TOBACCO OF ALL fflOL, - DigiFind-It

samm “r® / -> I ■ I- 4 -'--- 4^ Vol‘ L V . No. 5. Hightstown, N. J ., Thursday, MAY 4th, 1899. Whole No.. 2799 L “In the surine’the youtig m ^ ’s fancy” Suits, Ton Coats, Vests, xroustrs, atid Bicycle Outfits are htere; if 13^' The Biggest Day I iver had was BasteTSaturday; but that’s only one of sbWa big day's sale I’m having this season. The people are crowding my salesmen hard because they're finding that I hav'e fiaken pains' tolay in stock for my spring trade. The Biggest Hits I ever had ih Men’s and Boys’ Spring wear. I have a few liast' season’s garments that are going at marked-down prices and a few of those half-price heavy weights, are still to be had for the' ask- ing b u t" My Men’s and Boys’spring wea? in the newer weaves atid latest cut, are not to be equalled any ■Where else. Men’s suits in the bright new checks, stripes and plaids, latest cuts and best tailoring, $G up. Men’s Top Coats, new effects, Coverts, Cheviots and Worsters, $7 SO up- See my $12 coat. Boys’ suits in bright pretty patterns and cuts from 11.98. Top Coats in like prices. Bicycle, fad and vest fancies that please. Money always back if you're not suited. B. T. Q U N S O N , Famous Clothier, Opus Eoase Stotss, A CARD. Having been informed that mdlicious and unscrupulbiis agents are claiming to be able to furnish and sell GEO. fcThOK & CO.’S Piano Fortes in Hightstown and silr- rounding country, we hereby inform the public that Miss Ella T. Nokton, '..f Hightstown, N. J., has the explosive right to sale for the “SteclP’ Piano Forte in Mercer, Mon- mouth, Middlesex, Burlington, Ocean, and parts of Som- erset and fl anteidoD Counties, of the State of New Jersey, and that the “Steck” Piano Forte c'mnot be sold in said territory by any other agent without Miss Noktoiii’s con- eent. GEO. STECK & CO., New York. MISS ELLA T , N O R T O N sole agent for Oeo. Steck & Oo.’s Piano Foites and the Loring & Blake Palace Organ. Instruments of other makes furnished if desired. For further information call upon or address MISS ELLA T. NORTON, South Main Street, Hightstown, N. J. fti)r^2v^lyr HEADQUABTBBS FOB largest stock of Keiflor Pears in the State—Cheap. Dwarf Duchess Pears 16 cents each, Mercer Cherry $1.00 each. We are the only nursery in the country that has this fine new Cherry. Other Cherries and Plums at 26 cents each. Apples at 10 cents esfch. $9.00 per 100, these are not old soruba but 3-year*old trees. S . 0 -. FOTVSt/Lja^N. nafcrwirrei’Guilery, tiiral Iiupleinenls, Plftw Castings', Pumps, Jj'ertUizers, Seeds, Houso'FurBiShmgOoods. .Wpi'ftenware, Oit .Cloths, Glass, Paints, 'f '■ « « # * , KSpSk.'A'wl^lSiffi's, Xinn^^ uitlon, Axle Grease, liiiskets, Priishcs, Dusters, Blackings, Polishes, Lamps Cliina, Crockery and Glassware, Poultry supplies, etc., etc. J)R . C. J. HAZARD, D EN TIST, UFFIUE—STOOATOKST.,OPro8»K FouMAa St. JJIQIITSTOWN.N. J. Oapartmlnlstered. apr 1-ly PtDDIE INSTITUTE HIGHTSTOWN, N, J. © A first-class School for Both’ Sexes. Full corps of Excellent Tcnchora. Elia for Colloj^. Huslneasi. Tuitcliinjr, IMi/slc aid Eiilminff Di'piirtmcnt. Term open Sepiemlior Uili, lauh. Send lor catalogue to Ho6'lilttV.SWE'lI.ANn, A. ivi., Prlnol|ial. 1 V UR EYES ARE WURTH SAVING TIE MORRIS EYE WATER (Jurea any Sofeor Weak Eyca, nolOataract. FOR MAN UK HEAST. 6 cents perlioUle. liarj^crboUleelor veterinary use. .1. G. MORRIS, (Homlola, N. J. For sale at Uunulnxham’ifiimi Rue's Drug Stores. . SAUTER, Naturalist and Taxidermist, [?RED lUOVVlltlatb St., near Franklord, NEW YORK. CITY larpain8taken tn mounting pot bird8anil animals. Largo stock of Groups, Hlnls, Dcur Houda and iiassUosoa C. M. ASHTON', Teacher [ol Pliino, Ui|cun, I’lpef'rgnn and Ilnnnony. Agent lor the Hiusitia I'iiiiiolnrte. llio .only instrument IhiU will perfyctly stuinl the cluniKos ol iitmospliere. Alfonteni lor Enoknrd, l.,yGn ic ileiiiy, toitl Wuiiver Enr i-r Orgiins. Tliu Weaver Jrgan],wu8 soleclod,'. Irtmij-iill olherK in l.inlLeil Stales, by tlio Sdiooi t ommlFfloniTS ot jiiilliinure. for use in Iho Ulty J'ubllc Schools. QORN, OATS, &C., HUUGilT AT OOTCa LT’S HOIHINY MILLS. Grain Tocclved iit ami bugs sent to any depot on the United Rallroiuls ol New .Icrscy.' YELLOW FLINT & WIJITE CORN A SPEOiALTY. Call on or address JOHN OUTCALT, otl5-U Spotswood, N. .1 ^DRIAN S. APPELCET, IIIUIITSTOWK, NEW .TElisE’i, Attorney atid Counselor at Law, Solicitor and Master in Chancery, AND NOTARY-PUBI.IO, TTORNKY AND PKOCTOR OKTIJICUN ITKDSTATKR Courts. OullecUonH mudo In all parts of the United States and Uanailas. Mortgiiicefuroctosuro?and cxa-mlniillohot titles a specialty, IVLoney to Loan on Hond and P ortgniro. V IC K ’S Illustrated Floral Guide, A beautUul work lOOpa-Kca. Une Uolored Flower Plate,and 600 lllusiratlon'fi, with Iie'sc'riplioiisol the best Flowers and Vcgoiablcs, with prlceol seed 8, and now le thorn. All tor a five (Jen I Stamp, lu EnRllKli or (iorinun. VICKIS SEXD?T tt-mhe’iy6BT-m’-rri-<IWerT<l. Five (Junta ibr imsuigc will buy tlio Ft oral G oiDii, tellitii; buw to gel thorn. The Fr.owitn and Veoktarlu OAnnKN, 176 Pa gca, Si.x Oolurt’d Plates, and man hundiecl Fn gravlngs. For 60 cents In paper cevers , $1.00 In eleganioloMi. In Gorman or EnKli^h. VlCK’8 iLLOBTRATKD AIONTHLY MAGAZINE—32 Pitgea, a Colored Plat u in every number a-ud many tine engravlnga’. Price tl.26ayear: FlveUopiea ur+5.(W. Spooltnon Numbors sent lor 10 cents; 8 rial ooploB for 26 cents. Address JAMES VICK, 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE P atents I !xADC niAnns OettON* COPVRraHT* Ac. Anyone Bonding a ekeloh and deecrlptlon may quickly fwoeruin onr opinion free wueiber on Invention is probibljr O f tlonuBtrlotlyoonfidonUa!.- ........ ......... Bont free, (tldest ngency for Bocwlngj»atectA. rlotlyoonfidonUoL Handbook on Patent* fie. Oldest njrency forBocwlngpatecta. Patents taken through Munn k Co. rocolre tpfdolnotf^ without cbnrgo, In the Sckniinc niKiiciitt. A handsomely. IlluBtratOd weekly. Jjirgost clr- iniUUon of anysclentiflq lournaL Tenns. |3 a year; four months. $1 . Pold byall newBoealers. MUNN New York Breb^Ofllco. 816 VB t., WMbtogtoo, D* U [JENRY WELLER, WholdBtleaml RetailDenlerlnnod Manulactar- erol U b PttB OATAiAeta iOS. H. BLACK, SON & C0„ Hightstown, N. J. FINE CIGARS. PIPES, POUGixES, AND TOBACCO OF ALL f flO L , MAIN STREET, UlGUTiSTOWN.M.A At Twilight. WM . OiinVAX ROI1EKT8. Olil of Uic dusk, wiiid-blowii und lltio, Thd shudowy wooil-bnnts^filhcr in. And twilifili,! liiislit's liie hurtor’s din — Sleep, liUle lieud, on my Biiouliler! The cold IjjflUS W iik-C IhrouglFlhe-cvcnrrriY' RHiy . Ill (lie hltle Villnge heside llie bay, And a few cold slurs ^;leain fur awiiy — Sleep, liltle lieud, on my shoulder! The sailor turns his fuco once more Where Ins a'vve’clheurl wai|^s lU Ijie opened door; Tlic lone light Nvushcia the wave-swept sliorc — Sleep, litUe head on my Bhoiihlerl Mere wliere Ihe duncing slnulows swarm Our driftwood lire brigiil iind warm ; Ikyond our window wakes llie storm — Then sleep, lilllc lieud, on my sh'biihler! Stella's Opportunity. RV HEi.liN RVKR.‘?TON aMlTII. ‘" ‘Wlinl js llio mutler, Slclla? Voii lock ns if some mi^forlmie had huppehed lo VtCi.’' The girl addressed wiis. a lull, sliilely young creulure, .slill in her “ Icens,” with’a sinking face, iiiid a manner whicli, llioiigli not aw kward, was a little loo abrupt and energetic lo be graceful. She ruphed: “1 am disc^rra-gedr^ “ VVliatl ^ u ? d i d n ’t suppose you ever could be lIiiiV|j and I don't see why you should he. I'm sure if I were geltiiig llfteen dollars a week, m a steady situalion, with hours only from nine iiiiltl live, 1 Should think the woild very charming.” The last speaker was a sleiHlcr, ileiicutc womuu,' iir her early iweiUies, and tlie work on her lap ami lying about belruvetl lier occupalion to be lliivt of a drc'^smtiker. Site'sighed a.s she spoke, 'iiu'l did not slop her busy sliiching while she talked.^ *T know, aear,” saiil Stella, ruefully, “ it does seem fingiiiieful In me'lo find fuult witli my pocilioii; hut ihcii I am not to good and jmi' iciit as you; iiml ! iicn, loo, 1 am constaiijlly seeing men advaiiceil wl.ile I stand .still. My salary is the same .as it was two years ago; ^el d_imii.g lIuU Tuiu* almost every clerk in Mr. (Jruikshaiik’s uHicc lias been-iTi’omolod. uiul Iheie isn’t one o f‘them who is any more faitlihii' or clever than I. T);ey have had clmiiees lo show their capabiliiies i 1 have not. Mr. Cruikshunk Heals me uli cly,—lhal is, ho 18 courleous, and all tlml—but lie never e.vpccl.s Riiylhiiig of me beyr.Md my daily muiid of laking hliorlhimd notes' of his loiters and instruclion.s, anil then lype- vv.rlUng them.,.. I find, indeed, lluiL lie gives me the most importanl of this sort of work to do, I make so few mis- lukes; but that is ns far as I gel, a,nd il docvsn'i siili'fyme. My,father was a niim who advanced lapidly, and would have become wcallhy hud ite lived longer. 1 am liKo him in energy and will, and 1 think, loo, in clear busiuesa pen epUoiis." VVliile Stella was lalkmg, she wa# walk- ing about the room pulling away u few things, and gcttilig ready to go nut. “ Your cluince will conic, Stella. It- must! You litive gruuiKleii yourself so well, and are always so rendy for every enulgcncy. J think if \uu were asked to go to Alaska lo-nigiit, you could bo oil before 1 coulfl gel iuy mind imiile up, and while i should have In lake a liuiik, you could go with only a grip-sack.” t!>te]la laughed. “Yes, I suppose I could, fur 1 am always well and strong, and don’t necd-lo carry bolli thick cloliica and Ihin, to be prepared tor all changes of weallier, or to burden myself with an alcohol lump, a hot-wuler bag, and all Inc i#st of the traps that w'ould be absolutely necC.s.sar) tor a frail liKle thing like von. Keally, Kitty, 1 am ushamed at having been for a moment discoimiged, wlicii 1 look at yon and see liow liurd ion work, ami remem- ber whul you have to contend iigainsl, and all without a murmur.” 8o snyiiig, the tail girl held to kiss her companion’s ptil<5 cheek, and turned willi quick, (irni step to go lo the ofHce where sac was always on time—not a moment loo soon or loo lute. Arrived at the office of llie great Anglo- American Polyglot Insurunce Company, Stella was surprised by Uie picsem^e of iho Amei’icuu liead of tlie firm, who usually by noVuean.s maulfesled Ihe prompiness which lie requiietl of his subordinates. He sat forward la his cliair. Ins elbows resting on hi8 desk, Uie lips of the fingers of [lolli hands pre8^ed tiglilly logcllicr as he held them erect and sliglilly waving in ihe air belore his face, Ins whole bearing that of a mau wlio is brimful of an impatience which he IS striving lo control- ytolla had removed her iiat and short walking jacket, wlicu her arm stopped, u.s if suddenly petrified, with hat io liumi, half-way toward the hul rack. Mr. Cruik- shank saying: **1 find liiRl the proxies wliiih I must have for llie directors’ meeting m Chimigo, on Deceiuber 17ili, ure not likely to gel liere unless 1 send someone cxprcs.-ly to fetch iheii). In order (o do it, the messen- ger must start in an hour's lime, go lo Liverpool, London,'Exeter and Edinburgh and return on the fust steame.r which leaves Liverpool on De<-omDer 8lli, and u due here un the 15lh. Will you go, Tracy?” “1 ran’l'possibly, sir,” said ihe .mHU ad- dre^se(). “ If you had oqly told me last mghl”— ^ “That will do! Last night is u dead dog. You, Denning?” “1 cmuld lake lo-morrow's steamer, sir.” .. “Too latel Fraser, what’s to hinder you?” Mr. Cruikshank was waviug bis lianda violeniiy by IJus lime. “^uliiuqs, lir^ uuiy ’^ You, “ Only ! ‘Only’ never gels there JoWuj»(^n‘?” “ ^ ,’My wife is sick, sir, luUi I cannot leave her.” the room, glancing al the eloek, where tl^e tninutei hand seemed to ihove with a terri- ble velocity. Apparently he did not see Sudla, though his eyes rested on her a Iructiun of a sccoiKLui..Uieii -rupid sweep; so he was gieallv flurpristul when she stepped quuMly forward, saying in her low. clear vbice: “ May I go?" The nmn looked shnridy up in, her fuco iiiul his own cleired. “ L'lliink yoTi Can. All right. I ’ll send down and gel a heilh for you. My caniago is III Ihe door now. Jum|) into it, go home and gel;Voui’ Imps, and drive ilown lo llie pier as as possible. I will meet yon there with written inBlriictions and rome English money. You loive just one hour and live minule.'^.” vVUiie lie was speaking Slclla liad been resuniiiig her lull and jacket', and slic wa.s out of tlie door hv the time the lust word wiiB spidien. A few minule.s more and she was in the room she had so laltdy left, ex- claiming; “ .\ly cluince has come, iLilly! 1 start for England in an hour!” Kitty rose lia>lily. “ Wb'd.ciHi j dp to liclp you'r” 's!ie askcii, h.ei' face llii.sliiiig with generous pleasuie. ’’iNotliiiig,” -replied Stella, “ only to write ami iiit my iiioUicr know; ami dirn’l wci’k yoiirseif into a lit of sickness before i gel back.” While talking Stella was putVmg into iier satChcl'a few toilet arlicleH,' ii cliangc of un'dei’clnthmg, a night dress, a [mir of I’ubbei’s and a waterproof. “Guod-ht'e,” she said, and with a waim kiss the friends parted. Arrivi'd ul tlie steamer Stella W is tmd bv Ci’Uikshiink, with a nig on his'iirm and in his Inuul a guide-book, and a well-lilled purse. “ 1 Ihoiiglil you’d ne.ed the nig,” he said, “and as (In'; is your Hist trip you might not think of it.” Tlipngh not •hundsiMiie Stella wgs very pleasing ill iippeaninee. Theseveie lines of tlu: (lark bine ctoih Im^iness suit, re- lieved by touches of narrow gold cord, which she ahvays wore when at tier Wnik, were beenniing lo her tall, symineiiioai [Igiiie and eleiu’ lieaHliy compleXK'ii, and h H i - y h u f . dark hlm4 v-ivel with a huiiel. ol gid'd aconis, wliieli resleif llrnily on her alnindMUt cciU ol ehc.slnut hair. She' burked nleil, but niiieh calmer and ('"ooler Ilian licr employer. “ Yes,” he said, as if an-nvering some uiisecii olijeeM, “ 1 think you'll do it, and it you do I'll—” Apinu’enlly he was ahiml lo promise somuiiiiig, but thought bLdler of it. “ I will do II,” she said fli’inly. without awaiting the . tMUie|n.s!on of Mr, (.Jnnk- sliank's ‘ 'cntciiee, while a rich glovv iikmuiI- ed to her (dieeU and the light of couruge and self-rellancP came into her e} c- j. "Yes, 1 Lliiiik you udl, I ’ve, watched you a good wliile, and 1 know Hint yiui Imve social tact uiM sound jmlg- mcnl. Von may depend upon it tliat, though I pmlnibly should not have llmuglil of you luul you not oll'ered, 1 siioiiid not have accepted your offer lo go had I not already known your qiialiuGs am! qiialill- cations. In this envelope you will (liul full inslriiclions, but, of coiirsft, your 8UO- cC:ia will depend upo.n the use you make of them. Oood-l)\c.'' And shaking her liaml cordially, Mr. C’ruik.sliank ran (dl Ijie gang- plank al the last moment. Notwithstanding the season, tlu; weaUie.r was pleasant during most of tin: voyage, and Hlella Bpenl mueli time on deck, t:n- joyiiig lo the full the bracing air and the sciLse of frebdum from care of eVery sort, bhe knew llmt she had been cnlru«lcd with an important uiiiUer. filic muijl secure, an I llmt fiuickly, the powers ncccsHary to enable Mr. Cruiksliank to act for the di- rectors in a grave emergency. Sonu’ of ll)c.>ie directors, a.s .she liad galluu’ed from her correspomlence, were distrustful, ami in the words applied lo Carijlo by Ids inollier, sliglilly mndifled, “gey dl lo deal wi’,” bill (luring the voyage lijtella would not allow herseif to dwell upon lliis, and on tlie whole, she felt herself equal to (he task she hud umlertakeii. It way not self- eouceil which, gave lien this eonfideiice, but a just stdT-relianec. Roih cmiscioii.sly ,aiid uncoubciously she had ad her Lie been training lier every faculty of mimi and bydy. She had ever done with her ]>ow- ers all lhal was lior.s to do, uml she knew Uiut, now iH-r “ eliance” was come, slie should be capable of improving it. The morning of the 5ih of December found Stella tauded in Liverpool, just in tunc to allow her to call upun the two di- recUrs wlio resided in llial city, and with, onlwfming for dinner, to catch the Irulh which, I’UHhing up the two liumlred mde.s lo London, would get her there m lime lo meet the directors before hiisiuess hours were over. If curious looks were cast at the quiet, self-possessed young girl, IraYeb ing alone, and proving her ability lo do so, she was loo earnest to heed lliein. Every msUnl was of con.«icquenco to one who had Y»‘l It) travel nhoiil ciglil hundred miles, lo points ns distant as Exelcr and Eilinburgli, meet the directors iti these two places and gel hiu k lo Liverponj in tune lo take the Servia on the afieiHoon of December 8lti. In London blclla was subjfcte.-^l lo some delay, but by dint of heavy “ tips” was able lo catch an express irtMu lo E.xeler-on the cieiiiug of December 0»h. , There was no slerping cur. Uy telegraph she secured a room al the hotel, which she reached not long uiler midnight. A few hours of so.uud slumber, a successful visit lo the two Exeter directors and a hurrleil meal ptxu cedu(i the long journey to Edinburglu iier heart leaped al the iiislnnc name, but she Imd no lime to linger upon its asaucia- Uousl To tee the Biiuhurgh direclurs at tlieir own honse.s, before brcakfaM, Caleb llio train back to LlVef)>Odl and hoafd the tug which carried pusscnitera to the Servia, List in lime lo_s(yvujeMr J?.aft' altDmt^elld c^dTdo fbursltc iTul In the elegant hul cxprct^sive slang phra’se, “ She got there al! the same." The liomeward voyage proved an cxC('p- lionally stormy (mc,,.cvcuJ.Lvr--l)ecetnttt'r, but ihc Bervia rcuiched New York on the IfUh. As Sttlla stepped ashore she was met by Mr. Uniikshank; into whose haml.o she gladly delivered the so-nmcludcsircd pro.vicH. 'riie hour wa«, a liltle late for arMvlng at [lie olllcc; hut, fccliiig that llie delay was cxcu.-mblo under the ciicumslanccs, Stella prc.«cnl('d lier.-clf at her desk, as fre.sli and Hcrene as if siic had only left il the duy before. Another young womiiu wa.^ ociUi- pying hofcchalr. . Slidla turned, ami met tiic smiling gir/.u uf Mr. Cruikshaiik’s .scciuid In commam), “ U is 111 }' light,'' he sail!, rcas.^uringly. “ The best typewriter aml.sleiiograiiher we ever had lias proved hci’sclf lo he woilliy of a big iidviiiice. See!'' And he .diowed a cable deqniu h from the idnef of the I.oiidmi ollice rcroinmcnding (lull "Miss lliu'deidmrg he piomoted lo the place of second U'sislmit in liio New Vuik olHcc with a silhiry of eighteen hundred dollars a “ .PiU-" Eur the (Ir.^ tiiiu', Stella felt frigldcmMi. Her good foilune seemed loo good lo be Inir. “ Hut,” she jdammered, “ arr you sure this IS right? Have 1 eunitd tl? Sliiili 3 oil net be sot r^ V” “ Yes 3011 liiivti Indeed ciirncd it. No, we sliiill tiol be sorry,” iiiivwercd the ollKdal nuissuiliigly. “A woman who doe.s as \vidi as II man is vvoi Ui as mueh as a man. You lu.v’c aluay.s done, iti liio mo.-,l (liorough manner, cverUldng you liad (0 do ; ami HO, vvliLUi 3 ’iHir opporliinily came, 3 ' 0ii canid prolii by il. Go Immc, now, luul Lake a wcek’.s rc-t. You iii'c more tiled than you know.” “1 am noi li-Knl,” she answi'red, “ Imt 1 w ill go ji()iii(; mill |(.|] K ilty ,” As Sidhi liinu'd In go down I lie .staii.s slic sukl lo herself, “ It shall go liard if I am not abl'c l.(d\iru long lo pul an ■opporimiily m poor Kitly'a way. She i> j .si a.s lenUy fur Uiem in her line as I anr in miue.” A KindlY Deed. “ I hero ai'e (U'l^ of love siiowii me when 1- wa.s a fticie •tdilld llial liiiVtV tidlaciici-d •HI}, vvliule lilt*,” wiite.s Kvangclist Dwight !j. M ooil7TolnT“ tTbRr--LKi5H_ in .tlu: .July L-idic.s’ lloiiic Joviriml. "■riicr^\uTc-niue, ol us (ddidien, and my widoued- mulliei t ad very gieul diniouily in keei’Uig II k> wolf from the dooi’. .My next ohler brother had [oiiiiii a pliire for mi: to work during Uic winter iiKiiilhs ill a iicighhoiing village alioiil lliiric('n miles away, mid curly one November moniing we simled mil together oOmjr (li:tiniil ji'uiiH!}-, Do you know Ni'vcmhei’ lias been a (li’iinid month to mi! ever since? As wc passed oV(!i’ Ihe river ai'd up llie npposilc,?ide of Urn valley we tinned lo look biudc for a hi>L look at home, il was to be my last view for weeks, fur inonlli'), perhaps forever, and my heai’L well nigh broke at the ihmiglil. 'PhaL was llic loDgest |oufiiey I ever look, fur thirleeii miles was more to me. al ten than the world’s circumference has ever Iiec’ii sinec. "When at IrhI. wc arrived in llie town I had himl work to keep hack my tears, and my broilier had lo lio his beat lo cluLci me. Suddenly he poinimt lo soyie one ami said ; ‘Therc’a a’ man thill’ll give you 11 cent; lie gives one lo every new hoy that comes to town.’ I was 80 afraid llial he would pass mo by thill I plautcd myself directly in Ids palli. lie was a feeble, old, white-haired man. As he came up lo ms my brother s()ok(j to him, and lio 8top[icd ami hniked at me. ‘Why, 1 have never seen you be- foie. You must'he a new boy,’ lie Miid. 1Ic asked iiuMitjonl m y home, and then, laying Ids trembling hand upon my head, he told me Ilml, althougli 1 liad no carllily fallier, iny Heavenly Fallier loved me, ami then lie gave me a bright new c'eiiL I d(] not remember whiil became of llmt cent, but llial old man’s blessing Im.s followed me for over fifty years, and lo my dying day I shall fuel the kindly pressure of that hand upon my head. A loving ,Keil co.>,is very little, but, done in the name of Clirisl, it will be eleriml. Tlii.s dlvmc love i.s wliiil the Uliurch of God needs tOMlay. We di.sciiHs ami argue over methods ami moans, lull,•after ail, the aolullon of the problem is iove.’^ “ A VVorccslcr man,” says the Woicvster (ia//Cllc, “ who niakea -frmpuuU tiips to Europe, fell in with a (a»ciiialing stranger the last lime ho was ucros.s. The stranger, who may be dt‘.4igtmleil a.s Ferguson, h(;- causo tlial does uoi sound al all like his real name, was an American, Ills mHiiuei’.s were those of a gt nlleinan, and he seemed to be well 8U(iplied with money ami lo know a great many people worth knowing. In convcr.salion with the Worcester man one (lay Ferguson said: ‘ Worcester is a charnmig city, and 1 have some very dear friends there. 1 pre.sume you know Colonel E. J. Htis.sell? He la an old and higlily esteemed friend, lo whom I am deeply in- debted for many favors.' “ When llie Worce.sler man returned home, lie met Colonel Rusaell one day and in courcc of cobvortoRlion remarked that he had met a man in ERirope who said that he was an old friend. Colonel Uussell thought for a oiomenL ami then he replied i ‘Oil, ye.O) I remember Ferguson very well! 1 ougiii to, for he lived with me (or leveD years once. It was when I was warden of Ute stale prison at Charlestown, an^ I will Bity IhuL Ferguson was one of the quieteat beliayetl prisoners that I ever and best had.‘” Ethel—Slipper n wuady. Untie Don. Untie .ioliu—You ineau bi'eakUit, dou’t you, dear? Ethel—’Ks, but I tau’l asy it, ' A P6«t«r- Fathtr; _ ; A'woman In Grange, owned aa oM knir<’ iicu lhal Imd a’liirg, Umiljr.'o( cbUalMU,. yellow flirfT"‘^’FiFaf one chick’ iDd Ihcnu another died, until only three i99re< Icfl,;. ami then the mwMi«r<died alto. The llillo siirylying cliickk-«iMa|Jtro»iiiti--------- f?) The oilier manfmia] hens, ainliwanNHl to • be adopted, but the old Miens were<‘cro«ai ant) nDkiml, HD I would not'take tbfditil»’ or)xhans into their families. At tlic-Min«i liiLc. there whsh' lialffgrawTTTOoster wiu>’ was an orphan, lie was alwayt walklojc about by himself ancltwtts lonely aidi for-- lorn. One day. when the three liltle orphans were running aroundTor some one- to comfort them, they saw the poori fdrlofiii I’OosU^r stiioding alone under muapple trer^. and Uiey walked around, ami got nearer' and nearer to him, ami as he did not peck- at them or chase them away as;tl»e orose-. hens had (tone, they gaiuc(LcourBge,.an(it llmilly got up to him.- 'Phe rooster was so-delighted to> have- some one make friends with him that he- pul his hill down lo Die ground and made- R soft link' sound, just ms lliu mamma heu> docs when she Ims u choice morsel for her little eliick?. 'J'iml encouraged-the three’ ' oi’plmn.s so luuoli tlmi'tliey weutnght un- der his wiii(^«, and found' a moe. warm,, comtortable place, ami ever after the four’ wtd'c the of fiieiuU. The roo.sicr never .sai'dowiii-afrilie molh- er heiiH do, when the little chiuks were un- (i(’r Ills wing.x, except al mglil. Ai nigJifii. they lAxistcd'in tlie endUiff Ihe ash-house,, where lie .sal down 011 a wide hoards with' two cliick.s under mio wing, and one- chicken umler the otjier wing,, and they kept up llmt habit unlil (iie liuie chicka- luul grown so liirge liiat the rooHler's-winga- could lujl cover them,, hue the four pooatedt together in llic end of this ash-house as long; ns they lived.- A H t’ory tnhl by John Hosa Dix in' I ms^ "I’ulpil Portrait.,” shows how strong a ciiric.m of life I’liii in the veins of Dr. Lv-- imui ileeclier Wlicn he had! passed'llie allol-- U’d llirecscore years iiml ten. When aljoiil 75 u'»rs of age,, he spent o '- Portpiglil In i'he ciiNtVrni pari of .Manic. A- parly of gcuLleiucii at Cutn-ia went WMh- him .some UO miles up a jferies of lakes to* Jiidiaii lerrilorie.3.- When about lo oiiihiirk upon a chain of lakc.s in'lhc bircli canoes, the Imlian guide,. .Etienne, raTher ohjeeiinl- r'o-sooid'a. iftait'" aLicmptiiig the aiiveiilure, fearjug lhal he’ would give mil. The dociijr pHtidied with flWhesi of the youngHters; caught more iroul than all the- piiily togeti-er and lelurned each day from' the vaiiuiis tramps in the lead; He his ft.-ik oil a ro6k, wi.ili asm biscuit for a ireochcr' and Iliiger.H lor knives and forlts; slept on llic ground upon hemlock branches under the iciu, andallcnglli the Indian guid«r u(‘ 111 . from lliu c.vireme of depreciation lev the liighcst expression of udmiralkm in Iii» power, saying : “Ah, old man, all Indian the moilicr’i Voice aod s’Wect< (.’oming through the shadows dim, Binging lier wee child lo sleep Wiili the dear, old-fiishioued hymn, Backward, forward^ rocking slow, Witli the babe upon lier breast. And itie clear voice, hushed aud low, Al) her heart is full of rest, Little ten.Ier lit)g?rdipa Held ill molhet’s loving hand, Ihiitoscd v\iih soft, care.'-smg lips, This her Ilowur fiom liabylauiL Evening shadows gather fast, Blight the lire within the grate j In its mother's soothing cla-^p IJaby enters Dreamlaml Gale. Blill the mother sits timd singsi Softly iu the twilight dim ; In her heart are sacred llmig.<i. On her lips the precious hymn. ‘'1 wti.sMYMmiing n web in Hit} rose vine/* said the .spider, “ and the little giri wuh sewing patchwork ou Ihejdoor step. The thread knotted and her needle broke, and her eyo.s were full of tears,‘I can't do 11,* shuKaid;'! caii’U 1 can'll’ Tlieo her mother cniue, ami bade her look al me. Now, bVery lime I spun a uicei silky ' thread, and tried to fasten it from oue briinci) to another, the wind blew and toii it away. This b'lppened many times, but at, 1 made one that did not break, and teatciied it olu.^e and spun other threads to join it. Then llie tnollier smiled. ‘What H patient spider!’ she said- The UUte-gIrt smiled, loo, and took up her work. Aud/ when the suii went down tiiere was beautiful web in the rose vine aud a iqusrt of beautiful patchwork ou the step.'* A little gill said she thought if Ohritmaa was O'UriM 'ii birlnday, we ought to Aiaka iliui preseDls. Whftt are you go/og to give (Jliriai on Christmas day? In Midilioa to your gifts for friends, have you/thougbl of anything for Jesus? What cMiyyoii gtvt Him? tVcII, all that you do fnyUiapopr, The siek, the urpliiU) and the sim0rlhg« are gifts to Uiin, and, besides, tl^e noit ae. c(‘piable gift you esn make l^im U your* selL Fockel Alters tUached/to tbo end of eigtaeen or twenty incuet/qf rubber tubiRg: are recent Valuable addi^oot to the tourlM. outfit; The biker adwrted totka tury” habit, 01 the cartpvr It now pfOtuoU. ed HgHinst inse^U wb«w drloktog flOM % mouDlain spring Of/w«yatd* brook. Ito danger of. iinbibiU|c inakutr UiUtfi Ib.Ut timishimoreil roadboitta wajr^ Chartty begloi at tKWMr» b«i (W I reason wby It should eudllMrf^ Faint bean ne'er woB nienitmr, ye timid Ihi ~ iIdvsuT apply to Mmid«b o ^ r Snow buoki throw M i Rinong some of thu Bucks tottulYi VV . J’-,. , ... . - , •^ 4 ,

