Ursu_Anthropomorphic representations from Precucuteni Culture uncovered at Suceava–Şipot //...

Orbis Praehistoriae Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – in memoriam

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Orbis Praehistoriae Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – in memoriam

Honoraria, 11 Redigit: Victor SPINEI

Lucrare tipărită cu sprijinul financiar al Primăriei Municipiului Iaşi

Redactor: Dana LUNGU Coperta: Manuela OBOROCEANU Ilustrația de pe copertă: Ansamblu de cult dintr-o locuință din așezarea cucuteniană

de la Trușești ISBN: 978-606-714-131-3 © Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2015 700109 – Iaşi, str. Pinului, nr. 1A, tel. /fax: (0232) 314947 http://www. editura. uaic.ro e-mail: editura@uaic. ro

Facultatea de Istorie a Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi

Institutul de Arheologie al Academiei Române, Filiala Iaşi

Orbis Praehistoriae Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – in memoriam


Victor Spinei ● Nicolae Ursulescu ● Vasile Cotiugă


Victor Spinei (n. 1943, Lozova), profesor emeritus la Facultatea de Istorie a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, director onorific și cercetător principal la Institutul de Arheologie din Iași al Academiei Române, din rândurile căreia face parte ca membru corespondent (2001); membru corespondent la Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (2005); Doctor Honoris Causa al Universității de Stat din Moldova, Chișinău (2012); doctor în Istorie din 1977 cu lucrarea Moldova în secolele XI-XIV, susținută la Institutul de Istorie „N. Iorga”, Bucureşti. Are preocupări ce privesc evul mediu timpuriu din zona est-carpatică, problema migraţiilor populațiilor nomade în estul şi sud-estul Europei la începutul mileniului al II-lea, raporturile politice, economice şi confesionale ale românilor cu Imperiul bizantin, cnezatele ruseşti, Regatul ungar şi cu triburile turcice şi mongole, istoriografie. A întreprins mai multe campanii de săpături arheologice și este autor a numeroase cărți și articole publicate în țară sau la edituri de prestigiu din străinătate (vezi: The Great Migrations in the East and South East of Europe from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Century, I–II, Amsterdam, 2006; The Romanians and the Turkic Nomads North of the Danube Delta from the Tenth to the Mid-Thirteenth Century, Leiden– Boston, 2009; Les princes martyrs Boris et Gleb. Iconographie et canonisation, Oxford, 2011). Premiul „N. Iorga” al Academiei Române (1982).

Nicolae Ursulescu (n. 1943, Iași), profesor emeritus la Facultatea de Istorie a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași; doctor în Istorie din 1983 la aceeași universitate, cu lucrarea Primele culturi neolitice pe teritoriul Moldovei, sub coordonarea prof. Mircea Petrescu-Dîmbovița; Doctor Honoris Causa al Universității „Ștefan cel Mare din Suceava” (2009); membru corespondent la Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (2012); preocupări de Preistorie și Istoria veche a României, muzeologie, istoriografie; director al Centrului Interdisciplinar de Studii Arheoistorice (2001); conducător de doctorat; a publicat mai multe cărți, volume de studii și articole la edituri din țară și din străinătate (vezi: Evoluția culturii Starčevo-Criş pe teritoriul Moldovei, Suceava, 1984; Începuturile istoriei pe teritoriul României, Iași, 2002; Contribuții privind neoliticul și eneoliticul din regiunile est-carpatice ale României, Iași, 2000).

Vasile Cotiugă (n. 1969, Iași), lector universitar la Facultatea de Istorie a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași; doctor în Istorie, din 2009, la aceeași universitate, cu lucrarea Locuințele din eneoliticul României, sub coordonarea acad. Mircea Petrescu-Dîmbovița; preocupări privind preistoria României și a Europei de Sud-Est; muzeologie, arheologie preistorică, investigații interdisciplinare în arheologie; coautor al volumului Conservarea ştiinţifică a artefactelor din ceramică, Iaşi, 2010; editor, alături de Ștefan Caliniuc, al volumului Interdisciplinarity Research in Archaeology. Proceedings of the First Arheoinvest Congress, 10-11 June 2011, Iaşi, Romania, BAR–International Series 2433, Oxford, 2012, și autor a numeroase articole publicate în reviste de specialitate și volume de studii din domeniul preistoriei și arheologiei.

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României OMAGIU. Petrescu-Dîmboviţa, Mircea Orbis Praehistoriae.: Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – in memoriam; ed.: Victor Spinei, Nicolae Ursulescu, Vasile Cotiugă. - Iaşi: Editura Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, 2015 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-606-714-131-3

I. Spinei, Victor (ed.) II. Ursulescu, Nicolae (ed.) III. Cotiugă, Vasile (ed.)

94(498) Petrescu-Dîmboviţa, M. 929 Petrescu-Dîmboviţa, M.

(1915 – 2013)

Arheologul este un căutător de adevăruri în trecut


Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – o sută de ani de la naştere // Mircea Petrescu-Dîmbovița – the centennial anniversary of his birth (Victor SPINEI) .................................................................................................... 5 Viaţa şi activitatea Academicianului Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa. Date esenţiale // The life and work of Mircea Petrescu-Dîmbovița. Essential dates (Nicolae URSULESCU, Vasile COTIUGĂ) ............................... 17


Vasile CHIRICA, Valentin-Codrin CHIRICA, Comunităţile umane ale Paleoliticului superior european: utilizarea resurselor // Human communities of the European Upper Paleolithic: use of resources ......... 61 Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, Despre descoperirea staţiunii eponime a civilizaţiei Cucuteni // On the discovery of the eponymous settlement of the Cucuteni civilization ................................................................................... 89 Attila LÁSZLÓ, Momente din istoria cercetării culturii Cucuteni–Ariuşd. Corespondenţa lui Hubert Schmidt cu Ferenc László din perioada săpăturilor de la Cucuteni (1909–1910) // Aus der Forschungsgeschichte der Cucuteni–Ariuşd Kultur. Die Korrespondenz von Hubert Schmidt mit Ferenc László in der Zeit der Ausgrabungen in Cucuteni (1909–1910) ............ 131 Nicolae URSULESCU, Noi date despre cercetările arheologice din 1928 în aşezarea cucuteniană de la Fedeleşeni, jud. Iaşi // Nouvelles données sur les recherches archéologiques de 1928 dans l′habitat cucutenien de Fedeleșeni, dép. de Iași ..................................................................................... 157 Senica ŢURCANU, Luminiţa BEJENARU, Data regarding the usage of animal traction within the Cucuteni–Tripolye Cultural Complex // Date privind utilizarea tracţiunii animale în complexul cultural Cucuteni–Tripolie .. 197 Vasile COTIUGĂ, Tipologia locuințelor eneolitice de pe teritoriul României // The typology of Eneolithic dwellings from Romanian territory ......................... 243

Victor SPINEI, Piese de silex volhynian în complexele eneolitice din Moldova de la vest de Prut // Pièces en silex volhynien dans les complexes énéolithiques en Moldavie à l’ouest du Prut ...................................................... 283 Zoia MAXIM, Despre o categorie ceramică din așezarea cucuteniană de la Truşeşti–Ţuguieta // About a pottery category from the Cucuteni settlement of Truşeşti–Ţuguieta .......................................................................... 355 Octavian BOUNEGRU, Un sondaj arheologic în aşezarea cucuteniană de la Băiceni–Dâmbul Morii (com. Cucuteni, jud. Iaşi) // An archaeological investigation at Cucutenian settlement from Băiceni–Dâmbul Morii (Cucuteni commune, Iaşi County) ...................................................................... 373 Lăcrămioara-Elena ISTINA, Cercetări în situl cucutenian de la Fulgeriş, jud. Bacău (2003-2013) // Archaeological research at the Cucuteni site from Fulgeriş, Bacău County (2003-2013) ........................................................ 379 Constantin-Emil URSU, Anthropomorphic representations from Precucuteni Culture uncovered at Suceava–Şipot // Reprezentări antropomorfe Precucuteni, descoperite la Suceava–Şipot ................................. 421 Constantin ICONOMU, O categorie de idoli antropomorfi din cultura Cucuteni // A category of antropomorphic idols from Cucuteni culture ............ 429 Dumitru BOGHIAN, Ion SANDU, Viorica VASILACHE, Sergiu-Constantin ENEA, Studiul unor probe de pigmenţi minerali din situl cucutenian de la Buznea (com. Ion Neculce, jud. Iaşi) // The study of some mineral pigments samples from Cucutenian site at Buznea (Ion Neculce commune, Iaşi County) ................................................................. 435 George BODI, Viorica VASILACHE, Radu PÎRNĂU, On the craft and art of Cucuteni potters. A case study // Despre meşteşugul şi arta olarilor cucutenieni. Un studiu de caz ............................................................................. 451 Dumitru BOGHIAN, Sorin IGNĂTESCU, Daniela MURARIU, Cezar TOMESCU, Determinări arheobotanice pe un lot de materiale arheologice din situl cucutenian de la Feteşti–La Schit (com. Adâncata, jud. Suceava) // Archaeobotanical research on a batch of archaeological materials from the Cucutenian settlement of Feteşti–La Schit (Adâncata commune, Suceava County) ................................ 465


