Which one is better Parliamentary System or Presidential System for Turkey?

Parliamentary System and Presidential System This paper is going to discuss about Parliamentary system and Presidential system for Turkey. At the present time especially people always talk about these topics. Because for years Turkey was searching to solutions solve problems ethnics and nations groups. After the French Revolution nation identity came up in the world. Especially Ottoman Empire very influenced from this movement. Because, Ottoman Empire did not become from Turks. There were many nations. For instance like Greece, Bulgarians, and others. Even Ottoman Empire collapsed but after that Republic of Turkey still has many ethnics and nations groups at the moment. For example, Kurds they create ethnic and

Transcript of Which one is better Parliamentary System or Presidential System for Turkey?

Parliamentary System and Presidential System

This paper is going to discuss about

Parliamentary system and Presidential system for

Turkey. At the present time especially people

always talk about these topics. Because for years

Turkey was searching to solutions solve problems

ethnics and nations groups.

After the French Revolution nation identity

came up in the world. Especially Ottoman Empire

very influenced from this movement. Because,

Ottoman Empire did not become from Turks. There

were many nations. For instance like Greece,

Bulgarians, and others. Even Ottoman Empire

collapsed but after that Republic of Turkey still

has many ethnics and nations groups at the

moment. For example, Kurds they create ethnic and

culture society of Southeastern Anatolia Region.

Therefore they have big effect in Turkey. After

the Republic of Turkey they met many pressures

from government. Consequently we can see these

problems’ bad results at daytime. PKK problem is

one of them. And our government want to solve

Kurd problem with Presidential System. Because

according to government they will give right of

Kurds’ wants of freedom. After that our country

will get rid off PKK terror problem.

Still there I want to explain shortly reason.

But I took just big problem. Now we will check

arguments of requester or non-requester persons.

Before that I will describe these two subjects

(Parliamentary system and Presidential system).

First I will take a Parliamentary system.

“Parliamentary system is a system of

democratic governance of a state in which

the executive branch derives its democratic

legitimacy from, and is held accountable to,

the legislature (parliament); the executive

and legislative branches are thus interconnected.

In a parliamentary system, the head of state is

normally a different person from the head of

government. “1

“A presidential system is a republican system

of government where a head of government is

also head of state and leads an executive

branch that is separate from the legislative

branch. The executive is elected and often titled

"president" and is not responsible to the

legislature and cannot, in normal

circumstances, dismiss it. The legislature may

have the right, in extreme cases, to dismiss the

executive, often through impeachment. However,

such dismissals are seen as so rare (only two

United States presidents were impeached, and

neither case led to removal) as not to contradict

a central tenet of presidentialism, that in normal

circumstances using normal means the legislature cannot

dismiss the executive.”2. These are definition of

both of them.

Actually, these regimes are discussing about

separation of powers. These are legislative and

executive. Which one is more powerful than from

other imbalance come out like that situations.

Because separation of powers provide balance of

powers at the same time provide freedom of

departments of state. In addition I check some

articles and interview so I want to give these


First one is from supporting presidential

system. It’s from Mr Burhan Kuzu. In the

interview there is this question and answer;

“As to why the AKP presidential model would

you recommend?

The main reason the challenges of a

parliamentary system. On the British

parliamentary system, born, raised, carrying its

properties and a model that can be applied only

in the UK. But the presidential system, found

that a model of the human mind. Each country by

itself can design this model with slight


Moreover, for the first time on the UK

coalition is managed and these days, "I wonder if

we just skip give up parliamentary system," he

started searching for new models. Do not have our

souls? Their model years brought us crawl.

English French also took this model. 104

governments have established 70 years. De Gaulle

in 1958, moved to France in semi-presidential

model a little relieved. This model is Turkey's

first dilemma concerns the coalition.

Turkey always developed in four semesters,

has been in decline in all four quarters.

Menderes, Demirel, Ozal and Erdogan developed,

but in the intervening period decreased in all

four quarters. You're looking at falls into four

periods all coalition governments. Stability of

non-accumulation period ends. One collects, one

eats. Now we're saving comes from eating well.

