Welcome to the first ENRICH in Brazil newsletter!

Welcome to the first ENRICH in Brazil newsletter! ENRICH in Brazil, is one of the European Network of Research and Innovation Centres & Hubs. It aims at enhancing the cooperation in research, technology and entrepreneurship between the EU member states and Brazil, and to become the main hub & contact point for European & Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation Actors, stimulating collaborative research-to-market projects, ultimately contributing to European & Brazilian industrial competitiveness. The Centre encourages and facilitates the cooperation in research, technology and entrepreneurship between Europe and Brazil by supporting and empowering all innovation actors (public & private) along the innovation (value) chain. CEBRABIC is the project responsible for the establishment of ENRICH in Brazil. A project consortium of twelve Brazilian and European organisations are working together with this common goal. This consortium is not only geographically diverse, but also represents a range of different organisations including companies, universities, funding agencies, R&I organisations, and not-for-profit organisations.

Transcript of Welcome to the first ENRICH in Brazil newsletter!

Welcome to the first ENRICH in Brazil newsletter!

ENRICH in Brazil, is one of the European Network of Research and Innovation

Centres & Hubs. It aims at enhancing the cooperation in research, technology and

entrepreneurship between the EU member states and Brazil, and to become the main

hub & contact point for European & Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation

Actors, stimulating collaborative research-to-market projects, ultimately contributing

to European & Brazilian industrial competitiveness. The Centre encourages and

facilitates the cooperation in research, technology and entrepreneurship between

Europe and Brazil by supporting and empowering all innovation actors (public &

private) along the innovation (value) chain.

CEBRABIC is the project responsible for the establishment of ENRICH in Brazil. A

project consortium of twelve Brazilian and European organisations are working

together with this common goal. This consortium is not only geographically diverse,

but also represents a range of different organisations including companies, universities,

funding agencies, R&I organisations, and not-for-profit organisations.


ENRICH Inauguration in Brasilia

The ‘European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs’ (ENRICH) in Brazil

has been ceremonially inaugurated on 29th November 2017 in Brasília, Brazil. ‘ENRICH in

Brazil’ aims to become the main hub and contact point for European and Brazilian Science,

Technology and Innovation Actors. The Centre will encourage and facilitate the cooperation

in research, technology and entrepreneurship between Europe and Brazil by supporting and

empowering all innovation actors (public & private) along the innovation (value) chain. This

inauguration means that the centre will now enter its pilot phase, offering services to

organisations who may be interested in increasing their bilateral cooperation between Brazil

and Europe.

ENRICH presente no 2º Seminário sobre

Diplomacia e Inovação Científica e Tecnológica

O ENRICH no Brasil foi apresentado no “2º Seminário sobre Diplomacia e Inovação

Científica e Tecnológica” promovido pelo Ministério das Relações Exteriores e o Ministério

de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações, com o apoio da Fundação Alexandre de

Gusmão - FUNAG.

Lançamento do Novo Programa de Trabalho do

Horizonte (2020) no Brasil acontecerá durante a

16º Conferência da ANPEI

O Horizonte 2020 (H2020) é o programa de pesquisa e inovação da União Europeia

(UE). Perto de 80 mil milhões de euros de financiamento estão disponíveis ao longo de

sete anos (2014 – 2020). O programa coloca o investimento em investigação e inovação

no centro da estratégia europeia para um crescimento inteligente, sustentável e

inclusivo. O H2020 está aberto à participação de pesquisadores de todos os países do

mundo, incluindo o Brasil.

Alto funcionário Europeu vai a Brasília impulsionar

diálogo com Mercosul

O vice-presidente da Comissão Europeia, Jyrki Katainen, responsável por emprego,

crescimento, investimento e competitividade, realiza nesta sexta-feira (10/11) visita oficial

ao Brasil no contexto da fase crucial das negociações entre a União Europeia e o Mercosul e

para marcar o aniversário de 10 anos de Parceria Estratégica entre a UE e o Brasil.

Info Day: Opportunities of Cooperation between

Brazil & Europe within H2020

On 14th December 2017 ENRICH in Brazil and INCOBRA jointly organized an Info

Session about H2020 at one of the National Contact Points (NCP) at the

Polytechnic School of USP (Sao Paulo).

In the light of the new H2020 work programme from 2018-2020 Luciana Santos

(Project Manager at the European Commission) presented application procedures,

rules and possible calls for Brazilian entities with a focus on the topics of health,

nanotechnology and transport. In addition, the co-financing mechanism of

FAPESP, enabling the involvement of research and innovation entities in Brazil in

Horizon 2020 calls, was presented to the audience.

The network of National Contact Points (NCPs) is the main structure to provide

guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in

Horizon 2020. NCPs are also established in many non-EU and non-associated

countries ("third countries").

CEBRABIC at IASP Conference

In September 2017, consortium members (Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG),

Austria; Sabancia University, Turkey; IASP, Spain) introduced the CEBRABIC project &

the ENRICH network at the 34th International Association of Science Parks and Areas of

Innovation World Conference which welcomed over 500 delegates from all across the world.

BNDES- FAPES agreement expands support for


The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the São Paulo Research Foundation

(FAPESP) signed a technical cooperation agreement on Tuesday, September 3, aiming at

expanding the possibilities of support for small innovative companies and boost

investment in innovation in the country, especially in the strategic areas of advanced

manufacturing and the internet of things (IoT). Present at the signing ceremony at the

Bandeirantes Palace in São Paulo were state governor Geraldo Alckmin and BNDES

president Paulo Rabello de Castro.

The Bilateral map of Brazil-European Union

investment was launched

The Bilateral Map of Brazil-European Union Investment was launched on the 21st of

September at the headquarters of the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and

Investments (Apex-Brasil). The event was inaugurated by the Ambassador of the EU in

Brazil, João Cravinho and the president of Apex-Brasil, Ambassador Roberto Jaguaribe, and

attended by numerous representatives of the EU Member States, Brazilian Government and

business community.

CEBRABIC a gateway to Brazil for European R&I&B


Berlin, January 24. A consortium of twelve European and Brazilian organisations has

launched a new collaboration under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme

(Grant Agreement nº 733531): CEBRABIC – the Centre for Europe-Brazil Business &

Innovation Cooperation.


ENRICH in Brazil will promote excellence in B&R&I, creating a win-win situation for BR

& EU in STI fields, connecting European researchers & entrepreneurs in the Brazilian market

and connecting Brazilian researchers & entrepreneurs in the European market. It offers

services to Brazilian & European clients and also integrates existing EU & BR initiatives,

projects and networks.

ENRICH’s vision & mission will be met by offering services following a ‘customer journey’.

This ENRICH experience is outlined below: