An Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Strata One










Raisha Fatimuzahra. The Violation of Cooperative Principles in 22 Minutes with

Billie Joe Armstrong Interview on CBS New York. Thesis. Jakarta: English Language

and Literature Department, Letter and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.

This research aims to analyze the types of violations of the cooperative principles in

the transcript of 22 Minutes with Billie Joe Armstrong Interview on CBS New York,

using Paul Grice’ pragmatics theory. The purpose of this study is to explain the true

meaning in the utterances and to understand the speech that are uttered by the

participants. The writer uses qualitative analysis method in conducting the research.

The result of the research shows the violations that are classified into four maxims by

the participants in their utterances, which are 57% of maxim quantity, 10% of maxim

quality, 20% of maxim relevance, and 13% of maxim manner.

Keywords: Cooperative Principles, Transcript, The violation.



In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of

Universe, who has given the writer knowledge and strength in the process to finish this

thesis. May blessing, peace, and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without the endless support and

encouragements from the writer’s dearest family; her great Dad, Muhammad Ikhsan,

her beloved Mom, Irna Komariyah, and her two sisters, Nida Fadhilah and Diyana

Fajriyah, so that the writer was able to find power during the process in completing this


Moreover, the writer also would like to express her deepest gratitude for several

people for their great contribution and help for completing this thesis. They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.A., the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd. as the Head of English Letters Departmen.

3. Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Letters Department.

4. Mrs. Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M.Pd., as the writer’s advisor who has educated,

supported, directed and given the writer advices, suggestions, and

recommendations for this thesis from beginning until the end.

5. All of the lecturers in English Letters Department, for their valuable knowledge

during her study at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


6. All of the librarian staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty and UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta.

7. The writer’s dearest friends Vivi Lay Rose, and Zulfa Nurafifah for being the

writer’s great friend that always motivates her to finish her study.

8. All members of Gasss Terusss spesifically Abuniza Arramiz, Adnan Mizfari, Boby

Mahesa, Farhan Tammam, Rakan Aji Wiratama, Tubagus Ahmad Nabiel, and

Widada Rahman.

9. Annisa Nurul Jannah, Masayu Fitria, and Ratna Oetami Putri for always give

helpful suggestion to the writer to finish her study.

10. My best friend since junior high school Irena Alvira, Kurnia Dwi Sulistyorini,

Metty Marindah, and Suciati Cipta Sejati

11. Adnan Djaffar, Putri Cahya Arimbi, Rahmat Fernandes, Reza Zamzami, Sarah

Syafitri, Syarah Annisa Hidayah, and Veriska Widya for always convincing the

writer to finish this undergraduate thesis and being her greatest strength during the

tough times.

12. Villarian Burhan. Thank you for always remind me not to complain about

everything and thanks for giving strength in overcoming my shortcomings.

13. The writer’s classmates in both C and Linguistics Class.

14. Other beloved friends and relatives that cannot be mentioned one by one in this



The writer acknowledges that this research is still far from perfect, thus,

criticism and suggestions are always welcomed for the improvement of this thesis.

Jakarta, January 10th 2019

Raisha Fatimuzahra



Table 1. The Data ........................................................................................................ 18

Table 2. The Result of Violation a Maxim Cooperative Principles ............................ 41



ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................i

APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................................ii

LEGALIZATION ......................................................................................................iii

DECLARATION .......................................................................................................iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................................v

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................1

A. Background of the Study …............................................................................ 1

B. Focus of the Study …....................................................................................... 3

C. Research Question …...................................................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Study …............................................................................ 3

E. Research Methodology ................................................................................... 4

1. The Objectives of the Research ............................................................... 4

2. The Method of the Research …................................................................ 4

3. The Instrument of the Research …………………….............................. 4

4. The Unit of Analysis ................................................................................. 5

5. The Technique of Data Analysis .............................................................. 5


A. Previous Research ………………………...……………………………...… 6


B. Transcript ..................................................................................................... 10

C. Pragmatics ..................................................................................................... 10

D. Cooperative Principles ................................................................................. 11

1. Maxim of Quantity ................................................................................. 12

2. Maxim of Quality .................................................................................... 12

3. Maxim of Relevance …………………………………………………... 13

4. Maxim of Manner ................................................................................... 13

E. Violating Maxim ........................................................................................... 14

1. Violating Maxim of Quantity ................................................................. 14

2. Violating Maxim of Quality ................................................................... 15

3. Violating Maxim of Relevance ………………………………………... 16

4. Violating Maxim of Manner .................................................................. 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS ................................................................ 18

A. Data Description ........................................................................................... 18

B. Data Analysis ................................................................................................ 21


A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 42

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................... 42

WORKS CITED ....................................................................................................... 44

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 46




A. Background of the Study

Communication is a process of sending and receiving message or

information between two individuals or more effectively. It is a way to make others

accept the ideas and drive others to do something by constructing the perception

according to the desire. The speaker will try to make the speech always relevant

with the context, clear and easy to understand, tight and brief, and always on the

issue so it does not waste the time. The speaker usually considers carefully the

various factors that are involved in a process of communication in order for the

speech to be accepted by the interlocutor.

Through communication, the message that will be conveyed can be

understood. Therefore, communication will be effective only if the message can be

interpreted equally each other. So, if irrelevancy happens, the concerned

communicant does not cooperate and imply the misunderstanding or inaccuracy.

The erroneous of speech is discussed in one of the derivatives of Pragmatic

Study, the cooperative principles. Its role is covering and regulating a conversation

to make the process of communication runs smoothly, also as a guideline for using

language efficiently and effectively to reach cooperation.

There are four guidelines of maxim in cooperative principles that underlie

the use of language, namely maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of

relation, and maxim of manner. When a maxim is violated, then the utterances may


be interpreted more or less than what it is said, like the example in the conversation

transcript below:

Quinn : “Maybe what I should say should be more specific. Your first really

starring role in a feature film called ‘Ordinary World’, I got to see

last night. Um... how did you come to be doing that project?”

Billie Joe : “Um... with the writer-director Lee Kirk, he... um... he approached

me with a script and I really I read it overnight and I really liked it

immediately so um... yeah we just sort of worked on it a little bit

together and um... yeah I really just, I fell in love with the character

that was great.”

Brigitte Quinn as the interviewer is interest in the process that Billie Joe

involved and how he has a role in the movie. Billie Joe gives too long respond

which violates the maxim of quantity. He contributes too informally that can be

cause an additional meaning in his words.

Therefore, what makes the writer interest to analyze the interview as an

object of research is the uniqueness of the interviewee who is a punk rocker

musician in the band called Green Day that plays his debut acting role in the movie.

It is a rare subject to be analyzed in academic writing because the implicature

researchers are found in common corpus such as movies, songs, or poets.

The reason the writer chooses the transcript of 22 Minutes with Billie Joe

Armstrong interview on CBS New York which uploaded on YouTube channel on

October 12, 2016 as a subject because the lack of understanding of communicate in

the right way for average people. They think that the knowledge in interacting is

needed only to speak formally, while there are rules and ethics that must be

implemented even in informal conversation that frequently used by people.


Therefore, this research is expected to be able to solve the communication problems

and to develop the knowledge of interaction for people.

B. Focus of the Study

To clarify the target that will be achieved from this research, the writer gives

a limit to the problem which will analyzed and focus on the violations of the four

maxims of cooperative principles: maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of

relevance, and maxim of manner, based on the transcript of the interview between

the interviewee Billie Joe Armstrong and the interviewer Brigitte Quinn on the CBS

New York which is uploaded on October 12, 2016 in YouTube channel.

C. Research Question

Based on the focus of research above, the questions of the study in the

transcript of 22 Minutes with Billie Joe Armstrong on CBS New York which is

uploaded on the YouTube channel on October 12, 2016 are:

1. What types of violations are found in the transcript of 22 Minutes with

Billie Joe Armstrong on CBS New York which is uploaded on the YouTube

channel on October 12, 2016 ?

2. Why did Billie Joe Armstrong and Brigitte Quinn violate the maxims of

cooperative principles?

D. Significance of the Study

After doing this research, the writer hopes that this research is useful to

increase the understanding the violation of the cooperative principles on a text,


especially to conceiving in the utterances of one's speech. It can also be used to

increase the language learning material, to adding linguistic knowledge and enrich

the references and the information to be used in related research that will be done.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objectives of the Research

The purpose of this research in the transcript of 22 Minutes with

Billie Joe Armstrong on CBS New York which is uploaded on YouTube

channel on October 12, 2016 is as follows:

a. To analyze the types of cooperative principles maxims that violated by


b. To analyze how the violation happened between Billie Joe Armstrong

and Brigitte Quinn.

2. The Method of the Research

In this research, the writer applies the descriptive qualitative method

that is describing the object based on the reality visible fact and used to get

an information about the current status of a phenomenon to describe "what

is" about variables or conditions in the next situation. Qualitative research

is the research which is the object of research is not obtained from statistics.

3. The Instrument of the Research

In this qualitative research, the writer uses herself as the main

instrument to obtain required data variously, like transcribing, categorizing,

and analyzing the dialogue. Then, the data is analyzed by using the


pragmatic approach which is proposed by Paul Grice and supported by other

relevant theories.

4. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis at this research is the violations in the transcript

of the interview between Billie Joe Armstrong as an interviewee and Brigitte

Quinn as an interviewer on the 22 Minutes with Billie Joe Armstrong on

CBS New York which is uploaded on youtube channel on October 12, 2016,

based on Grice’ cooperative principles theory.

5. The Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing data, the writer uses descriptive analysis technique.

It has a standard of reality that shown by participants of communication.

The writer analyzes the data by using the following steps:

a. Watching and then transcribing of 22 Minutes with Billie Joe

Armstrong interview.

b. Reading the transcript and categorizing data according to four

maxims of Grice's theory.

c. Explaining and analyzing data that violates the four maxims of

Grice's theory.

d. Finding how the violation happen.

e. Making a conclusion and giving a suggestion from the benefit of the





A. Previous Research

The previous researches are needed to extend the knowledge of the

problems to be researched and to find the differences in this research with other

research. One of similar research which related to this research is a journal written

by Arezou Sobhani and Ali Saghebi entitled The Violation of Cooperative

Principles and Four Maxims in Iranian Psychological Consultation published on

November 2, 2013. This essay aims to investigate the new ways to understand the

non-cooperative attitude of the speakers and the violation of the cooperative

principle in the real Iran psychological consultation session. The data analyzed

consisted of recording conversations between male psychotherapists and their

patients during therapy sessions. After analyzing their language through

conversational implications that violate the cooperative principles, it can be

concluded that the recognition of conversational implicature is very important to

understand the non-cooperative attitude of the speaker, because it turns out that the

message that people want to convey is not fully contained in the words they use,

but also depends on how listeners interpret the message by considering the context

and meaning involved.

The second research is a journal written by Xianjun Tan, Chunyang Wang,

and Liu Peng entitled Application of Cooperative Principle in College English

Listening Comprehension published on July 30, 2013. This essay discussed the

success of students in China using the cooperative principle in understanding and


listening to English in college because they have to find out the explicit and implicit

intentions of the speakers. In teaching and learning English in China, the students

that majoring non-English do not study pragmatic theory systematically and only

do a lot of practice. Therefore, the use of pragmatics consciously can improve the

development of teaching and learning English in China, so that the students know

explicit intentions based on the form and meaning of language, and find out implicit

intentions based on different contexts.

Next, previous research is a journal entitled Analysis of Flouting and

Violating Towards Maxim of Quality in My Sister’s Keeper Novel written by Ester

Noertjahjo, M. Bahri Arifin, and Setya Arifin published on July 2017. The aim of

this study is to find the expressions of flouting and violating the maxim of quality

in My Sister's Keeper novels through the utterances of the main characters, and also

to find the purpose of using them. This analysis includes qualitative descriptive

methods, and used the My Sister's Keeper novel as a data source. The data comes

from the utterances of the main characters that contain elements of flouting and

violating the maxim of quality. From the findings of this analysis, the elements of

flouting and violating are found in the utterances of the main characters through

five strategies. They are hyperbolic strategies, metaphorical strategies, irony

strategies, banter strategies, and lie strategies. Metaphorical strategies are often

used by the main characters in this novel because through it the leaders can

emphasize the talking angle to express their opinions clearly. From the analysis of

the five strategies, it was found that there were seven objectives using flouting and

violating the maxim of quality.


The fourth research that becomes my literature review is a journal entitled

The Application of Cooperative Principle in Oral English Learning written by Qun

Li published on January 1, 2015. This paper focuses on the Grice’ Cooperative

Principle, which greatly contributes to learning English, especially oral English that

has always been a difficult part of learning English. But learning oral English

traditionally places too much emphasis on linguistics and ignores the importance of

exercise and cooperation. For this reason, even though students in China have tried

very well, they cannot speak efficiently in certain situations. Therefore, the

cooperative principle plays an important role in changing this phenomenon to guide

English learning in order to get good results. In the classroom, the use of

cooperative principles can change traditional teaching patterns and create an active

and harmonious atmosphere. Teachers and students will interact more in class. The

teacher can find out the problems in the learning process and correct them on time.

Likewise, students can increase their learning interest. Student learning outcomes

in their classroom and oral English skills will increase rapidly. In addition, the

cooperative principle can also make students exchange ideas and learn useful

knowledge and skills from others in the learning process. This makes students

realize the importance of cooperation and enthusiasm in their learning process,

therefore students utilize excellence from learning the cooperative principle to

make progress outside of the classroom. A cooperative principle is an important

pragmatic component of conversation because it can explain the literary meaning

and conversational implications.


The last, my literature review is a journal entitled The Study of Flouting

Maxim of Grice’s Cooperative Principle on Cak Cuk Surabaya T-shirts written by

Pravita Puspita Sari and Lilla Musyahda published in August 2016. The focus of

this study is trying to describe the expression on the Cak Cuk Surabaya T-shirt

design that violates Grice' cooperative principle, revealing the implicit meanings of

the infallible maxims, and why flouting of the maxims occurred in expressions. The

author uses qualitative methods in this study. In the process of collecting data, the

authors took four samples as data that represented Surabaya's cultural

characteristics. The reason the author examines the expression of the Cak Cuk

Surabaya T-shirt is that the violating maxim causes implicatures. In analyzing data,

the author uses Grice' cooperative principle theory and its implications. The result

of this study is that most quality maxims are flouted by expressions on the Cak Cuk

Surabaya T-shirt. Furthermore, the author also found that most of the maxims

violated were intended to emphasize the intended meaning and create humor.

Basically, this research is different from previous researches because the

writer uses an interview corpus of 22 Minutes with Billie Joe Armstrong on CBS

New York that is transcribed to examine the violations of the cooperative principle.

The uniqueness of this reasearch is Billie Joe – well known often uses informal or

slang words – try to speak orderly because he appears on the one of the official

show so it consideres him to violate the cooperative principle.

Commonly, this type of research is find in movie, novel, and such as the

example of the researches above. This research tries to reveal the violation of


cooperative principle using descriptive qualitative methods and Paul Grice’s theory

to analyze each utterance of the participants.

B. Transcript

Transcript is a simple way to create text. It only contains the text of what is

said or that is in the video, it is no need to put the duration of each speech. The good

transcript usually uses the video that less of an hour of duration the video with a

good quality of sound and the clear speech. It is necessary to remember that the

transcript that created must using the same language as the language that spoken in

the video or sound file (Rhee’q & Vhl, 58).

C. Pragmatics

According to Yule in Yusri (3), pragmatics is a branch of science from

linguistics that becomes the object of language in its usage that integrates with

grammar consisting of phonology, morphology, and syntax. In language,

pragmatics sometimes also noticing sounds, morphemes, sentence structures, and

the meaning of sentences. The meaning that is reviewed by pragmatics is the

meaning bound by context. In other word pragmatics is the purpose of speech.

If the meaning is recognized as an inseparable part the language, it is

difficult to deny the importance of the context of language use because the meaning

always changes based on the context. The context of the speech in different

languages can have the same meaning, while the same speech can have different

meanings or other purposes. So, pragmatics is the study of meaning that conveyed

by speaker and interpreted by listener. After the listener knows the intent of the


speaker, the listener will be known the action that must be done. For this reason,

the center of attention of pragmatics is the speakers' intentions behind the uttered

speech (Nurgiantoro, 27).

Pragmatics can be considered dealing with aspects of information conveyed

through language not encoded by conventions that are generally accepted in the

linguistic forms used, but which also arise naturally depend on the meanings

conventionally encoded with the context in which these forms are used. Through

the way to encode a speech, it can be known the meaning that corresponds to the

context of speech so that information will be obtained. It can be concluded that

pragmatics create a clear information according to the speech situation

(Dardjowidjojo, 26).

D. Cooperative Principles

Cooperative principles (Pfister, 78) is a guide to how a person interacts with

others by explaining the basics or principles in a conversation. The speaker

generally assumes that the listener can cooperate and have the certain

understanding, so that they can reach the target in the conversation. But there are

times when there is a mistake in communicating or interacting caused by several

factors, including cultural differences, personal experiences, and different linguistic

knowledge. It will direct the participants to the wrong assumption. Therefore, the

cooperative principle is needed to underlie the communication.

According to Grice, the basics of communication are divided into four

conversational maxims (Flowerdew, 95-96), they are:


1. Maxim of Quantity

According to maxim of quantity, all communications must achieve

a goal and balance in providing information when they speak or write, so

the participants should contribute as informative as required (Yuwono et al,

107). For Example:

(a) Yesterday, my friend was ticketed by a man who was police-man.

(b) Yesterday, my friend was ticketed by a police-man. (Yendra, 248).

Utterance (b) is considered more effective and efficient because

everyone certainly understands that police-man is a man. Thus, the words a

man in utterance (a) is assessed excessive because it only adds things that

already clear and not to be need explained again.

2. Maxim of Quality

This maksim requires each participant to contribute the correct

information and should be supported by sufficient evidence. Pay attention

to the following utterances. Both participants contribute the correct

information with the sufficient evidence (Yuwono et al, 107):

A: "How many maxim of cooperation according to Grice?"

B: "According to Grice's book that I read, there are four maxims in the

principle of cooperation."

A: "What are they?"

B: "Maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim

of manner."


3. Maxim of Relevance

The theory of relevance that stated by Wilson and Sperber (6) is

actually a compression of the Grice’ four cooperative principles with the

premise that communication depends on cognitive. The continuity of

communication goes concomitant with how this principle is utilized. It must

be posessedd by every participant in the conversation by assuming that the

other speakers have tried to be as relevant as possible. This assumption is

then expected to get the maximum implications with the easiest processing

effort. The notion of what is relevant in discourse will vary from one context

to another. Look at the following example above:

A: “Before you leave, put these my words in your heart.”

B: “I am willing, my Lord.” (Rahardi, 56)

The conversation above can be said obey the maxim of relevance,

because B responds to the command from A.

4. Maxim of Manner

An elaboration of the Gricean maxim of manner was proposed by

Leech (67) – who distinguishes two kinds of clarity, they are consist in

making unambiguous use of syntax and phonology of the language in order

to construct a clear text, and consists in framing a clear message – which is

perspicuous or intelligible in the sense of conveying the intended

illocutionary goal to the addressee. The participants of communication are

better avoid obscurity expression, so be brief and be orderly. For example:


A: "Which one do you want to watch? Comedy or horror?"

B: "Comedy. The picture is also better.”

