Download - Radang akut


  • RADANG AKUTPerubahan vaskuler a. Perubahan aliran dan ukuran pembuluh darah b. Peningkatan permeabilitas vaskulerPeristiwa seluler: ekstravasasi leukosit dan fagositosis a. Adhesi dan transmigrasi b. Kemotaksis dan aktivasi leukosit Outline

  • c. Fagositosis (pengenalan, perlekatan, pelahapan dan degradasi)d. Pengeluaran produk leukosite. Defek fungsi leukosit

  • Jejas pada sel

  • RADANG AKUTMerupakan respon langsung dan dini terhadap jejasDitandai perubahan sirkulasi mikro, eksudasi cairan dan transmigrasi leukosit dari pembuluh darah ke tempat jejas

  • CARDINAL SIGNRuborCalorTumorDolorFunctio laesa

  • ISTILAH-ISTILAHEksudasiEksudatTransudatEdemaPus

  • PERUBAHAN VASKULERPerubahan kaliber pembuluh darah dan aliran darah a. Vasodilatasi b. Perlambatan sirkulasi c. StasisPeningkatan permiabilitas vaskuler (vascular leakage)

  • Mekanisme terjadinya vascular leakageKontraksi endotel (histamin,bradikinin, lekotrin)Reorganisasi sitoskeleton (sitokin)Jejas langsungLeakage diperantarai leukositLeakage dari endotel regeneratif

  • PERISTIWA SEL DARAH PUTIHMarginasi, rolling, adhesiTransmigrasi (diapedesis)Migrasi menuju stimulus kemotaktik

  • Peristiwa sel darah putih

  • Adhesi leukosit pada endotel

  • Interaksi endotel neutrofil

  • TRANSMIGRASITerjadi sepanjang interseluler junctionTergantung umur lesi dan tipe stimulusNeutrofil (6-24 jam)Monosit (24-48 jam)Pseudomonas (neutrofil ~ 2-4 hari)Virus ~ limfositHipersensitivitas ~ eosinofil

  • Reaksi radang akut

  • Peristiwa Sel Darah Putih

  • Ikatan ligan-reseptorIkatan ligan-reseptor

  • FAGOSITOSISPengenalan dan perlekatanPelahapanPembunuhan atau degradasi

  • FagositosisFcC3NADPHNADP+Oksidase aktifSITOPLASMAVAKUOLA FAGOSITIKOksidase sitoplasmikOksidase membranGranula spesifik

  • PENGELUARAN PRODUK LEUKOSITTerdiri dari : E. lisosom, metabolit aktif O2, prostalglandin dan lekotrin.

  • DEFEK FUNGSI LEUKOSITLebih rentan terhadap infeksiGenetik : a. LAD tipe1,2 (defisiensi molekul adhesi) b. CGD (defisiensi NADPH oksidase) c. Chediak-Higashi S. (neutrofenia, defektif degranulasi, perlambatan pembunuhan bakteri)

  • Didapat : a. Kemotaksis : febris, diabetes , sepsis, immunodefisiensi b. Adhesi : hemodialisis, DM c. Fagositosis, aktivitas mikrobisidal : leukemia, anemia, sepsis, diabetes, neonatus, malnutrisi

  • MANIFESTASI KLINIK(SISTEMIK)Febris : pirogen dan prostalglandinPerubahan hitung sel darah putih perifer - Neutrofil leukositosis - Neutropenia, limfositosisPerubahan protein plasma C-reactive protein, antitrypsin, fibrinogen, haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin

  • RINGKASANReaksi radang akut :Aliran darah meningkat (dilatasi arteriol)Permeabilitas meningkat (interendotel junction melebar, jejas langsung endotel)

  • Neutrofil (adhesi, transmigrasi, migrasi ke tempat jejas)FagositosisProduk leukosit

  • Dr.NK Sungowati

  • Acute Inflammation. A capillary surrounded by PMN leucocyte in are of inflammation.

  • Purulent exudate in some alveoli of the lung (left). Alveoli to the right are dilated as compensatory measure for the obstruction of alveoli on the left.

  • Alveolar exudate. Leucocytes in the alveoli together with strands of fibrin. Venules in the alveolar walls are dilated as part of the inflammatory response.

  • Fibrinous exudate. Pink staining threads of fibrin with leucocytes in alveoli. The vessels are dilated.

  • Pus. Section of skin showing an accumulation of the pus (pustule) in the epidermis. This is often seen in impetigo which superficial infection caused by coccal bacteria.

  • Purulent exudate. The edge of an ulcer in the colon. Damaged colonic epithelium is seen on the left and purulent exudate in the base of the ulcer on the right.

  • Fibrinopurulent exudate. The wall of an ulcer showing fibrinopurulent exudate on the surface (top) and newly formed vessels (granulation tissue) deeper down.

  • Acute inflammation. Section of heart muscle an visceral pericardium showing pink layer of fibrin on the surface. Inflammatory cells and dilated vessels are present in the underlying connective tissue.

  • Acute inflammation. Visceral pericardium. Movement of the heart in pericardial sac causes strands of fibrin to project into the lumen of the pericardial sac.

  • Plasma cells and mast cells

  • Mast cells with fibroblast on the right. The mast cell granules have stain bright red with solachrome cyanin.

  • Mast cell granules also stain bright blue with toluidine blue.

  • Eosinofil leucocyte.