The Modern Social Liberal

Modern social liberal, social liberal, liberal, liberalism, western social liberal, socialism, socialist, social justice, social justice warrior, cultural Marxism The Modern Social Liberal Welcome to the Whacky World of the Modern Social Liberal and the indoctrinated perception of irrationality John V

Transcript of The Modern Social Liberal

Modern social liberal, social liberal, liberal, liberalism, western social liberal, socialism,

socialist, social justice, social justice warrior, cultural Marxism

The Modern Social Liberal Welcome to the Whacky World of the Modern Social Liberal

and the indoctrinated perception of irrationality

John V


The Modern Social Liberal .................................................................................................. 1

Welcome to the Whacky World of the Modern Social Liberal ......................................................... 1

The Neurosis of the Modern Social Liberal Mind ....................................................................... 1

John V’s State of the West Address for the Modern Social Liberal .................................................. 2

Yes We Can’t: The Modern Social Liberal Justice Warrior .............................................................. 3

Change The Modern Social Liberal Can Believe In .................................................................... 3

Livin’ the Modern Social Liberal Dream ....................................................................................... 4

The Reality of Modern Social Liberal Gullibility .......................................................................... 4

The Modern Social Liberal Élites ................................................................................................. 5

Socialist Wealth .................................................................................................................... 5

Capitalist Wealth ................................................................................................................ 6

The New old Order ......................................................................................................... 6

Major Fallacies of Modern Social Liberal Thought ......................................................................... 7

The Cultural Marxist Liberal .................................................................................................... 7

When Free Speech Becomes Modern Social Liberal hate Speech ................................................... 8

The Modern Social Liberal Progressive ………………………………………………………………………………… 8

The Modern Social Liberal Guide to Political Scams ...................................................................... 9

Transcripts from a Ouija Board Interview with the Man Himself .................................................. 10

The Socialist 1% and the Consequences of Modern Social Liberal Gullibility ................................. 11

A shocked World Rejects Western Social Liberal Values .............................................................. 12

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 13

About the Author .................................................................................................................... 15


Welcome to the Whacky World of the Modern Social Liberal From each taxpayer according to their means, to each non-taxpayer according to their needs

Looking into the views of the modern social liberal, it immediately becomes necessary to question what unfathomable modern ideology produced this social product after thousands of years of human evolvement. Is the liberal a result of mental illness? Is it a social construction? Where do their ideas arise from? In this article, the author takes a brief but humorous look at the whacky world of the modern social liberal (Fig 1).

The human mind uses logic, reason and reality, but modern social liberals don’t have that ability; they feel using emotion and empathy, in a world where everyone is an oppressed victim. In addition, social liberals are idealistic and lacking rational intellect, see the world as it should be and not as it is – a divorce from reality.

The modern social liberal isn’t an assumed life choice; but rather a product of arrested development and social engineering, leading to a childlike subservience to authority, containing elements of a narcissistic personality disorder. The chances of the modern social liberal viewing reality equals that of convincing a child on December the 24th that Father Christmas doesn't exist. This emphasises itself in a victim, entitlement and politically correct culture of foot stamping and aggressiveness.

The Neurosis of the Modern Social Liberal Mind Dream, dream away Magic in the air, was magic in the air? I believe, yes I believe More I cannot say, what more can I say? Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé. John Lennon #9 Dream.

The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious (Fig 2). 1

In the 21st century liberal world, what other reason except psychosis could possess modern social liberals to put forward the premise in, is Barack Obama the Messiah?

A beam of morning light shown [sic] through the stained-glass windows and illuminated the president-elect's face. Several of the clergy and choir on the altar who also saw it marveled [sic] afterward about the presence of the Divine. 2

1 Rossiter, L, H, 2005, "THE LIBERAL MIND: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness", in World Net Daily Exclusive. "Veteran Psychiatrist Calls Liberals Mentally Ill." WND. N.p., Dec.-Jan. 2008. Web. 2 Alter, Jonathan. The Promise: President Obama, Year One. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 2010. 102. Print.




