh>fUI 1Jot in"- Tbe An ue .,._ EYtt • mtaturate wlU1 U · u °" n· ,._ ~°' . ,._ th• oau7 Pilot Help !oq~red . Ca ll Ter r i ~i°E. 0 ,. . &46-1177 perteoce and ablllty. _dl't....:.a_E_.o_.r;_. ---- _MJNN ___ 1i._1• __ .1_101_ . __ ~:=- Pi~ 5r tu4":!!.:~2.t W-.d dwlflcaUoo. " ~zn'S s.n&aAu . DrtM', ... t001tm1. •r· hMl A.J&1'7~0• E=-' :s:- ar=.

=..~ ':i;!nl 11 1~ CodlhlllW......_1 Your frlnd1 and ,,.,., lie. for workinl Lquna ' · • ":=...~ '°" fflll·-- ........- - ........... -ctaiimic1 ~. .. • -t!~~1t---7~-l !!.,.U.1 ad'"f... ~~·~ IMt • to - _. wtr "ll en t la e 1 b a v e OD. 6 bave perfeet dliv· Ott GUSH caah !:f!_,.. e, .. , - u • - Jolt ' i..r taiU. Pta~ 1b4111toMll fter'U - ,......, ADDl1 Mra.• torWNIT& ...... 0$a 1-. •-::r W ..... c .. I J , Pllw ...._...,... tell JOU 9aow well l Gl•H .P . O~ IOJl C, will~&"~Ad ~ .... ...WfclrU...J ..... caut.-l -- _ ..





.. -.,Mili'W.-.-1t111M1•W~ 71 ..-w t • 1 1111 w.~•-ntt MIAIW•s• • . 1100 WmlM 1100 'TWldly, Jwtuarv ''· 1m DNLYPl&.OT g .

~;;i.................. . ..................... ~................ .. ........... ~ ................. ......• , .............. .


ID•At. P / TUI S , MA191AL --AWll:&speri~ ............ ....urtll&ec.&.B-.... &\Lii CLCRIC·l'NU&• ........... 1100 MllllW...... 7100 ... -•••n1wea • "'1•1 MAJ•Lll• I 1wr. 8". ... 116irb. .:h',:f-lf:~ hv••• ca.a.a. ... ». ~1'fWJIOl\Bdt. e.-.i ................... ._..~··••H•H•••••• ...... - ...... ----· *" W/Hn. O~r 2l . Parta ·~· t:• · ... Ceav. -.,. )18, REALISTATE$AJ...1'.S Ma&Ul'e womaa. Good l\alfu ... ~· .. :•t. 9-nltrw f- •&llm•k· 8petd ,.adJDI t.aelMr· i :IMJl.U :IOPll ll~a plrie.c. but not CM atu OaU tolled PIUdO.NS .-,,, Qit __, cmd ao•• ~·· to I • m,eo CQer . ..... trnd c rt de D l i I I e d M......... .... require . wm \Ula . m.11NllO. DD,.;. .... ~· w/tWI~........... . ~· lfl.Olll .... • -- . teacber/trtlDIDI pro· ly . • .. t bt • u • ~u•t paH um pan>' ..._"' ,_, -t lk.aa· JICll •1• -- ridM. Ev•. TIM Read·!;;:::::;;:- - - - ......... ""I sttr • •:;retie ~ baol. '-"ll I .... ~.. doD? A'8 ~,.=oc.uclft1 Ir __ _, .... OUDe lUO N. 8rtstol :r~~~ 074 ~. lnioeM0-7GllOE ·-- IJ'Of:• but taJ01Ln1 n R.llUurut ~1UY .._, 1'.&. -.uOI .

Medlcal Proet Offleoe LVN lillll f Do u-. people lD TACO BELL Te mporary ac hool --- - - - --

n~ 1tJ11 only launed. layv\ew Coo Uttu.eaoyouraYOcett OI' . needed by HuattnetOll cllu 1Sld ... Mia& ~ N~o.a G o1 XW......, Hobday J>IY 1our omu btlp coo· ucretary ur1nt1)' Tiu,....._ AKC.

need a PluM aClftd v~ Mii "lhunn , ue U..y ne1at\vt ID· JobopportwaU,a. avail•· Buch City School Di.a· STOCI ..,,......__ . -.Jori.t. ~ P.O 11>1 L560, C M IOaOI diWluUI wttlt DO 1oalt ble. Apply In peraon. bid. Peb lit thru Juae. _.,. a... ..... ..,,, Bu• - o t..,,..rpolt ID IUt T lWl "11rookburat St . Join -- ....1-..•-,• •-a-. ... - per IDO. Aol>ly NEii ca. Offlse Pcftape It aa Ume for a w ............. lluatbe 18. - •-• "" .... 135 W 1'tb St . , KB . "'-

ch 8tMt Lbt rot: 1ellto1 a unique, ad · ~ AKCred .. D • -· fPtlPPI•· llllodeia • eilrtPFW.v 1.:f:'0uaPomtl.a~~ · vaaeed . lubrl eat.tn1 · · We ..s .,... f•~ If .nu.MitA>~ .no.a. •vint room type retalltn. c:oa· SIClifA.IY )'OU MW WbM lit lak.t"I lo 8Uaty Open •=re wlMre JOU &DTAUUHI' .....,.= ~. £d~~ --"-••• now en.,,. ua U..PMDlewlt ._ ~ .... - ·-area. J .!:z..;

VortWea<MocJ la cwnc. .... ·-· 4aJee ..... 1W WOft."""P1eue Mftlft' & •••••. boDUttl .......... -:J!t. Ooad w;;:::, for ad call n.vtd fo.- a coolldea· WUM bmlfta. w/2 mao min ~Y· ,,..~ v.-.c1millll . WU1ln1D1~ ~cerwlew. 114· COUNTER ArMclimMle.._. =:":'it btk~~: MOTOI uperinu nffffaary .. • I -. ~llrPM&ea l40-l22S

JillJllt bf ZS yn old or Rul Estate Salo . •o 11 •• ........ ' ·

ROUTE ol.S.r • bt nail.' o_, fl'uU/ pt Ume. Uc/unlk PERSONNR ......... ,.. ...... UClll!TAAY/RECl!PT. Saturdaya ~1 oue or &am while you learn, ...... Geeeral office. Otrtn

,,.. Da'11 POot . M• a '1• ·1090. IU I Men hrm a rancb broker real challeap • ~

fpnnectiate oPeG!n& (or fl'S.mJ u.ti~ to order aad ~•Y• IMI dlltribute all e&at.ioa«Y _.....,.. ......... . ud office auppl~it• · Cat. '-I ltalr . ..... . RtlPOMIMtfoull\JPS.. Morfhalr spayed eat. ._be able to Uft up 'to Ooodw~-.-501111. .. .... ,.... ~-.

If. w/khl1. aCle- aew EJCl'tllcot talarJ · •ome lmmedl•t•IY benefit• aod workhaa •... • eoodillooa. Apply inl~~~~----­penoo. .. •±• ...., ....................... ='9b'°°t~ ln ~"r" VH'dlt•.Coata Me-u. C.UforaOPt. eT&-mf. lC Mewa.el&_,0,.. WE 0 .... Ly ~~. 80See:i!'i

m-:\>r:b~a·all.~oo:! - - - ' oo1D1.calfqaln. I ••••• 141•t•r & w··~ sell motivated peraon. TACO Blll Ph• s.tud&y and Suo Painter llAL ISTATI t1•a4. A" 1 ~fouppt. 67W2'71 ,Corporate Headquarter&

MUST SSLL•nd tbls . lmpt, re c l l 1ur a. bootc ..... etc . Olten Modal Home,_,, da1 eatb momll>I•· AP We~lffftnl• ~li1bl1: INYISTM8fT WIMNMS SECRETARY/TYPIST l'1'alRedlIDlAve.

m•>sean ~~~~~~~1 penoo with some ex SALIS COGJit aM C.-ter 14M02J ID WPM+. aooct speU. lrviDe.CA9Z114 .,._.._ pen.,nce ao pa lnuna. ... r..111111 ... •••cl. ... ,.-i. Ing: $700+ : Sood oepor. ~-----'* SACJttncS-~n

--------.. ...... monUl Mu• b.•~~ vlnyl , patch ln1 . etc ll you .... ve aucceafuJ ~ ......... ,...,._ ·- ·~•W'J'OUIJd1D&a -~M·-....,,·'Y _ ...... _ ...... ...__~, ~ tt--b ~ ~ s l ~ e.xp, In re•.I ettate ,_..-. · oc ,.,...;...... Al ..._.."._ - ·--·- ., ._,_.. de~auable auto a nd a 1u·y eommet11urah' er lnve.tmenta. we need clilra.......... m · · ""...,. .. anta uo ·1~~~~~~~~~ $11. Ceotiary ode I

DATA8fftY aooddri=f'KCWd wrth e .. perlence. Enjoy a aell motivated person ~· S•llS8111 llce. 752-~ 1- na.. ..... <TN)......_7 s.iior' operauw for wftl PlilMt lDpel'IOn cocnpu.y beaeftt., to sell trust deed lbveat· .. -.-_ T ... ror TENNJS SHQ&iin SICllt'AllY.P/tt.t • se.df/M91Clen eatabll's hed 1ro'*t11 J ._ ~ J!r~. 9aro·12 I _.__, Cdm rrr.e:xper Mftor Fllbioo. l.llMd ,.aoee 90PA6U>VISS,..T = Co ~ Xln _.__._.,::::!, Noiori. mea1a to pension Pan, cl• • J••••rr 16 lluine Mo..un: , Li1bt bookketptn1 . aervtcH firm .... sna. Century Model

"-~ " c-- --- ~·-H- We ..-ovide draw.· ta.r•••" S•tnd•" . n . 1-Spm Mon tbru "Frl . E-',d. - Sa.n Jlomehm.fMa.aft • -· .. -· QcAll• -·• "''- Ins '9adl ex,peneeslra ' Newport Harbor ·-ditioaa. Mia 3 yn o 900 Newport Ceolbr Dr true opportunity to earn , .._., 20, 12 ..._ cu - Lu t tt era n Cb u r c b . Dr., f300, Nwprt ffkle.a ·bedt $lft Olaen

keypHcb r eqd . IBM --------•I • Newport Beach over$.'50,'()()0yearly. to61'W.' ~-•UAa NJ.allbtwnt-3. MM>1Z3 lladelftomthm ~'l/ 1741 belpC\ll or w Equal<>ppor Employer 'J9.ll83 _., __...- (Tl4).......,, wW ltaiD. 9ay wm (.'On) M<Yl'OR - - - MAlllOrTH~ SECRETARY. part Ume. TILIPHOMI

~cna:"~.4eu:-· Ap _' ROt.rrE PARACHUTE RIGG ER UA.LISTATI *Carl's Excellent opportunity Exp'd. To ltaodle real SOllCITOIS ~a RB matt/ box ..-- ror perionnel and equip- SAL1SP10f1U for an efft.dent. people Sate muapment of. l':xperi- edOnly SeU 1prn11 tli. Kia1 199 . . a.msm· ~ Daily Pilot ha" a rnent puachiMS. Mwst w~y N. Taylor co. ia a J oriented penon. fice 2.3 days per week. 10 Dail)' J>U:. Hlabeat com- CeDtury Mod~ Hom4!

1'19 l09tr hte luge route Ill Newport underao 1>11nchute jump D.year old firm wholly r * time- evening hour Key, poettng, $5. per hr. miuion pafd . Your l'\arn (71•>541-a77 1104201.Jette Ave Ru eb area . Monday lraioiog.~ntowomeo ownedlrW:ratedbyits • a v ail . , including Non-smoker. 675-1516 ~lllbcime Ov JI I•-------· ml~i ~ l:t1~y~:d&::i~ ~;:u'01 8fKC:.\;~~FY ~=~~ry~ ~::n~t 0~ =~oni~~·~e:=: s~ETAR't. 1 lirl of· l.D. Cud. eaii ~: · **I BUY** ---------i (lay early monungs. Ap Costa Mes• ~1028 f:rancbiae · headquarters llACH net. fice in F~ 1•land. l.:&P.ll. Gclod Uled Jl\lmiture &

prox. 21;1i hours per day Sant• Ana.SU·:M~ wttb arouna-rhe-c lock 900Newport C.ter Dr Beautlful offices. con· Tow Truck Drivers e... A»Ptiuc:a--OR I wtll LAB HELPER F/Time, regular pos . Wash stauware & clean aea urChln tanks + mlsc. duUes. For appt . call ~~Bierer KERCXHOFF 11.ARlNE

LAB. Conmadel Mar

Facility ol Caltech. Equaloppty. emply


Ser.II bond required. Ap· Huntin.atookhM2~1 ~ to management Equal()pportunity Newport Beach aemal working coa~i- l*''d. Top r:Y· Apply .-IGl'SEU.forYCML proadmat.eearnmgs.$500 fat u1l1lance at aoy tmployerM IP' Equ.:10pgEmplrmlr ~ifr~~f:'1~. G•W. Tow ng : uoe MAST8tSAUCTIOM per month. Muat have Part-Time Steady help time. Our lil·howle video __ l :.~5:'oo pm. Qum Way. C.M. 142-1252 646 1616 & J.9625 depe.ntia.ble auto end wanted. 2 people lum lo tape&ting &sales train- s../ ... lll .. ..,,,.. - .., TYDUt. nu . ... H good drlVU>g record. ii· Mon-Fri. San4w1cti i~I. pro1ram bx__Igm Beltaurant r DCl9 '1J* ._llD ff. )j 0. off, ........ j . ----------

... ~ ,_ oear 0 .C Airport. Hos*im la tbe finest real . COUNTER ~=-_ ~·=~ ~ Secretary, PT. e-aem . .....; .,.11,.!I· Xlnt. future . All Wood Bunkbeds or

.-.euea ... pe.rsoo Train. Call between estate training available . Stv, H.W.Wrllbl Co, l216 ts.OOperhr. Good~g. - chest bed $99. Olsen !.~.:_.~" ~.=ro . ....!:!!m . .\tit tor Webavea.noe>enlnglor2 ffochelterSt..t.11. lu. E•r,· Req. Call TYPIST llodelllomes. _,. -- ......., - salespera9n1 with en· PERSONNR 11157-1.131 ( l'\line) Gf'Mt - .. for typllt ln 71454f.30'77 ~Dept. lbusium, cbaractet ~ SAUSLADY • ........., La Of •PARTI'IME integrity to m.alcb our Secretary-Oeneral ornce Newport w • CASH PAID

hi1b standards. Your for aclusive children'• lAIUIMl area. ~U time ftee. lluat type 10 WPM. For Id uaed furn. antr· OML Y * own private desk and no SJ - .._.. .. lfwt, It.ore, So. Cout Plaza. MCJo.Jl'rl. lf1&1t type 45 letal ex pe r · • dlc · .-•drTV'11167-t133 ~v• FllM i I 1 -· Experience eseenUaJ. Le .,..m Prefer mature tapbone pref. Kftowledge -=--------...v Mu,,tnowbe employed& part-tme saespeope. ,_..,,.._ d41Y'. 20.25 Mqaaln. Pbooe54&jB85. pen.on CaU 414.1571 ofwonJprottSl«equip. 2 Diaet~e Se\•· Deak .

Laborers 58SIXTaAS free to work ln my s mall Commluion split up to .._..,... wHIL Apply <r.••-' "D•RS Mon-Fritto12 will be a big plus . S l ~ e p·~ r so fa , P/T ~EltS IGds Teeoa· Adult.s. Eex- appl. bUs. or air t reat· 70%. Interview by ap- •-2-I-.. 1tiff. - - - · ~ JWripntor. Kt az matt

Some paiD~DI exper pre· oepdcoa1 opportunity to rnent equip. M·F 6-10 PM l>Olntmeolooly. r-· - ,...-~~ J1\tl1 Ume d_ays, calling SICllTAAY/luc. . • bos aprc. Couch. ~ ferabk!. 7-J .3(). break into movies . OI' M-Tbun. 6-10 PM & WESLEYTAYLORCO. dmr• ngh Satwdcry. on industry. WW train Waitreues/ Hoeteaaes cbaira, Lampe . ' Mus i

F/T CUSTODIAM SZ0.'200 per day poss . Sat. 9 : JOAM · 2 : JOPM Rult.on 644-4910 bl p rt t Xlnt opportunity for ex· F P /U .t idl' 5.16-0384. (71') T6M2A.4. VIDEO ~/Mo. Sal. or ~-11t persona e e rao 0 perienced Execuhve « me. vays or ·

8am-4;30. _,., rv• Real Qtate T d Mm up to $1.5M yr " Sec t t s E Apply ln penoo. P/TCUSTODIAN CASTING SERVICE. sharing pros. whic vet THIMICllG aco e ~m. Mr. Crumpton ecwi:ea~ m~Jor'\et.all Nwnero- \Jno Pizzeria . Holly.wood ~ fra!J?e .

8am·12Noon (Nowin4th year > you pref. No exp. nee. Andbeblgwithaleading 52274. corporatioolocatedlnln· wa>Brookbunt,FV. . ~uid11a::~P~~~ f/T JAMITOtt ~ln~=p~~a::~ Xlntpay Carlos Sa.lesmao, yacbta duatrial Irvine area . WAn'llE98, exper. AM '• .... coadWoa $75. Call

'8m·2:30 . NEEDED 3 •ey people lPll~ plan, mi.Woo dollar loca· ScbockBoatl Must bave top t)'Pilag, Blue Dolpbin, :ms Vi ~ aft.el' 5Pm. all THl•VIHICO w/ real est.a~. business, tloo. run Ume manager. 17401Dywad. m.2050 sbortb&nd 6 telepbooe Lldo,NewportBeacb di.ySau,sun. . 1071C.melback or ins uran j: e ba c k · PARTJIME Will train new agents. ~--~c· Milla. Xbltsalary&com-

lrvine 6"-9()10 ground. 557-0'll.s. Call Al Stellato for con· - - • ~ oa new pro- P9QY beftefita. Call or Warebou&e c~ needed &-..It twlD az. matt. &

N e e d b 0 U S e • r'llrllHlf'~ lidential in terview . -A............. duct line to call oo buai· write Cindi Caffey, rul1 Ume lmmed. open.· box 155, full n H 5 ------- - (.Jtftln.J -.S871 _ _... neu leadiln/ quality re- Builder• Emporium. in1 . Full Company ~ twin aet ~.

LIGllT,,..... k.eeperl babyaitter.BtoS. CollaMeM,CA taJl outrets. Potential 2162 lli c bel1on Dr. benefit•. Call Balboa fulhet~kln&aet S8S . 1.eoJ «ifice iD Newport !'!> ~_!".lm3y rrv~ =~~.:~:a (~IJ'Ig!att1i3UUI $2000/ mo. with raise lrviDe. 12'11•. Pb'75-0808. Marine 548-91711or appt. VIQYllYQI rm c&ain $SS. Belich la looking for re· -..- \;&UJOU-.o ....- - i... ,.., _ . ... 26Z4 I A•- aft« 3 mos. Aae DO bar· E.O.E. IDE MIF. root atoola $15. 8 . & J l!CU'Ceful, sell as ho m e . o w o tr• n s · ~. ~ ~~r'S.ffo ·~•u; Beal Dstate - · ' ri e.r . Mr . () •Ke el e .__. ... av ~ D E . lat St. bookkeeper & l egal References, $120. mo . ........ . _ Pbon Pwtl•'!'J. S.0-2200. -•-• YARDMAN S.A.50..xll trainee. Salary com· +benefits. Call eves 2SO'eETW~~~5 XJQ · llCB'TIOHIST QatruetMJa/eqineerinl Rmtaleenterbasopen- ~-Haitia.nCottonSof mensurate with ex · m.ons. M. : : ParttimeltoSpmfor Equal()pportunity Salel oriented 1ecretary Ine s for 2 men , .... ..._ a

C 11 P · NB Developer Llte typ Employerfll / F PVTPHONESYSTEMS needed for lmmed. poei., mechanical howledge + loveaeat. Peean/ canl' pe rie nce a ·Laura NW'M Aide 7~,3-11 ll·T Allt for JfM · · ·*' hr 6'75-G · aoJr Reconling540-ll26 tio1J with Newport Beach belplW. Neat ·handwrit· cocktail tables . Ru i> t cm r19-02N. EQ>er. prd'd. lmmac. 4i Equal Opportunity ilJI. per · .

11· developer. Salary com· iJu1 nee. Weekdays off. n!dioer. Cootemp. floral

MACHtMtST bed Conv. Hosp. So. S.A. Employer R.eceptiooiat/ Radio Traf· SA.ILBOATSAL~MAN Salespeople, for promo- memurate experteoce. Will traiii ; 1J30 Newport AUlikenew.559-1054 •0.,40HrWetk ~1 Piiie-- art fie. Good typin,I sltillB. Experience preferred tlom, neat •J::!ht. AaUorLyu. 152·180f Blvd.. C.M.

Gen> machine work on Nune • LVN Part Ume titude~~Lwc:t. r:.'::i .:'~N~~ ~Mutne8TS.l403 =;e::1 ~ Secretary/ DidatiOn , _ _ _ Y_AA_ D_ llAN ____ 4l'~ch1:i~t' ::i °:e~:

quality aeroepace com- 11·7, Im mac. 41 bed 4 day, 40 h.r. wt .00 hr Local station· Fashion Sail.maker wanted . Exp. comp any . C.e a d a SkWed typ6at, lntetested Ftr Apply 2'175 Harbor IJC2.4* days , 642·278!1 DODeDta • asaemblen. Coov. Hosp. S.9 .S . A. llart. 9'19-7980 laland. Ask for Cathy preferred but 1Jill train. fum.labed. High comm. ini.r.inlwordJW9CftS· Blvd.CcMtJaMesa evea. Must be able to work 548-3061 8"-2'127 631-4e60 claya 6TS·5055 831 · 0902 C"hsuic ift1. Excelleat beaefita. - - - -----rrom det.ailed planning PBX . EOE eves. Grapldes ....... Irvine lo~ation. Mui :I• llte LVD« n:n' Mt: Sola. lov· abeet•bbaeprlnta. Apply NURS~ AID~ ~ Anawerlng aerv1c• -.ed s James • Co ._ .................... e.eet, 2 hid this., coffet! in pendn 7am·Spm, Moo to give tender lovin1 opentor full Ir PIT. CaU Receptionist for busy SALIS SALIS -.... Broker. Cali • ..... 1005 tbA le 2 lam ... 2 twn beds thruThur. care to the elderly pa· ~ ' beauty u lJan . Prefer Retail Marine Hrchrr. R~cen"1 araduate In Maurl ne Bradley , - ................... Wt d.resaer Good cond.

IDt.a tleo.ta . Wi ll train PBXOPERATOR fashlooable pel'IOll, abo StbN 1eMa sales penon btolo1ical or r elated m.Ollll0. £ .0 .E. 1--------• ... -..attersPM IMDUSTRllS IMC!. qualified personnel. ~e Co Arp.rt area, SOod opportunity for ad· fortralnee pos. with exp. scleoces tobe'ltained for Antique Music Boxes! 2l01DoveStreet NB F.arowblleyou~arn . AIJ Inter buay awltcbbrd. vancem. ent. Richard In boat• I& related sales of diagnoetic kit. Secreta!~~l ph one SlotMacbines!Clocts!

Wood coffee tab I c w/ mal.cbbMI end tablei. $225. Yellow/gm sofa , xlnt coad. $100. 968-2380

-------· - - · sbl.ft.a avail. Applt 1445 Ftr Ir Ptr da ahltts' Ouellette Beauty Sal.on hardware. Muina loc. lor ~company in dcil«, , gvou speaking HUGBSELECTION MAJNTENANCE F /T . SUperior, NB. . E.O.E. Muy ~nefits : awl Newport Center Dr. ~atiooalbe Cofi. withWallkmad· Newport. 7 41~1 good•sal lnealy;l~aiipe· 83ar1·an090ce2.· .._rfcm Tam-3pm. Moo thru Fti Pay ac-......o•-.. to e"·p. N.8 . JOf ae ts.. ee en

\.VIWU.. .. won a must. No lay-offs. SALIS1141H11 c • ca .......... 19 ..

s:u.~ br. eau 752-2573. ~ING &e t ct st&-3333. 8.D-33.13. ~~l'Jrt8r c~at ~ T. ~~!;::::·Fri a Part Ume daya. Good · ca .. rtes ~=. ~'. ~. = t1•:sigrr/ Retall 1~ cofnvad ~ rolr Perfect for moms 6 stu· Week end 5 + 2 lo 3 EOpmE · O:Jmm. 956-2274. SICalTAIY <>PeoWed. lhru Sat. oew , uklng S750 .

Honey 81k ed Ham s g or e...,..... P dent.a PIT AM. Avg. '4·$7 •• ~... Good · · · *'2Kettering, Irv. 4'7-48eves. people. Pos avail. Nun· per Hr. Must have car. '"":""'ays. typlbg&t•--------- SIDdwicb Ir Salad As· fbr marketing Ir sales <n•>754·1'7T7

seeltutore mgr. ctpable Ing Asst, LVN, Cook, llB. West. After 10 AM aptitude for figura req. Sales aemblera, part · tlme dept. ol Fuhion bl. ln· ...... 5- 1055 ~ -::~~!,a~o~~~~ Housekeepers, llaint Made Fresh Catering CalJ6'1$-8212weekdays. C...-0,poetaelt, 5am·9:30am. Abo lull vestment Firm. Good ._ .................. .. in .the Oran"e Co arn. Man, eveninl Recept. 8lra-A68 if DO am eves. eptionist-Secretary WltttLeuil19 time, sam-lpm. Must be aklllt, up. req. Call V!darianSilverClgarette Es tate Sale : Chin a

.. Become ..... ol ln ~ Ddl. dMn • dexte roua. 646-0m Cu~. Gold le silver cabinett275. >~oldlng leaf Good~. vproiiac bospl.05., a_.. • ·· ,._baayDeataJ1peclaJtfi t ... rutCr•••r ..... /hr--~· f =:••-'--Ft-ch._....__ Pi t ._ "' rl t d h Ith ' 'f" ' ed d C - P . .,,.,..,, .. 1 or .. "'.._. ~· ,..._. __.. 4:.. cnis t a· penaion • it sua ng nova e ea ~art Permanent full time -pract.ce ne e . a I Need energetic men Ir appt. aft 10.m. Lori '• SICllTAIY . enaraved map ble Sl50. 2 drum lables plan. Call Beverly Moo team. Apply in penoa. penco, wanted to train ~ 11fOD\eO, Can earn $1000 • Kll.chea llCWhOMIST (circ,a unu. 548·3632 . MS • seo. sa.3758 a ft thrv Fri btWll 9am·3pm, Santa Au Commua.hy onallclng mach.ioe . Xlnt. 4 RECEPI'. Ptr in pro- wk or more (vending IPll lli9c le s forappt. 752·Ul83. Ccnv~Ceoter,800 .... .-. .. sa~, nex.ible •--•--• --=1ce, Newport machlne1> . .Complete SELL idle items with for 1rowln1 Newport 't,C•11n . 1010 .... . ,.__:,"Pt NBat, 9.z

E Wasmn,toa S A -- ,.,.._,.... "'" training period tome Dellv PUol Clualfied Ad. · Beada real estate flnn. ._ .. , ..... ••••••• .. ••• - uoo~.. ' Manager for wome-n11 • · · bours, idea Job for Beach.1002912 el 75'-UG ' te5678. Sal.ary ba ae d on FREIGHT DAMAGED Girls clothes 1 0• 12 . specially s hop in So. respoaaible pel'800. Male __._.OHIST trav · qualilicatioua. HOJ'POINT SALE. 3308 Book• Toya, Couc h & Cout Plaza. Exp. only. . preferred. Call Lori 's ..._._.... 640-5112 W. Warner or Harbor. loft seat, Misc. Late call Shirley 213·1164-0332 NURSES AIDES : fll'ter •::.M for Our growing agenc y T.ctlnlclan• SaaaaAu.9'19-212t ews.Sat&tol.2. TJO.l37B C&lect · 9ate cert only,*' hr. 8 ew\.m-07 seeks attract indiv

Pdholidaysyr . Sickpay. ,.s-. ... a w/ mod typing . good ANACONDA *ttl'DnlDlrs* BARGAINS-Usedrefrlga, Hanel •o•o ~::~~i~~:Ifa~~za3~ Bayview Coovalscent, couMS&oa ~~~~a~ty o fol t~!:i~ TELECOMMUNICATfONI ~;'= ~ ~. =: = :=•:•;;;:";;;;;·~•a•; itwell. 1142-5678. ZOSS Thurin , C . M . For Em.,ao,meol Agen· varl«y of duUea. Pers TopCo't lrv/ NB$15K Appl~U.538-4330 Ma"; e W / Sta r o n


&a.3CI05. ey. XlDt comm schedule. retum1n& to ._ork force. Employers Pay All Fees CASH PAID forehead, ready and Vel o k . Must 11 k e a TOP lbReindenAaency w h / D / R 1 1 Cbecbdforbr'eeding. At


AYtllABLE! ................ u1: .

17141549-7911 lxteftslOJt222

w.~ ... 2 .......... .,. ,.,.. __ CAUTOOAYt Or,_...._. Tee

'$ challenge. Call Carey G»Blttb,St,Ste106 1 r ryn e r gs, Health. (CLA BBER t+ SARRA BERi< Fox, 540-SOSS, Co&11ta l M0mY NewportBeacb,m.8111 woniqornot96HIW BLOODLINE> Mu 11 t

AGENCY Personnel A1eocy, 2790 OalJForAppt/Dtab 'M WASHER DRYER SALE Sacrifice S700. Call Ja211acArthurBlvd ~~~IBFREE JOIN THE deluse multi -cycle n+-m_...

