THE INGHAM COUNTY - Capital Area District Library


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Transcript of THE INGHAM COUNTY - Capital Area District Library

I I Schmeichel Heads PubUc Worl<s


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Ninety-second Y cAl' - N'o,. 34 ! . ·' k

Directors H.ope To Break Even On County Fair

MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1951 3 Sections - 22 -Pngea

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Inrrhnm County Nuw:-; Photo

Julius Schmeichel. newly nppointecl superintendent of public works, p.~usr;d on n routine cbcck of city operations Tuesday for a picture. The ex-army officer was hired Au­gust 7 to manage the city's public works.

.. Schmeichel served 17 yean, in tile army. I-Ie was re­leasee! h1st Febr11ary at Fort Denj~lmin Hotrrison, Indii!na,

_where he- was post engineer.

In addition to hi~ dutie;; a:; ~iipcrintcndcnt, Schmeichel also serves as building and wning· im:pcctor. He and his family live at Miller road, but plan to move to M<~son as soon as. a house is available.


School Bells Will SoOn Ring ,J3oy:1 nnrl g-h·I~ hal'(' :mother

wcei{ bcfor·c school opens. fillt'al schools will start elnssr·o

on Tuesday aflcr Labor JJa.v. 1\fosl city schools will IJegin 011 Wl'tlnc:-;­day, September 5.

lhu·al pupiih will ltan• !o f:n lo sclwot only in the J'ut·cnllllll or St·p­temhc!· •1. Tencllcrs Hl't• sr'h<.·dult;d to nltcnrl a meeting- called by County Supcrintcnclent All11n J. Stroud in Mason in the at'lc't noon

With "'"' pn .. ,siiJie C!XCcplion, the I <'nchmg .sl a IT ~,, complete Jot· the SO .-:r·Jronls lllldcr lllc juriseliction ut' lltu f'oottnly olljlct·inlcndent. The rxc·cplinn is in a liln·e-J•oom suh­drban H{'llt)rJ] dnd llwt may be lillt:rl hofor·,, tile end of the 'wcelt, StJ·oucl :';aid. '

Profit Vir.ion Vanishes As Final Bills Roll In, Attendance Shows Dt•op

Hopes for a pr.ofit on last week's Ingham fair proved to be a mirage. The visioned prof­its of Saturday vanished when the final bills were turned in Monday and Tuesday, The of. ficials still have hopes of breaking eve11, but that's all.

Attendance fell off 2,000 nt the gatr. anrl lhc grandstand rccelpls dropped hclnw lhnse of last ymu·. There Wits n slight lnct·ease in t·cvcml c fr·nm 111 idway a I. ti•nclions anrl l'mm cotnmut·da! exhibits,

ntoomy nnd colrl weathm·, fre­CfliPnL shnwet'H and one soalcing I'Hin cut the ntt.enduncc, Secretary Joj• 0. DaviH declared. A drizzle Monday, Lhc opening dny

1 rr.sulted

in a slim Cl'owd holh afternoon nnd nig-ht. HHin· Wednesday morn­ing cut the aflct·noon t'a<:e cmwd. 11atn F'r·iday afternoon again in­lerfct'NI.

Thc!'c was a gTnnrlstnnd sell-out on Tucsrlay nig·ht only. That was the thrill show.

1'\hu,,· 'l'oult l•'lrst ::;r.,oou Kltnc·~ Rr.vuc piHyerl Wedncs­

df!y, Thut·srlay, l~ridny and Sf! tm­df!y nig-l1t~ find provided flfternoon granrl~lanrl acts on a guat•antee of $5,000 plus ltalf the receipts above that fi,liU!'c, Tho ~5,00() nut was reached but there was little left to ~pi i l a rtcr· it, Davis reported.

"While we would have il!{cd fait• weather· all the week," President Otto Hat•llg- salrl, "iL could have been a lo L wor·se. 'Most of tho rain

; came after people were alreudy in the stands. Only one of the races was rained out. We do believe that the almost constant threat of I'Hin, though, l<ept many fr·orn go­ing l.o thr. fair, and lhc cold nights ;;en!. them home early. · Peach Harvest Continues

"We think it was a good fair, even if no dividends arc now in ;;ight."

Pt•ofit.s wcr·e marie IJy conces­sionaire~ nl the fair, ·but they clon't go Lo the fair boarcl, Hartl~ poinlcrl out.

1\ofo!'e family tir:ltets weroe sold at $3.00 per· ticl{et than wet·c sold lHsl ycat·, Davis t•epotied, The number of exhi-bits exceeded last yeat·'s totai:

"We won't lmow just. wh'cr·e we <lnnrl for sevet'fll days," 'Davin snid. ':Ou!' tr·eastn·er·, Eat'l ·Duns­more, is whipping his final -report into shnpe as fast as possible. Un­til that is completed, we can only guess. We are now guessing we ht·ol{C even."

Ingham growers arc swinging in to the peach ha t•vcst. Picking of Red Havens and other early vari­eties, which started 10 days ago. is being completed. Next week will come Hale-Havens and later .vari­eties.

. 'l'ltc · qua[ity of. Ingham peaches ts· exceptionally high this year. Tli.e tree-ripened ft·uit is luscious. Tuesday's ·wine! did some damage. Some trees still heavy with fruit Were borne down imd some· of the ripe fruit was blown off other trees. · Uuripe frui.t was able lo cling to the branches.

. Here:s a roundup of some of the principal. Ingham ot'chards;

· Powers· Ot·cllm·ds, Dan·sville-Recl Havens available this weclc Har­vesting of Hale-Haven, John H. Hale and early · Elbertas will fol­low nel':L week.

bilec ane! nocheslcr peaches will be picker! yet this weelt. Picl{ing of Hale-Havens will sllu·t ncxi: week. The Burbank plum crop a moun ted to 500 bushels. Some arc still available. The plums were big and juicy. Mci!Ja and Duehcss apples are being har'\'ested .

King- Orchards, Leslie--Maiden Blush," Winc8ap anrl WPalthy ap· pi~:, .Rt'e now being piclted. There's a g-ood crop.

'I'tttflle Orchal'ds, Leslie-The apple haJ'I•cst will be started in earnest next week, Jolm Robin­son reported. There'll be a big Ct'O[l.

Elevator Co-Op At Williamston Has Banner Year

Flames Destroy Three Buildings On Vevay Farm

Cameron Glynn Sust.nim Big Loss Thursday Noon At Fm·m on Rolfe Rond

Fire destroyed three l.Juilcl­ings on the Cameron Glynn farm, three miles south of Ma­son Thursday noon. A farm welding outfit and other shop tools valued at $2,500, an auto­mobile,· farm tools and equip­ment, 600 bushels of corn and some balccf hay were also lost.

Mason firemen with the help of neighbors saved the house and big barn from the flames. They also dragged some tools and equipment out of the flam­ing buildings.

Loss in the blaze was esti­mated by firemen at $8,000. Glynn carried total insurance of $1,900 on the three bLtild·· ings and $3,000 on the cm1-tents. The policy is with the Ingham Farmers MutLtal.

Cause of the llt·e was not im­mediately dr.tcl'mincrl. IL was dls· eovrrcct aL 12:10.

rrl'crl F'anson nnrl his daughter•, Ml's. Kenneth Balter·, Wel'e (fl'lvlng pr"t the place when l11cy saw smoltc pnur·ing ft·onJ I he Lon I shed roof. Fnnson pttlle(f his <·nr into Lhc Glynn d!'ivcw11y ,lust rts Mrs. Glynn I' an nut of I hr house. She lwd just <liscnvercd, the smoi{c and was r•unning tr> ll1r :>heel, fcnrful that her ehilrlt·cn wcr·c there. They weren't. 'l'hcy w~r·c in front a·r the bouse. At that lime llwrc was Qulc ORK no fit•c vbih!c insirlc the builrling, K W by Mason firemen and neighbors saved Mrs. Glynn dcclarecl. ·

other buildings. from destruction Thmsday in the Glynn fire. !"anson began nl once to move Three small buildings and their contents were lost. A grain f'ftuipmenL out nf the buildings, drill and corn picker were saved along with two cribs of last Hts darrg-hter· drove one ,Glynn c·ar year's corn and several bar-s of clover seed. away fr·om tho shed.

• "" 1 Within a few seconds, Mrs. There was also qmck work on the~part of the Ingham Glynn said, the entire mof of the County News staff. Jim Brown took pictures and rushed back one building- wn,q ablaze and flames to Mason to the darkroom to process them. Richard Brown and srr:ead ·to Lhe buildings on Ken Duncan rounded up the information at the fire. A print ctthcr srdc.

h d t th !V[' h' St t N t E t L · 1'! Gonion Glynn, the oldest of the was n1~ c. o e IC 1gan a e ews a as· an~mg. 1ere seven Glynn' sons, smv, the smoke <he F.anch1ld Scanogravcr was used to make a qmck engrav- fr·om the neig-hbor·ing farm where :ng. Three hours after the fire the story with the pictme were he was wor·king with Louis Shnw. :m the press Thll two llmt·ied lo the btu·ning

· buildings to help pull tools Lo

Skiver Will Head Wyeth Production At Idaho Plant W:~ync Skiver· of Mason will he­

come supcr·intcndent for· Wyeth lncorpor·atecl at the Mct•iciiar1, Icla­l;o, plant September· 15. Wyetn picked Skiver· to sneceecl Kenneth Cline, who has been at Meridian

saff\ty. Neighbm·s quickly rallied, too. ·

Fai·mers with milk cans on Want nels, Pages r;, 7 ancl 8, trucks l<ept the Mason pumpe1·

Pm·t 1. · supplied with wale!·. The firemen Social items, Pag-es •J n nrl \G, used 2,100 gallons . of Willer· to

Part 1 and Pa;;c 1, Pat'l 2. \ fight the blaze, Fire Chief Austin Church news, Page fi, P11r·t 2.'·[ rcpot·ted. E:ditot·ials, Pnge 2, Part ~- "We fillep the tank tnrrk and Legal rwws, Page 8, P>ll'l l; the pumper· twice," Chief Austin

Pag" 8, Pal't 2; nnd Pngc 6, said. "Without an adequate sup-Pat·t 3. ply of watot· we wnulel· have hacl a

Farm news, Pages ·I and G, tough time halting the spread of Pmt ~- Lhe flames." ·

News Index

Service Building Will Be Erected At Athle·tic field

Unrlct· tho b,V-iflws of the Ing­ilAm Agricultut·al Society the an­nual meeting must be held within 30 days fi'Om the close of the fair. No date· has yet been set, Davi~ said. All who bought family tick­ets fll the fair fire qualified to vote at the annual meeting.

1'hcre n!'e :tlJouL 2,Fi00 pupils cn­mit,•d in lite 80 .scito(J]s. In 60 ]l.ct·­''''11 t nf lite 'i,ehools a beginners r:Jnss and all tdght g-r·adc~ arc laugltt if l.hct·c arc pupils for • h• them. In nl hoi' ,,chools the seventh Mlc lgan Bell and c'JV.hlll grado puplls rtJHI m

some cn: .. cs Ilk• si:<llt and eveu the R I • c bl lifl..ll ;::·nlle )lllpil.s :u·e ll'arwportccl ep actng a e lc1 g-rndc•tl ~•r•hnols,

1 i\li.s" l.ueille Sitni\'CI'nH!n will F D .,, :·cmlintt<' :rs helping teaehct· to Or anSYI e

Ferguson ·Orchards, Dansville­Golden Jt\!Ji!ce, :Red ·Haven ancl Hale-Haven vat·ielies available this week and. early next week. The. Ferguson Orchards suffered winter damage. The crop is high in .quality but below normal in yield.. ·

Dockter· Orchards, Dansvillc--­Reci Ha1~ens a!'e being finished up this· week, a bumper crop for t11e

young orchard. Nexl We\'lk Eurel{[L Elbertas ·ami Hale-Havens will be picl,ed. ·

Pt·oduccr·s Coopcl'ative Elevator of Williamston · gmssecl $1,006,-175.79 during the past year, ac­cording- to Pr·osident Chn t•le~ Woods of Dansville. Sut•passing- of the million dollar· lllfll'l{ was an­nounced aL the annual mcel ing of the cooperative held Saturday night.

'or· fom yea!'s. Cline asl{ed to b" relieved al. MeridiAn so he and his family could l'etnl'n to Michigan.

For· eight ymtt'S Skiver· has hccn 1vilh Wyeth at Mason. He is now 'L super·visot· in the bull{ compound· ing dcpa!tment.

SMA is made fo1· Lhe West Cofist :tt the Meridian plant. Met·idian i~ localell in the Boise Valley.

Ferris Surfacing Gladwin Roads

Blacltt.op crews of Th·e Ferris Co. of ·Mason are completing- 3D miles of blacl~l'!P sur·facing in Gladwin county. The company has a sub-contr·n·ct on :lO miles on M-61 and a primary contract on nine miles of fec!cml aid mad.

Glynn was wm·l<ing on a bridge ner~r· Oakley 'l'hut'sday and could not be reached by telcptwnc lo be advised of his loss.

Camet·on opemtes a fat·m repair shop at his farm.


Son Joins Father Making Dart Rules work witlt lllC assigned teachers.

:. Toilet facilities a net tw11 J.cmn ti;"'''''l! Conl'(•.fi.on Kxpatull·d Telephone service between Ma-

son and Dansville will oe im-rooms arc Uttdct· constntl'l inn t ili~ A l a ll!CPI in~· <H' I he county T 11 \V,cek at Mason AlltleLie Jielrl. hoa!'ci of education held in Mason pt·oved·. lte Hchiga.n Bell Tele-

"Pi 1 1'tl l nt' 1 t 'l 1 . 1 phone Co. is spending $19,000 to ~ns lave been tcnclv sinr•c . (•c;r ay g-1 t was r c~tdec to erect a new cable between the two lOtS tor tilts" ('tnrlcr· hloe'k lmtlcl- .:xpancl the speech ccot;J·cctton pro- tow ing," Supertnlcndcnl .James Von- g1·am. 1 ns.

clet· Vcn sl n lPcl "With o· 1·o•·•ris of . i Russell H. Engelhardt, manager m tl . :, 000 l !' , I. II,, . Mro. lllc!'l'ulyn Brand nt Okemos al Mason for the company. said tl OI'Cl

11:'n '1.' 1 " tnoclln 1 tganlws / t aug·ht speech cn!'l'cclion <·lasses the cable proJ'ect would be~i~ Sep-lt:> He 1 D Hl equn c 01 c s ta~ I· 'l •n· . f .

1 . ]\t[ o

been serious." 1l;:11 ~--j';. 1 ,1 ,;.'.~' 1 puP11 s 1 ~n ·st''Lso

1n, tcmbcr 1 and would be completed

. I · ' • ' · · 1 u, .es '"· oc {- in tl).e eat·ly part of December. '.rtw cost WH! he nhout :f:·l,500. bridg"c\ Hr:slell and Ol,cmns. The .

!h~ Htt]ler·intcnclent said: It will he 1-ounty IJOard of Niuc:ation rlcciclecl . The ~ew cab.~e. ~11! t·eplace ex­pard Jmm lit<• gcncr·nl lund of Lite In give i'.l;·s. Dnmcl an assistant so r.stmg open. lltte b~twcen t_lte school dislt·ict anrl nnL from the pupils 1·,·om Carl, Webberville and I two commumtres. Bestde~. provt~-building- fund, lw added. Stoner ;.;chouls coulrl llc added. 111g ftci~ltltonal r·ur·Hi lactl~t~e", <t

Smcc 10•18 ochool ath·lt'lic p1·0 • . wtll also petmlt the addttton of gr·ams have r·ctut'tlcrl about $1.000 1 _Mtx>: Carmen Caputo of Bir- more extcndcd-RJ'ea trunk lines n vear Lo the school tli,Lrict o·cn·l"nng-lwun was hired In assist in between Mason am! Dansville, crill fund. Under·· an ag't'een~ont I he speech cotTt'clion wot'k. Engelhat'Cit explained. W~1h 'thP S{llrlenL L'I)IUWJI fhn rP-·~ 'rlll'LlUg'h <Ill !ll'l'rll1g'Oll1ent With

trtct takes 75 per cent of the net Mi!'ltig-nn Slnlo college, lire Wil­procuccls (~f alt alhlclic euntc:;ts. liamslon ;.;chool hns provided The eounctl ltceps 2G pel' cent fm· speech cotTcclion. sludcn t usc.


:':Hahsen Orchal'ds,' on bnondaga rond, ·Mason-Reel Havens and Ha!_e~Havc'ns are ' being piclted alo'itg with ··early apples.

: Paliner· 'orchards, Les!ie-Picn· ty·of·Red ·Raven's and a big crop of Hale-Havens coming up next week. Early apples are being pic-ked and pr·qspects nov/ nppea t· to be bright fat· a late apple ct·op to exceed last year's pick.

·Blossom Orchard, Leslie--Red Ha'-:en peaches still available. Ju-

Raymond Swift W·ins Fellowship

Net profit t'ot· . the . year amounted to :j;12,38G.49 wl1ich in­cludes $5,40·1.fi2 of g-as taK refund. The net profit wrrs clown from lasl ycat· and is due l.o the poor bean crop, Woods statec1. Beans wer·e of poor quality and moisture ·content \VII~ high.

In spite of the laclt of grain car·s dur·ing the height or the wheat harvest, the elevator shipped fi6 cat·s. E:iglity-lwo cars wem 'shipped throughout lhc year.

F'rank 'l'homas of Williamston t·olired from Lhc boat·cJ of director~ after ser·ving- since .June, 1919. '.Phe. co·operalive i·equir·cs that only pt'oclucing members be allowccl to sit on tbc board. Thomas was the· only remaining ot'iginal menrbet' of the eoopcrativc. . ·

He will be succeeded by Ray­mond Powell. RcK Hill and Max

· Raym·ond Swift, sanitat~an for Eifert were r:e-elccted to the

Skiver and Seibct·t, gen­:-!l'al 1nanage1· or the Mason and Meridian pbnt.s, pl11n to leave Ma­'on Sunrla v for· .Meridian. While thet·e Skive1· hopes to sectir·c hous­ing for· his family_ which consists of his wife anrl a son, Bruce, 8.

Befme coming to l\lason eight years ag·o Si{ivcl· WflH with tho De .. ll'Dil Ct·cHmer·y Co. He was bam ancl rcrtrcd on n fnrm nc[ll' Tt'a\·­ersc City. Arter hi:; gt':Hhmtion ft·om l!igh ,,chool at Tt·avcr·se City he entr.rerl Michigan Slnte eol!cgc. He· specialized in rlairy manufac­lul'ing at college. Upon his grncl­ttntion 111 1!)38 he tested rlair,v herds i'o!' two years in BaLon county before joimng the Dctt·oit Crcamct·y staff.

Both Mr. aml Mrs. Sl,iver ha\·e been active in Mason clun·ctJ and .mcial affairs. They mc Presby­'_crians.

William A. Dart and his .wif.e, ~From Gladwin the Lwo Fcl'J'is ·Clair·e, of Arlington, New Jct·sey, crews will . ri1ove to Washtenaw arrived in Mason F'l'irlay. Dart will county to blnCi{top 30. miles. be associated with his fathet·, Wit-

The Mason contracting lirm has liam F. Dal't, at the Dat'l Manu­a contract· t'or 1.7 miles ot'·palch- factul'ing Co. ing anrJ widening of US-127 ,north Dart was g-radua lee[ ft·om the fr•om Dart road. The work is be- Univet·sity of MichigHn as an cn­ing held up hccause of the lack of gineer a yea1· ngo and since grad­suitable ·stone. The present slah ltation ilas worker! fat· Lhc DuPont will he extended one foot on each de Nemours cot·pomlion in New side. The addi I ion will be black- .Tct·scy. top nol concrete The Darts were illflt't'iecl in Juna

' . . .' and 11rc living aL 201 West Ash The wrdcnmg rs pr·cpat·atory to slt·eet. convc!'ttng the sLI'ctch .between


The Dart Manufacturing Cb. ~ason und Holt mto a four-l.anc manufacLut·cs tape l'ulcs and is vughway, accordtng ~{) state htgh- prcscnlly Wot'!{ing two shifts to way clepnt'lmcnt engrn~crs. Under m 11 J{c clelivei·y of a defense tmler the, widening plnn the S . curve catlin~ for 228,000. north of Har·per !'Oad · wtll be "'

slt·nightencd. The straightening is lfonoon·~ Mn11,·rn Dry Clunnct·~ for

on the ·]052 program. ~l'I'Vicc: and 'JuttliL~·. 34wl Tile stmctur·c includes two toi-

lets for· the general public and lwo V s • • halnimc I'OOlliS fOI' tho. 1\\'0' ~ oun.\')J ceentlst Eo th lea 111 rooms wtll he '!:1

State Adds Land To· .Hunting Area

Lhe Ingham county health dcpar·t- board. Other· membcr·s on the mont,. has accepted a U. S. puhli~ board arc Wooels, Clarence Bios­health fellowship to the Univcr- sey, Ha)'ol<l Mead, Henry Sheath-sity of California. elm, Will Risch and .Tess Fisher.

In the continuing eclncalion llt'O- Dave Beatty manages the cle-g-ram, Swift will cat'n his masters vatot'.

County's Highest Mountain Sold by Load

pl'ovir!cd with loilcl.s and rll'inlting c· J F ·g water·, according to the plans. ~ U1US OSSI!S There will he no hcfll in the l)uilcl· :

ing-. Rollet'l. C>ll't oil of Mason ar!clcli Vander Ven said lite school dis· to hi~ stock of ancient mcl<s on a

tr!ct also plans lo use the ilutltltng L!·ip to Gmncl Ledge Fl few clayo to store sports and field eqt:ip- ngo. Emhc<lclccl in the mel< thm·c ment. A gar·age door will be in- he found a stigmaria nttcl

11 cal­

stalled to per·miL cntmnr:e of mite. !-lc was able to clig 011

t both. heavy equipment and a few full- The slit:-tnnrin is the fossilizeLI backs. . ' impnnt of a tree fel'!l wlticlt grew

The building will be· cr·ecled on in G)'tnd Ledge 325,000;000 year:J the soutlnvest cornet· of the ·field. ago, aecol'cling to the Mason

Cela.nd Lamphere has the ,iob of seienlist. The calmite fossil is also a·onstr·ucting· the building before a relic of the same coal nge ern. the football season 'starts. The imprinti in the I'OClt was

·.Lamphere is completing work !Jy the · Rncestor· of the swamp on the two north porches at the plnnt lmowtt ns hor·setail.

Another 120 act·es has been re­ccn tly added to the Dansville pub­lic hunting area.

With the ptll' of tl{e 120-ncre .Jewell fat•m on Potter road In Ingham the total ar·ca has been expanded to 2, 720 acres in· Ingham and Bunlter Hlll townships.

Public hun·ting lands are bought under· a joint arrangement be: tiYecn the federal and state gov­ernments. Money ft·om excise taxes collected by the federal gov­ernment on guns and ammunition is doled on t under the Pittman­Robcrtson law for state matching. Michigan taltes its matc-h1ng mon­ey from hunting license revenues. The land purchased in Ingham county Is sub·mRrginal.

scll(Jo! building this weelt. He has Both the calmitc :mel stigmarih bullt new walls and wa tcr-shed n re classified as Mississippian fos-

. surfacing in ·place of tl1e old r;ils, Cnnol! explninecl. · ct•acked porches. Water had seeped The Mason paleontologist wW CIVIl. BEI~ENSE lMPAIRED under the porches. Lamphere is enter the eigltth gmcle in Septem- Thieves stole two steel helmets, building a Walle from the north- her. He is the son of Mt·, and Mrs. two gas masks and a first aid kit east porch direct to stt·eet. John Can·olJ. Michignn State col- from the civil defense booth at

dcgt'ee .in public health worlt, · Book value of 'the eleva to!' '."Hn\vevet·, lhc board or supct·- equipment is $64,8:>4.83, according

Visors must approve a. nine-months to Woods. Improvements to the of absence so that .I will be elevator show a boolt value in­fi·ee to go," Swift stated. "Tlw Ct'case of $12,000.00 in the past committee will meet Thursday two years, he aclclecl. night," . Jini Bliss of the 'M.ichigan Elc·

Five tnen in Michigan publlc:, vaLor Exchange spoke at the an· health· seJ·vice were among those nual meeting. The Michigan IDle­accepted for the fellowship. Three vator opet'atcs the t)ew grain ter­wHJ·maltc use of the offer. Swift minal at Ottawa Lai{e in Monroe is the only county health depat·t- county. nient employee in the slate to en- Bliss stressed the need of In­ter' the p1·ogram. John Vogt and creasing capital stock wlten a Donald Pierce of the state health busin'ess reaches the million-dollar c\epartment in · Lansing are the mark such' as the Producers Co­othel" two men to receive the fel- operative elevator. lowship, . _ The Ottawa terminal holds 500,-

. Swif.t, his wife, 1 Margaret, ·a~d 000 bushels of ll'rain . and . stands son, Fred, 7, and daughtur, Vn·- 2()() feet h1gh, Blrss smd. It IS eom­~lnia, 1%, will move to California posecl of a hea.d house and 22 con­if the leave is granted. The Swifts crete silos. Bliss said the Ex­own a home on the bank of the change plans to build an addition Grand river ·in Aurelius township to .the terminal soon. It is located and will close it for the winter, he two and· a half miles south of Ot-said. . tawa Lake on US-223.

Angell Plans Home Site Development John Angell announced Wedncs­

:lay that he is halting· mining lperations aL the l~nsL Lansing 3and and Gmvel company pit nt Mnson.

Instead of enlat·ging the opening in the, esl{er to dig' ortt more :;;anti mel ·gr·avcl, he intends Lo leave the :lit'l there so he can lay out streeb ·llld avenues and build houses.

Angell h'its aircarly started l1is development program. Facing· US-127 north of Pt·,vm· l'Dad he is erecting three new dwellings, He has pla.ns for several .others .

pmpr.rty south or Pryor !'DAd at·e being held up until engineers clc­tc.t·minc the exact mute of the new Mason il,v-pass on US-127. When tho new mute is cleterminecl, An­gell said, he intends to go ahead with plotting .the ndjow·ning prop­erty, He now expects !.hat some of his frontage will be used for the highway r·e-loea tion.

Mountain of Gravel Is Taken from Pit

In nine ycar.s or operation:

-----·---- lege Pl'Dfessors drew n map fot· the county fait· Saturday night. "Henson'• Modm·n 'Dry· Clennot·s for young Carl'Ol! to follow in hi~ An .Amet·ican flag was the only

HO,I'\rice 111111 qunlity. :l•lw1 th' t t 1 d' C '1 Grand Ledge ·exJledition. tog no n {en, a~cor tog to iVJ

· Vo1• 'J'V hnrg'nl!l Hcc cln~~t<ific"l H!I.Q'<l -----~- Defense Director' Franlc Evans.

n1jmho•c· S, Mntot•oln. lfr•l'"h••l .Jt•wo•t.!, II""'""'' Mntlo•J·n llt·,v f:lonr,:,., for Sher•jft''s Officers are searching for

Swift. came to Mason in 1943. A cash dividend on common He. was graduated from Central stock of five per cent was made Michigan college in i940 and did by the elevator this yeatl. gt'!\duate worl{ at the -university

Around the .shot·es of Glacial lnke, now covering five acres, will be another real estate develop­ment south of Pryor road. Angell made the lalte,' When a little mor·e sand is pumped out, the lake wlll cover about five acres, Angell e3· tlmated. The water depth ranges from 17 to 25 feet. Except fot· sand which has washed down, the bottom of the lalte is bed mck. All the gravel a.bove the melt hao been removed.

Angell boug·llt lhe pit nine ~·eat'3 ago, He has excavated 800,000 cu­bic yards of gravel, sand and fill dirt from what was once a hill and Is now a canyon. There's sand there yet,.·but the stone and gravel can no :longer be profitably proc­essed, Angell said. He is trans­ferring his gravel operations to his othet• pit on Park Lal{e road, a mile east and a hnlf-mile north M E:as t Lansing·.

Fot· 30 years Ingham county has been digging gravel out of the same esltet· on the cast side of the highwrty. The first op,ening was in the Waggoner pit. Later the coun­ty acquired the Genco pit and is now operating in the Dat'l pit.

John Angell has dug 800,000 cubic yard.' of sand and gmvel from his pit just north of Ma· son on U.S-127. Had he used one, acre for a base and then . piled l1is gravel 11p in a pyramid t111i peal{ would lHtve been 1,500 feet high. That would have given Mason the highest moun­tain in the state. But he didn't:· He sold the sand and gm vel de·~ livered to him by the last gla~ cier 25,000 years ·ago load by load for streets and pavements and for constJ•ucting Lansing · and Mason factories and offi· ces. That's why Mason doesn't llRVe a mountain. That's why there is not a Mt. Angell guard­ing the approach to the city

of Michigan in 1942. · The Swifts plan to leave Mason

August. 80. · "' r..;r. W. Mn1o!o, Mn,on, , :l·lw.l "'"'''loo• ·n01tl q•inliL)'. .i :l·li~_Jj the government equipment.

... . .

Don't thrnw it ftWuy. Cnll the l\iw11nif; club nt. 2lfill OJ' :!:llr•l. :\Vt•'ll pick it 1111 on f1,~11ft•mh<'r' 15, 1 i, 1 H, Ill nncl 20 Col· tho nnnun.l I'iwnnis snlc, :J4wl

,• ' . ,·

Dcvclppment . plans on Angell's ft·om the ·north. ·

School Principal Sets Registration For New Students

Principal Rlcllrrl'rl Domlow'R of· tlco nt Mnson IJigll scllool will Ire open over;; cln,v, .Monday lhi'Ollgh li'rldny rt·om li :()() l.n fi: no, he hn;l rmnouncml, StwlenlH nnrl jllll'nnl.o nt•e welcome to <mil 111. llle Helwol nnd eolll'cr will! 111111 nlloul. plnns fell' the rmmlng Hellool ,\'lllll', tltr pt•lnclpal Hlllrl.

Slu1:c Tcaf"!JOI'~ co11e1ro Ill Wlscon· sin.

MIHa ScoLt'a homo IH In PotoH­Itey, Sllfl Ia n fl'l'fldlln to of' 1.11r: Hohool or mltslc nt Mlnhlg~lll Fllnte: Anlronbmndt Is 11. nn.t.ivo or '!'o· locjo, Ho'a a f(l'flrhllli.O or !.110 Uni­VDI'Slty of •rotndo,

Ml'R, Hasstnon nnd Ml'R, Fll.l'lllt nrc lwth Mnson ro~irl<ml.s, MrH. Hnsslnon, who In n Jl'l'ndunl.o of' thn UnlvorBily or Minhlgnn, will t.oneh I

commot•cfnl flllhjccfH, MI'H, Rt.mlf, i n gmrlnnto of Minhignn Sfnl.r~ will 1 tencl1 Spanish clnsnns In tho mrrl'n­lngs nnrl direr:l ph;yHi<'lll PriiH'IIIiOII fOI' lltn gll·IH In t.11r nl'l Ol'lHIOIIR,

FBI Asks Help •· mn Rour~din.g :Up These Reds! YOI'll, Jll'lru· tr> hiH rli~IIP(l"lll'lltleo, th9 JlllRl ho .Jtnn wnrlwrl nn n. li'r•om Apl'il, 1030, t.o Soptomhel', wrHur·, lor.lur·or·, olectr·ielnn nntl 11l32, he rc~lclccl In Wol'•, 11111ehlno shop WOI'liOI', MnRsaclmactta, nne! prior 'to IIH· H.OB!llRT GTI:ORGill 'I'HOMP· Rlllnlng- his rlul.los IIH n f111l ·Limo RON: Ago, 38, hom ,Trmn 21, 1111fi, funcllrmni'Y of t,hc Communist 11 t. Gmuts Pnss, 01•egon: ltolght, pHI'ly, Steinberg WOI'Icerlns n mont o'l)l,~": weight, 170 pOLrnrls; eyes Cltl.tet· In New Yorlc nnrl Now .TOI'· rlnrlc ·hrown; hnir, h1·nwn, lhlell, sc;v. I-To nltcnrlml gTummm• nnrl stmlght; complexion, light; hullrl, high school In\imln nnrl wns mnsculn1'; r•nco, whll.o; nnl.lrtnrlllt;v, nnt.umllv.orlln Mnroh, '10:18, In Now Amorlcnn:· ncnrR nnrl rnni'IIH, bnllet, Yorlc City, 1-hl hflH lwnn in tho wmmrl loft l!noo,;v. Communist pn1•ly llinco nlwul 10:16 HIH cnmplnxlon iH Hllllow lliHI lrn nnrl was rrt onn limo nn m· wnllm wllll n Hllghl. lwp ot· II111Jl In N<w ,lel'se,v. He nlso !fold othN rrom t.llo WOIIn<i In his lel'l. lowe, Tn offlr·ns In tho Communist pnl'ty In tho pnsl., h<l IHI.Y drivcn n I!)<(H Cnmclen co11nl.y, Now .Jol'so;v, nnrl gt·orn Chr,YHI<li' ffllll'-rlorll' sedn11, In lfHfi hoenmo chnll'mnn of l.he New Yor'ir lkr'nsn ·1Cfifl7•1.

Flllldents who wn1·r In Hchool lnsl. year were regiHti!rNI 111. t.ilo c]OHI!. .of the ycnr, nnrl It will not. )Jn noceHsnr'y fo1· lhen1 tn l't!porl. tllllil nine o•eior~l< Seplrlllhtll' fi. 'f'llo~t' wlio wiHh to mulw etwngr.Y In tlw c.Ulii'HCil wllieil l.lw;v enmllctl for, lnHl Mny, Hhonlrl r•rml11d tlw prin­cljwi'H ol'flce at. once, lw point t•rl out.

State Promise Of $300,000 Still Remains Frl'll ;li, T•'in1• ,JIIIIlf'S ,JndiSOII, ,If•, Wllllum 1\lnr•r·nu

Now .Tm·sey Slate Commnnlsl He htHI wnrlo•rl m; 11 nuu•llinn pnrty. His pnl·ents,. two nnd opomi.OI' In 11 llnnlr!lllll fnnl.or;v In li11't1e hrothcl'H I'CHiri~ Ill WOl'i'".Ht.or, I Cnllfnrnln nnrl ns 11 lniiOI'<'l' In 11 Mn.R~nc'lnrReltR. Slmnhot·g f!lnm1od 1 r·nnnoi',Y, Htl hns nl~n Wlll'lwrl nt rd. otw lime t11al lw l111rl n hom'l whent hllt'vr•sllng and lnmllnrillli In llllll'mlll', nn,gon. He spenlm slnwl,v nnd

I QU,BFm.T GJ1lilF:N: ClHlil'mflll Of' IIHIIIIiiy c:n·rieH II hrlol'r•nno. \, District 8 of' tho CrunmuniHt HlilNRY WfNS'l'ON: Ago, 'lfl, pnrty, Chicago; ng-c, 44; horn Sop- }lorn April 2, Hill, nllfnll.ioslllll'f.\,

Unchnngcrl h,Y 1.!10 H[lr<'ifll Rr,,. SlmlenlH who lmve move<! tu sion of l.lw legiHiallll'r thiN wcclc 1~

:Maann rllll'ing llw HllllllllCI' anrl :u•u ll10 slntc's (li'Oillisn of' $:1110,111111 In tlli'OIIlng for t.ilo llrsl. I iln" Hilflllltl lng-IHinl. J·epol't to tlw prlrwipui'H offlr'u lw-tween 8:00 nnrl ri:Oll 011 Monrlny, A specinl Joint f!Oillllllllnn nl lhu ~uguHt 27, Hlll'nl stw!t,nls who slnte legiHinllll'l! IIJl'l'llrlrl l.r> :tllrH!nt•J plnnnlng In onroll in tile Mil· Ingham $:100,01111 towar!l r·onsl.l'll<!· ~{Jn Hchool l'nr" lil'llt l.imn lion ol' nn a<lclil.ion t.o 'the r.•onnl;v should rcprll't t.o lile [ll'irwlpui'H tulwrculosis ilosjlitHI. 1'he illl:ll'(l ol' orrtee on 'l'lies<lny, AllgiiHt 28. cnntl'lll nf' Uw hospltnl•ipnlerl

the allocntion ':111rl 1.110 f'C>III'·,,I.Ol',l' Mfl.srm'.s sehool IH!ol< HlOI'o iH arlrlition ill IIlla ring eompl<'l ion.

open from !1:00 to '12:110 :nl'enoorw The fH'fJilliscd $:lOO,Oilll will r'nmc und fl'OI11 I :00 lo fi:IIO llflrll'noons. fi'OITI lhc $fi,000,000 honrl iSHIII' The s'chool accupts seconrl·hnnrl voter] laHl fnll. 11. wns inchtrlerl !molts lo sell on consignment.. in the $o1i,OIIO,OOO proposal, $60,­<'rhe lcin<lol'g'HI'Icn l1nilrling will 0011,000 f'ol' mcntnl hospllnls anol ~e open from 1 :on t.o :1::10 on next ~5,000,000 for 'rB lwsr!ltn!H. Thtu·sday nnrl F'ridny nl tcl'nnons The lcgisl 11 tivo ,. o mm i I. L e c fol' .the convcnicnec of pnrentll en· l'rcommcnrled thn.l. $2,01111,000 bte i·olllng l11ail' heginnel's, Snpcl'in- set nsiclc f'ol' 11. sLate 'l'B hollpitnl ~lmdent James J-1, Vnnrlel' Von said. lo be built in soutlnvcstcm Mich· lllihll'y StPinl~<'l'JI' f:illwd. C:rr•r•n

On Wllclnesdn;v, Seplr!mber 5, all lgan wit.h the l'est. of I hu $:1,1100,-~tn<lcnts will nwct in lhe nurli- ooo lo be dlvlrlerl j1et.wcon Tnghnm FBI men are searching for these eight Communist party torinm [It 0:00 fol' the opening o1' nne! a few othcl' rounlics and til•! leaders. The search has led into Michigan. the new school )'CHI', American Legion hospiUII 11l Bnt· H. T. O'Connor, special agent in charge of the Detroit of-,. "ir,•:whlng l'nstH FiiiPrl lue Creel<. . fice of the FBI, has asked all newspapers to carry the pictures ' With one exception, t11c clemcn- When lhe recommen<lntlon of of the eight wanted men. J. Edgar Hoover, FBI director, has t'ary staff is complelc, Superinton- tho leg~Hintl;e. comm1tlnc •;as nn· dent Vander Ven reported. All tile nmrncecl, W<~yno nJl[l nthm conn- called on all citizens and law enforcement agencies to assist in iJigh ,,chool posillons are fillet!. lies <lemnnded slmres .. Govc1:nm· G. locnting these fugitives. The excepllon in lhe clcmentnry Mennen Wrlllams 111 1115 specmt "~ 11 If anyone ,knows of the whereabouts of any of the eight or .:.cltool is n fourth grade teacher, to the leg;slntlll'c for lim :v;clt';; I h 1 . f . h' h . I . h 1 , I . ·I 1 • 11 · 1 l · 1 s . 1 "Css1·or1 a"l'ccl lll"t ·rrlrltl rowtl as ot 1er 10 ormatwn w rc m1g 1t e p officers. 1c IS .as {CC to t. e .supermlen( en S[l)(. eveJ fl ,, • ' •• " • rl r P'. ~ .' • • • . • •

applicants ro1· tho vncnnc;; nrc now mane;; be tal{ on r, ~n: tho nenc1 nl no~tfy th~ FBI headquarters m. W..eshmgto~l 01 the DetrOit being considered, the school chief fund to P1.'0 wle acldlllllnnl TB hos- offrce, whtch can be reached through PostoHrce Box 2118, De· ~nld. p1~nl. facr1It1es 111 snnthcnsten; trait.

On the high school sl~rr >tro M~~~g~~~cial session made $300,- To help identify the fugitives the FBI has prepared the Jnn;e~ ~\nk~mllrnnclt, Latm .. nne~ 000 availnhle for ex;1ansion of lhe following thumbnail sketches: ~ngllsh,, ll!dllll~~ ~~011 • .. htsto;8: Herman Kicfel' TB ho~pital in De .. Qnd health, },hu·1·~ Catt~s, chen~ , lrolt but slopprcl there. Lcglslntor,; GUS HALL, 40: National secl'c- pitched level. T-Ie seldom wears n. tty and ph)SICS, Don,llcl Ca~e)o, tallied bills which would have np- tat'y of Communist pa1'ty, hom hat. His oyos have a lltaring n.p­lrl~tol'y flncl pi,Jysical e;~ucat10, 1 ~; p1·opriated $2,000,000 ror TB ho~- Oclobcr 8, 1910, at Virginia, Minn- penrance. He liltes to hunt, fish Ml.9S Ruth s~t;;'· pitals in sontheastorn Michigan, esotn: height, 5'11"; woighl, 220 anrl play golf. ponald Eclgrn,.,ton, socrnl .scJene~, $200,000 for· Pinecrest at Powers, pouml~; eyes, bluo-grny; h'lir', FRED MOJ1I1IS FINE: Secre­Mrs .. ~h:abeth r-:,ass.l~en,. h~o ~: and $230,800 i'or Oal<land county. light brown; complexion, fair; tal'y, pnbllc affaii'H rlepm'tment, l<eepmg ,md busmess tra.mrng: The "Little Legislnt.n1·c" lluilrl, heavy; I'CICe, white; nation- national hcadquartr•r·s nf lho .Com­·Mrs. Helene Howloll, home eco still talce npproprialc action llefm·e ality, American; scars anrl marks, mnnist Pn1·Ly; a~·c, :l7; bom Mar·cb nomics; Ingham 1111,1 othel' elnmties get small scar on left thumb, two ao, 1914, Chicago; height, 5 ft. 5% i: ·Martin E. Lennon, mecl1anicnl tl · 1 1 u · · t pocl<mal'lts on left cheelt, mole on inches, weight, J:l9 JlOimds; build, (ll.,n\vlng nncl mathematics,· Louis Je money PI'Oilltser J.Y 10 .1°111

legislative commillco. right side of' nee I!. medium; l1a.i1', b1·own, Jllll'tially Lbt'i, coach and health; Mrs. Pegg;v ------ I Hnll sometimes wears a mus- hald in front; eyes, brown; mce, Moores, English; George Mtll'vhum, tache. l-Ie leans forward at the white; nationality, American; instrumental music; Mt•s, Viva v R "d j' shoulders when be walks, drinks scars and marks, mole on left Rllcel', mathematics; MillS Mary evay esl ent lnrge amounts of coffee and IISU- checll nt 1110Utll level; distinguish-E. Scott, vocal music; Mrs, ally resls his elbows on the table ing chn.l'acterislics, large mouth,


Eomala Shocmnl<er, libl'fil'ian; o· . H . I holding the cup at lip level. He henvy foalmcs nnd prominent . ·MI'S. Lconn AimtJSOil, lyping and leS In osplta laughs easily and is deserihed as Arlum's apple. ~horthand; Mt·s. Rynda Somers, !Jeing rather boisterous. He speaks Fine has heen n steel worlter, a histol'y and l~ng!isl1; J. Edwal'r.i Franlc A. Waltersdorf, 7ol, dice! in a huslcy tone but at a high· clothing lllore cleric, typist and Soper·, shop; Mrs. Helen Strait, Spanish and physical education; in the Mason GcncJ•al hospilall Robert Wallis, ag'l'icultur·c and Wednesday aitcrnoon. He hac! l'Al'lo:H DJU\'E SCIIEDTTLI•:n • biolog·y; and Miss Doris woodcocl(, been tal<en thero August 6. Rainbow Girls will hold a paper 1'1-L~tot·.v and heallh. Ml'. and Ml's. Wallersdorf I drive Wednesday, August 29. · Elementm·y teachers ar·o MI'S, bought the Bc1t. Chnlltcr fa1·m 'fhosc wishing to rlonate nnpem

.Nan Demlow, ldndergartcn; Mrs. three miles cast of Mason on the nrc 11skod to pl]one Mrs. Stnnley LaVeda Poyet, Mrs. , Betty Re;.r· Dansville road two yeam ngo. Holmes, 28933, ol· Mary Anne Hal' nolds n:nd MI'S .. Cni'Olino Ragan, They moved there from LEnsing Jenllcelt, ·fU5•1, heforc Wednesday. fir~t gmrle; Mrs. Ann Freclel·icl;- whel'e Mr. WBitel'sdol·f hac! been!,....-----------~ son and Mrs. Alberta Fawcett, a builder and contraclor. From seconrl gmrlc; Miss Marian Ratll- 1914 to 1918 the lbmily liver! on bone and Miss Phyllis Byrum, Dexter Tr·ail. lhird gmde; Ml's. Ruth Hall, Mr. Waltersdor·r was born in foin·th gmrle with one vacancy to Charlotte March 28, 1877, lhc Ron be filled; Ml'~. Mina Howe ami of Drrniel al)rl Sylvinn. Vl:lllersdol'f.

·M!'R, · Ola Judel'john, fifth g1·nclo; He was ill'Oughl. up in Charlotte. .:\ncl MrB. Eleanor F:lliott and Ml's. On Decemher 10, 1.901, he anrl Clarice Mills, sixth grade. Miss Mac Birchflelr1 wel'C rnBrried. .·,:()lumg~·~ AI·~· 1\lad~· M1·. \Valtcr·sdOJ•f was a fal'lner

James 1-Ieallwote, who taught most of his lifo except fol' the meelwnical drllwing and jnnim· lime he ·Jived in Lansing·, Fm• sov­'nigh mathematics last year, re- om! years lhc lnmily hnrl n farm ~igned to join the St. Josepll near· Muir.

Firemen Give Curb Service

.Tnsl. lilw it's news when n man hiles n dog, so it's news wl1en a fi1·e comes to the fire department. Th:tl's wha l happened in Mason 'l'ucsrlay a fte1·noon.

Hobel't i\oliller of Lansing rll'Dve a Carl'iCI' Stenhens Co. chemical tnrclc ll]l Slate street past Ed's Rofinc1·y station. An ale1'l attend­ant saw l.hc rear of the t1·uck 31Jiazc nnrl ropm'lerl it to Deputy Shc1·iff Vct·silc Babcock at the shcr•if'f's nf[ice. Babcncl< souncled l'hc fi1·e alnl'm :mel l'Irshed to the

Bus-Truck (rash Kills Librarian

Mrs. F'loy T1u·nr1', fi!l, wns one of tho 10 victims of the hns-hee1· truck cmsh near Alpena Snturday. For 1fi years she lmd been 1 i· brarinn nt Lho Ingham count;; tu­bel·cnlosis l10spital.

Mrs. Tnmc1· hatl been north on n vacrtlion. She lucri honr·<lcrl tile IHI.c at Alpr.nn ln 1·oluJ·n lo Lansing. A few minntes tnt01· l.he accident hn;Jpcncd.

Fnneml services fm· Mr·s. 1'11r· nc1· WCI'c crmrlnctcrl in Lansing Weclnesclay afternoon, 'J'ile co1ml.y li!Jrar·y in Mason was elosed rllll'ing the SC:l'ViC:Cfi.

Pm·is, 2,000 ycar.c; ago, wns a lillie Roman village on an islnnrl in tile Seine river.

faculty. Lennon, who is a Lnnsing The survivors arc the widow, ~:esldent and n Michigrrn .State Mne; two ;;ons, Glen Wnlt.erstlol'f j\l'adunl.e, will trrlce Heathcote';; of Lnnsing ond Gcr·ald WaltNS· place. clol'f of Meridian road, Mason; llve , .. :Boon is a resident of Crnncl gmndchildren; and a sis'ter, Mrs. Maven and n gmduate of Hope col- Lois Hossman or Kolwmo, Indiana. J'ege in Holla.ncl. Wnllis lives in li'uneral services will he held Snnlt Stc. Mario, He, too, is a Saturday nflomoon ~1. lwo o'cloelt gmdunte of Michigan Stnte col· at the .Jewett chapel. Rev. Pnnl lege. M1·s. Moo1·es lives in Lan· A1·nold of the Mason Pr·csbylerian iiing. She is a grarlnatc of Superior church will officiate, Burial will :. . . \ be made in Maple Hill cemetel'y,

cm·n"l' of Jefferson and Mll}lle lo ~"'~~~•••••••••••••• heacl off lhe truck fi'Olll the hnsi­

Charlotte. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS . ----

.: August 23 1951 Page 2,. H;n,nn'• Mod,'' I'll ll•·y Clf'll)lf•I'R rn.· .' . ' ~erVICP nnd qual1ty. :l,lwl

:::Now You See It . . . Now You Don't Rips and tears in auto bodies vanish under the hands of our skilled craftsmen. Bumps and dents dis.ap­pear like magic.

New car beauty is restored to scratched, faded finishes by the deft hand of our expert painters. The high quality paint used will give your car a lasting, glistening finish.

Complete Body Shop Service Chrome Protector Treatment


.:.·14 Hr. Wrecker Service Call Mason 4221 after 6 p. 'ln.

';. Roy Christensen


ness district, "After seeing tho bln?.ing chemi ..

cal ]JoUles, I directed the rll'iver HI'OIIIH.] to tho station 11onse," Eab­~oclt said. fil'emcn headed lh~ fil'c truclc h'!lf-way out of the fire stn tion nnd sn10Uier·ed the flames on the chemical t I'IICk with fog.

Miller saicl he did not !mow the truclt wrrs on fil'e until he was slopped ily Babcock

S1rlptun·ic ncid wns blll'ning . Millcl' said that sun might h'itv•J heaved the bottles or possibly a stray cigaret caused the blnze. Tile fire die! little damage.

Judge Holds Two On Sex Offenses

Edwin E. Wellsworth, 26, of I"nnsing and Joe Stornant, 20, or Bunker Hill, al'P being held for l.rinl at t!Je September term of circuit court. Both are charged with tal<ing indecent liberties.

Wellsworth is a former inmate of the Lapee1· home. His alleged victim was an H-yenr·old Lansing girl. Stol'nant is charged with ta!t· ing liberties with a four·yenr-ohl child.

Tho Lansing man waived ell:nm· !nation when talten bcfol'e Justice of the Peace Roy W. Adams in Mason Monday night. · i

Upon his ·arrest last .Thursday, Stornant demanded ell:amination. The ell:aminatioll was held before Judge Adnl11.'l nt Mnson Tuesday afternoon. Following the submis· slon of evidence by Assista n:t Prosecutor J. J. McEuen, Judge Adams bounu Storll!lnt over to cil'· cult. court.. ·


We Give Gold


Hoh<'r·t. · 0. 'rhom11son llr•nr·y Wim;tnn

]Jookl<eeper. He is not ]mown In 1 WILLIAM. NOllMAN MAll· drink, He smolws 11,1 piiJe and cig· HON: Also !mown ns Bill Norman; nl'rls. In the pnsl lie l1ns snffercd rq;c, ~fl. llorn Novrmher 10, IfJOf, from a hernia and other complitll- al EJc 11 lrinoslnv, 1\ussia; heig-ht, lions which necessitnterl mecli<llll 1i'6"; weight., tfJ2 ponnrls; !mild, lrentmont. He hns I'Csirlccl in New mcclimn; hail', hlaclc; o;ves, ]Jill<'; Ym·ll since 1950. Pl'im· to thflt time compluxion, clnrlc, llllllV;.' hennl; ll'e lived in Chicago nnrl Dcti'Oil. 1 \1ce, whil.e; naliunnlily, Amori-

JAMES EDWARD JACKSON, cnn. .JR: Age, 36, bam November 2fl, At l.he time of his <lisnppenrnnf!c 1DH, Riehmond, Virginia; height, he rosirlecl in l~liiHiling, Long- Is­G ft. 6% inches; weight, HlO l:1nd, New York. He becmnc no­pounds; build, medium; lmir hlndt, l.lti'Hiiv.rrl lhl'flngh his fathm· in Cllrl;v, bald in front; e;ves, br·own; lflffJ, ntl.cnrlerl lhrl New Yor·lc Cit;; 1/lce, Negro; nationality, Amer·i- pnhlic schools nnrl wns at one t.imu cnn; scars and marlts, small stn I' 11 profussional haHicel.hall pla;vc1·, scat· outel' cornet· of !cit o,Ye. being lmownns "Wee Willie Mnr-

Jaclcson received n Doctor·'s de- ron." gree nt Hownrcl Univel'sity of SIDNEY STEINBE;RG: Age, :>6; Pharmacy in Washington, D. C. J-le hns resided in Richmoncl, Vi1·- bom Sei1tomhor 16, 1911, Otenos gin in; Washington, D. C.; Ar•ling- Knunrlns, Lill111nnln; height, 5'6"; ton, Vlrginin; nne! in Bil'mingham, weight, :157 pound~; build, medium; Alabama. hail', brown; c;vcs, blue; complex·

ion, 1ighl; rFJce, white; nationnlity, He has heen cmplo;vcrl ns a Amcl·ican,

cll'llggist, labor orgnnize1·, writct· and lectnrer. He is rlcscl·ibecl a:l Steinhr.r·g, who uscrl the t]Ume well-gt•oomed and neat in ~tppear- Sir! Stein in connection with l1is ance. I-Io sometimes wenrs a mus- Communist party work, resided at tache, Jnclcson Heights, Long Island, New

:~oys' Shirts·

temhet• 2·1, lOOn, nt Chicngo; .MIHRIHHippl; holghl, r.'ll'/""; height, fi'li"; weight, HiO pOIIIHis; wnlgl1t, 200 flllllllrls; ro;ves, h1·nwn; e;vcs, ha~ol; hail·, hlnolt, curly, hill II hull·, hl!lcll, l<lnlcy; r'rllnplexlnn, frll'ohenrl; oomploxlon, rlnrlr; hllild, dnrtc; lmilrl, stodc;v; rnr·n, N"gno; iner!i11111; I'IICC, white; naUonnlit;v, nnlionnlit;v, Anwricnn; H<'lll'~ nnrl American. rnnrlls, race pndtllllll'iterl.

G1·oen iH n [jlliet, eonvlnc·in:; Fpenl<el' nnrl is not p;lvcn In Olll­htii'Rts of' emotion except· on I'HI't~ r.ccnslons. HiH nppen.mnce is neal. anrl he fl' WCII.l'S llmwn Pllits nnrl Jlnsh;v tieR, He liltcs lo chew gum 11nrl smolw l'igni'<'IR oc· ensionnlly. I-lrl has hocn lowwn 1.•> drive n 'I!HiO 1'0111'-f.lnor Chevmlflt sctlnn, He nlso l.mvcls ll;v nil', In

Winston l't'Hirlerl in Knnsns Cit;;, MIHHOIII'i, prior l.o HJ:12, 111111 W<llitecl nl miscellrtnoons jnhs itj liHl Ktrll• sns .Cit.;; lli'Oil. Since lh11t lime he lliiH lived in New Y<ll'i< Clly.

He lilccs hllschnll fl./HI ol.hrl' sports; rlrosses fniri,Y well nnrl rlo<'.l not ~renlt wiU1 nn :'"""nl. Ht• IIIIa WCJI'l(ccl ns n Wl'ltel', nl'gnni~er· and le!!llll'cr,

A Better Deal for You !



Yottr present car will bring more on n tr<~dc 011:

Les Foote Inc. S. Washington ,at Elm . Lansing



SCHMIDT'S Quality 'flw 1wwrs1

stylc•s! :"'\pp 0111'

new T·SIIItt'J'S

It's Sound Econo~y . School

Washable Trou_sers

· $3.98 up

• Overalls $1.79.

Snow Suits and Jackets


tn· · t: ~." ,\ 111 J!,l· y cut, sl:tirdlly rmuh,, ti;itrmly lirwd .

Use Our

. Layaway

To make school clothes with



Dresses nnn't mis~ thr•sr•


$1.59 to $1.95


J\ 1\0illplnt" lin10 nf IIrlt'iiri'Y

l•'m· boys and g·il'ls

Back· to· School

29c up

It's the Season for

Sweaters and

Skirts See 0111' f• IWIV gi'OUjl of SLlJ>­OVlmS :urcl CAitniG.t\NS wllh SIUHTS Ill match!

/ Sweaters $2.98 up

Skirts·· I

$2.98' to $6 .. 95

' Both men are held in the county jnil, :Wellsworth under $5,000 bond and Stol'llant under a $10,000 bond.

. Neither · \Vellsworth nor Star·

nant' ts"mnr1·1ed. ••••••lli•llil••il•.lillliilill••••••••••••••••iillllll••••••••••••••••••ii••••••••••••••l

Open Saturday .Nights Till 9




·I Leslie News II,Y l'nul 'PJWIII'I', LJ•HIIJ• l'honn :1771

School Board Studies Plans For Building

llonr.nr1H 11011111' Onll(tlt•

'rho tleHconR oC tho Dnpt.lst. cntn•cn nnrl \.hell' l'nnlllloH held n /Hirprlao jlfll'i.y on one of tholl' mem!wi'H, Ronlwn Sturn1nn, nnrl hiH wife on the occnaion nl' their 20th wcrldln~ nnnivci'HOI'Y on Mon­day. Dn11ghto1'H of the rloncons, Boti.y Stlll'lllllll, IDvolyn Hampton nn<l msther Vince, plnnnml the gnmes nnrl J•efi'CHhments fm· the evening. 13iii!!Jll'ini,Y fol' t11c pmpo,Yorl new

rolc.Hm•nlnJ·y ~;chool have t·eccivel] A rnr·cwcll picnic wns heir! on tho 0, K. ol' llw bonn! of er!11cn- the lnwn of the Congregnlionnl linn. pni'Rnnngc fm· Betly nncl Keith

l•:nrl Me,\·m·, Uw nrchilfJC:t, pre- IDrlholm who nre ret11rnlng l.n their Rented Uw i111111H \.o l.lw !JOan! nl. a home In Cnllfornln nfll'l' spending rc•r"•nl. nweLing, He eslimntNI thnt 11 month visiting Mrs: JDrllJolm's nl. LJr•lroll prices tlw cost waul<] flOI'r.nts, Mr. nne! MI'S, nussell 11111 .~Rfl,102.110. 'J'I1c llllilding ,,iloulll Baggerly. eost less in Leslie, llw nruhllect Rev. nnd MI'S. s. B. Wenger mul ~ulcl,

'I'll" school lmtml rieelclL•rl to have bon, !{cnt nrc Jeuvlng- this Sntrn·· Mnye 1· slurl rrcllnn on n permit to <lny for Rnlny lnke to spend their !Hillel nnri to seclt clorrmnce for tlw vnenllon, They plrrn to I'CtUI'n PIII'CIHIHC nl' scul·cn mnlcl'illls. WOI'II home nfler Lnhol' Dny. on the building will hc stuJ·terl j11st V<•l'lle Mend wrts lu]wn to the us sorm us llw site is scleoled nnd Foote hospital In .Jnc!1son on Sun-fljljli'OVL'd, llw bourd member;, day. His condition continues as ngTcccl. crillcnl.