John V’s State of the West Address for the Modern Social Liberal

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. 3

Liberal stupidity is not a by-product of poverty, race or capitalism; it is a consequence of human nature. It knows no physical or ideological boundaries. A consensus of utter stupidity is the closest mankind will ever reach in achieving equality (Fig 3).

Now settle down children, stop those rapid eye movements, and you at the back, take your finger out of your nose. I’m not going to ask you to do difficult things here tonight, such as think, or even invade the safe space between your ears, in a hostile free environment, within a fact free world of tolerance and inclusion. As you look around you, and I'm asking you to make an effort here, you’re no doubt grateful of a need for a safe space in a rather messed up society.

You see children, it will come as a shock to many to discover you have a radical gay Marxist President, and although it may come as a 'Goddamn it, how did he get there' surprise, the answer is that you voted him in. Yes, you may well scratch your collective heads and I know it sounds like just another conspiracy theory, but might it be that you just couldn’t handle the amount of Kool-aid you were given?

How did this happen? Well, as you were sitting on the fence being non-judgmental, tolerant to the point of absurdity, refusing to differentiate between right and wrong, and wanting change, 'fundamentally changing America' is what you got.

Now, there is a rumour that it’s Bush and Palin's fault, but they assure us they didn’t vote for Obama either and neither did the conservatives. Which ought to make you think who did, but as thinking is discriminatory against the mentally challenged . . . You see, the ones shouting the most now are the ones who voted in Obama then.

It may come as a further surprise to you that 'BLM' or the 'Occupy' movements didn’t exist under Reagan, and the world didn't overheat, drown or disappear in 2008 as promised by Al Gore and therefore, tonight you are left wondering about the pressing issues of our times. In a modern social liberal era, how do cities financially collapse under Obama? What causes the amount of black police shootings now, but not under Bush? Why is welfare good for the economy, but not work? If people don’t create wealth from work, where does the money for welfare come from? Additionally, you also need to ask yourselves, how that 'spreading the wealth around' thing is doing? To President Obama with an estimated wealth of $12.2 million, tonight we ask, when are you going to spread your wealth around, as you didn’t build that on your own.

After seven years of Obama selling bridges to the gullible modern social liberals, all this shouldn't come as a surprise, but in case it's still a mystery, let us embark together on a journey to find the modern social liberal, to a place we all know, Yes, we can't - the land of make believe.

3 Mencken, H. L. A Little Book in C Major. New York: John Lane, 1916. Print.



Yes We Can’t: The Modern Social Liberal Justice Warrior

After decades of dumbing down social liberalism, all that remains is to kill the rich, make poverty history, provide equality and the 'Promised Land' is all but within reach (Fig 4).

Remarking on the coming collapse of the European Union and the attempts to socially-engineer societies, applying equally to the US, (Millière, G, 2012) states:

The idea that it is possible to build a society based on abstract principles -- without considering historical, social and economic realities, as if its members were infinitely malleable – has often led to disaster; this time is no different.

The 'European dream' as Jeremy Rifkin called it, seems to have crumbled, ironically just at the time when its US followers -- and the very politicians who want the United States to resemble Europe -- are in power. 4

Change The Modern Social Liberal Can Believe In

It comes as no surprise that the less indoctrinated modern social liberals are beginning to view reality over that of an envisaged utopia. The middle classes are being destroyed, the welfare dependent are increasing and western societies are dominated by the political elite promoting bankers and big business (Fig 5). That it was meant to happen comes as a surprise to those still fixated on creating a utopia dependent using an updated cultural Marxist ideology.

Generally, many US citizens have a harder time understanding western political theory than Europeans because they've never experienced the results of idealistic theories put into practice. 5 In the 20th century, Europeans slaughtered each other with ferocity unequalled in history, using ideas they got from the same books that the modern social liberals in the US now get their own ideas from.

The people of North America and Western Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization. Minicino, M, comments on the effects of cultural Marxism.

