The Road Map to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

The Road Map to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

Transcript of The Road Map to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

The Road Map to Red Hat Enterprise


By the end of this session, you will able to :

Identify Red Hat Enterprise virtualization Technology

The Features of the Red Hat Enterprise virtualization Technology .

How to Build The Red Hat Enterprise virtualization Environment

Identify the main components of the RHEV Manager architecture


The difference between Red Hat subscription model and the product license model

The cost of baying Red Hat technology

The virtalization technology available now

• VMware

• Red Hat

• Microsoft

• Citrix

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

An Enterprise Virtualization Product Produced

by Red Hat, based on the KVM hypervisor

RHEV Architecture

The Red Hat Enterprise virtualization Manager (RHEV-M)

The Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor

Lets See How to Build Your Physical Environment Real World Scenario

Let’s list So e of the ew Features in RHEV-M

Using power of the recently released

JBoss EAP 6

administrative portal interface

live snapshots

clone virtual machines

Connect over HTTP and HTTPS


live migration

high availability


load balancing

multiple different storage domains

Exporting using NFSv4

Let’s list So e of the ew Features in Red Hat Hypervisor

Based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 KVM, which Gain a lot of

performance and scalability

support up to 160 logical CPUs and 2 terabytes of memory

provides customers with a choice of hypervisor deployment


Red Hat and The Open Source Community

Red Hat and Open Source Community

The difference between Subscription Model , and product license model



The Cost of baying Product

Licence Model

Product Licence

Product Support



The Cost of baying annually

Subscription Model

Product Cost

Product support

Red Hat Enterprise Virtalization Cost

Red Hat Enterprise Virtalization Cost

Sold on a annually subscription model , not product of license model

Virtualization for Servers is priced on a per-socket

$499 per socket per year “sta dard “ Busi ess Hours o ly

$749 per socket per year for 24x7 support “ Pre iu “

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops VM’S support

$325 per 25 desktops per “sta dard “ Busi ess Hours o ly

$563 per 25 desktops per year for 24x7 support “ Pre iu “

How We Calculate The Cost ?

The Way to Calculate The Cost

• The first step is to count the number of sockets on the servers

• Choose either the standard or premium support service

• The final step select standard or premium and multiply by the number of


The Cost = $cost ‘ pre iu or sta dard ‘ * No of the Sockets

For Example $499 * 4 Sockets = $ 1996 per year


Mohamed Moharam

Linux System Administrator