Transcript of TOBACCO OF ALL fflOL, - DigiFind-It

samm“r®■ / -> I ■ I- 4 -'---4^

Vol‘ L V . No. 5. Hightstown, N. J . , Thursday, MAY 4th, 1899. Whole No.. 2799L

“In the surine’the youtig m ^ ’s fancy” Suits, Ton

Coats, Vests, xroustrs, atid Bicycle

Outfits are htere;

if13 '

The Biggest Day I iver hadwas BasteTSaturday; but that’s only one o f sbWa big day's sale I ’m having this season. The people are crowding my salesmen hard because they're finding that I hav'e fiaken pains' tolay in stock for my spring trade.

The Biggest Hits I ever hadih Men’s and Boys’ Spring wear. I have a few liast' season’s garments that are going at marked-down prices and a few of those half-price heavy weights, are still to be had for the' ask­ing b u t"

My Men’s and Boys’ spring wea?in the newer weaves atid latest cut, are not to be equalled any ■Where else. Men’s suits in the bright new checks, stripes and plaids, latest cuts and best tailoring, $G up. Men’s Top Coats, new effects, Coverts, Cheviots and Worsters, $7 SO up- See my $12 coat. Boys’ suits in bright pretty patterns and cuts from 11.98. Top Coats in like prices.Bicycle, fad and vest fancies that please.

Money always back if you're not suited.

B . T. Q U N S O N , Famous Clothier,

Opus Eoase Stotss,


Having been informed that mdlicious and unscrupulbiis agents are claiming to be able to furnish and sell GEO. fcThOK & CO.’S Piano Fortes in Hightstown and silr- rounding country, we hereby inform the public that Miss Ella T. Nokton, '..f Hightstown, N. J ., has the explosive right to sale for the “SteclP’ Piano Forte in Mercer, Mon­mouth, Middlesex, Burlington, Ocean, and parts of Som­erset and fl anteidoD Counties, of the State of New Jersey, and that the “Steck” Piano Forte c'mnot be sold in said territory by any other agent without Miss Noktoiii’s con- eent.

GEO. STECK & CO., New York.

M IS S E L L A T , N O R T O N sole agent for Oeo. Steck & Oo.’s Piano Foites and the Loring & Blake Palace Organ.

Instruments of other makes furnished if desired.

For further information call upon or address

MISS ELLA T. NORTON,South Main Street, Hightstown, N. J.

fti)r 2v lyr


largest stock of Keiflor Pears in the State—Cheap.

Dwarf Duchess Pears 16 cents each, Mercer Cherry $1.00 each. We are the only nursery in the country that has this fine new

Cherry. Other Cherries and Plums at 26 cents each. Apples a t 10 cents esfch. $9.00 per 100, these are not

old soruba but 3-year*old trees.

S . 0 - . F O T V S t / L j a ^ N .nafcrwirrei’Guilery,

tiiral Iiupleinenls, Plftw Castings', Pumps, Jj'ertUizers, Seeds, Houso'FurBiShmgOoods..Wpi'ftenware, Oit .Cloths, Glass, Paints,

' f '■ « « # * , KSpSk.'A'wl^lSiffi's, Xinn^^ uitlon, Axle Grease, liiiskets, Priishcs, Dusters, Blackings, Polishes, LampsCliina, Crockery and Glassware, Poultry supplies, etc., etc.



Oapartmlnlstered. apr 1-ly


©A first-class School for Both’ Sexes.

Full corps of Excellent Tcnchora. Elia for Colloj^. Huslneasi. Tuitcliinjr, IMi/slc aid Eiilminff Di'piirtmcnt. Term open Sepiemlior Uili, lauh.

Send lor catalogue toHo6'lilttV.SWE'lI.ANn, A. ivi., Prlnol|ial.


TIE MORRIS EYE WATER(Jurea any Sofeor Weak Eyca, nolOataract.

FOR MAN UK HEAST.6 cents perlioUle. liarj^crboUleelor veterinary

use..1. G. MORRIS, (Homlola, N. J.

For sale at Uunulnxham’if iimi Rue's Drug Stores.

. SAUTER,Naturalist and Taxidermist,


lUOVVlltlatb St., near Franklord, NEW YORK. CITY

larpain8taken tn mounting pot bird8 anil animals.

Largo stock of Groups, Hlnls, Dcur Houda and iiassUosoa

C. M. ASHTON',Teacher [ol Pliino, Ui|cun, I’lpef'rgnn and

Ilnnnony. Agent lor the Hiusitia I'iiiiiolnrte. llio .only instrument IhiU will perfyctly stuinl the cluniKos ol iitmospliere. Alfonteni lor Enoknrd, l.,yGn ic ileiiiy, toitl Wuiiver Enr i-r Orgiins. Tliu Weaver Jrgan],wu8 soleclod,'. Irtmij-iill olherK in l.inlLeil Stales, by tlio Sdiooi t ommlFfloniTS ot jiiilliinure. for use in Iho Ulty J'ubllc Schools.

Q O R N , O A T S , & C .,HUUGilT AT

OOTCa LT’S HOIHINY MILLS.Grain Tocclved iit ami bugs sent to any depot on

the United Rallroiuls ol New .Icrscy.'


Call on or addressJO H N O U T C A L T ,

otl5-U Spotswood, N. .1


Attorney atid Counselor at Law,Solicitor and Master in Chancery,


Courts.OullecUonH mudo In all parts of the United

States and Uanailas.Mortgiiicefuroctosuro?and cxa-mlniillohot titles

a specialty,IVLoney to Loan on Hond and P ortgniro.

V I C K ’S

Illustrated Floral Guide,A beautUul work lOOpa-Kca. Une Uolored Flower Plate,and 600 lllusiratlon'fi, with Iie'sc'riplioiisol the best Flowers and Vcgoiablcs, with prlceol seed 8, and now le thorn. All tor a five (Jen I Stamp, lu EnRllKli or (iorinun.

VICKIS SEXD?T tt-mhe’iy6BT-m’-rri-<IWerT<l. Five (Junta ibr imsuigc will buy tlio Ft oral G oiDii, tellitii; buw to gel thorn.

The Fr.owitn and Veoktarlu OAnnKN, 176 Pa gca, Si.x Oolurt’d Plates, and man hundiecl Fngravlngs. For 60 cents In paper cevers , $1.00 In eleganioloMi. In Gorman or EnKli^h.

VlCK’8 iLLOBTRATKD AIONTHLY MAGAZINE—32Pitgea, a Colored Plat u in every number a-ud many tine engravlnga’. Price t l .2 6 ay ea r : FlveUopiea ur+5.(W. Spooltnon Numbors sent lor 10 cents ; 8 rial ooploB for 26 cents. Address



P a t e n t sI !xADC niAnns

OettON* COPVRraHT* Ac.

Anyone Bonding a ekeloh and deecrlptlon may quickly fwoeruin onr opinion free wueiber on Invention is probibljr OftlonuBtrlotlyoonfidonUa!.- ........ .........Bont free, (tldest ngency for Bocwlngj»atectA.rlotlyoonfidonUoL Handbook on Patent* fie. Oldest njrency forBocwlngpatecta.

Patents taken through Munn k Co. rocolretp fd o ln o tf^ without cbnrgo, In the

Sckniinc niKiiciitt.A handsomely. IlluBtratOd weekly. Jjirgost clr- iniUUon of anysclentiflq lournaL Tenns. |3 a year; four months. $1. Pold by all newBoealers.M UNN New YorkBreb Ofllco. 816 V Bt., WMbtogtoo, D* U

[JEN R Y W E L L E R ,

WholdBtleaml RetailDenlerlnnod Manulactar- erol

U b PttB OATAiAeta

iOS. H. BLACK, SON & C0„ Hightstown, N. J.




U lG U T iST O W N .M .A

At Twilight.


Olil of Uic dusk, wiiid-blowii und lltio, Thd shudowy wooil-bnnts^filhcr in. And twilifili,! liiislit's liie hurtor’s din —

Sleep, liUle lieud, on my Biiouliler!

The cold IjjflUS Wiik-C IhrouglFlhe-cvcnrrriY'RHiy .

Ill (lie hltle Villnge heside llie bay,And a few cold slurs ^;leain fur awiiy —

Sleep, liltle lieud, on my shoulder!

The sailor turns his fuco once more Where Ins a'vve’clheurl wai|^s lU Ijie opened

door;Tlic lone light Nvushcia the wave-swept

sliorc —Sleep, litUe head on my Bhoiihlerl

Mere wliere Ihe duncing slnulows swarm Our driftwood lire brigiil iind warm ; Ikyond our window wakes llie storm —

Then sleep, lilllc lieud, on my sh'biihler!

Stella's Opportunity.


‘"‘Wlinl js llio mutler, Slclla? Voii lock ns if some mi^forlmie had huppehed lo VtCi.’'

The girl addressed wiis. a lull, sliilely young creulure, .slill in her “ Icens,” with’a sinking face, iiiid a manner whicli, llioiigli not aw kward, was a little loo abrupt and energetic lo be graceful. She ruphed:

“ 1 am disc^rra-gedr^“ VVliatl ^ u ? d i d n ’t suppose you

ever could be lIiiiV|j and I don't see why you should he. I'm sure if I were geltiiig llfteen dollars a week, m a steady situalion, with hours only from nine iiiiltl live, 1 Should think the woild very charming.”

The last speaker was a sleiHlcr, ileiicutc womuu,' iir her early iweiUies, and tlie work on her lap ami lying about belruvetl lier occupalion to be lliivt of a drc'^smtiker. Site'sighed a.s she spoke, 'iiu'l did not slop her busy sliiching while she talked.^

*T know, aear,” saiil Stella, ruefully, “ it does seem fingiiiieful In me'lo find fuult witli my pocilioii; hut ihcii I am not to good and jmi' iciit as you; iiml ! iicn, loo, 1 am constaiijlly seeing men advaiiceil wl.ile I stand .still. My salary is the same .as it was two years ago; ^el d_imii.g lIuU Tuiu* almost every clerk in Mr. (Jruikshaiik’s uHicc lias been-iTi’omolod. uiul Iheie isn’t one o f ‘them who is any more faitlihii' or clever than I. T);ey have had clmiiees lo show their capabiliiies i 1 have not. Mr. Cruikshunk Heals me uli cly,—lhal is, ho 18 courleous, and all tlml—but lie never e.vpccl.s Riiylhiiig of me beyr.Md my daily muiid of laking hliorlhimd notes' of his loiters and instruclion.s, anil then lype- vv.rlUng them.,.. I find, indeed, lluiL lie gives me the most importanl of this sort of work to do, I make so few mis- lukes; but that is ns far as I gel, a,nd il docvsn'i siili'fyme. My,father was a niim who advanced lapidly, and would have become wcallhy hud ite lived longer. 1 am liKo him in energy and will, and 1 think, loo, in clear busiuesa pen epUoiis."

VVliile Stella was lalkmg, she wa# walk­ing about the room pulling away u few things, and gcttilig ready to go nut.

“ Your cluince will conic, Stella. It- must! You litive gruuiKleii yourself so well, and are always so rendy for every enulgcncy. J think if \uu were asked to go to Alaska lo-nigiit, you could bo oil before 1 coulfl gel iuy mind imiile up, and while i should have In lake a liuiik, you could go with only a grip-sack.”

t!>te]la laughed. “Yes, I suppose I could, fur 1 am always well and strong, and don’t necd-lo carry bolli thick cloliica and Ihin, to be prepared tor all changes of weallier, or to burden myself with an alcohol lump, a hot-wuler bag, and all Inc i#st of the traps that w'ould be absolutely necC.s.sar) tor a frail liKle thing like von. Keally, Kitty, 1 am ushamed at having been for a moment discoimiged, wlicii 1 look at yon and see liow liurd ion work, ami remem­ber whul you have to contend iigainsl, and all without a murmur.” 8o snyiiig, the tail girl held to kiss her companion’s ptil<5 cheek, and turned willi quick, (irni step to go lo the ofHce where sac was always on time—not a moment loo soon or loo lute.

Arrived at the office of llie great Anglo- American Polyglot Insurunce Company, Stella was surprised by Uie picsem^e of iho Amei’icuu liead of tlie firm, who usually by noVuean.s maulfesled Ihe prompiness which lie requiietl of his subordinates. He sat forward la his cliair. Ins elbows resting on hi8 desk, Uie lips of the fingers of [lolli hands pre8 ed tiglilly logcllicr as he held them erect and sliglilly waving in ihe air belore his face, Ins whole bearing that of a mau wlio is brimful of an impatience which he IS striving lo control-

ytolla had removed her iiat and short walking jacket, wlicu her arm stopped, u.s if suddenly petrified, with hat io liumi, half-way toward the hul rack. Mr. Cruik- shank saying:

**1 find liiRl the proxies wliiih I must have for llie directors’ meeting m Chimigo, on Deceiuber 17ili, ure not likely to gel liere unless 1 send someone cxprcs.-ly to fetch iheii). In order (o do it, the messen­ger must start in an hour's lime, go lo Liverpool, London,'Exeter and Edinburgh and return on the fust steame.r w hich leaves Liverpool on De<-omDer 8lli, and u due here un the 15lh. Will you go, Tracy?”

“ 1 ran’l'possibly, sir,” said ihe .mHU ad- dre^se(). “ If you had oqly told me last mghl”— ^

“ That will do! Last night is u dead dog. You, Denning?”

“ 1 cmuld lake lo-morrow's steamer, sir.” .. “ Too latel Fraser, what’s to hinder you?” Mr. Cruikshank was waviug bis lianda violeniiy by IJus lime.

“^uliiuqs, lir uuiy ’

You,“ Only ! ‘Only’ never gels there JoWuj»(^n‘?” “

,’My wife is sick, sir, luUi I cannot leave her.”

the room, glancing al the eloek, where tl e tninutei hand seemed to ihove with a terri­ble velocity. Apparently he did not see Sudla, though his eyes rested on her a Iructiun of a sccoiKLui..Uieii -rupid sweep; so he was gieallv flurpristul when she stepped quuMly forward, saying in her low. clear vbice:

“ May I go?"The nmn looked shnridy up in, her fuco

iiiul his own cleired.“ L'lliink yoTi Can. All right. I ’ll send

down and gel a heilh for you. My caniago is III Ihe door now. Jum|) into it, go home and gel;Voui’ Imps, and drive ilown lo llie pier as as possible. I will meet yon there with written inBlriictions and rome English money. You loive just one hour and live minule.'^.”

vVUiie lie was speaking Slclla liad been resuniiiig her lull and jacket', and slic wa.s out of tlie door hv the time the lust word wiiB spidien. A few minule.s more and she was in the room she had so laltdy left, ex­claiming;

“ .\ly cluince has come, iLilly! 1 start for England in an hour!”

Kitty rose lia>lily. “ Wb'd.ciHi j dp to liclp you'r” 's!ie askcii, h.ei' face llii.sliiiig with generous pleasuie.

’ ’ iNotliiiig ,” -replied Stella, “ only to write ami iiit my iiioUicr know ; ami dirn’ l wci’k yoiirseif into a lit of sickness before i gel back.”

While talking Stella was putVmg into iier satChcl'a few toilet arlicleH,' ii cliangc of un'dei’clnthmg, a night dress, a [mir of I’ubbei’s and a waterproof.

“Guod-ht'e,” she said, and with a waim kiss the friends parted.

A rriv i'd ul tlie steamer Stella W is tmd bv Ci’Uikshiink, w ith a n ig on his'iirm and in his Inuul a guide-book, and a well-lilled purse.

“ 1 Ihoiiglil you’d ne.ed the nig,” he said, “ and as (In'; is your Hist trip you might not think of it.”

Tlipngh not •hundsiMiie Stella wgs very pleasing ill iippeaninee. Theseveie lines of tlu: (lark bine ctoih Im^iness suit, re­lieved by touches of narrow gold cord, which she ahvays wore when at tier Wnik, were beenniing lo her ta ll, sym ineiiioai [Ig iiie and eleiu’ lieaHliy compleXK'ii, and

h H i - y h u f . dark hlm4 v-ivel with a huiiel. ol gid'd aconis, w liie li resleif llrn ily on her alnindMUt cciU ol ehc.slnut hair. She' burked n le il, but niiieh calmer and ('"ooler Ilian licr employer.

“ Yes,” he said, as if an-nvering some uiisecii olijeeM, “ 1 think you'll do it, and it you do I'll—” Apinu’enlly he was ahiml lo promise somuiiiiig, but thought bLdler of it.

“ I will do II,” she said fli’inly. without awaiting the . tMUie|n.s!on of Mr, (.Jnnk- sliank's ‘'cntciiee, while a rich glovv iikmuiI- ed to her (dieeU and the light of couruge and self-rellancP came into her e} c-j.

"Yes, 1 Lliiiik you udl, I ’ve, watched you a good wliile, and 1 know Hint yiui Imve social tact uiM sound jmlg- mcnl. Von may depend upon it tliat, though I pmlnibly should not have llmuglil of you luul you not oll'ered, 1 siioiiid not have accepted your offer lo go had I not already known your qiialiuGs am! qiialill- cations. In this envelope you will (liul full inslriiclions, but, of coiirsft, your 8UO- cC:ia will depend upo.n the use you make of them. Oood-l)\c.'' And shaking her liaml cordially, Mr. C’ruik.sliank ran (dl Ijie gang­plank al the last moment.

Notwithstanding the season, tlu; weaUie.r was pleasant during most of tin: voyage, and Hlella Bpenl mueli time on deck, t:n- joyiiig lo the full the bracing air and the sciLse of frebdum from care of eVery sort, bhe knew llmt she had been cnlru«lcd with an important uiiiUer. filic muijl secure, an I llmt fiuickly, the powers ncccsHary to enable Mr. Cruiksliank to act for the di­rectors in a grave emergency. Sonu’ of ll)c.>ie directors, a.s .she liad galluu’ed from her correspomlence, were distrustful, ami in the words applied lo Carijlo by Ids inollier, sliglilly mndifled, “ gey dl lo deal wi’,” bill (luring the voyage lijtella would not allow herseif to dwell upon lliis, and on tlie whole, she felt herself equal to (he task she hud umlertakeii. It way not self- eouceil which, gave lien this eonfideiice, but a just stdT-relianec. Roih cmiscioii.sly ,aiid uncoubciously she had ad her Lie been training lier every faculty of mimi and bydy. She had ever done with her ]>ow- ers all lhal was lior.s to do, uml she knew Uiut, now iH-r “eliance” was come, slie should be capable of improving it.

