Download - Basic PhysioTaping by Sukadarwanto


    Sukadarwanto, SKM, SST FT, M. Kes *) 2014 *) Dosen Poltelkes Kemenkes Surakarta

  • Ada 3 jenis taping tehniq utama yang dikenal bermanfaat untuk therapeutik :

    Prophylactic Athletic Taping

    McConnell Taping Technique

    Kinesio Taping Method

  • Non-stretch adhesive tape untuk mendukung struktur didalam misalnya ligamen kapsul sendi untuk membatasi gerakan sendi untuk mengamankan ujung plaster elastis untuk memperkuat plaster elastis untuk meningkatkan proprioseptif.

  • PLASTER ELASTIS KINESIOTAPING FISIO TAPING Kinesio Taping merupakan Hak Paten Kinesio Taping Association maka kita menggunakan terminologi .............

  • Physiotaping is a complementary therapy concept applying high quality elastic adhesive tape within assessment-related, patient-centred, evidence-supported overall management of somatic symptoms and movement disorders and within the scope of the actual paradigms in sports medicine and orthopaedic manipulative physiotherapy

  • Physiotaping digunakan untuk merelaksasi otot yang digunakan secara berlebihan (overused), memfasilitasi otot kurang aktif (disused). Taping didesain dengan pola gelombang dengan perekat. taping memiliki efek mengangkat pada kulit yang dapat mengurangi pembengkakan dan peradangan dengan meningkatkan sirkulasi balik (limfe) dan mengurangi rasa sakit dengan mengurangi tekanan dari reseptor rasa sakit. Sifat elastis juga dapat digunakan untuk membatasi atau mendorong gerakan tertentu pada sendi

  • Dr. Kase wanted his patients to utilize a prescription that they could take home and use between visits.Kenzo Kase, D.C., Founder

    Invented the taping method in 1973 in Japan

    All images and text are copyrighted and property of the Kinesio Taping AssociationHistory of Kinesio Taping

  • Sejarah Kinesiotaping

    Ditemukan dan dikembangkan oleh Kenzo Kase, DCBerdasarkan pemikiran dari proses penyembuhan alami dan KinesiologiOtot yang mengontrol gerakan sendi, sirkulasi vena, aliran limfatikKetidakseimbangan kekuatan otot (fleksibilitas / kelemahan sekitar sendi) menyebabkan malalignment, peningkatan nyeri.Dikembangkan Plaster elastis (elastic tape) :Mengoreksi ketidak seimbangan kekuatan ototMengurangi nyeriMengurangi bengkak

  • Sejarah ........Awal Digunakan.....Digunakan : Chiropraktor, Akupunturis & OrthopedikPemain tim Olimpiade bola Volley JepangMulai digunakan untuk (Olimpiade)Sekarang banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia

  • Telah teruji, sebagai sebuah metode therapeutic taping

    Didesain secara Uniq, Taping elastis

    Meningkatkan fungsi muskuler, Sendi dan fungsi sirkulasi

    Dapat diaplikasikan selama 24 jam sehari dan bisa bertahan 3-5 hari

    All images and text are copyrighted and property of the Kinesio Taping Association

  • Dapat digunakan pada fase rehabilitatif dan fase kronik, fase of injuryCedera PeradanganProliferasiRemodelingPreventatif Mengembalikan Homeostasis tubuh

    All images and text are copyrighted and property of the Kinesio Taping Association

  • Dapat diaplikasikan dengan modalitas lain :cryotherapy hydrotherapy manual therapy Electro-stimulationAcupunctureIMS

    Respon terapeutik sesaat (Immediate) dan jangka panjang

  • 85% diaplikasikan non-athleticPara tim professional dan athlet dengan tehnik yang unik, dipergunakan di seluruh dunia antara lain : United States/CanadaSouth America AsiaEuropeMiddle East South AfricaSudah diperkenalkan pada institusi pendidikan dan masuk di kurikulum

  • Pada saat menempel di kertas, taping sudah terulur 10% Elastisitas mencapai 40-60% pada posisi istirahatDiulur & diaplikasikan longitudinal axis onlyKetebalan dan berat menyerupai /sama dengan kulit 100% medical grade, acrylic heat activated adhesiveNo medicinal properties in tape

  • Unique Qualities ofKinesio Tex TapeLATEX FREE!!!! All images and text are copyrighted and property of the Kinesio Taping Association

  • AC JointACLAchilles TendonitisBicep TendonitisBrachial PlexusCarpel Tunnel SyndromeElbow BursitisHallux ValgusHeadachesMedial/Lateral EpicondylitisPatella TendonitisScoliosisShin SplintsAnd More

