the effectiveness of using short story towards students' reading ...

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SHORT STORY TOWARDS STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRATIVE TEXT (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper- Tangerang) “A Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of “S. Pd.” (S-1) in the Department of English Education By: Irma NIM 1110014000110 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHERS TRAINING SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2016

Transcript of the effectiveness of using short story towards students' reading ...




(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA

Batu Ceper- Tangerang)

“A Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Degree of “S. Pd.” (S-1) in the Department of English Education



NIM 1110014000110








In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

All praises be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer guidance

and strength in completing this “skripsi”. Then peace and blessing be upon the

Prophet Muhammad SAW, to his family, his relatives, and his followers.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express her greatest gratitude and

honor to her beloved parents, Firdaus Arsyad and Sulastri for their love, prayer,

encouragement, understanding, and support in material and immaterial that helped

the writer to finish this “skripsi”. She also would like to thank to her two brothers,

Muammar S, Pd and Ahmad Hafiz who always support, help, and motivate the

writer to finish her study.

Furthermore, the writer would like to address her great honor and deepest

gratitude to her advisor Drs. Syauki, M.Pd and Drs. Ratna Sari Dewi, M. Pd, for

their time, guidance, kindness, contributions, and patience in correcting and

helping her during completing this “skripsi”.

The writer reliazed that wihout support and and motivation from people

around her, she could not finish this “skripsi”. Therefore, she also would like to

give thanks and appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA, as the Dean of Faculty Tarbiyah and

Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd, as the head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum, as the secretary of Department of English Education.

4. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd, as the academic advisor of Class C 2010 and all lecturers

of EED who always give their motivation and valuable knowledge during her

study at Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta.

5. Hayati Nufus, S. Pd.I, as the headmaster of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper

Tangerang for giving permission to the writer to conduct her research, and

Nur’ain S. Pd, as English teacher of the second grade at Mts AT-TAQWA for

sincere help, time, and guidance.


6. The second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

especially for VIII A and VIII B, for being participants in this research.

7. All friends of Department of English Education 2010 academic year

especially class C for the great friendship, support, togetherness, and

knowledge that they have shared.

8. All friend of Sufeli’s rent house who always support, help, and motivate the

writer to finish this “skripsi”.

9. To any other person whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for their

contribution to the writer during finishing her “skripsi”.

Finally, the writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect.

Therefore, she hopes some suggestions and criticizes from the reader for this

“skripsi”. Hopefully, it will be so valuable for her and for a better result in the


Jakarta, May 19th


The Writer



Irma (1110014000110). The effectiveness of Using Short Story towards

Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text; A Quasi-experimental

Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper- Tangerang.

A Skripsi of English Education Department at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University Jakarta,


Advisor: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Keywords: Short story, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text

The objective of this study was to obtain the empirical evidence about the

effectiveness of using short story towards students’ reading comprehension of

narrative text at the second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper

Tangerang. The sample of this study was 80 students taken from the second grade

of Mts AT-TAQWA, Batu Ceper Tangerang. 40 students were from the

experimental class, and the others were from the controlled class.

The method used in this study was a quantitative method that designed a quasi-

experimental. It meant that the writer used two classes in which one of them was

as experimental class, and another was as controlled class. The experimental class

was a class which got treatment or being taught by using short story and the

controlled class was taught by using material that was usually used in the class. In

collecting the data, the writer conducted test twice to both the class in which one

was as pre-test and another was post-test. The pre-test was used to know the

students’ ability in comprehending narrative text before they were given

treatment. Whereas, the post-test was used to know whether there was the

students’ improvement in comprehending narrative text after giving short story as

the treatment. Type of the tests used was multiple choices in which every test

consisted of thirty questions. And in analyzing the data, the writer used t-test

formula to find out whether there was a significant difference between two

variables in this study.

The result of statistic calculation obtained that the value of t-observation (t0) was

13.71 and the degree of freedom (df) was 78. In the table of significance 5%, the

value of (df) =78 was 1.665. By comparing the value of to (13.71) with the value

of tt (1.665), it could be seen that the value of to was higher than the value tt. So,

the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Null Hypothesis (H0) was

rejected. Based on the result, it could be concluded that the use of short story and

was more effective towards students’ reading comprehension of narrative text

than without using short story.



Irma (1110014000110). The effectiveness of Using Short Story towards

Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text; A Quasi-experimental

Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper-Tangerang.

Skripsi jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,2016.

Pembimbing: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Short story, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan bukti empiris tentang keefektifisan

penggunaan short story terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa tentang teks naratif

dikelas dua Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang. Sample dari penelitian ini

adalah 80 siswa yang diambil dari kelas dua Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper. 40

siswa berasal dari kelas eksperimen, sedangkan 40 siswa yang lain berasal dari

kelas kontrol.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quantitatif metode yang

berdesign kuasi- eksperimental. Itu berarti bahwa penulis menggunakan dua kelas

yang mana satu kelas adalah sebagai kelas eksperimental, sedangkan yang lainnya

kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimental merupakan kelas yang mendapatkan perlakuan

atau diajarkan dengan menggunakan short story, sedangkan kelas kontrol

merupakan kelas yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan material yang biasa

digunakan didalam kelas. Didalam mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan

dua jenis tes yang mana satu sebagai pre-test, sedangkan yang lainnya adalah

sebagai post-test. Pre-test digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa

didalam memahami teks naratif sebelum mereka diberikan perlakuan atau

treatmen. Sedangkan post-test digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah ada

peningkatan didalam memahami teks naratif setelah diberi perlakuan atau

treatmen. Jenis dari kedua tes tersebut adalah pilihan ganda yang mana masing-

masing tes tersebut berisi 30 pertanyaan. Adapun didalam menganalisis data,

penulis menggunakan rumus t-tes untuk menemukan apakah ada perbedaan

signifikan diantara dua variabel didalam penelitian ini.

Hasil dari penghitungan statistik menunjukkan bahwa nilai t0= 14.38 dan derajat

kebebasan (df) adalah 78. Pada tabel signifikan 5% dengan df (78) adalah 1.665.

Dengan membandingkan nilai t0 (13.71) dengan nilai tt (1.665), itu dapat dilihat

bahwa nilai t0 lebih besar dibandingkan dengan nilai tt. Sehingga hipotesis

alternatif (Ha) diterima namun menolak hipotesis nol (H0). Berdasarkan hasil

tersebut, itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan short story lebih effektif

terhadap pemahaman siswa tentang naratif teks daripada tanpa menggunakan

short story.



APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................. xi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study......................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem .................................................. 7

C. Limitation of the Problem ....................................................... 7

D. Formulation of the Problem .................................................... 7

E. Objective of the Study............................................................. 7

F. Significances of the Study....................................................... 8

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................... 9

A. Reading Comprehension ......................................................... 9

1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension ..................... 9

2. The Purposes of Reading ............................................... 11

3. The Principles of Reading 12

4. Strategies for Reading Comprehension ......................... 14

B. Communicative Language Teaching .................................... 14

1. The Definition of CLT method ...................................... 14

2. The Principles of CLT method ...................................... 16

3. Techniques in CLT method ........................................... 16


C. Short Story ............................................................................ 17

1. The Definition of Short Story ........................................ 17

2. The Elements of Short Story .......................................... 18

3. The Criteria for Selecting Short Stories ......................... 22

4. The Kind of Activities and Exercises to be Given ......... 23

5. The Advantages of Short Story ...................................... 25

D. Narrative Text ....................................................................... 28

1. Understanding of Narrative Text ................................... 28

2. The Purposes of Narrative Text ..................................... 30

3. Schematic Structures of Narrative Text ......................... 30

4. Language Features of Narrative Text ............................ 32

E. Relevant Previous Study ....................................................... 32

F. Thinking Framework............................................................. 36

G. Research Hypothesis ............................................................. 38

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 39

A. Place and Time of the Study ................................................. 39

B. Method and Design of the Study........................................... 39

C. Population and Sample of the Study ..................................... 40

D. Technique of Data Collection ............................................... 40

E. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................. 43

F. Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................ 47


A. Research Finding .................................................................. 48

B. Interpretation and Discussion of the Data ............................. 65

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................... 67

A. Conclusion ............................................................................ 67

B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 67


REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 69

APPENDIXES ............................................................................................................. 72



Table Page

Tabel 3.1: Test Quasi-Experimental Design .......................................................... 39

Tabel 3.2: Index of Difficulty ................................................................................ 41

Table 3.3: Descriminating Power ........................................................................... 42

Table 4.1: Students’ Score of Experimental Class ................................................. 48

Table 4.2: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Pre-test ....................... 49

Table 4.3: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Post-test ..................... 50

Table 4.4: Students’ Score of Controlled Class ..................................................... 52

Table 4.5: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Pre-test ........................... 53

Table 4.6: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Post-test ......................... 54

Table 4.7: Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Experimental Class ..................... 56

Table 4.8: Calculation of Post-test Normality in Experimental Class ................... 57

Table 4.9: Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Controlled Class ......................... 58

Table 5.0: Calculation of Post-test Normality in Controlled Class ........................ 59



Table Page

Figure 4.1: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Pre-test ..................... 50

Figure 4.2: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Post-test .................... 51

Figure 4.3: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Pre-test .......................... 54

Figure 4.4: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Post-test ........................ 55



Appendix Page

Appendix 1:Content Validity of Pre-test...................................................... 73

Appendix 2: Validity Analysis of Pre-test ................................................... 74

Appendix 3:Reliability Analysis of Pre-test ................................................ 78

Appendix 4:Pre-test ...................................................................................... 81

Appendix 5:Content Validity Post-test ........................................................ 87

Appendix 6:Validity Analysis of Post-test ................................................... 88

Appendix 7:Reliability Analysis of Post-test ............................................... 92

Appendix 8: Post-test ................................................................................... 94

Appendix 9: Answer Key of Pre-test and Post-test .................................... 100

Appendix 10: Lesson Planning of Experimental and Controlled Class ..... 101

Appendix 11: Frequency Distribution of Data ........................................... 157

Appendix 12: Table Distribusi Probabilitas Nilai Baku ............................ 160

Appendix 13: Table Lillyfors ..................................................................... 162

Appendix 14: Table Distribusi Probabilitas t-student ................................ 163

Appendix 15: Table r Product Moment ..................................................... 165

Appendix 16:Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ................................................ 166

Appendix 17:Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ...................................................... 167

Appendix 18:Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ........................................ 168

Appendix 19: Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah ........................... 169




A. Background of the Study

Language has important role for all people in the world. The language cannot be

separated from them because it is their means of communication. They use it to

communicate with others as social human. Beside that it is also used to express

people‟s idea, and feeling with others. It is based on Hornby‟s definition that is in

Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary,” Language is way of expressing ideas and

feelings using movements, symbols, and sounds.”1 Moreover, by using language

people can predict how the user„s personality, education, society, and culture is.

Learning of a language is very important for us, especially English language.

The first reason is that English is considered as an international language. It means

that by using English language we can communicate with many people from others

countries in the world. Another reason is that most of books, articles, journals of

sciences, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, TV programs, and job vacancies

use English. We need to master English in comprehending all of them. If we can‟t

master it, we will lose much information. Even, we will get difficulties in developing

our knowledge. Therefore, mastering and using English is very important in this era

for all people in the world.

Because of these reasons, Indonesian government involves English as a foreign

language into the schools‟ curriculum. The purpose is to ease all Indonesian students

in developing their knowledge, especially in learning all information, and entering

foreign schools/universities etc. To master English is not easy. The students have to

master four language skills. The four language skills are listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. In this study, the researcher will only focus on one of the skills, that is

reading skill.

Mastering reading in English is very important because many books are written

in English such as academic book, magazine, and newspaper. Reading becomes

essential because it can develop our knowledge, through reading we can get a lot of

1 AS Hornby, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary 4

th Ed, (New York: Oxford University

Press, 2008), P. 247.


information, enjoyments, and even problem solutions. Therefore, the ability to read

the text in any forms will give many advantages in our life. But, mastering reading is

very difficult because reading comprehension is remarkably comple, this activity

involves many processing skills that are coordinated in very efficient combination.2

It means that reading is an action work, which is the readers need a lot of skills to be

coordinated well in getting the comprehension of the text which they read.

Reading is one of the language skills that should be mastered by every student,

especially the students are in Indonesia. It is caused by most of English test items

consists of reading text. For example; National Final Exam (UAN) for junior high

school students 2014 consists of 50 items, which is 41 items focused on reading

comprehension, the others are arrangement items.3 From that situation, it can be

concluded that teachers really have to develop the students‟ ability in comprehending

the English text and have to teach the best ways in answering the English tests

correctly such as how to find main idea, supporting detail, stated/unstated

information, moral value, and so on. So, the students‟ problems of reading text can

be solved.

Based on syllabus of second grade of junior high school that recommended by

the government, there are three English texts that should to be mastered by the

students. They are descriptive, narrative, and recount text. In this study, the

researcher will only focus on the ability of the second grade students of junior high

school particularly in reading narrative text. Narrative text tells us about an

interesting story that can make students enjoy. As stated by Pamela J. Farris,

“reading narrative text is often referred to aesthetic reading because one reads it for

enjoyment and pleasure.4

Before conducting the research, the researcher interviewed some English

teachers and students of Mts. ATTAQWA Tangerang. The purpose is to know what

the teacher‟s activity, and the students‟ ability in English class is, especially in

2 NidaHusna, Step by Step to Reading Skills 1

st Ed., (Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa dan Budaya UIN

Syarif Hidayatullah), p. 7. 3

kiki-nurul.pdf accessed on April 01, 2015. 4 Pamela J. Farris,, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach For Today’s Classroom,

(New Yok:McGraw-Hill, 2004), p. 477.


teaching and learning narrative text. Based on the interview, the researcher got the

information that there are still many second grade students whose English reading

score are still low. The teacher said that the students still have inadequate vocabulary

although they have learnt English since they were in elementary school. As the

consequence, Most of the students just have an ability read the text without knowing

the message of narrative text.

And then, the researcher also got information from some students of Mts

ATTAQWA Tangerang. They said that reading is a boring activity. The reason is

that the teacher often asked them to translate the narrative texts into their target

language and ask them to answer some questions based on the texts read. There is no

activity in class that involves their participant and their own idea in teaching and

learning activity. So, they are not motivated and interested in learning reading

narrative text.

In addition, narrative texts used are texts that are only in the students‟ worksheet

(LKS). It means that the teachers did not try to use the narrative texts from other

sources such as Internet or other books that probably have simple, easy, interested,

and educational story. Moreover, they did not select every detail of the narrative texts

first such as the content, the length, the vocabulary, the storyline of text, etc. As we

know that the selecting every detail of narrative text is very crucial before giving the

text to their students. The reason is because of choosing the wrong texts will make

the students have negative responses like frustrated, or uninterested in learning

narrative text.

Talking about the text in the students‟ worksheet (LKS), the students said that

their teacher gave them the narrative texts that are long enough whereas they still had

inadequate vocabulary. The effect is that they become unmotivated to finish their

reading. Even, they become dislike to learn English language. The researcher think

the use of long text is not an effective way to teach narrative text because it will

spend much time and lead a boring situation in class. If the situation always happens

in the class the students will be dislike to learn English text. Moreover, they who are

dislike to learn English will feel more uninterested to learn English text than before.


To overcome the problems above, there are two crucial components that have to

be improved in the teaching and learning narrative text. The first component is the

method. The students need so much an appropriate method in learning narrative text.

The method does not only focus on translating the text but also focus on interesting

activities that can give the students more chance to participate and use their own idea

in learning English process, especially in learning narrative text. In this study, the

researcher try to use a method named Communicative Language Teaching.

CLT is a method is found in 1970s. The emphasis in this method is on the

process of communication, rather than mastery of language forms.5 It means that in

learning language, the students are more emphasized to communicate to others by

using target language, rather than are emphasized them to master grammar of the

target language. To build the communicative ability in class, the students are more

often involved to participate in learning activities or learn in an independent way.

Whereas the teachers just facilitate the communication process between all students

in the classroom. In other word, the CLT method will make the teaching and learning

activity more student-centered. The researcher thinks CLT can be an alternative

method to be applied in learning reading text, especially in learning narrative text

because it offers some interesting techniques that will make the students more active

in class and more enthusiastic to learn the narrative text. In this study, the researcher

will use two techniques of CLT method. They are such as Scrambled sentence and

Picture story strip.

The scrambled sentence is one of teaching techniques in CLT method that

teaches the students how to arrange narrative text which has been scrambled into the

original order or based on the chronological order and the general structure correctly.

They will be helped to understand more deeply general structure and language

feature of the narrative text. Whereas the picture story strip is a CLT‟s technique that

teaches the students to predict what the story is going to tell about before giving the

text. It will help them to convey the meaning of the text and to build positive

response in learning narrative text. Through the CLT‟s techniques the students‟

5 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching: A description and analysis, (New York:Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 76.


problems are expected to be solved. Beside that the learning narrative is expected to

be more communicative, attractive, and effective. So, it does not only consist of

translation activity but also meaningful activity.

The second component is the material. The students really need a material that is

simple, easy, authentic, educational, interested, motivated, and enjoyable to learn

reading comprehension of narrative text. The material that has the ideal features is

short story. According to Collin and Slater in Handayani the short story can be used

for EFL learners because the length of the story is appropriate for one or two class

sessions, it is not complicated for the students, it has variety of choices, and it can be

used for all levels (from beginner to advance and for all ages (young learners to

adult).6 And then, Lazar said that stories provide the teaching and learning material

‟which is motivating, authentic and great educational value, enjoy, fun etc‟.7 Based

on the statements above, it can be concluded that the use of literary texts can be an

alternative material in teaching reading because the features that it has.

The use of literature is not a new phenomenon in language class. It was used in


century when Grammar Translation Method (GTM) was still mostly used.

However, literature was no longer used since structuralism approach began to

dominate during the 1960s to the end of 1970s.8 Even when Direct Method, the

Audiolingual Method, Communicative Language Learning, Suggestopedia, the Silent

Way, Total Physical Response, The Natural Approach, and Communicative

Approach magnificently dominated ESL/EFL teaching, literature was still ignored.

Finally, since 1980s literature found its way back to EFL teaching. It is different

from the way used by GTM. It is used an authentic material not as a source for


The use of literature in language class is a matter that also interest many

educators‟ and researchers‟ attention. Even, many researchers of some countries such

as Iran, Persia, Indonesia and Libya had studied the effectiveness of using short story

6 Merli Puji Handayani, Using Children Short Stories to Enhance Students‟ Reading

Comprehension, Journal of English and Education, Vol. 1, 2013, p. 136. 7 G. Lazar, Literature and Language Teaching: A guide for teachers and trainers,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 14-15. 8 Parlindungan Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills, Journal of English

Teaching, Vol. 1, 2011, p. 15.


towards reading comprehension. In their studies, the researchers explained that the

short story is a simple literary text will be easy to be read by the students in short

time because the length is only two thousand words or fewer. Through simple and

short storyline, they will be encouraged to continue reading it until the conflict is

resolved. In other word, the short story can reduce their anxiety and help them to feel

more relax while reading English text. It is authentic material too. It makes them

ready for the types of the languages and cultural information of target language that

they will find outside the classroom. And then, it is rich in language. It provides the

real examples of grammatical structures, and the essential vocabulary items. They

will not only be taught to enhance their reading comprehension but also grammatical

structures and vocabulary. To sum up, all of the researcheres find that the use of

short story can give positive effect to the students‟ reading comprehension. And, they

also suggest English teachers to use short story as an alternative material in teaching


From the explanation above, the researcher is inspired to combine the short story

and CLT method that had ever been ignored in 1970s. The researcher wants to find

whether the use of short story will be still effective towards students‟ reading

comprehension if it is combined with Communicative Language Teaching or

Grammar Translation Method only. According to Bretz in Pathan, “Stories can help

in improving communicative competence of EFL students.”9 The statement shows us

that there is a correlation between the use of story and Communicative Language

Teaching. The correlation probably can be studied whether both of them can help the

students to enhance their reading comprehension of narrative text or not. Therefore,

to know it the researcher would like to conduct a research by the title: “The

Effectiveness of Using Short Story towards Students’ Reading Comprehension of

Narrative text: an Experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts AT-

TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang.”