The morning of the 5ih of December found Stella tauded in Liverpool, just in tunc to allow her to call upun the two di- recUrs wlio resided in llial city, and with, onlwfming for dinner, to catch the Irulh which, I’UHhing up the two liumlred mde.s lo London, would get her there m lime lo meet the directors before hiisiuess hours were over. If curious looks were cast at the quiet, self-possessed young girl, IraYeb ing alone, and proving her ability lo do so, she was loo earnest to heed lliein. Every msUnl was of con.«icquenco to one who had Y»‘l It) travel nhoiil ciglil hundred miles, lo points ns distant as Exelcr and Eilinburgli, meet the directors iti these two places and gel hiu k lo Liverponj in tune lo take the Servia on the afieiHoon of December 8lti.

In London blclla was subjfcte.- l lo some delay, but by dint of heavy “ tips” was able lo catch an express irtMu lo E.xeler-on the cieiiiug of December 0»h. , There was no slerping cur. Uy telegraph she secured a room al the hotel, which she reached not long uiler midnight. A few hours of so.uud slumber, a successful visit lo the two Exeter directors and a hurrleil meal ptxu cedu(i the long journey to Edinburglu iier heart leaped al the iiislnnc name, but she Imd no lime to linger upon its asaucia- Uousl To tee the Biiuhurgh direclurs at

tlieir own honse.s, before brcakfaM, Caleb llio train back to LlVef)>Odl and hoafd the tug which carried pusscnitera to the Servia,List in lime lo_s(yvujeMrJ?.aft' altDmt^elld c ^ d T d o fbursltc iTulIn the elegant hu l cxprct^sive slang phra’se, “ She got there al! the same."

The liomeward voyage proved an cxC('p- liona lly stormy (mc,,.cvcuJ.Lvr--l)ecetnttt'r, but ihc Bervia rcuiched New York on the IfUh. As S ttlla stepped ashore she was met by Mr. U niikshank; into whose haml.o she gladly delivered the so-nmcludcsircd pro.vicH.

'r iie hour wa«, a l i l t le late for arMvlng at [lie o lllcc; hut, fcc liiig that llie delay was cxcu.-mblo under the ciicumslanccs, Stella prc.«cnl('d lier.-clf at her desk, as fre.sli and Hcrene as if siic had only left i l the duy before. Another young womiiu wa. ociUi- pying hofcchalr. . Slidla turned, ami met tiic smiling gir/.u uf M r. C ru ikshaiik ’s .scciuid In commam),

“ U is 111}' lig h t, '' he sail!, rcas.^uringly. “ The best typewriter am l.sleiiograiiher we ever had lias proved hci’sclf lo he w o illiy of a big iidviiiice. See!'' And he .diowed a cable deqniu h from the idnef of the I.oiidm i ollice rcroinm cnding (lu ll "M iss lliu 'deidm rg he piomoted lo the place of second U'sislmit in liio New V u ik olHcc w ith a silhiry of eighteen hundred dollars a

“ .PiU-"Eur the (Ir.^ tiiiu ', Stella felt frigldcmMi.

Her good fo ilune seemed loo good lo be Inir.

“ Hut,” she jdammered, “ arr you sure this IS r ig h t? Have 1 eun itd tl? Sliiili 3 o il net be sot r V”

“ Yes 3011 liiivti Indeed ciirncd it. No, we s liiill tiol be so rry ,” iiiivwercd the ollKdal nuissuiliig ly. “ A woman who doe.s as \vidi as II man is vvoi Ui as mueh as a man. You lu.v’c aluay.s done, iti liio mo.-,l (liorough manner, cverU ldng you liad (0 do ; ami HO, vvliLUi 3’iHir o ppo rliin ily came, 3' 0ii canid prolii by il. Go Immc, now, luul Lake a wcek’ .s rc-t. You iii'c more tile d than you know .”

“ 1 am noi li-Knl,” she answi'red, “ Im t 1 w ill go ji()iii(; m ill |(.|] K i lty , ” As S idh i liin u 'd In go down I lie .staii.s slic sukl lo herself, “ It shall go liard if I am not abl'c l.(d\iru long lo pul an ■opporimiily m poor K itly 'a way. She i> j .si a.s lenUy fur Uiem in her line as I anr in miue.”

A KindlY Deed.“ I hero ai'e (U'l^ of love siiowii me when

1- wa.s a fticie •tdilld llia l liiiVtV tidlaciici-d •HI}, vvliule lilt*,” wiite.s Kvangclist Dwight !j. M ooil7To lnT “ tTbRr--LKi5H_ in .tlu: .July L-idic.s’ llo iiic Jovirim l. "■riicr^\uTc-niue, ol us (ddidien, and my w idoued- m ulliei t ad very gieul d in iou ily in keei’Uig IIk> w olf from the dooi’. .My next ohler brother had [o iiiiii a pliire for mi: to work during Uic w inter iiK iiilhs ill a iic ighhoiing village a lio iil lliiric ('n miles away, mid curly one November m oniing we sim led m il together oO m jr (li:tiniil ji'u iiH !}-, Do you know Ni'vcmhei’ lias been a ( l i ’iinid month to mi! ever since? As wc passed oV(!i’ Ihe river ai'd up llie npposilc,?ide of Urn valley we tinned lo look biudc for a hi>L look at home, i l was to be my last view for weeks, fur inonlli'), perhaps forever, and my heai’L well nigh broke at the ihm ig lil. 'PhaL was llic loDgest |ou fiiey I ever look, fur th irlee ii miles was more to me. al ten than the world’s circumference has ever Iiec’ ii sinec.

"W hen at IrhI. wc arrived in llie town I had himl work to keep hack my tears, and my broilier had lo lio his beat lo cluLci me. Suddenly he poinimt lo soyie one ami said ; ‘Therc’a a’ man th ill ’ll give you 11 cent; lie gives one lo every new hoy that comes to tow n.’ I was 80 a fra id l lia l he would pass mo by th ill I plautcd myself directly in Ids pa lli. lie was a feeble, old, white-haired man. As he came up lo ms my brother s()ok(j to him, and lio 8top[icd ami hniked at me. ‘ Why, 1 have never seen you be- fo ie . You m ust'he a new boy,’ lie Miid.1 Ic asked iiuMitjonl m y home, and then, laying Ids trembling hand upon my head, he told me Ilm l, a lthougli 1 liad no ca rllily fa llie r, iny Heavenly Fa llie r loved me, ami then lie gave me a b righ t new c'eiiL I d(] not remember w h iil became of llm t cent, but llia l old man’s blessing Im.s followed me for over fifty years, and lo my dying day I shall fuel the k ind ly pressure of that hand upon my head. A loving ,Keil co.>,is very little , but, done in the name of C liris l, i t w ill be eleriml. Tlii.s dlvmc love i.s w liiil the Uliurch of God needs tOMlay. We di.sciiHs ami argue over methods ami moans, lull,•after ail, the aolullon of the problem is iove.’^

“ A VVorccslcr man,” says the Woicvster (ia//Cllc, “ who niakea -frmpuuU tiips to Europe, fell in with a (a»ciiialing stranger the last lime ho was ucros.s. The stranger, who may be dt‘.4igtmleil a.s Ferguson, h(;- causo tlial does uoi sound al all like his real name, was an American, Ills mHiiuei’.s were those of a gt nlleinan, and he seemed to be well 8U(iplied with money ami lo know a great many people worth knowing. In convcr.salion with the Worcester man one (lay Ferguson said: ‘ Worcester is acharnmig city, and 1 have some very dear friends there. 1 pre.sume you know Colonel E. J. Htis.sell? He la an old and higlily esteemed friend, lo whom I am deeply in­debted for many favors.'

“ When llie Worce.sler man returned home, lie met Colonel Rusaell one day and in courcc of cobvortoRlion remarked that he had met a man in ERirope who said that he was an old friend. Colonel Uussell thought for a oiomenL ami then he replied i ‘Oil, ye.O) I remember Ferguson very well! 1 ougiii to, for he lived with me (or leveD years once. It was when I was warden of Ute stale prison at Charlestown, an^ I will Bity IhuL Ferguson was one of the quieteat

beliayetl prisoners that I everand best had.‘”

Ethel—Slipper n wuady. Untie Don. Untie .ioliu—You ineau bi'eakUit, dou’t

you, dear?Ethel—’Ks, but I tau’l asy it, '

A P6«t«r- F a th tr ; _ ;A'woman In Grange, owned aa oM knir<’ ‘

iicu lhal Imd a’liirg, Umiljr.'o( cbUalMU,.

yellow flirfT"‘^ ’FiFaf one chick’ iDd Ihcnu another died, until only three i99re< Icfl,;. ami then the mwMi«r<died alto.

The llillo siirylying cliickk-«iMa|Jtro»iiiti---------f?) The oilier manfmia] hens, ainliwanNHl to • be adopted, but the old Miens were<‘cro«ai ant) nDkiml, HD I would not'take tbfditi l»’ or)xhans into their families. At tlic-Min«i liiLc. there whsh' lialffgrawTTTOoster wiu>’ was an orphan, lie was alwayt walklojc about by himself ancltwtts lonely aidi for-- lorn. One day. when the three liltle orphans were running aroundTor some one- to comfort them, they saw the poori fdrlofiii I’OosU r stiioding alone under muapple trer^. and Uiey walked around, ami got nearer' and nearer to him, ami as he did not peck- at them or chase them away as;tl»e orose-. hens had (tone, they gaiuc(LcourBge,.an(it llmilly got up to him.-

'Phe rooster was so-delighted to> have- some one make friends with him that he- pul his hill down lo Die ground and made- R soft link' sound, just ms lliu mamma heu> docs when she Ims u choice morsel for h e r little eliick?. 'J'iml encouraged-the three’ ' oi’plmn.s so luuoli tlmi'tliey weutnght un­der his wiii(^«, and found' a moe. warm,, comtortable place, ami ever after the four’ wtd'c the of fiieiuU.

The roo.sicr never .sai'dowiii-afrilie molh- er heiiH do, when the little chiuks were un- (i(’r Ills wing.x, except al mglil. Ai nigJifii. they lAxistcd'in tlie endUiff Ihe ash-house,, where lie .sal down 011 a wide hoards with' two cliick.s under mio wing, and one- chicken umler the otjier wing,, and they kept up llmt habit unlil (iie liuie chicka- luul grown so liirge liiat the rooHler's-winga- could lujl cover them,, hue the four pooatedt together in llic end of this ash-house as long; ns they lived.-

A Ht’ory tnhl by John Hosa Dix in' Ims " I ’ulpil Portrait.,” shows how strong a ciiric.m of life I’liii in the veins of Dr. Lv-- imui ileeclier Wlicn he had! passed'llie allol-- U’d llirecscore years iiml ten.

When aljoiil 75 u'»rs of age,, he spent o'- Portpiglil In i'he ciiNtVrni pari of .Manic. A- parly of gcuLleiucii at Cutn-ia went WMh- him .some UO miles up a jferies of lakes to* Jiidiaii lerrilorie.3.-

When about lo oiiihiirk upon a chain of lakc.s in'lhc bircli canoes, the Imlian guide,. .Etienne, raTher ohjeeiinl- r'o-sooid'a. iftait'" aLicmptiiig the aiiveiilure, fearjug lhal he’ would give mil.

The dociijr pHtidied with flWhesi of the youngHters; caught more iroul than all the- piiily togeti-er and lelurned each day from' the vaiiuiis tramps in the lead; He his ft.-ik oil a ro6k, wi.ili a s m biscuit for a ireochcr' and Iliiger.H lor knives and forlts; slept on llic ground upon hemlock branches under the iciu, andallcnglli the Indian guid«r u(‘111. from lliu c.vireme of depreciation lev the liighcst expression of udmiralkm in Iii» power, saying :

“ Ah, old man, all Indian

the moilicr’i Voice aod s’Wect< (.’oming through the shadows dim,

Binging lier wee child lo sleepW iili the dear, old-fiishioued hymn,

Backward, forward^ rocking slow, Witli the babe upon lier breast.

And itie clear voice, hushed aud low, Al) her heart is full of rest,

Little ten.Ier lit)g?rdipa Held ill molhet’s loving hand,

Ihiitoscd v\iih soft, care.'-smg lips,This her Ilowur fiom liabylauiL

Evening shadows gather fast,Blight the lire within the grate j

In its mother's soothing cla-^p IJaby enters Dreamlaml Gale.

Blill the mother sits timd singsi Softly iu the twilight dim ;

In her heart are sacred llmig.<i.On her lips the precious hymn.

‘'1 wti.sMYMmiing n web in Hit} rose vine/* said the .spider, “ and the little giri wuh sewing patchwork ou Ihejdoor step. The thread knotted and her needle broke, and her eyo.s were full of tears ,‘I can't do 11,* shuKaid; '! caii’U 1 can'll’ Tlieo her mother cniue, ami bade her look al me. Now, bVery lime I spun a uicei silky ' thread, and tried to fasten it from oue briinci) to another, the wind blew and toii it away. This b'lppened many times, but at, 1 made one that did not break, and teatciied it olu.^e and spun other threads to join it. Then llie tnollier smiled. ‘What H patient sp ider!’ she said- The UUte-gIrt smiled, loo, and took up her work. Aud/ when the suii went down tiiere was beautiful web in the rose vine aud a iqusrt of beautiful patchwork ou the step.'*

A little gill said she thought if Ohritmaa was O'UriM'ii birlnday, we ought to Aiaka iliui preseDls. Whftt are you go/og to give (Jliriai on Christmas day? In Midilioa to your gifts for friends, have you/thougbl of anything for Jesus? What cMiyyoii gtvt Him? tVcII, all that you do fnyUiapopr, The siek, the urpliiU) and the sim0rlhg« are gifts to Uiin, and, besides, tl^e no i t ae. c(‘piable gift you esn make l^im U your* selL

Fockel Alters tU ached/to tbo end of eigtaeen or twenty incuet/qf rubber tubiRg: are recent Valuable addi^oot to the tourlM. outfit; The biker adwrted totka tury” habit, 01 the cartpvr It now pfOtuoU. ed HgHinst inse^U wb«w drloktog flOM % mouDlain spring Of/w«yatd* brook. Ito danger of. iinbibiU|c inakutr UiUtfi Ib.U t timishimoreil roadboitta wajr^

Chartty begloi at tKWMr» b « i ( W Ireason wby It should eudllMrf^

Faint b ean ne'er woB nienitmr, ye timid Ihi ~iIdvsuT apply to Mmid«b o ^ r

Snow buoki throw M i Rinong some of thu Bucks tottulYi

VV . J’-,. , ... .- , ■ •■4,


8^ P .

^ h ilto iT aa th e m o st im p o rta n t in th e h is to r y o f th e s to r e - th a t is on r a im . an d w e h a v e s to r e d th e a m m u n itio n for a w a r fa r e^ i l l l .b e i lQ d to b rin g r e s u lts to t ^ L ook y o u w e ll to y o u r in te r e s ts , an d if y o u do y o u w ill n o t m iss th e d o in g s o f th is s to r eb e r im in g th is d a y a n d to co n tin u e e v e r y d a y durinpr th e s e M a y -d a y s.

P M i * t t h i n k t h i s b e g i n s t o t e l l y o u t h e s t o r y — i t i s o n l y a n i n d e x - - t o g o o d m e n ^ a n i K E ^ n e ^ T O e n o u g h m a k e »"7*"

^ u c h is e x p ec te d o f su ch a sto re , a n d m uch is g iv en ; b e tte r v a lu e s , b e tte r a ll-rou n d sa tis fa c tio n to ev en rb o d y ccm cem ed . T o ftiraiB ^ a w o m a n ’s w ard rob e, to fu rn ish a h o u se , for a m o d e st p u rch a se o r for a n e x te n s iv e one, th is s to r e c a n a id y o u a s fe w s to r e s can .

An ordinary stora would

not hotd our Notion business.

The trifles that you want for the sewing room, the toilet, for home-life or for traveling—those little trifleSi but necesMties just the same, and they cost you no smalljl amount these little priced goods when bought in the, usual way, but this is not the usual way.

For ihd Sewing Roomor Laundry.


Btocklna dnrnern, 8c.A neetile bouk conlaiuin 5 papers of

i ofdles, 9c.C/liamoii ekins, 6c. and 10c.Puliahioi wifii rlolli, 10c.Ti{ measures 2c. niu! 6c.DnidIii cuUoi), assorted colors, a bHlI, 8c >Varrat)ted steel scissors and shears, 26c. WarranVed (leiiknives, 26<!.Wafrauled aickei alarm clocks, 60c. Btorkinelle dress sbield>«, a pHir, 2c., Ivorjl tippad dress Slavs, a duzeii, 7c.Ua sling cotlon, a dozen, 10c.Two dozen pesri bnitoiis for 7c.Hlack linen thread, a spotd, 6c.Five liuDtired >ards of ba lin coUun for

Oc.One rpile of white cotton for 20c.Monks and eyes, a cnrtl, 2c.

. Colored and,black velvet skirl bindings, 4 yard pieces. 10c.

Telegram skirt binding, a yoni, 8c. Waterproof skill binding, a ysed, 10c. Federal Pninpaduur dress biniling, 7c. Ulack hand sewing silk, a ilnz. spools, 26 illack rt;vcrsed sewing silk isvUi » spool,

8 eeuis.Cake 0/ irottjug wax. wii|i handle, 2c.,

For the Toilet.Bafety pins, a dozen, 2c.Invisible hairpins, a box, 4o.Eight packages of hairpins, for 6r.'I’empered steel hairpins, a package^ 6c.Book nt nssoited size pins, black and

while, lOr*.Woiijen’s fancy gsriers willi bows, 10c.C'ltildren’s ami'womcit'.s vtdvct grip side

ho«e supporter'*, 16e and 10c.Velvet grip side liose snppoMtrs with

ball, 25c.Uoodyesr*s wairanlcd but

two quart, flOc.Toilet sponges, 10 and Tic.Pipl boillcs amrnimia, 5c.Phil boltte witch liuzel, 6c.


FbRNITURE.-Tlie youngest Dept, in the STO R E.

But it’s a noble youngster. In two short years it has obtained a healthy robust growth. From a few pieces in a basement store room it has spread to four of the largest upper rooms- in the build­ing, and yet the room is not enough to proprerly display and accommodate the varied stocks.

BEDROOM SVIT AT $14.00.I t’s a golden oak, all pieces

are nicely finished; it’s an outfit good enough for any ordinary room.SOLID OAK BEDROOM SUIT FOR $17.00.

All pieces are lull size, bureau has swell front and big, bevelp'ate nurrur, pieces arecurved and polished.


'I hese pieces are extru. good size, big French plate mirror in bureau, carvings and polish are goorl, the cabinet work is honest as furniture can be.F I7 E PIECE PARLOR SU IT FOR $27.00.

Your domestic economizers want to remember this suit. The frames are of mahoganized birch with a showing of line carving; the covering is in silk brocatelle; lull complement ol steel temper­ed springs, and think of it, $27 for a sumptuous parlor suit,A FIN E R PARLOR SU IT A T $49.50.

5 pieces, mahoganized Irameg, upholstered in silk damask, the frames are high piano polished, the backs are ot fine biscuit work tufting, it is a better parlor suit than has been selling at $65.Some Couobes as low as $3.75.

Upholstered in tapestry; good strong frames.

A B etter Couch at $5.98.Ilph'ilstered in figured velour,

canopy fringe. A large sumptu­ously a(»poiiited conch with cov­ering of. figured velour, five rows of biscuit tufting, strong frames, canopy fringe, fur a liinital (piantity, $8.U0 instead of $12.

Glance Over The List of Domestics.These goods that you have daily use for—that you are buying

constantly that you will appreciate as extra values perhaps as yon would appreciate nothing else. ,Ynnl wide bleticbed iniiMlii|i>, 4. 5nnd Oc. Full 8ixr imtiiliii ttlu'els. 89o and 60l

I llemined (ullow < nxet, 5, 7 itnd Mk*. j Ten yHMte of birtUys* diuper (or BOu.I 'I'willed t«>w eliit;*, d. 4 hihI Ac.;64 im-b imbb'Hciieit Itdili; dtnnnok, 96c.60 Inch uiibb‘H«’tie<l Inble ditnuisk, 41k:. (,'roim sbnkrr tTwincl, and 5c.Mniiniii darli nilit oa,Apron gintibniuH, 8<- nml 5c.12 c American ctr ttudlea. 7|c.

Yard wide iinblcHt bed muslin. 4srvd 5c ilciiialiicbed bbecli*, 5(lc

Memsidebed pillow I2 c Full size croeltbi ctuiuit-rpaneM, 5Uc, Opc and f 1

All linen inweliu);. and 7c T8 inch Unbictiched table iiamniik. 85c

64 ill. Imll Idciicl ed doutde damask lini-ii, 55c liirbieHcbed Canton HHiim l«, 4c and 5i;

Fiincy online tiamicl', 4c and 6<' 8c HUil IDi: drt>s tcii'Kliama, Oi

Ilcbt Anierictin zephyr (ireMK ginghams 12c Printed Ameiican Uin<iti('><. 8c. Colton rovprlii for cycling itinl gciicrhl ouiing wear, IBc Light sliirliiig and sliirlwtiiisi cttnibricf*, fancy btripcs ittid ti;4ur«!4, 8 c.

Grandly Good Hosiery and Underwear StoreAnd during these May-days selling we shall demonstrate our abil­

ity to furnish you much hosiery and underwear and at Such prices as rarely falls to the lot of this community.

Men's 10c criev mixed ho«iity. 7c12J c RellnlleM fa l black lioRicr\, Oc.Meu’H FcaioleBR polka dot black iy;>sierv. 12)c, feaiule8> white fool, Idack boot liuHiery. 12 silk < tn<»roideie<) Ilcinr.HdtMf tdm;k lto^'er^, l5c.

“ extra line "aMge Maco yarn, full rpgiil h iiuole liofijery, black tiud tan, 25c. Womeu’a fubi blark HraiuiesH hosiery. 0(i

“ flii- lic French riitbeil IhhI bli.« k boHterv, 12.jc.“ ‘full regular matte. Her iiadoif biaek nod lau Imsiery, 15i'.

tine utiH.'c iMaeo yui ri lto if‘ y, full reiinUr.niwde, double RoleR A lieel, 25t A lot of womt iT.' Bile tine Uniliaiil black lisle thread hosiery, while lips, Uuubli

soles, 2Uc.

Underwear for Women and Men.Women’.-j white Maco cotton rilibed vesls, silk tapcil, lOe..

“ liigli neck, slioil le( ve, medium weight ribbed, vests, 12 0. “ li'te ihiead ve>ls, silk taped. 120‘‘ sumini r weight combina'ion snils, 49c.“ li'le etMiihInalion siiH.a, 99c.

Men’s im*(l:iim weight imtiiral iindeiwrur, 2><'.Amcicaii Malhrijjgtin uiulerwear, 26c..

“ imported Mavo yarn llalbiiL'gMn, uiulerwear, 50c.“ double iCiiied Jottii dru<\ers, 96c,


O F CARPETS.Good body brussels carpets 85cHaitford body biusselsenipets

as low as 98c.Axminster carpets, a score of

styles, 98c.Finer, exclusive |«tteriis Ax­

minster parlor carpets, $1 25.High class Wilton Velvet car­

pets, $ l 00.Wilton Velvet carpets, out of

loom patterns, but full rolls, 85c. and 95c.

Best Tapestry Brussels carpets 65c.

Tapestry Brussels carpets as low as 49c.

All woo! extra super ingrain carpets, 50c. to 65c.

Ingram carpels as low iis'^Oc.Bag carpets, bright new wo<j1

sti'ipe.s, four-ply tan warp, new rags, 40 and 50 centa.

Good rag carpet us low as 25c.

BEDDIKG.Blrorig woven wire bed .“priijgn, f t 25. Kxlrn qnulily wuvrn wire bed hpiing

fl.76.King Bpirnt xpnng, |2 49.(Jidlon lop mHUress. 42.00. liUsk mid i rdlon mMtlre*<«, 42 98 All colluu iimllietiA, t;4 60.

$6 and $8 and $10.00 FO R T Y Yd. R O LL Mattings

These are seamless goods— imported long, long ago, w hen buying could be done to i better advantage than now. Some are cotton warps, they’re in shotted or mixed styles, and there’s in­laid figures, blocks and stripos. Such mattings as this store has never ottered its patrons befive;, but it will be only while these lots last, ThOrA Will be no du­plicating such matting values.

WOMEN’S SUITS FBCM $6 97 TO $12.87.

Knavr you that this is the best wo­man's tailm ng establishment in tbia section of the oonntryf Know you that prices are as low as for tlie indif­ferent makes of goods which we never handle.

TRUNKS AND BkGtlDon’t carry a shabby package, buy a

goodfleather bag; don’t travel with an. indifferently cunstrncted trunk—an old one ift which yon have vory Uttlft faith (or its staying qimlitiea Wo' have some extraordinary goods at very low prices.

