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First of all my sincere thanks go to my parents for taking careof me, supportingme during all  those years and help me develop for who I am. I also would like to thank Mrs. Öztezcan for helping and takingcare of me during my troubled times, like a mother. I thank my teachers who loved and encouraged me and especially Mr. Kaplancalı and Ms. Egesoy, who never let me down.Last but not least I wish to thank my University not only for educating me but also for showing  how life is.

CihanSerter January, 2013


Öğrenim hayatımın sonunu görebilmem için tez yazmam gerekiyordu.

Kolaybirgörevolmayacaktı. Bu güne kadar pek çok rapor hazırlamış bile olsam hepsinden daha zor, daha uzun ve daha bunaltıcı olmasını öngörüyordum.

Dahası konusu ne olmalıydı? Yazacağım tez büyük ihtimalle arşivlenecekti. Belki birgün başkası yararlanmak isteyecekti.

Elbette yüksek puan almak güzel olurdu ancak yaratacağım tez beni temsil etmeliydi. Puan için yazılmaktan çok benden bir parça taşımalıydı.

Böylece bilgisayar oyunları üzerine yazmak istedim.Bilgisayar oyunlarının beyinsiz şeyler fazlası olduğunu her zaman savunmuşumdur. Kişileri eğitebileceğini ve sanat olduklarını. Ancak bu kadarıyla bir yere bağlamam zor olurdu. Böylece ikincibir tutkum işin içine girdi; psikoloji.

Oyunlarla birlikte “oyunnedir”I araştırmaya başladım.Teze baştan başladım, sayfaları yırttım, dökümanları sildim ve belkisonunu getiremeden birkaç defa daha aynı işlemi tekrarlayacağım.

Dediğim gibi, tez benim birparçam. Her saniye değişmesinden daha doğal birşey olmamalı.

Table of Content

1. Introduction2. Games

2.1. Games and Rules and Reality2.2. Games and Mental and Emotional Development2.3. Games and Physical Development2.4. Games and Education2.5. Games and Therapy2.6. Television and Computer Games instead of Playing

Games2.7. Basically; Children and Games

2.7.1. Mental and Emotional Development2.7.2. Social Development

3. Video Games3.1. Development of Video Games3.2. Video Game Genres 3.3. Video Games and Personal Development

3.3.1. Motor Skills 3.3.2. Sense Development, Logic and Fast thinking3.3.3. Eye and Perception

3.4. Video Games and Education3.4.1. Angelina’s World3.4.2. America’s Army3.4.3. SPARX and Tetris3.4.4. Video Games in Business World3.4.5. Playful Toothbrush3.4.6. Knowledge of History3.4.7. Improvement of Language 3.4.8. Map Reading Skill

3.5. Estimated Benefits According to the Video Game’s Genre

3.6. Disadvantage3.6.1. Racism3.6.2. Sexuality3.6.3. Violence

3.7. Video Games and Psychology

3.7.1. Forced to be a Different Player3.7.2. Do Video Games cause Addiction?

4. Conclusion

1. Introduction

I had a lucky childhood, instead of blocks of apartments I grewup in a compound with large parks. I had friends I could play with on the street or on the playground. We could run and play freely and without any pressure. We played housed and copied roles of our parents.

Grown-ups called that a “game”. Sometimes they told us it was enough and called us home and sometimes they encouraged us to play. Yes, they called it a game and took it lightly. They did not understand that we created our own new world and copied thesociety unknowingly.

Today I understand how rich may past was because now I live between two walls or two apartments or two windows… We are separated today.

Most of the children around me have never ever stepped on grassor run after a ball. All they know is television.

In the past television was to blame, it was the source of all evil but sometimes parents were really happy with it. The television helped them feeding their young ones and kept them still by zombitising them. Parents are right ofcourse. What cana child gain by running, playing or discovering?

Who is the new candidate to blame? Video games for sure. Gurus who have never played a video game know the real reason of the entire high crime rate.

What about the truth? Is there someone to blame? What happened to the playgrounds and parks? Are video games really poisonous?

What is the definition of game?

What about video games?