'I'he school ccns11S fm• the Leslie Mr. nnrl Mr·R. Phil Stiles nnd dlstrir:l wns l'<'jlOI'tcrl to llw boanl fnmily nf Leslie ni:lenrlcd the nh· IIH •iflll. '!'he corrnl lnst ven1· wns 'show'in Drtr·olt Suncluy. 4 17. .

Justice Court

¥ . . : .

Moose Order E~ects Michigan Man Olds Road Communit~ l~l'ilr.hor 'f'. Sltllnoss, pl'omlnonl

Mlchlgnn nttomey, wns unnnl· mnllsly oloctcrl tn li1c soconrl hlg-h­r,sL elective oi'Cicr. In the r.nynl 01'· ri~1· or Mooso •rtlllradn.y n.t tho fl'll· lc!I'Oity'H O:IJ•d rtllnllaJ in[OI'IlOlionul eonvcnllon hole! nt Bltfl'nlo.

Snlincss wn~ nnmcd HliPI'Oillr. jllninr gavnt·nm• by liw mor·o 1:111111 •1,000 r.lelegu tcs nsscmhlc!] In I: he g'l'nnd httllroom of Buffulo's Stn t­im• Hotel,

HI: hns huh! nlmnst every eon­cclvnhle oi'Cicn In lho Ol'rior. He Is n pnsl. governor or Saginaw Lorlgo No. 82; clcpttty supreme governm·; past PI'CHident nl' the Mlchlgnn Moose nssoclntion; former chief justlec of ll1c 'ol'rlor's supreme fol'­llm nnrl hold.9 'the honorary ric· i~r·ees of fellowship nne! pllgl'im. He h11s been rt mcmbc1' of lilt• su­preme council from 1045 l.n l 051.

Born in Two Hnl'ilOI'H, Minn., on Nov, 20, 1000, Sallness was eclu­catcri In the pllbllc schools or Umt t'ily. His lcgnl education wns gnincd at tho Unlvci'Sity of Mlch­lg-nn. He Is cngngeel In pl'ivuto prnctleo In his home town of Sng­innw.

In nclclllinn to hiH m.cmhcrshlp In l.lto Loynl Orr!e1· of Moose, Sail-

faltL FALLS FRO!U Ct\R Carol .Jom1 Haines, 4, daughter

nf Mt·. and Mrs. 0. ill. Haines, fell fmm a moving cat· nt the county pnt·lt in MasGn Monday. The girl was In l110 buck scat nnd het· f'n-

JcrlJdwll' '1'. Snlln~ss

ness Is n mcmbet· of the Michigan Bn1· .association, the S11glnow County Bn1· assuciallc:in, Univer­sity of Mlchig'lln club, American .Jurllcalure Society, n.ncl the Col­ony club.

Ll10r wns rli·lvlng. 'l'he girl received cuts on her arms tlnd legs. Haines said he was d1·lving slow and does not know whether the girl opened l.hc door herself OJ' whether the <loot· was not securely shut.

1\JI'H, l~hlWI' OIIH

Tho ComnHnrlty eluh heir!. lls unnual picnic Suncllt,Y at tho l!chool grounds,

M1•, nnd M1·s. Robe1•t CortH 11ro on vacrttlon nne! plan tn viRit Chi­cago,

Mrs, Rnlph Wobbe!' har! n gn.ll blncidor· nttnclt hut is much hcl.lel',

Pvt. Goo1'gc L£mtz l'elupnerl to C1tmp B1·uclwr, Alnbnmn, n ftcr 11

lli-clny stny wl th his pnren ts n nd fJ•l<•nds.

M1·, nne! MrH, ID!mm• Olls, Mr. anrl M1·s. Arthur· McFnt•t·nn, Mr.

. ilnrl M1·s. Robert Bn!lnl'cl, Mr, nnd Mrs. Bemni'CI Otis nncl Mr. and Mrs, CCI·ald Mnrtln hnvo pUI'­chnserl an 80-ncro fnl'lll in Mnnls­Lec county where they will l111nt 1 cleer unci spend thel1· vrtcatlons, M1·. nne! Mt·s. illlmer Otis ancl Mr. and Mrs, Gemld Mn1·tln nncl son~ returned Sn tmcltiy nfter a 10-elay stay at the 'fmm.

M1·. ancl Mr·s, Roy Lrmtz, Yovon rmd Neoml spent Suncl11y with Mrs, Lantz's parents, Mr. nne! Mrs. B11nl1s of Lansing. The ocenslon wns In honor of Yovon, hrlr!e-to­be. She receiver! many nice girts.

CharieR Howe, who stlrfel·ccl 11 henrt ettlnclc, is in tlw I?oote lws­pltal, r·oom Hu. He is much im­proved but will be there for some time.

AAAAAAH-CHOOOO!-Chicogo hay fever sufferers nrc Jn for the sneezing jccbles this summer, thanks to bumper crops of rag­weed growing on vacant lots lillc .the one above. Pollen counts lndlcnlc that !ale summer will be dn excepllonnlly uncomfortable senson for Chicagoans allergic to pollen, a precllctlon which cnused

L. F. Corrit11cr Cbaci\Sround) to wove his honds for help.

gmnclclaughtet·, of Hillsdale, flna Mr. and Mrs. Milford Down 11ncl Mr·s. Mable Zennas of Detroit, who Mro and Mrs, Dlnesmlth Jmve l'e­is M1·s. Love's sister, recently, turned from a .trip to Loa)tington,

Ml'. Jlllci M1·s. Jophcs Godfry of Onlflrlo, where they visited rein· Lansing flttencled the community tlves,

I Three Men Resist Williamston Cop

Offluo1' .Tacl1 JCT11sto<1 of lho Wll;" llumRtrm pollee rlepai'lmenl sl.nt•tcrl· out to lll'.l'csl. th1·oo men foa· lwhjg<'~ rit'llllic 1111<1 <IISOI'Clcrly Sa lill'clay • night nmJ rmrlcrl. up by tncltlng 011 n lhil'd rtffcnse ··-l'eslsl.lng- nn offi-ce!', .

Melbol'll Chic!>, ~5, nne! Lewis W, Cmvos, ~9, of Willlnmston and Donovan Grnvcs, 2U, of Uticn, altnclcerl HuRteel, nceorcllng l.n til~ Wlllinmston oJ'flccr.

'J'l1e men were tnlwn to the Ing. hnm county jnll Sunclny mot•ning,'

'!'hey plenclerl not guilty wlwn lnlwn hefore .ltlsllce of the p,,nec PJ, T, Cmssrnun 1\fondny. Tlwy · wert. rclcnsed on n. $100,00 houci each to nwult examination,

---· ·--··----·------Acid a. small nmo·.;nt of r,rlyccr·-·

Inc to the lnst rinsing water when woshlng pigskin or other lea thcl' gl8Vefl fot· rn'l wen.r. T!Htt will' l\cep them fi'Om becoming stil'f. -··-·-·--···-~ ·--~---------· ·-···-· llwil' pa1'e1Hs, Mr. unci Mrs. Loren· Love. lilepll~n .Toy, who llus heoJl. with Ills gr·antlpnmnts tho pnst Lw,J woelts, l'oiul'llerl home with ·them·

Loren Love is ;,iclt with plelll'isy.:

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS . An opnl'llling b11dget of $19<1,000

lws ho<'n cslnblislte<l for the CUI'· J'cnt ~chnol yent·.

A new r:oneh has boon hi1·orl to roplnce Waller Goplllli'L, who has rlcco;Jlerl 11 position in St. .Tosopll, 'rilL' new coacl1 is Jolm W. Mc­Cargcl', a gTadunl.t~ nf We~-:~tel·,­Michigan coll<'gr or ID!lucat.ion, wlwr·e he mnjorcd in physical cdu­c:llion. He hns n minor in histor·:.•, l1as a mnjm· letter in football, anrl wa" a memhe1· of Theta Cl1i Della. He i!') now WOI'I{ing· on his rnnstel''fl rlegrcc at Miohig,rn Stntc collcg·o. He is n velenm of W01•lrl Wnr II. His Jwme Lo\vn is Owosso. McCa r­g·el' is lllfiiTied ancl has two chil­rlron.

Mr. ancl Mrs. Lo1·cn Love enter­tained Mr. nne! M1·s. Dean Fellows of Alpenn, Miss Cassie Long of Lacer, Ma1·y Jannetle Dixon, a

August 23, 1951 Page 3. picnic Sunday. Mr. Goclfi'Y · is ·a ¥r. and Mrs. Rnlph Hnrold of fo1mer· resident of here. , East Lansing spent Sunday with

i~~~~~~-~-~sss~~~~~~U:~~:CQA~~aan~~~~mm·~~~~u~~,~--~~~~~~~~~~iF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E**ftt~~~~"':;;·e~.~hMi~~~~~~~~~~~~~1i .JC1'1'Y McNillllUI'fl of Ln~slng = =± : plcnclcd guilty befo1·c .Jusliee of , s..t

the Peace Roy Adams S111ulay on A ~ 'WA.Y 'Dril A R' A S Y 0 U ft N 1:1 A· R £ S T T ·£. L J: p a· Q .N £1 rt ehnrge of disturbing tl10 peace iiJJ .1.11 .if Filii nl the Ingham county rail' nne! paiel


11 fine of $15.30. Ii·elnnrl Salvers of Stoeltbrirlgc

demanded nn' cxan1innlion when laltcn before .Jnrlgc Aelnms Monrlny · charged with a second offense or I rlnml< dr·iving'. 1'l1e j11rlgc sd thP ~:wminalion for next Tuesday and heir! Snlycrs in the county jail Ol! I n' $1100.00 bond. .

Another· chnn~;~c in tcache1·s is i~; (!Jr i<inrlel'gHI'len WhCI'e Jvli'R, IJon­lla Sop;1cn:; of Le.,lic replaces Mrs. Paul .Jupp. The localion of tiJC l<indel'g'Hl'lcn has also bce:t el1u ng crl from tl1c Congreg-a liomd r:hurl'i1 eh~pel to the Baptist Sun­day school room. A new buildin.~ g·i\•ing ndditional !'Oom for Sunda~t school cla:.;se~ malws Llli!-i anangc­rnenl possible with the Baptist churcl1. A I'Uiing- by lhe Hlatc de­partment or public instruction limilH the ngc of those nllending l<intlcrg-a1'len to cllildi'Cil who arc m· will be five years on Ol' before Dcecmber I.

Samuel F. B. Willimm nnd 1%1-rerl Hmkncss pleariecl not guilty when tnlwn !Jefrwe .Tiiclgc Adam:; Fr·ldny on a charg~ of speeding. The trial will be held 'I'hur·srlny afternoon.

Tm ffic violations scltlcrl in Judge Arlnm's court cluring the wcelc were: Hobert V. But·lon, Ma­son, running rerl light anel hnving­impmpcr· ar.leh·ess, $4.00,

Leslie Bt·uno, Mason, running slop sign, $3.00.

Artl11u· Koslm·, Lansing, speed­ing, $12.00.

Gale Ste\-vart, Lnnsing-, SjlCCding ancl disobeying slop sig·n, $1!J.OO.

The arlrlitionnl office clerlt will he Mrs. Robert Bumette, who wi\l have clwrgc of the school han!,, Il wnR nbo voted by the hoard to rc­lnin AI!Jct'l 'rhorhm·n as atlot·ney to handle legal matters fo1· th~ hoard.

Louis E. Gordon, .Jacltson, im­proper passing, $5.00,

F1·cderielc Talbert, Perry, spccrl­ing·, $12.00.

.Tohn Fm·clo1· of Btml<er Hill was tried befOI'C Judge Adams Tuesday on a ciHll'gc of non-Huppmt. Tl.1~ trial will be continued Friday aft­New equipment for the school

was also I'Oled at the meeting. It lnclwlcs a cabinet for film strip ~torag-c and a new adding ma­chine.

ernoon. Bennie Howmcl of Incliannpolb,

Indiana, plenclecl guilty before Judge Aclams.Tuesclay on a charge pf being dnmlc. He_.was given .the choice of paying $17.6b or speneJ .. ing· 15 days in the county jail. He

' Back taxes were received and $7:11.86 was transfcl'!'ed to the building and si to fund. It wa~ n'"Flin agl'cerl to let lhe bano n~others have concessions at the g-nmcs.

is serving the time. Fern Hogle, Lansing, l'tmnlng

red light, $<1.00.

Scoville District Fmnlt Wise, Jac!1son, speeding,


1\frs. Ilowa,rrl ,Jacllson

Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr·. and Mrs. Wayne Gal­laway ami family were Mr. and M1·s. · George Carr a.nd family of .Jaekson, M1·. and Mrs. Keith Gal­laway and sons and Mr. ancl M1·s. Drilc ·Simons anrl family of Mason.

Army Names Head for Air ROTC

Col. G1nemc S. Bond is the new I commmulant of the Michig-an State college Air Force Reserve Officer>~ '!'mining Corps unit. He 1'eplaccs Lt. Col. C. 0. Com men a tor as pro­fe•sm· of ai1· science ancl tactics.

:1{1'. and Mrs. Fred Miller and familv Gf !Daton Rapids called on lvll'. nnrl Mrs. Kenneth Owens Wednesday evening. A veteran of 21 years se1·vicc,

Colonel Bond has more than 3,000 flJ-·ing hmn·.s. He t·eceived his wings at Kelly Field In .June, 1931, al'tc1· graduating fmm the University of Illinois. Tl1c 41-year-olcl Chicngoo.1 has set·vecl in many administrative and !lying· capacities with the ail' force.

Mrs. Wanda May Modcrt spent a. few days with M1·. and Mrs. Get•nld Model'[ at Lansing.

Twcn ty-fom friends and rela­tives surprised Emil Olson with a par•ty in honor of his birlhday an­n iversnry Sunday.

Mr. and Mr·s. Og-le Budd and family at tended the Sterling re­union at Byran, Ohio, Sunday.

Mr. ancl Mr~. Lark Ambs, Mr·. nnrl M1·s .. Robert Hinkley, Mr·. and M1·s .. Marvin Parker an'd Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mann and family had n plcnic at Drvil's !nice Sunday. · Sunday callers at the home of 1\<!r. and Mrs. Fred Ruthig were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of Bat· tie C1·ce!c, Mrs. Richard Pickett nnd Mr. nncl Mrs. Robert Riggle nncl family nf Lansing-, Mt•. and Mrs. Lom•n Dnhn of Williamston anrl Mr. anel Mrs. Rowland Smith of Leslie. ·

Mr. n.ncl Mrs. Tunis Higdon and Lnrr·v were dinner .guests Sunday of Mr. nne! Mrs. Monme Budd, of Stocllbridg-c.

M1·. nncl Mrs. 1\:enneth Owens called on Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Mor­ton of Rives .Junction Monday eve­ning.

Mr. nnd Mrs. H11llie Harlmess and family of Mason called on M1•. and Mrs. Howard .Jackson and family Sunrlay evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gallaw11y were Sundav dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gallaway and fnmily.

Mrs. Larania Bartig has been sick at her home the (iast week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gallaway entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Carr of Oltcmos 11nd Mm=vin C11rr of Leslie recently.

Befm·e coming· to Mict!igan State college, he was commanding officer of the 56th Ail' Base Gt'Ollp, Selfridge Air· Force Base.

The new commandant v:ill henrl up an expanded 11 i1· ROTC progTam this fall which includes two new options for cadets- ··flight opera­tions and geneml technical work. The new course offerings are ex­pectert to increase enrollment ir, the nil' force unit at MSC from 1,000 to 1,100. The programs will result in the graduation each year of also th1·ee times the numbo1· of officers for the U. S. Air Force.

The flight operations option is deEigned to set·ve as pre-flig·ht lmining for prospeelive air force pilots, bombai'Cliers and navigators. Students must be physlcally fit fm· flight training· and ri111st ngrcc to entei· J!ying school after gmclua­tion. The geneml technical com·sc will introcluce cadets to the equip­ment used in Lhe USAF.

Rubberized insulators for telc­gTaph poles cost more than glass insulators but are cheaper in the long run; they are an unsatisfac­tory target for the boy with a slingshot or air rifle.

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Smith and children of Lansing.

Mr. 11nd Mrs. Howard . .T11ckson and family called on M1·. and Mrs. George Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgess Sunday evening.

Mr. and'Mrs. Lawrence Glumm were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Shrontz of Grand Ledge.

Mr. and Mt•s. Homer Fisher of Jaclcson visited Mr., and Mrs. Kenneth Evans Sunday.

Mr. and Ml's. Gerald Copenhaver a-nd family attended a family gathering at Sparta Sunday,

Monday evening callet•s at the Wayne Gallaway home were Mr. and Mrs. Geot'ge·carr and family 6f. Jaclcson and Elijl,lh Simms of Mason.

Mat·vin Miller of Mason won a blue ribbon on his Holstein heifer at the Ingham county fair. Mar­vin Is a membet· of the 'Tomlinson 4-H club.

.Mr. and Mt·s. Lyle Olson and children of Horton visited Mr. n.nd Mrs. Emit Olson last Thursday Mr. and :Mrs. l{enneth Arilb2 11nd

son spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lark Ambs.

afternoon. · · Lois Evans spent the weelt end

wlth'Carol Stevens of Leslie."

You~re looking for a plumber,

~someone to paint your home, or

a man to get the "snow" out of your

TV set ...

• bargains in used furniture,

appliances and household

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or your child has lost a pet

(perhaps a pet ~hat needs

a child!)

rern~mber, no matter what you have· to buy, sell, or trcide, you'll get quick 'results with a News Want 'A:d.

Your ad reaches 5600 subscribing families for 40c,: not· only f . .

• 1n your own

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neighborhood but in communities from one, of the connty

to another. • • ... •· .. e • e I I

40: Words for 40c The Ingham County ·News


• • •

·saturday evening visitors at the l10me of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Olson were Mr: and· Mrs. Clarence Wer· net nnd Eugene of Ju'clcson and

Mrs. Emil Olson visited Mt·. nnd Mrs. Webb Strong of Fitchbur,::

.. afternoon. ~~~~~~llllllllllllllll•llllllllllllll••ll••il-.•11111111111111•111111•11111111111111•••••111111111!111••••~11·1111••11•••11111111••••••1111 ..


· ..

Social 6venb anJ Penonab I,

• * • • * • •I•

Wedding Date Set Prizes Are Won

At Ladies Day Eugagemmtt Told Leslie Sisters

Fete Bride~Eiect

Wed.ding Vows Are Said At Wheatfield Church

'Tho Whe!tltlold Methodist cllnl'ch WOR tho Hcono nf lllo candlelight wedding ot' MIHH Jnnlcc nuth GJ•ecnmnn nncl ll'oJ'I'est VnnVnlln Fl'lrlny night, Atlg'll~t 17, nt 7:30. •·· ~'he hrlde Is tho dntJghtcJ' of Mr. nnrl Mn;, Asn ,J. Greenmnn of Wllllnmslon, 'rile lll'ldegJ·oom's pn J'onts n re Rev. nne! Mrs. Uow­lli'Cl VnnVnlln of Uniontown, Ponn­Rylvanin.

After the ceremony the newly· wcrls grcclccl their gucstH nl n t·e­ccptlon nt the home of the bride, which WilH decorated with plnlt nnrl white gladioli.

Ti•otlt Revealed Mrs. Potter Is Guest of Honor At Stork Shower ·

Mrs . .Jnclc Slwfl'cl' wnn llllnrl llogcy nnd Mt'tt. S. A, Mnrc!nc:l< tnolc low putt ILl lmlles clay n l the Mnson Gcl!C enlll'Rn Wednesday. A luncheon nn<l hJ•!clg,, followed !.lw matches. Mt·s. William Pm·leJ' niHil Mt·~. Leo Kelly won !Jrlclgu honon;,

Ml'. nncl Mrs. Georg~ l~l.,lds en­lct'lalnccl lho lllelllht•ru nr llw lDtt- ' ton Ru(llcls club f[rl' golf nnd ltJneh Thursclny, A uguKt 23,

MIHs 'ooioJ'n:; Hc•hWPdu, lll'lrli'­uleet of Sopl"tnhrw k, wua hnnlll'••d f1 t II SllOWUl' g!Vf'll hy !!Ill MJ:;~p;; Mario n1111 1\·IIP!Illknu llt<ll.o~e ut the hnnte nl' llwlt· prti'Pili.H 111 1 .• 1':•­llo StuHiny nvm1i11g,

Gnmoo !HIIIfll'in;;· !lw hJ•ifi••·ri•'I'L wo1·e pln,ved null lntf'J' r·ertw;h­ments W<'l'e Si!l'\l('fi, fp:iltll'ing II b!'ltlnl cnlw and h'n l'l'""fl' lltnlil>: !11 the shllpc of wi,!lling· IH·II~. Mlo:i Schwcdn I<'I'PiVPd m:tll,l' lorvel.Y gifts from gii<'><IH who wel'll Jll'l'li· ont fl'um .Jnl'!c:oon, l'lcasu!ll IHI!I', Enlon HnpiriH, f,am;illg, Alntu, Slocltht·I!Jge 11nll L<'Hii<'.

nev. VnnVnlln pol'fm·med the ce!'cmony bcfol'c nn nltnr bnnlted With Wll!lc ~lftclloll. Rev.· Cecil A. Polloi!, ]1i1HlOJ' of the churob, ns­~lsled in llw ce!'emony. ''Rev. ,Jol1n L, Fl'ancls of White ClotJd sang "I Love You Truly," ''Oh, Jesu:;, We Have Promiscrl," unci "'rho P1·nyoJ' Song," accom­panied by Ml's, nomtld Knrns. Mrs. l~nt'ns nlso played tmdllionlll wedding music,

'rho hl'irlo chose n hnllet·inn­length sttit dress of while taffeta moit·c fashioned wi lh three­qunrtcr-lcngth tiloovos. Her shoul­t!'er-lcngth veil waB secured by fl

ttam or oi'Hng'e blossoms nncl she .(J[tl'l'ied a colonial bouquet of red und wl1ito roses,

·-Mrs. Donna Frnncis, sisl~r of the :bride, wa~ mutl'On of honor. Mt•s, •Helen G!'cenma.n was b!'idesmald, "fhoy wore. ballerina-length suit 'dresses, Mrs. F1 l'lJnci~ weHl'ing blue :and Ml's. GJ•comnan, yellow, both fin taffeta moire. Thai l' headpieces •were made up of pink and blue 1 daisies, J'especlivcly, ami they car­: ricd mnlching colonial bmtquels. i Harold VanValin, brother of the t bridegroom, was best man. David 1 Greenman ushered the guests to :their scats.

MlsR Sarnh Jane Schwn.b cut and sc,·ved the woddlng calw. Gt•oom'H calte, punch and icc cream with p!nlt hea1·t centers were served by Miss Carol Warner and Miss Neva ,fol>nson.

After a wedding lt·lp to Canada, the couple will reside at Larabee­Mnrrls Hall, Wilmore, Kontuclcy, where the bridegroom is attending Asbury Theological Seminary.

MrR. VanValln was employed In the department of the secretary of state In Lansing before attending Greenville college, Greenville, Illi­nois. S·ho was gl'flduatcd with tl1c class of 1950. M1·. VanValln also gmdualed fmm Green.'l'!lle college with the class of 1050 and Is now n ttcndlng the seminary.

• • • Couple Observes 50th Anniversary

Mt·. and Mrs. John French cele­brated their 50th wedding annivct·­sary Sunday at the home of Mrs. Florence Towns of Rives Junction. Mr. and Mrs. French were mar­ried In Tuscola county. The actual anniversary will occur on October 30,

A potluck dinner was served to 65 guests. They presented Mr. and Mrs. French with .many presents and a hox of gold coins. Moving pictures were the diversion of the day.

* • • Mr.~ .• Burt F. GI·een of Hillsdale

Ci!lled on Mr. and Mrs. Bul't Green Tuesday. The men are distilnl cousins.


Mr, and Mrs. William Flslc an­nounce the engngcment of their dnu)ihtet·, Lois Elaine, to Dale J. Bt!llen, son of Ml'. flncl Mrs, Goot·gc Bullen of Mnson. No dute has been set fo!' tl1e wedding.

·l· lll :f<

RAINBOW GIRLS HAVID PICNIC 'l'cn Rainbow Girls, thclt• Motil­

e!' Advisoi', Mrs. Stanley Holmes, anrl s'ix guests mot at Rayner park, Monday, August 20, for a wiener roast. Games were the elf­version of the evening.

~ ~: "

Mrs, C!ll.I'C Pollt!l' WIIS l(llcst. of hanoi' htHL Thursc!ny flftof'lioon at a stol'lt sl1nweJ•. It w;w J.rlvon by ileJ' mothe!', 111''1. M. 0, Dowers ot Li!nslng, nuuisted il,Y Ml's. Jmnc;· Gntes, nlsn nf Lam;lnf.(,

The hoatosses served n lllnclwoH to Ute 1.'\ grfeHtH Hi'lt•t' which llwy spent t11c aflol'lloon pinyin,; g·nnw~ .. A IJouqtwl or yelluw nnd wililf' glndloli nnrl nn fll'l'llngunwnl oi ,)"OJlOW rOSUH lll'ld Hllf!jlcll'flgOnH clecol'fltl~r! lhu Bower home,

Mr~. Pullet· J'eceived her gifts from " table centel'ed vnlll a stor!1 lll'l'ftngemcnt. Hct• girts wel'e Lied with slt·c,nmot·s which extender. ft•om the HI 'I'll n)iemenl.

Guests pt·escnt fOJ' the party we1•e Mtss lttith ll!Clel' of Spnng­lielcl, Ohi6; Lwo a1111 Ls of Ml's, Pottot·, Mt·s. Mnju1· Bakel' und Mrs, Lois B;flcet• or Yolo, Califomlu; Mr.9. Potter's gTanrhnollwrs, Mt•,;, M. G. Bowers of Willi11mslon anu Mrs, B. J. Lew1s of La ingsbm·~; amj Mt•s. C. L. Jacobs of Mason.

lji * *

Organization's 'l'he Women's associalton of the

Prcsbytot·inn ellllrch will moe! 'rhursday evening, Augnsl 23, at 8:00 p. 111., n l the chut·ch to pacl\ r, missionfti'Y box, Those who attend are to talce used clothing nnd toys.

The annual Michigan-Florida picntc will be nclcl Wednesday, August 29, at tltu Ionia fair-

Friends Attend Baby Shower • grounds. At 12:30 a polluclc dinne:

. will be served. On Sunday, August 26, the

Housel-l?elt-Bunliet· Hill school t·e­union will be l1eld at tile Fell school house. There will be a poL­lucie dinner at 1:30.

1 Mrs. G!'ecnmfln wore fl steel blue 1 crepe dress with lt1ggage-brown ' accessories fot· her daughter's :wedding. Ml's. Va nValin's dress 1 was aqua ct·opc with which she • used white accessories. Their cor­' oflgos wot·e made up of white baby : dahliaB tipped with OJ'chid.

Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Davis were at Jordan lake ncar Lalw Odessa from Sunrlay until Tuesday night,

• INGHAM COUNTY NEWS They were guests of Mt·. and Mrs.

P Vem Di!Vts of Lansmg. Vern and

Mt·s. Han·y Holwig of Eaton Rapids and Mrs. Charles Hf1Zel of Gaines en tertaincd at a sut·prisc shower Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Robe1•t Droscha and duughte1·, Dana Marie. The party was held at the Droscha. home in Mason. Guests p!ay~d games dur­ing the evening with prizes going to. Mrs. Dewey Coffey of Eaton Rapids and M1·s. Bruce Deeg of


Forme!' pupils of tho Cla!'lt school No. 9 of Leslie will hold a reunion Sunday, August 16, at the school. A ilrtt lucie ciinnet· wtll be served at 1:00.

August 23, 1951 age 4 N. s. Davis are brothers.


Sure to Succeed at School I

SWEATERS Sluu·t-slt,cv" ny­

lon·sii(IO\'et:s ....

Wool sweaters In w•um full colni'S ............... .



$2.98 up

'l'wecd, gahardhuo and t•lald, st.yiPd with tim n•·w flare or pencll-sllrn lines,

HOSIERY Sheer nylons hy 1\lojud, Gold Stripe :tnd Berl<shh·c.

MILLS STORE L. j. Adams & Son

Final Cleara·nce


" ~ ~


Substantial Savings for Labor Day

the Last Summer Holiday of the Year!

e Sta·aw Hats

e Summer Suits

e Light•weight Jackets

CL()Tttl~l7 C().

""" ..

Mrs. Droscha received her gifts fr·om an old-fashioned baby cradle which was decorated in pinlt and blue. Later, the hostesses served refreshments of bal<orl alaska and coffee. Guests includccl Mrs. Claude Smith of Leslie, Mrs. Har­old Laycock of Hall, Miss Peggy Smith of Aurelius, and Mrs. Basil Ft·uin and Mt·s. Stanley Hazel of Mason.

'l'he l'Cebe!{ah Coterie will be en tel'tilinecl a l lnc lwme of Mt·s. Holden Stiles, 206 Wcsl Syc<t­mol'e, on !VIonda~', August 27, at 8:00 p. m. Mt·s. Rollie Spear and Mt·;;. Will Gt·egg will be eo-host­esses.

The Dunn Community club will meet Wcclnosclay, August 29, at 7:~0 at tho Dunn school. Member',' are to laltc sandwiches, cupcakes c<nd cups fot .cotfee.

The Whculflold Gleaners will hold theit· regular meeting at the

* * •

1New Arrivals Mr. and Mt·s. Lynn Noxon have

a· daughter, Bonnie Lynn, bor!l August 16 at St. Law1·ence hos­pital. M1·s. Noxon is the former Bonnie Cia rk. "

A daughter, Connie Anne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. DuWayne Howe of Mason nt Sparrow hos­pital in Lansing August 9, Before her marriage Mrs. Howe was Rachel Anderson.

Mr. and Mt·.s. Austin Otis of Slocl<bridge have a daughter, Kristine Marie, bam Friday, Au­gust 17, nt Stockbridge Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Otis have two sons, Mark, 2, and Michael, 1.

Mr. ilnd Mrs, Burton Coffey an­nounce the birth of a daughter, Lucretia. Ann, bam Wednesday, August 15, at the McLaughlin hos­pital in Lansing,

A son, Thomas Geoffcry, was bam to M1·. and Mrs, Robet'l S. Dml<c ilt Mason General hospital August 18. The boy, their first child, weighed eight pounds, Until six wecl<s ago the Drakes were Mason residents. The,v now live in East Lansing. Tom's father i~ t·egister of probate.

A daughtet'. Donna Lou, was born lei Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rind­fleisch of Wheatfield at the Spar­row hospital in Lansing last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hcnt·y L. Frieo have a daughtet•, Rosmary Elaine, born Saturday, August 18, at the Mason Genet·al hospital.

• * Robert A. Fletcher of Fort

Wayne, Indiana, visit~d his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Flctche,·, over the week encl.

M1·. and Mrs: E. A. Densmore spent Sunday in Ann Arbor visit­ing Professor and Mrs. G. E. Densmore and Mt·. and Mrs. E. E. Lofberg. Mrs. Edith Holland of Fitchburg is spending this weelt With her sister, Mt·s. E. A. Dens­more.

Gleaner hall, Tuesday evening, August 28, at eight o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baldwin will have charge of the social hour.

The Maccabees will not meet on Monday, September 3, because of Labor Day. 'riley will meet 01~ Tuesday, September 4, fm· a can:! pa t·ty to be held at the hall. • * * * Carol Susan Kutt of Lansing

spent the weclt end with he1 grandmothe1·, ;vrrs. Bessie Waltet•s

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wonch of Jackson called on Mr. and Mrs. :!<'. B. Wonoh Sunday nftemoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Owen oi Chicago visited with M1·. ilnd Mrs Kenneth GJ•aham over the weel< end.

Mr. flnd Mt·R. Ed Hinkle, Walter and Rus.iell nrc spending their va­cation iu Canacln this woel<.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Smitl1 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Main?.el' of Sanclusl{y, Ohio,

Mr. and Mrs, John Shepard en­tertained Mrs. Nettie Lari'e, Mrs. Hattie Freeland and Mat·vin and Gary Shepard at dinner at Schu­ler's in Marshall, last Sunday. The occasion was in honot· ot' Mrs. Freeland's bit·thday annivel'sary.

Mr. ilncl Mrs. Hnt•t•y Sl1llltis and Teny visited M1·. and Mrs, 0. B. Cmnch of Wavne ovel' the wee!' end. They attended the ait· show Sunclfly.

Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Fox and son spent part of lRst weel{ at Lake ChaJ'iCI'OIX. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mlll'ray anq Cheryl. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Helzer of Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall of Ann Ar­llot· were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert l!'ox at Mason Sunday. ·

Arlene Kay Myers of Big Rap­ids is stnying with her aunt, Mrs. Ken Merinclorf, this week.

Mt·s. Harley Droscha of Aureli­us and Miss Mary Lee of Halt spent week end at Camp Breckimidge, Kentucl<y, \'!siting Carl Drosclta of the 81 st Field Ar­tillery, 101st Ait·borne division.

Pat and .Tean Bartlett, Martha Mary Hamilton, all of Mason, and Marian Verzctt of East Lansing, visited the International Gardens in Michigan City, , Indiana, over the week encl.

Mrs. Lillian Collier of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Patterson of New Mexico visited Mt'. anrl Mt·s. Ben Court last week. Miss Emma Coon of Hastings called there Friday.

Mrs. Harry Doll of Ligonier, In­diana, is spending this weelt with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coss.

Mrs. Glen Dunn, Jr., and Debby returned home Monday ilfter spending a month in Harhm· Springs. Mt·. Dunn spent his lwo­weclts vacation there.

Rev. and .Mrs. Raymond N{)rtm; and Dan and BArbara at·e vaca­tioning in New Yol'l! .City, Ocean Grove, New Jersey, and Mount Vernon, New i'orl(, on the way there they spent a half day a1 Valley Forge and have experiencecl the usual thrill of pleasure at. the incompal'able Pennsylvania turn­pike. It now extends for 245 miles and will soon be longer.

MJ•s, Nellie Scofield and Mt·s. Bert Wasper called on Mrs. Wes­ley. Ha1·Jmess of Leslie Tuesday.

Ml', and Mrs. C. P. Hunter spent the weelt end at Lalte St. Helen.

Mrs. Lottie Lazel!e and her daughter, Mrs. Kandace Loughlin, move"d baclt to Mason · Monday. Two years ago they · sold theit· home at 311 North Cedat· and movert to Lansing. They now live at 305 North .cedar.

Swf>nt ... t·s 1mt1 cnns nt close-out twict-s, jnflt l'h:rht for school. Du\'i:; ClolhinK Cu.



A new permanent and short hair styling in

time for the opening of school.



·Two-ball ·mixed fouJ·~omc:r wilh n potluck suppe!' following will l>e hold 8Iilldll,Y, Alllf\IH( 211, £,11'. llilll 11TJ•s. 'l'homJtB .Jnclcson are In,

1 ehnt·gc of tho Jll'ngt·um for· llw evening,

Mason women will enlcrt.nln the IT11'11lilet·R of the Cent1 nl DislJ•ict n~fwcintlon nexL 'rllnsrlny J'o1· golf ancl lunciL One humh·ed ~uests

• at c expected. Lnn['heon wilt !J,; SPJ'Vccl nt thf1 :.Jc;g:rm !\lt!llHJ!'lnl builclln~;·. 1\fn;, S. A. 1\ltll'l!oclt iri chnil'Inflll I'm· the day.

Dolores, il:lltgltlr•f' "i 1\Tr, r1nd 1\.tt·:;, Leo S(•hwt•dn nl' ,IHI'l<snn, will hel'nnw till' llrid1• or Vir:! II I' lJeRnHo, soil Ill" Ml'. ilnd Mrs. ,John DcRoHc of Leslil~.

MfSS VANOMA SPllAGUE ---~.-----Max A. Pflestm· or Mns.on, nn­

nouncos the engagement and np­pt·oaching mariagc of his daugll­tot•, Shirley Allee, to Raymond Eal'l Holmes, son of Mrs. Est.hcr Holmes and tho late Glen Holmes, of Mason. The wedding will Luke place September 15 at the North Aurelius church.

Chciinmg- Hills Cnnntry ••lirh of Howell will llc host to the M a.oon e1ut) nn 'l'bunala,v, .AuguHt :m. itPH .. ct·vnl ions must be in by Mondn.y, A flr\'flRt 27, it ltas lwen u nnounccd,

Thoro will he no ladles cby next wcelc. The nexl one is ~clH:clulcrl fot· September G.

'riJC engage men I. of Miss Va­nonJa Sp!'flgtle to Orville L. Mc­Fac!ilen, D. V. M., of Mentone, In­rlinna, llns l10cn announcer! ily hcf' nwt.hnr, MJ•s, ,), C. Spmgue, of /{route 2, Mason.

'l'l1e jlJ'oHpi!cllve •lll'ldeg!'omn is the son of liiJ•, nnd MJ's, llusHcl Meli'nrlrlen of New Hnven, Inliiann. A November wedding· i~ being plannecl.

Candid Weddings

on Miss Pfiester was gmclualcc.l

from Mason high school with the * :J: * class of 1950 ami Is employed In M y t the O}lCJ'alions and Communica- ason oungs er Budget Terns lions bureau of the Michigan I G p slate police at East Lansing. Mt·. 5 UeSt .at arty Holmes is also u graduate of Ma- ., . ,, . , , . . . , , son wllh the class o.f 1949. He is !"f':i. Roh!Jm I.ll clu nl Ln;;!tc (Jl-cmployed in the safely and traffic l1•rlamcd .It 11. pc~rty R.t~llf'Ci.l"' nit-division of the stale police


crnoon ?'vcn 111 lionot· ol hPJ' n'''"''• * •I· * . Allllrl I~ny P'I',I'C, on ilCI' filth illlllt-

(l'Jy anntvet'Sfii'Y, Anita is tlw , 1\11. nnrl li!I'!'l. Glen Coon nt-lrhitglltct· of .vii:. ~liHl l\1!'s, AIJslm .ended a 1 cceptwn In Iom:t Frye Wednesday, given In honm· of Rev. Th~ 'ncl Mrs, Owen Ackley of Yalttma, games, Washington. Mrs. Acltley and Mr. sct·vccl. and Mt·s. Coon arc old friends.

sixteen guests played nncl c:!lcc and jcllo wen• Anita l'cceivecl many gi l't,·.

It * ·I

Earl Urquhat·l's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Urquhart, and R • daug;hter, Lillian, of Detroit anrl eunlons

Madison Club Holds Meeting

Mmn!JCI'S nr lllO Mnrlisnn f1it•l';; l'lllh mel. J'ce~nlly 111 uw 11omc or M1·s. Alfred Gnu! ol' Lirlming. l~lcu­t ion or off reel's wns ll10 main busi­ness n/' the meeting, Those elected

Pt'C'Hirlent. Mt·:-;. T-Tr!l'l1HH; Hich; sccJ'Clary, Mrs. Berna rei lt~ngli.c;ll; lrt!r!fill,l'CI', lVTJ s. E!, B. Smith; anrl reporlct·, Ml's. Rnlph Anti!>;. In the fulut·c, the clnb will tnecl on the Jirst ancl lhit·d 'l'hut·s .. rh1ys or every month.


Mr. and Mrs, Noble Urquhart and daughter, Joy, of Royal Oalt called Jn Mr. and Mrs. Earl Urquhal'l,

The class of 1021 of Mnsnn hir~: 1 Pc';lm 11:as the diversion of the· school will hold a l'r.nnion at t'ilu '';.:enmg w1th Jll'l?.cs going l.o Mr·s. Hayner pal']{, 1fason, s11 nday, Au-, I• 'nnli J\'fet'·'nor, l\lt·s. K B. Smith guHl 2(), with a poll 11 el; clin~e 1· nt '';HI 1\r~··'· James BobcowsltL M1·s, I :30. Canls lwve been sent tu i';wk. I n~ 1:·'stcil was gncst to~· the lnenlbel'n nncl fornleJ· lcnchcrs. cvcnmg. llw next lncctmg will ht•

l'he ~lory of ynUJ' wc•ddlng In tlw allmm of ynur "hoil!e.


John Shepat·d is the secrel<tl'y. ~cld 'l'hursday, ScptcmbeJ' G, at

Mr. and Mrs. James Quinn en­tertained Mt·. · and Mrs. Jack O'Berry and son at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Millet· and son, Eddy of Lansing, called on the Quinns Sunday evening.

• " 1 r :no p. m. nl lhc home or Ml'o. Ir·ving Mnglish. Mr. nncl Mrs. Leon Kel'l' anrl

fnn1ily of Detroit wel'e g11e~b1 ·ot ~lr. and M1·s. Hany Shultis F'ri-

custam ;;holo(ra;:;hers * * Milo Madison is convalescing at

the St. Lflwrence hospitill. day evening. · Fot• TV llnl'ttniu ~1'1' l'hliieiifit·ll IJUJ~r

t\lllllht I' .., Motorola. llf•J'Hl'ht·l ,I!·Wr•!l,

Ul Stat•• St. l'hlliW Masuu 2-fiiHI

;-,;11 W. M:tnl<·, Ma:;un. :11wl

II you are deficient in Vitamins B1 ~ •• B2 or Niacin

if lheso symptoms are due to dietary deflciencies which occur only when the daily intake of Vita­mins 81, B~, and Niacin is insufficienl over a pre­longed period, do not in themselves p;·cve a dietary deficiency and may have other causes or be duu to funclional condilions.

Medical authorities now know that the "miracle compound" BEXEL

many of the above-mentioned com- St'ECrAL POllMULA!

man ailments are caused by lack of

vitamins and minerals. So, if that's the reason yo1< are suffering, you may end your complaints in an

amazingly short time •• 1 by taking

BEXEL comes to you in easy-to­

take, safety- scaled capsules that contain the essential E-vitamins, Iron, and trace minerals known. to be essential in human nutrition.

Wonderful New Hope for Older Men, Women Every Bexol Cap sulo contains these VITAMINS and MINERALS

Every doctor will toll you that Iron in tho diet i" indispensable lo the building Of rich, l'Od blood

.• - so important to ruddy good-health. Well, cnch Dexel Special Formula capsule provides (111e 'limes the mcdictllly­established minimum daily requirement~ of !l'On,


.4' If yom• child eats poorly and lacks energy for tho normal nctivitics of n growing youngster, bctlct· check to be sure he is getting a fully bnlnncccl diet. Add Bcxcl to your youngster's diet ... nncl you can be sure! m;xEL MUL'l'lPLE Vl'r AM INS for CHILDREN is packed in tiny, high-potency capsules • , . deliciously flavored, easy to swallow.


: i ...l

Many troubles which distress older folks can be traced to deficiencies of tho essential B-vitamins, So, if yol! are plagued by any of the above symptoms duo to a deficiency of vitamins, hon, nnd tl·ace mincl'als 1m own to be required for humnn nutrition, take \\'011-

derful DEXEL SPECIAL FORMULA •.• tho amaz­ing formula tlwt hus benefited thousands of fol!is just like yourself.

'thlnmlnc Irydrodtlorldo (Vhamln lid, ltlhoflnrln (\'ltrtmln 11:), lrou, .tucorblc: Acid (Yitnmltl

We are so certain that BEXEL SPECTAI. FOR:I!ULA is the right thing if you need extra B-vitamins, iron llncl tl•ncc .. ;

minornls known to be necessary iu humannutt·ilion, that .

Bexel Great for Mothers-to-Be A sufficiency of B-vitnmins, il'on, nnd trace minerals is of paramount importunco for el<pectnnt mothers. BEXEL SPECIAL FORMULA helps furnish these dietary essentials nt n time when tho mother's body needs more of these vital components than usual.

35 BILLION BEXEL·TYPE CAPSULES SOLD SI~CE 1933! These capsules nrc one piece, and hot;­meticully sealed, which gives you thcs~ three advnn tngcs:

], protoclion again at dolorioration

2. accuracy of dosao•

3. tOit of swollawlng

Every Boxcl Cup•ule', which now costs as litUc as 6¢ per duy, would havo coet $2.25, Lo1· the aumo inS'rcdi· ~nh_i~_183~i - ·- -

t:) ,I•~·rh!IJ.l:!nv lJ>LirClrhlotldu (\'lt.unln Hu). C.llrlum l'untothlllllllc, l''ol/c .\cld, Dc~I~C'nhnl Lin1r, ClwlltlO

~·nlophoruh!, and othor trace mlnornls-pltls Yltumln DJ!:·

we mnkc this startling offer: if you don't feel tlc.. !. cidcdly Irette>' a/lei' taMnr1 """ botl./c of llc,rcl,

yam• money will be clwol'jnl/y ·J·cfnlldctl,


~-~ VITAIIINI ' VITAMINS .. ,~···· CHILDREN. Them's a Member of the Bexel family Small, •••v-to,;wallaw oizo

for Every Member of Your Family ll•!iohlfidly Fiavorod

Mason Ware's Drug Store

Phone 5411


' (


Potters United 63 Years -'\:''. ,. < '''(""" Turtles Race at County Fair

W11HIOJ'n T~I.Y<'I' noHrc\ rill). 18[) pot.o I'm• tho MIHA Mlch\fPlll Lillo, JJ lllrl\rm In t110 MIIHon !,lmlH l.lll'llo 11\. tho• fltllte fnlt• In Poll'olt Rop· 1 llf


i ',.-.,.1 .. ,,r,.,., ., ·..,~'Y:·., • M1·~. ,T, q, SWOI'hllll Wllfl hl'fllll\h~ , ' ln ho1• hnlllo In MIIHnn on W<'dJw•,.

.. ' cln,v nf luHt wcolt netol' llolng nl. llw "' " , Ot•ntHI Rn.plciH 0Htoopnlhlu lw;;pii.J,,

;,_. fol' lill\'fl"CI',Y,

State Civil Defense Leader Cites Peril of Red Attacks

extenrla son th t.o lnclnd& cluba In. Hlllm\alo und Bmnch counUo~.

c\oJ·h,Y Sni.JII'dii,V night. 11l 111<1 r!nlln- tomheJ' Fl. '· 1. t,v fnil' In win. N!lll<',\', ownorl h,Y Tn lho COIIJ't wlll1 Mil'~ Pni'Honfll ~·;~~ Uw Jngh11111 Ali:JI.I•nl'!. nnrl •rtuo W<n'<l SiiHic Poiii'Hnll, NonP,','' · .·

MI'H, CIJaJ'los DonHmm•n IIIJdoJ'· UnlnHH Amol'icnn ponplo throw ''.·~ .\'ont " mn!OI' n11o1•nilnn nl l~ol'rJ nff LlwiJ' npnL11y lho,y will he un- llvnaloclt, ~ho rel\rcrl fll'lllY oJ't'luL'I'

clccluJ•od, He ulau montloncd tho por•ll nf HnhotuJ::"c In Amorlenn ln­duslJ•inl eentei'R,

'l'horc wns n gulf t.ournpmcnt on tho MIIHOII CnllrHo Tuesday nftcr• norm, f'l'l?.os WoJ'o nwnr·docl to Doo · Collins, AI Rico llllcl n, 0, Henson nf MIIHOn unr\ Bill Hlii'I'IH nnd El'• l!est Hunt ol' Holt,

Co,, plii<!!HI nnrl Hlnlw P11neho1,'r.J', Rllo flol'gcon, Donn11 ow nor! by Wl\1111111 Bci'I',Yillnn, ~ f'lm,nn. r loi<l" Wllll,Y, li'nl\h Rut- '111

'· iwHpllnl on' Mondny, l<tiJ.(IIHt 20. preparurl for u RuuRinn nlluelr, rlo­elnrecl Col, A, D, Howell In Mn­

Pat.leniH in lho l\1nwn.Gencl'ul ,9011 'l'IWHrluy niglll.. Colonel Unwell

··--·-·-------IN!o'AN'r SON IHl~i'l

~howerl, llff, Gem•gJII, Frmtm•, ,Tnyco Mor-'V ·t . JcJ , , 1. I'. ll , \" ·t-/lnt:!c, Mmw Shmwonrl, l~lnlne Swnn ' es Ol n ,V!.I " I mn IL 'eo 1111<1 Cam! Aslllo, .

Cl'll Allf.O S[OI'!l Hlflil)llS, 'J'ho i.UJ'i.ICl I'IICllH WOI'O !'lin on i1 fi:linrillnl.lnn;; \VOI'C holr! 'l.'illll'llda,v 1'01111<1 tt·nelc, jiiHt lllw ltrli'SilH, The

nnrt WrHIII,V 1111<! Ute 1111111 r11cc W11H mill• cltfforeru:c wns thnl llw· lill'­l'llll Snllll'rlii,V nlghl In f1·nnt of tho tli1:i :il.orlorl from !.he ccnlm• fllld Hrllnr!Htnnd. l11e lii'Hl onn l.n l'eneh l11c Dlll.9ldc

,Jo:111 Pni'HilllH Wlls 111'0\'IIHII\1 won the I'FIC!O, 'rhe cllst.nnee wns six '1'"'"11 or tlw filii'. Shn will r·on1- foot.

Three Are Hurt In US-27 Crash

Service Column l'vt. Al'lln11· JiJ. D!tr~l<, JJ•,; who

!111;; he en ,, In !.lone<! with I he qunr­termn.~l.m· bonrd lcHis lcnm at lho Yumn lcHt stntion In Yuma, Ari-

Chiii'ICH J,yor1H, 20, I'O.IICI\'c·rl n 7.onn, hns completed his sl.ny and fl'flcliii'IHI simi!, nn lnjurPr\ hnd1 is W>inJ::" hnclc l.r> his pel'llwnent and c11ts and lli'llises when l1is <'Ill' hne~ -nl. Fort Lee, Virginia. His rolled over nnrl.ll ol' r'rmrwylvnnin comrnn~· !heJ•e IH the ·Headqunl'­fiV<•nue on US-1~7 Monrlfly mol'n- 1AI"S Del·, No, 4, 0135 TSU QMC, ing, With Lyrms were his sister, Qunrtcnnnsler Board, Wt. Lee, He Mnrle, 17, nnd a brother, Buddy, entered t11c nl'lny Sertembcl' 6, 2:3, 11hey wc1 c cul nnd bnuserl. 1 0.50, 11.11d . has been stationed at

'l'hcy are lhe sons nnr\ rlnughlcr Fr.JI•t L<lo l'oJ· liH~ last 12 months [, II 1 1 1 l. M ·r>n Wllll the exception of the time In 'Phc Lyons were driving north. Yuma. Pl'll'nl.e uc~c IS ~ann ng

U • 111'0 [ Jyons () Uo , I , B , j J

''First 50 ,a1·e pa1·t of ~he honeymoon. , . ,

::onpllul thin wool\ lll'e MI'H, Molly IH deputy dh·eetnr n/' Mi<'hlfillll Gibson, WilllnmHion; mJ•nosL Wil- CliVI! c]c!I'I!IIHC, He Hpolco hefm·o u illnAon, Hoonvlllc, In<llnnn; .Jncl< !oint meeting of tho 1\'laHnn, Holl, Cool<, Hon of lvTJ', nn<J-Mr,,, t!lonn WlllillliiHtnn, Llti!Hing, muRt. J"nn­Cool<, Lee Kirhy, linn nf Mi', nnd Rlnr,· unci m11 ton H.npldH Klwnnis MJ'H, Wllllnm Klrhy, Dnn:;villu; cli!lm, 'I'll" mccltng WHH held nl Mrs, Jennie Li!gge, D"llevue; Ml'/1, MH,on gn\1' euUI'>ie C!luh'lwJIHe, mcllth Elllswnl'lh, I.nnHing; Ml'~l. Tlw <illllg"Cl' of 11 llUHHinn nllnclc ,Juunltn. Pequlnn, Holt; I'!lll'iel:.l iH J111111 tn"nl, Colonel Howell cle­Loulso, ctg·ht-mont lls-nlrt <lmlghler clnmrl. AIIIIIJI'Iiinr,- to l1igh IHIIILIII'Y of MJ•, unrl M1•s, Gcmlrl Hw;l inJ::"n, Hoiii'Cl'H In WnH!dngtrm, Colonel Mn;;on; nnd MrH. JiJfl'in JiJII!ol.l, Howell said, there Is scm1c in<li­Mrs, COi'll Daile!' 11111! Willi llli <'HIIon LIJn!. RUsHin mny nltnulc Finch, nil nf MHHOII. lhiH !'nil.

Those dlei:IHII'gcrt l"I'Onl lhc hns- [!';;in lines,lc, Cnlonol pltn.l !.his wee!< WCJ'<! ,John Cau'li<', Howell sni<l, two of llw lop tar­Leslie; Mr:>. '1'1·evrL Willlllnls, ll•>!t; ~~·!![;; \Vfllilcl hu DctJ•oit and lhc Soo Mrs. Drirhn Hay, Lnm;Jng; Mn:. lll<'l<s, p,.,,,mHllli'Y 1 nrgels in Mlch­Hat'l'\son Holey and Hnn, Enol. Lnn- lgnn wn11!rl llc JcJinl, Saglnuw, Ring; nnri Mrs. Rnlpl1 ]ijdwurd<~, l.anHing anr\ Gmnd llnplds, ac­Mrs, Henry L, JcJ•ies IIJH! dnllglli.IJI·, Clll'•llng l11 tlw mi!ltltl'y, Mt'H, Dru!w LDVP, Phillip ,/ewell, Ru:-sia IH>W hfiH 100 )liiiiHJS 1111-Hnn of W!lfi'erl ,Jewull, anrl Mn:. ]'nll!e nl' I'CIH!Iling Americnn cities Mr, and Mrs. Homer Potter of August 15, 1888, Helen Talmadge Rosella Dcmnnd,&nl! nr Ma:;on, fl'rlm ll11ssinn or SibeJ•ian buses,

Mason laugh politely when so1ne- And J\1t'H, E11gcne Ellsentrager, sis- Mrs. Clm·nJwu RnlcH WHS in S!. Colonel Howell drclarcrl. He also thing Jilce a fiftieth wedding- unni- tors of MI'S. Potter, and Mr, !~!sen- Lnwronrn lwspiLal from ::l:illlrr!n;t .said !.hat t!JC !loris have mnrle I'CI'H<li'Y Is cclclmtlerl. ThGy Jooi< tr·nr,-e1· stood with lhe couple. M1·s, nnlil Tllcsd'll' CIH>II>~h rr•ogTcss in atomic bombs upon the tl1·st riO ywrs of nuuTied Potter was bor•n In Bunlcer' Hill/ · '' ;, "' to tmvc l!tcll' miding- planes fully life us pu1·t of tile hone:nnoon. ·I' ltrid Mt•, Potter in Washtenaw Jond<•rl.

'!'he Potters celcb!' their county, 14.][ Clubs A lilrrllt a~ great nH nlomic li:lrct wedding nnniveJ·sary lrtst Mr, Potter follows court hap- bombs, ro!oncl Howell Haid, is rJmrsday afternoon, penlngs closely, He often serves Sluulh\11 lmcl.el'loln~-:ical wnrl'III'C, 'rhc Hods

"'Pile lime n{cs," Mrs. Potter on juJ•ics. He sat thl"DIIJ::"h n five- The fiflh meeting or Uw 8;1nd- might he able to spr·cr1d germs fa-

An 1111'1111\. HOn bOI'Jl Alli(IIBl 1.4, l11 'M1•, IIIHI MI'H, f.lerulcl llfllllllle!l nt' Hnwnll riled 'rhllrsrlny, August HJ, Funcl'!l! Sei'Viecs WOI'e holfi nt, Lhn runeJ'II I homo In Howell, Sn t­lll'<illy'IH>on a~ 2:15. He was hJII'Ioil Hl BJ•Ighton, Ml's. Hmnmcll WHS fol'mcrly Lorotln Huwo,

nuosla wutilrl hnvo nn lnltlul n<l­vnntngo In nlomlc wnt•rnt·o, tho colonel 1111\rl, hccnnso onl,v HJ pel' ecnt or the Hiisslull popnlnl\on lives In lnrlustl'iltl laJ·get arcus, !n lhc United Slntcs, nO pc,, cont. ot' tho pop11lnt!rm llvos in lut·r,-ct

urcns, Colonel Howell cxplnlnc<J, Clayton Williams of Detroit Ia

Colonel Howell lolrl nf hiH ex- visiting hi~ ,yislei', Mrs. Elthel pel'ienco with llus;linn~ Willie S<'I'V- SIJHily, lhiH Wt~ol<. lng In AuRtrln. Hn Pll'"'""lnJ·r~,.,J M1•, unci Mr.~. WnllcJ• Mutchlm• tiJCm ns Cl'Uol, trcnchcrous and' unci fnmi!y relllrnccl home fnnattenl. They lll'e hent. on wu''"' WeclneEdny evening·, nftrr ~pend­conquest, he dcdnrcc\, lng n woelc's vncn Uon n l lloscom-

nwn, HigglnH lnlcc, Tmve1·se Cil:y unrl Mccrmtn lnl<c, While al Ros­commnn, they visited \.M1·. nnd Ml's, Peter VHn Vnltn anCI family 111111 n l MPcnstn ln.lcP, they cnllcrJ on M1·. nnrl M1·s, Burton Bnncrott unci rnml!y.

Tiw Mlehlgan del'cnsr ''''Jlllly deploJ•ecJ the trln11nlnJ::" of r·ivil dc­fr.nsc upprnpJ•iallons hy rl<Hig"I'OSH, He called the cut 11 horl'lblc mls­talce.

According lu Colonel How,•IJ, Michtg-nn l'llnks lhiJ•ct hol1ind only Now Yrll'k and Callfomln in the progress made In civil

M1·. and MrH. Burl Gruen wlil leave Monrluy lllDI'Illng fOJ" Plllln­rinlphill to vlsllj their son-In-law nnd rln11ghler, •M1·. nncl M1·.~. Stow, rn·l Kersting fm· 10 dnys.

Mrs, LrdeLI1 Stewart left Mon­clnv I'm· Drli'oit lo viHil M1·, and MI.'s, C. G. Hohinson nnrl olh~r fl'lenrls.