Cristian SCHUSTER, Ion TUŢULESCU, Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa und die frühbronzezeitliche Glina–Kultur // Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa şi cultura Glina din Bronzul timpuriu .................................................................... 485 Alexandru VULPE, Transformări culturale în nord-vestul României la sfârşitul epocii bronzului // Kulturelle Umwandlungen in Nordwestrumänien in der Spätbronzezeit …………………………………………. 509 Tiberiu BADER, Von Lanzenspitzen in Form Sejma–Turbino zum Typ Odăile-Podari // De la vârfurile de lance de tip Sejma–Turbino la tipul Odăile-Podari ........................................................................................ 525 Carol KACSÓ, Topoarele cu disc şi spin de la Oarţa de Sus şi Odeşti (jud. Maramureş) // Die Nackenscheibenäxte von Oarţa de Sus und Odeşti (Bezirk Maramureş) ............................................................................................ 543 Bogdan Petru NICULICĂ, Dumitru BOGHIAN, Descoperiri de bronzuri din Podişul Sucevei: probleme generale, evidenţe, perspective // Discoveries of bronzes from the Suceava Plateau: general questions, evidences, expectations ....................................................................................... 559 Oleg LEVIŢKI, Maia KAŞUBA, Două culturi hallstattiene timpurii cu ceramică canelată din regiunea est-carpatică: trăsături generale şi locale // Two Early Hallstatt cultures with channeled (fluted) ceramics of the Eastern Carpathian region: the general and local features ..................... 579 Ion MAREŞ, Piese de aramă şi bronz din aşezarea hallstattiană timpurie de la Siret–Dealul Ruina (jud. Suceava) // Copper and bronze objects from Early Hallstatt settlement at Siret–Ruina Hill (Suceava County) ...................... 615


Vasile CHIRICA, Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – Profesorul şi Omul // Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – the Professor and the Man ................................. 639 Costin CROITORU, Călătorie de cercetare arheologică în judeţul Covurlui // Archaeological research field trip in Covurlui County .................... 645 Mircea IGNAT, Bogdan Petru NICULICĂ, Situl arheologic de la Şcheia–Siliştea (jud. Suceava) – mărturii din Preistorie până în Evul Mediu // L’habitat pluristratifié de Şcheia–Siliştea (dép. de Suceava) – des témoignages à partir de Préhistoire jusqu’au Moyen Âge ........................... 657

Gheorghe LAZAROVICI, Cornelia-Magda LAZAROVICI, Noi date şi observaţii privind exploatarea şi transportul sării în preistorie // New data and observations regarding the exploitation and transport of salt in Prehistory ............................................................................................ 671 Marius ALEXIANU, Poziţia indoeuropenei comune faţă de alte limbi-bază. Implicaţii asupra problemei localizării patriei primare indoeuropene // The position of Common Indo-European with respect to other base-languages. Implications for locating the Indo-European homeland .................................... 695 Adrian PORUCIUC, Observaţii privitoare la răspândirea neoliticului şi la perpetuarea unor aspecte ale sale în Africa de Nord // Observations concerning the spread of the Neolithic and the survival of some of its aspects in Northern Africa .............................................................................................. 707 ABREVIERI ....................................................................................................... 719 LISTA CONTRIBUTORILOR .......................................................................... 725

Orbis Praehistoriae. Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa – in memoriam V. Spinei, N. Ursulescu, V. Cotiugă (eds.), Honoraria 11, Iaşi, 2015, p. 421–428