9 Mustafa Mubarak, P dan Zamzan Emhemmad M, A, Investigating the Role of Short Stories

in Overcoming the Problems Faced by the Libyan EFL Learners in Reading Comprehension Skill, The

Criterion An International Journal in English, Vol. 12, 2013, p. 6.


B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, there are many problems that can

be identified in this research such as:

1. Students still got low score in comprehending the narrative text.

2. Students still has inadequate vocabulary in comprehending the narrative text.

3. Students just have an ability read the text without knowing the message, general

structure, and language feature of narrative text.

4. Teaching narrative text is still too teacher-centered.

5. Students have a little chance to participate in learning narrative text.

6. Teachers only use material of a source to teach narrative text.

7. There is no selecting the text before giving it to students.

8. Length of text used is not often appropriate with students‟ ability.

9. Students have a little chance to use ideal material in learning narrative text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem it is important to set

limitation of the problem. The writer limits the study on the teaching English that

concern on reading comprehension of narrative text by using short story at the

second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper- Tangerang.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of the problem which is going to be discussed in this study

based on the limitation above is: “Is the use of short story effective towards students‟

reading comprehension of narrative text?”.

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out the empirical evidence of the

effectiveness of using short story towards students‟ reading comprehension of

narrative text at the second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper



F. Significances of the Study

This study is expected to bring benefits:

1. For English Teachers

The present study hopefully will help English teachers to be able to provide the

better material in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text.

2. For English Students

The present study hopefully will help English learners in developing their

reading comprehension by using short story.

3. For the Next Researchers

The writer hopes that the result of the research can be used as references for

those who want to conduct a research in teaching English, especially in teaching

reading comprehension of narrative text.




A. Reading Comprehension

1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension

As the writer is going to explain about the definition of reading comprehension,

it is better to start with the definition of reading itself. In language skill, reading is

one of receptive skill that has important role in language mastery development.

Through reading, we can increase our chance in mastery the language skill because

we will get much knowledge that correlate with other language skills, such as

listening, speaking, and writing. We can also get much knowledge about the sub-skill

of language, such as grammar and vocabulary. As the illustration, when people read a

Cinderella story, they are not only getting the story, but they also increase their

knowledge about the language features found in the text,such as the use of action

verb, adjectives, noun, and past tense. The information is useful in the development

of language mastery. Therefore, as a receptive skill, reading hold important role as it

becomes the gate of the language learning success. When people are accustomed to

read, they will get much knowledge which leads them to master the target language

easily. Here some definitions about reading from many experts.

According to William Grabe, he states, “Reading is also an interaction between

the reader and the writer. The text provides information that the author wants the

reader to understand in certain ways”.1From statement above, it is clear that reading

means an interaction between author and reader in sharing the same information.

What the reader understands has to be same with what the writer wants to tell in the


1William Grabe, Reading in a Second Language: Moving from Theory to Practice, (New

York:Cambridge University Press, 2009), p.15.


Meanwhile, Andrew P. Johnson said that, “Reading is the practice of using the

text to create the meaning. The two key words here are creating and meaning. If there

is no meaning being created, there is no reading taking place”.2Thus, creating

meaning from the text is the essential part when we read. It is become the main

purpose of reading.

The last definition is given by I.S.P. Nation, he said ”An essential part of reading

skill is the skill of being able to recognize written forms and so connect them with

their spoken forms and their meanings”.3Certainly, it is clear that reading is all about

taking the meaning of the text, in which there is an interaction between words on the

text and the reader‟s mind.

Based on experts‟statements above, it can be concluded that the main point of

reading activity is to get the deep understanding about the meaning, information, even

the idea from the text we read. To get them, the reader has to build a good interaction

between written text and his mind. Another name of deep understanding is

comprehension. Comprehension occurs when we totally understand what the text is

all about. Zamelman, Daniels, and Hyde as quoted from Pamela J. Farris stated that

“The essence of reading is a transaction between the words of an author and the mind

of a reader, during which meaning is constructed. This means that the main goal of

reading instruction must be comprehension: above all, we want students to

understand what is on a page”.4

Likewise, according to Behzadi,, they said that, “In reading comprehension,

readers get information from written texts and need to decode these data info

meaningful messages so that they can understand the reading materials and achieve

2Andrew P. Johnson, Teaching Reading and Writing: A Guidebook for Tutoring and

Remediating Students, (Maryland: Rowman and Littelefield Education, 2008), p.3. 3I.S.P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, (New York:Routledge, 2009), p. 9.

4Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, and Maria P. Walhater, Teaching Reading: The Balanced

Approach for Today’s Classroom, (New York: McGrawhill, 2004), p.324.


the purposes of reading”.5Undoubtedly, if we are talking about reading, we are

talking about comprehension too because comprehension is the ultimate goal of


“Comprehension is evident when readers can: a) Interpret and evaluate events,

dialogues, ideas, and information. b) Connect Information to what they already know.

c) Adjust current knowledge to include new ideas or look at those ideas in different

way. d) Determine and remember the most important points in the reading. e) Read

“between the lines” to understand underlying meanings”.6

Based on the description above, it may be said that comprehension is the core of

reading activity which is built by the connection between the book‟s information and

the reader‟s acceptance. Once the reader understands the information from the text

then the reading purpose has been successfully fulfilled. By the time we comprehend

the information of text, our chance in the development of language mastery is


1. The purposes of Reading

Reading is an activity with a purpose. A reader may read a text to gain

information or verify existing knowledge. A reader may also read for enjoyment or to

enhance knowledge of language which is being read.

Rivers and Temperly suggest that second language learners will want to read for

the following purposes:

(a) To obtain information for some purpose or because we are curious about some

topic; (b)To obtain instructions on how to perform some task for our work or

daily life (e.g. knowing how an appliance works); (c) To act in a play, play a

game, do a puzzle; (d) To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to

understand business letters; (e) To know when or where something will take place

5Behzadi, et. al.., The Relationship Between Two Different Text Types and Reading

Comprehension Strategy Use of Advanced EFL Learners. European Online Journal of Natural and

Social Sciences, Vol. 2, 2013, p. 130. 6

html.Retrievied on October 23, 2015.


or what is available; (f)To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in

newspapers, magazines, reports); (g)For enjoyment or excitement.7

Grabe and Stoller declared the purposes of reading activity, based on their

opinion there are four main purposes of reading activity, those are:

(a) Reading to search for simple information.For most people, reading to search for

simple information is a kind of common reading ability, reader typically scan the

text for aspecific information or a specific word. Another type is skimming. It is a

common part of many reading tasks and useful skill in its own right. (b) Reading

to learn from text. It usually exists in academic and professional context when

people need to learn a considerable amount of information from a text. This

purpose usually carried out a reading rate somewhat slower than general reading

comprehension (mainly due to rereading and reflection strategies to help

remember information). (c) Reading to integrate information, write and critique

texts.These are proposed to compose, select and critique information from text,

and they represent common academic tasks that call upon the reading abilities

needed to integrate information. (d) Reading for general comprehension.It requires

very rapid and automatic processing of words, strong skills in forming a general

meaning representation of main ideas, efficient coordination of many processes

under very limited time constraints.8

To sum up, those definitions show thatto determine purpose of the readingis very

crucial step that should be done before starting reading. When the purpose of reading

is determined certainly it will ease the reader to determine what kinds of text that he

wants to read and what kinds of technique that he has to use. So, information that the

reader wants will be easy to be obtained.

2. The Principles of Reading

According to Jeremy Harmer, there are some principles of reading:

a. Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible. The more

studentsread, the better.

7David Nunan, Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1989), p.34. 8William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller,Teaching and Reseaching Reading 2

nd Ed., (New

York: Routledge, 2003) p. 7-9.


b. Students need to be engganged with what they are reading. Outside normal

lesson time, when students are reading extensively, they should be involved in

joyful reading- that is teachers should try to help them get as much pleasure from

it as possible. During the lesson, teachers should also do the best to ensure that

the students engganged with the topic and the activities they are asked to do

while dealing with it.

c. Encourage students to respond the content of a text (and explore their feelings

about it), not just concentrate on its construction. It is important for the students

to study reading texts in class in order to find out such things as the way they use

language, the number of paragraphs they contain and how many times they use

relative clauses. It is as well important that the students should be allowed to

show their feelings about the topic.

d. Prediction is a major factor in reading. When someone reads a text, he/she

usually have a good idea of the content before he/she actually stars reading. Book

covers can give the readers a clue what is in the book, photographs, and

headlines hint at what article is about before reading a single word.

e. Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts. Teachers need to

choose good reading tasks; the right kinds of question, appropriate activities

before during and after reading, and useful study exploitation when the topic of

reading has been set.

f. Good teachers exploitreading texts to the full. Good teachers can integrate the

reading text into interesting lesson sequences, using the topic for the discussion

and further tasks, using the language for study and then activation, and using

range of activities to bring the text to life. Where students have been doing

extensive reading, the teachers should use whatever opportunities present

themselves to provoke useful feedback.9

9 Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach English, (Kuala Lumpur:Pearson Education, 2007), p. 101-



In summary, the goal of teaching reading is to help students to understand the

text. These principles are to help the teachers to design teaching reading effectively. It

should be designed based on students‟ reading purposes. It doesn‟t only focus on the

reading skill, but it should also relate to other language skills. Then, the other

important thing that teachers should do is to choose the appropriate teaching method

and technique which influence to how students enjoy their reading activities. They

should also give students‟ motivation to read a lot to develop their reading skills. In

addition, the other important thing is teachers should encourage students to read as

often and as much as possible, and give chance the students to respond and help them

to predict the content of the text. The teachers should also give good reading tasks

and reading activities that relates to reading topic.

3. Strategies for Reading Comprehension

According to H. Douglas Brown, there are ten strategies that should be

understood by students when they want to improve their reading comprehension.

Each of the strategies can give good tricks about what they should do when they read

English text. The strategies are:

a) Identifying the purpose in reading. b) Using graphemic rules and patterns to aid in

bottom up decoding (especially for the beginning level learners). c) Using efficient

silent reading techniques relatively rapid comprehension (for intermediate to

advanced levels). d) Skimming the text for the main ideas. e) Scanning the text for

specific information. f) Using semantic mapping or clustering. g) Guessing when

you are not certain. h) Analyze vocabulary. i) Distinguish between literal and

implied meanings. j) Capitalize on discourse makers to process relationship.10

B. Communicative Language Teaching

1. The Definition of Communicative Language Teaching

Communicative language teaching is a method of teaching that appears from the

theoritical perspective of the Communicative approach. It is found by some educators


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy 2nd

Ed., (New York:Longman, 2000), p.306-310.


believe that being able to communicate is more required than just master the

linguistic competence.11

From statement above, it is clear that through

Communicative language teaching method learners will beprovided more

opportunities to communicate than master language forms. Moreover Littlewood

explained that Communicative Language Teaching pays attention to functional as

well as structural aspects of language, then combining both of them into more fully

communicative view and the goal of foreign language teaching is communicative


It means that learners will be more encouraged to have communicative

abilitythan grammatical ability at the end foreign language learning.Based on

expert‟sstatements above, it can be concluded that Communicative language teaching

is a method thatwill more require learners to use their language and interact with

others through pair or groupwork communicatively than to understand the structural

aspects of language.So, the language learning will be seen as leaning to communicate.

Because this method emphasizes on communicative ability, it will be shown that

there will be more communicative interaction that encourages cooperative

relationships among students.13

By applying Communicative language teaching in the

classroom, hopefully the students will get a bigger chance to work on negotiating


To sum up, Communicative Language Teaching is a method that gives the

students a place for practicing the linguistic competence they have had into the more

meaningful activity.Through this method, we can also see that there is

interdependence on language and communication.Someone cannot be called as

amaster of language if he cannot use his language to express his own ideas, interact

with others and understand the ideas of others. Therefore, to master a language the

students have to motivate themselves to communicate to others as much as possible.


Diane Larsen and Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, (New York:

Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 115. 12

William Littlewood, Communicative Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1981), p. 1. 13

Larsen and Freeman, op.cit., p.127.


2. The Principles of Communicative Language Teaching

There are some principles that will help coming to a better understanding of

Communicative Language Teaching itself, they are:

a. The goal of teaching and learning activity is to enable students to

communicate in the target language.

b. The teacher‟s role is as a facilitator where they facilitate students to do

communication in the classroom.

c. Students use the language through communicative activities such as games,

role plays, and problem-solving tasks.

d. The students interact a great deal with one another.

e. The students do something useful with the language.

f. Language is for communication.

g. The teachers emphasize language function and speaking skill in the class.

h. The use of the students‟ native language is permitted in CLT

i. The teacher evaluates not only the student‟s accuracy, but also their fluency

j. Error of form are tolerated during fluency-based activities and return the

students later with an accuracy-based activities.14

The principles above explain that Communicative LanguageTeaching will make

each oflearning activities be morestudents-centered. The students will be given many

more changes to participate in communicative activities.Whereas, their teacher just

facilitates and creates them communicative situation in the class.

3. Techniques in Communicative Language Teaching

Some techniques that can be used by the teachers when they use Communicative

Language Teaching are authentic materials, scrambled sentences, language games,

pictures strip story and role play.

a. Authentic Materials. Actually authentic materials are some materials that

naturally come from native speaker of the target language. For the students with

lower proficiency in the target language, it may be not possible to use authentic

materials continously. It is still possible to be used, if the teacher uses realia that


Ibid., p. 128-130.


do not contain a lot of language such as timetables. When the teacher wants to

use authentic material in the classroom, the students should be consideredto the

level of students‟ capability.

b. Scrambled Sentences. In this technique, the teacher gives the students a text

which sentences are in scrambled order. Then, they have to arrange the sentences

into the original order. This type of exercises teaches them to understand more

deeply cohesion and coherence, general structure and language features of the

narrative text

c. Language Games. Language games is often used in Communicative Language

Teaching because it makes the students enjoyable and it also gives the students

valuable communicative practice.

d. Pictures Strip Story. The teacher will divide the students into several groups and

then each group will get a picture strip story. One person in every group shows

the first picture of the story to the other members and asks them to predict what

the second picture would look like. At the end of this story, all of groups will

compare the prediction they have made with the original picture.

e. Role Play. By conducting role play in the classroom, the students will get an

opportunity to practice their communicative competence in different social

context and in different social roles.15

In this study the writer only focus on using short story.

C. Short Story

1. The Definition of Short Story

The use of literature had been known since the nineteenth century. It was mostly

used as material when English language was taught by using Grammar translation

Method (GTM).So, the goal of foreign language in the time is to learn a language in

order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and


Ibid., p. 132-134.


intellectual development that result from foreign language study.16

Based on the

statement above, it can be concluded that literature had been used long time ago in

foreign language teaching. Even, it was a popular material to learn language in the

time. Moreover, the use of literature can give many advanteges, especially for

students‟ mental discipline and intellectual development.

One of the literatures is short story. According to MacMillan, “Short story is a

brief work of prose narrative.”17

It means that short story is a short prose narrative

that usually can be read in short time. In other word, the reader does not need much

time to comprehend what the short story tells about.

Meanwhile, Lazar said that “Short story is a work of fiction. It tells one event in

a very concentrated way, describessomething at moment of crisis, introduces people

who are told do not really exist, has plot and characters who are somehow connected

with each other.”18

From the definition above, it is clear that short story is a simple

literary text which can be considered to be used as material in learning language

because of its distinctive features.

Considering the statements above, short story is defined as a short fictional

narrative in prose that can be read in short time. Beside that, it also has some

distinctive features that will make the reader be more enjoyed in reading it than


2. The Elements of Short Story

As the same as other fiction works, short story also has its own elements. But,

some experts have different opinions about how many the short story‟s elements are.


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching: A description and analysis, (New York:Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 3. 17

MacMillan Literature Series, Introducing Literature, Signature Edition, (New

York:Glencoe/McGrowHill, 1985), p.53. 18

Gillian Lazar, Literature and Language Teaching: A guide for teachers and trainers,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 73.


Gordon and Kuehner said that the short story has six elements.19


said that there sevenelements of the short story.The differences include, irony and

symbol.According to Diyanni the irony and symbol are elements that will help the

reader tocompress a great deal of meaning into a brief space and understand the


However, the two books still have same explanation when they elaborate the

other elements such as plot, setting, character, point of view and tone, theme, and

style. In this study, the writer explainsthe elements that are only in the Gordon and

Kuehner‟s book.The elements are as follows:

a. Plot

Plot is the author‟s arrangements of the events in a narrative to get a desired

effect. It is a series of actions that are usually organized in chronologically order.

There are two aspects that construct a plot: causality and conflict. Causality is needed

to substitute of two or more events. A conflict is an internal or external fight between

the main character and the opposite character. When a story includes internal conflict,

it means that the main character is in conflict with himselfor herself. It contrastes, an

external conflict happen between the main character and another character, society, or

natural forces.

Furthermore, the plot structure is divided into six events: exposition, initiating

incident, rising action, climax, failing action, and resolution. Exposition is giving

description of the situations that the reader needs to comprehend the story. The

initiating incident is the event that changes the situation that is developed in

exposition. The rising action means some events happened that develop complication

in the story. Then, climax is the point of the greatest conflict, the emotional high

point, the turning point in the plot, or the point where the opposite character gains the

advantage. It is the event where the main character must choose some action that will


Jane Bachman Gordon, Karen Kuehner, Fiction: The Elements of Short Story, (New York:

McGraw-Hill, 1999), p.1-247. 20

Robert Diyanni, Literature:Reading Fiction, Poetry and Drama 5th

Ed., (New

York:McGraw-Hill, 2002), p. 92.


make his/her situation may be worse or better. The events that follow the climax are

known as falling action. Then, the falling action leads into the resolution of the story.

b. Setting

Setting is to describe time and place in the story. It can be general, specific, or

every detailed. It may serve some purposes, such as influencing action, defining

character, or contributing to mood.

c. Character

Character is a person createdfor work of fiction. It may autobiographical versions

of the author, the people that author knows, the people that may the author has

observed or overheard. The character is divided into twocategories, major and minor

characters. The major characters are protagonist and antagonist characters.

Meanwhile, the minor characters are confidant or confidante, foil, a stereotyped

character, and piece of furniture character. These are the characters that support to

develop plot of the story. Another way to classify the characters is the terms of active

and static characters. The active characters are one who changes because of what

happen in the story. Then, the static characters are the characters have same at the

beginning until the end of the story.

d. Point of View and Tone

Point of view is where the author places her/him in the story. There are two main

points of view: first person (I) and third person (he, she, they). The first person of

view is the author creates a person or mask through which she/he tells the story. The

first person of view may be a character in the story, the observer of events. The third

person of view is divided into two parts:omniscient, and limited omniscient. The

omniscient means the author knows the thoughts of all characters in the story.

Meanwhile, the limited omniscient means the author just knows and focuses on a

character in the story. Furthermore, tone in writing is the author‟s attitude toward the


characters, the topic, or the readers. It is similar like tone in speech. It is achieved by

describing details of setting and characters, dialogue, and narrator‟s direct comment.

e. Theme

Theme is an author‟s insight or general observation about human nature or the

human condition that is delivered by characters, plot, and imagery. There is rule to

put themein the story. But, it can be identified in the factual details of plot, characters,

and setting.

f. Style

Style is an author‟s characteristic way to say things in the story. It is divided into

three components: diction, imagery, and symbols, and syntax. The first component is

diction. It is the author‟s choice on using words. It can be chosen as general or

specific, formal or informal, abstruct or concrete, common, jargon, and etc. The

second component is imagery and symbol. Imagery is a term of senses. It involves

sight, tastes, smell, touch, and hearing. It also associates with figure of speech like

smile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and others. Then, a symbol is concrete

anything like an object, a place, a character, and an action. The last component is

syntax or sentence structure. It is the individual‟s pattern or arrangement of words

and phrases.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that short story has six basic

elements. They are plot, setting, character, point of view, theme, and style. It relates

each other to make complete story. The readers should identify these basic elements

to help them comprehend overall the story.21


Jane Bachman Gordon, Karen Kuehner, op. cit., p.1-247.