"1'he ,: 111 · in frr>nl or II.Y slower! ~~.tnkc n 20-rlay.l,mtlc ;Ytalllng tl~c 1 · 1 1 " Mlu·ie Lyons Or sl. of Scptembu tn VISit Ius pat­'.,'~1~1~ 1 ·~b1i~1 \{'. 11 , lll"tl he wrllll;ll cnls, Mr·, nncl Mrs. Al'lhur El. ~,.;:s~11 'into 1 t~" ~111 ,\ ,;r·tlw nlhcl'l Buek, of 1746 Waverly road, Holt. enr and swcrvcrl his cut· lo the SJ::"l. Dale A. fkhnepp, son of lei' I," I~~ ... and M•·s. Lonnnn1 Schnepp,

He missed the nllwr cHI', bull lws I'Ccenlly rellll'ned In t11e Uprcrl his over ia the JJ(Iulevul'tl,, 1 1 ~ilr.rl Slates from the .Fnr ID~sl the sislc1' nrlcleil. · whoi'C he has been scrvmg With · Chn,l·les Lyons was thrown !'rom the 2·1th Infantry Division in Ko­lltL• Cill', The ulhcr two l'emainerl I' en. H1s brnl her, Lnwrrnro, sa tied

staled, weal< trial In LamJIIlJ::" last year. hill ~-H club was holt! nl. llw home L:1J Lo hlltnnnB. r11·, more lilwl,v to

He wali<s Crnn1 his hontc at l4U of ~enncth Brown rccrn!ly,, Fn111'- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twn .sons, a claughtcr, seven r,Tandehilrlrcn fiiHI s~ven gl·cat :;mndehilrll'en heir mal<e the lillie fly fell' the Potters. One Bun, Gary p'otleJ', lives in f<ansing-, lind the other, Elwin Pollel', lives in Men­don, 'l'lw tinughte1·, Mrs, A. W.

Al fl meet in!:" held !JCfm·e llw dinner Tuc.lday night, Arnnlcl Pl'i1w of Willinmslnn w11s nnmt­nnted liS lloUtcnanJ.-goVel"not• of II new Kiwanis d!Htt·lcl which will include the clubs represented, at Mason and others in Clinton and Gi'fl tint counties. The Inghnm clubs nnd the m1ttnn RnpidH cluh arc now part of lhc district which

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS August 23, 1951 Page 5

Olccmos street up town at least teen members ant! si'c \'isilors I once a clay, tt'ims the lawn and wm·c pr•escnt. Lee Thorburn mnrle ;'

inside, for· .Japan, August 13, 1951, Ch: 11 ·Jes nncl his sister we1·c Mr. anrl Mr•s. Clarence Sher-

I allen to the Spill'l'o\1' lwspital in wnnd J'I'C!<'ivecl n call from their LansirlJ::". Burldy was taken tn his son, P1•t. Harry Sherwood, Satur­home in Mason. Mn1·ie Lyons wns riRV c\'t•ning-, August 18. Private rclcascrl from lhe hospital aJ'ler Sherwood wns waiting at Camp receiving treatment. Charlc' L.vons Ki.lmnre, New Jersey, lo be is still there. shq>pecl to Germany, He has been

The olhc;· till!' rlirl nut stop, Miss I in t.l1c army since October, Lyons sairl. Cpl. Richfll'rl L, Shinevar is btl-

, .. _ _ ... _ - 'elerl in 11 l10lcl in Leghol'n, ltnly. M1·s, Hattie Ocolml'!1, MI'H, Lyle 1 qc iiiTi\·crt in Ital.v August 12 wit!;

Oeslcrbmg :1nil rlnughlrl', Gloria, ll10 :18th Qllal·lcmwstel' de­IIIHl Mrs. Hil'il/11 To,Y of L•1nsing, L~u:hment. Out of the l,:'lOO 111 th.~ r~RIIecl on Mrs. J.;m<•sl !~very nulfit ·1,200 went on lo l'elnfnrce

Bmwn, Jives in HoJL

The Pollen; celehmtcd their wedding· annivet·sat·y last 'l'hllrti­\lay hy going fishing al Lake Odessa. Mr. anrl Mrs. Potter both lil<e to fish and they spend several rla.vs cvci'Y summer fishing Mieh­ignn Jalces.

They have lived most of their Jives in Mason. Earlier they lived in Onnnclaga and melon where they opcmtcrl an npple drier and later farmed. ·

Mr. nncl Mrs. Potter wet·o mar­

docs oriel jobs urollnd the house and presented the clu!J with n fm· cxcrllisc. Besides l<eeping n. standard for the Uniterl S! neat home, llf·rs, PolleJ• crochets, flag. The pledges were gi\'cn with malces rag mgs ancl docs some a business mcctinJ::" following. lll'airlinr,-. ~enncth Brown and Leo Thnrhu,·n I

Mr. nne! Mt·s. Potter ni;;o follow I gave a rep01·t on tile werl< spent! news events, Mt·, Pottel' hw; at t~e 4-H camr. The fai1· was lhc missed only one Detroit 'r1get' mam . top1c of rhseuswm. Jvf1·,;, broadens! this summer. Brown and Kenneth HCI'Verl nnr-

--------- sides at the close of ll1c meel ing-.

A special meeting of l11e Sand­hill 4-H clnh wns held rtt the l1onw of lhe leader, Mrs. ~ranz, Augu:;t 10. Baslcets fot· the homo gHrdcn­et·s wer·e passed out anti final in­structions wore given.

Mason Firemen Rank High 1n Cunnan

WcrlneH<ill\', AmeJ·ican tmo;m in Austria. The Mrs. Rr;!J,"t Squi1·rs of l"nnsing, former M;1son 11nrl Stockhridge

Mrs. Lil11 Milf'ilt'll of J;;a;;t LnnHing solc!ier is one of the 100 rlctailerl to nne! Mrs. c. P. 1-11111ler spent F1·i· Uw records office in Leghorn, a ,

rlav in Dclmil. pot·t on lhe Medilermnean. '8 champ F1'les ried by Rev. Waller Wcbslot· in: F' lll_c Leslie ~~thorl~~t- pa~ sonagc I Ire Control

The Canaan club mroting W8S held at the home of lho Jcaclrr, Ann Martineau, ~.Innr!av after­noon. An infnr·mnl cli~icusSion was held on last-minute details fo1' the bl'lmch to be given fell' lhc moth­ers, Thursday at the home of llw leader.

i\1ro. H.o;,:eJ' Slmbcl was honored ·--- ------- eau nl 11 slol'ic sltnwt'l' J<'rir!ay nflcr-1 II d · • F it·e Chief Austin Reports

To Council on Trip to International Convention

noon l>y IJCI' llllltlter, Mn;, R Rry- 'I Ho oway Notes Low Bl' on Drain noltls or Cltiil'iollr. M1·s. Strobel , received m:rny nice gifls.. , I , ,MI·s. ~r~cl .. ~earl and, ~on .~1 * ~· *

Mrs. Inc;: Rogers o[ Delm1ll (~I a nrl R.o~ )11rls. c,IIJNI on M1 s, M.) 1-spent Thursday with M1·. nnd Mrs. llw B1.'01~~ .Fnclny nf;e1,'noon. . H. s. Adnn1s anrl falllily anti Roy M1 s. F\111 ell Howe. came to the anrl mthol Adams.


home With her class 111 tl10 begl,n-MI', and M1·s. Louis Lee nnrl·. !tel'S ,clcpartm?n,t ?r the 11;fethollist

nnd 1\frs, Rus~;cll Lei' anr! d•tugh- chtllch,, Sunrl.l.), .tt 11 o cloci{ tu tcr or Jaelcson visited Ft·llni< H.


entert:nn. . . Lee Sunda v. M1·s. All~e HarJ.;en 11 ,tentlcrl a

" 'fam1Jy reunwn al Pari< !;\Ice, Sun­llny,

Dr. anrl Mrs. F. J. Kellogg· en­Mason's volunteer fire de- tcrtained Mr. and Mrs. A. Shore

Ted Bcauchnmp of Stocl<bridgo partment ranks with the best of Pasadena, Califomia; M1·. anrl filed lhe low lliCI on the Church . • ·u · d Mrs. William Finch nf BJ·antforrl. rlrnin in Lansing lownsl1ip Tues- fire departments 111 the mte Canada; M1·. anrl Mrs. H. m11er nnrl riay, 'l'he Stoelcbriclgc contmetor States and Canada. That's Mrs. EJsther Jones of Flushing; hid off the mile lilc job at $:3•1,-l what Fire Chief Leland Austin and Mr. and Mrs. c. A. Plumb or 82·1.20. told M.ason ~ouncilmen Mon- Flint Sunday. 1

Carl Foote of Lc~lie was lhe day night. Paul L. Field of Cleveland, Ohio, 1 Jnly athol' bidder. Ht;;· pt·icc wao called at the home of Rov anrl $36,228.80. . The c.ity sent Aus~in to the Ethel Adams Weclnesrlny · night.

Dl'ain Commissioner Gemld L. mternatwnal conventiOn of fire Field lived in Mason in his youth.

Famous Make Hideabeds- Only Twol A>os0

4foA!l· · .,, !J . .

Reg. $198 $149.50


Reg. $269.50 $199.50

Ji. Once- In -a Lifetime Buy So ]furry See Our Complete Bed1·oom Suites

We have a wide selection of styles, woods and finishes to suit your taste and pocket book,

Come in-browse aro·uncl, You'll find what you want in fine furniture at our store:

Mrs. MarthH Ruthmff with he1 bl·othel' and sister-in-Jaw, Mr. 11nd Mrs. Oris Heisc1·, attended th~ Clarence Hall reunion in Lansing, Sunday.

I M1·s. RBiph FulkeJ•son and daughtet· of Lnnsing caller! on her mother, Mrs. Ida White, Monrlny

Gmham awarder! tho contract to chiefs at Grand Rapids for ~is parents, IIi I'. and Mrs. Is:wc I Beauchamp. three clays last week.. More 1 F1eld, lived on West South st1 eel

T~ diBin is along~de IBIIroad h ZOOO h" f d d 1

1n llic~uHnowown~by~a~c~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1rope1ty. west of South Logkn t an • c te s. atten e • Minet·. -

3b~eL The c~t wns r1m u~ llie Mawn's ~uipment ~ su-,r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 clrain commissionc1· explained,, be- perior to two-thirds of the

A. B. BALL Trustworthy Furniture


Fall's Comiug iu a IIi.({ H1"h . bill there's nlwnys t(mo lo ·

have n pl·ot'cssi:m'rl :1rrmnnent nml llHi1· styling in lhe quiet

residence atmnsphc1·e ill , , ,

Mn;, Marion Holloway J•ctuJ·netl T11csday aflel'lloon fmm her vacrt· lion in· Chicago.

Miss Marilyn Davenport of Portlnnd is visiting her aunt, M1·::;

cause of the utility conduits in volunteer fire departments in '.he gi'Dunrl. 'r110 construction crew

will lliiVe to o;Jerate carefully ill the midwest, the chief said, My Husband Can onler not lo hit conduits, Graham The only time the chief looked said. TheJ•e is ma open work on the glum was when he talked about tlmin. It is all tile nmging from how to lose fire chasers and curi-

27-inch clown lo 10-inch. osity seeker·s nl a fil'e, California Buy a $50 rlepartmen ts have solved the prob-lem by installing two-way radios

Marion Holloway. -

* * *

GRACE'S Cort1e I' Okemos and llut•]Jr.J·


Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Carpenter of Omng·e, Califomia, caller! on Miss HatLte Phelps of Whealfielcl Friday, They were t·cturning from a trip tlu·oug·h the New England stales and New Yorl<. Mrs. Car­penter, who was fot·met•ly Fern

Queen Joan Gets Bid 'to State Fair

in each volunteet·'s home, Austin learned at Grand Rapids. Some radio sets at·e portable and may he· carried to wol'i< or' even on the golf cotll'sc, nccor<ling to lhc Ma­son chief .

l'llONl•; MM30N 2:>7!17 . Joan Pat·sons of J.Tason is plan~ "The public has made codod ilre ~mg to acc.cpt the li1Vtlat10.n of information necessary," the chief ,he stale fa11· to parllctpate m lhe 1 told councilmen. stale beauty queen contest.

Ct·owclorl 'conditions at the Complete

Candid Weddings

Waldorf, is a great-niece of Miss Phelps, and lived in Mason whc~r a small girl. Hc1' father, the late Georgc> Walrlorf, was one of the first rural mail carriers in Mason.

Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Kihby and family spent Tucsdny, Wednesday nnrl Thursday at Hat'l'ison visiting :Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry Wilson. Mrs. Amos Graves, Jr., visited Mr. ancl Mrs, Eugene Ribby and family, Sa tunlay,

She has been invited lo riclc in the opening day parade in Detroit b'riday of next wcel< and to attend opening ceremonies and other functions on the fait·grounds.

scenes of fires hamper fig-hting op­ct·ations and the speeding cars chasin~· til·cs a1·c dangerous any­way, Austin stated.

12 l,ust~s in Wedding Album $25

No Ti•avcl CJ1argc

leCiear Studio Phologmphers

508-514 Hollister Bldg. Lansing,

Phone Lansing 1-0922

M1·. Hncl Mrs. Edwin Newma 11 of Bn ttltVCreel< spent the week en,] with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mici\ and f~lmily.

Mr.' and MJ·s. Russell Brown nnd Russell, Jr., retmnorl to 1\!afion Mondn.v night ·after s;Jending n wrel1 in New York Ci~y with Mis~ Joanna Brown. They Hl'e at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. Brown.

Pvt. James Soper, stationed in Hawaii, homo on a 10-day leave. While home, Jim, Mt·s. Merwin Everitt and Ann, and Mrs. Edward Soper ~pent a week at Youngs lal1e near Big Rapids. On Sunday Merwin Everitt and Eel Soper, and Mr. and Mrs, James Armstrong· of Stoclc­bridgc vlsi ted them. On M~nday,

, Mr. and Mt·s. Soper to ole Jtm to his new station at Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, fat· eight weel1s of preparation for officers candidate school.

The finals of the slnte queen contest will be helcl Wednesday, September 5, in the music shell. The event will climax governor's <lay at the fail·. ·

Miss Parsons won the state fuir beauty queen bid IJy being ac­claimed Ingham queen at the Ing­ham fair last week. The Mason Lions club sponsored the Ingham fnir queen contest.

Back 'to College

An important ctuty of any fire department is aiding fire preven­tion, the chief pointed out. Mason mnl{s high in that depa1·tmcn t, loa, the chief said, Mason's volun­teet· depa1·tment mal1es periodic inspections of businesses· and homes and tests fire hydrants fre­quently.

City Bu.vs Snit Rock salt to the tunc of 20 tons

was ordered by the coun ell at the Monday meeting. The salt will be used on Mason streets during- the win tel". Delivery will be made Oc­tober 1. A ton of salt. costs $12.66.

New Supm•intendent ~of Public 'vVm·ks Julius Schmeichel made his fii'St recommendation to the eOU/1• cil Monday night and it was quiclt-ly approved. · • Schmeicl1el saw the need fo) a new distributor at the disposal

, plant and a new one was ordered . I by the council Monday night.

Bowling Alley Op_ening

Schmeichel explained that there are two distributors at the plant. Distributors arc used to spray liquid sewage over tanks of roclt in the purifying process. One was installed in 1938 and the other in 1945.

' IHWANIS SAI.I~ SE'l'/ Mason l{iwanians are setting

up plans for their annual white elephant rummage sale which will be held Satm·day, Septembet· 22, at the old Dart and Cady building at 141 West Ash street. J. B. Denn heads the committee in charge of l:he sale. Other I<iwanians serv· ing with him arc Elarl Urquhart, Howard McCownn, Howard Sei­bert and M. B. Collins,

Friday Evening August 24*

Come In ,And Bowl A Game

I •

Mason Recreation _.., 152 W. Maple

Gib Howlett, Owner


--- Albert: A, llnmltht·e~· Mrs. Lizzie Raymond enter· • tained Mrs. Mary Hawl<ins of

Cashier Albet·t A. Humphrey of j Jackson, Mrs. Pearl Jewett, .M:rs. the Dnrt National bnnlc is attend- June Fellows and Mrs. Isola Lenon ing a banldng course nt the Uni- nt dinner, Wednesday evening in versity of Wisconsin this week Jackson. and next. It is his second year in Sunday guests of Elthel and Roy the special course· at Madison, a Adams wel"c Mr. and Mrs. Paul course attended by upwards of Hall and sons, Harold and Jimmy, 600 banlt officials. During the J•est of Eaton Rapids nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, , of the year the bank officials lake j' Ralph S. Adams and daughters, extension worlt in the course.· , Elizabeth, Alberta and PatJ·icin.


at Davis' \

... for Only


or a $4._5 Coat

for only

$34.95 Just Because They Need

Space for New Fall Merchandisel

.. Believe Me ... ~e're Bpth Stoppi~g in After Work Tonight I

Want Ads RATES:-Advcrtiaementa in this department: 40 cents fot• 40 wot·ds or leas fot• each insct·tion. For more than 40 words, one cent a wot·d for each inset·· tion, Advertising may be mailed 01' telephoned. Di11l Mason 9011,

-Livestock ,-----U~ITVIDRSAL

MANunm LOADmRs Used Farm Equip-Chmtpct·, simpler, easier to

HOLSTEIN or Shorthorn hull scrv- monnt than lillY other lourler, I rneni- Values Will lift more than a ton. / ~ Ice at your farm, Purebred Hoi- USED

stein hull from record rlam, AlsD DAVE & DORN DIEHL ,. Oliver 8-ft, Disc I'cglslcl'ell Sltor•t.hom hiill. Charges Dnnsvlile Minncnpolln-Mollnc Disc Plow are $3.50 within first eight miles, Phones 2G31 anrl 2172 MlnncnpoiiH-l\folinc 60 Comnlnc $2 repent trip. Small additional Owtf j rowct· corn Sheller charge If farther. William Mus- --- John Deere Plow, 2-holtom, 11-olff, 3 miles southeast of Dans- ONE IN'I'fURNA'T'IONAT" Jl.i true- !nell. ville. Phone Dansvllle 2801 or tot• for sn.1u, wil.i1 0!' without McCormicli-Deet·ing Plow, 1-2886. 9wt~ ctlllivutor, jnst iiiw nr.w. W. R. hoilom, 16-inch

BOY'S fnll Mi)lu bicyl!l" ful' HO)rJ, new pnlnt ,Job, Phone Ani'CliliS

023, ll4w1p

CUSHMAN SCOO'I'IDR fm• Hlllll, new pfllnt job, sont rmvm·n

nnd lh•as, l'ocont molm• overhaul. m"callant onntiiLion, 11'or qulclt snle call '!'om HcmnnH, Atll'ollus 11, 2'1fl·l Atlt'CiltiH I'Oild. 3•1W1p ---- - -~- --------·------ ----- --BOY'S · BICYCLJU for Rille, fnll

size, *12.00. Also, pair of foot­bnll slwes, ncn t•ly new, .9lzc !!, $6,00, Glenn Keith, pl10ne Manon 22054, Route a, 34wl ------------------.--. BOY'S BICYCLID for snle, In good

eonrlltlon, new paint joh, Terry Shultis, 328 S, Steele St., Mason, Phone 31141. 34wlp ----- ·-· ~-----~~- -------------


vVait a Minute! DON'T 'I'HROW AWAY 'I'HA T

olrl fur·nitttrc, olcl bool\, old tools, old clothing, nnd tho whalchnmnycalilt you cnn't find II IISC f01• , , , FWEDIT.I1. CATTLIT.-Jccciler cullle Gannaway, phone 18•126 ot• 87360 'McCol'lnlcit-Dcct·ing Plow, 2-

Utnslng 13wlf I hotlom, 16-inch Cnli tllC MASON KIWANIS for sale. Northwestcr•n Here- ' 11 Spi'ing·tooth Hni'I'OW Cl B 2 " 2 31"1 w

f 1 A 1' l I Will I 11 II .u at -l.ol1 OJ' -, .,·. c'il

l30Yfl CLO'l'TlTNCl for Hnlu- Wu" l.ol' l'opcllcnt wuol lop nnnt, a

HpoJ'LH juelwi.H, c•m•riiii'OY, clwoltorl woof.• rtnrl llnnnol, :1 pull• lllncltH. All lllw new, Also n lllllllhcr• of while nnrl nolrn•olt Hllii'LH, 'l' shll't.s llllri HWOIIlOI'H lliHI llnnncJ )'OIJO, Sovrl'fll pnli'H HhneH, .~lzc IJ 1.u~fl ln­clurllng lcnniH Hllnos, llclll bootH nnrl hilling llonlH, 'l'nm HemnnH, 2104 Alll'cllliH I'OAd, phone Alli'Cillls n. · 31wlp

Dogs and Pets ---------------------COCKER SP ANIEJLS-AKC reg-

istered, all Immunized. Beauti­fully built for slww or hunting and custom-styled in chnrm for loving. Platinum-huffs to gallion pups, nnrl older sorts for cash or lease or something else, Breeding, groom­ing and Individual training. S. Jnme!, 3000, Zimmer Rd., 1J., mile north off US-16, Williamston, phone 55~-J. 18wt.f

COCKER PUPS-Biaclt females,

nrr s. cc tma cr · r e vcr, · · _________ 1 Gmhn.m Ficirl Ctiltlvntot• piclt ll up on l'leptember 15, 17, H. Anderson, Rfi·1 S, l<Jifer't road, B Implr•mcnt. 'rmilct· 0 1 20• miles west on Columllia, 1% .!~ilet~ Quality and Service I MeCormiclt-Dcering Mlllliii'C ., 18' 1 nnr : 1 %-3·1wJ

~>_'_1 IT._~'::__ ____ ~_o_~_l! YOU Can Del) end ' Spt·enclcJ' NE:W - --~~--------cocrumr~r,s -18 ;mperlnl muting 1: II! Corn Piel<cr·s FRUIT JARS-Pints ond quar·ts

Whil.e Leghorn eo<:lwmls, fi'Om Q F U l Dhw Hanws for sn.Je. Holbert Fuller, 947

beautiful specimens, scliing nt h11lf price for quick clisposnl. Worm fl'ce, <listcmpoJ' immuni7.Prl, gual'anlcccl sound. S .. Tames, :woo Zimmc1' roncl, 1,{, milo nnr'lh ofl' US-16, Wiilinmslon, phone Wil­liamston 551-J, Haute 2, WillilllllH­ton. 31 wlf ------------~------- ~·

This Picture Made Possible By Systematic Savings

T,emmr.rm fniJWI'iai sl.nel< or Han- I Jl i OJ:' SeC II Plow~; West Columbia, Mason. 34w1 srm, K"llrll•i',' anrJ BHIJ-J I Drags F0Rs.Air~~;~--~-;;-~-7:5o-~-16 Nll'it ht·!ing that 'hnve reoonls ]jquipnlent: f1' nt·nin Dl'ills tt·uclc tires; 8-ply heavy duty ami

DOGS for sale, 1 Rcclbone coon hound clog, 2 years old; 2 !Jincic

ancl tan Rcclbonc coon hn11nrl Jlll)ls, t'encly to run. Geol'~c Ekl<man, •l:i t Crossman street, Willinmston, cnil n.flm· 4:30, Snturclay or Sundn~·.

Regular saving can help your home plans reach the blue print stage, too.

ltp to :!Gr. eggs in bn cit of them.· Power M owcrs one new tulle. Tit·cs never mounted. J,, K. :i':itllllli'l'lllllll, l201 Eifc1't J II Mnmtr·c Sprenr!crs tb

1 rnnrl, t'otil.c• 1, Holt, JliJOIW Holt Usee) Frml 'l'rndoi' with Plow~: I li'ieid ,Ciillivnlrll's Also nearly new ott om·c motor, 4'ilil1. _ ~ _ ~ -~·- _____ aOwtf 0

1·11IOIV'elte'• C • arves Cl' Wt 1 1 Minncn;1nlis-Moline R, Z. V. 0. II

I a 11 F . 11 Jl 1 tl I 1 1,~ h. p. Scnhce, t•easonable, Leo

- ·-- - ---- I Mnriel 'l'ml'lors Fountain, 2 1;~ m es west of Ma-rr 1 F 11 c son on Columbia roncl. Phone Mn-RRLLrNr: EN'rmE HEJ1.D .. --Five sec 'HI'Illa ull wil.ll <:om- 1 1 son 2111-1. 31w1p

Holstein ~1-ycn•·-oirls, Bangs tcst-1, plci.e line of equipmPnt 1 1 Francis Platt

cri, at'Lifidal hrecl, also one sow, Farm all BN with plow I Ff~OVimRS::::::Astct•s, -gj~j~~, -~~~~1 lli'J•cl, nnd n. few pigs. Ben Burch,: International 75 P Hay Minnenpolis-Molinc :>enler bouquets. Meridian Gardens, 878 Hottle I, 8a1 R. Tutl.le mad, Mason., Choppet•, mrwhine good, I Goorlycn1' Fmm ·rii'CR anrl Tubes Meridian mad. Phone your order phone Mas,Jn fl!iOfi. a1w1 priced right a mile~ nort11 ol' Mason on US- and we will have them t•eady, ~. ·--·------- . . ..... ~ ·j Used Farm all C with mounted, 127, first farm south on College phone Mason 24039.


BTJILniNGS, S'l'OCI<, tools, nil' plows ll'OHcl. Phc·nc 2fi!l71. ------ ~·-------------coslmore than Uwy rlid in lfl·lfi.l U,,oi.l Intemalionni No.2 com . . 31w1 WATER WITCH outboard motor

., no you Jwve enough windstorm, harvcslet· with blower ·----~-~-------- -----------·--· fm• snlc, 3.2 h. p., automatic re-ins11mnr.·r.• '! Rlrr.ic Mitllnrl CydmwJ1 NJicW EQU!PMJUNT wind slartet·, price $50.00. R. D. J C "1 11· !larvcy ~fl l't. Elevatrll'

1 f

1 Davis, 311,, miles west of Mason on ll~l!I'Hilf'f· 0. •J \V. · p s ·-

·~~-·~----~- .. -~-~ . f•'t'i!elltnll WHgon Box ants or a e Columbia road, phone 25884 Ma-ON!c lli>:GIS'I'ImF:D Holstein FOR SF.:RVLCru: . I son. 34w1

bo~~dl~: n~~\:~.1. t.~~i~~~~t i~T~c\:; 1 1~:.~: llF:FRlGIT.RATOR SE:RVTCE. ORDER you_r_ (~;;Jt--tr;:;;s---;;~;! I -- --- ·- --------. - --rJuC'Iion Sir·,;, .. 111 rlin1ghters ave:·- MAN Special ci1scount this r.:.onth!l 20o/o Off Hgc fi74 !lOrmrls fnl. This lwifct• i., Sl'lsby IITIIJ18111e11t. I c~n you.~ ngr.•nt today. Stark Nur-due befot·r.• the middle of Se,Jtrm- scty. M1s. C. Poston, Route 2, Ma-br.•r. r.;nsworlh Brown, ll!l22 f.lcden Co I! son~~~h~e Mason_25~90_~· '·-- ~4~1~ On All Fishing Tackle rom!, second f:rrm sott t o <Ill'- ' ... Final Fall Clearance pm·t. a~w 1 Phone Mason 5141

j 31W

1 Hay· Gral·n feed sale Enrlfi septcmbct· 1 !'Uf,EBH.ICD Hnmp.slnrc .sow, with ' - - 1

srr~ond Jillet• ol 7 p1gs. Don ! W t A t Launstei .. , 2 mlies ensl of Mason I GRAI~ EL:~VA'~OH., ~~-ft., in Is d F t"l" . es ern u 0 on M-:lG, S<•cnnd place north on g'OO conch ron. nil B. . Fl uin, I ee - er I IZer Every r·onrl. Phone Mason 2.314GI8V21, I ~:'l_:~n_268~-------3~wtf I Associate Stol'e Houte 2.

--~--- .... ,TRAC'I'OR--Morlel SC Case Trnc- ALWAYS FIRS'I·-ll'rore ror your ·120 S . .Jefferson Mason SEVIT.N 10-wer~lc-olrl pigs fm· snic. tm· ~m· sale. Demonstrator, two money. Usc Kuseo or Rowena 31w1

Castrated and weaned. Edward plow Blze. F. C. Anderson & Sons, feeds. A feed for every need. Baby ------------------­W. Bcrmicr, 1 :,;w House mad,/ Dansvtllc, phone 2363. 3-1w1 chiclcs, gas and oil, fence. Torn- ROPE--135 ft. of one-inch rope, Wobhcrville, pilon1J ~-.T-11, ~·1w"t i --· .. ----·----:----- ~ · -----· - Iinson's Business Center, Holt. like new. Also Star drinlting

~-- . ~ ... _ -----· I' O~E <?F 1 polrcy holders last year, 30wtf fmmt.ains and stanchions, usNI, 11·1 ARl~ Gentle, goocl Joolting· Pet·- 1 ecetved eheclcs for wmclstmm 1 , and G. E. roaster with four inscL

rhion marc, aclnptaille lo an,l?sses. A Lapeet• polrry protects. I CYCLONE SEASON'S Here. Your I pans. Robert Reese, phone­kinds of wurl;, very ymmg ;mrl nc- State Mutual Cyclone Insumnce only protection against windlass sing 72589 m• 72586, Route 4, live at 1~ yem·.s. Must be seen to, Co. 3lwtf is insurance. See your Lapeer Man Lansing. 33w:J be apprccia'terl. Very reasonable in,------ .. I today. State Mutual Cyclone In- --price. Hennnn Schlitt, 1 1;~ mile.;/ SILO for rent, enough LOI'n for I surance Co. 27wtf CUT FLOWERS-Beautiful gladi-cnsl of' Sto"i<bt·idgc nt 5219 M-106,

1 sale to fill it. Ravmoncl Hu~h- -,-· . - alas for sale, $1 per dozen.

phone Sloclrllr idgc 23-F-3. 1.son, 1·1GO Wolverine roncl, Ro~1 tc V\ HEAT STR;'\ W lor sale, baled. Floral arrangements for all occa-3·1w1p 14, Mason. Phone Mr1son 211~6. George Bc':ter, Route 2• Mason, sions. We deliver. G. R. Pent·sall.

. -- ~ ~~-~ . ~-- ----~ . 33w!!' East Columbw road. Phone 25909 Phone Mason 25623, 334 East Elm COWS-2 Ay1·shir·e ancl Holstein - . -·---------1 ~rason. 34w1 street. 31wtf

CI'ORS heavy SJ~rit~g\r; c~w~ tf~r~l DAIRY EQUIPMENT for sale. i FER'riLIZER-Davco o-t•anulatell GLADIOLI-.Choice bloom~~~ sale, large ami JUS Ph

1 0°0

10 Eesa· leon' Ei,.,ht-can cooler, two unit De I Dt•t'lls evenly w"rll nbot cot'I'Oclo' 1 F 3 ' · th You will like tllCilL t • L "I 'lk . . I , . . co ot·s. arm ~" mtles nor of ]> • 1 4, 693 3·!w1 ava mt cr, new smgle umt tlr·tll. We recommend 3-12-12, Mason on Phillips road. L.A. Mur-.apJrs ., · ---~----~- .


. Chore Boy, electric water heater,/3-18-9 ot· 4-12-8-3. Call us now. ray. 33w2p D SOW 1 10 i s wash lJ•ays nncl can rack for sale Robert Reese & Son, phone Lan-

ONE BFWO f , alnc 120~ gEl or trade for young stock. Charles 1 smg 721i89 or 72586, Route 4, FISH AT DOBIE LAKE for bass, (j wecl<s olcl

01 sa e, ·I H Klinge cm•nc of K's 1 L · oo ' pilte ancL .. "all fish. East Holt Howell road, Dnn.wille Phone ' r, I' ), er roac I an sm. uuw;, •.

· and Lake Lnnsin"' Dril'e Phone road, one mile east past Oltcmos 2:142 Dansville. 31w1r; "' · 1 · 89945 Lansing. 31wtf road to Dobie road, not'lh three

2fl PIGS 8 wec~<s .. · ;1cl: . r;t.-~~c. i w. c. ALLIS-CHALMERS trn~to1· I Fertilizer miles. Boats $1. 27wlf Clarence W. h.e.~lmg, 31° Cat_ho-~ Fith starlet· and lig!Jt power// r·----

Jie Ci111rch l'Dnrl, Route 3• L_;:lt~. lift cultivatot·, Papec hay choppc1· ' Fo1· Your Full Wheat Bill's Bait Shop -·~~-·-·-· ----~" -~~y J and silo fillei·, model K, IHC plow Hnve Us Deli vet· I Minnows and other 'live bait of

1 P I 1 'Its clue with Rayex bottom, 14 inch clmg, " all kinds GTLTS--Pureh1·ec o am g 1 ocll35-tooth, Han{mer mill, ',(, l1or·so •

1 to far'I'OII' in Scptcmbet · Go •motor. Tht·ee 50 gallon oil baJ•t·els. Yom·s Now - I William Carl gTnwth g-ills bred to a good boar. I Mrs. Eclwnrcl Frinl<le, 3261 Heeney Phone 3891 402 S. Lawton St. George H. Ellison. Phone 26461 road, Slockllrirlgc, phoM 1-F-111 Act·oss from County Park Mason. .

34wtf stocJrbt·ictgc. · 33w2p Mason Elevatoi· Co. 25wtf

~ ~~ ~ ~-~~ ~ ~ - ~~- ~ --~ I ------ ----------. HOLS'l'ETN BULL fOI', 111

:,. MANU H. E SPREADER--John 345 W. Colttmbia Phone 3341 yc,n1s old, veil hrccl. W. G. I Deere manltre spt·eadcr r01. sal~, FLOWERS-Flowers are the per-

Reeves, ~o1·ncr· of· M-.36 and Br·u-[ hmse dmwn. Mrs. Aclnm Biebe- 34wl feet answer for all occasions. gan 10ad, Stoclcbt'Hige. Phone 1 sheimer, 2302 N. Ol<emos mncl, ·Let us help you. We make all types 7-F-21 Stoci<!Jt idgc, Route ?1~ 0 I Route 4, Mason. 3>1w1p BALBOA l""e for s~le Zitlltner- ofd arrangwemcdnt

1s. as wLell

1_ asF


. ·•W-P .. ,, · gar ens. e e tver. es 1e ' ow-·~~·---~------ I 'I man Dairy, 5132 East 'renitorial er Shop, phone 3011 Leslie. llwtf

DUROC BOAR for snie, 6 months! TRACTOR TIRES for sale-two road, % milA north of Pleasant ·---old. Hex Fineout, 4 miles cast I front traetm· tires size 4xl5, U. lake, Phone Jaclcson 39432. 34w2 EVERYTHING In plumbing fix-

of Dansville. 3-1w3p S. Royals, nc.~v . .Jesse L. Campbell, · ~-------.. tures, material for plumbing and -~ ·-·-· ----~ ~-~--· ----- ~1031 Stillson rand, Route 1, Stock- ALFALFt for. sale or on shn,res, sheet metal. Do your own install-TEN HOLS'I'EIN HEIFERS for llriclge. Phone Stockbridge 27F1. 8 acres of mce second cuttmg. ing and save. C. J. Perrin, 113

sale, 2 yent·s old. Start freshen-! 34w2p Ready to Cl~t now. Call Mason State street, Masrm. · 19wtf ing ahout September 10. 'l'wo; ----- .. --~------ ~:7l2~·l<lct~tl~s so~t\ of r.:.tsof o1n milr.•s southeast of Haslett on Pi-'CREAM SEPARATOR·- M<!Cor- -. · m es ax on, ou c ' I per road, just off VanAtta road. I miclt Deering crerrm sepamtOi' Leslie. 34w1 Il<c Piper, phone Lansing 88077. lfot· sale, in good condition, $25. ALFALFA-Six acres of second

33w21 Also tractor Ottowa drag saw, will cutting alfalfa for sale or will

Driveway Gravel Black Dirt

. ~--- ~-.. ~ - ...... __ .. fit any malte or tmctor. Russell put up on shares. Arthur Gruhn, • Strobel, Haute l, Webberville, one-

Fa~m Tools half mile soulh of Webberville 011 1849 Phillips road, Route 3, Ma­Ellm mad. Phone Webberville ~n. Ph~_ne 9602 Mason. 34wl

12-F-11. 34w1p STRAW-Eight acres of wheat

1946 JOHN DEERE lmcl.m· with BLIZZARD SILO FILLER for . power lift cultivator for sale. R. sale. Pipes, distributot• and two G. Lutz, 2 miles 1vest of Millet, sets of lmives. Good running con­corner of Millet highway and dillon, $50. C . .J. Gaddy, Leslie, 4 Canal road. Phone Lansing 74284, miles cast of Leslie to Meridian Route a, Lansing-. ~ 34w3 rou,d, tlrst house no1·th of Gard­-- __ ~---·---------------lner s store. 34w1 METAL brooder house for sale, 12 -

straw in the field fat• sale. Franlt Hopkins, 4231 West Toles road, Route. 1, Mason. Phone 3804 Aure­lius. 34w1 -------------------------150 BALES of stmw for sale.

Hai'Old Weldon, 255 E. Dans­ville I'Oacl, Star· Route, Mason. Phone 2407 Dansville. 34wl --------~---------


Call E. J. SCARLET"1.'

Holt 41231 10wtf

PRACTICE TYP·lNG TAPEit., 15c a lb. Ingham County News Of-

flee. 18wtt

CAMPING SUPP.LIES - Tat'JlS, tents, shoes, clothing and other

military supplies. All cut rate at new P. X. store in Lansing. Big City hlock basement, formet•ly of Mason. Entet• by State theatre. Ope11. Thursdays un ti1 9 p. m.

· 30wtf' ---------·-


By depositing a regular amount out of each pay­check your savings account .will grow until, almost sooner than you realize, you will have enough to stop dreaming and start planning for that home of yom own. GREEN PARAKEE'r nnct cage,

$10.00 complete, or· will tmrlc for dou!Jlc-dool' mclnl cuplloanl. Also two-piece !Joy's cnnlur·oy suit, size 8, S4.00, Mrs. Ivnn Wethy, Okemos ronrl, phone Map-~· son 4831, Route 4. :l•1w.1 ---- ------ --

Automotive r----------·---.-----·--

Used Truck H eadqum·tel's


HJ46 Reo 2-spcecl, short wlwcl-base

1938 Reo long whcclhase J941 R~o shm'l wheelbase 1917 Dorlgc 2-spccli, long whcel­

llasc J 94 7 Reo 2-spcecl, Bhm·t wheel-

base 1941 Fot·cl flat J'nck truck Two 1917 Hoo long wheelbase 1940 Reo 1911 Ford

Laveme Gibbs Corner or Kelly n nd Dexter

Trnii Phone Mflson 229G6


1037 OLDSMOBILE G for sale, al so Chevrolet parts. Glenn Scutt,

2783 Alll'elius roacl, Route 1, On ondaga. 32w4

1938 CHEVROLET piclntp, '):( ton, in good condition witlt stock

melt and loading chute. Also n hole elise dr)JI, In tet•na tionul wi lh fertilizer and seecl nttach~1ents. .John R. Bnrket·, 251 South Kane road. Phone Webbet•ville 58-F-111.


Used Cars­

and ':rrucks

I, Buy Now!

1950 CHEVROLET Stylolinc Deluxe 2-cloor·. Beautiful black finisr1. Sun visot· ai" conrlitionccl heater·, oil r'iitet:, ltnCieJ•ooat flllcl seal COVer·s

1950 CHEVHOLET Stvle.Iinn Special •1-door. A fine 'em· il~ l~ shape. Ramo, air· concli­tronecl heater·, oi 1 fillet·, 1111 _

dercont and plastic scat cov­P.l'E.

1949 FORD 6 Tudor. Hen tcr sent covet'S, oil filler nncl un~ dercont.

1949 FORD 8 Tudor. Radio, ilea ter, and oil fiJ teJ·.

1949 OLDS 98 4-cloor. Radio ancl heater.

1947 CHEVROLET 1-cloor. Runs good, Motor ove!'hnuleLI about rom· months ago.

1947 CHEVROLET 2-doo;·, Runs lilte R top, looks like new. Rarlio, heatet· oil filter clircction signals, ~tc. '

1946 F.Q.RD Turlor. Rc3l clentt and runs like n top. ·

1946 FORJD Forclm·. Ready tu go.

1940 CHEVROLET 2-cloot·. Mo­tor in .good t'Unning condition,

., Body tn good shape. 1939 BUICK Special 4-cloo,·.

Runs good, looks good, Clenn inside and out.


Come in and let us show you how quickly, by sav­ing a definite amount each week consistent with your income, you'll be able to have those blue prints drawn up for YOUR .home.

I Savings Insured Up to $10,000

The Farmers Bank Oldest Bani' m Ingham County

Federal Reserve System


10>17· SPgGIAL DIT.LUXE Ply•ll!H1 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, . mouth I'm· snle. Four-door. Car h: mdio, hentm·, new paint, fait• tn goocl shape. Ha.s radio and top, G heavy .tires. 'fhis wcclt's 2-

lbcntcr. Tires and molal' at'C in I day special, $20u. H.ny Fisher good con clition.· Cliffol'cl Hill, one i Sales and Sct·vice, 2415 N. Ccdnr, mrle south of Aut·ei!LIS Center. i Holt. Phone 4-6581. Open evenings

I :>~wne p.ureiiu.:.2'~~-- 34\~~p I un~~-~~-- ________ --~~:~ I PLYMOUTH-~-19,11 two-door·. sc-' 1940 HUDSOl\" 1-doot·, new paint,

rlan for sale~ In good conchtton, I good runner. Just transporta-

l One ow,ler. hen _Duncan, phone lion, $59.95 full price. Ray Fisher Maso.n 9011 before 5 p. m. Dt' 1 Sales and Service, 241!3 N. Ccdnl', Lanstng 81511, Ext. 7300 after 6: Holt. Phone '1-6581. Open cvcningA p. m. 34W1]J I until 10. 34w1

'195~ ~~~c ~G _;ON PICKUP, 3,300! F-OR-S-~LE~=Chcvr:olets (3~ 1950 miles. Phone 827DG Lansing. I Deluxe 2 door sedan, 1948 Stylo-

31w1 lme sedan ancl 1~46 Flectline sc­i clnn. All sharp one owncl' cat·s. 1 Tmclc. 18 months to pay, Wn~·ne's

Used. Cars

1951 FORD CUSTOM TU.D0!1, sheridan blue, low mileage, Olltside sun visor, radio, heut­el', overdrive, w i n d s h i e I rl washer, outsirlc l'em·-view mi!Tot' .• lust trader] in on a Fot·cJomatic.

j Aula Sales, 2401 S. Cedar, Lan­/ ~g. Phon~ 51103. 3•lw1

I 1951 CHEVROLET 4-<loor cleiuxu

Stylelinc. Two-tone g't'een, pow­er-glide, ait·-condition healer, ttn­

i clcr·coat ancl oil fille1·. One mont11 II old. Reason for selling, am puying· homo. Dansville phone 3811.

!.Joseph Wigton. . 3,1\~1 -~------------~-·- ------ -.


1 Radio-Television -~-------------

1 1950 FORD DELUXE TUDOR, silvertone gl'ny, hen ter, sen L COVCl'S. . I

19,16 FORD SUPER DELUXJ~ I TUDOR, mclio and heater, tum indicators, fog lights, bumper gunrcl, outside mit·­rm·s, seat <.!overs, new paint in excellent condition.

R"ndio Tubes Radio Service

Guamnteerl Depcnrlahie


SERVI•CE Phone 50G1


1839 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR, t·uns extra good.

440 S . .Jefferson Mason 1%-2wtf


Member F. D. I. C.

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS August 23, 1951 Page 6

PLUMS· Gooscherl'y anri Lom-haJ·ri plums l'ol' sniP. Also Dtl­

roc Jersey boar. Phone Alll'eiitt~ 210G. F1·ccl J. Dalbec, Houle J, Mn­son. 3·lwl. -----~---------- ---

40 YOUNG FRYERS, nverage live weight, ~ ~.:, to 1 \~ pounrls.

Just J•ight !'or the locket·. Buy now and save at 3fi" R pound. Burl. Wamer, GOO W. South St., phono Mason 22842. 34wl

50 NEW HAMPSHIRE Fryer.~ for sale, $1.00 each. Mrs. Carey It

Whipple, 602 Ol<emos road, Mn- , son. Phone ~3802 Mason, Route 1. ,p

3·1wl ,-------------

Powe1·s 0l'chal'C1


G miles cnst of Mason on M-~6

OJ' 1 · mii;l WC'st or Dansville.


Dansville 8522

PEAci-IE:s~r;:-;;--~~;,~~"d -~. now picl<ing. Doci<tet· Ot·chn I'd:;,

cornc1· Ucxter '1'mil and Williams­ton r·oad, 1 Y, miles south o( Dansville. Phone Dnnsvilic 20J4.

34wtf -----------·--- ------ ··~··---·-··-

TRUCKS 1 NEW POTATOES, I<apaclin, Pon-

F "t F d t ff , tine an·d Chippewa, $1.75 per· rUI s- 00 s u s I busheL Exceptionaliy good. Ch!i'0 1 Launstein, 2 miles east of Mason 19,18 FORD %-'rON STAI{E, 5

650 x 16 6-ply tir·cs, fnctory­insta llccl heater, l'llllS and lool;s like new.


19•10 FORD PICK-UP, l'ltnS good. A bal'gain!

Roy Christensen Yom Friendly li'ot•rl Dealer I

: Mason I 210 State St. Phone 9611

. 32w1

CHICKENS-For bcttet· ehicilens. oven or nnn ready, call M~~nn

9~04. Sni.urclay a. m. delivery tn Mason. W. X. Steurlmnn Poultry Fat•m, 620 s. Eclgm· t·oad, ;1l10ne I 9804 Mason. 23wlf

----NEW POTATOIDS - Chippewa .

Franlt Hill, comer of Howard and Williamston roads, 2 miles' south of Dansville. Phone Dans-· ville 2031. 33wtf

RED HAVEN PEACHES for salu. Also, apples and extracted .and

comb honey .. r. P. Hansen, 1043 S. Onondaga !'Oad, Route 1, Eaton 1

Rapids, phone Aur·elius 1614. Lo-

on l\!-36, second place north on Every roar!. Phone Mason 21682, Route 2. 31wl ·--- -~--·-·------

Duchess Apples Golden Jubilee

and Rochester Peaches

Burbank Plums

1950 CHEVROLET 1.:.-ton Piel;­up. Delu"e cab. Ti;·cs and mo­tor like new.

1937 FORD SEDAN for sale. Hy-r catecl 6_ miles west of Mnson, on dmulic hraltes. Cat· is in good ro!um.bla, 2 nules south on Onon-

'condition. Will saet•ifice fat· quick a., a 1 oad. 33w,tf sale. Also electric saw. 324 E. Sycamore, phone Mason 23932.

Honey Sweet Cider


1950 FORD V-8 %-ton Pick-up. Ready to work, Ver·y low mileage on this nearly new true it.

f 34w1p

1939 PLYMOUTH convertible, r:a-

Apples Wcnllhys, Winesaps, Maiden

Blush, Mcintosh

Alfred W ardowski 2 miles north of Leslie on

ft. dlnmeteJ', $60. 4 ventilation FORD TRACTOR for sale. 1948 fans, $20 each. Some feeders and with Jots of tools. Cheap fot• waterers. Drill p1·ess, $20. Few cash. Frank Allen, two miles east pm·ls for building grain elevator: of H,alt nt the Sycamot·e creek, 1;.1. Chicle boxes and misc. Other paul- mile cast of College road on Holt tr·y supply items. Call evenings or roacl. 34w1p Saturday. Herman Walt, N. Cedar street, phone 21223 Mason. 34w2 SILO-Aslt us allout our new 1951 ----- .. _ .. ____ ~-~--~--~--,;·- Ribs tone silo. S. A. Luxton, El\.LmR unci binder twtne, $17.u0 1 phone 2290G Mason. 28wtf

per bale. Also barbed wire. Tom­linson feed store, phone Holt 4-2881. 34wl

ECONOMY KING cream separn- Vibrated Smith Silos

S'EMI-FLA T SA-DDLE, $20.00. Double-rein English bridle, $15.

Man's riding boots, size 1QC, $4.00. Woman's riding boots, size 7%A, $4.00, Green gabardine coat, size 12. Mrs. Sam Cotton, · 4685 W. Columbia, phone Mason 25872.

Clothing GOOD USED CLOTHING-l rtnve

a big supply of clothing for school children. ·Also for twin girls of several ages. Be sure to come in and look around• be.fore you make. your choice of clothing this fall. You wili save $$$ when you shop at the Dorothy ·Helen Resale Shop, l'i24 Center street.

We have the finest selection of used cars in the Mason are&. Now is tl1e time to change Cfll'J

if you aye thinl\ing of doing so. Good used cnrs will be scarcer and higher In the future. For a bet~er selection and grentcr value in a used car see us now.

dio, heater, power top, new paint, 5 heavy tires. This weelc's special at $195, trade and tet·ms on balance. Ray Fisher Sales and Service, 2415 N. Ccrlar, Holt. Ph,one ·1-6581. Open nights until 10. ' . ' ~

USED CARS-Priced to go-1949

Pears Bartlett and ·Ctapps Favorites

Plums Pt·une Plums '

Kh1g's Orchard


32wtr I Phone Leslie 230~


PEACHES-Tree ripened for can-ning. $2.00 and up. Fred Wilson,

Catholic church t•oad, Route 1, Stockbridge. 34w2p

tor for snle. 450 pound capacity. Hand or electJ·ic driven. Used onc week. $80 . .T. C Jacl;scin, 2229 S. Ivcs road, Route 1, Mason. Pholl\l 1588 Mason. · 34.wll

2 DOUBLE GULTIPAGKERS fot· sale. Robert Hughes, 2801

Meridian road, Leslie. Phone Les­lie 5482. · 34w1

MICHIGAN SILOS-Build silos for a lifetime, not for looics.

Phone Robert .r. l{irby, Mason 24082. :J2wtf

Delivered and erected Prompt service

Leslie Phone Leslie 4fl3

A1·tie Wood 24wtf

MOTORS FOR GUN - ')!; h. p. Briggs. and Stratton .gasoline

motor and Clarice trolling gasoline motor, or will trade for best shot~ gun offered. (No single or bolt ac­tions). Call 82791 Lansintl' eve· nlngs. 34w1


Al Rice Chevrolet Co.

Plymouth, 1937 Ford, 1947 Olcls. Collins Sales & Service, Inc., 220 W. Ash, phone 28261. 34w1

4.49 S. Jefferson St., Mason TIRES-Four 8:25x20 tires. Also · Phone 5331 two G. M. C. tractors, 1950 and · · 1946, each equipped .with 270 me-

GIRLS SNOWSUIT for sale, dar•k 1942 CHEVROLET for ~ale, 4 tor, 5-spced transmission and 2· BATHINETI'E in excellent cond!- red, S piece, size 5. $7.00. Mrs. door, radio and heater. Phone speed rear axle. Russcli Higbie,

tlon. Phone 2-4562. Howard Oes· Louis St!d, Mason. 34w1 Mason 24026. 34w1p phone 24926 Mason after 5:00 p. terle, 227 E. Oalt St. S4w1p m., Route 4, Mason. 33w2

COATS-2 girl's winter coats for 1937 CHEVROLET for sale or will sale, good condition, Also sev· sell parts. Radiator about 1 THREJE POOL tables for sale,

yom choice. Call . Charles He· mans, phone Aurelius 11, 2194

·---------------' · Aurelius road. 3-1w1p

era! dresses, sizes 8 to 10. Franc~G year old, also 1919 motor. H. Gar Sherman, phone Dansville 29~. red, 5617 Rossman Road, Onon

31w1p daga. 34wlp

1950 FORD PICK-UP, ~-ton, low mileage, A-1 condition. Sunoca

station, corner' 1 of Cedar and Co­tiumbia. Mason phone 9301. 31wtf

. I,

1% miles north of Leslie on Eden road. Phone Leslie 3645 or 4.016. 2-34wl

FRYERS for sale, thi·ee or four· pounds. Will deliver. Harold

Weldon, 255 m. Dansville road, Star· Rouj:e, Mnson. Phone 2407 Dansville. 34w1

FRYERS-White Rock fryers, corn and milk f~d. Will weigh

5 pounds or more. Will dress and delive)'. Mrs. George Ellison, phone 20461 Mnson. 3awtf

APPLES fot• sale. Smith Orchard, comer Bunltet· and Eifert roads.

Amelius phone 2102. 34wtf

FLEMLSH BEAUTY pears. Cherry Hill Fm·m, 4275 Dobie· r·oad,

Olcemos. Phone 83220 Lansing. '··· 34w1

SWEET CORN for sale. Floyd Weldon, 1J., mile north of M-36 on Meridian road. Phone 24033 Ma­son. 32wtf

TOMATOES for sale, $1.50 11 P\1, Earl Miller, Every roacl nt Still-

man house tmii~J'. 34w1

j I I

I I Want Ads ., Collins'

Used A1mliance Dept.

Real Estate

A, 0. Greenough

r,AJwm rmrr~PING r"o'DS tn nowP L u M 13 JNc- curr Wn n, tho Wlllowbnnl> HUhtllv!Hon, on I1lnmbo11 IH alll!•ll;v on hiR own,

A OYCLONJil'S llll[JUt'HrJilrtl Ulitll It INGHAM COUNTY N•EM'S

Page 2 li' All-MlmS NI'TJilNTTON Plonnc -­Hcl'o In a comlllncrl ntor.l1 nn1l pcppPI'Illinl fn1111 nl' 102 03/100 nci'OH, Ownm 'n honao Is n nli'O clonn mnrlol'll hungnlow, Tonanl hollnc, t itt'!'O WDl'iCI)WlHl h111111 hmJHen, gmnnl',Y, hnnemcnl llfll'll llllOIII :Hx triO, two lnt•gn loot Hlwr!n, nino 11(1 lr> rlnle two ltd! pcppennlnl lnoJ WhiAIWy) llltll, 'l'hiH shonlrln'l lfiHI long nl only $2~,000, ~

bln6I!top, 2 llloclta f1•om 1 oJoco te(j All ltlnriH of 1 npn II Wrll'll nnd now US·l27. Roy W, A!lfllllS T'l1ono lnalflllnllons, All wol'lt gwu·untccr], 3501 Mflnon: 1

1 :JOwtf Phonu Mnaon 2~051, 20wt1'

hits ,YOIII' fal'lll, 'l'hon It's ,;vout• pcraonfll lana unloHs you're Insured, State Mutuul Cyclone Insurance Co, 27wlf

Baling Bnllng wll h Now llollnml 78 ltyrh•ntlllo tonalon given unlfor·m bitlca, We hove lhe twine 1\IJ(] limo If you hn ve tho I111y ot· st1nw,

Aug~1st 23, 1951 Pnge 7


Abel Real I~istate


I !TAVEl CIIANQTI:D m;v office f •om 117 TO, Oak In 307 l'i Hog­

Cl'S stt•eet, OJrico ltnm·n, 1 :OO p, m. lr• 1 :Oil p. 111 except 'I'Illlrn!lny nne] Rnnrla,y, Dt• .T c, Ponton, 32w3p

FISH A'l' DOBUQ LAl{JD Col' hn1111, pllw nnrl pnn llslt, !Dust Holt

t•oarl, ono milo onat pnal CJ!tcmor! l'onrl to Do hie 1 oml, not•th tin co miles, Bo11ls ~1. 2"/wtf

W A N'l'JDD To l'onl fi ot• n 'oo111 hnt1so In 01 tHHll' Mnnon 01 Hoi~

lly l'nmll,Y ol' •I, Jtoft11onc <'H ftll· niHIH'rl, Mm·oclJIII ,TrrnoH, liiO Bnynrrl

nOAR'I'JGI1R Whllr> Ttnr It rnnsl-ot·s, fi In IJI,c pnnllr!H, Allv" nr•

rllrFIHI'r! ffiiWflld ('roy, 2JHII Coy l<lflrl, Jllilllil' ~:l(IJcJ Mnsnn, r:nlli(1 2.

A jnr Jcpot or vnlttos for nnon-nmy-mlnrlr.rl hnyr.r•s • , ,

• HANaTDfl 11t1 cot, fon1n, l'ltonr• fi,! I, :t·IW,:lil

• ltJiliPIUGJilflA'l'ORS a:.w2p • flAnTOS

All ptkml to Rolli Fme Estimates-Ji'ARMS



L, K. Zimmerman and Sons

121l1 Ti11fm·t roar!, Holt

WANTIDD--Mot e chlol1ena, 1'1411VY ' fr•yo·:• unrl AJll Ingot's, Will plrlc

up, W. X, Sir.ntlnlnn Poullr;v Jo'nrm,

Poultry and Rabbits l'TJT.LTG'rfl nnrl IIV<'I 'J lr11 so~lr.,

ltr•IIVY illl'r•d, Ill In IR wr•Pi<H olrl. r.:tll llilo•, I <IIIII' wr"ll nnrl 1 r, 1

1ltill<'H Hrllilli nl ~lnr·l!• on Mrr•f'llillllirl :J:Jw2p

I'IJU WI'~ illl Wlttl<• ftor•lt )llll-lt l·1 lor Hill<', lOIII' months oltl 1

!~!Iii! (/If h J) M flll((lJ~, ltOIIh1 :L 1~11 l 011 ltu pld:-~, ann W.t VPII.Y nnul, 1:. 111111' llllillt nl W1•nl Cnillllilll,l tn1111 a:tw2

Collins Sales & Service,

Inc. lr.1 W. Mllplc 11. \I

Phone 2ri~ll :J 1 wt

I _________ !

120 ACRES, In Alnlr.!lon township,

I nil tlllithlc, nnrl host or hrnvy lnnrl. Honse, hn1 n'J, Jots or othet· htiil!llngn, whleh Mccl some r·c­pnlr• OWnetn ~hilt It or gt owing

I r r ops of :H ltc'II'H emn, HI nc11•s Orlt R1 J 1 fll'I'PS When t, 20 UCII'.'i huy mclnrlccl In pr·l!'e or $21,000.

LIDSLIIiJ, II moms, :1 heorlt noms, lJnlJ1, g"IH J'tllll 11'1', lli'W HlrJJng, Jn­HliJ 1led, i'tore ;;;r:non Cnll Ji'Joyd Ji'ox, pltone LPslte ~302,

NTIJAn MASON-11/i nct•o fatm, Mo1le1 n IWIIA<', lnt go htp roof rlnlr·,v hrnn. Mille !JOlin<•, r••·­mcnl ntnvc silo, olhr.l' lmllrl­lng,9, $17,500 •rerm.~

NTDAR MASON A lll'W tht•cc llcrlt·oorn l10111c 'l'wo l1rr lllH, oil heal, one IICI'I' lunrl. $1~,­noo, •rctmn,

on PLTJMHTNr: -- TTiiJA 'l'TNG

f•:LJ•:!"l'llff'Af, WOIU< D'n sl, Plllllflt'lo•nl msl nlln lion nt)rl HOI vlcf', A II I VJlPH 11f pliitllhlng, h<rnllllg', Plcr•lr wnl NJlllpmcnt Wntcr ;ntlllflH, nil hlll'llr.i H, llllln­lllnllc frriiHII'I' rnllltnls a Hlll'r•­l,rlly f'nnlplr.Je .'H'llll lnniH.

