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Interview & Test Preparation Untuk Perawat

Program Perekrutan dan Penempatan

ke negara-negara Arab Teluk (Gulf Countries)


R. Ari Hidayat

PT Bidar Timur Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630

Tel. +62218001987 Fax. +62218014020

[email protected] FB: Bidar Timur

Twitter: Bidar Timur

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Greeting & Introduction

Berikut adalah pertanyaan-pertanyan yang paling sering dilontarkan seorang pewawancara. Karena e-book ini ditujukan untuk perawat yang berminat ke Arab Saudi dan Kuwait, susunan bahasa Inggris yang ditulis di sini kami usahakan mendekati bahasa yang biasa digunakan perwawancara.

Tanya : T Jawab : B

1. T: How do you do? J: How do you do

2. T: How are you? J: I'm fine! I feel good/Great, thank you

3. T: What's your name? What is your good name? Your name please? J: My name is……..

4. T:What's your address? Where do you live? J: I live at ….(sebut alamat lengkap dalam bahasa Indonesia)

5. T: When were you born? J: I was born in Solo, August 1st, 1988

6. T: What your status? What is your marital status? J: I'm single / married

7. T: How old are you? What's your age? Your age please? J: I'm twenty five years old

8. T: What are your parent's names? J: My father's name is..../ My mother's is

9. T: Are you not sad to leave them? (Anda tak sedih meninggalkan mereka) J: Off course I am. But my family gives me support. (Tentu saja. Tapi keluarga saya member sup-port)

10. T: What's your latest education (pendidikan terakhir)? J: Raharja Institute of Health Science (STIKES Raharja)

11. T: What year did you graduate/pass? (tahun berapa lulus). J: I graduated/passed at 2009/2010

12. T: Do you have job experience? J: Yes, I have. T: Tell me your job experience! J: I have been staff nurse of Karawang General Hospital from 2003 up to now T: What department had you been worked/in charge (bekerja/bertugas)? J: l had been worked/in charge at medical surgical ward/ at paediatric ward (atau nama bangsal lainnya, tempat Anda bertugas ...)

13. T: What is the most case you find in your ward/department? J: Road accident

14. T: What is the medication you find most in your ward/department? J: (Sebutkan nama obat-obatan yang paling sering digunakan di ruang dimana Anda bertugas)

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15. T: Why do you quit/stop from (berhenti) your job before? J: (Sebut alasan mengapa Anda berhenti dari pekerjaan sebelumnya)

16. T: Tell me about you! J: (Ceritakan tentang kehidupan Anda. Dan berbagai segi, hobi, orang tua, tanah kelahiran, atau-pun yang lainnya. Makin banyak, makin bagus, sebab pertanyaan seperti ini bila dilontarkan seo-rang pewawancara, ia ingin mengetahui kedalaman bahasa Inggris Anda !)

17. T: How much do you want for your salary! J: I want 4500 reals / I want 5000 reals

18. T: Why do you think you deserve to get big salary? (mengapa Anda menganggap Anda pantas mendapat gaji setinggi itu). J: I have good experience in paediatric. More than 5 years.

19. T: How much is your salary here? J: (Sebut jumlah gaji tapi jangan bilang dengan standar yang rendah)

20. T: Tell me your hospital capacity/bed size! How many beds it has? (Seberapa besar kapasitas rumah sakit tempat Anda bekerja!) J: (Sebut kapasitas pasien rumah sakit dimana Anda bekerja)

21. Bila pertanyaan yang dilontarkan kurang jelas, Anda bisa meminta pengulangan dengan berka-ta," Pardon?"

Pertanyaan Tentang Tindakan Keperawatan

Pertanyaan pertanyaan berikut adalah tentang kasus keperawatan. Biasanya pewawancara akan mena-nyai di bagian apa Anda bekerja di suatu rumah sakit. Misalnya Anda menjawab pengalaman Anda di ICU, biasanya mereka akan banyak bertanya tentang kasus di ICU yang paling sering Anda temui di tem-pat kerja Anda, obat-obatan apa saja yang biasa digunakan, juga kasus-kasus unik dan bagaimana Anda mengatasinya.

Titik-titik yang ada pada setiap pertanyaan harus Anda isi dengan berbagai kasus. nama penyakit, atau-pun qejala. Selain harus mampu menjawab dengan bahasa Inqgris yang baik Anda juga dituntut rnembe-rikan jawaban sesuai standar dan teori yang pemah Anda pelajari. Sulit? Memang! Tapi Anda tak perlu khawatir kami telah menyediakan keranqka jawabannya dan bisa dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan. Kecuali pertanyaan no 5 ke bawah, jawaban harus Anda rangkai sendiri dan bisa diambil dari kerangka jawaban sebelumnya. Bahkan bila kerangka jawaban Anda dalam bahasa Inggris salah namun Anda menjawab dengan istilah medis yang benar, sebagaian besar pewawancara akan meloloskan Anda.

1. T: How do you treat (trit/merawat) a patient with….(nama penyakit)? J: I will check vital sign and ask the patient what he/she has consumed and after that, collabo-rate with the doctor.