Irvine W.2892 ANACONDA Service Station Atten· modeia. Completebt re- JIWby .V.b Qtr gelding PHAIMACYCLRK TEAM dant, ex.Per'd. Day • ti.ill. rerua.llhed. 1 ~.,. a yra, E n1l / West '. .....:.., Ftr. Noni""taor Restaurant Ewll. f\a=~· AI>- ~~~-~j! trail /show Must s e ll ~ &"' ply, $beU 11tb • _ , 11M11ll3 -... It typmc reqd. BOB'S JrYtoe NB endl MJ.1t. So. Cout --------Apply l o person to • · Appllaoce53T·254Z ....... , e070 N t w po r l C e n t e r HOMI OF THE Senlee ~ lo.- Printing W aol'lener f

1 _ ....... --. ....... • •

Pharmacy • .00 Newport H IOY Co. llatutt responsible .. ~ or 18 e . DIAllOND or Diamond Ctr Dr, NB. fmmed opeolnas ln our , seU a tarter. No ex P. - · 9G-tml nnc wanud. Btwn 2.3 ct.

family restaurant •t 1 We need TECHNICIANS and TECHNICIANS aeuuary. 6"-G33 ' <ill!: Xb1t Q\W. Brilllanl cut. nearby location loca · j Servl ce station atte n· llcydts 10.a" _. tionl. We require no pre. and more TECHNICIANS. daDb, full ' lime. Lltt ~~ ................... • •

1 .. 1 J 9078

vloo exper. J oin our b .. l d • '"" • fritndly team. Come IH Basic to lntt r"\ldl• te llnowledee of b•lc 1nalog me~ ' I anow e 1e a c.e f Cll....., •-••••••••••••••••••••

.._._ ~ .. _... an.a d1911.i elec_l!onlc •heOfV delirtct . Ac tual must. Neat appearaace • !H~"J 30'' TblctneasPlaner. ta~~m.. nend...on uperltnce. mlWtlfV eKPfjflenc:e artd/tx 6 haedwriliDf • .\»ply /....t ... Cniw ~•ynokl. Compl

C •• ''" teehnieel trelftlng w ill Quellfy vou fe>t 1tlet4! ZllO~ BML C.11. J,5. It 10 apd llX Blkel w/makn6'tuards. As 1s

--· petitions crHi.c:I by our •~ive. conei.nt end Serv Sta....., needed 1 Part• 6 rtpalu all -. Pla~fll7, Al-4279

Pl12A 9M2AdllDSSt. ff.8 . profltableffOWtb, ___. ai..u /&.. ... ..!.'~ makes . Custom bit•• I . IOIO ,..--&....... - It- OI' p .._.,, _.__.._......... --111•-···· -

1" R•WfWll ttr. tollowlnt btlMfltl, COMl'*r thtltn. - • ,_ "-- .. 8 ~ - •

Help Wanted. call today, C1llllan w" ep1y Jn,,.,_,,, •t fW' feclllty. "".,.1o. -c..~ ..... , ...... · lnONwlltBIYCICll - ............... .. 59-'7111 zaJA.-klidela t:11t«1ol1t.1nt:o1,,,.twNt1EudldMd•roo1<hint. 'pt .......... , Lawn mower, ed1er,

.~~llB. ~.::S. =·= · ./ f:;:;'::;-o:1.::V "*"-* / -t1°'11111';1141~;_,~ .. -~ ... r.!•~fii~'.t1~11~11J~· j liaiii~1ico:~~ia,;:ewii.,ilii,...iif. !!!=~;~: c..lsTr•111 . ./~.-.DENTAL·-... , ________ , :r vAJ. l~-~-~~----

~Tead>er. aper 1311DF.d.lnC:Ave.ll.B. ./°'yov...,yo.rf~ . ... • -:41!---,---""'C"'- Sunl••t; floor lam£ ODlJ. Atk for Patti. .... ...&Ml Dey •hlnllttlh ...... .._ ~.... eOJO model, cldt Umtr ••mH~OO.m · e:aopm. Tr• 19• '!:c.~':v 'f=..:: ._,_.,, in~ e.edl le Deed r.:.............. ;:. ~~~.0::0: ..... _._ .,..._, .. t· Bo _._ C 1•lu1 .1 d relpcmtble malcla • QM' L-CM JSMM camera --.a ,,. ,..._., ".....,.., anM ,..,. 1-.... C.. .,UM~~ltvt•••••11•11t _ .. .....;..._ P-a-t _ .. ,_,. •-- ""'-· •b ••-- · ~for art work. 2 W ..... W .. ~ .'T""*'~ . ftli'i;iJ.,,;'i*h ~ '.:'eWt'ni:uj~.~ -JI-' _.l _bo_ve_lrouad ___ po()_ I. =... •• -:t.:·r o':'tr C... ,...... v11 peld hofld..,. ......... IJJO lo. Col.It focul, m.atdl nMdlt, aod - db nJter, vacuum , .. "--- ... __ c 'Ian ~2wM•PlidNNtlOn Hw1. La=• S.acla. eboat. W$imer. Sllutltr eov.r. ~1'*7. -..-,... Phlm• = lto lllOOOl«OIMl , • 0 0 UC' I 0

... ..a...,.Dr.1"'81 ~,,•11wlt)#Offflffff'YE"'lflO'IWffl~ on•-· lachdet l\ ~ " C U\ed ..... Bland ""· $1IO ar. '°8t~.armt plac·

TIA.I• J'O'I eaU I~ - U~w..-1ouucl..nAa· ,.__ .._ 90:, 410. fi.o. ... •Mt IDbW boM prod•tf.. :.r.r:;-:· ~e':d~ A,_~SJOA _ IDC w•I• to r• ach ...... ILboldei; SlO.

t-~--1~-------. ... •m-.~----- ~ •• ..,... ,..1 nl~..,. .. -a ••lP n~f.-_. .. .,..,~...,.._ llllX't- 'PtiOPl• at 1owe lhoa'n..,....-,Ol'aMe Cell• aft. II or • UC·lf "'9lcal ldcl • ...._YoUradlor*t TILIOlllP'IWICAT10NI CQlt....ClMtlthld la tbe wJalt.JGU ... 'twuuo alldars.&.• ...


------· ....... _°""'_.,.'.,,.... ... _r-...,. __ • ____ __.._~_o_X_··_r_•.1_·_"_0_.7_'_'...1ti.~.".'°-=aa=1t=.=C=al=l=N=o:w:..i1 _::•;!•;•;111t~IWl!!!illl'!!!A~•;•;•!lwa!!!!!!!!IZll!!!'~~!!J~.....,,~Jo~IO;l~C;all;;filow;l~m~'1~il~ the~g~~--~pp~1loo~1mm:•:t:w'R~£t· s ... ~~ .... ~-~~dll~l• -- ........ ! ~,. ..... au.uled. DaQrPtlatC' ....... Ad .

. I

" ' '

• ... '! :•:•t ........... .. .. ··-· .... -.................... . ........ ,..... ........ ~.till ....... ' ... ......u .. . ...................... ,........ ............ . ...................... ...................... . Dlhm t7H Y.. · t772 Q10rlllt tt20 _. .._ ... , ....................... WIWl.LIUY ... ,. .. ,, .............. ;;;;;s................. . YOUIDATIUM ....................... ....................... ....................... .. .................... .

· • 1'llD tll. nbll ..... YOLVO · · latpala: ' dr. P/I, .iloft . .• "ll1 ....... •lllt..U. P/8, ... Urtl, MWbaU. - .·..- ULA sa¥1C1 v.,deu.41Nr•

U11•M11rAM . R.::.r:~:~-;J.t:. •• ·~roa oa NOT ,,_,_.= Ct-1; ACC..._ IOmo IOILAI ~ ..... ,.. •;. 1 11 • o • T I a a ,. v.-a.. KX. in 1o rol•r• "'•!Hallr IALf°'~luod Sl oek Xln~ coocl . ..W .eirMtJ .. o ~ 6 ....._ 11 \IC '° _.. .. , '*n.tolf•.16f'U6. ....,, ...u.1 alrn .. -10 ......,...... Pro l•I• · 11 put•. •kl "Mh1aJ1•.

• .... ,L•,. - .. llAWWll I( [J/\l .... \J~

H I ·1 JI 1 'I ) ! I ...

MeUAllMe lloll&eCarto: Jdr. A/e, OVSUEAI DELIVERY P/1, P/ b, wt, Unt.ed •

ED&ATS P fw , Rally wbeel1 . uiLI.. ~Bn WndalL Call

YO&. YO 'Tl Clifty Nowa. Lo Ml. -llariMw Blvd. XJntCGlld. MOOG.

wmt kiM 6 dlilft ' r~ 1 ...... (M I _,Y)t IOI· • Joa - · "" ...... la& llM'loM =· ......... IJOV... lft.Tt44 WI IUY

·~~~.!·,!;:.'': :! .... ~·.~~·~~ u V•IMh IJICC MX C&.IANCAIS 008TAllUA -Pb-UU ......,,., 140-9467 ttJZ W\I i..r& • tnm y«Mlr W MW A••· 8lelj II i::..:oad. dlrt UOO &'llUCIS'" . , ninel &at.

_. Or llY two ,..,. ti,~ai. ~rti H~1 . • * DllYI A * low. m . .a.e. lftlf. _...,_.., • • ll'I01t0 ttooc14a, r.,. edj * 1...,. a * t)llOO llrm. C•ll for •tc.1YOU

Pa.IC • ..._ u. ._. tMf, Kar~ w1 •~ ~bet••~•s SILLYOUI "NQn: ct&lnpeiftt,auto.

. ..................... . ~~la-a:... ?El!:!~ ... !!!~ ;:. ~~::.;.~~'° SAVI A LOT ••• YOLYO. =-· ~~.P~ilr,.I ~:=:::::... CMlflor)'Olll'IUM I - -- ·:~~.=~i s&US! =::~· w CDl,

W.Taa lM1...W M~HIJ 1::P-I. W.fl6t ~~=-Uri · M=UIS VOLVO , Conetto 1951, aun ~ !!!.~!,,. Mftd Odl dtlba (lrw o.11 > - .. !.!~.~......... WI IUY ONVWO ona ml. M1aat Me. Auto.

,.._. ..... Nft fro, ... ; 11 NU •t USED c •as 11 fM SUver. • l e. .,, ..... , .. 1210 ~~ ...-: oever dea&ed. :='a...,; a.rd per ..,.. t'Mt. a.t1naa'1 =-=·=.,•= " "f!!~=~~n AM/f'M aur~.J RWYaC. PP114/'44-5'1119 t.q~eath ~--- wti +•ml-- CAILPAPPY .- ~xtDLeoad, •~tMll, ........... ' ..._ ttH s.iDll diedi or IDOOll1 or _ _ _ UtedCar Mar •wtJJ Pay Top DollarS ~~~va . ... .. •••••••••••••••••• ;;;;?;••••••••••••••••• cMrto 'Tl OMC lllDAS mlel •MO-ll30 ,_.;.._ ___ or ___ ._ AMC ttol "10Cbarpr440 P8 P / 8

NOTPllMTIUe ............... ad.or home. Jl 'I " ~·· lt7'1~ D . Cham1Noeahi11 ... ._ ................. AI C. + meoro. 'oooci po.•• UilO llr IHI U mN. l1'00 mJ, uli:o Ediiloft A/C. Alf~FM 8 caad. IDOO farnt. •5 Mon·

OaltaM--.Ca - ••••••••••u••n••••••• new . Pd .~ 1 17 . 000 , 21MSHARBORRLVD. lrk tl•reo MOO mlle1 f'ri. 1'3-91Gl· ...-....... .... roe»bana Oun °'.., ~ abowctse. :t.:tJ.!ct 111.500. Ph 2t2e HAAIOA BLVD. 540-6490149-0JU .. _. ev• as Wkodl .-- "° a.~ Iona. 11" wtde COSTA MESA Weekdays 540-2011 . adlil. lllS6-. Yarwly ..!:.:_bilh.175-1113 t±,.... -------- New11.rlXAtr. PIS. 4•-----------Arudlt .-.ZMJ _. ~ allver Lie. pd . '71 IJUS. Black oa bteck. - l'V...... " I.A• ... , .... 9400 "'-..-.. a.. rf 1" bl Bom

0'1iWll lupencit. T"aped ~ S..... lffl ~ ...................... ...._... led _._ -n lo w • · • a -• Ua.ed oo "' '"' • ••••••••••••••••••••••• "18 ._.,, .... c ... •- ml'•· berl. ml. Pbsat-1316 •• ... ' ~"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• W9 "S e .. 970 I _, .,.. .. "' doam'1 nuuo M.cmt Ca ..,,p1 - uur · J.ti>d. TU. over pymot. " ~ 1• Cpe Coa·

5-&8 Nttt R~r for•..Z. '°=' (Mull ••••••••• .. ••••••• .. ••• w/lo dlMD, m4142 alt ..,._ ComDI reetored. lronU\a a .. ·~1.11e •hot ~d ~t~e .:~· ~~10~1 bet u. AUTOSALON lpm. . cnly.., ml. muat ... 1110 ; 5 • o , auto , •Ull · ftawhu· d•tallln« ,74, ... ....,.Z YJnl rnech' I CB8>. PP7U/'"'!Oa .• .. Ilium made. Nn wttb 2111Cbev)' Bored.MO over .. W/libowroom quality re· n _, ~ lthr UH. SHO. Alto 1V ~lor por\abht at" Hu oevu been re · tult.a. Below reuooabl• ~-•~cu. ~ap. mNor".'. •- . t711 Gum• a 0 a IC e ti . needa cninor won MO. ...mbled. A1J new ar r•· cmt. «-G4 '"'""""""'" ·.... • .... -if'-IUI Dl-31119 coaditiOaed parta. sa50, ._...._ •-- 97011 Needa p aint . Aali:lng .. •••••••••••••••••••••

-~ -- ~ S4200M0-22Z1 TISTDllYI OUI WlteOW' SHAHS ~ & W..-. . ••••••••••••••••••••••. wooden 1hu'her1. mini ~.... "M 51Jid8', AM / FM caa.t . 72 2AOZ 4 •SH!·· M •II•· 'U CAI bllodl. ""'*' woodl ts .... •••• • ••••• ••• ••• •• ...._for S. deci, cover. bra. $7495. AM/ FM. orig. owoec d at OJI THI YIAI" MUSTS&l w'8dow Un\lq Januuy Gtlltr.. 9010 : .. •y•• ............... 557-0Zll, 751-649S eond.S311S6'5-t68Z Good Inventory In stoek. ~~$0%.otf &Ult96l ....... ................ ~=:~ ttZO Allll 9707 '11 82lb, · Mint cond .. Hurrywbllet.bey INt!

'74Horoetffatchback X 6 '71 Ford LTD Wa1on· eyt., AUto tram .• Pow automaUc, pwr. steering Slr . ts-'9raku. Air . lrbrakes. alrcond., new BucUtl. AM/ FM" Stereo tires 4t only 81S,OOO actual 6 More. Goklen Tan w / milel. Ruu LIKE NEW Tan llMrtor. Lo mlles • u1e1 regul a r gu ! <>ne<>wner. Aaklna 12100 Sll50. Prl. pt.y . Ca ll Call m.1121 Eves &-10 Ir TJ0.1111.

~l cnllJ H ila direct on twl rollt only. Lowett Jlfice anywhere 5'9-8Ull

.. ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• radiala. yellow. $3100/of. . l!illACll · W .. .,....,.0 rer. -.~ ...,..__.a.,....•••y

WOODIE l~ Ford """ I c. _ _, ----BuuUlwl S650(). VWBoOallW\•Toyota • Alt '721 mo Harbor Blvd.

...._7113 'Runnlo1oroot-Ca1h 1 .... ••••••••••••••••••• ~A1M70QA---' ., ~ · 63J.Zee1 __ oe ene1r ~--P· • .-:.. eonc. _______ , ,..,.,,.n w1etmcta. 1-'1'-t-n>--4-Dr-.--~uto--. -.-'-rr.

mlur. 2 H P Tareet -..... '709 UUW• Porta-saw. 5' scaftoldlng '--------.... -.... CC>LLICTOI SALi ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ... '''' .......... PS/PB. CIC. bloe lab In· • hrltft. Buildera .uto IMh,Ualu•ct/ ====~~olet '873000MarkllJ,ortc.·lm· ievel •more. Mf.8'44 fOJO Ul3'1 Ford Pickup ~te!.....8!LOOO ml. beat

Fantutlc Qoeeoul on 11>78-Modelt

1119Modela nowurtvln1 IWSTSELL

.. ••••••••••••••••••••• - 99 I 0 tr, uJver extr. Blue vinyl • l DEAllR IN U.S.A. "•-!f•••••••••••••• •• • '°I>· moo PP. see-9605

JOHN WA E 'S Tennw .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ""'"~··· Otfs. 873-C!IE)l), 831 ·2313. Club Family Mem · Larson Shll:\.Yard lOtCJDolMOdelArrt. ...w 9712

ROY f '79 IUICK "74 Rantbm>. Sqllire. Xlnt

CAIVI. lt,!~s..te-.. mec h co nd . F ull y

_benld _ _...;P'-'·-m._ S315_ t_. ___ , ~:·~.~~nio~ "--•'•'•U-•J7---·1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• dilccw>t Yard Mlbor " --------·----... ---


120\f. WIU'ller,S.A 5$7·2132

U a..ud. Loeckd •with eq\tpped, needa palot. HU.$·IOYCl OHL Y •Jniks ! tJOI02> . 1211&1. i7M850 ,,..,,.,..... . ONLY $7695 ·

haulout.a. '41FORD WOOOY IOI McLAllM'•· S25 o +t ra n1 re r . · Ca II 541-38'1 M6-'1833 l'blly restored!

• ::' .. .cit MOWAIDa..r•t ~:.· ~ew eogtne.

87H3SJ M9W 87$-tl81

Airlesi paint spray rig ~....... 9030 Cla11lc Replin 1927 wtt.b hole " gun. Just • • ••••••••••••••••••••• Merted8 Road1ter on 9727 _ __;CtOM=;,;.D=...:.::WM= DA- ' ...;..S__ Dow• Quail sta. 54Mell ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT BEACH 'SSUverC&owi l IJJ.OIH i3 LTD. aedan. 4 dr. air .

$19,000 -------- AM/FM/ t.ape.-$1700. alS-044 'Tf Electra. all extra•. 8U-6711 over!iauled. Excellen\ vw a..uta. All running

condition. Beal offer over Inflatable 'Boats fle&r" engine \Olally re - 850 p(, Beach Blvd. .., 979-9621. NewfUaed/ Demo'a, Elco Wit. BaJaftef!d eoalne , LA HABRA

..... Mew'79 HONDA Can

MAHY ToCllaaM,.._.

l9Sl Rolla Royce Sedu, n. cood. Elecant wbite .

pod.ele~.r=· 15:• r 'Tf L&d II, champagne. f7r>.19 bm vll\ top, auto, air.

Oki antique· cb!na h~ad Marine. 7141754-1732 pil coeler . •1m. Ph <'4 Betch & Whittler> doll, 34", Madame"Alex· 2H.P. Evtnrude Ukenew m«aooor60-93S8 1714152Z..5lll UNIVERSITY

SllQ,500. 640-4899. .-...... t760 "11 a... 1'art>o: 400 ml.

f/ pwr. Lo m l. $4UO . 13lH121t

mder President's Wl\oe1 SJ~ ' 4 WlliMC Ori•n tHO Ooeed Sc.uadaya doill lalaet 1976. 962·1961 644-04\.8 ................... .... ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~

- Loacfed . wblte/e11t .l---------OW.•lllt1 -··•-•• ............. Bluelmt.m.1.a '75Granada4 Dr.

.... C... • 6MC "13 991...E, DWl)' ·utras, C2,000 ml. DllOO/ bet of r . Beaut. nearly new Cap. loah. Pow..- 9040 Dodae too h• Van , tain'a kg u waterbed o.tom lnl. C.8 . •"to· f/600/olfei-. 751·1* ·-•••••••••••••••••••• 11.000 ml. $7000 751·72H

tlQlll1·2567 eves. Norm.An Rockwell ptate11, ~rl RAY'S Trwb 9560 ueorted ; perfect cond. ..JLft

Belt.olfer. MS-2A54 -·••• .. •••••••••••••••

1011 ................ , ..... . WANTED: ~ cello ln ea· c e ~I e o t c o n d H i on , Rellilcloably priced.


JennieIJnd Crib, gd oood. •other m.lac baby items. $C'74m

Wood d1nlnl room table w/I cbaln, SlOO or Jess. Ill need or refiftltblog would be acceptable. $C'J.3182

Wanted : Stac kabl e ~/dryer & a 't'/F reltt 1er1tor. 661-22;50.

1 J' ti 36' '74 GMC 454 ~ too. 3' ,ooo HARIUSOM~S ~mper •hell. "800.

SIA IA Y IOATS 3101 Coul Hwy_. N.8 .


'72 Ford COl rier Tr uck. $1100. New Paint.


---------•'SQ)evy ~ Ton new eng. Jl'ador)' Dem~ For Sale Alkln1 $1400 Atk for

ASHBMAH Peter•8794 2.5x8 ' cent~r coaeele i% Ford Carrier Pickup. =· ~.!{~ ·~~ New motor, 4 •Pd tr•na. bailln1 deck . compl. Runt lite new. $1400/orr. walk around. Swim 1t.ep. _e.-_ eMI ______ _ llooriol lioea. Bumpen. J.974 aiev. ~ on Pkllup Life jacket • . Trlr . W/camper top. radio & G0.000. 5U--Of3. tape deck S249S. P . P .

20' MAKOC..aterCODIO~. _f15....;...11AOl;...;...~·------115 · T. 5 M er c en I . •• .. Stake. Ufl gate. Eq\Apped foe all faahln1. Chev. \Nell. Malle olr. Eves 754-0388 87$-~

1013 '76 24 ' SklpjaclC FD . 19'73 Chevy ~T pli:up , -·•••••••••••••••••••• i.o.ded sharp, w/ trl . SUp w/ Stocllland ca m pr Wanted·~ cello in ex · avail. •2995 lbeil, 646-2853'aft 8PM . ce lleol conditio n . Reaaoaably priced ' ,_ 9170

963-am. . 21..?blnb~d aer,1•1psA4. ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• --- ----- QW've, ea , tr t . 76 CHIVIOl.l'T Glbloh i... Paul dlx. 2'At aume J>llYrnMt.I or M500 '" ••-v• ... ~old. " rare" finllb. Clllb. 836-1500alU • ._.._ _ _,.

..... ,.,,, .. Xtr'"• Automati c, AM / P'M . ......... .--. - · 141;\ ft aotor boat. llereO tape, pwr. 1t.eer·

flber1 l111 over wood Ina . bl -ba c k ae•l•. ~ ..... & W/traller Hklog $39S. tpedaJ pelnt , crulu COO· ........ IOI l»tlU. t.rol, .,.top roof. aux .

...... •••••••••••••••• Oaltlc Mere. Sabre, UI' 1a1 \anka . Tacoma Xlnl DtW 6 l.IMd olc rUITI, Bey Crui1er lncl 'a tnller wheelt •low miies. Llc. plaa fileil..t wk bent'he Mll·2965 UB37MSer. PDt7.

..£! ~W8831 ·27...!!_ IMll. WI 9060 Hitt S~·O· f>rhl\ 11'1 uld ...... •••••••••••••••• • .,. "~~~· ~~~231JOt ( '71 ERICKSON 31' . 1 r at._... •• .. , ._ u · we.e.t. very clean. ~..£,m2!!:,_ Pvt ply-: ~Evu (714)



\JpdaUld HI tM lnlalned t t I • 5 t 0 2 d 1 Y 1

VIII plaift hood copler aJJ)IJO.SJOO Jt,r,' Hhlitl;f 1-' ",I 'V {I

C ()•, ff\ Ml \fl. t, 1 J <ill''

w/ u parate 1tora1• Jr WOOD SLOOP. Teak cabltM\. All Uk• new. Deeb, .. aboe ·planked . .._w....., tlto SIQOO. CaJI f'7~7415 CA> tee. Bron1e faAoned, P'or the •••••••••••••••••••••••

T"'malure / Telolype . nme abarln1 Utmloal <ABJt..12) I& Ac:touaUcal ~. Oood cond. MSO. ~. Pty. C.11811«70

Copy Jhchlne ·Mlnolt• M'loolta ru. Mod e l lil~. Good cond. with &onft" 6 ·peper 8UPJllY . HOO Prv . Ply . Call m.cno

Mf1oua owner. $21,500. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR'l'Y 171·4010 day1 . for top med can·foret1n ~ev-. domeatkt or d•••tca. r# ...... II&../ • )'OW' car i.t extra clean. ,,_.-r 9070 teeutrlDrl

·-a;;·~;~~.. ~ Y AC NtwPOrt 841-055._

Nl!EDSLJPrornew <..; $1' S&ilboat # 1 i.0r.ttc....,

Dkk 67~ ·1M 282Stlarbor Blvd. COST A M Dir\

• .. 979.2100

LAST CHAMCl FOR lt71 llOl'1


MOW! , •.. MOW


·y,_b 1 o o d c o n.d il Ion . '11 Riv. Silver, blue lfttr. MS-2lllO 2850Harbor Blvd. Cl53GBQ) S11SO. Prh. ~ ml. Pully loaded, HSO

Costa Meu ~M40 party • 213 ·8t4 · 4t'11. ~new ln ~eey rtwoay. ••••-••••••••••••••••• m-41181 all. 8PM work _.,, 8M-8'58 H us ORANGEOOUNTY'S

'75 CVCC, Xlnt cond. dQs. A.tit for J en.oiler or calla MIWIST . ltereO. Multsell. Oartt. • '71 IMek Skyhawk. AC. lJNCOLN·MERCJav

8'2·9192 Torof9 · 9765 tilt wbJ. Like oew, m\&lt DealerlhlptaaowOPEN . Hondamatic. Look ••••••••••••••••••• MU. M6-0635. IA Y FLADllOE

Bunafood. It good. '74 Celka AM/ FM, air , 71 IMck ~late wp. la lJNCOLN-MERCURV • rad1al1, S2000 . JdScood. SZWIO. ens. deluxe features· 16-JSAutoCentet Dr.

4'M-31113 bef 8, afl6. f7$-0B) 1tereo. pwr windows , $0Fwy·Lake Foreat'exit '78 Wagon. Mint c:ond. "72 Toyota HUwc camper aptit pwr seat. xlnt cood. JRVlNE 118,000 mi, AM / FM CHI, w/ CIJ ar cui. Sl5$0. lo mi M500. Call Lou IJ0.7000 racllale . Make ofr . S.Ml'l 559·'1193 •fl 7:30 call., .............. "'·t w · &M-M43 · IG-1321 .. -1110 ~ . agon.

....... 976 7 · All pwr, Ult whl. CIC, ....... 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "13 BWck F.atate Waaon. l'Ollfradl. SZ200. IWl-2022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUrd Top For A Tri\lmph, ~~ l~ !;:•~.~- "72 Col. Park t pus. wag.

•IMW• W XKE. JOO pt car. New TROtint. Sll0orbe9tof· ~u c ntrl. potl : Whll1e . fully .J.oaded!

•IESALIS* oaint/ tJres / lolr " eng. f« Callll0-2938 t r action . \Ill whl . Xlol. SZ.000: 875..Sl6l . '7UDGU ap. (373LPF l S.00/blll. &75-202"6 • '7S530iaait'(580MML> '78 JAG XJeL. Silver "72TU.All/ Jl'MeUNUe. AM/ P'M itereo. cer C 1w72C:O..ert.· '7e200'lOp. (589PQM> w/ted 1.ntr. $9500., Pvt dnt. coad .• low mUn, ~- Clean. low Gold w/wbt ragtop . '71m4 aJl. <283SPh party . W Ii d y s t . 5 • tllOO. m-te51. . at sieoo. Call Man¥ extru. St.SO under .'76530i41f (31SRKS > M'7·Ul4 . V•••• t770 aftSpm , l7U4'7

4. low bk. 1 onr. 752.-0921

'71G>CS <Wl'JE> W ha ,.._ .. n.I 1 ... ••••••••h•••4f•••••• ·• Buick Skylark, runa wtcdays. " (5180308) e ve u~ mecua c or ..... BUS A/C ,_ ~ map 4 1pd - •---"---------'787331 .. 1 <505WPF> your Jaiuar. J e n.en f~ • • cua ~pe • • · Mui... 9952

"' _P_· _ Healey, Tri .Stag. Tri . & ~k;,.,!'~;,;f • 20m171. ~ •••••••~••••••••••••••• A1lo Uiniled number o< MG. Herb'• Garage, 1995 --· '73 RJVIERA, lo. M1 .• xlnl 11166 Must • ng Con v . 19'18 m ·a ia lllU avail•· Harbor Blvd, Cotta "1'0 vw BUii, 'new cond. Loeded. even CD Compl. ratoratioft. wire b&e. CaJlustoday! Meaa,S.-8228. - new tire•. iun roof. Steel t ires, $2 , 295 . wbeela& Merceoesclotn 131·2040 495-4949 TT Silver XJS, deluxe car MMIZl5 • 1317 ~in ~le. $7500.