2. Games

What is a game? Let us first look how the Oxford Dictionary defines it;

Definition of Game


1a form of competitive activity or sport played according to rules. (games) a meeting for sporting contests:the Olympic Games (games) British athletics or sports as a lesson or activity at

school:in order to be popular, you had to be good at games a person’s performance in a game; a person’s standard of play:

Rooks attempted to raise his game to another level 2an activity that one engages in for amusement:

a computer game the equipment for a game, especially a board game or a computer

game:buy your games and software from us

3a complete episode or period of play, ending in a final result:a baseball game

a single portion of play forming a scoring unit in a match, especially in tennis:then came another ace to set up game, set, and match

Bridge a score of 100 points for tricks bid and made (the best of three games constituting a rubber).

4 informal a type of activity or business regarded as a game:he was in the restaurant game for the glamour

a secret and clever plan or trick:I was on to his little game5 [mass noun] wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food:they hunted game in Alaska

the flesh of wild mammals or birds, used as food:[as modifier]: a game pie


eager or willing to do something new or challenging:they were game for anything


1 [no object] (usually as noun modifier gaming) play at games of chance for money:a gaming machine

play video or computer games:the next generation of gaming consoles2 [with object] manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous:it was very easy for a few big companies to game the systempoliticians blamed electricity generators for gaming the market

Game is only one word but has too many meanings. But we can say basically it is used as to define a competition which requires particular skills like chess or basketball and development of skillsvia game.

2.1. Games and Rules and Reality

Have you ever paid attention to the children’s games? First a group of children come together and usually there is a leader. Mutually and a bit with the guidance of the leader a game is decided on. The game has its own rules. Children who do not stick to it are excluded. Better players most likely to be

loved more and everybody wants to play with him/her or to be part of his/her team mate.

In a way games prepare children to adulthood. The rules of adults are applied in a childish way. The ones who are successful are loved and so it is taught to be successful. Children learn to respect each other and to accept it when theylose otherwise they will be excluded. They learn to obey to therules and to respect each other which is very important for thesociety and it is learned through the games.

2.2. Games and Mental and Emotional Development

Games may have different meanings for every child. For instancesome toys may have more value than a toy. It may appear only during special occasions or it may not be shared.

The bond with a doll may represent the bond with a mother and child. A teddy bear presented from a relative may mean, may remember the established bond with the relative to child.

Nowadays games are used for therapy. During these games the participants play different roles, their fears are reflected and searched for new results. For example a person plays the

role of a nurse and gives an injection. This is a way to face fears of subconscious.

Sometimes children create their own reality while playing. Theyplay with their own rules. This way, they rule their own world,live their freedom without any boundaries, obtain mental satisfaction and became the rulers of their own world but also have to stick to the rules during team activities and to socialize. The brain develops and adapts to different conditions. He learns to share, to respect, to be a human beingand to defend himself. It deals with new concepts and objects. While playing a child thinks continuously and makes mental practice without knowing.

2.3. Games and Physical Development

Playing and explore new things are a need for a children. Whilemeeting these needs child not just improves his mental development but psychical development too. While he plays football he runs and jumps. Basketball improves his hand and eye reflex. But fears of adults which grow with unconditional environments are far beyond than children’s desire to play on parks, roads and even emergency exits.

A good example for a campaign to create awareness to children who are tied to their house is Omo’s “It is good to get dirty” campaign. This campaign aims the children to improve their physical and mental improvement but more mothers prevent their children from playing outside as they fear their child gets hurt or dirty.

2.4. Games and Education

Games, which are usually underestimated by grown-ups, are activities where children express themselves and make improvements physically. Games are played by children willingly; therefore these games will add more to their improvement and will learn more from it.

During a game a child might experience some things himself and can learn from the environment and improve physically, mentallyand emotionally.

A child will learn to socialize with his friends, learn to loveand stick to the rules, win and loose and so start to learn therules of life, experience life.

2.5. Games and Therapy

Games do not only develop the mental and physical improvement of children and help them to adapt to the world, it is also a method where they show their fears and expectations and expressthemselves. Like Dr. Winnicott who was a scholar in psychology and games mentioned in his book named “Games and Reality”, a child who plays with ropes may have issues concerning bonding and may be living it through games.

Think of ropes, what is their use? To bring 2 different pieces together, make them one or to tie objects up. When a child tiesobjects together with long ropes he connects them to make them related to each other. He lives need of to be part of somethinginside himself.