2. T: What action needed (nided/diperlukan) to treat a patient who has diarrhea ( atau nama pe-nyakit lainnya) when firstly admitted to your ward (saat pertama kali masuk ke bangsal Anda)? J: I will …….& ……..

3. T: What the nursing care of a patient with………(nama penyakit)/syndrome?

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J: We need to ……….. not to…. 4. T: What action should you take when you find a primigravida pregnant woman lying in her bed,

pushing and clutching (menekan-nekan perutnya ) her abdomen? J: I will suggest her (saya akan mengatakan pada pasien) ……….

5. What's your priority when a patient admits (edmit/masuk bangsal) with.....(nama penya-kit)/symptom?

6. What will / would you do to a patient with………(name penyakit/gejala {symptom}) on his/her admisson (pada saat awal masuk bangsal)?

7. What priority when admitting semiconscious (semikanses / setengah sadar) patient who has de-veloped stroke? (stroke lanjut)

8. What is the most common disease (kamen disis / penyakit umum) of infant (bayi) / of toddler (balita yang baru belajar jalan)/of children you've found in your hospital/clinic ?

9. Mention the symptoms of…….(nama penyakit) ! 10. Mention the earlist signs (erlis sain/sebutkan tanda-tanda awal) of…….(nama penyakit) ! 11. T: What must you be aware (e'we:r/waspadai) when a patient admits with......... (nama penya-

kit) complains that he/ she feels pain in his/her................. (menyebut rasa sakit pada bagian ter-tentu di tubuhnya) J: I must be aware (ewe:r/mewaspadai) if he/she/Mr.../Mrs.../Miss .... has (terkena). (Contoh: I must be aware if Mr. Ahmad has problem with his blood sugar.

12. If a 69 years old man has……….(nama penyakit). What symptoms (simte'm/gejala) he will proba-bly have?

13. What assessment should be made (med/dibuat) before a patient has the.... (nama tera-pi/pemeriksaan)!

14. What assessment should be made when a patient complains he/she has pain in his/her…..(nama anggota/organ tubuh) !

15. T: What dietary modification (bentuk diet) should you give to hypertensive patient! J: I will provide (menyediakan) him/her the diet as the doctor told/ordered me.

16. What should you prepare (priper/menyiapkan) when a patient with severe (sefer/parah) diarr-hea admits?

17. What is CPR? 18. How do you manage (menej/melakukan) CPR?

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Contoh-Contoh Kalimat Jawaban

Di bawah ini adalah contoh sebahagian kalimat yang digunakan untuk menjawab. Kalimat-kalimat ini dapat Anda kombinasikan, disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi jawaban yang tepat bagi perta-nyaan-pertanyaan cliatas.

1. I will assess the vital sign (Saya akan mengkaji tanda-tanda vital) 2. I will observe the vital sign (Saya akan mengamati tanda-tanda vital) 3. I will check vital sign (Saya akan mengecek tanda-tanda vital) 4. I will monitor vital sign (Saya akan memonitor tanda-tanda vital) 5. I will ask the patient what tablet he/she has taken for these few days. (Saya akan tanya pada pa-

sien tablet apa yang die minum selama beberapa hari beblakangan) 6. I will put the patient in comfortable position (saya akan meletakkan pasien dalarn posisi yang

nyaman) 7. I will apply/perform oxygen therapy as ordered (Saya akan melakukan terapi oksigen sesuai pe-

rintah) 8. I will administer/give medicine/drug as ordered ( Saya akan bed obat sesuai perintah) 9. I will provide the patient with low salt, low fat, low sugar and high fibre diet. (Saya akan membe-

ri pasien diet rendah garam, lemak, gula dan tinggi serat. 10. I will put patient in semi fowler position. 11. I will determine whether the patient has eaten or not (Saya akan mencari tahu apakah pasien

sudah makan atau belum) 12. I will asses the patient's family history (Saya akan mengkaji riwayat penyakit keluarga pasien) 13. I will collabarate with the physician/doctor/lab. 14. I will asses / determine the level of consiousnes/pain of the patient. 15. I will pull on the chateter (Saya akan memasang kateter) 16. I will make new dressing once a days (Saya akan ganti perban luka tiga hari sekali)

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Contoh Kalimat-Kalimat Laporan Pada Dokter

Kalimat-kalirnat berikut adalah contoh kalimat yang mungkin Anda ucapkan saat bertugas. Kami menggunakan terjemahan bebas. Perhatikan, tell = bercerita (bhs. kamus), tapi dalam terjemahan babas bisa kita artikan, tell= bilang. Contoh lainnya, work = bekera (bhs. kamus), terjemahan lainnya bisa berarti 'manjur'. Contoh: The tab-let he has taken is not working (tablet yang dia minum tidak manjut). Have, has = mempunyai (bhs ka-mus), terjemahan bebasnya, have = terkena, mengidap.

1. He tells me (bilang sama says) that he has headache (bahwa dia sakit kepala) for last three days (tiga hail terakhir). He's taken pills but (dia sudah minum obat tapi ) they doesn't work (obatnya tidak manjur).