QABDEKI^’& TOOLS.I t wnnid take a big spnee in, thia

aewspaper to tell you about them.

s . p . m r s T H i ^ i y i <5t C O . , t r e n t o i tHi intstawn Gazelle.«r«d AUta* Post Oiti«» UHItftitito«o, a« Moond-olfiii iuAU«r.

AHTBRTINIflW RATK8.Wtlll. AOKTUft.I I. t. 1 1 I I 18

• T| 1 «•' t 10 1 00 8 10 4 10 4 00 010.z aobf 1 i» 8 00 IN 8 0A 4 00 7 00 10 00 17.I I 7b 8 7b. I bO «M 0 bO VDO.U00 88..QQi. 8b0 bn TOO 8 bO 18 bO 10 8I> 8b0(l 3b: 4 col. OOO 100 Iv n lObO U bO 8b00 $700 kO. e I. 10 du lb 00 Itoo 88 00 i)8 vO 4) 00 «8b0 iOO. 1 tninet I oolatooi 18Q*nti a line.

TH08. B. AFHl.TGKT, itigbtHlowu, N. J

HIu-HrSTO'WN, N, J.. MAY 4,1839.

In Tne Philippidtes.nottpalchc!*. from Muuila loport thitl

Oeimral M«rA'‘ll«iii:'« dtvUiou cro.-fieil llt.e lib)-Grande Thursdny tinil Hilviinced lo Apulil, cmmplL’lelv rotitiuff Uio tluwi’r of lUe relK-lmriity. It'd i»y Geiierdl Lumt. The

Hull, imtiiy t‘f llMMii e.'iotidiiii noriH- vvaiti ou Ihe luiirmiil. 'i'he lownH of Apulil timl Snii Vincenlt* were hurueO',. Tin Au|erir»n4 tjitplurefl u brttss niunoii. it IliHkim mUI) tiuii H quiiulily . of iiruib iiudMlIKikUllildOII.

I lie. Filipinog Imve mwde ovi-rtiih'S for h i«H*ili'lon of l>ok;)li(ie*i, p-miNog iiejputiii- lioliA lof toe lurmiiiulion ot the war. Two <•[!]< erii of UeiterHl Lunii':i slulT enlered (lie Atm-rii’Nii lilies Friilay ttiid were CHcorieil lo MhoIiu, wbere hey liH<l tt conference xv'tli Ot»venmr deiieiitl Otis. They i-aid tliHt UeiierHl Lmm had UeAii rcijt'ieslod l>v A«uiiiahjo 10 .•“U>peml lio>tililie8 ’'lo allow lime fiir the siniimoiiiu qt the Kilip no ((mtiis-, wldi’h body would decide' \Hul!ter llie i-eople wniiled peace." Gfhp eial Oita replivLl UihI he dui md recounizy tlie yxisleiice of a Filipino gtiveriimeiil.

A ►peiiaUlespalch from Miiuihi ipiotes Getieinl Oti** Mb SHVimr HimI Mh olute sur- le ider Were the on<y lenns he could con- Mder, Miul llial Ive lielievrd 5he Kvlipino eti.isbuiieti from Ueuvral Lhuh were seekiuj to gain lime. 'I'he Filipinos piid General T>tirtuttl if peace WiHTofAHfrl itipun lUuiii it vonki not be permftnenK .

Munihi advices indicate tliAt in Ihe course |jf ihe conference with Ge*»e$ul Oils Fmliiy Ihe FiiifMnMM muile the urgumenl lliiil it WMM iuiposMthle In "arrange au annisiice vilhoui |l>e sHiction of the (Jongress. Geiieiat Otiv replied IhHt if AguiiiHldo •,ould williool the Coniireic* lieb: o.i.l kiap (L ujUloUl iefiTeucC lu Ihiil • ’ty,

A devpulcli from Miinih;bii>a Ue iiiMirgems nl lUlef slate iiiat lliuy have the miaidnif uuo of the gunboat \oikt0HU Miul. Are Uoldiug them us priaoii- cn. ,

U.’iieiHi Otin$rled In Wg>hington FiltlNC lilitt pArt oFdhA iniMiMnit of lue ciiiel of stuff pf ib4|a*oi4iiimn.dVng geneigl ol ;;lie ItianrgertUftirciie. iu .Hileriiiji ihe Amen- imu lliiVM. lo t‘ApreM« feiluiiiHibm of the

1 fral ofrtUiii AmciicHn n>ioy in lorekig Ine pMSMuge. of the Uio Unonle, wBicIi 4mpot«itde.

A UrMiffm deRfR‘IUi.t|i(ot«« ineDiber* t'fIfw JiiiilA Ihcie.teM. Maying lUalItHKiAifiiry iMntf iu bffMi Uug peH' c imev lie I Uvneinl Lunib is HI cliNrge ol

fjMfpiiMi uVvHurA»« ttH Liiih muo“ n ImhI '

AllMAlpid Ibc mfcsilt AMe driven

5 • ||i.,4;^uiti..ff-jMfciiiiv,iOf flic

H ri) li.‘

illtA ihtt 1)H

• *1**

C:V-A “ " ,


nipilal 475,000.000. mid Ihe Umted Slalet* Flour Milling (hniip'iiiy, capital 426,000,- 000. were lucorpomted at Tremou lath >Vfck.

A Tier Iwenty-two lioiini’ d(i|il)'cnltion, ilie jury ii»'U»8«'ciiAc of Mrs. Aiqia E Gforgts. on Iriiil for Urn killi'ig ol George ,0. Haximi, reiurued a verdict of acquitlal Fiid'iy morning at Canton, Ohio.

Ihe 8»eaiiier Fluiciice, plying, tiotwcen |{ordcnlowii aini Piiihiflelplnii, wii#' su badly ilaiiiaged Thurstluy iiflcrnouti hy a coal barge cra.-5hlug into nor Hint her enp- laiii beached lier nLCf*opei’» Point.

.loliii Ui'iiiirdo, 46 j ears old, M luhorer, wax slahUcil at Uochesier, New York, by Carmone Diana, late Timrsdav nigid and died Friday. The men quaai'eled•lover the cxpemhtuie of a doliur. Diana is btiil in hiding.

John P. Uos.s, of SliHrnn..Mas«., was ,shol and kiileil hy his wife, Mury E. Uos'<, in Ihfi course of a (juaiTei at llieir home Fri­day. Mis. Ross says she acleii i:i self- defenre, ns her husband was ehokijig her at the time.

It is tinmninced ill Rerliii Dial the Ocr- iinin Governmenl is Mtti.stled with llic e.\- prcssioiis of regret from Pre.-nlenl Mc­Kinley regarding' the receni nilermicrs ol Ciipl'iin OogUlan, and the lucideiU Is re­garded as closed.'

Ill an altercation mi Thursday aCMHiion. Alahaiint, between W. A. Mulliii and a gang <if oe.'roes. he Mini one .d the iiegrot*:' were kiiled. Mnllin was a jlanimion over- seer. A is in pursuit of the gang, and lynehiiigs ate fcared.t

’I'he praclinil value of the sy.s- lein of leiegniphy was shown in Engliinil, Friday, when the crew of the Goodwin iSuuds I'ghtffhip wtire abie tuTOinimiulrnte- with ahoie and give warning of the. sink­ing coiidiliou of tile ship us a lesuit uf a collision.

The Coroner’s jury at Malden, Mo., fonml u verdict Fiiday holding J. il. 'Ici- talon, a stepMin of Mrs. June Tcttalon, le- spoiisihle for her murder ami for the niiir- der of Ui«r four (mdyjren. Telialon liii.s been taken lo Jiii. Louis fur Kar ol bis safely at Mul len.

The body of Mi!»dndl Duniel. a negro, was (miml near Leeshirg/Georgia, riddbd Willi biilleti*, Daniel was bebevtul lo be one of tiiTee iM'groas w ho torcIbiV eiileied the room of Mis. Wilimm J aramure suv> era) days ago. The Litamtue liouac was bet afire n few day s sim e.

A story is puldisited in London lo the effect that Gsir’iiany has addte.<»sed an ex poatiilatory note U> Fiaiieu lenarding Ibe UfeylU'* case, liiliiimliog lhal ineeilain evcMlnalilius.It wonhl l>u impossible for the ikliiu G'lyernmenl to rcir.dii from >fl).i«i)y (ml.lHliing Ibe fai l-, iii JikHcc lo tt» UWUi )U,M3>S.. I'itrcA* i cricuns are ri'|>oiled in b tve been

killed, MUd great liiMiiagn to Imv.* Uecn doip lo prapettr'by • lurBiiuu ttint wus cBiitral nwf CjkHiwit, luwH, iifi WH'HcsUav idgbl. ^I^a-ur rl^bi (ulrtltv In.

Aviitidl'ii atorm iiem M. jMrbfkAko* tlHi 'iM.mNge. i4> propi riy kiivre. -ihl HfVtflil IftfWMibb Hi'i;# Uijiirca.

Let those who wanta good deal for their clothes-money come to Greater Oak Hall.

We-sell clothing under the most masterful conditions—buy the cloth from the mills, and have the cutting done by our own work people. We shun cotton as a poison—high prices as a plague.


HEN'S SUITS OF ALL WOOL FOR $5 UP TO $25.The choice increases at $ 7.50, $ 10 , $12, $15.Always almost bargain lots where dollars go farther,

thing new, nice, nobby and price-right.Boys’ clothes—every-

Women’s Select ClothingNot everything is let in—only The pick of the best in dresses, only'the choice

of the stylish jackets, only the economical, good low price things.

EXTRA LARGE SIZES IN WOMEN’S TAILOR-MADE SUITS46, 48, 50 bust-measure for $15, $18, $19.75, $25.

TAILOR-MADE JACKETS— TAFFETA LINED, $5.60, $6.50, $7.50, $10.A 5 h lr t Waiat Hint—with three Shirt Waists and three Skirts, you have six changes of We have both Skirt Waists and Skirts in bewitching assortment and O , so cheap.Choice Silk W aists, $$.90, $4. 50, $ 5, $6. 50, $7.50.Stylish Serge Skirts, $2.75, $ 3.50, $ 5. $6.50;

We pay carfare when reasonable amount is purchased.





'I'be ca«N5rn pHrt of Kuksvlllf. Mi-tamiri. ‘WH'«‘wreclTeirbyn i(mdiTnr~TriiifmViiy'rnd it l8 bail! forty por mia were killefl. The niiinhei of injured la not known Anolher deiiputcb reporU tb tkiiling of tbirly-seven persona by a tornado at Nowltm, forty milea northwefl of Kirk vUie. V\iies are down and coui,iiunicaliou I*} pracinally cutoff.

A<lvice«j from Samoa, via Atirklatol. np to April 18, aitow Hint lliere Iiha i><-e*< f.irlher severe tiglitiiig bnlweeii Hie rival .Samoan UettonK. At Maiigia, on x\pril, 15. M Ittndiiig |mrly from Ibe KriUab cnii>ei raurangii waa driven uff by afoiceof 2000 rol’PD. Snbi*nqiieiiUy Lieutuimui Uaiiut'a force relumed lu aid tbv fneudL SatnoHiif Mini the Mutuafaua retired. Tw>> later tliere hmh severe tlgiitiog ul Vailema lbe war abips tbelliiig Ibe rebel forlitleatiou inefleclively. 'Ibc MaUafana fuu„bi. uuder tlie Qerman 0ug.

The heroic brouae ti|o<*atriuu atalue of (jetteral Oraiil, eCccled al X uuuUiu Giev'u, Philadelpfiu. TlniradHy, by Uie Fairm«*i>ui IVk Art AKOoeiaii m,; wum uuveiie«l by .Mi a Uohemary SaiLueia, a giatuidii(igiiit:i of the (ieueralj 10 iMtf |ireaeiice of a iiiiirma leU a iumbiage, mciuding 1 iu>idehl Ml iC U S.,Uiitarl.‘ F. 19*Grant, Grtioral itM'iitoeta of tini.'i»lmrel,.GuyA‘ruurf6Um«uitul uflicera of ibe ariiiv ami navy. Tlie Fnaidriii reVH'Wcd

If you want to buy


just now,

between seasonv, now ia tlin time. To keep biisii|e,B« lively we will Bell, nulil Mar, 1 .Tlh, any of onr Pi.inoa and < Vrgans, at a very considora- bie reduction in price. It, will I'liy Dig to aea oijr stock of .Sobmer & Co, Emerson, J. & 0. Fisber, Stpjtli & Bariv e, and l ’i"nos,and Mirsun & lluinlin. Car­penter, Wilcox and WLiite, and WaterlooOrgan.'*, Also Beverel sliglitly used organs.

G E O .E .S N E D E K E R ,

iniHKMvrwRrva iirue sMiiM-ui iws.l •wl'.ieilMsi-v («r..e». h»* wiiunaiMul, si lUeiwMr St, 111. t'uuui (a>saiie. ami sililrei-M il U ii siidliinee at ihr AeS'leiiiy ii^’^ hkIi;, wliwsalw UMltuu ws-

5 M . W a r r e n S UT-HWTa.Vk(

’'Silverplate that wears."The 'trademark

■ J g 4 7 m ;M m . ”

ou spoons, forks, etc,, maRwaT- arts^ of quality the world over,

rise prefix—i5 V7-—lnsurea the gea* ’s u.ue AOgeis. rpmUty.

If ytm wiiuf H woildmjj pre . a it, o r tMbewiira (or y o u . ran)

iitw, lemembvf 6-Fell ihts waife at «gbt lirio.*fc


Is superior to all others.Among the many advantageB il

po.“S( sbCs are the fol'owing

Direct Connection with Levers. D ownw aid Stroke o f Type-bar. Uniform depression and tension. R apid Escapment.L igh t, E lastic Key Touch.Eo resistance oj universal bar. Visible w riting.Tabulating and B illing.P erfec t paper feed.H u tm a tic Uni spacingType, face upward Jor cleaning.D urability.Universal Key-board Light-running carriage.S tability and compactness.Speed.EiUing in blanks pi dales. M anijoldiiig.D raw ing lines W rillng in colors Per le d as a Watch-

Rogers & Son.

The Pillow

Sham Holders

h ive COU1P, Hbout 500 of tin m. They wont stay long. If ytm want them ciiMie light away—price 19 ceiita.


Shipment of

R ogers’ S w e e p e r s

ju t h<re—price $1.50. 'J he,-e will be higher » little later.

Send h r catalogue and get Bpsciat ' prioOB from,

c. q. .Agenr


J . K. W 5 T H tR :U ,U D M lttB L

■Bmuttxii a M r u mixm;

iMAW ST., Wf4T§T0Wl<.


S a m p les

will be offered Friday; will be gone Sutuniay.

Gur new lines for Spring are on Lite way; openii g w |ll be an. noiipeed later. YVe waut fo eeq you in a few dayn, Sjuing ."^onyenir will ije fe id y February 10th. '-don’t fail to ask fur piMk ' he S9c Ung wilt taut about % «t'«k lo n p r , Hurry


S e i e n i 4 t 8 ^ 's|

filUS, B. A rn b a a iT , P a iu a n n .rSBO a A FFL E O n, b n o B

C a s h in A d r a h c ^ .

I t e m s a n d C o m m e n ts .

, Conaell ■Mtlag M XtTui^iJIgbtj.S M ^ lw |t o lM ii ln i about tbo mho. Mr*.' CbariM Kulir't eoodiliQU U r«>

period to bo vary •rltitai.Mrt; Frederic f); l tw n t , J ( j^ iilide lpb^ ,

O fagTSinSyiritirrrlondo Id town.

New HOOD Dcxt T u e id t; Bigbt.Tbo lUD rlMi ttl:B T ,o n d Mti i t t:57

to-dey. ' ^Job b. Rogen b i t becD Mriouily ill lor

ooTerel doje.—— ...- -v".... .........Bare up your DioDey. Tbe circue u

coming to Trenton.Mri. Wmitm B. Black well ia TisUing

frlcnila Id UilUiUe^---- -------- ---------Dr. George Algor, of Glaaiboro, ipent

Sunday wltli (rieudi in (owD.A carp weigbiiig 82) poanda waa caugbt

in the Allentown pond laat week.Hra. Tracey U. Norton baa been con-

fined to the house by illueaa fur aeveral daya.

C'harlea Bell and wile, of Jersey City, liave been bpending a lew daya at Dr. Geo. H. Franklin's.

Dr. and Mra. VV. Oakley Hermance, of Philadelphia, apeut Buuday with hia parenia here.

Cashier J . H. Johnes la making eaten- eive improtenieiits to hU residence, on Booth Main street.

The first ilrawberry featirai of ihe sea- eon was held iii the Universaiist Church on Tuesday cTouiiij'.

Work on Ihe new M. E. Church is pro­gressing rapidly. Thu slate roof is being put on and tlie building will soon be en­tirely enclosed.

Mra. Annie Miller and Mrs. Darid Measiiioll hare Iniprured their Mutrisun avenue ptoperlies by laying sidewalks and reinoving their froul fences.

Charles E. Biults, of the firm of Allen A Bliilts, visited Wilmington, Delaware, last Week, and while there purchased a new linderlaker’s wu^nu tor the firm.

Uev. Tliotiias Tyack, D. D., will preach •t special Masonic serinuu in the I’resby- teriaii Church, next Buii lay uight, and the iiieinbers of Uiglitstown Lodge, No. 41, F. lb A. M., will atleiid iu a body.

Tuesday was a typical summer day and belonged to August rather than this inonlli. The temperature does not appear to have bi«ii remarkably high, but the humidity was great and inade clothea a burden.

Bliapgle & BOA'S fouiulry Is running up to niiduiglit nearly every night now. in order to supply the big demand for their new pulalu sprayers. The machines do excellent work, spraying ten rowa at a liii.e, and arc heenining very popular.

Deck mall & lllack are making sonic eg. tensivg alterations in Odd Fellows' Hall. The third story will be extended in the rear and the aiile-rou 11 will be tinicli en­larged. The second Boor will be filled up up by the 0 Id Fellows as a reading room and hanquel.hall.

Ill Ihe M. E. Cliiirrh last Sunday nighi Itev. Willlaiii .Mllcliell preached an inler. esiing serii on on “ card-playiug." Tlic pastor dwell on llie evils of lliis and o th e r games ufchinice and denuiiiiccd (hem in atroD g tcrins. Tlie iiudieiiee was large hud the sermon has been much commented on by those who heard it.

A quiet wedding took place at ll.e Methodist Episcopal parsonage, on Biindny evening, when Miss Lillinn May Bowyei was united in marriage to Waller II. Ayres. The ceremony was performed by Uev. William Milclicll and waa wilncssed by a few of tile immed'iule friends and relatives

, of,Ihe coutraciing parlies. The bride is a daughter of Baggage Master Wi'liani 11. Muwyev, and the groom is a son of Charles 41. Ayres, all of (his place.

C .’8. Tunis, of Imlayslown. spent Siin- <lay with Dr. Lloyd Wilbur, of this place, and during the day the two visited ex. <Joveruor William A. Newell, at Alleii- iuwii. three are old personal andpolitical friends and there is im duiihl that « VIrhuUiii report of llieir afterupou'a cou- veraatloii would make mightily interesting reading. Dr. Newell, by the way, expects to visit Uiglitstown the Jailer part of next week.

Mri. T raety B> Otwaa, of 6om«r|lU«, U ip«DdiD( the week Id BighUtown.

M n. Rebecci MoniiDye is eopAoeii to tb f koDH DDd is t§ld to be (Dliieg rtpidlY.

The Couoell propoeei to set (be dog. cttablog n ichloery to inotioD igaio iood.

Mra. JoliD V. Ely baa moved ioto the William Hobbloi bouse, on Mercer tlreet.

Jacob Wilbur hat been quite ill for several dayi^ but is again ablj tb be out.

Hri. John M cM ui«n.Ji.lllil!JU i.. i

Ifew O ttti ■ Affairs al (bn puHpingalaiion ara In ai,

eocouiaglnii shape and it ia hopad Miai aatiafactory solution of tbe filter prnWam will eooa^te^Teaclitdv^^l^ BKeiSfiek, tius Maw York Ffller Copannnr'seiperli ia eiiil therentnd ir mtklii|g~tlp«ri- meela every dey. Tbe resulti; sbac'lied th u t far are very gntifyina. Prof. K en .; drlck bclievei he hat loealad- tha troubleand tlitl there will be no diOculty n filler ^ J ' [ 'h U T S d S ^ ^

Tlie meeting of tbe (ownsliip Bundsy- eclioul Uuiuu, which whs to have been held in the M. E. Chorcii, on Tuesilay iiigIB, was postponed for a week on acixiuui of the rain. Uuiy ahum a duxen people were present. Next Wednesday uight the program of erercises, which was pub- lished iu the UxzaTTE last week, will iu- olude addresses by Filiicipal R. W. Swet- laud, of I'eddie, aud Rev. T. B. Lung, of Dayton. Rev. 0 . I'. Eaehcs, D. D., and liev. William Milcliell will participate in (he devotional exercises, reports will he read aud ufllcers elected.

While uuharuesstiij s horse, on Batur- day, Joseph MeMurran was quite seriously

.injured. Ashe was uuhoukiiig a lrac« the shafts (g|l Jqwu and struck the horse, which started stiddeoly aheafi, Mr. Me- Miirrau ir ed to stop liiin, but lust bis fuutiug aud was Ihruwu heavily Vb tl>!i Itrouud, his hesd strikiug so sharply that be was rendered uiasouscious. ile re- inaiued iu this con litiuii fur about ao hour. Al preseul lie has almost eutireiy lecuv- «red from the accideut, altnuugh his lace i t badly bruited aiid discolored.

Tbe open season for pickerel began Monday, aud from dayligbt till dark the ponds of (hit lectiuu were eagerly whipped. The dsjr was a fair uue, sltbiMgh nut idgal piking wealtHWi and U« fisU are geuerally nportei to bide bMMii welL No big nlfiogs, hovreyer, were made. ,Tlie Uiglits- towupoud, pyirbaps, bad nrare iban its gbsre uf aoglersj and a KOud many fitta fifiip Ukep Jrqui it. At Wibdtur, tM

pet covered by a veritable fleet of )' Jpehlbl Janets, and tbe laoil foreee were

MWtU k USMld !h»oy Bib were aiihougb not n groat uuiuber,

.npnijWlrin| Jlie trmy end nary of Haber- Oerg ttV nnU ^ruver'e

: W fcnjw been (pee ngU<twt«try (bnu; JMMis l#4 HflMI antpofis <Mdp. Uot.

jp|i>s,(l>rnwByii«e«f ilm b«d ponda In nod tbows

» IM K il; hi

d a i i g b ^ Mrs. Enoch Petrine, at Lewis, burg, ^ i .

Misi Rebcccft Rogers, who is seriously UI with heart-disease, remaios about tbe u tnea —

Kef. William MitcheU will preach in the H. E. Church next Sunday night on **The Tree of Hell."

John H. CulTcr*8 horse, which was stolen from the Baptist sheds last weeh, was found at PerrlueviUe.

Peddtc InslUute took fourth place in the one-mile relay race at the Uuiversilv of Pennsylvania on Saturday.

Take notice of Dundam Co.'s adv. this week. You can't help seeing it, aud every word of it Is worth reading.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason have been speuding a few days with their aou-in-iaw, T. Ely Schenck, at New Brunswick.

Miss Anna Hay, of Oi^rmantown, has been speodiug a few days at Peddle. iSlie was graduated from the Institute iu 1888.

The subject of Rev. E. G. Mason's ser­mon, at the Universaiist Church, next Sunday evening, will be ''Y hsIKi ," in his senes of "Bible Character Sketches."

Manager Joseph H. Cook, of the rug- factory, lias jtist purchased thirteen new looms, which Will be pul upland run iu Hie oil)' public-school building uow situated near J. W. Early’s office.

Arbor Day was fl'lidgly observed by the Public School cliiUlred on Friday. In the morning they were conducted on a pleas-I ant trip Ihrongh the woods, and in Hie ufieruoon appropriate exercises were held in the school-liuuse.

Last Tuesday niglil was the time for the regular May nieetiug of Council, but only Mayor Bolt and Oouitcilmeu Fryer and Carr appeared and there was no quorum. The meeting was accordingly adjourned to next Tuesday uight.

Samuel Bennett died at his home iu Cranbury, on Tliursday, aged 78 years. Ills death occurrcii after an illness of a few Meeks and was cause.1 by pneumonia. The deceased leaves a widow and two sons, Ora Mild Edward Uennetl.

“ Ktv. (J. A. Rose,” who has been iu town soliciting suhsciiptious to (he (Jhrh- tian l^Umdard^ ui (K) ceuts per year, is said to be a fraud. Exchuuges say that the paper never comes and that he is uot known at Hie puhlisliing house.

TUe Trenton, Model yclioul nine came to iligtdaiovvi) on Saiurduy and defcited tbe Peddle boys with a score of 11 lo C, Yes­terday afteruooD Hie Poildie nine'suffered niiolher defeat, when they were beaten by Hie Priui-clon l‘>f*.8hmen. 8core 2i lo 8.

A i>arl ot the scaffolding used in budding the new M. E Church gave way .on Mon- (lay and several of the woikrneu were slighily hurl, t.iickily no one was seriously injured, ulthougli a number of the roofers aud carpt'iuers narrowly escaped being killed by the fulling limbers.

