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1. ABDUL MAJID, KRISIS HIPERTENSI ASPEK KLINIS DAN PENGOBATAN, Bagian Fisiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara2. Calhoun D.A, Oparil . S ; 1990 : Treatmenet of Hypertensive Crisis, New Engl J Med, 323 : 1177-83. 3. Gifford R.W, 1991 : Mamagement of Hypertensivi Crisis, JAMA SEA,266; 39-45. 4. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition, page 1463 1480.5. Chirag K. Vaidya, MD Jason R. Ouellette, M, Hypertensive Urgency and Emergency, Hospital Physician March 20076. Andrew R. Haas and Paul E. Marik, Current Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensive Emergency, Division of Critical Care, Pulmonary, Allergy and Immunologic Disease, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Seminars in DialysisVol 19, No 6 (NovemberDecember) 2006 pp. 5025127. Carl J Vaughan, Norman Delanty, Hypertensive emergencies, THE LANCET Vol 356 July 29, 2000