2. Mrs. Ali keeps complaining (Ny. All terus mengeluh) she always feels nausea (dia selalu mum) every after taking the medicine (setiap kali minum obat).

3. I asked him (says sudah tanya dia) whether he'd (apakah dia) taken another medication (minum obat lain) without order (tanpa perintah). He replied no (dia bilang tidak) , but I don't believe his words (tap/ says tidak percaya)

4. Mr. All has been unconscious (Pak All sudah tidak sadai) four times all this day (4 X dalam satu hari kw).

5. He's pale, (dia pucat) all the vital signs are abnormal (tanda-tanda vitalnya tidak noimai). 6. Mr. Ali complains (Pak All mengeluh) of pain (nyen) in his left chest (di dada kin). I've adminis-

tered the ordered tablets (says sudah bed obat sesual penntah) but he says (tapi dia bilang) they only relieve pain (obatnya cuma meredakan nyen) for few days (selama beberapa hari).

7. She has insomnia and fatigue all the week (Dia mengalami insomnia dan nyeri selama seminggu belakangan).

8. Mr. All has cough (batuk), dizzy, feeling chest pain, restlessness (gelisah) and drowsiness (selalu mengantuk) sometimes lassitude (tiredness, lamas).

9. She insists (rnemaksa) to take (membawa) her mother home. She's hopeless (dia putus asa). 10. I have released (melepaskan) the traction on the catheter as ordered. You can't blame (Anda tak

dapat menyalahkan) me. 11. I have checked vital signs and drawn blood (mengambi darah) of Mr. Ali.7 12. The patient only wants to talk to you directly (Pasiennya hanya mau bicara langsung pada Anda),

he doesn't let us do our job (dia tak mau kami tangent). 13. He probably has (Dia mungkin kena) he has stomachache, nausea (must) and vomiting some-

times(kadang kadang muntah). 14. Mrs. All has blurred vision (pandangan mate Pak All kabur), felt dizzy especially (pusing teruta-

ma) when watching TV (ketika menonton tv). 15. The treatment (perawatan) and medication (pengobatan) work (beg:318n) as expected (seba-

gaimana yang diharapkan). He only complains of pain when urinating (die hanya mengeluh seat berkemih).

16. He interrupts (dia rnenyela) the period of medication (mesa pengobatan). He's sure (dia yak/n) he's totally cured (die sudah sembuh total). When I warn him (seat says mengingatkan dia)

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about the danger (tentang bahayanya), he doesn't care (die tak pedult). He thinks (die kira) I've frightened him (saya menakut-nakuti).

17. Mr. Ahmad has a relapse (Pak Ahmad kambuh lagt). He seemed (kelihatannya) not to restrict (die tidak menghindan / berpantangan) from consuming stimulating food (menyantap makanan yang menstimulasi penyakitnya).

Kata Kerja (verba)

Kata kerja (Verb) berikut kami rangkum dari empat jenis soal test yang diadakan oleh Ministry of Health (Kementerian Kesehatan) berbagai negara Arab. Susunan kata kerja (verb) ini bukan kamus, karenanya tidak ditulis sesuai urutan alfabet. Kami hanya mengambil kata dan member contoh penggunaanya un-tuk memperkaya kosa kata Anda. Kami juga menyertakan contoh kalimat penggunaannya.

1. Use (yus): guna, pakai. Use your glove! 2. Utilize (yutilais): guna, manfaat. We only utilize band-aid to stop bleeding and it works. 3. Attach (e'taec): cantel. Attach this in the bed frame! Cantelkan di kerangka ranjang. 4. Hang (heng): gantung. Just hang it on the wall ! Provide (profaid): sedia. I have provided all

medicine for Mr. Ali as ordered by doctor Hasan. 5. Pull on: pasang. Pull on traction stirrup attached to the skin 6. Support: dukung, sangga. It must be supported on a chair 7. Lower: buat rendah. Lower the traction! That's too high 8. Touch (ta:c): sentuh. Be careful with her leg, not touching on the bed 9. Concern (konsen): perhatian. You have to concern and prevent the atony of the bladder. 10. Prevent: cegah. Prevent him from walking around. 11. Observe: amati. What have you observed ? Is he ok ? 12. Refer: turut, rujuk. Refer to the doctor orders I administer the patient with medicine once a day. 13. Avoid: cegah, jauhi. Avoid watering your head! 14. Change (ceng): ubah, ganti. Change ner bandage every 12 hours! 15. Develop: kembang, maju. His health develops to better condition 16. Occur (oku:r): terjadi. DM sometimes occurs without known cause 17. Cause: sebab. It will probably cause vomiting. When this happen don't get panic! 18. Respond: respon. The pills didn't respond to Mr. All condition. His temperature keeps high. 19. Restrict: pantang. You're restricted from the consumption of high sugar snake. 20. Reduce (redus): kurangi. Reduce the dose of medicine up to it half. Madam Fatimah is getting

better. 21. Establish: membina. You'd better establish healthier eating habit. You consume too much fatty

food. 22. Examine: periksa. All women should examine their own breasts to detect the presence of lump 23. Eliminate (eliminet): lenyap. It only eliminates the pain, no healing effect 24. Dislogde (disloj): keluar. The only way is to dislodge the blood from it. 25. Promote: tingkat. You must take a rest. Do nothing for a week. Stay in bed. It will promote your

health. 26. Decrease (dikris): turun. Eating much greens & fruits can decrease your cholesterol.