Adid .Mount, who lives between Eira ami Perriiicviilo, came near being buinec| lo death on Thursday. He was trying lo exu^g<ri^h a wuo<ls (ire when he became surrounded oy the dames ami was over­come by the heat. When discovered he was unconscious, .hIuI but for prompt action would have lost Ids life.

An iiitercsting eii'e tainmetit will bo given iu the M. E. Church next Tuesday evening, when TninM*oter Roswell Mehuert, of the 8>(I United States Cavalry, will (le­st rihe his experiences al t«an Juan, El Caney ami Sanliagn. He will also render various Iriimpel culls. Patriulic exercises will he given by the children. Admission 25ccuia.

T. 0. Nostrand and F. J . Thron, of the Highistowo Electric Light and Puwei Co., are amoitg Hie directors of a company iti- corporuted at Treuloo Inst week fur the maonfacture of the Joues wimlow-strip. The company is capitalized al f2>0,000 aud has its principal office al Deltfiico. 3lrs. J . E. Joues, of this place, whose husband was Hie inventor of the strip, haa sold iier interest iu the palcut lo the company.

The four o'clock (rain from Philadelphia, whicli arrives liere at 5:24, struck and in- stanlly killed Katie, the three-year-old child of Aiherl aud Mubcl Early, above Fhreuce, on Tnursday ufuruoon. The ehiul had been playing in Ih e ja rd o u ly a few moments before, but duUmg'lhe front gale opiu had WanUered out and upon tiie track just as the train was approaching the cuive.

The weather. In tlie MidtBe States and New E^gli^nd tu-<lay, fair weather and sligiitly liiglier temperatuie will prevail with fresh easterly to aouUieily winds, do. morrow, fair, slightly wanner wcMlneruud fresh Doulheily wmda will prevail, follow eU by rain IU the lake region, aud ou j^aiur. day, probahly fair weather and slight teiuperalcre changca, followed by rain east of lue lake region.

iDg the waler accordlDi to contract, praaent be alalea that nearly alt the iron it beiog removed by tbe filter. This result has been reached by a largely increased aeralibn and by the rutroduciion of lime. The amount of the latter, However, is very liuall, being only about one part in 80.000, and, i t irx iW ;n rn f fib- ' a l all ^icepuliicr At the pumping-station the water comes from the filter clear, rparkling and perfect­ly odorless, and tests show notrace of iron. Nituraliy the water is not so saiisfuctory throughout the town gnd will not become to until the standpipe, mains and pipes are thoroughly cleaned.

The general improvement to tbe Water, however, is frequently commented on and many who use it say that it Is enlirdv satisfactory for every purpose. At the Central Hotel the water is used for culinary and laundry purposes aud is said lo give good results lu every way.

Yesterday, Prof. Wil'lam Main, an ex­pert chemist, was in town for the purpose of making analyses, but the result of his invesligaHons has not yet been made public.

Try ing to Please Everybody.

"1 wdsrVjpu \vouM. l.ui'h jnc. fiomu-Qlljcr .. wjiy,” ■■ ■■w f 111 Uer-vn n c” s a uV"

I day;“ I iim turned lo llic north, and Urn pe'nnle

cnmidainTlml the wind ia cold, IlmL it briiifjs no


BUSINXSS LOdALS.F arneri, rend tilii! FroH 8 to • ennU

io rF*r pound-paiil

Bonrd b;rnWw t t WIlUb

Mu.(It. w n k . Apnljr to Mary B; R uft 'No; 13 Mtnrmeinb ilH K

A* tlin .raioii o( the year when piieii- monta, la iriune, uire throat, itiiiqiba.. cokla, catarrh, kronchilit and liiiia Iroatilaa are lu be siiardeil Healii.t, nnlliipg “ ii a flue lub.liliilc," will “ an.wer tbe parmiae'* or la “ Jiixt a t guotl" as Utie Minute t.aiiali Cure. I'bat i . the utie iiifaHible remedy lux' all luD£. thrunt ur brnnehlul trouble. liii.Ul upon liavitig it it ''aoiiielliiiq' ■else" i» oOured you.

T'lr irott bHei, buffil, ihdoletit tihrea. »*■xetna, aKm{ti.aaM<*, aud e.pecially pllerl DoWtU*. Wtttrh" liaierBulTe i'taiiila ijr.t

>piwho try to iniilate aud.coiiiiterreil It.' It'D their eiidoriieiiieiil ui a i;uud ariiclo. Wurthlet). Kood. are tint iiiillated. Get Da VVitla'i Witch llaiel 8al»e.

“to. itio south

Windsor Items.Jahn B. lliitchiuaou made a short

in town last week.Mrs. George Mount is slowly but steadily

gaining on the road to health.Miss Caddie Oakerson returned home

last Saturday after an extended visit with her sister in New York.

Charles Robbins, accompanied by a friend from college, was iu town oa Saturday.

The pond was well patronized by fisher­men on Monday. One cf our anglers was 00 the ground at four o'clock.

Mrs. Elizabeth Carson, who spent the winter at Clarksburg, lias returned. She makes her borne wllh Mrs. Samuel Messier.

The Odd Fellows allemleil the M. E. Church in u body Sunday evening, 'i'he clmrch was crowded and the pastor, Uev. W. UlacUiston, gave a very fine address that WHS greatly appreciated by the order.

Word reni;lies us that Uev. N. J. Brown, a fonm-r pastor iieie, 1ms had u very sne- cesstnl series ot nuetings (.1 his new charge at Crosswicks. Evungdiot llum- mill assisted liim.

"Very wdl," said the wind ’ yon slinl! go ;

From llu! ('ppoailo corner my breezes shall blow ;

Tlie cold-of the north shall give place lo lliy balm

That comes from the region of cane and of palm.”

"W hat say they?” was heard,-ns the wind returned

"T.icy say they arc inoUcd.,-aud boiled, and burned, '

For llie sun is so,hot and Ihe air is so dryThey can scarcely lift lu iny height their


"Then I’ll give them a change—1 will blow from the easl.,

And see if their' comfort is thereby lu- creased;

A breeze from UiaL ipiafier so piercing I’ll sweep

That they ciinnol complain of languor (pr sleep."

Wifirim L. Wilbur, M. I). Office houv i 8 to 0 A. M. and 2 to 8 am) 0 ;8U lo 8 1 \ M.

I t e o d y - n u t d e ( M h i n g t

For a quick remeily and oii« Hml ia per- lam for dilldrenfocMy aaA‘ for dilldren let ua reOommt'iid

Oi;e Miuute Cougli Cur^! I lia < xedlcnt for croup, hoaraenesa, tickling lu ihu turoul Hiul couglia.

Youcanaave 6 to 10 percent, by pur­chasing Alfred Peala’ Wall Fiiperlhrough mu. L. W .l'ULLEN.

"Give me a liver regulator aud 1 can regiilMlu the world," said u genius. Tire 'I'lre druggist lianded inni a bottle of De- WiU’a Little Early Risers, the famous little pills.

J. Slieer, BeilftliH, Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that iris lillle daughter was very low w ith croup, urn) her life saved after all piivsiciuns iiad failed, ouiy by using One Minute Cough Cure.

FOR SALE OR RENI'. House and lot oti Williams street,

on Martin Nolan, Highlttowu.Cal!

said the wind"Well, what do Uity say? once more;

"Oh, dear, ills worse than it was before; Fur ihcy all have colds, and they Irowli a t ’

me,As if 1 the cause of Uic wind could he!"

Not one cliilcl dies where ten formerly died from croup. Ftu'ple liwve lermiod Hie Valtie of One Minute Cmigu Cure and use it for severe lung and lltroal troubles. It imuieilmtely stops coughing. It never fulls.

"For a rin'nl, resort, llie WCal we will try," The wind mullered, mounling again on

"iUil 1 warn yon, my dear, UuiL it will not be strange

if DOlliiugcncuuraging follows the change."'

If yon have a eo.igh, throat irritHtion, weak lungs, pain in Hie chest, tiitUcnll brealliing, croup or lumrseness, let u.s sug­gest One Mmnle Cough Cure. Always reliable and safe.

Before the discovery of One Mlr^ulc Cough Cure, lutmsiers were «really di?*- Inrbed by coughing congregulioiib. No excuse for it now.

Good Words for Pastor find People.

'VUq New Jersey MeXhodid prints an ex­cellent piclure of the ilightslowii M. E. Church, as U will look wlieu finished, and, after desciibing the building, says:

"The'chtirfc'h wheu completed will cost not less than $16,(00. Rtv. Win. Milciiell, the pastor, lias iiad fiiianciul success iu bis charges during the lust eleven years. He WHS sent lo 15t. I’aui's, Femisgrove, which iiud a debt of $4,000. all of which was paid i (Iniing Ills pastorate. Fiom lltcre he went to FuuUboro, where he budt. a new cli'urcli , costing $18,000, and $11,000 was paid on it whi-u he left. From there he was sent lo Giace Church, Red Bank,^wlilch had a debt of $6,000, tdi of Which whs paid during (ns paHiorai term. Then Vineland .chnrcli HSktMl for hihi, bill he W'HS siu l to llights- towii. He luund there a debt of $2,800. He set to work and raised the amount dur­ing his first year. The next year the new church was alarted. The people of lligliU- lown are a poor people, but they are inak. ‘ iug heroic sacrifices, uiid whilst it is a hard struggle, they are trusting in ‘One who is able lo do exceeding abundantly above all timt men can a»<k or tliink.'

"Ill llie eaily days of Mellovdism New .letsey was divided into two circuits—Hie E-ist and West Jersey. Each circuit hail a senior ami a jiiJiior preacher, llightslowu was iu the East .lersey circuit. Mrs. Ida Marlin Fulleu, of lliglitsUAvn, wriliog u! those days, says: *'l he first pleaching ser- vices of the Methodist ilineraul ot wiiicli we ( an fiiot any record wa. held in the year 1785, Adam bioud being senior and Mallliew Greeiilree junior preaciiers.

" 'In 1885 a brick buildiu;' was erected on the c<>rner of Stockton uud Ciiureh »trceU. . iu 1837. during Hie pusti>ra'e of Rev. Eiiocn Greco, iho present frame church was erected.’ "

"Wbiil now?" siild llio wind, iipiuiuing iiguiii,

And nnling Hu; face nl the dubious viuu;; "Why limy ibiuk all uur plans arc cnHrcly

wrong,b’or llie''sca is too lilgli, and the wind is

100 strong."

( ‘FKIUK U F COUNTY M 'P F H IN T K N DKNT.TTcnltin, N. .1., April m h , 18'.W.

There will Ija a in toting o( Uio Uoiinty Uuiinl ul'E ia iiiln ers ol M trcer Oouruy, a t Otmrl Huuar, oh IMiiy 6Hi and 8ih. Appliotinls for ourtittuaus flhoulJ Lo) prvuent at A. M .

A. W . IlA K T W F U a,OoiiiilV Superln ten tlcn t.

“ Well, llitii," siiid lliB wiiiil, coming iinuul .. wiUiiigint,

“This iiinUcr 1 ilon’t see tbiil wc can ail-

Just Uirn where I tell you, uiul we slmll lileasc more

Tlniii, willi ull uur Irjitig, wo Buileil be- fore.”

A team ul koraea beloaxing lo Jaxper ilutvkiuauii w«ra being Uii.eii up Biuclaoli Blreel by uue uf bi, farm liauii. uu Finlay, wlicu lue puie liruppeil ai.U llie buiw . be­came tiigiileuetl ami, rau a«ay. The Uiiver jumped out ami, bi. teet'catcbiug iu tile line., wi,a dragged ■ cuu.ideralilu di.taiice. lu (ruui ul Ur. iV iluur'. ii||lce lue p le .liiea iuuie ground afid ibe wa'guu ara. uyerturued, tbe uunusa breaaiug away aud r,uuuiiig. up tiie iilruel. Uuiii weie flually rupapluied wiUiuut iluiiig (urtber damage, buL uue u[ tlieiu waaluuud ip be Ndty unit about tue leg.,

iiey, Tbum atU Carman, .tba yunerable iwalut vi I lie M. E. Cbiircli at Ui'adley Ueavb, die.llkeie early lueaday uiurulug Imui luu ellactU of poiauiiiHg due. It

wa# (ibeu viiilewly ill alter ealing heartily ul ttte bw t INI ManiH fl, ami ur uevtr re. yiTmi. . Mr, Cnriuau »aa flU tnarauid auil bad bDM n Mewner « l tiw Nnw Jnimy M. E. Cuttletaaen amen iS 4 . Tue Mnuenaud WM Htnlluiiml M U aubuiy nuodl ibiityyeara •n i, -aq,| .«na, (wrawrly a nwniber ot U i j fU im t M j e j i Bo. i t} 'F .« A, M,

•a. o '.*

F L O W E I i S .We wish to uotify our friends

and the jiublio that wo will bo glad to furnish Cut Flowers and Designs at reasonable rates. Fuucral Designs a specialty.

M iss H aiisiet IfouNi,Mas. A. M. 'fAYtou.

A Day ot R oses.jyJElUJIiR ORPHANS' UOURT.

.Iftmmry Term KUW,

initti uiv i'uecui ot due, ii t« ii waa irieu, but wiihutil good reaulu.auppm ii, (U vauiied b e ^ ,,_ Jlr, llaniiau- ihe MiMu rending by Miw K.~ Lubden waa

Windsor W. C. T. U- Niche.At the bi»t meeting uf the Uuiau held al

Mrs. Win. Einiuous', ou Tuesday, Uie ful. lowing rcs'ilunous were passed■. “ Thut we appreciate tbe services and aid n( James F. Meeker iu preparing Hie ball for Hie public cxeieisos uf Hie beboul uf .llelbudsi also tbe service rendered by Mrs. Fuwler, uf Muriisville, iu flliing tbe posiliuu uf urgan- ist at that time I alsu Ada Brown lo kindly assisting wilb Hie Luyal Leglou. We are grateful alsu lu Mrs. Huldab Furd fur service remlerud un lliat ucuasiun. Further it is resolved that we as a body d<i hereby ex.end lo Hieiii a public vu(e uf Hiaiiks. Be it resolved Hist a copy uf these resulii. Huus be seut tu HieiliaiiTSTOWN GA'/.Enx.''

The spriqg cupfereilee . of Hie Mercer Cuunly W. (J. T. L'. was lield iii Uidgely Hall, Ull Thursday lust. About sixty visitors were preseul, iiiuliiding represenla- lives fruiii every uiHmi iu Hie iO|.iity but two. Middlesex cuuoty ahu was' well repieseuled. At Hie rulLcall of. cuiiiily ultleers and local presideiils, each respui|d- ed wiUi qiioiiiHuUs (roiii Miss Williird's siiyiugs or a versO of bcripHire. Mr*.

^Fowler, o ' Monisville, creslilcd at Hie organ. In Hie murmiig .Mrs. F. LeBur read a Uuciv wrllloii paper on “ I'be (Jrusade.'' wbicb waa a bi.luiy uf ilia teiuperauue niovemeut begiuuiiig at llillaburu, Ubin, and cuiitluiiiiig up lu tbe piesent time. Ill Hiu verbal reports by local presidents, Wliidsur was uul Ireblud tbe rest. A discus,luu by mulbera on ''t'liild-training'' waa opened by .Mrs. Rice aud wat exeep- liniially iiileresHiig, many visllurs aud aome of the buiiie meiiibera taking part. A uuuiber ul vexed qiieatluus were iallafae- turily anawered. At umm tablea were apreud iu Hie ball and all preaect |iartuuk of a botitiUfiil liiucli. Id Hie efleruoiiii, “ Will Uurlew Law be a Ueiiefil lu New JerMiy" Was discusaed pro and euii by Mr,. Uolme, aud.Mrs. Barbel, ul Treulun, the negative view being (bat Hie wrung imrliea were being piiuiaued. lu VluelaiiU

tried, but witbuiil good re,lilts.

■ beautiful iMritiuii on "GrowUi," given lu. gl .her luiiailabhi luauuer of exfireasTiig it “ Grow n . the Liriea.” Mrb B. Brown read ■ paper on “ I'be Need of L. T. U Wurli.’' Bue Mid tbe greeteel need In lue Tenijiey- euee eauM hi intelliwaM ieurker,. Tbe U T. Lfc tiippliiid Urie'jmNNl. The Loyal U giim jjavd II .»*. ■ w ... — bwi. ' .Swi’.ftl- '

A scciil of roses uiiule Aylmer lliiiik .somolhiiig llml vuis over long I'.gii luul Hml he had iilaiiisl turgoUcii. The ruse.s weie evctvwl.crc.m the ilriuving room, ho had just eiilered. They stood la jar.s on Hie iminletpiece. Flat bowls hehl Hiem lablcs, aud singly in .slender vases they were lo he seen here mill Hieri: among Hit china and the odds mid ends o( silver am enamel, and dcKl and iiiarblc that llllctl tin dainty room.

A’ldrey had loved ro.scs. There was om day ill Hie lillle eollage iimler Hie beeel trees where Aylmer had s|ieiil many m; hour llml seemed of a sudden |m8.siii,i, happy iiow—one tlay wliieli lie and she hat ciilleil the day of roses. lie liad^ouly li shut ' Ins eyes—indec I, had mil 10 slim Hieiii—lo see again llie llower strewn rooin It WHS Audrey's birthday, and ho hat brought her roses. They were in tlH huMiper Ural in which Hicy had been piiek e.l Ah Aiir!re\’s ihrtiMTv of delight St “ What we need is im Assessor's map,

giving properly lines, widuis of street, aud alleys, and indii aliiig street elevutious and a sislem of druiiiage. When a new plecy

In the M atte r ol Ills Amille.illun or t.’lu r ls s K. f S tu lls , A hudnlslro tur of Kiiohel A. Pulleo, dou'J,

. . . . I - . . . . . I I | .._ .i . . • ■

of }{roui)d ia opcueil for b u Hie linett for curb aiu! pavemeiiU hIiouUI be giveu al once HO that people atiall not be couipelteU lo do work twice, lu Borne places Hie Borough is nimTiu(( water up hill ou oue side of tbe street aud down hill ou Hie other; iu otbersy oue slieel aud the gutter 00 oue side carries ah the water for over half a mile; besides receiTing all the water from iotersecling tireels. This is not ouiy foolish, but eulaiU a lur re uuihihI expense for repair of the wasliuuts, uccaiessly liccusioned."

I'he above paragraph was written by the editor of the Jaiucsbtirg Recard in regardto his own town, but most of it applies with equal force tu Highlslowo. The idea is a good^ue, either here or there.

An industrious Bible Scholar*It may not be generally known that

ilighlslowii is the iiume of one of the busiest aud most persistent o f biblical scliolara iu the country, in liev. Dr. G. W. Glark. For thirty years part the doctor has been enj;aged in hterary wurk« a goodly poitiou of the tune doiug pastoral duly also. For about Iweuiy years lie iia* also been cuuiiected with tlie missiouary departmeut of Hie American ^iptist Fubli- cHliou bodety. Amoug Hie mOst valuable uf his published works is a complete com- nieulaiy on tiie New Tesiaitieui. six vol­umes of wtiicli. revised and enlarged, have rtceiiHv passed through the press, and three more are to speedily follow. The doctor js a modest aud BChotarly inau, ami (>U wrilingH ekiiibii the same ehuracterls-

Freehold Tranticnpi.

Hishtstown Po«tofficfl.UXOUIMID ixnxiu.

Unclxlnietl leller. that have reinaineil iu the lltgbtaluwu poalulUve uu« week or more:

U. J. Biker J; Droa.,Itiglil.lown Ureamely,Jieury Julinea, 'Ueurge Alcuniler,

, Harry Daviaun,Geiirgc Elexaiiiler,UaviU Uodgea,

■' 'Hifr t'. Ii. Nitcbell,Wni. 8. Wrighl.Jubn 1. Daiiieij. ' * 'Mr,. Tlioina, Btevenx,Miiw Sjl* bUplea, 'J. V. F. V,n Uarbuef.U. B. Uullanil,B«aMicl Uiinteri ( j t o f | j i a ; f f 9 f , l y .i \ :V' 'A i t T ^

tur an urUer lo sell limit lu |jay tlebln,Kute Ifi Bliow ciu-ie.Tii« i>aM A iliu lstraior liavlnn ^nil Rxlilhit-

ed id lUiti Hout'i, under » iruu and JiiFt iioRouni ol Hie {MT>(«mfll.(Mttate itnA debtB ot fiiild iji-QtriiB'al, tiy far iiH he tiiin dtficovor the bjiho, and It H)i|>e)«rini( th a t thu jiurBunal c s ld u ul oaid duooaitud is iiiBul. licieni tu p ay tiH eutd d«hH. uml pniylntf the iild of the Uoiirt in Uie preml.-ieii—.the iJoui t du th e re ­upon order, th u t a ll periunii IntercBtud in the eftnae whicli WRi ol Biild dei'uiotcd, upp .u r hetore thifl I ’o uri on F riday ihe IBth diiy of .1 uiie next. 1.0 show u u u se .ilitn y they liavu, why ho itiuoli ol the hmdii imd rea l efliate of raid decoaHed, in lh<i Huuniy of M erocr. Hhould noi he Hold ub a ill lie sutHclent to pay h l i said diibtB, or liiu roildue Hiurour, as tbo case may require.

J . W. (JUKNKLL. •Surnocaie and Hlftrk of the

Orphiins’ (Jouri.Hated April 14‘h, 18W.

Hy the C ourt. my 4-7»r

J. S. Rogers & SonFuneral Directors


Practical Undertakers,R. R. Ave. A iHwrrUoii Sllreel,


E m b roid ered

Chiffonsare among the materials most desira- fur making dress fronts or yokes.

For a dress front i yard i4 required. For yoke, pyard. >

New ideas and designs ore being brought in, the newest ones being here described.

The New Ones:

Haven't been bore a week, yet they're winning mneh praise because of their attractiveness.

One design, on fine chiffon, is made of Purling, embroidered in bow kuote. It 's 20-incbe8 wide, and white.

$2 a yard.Open work Embroidered Chiffons,

either black or white. 18 in. wide. Three qualities, regulated by the de­gree of elaborateness of deiign.

$3 88,14, $4.08 a yard.Beaides these, the department has a

wealth of other dress front fabrics-— Chenilles, Sflk, Organdie, in a ploasi ing Tanoty of designs, every one dis­tinctly swell, sad oorreot.

Ladiee' Dress Goods.

J . V .

G roceries, etc ., e tc ,

D A . V I S O N .

AN UNUSUAL DISPLAYof Choice Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods, and allj^goods

needed for tbo complete wardrobeygreetedj^lho eyes of

those who saw our Easter Exhibit Loud and strong

were the complimentary remarks made by|those who are

acc'JBtomed to the displays of the best city stores. If you have not soon our New Goods you have little idOA of our stock.

H A V EiY O U A S A M P LEof goods you admire ? If we hnven'tjit, we are In posU

tioii to get it for you and save you the expense. Do not

go away from town until you have owmined our Spring



Have you “Water in your Cellar YWater removed from Cellar and Basements, and Furnace Pits. Guarantee to keep out the water. Apparatus put ill complete, $20.00.

HEAT YOUR HDUSE W ITH HOT W ATER.3 or 4 roQmt heated by Hot W»(er with furnace. Esti­mates now furnished.

HEATER COOK heat the house from kitchen fire. It is not an ordinary range with water buck, but a special apparatus. Will heat whole house, saves ccaf and labor. Will pay for itself. Guaranteed to do the work or money refunded, Oatalogue and three thousand rererenoes. EstimatOR furnished.

W E DO PL U fflB IN a.PR O IPTLT.Plumbing done]^by firat-class w wkm en.

.7ust arrived ,car-load o f sewer-pipe. Special prilNM.

T . S U L L i U

i U N H A M k C O . 8 . P . D U N H A M k C O . 8 . P . D I I N N A M & C O .

^ 08 th e m o st im p o rta n t in th e h is to r y o f th e s to r e -th a t is o u r aim , an d w e h a v e s to r e d th e am m u n ition for a w a rfa rem om m a to L ook y o u w e ll to y o u r in te r e s ts , an d if y o u d o y o u w ill n o t m iss th e d o in g s o f th is s to r e

J ^ w g J g M S d a y and to co n tin u e e v e r y d a y d uring th e s e M ay-d ays, iJMXki th in k th is b eg in a to te ll y o u th e s to r y —il iS cm ly a n in d ex ---to g o o d m ero h a n d isin g j ie w a en o u g h to m a k e a vo lm n in ou s book ,

' ' ' * - ' • At)

I S A S T O R E Q F T H E P E O P L E .■■ • >1 . •

M uoh is e x i s t e d o f su c h a sto re , an d m u ch is g iven ; b e tte r v a lu e s , b e tte r a ll-rou n d sa tis fa c tio n to e v e r 3rbody con cern ed ; ^ o fU m ish a w o m a n s w ard rob e, to fu rn ish a h ou se , for a m o d est p u rch a se or for a n e x te n s iv e one, th is s to r e ca n a id y o u a s fe w s to r e s can .

An ordinary storo would

not hotd our Notion business.

The trifles that you want for the eewit)g room, the toilet, for home.Iife or for traveling-^thoRe little trifles, hut necesMties just the same, and they cost you no smalljl amount these little priced goods when bought in the usual way, but this is not the usual way.

For life Sewing Room or Laundry.