4 Millière, G. "The Coming Collapse of the European Union." Gatestone Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Americans especially, remain confused between the differences of socialism and communism. Socialism, which Marx termed, the ‘stepping road to communism’, allows private wealth through taxation to provide the necessities needed to enable society to function, for example, roads, hospitals and schools. As the population increases, taxation correspondingly rises and the infrastructure provided by socialism starts to collapse. The State can then either privatise to reduce taxation, introduce 'austerity measures' (cutbacks), or nationalise (the stepping road to communism). The term socialist, as distinct from socialism, occurs when the government starts to use private wealth taxation as a distributary mechanism to promote equality (spreading the wealth around). Under communism, the government owns both private wealth, and the means of producing it on behalf of the people, making capitalism and therefore profit, redundant – in V, John. "Cultural Marxism - Social Chaos." N.p., 28 Apr. 2016. Web.




Livin’ the Modern Social Liberal Dream

Give liberals a fish and feed them for a day, teach them welfare rights and feed them for a lifetime

When you spread your wealth around its good for everybody else. Be the first kid on the block to give everything away and wonder why everyone else is laughing at you. President Obama estimated wealth $12.2 million, whose salary alone would make him part of the 1%. Hilary Clinton $31.3 million. Meanwhile the social justice warriors receive welfare and a free looted six pack of beer in 5 Race Riots in Obama’s Post-Racial America.

Become a leading authority on poverty and agree that everyone else should 'Feed the World'. Bob Geldorf, anti-poverty activist and tax exile, estimated wealth $150 million (2016). Together with U2 Bono’s charity, ONE raked in 10 million pounds in 2008, but handed out only 118,000 pounds to 'worthy causes'.

Get with the equality script and open up a food kitchen for your Democrat congress friends. Congress is now mostly a millionaires' club. The median for congressional Democrats was $1.04 million and, for Republicans, $1 million even. 6

American Express Snap card. Comes with an attractive wallet and free mobile phone. At 0% interest and free top ups every month, what's not to like. The Modern Social liberal answer to capitalism – don’t be seen at an occupy protest without one (Fig 6).

The Reality of Modern Social Liberal Gullibility

With each attempt at socially engineering an equality based society, the result is a disaster and the excuse of ‘because it wasn’t real socialism’ goes up. The reason it doesn't work time and time again is because equality

socialism is an abstract in a perpetual cycle of failure to create the impossible.

Modern social liberalism is the scourge of the modern era, creating an environment where the individual has to be organised and assisted, because everyone must progress as a collective group. It cheers on wealth distribution, but scratches its collectivised head that the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer and seeks to make everyone equal, without having learned that equality in any society in history has never existed.

6 Katz, A. "Congress Is Now Mostly A Millionaires' Club." Time. 9 Jan. 2014. Web.



The Modern Social Liberal Élites

The élite modern social liberals generally inhabit the professions, the arts, politics and popular culture. They entertain, they perform and appropriate the profit made. Al Gore made his fortune by convincing the gullible about global warming/climate/ warmness change.

Champagne socialist Oprah Winfrey entertains millions, George Soros, finances social liberal fantasies and Google liberal employees donated 98% of their election donations to Obama in 2008. None of these people ever produced anything, but are super rich narcissistic liberals. The modern social liberal élites are parasitic by nature and it’s why they remain largely conspicuous from strong wealth producing nations. The modern social liberal élite are not wealth creators, but wealth appropriators. The west, with a collapsing economy, mass unemployment and poverty is an ideal breeding ground for social liberal parasites (Fig 7).

New York City, San Francisco, Hollywood and Silicon Valley, all hotbeds of social liberalism are the most money obsessed places in the western world.

The liberal élite create the ideas and schemes od redistribution and without exception, those which further the appropriation of those who produce.

Socialist Wealth

Socialism shares similar values to communism, in that the State sees itself as above the individual as a distributor of private wealth. It replaces the absolute monarchies of old, but becomes a similar entity above that of society as the undisputable controlling force of monarchism, which it replaced. In a dependent society, a small collection of political distributors become more important than those whom it elected to represent them.

The Liberal elite don’t create or produce; they move into areas of wealth creation and appropriate the existing wealth. It is why the more affluent areas attract liberals and why places like Silicon Valley and Florida are attractive to liberals and the urban ghettos are safely micro managed from a distance (Fig 8).