11'17 BMW 320l·Black with itereo, l~1$4.5new '75 'VW B u·1, AM I F M C = s ttl 5 . tan iatA!ri air cond tirel. &37;~i , 990· 1 atereo caaa .. $4195. _ .................... ~lluat.conv~':f:con· AM J FM or c • 11 e tl ~ '. Mmda t7ll 51'1.alll, 751....., "71 ltJ Dorado : r etired =~=/.~_,t.;reo, llkhelln t1n!S • ln Im· .......... •••••••••••• • .. SQuaretwa~ red, good G.M. El&ecutive. Owner maculate condition . condilioe • .01bei.t of.'. Primecood. '•M&astGrandeV-t,auto • <O• l SXE) . Prl. pty . fer, Sll.ll0-.7m AM/ FM l ·trk , ma11 . ~. C.llM!-1476. -.ct · .,, Sed de Ville All 0 . oe.w tires. bratet, tt

,OIAMGtlCOUMTY•s '88 vw ~Camper. Uom. like new. 1379~. pUit. 8Htoffer. 9Q'5315

OLDIST 8'de tent. lmmac c:Mld. U1e1,...1u. $57-8823 1JP74Mldlaag, 6cyl,4apd,

& DlllO. Pb l3MllOf •88 El Dorado The w AM/ FM cau .• S250C> or

Celle Mete 641-1700 '73 Beede. aunroot. 4 epd, ed One. A Gem! 11~: bltolr. Ev1. 538-&STT Ufeo. I pain\ A.akin• Call MZ-0105 OWl•llll 9955

.,_.__.,_., ...... Lea.alng Mala••.... 9740 S2150. 87~9188 . . I '71 Sedan de VIiie. One ..................... .. ~ ~" .. ., ••••••••••• •••••••••••• OWi* flilly equip S7500 "73 Olds Omega-4 door. aBSE cpe l9f8 c laulc. "138'a: Ukenew.low ml. Weekdayw'nf8.950t. · V8, automatic trans .,

Ro& Aoyce BMW mint ~. lo ml. new Mun tell. $3.,200 or offer. pwr. steering tt brakes. U.OJacnboree IJvr paint, twuoof A/C, 53Hl.S4orN04116a '78 Sevtlle : black/ Grer. alr cond.. AM /FM aureo

Newport Beach 640-6444 c:rWe cootrol, AM/ FM. 14 Bui. load cond .• new m. P1ft. lot. 19,000 m . tape, only 52,000 miles" Sl3,,500. Alt&.W-5m tires, am / fm it. SU . 500 Prv . Pty . ln eacellent condition .


.... __..., _ .... ... i .. brwn • .xJO.o.y.Mf.QMOJ:ves 13M816,411M9Cie (558PHF ). Prl. ply . ,., _,.., 1na ..... ~ ..... lllOO/beat offer . Call It.her lnter . aunroof • • .., Eldorado: 5.4t·tH8 weekdays ; l&efte>. IOOO ml'•, •tt,000. 1911 ktroeco bUr • wblte, t1JDO or off er 545. 3718 even lo 11 • ...., · Special Edition. xlnt. ._1Jl2 1~·~1!!:'..,.!!!!!!.:·-----'81 SS, Raau ~. v- coad., lluat aeU, 915GO. ._ .....__...,... B Own

IJVVU ... , --· --- - 111 9tZO ff ..__. 'I er . cleu --. ....... - . WICI t "alcb roof, new Ure1. s•oo * 67J.Oll2 ..,, BUS. Cbampepe ldl· ....................... ~al paint all xtras. tile. OemlDl removaba. •mCHIYIOUT · Mint cood. C.11 N Mr.

•nZIOI• ~ acclllOri•. s IMPALAS.AH MarUn97M800 All ldru, 1Unrool, apec. 1f' WUT, AM/ fl'll Ull, mualc oa. new mich. :n,ooo mi. SACRIFICE.

_Uns_"'-, S15--' ___ _.. ____ 1 MIO. llutttee.~J

'71 Super Beetle. xlnt coed , belie. •1eso. ....

• •

AutomaUc. pwr. "•leer · ffl7 me. factory alr cond., ··-•••••••••••••••••• • tiaC.ed 11..., waw Urt9 - ""'-'- W V -• wheel coven It LOW 11• r..., •Ion .,.. auto =· Uc. 857RLD SUt. m:·o2:':'ffe:~r~1:c:s;

· S4n7 =::n~~~ :r P(~i.~ TH!ODORE


, ~ I • f\ •f ( • II·• ~ , I

f 1\Tf\ Ml'{\ I,) .. IJ1 1 lt1



•1000, ext.-., wtd1y8.

'f.I Squi re Wa~on . &Mded, mint cottd. 4 apd, AM / FM · stereo. «adl•h, sun. PP


7 I


7 ,


Your Hometown • Dally Newspaper


Swnn :Sparks Slide

f'ro.. AP Ullpaktw · A storm thiat duml)t'd about ao

inc h of r ai n n s om e areiu. t•11uiced "oodlnf( . ia mud llde . ~osed ~ and • wadewprtatd te ltiphone outue 1n northern Sao County, ofhciala a&Jd

A mudaltdt> closed Oce .. nsid R.oulevard eut of h'lte·.-atate S for about lhrtt hoJrs in la\e af te rnoon Monday, " e utUng off thl' ('as tern part of Ocean.side" w traHic, according to polict' s pokesman Jim Sandlfer . The d ow np()ur fl ooded major in ­te rsections but no injuries were reported. he said. •

The s lide apparently damaged the Oceanside-Vista trunking ca­ble for Pacific Telephone ~o .. af· f ee ling service to an un ­determined number of te le phone <' UStomers in Vis ta. Oceanside. S an Marcos, Fallbrook and Car ls bad , spoke s m a n Ca m Miller said.

State Route 78 between E l Camino Rea l and J e fferso n Street was closed several hours. with streets in Carlsbad a nd Vis ta also cl<>Bed for a time because of flooding , officials said.

Meanwhile, a weather front that wouldn't go a way dumped more than 1 1-'~ inches of rain . (' losed roads. knocked out com­munications and .Oooded build­

.• n_gs over a wid e are a of Southern Californ ia as it entered ils second day today .

Authorities ex~ressed relief that the downpour wasn't worse

Pa rticularly hard hit by the s torm were coas tal areas in San Diego and Los Angeles counties

The California Highwa y Patrol reported all m ajor roads In Southern California reopened this morning after widespread closures Monda)' . But the CHP warned motorists to avoid traveling on the Pacific Coast Highway from Sunset Boulevard north to Ventura County because of flooding and periodic s li(le ac

~ tivlty Co ntinuous rock and

mudslides k e pt California , Department of Transportation . workers bus)' through the ni"hl in Malibu. where sUdes closed Malibu Canyon Road

Dimes Party Set in Valley

·Fountain Va ll ey Ma r ch of Dimes campuiEln om cials will h o ld a We dnesd ay evcnin Jt cockt a il party to begi n this year 's local effort to raise funds to pay for birth defect preven· lion ·

The cocktail party will be held :it 5 pm . al Fran co i s ' Res taurant, 18151 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach

The aMuaJ community march ag ain s t bi rth d e fe c t s i s s<'heduled for Jan. 28. Service clubs . local organizations a~d In· di viduals plan to join the one­day door-to-door campai~n to seek funds from Fountain- Valley re s ide nts for th e March of Dimes

Wayne Quits Care Unit

LOS A:N6ELES ' AP l Actor John Wa y ne of Ne wport Beach was re ­moved from an Intensive care unit sooner than e x· peeled because · of the rapid Pf'OtereH he \s mak·

' Ing- ln recoffrln1 -from can~er surgery. ofri clal11 at OCLA MedJcal Cente r ~rted today . •

· ·His v\tal signs remain norm a l and he spent a res tful night," hospital ad· m lnht.-a tor Bernard Strohm said.

Absence Criticized .

Thoin~s Missing; .. ,Council Still Short •

Surefootcdness is one of the sought-after commodities in . Chi cago . wher e four m or e inches of snow have descended on top of a 20-inch batch delivered over the weekend. These mounted Policemen may well be con­side ring the virtues of indoor employment. 1See story. Page AJ. >

. Mesa Board Nixes - - -


01 IN o.ll'f ~lot SUit

A pair of proposed Santa Ana River crossings between Costa Mesa and Huntington Beactt

were rejected Monday night as Costa Me11a City Council mem· bers voted 5-0 to delete .the roadway links from the city muter plan. _

H"":'~n Home Blaze

West side Cotta Menna arid a "- ~mall contingent of HunUngtoo ~each resident.a applauded the

move to eliminate county plans to one day extend Wilson Street and Gisler Avenue across the river.

Under Probe No cause has yet been de­

te rm lned for a fire and ex ­plosions that d e vas t ated a

.. s outheast Hunting to n Beach h 0 m e F' ri aii y b i g ht • l n • vestigators said today.

However. Fire Inspector Jl\'n Merrill, said Monday that loca­tion of the point where the fire broke oul in a corner- of the garage has pretty well been established~

He also contradicted earlier reports that several cans ,of gasoline in the garage at the hom e of Robert a nd Charlene Bailey. ~l Collma La ne. ex­ploded as earlier reported .

Merrill said there was no gasoline in the ..gara ge , other than that contaiAed in the fuel tank or one of the Couple 's two cars.

He said the two thunderous blasts which rattled windows hundreds of feet away were caused when the auto· fuel tank blew up and when a camping s tove 's fuel tank also exploded \n the names.

lnvest.igators estimate $50,000 • d amage was caused by the fire. which caused ndghbors nearby to hoae down roofs of their homes .

Merrill said Monday that only the fact the house immediately next door to the Baileys' has a tile roof prevented the fire from spreading to It.

Orientation Set Al Golden W eel

The roadways would link respectively with Mlanta. and Garfield avenues In Huntington Beach .

Costa Mesa's rejection of the bridge plan '5 only the first alep, city officials said.

The bridge crossings <includ­ing Costa Mesa-supported ex­tension of 19th Street to link with Banning Avenue in Huntington 1 have been listed on l'fte·county's ma s ter Ian or arte rial

·highways or nea rly. 15 yeara. A county transportation sub·

committee recently supported " protection" or all river cross­ings to meet future traffic in­creases.

Costa Mesa council members said ' they would solicit support from Huntlngtoo Beach officials in having the two bridges re­moved from the road plan. •

Otherwise, Costa Mesa could s ta nd to lose a portion of its county matching funds for new roadwork if the county " denies"

... ,the removal of the bridges. of· ficials said.

Fink Names Four NEW YORK !AP> - A top·

leve l gangland tipster has named four or the holdup men Involved ln the heist or $6 million in cash and jewels from a cargo terminal at Kennedy airport. tbe New York Post saJd today. The ne wspaper said the Upsler agreed to talk after the FBI ar­ranged a $500,000 r\l!t'Jltd for In­formation leadine to recovery of the loot. ·

By &OBERT BA&KER °' • o.1ty ~ Stfft The ablence oi City Coun­

cilman John Thomas frustrated efforts for the second time to ap­point a seventh member to the Huntington Beach City .Council Monday night.

Thomas also missed a ·special meeting Saturday.

At least two council memben have indicated mounting impa­lleoce with failure to act.

." We aTe a government Qf minority when one person can s top the appointment " Coun· cilwoman Ruth Bailey declared.

••John seems to be absent fre­Jquenlly when important issues are on the line."

Mayor Pro Temwre Richard Siebert said he is cons idering a change in ground rules 1n the selection process .

lle earlier had stated that ~ deci s ion s houldn ' t be m ade without the full council being present. ..

" But I believe that It is not in our best i.nte rest when any or us can hold up the appointment by being absent."

Siel)ert. said he is now willing for the decit>jon to be made when a quorum <four or more mem· bers > Is present.

Thomas was unavailable for comment today.

"He told me h<' may not be here tonight. He told the city ad · minislrator he m ay be ... Mayor Ron Pattinson said .

Council members are trying t.o meet the de adline of Feb. 16 for an appointment. Otherwise a special etectlon must be held. Election C08ts are estimated at $35,000.

The vaeancy in council ranks occurred Dec 18 when • Ron

Valley Board To 'Oppose' Busing Plan

Fountain Valley City Council membera will consider a resolu­tion tonight opposing the pro. posed metropolitan busing plan for school integration.

The resolution will be studied at an 8 o'clock meeting in coun· cil chambers. 10200 Slater Ave.

Mayor Pro Te rn Roger Stan· ton said h~s gested the resolu-tion beca e believes the bus-ing plan "crazy, bizarre and capricious" and " would remove local control. "

The busing plan was recom­mended to Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Paul Egly to ex­pand the Los Angeles city school d eseg ration program into · Orange County.

" If you ignore school district boundaries. the next step would be to remove city boundaries, .. Stanton said .

' The busing plan. proposed by a panel of experts, " ·would send some Fountain Valley families to Lynwood and Compton and others lo Long Beach ," said Stanton.

Stanton said he hopes the Fo-untatrrVatteretty Council wlll be~ first Orange County city to go on record a& oppos· Ing the busing plan. He also plans to take the resolution to the Orange County Division of the League of Cities .

~ Stanton said he is opposed to busing because he a sserts it would " des troy the nuclear family." ·

Golden Wes t Co lleg e's secretarial faculty wlll hoel an onen~aUon p~gram Wednesday for area hlgh school bu11tneas teachers, counselors and prin-

What Holdup? -'

clpal1. • Boy Bandit Not Convinc'rng '

A bahY-faced, flve·foot-tall bandit IUlpee\ facet char1ee today alter all11edly bolchlnl an att.mpted holdup Of a • Fountain Valley &ll·Rl1bt care. accordiu to pc>Uce.

Shenkman resigned. The term expires in April of 1980.

When Thomas was present lut Monday. the City Council deadlocked 3-3 on a re~acement for Shenkman.

Pattinson. Don M J\11ister

·0.11• ~lllt SIMJ ,,._..


Judge Mast To Resign; utaPay Sometimes controversial Cen­

tral Orange County Municipal Court Judge Paul Mast an­nounced Monday he is retiring from the bench. ·

Mast said his retirement after 13 years on the bench will be.ef­(ective Immediately or wben a jury now deliberating the fate of alleged drug dealer Alexander Kulik returns Its verdict.

The 4&-y(ar-old former ally of now imprtsoned county political kingmaker Louis Cella gave a multitude of reasons. for his abrupt reitrement.

Among other things, Mas t sa id he is leaving the bench to prac lice law as a private attorney because he :

- Does not rind tire a s a Municipal Court judge .. as challenging or loterestingas it once was:"

- Is increasin~Y' disenchanted " when an attorney a ppears before me ill-prepared a nd r,oorly represents his or her client. .

- Is concerned about stepped up public atta c ks on th e judic iary. espec.ia lly attacks la unched by public o Hice holders such as Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr .. the son or the man who ~pointed Mast to the bench .

- t.s worri e d a bout the " poHliclzlng" of the judiciary, including the reeent elecUon de· real of lour incumbent judges ln Orange County.

Moat of a ll . however. Mast sald his " prime" consideration for retirtng is what he termed the inadequate salary judges

,..earn . After taxes and other deduc­

tions hi• $47 .ooo a year salary shrinks to $35,000 a nnua lly. Mast said .

·'Thia is not enough for me to maintain my standard of llvlng

(See MAST, Page A:>

Dress Store Hi~ by Thug

and Thomas supported former Huntinirton Beach Union lligh School District trus tee Ralph Bauer.

Siebert. Mrs. Bailey and Rob Mandie backed Plannln~ Com mission Chairman Ruth Finley

Shah Jets From Iran In Tears


TEHRAN. !ran <AP 1 - With tears In his eyes . Shah Moham· med Reza Pahlavi left Iran to-day for Egypt and the United States, piloting his own jel on a journey many believe will end In permanent exile. His departure touched off jlJbilant celebrat10m, throughout Tehran. ·

Two officers of the shah ·s ,royal guard fell to their knees and tried to kiss the monarch·s at Tehran's airport . but he motioned ror them to rise. court sources said .

Two other officers. s tanding face to race. held aloft a copy of the Kor an . the Mos le m· holy boo k . and the roya l couplt· passed beneath the impromptu arc h to bo~rd the " S hah ·s Falcon... a royal Boeing 727 Court sources said the monarc·h took the controls himself.

· ·The shah is gone forever' " people chant ed a s mill ion!> po ured into th e s tree ts uf Tehran. showering each othc•r with candies and rose wat4.' I' . cheering a nd s houting with joy at what they saw as victory m a year-long. bloody uprismi.! to topple the 59-ycar old shah

Moto r is t s ho n \<ed horn .... fl ashed headlights and turned on w i r't d sh i e Id wipe r s . M an y JUmped from cars and huggcct each other.

The 50-year·old shah later ar rived in Aswan. Es.lYPl . \~·here hL' was greeted by President Anwar Sadat. Egypt 's Middl e E a!>f News Agency reported . The two then drove t-0 a hote l on an island in lhe'"Nile River, whcrt• the shah, hui wife and lheir <'ti · tourage had three l>Uitcs on iht• fourth noor.

The news agency s .iid the s h<.1h is expectl'<i to stay a few dayl> '" Egypt before ftying to the Urut . ed States.

<See IRAN, Page A:>

Marina Students Get Short Day

Marina High School stuocnts in Huntington Beach will ~dis· missed · from classes a t 12. 50 pm . We dn e s day s o that teachers and adminis trators can hold a staff m~tinic . .AC:..

School s pok t• lt1filon Ri lli e Williams said the s tudents wi ll be allowed to leave early while. the faculty makes preparations for spring class registration.


Wea1her Partial clearing tont'Rht

and m oat l y s unn y Wed n es d n y . A 11 t t I 1• warmer We<fncsd::ty' With hi ghs o f 62-66 . Low ~ tonight ln the upper 40b • Chance of ruin dccrcas ln1o1 to 20 percent tonjght and

~-near i~ro Wednes<!l•Y· The 71 -year ·old film

s tar '• stomach was re­moved during a nlne·hour operation frlday after doctor• diacoveted it con· talned a low·1.rade malig­nant tumor durtn1 what wa.s auDDC*.'d to S>e rouUn~

. .

TJ'le progr•m la planned to ac· quaint the hJgh school f acu!ty m e mb•rs with the colle1e '1 secretarial adence offerin11. It 11 scheduled between 2 and 5 p.m. In lhe college 's bUJlneu bulldlng.

Police Lt. 8111 DeNl•I 1ald no6ody at Alphy ' • Rntaurant, 11175 Harbor Blvd., ~ believe lhe benc:Ut.

Police are searching today for a 'chunky. bearded bandit who held up a Huntington Beach drua Abc)p and nect with $$1 Sun· day atterooon.

l,N81DE TODAY Ouer the apon oJ h11 52·

IJ«Jr CmftT'. John Wo11M'• mouW, fmoge haa become in­

utricabl11 linked wtih thr mon IUmwl/. For a look at WOMf'«r , mon and mt1th, set Featuring Pace Ct. 1all b1.ader 1~riery. The

1ctOr'11iD bladder wa1J r~· moved u planned and a 1ub1Utute 1tomuh waa

Budget' Defended •t<f AU A W~t" aald the waltreu confronted al the

c:Hh ,........ after u.. boy demanded mon.y. ·

l•tles - --- -·•tn.ictund. out of hi.I in· WASHINGTON fAPl - Preta·

dent Carter Mid llondaJ <that tu t• budaet will oon4.aln an lncrea1e in 1pendin1 for ~ l*)ple and that the f•an Of Uii natloa'11M)'Ol'I .nu be allayed onc:t they have• •uMlned lhe documeat. ·rt la aol 1 punatlve buqet." -Carter ,aid.

"AndlM did." utd Lt. DtNWL A 11·year-olcl 1.Apect nt­Un1 the would·bl holdup arUat'a dllertP'!oa wu taken Into custody neartw. He wu armed wttll a pell« p6itol.

NO WDJION WAI dl1pla'9C1 boftvwr.,,.,.. no Ill first ....... the cite •bout m&clailbtJl:rweda m.u and ~AbU.lllllfoN9'a•• ..... ~-......_,...°'7

The overwel1ht lhua pulled • black pbtol and &*n~ It at 1 elerk at & Nor'• dre11 lhop, m1 !Qdlaler Ave .• at 2:'5 p .m . The funatan demlnd•d the clerk "" him all the money In

At Y-WYtet All ..._.. ..... .,,,.......,.. a-~ ~:" .:: :=, ...

.. Cl .. .,

tettlJMI, Wayne w11 ori11nally

expected to Ntmaln ln the lntentlve c•r• unit untO late •n the wMk. and U. tbe bo1pltal 1bout two WMU.

"ffie 1...-t, eaptu!9d by Ofnftr ToftJ' Marin, wae idetl· Un.d onl1 M a ,,...,., from Oraqe. lie •• lumed owr to hle NNllll, .,..,._ jUftalle court HUon.

~~'~ ... A.ft•r ii' the CHb, the

bandit, WMrinf a brown \tat. fhd on foot throush the H\lnt­

- lnttoft c..nter perllln1 lot toward enter Drive .

·m? · ~fa: =i=- ~ . _ ........ • ,.._..,,... M ....,._.. l"""61MMllll .. TllN99n ......... CM--f ~ Q ..........


M ~It a4 ., ,


.. .. .. A4 M

I Hlf

~edrich &sails OCJury

Oraaae County Supervt10r · Ralpbll6edr1ch'a 1-'-monllt tftun to 9uuh 11 brlbtt lndlcttn4"nt ·~••nit him took • new twbt Monday ""'hen hi~ altorne)'& challen,t'd Uw mak.iup ol the county erand JUr)• that u.ctactt'CI hi m .

lndudfd tn Otedrkh ''- lalal legal mruwu\'c r to nokl •land In,.: trjal on Ow bf"lbt!l"J r haraes Is the subpoena (j/ 3' ot OraJ\Kf' Count y 's •O Superior <:ourt JUd(J\'S Th~ subpot>na~d Jud11cA are

thosl.' who no.mlnaled p r0&pec live mem~ra of the 1tn 78 oounty crud Jury that on Oet­us. 1977, lndktt!d Diedrich and urchllcct LeRoy ROl!lc 'On bn~ry char.ies

Niof'tt't'n of th08e no mlntts cvtm tually bt1umc the gr .. nd Jurors who, m cffttt . said there was i;uffadcnl evidence lo make Diedrich und ~c stand trtal oo bribery allegation& related to ia 1973 board of superviisors land USf' ckclislon

In his Jatt•st move to have the multi count indictment quashed . it 1s Oledrlch 's contention that th e .1urv no minees did not represent a trut> cross-secttc.Hl of tht'county'ispopulaUon.

Hl~h courts have ruled that '' l o<'al g rand jurie s mu st

r~prcsenl a selection that is tru. ly r epresentative of the local pvpulation when ta king such fac. tors as race , age, sex and economic status into account.

The motion challengina the jury ' s make up was fil ed on Diedrlch's behalf by attorneys K eith Monroe and James Rid· del.

It does ~t specify how the 77 ·78 j ury 1night have fall en short of the legal require ment.

R lddet. however, indicated that each of the 33 subpoenaed j udges will be asked whi.t crite r ia he used in nominating a pr<JS'JJ~ctivc juror

Thal quc.-stioning Is scheduled to begin Jan. 22 in San Diego Superior 'Court in Vista where th e Died ri c h -Rose trial Is ~cheduled to start Feb . 5.

But the latest series of legal · moves by the county supervisor a nd Ros<.> Is expected to delay. the al.tead~!t.:dela,yed tr.i.a1.. Callin~ the 33 judges as wit­

nesses to a))pear in the northern San Diego County city will s low. but not halt, judicial proceed· lngs in Orange County.

Riddel said onJy four to six Judges will be called on the s:ime day and then a t appointed hours in an effort to minimize tht'ir absence from the bench.


MAST •• ~ and to isrovlde schooling and col­lege education for m y children," he e laborated.

Ttre j udge's retire ment an­nouncement included words or pra'tse for his fe llow judges as well as the state judicial syste m.

In political affai rs, Mast was a ~sociated with pr·ominen t Democrats and was a me mber o f th e inne r ci r c le j><>litical figu res in deposed kingmaker Celia 's Pohhcal fi efdom .

Ma :. l r e p o r ted l y wa s sf rutiniwd by the state Com· m1 ss 1on o n Jud1c 1al Perform~ when a witness in t he i nveslig~tli on leadin g to Cl'll a ·.., indictment named him as a person who Ins tructed her 1n her work on a Cell a-controlled political campaign

H owevN. that 1976 pro he failed lo Indicate that Mast and v thcr Ce lla allies had an y knowledge of the illicit meander 1ng s of the one time county political powe rhouse

City Chief Named' SJ\ N JOSE l flll l J a mes R.

Alloway, 49, l>ayton. Ohio, city manager, haR been chosen as the new San Jose cat.y manager al SSS.000 a year

-' T ... Jtn""1 •t. 11?!

Utah SiPt"'6i.. 'Lildkro""' --· J .. •

ST. PBTBR8auao. ,, •. 'Al' l A bud o1 tnm· l~Y moUaa "' for • fNe llineb wu probably responsible for thousand• ol tt1•1'·1haped, bumming. aod bhnkln& U FO.t that descended. on northeast Utah lw lb.c hate 1980s. a Un vtr'lily ol Florid• ....earcber

' . fn fac:t . Dr PhlUp Catt .. han Hya ent.omoloslsta mi g ht be •bl lO xptaln thoua1nd o1 reported un· !dent ifled nytn. object "'•hlln« .

.. , bc.>llt!ve In UFOs, too. 6ut 42.000 tlmes?'' s.ays Callahan. ref rrtng lo lht.- aeproxamate num~r or QfbUnp ~ in ao )'t'Mr "Th8l'I ludicrous. Maybe t•aght or 10." •

Publibhed reports or lh sljhtln1s In Utah's llant o Mountu•n~ sounded a lot llkt: sworms of l()('Usts he 'd ~·n Oyln.-: t.owurd pine. ln Jra ql oil ru:ldi. after World Wur Jr, CuJl11han told the S't. Petersburg ·rimes. ·

Alimony Tri• I

Michelle Marvin Relates Romance

LOS ANG~LES IAP ) . Michelle Triola Marvin took the. . witness.stand Coday to tell ol her romanct 'With actot Lee Marvin

stre&flng clet.alls ithe bell~ entitle her to a $1 million shal'\! of his Income durlng the alx

.Years they lived together .I The trial is the 'first to teal an

appeals court decision, and Is expect.eel to set a precedent for payment or alimony In cases of unmarried cohabitants .

Mtis Marvin, sedately ~tu~ In a black pants suit, began her


IRAN ••• Hot.el employees sald officials

~ld them the Iranian leader will meet with f<rrmer Pres ident Gera Id R. Ford on Thursday In Aswan. Ford, on a Middle East \our , had been schedUJed to meet with Sadat Thursday, and Egyptian sources said the m~l­in~ with the shah was arranged whc•n it became clcur th~t.-c wou ld be in Aswan {.It the same time .

In a statement to Iran's of­fi c ial Pars news agency , the shah said he was goi ng "on vac{ltion because I a m feeling tired ." He left his royal powers with a Regency Council and ap· pealed to the Ira nian people to preserve the monarchy during, his absence

The shah sakt the lenll!th or his stay abroad would depend on his " physical rondition." But many believe the vacation will tum in· to permanent exile and the end of the dynasty his soldie r ·father rounded 54 years ago.

" I hope the government will be at'>le to make amends for the past and also succeed in laying the foundation for the future ,'' said the shah. "This work needs a ' long period of cooperation and patriotism in its utmost mean­ing . Our economy must start rolling again and we must have better planning for the future."

Ayatullah Khomalni . th e Shiite Moslem religious leader who is the shah 's most infiuen· lial opponent, congratulated the " heroic people of Iran" on the shah 's cseparture and said it was " the first step toward ending the Pahlavi dynasty."

Khomainl , an exile in France. said he would return to Iran "at the fl r8t proper Ume' \and would name his own " provib'tonal gov­crn m enl " to supplant Prim~ M lnlster Shahpour Bakhtlar and the government appoi nted by the shah.

The lower house of the Majli11, the lraniaa P arli am ent , con­firmed Bakht¥u" and his cahlnet today by a vote of 149-48 with 13 abstentions. The Senate gave it a vote of confidence Monday.

te11Umony by telling or her meet· Ing Marvin ln 1964.

" I w u working on a Wm that he was worklng on ' Ship of Fool8 ' ... I was a slaf\d· ln, ao ex­tra dancer.I believe I had some

• fines ." H e r attorn ey, Marvin

Mltchelson, asked Miss Triola to te ll Judge A~har Manhall In the non.jw-y Superior Court trial lhe hlstory of her career as a dancer and singer before she met Marvin.

These details' were Intended to show that Miss Marvin gave up a lucruti ve ca reer to become full -lime homemaker and com; panlon to the Oscar-winning ac­tor.

M itche lso n introduced in ev idence publicity photos of Miss Marvin dancing in Las Vegas shows where she was the featured perfomer.

M lt che lson contends Miss Marvin is entitled to compensa­tion for giving up h.e r career and devoting herself to Ma rvin 's suc­ceiss. a lthough they never mar-ried . · 1 ·

Miss Marvin, 46, changed her name legally .shortly before she and Marvin , 54. broke up in 19'70.

The case of Marvin vs . Marvin has a lready berome a iandmark at the appellate level. It led to the 1976 California Supreme Court ruling that unmarried partners .could sue for property settlement similar to that which is common in divorce cases.

Mitchelson said Monday that Mi ss Triola Marvin would probably testify for several days be fore the Acad e my award · winner would be called t-0 the stand.

Marvin, who has been accom­panied to the proceedings by his c urrent wife and high school s weetheart. Pamela Feeley, has filed a $1 million countersuit al· leging Miss Marvin failed to pro­vide compenlonahip during the relationship.

Quake Rocks Eastemlran

9" ~ STOCKHOLM. Sweden

I AP l - A s trong earth­qua ke struck eastern Iran t o da y, the H ag for s seismological observatory reported.

The observatory sa id the quake registered an esti m a t ed 6 .8 on the Richter scale. The U.S. National Earthquake In· formatio n -Se rvi ce in Go lde n , Colo .• suld It s truc k about 60 miles s outh of M a:s hhad in northeast Iran.