In the conversation above, we can see that B answered plainly.

Sometimes in order to comply the maxim of manner, it can simply expressed

by "what if ...", "in my opinion ...", and so on.

E. Violating Maxim

According to Grice, a speaker violates a maxim when he tends or has the

potential to mislead his interlocutor to interpret what he said. In real life, many

people say unfairness when they communicate, even deliberately to perform lies for

many reasons, including for hiding the truth, keep an image, feeling jealous,

satisfying listeners, entertaining listeners, building one's trust, avoiding hurting

someone, and convincing listeners (Thomas, 72-73). They believe that lies are a

natural instrument for survival and to avoid them from anything that can put them

in inappropriate conditions. In the end, it caused a misunderstanding from listeners

who believed what the speaker was saying (Martinich 33-34).

1. Violating Maxim of Quantity

According to Bousfield (22), all the participants in communication

should not make contribution more informative than require, so do not say

too much or too little. If someone gives more or even less information, then

he violates a maxim of quantity. For Example:

Kay : “How did you and your husband meet?”

Betty : “Well, that’s a long story.”

Kay : “Okay, I’m not going to anywhere, let’s hear it.”


When Betty replied, “Well, that’s a long story.”, actually, she had

violated the maxim of quantity because she answered too short. The answer

can mean several things, it can be a polite way to say that she doesn't want

to talk about it. Therefore, intentionally or not, Kay misinterpreted Betty's

answer (Littlejohn et all, 166).

In the next example, in contrast, too much information is provided:

A : “What is your name?”

B : “My name is Fitri, I lived in Cimahi, I’m 17 years old. Now I’m

single and looking for a very cool, calm, and confident pilot. I’m just

graduated, so I need money and place for living to continue my life

for my happy future. Any question?”

B blatantly provides very excessive information. Just only by

answering "My name is Fitri." actually it has fulfilled the answer from A’s

question. B clearly violates the maxim of quantity where the speaker and

the interlocutor should contribute teach other in providing sufficient

information (Yendra, 249).

2. Violating Maxim of Quality

Maxim of quality is the utterance that spoken by the speaker must

be true and in accordance with the facts. The participants in the conversation

must be truthful, so do not say what you believe to be false and lack of

evidence (Bousfield, 22).

For example below, when Trevor climbs the ladder to repair

something broken on the roof but when he reaches up he accidentally kicks

the ladder then it falls to the ground. So he can not go down:


Jason : “Do you want me to put the ladder back so you can climb down?”

Trevor : (on the roof) “No! I just want to hang around up here all day!”

Jason is unnecessary to ask because it was clear that Trevor needs

Jason to help him go down. Therefore, Trevor replies with untruthful

meaning and sarcasm. In Grice's maxim, he violating the maxim of Quality.

When Trevor's answer is not a direct answer to Jason's question, the

cooperative principle will require Trevor to find an appropriate

interpretation and he can deduce the answer (Bowe et al, 11).

3. Violating Maxim of Relevance

This maxim requires the participant in the communication to make

a contribution that is relevant with the discussing topic and do not digress

(Rahardi, 56). For example:

Visitor : “I’d like to read today’s newspaper.”

Local : “There’s a shop round the corner.”

The local has made the visitor believe that the store is a shop that

sells newspapers. But her utterance and 'what is said' does not mean literally;

that answer might make the visitor upset when he walks around the corner

and finds a shop there, but it's a clothing store. Therefore, the visitor will

interpret what the local said to him is not wrong because she said that there

was a shop. But that is clearly misleading in the context because he makes

the visitor believe that what he says is relevant to his wishes. So the

proposition that the shop that intended sells newspapers is the implication


of the conversation from the words of the local, based on the assumption

that she is violating the maxim of relevance (Capman, 75).

4. Violating Maxim of Manner

Based on the maxim of manner, each participant in the

communication must avoid ambiguity and unnecessary prolixity, so speak

directly, straightforwardly, and sequentially (Rahardi, 57). For example:

A : “Let’s stop and get something to eat.”

B : “Okay, but not M-C-D-O-N-A-L-D-S.”

It would be better if B answered A's invitation clearly by

answering "sure, that’s a good idea.", or "not now, I'm not hungry.". But

B instead responded to A's invitation with spelling McDonald's one by

one because she did not want her son who is very loved McDonald's to

know her wishes. Of course, B has violated the maxim of manner for

her utterance because she gave an unclear response (Yendra, 255).




A. Data Description

The writer uses bibliography study for data collecting technique in this

study, that is using written sources to obtain the data. The writer watching the

22 Minutes with Billie Joe Armstrong interview on CBS New York YouTube

channel on October 12, 2016 and transcribed the conversation at the same time.

After that, the writer gives mark on every utterance that violate the four maxims

of cooperative principles, then put the marked data in sequence according to

ongoing conversation e.g datum 1: violating maxim of quantity, datum 5:

violating maxim of quality, and so on. The detail of obtained data are shown in

the table below:

Table 1. The Data of Violation a Maxim Cooperative Principles

No. Data Violate a Maxim

1. “Yeah I ain’t – you know – full-time dad. Uh... I

think um... the thing I related to most was just that

his how he um...”, “…so that was the thing I kind

of related to the most about him.”

Maxim of quantity

2. “…yeah 21 and 18.” Maxim of quantity

3. “I, I, you know, having kids and, and even he’s like

hanging out with, with Madisyn who played Salome

in the movie like – there’s a…”, “It’s almost like

you can speak a different language um... just it’s

the language of rock and roll I guess.”

Maxim of quantity

4. “…you know, my youngest jakob is becoming a

really good songwriter and my, my oldest is the

drummer in a band called ‘Swimmers’ and um...”

Maxim of quantity

5. “No, we never really talked about that stuff...” Maxim of quality


6. “Ow it was great, you know me and Fred actually

we go back a lot further than I thought we did, it’s

like we... we played, his band played with us and

we in, we wouldn’t like Beloit Wisconsin at Elk’s

Lodge in 1991, so is I think we... we... our second

record hadn’t come out yet, but he was uh...

yeah…”, “…full circle that we came and you know

he’s such a great drummer and...”

Maxim of quantity

7. “Lucas and um... Kevin to uh... and... and we

rehearsed and it was like a real band and you can

hear like we got ended up getting pretty tight...”

Maxim of quantity

8. “Oh Fever Blister.“ Maxim of manner

9. “…you just had that great role as a Kriss Jenner in

the OJ movie I don’t know if you saw that at all but


Maxim of quantity

10. “I definitely kind of fed off of them…”, “…so I was

really excited working with her and Judy was...”

Maxim of quantity

11. “I don’t think the thing about the character was like

yeah you have to, when you have a family and you

have kids there’s part of you that, that um... sort of

goes away um... but, but what I think that the

character find is like there’s something new about

him that he’s discovering everyday.”

Maxim of quantity

12. “It’s a real thing about the whole thing was when

the movie with, when the movie was finished and it

was edited and then…”

Maxim of quantity

13. “Ringo is a really great drummer um... and he’s

uh... really solid and uh... Jad let’s just from

looking at it for a musician’s standpoint is just to

be able to hear him up close and um... and not just

on record and he’s fantastic and... and Paul, I was

just out there and pretty sure I can, I can barely


Maxim of quantity

14. “Now, your, your drummer mike, right? Maxim of quality

15. “…did you start writing the songs for Dookie when

you were at like 18?”

Maxim of quality

16. “…I wrote two songs like one’s called Somewhere

Now, the other one is Bang Bang…”, “I think about

like about a year and a half later, I mean here we

are now.”

Maxim of quantity

17. “…it’s hard to talk about just because it’s so it

could be really disturbing but um... I will, it’s yeah

it was about mass shooting and sort of what goes

on in these sort of social media manifestos that

Maxim of quantity


these uh... these um... wing nuts have, have going

on inside their heads and how we’ve just become

like a really american culture is like a become

really violent so um... and then sort of how I feel

like with bridging that gap between that and like

terrorism and um... so it’s it’s uh... yeah it’s pretty

disturbing, really.”

18. “…you know something very similar to Perry

Miller I guess, you know.”

Maxim of relevance

19. “And so doing the movie was one thing that, that

was uh... a really I start challenging myself in that

way like and also I did um... wrote the song, songs

for a musical called These Paper Bullets and uh…”

Maxim of quantity

20. “I approach to see if she uh... wanted to do this

record because I love the Foreverly Reprise

Record called um...”

Maxim of relevance

21. “I, I mean I started the record about two years ago

and um...”, “…hehe, if you need to drown your

sorrows with a good record so...”

Maxim of quantity

22. “I don’t like I watched the debates last night and I

honestly almost feel ashamed of myself for

watching it because I... it was just, it was just a bad

show you know, and like – so we played Webster

Hall the other...”

Maxim of relevance

23. “At least a chance against one candidate or the


Maxim of Manner

24. “…and I wouldn’t like pulling out a lot of old

material from, you know, songs that we haven’t

played since we are – you know – really young, so

it’s uh... it’s been really fun and then uh...”

Maxim of relevance

25. “We like... we lived in squalor.” Maxim of manner

26. “…if my career would have turned out more like...

Perry Miller from the movie, I think I would...”

Maxim of relevance

27. “…we’re all really excited and uh... the process has


Maxim of quantity

28. “Yeah basically, yeah.” Maxim of manner

29. “…of course Lee was such a great director, I had

a really good time with him...”

Maxim of relevance

30. “…what if I did a fanzie? No one asked me if I’d

ever do a book but maybe if I did, like my journals

and like a xerox copy thing where I did it like once

a month for three years. Maybe I do something like

that. Sounds like fun.”

Maxim of quantity


B. Data Analysis

This section will deeply describe the analysis of the violations of the

utterances in the cooperative principle which are uttered in the corpus data. The

author uses Paul Grice' theory specifically and other supporting theories about

violating the cooperative principles.