Success in any area of enterprise attracts liberals, who are voted in with promises of equal sharing and who then proceed to dismantle the success with taxation and laws and is why one never sees a rich socialist country, or one with a small government.

1. Why do only capitalist economies have entitlement welfare? 2. If the capitalist economic system is destroyed, what will fund equality welfare? 3. If welfare reduces poverty, why are so many poor on it? 4. In which country has equality and social justice for all ever existed? 5. Why do so many immigrants flee from socialist countries to capitalist ones?

The Mad Hatter: There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it you need to be as mad as a hatter, which luckily I am. 'Alice in Wonderland'




Capitalist Wealth

If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else's expense then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves. Thomas Sowell. Capitalism wasn't designed to finance socialist welfare systems (Fig 9).

Capitalism doesn’t erase inequalities, it doesn't distribute wealth fairly, nor does it promise a Utopia. What it does do is allow the individual to own the computer they use and prevents others, including the State, from taking it from them, in addition to preventing them from taking property from others. If all property is theft, does that make spreading the wealth around proceeds of theft criminal?

No government in the world produces profit, but from the capitalist profit produced by others, it produces a welfare system that feeds and clothes in times of hardship, because it allows others to produce a profit to pay for it. There is a reason that America attracted successive waves of immigrants for the past two centuries and no coincidence that they came from national or international socialist societies.

Capitalists produce things; they manufacture and sell products. Liberals did not build the cars we drive and the food we consume wasn't grown by the modern social liberal, or those on welfare. As manufacturing output declines and businesses fail, the producing class shrinks. Wealth necessitates distribution by socialism, which gives a capitalist illusion of prosperity, but in reality is a redistribution of what already exists and not creation.

The New old Order Eventually and entirely predictively, without wealth creation and the resulting high tax revenue needed to support socialism, economies start to collapse. Borrowing and printing money is no longer an option, interest rates start to climb, national debt interest can no longer be serviced and at this point, the socialist government starts to nationalize basic essentials (ACA), prepares the police for the possible backlash (militarization) and makes ready places for large-scale dissent (FEMA).

Form third world Cuba to Chavez's Venezuela and the collapsing economies of Spain, Greece and Portugal, welfare socialism follows a well tried predictable pattern. Explaining the economics of reality to the modern social justice equality warriors (Fig 10).

The end game is what H. G. Wells termed Liberal fascism, otherwise known as progressivism, disguised as progress, using cultural Marxism as a dumbing down tool to facilitate that change. Progressivism is simply a revolution by the élite, disguised as equality, seconded by gullible liberals and voted in by the free-loading masses.




Major Fallacies of Modern Social Liberal Thought Inside the Global climate warming liberal brain

Al Gore in 'An Inconvenient Truth' warns of soil evaporation, melting glaciers and apocalyptic heat waves. Speaking before a German audience in December 2008, Al Gore remarked the, north pole will disappear in 5 Years. 7 Meanwhile, Al Gore could become world’s first carbon billionaire as a partner in the capital venture firm, Silver Springs Network. The carbon emissions trading allowance stock market worth is estimated at $176 billion.

Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995.

The Cultural Marxist Liberal

The beginning of the end of European multiculturalism? In Sweden, Police: Yes, there are no-go zones in Sweden (and the UK, France, Belgium . . .) 8 As in Europe, is the US in danger of the coming collapse of the welfare state? Illustrated review of mass uncontrolled European immigration as Austria tightens border controls and Switzerland deploys army (Fig 11).

Let's adopt the multicultural concept and live happily side by side, and be happy to be living with each other. But this concept has failed, and failed utterly. German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong. British Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe. Europe’s response is madness. Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán.

For those modern social liberals still basing their views on a multicultural utopia, this is what Europe looks like, minus the fantasies. Before Europe awoke, a must watch 10 minute shocking video (contains violent footage).

Nothings working, how about we just abolish, destroy and smash everything and start over again and call it freedom, but it's never succeeded in a modern nation State. Cultural Marxism is a form of social anarchy.