All 1\'0ill glllll.illltrr[

Han Lewis· Ph, MIIRon

ot· :wn It :1, Leslie


Cion n eel nnd Ropn 11 nrl All wotlt ;::unrnnlectl

Robert Yeoman I. can Holl--llH0-2:171


Do1 t & Cody- Mnson 2:1111 II



Phone Hoi t 4o! ll11 2·20wtr

YJilR, we hnul gmvel for clllvea nn!l nl~o pen ntonn, gnnd force­

ment wotlt, nn!l dlt·t. WH­Ilnm Ilt, 70•1 WPst Cenll'l' Hli!•el, phone Mnoon 24261,

I 1120 S. Iildgnt• t'<mrl, phone ll804 Mason. l nwtf

WAN'J'WD 'l'rr tenl 11 hnnsll, not • leHH ih11n f1 IIIOIJIH, Wililill rlt•tvJng

!I!Htnnce ol' L11nslng. Llnytl nmnrly, Houtr. ll, llowell l'IHlll<l 121-lt-12 Uowell, ~ 1 w2p

WAN'rJDIJ Cnpnhl<' wmJHtll Ill' 20wtf girl I' or lint I Hl'Wnt'IC !127 DillllJOJHI -.-- Hd, Phmw lllnHon fifill. 31w1

Ditching WAN'l'run •ro rtJ•;N't' '1\vn IH·rl·

IIIII Wlll'l'• llllllllltH old

I'ltJJIIJlH lll:JrJ itO Ill I' •I


Pm·kins H m·clware

200 ACRTIJ rln11;v farm. 'r mlloo ft om MSC, 170 1101 cs 111111<'1 plow, 10 ru I'CA of goorl ltm­llrt'1 hnlnncc past111 e land. 40xBO hlpt ool' hn~r.mcnt hntn, 30x10 llnRcment tlnl'n, t•cnwnt Hlav" silo 8 1oom nwrler 11 hottse, Thin fnt m is we I fCtl!'~rJ $'30,000, 'rPI'lllR

WAi'lf!TN()fl rlrlll!' I <'IIHOrtoihl-·, ncntly foJrJ,.rJ. AJ,,n 11111 ll'lllllng

Co~ II 1vl11•nn :lm2 MtH T<t nrwlh Amv, :m1 PJ SIJIItiJ ,1Jrrol.

UPHOLSTillRING- Jlavp 0111 own

If yntl'rc plnnnlng on walct• to lhc !J'Il'n, n new lillllc, or nn-y­thmg ll'rJllltlng plpcH unrl dll Phes, let llR rio 11 fm· you w!lh ntl1' new hnclc hne We will rllu llw rltleh, t•nn l'lll'nlsh llw p!pt•, lay II, nnrl do all plnmh­lng.

I OllllJ hOII.~O. 1\fttHI ill' 11JOr!e1n, Cnn furnish lop tr•J >'I r'IH'I'H, f\niH'I i \Valltel, fl•ll W. !:nltunhln, phmw MaHon 2fiiRI :Jiw'l

OLJ:; Moni:J\111, 2:,2t, pilllli" M""'"' %0fi,


FJARY WASTl!DR RAI.m!-1 & Slo:JtVIf'Jil

Pirone 4311 llAHHI'I'~ 1111 ,,,iJ,, \filing tah- Mnson

1111, onrl rln<•H 11:111 v .Inhn,lon, :wo S, .Jrffct'son J(ipp I 111111 fill II itOII'II' WI'~ I ol US-,


127 'llw2p -------

UMllliT:-i ol ,ill "'~'' lor HHI1 'I'WO flfi ga)[on rlonble-l'h'lilr11 ll<'IV

NIJAR WilLIAMSTON , ~!) 11crc farm, 7 J'oom motler11 hu11sr. unci g'amgc, 3~xnll hlp mof llmn, silo Potlltt•y holiHI', nt het· llull!llnfj's $15,HOII 'l'ctmn,

I IN MASON- 5 mom modem

IIOIIHC 5 :>'Cill'A olrl Sloltct lwn l, Inca ted on pn veri Hlr ctl,

Al'o lilllr•IJI", oncl '"'11" r•ltlf•Jcpn, rlcr·lrJr• Wlllr•t ltt•ltlf'JH f\Pgttllli f':11l .Ill\' IIIII<' '"''' HIX o'•lorlc .11 Jlllr•r•, $1fifJOII now $ll'i00. Drut

$7,000, 'l'l'llllH. • IN MASON Duplex, Locnlerll

on p.rve!l strcel, Or! henL. Flxlro good r•onrlil1on. $12,01111 Tl'llllH, •1 '/r ll101lgll1-{r.

:~07 r:,,~l RVr',"'""" Hlil'<'l, M11snn and C.1r!y, :!4wll

'Hw2 r.mmNonon LI·~NNOX

I-Ieati11g I•:cluipment Household Goods I ll TN MASON ~ hOIIKOH on r. loll

,.,, frHmg 111!1111 slJrr.Lfi. One hoti.L'P YOU C'AN''l' niJY I is 1 tonrns wtlh f<n·n:rre ancll I TDTS

A BJ~'I'Tf<;fl hallr, nnrl the nliH•t ts a soltd Jog TI:-iJ1])) AJ'I'LIAN('FJ calli II ho11s~, of 2 1 ooms, Nl•·e I A bel Heal Estate

J)lfO-TJTE!{l\1 H)lllCr' ht•d I 1 1 for ,nJI', J101V IJHII!l'J, WiiJJ liVe g,J)Jnn

lnnlc nnrl blnw<'r tnrlnrltd C'lthlll­rlrll rliiiV "'"' Vtrtr nlrl. Pt'l<'l' ~GO ~lohPtl .J Hill II h, 2()!)fj 'I'IIIIIP 1 ond, Mnson /1o1JIP I, phtJilf' :::;~s Afn-1 son a•Jwl I

ANYWTTJ;;Hf•].,, I yn1d Will! mntmc Hltndl' Yon shmilil src t hu lllt'c g-n ll)r>n 1

• ltcpalr Ag-ency <f: ClNIOll1g

'rltey't·e l111n1 'lltlerrl

' 'f'ltev'r c Hrrnnr!Jtlnnrrl Cornpii'IP SrJPr'i Inn

I P1 iCC, $(1,600 00, I TIAVJ•; BUYF1R 101 gnwl llli'Oil1•'


209 W. Ash Mason, M11'll1gnn

2~1 acres, mostly all lilln •Je, two Phone 3161 ~~k\~~. bulldmgs, good Jo .. 'llton, 1 ~4 wl



EAVf~STf\OUGfTJNC:, <li'W and

ONI•1 !'Alit tttl!l1•rl lll'i,nns !!0" Tfo'~YOU DON"r fiCO wlmc yon wnnlllTIGimn PfUCJC;~ln~r~~~ tnrrm WHit lrlJ s·J!t• Also \\ltlllow •,luulP r,l)' Wide. V••ry 111•'"1' ~l1.s. ll.llt,\' Wlll< II, fo21 S B.ti!HS, plrnnr C,llfil or 2~k.!~ M.i'Wil 'l1Wl

A'l' IMPOWJ'AN'f' SAVING;.; m lllls ad, piP:I~e, pleiiH<' <·all and I ily L:illSillg huyor" 40s nnrl 80,,, tell llll' what yua want nn<! I Wililrn <'UI1111111lmg rlislanec lrom m.ty h<• alJie to hel;l you. LunHmg. Br mg pt·em111111 pr II'<'~,

P. Tf. A. 1'rllw, Avm!a!Jlc

I,LJI;l"l'lll!' !{OASTJ•:Jt IIVI'n lr11 ( 'onsumel's Power gel t<'nrly for· lile fall rnsl1 or

A, 0. GJ•eenough llllym. can the Whtpp Fatm Sons suit•, N''tll\ ntw $2~00 Jn-• Agency, !l!H '11ownsend, Lnnsmg, Darrsville cllllli•!._, IJtlhlllh dtsllP~ and moLd

Mnson Real Estate Broker since 1914 Phone 20!ifi2 L'tnsmg"1m qawl< rc- I l'IHllll' 2'Hl:l tnhlr hHiloilll lliirlcmJHII'I, Phnllo' M.tHilll 21fH8 :11w1 31w1 1346 Mason St. Dansville 1 'nits. __________ :J~w~ I _______________ 1!l~:'_i::._

KI1LVJN i\'1 OR Pill lll< l iillr• tnp I Ph D 'II I ~1 ACRE li'ARM f 1 c BULT"DOZINn - Bulldozer wtth '--------------- one ansvl e 2291 " • or sa e, , room I I I I I I II lllll~f' lrJ1 S.I]P, llt W \VJII SdCII­

Iir•o• ( ill r loll I~!JIIJ Ill HI'{' II ~~Ill N. (<'till, !loll 0111n llitlt· 111111 :J.Iw1 p

PR.l~MTiiJR V.te'liltlll f'lennet' for· Dny or Evemngs house, hat n nnd other lluilrlmgs, wmr· 1 • m<· c we mtc t rug ne rotner· ol' Harper an'! College worl:. Also bury slone p<los wtlh

.sulr>, Ill g'ood contlrlum, $12 flO. I road~. J\1cr·ton Mtzet, noule ;1, baric hoe Jmllrln?.Pr Basl'monls AJ~o cleclt 1r· mangle wtlh cabmcl, - ----------- 1 It 1 1 r.• h b , , 1 , J t <4c OCJ C BUILDING LOTS 200 fl'et on Jlhone Mason 28332, ~l4w1 rUg, <' r l llg'!,;tng, ,<,tl er by JO very gout r onr < ron, ., " . ,

01• hy the h

11• s

0 vV 11 \Vh't

Mu'trllelon, phone 208'!1 Mason paved slrcet 111 Mason, 108 feet - --- ----- -- l't I t".\ 1 ~~ i. mm 'tilt f A H'I'OMNI'IC' r nat slolcer, feprJs

'" w nhle, shndc ttcr>s, goorl Jornt1on, lhr·ee mtlcs from Leslie, Insl Wtl!ta~mlon at lDOO Elply rJad, -·~ 1 deep Elel'lr·•ctly nnrl watc1 ovatl- FA/tM FOR SALE-Muck fat·m, I eta , occt c< " m1 <s nor o 'W JWIIIHI:-; 1lt t hrHtJ HrsHlenrt.

stzr 1 tHnpll'IP wJtll all 1 onilols Rr /,llldt Jlll< < S2,1fl C,ll, Now lot - -~ .~6fi0 00. W A. Bet·gm, hr·oket, I fllt'lll on left hand strlc or F 1tch- Roull' ~. Willitlllslon, llwtf 1

phone Mason 268:Jl 34wlr hmg road. Inclurfes two houscH, --- ·- -1 $1 \IJ 'ill, ll.11 I 111<1 (' 1111 ::twl

Usecl -. • . -- ---------- dry shed, 45 actes ar muctc and 15 Bel't's Garao·e

We Neecl


Gl'l •rnp 'l'rntlo-111 AllnW'Incc

Mason Home Appliance

1 120 \V lll.ijllt• Phone 2ii!'J1 I I

31\vl - -- ----

F:J,J~C''l'l\1 C S'l'OVT·~ for· s;~Jr, lht e,• tnunPJs nnrl oven, :til 111 good

r•ntlllil1011 f2fi 00, Len Fnunl11n, 21.! llltiP~~ WL'st ol 1\t[,n-;on nn C!ow Jtllllill I IO Jti, f')l!llll' llfilHOil 211·1-1


WALN!J1' BfDDJlOOM suite, six-plt•tc 11 <rl•lwnnl slyltng. Also

rlg!Ji-pii'CC tlillll1g tnom sutLP., wal­nut, Duncan l'ilyle and llt•ppit'­Whll e. llo•Jng sold by Mrs. Milt y MeAl th<ll' vY1g'n til. F'nr Ill forma­linn 1 'til M1 s J •. H MeAl !hill', p!wno' :1271. :lOwlC

Make Mnoon Home Applillll~e

Yo111 !'1 C<'ZCI llo•.J<Iqu.ulm.~ :'icP 0111 c ompiPie slor Jc of

flpvc·o li'1er7.r1 c; On T!tsplny

H-tfi-2:) , utm rt.

lVT as on Home Appliance

120 W M 1p1c Phone 2!i!l111 31w1

------ ----- -- ---- -PIU1SSURE CANNmR for oo.Je.

Dnyton f{!Jose, (i:33 E1fe1·t t'1nd, Houle ,\, Mnsnn. Phone 23718 Ma­son ~4wlp

ONJD fl2 gallon dmihlc-eJeplcnL new l'icdi "' wnl ct· he a let·. Rcgu-

1111' 1 elm! ptrcc, Sl:l!J iO now $'J'J 'iO fl;lll and Cady, 3·lw1


5 ntH) 7 I'll, It

I SIX ROOMS, Hhowet, ld valory act·es of upland. Wtlliam KnlJ!er· , ~

mco ha 1 n, l 0 at•r eH, WI! It some Phone 2486 Dol a Ohio 32wtf General Repa n mg ft111t Jnsl cas I nl' Hoi I. Sco P1 ante ' · and

I Allen, two mrles eaHt of Holl at HOUSE-Seven-toom wh 1te frame ~4-hollr Wrcclrcr ServiCe lite Syr',UllOt e ct cole, r;, m1!e cast house Wilh rlownst,tit s !Jed room I 'hone 4-1261 or· ~.172

IiJ,lRY Monlhly Payments Avntl- of College tO,<d on Holt ton<l nnd bath on both floors Screenetl Holt

In J~xccllent Conthlton

a hie on These 31w1 p ft•ont porch. Elnt<re hOlllSe com- l-2Wl:f

Mason HOUSFJ-Ntce four-lleclroom home wlth nltached gm age nne! sun

IJ A l' JlDI'Ch. Has new fum,we, water -101118 PP lance hcalet nnrl incJ~<otnlot Located on

120 W. Mnpl!• PltonP. 25911 r weii-J,uulscrtpell cot ner lot close to 34w1 store All newly tlewr.tlecl Law-

-- _ __ __ _ ~ l'enee Stmpson, phone 12R1 M:i1~~f ONE NW..V 120,000 B T. U Len-

pletely remodeled two yeats ago, Two-cat· garage. Located on q111et CALf~ Ll~SLTF1 2n11 ana ask fpr slr cet at 227 E Chert'jl St, Ma- Wru nPt 's F'11 e Contt ol Se1vlce son. 011 hent anrl Willet soflener roJ' cvel'l'llti<lg' 111 fit c contl'DI Contact owner, Mrs. Jack \\ Wtg- eqwpmcnl. We specialt?.e 111 the nail, 3879 Cmet t r onrl, Pontmc, lamous HPrl Comet fire contl ol M!eh, tfor·merly Mary )], MeAt- systems Wltllh g1ve 2•1-hout per tlnn) Phone Dtayion Plains 0!'-~ day ]llnll'i liOn fot " lr!eltmc SCI'V-Iancl<l 37579 01· 31051 :l2wtf tee. 11'11 r '>Ill vry,, 111 c free and we

nox cnl-lu ctl wmler 1111 conr!J­lJOner. Hegulat r clail pttcc ~G4!J.GO now scllrng fot $449,!i0. IJ,ul anrl Cady 31wl

------------------ 1 tnslall Wtlhout rxlr·n. cost,

1 I ' lOwtr

Jewett Heal Es~ate I Business Services sPoT cAsH For farm ancl city For Dcnrl or Di~nhlccl Stock

Tnstnllnlions, ConvemionR, Ap­plianceR

ma~y Tet ms, Ft•eo Dellvery

Don Hill 313!i S. Olcemos Rd, Oltemos

Pltone Lunsmg 8-11i·UJ 2llwtf

i W ASHEH - Bendix Gyr-e

propm·ty call us SPJCCIALS


FOUR nrunnooM house, hard­wood floors, new! y dccot n led, two llloclts f1 om r outl honso, pl!('C ~8,000,

Eme1·y H, J '3Wett, "Jrolter

229 Slate St, Mason 1

1 I Phone 22571

5wtf 1 ------------- -----FORTY-ACRE poultt·y nnrl hog

fatm lot s11Je Stx tuom modert' home, newly de cot rrlecl. Nrne other bllllclmgs, all m excellent conch­

money down, 540 E. A~h. Phone t10n. 1211 E Kmnevtlle toad. Ken-M11son 26653, 3•1w1

1 nelh Owen, Rontc 3, Lesltc, phone

Washer :m!l Bendtx Gas Dt yer, 3 ycm·s aiel. ne.ason fm· selhng: movmg Iaund!y upstairs, buying new Bendtx eqmpment. May he bought on easy payments, no

~- ·-------------- --1 Leslie 2962 3'1\Vl

:ES! WE STILL HAVJTI almnmum trmlers, but don't watt too long.

See our heauttful 1951 line. Used tt ailers, bottle gas, trnller furnl· ure unci accessones. Whttr:n.:n's

Tr mler Sales, one mrle east of East Lanstng on US-16.' 5wtf

HOUSID TRAILER- Newly pam ted, 1946 Royal in good con­

dtlton, 25 ft., $1,200. Also 1900 Nash Rnmhlet·, $1,5u0 I.eon l{etch­um, 3)!i, m1Ies norlh of Mason on US-127, phone 28311 Mason. •

27wtf .____

-----~ ----------- - -

MUCK LAND- 40 act es of muck well dt'Hincd, easy to clear, close

to Mason Fran!< Allen, two mtles enst of Holt at the Sycamot e creelt, !!, mile 'cast of college road on Holt road. 34w1p

FARM-90 acres, good barn, 20 slanchtons, six 1oom house

Pt iced reasonably, Must have half cash; balance Com per cent mter­est. Fr unk Allen, two nules east of Holt nt I he Sycamol'c c1·eek, '1. rmlc cast o! College rond on Holt road. 34w1 p

J\10DIDHN HOME m Leslie for

Glenn Casey Auctioneer

Wtllinmston, Mrclugan Phone Collect 227-W


ASHFA; HAULED--Hullbish, em­tiers, ]Unit, W<Jlinms Btothers,

704 West Centet• Htreet, Mnson, pltonc 21261. 20wtf

Stone Mason FoundatiOns, bloclt Jaymg and Jmlldmg of chunneys or any lliml Clyde StnrT, 2'h m1les south of Mason on US-127 to Coy l'Oa!l, east to stone house, phone M,tson 22~45.

___________ 2111vtf I

EXTEJHMITAL TER.l'IHTm sArvice. Specialtzing in te11n1te and pow­

dm post beetle control. Bonded ope1ator, 5 year guarantee backed by bonded cash l'eserve. 'l'ctmrtes are hat d to detect. Cnll a specralist for free ins;:>cctwn. Phone B V Frurn, phone 26883. Opet ntor reprc.sentative. 16w4p-lf

H,we you tt1orl the convemence Of OIH



TT<ol S<'S $2 00 Cows ~:J 00 IJngH- $ 10 !'Wt.

Pt ompl lllri rom teo us servtce I 'liOrJc c·ollect to

Mnson ;3H 1 L-msmg 5223!l

CARL BERG Ltccnsec for· Datltng nnrl Co,

8w!i2ptf ·-----------------------AT'l'ENTION- ln nl1t11t!On to all

lnnds of welding, farm eqUip­ment ancl mrnot· nntomottve te­pnH H, we m c 11ow prepn1 ell to serv­tcc or rcpnn any lyp~ of l'nd1o rmrl TV appaw tun Home checlntps at 1 easonablc rates. no!Jmson Weld­Ing Shop, JJ 11 S. US-127, phone r-ruson 2~271, 19wtf

BLOCK LA YJNG anll cement work of any type, done l1y ex­

pet <enccrl ln!Jor lo ymn· satrsfac­Lton Pitces vet y r casonn Ill e. I wonld appr ec!llle YOil\' pnl10nag-c, S. J Mai'ohall, fit st home no. th of the slot c nt Ellen phone Ma­son 5681, 1 Owtf

--------1 PHOTOGRAPHS ,



Fonnol ot· cancl11l 111 r h111 ell, lwme or stu<lto.

FAJ\ULY GROUPS At home m· slullto.

OLD PHO'POGRAPIIS Copwd nnrl 1 l'~lnt eel.

FRAMES In all s1zcs nntl styles Perkins I-Ianlwme TRAILER-'rwo wheel tratler· wtth

sale, etght looms nnd bath, hot watet hentct·, two-story garage, small garden spot, good location Truman Whttney, 122 Covert stt·eet, Leslie, phone Lcslte 4733

Mason Cleaners and Self Se1·vice



Phm c 121 I

- - _____________ , RUG- !l x 12 tug for snlc, mixed

calms Also Kcmnot c upttght swccpet, new Russell Strobel,

a <.., Ronle I, WcbbcJ vtllc, ono-hnlf nllle south or Webbct vtllc on Elm 1 ond. Phone Wehhr1 Ville 12-1~-11.


1 ncJ(, ncrnly new tires. F. S, To~Imson, 1)~ mtles east or Holt on Holt road, Route 3, Mason. Phone Holt 11397. 81wl

'rR.AILER -J947 Ellca1, 25 feet


Moved 217 S .Teftcr·son Phone 9101 31wl

FOR OIL BURNERS, otl fur-naces, otl llotlers, plumbing,

electJ·icnl suppltes, tnstallntwn and service, Leslle Heating nnd Plumb­ing Co., phone Leslie 3682, 21 w tf

CAN AFJ~ORD -- -------

mxccpt OPmN DAILY I

llfon1l[lys & 'J'hm Rcl~~:-


motet lnls of lhe llnest quaHt;v 11nrl nl nil pl'lces Regluclng 11nd repairing l'urnlturc nnd l'ecovetlng old to loolc like new, Hcasonnble pl'lcen, li'rec est!mntes nnd fr ce plclcup and riel Ivery. Het b Math­Ins, phone 24821 or evenings 25HJ 6 Mason. :n wtf

F. C. Ancle1·son & ' Sons

Phone Dnnsvlllo 2~fl:l :J1w1

lfi~J\IALID fff•,f,J' WANTCD Nenl, piPIISdnt, ngg-tPHHIVP wom~

nn br.lwc{)n lh11 ngc:1 n! 2fi 'liHI :n lo Hl'l 11J1 n ppm n lnH•nl~ lm Hlii<•H­men, No Helling Snl111 y pills illlllll 1 !01 c.t[Jnhl<• JlOIHOil. Wttlc P. 0 Box fiJI, Mnsnn, JOJ intctvlt'W GtVf.! phone lltllnbt't :lolw I p

gAVESTROUGHING-F1ee ostl­mule, ftllnace repairing nnrl

sheet metal wotlc Call 6Jf0-42421. W, Reynolds, Holt. 34wtf

-------- ~ ------- WANTJCD-Slan<lluu Lnnllct•, We BALING WITH New Hollnnd

IJn lcl', Inqul' o .Tar k Wolft·um fntm~. ono 1111lr. oasl nr lfnlt on Holt ronrl, phone Troll ·11'lDJ, I~Olile 3, Mnson :t4wt

will pny top pll<'l's for l!u·go vir­gin or HI'Pond g'rowlll llmhot One of Olll' forostel's win mark your timber nccordmg' to good Cot·cslt'Y methods If yo11 so doH II o Conl11ct us bel'me sclllnfl'. 'l'ltlltrHon Lum­ber Compnny, lfowl'll, phone D~l.

NEW INTERIOR Dccorntlng unrl upholstery shop-We can 1 crlec-

mate your home and t·eupholsler

I you1 fm·nlture r·Jght nwny. Call 12731 m Eaton Hupids, don't de­lay! li't cc estimates, prl'lc up and rlohve1 y. Locatton, lHl Wosl Hnm­lm, Enton Raptds. 34w4p


--------4% Farm Loans

Keep costs rlown wllh n li'c<l­ Lanrl Bnnl< loan TTse 1 eat I•'ntmct• Co-op Ctcrht lilcc YOIIl no!ghhor.

Phone La ns111g GRR16 01 vistt



WAN'rF~D C1enm, Cg'.!.,fi .1nf1 f10lll~ lry See L.twrPtH'<' ll,vo~ll, ! ro;,

Hall :.liccl, 1•1:ilon Ro~ptds, phone TI:nton RnpttiH •lclfi21 28wll

CHICf0•1N8 "'iill' i ET >- >vtll ~~m~ mg nt the same trmc! Bring your WflSh to OUJ' self oet'VICC l11undty. Do your shoppmg willie our Maylag Automatics wash yout· l'iol hes spar l<lmg clean. Au toma­lic dtyer Mnson Cleaners nncl Self Set vtce Lnunclry. 247 S, Jef­ferson, Phone Mason 9101 34wl

80·1 IiJ Mtch. Ave, Lnnsing 1 CPO I go C. G1 r.l'nlPcLf,

and g'et them. W. rr. A pplcton, 3318 Pr ym 1 oad, :l nulcs norlh of Mason phone G3B2. Dwtf

Sel''.Y ~'rJ Pnfi.

We RC!Vl' lngiJ.Inl oillll ro:tton CottnliCS

---- - ~- --W A N'l' T~ D I•' ll.l~ S Jr 1;c:c;s,

PIANO LF.:SSONS-I 11m lnlctng ~2wtf,

POUT:J'ltY, CI~F:AM, Wt• al­w.tys wnnl llllllr• 1'rl'i<lll IIJl cJir•h. week 1'1 run yo111 rloor, .Jnsl plwno 2"l71 D lllHVillt•, Patrl llt•tlg-lcn.

Jlil1no ~tntlents now 11nd wtll c onlmue to lc11ch at MSC thts f,tJI Alan Cmlts, phone Mason Livestock ~ 7~~~ULD ~~~e to help y;~-3,:~~ I 1'o


your· C!mstma,s gtfls by malctng­nnythmg you wtsh c1lher l<n1tled



01 Cl uehctcd. Ot·tlor· e~tly and not be rltsappomted Sec my pat lot n~ Ol hl'ill~ YOU! own, Mt H Ray Hat t~lwm, 878 Mer I than road, Mn'­son phone 24039 34wtt

Detroit Pnclong House and . Ymds Mondays nnrl 'l'ucstln y~

Inslli'NI Set vrcc

Eli Mire & Son fi nttlcs west ol M,tson on Go­lumhw, 2 m1les north on On­ondaga t ond.

Phone Holt 4!i414


WAN'l'mD Yrnmg- n11111 2fi an<! Wife, holil fntlllfiR, WIH!r In C:llO

for oltlcily g<nli<'lll.ln nn your far 111 hnllll' Vt•il'l nn nl' World Wnt' ff Wrtlc C,uPilllcl'i', 1022 E11rclm stt ect, Lnn~mg- 'l2wG

WAN'I'F:fl A 'lt•,HIY IPil'illoC t'i!lo fiOlll Mnsnn In Miilllnl ililllcllllg'

on N Cdpllnl st1 t'r•t, Lr111S1ng, fiV\J

Farm Services days n wrrl\, woJl<mg hnu1 ~ n1 e 8 a. 111 lo •I '41i p lll. Hl:11 flllfl All-

31w4pl gusl27 KnliHI'n W.illcl, 110 -------- ------- ---- ll1flntlolph slil'cl, MnHon. Phona

Roy D. Donalcl LtvesloPJc B11ymg nnrl Trllrlc­


Bee( Cattle, Dau·y Cattle CALVES

Sheep, T~1rnbs, Hogs 11m! Hot so~ Stx-Day Matl<et

Corner of Tntllc and Bmnes toads, M,tson, Route J

Phone Mason 2:1628 33wtf

JOHNSON'S Fntm Servtce saw- 2cl104 Mnson :!4w1 mil!, Om m<ll O]lerates 121--- ------

monthb a year. 5000 ft. reqmred WANTIDD TJserl s1lo filler, Mr·· for 11 set Fot mtormntton wrrte Co1 J1l[(•-Del'llll!, pr efc•1r erl, m R Willems, 2236 l{cnmorc Drtve, fl'OorJ cont11l•on non VnnSJ<'I<Ic, Olcemos, phone Lnnsing 84569 7640 Bowen 1 oo~<l, D'nwle1 Ville, i

lwtf 1

m tie snul11 ol Fowlet Ville, ti1 st

- - - --- ---, BARN PAJNTINC

Spr11y pmnt1ng or


An Tlnmmcr Wot·lc on Conr·t ole W01·lc Guat an teed

Pr om;lt Ser Vll'e 1 F1ee Estnnates

houso cnst 81wlp

WANTED -Boy of lC, ~;;nls wntlc or some klncl for 1 est of August

and mghts and SalurclnyH urtct· I sc~~ool Phone 1\faHon 220~1 33wl

1 WANTED Woman fm· fl'Cncr·nl 1 hmlsCII'ot·k mn.y ~~o home mghts Dav1d Demnncl, 2:!7:; Hnw-lry 1 oncl, Mason P!Jonc 30 l!l Ma­son. ~1w1p

PROFESSIONAL woman wants FARM CHOPS - Hail Insurance. Crowe Bros. small npa1lnH•nt nutHJ<lc or Lan­

srng, p1 ei'ct s Okemos, !T.Jo;Jctl or Holt VICillily, Call LnnSIIlg' 87G.i7

We are agents fol' Mlclugan Mu- I tual Hat! In~umnce of I~anBmg I Jewett Insm ance Agency, 551 W. Maple, Ma~on, phone 5511. Gwtf

3R22 DeB Rd. Holt Phone Lans1ng 7-4124


~--Farm Bureau Insurance Co.

Automobile nncl fatm habtlity coverage,

Leon J. F ~llows General ag~nt for Ingham County. Route 4, Moson. Phone 21132.


CUSTOM SAWlNG, .itlii'O 5iab wood for sale Fmnlt Wa1 d, first

farm south of Harper school on !JS-127 at Butler's Hestaurant. Phone Lansmg 49291, 42wtf

Poultry Hauling To Detroit

Rates l \~c pet· potmcl 01'

$1 pm ctnto

Jay Hill 2 tmles sonlh of Leslie on Hull

t•oad to Cllilrchill l'Oacl Phon<.! Lesltc 3981

, 33w3 ~-----------------------1

Dead or Alive FA,tM ANIMALS

Collected Promptly IIm·~es--$2 00 Cuttle-$3.00

Hogs-$.10 cwt.

Building Materials CEDAR POSTS, 3 !nell, 8 ft., 41ic,

3 112-mch, 7ft., 50c, 4-inch 10-ft.; clotheslmc postH, $l.fi0 .T. D. Lvon, 400 East Ash stl'eet, Mason, phone 28122 Mason ~5wtf


LUMBER fot sale. Win tnl<e ot­det s I or cot n c1 1b Ot' other butld­

ing material H.!Ve some lumbct on hand. Eat I D Wheelet, Route 1, Mason, Phone Mason !i283 m· Flu-gena Wheeler, Dansvtlle phon~ 2039 33wtf

ROOFING and roof coalmg, Stll c-Jo ole to resurfnce craclced ce­

ment and wood ftoots Sealms lot stlos, cement and mnsonnt y builcl­mgs Fat ft Pe estimn tcs phone Lnnsmg 81397 m· 8581•J, James Mc­Kane, Okemos 3•lwl0p

LUM13EH A pile of userl ani' ltmher and plani{s fo1 sale, sev­

e! al doots, vat wus stzcs, rt sot ol hcrtvy strtn s, a few angle !tic, 1;; mch, severn] pteces of tug malt­mg, ~nd an u·onmg hoa!ll. AU mn­tett,tl tn good concltliOn, Call nflt•t· 5:00 01 dunng week encl Roy M Hunt, 1306 W Dextet· Ttatl, J\1n-

l son, phone 2~462 Mason, 34wl;:>

War.ted --------------------------

Phone Collect To "ackson 2-7037

MAN OR WOMAN to toke cnre of 01 dct s for Fnllet• Bt·ush nncl

Cosmelie lmc m Mason and v:cm­tly. Pctmanent, $2 50 pet hom to

I stat t. Cnll L11nsing 82956 morn­mgs, gwmg qunliCicntwns.


Hall-Phone 72881



WANTED-All Jtlncrs or logs nnd standmg tunber. Call Charlotte

379 daytimes or 1960 cvcmngs or write L, L. Johnson Lumber com­pun,;v, Charlotte, 31wtf

J Cl'cnmg-o 11wlp

HJ~LP v~rANTEIJ So~a~onc to Cl~t gr 11ss, w 1s1t wmrlnws nnd clo orld

JObs ,11 01111<1 itrliiSC $1 liO fill JtO!Il Mr ~. F 13 A1ngeJ 1720 IiJ. llowcll Jorrcl, Wrllwmston 31wl

WAN'TED TO BUY-~0 01 80 ncl'c f11r m G1vc locatton, rlls­

rr~p,Jon and pt II'C in tit'S I 1 eply. c11re ol Inghnm County News, Box No 36. 31wl

WANTED- 'ro buy I n40 01 1011 moclcl em 111 uood conclilton,

ft•om owner, W< th clown poyment and tcuns. Phone Dansvtlle 2039,


YOUNG WOMAN wishes r1dc to and ftom LanH~ng, five d~ys a

weelc, hours 8 to 5. Piwnc 2-2975 Mason. M1ss Vu g1nia Gabel :11w1

WANTED-Wom11n for par'l t<me worl<. Mason Dry Cleanc1 s &

Self Set v1ce Lnundr y 24 7 S .Jef­ferson Phone Mason D10l 11wl

WAN'l'ED -!\tan f01 Hlc.Hiy wmk on !ann Shollld h we ex pet 1ence

With f111 m mar·h1ner·y c~ntl ltvc­"loclc Btm Pi anlclm, ]liJOnc 2670'! Mason ~1wlp

More Classifieds on Next Page

-Mr. !=armer: We Want

Calves I Rememllf'r! We pay the !JeKt Jlrlr~wry \l'cl'lc-.Jul t loud your cull in the ctU' nn!l hrlng him oVI'r- ·

nouns s 'ro 2



Perkins Hardware

long, electt·tc refrtgeratm, bot­lied gas, Duo-Tirerm otl heate1 wrth hlowet, sleeps four, Excellent condtlion. Must sell, lenvmg Michignn. Pt·tce $1,300 00. See at Black Corm on East Mount Hope, Lansmg, Also 5 x 8 entry-way, Phone 81105 Lansing-. 34.wlp

Real Estate

I have moved my l cal estate of­ftcc ft om Lansmg to 6581 School stt•eet, Hnslctt, We wt!l appreciate your pat10nage. We have some good p10spects fot suburban nnd fnnn pt opet·ty. Come in and present your l'Chl cstnte problClps.

BROKER Phone 88750 Lans111g

Perry S. Hellyer,

HURRY, HURRY, HURRY, this is the ttmc to sell your scrap

iron, and all ldnds of junlt, highest pt•lces patd nt your farm, $25 n ton for all kinds of scrap iron, al­so want old wire tc11co and ltn. Drop me a cnrd Your junk deal­er, James Whitnlter, Box 173,

I Custom Photographers

211 St11te St. Mason

~---~!:one _Mnso:~~-::;1_3_1 ___ 1

PLASTERING-All JUno:; of, piSS• tering done; patching n special·

ty. Rnbert S. Burns, 3811 Aurel· ius road, Lansms R. 2 Phone Lansing, 2-6108. lwtl

WILL CLERK auction sales any­where. Also Income t.nx assJ~­

tance, Earl Dunsmore, 3042 W. Columbia, Mason. Phone 2-3241.


STRAW WANTJiJD-Any amount, wheat, oat or rye, W'lt or dr,Y,

wire bales preferred. W. C. Fisher, 330 S. Lmcoln street, Charlotte, phone 1919 Charlotte, 29w6p




Phone 4311 Mason

_I ____ 360 s. Jefferson


HOUSID, LOT nnd garage In Ma-son, also house, barn and 2 acres

of lnnd at Aurelius Center. These properties 111 e being sold to close estate.s. m. A. Densmore, arumnts· trator, Phone Mason 5551. 34w:l


FARM-To be sold nt publtc auc· Dansv1lle. 32wtf


------------------------WILL DRESS AND CLEAN

chickens for frozen food lockers anywhere. Holt Frozen Food Lock· ers. Word can be left at Muon Frozen FoOlS Lockers, too.


BUTCHERING-Let us do your butchering, hogs on Tuesday

and Wednesday, beef. Thu·:sday, poultry any day. We pick up, Call Leslie 5361 collect. Leslle Food Loclcer. 50wtf

at Mason Stori•;JVll

11nu111 a to !

LARGE GAS HEATER, Humphry Radientfire, good as new, 60,000

B. T, N.'s, price reasonable. Mrs. I Ft'anlt Cor!Jm, 112 Armstrong,

' ~ Leslie, phone Leslie 5522, 84wlp

GOOD HOUSE ami lot few sale, cheap, Inquire at rear :!33 E.

South street, Masc:>n. :l4Wlp

t10n. 80 acre farm, 7 room house, 40x60 basement bnrn and other bmldlngs Ill Emmet county, 2V., mrle:; west and 'A mtle south of Btutus, on Frtrhty, August 24, at one o'cloclc. Russell l~nllc, own­er. 3Sw2p

against windsto11n loss is Cy­clone Insural\Ce! Call your La­peer representative today. State Mutual Cyc)ono Insumnco Co,


Hanley repatr shop. We will ma!{e and frx any lnnd of house­hold articles, repair and upholster


CUSTOM combining. L. E. Rode· all fur111tme. Pho"c Mason 4683 heaver, 357 East Holt road, any laue cloy or evening. Haute 1, Wllliamston. Phone Wil-

lilwtt l!amston 616-F-11. , 33w2p

W.;,\NTED TO RENT-A house W. D. Thomas 'tmller to sleep three for Sep­

tember. Phone Lnn~ing 24583.

' a<lwl !.-------------·' /

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Ti'LOOR f.lANDiilRS for rent nt Ali"UHt 2:1, 1951 Pnge B f'Pilclll'l llrll'IIWf1l'01 phone ¥11~nn

" - 1:111. Hwtt

Want Ads Page 3

WAN'I'Jo:JI 1:111 COlli IUl'h llcl il~<·lillll', :1 Ill ill• I ,.,, ,, Ill Mil ,1)11

on C'nilllllilld ICJ.IIi, piHlll<' 2111Hii Mu.son, nm1tu ~. :llwl

WAN'1'1:11 I lli'P<I 211 In Ill "'", of (litH( I 01 Will"ll Oil I ]•,Jt Ill

RhHlfl IJ t 11 \Vri\1\P Jt( tg)lllfll, ~101 R CPdtl, f,tn·t~ng l']lOilt r~tJJ<l111r~ 5110'~ 111 !IJfilfi. .dwl

WAN'l'J•:Jl Anlllll.<lllo I" 1 on In lt•lllll •nil< dllci wool ltlllollin),

Only II llci \\lllh I l II" d l(l(lil'

ilpplv 111 !"''·'"" "' ''' n .1111' 111111-cln Illy C'l< 1111'1 1'11"'""1 .'lwl

WAN'I'!Dll A g1ll hog lo hy S1 (lil'lllbl'l I C'ltllotd

J<":cii'll ['JIIllll 77Kil l\]ISIIII

WOMAN WAN'll•:ll !111 itiiii~P· worl\ ciiHi ( \IP [!II ~il'IJll·lllVdllll

May ,Jay "' gu i111ntc 111glliH Wtilc Box 7~, lngiHllll ('<lllltly NcwH :l4w1

WAN'l'F:I> '1'0 llll Y All lnnriR ol hot SCH, hlglll" t [lliOC Jl.tld, JlhflllC

!J'iu<12 J,.Jn"ing 'l1w 1

For Rent APAT\.T/\11•~:\''1', :i )llflllh I!Jd lllfil,

I [011fl)D for I on!, SJK I oomH, com-Jnlt lml h, flllll\leo llllfi gmago,

I wo lllul'lts It ont lhc mnu L !JuuHu. )llf(II(IO COlellO IJ'JIInf'IHC'Il, 22:l illdHt , Uult Hll'<'C!l Phone 2:1011 IV!IIHOIJ,


A P Alt'I'M faN'!' l~nlll-1 nom npnl'l-llll'lll with lmth t'rw 1cnl, !In·

ltltnl .lt<'cl <'X<'upt fo1 H1ovo, TI11r. JlllVIlln cntr,tncc, plenty ol clcJo<'l.; .111<1 <'ltph<llll cls,llncl Vlrtctlan hilnrl:. t111 ntlghoiJl L,twc c•ncc 'I'rlpJl, RJX llllil's W<'Hl nf M11.~on on Cnltlrnhll todd, J I c mrlcs HOIIllt on OnnnclitJ(d In !IIJIIH<' No, fi8ii, phone h1 I AtiiPiltJH aawl!

APAit'nHlNT !cut <IISill'ci 11p It I-Illi Ill 1n1 1 rnl 1n1 onr. pr.JSnn

'l'lltll' lfllllil IIIHI IMih Clos<' lo ·1011' 11111 f'llliiO(ll'H, Oicil'l WOilllln Jill It, 1 <'<i lVI1 H l~llwl NuWllllltt fiiD flr~1lt ~lu•eL, phorw .J\f't'1(Jn 22'ltl. 3~wl

lost and Found

noc.s Jtapot L own 01 sltuy <logs to W Jl1 DlHiel', r 01111ty clog

wn1 rl<•n, lJ,LnHVIIlc. Phone 22b1 JldnsvtiiP, 01 to Inr;lmm county Sill' ill!, !J(iGl MILSOn, 3wiJ2p

lNC.IIAM COUNTY llllllhtnc So· c·~tly 111 ges you to look lot your

lnRL clog OJ' cat al lite Antm L! Shcllct, 171:1 Suns~t Ave , Lansmg. Opt 11 t:1 to fl, we cit "" vs Phone :! h2lll All dogs ptcl{(•d lip hy l Oil Illy dog- Wlllrien UlO !JtOliiJll Lo Llll' Hhcllet d,uly 1 wlf

TASTE OF TOMORROW-Wcil-cllcsscd men ot the !at !uturl· wtll wcc~t· rmlar rings mntchmg thc11 cmcmbles and their elates will be cxpcctccl to cany mlctpldnct,u·y telephones on tlwtr belts Tlus WHS the pt•cdwllfln of a tcccnt New Yo1l' Ctty tclcvJSJon pta· cluctlDn fe,tlutmg the "Man or 'l'omorrow" and the "Woman of Tomorrow," who is about to malte ~hmt wotl' of a-you guessed

ll-'1JT01 n.- rr ,1 ~"Pnmort OW"

llH'PI\' flllllJ",JH d l~1 1'-,0ilihlt• lf rnl"""lr•d, ill ~J,,un 27'\': M1, ll•'OlJNil F)Oit'IH.:e CIJIJPI, 101 f1, .Jrlfn,on lwii:·H' l<cys, tlbhnn dWrllds tlilll

J1wl 1

twn "llli<s ol pcppclnttnl '"nrlv .tl liH' Ingh 1111 ou1mly 1111 ,tounds

FOR llEN1' -Walllt.t[Wt ~t<'flmcr OIVIll'l' nw; Jt.~vo tlcm:; h.Y tclenlt-and lion~ <anrl••t 1nquuc nl , .. 111 1t lite In" Conn[)

Shafrr Dcc·orntmj:( Supply, ~2fi S New~' o[f]{c. " 3lwlp Jcftcrmm Phone :J:Jlf,l. 4Gwtf

LANDFOJ{Jci:Nl'lul will'll ill"> la!J ~lOII'IIlg ]Ill OdlS, '"ltic [{1!'(1-

tnOnc!, 'lG 17 Wtllou~h!Jy 1 oMI, H•Htlc l, !loll !l1wl

FOR RE:I\T'l' 1-lllCIIll ltll lltsltr•d up 11 t1nenl Wilh g 11 tgr ptl\'r!V'

en tJ rlnCC, I lo:-;e rlowntown 4 17 H B.n ncs Plwnl' ~ 1(,': 1\1.1 son ::1\\ J

APAr-trri\IF'Nr[' tiJO\l' L{dthbtt!n'L, If lld\V,IIQ ]Ill I till, [Mill\' r111·

niHhl'd ('ill C Ill .ll'WPlt, phon~ 4401 IV!dson, 5CIJ Cenlct Hlll'L'l


HOUSC FOR JtJ,N'l' 01 unl1111 tshe<l 1 1 noms

bath Fllllll ltlfl h•t•k pot chcs :12•1 I' Svc.t ntol c M,tson 239:12 Mt H dy

APAR'fl\lillN'J' Tht et toom fur-nt:;hccl 111 unllll •ltshcli

mcnl fo1 tent, ptlvate enlt.wcc, close 111, gtollllil floor u1tltlicS llll·

mshcd Also comiJI!lcd ill'lllg an I bcd1 Clfllll, Willi Jlll\ d[C IMlh, ltgilt coolong L<ctllttcs sutl.tblc [ot wmltmg ot cld< t!y wornnn Mr, L H. Mtnnts, 210 Soulh JellcJSon phoncM,lson21t12 3•1w1p

SJ_,EJJ~PlNG P.OOM fot 1 ~nt, well ftlllll,lted eloS<· Ill Ctll dllel G

01 wee h. rnds 1\lt:.; C c; J\co!ilCI

l 11 Vv est Syc.tntm e, phone 2161i', Mnso11


INGHAM COUNTY NEWS August 23, 1951 Page 8


Motorola TV We have secured a vct·y

limited supply of






A-1 Condition-No Scratches

New T-V gual'antee

Ft·om $50 to $100 Discount

5 Models fl'om which to


Limited Supplyl While They Last!


Herschel Jewett li51 W. llfaJlle nt C!•dnl'1 nct·o~'

fl'om Spl'lmy's - ol'" ~ec

Jim Inghram Rt>JII ""•ntati\·e

400 \V, Columbia, 1\lnson l'hone 2·3721

LOR'!' A p.tll 111 ,,o!<i-ltl1111H rl I scmgl.tsscs \\1lh ht-focnl 111 left I

h•u:; Lu~L rt Cdl Wlt'cit nent Jng­!Hllll county gat.tgc ot on way to n.1ct 's g,Lidge S,ltltt clay cvenm.,. ~:; 11 W.t1d 11 rclttlncd to Mnl Tool _unqhllll', Potll,lllcl, Mtclugan


La rites wttsl wa loh fc~n gr ounrls Ownm 1nay ha\ c

sdmc by tdcnltfymg nnd p.tymg Jot tilts ad Inq1n1 c at Ingh.un C'oun ty N ows olftce. 34wl

LOST 111 pi,Jstl<' lllllS

140 lc South St., 28141

LOST Will the pr.t son tmclmg " ilol s le.tlhct ].tcl,ct left on -,

1Jcnci1 Ft tddV PHJl nmg rlt the [,111

1-11 IJ.t!lg,unc p!c•asc Cflll M<1sor. 2J162 34wl

Cards of Thanks ----------------

LOVE -I 11 tsh tn Lhts way to thank my 1 elattves fuendR ,wd

nc1gh!Jm s fot ali the l>eauttful flowc1 s, cflncly, fttllt, magazmes ,uJ<i c,Hcls also D1· Rtmth, D1. Cldrk and all the muses at the ltosprt,tl rm Lhu wondetful cate 1 1 ecell•ed Fl01 once Love 34wlp

wtsh to expt ess my smoct c th,ml,s to all my

[ttcnds a net nctgh!Jor s 101 the lo\i e­ly llowcts cards and grrts tecetvcd dlllml( my stay m the Gr,md Rap· tds OsteopaLhtc hospttal and smce my 1 elm n home. I wrsh to cspe­ctal!y thanl< Dt Pauley, Mt Ar­thut J cwett and the employees of the Schrmdt Depat tmcnt Store. Lois E Swctlem. 34wlp

CLIPPER-I Wtsh to thank the Mt?.pah class and the Or·pha El­

len .tntl Dcilnr ah ell cles, 1 elattves, nc1g-hbots and flt<'ncls rm gtfts, Jlo\VCI S, Jot[CI S and Cat'dS 'Cnt to me Hill co my opet ,Jlton. Mrs. Chat leo Cltppc1 34w1

I WtHI' to thnnl, mv fJ ICHrl-,, I C}ClliVDS rind ne1ghb01 :-.,

Rc>bck,Jits tnd Gleaners I 01 then lovely c 11dH, llowct s and gtftH h rvcn to nH~ dt11 1ng tnv slc~y at t h~ 1tosp1t L1 .111d .tt home Also little llllltlyll Pollet fill El.tymg Wllll me Mrs. Gctalcl Pottc1


In Memoriam IN 1\IEMORY of J C Spt.1gue,

vvho passed rnvay one ~'Crll ago Septcm!Jm 2 1950. A pt ectot•s one f1 om us has gone, A votce we loved ts stilled; A pl.tee 1s vaeanL 111 out· house, Whtch ncvet can be ftlled God Ill Jus wtsclom has 1 ec,Jilecl

the boon hiH love has g1vcn i And though the body slum bet·~

hete, The soul ts sale m He,wcn. He ts gone but not fm gotten, Nevct wtll Ius mommy tnde, Sweetest thoughts shall eve1·

lmgm, Around the g!Avc wheLC he 1s

!at d. We loved lum yes, we loved hrm, But Jesus loved Jum mo1 e, And he sweetly onlled hun, •ro yonder shnung shot e , 1'he gates of Heaven were open, A gentle voice satd "Come," And wtth fat cwells unspolwn, He calmly enlctec\, home Mrs. J. C. Sptag11e and 1mmly,


AND DON'T FORCET THE MUSIC-PatrJCifl Deagen dcmon­sll ates how easy tt ts to pack up the pot table pta no unvetled by inventor Karl Gage at ChiCago's cnnvenlloo ol Natwnal Mus1c merchants Developed aftet five yems ol research, the lour octave lteyboard looks and can be cat ned ltl<e a p1ece of luggage. But after you close the top and fold the legs, don't fot get to bring

along your mt•stc.

DOCS OF WAR IN KOREA-Newly atrrvect m Korea tmm tram­mg at Ft Rtley, Kans., these three German shepherd dogs are members of the 26th Infantry Scout Dog Platoon They tange ahead of patrois and nose out •memy t1 oops Left to ngnt ar<J Plc Edwm Bnstoi. of Lmcoln Ncb, w1th " 1-bmlet", Pfc Larry Poiiard. of Dctrort, Mich with "Orrm", anrl Pfc Houda L Gt een

of Kansas Ctty, IVJo wah "Br.rne ' ------~-------------- ·------------~----

Fitchburg 1\Jr s, J,y!c Grow

'llllrl Mts Edw,u d Hl'd tt Afte1noon c,t!Jcto wctc Mt. md Mrs Flo;,rl

I ::imtth ancl M1 H. Roy \Vn ttwt of Jrtebon

Cillll ell SCI VtCeH ·ll ~ 1 lJ .lO ,tn 1 Rever ,11 of tlw Ftlehbl!t"' 4.-H Sullll,t,Y sehoul ,tl 10 :;n :,;und:t\' , lttb memb01s hon blne rtbl~ons on J11otnmg I then ex!Hints at the counly fan

Thc1c wtll be " mcctmv of I ht ''1"t 1~cck FJtchbtng telephone axclt.tnL,e [Jd- Mt, Dll"l' 1\Iotehousc 8 nd Jo~n­lt ons 111 the W S C S h.tll ,• r M ttHl 1\ft ;;, M,u Jill II Pdllet son Fttel1bmg on Jl'qd lY mght, Au- '(\' 1 llln< h• 0 n u\le:;tH of JVIls gust 21, nt 8 00. Evct;, phone 01111 Walle! Stt<~nge lnst !<'ttclay. ct ts Ill gcd lo lw P1 0 "cnt Shn!cv ;~,,1 11 as guest ;;olot,,t

Mts Lucy Gtow WdS home ove. tt Mltllllh chnch sctvtcP:; Snnclal the \I'CCl\ end Htl~sell E nl 11 IS 1 elm ncr! to his

Mrs. Nellw McCtcl't,\' mel 11lt Wilt!, H[leJ ilcmg- stcl{ 101 n month Bml Mts Mnullcc McCtect 1 llld I \I'Jlh 1 scvcte case of potson tv;,. Bobhy called on Mts. Wtl!t.1•ll -·------Bl ay~haw ._tt Lansmg Sunllc:~y ::~tl-

ct~~~~1·,Mmy-Go-Ronnd club \1'111 Stockbridne Man meet wtth Mts. LRvom!,J Asqmth ~ :;~:e\,~~cdncsrtav for "n .tttettwon Held for (rash

The swtlchbontcl tR bcmg movcc1 ft om the home ot Mt. ,md Mt •, Clatcnce Sweet to the home of M1. and Mts IVI<ll'llUtcl Brubm Mrs B.u·hel wtll be tlte new ~wrtchboatcl oper,ttor. Mts. Sweet has 1 cstgncd as opet n lot bco,msc or 1ll he.tltlt She ts now In Foot,, hocpttal, JacJ{SOn, tot treatment.

Ftanl\ 11lot eh011se .111cl Hm olrl Mot ehouse wet e guesb o' M1 s Bat b,u fl Mm chouse of Leslie at clmncr Sunday

Mr nne! Mt s. Lyle Grow an,! Mruton hart ns guests at dmne, Suncl,cy Mts. Lucy Gtow ·uHl Mt

Thomas Medmn, 18 of Sto"l<­bt•tdge ts bcmg held by the Siua­wassce county shcttfi's clepa1 t· menton .t chatge oE lut and tun drl\tn~ Mctlma 1\asarrestedMon­day after noon State pol tee sard :\~edma admtttccl bemg m the ae­crdont m whtch Ft,mk Mtchlak a ncl Betty Groesbeck of Perry were ll1Jl1l ed.

Detccttve Se1 geant Rtchat d Tub be, who attested Medma, said the youth told hrm he was drtvmg to wotk m Wtlllamston on M-47 when Ius cat sl1 tWit two automo­

--------------1 btles

I Followmg the accident, Medma a~heg~~t~h~c~ ~w the 1!1Jtll'ed couple and was

Auction Calendar S tturday, Attgust 25, Roy Bo- ft Jglltened, accordmg to Sergeant Mason Markets

Wheat Oats Cotn Rye

Clell, 6 nules east of Chat·!otte on 'l'ub'bs Medtna drove away 111 hts .. $2.23 Island H1ghway to C1mfield 1 ond, own car.

.72 1 mrle north. Sergeant Tubbs satd the vir· 1.75 Sa.tmday, Augn~t 25, Mrs Gm·t- ttmR were standmg between the

.. 1.56 tude Webster, 114 S Rtvcr St~ two pat ked ems at the Rtde of the - Enton Rapids hrghway

' Don't brmg lnncues ror your Satmday, AugliRt 2u, . Ronnlcl Michlak underwent nn ll'llputa-chlldten on Monday. Have them Hector, 1 nule south of Onondngn t10n of Ius rtght leg anu the m· cntet the lee ctcnm and pre eallng on Onondngn toad, ~~ 1111le west JUted woman's rtght leg was contest. on'line road. brolten.

Charlotte Livestock flngH 'l'op, ~22.00 ~n ~22 hn,

11111\od, ~l!J.OO ~o ~~1.75; I'OIIglls, ~22,25 down; loodm pig~, $7,00 ~u ~ 15,50 Cll Ph,

CulvcH ~'Ofl, $:!7.00 to $4l,75; ~OCOilriH, $,Ja,f)0 ~o ~:Ill flO; Oil[,, ~a2.71i down; dcuconH, *21.00 to $a!l.50 cwt,

J_,Hmlm •rop, $:10 50 down; nllJr.t· ilnnh.;, :j;2A IJO clown; ewe~, ~1500 down.

C 1lllu StN•I H nnd lll'llOJ,,, ~~H on In :~:t:l.7ll; c•umaton, $22,01l to $25 no, bc,,t hnnr I'OW~, ~~H r;o lo $27 50, COnllllOnH, $21.00 lo ~2J.011; I'IJtlPIH IIIHI CllllllnJH, $20,()0 down; IHJIIs ~.11.10 down,

Stnolwts nnd !i'ocrlers -$21100 to ~'17.011

Dansville Car Hits Head-On With T rucl<

J\11 H !tilt Mni'IJonnlcl ol IJ,IIJHVII!c• l'SL'd Jlld l:iCl lOllS lllJlllleH TllC•Jd I,V

1 H,h( Wh('ll H f'fll Ill Whll'h KilO Wfl'•

rl• Jvtng cl.tshcd henri-on with n t1 cwlt dltVt n by Chc~tr1 Mnhlll nl CJ1ntHI' llc~pirlH John ol illlllSVti!C OWII('(( till' C ,JI lllld WfiH tllllllg' with Mrs Mnl'fJunnld One o[ hts rrtm W.t'i m .tclwcl dlld he 1 r.c•Prvccl cuts nnrl hruiKcs In lll!J Clll~il Olhct Jl.lSHCilget 8 Ill tho Jli.t<'llOIIdld cut wctc Glmrn Wcsc n[ D.tnsvtllo .tnrl Allen Remley nml l~llcn Remley ol T\lston.

Mt s. • MacDonuld WaH duvm;r soulh nc 11 the E.tst L.1nsmg Snnd .111d G1nvcl Co. on US-127 dill In:, lhc hctght o1 11 1 ntn s(Oilll 1'he ltllf'k wns bemg d11vcn north.

M<thnt wns unable to slop lot 'L

lOrlcl lCp,lll bdlliCcLciC, he Sdld, and swct veri 1nlo I liP p.t lil nl the Udllo· I'Jiic C"ll Mnh,ll CJ,tshod thiOllgn pat t ot the b,uttc<tclc, hut WllH un­nut t.