Datum 1

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Maybe what I should say should be more specific. Your first

really starring role in a feature film called ‘Ordinary World’, I

got to see last night. Um... how did you come to be doing that


Billie Joe : “Um... with the writer-director Lee Kirk, he... um... he

approached me with a script and I really I read it overnight and

I really liked it immediately so um... yeah we just sort of worked

on it a little bit together and um... yeah I really just, I fell in love

with the character that was great.”

Quinn : “No big surprise there he, Perry ...“

Billie Joe : “Perry.”

Quinn : “...he’s a lovable charatcter [laughter], he’s a former punk


Billie Joe : “Yeah I ain’t – you know – full-time dad. Uh... I think um... the

thing I related to most was just that his how he um... how you

become so humble when you become a parent because it’s your

uh... you know, you put, put your kids and family before

everything else so that was the thing I kind of related to the most

about him.”

Based on the data above, Brigitte Quinn as the interviewer opened the

conversation with said that Billie Joe (the interviewer) was the movie star, but

she immediately corrected that it was Billie Joe’s really first starring role in the

movie, because actually he was the musician who played a movie for the first



The conversation continued up to talked about Perry – the main

character in the movie – so, Quinn expected Billie Joe’s response about the

movie or his character itself. But, Billie Joe gave his opinion about the

relationship between Perry and him. His statement was not what Quinn

expected because she did not ask about it, so Billie Joe violated a maxim of


Datum 2

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Interesting, and you, you have two sons?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah 21 and 18.”

Quinn : “And they’re both musicians.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah that’s right.”

From the piece of the conversation above, Quinn only asked whether

Billie Joe has two sons, and he directly answered with unnecessary slight

information with said that his sons’ age is 21 and 18. Therefore, he violated a

maxim of quantity, because his extra information is not required. He just needs

to answers like in the next question above when Quinn asked whether both of

his sons are musicians, and he replied clearly and brief.

Datum 3

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Right, and... the girl your daughter the older child...“

Billie Joe : “Uh um.”

Quinn : “ the movie is a musician as well.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah.”

Quinn : “Yeah.”


Billie Joe : “I, I, you know, having kids and, and even he’s like hanging out

with, with Madisyn who played Salome in the movie like – there’s

a, she’s a really tallented tallented kid and I... we were able to

sort of talk about music and share. It’s almost like you can speak

a different language um... just it’s the language of rock and roll I


In the piece of conversation above, Quinn started to talk about the girl

in the movie – Perry’s daughter – who played music as well. She expected Billie

Joe to response or give a statement about it, but Billie Joe let himself to said

more and provided too much information.

Billie Joe seemed not satisfy with his elucidation if he only gave his

opinion on the point, then he added an explanation by saying what was like to

have kids, so it makes him violated a maxim of quantity

Datum 4

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Were you always able to speak that that language with your

own sons?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah we still do that even gets more intense now that - you

know, it’s like they show me a lot of things that they’re up to and

what theye’re listening to and uh... you know, my youngest jakob

is becoming a really good songwriter and my, my oldest is the

drummer in a band called ‘Swimmers’ and um... it’s great, it’s like

because they honestly love music and that’s what, that’s why I

like talking about it really.”

In the previous conversation, Quinn discussed the girl who played as

Billie Joe’s daughter in the movie. Quinn wanted Billie Joe’s opinion about her

and continued to talk about a different language of music. Then, Quinn wanted

to know whether Billie Joe also did it with his own sons.


Instead of to give a complete and clear answer, Billie Joe’s words

seemed excessive and actually explained things that unnecessary because Quinn

did not ask about anything else. Whereas it was not required but Billie Joe

needed to say it to deliver his main respond. Therefore, Billie Joe violated a

maxim of quantity.

Datum 5

Violating of maxim of quality:

Quinn : “Did you ever have any reservation with them going into the


Billie Joe : “No, we never really talked about that stuff, I mean we talked

about it – uh… just in terms of what to be aware of, but I, it’s

more about um... loving music and uh... just kind, showing them

some old stuff that I’ve, I’ve listened to and they turn me on the

stuff too.”

Quinn still in line to talk about Billie Joe’s sons. This time, she asked to

him if he ever had any reservation with his sons to went into the biz. Then,

replied with an unnecessary statement in the first, but at least he answered


Billie Joe may be felt uncomfortable with the question, or he wanted to

keep an image as a musician. Then he thinks over what he wanted to say and

because it was a personal question. But finally, he presented an uncertain and

inconclusive respond that violated a maxim of quality.

Datum 6

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Hmm mm. Movie... um... shot here in new york city? Right?

And um... so Perry – your character – he’s… he kind of wants

to have this big party for his milestone birthday…” [Laughter]


Billie Joe : “Yeah.”

Quinn : “...and his buddy, Fred Armisen, tries to facilitate that. What

was it like working with Fred Armisen?”

Billie Joe : “Ow it was great, you know me and Fred actually we go back a

lot further than I thought we did, it’s like we... we played, his band

played with us and we in, we wouldn’t like Beloit Wisconsin at

Elk’s Lodge in 1991, so is I think we... we... our second record

hadn’t come out yet, but he was uh... yeah so it was just it was

crazy just how uh... full circle that we came and you know he’s

such a great drummer and...”

Quinn : “Yeah.”

Billie Joe : “ such a great actor and so funny and um... obviously but

yeah it was great working with him.”

From the piece of the conversation above, Quinn gave a statement about

Billie Joe in his role in the movie, then she asked what was like working with

his partner – Fred Armisen. But, rather than gives a simple answer, Billie Joe

told about their past.

Many people would be distracted to interpret the additional statement

above that contained too much information, so his length respond is violated a

maxim of quantity.

Datum 7

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Yeah I missed him on SNL. Um... the four songs right? That

are original songs for the movie and um... did Fred play the

drums on those or...?”

Billie Joe : “Um... well we... we, the cool thing about this movie is like we

played everything live, so I had to get together with him and uh...

Lucas and um... Kevin to uh... and... and we rehearsed and it was

like a real band and you can hear like we got ended up getting

pretty tight, so yeah there’s four songs The Devil’s Kind,

Ordinary World, Body Bag, and um... I can’t think it’s been the

one that’s top my head.”


In the piece of the conversation above Quinn was making sure that the

drum of the four songs of the movie is played by Fred, and she wanted Billie

Joe’s respond about it. But, instead of talk about the played drum of Fred, he

gave too much information about anyone else in the movie. His reply is not

fulfilled the question because Quinn only asked about Fred. He only needed to

explain how the band work used to and how it runs well. So, Billie Joe violated

a maxim of quantity.

Datum 8

Violating maxim of manner:

Quinn : “Will have to all, have to go back in Google –“

Billie Joe : “Oh Fever Blister.“

Quinn : “Fever Blister [Laughter], okay.“

Billie Joe : “...that’s what I should call, yeah.” [Laughter]

From the conversation above, Quinn tried to finish her advice to Billie

Joe while he also tried to remember the title of the one song that he forgot. Then

finally he was able to remind the title and said it immediately, so he cut Quinn’s

sentence with his words. For what he did, he violated a maxim of manner. It

would be better if Billie Joe pays attention to Quinn in order he could say what

he wanted to say at a better time.

Datum 9

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “And making movie so um... the other actors I should mention

Selma Blair of course you just had that great role as a Kriss

Jenner in the OJ movie I don’t know if you saw that at all but um...

and um... Judy Greer.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah.”


From the piece of conversation above, Quinn made an image of Selma

Blair as Kriss Jenner in the movie to delivered her main statement. She actually

does not need to say that because Billie Joe knew Selma Blair and Judy Greer

in the ‘Ordinary World’ movie so well. And in the next question, she was not

discussed about something that related to Kriss Jenner at all. In this time, Quinn

said something that should not be said. This additional sentence makes her

violated maxim of quantity because it contains unnecessary information.

Datum 10

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “So what was it like working with them like did you... did you

seek out like acting advisory or we just like ‘now I get this guy

I’m just gonna play him naturally.’?”

Billie Joe : “Oh sure yeah I... I definitely uh… kind of fed off of them, I

mean Selma is a great actor she’s been in a lot of great movies

and um... so I was really excited working with her and Judy was

um... she’s an amazing actor so... and she made it really fun and

like that, that scene the scenes that we were in um... she was just

really excited and, and so was I and so I think the fact that we

got along so well, kind of made it like, so we had some pretty

good chemistry.”

In the conversation above, Billie Joe is asked by Quinn what was it like

working with Selma Blair and Judy Greer. She might be wondered how could

they did their job in the movie, while they have a different kind of career, so she

tried to ask it. But, Billie Joe gave additional information about what he felt to

play the movie and how it felt to work together with Selma Blair and Judy Greer.

Of course, Billie Joe violated a maxim of quantity, although his sentences

seemed like ordinary utterance.


Datum 11

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Hm hm, yeah it comes across on the screen it definitely does

and... so your character he’s turning 40, I don’t want to give too

much weight about it but he’s turning 40. Was at in your own

life any kind of uh... of crisis?”

Billie Joe : “Sure... why not, yeah [Laughter] I think it’s a little bit for

everybody um... yeah I think um... you know, I think it’s just

sort of when you, when you get to an age where you can look at

back at time and eras of where you’re at in your life, that’s when

I think you start going wow, this is uh... I’m, I’m getting up there

but uh... um... I don’t think the thing about the character was like

yeah you have to, when you have a family and you have kids

there’s part of you that, that um... sort of goes away um... but, but

what I think that the character find is like there’s something new

about him that he’s discovering everyday.”

Quinn asked about Billie Joe’s crisis in the age of 40, but Billie Joe

answered with an additional statement which is still about the character in the

previous statement. He did it because his long respond contains the same

information with his main answer and he thinks it was fairly important to say

more. Of course, the information or message given is excessive. It should be in

accordance with what is being asked or required. So in this time, Billie Joe

violated a maxim a quantity because he gave unnecessary information.