Are games only useful during observations for psychology? Of course not.

With psychodrama technics which Jacob Moreno createda person faces his fears deep inside and can make him to take steps while playing the role of someone else. He can play the role ofa doctor giving an injection or a fireman and so can face his problems.

Think about a lost, missing object. For instance a deceased father. The person talks to a teddy bear which sits on a chair representing the father. Afterwards the roles change, the childis the father and the teddy bear the child and now it the turn for the father to reply.

By playing different games conscious can express and fix itself.

2.6. Television and Computer Games instead of Playing Games

Parents have come up with new solutions to prevent their children from running in the house or making noises or make them eat; television and video games. Children made a zombie byputting in front of a television to prevent them to make noisesor eat their food easily.And bigger children put to video gamesso the parents can live their own lives.

Being eager and exploring are the basic needs of a child and social and physical activity are also basic needs too.Due to insufficient playgrounds and television a child’s connections with the outer world is restricted and the right of a child to dream and fantasize has been passed to imagination of the television program’s creators and the producers of games.

2.7. Basically; Children and Games2.7.1. Mental and Emotional Development

-Through game, child can learn abstract terms like shape, color, size.

-While socializing children improve their language.

-While playing children can reflect different emotions like fear and happiness to the games and learn to deal with them.

2.7.2. Social Development

-A child will learn to communicate during games.

-A child will experience terms like win, loose, success and failure.

-A child will prepare himself for the real life as the results of the games; reason, result and success, will be similar as tothe real life.

-Through his friends and games child will experience different emotions.

3. Video Games3.1. Development of Video Games

Although the first video game was made in 1952 the first successful game to be released was Pong distributed in 1974 byAtari. This game is a like a simple table tennis game and as ithas its own machine it can be considered as the one of the first consoles.

A lot of companies produced video games after success of Pong but because of the low quality of these games the sector got ina crisis. In 1978 the sector began to recover and entered the golden age as the company Taito invented the game Space Invaders.

Together with the golden age the Arcade game consolesusuallyknown as “Atari” in Turkey began to be popular and attracted youngsters at malls or cafes.

Due to the weakness of the computer systemsvideo games started to produce for computersafter the 80’s and many games convertedfrom other systems to computers at first instead of producing from scratch.

Mid 80’s new consoles were launched and gamepads were started to be used instead of joysticks.

Early 90’s with better CPU’s 3D games was being able to be played in computers. Wolfenstein 3D is known as the first 3D computer game.

Strategy games like Dune and Warcraft, which were released in 1992, and games like Alone in the Dark created new type of games.

During the same period Nintendo’s Gameboy provided portable game systems and that made games could be played everywhere.

In 1996 3dfx launched the first 3 dimension video card and people started to buy screen cards to play FPS games like Quake. Quake is also an example of one of the first games whichis played multiplayer.

Games started to be written on CD’s instead of diskettes.

In the 2000’s new 32 and 64 byte games consoles were launched.

Besides this during the 2000’s computer producers shared some source codes with the players and made playersavailable make Mods in order to contribute to their games.

During this period games were also played on mobile phones. Nokia launched the N-Gage series phones in order to increase the quality of the games and tried to create a new genre which is succeeded nowadays.

In mid-2000’s, new consoles with of course with more powerful systems were launched and new games were started to made with better visuals due to this improvements.

Due to the widely use and speed of the internet it became possible to distribute games through the internet.

During this period new technologies were created, especially with the movement sensor system which began with Wii. The remote control of Wii senses the hand movement of a person while Kinect produced by X-Box reads a person’s body language.

3.2. Video Game Genres


This game, which has many categories, mainly requires fast reflexes and timing.

Examples for these game types are fighting, platform, first person shooter and third person shooters and some examples are Half-Life, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Tekken

-Action Adventure

It is a type of game including fighting, collection of equipment and solving puzzles.

It has sub themes based on fear or stealth.


The first adventure games were played just with texts and therewere no graphics.

In this kind of games reflexes are not required, the focus is on solving puzzles.

-Role Playing

Role playing games usually copies Dungeons and Dragons series for their system. In these series there are information about different species, classes, weapons and monsters and playing rules and games are played according to creating different stories based on this rules.