Constantin-Emil URSU

Key words: Precucuteni culture, Suceava–Şipot settlement, anthropomorphic representations, belt, human spine. Cuvinte cheie: cultura Precucuteni, aşezarea Suceava–Şipot, reprezentări antropomorfe, centură, coloana vertebrală. Abstract. This paper aims the presenting of Precucuteni anthropomorphic representations unearthed during the archaeological excavations from Suceava–Şipot settlement (1953–1963) by Mircea D. Matei and Dan Gh. Teodor. It analyse particularly the representations of the rhombus-rendered belt and the human spine, some of the characteristic features of anthropomorphic figurines in Precucuteni–Cucuteni–Tripolye civilization. Rezumat. Articolul prezintă plastica antropomorfă precucuteniană descoperită cu ocazia cercetărilor arheologice din 1953–1963 în aşezarea de la Suceava–Şipot, întreprinse de Mircea D. Matei și Dan Gh. Teodor. Sunt analizate în mod deosebit reprezentarea brâului cu romb şi a coloanei vertebrale, două din caracteristicile plasticii antropomorfe a complexului cultural Precucuteni–Cucuteni–Tripolie. The archaeological researches undertaken between 1953 and 1963 at Suceava–Şipot, led by Mircea D. Matei and Dan Gh. Teodor (TEODOR 2013, 7, 11), aimed at recording the medieval settlements from the 6th–7th centuries, and from late 14th to the 17th centuries; nonetheless, the digs uncovered other archaeological remains: ceramic fragments dating back to Starčevo–Criş and Linear Pottery Cultures, fragmental platforms of Cucuteni (phase A) dwellings, as well as random finds from Gorodsk and Noua cultures (TEODOR 2013, 8–9).

In 2010, some of the archaeological finds from the above mentioned site joined Bucovina Museum’s collections. Their research showed that some of the objects1, among which five anthropomorphic representations, date from Precucuteni III-Tripolye A era.

The catalogue of the statuettes: 1. Fragmentary feminine “seated” figurine — inv. B/3294 (S V/1960, sq. 9;

–0.90m); moulded out of fine paste, mixed with sand, with yellow engobe, fired in oxidizing atmosphere. It is preserved in a fragmentary state; moulded out of two lumps of clay, joined at the basin; only the protruding basin and part of the unique, one leg, are still preserved. An incised, continuous line, outline the legs at the back,

1 Some of the most notable objects are: four ladle handles, one altar-table leg, two clay weights.

422 Constantin-Emil URSU

as well as in front, marking the buttocks at the same time. A second incised line, parallel with the first one, depicts a belt, the same incision also outlining, the inguinal triangle; beneath the line, on both sides of the legs, two short, horizontal lines, were incised. H max. = 4.3cm; D max. = 4cm (Fig. 1/1).

2. Fragmentary figurine — inv. B/3297 (S X/1961, sq. 8–10, extension); moulded out of fine paste, mixed with mica sand and fine grinded shards as degreasers; covered with a partially preserved engobe; fired in a reductive atmosphere. The preserved fragments are the circular neck and the torso, with its flat back, slightly rounded front and arms marked by rounded, applied pellets. H max. = 3.7cm; D max. = 4.3cm (Fig. 1/2).

3. Anthropomorphic leg — inv. B/3296 (1962; –1.30m); moulded out of fine paste, mixed with sand and fine grinded shards as degreasers; finely coated with engobe on the exterior; it is partially preserved; fired incompletely in an oxidizing atmosphere. The lens-like foot is elongated on the exterior, while the ankle is realistically rendered. H max. = 4.5cm (Fig.1/3).

4. Fragmentary feminine “standing” figurine — inv. B/3295 (S XII/1963; –0.90m); moulded out of fine paste, mixed with fine sand, mica and fine grinded shards, as degreasers; the engobe coat is partially preserved; fired in an oxidizing atmosphere. It was modelled out of one lump of clay; part of the basin, modestly rendered, and the one-leg, ending in a conical foot, are the only fragments still preserved. The legs are outlined by incised lines, carved deeper at the back, running down the knees. The side of the buttocks preserve grain impressions, suggested by two small indentations. H max. = 4.7cm; D max. = 3.5cm (Fig. 1/4).