If five percent of the 10 percent threshold

download, quartet quintet coalitions income

countries. But do not defend it in a high

threshold. Dam thoughts go to the coalition after

a certain time, and after that Turkey would be

miserable. Would be worse than Greece. Therefore,

we need to find a model that can be called

coalitions breaks. You can not find another in

the presidential model.”3

Burhan Kuzu especially emphasized affect of

presidential system on the economy and stability

of the country. According to him presidential

system is necessary for stability of the country.

So coalition government possibility in the

parliamentary system is like a thief while

single-party government provide power and

stability in the country when it changed to

coalition government country will be confronted

with collapsed according to old. Burhan Kuzu

supporting this ideology.

Other basic concept so his proof is that “The

first dilemma concerns the coalition

parliamentary model of Turkey. Turkey Menderes,

Demirel, Ozal and Erdogan was developed in the

period, the coalition was always falls in the


These examples again from his interview “But

the system proposed in the president, has the

authority to dissolve the Assembly?

We will be experienced between the parliament

and the council would have a hard time finding

answers to bottlenecks. So much criticized, the

model produced a formula that does not conform to

extract too. President, gave the authority to

dissolve parliament. But there is also something

like this. Chairman of the parliamentary election

is going to choose to get it himself.

That can be organized in Turkey president,

the absence of strong political men are being


There's an outside executive authority of the

President, get something to balance. No need for

balance. How can we balance the first prime

minister in a parliamentary system, the prime

minister's power much more.

This system in terms of the culture of democracy

in Turkey is criticized as appropriate there?

The Presidency has found a model of the mind.

Each country can produce its own presidential

model. Therefore, I do not agree with this

criticism.”4 These short questions and answers

about critics of presidential system and Burhan

Kuzu’s answers about present system has more

missing than presidential system.

Other interview is Ergun Özbudun’s reportage.

Basic opinin of Ergun Özbudun in the interview is


“Turkey's Kurdish issue, which is vital issues

related to the presidential system of the bargain

element remaking it is not ethical. This scenario

is not good. This type of no benefits to the

Kurds the presidency.

The presidential system in this country

without the" peace "does not? Would be perfect.

Britain, the IRA has solved the parliamentary

system. Presidency and peace should be kept

separate and semi-democracy should not go.

Presidential system is based on the

separation of legislative and executive harsh.

The essence of the system, the president cannot

dissolve the parliament. If you give the

President the authority to annul it'll degenerate


Especially I want to give some examples from


“ Q-So is going to be hurt?

A-Presidential system in Turkey because of

the quality of democracy may be damaged. As a

result, this system causes a loss Kurds in the

long term. Because the rights of Kurds order to

be realized in the best way, with all terms and

conditions in accordance with the democratic

model, but with a system that would be. However,

the presidential system ... Especially in the

manner proposed by the AK Party presidential

system is not such a system.

Q-AK Party's proposed presidential system to

a presidential system in which countries in the

world does that look like?

A-In Latin America we see some more examples

of what we call super-presidential system

according to the system in a system Parti'nin AK.

For example, the AK Party's proposal but not in

the United States with the president in the

parliament recognized the right of cancellation!

In fact, this proposal contrary to the spirit of

the presidential system!

Q-I do not understand. Why?

A-Because of the presidential system, the

executive and legislative essence is based on a

separation between the hard and sharp. With the

choice of both bodies independently are selected

for a fixed period. During this time, the

president's failure to terminate the congress,

the president of the congress is the essence of

the presidential system can not decrease. To the

President, "Congress authorized the termination

of the" if you give it very seriously deviated

from the core of the system can be. There is a

deviation in the AK Party's recommendations.”6

Also continuation of this interview Ergun

Özbudun will ask this question “Journalist have

said that “But the AK Party spokesman poor are

finding the American president. An ambassador can

not even assign an air intake even say she can

not decide alone.” Ergun Özbudun’s answer or

question is “Then of course the question comes to

mind now. If you are poor American president and

also as our friend Burhan Kuzu, currently the

Prime Minister is stronger than the American

president in Turkey, why such a system was needed

to change then?”7

With these examples I want to compare and

contrast this discussion. Because while Burhan

Kuzu was saying presidential system’s requirement

with advantage Ergun Özbudun ask what is the

advantage? According to Burhan Kuzu’s opinion. So

at the same time we can learn this subject good

and bad sides. And last examples from Ergun

Özbudun. This example about on intended

presidential system.

