THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS’ READING INTEREST IN ACADEMIC BOOKS AND THEIR VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Correlational Study at the Eighth Grade of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat Academic Year 2015/2016) “Skripsi” Presented to Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfillment and Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in the Department of English Education By SULIS SETYANINGSIH 1111014000099 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHERS TRAINING STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2016




(A Correlational Study at the Eighth Grade of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat

Academic Year 2015/2016)


Presented to Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfillment

and Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in the

Department of English Education









IGMENTERIAN AGAMAUIN H. Jwndo na95 Cipttat lill) l do esio


No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-089

Tsl. Terbit : I Marer 2010

No- Revisi: : 0lHal 1/t


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Nama : Sulis Setyaningsih

- Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Klaten, 10 Oktober 1991

NIM :1111014000099

Jurusan / Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Relationship between Students' Reading Interest inAcademic Books and Their Vocabulary Mastery.(A Correlational Study at the Eighth Grade of MTs.Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat Academ ic Y ear 2015/2016).

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Nida Husna, M.Pd, M.A. TESOL.

2. Ertin, M.A. TESOL.

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri

dan saya bertanggungjawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pemyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

lakarta,5 April 2016Mahasiswa Ybs.

NIM.1 1 I 1014000099



(A Correlational Study at the Grade of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat

Acadernic Year 2 0l 5 I 201 6)


Presented to Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfillment andRequirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in the

Department of English Education

Compiled By:

Sulis S etyaningsih


Approved by:

Advisor II

YErtin.M.A. TESOL.






NrP. 19720705 200312 2 002


The examination committee of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

certifies that the "Skripsi" scientific paper entitled "The Relationship behveen

Students' Reading Interest in Academic Books and Their Vocabulary

Mastery (A Correlational Study at the Eightlt Grade Students of Madrasalr

Tsanawiyalt Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat)" written by Sulis Setyaningsih,

students' registration number: 1111014000099, was examined by committee on

April 5'l', 2016 and was declared to have passed and fulfilled one of the

requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in the Depaftment of English





Examiner I

Examiner II

&ab,Dr. Alek. M.Pd.NIP. 19690912 200901 I 008

Zaharil Anasv. M.Hum.NrP. 19761007 200710 1002

Dr. Ratna Sari Dervi. M.Pd.NrP. 19720501 199903 2 013

Zaharil Anasy. M.Hum.NIP. 19761007 200710 I 002

Jakarla, April 5'l' 2016

ledged byThe Dean ofFacultv Tarbiyah and T



SULIS SETYANINGSIH, 2016, The Relationship between Students’ Reading

Interest in Academic Books and Their

Vocabulary Mastery (A Correlational Study at

the 8th

Grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat Academic Year

2015/2016), Skripsi, Department of English

Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers Training, State Islamic University of

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016.

Keywords : Reading Interest in Academic Books,

Vocabulary Mastery

The purpose of this study is to know whether there is significant correlation

between students’ reading interest in academic books and their vocabulary

mastery on the eighth grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.

The sample of this study is 33 students from 96 students in the eighth grade. The

method of this study was quantitative method and the technique that used was

correlational technique. In collecting the data, the writer used questionnaire about

students’ reading interest in academic books and vocabulary test. Both of the data

were calculated with SPSS version 22 program. The result shows that there is a

positive correlation between students’ reading interest in academic books and

their vocabulary mastery. It proved by the rxy (0.507) which bigger than rtable

(0.344) in the degree significance 5%. It considered that null hypothesis (Ho) in

this research is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which states that there

is correlation between students’ reading interest in academic books and their

vocabulary mastery is accepted. In conclusion there is relationship between

students’ reading interest in academic books and their vocabulary mastery. Even

though the relationship between two variables are not too significant but the

relationship tends to the positive value. It means that the students who have an

interest in reading academic books, they are better in vocabulary mastery rather

than the students who do not have an interest in reading academic books.



SULIS SETYANINGSIH, 2016, The Relationship between Students’ Reading

Interest in Academic Books and Their

Vocabulary Mastery (A Correlational Study at

the 8th

Grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat Academic Year

2015/2016), Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan

Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016.

Kata Kunci : Ketertarikan Membaca Buku-Buku

Akademik, Penguasaan Kosakata

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada korelasi antara

ketertarikan siswa dalam membaca buku-buku akademik dan penguasaan

kosakata siswa kelas 8 di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.

Sampel untuk penelitian ini adalah 33 siswa dari 96 jumlah siswa di kelas 8.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan teknik

yang digunakan adalah teknik korelasi. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis

menggunakan angket tentang ketertarikan siswa dalam membaca buku-buku

akademik dan tes tentang kosakata. Kedua data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian

diolah menggunakan program SPSS versi 22. Hasilnya memperlihatkan bahwa

ada korelasi positif antara ketertarikan siswa dalam membaca buku-buku

akademik dan penguasaan kosakata siswa. Ini dibuktikan dengan rxy (0.507) yang

lebih besar dari rtabel (0.344) pada signifikan 5%. Hal ini dapat menyatakan bahwa

null hipotesis (Ho) pada penelitian ini ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif yang

menyatakan bahwa ada korelasi antara ketertarikan siswa dalam membaca buku-

buku akademik dan penguasaan kosakata siswa diterima. Kesimpulannya adalah

ada hubungan antara ketertarikan siswa dalam membaca buku-buku akademik dan

penguasaan kosakata siswa. Meskipun, hubungan antara kedua variabel tidak

terlalu signifikan tetapi hubungan menunjukkan nilai yang positif. Ini juga berarti

bahwa siswa yang memiliki ketertarikan dalam membaca buku-buku akademik,

penguasaan kosakata mereka lebih baik daripada siswa yang tidak memiliki

ketertarikan dalam membaca buku-buku akademik.



In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

All praised is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, who has given His loving and

blessing the writer to finish her last assignment in her study, “Skripsi”. Peace and

salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion

and his adherence.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions to all of lecturers,

institutions, family and friends who have contributed in the different ways hence

this “Skripsi” is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be

presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. in English Language Education


First, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her wonderful

mother, Mrs. Suminem, her precious father, Mr. Supardi, and her beloved brother,

Triyadi for giving their motivation, guidance, and pray all the time.

Furthermore, the writer would like to express her great honor and deepest

gratitude to her advisors, Nida Husna, M.Pd., M.A. TESOL. and Ertin, M.A.

TESOL. who have given precious help, the guidance and the advices patiently to

the writer during the completion and the development of the study.

The writer also realized that she will never able to finish this “Skripsi”

without help and support from people around her. Therefore, the writer would like

to give her gratitude and appreciations to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of the English Education Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of the English Education



4. All lecturers and staff of the English Education Department who always

give motivation and valuable knowledge during her study.

5. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd., as C class 2011 Academic Advisor who

always give support and advices during her study.

6. The principal of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat and Ms. Eka as a teacher

who has given permission, her support and help in conducting the


7. All of students at the Eighth Grade of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat

Academic Year 2015/2016, as the participants of this research.

8. Her collage best friends Ellen Firdhayana, Muthia Hanifah, Rizka

Muslimaini, Mega Anjar, Aminah Siti Rohana, Eka Fitriyani, Novia and

all friends from C class 2011 for the great friendship, supports, and

knowledge they have shared.

9. Her best friends Irfian Firliani, Eka Nadia, Indri Dwi Astuti, Ratna Putri

Astono, Anggy, Febri, Yhana, and Anty who always support her in this


The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and

contribution in this “Skripsi”. May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Moreover,

the writer also realized that this “Skripsi” is far from perfect. It is a pleasure for

her to get critiques and suggestions to make this “Skripsi” better.

Jakarta, April 5th

, 2016

The Writer



COVER ........................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... viii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... ix

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study .............................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem ........................................ 5

C. Limitation of the Study ................................................. 5

D. Formulation of the Problem .......................................... 5

E. Objective of the Study .................................................. 5

F. Significance of the Study .............................................. 6

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................... 7

A. Reading ......................................................................... 7

1. Definition of Reading ............................................. 7

2. Purposes of Reading ............................................... 9

3. Kinds of Reading ................................................... 10

4. Reading Strategies .................................................. 13

B. Reading Interest ............................................................ 15

1. Definition of Reading Interest ................................ 15

2. Types of Interest ..................................................... 16

3. Reading an Academic Book ................................... 17

C. Vocabulary .................................................................... 19

1. Definition of Vocabulary ........................................ 19

2. Vocabulary Mastery................................................ 20

3. Kinds of Vocabulary ............................................... 22

4. The Influence of Vocabulary and Reading ............. 23

D. Relevant of the Study.................................................... 23

E. Research Hypothesis ..................................................... 25


CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................... 26

A. Place and Time of the Study ......................................... 26

B. Research Design ........................................................... 26

C. Population and Sample ................................................. 26

D. Techniques of Data Collection ..................................... 27

1. Questionnaire .......................................................... 27

2. Test ......................................................................... 29

E. Trustworthiness of the Study ........................................ 30

1. Validity ................................................................... 30

2. Reliability ............................................................... 31

F. Techniques of Data Analysis ........................................ 32

1. Normality ................................................................ 32

2. Linearity .................................................................. 33

G. Statistical Hypothesis.................................................... 35


A. Data Description ........................................................... 36

B. Data Analysis ................................................................ 38

C. Data Interpretation ........................................................ 44

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ........................... 46

A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 46

B. Suggestions ........................................................................ 46

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 48

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 51



Table 3.1 Likert Scale for Reading Interest Questionnaire ......................... 28

Table 3.2 The Indicators of Reading Interest Questionnaire ...................... 28

Table 3.3 The Indicators of Vocabulary Test ............................................. 29

Table 3.4 Category of Reliability ................................................................ 32

Table 3.5 Pearson Correlation ..................................................................... 34

Table 4.1 Score of Students’ Reading Interest Questionnaire .................... 36

Table 4.2 Score of Students’ Vocabulary Test ........................................... 37

Table 4.3 Normality Test Table .................................................................. 39

Table 4.4 Linearity Test Table .................................................................... 39

Table 4.5 Data Analysis Table .................................................................... 40

Table 4.6 Correlations Table ....................................................................... 42

Table 4.7 Correlation Interpretation Table ................................................. 45



APPENDIX 1 The Blue Print of Reading Interest Questionnaire ............ 52

APPENDIX 2 Reading Interest Questionnaire ......................................... 53

APPENDIX 3 Silabus Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 ....................... 55

APPENDIX 4 The Blue Print of Vocabulary Test .................................... 60

APPENDIX 5 Vocabulary Test ................................................................ 61

APPENDIX 6 Distribusi Nilai Signifkansi 5% dan 1% .................. 65

APPENDIX 7 Output SPSS Validity Test of Reading Interest

Questionnaire ..................................................................... 66

APPENDIX 8 Output ANATES Validity Test and Reliability Test of

Vocabulary Test ................................................................ 86

APPENDIX 9 Tabel Fungsi Distribusi pada Distribusi Probabilitas

t-Student ............................................................................ 88




A. Background of the Study

English is one of main languages that used in international communication.

This language is used world widely in many fields such as information and

technology, economy, science, art, education, politics, and so on. People who has

English well, they can communicate with each other from another country. It is

because English has been taught around the world as a second or foreign

language. Therefore, English is as an international language that is considered

important has been taught around the world including in Indonesia.

In Indonesia, English is one of subjects which are taught in almost all level of

education as a compulsory subject. It can be shown from our government‟s

attention in the 2004 English curriculum.1 One of the aims of teaching and

learning English is to develop students‟ communication ability in English includes

writing, reading, speaking, and listening, in written or spoken form. It shows that

English has important role for education in Indonesia.