In this game genre story develops around main character, there are quest to be solved, decisions to be made, fights to be win and characters to be interacted. With victorious battles and completed quests main character grows stronger and gains betterequipment

Role playing games can be a solo game or it can be a game with millions of other players gaming online together.


This genre takes themes from real life like life, construction or airport. And it shows almost exactly what it is in real lifeand gives players chance to experience it.


Strategy games requiremaking plans and focusing over game map. Player has to overcome different objectives through resources he has. Strategy games might be turn based or real time.

3.3. Video Games and Personal Development3.3.1. Motor Skills

The computers can provide data entry with keyboard, mouse, joystick, game pad, and with other different devices like gun. And with new game consoles, Wii Motion and similar devices madefor different data input last 5 years.Even all these instruments have different ranges of use they all provide the same thing; they provide data input according to program. For example think about something we often do and as a result we forget how hard it was at the beginning like mouse clicking. Sometimes it is required to give correct input at the correct time like click on something with mouse before the time ends. Person uses input from his eyes to control his body to do this process. In other saying; he makes eye-hand coordination.

3.3.2. Sense Development, Logic and Fast Thinking

Although video games may have different genres they all have a structure. They have their own realities, challenges and puzzles in the game, and there are movements that can be performed.Player begins to understand the dynamics of the game playing the game without realizing it and tries to solve puzzles according to it.

Player sometimes has to fight an enemy and another time person has to open a locked door with the clues player’s character has.

Player adepts and reacts to the reality which game provides to him as far as his perception adepts.

Player will become more sensitive to the events of game. And that will not just improve the player’s game experience but it may also benefit as to improve players driving skills or finding a person in crowd too.

3.3.3. Eye and Perception

A study conducted at the University of Rochester shows,playing first person shooter for 30 hours improves a person’s perception and makes the person be able to perceive smaller objects better. Also 58% of players playing video games are more comfortable to perceive color differences.

Another research conducted in 2011 shows patients with amblyopia which is also known as lazy eye has made progress to their lazy eye observed in case of video game play.

3.4. Video Games and Education

Games are a factor that increases motivation for children. Therefore, it makeslearning more fun and efficient.

Computer games are used in many different areas today. Some special programs made for children with concentration problems or different games madeto teach young children letters and numbers or games, or some made to teach high school students science or mathematics.

Also the video game called SimCity which is about city planningand solving problems a city might come upon is shown in some universities as part of lessons or some institutions educate their employees using that game.

3.4.1. Angelina’s World

Angelina is an eight-year-old girl with learning difficulties. Her mother took care of her until today but since her mother had to work at the same time she couldn’t help her enough. After Marius Mathisen met and married with Angelina’s mother hedecided to dedicate himself to Angelina’s education and he tries different method since Angelina has concentration problemand couldn’t learn more than a few words at age 6.

Withoutanyexperience and with receiving the support ofthe friends, Mathisen made an application with program named Gamesalad which can run on iPad. Game is basically a word and number matching game but unlike a book since Angelina can interact with that program she is able to concentrate more.

Marius wrote program all by thinking of Angelina’s needs, without unnecessary animations, plain and simple.

Nowadays Marius working to increase awareness of program and making it available free to download and he thinks interactive tools such as iPad can be more useful to teach than books.

3.4.2. America’s Army

Game which first version published on June 2002 is actually a simulation made to train and maintain the continuity of training of soldiers of United States Army and of course developed with government sponsorship.

Game includes real training methods and statistical data of American Army. Developers reasons why a training material as this is a downloadable material as this as to share world how US Army strong is.

Even this program is a training material it also works as a tool of propaganda and it increased joining to army amount withvery little expenses.

This game shows how can a game can train, be a propaganda tool and can intimidate enemies of the country at the same time.

3.4.3. SPARX and Tetris

That study made on 94 depressed young people who plays a game called SPARX. Main purpose of game was to teach therapy techniques and lover depression levels of person.

In another study participants had shown disturbing material andthen separated to 2 different groups. As one group played

Tetris other group didn’t. And it observed Tetris played group had less flashbacks of disturbed images.

3.4.4. Video Games in Business World

In 2007 IBM develop a game called Innov8 which players could improve their business capabilities. Nowadays, many universities and corporations use this game to improve their workers.Also, IBM developed another game called Cityone which can show a city’s electrical or water problems and expects you to utilize it.