5. Fragmentary feminine “seated” figurine — inv. B/3298 (S XX/1963, sq. 10; –1.10m); moulded out of semi-fine paste, mixed with grinded shards as degreaser, covered with a coat worked from a similar, red, paste; fired in an reductive atmosphere. The abdomen, protuberant buttocks and the one-leg, its foot, probably pointy, broken of old, are the only fragments still preserved. The buttocks and the legs are outlined by incised lines. On the back, “V” shaped lines, broken here and there, pointing downwards, mark the spine. The buttocks are decorated with linear and circular motifs, while the legs are ornamented with randomly rendered lines. Another line, depicting a belt, separates the buttocks from the abdomen, ending in front with a rhombus, which also includes the inguinal triangle. On the front, above the belt, a decoration of angular lines, symmetrically somehow rendered, might suggest occasionally rhombuses. H max. = 5cm; D max. = 4.2cm (Fig. 1/5).

At two of the figurines discovered at Suceava–Şipot is needs to mention the manner of rendering of the belt. Thus, at the figurine no. 1, the belt is rendered, by two parallel lines. Although there are numerous anthropomorphic representations from Precucuteni III–Tripolye A phase decorated with the belt, however this manner of rendering from our case is rarely certified: Gaivoron (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 187, 188; 153, no. 192), Kozina (ТКАЧУК et alii 2010, fig. 19/3), Moghilna III (БУРДО 1997, fig. 1). In general, this clothing accessory is rendered on the face of figurines, e.g. at Târpeşti (MARINESCU-BÎLCU 1974, fig. 73/4; 1981, fig. 103/1, 3-4, 14; 104/1-5, 7-8; 105/3-4; 106/1-3, 6, 11), Aldeşti (MARINESCU-BÎLCU 1974,

Anthropomorphic representations from Precucuteni Culture 423

fig. 75/4), Alexandrovka (POGOŠEVA, 1985, no. 95, 96, 98, 101-105, 112-113, 117), Grebeniukov Iar (БУРДО 1990, fig. 1/3; МИЦИК 2006, 9, b), Holercani (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 201, 206), Coşernița I (МАРКЕВИЧ 1992, fig. 3/2), Lencăuţi (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 246; ЧЕРНИШ 1959, pl. XIII/15), Târgu Frumos (URSULESCU, BOGHIAN, COTIUGĂ 2014, fig. 11/3, 16/5, 22/7), Poduri (MONAH et alii 2003, cat. no. 97; GARVĂN 2013b, pl. 12/5, 7), Romanovka (ЯКУБЕНКО, ПАНЧЕНКО 1999, 56, no. 2), Traian–Dealul Fântânilor (GARVĂN, BUZEA FRÎNCULEASA 2009, cat. no. 73, 75), Timkovo (БУРДО 2008, 55). In most cases, no matter the manner of representation, it was believed that either the inguinal triangle was rendered, or an abdominal fat fold. However, a more careful analysis of this type of representations reveals that we are dealing with depictions of belts (the same observation is made by Eugen Comşa, concerning a series of representations: COMŞA 1995, 82).

Without going into much detail, we must mention that there are several manners of depicting this clothing accessory (by two parallel lines, filled with short lines, dots or sockets, by modelling a ridge using incised lines, etc.).

Another manner of representing, noticed only on the decorated statuettes from Precucuteni–Tripolye A to Cucuteni A–Tripolye BI, is the belt with a rhombus on the abdomen. It can be a simple rhombus (figurine no. 5) or a rhombus split by “X” shaped lines, suggesting one, two, four or six further other small rhombuses, simple or joined by dots, lines and dots, encircled rhombuses (Fig. 2). It must be pointed out that the belt is continuously represented from the Neolithic to the Christian era (starting with a series of figurines from the Linear Pottery Culture, to Inane/Ishtar, Isis, Demeter, Athena, Aphrodite, and Virgin Mary), always a symbol of fecundity and death. Within this context, the symbolic interpenetration of death and regeneration is not to be ruled out; in the end, the goddess, most likely acting as Mother Earth or The Great Goddess of fertility, “controls, at the same time, the path of the seeds and that of the dead” (ELIADE 2008a, 258–260).

