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  • 8/2/2019 RPP LOLA




    Sekolah : SMP. N. 2 Tebing Tinggi

    Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas/semester : VII/I

    Pertemuan ke : 1 (satu)

    Alokasi waktu : 1 x 15 menit

    Standar kompetensi : Memahami makna dalam teks sederhana berbentuk procedure dan

    descriptive text.

    Kompetensi dasar : Merespon makna dan langkah retronika teks tulis secara akurat, lancer

    dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

    ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan descriptive text.

    Indikator : Merespon makna dalam text untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

    mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari.

    I. Tujuan PembelajaranSiswa mampu :

    1. Memahami makna dalam teks sederhana dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    2. Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan materi.

    3. Membuat contoh teks sederhana berbentuk procedure dan descriptive text.

    II. Karakter yang diharapkan1. Displin

    2. Bertanggung jawab

  • 8/2/2019 RPP LOLA


    III. Materi Pembelajaran1. TEXT EXPLORER: PROCEDURE


    Read the text below and answer the questions.

    How To Make An Omelette

    Materials: three eggs, teaspoon salt and pepper

    a. First, break three eggs into a bowl.

    b. Season with salt and pepper.

    c. Then, beat the eggs.

    d. Heat some oil in a frying pan.

    e. Next, pour the mixture into a pan

    f. Cook the omelette.

    g. Finally fold the omelette.

    Part of the text

    The previous text informs and directs someone on how to do something, or how to

    achieve a goal. It is a procedural text. It usually has three main parts, goal, list of

    materials (not always needed) and a series of steps.

    Goal : It is something to achieve.

    Materials : Things needed to achieve the goal.

    Steps : Activities to achieve the goal.

    Read the following text and identify the text parts (goal, materials and steps).

    How to make a cup of tea

    Materials : water, 1 spoon tea, some sugar

    a. First, boil some water in the kettle.

    b. Then, put a spoon of tea in the teapot.

    c. Fill the teapot with boiling water.

    d. Leave for a few minutes.

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    e. Next, pour the tea into the cup.

    f. Finally, put some sugar into the cup and stir.

    Describing Clothes

    Look at the picture and complete the description.

    IV. Metode PembelajaranSnowball drilling

    V. Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran1. Pertemuan pertama

    a. Kegiatan awal.

    - Guru membagi 2 kelompok untuk mebahas materi yang akan dijelaskan oleh guru.

    - Guru membagi tugas kepada masing-masing kelompok.

    b. Kegiatan inti

    - Guru memberikan pertanyaan tentang materi yang akan dijelaskan kepada murid.

    - Murid Melakukan diskusi kelompok tentang materi.

    c. Eksplorasi

    - Murid menyelesaikan tugas diskusi kelompok yang diberikan oleh guru.

    - Murid menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru.

    d. Konfirmasi

    - Murid saling bertukar informasi dibantu oleh guru.

    e. Kegiatan akhir

    - Guru menyimpulkan materi pelajaran dengan bertanya kembali kepada siswa.

    VI. Media/Bahan/Sumber BelajarMedia : Kertas Peraga

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    Bahan : Buku pegangan guru dan siswa

    Sumber belajar : 1.

    VII. Tugas1. Tugas terstruktur

    VIII. Penilaian1. Teknik : media

    2. Bentuk Instrumen : text, picture

    3. soal

    1. Read the text below and answer the questions.



    Read the text below and answer the questions.

    How To Make An Omelette

    Materials: three eggs, teaspoon salt and pepper

    a. First, break three eggs into a bowl.

    b. Season with salt and pepper.

    c. Then, beat the eggs.

    d. Heat some oil in a frying pan.

    e. Next, pour the mixture into a pan

    f. Cook the omelette.

    g. Finally fold the omelette.


    1. What is the goal of the text?

    2. What are the materials?

    3. How many steps are there?

    4. What is the function of this text?

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    2. Read the following text and identify the text parts (goal, materials and steps).

    How to make a cup of tea

    Materials : water, 1 spoon tea, some sugar

    a. First, boil some water in the kettle.

    b. Then, put a spoon of tea in the teapot.

    c. Fill the teapot with boiling water.

    d. Leave for a few minutes.

    e. Next, pour the tea into the cup.

    f. Finally, put some sugar into the cup and stir.

    3. Describing Clothes

    Look at the picture and complete the description.

    Kunci jawaban:

    1. 1. The goal of this text is how to make an omelette.2. The materials are: three eggs, teaspoon salt, and pepper.

    3. There are 7 steps in the text.

    4. The function of this text is to know and inform how the procedure of making an


    2. Goal : How to make a cup of teaMaterials : Water, 1 spoon tea, some sugar

    a. First, boil some water in the kettle.

    b. Then, put a spoon of tea in the teapot.

    c. Fill the teapot with boiling water.

    d. Leave for a few minutes.

    e. Next, pour the tea into the cup.

    f. Finally, put some sugar into the cup and stir.

    3. sesuai jawaban siswa

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    - Dina is wearing a red t-shirt, a white blazer, a black jeans and red shoes.

    - Rendi is wearing a blue hat, light blue t-shirt, black jacket, dark blue jeans and brown


    Pedoman Penskoran:

    Menjawab pertanyaan

    Uraian Skor

    Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2

    Makna benar, tata bahasa salah 1

    Makna salah, tata bahasa salah 0

    Nilai maksimal : 10

    Menjawab pertanyaan

    Uraian Skor

    Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2

    Makna benar, tata bahasa salah 1

    Makna salah, tata bahasa salah 0

    Nilai maksimal : 10

    Membuat kalimat

    Uraian Skor

    Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2

    Makna benar, tata bahasa salah 1

    Makna benar, tata bahasa salah 0

    Nilai maksimal : 10


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    Senin, 19 Maret 2012