The American service said the tremor was poten­Ua lly damaging. There were no Immediate cusual· ty or damqe reports from Iran .


' ..

Trustees OK Bids . .

On Work Bid• $35,000 for final won on the <> View Sc.boot

Dlatrlct'J new Education Center were approv~ by truaLon Mon. day nJcht.

Board Preli<Sent Julio " Jay" River• said he w .. dismayed at the disparity between the wtn­nln1 bkb •nd thole thrown out H t.oo exorbit.ant.

Bids on palnUn1 yet ~done at the former Ranc ho View

, School campus ranged from the Winning ~"5~ offered by WU.on & Ham In~ . • to a bid or $18.~ su mltted by D&B Acou atlcs and ConalrucUon Company.

T he latttt flnn asked $16.220 (or electrical work . . The $6,765 bid by Borgeson Electric lnc. won. N•other firms ~ven bid on the electrical l.nStallation won.

Caah Carpet Brokers ' f7 976.~ bid was aci!epted over a Sl3.200 bid afain o ffe red by D&B Acous ics and Const ruction Company. with no other contrac-tors compeUnJ(. -

The latter farm was the highest bidd e r for healing and ventila tion, with a $9,220 offe r to do the job compared t.o the $4,748 Delta Cooling Copipany bid.

E .Z . Rooter.,.lumbing lnc . won over the O&B firm with a plumbing bid of S29Q compared to thei r rival 's $830 offer for the work .

No oth e r firm but D&B Acoustics and Construction bid on carpentry and cera mic tile '+"Ork . so its bids or $2,640 11nd $1 16'> were act't'pted .

The new Educat ion Center on a ca mpus shut 'down . due to dwindling enrollment will house ~istrict offices, the libruy, u board meeting room and related facilities.

Jury Begins Deliberation In .. l\ulik Case

By KATIIY CLANCV Of, ... o.ily l'llet Jc.ff

An Orange County Superior Court jury began it11 first full day of d e liberations today in the heroi n possess ion t n<i l of one· t ime Newport Beach re~ident Alexander Kulik .

The case passed into the jury's hands late Monday as tcsUmony in the four-week trial ended and attorneys for both s ides complet· ed (inal arguments.

Kulik, also a suspect in the Stephen John . Bovan murde r, was a rrest.eel in a Mission Viejo parking lot In a borrowed $60,000 Stutz Blackhawk car. The arrest was a few hours afte r Bovan's 1977 s laying .

Sheriff's deputies a lleged they found thret! jars of nearly pure China White heroin itl a grocery sack irt t~car's ·rear seat.

Prosecutor Jton Krcber Mon­day urged the jury to convict Kulik on charges of possessing the 1.1 pounds of heroin for sale and for transporting the $ 1 million cache of drugs.

He asked jurors to discount ·Defen s e Atto rn ey Philip DeMassa's contention the drugs were mistakenly found on Kulik and were intended as a plant by la w enforcement offi ce rs for someone else.

Kreber accused De Massa of try ing to " muddy up" the prosecution's case by hinting the I.I pounds of heroin could have come from various sources rang. ing from Newport Beach police lo feder al agents to the 1968 " French connection" case. .

De Massa, however , argued that hiB defense proved Kulik didn 'l know about the presence of dru(ts In the car he borrowed from his associate, Richard Willis ofNewport~uch.

·'There is a reaSQOAble doubt and 1t is based ,upon the in· terpretations of clrcumstantlaJ evidence ..:_:,;Oe Massa said . " They are trying to buHd an arch of circumstantial evidence lo support their case and l sub· mit to you that it all doesn't fit. "

He contended Willis " lled" when he said he PfOmlsed to ar· range for a drug plant but didn't carry it oot.


. C harles Perino. 52, was h9nore~-~~nday as, the · Orange U>WJty . Transit Dis­trict ' s " driver or the ' month." He is one of 18 drivers , who steer OCTD buses alon.&_ the Pacific Coast HighwaY'rout.e.

Teachek-s' ~nter

Approved Residents or the Oak View

neighborhood In central Hunt· in gton Beach lobbied heavily Monday night for an e xpansion of a community center .

The resident.a told City Council members thal lhe ptesent faclli -1y no longer meets growing de· mands for instructional and ex­e rcise e lasaes. recreational and c ultural activities a nd. neighborhood meetings.

ExpJnsion of the-clubhouse br 3.000 souare feet at· a cost of Sl25,000 is one of a number or pro­jects the City Council is consider­ing for Housing and Community Development funding this year.

t:aty omc1als have been al­located $1.27 million to •DeDd on

-slK'h items u fff\ior cttlzeo de· velopment, ramps. /or the tum­dicapped, distribution of free smoke detector a larms to needy f a milies . purcha s e of a paramedic unit and rehabilita· lion loans t.o Improve homes in the downtown area .

A final deciBion by the City Counci l is scheduled Feb. 5.

Pat Tessier . a city community development aJde, said the Oak View Center is one of the ID08t used facilities in the c ity.

He said the area, which is located west of Beach Boulevard and between Warner and Slater a venues. is made up largely of single parent families and ethnic minorities.

Deadl,ine Set For Citizen Nominatiom

Friday is the deadline tor nominations for the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Y~r Awa rd .

The award Will be presented at a Feb. 13 luncheon.

Nominees must be current Fountain Valley res idents who have made a contribution to the city 's improvement and belong to at least one local organiul· tion.

Las t year 's award winner. Diddy LammersJ is a former Chamber of Commerce women's divis ion president and has also been active in a ho8pltal aux· illary group.

Individuals and clubs may submit nominations to the Foun· lain Valley Chamber ol Com· merce office. Poet Office Box 8282, f 'ountaila Valley, 92708.

Eight Stranded VISALIA CAP> - Eight

Tulare resldent.1 were stranded almost 24 boun ln five feet of snow near Kings Canyon Na· tional Park before being reecued uninjured Monday niRhl.

Israelis Att&ck Ubanoll

TEL AVIV, ltrael <APl -lar11H commandos landed in Lebanon early today and blew llP a buildlnc t.-ed b1 Palestin· ian 1uetr1lla1. while navy gun­boats shelled areas alon1 the COHl, the army announced.

The nighttime raid was car· rled out at Ru el·AJn, two mJles south of t!te Lebanese i>ort of 'fyre and 12 mfles north o( the laraell border.

The army s pokes man said there were no Is raeli casualties In the attack. The a~y gave no Indication whether Palesllnian gtterrillas were at the base dur­ing . the assault or whether any fighUng t.ooi place. the size ot ~ Is raeli force was not dis· closed.

The announcement said the Israelis .. " blew up a bulldlng which sheltered terrorists . . . Navy vessels shelled terrorist concentration$ along the shore."

In Beirut . the Pales tine LlberatJon Organization claimed guerrillas inflicted heavy casualties on the raiders. , ·

"The enemy pulled oat leaving- ' big amounts of weapons and pools or blood behind," a com­munique from the Palestln.ian command saJd.

The message said the raiding party blew up "an empty farm house" In Ras el·Ain, but there were Tl<>- civilian or guerrilla casualties in the clash.

1t safd the attack· came early in the morning " but our forces were on the alert and quickly in­t e rcepted and e ngaged the enemy."

The guerrill;. said at le~st 10 Israeli gwiboa~atrolled the Lebanese. coast opposite Tyre Mond ay, P.romptlng guerrillas to open fire from shoreline posi­tions.

Expansion OJ Center .... .. ---

Reqpested Ocean View School Uastnct ,

trustees voled unanimously Mon day to allow participation in formation of a seven ·dis trict 'teachers' Center. with federal funds potentially available.

Instructors within the seven west county e lementa ry and high school districts would use the facility to enrich their pro­fessional sklll3 through study and use of its materials .

Some scooo1 aastnct trustees and administrative personnel have let it be known over the past few months thaf th e Teachet Center could lite rally become a union ball.

The re was no discussion of this during Monday ni~ht 's ac­tion . with Trus tee Marianne Blank immediately moving for approval and Trustee Darrell Carter seconding the motion.

Language or project r eport prepared over the pas t year specifically prohibits corruption of the Teachers• Cente r concept Into a pivot for political or union activity .

" I don 't think there will be anv 1Slop0ver." Superintendent Or. Dale Coogan said , noting there are provis ions in both the Teachers' Center development plan and the board's power to arop out.

He r~mmended board ap. proval or the plan. but added that it s hould r eserve the authority to cancel participation 1f al any point 1t Ill de te rmined not to be in the district 's inten:sl lo continue.

Current plans call for the Hun· tington Beach Union High School District to M!rve as an umbrella agency of authority.

A policy council to guide the ope'ralion would be fo rmed among teachers from the seven participating districts.

They also include Fountain Valley : Huntington Beach City 1elementary 1: the · high school dis trict . and alao Sts. Simon & Jude Catholic School. a private academy.

A II these di s trict s reed elementar y school sys tem graduates into the high school district. .

DAILY PILOT ''-" Ot•fltOP CM'\t o.ttv P11+1. • t1ti-Wfttn\ "'""' ... _, .......... ,.. ...... -....... '" ... °'_ ( IM\l Pvllli._(_y !oo,..<•l•..,.t-.... °"OllJIOH _..., ""- #rt...., ... (,...I• MllM ~ ......... tKh H\H\tt"'O'Oft O.~rt1 t 0Uf\ '*"' \tAfN' r lf'Y..,,_, t ~ fMtKt\ I W,,. . ... ( .. \t A ''"°'' t t Oioni.M ... ,~ •t "'-*'W-0 Mt.,,..,., 4tN9 ~ .. '""" __ _...,. ....... _ .. .. ,.

WomanJomp8 From Auto, Foils Rapist

Crash Probe Delayed

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A '22-ycar-old HunUnaton Beach woman told poUce Mon· day •he Jumped from • movtna auto while she wu fl1ht1na off a l>Ol·belUed man wbo tried to her. •

The woman saJd the lncldent oecatted Sunday at 7 p.m . near the P'lve PoUrta area but abe wu '° uPHt b)' the at.tack that ahe did . not report •t unUJ th• next day.

,. Potiee set. Uda Oehoe Mid UM woman wu wawna bome oa MalD 8'IMt wbeD ahe ·~· ed a ride from. bload, ibaaY· ltalrM mu &a• oompact8*-

Wlltle drhl•I· tbe. man •rabbed tbe womu by Ute balr and lrMd ID fGrCf Mr to tubmJt IO a Ma Ml. IM Wd pollcie. Tbe woman Hid •la• ttruHl•d, tr•bbed .......... M1ft to slow tMautoad~ .. ..,~.·

Squally la preveat.lna air safely lnveaU1ator1 from dl 1S.coverln1 what caused a Trans-Catalina Airlines Grum· man Malla~ to Oop and 1lnk lo 40 (Ht of wal•r off Santa Catalina llland.

The t•·PHMnler amphibian had Just tUlft otr Sunda~:"' lta water beae It Pebbly h, a mile eut of Avalon, when tt crashed and overturned tn the water.

The crub dunked SO people aboard tbe plaat, but. •ppereal· Ir. no one w .. lnJund aettoualy. An Irvine man, Paul KetdMun, -.,. 9'-44-=n ~' WM ' taken fat •Uolt '° AYaloa Municipal~. beea ... ol e pre .. dltinl btart coadltJoo.

Ketdaa ._ nltMtd to 10 bom• la&e lloaday.

Tbt pUot, RutHll D. St.\ Pl«N, 11, of ~ ...

, treated for cut f1nten and a lacerated ac:aJp.

A Federal Aviation Ad · ministration apoke!'lman satd Sl. Pierre reported that on takeof' h.11 airer-'\ Iott pQwer ln one of It.a two engioes and fe ll back Into the water at an angle.

for the National Tra~ Safety Board who la aul(ned to the case, said today she had ttllt to interview the pUot.

But without the Grumman Mallard, now ln 40 feet of water a quarter·mll19 oftahore, she sald . the cauae of the mllbap can't be known.

The lnvettlcator aald It wu possible that the aJrcraft cu be salvaged later today or Wednes· day .

Ketchum aald that from his perapedlve the airplane never sot out of'tM water. He said that as the pilot tri~ lo gain apeed for takeoff, larce waves s lapped, "harder and hardtr and Trant·Catallna Alrlipes. harder, " qainat tbe aide ol the lnfanwblle. h11 tefu••4 to plane. He Wei a tMi crest ftnally m~e any public atatement Upped them over 'about tbe crab. about UM com-

AbaklM fllbenDen aboard the . pan7. cir ebuuf1br lllffk••· -AvaJoo.._.. lupemtea •potted However, Uae Loi Anpl .. die el'Ub. Tiie lloet '1 capt.ala, - Count1 SMrUrt 1ubnaU. on RJchard Rull, lteered a coune Oatallu nl111'1d a Ult of tbe for UM ..._ plane and the • pat...,.,. . ....... x..e..-. .tettm1 ..,.. fllbed from the bl• •lf• and tOD, .._,.. ftftl OMaa. tourC1t.a from hu:t.alUo, San

W1U, l\mk, u laWltiptor Marino, Ban Pedro nd from

OUl·Of ·atate. FAA records reveal fhat

Trans·Catallna began operations In J a,nuary of um, less than a ye.r •10~ lnitiallY with rughts from Long Beach to Pebbly

• Beach. Durlne the year, the company

increaaed ita ru1hu with the ltd· dltton of three Grumman Mallarda-brinaln• tu alrllne lo rour planee. F'llJht• alao were ruo to Catalina from San Pedro and Oraap County.

1'be compeny ahrel jolnt UM faclUU• wtth ~taUna AlrUnes. a ..,.,... compuy wblcb wes U.. Qrumma OooN alrplane, u WtDU~rY. • Trant·Ca~a 1ver•1•• 1 \

round U1~At t.a per day to Ca&allM u 111111mer moa&M. abcJUl that durtQI U..wbur.~IOU.. P'M. · tk&ndJY'aaeddemwulM~~ paQY 'a llhll.

t •


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lrVine '\'our Bome &owa Dally New8paper

. ..



Tearful Shah·Dep.arts in.Own et .

Israelis AtiOCk ~banOn

. . TEL AVIV , fAP l

l s raeH comma ndos landed in Lebanon early toda)!. and blew up a buildina used by P alestln· ian g uerrillas. while navy gun· . boats shelled areas along . lhe coast, the army announced.

The nighUime r aid was car· ried out at Ras el·Ain. two miles south of the Lebanese port or Tyre a nd 12 miles north of the Jsraeli border

The a rmy spokesman• said there were no Is raeli casualties an the attack. The a rmy gave no indication whether Palestinian guerrillas were at the base dur­ing the assault or whether any righting took place The s ize or the Is raeli force was not dis closed

The announcement said lhP Is raelis " blew up a bu ilding which sheltered terrorists .. Navy vessels- she)led terrorist concentrations along the shore "

In Beirut , the P a lestine Liberat.Jon Organization claimed g u e rrilla s infli c t e d h eavy t::isuattles on the raiders. '

" The ~nemy pulled o.ut teavmg big a mounts of weapons and pools or blood behind," a com· munique from the Palestinian command said.

The message said the r aiding party blew up " an empty farm house" in Ras eJ-Ain, but there we re no civilian or g uerrilla casuattles in the clash.

lt said the attack came early in the morning " but our forces were on the alert a nd quickly in· ter cepte d and e ngaged the ene m y."

I . ~

Watching Congre• • in Action Rep. Ralph S. Regula , R-Ohio. dozes along with three anidentified ~hildren as the 96th session of Congress opens .in Washington. Among the spectators was actress

Elizabeth Taylor. who watched her husband sworn in as a new senator

Storm Nixes Crash PrObe Squally weather is preventing

a ir safety investigators from d iscove rinJ: what caused a ·r.rans-Catalllli! Airlines Grum· man MalJard lo flop and slrik in 40 feet o f water o ff Santa Catalina Island.

The 14-passenger amphibian had just taken off Sunday from

its waler base at Pebbly Beach. a mile east of Avalon. wherr' it crashed and overturned in the wate r.

The crash dunked 10 people aboard the plane, but. apparent· ly. no one was injured .serious ly. An Irvine man. Paul 'Ketchum . 65. of 44 Sycamore Creek . was

Makes Prog r ess

taken for observation to A vaJon Municipal Ho!\pita l. because of a

• pre -existing heart condition. Ketchum was released to go

home late Monday. The pilot ; Rusnll o. St.

Pierre, 31. or Northridge . was treated for cut fingers a nd a lacera ted 11calp.

A F e d e r a l Aviation Ad · minis tration spokesman said St., Pierre reported tha t on takeoff his ai.rcrafl lost power iQ> one or its two engines and fe ll back int<;> . the water a l an· a ngle.

Ketchum said that from l\.is perspective the airplane never got out of the water . He sa id that as the -pilot tried to gain speed for takeoff, lar~e wav~s s lapped, .. h arder a nd h arde r and harder:· against the s ide of the plane. He said a big crest finally

.....:_ • tipped them over.

n.,...,._ A1>alone fishe1 rrten abeald-the-'"" Avalon-based Supermex spotted

the crash. The boat ·s captain, · Richard Ruiz, steered a course

Wayne1'eaves Cqre ~rly heaUng at the site of the f.or tb6 downed plane and the operation. He is taking liquid victims were fished from Lhe nourishment by mouth in s mall ocean .

Return Called Doubtful


Wal&er ff. Aanenberg, fprsner U.S. ambuncler to Great Bri· &ala, uJd today that be lavlted tbe-Sb.all ol J ran &o take refug~ lo Anneaberg's ZSG·acre desert e1~&e bere.

TEHRAN. Iran IAP ) With tear s in his eyes. Shah Moham­m ed lteut Pahlavi left Iran to­da y for Egypt and the United States. piloting his own jet on a iourney many believe will end in permanent'.exile. His departure touched ofr jubilant ~lebrations throughout Tehra n .. .

Tw.2 .Nfi(:ers of the s hah 's royal guard fe ll to their knees a nd tried to kiss lhe monarch's fee t at Tehran 's airport, but he motioned for them lo rise, court sources said.

Two other officers. standing race to face. held a loft a copy of the Koran , the Mosle m holy boo k . a nd the roya l coup le passed beneath the impromptu a r c h to board the "Sha h 's F a lcon." a royal Boeing 727. Court sources said the~o~arch took the controls himse .

" The shah is gone ever~" p e ople c hafl,ted ·as lli ons poure d into the s tree t s or Tehran. soowcring each other with candies and rose water. c hee ring and s.houting with joy ut what they ·~w as victory in a year-tong, bloody uprisin(i to topple the 59·year-0ld shah.

M otoris t s h o nk e d h o rns. Oaabed be;tdli hts and turned on wind s hi e ld wipe r s. a-ny jumped from cars and hugged ea~h other. ·

7 .

The guerrillas said at least 10 Israeli gunboats patrolled tbe Lebanese coast opposite Tyre Monday, prompting guerrillas to open fire from shoreline posi· tions.

LOS ANGELES <AP ) - John Wayne. making rapid progress in bis recovery from cancer sur· gery . has been moved out of in· tensive care to a private room al UCLA Medical Center, hospilal authorities said today.

administrator Bernard Strohm said in today's dally r ePQrt on the 71-year-old rum star's condi· lion. amounts. Wa lly Funk. an investigator

" Among lhe many teleg rams for the National Transportation

The SO.year-old shah la ter ar· rived in Aswan, Egypt, where he: was g reeted by President Anwar Sad at, E~ypt ' s Midd k! East News Agency reported . The two then drove to a hotel on an · is land In the Nile River. where the shah. his wife a nd their en· tourage had three suites on .the fourth noor. I

I t


.. n rt d< hl th

St th M

fo hi • WC So cb th• At

Fl in At iQ.1

I ra, In st.

~ r• 14 nt p' ye

Lebanese provincial au · thorities said the Is raeli attack

---1!'.o!See RAID, Page AZ>

Marineiets Plan Noisy l.nnding Tests

R es id e nts of Ir v ine and Lagi: na Hills ca n ex pect in· c reased jet noise· for the next three weeks.

OHicials at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station sa id that. throu~h Feb. 2, Marine pilots and air Cf'ews will be practicing a ircraft carritM' landings.

The peak noise period will be between 4 and 10 p.m.

The practice sessions - a vea r 's worth cramm ed into three weeks will prepare 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing squadron mem bers for jobs aboard Navy a ircrafl carriers.

No weekend practices were scheduled, but officials said that we e kd ay fli k ht s c an ce led because or bad weather would ba ve. to be rescheduled for lhe weekends

Co ast

Weath e r Partial c learing tonight

and m os tly s unn y Wednesday . A littl e warmer Wednesday with highs of 62 -66'. Lows tonight in the upper 4()5. Chance ol rain decreaslng to 20 percent tonight and near zero Wednesday.

IN81DET88~Y Over tlte IJ)Clft o/ Ida 52·

• carttr. Johlt Wa~·s moo# imaoit Im ~ ift • • tzfricabl11 lfftlcH wUh tM man htmaielf. fi'or ·a look at Wapt. 1l10ft and mrtla, eee Feoturlftfl Poe. CI. .....

Wayne was moved to his room late Monday afte rnoon , only lhree d~ys afte r his cancerous s tom ach wa s removed in a otine-hour operation. hospita l

Wayne was originally expect· ed to remain in the intensive care unit four"or fi ve.days .

e spent another good night but with som e discomfort. " Strohm added this rt1brning.

" X · r ay t es t s th at were , performed this morning showed

lhal have been received was a Safety ~rd who is assigned to -telegram from Pres ident Carter the case. said today she had sti ll wishing him well. and former to interview the pilot. pres ident Nixon has called ." But without the Grumman

Strohm said two of Wayne's Ma llard, now in 40 feel of water sons, Mi chael a nd P a trick , a quarte r -mile offshore. s he would answer questions on rami· said, the cause of the mishap ly matters Wednesday. can ·t be known. ·

. The investigator sa id it was

Rainstorm Wreaks Havoc Along Coast

Burglar .Hits . Irvine Home, Gets Jewe lry

p0ssible that the aircr aft can be salvaged later today or Wednes· day.

Tr a n s -Cat ali n a Airlines. (Sff CRASH, Page J\2 >

By The ~ated Preu At least one man was killed.

roa~s closed, buildings Oooded a nl1 communications knocked out durim? a slorm that dumped more than I ~ inches ·or rain on Southe rn California a nd prom· ised still more as it entered its second day today.

However. a uth o riti es ex · pressed re lief that the downpour wasn 't worse .

" It .has n ' t been t oo bad because we didn't gel many in· stances where it rained an Inch in only a couple hours." Los Ans;:e les County Sheriff's Deputy

Jury Begins Deliberation In Kulik Case

By KA'nlV CLANCY Of .. DMt't ""'SUff

An Orange County Superior .Court ~ury began its fl.rat full day of de liberations today in lhe heroin possession trial of one·· time Newport Beach resident Alexander Kulik.

• The case pa$Sed into the jury's hands late Monday as i.esthnony in the four·week trial ended and attorneys for both sides complet· eel final arguments.

Kulik. also a suspect In the Stephen John Bovan murder, was arrest.ed in a Mission Viejo parking Jot In a borrowed $80,000 Stutz Blackhawk car. TM arrest wis J rew t oun at'er B.>van's urn •l8Yibl. •

Wylie Burrow said. The National Weather Service

caoceled a flash flood watch for Los Angeles, Ventura. 'Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties shortly before 5 a .m. after radar indicated the expect­ed pockets or .heavy ra infall would not' materialize.

But the s torm was bei ng bla med in the death or a 42-year· old Hawttforne man who died Monday night when his car drift· ed across Imperial Highway and crashed Into a power pole, the CaJifomia Highway Patrol re· pc)rted .

Areas particularly hard hit by the storm were along the coast in San Diego and Loa Angeles counties.

Widespread flooding and a large m\,ldslide were blamed Monday ty officials for cultinl{

<See STORM, Pase AZ>

While an 8-year-old girl and a live-In maid s lept in a locked bedroom . a burglar broke inlo a. . Irvine home early Monday and prowled the house.

Mary Colton . 32. or Turtle Rock. told police she believes s h e m ay have s tartled the burgla r into an early exit when she came home.

Though she saw no one, she discovered her purse upended atop her bed. a jewelry box dis · turbe d a nd a diamond ring, which she valued at S2,000, miss· Ing.

Her daughter and the maid had been unaware an Intruder was in the house.

Polke said the butglal' pried open a kitchen sliding glass door to get in.

MothsuFOs? -

Utah Sighting• 'Ludiero~' ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. CAPl ~A bat>d of hun·

· gry moths, out for a free lunch was probably respo~1~l~!or thousands of cigar-shaped, humming and bu11.IUll8 UFOs that descended on northeast Utah in the late 1980s, a University of Florida researcher says. · , •

In fact, Dr. Philip Callahan S&YI entom~lo'.ill might be able to explain thousands of reporiec:w Iden tilled RYloJr object •ilhtlno.

''I beUm ln UFOs, too, 6ut. ~ tlmes? " saxs Ca~UOU.. to tbe aptroximate number ot

The news agency said the shah is e xpected lo stay a few days in Egypt before fl ying to the Unit · ed States.

Hotel employees said officials told them the Iranian leader will m eet with former Preside nt Gera ld R. Ford on Thursday in

• <See IRAN, Page A2 I

olc hl1 Sb ye La IA e4

fr!:'.= •; ~'= t Sberitt'• deputies a llepd they - -

4:..1 ,.. :-~·•-'JaanLtbrf!e Jan ol .nearl1 pure ........ .,. w=. a.e China Whft.eMriilnTft a"]'fOtVly

alghtfnll ~- lil JO yean. "ftat'I tud'ft:tolii. :~ •1•.Jto • . ~ Maybe eight or 10." 1" -·~•

·~ ~~ &,t;:• •: wll ln tM car'• nar Hlf. == li = ei.t ProteeUtor Ron Knber llon·

I ..... -=. C: ·,,...::::- I: day uf'led the Jury to convtct ....... •• ~ .. Kulik on dtaraa ·ot Po•-tac =::, ~ =:u... t tbe 1.1 l*llMll ol beroln for Nie

ta. IR1LIK. .... AJ)


- Pobtllhed n:port GI ~ligbUqt In Ut=-"".:'S':#· --+--.-.."'~ Uinta Mountains sounded a lot lib swarm• x-yor;;oht-eai · '•red Relaman. _ ___.". locuata he'd ~ fi)'ing toward plnes In Iraqi oil · hypersensttlvtty to any subetances in the air, runs fields alter World War TI, Callahan told the St. throu1h the corridors of National Jewts,h Hospital in Petenbw'I Times. -..:.. Denv~r ICJ\littfnJ nurses and )"Mmen wUtl his water

ptsto1. I ·'


•1~•UYN01M ............ County Planoln• Com

mlnlon memben dethted Mon day 'they want t o a for them•tlvt'I the territory pro posed for l~ G.m acr. AllJO Viejo devdopmeot

The decllk>n to ta.kt a n.ld trip- t(t tM .a...w~eooompalMlll much ot the blll:J and tao.>ons between La1\&ft11 BHcb. IAl\IDI Nl1uel and South Laa"'n•. •nd Lelsure Wortd wu rtatbed al\H a thrff' hour publlc M•nnc on the propo.ted development

,....,..,,. ... KULIK •.. ond for· tranaporhDI the SI mllllon caeht" ol druJC

He aaked Juron to .daac:owrt Defeaae Attorney l'hillp OeMalh'a ~lenUon tM dNgS were mlm\kenly found on KuJlk and were intended as a plant by law enforcement omcera for isomeoneelle.

Kreber accused DeMuaa of trying to " muddy up" the prosecuUon's case by hinting the 1.1 pounds ol heroin could have come from varioua sources ranc· ing from Newporf Beach polJce to federal agents to the 1968 · ·French connection' ' case. . .

OeMASSf , however . argued that his defense proved Kulik didn ' l know about the prel$ence or drugs in the car he borrowed from his associate, Richard Willis of Newport Beach. ,,.

" There la a reasonable doubt a nd It is based upon the in · terprelations of circumstantial evidence," DeMassa said ·'The~ are trying to build an a rch of circumstfilUal evidence to s upport their case and I sub­mit lo you that iC all doesn 't fit.' '

He contended Willis " lied " when he said he promised to ar· range for a drug plant but didn 't carry it out.

" He lled and he got paid orf with~ his immunity ." DeMaasa sald, referring to Willis' im­munity from prosecution In both the drug and Bovan murder case .

" Mr. Kulik Is the victim In this case because everyone else has gotten a walkJn this case," DeM'assaconUnued.