Blocking dnrn.r,, 8c. dieA OMdl. bouk cuHlainlni; 6 papers of

n e rd l.t, 8c.Cli.niou skins, Be. and lOc,PulIsliiPK willi (ili)Ui, 10c.T a |^ measures Sc. mid Sc.Daruliin colliiii.bssorietl colors, a ball. Sc Watranlvd Heel Milssors ami shears, 38c. Warranled |ienkiilvcs, 35c.Wafrauied nickel alarm clocks, 56c. BtorkIneUe dress staicUls, a pair, 3c., 4c. Ivory lippad dr.s) slays, a duzcii, 7c. llastlilK cotton, a dozen, 10c.Two dozen pearl bullous for 7c.Hlaek linen Ibreail, a spool. Sc.Five hundred 1 arils of bailing cotton fur

Oc.Une i|ii)e nf while collnn for 20c.Honks uu<i eyes, h cunt, 2(i.CuluriL'd HiidiblHck velvet skirl bindings,

4 yard pieces. lcg iim skirl binding, a yard, 8c. Waterproof skill binding, h yHrd, lOc. Feder’s Pompadour drt as bimling, 7c. black hand sewing ailk, ilnx. hpools, 2rt

. Ulack reversed sewing silk Iwisl h spool,5 ce.uU.^

(Jak< ul iroulug wax. with haudie, 2c.

For the Toiiet.Safely pins, a dozen, 3c.■ bleInvisible hairpins, a buz, 4c.Elgin packages of hairpins, for Sc.Tempered steel hairpins, a packa,;e, Sc.llnok nt Hssoited size pins, black and

wliltc, 10c.Wmiien’s fancy garlers wilh hows, 10c.b'inidren's and'wiinirn's velvet grip side

lio«e *nppurlcr«, 1.V and lOc.Velvet jr ip side hose snpporltrs wllli

bell. 3Sc.Ooiidyesr's wairanted hoi water bajs,

two quart, nOc.Toilet sponges, 10 and ISc.Pifd buttles animniiia, Sc,I’Int hnlllc w hell hazel, fic.

Fl)RNI.TURE»The youngest Dept, in the STO RE.

But it’s a noble youngster. Intwo short years it has obtained a healthy robust growth. From a few pieces in ti basement store room it has spread to four of the largest upper rooma in the build­ing, and yet the room is not enough to [iroperly display and accommodate the varied stocks.BEDROOM S iriT AT $14.00.

It’s a golden oak, all pieces are nicely finished; ii’s nii outfit good enough for any ordinary room.


All pieces are lull size, bureau has swell front and big, bevel p'ate mirror, pieces are nicely curved and polished.


'Ihese pieces are extra good size, big French plate mirror in bureau, carvings and polish are good, the cabinet work is honest as furniture can be.FIV E PIECE PARLOR SUIT FOR $27.00.

Your domestic economizers wiint to remember this suit. The frames are of niahoganized birch with a showing of fine carving; the covering is in silk brocatelle; full complement of steel temper­ed spring?, and think of it, $27 for a sumptuous parlor suit.A FIN E R PARLOR SUIT AT $49.60.

5 pieces, inahoganized frames, uphol.-tered in silk damask, the frames are high piano polished, the bucks are ot fine biscuit work tufting, it is a better parlor suit than has been selling at $65.Some Couches as low as $3.75.* Uphol.-tered in tapestry; good stiong frames.

A B etter Couch a t $5.98.Upholstered in figured velour,

canopy fringe. A large sumptu-

Glance Over The List of Domestics.Tbfce goods that you have daily use for—that you are buying

constantly that you will appreciate as extra values perhaps as yon would appreciate nothing else. ,Ynnl witle tifeiiciiet) iniis)ii(t>, 4, bnm\ 6c. Fitll eixe tmitiiiii sltwis. 89c and ftOt.

I lleiiimed pillow < nkei, 5, 7 himI Hk*. j T«*n yanla ot biriUyi* diMpr*r for 89c.I 'rw'illtnl 8. 4 Hiul 5c;' M inrli iiiihlfHclivd hibifc (latnntik, Son.60 iiicli imldpHrlivil table dtiihnsk, 49c. (.'rettm (diaker tliiom'], 4o aud 5c. iMt'ilium dark oilii og,Aprt»i xinuhaiiis, Be and 5f\

Amenciin (rr 'Hiolieg, 7|c.

ously appointed conch with cov­ering otyigured velour, five rows of bjiscuil tufting, strong frames, canopy fringe, for a limited quantity, $8/U0 instead of $12.

Vlird wide unldcadied miifliin, 4 and 6c lieniHlitched klieeli>, 6(k-

ilemshtciied pillow cahea, I2j|c Full 8i7.e crochet cnimlirpaneK, 50c, 60c and ft

All lim n lowdin , and 7c rs incli UriblcHChtMl Inhie iiamask. 95i'

M in. IihH Idmrl ed ilonble tinmask linen, 56c UobleHrhcd Canton 4«; ami 6t;

Fxncy niilin dnnncl', 4’: and Th' 8c Nixl iOc dri>» aii'Kbama. Or

He**! Amcrienn zephyr urettH uingiiams, 12^c [butted Amcrichi) IJiiiiific«, 8i\ Collon roverlg f**r lychni* mid mineral wear, 12$cLiftht Btiiriiiig ami HliirhyaUi ctimUricH, fancy alripi a anti A ureg,

Grandly Good Hosiery and Underwear StoreAnd during these Alu -days selling we shall demonstrate our abil­

ity to furnish you much hosiery and underwear and at ^uch prices as rarely falls to the lot ot this coinmunily.

Men’s lOr, crey mixed lio«i« ry, 7o ” 12* c ftetimle.-s fa. l tdark hosier^, 9c.“ Meu’H M'Hiiiiee.H poIkH dol bUck noKi4*rv. )2*c." semnle?' while f»M)l, black IhhU ItoHicry, 12* ’.“ silk I miu'uideietl ib-riiisd(*if bbfck llO^'er^, |.7c.“ extra Hire . auge Maco yarn, fiill rpgul »i tiia.le Imsiery, bluck uuil tan, 26c.

Woineu’ii fu l hUi k scHinloM bo>.»crv. 9c.“ dH><iic French ritdx-d !-iki bl;.* k honicrv, 12*c.” full I’cgiilHr IIitr iiKdoi( bUc.k luui itin hosiery, 15c.“ Hi»c uim.-e iMhi'o ynrrt lut.sicry. ftdl rciiiiUr.mrttle, double soles & heel, 25«

A lot id womt ])'.•> 99c tine bnlliant bluck lisle tbrend hosiery, white lips, duuhii soles, 29c.

Underwear for Women and Men.WofTuira while Muco rollon ribbed vesU, t-ilk tuped, 10c.

“ luiih neck, sliotl Blct vc, meilutm weight ribbctl vests,. 12*c. " li'le iIhcmiI Vf.'-lti, .«ilk Irfjied. 12*c.‘‘ siiinmi r w’l'igbi bombinti'ion suits, 49c.

li-lc cojiihimtlion stills, 99c.Men’s incdoim wcigbl imhirtd ujulciwfnr, 2-V.

“ AnieMCHii fbillu'tjigiin underwear. 26c..“ imporlcil Muioynrn ItslbiicjirHti nmlcrwt«r, 50c.“ double iicitled Joan Urawert, 20c.


O F C AR PETS .Good body bmssels carpets 85cIlaitfurd body biusselsenipcts

as low as 98e.Axminster carpets, a score of

styles, 98c.Finer, exclusive jsiltenis Ax­

minster parlor carpets, $1 25.High class Wilton Velvet car­

pets, $ l 00.Wilton Velvet carpets, ont of

loom patterns, but full rolls, 85c. and 95c.

Best Tapestry Brussels carpets 65c.

Tapestry Brussels carpets as low as 49c.

All wool extra super ingrain carpets, 50c to 65c.

Ingram carpels as low as'29c.Bag carpets, bright new wool

stiipe.s, four-ply tan warp, new rags, 40 and 50 cents.

Good rag Carpvt us low as 25c.

BEDDiriG.Strong woven wire bid spring®, 25. Exlrn quality wuvtn wire bed fepting*.

11.75.King Spiral spring, $2 49.Cotton top jnatlreBs, 42.50. llu-'k iind «5'Unn iiiHilri''*®. 42 98 Ali collou inallie^ti, .;4.50.

$ 6 a n d $ 8 a n d $ 1 0 . lH ) FO R T Y Y d . ROLL M a t t h ip

These are seamless goods— imported long, long ago, When buying could be done to a better advantage than now. Some are cotton warps, they’re in shotted or mixed styles, and ihera’s in­laid figures, blocks and stripes. Such mattings as this store has never ollered its patrons befive, but it will be only while these lots last. ThOrd lirill be no du­plicating such matting values.

WOMEN’S SUITS FBCM $6 97 TO $12.87.

Know yod that this is the best wo. man's tsiloriD g establishment in thi» section of the oonntryf Enow yoni that prices are as low ns for the indif. fereut males of goods which we never handle.

TRUNKS AND BA&j.Don't carry a sbnbby pnekuge, buy a

goodf leather bag; don't truvel with an. indifferently constructed trnnk—an old one in which yoo have tory little, faith for its staying q.wliti*-s. W» have some extraoi dinary goods at vary low prices.

GABDEKIX&TOOLS.It would take a big apace in thia

uuwspnpor to tell you about theun

S . P . D U N H i k l V E < S c G O . , T R E K T T O W

Hi intstawn G azelle.r.nhercd uttbt Post Otb«i*

•Mood-olAM lufttur.

wim.1 I I.

■URTUft.1 I t • II

. TA Itl'llO 100 8 10 4 10 0 00 $10.I aobf \ 14 I 00 1 M 8 00 6 04 T no 10 0« IT.I U I TA. 8 M 4 M I 00 OOQ.UOO I'i. .qqI. 8 AO A8A TOO A AO I'i hO 16 ‘iOOO 36. 4 col. A 00 AOO U lA AO U AO'ih M) 8T00 HO. el. 10 00 iA 00 IVOO ll OO U *j0 41 no ozoo too.

tnioei I oolamai lleenti a line.THOU. H. APPbKUKT,

llighiiilowb, N. J

H;C-HrSTGWN,N. J.. MAY 4, 1838'.

In Tne Philippines.DcdpiiUtlie!!!. friHii Munila report Uml

OuuerMl M«rAfM»nr'H divi-tioii crtt.-netl Uie Ith Oraiide TliurtuUy »ud lulvtmced to Apnlit, (MMiipiitelv r«iuiiiiK tlie llowt r of VUi* rebrlinrmv. U’U by General liUim. 'riie le‘>elii‘^ed. iiiHuy onTteliretuinping uiTrlb ' watd uu (be luilrimil. 'Hte lownn of Apalit iumI bull Vitioeule were Imrued.. Tuu Amerirtin<i eitplured it bra-tn caunoii. n AiHXtm ttuii tiud H q<)tiultty. of anus iiiul ttmuuiuitdoii.

I be, Filipinos bflve made overtures for ti tOr ai-ioD of' lioA’dhlieai, pviidllig ue oMu- tHUD* Ii»v lite leriulimium'ol llic war. 'Two (iffli ers zd GeiU'i’iil r>tii!T enlercil IheAtueTieaiJ liues Fritlay and were e-ooried to'MHitiia, where they had a confercitoe will Gi'venior Genet til Olis. They said tliai General Ijuiia had beLii requesled by Aguinaldo to Mi.'peud lio."lililieH “lo hIIow tiuie for liie. humuiotiiii ot ,Ltie Fdip no (tmmiS®, W'lilfh body would ileoide

' w i)t!!irr the people wiiuletl petiee.” Geii. ♦•lal Oils re|difd UiHl be tiiil not, leeogiiize tne exihlenee of a Fdipioti governiuenl.

A hpt-eial tlespulch l/out 5lHUila tptole.s . tb-iieiHl Oli® Kb saying Ibal Hlis'diiiu Hur.

iC'ider w'ere (he only terms he eoiild eon- Mder, and llial lie helievrd the K.'lipino einisaaiiea fruin General Luuawere seekiuj» to giiiii time. The F'tiipino* b*Ul General

mi '.f foreeil .npoii uioju itviiuid n»d be permanent*

Manila advices indicate tlmt in ihe course t)f |he ettnfereiice wiin General Otis Fridiiy \iit FiliRinoH iiiuile the arpMineni that it waa imppsMible (o arran|;e an armialice villioui [he sanoifin of the Ouugiess. Guueiai Ulia rcidieii Uml if Aguiiialdo »,oiild make WHf wimoiit the Congress he e o.M »iup iL ujiiioul icfiruuce lo iluii

A aii^Vial i$h}e despatch from Maniii: frays toe iilMir};eniA at lUier stale i na* (huy tiHVe (be missing iidp of the gunboat \iMkiowu ami lAie bolJiiig tUani u« pn»ou- «ri.

UetieiHl OliR reyjgirlari lo W$-bing|Of) Fildav inut pari of,tne iiiiHajoii id tut* nutel i*f Hittfl pf ih8^*ominaiiiHit|t Keneial of the ttiaorgrni$torraR, ill .riitrriiif the Aoii-ri- Mtf ItiHM. io CJiprea« atiuiirNiiou n( Uie w4iii«44n,f:il«<M( o|<,Uie Aou’iicHii army m frire nx .Hiv of lid Kio Giandc,wIfrMi (litinglii ■impoftotble.

A UfrHiNm n)rovUer« (dAM IfiNftHin JbMUi iMertt Mt. ea'yiiig tbai Willp$«air}f.fMair i« e iitav be

General News.Tlie Alinaic.amated Copper Company,

riipUiil 475,000XK)0. and'Ihe CuHed !SlaUt Flour Milling Company, capilal 425,000,- 000. were iucorpoialed at Trenuon Iasi week.

After twenty.two lioiir8' (k lili'errttioii. Ilie jury lifr'theo case of Mrs. Amioi E George, on irml for the killi ig of George ,i). biixiuu, relumed a verdu;l of ncquillal Fiid'iy morning al Canton, Ohio.

‘1 he steamer Florence, plving. hclweeii Honleniown nn.l rnitudulpliia. whH' so hiolly (luiiuiged Tliiirsiluy iifternoiin hy a coal hurge crachiug inlo tier dial her cap- tain betudied Iter al Ct.opei’a Pnint.

dolia Ueiiardo, 4) )eHF* nld, a laborer, WII8 stiihbeil al Ifiudie.sler, Mew York, hy Carmone Diana, iaie Tlmrsday iiigti! and tiled Friday. The men quarrekMllover Lite expeiidiluto of a dollar. Diima is alill in iiiding.

Joliij P. Hosa, of SlIaron.iALm®.. was sltnt ami killed hy his w ife, Mary E. Koss, in llic course of It (jiiarrc) III llieir lotmo Fii- day. Mis. Uoss says she aelmi in aelf- defenre, a.s ht'i' liuaband was choking her ul the Ume.

Il is atimmneed in Eerlin tlml the G'-r- iniin Goveriirnenl is Mtiiatied wilh Die i-x- pre.ssions of regret from Pre>iileiil Me- Kinley reguriling- llie recent uiloiauep.s ol CaiilMiu Coghlati, and' Uic incident is re­garded as closed.'

In au altercation on Tlinrsduv flt'MHiion, Alabama, helweru VV. A. MiilHn ami a gang of iie roe.H, he ami one ot die iicgroe.- were kiHeil. Mnllin was a | luiUaiion over­seer. A posse is in pitrsuil of tiie gang, and lynehUigs ate feared.

rite praclicai value t)f the wirelnss sjrs-' tern of leiegraphy was shown in England, Friday, wiieii the crew of theGdoilwiu Suuils I'g'dfthip were able td comiuunicale with shoie and give wiirning of dte sink- ing condition of die ship us a lesiilt of a collifiiun. ^

Tlie Coroner’H jury at Malden, Mo., touud a vertlicl Fiiday tioldiitg J. II. Tei- taton, H step <m of ,Mra. Jane Tellalon. le- spnnai'jle for her murder ami for the mur­der of her four chiiilreii. TeHulon luis been Ukert' Uo . 1. Ltmis fur Ear id liis safely al )UI ten.

i«|injjija .'-If .avnvnit liUiiia U m i ii.rge nlL ina MUd f U V ' D M MlUcki'd the

___ _ _UltVftif *m iiTn of Hie

" ‘ A* as4if br

The body of Mitrlidl Daniel, a negro, wai near Ece»|iiirg.''Georgia, rbblhd with bnliels. Daniel was helieved u> he one of three uegroct.s Mho lon ibiy eideied the room of Mia. WiiliHin Lnramoru bcv. ttral ileys tigo, Tiie ri U'iiniuie Itouau was ie;l ttlire » few duja sime.

A Atory la publiglied in London lo ihe .i’ffect that Germaiiv hail Hildre.sseil an ei poatulaUiry note U> France iei:arding the UlcylU" (hike, ilHlinatmg Inal in evrlai,p (fvcmniirdtef. n Wi>uht be iinpo/kiiblv for Ihe ikiiin Goveniii.eul to rclr.iln from • fb ivily piit liatiiiix die fuel*, tn jiHiee Ul lU


Let those who wanta good deal for their clothes-money come to Greater Oak Hall.

We-sell'clothing under the most masterful conditions—buy the cloth from the mills, and have the cutting done by our own work people. We shun cotton as a poison—high prices as a plague.

Not one store in the city provides for you, as we do.


MEN'S SUITS OF ALL WOOL FOR $5 UP TO $25.The choice increases at $7.50, $10, $12, §15,Always almost bargain lots where dollars go farther. Boys’ clothes—every­

thing new, nice, nobby and price-right.

Women’s Select ClothingNot everything is let in—only the pick of the best in dresses, only the choice

of the stylish Jackets, only the economical, good low price things.

EXTRA LARGE SIZES IN WOMEN'S TAILOR-MADE SUITS46, 48, 50 bust-measure for $15, $18, $19.75, $25.

TAILOR-MADE JACKETS— TAFFETA LINED, $5.50, $6.50, $7.50, $10.A Shirt WaUt Hint—with three Shirt Waists and three Skirts, you have six changes of

Suit.. We have both Skirt Waists and Skirts in bewitching assortment and O, so cheap.Choice Silk Waists, {3.90, $4.50, $5, $6.50, $7.50.Stylish Serge Skirts. $2.75, $3.50, f$. {6.50.

We pay carfare when reasonable amount is purchased.

Sixth & Market Sts., WANAMAKER & BROWN

Tnri'e | cr$uJ»i* utk reported to biv« bvei killvd, bUd ilifriimgit u* iutv«; imim d(qi< tb priijjviff tiy frixri’ttHTHiTtRrIrsTTmlTO

UiMliiWN, ,uii -WvdiifidrtV iiiaM.|wr«Nii$ <were fMtMUv in.

ftliifiii iiMHi' r*t. jjktWardh.(ti«i dmuNgr Ui iniq.i rl^ Mirrv.


rim Cii«idni [mrl of Ktrksvllk*. Mi'*80iiri. WHH M/ocketl by h lorimtlo Thurfubiy h'mI It l8 Ptiitl forty pemoHH wore killetl. Tlie miinhei of Injured not known Another tleiApalcI) reporlk the killing of dmty-Heven pemoiiH by a lortmdo al Newton, forty luileH northwest of Kirksville. Wiie» un- down and coiii.iiuuicaUou U pruetn ally etil off.

Atlvice® fiom Samoa, via Anrklaml. U|] to A|trll 18, siiuw that there Iih.4 hneo f.trlher severe lighting bniweeii Mie rivMl vSamonii faelionti. At Mangia, on zVpril 16. a Innding party from the itniiali cnil.-ei raurtingi't wt-t driven off by a fmee of 2000 rnlfk. Subsequently Lieuicmiui Gauul'h loice returned lu uid the fncudl SamoHn9i iMul the Muiuafaua retired. Tyvo days iuier there waa itvere flgliliog ut Vailema lhe war abipa itielling the rebel fortiHeatiou iueUeelively. Ibj Malaafana fought uuder Mie Qerman flug.

The bernie brouae tqoehtriuii aialue of General Grant, eieeUd at Foiiuiuiu GiCv-n, Pldiadelpiiia, ThiiradHy hy (he Fuir<uo«<ui Park Art AHHnuiall m,. uuveiled by -Vika Uo emary SaiLutia, a. giamiUitugUiei of the Gaaeral, lii (;•$ preK ice of a du— lingiiia ied H<Aae*iiidNge. inciuding i iur>tdrtd

K uh*v, KDa. U SsUi^i.’ Gout i.d F. IiK Grant. General MUet>, oiemoeia «d Ui«

If you want to buy

A GOOD PIAz\0 or OLGINjiistnoiv,

between apason!', now is tliq time. I'll keep buttiueHS lively we will Hell, itutil Mnr. J ■")th, any of onr Fianos and ('rgnns, at a very coiiHidora- ble reduction in price. It will Fay Dig to gee onr Btock of Solimcr & Oo, EmerBon, J. & 0. Fisliei', Smith & UarivB, and B'T’l Vi"n"f<, and Mason & lliiitilin. Car­penter, Wilcox and; \V iiitt*, uud Waterloo Orgiiu.'., 4 '“'' eavarni sligiiFy uaed orgtjiis.

G E O .E .SN E D E K E Fl.

«rmv Hiiit iiiivy. Tile 1‘nuiiiriit reviewcil « lirtMiciiMiHi ti(>n««a| euil'niila.i.y l«r..i'v. MB. Miierta<iHHt: at lUauea at-ll.« UnUip beeaiie. eutl aililreiiMtt ‘TK atMHtSiHi* Vt (tIF \i'«‘leiiiy iit 'th , wlietR-tlH. oMlWu we- itL-b.civi. ii} IZ/vitfwe..

M. W a r r e n S UT-iaarttsv



is superior to a(l others.Among the many advantages it

"Silver plate that wears."The 'trademark 1847 Roger 1

M fO S .”. OT spoons, forks, etc., ii a gnar-

arts* of quality tjte world over,fbe pr»fix-"1547---fnf«ur!» Cic,iPa'

i..r.e Aogers, (pm'uty.

If yoit waiif H w ildu’g pre e a it, or tah'fWrtre for yonv tivn

iibec“( tell tRirWalartUrigbt i iok'8..

i C.SQtm COLE.

possi sses are the fol’owing

Direct Connection with lowers. D ownwaid Stroke o f Ti/jie-bor. Uniform depression and tension. Rapid Escapment.L igh t, E lastic K ey Touch.Eo resistance oj universal bar. Visible w riting.Tabtdating and B illing .Perfect paper Jted .A u tm a tic line sparingType, fe c i upward Jor cleaning.D urability.Universal Key-hoard Light-running carriage.Stability and compactness.Speed.Eilling in blanks m dales.M an i j aiding.Drawing lines Wi lling in colors perfect as a Watch.

Rogers & Son.

The Pillow

Sham Holders

h ive romp, abinit 500 of till m. Tlipy wont rtay long. If yon want them come light away—price I'J cents.

A n o th er

S h ip m en t o f

Rogers’ Sweepersj u t hire—price $1.50. 'J he.'e will be higher » little later.

Send f j r catalogue anil get Fpscial prices friijn

C . Q . B L A H Y K It T ,, Agemv


J. i t W ^TH C R rU a M A I n p i iUB CyOB t t l B i

jiiRmtitx« la a e a i Mtttv



Sampleswill be offered Fiiday; will be gone Saturday.

Opr new lines fur Sp'ing xre un the way; openii g will be anv noiinred later. want to eeq you in a few days. Fpnng Souvenir will he ready February lo th . -0on't fail to ask fur on*, 'h e 89c Bug will lest about %week longer, tigrrj- tjp

Hightstown Gazette.. tiUM. a. ArnuBiT, iiHMpM.

--------- HMO ftr- «Pr&K»Vr, feSRW

T u r m a , 8 1 * 0 0 t > e r A x m n m ,

L O C A L .I t e m s a n d O o m m e n t a .

New a o o a next Tueide; Bight.The tun r l ie ie t l : in ’ amt seti at 9:i7

to-dar. 7Job h. Rogen bat been le ^ u a ly ill tor

aererai dbt». , . ................ ,Sure up your mobey. The d rc u l i>

coming to Trenton.M n. William R. Blackwell ia TiaUmg

frienda in Mil|Tille.Dr. Qeorge Algor, of Ulaiaboro, ipeut

Sunday wiili frieudi in towb.A carp weighing 88] poanda w at ebnght

in the Allentown pond lait week.. Mra. Tracey U. Norton ha. been con.

' fined to the house by illneaa fur aeveral daya,

C'harici Bell and wife, of Jertey City, have been .pending a lew daya at Dr. Qeu. H. Frankiiu'a.

Dr. and Mra. W. Oakley Heruiance, of Fliiladeipliia, tpeut Buuday with hit parenlt here.

Caahier J. 11. Joliiiea ia making eaten- eive improtenieiits to his residence, on South Main streel.

The first strawberry fealitai of the sea. anil was lieid in llie Universaiist Church Tuesday ereiiiiig. i

Work on llie new M. E. Cliiirch is pro­gressing rapiiliy. The siate roof is being put cu and the buililiiig wiil soon be en­tirely enclosed.

Mra. Annie Miller and Mra. David Measuioll have improved their Muiriaun avenue pyu|>erlici by laying sidewalks and removing their froul fences.

Charles E. Blults, of the firm of Allen Jt Sliilla, visited Wiimiiiglon, Delaware, last Week, and while there purchased a new liuderlaker’s wagnu lor the Hrni.

Ktv. Thomas Tyack, D. D., will preach b sjiecial Masonic Sermon in the Fresby- teriun Cimrcli, next Sunday niglit, and the intinbers of Hightstown Lodge, No. 41, F . ik A. M., will atleiid in a body.