3. The Criteria for Selecting Short Stories

According to Pathan and Al-dersi there are six criteria that should be more paid

attention by EFL teachers for selecting short-stories before using them for developing

their students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text:

a. The short stories selected should be simple one for the beginners, and not so

complex, that will suit their level and will not discourage them while attempting

to read.

b. The short stories should be rich in language, providing maximum examples of

various grammatical structure and useful vocabulary.

c. The short-stories should be in line with the norms of the Indonesian traditions,

culture, and faith.

d. The stories selected, preferably, should be the one that are made into films to

provide the students visual representation of them as well as to give the students

much require foreign language exposure that will help them in overcoming

pronunciation relates problems.

e. The stories selected should be linguistically ideal that will guarantee

opportunities for integrating the four language skills in effective way not only for

developing reading comprehension skill but all other related skill as listening,

speaking, and writing as well.

f. The stories selected should be such that would motive the students to read and

arouse love and liking for reading in them, thus, inculcating the habit of reading

in English.22

To reach successful of using short story towards students‟ reading

comprehension of narrative text, EFL teachers should more pay attention the criteria

above. While each criterion is followed well, the successful will be easy to be

reached. And, the obstacles of using short story can be minimized well.


Mustafa Mubarak, P.and ZamzanEmhemmad M, A., Investigating the Role of Short Stories

in Overcoming the Problems Faced by the Libyan EFL Learners in Reading Comprehension Skill, The

Criterion An International Journal in English, Vol. 12, 2013, p. 6.


4. The Kind of Activities and Exercises to be Given

To overcome students‟ problem of reading comprehension, the teacher must not

only pay attention the selection of the short-stories, but also the kind of activities and

exercises given in the class. From this selection, the teachers will be offered a

perspective on what the kind of activities and exercises will be given while teaching

reading comprehension in classroom. Pathan and Al-dersi state that there are some

activities and exercises that can be given while using short-stories in the classroom:

a. Pre-Reading Activities

An ideal EFL reading comprehension skill class should begin with stimulating

pre-reading activities. The purpose is to arouse the interest of the students in the text;

as such activities will help in preparing them for what will follow after. The EFL

teachers can use various activities for this purpose such as showing pictures of great

people, writers, places, structures, and can ask the students if they know anything

about these things etc. The teachers can also show a video clip relates to the story and

ask the students about what will follow. The EFL teachers can also give information

about the author‟s life or the historical and cultural background to the story. In pre-

reading activities, the EFL teachers can give meanings of difficult words as well as

can also give certain clues to the story to arouse the learners‟ interest in the story.

b. While- Reading Activities

The Pre-reading activities should be followed with the while-reading activities.

In the while-reading activities, the EFL teachers can ask various questions to the

students such as looking for specific information in the text, or specific type of

structure, or a word/phrase etc. by skimming the passage fast. Skimming should

follow with the scanning and in-depth reading of the text. This reading can be silent

or load. The EFL teacher should encourage the students to read in the class and


should correct the students if they go wrong (but not by discouraging them). During

this stage, teachers should demonstrate first and then ask the students to read. It is

preferred that the teacher asks the learners to read silently first and then loudly in the

class. This gives the students opportunity to practice reading, while correcting


c. After-Reading Activities

After reading the text, the teachers can give various post-reading or after-reading

activities. These can be asking simple factual questions, to test students‟ general

comprehension, followed by advanced questions where students will be required to

think critically for answering. This can follow should be made to integrate the reading

comprehension skill with other productive language skills such as speaking and

writing. Group discussions, debates, story narration, from different characters‟ points

of view, guessing-games can also be encouraged for this purpose as well as for

making the class interactive and interesting.

The EFL students can also be asked to enact any specific scene in the story, using

the dialogues in the story, which will give them chance of practicing language in their

real life. Also, they can be asked to find synonyms, and antonyms of specific words

that will help them in expanding their vocabulary. They can be also asked to find out

examples of different grammatical structures such as questions, commands, requests,

exclamations etc from the text, and can be asked to either change them into other

structures or use them in their own sentences in similar situations etc. This will help

them not only in better understanding of such grammatical structures but also in using

them for various functions in their real life communication.23

Based on the kinds of activities and exercises above, the writer can conclude that

the EFL teachers have an important role in overcoming students‟ problem of reading

comprehension. They have to prepare and selectall activities and exercises will be


Ibid, p. 7.


given while using short-stories in classroom. The kind of activities and exercises

should be arranged from simple to complex. The purpose is to motivate and ease the

students while comprehending the short-stories. They can start the activities by

showing picture or video that relates the short story given (pre-reading activities),

asking the students to read silently first and then loudly in class, looking general

statement, and specific information of the text, etc (while-reading activities). And the

last is by making group discussion, story narration, and guessing-games (After-

reading activities).

5. The Advantages of Short Story

According to Pathan and Al-Dersi in their journal, there are some advantages of

using short stories. They are:

a. Short stories are considered as highly useful resource material in EFL classrooms

as they provide rich linguistic input, effective stimuli, for students to express

themselves in other languages, and a potential source of learner motivation.

b. They can be the main teaching material in reading comprehension class as well

as can supplement the main course materials for the-in class and out of class

activitiesof foreign language teaching, learning, and practice. The EFL teachers

can exploit this aspect for the same purpose in their class.

c. Stories can be more beneficial than any other informational materials, in

stimulating the acquisition process, as they provide authentic contexts for

processing new language. So, they should form an important place in the

teaching material, selected by the EFL teachers, to teach reading comprehension


d. The real examples of grammatical structures in stories, presented in a very simple

form, and the essential vocabulary items, presented in context and in use, can

help the EFL in learning these aspects and using them in real life conversations.


e. As stories increase foreign language students‟ insight into the country and the

people whose language is being learnt, by providing cultural information about

the target language, EFL students can also benefit from them. Also such use of

stories will help them in fostering their ability to interpret discourse in different

social and cultural target language contexts.

f. As stories expose students to a wide variety of styles and language functions,

they can help the EFL students to enhance their thinking and language abilities,

as well as other study skills such as learning vocabulary, discovering questions,

evaluating evidence etc.

g. Stories are „practical for the English language teacher‟s to use as their length is

long enough to cover, entirely, in one or two class sessions and they are not

complicated for students to work with on their own which can be helpful for

developing EFL students‟ self-dependency while learning foreign language.

Being the product of creative writers, who have better command over language,

stories are rich in language and can be ideal material for reading comprehension

skill class. Therefore, the EFL teachers should take the advantage of these

benefits for developing the reading skill of their students in effective way.

h. Stories are easy to finish, definite to understand and attract the students‟ attention

more than any other normal passage which can be considered as another

advantages for the EFL teachers to attract their students towards reading in


i. The proper use of short-stories can offer opportunities for EFL teachers to

integrate reading comprehension skill with other productive skills, like speaking

and writing, and if they are selected and exploited appropriately, this use allows

instructors to teach the four language skills to all levels of language proficiency

and can enhance ELT courses for the students‟. At this pedagogical aspect,

embedded in the use of short stories, can be very helpful in developing the EFL

students‟ language skills, by integrating them, wisely and creatively, with one

other and in interesting way.


j. The use of the authentic, natural dialogues, in the short-stories, can also be

helpful for the EFL students to get familiarized with actual, functional language

use. They can also be helpful for the teachers to maintain high interest and

intention levels of their students, which is quite crucial while developing reading

comprehension skill in EFL classroom.

k. Stories command the reader‟s attention more effectively making him/her react

emotionally with the events and leading to his/her personal involvement. This

can be exploited to sustain the EFL students‟ attention in the class as well to

motivate and promote reading among them, as most of them have negative

attitude towards reading. Stories thus, can help arouse liking and love for reading

in English among them.

l. As stories are contextual, they can help EFL students to develop various learning

strategies such as predicting and guessing meaning of the difficult words from

the context etc. This aspect of the use of short-stories can help a lot to EFL

teachers not only in overcoming the vocabulary related problems of their students

but also in effective fostering of their other target language skills.

m. Storiescan help in improving communicative competence of EFL students and in

developing critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation. They also help in

developing EFL students‟ interpretive abilities and expand their language

awareness. So, they should be used in the EFL classrooms for the stated reasons.

n. Stories provide the teaching and the learning material which is motivating,

authentic and has great educational value. Therefore, the EFL teachers should opt

for them, instead of the informative materials which they use in reading

comprehension skill class.

o. The controlled length, with the concise writing and with carefully selected

vocabulary and lexis, is another linguistic benefit of the use of short-stories for

EFL teachers and students for developing reading comprehension skill which can

also be taken into consideration by the EFL teachers and students.


p. As stories are very enjoyable to read, provide examples of different styles of

writing, and represent various authentic uses of the target language, they can be a

good basis for vocabulary expansion and for effective foster of reading

comprehension skill of EFL students.

q. Stories can expose the EFL students to rich, authentic language, which they

otherwise will not encounter in foreign language learning context and listening to

them, in the form of film, will help them in becoming aware of the rhythm,

intonation and pronunciation of the target language.

r. Stories help develop EFL students‟ personal creative powers and other higher

level thinking skills and can contribute in developing emotional intelligence as


s. Stories can also contribute in the personal growth of the EFL students and can be

used by their teachers, as the best tool, for inculcating various moral and cultural

values, which is very important for the future of any civilized society.24

From the description above, the use of short story is very useful for the students.

Each part of the short story cangive the students many chances to enhance their

insight of many countries, moral values, language skill, vocabulary, critical thinking,

and emotional intelligence, etc. So that, short story can be an alternative material for

English teachers in developing their students‟ reading comprehension of narrative


D. Narrative Text

1. Understanding of Narrative Text

There are many kinds of reading text which are learnt by the eight grade students

of junior high school. The importance of learning a reading text will not only effect

students‟ reading ability but also it will be a good model for English writing.Beside


Ibid, p. 4-6.


that, reading texts also provide the opportunities to study language: vocabulary,

grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs, and texts. It‟s

clear that the reading texts will give many advantages to the readers.

One of texts learnt is narrative text. Narrative text can be both in written and

spoken forms. Narrative is a short writing, it consists of events in the order that they

happen and it uses time order to organize the sentences.25

From the concept above,

narrative is one of story writing that is arranged chronologically based on the time

order about the evens happened. Additionally, according to Anderson, narrative text

is a kind of texts which tells the story aimed to present view of the world that

entertains or informs the readers or listeners.26

Throughout the story, narrative text

conveys the entertainment and any kinds of information for reader who reads this

text.Furthermore, narratives, from the Latin word narre „to make known to convey

information, provide individuals with a tool for learning and teaching others about the


It means narrative text not only covers the story of people but also the

explanation of science.From the explanations above, it can be concluded that

narrative text is one of text types which tells a story of series or events to entertain

and inform the reader.

There are many kinds of narrative text. There are humor, romance, crime, real-

life fiction, historical fiction, mystery, fantacy, science fiction, diary novel, and


Because of the many kinds and enjoyments the text offers, the students

can have the options in reading and writing activities.


Alice Oshima and Han Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing, (New York: Pearson

Education, 2007, p. 27. 26

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (Chapel: Macmillan

Education Australia Pty Ltd, 1997), p.6. 27

Slavka Tomascikova, Narrative Theories and Narratives Discourse, Bulletin of the

Transilvania Universilvania University of Brasov. Vol. 2(51), 2009, p.1. 28

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, op.cit., p.18.


2. The Purposes of Narrative Text

A text always has a purpose what the reader can get after reading it. So does

narrative text. There are some experts who explain the purpose of narrative text in

their books. One of experts is Barbara Fine Clouse who wrote a book that entitled The

Student Writer.She stated that there are five purposes of narrative text. The purposes

will reliaze the readers that narrative text is a text which does not only amuse them,

but also help them to learn many things.The purposes are such as to entertain, to

express feelings, to relate experience, to inform, to persuade.29

Another the purposes of narrative text stated by Mark Anderson, and Kathy

Anderson area to provide entertainment, to make the audience think about the issue,

teach them a lesson, or excite the emotions.30

It means that narrative text does not

consist of humor story, but also moral and informational story.

Based on the purposes of narrative above, it can be concluded that the purposes

of narrative are so various. Whatever the purposes are, the narrative text will always

make the readers enjoy while they are reading it.

3. The Schematic Structures of Narrative Text

Every English text has its own structure so does narrative text. The text structure

related to “the way a text is organized to guide the readers in identifiying key


The function of the structure of text is to help the readers in

understand the text easily. According to Anderson, the structure of narrative text

consists of five points, they are:


Barbara Fine Clouse, The Student Writer, (New York:McGraw-Hill, 2006), p.186. 30

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (Chapel: Macmillan

Education Australia Pty Ltd, 1998), p.3. 31

Janet K. Klinger, Sharon Vaughn, and Alison Boardman, Teaching Reading Comprehension

to Students with Learning Difficulties, (New York:The Guilford Press, 2007), p. 76.


a. Orientation

In this paragraph the narrator tells the audience who is in the story, when it is

happening, where it is happening and what is going on. It can be also called as

introductory part of a story.So the reader can figure out what will happen next and

who are involved in it.

b. Complication

This is the part of the story where the narrator tells about something that will

begin a chain of events. These events will affect one or more of the characters. The

complication is the trigger.

c. Sequence of events

This is where the narrator tells how the characters react to the complication. It

includes their feelings and what they do. The events can be told in chronological

order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The audience is given the

narrator‟s point of view.

d. Resolution

In this part of the narrative where the complication is sorted out or the problem is

solved. It means that the problems have been solved.

e. Coda

The writer includes a coda if there is a moral or message to be learned from the


From the structure above, we can know that a narrative text consists of some

structures. Each structure has function to tell the reader how the story is begun until it

is finished. So the reader will get what the text tells about completely.


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, op.cit., p. 4.


4. The Language Features of Narrative Text

The language features of a text related to the form of words that construct a story.

According to Knapp and Watkins a narrative text has language features such as

a) When sequencing people and events in time and space the narrative text uses

action verb, temporal connective. b) Stories are typically written in the past tense

until quoting direct speech. c) In action sequence, mainly action verbs are used, while

in reflection/evaluation, mental verbs predominate. c) Narratives often use action

verbs metaphoritically to create effective images. d) Narratives often use rhythm and

repetition to create particular effects. e) Play with sentence structure is another

common feature of narratives. Often sentences comprising one word or a short phrase

are used to create poignant effects.33

Anderson has his own point of view about the language features of narrative text,

they are:“a) Nouns that identify the specific the characters and places in the story. b)

Adjectives that provide accurate descriptions of the characters and settings. c) Verbs

that show the actions that occur in the story.d) Time words that connect events,

telling when they occurred”.34

It can be concluded that the language features of narrative text which is given by

Knapp and Watkins or Anderson are same. Although both of them have different way

in conveying their idea about the language features of narrative text, but the

explanation about the language features of narrative text has similarity in its meaning.

E. Relevant Previous Study

In this research, the writer summarizes some relevant previous studies that deal

with the teaching reading comprehension by using short and Communicative

Language Teaching. The first previous study that the researcher has read from

journal, entitled “Teaching Reading Comprehension through Short Stories in

Advance Classes”was written by Omid Pourkalhor and Nasibeh Kohan (2013). They


Peter Knapp and Megan Watkins, Genre, Text, Grammar:Technologies for Teaching and

Assessing Writing, (Sydney: University of New South Wales, 2005), p. 221-222. 34

Ibid, p. 3.


studied how the use of short story can give many benefits in Language class,

especially in teaching reading comprehension.In their research, they used a quasi-

experimental research. It means that they used two classes. The classes are

experimental and controlled class. In the experimental class the writers taught reading

by using collection of short stories. Whereas in the controlled class, the writers taught

reading by using reading books, internet, magazine (without using short stories). To

get data, the writers used test as the instrument. Then, the writers analyzed the data

gotten by using T-tests. The writers got t-value (4,693) is bigger than t-table (2,02) at

40 degrees of freedom. It means that students in the experimental class did better on

the comprehension test than those in the controlled class.35

The second previous study is “Investigating the Role of Short Stories in

Overcoming the Problems Faced by the Libyan EFL Learners in Reading

Comprehension Skill”was written by Mustafa Mubarak Pathan and Zamzam

Emhemmad Mar‟ei Al-Dersi (2013). This research explained about how the short

stories can help the students to overcome their problems in reading comprehension

skill.In this research, the writers used questionnaire as the instruments. It was given to

100 Libyan EFL learners, studying in the first semester at the English language

departments in Sebha, Sha‟ti, Obari and Tragan campuses of the University of Sebha.

The purposes of using the questionnaire are to get the initial, essential insight into the

learners perception towards the reading comprehension skill, the major problems

faced by them while reading, the kind of material used by their teachers while

teaching this skill and their perceptions towards the use of short-stories as an

alternative material to develop their reading comprehension skill.After giving it, the

writers got the result of their research. The results are that 75% of the students face

many difficulties and problems due to inadequate training and practice in reading

from their school level, 80% of the studentsfaced problems of pronunciation while

reading, almost 75% of the students were unable to convey the meaning of what they


Omid Pourkalhor and Nasibeh Kohan, Teaching Reading Comprehension through Short

Stories in Advance Classes, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 2, 2013, p. 52-60.


were asked to read, they did not comprehend what they had read, they has insufficient

vocabulary, they got difficult materials, and almost 90 % of the students like the short

stories as alternative material in developing reading skill.36

After that, “Using Children Short Stories to Enhance Students’ Reading

Comprehension” was written by Merli Puji Handayani (2013). This research told

how the learning process by using children short stories can enhance the students‟

reading comprehension. The writers used a classroom action research. In their

classroom action research, they used three cycles of treatments to ascertain the

students‟ progress in reading comprehension. There are four steps in a cycle, which

are plan, act, observe, and reflect. And the writers implemented the cycle 3 to

confirm whether the students‟ reading comprehension had been improved or not. The

instruments used in this research are test, questionnaire, interview and observation.

All of the instruments used are to find how reading children short stories can improve

the students‟ reading comprehension and what the students‟ responses toward the use

of children short stories in teaching reading.After using three cycles, the writers got

results of the research. The results arethat the students‟ average score indicated a rise

from 61.06 in diagnostic test to 76.28 in cycle 3 therapeutic test. It showed that the

use of children short stories can enhance the students‟ reading comprehension. In

addition, the analysis of the questionnaire and the interview also showed that the most

of the students have positive response towards the use of children short stories in the

learning process.37

And then, “The Effect of Short Stories on Reading Comprehension Ability of

Iranian EFL Learners.” was written by Naeemeh Kharaghani (2013). This research

told about how using of short stories can effect reading comprehension abilities of

Iranian English language learners. In the research, the writer used a quasi-

experimental method, which is she used two classes. The class taught by using


Pathan and Al-Dersi,op, cit., p. 1-8. 37

Merli Puji Handayani, Using Children Short Stories to Enhance Students‟ Reading

Comprehension, Journal of English and Education, Vol. 1, 2013, p. 133-141.


instructional reading- based textbook, called controlled class. The other class taught

by using short stories, called experimental class. The writer conducted the research 16

sessions of 1.5 hours. To get data, the writer used some instruments in her research.

They are test, and questionnaire. The purposes are to find the effectiveness of using

short stories on reading comprehension ability of Iranian EFL learners, and to know

personal feelings towards the instructional texts and short stories. After giving the

data of the instruments, the writer analyzed the data and got the result of her research.