English in Indonesia is considered as a foreign language (EFL). Another

countries that considered English as a foreign language are China, Japan, Greece,

Poland, and so on.2 For those countries, English is generally not used as a daily

communication. EFL indicates the teaching of English in non English speaking

country. Learning English can occur as part of the school curriculum and usually

students just learn English actively in school.

In learning language, it also requires four certain major language skills;

listening, reading, speaking, and writing. As one of the language skills, reading

plays an important role because reading has become a part of people‟s life.

Through reading various printed materials, people are able to get a lot of

knowledge, information, or pleasure. Jo McDonough stated that in learning a

1 Depdiknas Kurikulum 2014: Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Sekolah

Menengah Pertama dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah. (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2003), p. 14.

2 Allan Lauder, The Status and Function of English in Indonesia: A Review of Key Factors,

MAKARA, Sosial Humaniora, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2008, p. 10.


foreign language reading plays an important role and for students, reading English

material is their obligation in learning language even though they do not have to

speak or produce the language.3

Furthermore, in reading process, the readers are not only looking at words

from printed materials but also try to understand the message in the text based on

their background knowledge or their interests. Therefore, in reading process the

readers‟ eyes and brain are involved.

People can read many various printed materials such as newspaper,

magazines, academic or non academic books. For students, they practice reading

from academic books that used by their teachers as the main source of language

teaching. Academic book is like English reading textbook or student‟s worksheet

(LKS) that all students have. Each student is expected to be able to read well

through reading academic books or English reading textbooks.

Unfortunately, many students who read English text especially for

beginners level are often faced with some problems. Therefore, the investigation

of the eighth grade students should be noticed from the factors which influence it.

Interest becomes one of the factors which may affect the students„ reading ability

because reading is a skill. A skill cannot only be developed by learning but it also

must be developed by extensive and continual practice. Reading interest is a

feeling that causes special attention to read. The students will read actively if they

are interest in reading. It can make them consider reading activity as a habitual

activity for them. Interest is very influence for reading activeness. In reality, based

on the students‟ interview result, most all of the students are not interest in

reading because they think reading is an activity that make them bored and

difficult to comprehend the text especially in English. It is because they cannot

understand or know the meaning of words, so they cannot get the content of the

text. Therefore, they might end up become less interested in reading English

materials and then they will not adopt reading in a second language as a habit. It is

proved from the pre-research observation done by the writer to the second grade

3 Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT: A Teacher’s Guide,

(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1993), p. 101.


students in MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat, where the writer did PPKT program

as the English teacher.

Based on the pre-research observation, the writer found that the students got

some difficulties in reading English. Such as the limited number of vocabulary,

difficult to memorize meaning of words. Consequently, students get the difficulty

to understand the meaning of words in reading English text. Moreover, the main

problem is most of students did not interest to read their English reading textbook.

They just read their English textbook if they are instructed by their teacher.

In reading a text, students are not only reading the text correctly but also

learning grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and how to arrange every word

becomes a good sentence or paragraph. By reading, students can get new

vocabulary and can practice to apply the vocabulary that they have got. Moreover,

for the beginner level students, there are number of words that at least they have

to master.

Many researchers suggested that learners should be taught at least two

thousand high frequency words.4 From the 1.000 most frequent word families of

English includes 75 percent of common words in newspaper, academic texts, and

novels as well as about 85 percent of words commonly used in conversation.5

Therefore, for the students especially in junior high school or beginners level are

directed to read a lot of English textbooks or academic books. According to

Spears, academic books or their English textbooks usually provide considerable

help for students when they are learning English.6 She also stated that an English

textbook usually provides tables or boxes that contain some vocabularies with the

meaning that occur in the textbook. It really helps students to understand the

content of the text. One of the reasons why most of students have difficulty to

understand the contents of their textbook is because they lack of vocabulary.

4 Marianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language 3

rd Edition,

(Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2001), p. 287.

5 Thomas S. C. Farrell, Teaching Reading to English Language Learners, (California:

Corwin Press, 2009), p. 62.

6 Deanne Spears, Developing Critical Reading Skills 7

th Edition, (New York: The McGraw-

Hill Companies, Inc., 2006), p. 5.


Hence, as the beginners, academic books or English textbooks are helpful to

improve their English especially their vocabulary.

Vocabulary is one of the language components that support the four language

skills. There are no languages that exist without words. Therefore, the mastery on

vocabulary plays a very significant part in learning new language. It is because

“vocabulary has always been a crucial part of language learning and teaching.”7

People cannot master a language well unless they have good mastery on

vocabulary. The more vocabularies they have, the more ideas they have and they

can communicate the ideas more effectively.

Moreover, Wilkins as cited by Scott Thornbury said “without grammar very

little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”8 Learners

will know or comprehend the text even though their knowledge about grammar is

not good enough. Without knowing the meaning of a word, the learners would be

difficult to name objects around their or communicate with other people.

Whereas, Norbert Schmitt states that reading is a key to vocabulary

improvement.9 The weak of vocabulary mastery may affect the students‟ reading

ability. If students want to master vocabulary, they must read a lot. As the more

they read the more vocabulary and new words they can encounter and can

understand text easily. But how can they encounter many vocabularies if they

have no interest in reading. They read only if they are instructed by their teachers.

Knowing how important vocabulary in language learning especially in

reading, makes reading and vocabulary cannot be separated because to understand

an English reading text students have to know the meaning of words. Therefore to

see the relationship between reading and vocabulary, the writer wants to conduct

the research entitled “The Relationship between Students‟ Reading Interest in

Academic Books and Their Vocabulary Mastery at the Eighth Grade Students of

MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat in Academic Year 2015/2016”. Through this

7 Khanadee Rojananak and Jirapa Vitayapirak, Comparison of English Vocabulary Learning

Strategies for Good and Weak Learners at King Mongkut‟s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,

International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015, p. 1.

8 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (England: Longman, 2002), p. 13.

9 Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University

Press, 2000), p. 150.


research, the writer wants to prove whether both of them have a significance

relationship in learning language or not.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the writer identifies some problems related

to vocabulary mastery. They are as follow:

1. Students are lack of vocabulary. It is because they consider English is the

most difficult subject as long as they do not know the meaning of English


2. Students get the difficulties to understand the meaning of words in their


3. Students are difficult to remember some words that often occur when they

learn English.

4. Students are low interest in reading English text. Students just read their

textbook if they are instructed by their teacher.

C. Limitation of the Study

In this research, the writer focused on finding out the relationship of reading

interest in academic books and vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students of

MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.

D. Formulation of the Problem

After conducting the limitation of the problems, the research problem is

formulated into: “Is there any significant relationship between reading interest in

academic books and vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students of MTs.

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat in academic year 2015/2016?”

E. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation above, the objectives of this research are to analyze

and to know whether there is a significance relationship between reading interest

in academic books and students‟ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students

of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat in academic year 2015/2016.


F. Significance of the Study

1. For the Students

The positive result of this study can support them to master their vocabulary

through reading their textbooks or academic books. Moreover, if they are

interested in reading and not only reading their English textbook when they are

instructed by their teacher.

2. For the Teachers

If the result of the study shows that there is a significant relationship between

reading interest and vocabulary mastery, so it can become a guide for teachers to

improve their students‟ vocabulary.

3. For the Writer

It will give the writer clear description about the relationship between

students‟ reading interest and their vocabulary mastery. And the implication of the

finding research will be suggested to next researchers.




A. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is the act of interpreting printed and written word. The readers must

be able to translate the written words into meaningful language. Reading is the

most important skill from the other skills, but in vocabulary learning, reading is

the basic skill that students should be able to do.1 It is because through reading,

students can earn a lot of vocabulary that they do not know yet. In addition, in

learning and teaching process students are always associated with English

textbook and they are expected to understand the content of text and by reading

they can do it. Even beginner level students with a limited vocabulary can benefit

from reading. Moreover, the limited vocabulary is actually related with the

frequency in reading.

According to Harmer, reading is an activity that involved the eyes and brain.2

It means that reading is not only with eyes but also with brain. When the eyes see

the text then the brain will interpret the information of the text. In conclusion,

reading is not passive activity that just sits and read the books, but reading is

actually an active activity even though reading is not produce a language such as

writing and speaking. However, reading produces comprehension just like in

listening skill. If students can comprehend the text, so they can also produce a

language too.

As Harry Maddox stated, that reading has an important role among other

skills in language learning.3 It means that learners can get information, knowledge

or many advantages as much as they want if they can read well rather than the

other skills. Even though from the other skills also give them many advantages in

1 Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University

Press, 2000), p. 150.

2 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, 3

rd Edition, (New York:

Longman, 1991), p. 190.

3 Harry Maddox, How to Study, (London: Pan Books, Ltd., 1963), p. 76.


learning language. This statement is also supported by the curriculum which noted

that from the four skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, the main

emphasis is on reading skill as the priority because reading affecting the

acquisition in a foreign language.

Discussing reading, it is important to underline that reading is a complex

skill.4 It can be said that reading is not only the act of interpreting printed and

written words but also requires understanding and comprehending the means of

print text. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences and

connected text. It also involves the reader‟s knowledge and perceptions. Sanacore

(2001) stated that foreign language learners do not like to read in foreign language

because reading is a complex skill.5 For foreign language learners, many of them

feel that reading do not give them pleasure to the learners because the lack of

vocabulary. For example, when students reading for pleasure and they have some

the difficulties with the words, then they have to look up the dictionary. Hence,

looking the dictionary to know the meaning of words is very consuming time for

them and finally they cannot enjoy the reading.

Meanwhile, Grabe and Stoller stated that in academic settings, reading is the

best convenient way for students to learn new information and can be the fastest

access to get explanations and interpretations.6 By reading students can get new

information or explanation about something before their teacher explains it in the


Based on the definitions of reading by some experts above, it can be

concluded that reading is a process of activity that requires skill and ability in

obtaining information from a written text available. In addition, to get the writer‟s

idea or information, readers must comprehend about what the text is about and to

get better comprehension, knowledge of readers also needed.

4 Geoffrey Broughton, et al, Teaching English as a Foreign Language 2

nd Edition, (New

York: Routledge, 2003), p. 89.

5 Noorizah Mohd, Reading Habits and References of EFL Post Graduate: A Case Study,

Conaplin Journal, Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011, p. 7.

6 William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, “Reading for Academic Purposes: Guidelines for

the ESL/EFL Teacher”, in Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign

Language 3rd

Edition, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2001), p. 187.


2. Purposes of Reading

The purpose of reading is an important aspect of reading that is often

overlooked in reading. Consequently, many readers who tend to generalize their

strategies for all types of reading. For example, when the readers read newspaper,

they usually read the head line of the news and search what they want to know.

Unconsciously, they do csanning or skimming to find what they want to raed.

Therefore, deciding the purpose of reading is needed.

There are multiple purposes of reading in academic settings according to

Grabe and Stoller, as follows:7

a. To search for information. When the readers read the text, they aim to search

for specific or general information of text. They should not read the whole

text if they just want to get specific information. They can do scanning or


b. For general comprehension. The readers read a text or book in order to know

what the content talking or discussing about generally. They were suggested

to read the whole text in order to comprehend the content of text. It will be

difficult if the readers are not reading carefully.

c. To learn new information. For example, the readers read newspaper in order

to get new information about something they did not know.

d. To synthesize and evaluate information. It requires critical evaluation of the

information so the readers can determine what information that they can

integrate or synthesize.

From the explanation above about purposes of reading, the writer concluded

that every reader may have different purpose when she or he reads a text. May be

the readers read just for pleasure or to get specific or general information. The

differences of reading purpose also make the readers use different reading

technique for each purpose. Therefore, every reader should at least have a purpose

when she or he reads in order to know what is an appropriate technique so reader

can read effectively.