  • Trauma akut tanpa diagnosis pastiDemamKeluhan dengan pola gerak abnormalLuka terbukaAlergi terhadap taping

    Pada wanita hamil 3 semester pertama TIDAK BOLEH diaplikasikan pada regio pelvis, dimungkinkan terjadi stimulasi organ dalam

  • Properti Plaster ElastisPerekat dibuat pola seperti gelombangPlaster Elastis terbuat dari katunDerajat peregangan kurang lebih menyamai elastisitas otot manusia (140%)Dapat dipergunakan untuk mandi dan dapat bertahan 3 5 hariDapat dipergunakan untuk gerak dg LGS penuh tidak seperti taping rigid

  • Effek Fisio Taping1. KulitMengurangi nyeri dan sensasi yg abnormal2. OtotBerfungsi untuk menfasilitasi atau menginhibisi3. Lymphatic:Memfasilitas transport cairan limfe shg terjadi sirkulasi4. Sendi:Untuk memperbaiki alignment dan proprioseptif

  • Fitness / Wellness (PTF):Fitness Tape Combinations for muscle facilitation at functional training as well as for regeneration after training including. lymphatics, to prevent overloading / misuse of articular, spinal structures at training sessions. Wellness Tape Combinations address wellbeing e.g. relaxation, regeneration, autonomic nervous system, breathing (meridians and acupuncture points, chakras, special points, lymphatic areas).

  • Yang hs diperhatikan aplikasiTapingMelakukan asessment and EvaluationEdukasi PasienBukan polimodalitasPasien hrs menyadari dan menjaga tapingPersiapan area yang akan diaplikasi taping

  • Bentuk TapingYXIDonutFanWeb

  • Bentuk dasar Elastis TapingIYXKipas

  • SpidertextAnimal Taping

  • Total = 100%Elevasi = 75%Moderat = 50%rendah = 15-25%lembut = 0-15%Netral Gadasi Tarikan

  • PembentukanPotong sesuai kebutuhanBentuk I Lipat taping menjadi 2 bagianGunting pojok lonjong ke tengahBentuk Y Lipat sisi lebarBuat pola dan penanda tengah taping dengan menggunting lonjongBuka kemudian teruskan memotong pada garis tenganBentuk XLipat pada kedua sisi lebarBuat pola seperti Y untuk masing masing ujung

  • Melepas dari kertas / MerobekKait ujung tapingRobek ujung untuk jangkarRobek tengah untuk dekompresi

  • 1. Kait Ujung

  • 2. Robek Ujung

  • 3. Robek Tengah

  • PERTIMBANGKANAnatomi TopografiAspek BiomekanikAktualitas/Kondisi altual berkaitan dengan Fase penyembuhan jaringan lunak

  • Omset cederaDerajad disfungsiAplikasi 30 menit sebelum Olah ragaEdukasi

  • Penting untuk AplikasiSaat Taping melekat pada kertasnya sudah terulur 10%Basis / Jangkar pemasangan awal menentukan arah tarikanJangkar pada kedua ujung tapingJangkar tanpa tarikanTarikan setelah basis /jangkar melekatJangkar sebaiknya tidak dirubah posisinya

  • Posisikan otot yang akan ditaping pada posisi rileksPasang basisUlur otot yang akan ditapingPasang taping dengan tarikan sesuai kasus dan tujuannyaKembalikan otot pada posisi rilelksPasang jangkar terakirUsap sampai hangat untuk merekatkan tapingTEHNIK PEMASANGAN

  • Taping elastis satu warna multi Warna GUNTING TAJAMTisu basah / alkohol / sabunLap kering yang bersihAnti alergi Rak tempat peralatan

  • Area yang akan di taping harus terbebas dari pakaian dan rambut.Bersihkan area dengan ketentuan :KULIT KERING JANGAN GUNAKAN ALKOHOL UNTUK MEMBERSIHKANKULIT BASAH BOLEH PAKAI ALKOHOLNetral gunakan tisu basahKeringkan dengan menunggu/ dilap menggunakan kain yang bersih

  • WASPADAAnaK anaKLansia

  • Posisikan otot memanjang seperti pada saat pemasanganPelepasan dilakukan dari proksimal kearah distalGunakan ujung jari untuk melepaskan pada ujung tapingSatu tangan memegang taping yang sudah dilepas, dan jari tangan yang lain melepaskan taping dari kulitPada saat melepas bisa menggunakan air / minyak bayi

  • Metode Fisio TapingTradisionalFasilitasi otot (Disused)Inhibisi (overused)Koreksi MekanikalKoreksi FasciaKoreksi SpaceKoreksi Ligamen/TendonKoreksi FungsionalKoreksi Lymphatik

  • Metode Terapeutik TradisionalFasilitasiFasilitasiDari Origo ke InsersioMembantu menstimulasi otot yang lemah (wake Up)Efek StimulasiPemulihan / Rehabilitasi25-50% Tape Stretch

  • Metode Terapeutik Tradisional Inhibisi

    Inhibisi (overused)Dari Insersio ke OrigoMembantu otot yang overused supaya rilekEfek RelasasiTerapi15-20% Tape Stretch

  • Sampai ketemu dilain waktu

    *Instructors Note: History of Kinesio Taping

    Born in Japan, Dr Kenzo Kase is a graduate of the National College of Chiropractic in Chicago Illinois. He has opened chiropractic offices in Japan and in the US ( Albuquerque New Mexico). He has taught at the University of New Mexico.

    As a therapist, Dr Kase was looking for a modality or prescription that would offer his patients long lasting effects. So many of us are familiar with the patient who does well in the clinic but cannot maintain those gains between visits. Or the scenario where the patient does well with tactile or verbal cues in the clinic but cannot maintain the position or posture when at home or at work. *Instructors Note:What is Kinesio Taping?Kinesio has been involved in the therapeutic markets for over 27 years internationally and over 10 years here in the United States.The tape itself is a uniquely designed elastic tape allowing the patient full range of motion while offering full support of muscle and joints. The Kinesio Taping Method gives the practitioner the opportunity to support structures while allowing full ROM at the joint. This enables the individual to participate in activities of daily living, work or sports with functional assistance.Kinesio Taping involves taping over and around muscles in order to either: assist and give muscle support, or to prevent over contraction of the muscles.Kinesio Tape can provide that support for 24 hours a day. We can tape to support muscle, joints and even the lymphatic system.Kinesio Taping is a combination of a specific method, with a uniquely designed tape, which by applying the tape, you alter the surface tension. This method when applied correctly can facilitate the multiple layers underneath the skin.Kinesio Taping provides support, allowing maximal ROM that enables the individual to participate in physical activity. (Gentle Application) (Stimulus) (Facilitation)Kinesio Taping can provide support 24 hrs/day, 3-5 days. While tape is applied.

    *Instructors Note:What is Kinesio Taping?

    The unique properties of Kinesio Tape allow the practitioner to apply it prior to other modalities or upon completion of other treatments.

    This method can be used during the acute injury phase through the rehabilitative and chronic phase of injury.

    Preventative. Rejuvenate (returning the body to its normal function).

    *Instructors Note:What is Kinesio Taping?

    Kinesio Tex Tape can also be used in conjunction with other therapies including cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, massage therapy, electric stimulation, acupuncture and other taping methods.

    IMS: Inter Muscular Stimulation using acupuncture needles.

    Immediate response.

    *Instructors Note: Kinesio Taping Today

    Today, Kinesio Tex Tape is used primarily by non athletic populations.

    Dr Kase officially introduced his tape to the USA in 1995. KTA was formed in 1997.

    Kinesio Tape is used by every professional sport in Japan, The Kinesio Taping Method is now used by professional teams in the United States, South America, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and South Africa.

    Kinesio Taping is instructed to students in the High Schools in Japan and is a modality taught in the United States in several occupational/ physical therapy programs throughout the academia.

    *Instructors Note: Unique Qualities of Kinesio Tex Tape

    Kinesio Tex tape is unique in its construction and its application. The stretch is woven along the longitudinal axis only (one way stretch). This allows creative applications without increasing the risk of multidirectional sheering of the skin.The tape is designed with a weight and thickness similar to human skin. This allows the body to function without the cognitive reminder that the tape is present. The adhesive is also unique because it is medical grade 100% acrylic and heat activated. Simply rubbing the tape improves contact and wear timeThe tape is not medicated although wearers will often report a sense of warmth or cooling under the tape*Instructors Note: Did we mention Again there is NO LATEX in Kinesio Tex Tape.

    The Kinesio Tex tape is safe enough for you to treat patients from Birth through geriatric.

    Emphasize the quality audit process. Kinesio Holding Corporation will take and are taken the necessary steps to insure the highest quality product available carries the Kinesio Tex name.

    Look for the competitors to attempt to say that they are the same as what the Kinesio Tex tape provides, test results this not to be the truth with most.

    *Instructors Note:What can Kinesio Tex Tape be used for? Virtually everything.

    As you can see Kinesio Tex Tape is a modality that can be applied virtually anywhere on the body. With over 1200+ recognized muscle and clinical applications and counting..