The result is that mean score of the experimental class was about 25 and the mean

score of the controlled class was about 18. It indicated that the students of the

experimental class were better than the students of the controlled class. In addition,

theresult of questionnaire used also indicated that most of the students agree with the

short story is the text which is easier to be understood than the other text.38

The last previous study that the researcher has read from skripsi, entitled“The

Effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching towards Students’ Reading

Narrative Text (A Quasi Experimental Study at the First Grade Students of SMAN 7

South Tangerang”was written by DianiNurhayati. This research was intended to find

out whether the use of Communicative Language Teaching was effective

towardsstudents‟ reading narrative text at the first grade students‟ of SMAN 7 South

Tangerang. The method used in this study was a quantitative method and the design

used in this study is a quasi-experimental design. Through the design, the writer used

two classes. They are experimental class, and controlled class. To collect the data, the

writer used test as her the instrument. And then, the writer analyzed the data by using

t-test. The result of the study shows that there is significant difference on students‟

achievement in reading narrative text that is taught by Communicative Language

Teaching. In the table of significance, it can be seen that on the df = 58 and in the

degree of significance 5% was 2.00. By comparing the value to is bigger than tt that is

2.38 >2.00, the alternative (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.


Naeemeh Kharaghani, The Effect of Short Stories on Reading Comprehension Ability of

Iranian EFL Learners, Preceding of the Global Summit on Education, Vol. 11, 2013. p. 865-874.


Therefore,it can be interpreted that teaching reading narrative text that is taught by

Communicative Language Teaching is more effective towards students‟ narrative text

than teaching reading narrative text without using Communicative Language


From some previous studies above, the writer can conclude that the findings of

all previous study above have the positive relationship. These can be guidance and

prediction for the writer to conduct this research. The research that the writer do, it

has a specification to see the effectiveness of using short story and Communicative

Language Teaching Method towards students‟ reading comprehension of narrative

text: an experimental study at the second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu

Ceper, Tangerang.

F. Thinking Framework

Reading is one of language skills that have to be mastered by the students in

learning English because through reading we can get a lot of information and develop

ourknowledge. Moreover, as well as we know that most of books, magazines,

newspapers, articles, journal of sciences, advertisements, TV programs, and job

vacancies use English. It causes us to master the reading skill. But to master the

reading skill is not easy because it needs a lot of skills to be coordinated well in

comprehending what the text tells about. Even, many researchers in different part of

the world have proposed different solutions toenhance the students‟ reading


In this research, the writertries to propose an alternative material that can

probably help the students in enhancing their reading comprehension of narrative

text. The alternative material is the use of short story. The short story is called as a

useful material that can give many advantages to the students when they learn English

text, especially narrative text. It is considered by many studies showed that the use of


Diani Nurhayati, “The Effectiveness of CLT Towards Students‟ Reading Narrative Text”,A

Skripsi S1 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta .2014.


short story can give positive effect towards the students‟ reading comprehension.

Even, many students give positive response when they use the short story in learning

narrative text. Beside that the writer wants to introduce the literature too that was very

popular in 20th

century in language class, especially in Indonesia.

Therefore, the writer is inspired to conduct a research about the role of using this

short story. The writer thinks the short story has ideal features to be a material in

teaching narrative text. The features are so different with the other text. They are such

as authentic, simple, educational, and motivating. The short story is an authentic

material which can make the students ready for the type of language that they find

outside the classroom. Then, it is very simple that will suit the students‟ level,

especially for EFL learners. Beside that the short story can encourage the students to

develop their attitudes towards values in literary text. The values relate to the world

outside the classroom. The last is motivating. It means that the short story can

encourage the students to continue reading until the conflict resolved.

In addition, in this research the writer alsocombine short story with a method that

is expected to develop the students‟ motivation in learning English text, especially

narrative text.The method is Communicative Language Teaching. Through this

method the teaching and learning activity will be more student-centered. It means that

the students will get more chance to participate in learning activity. So, they will

more active and attractive to learn each part of narrative text. Even, their Boring and

difficulty that often happen in learning English text is expected to be solved.

The CLT is a method that provided many interesting techniques. The techniques

are presented into meaningful activity. So, the teaching and learning narrative text

will not only contain translation activity, but also enjoyable activity. The students will

not be frustrated when they learn narrative text. Two CLT‟s techniques that the writer

will used are scrambled sentences and picture strip story. These two techniques will

make the students more to participate in leaning activity. Through scrambled

sentence, they will be taught how to arrange narrative text which has been scrambled

into the original order or based on the chronological order and the general structure


correctly. They will be helped to understand more deeply general structure and

language features of the narrative text. Then, by using picture story strip they will be

taught to predict what the story is going to tell about before giving the text. It will

help them to convey the meaning of the text and to build positive response in learning

narrative text.

Based on the statements above, the writer assumes that using short story that is

combined with Communicative Language Teaching can be more effective in teaching

reading comprehension at Mts. AT-TAQWA, Batu Ceper, Tangerang.

G. Research Hypothesis

Based on theoretical framework and relevant previous study that have been

explained above, the writer hypothesize that the use of short story can be an effective

material to teach reading comprehension of narrative text at Mts. AT-TAQWA, Batu

Ceper, Tangerang.




A. Place and Time of the Study

The study was held at the second grade of MTs AT-TAQWA which is located on

Jl. KH. Mukmin, Batu Ceper, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15123. The study was

conducted for five meetings including for pre-test and post-test. It was begun on

March 28th

, 2016 and ended on April 9th

, 2016.

B. Method and Design of the Study

The method of this study refers to quantitative research with two variables. Then,

design of this study is quasi-experimental which uses two groups as experimental

group and controlled group. Only the students in experimental group are taught by

using short story during the reading process as the treatment of the study. The data

are occupied from pre-test and post-test score. The design of experimental and

controlled class as follows:

Table 3.1

Test Quasi-Experimental Design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental Xe T Xe2

Controlled Xc O Xc2

Xe1 : Students’ reading score of experimental class on pre-test

Xc1 : Students’ reading score of controlled class on pre-test

T : Short story treatment

O : Non Short story

Xe2 : Students’ reading score of experimental class on post-test

Xc2: Students’ reading score of controlled class on post-test


The table 3.1 shows that both classes are given a pre-test and post-test, but the

difference is in giving the treatments. In experimental class, Short story was given as

a treatment to the students in the learning process. In dissimilarity, for the controlled

class, there was no treatment implemented in teaching reading comprehension of

narrative text. Afterwards, a post-test was administered in order to investigate the

result of the treatment.

C. Population and Sample of the Study

Population of this research were all second grade students at Mts AT-TAQWA

on the second semester 2015/1016 period. The number of population are 204 students

in which 40 students of VIII A, 40 students of VIII B, 38 students of VIIIC, 28

students of VIII D, 29 students of VIII E, and 29 students of VIII F.

The sample of this research consists of 40 students in the class VIII A

(experimental class) and 40 students in the class VIII B (controlled class) in the

second semester of 2015/2016 period.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting data, the instrument were given in pre-test and post-test. Type of the

tests is multiple choices. The purpose of the tests is to find out the effectiveness of

using short story towards students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. The pre-

test and post-test were applied for the experimental and controlled class.

a) Pre-test

In the pre-test stage, the students of experimental and controlled class were

instructed to answer questions of some narrative texts in sixty minutes. Then, in the

next meeting, the students of the experimental class were given a treatment which

was a material to teach narrative text called short story.


b) Post-test

Lastly, in the following meeting, it was conducted the post-test in both

experimental and controlled class to see significantly effectiveness of using short

story towards students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

As it has been known that in giving tests to the students, validity and reliability

were required as the measurement of the test. Validity is the extent to which it

measures what it is supposed to measure. Meanwhile, reliability refers to the extent to

which test scores are free of measurement errors.

In order to measure validity and reliability of the instrument, the researcher

applied it to the students of different class. The students are from VIII C. The

instrument consists of 40 questions in form multiple choices. After getting the

students’ score, the researcher analyzed the validity of each questions by using the

formula of item analysis in test. The validity could be seen from the result of

calculation in index of difficulty (ID) and discriminating power (DP) of each answer

question. It could be seen on the appendix.

Table 3.2

Index of Difficulty


VE = Very Easy > 0.80

ME =Moderately Easy 0.71- 0.80

MeDi =Medium Difficult 0.51- 0.70

MoDi =Moderately Difficult 0.31- 0.50

VeDi = Very Difficult 0.00-0.30


Table 3.3

Discriminating Power


E = Excellent 1.0-0.40

G = Good 0.30-0.39

M = Mediocre 0.20-0.29

P = Poor 0.00-0.19

W = Worst <0.01

And then, the researcher used the Spearman-Brown formula to find out whether

the instruments are reliable or not. It could be seen on the appendix. The Spearman-

Brown is one of reliability formulas that divide the students’ score into odd-even

numbers. And then, the odd-even numbers are correlated to get index of reliable

instrument by using the following formula:


r11= Reliablility of instrument

rxy=Index of reliable instrument1

After the calculation of this test, the researcher only used valid and reliable

questions to the pre-test and post –test in this research. The pre-test and post-test just

consited of 30 questions.

1 Suharsimi Arikunto, Procedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Yogyakarta: Rineka

Cipta, 2010), p. 223-227.


E. Technique of Data Analysis

After the data of pre-test and post-test were collected, then the data were

analyzed in the normal distribution test and homogeneity test.

1. Normal Distribution Test

The normal distribution test was completed in order to make sure whether or not

the data were normally distributed in the research. In this research, the normality

calculation was using Lilliefors; the data were transformed into the basic value. The

maximum dispute (T) got from the calculation must be in absolute value (+). The

result of normality test could be seen by comparing the value Tmax to Ttable with

formula as followed:

Formula: T = Sup │φ -∑P│

(Sup =Supermum)

The criteria of the test (α =0.05)

Ho :Tmax < Ttable

Ha :Tmax ˃ Ttable2


Ho: Data of X is not normally distributed

Ha: Data of X is normally distributed

2. Homogeneity Test

Secondly, after getting the normality of the data , homogeneity test was led to

know whether the data were homogenous or not. The formula is:

2 Budy Susetyo, Statistika untuk Analiis Data Penelitian, ( Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama,

2010), p. 148.


F =

or F =

S12: the highest variant

S22: the lowest variant



Ho: The data of the two classes don’t have homogenous variant

Ha: The data of the two classes have homogenous variant

The criteria of the test:

Ho is accepted if Fvalue < Ftable

Ha is accepted if Fvalue > Ftable

After the data were provably normal and homogenous, then the data would be

analyzed and processed by using statistic calculation on the Ttest formula with the

significance degree 5%. The Ttest formula was used to calculate the differential

significance made by pre-test and post-test. Moreover, gained score formula was used

to calculate the degree of its effect. The Ttest formula was used, in which X is the data

from experimental class and Y is the data from controlled class. The process of Ttest is

as follows.

- Determining Mean of variable X:


= The average of gained score (mean of variable X)

= Sum of gained score (variable X)

= Number of students

3 Ibid., p. 160.


- Determining Mean of variable Y:


= The average of gained score (mean of variable X)

= Sum of gained score (variable X)

= Number of students

- Determining Standard of Deviation score of Variable X:

SDx = √

SDx=Standard Deviation score of variable X

= Sum of squared gained score (variable X)

Number of students

- Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:

SDy = √

SDy=Standard Deviation score of variable Y

Sum of squared gained score (variable Y)

Number of students

- Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X:


Standard error of mean of variable X

Standard deviation of variable X

Number of students


- Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y:


=Standard error of mean of variable Y

Standard deviation of variable X

Number of students

- Determining Standard Error of Difference Mean of Variable X and

Variable Y, with formula:

= √

=Standard error of difference mean of variable X and mean of variableY

Sum of squared standard error mean of variable X

Sum of squared standard error mean of variable Y

- Determining to with formula:


to = t- observation

= Mean of variable X

=Mean of variable Y

Standard error mean of difference mean of variable X and mean of

variable Y

- Determining t-table in significance level 5% with degree of freedom (df),

with formula:

df = (N1+N2) – 2

df= Degree of freedom

N1= Number of students (experimental class)


N2= Number of students (controlled class)4

F. Statistical Hypothesis

To prove the hypothesis, the data obtained of the experimental class and

controlled class were calculated by using ttest formula with assumption as follows:



Ho: There is no significant difference between students’ achievement in reading

comprehension of narrative text by using short story and without using it.

Ha: There is a significant difference between students’ achievement in reading

comprehension of narrative text by using short story and without it.

And then, criteria for the statistical hypothesis are:

1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (Null hypothesis) is

rejected. It means that the rates of mean score of the experimental class are

higher than the controlled class. The using of short story is effective towards

students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

2. If t-test (to) ≤ t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (Null hypothesis) is

accepted. It means that the rates of mean score of the experimental class are the

same as or lower than the controlled class. The using of short story is not

effective towards students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

4Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendididkan (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006),

p. 314- 316.




A. Research Finding

1. Description of the Data

After conducting the research, the writer obtained two kinds of data. It is

score of the pre-test and post-test of experimental and controlled class. The pre-

test and post-test that the writer gave were about narrative text. The pre-test was

used to measure the students’ reading ability and also see whether or not the

experimental and controlled class had similar capability. Meanwhile, the post-test

was used to see the students’ achievement in reading narrative text after they were

taught by using short story. The data were described into some tables that consist

of students’ scores of pre-test, post-test, and gained score. The tables were made

to see the differences of students’ scores before and after treatments. Here were

the descriptions:

a. The Data of Experimental Class

Table 4.1

Students’ Score of Experimental Class


Pre-test Score

Post-test Score

Gained Score

1 48 68 20

2 52 72 20

3 44 56 12

4 48 68 20

5 44 56 12

6 48 64 16

7 56 68 12

8 72 88 16

9 68 76 8

10 68 92 24

11 68 76 8

12 60 72 12

13 64 76 12


14 64 72 8

15 52 76 24

16 72 84 12

17 64 80 16

18 44 56 12

19 44 64 20

20 40 60 20

21 64 80 16

22 56 76 20

23 40 60 20

24 52 64 12

25 44 60 16

26 60 76 16

27 60 76 16

28 72 88 16

29 40 60 20

30 76 92 16

31 56 72 16

32 68 80 12

33 56 72 16

34 52 68 16

35 64 84 20

36 60 84 24

37 52 60 8

38 56 68 12

39 60 72 12

40 76 92 16

N = 40

∑ ̅=

∑X1 = 2284

Mean = 57.1

∑X2 = 2908

Mean = 72.7

∑X= 624

Mean = 15.6

Based on the description of data in experimental class above, it showed that

the mean of pre-test was 57.1 and the mean of post-test was 72.7. Therefore the

average of gain score is 15.6. The lowest score of pre-test was 40 and the highest

score was 76. After getting the treatments or using short story, the lowest score of

post-test was 56 and the highest score was 92.

Table 4.2

Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Pre-test

NO Class Interval Frequency Percentage

1 40-47 8 20%


2 48-54 8 20%

3 55-61 10 25%

4 62-68 9 22.5%

5 69-75 3 7.5%

6 76-82 2 5%

∑f= 40

From the table 4.2 above, most of students got score 40-47 with the

percentage 20% students. 20% students got score about 48-57. 25% students got

score about 55-61. 22.5% students got score about 62-68. 7.5% students got score

about 69-75. And 5% students got score about 76-82.

Data of frequency distribution of experimental class pre-test could be

described on the chart below:

Figure 4.1

Frequency Distribution of Experimental Class Pre-test

Table 4.3

Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Post-test

NO Class Interval Frequency Percentage

1 56-62 8 20%

2 63-69 8 20%








40-47 48-54 55-61 62-68 69-75 76-82


3 70-76 13 32.5%

4 77-83 3 7.5%

5 84-90 5 12.5%

6 91-97 3 7.5%

∑f= 40

From the table 4.3 above, most of students got score 56-62 with the

percentage 20% students. 20% students got score about 63-69. 32.5% students

got score about 70-76. 7.5% students got score about 77-83. 12.5% students got

score about 84-90. And 7.5% students got score about 91-97.

Data of frequency distribution of experimental class post-test could be

described on the chart below:

Figure 4.2

Frequency Distribution of Experimental Class Post-test









56-62 63-69 70-76 77-83 84-90 91-97


b. The Data of Controlled Class

Table 4.4

Students’ Score of Controlled Class


Pre-test Score

Post-test Score

Gained Score

1 48 60 12

2 40 56 16

3 60 76 16

4 52 64 12

5 48 48 0

6 52 56 4

7 52 56 4

8 32 44 12

9 60 72 12

10 52 64 12

11 52 64 12

12 28 44 16

13 48 48 0

14 36 44 8

15 48 48 0

16 48 52 4

17 44 48 4

18 32 44 12

19 48 48 0

20 36 44 8

21 48 52 4

22 64 72 8

23 44 48 4

24 28 52 24

25 48 60 12

26 44 56 12

27 60 60 0

28 48 56 8

29 32 52 20

30 44 48 4

31 56 64 8

32 48 60 12

33 40 60 20

34 44 56 12

35 52 64 12

36 56 60 4

37 56 60 4


38 52 60 8

39 60 76 16

40 64 72 8

N = 40

∑ ̅=

∑Y1 = 1904

Mean = 47.6

∑Y2 = 2268

Mean= 56.7

∑Y= 376

Mean = 9.4

Based on the description of data in controlled class above, it showed that the

mean of pre-test was 47.6 and the mean of post-test was 56.7. Therefore the

average of gain score was 9.4. The lowest score of pre-test was 28 and the highest

score was 64. After getting the treatment or using traditional material, the lowest

score of post-test was 44 and the highest score was 76.

Table 4.5

Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Pre-test

NO Class Interval Frequency Percentage

1 28-34 5 12.5%

2 35-41 4 10%

3 42-48 15 37.5%

4 49-55 7 17.5%

5 56-62 7 17.5%

6 63-69 2 5%

∑f= 40

From the table 4.5 above, most of students got score 28-34 with the

percentage 12.5% students. 10% students got score about 35-41. 37.5% students

got score about 42-48. 17.5% students got score about 49-55. 17.5% students got

score about 56-62. 5% students got score about 63-69

Data of frequency distribution of controlled class pre-test could be described

on the chart below:


Figure 4.3

Frequency Distribution of Controlled Class Pre-test

Table 4.6

Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Post-test

NO Class Interval Frequency Percentage

1 44-49 12 30%

2 50-55 4 10%

3 56-61 14 35%

4 62-67 5 12.5%

5 68-73 3 7.5%

6 74-79 2 5%

∑f= 40

From the table 4.6 above, most of students got score 44-49 with the

percentage 30% students. 10% students got score about 50-55. 35% students got

score about 56-61. 12.5% students got score about 62-67. 7.5% students got score

about 68-73. And 5% students got score about 74-79.

Data of frequency distribution of controlled class post-test could be described

on the chart below:










28-34 36-41 42-48 49-55 56-62 63-69


Figure 4.4

Frequency Distribution of Controlled Class Post-test

From the data of experimental and controlled class, it could be seen that the

average score of experiment class who were taught by short story in teaching

reading comprehension of narrative text is higher than controlled class.