7 Ibid.


3. Kinds of Reading

a. Intensive Reading

In many countries, intensive reading is the core of English programs. Ideas

and strategies that students bring to the class is the impact resulting from the

intensive reading classes.8 It can increase their comprehension skill. Intensive

reading usually involves translation and thus comprehension of the text. This

reading is done to carry out the specific information. There are following aspects

of intensive reading:9

1. Comprehension. The aim of this reading is to understand about the content of

particular text.

2. Regular and irregular sound-spelling relations. It means that the teaching of

this kind of reading emphasizes on phonics, spelling, accent, intonation and it

can be done through reading aloud.

3. Vocabulary. Learners are expected to develop their vocabulary and to know

the meaning of words they read and then use these words in the appropriate


4. Grammar. In this reading, students should be able to analyze the grammar

features of the text.

5. Cohesion. It means that learners should know about the appropriate

conjunctions and words used in a sentence in order to comprehend the text

that they have read.

6. Information structure. Learners should be able to identify kinds of

information in the certain texts. For example, information in newspaper will

be different with information in magazines.

7. Genre features. In intensive reading, learners read many genres of text, so

they know the differences of vocabulary, information, grammatical and

8 Don Snow, From Language Learner to Language Teacher: An Introduction to Teaching

English as a Foreign Language, (Virginia: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages,

Inc., 2007), p. 134.

9 I. S. P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, (New York: Routledge, 2009), p.



cohesive features in every text. Through these features, learners can

comprehend the text.

8. Strategies. It means that intensive reading can help learners to develop their

useful reading strategies. They can use dictionary, while they are reading, or

can take notes. In intensive reading, learners receive more knowledge about

vocabulary, grammar, and cohesion to comprehend the text.

One goal of intensive reading may be the comprehension of a text. Because

students will not only read but they will discuss in detail about the text. In this

reading usually teacher works with the students, teacher helps them to explanation

the meaning of text. Therefore, the use of translation makes sure that students


b. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is based on the theory that people learn to read by reading

material outside the normal curriculum. Extensive reading helps students to find

out interesting and readable materials. Furthermore, extensive reading can be

motivated by learner‟s interests, and those interests are amazingly varied. Richard

Day listed ten principles that can be used when designing an extensive reading

program especially for English language learners, which are following: 10

1. The reading material should be aesy especially for beginning and

intermediate levels of reading ability. Students have to read texts they find

easy and enjoyable as they learn to read.

2. Students are encouraged to read a large number of books on a wide variety of

topics such as books (fiction or non-fiction), magazines, newspaper, etc.

3. Students are allowed to select what they want to read from a variety of

reading material. They can stop reading when the reading text is not

interesting or difficult to read and change the books or the materials.

4. The students are encouraged to spend of their time to read everywhere and


10 Richard R. Day, Extending Extensive Reading, Reading in a Foreign Language, Vol. 27,

No. 2, October 2015, p. 295.


5. Students acknowledged that the purpose of extensive reading are for pleasure,

to get information, and to get general understanding.

6. By extensive reading is not only about comprehension but also improve the

students‟ knowledge and give them pleasure.

7. Students will be able to read as many books as possible so that they are

acquired to improve their reading speed. Otherwise the students who slow

reader would find it difficult to read in extensive reading.

8. Reading considered as individual activity and students do it in silent way. The

students choose what they want to read and strategies to read the materials

based on their purpose of reading.

9. Teacher can be a guide to help students to choose appropriate books to read

and to orient the goals of extensive reading.

10. Teacher can influence students to read many books by giving some actions,

such as teacher should read in the class. When the students see that the

teacher is reading, they may become curious about the book he or she is


Extensive reading gives many advantages, such as enhanced language

learning in such area as spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and text structure,

increased knowledge of the world, improved reading and writing skills, greater

enjoyment of reading, more positive attitude toward reading, higher possibility of

developing a reading habit.11

Moreover in extensive reading, the usage of dictionary should be minimized

by the students.12

It is because the usage of dictionary can affect slow reading and

make reading less enjoyable. Therefore, students should improve the habit of

guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words or skipping those words and keeping

the reading.

11 Jack Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology

of Current Practice, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 298. 12

Don Snow, op. cit., p. 141.


There are two other kinds of reading:13

a. Reading aloud: this reading concern to read aloud. The teacher asks the

students to read aloudly to make sure that students are reading accurately.

This kind of reading focuses on pronunciation more than to comprehension.

b. Silent reading: this reading enables the students to read without making

sounds and moving their lips. It can be shown that most people do reading

silently and they can comprehend the text.

There are the other kinds of reading such as top-down and bottom-up

processing model.14

In top-down model, readers can understand or interpret a text

based on their prior knowledge and experiences to the text as they read. Reading

is primarily directed by reader purposes and expectations. While in bottom-up

model, readers can understand or comprehend the text from the text itself. It

means that the readers translate each word and sentence or paragraph in order to

construct meaning from the text only. In this model, the prior knowledge and

experiences are not involved.

4. Reading Strategies

Teaching and learning a foreign language is not a simple process. From the

four language skills and reading is a complex skill. Therefore, it takes time to

improve students‟ reading ability. Hence, teachers should be able to use the

appropriate strategies or techniques to develop students‟ reading skill in the class.

The following principles may also be helpful for teachers to consider when

designing effective reading classes:15

a. Use reading materials that are interesting. The teacher is not only use an

English textbook as a source to teach in the class, but they can use various

reading materials such as from internet, newspapers, magazines, etc.

b. Make reading the major activity of the reading lesson. It means that teachers

do not have to always give a thorough explanation about reading material, but

13 Geoffrey Broughton, et al, op. cit., pp. 91—92.


Thomas S. C. Farrell, Teaching Reading to English Language Learners, (California:

Corwin Press, 2009), p. 18.


Ibid., pp. 73—78.


teachers should also give students chance to practice reading. After that

teachers can give them another task that is still associated with the reading


c. Have a specific objective for each lesson. A learning that will be done in the

class, first teachers must determine the objectives to be achieved from the

materials. Usually it has already listed in the syllabus or lesson plans created

by teachers.

d. Use activities that allow students to bring their own experiences to their

reading. Teachers can use other strategies that can encourage students to have

a personal connection to a reading lesson. For example, KWL strategy; K for

„what do I Know?‟; W for „what do I Want to know?‟; L for „what have I


e. Focus your instruction on teaching, not testing. The aim of teaching reading is

to instruct students to be able to comprehend unfamiliar words and testing or

assessment has placed after the students have been taught effective methods

of comprehending the text.

f. Divide lessons into pre-, during- and post-reading phases. Pre-: teachers can

introduce the lesson objectives to students and encourage them to activate

their knowledge on the topic. During-: teaching a strategy or practicing a

strategy already taught. Post-reading; teachers can evaluate about the reading

lesson that they have already done.

g. Choose appropriate reading materials. It means that choosing the reading

materials depend on the needs of the students and the purposes of the reading


Another strategy of reading:16

a. Skimming. It refers to the process of reading only for the general or main

ideas. Readers only read what is important to their purpose. For example,

reading popular magazines or the sports and entertainment sections of the

paper. By skimming, readers can read more in less time, because they do not

read everything.

16 I. S. P. Nation, op. cit., p. 70.


b. Scanning. Students search the text quickly to get specific information that

they need. This technique used when readers try to find specific information

without reading everything such as a telephone number, a date, a time, etc.

In conclusion, from those various reading strategies, students can use one of

them to read effectively. It is because readers has many different reading

purposes. Therefore, students‟ reading strategies should fit with their reading


They can choose an appropriate strategy based on their purpose of

reading. While, for teacher, those strategies can help them to teach reading and

develop student‟s reading skill in the classroom.

B. Reading Interest

1. Definition of Reading Interest

Reading is a skill and it can be developed by practice a lot. However, it is not

an easy thing to do. A reader needs to have motivation, a purpose, and an interest

in reading. The purpose of reading will affect the way to read. For example, a

reader who reads comic might be faster than a reader who reads literature book.

Actually, it will be different if a reader who reads literature book has high interest

in reading literature book, she or he can read as fast as a reader who reads comic.

Someone who has no interest in reading will not be able to understand the text

well. Because of an interest is like a factor that can push or support someone to do

something. Moreover, by having interest in reading, a reader can encounter new

vocabulary. Therefore, interest plays an important role in reading activity. It

means that students who has high interested in reading any kind of text, they will

have good ability to understand it.

Interest refers to “the liking and willful engagement in activity.”18


definition, “interest is a motivational element in learning; the tendencies to select,

choose, or attend to something because of inquisitiveness, a feeling of its

17 Joe Cortina and Janet Elder, Opening Doors: Understanding College Reading 4

th Edition,

(New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2005), p. 76.


Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, and Judith L. Meece, Motivation in Education: Theory,

Research, and Applications 3rd

Edition, (New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2008), p. 210.


importance, etc.”19

Learning process will run well and students will study

regularly, if they have high interest. Interest arises from the interaction of the

basic needs and the facility that they discover for satisfying what they interested


Interest, pleasure, or personal enjoyment are animating intrinsic motivation. It

means that interest is as a resource that sustains intrinsic motivation when

frequent positive feedback is missing.20

Motivation is something that energizes,

directs, and sustains behavior; it gets students moving, points them in a particular

direction, and keeps them going.21

It means that motivation is the reasons that

underlying behavior that moves people to do or not to do something. Learning

motivation is to a wide extent driven by and highly dependent on an individual‟s


High interest in a subject tended to be associated with high ability in that

subject, and low interest with low ability. It means that the higher interest in

something so the more ability and knowledge that students can get. In case of

reading interest, students who have an interest in reading can memorize or

understand about what is being read. The prior knowledge will also affect the

understanding of the text that students read. In other words, students who has high

interest in reading, they will not only able to understand the printed words on the

text but they will go beyond those words and will be able to infer an implied

information of the text. Moreover, students are able to grasp the purpose of the


2. Types of Interest

Urdan and Turner in Schunk classify interest into two kinds, namely personal

interest and situational interest.22

Personal interest is activities someone enjoys

19 Sharon J. Crawley and King Merritt, Remediating Reading Difficulties 3

rd Edition, (New

York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000), p. 119.


Idit Katz, et al, Interest as a Motivational Resource: Feedback and Gender Matter, but

Interest Makes Difference, Social Psychology of Education, 2006, p. 28. 21

Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, New Jersey:

Pearson Education, 2008, 6th edition, p. 384


Dale H. Schunck, et al, loc. cit.


and relatively stable over time, such as playing sports, spending time with family,

watching movies, reading, etc. Stone and Nielsen said that on personal interest

there is a positive interest that will increase for success.23

Personal interest may

affect on students‟ learning and performance. It means that they can learn well or

give the best performance if what they are learning is related to their personal

interest. The key to get students interested in something is called situational


Situational interest makes students want to explore about something. When

they already known what information that they want to find out, the situational

interest will decline or be reduced. It is because situational interest is temporary

and created by the external environment. Therefore, the teacher should be able to

create and maintain situational interest in students.

3. Reading an Academic Book

Academic books referred in this study is English reading textbooks which

used in the schools. The textbook is a tool, and the teacher must know not only

how to use it, but how useful it can be. Indeed, academic book is not only reading

textbook but also there are many kinds of academic books that provide knowledge

to the readers, such as journal, literature books, etc. Moreover, students in

secondary level are very interested in new things around them that they had ever

learned before and gain their knowledge about the world.24

They are very curious

about the topics based on the curriculum.