Kreber argued that small con · tainers of the same kind or rare oriental heroin found in Kullk 's Leucadia home and his motor home. a long with drug traces round on c lothing as polnting toward guilt

~liso -Yiej~ Site 1'lle..,.. la 099 ol low LlMll U.. de¥...,...._ McJUM or the · fereat ()S)lnloe. noUq .that tbe

--•'n1111 i wUI ..... - .... • ....... fl d..nte• ... pro- I N9lricUd llCCeel to UM toast ,._ SM1 Pl" I 11• llD ,..... tM ,...., die ~ of tbe o,.. ll"om Alilo ~Jo me11na that peo. .,.. ·~· la Ute eo••tr'• •ceMdtlllepropoeal&oouw• Pie rilitiq area or Uviq In tneral plan f« the area by p1rt of the Alleo VleJ.10 road It "are 10 t. to have to 10 1.500 KfW wh1Je doubltn1 the •Y•tem to ~ 8each 'a road around Lbetr elbow to get to their o.umw ol permlttecl dwelllna ayat.em via Aft.a Lacuna Cany0n thumbl" In trivtlln1 Paclllc unit.I In t.lw ,.nen1 plan. Road Coa•l Highway. ' Tbe dev lopm.,nt. wblc b They a<>homeaupport Monday Richard Munsell , asal11tant

-WOU1'--be built .ov.,. a 15.yeu from commlulon•r William director of tb~ EnvlronmenU&l ~riod. would ulUm•tely bowkl McDouaaU of La.tuna Nlcuel. Managemerit Agency, openfd 60.000 Pt'nona and would Include who declared , " l wlah Alta the pubUc heartnc by presenllna lndwatriaJ and comm •rclal proj La1una 8oultv1rd would Juat go · 18 position papert which outllne ttO •• wrll awa)' .'' apeclflc problema aaaoclated

Laguna Beach rMldenll and 11,owever , co mm In loner with the proposed development. _e_n_v_1 _ro_n_m_ n_1_1_1_ ,,_ro_u..;.1>11 __ 0.-p.-P<>fJ_...•~-C-h_ar_l_e_• _8e.;..;..n_ne.;.;...;.tt_v..:o_lc_ed;___a_d_if_. Tho11e f>roblcms I ~cl ude the

baJ1nce ol tn- ol boulhal -rental and ownet'thJp, pri~ ol houalnc • . balance of houslnif lo other kinds of development . nolse from El Tbro 8hrine Corps A Ir Station , open 11 pace reMrvatJoo. road ay1t.em1 a.nd con11trucUonofuUliUca.

He sa1d t.he-reuoa the poslUon papers were developed was to leave a clear indication of why cornmlulonors reached the de· clsiona they will on each of the IS8Ut!S. •

.. We w1tnt lo make cleu r that

there wu a caotce tn the matter ot bow thete ltnlduret ftt into the development. We want to lcuve a trail rttordlni your thlnklna on e.ach or the11e is· suea. • • he told commlulooen.

The field trip baa been s ched uled for Jan . 30. More public hcarlnas wiU be held by commi111lonen In F•bruary.

An EMA 11poke1man 11ld the propo11al. which requires amend· ments to county's aeneral plan. will not eome before the supervisors for final action until March or AprU .


Michelk Testifie~ Marvin 'Romance' Detailed at Tri81

This is one or India 's 100 million " Ulltouchables." vie· tims of a caste system outlawed by the count ry's con· sUtution but continued by tradition. See story, other pie· lures on Page A8.

LOS ANGELES CAP ) '­Michelle Triola Marvin took the w1tne86 stand today to tell <1f her romance with actor Lee Marvin - stressing details she believes entitle her to a $1 mlllJon share or his income during tho six years they Uved together.

The trial Is the first to t.est an appeals court decis ion. and Is expected lo set a precedent for payment of jl.llmony In cases or

. unmarr1e<tcohabltants. Miss Marvin, sedately atUr.00

in a black pants suit. be.can her testimony by telling or her meet· Ina Marvin in 1964.

" l wuworklngonafllmthathe was working on 'Sh i p of Fools'. . .I was a stand-In . an ex· tra dancer.I belJe'le I had some lines."

.Her attorney , Marvin . Mitchelson, asked Miss Tri~la to tell Judge Arthur Marshall in the ,,.,n.jury Superior Court trial the history of her career as a d ancer and s inger before she met Marvin.

These details were intended to show that Misti Marv111 ,;

8 v lie up

a lucrative career lo become full ·tlme homemaker and com· panfon '\o the Oscar·winning ac· tor.

. Mltcheleon introduced in evidence publicity photos of Miss Marvin dancing In Las Vegas shows wher:e she was the featured perlomer.

M itchelson contends Miss Marvin is entitled to compensa· tlon for giving up her career and devoting herself lo Marvin 's suc· cess. although they never mar· rled.

Miss Marvin, 46, changed her name-legally shortly before she . and MarVin, 54. broke up In 1970.

The case of Marvin vs. Marvin has already become a landmark at the appelfate level. It led to. the 1976 California Supreme Court ruling l.,hat Ynm arried partners could sue for property settlement s tmilar to that wh.ich is com-mon in divorce cases.

Mtlchelson said Mond~y that MiiJs Triola Marvi n would probably testify for several duys before the Academy Award win· ner would be called to the s tand.

Judge Mast. to Leave Bench Sometimes controversial Ccn·

tral Orange County Municipal Court Judge Paul Mast an . nounced Monday be is retiring from the bench

Mast said his retirement after 13 years on the bench will be ef­fective immediately or when a jury now deliberating the fate of alfe1ed drug dealer Alexander Kulik returns Its verdict.

shrinks to $3S,OOO annually. Ma8t said .

·'This is not enough for me to maintain my s ta ndard or living and to provide schooling and col· lege education for my children," he elaborated. • .

Marvin. who has been accom· panled to the proceedings by his current wire and high school sweetheart, Pamela Feeley. has 1 . flied a $1 million countersult al· leging Mlaa Marvin failed to pro· vlde companionship during the relaUo~hip. .

Hearma the case without a jury. Judge Arthur Marshall turned down a bid last week by the actor's attorney to dismiss the suit. has declared that Miss Marvin must prove more than a spouse·likc relationship to win a property settle ment. akin lo alimony. .

"She must also prove the ex· · istence or an agreement as to property or. al the least . a tacit und e r standing with r es ped there to:"' Marshall said.

. ,.,.... P.,,e A I

RAID ... came shortly aCter midnight when a commando force landed ut' Ras e l -Alo In rubber boats lowered from the gunboats.

The raid lasted one hour. The Lebanci;e authorities confirmed the t:iuerrillas engaged the at . tackers in machine-gun battles

The landinJ( spot was a few hundred yards from the posi ­tions or U.N. peacekeeping troop!\. Tyre 's di s trict ad · minis trator reported

3 Gunmen Hijack , Lebanese Jetliner

The 46-year-0ld former ally of now Imprisoned county l klngmaker Louis Cella gave a multitude of reasons ror his abrupt reltrement.

Among other things, Mast said he is leaving the bench to prac­tice law as a private attorney oocause he :

The judge 's retirement an· nouncement Included words or praise for his fe llow jud1et1 as well as the stole judicial system .

In political affairs, Mast was associated with prominent Democrats ~od was a memher of th~ ·inne r c ircle political figures in deposed kingmuer Cella 's polltlcal fiefdom .

,.,.... P.,,e AJ

IRAN ••• Aswan .· Ford, on a Middle Ea~t tour , had belm sched uled to meet with Sadat Thursday . and Egyptian sources said the meet· ing with the shah was arran~c'<l when ii becume clear the thrct• would be In Aswan at the same tame.

BEIRUT. Lebanon !AP > Three Arabic ·speakln~ gunmen hijacked a Lebanese elllner to­day on a regular f ight from Beirut lo Amman , Jordan, and s aid they were l'aklng the aircraft and 73 people aboard to Turkey , airport oHiclals re · ported .

They said the commandeered Boeing 707 was " circling in Cy priot air space" one hour a fter it was seized shortly before the scheduled landinK in the Jordanian capital.

The sources said the hi · jackers. who claimed they were Palestinians, fir s t told the Beirut airport control tower they were headi ng lo the Cyprus airport or l..arnaca but later said they were taking the plane to the Turkish capital. Ankara.

The sources said the three hJ . jackers did not say whether they

· belonged to a Palestinian guer· rilla organization or explain the motive for the hijack th their re­peated communications with the control tower .

The sources said a mona the passengers were Lebanelle Parliament member Mahmoud Ammar and hJs wile.

The sourceA said the sky· jackers' claim that they were Palestinians could not be con­firmed by Betr~1t alrport of·

DAILY PILOT ' ""°'-C-10..lyl>l .... wl ... _" " '-IMNO IM-,.. .... l\_I_..,, t ... ()r_ (Mll l'Wl"""'C-, ............. - ... ""°''- - .......... ,,, ........ c.o .. ...... ~-.. -~ .... "''-.. ... v ....... . .._.~ .... ~c..." ....... ,..._ ........ ,,_,_ .. _ .. Md ,.,....y. n. ,, ........................ ""' ,, .. ,. W.•l••Ylil,....,C:.WMne.C .. lfo"olafM

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Cln11fte• ~ ....... .....,.

··-... cw-

flcials since the control towermen could not pin down the gunmen 's nationality from their Arabic ac­cent.

There are several Arabic dialects.

· ,.,.... Page A I

STORM ••• off traffic in eastern section.a or Oceanside. north or San Die10.

The slide also k,nocked oul telephone service to customers in - Vista. Oceanside, San Marcos, Fallbrook and Carlsbad. Pacific Telephone Co. spokesman Cam Miller said.

The CHP reported the Las Virgenes Road from Mulholland Drive to Pacific Coast H11hway in Los Angeles County was closed this mornlnc due lo Ooodlng and slide activity. But all other major roads and hl1hways in Southern Callforniu were reopened widespread closures Monday. ·

Co ntinu ous rock and mudalldes kept Callfornla Department of Transportation workers busy throuah lhe nltht In Malibu, where slides closed Malibu Canyop 'Road and flooded at least two buJldlns•. Burro~

Sandbaaflna operation• ln the M andevl le Canyon area , charred by brush nres lut ()c • Lober. went into effect lo keep mud from further ooaln1 down hlllald• and Into the homet of canyon l"elideab. Autborttlt!I re­ported only one lncldent of mud damaae durln1 the current 1torm.

W 11ther aervlce meteoroloitat Blll lulllvan Hid the 1Jow· movlna 1torm, which lln1erect Ions past lt1 anticipated de· p1rt.ure ioo.y; would maintain a 30 _percent chance of rain toaltbt, taperln1 WednHday wtl• wmperaturw are expected to cUmb back Lato tho tot.

TM lt.onn, whleb bNan llon· •·~ mornla1-attd-it•mped almOlt a bllf ·bldt of rala oa LOI Aqelel tn ltt ftnt M boun, W br0u1ht ~ MUOD '• ralal1ll total to 1.00 lildlll bJ I a.m .• eompl.Nd to tbe DOrnla1 MUOG' ~lpi~oll.M~.

Does not rind life as a M unl cl pal Court judge "as challenging or lnterestingas it once was. ·• .

Is Increasingly disenchanted ·· wh e n an attorney appears before me ill ·prepared and r,oorly represents his or her client. ' client. "

- Is concerned about stepped up public attacks on lhe judiciary, especially attacks laun c he d by p4bli c orrlce holders such aa Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., the son of the man who appointed Mast to the bench.

• - I s worried about ·the .. politicizing" 01 the judiciary, including the recent election de· feat of four Incumbent judges in Orange County.

Most of a ll , however , Mast !\&id hla " prime'' consideration for retiring is what he termed the Inadequate salary judges eurn .

Afte r taxes and other dequc· lions his $47,000 a year salarv

Ma s t reportedly wa s scrutinized by the state Com· · mi ss ion on Judicial Performance wh~ a witness in th e in vestigation leading to Cell a '!I Indictment na med him as a person who Instructed her in her work on a Cella·controlled political campaign.

However. that 1976 probe failed to indicate that Mast and other Cella a llies had any knowledge of the illicit meander­ings of the one lime county political pow~rhouse .


Congressional opponents of President Carter 's China policy are opening a scattersbot attack that threat.ens to delay the con· !irmation at Leonard Woodcock as ambassador to Peking and to disr:upt the legis lative schedule or Senate leaders.

FailWf'a•ilS .. A Peklnl f atber and bl• eon, both attired In padded cot· ton Jackett and -cold weather hit.I, art pl~tured out for a 1troll at 11en An Men SQuare. Dad dld walkln1 u he carried the YounPter oa hll back.

0.11, ,., ... St.If ......



CRASH ••• meanwhile . has r e fused lo mak e a ny public s tatement about the crash, about the com pany. or about its officers.

However, the Los Angeles County Sheriffs substation on Catalina released a list of the passen~ers. Besides Ketchum. his wife and son. there were tourists from Sausa lito. San Marino. San Pedro and from out·or·state.

F' A A record s r ev ca I that Trans ·Catallna began operations in January of 197ll, less than a year ago; Initially with nights fro m Long Beach to Pebbl y Beach. ~ .

Durlna the year, t he company lncretu1ed its flights with the ad· dilion oC three Grumman Mallar~ -bringing its airline to fottr planes. Flights a lso were run to Catalina from San Pedro and Or~e County.

The company ahares Joint use racl lltiet with Catalina AJrlines. e separate company which uses lhe Grummari'OOOA airplane. as well as helicopters.

Trans·Catallna avera8Cll 11 round trip IUaht.8 per d11y .to Catallna durlq r;>e•k summer month•. about hall thil during the winter. accordJnctothe Y AA.

Sunday'• accident was the com· pany ·a tirst.

IA>ndon Near Cbao1 - L'lbNDON CAP) Automobllet choked roade up to three mUet outalde of London f.o. day 11 man.y ol the clty'a 900,000 raU commuters were onto the blibWa)'I bec:aUM o( a n•· Uonwklie rail strike. A neUonal trucken 1trJke, wbich be1aa list week. has atranded food1tufl1 It docka Ind CIUHd la1otf a lD • number ol m.ljor In· duatrtee.


In u stutement to Iran s of· fi ciul Pars news agency , the !lh ah said he wa s goinR "on varataon because I a m feeling tired .' He left his royal powers with a Regency Council and ap· pealed lo the Iranian people to preserve the monarchy during his absence . • ...

The shah said the len~th of his stay abroad would depend on his ··physical condition ." But many believe the v cation will tum in· lo permanent 'le and the end of the dyna.'!ty rus ·er.father rounded 54 years ago.

··1 hope the government will be able to make amends for the past and al80 succeed in laying the foundation ror the future . .. said the staah. " This work needs a long pertod of cooperation and patriotism in its utmost mean· Ing . Our economy must start rollln6( again and we mus t have better planning for the future:"

Ayalullah Khomlfin1 . the Shiite Mosl'cm religious leader who is the shah 's mos t influen · tlal opponent. congratulated the " heroic people of Iran " on the shah ·s departure and said ii was " the fi rst step toward ending the Pahlavi dynasty."

~Rocha &.temlran

STOCKHOLM. Swede n CAP I - A. strong earth· quake stn.ick caa11tern Iran today. , t h e Haairor is selamolotlcal o~tvatory rePorted: ·

The observatory uld tho quake nil(l11tcred an . es tim a ted 6 .8 on the Richter scale. The U.S . Nutlonal Earthquake Jn. fo rrn atlon Srrvice In Golden. Colo . • uld It s truck about 60 mile• 1outh of Mashhad· ln northeut lran.

~ The American service uld the tremor wu PoteJI· Ually d1ma1ln1 . Tbtre were no lmmedJat. casual· ty or dama1e reporta from Iran.

, ,. •1



.· )

Yo•r Bo•et••• DalJy New•paper


County to · l~spect Aliso Viejo· .

8y JOANNE aE\'NOLD8 1Al1urt Wotkl wu reached c.•o.o.., ,.......,. a three hour public bea.rlna on Orange County Ptannln1t CcMTI the propoetd development

mission members decidt'd Mon The hearina 11 one of four that d ay. they want t o 1ee for comm aiofM"rs wtll hold on the tbe maelve• the territory Pl"O· plan that propott,t to reduct> the posed for tM! 6.W ·acre Aliso ·open space in the county 'is Viejo development - - general plan for the area by

The decudon to lake a field 1,500 acres while doubling the trip to the site that encompasses num~r of pe1111nitled dwelling much ol the hllls anct ca.nyons unUa in the general plan.

·· · between Laguna .Beach. Laguna The development , which Niauel and South Lquna, and would be built over a l~year

period. Vt'OUld ultimately house 50.000 persons an<t would include industrial and commercial proJ· cclBaswelJ

Laguna Beach residents and environmental groups oppose the development because of the num~r of dwelling units pro­posed. the reduction of the open space and the proposal to connect part of the Aliso Viejo roa<} system to Laguna Beach's i:oa~

system via Alla Laguna Canyon Road. . -

They got some support, Monday from commissioner William McDougall of Laguna Niguel. who declared. " l wish Alta Laguna &ulevard w.ould Just go aw11y." .

Howeve r . commission~r Charles Bennett voiced a dif­ferent opihion. noting that the restricted gceeas lo the coast from Aliso Viejo means tbat peo-

pie visiting the area or living ln it .. are going to have to go around their elbow to get to tMlr thumbs" in travelirg Pacific Coast Highway.

Richa rd Munsell . assistant director of the Environmental Manage ment Agency. opened the. public hearipg by presenting 18 position papers wb!cb outline s pecific problems associated with the propoaed development.

Tho·se ~robJems .include the

balance of lyPes or housing rental and ownershjp, prices of housing, balance of housing to other kinds of development, noise from EJ Toro Marine Corps Air Station , op~n s p ace reservation, road s~\!ms and

· constructionofutilitieli.. · He said the reason t.fie position

papers were developed was to leave a cleJtr indication of why .eommisaioners reached the de·

<SK PIANNE&S, Page A2 l

Te~rful Shah Departs in Own Jet t Low-interest Plan t ..

Slide Loans-Asked Rep. Robert Badham , R ·

Calif. , following up on a promise made to Laguna Beac h landslide victims last year , introduced legislation in the H o use of Re presentatives Monday c;alling

~ for low'interest loans tor victims . of the Oct. 2 earth movement in

Bluebird Canyon.

f ,

7 ,

The El Toro cong r essman lum ped disasters from 14 other s tates in his bill that would pro­vide three percent loans for the firs t $55,000 in damages suffered by owners or homes due to floods, tornadoes, or landslides, su e~ as the one In Laguna Bea ch. . ·

President Carter vetoed a bill Oct. 25 that would h;lve extended a similar law for disaster vie·

NEWSMAN DEAD AT 82 Laguna'• Pete Fulmer

Urns That bill would have been retroactive to Oct. 1 - a day before the Laguna disaster As a res ult of the Carter veto. in­terest rates for disaster victims borrowing from the {ederal gov· ernment are pegge<I at 7% per· cent. • ,

The S m a ll Bus iness Ad · minis.ll:alion has approved a total or 31 disast er loans to Laguna Beach landslide victims to date. tot.allng $784.600. Under Badham's bill, those victi ms would pay ooly three percent in· terest.

A Badham spokesman said the co ngressm a n lumpe d th e Laguna Beach disaster in with disasters which occurred after Oct. 1 throughout the nation in

hopes of gaining bipartisan sup­port fQ[ the legislation. which now goes lo the House commit­tee on Small Business .

Badham aide Howard Seelye said the bill has " pretty good" bipartisan backing_ from other · congressmen.

In explaining his veto- last Novem ber , Preside nt Carter said tbe bill extending the low interest rates was a reworking bl the entire Small Business Ad­m in is tr a ti on sys tem by Congress. ·

Laguna Beac h o ff icia l s termed the Carter rejection as " politics" and accused the presi· dent of ignoring the needs of dis· aster victims.

<See LOANS, Page A2)

Ceastlhae Shelled

Israeli CommandOs • . ~

Hit Lebanon Site TEL AVIV. Israe l <AP ) -

Is raeli commandos landed in Lebanon early today and blew up a( building used by Palestin­ian gµerrillas, while navy gun. boats shelled areas along the coast , the army announced.

The nighttime raid was car· lied out at Ras el·Ain. two miles south oflhe Lebanese port of Tyre and 12 miles north of the lsraell border.

in the morning " but our forces were on the alert and quickly jn­t e r ce pted a nd e ng·ag-ed the , enemy."

The raid lasted one hour. The Lebanese authorities confirmed the guerrillas engaged the at· tackers in machine.gun battles.

The landing spof was a few hundred yards from the posi· lions or U.N. peacekeeping troops . Tyre's district ad · ministrator reported.

Spaee Visitor? Six-year -old Californian J ar ed Reisman, who has a hypersensitivity to many substances in the air runs through the corrido~ of National Jewish Hospital in DeQver squirting nurses and newsmen with his water pistol.

Coast Writer Pete F11lmer, 62, Succumbs

The army s pokes man said there were no lsraeli casuaJties In the atta ck, The a rmy gave no indication whether Palestinian guerrillas were aNhe base dur· ing the assault or whether any fighting took place The siie of the Israeli force was not dis· closed.

Stadium Plan Gets Boost

8y Sl'EVE MITCHELL OI tN°bMly "''"" SWI

Pete r D. " Pele" Fulme r , whose newspaper career, com· mercial photogras)by and public relations work spanned three decades in Orage County, died al h1s Laguna Beach home Friday at, the ageof62.

A na e m orl al service Is · scheduled for 2 p.m. Friday in the aud\torlum of South Coast M edical'tehter.

The former newsman worked for a half dozen newspapers in h Is e arii e r years . He also worked in public -relations for South Coast Medical Center .. civic groups, art galleries and the Lag\Ula Beach FeaUval of

Born in St. Paul, iAn., Mr. Arts. ~

The announcem ent said the Israe lis " ble w up a building which sheltered terroris ts . . . Navy vessels shelled terrorist concentrations along the shore ....

ln Beirut , the Palestine Liberation Organization c~ guerr.illas infli c ted heavy casualties on the raiders.

"The enemy pulled out leaving big amounts of weapons and pools ~ blood behind," a com· munique from the Palestinian command said .

The message said the raiding party blew up " an empty farm bousei• in Ras el·Aio, but there were no civilian . or gue rrilla casualties in the clash.

It said the attack came early

Laguna Girl Foils Holdup Fulmer·movst to' a Beach

in 1948 serving in the 'Army Air COl"pa Medic~ service dur- A YOURI IAp'a Be~u:b gjrl ing WWU. apparently follecl a robbery at

He be«an .commercial.~· tempt when she fied lnto a local raphy out ol a trailer he lived fast food restaurant's back room in aj. El. Merro, later joinlna the when a would-be bandit ·~ statl of~ Santa Ana R~-~ared lo 10 for bls gun. · He was· t..guna Beacb cor· v--iiouce said Llnda Gulak1n fled respondent for the (\eglster ror into a rear room al Kentucky 14. years, then was the Fried Qiicken. 896 South Coat nl-.w1paper '1 wom•n ' • page Hlgbw~. when the suspect phototrapber for another alx · reachedunderhlt1we1tab.lrtaslf ye"'8. beintendedtodrawa1un.

He left tM Reeilter to Jo&n the • . Tbe man. delcrlbed la hll 30I old Lapna Beacla Poet. where 1bort brown balt ud a .Wa column "La1una II My po11lble fake mowataehe, en-Studfo," appeared for a doMn tered the food e1tabl111lmeat years In addition, be ••• Monday nt1ht and told Ml11 La1uaa c:on•••dent for . the Oalakin "I wmt all tbe money Lot Anita. Sumiaer ad uatt, from tM cMb ~.,, ed p,... btternaUoul for 10 Wbo lbe fled, tbe 1alpect

C8" ftJUID . .... AJ) fted.

Capo Trustees Vote to Allocate $65,000 Construction of a $350,000

athletic stadium at Dana Hills High School received a boost Monday fr9 m Capist r ano Unified School District trustees, who voled unanimously to al· locale $65,000 from a $113.000 land sale to the stadium project.

Dana Hills High School in Dana Point is the only one of the Capistrano school District 's three h.igb schools which does not have a stadium. When a newer !Jehool, Capistrano Valley High School in M1ssion Viejo, re· ceived funds for a s tadium from the Mission Viejo Company, trustees pledged" to he lp the Dana Hiils community raise money to bui ld its own stadium.

But Lee Goode, president of

the Dana Hills Booster Club. told the school board Monday that failure of a school construction revenue election in June. along with passage of .Proposition 13. have made it clear that s tadium 'funding will not be readil y available.

· 'The only way students at Dana Hills High School will have a s tadium Is ror parents and the community to build it, " said Goode. The Booster Club has raised $3,000 toward the stadium con s truction since football season began. he said. Special Cundraising· events. including two jogalhons this week , are ex· -peeled to r alse an additional $3()000.

The school board's actiQn Monday, which adds $65,000 to

Marvin vs. M arvln

the stadium kitty. came from the sale of a parcel of property adjacent to the high school. The county brought the land rrom the school district as part or its exte nsion of Stonehill Drive past the school.

Trust ees un a ni mous ly ap· proved a school committee's

recommendation ror allocation or the $113.000. raised by the proper· ty sale. Jn addition to the contribu· tlon for the proposed stadium, re· maininJ funds are to be spent on realigning interior walls al the high school ISlS.000 ), resurfacing tennis courts <$6.000). increasing portable seating ($5,000 l. adding an electrical panel in the metal shop <SS.000 > and other Improve· men ts.

Mkhelle Airs· Romance : '1 \ ,., .(

LOS ANGELES •{AP l Michelle Triola Marvin took the wltneu stand today to tell of her romance with actor Lee Marvin

•trelllnl det.a.11' she believes enU.Ue her to a SI mUUon share of bl• lneome durin1 the six yea~...Q ~etbet ......

,,.. trial ts the nm to test an appeall eoart decision, and ts eapeeted to Mt a ,..... (or pafmeflt ol alilDOllY ID HMS ol UDJDanied coballttaala.

Ill• Mama, lldatelJ atUNCI la • black pu1a 1uit, be1u her

testimony by telling other meet· lnl Marvin in 1964.

" t wu wortm1 on• mm that be was workHlg on 'Sblp of Fools' ... I wu a "8Dd·l.n .. an ex­tra dancer.I believe J baa aome Uaee.'' --

Her attorney , Marvin llltchellOO. ukecl lllu Triola to tell Judie Artbur llanUll tn the JIOD-Jur1 8uDlriol' Court trial tlM lalleor7 'ot 1- caner u a dancer aad ..,_r belon the met lluvta. ne-dNlll were llMaclld lo

· show that Miss Marvin gave up a lueratlve career to become rull-Ume homemaker and com· paftlOn to the·Wfnning ac· tor.

II lt~helaon Introduced In evidence publicity pbotoa of 11111 -ilarvln dandni In Laa Vet•• sbOW9 when she wn tbe fHtured perfomer. •

II ltcbelaoa contends lltss lllJ'VlD ls ..... to coGlfellla· lion 1« llW.. up her ,..., and . devoU:n=u \o llarvln,1.1uc­c.-.. tbey nev.r mar~ rled.

' . . ..

Return Called Doubtful

~ -·

TEHRAN. Iran CAP I With tears in his eyes, Shah Moham· med Reza Pahlavi left Iran lo· day for Egypt and the United States. piloting his own jet on u journey many believe will end in permanent ekile. His departure touched off jubilant celebrations throughout. Tehran.

Two officers o r the s ha h 's royal guard rell to their knees and tried to kiss the monarch 's feet a t Tehran's airport, but he motioned for them to rise . court sources said.

Two other officers. standing face to race, held aloft a copy of the Kora q , the Moslem holy book . and the royal couple­passed beneath the impromptu arch t o board the .. Shah 's Falcon." a royal Boeing 7Z7. Court sources said the monarch took tbe C!Ontrols himself.

"The shah is gone forever! ·· people c hanted as millions poure d into th e s treet s of Tehran, showering, each ottter with candies and rose water. cheering and s houting with joy a t what they saw as victory in a year-long, bloody uprising to topple the 59-year-old shah.

Motori s t s· honke d horn s. flashed headlights and t1,1rned on windshie ld wipe r's. Man y jumped from cars and hugged each other.

The 50-year-old shah .ater ar· rived in Aswan. Egypt. where Ile was greeted by President Anwar Sadat , Egypt 's Middle East News Agency reported . The two the n d rove to a hotel on an

' island in the Nile River. where the shah. his wife and their en­tourage had three suites on the fourth floor .

The news agency said the shah is eipected to stay a few days in Egypt before fl ying to the Unit-ed States. ··

Hotel employees said officials told them the Iranian leader will meet with former Pres ident Ger ald R. Ford M Thursday in Aswan. Ford , on a Middle East tour . had been scheduled to meet with Sadat Thursday, and Egyptian sources said the meet­ing with the shah was arr anged when It became. clear the thr~ would be in Aswan at the same time.


Weather Partial clearing tonight

a nd mo s tly s u n9 y W e dn esd ay . A l itt l e warmer Wednesday with hi g h s of 62 ·66 . Low s tonight tn the upper 40s.

·Chance of rain decreasing to 20 percent tonight and, nnr tero Wednesday.

IN81HTODAY Over the · lpOft o/ hb 52-~r c:atWr. John WOJIM 'S me>tM imaQe boa beconu in­ezt ricabl11 linked with the "'°"' hfmld/. For o Jook at Wopc. '"°" OJtd m11th, see Feo!urmg Pace Cl .

-.... .. Cl

= .. .,. .. •'-• .. .. .. ... u




lt'ai~la9 C'e .. re•• I• Aetlea ~

Rep Ralph S Rcgulo, R Oh1u. dote!. uk>na wtlh lhrtt un1dentil1cd children as the h ~ lon of C.Onares~

EUiabeth Taylor, who watched her husband sworn in a~ a new aenutor.

• OJ>('n~ an Washington Among lh ~peclaton waa artrcas

Judge l\last _to Leave Bench '

ulltJl.'Ci dfUI d\'a l<'r Alexander Kulik *W'NI lta verdt~t .

"''T.hls Is not enough ror me to maintain my st.andurd of ilvtng ond to PfOVicle schooling and col· le1e educauoa for my children."

Som~imes coatnwen1a1 (',-n tral Orlin@'" County .MuftlclP11I

. Court Judge P .1ul Ma t a n· noun<'t>d Mond•r he " ~Unna from the bench.

M oi!fl IM'.tid his n-tlrl'ml'nl anc>r 13 yeu~ on the bcnr h ~111 be er fcrt1v1.• lmmt'<haH•ly or when o j ury now deUbctnllnfJ lhu hte ()f

The 46-)·ur-old former any·ot now lmpriSOfted county pollUcol king maker Louls Cella aave a mullll ~Klc of rcu 001 ror h1s u bru pl rt..•lt rcmMt

he ~ - ···~ Thl' judge 's retire me nt an·

nounccm<'nt ln<' luded words of J)rlliSl' (O( hill (CllOW jUdMCS as well as the s ttitc Judicial sy11tem.

