Three Weeks to Wellness - Bill Irwin

1 Three Weeks to Wellness By Chet Day and Bill Irwin TWENTY-ONE DAY Contract I, __________________________________ , do hereby contract with my Heavenly Father, God, His son, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit to initiate the Hallelujah Lifestyle in my life for the next twenty-one days. Below I list the goals or expectations I’ve set for myself during this period: Should I deviate from the terms of this contract during any one of the next twenty—one days, I will immediately start over again. I will adhere to the terms of this contract until I’ve completed a full twenty-one days on the Hallelujah Lifestyle as specified above. Further I am making myself accountable by reporting to the witness below any day that I do not adhere to my commitment. In this case I will not bheat up on myself but accept it as a lesson learned and move on to a new day with renewed commitment. Signed: Witness Date: Signed witness:

Transcript of Three Weeks to Wellness - Bill Irwin


Three Weeks to Wellness By Chet Day and Bill Irwin


I, __________________________________ , do hereby contract with my Heavenly Father, God, His son, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit to initiate the Hallelujah Lifestyle in my life for the next twenty-one days. Below I list the goals or expectations I’ve set for myself during this period: Should I deviate from the terms of this contract during any one of the next twenty—one days, I will immediately start over again. I will adhere to the terms of this contract until I’ve completed a full twenty-one days on the Hallelujah Lifestyle as specified above. Further I am making myself accountable by reporting to the witness below any day that I do not adhere to my commitment. In this case I will not bheat up on myself but accept it as a lesson learned and move on to a new day with renewed commitment. Signed: Witness Date: Signed witness:


INTRODUCTION Note: If you decide you have to qualify the Lifestyle (and this is appropriate and necessary in some circumstances), please don’t qualify it with something like: ”I will have three scoops of Breyer’s Chocolate Mint ice cream at nine p.m. every day.” An appropriate qualification would be something like, ”Since I have severe Candida I will not eat fruit” or ”Since I am an insulin-dependent diabetic I will not have much fruit or juices and will carefully monitor my blood sugar several times a day.” The purpose of the program is to go as close to 100% on the Lifestyle as you reasonably can at this time, given your general health conditions. And of course we recommend that you go on our program with the help and guidance of your nutritionally aware physician or local health minister who has trained at Hallelujah Acres. When do you start your contract? As soon as possible. This gives you plenty of time to get to the store or farmer’s market to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables and to purchase a juicer if you don’t already have one. I assume you already have a jar of Barley Max, (Your local health minister can help you with acquiring the products at a huge savings for you, just give him/her a call at 207-564-6922. If you don’t, you can order one now and start using it as soon as it arrives. Or if you don’t have the money you can order the juicer and products later. To help you succeed with our Twenty—One Day Contract to Health the Hallelujah Lifestyle Way, We have provided in this book a daily motivational ”how to” letter. There are twenty-one days of these letters and each letter provides many details which explain how to properly practice the Hallelujah lifestyle. For example, in these daily letters we cover what to expect when you start, how to juice, how to prepare salads, how to develop an exercise program, how to get some sunshine each day, how to stay motivated, how to make excellent use of prayer and meditation time, and so on. Whoa, it’ll be like getting daily individual coaching every 24 hours for three weeks. As another motivational factor, let me add that you could easily spend several hundred dollars, probably even a grand, to get the kind of coaching and nutritional/lifestyle information from some doctor, weight loss clinic, health coach, or nutritional expert that you’ll read in the remaining pages of this book. Come on, my friend, with the knowledge in this book you have a chance to start building a new you for this century, and you may be only twenty—one days away from feeling the best you’ve ever felt in your life. So xerox that contract, fill it in, sign it and have someone witness it, and let’s have some fun as we build a new you. Okay, enough with the introduction. Go buy the supplies you need and stock that frig of yours with the best produce you can find and get ready to change your life.

Note: You’ll have more fun with your Twenty-one Day Contract if you read each day’s letter on the appropriate day. Don’t read ahead.


Day One of Our Twenty-One Days

to Health the Hallelujah Way Good morning, and thank you for joining us on this exciting 21-day adventure to ultimate health.

We hope you’re as enthusiastic and excited about this journey as we are, and we want to

personally thank you for making this choice for life and for wellness.

By committing to this contract, you are part of a grassroots movement that has the potential to

literally eliminate sickness in America and around the world.


Regarding the mechanics of the contract, each morning for the next three weeks, you should read

that particular day’s letter of encouragement. Each letter will provide motivation and support

that’ll help you achieve the goals you set forth in your contract.

For our first day, we want to encourage you to maintain your spirit of fun while also recognizing

that your body will go through some exciting changes during the next twenty-one days.

If you adhere closely to the lifestyle , your body will begin to cleanse itself and unload some of

the toxins it’s been carrying around in the bloodstream and in various pockets in muscles, tissues,

and organs. During this detoxification period, you may experience a variety of symptoms,

everything from headache to weakness. It’s normal to experience symptoms. Your body is

getting rid of the toxins you have put into it over your lifetime. Don’t draw the conclusion, ”Oh

mercy, this lifestyle’s making me sick.”

No, my friend, eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking carrot juice and BarleyMax, and getting

some gentle exercise wont make you sick. But doing so will provide your body with the nutrients

it needs to start cleansing itself of the junk that has accumulated from years of less than wellness


If you want more details on symptoms, please read Chapter Nine, ”The Healing Crisis,” in

Recipes for Life.. .from God’s Garden or Chapter 23 in God’s Way to Ultimate Health, which can

be acquired through your local health ministers Bill and Debra Irwin.

These transitory symptoms represent the major downside of upgrading your wellness lifestyle .

Many people just won’t feel so hot the first few days of lifestyle changes. And ew wont feel so

hot for the first week. But, happily, these symptoms do pass pretty rapidly in most cases. And

some won’t experience any cleansing symptoms at all.

When people have more symptoms than they want to have, we encourage Them to slow down the

detox process by having less BarleyMax and less carrot juice and more cooked food at the

evening meal.

Please remember that it takes months and years of poor living to get in mediocre health, and you

can’t regain ultimate health overnight. Yes, the body heals itself, but obviously it can’t totally

rebuild itself in a few days.


If you do have some symptoms, be thankful because symptoms mean your body’s getting rid of

stuff that it doesn’t want inside it. Better outside the body than in, eh?

Okay, enough about symptoms. When they first get on the Hallelujah Lifestyle , many people

want some kind of outline to follow as to what to eat and what to do during the day.

To give you some idea of a sample program, here’s our health and menu plan for Day One of the

twenty-one day contract:

Every day of our lives we wake up fully and naturally without an alarm clock. Practically

humming with energy and enthusiasm, we can’t wait to get at the days activities. Before we

stopped getting sick by changing our lifestyle, we ate a huge breakfast. Not any more. Here’s

how we eat now:


Teaspoon of BarleyMax. We take BarleyMax straight from the bottle, but most will prefer to

have it mixed in a couple of ounces of distilled water. In a half hour we then have a couple of

pieces of fresh fruit or the juice from them. Usually and apple and a banana.


8 ounces of freshly extracted carrot juice, try to purchase California-grown ”Bunny Luv” carrots

if you can find them)


Teaspoon of BarleyMax followed in 20- 30 minutes later by another large glass of freshly

extracted carot juice.

A half hour later we have a huge garden salad with everything in it but the kitchen sink.


If hungry, we’ll snack on a handful or two of organic raisins or a large apple.

Late afternoon

Slow jogging (11-12 minute miles) or rebounding for 20-30 minutes followed by 20 minutes of

weight lifting with light weights.

Early evening

When we finish exercising, we’ll immediately have a teaspoon of BarleyMax. before getting in

the shower. After showering, we’ll make another 8-10 ounces of freshly extracted carrot juce.

Make a blended salad (four Romaine lettuce leaves, one medium tomato, one half avocado,

three stalks of celery, one medium carrot—put tomato and avocado in blender and blend—then

add lettuce and carrots, pushing down with celery stalk, blend until smooth and then eat like a

cold soup,{for more flavor you may want to add a tablespoon or two of your favorite dressing,


which for Bill is, a teaspoon of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and two teaspoons of Balsamic Vinegar

with adash of crush red pepper).

While the salad is digesting, we’ll make a simple supper of brown rice and steamed vegetables

(cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, carrots, whatever is in the vegetable bin that looks good.

We end the day by meditating for 30 minutes (We’ll provide details on how you can use

prayer/meditation as part of your health routine in the Day Twelve letter).

Usually we are in bed by 10:30 or 11 p.m. and sound asleep in a matter of minutes.

And that will be it for our routine for today.

Although you can try our program, you should immediately start working on developing your

own. We have some great recipes on our web site at so please make use of


Also, do remember that we’re all different, and each of us will require more or less food.

You should not be hungry on the Hallelujah Lifestyle.

Eat all you want—it’s just about impossible to overeat on fruits and vegetables. And most people

will be amazed at how little hunger they experience on this Lifestyle.

You know why? Because the body’s finally getting the nutrition it needs instead of the almost

total lack of nutrition found in the Standard American Diet of dead ”foods.”

Note, however, that it’s easy to overeat on fruits, so we do recommend that you monitor yourself

and not go overboard by eating 10-20 pieces of fruit every 4 hours. We rarely have more than 4-

5 pieces of fruit in any given day. And if you are overweight it may be advisable to watch your

fat intake and cut back to no more than 10% fat instead of the recommended 30% daily intake.

This can be accomplished aby not eating nuts, grains, and avacaddos until you reach your ideal

weight. Your body has a built in mechanism to achieve this weight naturally when you feed it

God’s way for a short period of time. If you have any questions about this talk with Bill about it

at your earliest convenience.

I sure hope you’re having as much fun on this adventure as we are. See you tomorrow.


Day Two of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning. Welcome to Day Two, and I hope you feel great about getting past the big hump of the first day of your contract. In our experience with various detoxing programs the past several years, the initial three to four days are the hardest because the body goes through intense changes as it switches over from the Standard American Diet (SAD) of processed ”foods” to natural foods that the body can efficiently utilize for health and rejuvenation. When we’re drinking carrot juice, eating predominently uncooked fruits and vegetables, and having some BarleyMax, our trillions of cells, as Dr. Malkmus says, begin yelling: ”Whoooeee! At last you’ve given me something to build some new healthy, vital, vibrant cells with!” And as the new strong cells start building, the body has to flush out the old, weak cells, along with various pockets of toxic material that it’s been storing for a long period of time. The result of this process? The various symptoms we talked about yesterday. We got a wonderful letter in the mail the second morning when we did the contract challenge on the Internet. A lady wrote, “ I want to thank you for your encouragement regarding the detox process. I started the Hallelujah Diet right after I finished the books my mom—in—law gave me for Christmas, and I said to my husband the other day that I felt like I had been POISONED (and I haven’t even gotten any BarleyMax yet). That’s the only way to describe the horrible nausea, weakness, and general malaise. It’s starting to pass now—thankfully, and my prayer continues to be that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. ” We share this letter with you because it expresses so well what some people experience with the first few days of going on the HallelujahLifestyle —what the alternative health movement calls a ”healing crisis.” Happily, once these initial poisons leave the body, most people start to feel better and better. The secret is to either ride out the hours or days of weakness, malaise, nausea, rashes, and so on or else to slow down the elimination process by cutting back on the BarleyMax, cutting back on the amount of juice, and/or adding more cooked food at the evening meal. Okay, enough about that. Just wanted to reiterate the point since I know you may be having second thoughts about now because you’re feeling worse than you felt when you started the program. Please remember, you have to pass through winter to get to spring. Now to today’s topic: exercise. Why is it so important to exercise, you ask?


Well, remember that when you change your diet, your body starts to excrete toxins and poisons that it’s stored in various places throughout the system. Exercise helps to remove this gunk. Think about sweating for a moment. When you sweat, your body has about a zillion pores that it can use to push garbage out of your system through. So doesn’t it make sense to work up a sweat and give the body this excellent avenue for moving the junk out? We think so! And that’s not to mention the fact that exercising gets highly oxygenated blood moving throughout the system, bringing life-giving oxygen to tissues throughout your body that may have been oxygen-deprived for years because of sedentary habits. We have found that exercise is just as important to good health as diet is. So what do you do if you haven’t exercised since high school? Do you go out on the local track and run a fast mile? Do you challenge Michael Jordan to a game of pick-up? Do you ask Mike Tyson to spar a few rounds with you? Of course not. Doing one of those things if you’re not in shape would either put you down on exercise forever or it might even kill you. Please approach exercise the same way you approach the HallelujahLifestyle. We teach that with exercise you do the same thing as with the diet—you make a commitment to your health and to your body/temple and then you follow through. Dr. Malkmus teaches in his seminars that the best way to start a daily exercise Program is to go outside and measure off one mile. Then walk that mile as briskly as you can (if an entire mile is too much for you, and you get tired or sore, walk as much as you can comfortably and then stop). Time how long it takes you to do this mile or whatever distance you can cover comfortably. Now shout Hallelujah because you’ve just completed your exercise for the day. Tomorrow repaet the same mile and do this each day from Monday through Friday. The next week , go outside and do the same mile but try to cover its distance in a shorter time. When you can do that mile in fifteen minutes, you add a second mile. Your eventual goal is to cover four miles in less than an hour, and if you do this at least five times a week, you’re going to give your body one more edge in its God-given tendency of seeking wellness. And if you’re into jogging, go for it. Or rebounding. Or swimming. Or bicycling. Studies prove that folks who get at least thirty minutes of aerobic exercise ’ every day live longer than folks who don’t. So make exercise a required part of your daily wellness program. We highly recommend some form of resistance training such as light weight lifting or the use of mechanical devices such as a Bow Flex or Nautilus machine to build good


muscle tone and to tighten up loose skin. We‘re talking about a gentle, slowly progressing program of toning and strengthening the body’s muscles. If you don’t have a commitment to regular daily exercise, (five days per week), or just walking briskly in the fresh air then you need to start doing it right now! And remember that just because your job is a physical one it still doesn’t mean you don’t need an aerobic wworkout too.

Make time for your health—it’s the most important time you’ll spend every day of your life. Health plan for Day Two: Breakfast Teaspoon of BarleyMax. We take our BarleyMax straight from the bottle, but most will prefer to have it mixed in a couple ounces of distilled water, followed by a large glass of freshely extracted carrot juice. Mid-morning A couple of pieces of fresh fruit.

Lunch Teaspoon of BarleyMax. Followed by another glass of carrot juice. In a half hour a huge garden salad of your own choosing. Mid-afternoon Snack on a handful or two of organic raisins or a couple of slices of dried pineapple. Oryou may prefer a handful of dehydrated apricots and a large apple or orange. Late afternoon Slow jogging (11-12 minute miles) for 30 to 45 minutes. Early evening Have a teaspoon of BarleyMax and make another 8-10 ounces of freshly extracted carrot juice Supper Large blended salad (four Romaine lettuce leaves, one medium tomato, one half Haas avocado, three stalks of celery, one medium carrot—put tomato and avocado in blender and blend—then add lettuce and carrots, pushing down with celery stalk—blend until smooth and then eat like a cold soup). You can also eat the salad just like the lunch one.


While the salad is digesting, you can make a simple supper of a large baked Idaho potato stuffed with three-day old sunflower and red and green lentil sprouts. Top this weird—sounding but delicious tasting concoction with a sprinkle of dulse (a dried sea vegetable like kelp which is available at most health food stores). If this combination sounds good to you, make a note on your shopping list to pick up some organic lentils and sunflower seeds. You have plenty of time during the next twenty-one days to do a little sprouting. (If you don’t know how to do this, put two heaping tablespoons of sunflower seeds and two heaping tablespoons of lentils in a canning jar. Cover with a couple inches of distilled water. After four hours, pour off the water. In the evening, rinse the seeds with water, swirling it around vigorously, and then pour off the water. Do the same thing the next morning. Do the same thing the next evening. Repeat this process until the tails of the sprouts are at least as long as the seeds themselves. Then do one final rinse, pour off the water, and refrigerate. Sprouts keep a few days, but they’re the most enzymatically active just before you put them in the refrigerator . End the day by meditating for 30 minutes. That takes care of Day Two. Tomorrow we will write more about how the body eliminates toxins and what you can do to speed up the process. If you’re having some symptoms here on Day Two, remember that you’re not alone. My friend, we all sit together in the same boat, and isn’t it wonderful that so many have made a commitment to improving their health? Anyway, please hang in there and stick with your contract even if you’re not feeling so hot today because if you’re like most people you’re going to feel a whole LOT better in a day or two or three, and then you’ll be so glad you didn’t stop the perfectly natural process of healing that your body’s undergoing. See you tomorrow, Day Three of our Twenty-One Day Contract to Health the Hallelujah Way.


Day Three of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning. Welcome to Day Three, and we do hope you’re feeling better today than you felt yesterday. Before we get started on today’s topic—elimination— we want to address those who may have ”slipped” in meeting the terms of your contract. First, and most important, do not beat up on yourself. Lifestyle changes do not come easily. Habits of a lifetime don’t disappear overnight. Please recognize that every individual who starts the health journey takes forward steps and backward steps. When we make choices we regret, we just smile and gently remind ourselves to try to do better with the next choice- and then rapidly move on with our newly found lifestyle. Remember, God loves you, your family loves you, and friends love you, warts and all! So respond to yourself with love and move on happily and with a desire to do better the next time. Okay, a few words about elimination. If you are of delicate sensibilities, you may want to skim past the next few pages since we’re going to discuss bowel movements and urination. Yuck. To get into the flow of this, let’s start with urine. As major organs of elimination, your kidneys will work overtime during this twenty-one day period as they filter all kinds of heavy metals and toxic materials out of the bloodstream. Consequently, you need to drink plenty of water and juices to keep things moving. People like Dr. Weil and the other media docs tell you to drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day. Good idea, though we’d qualify it by saying you should have a combination of distilled water and freshly extracted juices. Shoot for consuming about 128 -oz. total each day.It is ideal to consume 32-oz. of carrot juice and the rest distilled water every day. Okay, let’s move from urine to—well, let’s move on—err, next topic, please. You see, when some people change their diet, they also experience constipation. Although not unusual, no one finds constipation pleasant. First of all, recognize that most Americans, indeed most people in the world not living natural lives, suffer almost constant constipation. Well, if you don’t have at least two copious and fast bowel movements every day, unless you have a very unusual system, you’re one of the millions on this planet who suffers from chronic constipation. Did you know that everything you eat, from the moment it enters your mouth until the moment it leaves your body, should be processed and cleared from your system in less than 24 hours? Did you know that meat can take up to 72 hours to go through the body? Think about leaving a hamburger patty in your crock pot at the temperature of 98.6 degrees for 48 hours. Lift off the lid and take a whiff. Peeeeuuuuuu!


Now you know why most people leave odiferous calling cards in restrooms. Now you know why most people have body odor and bad breath. Wonder about your personal bowel transit time? Here’s an easy way to find out: when you make your next salad, grate a beet in with it. Keep an eye on your stool—no, not your footstool—but the stuff.. .never mind. Anyway, when you see a reddish stool, you’ll know your bowel transit time. Ideally it should be between 12 and 24 hours. Most people aren’t anywhere near that. Without being gross, when you’re not constipated, you sit down on the commode, you unload your baggage in a matter of seconds, and you’re up and about your business. No straining, no waiting, no fuss, no muss. Just a tremendously satisfying ”whoosh,” and you’re flushing before you know it. You’ll be amazed at both the size and speed of your daily elimination. (Oh man, there go those happy hours of reading on the John.) But most people have never had an unconstipated bowel movement and wouldn’t recognize one if it hit them on the head. Err, let’s rephrase that.. .and wouldn’t recognize one if they had one. Anyway, you can do some things to help speed up your elimination of toxins, both through your kidneys and your large intestines, and here are a few options for your information and consideration: 1. Drink plenty of juice and distilled water. The more pure water you drink during your early days of diet and lifestyle changes, the better. Having plenty of water in your system will not only help constipation, but it will also help the kidneys do their job and filter toxins out of the bloodstream. 2. Eat buckets of salad with lots and lots of leafy green lettuces and veggies (Romaine, bok choy, cabbage, leaf lettuce, and so on). The fiber in salad veggies works very efficiently as ”nature’s broom” to help clean the organs of digestion and elimination. 3. Be wary of eating too much fruit because fruit can constipate 4. Supplement your diet with a natural product like FiberCleanse or psyllium powder to add even more bulk to your system. Don’t overdo with these products, however, as they can cause bloating and gas in some folks, especially when first using them. We recommend the use ofFiberCleanse , and most of us at Hallelujah Acres use it daily. Okay, okay, enough about elimination. Put an end to it! Let’s turn now to three good letters that came in when we did this contract challenge in early 1998 on the Internet: “If I believed in doctors, I’d say you were just what the doctor ordered.


It was Day Two, 4 p. m. I was feeling crappy and in the process of giving up, deciding not to go to my ice-skating lesson at 5:30p. m., not to spend time on organizing another salad, etc. Then I remembered to check for your message. And you saved me. One, you reminded me that ”crappy” was good (healing crisis) and two, you recounted your four o’clock exercise story. That’s when I remembered that I hadn’t exercised yet. So I did (skating lesson), and I felt great later. I have to say it: When you’re right, you’re right. And right on target, too!” • • • “I just had to write and tell you that your encouragement e-mail came at a critical time for me. I had so many aches and pains, as well as a sinus headache, I thought I had the flu, and I prayed for the Lord’s direction as to whether I should continue on the diet. When I read your first letter and realized the cause, I had to Praise the Lord for the timing of it. The mailman brought me a confirmation of my order for BarleyMax and the testimony of a man who had been healed of cancer. He wrote that he had had surgery for prostate cancer and was told that he would have to have his bladder removed as well. He went on the juice and BarleyMax diet instead.” * * * *

Rebounding At the bottom of your bounce, you are at 2 to 3 G’s, plus most all your muscles must contract in order to rebalance yourself on the flexible surface of the rebounder as you make contact. So all this equals a tremendous, body—wide muscle contraction that pumps the dickens out of lymphatic fluid. And it is this fluid that contains most of the debris from the cells of the immune system that carries out eliminating this from your body. This is a good thing!

Regarding our personal health program for Day Three, other than a different lunch and dinner, it’ll be identical to the past two days, so there is no need in repeating it here. Besides, by this point you should be getting comfortable making your own food choices from the Hallelujah Diet. Just think, you’re almost halfway through the first week already. Golly, time sure flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? See you tomorrow. • • • Hey,—we might make a bigger plug for rebounding. Even if people only do VERY mild rebounding to start, it is very helpful re: lymphatic movement. Each time you are at the top of your bounce, you are temporarily weightless and most all muscles are relaxed. Then at the bottom of your bounce, you are at 2 to 3 G’s, plus most all your muscles must contract in order to rebalance yourself on the rebounder.


Day For of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning. Welcome to Day Four, and I hope you’re feeling better today than you felt yesterday. Just think, by the time you read this we’ll be halfway through our first week, and you’ve probably already had a pound or two of excess lard melt away from your body. Let’s get down to some serious Hallelujah wellness Building, shall we? Today we want to say a few more words in favor of blended salads. Why? Because a blended salad has its ingredients processed into almost a liquid, and consequently you’ll absorb more of the nutrients. Remember that if you don’t chew thoroughly—and most Americans gulp their meals rather than chewing them—you’re not eating properly. The blended salad overcomes masticating mishaps because a machine does the chewing for you. Remember also, however, that you still need to swirl the salad around your tongue and between your teeth to allow it to mix with saliva for beginning mouth digestion. Do you look and sound like a cow when you eat blended salad properly? Well, you sure can if you’re dining alone—and you can slurp and slobber and swirl like the best cow in a green pasture. Moooo! How do you make a blended salad? Simple. Let’s walk you through the basic recipe: in a cheapo blender, drop in a tomato which have been either quartered or whacked into eighths, depending on the size. On top of the tomato pieces, drop in one small, quartered baby cucumber (usually about the size of two thumbs in length). hit the grind button and turn these two ingredients into mush. peel the waxed part off the cucumber. (In fact, with the exception of bell peppers, run the peeler over everything that has a hint of wax on it since you don’t want that junkin your insides. Now it’s time for a teaspoon of dulse (a sea vegetable like kelp that you can purchase in a flaked form at your health food store). Then add half of a bell pepper (green or red). Next come four to eight leaves of Romaine or other green-leaf lettuce. At this time, toss in anything else in the vegetable bin that looks good —some broccoli or cauliflower florets, a little turnip, a handful of snow peas, half an avocado—you decide. Pack all this stuff loosely into the blender. Now pull off three or four good- sized celery stalks to add one at a time. (Don’t forget to wash your produce.) and you can use the celery stalks to gently push the other ingredients into the blades. don’t worry—the first blended salad is the hardest to make. After you get the hang of it, you can make one of these in a matter of minutes, and if your family’s not around or you’re not dining at the Vanderbilts, you can even stand right at the kitchen counter and drink your salad out of the blender container.


Pour it into your finest crystal bowl, pull out one of your best spoons from the silver cabinet, and then sit in a quiet environment and enjoy a remarkably healthy and flavorful treat. Not only will you enjoy the taste (experiment with ingredients until you find combinations that make your taste buds yell ”Wow!”), but you’ll also assimilate more vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients than you would have had you chewed the ingredients separately. It should be added that tossing in a peeled apple also makes a wonderful addition, especially for those with a sweet tooth. Oh yeah, if you can find a decent, ripe avocado, peel that baby and then tossIt in. Whoa, you’ve never had anything taste this good. Okay, with today’s letter we want to share a recipe. Let’s begin with Rhonda Malkmus’ delicious and all-raw... Sunflower Loaf 1 cup hulled sunflower seeds 1 cup almonds 1 cup pumpkin seeds 1/2 red pepper 1/4 cup parsley 1/2 red onion 1 garlic clove 1 carrot Soak seeds and almonds overnight and drain. In food processor with an S blade, a Green Star using the blank and with the least amount of tension, or a Champion Juicer with the blank in place, put the seeds, carrot, garlic, and almonds through. To this mixture, add the minced parsley, finely chopped red pepper, and onion. Make a sauce of the following in a blender or food processor: 2 medium tomatoes 2 Tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos (optional) 1 Tbsp. basil 1 Tbsp. oregano Mix half of the sauce into the loaf mixture, form into loaf and cover and set aside unrefrigerated for 4 to 6 hours. (The longer this loaf is allowed to marinate, the stronger the flavors become.) To serve, place the loaf on a bed of lettuce and pour the remaining tomato mixture over the top. You can also put some salad dressing you have made in this soup-soup-salad for a wonderful tangy taste. Bon Appetit! • • • Okay, that’s about it for Day Four. We trust you’re doing well and starting to feel more energetic. If not, continue to be patient and remind yourself that the Twenty-One Days to Health – The hallelujah way will soon be a havit you will never choose to change; not even for love or money!


Day Five of Our Twenty-One Day Contract to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning, Let’s get a good start today with this great letter: • • • “My mother, Mary, was told last Christmas that she had terminal cancer. The doctors sent her home to die. She got on Dr. Malkmus’s diet and I am proud to say she is well on her way to being cancer free. I am drinking my carrot juice as I am sending this note. Thanks for everything. The web site is great.” • • • “Today, we need to address the issue of the liquids we put in our bodies. I can state the Hallelujah Acres’ position on this topic very clearly: Drink nothing but freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices and distilled water. As Dr. Norman Walker taught many years ago, the best liquid we can put in our bodies, bar none, comes from freshly extracted juices. Nature has distilled this water and added to it the nutrients needed to not only sustain life but also to activate our God-given immune systems. As Dr. Malkmus says in his seminars, these liquids make our cells shout, ”Whoooeeee!” Just as an automobile performs best on a good grade of gasoline, our bodies hum and purr when we fuel them with predominently uncooked fruits and vegetables and the juices extracted from them. You want the engine in your car to knock and ping and lose efficiency and eventually clog up? Then put cheap gas from some no—name convenience store in the tank every week. The same holds true for your body. If you want to clog up your arteries, fuel them on dead animal flesh and milk, which Dr. Malkmus so aptly calls ”liquid meat.” Add some sugar and white Hour every meal and rattle the salt shaker over everything except the chocolate cake for dessert, and you have the recipe for chronic health problems as you age. So here at Hallelujah Acres we teach people to only put life-enhancing foods in their bodies. Why do we condemn soft drinks and coffee? That’s a legitimate question since most Americans just plain can’t get started in the morning without their coffee. And most of them can’t get through the day Without a can or three of Coke or Tab or Pepsi or Dr. Pepper or Surge or Jolt. Hey, scientific studies prove that sugar and caffeine and alcohol in moderation are harmless. Don’t you watch the nightly news?


Well, here at Hallelujah Acres we don’t need hundred thousand dollar studies to prove to us that coffee and sugar are bad. You see, we rely on common sense. If you don’t think coffee is bad for you, WHY do you feel so awful when you don’t drink it for a few hours? Why do you get tremendous headaches when you try to stop drinking it altogether? Why do you need it to get started in the morning?

I’ll tell you why, because coffee (and soft drinks and a host of other processed ”foods”) contain (caffine, which is an addictive drug—a powerful stimulant. When you put any addictive drug in your body you’re killing cells right and left. Common sense and even a little awareness of how the body works reveals to a thinking person that anything that gives you the jolt that coffee gives can’t be healthy! We deplore the use of heroin and other addictive drugs in our society and put people in jail for life for selling them. And yet we have ”scientific research” telling and ”proving” to us that coffee and caffeine are ”good” for us. Baloney! Don’t you see something wrong with the thinking here? Continuing with our society’s swallowing of another Big Lie, most soft drinks contain something like twelve teaspoons of sugar, and yet some modern research ”studies” supposedly ”prove” that sugar doesn’t cause hyperactivity. Friends, the soft drink industry has its tentacles wrapped around our schools, and this octopus without a conscience is squeezing the health right out of our children. As for the ”artificial sweetners, the less said about those unnatural substances, the better. Why are so many kids diagnosed as being hyperactive or ADD these days? Why are so many of our young people taking Ritalin? One final thought on this: As an experiment, get a meat-eating friend to save you a chicken bone and then drop that chicken bone in a glass of coke and let it stand overnight. See what kind of shape the bone is in the next morning. We strongly suspect you won’t believe sugar and phosphoric acid are good for you after seeing what’s left of that bone. A few quick words about distilled water. We teach that distilled water is the best water to put in the body because it’s the purest water available (outside of that was found in fruits and vegetables, of course). Okay, enough about liquids. Time for a recipe or two from Rhonda Malkmus’ fabulous recipe book • • • Cucumber Dressing 1 large cucumber


1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 green onion including top 2 Tbsp. dehydrated onion flakes 1/2 cup toasted sunflower seeds 1/2 tsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos (optional) If the cucumber is not organic, peel it. If it is organic, some of the skin may be left on. Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy. If a thinner dressing is desired, add distilled water. • • • Herb Lemon Dressing 1/3 cup lemon juice 1 /3 cup pure Maine Maple Syrup 1 garlic clove 1/2 tsp. Basil 1/3 cup distilled water 1 Tbsp minced onion 1 tsp. oregano 1 Tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos (optional) Mince garlic clove and onion and combine with liquids. Add herbs and allow to sit several hours for the flavors to combine. • • • Okie dokie, that does it for Day Five. We’ll be done with our first week before we know it, and I hope you’re feeling as terrific on Day Five as we are.


Day Six of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning, We’re going to devote today’s letter to a few great letters that came in when we started the contract challenge on the Internet. Here are results recorted after five days on the Hallelujah Lifestyle . * * * * * “ I’ve checked my scales and WOW. I’ve reduced my weight by five pounds already, and feeling tremendously ENERGETIC and excited about my energy. Can’t keep the grin off my face! Also enjoying the feeling of not being overly full, not being bogged down with sugar and heaviness of extra unwanted unhealthy foods that make me feel a body feeling that I can only describe as ’THICK.” * * * * “Now, for a suggestion for one of your day letters. How about writing a real convicting letter for us to read that explains in detail what SUGAR does to our systems/body/mind/attitudes? I’d really like to read that, as I can certainly give up meat, give up white flour, even drink just vegetable juices and distilled water, but when you ask me to give up SUGAR? Whoa! Now, THAT’s a hard one. I just love those jelly donuts, love those cookies, cakes, yum yum. I need a real convincing few paragraphs to give me the strength to have that self discipline when someone passes the dessert plate.” • • • A pastor friend gave me a copy of Rev. Malkmus’s first book—/ read it straight through. Then I bought his second book last spring and started the HallelujahLifestyle. I also purchased the seminar video. Got on BarleyMax&FiberCleanse . You know what happened? I lost 47 pounds and really felt great. But as a pastor I got sidetracked last summer with nine weddings. Nine rehearsal dinners, nine receptions, etc, etc, etc. Anyway, I began to cheat on my diet and backslide. Tfyen Thanksgiving & Christmas & I could not get the motivation to get with the program. Even though I knew better. Last fall I regained 30 pounds. But, here’s the great news: Since beginning the diet on Monday I HAVE LOST NINE POUNDS and I am already beginning to have more energy. It’s only Friday and I can’t imagine how much I’ll lose in the next sixteen days and thereafter. Boy does it feel great to have energy again. Glory! Thanks again for all your work in this fantastic project. I want to become a health minister and get down for the training. Hope to meet you then.” • • • Okay, we are going to shut Day Six down with a recipe from Rhonda Malkmus and a wonderful little story that I hope will leave you laughing. Almost everybody always wants to know how to deal with a sweet tooth healthfully. Here’s a recipe that should fill that need in spades. Frozen Raw Birthday Cake submitted by Gracie Gordon

1 Bunt Cake Pan 16 oz. of dried organic figs, soaked overnight in distilled water*


16 oz. of dried pitted organic dates, soaked overnight in distilled water* 12 oz. bag of organic almonds 2 big bunches fully ripe bananas (organic if possible) * Soak fruit in separate bowls. The water level for soaking is about half full. Do not cover the dried fruits completely. Remove stems from soaked figs, puree figs and set aside. Puree dates put in separate bowl, chop almonds in food processor or blender and set aside in its own container. Peel and puree the bananas in a blender or food processor. To Build the Cake Place almonds in the bottom of the mold; 2nd layer, pureed figs; 3rd layer almonds; 4th layer pureed bananas, almonds, dates, almond, figs or whatever order you desire. Almonds should be the first layer and end with dates or figs the last layer. Cover and freeze overnight. To Serve Remove from the freezer, place upside down on a plate and allow to sit a few minutes until thawed enough to release from the pan. Can be carefully set in warm water just long enough to release the cake, being very careful not to get water in the cake. This cake has so many possibilities. Use strawberries and blueberries for a beautiful, healthy Fourth of July cake. Any of your favorite fruits can be used to make a new family tradition. • • • Laughter truly is the best medicine, • • • The Missionary’s Horse A man has been lost and walking in the desert for about two weeks. One hot day (of course, they’re all hot), he comes to the home of a missionary. Tired and weak, he crawls up to the house and collapses on the doorstep. The missionary takes him in and nurses him back to health. Feeling better, the man asks the missionary for directions to the nearest town. The missionary tells him that he must borrow the horse to make it. He says, ”However, there is a special thing about this horse. You have to say ’Thank God’ to make it go and ’Amen’ to make it stop.” Now anxious to get to town, the man says, ”Sure, OK,” and he gets on the horse. He says, ”Thank God,” and the horse starts walking. A bit later he says, ”Thank God, thank God,” and the horse starts trotting. Feeling really foolish the man says, ”Thank God! Thank God! THANK GOD!” and the horse is now breaking into a full run. About then he realizes he’s heading for a huge cliff edge, and he yells, ”Whoa!” but the horse doesn’t even slowdown! The cliff edge is coming up REAL fast and he’s doing everything he can to make the horse stop. ”Whoa, stop, hold on!” Finally he remembers; ”AMEN!” The horse stops four inches from the cliff, almost throwing him over its head. The man, panting and heart racing, wipes the sweat from his face and leans back in the saddle. Oh!” he says, gasping for air, ”Thank God.” • • • Hang in there. Week One is almost over, and the best is yet to come.


Day Seven of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning, We’re at the end of our first week already, and if you’re feeling as good as many of the people on our program feel after seven days, then you’re whistling ”Dixie” and vibrating like a downed power line—and everybody else in your house is still asleep while you’re up and at it. Before we share with you a few great letters that show the benefits of the HallelujahLifestyle , let’s first have a recipe. Here’s one from Rhonda Malkmus’ Recipes for Life... from God’s Garden (see page 101) that’s terrific for getting the all-important, cell-building green vegetation into your diet. Mixed Greens with Apples 1 cup of spinach 1 large Granny Smith apple 1 cup of kale 1 Cup of leaf lettuce 1 cup of Swiss chard or other greens of choice Tear greens into bite-sized pieces. Peel and dice apple into small pieces. Mix well. Top with Poppy Seed Dressing (see below). Poppy Seed Dressing 4 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 4 Tbsp. fresh orange juice 1/2 cup soaked almonds 2 Tbsp. green onion 1/2 tsp. paprika 2 Tbsp. poppy seeds Place almonds in a bowl, cover with distilled water, and soak overnight. Drain and place all ingredients in blender except poppy seeds. Blend until desired consistency is reached, adding distilled water if needed. Stir poppy seeds in by hand before serving. • • • Now that you know how to make a mixed greens with apple salad, let’s turn to some letters that we can share with you this beautiful morning. The first letter provides a long list of details about the dangers of processed sugar: • •


“In response to the sugar question. Sugar is a drug. Sugar is additive. Sugar can and does affect the body in many ways. The following information comes from Nancy Appleton, M.D. who wrote, ”Lick the Sugar Habit.” Sugar can: • suppress the immune system • upset the minerals in the body; • cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating; • produce a significant rise in triglycerides; • cause kidney damage; • reduce high density lipoproteins; • lead to chromium deficiency; • lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate, and rectum; • increase fasting levels of glucose and insulin; • cause copper deficiency; • interfere with absorption of calcium and magnesium; • weaken eyesight; • raise the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin; • cause hypoglycemia; • produce an acidic stomach; • cause aging, arthritis, asthma, Candida, gallstones, appendicitis, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, andperiodontal disease; • increase cholesterol, migraine headaches, interferes with the absorption of protein; • cause toxemia during pregnancy; • impair the structure ofDNA; • cause cataracts, emphysema, atherosclerosis; • can cause free radicals in the bloodstream; • cause hunger pains and overeating. “ These are only some of the side effects of eating sugar. This second letter was one of our favorites during the 21-day contract challenge on the Internet: • • • “I really appreciate all your work with the 21—day contract letters. They’ve been very helpful and inspiring. I’ve been fighting the Hallelujah Diet because I’ve always been a ”picky ” eater and a lot of things I just don’t like, including a lot of fruits and vegetables. I knew the Hallelujah Diet made sense but just wasn’t sure I could handle it. Your three week challenge was a great nudge in the right direction. The first day I thought I might be starving to death and about half of the second day I was still feeling doubtful that I could survive on salad and raw veggies. By the second evening, though, I was starting to calm down a bit and realize that I could survive. By Day Three the hunger pains subsided. I really appreciate you sharing your


menu, and a friend of mine that has been on the Hallelujah Lifestyle for several months has also been real helpful about advising me what was ”good” or ”legal-” * * * * * “I’m thrilled to report that as of this morning I have lost five pounds and I look forward to losing more as I make this healthy way of eating MY way of eating. Praise the Lord for you and all those trying to help others learn about the importance of eating healthy!” • • • After six great days on this I feel fantastic—clean and with a lot of energy. I am never hungry, which is an absolute miracle for me! The biggest plus, though, is that I have not been controlled by food and thoughts of food this week—it has really been a freeing experience! I have tried things I never would have dreamt of trying without your example. The first one that comes to mind is the blended salad. I love it! I can add veggies I usually have a hard time eating raw (like broccoli) and then it’s a cinch to eat. I really enjoy experimenting with it and trying different things. It’s great with a little hummus or a little basil garnish or just garlic and lemon with the avocado! I didn’t find it difficult to make either—it was actually fun shoving everything in there with the celery stalk! Thanks! I want to second the request for more info on the evils of sugar. I am a sugar addict/1 can’t stop if I have just a little. The one thing that helps me stay away from it is knowing what it does to my immune system! And this is a wonderful time for us to be eating so healthy—flu season.” • • • “I don’t know where to begin as to what God has done in my life this past week. I suffer from what the doctors call Fibromyalgia. I also have disc problems in my lower back. I began this diet about one month ago halfheartedly. I took meat, most fats, and salts out of my diet and cut back on my sugar intake. At the time I started the diet I was taking seven different prescriptions including ones with codeine. These were to help me sleep, relieve pain, and to help with the total body fatigue.

In the past few years I have been unable to clean the house or care for my family the way I would like to. I have this past year been forced to use a cane because of my leg. That was in the past since my contract which I am following 98%. Now I clean my own home. I am able to stand and cook at the end of the day instead of putting my swollen legs down. Last night after a full day with my children (whom I home school) I went grocery shopping. In the past I would have had to take a nap first. I am no longer taking two of my pain medications and for the first time in a year I am not taking any codeine. Today I am planning to take a walk with my husband (who is also on the contract with me). He said only for twenty-one days, but since seeing my progress has decided to make it a


lifestyle change. I thank my Heavenly Father for showing such loving care for me and bringing this diet to my attention. It is proof once more that the Bible is the one and only, and the final authority.” • • • “Day Five, 6p.m—Got the neatest message from my body today, talking spinach talk. I was tired, cranky & hungry at five o’clock, barely dragging. Managed to get supper on the table for family & friends, then finally collapsed into my chair with a bowl of fresh spinach leaves from a supermarket bag. How do you like my spinach salad recipe? ”1) buy bag, 2) open bag, 3) eat green leaves. Fork optional. ”Well, I did add a splash of bottled vinaigrette. A piquant bit of whimsy. About the time I finished chewing the leaves, I realized my feet didn’t hurt anymore! Neither did my back. And my head felt as good as it did at lunchtime when I was having my ”snuff.” (As a little kid I envied my grandma’s snuff. I knew she got pleasure from it, but the taste—yuck!) Today, on a lark, I snuffed some BarleyMax. One tsp. dry powder in lower lip. Drink a glass of water before ’cause you can’t after. THEN... I worked non-stop for the next five hours. Scrubbing, cleaning, reorganizing, dumping clutter, preparing company supper, arranging cut flowers, dismantling the kitchen desk and converting it into a raw-food preparation center: cutting board, Champion juicer, food dehydrator, processor, blender, etc. Didn’t even pause to change from dress shoes to jogging shoes (a mistake). Volunteered to pick up a teenage friend at 5 PM and run some errands. Ran out of steam halfway home. Man, was I tired and grumpy. Didn’t realize I had just burned up all my food energy until it came springing back when I ate the spinach. Message? ”Fresh, raw spinach is a fatigue chaser. ” And a grump—buster. And the energy is fresher. Stronger, clearer, calmer. Not a tad scrambled by the drying process in green juice powder.

How do I know for sure? Immediately after the spinach salad, I thought I was still hungry (didn’t wait 15 minutes) and took a bite of chili. Within minutes I got that sinking feeling as if my energy was being drained away (actually, the blood rushed down to my stomach to digest meat). As soon as I put two and two together and ran to the refrigerator, grabbed a fist full of spinach leaves and stuffed them in my mouth as I chewed it I began feeling clear—headed again. Cause & effect. Simple, direct, and so—ooo obvious. Precursor to the scientific cthod. Any scientist could replicate the experiment if he’d been on 100% raw long enough to flush the gunk out of his analytic organ. Especially if he is hypoglycemic & diabetic like me and gets drowsy after eating most cooked foods. Now it’s 4 a. m. Since supper, I have attacked the bedroom clutter and can report that the floor is visible again, after weeks of Christmas chaos; read & processed 60 email messages and updated my 21-day contract journal which you are reading right now. Now it’s 4:08 a.m., and finally, I’m yawning.”


• • • My friend, our program works wonders for so many people. Hallelujah. Tomorrow we begin Week Two, and I promise you it will be the best one yet. See you then. Fewer colds and flus Many people on the Hallelujah lifestyle who have thoroughly detoxed and who follow the diet carefully, exercise each day, keep their stress levels down, and so on find that they just plain don’t get sick at all anymore

Immunity from chronic disease Those who start the program young enough may well never have to deal with any of the mid-life (or earlier) diseases that many people are now dealing with. With the Hallelujah lifestyle, God’s self-healing immune system works the way it was designed to work, and consequently most people who practice the whole program just plain won’t get sick and will probably never experience the diseases that are ruining the quality of life of so many senior citizens today.

Increased spirituality We’ve saved what many consider the best for last. Since we’ve been on the Hallelujah Diet, our spiritual growth has been a constant source of joy Are the above all the benefits that come from living life the Hallelujah Way? Not at all. There are many others, but these represent the ones that have impacted most people the most. And, just think, most people, over time, can experience these benefits even if they’re ill when they start. Okay, let’s turn to one more of the wonderful letters we received during the Internet 21-day contract challenge: • • •

“Just wanted you to know that I’m doing OK with my weight now... I’m eating a large baked potato with my evening meals and that seems to really help. Sometimes I’ll have

my buckwheat noodles at noon with my salad. By the way, they are delicious. They have a nice flavor and can be found in the Chinese or Asian section of your

supermarket. As for my health, I’m thinking clearer, have much more energy, stay up till 10:00 p. m, and have much less muscle pain. This is a great diet. While family members take naps, I’m now the one doing the errands, giving rides, etc. because I have so much

more energy.”


Day Eight of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

About this time in the contract, many people start hungering for bread, so let‘s provide a good recipe from Rhonda Malkmus’ Recipes for Life... from God’s Garden.

• • •

Honey Nut Oatmeal Bread submitted by Kay Frost

1/3 cups distilled water 1 cup honey 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 1/2 tsp. yeast 2 tbsp. unsweetened applesauce 1 cup rolled oats 2 cups bread flour 2/3 cups walnuts Place all ingredients in a bread machine except walnuts. Turn machine on to the Sweet Bread setting. Chop walnuts. At the beep, add the walnuts and continue baking until the machine shuts off. • • • Okay, that wraps it up for Day Eight. I hope you’re sharing the good news of the Hallelujah Lifestyle with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and people at work because the more of us who spread the health message, the quicker we can help to end the disease and suffering that’s impacting so many lives in our country and around the world. See you tomorrow.


Day Nine of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning, You see, thanks to living by God’s natural laws, today you can honestly feel better than you felt when you were 18. How about a quick look at a good letter from a fellow Hallelujah wellness Seeker: • • • “ I tried doing the Hallelujah Diet off and on, but never stuck with it. A close friend of mine was put on Dr. Atkins diet (lots of meat and eggs, NO fruit!) and I tried that for a week or so just to lose weight, but every time I ate I felt guilty because I knew this wasn’t healthy! I knew I had to go on the Hallelujah Diet, and your letter of encouragement to try it for 21 days was what got me started. / have been on it for a week and have been reading all these wonderful letters you’ve been passing on. I kept thinking WHY don’t I have a wonder story to tell? Sure I feelgood, and I don’t wake up during the night with a stomach ache thinking ”I’m never going to eat again!” but that didn’t seem like a wonder story to me. I thought, ”Why don’t I have a TON of energy?” But I know it’s because I haven’t been exercising along with the diet. This morning I thought, ”Why don’t I wake up with a burst of energy?” but I knew it was because I stayed up til 11:45p.m last night! After I got up and got going, my mind cleared, and THEN it hit me! I have had a cold virus for two months. I have been coughing my head off much of that time. Couldn’t function without cough drops. A day or two after I began the Hallelujah Diet, I began again with a constant runny nose, and thought ”Oh great! Here I go again!” But guess what! This morning I realized MY COLD IS GONE! I am not coughing, I don’t have a runny nose! Oh wow! I DO have a wonder story!”Just had to share it with you!” • * • Speaking of eating, please try this great live food recipe from Rhonda Malkmus: • • • Raw Stuffed Peppers 1 red bell pepper for each person 1 large avocado 2 scallions 2 celery stalks 2 tomatoes 1/2 cup grated cabbage Wash pepper, remove top, ribs, and seeds. Set aside. Grate cabbage, finely chop celery, dice tomatoes, chop scallions, mash the avocado, combine all chopped vegetables and stuff pepper. • • • Okay, that wraps it up for Day Nine. We hope you’re also sharing the good news with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and people at work because the more of us who spread the wellness message, the quicker we can help to end the disease and suffering that’s impacting so many lives in our country and around the world. See you tomorrow.


Day Ten of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning, With each passing day, we receive more and more wonderful testimonies of how the Hallelujah Lifestyle is working in people’s lives. But some have expressed a high level of frustration because they cannot truthuflly say that it is working like these letters reflect. Please remember that each person’s body carries a different level of toxicity and each person’s immune system functions at a different level of efficiency, and each person heals at a different speed. The important and primary principal is that God graced our bodies with a self-healing mechanism. Our bodies, when given the proper fuels and conditions, will always work toward wellness. The hard part is that most of us have lived and eaten poorly for most of our lives and consequently our immune systems are sluggish and inefficient. Some immune systems reactivate like lightning slamming into a solitary oak tree, and these lucky folks quickly regain their energy, quickly have their minds clear up, and quickly start feeling great again. Hallelujah for this. Other folks who may have chronic diseases that have battered their immune systems for months or even years won’t have the immediate and dramatic results. Instead, their improvements will come in increments. This, of course, leads to frustration and thoughts of ”Well, this Lifestyle doesn’t work for me.” Although we don’t claim that our program works for everyone, we are confident that just about everyone can reap at least some benefit from sticking with the Hallelujah lifestyle for a three-month period. Dr. Malkmus teaches that it takes at least three months for most people to be well on their way to a thorough detox and reactivation of the immune system. But not everyone is going to heal 100% in three months or in six months or nine months or even a year. Some will heal in weeks; others will literally take years. Please remember that it took Dr. Malkmus a full twelve months on raw foods and carrot juice alone to heal his colon cancer. He didn’t give up in a few weeks or a few months. He stuck with the Genesis 1:29 diet until he was well. He had faith in God’s self—healing mechanism—he believed it would work if he provided his body with the right fuel and conditions. And it did. And it’s still working today, almost thirty years later, as Dr. Malkmus remains the picture of health, thanks to the Hallelujah Lifestyle. So, if you’re not progressing as rapidly as others on the contract, please do not despair or give up. And remember also that best results come by working the entire lifestyle: diet, exercise, sunshine, peace of mind, good family relationships, and so on.


Please consider this: you’ve only been working the program for ten days, and if you feel even the slightest bit better after ten days, isn’t that progress? Don’t you have the patience to continue for another eleven days to see how you’ll feel then? If you haven’t yet seen the results you’re hoping for, we urge you to hang in there, to stick with the program for at least the duration of your contract. God willing, you too will begin to see the improvements so many others are experiencing. Okay, time for some more wonderful letters: * * * * * “When I first met Bill Irwin I had been suffering with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS for almost 20-years, and could barely walk. My husband had to help me dress and do most of the household chores. I was using a cane or walker most of the time, my vision was starting to be affected, and I felt helpless. A wheelchair appeared eminent! I didn’t want to go there, but the doctors told me that there was nothing more that they could do to help me. My medicine cabinet was filled with pill bottles that didn’t help, and I was getting worse by the day. Thank God, He brought Bill Irwin, a Hallelujah Acres trained Health Minister, into my life. Bill told me that I didn’t have to be sick! He said that if I would just make some simple changes in my lifestyle I could be helped. I changed my diet and almost immediately began to regain my strength. I was learning how to take effective control of my life and I loved what was happening! It was so simple; yet so profoundly wonderful to be able to do the things I thought I would never be able to do again. Within four months of adopting The Hallelujah Lifestyhle , all my physical symptoms were gone and my eyesight had returned to normal, and it all happened without any medication. I can hardly believe how much energy I now have and I face every morning well and happy. Now I can go hiking, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, swimming, and any other sport I want without a thought of never being able to do these activities ever again. I thank God each day for this wonderful healing in my life!” • • • “I had been on thyroid medication for six years and was told it would be the rest of my life. But after 33 days on the Hallelujah Diet/Lifestyle, juicing carrots, (my husband and I juice approximately 50 pounds of carrots a week) and taking two-three teaspoons of BarleyMax a day, my doctor took me off the medication and told me that the kelp in the BarleyMax was the big help for my major improvement. I should also say that I stopped all allergy shots and inhaler use and lost 25 pounds. And the reason we started this in March of 1996 was because of four surgeries (over three years) to remove melanoma from my husband that kept recurring every eight months. We are thankful beyond words to say that he has remained cancer-free for twenty—one months, as of Jan. 1, 1998. We are now Health Ministers and Praise God for this program and believe in it 100%. I have tons of energy and we feel great. It is not easy, but neither were all the trips to Oklahoma City for surgery and treatments and checkups. Why would anyone go back to the world’s way of eating when God’s way is so superior?


We encourage the 90 day trial and challenge people to really be open to changes as they see for themselves that they don’t have to be sick!” • • • “I have been on the Hallelujah Diet for a week now and am happy to say I have lost seven pounds and have more energy than I have had in a long time. I must tell you about how great your trampoline idea was. My daughter moved and left this little trampoline in my garage, so when I read your idea, I went and got that out, dusted it off and put it in my bedroom. I am 60+ years old. The first time I got on it, I could only do about five jumps, but after four days I am up to 100 jumps and feel so good. I am enjoying the daily letters and recipes you send. I am grateful to my daughter for telling me about you and the new way of eating. It does make me feel so much better. Keep up Gods’ work. “ • • • Golly, we’re running out of space again already, but here’s a quick recipe from Rhonda’s cookbook for you to enjoy: • • • Sunshine Carrot Salad 3 cups carrot 1/2 cup organic raisins 1 Red Delicious apple 1 stalk of celery Peel and grate apple and carrots and finely chop celery. Combine all ingredients above in a bowl and toss. Mix in the following dressing: 1 Red Delicious apple 2 cups grated carrots 1/2 cup almonds fresh apple juice or distilled water In a blender, chop 1/2 cup of almonds, add one Red Delicious apple, peeled and cored, and two cups of grated carrot. Blend until creamy. Add a small amount of distilled water or fresh apple juice to reach consistency desired. • • • Okay, that wraps it up for Day Ten. Can you believe it? We’re just about halfway through the contract already. Time sure flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it?


Day Eleven of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning, Pat yourself on the back, look yourself in the mirror, smile like the cat that swallowed the canary, and then dash outside and shout to the world, ”I’m half Way through my 21-day contract. Hallelujah!” Of course if you’re shouting too loud, a crowd will gather around you, but that’s okay. You can use this opportunity to share with them precisely what you’re doing and why you’re losing weight and feeling more energetic than you’ve felt in years. Whoa,put on the brakes and rein in the horses—we’re halfway there, not standing tall as we run into home after knocking the wellnessball clean out of Yankee Stadium. Okay, okay, we’ll save the big celebrating for Day Twenty-One, the day we actually complete the contract. We’re looking back on our first eleven days of this contract with satisfaction, and hope you are too. Okay, enough warm-up—time for todays topic. Today we want to remind you once more that although we call our program the HallelujahDiet, remember, the daily diet of juicing, predominently raw fruits and vegetables, some whole grained pastas and breads and cooked vegetables, and BarleyMax represents just part of our overall program to ultimate wellness. As taught by the 19th and early 20th century health reformers from Sylvester Graham to Russell Thrall to John Tilden to Herbert Shelton to Paul Bragg, Dr. Malkmus also incorporates into his total lifestyle program several other important elements. For the sake of completeness, let me list them and comment briefly.

Diet Ideally, humanity would thrive best on the Genesis 1:29 diet. But most of us don’t live in ideal conditions, so we also include some cooked food for the evening because most people have a very difficult time eating all raw. We add carrot ’”’ vegetable juicing and BarleyMax several times a day to provide our severely deficient diet so we experience a flood of nutrients that most of us won’t get in our supermarket foods.

Exercise We teach that optimal health requires up to an hour of aerobic exercise each day. We consider brisk walking the best of the best, though we ourage eacn individual to find the exercise that makes him/her the happiest. Other excellent aerobic exercises include rebounding, swimming, bicycling, jogging’ and mud wrestling. (Just kidding!)

Rest Each of us absolutely requires a certain amount of sleep each night. Most of us are terribly sleep deficient because we lead crazy lives of working too hard for too many hours. And when we’re not working, we’re scurrying around like ants to the cookie jar going from one errand to another. And when we’re not running around, too many of us are glued in front of the television set soaking up sports or movies or TV shows until it’s


way past our natural bed—time—sundown. If you want to achieve optimal health, you must get your sleep habits in order, and you should go to bed early enough so you’ll wake up naturally in the morning without grogginess or without having an alarm blast you into consciousness.

Prayer or Meditation You must spend some time developing your spirituality each day. We are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual beings, and if we neglect any of these parts of ourselves we can’t achieve optimal health. If you don’t spend at least twenty minutes a day in prayer, Bible study, meditation, or some other form of communion with God, we highly recommend that you add this to your daily routine.

Emotional Poise Most of us spend our lives on emotional roller coasters, pulling ourselves up the initial stretch when we get out of bed in the morning and then zooming up and down, up and down, as we deal with the various stresses of the day. To attain optimal health, we have to train ourselves to stay emotionally balanced—if we don’t, our bodies are constantly flooded with adrenaline and other hormones that upset equilibrium.

Clean Air and Water These factors are pretty self—explanatory. If we’re breathing dirty air and drinking water polluted with chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, parasites, and Lord knows what else, we’re putting foreign substances in that the body must then either store or excrete. So we teach that the ideal is to live in areas as unpolluted as possible and to drink freshly extracted vegetable juices and distilled water only.

Sunshine If you’re not getting outside in the sun once in a while, you’re never going to achieve optimal health because your body needs sunshine. Not only for Vitamin D but for other reasons nobody has yet identified. Without sounding too strange, all we can tell you is that when out in the sun, one feels like a battery being recharged from a cross country power line.

Happy Relationships Finally, for optimal health you need to be a loving person who accepts all people for who and what they are. You need to develop loving attitudes toward everyone in your life, including family members, relatives, friends, fellow workers, and acquaintances. If you’re not happy with other people, you’re not going to be happy with yourself. Time spent with loved ones is the most important time of all. It helps us to get our need for love and belonging met in a powerful way and this is necessary to live in balance; the way god designed our bodies to thrive. Okay, there you have it—the Hallelujah Lifestyle in a nutshell. If you practice all of the above and get these factors worked into your daily routine, you have the best chance of attaining optimal health. And that’s the key to this, my friend: do the best you can each day.


Be patient and loving with yourself and strive for gradual improvements. Try to work the diet and exercise every day and then add in the others as you can—it sounds intimidating at first, but it can be done, believe me. And the results in a few short months will hopefully have you shouting from the rooftop with your new-found energy and love of life. Hallelujah! We can close today with a couple of good letters from fellow contract brothers and sisters: • • • “Loved your letter. It made me feel good just reading it. I turned 50 in November. But I wasn’t thinking the same thoughts you were. My thoughts were, ”Gee, I’m too young to feel this old!” I was a bit depressed, to say the least. But today is a new day and I have received a wonderful gift! I woke up feeling full of energy, my legs don’t feel as if I’m carrying around sand bags and I feel very optimistic. Praise God for helping me to find your web site. I have been truly blessed. Miracles do happen.” • • • “My wife Mary signed up on the 21-day contract; however, there are now four in our family who are on the Hallelujah Diet. So far I have lost thirteen pounds, and I feel better than I have in years. We are not totally 100% on the diet but are headed in that direction. Two of our sons are on the diet and are doing very well sticking with it. They are fourteen and fifteen years old. My wife Mary says the best thing about the diet is getting up in the morning and feeling good instead of feeling tired. Thanks for the encouragement everyday, it sure has helped us a lot.” Time for today’s recipe from Rhonda Malkmus: • • • Celery Chowder 4 stalks of celery 4 green onions 1/2 bell pepper 1 cup carrot juice 1 Tbsp. minced parsley 1 small zucchini 1 Tbsp. parsley 1 clove of garlic 1/2 cup celery juice Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste (optional) Dice all vegetables, mince garlic. Blend half of the vegetables with the juices, add the remaining vegetables, minced parsley and Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste. • • • See you tomorrow with our Day Twelve Newsletter.


Day Twelve of Our Twenty-One Days to Wellness the Hallelujah Way

Meditation You will probably do best to start with a five-minute period of meditation and work up to longer periods as you feel comfortable. Once you’re in a comfortable, straight-backed position, with your hands folded in your lap or resting lightly on your knees, take a long deep breath and slowly let it out. Do this a second time. Do it a third time. Be very conscious of your body. You will feel yourself relaxing as you take these deep breaths. Remarkably, and sadly, most of us are so busy during our lives that we never become aware of our bodies and the constant signals they send us. But it’s true. Our bodies are communicating with us every second of our lives, and it’s only when we’re silent and still enough to listen that we actually begin to learn what our bodies need and want. Now that you’re settled in, to begin meditating, close your eyes and breathe normally through your nose. Your breathing will naturally slow down as the meditation progresses. Silently, but with your fullest attention, count your breaths, like this: As you inhale, think, ”One. And then silently tell your body to relax.” As you exhale, think, ”Two and then silently tell your body to relax.” As you inhale, think, ”Three and repeat the relax message to your body; it will!.” As you exhale, think, ”Four, and once more repaet the relax message to your body.” Continue breathing and counting until you get to ten and then start over again with one. If you lose track of the count, you don’t have to stop and visit a psychiatrist. It’s normal to lose track, especially when you first start. If you lose your place, just go back to the last number you remember and begin again, especially when you’re a novice, other thoughts will race through your mind. When this happens, just return your attention to your breathing, counting, and relaxing . We all get distracted when relaxing like this. When the distractions come, please shoo them away courteously, without guilt or irritation. Take every thought captive unto the obedience of Christ, (II Cor. 10:5B), to regain your attention and concentration toward your complete relaxation; and it will come . And once it has come it’s like riding a bicycle; you never forget how to do it again. When this happens then you can do it sitting up anywhere you are and completely relax by counting and silently telling your body to relax. Keep your back, neck, and head straight. Stay awake but also stay relaxed. Enjoy what you’re doing. If you haven’t set an alarm clock or timer or something, when you think or time, glance at your watch or clock. When you’ve had enough or when the time you’ve set aside for meditating is over, slowly return to your normal thoughts and activities. Because you’ll be more relaxed than you’ve been in a long time (at least after you get the hang of meditating), please wait a few moments before you get up and go back to


your regular life. This is one reason it is good to meditate just before bedtime. And that’s all there is to the breath counting meditation. Time for today’s recipes from Rhonda’s book, Recipes for Life... from Gods Garden: Carrot-Vegetable Juice Clean and prepare 3/4 lb. of carrots, 1/2 beet with tops, 1 stalk of celery cut into half-inch pieces, along with a handful of your favorite greens like spinach, kale, lettuce, or cabbage. Process in your juicer and enjoy. Serving size is 8 ounces.

Carrot Soup 2 cups of carrots 1 cup red pepper 1/2 cup celery 1/4 tsp. paprika 1 cup red onion 1 cup broccoli florets 1 cup fresh carrot juice 1/2 tsp. thyme Bragg’s Liquid Aminos to taste (optional) Clean and grate carrots, and finely chop onion, red pepper, broccoli and celery. Mix together. Add carrot juice, Braggs and seasonings. Stir to blend. And here are a couple of great letters to finish off Day Twelve: • • • “I just wanted to write a note and express my excitement with how this 21—day contract is going. My husband Scott and I both are following the Hallelujah Diet with you. We are very pleased with how everything is going. Many of the things we have experienced have already been expressed by others. But I just couldn’t help but share what has been going on here. My husband and I both have been amazed with the energy we have, the lack of cravings (I was a sugar addict), and the lack of hunger. This is the most balanced I have felt since I can remember.” • • • “I keep reading about all the wonderful things that are happening for everyone— and just keep saying ”Ditto”for myself. I am enjoying this whole process so much—no feeling of deprivation at all. I’ve lost fifteen pounds and feel wonderful. Loads of energy! Arthritis and sinus problems are improving daily, and I wake up every morning ready to tackle the day. I could go on and on, but it’s evident you hear this level of excitement every time you read an e-mail. I’m so thankful to my friend Dorine for aiming me in this direction. My approaching 58th birthday isn’t even daunting now!” • • • And that takes care of Day Twelve. See you tomorrow.


Day Thirteen of Our Twenty-One Days to Wellness the Hallelujah Way

We do hope you feel as good as we do. Do YOU have plans to get outside today to get some sun? If it’s the dead of winter, you’re allowed and encouraged to stay in and stay warm. But if you’re not iced or frozen in, why not join us today and tomorrow in at least getting some brisk walking outside in the sun? Okay, today’s tip. Here is a letter from Chet describing his family outings on most Friday evenings: “I usually start groaning and mumbling things about over-cooked, Standard American Diet garbage, and how I’d much rather stay home and prepare a live dinner than sit in some morgue of a restaurant and watch other people stuff their faces with so-called foods that looked like they just came out of a crematorium. ”Don’t be so weird, Dad. We’ll go to the place where you can get a salad bar,” one of my sons suggests. I groan some more and roll my eyes, thinking, ”Gimme a break—no salad bar can touch the salad I can make at home.” Then I think about how much money I could save if we ate at home instead of going out, and the groan becomes audible. ”He’s thinking about the money now,” Number Two son remarks casually. ”Come on, Pop, you haven’t taken us out for a long time. You need some social life,” Number One son advises. I start to tell them about the last time I dined with the Vanderbilts but then relent. He’s right. I haven’t taken them out in quite a while. So we pack into the car and drive to Ryan’s Steak House. In the parking lot, I bang my head on the steering wheel a few times. ”What’s the matter?” my wife asks. ”I can’t take it, I can’t go in there and watch everyone loading their plates with meat and greasy garbage.” ”Let’s go to the Chinese restaurant in the mall,” Number Two son suggests, ”we haven’t been there before.” He’s right. I relent and we drive to the mall to the Chinese buffet dinner.


I groan when we get there because the sign outside the door says, ”Buffet: $7.50 each. Drinks included.” ”Seven-fifty each!” I shout. ”Seven-fifty! Do you know how many Chinese peasants we could feed for seven—fifty? Heck, you could buy egg rolls for the entire Seventh Fleet for seven-fifty!” The boys remind me that we’re not in China, and my wife rolls her eyes and twirls an index finger by her ear at a passing couple who stopped to stare and listen to my tirade. I finally settle down, and we enter the restaurant and have a very nice dinner in quiet, unpacked surroundings. Unlike Ryans, which, on a Friday night, always reminds me of a feedlot full of braying cattle. Anyway, I want to share a few thoughts on how to successfully go out with other people and still remain true to your health program. It’s not always easy to go to a restaurant and stick with healthful foods because most restaurants don’t have any healthful foods. Shoot, my wife and I went to a place a month or so ago, and they didn’t have a single item on the menu that didn’t have meat. I still remember my conversation with the waitress... ”I’d like the taco salad but without meat.” ”You don’t want any meat?” ”Right. Taco salad with no meat. Just beans. Do the beans contain lard?” She looks at me. ”Whatya say?” ”Lard. Do the refried beans in the taco salad contain lard? You know, animal fat, like in meat.” ”What kinda meat you want, chicken or beef?” ”No, no, I don’t want any meat. I want to know if the beans contain lard.” ”Lord knows,” she says, looking at my wife, wondering how such an obviously intelligent and attractive woman could be married to this idiot. ”Okay, just bring the taco salad with no meat and no beans.” ”You sure you don’t want meat?” ”I’m sure. And I don’t want any cheese either.” She looks up from her pad. ”No cheese? No meat? How you gonna get your protein?” I explain to her that protein exists in just about every food and that I drink quarts of carrot juice every day and get some of the most assimilable protein around by doing so.


”We don’t have carrot juice,” she explains. ”You want a Pepsi?” I tell her I don’t drink soft drinks, that I only drink freshly extracted fruit and egetable juices and distilled water. ”Okay,” she says, squirming at this point because she’s been told mental illness is sometimes catching. ”You want a taco salad with no meat and no cheese, right?” ”And no onions and no olives either,” I add. ”Just fill the shell with lots of lettuce and as many raw vegetables as the chef has available.” ”We don’t have a chef here, he’s a cook,” she explains patiently, ”and I don’t think we have any raw vegetables either. We get ’em in these big frozen boxes— you know, it says Honduras on the side—you don’t want no frozen vegetables, do you?” At this point, my shin’s about to break in half because of the number of times my wife has kicked it under the table. I look at my beloved of almost 26 years and capitulate. ”Okay, a taco salad shell with lots of lettuce would be great,” I say, doing my best to smile at the waitress. ”You have to pay the same price,” she explains, her look of concern deepening. ”You can still have the meat and cheese—it’ll taste a lot better. And you get free refills on that Pepsi!” ”He’ll be fine,” my wife says, patting the back of my hand, smiling sweetly at the waitress, taking over with her usual good grace and courtesy and extricating me from potentially ending up in either handcuffs or a straitjacket. Well, I digress. Anyway, we ate at the Chinese joint last night, and we had a great time. And you can have a great time at restaurants also—as long as you maintain your sense of humor. For me, that’s one of the keys to dining out while trying to live healthfully. Another key is to avoid the non-foods that tempt you. I used to hate to go out because I was always so tempted by so many poor food choices. But, you know, the past two weeks while I’ve been on the contract, we’ve eaten out both Friday nights and I haven’t had any problems at all. I had a big salad the night we ate at the steak house, and last night when we went Chinese, I had a big salad followed by vegetable lo-mein. (Remember if you go to a Chinese restaurant, however, to request food with no MSG and those who are soy sensitive need to be careful too.)


And when I got home I had a couple pieces of whole wheat toast with some grapeseed oil on top—yum. How do you avoid temptations while eating out? Things like—stay at the salad bar and don’t venture near the buffet. Ask the waitress to have the chef steam you some vegetables and then put them on a plate of rice. Order a baked potato or two and eat them with lentil and sunflower sprout that you brought from home. And suggestions like that. But it dawns on me right now that the question really boils down to a simple matter of realizing that poor food choices make you feel bad. I mean, I would have felt sluggish and dull this morning if I’d eaten most of the stuff at the Chinese buffet. And I remember thinking to myself last night at the restaurant that I didn’t want to be sluggish and dull on Saturday. So I ate the right things, woke up feeling great at five a.m., and here I am a couple hours later almost done with the Day Thirteen letter. You see, making good choices and living correctly has wonderful pay-offs. It’s better than having the Publishers Clearinghouse Team show up at your door with a check for $10,000,000. Well, maybe not that good. But, when you’re dining out, before you order the Peiking Duck with orange sauce and braised baby back ribs, just think of how you’ll feel the morning after you have the ”treat.” My friend, that’s one of the glorious thing about having this lifestyle knowledge—once you know how to live and eat healthfully and once you do it for a few weeks, you’re touched for life. Sure you can always go back and eat the Standard American Diet if you want to, and if you want to have chronic ailments in your old age—but you can also stick with the Hallelujah lifestyle and feel great all the time. And isn’t that an easy choice? So the next time you eat out—make good choices and feel like a stick of dynamite with a burning fuse the next day.” And here is bill’s take on dining out as he travels more than most and has learned to eat according to our Lifestyle regardless of where he is. However,his piece is not as entertaining as Chet’s, but it is good information:

“. We have new people starting the Hallelujah lifestyle almost every day. One of the greatest concerns that we hear is about how to stay on the diet when dining out or when one is traveling. I guess no one travels more than we do so I feel competent to answer the questions.


First of all how does one handle eating with friends or family at their homes? When we first started the life style we were reluctant to tell our friends who were not living the same way, about our lifestyle change. We just didn't go around them. After a while we came to the realization that we couldn't live in a vacuum and began to venture out into the homes of our families and best friends. We found them to be very gracious and that they were not offended that we didn't eat the way that they did. Since that time we always accept invitations when we are invited to eat out. We explain that we have different dietary needs than they do and that we will bring our own food. Some times they question us about what we will bring. At other times they say that they were planning to have a large salad and if we wanted they could bake us a potato and that all that we would have to bring is bread and salad dressing. In this way they are not offended and we get our dietary needs met. Occasionally we volunteer to bring food for all and help them to understand that our food is wonderful and that anyone can do it if they truly desire to make wellness a priority in their life. Dining out is fairly easy and it doesn’t take very long to find out which restaurants have acceptable food or which ones are willing to make food that we can eat. Among our favorite ones are: The Olive Garden, Uno’s, and Ruby Tuesday’s, all of which are in most cities all over the Country. When eating in the above-mentioned restaurants one has to make some concessions as far as bread is concerned. None of them have whole grain breads, but it doesn’t hurt to have a high glycemic index bread every now and again. The same with the pastas at The Olive Garden, they only have pasta made from semolina, which is also a high glycemic indexed food. The salad there can be made from Romaine Lettuce but you must ask for it. You can take your salad dressing or ask them to leave off theirs and substitute extra-virgin olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar on the side, instead. And they are happy to leave off the salt, garlic, and butter from the bread; order plain bread sticks. We have found it very helpful to find a good server who knows what and what not to serve us and ask for him/her when we go there. After a few visits the procedure is relatively painless. In addition we ask them not to bring water or any other drink as it is too easy to start drinking it when it is sitting there in front of us. We drink our fluids at a later time to aid rapid emptying of our stomachs and better digestion of our food. Traveling is a bit tricky in the beginning. When we first started the lifestyle we asked George Malkmus where the best restaurants to eat in were when we are on the road. His answer shocked us. He said find the best steak house in town and you would have the best place for you to eat as well, because they will have the best salad bar. This is exactly correct. In the absence of the aforementioned restaurants and steak houses we find fast food restaurants that have food bars. Some of them are: Shoney's, Pizza Hut, Golden Corral, Quincy’s, Wand's, Ryans, etc to name only a few. Most of these restaurants do not have very healthy vegetables but it fills the bill as far as satisfying one's appetite. After all most of our nutrition comes from the BarleyMax and carrot juice which is taken thirty minutes before a meal. When we go into a restaurant we take our own salad dressing and Brag's Liquid Amino's, which is our salt substitute. We also frequently carry some crushed red pepper as well. It can cover up a multitude of culinary fauxpas. When eating in restaurants that do not have a salad bar we usually ask the chef to prepare a vegetable prima Vera on a bed of linguine. Sautéing fresh vegetables in grape seed Oil using a little basil, fresh garlic, onions, crushed red pepper, and oregano as seasonings. We usually request broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, green and red peppers, and tomatoes. This cooks up into a great entree and most good restaurants have all the above ingredients. If they


are missing one or two then they may be substituted with others, which sometimes adds a little spark of new excitement to ones taste buds! In regard to fresh carrot juice we take it provided we are not planning to be away from home for more than three days. When we are, we carry enough to last three days and then we use CarrotMax (Hallelujah Acres) to last for the rest of the time. We take one tablespoon three times per day along with a heaping teaspoon of BarleyMax, mixed with a small portion of distilled water. We also purchase distilled water for drinking from Wal-Mart for about 60 cents per gallon. We have seen it in some grocery stores for as much as $2.00 per gallon. Since there is a Wal-Mart on almost every corner we buy it every other day. When our activity on the road is basically the same as it is when we’re not traveling we take the same amount of BarleyMax and carrot juice as we do when we are at home. However when we are doing something more strenuous like riding a bike 100 miles in a day then we take BarleyMax commensurate with the level of activity. For example if we are riding 50 miles on the bike we take two extra teaspoons per day. When we are riding 100 miles in a day then we take 4 or 5 extra teaspoons. We take four extra teaspoons when we are backpacking if we expect to do over ten miles per day. Canoeing requires somewhat less energy than cycling and hiking, so we only take two extra teaspoons of BarleyMax when we go canoeing. This not only provides the additional energy for the activities but it also gives us the energy to do other things in the evenings. Some times we even go dancing after the evening meal. Several years ago we began to take some precautionary vitamins, as one never really knows how the food is being prepared in a restaurant. We take a Stress Tab loaded with B Vitamins, 1500 Mgs. of Vitamin C and 1000 I Units of Vitamin E, as well as a Vitamin B-12 twice per week. These are all-powerful anti-oxidants and will take care of most of the free radicals and trans fatty acids used in food preparation attained from restaurant food. So, if travel is the reason you are having a difficult time making the decision to plunge into our lifestyle, fear no longer, it just takes a little planning and a little courage to ask for what you need in restaurants. Soon, you will be an expert at ordering and selecting food when you eat out or travel out of town. Bon appetit!” How about some letters? • • • “I’ve had people say, ”It’s too expensive to eat all those vegetables and fruits. ” Once a month I have to do the shopping for my company, stocking up on all the candy and pop they want for their snacks. I shopped at the wholesale store last night with two carts—one for my FOOD and one for the company’s dead stuff, filling both to major capacity. ALIVE CART total came to $36.70 for 10 items DEAD CART total came to $99.32 for 18 items” • • •


“I did put in a contract for 21 days, but I intend to do it for the next 21 years and more. It has helped us in so many ways: more energy, no more sinus headaches,

Mitis a lot better, no morning stiffness, no pills since the end of January 1997, stiff \nees no longer stiff and so many more things. No way would I ever want to go back to my old way of eating and gain back all the consequences. I tell people if you want to lose some weight you can do so by going on some other diet and still eat your ”favorite bods,” but you will not lose all the physical problems. I went on weight watchers and I lost the weight but I didn’t lose those other problems. Your taste buds really do change, don’t they? My husband is eating food that he never thought he would eat and he is LIKING it. We love our fruit salads for lunch!” • • • Are you ready for today’s recipe from Rhonda Malkmus? Well, ready or not, here’s how Rhonda prepares Peiking Duck! Of course, I’m kidding. Instead of munching down on grilled animal skin that’s been baked for 24 hours, why don’t you instead have something alive and delicious, something like... Raw Sweet Corn Salad 1 large ear of raw sweet corn 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped 1 large ripe tomato, diced 3 Tbsp. parsley, minced 1 celery stalk, diced 1/4 cup sweet red onion, chopped Wash all vegetables, remove kernels of corn from cob, dice tomato, dice celery, chop red pepper and onion, and mince the parsley. Combine in a bowl, cover and set in refrigerator while preparing avocado dressing, (See page 54 for recipe). Hint: Raw corn on or off the cob is delicious. Simply clean, wash and enjoy. • • • Okay, my friend, that’s it for today. Please have a great day and enjoy the people around you and be loving to them. Feeding the heart this way is just as important as feeding the body. See you tomorrow, when we celebrate our second week of success on the Hallelujah Lifestyle.


Day Fourteen of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Good morning, Give yourself a big pat on the back today because we’re now two thirds of the way through the 21—day contract. Now it is time for you to join me in having our breakfast with a teaspoon of barleyMax. Just pop that powder in the ole mouth and swirl around until it’s good and liquid and then, put it under your tongue and let it absorb right through your oral mucosa and let your 5 plus trillion cells shout with joy, “Hallelujah,I feel so good!” Yummy! What, what’s that? Did I hear the word ”Yuck” out there from someone? Surely not. BarleyMax tastes great right out of the jar. Okay, okay, maybe it tastes great right out of the jar after you acquire a taste for it—but do remember that’s the best way to have it. Second best is to stir into a couple of ounces of distilled water. Please be sure you’re NOT drinking it with any kind of citrus juice or with cranberry juice because the acidic nature of these juices will neutralize much of the alkaline goodness of the BarleyMax. Today we’re going to use our Day Fourteen Newsletter to share some food ideas with you. Let’s turn our attention to several of Rhonda Malkmus’ great recipes, shall we? Avocado Salad Pita Pocket Pita pockets are wonderful! One of my favorites is this live, all-raw recipe: Spread Pita bread with mashed avocado and stuffed with your favorite fresh veggies—diced tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, shredded carrots, etc. Add favorite salad dressing.

Lentil Almond Loaf The Loaf 2 cups soaked lentils 1/2 cup parsley 1/2 cup celery 1/2 cup red onion 1/2 cup carrots 1/2 cup avocado (optional)


1 1/2 Tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos 1/2 cup tomato (optional) 1 tsp. garlic 1/2 tsp. herb seasoning 1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1/4 cup oat bran, Binder 2 Tbsp. agar agar 1/3 cup distilled water 1/2 cup slivered almonds cherry tomatoes sliced cucumbers Place lentils in enough distilled water to cover and soak overnight. Drain. Mince garlic, shred carrots, dice tomato, chop parsley, celery and onion. Place lentils and other ingredients in a food processor and blend until thoroughly mixed, leave in processor. Place the agar agar flakes in a small pan with distilled water, mix well and bring to a boil for 1 minute, remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly. Turn on food processor and pour agar agar over the lentil mixture, mix well. Spoon the lentil mixture onto a lightly oiled sheet of wax paper and roll into a log. Tuck in the ends and place in a bread pan. Refrigerate at least one hour. Unwrap loaf and roll in slivered almonds until covered. Place loaf on a bed of greens with cherry tomatoes and/or sliced cucumbers as garnish. Sprouted Grain Crisps Raw crackers can be made by using any grain, such as wheat, rye, oats, rice, millet or barley. An example would be: 1/4—1/2 cup rye 1 1/2—1 3/4 cup wheat berries 3 cups distilled water Put the above ingredients in a bowl and soak overnight (about 12 hours). Drain the water, reserving the soak water for use later (do not refrigerate). Place drained grains on a paper towel placed in the bottom of a bowl, cover with a towel and allow to sprout for about 12 hours. When the sprouts are ready, assemble: 1 cup sprouted grains 1 cup soak water 1 Tbsp. dehydrated onions 1 tsp. dill weed 1 tsp. caraway seeds 1 Tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos (optional) Put the above ingredients in a blender and blend until a creamy consistency is reached. Then pour a thin layer onto a plastic dchydrator tray and dehydrate until crisp. (Make sure all moisture has dried before removing from dehydrator tray) Enjoy with your favorite salad, use as a snack food, or you can make delicious mini-sandwiches by spreading with ripe avocado topped with a dehydrated tomato. These grain—crisps will keep for months in a tightly—sealed container Note: You can vary the flavor by


changing grains, herbs and seasonings. A sweet grain-crisp can be made by adding a ripe banana and pitted dates or raisins to the grains while in the blender. The sweet grain—crisps take longer to dehydrate. • • • Sweet Almond Milk 1 cup almonds, soaked 6 cups distilled water 3—4 dates, pitted Soak almonds overnight and rinse. Blend half the almonds, half the dates and 3 cups of the distilled water. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Pour through a fine strainer to remove the pulp. If being used for an infant, strain through cheese cloth also. Serve at room temperature. Refrigerate any remaining portion. (For plain almond milk, just leave out the dates.)

Creamy Banana Milk 1 qt. distilled water 1/2—1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked overnight 1/2 ripe banana 3 Tbsp raisins or 4—5 dates Place all ingredients in blender and blend for 2 minutes. For a thicker milk, add more banana. • • • Okay, my friend, that’s it for Day Fourteen. See you tomorrow, when we start our third and final week of success on our 21 —day contract.


Day Fifteen of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

TGIM, everybody. In case you don’t recognize the acronym, it stands for ”Thank God It’s Monday.” Say what? Having work you enjoy may be as important as diet and exercise in building optimal health. Now, please don’t think we’re telling you to turn in your resignation if you don’t love your job. We’re not!. We recognize the realities of earning a living in this world, and also fully understand that it’s rarely easy or practical to quit one’s job and start over again. At the same time, if you’re not happy with your job, we encourage you to begin to explore options that may allow you somewhere down the line to make your work your play. It’s doable if you set a goal and then do whatever s necessary to reach that goal. So, if you’re currently in a job you have to drag yourself out of bed to go to, please start thinking about alternatives. Sit down and figure out where you want to be in five years and what you want to be doing and then start planning your escape route. Will your health deteriorate if you don’t do this? Yes, definitely it will. There are studies galore that prove health is affected by frame of mind, and ir you’re depressed or blue several hours out of the day, five days a week, it just makes sense that you’re not going to experience the kind of happy, vibrant health that explodes you out of the sack in the morning so you can dash off to work and put in however many hours it takes to get the project(s) done that you eagerly planned to do that day. So, please, my friend, do what you can to make your work your play. Time to share a few more inspiring letters: * * * * “I started this diet in September but continued to eat chicken, some white flour Jsotne sweets as well as cooked food. What a difference these past two weeks have made! For several years I have had a host of symptoms... pains... jj(S. . weakness... visual disturbances... fatigue, etc. They have slowly disappeared I always had the weakness in my legs which has made me shy away from anything atheletic. Yesterday my husband took me snow shoeing for about 1 1/2 hours and it was even a struggle. I could have gone another hour. I am just so amazed at what a difference a raw diet, minus the sugar, meat and white flour makes in one’s health. I’ve also found my healing to come in increments. I’ll get better in some areas and it will remain so with no more changes for quite a while. Then all of a sudden another symptom seems to diminish. It’s very gradual yet definite. My husband asked me if I was getting sick of salads yet, but I really look forward to making and eating them now because I see it as another step in healing each time. You REALLY have something to look forward to in this diet! (What the next day brings you as you continue to apply the principles!)


I feel the most important principle in the success of this diet (for me) is the daily support and input. It really is so helpful knowing there are so many other people doing the same thing you are doing and getting great results. Thanks again for helping us achieve optimum health!” • • • “I appreciated your comments about the meditation times. I’d like to share some of the ways I use prayer and meditation. In the early morning after I take my BarleyMax, I spend a few minutes reading the Bible (I’m reading through the Bible. I don’t read enough chapters daily to read it in a year, but I eventually get through it). I spend a few minutes meditating on these passages and praying for concerns. One of the other things I’ve done in this area is write about 30 or 35 Bible verses related to health and healing on note cards (one per note card) and when I go walking, I flip through these as I walk, and I pray or meditate on these verses. I breathe deeply and regularly as I walk and I consider this prayer/meditation time. Sometimes, I just repeat a favorite verse or Bible phrase over and over as I walk (such as, The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want). Sometimes, later in the day, I sit quietly, read a Psalm, and meditate on that halm—quieting myself, breathing deeply and regularly. This is great as a Stress Break. I’ve memorized several Psalms this way. I’d also like to share a tip for those of us who really miss our morning cereal. I chop up an apple and/or a pear into a bowl, a few banana slices, add some raisins or chopped dates, a few (very few) chopped almonds, add a little orange juice or rice milk and Voila! you have morning fruit ”cereal.” It works for me!” How about a recipe or two? Let’s begin with Rhonda Malkmus’ tasty.. • • •

Avocado Dressing 1 ripe avocado 1 lemon, juiced 1 tablespoon cumin powder Mash the avocado until smooth, add the lemon juice until a creamy consistency is obtained. Stir in cumin powder until smooth. To Serve: Place leaf lettuce on a plate, spread with avocado mixture, top with raw sweet corn salad.

Raw Corn Chowder 4 cups fresh corn kernels 1 cup zucchini 2 medium tomatoes 4 green onions


1/2 bell pepper 1 stalk of celery 1 cup fresh carot juice ½ tsp. thyme 1/2 tsp. basil 1 Tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos (optional) Cut the corn from the cob and scrape the cob to obtain what is left behind. Peel and chop tomatoes into small pieces, grate zucchini, chop onions and pepper, and dice celery. Place 1/3 of the ingredients in a blender, blend until creamy, and add to chowder. Fold in remaining ingredients and serve at room temperature. • • • Okey dokey, that does it for Day Fifteen. Tomorrow we’re going to turn our attention to something I call ”energy sinks.” I want to provide a few tips on how to deal with the annoying situations and relationships that turn up in life, the moments of frustration that can gobble good moods and energy in a split second. Until then, enjoy this beautiful day and the rest of this great week.


Day Sixteen of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Today’s topic: energy sinks. You know—that new kitchen appliance advertised on the infomercials? The one you can buy with the tiny atomic motor that’ll wash your dishes while also disposing of carrot pulp—the one that drains dish water like a Texas tornado. You know. Energy sinks. Hahaha. We do want to spend a few minutes writing about energy sinks. When we use the term ”energy sinks,” we’re referring to those moments or relationships or incidents that occur all the time in life that will gobble up your energy quicker than an elephant falling into an Olympic-sized pool of quicksand. Energy sinks occur most often in people who try to please everyone all the time. Statistically, if you are the first child in a family, you have a better chance of being affected by energy sinks than your siblings do. Why? Because the eldest child in a family usually tries to please everyone in the family as much of the time as possible. And this desire to please carries over into adulthood. If you’re trying to please everyone all the time, you’ve put yourself in a no win situation. Because no matter how hard you try and how hard you work and how good of a person you try to be, you’re just plain not going to please everyone all the time. And if you persist in trying to please everyone all the time, you’ve opened yourself to constant energy sinks.

An energy sink, then, represents a position where you are going to squander some of the energy you have for the day on a situation which doesn’t deserve the energy you’re giving it. (And one of the keys to dealing with energy sinks is to recognize them when they arrive and not after they’ve drained you and left you tense and half exhausted.) In other words, we can learn what we can from each situation, but we don’t have to get bogged down in conflict. Another potential energy sink. If you’ve been married 26 years, then you know there are absolutely no energy sinks in married or family life. Right? Hahahaha, just kidding on that one. Of course there are energy sinks in a marriage and family life, and if a husband and wife and the children don’t learn to recognize them and deal with them, then that marriage and family is doomed from the start. What if two very stubborn people happen to end up together at the hitching post? Then they must learn to compromise or else learn to let go of the potential energy sinks. Time for a couple of great letters. • • • “I certainly did not eat very well the month of December. I weighed in at 334 pounds. / knew I needed to do something and along came your 21 day challenge! After my daughter and I took the challenge to change our way of eating to God’s way ofeati We have had some hard times but have been encouraged to continue with your newsletters


and our results. We have not weighed since beginning the healthy way of eating. 1 plan on returning to the doctor’s office the end of January and I’ll weigh then. My daughter and I have taken our measurements. By the end of two weeks she has lost 4 inches in her waist, two inches in her hips and one inch in her bust. I have lost 4 inches in my hips, 2 inches in my waist, and 2 inches in my bust. We are thankful to you. We have been walking at least six days out of seven. I started out walking the mile in 33 minutes. No record breaker here! We now have the mile down to 22 minutes. We are working on the 15 min. mile—what a challenge for us but we know that we will make it. I also know that my temple is getting a renovation! Praise God. I will feel better after fifty than I have ever felt in my life. My daughter is nineteen and now has hope for a healthy future.” • • • “This is Day 15 for me. Six more days till the end of the contract and I can eat whatever I want after this! I can hardly wait! I think on Day 22 (the day after the contract ends) I’ll just go crazy and stuff myself with all the food I so desire! Maybe I’ll start with BarleyMaxin the morning, and then (30 min. later) a Granny Smith apple. For lunch I’ll probably really do it up with more BarleyMax, a large glass of carrot juice, and then a gigantic salad. For dinner—who knows? Another BarleyMax, possibly a baked potato (plain) and an assortment of steamed vegetables. What I’m trying to say is I can’t even imagine ever eating the SAD way again! I do get a little tempted because I live with three SAD eaters, but it would feel like sin to eat the old way again. I have lost maybe about eight lbs., but the most noticeable difference has been the inches I’ve lost. I didn’t measure myself before we started—/ can tell by how my clothes fit. They’re getting loose! (Even though I wasn’t too overweight to start with.). My children tell me that I’ve been so much ”nicer” lately too. I cringe when I watch my husband and children eat SADly. I know, though, that this new lifestyle is a testimony to them. As time goes on maybe they, too, will have a desire to live and feel better.” • • • We haven’t had a good joke lately, so rather than one of my feeble stretches, let’s tickle the ole funny bones with a funny story: A seaman met a pirate in a bar, and talk turned to their adventures on the sea. The seaman noted that the pirate had a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch. The seaman asked, ”So, how did you end up with the peg leg?” The pirate replied, ”We were in a storm at sea, and I was swept overboard to a school of sharks. Just as my men were pulling me out, a shark bit my leg off ”Wow!” said the seaman. ”What about your hook?” ”Well,” replied the pirate, ”we were boarding an enemy ship and were , ding the other sailors with swords. One of the enemy cut my hand off.” ”Incredible!” remarked the seaman. ”How did you get the eye patch?” ”A seagull dropping fell into my eye,” replied the pirate. ”You lost your eye to a seagull dropping?” the sailor asked incredulously. ”Well,” said the pirate, ”you see, it was my first day with the hook.”


• • • And let’s end this day’s tip with a wonderful live recipe from Rhonda Malkmus’ recipe book:

Borscht 1 cup shredded beets 1 small onion or 2 green onions 3/4 cup fresh carrot juice 1 medium tomato 1 stalk of celery 1/4 cup fresh beet juice 1/2 tsp. dill weed 1/4 head medium cabbage Shred beets and cabbage and set aside. Peel and chop tomato, chop celery and onion, place in blender with juices, blend until smooth consistency. Mix in dill and pour over shredded beets and cabbage and serve at room temperature. • • • We have five days left on the contract, my friend. Can you believe how fast these three weeks have gone by? We still can’t get over it. See you tomorrow. Final thoughts. Try to teach by example rather than by force. Use a fly swatter instead of a baseball bat. Open your heart instead of your mouth. Be patient because when people see you changing—growing happier, healthier, and more energetic as the days and weeks and months go by—some of them, not all by any means, but some of them will eventually open their minds and hearts and ask you what you’re doing. That’s the time to share the knowledge. But, mercy, it’s hard to wait for that moment. Let’s finish the day with a great letter, then a quick recipe, and finally a hilarious joke which I trust you’ll find funny. • • •


“Although I failed to officially sign up on the 21-day contract, a good friend has been forwarding me the daily newsletters and I am learning great things. I wanted to give you an update on how my teenager is doing after four months on the Hallelujah Diet. I’ve told you before he is 17 and wrestles for his high school. Well, his new nickname is ”Veggie-Boy” and he is now getting the respect of every coach for several reasons. First, he doesn’t have to struggle to maintain his weight like the guys who lose weight by running miles and miles, wrestle weak, stuff down pizza afterward, and have to lose weight again. This is especially good with all the scares in high school and college wrestling programs with young men dying. Second, at the end of every practice (which are incredibly tough) Jeremy is the only one left standing or still doing push-ups. Jeremy has never really been a ”jock” like most of the guys on the team, but he works hard and never takes the easy way out when running, push-ups, lifting weights, etc. And everyone notices. Third, we are excited about the fact that Jeremy has received nominations to both the Air Force and Naval Academies—again because he has proved himself a dedicated worker and passed their tough fitness test, passing many of the ”jocks” taking the same test. Now we just pray that he will be allowed to continue his commitment to not eating eat and taking BarleyMax wherever he goes next year. Who knows, he might be another Daniel and convince his whole flight to go on the Hallelujah Diet! Imagine if our military academies suddenly became healthier! BTW, I’ve now lost 35+ pounds since changing my diet Oct 1, 1997, and this morning I RAN a full mile without stopping or walking! Plus, three months ago I was BEGGING for a hysterectomy and threes months without chicken and I am as normal as I was 25 years ago.... in fact, BETTER!” • • • Time for a recipe:

Sweet Potato Delight Four baked yams Big handful of organic raisins Juice of one big navel orange Two slices of dehydrated pineapple (fresh would be better) Two tablespoons of cherry jam Bake the yams the day before and refrigerate overnight. Thirty minutes before eating, take the yams out of the frig and smush them in a casserole dish. Add the other ingredients (dice the pineapple) and mix thoroughly. If you like your evening meal hot, slip the covered dish into a 350 degree oven for about thirty minutes. Take the cover off for the last five minutes if you want to brown the top a bit. If you like your evening meal cold, let the covered dish sit on the countertop for thirty minutes so the flavors can blend. Be sure to use a natural, cherry jam that doesn’t contain sugar and additives. Serves 3-4.


Day Seventeen of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

• • • Recently a guy in Paris nearly got away with stealing several paintings from TOuvre. However, after planning the crime, getting in and out past security, he captured only two blocks away when his Econoline ran out of gas. When , j how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious or, he replied: ”I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh.” GROAN.. .Punny, eh? 1 told you. On that note, see you tomorrow for Day Eighteen.


Day Eighteen of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

During the winter, many of us can’t bask for twenty minutes in the rays of the sun because ole Sun doesn’t come out from behind the clouds for weeks at a time. Many of us have a hard time getting outside each day for at least twenty minutes of brisk walking or easy jogging. After all, slogging through the snow in Nike Air just plain ain’t for everybody. Breathe clean, fresh air all the time? Forget about it! Many of us work in buildings that don’t even have windows that could be opened by a jack hammer, much less by the muscles of a human being. Never cheating on the diet? In a world with Godiva Chocolates, Ben & Jerry Garcia’s Coffee Toffee Double Dutch Rock-n-Roll Sour Cream Filet Mignon Delight, and Shoney’s all-you-can-eat week day breakfast bar for less than a five dollar bill? Never cheat? Right. Wink, wink, snicker, snicker. Having freshly extracted carrot juice three times a day either requires superhuman organization or a part-time employee to make the wonderful stuff. If you’re on your own, to get that juice as often and as optimally as possible, it probably requires getting up an hour early to peel the carrots, juice the juice, take the pulp outside to distribute on the compost heap, turn the compost heap, and then trudge through the snow back to the house to clean up the machine. I bet none of you have even thought about throwing a $600 juicer through the kitchen window instead of taking it apart and cleaning it with those goofy little brushes one more time. Nah, nobody on the contract would ever have that thought. Well, in the real world of hustle and bustle and ten hour work days and too much stress and not enough rest and relaxation to begin with, not all of us can find the time to juice twice a day the way we should. Mercy, staying with the Hallelujah Lifestyle does take stamina and determination, doesn’t it? But, no question about it, many of the requirements for superior health are tough to consistently squeeze in every day. Well, to make things a little easier, I have a new requirement for you that you can squeeze in every day, and you can squeeze it in several times a day, and if you don’t squeeze in this simple health enhancer every day, you have only yourself to blame.

The requirement? Why, laughing from deep inside, of course. My friends, laughter costs nothing, takes no time, requires little effort, and pays off with a jackpot in silver health dollars. As they so aptly put it in the Reader’s Digest, ”Laughter—the Best Medicine.” We won’t go into the ”scientific research” that proves laughter has good effects on mental, physical, and emotional health—but the research has been done. If you want to do your own doubleblind study on this, work yourself into a sour mood by watching the nightly news and then go read some of the jokes you’ll find at the end of this letter. If


you don’t feel better after reading the jokes and chuckling aloud a time or two, I’ll eat my bicycle seat. So, on this eighteenth day of our contract, I want to take a break from the serious business of diet and lifestyle changes and health requirements and urge you to have at least one good belly laugh, twenty-five chuckles, and a hundred smiles every day for the rest of your life. You do not have to keep a daily Laugh Journal to document your amusement periods, though the obsessive-compulsive Type-A’s out there may want to do so just to keep their records up to date. Friends, other health enhancers on the Hallelujah program take work and discipline, at least until you begin to realize some of the marvelous benefits, but laughter and good humor come naturally. And if you know some humorless people or if you haven’t laughed or smiled since 1973, you can bet a dime to a donut, oops, make that a dime to a radish, that anyone without humor is carrying around a nasty load of toxins. I firmly believe that God designed us with a capacity for laughter for many reasons, not the least of which is to flood the body with hormones and chemicals that help the ole cells yell ”Whooooeeeee!” And if you find your sense of humor increasing as you stick with the Hallelujah lifestyle, don’t be at all surprised. You know you’re making serious progress when folks start saying things like ”What’s going on with you? You’re smiling and happy all the time these days.” My dear friend, it’s impossible to not laugh and find the world full of fun and joy and love when you’ve cleaned out your body/temple. It’s just another of God’s gifts to us when we live His way instead of the SAD way. And what a great gift it is. Can we now share a few of these with you?

If all the salmon caught in Canada in one year were laid end to end across the Sahara Desert, the smell would be absolutely awful. • • • From the ”Let’s Have a Chuckle Poetry Section,” we find this submission: The Month After Christmas Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d taste At the holiday parties had gone to my waist.


When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber). I’d remember the marvelous meals I’d prepared; The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared, The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese And the way I’d never said, ”No thank you, please.” As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt And prepared once again to do battle with dirt - I said to myself, as I only can ”You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!” So—away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip Every last bit of food that I like must be banished Till all the additional ounces have vanished. I won’t have a cookie—not even a lick. I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick. I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry. I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore - But isn’t that what January is for? Unable to giggle, no longer a riot. Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet! • • • And in the humor from real life section, today we have a submission from a fellow contractee, a quick anecdote that cracked me up. Hanging in the hallway at Jay High School Gym are the basketball team pictures from the past 40 years. A player in the center of the front row in each picture holds a basketball identifying the year—”62-63,” ”63-64,” ”64-65,” etc. One day I spotted a freshman looking curiously at the photos. Turning to me, he said, ”Isn’t it strange how the teams always lost by one point?” Here are a few tips from others on how they share the good news about health with friends and family: • • • “When I want others to hear about Wellness /diet and I’m not sure how receptive they’ll be, I just say I want to tell them about things I’m learning or trying and how it makes sense to me. I’m teaching them as I tell them about my experiences. Since I present it as sharing things I’m excited about instead of telling them they need to hear and learn things, the information is usually well received.” • • *


“ I really I haven’t had any problem with my family and friends yet because I immediately tell them I’m on the diet for health reasons, that my body can’t handle sugar, white flour meat, etc. It immediately makes them feel less guilty because the problem is more focused on me than them. Then they silently wonder if it would work for them without trying to defend their habits of eating poorly. In the past with other diets my husband and I would get in arguments. Now, I make my family their SAD meals and they watch every night as I sit down to my huge salad and baked potato. While they are not on the defensive and enjoying their SAD meal, I can slowly sneak in some teaching about the health of raw foods. Someone is always getting sick (but not me) with a cold, strep, joint pain, whatever. Then I teach them how food affects their healing, etc and they really listen. I love setting the example every night with the fresh veggies and now I make sure they have their salad as part of their meal. (They can handle that much.) Change is long, and slow. Patience is the key. If it takes years for my family to see the light, I am willing to wait as I set the example and they watch my health improve. Oh... just wanted to mention that when I went snowshoeing the other day... my back ”went out.” Instead of needing two-three weeks of adjustments, my body only needed one. The healing was so quick that I was totally amazed and thankful.” • • • And let’s finish with a quick recipe from Rhonda’s cook book:

Chinese Vegetables 1 large garlic clove 1 large red onion 1 Tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos (optional) 1/3 cup almonds 2 cups celery 1 medium red bell pepper 2 cups Chinese cabbage Sliver almonds into small slices. Mince garlic, cut celery into thin U-shaped pieces, cut pepper and onion into thin strips and shred Chinese cabbage. On a warmed plate, make a bed of shredded cabbage, top with vegetables and slivered almonds. Make the following sauce and stir until well blended. Place in a saucepan and heat until thickened, cool slightly, and pour over vegetables. 2 Tbsp. arrow root powder 1/2 cup distilled water 1 /4 cup Bragg Liquid Aminos And that finishes Day Eighteen of our 21—Day Contract.


Day Nineteen of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

First, for those of you who want some hints on feeding teenagers: • • •

What Do You Feed a Veggie-Boy? by Kathleen Gabrielle When I tell people I’m a vegetarian they often don’t ask questions. But when I mention that my 17-year old son is one, too, they want to know why, how, whose idea it was and many other questions. The first thing I usually tell people is that my son and I came to the decision to be vegans while in separate locations and listening to totally different people. In fact, the weekend that I concluded that I needed to totally change my diet and lifestyle, Jeremy was on a Church retreat. At first, I was afraid to tell him of our weekend decision because he had to spend summers with a father who is vegetarian and Jeremy has always returned with horror stories of tofu pizza and beetcarrot juice. But when he came home that weekend he couldn’t wait to tell me that he had only eaten salads during the entire retreat. So when I told him of my decision he was all ready for the change. Now just that tends to put us in a different category than most families. But this is what Jeremy and I call a ”God—thing.” You see, we firmly believe that knowing that GOD has called us to live and eat healthier is the best motivation to stay with the program. It is much easier to pass a Burger King when you believe you are doing something God has called you to do. Even Jeremy tells his skeptical friends that if God tells you to stop eating meat, then you stop eating meat. So what do I feed my ”Veggie-Boy”? Well, breakfast is much simpler now—BarleyMax. He drinks his in orange juice most often. But when he is wrestling he mixes it with water and drinks it about 20 minutes before he wrestles. [we have to interject and say that we urge Jeremy not to have his Barleygreen in juice since the acidity of the OJ neutralizes much of the benefit of the highly alkaline BarleyMax—you get the best results having it in the distilled water, Jeremy... though some would say it doesn’t taste as good! For lunch I pack him a bag of one of every fruit we have in the house— oranges, bananas, apples. Sometimes I add a treat of trail mix, mini rice cakes, and/ or dried veggies (we get a brand here called ”veggibles,” which are seasoned with teriyaki, chili or barbecue). The kids teased him at the first when he pulled out trail mix or carrot sticks to nibble on in classes where everyone else was eating cookies, but they got used to it eventually. When he isn’t in training or wrestling, I add a cucumber sandwich which


includes whole wheat bread, cukes, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, sprouts, and a spread of hummus or avocado. I also stress the need for water (we don’t distill, but we do use/make reverse osmosis water). I make sure he has a LARGE water bottle and that he finishes it before the day is over. When he first comes home from school he has just ended a two and a half hour wrestling practice and he is starving. Then it’s time for a smoothie made with orange juice and frozen bananas. If we can afford it, I let him take a second dose of BarleyMax (but using a second jar in a month is sometimes a stretch for our budget). Another snack he likes is hummus (garbanzo bean spread) on whole wheat crackers or matzos. He can also have a second banana or apple at this time. At first he seemed to be hungry all the time, but it appears that the longer we stay with this diet the less hungry both of us are. Also, as a wrestler trying to maintain his weight, he has learned which foods naturally increase his metabolism so he can eat and still lose or maintain his weight. These include oranges (not juiced) and honey (in small amounts). When he has a tournament, I try to fill his bag with plenty of fruit, a honey bottle, rice cakes, and a special treat of a Tiger Milk bar with carob. For supper we try to stick to Dr. Malkmus’s suggestion of a large green salad and then our cooked food. I am fortunate to have a son who loves his veggies so I fill the salad with everything I have in the vegetable bin. For salad dressing we get our favorites from the health food store, always checking for sugar, chemicals and dairy products. But many times he is content to eat his salad without any dressing at all. For cooked food we will occasionally stray—but being full is often the bigger priority. Jeremy loves baked sweet potatoes so that is usually on the menu at least once a week. But other favorites include veggie chili, baked potatoes covered with vegan chili, homemade soups with any veggies I didn’t use in the salad, burritos made with ”Just Like Ground,” almond cheese mac and cheese, spaghetti, whole wheat pancakes topped with fruit and REAL maple syrup, and Pizza Hut’s ”The Edge” pizza with all veggies and no cheese. The health food store also has a wonderful variety of vegetarian hot pockets, soups, and no-cheese veggie pizzas. It’s hard to fill up on carrot sticks so we have supplemented with natural peanut butter [Dr. Malkmus and I would substitute almond butter), on whole wheat and sometimes a banana, air-popped popcorn with honey, dried fruit, and an occasional treat of Tofutti or Rice Dream ”ice cream.” We’ve also found whole wheat tortillas which are an important staple here in Texas. Those we top with almond cheese, honey, roasted veggies, organic salsa, or nothing at all and warm in the oven. And I make our own granola with oats, coconut, wheat germ, nuts, etc. That can be mixed with dried fruit, carob chips or rolled with natural almond butter for a great treat. For cooked evening meals I have altered all my favorite soup recipes from chicken broth to veggie broth. I still make the best tortilla soup, cabbage soup and various bean soups. And for mashed potatoes I use Rice Dream and just a tad of organic butter (our only animal product in the house, but we use it so seldom a pound lasts two months now). I keep pasta and rice cooked and ready to re-heat and store as many bags of beans as I can fit in the cabinets. I have to admit I still combine rice and beans—guess that’s a ”Texas” thing.


As I’ve been writing this I’ve tried to look over in the kitchen to see what we eat the most of, but I think I’ve covered it all. Oh, eating out. Of course, being a teenager my son loves to go out with his friends. The first couple months he would be sure to stop at a store and make a salad from the salad bar so he could eat that while his friends downed hamburgers. He also has the habit now of carrying fruit with him to church so he can eat with his friends if they go out. He has been successful in convincing them to eat at SouperSalad on occasion. We have gradually discovered places that have veggie or black bean burgers on whole wheat buns. One place even lets you get any of their burger combinations with a veggie patty substitute at no extra charge. Subway makes a nice all-veggie sub sandwich, but you have to be careful of the dressing. Most of the grocery stores have salad bars and baked potatoes for a change. Not having fast food to rely on has probably been the biggest challenge since we are an extremely busy family with two drivers and only one car. But we have both gotten to the place where we would rather skip a meal than to cheat. I try to be sure I have fruit with us just in case we can’t find anything healthy. Well, this has gone on quite a while, but I know that when we started this way of life in September I couldn’t find enough to read for feeding a teenager. I hope this helps. Just for fun I’m going to add a recipe myself that we love here in Texas. This used to be a once a week soup made with chicken and broth, but this veggie version is actually better.