At the analysis of figurine no. 5 we have mentioned the depiction of the spine. It must be pointed out that among the known anthropomorphic representations from early Precucuteni-Tripolye A, this anatomic detail is rarely rendered; starting with Precucuteni III phase, it is more frequently depicted on the decorated figurines than before. The spine is rendered in several manners (Fig. 3):

– in low-relief: Traian–Dealul Viei (MARINESCU-BÎLCU 1974, fig. 71/14), Târpeşti (MARINESCU-BÎLCU 1974, fig. 73/7), Bernovo Luka (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 124);

– by a groove: Alexandrovka (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 88), Târpeşti (MARINESCU-BÎLCU 1981, fig. 109/10-11), Ruseştii Noi I (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 384-385), Luka Vrublevetskaja (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 256, 258, 261);

– by vertical lines, outlined in dots: Luka Vrublevetskaia (POGOŠEVA 1985, nr. 259, 281, 337);

– by parallel, slightly oblique lines (“in rafter”), represented near the spine: Alexandrovka (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 84), Târgu Frumos (URSULESCU, BOGHIAN, COTIUGĂ 2014, fig. 17/1; 21/1-2), Luka Vrublevetskaia (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 264,

424 Constantin-Emil URSU

267, 297, 308, 316, 319), Bernovo Luka (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 132, 168), Ruseştii Noi I (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 375, 387);

– by rows of vertical angles, arranges on both sides of the suggested spine: Târgu Frumos (URSULESCU, BOGHIAN, COTIUGĂ 2014, fig. 18/1, 3), Luka Vrublevetskaia (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 256, 262, 268, 276, 280), Bernovo Luka (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 125-127), Ruseştii Noi I (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 386);

– a combination of some of the above mentioned manners: Luka Vrublevetskaja (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 266, 272-273), Bernovo Luka (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 130, 134), Ruseştii Noi I (POGOŠEVA 1985, no. 366). Located between the inguinal area/buttocks, where the pregnancy develops, and, implicitly, creation does, and the head (area of knowledge and communication), the spine might symbolize an ascension element, a gateway between Earth and Sky, perhaps even a ladder, an Axis Mundi, a Tree of Life (CHEVALIER, GHEERBRANT 2009, 266), “endless fountain of cosmic fertility” (ELIADE 2008a, 292).

The Centre is first and foremost the place everything originated from, no shapes or dimensions, the single image of “the Primordial Unity” (GUÉNON 2008, 77), and within this context, the figurines baring marks of grain seeds, ”embryos”, symbols of a primordial act of conceiving (ELIADE 2007, 108), can account for of the best arguments.

The publishing of the results of the analyses of the group of figurines from Suceava–Şipot aims at adding to the image of archaeological discoveries from this era. Without being spectacular, the researched objects are nonetheless important for understanding the bigger picture of anthropomorphic representations from Precucuteni III–Tripolye A phase.


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Fig. 1. Suceava–Şipot. Anthropomorphic representations // Reprezentări antropomorfe.

Anthropomorphic representations from Precucuteni Culture 427









Fig. 2. Manners of depicting a belt with rhombus on the abdomen // Modalităţi de reprezentare a brâului cu romb pe abdomen. 1–2: Bernovo Luka; 3, 6–7: Cărbuna I;

4: Târpeşti; 5: Ruseştii Noi I; 8: Holercani (1–3, 5–8: apud POGOŠEVA 1985, nr. 162, 146, 225, 366, 227, 226, 203; 4: apud MARINESCU-BÎLCU 1981, fig. 108/1).

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Fig. 3. Ways of representing the spine. 1: rendered in low-relief (Târpeşti); 2: rendered by a groove (Ruseştii Noi I); 3: rendered by vertical line, outlined in dots (Luka

Vrublevetskaia); 4: rendered by rows of vertical angles, on both sides of the suggested spine (Bernovo Luka); 5: rendered by parallel slightly oblique lines, arranges near the suggested spine (Cărbuna I); 6: rendered through a combination of several of the above

mentioned manners (Luka Vrublevetskaia) // Modalităţi de reprezentare a coloanei vertebrale. 1: redată în relief (Târpeşti); 2: redată printr-o şănţuire (Ruseştii Noi I);

3: redată printr-o linie verticală, formată din puncte (Luka Vrublevetskaia); 4: redată prin două şiruri de unghiuri dispuse vertical, cu deschiderea către zona coloanei vertebrale (Bernovo Luka); 5: redată prin linii oblice, dispuse în căpriori (Cărbuna I); 6: redată printr-o combinaţie a metodelor menţionate mai sus (Luka Vrublevetskaia) (1: apud

MARINESCU-BÎLCU, 1981; 2–5: apud POGOŠEVA, 1985, no. 384, 281, 126, 222, 256).