Datum 12

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Hm hm hm hm and there’s, there’s also a nice scene where

his friend tells him that he got to jam with McCartney.”

Billie Joe : [Laughter] “Yeah.”

Quinn : “And your cares like ‘uuuh’.”

Billie Joe : “Oh yeah, yeah.”

Quinn : “But in real life I, did you get to jam with McCartney I know I

read something that you um... you got you definitely got to hang


out with him at one of the Rock and Roll, Hall of Fame induction

ceremonies or... is that somebody who you ...?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, that’s...“

Quinn : “...collaborated with?”

Billie Joe : “It’s a real thing about the whole thing was when the movie with,

when the movie was finished and it was edited and then Green Day

got inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I was literally

jamming with Ringo and Paul McCartney um... and uh... it is

just crazy how I don’t know my, I have a weird life and I like it.”


Quinn immediately directed her discussion about Paul McCartney that

she knew involved in the scene of the movie and jamming with one of its

characters. Then, she continued to ask whether Billie Joe had to collaborate with

McCartney on the big stages in real life. Billie Joe answered clearly and

correctly but he gave an unnecessary statement in the first to deliver his main

answer. So, his reply can be concluded that he violated a maxim of quantity for

added more information.

Datum 13

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “What was that like jamming with them?”

Billie Joe : “It was like, I still can’t believe it, um... Ringo is a really great

drummer um... and he’s uh... really solid and uh... Jad let’s just

from looking at it for a musician’s standpoint is just to be able to

hear him up close and um... and not just on record and he’s

fantastic and... and Paul, I was just out there and pretty sure I can,

I can barely remember.”

In the conversation above, Quinn only asked what was like jamming

with Paul McCartney, and Billie Joe answered with a piece of long additional

information within explained how great Ringo and McCartney instead. Of

course, Billie Joe violated a maxim of quantity, because Quinn literally did not


ask about Ringo and McCartney’s advances, but Billie Joe commented with it,

although his additional statement might not wrong informally.

Datum 14

Violating maxim of manner:

Quinn : [Laughter] “Now, your, your drummer mike, right?

Billie Joe : “Tre.”

Quinn : “Oh Tre, sorry, um... wait it was mike then but that you met

when you were 10?”

Billie Joe : “That’s right.”

In the piece of the conversation above, Quinn said information about

one personnel of Green Day that she knew, but actually she was wrong. Quinn

– as the interviewer – should be more informative. Before she did the interview,

it would be better for her to find accurate information for her talking about. So

that she must know the right statement that she has said about Billie Joe’s

drummer. For her false information, she violated a maxim of quality.

Datum 15

Violating maxim of manner:

Quinn : “Right... did you start writing the songs for Dookie when you

were at like 18? I mean it really young right?

Billie Joe : “Um... yeah I would say... at 20 and 21.”

Quinn : “Hm hm.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah and then the, the previous records... I was 15 16 years

old so we’ve been in spann forever.”

In the piece of conversation above, Quinn gave a false statement which

is violated a maxim of quality. She asked whether Billie Joe started writing the

songs for Dookie at eighteen, but it was incorrect. Maybe she felt amazed to


knew how young Billie Joe started his career at a young age, so she assumed

that Billie Joe writes songs for Dookie still in the teenage age.

Datum 16

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Hm alright. Now aside from the movie you’ve been doing a lot

of promotion of the new, the new album, um... what inspired you

to do this album?”

Billie Joe : “Um...”

Quinn : “Revolution Radio I would say for the name of it.”

Billie Joe : “Right, we took a long break after the last record came out and

um... I think we just, I didn’t want to push anything and I think

and that’s where inspiration really comes from because you, you

let your life unfold then suddenly you have these moments where

like I wrote two songs like one’s called Somewhere Now, the other

one is Bang Bang and then at that point I knew that it was like

it’s time to get Green Day going again, so uh... I think about like

about a year and a half later, I mean here we are now.”

Now, Quinn asked Billie Joe how he got an inspiration to make his

newest album named Revolution Radio after they are discussed his first written

songs. Then, Billie Joe explained about his inspiration, but he also told the titles

of the songs and how long to make them. From this conversation, he violated a

maxim of quantity for adding unnecessary information. It would be better if he

only explains completely about what Quinn only asked him.

Datum 17

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “’Bang Bang’ is there I’ve read that, that was inspired by some

of the shooting some of the craziness that’s been going on in this

country now is that, is that true?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah I think I’m just sort of, ah... it’s hard to talk about just

because it’s so it could be really disturbing but um... I will, it’s yeah

it was about mass shooting and sort of what goes on in these sort

of social media manifestos that these uh... these um... wing nuts


have, have going on inside their heads and how we’ve just become

like a really american culture is like a become really violent so

um... and then sort of how I feel like with bridging that gap

between that and like terrorism and um... so it’s it’s uh... yeah it’s

pretty disturbing, really.”

Quinn asked more specifically about the inspiration of Bang Bang! –

one of the songs of Revolution Radio. Rather than gives a simple “yes” or “no”

answer, he explained completely about it. Of course, she and the audience might

be expected the story behind that song from Billie Joe. But his answer was too

long and contained too many information. So, it can be concluded from the

conversation above that Billie Joe violated a maxim of quantity.

Datum 18

Violating maxim of relevance:

Quinn : “And some of the other um... songs on the album was it was

another one inspired by a protest that you took part in in New

York City?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah it was a Ferguson um... protest that was going on eight

avenue and uh... basically I saw it was the song Revolution Radio

and I just got out and walked with everybody.”

Quinn : “Hm what did all the songs on this album come to you very


Billie Joe : “Yeah I mean eventualy, I mean it takes time um... so I mean

yeah there’s like a song like uh... Still Breathing what it’s a song

about survival, there’s a lot of personal stuff that with it and

looking at your past and um... uh... you know something very

similar to Perry Miller I guess, you know.” [Laughter]

Quinn still talked about the inspiration of the songs from Revolution

Radio album. Then, Quinn wondered about how Billie Joe was so easy to find

the inspiration that comes to him. But, suddenly Billie Joe said something out

of the topic. He tried to relate his answer to the character in the movie even

though Quinn was not talking about it.


Billie Joe’s response should be appropriate with the topic because his

additional sentence was not relevant with what they were talking about. It means

that he violated a maxim of relevance.

Datum 19

Violating of maxim quantity:

Quinn : “Right. Personally you were on a hiatus for for a few years

during that period where you have preaching to get back on the

road. Perry has these flashes, these quick little flashes where he

sees himself on stage in the band when you were away from it

for a while, did you feel that way were you hitting it all to get

back on the road or to get back in the studio?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah everyday um... you have to take a break though because

um... at the time I was really burnt and I think um... me, I could

say that for speak for Mike and Tre also I think we’re all just we

needed time but um... and it’s but it’s hard to take time off for

me like i was uh... you start to get this feeling like... am I

unemployed right now? Or like what’s what do I do with myself?

And so doing the movie was one thing that, that was uh... a really

I start challenging myself in that way like and also I did um... wrote

the song, songs for a musical called These Paper Bullets and uh...

so I found some things that I could do but it eventually that it’s

to be in Green Day is I had to scratch it.”

For this time, Quinn tried to relate Billie Joe with Perry whether he got

some quick little flashes where he saw himself on stage in the band when he

was away from it for a while. Then, Billie Joe directly told completely about

those flashes which are happened to his life by adding some information like

anything he did when he got them. But, his statement violated a maxim of

quantity, because those informations are not required. He should try to be as

informative as possible, then gives as much information as needed.


Datum 20

Violating of maxim relevance:

Quinn : “Oh um... I also um... that there was an interesting diversion

that you took with doing the duet the Foreverly record with

Norah Jones.”

Billie Joe : “Oh yeah that was great, yeah.”

Quinn : “Yeah that was kind of different thing right I mean one, one

reviewer mentioned that he really get to hear really what a what

a great voice you have on that, on that album whereas maybe

some of the some of the other songs - you know - it’s still obvious

but here the voice is really showcased.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, thanks reviewer.” [laughter]

Quinn : “Yeah like that guy.”

Billie Joe : [Laughter] “I like that guy. Um... yeah I learned a lot from

Norah, she um... is a, is a powerhouse uh... she’s so diverse and

you know anything from country to jazz and uh... I approach to

see if she uh... wanted to do this record because I love the

Foreverly Reprise Record called um... songs her daddy taught us

and just to remake it and you know do something different with

it and uh... she was game.”

Based on the data above, Quinn interested to talk about the collaboration

of Billie Joe with Norah Jones. She noticed that the great voice of Billie Joe on

the record with Norah Jones is interested the viewers, and Billie Joe commented

how could he did it.

Suddenly in the middle of the talk, Billie Joe said that he approached

Norah Jones to make sure her to do the record. His explanation exactly true, but

he does not need to say about his effort about the record because it was out of

the topic. For what he said, he violated a maxim of relevance.


Datum 21

Violating of maxim quantity:

Quinn : “Now um... American Idiot sort of a political concept album

right now but you didn’t do that with, with the new record

Revolution Radio.”

Billie Joe : “No, you know it’s funny because like in one hand it’s, it’s very

like every song kind of stands on it’s own, but like there’s a song

on there called Forever Now where I couldn’t help myself and I

started it like getting into sort of these wild arrangements and

turning it into some kind of uh... epic thing uh... so it’s uh... I can

never stray too far from doing uh... something that sounds like

rock opera.”

Quinn : “Right, now is the timing purely coincidental that – you know

– it’s being released now just a month before the election.”

Billie Joe : “Um... it could be, it could be not but I think um... I, I mean I

started the record about two years ago and um... just that’s when

the writing start, it started and then um... so yeah I mean I guess

the timing is right if you... hehe, if you need to drown your sorrows

with a good record so...” [Laughter]

In the piece of the conversation above, Quinn talked as regard the

American Idiot that sort of a political concept and asked Billie Joe for his newest

album – Revolution Radion – that had purely coincidental timing and being

released just a month before the election. Instead of to respond to Quinn’s

statement, he commented too much with said about the timing that he started

the record and his feeling at that time. For those statements, he violated a maxim

of quantity.

Datum 22

Violating maxim of relevance:

Quinn : “Do you get political at all in in your concerts and in your

commentary between songs or in, in during sets?”

Billie Joe : “I have before, and uh... you can’t, you know with the song like

Holiday or American Idiot or uh... Revolution Radio it’s you

know it definitely reflects what’s going on in society so um... the


thing is things feel so toxic right now uh... with what’s going on

that um... I don’t like I watched the debates last night and I

honestly almost feel ashamed of myself for watching it because I...

it was just, it was just a bad show you know, and like – so we played

Webster Hall the other, other night and people started kind of

chanting different things here and there and I wanted to get

away from now, that I wanted to, I wanted to remove myself

from this.”

Quinn asked Billie Joe whether he got political at all in his concert and

songs or in during sets, and she also talked about politics – the time when the

albums released before the election. Billie Joe gave a response to Quinn about

political involvement in his songs, but he inserted his personal experiment about

debates that he saw last night. For this case, Billie Joe violated a maxim of

relevance. His reaction was unnecessary because it out of topic. He may say it

to delivers him to the related sentence in the next.

Datum 23

Violating maxim of manner:

Quinn : “So were they chanting?”

Billie Joe : “Um...”

Quinn : “I don’t know you can say...“

Billie Joe : “I really say but –“

Quinn : “At least a chance against one candidate or the other?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah.”

Quinn : “Okay I can get the picture.”

In the piece of the conversation above, Quinn and Billie Joe still

discussed the politic atmosphere that happened at that time. She wondered to

Billie Joe whether people blabbering during the campaign. When he was talking

to respond, Quinn interrupted him before he finished his sentence, so she

violated a maxim of manner because she cut off the conversation.


Datum 24

Violating maxim of relevance:

Quinn : “So um... you mentioned uh... Webster Hall you’ve been

playing like the smaller venues and then you start a North

American tour in March...“

Billie Joe : “Some like that.”

Quinn : “...and I saw that you guys are coming to the Barclays um...

you know, Brooklyn of course.”

Billie Joe : “Shall yeah, I shall come.”

Quinn : [Laughter] “Um... is that, is that a strategy that you play this

smaller clubs and then go and do the big arenas? Or is it just,

just kind of turned out that way?”

Billie Joe : “I really like to play, like smaller venues sometimes just to like

I go right to the hardcore fans and I wouldn’t like pulling out a

lot of old material from, you know, songs that we haven’t played

since we are – you know – really young, so it’s uh... it’s been really

fun and then uh... so yeah then we get into the bigger, bigger

places after after that so...“

Based on the data above, Quinn said that Billie Joe has been playing in

the small venues, then started a North tour in March, and he agreed. Quinn

continued to talk about the strategy of Billie Joe to get a bigger and bigger stage

in every time is planned or it just going unexpectedly. But, he replied with

adding the unnecessary words that actually not relevant to his main answer. He

spoke with no such contribution as he was not considered to comply, so he

violated a maxim of relevance.

Datum 25

Violating maxim of manner:

Quinn : “Hm hm. I heard you on um... another radio program that we

were talking about before we started our interview um... and

heard you talking about the song Welcome to Paradise and sort

of a nod to your days when you were – I don’t know, what is that

they call them, it’s all your days. Are you really essentially a

squatter, right?”


Billie Joe : “Uhmm... more or less I wouldn’t say it was like a squatter, but

say, but yeah.”

Quinn : “But living in nothing nice –“

Billie Joe : “We like... we lived in squalor.”

In the conversation above, Quinn asked about “Welcome to my

Paradise” which is she heard before the interview, then she said there was sorts

a nod of Billie Joe’s days when he was really essentially squatter. Then, Quinn

tried to say something but cut off by Billie Joe. For this case, he has violated a

maxim of manner. He should wait until Quinn finished her sentence. He is not

able to interrupt Quinn when she speaks or has not finished her sentence.

Datum 26

Violating maxim of relevance:

Quinn : “You lived in the squalor.” [Laughter]

Billie Joe : “Yeah we, it was a bunch of kids and we all lived in the same

warehouse and it was, I mean it wasn’t unlike living in the dorms

but it was just a lot more chaos and punk rock and a lot of

shenanigans so...”

Quinn : “But a very creative place to be?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah absolutely, I mean they were an artists and

musicians and um... you know, punk rockers and in the hallways

and there was always something going on everyday.”

Quinn : “So during those lean years was there ever time when you

said... ‘I don’t know, I know if I can do this for a living’ or... or

did you always know... ‘no i, i have to be a musician.’”

Billie Joe : “I always knew I had to be a musician. I love, love playing um...

and, you know, and even if uh... if my career would have turned

out more like uh... Perry Miller from the movie, I think I would

uh... definitely do whatever I could any kind of job I could to

support my music habit, so...”

In the piece of conversation above, Quinn and Billie Joe were discussing

about the place where the punk rockers to express and Quinn continued to ask


Billie Joe that was he already know that he would be a musician. Then, he gave

an irrelevant answer. He tried to relate his answer with a similar case in his role

– Perry – that actually unnecessary and out of the topic. So, Billie Joe violated

a maxim of relevance. He should only respond with the relevant answer with

the topic of conversation.

Datum 27

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Yeah yeah, uh speaking of, of acting uh American Idiot

obviously bighead on Broadway, Tony’s, and Grammy’s and

you did some acting on stage there too. Is that, is it true that it’s

going to be made into a movie for HBO?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, HBO picked it up and um... we’re all really excited and

uh... the process has begun.”

Quinn immediately asked Billie About his acting in American Idiot on

Broadway, Tony’s, and Grammy’s those are made into a movie for HBO. She

wanted to know was it true or not. Then, Billie Joe answered but with an

additional sentence that told his feeling. So, he violated a maxim of quantity.

He should only to said simple respond like “yes” or “no”.

Datum 28

Violating maxim of manner:

Quinn : “And will you be playing St. Jimmy?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah I think so.”

Quinn : “You will.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah.”

Quinn : “Okay.”

Billie Joe : “Better hurry, I’m not getting younger.”

Quinn : [Laughter] “Okay, but you know – I think –“


Billie Joe : “Yeah basically, yeah.”

In the piece of conversation above, Quinn asked about another title of

Billie Joe’s song that played to be an opera – St. Jimmy – whether he wanted to

play it or not. Billie Joe considered that he wanted to as soon as possible. But

when they were responding to each other, Billie Joe cut off before Quinn

finished her sentence. So, he violated a maxim of manner because he did

impoliteness for interrupting.

Datum 29

Violating maxim of relevance:

Quinn : “Yeah, okay. Ordinary World now has that giving you more of

the acting bug, other than American Idiot. Are you now looking

to spread as an actor maybe?”

Billie Joe : “Um... yeah absolutely. I had a really great time and um... of

course Lee was such a great director, I had a really good time with

him, so yeah I mean I’m, I’m open I’m game for, for whatever

comes my way.”

Quinn continued to a similar question about acting and opera. She asked

Billie Joe whether he will spread his career to be an actor and acting. Of course

he wanted to, but he answered with giving the inconsequent opinion. Not only

gave an answer exactly, but he mentioned somebody else that is not asked. So,

he actually violated a maxim of relevance because he gave another information.

He should not be talking about something else and keep on the topic.

Datum 30

Violating maxim of quantity:

Quinn : “Any other projects on the horizon right now or...?”

Billie Joe : “Nope. Just rock and roll.”

Quinn : “You’ll see what happens.”


Billie Joe : “Hmm hm.”

Quinn : “Just rock and roll a tour, and uh... how about book? How

about a memoir?”

Billie Joe : “Um... I think maybe a fanzie, what if I did a fanzie? No one

asked me if I’d ever do a book but maybe if I did, like my journals

and like a xerox copy thing where I did it like once a month for

three years. Maybe I do something like that. Sounds like fun.”

In the piece of the conversation above, Quinn asked Billie Joe whether

he had another project to do. Then, she came to the last question that is Billie

Joe wanted to make such a book or memoir, and he answered with adding

additional information. Of course for those statements, he violated a maxim of

quantity. It is enough for him just only to said, “Um... I think maybe a fanzie,”,

rather than he gave a long answer and explained something.

Table 2. The Result of Violation a Maxim Cooperative Principles

No. Violate a Maxim Total

1 Maxim of Quantity 17

2 Maxim of Quality 3

3 Maxim of Relevance 6

4 Maxim of Manner 4





A. Conclusion

After conducting the research and analyzing the problems, it can be

concluded that the participants – Billie Joe Armstrong and Brigitte Quinn –

violated all of the four maxims of cooperative principles. There was found

17 violations on the maxim of quantity (57%), 3 violations in the maxim of

quality (10%), 6 violations on the maxim of relevance (20%), and 4

violations on the maxim of manner (13%).

Billie Joe and Quinn violated the maxim of quantity by adding

unnecessary information to the sentence commonly to direct what their main

idea is. They also violated the maxim of quality by giving ambiguous and

false information to each other. Whereas the maxim of relevance was

violated only by Billie Joe by giving unmatched additional information with

the topic and/or his own statement. Moreover, both of Billie Joe and Quinn

violated the maxim of manner by interrupting each other’s statement before

they finished each of their speech. In addition, they were doing all of these

violations just to chit chat and deliver their main thought in order to make

the conversation more entertaining.

B. Suggestion

The writer would like to suggest the next researchers to study about

other types violation of speech acts to increase the knowledge about the


kinds of maxim. This study focused more in the violation of cooperative

principles such as maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of

relevance, and maxim of manner. Moreover, it is very important to have a

further understanding about the guidance and the rules of the conversation.

It would be better for the researchers who are interested in conducting

similar research to explore more deeply about speech act specifically the

cooperative principles.



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Quinn : “We’re spending 22 minutes today with Billie Joe Armstrong of

course of Green Day fame and now a... a movie star.”

Billie Joe : “I... if you want to say that, that’s cool to me.” [laughter]

Quinn : “Maybe what I should say should be more specific. Your first really

starring role in a feature film called Ordinary World, I got to see last

night. Um... how did you come to be doing that project?”

Billie Joe : “Um... with the writer-director Lee Kirk, he... um... he approached

me with a script and I really I read it overnight and I really liked it

immediately so um... yeah we just sort of worked on it a little bit

together and um... yeah I really just, I fell in love with the character

that was great.”

Quinn : “No big surprise there he, Perry ...“

Billie Joe : “Perry.”

Quinn : “...he’s a lovable charatcter [laughter], he’s a former punk rocker.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah I ain’t – you know – full-time dad. Uh... I think um... the

thing I related to most was just that his how he um... how you

become so humble when you become a parent because it’s your uh...

you know, you put, put your kids and family before everything else

so that was the thing I kind of related to the most about him.”

Quinn : “Interesting, and you, you have two sons?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah 21 and 18.”

Quinn : “And they’re both musicians.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah that’s right.”

Quinn : “Right, and... the girl your daughter the older child...“

Billie Joe : “Uh um.”

Quinn : “ the movie is a musician as well.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah.”

Quinn : “Yeah.”

Billie Joe : “I, I, you know, having kids and, and even he’s like hanging out

with, with Madisyn who played Salome in the movie like – there’s

a, she’s a really tallented tallented kid and I... we were able to sort

of talk about music and share. It’s almost like you can speak a

different language um... just it’s the language of rock and roll I



Quinn : “Were you always able to speak that that language with your own


Billie Joe : “Yeah we still do that even gets more intense now that – you know

– it’s like they show me a lot of things that they’re up to and what

theye’re listening to and uh... you know, my youngest Jakob is

becoming a really good songwriter and my, my oldest is the

drummer in a band called Swimmers and um... it’s great, it’s like

because they honestly love music and that’s what, that’s why I like

talking about it really.”

Quinn : “Did you ever have any reservation with them going into the biz?”

Billie Joe : “No, we never really talked about that stuff, I mean we talked about

it... uh... just in terms of what to be aware of, but I, it’s more about

um... loving music and uh... just kind, showing them some old stuff

that I’ve, I’ve listened to and they turn me on the stuff too.”

Quinn : “Hmm mm. Movie... um... shot here in new york city? Right? And

um... so Perry – your character – he’s… he kind of wants to have

this big party for his milestone birthday…” [Laughter]

Billie Joe : “Yeah.”

Quinn : “...and his buddy, Fred Armisen, tries to facilitate that. What was

it like working with Fred Armisen?”

Billie Joe : “Ow it was great, you know me and Fred actually we go back a lot

further than I thought we did, it’s like we... we played, his band

played with us and we in, we wouldn’t like Beloit Wisconsin at Elk’s

Lodge in 1991, so is I think we... we... our second record hadn’t

come out yet, but he was uh... yeah so it was just it was crazy just

how uh... full circle that we came and you know he’s such a great

drummer and...”

Quinn : “Yeah.”

Billie Joe : “ such a great actor and so funny and um... obviously but yeah

it was great working with him.”

Quinn : “Yeah I missed him on SNL. Um... the four songs right? That are

original songs for the movie and um... did Fred play the drums on

those or...?”

Billie Joe : “Um... well we... we, the cool thing about this movie is like we

played everything live, so I had to get together with him and uh...

Lucas and um... Kevin to uh... and... and we rehearsed and it was

like a real band and you can hear like we got ended up getting pretty

tight, so yeah there’s four songs The Devil’s Kind, Ordinary World,

Body Bag, and um... I can’t think it’s been the one that’s top my



Quinn : “Will have to all, have to go back in google –“

Billie Joe : “Oh Fever Blister...“

Quinn : “Fever Blister [Laughter], okay.“

Billie Joe : “...that’s what I should call, yeah.” [Laughter]

Quinn : “And making movie so um... the other actors I should mention

Selma Blair of course you just had that great role as a Kriss Jenner

in the OJ movie I don’t know if you saw that at all but um... and

um... Judy Greer.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah.”

Quinn : “So what was it like working with them like did you... did you seek

out like acting advisory or we just like ‘now I get this guy I’m just

gonna play him naturally.’?”

Billie Joe : “Oh sure yeah I... I definitely uh… kind of fed off of them, I mean

Selma is a great actor she’s been in a lot of great movies and um...

so I was really excited working with her and Judy was um... she’s

an amazing actor so... and she made it really fun and like that, that

scene the scenes that we were in um... she was just really excited

and, and so was I and so I think the fact that we got along so well,

kind of made it like, so we had some pretty good chemistry.”

Quinn : “Hm hm, yeah it comes across on the screen it definitely does and...

so your character he’s turning 40, I don’t want to give too much

weight about it but he’s turning 40. Was at in your own life any kind

of uh... of crisis?”

Billie Joe : “Sure... why not, yeah [Laughter] I think it’s a little bit for

everybody um... yeah I think um... you know, I think it’s just sort of

when you, when you get to an age where you can look at back at

time and eras of where you’re at in your life, that’s when I think you

start going wow, this is uh... I’m, I’m getting up there but uh... um...

I don’t think the thing about the character was like yeah you have to,

when you have a family and you have kids there’s part of you that,

that um... sort of goes away um... but, but what I think that the

character find is like there’s something new about him that he’s

discovering everyday.”

Quinn : “Hm hm hm hm and there’s, there’s also a nice scene where his

friend tells him that he got to jam with McCartney.”

Billie Joe : [Laughter] “Yeah.”

Quinn : “And your cares like ‘uuuh’.”

Billie Joe : “Oh yeah, yeah.”


Quinn : “But in real life I, did you get to jam with McCartney I know I read

something that you um... you got you definitely got to hang out with

him at one of the Rock and Roll, Hall of Fame induction ceremonies

or... is that somebody who you ...?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, that’s...“

Quinn : “...collaborated with?”

Billie Joe : “’s a real thing about the whole thing was when the movie with,

when the movie was finished and it was edited and then Green Day

got inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I was literally

jamming with Ringo and Paul McCartney um... and uh... it is just

crazy how I don’t know my, I have a weird life and I like it.”


Quinn : “What was that like jamming with them?”

Billie Joe : “It was like, I still can’t balieve it, um... Ringo is a really great

drummer um... and he’s uh... really solid and uh... jad let’s just from

looking at it for a musician’s standpoint is just to be able to hear him

up close and um... and not just on record and he’s fantastic and... and

Paul, I was just out there and pretty sure I can, I can barely


Quinn : [Laughter] “Now, your, your drummer mike, right?

Billie Joe : “Tre.”

Quinn : “Oh Tre, sorry, um... wait it was mike then but that you met when

you were 10?”

Billie Joe : “That’s right.”

Quinn : “Okay so when, when you guys met at that age you know there’s

so much lore about Lennon and McCartney with a Metis teenagers,

and it was just like just lightning kind of striking when they met.

Was it like that for you two when you met that you like just

understood each other spoke the same musical language back and

you know that far back?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, I I think me and mike were both when we met were almost

uh... competing to be the class clown in the fifth grade and I think

when uh... we were uh... so what we found out is that we could be

clowns together and so we used to do things like we would make

these like we were DJs and... and you know talk like on these little

cassette tapes and it was really fun and then and eventually it turned

towards um... music like so some of the first conversations that we

have we’re talking about like different songs that we both liked and

uh... eventually we start a Green Day when we are 15 16 years old.”


Quinn : “Right... did you start writing the songs for Dookie when you were

at like 18? I mean it really young right?

Billie Joe : “Um... yeah I would say... at 20 and 21.”

Quinn : “Hm hm.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah and then the, the previous records... I was 15 16 years old

so we’ve been in spann forever.”

Quinn : “Hm alright. Now aside from the movie you’ve been doing a lot of

promotion of the new, the new album, um... what inspired you to do

this album?”

Billie Joe : “Um...”

Quinn : “Revolution Radio I would say for the name of it.”

Billie Joe : “Right, we took a long break after the last record came out and

um... I think we just, I didn’t want to push anything and I think and

that’s where inspiration really comes from because you, you let your

life unfold then suddenly you have these moments where like I wrote

two songs like one’s called Somewhere Now, the other one is Bang

Bang and then at that point I knew that it was like it’s time to get

Green Day going again, so uh... I think about like about a year and

a half later, I mean here we are now.”

Quinn : “Bang Bang is there I’ve read that, that was inspired by some of

the shooting some of the craziness that’s been going on in this

country now is that, is that true?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah I think I’m just sort of, ah... it’s hard to talk about just

because it’s so it could be really disturbing but um... I will, it’s yeah

it was about mass shooting and sort of what goes on in these sort of

social media manifestos that these uh... these um... wing nuts have,

have going on inside their heads and how we’ve just become like a

really american culture is like a become really violent so um... and

then sort of how I feel like with bridging that gap between that and

like terrorism and um... so it’s it’s uh... yeah it’s pretty disturbing,


Quinn : “And some of the other um... songs on the album was it was another

one inspired by a protest that you took part in in New York City?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah it was a Ferguson um... protest that was going on eight

avenue and uh... basically I saw it was the song Revolution Radio

and I just got out and walked with everybody.”