2. The Analysis of the Data

After the data of pre-test and post-test were collected, then the data were

analyzed in the normal distribution test and homogeneity test.

a. Normal Distribution Test

The normal distribution test was completed in order to make sure whether or

not the data were normally distributed in the research. In this research, the

normality calculation was using Lilliefors; the data were transformed into the

basic value. The maximum dispute (T) got from the calculation must be in

absolute value (+). The result of normality test could be seen by comparing the

value Tmax to Ttable with formula as followed:

Formula: T = Sup │φ -∑P│

(Sup =Supermum)










44-49 50-55 56-61 62-67 68-73 74-79


The criteria of the test (α =0.05)

Ho : Tmax < Ttable

Ha : Tmax ˃ Ttable1


Ho: Data of X is not normally distributed

Ha: Data of X is normally distributed

1) Normality of pre-test in Experimental Class

Table 4.7

Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Experimental Class

X F fX fX2 p = f/n ∑p z = (X- ̅)/S ɸ T= (ɸ -∑p)

40 3 120 4800 0.075 0.075 -1.6585839 0.0495 0.0255

44 5 220 9680 0.125 0.2 -1.2706111 0.1020 0.098

48 3 144 6912 0.075 0.275 -0.88263822 0.1894 0.0856

52 5 260 13520 0.125 0.4 -0.49466537 0.3121 0.0879

56 5 280 15680 0.125 0.525 -0.10669253 0.4602 0.0648

60 5 300 18000 0.125 0.65 0.28128031 0.6103 0.0397

64 5 320 20480 0.125 0.775 0.66925315 0.7454 0.0296

68 4 272 18496 0.1 0.875 1.057226 0.8531 0.0219

72 3 216 15552 0.075 0.95 1.4451988 0.9251 0.0249

76 2 152 11552 0.05 1 1.8331717 0.9664 0.0336



∑f =


∑fX =


∑ fX2




S2 =

- [


S2 =

- [


S2 =

3366.8 – ( )2

S2 = 3366.8 – 3260.41 = 106.39

S = √ = 10.31

1 Budy Susetyo, Statistika untuk Analiis Data Penelitian, ( Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama,

2010), p. 148.


In the significant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lilliefors shows:

T(0.05) (40) = 0.140

H1 = T > 0.140

Ho = T < 0.140

The result showed that Tmax< Ttable (0.098 < 0.140), it means that the pre-test

of the experimental class was normal.

2) Normality of post-test in Experimental Class

Table 4.8

Calculation of Post-test Normality in Experimental Class

X F fX fX2 p = f/n ∑p z = (X- ̅)/S ɸ T= (ɸ -∑p)

56 3 168 9408 0.075 0.075 -1.6324536 0.0516 0.0234

60 5 300 18000 0.125 0.2 -1,2414467 0.1075 0.0925

64 3 192 12288 0.075 0.275 -0.85043988 0.1977 0.0773

68 5 340 23120 0.125 0.4 -0.45943304 0.3264 0.0736

72 6 432 31104 0.15 0.55 -0.0684262 0.4761 0.0739

76 7 532 40432 0.175 0.725 0.32258065 0.6255 0.0995

80 3 240 19200 0.075 0.8 0.71358749 0.7612 0.0388

84 3 252 21168 0.075 0.875 1.1045943 0.8643 0.0107

88 2 176 15488 0.05 0.925 1.4956012 0.9319 0.0069

92 3 276 25392 0.075 1 1.886608 0.9700 0.03





∑f =


∑ fX2




S2 =

- [


S2 =

- [


S2 = 5390 – ( )2

S2 = 5390 – 5285.29 = 104.71

S= √ = 10.23


In the significant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lilliefors shows:

T(0.05) (40) = 0.140

H1 = T > 0.140

Ho = T < 0.140

The result showed that Tmax<Ttable (0.0995< 0.140), it means that the post-test

of the experimental class was normal.

3) Normality of pre-test in Controlled Class

Table 4.9

Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Controlled Class

X F FX fX2 p = f/n ∑p z = (X- ̅)/S ɸ T= (ɸ -∑p)

28 2 56 1568 0.05 0.05 -2.112069 0.0174 0.0326

32 3 96 3072 0.075 0.125 -1.6810345 0.0465 0.0785

36 2 72 2592 0.05 0.175 -1.25 0.1056 0.0694

40 2 80 3200 0.05 0.225 -0.81896552 0.2090 0.016

44 5 220 9680 0.125 0.35 -0.38793103 0.3520 0.002

48 10 480 23040 0.25 0.6 0.04310345 0.5159 0.0841

52 7 364 18928 0.175 0.775 0.47413793 0.6808 0.0942

56 3 168 9408 0.075 0.85 0.90517241 0.8159 0.0341

60 4 240 14400 0.1 0.95 1.3362069 0.9082 0.0418

64 2 128 8192 0.05 1 1.7672414 0.9608 0.0392



∑f =


∑fX =





S2 =

- [


S2 =

- [


S2 = 2352 – ( )2

S2 = 2352 – 2265.76 = 86.24


S= √ = 9.28

In the significant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lilliefors shows:

T(0.05) (40) = 0.140

H1 = T > 0.140

H0 = T < 0.140

The result showed that Tmax< Ttable ( 0.0942 < 0.140), it means that the pre-test

of the controlled class was normal.

4) Normality of post-test in Controlled Class

Table 5.0

Calculation of Post-test Normality in Controlled Class

X F fX fX2 p = f/n ∑p z = (X- ̅)/S ɸ T= (ɸ -∑p)

44 5 220 9680 0.125 0.125 -1.4142539 0.0793 0.0457

48 7 336 16128 0.175 0.3 -0.9688196 0.1685 0.1315

52 4 208 10816 0.1 0.4 -0.5233853 0.3015 0.0985

56 6 336 18816 0.15 0.55 -0.077951 0.4721 0.0779

60 8 480 28800 0.2 0.75 0.3674833 0.6406 0.1094

64 5 320 20480 0.125 0.875 0.81291759 0.7910 0.084

72 3 216 15552 0.075 0.95 1.7037862 0.9554 0.0054

76 2 152 11552 0.05 1 2.1492205 0.9838 0.0162



∑f =


∑fX =


∑ fX2




S2 =

- [


S2 =

- [


S2 = 3295.6 – ( )2

S2 = 3295.6 – 3214.89 = 80.71

S= √ = 8.98


In the significant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Lilliefors shows:

T(0.05) (40) = 0.140

H1 = T > 0.140

Ho = T < 0.140

The result showed that Tmax< Ttable (0.1315< 0.140), it means that the post-test

of the controlled class was normal.

b. Homogeneity Test

Once the data is normally distributed, then performing the homogeneity test

by using the largest variance test compared with the smallest variance using the F


F =

or F =

S12: The highest variant

S22: The lowest variant



H1= Data of the two classes don’t have homogeneous variant

Ho= Data of the two classes have homogeneous variant

The criteria of the test:

H0 is accepted if Fvalue < Ftable

H1 is rejected if Fvalue > Ftable

1) Variant of Pre-test of Experiment Class:

S2 =

- [


2 Ibid., p.160.


S2 =

- [


S2 =

3366.8 – ( )2

S2 = 3366.8 – 3260.41 = 106.39

S = √ = 10.31

2) Variant of Pre-test of Controlled Class:

S2 =

- [


S2 =

- [



= 2352 – ( )2


= 2352 – 2265.76 = 86.24

S= √ = 9.28

The calculation of the test:

F =


= 1.11

Df = n1-1= 40-1 = 39

n2-1= 40-1 = 39

Ftable= 1.705

Based on calculation above, It could be seen that Fvalue < Ftable or (1.11 <

1.704) it means that H0 was accepted or the pre-test of the two classes had the

homogeneous variant.

3) Variant of Post-test of Experiment Class:

S2 =

- [


S2 =

- [



= 5390 – ( )2


= 5390 – 5285.29 = 104.71


S= √ = 10.23

4) Variant of Post-test of Controlled Class:

S2 =

- [


S2 =

- [



= 3295.6 – ( )2


= 3295.6 – 3214.89 = 80.71

S= √ = 8.98

The calculation of the test:

F =


= 1.139

Df = n1-1= 40-1 = 39

n2-1= 40-1 = 39

Ftable= 1.705

Based on calculation above, it could be seen that Fhitung < Ftable or (1.139 <

1.705) it means that H0 was accepted or the post-test of the two classes had the

homogeneous variant. Because of the data of pretest and posttest were normal

distribute and homogeneous. The writer could conduct the last steps named

hypothesis test.

After normality and homogeneity test were accomplished, and then the data

were analyzed by using ttest is particularized below.

Determining Mean of variable X:

M1 =


= 15.6

Determining Mean of variable Y:

M2 =


= 9.4


Determining Standard of Deviation score of Variable X:

SD1 = √

= √

= √ =2.466

Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:

SD2 = √

= √

= √ =1.486

Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X:


√ =

√ =

√ =


Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y:


√ =

√ =

√ =


Determining Standard Error of Difference Mean of Variable X and

Variable Y, with formula:

= √

= √ 2

= √

= √ = 0.452

Determining to with formula:




= 13.71

Determining t-table in significance level 5% with degree of freedom (df),

with formula:

df = (N1+N2) – 2

df = (40 + 40) – 2 = 78

At the degree of significant of 5% = 1.665


The comparison between to with ttable

To=13.71 < 1.665

3. Statistical Hypothesis

To prove hypothesis, the data obtained from experimental and controlled

class, were calculated by using ttest formula. The statistical hypothesis of this

research can be seen as:

H0: There is no significant difference between students’ achievement in

reading comprehension of narrative text by using short story and

without it.

Ha: There is a significant difference between students’ achievement in

reading comprehension of narrative text by using short story and

without it.

The criteria used as follows:

1. If Ttest (t0) > Ttable (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, H0 (null hypothesis)

is rejected.

2. If Ttest (t0) < Ttable (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, H0 (null hypothesis)

is accepted.

From the calculation above it is known the degree of freedom (df) is 78

- The t0 with degree of freedom 78 which is shown at significant level 5%

is 13.71.

- The tt with degree of freedom 78 which is shown at significant level 5%

is 1.665.

Comparing t-observation (t0 = 13.71) and t-table (tt5% = 1.665), it was known

that t0 was higher than tt. The result was 13.71 > 1.665. Therefore, it could be

concluded that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis

(H0) was rejected.


B. Interpretation and Discussion of the Data

In the description of the data was taken from 40 students of experimental

class and 40 students of controlled class. Table 4.1 showed the description of the

experimental class which had the mean of the pre-test was 57.1 before the

implementation of short story that were given as treatments. After the students

were given four-times treatments in experimental class by using short story, the

mean of the post-test was 72.7 and the mean of the gained score was 15.6. The

lowest score of the pre-test was 40 the highest score of the pre-test was 76.

Whereas, the lowest score of the post test was 56 and the highest score of the post

test was 92. It could be summarized that the lowest and highest score of the post-

test wre higher than of the pre-test.

Meanwhile, the description of score in controlled class that was shown in

tabel 4.2, the mean of the pre-test was 47.6. In the controlled class, there was no

implementation of short story in teaching narrative text. After four-times

treatments without using short story, the mean of the post-test was 56.7 while the

mean of the gained score was 9.4. The lowest score of the pre-test was 28 and the

highest score of the pre-test was 64. Whereas, the lowest score of the post test was

44 and the highest of the post-test was 76. Short story could be alternative

material to help the students in understanding the narrative text. Through short

story, the students became more relax because the length of text was not long.

Moreover, if the short story was combined with Communicative Language

Teaching method, they also became more active because they were involved in

learning activities. The use of short story had positive effects to enhance the

students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. It could be seen that the gained

score of the experimental class was higher than the controlled class. The gained

score of the experimental class was 15.6. Meanwhile, the gained score of the

controlled class was 9.4

Before testing the hypothesis, the steps that should be followed were

analyzing the normality and homogeneity test of the data. The purpose of

analyzing the normality test was to see whether the data got in the research has

been normally distributed or not. The result of normality test could be seen by


comparing the value of Tmax to Ttable. Meanwhile, the purpose of the homogeneity

test was to see whether the data/sample of the experimental and controlled class

was homogenous or heterogeneous. After analyzing the normality test, the result

showed that both the data of the experimental and controlled class were

distributed normally. According to the criteria of the test, it could be seen to the

result of the experimental class that showed Tmax (pre-test and post-test) < Ttable

(0.098 and 0.0995 <0.140). Both the data of the controlled class also showed that

they were distributed normally. According to the criteria of the test, it could be

seen to the result that Tmax (pre-test and post-test) < Ttable (0.0942 and 0.1315 <

0.140). And then, the result of the homogenity test showed that Fvalue < Ftable (pre-

test of the experimental and controlled class) (1.11 < 1.704) and (post-test of the

experimental and controlled class) (1.139 < 1.705). Based on the criteria, it means

that the data/sample of the experimental and controlled class were homogenous.

The last step was hypothesis test. It was a step that determine whether there

was a significant different between students’ reading comprehension of the

experimental class dan the controlled class. From the result of statistical

calculation, it was obtained the t-observation (t0) was 13.71; meanwhile, the

t-table (tt) of df (78) in significance 5% was 1.665. It means, t-observation (t0) was

higher than t-table (tt), so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null

hypothesis (H0) was rejected because t0 > tt. Hence, there was a significant

difference between the students’ reading score of Narrative text taught by using

short story and without using short story.

Based on the explanation about the analysis data above, it could be

interpreted that the use of short story was more effective than without using short

story. It could be seen to the result above (t-test = 13.71 > t-table 1.665), that

showed the significant difference between the students’ score of each group

(experimental class and controlled class).





According to the statistic calculation which was analyzed in the research

finding, the writer concluded that teaching reading comprehension of narrative

text by using short story has more significant effect on the students’ score than the

students’ score of the class that were taught by the other material. The result was

supported by the analysis of the students’ score using t-test formula.

The calculation showed that t-observation (t0) was 13.71 and t-table (tt) at the

significance level 5% was 1.665. The value of t0 was higher than tt. So, the Null

hypothesis (H0) was rejected or the hyphothesis alternaltive (Ha) was accepted. It

means that there was significant difference between students’ reading

achievements of narrative text taught by using short story and without using it. In

conclusion, Short story could be alternative material to teach narrative text at

second grade students of Mts. ATT-TAQWA Batu Ceper Tangerang.


After concluding the result, the writer would like to give some suggestions

related to this research. The suggestions are as follows:

1. Teacher should selecting some aspects of short story first before using it in

teaching narrative text. The aspects include vocabulary, length, language,

story, and so on.

2. Teacher should prepare activities that can create communictive ability in the

class. So, boring situation in learning English can be avoid. In addition,

teacher should manage time effeciently.

3. Every Student should be more active and communicative in every activities

provided. So, the communicative ability can be built in theirselves.



4. Teacher should monitor the students and make sure that they communicate,

express, and share their ideas each other until the end of the learning .activity.

5. Students should bring their dictionary to help them in learning activity.



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Aditama, 2010.

Tomascikova, Slavka Tomascikova.Narrative Theories and Narratives Discourse,

Bulletin of the Transilvania Universilvania University of Brasov. 2, 2009.

Wiersma, William and Jurs, Stephen G. Research Method in Education. Nineth

Edition. Boston: Pearson Education,Inc., 2009.



Appendix 1 73

Kisi-Kisi Penulisan Soal 1 Kelas VIII

Penelitian Eksperimen

Nama Sekolah : Mts. AT-TAQWA Alokasi Waktu: 60 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris “Narrative Text” Jumlah Soal : 30 Soal

Kurikulum Acuan : Kurikulum 2013 Semester : II (Genap)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis


Nomor Soal Jumlah

3.6Memahami tujuan, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari jenis teks naratif, lisan,

tulis berbentuk fabel,

pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks

naratif, lisan dan tulis,

berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

Merespon teks berbentuk narrative dengan cara:

a. Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan

(ideasional) dalam teks.

Gagasan utama

Gagasan pendukung

Informasi faktual

Informasi spesifik

b. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika

(schematic structures ) dalam teks.

c. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks.

d. Menentukan isi pesan teks.

e. Menentukan jenis teks.

f. Menentukan persamaan kata sesuai konteks.

g. Menemukan kata rujukan.

h. Menentukan topik cerita.

i. Menentukan tujuan penulisan teks


























Jumlah 30

Appendix 2 74













1 9




M LG 3 2 4 1




3 1 6




W LG 6 2 2

3 UP






G LG 3 3 4

4 UP


6 4




M LG 2 1 7

5 UP


2 8




G LG 5 2 3

6 UP


3 7




M LG 1 6 3

7 UP






G LG 4 3 2 1

8 UP






P LG 1 9

9 UP






P LG 10

10 UP






E LG 2 2 4 2

11 UP






M LG 2 3 5

12 UP


9 1




M LG 5 5

13 UP


1 9




E LG 4 4 1 1

Appendix 2 75

14 UP


8 2




P LG 8 2

15 UP


9 1




E LG 1 8 1

16 UP






G LG 1 3 1 5

17 UP






G LG 6 4

18 UP


1 9




M LG 4 4 2

19 UP






M LG 5 5

20 UP






M LG 3 6 1

21 UP


9 1




M LG 5 5

22 UP






G LG 1 4 1 4

23 UP


2 7 1




W LG 3 1 6

24 UP






E LG 9 1

25 UP


1 9




M LG 2 3 1 4

26 UP


1 9




E LG 9 1

27 UP






P LG 10

28 UP






M LG 6 2 2

Appendix 2 76

29 UP


5 10




G LG 7 3 1

30 UP






P LG 2 7

31 UP






G LG 3 4 3

32 UP


5 - 1 4




P LG 5 - 5

33 UP


1 9




M LG 6 4

34 UP






M LG 2 3 5

35 UP






M LG 3 1 6

36 UP


5 4 1




W LG 3 3 3 1

37 UP






E LG 4 4 2

38 UP


1 9




M LG 5 1 4

39 UP






P LG 9 1

40 UP


9 1




E LG 7 1 2

Appendix 2 77



VE = Very Easy > 0.80

ME = Moderately Easy 0.71 - 0.80

MeDi = Medium Difficult 0.51 - 0.70

MoDi = Moderately Difficult 0.31 - 0.50

VeDi = Very Difficult 0.00 - 0.30


E = Excellent 0.40 - 1.0

G = Good 0.30 - 0.39

M = Mediocre 0.20 - 0.29

P = Poor 0.00 - 0.19

W= Worst < -0.01

Appendix 3 78

Reliability Analysis of Pre-test Instrument

Reliability Analysis

Res Question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

4 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

5 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

6 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

8 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

9 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

10 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

11 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

12 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

13 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0

14 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

15 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

16 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0

17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0

18 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

19 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

20 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Appendix 3 79

Reliability Analysis of Pre-test Instrument





X.Y Odd




1 17 16 289 256 272

2 17 15 289 225 255

3 17 17 289 289 289

4 19 15 361 225 285

5 17 15 289 225 255

6 18 14 324 196 252

7 19 18 361 324 342

8 19 16 361 256 304

9 18 17 324 289 306

10 18 17 324 289 306

11 8 5 64 25 40

12 10 6 100 36 60

13 8 8 64 64 64

14 7 10 49 100 70

15 11 9 121 81 99

16 10 7 100 49 70

17 9 8 81 64 72

18 12 8 144 64 96

19 6 8 36 64 48

20 7 7 49 49 49

∑X=267 ∑Y=236 ∑X2=4019 ∑Y

2=3170 ∑XY=3534

The index of reliable instrument is analyzed by using the following formula:

Appendix 3 80

In which

Based on the r Product-moment table, it can be seen that rt(5%)= 0,444. So,

it means rxy is higher that rt . it can be concluded that pre-test instrument is reliable.

Appendix 4 81


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________


Read following the text to answer questions 1 to 7

The Ant and Dove

One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around

for some time, he came to a spring. To reach the spring, he had to climb up a

blade of grass. While making his way up, he slipped and fell into the water.

He could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen him.

Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped

it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and

climbed up there. Soon it carried him safely to dry ground.

Just at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the

dove, hoping to trap it. Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him

on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to

fly away to safety.


1. What does the story tell about?

a. Ant trapped dove in a spring

b. Dove killed Ant when she fell into the water

c. Ant and dove helped each other

d. Ant helped a hunter to trap dove

2. According to the text, which the statement is NOT discussed in the story?

a. The Ant came to a spring to drink there

b. The Dove is the Ant’s old friend

c. The Hunter could not trap the Dove successfully

d. The Dove could release himself from the hunter because he was helped by

the Ant

3. What is the orientation part of the story above?

a. A Hunter tried to trap the Dove by using his net

b. The Ant was thirty, and then he decided to come to a spring

c. The Ant slipped and fell into the water

d. The Dove carried the ant safely to dry ground

Appendix 4 82

4. What was the ant’s purpose of bitting the hunter’s heel?

a. To get water c. To kill him

b. To release the dove from the hunter’s trap d. To hurt him

5. What did the ant do when he knew that the hunter would trap the dove?

a. The ant threw out a net towards the dove

b. The ant helped the hunter to catch the dove

c. The ant quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water

d. The ant quickly bit the hunter’s the heel

6. Why did the ant help the dove when he was trapped by the hunter?

a. Because the dove already had helped the ant in the spring

b. Because the dove wanted to kill the ant

c. Because the ant was asked the hunter to help him

d. Because the dove was the ant’s friend

7. “.....he slipped and fell into the water”. The underlined word is a past tense

verb of.......

a. Fall b. Feel c. Fill d. Full


Read following the text to answer questions 8 to 16

Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who lived with his wife. One

day, he dug up his field and found a big box. He took it home with him and

showed it to his wife. His wife cleaned the box and kept it in their house.

One sunny morning his wife dropped an apple into it. Suddenly the box

began fill up with apples. No matter how many the apples were taken out, more

apples took their place. So the farmer and his wife decide to sell the apples and in

short time they were able to live quite comfortably.

One day, the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box. At once, apples

disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coins. Every day, the farmer and

his wife collected hundreds of gold coins from the box. Soon they became very


Having heard that his son had gone rich, the farmer’s grandfather visited

the couple. He was not very strong and he could not go out to work anymore. So

the farmer asked the old man to help him take the money out of the box. When his

grandfather told his son that he was tired and wanted to have arrest, the farmer

shouted at him,” why are you so lazy? Why can’t you work harder?”

The old man didn’t say anything, and continued to work until he fell into

the box and suddenly died. At once, the money disappeared and the box began to

fill up with dead grandfathers.

Appendix 4 83

The farmer had to pull them out and bury them. To do this, he had to

spend all the money he had collected. When he had used up all the money, the box

broke and the farmer was just as poor as he was before.

8. What is the suitable tittle of the text?

a. The magic candle

b. The poor farmer

c. The magic box

d. The old man and the magic box

9. Where did the farmer find the magic box?

a. In his house c. In his grandfather’s house

b. In his field d. In his neighbor’s house

10. “At once, the money disappeared and the box began…(paragraph 5 line 2).

The underlined word has similar meaning to…

a. Come c. Missing

b. Arrive d. Visit

11. What is the complication part of the story?

a. The box could double everything that the farmer filled

b. His grandfather came to the farmer’s house

c. The farmer’s wife cleaned the box carefully

d. The farmer was rich

12. “He was not very strong and he could not go out to work anymore.”

(paragraph 4, line 2). The underlined word refers to......

a. The farmer c. The farmer’s father

b. The farmer’s grandfather d. The wife’s grandfather

13. These following statements based on the text are true, EXCEPT...

a. The farmer’s grandfather was dead in the end of the story

b. The farmer was bankrupt and poor again

c. The farmer found a magic box when he dug his field

d. The farmer’s family lived happily ever after

14. What is the main idea of paragraph paragraph 5?

a. The grandfather was strong to do everything that his son asked

b. The farmer became rich

c. The grandfather was died in the box

d. The farmer gave his grandfather some golden coins

15. What did the farmer ask when his grandfather visited his house?

a. He asked his granfather to sell his apples

b. He asked his grandfather to sleep in the box

c. He asked his grandfather to drop golden coin into the box

Appendix 4 84

d. He asked his granfather to take the money out of the box

16. What can we learn from the text?

a. Being honest is not always wise c. We must respect our parents

b. All that glitters is not good d.Being a miser is sometimes important


Read following the text to answer questions 17 to 30

Lion and Mouse

Once when a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down

upon him. This soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him and

opened his big jaws to swallow him.

"Pardon, O King!" cried the little Mouse, "Forgive me this time. I shall

never repeat it and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, but I may

be able to do you a good turn one of these days?"

The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him,

that he lifted up his paw and let him go.

Sometime later a few hunters captured the King and tied him to a tree

while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on.

Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in

which the Lion was, ran up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound

the King of the Beasts. "Was I not right?" said the little Mouse, very happy to help



17. What is the main topic of the text?

a. Lion and Mouse c. Mouse and a hunter

b. A few hunters d. Lion and a king

18. What is the type of the text?

a.Myth b. Fable c.Legend d. Folklore

19. “......while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on. The underlined

word refers to......

a. The lions c. A few hunters

b. The little mouse d. The kings

20. Why did the little mouse help the lion?

a. Because the lion was a wild animal

b. Because the little mouse was asked by the hunter

c. Because the lion was his best friend

d. Because the lion did not kill him

21. What did the little mouse do to help the lion?

a. He placed his huge paw upon him and opened his big jaws

b. He bited the hunter

c. He asked the hunter to let him go

Appendix 4 85

d. He ran up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of

the Beasts

22. What is the resolustion part of the text?

a. The Lion could release himself from the hunters safely

b. The Little mouse could not help the Lion

c. The hunters could capture the Lion successfully

d. The Lion hated Little mouse so much

23. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform the reader

b. To tell something

c. To entertain the reader

d. To describe something


Read following the text to answer questions 24 to 30

The Hawk and Hen

Long time ago, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from

the sky and asked the hen, “will you marry me?” You know what? The hen loved

the brave, strong hawk in return and wished to marry him. But she said, “I cannot

fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. The

we can fly together.”

The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to

show that you have promised to marry me, “said the hawk. It so happened that the

hen already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he

became angry. “Throw that ring away at once!”shouted the rooster. The hen was

so frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw away the ring immediately.

When a hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the truth. The

hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “When didn’t you tell me earlier?.

Now, you will always be straching the earth, and I’ll be always be flying above to

catch your children.” Said the hawk.

24. What did the story tell about?

a. The hawk fell in love with the hen

b. The hawk wanted to marry the hen

c. The hawk cursed the hen because the hen broke her promise

d. The hawk gave the ring to a rooster

25. Why couldn’t the hen say “YES” right away?

a. She didnt love the hawk

b. She had no ring to exchange

c. It would make the roaster angry

d. She could not fly as high as the hawk

Appendix 4 86

26. Which of these following statements is INCORRECT based on the text?

a. The hawk did not marry the hen in the end of the story

b. The hen did not keep her promise

c. The rooster threw the hen’s ring

d. The hawk taught the hen to fly high as himself

27. Why did the hen break her promise?

a. Because she didn’t love the hawk

b. Because the rooster would curse the hen

c. Because the hen loved the rooster rather than the hawk

d. Because she had already promised to get merriage with the rooster

28. The hawk was so furious......”(paragraph 3). The underlined word has similar

meaning to....

a. Contented c. Pleasant

b. Disappointed d.Extremely angry

29. What did the rooster do when he saw the hen was using the hawk’s ring?

a. He asked the hen to leave him alone

b. He asked the hen to leave the hawk

c. He asked the hen to marry with the hawk

d. He asked the hen to throw the ring away

30. What can we learn from the story?

a. Take care of our children

b. Keep our promise

c. Listen to other

d. Marry soon

Appendix 5 87

Kisi-Kisi Penulisan Soal 2 Kelas VIII

Penelitian Eksperimen

Nama Sekolah : Mts. AT-TAQWA Alokasi Waktu: 60 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris “Narrative Text” Jumlah Soal : 30 Soal

Kurikulum Acuan : Kurikulum 2013 Semester : II (Genap)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis


Nomor Soal Jumlah

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari jenis teks naratif, lisan,

tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

4.10 Menangkap makna teks

naratif, lisan dan tulis,

berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan


Merespon teks berbentuk narrative dengan cara:

a. Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan

(ideasional) dalam teks.

Gagasan utama

Gagasan pendukung

Informasi faktual

Informasi spesifik

b. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika

(schematic structures ) dalam teks

c. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks

d. Menemukan persamaan kata sesuai konteks

e. Menentukan isi pesan teks

f. Menentukan lawan kata sesuai konteks.

g. Menemukan kata rujukan

h. Menentukan topik cerita

i. Menentukan tujuan penulisan teks


























Jumlah 30

Appendix 6 88













9 1




M LG 2 5 2 1








P LG 10

3 UP






M LG 5 5

4 UP






G LG 2 3 1 4

5 UP






G LG 4 3 3

6 UP






P LG 1 2 7

7 UP


1 9




E LG 7 2 1

8 UP


9 1




E LG 1 4 2 3

9 UP


9 1




M LG 3 4 3

10 UP


1 9




M LG 2 5 3

11 UP






M LG 4 1 5

12 UP






G LG 1 3 6

13 UP


9 1




M LG 5 5

Appendix 6 89

14 UP






P LG 9 1

15 UP


1 9




E LG 6 3 1

16 UP


1 9




M LG 5 5

17 UP






G LG 3 4 3

18 UP


6 - 4




W LG 1 3 6

19 UP






M LG 5 4 1

20 UP


9 1




M LG 4 6

21 UP






P LG 10

22 UP






M LG 2 2 1 5

23 UP






G LG 3 1 4 2

24 UP


1 9




E LG 1 8 1

25 UP


1 9




M LG 3 4 3

26 UP


7 2 1




W LG 1 5 4

27 UP


4 - 6




W LG 3 7

28 UP


1 9




M LG 1 4 4 1

Appendix 6 90

29 UP






M LG 2 3 5

30 UP


5 3 2




P LG 2 4 4

31 UP


5 1 4




P LG - 8 2

32 UP


9 1




M LG 5 4 1

33 UP






G LG 4 2 4

34 UP


1 9




M LG 2 1 2 5

35 UP


9 1




E LG 2 1 4 3

36 UP


1 9




M LG 4 5 1

37 UP


1 9




M LG 2 2 2 4

38 UP






G LG 4 3 3

39 UP


4 1 5




P LG 1 4 3 2

40 UP






M LG 5 5

Appendix 6 91



VE = Very Easy > 0.80

ME = Moderately Easy 0.71 - 0.80

MeDi = Medium Difficult 0.51 - 0.70

MoDi = Moderately Difficult 0.31 - 0.50

VeDi = Very Difficult 0.00 - 0.30


E = Excellent 0.40 - 1.0

G = Good 0.30 - 0.39

M = Mediocre 0.20 - 0.29

P = Poor 0.00 - 0.19

W= Worst < -0.01

Appendix 7 92

Reliability Analysis of Post-test Instrument

Reliability Analysis

Res Question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1

7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1

8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

11 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

12 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

13 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1

14 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

15 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

16 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

17 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1

18 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

19 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

20 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Appendix 7 93

Reliability Analysis of Post-test Instrument





X.Y Odd




1 17 17 289 289 289

2 17 18 289 324 306

3 18 18 324 324 324

4 17 17 289 289 289

5 18 18 324 324 324

6 16 15 256 225 240

7 15 17 225 289 255

8 16 16 256 256 256

9 17 15 289 225 255

10 17 17 289 289 289

11 8 6 64 36 48

12 8 6 64 36 48

13 9 11 81 121 99

14 9 10 81 100 90

15 7 6 49 36 42

16 5 7 25 49 35

17 10 12 100 144 120

18 10 9 100 81 90

19 7 6 49 36 42

20 4 9 16 81 36

∑X=245 ∑Y=250 ∑X2=3459 ∑Y

2=3554 ∑XY=3477

The index of reliable instrument is analyzed by using the following formula:

Appendix 7 94

In which

Based on the r Product-moment table, it can be seen that rt(5%)= 0,444. So,

it means rxy is higher than rt. it can be concluded that post-test instrument is


Appendix 8 95


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________


Read following the text to answer questions 1 to 8

Fox and Grapes

One afternoon a fox was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of

grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. "Just the thing to quench my thirst,"

quoted the fox.

Taking a few steps back, the fox jumped and just missed the hanging

grapes. Again the fox took a few paces back and tried to reach them but still


Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, "They're probably

sour anyway," and proceeded to walk away.


1. What does the story tell about?

a. A Fox’s favorite fruit

b. A Fox was attempting to pick a bunch of grapes

c. A Fox really did not like the grapes

d. A Fox was picking the grapes to his mother

2. Why did the fox wanted to pick grapes?

a. Because the fox was asked by his mother

b. Because the fox was so thirsty

c. Because the fox was so hungry

d. Because the grape is the fox’s favorite fruit

3. What is the Fox’s character of the text?

a. Smart b. Dillegent c. Careless d.Pessimist

4. “................a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. The

underlined word is the opposite meaning of......

a. High b.Tall c. Large d. Short

5. "They're probably sour anyway," and proceeded to walk away. The

underlined word refers to......

a. The Fox b. The Fox and Grape c. The Grapes d. The tree of grapes

6. What happened to the fox in the end of the story?

a. He got nothing c. He got two grapes

b. He got only one grape d. He got a bunch of grapes

Appendix 8 96

7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. The Fox could pick some bunchs of grapes successfully

b. The grapes’ taste was very sour

c. The Fox gave up to pick the grapes

d. The Fox was bitten by a Ant when he climbed the tree of grapes

8. What is moral value of the text?

a. Don’t eat grapes when you are very hungry

b. Don’t give up to reach what we want to easily

c. Don’t cry when you fail

d. We have to learn how to pick the grapes of a tree


Read following the text to answer questions 9 to 16

A man with his donkey carrying two sacks of wheat was on his way to the

market. After a little while he was tired and they rested under a tree.

When he was woken up from his nap he could not see the donkey and

started searching for the donkey everywhere. On the way he met a boy, he asked

the boy, “Have you seen my donkey?” the boy asked, “Is the donkey’s left eye

blind, his right foot lame and is he carrying a load of wheat?” The man was happy

and said, “Yes, exactly! Where have you seen it?” the boy answered “I haven’t

seen it.” This made the man very angry and he took the boy to the village chief for


The judge asked, “Dear boy, if you had not seen the donkey, how could

you describe it?” The boy answered, “I saw the tracks of a donkey and the right

and left tracks were different from this. I understood that the donkey that passed

there was limping. And the grass on the right side of the road was eaten but the

grass on the left was not. From that I understood that his left eye was blind. There

were wheat seeds scattered on the ground and I understood that he must have been

carrying a load of wheat. The judge understood the boy’s cleverness and told the

man to forgive the boy.

9. What is the suitable tittle of the text?

a. The Clever Boy c. The fair judge

b. The Donkey d. The Donkey and Clever Boy

10. What did the judge do after hearing the boy’s explanation?

a. He was seaching the donkey

b. He asked the man to forgive the boy

c. He did not believe the boy

d. He was angry to the man

11. Where did the man bring the boy?

Appendix 8 97

a. To the town b. To his house c. To village chief d. To village sheriff

12. According to the text, which the statement is NOT discussed in the story?

a. The boy cound not get punshment from the village chief

b. The boy explained the man how he predict his donkey

c. The man lost his donkey

d. The man could find his donkey in the end of the story

13. These following statements based on the text are not true, EXCEPT...

a. The boy got punshment from the village chief

b. The man found his donkey successfully

c. The man forgave to the clever boy

d. boy’s explanation of donkey made the man very happy

14. “When he was woke up from his nap he could not see”. (Paragraph 2, line 1).

The underlined word has similar meaning to…

a. Got up b. Gave up c. Shut up d. Worked up

15. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To entertain the reader

b. To persuade the reader

c. To inform the reader

d. To describe about the donkey and clever boy

16. What do we learn from the story?

a. Do not judge everyone easily c. Silent is gold

b. Law is blind d. Tell everything honestly


Read following the text to answer questions 17 to 22

Ant and Grasshopper

In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping

and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great

effort an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.

"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of

toiling and moiling away?" "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the

Ant, "and recommend you to do the same." "Why bother about winter?" said the

Grasshopper; "we have got plenty of food at present."

But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came

the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing,

every day, corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.

Then the Grasshopper knew...


Appendix 8 98

17. What is grasshopper’s character of this story?

a. Smart b. Dilligent c. Wise d. careless

18. When would the crisis of food happen?

a. In winter b. In the summer c. In the autumn d. In the rains

19. Why did the ant help to lay up food for the winter?

a. Because the ant knew that the crisis of water would happen in the season

b. Because the ant knew that the crisis of food would happen in the season

c. Because the ant wanted to go somewhere

d. Because the ant didn’t want to go everywhere when the winter arrived

20. What did the ant eat in the summer?

a. Fish, rice, and wheat c. Sugar and candy

b. Corn and grain d. Sugar and chocolate

21. "And recommend you to do the same." The underlined word refers to......

a. The grasshopper and the ant c. The grasshopper

b. The ant d. The lion

22. How was the last of the story?

a. The ant was so sad

b. The ant and the grasshopper ate the food collected together

c. The ant gave all of the food collected to the grasshopper

d. The grasshopper was so hungry in the winter


Read following the text to answer questions 23 to 30

The Story of the Smart Parrot

A man in Poerto Rico had a wonderful Parrot. There was another parrot

like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say word except-one. He would

not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was


The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say

the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. You are a stupid

bird! Why you can say the word? Say Catano, I’ll kill you!” but, the parrot would

not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say

Catano, or I’ll kill you! But the bird wouldn’t talk.

One day, after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man

got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “

You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you,


In the chicken house there are four old chickens. There were for Sunday’s

Dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.

The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door

and stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw!

Appendix 8 99

He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming the

fourth chicken,“ Say Catano, I’ll kill you!

23. Where was the parrot born?

a. Catano b. Catania c. Catanio d. Catanianyo

24. What did the man say when he was angry to the parrot?

a. “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!

b. “Say Catanio, or I’ll kill you!

c. “Say Catano, or You’ll kill me!

d. “Say Catanio, or I’ll eat you!

25. How many the old chicken were in the chicken house?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

26. Why did the man put the parrot with other chickens?

a. Because the parrot was so smart

b. Because the parrot did not say what the man said

c. Because the parrot killed the four old chickens

d. Because the parrot liked to live with chicken

27. What did the man cut the old chickens for?

a. Sunday’s Breakfast

b. Sunday’s Lunch

c. Sunday’s Dinner

d. No one is correct

28. How many death chickens was at floor?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

29. What made the man very suprised after opening the chicken house?

a. The four chickens were died because they were killed by the parrot

b. The four chickens were so happy with the parrot

c. The four chickens were sold by the man to market

d. The four chickens were killing the parrot

30. What is the resolution part of the story?

a. The parrot was killed by the man in the chicken house

b. The parrot could release himself from the man

c. The parrot and the old chickens were killed by the man

d. The parrot killed the man in the end of the story

Appendix 9 100



1. C

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. C

11. A

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. D

16. C

17. A

18. B

19. C

20. D

21. D

22. A

23. C

24. C

25. C

26. D

27. D

28. D

29. D

30. B



1. B

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. B

11. C

12. D

13. D

14. A

15. A

16. A

17. D

18. A

19. B

20. B

21. C

22. D

23. A

24. D

25. D

26. B

27. C

28. D

29. A

30. B

Appendix 10 101


Experimental Class (1st Meeting)

Nama Sekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII A/2 (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

Topik Pembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

7. Menentukan main idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


Appendix 10 102

8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairy tales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. To entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. Tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed

while reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

Appendix 10 103

6. Example of Narrative Text

Goose and Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a

goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they

soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough.

They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its

insides must be made of gold. And they though that if they could get all

that precious metal at once, they would mighty rich very soon. So the man

and his wife decided to kill the bird.

However, upon cutting the goose open, they were shocked to find that

its innards were like that of any other goose!

E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Communicative Language Teaching

Technique :Picture Strip Story

F. Sumber Belajar

Sumber Belajar meliputi kumpulan gambar, teks naratif “Short Story” dari

internet, dan lembar kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika

memasuki ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.

e. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi, manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Siswa melihat berbagai potongan gambar dari sebuah teks naratif.

b. Dengan bimbingan guru, para siswa mendiskusikan judul, tokoh, latar,

jenis teks naratif, dan isi cerita dari potongan gambar tersebut.

c. Guru memberikan sebuah teks naratif beserta gambar berserinya.

d. Kemudian, para siswa membaca keras teks naratif tersebut secara



a. Mempertanyakan struktur skematik apa saja yang harus ada pada

sebuah teks naratif.

Appendix 10 104

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan apa saja yang biasanya terdapat

didalam sebuah teks naratif.

c. Mempertanyakan kosakata dan cara pengucapannya yang mungkin

tidak diketahui oleh para siswa.


a. Secara berkelompok, para siswa mengidentifikasi tokoh, latar, jenis

teks naratif, struktur skematik, dan ciri kebahasaan berdasarkan teks

naratif tersebut.

b. Dengan bimbingan guru, setiap kelompok menyampaikan kepada para

siswa lainnya mengenai beberapa hal yang telah mereka identifikasi.


a. Para siswa mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut dengan

bantuan gambar berseri yang telah diberikan oleh guru.

b. Setelah memastikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut, para siswa

menomori gambar berseri tersebut berdasarkan urutannya masing-


c. Para siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang bekaitan dengan isi

cerita teks naratif tersebut sebagai tes pemahaman bacaan mereka.


a. Setiap kelompok menceritakan kembali secara lisan mengenai teks

naratif yang telah mereka baca dengan menggunakan gambar berseri

yang telah diurutkan sebelumnya.

b. Kemudian, setiap kelompok mempersentasikan hasil jawaban mereka

berdasarkan pertanyaan yang telah diberikan tersebut.

c. Setiap kelompok mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan para teman

mereka mengenai performa presentasi yang telah mereka sampaikan.

3. Penutup

a. Guru dan para siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara


b. Untuk mengecek kepahaman siswa , guru bertanya kepada siwa secara

acak mengenai materi yang telah tersampaikan seperti definisi,

struktur skematik, ciri kebahasaan teks naratif , dan sekilas tentang

beberapa point dari hasil diskusi yang telah mereka lakukan.

c. Jika mendapati kesalahan jawaban, guru memberikan penguatan.

d. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

e. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

Appendix 10 105

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Kekompakan tim/kelompok 1-5

2. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik dan ciri

kebahasaan teks naratif


3. Ketepatan menyusun gambar berseri 1-10

4. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif

yang diberikan


5. Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan hasil diskusi

kelompok secara lisan.


Total 100

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


Kepala Sekolah Mts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 106


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

a. Write down numbers in the brackets to predict the correct sequence of

narrative text Below!

....... ..... . .....

......... ........ ......

Goose and Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose

which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to

think they were not getting rich fast enough.

They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides

must be made of gold. And they though that if they could get all that precious

metal at once, they would mighty rich very soon. So the man and his wife decided

to kill the bird.

However, upon cutting the goose open, they were shocked to find that its

innards were like that of any other goose!


b. Analyze schematic structures and language features of the text?

c. Translate the text into Indonesian language!

d. Answer the questions below correctly!

1. What did the goose has an ability that could make the couple very lucky?


Appendix 10 107

2. Why were a man and his wife called as a lucky couple?


3. What did the goose lay every day?


4. What did the man and his wife do to get rich as soon as possible?


5. Why did they decide to kill the goose?


6. What did they get after cutting the goose?


7. “..........., they would mighty rich very soon, The underlined word is the

opposite meaning of..?


8. “.........., they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough.

The underlined word refers to......?


9. What were the man and his wife’s character of the story?


10. What is moral value of this story above?


Appendix 10 108


Experimental Class (2nd


Nama Sekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII A/2 (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

Topik Pembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. Standar Kompetensi


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

Appendix 10 109

7. Menentukanmain idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairytales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. To entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. Tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed

while reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

6. Example of Narrative Text

Milkmaid and Her Pail

Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her


Appendix 10 110

As she went along, she began calculating what she would do with the

money she would get for the milk. I'll buy some fowls from Farmer Brown,"

said she, "and they will lay eggs each morning, which I will sell to the parson's


With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs, I'll buy myself a new

dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I goto market, won't all the young men

come up and speak to me!

Polly Shaw will be so jealous; but I don't care. I shall just look at her and

toss my head like this." As she spoke that, she tossed her head back and the

pail fell off it, and all the milk was spilt!


E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Communicative Language Teaching

Technique :Picture Strip Story

F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar meliputi kumpulan gambar, teks naratif “Short Story” dari

internet, dan lembar kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketikamemasuki

ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.

e. Guru mengulas kembali materi sebelumnya, kemudian mengkaitkannya

dengan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

f. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi, manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Para siswa mengamati sebuah gambar yang diberikan oleh guru.

b. Kemudian guru meminta mereka untuk menebak gambar yang akan

muncul selanjutnya.

c. Setelah selesai menebak semua gambar, mereka diminta untuk

mendeskripsikan beberapa kalimat berdasarkan gambar-gambar


d. Para siswa mencocokkan hasil kerja mereka dengan jawaban guru.

e. Guru memberikan para siswa sebuah teks naratif beserta gambar


f. Lalu siswa membaca keras teks naratif tersebut secara berantai.

Appendix 10 111


a. Mempertanyakan struktur skematik apa saja yang harus ada pada

sebuah teks naratif.

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan apa saja yang biasanya terdapat

didalam sebuah teks naratif.

c. Mempertanyakan kosakata dan cara pengucapannya yang mungkin

tidak diketahui oleh para siswa.


a. Secara berkelompok, para siswa mengidentifikasi tokoh, latar, jenis

teks naratif, struktur skematik, dan ciri kebahasaan berdasarkan teks

naratif tersebut.

b. Dengan bimbingan guru, setiap kelompok menyampaikan kepada para

siswa lainnya mengenai beberapa hal yang telah mereka identifikasi.


a. Para siswa mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut dengan

bantuan gambar berseri yang telah diberikan oleh guru.

b. Setelah memastikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut, para siswa

menomori gambar berseri tersebut berdasarkan urutannya masing-


c. Para siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang bekaitan dengan isi

cerita teks naratif tersebut sebagai tes pemahaman bacaan mereka.


a. Setiap kelompok menceritakan kembali secara lisan mengenai teks

naratif yang telah dibaca dengan menggunakan gambar berseri yang

telah diurutkan sebelumnya.

b. Kemudian, setiap kelompok mempersentasikan hasil jawaban mereka

berdasarkan pertanyaan yang telah diberikan tersebut.

c. Setiap kelompok mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan para teman

mereka mengenai performa presentasi yang telah mereka sampaikan.

3. Penutup

a. Guru dan para siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara


b. Untuk mengecek kepahaman siswa , guru bertanya kepada siwa secara

acak mengenai materi yang telah tersampaikan seperti beberapa point

penting dari hasil diskusi yang telah mereka lakukan.

c. Jika mendapati kesalahan jawaban, guru memberikan penguatan.

d. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

e. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

Appendix 10 112

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Kekompakan tim/kelompok 1-5

2. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik dan ciri

kebahasaan teks naratif


3. Ketepatan menyusun gambar berseri 1-10

4. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif

yang diberikan


5. Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan hasil diskusi

kelompok secara lisan.


Total 100

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


Kepala Sekolah Mts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 113


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

a. Write down numbers in the brackets to predict the correct sequence of

narrative text Below!

....... ...... ..... ......

...... ...... .... .........

Milkmaid and Her Pail

Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her


As she went along, she began calculating what she would do with the money

she would get for the milk. I'll buy some fowls from Farmer Brown," said she,

"and they will lay eggs each morning, which I will sell to the parson's wife.

With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs, I'll buy myself a new

dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I goto market, won't all the young men

come up and speak to me!

Polly Shaw will be so jealous; but I don't care. I shall just look at her and toss

my head like this." As she spoke that, she tossed her head back and the pail fell

off it, and all the milk was spilt!


b. Analyze schematic structures and language features of the text?

c. Translate the text into Indonesian language!

d. Answer the questions below correctly!

Appendix 10 114

1. What is the passage mainy disscused?


2. What was the milkmaid’s name?


3. Where was the milkmaid going to go?


4. What did the milkmaid prepare when she got money?


5. What would the milkmaid do when she was success in selling her milk?


6. What was the milkmaid’s character of the story?


7. What was girl’s name who would be made jealous?


8. How could the pail of milk fall down?


9. What happened to the milkmaid in the end of the story?


10. What is moral value of this story?


Appendix 10 115


Experimental Class (3rd


NamaSekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA BatuCeper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII A/2 (Genap)

AlokasiWaktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

TopikPembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. StandarKompetensi


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. KompetensiDasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa cirri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

Appendix 10 116

7. Menentukanmain idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairytales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. To entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. Tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed

while reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

6. Example of Narrative Text


Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many friends. He was proud of

his friends.

Appendix 10 117

One day Bunny rabbit heard the loud barking of the wild dogs. He was

very scared. He decided to ask for help. He quickly went to his friend deer.

He said: “Dear friend, some wild dogs are chasing me. Can you chase them

away with your sharp antlers?” Dear said: “That is right, I can. But now I

am busy. Why don’t you ask bear for help?”

Bunny rabbit ran to the bear. “My dear friend you are very strong,

please help me. Some wild dogs are after me. Please chase them away,” he

requested the bear.

Bear replied: I am sorry. I am hungry and tired. I need to find some

food. Please ask the monkey for help”.

Poor Bunny went to the monkey, elephant, goat and all his friends.

Bunny felt sad that nobody was ready to help him.

He understood that he has to think of a way out. He rid under a bush.

He lay still the wild dogs went their way.


E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Communicative Language Teaching

Technique :Scrambled Sentences

F. Sumber Belajar

Sumber belajar meliputiteks naratif “Short Story” dari internet, dan lembar

kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkahPembelajaran

1. KegiatanAwal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika

memasuki ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.

e. Guru mengulas kembali materi sebelumnya, kemudian mengkaitkannya

dengan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

f. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi, manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Para siswa mengamati beberapa judul teks naratif yang diberikan oleh


Appendix 10 118

b. Dengan bimbingan guru, mereka memperkirakan struktur teks dari

setiap paragraf yang terdapat dalam cerita tersebut seperti tokoh cerita,

latar cerita, konflik yang terjadi dalam cerita, ending cerita, dan pesan

moral yang terkandung didalamnya.

c. Setelah itu, para siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan penjelasan guru

dengan seksama mengenai struktur skematik dari sebuah teks naratif.

d. Guru memberikan sebuah teks naratif yang susunannya telah diacak



a. Mempertanyakan langkah-langkah apa saja yang harus dilakukan

untuk menyusun sebuah cerita teks naratif yang telah diacak.

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang biasanya terdapat didalam

sebuah teks naratif.


a. Secara berkelompok, para siswa mengidentifikasi susunan yang benar

dari teks naratif yang telah teracak tersebut.

b. Kemudian, mereka menentukan struktur teks dari masing-masing


c. Dengan bimbingan guru, setiap kelompok membacakan dihadapan

guru dan kelompok lainnya mengenai susunan paragraf beserta struktur

skematiknya yang telah mereka diskusikan.

d. Mengasosiasi

a. Setelah guru memberikan susunan cerita yang benar, para siswa

mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut secara berkelompok.

b. Para siswa secara berkelompok menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang

bekaitan dengan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut sebagai tes pemahaman

bacaan mereka.


a. Setiap kelompok mereview isi teks dengan singkat dan menyampaikan

secara lisan jawaban atas pertanyaan yang telah mereka diskusikan


b. Setiap kelompok mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan para teman

mereka mengenai performa presentasi yang telah mereka sampaikan.

3. Penutup

a. Guru dan para siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara


b. Untuk mengecek kepahaman siswa, guru bertanya kepada siwa secara

acak mengenai materi yang telah tersampaikan seperti beberapa point

penting dari hasil diskusi yang telah mereka lakukan.

c. Jika mendapati kesalahan jawaban, guru memberikan penguatan.

Appendix 10 119

d. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

e. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Kekompakan tim/kelompok 1-5

2. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik teks naratif 1-10

3. Ketepatan menyusun teks naratif yang teracak 1-15

4. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif yang



5. Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan hasil diskusi

kelompok secara lisan.


Total 100

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


KepalaSekolahMts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 120


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

a. Rearrange the Jumbled Paragraph of the Story entitled Friends into a

good text by numbering the paragraphs!

Bear replied: I am sorry. I am hungry and tired. I need to

find some food. Please ask the monkey for help”.


He understood that he has to think of a way out. He rid

under a bush. He lay still the wild dogs went their way.


One day Bunny rabbit heard the loud barking of the wild

dogs. He was very scared. He decided to ask for help. He

quickly went to his friend deer. He said: “Dear friend,

some wild dogs are chasing me. Can you chase them

away with your sharp antlers?” Dear said: “That is right,

I can. But now I am busy. Why don’t you ask bear for



Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many friends. He

was proud of his friends.


Bunny rabbit ran to the bear. “My dear friend you are

very strong, please help me. Some wild dogs are after

me. Please chase them away,” he requested the bear.


Poor Bunny went to the monkey, elephant, goat and all

his friends. Bunny felt sad that nobody was ready to help



b. Analyze schematic structures of the text that you have arranged!

c. Translate the text into Indonesian language!

Appendix 10 121

d. Answer the questions below based on the text correctly!

1. What is the passage mainy disscused?


2. Where does the major complication take place?


3. What did the rabbit hear until he was so scared?


4. Why did the rabbit ask all of his friends to help him?


5. What was deer’s reason when rabbit asked to be helped?


6. Why didn’t bear want to help the rabbit when he was so scare of the

wild dogs?


7. How many rabbit’s friends that were asked by the rabbit to help him,

and mention please?


8. What did rabbit do after knowing that all of his friends couldn’t help



9. What did the rabbit use to chase away the wild dogs?


10. What is moral value of this story?


Appendix 10 122


Experimental Class (4th


Nama Sekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII A/2 (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

Topik Pembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. Standar Kompetensi


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

Appendix 10 123

7. Menentukanmain idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairytales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. to entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed while

reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

6. Example of Narrative Text

The Thirsty Crow

One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For

a long time, she could not find any. She felt very weak, almost giving up


Appendix 10 124

Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew straight down to see if

there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug!

The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the

neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the

water to flow out. She found that the jug was too heavy.

The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw

some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the

pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles

filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the

crow to drink. Her plan had worked!

E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Communicative Language Teaching

Technique :Picture Strip Story and Scrambled Sentences

F. Sumber Belajar

Sumber Belajar meliputi kumpulan gambar, teks naratif “Short Story” dari

internet, dan lembar kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketikamemasuki

ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.

e. Guru mengulas kembali materi sebelumnya, kemudian mengkaitkannya

dengan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

f. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi , manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Para siswa mengamati gambar berseri yang telah disediakan oleh guru.

b. Kemudian, mereka memperkirakan isi cerita berdasarkan gambar-

gambar tersebut.

c. Guru memberikan teks naratif dari gambar berseri yang sebelumnya

mereka telah amati, namun susunan teks tersebut masih teracak.


a. Mempertanyakan langkah-langkah apa saja yang harus dilakukan

untuk menyusun sebuah cerita teks naratif yang telah diacak.

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang biasanya terdapat didalam

sebuah teks naratif.

Appendix 10 125

c. Mempertanyakan kegunaan gambar berseri dalam menyusun cerita

yang masih teracak.


a. Secara berkelompok, siswa mengidentifiksi susunan yang benar dari

teks naratif yang telah diacak tersebut dengan menggunakan bantuan

gambar berseri.

b. Kemudian, para siswa menentukan struktur teks dari masing-masing


c. Dengan bimbingan guru, setiap kelompok membacakan dihadapan

guru dan kelompok lainnya mengenai susunan paragraf beserta struktur

skematiknya yang telah mereka diskusikan.


a. Setelah guru memberikan susunan cerita yang benar, para siswa

mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut secara berkelompok.

b. Para siswa secara berkelompok menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang

bekaitan dengan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut sebagai tes pemahaman

bacaan mereka.


a. Setiap kelompok mereview isi teks dengan singkat dan menyampaikan

secara lisan jawaban atas pertanyaan yang telah mereka diskusikan


b. Setiap kelompok mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan para teman

mereka mengenai performa presentasi yang telah mereka sampaikan.

3. Penutup

a. Untuk mengecek kepahaman siswa , guru bertanya kepada siwa secara

acak mengenai materi yang telah tersampaikan seperti beberapa point

penting dari hasil diskusi yang telah mereka lakukan.

b. Jika mendapati kesalahan jawaban, guru memberikan penguatan.

c. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

d. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Kekompakan tim/kelompok 1-5

2. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik teks naratif 1-10

3. Ketepatan menyusun gambar berseri dan teks naratif yang



4. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif yang



Appendix 10 126

5. Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan hasil diskusi

kelompok secara lisan.


Total 100

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


Kepala Sekolah Mts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 127


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

a. Write down numbers in the brackets to predict the correct sequence of

narrative text below!

....... ...... ..... .....

....... ....... ..... .....

b. Rearrange the paragraphs below to make a good story of the Thirsty Crow

based on the picture sequence by writing down numbers in the brackets !

Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew straight

down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could

see some water inside the jug!


The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around

her, she saw some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea.

She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping

each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug,

the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the

crow to drink. Her plan had worked!


One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking

for water. For a long time, she could not find any. She felt

very weak, almost giving up hope.


The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she

found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she

tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out. She

found that the jug was too heavy.


c. Analyze schematic structures of the text that you have arranged!

Appendix 10 128

d. Translate the text into Indonesian language!

e. Answer the questions below based on the text correctly!

1. What is the passage mainy disscused?


2. What did the crow fly all over the field in hot day?


3. What did the crow find when he flew over the field?


4. Why couldn’t the crow push her head into the jug?


5. Why did the crow want to push the jug down?


6. What was the crow’s character of the story?


7. What did the crow use to get water?


8. What did the crow do to get water of the jug?


9. What happened to the crow in the end of the story?


10. What is moral value of this story?


Appendix 10 129


Controlled Class (1st Meeting)

Nama Sekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII B/2 (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

Topik Pembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. Standar Kompetensi


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

Appendix 10 130

7. Menentukan main idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairy tales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. To entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. Tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed

while reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

6. Example of Narrative Text

The Story of the Smart Parrot

A man in Poerto Rico had a wonderful Parrot. There was another parrot

like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say word except-one. He

Appendix 10 131

would not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the

town was Catano.

The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not

say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. You are

a stupid bird! Why you can say the word? Say Catano, I’ll kill you!”but, the

parrot would not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over

and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you! But the bird wouldn’t talk.

One day, after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the

man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken

house. “ You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I

will eat you, too.”

In the chicken house there are four old chicken. There were for

Sunday’s Dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.

The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the

door and stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw!

He saw there dead chicken on the floor. The parrot was screaming the

fourth chicken, “ Say Catano, I’ll kil you!

E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Grammar Translated Method

Technique :Explanatory

F. Sumber Belajar

Sumber Belajar meliputi teks naratif dari LKS, dan lembar kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika

memasuki ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

e. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi, manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Para siswa mengamati bererapa judul teks naratif yang telah disediakan

oleh guru.

b. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mendiskusikan tokoh, latar, jenis teks

naratif, dan isi cerita dari setiap judul teks tersebut.

c. Guru memberikan sebuah teks naratif kepada para siswa.

Appendix 10 132

d. Kemudian, guru meminta mereka untuk mengikuti membaca teks

naratif tersebut secara keras.


a. Mempertanyakan struktur skematik apa saja yang harus ada pada

sebuah teks naratif.