Therefore, the teaching and learning should not only use textbook as a single

source but it can be combined with a variety of academic sources such as

newspaper, magazines, and many more. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, many

teachers still use reading textbooks as the primary source of language teaching in

the classroom. It is because academic books or English textbooks usually provide

23 David R. Stone and Elwin C. Nielsen, Educational Psychology: The Development of

Teaching Skills, (New York: Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., 1982), p. 165. 24

John T. Guthrie, Engaging Adolescents in Reading, (California: Corwin Press, 2008),

p. 10.


considerable help for students when they are learning English.25

It really helps

students to understand the content of the text.

As Henry and Djago said that textbook is related closely to the curriculum.26

They also said that good textbook should be related with and can support the

implementation the curriculum. It is provided to help students understand the

material that is suitable with the curriculum.

For junior high school students or the beginning level students, the words

they learn will be determined largely by their textbooks, because most of them

only have the textbook as the source in learning English. Yet, teaching and

learning language using textbooks also has significant advantages and also


There are significant advantages of the textbook usage:27

1. Teachers may save lesson preparation time if using a textbook for their


2. Students can learn in a sustainable manner and through textbook can prevent

materials that are not related to language learning activities.

3. Through a textbook the students can facilitate them to study and review

outside the class.

4. Textbook allows students to see the progress in a very concrete way as they

work through the book.

On the other hand, the usage of textbook in language learning and teaching

has disadvantages. Such as sometimes students feel bored with the teaching that

only use textbook, whereas the materials in textbook can be combined with other

sources related to the material. Besides, it makes teachers not creative or lazy in

preparing teaching materials for their students.

In conclusion, reading interest in academic books is a willingness and desire

of students to read and understand the meaning or content that present in


Deanne Spears, Developing Critical Reading Skills 7th

Edition, New York: The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006), p. 5. 26

Henry Guntur Tarigan and Djago Tarigan, Telaah Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia,

(Bandung: ANGKASA, 2009), p. 21.


Don Snow, op. cit., p. 44.


academic books. Moreover, academic books are as the main source of the most

preferred in student‟s learning at school.

C. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

As Norbert said that vocabulary is most important language components for

the four skills in learning language.28

Students of a foreign language will speak

fluently, write easily, and understand what they read and hear if they has enough

vocabularies. As Lightbown and Spada stated that children with English as their

first language has little effort in learning vocabulary, in the other hand for non-

native speakers, learning vocabulary is not easy.29

Native speakers of English may

be easy in learning vocabulary but for some of non-native speakers, learning

vocabulary is not easy as native speakers. Because for non-native speakers,

English is not the language used in their daily activities, so they have to adapt to

the language.

Talking about vocabulary it means that talking about words. Vocabulary is a

list of words that is provided in the text or book. Without vocabulary, a language

will not be formed.

Based on Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, vocabulary is defined as

follows: 30

a. All the words that a person knows or uses.

b. All the words in a particular language.

c. The words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject.

d. A list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a

foreign language.

For more information about vocabulary, there are many definitions about it

from some experts. It is important for everyone to know what vocabulary is before

discussing about vocabulary mastery.

28 Norbert Schmitt, op. cit., p. 155.


Pasty M. Lightbown and Nina Spada, How Language are Learned 3rd

Edition, (New York:

Oxford University Press, 2006), p. 97.


A. S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press,

2000), p. 1506.


According to Ned, vocabulary is “the total number of words an individual


It means that the number of vocabularies that people has and they can

use every word in the appropriate context. Such as when people understand about

the words they are talking about, write, read, and listen. This happened because

English words have no only one meaning for every word but one word may have

several meaning for several contexts. That statement is supported by Fromkin and

Rodman who said that knowing language means knowing the pronunciation and


In the other hand, if the people did not know the language, the sound

they heard from other people will not give them any meaning.

While Ur argues that vocabulary can be defined as “the words we teach in

foreign language and vocabulary may be more than a single word.”33

It means that

all the languages in the world certainly have vocabulary. There is a foreign

language like English that has a meaning of a word but the meaning is composed

of more than one word for example: post office, mother in law, etc. Another

example is idiom.

From the statements above the writer summarized that vocabulary is a list of

words that is used to express the ideas or for general communication. Hence,

vocabulary is an important for language learners because vocabulary is a core of

language components. Therefore, through vocabulary, learners can understand an

English text or speech easily.

2. Vocabulary Mastery

In learning the four language skills (reading, speaking, writing, and listening),

vocabulary is one basic component to be mastered. It is because those skills need

knowledge of vocabulary. This statement is supported by Wilkins as cited by

31 Ned D. Marksheffel, Better Reading in the Secondary School: Principles and Procedures

for Teachers, (NewYork: The Ronald Press Company, 1966), p. 236.


Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Language 3rd

Edition, (New

York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978), p. 5.


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (New York: Cambridge

University Press, 1996), p. 60.


Scott Thornbury who said that “without grammar very little can be conveyed,

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”34

So, why we have to learn vocabulary? There are two main reasons why we

should learn vocabulary.35

First, we want to know or understand what the others

talking about. Second, we also want the others know or understand about what we

try to communicate to them. By learning vocabulary, there will be no

misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

Students cannot master a language well unless they have a good mastery on

vocabulary. Moreover, the vocabulary mastery is not a spontaneous process which

is easy to be done. The process of mastering vocabulary takes long time, but every

time students read, they have an oppurtunity to improve their vocabulay. Besides

reading, mastering vocabulary can be done by many practices such as listening to

the music, watching movies, trying to make conversation with native speakers,

and many more. Mastering vocabulary will make their school works easier.

As Nation in Schmitt suggested that the most frequent 2,000 words are

important for language learners.36

This is around the number of words that the

most native speakers use in their daily conversation. In addition, Gillet said,

“vocabulary size is a predictor of success in learning to read.”37

It means that by

having vocabulary the readers getting the success in reading. They can understand

of printed page, and getting the information of the writers.

By having a lot of words, students will be easy on understanding in reading

text and to make sentences. In writing, they will be very helpful to express the

ideas of the writing. In speaking, they will be have much expression in the speech.

In listening, students will be easy to understand what speakers mean.

On the contrary, students who lack of vocabulary will find some difficulty in

mastering the four basic language skills. Vocabulary mastery means students

34 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (New York: Longman, 2002), p. 13.


Jonathan Sarwono and Yudhy Purwanto, English for Academic Purposes: A Successful

Way to Learn Scientific English, (Yogyakarta: ANDI OFFSET, 2013), p. 191.


Norbert Schmitt, op. cit., p. 143.


Jean Wallace Gillet, et al, Understanding Reading Problems: Assessment and Instruction,

(Boston: Pearson Education , Inc., 2012), p. 46.


know and understand the meaning of words and also using those words in the

correct usage.

In conclusion, mastering vocabulary is important for foreign language

learners. Therefore, students should have many vocabularies and teachers should

have strategies to gain students‟ vocabulary. Without adequate vocabluary,

learners will find learning a language is really hard. As Richards and Renandya

said that vocabulary is the main language components in learning foreign

language and may be used as a consideration for how well learners speak, read,

listen, and write.38

In other word, the mastery on vocabulary is the vital aspect in

learning language.

3. Kinds of Vocabulary

According to Read, vocabulary is divided into two kinds; function and

content words.39

a. Function words. These words can make sentences grammatically correct,

such as prepositions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions, grammatical

articles or particles.

b. Content words. These words modify the meaning and provide links to the

sentences. He also classified content words into three general classes:

1. Nouns: words that is used for the name of person, place, idea, thing.

2. Verbs: words which is used in describing an action, experience or state.

3. Adjectives and adverbs: words used to describe the qualities of those things

or actions.

Meanwhile, Haycraft in Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education

classified the vocabulary in two kinds:40

a. Receptive vocabulary is words in a context which students understand and

recognize in reading and listening, but they cannot produce those words


38 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, op. cit., p. 255.


John Read, Assessing Vocabulary, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 18.


Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education, (New

York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 370.


b. Productive vocabulary is words which students understand of those words

and they can pronounce and use appropriately in speaking and writing.

Those are kinds of vocabulary from some language experts. Even though,

they have different kinds of vocabulary, the important thing is students can learn

or understand even apply those vocabularies in the right context.

4. The Influence of Vocabulary and Reading

Vocabulary learning is an important language components in language

acquisition, whether the language is a second or foreign language. Vocabulary

also plays an important role in understnding the four skills of learning language

especially in reading. Reading and vocabulary are important to each other because

reading provides an opportunity for new words to be discovered, so the students‟

vocabulary can grow or incraese. Students cannot understand what they are

reading without knowing what most of the words mean.

Many students skipped the unknown words in reading text and continue their

reading. But sometimes those words that they skipped usually as the key of their

reading and the effect is they cannot get the main idea of reading text. Twaddwell

and Krashen in Bernard argue that through reading program, non-native speakers

will increase their vocabulary efficiently rather than trhough direct vocabulary


It means that there are many ways to increase students‟ vocabulary and

one of all ways is through reading actvities. In conclusion, vocabulary and reading

cannot be separated, because both of them relate to each other in language


D. Relevant of the Study

The writer used three relevant previous studies that supported her research.

First, the relevant study is from the graduating paper by Misbahudin in 2011 who

did a research about the relationship between vocabulary mastery and reading

ability. In his study, he went to analyze the correlation between both variables. He

41 Bernard D. Seal, “Vocabulary Learning and Teaching”, in Marrianne Celce-Murcia (ed.),

Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language 2nd

Edition, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle

Publishers, 1991), p. 305.


used quantitative method by Pearson Product Moment to find out the significance

correlation between those two variables (variable X and variable Y). He took 40

students at the second grade of SMP YMJ Ciputat in the academic year 2010/2011

as the sample of his study. From his study, he found out that the correlation

between students‟ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability is significant and

he concluded that both of them cannot be separated each other.

While, in another study, Heri Hidayat and Siti Aisah also did a similar study

to know the relationship between two variables. Even though their study similar

with the first one but the variables, the sample, and the method that used in the

study were different. The variables in this study are reading interest (variable X)

and students‟ performance in IPS subject (variable Y). They used 38 students at

fourth grade at SDN 1 Pagerwangi Lembang as their sample of the study. The

research has shown that (1) student‟s reading interest of grade IV SDN I

Pagerwangi Lembang is good enough. It is based on computing result of student

answer category on read interest variable as much as 57.1%. (2) Student study

performance of grade IV in IPS subject is good enough. It is based on computing

result of student answer category on study performance variable as much as

48.6%. (3) There is significant connection among student study performance. It is

based on computing result obtained significant rate (0.003) < significance level

(0.05) with correlation coefficient of Rank Spearman (rs) as much as 0.485 is

significant enough relation.

The last is conducted by M. Zilhanip, Khairul Harha, and Lailatul Husna.

They did a study which was aimed to find out the correlation between vocabulary

mastery and the ability in comprehending reading text. The design of this research

was correlational one. The population is Students of SMAN 3 Batang Hari Jambi.

The number of sample was 30 students selected by using random sampling

technique. To get the data the researcher gave vocabulary and reading test then

analyzed the data by using Pearson Product Moment Formula. After analyzing the

data, the researchers got the result that showed a positive and significant

correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and their reading

comprehension of the first year students at SMAN Batang Hari Jambi. In this


study is very similar with the first study but the sample of this study that made this

study is different with the first study. In Misbahudin‟s study, he used students in

junior high school but in Zilhanip and friends‟ study used students in senior high


From those studies above, there are some similarities and also differences

with the writer‟s study. The similarities such as the method that used in the study

that used quantitative method by Pearson Product Moment to find out the

significance correlation between those two variables (variable X and variable Y).