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27. Increase (inkris): naik. Increase your health with enough exercise 28. Become (bikam): jadi. Be aware of your blood pressure. Don't let it become worse. 29. Obstruct (obstrak): halang. Your bad habit will obstruct the medication 30. Clot: beku. Blood in his hand has clotted 31. Contain (konten): isi. The patient's diet contains too much roughage 32. Care (ke:r): rawat, perhatian. Don't worry, Sir. We all care the patient as the doctor's orders. 33. Require (rikwaye): perlu. Cure requires medicine and patience 34. Result (rise!): hasil. Taking pills following doctor's order will result as expected 35. Return (rete'n): kembali. The patient has returned to his room following a bronchoscopy and bi-

opsy. 36. Stay flat (stei flet): baring diam. Mr. Ali must stay flat in bed at least for three days. 37. Encourage (inkaurej): beri semangat/saran. Encourage him to cough frequently 38. Evaluate (evaluet): evaluasi. Have you evaluated the patient this morning? 39. Detect: deteksi. I detect the presence of _______symptoms. 40. Admit: masuk bangsal. Mrs. Ali admitted last night 41. Discharge (disca:g): keluar bangsal. Mr. Ali will discharge to other ward in few day if no symptom

emerges 42. Maintain (menten): pelihara. All we have to do first is maintaining his respiratory and cardiac

function. 43. Prepare (priper): siap, sedia. You must prepare Mr. All for CAT scan! 44. Reassure (riessu:): meyakinkan. Reassure the patient that the procedure he's - going to follow is

noninvasive 45. Explain: jelas. Has the doctor explained you the positive and negative risk of following this thera-

py? 46. Withhold: tidak memberi. Withhold all newspaper and television from Mr. Ali. He must be relax. 47. Vomit: muntah. She vomits almost whole night 48. Clarify (klarifai): menjelaskan. I'm sorry, Madam I can tell you about this, the doctor himself will

clarify. 49. Scratch (skrec): garuk. Even though you feel itch don't ever scratch! 50. Insert: sisip,masuk. The doctor orders include inserting nasogastric tube 51. Allow (e'lou): izin, mungkin. This will allow for feeding the patient in the immediate post opera-

tive period 52. Heal (hil): sembuh. This pills will heal your headache. Take it. 53. Consider: timbang. We must consider the possible outcome of procedure. 54. Offer: tawar. Offer him soft diet, don't ever give roughage 55. Keep (kip): jaga, terus. Keep Mr. Ali in upright position 56. Place (ples): tempat. You must not place him on his affected side 57. Teach (tic): ajar. Have you taught Mrs. Ali about toe nail care? 58. Cut: potong, luka. Cut the bandage! The cut keep on bleeding 59. Apply (e'plai): oles, tabur. Apply the powder every time you have showered him. 60. Undergo (ande'go): jalani. She has undergone subtotal thyroidectomy 61. Asses: taksir, kaji. You must asses before you give me reports

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62. Recover (rikave:): pulih. He has recovered from anesthesia 63. Injure: cedera. The victim of accident has injured in almost every part of his body 64. Diagnose: diagnosa. Mrs. Ali is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 65. Wear (we:r): pakai pakaian. Tell her to wear loose and warm clothing 66. Monitor: memantau. You have monitored intake and output of Mr. Ali? 67. Ask: tanya. Ask him whether he has taken medication without orders? 68. Initiate: mulai, prakarsa. This medicine will initiate specific chemical reaction in patient's body to

kill bacteria 69. Loosen (lusen): longgar. Loosen his tight pants/trousers 70. Treat (trit): rawat. Treat your mother carefully. Watch her food and drinks 71. Experience: mengalami. Mrs. Fatima has been experiencing intermitent vaginal bleeding for a

month 72. Stimulate: rangsang. The therapy has stimulated her to move slowly 73. Due to: karena, akan. Do you know the signs and symptom of circulatory collapse due to hypovo-