1 Bnys ""IIlli 1 Jtlf J,, tl'i nnd :o~tnts ul

lt\m;•·out nUJg'lllll pdte:l PllruL lnt t>thuo\, ll.IVIS t'lotht!lg' ( n .~lwl



ALLEN-October 29, 1951 ~1.!1< or Mlchlg'ILII. 'Jtw l'tulllllt! C(J!JJl

lot the [ OLIILIY of {n).!hHrn At ,\ !'>! s~1u11 uf l:i 11d Court lu ld Ill

tlu Ftohlltl 01\tCI 111 t!H 11ty ul Lin· s1nl{ n th1 Mid Count:-. nu tht; 22nd d IY or AI 1-(ll~t A It 1 J"

l'lthtnl lltJN JOHN Mr( LLLLAN ,Ju h•• of f'1 ohllt

111 du Mul\11 01 lht E tatu uf Ll~ACE 11/\~EL ALL8N Dec.:uns! d

I It II(IJlLl\11111-l' to llll! 1 cnu t Lh,d tiu ltmr

Jnt pJt .. tn1allfln.~nf tla mn LJ.(ntttst "'1\ltl t'stntu ~1\{)1tld ht lllllltfd nncl that .1

lt!nH lllld pl1u1 he nJpnnted lo l!ft.!\o! It xnm11u nnd adJIIHt nll clnun!-i uud clu-nw•uls lg'lllll!'.l n.LHl dectascd hy unci

liwfotu 1Uld cout t Jt s Otd•H•I, l' ctudltuts of snul

dtu t:-Hd Ill! llftlllltll til IHffl Itt Lhutl d.ums to hUtd coutt nt thu P1ohntu Of­lit:t' .tl 20·, West Sllt.;:IUIW nLINl,­Hll\1-l' Mtch ,1.: Ill on 01 llelrnu tht; .!flth d ty' ol ()( tohct A ll I U Mtl, oll t' n o'clock 111 lilf fu 1 nonn l:illlll ttnw and 1 \.tee helt hy nppouttml fnt th' 1 xumtn­ult•Hl and nrlJunLmt nl ol tll c \limn ntHI dt mnnds 1g tlll!'.l IHlltl duct nsed

It tn ILJJlhl 1 Otdt tud, l'hnt puhl { no­Lieu th1 1 ~eof bl l-!1\ r.;n by puhltc.tllllll of 11 fOllY ot lht~ 01d11 fill thiCC ~liCCI.!I'iSI\1 W~t;f,s Jill \!10\IS to SILlfl ci,1y of ht llJllg

Ill the lnH'hilnl County Nt'ws, u "' w PH• 1 1 1 Ptllltt d nml u11 cul.Jtccl 111 s.ud county

JOliN McCLELLAN JudJ{e or P10h.ttt.:


SHAFER-September t4, 1951 ::ilnLt nf Mtch gnn (J'hr !'1obntu CoUI l

I fu1 thL <.:ounty ul ln~-Chllm At .l sr sslon nr b \Ill C.:out t, ht2ltl nt

lht Plohnte ()I!ICC Ill Lhc: CtlY or Mn-


non, 111 ~ wl Cullnly, un Lhu ..:! I st duy of Au~,:;ust, t\, ll 1UG1

1'",. nt· liON JOliN McCLELLAN 1 Jud~u n( Pt ohnlc 1 In lh~ Mntlet or lh~ E~Lnt~:s of HlHAM

I Sf-i,\1 !!iH, .tl~o ),no\\ II llii lftt.Jnl A ~hnfv1, 01 lln1 1 y A Sh.tfr 1 and MARY M SIJAI Elt, hu~hnncl und WJft;, Mtu· t tliY lrHompeLunlt~

Lr \,uul E Ptd\, gunt dnw ol snul Wotl!l~, hll\ lilt.;:" fdl!ti Ill S I ti COlli L IW~ Ill • tltltlll, ]JIHY!f\J.; ro1 itCLIHHl to sdl the Ill• tr IC~t nt };l\lfl (;lillliCS Ill CC!Llllll Jell] Ct>~"' t I f thUII J\ dcSCIIbN!,

It I!-> (hllat~Jd, 'lh,\l Ll11 llLh d •Y of Scr't1mhct AD lf!-,l,nt t1notlocktn th£ fnt~.:noon, tl ti 1 P1nh llt 01\lct at .!Ui W1sl Su){tnaw slltll, Lt!lslnv;, Muh·

llg'flll, ht:! :.nd Jt> hu1aby IIPPOitlt<.!cl ru1

l lu, 1111~ HUH! prtttJOn .tncl that nil Jlul­"ons llltl!ltsted 111 snul tst1lts ltflfHill

1 b1 fOIIJ Silt !I cout t nt sa1d tlnlf.! .uul

I plac1 to show e tusc why .1 la!el\HI to ~~II the 11\l(ll t.:K\ of ~ wl r stnl! s 111 suul

l1 unl c~Lill should nnt ht 1-{1 tlllt d

I It l:i J U1tlte1 01dc1ed, l'lwt puhhc r u­t < 1 tht I 1 ol lu ~!VeiL hy pllhliCUtloll of It

I Cl ~~~ 0\ lhtS Ollilt f01 t\llll! SliCCIHHIVI

\HI J.ti Ill l!VIUUS to SHir! duy uf heUIIII){, 111 til< lng'ham Cnullt.,_ Nt ws n nr WSJII

pet IHtntN( \IHillltllitld IJlS,tldCOII!lty , JOHN McCLC:LI,AN,

A 'IIIII.! COllY/ Judl{w or rJoiH tt Hnla1 L L Dtnke ~~~ v;1st(.!1 ul P1ohnle


CARPENTER-October 30, 1951 St.1tc of MHhUnln llu Ptobtlu Cuutl

f<ll LIH County nl Ing'h,1.m, At ,t s1 ss on ol s 11rl ( nmt, htld al

lhu Pt oh11t~ OlT1c~ II\ Llw ~etty of M.tsllll 111 thl! s ltd County, un the 1 Sth d IY uf t\ lg'liSl A J) II)) I

p,,,l, liON JOliN MeCLIJI,LAN JudJ.rt of PJnlMtl!

In thr Mntte1 nr the<: nf HUSA s ( !\ RPgN I E.:R, Ili'C['IISl d

[t olJIJlt'Hllllv; to the COUll thnt the tlntf fnt JHcscnt.ttlon of cllltml::i tg"ntn~;t n lt(l u~tntw should he lmulcd, unci thnt. l Ltmc nrul ))ltfJ ht 1 r~pntnled to tlicl\'e uxamtnc 1nd ndJtlsl all chums nnd de· mnnd~ rt.L\"Htnst I'UJtl duucnsed !Jy .111d [Hf.OIC ::illd COUlL'

lt s lhlltll'fi I hut eted !1Hs nf ~atd (\t;ulsed 1111 lt-'IJillll'l In ]JIIsent th1•11 llllllll~ tn Hlllll co\11 t nt the Pta hate Of­flu, Ill thl' c 1ty of Mason Mu ht,.,,tll nn 01 hdo c the JOth dny or OctniHI A IJ 19rtl, 1L tun o'clock 111 tho fut~noon s.ud tlml nnd ulncc htlehv nPllOJntcd f01 t}w tX llnlllolliOII nnfl oHIJUHtm~ent of all 1 I urns 111d clcmnnds HI-CHIIHIL snnl dc­cl.',n;cd,

It IS l'u1 the! Otd~et rd 'I hut puhllc nu-l lut tht 11nf he 1-('lvcm by JlllhlttaLUHI of 1

iOpy of th S otr\lt fot lh!C<l H\ICCNiSI\0 \\CCkii !lt\IOIIS tn tiUltJ dHY of hcatlnJ.l' 111 tht' lnghnm Cnunly Nj \\H, n 111.!\\HI)I\·

)lOJI tn 1nl~ed nnd Cllt'llhtlcd tn snul count:,. JOHN McCI,F.L.LAN,

\ l'111r CoJI)', Judg'c of P1ohntu H.nlatl L, Il!nl~u Rlglstct of P1 ub 1lc

Cool Weather Aids ~~~J~l~~~~~~R hnon Pool In

C t• I f p I' lnghnm c•n11n~y thu pn~~ wccl1, on ro 0 0 10 'rhul 0 WllH 11 dun gO! of frn~l

'l'hlt'O CIIHIJH OJ' JIOiill H(llllllg ll(l In Lnnslng thiH wcct; 11111 no no hu i lwon lepmtorl In lho IIIII·<'DIIIIIV 111eo1, IIC'!IOic1111!', In Dl [( Lmllng, rlltt'l'lot• nf lhn Ingh•tm cn11ntv l1ertllll dr•pnlllllonl

"C1ml wen thm 1•1 on n111 Hide• 111 Lilli tlghl llf\ldnst poilu," the doc­lol' sllll<•il ''rite• wnllti!CJ wn'Vl' hi'Pil h11 vi ng c•nts clown llllil(l\1' wltloh '' u !Jig idcloc In conttolllng polio, ' he adcluc!, G

L I Kl WUCJt ~l VPil (',LK~B VIOl l I!)­pOI[Cf] In the 1 nun I y Till' lot II Hhoulrl llu JnWI'I illdn litHt Y<'.tl, I he cloet01 pr ccllclccl

Dt L.mlmg 1 uunmmcnriH piPni,l' nf Hill'() lrn l'hllrli <'II rillllllg the summer lllHl Cull.

"Children who don't l tltP n 'i'" oho11ld lie down II Jill 1 <'Ht rltlllltb tho nflc1nnon .tnyw.ty' hu sl1lcd "Rcsl '·' ull·ttn,lth ltnl"

"GnncJ (H'Illlil Jt,thllH HIIOIJ d I WliHhlng h tnLIB nflun 1s 1 d• llntt<• 111d lnW!llci c•onllollntg polto. OlhPI 'clon'lH' 1111 (IJ((c the pr <'VI'Itllllll n1 cllllllng an<l nut m.tltlng tt< w I" 1-sonlll contucls rillllllfl' llw Hllntlllt'l,

"Chtld10n should pl.11 Wllillll t1wl1 own gtoup nnd not nux Wlllt stl rlngct::) "


HAYNES-Seplembe1 12, 1951 St.llt of Mtchtg-nn 'flu PwhHtl GolltL

fo1 tht Count~ ol lngh 1111 AL t ~t:>~1on of ~ntd (CHill, ht lei nl

th(,! Ptohntr on ('C Ill Llu r tty ol ,,,.­SIIIJ.C, 111 snul ('ottnlY on Llll 22nd d.ty of 1\m::w>l, "' ll 11111.

Puscnt liON JOHN McCLELI.i\N, Judi-Ce of Pt ohalc

In tlu Matte t uf lhu ~~~t tlu of VI !~N-ON (,. JIAYNl!oS Jluct ,n;r tl I

Vtt t Ct HllyrH.:s hn>t 1g ftlrd 111 saul Co111 t hlll pult1 wn pt H~ 1111-: LIM I tiH nd· mtnlsllnLton of :;,ucl ~:stllt IH! p;tt ntul ln htrsrlf, s.llfl VtiH r ..... Jl.>wlltc3 Ill Ln :JUilH ntln 1 !Hill dlie pet ~on

It Is Otdt'ttd, 'l'h 1t tlu 12th d.l~ ol Stpltmhcl, A It tq,J, nt t~n nrlnd 111 the fotcnuonl nt the PHtila.1t Uflte1 ~fti W Savuun\ St, L.tnstng Mtc ht~l n, ht und ts hctchy llJIJHllllLul fo1 IHIIIIIl).{ stul pdtllllll

1L 1:s I'UJIIHI 0Jdftlll, llwof puhlu rn· th1 tiH ttof lw ~·1\<!11 11:-. puhllc t11un of .t rnpv of thts oillcl feu th!te SUCifSHlVI' Wtcln; (llfVIfHIS lo :o~~trl ol ht.lllll!:• 111 thc•lJHhlml'ount~ N1\\s 1 ti\\Sil·

Jlel IUJ!Ilud 1ntl cilculnti'd 111 sntd tnunty JOJ IN M1 CLI:I.LA N,

Judgr Jl Ptoli If Huth Scht!JHiont 1 lJL!JJUlv Hr g'IStel of P1 ohRli


PERKINS-Octnbc1 29, 1051 ' Slnlu nf Mlchtv;nll 'lh( l 11uh ttl Cnull

rm tht County of lnA"hHm At n :-lt ns1on of sn1cl Cout1 lul•l n l 1!11•

P1obntt~ Olf1cu, 111 tht 1 ttY nf LniiHlrll!: 111 the ~nul Counlv un liH ~2nd d.ty ul AtWllst A 1) 11J'il

l,t(lsent, HON .TOliN McCLELLAN. TudJ.:ro of f'tohnle

In tlw Mnl\f l' nf thr r'sluli nf JOliN WF.SLBY PBTH~NS llt IIIIH<d

It 11\l)lf!IIIIIJ{ tn lhc ('nutt 1hnt Llmc fo1 JliCI'<.!nlntHJII nf fhltHI!-1 1~11r sf ~nul cHtntc Hhould hC' lnnltj d, nul 11 t1me 1nrl pill''(' IH IJlPOlnllil to 11~­(f'ivt P:"\lllll!JH .md ndmst rll eltum~ 1nrl tlt>rnnnds .uwin~t nnitl deer ts• 1l hv antl \)l fo1 f• ssud Go !II t ltncl 1111\L the lr~.tn1 hPit~ of "nul deC('f1!-lrd 1nltt!Nl to tnhlltl the m;tatt• of which stlHI tlflcCn!H d !ltl d ~r ~rtl nhoulcl he ndilllhcntr.d nnd tl(tr.J­mmocl.

Tt Ts Otd,~locl, Tbnl .til lhP ctedJinls or Rllifl dPCP.l\t-iUd ;\lfl llQ\1\lltl to PIC!-l!!fll

then clnum; in W11t1n~ nnd urulr1 onth lR tunvhl('d hy RLntutP, to ~nul Co111\ :tl

IH!Icl P1olmt(l OfTtn 1\ 20i 'V1st Sal-(~ 1nnw Stt ret 1 nn~m!-!. Mi( har 111 em .... , lwfnlP thft 2flth illtY nf Or.tohm A n l!)lil, nt lf'n o'(lor.l, In llw fnli'JJnon. !-lnul time nnd 11lnec hl'tn~ h•'l ~lw lllliHHntPll

fl)t th(l exnmlnltton fi~Hl 1111111Rimf'.,...l of 1dl t•lnim~ n1Hl d~mnndfi llltnlnsl snul clt­ff!IHH'Il, nncl fn1 th(! llllnulll'llHln nul~~~-11ltninn110ll of thr. IH11f1 nl Jnw of f;Rirl ,lnn,-.n~pfl d tl'P tlnlfl Of ht..:; (]f'"l1h Pll•

titlml to inhmll tlu c•!illllf' of \\htch lhP dt"lll"{rl d!t'cl nmzcH1

Tt Is 'Ptlllhrt Oldfllflll 'l'hnt nuhlt<" ''n­Ino thmeof be J,~~nen h:\• JHthl cntton of n I'OIW of this 01 rif'l' nncn cnrh WC1C1l~ fill lhtC'l'> f\U('Ce~JO:\\'C WP{Il{~ Jllf'VIO\IS fo snicl ,1·nr of hPH\111~ in thn Tn••hnm Co1111IY NP\\~, 'I llfl\\Slln1W1 Jllh1lr11 nncl citC'll· lntc1l in tmhl coanty.

' JOITN M.C1T PTT,AN. "' ~~·1 11(1 ron1P<

nnhr1•t L n, tl,,. Ro~iRtet of Pt·ohnto

.Turlg-1' ~f Ptolutfp


'rhtlr Hilli,Y mmnlnfl' when ~ho lcm­pnrn liii'O clrnppc•rl ~n ~7 clogrco~ 'ri\Cl'O WIIH II hlgh Willri 'l'liCHdll,Y. 11 1 cl rc~h lng 1nln fell Momlu,v nlghl.

Pt ec•lpllllllnn fnt' lhc weclt wus .na, w11 h 20 1 cc•m·dcd ln~l lctldu,v Hllcl ;Ia on M~>nduy,

Avetugu Lellljlf'ICllllt'L' fo~ lhr. WP<•ic WIIK f1fl <'OillJliiiNI Wilh 11 01 <legr·c•c llWt'ng'c lu~t yecLr ot l11l~ lllliC,

'J1PtliJlCI U l111 PH fnr ! he weelc, HH l'<'<'llll(cd hy S L. DPilllll cHI 11 t I hu Mu•1o 1 HCWilg'C cllspo~al plant, WDliJ,

Min, Mnx ilug11sl lfl nB 71 AllgliHI 17 .JR 7.J August 18 fi-1 78 AugtiHI lH on 77

Gutaa 01u111 7 J', M, Show 7145-IO I', M,

l'lti.-1-!NI', AUG ~ l-2ri "'l'h<',\ t.lw lly Nl"hl"

Fut Joy G!nngoi·Cnthr O'Donnell

"'l'h1• IJ fiCIIIIIIH 'l't'Uil 11

Guon{u Mnntnomc1 y-llrendn Mn1ahull


nota L.ugnsl In "lllnd< llt'IIJl'<m"

H UN,-1\!(IN .-'l'lJI;s. 1 AUO. 211-2"1-211

"Shon Bon t" K ltbtyn (_.IIIYtiO!I·Avn o .• rdnr.l

Cu1 tmm Cn•nlvnl-•1 Color (Ill tiHHIS

Wl~l>.-'1'11 uns. A llfl, :!11·:10 AU[;IIHL 2() AU[;IIHI ~~ August 22 August 2;1

52 U2 fi2 37

Rl 71 !Ill

"IIIIU lc NnJt•IHHIIH" Doh0111h Ken unci Snhu

"llloudlt• IILlH lit•• .ruc•llpt~t"


Building Materials ('nKh and


CONCRETE BLOCK • • ... ...... .. .. .. 14%c •IC FIR SHIP LAP ........................... $118.75 $125.00 3-in-1 Exh·a Henvy

SHjNGLES ........................ .. All 2K4 to 2x12, per M .................... . COMBINATION DOOR .......... .. REZO FLUSH DOORS 15 LB. FELT ...... SOl L PIPE, heavy ............ , .......... .

7.08 133.00

15.96 13.72

3.18 6.93

7.45 140.00

16.80 14.50

3.35 7.30

Complete stock of DOORS and WINDOWS Including PICTURE WINDOWS

All material not listed is subject to n 5'/'0 Cash and Carry Discount

Open Sunday Mornlngs by Appointment

"You always save money at ••• "

Willson Bros. Rives Junction Phone 23-F ·13


Now and Save Get Our Estimate

Before You Insulate llnw .thnut ,\out· honl!' last Wlltlf'r ·: \Vns 11 c•otufor l.thll' from

llc>11t to 1 Pi hill{ on Ntc coldc•s1 day ot• 1\ us tlu• o11l~ 1 hlng that mad<' ~ nu !rot th1• luPI hills ~·cHI r••cl•i\pd ·:

Insulatwll, pt·ntll•tlr illst.tllc•d, 11 ill gi\'1' you tl11• c n)Jtfort .tnd t't'llnom,\ YIIU't" S<'l'itiHg. Aud c t•m<•mhc•r• 11 hen ) ott Ita"' out· nx-1"'' t nnrt.nwu lnsuhtl1• ~·out honw l'ot·r·c·c·tl~·, using 1111!) th~ !.tlc•st Ill tnsul.ttmg P'llliPill<'lll, )nu'c,. m.tlmrll' an tnl<•stmt•nt llilllu•••p[hl,\tllg )1111 hal'lt (11ith intt•c·r•"t!) till• t•c•st of ~·ou1 lcfc•.

}'our hom1• will ht• 1'1111! .uHI c omloc l.thlt• on th<· hllll!•sl sum-1111'1 d.ry :uul ln "intl't you'll mac 1 ,.J at till' s:l\ ings in hll'l-as mtu·h as 10 [11'1' I'Pilt 111 your• Jll<'st'nt hu•l (•osts!

It's llll)lllt1ant, though, th.t1 ~IIIII' msul,tlloll ,Jolt is tlon<' 11111(1· Ptly b,\ nwn 11 ho ),now hllllll' insu!.tlion \Vt• h,t\1' h.ul ll yt•ars "~lll'lii'IU'c• in t lw til' It!. Our· wot•luw~n :II'!' <'XIII'l'ts wh11 usc' only till' Ill's I msul,ttillll, ll.tldll m-11111, and 1111l do 1hc• JOb l'tght so you 1\ ill tt'C<'II't• tl/1' gu•,ttest IJI'tt!'ht lt·mn ) IIIII' homf' Insulation.

W•• gJt,u .tntc·t• to)l <'I tiel Pill',\' 1111 a II IIlli' insul.t t 11111 ,Jobs. ll.lilillln-lltll mtnl'tal 1111ol is a gu.u,lJilc•••d tiiMtlatum, lin• Jllllllf ( l'SJU'Cl:tll) illi)HIItaJJ ( [n JIC'CI)lll' [ il iII!; in l'llllli a !I'll S), ,IJU1 \'1' C'lllill Jll'nol, It .tcltmll,l' m.tiH•s ) 11111' hnml' u salt•t• Jllace tu li\c!

Wl'il•• tuthQ lor mum inltll'lll,tlwn uu home in,nlutiun. Nu obligatlo11.

We Can Also Supply You With

Permanent Ventilated Awnings and Door Canopies (Aluminum or Wood)

By Zephyr

Combination Storm Windows

,Boyett Contracting Co. US-27 at

Valley Farms

4620 N. East Stt·eet Lansing, Michigan

Phone 53938 01' 51564

···········~··········· l'lcase st•ncl nm lnfurnmtlun un tlu• fulluwlng:



D Insulation

D Awnings l

D Windows

• ••••••••••••••••••••••

,·t Seven New Teachers Join Stockbridge School Staff

. .. '.

When niiiHHn~ Hl./11'1. nt t.lln Ht.nclr­lll'ldge Hciwol 'J'rtomltr,v ril'l.<•r·nrHlll, floptnmhnr' •1, Ill"''" will bo :wvnn new lorwll<li'IJ 1111 Ill" t>l.uft', RrtpL ,JcsHo J,, Hul.clwlnr IIIJnllilll<!ll\1.

'l'w11 now lcuciHII'H lin vo ntc­moiJI.Ili',Y f[l'llrlo IIHHignmrwts. 1'Jwy lll'<r Miss n.oHiliinrl MIIY of 'l'oir'rlo (OI' tho tii'Hl g'l'lidn, nnrl MIHH L'I­Vcl'l\ll J?lllim· ot' Mnl.l.cwflll for· liJc HOCOIJI) gl'llrJO.

Chlll'ics Wrlg"lil, nnhnr·t. Pr'flllon, Clyrlo Glellrlonlng, MrH. Nn1wy Wy­mnn 111111 MI'H, Jlnrhlll'll McG1·ngor n r·o new mo!rn)Jer·H ol' l.lw llig"ll Hciwol frrelllt.y.

Wrig-ht wns gmlillfrlnd fmnr Knlnmn~oo eoll"l!'" In IIJrill. He holpod concl1 fonllmll nt 1.J1n col­leg-e )FoHl f1rll. A I Rl.m>l<lll'idgo llr: Will HCI'VC IIH fooJ.tllliJ Cilllt'IJ 11/ld Will )Jo II !!)IIHSI'OIIIll l011f'il"l',

Prmlon \VII~ 11ls11 grnrillllll'rl f'rlllll l{alamllr.on wllcgo i11 I!JfoO, Ill' hol;1crl CllfW)l lHJHelmll nl 1.111! eol­lcgc lhiH :;pring anrl i:; prnsr.nlly n plnygi'DIInd rlirnellli' in 1\nlnnllr­zoo, Ho will Jwvn eiHII'i:" or piJy:<i-· Clll erluenllnn, r>nnelr lt:Jm:lmll tr•;r111 nnd a:;HIHI. in '"'"''irinr( lhe fool­ball rliHI IJHHlWI.IHrll t.narn:;.

Pr•inclp;rl BJ'IIee I ln\VIPI.I. Will eonl.lntrr. to tw hcud coach or b!lslwtbnll,

Both Mr8. Wyman 1111rl Mrs. Mr·­Gt•cgnr nre J!Jitl g'l'illlllalcH or the University ol' Mkltig"ml. Mr:;, Wy­man will l.eneh lDn)ili:ilr ttnrl srtcinl

Blackhawks Get New Head Coach

. John W. McCnr'J'illl' is I be new head foothnll ;rnri IJaol'lmll cmrch

Hl.llllioH In jnnlor• and :;onlot• high :wlinoiH. Mrs. Mnill'"ll'fH' will tiJfloh Lnllil nnrl mng-llsh.

No Jll'l'·l'lll'olltnonl Is selwrlulorl nl Rtr)C'Irlwlrlgli, Pupils nt·o nnt ox-1"'"' rrl In ''"Jllll'l rlntll one o'clool< 'l'llt>Hrlny nflernoon, Sr.ptomlwr• 4, l.lrc HllfH!I'Inlonrlont. snlrl. Prc-cn­rotlnwnl WfiH hancJiorJ j)efot•o elnHH<'H WCJ'Il rJI:;rniHHOrl In May, he explnlrwrl. BliHeH will n11tl<e their t'c)ilrlnJ• Lr•lpH on September •1, plclrlng l.ho ynllllgstcrs up n.l noon and returning them ~trter the ~clwol HeHHinn.

Ji'rwl.bnll nnlfrll'mR will he )Hsrwd In cnnrllrlu tes l~l'lrlny and­dny. f'rnl'l Icc sessinnR will hogln Monday, Principal Howlett ~ulrl.

League All-Stars Beat Fowlerville

rn 11 wcll-piii'IJCrl g-an10 nt l<'ow­lrr·villc Snlurday night, l.he Tl'i­Couniy hriH~Imll leag-ue All-Slltrs rlcl'ca l.cri fir·,; I pi nee l<'owi<'I'Vllk :l-~. Losing" pilchcr·, HHI'I'Y Dnvis, ;oJiowPrl fiv<' Jlils, but lhe·s huowlwri li11·nr, rtf I hom in tho tlfth I" or·rtre l.wiero. '['hey added the wi1111ing·. r1111 In tho eighth on Jns­nrr Ew,r.lrl's rlolllllc nnrl a single by Don Gnf'fnet•. AIJ-Rlfll' pi lchm·s h"lri l•'mvl~>l'\'illc In " pnir· of hils nnri slr•i!cl< fJIII. lG batters.

Wr.tJIJcrvillr• bent Snline G-4 on Runrirry nl Wl'hlll1rvlllc. In the til' I h WehiH>~'Ville jumped on throe hit,;, IJJro« waii<R nnrl l.hrco Saline 1'1'1'111'.' In lnl<o six l'llns 11nrl tho gnmc, Snlinc r·nllccterl 11 hits off Nr•il anrl 1\nll Wcsl..

at Leslie. MtCnrg-ar war; pil'lll•rl 'l'ilr• Frrwlcnrlic Mnrehnnt.s last weel< l.o :ii!Cccerl Wall Gep- :~rlrlcrl n vir:tol'y S11nrlay hy stop­hart, wiln )Jas·moved on to SL ping- Lan~ing··U-0. Joseph hig-h :;clwrtl. A l CJJcl:;ca on Sundny, Chelsea

'rite new crmeh i:-; n gT:J<Illale flf l'an ii\.V:I.Y witl1 :1 g-nme ngainsl Western Miehig-nn collef(r' and Bell Oak ~n-!i. Chl'hca ll.,od three since 1048 lws taugJ1t :u1rl r:rtacheri pitchers anrl every player on its nt SL Charles. loalll.

Gephart has r:ompilcd an envia- 'l'l'i-Cnllnl,l' llaso·ilall Sl.a.nrlings hie rceonl at Lo:;lio. '['he Blnclt- W L Pot. haw](H have been in lhe l11icl< or. Fowlerville ...... !J 1 .88D the fight in fonthail ancl lmokol- Willinlllslrm .. 7 :J .700 ball for tho pusl :10 ycat·s. \Vohlwrvillc Ji ,GOO

-------·-- Chelsea ................... 8 .600 Oil is lmown lo lie unrlc•· lhe Saline ..................... 5 .556

of Shensi and r Lansing .................... 3 .200 I Boll Oak .................... 0 .000

~r~d~t$b~ 48" GIANT TWIN-BOWL


FAMOUS' FEATURES 1 One-piece, acld·resistmg, porcelain·

enameled steel lop. 2 Two giant bowls. Doop, roomy, oo·

splash. 11 Wipe-clean, Hi-Bake enamel finrsh. 4 Hide-away cutlery shell opens wllh

right-hand door, keeps cut! ory handy. 1 Convenient soap-box'racl\ on Jell

door. · 6 Impressed soap dish. 7 Die-made construction. No sharp

corners. 1 4' back·splasll prevents spoiling of 13 Doors sound-deadened, easr·

walls. swinging. · 9 Swinging mixing-faucet provides 14 ltubber bumpers cushion door clos-

oxacl water temperature desired. lngs; torpedo catches are posiUvlo acting type. . ,

10 Crumb-cup strainers catch refuse, 15 Recessed too and knee space makes half-turn converts bowl to dishpan. standing easier.

11 Easy·tO·clean contours. less time 16 Righi height (36') foreasystandfn• and energy spent in cleaning. ~· ""

12 Gleaming handles on doors stay 17 Room'y storage ~partmenL bright Indefinitely. • 11 STEEL construction throughouL . .

\'oungatown Ki.lchenl Food Wcr111 Disponr oa•il)' lnthlllodl


. Collins Sales & Service, Inc. 151 W,. Maple Phone 25311

I August 23, 1Diil THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Section 2


Ingham Sends 170 to State 4-H Club Show

. RAY MAKES RINO RETURN AS REF-Still feeling the effects ·. of the Randy Turpin tight ·in which he lost his title, ex-middleweight ·champ Ray 'Robinson cancelled an exhibition fight against Tiberio Mitrl in Italy but agreed to referc"C in Milan. Above, he trys to free his sparring partner, "Bomber" Womber, from the clutches of

Italy's Michele Palermo.

Ono hundred scvnnty Ingham county 4-H boys und gll•ls will ex­hibit at tho slnl.e show al Michi­gan Slate college August 27 thi'OIIg-h :11. Thl1·ty-two fmm the county will compote In judging contests during the show.

The group Is tho inJ•gest cvor l.o be sent from Ingham county, ac­cording to M, H. Avcl·y, county club R)ient.

Mcmbc•·s who wJJI cxhlhlt Guernsey cattle nrc Carol and Dennis Avery of Mason, mdgm· LoVette of Mnson, B1·ucc mvcrctt of mast Lansing, Bolly Force of Willlumoton, Robot'l SteJ•)c r>f Mn­son and Robert Force of Wlillams­ton.

Ttogcr Eberly of Mason, n.tchard Wheeler of Mason, Mal'ilyn Scott of Mason, J. Wayne ERI'i of Mll· nllh, Keith Soller of Williamston, Lee 'rhnrhurn of Mason anrl Helen Watkins of Mason will exhibit .Jersey catl)o.

Mcmllol·s who will exhibit in the Holstein gJ•oup' arc Donna and Ed Vmw r>f Mason, Kenneth Rut.hlg of Losllc, Herbert Miilcl' of Wllliams­lon, n.ichru•rJ Cheney of Mason, (l·;;ondolyn Onl<ley of Wohbervllle, .Joyce Wilson of Mason, Ma1·y Em­onH of Muson, Suzan Wils~n of Mason and Donald Wililums of Wcllbervillc.

-----"-----=--:-===============-'. Showing- Ayrshire cattle will be 1 .Jnyec Madden and Roger Madden

of Williamston and Richanl and Shirley Schultz of Stocl~brirlgo .

.J can Bal<or of Leslie will show a grade cow and Donna Voss and Herbert Miller will compete in dairy showmanship.

In tho beef feeding r.Jass Paul F.xelhy anrl Cla•·onee Prentice of Lansing, Janel anrl Marion Every of Mason and Marg~trol Black of Lansing will show.

Paul Exelhy will compote in tho beef showmanship clase. ·

Rollin Blosscy will show in tho Shropshire sheep class.

Showing Hampshire sheep will .be Da lias and Aaron Hyde and John Coy of Mason.

Members 'showing Corl'iodale sheep will be Rodney Line of Stoel<hriclgo, Ted and Dan Noble of Willia111ston, and Melvin Show­cl·man and Ray Launsl.cin of Stool<b•·idgc.

Showing Oxford sheep will be Ellerine C,;opp of Okemos and Nancy and Keith Lisk of Wil­liamston.

David Carlton of Lansing will show Suffolk sheep and Robert Boll of Lansing will show Cots­wold sheep.

In the fat lambs class Dean No-

"OINC UP.:..:.Korean. ia. borers struggle up a mount~ inside with a 'hie an<l Ellcrinc Copp will show. u Aaron Hyde anrl Melvin Show-length .oJ. Cltble, 't!iP~ .. Ji.ill soon be a part of an aerial tramway crman will show in the sheep designed to ease the problem ·or transporting supplies to mountain showmanship class. troops. U. S. ·Army ·cngiiwers ('foreground) believe it will haul Wayne BJosscy will have an ani-400-poun_q loads. on each 1200-foot tl'ip in less than two minute:~. mal in tho Du1·oc hog class and

BIG REBUILDING JOB AHEAD , Ralph Ellison will have a hog in

tho Poland China class. Clayton H~tyhoe of Mason will

M · G "dd s l d exhibit a Hampshire hog. Mcm-. asori ... t1. . · .. er. s : tar~ ,}Aon~ ay. ~~r~r;;~o ~~~~~~~waro~:~~:~7v:rt~: · .Joe and Peter Slid, and Walter

Coac'h' Lou J;o.ri ·has isst;ocl a ticuionoed anrl J'ast wilh ~uch sial- Krall?., .JJ·., of Mason. ' call. to , his ,M:ison .. 'h'igh. schon.J Wal·ts as Doll 'l'homas, Bob Jowett, Tom Beatty of Williamston will g•·iddcrs to, report Jm· p•·acticc <3i11 Wasper, Jim Blauvelt, Don show an animal in tho fat hog Monday, Augu~~~· 27, at 9:30 . .Uni- Lyons and Ralph iDIIison. The Ma- class along with Douglas Hoeg of ronm. will be issued in. the school son line Joolrs to be one of the Willia1i1ston and Clayton Hayhoc Joci(el; moin;' · , · · ocst in tho Capital Cit·cuit on of Mason.

The ··call. went out .. to. hold-oveL' papm·. j Wayne Blossoy of Williamston vnr·sity ··JettcJ' wlnnet•s· im'd inem-· . Mason races a tough nine-game and_Ralph Ellison ·~~Mnson will hers of Anst year's. reserve team. 1 1 1 F'l·cshmen will· not· be ··ahlc to ·r·e- sc Je< ule lOA< eel with such power·

·houses as St. . .Johns, 11nbeatcn in port until school statts on Septem- two years, Chnt·Jotte, Howell, bcr 5. · . mvordt nncl Bolding·. Five of the

rJot·i ancl <his ··assistants, Don games will be playocl at Mnson. Cfll'cy--nncJ· Bob Wallis; have only t.I\J'ec wcolw .in· which to. mold ,,. Last year :Mason clrop;lcd thretJ tc~m for the · to~1gh ·.St.· Johns g-an\es to St. Johns, Chal'lotte and opener. . . ·. ; Howell.

'rl1c big-gest trisl< wilJ. be the job Coach Lori asl<s that all boys of" illiltirig' togclhet" a .. IJ'acJtficJcJ l'Cporting for footJJali gel lhoil· combination .. Ma'son· . Josl star medical examination blanl<s a.Jl(l pl~tye,:s Dc;iny. §~oly,, ... E.\Qb,_.-AI1en,. insumnce fo.l'\11S at the scliool su­Chucl< Howpll ami Wayne Every. •pol'intemlont's offiGC befOl'O l'Cport-'rhe-, only .back• with ·any···playing ing fot• practice. . experience is Pili! Parisian. · Until school slar·lB pl'ncticc will

Pro-season pif1ns call fot· shift- be on a lwo-a-tln;v schedule. ing- some or Ma£on's line Urlont into t11e backfield, at least on of .. LESLIE HOUSE l'LACJ•;S fen·sc. · ·

'l'hc Ma.,on line i~ the brig·ht spot this year. It will be !Jig, ox-

And c I' son G, lhrec-yenr·-old paoco· owned by H.obort Pnlmct':i of Le"lie, came in second in the

llOWLEitS 'J'O :\:IEE'I' second heat of the 2:25 pace Ft·i-, , I dHy aftomoon al Lhc Inghmn ooun-

muslacc Roll'gow, prc.sldcnt of ty fait'. The Leslie horse placed the Monday nrght bowlmg league 1 eighth in Lhe tiJ·sl Ilea t afte1· tho in Mason, has requested that 1111 sulky bi'DI<c down on tho fat· sille toum captains lpeet at Mason of the lmcl<. Hi Lo's Cormtcss, Rem·calioo M?nday ·night, August owned by R. C. Bradley nf Fowlor-27, at. 01ght o cloclt. ville, placed tiJ·st in lhc .second

fJJ:ASIIES ON CURVE Edward Gt·aco, Jr., and Douglas

Tracy of Juckson escaped serious ln,iurios Sunday night when tho cAr in which they wore riding mllccl over on· the em·ve near the county highway garage on US-127. Both men were tal(on to the Mason hospital whot·e they wore t1·onted fot' cuts, bruises and spl'!lins. They wci·e traveling south when lhoy hit the curve.

CUB UJADERS TO M:rm'l'. , There will .he a district-wide

Cnh Scout leaders picnic at Camp Kiwanis Sunday,· At1gust 26, at 1:30 .. It will ·be potlnc)(, Gnmeo will be plAyed in the RfteJ·noon. A slwrt business meeting will be held in the evening. All cub paC)(S arc a sited to' send rept·esenta tivcs. Tho leaders Will he Steve Mussle­man of Hiuilett, district Cub Seoul trainer, and Dan ·Brown of Lan­sing, field Scout excctitive.

Horses werii·Jng · shoes with tig·htJy clinched· nails . nrc oasy victims of foot tronbies, such as ciii'Jls and iili11enes's. ·

hca t, 'rhc dash was frJI' a pim;c of $100.00.

Indians Capture Class C Crown

Onondaga, first place team in the Tt·i-County softball league, won the Lctnsing Class C softball clistl·ict chFtmpionship by defeat­ing tile Aurelius Reds last 'fhurs­day night at Ranney park in Lan­sing.

Five of the six Tt·i-.County team:; entered the Clnss C playoffs against teams from Ingham and ajoining counties. The Indians and Aurelius each won four games before facing each o thel' in the final district contest.

Bud McKessy, pitcher for tho Indians and tho league all-~tars, was ct·editod with all five Ononcl<t­ga victories. During the regular season Mcl{ossy pi tchod several shul-outs and one no-hit game.

The Onondaga Indians, 1nanr~gcd by Ron and Dean Hoctor of Onon­dng·a, entered the regional playoffs lhis WCO)(, The WillnCl" in the re· gional will pl:w at the state fair.

The public law of tlie United States revolves · largely · around (ll tile federal system;. (2) the written Constitution'; and (3) ·the judicial. construction of · written r,oi!RtitutionR. t, . :, •.. , AND T'""S IS OUR NEW SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT."

.- . ~. . '. . -.. ,

compote In tho hog Hhowmnnshlp j Smith and Malll'ico n.ykol'l of Wil­clns~. . Jlnmst.on: rtus~ell SlrouHc, Snnrlr'll

Members who will exhibit In tho 1 MonlrtVen, Mnrthu Buller, Agnes sadrlle horHe class will be Stove Bosworth nnrl Ellol'ino Copp of Rowe, Brii'I',Y Wenlln.nd and .T11<1y Olcomns, Kay Shilling and Lot·cne Tnylm· of Mason: nnd DCH'othy Proctor of Stoclcbrirlgo, Franl< nnd Showctmnn of Sl.ool<bl'lrlgr!, CnJ·nl Alfl'IPda Fro.~t nnd Crystal Thorn- Stnrltay of DnnHvillc nnrl MrtJ•jol'ic ton of 'Williamston, Billy BI'Uvcn- Clarl( r1F East Lansing. der of Dnnsv~ilo ~nd Georgia Blaol< Member·fi who hnvr• II ower· rx· or Lansing, mllcl Inc Copp Will en- lilblls to show lll'e Mnry Bohls lor the snddle horse showmanship nnrl Dnnny Otl.n of Lnnsl'ng"' Je111 contest · · • • 1

· 'Piper, .J1micr Miller, 'Phci11111 Dox-In~rham county 4-H members tcr and .Tnnn Wl'lg-hl nl' WilllnnJH­

who will pnrl.lcipalo In Hpoclnl ton: .Joan Bowen, .Joycc Pineo, contests of jurl~rtng will he Cni'OJ- BcveJ•Jy Honslolt. 1111rl Wllmrt Pl'ln­yn Dalbec nl Mnson judging cnn- glc of Webhni'Vlllc: anrl Belly Loll nlng-~ RhorlH r<clly of Lansing Risch of Drrn.wille and .Joan Shcp­judgmg frwds, Diann Clr1nnhnn of arrl of Stocl<bridgo.

Mmn!Jcrs who hnvo fnnriH prep. fll'rtllon exhllllts 11r11 Dm1r11r BniWI' nf Dllnsvillo, Gwon ChJI<Icy ol' Sl.o!!l<ht·lrlg"<'. ,Jo,vce Hull, IJanrt Dllt'l anrl RaiHir'!l Riot\ of MaHon, AlfJ•ferla l•'mstrlllrl Bllr'sha Wngncl' nl' WilliamHlnn, nncl n.horlu J{efly of Lan~lng. . ,

Me111h11rs Whr> will !!XIJibit dr1lh·· lng fll'e ,Joyce Hull of MilSOn, H.I1DdiL Kelly ol' Lansing- rtncl l(alhcrino KFdli'OH O[ Holt. .

l>!!mon:;trnlinn~ will b" g·tvcn In lurnrlieraft h.Y ltliHKeJI Row,, l•'low­or lll'l'llllgcll!l'.nf:l will Ill\ exhlbltetl hy 'f'Jwlm:r Dcxler nnrl Mrllll.'iec Ry· hert of Willillmslon,

Vegcl:rlllr• 11Jat' will bo tlonHJnHll'lltnrl hy Husncl I BIIHtrm nnd Leu Sl.a:;m· of I~n:-il. I.JHI1Hing·. Dcnwnsll'lll.illg· IIJo cln11ning- of rhtlry lll.l\llHiiH will he Wilili!l' Ry­lrert or Willi:lln.,ton.

mast Lansin~r judging clothing, Mcmhcr·s whn will exhlhll. I<athryn Kahi'Os of Boll judging canned goods aJ·c Dixie Miller of home lmpl'Dvoment, and Rollin Lansin~r. Sharon Hcl'l'icl< nr Ma­Biosscy of Wllitnmston, Aarnn son, Su?.unno 1'hnmpson of Dans­Hyde of Mason and Melvin Show- ville, MaJ•Ienr• Wflr!le of J),1nsvill<!, Ol'mnn of Stockbridge judging Elnlne l<'r·edJ•iel< nl' Mason, .Tnellcn Sht'"Jl slwal'ing wrll be cxhihitcrt livestock. Bullen of Mason, .Janel l~rerlt·lek hy Mdvin Slwwermnn or Stock-

Franklin Lyon of Mason will of Mason, Phylli.~ Cheney of Ma- lll'idgn and llollin 13Jo,;scy of Wll­jLJdge rlnlry, LcVon Prcn- son, .Janrt. Hill ol' Willianwlon, lurmslon. T~nod rlcrnonstnttions will tlce of Lansing Will ,illriA"e poultl'Y• Daf'lcnc Weldon ol' Mnson M11ry • be ~iven lly .Jneltic llieh 111111 131\lh BI'Uco Rucehor·t of Lansing will Ann Sl11g-o 1• of Mason, Chl'isllnc Boflch of Willimnslon. A nwrlcl judg-e no·ohery, Elmer Phelps or Milici' of Lansing, Kallwrinc bl!situ•ss nwJJLing will he denron­Stockhl·id!re will judge crops, and KalJr'os of Hall, Knl.hlocn H:tllcn- Hlntl"cl by llw North Wrllramstn11 Dave BoRlty of Williamston nnrl heel< ol' Ma~on, Ann Mnrl.ineall of dllll. l'uhlic Hpe<tldng- will he rlrono Junia Cnt·r of Webberville will Mason ancl Cfu'olvn DoJIJec of Mu-, by Junirt Carr of Wr•hlJcJ'Villc ancl compete in public ·spcaldng. son. ' :Dave Beatty of Williamston,

·Dave Be~ttty of Williamston will li~~~~~~ ~~~~;~~i~~~~~~ [lFtrtiolpnto in the latent show class, Dennis Ave1·y of Mason wiiJ judge vogctablos ~long with Alan Clemens of Stockbridg-e, .Junia Carr of Webberville and Dorothy Showerman of Stockht•idgc.

Janet Clannhan of East. Lansing anrl Ann Martineau of Mason will judge In the dJ•oss review, Richard Cheney will en tel' tho plowing con­test and Gordo11 Monroe will en­tel' the tractor contest.

Members who will exhihlt poul­to·y arc Sam Eckhart of Mason, Alan Wells of Mason, James Lightfoot of Williamston, Elaine F1·odrlck of Mason, Clayton Hay­hoe of Mason, Harvey Fanson of Mason, Max Benne of Mason, La­Von Prentice of Lansing, Rohol't Caltrider of Mason, Gary Call­rider of Mason and Dallas Hyde of Mason.

Mcmbo1·s who will cxhihit rab­bits arc Dorothy Young-s of Stook­brirlge, .Jon Swift of Mason, Hao·­olrl Redman of Lansing·, Jerry Gruhn of Mason and Merton Heinz of Onondaga.

Members who will exhibit hancli­cmft arc Je•·ry Rueckert of Lan­sing, Robert Ludtl<e of Lanoing and Gordon Wilkes of Lansing.

Members who will have oleclri­cal exhibits at·e Russell Rowe of Mason, Dan Line of Ol<emos, Dal­las Hyde of Mason, Jack Voss or Okemos and Bruce Rueckert of Lansing. · · Members who will exhihit · car corn are ,Russell Rowe of Mason, Wayne Every o~ Ma:;on, · Robert Caltt·ider of Mason, Gary Cal trid­el' of Mason, Wilbur Ryl<ert of Williamoton and Richard Cheney of Mason.

Members who will exhibit veg­etables are Richard Rlx, Wanda

fllll/l..-•• ·

.•WHr 11111 111111 rtiiiR IIIIU r11r fiiAII_U.r

We fond you, your instrument free for a five-week period aft­or which it can be rented for a small fee.

Sec us or Phono fnr RJIPfli!'ltment

Lnru~Ins 4·6068

BLOOMQUIST Musir Studio~

TJ~R~f8 AJIHANGEO 121 N. (:cdar 023 Eureka

Mason Lansing



Clhmn Ford-Vi\'l~ea, Lindfor~i in wl"III~ I•'LY-11\'C J\11881Lil~i'' ''l'uny Curlis-PiiJ·:·r· Laul'il' in

"1'111~ l'HINCJ•; WUO \VAS A 'I'I!II\F" ~n <:ec;m;culur; lla \\'IQ'IIIJ In Uilt 1\lauldi;l's "III' FRO:\''r;" Mac1J01mhl Cai'<'Y·Wcn-

CIIr'r'Y in "<H:EA'l' .nTISSOUitl !:AID" in technic11lor.


Now ... Spray or Paint Anywhere With This ~ew NoMotor Sprayer l You Can Paint 7 to 15 Times Faster - Any Paint Job

Ideal for Spraying Livestock, Plants

And Shrubs

Fully Guaranteed

•rho Noi\fo•rou Sl'HA l' Jm •~ cnmplctrly dlffNnnJ: fi'Oill any l'.l'P" nf paint ~Jlrtt~·cr· nn t:Jw lllal·lwt .• It. ""Jnh·e~ no eh\1\• f.rJr:ify Ill' Clllllfli'P.,SOI' In N)II'U,V tim pulnt:, IIIII' dm•s it mix ail' wlt.h paint. 1.11 Cl'"ute a mo•s,,y pulnt. fog as rio ordimtl',\' Slll'll,Y­'"'"• htsh,u;J il. I~ OJiern t.ed by a •hnph' lmnd-pumr> 1\'hh\h stores 1111 comp1·essod ail" In Ute c.:oll­tainm• and lases thiN :tir t.n fur·e,, Ute Jlltlnt-:-lllld only p:tlnt­th a·uu gh the gun.

Sprays Full 2lf2 Qts. Without· Refilling

No Messy Paint Fog

··complete Unit Only $29.50

See the Revolutionary New NoMotor Sprayer at

Silsby Implement Company

Dansville Mrs. llolr.n Young

Booster Class Will Have Sale

•rhe nnmJnl uudlon Hnlr. spon­sored hy lhe Boosfel' ''lUll will hu held Satunlay nff et noon llegln· nlng at one o'clnelc nt DJChlfinl!IH,

Dm·n Diehl iH genr.t•nl l'ilflh•mnn. All rmntJ•iiJllflnns will be ncllcptcll up to the clny of•tho snle nnd thes~ c!ontl'iblltlons mny ho o11tt lghl glftH or· Lo he R<rld on r•nnslgnment, the ehoil'mnn .~nld. 1'11<'1'0 wlll nlso lle rummage nnrl imlccrl good:; ~nics.

Pet•sons having nrlJcins I'm• the bnked goorls snlc who nl'e unnblc to tulce them lll'e nslcccl to cull Helen Pnl'lcs, :J-l~-1 Wlllmmfilon or· I<ulhlecn Swnn 22fi0~ Mtlson,

All pi of it ft·om the sale will go Into the elllll'llh bnscmcnl im· pl'OVemenl fund.

Free Methodists Plan for Picnic

The IPree Mel horllst S11nrlny ~choQI will lwld rts annunl plen1c Sntu1·day 11 L Rnyner· Parli, Mason. ThoHe who nre gmng nrc In meet at lho church ·at. 11 :BO and trans­pot tntlon will he fnmlshe11. Dnnlt will be pt ovidcd hnl those nf lend· lng nre nslccrt Lo lnlce their own ~o.ndwiclws, a rJish of food to pass nnc.l. table ser·vlcc.

SporLH of all lcinds will he played during the nfletnoon.

w. c. •r. lf. Wlll Jllo•·f The regnirtt' mcelmg of lhe W.

VIHJtm·~ ul RunHI'I lln \Nl Mt•, nnd MI'H, Tvnn ltlrm nn1J Ml'fi,

mrnm11 Mnl').;ttn or Bnlh vJsil•·rl Ml'H, Mnggln 13111 l]<'n 111 SJIIIHI'l Hnvon · BlltHiny, Ml'. 111111 M1 s, Wt'llnli Cobll nnrl rlnngllil'l, llllb,v nnrl ITJIRlll, cniJPrl on Mi'o, l•;,slli<~. Avor.v WctiJH•sdny. Mt'H. Ci••·ll Pnll~t· of WllllnniHinn l'nli<•li 1111 Mt'H, Avery Snnrluy,

Church Worl<ers Will Be Honored

Six memllet·s of lhr. Wnnwn's Society Cor Cht•lsllnn So1·vic•p will be honored guests nt !I pnrty next Wednesday evening nl Uw llfllllf' of Mrs. Willlnm Musnlff, 'rhc Jllll'· ty Is In nppJ•eclnllon ol' lhc yvnr·•, of Hct·vlce the six hnve gtven 111 Lhe Womun'H Soeiefy.

Tile six wom1•n lo he llOillll'r.rl ar·e Mrs. Lucv Bhnrlnnrl, J\.11 s. Elizabeth Bnc:lws, M1·s. 1\linnie Gl'imes, Mt·H. Rosn Anrlr.r·snn, M1 H. Clnra Wemple and Dr. Ntn ,, \Val· liet•, nil of whom are pnst 80 yca1·:. of age.

Mt•s. C. I. Richner Is 111 l'hfll'J.;'I' of genel'fll Ol'l'angemenl:;,

Sl'lllmf Tt1'11ni1m l'huml'li The Howlell, fol'l11CI1y lmowt. n'

lJlC f{CCVCS, SChOO] J'CIIIl!Oil, Will IJ1• hell] Thtll'sduy, A11gusl :10, Ill 1111' school houHe. 'rhct·e will be n pol­luck dinner ut noon. All pnlron:;, pupils and Leachet·s, both past n nrl pi'{'sen t, a rr• Ul'g'ed to n lf end.

Class nl' I!Hii Will ~:l.•t·1

The members or the class nl

little Girl Dies· Of long Jllness

SIIH/111 13nrlolgh, 11, clio!] 'in Don· vnt·, Colm'fl[lo, lnHt 'rlliii'Hrlny night, (-iilll WIIH illll rfllllg'Jii.Ol' 0) Ml', 1111<1 Ml~. LPOIHilrl Blll'lOigil or !ill! lilllllllf Hll'll<'f,'Lnnsin~.

'f'ho gl1·l'.~ mofhlll·, 'rholmn Lo,, llilllt•lgh, hu<l fll'!!OI11pllnic•<i SIIH!III lo t'nlol'llrln In 1111 f!tlempt In 1'0· gnl11 llw chllri'H henlf h.

Sill vlvoJ'H J)IJ.slrlos lllll pnr•ont", "''' lh1• grnn1li'nllw1', lflllll'Y Leo ol <;ll'g'nr,v, nnd n g'rnntlmothot• 111 Nolllngllnm, Englnn<l. FllneJ•nl ""'Vir'"' \\'I'll' ill' lei Wr•rlnoHtlay 11 fl· •'IIIIHIII Ill 2•:J() nl. IJ1e l!Jstr•s·Lilllri· i<',Y IIIIH'I'IIl hllnll' ill L.msing.

l'u~foi'H l·:~!'lutllt;l' l'ulplfA R<•v, Hnmncl fJPI?.el'l anrl Hcv,

CJII'Ion l•'oll?. Will c•xclinngr. pulpit., 1111 llw l:llmliny monung HI'I'VicoH ll11s SIIIHiny. Rev. SclzeJ•t will prwl<'h Ill 'the Millville, Van I own IIHI No t'l h W o fit Sfocltill irlg<• •'IHnehvs 1111d Ht•v, l<'ollz will hnw ·t~•ll'gt• or tht• f'Dil11llllnlon ~f!l'VIC!J 1l liH• IJnnsvlllc ellfll·cil.

J'al'llt 11111'1'1111 \\'Ill Mr•pj Tlte 1'<'1; IIIII I' nH•clJn~ ol' th••

:-Jorll! lngllJ)m f•'ntm Btli'Crllr will H1 hPid M nndr1y 1wening H t lll~

1lUJIIP of M1·. unci M1·s. Leo Roger·s. l'lw rlist·lls~ion will llc on "!Cnt·m· ., .• J lilllll'l' Ttclalions" nnrl will he l'd l1,1' i\liH. J(n::s Sllmplinn, after vhi1 h LIH•J·o Will IJc a pol.lflr·Jc rlJr•­


1\fi'. nr11l II!JH. Charles Woods visi l I'd Mr. n tHI f.11 s, .I ol111 West n I' l>nnsing· Monday.

l\11·~. Lyle Campbell of Mnson ~pcnl T•'rlrluy wilh hot• pnrents, ~11'. nnd MrH. A. C. Berge1·.

M 1 11[ 1\f J 1' '' l n<l r h T h. s h I Den niH Cnlon of Vermont villi' fnmll/'1~1:~; rll~~; •• ,.''~l':n,;:l~·l'~,:.;h Dng am ow· ns up c 00 R[ll'lll. lnst wor.ll with hiH S'J'Illlfl· M1•, nnli Ml'h, Myl'on ~ionln 111 . ~ I motlwl', Mrs. Bl'salo OIHon, mul

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Aug~1st 23, 1951 PAge 2

Dlnlntlrliilo, 1 rottll'florl home Srtltll'fiAy wilh hiH t M nn I MI . l'e n Lh M1•, nnrl Mt'A, l~ohoJ•t Bmltil WCIIJ

Ml ', 1111d MI'H, .fi'AA Tlnulnnnn, Ml'. 1 ~ d f 0 • pal'on s, 1', r s, ' n ll I R C t \VI'<lll lliHI Allll,9LH nl Mr. fliHI Ml'H, ttnd Ml'~. Anthon Will llllrl Ml', llnrl s ea v or penlng nCR, Hn)lmonrl Smllh 01' LnnRing, Sun· Mi s. H1•:< 'l'nwnHIIlli 111111 I Hlilll,Y 111' ,. Mt•. nnd MrH, ,T, C. NeiHon 1111<1 rlll,Y they VIHilod Ml, nnrl Mt s, DnnHYIIlo, •ron11nv :>Lon" ol' f),.. ~ Mr. anrl Ml'H, Leo SnlnH]to' loft l•'t·ncl Lngnlt

0 nnrl IIIHo MJ'H, Wll·

tmlt. nnil Ow1•n Buulim11n ol Cov- Monrlny fm• II woolc's vnonllnn ln 11111

. Ollmnn, wlio lA 111

lhn MnHoll ill)'lun, K1•nliH'I<,\', nll 1.111 t1•rJ 111,. },'lJ.:lllllll TownHhip J\grlr:nlfuml nnrl pm·l nr t11c rloHlrR nncl tnhlos Nor·lhcr·n Mlehlgnn. 'L'ho,v tntenrlerl



ilflHpllnl. Alrnrrl 1.,. 1111 ton ul lilt• Willlnln:1ton boh', nl nl'llvltles will got IIIHiln.wuy hnvn lwon I'OHlll'f'naorl nnrl l'O· lo gn nR filt' north rtH CopJlet' Hnr· Ml'H, .ToiPrinll Bart· flllli Civlh' urrrl t'llllllly Jlllrlr i'lllirdn,V. fr 11

• l.'w yrol' Wllh ll11• llJilllling lonl· tlnl:llwll. All clnH~ 11nrl fP'nrlc roomn !Jot•, MtH. Glorlrt Wlcl<.9 or Do,ug· Lnlll'll \l'l'l'l' grJn~tH nf MI. u'nrl MI':J, , 1 · 1 , 1 11, 111 1 \fii('JJ 1 J hnll •;>~r•Pli<•P Hl'h<'rilllrrl llv Cnnr'11 IHtVt• lll'on lltnJ•oughlyclcancrl nnd Ins Is slayln~ nl tho Nelson hnnw.


11 \\

"I', lin< " I~. I JJ l1 " ,. 1

·,'I r Mo rl • A i l 27 H)HH'lni l'llllnl l'llllljl<Otely l'erloo· .,, ( y 'nllwr l•'rhlll,\' lll'l'lllng ll't'IU Sllillll~\' rlilllll'l J:lll'•l'i ."1 MI. ,T;II'i: \,;~nlh't'~' '1'111:. :~iii li:li(l~l:;ld II; lllnlnrl, !Dxhnllnt fans l'ot• lmtH'ovml Mt•, and Mrs, Bob Pt•lt•n 11111] !111, nnrl Mr•,, \Vnylll' '1'11\'hll' 'llllll\11"1 l\l'llilt'IIJ IVIas"n nl \Vi•l•-11

1111·1.1 · •

1 Vl•hlilllfion hllvo boon lnHinllcd in l'nmlly cnllorl on Mr. nnrl Ml'H, WP-t'e giJeHlR nl' Ml',

111111 Min, J(ns·

tH'lVlll••:, lit<' lllil 'llilni(wH'IIholglllnll~llgl'" lnll [)•1010, liH' s, 1111111 illl,YA lnllct. lllld tile Hi1o:J, ClnrotHJc Prlco o!' 11Jnsl Lnnslng COe Arnold nt dllliH'l' :'limrlnv. 1111',1, f•lqlliJlm '· '1

1 11' ·

9·• d

0 w ,Sunrlny evonin"'. '1' 1 1 1 L ' Mr. 1111rl Mrn, f,Jwft~n ,\:•IIIH'I IHIYR f<'l i.hly, AngllHt 2•1, nl llw lltllldlll~. Nnw lwn·J1Upll Lnhlos nnd h II)' OJ' HI w ri.JIIgh PI' nl' :\11', nnd Hlll'llt. Wr•dui·.'Hlll,l' n1ghl 111!1

1 I hill',. •adtnol )l,I'J,Il. A Jnl'!fO HIJII·HI 1,1 <'X· l'hnil',s hn1•o Iicon pnrciwsml for the MJ•, un<l Mrs. T•'mnk D11idn of MIS, AI nnlrl.