Kathleen’s Veggie Tortilla Soup 6 cups vegetable broth 1 pkg of taco seasoning (from the health food store; no chemical additives, etc.) 1 cup each of the following dried beans (soaked the night before): kidney, black, pinto, red and one can of ranch style NOT drained 1 can of golden hominy 1 can stewed tomatoes 1 can Rotel tomatoes Cook together for 30 minutes or more and then serve with organic blue corn tortilla chips (from health food store)

No More Kosher Chicken Soup? (For Women’s Eyes Only) by Kathleen Gabrielle Let me tell you what I was doing the first time I listened to Dr. Malkmus talk about chickens. Although we are not a Jewish family, my involvement with the Jewish community and Messianic Jews in the area led us to be Kosher. And being a good Kosher cook it wasn’t unusual for me to make a weekly stock of chicken broth for soups. So, having purchased a 10-pound bag of chicken quarters I was doing my weekly boil, de—bone, and freeze. I was also listening to Dr. Malkmus for the first time from his tape on ”You don’t have to be sick.” Just when the aroma of homemade chicken soup had filled my apartment I heard him say that a chicken that used to mature in sixteen weeks


now matures in four weeks. I was just about to place a chunk of hot chicken leg piece in my mouth when he mentions that little girls now go into puberty several years early because of all the hormones in chicken. Just to add confirmation to my stubbornness I attempted to make and EAT the chicken soup that night because I ”didn’t want to waste 10 pounds of chicken,” but it tasted horrible. For the past eight years I have been suffering from menstrual periods that were so heavy I would routinely miss one or two days of work each month. Buying Always pads for the month meant filling up a grocery cart. And life was suspended for several days including no karate, biking, standing, walking, working, etc. Two years ago my OB/GYN put me on birth control pills in hopes of controlling my periods, knowing the cost of surgery was not in my budget nor a real desire on his part. But I was getting so tired of the hassle I would have signed up for an operation in a milli-second. Unfortunately, I was unaware that many birth control pills destroy lysine in the body. That small complication put me on the path to having a flare-up of shingles which lasted several months. I was taking extra doses of lysine, but since I was still on the birth control pills it wasn’t helping with the shingles. That is when I decided to stop taking the birth control pills and try to treat my periods naturally. I began taking evening primrose oil along with several other supplements recommended by ladies at the health food store. Even though there was a slight improvement, it wasn’t enough, and I started asking for a hysterectomy for my 43rd birthday. That’s where I was when first introduced to the Hallelujah Diet and Dr. Malkmus’ tapes. It was September 20, 1997, and the results of being chicken-free are worth it all. In four months I have gone from using 4-5 packages of Always a month to one. I have no more cramps. I have no more days of flooding to keep me confined to my bathroom. In fact, my period starts so casually now that I am usually caught by surprise that it has started at all. And I think my son would testify that my PMS symptoms have simmered down. I am not taking any supplements. I no longer live on Ibuprofen. I actually have the freedom that you see on stupid Tampax ads. Some ladies asked why I didn’t mention beef. Well, because of pressure concerning fat and cholesterol, we had cut beef out of our diet nearly twelve years ago. But we substituted it with chicken and ground turkey. So for the whole time I was having problems I was ignorantly filling my system with mega—hormones put in today’s fowl. The students I teach all know they can win me over with an apple, but I really get on the girls who devour large frozen dinners full of chicken. ”That’s gross, Ms. Q” diey scream, but I never give up. I’m not saying that giving up chicken will solve all female problems, but I know it did for me. At any rate, it is certainly worth a try if you are anything like I used to be. The bottom line is that God wants us healthy so we can spend our energy doing the things He has called us to do—whether it is ministry, being a better mom, or telling all our friends how to live longer, healthier lives.


How to cut chicken out of your recipes: Being an avid soup maker I was saddened to think my famous chicken soup recipes would no longer be enjoyed. But I have discovered that simply substituting vegetable broth for chicken broth and using Bragg Liquid Aminos makes an even better soup with no guilt. And my favorite chicken fajitas have now been supplanted with roasted veggie fajitas. No, there isn’t a true substitute for that traditional Thanksgiving turkey (although we enjoyed lentil loaf with mashed potatoes on top) but knowing that I am feeling so much better the entire month motivates me to give up a temporary flesh—satisfier. What about organic poultry? Well, I suppose you could try it for families that absolutely insist on having an occasional turkey or chicken. But frankly, I haven’t tried this. I figure I’ve come this far without it so why tempt my taste buds with something I really don’t need? • • • Tomorrow is the next to the last day of our contract, and we’re going to start pulling the

three weeks together at that time. We have some more great letters to share too.


Day Twenty of Our Twenty-One Days

to Health the Hallelujah Way I bet some of you feel like John Glenn getting ready to go back into space again. Think for a moment about how he must feel—76 years old and about to do what he’s probably dreamed of doing every night of his life for decades. Well, thanks to the Hallelujah Diet and lifestyle, most of us are going to be in the kind of shape when we’re 76 that a little ole trip into space will be like a stroll through the park. Wow, isn’t it great? Love to read stories of men and women in their so-called ”golden years” who are actually out there living life to the fullest and having more fun at 70 and 80 than they had at 30 and 40. Sadly, you don’t read those stories very often. My friends, in the future, as whole generations of us rejuvenate our bodies with the Hallelujah Lifestyle and living by God’s natural laws, we’re going to not only be reading those stories—they’re going to be written about us. Hallelujah! I think of the hundreds of thousands of old people in our society who are leading lives of quiet desperation, whose bodies are trembling and shaking from the ravages of the drugs they’ve taken for years to ”control” their various illnesses, whose minds are feeble and unclear—and I want to cry because it doesn’t have to be this way. God built into us the capacity to live healthy and happy lives until it was His time for us to go quietly and peacefully in our sleep. He did not design us to live on ”life support systems” that stuck tubes and needles in our bodies. He did not design us to take five pills in the morning to get going and another five at night to get to sleep. He did not design us to require yearly check-ups from men and women in white coats, who would then tell us whether or not we were healthy. Science, modern medicine, and greed designed this model, and look at what it’s doing to us, our children, our mothers and fathers, and our grandparents. Well, it’s high time we took responsibility for our own lives and for our own health, and we can’t tell you how pumped up we are here on Day Twenty as we write the next to the last contract newsletter and think about the future each of us has thanks to this experience with the Hallelujah Lifestyle. May we share a few more of these great stories in the rest of today’s letter? “/ haven’t felt this good since 1995 when I first felt the symptoms ofCFIDS and Fibromyalgia coming on. I have a lot more energy, my mind feels clear, and I am closer to God than ever before. Hey, I was even able to walk one mile on my treadmill, lift light weights and do a few stretching exercises the day before yesterday and I’m ready today to do it again! I haven’t been able to go out late at night because my fatigue felt like a dragon of gloom. But on Wednesday evening I was able to go to a meeting with my husband and we


didn’t get home until 10:30 p.m. And I STILL felt good! Quite remarkable, to say the least. Oh, I almost forgot the best part. About four days into the diet I went to a health food store to look for BarleyMax. They did not carry BarleyMax, so I knew I had to keep looking. Two days later I contacted my friend who has lung cancer to tell her about BarleyMax. She said she had just heard about it from an acquaintance and the next thing I know, her friend is on my doorstep with the product in hand. Miracles NEVER cease.” • • • “After surgery in August, 1996 to remove an ovarian tumor that turned out to be cancerous I was given Dr. Malkmus’ book God’s Way to Ultimate Health. Fortunately I read it before submitting to chemotherapy. To make a long story shorter, the doctors thought I was crazy and so did my family and friends when I refused to have any treatment. Instead, I started the Hallelujah Lifestyle. I went whole hog right off the bat and felt so much better right away that there should have been no question in my mind that this was the right thing to be doing. But everyone I tried to explain this to questioned my sanity. I started to feel that I wasn’t doing enough to bolster my immune system. Every time I got scared and was about to do chemo, I’d read Dr. Malkmus’ book again! I’d be sure again until I heard one more horror story. I’m sure there are people out there who can relate to what I’ve been going through. What I wouldn’t have given to have had this service that you are providing now. There was a person who gave a testimonial in the book who lived in my state. I was able to locate her and get some help. My first question to her was ”Are these people online? I have so many questions that I wish I could e-mail. ” Imagine my excitement when I got the news that Hallelujah Acres was online at I lost 55 lbs., jog two to three miles almost every day, never get sick and STILL friends will ask, with that very concerned look, how I’m feeling. I must admit that I still get concerned on occasion as to whether or not I am cancer free. I have to have a great deal of faith and commitment. I praise God and thank everyone therefor their commitment to getting the truth out about God’s way to ultimate health. There is so much resistance. I thought my life itself would be proof enough, but most people really don’t want to make any sacrifices. I tell people that the only thing I’ve sacrificed is the discomfort associated with poor health! Hallelujah!! I also want people to know that if I’d read Dr. Malkmus’ book before I had surgery, I would have tried the diet and not even had surgery!” • • • “I was diagnosed the first week of December ’97 with colon cancer... Our Pastor’s wife was talking to some acquaintances of hers (actually Hallelujah Acres Health Ministers) about the Hallelujah Diet because her dad is sick. She told me about the Hallelujah Diet that Sunday morning and we met your Health Ministers after the service.


So the first week in December we started the complete Hallelujah Lifestyle. That week was terrible. All we seemed to do was wash, juice, clean up, cut veggies, eat, drink the juice and BarleyMax, go to bed, then get up and repeat the process. I had many pity parties that week, trying to come to terms with my diagnosis and my future. I had decided not to have surgery (Lord, am I doing the right thing?) and all the other stuff the doctors wanted to do to me. Well, the Lord showered us with His blessings. We were given a Champion juicer and a large water distiller. Another friend introduced us to a local carrot farmer where we get 50 lbs. of carrots for a $1.00.1 decided I’d trust God to use this new way of eating to heal me of cancer. I’ve lost 12 lbs. so far, and continue feeling good. Everyone says I’m ”perky.” I feel perky. Some old clothes I have, now fit me again! Most importantly, prior to our starting the HDiet, I would have at least four or five migraines a month—some of them severe enough to put me to bed, when I wasn’t throwing up, for up to two to three days. (Medication was costing about $100 a month.) My headaches were caused by climatic changes, stress, and combinations of certain foods (although I was managing the food triggers quite well). I had received prayer many, many, many times, but God chose not to heal the migraines completely. But guess what, folks? I have not had a headache since I’ve been on the Hallelujah Lifestyle. Praise the Lord! Actually, that’s not quite true. I had a pressure headache one night. It was 8:00 p. m and we hadn’t eaten. So I went to get dinner (veggies of course) and took my carrot juice and BM. Suddenly, I realized that within five minutes my headache was gone. Wow! Talk about my cells yelling WHOOPEE! So we are thanking God for using His diet to get rid of my migraines. I’m convinced that, if I went back on the Standard American Diet, they would recur. BUT, why would I do that? One of our friends suggested that because our HD diet is ”so extreme, ” that maybe ”when we get better” we could go back to eating ”normally. ”We asked her: ”Why would we go back to eating something that made us sick in the first place?” But, she couldn’t see it. the medical establishment cannot. But, as you say, we cannot jam it down people’s throats. (If we did, though, they would be healthier).” • • • Today’s recipe from Rhonda Malkmus:

Seasoned Basmati Rice


This is one of our favorites on a cold winter evening after we have had our BarleyMax and salad. This is the only kind of rice we use and the aroma of this rice cooking will tantalize your taste buds. 1 cup brown Basmati rice, rinsed and set aside 1/2 cup of celery, chopped 1/4 cup onion chopped 1/4 cup red and/or green pepper 3 cups distilled water Saute the celery, onion and peppers in water, vegetable soup stock or olive oil, until onion is translucent. Add rice and saute a few minutes (do not let it burn). Then add three cups of distilled water and bring quickly to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Turn burner off and allow to sit covered an additional 15 to 30 minutes. Do not lift lid. Stir, season with Bragg Liquid Aminos and herbs to taste. Serve alone or use as a base on which to place stirfried or steamed vegetables. • • • A man was very upset when his dog just rolled over and stopped breathing. He rushed him to the vet, who examined the dog briefly and announced, ”I’m sorry, but your dog is dead.” ”Isn’t there anything more you can do?” the guy asked. The vet said there was something else he could try, and he laid the dog on a table. He brought in a box, placed it next to the dog, took off the lid, and a cat jumped out. The cat walked up to the dog, looked at it, walked all around it, sniffed it a couple of times, then got back in the box. ”Well, that’s it, your dog is dead,” said the vet. ”That will be $350.00” The man was shocked! ”$350.00 for WHAT?” he demanded. ”Well,” the vet replied, ”$50 for the office visit, and $300 for the cat scan.” • • • Tomorrow we’ll pull it all together! See you then for the last day of our 21Days to Health the Hallelujah Way


Final Day of Our Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Way

Well, my friend, the day we’ve been looking forward to has finally arrived. Day Twenty-One, the end of the contract. If you’ve been faithful to the program and have worked it with all its components—daily juicing, daily BarleyMax, daily raw fruits and veggies, daily exercise, and so on—chances are you feel a whole lot better than when you started. You’ve also lost at least five pounds and probably a lot more than that. You probably have an energy level that’s significantly better than three short weeks ago. You may well be sleeping sounder and waking up earlier. You’re probably thinking more clearly and feeling more emotionally grounded and calm. Your I.Q. has gone up to 173. Just kidding on that one. We could spend this entire letter listing benefits, but we will stop with the main ones which I trust most of you have experienced, at least in one degree or another. Please remember, however, that degree is important here. Not all people heal at the same rate, and three weeks is a very short time to overcome the toxic problems that have taken you a lifetime to develop. This is one of the reasons Dr. Malkmus encourages folks to take the Hallelujah Diet challenge for a full 90-days. You see, most bodies don’t even come close to detoxing in three quick weeks. But in three weeks most people will see enough positive changes to encourage them to continue. And that’s what Dr. Malkmus strongly encourages you to do: extend your contract and go for the 90-day challenge on your own. You’ve made a great start—why stop now? Please, don’t celebrate your contract victory tonight by going out for a steak with onion rings and a slice of cheese cake. Why not? Two reasons. First, that stuff is not fuel for the body. If you still think meat is good for you, please log on to the Internet and point your browser to see what that juicy steak really contains. Second, eating that stuff right after twenty-one days of feeding your body the right way is going to make you feel awful. Oh, it may (and I say may because it also may not) taste good at first, but trust me when I tell you it’s gonna make you feel bad an hour or so after you eat it, and it’s going to make you feel even worse the next day.


Most people I know on the Hallelujah Lifestyle will get bad headaches or stomach aches from eating flesh after they’ve been off it for a few weeks and that’s because of all the hormones and antibiotics and dyes and Lord knows what else is in the highly processed meat produced by the flesh merchants. My friend, we didn’t tell you this when we started, but there’s no going back once you’ve been on God’s diet for a few weeks. Oh sure, you can slowly and gradually slip back into Standard American Diet SADness, but it’ll never be quite the same. Because every time you’re constipated, every time you get a headache, every time your belly hurts, every time you’re crabby and snapping at your kids, every time you get depressed—you’re going to know in your heart that you’ve caused your own problem by eating incorrectly. Knowledge is wonderful, but it cuts two ways, and now that you have the knowledge of ”How not to be sick,” it’s your responsibility to your body/temple to use that knowledge for your own good. It goes even further than that. You also have the responsibility to share this knowledge with friends, loved ones, and even acquaintances and strangers. The world’s not going to rush to make this knowledge available because it would upset too many major industries that make their money off human misery. So we’re not going to hear about this on the nightly news—the news will keep us stupefied with ”breaking stories” about the sex lives of politicians and other non—stories the media moguls want to dumb us down with. But, hey, they can’t stop us from sharing the truth among ourselves, can they? And Dr. Malkmus knows that we as individuals, one person at a time, can spread the knowledge and ”how to do it” specifics of the Hallelujah Lifestyle. With this knowledge, each of us can help our brothers and sisters free themselves of chronic medical problems that are keeping them in pain and in debt. How do you share this knowledge? It’s easy. Talk to folks who are curious about what you’ve just done. When they see you looking better, when they see you energetic and happy, when they see you laughing all the time, that’s when people will want to know what you’ve done to bring about all these positive changes. Then you can tell them you’ve discovered this new lifestyle that rejuvenates the body and the spirit. If their eyes start to glaze over, back off. But if they want to know more, give them the details, and if they want to test our program, loan them a copy of this book so they can go on twenty-one days to health for themselves. Also share with them a copy of our Back to the Garden magazine or point them to our web site at where they can find all the information they need on how and why they should live by the Hallelujah Lifestyle .


Some folks won’t make it, of course, due to lack of discipline or busy lives or unsupportive family or failure to work the program the way it’s taught or whatever, but many will make it, and these folks can then go out and share the good news with others as well. My friend, we are a groundswell, a snowball rolling down a huge mountain, an avalanche of good news waiting to happen. If each of us does a small part, we can begin to heal a sick and suffering world. So, please, share what you’ve learned with anyone who will listen. Constipation gone Shrinking prostate Less joint pain Better vision Itching gone Insomnia gone Sluggishness gone Chest pain gone Blood pressure better Low energy gone Dry skin gone Mood swings gone Spider veins fading Less bloating No more dry scalp Less irritable

More poise Sinus infections gone Less body odor No more migraines Speedier healing No more sugar cravings Menstrual cramps gone Eating a lot less Gastroparesis improved Less stomach pain Skin cancer smaller No more heartburn Improved coordination Gums healed—teethtighter Desire for alcohol gone