Unit 22 Lesson 1—Jesus Healed 10 Men

1 Unit 22 Lesson 1—Jesus Healed 10 Men Background for Parents: Over the last few months, we have been studying the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth, and how He was revealed as the Son of God, through his encounters with ordinary people. This month, we will be looking at some of the healing miracles Jesus performed, and things we can learn about God from each of those healings.

Transcript of Unit 22 Lesson 1—Jesus Healed 10 Men


Unit 22 Lesson 1—Jesus Healed 10 Men

Background for Parents: Over the last few months, we have been studying the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth, and how He was revealed as the Son of God, through his encounters with ordinary people. This month, we will be looking at some of the healing miracles Jesus performed, and things we can learn about God from each of those healings.


Introduction Activity: Spot the Differences

Have kids pair up with someone else in the family. Instruct each pair to face and study each other. After a few moments, have the pairs turn away from each other, and each person will change one aspect of her appearance, such as untying a shoe, raising an eyebrow, removing glasses, pulling hair back over ears, rolling up sleeves, and so forth. (You may have to help younger kids come up with something to change about themselves). Then, the pairs will turn to face each other again, and try to figure out what was changed in their partner. Say• That was tricky! In our story today, we will learn about a group of ten men who seemed similar. All of them were suffering with the same skin disease. And Jesus healed all of them! But I want you to listen to our story today and find out what was different about one man.


Big Picture Question and Review

Over the next few weeks, we're going to be looking at stories where Jesus healed people. But before we do that, let's back up to the very beginning of the word, and think about why God created people. This is our Big Picture question for the month:



Thinking about this question will help us remember why God sent Jesus

to earth.


In the beginning, God created everything, and everything was perfect. Part of God’s perfect creation was a man, Adam, and a woman, Eve.


Sadly, they chose to disobey God, and ever since then the world has been broken by sin.


Thankfully, God had a wonderful plan to fix sin. God sent Jesus.


When Jesus was grown, He began His ministry. We saw stories last month of how He traveled around healing people, doing miracles….


….and teaching people about God.


For the next few weeks, we will look closely at some wonderful stories of the ways Jesus healed people.



Bible Lesson Video (Click on the picture below to view)


Bible Story: (Luke 17) (Either play the story video, or display the above story

picture, and read this story aloud).

Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem when He entered a village. Ten men cried out to Him, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” The men did not come close to Jesus because they had a skin disease called leprosy. Jesus saw them and said, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” Jesus wanted the men to follow the law God had given to Moses. The law said a person who had a skin disease had to go to a priest to be examined when the disease was gone. The priest and the person had to follow certain rules so the person could live a normal life among people again. As they went, the ten men were miraculously healed. One of the men, seeing that he was healed, went back to Jesus. He praised God and fell facedown at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him over and over. This man wasn’t a Jew; he was a Samaritan.


Jesus asked the man, “Weren’t ten men cleansed? Where are the others?” Only this man—a foreigner—had returned to give thanks and praise to God. Jesus told him, “Get up and go on your way. Your faith has saved you.” Christ Connection: Jesus healed the ten men who cried out to Him. The one who had faith was saved. When we trust in Jesus by faith, He heals us from something greater than a disease; He saves us from our sins. We can give Him thanks and worship Him for making us new.


Follow-up Discussion: Imagine what life was like for those ten men with leprosy. The Jewish law said that their skin disease made them unclean, and they had to follow rules about staying away from other people. That’s why they didn’t get too close to Jesus. They stood at a distance and called out to Him. What did the men say to Jesus? (Have older kids find and read Luke 17:13. Allow kids to read the verse and respond.) The men cried out for mercy. They didn’t ask Him for money or food. They wanted Jesus to have compassion on them and to heal them! Jesus told them to go to the priests. That was unusual because that’s what they were supposed to do after they had been healed. But as they went, they were healed! When one of the men realized he was healed, what did he do? (Have older kids read Luke 17:15-16). [Allow kids to read


the verse and respond.] The man returned to Jesus. He understood that the healing had come from Him. He praised God and honored Him. - It’s important to see that the man who was healed and saved didn’t earn salvation by returning to say thank you. Jesus said it was his faith that saved him. That man understood that Jesus had healed them, and he had faith in Jesus.

It is also important to note that Jesus did not take away the healing from the men who didn’t worship God or come say thank you. Jesus’ love doesn’t depend on whether or not we love Him. He didn’t wait for the men to worship Him before offering healing. This can help us understand how we ought to respond to Jesus. The gift of salvation is given to everyone who has faith. We don’t have to earn it by doing good deeds or worshiping God. However, when God saves us by grace through faith, our hearts are transformed, and we become people who love and worship God. The Holy Spirit helps us love and obey God. He guides us to make good choices.


Key Passage: Show the verse poster. Read the verse aloud with/to your kids. .