3.4.5. Playful Toothbrush

Playful toothbrush is a program to assist parents in motivatingand getting their young children into a habit of proper and thorough tooth brushing. The system includes a vision-based motion tracker that recognizes different tooth brushing motions, and a fun tooth brushing game in which a young child helps a cartoon character clean its dirty virtual teeth by physically brushing his/her own teeth.

3.4.6. Knowledge of History

Nowadays,there are many historical based games.As the main purpose of ta game is having fun, the history might not be a hundred percent true but it would still give some correct info.

As playing Age of Empires player might face different battles from history or while playing Civilization player has to take acivilization from scratch and shape through ages and by doing so player would see different discoveries and technological advancements and civilizations. A game likeAge of Mythologytakesthe subjectof mythologyso it would informthe personabout this subject.

3.4.7. Improvement of Language

Games require different amounts of use of language according totheir genre or story. A typical First Person Shooter game may require less than a game like Mass Effect which has complicatedstory and you have to make important decisions time to time by listening conservation. It can be verbal or text player would be aware of language if he knows even a bit of it and sometimeswould even have to check up dictionary to make better decisions.

In our globalized many video games includes different languagesas verbal or text includes English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and even Dutch. Use of different languages n game woulddevelop player’s language knowledge. Also as simulations like SimCity includes different concepts than the usually day life language it can be good education material.

3.4.8. Map Reading Skill

In games sometimes you have to reach a point or a place to advance in game and it is possible to use a map to reach that destination. Or player might want to find the best route to getthe best solution during game play maybe by going through forest area for stealth or going to higher places for sniping.The result will improve player’s map reading skill and observing the surrounding area.

3.5. Estimated Benefits According to the Video Game’s Genre

Estimated benefits according to the video game’s genre according to the scholar and developer of learning games Marc Prensky is on chart below

Types of Learning and Possible Game Styles

Content Examples Learning Activities

Possible Game Styles

Facts Laws, policies, product specifications


game show competitionsflashcard type gamesmnemonicsaction, sports games

Skills Interviewing, Imitation Persistent state

teaching, selling, running a machine, project management

FeedbackCoachingContinuous practiceIncreasing challenge

gamesRole-play gamesAdventure gamesDetective games

Judgment Management decisions, timing, ethics, hiring

Reviewing casesAsking questionsMaking choices(practice)FeedbackCoaching

Role play gamesDetective gamesMultiplayer interactionAdventure gamesStrategy games

Behaviors Supervision, self-control, setting examples


Role playing games

Theories Marketing rationales, how people train


Open ended simulationgamesBuilding gamesConstructing gamesReality testing games

Reasoning Strategic and tactical thinking, quality analysis



Process Auditing, strategy creation

System analysis and deconstructionPractice

Strategy gamesAdventure games

Procedures Assembly, bankteller, legal


Timed gamesReflex games

Creativity Invention, product design

Play PuzzlesInvention games

Language Acronyms, foreign language, business or professional

ImitationContinuous practiceimmersion

Role playing gamesReflex gamesFlashcard games

jargonSystems Health care,

markets, refineries

Understanding principlesGraduated tasksPlaying in microworlds

Simulation games

Observation Moods, morale,inefficiencies, problems


Concentration gamesAdventure games

Communication Appropriate language, timing, involvement


Role playing gamesReflex games

3.6. Disadvantage3.6.1. Racism

Video games include many different facts from real life. One ofthem is racism. This theme might be game’s stories’ side theme or could be the main theme. Player might become part of Ku KluxClan’s member and genocide black persons during game play.

3.6.2. Sexuality

Sexuality is an important fact of our life and therefore we cansee influences of it.

But sometimes amount of sexuality might rise too high to be offensive.

During video game’s story main character might get in romantic affair or player can tip a stripper to show her breast during playing Duke Nukem.

Producers warn customers by placing labels on DVD box about game’s content. But still it might get a bit too far from time to time.

In a very old game player has to gain points by maneuvering through arrows and rape an Indian. And this kind of abusive games might be as old as Commodore 64 times like game named Strip Poker.

But still we must agree that love, sexuality, rape are all a part of life and if they’re not the target but a part of the story they could be accepted just like story in a novel.