<111,1' nf linllgllfnn l,:ilrl'. pocll'd lo I'PJllll'L for Jhe lnlfi'il first I:Jilll" IDIIIIJ, OlllHitlc rJoom Mnson we1·e S11nrlny guestH nf Mt•. M1, anrl Mt•s l•lrlll'nl'rl f•Jiril'<'rlnllrl Leo l<ll'll,l' r. In llli• lii.J•,nn C:Pn I Jll'fll'iice. , h:1vu ]Jt•en Jcpalrerl OJ' J'r.plnccrl nnrl nnd MrH. Len Rnf(cJs nntl M1·s. son of f>nnllfJI' spPnl. ll11• Wl'l'l< t'tlll

el'fJ] IHl,,Jiilnl rrN fill' '' sJJII ol Ill· W••dn<•Hrldy, 'rlnii'Hrllly anrl Ji'ri· new harrlwllt'O lnHinlled. SidcwnllcH Samh Rngct•s, wrlh lhl' IHflcr's Jllii'I'Hfs, ilil', 1111d jlll'iPs ,,.,.,.lv••1l on In-: '''"I wliJI,.j rln\' ol 1.11c hi•lt \VPCii 111 All!fllHI nt liLil I'!'Onl ol' Lhe main hllllrling- MJ'A, Ross Snmptlon spent sev· M1·s. A. 0, r~'"''llllllgh.

I II . I f II I I IC I 1 II I t I I I l v I llh 'It I Mr. flllrl Mrs. J,Joyd fi.J.\']111<', .Jr., , l'irllng 11 hir'\'1'1'' Mllilill,\' "'"'ll· •'I""'~ JJ 11• dn,vs t'C,HI'II'<ll or· <'lllfl ~ dl'e H•tng rop, 'CI OJ' vccncc u Cl'll rnyH us \ere w "'·. nnr

Will h1• 111 lit•• li"~Jlll:tl alllrlll lwn llll'lll ol' new J'J,'~h sr•hool sfllrl<•nf., lll'lteJ• IJcc'ommoriHte pnpll trnffic MI'A, C. C. Cnvertlnle nl' Ji'f. Wnync, WUI'c Sunrlny rilntWI' I:IIPNIN nl' I lie' wcnlis. lliHI r[J] flw Hn•'l' nnrJ PY.chnng-c or when lonrlln)f nnd unJon1llng the Indlnna. liillcJ''H Jllll't•nls, 1\11. atHI Ml':l. Li'Clll

Ml', llllrl 1\fJ•s. f•:l'lli'.Ji C\1<·111'1 Lt!xthonk.'l to J111VIis of 1111 gt·arll's, lllHCH. lll 01 g"lllll WOOl OfJI' 0 Ml', nnr I'H, IIW!'Cnce , Wnn I Tl I · I I II f 1 M L s T\cll'hllm nl' MHsrlJJ. Mt'H, Lc•n11 Hll'ilr.r nfl••nrierl lite' RtllrlentH who er..t•oiJerl Mny llw .slf!JfO Is llcmg removed nnd re- anrl fomlly ntlcnrlcd the Peterson- Mr. and MrH, Lollis YllhnH7. nnrl runoral or llwll' n<'plil'.W, AI Knoll, JJJHI ilnvn H<'illlrillli.llg piolllnms nrc plnl'cd with concrete, unrl nn ncldi- Anderson reunion Sunrlny nL Me· family of Holt VIHJI<•rl lilt• lulfl'l''s <it tile Wt•tlJI•r·il,\' l'lllll'l'lll lwnw 11. nsherl to <'heclc fit the orl'tcn on llonnl fliJI;Irlng ru·cu Is hclng con- Cm·mtclc Jlal'l<, Willlnm.ston. fllll'ents, Mr. unrl M1 H. A . • 1. MIJJ,.J, .Jnr•Jcson 1\Tondnv rrl'lt'l'llolln. llw;;c• rlnvs, fil'llcfcr! Jlllt'1·h or lilc foQLIJull llcld. Mr. nnd Mt·.s. 1\, C. B1·yrt· nl· Sundny.

Mr. nnd Nl'". Wt•HI•·.I' flllllpiJ,•IJ Bw;n:; 'will Ll'llvel .mult•s Hll11llnt• 'l'enchPI'H will nsscmhle on •rues- tcnrlcrl I he Sf. Mn1·y's picnrc nf Mr. 111111 Mt:;, l!oylyn 1\TIIIt•J' lltHI 1Ltenr1Prl llw H"<ilH.lilophl'll '" Jo ti 111sc of Jnst J71liJJ' niLiwugll rlfl)', SPplemillll' 1, fOJ' Jll'l'·sciJOol Wllllumslon Sundnv. fmnii,Y spent lhe wr•l'lr ''"" l'lilil l'II .IOII nt Poll PI' Jllll'i;, J,n]]:<tfl,,', Lhrl'<' will he son1ci s•'lilllllg illlHl'~ nli'l'ilng,, Wtll1 clfl::::es heglnnmg on Mt'H. Williflm Molcflnld nnd lfw lnllr·r's nlllllll•J', 1\lt·s. Mnv 'Httlllill\'. 11 nri rill Vel's tn l'eluW,n lo nt·cn;; Wcrlncs< uy, S<'ptcm JCI' r.. rlnllghtcl', Mnrlc me, spent 11n W<'ei< ~ I I I I 'I•' til I<• ol' 13flll'Vlon. ·

· Mr. nnrl M1s·. Hnl 1h \I'HIJc,.t·w,•ll• Jllr. nnrl l\li''•· l•'n•d''' li'i< J{r•J.~r,· oc•rvi<•t•rl. l•'lo,vrl Mlfr:Jwl•' will ril'iVt' cnrl with Mrs. Elme1· Shodc nnrl .

'-' I I It I "' I 1 I I M '·! "' I B J f Sullll.l,Y dinlll'l' gllllsls ol lhl'll and fnnnlyoJ'Sprlltgplil'f l"lllr•rlon 11 IWW du·omc yellow lllls No.::. .~1'11>11 <'11111111 ,.,,•.f>cll!'l t'. nnil .. r~. ••1anr nsnvngo n the fo 1n11 ·t·'s l""''llls, I\fl' . .Jnrl J\lt: .. rn r•onr,Jlrnnt·•• ,Willi n n••w ,,lnt•• '!'he annunl school l'ellnlon will Carlton. son-In-Jaw 111111 ll:lllghii'J', ~II'. lllld A. c. HPlgt•J', c\lliidd,\' ''l'•'nJ:Ig, I11W :r" buses 111c arldcd lr• tho llt•t·i lln lwld Llw. Snllll'rlny, Allg'llst 25, Mr. unrl M1·s. EdwnJ•rl Yrrlce of Jilt·,, Wade Sr'IHllii'l', or Hnl11w, 111

Mr. nnrl Ml,, c:<•oJgu 1\lilr·hPII IIH·r wrll Plso ilc oJ' the s·1nw •·olo:·. nL llw Hl'ilool. 'J'JlCI'e willlle a pol- Detroit nnd M1·. nnrl Mi'H. Almond hono1· of llwil· W••rldmg illllllV<'I'· were ]i'11 riay r•v••nJrrg rlilllll'l gJH·HI, Bus J'JJ. n iJPI'nnws llw utilit:r lllci{ rl1nncr· at noon nflct· which .1 Wing- t•r•llll'nerl StJnrlay l'mm n Hill',\'. M1·. ·IIIII :Vfrs. Wn,YJII' Wllll<•'l nf Ml' and Mr·:,. l•'ord II.J,VIIIH· ol lilts. Ouwt• drlvi'IH nl'<! the ;«1111<! 11:; shmt htl,'illCSH mcclJng wlll lle woelc's l1·ip lhrmtgh Cannrln, New nnrl.snns of Nr'\V lfllliHouw<'l'l' ·''"'' Mnsn11 in huno1· 111' tl1n biillllli;; li10l ,1'1'111" Hoy Glove1, N11, :1; 1\1- linlrl, Coffee Will ile l'lll'lllRherl fn1 Yotli nml olhct• cnstr1·n sl11lcs. ~Jit'sls 1111'1'1', nnnJVet'H'IIics ol MI.~. llnyhrH· Jlll•l tl1111 ]Jowlmg, No, 2; Clil'l'lllrl Wil· llw rlinlll'l', I•JVr!ryont• inl.crcsferl is They vl:;ilerl Mt•. Wing-'H 'btolhel·, .Jul'ic M1'1\c•nn11 of f>llllSJilg HJH•nl Mts. M11dwll. 11 11111 :;, Nn. •1: Lewis lcl'<•ct·, No fi; wc·lr·nmP lo attcnrl. Captain Albert Wing nf !he U.s. S.JlJII'dny Wt1h J\11. und M1s. llon

MJ•s. 1 fnl'l)' ltnyJrHliHI ~pPnl llh-"~ n.nn:ild "'est, No. 7; ilnd 1 'dill nnvy, at Hngct'Riown, Mnrylnncl. Lconnnl. W"eli 111 LnnHln~ wrll1 IJ''' llil't'<', Jli'rlglc•n, No, 8, J~x:ur·1 IOtt1itrg ,;nn- William 1-Tcl'ty, /\BAN, ]cfl Mrs. Trone Bmmnn spent Ji'rida)' MI. 111111 Mt·~. HniH•l'l P;rlt•i lllld Mrs, 01lo W• \'lllllllill, who i:: ::11 :;, nol IH• ri<•lr•lmlnPd 11nlil nfll't' r•rr,11- li'l'lflay l'nr f't'IIVidenee, fl. I., lnl· Willi hPJ' SJsfet•, Mrs . .furl Sweet, Hlll HJll'nl llw Wt•t•lc 1'1111 \\'lilt MJ',

N1•11 i<• Mthldl'l 111111 illl'illllil Big· piPlo 1'11rollntonl ol pupils 1s nr· lowrng a J:l-rlny lenve rtt the home nnrl nlfenrlcd n ]J 11·thcla,v Jlltlly nl 111111 Mi,. J•;nll111'1L AIIIIHIJ'rJllg "' low IJI' Hlnnton HJll'lll IVti dnl'"'"l' IOillpli:;h,•rl, SllflCIJlliC11rll'nl. Snar.l uf hiH jlfll'Cnls, Mr. and MIA, Alfnn lhc home or Mrs. nny Hcnrii'J'ROII 'rlill'l'I'•C ('rly. Wilh !he rrnmt•J'.'l p.l!l·nl:-;, M1. und HJH~g.o; ~nid. · ' IIefly nf Lam;ing. M1s. Willi:IIJI llftr•.ollf. I Cl••o~nlllg and r·cnovnl1ng nf 1111' M1·. nnrl M1·s. Ed Mcrinrlr~t·f of Colin Curtis of Mlllville

Mr. nnli .\Jrv. r~t·oJ;~,. r:llnlli••l' r .. :'r•lwnl ilrnlrlings is niHJ!ll r•n111- f W••IJilt•rv>llP, w:~l'<' gll~Hls ~I"' Mr. 'l'ucs~lay with hi.Y f'llllStn, LH·Ic nf l'illlllllll A in ~iO\.V'~ J'atJon ~:111 t'n\1:-lP pilvswal l't•(•ls und wenlnws:-; 111 plg:-i,

- - ------ _,_-


C; T, U. will be hold next WeclneB· day at tho home of Mrs. E. D. Young. The met•llng wrll 1Jeg111 at 1':30 with rlcvnfions, business nnrl Jll'Ogl'flm. All women intct·rstcd ore welcome.

1 91G of the Ingham TownshlJl Ag· ricultural school will hold lllrit· 1 ,,_ union S11ndoy, A11g11st 2G, nt rnt­ter parlc, Lnnsing. Those who n l· Lend arc to meet nPnr Lhc pavilion o.f. one o'clocli and art• Lll laic•• Lheh· own Lnhlc servic·c•, snnrl­wiches anrl a dish of fnorl tn [liiHH

Mr•. flllll 1\Tr .s. Gnfc Clements of losr·n nntl 1\lt. ami M1s. AJ'I'hlr 'fol Inn of Lns Angelcfi, Califnrnw, ·al!t•rl on M1·, Bessie 'rtllnbull and \11 s. Sn1 a lr Clcnwn L:; l?l'irlay.

J\li:;~ Pnulmc Hnl:-;avnge of Carla 1 on J'Ptllt't1Pd In lH•r home Sunday! ill<'! srwn<IJll)f 1wo wccl<s wllh .\lr·. nnrl Mrs Willinm Mot•oficlrl.

Clarnnllon, N Y., I'IOJI<·rl "'''· 111111 pl•·fcrl. G.II',Y Bi'lggs, f'll.SIO<illln, and I 111111 MIH. (,Q()] ge MP1111rlOII .olin· Cm·tJs. MIH. Cli:lllt•fi \\'oorl.' '1'11'11 .rlny .fllllii'H ,Jild lllll'iri lli•rlglt•n, lll'l[IOI'H, /III,V. . . I Mrs. Mary )(pncltir•i( or LnnSJng

J\!i'. and \1l'H '1'11\'lo· Jlnllllllll!Hr 1111\'1' WllliW<i c·oniliJI!IIIISI,Y sln<·r• , Ml'. 111111 :\fl'R. Wt.llrud N1swnngl'J: .sponl ln~t week nl lite honH• ol .. !HI fnnllly Ill 1\',. ,I I nlll•]l v. l\1 II- "IIIlO[ l'iosc•rl in Mny, l'if'flnlng, Ill'!' hlliHII!I WCI'P <lmnel' gne:;l:; oil Ml': nnd M Is. Hnlwrf . Anrll'l'SOil Lllclt\', Wttt' ~·.rtt ,j:..; r11' 1\tlt . .111d Mt ... !JIIillttng anrl malong- tepHJ4':-. ~.~. :mrl M1·s. VVtlll:lm Ntf1wnngr.l' \VIll1e they ;vel'c vnc·nltnnltlg- m Dew;',\' C'r.rl'l S.rllll'ilny. lillllllgillllll ll11• plllill. All fiOOJ.l Snndny. Northern MH•hl[.:nn.

Pll'gllnJH \' riJ!Wlt:it' I'll I Ply o~p­JlPnJ·s :tlllllllg Wt'll-1\rliJJ'islli'd < Wt',l

111111 gc·l 11 gJnJn a!Juwanr·t• Jt•gtJ~ ''" 1)•.

Swimming l'al'f,Y An·ani{Pd The mcmhet·:: or Trw M. Y, li'

Hl'O ~pOniiOI'Ing" ll HWllrll11111g pall)' fu\· Friday evcnltlg aL Pll'anant !alee. 'rhr. g1oup will mPet nf th<' chnr~ll at li:OO p. 111 11nd lrnncpnt·· tatlon w111 he l'lltnlsllccl.

Mrs. Mnrion Dnvis, 1\Tnrgflt'l'l 11nd My1netta Curlrs allend~d Jlw Calhollf' (lllllir· 111. WiiiJIIlll"l"n Sunduy.

1\11· and l\li'S. C1•ral Unlll't wnnd rnrl farnilv allen<lerl tho Under· A'loorl rllnltly I'C'Ilnrnn nl Bnlrlwll\ loll k, Unonrhgn, S11nrlay

flev. :tnd Mrs, .Jonn Lewis o/ ;, . .,J)ff'lnwn, Ohio, OI'P .spcnrllllg' n /

'"w du,y,; ll1is WPek Wlll1 Mr. and

'Mt·. rtnd :Vlt·s. RoiH'l'l 13n t'Licll VlSited M 1'. and MIS. Clyde Vnn Got tiel' uf C1 cgot y, nncl Ml'. and MrH. Glen Van Gnrllet·, Mr. anti Mt'H. Gmnt Deli'o!'est rliHI' Mt·,,, Levi Mtllet· of l•'owlclvrlle S•111day.

Dick Raymon1l of llfnsnn spent a few rlnys Jnst. W<'ek w1lh hts g1 nrulmnllwr, Mt s. 11:11'1',\' r<ny­mnnd.

~~~·~ r:. [<] Manning. I Mr. nnrl Mt·s, Linycl Hayhnr·

'1' il••rl Mr. anti Mt·s ltnlll'i'l !Tny·

Mrs. Cora Anway nnd Mrs. Bl· 1111'1' Oj,Jia and BonnlP nl' J\Tilslcfi'­gon we1·e WPrlc end gucsl s 111' l\11· nne! Mrs. 11Jnr! Brnman. M1s. An· way ren1umed lor tlw Wl·elc

If)( I nr 01\l'lllOS Sunday. . 11T1·. and 1l11·s. Vin,•enl r:rllt•ll nl'

~J(JVI Wl'l't.' g-lll'KI!-i of ,the Jat!Cl''ri 'lllll'nh, M1•. nnrl 1!1:; 1\. ,f. Mil· •,., .• Sal til dJ1y.

1\lrs. Waller Gibson of Holt nnd V!rs. Keflh nnrl fnmtly or Town ·allf'rl nn M1·. nntl Mrs. Mclv1n UL· I PI IC1 Hlnv.

·Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ji'o,;ter· u: Holt and Mr. nnd Mt'H. Rolph Sll~by an1l Sharon of Mason were Sunday evening guo~ I:; of Mr. anrl :tyrc·~.' Roy Clover.

Miss Beverly Ullel' is rccover-111g !'rom a :;ever·e at tn~k of food ]10\Roning.

Arlhur Brooks was lll'llllg"h1 home F1'1day ft•mn lhr Mn<wn r:t·n· ctal hosprlnl whl'l'C he unrte1wcnl an operallon. He is rer·ovelmg nicely. l'vTr s. .inscphinc Hnwlelt nnd

:Vli'H. William 1<'. Dat·L of Mason >IHilt•<l J\1i'R Minnie Grimes t'erJonL­Iy.

Mt·H. A. B. Braman nn<l Jean an1l Mrs. It·cne Bnnnan a ttcnded a ~bower Wedne.,rill.Y m)fht in honor of Mt·s . .Taclr Braman. It wa;; he~d Ill the home or Ml·~. OtiR Rich Ire l..i!I',Sillg,

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Pnul Cm rJ nnd Mr. a nil Mrs. Arthur Polin I\ wt·J c Sunday 1linnet· guests nf l\11ss Josephrne 'l'ownsend of Lansing·. M1·. and 1l11·s Wnync Dalton nnd

'nnlily nf Vlr·ililcJ Ville wore gnesls Gen y Wing- won first Jli!Ze on a veg-elnhle haslrel fm· the •1-H l'inh 1J41hibit llt Lho fail' last week.

11 1\lr. and M1s. Don Leonru·d ~unctay, ,

Mt·. und Mr~. Virgil Monroe or Yp,illlnli wc1 c rltnner guests of ~It·. and Mt :;, Paul Hedglen Bnn­lav.

Mr. ami M1 s. C111 I Shophell and :SOilH of Rending wet c week end gue~ts of Mr. and Mrs Glenn Cur­ti~. Sundny they 1111 attended n Curtis f'nrml,v gathet ing at lhe St. .John.~ pnrlc

Mrs. Ona Almond was n I•'rillnv dinner guest. of Mr. and Mt·s . .T, 1~. Daltcm. In the nfteJ•nnnn Mrs. Dal­ton and Mrs. Almond vrsited M1·~ Annie of Whcatfielrl. Air. anrl M1·s. Smnml Wtlliams,

li'., rtltcnrlecl fnnet nl serviees fot· :~Jovd Bntllt•lt al Woodland SJIII­inv .Jitcl'llOOn. Mr. Bn1tlctt WHS a ·a1mcr 1 l'srrlcnt of I l1is commun­ly.

Mt·. and Mrs. Leroy Johnston of Mason were rhnner guests of the latter's parents, M1. and Mt s. Lnwrenec Ctn Lis, Sunday. '!'he din· ner was m honot· or the htythday nnmver:;nry of Mrs. Johnston.

Phnip Arnold has rclurmcl home after spending the sumnll'J' ns coun~.elor at the Boy Scout camp at Ku·oJrex at Clear Ia lie.

Mrs. Juanita Dietz of Williams­to is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Davtrl Balier. I

llf1. and Mrs. Boyden Duff nnd Mr. and Mt·s. Leslie Duff and Btu co of Detroit nnrl Mr. and Mrs. ,-lllhm t Glover ami Gavm weJ•c lmnot· guests of Mr. and Mrs. F:ml Osborne Sunday.

M1·. ami Mt s. Kenneth Slusset• Rnd dnughter of Leslie visit~d Mr. and MJs. Dnvid Balwr Sunday.

CMiss Lena Strong and Dorothy Gtlpskc of Delroit Rpcnt last week with Mrs. Gerttude Bohnet.

Ml'. and Mt s. A. B. Emman and 1;\mily wet·e guests of Miss Mary Fitzsimmons of Ann At bor Sun­day,

Wilmot and Wessells Bolmet at·e on a vacation in Lhe west. While there they intend to visil Mr. and Mt·s. Kenneth ~'ortman of Alber. rtuerque, New Mexico, and Dr. W. B. Dnkin of Los Angeles, Cal!fol­niu.

"'trs. Adn Rrdley spent a few l11ys last. weclr with her hi'Dther, F'red Mitchell, and her s;stor, Mt·s. !Crancos Snyder of Leslw.

Mr. and Ivlt s. C. A. Diehl .were .veck encl guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tompldns of Hart.

.. •~Ir·. and Mt s. .John Co nell t and ~on, Roy of Newm·k, N. J., we1e weelt end guests of Mr. nnd M1·s. Gat·y Ertggs.

Mr. and Mt•s. MyJ·Jan Gl'imes nm: family of Lansing and Mr. nnd Mrs. Freel Corwin had cl1nner Sun· clay with thea· molhe1·, Mrs. Mm­me Grimes.

Mr. ancl Mrs. Justin Brncly ancl family attended a picnic reunion n l Lal{e Chemung Stmdny.

Mt·. and Mr.s. 11Jclwin Unde1·bush unci dnnghtcr·s of Carlton were wek end guests of Mr. and M1·s. Ai·thur Et oaks. Mr. and Mt·s. Floyd Cosgtay find daughters and Mr. und Mrs. MiJ(O Cosgmy of Stock· bridge were dinner guests at Lhe Arthm Broolis home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Wallcer were guests llf Mrs. Gertrude Bohnet Past Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenough and family of Lansmg wet e guests of the fm·me1·'s parents, Mr. and Mt•s. A. 0. Gt·eenoug-h1 Sunday.

• l(rs. Max Warflc is in the hos· p1tal at Clat e, because of a fruc­tured leg received while sm·fboanl riding on Lake Georg-e Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Gauss Spent J ast wee I< at the home of Mt•. and Mrs. Theo Clickner while the Clielmers were at Houghton Lalte.

Mt·. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook of Jncltson visited Mr. nnd Mt·s, Ernest Steller ami Mrs. Lena Steller· Sundny night.

Ge01•gin Foster· placed second in the Lions club contest for queen of the Inghnm county fair. She wos awmded $30 and a gold com­poet at n <linnet honoring the queen and her comt at Morse's t·e~taurant Satlll'day evening,

Mr. and Mrs. William Kirby and Lee o.ttended the wedding of Miss Nell Curt•ln and Edward Moyer at tho Missionary Baptist church in Lansing Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronal<l .Tames of Lansing were guests of Mr. nnd Mt~. Clifford Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and daughters arc spending the week at Higgins luke.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Townsend of Mason and Mrs. Steve Maccaluso of Lanslng were guests of Mr. o.nd Mt·s. Rex Townsend Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fran!' Genom and Patsy of Lansing wer·e week end guests of Mr. and Mt·s. Dnv1d Woods.

Miss Betty .To Bmwn of Mnson spent Monday with Evelyn Town· send.

Mrs. Hattie MJxet· ami Bon, Dale of Camp Point, Ill., and :\fr. and Mrs. Arlie Mixer and son, Ronn!e of Macomb, Ill., visited at lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Aethcn Wilt the forepart of the week. Wed nos­day Mr. and Mrs. Paris Witt nncl family, Mrs. Mixer unrl Dale, Mr. and M1·s. Mixer nne! Ronnie anrl Mr. and Mrs. Aelhen Witt were guests of Mt·. and Ml's. Harry Stone of Deti'Oit. Tommy Stone I"Cturned· home with M1·. and Mrs. Aethen Wrtt fat· n vacation.

Miss Ann Donnelly and D1·. nnd Mrs. Roy Hazen and family of De­troit were guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Wa1·ren Mueller Sunday.

Mrs. Don 1-Tollidny of Sylvania, Ohio, was 11 dmner guest at the home of her nephew, Don Leonard, Tuesday. ·

Mr. unci M1·s. V/illinm Niswonger· nne! Lloyd nne! M1·. rrml M1·s. N1t· than Lantis attenllerl funeral serv· ices fol' Edna .Jolley at the Gol's­line·Runciman funcJ•nl home in Lansing Saturday afternoon.

Mrs: Russell Frisscll retumerl to the home of her [}nrcnls, Mt'. ancl Mrs. Ft anlr Sticl, aftel' being with her husband, Pvt. Russell Ft·rssell ut Camp McCoy, Wrseonsin, fot· several monthR. Private Frissell left f01· Gel'mnny lust weelc.

Mt•s. Dnisy Updylcc of Eaton Rupids has been spend in)(\ lhc past weelt with Mt·. aml Mt·s. Frnnli Stid.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glovet·, Mts. Olive Fosler and ·Mrs. Rob· '1'1 Bat tlctt accompanied Mrss Vetla Glover to Detroit Wcdnes­·lnv on her· l'elurn lt•tp to Mans­fieid, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Cheste1• Eenjamm cf Lnnsmg vtsttecl Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Anderson Sunday. Sgt. Rotlhey Benjamin retumed Saturday Lo l<'t, Jaclrson, South Carolma, after a two-weeks fur­lougll.

Miss Cathenne Brady oE Stoclt· bridge spenL the week end with hct· parents, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Brady.

.Janice Moran of Wehhen1Jie spent the woek end with her gmndpar·ents, Mr. and Mt s. J. B. Dalton .

l\Ir. and Mts. Jack Tunnet• of Grnncl Rapids wete dinner· guests of Mr. nne! Mrs. David Diehl Sun· day.

Mr. nnrl Mt·s. Glen Fox were guests of Mt·. and Mrs Don Pierce of Elste at dmncr Sunday.

Mt·. and Mrs. John Newland of Wnyne spent tlw week end with the· latter's mothet·, Mrs. Bossie Olson.

Mr. 11nrl Mrs. Grant J?unsmorc and son, Billy of Lansing, wet·c Sunday evcmng suppel' .guests of the latter's parents, Mt·. and Mrs. Hov West.

Mt·. nnrl Mt•s. F1·ed Sage1· aml M1·. ami :Mrs. Han·y Ptudclen of CJ10lsea called on M1·. anrl M1s. J. !3.,Dnlton Suncluy. '

Ml'. and M1·s. Rlchnrd Wilson nil(] son were dmnet· guests Sunday of I he former's parents, Mr. and M1 s. Lcon·wncox, of Howell.

Mr. ami Mt·s. Wayne Fltsh ami family of Mnrslmll spent last week ut t11c home of the Iutter's Jlfll'cnts, Mt·. nnd Mrs. Glen Fox.

Mr. und Mrs. Paul Rostrum unci family of Holt wer·e Sunday rlin· net· guests of the In tter's mol her, Mrs. Allie Thompson.

But! and .Terl'Y Bnchmo.n spent Tuesday night and Wednesday witll their eousins,,Leroy and Ray· monel Townsend.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grs.vina and family of Lansing visited Mr. and :Mrs. Joseph Wigton Sunday.

Sgt. Jaclc Corrette left Tuesdo.y for Ft. Hancoclt, N. J. after a two·weelts furlough at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. ·

Mr. and Mrs. San1 Williams ami Phyllis Ullcl Mr. and Mrs. Howard Merindorf retumed home :Monday aftet· spending sevel'lll clnys in northem Michlgnn, visiting the copper mines, Lookout Mountain at Hancoclt, Cook Springs and other plnces of interest.

Mr. and Mrs. Hart•y Lance or St. Johns called on Mr. nnd Mt·s. John Lan~e, St·., Saturday evening, They all were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Lnnea of De· trolt,

Douglass Vogt spent last weelc with his grundparents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmer, of Mason.

Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Richner spent B few days last week at Indian River,.

Mrs. Carl White and infant daughter, H112c1 I<o.thlecn, were brought home Wednesday from the McLaughlin hospital in Lnn· sing. Mrs. Goldie Wnrd iR stnying at the White home.



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I' 'I

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~OPER ()ul<~·

More- time- to- enjoy this summer more. More time to do the things you want to do. More time to spend with your family. all these advantages and more are yours when you switch to


this completely automatic Roper ga;; range. Put a complete meal into the oven, set the automatic control and you're free to spend the whole, day as you please. See this sensational new Roper range. Get the facts. You'll be glad you did. ,•' r

~~~·?~ GAS RA-NGE! ·.;·



Now you need pay only 15o/o _down, 18'.months on balance and yqur trade -·in can be applied on the DOWN PAYMENT I

' '


1' )

i !

' t '

' .

, I Holt News II dnufdltcl' Wfl!J hol'l\ to Mr. nnd MI'R, Wllllnm l~lllnLt AllgJIHt 111 11t Sl, I,IIWJ'onco ltnHpltul. Holt School Officia~s

Announce Opening Plan

fwng·II~h ant! Hpeeeh: MI'H, MIII'Y Ann HoiJneH, ~pooch, IDngllsh, nml soclnl studios: Dnnlol Hovunoslnn, fiHAII!tnnt 'conell, physlcE!L eduon." tlo11, lJiology and mnthenllLtlcA:

vocnL mu~lc In nil clwJullllli'.V !rt'adcH on 11 lllllf.l:lmcH basis; Mrs. Anno O'HLII'fl will so•·ve ns viHit· lng' toaehet• for IJOth Holt diH· trlct ILIHI Nol'th dlstrlct; lVCIHil lllclylllo Billing-slea will he rliJ•ec· tnl' of sturlen Uonch lng; and Holt sohoola will ligrtln par•ticlpate Itt tho Ittghnm county speech lm· provement pr•ogram,

Grelton Distrid

' t

By !UrH, l!lrncHt Burlew - Phone 8H $:3

Holt Seeks Queen For Homecoming

lng lnclwlo J•lrloR, conccssllln.9, hnl(: filllllCH, bllil CflJlCOJ'f., UOJ11Jl1111\• lt.,y alnglng nnrl n pnl'mlc,

Mr·, und Mr~. I<elth P!·lcc spent lust S1mday nt 1-loug·hton f,nJto,

Miss Adellno F'lel.cllor· of Orunrl Rlllllcis lrt 11 g11ost of her• COIIHin, .Tucly Ji'mlge, this wool;,

slxt,v members of the Holt KI­WFUliB club nnrl mombor•s of LhoiJ' Camillo~ met at DrJCk lnlw Trrosclny night nl' lnst weelt at. tho Or·vtll'o HltchcnH cottage for• n potltrcl< picnic Hllppor·, Swimming, hon tlng unci aqtlftpln.nlng ento,•tnlnerl the g'T'Olip,

A enmmlll oe fn1· l.lw Heledlon nC n rprnr.n to 1'111<' nl l.l1c Holt. lrmne­r:omlng Soptemi)(IJ' H unrl lli hn,, bonn nppolntod, Mr·s, 1-Towarrl Bax­lnl', Mr~. Goor·gc Snlm IIIHI · l'vlt'H, Stnnlny Col'nwoll nt•c on tho emn· miLL""· They al'e llllll{iiiK plnrm t'ol' Llw r:nnlnHl. All gii'IH nnrl wonwn nvnt' HI yetU'H of 11g·o nrc eliglhle llw r.nmmlll<'C lrns llllnntrJW<HL

Otilel' ennmJitt:cos nnrl cllflil'mon lll'c: rtnellH rtn!l r:onl.lmi.H, WllllnnJ Bnmha 1'1.; Lmffle nnd pollcln~;, MuJ'shnll .Coolidg-e: collllcl.lons nnd <lishJn's"mcnts, Bnl'i'dt Vm·co: booths, coneesHIOnH nnrl J'iries, Rev. Wilson 'l'cnnnnl.: nncl mtlsic nnrl Hlnflng-, Donnlrl TnlJ'Oo, Ptrhllr,ity wll he lmnrllcd by Hrtmlrl Walton of tho Holt Roconlcr, Alida Chnp· m:m fol' the Slate .Tillll'llnl nnrJ Mr•s, ml'ncsl Blii'ICW fol' ll1o Ing· ham Cr111nt.y News.

Chi'IS Ochl'ingor of !-TOWflli WaH n visitor Cor• severn! clnys l11sl weal; ut tlw home or his son-tn-lnw nnd·, Mt•. nncl Mrs, Lelnnrl Hosher·.

Ml', nnrl Mrs, OeoJ'go Yonl<ers and two cllildl'en spent lnsl: Snt· tll'rlny nt tho Holland stnte pnl'l\ nn Lnl<c Mlchlglln, On the trip liomc Sunrlny tltey stOiJpctl in Cli'nnd Rnpids u t the home of MI'H, Yonlters' pamnls, M1•, and Mrs. Hem·y Hamrich, Mur•y Beth Wnl· Lon, cousin of Bnrbni'll rrnrl Boll Yonlrers, Is visiting nt tho Yon· l<ers homo this weelc

Cunrliclatos will l1c intl'orlllced hnlween lho lwlvr.H of the Jwmew l~rtKllg"t•nwnf, Arnumn(~l"d

I I, ll 11 1 L •rtw ong-ngcment of MifiH Mnxlne COlli ng· IJO Jfl glllilO JO Wl!Cil .o , , , . , , I.m;lle nnrl J-lnlt 011 Fl'lllny night flnth r milo I to Phomns M. Lceh-Scplcmlwr 14, o'\t Holl, irnd th~ llt?ol' IH nnno.unccd IJy, hm· ~m·~nts,, winnol' will he emwnecl Lho fol· I MI. nnd M1.~. Amos PnllteJ ot lowing nl;;·ht. Holt. Mr. Lechlllner is tl1o son ot

Mr·. nnrl Mrs, f1ohert 1~. Lechlltnc:· Otlwr l'nnlllres fm· the homceon" of ;\-'[Iller 1·01111, He Is a student ut

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 'l'nrt colloge, •rnrt, Cnllfontlu. A dale IHts n'ot llel'n sclccLocl for the

Page 3 wrdtllng, August 23, 1951 I


0J'tlill'H J~x~>rmtJlcl I' ms pr•cl us fu rnlslwd 11111111 rcrJllllH t

* * • *

T!tus-Miller and Company JITJ•mhlli'H .. llr•troit, and l\Tirlll'llHt .'ltnl\lc ExelmngeH

:llli Ilolllsl•••· Builcllug Lansing l'lwne 2ullOfJ BEULAH D. BOGUE, Manager

Used Clothing Sale W, W. Mueller Farm

I milt• II'<'SI of Hansl'illt•, 7 mill'' r•a•t uf Masu11, JOB!I ('Jat·Ic J:ua<l Fil·st l'amt suut h uf M-:~u

T u'esday, August 28, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ·Y. Ladies-Fall-Winter Coats, Suits,

Dresses, Blouses, Skirts ' .

·Y· Men-Coats, Suits, Jackets, Pants

153 Garments, Most in Excellent Condition

All in Good Condition

Especially fot· High School and College Gt·oup


New Gravel Pit Location On and after September 1 our pit will be lo­c<tted on P.ark Lake Road, 1 mile north of US-16. Our office will continue at the present loca­tion until furthct· notice.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rabel' and Freel Arbour spent two weci{S in Minnosotrr viHitlng Mr. AJ•bour's brother·. 'etc bl'other·s had not met for 28 yeut·s, Gue~ts or Mr·. ami Mrs. Er·nest

Btll'lew fot· lhe wee]{ enrl were Mr, nnd Mrs, .John Burlew of Hills· dale.

Glenn Tool<ct• injured his ankle while culling corn rr week rrgo Seven stitches were taken and he Is home using CI'Utchcs l'or· a few more days,

Guests of Mr. and MJ's. Cassius Shaft and rlnugh ters Sun clay were M 1', nnu Mrs. Ado! ph Ebel'lein of FJ·ascr· and Mr, and Mrs. .John Ruppert of Perry.

Members of the Holt Night-Owl league nnrl those Interested in bowling in this league are nslwrl to meet aL the howling alley Tues· day night at eight o'clocl< to elect a viee-pr·esident and trensUI'et· rlue to the resign a Lion of the ones eleoterl at lhe bll nquel,

M1·. nnrl Mr·s, Braton SlJUUicling entet·tninerl Mrs. Spaulding's sis­ter· and husband from Canada last week

Mr•. ancl Mrs. Stewart Esltes and family spent the week end with parents of Mt•s, Esl<es, Mr. and Mrs. I-Irrrry Bnum, at their cottage near Traverse City,

Mr. and Mt·s, Russell Darling opcn.L the latter pmt of last week nt the Beach hotel in Chal'levoix, On the way, Mrs. Dal'ling attonrlecl Lhc Michigan Federation. of Wom­en's cluh anniversary tea in In· tcrlochen Wednesday,

r--=====--· CAN DO

Wood Fasteners Have Their Story, Too

FOR YOUR OWN information­and it's information you t·onlly

out to have -notice the great number and va'riety of wood fasteners ·your hardware dealer has in stock,

The term "wood fasteners" t·e· fers, of course, to nails, screws, and corrugated fasteners, prin·f cipally.

\Ve want to thank our customet·s fot· theit• patronage at our pt·esent location and hope to se•·vc you in the future.

The three types of nails most i 1

commonly used for the kind of • work you do around the house are 1

(1) the common nail, which has I a flat head whose diameter is,

: gt·euter than that of the shank of

East Lansing Sand & Gravel Co.

N. Lansing Road Phone ~7221

i the nail itself; (2) the finishing , nail, with the head only very

I slightly larger than the shank, and (3) the brad, which is simply a small-size finishing nail.


[-foiL :wlwnls will open Col' Blll· the sllporlnlcntlonl: snirl, secttJ'orl dents nt I :Oil p. m, nn •rtiOHrlny, more iliC!I'nllvo posll.lons, St'ptcmlleJ• .(, Tnnch,ors will moo! 'l'ho fnrnriLy, ns It nnw slnncls, Tllnsrln,Y nwr·ning nnrl 11 11 clay eonslsls or Lh" l'ollowlnR nlcntnn-

tary le;tchni'H rtl lire mnin huilrl·· Wmlllcsrlrr,Y ftncl 'l'htn·srlny, Regtllru· lng: Mrs, Nolin Hell', J{indnr·gtHI.nn; clnssrs Will slrll'i: Jct•irlrl,\'. Miss Mn1·inn Pertl'son Hnrl Mrs,

'!'he JD:il-li2 lonching stnff for Borbnnr IPinl<, llrst gr'rHic: Miss Tessn Ellliott and M1·s, 'l'hcodol'il

tho Holt Hchools Is now complete .Jenvey, second; Mrs, Mnrgl!ct·itu except for· one vncnncy, nccm·ding- l<nnpp anrl MI'H, MHI'Y Spenc•}, to Stipt'l'intonrlenl or Schools Rex thh·rl; MI'S, Mil'llllll 'I'I'OWhr·irtw B. Smith. 'l'lto VllC!IliWY not yet, nnd one yet to he hil·otl, l'o!ll'l.ll; flllorl WitH PfiiiSt}d b,v tho J'ecent' Ml's, DoriH Hntfielcl, flfth; Alton

R, Stine, n. r~omhinntinn nr lifth I'OHignnllrm of Miss .Joanne Syl.z, and iilKth gr·ndcs; nnrl ll'lrs, Jvrt who wns to lmve taug-ht fotn'lh Myer·s, slxlll gl'nde, gl'flcle. Tho teaching !tlnt'f of tho Mid·

way school will he MJ's, Mulnc Now-romcrs to the system tu•c: VQI'Ce, ]{inrlol'grtl'l.en; Ml's. Dottie

Mrs, Bnl'llnr·n. l~inl( of Wyrmrlotte, Mne Anrlerwn, first g·t·ado; · :MJ'rl, Alton ft. Sllnc nf Lnnstng, .John Hllg-a Sutton, second; liTI'H, Cnlll­Comlm of .Jnckson, Mr·~. Mnt•y Ann orlno ShfjVer·, thll'd; MI'H, .Je~tlllte 1-lolmes ol' Lnnsing, MJ'H,· Mni·gnt·et Plermnttcl, J'oul'lh; Mrs, .Josie Sehrmt.~ of mnst La·nsliig, Robel'l Watrous, llt'th; nnrl Lynn Doolitllc, EJ, Schiefcl' ot' Tole<lo,·MI'S, Luut·ol sixlh gt·aclc unrl principnl. •ranncnbaum, fm·mol'ly of Gnlcs- Tll'e Hall. high school faculty ln­lnn·g, now living in Elast Lrtnsing, eludes: Bat·•·clt Vor•co, pl'incipal; Mt·s. Mnrlcllnr! Vener, Enst Lan- Theodore J. Bnuel', henri conch, sing-, MIRs Arlene Crisman of Pon- physical orlucrrlion nml junior high line, Mrs. Eclylh Sher·ci< or Dun· mrrthematlcs and sclcnec; Carrion canlcaiJs, Ohio, Daniel Ho\'ane~lan, Belt, science nnrl mal.lrcmalics; Lansill'g, nncl George Richens of Mrs, Thelma Campbell, Iihml'irtn; Royal Onlc · .Tames CaseboJ'e, social Hl.ucllcs nnd

This rcprcsnnts ri. turnc·.'ci• nt' guidance di1·cctor; .John Combs, more than :10 pel' cent of t11e manual arts; Mrs. Mahle Ellis, fncully. Mrmy or those who left, commercial; Mrs, Llllinn Heel<,

Congressional revolt on con!t·ol measures could be forerunner o! a very hcalLhy movement.

I * * * It could mean end to all con· trois. 1\fany bureaucratic ccon• omists run arouncl Washington today wilh very l'ed faces.

* * * Merchandise shortages, her­alded for months, have not occmrcd to any consider· 'able extent. Retailers in appn1·ol, dry goods, appli­ances hav taken heavy c. w. Harder price reductions the past few weeks trying to move goods. Warehouses are bulging.

~ * * Washington officialdom ltas como perilously close to talldng. country into depression.

* * * The economy is unhealthy today.

* * * But even a ve1·y healthy man could be made quite siclc il a few quack surgeons performed drastic operations to talw care of some condition they feat•ed he might acquire in the future.

·* * "' Actually, so-called control measures have been meaningless.

* * * With fanfare the Office of Price Stabilization forced l'elailers to spencl thousands of extra doll<tl'S maldng up ceiling price lists.

* * * Yet, with so much strong com· petition for the consumer's dol· lnr, or the part remaining after tnxes, few, if any items, are ~old at the "ceiling" prices.

.. * * Crcrlit control is a smolce screen,' Issue of wltether a man should pay fot· a new cat• in 15, 18, o1· 21 months is a side issue on eontrollin~ Inflation.

* * * Big financial hollSos who have Influence with Fedm.·al Reserve Bom·d, appctrently arc guiding lights behind credit restrictions. ©~t1tl'ln:Jl Fclltr.lllon ot ln1lrnt!Ol1ent Iluslneu

There has hcon a fear that If ltorea ends, 111 oun ting nnem. ploymcnt would leave financl~l houses with extensive reposses­sions.

* * * Tho biggest force for inflation is founcl in Washington.

* * * '!'hat is the const:tnt Jlrh•e by burea\lcmts to spend more hil· lions in fantastic schemes all over the world.

* * * The new report by the Federal Trade Commission shows clear· ly how the greedy maw of the bureaus swallows clollnrs.

* * * For example, food manufac-turing concerns, in tim lirst qnnrter of this year, paid out almost half of their Jll'nfits in income taxes. Aftet• taxes, food companies p1·ofits were 2.G cents out of each dollar solei. Hut oil companies, w110 n1aintain a price structure that apparently clim· inates any price competition, made a profit after taxes of 10.2 cents from cvet·y dollar of sales.

* * * It is lntoros!ing to note that cartel oil companies arc one of the prime beneficiaries oC the Marshall Plan, On a recent typ­ical dar, ECA announced an­other $13,000,000 outlay,

* ':: * Of that total, almost one-third,

or $4 million was for oil from Sandi Arubia unci Iran fot• the Netherlands and Norway.

* * * There is no denying thec'o is a grave da.nger from inflation,

* * * But it is harrl to conceive that If Mothet· needs a new range to replace the one hnrned out, that she is endangering· the counh·y • by paying for it in 24 months instcacl of 15 months. On the othct· hand, it should be simple to see tlmt giving a way billirms of dollar·s of Amct•ic•m Jl:'ocluc(s will, and has, c!l.uscd inflation.

* * * One major control is needed.

* * * That is cou£r~l .. or. cg.L"!.'.~~!I.~~f. spending. ·



rRAD North Aurelius

SALE! Great Western Paint

Raymond Holmes

Rev, and Mrs. Carl Briggs and Carol left Sunday evening for a vacation in southern Michigan, During their absence Pmfessot· Paul DeKoning of Michigan college will be the speaker.

Mr. and ll1rs. Raymond and Mr. and Mrs, Forest

Do11glnH McNitt, llt't and social sturlies: M1•a, . Clml'lotte MllleJ•, mn gllsh nnd foreign languagoa: !I' reel N elltA, social studies; Mrs. Lol'lne, commerclul; Ooot•go Hlchcns, vncrtl anrl lnslJ'JJmontnl music; MJ•s, Mtll'gm•el. Schantz, homomultlng; Robert ShlciCJ', ntrtl.iwmntics; Mrs. IDdyth Shcrclc, giriH' physical crlucrrtlon; MrH. Bossie Shutes, mflthemalles 1111<1 Relence; MI'H, .Josephine Smith, English; Mr·s. Laur•el Tannen· haum, social studies; Donald Tn· tme, lnstrumenLnl mus"' rrnd jun­Ior high mathematics Ltnrl science; Mrs, Madollne'VcneJ', speech, Eng· IIHh nnrl social Hhtdles,

MIHH Arlene Crisman will tench

Other· employees of thu school lVIII he MI'R, lvn. Basslnr, pnrt-llrnn hool<ltoopet' for the honrd of erlu· calion; Mr•s, Allee Hrtget'ly, Hit·'s Hncr·etnl'y; Mrn,. Vlt·glnla Amrollt', high Hchonl sec­rotary: Ernest Dl'llheim, h<'firl eustodlnn: Willis R, Roclcwood, evening custodlltn and gl'DIIIldH· lteepe•·; Cf\1'1 Lotl, custorllrtn; George C, Becl{, custorllnn, Mirl· wuy school: Chnt·les Tlnclmell, traffic offlem•; MJ's. Elllen .loycu nnd Mrs, En,Jteta Dennis, t:oolcs.

uction HOUSEHOLD GOODS Davenport and Chait· Breal{fast Set, table ami

chairs Set of Wiclcet· Porch

Furniture Refriger.atm· Bed 10 Church Pews 2 Chests of Drawet·s Sewing' Machine 2 Rocking Chairs Occasional Chait· Gas Stove Kitchen Sinlc 2 Large Rugs ' Magazine Rack


Trailer, 7% x 14 ft.

Quantity of 1 x 12 BasR­, wood Boat·ds Pine Flooring Icc Slcates Boy's Bicycle Tt·icycle Presto Pt·essure Coolcer Electric Cloclc Heating Stove Hot Plate

ANTIQUES Mat·ble-top Table Clock Rocldng Chair Dishes Tab.le

Hanging Lamp Pictures Walnut Ot·gan, good


l\l'rs. T.uniHll J{rny

l\Tt•, llJHI Ml's, l'~rlWJJI'(I Dnft nn•l' fnmii,Y .~pont Sunrhty nflel'llOillt wllh Mt•, unrl Ml'H, J,nll Cnl'l unrl t'nmll~· oe Lansing,'

I '"!

Ml', nnri Mrs. E:rlwnl'rl Drift anrl· frunii,Y WCI'll Hiiliii'CIIIy DV<; .. cnll•n·,; ot' Mr•, 1111<1 Ml'il, Ytolrer~. · F'Uih•J' lllld ,JCJ'I',V of .'vfnson, ''

Mr, nnrl Mt'A, Norv11l .IonoR or Ji'ol't WH,I'Illl, Inrllnnn, enlln<l ott Ur·, nnrl Ml's, Andrew l•'ooi.L> nnrl faml(y Sllnlitt,\',

'l'lw WcHL :;?r•llllol t:illb wlllnwot nl. tllo lwnw nr Mr·s. Gl'il'r•lll Sep· lcml1n1' !i, ' -

Mr. nnrl Mrs, Wllllllm Ulwr nnrJ· rln!lglll.m· visit(.rl Mr~. Ln11iso Kt·e~' ' 8ntl family Stuulny nflllJ'IIlHlll,

Pictu1·c Frames Plant Stand Jron Kettle Bed , f


Pies Rolls Coo !ties Tomatoes Hiclw•·y Nuts

Calces B1·cad



Suits Dresses Baby Shoes Baby Drcssos Drapes Sweate1·s / Bianlccts

Slcirts p; "I / .~' I' .~~



A I.

You can dispose of the articles you no longer use, and ~•t the sarrre time, malce a worthwhile contribution to a community project. At·ticles sold on commission if you wish. ,..

4th Annual Dansville Methodist

Booster Club Auction Rummage and Baked Goods Sale in ,Conjunction

Saturday, August 25, 195'1 12:30 P.M.

At the Diehl farm, 1 block north of Main Corners in Dansville ALL PROCEEDS GO INTO CHURCH BASEMENT IMPROVEMENT


Auctioneer Clare Bal,er of Dansville has donated his se1·vices

Rex Townsend 2878

Rev. Seizert 2501

Dorn Diehl 2631


Golden West

House Paint

Common and finishing n5ils vary in size from twopenny to fortypenny; they're sold in bul11 at about seven cents 11 pound.

lncidentnlly, the terms "tw6-pcnny,'' "fourpenny" and so on, ns applied to nails, originated in 8ng·lund a long time ago, although ·how, why, when al)d whet•e still isn't definitely lmown. One reu-

and Ronald attenrlecl a family union Sunday at Potter pari< Lansing,

Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Greenlee were Sunday dinner· guests of anrl Mrs. Robert Ross. In the ornoon the Greenlees went Berkle,v with Mr. nnd Mrs. Bem ard Holmes and family, ..

We invite. former Mickelson- Balcer· coal customers to avail themselves of our service. We

~ .



$5.87 P!'r Gitl. ~ in li's




p,~'•· Gal. in U's

1 sonable explanation is that nails r u~ed to be sold at, say, 100 for, · tw,1pence. or. a 100 for ~ourpencc, ,. -eto,, depel]dmg on the srze of the nal11, The symbol "d'' after a nail Jtumbcr, which we still usc, simp!;, ~tands for "pence" or Eng-

i !ish pennies.

1 It's a ~~:ood idea to know nail , sizes in terms of "pennies,'' both · to save yo tt r s e If unnecessary , trouble and •o help you make a i wiser selection at the hardware ; store . for whattver job you are ! planning to carry out, Each pen-

n;, size indicotca 11 nail of a spe· , cific length and dlantcter. Here's

Mr;;, Francis Lee was hostess a Stnnloy brush br·eal<fast rlay morning, Mrs. Benjamin inger received a gift for the funniest hat.

A special service wiH be Sunday, September 2, at 6 m, aL the North Aurelius The service will be open to public with special music with Rev. E. H. Petro of Lansing guest spcnlier.

will handle many of. the _brands formerly sold by them in addition to our own line of high quality coal.

It is always our aim to provide you with the best .in service _.and fuel.

$.3.29 l'('t' Gal.

in 5's


SALE PRICE l)N· Gal. .In 5's

'1 a chart showing the penny sizes and corresponding I e n g t h in


1 inches of the nails available: 2d ---·· 1 Inch 9d ---- 2'!> Inch

{)Jro HAZARD '

You'll find our prices low and don't forget easy terms are available that you to have that coal bin filled now and save while summet· rates are in effect.

·White·: Barn ·Paint R.E(llll,AU. l'RICF. ,

$4.74 AUGUST $3.17 SALE PRICE·

In 5's Per Gnl. . lit 5's

·Guy .C. Royston 422 E, Onlc 1\fnsnn Phnne li2Tl

3d --·· 1\< lOd ---· 3 4d ---- 1% l2d -- 3~, 6d ----- 1~· l6d --- 8',1, Od -·-· 2 20d "-- 4 , 7 d ••••• 21,1, aod ---- Hi Sd ---- 2 11, • {0d ••••• S

There's an easy rule of thumb

I that will guide • you in clwoail)g I the proper nail for whatever worlt , you have at hand: For hardwoods, 1 the length of the nail must be i twice the thickness of the wood. I For softwoods it should be two , and a half times the thiclmess of 1 the wood t') be fastened.

Artificial heat has been used successfully in dniry calf barns to prevent illness that often follows a sudden drop in temperatm·e, Mason




Weekdays 7:30-6:00



Lansing Ice a·nd Fuel· :Con:~pany Phone 26101

SociaL £venb anJ Personab Mt'l!, Jolm C!lmpbell ClliiCld on Mra, Auatln Ft•yo Ia convnlesclng

Mr•, !lnd Mrfl, Roy ,T, Wright r~nd from her• t•ecent ~lutcnoaa, Mr, nnrl Mra, Hn1mon C!lmptt•eJ

of J,fln~IIIA' llllfl Ml', rtnrl Mr'H, Vcr•n Collict' rli'OVC to r .. urllngton Snn· fnmlly Wodnend11y, Mr. nn(l Mrs.

Eld Newmlln of llnttle Ca•eelc 11pent the weol~. end wltlJ tlJe Wrights.

M1·, nnrl Mr~. ,Tohn Gomm rmrl rlny, on their way IJilclt the.v c!nllotl 'ron.v Gonoo vlsilorl Mr•, nne! Mt·u, · 011 Mr·, nncl Mr•a, !Dnt•l Simmons Ralph CnRCfll'llla of r .. nnslng Sun· Ill Tillght Point lnlw. Mt•, und Mr·.l. dny afternoon, Simmons fot·mot•ly lived in !CnHt

Torn Clipper• f¥t'HII1t- lnsl With Mr. 111111 MI'H, .Ttwlr Kir!tiCI' j I I 1111t1 fnmlly nt . Loon JuliO· ncnr Cndllhw,

Extension Group Plans Program

With an

I ronnie IRONER



e Cuts your ironing time by as much as 2/3! •• Cuts work of ironing to 1/10 or less!

• Irons pleat.,, tucks, ruffles and gathers easier and faster!

• Irons any size article, large or small, without folding or creRlling!

Mason Home Appliance

• • • • • • WOMAN'S WORLD


Hot Sun, Sand and Wind Cause

Ivll'l!, Rllymond Underwoocl and aons spent the week encl with Mrs, Underwood'll parents, Mr. nnd Mra, Walter Soule In Lnnalng,

Ml', an!l Mrs, Eel Fet't'IH ttn~ fnmily spent lust wee!( in northern Mlchlgfln,


M.t•, unrt Mr·H .. John Mutnyn. nnrl ,Tohn ttnli .11111 of Lnnslnp; r:allnrl on M1·, nnd Mr•H, .ramo~ Corner Snn· day,

Special Hair and Skin Problems

while Raymond Un~mwood at· tended n union convention In Do· trolt. Mr, flnd Mrs. Rnymond Un· derwood nnct ·sana entertnlnod Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Underwood and family of Antwerp, Ohio, at' din· ner Monday evening.

Mt•, 11 nrl Mr•s, I•' orr! Lmmon nnd Bonnie wot•o In not•thm·n Michigan over the weolt end,

Mr. nnd Mt·s. A, H. Greenwood of Detroit visited Mr·. nncl· Mrs. Et•dm!Ln Lipstmw over the weclc end.

Mr·. untl Mrs. Herman Bullrn plnn to l~nvc Monday fw their winter home in Tampa, Flor•ida. 1'helr· son Clorl( of Por·tlnnd will d.l'ive the cnr· clown nne! return by pl.nne. The son teaches agriculture llt Portland high Hchool.

,John Owon of PholpH, Tnxus, nnrl Mr·s, Corn Wund ol' Lnslin IV"I'II visitors nl' Mr·. nnd Ml'H, c. G. Owen lnol wool(,

1111', unrl Mrs. C:lr.n Hosl! 1111rl ,Jeffery nnd Mr. nnd Mr·s, C. H. W11lt spent Snnd11y In Plymnrttlr vl.slling M1•. 1111<! Ml'H, Arthur Gl\11· nls.

By Erlta Haley

j Summer Shampoo Care I Mlos Lindy Michaelson of La\(c

Orion visited Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Urquhart and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lange Schmidt last weel( end. Miss Michaelson 111 a sister of Mrs. Urquhart and Mrs. Schmidt,

In the good old summcrllme, extra sham)Jooing care I~ need·. ed to lwep hair lustrous 11.11 d,: well-groomed. Frequent. cxpoa- · urc to bot ·sunlight tends to make· even the smartest balr~do .look · p11rched and lifeless. Bring • the silky softness with a sum· , mer shampoo that includes ·a ·water conditioner which 'belp·s you get extra lather. from ~oap; &hen helps remove every trace of. soap. In rinsing,

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearsall spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting at Wixom, Mllforrl nnd Highland. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pearsall' of Highland called on the Peat·salls Saturday. They all at· tended the fair. Mrs. Retta Pot· teys of Nobleton, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. Evert Pettey.'! called on t·he Pearsalls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearsall lett Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Durwould Col· Jar of Wllllamston to spend four days on: a trip north.

Mrs. Bessie Wnltet·s left Monday for Casper, Wyoming, to visit her brother and slster·ln·law, Mr. nnrl Mrs. G. L. Frasier. Anothct· bt•oth­cr, Fred Frasier, and wife of AI· hnmbra, Califomla, are also visit· lng In Casper. •

Mr. and Mrs. Richara Pr·att an<l Boots Joyce of Toronto, Canada, ilpent the weelt end with Mr. am! Mrs. J. C. Bergeon.

Mr·. and Mrs. Paul Brown ani! Janet of Mount Clemens were weelt end guests of Mrs. Olive Brown.

Joe. Bement and his gl'andmoth· er, Mrs. Lettie Alsey, are at Bush lake. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Etwin Beach and Eamlly .Rpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steven.s of Leslie.