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan apa saja yang biasanya terdapat

didalam sebuah teks naratif.

c. Mempertanyakan kosakata dan cara pengucapannya yang mungkin

tidak diketahui oleh para siswa.


a. Para siswa mengidentifikasi tokoh, latar, jenis teks naratif, struktur

skematik, dan ciri kebahasaan berdasarkan teks naratif yang telah

mereka baca tersebut.

b. Setelah selesai, guru membahasnya bersama para siswa.

c. Dan setiap siswapun mengecek identifikasi yang telah mereka lakukan

terhadap teks yang telah mereka baca tersebut.


a. Para siswa mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut dengan cara

menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

b. Setelah memastikan isi cerita, para siswa menjawab beberapa

pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh guru.


a. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menyampaikan point-point

penting dari teks naratif yang telah diterjemahkan.

b. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan


3. Penutup

a. Guru dan para siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara


b. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

c. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik dan ciri

kebahasaan teks naratif


2. Ketepatan dan kesesuaian dalam menerjemahkan teks 1-50

Appendix 10 133

naratif kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

3. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif yang



Total 100

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


Kepala Sekolah Mts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 134


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

The Story of the Smart Parrot

A man in Poerto Rico had a wonderful Parrot. There was another parrot

like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say word except-one. He would

not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was


The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say

the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. You are a stupid

bird! Why you can say the word? Say Catano, I’ll kill you!”but, the parrot would

not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say

Catano, or I’ll kill you! But the bird wouldn’t talk.

One day, after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man

got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “

You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you,


In the chicken house there are four old chicken. There were for Sunday’s

Dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.

The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door

and stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw!

He saw there dead chicken on the floor. The parrot was screaming the

fourth chicken, “ Say Catano, I’ll kil you!

A. Read the text above, and identify the schematic structures and language

features of the text!

B. Translate the text above into Indonesian language!

C. Answer the questions below based on the text disccused!

1. What is the passage mainy disscused?


2. Where was the parrot born?


Appendix 10 135

3. How many the old chickens were in the chicken house?


4. Why did the man get angry to the parrot?


5. Where does the major complication take place?


6. Why did the man put the parrot in the chincken house?


7. Why was the man so surprised when he openned the chicken house’s door?


8. What did the parrot do to the old chickens?


9. What would the man do if the parrot still didn’t say the word?


10. What was the moral value of the text above?


Appendix 10 136


Controlled Class (2nd


Nama Sekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII B/2 (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

Topik Pembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. Standar Kompetensi


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

Appendix 10 137

7. Menentukan main idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairy tales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. To entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. Tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed

while reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

6. Example of Narrative Text

The Story of Lake Toba

Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in North Sumatra.

He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. He did some gardening and

fishing for his daily ife. One day, while the man was fishing, he caught a

Appendix 10 138

big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his

life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love

with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said “Yes, but you have to

promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise

there will be a huge disaster”. The man made the deal and they got married,

lived happily, and had a daughter.

Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father

out in the field. One day, his daughter was hungry and she ate his father’s

lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “ You

damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter run home and asked her mother.

The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his


Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disasster

was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a

big earthquake followed by nonstop pouring rain.The whole area got

flooded and become Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again, and the man

become the island of Samosir.

E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Grammar Translated Method

Technique :Explanatory

F. Sumber Belajar

Sumber Belajar meliputi teks naratif dari LKS, dan lembar kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika

memasuki ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.

e. Guru mengulas kembali materi sebelumnya, kemudian mengkaitkannya

dengan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

f. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi , manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Guru memberikan sebuah teks naratif kepada para siswa.

b. Guru meminta mereka untuk mengamati bagaimana cara membaca

teks naratif tersebut secara benar.

c. Kemudian guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk membaca ulang teks

naratif tersebut secara individu.

Appendix 10 139


a. Mempertanyakan struktur skematik apa saja yang harus ada pada

sebuah teks naratif.

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan apa saja yang biasanya terdapat

didalam sebuah teks naratif.

c. Mempertanyakan kosakata dan cara pengucapannya yang mungkin

tidak diketahui oleh para siswa.


a. Para siswa mengidentifikasi tokoh, latar, jenis teks naratif, struktur

skematik, dan ciri kebahasaan berdasarkan teks naratif yang telah

mereka baca tersebut.

b. Setelah selesai, guru membahasnya bersama para siswa.

c. Dan setiap siswapun mengecek identifikasi yang telah mereka lakukan

terhadap teks yang telah mereka baca tersebut.


a. Para siswa mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut dengan cara

menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

b. Setelah memastikan isi cerita, para siswa menjawab beberapa

pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh guru.


a. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menyampaikan point-point

penting dari teks naratif yang telah diterjemahkan.

b. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan


3. Penutup

a. Guru dan para siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara


b. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

c. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik dan ciri

kebahasaan teks naratif


2. Ketepatan dan kesesuaian dalam menerjemahkan teks

naratif kedalam bahasa Indonesia.


3. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif yang



Total 100

Appendix 10 140

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


Kepala Sekolah Mts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 141


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

The Story of Lake Toba

Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in North Sumatra. He

lived in a simple hut in a farming field. He did some gardening and fishing for his

daily ife. One day, while the man was fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his

trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish

turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his

wife. She said “Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret

that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster”. The man made the

deal and they got married, lived happily, and had a daughter.

Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in

the field. One day, his daughter was hungry and she ate his father’s lunch.

Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “ You damned daughter

of a fish”. The daughter run home and asked her mother. The mother started

crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.

Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disasster was

about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big

earthquake followed by nonstop pouring rain.The whole area got flooded and

become Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again, and the man become the island

of Samosir.

A. Read the text above, and identify the schematic structures and language

features of the text!

B. Translate the text above into Indonesian language!

C. Answer the questions below based on the text disccused!

1. What did the man catch in his trap when he was fishing?


2. Why did the man want to marry the fish?


Appendix 10 142

3. What did the secret tell about?


4. What would happen if the man told anyone about the secret?


5. What is the main idea of paragraph two?


6. What did the daughter bring to her father in afternoon?


7. Why did the man shout “ You damned daughter of a fish” to his



8. “Unfortunately, he found out and got furious,.......”. The underlined

word has similar meaning to....?


9. What is the purpose of the text?


10. What is moral value of this story above?


Appendix 10 143


Controlled Class (3rd


Nama Sekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII B/2 (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

Topik Pembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. Standar Kompetensi


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

Appendix 10 144

7. Menentukanmain idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairytales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. To entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. Tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed

while reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

6. Example of Narrative Text

The Legend of Rawa Pening

Once upon a time, there was a poor little boy came into a little village.

He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for

Appendix 10 145

some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little


Finally, a generous woman helped him. He gave him shelter and meal.

When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him “lesung”, a big

wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, “Please remember, if

there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat. The

lesung was so happy and thanked the old woman. The little boy continued

his journey. While he was passsing through the village, he saw many

people gathering on the field. The boy come closer and saw a stick stuck in

the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody

tried, but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd

laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward

and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumb


Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop

until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the

little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As

she told him, he use the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman.

The whole village became a huge lake. It is known as Rawa Pening Lake in

Salatiga, Central Java , Indonesia.

E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Grammar Translated Method

Technique :Explanatory

F. Sumber Belajar

Sumber Belajar meliputi teks naratif dari LKS, dan lembar kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketikamemasuki

ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.

e. Guru mengulas kembali materi sebelumnya, kemudian mengkaitkannya

dengan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

f. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi, manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

Appendix 10 146

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Guru memberikan sebuah teks naratif kepada para siswa.

b. Guru meminta mereka untuk mengamati bagaimana cara membaca

teks naratif tersebut secara benar.

c. Kemudian guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk membaca ulang teks

naratif tersebut secara individu.


a. Mempertanyakan struktur skematik apa saja yang harus ada pada

sebuah teks naratif.

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan apa saja yang biasanya terdapat

didalam sebuah teks naratif.

c. Mempertanyakan kosakata dan cara pengucapannya yang mungkin

tidak diketahui oleh para siswa.


a. Para siswa mengidentifikasi tokoh, latar, jenis teks naratif, struktur

skematik, dan ciri kebahasaan berdasarkan teks naratif yang telah

mereka baca tersebut.

b. Setelah selesai, guru membahasnya bersama para siswa.

c. Dan setiap siswa pun mengecek identifikasi yang telah mereka lakukan

terhadap teks yang telah mereka baca tersebut.


a. Para siswa mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut dengan cara

menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

b. Setelah memastikan isi cerita, para siswa menjawab beberapa

pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh guru.


a. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menyampaikan point-point

penting dari teks naratif yang telah diterjemahkan.

b. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan


3. Penutup

a. Guru dan para siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara


b. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

c. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

Appendix 10 147

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik dan ciri

kebahasaan teks naratif


2. Ketepatan dan kesesuaian dalam menerjemahkan teks

naratif kedalam bahasa Indonesia.


3. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif yang



Total 100

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


Kepala Sekolah Mts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 148


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

The Legend of Rawa Pening

Once upon a time, there was a poor little boy came into a little village. He

was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food,

but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.

Finally, a generous woman helped him. He gave him shelter and meal. When

the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him “lesung”, a big wooden mortar

for pounding rice. She reminded him, “Please remember, if there is a flood you

must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat. The lesung was so happy and

thanked the old woman. The little boy continued his journey. While he was

passsing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy

come closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to

pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the

little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he

stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody

was dumb founded.

Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it

flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and

the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he use

the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a

huge lake. It is known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java , Indonesia.

A. Read the text above, and identify the schematic structures and language

features of the text!

B. Translate the text above into Indonesian language!

C. Answer the questions below based on the text disccused!

1. What did the old woman give to the little boy?


2. What is “lesung” of the text above?


Appendix 10 149

3. What are the main characters of the text?


4. What was the old woman remind to the the little boy when she gave him a



5. She reminded him, “Please remember, if there is a flood you must save

yourself. The underlined word is the opposite meaning of......?


6. How could the little boy and the old woman save from the water of the



7. What is the woman’s character of the story?


8. Where is Rawa Pening Lake located?


9. What is resolusion of the text ?


10. What is moral value of the text?


Appendix 10 150


Controlled Class (4th


Nama Sekolah : Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII B/2 (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

Topik Pembelajaran :Narrative Text

A. Standar Kompetensi


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(gotong royong, toleran), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkuan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian

tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolad dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks

naratif, lisan, tulis berbentuk fabel, pendek, dan sederhana.

4.10Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel, pendek,

dan sederhana.

C. Indikator

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks naratif dengan benar.

2. Menyebutkan beberapa macam jenis teks naratif dengan tepat.

3. Menyebutkan beberapa tujuan dari penulisan teks naratif dengan tepat.

4. Menyebutkan beberapa struktur skematik teks naratif dengan benar.

5. Menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi setiap struktur skematik teks naratif

dengan tepat.

6. Menyebutkan beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks naratif

dengan tepat.

Appendix 10 151

7. Menentukanmain idea dan supporting details yang terdapat pada teks


8. Menangkap makna dari teks naratif baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat.

9. Mengambil nilai moral yang terkandung dalam teks naratif.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which is written to entertain people and to tell a

story or experience in different ways. It means that the narrator intended to

make the story interesting to read by setting the characters, events, and

something can be learned from the story.

2. Kinds of Narrative Text

Myths, Fairytales, Aboriginal dreaming stories, Science fiction, Historical

fiction, romance novel, horor stories, adventure stories, fables, legend,

ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.

3. Purposes of Narrative Text

a. To entertain the reader so they get the pleasure and follow the story


b. Tells the history of place or people. So, the reader can be informed

while reading the narrative text.

4. Schematic Structures of Narrative text

a. Orientation tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,

where it is happening and what is going on.

b. Complication tells about set off a chain of events that influences what

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events tells about the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problem created in

the complication.

e. Coda tells about comment or moral based on what has been learned

from the story (an optional step).

5. Language Features of Narrative text

Narrative usually includes the following grammatical features:

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

b. Adjectives that provides accurate description of the characters and


c. Verbs that show the action that occur in the story.

d. Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

6. Example of Narrative Text

Malin Kundang “Legend”

Once Upon a time, lived a diligent boy named Malin Kundang. He

lived in the seashore with his mother. They were very poor, but they lived

quiet and harmonious.

Appendix 10 152

One day, a big ship closed to the beach near their village. They asked

peoples to join work in their ship and went to the cross island. Malin

Kundang wanted to join with them because he wanted to improve his

family’s life. But his mother didn’t permit him. She worried to Malin.

Malin still kept his argument… and finally he sailed with the

bigship.Several years later, MalinKundang succed and he became rich

trader. Then, he came to his native village with his beautiful wife, but his

wife didn’t know Malin’s real descent. His happy mother quickly

approached Malin and brought a plate of village cake, Malin’s Favorite.

But Malin didn’t admit that woman as his poor mother, and then he kicked

the village cakewhich brought by his mother until scattered.

His mother very broken heart because Malin rebellious to her, who

had growth him. Then, his mother cursed Malin became stone.Suddenly,

the bigship which Malin’s had was vacillated by a big storm and all of his

crewman tossed aside out. Malin realized that was his fault that rebellious

his mother. He bowed down and became a stone.

E. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Metode :Grammar Translated Method

Technique :Explanatory

F. Sumber Belajar

Sumber Belajar meliputi teks naratif dari LKS, dan lembar kerja siswa.

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Gurumengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketikamemasuki

ruang kelas.

b. Guru menanyakan kabar para siswa.

c. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum kegiatan

belajar dimulai.

d. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.

e. Guru mengulas kembali materi sebelumnya, kemudian mengkaitkannya

dengan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

f. Guru menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai materi , manfaat dan

prosedur pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Guru memberikan sebuah teks naratif kepada para siswa.

b. Guru meminta mereka untuk mengamati bagaimana cara membaca

teks naratif tersebut secara benar.

c. Kemudian guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk membaca ulang teks

naratif tersebut secara individu.

Appendix 10 153


a. Mempertanyakan struktur skematik apa saja yang harus ada pada

sebuah teks naratif.

b. Mempertanyakan ciri-ciri kebahasaan apa saja yang biasanya terdapat

didalam sebuah teks naratif.

c. Mempertanyakan kosakata dan cara pengucapannya yang mungkin

tidak diketahui oleh para siswa.


a. Para siswa mengidentifikasi tokoh, latar, jenis teks naratif, struktur

skematik, dan ciri kebahasaan berdasarkan teks naratif yang telah

mereka baca tersebut.

b. Setelah selesai, guru membahasnya bersama para siswa.

c. Dan setiap siswapun mengecek identifikasi yang telah mereka lakukan

terhadap teks yang telah mereka baca tersebut.


a. Para siswa mendiskusikan isi cerita teks naratif tersebut dengan cara

menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

b. Setelah memastikan isi cerita, para siswa menjawab beberapa

pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh guru.


a. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menyampaikan point-point

penting dari teks naratif yang telah diterjemahkan.

b. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan


3. Penutup

a. Guru dan para siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara


b. Guru menginformasikan kepada para siswa mengenai rencana

kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.

c. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memberi salam

penutup dan mengucapkan hamdalah.

H. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor

1. Ketepatan mengidentifikasi struktur skematik dan ciri

kebahasaan teks naratif


2. Ketepatan dan kesesuaian dalam menerjemahkan teks

naratif kedalam bahasa Indonesia.


3. Ketepatan menjawab soal berdasarkan teks naratif yang 1-30

Appendix 10 154


Total 100

Tangerang, Maret 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nurain S. Pd Irma


Kepala Sekolah Mts AT-TAQWA

(Hayati Nupus S. Ag)

Appendix 10 155


Name : ______________

Class : ______________

Date : ______________

Malin Kundang “Legend”

Once Upon a time, lived a diligent boy named Malin Kundang. He lived in

the seashore with his mother. They were very poor, but they lived quiet and


One day, a big ship closed to the beach near their village. They asked peoples

to join work in their ship and went to the cross island. Malin Kundang wanted to

join with them because he wanted to improve his family’s life. But his mother

didn’t permit him. She worried to Malin. Malin still kept his argument… and

finally he sailed with the bigship.Several years later, MalinKundang succed and

he became rich trader. Then, he came to his native village with his beautiful wife,

but his wife didn’t know Malin’s real descent. His happy mother quickly

approached Malin and brought a plate of village cake, Malin’s Favorite. But

Malin didn’t admit that woman as his poor mother, and then he kicked the village

cakewhich brought by his mother until scattered.

His mother very broken heart because Malin rebellious to her, who had

growth him. Then, his mother cursed Malin became stone.Suddenly, the bigship

which Malin’s had was vacillated by a big storm and all of his crewman tossed

aside out. Malin realized that was his fault that rebellious his mother. He bowed

down and became a stone.

a. Analyze schematic structures and language features of the text?

b. Translate the text into Indonesian language!

c. Answer the questions below correctly!

1. Why did Malin Kundang leave his mother at the first time?


2. What happened to Malin Kundang after going to the cross island?


3. Who is the main character of the story?


Appendix 10 156

4. What is Malin Kundang’s character of the story?


5. What do you think of Malin Kundang, what kind of man was he?


6. Why did his mother curse Malin Kundang?


7. What did his mother take to Malin Kundang when she met his son again?


8. Why did Malin Kundang deny his mother?


9. What happened to Malin Kundang in the ending of the story?


10. What is the moral value of the story?


Appendix 11 157

Frequency Distribution of Data

1. Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Pre-test

Students of the experimental class (n): 40

Highest Score: 76

Lowest Score: 40

Determine Distance (Rentangan), R= Highest Score-Lowest Score



Determine Total of Internal Class, K= 1+3.3 log n

K= 1+3.3 log 40

K= 1+3.3 x1.6021

K= 6.286 =6

Detemine length of Interval Class, i=


= 6

Condition (syarat)= K×i ≥ R+1

= 6×i ≥ 36+1

= 6×6 ≥ 36+1

=36 ≤ 37 (declined)

Therefore, i= 6+1=7

Determine percentage (%)=f/n

2. Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Post-test

Students of the experimental class (n): 40

Highest Score: 92

Lowest Score: 56

Determine Distance (Rentangan), R= Highest Score-Lowest Score



Determine Total of Internal Class, K= 1+3.3 log n

K= 1+3.3 log 40

K= 1+3.3 x1.6021

Appendix 11 158

K= 6.286 = 6

Detemine length of Interval Class, i=


= 6

Condition (syarat)= K×i ≥ R+1

= 6×i ≥ 36+1

= 6×6 ≥ 36+1

=36 ≤ 37 (declined)

Therefore, i= 6+1=7

Determine percentage (%)=f/n

3. Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Pre-test

Students of the experimental class (n): 40

Highest Score: 64

Lowest Score: 28

Determine Distance (Rentangan), R= Highest Score-Lowest Score



Determine Total of Internal Class, K= 1+3.3 log n

K= 1+3.3 log 40

K= 1+3.3 x1.6021

K= 6.286 =6

Detemine length of Interval Class, i=


= 6

Condition (syarat)= K×i ≥ R+1

= 6×i ≥ 36+1

= 6×6 ≥ 36+1

=36 ≤ 37 (declined)

Therefore, i= 6+1=7

Determine percentage (%)=f/n

Appendix 11 159

4. Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Pre-test

Students of the experimental class (n): 40

Highest Score: 76

Lowest Score: 44

Determine Distance (Rentangan), R= Highest Score-Lowest Score



Determine Total of Internal Class, K= 1+3.3 log n

K= 1+3.3 log 40

K= 1+3.3 x1.6021

K= 6.286 =6

Detemine length of Interval Class, i=


= 5.33= 5

Condition (syarat)= K×i ≥ R+1

= 6×i ≥ 36+1

= 6×5 ≥ 36+1

=30 ≤ 37 (declined)

Therefore, i= 5+1=6

Determine percentage (%)=f/n