“Q-Prime Minister Erdogan, "separation of

powers" is opposed. Opposed to a democratic

constitutional separation of powers possible?

A-Not possible. Because one of the basic

principles of constitutional democracy is the

separation of powers. Whether in a presidential

system of separation of powers was tough as it

was, whether it was in the parliamentary system

of separation of powers as it get soft, in any

case against the independence of the judiciary,

political organs is essential.

The rule of law, independence of the

judiciary is an indispensable condition! But the

proposed system in terms of judgment carries

alarming elements. Moreover, the AK Party

spokesman, while defending the presidential

system, is based on two contradictory claims.

Q-What is the contradiction?

A-On the one hand, "the current parliamentary

system, the executive is creating instability.

Weak enforcement bodies are creating. I need to

add stability and strength to the Executive,

"they say. On the other hand, "in the current

system of legislative, executive, and under the

control of the warrant. If we become more

independent from legislative presidential system.

Supervision mission will perform better, "they

say. So on the one hand strong executive, a

powerful legislature also want the other yard.”8

These examples are from same resources and

different persons. For better understanding I

want to give Levent Gönenç’s article. It is about

explaining of presidential system. He explained

with three main titles. We saw these titles in

the examples. Now We will learn what are they?

1) Problem of Legitimacy,

2) System Resistance Index of Other Actors,

3) The Cost of Change

“1) Problem of Legitimacy

A government system change is that, of

course, a political system in the most basic

institutional choice of one of the Amending. Like

this change to a large extent the political elite

by planned are implemented the scope and impact

Considering the system of members interested in

all that is clear. The question to be asked at

this point that today political group that holds

political power in the existing system, or any

political group may come to power to make this

change is whether to base its legitimacy. Government system changes mainly executive-

legislative relations, namely political elites

played by the rules of the game concerns may

seem, public decision-making and implementation

stages will be held every new arrangements entire

society closely to affect the results cause it to


“2) System Resistance Index of Other Actors

Government system changes, the position of

the actors within the existing system, will

affect the powers closely; it is a change that

could even cease to exist. For example, semi-

presidential or parliamentary system when it

comes to transition to a presidential system of

corporate affairs and corporate network will be

the same on the map, there will be a sub-top is


Thus, the present actors in the system are

likely to oppose such a change, or even attempt

to block these changes will be found.”10

He separated The Cost of Change four subheads.

“3) The Cost of Change

a)Legal-Technical Problems may arise from


b)Problems may arise from the Learning Process

c)Foreign Reactions

d)Conforming Changes to the System of

Government and Democracy”11

Additionally I want to give Mümtazer

Türköne’s article. It is about analysis of

Turkish people will encounter what. Therefore

it can help this information about presidential

system’s affect in Turkey.

At the same time he gave to answered against

critics of presidential system. Because,

especially critics emphasized to AKP’s gains.

So according to them AKP will achieve more

powerful government right. And it will be

problem for Turkey or democracy of Turkey. It’s

like block. Türkönes’s answer is that against

these criticisms,

“'The Prime Minister will establish a

presidential system through the personal

dictatorship' claim is not true. Because this

system over the presidency, does not

automatically give the Prime Minister.

Conversely, the opposition between the

reconciling itself to seize executive power is

virtually unenforceable. All in all, mostly in

parliament, the head of the executive power of

the president is breaking apart. Perhaps the

social consensus, as well as stability serves.

Cost is another matter.”12

In the first article he answered

criticisms. But in the second he emphasized

about what is the block of passing the

presidential system. Even he gave two games

about this subject for more than understanding

in the ideas.

“The difference between a parliamentary

system with a presidential system, similar to

the difference between rugby and football.