lemia? 74. Perform: melakukan, tampil. Perform tracheal suction right after this! 75. Adapt: adaptasi. The patient adapt his environment quickly. 76. Expect: harap, ramal. I expect he will get better within few days. 77. Excoriate: muncul bercak merah. His diaper area is red and excoriated. 78. Impair: merusak. The cigarette will impair your health surely 79. Have a relapse: kambuh. Mr. Johan has had a relapse on and on. He won't be totally recovered. 80. Move (muv): gerak. Don't move your hand. Be a patient please, it only take a minutes 81. Remove: pindahkan. The urinetary catheter can be removed 82. Strengthen: menguatkan. The exercise will strengthen your muscle 83. Suspect (saspek): duga. He's admitted to hospital because of colon cancer is suspected 84. Schedule: jadual. Mr. All is scheduled for IVP 85. Elevate: naik. His temperature elevates 86. Tape (tep): ikat , balut. Tape the catheter tightly to his thigh! 87. Excrete: keluar. Mr. Ali's urine excreted 900 ml last night 88. Try: coba. You must try not to move for a week. Stay in bed. 89. Discover: menemukan. She discovers a small lump in her right breast 90. Consent: setuju. Mrs. Ali consents to the surgery 91. Pat: lap, menyeka. Pat her thigh dry to avoid irritating the skin 92. Receive (resif): terima. He has received intravenous fluids 93. Add: tambah. Potassium chloride is to be added to his intravenous fluids 94. Regulate: atur. It's aimed to regulate his fluid intake 95. Rest: istirahat. Fasting aimed to rest our digestive tract 96. Lessen: berkurang. His diarrhea has lessened 97. Cleanse: bersih. Cleansing his diaper area with........after each stool 98. Wash: cuci. Wash the affected area with water and....every 2 hours 99. Plan: rencana. They plan to do surgery for Mr. Ali tonight 100. Gain: raih, capai. He has gained 10 oz. since admission

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101. Feed (fid): beri makan. I feed him before he goes to sleep 102. Scream (skrim): teriak. He screamed when watching me holding the needle 103. Record: rekam, catat. I have recorded Mrs. All's intake and output 104. Prescribe (preskraib): resep obat. Neomycin is prescribed for Mrs. Ali 105. Convert (knave:t): mengubah. It converts bilirubin into urobilinogen 106. Assure (essu:r): meyakinkan. You must assure his family that the therapy will make his con-

dition better 107. Indicate (indiket): menunjukkan. What symptom that indicates he has ......? 108. Improve (impruf): membaik. Her condition improves. She regains consciousness 109. Raise (res): angkat. Raise her head to help her sitting 110. Handle (hende'l): tangani. Handle Mr. Ali carefully. 111. Differentiate (diferentiet): membedakan. How do you differentiate between Braxton-Hicks

contraction and true labor? 112. Obtain: dapat , ambil. Obtain her blood pressure 113. Hold: pegang, tahan. Take a deep breath and hold it. Release. 114. Deliver: antar, melahirkan. You deliver a girl, Madam Ali. 115. Attend (etten): datang, mengunjungi. Have you attended your doctor before? 116. Have available (hef evailabel): sediakan. You have to have available all this medicine at your

bed side 117. Withdraw: tank. The drug can't be withdrawn abruptly 118. Crown (krawn): nongol. After 2 contractions the baby's head is crowning 119. Pant: mengejan. Mrs. Ali keeps panting for more than one hour! 120. Progress: berikembang. The involution is progressing normally 121. Note: catat. I've noted that the temperature, pulse and respireration are in normal range. 122. Accompany: menemani. The mother accompanies her 123. Rise (reis): naik. Her blood pressure has risen from 90/60 to 120/86 124. Have trouble: terganggu. Mrs. Ali has trouble with her vision 125. Choke (cok): keselak. Suddenly the baby begins to cough and choke 126. Bring: bawa. He was brought to psychiatric unit by police 127. Collide (kelaid): bertabrakan. His motorcyde collided with a truck 128. Immobilize (immobelais): tak dpt gerak. He's immobilized, we must lift him. 129. Replenish: isi kembali. Have you replenished the medicines? 130. Beat (bit): detak. His heart stop beating 131. Suffer (saffer): menderita. The baby suffers from labor breathing 132. Revive (rivaif): sadar, bangkit. She revives after one day unconsciousness 133. Come up: sadar. The patient has come up 134. Pronounce: menyatakan. The doctor pronounces that he'll get paralized 135. Straigthen: luruskan. Straighten her leg! 136. Trap (trep) jebak. They were trapped in fire 137. Catch on fire (kec on faye): terjebak dalam kebakaran. He caught on fire but he survived 138. Lift: angkat. They lift Mr. Ali to the bed 139. Tear (ti:r): robek. Tear her t shirt with scissors

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140. Protect: lindung. Protect your skin from directing sun light! 141. Get hot: jadi panas. Her body gets hotter and hotter 142. Sweat (swet): keringat. She sweats all night long 143. Save (sef): selamat. He probably cannot be saved 144. Fall (fol): jatuh. Miss Aliyah fell from 2nd floor 145. Worsen: bertambah buruk. Her condition worsens, the doctor has given up 146. Detonate: bertambah buruk. His condition detonates 147. Tend: cenderung. Mr. Ali tends to refuse all medication. 148. Endorse (endor:s): menyarankan. Have you taken the tablet as endorsed by the doctor? 149. Sign (sain): tanda tangan. You sign here, Sir. 150. Bum (ber:n): terbakar. The fire burnt his upper left leg 151. Take: butuh waktu. It takes only 2 days care hospitalization 152. Radiate: sebar. Her breast cancer has radiated into lung and liver 153. Regain: kembali dapat. She regains consciousness 154. Remain: tetap. But her left side remains paralyzed 155. Irradiate: tak teradiasi. Cover the irradiated area to avoid irritating 156. Unaffect: tak kena penyakit. Place the patient on the unaffected side. 157. Associate: kira. The pain associated with a heart attack is much more severe 158. Adjust: sejajar. Adjust her head with her bed. Use no pillow! 159. Swell: bengkak. Her gum is swelling and bleeding 160. Count: hitung. I have counted her respirations 161. Clamp: jepit. Keep the supra pubic catheter clamped except for 20 to 30 minutes g. 3 h. 162. Lie down: baring. Tell him to lie down and breathe normally 163. Carry out: lakukan. Before carrying out the procedure, tell the patient not to do anything at