This key passage teaches us that long before Jesus came to earth as a human, prophets spoke about Him as a healer. When Jesus was on earth healing people, He was proving who He is: the Messiah. When Jesus died on the cross, He did the most important healing: He made the way for us to be saved from sin and healed from the damage sin causes in our lives.


Prayer Father, thank You for sending Jesus. Help us love You and obey You. Thank You that we can be saved from sin by faith and healed from the damage sin causes. Amen.

Lesson Review Key Passage Review Display the key passage poster and lead kids to read aloud Isaiah 53:4-5.

Separate the key passage into phrases that include key words. Choose several key words and call for volunteers to draw pictures on a paper to represent the key words. Suggested examples below:

• Pain (bandaid, or frowning or crying face)

• Punishment (a big X, or a stick person sitting in a corner)

• Peace (smiling face, or stick figure with happy face looking up to heaven)

• Wounds (cross)

• Healed (heart with a smile, etc)


Display the drawings in order, and guide kids to say the key passage, using the illustrations as prompts. Say• When Jesus was on earth, He not only healed the sick and raised the dead, He also defeated sin and death once and for all when He died on the cross and rose again. Jesus will return one day and put an end to sickness and suffering forever.


Story Questions

Remind the kids that the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are the first 4 books of the New Testament, and that they tell about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Today’s Bible story is found in Luke. Ask the following questions about the story:

• Why did the men cry out to Jesus for help? (They had a skin disease and wanted Jesus to help them.)

• How many men did Jesus heal? (10)

• Jesus healed the ten men, but how many came back to thank Jesus? (One man came back.)

• What did the man do when he returned to see Jesus? (The man praised God, fell down at Jesus’ feet, and thanked Him.)

• Why did Jesus say the one Samaritan was saved? (because of his faith, Luke 17:19)


Extended discussions for older kids:

• What did the man who was healed realize about Jesus? Invite kids to share their ideas. Point out the man’s reaction to his healing: he returned to thank Jesus. The man recognized that Jesus had healed him, and he praised God. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Ps. 103:2-4.)

• Do you feel more like the man who thanked Jesus, or the nine who did not? Encourage kids to share their thoughts and try to answer honestly. Be prepared to share your own experience of times you honored God for His goodness and times you struggled to. Help kids to see that our sinful hearts often take God’s goodness for granted. We expect only good and forget that God can use hard times for His glory.

• How do you show God you are thankful to Him? Guide kids to discuss

the different ways we can give thanks to, glorify, and honor God. Help them see that we can worship God in our words and with our actions. Remind them that obedience to God, parents, and teachers is a great way to show God you trust and love Him. We can also show His love to others.


Younger kids Activity Option: Everybody Move

Call out actions taken by people in today’s Bible story for kids to act out. Suggested actions include children moving far away from one another, coming back together, falling down, hopping back up, or waving arms in praise to God. Say• Those were things people DID in the story. Now let’s repeat something someone SAID in the story. Let’s all say, “Thank You, Jesus!” Jesus healed ten men with a skin disease, but only one of them came back to thank Him. Jesus asked where the other men were. Jesus said the man who returned was saved because he had faith. When we trust in Jesus, He heals us from something greater than a disease; He saves us from our sins. We can thank God and worship Him for making us new.


Healing Diseases Print the “Man with a Skin Disease” printout (page 24) for each kid. Place each copy inside a sheet protector or ziplock bag. Tape the covered sheets to a flat surface. Show a child how to use a dry erase marker to draw sores on the man’s skin. Then use the eraser to remove the sores. Say • When you rubbed the eraser over the man, his sores went away. When Jesus healed the ten men and made their sores go away, only one of the men came back to worship Jesus and thank Him. That man showed faith and gave glory to God. God wants all of us to love Him and give Him glory. Why did God create people? God created people to love Him and give Him glory. We can thank God and worship Him because through Jesus, we are made new.


Activity Option: Thank-you notes Provide construction paper or cardstock/paper and art supplies. Encourage kids to write thank-you notes to people who have given them a gift. Emphasize that the gift may be a physical gift—like a toy or game—or it may be something like words of encouragement, support, or friendship. Instruct kids to fold the construction paper to make cards. Kids may use various art supplies to decorate their cards. Suggest kids also write a thank-you note to God for the wonderful things He has done. Say• What kinds of things did you say “thank you” for? [Allow kids to respond.] God is good, and He gives good gifts. The Bible says that every good gift comes from Him. Sometimes God blesses us through the generosity of others. In all things, we can thank God for His love and care. God’s greatest gift to us is His Son, Jesus, who died on the cross and rose again so we can have forgiveness and life with God forever.



Activity pages

Older kids (3rd-5th grade) journal and activity sheets: Pages 28-29

Younger kids (1st-2nd grade) coloring and activity sheet: Pages 30-31

Preschool (age 4 to kindergarten) activity sheet: Page 32