7 8 A no-go area in Europe is defined as an area unsafe to enter unless Muslim.



When Free Speech Becomes Modern Social Liberal Hate Speech

The problem with freedom is that even those who support it can't work out amongst themselves what it actually is. It has as much chance of happening as everyone winning the lottery at the same time, but seems a last desperate effort to introduce something that has never worked. It couldn’t work on any large scale in a modern nation State, but can’t be disproved because it's so far divorced from reality that it takes away everything and puts assumptions of what might happen in its place, which then become reality, in theory.

For the modern social liberal, engrossed in a post-modernist metanarrative, the facts become secondary to a political narrative of belief. The belief of cops being responsible for killing American blacks becomes a fact, whereas the fact that black on black killings resemble a slaughterhouse are ignored. Belief becomes a fact and fact becomes racism. In the upside down mentally unbalanced world of the modern social liberal, freedom becomes no freedom (Fig 12).

How can anyone but an individual who is mentally ill believe this In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism. And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say you’re gonna see countries all over the world […] Bernie Sanders The Democratic Debate, Nov. 2015 CBS News.

There can be no democratic choices against the European treaties. 2015. On EU referendums: If it’s a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue'. 2005. When it becomes serious, you have to lie. 2013. Jean-Claude Juncker, unelected President of the European Commission.

The Modern Social Liberal Progressive

Introduce communism (progressivism) and grab individual wealth in the name of collectivisation. In every country bar none this ends in a dictatorship with mass genocide. A lesson learned? Apparently not, as the usual excuse that it’s not real communism is trotted out and we need to continue with it in the hope that one day it might work.

How many more hundreds of millions need to be slaughtered before it’s discovered that the economics of government ownership and distribution don’t work? So communism kills the very people it’s trying to help, but should a policeman kill one black in a ghetto, the outcry is deafening.

It is no coincidence that throughout history, those countries who adopted abstracts of what should be and refuse to accept reality invariably end in totalitarianism and genocide. In societies constructed on ideology, where subjective reason, evidence, logic, truth and morality are removed from debate, there exist no liberals.

Arise ye prisoners of starvation, arise ye wretched of the earth […] In an era of free medical care, subsidised housing and welfare, the fantasies take over as the gullible sing, 'The Internationale' (Socialism 2013 Conference in Chicago). This is not modern social liberal gibberish; this is hard core International Marxism and carries with it consequences.

Highly recommended 10 minute video: The four stages of subversion techniques in the US - Yuri Bezmenov, former Soviet agent.



The Modern Social Liberal Guide to Political Scams In the last fifty years, the west has produced a modern liberal stupidity that the rest of humankind throughout history has not been able to produce in its combined entirety.

A look at the ridiculous and let's have a big cheer. In at number one is socialism. The social liberals vote in a group of millionaires, who convince them that the more you give through taxation, others will get richer and if they don't, it's your fault and they'll tax you even more. A vote winner, until taxation keeps on rising. Very popular with those who don’t pay taxes and gaining ground for the political hierarchy, bankers and big business, who tell you that you should feed the world, share your wealth and it's all your fault it doesn't work, but you should vote for more of it (Fig 13).

Worse, after decades of living in one of the most redistributive systems in western Europe, 54 per cent of the French believe that taxes – of which there have been 84 new ones in the past two years, rising from 42 per cent of GDP in 2009 to 46.3 per cent this year – now widen social inequalities instead of reducing them. 9

Running neck and neck at number two is communism, or liberal fascism, or progressivism – it's all in the name change. A group of élite that takes away everything you own and tells you it now belongs to everyone, but you don't actually get to see it; it's magic. Popular with those who have nothing, but think they’ll get something and believe in Father Christmas. Not usually voted in, but a winner for the élite and usually disguised by politicians as 'change you can believe in', 'diversity is strength', or something else (Fig 14)

Anarchism is way behind in third place, as no one seems to be able to define exactly what it is. A good idea for a computer game as communities zap others who come to raid to grab freebies. Also very popular in Africa in the 18th century when having nothing to sell, communities captured and sold each other into slavery, alongside the criminals exported to the colonies. An ideology gaining popularity in the west, with street gangs and rioters who come together in a common shared consensus to loot (Fig 15).