least 6 hours before 164. Postpone/delay: tunda. We cannot postpone/delay the procedure. It's urgent! 165. Restrain: kendali. You must restrain your legs don't move too much 166. Grow: tumbuh. The cancer cells grow rapidly 167. Lack of: kurang. You lack of moving, you've sit too much 168. Threaten: ancam. Driving carelessly may threaten your life 169. Advise: nasehat. I advised the parent to give their child oral polio vaccine 170. Tinge: warna samar. Pink tinged urine 171. Have period: datang bulan. She has had period regularly 172. Tape: balut. Tape a sterile dressing over the area! 173. Draw in: masuk sesuatu dgn alat suntik. The nurse draws in her patient 174. Draw off: keluar sesuatu dgn alat suntik. Have you drawn off her blood? 175. Bulg: tonjol. Her perineum is bulging 176. Miss: hilang. I'll check her for missing placental cotyledons 177. Behave: tingkah. She behas like she doesn’t have any disease 178. Escort = accompany: kawal, temani. Escort her back to her room 179. Rub: menggosok-gosok. She rubbed the balm in her back

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Kata Benda (nomina) dan Kata Sifat (Adjective)

Sama seperti karta kerja (verb/kk) di atas, kata benda (nomina/kata benda) dan kata sifat (adjective/kata sifat) ini kami rangkum dari soal, test yang diadakan Ministry of Health (Kementenan Kesehatan) berba-gai negara Arab.

Singkatan kb = kata benda, ks = kata sifat. Tanda >< berarti lawan kata.

1. Anxiety (kb): kegelisahan/Anxious (ks): gelisah. The therapy only reduces anxiety. The new ad-mission patient is so anxious

2. Main (ks) = primary (ks): utama. The main purpose of the treatment is to decrease ...... 3. Anger (kb): kemarahan / Angry (ks): marah. He comes back in anger / She's angry with her son. 4. Adequate (ks) = satisfactory = sufficient: memadai, cukup. Circulation of blood to brain must be

adequate/The treatment ends with satisfactory result/The medicine is only sufficient for five days.

5. Gown (kb): jubah. Wear gown and gloves during patient contact 6. Precaution (kb): Peringatan. Remember all the precaution when you want to have contact with

Hepatitis B patient. 7. Reason (kb): alasan. What is very likely reason when stoma of colostomy becomes lighter and

blanched in color? 8. Injury (kb) = wound (kb,kk): cedera, luka. The victim of accident has gotten serious injury espe-

cially in the head / Open wounds in the chest require immediate 1st aid 9. Awake (ks) = conscious: sadar. Even she has severe bleeding, she's fully awake Mr. All is still con-

scious, he even knows his family member. 10. Initial (ks): awal. What's your initial action when you a meet patient with ........ 11. Weight (kb) = Heavy (ks): berat. His weight is over 100 kg / She's even heavier than her husband 12. Compression (kb): tekanan. This means to prevent compression to spinal cord 13. Pulse (kb): denyut nadi. Change in rate and rhythm of the pulse is one of the signs of..... 14. Nerve (kb): nervous (ks): syaraf, hal yang berkaitan dengan syaraf, gemetar. Nerve is bundle of

fibres carrying feeling and impulses between brain and all part of the body / The nervous system is one of……

15. Habit (kb): kebiasaan. The patient must establish better eating habit or the disease gets worse 16. Amount (kb): jumlah. The amount of HCL in the stomach will decrease if...... 17. Tight (ks) = constrictive (ks): ketat. Loose her trousers! It's too tight! 18. Upper (ks)>< Lower (ks): atas >< bawah: Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract called

/It will radiate to lower extremity, we will do surgery now. 19. Internal (kb) >< external (ks): dalam >< luar. Don't worry no external incision will be seen/ Inter-

nal disease can be detected earlier only by…….. 20. Exam (kb) = examination (kb): uji, pemeriksaan. You must explain all the preparation to the pa-

tient before CAT scan. The exam requires many conditions 21. Excessive (ks): berlebihan. Excessive pressure on suture line must be avoided

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22. Development (kb): perkembangan. Cancer development sometimes realized when it has spread to surrounding organs

23. Outcome (kb) = result (kb,kk): hasil. l Have you told the patient about the outcome of the proce-dure ? / The Ali's asks me about the result of their father x-ray exam

24. Ability (kb) >< disability (kb): kemampuan>< ketidakmampuan. Mr. Ali has no ability to do his needs by himself >< The disability of speaking is caused by brain damage

25. Omiting (kb,kk) = leave out: pantangan. Patient preparation for electrcencephalography include omitting, for 24 hours before the test are ……… and …….

26. Constituent (kb) = elemen, unsur. Tell me the normal constituents of urine! 27. Attack (kb,kk): serangan. What action is priority during an attack of seizure! He died of heart at-

tack 28. Necessary (ks) = important (ks) = urgent (ks): penting, mendesak. It is necessary to restrict fatty

food for overweight people 29. Recovery (kb): pemulihan. The recovery may take five months. You must be patience. 30. Solid (ks) = hard (ks)>< soft: keras >< lembut. Don't ever give her solid/hard diet. Soft diet is a

must 31. Muscle (kb): otot. You can strengthen your chest muscle with exercise 32. Wrist watch (kb): jam tangan. Remove your wrist watch and ring 33. Same (ks) >< different (ks): sama >< beda. The lotion and alcohol won't have same effect on the

skin/Have you taken different medicine for last two week ? 34. Level of consciouness (kb): tingkat kesadaran. Have you assessed her level of consciousness? 35. Suction (kb): sedot. While doing tracheostomy suctioning, what position of a patient should be? 36. Moist (ks): lembab. Don't let it become moist 37. Dry (ks) >< wet (ks): kering >< basah. It has drying effect on the skin / His clothes are wet with

sweats 38. Prior to = before: sebelum. Hand washing is prior to insertion 39. Tap water: air keran. It's enough to rinse your hand with tap water. 40. Site (kb): tempat. What most common site used by nurse to palpate the pulse? 41. Disposal of (kb): Pembuangan. The disposal of respiratory secretions must be proper/right 42. Odor (kb): bau. I've recorded his stomach drainage. Its color and odor have changed but not its

consistency and amount 43. Woolen (ks): wol. You'd better use woolen blanket or synthetic fabrics to make you warmer. 44. Additional (ks): tambahan. What about if you use additional method of birth control? 45. Againts (prep): terhadap, berlawanan. Mention all the preventive measure against puerperal in-

fection! 46. Each (ks) = every (ks): setiap, tiap. Urine is tested in each prenatal visit / Everyday take at least 5

tablets. It has lasted for a year. I must tell you, I'm bored of that all! 47. Swab (kb): spon. He takes swabs from children suspected diphtheria 48. Length (kb) ; long (ks): panjangnya, panjang. Your habit cause length of treatment. It will take

long time to examine disease. We have no complete equipments here. 49. Strength (kb) ; strong (ks): kekuatan, kuat. She has incredible strength to survive at this condi-

tion/He won't be strong enough to elapse/pass

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50. Inverted (kk,ks): terbalik. She has complained about her inverted left nipple 51. Leak (kb) = leakage (kb): bocor, kebocoran. A leak causes fluid to accumulate outside the amniot-

ic sac 52. Acceptance (kb): accept (kk): penerimaan. Contraceptive method can't be forced, it depends on

patient acceptance. Does she accept it? 53. Dim (ks): redup, buram. We must put/place him in isolation room with dim light 54. Deficient (ks) >< sufficient: kurang >< cukup. Your diet is severely deficient in fibres 55. During (prep): selama. During medication you must protect your skin from direct sun light. 56. Itch (kb) = itching: gatal. A child who has chicken pox will always complain of severe itching 57. Fresh (ks): segar. Take her out to get fresh air! 58. Content (kk,kb): isi, kandung. The stools have high acidic contents 59. Imbalance (kk,ks) >< balance (kk,ks): tidak seimbang>< seimbang. Electrolyte imbalances like so-

dium and potassium 60. Convulsion (kb): gangguan hebat, kejang. Severe convulsions will emerge anytime I have... 61. Drug (kb) = medicine (kb): obat. What drug have you taken recently? 62. Indwelling (ks): menempel. Mr. All is brought to his room with threeway indwelling urinary ca-

theter 63. Gentle (ks) = soft (ks) lembut. Apply gentle massage around her head to make her comfort 64. Intolerance (adv): tak bertoleransi. He has an intolerance to fatty food 65. Benign (ks): tak berbahaya. Mr. Ali has benign prostatic hypertrophy 66. Buzzing (ks): berdengung. I have buzzing sound in my ear 67. Jittery (ks): gemetar. I feel jittery after shower 68. Brief (ks): sebentar. After a brief stay in hospital, she passed away 69. Bag (kb): kantong, tas. All drainage will be collected in urinary bag 70. Straining (kb): mengedan. Avoid strainino when having bowel movement 71. Small (ks) >< big: kecil >< besar. She has a small lump under her armpit 72. Soon (ks) >< late (ks): segera >< lamban. It must be done surgery as soon as possible 73. Uncertain (ks) = doubt (ks): ragu. Mrs. All is uncertain to have the mastectomy 74. Apparatus (kb): kumpulan alat. The drainage tube is attached to a portable suction apparatus