This method also used in the first and third relevant study. Moreover, the sample

of the writer‟s study is also same with the first study that used students in junior

high school as the sample. But the differences that make the writer‟s study

different with those studies are the number of samples that used in each study. In

addition, the two variables of the study are also different even though one of both

variables in each study is same with one of variables of the writer‟s study.

E. Research Hypothesis

Based on theories which were elucidated above, it could be posed theoretical

hypothesis: there is a relationship between students‟ reading interest in academic

books and vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students of MTs.

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat academic year 2015/2016.




This chapter presents the place and time of the research, research design,

population and sample, technique of data collection, trustworthiness of the study,

technique of data analysis, and statistical hypothesis.

A. Place and Time of the Study

This research conducted on 6th

January, 2016 and was held at MTs.

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat which is located at Jl. Dewi Sartika Gg. Nangka No. 4,

Cimanggis, Tangerang Selatan.

B. Research Design

The study was conducted through quantitative method and the design was

correlational study. The writer used quantitative method because quantitative

research represents findings in numerical form. This study also used bivariate

correlation because the writer wants to investigate the possibility of relationship

between two variables. The first variable is student’s reading interest in academic

books; it is considered as independent variable (variable X). The second variable

in this research and considered as dependent variable (variable Y) is student’s

vocabulary mastery. This study used Pearson Product Moment to find out and

describing the significance correlation between those two variables (variable X

and variable Y).

C. Population and Sample

According to Fraenkel and Wallen, ―population is the larger group to which

one hopes to apply the results.‖1 While Bluman defined sample is a part of the

population that is selected.2 Gay stated that 30 participants can be accepted as the

sample for a correlational study and generally considered to be minimally

1 Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in

Education, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009), p. 90.

2 Allan G. Bluman, Elementary Statistic: Step by Step Approach 7

th Edition, (New York: The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009), p.4.


acceptable sample size.3 In this research the population is the second grade

students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat. The eighth grade students in this

school consist of three classes; class 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3. The total of students of

eighth grade was 96 students. The writer took 33 students as the samples by

simple random sampling technique. Through this sampling technique, every

student on the eighth grade has a chance to be selected as the sample in this

study.4 The writer collected every name of population and chose randomly by

taking 33 paper containing the name of students to be used as a sample.

D. Techniques of Data Collection

The writer used a questionnaire and a test as an instrument in this research. In

this case, the writer gives a questionnaire about student’s reading interest and a

vocabulary test in order to get the data about students’ vocabulary mastery. The

questionnaire and vocabulary test were given for the sample in this study. And

finally, the writer analyzed the data that have been obtained.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, the writer distributed the questionnaires in order to know

students’ reading interest score. The questionnaire was given in Bahasa Indonesia

to avoid misunderstanding and to ease the students in answering the questions.

The questionnaires were arranged based on theory of interest types (situational

and individual interest) as the indicators.

The questionnaires used four alternatives based on the Likert Scale Types.

Likert scale is used to measure attitude, opinion, perception based on the certain

object or phenomena.5 The questionnaire consisted of 24 statements including

positive and negative statements. The writer rated negative of statements on a

scale 1—4, in which 1 indicating no frequency in negative statement and 4

reflecting the most frequency. On the contrary, for positive statement, the writer

rated on scale 4—1, in which 4 indicated that they really agree with the statement

3 L. R. Gay and P. L. Diehl, Research Methods for Business and Management, (New York:

Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992), p. 319.

4 Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, op. cit., p. 93.

5 Syofian Siregar, Statistika Deskriptif Untuk Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2011), p.



and 1 indicated that they really disagree with the statement. For more details, the

scale of reading interest questionnaires is presented in the following table:

Table 3.1

Likert Scale for Reading Interest Questionnaires

Positive Negative

Sangat Setuju (SS) 4 Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS) 4

Setuju (S) 3 Tidak Setuju (TS) 3

Tidak Setuju (TS) 2 Setuju (S) 2

Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS) 1 Sangat Setuju (SS) 1

Table 3.2

The Indicators of Reading Interest Qusetionnaire

The Measured

Aspect Indicators

Kinds of Statement Total

Positive Negative

The situational


Support from students’ parents

and environment surrounded. 1, 2, 3 3

From teachers, friends and

school’s environment. 4, 6, 7, 8 5 5

The individual


Self – motivation. 10, 12,

13, 14,


9, 11, 16 8

Frequency of reading English


17, 18,

19, 20


Students’ habit during and

after reading their English


21, 22,

23, 24


Total number of questionnaires 24


2. Test

A test is used to collect data of students’ vocabulary mastery. The test of

vocabulary mastery was an objective test in the form of multiple choice test

consisting 25 questions. There were four options (A, B, C, and D). The writer

took some questions based on the syllabus, students’ compulsory books, such as

students’ worksheet (LKS) for class VII (published by CV ARYA DUTA) or their

English textbook. The writer gives 4 for each question which is answered

correctly and 0 for the wrong answer. It means that if students can answer all

questions correctly, they get 100.

Table 3.3

The Indicators of Vocabulary Test


Materials Indicators

Number of

Question Total

Request and


Siswa mampu bertanya dan merespon

ungkapan meminta, memberi, menolak

barang atau jasa.

1, 2, 3, 4 4


and Invitation

Siswa mampu merespon dan bertanya

jawab tentang ungkapan mengundang,

menerima, dan menolak ajakan,

memuji, dan memberi selamat.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 5



Siswa mampu merespon dan tanya

jawab tentang ungkapan meminta dan

memberi pendapat.

10, 11, 12,

13 4



Siswa mampu menjawab informasi dan

memahami makna dalam teks deskriptif.

14, 15, 16,

23, 24, 25 6

Recount Text

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi atau

menjawab informasi, makna yang

terdapat dalam recount text.

17, 18, 19,

20, 21, 22 6

Total number of questions 25


E. Trustworthiness of the Study

Before the instruments (questionnaire and test) were used to collect data, the

writer conducted pilot study. Pilot study was used to try out the instruments to get

validity and reliability in this study. The sample that the writer took in this pilot

study was 35 students from another school. The writer chose them randomly from

the secod grade of SMP Makarya in academic year 2015/2016. Then the data of

pilot study was processed by ANATES software version 4.0.9 and Statistical

Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22 to measure the validity and

reliability. ANATES used to measure validity and reliability in vocabulary test

while SPSS version 21 used for questionnaire.

1. Validity

An instrument is valid when the instrument is able to measure what the

researcher is going to measure. The calculation of questionnaire validity used

correlation formula from SPSS version 22. There are two criteria to determine

validity of test items, as follows:

a. If rvalue > rtable at the level significance of 5%, it means that the instrument is


b. If rvalue < rtable at the level significance 5%, it means that the instrument is not


Because in this pilot study the respondents are 35 students and the writer used

5% of significance level, so the result of was 0.334. (See appendix 6) From

the criteria of questionnaire validity above, there were 24 items of questionnaire

valid and 6 items were not valid. The valid items were 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13,

14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. (See appendix 7) The

writer also used those 24 items of questionnaire to be tested in the study.

The criteria of validity by using ―ANATES‖ in vocabulary test:6

a. r_xy = 0.80 – 1.00 = very high

b. r_xy = 0.60 – 0.80 = high

c. r_xy = 0.40 – 0.60 = enough

6 Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2012), p.



d. r_xy = 0.2 – 0.40 = low

e. r_xy = < 0.20 = very low

After the calculation by using ANATES, the result of validity calculation of

vocabulary test showed that the validity value or XY correlation of vocabulary

test was 0.72. It means that the vocabulary test was valid and categorized into

high validity. From 50 questions which were tested to the students, there were 27

valid questions and 23 questions were not valid. The valid numbers were 2, 7, 8,

9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41,

44, and 45. (See appendix 8) From those valid questions, the writer only chose 25

valid questions to be tested in the study.

2. Reliability

Reliability test refers to the consistency of the instrument even though it used

repeatedly in different time. There are two criteria to determine validity of test

items, as follows:

a. If alpha cronbach > rtable at the level significance of 5%, it means that the

instrument is reliable.

b. If alpha cronbach < rtable at the level significance of 5%, it means that the

instrument is not reliable.

From the calculation of questionnaire reliability by using SPSS version 22,

there was the result:

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

,881 30

In this study, the was 0.334 and the alpha cronbach was 0.881. In

conclusion, alpha cronbach > rtable at the level significance of 5% (0.881 > 0.334),

it means that the questionnaire was reliable.

While using ANATES software version 4.0.9 to measure the reliability in

vocabulary test based on the criteria, as follows:


Table 3.4

Category of Reliability7

Value Remark

0.00 – 0.20 Very low

0.20 – 0.40 Low

0.40 – 0.70 Enough

0.70 – 0.90 High

0.90 – 1.00 Very high

From the ―ANATES‖ software calculation, it showed that the reliability value

of vocabulary test in the pilot study was 0.84. It means that the reliability of

vocabulary test was high. (See appendix 8)

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Before calculating the relationship between students’ reading interest in

academic books and their vocabulary mastery using Pearson Product Moment

Correlation Formula, the writer conducted the testing requirement analysis;

namely normality and linearity.

1. Normality

Normality test is done to determine a normal distribution of data. The data in

this research will be analyzed by SPSS version 22. In SPSS, there are two kinds of

normality test: Kolmogrov Smirnov Test and Shapiro Wilk Test.

The criterion of SPSS:

a. If respondents > 50, the normality test uses Kolmogrov Smirnov.

b. If respondents < 50, the normality test used Shapiro Wilk.

Because the respondents of this study were below 50, the normality test used

Shapiro Wilk Test.

7 E. T. Ruseffendi, Dasar-Dasar Penelitian Pendidikan dan Bidang Non-Eksakta Lainnya,

(Bandung: PT. TARSITO, 2004), p. 160.


The variable is:

a. A normal data distribution if the value of significance (sig) > 0.05.

b. An abnormal data distribution if the value of significance (sig) < 0.05.

2. Linearity

After computing normality test then the writer did linearity test. Thus,

linearity test is used to know the relation between dependent and independent

variable. The variables have linearity based on the testing criteria, as follows:

a. If the value of significance (sig) > 0.05, it means that the variable is linear.

b. If the value of significance (sig) < 0.05, it means that the variable is not


After that the writer used the correlation formula by Pearson Product Moment

Correlation to test the significance relationship between both of variables. The

formula used as follows:

a. Finding the number of correlation using formula:8

( )( )

√* ( ) +* ( ) +

r : product moment correlation coefficient of variable X and Y

N : the total number of samples

X : the students’ score in reading interest

Y : the students’ score in vocabulary mastery

ΣX : the sum of the reading interest scores

ΣY : the sum of vocabulary mastery scores

ΣX² : the sum of squares of reading interest scores

ΣY² : the sum of squares of vocabulary mastery scores

(ΣX)² : the squares of the sum of reading interest scores

8 Budi Susetya, Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama:

2010), p. 121.


(ΣY)² : the squares of the sum of vocabulary mastery scores

ΣXY :the sum multiple of reading interest scores and vocabulary mastery


b. To know the significance between two variables, the formula of the

significance test is:9


r : value of correlation coefficient

n : number of participants

c. To interpret the index scores of ―r‖ correlation product moment (rxy) usually

used the interpretation such as bellow:

Table 3.5

Pearson Correlation10

The Score of “r”

Product Moment (rxy)


0.00 – 0.20

There is a relationship between X and Y, but the

correlation is very weak or little so it is ignored or it is

considered no correlation in this rating.

0.21 – 0.40 There is a relationship between X and Y, but it is

weak or little.

0.41 – 0.70 There is a relationship between X and Y. The value is


0.71 – 0.90 There is high relationship between X and Y.

0.91 – 1 There is a very high (perfect) relationship between X

and Y.

9 Ibid., p. 182.


Ibid., p. 118.