Mr. and Mrs. Cat·! Bashore and family visited ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Austin, in Mullllten Sun· day. ·

Douglas Dulyca of Jackson spent fair ·week with Dr. and Mrs. M . . 1. Green. Mr. and Mrs. William Tit•b of Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dulyea of Jackson called on the Greens Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marl( Smith and fnmlly of Scottvllle spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Demlow. Dicit and Danny Demlow returned home with the Smith.;. The Demlows drove to Scottville Friday to join their boys and t.o visit friends. The family came back' to Mason Sunday.

Mr. and· Mrs. Lauren Fliclt left Mason Saturday after a stay with relatives. They now Hve at Bluff. ton, Indiana, recently moving there from Huntington. Mr. Flick will tea:cht in the Bluffton schools th1s year. Before her marriage Mrs. Fl~clt was Verlee Aseltine.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaeffet· and children ·left Sunday to Visit relatives in the Upper Peninsula.[

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wonch enter· tained · Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wonch 1

and Stephen of Okemos, at din· ner Sunday.

Mt·, and Mrs. Kenneth Graham attended the wedding of Miss Jacqueline Staclt and Robert Beagle, both of Lansing, at the Lansing Church of the Resurrec· tion Saturday. I

County employees are spending their vacations in various ways, Mrs. Elmer Brown of the tr·eas· ut·er's office is spending this week gt home. Mrs. Margaret Lawson of the clerk's office returned Monday from a . week's stay at Houghton Lalte. M1·s. Lester Swnnlnger and Mrs. Stoyan MenovsJ(e, both of the clerk's office, are on vacation this weelc. Mrs. Swaninger Is In the north. Mrs. Menovslte left Friday night for Mount Pleasant and t·e­turned 'home Tuesday. Mrs. Geol'ge Reese is on vacation for two weeks from the road commission office. Walter Lyons of the drain commis· sioner's office is home this wee!< recovering from a recent siclmess.

Mt·. and Mrs. Edward Hiller, Mr. Rnd Mrs. Herb' Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hiller and family of St. Johns :spent Thui·sday evening with Mr.· and ·Mrs. Oliver Schmm and family, Pel'l'y Foss and Miss Joyce Swaim. They attended the Ingham county fair.

Mrs. Ray Haas and Judy and Raymond of Detroit are visiting· Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howe this wee!(,

Larry Fr·nzier, son ot Mt•, nne! Mr·s. C, A. Fmzler, r•otur·ncd home Sundn.v aftm· spending the week with Mr. nncl Mrs. IJ~nrl 'l'ownsend nt Indian River.

Mt•. unrt Mrs. l~lnwr Solw!lf'ld, Snlly nr111 N:urr.y Hpent lnst wnr.k In liw Pon"IJlino MountulnH In tho Upper· Ponlnsul:l.

Mrs. mmmn Dcll'iclge of Kiln· lcnuna, Willconsln, nnrl Ml's. Chnrlcs Mollocl( of Jaclcoon cnllecl on Mr. nnd Mrs. But'l Gt•een Frl· day.

Mrs. l.ornlt Jean Hnnley left this week for Camp Carson, .Colo· mrio, to join her husband, Sgt. Lewis Hnnley.

Mr. an<l Mt·~. Rohel't Newman wem In Chicago over the weelt end. They left Friday, returning Sunday evening. In Chicng-o they visited Mrs. Newman's parents and the family of a brother of Mr. Newman, also other relatives and friends.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ken Mer·lndorr nml Miss Belly 1>1er·inclor·r spent Snn· cluy with Mrs. Riclwrd Lrti'Hcn unc1 fnmll.v nt Lurllngton. Pfc. Jnme~ Larson retm•ned home n ftet· spcml­ing three dnys with Mr. ancl Mn. Mcr·tndorL His hmthet•, Cpl. Tilrtl'l Lnrsen, lll't'ivccl home fmm Km·cn. Mt·. unci Mr·s. Ken Merinrlm·r niHn visited nt the home of Mt•, nncl Mt•s, Burt Myers unci family at Big Rapids.

Mr·. nnd Mrs. o. Ji'. Wntson nr Vlelt.>ihllr'g- mtllerl nn thrir nwl.lwr, 1 1

Mrs. BcHsic WnllorH, Sun<luy. Lutct•, Mr·, n nrl M I' H. 1•', Kull nC Lunsing- enterl11ined llu•m nl <lin· 1101', MrH, Kutt. IH also 11 daughter or Mr·s. Wnllet'H,

Mr. and Mt·s. Vernon J. Brown and Dor·othy Brown wcl'e in L1Ln· sing Satul'clay evening whel'e the.Y attended lhc wedding of Alfred n. Grimes to Jeannine Hos!(ins. The couple said their vows befot·e a llowcr-banl(ed altai' in lhe Inter­et ty Tabernacle. The hl'idegroom is w. tencher at Napoleon. He is a son of Mr•. and Mrs. David Grimes of Eaton Rapids. Mr. Grimes and Mrs. Brown arc cousins.

Mt•, nne! Mt'H. Paul Clinton anr1 dnughlct·s of Humilton, Ohio, 1\t'c Rpendlng this wee!< with Mr. 11n<l Mt·s. Chnl'les Clinton unci Mr~. Mayme Cavnnn ugh of Bunker Hill. Next week the.v will be at Joslin lake.

Dell EVitnS of Leslie is spending· 11 few dnys this wee)( wilh IlL; brothcr·in·law nml sister·, Mr. and Mn;. Floyd Baldwin.

Mr·. and Mrs. marl Gmhnm of Ann Arbor span t the wee!( end with Mt·. nnd Mrs. Louis Eggers.

Mr. 11nrt Mrs. Clund" K Minor• r.nllctl on Mr·. unci MrH .. Tarnes E:wni'Lz ol' .Tnclrslln R111rrlny.

Slls11n Cmss ol' 1\allrnslm In spctHlinr;· llir. IV<!rlr will! Mt·. rrnd Mt·s. Guy D. ;11illrr·. Mi.Ys Cr·flss hH!i been visllin>~ llw llriiiL•t·s fnr two weelts,

.Toe Brtffn of 'I'IIL'Hflll, A ri~<IIH<, spent tile IVO<'I< <>ncl vr.Yiting-· Mr·. nnd Mrs. Vic·tnr· L. l':tlnll}l'. Mr·. and Mrs. I<rnndli l':tlnret· or Pcto;;Jwy lll'l'i\'1~rl hom1~ aflm· at. .. lending- Hlllllllll!t' seltflol at Buy VIew.

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS August 23, 1951 Page 4

Buy Direct from the Manufacturer ..... to

Beat the High Cost of living·~ i i


OF FINEST WOOLEN FABRICS There's no better way to mal'e. money than to save it and the nationally

famous quality of HORNER woolen goods, plus LOW, LOW prices dming · this MILL END sale assure you of tremendous savings!

WOOL UPHOLSTERY FABRICS 1,000 ya•·ds of Plain colors, Checked and Striped patterns in a vat·iety of weaves and color fast hues. Every yard is top·quality, distinctly suitable for coats, jacl,ets and snow suits as well .as upholstering uses.

Needle, th1·ead and pattern are all you need to save DOLLARS with cloth bargains Jil,e these! Children's snow suits retailing for $25.00 cost approximately $8.00 made from Horner Wool Upholstery fabrics-54 inches wide

ALL WOOL FLEECE COATING REMNANTS-54 inches wide in brilliant red, navy and brown, colors fo1· winter v.;ear. Perfect for worn· en's or children's coats, jacl,ets and snow suits

Four yards of this beautiful, soft woolen fab1·ic will complete an adult coat pattern-for a saving of at least $30.00 on a garment of comparable cloth quality. Blanket Remnants-in a bewildering variety. Large enough fm· snow suits, coats or small size beds. Pl.ain colors.

A visit to Eaton Rapids during Horner Woolen Mills MILL END sale is be· coming a popular project wit.h hundreds \)f value·wisc Michigan women. Join their growing ranks ••. • Save on eve1·y yard bought.


• I

Dale and Meris Dee Kennedy are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mt•s. P. W. Kennedy, in Imlay City this weelt.

HORNER Woolen Mills, Eaton Rapids, Michigan Salesroom Open 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Daily Except Sunday

Charles Lamb of South Haven

~~tiliewook~d~lliWs~~~L---~----------------------~-------------~ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K Lamb.

Henson's ... ·the Yardstick of Quality ... Dependability ... Service I


Henson's ~s the Only Cleaning Plant in

Mason· Where Work is Done in Our Own Shop I -I


'., News of the Churches WlllhLlnKton OoHJII!I llitll, ~021

Burltlo,v ronrl. 13J•cui<lng or IH•eacl, 10 a, rn,; cl1urch school 1l :30 n, m.; woi'Rhlp aervlcr., :J:ao p. m. li'J'icluy Pl'llyer ACI'Vlce B p, m.

WllllnmHion llltJttfKt, HaJ•oJd

AurrliiiiK Cl!ntnr flllptiHI., Rev, flllhcrt Miles, • pnstor, Wot•ahlp HOI' VIce Ia Cl I. 11 ;:JO a, tn., Wll.h olum~h ,9chool Jli'Ccllding nt 10:30, Thlrt will continue through lho HtllnmeJ•, Clwll• pt•nettco will be dis· conllnucd lht•ough July nnd Au­gust.


Kipp Community l'hylllH (]hen"y

MJ', nncl Ml'H,. A JheJ•t. Hill unci fHmiJy of Ci',YHIHJ l•'nlla Hpont HOV-01'111 riii,YS luHt. wool; with Mr. 1111rl Mrs. r .. ymJHI FresiJouJ• unrl chLugh­tcJ·s.

MrH, Rylvta Wilson spent 1'hlll'H­rlny nncl li'l'lrlny of lnRt Wl'elt wllh Mr, nncl Ml'H, LoJ'eJI Sweat.

Dansville Church Staging· Auction At Diehl Farm

Al I he Di<'hl fnJ•m In Dnnavllle SIL!Unlli,Y tiw• clnss ·of tha Dnnsv!Jio Mlll.hwllst chlll'ch will slngu its fourth annuul nuction .9nles.

Heese, pnalor. CIHIJ'ch school 10 a, 111.; worship set·vlcc 11 a, m, nnd 7 :ao p. 111. JunloJ• nnrl senior g"I'OUps fi ::JO p. m. Thtii'Hdny. lenehcra lesson study, open to all, 7:1G p. m., followed by pmycr ser·vlce B p, m. thll·rJ Werlncst!ny, Lrtdlcs Union, 2 p. m. in homes.

Ri, ,Jilm!'M lli~HMion, Rev, MBg'l', Charlea Keating, pnslor, Mnss will be sn!r! Ill tho clmpel at tho COI'ncl' or South JuffcJ•arm ond ChcrJ•y streets nt 10:30 Sunday momlng.

". • • the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust." (I Timothy 1:11.) Read I Timothy 1:12-17.


Mt·, nnrl M1·s. Woyno LoVett,: lind f11mlly HIHI MJ•s, CfJJ•l'lc Lo­Vette lutcl Snnduy rlinrwJ• Willi Vem Quucl<cnbJJsh of Leslie,

MJ•, onrl MJ·s, Louie Honilcl'ohot. 11nt1 fnmlly, MJ·, nne! Mrs. HnJ•n!d H11fflnc nnd fomll,Y nncl MJ•, nne! Mrs, l~lo,v<l WheclcJ' wc<·c Sn tJII'­day evening culici'H of Mr. und MI'H, li'J'ed J~oVettc ntH) fnmily,

Ali l<inrls or !'nt·m looiH nnd hottHr.holtl lll'lieil'H lll'c hcing listed fot• tho Hrdc. In ntldlllon to tho mtn!imJ thet·r• will ho rummage and llnlcerl gooriH Rules IJcld.

\Vlllhtmst.on iJhriMUan S1olr"wn 81wll't.y, FJ•ey Birlg., WOI'Hh!p sei'V­tcu ll a. m.; chun:h Hchoot, rr1·ey res!rlence 11 n. m. Mlrl-wcei< sm·v­lce cvr.t·y first unci lhil'cl Wednes­day 8 p. m.

WI!Jhuns:on St. r,r·ar.v'H Cutho­n,, 11ev. Ft•, 1-Iu~h Conklin, pas­tor, ConfcssionR nnri devotions, Saluf'(!ny 7:30 p. m. Sunday mnsHca 7:30 anrt 10:30 o. m. Fow­lr•rvlllf•, confessions and devotions T~J·!rlny 7 p. m.; Sundny mass, lJ II. 111,

.. Willln.mslun Nn1.JU'r•Jw, Reo D. Miller, pustoJ·. Church ~chool 10 Wlllhtrnshm Sevr•nth ll1ty Ad· n. 111.; wor~hlp ~crvlce, 11 u. 111. \'J'n','sl, llG!l Stillmnn rood, R. I{,

To the Apostle Paul, the gospel was something of which h~ ~as nc~er asham.ed. He regarded it as most precious. In his f1rst cp1stle to T1mothy, he calls it "the glorious. gospel." He saw repeatedly its transforming influence. upon meil and women. Wherever he preached, he saw men convicted of sin and renewed in life. In his epistlt; to the Romans, he said he hoped to go to Rome and preach the gospel there, amid all the pomp and glory of.the Roman E;npire. Ashamed of it? Not he.

It is the glorious gospel cif our blessed God. It is the gospel that has come from God and tells of His love as rc­v,ealed plainly h~ Jl!sus. It has proved itself to be the power of God unto salvatiOn to everyone that believes.



Mr, unci M1•s. R, V. D>tngler und fnm!Jy coiled on Mt•, ilnci M1·s. Howarrl CnJ•pcntet· nnrl fnmiiy of Chal'lotlc Sntul'rlny evening-, '

SJJnc!Hy evening guests ol' M<·. unci Mr·s. R V. Dung·JeJ· unci fllnJiiy were M1·- nnrl Mrs. Hoiiu.uti .ca,:­pentcr 1111cl family,

Hex 1'ownsl'nd, Do1•n Diehl and Rev. Srrmur.l Sr•izc!'l of the Dnns· vilto ehurelt hend the Hale r~onunlt· tee. Cla1·o Bni<m· of Du nsvllle has r!nnuted his sel'vlces liB nuel!on· CCI',

P!'IH't'CriH from the snle will be dr•vol l.u lmp!'oving lite ehurch ill! Ht'lll r•ni .

'rlw BrlllHI<'t' t%ss of the ehurch t.lll'nttgh its saluH nnfi ehurch sup. pot's h!Hi flnnnr·erJ extensive fm. Pt'OI'l'llllmlH to the chut·ch. and 8 p. 111- [{J•icl<, pn.,lor, Saturrlny, chLJI'Ch

--- . sehnol 1:20 p. 111.; wm·shlp serv-WIJJ!nmstun Sf. 1\ulh"l'lnr•'H /ice, 2:45 p. m.; nrlvcntist hour,

lnJilsr•ojml, Rev. Nm•mnn F, Kin- WJIM 1 p. 111. Sunday. zle, paHlnr. WoJ•shlp service lO a.


:---m.; chuJ•ch Hc!wol 11 u, m.; eve- J. .. ,lll' llnnt"t, Pnul E. -ruclwr, nlng· song ~ p, 111_ pnRloJ•, Sunrlity sclwnl 10:00; l"0l'-

l ship SCI'I'ico 1l :00. Sel'mon, "The , Cillll'ch or Jesus Christ," Sper•ht!

Wlllhunslun "I!S)r·~·nn 1\lrJ!huJI- tlltJoir· hi' 1 he ell ·1• [> .. 1. ' 1

H l'nlvle'' C 1~ 'fill l . .. . . Ill . I" sr. n nr n' • ·" . '• .. 01', !JilH Ol', l~r.llnwHhip hour 7:30· Thut·sd y Chlll'~h sclwol. 10 a. m.; class 7::JO Jll'aym· meeting.' a ' meelmg ll a. m.; worShip service '

10:30 n. m. anrl R P· 111 • Young W!llin.mHton J,uflwmn, John People's Hei'Vice, 7::10 [1. m.; prayer Westendorf, pastor, 1022 West service 'fhm·sday, 8 p. 111. Grand River. Church school, 9:45

a. m.; worship service 10:00 a .. m. WllllnntKlnn W<•Nil',l'llll 1\lnlhod-1 __ _ l~t, Briel<, C. E. Mille!', pusto1·. WillilunNinn Ct•n11•r 1\:lPthodlst, Worship Hct·vkc, 10 a. m.; class Horace James, pastor. Worship meelin~ 11 n. m.; church school, service, 0:30 a. m.; chut·ch school, 1.1:15 a.m. Prayer service 'Wedncs- lO:ao a. m. day ns announced.

OnnnchtJrn Community, Mal Hoyt, pastnr. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Worship service 11:30 a. m. Young Peoples Ii'cl!ow~hip 7:30 p. 111. Evangrlislie service 8:1fi p. 111. Choir practice 7:30 p. nt. Wcdnes­da.v followed hy pt·ayer meeting at 8 p. Ill.

Norlh Auro·linN Chlll'roh, Tiev. Carl Bt•iggs, pastor. Corner Colum­bia and Till rerl roads. Sunday school l0:15 and morning worship at 11:45. Ynnng Peoples Fellow­ship Sunday evening at 0:15, with nn evangelistic service at 8:00 p. m. Werincsclay C\'cnin!~ at 8:00 is the mill-week prayer service.

Wlllilunstnn 1\Ir•l!uul!MI, 1-Iot·acc .Tames, pastor. Chm·ch school, 10 11. m.; wor,,hip ser\'lces, 11 a. m. Junior Youth Fellowship, 1:00 p. m.; Seninr Youth Fellowship, 6:00 p. m. Choir practice Wednesday i :Hi Jl. m. General W. S. c: S. fit·st Wed n c H d a y Circles: second Wednesday, 2 p. 111. in homes.

l\Inl·hodiK(-I'I'r·shyt l'l'lan Union HPr'\'il'l'~, August 26, 10 a. m., will be held in lhe Methodist church, with the Rev. Paul L. Arnold speaking on the subject, "The Ap­ple of God's Eye." :'vlrs. N. S. Davis will play the organ. The Sunday schools of each church will meet in their respective builclings at 11 :15 a. m. The Re\'. Raymond

This glorious gospel has been committed to you and to me as well as to Paul. Let us by word and deed proclaim it to CJthers.

PUAl'I~Jt Or•at· l.oJ•rf and l•'aHwr of nmnllinrl, wn l;"h'n 'l'lwn IIIII' hr•artv lhuni<s

l!lal 'l'hou hust thr·ough th" gostuol m:ulr' lmnwn Uw way nt' iirn. i\Iay I hy I;"II~JH'I go forth with pnwe1• t:o thn tmrls o[ lhn earth, ennl'letlng, llllll\'llt', and hlrlsslng human souls. \Vrl pray that 'nry fH•:we mu.v enmn upon Parth. 'l'o 'l'ltmo he all glory and honor, thi'OJrgh Jesus Christ, mrr· LoJ·d. Am1'ir.

THOUGHT FOR TI-IE DAY Does my life bear witness to the power of th.e gospel?

Ben Glover (British Columbia)

EVER CAUGHT IN· TilE NATION, M1·. unci Ml's. Ben Burch at­

tended the wedding of NrLla!io Snivet,v 11nrl George Wolfer 11L H!nsdnlc, lllinoi~, Sunrllly, INGHAM COUNTY NEWS

August 23, 1951 Page 5

tii/CI(IC4# FEI!T/Il?E 9E.~/EC P'!""·""' 6y MICII!CA/1 77JtJ,q/ST tW#C!L ... 116.37 Auction Sale Parkers Corners Staging Auction

Methodists at Pnt·l;cJ·s. Corner;·; ovct· the line in Living·~Hon nl'c pt·epaJ'ing fot• an n ttctirm to b.1 held some tin\e in Sr.plcm bet·. 'l'he money rcccivecl will IJe used fm· impi'Ovement of the Pat'lwrs COI'­ners church.

Any article or prorlnct whieh is useful on the fa I 'Ill OJ' in lmmeo will he accepted for the s:tle, mem­bers of the committee said.

'!'hose on the committee !'or lhe sale arc Mrs. Han'Y Elliott or FowleJ·viJJe ancl Mrs. Mina KJcin­schm!clt, Mr;;. Lclnncl Line and M1·s. Charles Shnt•!and, all or Web· bervillo.

l\lr~. L. 1'. \VllliamH

ifol'llia' spending- ;;evct•al wetoks wirh her siHters, Mt·s. Mno Cnmger anrt Mrs. Maud Richui'Cis.

Mrs. Virginia NcnH'l' and Mrs.

1 llnvlng dedrJ,·il lo IJI111 t'nrnthiJr, I 11'111 spfl nl. Jtuhlir• lllll'llon nt· the 111• n<·r1,1I lllilP

1sonth ol' Onuurlu~a 1111 Onunila;r11 marl, y,

1 111j1,. west

011 US(\ 11n rmu , on · ·.

Maxine Williams cnilccl on Mrs. .Joe Thompson and Mt·s. c. E. An­derson of Det1·oit 1\'londay evening. I McCall o[ DeWitt spent Cllilllll"JWing Ill l I'· Ill., llu' follnll'illJr lil'~t·t·!l 11 •r! JII'Ofll•t·ly•

lt.1hert. week end with Beverly Hense-~ 7 IUMII fll<' IIAI!:Y (!,\'l''l'J.I•: ' '

Saturday, August 25, 195l - - :llinn••;quolis-~lnllrll' Cnt·n ]'lnntcr 11~ llolstl'ln C:n\1', il l'l'ars nld ntillciu~ \\'norl-11'1t<'l!l \\',l"on · .'

-.':·. anc~ Mrs. Basil Stowe called l~nlstl'in Cn\1', fi ~·l'aJ·~ ofll: millcing Jlouhll' ilise " on lttcncls 111 Morenc1 Sunday. A I (,ur•t'JJsn:o' Cow, R Yr>; 11·.., old mlll·fng- n1m111

Halw ~Ol!Htll rc.tumecl homo wilh them Brlrull1• Co11', :1 .•. ,:,.,,., ui 1I, ,·,,IJI•IJ,I" 'I I t [ ·' • ... :-\Ill' 111'111'1'1',\' Ual<c ·0

· a VIS< · llolsl1•ln f)nw, 3 ,\'Par·s old, mllldJW Lund JlnliPI' ~1r. nne! Mr·s. I. J. Lyons anllj' Gur•J-ns"y Cnw, lfl .\'!!Ill's olll, ruillt: Fnl'lts, shol'f•ls, ·lt•u·s, mill< !ilrnln-

chrlclrcn of DeWitt were Sunday ing .. 1ws and pails nnrl ottwr mlscelJ. callers at Ot'l'ei 1-Ienseliots. Gtwrnsey Col\', :~ ,\'l':tl's old, mill<- anmus ii ··nt:.;, W8CS J\It;j,1 _N_______ ing . . IIOlfSI•JIIOLIJ flOODS

'<!. 'I G CALl.EIJ Bangs 'l'o·~1Pd UJ.l!l Wr•s1lnghonsr• l•:lr•ctrlc flange Thr>rc will be nn PXCCIItive hoHt'ri 11\ll'LI~~H;!\''I'H ANI> '1'001.:-\ Hpi'Prl Qnr•1•n \\'ash~r ,

meeting- of the WSCS of the l!Hil l•'oJ'd 'l'nu:tnr aud :!-hnl!nm Mr•lal Cahirwt. Melholi<Hl chur·ch Wcrincsc!ny, Au- 14-ineh ftlnii'S ' 'l'ahl" and Cltalt·s g11st 2fl, nl 1:00. Those nttcnclin;; IJenJ•bnm 3-sr!<,tlon •rmctm· llr·ag Buni1 B1·ds ril'e to Lal;;c a snc!{ lunch. Uufl'ce ,\fauure ~)Jf('lHif~r· ;!~!-fjuar·f. l'r't-Hsur·4~ Ctuuwr will he rumiHhccl. - 'l'hom"' I<'J•J•lillll'l' lll'lll C:ool<ing llt


_ ·-·- "·---------- Fn t'tnl'l's l•'a\'nt•ill! lion llrlll I)Jsht•s Nm'Wfly's impot'lftni. iron m·e IIIC 1\luwlng Ma,hin" l•JiPcll'if! llr•aleJ· nnrl ollwr• Itc1ns

llfnNon Chm·eh of llw NltlUrl'llc, Norton will bring the message all Jocatec! at ~35 West Elm street, the union sei'Vice, September 2. Rev. Hugh Putnam, pastot·, Sun- ---

shipping pot{ of Narvil' above lhc ']',l•:t•Jit~,·.. " 1 11 Mrs Libbie F te [ N 0 · ' " -.,a~ 1, u gunrls lo ht• Sl'l11Prl l'oJ' rla,y of saln bllforc re. ·. os J' o cw r- Arctic cit·cle is now fiO .vcars olrl; 11101·al.

leans has been visiting al Lhc 01'- more than 1,000 ships arc lauded vel Henseliet home. at this port each year willr ore

day school al 10 o'cloclt, Marshall I llans\'ille FrPe lllethodist, Rev. Poi!ol<, superinlcullcnL Mrs. Laura


E. H. Kincaid, pastor. Sunday Putnam, ,innior and primary su- sehool, 10:00, Leland Perrine, su­pervisor. Morning worship at 11 peJ•intenclcnt. Preaching service a . .111. Ill :30; Young People's sen•ico 6:30;

---·--- evening service 7:30. Prayer meet-Willlum~tun l•'r'l'l! l\Ielhudi~t. H. ing Wednesday evening at 7:30.

G. Roushey, pastor. Church school ---10 u. m.; worship service 11 a. 111. j Ln1hr•J·an Chttl'l!h-Legion Me­and 8:15 p. 111. Young People's I nwriHI hall, South Jefferson street. service 7::!0 p. nt.; prayer service Wallo!' 1?. Koepplin, pastor. There 'Ilr.Jrsclay, 7:o:J P- 111. will ile no service on Sunday, Au-

. I BACK SNACKER-When allied newsmen in Seoul staged a dinner ; for hundreds of Korean children, the youngster above depended

-"' .. upon biB siste1· for tidbits-and a free rid~ home. Ford Ammonium Sulphate

20.89 o/o Nitrogen Content


··· Fol' Compost Piles

* Fot· Side Dressing

•:• F01· Fall Plowing

Good Supply

Now Available 100 lbs ... $3.9 5 Special l't-iccs in Ton Lots

Roy Christensen 210 State St.

You1· F1·icndly F01·d Deale1· Mason Phone 9611

Adventists Hold Annual Meeting

gust 26, but Lne cungTeg:uion is in vi terl to attend the Intel'lla tiona! Luther Leagnc convention sm·vice in the Jenison field house on til~ Michigan Stale college campus at 10 a. ll"!· Dr. Mal'cus C., Rieke, yonlll dn·ectot' of the Arnericmt LuthoJ•an church, will spealc on R. K. Kriel<, pastor of the Lan-"To Him all Glory and Powez·." sing and Ingham county Seventh

I' ------ Day Adventist church, and many lllasr'm i<'il·st ;;api.i.~t ChuJ·r·t'1,. of his membet·s were among the

Rev. Lloyd Caraway, pastol', So1·v- 10,000 visilm·s to the annual Ad­ices Sunday, A11g11st 26. The mom- vcntist camp meeting ncar Grand ing wm·shijl :tO:OO a. m .. Se1·vicc Ledge last week encl. with sermon by the pastor. Suncht~' As a part of the denomination's echool 11:15 a. m. with clnssrs civil clefense program, church offi­fot· all ng-es under leadership of cials Hl'l'anged with the Re'cl Cross W. E. Z1mmcJ·. regional blood cen let· to collect

blood fi'Om ll10I'e than 500 volun­Dansl'illl' i\lcthortist, .Rev. Sam- Leers on the camp ground Sunday

uel Sei?.et'l, p'asto~·. Chlll'ch school to be flown direct to at'lllY medical to:OO n. m., G. E. Manning, supet·- centct·s in Korea this week. Twen­mtendent. Communion service at ty doctors and 30 nurses attend­! l :00, with· Rev. Car fan Foltz of ing the meeting volunlceJ•eci their Millville in charge. Song service· ~et·viecs· in co::Jpm•ation with Red ~:00; M. Y. F. set·vice 8::10: Bible Ct·oss personnel to carry out the study 8 ::lO. Prayer meeting- Thm~- all-clay project. clay evening at eight o'clock. Church leaders gave repot·ts of

the various phases of tho denom-1~<11'11 UnHPd Brr•t.hrcn, E. Gam-ination's work throughout the

blc, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. state. The report showed that m.:.: rnorning service, .11 a. m. Miehig·an members gave ~2,218,­ChliStJan .E~deavo1· ISemot•) 7:45 327.'11 in Lithcs and :ji728,788.00 in fl. ~1. Chrrslmn Endeavor (Y. P.) 1 foreign mission offering·s durinn-7·1o p m Ev · · 8 15 · " · · · emn!l" serv1ce, : • the last two years. This amounted p. m .. Tuesday, chon·. pt·actJCe 8.:00 to an average yearly gift of p. m., Wednesday p1ayer mcetmg $121.31 per member in addition to at ~h~ home of. Coy Dunsmore, local church expenses and home Co~ toad, at 8.00 p, m. missions offerings_

J\Iillr.l'illr' ~lethndi~t. Church The camp meeting will close service nt 10:15 a. 111• and Sur.da,l' Saturday night. Immediately fol­school at 11:15 a. 111• Rev. Snmual lowing, delegates will begin to ar­ScizeJ·t or' Dansville will speak at rive on the campground from all the wm·ship service. parts of the United States and

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,Canada to attend the Adventist~ II fi1·st Nc;nth American Laymen's

Congress August 29 to September 1. Polio ·Insurance'

W.hen you or a membe1· of your family need the help of POLIO INSUR­ANCE, you need it badly. Where other companies allow benefits up to $5,000 per penon, our liompany allows

$10,000 Per Person_


We recommend the higher ·limit. The difference in cost. is verv slight~

Dart Insurance ·Agency Dart National Bank Building

Phone Mason 23661 Phone Lansing 6MA·2S66~

Extreme clept·ession is a symp· tom of hog cholera.


li'loycl Bat·tlelt of Wnoclland, mince! in Sweclcn, formerly of this community, riled --------Friday.' Sevcml from hei·c at- The ·tiny t•cpublic of San Marino, 1 tended the funeral services Sun- in the heart of Ttoly, claims t.n be· Ronald Hector, Owner clay. . , tl1o oldest stnlc in Europe and to 1.1 r

Mrs. Blanche Batre Jell. Mon- IL,ave lleeJl fotlntlcd' 1•11 • J, Wnflif•J• 111111 ,John llo•Julrif'l<s, the ·1li1 con- Aueliont•r,.·s day morning for hut· home in Cal-l t.ury. I.yh• 1'J·np, Clerk


~"TRU[KS :switch to

DDD&E SAVE with bigger payloads

·Ask any owner, and he'll tell you that payload goes up and costs go down when you switch to Dodge. You get balanced

. •Weight distribution, which permits you to hnul bigger payloads. And to haul at low cost, you have the right engine for plenty of power_

SAVE with all these proved

advantageS-In u Dodge "Jab­Rated" truck you get all these proved dcpendnbility features: Lil(hl:wcight pistons, two fuel filters, heavy-duty radiator, twin carburotion and exhaust system on high-ton1111gc models, Cycle. bond brake linings, and others_

SAVE with a high-compression

engine-When you switch to Dodge "'Job-Ruled" trucks, you get flashing performance with top economy-mnde possible by powerful engines with high compression ratios! For example, Dodge "Job-Rated" ;!1-, N -, and 1-ton pick­ups, panels nnd stakes give yott new, higher 7.0 to 1 compression ratio.

SAVE with lower upkeep costs Satisfied owners agree that when you buy a Dodge "Job-Rated" truck, you get years and years of low-cost hauling. You enjoy tl1e rnoney-snving advan­tages of 4-ring pistons with chrome­plntcd top ring and exhaust valve scat inserts-plu.~ new moistureproof igni· tion and new 45-nmpere geuerator_

SAVE with gyrol FLUID DRIVE Available on ).1-, N-, and 1-ton models! You'll reduce upkeep

-get more tire mileage-protect your load-drive more easily and safely! Let us demonstrate this Dodge e.Tclusiue,


SAVE with a truck that's "Job. Rated" -A "Job-Rated" truck is en. !lineered at the factory to fit a specific Job . , . to save you money. Every unit that SUPPOR'l'S tire load-frame axles, springs, wheels, tires, and othcn: -is engineered right to provide the str~mgth and capacity needed, Every Ulll/. that MOVES tire load-engine, clutch, transmission, propeller shaft, rear uxle and others-is engineered right !:", :ucct a particular operating

• tome in today 'for a qood dear on a truck that flts your jo& ••• a DDDE,lot,WTRUat

Dart- Motor Sales 227 N; Ceda1·

Mason, Michigan

Douglas Hoxlnt• GJ~·nn

Mr. nnrl MI'R, Hurnlrl Gl~·nn, Dnlu nnrl Shli•lcy nnrl Qonl'g'O Vnn Al­iit.lno :;pont Sunday n L 'l'l•innglo lnlw wll.h · Mt•, nnil Mt'H, nux Gnr­tun, 'l'hc Gorlnrw hiiVC Hjlnnl. lho ] wool\ vnon llnnillil' l.lturo,

nlv•;l Iiiii ,v. On Sunrhl~' 'Ml', nnrl Ml'H, flt'/11111 Piilll nr J,oHlln, Mr. nnrl Ml'H, ,Jolin Hummel nnrl ,fnHnn nntl IQI'lllfl Pnllnlt hnd r1 plenlrJ nt Poltot' prlt'i> In r.nnHinil'.

I South Aurelius and North Onondaga

Mrn. \V, D, OiT or Allt'lliitln npunL 'l'uPHdny In T.rtnHing,

M1•, nnrl. MI'H, Mn1·t.ln 'rnwnHcn<l unrl l'nmllv rnul MI'H, lCIIIH •rnwn· non!) und 't'n.mll,v nl'e vncni.Jonlng In thn nOI'tll.

Dorothy Lf\nghnm In vlultlng· hoi.' g'l'lllltljlfii'Oili.H, Mr, nncl Mi'H, El, A, Lnng!Htnl oF Holt, l.hiH wool!,

Mt•:;, Mnt•tin Gnct7. IH now wol'ic­lng In LrtllHing,

Mr. IIIHI MI'H, Bolt l'r!en nnrl . fnmily W<li'O Wt•Jrlny nvuning" l:ttll·

r•I'H of Mr. nnrl Mt'R, Lr1u Olynn. MI'H, .fou 7.111nw,,t<J Hnrl i!llilrlron Wlll'll Rtllldny VIHii.CII'H,

Mr:;. Curl ffnll IIIHI Mlli!mcl li)lunl. t.lw woel1 nnrl with Mr. 1111d .MI'H, Wlrl. \Vfll'nC\',

MI'H, Wnylli! l•'olot• iH Ht.lll 111. ho:;,,ital In nrnnrl HilpiriH.

MI'H, !Coy Wlll'ltnl' I.Y; Jlllhllu lnf'tll'nllltirm of'l'lem• rtnrl \Vfii'I'Oill ol'fkm· of' llw hH'rtl lliJ.:llt WillllllnH·

Perny . l"Oin!' nnonl]r.rl tho glnclloll m~cllng at. Mlcl1lgun cmllcgc recently.

MIHH ,lltnwe Gi'ocnmnn, c)niiA"lt· or Mr. nnrl MI'H, Asn. Groan­man, wrtH mnrrierl Lo l•'m'oHI'. Vnn 1

Vnlln Frlrlny evonlng- nl tile Whonl.floirl MolhnriiHI: elliii'Ch, Tm­motllnto mom!Jei'H of t.ho l'nmll~· worn p1·osont,

Mt•, n.nd Mr~. Ivnn Lnmld nnd Dnug-lnH nnd MrH. M. Btlt'lln1l'fln1C nf L:tnHing- wore In Dei.I'Oit Mnn­rlny, Tvnn nnrl Dllllfl'IIIH nt.lonrlcrl tho oveninil' lmllgnml! nf t11r. rf.11g'Ut'/i,

tnn ctvll Air P11trn1. Rhe w1·itm: ArounJ Aureii.U' C. A, •P, 1\l'lic:Jo:; 1'<11' !.he JllljlC\', IJ ~

l\lr·s. Ln wt·r•ru•r, ])uiJwn Mnxlnu llllfi Donnn Mao Wat'tll!l', rlunglll.tJI'H or Mr. 11nrl MrH. no,v W:11·ntll', wot'l\ in Lun:;lng. Tlwy The qtlnrtorly meeting or the room together nl. lhe homo nf Mt·s. church bonr·rl will be llclrl Allg-llfil: Bt•iggH, l'ot·nwl·iy nr Willinnmton, 20 nt the chur·ch. A good altonrl­

MI'H, I•JIIa King will lw hns\e;;H /lllce woulr.l he apprecintcd. l.o tile SmtthwoHl Wl1entrlold ox- A 1·cunion ol' tile Erlgnr nnrl tenHion gt·utlp 'l'lmrsrlay, Allgttsl Cnmci'On fnmlllos wns hrlrl nt lho ~:1. Cnmcron home last Sunrln.y.

.Tnson nnd l~l'lllrt Polloi< wm·c J\11'H, Bessie Rnnney Is HperHllng-glleHts ol' !li!V. nml Mrs. Cei!ll Pol- 11. few weeks with hoi· ht·ot.hcJ' nnd !Ilk In f·!ull Wl!dneHdn,Y. evening Ill( Hlslct·-in-lnw, Mr. nnrl Ml'H, Roscoe J;onot· ol .faHun's R IHt illl'l.hday nn- Bnt'I'Y.

I Mi:Hs Mcl'le Pnrl<lll' nnd Mrs.

6~~?§~=;;;:::::~t:;)~ Pcnt·l Pnrltct' of Holt. spent Ins!: ~ 1 weei{ nt a Bihlc and Misflionaries ~ j conference at Kalamazoo.

Your Minister


Mr. nnrl Mrs. Rtt;v Mathews spent the week <md at Gl'cenvillc.

Mr. nnd M1·s. Diclc Connor· spent a few days n t lhci I' collage on Blue lnl<c, neat• Gt•r!cnvlllc.

Mr. and Mt·s. Swartz visiter] relatives in Ol1io tho latter part nl' lnst weelt.

Erlwnt·rl Jennings is home fi'Om r:ollege nt Bny View where he tonic n short. em.rr·se prepnrnlory lo en­lcl'ing rlenlnl school nt: Ann ArlJOI' this fall.

:rvrr~. Almiron Gt•iffin will he hnetess to Uw Webh school dub 'l'hut·sdny, September G.


NO NATIONALIZATION HERE-Shelves .'•':'ell-stocked '_Yith American ,chewing gum, candies and other British and Amencan products indicate that Iran's oil nntionnlizntion program has not yet alfected the Abadan businessman above, He did business as usual while Irnnian officials toolt over the nearby British-operated Anglo

Iranian Oil Co, •

llfi'H, II, H. l•'ll'ld

Mrs. Beml<;o Gt•ollnn IH nll <mrl­lng t:he Adl'cnliHlH nnmp meuting nl Or·nnd Ledge l.hls weel1.

Mr·. nnrl Mt'll. Curl Wfll'net• 11nd Mr·, nnd Mt'H, J{ennei.IJ Lnw1wn nntl son, Cnl'l, Wei'C Runrlny dinner gtlcHtS nf Mr. unci Ml'lt, Severn .f OllTI' of f.nnHIItfr,

Mr, nnd MrH, HnrTIH Hcmnns nt' F'lorldn. n1•e vi HI tlng hiH mollwr, Mrs. Minnie HcmnnH, nnd ht•nlhut·, .John nnrl wife,

MI'S, Aller Schendel', who hn,; been sic!< for some limo, 'riled Wedncflrlll.y evening· n I. her home in T!Jnton Rnplds, '!'hn ftlfll!\'fll Wflfl

held at the Dey runrwnl hnllle in IDnlon llnpi<IH Snt.ur<!lty al'lt•rnonn wltll burinl In lhe AurelhtH Cenl<•t• cemetery. She wns n fot'111CI' I'I!HI· dent of here before moving In TIJn­ton Rnpicls. She iH Rurvlvcrl hy lwr husband HPnt·y; n rhtughlcl', ' Ln Vern; one brother, Clmrll<; Bcllln­geJ'; a sister nncl :;cvcrnl niccoH unrl nephews.

M1·. and Mt'H, Mel SwnnHnn en­tcl'lnine<l M1·. nnd MI'H. Loyd Lnw of' Grand Ledge nt clinm;J.' Snlllt'· clay.

' Wheatfield Center 11-ft•H, Ernut ,JohnRon

et!l'lon .JohnHpn nnd fnmily nnrl ntlcnrlerl Ute Tnghnm county fnir.

Mt·. nntl Mt'H. Arthur Tct•ost, Mr. nnrl lv[rs. Hmvlnnd l"l'llst, M1·. anti ~ft•s. l•'loyrl tlon11l, Mt·s. Minnie Bn<'iltts nnd Mr. and Mrs. Don AI· len nnd gir!H nltendcd lh1• Ii'msl l'l~llnion Sunday.

MiHH Lrll'<•en BaciCIIH iH Hprnrllng' liliH werlc ol' hot· V/ll'lllion wil h !Jel' Jlfll't•nl.s, :lfr. and Mrs. Floyd Bnel<· liS. Next. week slle pi11ns n trip to New Ym·lc.

Mr. and llf1·s. Dell Woll' Cllllcd on lilt·. and Mrs .. John Scolt nt t.lwlt• r:nltnt~r nl Duel{ Ia!«: Sun-

Rev. C. K Polloi< nnd 11 group rluy nf'tel'lloon. In t 110 cvc•ning t.hcy of mrn fl'Om the cllltrr:ll nre jlftinl.- vi,;il.<•rl lilt·. nnd Mrs. Carl Wolf nl ing the new cement: hloclt ncldi- Ealon H.nplrls. lion this woe!<. 'I'he women sc•rvc•d Mt·. nnrl Mt·s. PnuJ \Vntf visitc<l a picnic rlinnet' fnt· tho men Mon- 1\It·. nnrl MI'H. ltnnv llinclttelsch rlny noon. nntl habv flntl Mr. ntid Mt·s .. runlot'

Mt·. and Mrs. Vel'll Bnrllrl.t anrJ, c 11 prm 11 i1 ""'' hahy S11nday night. son caller! on Mr. nnrl Mt·s. Gi'o\'ge: --··--·--~·-··-··-- ' Frost Munday.

'rhe Whcrrlfield 1-H ch1h tlont Childs District won second place in the pat'[)(Jc; at. , the r:ounty fair Thurmlny nlgl1t. Mrs. L<'mw ,fohn~lon

M1·s. Arthm F'l'OHl spent Ft·iday nftel'lloon wll.h her daughter, Mrs.

. Alice Grettenherger, Mrs. Reva Wysall and haby

srent thr; wee]{ end with llOI' fn· thor, Wilbur Gibson an~ cnllcd on her in·other n.t the Mason hospitnl.

Mr. flnrl Mt·s. Mllte Bt•Hurlr·y nnrl bahy spent lhe weel< end with Mr. nnll Mrs. George Frost ancl they flll attended Frost: reunion nt St. Johns Sunday,

nov. nnrl Mt·H. Don Lnunslcin will l.!lltHIIIct revivnl meetings rt~ llw Onnndaga chun:h tho nllxl two \VCt•J{~.

I·:olantl Smith is home from the and i:; imptTJVing-.

C:nt·th 1\Id(r•sscy of .laek(;on \s at Camp McCoy with the rcseJ•vcs.

Noble Road nr n, llnll'tm

SIIHflll, Mnry anrl nldd)to l.lO\WI\ ot' Dcll'llll. viHil.erl lhelt· t:ollHins, Lnt'I'Y nnrl ,Jnnn Bnwun, lnHI w<'ci< end,

Llti'I'Y and ,Jonn Bowen srwnt irtHl W;loil nl. !.he •1-H huiiding" )II. tho lnglwm connl.y !'nit• nl MnHon,

Mr. nnrl MrH. Rny CneiiC,I' oF' Doli'Dil worn Snlllrday nl't.omnnn nnd evening vlsitrn•s nt' Mt·. nnrl Mrs. Doe Lnnghnm nnd ffllillly.

Dunne O'Dell wns homo l'rom Sng")nnw nvr-t• the week L'tHI wlwro lw hnH heon worlting with llHII WeHlern Union Cn,

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS August 23, 1951 Page 6

Radiators ( :i<'IIIH'il, ll<'tmlrn"- 111111



JlnUHI'Jiill I,Jwun ~~:m:'

A.nn .. ouncement

Discontinuance of. Fuel Service

\\'p \\'Ish tn nnnnunr••• llml, as nl' A1114llsl Iii, I!Jill. 11'1' will ciiHr•nntinlll' sale and c!PIII·••I',I' ur all fnr·ts. ''" a~'l'l'<'llll'ni. has h!'l'll nu11h• ll'ith Tlu• Lansing lr•e & Fll<·l .(!nnltlllll,\' or ~ln.snn In llis-puse of IIIII' l'<'lllalnillg' iUI'I'II)HI',\' of' f'IJ.•is, ,

It Is with a c!Pgt'<'l' nf 1'<'1,\'l'Pt tltal 11'1' mal"' lhJS nnllnlllll'l'­m<•nt, hill 1\'llh tlw eontlnllal llhangl's l:ddnu; Jtluc•t• in tlu• l111sinPss world, 1\'1' fp;•l il nt'lii'H'ary In lalu·\ 11rls sl••tt. '

"''' wb•h at this timl' tn ''~Jli'PSS nut• HJIIII'l'!'la.linn In nil nm• pal r·ons to wllom \\'P Jm\'P t•nd(':t\'OI'I'd tu gi\'1' IIWtlity Ht'l'\'ic'l' as 11'<'11 as !jlllllily l'lll'is lllll'lng Jhr· past :~·1 ,l'<'lll's \\ .... haw ht•t•n In !111• 1'11<•1 lnJSirwss. W1• t'H]ll'l'ially \\'alii In lltnnlc thnsr• <:IIHinnu•t·s wtw 11'1'1'<' l'ailhful to us illlrill[.;' a11d ai'IPI' !hi' tinu•s of fu1•l slwt•! a•q•s.

" \\';• al'l' snrl' that 'fhP Lansing 11'1' & Ful'i C:nmtmny will J;'il'<' thP sanlf' Jdnd of St'l'\'it•P, aut! in ruan," (':ts~·s tht' sanu• IH'allll ul' l'ul'l, I hat\\'<' han• 1-(il'l'll,

11 ll'ill hP utll' :tim In <i<'l'nil' on1• Pnlil'<' •·l'l'orls Itt lht• fulllt'l' tn lit,• lllmh<·r husint'."· II is uur· <i••sit'<' lo IJI:t.Jntain tlw sanH' ltig"h slaml:II'IIH '" hal't' IH'<'Il ;•slah:islll'il lilll'ing 1!11• pasl !ll ,\'<':II'S ul' 0111' !'Olllllllll~'·

Mickelson-Baker Lumber Co. \VI~ aJ't' alwll~'s t'1•ai1y to 1\'l'lc·oml' yisilors and to

,.how thc•m.otll' hmtH'-I'X~

11lain IIIII' Sj'l'\'il~I'S, Your

\lini.'l••t· 1<11111\'s '" ami "'' ton, hm1• ll'illlng

~\'t' HI'" fo C'UOjll'l':tfP Wilh him in 1'\'f't'Y way, 1o 11111

:1111 11m t t l11• st'l'l'i<'l' shall h1• 11'111,1' Hj)iritmll in na­IUI'P.

Don and .Tim Guinnn of·Ciwlsoa sponl Hcvot·nl·rlays witl1 tho Plwlp;; hoys nnd ntlcnrlecl Uw fair l:"t wcolt.

Mr. nncl Mrs. Ot·n Bnl<er visited Mt·. nnrl Mt·s. Bl'lteo Bnkor nnd Awlt·cy S11nrlny. They nlsu enlled on the l'ot·mct·'s cousin, 1\11's. Eula \Vood\VOI'th, or E:ast LnnHing.

IDI\'a Fulton spcnl. several dnyc (tast we<•lc with his daughter, l\lt·s.

ll·lt', and Mr:;.· Bt·iggs of Dcl.miL wr.rc Sn.tul'llay visitors or 11is brolhet··in-lnw r_md sistct·, :Ml'. nnrl MrH. Earl Johnston.

Mrs. William Cnmslo!!k ancl ,JOIII\' 11. Hlmi'At:n, c:,•IU'I'ai 1\l.auag<·t· --

JEWETT Funeral /lome

Tlw flun~" of Jo'l'il!tllll,l' S••r·vi<·t~

Phmw Mason :~-1lliil Amhularu·" ~•·r·,·i•·<> 1lay a1111 night. Arulml:tll<'" ,,.,1u; 11p.,ll I tvith nX,\'#;'Pil :~uti J~uwr~on l'i'Snsl'ltator.


Mt·s. Olanrl Stnnficld, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Chnrles Nielhnmmet· nnd :Mrs. Mnynnt·d Stanfield nnrl childl'l'il visited Mt'sr Mnry Nnrra.gnn nt St. Lawrence hospitnl in Lansing lnHl Wednosrlny. Slw is n sistct• of Mt·s. Slanfiolrl and Mrs. Niet11ammer. Mt'H, Nal'l'agn lJt·oJw llCI' leg· J'e· <:cnlly.

Mt·. nnrl Mt·,;. \Vnync Bnl<CI' nnrl fnmily nltcnrle<l elliii'Ch at Hurl· ~on S11nrlnv and were dinner gucslH of hev. aml MrH. Lurcn Sll'flil nnrl family.

Mr. fi!HI Mt'!;. Myrl Rielwnls nn<l Lindn an~ staying· with Mal'ilyn

MAN OVERBOARD-In t11e excitement or a. ~ew Y,orl< City, Childrcu's Aid Society's annual "Dntlllul.l Reg<~lt.l, Angc.lo IJ<~Sllc leaned too far forward in tm ttltcmpl to blow his moclcl smlbout out in front. The other ('Ontestants, particularly, the youngster 11t nght, were too busy filling their own sails to pay any uttcntwn to

Angelo's splash.

nne! C:cr.·t·v Lvlic. of. M1.milh while II hnmc the ftl·sl of the week while. Mr. nnrl 'Mt·~.' l~lmrt• Lytle il:!Vl' Mt·. ond Mt·s. Quinn were fishing. g-one to Yellowstone :\Ja.liotnl pa I'lL up nm·th. 1


Mr. anrJ Mrs. Hm·t·y Parr an<ll The Clarence Kemler family family of' Winamac, In<linnn, nnrl wet·e cllnnel' guests of her pm·enls, l\Tt•s. 't•imt Tropp visit.efl Mt·. nnrl Mr. nncl, J\.!t·s. F1·ect l\hrshnll, l'e-1\TI'ii. navmon<l Wilcox nnrl Family cently. Emery WaiJICI' of Munith

llael wcu.l<. spent the evening there.

Mt·. aiHI Mrs. Dnnicl Phelps vis- Sgt. Harold F. Hel'l'iCl{ <tl'l'i~cd it.ccl 1·elalivc,>; in Flint Sunday. home from Korea s.undny mornmg

1 • 1 .. 1o· .1 ... 1 Cl i < 1 to spend 30 days w1th hts parents,

Wayne Jackson Heating Co. for the finest in






We Clean and Repair All Mal,es of Furnaces Free Estimates, of Course!

24-Hour Service

Phone 6LA-41867 GH0-42421

1. 2.




Genuine Chevrolet Expander Type

Piston · Ri.ngs Installed by Trained Mechanics

Here's Why Genuine Chevrolet · Piston Rings Are Better:

Precision mad!! to fit Chevrolet engines ONLY. Patented full-flow· oil control assut·es ·greater oil economy.

"Tension shaping" provides equal ring pt·essure . , • means greater engine efficiency. Expander type featut·e makes it unnecessary to re~ bot·e cylinders.

:Chemically treated to prevent scuffing and permit better brea!cing·in.

Have. Us Restore Power and Oil Economy In Your Car

AI Rice Chevrolet Co. Mason

EARL CAVENDER, Service Manager • Phone 5331

Mt. n Ill Mt s, ' 1c " 11 1 .1 up.. Mr. and Mrs. Howru·d Het'l'iclt. The :md lin tt[;h l.t;.t· of . A~·ltng to~ Lester Herrick family and lhc He1glll.s, lllt!lOtH, nre vtsitm,g IWI William Foreman family of Wil-· Jl~l't>nts, i\11'. nnd Mrs. A. Tc. An- liamston were Sunday g·uests dt cws. there. ·

Mt·. nnrl Mt.·s: Drlnnccy Cooper Lester HetTick is tal<ing his va-ftJHl fan11ly Vtstlerl Ml'. and Mt·s. cation from tho county road com-Er! Cooper Sund;ly, mission this weolt. I-ioward Her-' M~. Celtst.:.t ltose hn~ been. 1·icl< Is tal<ill"' a week from Wyeth

~pr:ndmg ~1 1 ew dny~ WII h hc1 Inc. n · daughter, Mrs . .Joe Mtllct·. I .

I The Great LakeR form the Jar-

Herrick District fv~~~d~JOdy or fresh water in t.he

J\f t'R, Lc•11 Gnrhartlsf;I:in

Mr. nml !'.-II'S. George Glove\· nnrll ~#~iJ'/'c-"'l.M 11;, children ~pent Sunrlay evc~ing /"'/ VV • r;;rrr' wtth Mr. :mel Mrs. Ralph Beckel.

Mt•. aml Mt'H. Hn;·ol.rl Smitl: am: . ti!:J e"".f:'n children were Sunday rlmnet ·Q/(; //&;I'{

j(;;~~t~.a:,~ i\:::: ~~::l,;·~:·il.l'm~;:~~: (/1 WItS StiiHinv at t11c A rclcio House home. Mr. a;;d Mrs. Hm1se and Tommy Daily returned homo with lhom fot· :1 lew dnys.

Mr. and l\Trs. Archie House spent p:ll'l of last week at the AI Semlw home at Walled lnkc. Carol anrl Mil<e Seml1e returned home with them for tho weelc end.

lilt·. anrl Mrs. Goi'Cion Dieterle nncl children wet·c Wednesday eve­ning guests at the l~lclrocl House 110m e.

Milo Whited spent the wee){ end with Mt·. and :Nlrs. Leo Chicle Grace Slrobel, Andrew .Tacl<son, Virginin. Strobel nncl Vick Cheney spent StilHlay n t the Chicle home.

Mt·;;. Gl'llce Sti'Obel and her 1\llclc, Milo Whited, called at the home of Mrs. F1·idcnbu1'g ncar F'owlcrville on iHonclay afternoon,

Mt·. and Mt·s. Hcni·y Clark of Dctl'Oit we1'e Satta·day callers at llw Jake Strollei J10me.

Mr. nne! Mrs. George Phillips ami Arthut· and Linda Strobel cclc­ln· Mr. Phillip's llil'lhday nn­niversnry ot the .Tnl'e Strobel lmmc last Sunday.

M1·. and Mrs. Charles Staffonl ;;pont Sunday in Lrmsing- visiting his motllel' and sister,

Mi·s. ChDl'les Stnffoi'Cl, Mrs.· Trcnsn Seitz nne! Mrs. Hattie Sect­hoff :we spending the weclc at Houghton Lnko visiting· Mrs. :vfor­l'is Gates.

Mrs. Edward, Bernier and Pnt­tic, Mrs. Leo V. Gerhnnlstein, I\nren nnd Alnn visited Mrs. Bcr­niet·'s parents in Homer one dny last week . .Terry Bel'llier relumed lwme with them afler spending a few wecJc.,q at the F'osR l10me.

Oakwood 1\It·s. Jlowar11 flpr•ridc

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marsluill and ehildr'cnleft lnst Thursday for n week at Lost lnl{e ncar Muni­sing.

Phoe.lle Stephens is visiting at the Wayne RJg·gs home n few days. ·

Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester HerTicknnd Joan stnyeU. nt the Richard Quinn

Late summer - early fall is the ideal time

to beautify your lawn and here is how easy

you can do it:

7 Apply S«itti. 4·XO to dis· pose 91 broad·leavcd weeds,

2 II Crabgrass is present, walt 2 or 3 days, then apply SCUTL to

stop further growth, Repeat SCUTL in a week.

3 I I weather is dry and lawn eon• not be wafered, delay treatment until aflcr a soaking rain,

4 Apply TURF BUILDER lawn load,


Sc:Dl'A LA o,jm SEED 3,000,000 seeds por lb at $1.55 5' lbs • $7.65 25 lbs • $36.50

TURF BUILDER grass food 25 lbs,• $2.50 100 lbs • $7.8$

Perkins Hardware 'Co ..

Phone 4311


.aton Count


Tuesday, Augi~st 28 AFTERNOON •

Tractor Pulling Contest


Concert Eaton Rapids· High School Band

Wrestling Under the Stars Featurin~

"The French Angel"

August 28

To Sept. 1

Wed.~ Aug. 29 .. Children, s Day FORENOON

Mule Pulling Contest Livestock Judging


Harness Racing


Bellevue High School Band "Century Extravaganza"

ihmsday, August 30 AFTERNOON

Harness Racing EVENING

Charlotte High School Band "Century Extravaganza"


Friday, August 31 FORENOON

Heavy Horse Pulling Contest


.Harness Racing Parade of Livestock

Floats and Farm Machinery


Grand Ledge High School Band ''International Stars"



Sat., Sept. 1 -- Veterans Day FORENOON

Contests for Children AFTERNOON

Light Horse Pulling Contest Running Rac:es _: Novelty Team


American Legion Band Presentation of A. L. 4-H Award

"International Stars" Fireworks

Come to the Eaton County Fair Charlotte, M.ichigan

, ·~ Grovcnburg 1\lrH, 111111'111'11 Nor·lh

AHil 'f'nw>~kY nnd Mn l.tlww Tti•IIH, ,II'., nLtwn;J,•rl llw 1111' riii'~<H In DntrniL il11 illl'rlll,l', .._

Mr•, IIIHI ~lr.". lti~<illll'rllf"lllig find rlfllliJ,\' \VI!Ill J.n lliiii.JI' (!r('(•j( :'Jill\" dnv nf'lnl'IHHIII to visit HI. iiH\ IHllnn of' ilPl' r1i:·d.n1', I\'fn;. Lt~llll Cnt'l'inl',

Mr·. rind MI'S, lllli'"ld WiiH<IIl C'lt}]t~rl (lfl ]Ji.•l lll11l]Jf!J' 1 J\]1'!4, ]i~lnlllll

Wllsnn in IIIli!, :-:nnriiiY ill'lt!l'llr>r>n, Ml'. nllrl M1'1i. 1•:, C:lvill"ill .I11rvi.•,

W!!lil. In l'nniiiiP lnsl W"rln••srlrly, 1\11'. 1-Iopp,~, whn 1111!4 ll•!Ptl ~~nn­l'lllr•HI'ing IJJI'I'I' Ill IIH' lillllll' nr his l>rnlh1•r, <'IIIII<' ll/11'11 wil II•\1\, H" iH hl'll.!!l' ln11. 111\lli>lt• In wnrl<.