(Hemovac) 75. Means (kb): sarana. It provides a means of irrigating the operative area. 76. Couple (kb): dua, sepasang. A couple of hours after her admission, she get unconscious 77. Tract (kb): system organ tubuh. His respiratory tract is well 78. Approximately = about: kira-kira. Expose the affected area to the air for approximately 1 hour

out of every 4 hours. 79. Behavior (kb): tingkah laku. His behavior do not correspond to the child with his age. 80. Recently (adv): baru-baru ini. A vesicoureteral reflux has recently been diagnosed in Fatimah. 81. Rapid (ks): quickly. His health develops rapidly. 82. Damage (kb) = destruction: kerusakan. It will cause permanent kidney damage 83. Binder (kb): balut. There's no use to apply abdominal binder 84. Distilled water (kb): air suling. Is distilled water healthier than tap one? 85. Slightly (ks): sedikit, samar-samar. Her serum calcium levels are increasing slightly

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86. Fault (kb): mistake: kesalahan. It's not her faulth. He's the one who make mistake. 87. Paralyzed (ks): lumpuh. Her left side is paralyzed. 88. Height (kb): tinggi. Adjust her bed height to the same level as the seat of the chair. 89. Palsy (kb): lumpuh syaraf. She has palsy of seventh nerve 90. Distress (kb): sakit luar biasa. Don't worry, it won't cause much distress 91. Abruptly (adv): sekaligus. The drug can't be withdrawn abruptly 92. Numerous (ks): sejumlah. He has had numerous admission to psychiatric hospital for treatment

of schizophrenic disorder 93. Whether (prep): apa. Ask him whether he has taken the medicine today? 94. Reliable (ks): dpt dipertanggunjawabkan. The data is reliable. 95. Whenever (prep): kapanpun. Whenever she cries you must talk to her 96. Wherever (prep): dimanapun. Wherever you go don't forget to take your medicine with you. 97. Stat (ks) = immediate (ks): segera. I'll ask the physician for a stat medication 98. View (kb): mengamati. In view of Miss Ali's symptoms, the doctor forbids to feed her high calorie

diet 99. Short (ks): pendek, sebentar (waktu). She needs less iron in her diet than an old gravida because

she has been menstruating for a shorter time 100. Requirement (kb{require/kk}): kebutuhan. Her protein requirements must be greater

during pregnancy 101. Available (ks): tersedia. The drugs must be available in your bed side 102. Strirrup (kb): pemijak kaki. The patient should step on the stirrup before he gets down

the floor 103. Entire = whole = all. We, home nurses, must fulfil entire patient needs 104. Incessantly = continuously, seterusnya. Miss Eppy has been so incessantly active that she

has been taking little food and fluid

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Contoh Surat Lamaran dalam Bahasa Inggris

To Jakarta, Oct 22nd 2004

H R D of


Dear Sir,

I'm really interested to send my completed application for staff nurse position in your hospital/ clinic. I'm ..... years old & graduated from Nursing Academy (Diploma HO in ............(tahun). I'm punctual, a hard working and also a quick learner person that would be asset to your company. I would like to take a chance to join in your company.

Herewith, I enclose some copies of related document, such as educational certificate, working experience certificate, senior high school certificate, transcripts of my results, curriculum vitae & recent photograph of mine.

I believe my experience and my educational background will be an advantage. Thank you very much for considering my application. I look forward to hearing the reply from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Khadijah, S.Kep.

Curriculum Vitae

Post applied for : _____________________________________________________

Sponsor : _____________________________________________________

Bio Data

Name : _____________________________________________________

Place, DOB : _____________________________________________________

Address : _____________________________________________________

: _____________________________________________________

Mobile No/E-mail : ______________________________/______________________

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Age/Height/Weight : __________/________cm/_______kg______________________

Religion & Nationality : _____________________________/_______________________

Latest Education : ________________________ Year of Graduation:_________

Name of College/University : _____________________________________________



Name of Training : ______________________________________________________

Date : ______________________________________________________

Institution : ______________________________________________________


Name of Training : ______________________________________________________

Date : ______________________________________________________

Institution : ______________________________________________________


Name of Training : ______________________________________________________

Date : ______________________________________________________

Institution : ______________________________________________________


Name of Training : ______________________________________________________

Date : ______________________________________________________

Institution : ______________________________________________________


Name of Training : ______________________________________________________

Date : ______________________________________________________

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Institution : ______________________________________________________

Working Experience

Company : _____________________________________________________

About The Company : _____________________________________________________

Position & Period : ____________________________(_______________________)

Responsibilities : 1.___________________________________________________

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: 3.___________________________________________________

: 4.___________________________________________________

: 5.___________________________________________________

Company : _____________________________________________________

About The Company : _____________________________________________________

Position & Period : ____________________________(_______________________)

Responsibilities : 1.___________________________________________________

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: 3.___________________________________________________

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Company : _____________________________________________________

About The Company : _____________________________________________________

Position & Period : ____________________________(_______________________)

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: 3.___________________________________________________

: 4.___________________________________________________

: 5.___________________________________________________

Company : _____________________________________________________

About The Company : _____________________________________________________

Position & Period : ____________________________(_______________________)

Responsibilities : 1.___________________________________________________

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: 3.___________________________________________________

: 4.___________________________________________________

: 5.___________________________________________________



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