Rugby team of 15 people with an oval balls,

trampling over each other as hulking player, a

tough game bone are heard. If football

strategy, intelligence, a combination of

techniques. The quickest way to get results in

one and the other to remove a spectator game is

important. The only successful example of the

presidential system in the U.S. is more popular

than rugby football, so not a coincidence.

What's your preference? Finally, 'we won' a

minimum set of rules that say that a fierce

fight in the process? Or 'was offside, was not

it?' to socialize with affection?

The role of engineers in the constitution of

the presidential system seems Burhan Kuzu. Just

tell the American system in the encyclopaedic

book, these systems generally require citizens

emphasizes that high culture. Then this system

will bring at least an average level of

constitutional engineers do not need to know

the account? So very hard go to a presidential


Lastly he wrote about three articles for this

discussion. In the last one he explained basic

elements for the evaluating. Because, unlike

other countries Turkey is the cradle of

civilizations. And it means that many

ethnicities, cultures, identities, even

ideologies, and nations. Turkey is having

homeland for many nations. Therefore we can say

that everybody has right in our country and

this effect more the country.

And Mümtazer Türkönes’s final opinion is from

last writing.

“For example, the Kurdish issue in the

presidential system, parliamentary system

solves comparatively. There are two different

systems of economic dynamism and growth of

structure in the comparison. In the beginning

of the political system is difficult to solve

and who is the mother of all problems

'political stability' problems and compare the

price you will pay to achieve. Respect for

human rights and the rule of law, every citizen

to feel him with dignity and as equal citizens

in the political system concerned individual

can compare. Besides concrete international

problems of the chronic problems or a political

crisis in the country two systems can stand on

the different solutions. Of course, abuses,

their ability to prevent the abuse of power.

What you can do is to compare and calculations.

The task of comparative politics is to make

these comparisons.

Presidential system, parliamentary system,

political stability more than the claim is

that, a dissertation consists of hollow inside.

Sartori, in the book I mentioned in my last

article, making comparisons worrying fragility

and instability of the presidential system with

a track record that is emphasized. Abstract

Tanju Tosun Tosun, which he wrote together with

'Turkey's political stability: the quest for

the Presidency and the semi-presidential system

titled research are featured in this

comparison. But this is not the only criterion,

in presidential systems, political stability

rates of 22.6%, 56.8% voted in parliamentary

systems is taking place. Another study, with a

presidential system to a parliamentary system

governed by countries with lower economic

growth rates shows that.

These kinds of calculations are made: when

the economy declined parliamentary system for

26 years, the 143 years when he grows up;

presidential system 16 and 24 years,

respectively, can live.

As we have seen these things work account.

One thing is certain: the harmony between the

executive and the legislature, the

parliamentary system in terms of political

stability thus more powerful than a

presidential system. Coalition governments,

even apart from the party's legislative

majority, the president's party separate from

the political stability that produces more than

one alternative. In this system, the emerging

situation in general, is that it represents two

separate political trends.”14







3) http://www.taraf.com.tr/haber/istikrar-


4) http://www.taraf.com.tr/haber/istikrar-


5) http://www.taraf.com.tr/nese-duzel/makale-


6) http://www.taraf.com.tr/nese-duzel/makale-


7) http://www.taraf.com.tr/nese-duzel/makale-


8) http://www.taraf.com.tr/nese-duzel/makale-



9)Gönenç Levent, page. 5-6, Başkanlık

Sistemi, Türkiye’de Hükümet Sistmi Değişikliği

Tartışmaları Olanaklar ve Olasılıklar Üzerine Bir

Çalışma (


skanlik-sistemi.pdf )

10) Gönenç Levent, page. 6, Başkanlık

Sistemi, Türkiye’de Hükümet Sistmi Değişikliği

Tartışmaları Olanaklar ve Olasılıklar Üzerine Bir

Çalışma (


skanlik-sistemi.pdf )

11) Gönenç Levent, page. 7-11 , Başkanlık

Sistemi, Türkiye’de Hükümet Sistmi Değişikliği

Tartışmaları Olanaklar ve Olasılıklar Üzerine Bir

Çalışma (


skanlik-sistemi.pdf )