This following is added as it fits in closely with the above scams. In a land far away, someone sitting in an internet café sends you an email telling you they have $5m, can afford an internet connection, but haven’t got a bank account.

If you can just send them $50 and your bank account details they’ll share it with you. The reason they keep sending these emails is because the gullible modern social liberals believe them. Similar to the lottery, but with no chance of winning and also to State socialism as the rich became richer, along with the person who sent you the email.

9 Moutet, Anne-Elisabeth. "Down and Out: The French Flee a Nation in Despair." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, Oct. 2013. Web.





Transcripts from a Ouija Board Interview with the Man Himself Presented to you from Highgate cemetery in London, an interview with Karl Marx

Well Karl, is that really you, how are you? It’s been a long time. Which was worse then, hell on earth under Communism, or death as a welcome relief?

Well, it all came as a bit of a shock, you know. Death was so sudden, like waking up one morning thinking you’re the smartest kid on the block and finding out you’ve shared all you have and everyone else is laughing because they’ve now got more than you.

Looking back, what other scams could you have come up with?

Well, I did wonder about that myself. You know, I spent a bit of time in the UK writing all that stuff in the British Library. I was going to call it, 'There’s one born every minute', but in the end I decided on 'The Communist Manifesto' as it's got a sort of ring to it and there’s the gullibility factor as well. My friend Engels and I came up with this fantastic idea of everyone becoming rich by not actually doing anything. It became a best seller, you know.

On hindsight, what would you have done differently today?

Well, as you know, I was always a staunch Conservative. I was trying to produce an equality-based idiotocracy, but as we didn’t have welfare in those days, I concentrated on bread and work for the masses and it sort of took off. Of course, today is different, drugs and internet games, food stamps; you've got it all. All hindsight now of course, but put everyone on welfare . . . Wow, why didn’t I think of that instead of trying to

confuse everyone with all that pointless theory. People just didn’t understand what it was I was all about. I was a party animal but they got all serious about it and you know, the rest is history, as they say.

Any final comments for the believers?

Believers, they still believe, like Father Christmas, right?

(Sounds of ghostly laughter)

Well, you know you old proletariat, what do they say, a brain is better spent working out how to accumulate wealth than working for free in a Gulag. I know I should have put a disclaimer in my writings, but thank God no one ever got to sue me! I mean seriously, if I told you to give everything you have away to the taxman who then promised to look after you, would you believe me? Engels was financing all this and it was his idea, not mine. I wanted to end Das

Kapital with, ‘and they all lived happily ever after’, but he was the one that told me not to. OK, millions went to their deaths, but come on, it wasn’t me, it was you and the idealistic modern social liberals amongst you who believed it and did that.


The Socialist 1% and the Consequences of Modern Social Liberal Gullibility

Report: Corruption widespread in EU Corruption affects all 28 member countries of the European Union and costs their economies about $162.19bn (120bn euros) a year, according to a European Union report. Cecilia Malmstrom, Unelected EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, 2014. Christine Lagarde, IMF director, awaiting trial on fraud charges in France – 2016. Estimated wealth $4 million.

Hillary Clinton She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality – 1974 Watergate investigation. 10 Both Clinton and Obama are progressive left wing radicals. 11

Sweden close to collapse It will not be long until the Swedes realize that the state will not look after them. The country that just 20 years ago was considered one of the safest and most affluent in the world, is now in danger of becoming a failed state. Sweden close to collapse. A UN report says Sweden will achieve third-world status in about 15 years. 12

Food crisis in Venezuela The real reason for these riots is that the regime is implementing communist politics that does not work [sic], that leads to famine, that leads to hunger, that leads to disaster […] Operacion Libertad Venezuela President Chavez of Venezuela – President for life, deceased Allegations the Venezuelan president stole over $1 billion from his country during his terms in office.

The narcissism of the modern day social liberal isn’t confined to the US; it is international and covers a wide western geographical area. Ironically, it is found in countries containing Caucasian populations.