Quinn : “Hm what did all the songs on this album come to you very easily?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah I mean eventualy, I mean it takes time um... so I mean yeah

there’s like a song like uh... Still Breathing what it’s a song about


survival, there’s a lot of personal stuff that with it and looking at

your past and um... uh... you know something very similar to Perry

Miller I guess, you know.” [laughter]

Quinn : “Right. Personally you were on a hiatus for for a few years during

that period where you have preaching to get back on the road. Perry

has these flashes, these quick little flashes where he sees himself on

stage in the band when you were away from it for a while, did you

feel that way were you hitting it all to get back on the road or to get

back in the studio?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah everyday um... you have to take a break though because

um... at the time I was really burnt and I think um... me, I could say

that for speak for Mike and Tre also I think we’re all just we needed

time but um... and it’s but it’s hard to take time off for me like i was

uh... you start to get this feeling like... am I unemployed right now?

Or like what’s what do I do with myself? And so doing the movie

was one thing that, that was uh... a really I start challenging myself

in that way like and also I did um... wrote the song, songs for a

musical called These Paper Bullets and uh... so I found some things

that I could do but it eventually that it’s to be in Green Day is I had

to scratch it.”

Quinn : “Oh um... I also um... that there was an interesting diversion that

you took with doing the duet the Foreverly record with Norah


Billie Joe : “Oh yeah that was great, yeah.”

Quinn : “Yeah that was kind of different thing right I mean one, one

reviewer mentioned that he really get to hear really what a what a

great voice you have on that, on that album whereas maybe some of

the some of the other songs - you know - it’s still obvious but here

the voice is really showcased.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, thanks reviewer.” [laughter]

Quinn : “Yeah like that guy.”

Billie Joe : [Laughter] “I like that guy. Um... yeah I learned a lot from Norah,

she um... is a, is a powerhouse uh... she’s so diverse and you know

anything from country to jazz and uh... I approach to see if she uh...

wanted to do this record because I love the Foreverly, Reprise

Record called um... songs her daddy taught us and just to remake it

and you know do something different with it and uh... she was


Quinn : “Um... I think also what’s interesting you, you are able to shift

between these different genres or I don’t even know if you like to

label the different types of music you do but some of the slower


songs I was, I was driving down here um... and I was, I was listening

to Green Day like a shuffle play.”

Billie Joe : “Hahahaha.”

Quinn : “And sure enough I’m looking at the, the new tower, the new

freedom tower, just as Wake Me Up When September Ends and sent

that song um... I think a lot of people associate that with 911 and

they it has meaning for them because of that but that wasn’t what it

was meant to be about, was it...“

Billie Joe : “That was the first time I ever wrote about my father passing away

when I was a kid and um so it was, it was really heavy and it

happened, happens to be the same month as, as 9/11 and I think uh...

they’re, they’re having people that have sort of... sought comfort in

that song at a time where there’s a lot of tragedy so um... but I mean

it could mean that I mean that’s the beauty about music is that it has

the power to... I know, it’s different interpretations of it so...“

Quinn : “Right, right and the spesific can be very universal in the way.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah absolutely.”

Quinn : “Now um... American Idiot sort of a political concept album right

now but you didn’t do that with, with the new record Revolution


Billie Joe : “No, you know it’s funny because like in one hand it’s, it’s very

like every song kind of stands on it’s own, but like there’s a song on

there called Forever Now where I couldn’t help myself and I started

it like getting into sort of these wild arrangements and turning it into

some kind of uh... epic thing uh... so it’s uh... I can never stray too

far from doing uh... something that sounds like rock opera.”

Quinn : “Right, now is the timing purely coincidental that – you know – it’s

being released now just a month before the election.”

Billie Joe : “Um... it could be, it could be not but I think um... I, I mean I started

the record about two years ago and um... just that’s when the writing

start, it started and then um... so yeah I mean I guess the timing is

right if you... hehe, if you need to drown your sorrows with a good

record so...” [laughter]

Quinn : “Do you get political at all in in your concerts and in your

commentary between songs or in, in during sets?”

Billie Joe : “I have before, and uh... you can’t, you know with the song like

Holiday or American Idiot or uh... Revolution Radio it’s you know

it definitely reflects what’s going on in society so um... the thing is

things feel so toxic right now uh... with what’s going on that um... I

don’t like I watched the debates last night and I honestly almost feel


ashamed of myself for watching it because I... it was just, it was just

a bad show you know, and like - so we played Webster Hall the

other, other night and people started kind of chanting different things

here and there and I wanted to get away from now, that I wanted to,

I wanted to remove myself from this.”

Quinn : “So were they chanting?”

Billie Joe : “Um...”

Quinn : “I don’t know you can say...“

Billie Joe : “I really say but –“

Quinn : “At least a chance against one candidate or the other?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah.”

Quinn : “Okay I can get the picture.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah and I just like - you know - let’s - you know - let’s this, this

is our own private underground right now where we can get away

from the madness and everybody just feel a little bit of unity and

some peace and love and... and self-respect, you know.”

Quinn : “Have a little fun enjoy some rock and roll music.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah.”

Quinn : “So um... you mentioned uh... Webster Hall you’ve been palying

like the smaller venues and then you start a North American tour in


Billie Joe “Some like that.”

Quinn : “...and I saw that you guys are coming to the Barclays um... you

know, Brooklyn of course.”

Billie Joe : “Shall yeah, I shall come.”

Quinn : [Laughter] “Um... is that, is that a strategy that you play this smaller

clubs and then go and do the big arenas? Or is it just, just kind of

turned out that way?”

Billie Joe : “I really like to play, like smaller venues sometimes just to like I

go right to the hardcore fans and I wouldn’t like pulling out a lot of

old material from, you know, songs that we haven’t played since we

are - you know - really young, so it’s uh... it’s been really fun and

then uh... so yeah then we get into the bigger, bigger places after

after that so...“

Quinn : “It must be nice though in the smaller venues.”


Billie Joe : “Oh yeah, yeah it’s really fun, I mean it’s right, it’s even better and

bigger ones, it’s really fun.”

Quinn : “Yeah, and in one show I, I can’t recall when uh... exactly it was

you broke into like a classic, a classic rock medley I want to say like

Hey Jude and some...”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah.”

Quinn : “...some real classics. Do you do that... you do that from time to

time, you, the band just feels like...“

Billie Joe : “Yeah, I always said, tell people we can play about 10 seconds of

every song – you know – very classic song...“

Quinn : [laughter] “There’s your medley!”

Billie Joe : “Yeah good or bad – you know – so, it’s, it’s fun, uh... we – you

know – we met – you know – play a little bit of Satisfaction by

Rolling Stones and just have some fun.”

Quinn : “Hm hm. I heard you on um... another radio program that we were

talking about before we started our interview um... and heard you

talking about the song Welcome to Paradise and sort of a nod to your

days when you were – I don’t know, what is that they call them, it’s

all your days. Are you really essentially a squatter, right?”

Billie Joe : “Uhmm... more or less I wouldn’t say it was like a squatter, but

say, but yeah.”

Quinn : “But living in nothing nice –“

Billie Joe : “We like... we lived in squalor.”

Quinn : “You lived in the squalor.” [laughter]

Billie Joe : “Yeah we, it was a bunch of kids and we all lived in the same

warehouse and it was, I mean it wasn’t unlike living in the dorms

but it was just a lot more chaos and punk rock and a lot of

shenanigans so...”

Quinn : “But a very creative place to be?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, yeah absolutely, I mean they were an artists and musicians

and um... you know, punk rockers and in the hallways and there was

always something going on everyday.”

Quinn : “So during those lean years was there ever time when you said... ‘I

don’t know, I know if I can do this for a living’ or... or did you

always know... ‘no i, i have to be a musician.’”

Billie Joe : “I always knew I had to be a musician. I love, love playing um...

and, you know, and even if uh... if my career would have turned out


more like uh... Perry Miller from the movie, I think I would uh...

definitely do whatever I could any kind of job I could to support my

music habit, so...”

Quinn : “Yeah yeah, uh speaking of, of acting uh American Idiot obviously

bighead on Broadway, Tony’s, and Grammy’s and you did some

acting on stage there too. Is that, is it true that it’s going to be made

into a movie for HBO?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah, HBO picked it up and um... we’re all really excited and uh...

the process has begun.”

Quinn : “And will you be playing St. Jimmy?”

Billie Joe : “Yeah I think so.”

Quinn : “You will.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah.”

Quinn : “Okay.”

Billie Joe : “Better hurry, I’m not getting younger.”

Quinn : [Laughter] “Okay, but you know – I think –“

Billie Joe : “Yeah basically, yeah.”

Quinn : “Yeah, okay. Ordinary World now has that giving you more of the

acting bug, other than American Idiot. Are you now looking to

spread as an actor maybe?”

Billie Joe : “Um... yeah absolutely. I had a really great time and um... of course

Lee was such a great director, I had a really good time with him, so

yeah I mean I’m, I’m open I’m game for, for whatever comes my


Quinn : “Any other projects on the horizon right now or...?”

Billie Joe : “Nope. Just rock and roll.”

Quinn : “You’ll see what happens.”

Billie Joe : “Hmm hm.”

Quinn : “Just rock and roll a tour, and uh... how about book? How about a


Billie Joe : “Um... I think maybe a fanzie, what if I did a fanzie? No one asked

me if I’d ever do a book but maybe if I did, like my journals and like

a xerox copy thing where I did it like once a month for three years.

Maybe I do something like that. Sounds like fun.”


Quinn : “I think will be a hit [laughter], I do... enjoy the movie and enjoyed

having you so much.”

Billie Joe : “Ow, thank you, thank you so much.”

Quinn : “Thank you so much.”

Billie Joe : “Yeah.”