'IAnv-cost' Housing For-Coast?

Chances of · maintain!~- low • and moderate income bousang In San Clemente's coastal zone seemed improved- Monday-after s tate Coastal Commission mem· bcrs voted unanimously to re­tain housing as an issue in the <'ity s s tate -mandated Loca l Coastal Progra m

Among othur things, Ma:;t smd tw Is lcuving thf' bench to prnc lace l3w a8 a prlvuk uttorn~y because~ :

· Does not find · lite as a M unlclpal Court Judge " as challenging or lnteresUngas it once was." ·

- Is increasingly, disenchanted " when · an attorney appears before roe ill· prepared and r,oorty represent& bia or her client . • client. "

- Is concerned about stepped Up public attack s o n the judiciary, especially attacks launched by public o ffi ce holdettsudt as Gov. Edmund G . ~ Brown Jr .. the son or the man who appointed Mast t o the bench.

Jn political afrairH , Mas t was aasoc iated with prominent Democrats and was a m ember of th e Inner circle J>Olltlcal figures in des>OtJed klngmaker Celia's political fiefdom .

Ma s t reportedty wa s scrutinized by the st.ate Com· mission on Ju~lcial Perlormance when a witness in the investlaatlon leadina to Ce1Ja 's Indictment named him as -a person who Instructed her in her work on a eeua-controlled pollllcal campaign. ' ·

trowever . that 1976 probe fail ed to indicate that Mast and other Cella allies had an y knowledge-ef the illicit meander· lngs of the one Ume ~unty political pow~rhouse.

D•llY .. llet ll.aff .......

QUITS T~E BENCH Judge Paul Maet San Clemente Mayor William

Walke r and Councilwoman Don­na Wilkinson have maintained

· that moderately · priced housing Is Impossible an the city 's coastal zone. where land values are very high. They have pro­oosed that the city's " afford4· ble" housing progra m - which makes lower-pnce<S housing a tradeoff availabte to devaiopers for extra housi,ng units on inland tracts be substituted for the existing low and mode rate in· <'Ome housing that the coastol commission wishes to protect

- I s worried a bout the · ·pofiticizirtR" ot the judiciary, including the recent election de· feat of four inc umbent judges in Orange County.

Most of all, however, Mast said his " prime" consideratlon for retiring is what he termed the inadequate salary judges earn .

,,....Page Al


T he state ·Attorney General hus been reques ted by the re. gional Coastal Commission to render a l e~ al opinion on whether the city's housing ~ro­gram would satisfy r equm.'· ments of the Coastal Act or 1976. In the meantime. both the stat~ a nd r egiona l Coas tal Co m rmssions have voted to retain the housing issue in lbe plan

Other issues to be addressed by the San Clemente coastal plan include publir access t.o beaches. recreation fa cilities. marine resources. protection or coas tal c anyons. propos ed coastal development lspeclfi cal ly on the Elmore and Reeves Ranches 1 and preser vation of his torical buildin~s .

San Clemente as one of only a • handful of Ca lifornia coasta l cities and counties to request the ~astal Commission to prepare ats Local Coasta l Program Others ha ve a c cepted s tate money to fund their own de· velopment of coastal plans.

Teen A8ks Asylum

After taxes and othe r deduc. lions his $47 .000 a year salary shrinks to $35,-000 annually, Mast said


WANS ...

years, providing spOt rtews 'cov· e rage and feature s tories to those news agencies.

He also wrote a travel column In the News Post for five years. a nd authored a book about Laguna Beach wtth phototi and stories

His longest pubhc relations s tint was at South Coast Com·

Me an.whil e, Badham aide munity Hospital . now .South se-e lye said the congressman Coast Medical Center, where was to be in touch with FederaJ · Mr. Fulmer became as well Disaster As s is ta n c~. Ad . known as many of the doctors. man1stratJon "Officials M~to His respiratory illness forced dis cuss recent rejection of Fulmer into a wheelchair the Laguna Beach's request for last year of his life, a nd he fede ra l reconstruction aid to re.· became a fixture in the halls of build Bluebird Knolls. . South Coast Medical Cente:r.

' California and Laguna fkach where he wheeled himself ' -officials Wf're counting on more cam e ra and note pad in his lap lhan $2 million in federal funds to the various departmenw to to eventually ins tall utilit ~es and do fe ature stories or chat with re pair s treet s an the s lide · the s taff. devastated neighborhood left bu.rren s ince demolition crews Fulmer's fund-raising efforts removed 22 homes from the 3.5 for the hospital foundation nore acre neighborhood. than 20 years ago hastened the

But officials from the disaster opening day of the five -story agency said earlier this ntbnth facility ln South Laguna in 1959. that money would n o t be His press releases, photo. forthcoming. The FOAi\ said on· graphs and enthusias m Jed to ly e mersency buU.cessing of the several community project." at s lide area would be financed by the hospital, lncludina the suc· the fede ra l government. That ceslful cardiopulmonary re. leaves reconatrucUon of the area suscitation <CPR l training pro· up -to slate and city coffers -- gr am . which has graduated and Laguna B eac h City 800 h Man ager Fred Solomon said the more than persons w o can 60·40 ratio between state and now give first aid to heart attack

SYDNEY, Australia IAPl - A city funds would m ake funding victims. Soviet teen-ager who said she imposs ible to -accomplish He was also instrumenta l in squeezed her body through a especially in light of passage of initiating the hospit al's Silver porthole on a Russian cru1sc Prop . 13 and ~Id Key programs. a suc-!>hap , Jumped into the sea off the Badham has bee n In touch cessf 1 foundation fund-raising coast or Austra lia and swam J • • with City Mal}ager Solomon and pros tha( has raised $35.000 ~shore went into hiding today lo Laguna Beac h Mayor J ack ror th foundotion s ince Sep· await the government's decisiofl' Mc Dowell on the city 's concerns tember. on her req ues t for politica l about the federal fund rejection, He worked tor three years asrlum. ~Illian Gasinskayov, 18, a nd was lo contact FDAA Of· writing publicity releases for the said she Jumped off the ship in fi c tals Monday. Laguna Beach Unified School Sydney harbor Sunday night, "It was the first day back ~ ---District : worked for the Laguna then asked the Australian gov· work and 1 don t know if Rep. Beach Chamber of Commerce's

Badham spoke wtth the FDAA F l I • d d cmmentfor a sylwn. cbief or not ... Seeyle said. " But Winter est va . ,or a eca e . he Is aware o( Laguna ·s concerns raised money for the Laguna a nd wlU be in touch w:tth tholle of· Moulton Playhouse ; and was ficlals . '' hesaid

photographer and publicist for the old Laguna Playhouse when it was on Ocean Av~nue.

l\nd he formed his own public re lation,c; firm with Dick Clark. a nother Laguna Beach pubhcast who died lus~ year .

lie was co:owner wilh his wife of Eloise Fulmer Truvels. and promoted lour groups , a nd was active in the Cruise Buffs lravel club .

It was on an Australian cruise with his wife late las t year that Fulmer was bospitalized with brea thing pro b le m s . He re· turned home in mid-December and was admitted lo South Coast Med ical Center on j::hristmas Day .

li e le ft the hospita l New Year's Day and was at home >n his bed ut the time of his death F'ridc.y .

He leaves his wife. Eloise. or th e fami l31 home at .439 Los

-Robles a nd 'ii brothe r . John Fulmer of San Carlos ••

Hi:s wife said there will be no funera l and asks that donations be made an the name of Pete fo' ulmer to t he South Coast. Medical Center Foundation.

San Juan Conlab Set on Park Plaps

San Juan Capistrano coun cllmen a nd r ec reation l'Om· m~foners will hold a joint meetmg Wednesday al 5 :30 p.m to d iscuss the master plan for the city's 180-acre C. Russell) Cook Park .• ·

The park Is expected t o parallel the San Juan Creek bed from northeast San Juan to the San Diego Freewaf .

The meeting wtl be held in Ci · ty Council c hambe r s , 32400 Paseo Adelanto.

. .

' J


Jqey Ponders Kulik. Charge By KATHY CLANCY

Of•Del!Yl'l•MMf An Oran•• County Superior

Court Jury bf1an ll.JI ff rat run day ot deUberalJonl today Jn the­heroin ~ion trial or one· Ume Newport Beach resident Alexander Kulik.

rrom tbe cat." and ·:1 will sue·· , as the car search proceeded.

Delluaa. bowevCL attrttl\At· ed such conduct to Kulik'• belng "out of It" the mornlna of hit ar rest . suffering the e ffects or valium and Jct lag after a round· the-world trip. The case paaeed into the Jury 's

hands late Monday aa ~alimony in the four-week trial ended and a ttorneys (or both sides complct­t.'CI final arguments.

Kulik, aJso a suapect in the Stephen John Bovan murder. was arrested in a Mh1slon Viejo parking lot In a borrowed $60.000 .ilutz Blackhawk·car. The-arrest was a few hours -after Bovan's 1P77 slaytna.

Sheriffs deputies alleaed lhey found three jars O{ nearly pure China While heroin in a grocery ~ack Jn tbe car's rear seat.

ProseeUt.or Ron Kreber Mon· day urged .the jury to convict K uUk on charges of posse.sing the 1.1 pounds or heroin for sale and fo r transporting the St m i)llon cache of drugs . · lie asked jurors to discount

Oere n se Attorn <-y Philip Oe Massa's contention the drugs. were mistaken!)' found on Kulik and were intended as a plant by la w e nforcement officers for someone else.

Kreber accused DeMassa of trying to " muddy up " the prosecution's case by blnUng the 1.1 pounds onaeroin could have come Crom various sources rang­ing from Newport Beach police to federal agents to the 1968 " French connection" C&ff . •

OeMassa . however. argued that his defellU proved Kulik dJdn '1 know about the presence of dru~ in the ear he borrowed from his associate. Richard WIUas of Newport Beach .

·'There is a reasonable doubt a nd it is based upon the in­terpretations or circumstantial e v idence." De Mass a s aid . ·:I.bey are trying to build an arch of circumstantial evidence to support tl)eir case and r sub· m it to you that it all doesn 't fit. ··

He contended Willis " lied" when he said he promised to ar­range for a drug pfant but didn 't · carry it out. ·

··He lied and he got paid off with his immunity:· DeMassa gaid . referring to Wiiiis' im­munity from prosecution in both

. the drug and Bovan murde r case .

··Mr. Kulik is the victim in this case because everyone <.!lsc has gotten a walk in this case." De Massa continued .

Kreber argued that small con­tainers of the same kind of rare oriental heroin found in Kulik 's Leucadia home and his motor home, along with drug traces found on his ckghing as pointing toward guilL · ~

H e a I s .o m e n t i o n ed a flngerprinL found on one of the jars not positively identified as Kulik 's but bearing eight points or s imilarity to the defendant.

I n~ addilion. he argued. Kujjk gave the arresting orri~er a fal se nam e. birth ce rtifi ca te and driver·s license upon arrest and yelled such things as "get away


PLANNERS clslons they will on each or the issues.

" We want to make clear that there was a choice in the matter of bow these structures fit into the d evelopment. We wa nt to leave a trail reco rding your thi nking on each of these is · s ues ." he told commissioners.

The fi e ld trip h as been sche duled for Jan. 30 . More ~public hearings will be held by commissioners in February .

An EMA liP<>kesman said the proposal. which requires amend· ments to the county's general plan. will not come before the supervisors for final action until March or April.

Wayne QuittJ Gue Vnit

LOS ANGELES CAP1 Actor John Wayne of Newport Beach was re·

- moved rrom an Inte nsive care unit sooner than ex· pected becnu5e of the rapid progress he is mak· ing In recovering from cancer surgery. officials at UCLA Medical Center reported today.

"'His vital sia:ns remain norm a l a nd he s pent a restful night.·· hos pital ad · min1 s t r a t o r Bcrnar<t Strohm sald.

T h e 7\ -year-o ld film · star 's s tomach was re . moved during a nine-hour operation . Frida1 a fter doctors discovered it con­tained a low-grade malig­nant tumor during what waa supposed to be routine gall bladder surgery. The actor's gall btadder wus re moved as plaMed and a substitute s tomach was structured out of his in­testines.

Wa yne was origin-ally e xpected to re main in the Intens ive care unit until late In the week . and in the hos pital about two weeks .

Capistrano Principal To.Retire

John C. Hancock. teacher and principal in Capistrano Valley schools for JO ye ars. will retire in June from his present position as principal of the Capistrano Elementary School in San Juan Capistrano.

Hancock . 62, s tarted hi s teaching career as a teacttlng vice principal In the Capistrano Beach elementary school district in 1948. He had previous ly woned seven years for the Chrysler Corporation in Michigan and for two years had owned and operat · ed a Laguna Beach garage and machine shop.

During h i s 30 years in Capistrano area schools. Han· c~k served as principal of Serr:1 and Pa li s ad e!\ Elementa ry Schools in Capistrano Beach. of Concordia Elementary in San Juan Clemente and of San Juan Capistrano Elementary School~ in San Juan Capistrano.

For lbe past two years, ~an· cock- has Uved an Mira Loma. Previously, ' he and hi s wife reared their four children in Dana

• Point. where they lived 10 years. and then in Capistrano Beach. where tlifly li ved 20 y~ars. Mrs. Han coc:1C owned and operated" a telev1s1on salt's and n•patr bus1 · ness in San Juan Capistrano for about 25 years. a school district spokesman said.

Hancock has bee11 actavl' 111 Capistrano area <'lv1c and com munity or ganiiallons . He has served over the years as a dire<: · tor of the local Cub Scout.IS and Boy Scouts. LitUe ~ague. Lions Club and Capi strano Beach Civic Association.

He is a graduate of Southern Illinois Unive r s it y and d id g raduate work a l Wh i tt ier College.

DAILY PILOT fM ()r_ (_l0..l?Pll01. " ll"-l(••H­

.. ....,N_,,_.,., "-'"'''"~''""°'­CAIO\l"vlllk"'nt(- \t ... ••l•.-011-•fO O<H>ll\Md -...; I"<"- I to ... y IM "'"' - .. N•-• l!O>ee" H""U"Ofl>ll lln•.ftl f°""' t•1" V••w-v. l r.-WW, L _,.... A•te.f\/ l.otlo' ( 0.\\ ~ .. ,,. ..... _ ,..,,, .... ,."""~'"'"""'•'Id Wn<l•f' n.. 1111nc 1&11 - l\111119 .,..., h •• J 10 WOI .,., ...... , C..10 ,......h ......... ~.

Marine Jets PhmNoisy

Crash Probe Delaiy~d ._,N, ...

~-- .... -,. ••. cw., ...... ,.--a.-.. -... ,._..._ ....... ,_ ......... - Mti"9 c:• ...

~-·'-- ---~­..... -~~

l.miding Te8ts Residents o f Irvine and

La1l;na .Hilla can expect in· creaaed Jet nolM tor the next Ulree weeks.

Otriclala at El Toro Marine Corps Air Statton uld thet, throu1h Feb. 2, Marine pllols and air crews will be prectlcing aircraft camer landln11.

Tbe peak notH period will be betJ>'ep.~ and 10 p.m .

· The practice 1e11tona a veer'• worth orammed loll> three Weeki - will pttpare 3rd Merine Alttraft Wlria lqUMron member& for Joa.a aboard Navy atrcraftcanien

No weftnd ~elteet '"" tclMduled. but amd•ll aaJd u.... wee•dfJ flt1llt1 eaneeled beca .. OI bed' '"8lMr WUld lulft to be NNlllMu.led for tbe weelle.ndl,

S_gually weather is preventing a ir safety Investigators from dls coverln~ wh at cauaed a Trans-Catalina Ai rlines Grum­man Ma1Jard to Oop and s ink ln 40 f ect of water off Santa Ceullna llland.

The 14·J)UHlller 1rnpbibtan had Ju.rt uken otr Sunda.Y Jrom it.a water bale at Pebbly Beach, a mlle eqt ol Avalon, when It trashed and bVerturned In the w•ter.

The C1'Nh dunked 10' people •bo•rd tbe planr.but. appareftl. ly. no one was lr\jureet terfoully. An man, Paul Ketchum. 85r of 4't =~ Creek, wu UHft tor .tion to A vaJoft Munldpll Holpttal, bffauee ol • pre-4ldltinl beart coadkioe

Ketdlu.m wu ....... to 10 bome lete llond~.

.. Tbe pUol, Bu11ell D . St. Plern, 11. or Northrld••· wu

J ..


treated for l'Ul fingers and U laecntted 11calp

A Ft!deral Aviation Ad · mlnlstraUon spokesman said St Pierre reported that on takeoff his aircraft lost power ln one of ltt l'fO engines end fell bock lnlo the water at an an1Je. · "'

Ketchum said that fro m his 'J)erapec\)ve the airplane never gol out ol UM! water. He said .that 11 the pilot tried to gain s~ for takeoff. lor1e waves s lapped, " herder and herd er a nd llerder·." aptnat Jhe aide ot C.he plane . He said a big crest ffnally tipped them over.

Abalone rlabermen •board the AYalon-b•ecl ~rm•x •potted the crub. Tbe boat's captain, Rleb1rd Jlul.J, steered a COUl'H for the downed plane and the: vlctJma were llabed from th4' ocean.

W11ly Funk, an lnvnllptor

for the National Trlinaport.atlon Surety Board who is as1lgn4.'Ci to the case. said today she had slill to lntervlew lhe pilot.

But without the Grumman Mallard, no- ln 40 feet of water a quarter-rntle 0((1hore. she said. the caUM of lho mlabap can't be known.

The ln~Ogator Hid It was po11tble that the 1trcr1f\ can be ~alvaged later today or Wed.nes · day.

out-of·slale. FAA records rt·v, a l th a l

Trans·Catallna began operatlonli ln January ol 1978, less than a year ego. initially with ntghts rrom Loni Bea ch to Pebbly Beach.

Durlnc the yeer. the company • incre•sed it.a (lights wtth the ad­d lt Ion ot thr~ Grummof' Mall•rda-brtnglnt fl1 airline to four pla.nM. FllJhta al80 were run to Cat.allna from San Pedro and Oran1e County.

Trana·C•tallna Alrllnoa. The company 1h1res Joint use meanwhile. h11 refused l'f> fact11Ue1 wtth Catalln. Al'rll~. make any pubUc••~nt .- seviante company whlc:h uaes about the crNh, about t.M com· the Grumman GOOle alrplane. a." pany. "' about ita olfittrs. · well a~copten. .

Jlo•evet, ~ Loa ..Ancelea~ T.rut·CataUna"'a eralea I\ County Sbertlra· 1ubltaUolt on round trip nJ1h& per i\i C•tallna releaMd a Utt o1 the Cai.Una d\o1n1 peek 1ummer paateq~n. Beeldri Ketchum, monthl, about half that dur1na hls wlle and '°"· t.bere were Utewtnter. aceof'dln1tothe.FAA. tourlata ·from SauHllto, Sen Swwtay'sacckMnt wa1 tbeemn • Marino. San Pedrc\ and rrom pany'an.nt.

.. . -.

I -



f '

• A~W....,._•

WAmNG FOR VISITORS FROM OUTER SPACE WIH Ruth Norman Collect on Her $1,000 Bet?

Truth Near? W~man Awaits Sptree VU.itors

'JAMUL fAP> - Ruth Normanisexcitedoverthe rash of.UFO sightings O¥er Australia, New Zealand and South -Africa. Sbe claims thesighUngs must mean the moment of truth is near.

The 78-year-old leader of the Society of Unarius believes her long ait for beings from outer space to land on earth is about to pay ofr. So far. though. only she has paid off - undisclosed thousands of dollars with Ladbroke & Co .. a London betting house, that s paceships would a rrive on certain dates. ·

STILL OUTSTANDING IS A Sl,800 bet that spacemen will someday come at a ll .

Arter buying 65 acres ln southern San Diego County. the widow of an engineer who ·•round truth" in metaphysics waits in El Cajon headquarters or her group.

No need to fear,'Mrs. Norman said In an Interview Monday. The spacemen will bring peace and love to counter evil forces .on th iJ planet, teaching earthli~gs a great message or spirituality · .

A BFAtmFUL LIGHT Will EMANATE from their heads. she said, describing it a s an outward manifestation of eternal energy. Among them wilJ be his torical figures s uch as Shakespeare, Lao-tze, Goethe, Mark Twain and Athene

At the end of Mrs. Nbrman's headquarters is an elevated platform which suppom a pe~k throne lined in blue velvet.

Mrs. Norman climbs upon it. in her nowlng saffron dress. to lnstruct 80 followers in the art of higher mental states and healing through scientific understanding.

THE ORGANIZATION'S NAME Unarius is an acronym for Universal ArUculalc lnlerdimensional Unders t anding of Science. Its leader claims more than 300.000 " brothers" throughout the world. all disciples or a regenerative philosophy rounded by Ernest Norman. ·

Mn. Norman hu claimed to be in touch psychically with leaders d SO planets.

The fiyint saucers arriving soon. she said, are made of crystal and gold and propelled by electro-rorces meshing with the magnetic fields of the universe. An interplanetary confederation, a massive gathering, is awaited.

Mrs. Norman says a similar visit was made 160,000 years ago but nobody remembers that.

·Irvine Foundation AddS Mrs. D11ncan

The election of Mrs Virginia B. Duncan1>f San Francisco as a director of the James Irvine Foundation baa been announced by Morris M Doyle. president of the foundation

The Irvine Foundation. which maintains offices in San Fran· cisco and Newport Beac h . makes grants• to a variety or

Billy Carter Bum Rapped?

NEW YORK CAP l -Billy Carter auerted toda)' tbat hl• words and behavior of the past several days have been cited out of context and said , " l don 't think I 've beeo bad."

Aa an example of his acUvit.l• belq put In a b.a d litbt . be cltri- a mucb·publtclzed epllOde in which he urinated on the Atlanta airport nenway.

.. We were on the end of · tb• runwa)' waltlna ror Uar•• lloura , '• the "ln'a~bro&ber-"'4 on ABC 's " Oood llornlDI Am~rtca" prosram.

"A ~r-1rpolosiied to ....... be abo 1ot out aad did tbe ume tblD1 .• . We bid 1 DOllffmm wtUl us. r uled If lt wu all rtpt. And -.·.s-.~u..r.tor ......... 'l1ljy .... i-au MCarltJ _..,., fa. "

cha ritable Institutions tn the fie lds of independent highe r education, medical and health care, youlh programs, com· munity services and cultural ac Uvllies.'

Mrs. Duncan, an executive of the Bechtel Corpora tion. was formerly a broadcasti ng ex · ecutive and current\Y is on the Board of Direc tors of the Corporation for Public Broad­casting. She is a member of the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Public Broadcasting and serves the National Endow· ment for Arts aa a member of tt.s Media Panel.

A gratJuat.e ol the University of Mlcblean. lfn. Duncan has resided In the San Francisco Bay AM for 20 years.

Mra. Duncan joins 10 others on the foundation board . Besides Doyle. of San Francisco. they In· elude:

Edward W. Carter of Lo• An1ele1. J . Robert Fluor of Irvine , Mn. Camllla C. f'f'Olt ol Pasadena, Robert H. O.rdel ol San Francllto and Ro11r W Heyu ot Palo Alto.

Alic>, James H. Mets1ar of San l"randaco, John V. Newman d Ventura. audolpb A . ....,._.of San P'rWiNo and Mrs. Kethryn L . Wbeder~~b.__


James Irvine, who died ln tN7, ettabUabed the to\\ndetkxl.

• He Wll the IOll d the rounder of Oran1e <bdy'a Irvine Ranch. Lut '"""·the foundation made more t.ban • mllliod ln aranta to 123 ln1UtuUona \brou1bout CallfonlL



.. #

T!!!!!x, Janu!I)' 18, 1979 s OAIL y PILOT A:;

Ch~cago· ,,_ allo ed ·Agaiti , Four M_ore Inches of Snow Fall; Fuel S~rt

CHICAGO t AP> - • Wldl •MY 1claoola doled and tranap0n.­Uoa aUU di.lrupted, th wealhfr· weary Mldwttt 1truccled today U> cope with hlp.deep-wnow- that tbreatf'Md fuel and food ~up­pUu. A lleCOnd runway reopened al O'Hare lntem aUonal AltpOrt. the oaUon '• buala t.

The 1torm·related death •oU cUmMd to at 5-l and the

Nixon's Doct1ments Go Public

By ne As9ocl1&ed Press Pre·presidenti a l correspon

dence of Richard M. Nixon. in­cluding aome of the papers for which he once claimed a $576,000 tax deduction, are opening to the public today at the .. Nalional Archives and Records center in Laguna Niguel

The opening of the first seg · ment or the documents - some

600,000 pages - was cautiously need :M o nday b y the I Services Administr a-

o Washington:·D.C. "'J don't want to convey this is

a sensationa l opening," said Richa rd Jacobs. acting director of the GSA's Nixon Presidential Mate rials Project.

" It's not so much the content of this material that ts stgnifi· cant but that these are the first of the Nixon papers to be open for public viewing," added Ken Rossman, chief of the federal archives branch.

The papen. which have oeen sc reened to avoid invasion of privacy and matters or national security. include letters. memos and sp~h drafts. .

Jacobs said lhc open m es con· slltute nearly one·fourth of the 1.300 cubic feet of docu ments in· volved in the Nixon deed . The rest will be opened when screen· ing procedures. agreed to by the form er president earlier this year , are completed .

Included In the files are Nixon papers from his 1956 vice pres· tdential and 1960 presidential campaign s . s p e aking ap · pearances and trips. The rest of the pre-presidential papers a re in c losed storage with a of intent to donate them later.

Altoge ther. the Nationa l Archives hu 2.6 million pages of Nixon' s p re · pre s l denti a l m ate ria ls .

Nixon was in the fi rst yeai of~ hi!; presidency when he gave the pa pers to the govern ment . 1'he deed - dated March 27. 196.9. a lthough not delive re d until after April 10. • 1970 - was not sl1ned by Nixon but oy deputy counsel Edward L. Morgan.

Nixon c laimed his gift of papers to the National Archlves . ,.as worth $576.000. But the In­terna l Revenue Service dis· allowed the claim In 1974 and ruled that he shorted the govern· m e nt $432,787 in taxes including a 5 percent negligence penalty for 1969 through 1972 's well as Interest for 1970· 72.

The president agreed to pay without a contest, but r eports a re that he did not reimburse the goveinment for the year 1969 .. on which the statute of limitations • had expired.

Ex-councilman .In Hospital

Former Huntington Beach Ci· ty Council member Lyndon A. ·.:.Pinky" 'Wells. a local resident for more than 50 years. has been hospita lized in Newport Beach.

He was listed in fair condition tod ay a t Ho a~ Memorial Hospital (ollowing a heaTt attack suffered last week. He is also be· ing treated for a kJdney ailment.

We lls. 77. a retired painting con~r. served on the city council from 1960 to 1964.

Meeting Set On Reforms

Tom Moody, •south county Common Cause coordinator and leader ot the Time Is Now. To Clean Up Politics ITIN CUP ) movement In Orange County. wlll •J»eak on government re_. form Thunday Jn San Clemente.

Mood)' will addreu • meeting o'f the San Clemente Homeowners AssociatJoa, •tart· tn1 at 1 p.m.' ln the auditorium of the San Diego Gu and EJec • tric ColnPMY officei, 101 W. El Portal. . .

AddtUonal lnlonnatJoa on' the meetina o.r the homeownen • or· 1anlu"JIOIT'1s ~n•fflbte bf \CIU· Ina Floretta Ebwele, 02:2112.


Meningitis Cue l'RESNO AP I A &ln

der1arUn stucknt here baa de· ~•loped Q')enlncttl.1. but beeltb otrtclal1 U)' there l• UUI• chance tbt case wtll lead to .a .,. ......

N1t1011al Weatber Service said t.._re wu • caianee of more I DOW tonight..

tn tM hard·hit Chicago area, where up to four Inches or snow fell atop the 20.3 inches lhat ar· rtv e d over the weekend. authorttlee counted 17 !'4deaths linked to city's wont •tonn since 1981.

There have been l8 reported

deaths in Illinois. 1!5 In Wl1C4aain, seveo in Kanau, four each in Misaourl and Iowa. three in Michigan and one in Ohio one in Nebraska

Chicago" schools were cloeed as te mperatures warmed tbl1 momtnc after record k>ws Mon· day .

Illlnois Gov James R .

RUm.Check _dloclood

~Gem Rose "'1ouw dis pla ys the P r e mier Rose di a m ond . which was sold to a New Yo rk dealer for the record price or $11.S million. It's the third largest pear­s h a ped diamond in the world .

Ranch Chief Leo Cuesta Dead at 73

Leo Vincent de la Cuesta. or Buena P a rk . whose fathe r owned the historic Rancho La Ve'ga in the Santa Ynez Valley in Santa &rbara County, has died at the age Of 73.

A salesman for various paper firms for more than SO years. ·he died Saturday at bis home In Buena Parle.

He is survived by his wife, Margaret: sons Leo Jr .. Jaek. Mike and David : sist~r. Tolita Caone l : 10 grandcnaldren and two great· grandchildren .

Funeral st'rvlces a t St. Pius V Church in Buena Park were to ~ held today.

By Disrwy LOS ANGELES <AP ' · Al·

torneys for Disneyland and Walt Disney Wor&d have won a t.em· porary resti:.aln1nl order from federal COUit b&oekinl tbe U.S. Consumer Product 1" Com· miasion from tnvesti ng the safety of their "Sky ay" ion· dola ride.