3.6.3. Violence

Video games might include a lot of death and violence based on its genre.

In a simulation game like Sims character might end up dead by starving or in other game player might end up hitting a pedestrian during racing. But in Soldier of Fortune opponent’s body might come to pieces as strength and we have hitting.

3.7. Video Games and Psychology3.7.1. Forced to be a Different Player

Games are played for fun and while having fun a player can learn new things and even he can get spiritual joy. Joy and satisfy of finishing a hard game is hard to describe. But nowadays video games are started to play for different reasons than having joy. With changed and started to be narcissist society games started to make look like even a slightest thing a success to feed players narcissistic feelings. And that system forces players to go after achievements which areunnecessary things to finish game. We can give an example ascollecting 20 eggs even it is not needed for game play but to earn achievement.

3.7.2. Are Video Games Making Addiction?

Nowadays games have different things for continuity of players.Many Facebook applications give player a chance to brag about almost anything to show off. Or sometimes it forces people do be on game on some specific time like harvesting crops. And other games have an easy calculation. Spend more time and gain better equipment and be better.

But, are video games really addictive? Actually there many addicted players around the world. But is this really video games fault or is this because of player’s personality and their need to run away?

Think of your life? We live in a realistic world with rules of physics and morals. But in a game all this can be changed. Player can be a hero or villain. Player can fly or become resistant to bullets.

If a person playing video games more than 10 hours we can easily assume player is addicted but what if player is a professional player? Than is he an addicted or a sports person?

Probably we can find answer easily by looking player’s life style? Is player just playing games or also player has a life too? That would be the difference?

And another good question would be “Are video games addictive or do some persondecide to get addicted to run away from life?”

4. Conclusion

As a result of today’s city life children are locked inside their houses because of traffic, security and lack of play grounds. Due to high expectations of parents children are forced to take mathematics and science courses instead of playing games. Children are not allowed to run and play during recess and have to take courses during the weekends without knowing the reason.

Students study mathematics and science for their university exam almost all their life but since they have no free time, they grow up without living their childhood and do not develop mentally right.

In other words children are not giving much opportunity to being themselves and are forced to grow up quickly.

People which develop under these circumstances may be able to give answers to logical questions but are they able to use their feelings effectively? Will they ever mature mentally?

Under these circumstances,who is to blame? Television? Computers? Books?

The problem is in the minds. The problem is insignificant conditionals to grow up mentally. A grown up who has never mentally matured can be effected wrong much easily than others whenever he watches a TV or plays a video game.

The society will always make upnew excuses to cover up the realproblems. It was television in the past and it is video games nowadays and will be something else in the future…

Can video games really force people to do something?

According to the press, the answer is “yes”.

After one of the school mass murders in the USA it occurred that the murderer was a fan of a video game and the producers of the game were being accused of being murderers. People who never might have played a video game once choose to be afraid of something they did not understand and with the influence of the press they showed their anger.

Ironically it turned up that the games were not played bythe murderer.

Are all video games innocent? Of course not. A game can show you how to kill a person in different ways and even the American Army uses games to train its soldiers. These experiences can also be learned from movies, media or from press. Video games can also teach you different things other than killing someone such as first aid, new words or logical thinking.

According to me using a tool is all about the person using it. A knife can be used to cut bread or to kill someone. This is all related to the person.

Every year thousands of people die because of traffic accidentsand since we do not forbid use of transportations should we forbid playing video games?

Why should we ban video games instead of taking advantages of them? Since they may develop us mentally, logically and even

psychically and maybe even more why shouldn’t we benefit from them?


OyunveGerçeklik, D. W. Winnicott

BütüncülPsikoterapi, TahirÖzakkaş

Psikeart, Sayı 14

BilgisayarOyunlarınınÇocuklarınBilişselveDuyuşsalGelişimleriÜzerindekiEtkilerininİncelenmesi, DeryaÖztürk

BilgisayarOyunlarınınTarihçesi, Wikipedia

Types of Learning and Possible Game Styles, Prensky

Blame Our Young? Or Use Their Passion!,Prensky

Dad Made game to help Child,

5 Reasons Video Games Actually Good For You,

Playing With Sex: How Video Games Are Changing Porn,