G. Statistical Hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis of this study can be seen as:

Null Hypotheise (H0) : There is no relationship between students’

reading interest in academic books and their

vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade

students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) : There is a relationship between students’

reading interest in academic books and their

vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade

students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.

H0 : ρ = 0

Ha : ρ > 0

The criteria used as follows:

1. If ro > rt = Ha is rejected, Ho is accepted. It means that there is a significant

relationship between students’ reading interest in academic books and their

vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1


2. If ro < rt = Ha is rejected, Ho is accepted. It means that there is no significant

relationship between students’ reading interest in academic books and their

vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1





A. Data Description

The writer conducted the research at MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat and 33

of the eighth students were chosen as the sample of the research. In this research,

the writer used two instruments; a questionnaire and a test. The writer gave a

questionnaire in order to get the data about students‟ reading interest in academic

books, while a test to get the data about students‟ vocabulary mastery. The

questionnaire was given in Bahasa Indonesia to avoid misunderstanding and the

indicators were arranged based on theory of interest types; individual and

situational interest. In the questionnaire, there were 26 statements and used the

Likert Scale to answer the statements. Whereas, the vocabulary test was taken

from students‟ worksheet based on the syllabus. There were 25 questions and four

options (A, B, C, and D) to answer these questions. The score of reading interest

questionnaire and vocabulary test can be seen as the following tables:

Table 4.1

Score of Students’ Reading Interest Questionnaire

No. Resp. Reading Interest (X)

Student 1 71

Student 2 60

Student 3 64

Student 4 64

Student 5 88

Student 6 81

Student 7 74

Student 8 75

Student 9 80

Student 10 70

Student 11 78

Student 12 57

Student 13 61

Student 14 50

Student 15 85

Student 16 62


Student 17 52

Student 18 66

Student 19 51

Student 20 69

Student 21 78

Student 22 66

Student 23 75

Student 24 66

Student 25 69

Student 26 67

Student 27 72

Student 28 75

Student 29 68

Student 30 64

Student 31 75

Student 32 68

Student 33 73

∑N= 33 ∑X= 2274

From the table above, it is known that the respondents are 33 students. The

mean score of reading interest questionnaire is 68.91, while the highest score is 88

and the lowest score is 50. Then, the median score or the middle score is 69. In

addition, the mode score or the score that appear the most is 75.

Table 4.2

Score of Students’ Vocabulary Test

No. Resp. Vocabulary (Y)

Student 1 72

Student 2 76

Student 3 84

Student 4 88

Student 5 84

Student 6 76

Student 7 64

Student 8 100

Student 9 100

Student 10 100

Student 11 100

Student 12 64

Student 13 68


Student 14 48

Student 15 100

Student 16 100

Student 17 64

Student 18 74

Student 19 74

Student 20 96

Student 21 92

Student 22 84

Student 23 74

Student 24 84

Student 25 84

Student 26 84

Student 27 84

Student 28 88

Student 29 80

Student 30 52

Student 31 64

Student 32 84

Student 33 80

∑N= 33 ∑Y= 2666

From the table above, it is known that the respondents are 33 students. The

mean score of vocabulary mastery is 80.79, while the highest score is 100 and the

lowest score is 48. Then, the median score or the middle score is 84. In addition,

the mode score or the score that appear the most is 84.

B. Data Analysis

To analyze the data above, firstly the writer used SPSS version 22 to test

normality of the instruments in this research in order to know whether reading

interest questionnaire and vocabulary test came from the distributed normal

population with the significant 5%.


Table 4.3

Normality Test Table

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Reading_Interest ,083 33 ,200* ,982 33 ,847

Vocabulary ,137 33 ,122 ,941 33 ,072

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

From the table above, the writer used Shapiro-Wilk because the respondents

in this research were below 50. It can be seen that reading interest questionnaire

was normally distributed, because the value of significance is 0.847 and it is

bigger than the value of 5%. It means that 0.847 > 0.05. In addition, vocabulary

test was also normally distributed. It is because the value of significance is 0.072

and it is bigger than the value of 5%, so 0.072 > 0.05.

After that, the writer also tested linearity using SPSS software to see

regression of relationship between two variables is linear. The table as follows:

Table 4.4

Linearity Test Table

Sum of

Squares df


Square F Sig.

Vocabulary * Reading_Interest Between Groups (Combined) 4511,182 22 205,054 1,203 ,395

Linearity 1600,463 1 1600,463 9,391 ,012




2910,719 21 138,606 ,813 ,671

Within Groups 1704,333 10 170,433

Total 6215,515 32

From the table above, it can be seen that reading interest questionnaire and

vocabulary test has linear regression. The linearity is 0.012 and deviation from

linearity is 0,671. It can be concluded that the data used have a good linear

regression because linearity is smaller than the significant of 5% (0.012 < 0.05)

and deviation of linearity is bigger than 5% (0.671 > 0.05). It means that the high


interest in reading academic books will be followed by an increase of sudents‟

vocabulary mastery. Hence, the linearity test is used to determine the effect of

independent variable towards dependent variable in the research.

The next step, the writer used the formula of “r” Pearson product moment to

know the relationship between reading interest in academic books and vocabulary

mastery. Before doing the calculation, the data were described such as below:

Table 4.5

Data Analysis Table

No. Resp. X Y XY X2


Student 1 71 72 5112 5041 5184

Student 2 60 76 4560 3600 5776

Student 3 64 84 5376 4096 7056

Student 4 64 88 5632 4096 7744

Student 5 88 84 7392 7744 7056

Student 6 81 76 6156 6561 5776

Student 7 74 64 4736 5476 4096

Student 8 75 100 7500 5625 10000

Student 9 80 100 8000 6400 10000

Student 10 70 100 7000 4900 10000

Student 11 78 100 7800 6084 10000

Student 12 57 64 3648 3249 4096

Student 13 61 68 4148 3721 4624

Student 14 50 48 2400 2500 2304

Student 15 85 100 8500 7225 10000

Student 16 62 100 6200 3844 10000

Student 17 52 64 3328 2704 4096

Student 18 66 74 4884 4356 5476

Student 19 51 74 3774 2601 5476

Student 20 69 96 6624 4761 9216


Student 21 78 92 7176 6084 8464

Student 22 66 84 5544 4356 7056

Student 23 75 74 5550 5625 5476

Student 24 66 84 5544 4356 7056

Student 25 69 84 5796 4761 7056

Student 26 67 84 5628 4489 7056

Student 27 72 84 6048 5184 7056

Student 28 75 88 6600 5625 7744

Student 29 68 80 5440 4624 6400

Student 30 64 52 3328 4096 2704

Student 31 75 64 4800 5625 4096

Student 32 68 84 5712 4624 7056

Student 33 73 80 5840 5329 6400

∑N=33 ∑X=2274 ∑Y=2666 ∑XY=185776 ∑X2=159362 ∑Y



( )( )

√* ( ) +* ( ) +


∑N= 33

∑X= 2274

∑Y= 2666

∑X2= 159362

∑Y2= 221596

(∑X) 2

= 5171076

(∑Y)2= 7107556

∑XY= 185776


( )( )

√* ( ) +* ( ) +

= ( ) ( )( )

√, ( ) ( ) -, ( ) ( ) -


√, -, -


√( )( )



= 0.507

The calculation above is obtained manually to get the score of “r” in order to

know the relationship between reading interest in academic books and vocabulary

mastery. The writer also used SPSS version 22 to make sure the result of the

calculation above. By using SPSS software is to know whether the calculation that

the writer did manually was correct and to make sure that there is no mismatching

calculation between scores that the writer counted. The calculation of SPSS was

described as follows:

Table 4.6

Correlations Table

Reading_Interest Vocabulary

Reading_Interest Pearson Correlation 1 ,507**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,003

N 33 33

Vocabulary Pearson Correlation ,507** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,003

N 33 33

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the 33 respondents was found the relationship between two variables rxy

is 0.507. It means that the relationship is positive or there is a relationship

between reading interest in academic books and vocabulary mastery. The results


of those two calculations (manual calculation and SPSS calculation) are the same.

By using SPSS, the correlation value is 0.507. It means that there is no mismatch

in the process of calculating the data.

After finding the “r” correlation score, the writer counted the significance of

variables by calculating rxy is tested by significance test formula.




r = 0.507

n = 33


= √

√ – ( )

= √

√ –

= ( )

√ =

The calculation above is the score of significant test in order to know the

significant between two variables. The calculation is done to test the hypothesis

that has been made.

Before testing the tcount, the writer made two hypothesis of significance as


Ha : There is significant relationship between two variables.

Ho : There is no significant relationship between two variables.


The formulation of test:

1. If thitung > ttabel = Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected. It means that there is

significant relationship between students‟ reading interest in academic books

and their vocabulary mastery.

2. If thitung < ttabel = Ha is rejected, Ho is accepted. It means that there is no

significant relationship between students‟ reading interest in academic books

and their vocabulary mastery.

Based on the calculation above, the result is compared by the ttable in the

significant of 5% and N= 33, the writer found the Degree of Freedom (Df) and

ttable with the formula:

Df = N ─ nr ( ) ( ( ))

= 33 ─ 2 = ( – )

= 31 = ( ) = 2.040 (See appendix 9)

From Df = 31, it is obtained ttable of 5% = 2.040. It indicated that to > ttable

(3.279 > 2.040). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In other

words, there is a significant relationship between reading interest in academic

books and vocabulary mastery.

C. Data Interpretation

From the calculation above, it showed that the correlation value is ro 0.507

and rtable from the total of respondents (N= 33) in 5% of significance level is

0.344. (See appendix 6) The Degree of Freedom (Df) is 31, so the writer got the

ttable is 2.040.

The statistical hypothesis state:

1. If ro > rt = Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected.

2. If ro < rt = Ha is rejected, Ho is accepted.

Based on the score of ro 0.507, it indicated that the score of ro > rt, in which

0.507 > 0.344. It means that Ha is accepted or in other words there is relationship

between reading interest in academic books and vocabulary mastery.


To interpret the index score ro= 0.507, the table of “r” product moment shows

that the correlation value is on the medium size, in which between 0.41 – 0.70.

Table 4.7

Correlation Interpretation Table

The Score of “r”

Product Moment (rxy)


0.00 – 0.20 Very low

0.21 – 0.40 Low

0.41 – 0.70 Medium

0.71 – 0.90 High

0.91 – 1 Very high

The medium correlation means that the relationship tends to the positive

value and there is no negative relationship. The data were tested in order to know

whether the correlation value is significant or not and the result was significant

(thitung > ttable or 3.279 > 2.040).

To sum up, the data interpretation showed a finding that reading interest in

academic books and vocabulary mastery correlates each other. Based on the result

of statistical calculation (manual calculation and using SPSS) reading interest in

academic books gave contribution ro 0.507 to vocabulary mastery. Although the

relation is just in medium level, but it has a linear relation that indicated the higher

someone„s interest in reading, then the better his or her vocabulary mastery will

be. In other words, the students who have an interest in reading academic books,

they are better in vocabulary mastery rather than the students who do not have an

interest in reading academic books. Vocabulary mastery is affected by reading

interest in academic books.




A. Conclusion

Based on the score of ro 0.507, it indicated that the score of ro > rt, in which

0.507 > 0.344, the research showed that Ha is accepted or in other words there is a

relationship between reading interest in academic books and vocabulary mastery.

From the table of “r” product moment shows that the correlation value is on the

medium level, in which between 0.41 – 0.70. Then, when it was tested by the

significance t contribution, it showed that the result was significant. The score of

tcount is bigger than the score of ttable. The score of significance tcount is 3.279.

