The Merchant of Venice Lesson 8 Act 3, Scenes 2 and 3

The Merchant of Venice Lesson 8 Act 3, Scenes 2 and 3 Friday 21st October 2021

Transcript of The Merchant of Venice Lesson 8 Act 3, Scenes 2 and 3

The Merchant of VeniceLesson 8

Act 3, Scenes 2 and 3

Friday 21st October 2021

Learning Purposes

• To recap the plot and characters in The Merchant of Venice so far

• To consider why Shakespeare structures his play in a particular way

• To enhance analytical writing skills

Recap of previous learning

➢Where have we seen characters speaking in prose and blank verse?

➢Why do they speak in these metres?

➢Who do you think is the most important character so far?

Future Lessons

➢We are developing our understanding of the plot, key themes and key characters

➢We are developing our knowledge of how to produce good analytical writing.

Starter: Plot

• Complete the cloze plot summary worksheet.

Recap: Act 3 Scene 1

Explain the significance of FIVE words that are found in Act 3 Scene 1. One has been completed for you but does NOT count as one of your five.

Revenge Flesh and blood

Bankrupt Bait fish


Tickle HumilityDaughter



Shylock believes that his daughter should not have betrayed him and

fled his home because they are family. He believes that family and

loyalty are closely linked. this city supposedly rivalled Venice

Themes to consider as we are reading…

Power (abstract noun)

- the ability to do something or act in a particular way.

- political or social authority, especially exercised by government.

Fairness (abstract noun)

– impartial and just treatment without favouritism or discrimination.

Obsession (abstract noun)

- an idea or though that continually preoccupies a person’s mind.

To develop your ideas further, consider how themes could be reversed.

Themes to consider as we are reading…

Using your knowledge of the text so far, complete the following as a single paragraph:

• Shakespeare effectively presents the idea of power in The Merchant of Venice through his representation of… (A particular aspect of society? A particular character?)

• Furthermore, the concept of fairness is purposefully highlighted by Shakespeare when… Is anyone particularly fair or unfair? (remember – you can invert the theme)

• Finally, Shakespeare successfully demonstrates the notion of obsession through his depiction of…

Read Act 3 Scene 2

Find quotes that highlight the following:

• Bassanio makes his choice of casket and wins Portia as his wife.

• Nerissa agrees to marry Gratiano, and both couples exchange rings.

• Lorenzo and Jessica arrive in Belmont with a letter from Antonio.

• Bassanio tells Portia that he owes Antonio three thousand ducats and is unable to repay this.

• Portia tells him to return to Venice and use some of her money to pay off the debt and release Antonio from his bond.

Act 3 Scene 3

We’re going to go back and read Act 3 Scene 3. As a class, read through the scene.

As we are reading, consider the following:

• How do we see the ideas of power, fairness and obsession?

• Make sure you highlight evidence for the above.

Act 3 Scene 3


Act 3 Scene 3


Act 3 Scene 3


How does Shakespeare present the relationship between Antonio and Shylock?Topic sentence:

Shakespeare presents the relationship between Antonio and Shylock as ____________

What else do we need to include in our analytical writing?

How does Shakespeare present the relationship between Antonio and Shylock?Shakespeare intentionally evokes a tense and emotionally-charged relationship between Antonio and Shylock. Shylock satirically refers to himself as a dog, warning Antonio to ‘beware my fangs’. The plural common noun ‘fangs’ is indicative of Shylock’s growing aggression, serving as a reminder to the Christian lender that when promises are not kept, there are consequences. Furthermore, the theme of power can be illuminated by the antagonistic nature of Shylock’s interaction with Antonio; their exchange brings attention to Shylock’s mounting confidence in conflicts, unwilling to be a victim of mistreatment by the Christian community. Overall, this depiction serves to establish Shylock’s determination to have his bond and further display his hatred for Antonio.

How does Shakespeare present the relationship between Antonio and Shylock?• Topic sentence• Embedded quotations• Explanation of ideas• Close word analysis• Link to context• Concluding statement• Subject-specific vocabulary• Analytical vocabulary• Challenge: judgemental language (process adverbs)• Challenge: link to a key theme

Act 3.4 and 3.5

Act 3.4

• Portia leaves Lancelot and Jessica in charge of her house at Belmont, but tells them she is going to stay with nuns.

• Portia and Nerissa leave for Venice disguised as two men. Portia says they will behave like “a fine bragging youth”, telling lies about young women they’ve pursued.

Why would this be humorous in the Elizabethan era? Who would play female characters?

Act 3.5

• Lancelot and Jessica walk around Portia’s house and provide some comic relief from the high stakes drama around them.

Why would Shakespeare include these two scenes at this dramatic point in the play? What purpose do they serve?

Term of the Day

Comic relief - humorous content in a dramatic or literary work intended to offset more serious episodes

1. Which characters do you think provide comic relief in The Merchant of Venice?

2. Why might Shakespeare include comic relief in his plays?

EXT: To what extent do you think that Shakespeare’s comedic attempts are successful? Consider the Elizabethan audience.

Comic Relief - analysis

Why would Shakespeare include these two scenes at this dramatic point in the play? What purpose do they serve? Do they achieve their purpose?

Use the following sentence starter and continue the sentence.

Shakespeare deliberately includes an element of comic relief during acts 3.4 and 3.5 because……..

A Play for Performance

• Whilst analysing the language and structure of a play, it is easy to forget that it is a piece of literature intended to be performed.

• Watch Act 3 to consolidate your understanding of the plot, characters and how they interact with one another.