The gullibility and the truth about Nelson Mandela, former poster boy of the modern social liberals. Will the US Follow South Africa Down the Path of White Decline? From the 'Breadbasket of Africa' to a 'Rainbow nation', and current dependency on foreign aid, becoming the rape capital of the world.

As Stevie Wonder’s 'Master Blaster' and the modern social liberals waxed lyrical about the former Rhodesia apartheid, under Marxist president for life Robert Mugabe, the hell that Zim has become.

10 Zeifman, J. Hillary's Pursuit of Power. N.p.: Xlibris, 2006. Print. 11 Brown, Floyd. "Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History." Western Journalism, Oct - 2009. Web. 12 UNDP. "Human Development Report 2010." Human Development Report (2010): n. page. United Nations Development Programme. United Nations, Sept. 2010. Web.


A shocked World Rejects Western Social Liberal Values

Cyprus elects its first communist president The central bank was one of the most sensibly administered in Europe. The Cyprus Pound was one of the world’s strongest currencies. Thousands of international companies (including mine) were headquartered there. Tourism boomed.

Then the people of Cyprus made a colossal mistake. They voted to abandon the democracy they had had for less than half a century. They joined the dismal, failing progressive European Union (Fig 16). A review of the progressive movement; its origins and aims.

Is the EU-close to communism? I have lived in your future and it didn't work – Vladimir Bukovsky former Soviet dissident.

Obama’s Soviet Mistake In his 'Obama's Soviet Mistake' piece, Mr. Lerma shows that Obama is taking the same communist road taken by the former Soviet Union, a road that Vladimir Putin warns against taking. He also credits Obama's re-election to an ignorant electorate, with some election fraud thrown in. 12 signs of extreme social decay in America

Putin Preaches Godliness to America Speaking to his people in the state of the nation address delivered at the end of last year, the Russian president defended traditional values, pointed out the moral bankruptcy of the West, and maintained that conservatism, both religious and societal, is what prevents what he defined as worldwide chaotic darkness.

China doesn’t want our 'outdated' Western democracy The real question is why would China seek to replicate our political system that is increasingly seen to be failing?

Kenyan politicians tell Barack Obama to leave 'gay rights' talk at home Senior figures including the country’s deputy president William Ruto warn Mr Obama not to seek to push the legalisation of homosexual rights 'and other dirty things' in conservative African countries (Fig 17).

Climate change, capitalism and racism are all blamed for society's ills. The real reasons are nearer home.

The previous generation's prosperity lay in its patriotism and work ethic and came with near full employment, courtesy of the war dead. As longevity and populations increased, so did the marginalised, dispossessed and radicals seeking to create a utopia. Replacing hard work with welfare, patriotism with multiculturalism and the family unit with 'gay' rights, the results across the western world have proved a disaster. As the west now hurtles to its social and economic destruction, the rest of the world watches its demise from the side lines and at a safe distance.





Adjectives, such as 'stupid' 'dumb' and 'gullible' have been liberally (pun) used or alluded to when referencing the modern social liberal throughout this article. This is intentional. Children in the US and EU are already being indoctrinated into the next generation of confused and gullible modern social liberals.

Socialism and its variants of anarchism and welfare States rose in popularity across the western world during the early part of the 20th century and understandably so. In an era of absolute monarchies, where poverty often meant death and education was non-existent for the vast majority, the theories of Marx, Bukharin and Lenin made literal sense. However, as many liberals are now from the educated middle class, the only excuse on a fixation of fantasies must lie with the explanation of a psychological disturbance, as outlined by Dr. Rossiter (The Neurosis of the Modern Social Liberal Mind, p1). How else might fantasies, learning difficulties and irrational beliefs be explained?

When the people find that they can vote themselves money; that will herald the end of the republic - Benjamin Franklin

This can now be seen across the west, where welfare, instead of providing a safety net, has become a lifestyle choice for millions, with an entitlement of free mobile phones, medical care and subsidised housing, using cultural Marxist identity politics.