Tuesday was a typical summer day and heinngod to August rallier than this inunlli. Thu temperature dues not appear to Inive bcon remarkably high, but tlie hnmidily was great and made eluthes a burden.

Sliaiigle & .Sob’s foundry is running up to iniduighl nearly every night now, in order lo anp|>ly the big demand for Iheir new potato sprayers. The macliines do cxeeilent work, sprayiag ten rows al a tin.e, and are becoming very popular.

Deekmaii & Black are making sonip ei(. tensive nlteralions in Odd Kcllows’ IIoll, The third story will be extended in the rear and the anle-roo h will he inncli en­larged. The second Uonr will be filled up up hv tile 0 l|i Fellows aa a reading room nnU hanquel-hall.

In the M. E. CImreli Iasi Sunday niglil llev. William .tlilchell preaetied an inter, esling Bern on on "eard playing.” The pastor dwell on llie evils of this and oilier games ofehuno* and ilenoiinecd lliem iii (trong terms. T,iie audience was large and the sermon has been much cum mented on by lliose who heard it.

A quiet; wedding took place at tl.e Methodist Episcnpal piirsmiage, on Siinday evening, whf!!l Miss Lilliun May Bowyei was united in marriane to Waller B. Ayres. Tile ceremony was performed liy Uev. William Mitehcll and was witnessed by a few of the immediate friends and relatives

,o f llie cpiitraeiing parlies. Tlie hmie is a claiighter of Bags.g« Master Wi liam If. Buwyer, and the groom is a son of Charles 11. Ayres, all of ttiis place.

C. 8. Tmiia, of Imluystown, spent Sun­day with Dr. Ltoyd Wilbur, of tins pluee, and diiring Hie dgy Mm fwu visited ex- IJoveruor William A. Newell, ut Alleu- towii; The jthree are old personal and puiiiieal friends and there |s no doubt that avirhaU ni report nf Iheir afletnoou’s cou- yersatioii would make mightily interesting reading. . Dr, Newell, by the way, expects to visit Ulghtsluwu the latter part of next week.

TIse meeting of the lowpsldp Sunday, achoul Uuiuu, which was to have been held in the M. E. L'hnrcli, on Tuesday uiglit, whs postpoMcUfor a tteek on aei onui of tlie ruin. Duly ahuiit a duxen people were presenl. Next Wednesday night the program of exercises, winch was piih. Bshed in tlie U aza m lust week, will in­clude addresses by Fiinulpal It. W. Swet- lAud, of Fuddle, and Itev. T. S. Lung, of Dayton. Kev. 0 . 1’. Eaehes, D. D., an,I llev. William Mitchell will participate in the devotional exereiaes, reports will he

, J«iui juuljufUeericwteetedT------------------- ’—

While uuliarucssiiig a horse, on Satqr- day, Joseph McMurran wsa gnilc seriously injured. As he wias uuhoukiug a trace the shafts fe|l Jpwn and atriick the horse, which started suddenly aliead. Mr. Mc- Miirrau ir ed to atop him, but lost his footing aud was thrown heavily ^ thy ground, Ins head striking so sharply that ba waa rendered uncoltscious. lie re­mained In this CUD litiun tor about an hour. Al present Ue has almost eutireiy recov­ered from Uie accident, altimugli his face is badly bruited uud diaculured.

The opeu saaaoa for pickerel Imgan Bunday, aud from daylight till dark the puudi of this secliou were eagerly whipped. The day was a fair one, xlilraugh gut ideal pikiug weaUMTi »ud U a fish are Keuergily report* i to Imre Initea well. No big •Iriog*! bogrtver, were wades Tlie Higliia- tow opoud, perhaps, bad luora than lia gbare uf anglfire, and a goud wavy fish

Ukep Irdw It- Al Windaur,. the r u covered by a verllable fleet uf

JbakiBf hhd the land lureee ware(MHtlb*' A d*md many fiili were

/tbOgkl Ififre^ alihuugh uu la great uuiuttrr;Jllh BTHiy »ttd H*rv of Maher-

- IMk* yMtkc^a; Befjpa't god Qnmn~ Ujrc iwea kw* agUnfocibiry than

ybr* agite. Uu]- |Mll'». (hr<iMr|y tb* beat piwda in IM tiM ibM , W H i d l m y*nr, «wi thow*kiM hfiflip «r Ufa ggcMph] lb • gggniijr III

Oouaell ■MaUa| MxtTu*Mtty,n|gb*-.Barlag Biwagit rwatini aboiil Ih* tnnsw Mr*. CbarlN Kwltr** ooadition lx ret*

perlad to b* very arltlMl.. .lira. Frtdirio D. Mount, of Phllxdelpbia,

spoal Buoday with friemli In town.Mrs. Tneej B. Dawes, of Somoryllle, is

tMM weebteTMglitttiiian^r' :: _Bebecea Henbnij[e la eanllnedto

lb* bonaa and la said to bo failing rapidly.The Council propooea lo aet tbe dog.

catebing machinery in motion again toon,Mra. John V. Ely baa moved into tbe

William Kubbins oouae, on Mercer elraet.Jacob Wilbur bat been quite III lor

several days, but li ig n i r tb le le be out.H ri. John McMurran ii v liltlug, her

daughlar, B rs. Enoch Partme, at. Lewis, burg. Pa.

Hiia Rebecca Rogers, who is seriously ill with heart-disease, remaius about the same.

Rev. William Mitchell will preach in the M. £ . Church next Sunday night on “ The Tree of Hell."

John II. Culver’s horse, which was stolen from the Baptist sheds last week, was found al Pcrriueville.

Peddle Inslilute look fourth place in the one-mile relay race at the University of Penuivlrania on Saturday. ,

Take notice of Dimdam & Co.’s sdv. this week. Ynu can’t help seeing it, aud every word uf it it worth reading.

Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas Mason have been spending a few days with their son-in-law, T. Ely Scbenck, at New Brunswick.

Miss Anna Hay, of Onrmanlown, has been speoding a few days at Peddle. She waa graduated from the Institute in 1683.

The subject of Rev. E. G. Mssou’s ser­mon, at the Universaliit Church, unit Suudsy evening, will b e ''V ash li,’’ in his series of ''Bible Character Sketches."

Manager Joseph S. Cook, of the rug. factory, haa Jilal purchased thirteen new looms, which wilt be pul up’aod run iu the old public-school building now siluateil near J . W. Early’s oIBce.

Arbor Day waa flitingly obJerved by the Public School children on Friday. In the morning they were' conducted on a pleas­ant trip through the woods, and In the afteruonn appropriate exercises were held iu Ihe Bchuul-liuuse.

Last Tuesday night was Ihe lime for the regular May meetiug of Cuuiied, but only Mayor Loll and Councilmeu Fryer and Carr appeared and there was no quorum. The meeting wsa accordingly adjourned to next Tuesday night.

Samuel Beunett'^died at his home in Craiihiiry, on Thursday, aged .78 years. His death oceurrcil after an Illness of a few weeks aud was caiise.1 by pneumonia. The deceased leaves a widow and two sons, Ora and Edward Bennett.

• Rev. G. A. Ihisc,” who has been in town soliciting suhserlpliuus to the C'/mt- iian JSttmdardf at (10 cents per year, is said In he a fraud. Excliauges say tlial Hie paper neyet comes and llKlt he is hul known at the publishing house.

Tke Tienton Model Soliool nine came lo Higidotown on Saturday and dcfeilcd Hie Peddle hoys willi a seore of U lo 0. Yes­terday afteruonn Hie Peddle nine suffered aiiiillier defeat, when they were beaten by Hie Prinielon h'yeshiiien. Score 21 lo 8.

A part (It til'd senftolding used in bnildlug the new M. E Cliureli gave way on Mon­day and several nf the wmkmeu were slighily hurl. I.iiekll.y no one was seriously injured, ultliough a number nf Hie roofers iiiiil earp'Uiters narrowly escaped being killed by llie fulling liuibers.

Add! .Mount, who lives between Eira and Perrinevilk', came near being hiirneij lo dentil on Tlinrsday. He was trying to exiinguish a woods fire wlien he became siirroiinileil oy the flames ami was over, eoinc by Hie best. When diseovered he was uncoiisciiiiis, .Htni but for prompt aclioii would hiive lost Ids life.

All nitercsling enie tainiiient will be given in the M. E. Clinreh next Tuesday evening, when Triimiajler Roswell Mehiicrl, Ilf Hie 8id Cillteil Slates Cavalry, will de- siriliB Ills experiences al San Juan, El Caney and Santiagn. Re will also render various Iriimpel ealls. Patriotic exercises will he given by the children. Admissiuu SScculs.

T. D. Nosirand and F. J . Tliron, of the lliglilslowu JCIeeliie Light and Powei Co., are aiiiuiig the directors of a cuinpahy In- corpuriited at rreuioii laat week (or Hie manufacture of Hie Junes wimlow-slrlp. Tlie company is capilaliied at kg'iO.OOO aud has its principal olliee at Delancu. Mrs. J . £. Jones, uf this place, whose husband was Hie inventor of the strip, has sold her interest iu the patent to the company.

The (imr o’clock tram from Philadelpliia, which arrives litre ut S :24, struck aud iii- sliinlly killed Katie, tlie three-year-old child uf Albert aud Mabel Early, above Flcreuce, on Tiiursday afternoon. The cliild lia l been playing iu Hie jiiriLanly-alew moments before, hut Ituding the front gate optu hud wandered out and upon Hie track Just us the train was approaching the cuive.

The weather. In the Middle States and New England tu^ay, fair weather and alighlly higher temperatuie wiil prevail wiln fresh easterly tqysuiUiieily wiuils. lo - morrow, (air, slightly warmer weatner uud fresh ssiulberly winds will prevail, followed by raiu in Ihe lake region, and.on Satur­day, plubahly fair weather ami slight tem|iieraliire changea, (ulluwed'hy raiu euat of llie lake regtuu. • ' . .

A team ui horses beloaging to Jasper Huicbiuauu were Oeiiig Uilveii up Stoekloii street by uue uf his farm'Uauiis uu Friday, when me pole dropped arid tlie h.iises be- eaiue Ingiiteued and rau away. The driver Jumped out rturl, uia feet'ealebiug iu Hie lines, wga Uraggeil a cuiislderanlu dislaiice. lu front ut Dr. tV iluiir’s ntUce Hie p le sHiek iu Hie ground arid llie wagiiu Was uverlurued, Hie burses brea a lug away aud ruuiiiug up trie atreel. Buiu were Iluatly ruespluied without liuing (urijicr daiuuge, but uue nf iiieiu was (uuud to beiMiUly m ilt about the legs.

Rev. TbumaiC. Carman, tlie venerable pasliu of m e M. E. Ulmreu at Uradiey ik'ucb, Uied ibeie early l iieudky uioridug Iriiei liiu efiecU of poisuiiiug dui^ it m rappuseu, IU cittueu besir.~ ITi. Cariiiuu wa« Ukeu vinfeHily HI alter aaliog bearlljy ot Utt bswf am -Mania fi, iud Tie u e n r re. T'vnl. Mr, UoroMii aaafW t*ar*uid aud M baon a awonwr «f iiw Naw Jaiaae M. E. UuUluNiMia atomi IBiA Tuaueueoeud

Q t t t in f th « iro n O u tsA fain it tbe puMpiDf-tUiioB IN !•*■

tDcoungiog ihap* *nd t t i i bopod tji** * Mtiiftctgrjr 1010111)0 of lb* fiUar problem will Mou be retclied. Cbxrl^ H.Keodrlek, ibe New York Filter CoBpa»if’s (xpbtl, U tUII there and ii mabing experi-'mnU^ • r t r i day. The ..tHuUl...Michetlthbi fif I N m y gniiltyiBt. Prof, K*n- drlclt beUevei be baa located tlie ti^uble and that there will be no diOcuItT m filter, ing tbe water aecordlog to eonliiet. Al present be itatea that nearly all the iron is being removed by the filter. This result has been readied by a largely increased aeration and by the introduction of lime. Tbe amount of the latter, llowertr, la very small, being only about oue part in 80.000, and. It Is said, will oo: be at all perceptible. At lUb jlbbiping-iiUnba the water comes from Ibe filler clear, sparkling and peifeel- ly odorleas, and testa show no trace of iron. Naturally Ihe water is uol so salisluctory throughout Hie town and will not become so until the standpipe, mains and pipes are thoraughly cleaned.

The general improvement to the Water, however, is freqiienlly commented on smi many who use it aay that it ia entirely satisfactory for every purpose. At the Central Hotel Hie water is used (or culinary and laundry purposes aud is said lo give good results lu every way.

Yesterday, Prof. Wil'lam Main, an ex- perl chemist, waejn town (or Ibe purpose of making analyses, but the result uf his invesligaliuus has not yet been made public.



Fartneri, read tbil! From 8d6 « «*bU per pound paid for ralvet al WUwn Brai.

Board by Hie week. Apply lo Mu, Mary B. |tue. No. 18 Mbnmouth strtel.

•i-As-tlir WXMD of m 'year' wheb' paett-*

colds, ci.tarrli, brooehllis and lung Iroablas are lo be guarded sgainsl, noHiiug “ is a flue lubsliliile,’’ will “answer the purfHise" or is "Just as good’’ as Une Minnie Ceui[li Cure. Tlial is Hie one infallible remedy im all lung, throat or briinchial troubles tusisl vigorously upon having it if ‘'sohieUiMqj else" IS offered you.

---- ::-----1.For frost biles, burns, indolent shres. «e.

xeina. skin diseases, and rapecially' pilks,. DoW Ill’s Wileh Hsxel Solve slanda first and best, Look nul (or dislidnrsl people who try lu imitate ami euiiiilcrfeil It. l l ’k Iheir endorseiiicnt uf a good arlihlo, tVnrthless goods are not Imitated. (Jet Da Wilts's Witch tiaxel Salve.

William L. Wilhiir, M. D. OQIce liouis, 8 to U A. M. and 8 lo 8 and S:8U lu 8 P. M.

For a quick reineily and one Hint is |>et- fcelly safti for cliildren let ns reciimineud Oi.e Miiiii'lc Congli Cure. It is exeellenl (nr croup, lioarsciiess, lickliug lu the tuiuut and coughs.

You can save 5 lu chasing Alfred I’eals’ me.

10 per cenl. by pnr. Wall Paper lliroiigh


Windsor Items,John B. llulcliinaott made a short visit

in town last week.Mrs. George Mount is slowly but steadily

gaining on Hie road lo licalHi.Miss Caddie Oakerson relumed home

last Saturday after an extended visit with her sister in New York.

Charles Robbins, accompanied by a (riend from college, was iu town on Saturday.

Tlie pond was well patronized by flslier- meti on Monday, One nf oiir ungters waa on the ground at four o'clock.

Mrs. Elizabeth Carson, who spent the winter al Clarksburg, lias returned. Slie makes her home with Mrs. Samuel Messier.

Tlie Odd Fellows alleinled Hie M. E. Clinrch in a body Siinduv evening. Tlie cliureli was crowded and the piistur, Rev. W.'Ulackislon, a very fine aUiircss lliai was j;reully apprecialeU by the order.

Word readies us Utat Uev. J. Brown, a former puslor here, has tntil a very aui:. eesshil series ol imelinjjs tsl ins new diar^ie al C’rossvvieks. Evuii^^dial Hum- |idll usiiisled him.

“ Good Wprds for Pastor gnd People.

The Jgrjie^ Meiltodint prints uti ex- •celieul pielure of the Hij{litslown M. K. Church, as it will look wlieu dnisiied, aud, after desci ihiug the building, says:

‘•Tile uhiirdi wheti COiiipIlMed will cost not less than $16,(00. Uev. Wm. ^Mitchell, ihe pHSlor, has. Iiad tiiiaiidul success iu Ins charges during the last .eleven years. He WHS sent lo St. i ’aul’s, l-'ennsgrove, which hud a ilebt of $4,000, all of which was paid ' dining Ins paslurute. From there he went lo Paiilsboro, where he binll. a new eh'urcli, costing $ 1 3 , and $11,000 was paid on it wht'U he left. From there he was seul lo Giuce Church, lied Bank, which had a debt ot-$CjO(Kh all of wiiicli was piiid during Ins pH' loral term. Then Vineland church asked for liini, but he was su it to llighis- town, He touud there a debt of $2,300. He set to work and raised the aiiuninl dur­ing his first yeur. The next year liie Dew chiireh was slailed. The people of lliglils- town are a poor people, but they are mak­ing heroic sacrihces, uud whilst it is a harii struggle, they are trusting iu ‘One wln» is able lo do exceeding ubuiLdHiilly above all '■ limt men can u^k or think.'

“ lit the euiiy tlays <tf Melhodism New .fpcsey wub ilivided ;luto two cim iils—the E'lst and West Jersby. Each circuil had a senior and H Junior preacher, llightslowii w isJjJLi.lwC'Easl Jersey circuit, 'idrs. Ma Marlin Fullen, of lliglilstown, writing those days, s*ys; *'l tie first pieaclniig ser- viccb of the iUucrant ot wliicli we I an find any record wa.s held m ilio vear 1785, Adam U oud being senior anti

'Matthew Greeniree Junior preacher.-.“ ‘In 1835 a brick buiidiu^ was creeled

on the corner of Sloekioo, uud Cinuch bireeis. Ju 1857. during tlie p«.-itora'» i>f Uev. Eiiocn Ureeo, the present frame church wus eieeled.’ ”

“Give me a liver regulator and J ran egiiUle Ihe world,” said a gemus. The

! 'I'he handed him a bottle of He- Will's Lillie Early Uisers, the famous little pills.

---- ■'-----J. Sheer, Bedalui, Mo,, conductor on

electric street car line, writes tlial liis little (laughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after till ph>bi(;ians had failed, ouly by using One Minute Cough Cure.

CullFOU SALE UU a m w

House ami lot oil VVihiums street, on Murlm Nolan, lliglililowu.

Not one child dies where ten formerly died from croup. People have leiirned llie value of One Minute Cough Cure uud use it for severe lung aud throat troubles. It immediately slops coughing. Iv never fulls.

If you iittvc a co.igli, throat irritation.■ weak lungs, pain in the cliest, dilliculL j breulhing, croup or hoar.icness, let us sug- ' gest One Mimile Cough Cure. Always

reliable and safe.

Before the discovery of One Minute Coiigli Cure, uiiiiisters were ttiently di.-- lurhed by coughing congregiitious. No excuse for it uow.

(>FFKJt: UF COUNTY M.'PFIUNTKN UUNT, Trenton, N. .1., Anrll 181W.

There wllllie ft mreting ntUioUounly nonnl uf Kiaiiiint’rti (ilMuroer Uouniy, jit Onurl, ou IMiiy 6ili and 6Ui. AjijUicious lor ouriiUcuics shuulJ be present iit 0::tu a . M .

A. W. tUliTWUlala,. , (tenuity buperim endon t.

F L O W L L S .W e wish to notify our fnenck

! aiul the public tbiit wo will bo glad to i furniBb C u t Flowore imd D esigns at j reasonable rates. Fuuciu l D esigns

a specialty.Mi8.b H akriet Mount,Mas. A. M. T aylou.


.lamiiiry Term 18tr.).In the Mutter ot the Aimllc,«tltin orUharlesE.

Stulls, AdinlnlHlriilur of Knehel A, Pullen, decM, lor El) order lo Belt hind tu pay debiB.

Kule iH BliDw cm-fe.Tlie fuM A ilm lstrator harliin miole'.ind exlithlt-

otl ti) ihiB Court, under a true »nd J uki noeount ol the piTHoiial erlNle (tnd debtB ol 8iild (li-ccasHd. kh fikr H8 he oiin discover the i).nne, and It Hppenriiu{ Unit Ihu porsimul t s t t lu of miid deeeiiBod is insul- lloiviu to pay hU Bald debts, and pritylng the aid ol tlio U oart in the pretni.-es—the C ourt do th e re ­upon order, th a t a lt uerBons Interestod in the esiiiie which WHB oi Sithf ilef'eitsrd, upp>ur heinre this r o u r t on Friday ihe 18th day o l .I une next. Id show cause, ilitiiy Uiey liiive. why so much ol the lungs find rea l esiato ol said dueeased. hi ilio C uu n iy o f iVlerocr. should noi he sold as will he Rumclofit to pity Ills sail] duhts, or the residue thereof, ns the case in.n’ rcqalre.

J. W, UOUNKIvIj.Surroicsiu Hnd Ul«rk of the

Orphans’ Uouri.Dated April I4’h. the (Juiirt. qiy 4-"w

wa« atatisHMMl M Onsaban aimut ihtiiy »Bfi ■») Mm furaiwlr • onnIw of

Mtk tly r . A A. M.

Windsor W. C. T. U- Niche.At tlie last meeting of Hie Union helil al

Mrs. VVm. Emmmis', on Tnusilay, H.e fol­lowing res'tIuHous were passed -, "■riiut we appreciate Hie services and aiil of James F. preparing Hie bail (or Hie public ezjjt^es of Hie Seliool of Metliods; also Hie service rendered by Mrs. Fowler, of Murrisville, iu filling Hie position of organ­ist at tlial time; also Ada Brown in kindly asaistiiig with Hie Loyal Legiou. We arc grateful also lo Mrs. Huldab Ford for service rendered on liial oceuslun. Further it is resolved tlial we a . a body tin hertibv ex.end lo them a public vote of thanks. Ue it resiilvcil that a copy of tlieae resulii- lions ioj seuUii iheUiGin-arowx GAzzitx.’’

The spring eoiiferenee ofAho Mercer County VI. C. T. U. was hehl in Kidgely Hall, ou Thursday last. -\hoiit sixty visitors were presenl, Ineliidir.g represenla. lives from every niiioii iu tlie loniily but two.' Middlesex county also was well repieseuled. At, Hie roll-call of cotiniy olUeers and local presidents, each respond, ed w'llh qii.iLiiijuus from Miss V\i||ard’s sayings nr a verse ot Scripture. Mr-. Fowler, ii' Monisville, eresiilcd al the organ. In the inurning Mra. F. LcBar read a finely wrilleii paper on “ The Crusade,’’ ■which wka B»hiaiovy o f . Hie luiuperauce nioveiceut beginuing al Ijilliburu, Uliio, and cuntinuing up tu Ihe ^pie-eot lime. Ill the verbai reports by local presidents, Windsor was uol biebiud the real. A discusxiuu by oiuthera ou “C'liild-iralniiig” was opened by Mrs. Rice aud was exeep- iiniially iiiierestiiig, iiiaiiy visilura and some nf Hie tauiiie iiieinb*ra taking part. A iiiiiiiber of vexed qqeslious were aatiafac- tunly answered. At umiu tables were spread iu tbe hall tud ail presect partook ol a boiiiiHfiii liiuuli. lu the afleruuuii, “ Will Curlew Law be a Benefit to New Jersey" was disciisiHia pro and con by Mrs. Holmes tml Mrs. Baruei, of Treuluii, the iiegatrvt view beiirff that Ilia wrong parlies were being piiuisnwl. In Vineland

T he Bible reading by Mias K. LuuUen wju X bnuitilnl s*r«HHi on ••Uft»wMi,’» giveii lu her luimitnbhi uitnuer of exfireasTiig it— “Grow «s Hi* Lilies." Ur*. B, Brown mad a paper ua ’t I'h* Ntetl of L. I'. JU work." Hii* and the grealeat nead In Uia Tampar. •pec aauii* is inMIiwapt wovhara. Tb* L. T. U *u|tpH*it'IbiaTWaadi The LoyalLe|tw |a n f llll.iWiB ppiptitm

“ Wlial we need is aa Assessor’s msp, giving property wiiiuiduf slreeU itUifalleys. hdU tmlu almg street eievulious ilU<I a system of (intitmge. VVlien a new piece uf ground is opened for b is the lines for curb aud pavements should be given al once so that people shall not be compelled to do work twice. In some places (he Borough is running water up hill ou oue side of the street uud down hill ou the o ther; iu oUicrsy oue street and tlie gutter 00 one side carries ait the water for over half a iriile, besides receiving ail the water from iDtersectlng itreels. This is not only foolish, but entails a large annual expense for repair of the washouts, ueeuiessiy cccadluned.”

The above paragraph was written by tlie editor of the Jamesburg lieeoi'd in regard to Ills owu town, but most uf it applies witii equal force to llightsiowo. The idea U a goud^ue, either here Or there.

An Industrious Bible Scholar.U may u >t be generally kuowo Dial

Highlslpwii is the liomu of one of the busiest and most peraisienl of biblical schoiara iu the country, iu Huv. Dr. G. W. Olark. For thirty years paet the doctor has been engaged m literary work, a goodly poiliou of the time doiug pastoral duly also. For about tweuiy yeur^ lie has also be«u connected with the misaiouary department of the American Biiplist Fiibli- eaiiou bodety. Among the moBt valuable uf his putdisiied works is a complete com* meutary ou llie New Te.>dsiiieut. six vol* umes of whicii, revised and enlarged, have receiiUy (la^sed through ih^ press, and three mure are lo Hpeedily follow. Tiie doctor IS a mildest uud scholarly mao, ami hU w rilinga cxoibil Uie same churacteris*

Freehold 7' ■an lel•ipt.