U.S . District Judge Laughlin E . Waters granted Disney a 14-day .~aining order Monday pending a full hearing of the case after t he Dis ney s uit cha rged the commission had no j uris diction over a musement park rides.

The commission had asked several companies operating the Swln-made gondola ride to cooperate in an investigation after three people were ldUed oa a similar ride in Illinois last July. ·

" We have sent about 30 letters to th e o perators o f thi s particular ride, and as far as I know. Disney is the only one tha t has refused to respond." com·

. mission attorney John Padrick sa id in court.

Commission lawye r s. eon· tended that the federal agency had merely ask~ the Oianey companies for information to aid in its investigation. adding there was no reason to file suit unless the agency attempted to fine them for respond to its request.

rfowever, Disney attorney John A. Magee charged lh.-t the commission bad threatened the companies with substantia l fi~ if they did not cooperate in the investigation.

In granting the restraining or· der. Waters noted that be bas "substantial questions" about the comnuasion 's authority. to treat amusement park ndes as 'consultM!t products. •

Tbompeon reqtl.Hlad federal .W for 22 countlel t*lared ~ .,..... He theft f\ieW to. ....... Florida for a vacation al an wa. dlatloled"apo&.

Omcia.ta ln MUwaakee. wlileN !S \aches of snow fell 'MeMIQ. uraed Gov. Lee Dreyfus to ~· a tederal dtaaater declaratioa for tbe· c ity - now unde r ao lncbea nf snow. the U)OSt ~ JeeQ ln ~ years'.

Public IC6oola In were cloled a ~ day todaJ the nrat tJme tbey baYe l>elr'I 1but for comecutJve da)'1 sinee 1947.

Public works commlssloner Herbert Goetacb calcMlated that s now remov a l will cos t Milwaukee $1 million more than is budeeted. Fire omdals WOI" · ried because fi re hydra nts are buried under mounds of 'lnow.

The regioo remained locked in the 'ltonn '" icy grip. Wa.rroad. 'lllnn . • reported the nation'" foweat temperature today, 35 delC'ff:I. •

lt was 72 dearees at Fort Lauderdalf>.. Fla . the U.S. bot 'lpot.

Thousands of travelers spent another night in Chicago bot.els because O'Hare Inte rnational Airport · which closed ror onJy the s ixth time in its history Saturday was limited to one runway.

Commuters - there are 2.25 million in Chicago hitchhiked or faced ~hour delays due to Icy e levated tracks and stalled buses.

Fred Ostby, de puty director of the National Weather Service n Kansas Ctty. ~an. said a -storm sy1t.em la. West may hit Mis· souri and Kansas later ~ •be week .

Os tby sa id at wou ld be WednesciitY or Thursday '>efore he could preaict the storm 'c; path and intensity. He said it could pack more wallop than the wintry blast th.athitover the weekend.

1'he gove rnors of Iowa and Kansas also declared emcrgen· cies.

Bus Collision '

Injures Two Two people suffered minor in­

juries Monday wben. a Garden Grove Unif'ied Sc:bool District vaa collided with an Ordnge County Transit District bus and another ve hac e Ca l fo rn .a Jfighw~ reported.

The injured. the vF.n dri ver and one stuoent passenger weN' treated at a loca1 ·~sp1ta. and sent home. patrolmen said.

The 8 a .m. crash occurreo dt the raia ·slick inte rsect ion of Magnolia Street and • .. a mpson Avenue.thepatrolmansa.d. _.

L'oreal ~ Preference

Hair Coloring

A Whale of a Sale!

s21.!l.J-o ·20o/() OFF

Princess Gardner

All Gift & Cosmetic Merchandise in Stock!

~ "Hide-Away''

Sale Ends January 'l9


~9-9.! .... o ~~!~~!u~~~~IS! ~to°' 5·9 C · contains crema di notte beauty treatment deep SI

1 SO

cleanser. balancing.& toning lotion. '40 val.

Super Rich $650 S19.50 Hand Cream & Body Lotion Val.

Herbal Btend s7 50 Shampoo & Conditioner $13 Val.

· Everyth111g Discounted' Fantastic Savings on Revlon. Pantene. Bonnie Bell. Charles of the Ritz. Alo Cosmetics & more ~

larine~s ~Phlnnacy

• .



} :· . . ~

·= :: .. •• ::.; • • :· . ..

DAil Y rtlOT Tueed9y. Januery 11, 'f1'

• . &IPPING BOXTOPS pt:rr. You may have noted In

the newt lhat lht Ytd rat Trade Commlak>n I• at h •iialn, thl' tlme n aytna televlale>n comm rctala that aUeaedly braJnwuh lhe kJddl . ·

Ont ronaum r advoule rully rapped the breakfq l food people by cl')'1n1, " WM,.. I.I Jt wrillen that tbt new famll,y &lruftUJ'l' Is chlld. parent and Gener al Foodl?"

WeU. I ban n wa fbr him . Where dtd M ever 1et the notion U'l.ll thb wu a new family structure•

So he'• out to put the knock on every kkldle cartoon 11how thal lrl to peddli &uitattd break.fut crunduea.

BUT IN ftlJTH, lhe break.tut food peddlers have ~en pushll\i the hard-aell to JuvenUes probably Iona

~top the Moll ! I Sent the Wrong Kind of Boztop! •

before this consumer advocate was born and certainly before the Boob Tube came into every American home.

They did it with a device called Radio .

Jn those bygone days, kids across the land gathered before the magic radio box every afternoon to ·listen to tex­ploits of people like Superman, Jack Armstrong <The All· Ame rican Boy), Little Orphan AnnJe, Captain Mldnlghl and Don Winslow of the Navy.

And all of these heroes peddled such goods as sugared com Oakes, shredded wheat and hot chocolate drinks to the younger generations .

Added incenUve for the k:jds of those days lo munch, crunch and drink the hot s tuff included pTlz«:,S you sent away for by ripping off box tops or Un lids and malling in just 25 cents (for handling and postage ) to the product hawkers.

HOW JN TIIE WORLD could you possibly know what was happening to Captain Midnight, for example, if. you dktn 'l have one of his Sccr~t Decoders?



ftela4 .. I Be•"I •

City. Retuk~n · ln Cambodia

8ANOkOK. Thall and <AP > - Forces loral to the ousted C11mbod1an 1ov..-nrneot recaptured Kocnpoac Som, Lhe countcy 's only dfepwater RC>rt. ln/ormed S()Urcea reported today. But they said Vlc.;tnamese w1rplan(H1 rl e w the heaviest atri kea of the three·week-old war. and It w11 not known who held the eort now.

Thal lntelllgcnce ofliclala and other reliable 1ourcea said from the former government .Kompong Som. 13S mlles were reported setting lfP a base aoutheu t of Phnom Penh. was · for guerrilla realalance. retaken MoAday alter atlff rt was not kqown whether lhe t11ht1n1. Then Lhe Vle\namese V l e t n a m e s e a n d l h e l r alr force went lnto acl1on. and Cambodian rebel ·allies seized the altwdlon today wu unclear, Kong Island or other~ In the the IO\ltt't!S aald. area .

THE sovaCES ALSO re1>9rted naval fighting around several Islands In the Kompong Soln "rea and a Vietnamese a ttack on the largest or them. Kon11 Is land , where holdouts

Nixon lJue At White ..


Richard M. Nixon is going to the White House, for the first lime since his r~lgnalion. to have dinne r later this month with President Carter and China 's Teng Hsiao-ping. - -

Nixon. whose 1972 outreach to China ended 22 years of estrangement between the two naliona, · was invited by Carter. who built on Nixon's initiative by establiahing fuU diptomaUc reJptlons with Peking.

" HE WAS INVITED and he has accepted," said Mary Hoyt,

Weatem sources in Uangtok said earUer that the Cambodian gu nboa t nav y was hel piAg r e mnant s of .th e o w s t e d government es tabli s h a headquarters or supply base on the southwest Islands and that som e or th e 20.000 Chinese advisers and technicians who had been reported advising the old regime were In the area.

OFFICIALS OF THE former government have also been reported laking refuge in the Cardamom and Elephant mount a ins of so uthwest Cambodia to carry on guerrilla re s i s tan ce to the n ew pro-Vi etnamese government which took over ·Phnom Penh on · ~an. 7.

A r adio station believed to be iri China went on the air today to s peak for the ou s ted government. Calling Itself the _V. o i . c e o f D e m o c r a t i c l{am.puchea tC;tmbodla I, it 'l.r:~adcast o n the s ame­frcquency as Radio Peking 's Cambodian-language s tation. rand its broadcasts were very similar in style to those from Phnom Penh before th e Vietnamese victory .

press secretary to firs t lady TROOPS LQVAL to the ousted Rosalynn Carter. Nixon .a.Ides in government were r~ported still Ca liforola con firmed the fighting to retaln cont1'~ot a acceptance. , provincial capital in northwest

" ti seemed ·the appropriate Cambodia and harassing the thing to do," a White House of- Vietnamese invaders and their fi clal said of the invitation. The Cambodian allies at numerous official , who asked not to be other scattered points . named. said Nixon was Invited Western sources sa id Pursat . " because of his role in opening 100 miles northwest of Phnom up the process ' of normaliza- Penh on the main highway to the tlon. " Thai border. had not faJlen lo

NIXON HAS NOT been in the the Vietnamese Invaders and the Executive Mansion since he ·re · r ebel Cambodian movement s igned under the blistering heat . Hanoi sponsored. or Watergate Aug. 9, 1974. · Fighting was also reported

Teng, China's vice premier, is continuing around Battambang. scheduled to begin a week's tour north west Cambodia 's chief of the Un.lted States Jan . 29 with city; near Sisophon. 30 mlles

. a While House visit. The slate e ast of the Thal borde r ; at dlnnerlsthalnight. "'" Nimll , 13 miles from th e

Gerald Ford. who also made a frontier. and around Kompong presidential trip to China, was So m . th e country 's on ly


Sole Surl'i~or A 3-year-old orangutan is the only animal that survived a fire in the Henry Doorly ZOo hospital nursery in Omaha. The blaze that killed six animals started from a propane A 4-year-old gorilla ~ied from smoke inhalation while an exotic South American cat and four exotic birds valued at over $10.000 burned to death . Lee Simmons. son or the zoo's director, and Julie Morris. zoo s tafJer. give the or a ngutan oxygen at a n Omahct emergency animal clinic .

Bald ~agle Blo.cks .

Main Oil ·Refinery . PORTLAND. Maine <AP l .- Oil 'and the bald eagle don 't mix .

says the federal government. which has blocked a $700 million oil refinery plaMed for the Maine Coast

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's regional om ce in Boston Monday denied a pbllullon permit ne,eded for cons truction of the 250.000·barrel-per -day refinery ·and an oil tankex: terminal in

Eastport, the nation 's easternmost community.

' THE EPA ·SAID the complex could damage the Northeast 's best nesting ground for the national symbol.

William Adams Jr .. EPA regional administrator , said a report from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was the basis for the rejection,

" We were advised that the refinery would have s ignificant adverse impacts on the eagles and their' habitat as a result of oil spills. air pollullon.•and the impact of refinery constructton-1lnd operations," he said .

" THESE POTENTIAL impacts could not be avoided or mitigated by any means short or denial of the permit."

Pittston, a New York-based corporation primarily involved in coal production. could not be reached for comment. Earlier this month . A.F. Kaul akis, Pittston vice president for energy development . sa id the pro1ect wo uld be scr a pped unless government obstacles were removed within the year. Rip off those lln lids. Get them in the mall today !

One or the most tragic events or my young life came after 1 had ripped off the lids. packaged them and sent them away wilt} my 25 cents. Every day thereafter, I watched the mall for the arrival or iny Secret Decoder.

invited , too, but he expects to be deep-water port. out of the country oh a trip to the --------------------------------------..­Middle East that began Monday

Flnally, I got .a letter. It declared, " Dear Sir: We regret to Worm you that upon examining the Ovaltlne lids you sent for your Secret Decoder, you included one Malt·O· Meal lid. This lid does not <lU~lify for a Secret Decoder! Please remit the proper lid ... "

OH, THE SHAME OF IT. The frustration. The toss of not having my Secret Decoder for at least three more weeks. ·

And the consumer advocates today are fretting over a few boob tube commercials?

Where WM the Federal Trade Commission when l needed it?

night. IT WAS NOT known whether

Nixon will Oy to Washington on a government plane. Mrs. Nixon will not come along.

Nixon has been in the capital only twice since he-r~slgned. He was here briefly a year ago for Hubert Humphrey's funeral and again last month for a meeting of the Tuesday Group, a club or former White Hotise co-workers.

LIKE ALL FORM Ell presi­dents in recent years, Nixon has rece ived periodic administration foreign policy reports. His ma­jor Interest has been with China. a country he revlsited lo 1976 as a private citiien.

Weather Damage Tallied Dead Cattle, Perishables, Fuel Shortage Cited T~•perat•,..•

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Attorneys tor the Arnel D t> v e Io p me o t C.o m pa n y threa tened new lt)ta l action qahut Costa M a n the -.all ot City Attorney Robt>rt.. Cam­paana '• lnterprt!llllion of a CQ\lf't rulif\& Monday nh&bt.

Robert Bower . aa mt mber or the Santa Ana· bas~ law firm ol Ruta n and Tucker whtC'h re pre nt.s the d~velopers . .said he rnay ~k a court action fore·

v '

Ina lhf c1ty to tJaue bu lne permlla ror Arnel'a orlMina l project In north Colla Ne»a.

The proJttt . a plan nJJea fo r a mlx:ture of apartment• and homes. w elim1nall'd by an In ttJative thnt, m ellf ct , re>ioned the north c-lty acrl'agc tor aiinglc family hom~ only.

At Mc>Oday night 's .city COUncil meetinli!. C..moMenu aarecd with Bower thaf the c ily mus t

procesa the fl rm 's final tract map, 11 It la submitted.

However. he aald Pr<>cesslng ot t he tract map "dots not com­pe l tht> lasuance o f building permits' ' for AmeJ's original pc'Oject. ·

City council me mbers support· ed Campagna 's legal lnterpreta. lion with a 5·0 vole . despite Am e l attorney Bower 's conten­tio n ~hat the cit y 's position


Bridge~ N~ed -. .

West Side-Mesans Back Move By MICHAEL PASKEVICH

Of - ~Ir~- SUH A pair of proposed Santa Ana

River crossings between Costa - ~Mes-a and Huntington - Beaoh­

were rejected Monday night as Costa Mesa City Council mem·

r · be r s voted 5·0 to de lete the roadw ay links from t he city maste r plan.

" West side Costa Mesans and a small cootingeot of H..untingtoo Beach residents applauded the move to eliminate cou~lans

Tehran Cheers

to one day extend Wilson Street and Gisler Avenue across the river . .

The r oadwa ys would link respectmty · wttti··:Att~nra-and Garfield av.enues in Huntington Beach.

Costa Mesa 's rejection of the bridge plan is onJy the fi rst step, city officials said.

The bridge crossings llnclud· ing Costa Me~a -supporte<Lex·' tension of 19th Street to link with Banning Avenue iri Huntington l

Shah Leaves Iran; . Return Doubtful


Walter ff. Aonen~rg, former U.S. ambHudor to Greet Bri· tahi, said Coday that he lnn&ed the Shah of Iran to take refuge . in Annellberg's 250-acre desert estate lleal' bere.

TEHRAN. Iran <AP l - With tears in his eyes. Sbab Mohaqi­med Reza Pahlavi left Iran tb­day for Egypt and the United States, piloting hi~ own jet on a Journey many believe will end in permanent exile. His departure touched off jubilant celebrations throughout Tehran.

Two officers of the s hab 's royal guard fell lo their. knees

,. and tried to kiss the monarch's feet at Tehran 's a irport, but he motioned for them to rise, court sources said.

Two other officers, standing race to race, held aloft a copy of the Koranr the Mosle m holy book . and the roya l coupl e passed beneath the impromptu arc h to board th e " Shah 's F'alcon," a royal Boeing 727. Court sources-said the monarch took the controls himself.

" The shah is gone forever!" people c hanted as millions po u red into t he st reets of Tehran. showering each other with candies and rose water , <'hee ring and s houting with joy at what they saw as victory in a year-long; bloody uprising to topple the SS-year-old shah.

Moto r ists h onk e d h orns, n ashed headlights and turned on w ind s hi e ld wipe r s . Ma ny jumped from cars and hugged each other.

Tbe sha h taler arrived in As wan, Egypt, where he was greeted by President Anwar Sadat, Eg}rpt 's Middle East ~ews Agency .reported. The two then drove to a hotel on an island in the

..... ,.,..... SHAH LEAVES IRAN

He.ctlng for Egypt

' Nile River, where the shah, his wife and thei r entourage had three suites on the fourth noor.

The news 4gency said the shah Ts expedeofO s~ay·a-rtw days ln Egypt before Oying to the Unit­ed States.

have been listed !>D the county 's m as t e r plan of a rt eria l highways for nearly 15 years .

A county transportation sub­committee recent!~ supported " protection" ol all river cross. ings to meet future traffic in-creases. .

.Cosca M~a Council members said they would solicit 'Support from Huntlnglon Beach officials

.in having the two bridges re-moved from the road plan.

Otherwise. Costa Mesa could stand to lose a porlion of its county matching funds for new roadwork ii the county "denies" the r emoval of the bridges. or. ficials said.

The three bridges are set for construction in the next " five to 20 years." accordin~ to Bruce Mattern, Costa Mesa 's director of public services .

Homeown e r opp ositlon , particularly to the Wilson Street ex tension. surfaced when the Mesa ~luffs Development Co. asked city permission to com· plete a condominium project that would have obstructed the

<See BatOGES, Page AZ>

Jory Begins Deliberation In Kulik Case

By KATHY CLANCY OI U. DllllY l'f i.t Slaff

An Orange County Superior Court jury began its first run day or de liberations today in the heroin possession trial or one· time Newport Beach resident Alexander Kulik.

The case passed into the jury's hands late Monday as testimony in the four-week trial ended and attorneys for both sides complet­ed final arguments.

Kulik, also a suspect in the Stephen John Bovan murder , was a rrested in a Mission Viejo pa'Tking Jot in a borrowed $60.000 Stutz Blackhawk car . The arrest was a few hours a fte r Bovan's 1977 slaying.

Sheriff's deputies alleged they found three jat'S or nearly pure Chlna White heroin fo a grocery sack in the car 's rear seat .

Prosecutor Ron Kreber Mon· day urged the jury to convict Kulik on charges of possessing the 1.1 pounds of heroin for sale a nd for trans porting the $1 million cache or drugs .

He asked jurors to discount D e fen se Attorney Philip DeMassa's contention the drugs ~ere mistakenly found on Kulik a nd were intended as a plant by Jaw e1tforce ment officers for

· someoneelse. Kreber- accused DeMassa of

trying · to " muddy up" the <See KtJUX, Pa1e A.2 >

- .

• ID · "doesn't make much sense." However, homeowner op~i- firm would be·ln a costly dllem-

The differing legal lnterpreta· tlon to apattmenta ·sparked an ma if the original tract map Is tlons of a California Supreme · initiative drive that ended with a prqfessed and the city then re-Court decision sets the stage for s ucceashil March 7 , 1978, fuses to grant b*llding permits. another in a series of court bat- municipal vote to rezone the . Thet's because the processing tles over 46 acres between Bear property a nd two adjacent of tbe final tract map wc;>uld Stree t a nd the San Diego parcel& for single famUy homes force the firm to pay park fees Free war. • · only . and road improve ment costs

Amel s tentative-tr~ct map to The Amel rmn has yet tofub- tha t go wUh deve lopment. bu ltd 539 apartme nts and 127 mil lts llnaf"tract map on tbe Bower~-hom~as...apJ>~lu'....:l'.!!he~Ci~l~"---M!lJ·~· 111.l.~ In support of the city's posi-Coqncll July 18, w.'17. Aroel atti==--~;;;-,;;;"fti:ilr--..;.;...~;t:.::.;surr,--pqe-,\%)-

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Reforms . SACRAMENTO <AP ) - Gov. Edmund Brown J r . prQJ>OSed re. rorms of M e di · Cal and California 's civil service system today in his annual State of the State addresstotbel&cislature._ _


The Democratic governor also pledged an unspecified rerorm of state and local government finances. and put e mpbasls on programs to create more jobs, a nd discrimination against homosexuals and ma ke work sites safer. .-

The ~minute message was totally different from his in· a ugural address e ight days earlie r. which emphasize~ fight· ing inflation and federal govern­m e'n t budget de fi cits and sounded more like a kickoff or a presidential campaign than the start of a second term as gov· ernor .

Brow.n . who h a s i'rk e d legislators in the past. with his ma nner. was CQnclliatory and e mphasized that his program is ·•not coming just from the ex· ecutive branch. but rather is a lis t of things we can do together to build for the future."

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This is one of India 's 100 million " untouchables." vic ­tims of a caste system outlawed by the country 's con · stitution but continued by tradition. See story , other pic­tures on Page AS.

He said California 's $4 billion· ---;o:o­

Tim Steal $63i • From Mesa Elllery

Two men simulated weape>nsJ Monday ni g ht a nd robbed e rnployees of the Costa Mesa In· te rnational House of Pancakes of $637.- Polke-reported today.

There were no injuries in the 7: 23 p.m. heist . The bandits escaped.

Police said the two men. one apparently wearing a fake

mustache, approached a cashier and demanded that she clean out the register.

A customer al the restaurant at 329 E. 17th Sl. pursue<t, the men as they Oed and told ~lice he be lieved they drove off an a while Chevrolet pickup truck.

Both men were beJieved to be in their early 20s, police said .

Coastline Shelled

Israeli Commandos Hit Lebarwn Site

TEL AVIV. Isr ael <AP > -Is r aeli commandos landed in Leba non early today and blew up a building used by Paleslin· ian guerrillas, while navy gun. boats shelled a reas along the coast. the army announced.

The nighttime r aid was car· ried out at Ras el-Aln, two miles south of the Lebanese port of Tyre and 12 miles north of tlie Israeli border.

The a rmy spokesma n said tbere werie no Israeli casualties in the attack. The army gave no indlcatiqn whether Palestinian

guerrillas were at the base dur· ing the assault or whether any fighting look place. The size of the Israeli force was not dis· closed.

The announce ment said the Israelis " blew up a building which sheltered terrorists . . . Navy vessels shelled terrorist. concentraUons a long tbe sbore ...

In Be irut . the Palestine Liberation Oi-ganJzatioo claimed g uerrillas Inflicted hea vy casualties on the raiders.

"The enem~ pulled out leaving big amounts·-of weapons and pools Of blood behind," a com· munique from the Palestinian command said. . The message said the raiding party blew' up "an empty farm house" in Ras, but there were no civlUan or auerrilla casualties in the clash. ll said t.he attack' came early

In the momlng "but our forces were on the alert and quickly in·

4 .~ercepted aocl • Rl•t•d -the -· enemy."

Tbe guerrillas said at least 10 tsraell gunboats 'Patrolled tbe Lebaneee coast opposite Tyre Monda],• juerrillu to open rue from ah6rellne poai· Uons. · LtbanHe provincial a u­thorlU .. Nld tbe Israeli att.ct um• 1borlly after m=bt, - -.r&eaacOin . aaderfortl"I at Rft-'"fl~;r fn""l'ubfler floats lowertdfrom the iunboata.

Tbe rllid l..u.d oae hour. Tbe QtJuae iiUtboild• "8ftl"IDlld tbe perrWa -.-..ct tbe •l·

a; year Medi-Cat program must be reformed to curb escalating costs. And he promised cost· cootalnmeot reforms wnlch he said will " not be done at the e)(· pense of the poor'' who rely on the program for medical care.

He said doctors a nd others providing Medi-Cal services ''do not have a constitutional right to ... all the Medi-Cal · dollars they can get," but he did not specify the reforms.

Applause fQ>m audiPr.ce of more than 100 state senato~ and assem blymen was polite but subdued.

Bot h D e m oc rati c a nd Republican lawmakers viewed the address as an atte mpt by Brown to court libe r a ls who were incensed by the extremely conservatiYe tone of Brown·s tn· augural

" I it was apparent he was trying ~·respond to some of the criticism of bis inaugural speech that be had gone loo far to the right ... said Sen. Alan Sie ro ty, 0 -Los Ange les . who added , " I think it will lake more than this " to calm liberals.

" I think he may have sensed the response or the Legislature was not as warm as in prior yea rs." Sieroty adde~ . .

. " I think he is geJting up ror the New Hampshire snows," and the lirst presidentia l primary in 1980, said Senate Re publican noor leader Bill Campbell of Ha· cienda Heights. " I think he is definitely trying to recoup some of the support lost from liberal Democrats." .


Weather Partial clearing tonight

a n d m os tl y s unn y We dn esda y . A litH e warmer Wednesday with high s of 62 -66 . Lows tonight ln the upper 40s.

·Chance of rain decreasing to 20 percent tonight an(f

· · near cero Wednesctey .• · · · ·

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veor ~. John Wo.vne'• "'°'* hnaflt hos btcomc ift. u tncablw 1Wccd toith the. man Pltm.d/. For a look at WofM, "'°" Clftd m~h, see PfGtMrinO Pocc Cl.

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SiOrtn NiXes Cr&sh P~obe ' -

Oeanmg ·vp Youngsters at Lindbergh SchoOl in Costa Mesa scrub a -wa ll during recent " Pride Day" on their campus . Two of the youngsters teamed up to give themselves a bit mor e reach.

Marvins' Romance . ., . Detailed in Court

L OS ANGEL ES CA P ) Michelle Triola Marvin took the witness stand today to tell of her rom ance with actor Lee Marvin

stressing details she believes entitle her to a $1 million share of . his income during the six years t.hey lived together.

The t rial is lhe first to test an appeals court decision, and is expected to set a precedent for pa yment of alimony in cases or unmarried cohabitants.

M iss Marvin, sedately attir'?tl in a black pants suit, .be~an her testimony by teHing other ing Marvin in 1964.

" I waswortdngon a film lhathe w as working o n 'Sh i p of Fools '. . .I was a stand-in . an ex tra dancer.I believe I had some lines.·•

tUr attor n ey . M a r vin Mitchelson. asked Miss Triola

. prcS'bably testify for several days before the Academy A ward win· ner would be called to the s tand .

Marvin, who has been accom­panied to the proceedings by his cur re nt wife a nd high school sweetheart, Pa mela Feeley, has filed a $1 million countersuit al­leging Miss Marvin fa iled to pro· vU!e companionship during the relat ionship.

Judge Mast -·To··Resi~

CitaSa/ary So . "' metimes controversial Cen·

tr a l Orange County Municipal Court Judge P a ul Mast an­nounced Monday he is re tiring from the bench. ,.,

Mast said his retirement after

SquaJ..11 ... ua. &I preve,nUnc alr ,.,.., U.~1ator1 from

~~=~¥ ... ~ .. ~~ mu ......... to flop ud Iii* m 40 f H t of water o ff Santa Wand.

The 14·P••MftStr amph.lbtaa bad Jutt taken otf Sunday from

· Ill water~ at Pebbly Beech. I mUe eut ol Avalon, when ll cruhed Md overtuned la &he water .

•. The craah dunked 10 people 11board the plane, but. appareot­ly , no~ wu lnjured 1er10W1ly. Ao l rvlM man , Paul Ketchum. 66. of .. Sycamort Creek . wu hiken for obHr vatJon to Avalon Munfclpal Hotpltal, becauae ot a pre ·exlat.1.n& hu rt condition.

Ktlchum wu releM&ed to go home late Monday

T h e pllot . Russell 0 . St. ,Ple rrJ1. 31, ol Northridae. wu


BfilDGES ••• n•ht-of-way for the new road.


The city delayed a decis ion on tbe conatrucUon project , and

flanners uked the City Council · o . co n s id e r a bu i ldin g

moratorium in tlfe area until a s tudy of the right-of-way was comeleted.

However. tf?e counctl rejected the moratbrtum plan Monday nilht, setUnc the stage for the development firm to seek bulld-1 n&.-Permits for the con-domhuwm. '

The lengthy 4tiacusaion, during which hOmeownen presented petitions seeking protection ol their rakSenUaf neighborhood.

- came to a head when weatside Councilman Donn Hall motioned for the removal of Wilson and Gisler from the city roadway · plan .

His motion dre w unanimous support. The city wtll now pre· pare a report " justifying" the r em oval of the two proposed

. bridgee. 'The report" will be in· eluded in the city's general plan revie w set for consideration in a bout 10 months.

treated for cut l ln1ers and • lacereted acalp. ,

A F•deral Aviation Ad · mlail&ntion epokesm an aaid St. PMrn rworted that on t.a.Moff hi• alrdah loll power lo ooe ol lu two eniinet and fell ba~k into the at an aftlle.

• · Ket.chum sald that from hll pen~Uve the airplane newtr 1ot out of tbe wat.r. He .-kl that aa the pUol tried to 1ain •peed for takeoff. lar1e waves ·.iapped, " h a rd e r and hard e r and harder ," a1alrult the s ide of the pla ne . He said a big crest finally Upped them over.

Abalooe tlahermen aboard the Ava lon·besed Supermex spotted the cruh. The boat's captain. Rlcbard Rutz. steered a course for the downed plane and the victims were fished from the ocean. .

Wally Funk. an lnvestigat.or

Trustee Post Open In Mesa

Costa Mesans interested in a sea t on t t)e Ne wport -Mesa Unified School Dist r ict Board of Trustees. have until Friday to a pply for appolntment to the job.

Only residents living in trustee area one can apply fo r the vacancy created by the retirt­mentoftrustee Don Smallwood.

The trus t ee a rea c o ve r s northwest Costa Mesa. It runs from Bann i n g P l ace t o S unflo we r Ave nu e and is bounded on the west by the San· ta Ana River.