Meanwhile, the Df = 31 indicates significant score of 5% is 2.040. Because tcount >

ttable (3.279 > 2.040) it means Ha is accepted. Therefore, the writer summarized

that reading interest in academic books has relationship to vocabulary mastery.

Even though the relationship between two variables are not too significant but the

relationship tends to the positive value and there is no negative relationship. It

means that the students who have an interest in reading academic books, they are

better in vocabulary mastery rather than the students who do not have an interest

in reading academic books.

B. Suggestions

1. For Teachers

Based on the result of this research, teacher should have ability to motivate

and encourage their students to read as much as possible especially reading

interest in their English textbook or other academic books. It is because it will be

an encouragement and helping for students to master the vocabulary by reading an

interesting text.

2. For Students

Based on the findings of this study, the writer found some students have

difficulty in understanding the meaning of the text because they lack of

vocabulary due to a lack of interest in reading.. In order to develop their


vocabulary, they have to be motivated and facilitated by their teachers and parents

to make reading as a good habit for them. Then they can easily follow teaching

and learning process in the class.

3. For the Next Researchers

For the next researchers, this study can be the one of references to conduct a

research on the same field. They need to do further investigation to cover the

limitation of this study. They can find or use other factors that related and

influence in the development of vocabulary mastery. It is because vocabulary

mastery is not only related to interest in reading but also with other factors which

are assumed can affect students’ vocabulary mastery.



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Ur, Penny. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1996.





The Blue Print of Reading Interest Questionnaire





Kinds of Statement

Total Positive Negative

The situational


Support from students’

parents and environment


1, 2, 3 3

From teachers, friends and

school’s environment. 4, 6, 7, 8 5 5

The individual


Self – motivation. 10, 12, 13,

14, 15 9, 11, 16 8

Frequency of reading

English materials.

17, 18, 19,



Students’ habit during and

after reading their English


21, 22, 23,



Total number of questionnaires 24





A. Petunjuk Umum

1. Angket ini bersifat ilmiah, tidak ada tujuan lain.

2. Jawablah pertanyaan ini dengan jujur.

3. Berilah tanda checklist (√) pada pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan

pengalaman yang anda alami.

4. Atas bantuannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

B. Biodata Responden

1. Nama Lengkap :

2. Jenis Kelamin :

C. Keterangan Jawaban

1. SS : Sangat Setuju

2. S : Setuju

3. TS : Tidak Setuju

4. STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

No. Pertanyaan SS S TS STS

1. Bagi saya membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di

rumah sangat menyenangkan.


Orang tua saya selalu mendorong atau memotivasi

saya untuk membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

minimal beberapa menit setiap harinya.


Saya akan memanfaatkan sumber lain yang ada di

rumah seperti internet, koran, majalah, dan lain-lain

untuk membaca materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

4. Setelah pelajaran selesai, guru memberikan tugas

untuk membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

5. Saya hanya akan membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris hanya karena perintah dari guru.

6. Saya senang membaca buku-buku pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris di kelas atau perpustakaan sekolah.


Saya akan mengunjungi perpustakaan untuk membaca

buku-buku Bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan

materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sedang saya

pelajari di sekolah.



Teman-teman saya selalu menjelaskan arti dari kata-

kata Bahasa Inggris yang ada dalam buku pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris yang tidak saya mengerti.

9. Saya hanya akan membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris ketika akan menghadapi ulangan saja.

10. Saya selalu membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

sebelum pembelajaran di kelas dimulai.

11. Saya mengalami kesulitan ketika membaca buku

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

12. Saya tidak mengalami kesulitan ketika membaca buku

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

13. Menurut saya, membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris sangat menarik dan menyenangkan.

14. Saya menikmati setiap kali membaca buku pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris.


Saya membaca teks yang ada di buku pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris untuk menambah pengetahuan

kosakata Bahasa Inggris saya.


Saya merasa takut atau tidak percaya diri ketika guru

meminta saya untuk membaca teks Bahasa Inggris

yang ada dalam buku pelajaran.

17. Saya selalu membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

pada malam hari sebelum pelajaran esok hari.

18. Dalam satu minggu, saya akan menyediakan waktu

membaca buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.


Saya meluangkan waktu setiap akhir pekan untuk

membaca teks Bahasa Inggris seperti buku, novel,

koran, majalah, dan lain-lain.

20. Setiap malam saya belajar pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

secara teratur selama minimal 30-60 menit.


Setelah membaca teks di dalam buku pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris, saya selalu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan

yang tersedia untuk mengecek pemahaman saya

tentang teks tersebut.


Saya selalu menggaris bawahi setiap kata-kata yang

tidak saya mengerti pada saat membaca teks yang ada

dalam buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris lalu mencari

artinya dikamus.

23. Saya membaca teks pada buku pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris dengan keras atau nyaring.


Saya selalu mengulang atau mempelajari kembali

materi belajar minggu lalu untuk mengingatkan saya

tentang kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang sudah saya

pelajari dalam buku pelajaran.




Sekolah : MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat

Kelas : VIII ( Delapan )

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Semester : 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

4. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount

yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar










Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk






bermakna teks


fungsional dan

esei berbentuk


dan recount

pendek dan


1. Teks fungsional

pendek berupa:


Contoh :


Please come

to our meeting

Day : Saturday

1. Brain



berbagai hal

terkait teks








nyaring dan

bermakna teks




asi berbagai


dalam teks







1. Melengkapi

2. Pilihan

Read the the

text aloud

and clearly.

1. Complete


test using



6 x 40


1.Buku teks

















Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk






tekanan dan

intonasi yang

berterima yang






makna dalam

teks tulis




secara akurat

lancar dan

berterima yang





1. Teks



Time : 10.00

Place : Osis


Don’t be late !



Pesan Singkat


I’m out for


your meal is in



2. Teks esei


2. Mendengarka

n undangan





3. membaca

nyaring teks





an pendek

4. menjawab


tentang isi










asi fungsi

sosial teks




asi ciri






3. Uraian

2. Choose the



3. Answer the




on the text













Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk







- Undangan

- pesan


2. Tata Bahasa

- Request

3. Kosa kata

- kata

terkait –


dan jenis




- Don’t be

late !

- Don’t miss

it !


descriptif dan


1. Teks tulis


descriptive dan


Makna gagasan

Makna tekstual

dalam teks

5. Menyebutkan









6. Menjwab


tentang ciri








1. Tanya jawab

berbagai hal


1. Menjawab mau



tentang :

1. Makna


2. Makna

tekstual dalam





T / F

1. Choose the



based on

the text.

2. State




are TRU or


4 x 40


1.Buku teks









n sekitar











Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk





makna dan


retorika dalam

esei pendek


secara akurat,

lancar dan


yang berkaitan



sekitar dalam

teks berbentuk


dan recount

descriptive dan


2. Langkah

retorika teks

descriptive dan


3. Tujuan

komunikatif teks

descriptive dan


4. Ciri kebahasaan

teks descriptive

dan recount



2. Review

kosakata dan


terkait jenis




3. Membaca




4. Menjawab




yang terdapat

dalam teks

5. Menjawab





dan recount

3. Langkah

retorika teks


dan recount

4. Tujuan




dan recount

5. Ciri




dan recount

6. Membaca




dan recount.





3. Answer the


Read the text












Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk





tdan langkah

retorika teks

descriptive /


6. Menyebutkan



teks yang


7. Membaca

nyaring dan



descriptive /


Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )



The Blue Print of Vocabulary Mastery Test


Materials Indicators

Number of

Question Total

Request and


Siswa mampu bertanya dan

merespon ungkapan meminta,

memberi, menolak barang atau


1, 2, 3, 4 4


and Invitation

Siswa mampu merespon dan

bertanya jawab tentang ungkapan

mengundang, menerima, dan

menolak ajakan, memuji, dan

memberi selamat.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 5



Siswa mampu merespon dan tanya

jawab tentang ungkapan meminta

dan memberi pendapat.

10, 11, 12, 13 4



Siswa mampu menjawab informasi

dan memahami makna dalam teks


14, 15, 16, 23,

24, 25 6

Recount Text

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi

atau menjawab informasi, makna

yang terdapat dalam recount text.

17, 18, 19, 20,

21, 22 6

Total number of questions 25





Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1. Clerk : “Pondok Indah Theater, may I help you?”

Siska : “Yes…..”

a. I’d like to watch movie?

b. Do you sell ticket?

c. Could I have a ticket for 6 p. m?

d. May I see the movie?

Questions number 2 to 3 are based on the following text!

2. This advertisement is commonly found in the….

a. Hotel c. Barber shop

b. Market d. Shoe shop

3. How long does this advertisement valid?

a. 31 December 2015 c. 1 December 2015

b. 31 days d. A year

4. like – you – juice – orange – would – some - ?

The correct sentence should be....

a. Some orange juice would you like?

b. Would you like orange juice some?

c. Would you like some orange juice?

d. Would you some like orange juice?

5. Sheila : “The cake is very tasty.”

Mother : “...........”

Sheila : “Mom, I want you to make it again for me.”

a. Thank you dear. c. I’m not going to make it again.

b. I hate you. d. It’s not sure.

6. Tony : “Wow. You look so fresh with that blue jeans.”

Dion : “…… I bought it yesterday.”

a. Congratulation. c. It’s awful.

b. Thank you very much. d. I don’t understand.

Trendy Shoes

Available children and ladies shoes with fashionable styles.

Get the latest products with 20% off. This advertisement is valid from 1-31 December 2015.


7. Ardy : “I have two tickets for a movie, would you like to go?”

Ferry : “….. I like watching movie.”

a. I don’t think so. c. Sorry, I can’t.

b. No, thank you. d. That sounds great.

Questions numbers 8 to 9 refer to the following text!

8. What is the text?

a. Memo c. Invitation

b. Message d. Post card

9. Agnes is the….

a. Invitor c. Guest

b. Event Organizer d. Venue

10. Jodi : “........”

Rio : “I think it’s sweet.”

a. What is your opinion about mango?

b. What is mango?

c. How to make mango juice?

d. Do you like mango?

11. Amy : “Do you think papaya is good for juice?”

Tika : “…….”

a. I’m with you. c. I think so.

b. No, thank you. d. I don’t like it.

12. Rico : “…..this plant can grow in a dry land?”

Ferry : “In my opinion it cannot grow in a dry land.”

a. What do you know c. How can

b. Do you think d. How is

13. Yuni : “…..papaya leaves?”

Ria : “In my opinion it’s bitter but contain much chlorophyll.”

a. What is your opinion about c. Do you like

b. What is d. How do you like

Dear Agnes,

Hi friend, I invite you to my 13th

birthday party.

Date : 10th

October 2015.

Time : 03 p. m.

Place : Jln. Durian Raya No. 32, Bantar Kemang, Bogor.

Please come in! Without you the party will be different.



Questions numbers 14 to 16 are based on the following text!

My grandmother is very gentle, soft, loving, and caring person. She has

lived with me for as long as I can remember. Grandma was born in Kalimantan.

My grandmother has very dry grey hair which she usually pulls up into a

bun. She has dark brown eyes that twinkle whenever she sees me.

My grandmother likes telling brief stories of her childhood and expresses

them very well. She is fit and energetic and she loves to shop. Grandma walks to

the market nearly every day.

14. What does the text describe?

a. A neat old women c. A tired grandmother

b. A beautiful girl d. A nice grandmother

15. Which sentence is true to describe grandma’s hair?

a. She has short straight hair c. She has very dry grey hair

b. Her hair short and wavy d. Her hair is long and straight

16. What does grandma do every day?

a. Jogs in the backyard c. Walks to the market nearly

b. Watches drama in her room d. Reads newspaper

Questions numbers 17 to 18 are based on the following text!