'Change you can believe in'; 'The audacity of hope' and 'Yes we can' are the new buzzwords, as is the back to front gibberish EU slogan, 'Diversity is our strength'. Although a belief may be questioned, religion for example, it can neither be proved or disproved by scientific fact, which then puts it into the category of a fact free possibility. Add political correctness to stifle dissent, and the opinion of belief then becomes a fact through indoctrination and being unable to prove otherwise, hence the need for non-judgemental 'safe spaces' to restrict rational inquiry and the keywords of fascist and racist as a politically correct label to stifle dissent. For example, only a modern day social liberal could be as gullible to believe that mass welfare entitlement, or unemployment, creates wealth, or is a benefit to the economy. 13

You reap what you sow and the conclusion is that modern social liberals have destroyed every society in which they gained ascendency. Despite the lessons of Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria and warnings from ex-dissidents and KGB officials, it was all done with the best utopic intentions. From the French revolution to the Bolsheviks and latterly, from multi-millionaire Geldofs' request that others 'Feed the World' to mass taxpayer funded welfare dependency, failure to achieve equality, feed the world and change the climate is a worldwide tried and tested outcome of failure. Equality is dependent on personal achievement and not something provided in welfare packages by politicians. After half a century of western liberalism, the world is getting worse, not better.

13 Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs. Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way. It immediately injects demand into our markets and increases employment. For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, the economy grows by, according to one estimate, $1.52; by others, $2. So somewhere in that range, but much more than is spent on it – Nancy Pelosi.


The irony lost on the modern social liberal, is that for each new found 'freedom', there is a further corresponding reaction by the State to control and regulate the outcome. Now commonly being referred to as a police state, in the US, open borders and mass immigration produces armed checkpoints and armoured vehicles on the streets (Fig 18), plus the NSA extensive internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence and GCHQ in the UK, exposed by Edward Snowden. The UK now has the most CCTV surveillance in the world. In Sweden, armed police enter no-go zones at their peril.

Viewing crime as a social construction, normalising sexual deviancies as a lifestyle choice and the EU Schengen Treaty of a Europe sans borders, has produced a huge increase in prison populations in Europe, including sexual offences and a non-elected EU militarised police force.

Meanwhile, the effects of modern social liberalism with its narcissistic freedom and availability of cheap alcohol, drugs, and a 24/7 diet of controlled media, produce hedonistic, stupefied, and controllable populations.

The modern social liberal and various gay rights, BLM and open border protesters will disappear in an instant when it no longer suits the State and they have fulfilled their purpose as outlined by Yuri Bezmenov – The Modern Social Liberal Progressive, page 8.

The State is not an objective entity; it is a collection of élite individuals, as are the banking sector and corporations, in whose interests the present social chaos lies.

War Departments are now 'Defence Departments'. The Armed Forces are 'Peacekeepers' and the police are the new 'Homeland defence' military. We are told freedom is no longer supplied to us by those elected to serve us, but has to be fought for and whilst the police militarize against us, we send off our sons and daughters to forcibly police others. We gawk at the newly developed jet fighters costing millions and shrug at those unable to afford basic medical care.

Gender, economic, social . . . equality has never existed, but turns into the term 'justice' in the modern social liberal mind. Social justice will provide equality and equality will ensure social justice – a play on semantics that remains a liberal fantasy, producing a society of non-achievers and non-producers, but a guaranteed voting base, which is the objective of every politician.

An indication of how far the mental abnormalities of the modern social liberal mind have progressed in the past two decades can be found at Democratic Underground, a forum advertised as a non-judgemental safe space for those with learning difficulties, transgendered snowdrops and wannabe fire engines. This is the generation that will vote out the constitution and think elitist progressivism is freedom. As western society continues to collapse both socially and economically and NATO moves its forces eastwards, the danger comes not from climate change, but from the élite modern social liberals and radicals deeply entrenched in the western corridors of power.



About the Author

A UK citizen, John V lives in SE Asia, an English and social science teacher. In addition to practical experience in the British armed forces and residential mental health management, John holds triple UK academic degrees and a diverse range of interests includes travel, non-professional resume writing and political science. John currently works in PR China.

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