The e a s t e rn bo und a ry is Ha rbor Boule va rd lo Baker Street . then east to Fairview Road and north to Sunflower .

Applications can be picked up during regular working hours a t district headquarters, 1601 16th St .. Newport.&ach.

They must ·be r e t urned to Sc hool SupeTlntcnde nt / ohn Nicoli 's office by noon F riday.

School· board members will then hold pttblic inte rviews with potential candidates. They plan to a ppoint Smallwood 's sue • cessor in February.

Co11ncil Action Costa Mesa Cfty Council members took action on the

followinf Items Monday night :

BRIDGES: Unanimously rejected plans to extend Wilson Street a nd Gis ler Avenue acf'068 the Santa Ana River to Huntington Beach .

aJUDA.N CENTER: Accepted private school's offer of $520,000 to buy focmer city balLal.e...W.J9 St. Coun· cilman Dom Raciti cas t only negative vote.

ANNEXAnON: Approved annexation of 2.6 acres near Tustin Avenue and Woodland Place to the city. to tell Judge Arthur Marshall in

the non-jury Superior Court trial the history or her can.-er as a da ncer and s inger before · she m et Marvin.

These details were intended to ' show that Miss Marvin gave up a lucr ative career to become full-time homemaker and com· panion to the Oscar-winning ac· tor .

13 yea rs on the bench will be ef- ~ fect ive immediately or when a jury now deliber atlnl( the fate of all~ged .drug dealer Alexander Kulik returns its verdict.

MF.SA NOllnl: Dela}'ed until Marett 19 a public hear· Ing on a developer's request for mediuln density and light commercial wrung on a parcel al the northeast corner of Be ar Street and Paula rino AvCftue that is current ly zoned for low density residential use.

HOUSING: Directed city Housing and Cornmunlty Deve lopment officials to begin a search for low-cost ft9us· ing s ites for 50 unlts on wes'l' side .

Milc helson in t r oduced in e vidence publicity photos or Miss Marvin d an cing in Las Vegas shows whe re she was the fea tured perfomer .

Jditc helson contends Miss Marvin is entitled to compensa­tion fo r giving up her career and devot ing h.erself to Ma rvin's suc­cess. alui6ugh they never mar· ried .

Miss Marvin. 46. changed her name legally shortly before she and Marvin. 54 , broke up in 1970.

The case of Marvin vs. Marvin has already become a landmark a t the appellate level. It Jed to t he 1976 Cali fotnia Supre me Court r uling that unmarried partners could sue for property settle ment similar to that which

- is common in divorce cases. Mitehels'on said Monday tha\>

Miss Triola Ma r v in wo uld . t

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The 46-year-old former ally of now imprisoned county pollUcal kingm aker Louis Cella gave a m ultitude of r easons for his abrupt reitrement.

Among ot6er things, Mast saia he is leaving the bench to prac­tice law as a private attorney because he :

- Does not find life as a Municipa l Court jud ge "as challenging or interestingas it ~ce was."

- Is increasingly disenchanted " wh en an attorney appears before me ill-prepared a nd r,oorly represents his or her client. • client. "

- ls concerned about s te pped up publ ic attac ks o n the j udiciary, especia lly att acks laun c he d b y publi c o ffice holders such as Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr .. lhe son of the man who a ppointed Mas t to the bench . •

- I s wo rr ied a b o ut the " politicizing" ot the judiciary. including the recent election de­feal of four incumbent j udges In Orange County.

~Rocka Eaatemlran

STOCKHOLM. Sweden CAP ) - A strong earth· quake atruck eu&ern Iran today . tbe Ha1fQrs teiamoloclcal oblervatory reported.

The oblervatory aald the quake registered an

·ea ttmal•d 6 . 8 on the Richter tcale. Tbe U .5 . National Earthquake ID·

' fo.-.maUon Service ln Oold•n. Colo .• 11\d- ll aU.Uok about &O ..mll11 south of Mu)>had l n nort.heut Jnn. TIM~ Mrvlce

Mld U. tMDol' WU pcMD• Ually dam...._. Tbue ...... tmz •dla\t caeuaJ. tJ Of d•••ll Nl*1a from Iran.

Rainstonn Wreaks Havoc Aloiig CoaSt

By Tbe APoclalecl Press At least one man was killed,

roads closed. buildings flooded and communications knocked

.oul durinl a storm that dumped more than l 1h inches of rain on Southern California and prom· ised s till more as it entered its second day today.

Howeve r, authorities ex ­pressed relief that the downpour wasn 't~.

.. It u~n.' t been too bad because"\Ve didn't get many in· s tance& where it rained an inch in ~nl a couple hours,-'' Los An County Sher iff's Deputy Wyne Burrow said.

The National Weather Service canceled a naah nood watch for Lot Anceles. Ventura. Orange. San Benwdini> and Riverside counties abortly before 5 a .m. after radar Indicated tbe expect· ed pocket.a of heavy rainfall would not materiallae.

But the storm was beinl blamed ln the Cleath of a atear· old Hawtborne tnan who died Monday Dllbt wbeD bis c:v ~ eel Hl'Oll fmpertal fflpway aad c:ruhed tmo a power ~1 the Calllomla fflPwa1 Pauot re-porUd. .

Areu putkularty bard bit by tM ''°"" .. ,. .alonl t"9 eout ID San DAelo ud LOe Anaelel eounu..

• ........_. Cloodln1 ud a 1ar1• 1nuc1a11c1e ••t• blamed lloicla)' br 1'ftlc1U "Tor eutllM off trarn_e ta eut.em ~cl

· <ke•IWdt. DOC'th of San Dleto, TIM tilde allo knoeked out

telepbcm eentce to awt.omen l• Vllta, Oceaaelde, San M arc o•1... ~.!.~lbroolk and Carlat.I, m1C ,......,.._Co. .,.. ..... eam......,..w.

The CHP reported the Las Vlrgenes Road from Mulholland Dr i v e t o P acific Coast Highway in Los Angeles County was closed this momJng due to Oooding and slide activity. But di o the r m a j o r r oad s and highways ln Southern California were reopened after widespread closures Monday.

Continuou s rock and mud s lldes kept Californi a Department of Transportation workers busy through the night in M altbu, where slidH closed Malibu Can yo n R oad a nd flooded at least two bui ldinas. Burrow aald.

· Sandbaal ..... operatlona ·in the M andevllle Canyon are a , charnd by bnllll fires lut Oc-

"tober, went lnto effect to keep mud from further oostni down blll1ldet and Into the hom• of can~~. Authoritl• N­pe>rted ollly one lnc:ldent of mud dama1e during tbe current atorm.

We8tl.r Mnice ~ Blll Sulllvan Hid the slow· .movlq ttonn, wbJcb linlered loDI PNl lta ...1..nUclp1ted de· parture.tod&y, Wiid maintain a to percent chance of rein toal&bt, taperln1 Wednffday Wilen ~atunt are Hj*Uld to etlmb bilell IMC> Ute-..

11>e lt.onn, which be1an NOWt­day mornln1 and dumped aJmoet a half.lnc:b of raln on lM Aqel• In lta ftrst M hours. h8d brou1bt Uae MalOn'• ralDlall t.atal to I.GO ladMI by t a.m .. compared to dMt nonnal MUOD preelpttaUon ou.1e tnc.._.

for tbe National Tranaport• tlon Safety Board wbo la Uilped t.o lM CAM, Nki today abe bad ltil1 to lntervSew pllo •.

But ,without the Grum man Mallard. now in 40 feet of water • qu arte r -mile offabore. t he N ld, the cause of the mllhap can't be known.

The inveaU1ator said It was po11lble tbat the ajrcraft can be salva&ed later today or Wednet· day. ..

T a· Ca tallna Ai rHnes. m e anwhile, has r e rused to make any public slate m enl about the cr ash, about the com· pany. or about its officers.

Howe ver . the Los Angeles County Sheriff's substation on Catalina released a lis t of the passengers. Be$ides Ketchum. hls wife and son . there were touris ts from Sausallto . Sa n Marino. San Pedro &\\d' from

out-of·ata~ FAA records revul that

Tran1-Cat.altna be1an operatl<>M In J a nual)' of 1911. ltss than a year ago. initutlly with nltthts fro m Long Beach to Pe bbly ~acb.

During the year. the company increased Its nifthll with the ad· d 1llon o f th r ee G r um m a n Ma llarda- briniln1 its airline to four planes. Fligllll alao Were run to Cat.allna from San Pedro and Orange County. ·

The company shares jolnl use factlitleti wtt.h Catalina Airlines.

. a separate company which uses • the Orumman·Goose airplane. as well H bell copters.

Trans-Catalina averages . l l round t rip flights per day to Catalina during peak summer ' montlas. a bout half that during the winter. according to the FAA.

Sunday's accident was the com· pany 's first . •

John Wayne Leaves Top

, Care Unit

C h a rles Perino. 52 , was honor ed Monday -as the Orange County Transit Dis· tri ct 's " dr iver of th e month." He is one--- of 18 drive rs who steer OCTD buses a long the P aci fi c Coast Highway route .

F,...PflfleAJ , .

KULIK ••• prosecut ion's case by hinting the 1.1 p0unds of heroin could have come from various sources rang­ing from Newport 8eactl police to federal agents to the 1988 "~h connection" case.

De Massa , howeve r . argued that his defense proved Kulik dfdn 't know about the presence of dru'5 in the car he borrowed from bis associate, Richard Willis of Newport Beach .

·'There is a reasonable doubt and it is based up6n the in· terpretations. of circumstantial e vidence, " De Massa sa id . " They are trying to build an a rch. of ciJ."cumstanUal evidence to support their case and I sub·

·mit. to you that it all doesn 't fit." He contended WiJlis " lied"

when he said he promised to ar· range for a drug plant but didn't ca rry it out.

" He lied and he got paid off with his immunity, " DeMasaa said, referring to Willis' im­munity from prosecution ·tn both the drug and Bovan murder case.

" Mr. KullJc is the victim in , this case becawie everyone else

has gotten a walk ln this case." DeM assa continued.

Kreber argued lhat s mall con­tainers of t.he same kind. of rare oriental heroin found in Kullk's Leucadia home and his motor home. along with drug traces found on his clothing as pointing toward guilt.

H e a l so m e n tio n e d a fingerprint found on one of the

. jars not positively identified as Kulik 's but bearing eight points of s imllartty to the defendant.

In addition, he argued, Kulik g ave the arresting officer a false n a m e. birth certific a te and driver 's license upon arrest and yelled such things as "get away from the car." and " I will sue" as thJ! cur search proceeded.

LOS ANGELES <API - John Wa yne. making rapid progrei.s in his recovery from cancer sur · gery . has been moved out of in· tens ive care to a private room at UCLA Medical Center. hospital authorities said today .

Wayne was moved to his room la te Monday aft e rnoon . only three days after his cancerous stomach was re m·o ved in a m ine .hour operation . hospita l administrator Bernard. Strohm said In today's daily report on the 71 -year-old film s tar 's condi -tiO!l,. •

Wayne was originally expect· ed to remain in the intensive <'are unit four or five days .

" He spent another good night bu t wit h some discomfort . .. St rohm added this morning .

" X · r ay t e s t s th at were performed this morning showl.>d early healina at the site of the operation. He Is taking liquid nouriAhment by mouth in small amounts.

" Among the many telegrams th at have been received was a

. telegram from P resident Carter wishing him we ll . and for mer president Nixon has ca lled "

Strohm said two of Wa.Ync's. sons. Mic hae l and Pa trick . would answer questions on famr· ly m atters Wednesday . ·

Burial Set For ~ultists

SAN FRANCISCO <AP > - The Ne ptune Society. a cre mation se rv.i ce. says it 's m aki n g arrangements to bury a bout 350 of the more than 600 unclaimed bodies from the Peoples Te mple m ass m ur de r.-s u icldc at a private cemetery in Novato.

Richard . J ongordon. director of t he· Neptune Socl.ety. said Monday he had been asked t() ' bury the unclaimed bodies· by t h e S anta Cr u z Miss io na r y Baptist Church.

Bodies of the more than 900 people who d ied Nov . 18 In J onestown. Guyana . after the Rev. Jim Jones led his followers in the mass death ·ri tual were transported to an Air Force bas~ in Dover , Del. Only 283 bodies have been clu.lmed.

I' ...... Page A I

SUIT.-•• t Io n . Ca mpag n a s a Id t h e Supre me Court ruling In the " Youngblood versus San Diego " case. while si m ilar In some • respects. " did not d iscuss an intialive."

Therefore. Amel can submit Its flnal tract map. pay the necesi,ary fees, but forget about goin1 ahead with the project that would violate a new cit y zoning law. he said.

Wltat ·aotdap? lloy Bandit Not Conrin£ing·

A baby.faced, fl~·foot·tall banctlt autpect faces cbaraea today alter aUetedJy botchiDC an attempted holdup of a Fount.a.ln Valley •ll·nl&ht cafe. aceordlnt to police:

.Police Lt. Biii De Nt1t said nobody at Alphy 's ,. Restaurant. 18175 Harbor Blvd .. would believe the bandit.

..TAKE A W~t" •aid the waltre11 c:onlronttd at the cash~ .tier ine boy ~~nded ~y. ·

''ADcfbe did, .. tald Lt. l>eNial. A 1'7·)'tar-old IUIPtd ftf. tlnl ~ would·be boldup ut11t'1di1Mptlon waa taken lnto1 euatoc11.GUib)' .. U. waa-annQ wtut a Pellet pistol.

• NO WEAPON W.U dlspl~ however by tbe youth who 1t fl.rat en&ered tbe cate about mldnlfht'-f:ruaed a menu and ~1~ettd a blt btf0(9 ltammerial oUt A I ~ pol.k:e

"lf\e ...,.ct. captured by omcer Taay Marley, wu iden· lifted onJ7 ., a nmawar from Oraqe. He wu turned OYtt to h1a .,......, ~ J"""1Je court acUoG. . . ,-.. -::. .,.. : ~

. • . • , • , " ~ . w ...

. t . •

• . . • . . , ,. ~ • , • .. . • . • ~

' 1 ... • ; , , , e r : . • . • . •

. •' •• I! • ..

·:~ .. ...


'l '· ..


. .

Not I


l1aaea Aim at Elderly .. l

81 SYLVlA POllTES ~ Ahhotich record numbers will work llt tbe tr · Uoll•l retirement •le of $5 ln 1979, :J num..,._ will opt to ~ peulOOJ at age es or earlier. It i a paradox that~ botb these trends are occurrln• 1lmqltaneou1ly . • ~

TDate ~ may look ror ways to lmprove U.. • ty Of thelt Ii\' -1broulh taking ~vanta1e of the Jnc • lng educa&::f -opportunitles designed apecltlcally them. ,

ADULT l!:DVCATION PROGRAMS AS£ m.ulU~ tn l~al public acbeol ayatems. Vouttonal, technical hiSb achool counes in apecial areas and traln.1D1 in • lal acllvltles alto are on the rise. Special COUl'HI are be D(.c!,· rered Oft a mounUng acale tn community cOU•lff ad rm· venitiea for a JDOdeat tee or !NiU\outcbar1e.

Facts aboUI many of th., echacallooal opportunities ~ av.allable from dly or county boarda of educaUQn and state departments of education. For many, counes. part Of "the coats are underwritten by federal grants .

Money8 Worth .

Tbe Older Amer­ica n a Act of 1965, amended, created the Adminiltration Ql1 Ag· ln1. It -serves as a fedenl fotaJ polnt and ad'vocate for older pet">nl. adminllterlng_ Hd coontiutlnC' prosr1mlln tbelrtJehalt. ltalao acta • cleari~ for inlormatlon related to the problemfbc:! the age(I and aging. Amendments to the act ewUer in · decad~ mandated tbe establishment or state and vea agencies on aging to concentrate on both state and locat is· sues. .

Agencies on aglng exist in each state. .and in more than 550 sub-state areas to plan and coordJnate services to belp carry out their objectives. State agencies can direct l*tl>le to educational opportunities offered by the state's or· ganizatiOft, senior centers, schools and colleges . 1

' . TUE· FEDERAL GOVERNMENT sponsors )Qan.

scholarship and work.-study programs designed to assist students enrolled in post-high school vocational. certififate and degree programs. lnfQrmation on these is avail4ble from the financial aid officer in sctiools or from the Division of Student Support and Special Progr5•· Bureau of Postsecondary Education, Office of Educa Department of Health, Education & Welfare, 400 Mary Ave. S_..W~. Was~.c .. 20202. Phone (202245-8106.

Facts on grants for adult educaiiOii areaviilible'""' · the Division of Adult Education, HEW, Washington, Q.C., 20201. Pti0ne: ._(202l 245·214;J. - { -

. I

TUE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Extenilon A~ia· lion, Suite 360, One du .Pont Circle.. N.:W., Washington • D.C., 20036 can answer questions about communities and coll~ges with programs for the elderly . Phone ~ IPl 293· 7050. So will The Clearinghouse on Adult EducaUon~and Life·Long Learning c /o lnformatics, Inc .• 6000 E~ec:\ltive Blvd .• Rockville. Md .. 20852. Phone: 1301) 7'70-3000. Educa· tional Resources Information Center is a national informa· ti on network; write Office of Dissemina'ton and Resources, National Institute of Education,. HEW, Washi'ngton, D.C .• 20208. ·

This is a sampling of programs designed specifically to help older persoJls get. the education they need.

EtlispTJ, ~Rergy DisplaY Slcited . .

Sout,hem California Edison Co. 's new customer bill format, plus hints on how to save electric energy, wm be shown in an energy conservation and load ma.ement display at South Coast Plaza, Cos&a Mesa, from !'l'urday throuah Jan~ .- ... . :: \

Animated panels 'will be used to show coosum8n, liow to conserveelectricity. · ......

They are part of the Modem Living Ho~ Show planned for the shopping center. · ,

Part of the display will be an explanatio~of bow customers may compare their energy .usage an<t average daily ~ts. for electricity with 1heir usage or a year ago, according to Phillis Kyker, Edison area manager. ' -;

Other panels will show how to read an electric meter and bow, by saving energy, customers can help reduce their electric bills. she said . .

The displays also will show ways homeowne~ can in· sulate, conserve and reduce energy consumption. The dis· play will be near the plaza's carvusel area. • ,

Edison consumer conservation consultants will be on hand part of the time to answer questions and diatrlbute conservation literature,'Ms. K}'k~r sa1d.

Eocom Corp .. Irvine, has begun work on a headquarters building at Redhill and Bell avenues. Tustin.

ft is being built on 5.9 acres· and will u1tlmate1y house 300 to 400 employees . Builder is Hamilton·Tarnut~er Development Co .. Costa Mesa .

( The new building will house corporale offices .

l abora tory and


m a nufacturing ) !aciUUes. Eocom pro.

duces laser equipment for ne,..papen aocl lox· i c g as monitoring e q u I pme nt lor the chemical industry.

tt is a wholly owned subsidiary or AJ1lerican Roechat Corp.

ft•~arNa te Ae••re Clrele Clttte Rubber Co., Minneapolis, is about to become a

subsidiary of the Fluorocarbon, Co .. Anaheim.

Under terms of the proposed transac:tion, each share or Clrele would be exchanged for .85 or a share of · Fluo~arbon, a total of 298, 760 Ftuoroc~bc>n .shares.

~ transactJon iJ aubiect to execut)op et a denaitJve agreement and the approval or Circle'~areholden, and , was expected to be consummatAMI within 120 days .

Circle manufactu'res molded rubber projects , • spectallzSna tn o-ring aeala. Sales for 1978 were approx.

lmatety 13,'57,000.

. Fluorocarbon ls prin,:lpally ensagcd tn the busiMN of proceu!nc. fabricatlna and aelllnt products manut•

- from non-petrolepm-baaed producta ·prlmarllY ln · the Fluorocarbon ff.mily of pl~cs • .

1.-r.e etlfee ............ Ge l/p The bulldlnp contatntni a total of 48.000 square feet ot

office specia are belna conatructed for Coolldc• cew bJ Saffell a M~. w ., ln1m bullden, at llahl ad ..... bone, lnint.

Tbe bulktlftll are the MCOad ]Ibale Of • llx· ....... ~~tbneyean qo. ~Daal9liaudAa· lodawe. port Be.acb, II deltlDIDI tbe proJed. •

ROBERT otCK'&OAY STARTS wmt 31 CUPS OF TEA TO SNIFF, SLURP· . When Tho .. Are Done, H'• 3' MoN, Aft to lleMftt U.S. Sippers

BylULESLOS ""'-'-' CW.llJ • ' '

'4MERIC4 ) NEW YORK - Sucb a 1tranae place to ftad a c.a room, down by the burly Brooklyn docks, aDd 1UC'b a .trance tea room to fiad. ~I StlPPOSE TREY were aet-

Tbe Pl"Ol)l'fetOr Ta a toartty lhit- beet at • fOr the ._,.. seat wtib aUcb' wtllte muatacbe, Tea Party," Dick Wei. a vole. ICJft-4 by a l1qeriJll " In any cue, our tea im· tnce .of Deep South, and a PC>rten lllked tbe 1ove11UDe1& to palate respeet.ed frotD Darjeel· do somedUD& about it and tbe re­m, to Ceylon. wherever tbe tea ault wutbeTeaAetol 197." trade wbldl blow. There are two other CoWm·

Re la Robert Dick, America's meat tattaw, one ill Boston and topteatuter. one la San~. Tbey .ac-

. cept tea bito tbe country, but Oil· WllEN A 8IDPllENT of am- ly Dick baa tbe autbortty to re­

ported tea an1ves it stta on the jed it. u they suapeet a tea l5 pier . UDtil Dick geta a aamp&e. aubst.andard tbey send it to Dick brews its, snlffa U. taates it for a final &eat. no~. Should be diaaP.prove, •ct lt JOet to where it cam'e from.

" Tea merchants the world over know our standards," Dick said, .. so the reject.ion rate ia low, leu than a tenth of a per­cent. "

It wun't always thus. The reason the U.S. government bu< aa Olff~dal tea~-- bia actual title is Supervisory Tea "-Ex­aminer - is because in the early years of the republic. Dick ex­plained. America waa the dump­ing ground for the world ·s worst tea .

ONCE A YEA& Dick awn· moos a ball do&en of the nation's foremott tea ex;perts to set the s~ard. They around a ta­ble and alu.rp tea untll they agree oa a "sweet. sound, com· mon tea."

~ · Jt really is DOt very good tea. " Dick said.

" It ia the wont we will allow in the country~ .But it 11 & bigber' standard than other .countries ha¥e, including Britain, where. they· drink so oiuch of It .•'

Slurp. lncidenia.Uy, is the apt verb. Tea ta.Sfers do DOt sip tea. they slurp it, in a ritual that

Pinto R_ ev.s. Up· -'or Comeback-1 ~11*::1"::~~ J • 0 At least that is the way Robert

. DETROIT CAP ) - David rower, sales manager at a sub­bu Detroit Ford dealership, ,.. fales ol the 1979 Fol'd Pinto

re so good .that he ls doubling • a order of Pintoe for February

Pintos? The cars wttba re­utation - based on past models

for bursting into flames in e~r-end collisions?

THE NAME'S THE same, but trEinto has had corrective sur­

er y and a facelift . And Ford olor Co. is cautiously op­mistic that its new Pintos, with designed fuel systems, are -CC to Offer

" Invest in Yourself - You're orth. It, " a four-hour seminar

• or office management person. el. will be presented J an. 27 at range Coast College, Costa esa. Co-s~ by OCC and the abia chapter or the National ec r et a ries Association, the eminar will run from 8:30 a.m . o 12:30 p.m. in the college's Stu­ent Cen~. Registration fee is S12 and in·

ludes breakfast. More in!orma· jon ls available at the colJege,


( INWGH~ 1 overcoming the adverse publici· ty on ea.tner-models.

The latest chapter in the Pinto saga shows a modest revival of sales aa negative publicity sub-· sides. Ford bas spared the car from major price boosts over the past several months .

The subcompact Pinto enjoyed a 2 percent sales increue ~ December over October, buck· ing the seasonal trend that saw subcompacts as a class drop 12 percent and total car volume fall Z1 percent.

SALES OF THE low-coat Pin­to grew from 1.2 percent ol all. c~rs sold in October to 1.3 per­cent in November and 1.8 ]>er· cent last month.

" We aold42~can in December, and eight of them were Pintos," says Trower. " That 's an ex­treme ly high percentage. I'm down to a 30 days' s upply of Pin· tos."

Trower uses a traditional salesman's defense in dealing with the Pinto's past reputation. He says he-jokes with customers bf offering to throw in an asbestos s uit and a fir~ in· surance policy as part of the deal.

FO&D BAS GRl'M'ED itll teeth over the put 18 months as pre-19'17 Pinto sedan.a were sub­~ted to a maaaive recall and televislon camens recorded­fiery crashes ot the allegedly un­safe cat. .

The company laas been indict­ed on homicide charges by an Indiana grand jury, which said Ford recklessly designed the earlier Pinto fuel tank system and made it especially suscepti­ble to fire in rear-end crashes.

The headlines rubbed off oo the current Pintos, though the fuel system was improv.ed as ol the l9771D9del year. Sales plum­meted last June after the recall of 1.5 millioft earlier Pintos and ended 1978 nearly 25 'percent short ol 1977's total of 220,115. •

FORD NEEDS TRE Pinto -its 22 miles per gallon in eity driving helps the company meet federal fuel economy standards - a.od few 1979 gave t.he car its biggest restyling job since it ap­peared in 1971.

The company also held the line on prices. Ford said a policy UsUng some previously optional items aa standard on this model has made the new Pinto up to SUO cheape r than th e 1978· model. ·

At the same lime. importers have repeatedly jacked' up'


·In Nemport B~la

H o m eo '(ln e r s : Loans arranged for any reason. Credit, no problem .

. Borro w on your equity. Call OON for courJeou s. fast lnfor~atlon .

(7.141547-7151 AMRICAM M~Co.

Business Series DUe Security Pacific Na· of bus iness manage- analysis and capital

tional Bank will offer a ment , according to budgellog. 10-week seminar in George A McFedries

. ' P&OFF.SSIONALS in Newport on fa.nan· fustruct.or. . c ial ma nagement for He is usistant vice tax accounting, estate small-business owne rs president at the bank's planning and capital

d Lo Beach Al sources will diacu&s the ap mana.g~. br::cbes. and ooclra lmpact ol their fields oo

THE SERIES will cov- Topics will include the small business er various financia l financial statement manager , McFe dries techniques and their ap- analysis, profit planning said. plication in dealing with a nd cash budge ting The series will begin

prices as dollar declined oveneas. The current Pinto starts al $3,233. .

Gordon 8 . MacKemie, Ford vice pnUdeat for sales, says the Pinto ''probably npreseots the. best value for the money on the roact~y,"

TROWER SAYS the owners of the 2.6 ailllion Pintos sold since 1971 are a loyal bunch who come to buy new ones. He says they "couldn't care Jess" a bout U)e fuel lank problem.

Dick does it. . EACH mociiing be puts two

big kettles 00 to boil and sets out • 39 bone china ~upa, ·without

handles, around the edge ol an old oaaa table. There" la significant about 39; that is bow many cups fit around tbe table.

Into each cup he puts precise­ly 3S grains of tea, by weight. which is a right healthy pinch. When the water comes to a roU· ing boU he fills the cups and goes to work.

Over The Counter HASDU....,.


He lltl et the table and • mella eacb 1teamtna cup. tben s))OOQI up the wet tea leaves and pull them rtlbt up to his noee to ,et. u evea ~r whiff.

THAT DONE. BE wakl uaW -lit th .. eool ~ to drink

aad baa at it, llurpiq and - ­tine b1f We)' Jrauncl the table. Then be does the dilbes and

staru an OYer ap1a. " Sharplac la neceuary." be

said, almolt ~.

"YOU RAVE TO draw the tea ti1ht to the bllck of your ~ so that all at once you set the a roma , the t aste and the aatrlnaeocy. the full navor. ••

Dick bu tieea at this bualneu for 40 years. AcCOl:dinc to Fay Kim, bl.a understudy, he is 10

• •

. .. .. •

. \


· good at it be can detect lD one stalwart slurp DOt Only tbe tea's country ot orili.n but often the very estate, the . very garden, ~ wbere It wu_pown.

Do thMe most cultivated ol ...... . . taste buds have a favorite?

"Yes," Dick said. ' 'My own ~lead.

' 'MIX SEVEN PA&TS ot tea from Ceylon grown above 5,000 feel , two p~ of Assam tea from the Brahonputra Plain, two parts ol tea picked in India's NUgirl Hills between June and July ..

" Now that's a nice cup ofJ tea."

Bank Reports Stock -Split

Irvine Natjooal Bank. lntae, bas split its copunon stock two for one effective Dec. 29, 1978.

CertifiC.tes representing ·one new share for each previously held were to b e sent to shareholders this month . 'Ibere were 322,n7 shares outstanding before the split.

._--------~the day.W-cfay problems cos t · rofft . vol e· Feb. 13 and will run 1------------------:;_,_ _____ .......... ~..-.....--.--..a=~tbrough April 17. Fee is $1.0 and includes text. material.a and parking. Class will be he ld at



C.....toour..-on how to emn IO%to * ......

Join us for wtne. cheese and alt the facts and high in~est figures on investing In safe,

·sect,Are second trust deeds.

Flnd out why every single one of our Investors over the past 10 years has earned · at least J(]{, Interest on his money.

Attending our seminar places you under no obligation. But please call for a reservation.

because space ls limited,

Our •• 111111'••• ..a be:

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MN'l1oCt Hottl- 900 ~ c....~. Sabt "'£"~ 8-cl\

R.S. \lP. ll0-5700


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Corona del Mar High School. Newport Beach.

More lnformatloa• i s avail a ble at <213 ) 6J.3.5636.

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