Hightstown Pottoffica.UVOLAIUBD LXTlXUa.

tJncUinied leilers that have remained in Hie llighUluwu poaluttlte uue week or more:

U. J. Biker & Bros., iligiiUlowii Oreamery,Henry Juuiiea,George Alcxunder,Hurry Uav'iaun,.George Eiexuiidertliuvid Hod,;es, ______

lias, t o n e r,-JG. U.-MitclieHa

Wm. H. Wrigiii.Julitt 1. Dwiiielst

1. S. Rogers &SonFuneral Directors


Mra. Tbomat Btevena, Mist Ella tHaulM,J . V. F. Van Darboef. C> £._Uuiluid, - Baaraal UuaWr, V|M ri*i a . ffw a a lj.i ! ' A Ii t ’-'

Practical Undertakers,R. R. Ave. A NorrUon Mtreel,


E m b roid ered

C hiffonsare among the materials most deeira. for making dress fronts or yokes.

For a dress front ^ yard is required. For yoke, i yard..

New ideas and designs are being brought in, the newest ones being here described.

T h e New Ones:

Haven’t been bote a week, yet they’re winning much praise because of their attractiveness.

One design, on fine chiffon, is made of Purling, embroidered in bow knots. I t ’s 20-inobes wide, and white.

!il2 a yard.Open-work Embroidered Chiffons,

either black or white. 18 in. wide. Three qualities, regulated by tbe de­gree of ehUiorateueas of detign.

1388,14, $4.88 a yard.Besides these, the department has a

wealth of other dress front fabrics— Chenilles, Silk, Organdie, in* pleas­ing variety of designs, every one dis- tinetly swell, and oorrec t ^

L a d ies' D r e s s G oods.

G roceries, e tc ., e tc ,

J . V . D A V I S O N .

AN UNUSUAL D IS P LA Ycf Choice Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods, and allj’good*

needed for the complete wardrobeJ^greeted^the eyes of

those who saw our Easter Exhibit Loud and strong

were tbe complimentary remarks mode by|tho8e who are

accustomed to the displays of the best city stores. If

you have not seen our New Goods you have little idea ol our stock.

HAVEkYOU A S A M P LEof goods you admire ? If we haven’t j i t we are In post,

tioii to get it for you and save you the expense. Do not

go away from town until you have examined our Sprjpg

, purchases.


Have yon Water in your Cellar ?Water removed from Cellar and Basements, and Furnwe ITts. GuariinFee t'o'keep out the water. Apparatus put in complete, $20.00.

HEAT YOUB H3USE W ITH HOT W A TER .3 or 4 roQmt heated by Hot Water with furnace. Esti­mates now furnished.

HEATER COOK RAN& heat the bouse from kitchen fire. It is not an ordinary range with water back, but a special fippRintus. Will heat whole house, saves coat and labor. Will pay for itself. Guaranteed to do the work or monby refunded: ■ Oatalogue and three thousand refeiwnoes. Fetimato^ furnished.

WE DO PL U K B Ilfa .P R O lF T L T .Plumbing done^by firat-class workmen.

.Tust arrived ,ear-load of sewer-pipe. Special prifMi.

I l i i N i « ii IHV1 * 1 * l i f t

.................. * « ? • '*.VmiI, AntWi itoM |nm) Iwl IKImW M Ml Dm ik tU tr, ! • t |« k *

Ml k*i iM'

dUhnrtljr inoi kb#E lh Hitl IMi f tf t Alone hid wndn Itrougb

H WAA iOAflAAta oMbi truib Qt bU Atatffi iMArllM by tbb e?Uleu«n oC bii •«A t m

**?#•, H it A (Art, Warili ju tt libe nny — IbAt WA BOt bg CMceikiL Xbi4kAib..

)A N illy tboro, ]ui( where you walk wben yon rtiurA from ^boo) each day. You see tbo i n s i l i a b o r ^ tin t lanrowtHgid It,

lift tills ilde baa beenpuebed a lUlle farther from the path, which jooka like a crooked line through the fleUI"

Arnold knew that no one but hiroielf liad walked through the field, id ^U did not aaem aa if one pair of feci making a single jouroay a day could form a path in the abort apace of two monlha. He did not go through the meadow when walking to ichooi lo the morning, for the grass wag generally too wet with dew for that, but only returned this way because il saved bim a quarter of a mile travel.

Ward was iileot for ,gome lime, and bU aiater leemed to be tbiokiog also.

*'Wbat ia it, in ter? I am sure you can produce aocne moral out of Ibis fuel. I'lease do 10 at uuce.**

“ I was tbiuking, brother Ward, that^our trip llirougb the meadow cacli day islike little things that are ouly indulged m occasiouallv until they become habits. Before you know it lliey have made paths right in the heart and life, and crushed the beautiful verdure of good out of the place that God designed for it. The feci of lillle habita not quite right, allhmigh otdy in­dulged in at inlcrvals, trample down the ▼trtues that should oeaiilify the life and soul. Thus the inroads of sin gel ioto Hie fair fields of the iiearl, until many, if not •Hi of its beauties are trampled down and destroyed. Uemember the meadow palh made by a single pair of feel, as you are tempted to do a deed which you know is not right.’*

Ward Arnold listened allenlively lo his •jsler’i true words, anil Iheii lie stole softly HP to her aide to kisi the sweet, tlushed face.

“ I'll remember, sister,” he w!ilsp(rL(l, and then wc.nt away, resolving that Ills heart should never become defuced by bad habits.

YOLCANIUKIIUPTIONS Are grgnd, but skin eruplioiis rob life of

39V. liuckleit’s Aroica Halve, cures them ; al»o old, runuiug and fever sores, ulcers, boils, ielors, p ro s , warts, cuts, l)rijUe.°, burns, scaldsy chapped hands, chilbliiiiis. Best pile curefcu earth. Drives out pain.'ji and aches. . 6nly 25 cents a box. . t'u .e guaranteed. /Hold by Hue, the druggist.

mSMAHCK'S IHON NEUVIO Was the result of Ids splcmild iicnllli.

Indomitable wril and tromen'.liius energy are not fouuil wiiere stoii.ach, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If yon want tliese qualilies and the success lliey bring, use Dr. King’s new life pills. 'Hioy develop ever_y power of brain and body. Only 25c. at .Hue's drug store.

NO lUUlir TO UOl.lNEHH.The woman wlio is lovely in face, form

and temper will always have f^'ielui^ liiil one who would be aUrncuve muHl keep her health. It she is weak, sickly and all niu down. She. will be nervous ami imtahlc. Jf she has eonst'pation or kidney trouble, her biopd will cause piniples, bloicliea, skin eruptions and a wretclied cumple.'ciun. Electric Bitters is the beat medicine In the w;!0rlil to regulate stoiniuh, liver iitiU Uld- ijoys and lo purify the Uluod. U gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smuolli, velvety skin, rich complexton. It will make a good-lToking, charming wonuui of a run. (Ipwn invalid. Only 00 ceitU at Kue.s (Bug store.

’Churches Lodges and Societies,LOUUES.

putt WAiMvaaX r .}. A p M m k tUttiA At

l)AAltlNiril(hi IllAh Va4 a VMAtffui (II* hfAlAAH WaS I f?1|Athl) 1a lAliiAi

^ «AA vHbflvcfi ikkt tk i UiA MAunoAU. My lAAgiMAI»A blrtillAAdi 1 VAC 10 w ilk I ouuldMi IVSA IH Vp lA KolbiAi bflpAd «» I A||Mf<f|MA MOA (Ha Af OOOftUmptlAA, V m 1ili#Ar4 of Dr. KbigV Kav Dtrooycry ftnaHMrttta | iAk -|fiai tahaf.: - I OBthmadr

Hi AM A(W Am veil i04 1CAB iiy too much Id Ui prAlse,* This mirTflloui mAdmlcc is the surest and quioktsi «urs in tba world for sll throat sod luAf trouble, Uegulsr siBcsfiOceotM and 9L Trtsl botllc ue« at Hue's drug store, £very bottle gusrsnieed.


Tbe last of the preseut senes of t*euosyh W t i " lO T ranrT trfre ;^ 'pcrsdTntily;cnTr, ducted tours to Wsshiugtou. P, C., will be runoo Msy 11. i The rate, 914.&0 from New York. 1,11.50 from Piilisdelphis.,, e»d propcriiousto rates from other points, in­cludes transporiaiion, liglel(sccommoda- tions, and Capitol guide fees. An experU euced Cliaperpn will ftlsu accompany tlie paity.

For Itineraries, tickets, and full infonna- Hon apply lo ticket sgent.s; Tourinl Agent, 11&6 IJroadway, New York; 789 Broad Street, Newark. N. J . ; or addres.s Ceo, W. Boyd, Assiatani General Passenger Agent, Broad Htroel Hlation, i'liiludelphia.

The Pennsylvania Uailroad Company has arranged (or u liyc-day perionaliy-con- ducted lour to Gettysburg, Luray and Washinglou on May 0. A full day will be spent at Gettysburg, three hours at Luray, atfording ample lime to make the tour'of the wonderful taverns, and two days at VVashinglun.

The party will be under the guidance of one of the company’s experienced lounst agents. A clinperoii, whose CHpccial charge will be unescorted ladies, will also accom­pany the parly Ihroughout.. Kouml-trlp tickets, inciudlMg transportation for tlie round trip, hotel accommodations at Gettysburg and carriage drive over Dio balildiold, luncheon, transfer, and admis­sion lo the Luray caverns, luncheon, trans­fer, and hotel accommodalions at Wash- ington, and diiiuer going and supper re­turning, at Broad Hlreel Slalnn in cotmec- liuu witli tickets from Trenton and points east thereof, will be sold at the extremely low Tale of $25 from New York, $24 from Trentom $22 from Philudeipliin, and pro- porllnimle rales from other points.

For itineniries and fu ll inform ation ap­ply to ticket agents; T o fir is l A g m t, 1190 Broadway, New Y o rk ; 789 Broad Hlreet, Newark, N. J . ; or address Geo, W. Boyd, Asai.slariL General Passenger Agent, Broaii Htreel H laliu ii, Phlladetpliia.


August Flower.'T l is a sur[)riaing fact.” says I ’ ro t. lio n

im i, ‘ 'tim l in my Iravtds in urii parts of the w orld, for the last ten yearn. 1 have mol more iieople having n.ned Green’.s AiigiisL Fiovver Uiiin any o ilie r icm cdy, lo r dy.spep- sin, deranged liver and Hlomacli, and for coiiBlijiUlion. 1 (liid for lou iis is iim l salcH- men or for per.souH lillin g o llirc imsiilons, w lu 'ie liemiaciieM and :generiii tmil fcidingji f io ii i iriTguiar hiihita exist. Dial Orctii'.^ August Phiwer is a grand remedy, l l does not i.njiiro Die system l»y fr,e(iucnl use. and la excellent for sOiir stomachs and imnges. lio n ,” Hampie holllcH Ircc at I). 11. (.'iiii- i i in g h ij^ ^ o r l l . G. K iic ’a. Hold hy dealer.s


WALLPiiwiit'e Tribe, No. 70, Imp'd 0. If. ,M.,

H lis Hosztdl, Sttolieiii. Every Mmuliiy nlgbt HI 7.30.

WiiKldor Lodjre, No. fiO, I. 0. 0. F., I ilWBril E. IjCir, Noble Uniiid. livery Tuts, day iii,t|[t at 7.30.

Mercer.Eodge, No. 23, K. of 1’., 'V. ,). Cole, CbaiKCbii Coimifiuider. Every Wleiluesday uisbl at 7,80.,

Wa.shiriKloii Camp, No. 37, 1'. O.'H.’of A,, J. C. Juhitami, Fresideut. Every Wed- neaday ui^bl at 7.30.

Higlilstown Council, No. 70, Jr. O, U. A. M-- Euvene Kos/.ell, Ctjunciloi'. Every Friday iii-iil' at 7.30.

Ui,tlilylowu Knenmpment, Nn. ,72, I. (). O, F., 1). W. Mensurull, Cliitf I'liiriiireh Firal and Ibird Fmlay niflils ut eueli uioiuh at 7,30 o’clock.

Higiilslowu Lodge, No. 41, F, & A. M., F, B. Applegft, VVor.sliipfnl Jln.-ler. First Friday iiller full iiuroii of eacb uioiilb at 7.^0 P. M.

llf,!bl»lown Btenm Fire Onmpiiny, No. 1, M.P.Clminberliii, Prcsidnil. ,'^eeoud Friduy

in eucb inuntli at 8 o'elucli.Hiabisloyvn Council, No. 1602, R. A.,

Elwnod Eklridue, llcetiil. ,Secniid nml fiiiirlb Monday nights of eiidi luoulli ut 8 u’olock.. Higblslown Building and Loan Society,

J.obu, Vi Ij). Btekniiin, f’residenl. 'I'liird ^niulay idglit in each inorilb at 8 1’. M.

Lady Conover Lodge, No. i), 8. of B , James B. Tayior, Comimiinier, livery •econd and fourtli Friduy niglji.s at 7.30.

--.-.-LliA-l!.t8lfi.wD.._Couqcil, N.ii, 4Q„.L), of L., H>»a Ellen Lewi.s, Conucilor. Every IJpuilay uigbt at 7.J0 o’clock.

W. 8.-.llancock Post. No. 107,0, A. IL, H -.J* Jvea, (Ipriimauder. livery second, W)d fourlli.Said day al 8 P. M.




'V.11USM MmniBu., .Pnsinr. Sun- day hervinear-Simday-atlionl, 3,30 P, M.; preacliins, 1Q,30 A. M.; Junior EpwoMli Ueagne, IdA. M ; .SeniorEpworlli lA'«i;ne, <k80 P. M. i preaebing, 7-30 P. M. Pniyer- iiiM ting--Jitry Tbnrsdiiy al 7.47 P. M. Uasa-ineeliogs—Mrruday and Friday nlgliia 117.49..

PBESnyTEIUAN.lUr. TnoMA* T t*ok, D. p ., Pastor.

Bunday—BiiDday.seJiool at 11.47 A. M.; prctvkiDx at lU.Sa A. M.j J,iinlor X. P. 8. f t B. at 8.30 P. M.; V.. P. 8. 0. E, al 0.45 H. M.i pwaclilna at 7.80. P. M. • Prayer- l^M tlqf—Every Tliuraday uij(iit «l 7.80.

BAPTIST.I)(T. 0 . P. Baonia, Dl*Dw Pastor. Son-

tUjr—Bunday-miliuol, t.80; preacliing, 11.00 iu M.: Junior Bodeawr Society, 3 P. M .; ftw k ilM BodcAMr Society. 6.80 ; preacb- M ir’ VJP P. II. ! Prayer-ineeliug—Every

, c*«yllg itt r io .TaUliTV.P. E. CHUllCH.

I hn7'0 laid in a very larjre and fine stock of now stylo


.— WbyitOTiuauti tsThat .:~”A r eo we’ve jast out tbe Art out o cobble time, and it just amour now.

A la r g e l o t a t

which I will sell as low ns the same grades cun be bought in the City.


BH Inr*. peator, Hervice ^ q i i Sunday at 10.45 A. ,M.

Mueryive; third Sunday,lilEfi- - ’

qkivBWAUsT.!tfU>r. ' Snsday aer.


Got a large nuniber of ladies’ s 3. Came from various lots, and sold i, All styles. It you’ve got a small foot

Infants’ ShoInfants’ shoes that were 50c. t Have lots of shoes left in the

Women’s wear. There has been a ,st Have rubbers left for both sex

Bathing ShoesOnly one pair to a customer,

give asriirance that they wdll not ball

Boys’ leather boots 75c., fornn ,size.s. Men’s $1.00, broken size,s. ! —the latter arc hand-sewed.

.Ladies’ first quality rubbers 1(

The Time is \


22 N. Broad St©alY’ O ne

M A S O N ’ S The painters are ithe main floor of i ceiving and rli07vi

J\ e w S iH ’in ii D re s s Cr(1L a d i e s ’ and H I is

f r o i i

31. A I 3 I E 3S ’ X T » ri> lIn style unci finish (tquiil to tho best o

from $‘2.00 up. Also cheaper ottos from 13 .Skirts front 09 cents to $5.75.

T O T I X T i : 3V T.E13W

' Wo give the best vnlito in Boys', Yotii lloiuly-mnclo Clothing, tor the least iitone. elothiug made to order by the very best tail

J S E C 0 3 E

Our ,Sboo lino is always tho very besti

G l t O O E !1 5 f l E S .

.. no ticst Orooerics at Honest Prices are the magic circle tliat.drays. Now is Ibo time for every housekeeper to take advantage of the special prices we are oft'oriiig.

o A r u D i a i s r s T 3 E i i > » .We also arc offerittg the very best garden seeds a t the very lowest prices

-give tip a call.

S E i ' v x r i i s r o M A o n i d s n i J .We also sell tbe Eldridge Sewing Miichino, guaranteed to bo as good as

call be made, from $19.00.

M a s o n ’ s , 114 M a i n S t r e e t , H i g h t s t o w n .

THREE CAR LOADSO F T i n : i i i o i i c n ' o r a u e k o f

Subscriptions taken • for all’ pub­lication* at publishers’ prices.

Stop in Wear’s and s?e Alflral Peat’s full line of wall paper for 189.9-

TOoifef... i...U .

Just received—quality not excelled anywhere, but prices lower be­cause we buy in large quaniitits, and buy direct, therefor we can

save you money it you buy of us.

Seeds & Implements of all kinds in stock.Cull and sea our goods an J get price*.

If you are unable to visit us, drop a,card and we will send prices and samples.______ Catalogue Free.


[ i g h U t o w n M a r k e t s .nOCK AND VEAL.

t»7 Bert, per l» >4 fed I »» "I 4fi

a rik a n i ' ' S 36lUrnell, 1 8k

BcreenlBM. ** ' J s . . . . . . ............ 1 MW SeifT « ■;..'...4r;4 44 I OklOoraM eal, I lkked Corn, ■ " kOMeal, >• MdFe«a, “ W, par bushel. ................ $ RO

..................................... 40, ................................ 43, ........................................... 26

stock“ " — ™>'s, par l b . . . . . . ........ . 4 ets.?a, “ ..................................... 6 ”p * V 3 “, ' .................... 5be, perbacd, ............ 84 00

PKOBUCE.toee, white, per busbal......... ................ I 65‘ sweet, “ 06er, pound... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188, " “ ~ ~ w

“ ........................... 00Idera, 08, doien 1 '

JIAY AND STRAW.>thy Hay, per ton............................... f 8 00cr Hoy, 6 001(1 IlHy, 7 00Straw, 7 00

M I'A.dcf. per 11), prime rib roast, 10c, porter s(? 20c, sirloiu, 20c, rou.ud, 16c, chuck, phitc, 7o.

neon. IBc., sausage, 10c., liams, 12c., t, 10 to 12 cents.eul, loin, 16c, cutlet, 18c, roast, 10c.

ATENTSPROMPTLY S E C M\V' rlt« for our interesting books ” Invcnt- BTIelp" and ‘‘How you are swiwiled." !i)d us a rtiugli tketoli or model of your vodDod or improvement and we will tell )u f re e our oplnioti es to whotber it' isfobably patentable. We m&ko a specialty t appllmtlons rejected in other hands.lighest rofuronoes furnished.

MARION * MARION >ATENT SOLICITORS * EXPXRTSIvl! ,t Meohaoioal Enidneera, Oraduatei of the 'olytoohnic Sohool of Bnginecilnyr- BacholoJi In vpplied Sui'moea. Laval Unlvorslty, Mcmbera ‘alcntLaw Asioclation, American Water Work! iSROclatlon, Now Knglaiul Water AVorks Assoo-

Q. Survoyora ABBociatloF Aaaoo. Member Can. cioty •locloly of Civil Engineora.


I D f f lG LOT FOB SALE.7 ho first lot above the public

lool, next to the residence of

”, Arthur Davie. Location

and healthy, near the busi-

■is center and factories of

;litfctown. Commanding view

. R APPLEGATF,ate and W arren St?.,


Done in first-class mannerby workiniin of 20 years pipprlonoe.



SucceHBor to N. O. Sobloltinan. upiTly H IO H TSTO W N

AGENTS WANTED.In Every County to supply tbe Great Popular Demand for


TOLD IN PICTURE & STORYCompiled and W r ltte n by '


- Ttiu tmiPt.brllH-itiUy w rinun, inoetfrorMsely -and- aniB iiciilly lllustniUMi, und inu?i tut UHeiy popu­la r book on the Buiijoct oi ilio w ar witU .•'pain. Neni'ly 2U0 euperl) iliui<irHiloiii« fium plvdogntiUia taken e.«pecliilly for tins ar»-Hi woi k. A kcuib nre makltn!: too lo *loo a wpok gpiliUK it. A verlinble I onunxn fur live ennviisavrs. Ai pt ^ lur dceoifpiiun and le rm san d territory Atoiioe to

F e m i B j l Y i i i i a B a i l i o a d


On and alter 00T .4 ,i IIW ..Trains Leave Bi j/hUtoicii Be

-WiaaM*AV4i- irFob P b i u o i i Abm—At 7 iSaBBd 1A:8S A.

M., *D ill8 ;44»uU 7:08r.M .Fob Nb« Vobk- At 7 ilO Bnd 8 :M A. M.,

and 5 :24 P .M .F ob Tkibton—At 7:59 B ndU :0SA. M.,

BDd 12.44 and 7 :02 P.M .Fob Lonb BmasoH—8 d 5 «nd;8:0a A..M.,

and 6:24 P .M . j . a)bbtubkibA ^

Lbatb PijiLaDBU'ma-TFtdBi. MaOicl SE. Ferry at 7:10 A. M., 12:00 doob, 4:90 a id S HOP. M, ,

Leatb Nbv Yobk-~4:00 BBd 4;40 PrM.,. via Monmouth JiiiiclioD; 2:10 A .M ., aad6 :10 P. M., via Kahway.

Liave TsiNTOB—7 :40 A. ,M:, 1 :05, 4:14and 6:80 P .M . ......^ ........

, J . R. Wood, Oen'l Faaa. Agl.

s. D. munoi mLJSBJXB co.,S'r. Lums in.)., orNKW v.Jl.K l,'JTr.


J. B. HiiToniiisoN, Qco’l Manager.

Notioe Is hereby Kiveii Unit nil order, duied iho eltj:hth «iu\ oi M.ireii A. U. one inousunti eluht hundred imd uiueiy-uiue i>t i b<en luMde by u e

Fembeiton and Eightstown BailnalU .')'. Co. trains leave HIghtslown as

follows ”;|Foji Piiii.ADKi.rniA—At 7 :00 and 10 ;00 A.

M., and 7 :05 p. M.KKTUBNINO.

Lkavk Pmr.ADKi.riiiA—Al fl i30 A. M., aad 18:40 a u d 4 ;0OP. M.

W'm. Buktis, Supt. F. S. G a s k il l , President.


A . J . A S H T O N S S


Highlstown Gazette


€K)€i> FAMILl P l f l B





I I I G H X S T O - W I V . N . J .

Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Oxford Ties and Slippers.

Men’s, Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes

of all kinds at low prices. Also,

a fine assortment of the latest

styles in Hats and Caps for the

coming season.






Keaidonoe on Stockton S tre e t.



F resh Drugs and M edicines

J O B L E P A R T M E N t *






EN V ELO PES,ENVELOPES,en v elo pes .








urruHHte ol t).e i0..u..i.) . ' t >L rc«r, m.o.. tUt* i.r- nllSHlTun..r .b r iul.H-rtber«. E lteu l'.rH of Ells.* beth M. Nortuii, ni lb . I 'o u a .y bl lE trcer,dsevasbd, .drsuODK tb r oreoiiurs ->l saiil dscedent to b rla^ Id Ibolr .Isb .i, d.-uisDiO ...ul ol>.iilii SK.dQBl tb s oslHlo iH sulil iloaetl.iiil, un.L r uiitl. Dr uM raisUon. tu tbo .’ui.-crm .-.s, h Ii IiId dIhd m on tbs Irout ibe iiuio oj 8..1d..DriL r, ..r ibey wdi bo lorovor biil'.od froui s d ; uoOod Ih. rolur ugulDH Ih« said Exooutoro.

HIM.E.M N. OC.VNINOHAJI, joB-N r. m eiria»D . E s 'a n tu r i.

N O T IC E .


O n ly O ooitn I n

You can save money by purchasing your Coal and Wood at

I W . P D f f l ' S C O l L m i lon Broad St., Highlstown,

Building and Bridge Slone hy perch or cdr-load.

J.W.EARLYKttittc «(KKHrE‘'A Rs I)l£\.

Xouoe Is hereby f{ivi Q ttn it i«d urder. «| ried 9Tih il»y ul UiMu siMT A . D. oue ttMiussnd eishk buitiirfU and ittuet) eltUit, Lite b»-en uuime hy the Hurrn|i'*4e uf the County ul M sre«r, *>'on the sppH* sn tum ui the ru>>earlk«rf« fc |ucuturi «f Kekeos* N. Dey. I»l« of Mtt t lo t ts t j | of ftleiuer.deueeiea, ti.recitDM ilte ur««Uuip ai entU dsowtf n t to brtBf Itr i b r t t d>«H«Akf'Mit (ht) snsu oiMitj itfSeurfit .sii’tirrn tirnrtO ro iiU o a . in tbe iftb ie rlher, ftltb ln nine n toA ut troD Ibe de le el »eiil wfdeF) e r th ey wUl be IOIp t r « r bbrreU Iru o nay e e t lu n tb e re fe rN re li i l Ibe Mid ICibfalon. K


JU 4-BB. eMMUait.


B i't K mov.’v r s i ieami V P r r B |a E P I« n

Pine Kiudling Wood.