Last night I went to café with my family. It was my father’s birthday. We

ate hamburger and some spaghetti. And then I had some chocolate ice cream.

After dinner we saw a music concert. Finally, we went home at 10 p. m.

17. The text above is called as a…..

a. Descriptive text c. Recount text

b. Procedure text d. Narrative text

18. We saw a music concert, the word we refer to….

a. The reader c. The writer and the family

b. The writer d. The family

Questions numbers 19 to 22 are based on the following text!

On Wednesday, my friends and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at

Dirgahayu Hotel which located is not far from Malioboro.

On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. Thre are three big

temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. We are really amazing. We

visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples. It is because Wisnu temple is being


On Friday morning, we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours

there. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at 4 p. m.

In the evening, we left for Jakarta by bus.


19. The text above discusses about….

a. The writer’s first visit to Prambanan.

b. The writer’s trip to Yogyakarta.

c. The writer’s impression about the guide.

d. The writer’s experience in Yogya Kraton.

20. The text above is called as a….

a. Recount text c. Descriptive text

b. Narrative text d. Spoof

21. The purpose of the text is to…..

a. Entertain readers

b. Report an event to the police

c. Describe someone

d. Tell past events

22. What are the big temples in Prambanan?

a. Angkor wat, Syiwa, and Sudra Temples

b. Wisnu, Syiwa, and Borobudur Temples

c. Prambanan, Borobudur, and Wisnu Temples

d. Brahmana, Syiwa, and Wisnu Temples

Questions numbers 23 to 25 are based on the following text!


Lady Gaga is a famous American singer. Her real name is Stefani Joanne

Angelina Germanotta. Her birthday is on twenty-eigthth of March. Her mother

and father are Italian but they live in New York. She has a sister called Natali. She

is pretty. She has straight black hair, brown eyes and a long nose. Her favorite

color is purple. Her favorite food is spaghetti. She likes very much the pop star

Madonna. Lady Gaga can play piano very well.

23. What is her real name?

a. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.

b. Natalia

c. Lady Gaga

d. Madonna

24. What is her favorite color?

a. Purple c. Blue

b. Red d. Green

25. Where is her parents live?

a. New York c. Boston

b. Washington D. C. d. California

Good Luck





The Level of

Significance N

The Level of


5% 1% 5% 1%

3 0,997 0,999 38 0,320 0,413

4 0,950 0,990 39 0,316 0,408

5 0,878 0,959 40 0,312 0,403

6 0,811 0,917 41 0,308 0,398

7 0,754 0,874 42 0,304 0,393

8 0,707 0,834 43 0,301 0,389

9 0,666 0,798 44 0,297 0,384

10 0,632 0,765 45 0,294 0,380

11 0,602 0,735 46 0,291 0,376

12 0,576 0,708 47 0,288 0,372

13 0,553 0,684 48 0,284 0,368

14 0,532 0,661 49 0,281 0,364

15 0,514 0,641 50 0,279 0,361

16 0,497 0,623 55 0,266 0,345

17 0,482 0,606 60 0,254 0,330

18 0,468 0,590 65 0,244 0,317

19 0,456 0,575 70 0,235 0,306

20 0,444 0,561 75 0,227 0,296

21 0,433 0,549 80 0,220 0,286

22 0,432 0,537 85 0,213 0,278

23 0,413 0,526 90 0,207 0,267

24 0,404 0,515 95 0,202 0,263

25 0,396 0,505 100 0,195 0,256

26 0,388 0,496 125 0,176 0,230

27 0,381 0,487 150 0,159 0,210

28 0,374 0,478 175 0,148 0,194

29 0,367 0,470 200 0,138 0,181

30 0,361 0,463 300 0,113 0,148

31 0,355 0,456 400 0,098 0,128

32 0,349 0,449 500 0,088 0,115

33 0,344 0,442 600 0,080 0,105

34 0,339 0,436 700 0,074 0,097

35 0,334 0,430 800 0,070 0,091

36 0,329 0,424 900 0,065 0,086

37 0,325 0,418 1000 0,062 0,081



























Rata2= 32,11

Simpang Baku= 6,42

KorelasiXY= 0,72

Reliabilitas Tes= 0,84

Butir Soal= 50

Jumlah Subyek= 35


Btr Baru

Btr Asli

Daya Pembeda %

T. Kesukaran Korelasi Sign. Korelasi

1 1 -22,22 Mudah -0,227 -

2 2 44,44 Mudah 0,376 Sangat Signifikan

3 3 33,33 Mudah 0,235 -

4 4 -11,11 Sangat Mudah -0,241 -

5 5 -11,11 Mudah 0,010 -

6 6 -11,11 Mudah -0,029 -

7 7 44,44 Mudah 0,404 Sangat Signifikan

8 8 55,56 Sedang 0,453 Sangat Signifikan

9 9 33,33 Sangat Mudah 0,395 Sangat Signifikan

10 10 44,44 Sedang 0,322 Signifikan

11 11 33,33 Sedang 0,280 Signifikan

12 12 44,44 Sedang 0,401 Sangat Signifikan

13 13 22,22 Mudah 0,188 -

14 14 11,11 Mudah 0,182 -

15 15 22,22 Sangat Mudah 0,248 -

16 16 55,56 Sedang 0,426 Sangat Signifikan

17 17 66,67 Sedang 0,523 Sangat Signifikan

18 18 33,33 Sedang 0,283 Signifikan

19 19 77,78 Sedang 0,651 Sangat Signifikan

20 20 88,89 Sedang 0,763 Sangat Signifikan


21 21 55,56 Sedang 0,451 Sangat Signifikan

22 22 33,33 Mudah 0,393 Sangat Signifikan

23 23 11,11 Mudah 0,052 -

24 24 100,00 Sedang 0,801 Sangat Signifikan

25 25 22,22 Sedang 0,137 -

26 26 33,33 Mudah 0,401 Sangat Signifikan

27 27 33,33 Mudah 0,376 Sangat Signifikan

28 28 66,67 Sedang 0,430 Sangat Signifikan

29 29 0,00 Sedang 0,107 -

30 30 33,33 Mudah 0,261 -

31 31 22,22 Mudah 0,225 -

32 32 22,22 Sangat Mudah 0,248 -

33 33 33,33 Mudah 0,321 Signifikan

34 34 33,33 Sedang 0,253 -

35 35 66,67 Sedang 0,446 Sangat Signifikan

36 36 66,67 Sedang 0,632 Sangat Signifikan

37 37 33,33 Sedang 0,325 Signifikan

38 38 44,44 Sedang 0,350 Signifikan

39 39 66,67 Sedang 0,540 Sangat Signifikan

40 40 22,22 Sedang 0,170 -

41 41 55,56 Mudah 0,351 Signifikan

42 42 11,11 Sedang -0,018 -

43 43 22,22 Sedang -0,025 -

44 44 33,33 Sedang 0,299 Signifikan

45 45 44,44 Sedang 0,316 Signifikan

46 46 11,11 Sedang 0,052 -

47 47 11,11 Sedang 0,043 -

48 48 0,00 Mudah -0,055 -

49 49 11,11 Mudah 0,171 -

50 50 -22,22 Sangat Mudah -0,385 -




Fungsi Distribusi pada Distribusi Probabilitas t-Student

dk 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,95 0,975 0,99 0,995 0,999 dk

1 0,320 0,727 1,376 3,078 6,314 12,706 31,821 63,657 318,309 1

2 0,289 0,617 1,961 1,886 2,920 4,303 6,965 9,925 22,327 2

3 0,277 0,584 0,978 1,638 2,353 3,182 4,541 5,841 10,215 3

4 0,271 0,569 0,941 1,533 2,132 2,776 3,747 4,604 7,173 4

5 0,267 0,559 0,920 1,476 2,015 2,571 3,365 4,032 5,893 5

6 0,265 0,553 0,906 1,440 1,943 2,447 3,143 3,707 5,208 6

7 0,263 0,549 0,896 1,415 1,895 2,365 2,998 3,499 4,785 7

8 0,262 0,546 0,889 1,397 1,860 2,306 2,896 3.355 4,501 8

9 0,261 0,543 0,883 1,383 1,833 2,262 2,821 3,250 4,297 9

10 0,260 0,542 0,879 1,372 1,812 2,228 2,764 3,169 4,144 10

11 0,260 0,540 0,876 1,363 1,796 2,201 2,718 3,106 4,025 11

12 0,259 0,539 0,873 1,356 1,782 2,179 2,681 3,055 3,930 12

13 0,259 0,538 0,870 1,350 1,771 2,160 2,650 3,012 3,852 13

14 0,258 0,537 0,868 1,345 1,761 2,145 2,624 2,977 3,787 14

15 0,258 0,536 0,866 1,341 1,753 2,131 2,602 2,947 3,733 15

16 0,258 0,535 0,865 1,337 1,746 2,120 2,583 2,921 3,686 16

17 0,257 0,534 0,863 1,333 1,740 2,110 2,567 2,898 3,646 17

18 0,257 0,534 0,862 1,330 1,734 2,101 2,552 2,878 3,610 18

19 0,257 0,533 0,861 1,328 1,729 2,093 2,539 2,861 3,579 19

20 0,257 0,533 0,860 1,325 1,725 2,086 2,528 2,845 3,552 20

21 0,257 0,532 0,859 1,323 1,721 2,080 2,518 2,831 3,527 21

22 0,256 0,532 0,858 1,321 1,717 2,074 2,508 2,819 3,505 22

23 0,256 0,532 0,858 1,319 1,714 2,069 2,500 2,807 3,485 23

24 0,256 0,531 0,857 1,318 1,711 2,064 2,492 2,797 3,467 24

25 0,256 0,531 0,856 1,316 1,708 2,060 2,485 2,787 3,450 25

26 0,256 0,531 0,856 1,315 1,706 2,056 2,479 2,779 3,435 26

27 0,256 0,531 0,855 1,314 1,703 2,052 2,473 2,771 3,421 27

28 0,256 0,530 0,855 1,313 1,701 2,048 2,467 2,763 3,408 28

29 0,256 0,530 0,854 1,311 1,699 2,045 2,462 2,756 3,396 29

30 0,256 0,530 0,854 1,310 1,697 2,042 2,457 2,750 3,385 30

31 0,256 0,530 0,853 1,309 1,696 2,040 2,453 2,744 3,375 31

32 0,255 0,530 0,853 1,309 1,694 2,037 2,449 2,738 3,365 32

33 0,255 0,530 0,853 1,308 1,692 2,035 2,445 2,733 3,356 33

34 0,255 0,529 0,852 1,307 1,691 2,032 2,441 2,728 3,348 34

35 0,255 0,529 0,852 1,306 1,690 2,030 2,438 2,724 3,340 35


36 0,255 0,529 0,852 1,306 1,688 2,028 2,434 2,719 3,333 36

37 0,255 0,529 0,851 1,305 1,687 2,026 2,431 2,715 3,326 37

38 0,255 0,529 0,851 1,304 1,686 2,024 2,429 2,712 3,319 38

39 0,255 0,529 0,851 1,304 1,685 2,023 2,426 2,708 3,313 39

40 0,255 0,529 0,851 1,303 1,684 2,021 2,423 2,704 3,307 40

41 0,255 0,529 0,850 1,303 1,683 2,020 2,421 2,701 3,301 41

42 0,255 0,528 0,850 1,302 1,682 2,018 2,418 2,698 3,296 42

43 0,255 0,528 0,850 1,302 1,681 2,017 2,416 2,695 3,291 43

44 0,255 0,528 0,850 1,301 1,680 2,015 2,414 2,692 3,286 44

45 0,255 0,528 0,850 1,301 1,679 2,014 2,412 2,690 3,281 45