MI':L Jil. (!, .1111'1/lH /JIHI fl'ii•IJd:l f'J'nltl !::1v CiL\' vl.·;itt•rl r;rnt~llfitdd

'I Vlll:lgt• ,;II•' ri.'l,\' 111:;1 II'>'P];, .j\11·r;, J 1;111 Jllq~gl'l' t•nlt·ilnlr!i•d ;d

n J-ilrowt·r· in !H·r· 1!11lllf' !\'r'Jilflav t·',!t·­

nlnr.: f•>t' Ll1•· l~:il;y ol:~tr:c,ltlr.t· ,·,r ~lr. nnd J\'Jr·~,. Iji!Jyd lill,!.rgi·J· IJJ' ljart~ liillg.

M1·. llt\11 Mrs. C:II,V NI<'Cill' 111" 1.PJJdt!d l ht• Sl<iiiiH'I' l'Pilnion ;II s: .. .-/lliJJt:·, !-llllltlil\' nl"l••nJWJil.

'l-Iomemalcet•s Favot.• Nonfat' Dty ·Milk.

T!'H AO PnRy lo liquefy 110nfat dt'y millt. Simply Alll'inldc l,ho product owr· Julwwm·m wnlcr itt a mixing bowl mal then bent unl1l thssolvctl. -ai>out a minute •

'l'ht~ llrruv;•r J'l'lllliflll 1.vns ili•lll ]: 1st w""'' ''i;; 111 ""·'' 11 1 l'oll!!t' I""'IL Incrraning- mimltcrs of home· in a jifl'y lty flprin.kling- it ,oyer

mnlwhr am learning· ni' tho vema· lukr.warm water m a mJxtng' M1·. :~ntl il'll,·. ll11gi1 Allgl'll 111 " J 111111.] ,· 1111 ] )1e,·tli'lt"' tlll'·i\ tl1o !lOIV•

I I I II I ' I I I · I lilil.y of n. CfllllJHII'alivo 'f 'llll\1' " ' ""

1 1'1

''' ··" 11

' ''"' '"' ~''' 11111 " 11 " · 1Je1.• t'", ·l.til'llli"ll - J'usl: ahout n. r• 11 1 ,, 1 1·1 Jll'oduc.l on groet•r·r;' Hlwlvcs, ceo.. , - .....

"· ,.,. )'Ill'< ""'" 11

.1' 11


"1" 1 '11 111 \'tlli[e, Ot• '·''''' c,'Jll SJll''in.ldc 1\0n· , I I liOil!icnl nonfat 1 t''f m1 (, " ,, •

,)1) Ill Ul'llllillg', II l'l'it'lll :11\1 J, 1 , I ·.f·rtt <li'Y Jlli'li' OVOI.' IV'ollt•l' t"ll II Nonfat di'Y milk, w IIC 1 IS t!SC< • " · lO:IIIIIit•l'll llt•llllillg l';tllo•d lltl t\lr. · · ] · 1 · o, l!',Jl<".l.' ,"fill ,"]J,"l<e tlllill tile pO\V• :fm· cnoking, haklnlr. 1 r111 (fng, ,, '' " ·• " " ldHI Ml'.'· llltgll lln.~•·ll :-:~II llrday. with ccr·r•:li:; allrl for· whipping, <lcr is dif1Rolvcd. Sloro liqncfioll l<nllilt:•·n >rlll'l'd 1111111 'l'll••:;rl:t\'. 1 1 11 ,,11 r,·:t 1111'11• 1·11 tile l'r:fr·i""l'alo1·.

• • 1

comes in. il:mrly OIH:"JIIJIIIH pac (- , "' Mr.• 111111 ~11·,:. 111111 l{i•··· llll' I A 1 Ir1 ·11 ,, ... 1]1•1· .fr>l'\11 1't 'I'J'll llcCJl :tl· :tp'l'il :tl rool Sfot'i'H, . IJllC"poun: " . •

cillllglll•·l·s vJ,·il•·rl ll•·t· lll<>llint, 1,,;.,k:•gn 11'ill nwlw l!v" lJUarl~ of most inrldinilcly on a cool dry 'l'hiJil\11:0 IUo·:• ol' l·!tit:·lllo\1, 11\'!!r Lil•' l!nllrat milk fnt' liS ]JLLlC :tS CJg'h~ Rlw]f j[ Llie ]l:JCkllg'C i3 o]JCIICU wm•l< 1'1111. Mr. 1111<1 MI'H.·:lt•l' ,. ,.1111] 1·cclos"d c,'\l'"fully. ccnl:; a qu:u·c. • • ltlr:" ·'1il'' 11 1. Ill•· ,,.,.,.k •·n<l willl ~ 11 · Nnnf'aL rJ 1·y milk is milk wilh Hnrr.'s l1ow to whip nonfat d1y nntl ill1·:;, 10:' 11 ''" 1 1''' 11111"r "r 1 '''" only tl.e fa~ awl wnlrr rr:movcil milk into a low en Iorin anrl low lro:L :wit eonlnins ilnpol'fant milk nu- cosL lupping .for dussui'Ls:

!'VII', illld frlr.L:, !.!1\'i'l'!' Tll!d\l'l' lil:d tl'ienlf.;. Jt is a l'idt f:Olll'CC of vro~ ffllnil,l', ~11·::. i\. 1 .. 'l'ooolcl'l' :111d 1.1,j 11 , cah:ium, rihiJfJ:~vin and lrw· WhiJIIJed Topping M1 :;, A ulm·.l' 'J',.,J\•·r, .lr .. 1111'1 L1111" losr.·. H. can Jw 11 :;,:[ in great, 1· (Malws about 2~f cups)' ily 11'1'1 ,\11Jn<l:~y l<1t" ,,,,.1, 111 ll11· qunnlilill}i to l'ortiry food, One '!::cup w:rl<•t' 'J'1Jolu•1· l'lll•in "'"" 1 '' ,.,.,],, w:ty n[ grHin;: 11101.e milk nutri" J taldrspnon lemon juice

Mr. 1111tl il'l<'.~' ltrl)' '1'11":"1'···•,, •·nls into c·hildn·n is tn :tdd Rl:V" 1 teaspoon v:1nill:t nnrl Ml'. :tlltl ~.11.,, A. 1.. 'l'•>~•l ··1 Hal t:Jhk:<l""'"s of' 111 ,11 rat fil'y ',':1 c:up ~l111'lne (11onf'al rh·y milk) ntlrnd.,rJ I h•: 'l'o•d>•·r"Th"'"l'''''" 1'<'- Jnilk to r1·.P;ulnt' whole milk. ;: iahlcr;vnons granulate1l sugar

\ ' 1111i111! 111 J{il'•'t'liitl•· •'"1'1;, '"ni", It is Gn P::sy J:o uso :nonfat (]1·y Put wnlrl' into n 1-qunl't mix-~1\IIILI \'. milk in enokinr; fot' it gor•s into in go howl. C:lir ·in lemon juice ancl

' {

M1s: 1'<·11'\' it!l'l,.ll 11111I1I·II'S, 11~>11 mn1;t rr1·ip1·n which call foJ' l'O.I!;· vnnilln. f'prinldc Slarlac (nonfat l\ing llll•·n,'J,.oJ IJ,,. l11.c'l""" ,.,11n- 11 ]:11• lllilk, H e1111 he used ns a ciJ·y milk) ov1JJ' lop of liquid; I\' l•';ti'Jll l~lll't·dll I'IH!llrlll f···· '.\'•!Itt- powrlr~J· in 1'f'l'i}ll'B in wllieh a la 1·~e wilh 1'!1l:11·y lHmtel.' Ol' olcctJ'Jt: f'.ll':: lilt'l'liJI;~ ill ;\l:t:;lll\ Ttil',•'.firl.\'. ]Uti'L or j!Jp iJJgTf•dil'ni.H :l)'(~ lil'Y llliXPl' llllti! Rtifl', about 10 min-

~~tl', :tJlll ·J\lr:.;. )l1t:J:d1l r;:t:T••ll ~;ud1 :Jfl ea'l-;: 1 ~, bi:wuiLs, muflim~, by ub·s. 8pt•inkle Rttgnr on the RLII'-w~~I'P :~tlttd:t\' dittJH·t· !:tu·~;l·: 11f ft: .. ! r,tixinp,· wilh ()tlH·l' d1·y ing·J·edil~nU; f:we. Jkat tlnlil Sllf~'al' ·is hJend-1""''111.-;, ~11·. 111111 J\11·,· 1'••1'<',1' 1:"1·· · 111111 ::ddinu; wat<:l' :ts (ho: li<111id. 1·d and Jlli:<tut·u is r:li!l' enour;li lo t 1d I. Yuu """ li<Jtl<:l'y Jll,llf'at rlry 111illi hold peak::, aiJol\t G minutus.

Mt•. 1111<1 \11'1'. 11<'111\' l:lllldo",' 1

1 \\"Pill 1•, l'l,\"n:llltlil !-i:dltl't.l:t,\', l•'1·ut;t nin.~;· al 1111• ltnt•w ••l" llt.~r ttllf'l••, M1·. ;~nl\ Nfr:1. Ho!Jel't. Gt:ntnc~t· I UH·n· llwy will .~·.•• ••n :1 lt'iJ• I•• 1 l•'t·nnk 1~:1111' of I'••LI•~rvill(~. \'i:.;itrd tlteil' c:otl:iin:-;, Mr. :mcll\fn·:. ,\!i:J~',.tt;J 1•';,]1:-: will! ,\It·. :111d A'lts.' .lr•:in Lt:IHtfll'll i:; fl!'l~lllllpnnying· !•'red Sl.rnh~·l, S11nd:~,v Hl't.r~l'nonn. I l·:o•rnio• J:inld•:>. .!\Jr. loilll ~lis. Ec•f'l Jj,.,g ol' C\;liilll' Nit·. n:ul Mt·s. At'Lhltl· Ut·en :moll

~11. ""'' !1lr.·•. 1•:1111 \\'ltii•Jd•· .,.,., ... ,. ""a 11\'tHVt'I'J.:·, ll'ip i11lo C'n!HidrL r: 111111 y visil.<•d Ml'. """Mrs, llalph tlill!lt~J' gtH·:;h :-;!lltdny r11 ;\It·. ••ttri ·.\·1t')·l, l~•·t·g'!-i :--:i:o:lt•J·, J\fi'H. F'ln:i:;,p Ifm·t St.mdroy '.tf'l.n.nJ()on. }VfJ'. nnd I IV!n;. Lt•tJJIIill•' \\'lltJ•plo· .. r l.:tiL';ill:~. l~votLII'd, i,; ,,J:;,, willt 111<'\11. Mro. lln:t r::;ll 1·d fill ·~1 1 ·. nnrl Mrs.

1\'I!·,-;. (~l:tn'tH·r· l.l".llrtl'd :tttd lw:· :'Vir. HtHl ;\'Jt·s. <:l:til' Hitllllr. nnrl ff:ll'tdd Myt•t','l IJ1 Llw ~vcning-. 1 pal'•'!lL~. o\·lt, ;tt!d ,\·11'•., 1-fr·t'IWIII :Mr. :11111 Mt·;, Clt;u·lt•;; S:t!Hivl'~; r1nd

1/'."'.ltnyt•J', '':!llr·fl l:t."il l•'rid:iy •. ,., .. ;::on~: ,·:tiJ,•(] Sttnrl:t,\' t·~·t·ning 11!1 l)tt~ Bonnie l~it'L' lel't J.l'l'idnv f'ul' New ---"-------------, Lv 11 n11 rds. Yol'i< CiL\' wlir•f'l! sl:r: wit'! viHilill'r INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Nlr. 111111 ~·It c:. 1\ 1'111111' Willi!llns nr 11 l1nl, ~~~··s. l•:,•elyn ..Cudy, l'o1· two~

. I . II I 'I 1 \Vce\c·i. \ August 2:~, 1951 Page 7i' .11JJ.<111g I'll cr on 11 t·. '"" Mn;. · ur·r',\' 'l'li<~l!ll'""n Slliirlay. M:·'· Leone Norl.ll nnrl son r:mm:

,---------------------- i ltorne lnsl. Werlnr•srlay from Slim" ! !-'.lm hospital, J~alon Rnpids.

The Most Wanted, Most Imitated Paint in Ameri(o Today! Goes on in half the time; dries in 20 mintttcs with no olfensi~e odor. Paint' fast or slow, no laps •will show, Use room ~ight away. Ideal for homes with active children.

" See this Wllntler paint in 60 go;gcous ·~olors al v


$5.19 Shafer Supply

4:!5 S, JeffCI'SOII




'f'he Jllm·m Btll'C(Itl pienic 'V:l~ J

lwld nt H.aynut' ·,mrl\, Mmmn, 1

Wednesday. '!'hose who attende<l \V<',I't.• Mr. 'IIIHI Mrs. Po:n:y Barrett, Mr. :tllcl Mrs. W111Ten Cllilfls, Ml'. and M1·s. K C . .JH.rvis, Mr. rtnd Mt·H. Hamill Wilson, M1·. nnd M1·s. llugh Angc:ll, 1'v11', aiHl ·Mrs. Frerl' Stmlid, Mt·. rtnd Mrs. Rr~.lph Hat·l:, .Tames Halt and Mrs. Don King.

Mrs. Asil •rowr;lev and Mrs. Marvin Hosldn>r c·aill'li on Mr·s. L~one N<ll'lh nnrl tJnby Satlll'day il ft£ll'll00ll.

[ E1l Cobrn·n visiter] in Dclmit while l\>11'. nnd Mrs. ;r,y Collnrn spent. twn w~~~~J(s nl LIH:l1· r~alJin

nea:· Osr:orla.

Clark Center 1\l•·s. Donald Clarl{

Mr. nnrl lvfrs. Brnce Coole nnrl fnmily or \Vynnclolte spent tllC past 1 wn wc:elcs wiiil Mr. ami Mrs. I.I••Yd Cla1k

I Dinner gncsts riming UJC pnst

wrclc or Mr. nn<l 1\lrs. Llovrl Clark were 1\Ir·s. Hamiel Bcnrlle nnd

1 rl:lnghtcr ur Lansing, Mr. nnd Mrs. l<'ranl1 Vilnlli or Jo'orl Cn,,ter, Ml'. anrl )vfrs. Er1w:m1 Slrllll anrl son, Don or Bmnlfnnl, Onlnrin, Mt·. allll Mrs. Willinm Jv1n thews nnd son o[ 'J'rr;ntnn llllll Mr. an1! Mrs. Millon Cool< IIIli! l'nmily or W,

Lt. ~n:tl M1·s. Nir:oln~ Roilosovich or Wnllo Chlll'dJ, Virginia, spent I lnst wcclc with Mr. nnrl Mrs. F'1·oli Bnlh~n.

Mrs. T.ouelln Gifford spent tiJC pa~l two wr:r:l<s with Mr. nn1l Mrs. L~·nn C:iffnl'rl nt Olivet.

Mt·. nn1l Mrs. !Lrlwaril Sloat nml son, Don of Brnntford, Ontario, visited Mr. :nul Mr·s. Howard CI:Jt'l< lasl wcclc Don Slon.t J'e" m:tincd will1 Uw Clnrl<s ror a visit.

Wc~ley Clarlc spent from Sntm·· llny Lo Monda)' nl Reonl enmp nl Kil'oliex, Clen I' lake, wltcrc he wn~; inil.ialeci inl.u !he Order or the AI'" J'OW.

Ml'. nnrl J\11'.9. Hnn•cy Scclc~y nncl son o[ Mio s;1ent J<'riday nighlwith 111r. IIIHI Mrs. Don11irl Clark. M1·. allfl M1·s. ICnl'l Hielnnan nne! son of F:nmington spent Sntmclay and Sunday nights llt Lire Cl:ulc home.

'rom nnd ]i'11·ed Enmc.s of Ln.n­slng enlled on U1cit' gTandpru·euts, Mt·. ancl l\I1·s. 1<'\oyd Bullen, Sat111·" dny. ·

M1·. rond Mrs. Donald Cl1ll'lc cn­LcJ•I:ainecl Hn1·vcy Yonng and Miss M·nrgat·et Yo11ng of GJ·alHI Hn.ven, Mr. and 1111'S, .T. R. Spiess of Lan­sing, M1·. n.ncl Mrs. Harvey Seeley nn<l son of Mio, M1·s. Rose Buller· or Dyershul'g, Tennessee, 1\fi', n.nd Mrs. Earl J lickmnn ancl son of F'nrmingt:on, Mrs. Clmrles Seeley, S1·., Hll\1 Ml', ami MI'S, Chmles Snelcy, .ll'., nncl rlaugllteJ', Satmclny evoning.

-Ml's. Ann11 T.lcSency nllemlerl n fm,11ily gathering nt PlcnsanL lai{C Sunday. Hosts were 1\fr. ntH! Mn;. Rohert \Villdnson of Sl. Clnir· Shores.

Raymond LeSoney of Battle CJ•eek spent Sunday afternoon 111111 nlglll with his mothcl', Mrs. Anna LeSeney.

M•·· nncl Mrs. Joe Bul1cn and .Jocllen were Sunday caners of M1·. and Mrs. Floyd Bullen.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Noxon an­nounce the birth of n daug-htm·, Bonnie Lynn, at St. Lawrence hos" pi tal,. August 16. Mrs. Noxon is ,tho former Bonnie Clark.

\ Gerber's Baby food Str~lnod Choppod


Stretch Your Dollars DELBCIOUSL y· 3 l-rs 29c With A&P's Pan-Ready

Salad Dressing Shadd's

~; 49c 1--------------------

french Dressing

0-ot, bot 21c

Honey Pod Peas Sto~oly's Now Pocl

No. 303 c4n 16c

Heinz Macaroni With Cheoso

JSI~~·~•· 17 c

Pillsbury Flour 2·1b. b•g

5-lb. bag

23c 52c

10-lb. b.g

25-lb. bag

Candy Bars Sc V•ri<>lv

6 lor 25c

99c $2.25

Cream Corn Starch

lb. pkg.



Kotex S•nitary Napkins

pig. 38c of 12

Sunbrite Cleanser - ---~







' \


Mako Porecl•in SpArkle

2 cans 17C

Ivory Soap Modium Sizo

2 bm 19c

Ivory Soap Porsonol Sito

4 bars 27c

Breeze Solo Suds lor Hands

Jorgo 31C pig.

Lux Soap Both Sito

2 c•kos 25C

Super Suds Far Cl .. nor Duds

Jorgo 29C pkg,

" Vel Morvolaus Suds

largo 31c pig.

Palmolive Soap Rog. bar 9i:

2 ~:~;· 25c ·

fab '

Fabulous Suds

largo 31C pkg •. '·

Cashmere Bouquet Cob 14c

2 c:k~~ 21c

llax Cleanser Tho FoomlnQ Cloonm

2 cans 25C

' I






'f1~[~ or-< rev /. f'l'ttnult

,.-wt•V oAifl.'( • tuff(.!


Cnstotners Corner

· "ut Ae..P? l\ 0 all your shoppm,

Do you

I I whY not? , I no • • A p strives

I in your & T:aeh devartnll'.n I tiJ the best .. . I , ·t vu ucs a

. you the '"" Ill give

:;crviec. 1o to im• tl ing we can '

J[ there is any 1 , 1 in your , I IT dcparltl1CO

prove ll parlt~:ll' w about it. Please ~]ore, we wnnl lo kno


"', ' RELATIONS DEPT. C:Ll~J i OM~~t• Ulnotl StorcK

1\:W t0:.:ingtm• ;vv.'. New Yurk 17, •

dexo Shorhming

Spry or Ci·!sco

Sure Good Margarine ' .

White ~ouse Milk

3 lb. ean 89c

3 lb. can 99c

2 lb. 25c loll 27c cans

r ~ 1, b. A• Pillsbury • lb. 36C \1,.,~!\e JVuiX Chocol •+• or White pkg.

Grapefruit Juke

Blended Citrus Juice

Orange Juice

New Pack lona

Tomatoes &) No. 2 it. cans 29¢

~6""'· con

46-ot. ean

~6-ot, can

23c 25c 27c

Asst. 3 24·o•. 25c hots.

Pork & Beans cb'.l,~; 2 ~:~~:· 25c

Pea Beans ;.::!.;;~!; 5 ~~~ 48c

Peanut Butter

Grape Jelly Ann Pogo

24-o:, 59c i•r r•

Ann PogB 22c Rajah Salild Dressing ql, 45c Sparkle Puddings 3

New Pack,

lona Peas No. 303



..::r;r.-=------..,;.,11 St ff .1 01• Sultan~ 'J 0V2· fl . eu IVeS refrigerator iar 59c Daily' Dill Pickles 22-oz, 26c


french's Mustard : Paper Plates

9-oz. -iar

2 p~gs. Toilet Tissue Northorn' 3 'rolls

Our Own Tea Bags 8 O'C!Gck Coffee

pkg. lof 100


25c 23c

77c 77c


Theso fryen strctcn your dollars because they're sold without hend•, feet or excon waste ~ , , do it fl D 1 J c i o us 1 y because they're so fresh, tender and flavorful.

Stewing fowl Heavy Rocks, Rco'dy fa Cook

Ocean Perch Fmets Pan Ready

lb. 59¢ lb. 29¢.

All Good-l-Ib, Cello L•ver

Sliced Bacon Small, Lean, Roady ro E•l

Cooked Picnics Moaty Ribs

Boiling Beef Swilt's-3-lb. Tin

Corned Beef Lean, Frosh Chopped

Groun~ Beef

Blueberries Grapes

CaliforniY-Va 1oncti!l

Oranges MichiQan-Duchon

Apples Tender, Groen-Michia:n

Pascal Celery Fancv-Rio Oso Bems

. Peaches


lb. 53c Roa~red Sa11sage New low Prieo

lb. 47c ShrimJJ Fresh Cauqhr, Dremd

lb. 39c Whitefish Choice Cuts

Halibut Steaks Delicious Broiled

lb. 64c Salmon Steaks


atermeiGns 8 9c Large Michignn Cultivated

Sweet California Red Malaga

Mich. U.S. No.

pt. 29¢ 2 lbs. 29i

lb. 63c

lb. 59c

rb. 43c

lb. 49c

lb. 65c

5 ~~9 65c Potatoes 50 lbs, '1 .29 Crlliforni .l-Sunkh: · .. ~ -:-·::: Size

5 lbs. 29c Lemons Sunmilid-Seod1C"S5

2 stalk• 29c Raisins Frcsh-Californi~

lb. 19c Dates

Fl'esh Frozen Foods

6 for 29c

12-01. lor 29c

Florida Gold :~~· ...... .:>~ "':'~''m'.r.:.J Sunklst

Orange J" uice 2 6i;~'; 39c Lemonade Sunkisl Pure Snow Crop

Lemon Juice 2 6i!;; 33c Green Peas 2 12·oz. 49c pkgs.

Raisin Bread


Loaf Cake

·Ea. 29c Plain or

Iced 16·ot.

loa/ 19c . I '

Chocolate Bar Cake leod oa. 53c

Plain Donuts Potato Chips

pkg. 23c of 12 ·

~·~~ 63c

Ched~Oalit Cheese

Food 2~~~·f 85c

Fresh Colby Cheese lb. 58c Imported Bleu Cheese lb. 66c Mild · Cheddar Cheese lb. 56c

. Morton's Salt 26-oz, pkg. 10c

Sandwich Cookies pf!l. Dolu<o of IS 29c

l6c I

Cheese Spreads K~rt'1 ~~~:~~~~~~ 23c Borden's Wej Cuts ~k~: 32c

. White Bread Sandwich Rolls Carmel Pecan Rolls

20-ot • loaf

pkg. 18c of 8 I

Phila. Cream Cheese Tangy Links

!·1;: 1St 6-ot. pkg. 29c

·A II prices in this ad effective th.rough SaturdaJI, Auguat 25


INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Pnse 8 Circuit Court Proceedmgs Legal Notices

Household Auction Saturday, August 25, 1951

1 p.m.

Located at 114 S. R1vcr St., Eaton Rapids, Mich1gan

Ma1•ion Elcctlic Stove w1th double oven

3-piece Bedroom Suite K1tchen Cabmet 2 Kitchen Tables Buffet Center Table 2 Matching Chests of Drawer~ Rocking Cha1rs Othe1· Odd Chail s Wa1·d1·obe Electric Roaste1· Maroon Davenpo1·t

Lawn Furniture Ca1d Tables Hat Stand w1th mirtor Library Table Telephone Stand Kitchen Utensils Fruit Cans Bedding Highboy Silverware

Books Curtains


Pictu1es Cut Glass Antique and Odd Dishes of all


Please note that this is only a partial listing. There ate a number of other items on this sale.

Mrs. Gertrude Webster~ Owner Glenn L. At•cher, Auctioneet· Leslie Collins and

R. J. Hill, Clerks

nang llalcd AuguRt 16 1 U' l

Al!1 HUR L KRAMEI! CtLcm1 Co\11 t Comm!sR onm

IOJ:rhnm County M1!'hlgn1 Fostf'\1 Cummms 81 ydPr Cnmm on &

J o~tcr 7or; Antf'llcnn ~tntfl nanl\ nlllldtng T nnRing" GS Mu~hurnn Aitorn(IYS fo1 Plntnlllf 34w7


SUTHERLAND-October 25 1951 Stntc of Mtclug-tn I he P1ol 1lu Coutt

fn1 lhe ( ounty of fnghrlm At n Rel'iHion o( H IHI Co111 L hr.ol J r~t

tht P ohntc Olru~ m the ctlY nf 141 n HIIIJ.! 1r1 LlH sn rl Cc 1r Ly on the I tith dny or A '" usl A ll 1 0 >1

P1 csenl liON JOHN McClElLAN T h::c of Pt ohnt e

In thr MItt( or the E~tnle of LilJA A SU IllER! AND Dcccnsc 1

It Ill 1 ent ng to the com t thn l the ltmu fo rnc~entntmn of ulalm!i agnJnMt snul o~tr ~c Hhoulcl lw hmtiNl 1 nc\ thnt n tnne ancl tlttce b[" 111 po1nlod to 1 cccl\ c c:mmmr> 1 nd ulJU!il 1ll cltlmA nncl clc mnnds 1\J.IIIIl!<.L t>l 1rl dcecr ~ed l y nnd ht f01 r IH lcJ COlli l

1t IK ()ric ('rl lh1l CttdtlOJS of S/1 J dl'r.ensed 110 r.qun ud to 1 C!olcnt th" r

t I 111Ei to !>nld r.o 1 t nl the Pt ohato or flee nt lO 1 \\ rst Sn,:tllHl\\ stru"'t Lnn H g MJC)ug'nn 01 01 befoto the .!6th rll ~ of Octohct A D Hint nt tr.!n o'clock n the fn1 tlnoon M 1 t me nnd tl)!lr Juu•hv lllllOIOit>d rn1 thr f'XIlm!h• lflon nne} rut lRlm nt of nil chllntfi 1\llfl dt:ll111JlC)~ 01(1\lllSl KF d {](l('f'fil'iOd

It ts lmtl e 0JtlrH 1 Thnt 1 uhlle no .. Iter- tJ fllr!Or he J.liV£'n by Jlll\lir.ntton of 11 rOJ ~ nr th R Olclrt (OJ lhtcc ~\lCCIRfliVC \\(I('] fl lllf'\ fil~ to ili\Hl 1 tV or hf'n lhJ;t'

111 the lnghnm County Nf v..s n t](IW~Jit\• I•Qr tHmtml nnd cncu1niC!rl n Rntd cmnty

JOHN M•CLF.l T.AN Judge or r, ohnt(!

The leafy tops of ntake n delicious and economical coolterl g1 ee1t vegetable

Council Proceedings

CLEAN-UP MAN- Gone but not fm !'Otten Is the 1 ccm d-shat­tcllng flood tibt spilled over th1 ec states, causing untold suf­fcilng ind Jll opci ty damage Above, n workman fires a JCt of stc im at a Knnsns CitY, Kans buildi11g bcm mg the muddy lm·

prmt o! tile Big Mo

l hla.rriage Licenses

Thr 'Oil eel nwthorl or bt nlsinR" tho mo1e ccmH>mlcnl cuts of meat 1s lo b1own the mcrtt tl1sL on nll s11les n a lillie frrL in t l1cavy ltct llc Next so tsnn Wllh salt nnrl 1 ) I" ppc1 1nrl ,uJI t smnll amount of l1q11 <I l'<nnlly < ovc1 the saucepan l1g-hlly and tnolt ala low lcmpcr­llUie until the meal 1s lender

You can Be t the Bushes­but you c~rit Beat this

I F you want to know why shrewd car shoppers are

saying "Smart Buy's Buick," take a look at this.

It's the new Buick SPECIAL 2-door, 6-passenger Sedan­and it's roomier than most 4-door sedans, higher-powered than many costlier cars-and priced, as you can see, right down ncar the lowest.

Now, we ask you: where can you beat it for the money?

Can you icat this beauty on looks and style and rich bear· ing in any other car ncar its price?

Can you match, at the same money, the big power of its valv~·in-head Fireball Engine ( 128 hp with Dynaflow Drive*)-or the big miles· per-gallon figure it delivers with such thrills?

Can you equal this tmvcler's roommess i.1 any other car of comparable cost-get full-size hc,ldroom, legroom and hip· room both front all{l1·ear in any other 2-door automobile?

Can you come even ncm· the gentle le\ elness of its ride and the solid steadiness of its going -have coil springs on all four wheels and a torque-tube 1\.eel beneath you- except in another Buick?

And where can you top the restful ease and luxurious smoothness of this sweet· henrt's Dy11aflow Drive' in any other automobile at any price?

The answers, from a lot of

E'rmipmtht aetlelllar u tt '" 11nd model! art~ M bJI!et rn cha1 (1st 1vfllund nolite *Standa1 rion llOADMAS7Jo;R nJJlumatar.e.r:rracoil£1>n.nth~rSerta4

certain-sure folks, sum up to a great big, "YOU CAN'T!" But why tal\e anyone else's word for it? Come in and get your own answers. Look over this bed· rock-pdced Buick- compare it with any other automobile at the same money-and you'll agree you can't beat this smartest of buys.

t.l.ocal Delifl'ered Price• lor 1Je nesv lSSIIIul" .. ~

..,.ePECIJII. 2-;~:~~~r~~~::.·· $1904 41

Model 465 •

2·rloor 6·possonoor SPECIAL S.rlan

(tlluuratod) Modo/480

$1981.25 Oplfona/ equipment oc add lona/ Pr ccs may v~~~~rl~: tlata and focal roxeu If a")' to shrpp ng charges All P g : n adJOtr\lnl'l communJt !a due

WI, L r cos !U peer lo change Without notice M geflor auto b 1

aUICK II bmo or oro buill WI Ut/c/ lhom

Hilton & Richards Buick Co1·ne1' Pa1·k and Maple Mason, Michigan

' I


Farmer Peck's Wife

1•: II~ n h ,, 1 h f'HI'Cift,

Auguat 23, 1951 THE INGHAM tOUNTY Woll, T gtW#H hn.vlng tho Jtltlcnil

IIJI tltot•o uallcr! the ole! ent, Now Pul.o hue! ltHHIII'ocl mo t.llflt Phoe)Jo WfiH Hllfo WhOI'O I hnrJ [JilL hOI' nne! r wns conthlcnt nothing WIIS going· tri happen on the porch, All n L Dno'' thei'C f!ltmo auch 11 jnngllng ftnund Lilli t we nil j11mpml IIIJOut two font off om· chnii'A nt the din-

Donald O'Connor Is Pirate in New Comedy at Fox NEWS Section 3


I'IHII'III' hm; a l'iiiHI' t•aiJ,

I ho· l't•t·h l'nn1-

Reeves District Mt'H, Wayno Gtmr

nol'lh unil Jntcndetl lo g·o into tha Uppet• PoninHttiJl, I Dul'i>llllll" .J;•Iu


'rtu• l't•t•loH 111>111 gain n;'\1' 1'1'111-:ll't'N.


111'1' tn)Jlo, A cnt hnd jllmpcd from tho top or lho buggy ontn the

In "Cubnn Flt•eflllll," corning lo lhe Wax on Snltu·d11y Jrystolll<l Horll'i)illt'll Is seen IIH II W!li'/{CI' lu 11 cigm· fuctor,Y In J-lrwnnn, Cullll. She Is holovcr! by •hoi' co-wnt'IWI'il bCCIIIIHO she pirntrm tlwm hy mlmlclng- thclt· t,Yinnnlmtl Ind.\' omploycl' In song ntH! ar:t.inn,

Mt•rt, lfat'I',Y Cllrt·i< nl' J lollunri, Ohio, s:wnt. tho wrote ond with Mr, and Mt:H. Wnyno C:crit· nnd t'nntily,

Mrs. Hrti'I'.Y Clnl'ir en/lor! nn M1·. unrl Ml's, !Cdwtn Wohll Sunrlny eve­ning·,

Mt•, nnrl M1·s, 11onnlo Chiil'oh llliV<l [liJI'"itiiHOr/ ll lifliiHC tt•aiJer and now lll'll IIVIII!i on tho flll'lll of MJ•, Citun:h's Jlllt'ontH, Mr. unci MI'H, l<'l'tllllc Chllt'ch,

Mrs, l•'t'llll){ Chttt·ch nnrl Joyce "l"'nt H11ndny ttl. IUI!iht Point ILtl<~ with Mt·. unri Mrs. !tux Roger of

c,;gn, We nil i)llshed out nnd l'r.s· If r•:li~lllu•tlt lltrlllght yo11 !'oll!f; going to lilt VI' 11 llltJ>)l,Y hitlhrlny / r•ttcd Phoebe, who wns fl mighty ~vern gl!\.lin1;_ .tm·d,. '.d, h,'_'lll'l,n,; :-::nttrttlll.\'. KC!IllcrJ hlrrl. Snlly Clled nnd cl'icd. othotrl_ !tow Hill _w.1.., ,/tr

1·• 11111 Wr• IIJ<·II'<'<'iniP Llil·; lllltil lltlll I:; •She s11lrl "ThnL wns clo~o enoug/; tl~t~tlong .'-''l:r·rwt~'." ':ard,s •. h:t_l'•: lilllll~in~·· lr<'l' :;o lltlli'h dH•nt•, [ll.h:~l wh~n yn11 thlnlcubottl ll we

ltu n 1'0

111111., Ill llfllll :'II 11

' 1.

1111 lltinl' <"ll'h kind d••t•d foil<.': rio nlmosl hnrl nD bil'd, I ltnow now

two wnr:IH; 11

11d lll!tll,\' ol lit<' wr·tt<·r·.; linrn;~:; IIH· Jl<'l::on wlto dor•s it. 11:: wh11t almost means." HIIY I ill',\' "•"'.11 llt<'ll' JlliJl<:l' l!nil '" / I\'<• II 11:; Ill•' <Jill! wlw l'f'l'llll'es It . . HtJu /tow she IS, I,. hi 1 or ,, '""1. 1 lon't \'fill 'I I w~ulllol' 1 r ,\'Dil would be inlet·

·• · _ _ r,YlNI 111 !mowing thnl SuHy's duclc r rlon'L i<ll•nv whnl J\lln:. fl11nn, came 011 t with 18 Jlttlo balls or

She Is rlinr:ovot•c{/ by tile lJ•nsci­hlc cmplo,vm· rlttring one of IH•:· impoiMlntttions nnd iH nbo11t lo hu fired when n laW,\'fll' rHIJ~ nt lh·• fnfllot•y IVith lJJC news l!lfl \. m~J c­JJtu lllls lnhcrllcrJ twenty million dollul'l!. She I~ the only living dc­"ccndunt of a l'ioh Cnllfol'niH nil mn n.

Mt·, 11111) MJ'H, Allnn Pidrl<:l< spent Sttllllny rtt ill, J,nttis In Gmllot eottnly.

Mr. :rnd Mr.~. ClnvlotJ J\nrlnrson <'nllnr! tlll Mr. nnri' Mt·s, Wn,vne GPot' ri 1 11Jl!'~idny f~\'l~lling,

Mrs, Mlllll 1•~1\swort/t of Bl.<wl<­l>l'iclge Wll~; II rlilll11'1' gllf'!it nr hPJ' son lttHI rlatlgltl•·t-itt-law, M1·. :rnrl Ml'!l, \Vilyllc !CihlWI!I'Lll, Hilt! llillllly SlltHiay,

'l'llll Clnv<'l' lilo:;:;<llll ·Hi o:Jn!J memll!'l's na•L wi!l1 l'11l~i\' I~tlll~~:lt•~ nwn \\'ed!lL'Hriny t'Vt•nillf~·.

II'H :;!ill :1 l'••w dill's ttltlil li<'r lurlhd:I,V unrl \'<'Hinr;luy slit• ,,._ t'r•l Vl'ci :w Pfll'cl:-l, Jr•l! t•J';-; nnd l1-1 nd­IWI'o•hi•·l':;. II. diri ll:i :rll g1111d ID f!er how llnJrpy :;/1o we~:; 1111d .dr.· <!lllllrl l.r"l wrml I'D!' wrJ/'11 ll'i<o~l. Hlllii.Jl oJ LIH:!ll !i:lid ftJI' SIH· h:u! I'Pfld (!CH!I! orH• ltPJ':if'JJ'. II lrHII<: 11

long Ill! II! llttl :-:lit• It, trl !111• •·hilrln•tt Woil. ;,It, !'nil lrlw ;:Dill~ Dll :;u 6/tc r•nttld "l"'n '''"'it 1111<· It" I M·lr. l'l'IH•y ilc1 rl r /1mr• 1l J n1· :,o I (In;;. l I III!VI!J' ii:tW Hill' II Ill! 111'1'11 \' D!' hflltltil'tll l'lll'll:; ••I :til rlo•;,r•rrp,lilllh

IIOW<'I' g:tt'ril'll,, 1/ltrl JIIHC[(.'i or hlt·ds IIIHI illlllo:rlli<•,, I illrl i"'fiJl<·rl IIJl W/t!'il till' l'lll'ri \Vll!i ll)ll'/1<'<1. JL lllndtJ lilt~ lt:r PP.V, lno. 1 I\JJUW :-;Jtc':;

\\'Ito ;:·,,v,. i'lto<'i"' lo u:_;, Will llunl{ yollow this wee!{, I took movies of "' lltt·<. t;rtt I IIHltlgltl 11 WIIH lllliL!/t lhc g-1!'1:; ftdmil'lng them 1111d also '"" ll':tt·nr tn;;JI/P lnt· 11 i>Jl'!J 111 tt or Susy ptclclng- one

11p and lhc

''"J;<· ''' I )'ttl l'ltot•llr• ott!. on \Ill' mothct: duck fiHJlplng hm· good. I i"'l'l'h ''.'' I'd S<'<'tl ollu•t• r•:tnattes hatl In stop to roscitc Susy who l."t•J ''· . ~:' 1 ';, ''e<'lll,'''~ "", _hnpp,~. 1 :r~d w11 s clinging lu the bahy duclc ami , flllllfltlo~IL<. lllltr llillt,l c,;t,,,,_ Ute mother Wflil going at Su,,~·. 1.'~0 Jil,"· 1,'·.1~ o~· ,alt~l<Jst. !-ill;\\' 11•1:" Was Susy HLII'[JJ'Iscd! I didn't plan 1-'o<ll.\ W< tc Jll.

1.1111 >· " 11 liH Jlnlch this hul thtnk il will tum out in­

wrl It 111<'11 rlolh fliHI doll lmggy l.cre>Jling, We haven't taJ(en nmny :r1ul lo:lt 1\u·Jn tlii'l'e dttltng dtnncr. . . til lust y<•ru· I guess '1'1 • • · '' 1 · I \1 ·1 wt · •tin" 1/tt·t·P IWJVtos 1 H ' • • ' • ·

. 1• .1 " :" t.lf '

1 1 "' " . ~- wr• got all tho fumily and pet,

l·:tll"n" 111 Lll!· l!llg;_;y and IJ:tvtng· 11 l·) . 1 't . ff Besides it'•· grHHI I it Ill' 1/J'I''-;.'.IIIg r llf'!ll tip in doll rl ten dill 1 WUJ c u • •l

r•Jol/.ir•:.;, ( rPitnr;l! lti I j I'IIS didn't !,(l(!Jil expensive.

On thr~ plnno to L•m Angeles to collccl her money, J~:ilclitn l'i!illl'<!.-1 It would be bolter· if she IIITIVcd Incognito, Shr• Juts lwnnl nlloul. AmeririHn WOIVOII nnrJ I(Oid-scclc/ng men and she riDilH tile fnlsrJ nrx;r·, glam;cs and wig- she lmd used at home lo mimic hot· cmplo,Yct·.

'!'he eomp:tnwn fcatlll'C on llw f.jrll.llt'dHy pt'Dgrmn is "lVTi!ising Women."

Don Is l'h·a t" ., Univcrsal-lnturna\.lonal':; lechrii­color coJnecly-;·"man{'e of pmtr:.v on the high rioas, "Double Ci'oss­bonus," ~:~lat'l'Jilg IJonalrl O'Connor fllHI !!elena C;;rtc1· nnrl npouin,; Stmd;;y 11t the l•'ox 1'hcalt·e, is young O'ConJIOI''ii tirsL sag11 of llw eea, a type of mle tile popuial' oomcc\i;;n hns lwpcd frn· ,'fncc lw

Donnld O'Cunwn illl BlfJt~dtiJJI~,I.y Unv.~, il JnmtL:d pil·ate (J( lho Seven Seas, and Ilo;w Emf~! :;nn 111 L lle 1 ole nJ' Amw HnruJily, Lea111 np ar:; ·I rlnncc eomlmwl.inn In one of lite many lllliHir·al 1111\nilri'H wltt<'ir =ijHII'I<le Uni ver~wl-ln lc!l'll!lliunll [':; llP\V tur~h11 ic•n/ot· ec:mr•r/y, 11 I >nuiJir. .JI'oKsbonp:;." Helen;~ C:tr·Lr~l' plny.'i OflJ>rt;1iLe O'C:rHJillll' in 1/w 11ew t'flill1


Ill!) h11ge Hll)· cast i·: llll:ulr·<l ily Will lh•f't' IIJIII ,J.,Irn i•;nluty, l'hc l'illll will ill' ."hnwn nl lite f<'ox ou Bll!lliii,V 11 n<l Mnnol:ry,

Dist. No. 3 Wheatfield J\lrH, Ullian l<'oJ'I'Illllll

1\oJt-, nnol Mr::, I•:iln<·l' l<'<~l'<'lllolll nnrl l~ll:tllfl\'" or W<·I•IJf'i'Vlll<: •·:rllt·rl 1111 .Mt·. 111111 i\lt',"l. Cluy J•'IJt'l'ltlitn ~31ttHirl,\' iliJ~hl, ,

itJ 111ind, ciliH'J', J'o;· l was watch- 'l'hc othe1· duc\{s arc ready fol' in;;-.1 oaling, But who is going lo cal Apache Wars Iheme of Fox Film

Thursday & Friday, August 23-24 --3 SHOWS STARTING AT G:30-

Sunday & Monday, August 26-27

litem 'I l CDII)rl out CVOI'Y one Willi n conlcntcd heart as they l'iddlerl n1y gcmlcn every lime they gol neal' 1t but Sully says, "We cnn'l e:tl Louie, ot· Louie's children. ~'hey hftVo Lo be sold so we don't know who cab them,"

She asl{ccl me how m11ch she thott,r:hl she would gel for lhon1 and her dart toJ{I her, "they arc worth a dnliat· ·a ilOUnd bul, o[ r'OIIJ'He, you'll never get it. Your Mothqr would pmbably put on an even higher price!"

'rJ1ank g-oodness thct•e's never any question about eating cats!

My, but I've been slow in relat­ing some very good news lhnl

I happened in the Pccl<-Crowell fam­ilies. Pete's youngest stster, Ruby, hn d a bully girl who Is quite a chunJ( by now and a bt•ight and r.ttlo n" can be. They named her

began his screen CHl'CCI'.

O'Connol' executes the n1nst ~clacUIH I' rillllCC I'OIILinco of /ti.; CHI'Cel' in the C(JI11Cd,Y.

Sell bnttlus almanlmct·ctmnl and pintle ships arc rcalislic and eolorfui.

lt .. turns 1u C~rnwol,v Mlclccy Rooney unci pert Torr:-'

Mnol'e arc te;tmcd in Coltrmhill Pictures' youthful mgs-lo-t•ichc:; I comedy, "l-Ie's a Coel<oycrl Won­der," comi11g Tuesday lo tile fox 'J'hcatrc. Willir<m Demarest IHts lhu lop suppo1·ting Jole, with Charleo' A rnt, Hos;, Ford, Ned GlaHs and MJicc Mazut'){i 1 OLIIlding uut the fca llll'ccl cast of the picture.

Phyllis Jean. That happened in March and she sits up now so you can sec I am behind, They have another girl almost three named Sharon.

My brother, Gco1·ge and his wife hart a liltlc girl in April and she u·ets a lot of loving from the other Lhree chilrh·cn. Her name is Janis Kny. She has the biggest dimple in her chrn and is bhc vct·y im>Jgc of Gcorrrc, I think he plays and

MJCJ(C,Y hns one or those sure fire comedy l'oles in which the lillie guy, in Jove wilh, anrl bc­lovecl by, l11c pi'Ctticst g-irl i:-1 town, triumphs over his bigger and hanclsomet· rival-in spite of himself!

"He's a Coclwycd Wonder"

Slcplwn IvfeN:llly, J'ighl, anrl Colucn C:rny :tre st~J'I'c•d in "Ap:tllhe Dl'tllns," new Univcrsal-lntcmalional lcchnicolor· Wcslem l'ilm which depicts a single bnlllc in tho long Will' w:tgrrl bct.wcca tlw ApaciH• t1·ibcs and the l'mntiu;· l;cltleJ·s. Willard Pnt·I<o;· pl1tys an important supporting mlc in the new film which is schcdulctl for Tla11 srlay :tnr\ Ft·irlny :r t lhe Fn;,,

/lends m~rc to Janis than he did all

Arlvnnee inl'otmrrtiun lhnt t!w Inrlian tight:; wen• nclttillly pilll­l.ogt·:•pltetl during llw mlcn,,,, Slllll­'ncr hc·1t in the mi,lrlln of lhc Cllil'ornifr Mohnvn Dr·scrt rs well ~trb;;tnnti:t loll on I lw lilll'ocn Wllicil clH:iplay.s tllc orp! e~sivc ntrnu~-

jllll"'" or Lih! l.ll'flcl<crl mtrlh as the slo1'.\' u( 11 hr;,rJgr~rl frontier Lown llllfold~. HApaclw Dnlm~-1" cnneenu tltrJ ; o'i'OI'Ili;Jtinn Df' 11 gnmiJir:r WIJ()

find:-; hi~; love a.~·;tin whilr~ hJow!­lllirsly Apnches l':rge lli'Oltllcl the lllWJl of SpattiHh Boot.

Mt·. 1111<1 Mt :;, I lu;·;·y f:in<lllt•i.;elt :tl'll till• p:;r"nt;; ot' ·~~ <l.rrtglill't, lwr·n ln;,l 'l'illu·~·HI:t,v :rl litP ~ip,tl'­row );o,;pil:;J. Til<',\' lllllllt'd htu Llonnn I Jou;·

J\lr:;. Mllt I<• !':wan and Mt·s. ll<~n:,J 1'11\'l{,, or \Vtllilllll.'il•l!t Vi!iJI<•rl trw :-Jn11 lrwJ<s \Vt•dnr•:-:rbty itW' 1111

TIJtll';-al~ty lill',\' VIHI{l'(·, M:ll'!{JIJ:t\v'

lshrnd nnd lllfJ!.;: !!11! carTi:thP Lt·q•. Tilt',\' I'<'Liii'IH:rl IIOIIII' i<'t'i<l:t,l' :tl't!'l I .-'pL'Jlding 'f'htii'SdH,\' Jtlglll ;II 1-lottgltlnn l,;tl(f•,

C:ttP:-;1:-, o! 1\lts, l·~lln Ktllt\ a~ SttnriHV rlillti<'J' W<•t·c· 1\!J;·, :lllli 1111' •. LL'Wl!i.HII!IIt•IL or 1\lw;un, l\11', filii!

J\11-li. Cttl'lt.''·' ll:trli<-'11 :rnd ~1111-"·' lynn ol' !loll :tnil H11t'l Co~J\ o!'/ Califm·n;H, wlt() lias IH·Pn visJiitl~, the I'.:rtllf'\ls :.n!l ~1;-,_ 1\ing. II<: st:rrl!lr) hont<' Mond:tv ntorttirt;:. Siind:ry nigltt lilfl u,·,tllc•ll:; nno\ Mt·o. li:in,.: lllut at l!Ju Lcwts IJI!ri­Jctt honw,

111', 11nd M1 s. HohPrl r~·rll'l'JIIIIIl and Mt·. :rnrl Mt·s. Vi<- Oli>: ol' IA•s­lt" cci<'ill'nlc•rl !he ::evr•nllt Wt•ildtn;: ronnivei'Hfll'\' or Mr·. nnr\ J\Irs. Uti·; WlliJ :r )li~·nio • Slip[H:\' :rt 1::1,\'ll<'l pnrl.; in rvrn~~on 'PIHJI'~dny night <tnd then :rttcndr•d LIHc I'Hit·.

Joy"e BywniPt' is !l(JW :n:tl{ill;·,· /t{)l' home wil11 1111, a11rl Mrs. l•'r'H nl; Clilll'Cit.

1V1J·. and JVTI':-i. li'JI'Win !•'!il'!'ltlitll

and f;tnllh' ·~vPJ't! li'lll'StH r)r ·Mr. Hlld 11n:i. C..:lt'.Y, fl'oLe!ll;Lll Slllllh,\'. Larry is ~Jpr.wling- n fc.·w day:; with llis gran<lp:ucnts.

IYTr·. nnd .M1s. l~l'ank Lenin.t.:L'I' und frtmil,V m c on IIH'JJ' Vlll'Htion lhis week They at·e lmn·ing the

Lansing-. Mt·. IIJHI J\lt'H, Pnul

Lind:t crtll<:d on M1•, Hn.t'l')' 11/ndlll•/sch 1111<1 !-itntdtty night.

Wo!C nnd flllll Mt'H, duughlct·s

COLLI•:ca: (JANHIUA'I'JP,S Mir·ilignn Hlnt.e enllegc will pre­

hf'ttt ri<'g'l'c<'H to ~fir. Hl t11c close nf I ilo HI lin Ill!! I' Cjlllll'lOI' Allgllsl. :ll, MoHt of I IH• :wu rcr:nlvcrl tholt• <liplnllll!H in .IIlli<' on Lilc IIHSIIlllp-1 Inn liHtl CflttrHPH wnrtlrl bo com­i'l<'l<•rl at Hllllllll!!l' school. .Jnmcs N, Bruwtt ttiHI 1-J.,Jcn At·lnnc llliforl nl' M:rson; .John W, Comstocl{, ~lnrgwwtt<• L. Knapp nnd Thco­<lnnJ lt. BII'OIId, Holt; and Lilly Yonel<o N~·nwl.n, Olten1os.

A wtttlfl slPp lownnl JWovonlin;:­livll;;lnr·J• <lisniiSI's is lo httll1l IJflt'ns lllld sltuds ou high, well-dminod gl'llliiHJ.






24 Hour Service




'51 Fm·d Deluxe Cab


iiifit, Htui;2frt.t5 66~lif:~r ~-. · PIJMT£ GANG IS AU, ,&lf!RR.!

th1·cc of the first ones. She is such In nice, baby I can hardly get ou,· girls lo come home fl'om there.

Then Ray's younge1· sistel', Nol­ltc, Lopped them all and had Duau~ Ray who weighed H pounds, He w su~h '11 big little fellow. I guc' s lhcrc at·e bigger babies born bul I've novel' seen such a big one. l-Ie is so illump and it looks like he iti going lo have red hair. They have.. rout· chilclt·cn now, two boys and

starts wilh Micl<ey being fired from his job in an orang-e paoi(­ing- plant by the il'Hsciblc forc­mrm, Demarest, who prefers wcll­hcclcrl Ross Ford, nephew of the jJflci<ing plant ns a future son-_in­law hut daughter Tel't·y l'emam.; faithful to :r;lici{Cy. Mickey in­herits an uncle's 111:-~gic act, is in .. tcrrupted by a gang of . ct·ool,.; while practicing for vauclcvJIJe ami is ){idnappcd with Miss Moore. How Mickey ontsmal'ts the_ g-a~g and becomes the local hero IS s>url to be related with a good mcaoUI'e


Rrother! -·




I two gi1·Js. Duane comes by hio long frame naturally, Clifford i,; six feet, two inches and Nellie is

'five feet, nine. It was inevitable, wasn't it? Duane is my "something HWI'ully nice and interesting this week." He is two weeks old.

of Ia ughs and. thr!lls. A liaelm \Vnrs A single blooct-cnnlling incident

ft·om the long war of the Apache: Indians against the cncronchmCJ;L of the white man is the sto;·y bas1s of "Apache Drums," spectacular Universal-In lena tiona! lcchnlcolot· outdoor cll·ama which will he shown at the l~'ox Theatre on 'l'hlll'Rdny and Frirh1y with Stephen McNHJly and Colccn Gray in the starring roles.

that FORDOMATIC* It's the newest, finest, most flexible Automatic Drive ever!

Story a~d Screc~pl~y by OSCAR ORODriEY • Directed Ly CHARLES T. BAnTOii • Prcd,ced by lEONARD GOLDSHI A Univcrsal-lnltlflal<ooal Pictmc

Eaton Fair Opens Tuesday, New Features ·Are Booked

4t Here'.> an automatic drirc that combines the hcst l"t:atur-cs of earlier atllomatics, !t gil'cs you the smooth­ness aud llcxihility fouud only wltcJJ automatic mechan­ical ;.;ears arc comiJillcd ll'itl. a torrptc com·crter. And it keeps Frml sal'ill;.;ful!

T d P ·u· . . " ~ ues a~ o: vVe!:nes(,!!iyj i"l.Ugust 28-2~

· Ail Fun Show

Chatllls Arnt • Ross Fori N~d Glass • Mik• ~azur!J

Wultc~ b; lad llenler• Prod~C.!~ IJ~ RUOOLPtl C HOT HOW • Oilccled b~ PHER GODfRnl

'Ahlo-~]cmH'd;v aHI! C;:dnon

Also-ConwdJ·· and Chap1er 11 o.r Sl'rial

NI~XT WEiiJli:-.Jnn~ .' l'owdl-\'ic Damom• in "Jt,fCU' YOUNG AND PRJ~'l''l'Y" in l<•clmicolor·; Ahhua a.nd Cost<•llo in' "COJ\IIN' ltOlJND Till~ 1\lOlJN'J'AIN;" ,Jolmn~· W<•issmuller ilt "FURY 01•' l'IIE CONGO.".


When the Eaton county 4-H fait· LBo nne! Robert LaPoint, Bellevue, opens ils gates next Tuesday at each will have a ieam in lhc nov­Charlotte it_ will feature some city races. They have built lwo bl'and new t~es of fair cnlcttain- chariots for the occasion. mont. _ The Chal'lottc American Legion

At 1 :·so p. · m., the tmclol'-pun- again will present awards of $5.00 ing contest will be staged in t.hc each '00 one 4-H b"y and one 1-H

I sod in the race track oval and al girl in front of the grandstand 8:30 p. m., wreslling under the Saturday evening-. These wiU be sl.a.t·s with the "F1t•cnch Angel" as cho~cn according- to their 4-H the hearllincr is scheduled. The achievements. wrestling show will include at Barns and gmuncls will be leael tl~rcc bouts. The. four-man .'I))I'Hycd to cnntt·ol flies and mos­AustraJt·ln tag macch 1~ also a qui toes just prior to the rail', New new feature. I sanitary toilets in the g-t·ovc he-

Already about 300 head of 4-H tween the cow barns and the dairy and beef cattle have been sheep barns have been made avail-entered. Judging will beg-in ab1c. Wednesday.

Band concerts wiU fcntut·c each evening- program prior to the reg­ular show. Banr!s booked include I he Eaton Rapids school band, Tuesday; BeUevue school band, Wednesday; Charlotte school hand, Thm•sdny; Gmnrl ·Lodge school band, Friday and the American Legion bnnd, Saturday.

The mule-pullin.g con test is a Wednesday forenoon fcntme. Har­ness t'acing fans will have an op­portunity to enjoy theit· favorite spot'! on Wednesday, Thursday and- Ft·icJay afternoons. Dan Line­han, supct·intendent, has n.tTanged fat• a large field of horses to com­pelc and James Frecmit·c, track superintendent, is all set for the trotters and pacers.

"Century Extravaganza" is the grandstand show booked -for Wednesday and Thursday eve­nings. The heavy horse-pulling contest is scheduled for Friday, 10:00 a. m,

Derby Neighborhood 1\frs. G. W. Springman

Mrs. Ted Fay spcn t the week in Mason at the 4-H building.

past/ club'

Mr·s. Elmic Frinklc and ElilceJJ and Janice Smith shopped in Jack­son Wednesday.

Don Krahn of Dctt·oi t eallcd on I former ·'schoolma los Sunday after-~ noon. ·

Members of the Pa>t Noble Gt·and club attcnclerl the county meeting at the IOOF home Wednesday.

M1·. nnd Mt•s. Ed Ottonian r.nd sons callccl on tlw fOI'mCI''ti parents and Mt·, and Mrs. Grovet· Colby, Jr., in Chel&en Sunday.

As usual, the grand p·arade of livestock, floats and farm machin­ct·y will be a Friday aftet·noon fea· ture immediately following tho ra.ccs.

Dal'leen and Barry Meyer spent Saturday evening with Janice Smith while their pat·cnts nne! grandparents nttcnded the Ing­ham county fait·.

Mt·. and Mrs. R. J. Moeckel and Ml'. and Mrs. Kcnn~th Moeckel and family Rpcnt Sunday after­noon at the 'frish Hills.

Mrs, Ethel Smith and Mrs. Ei­leen Smith made a business trip to Jackson Monday. Janice Smith spent the day with Mrs. Elmic Frini:Je.

A, new show "International Stars" will move in for Ft•idny and Saturday evening. There will be fireworks. Thursday, Friday and Sa ttu·day nights. •

Saturday is veterans day and any veteran \vito can furnish pmp­er credentials will be admitted free at the gate. Contests for chi!-. dren wi,JJ he a feature f)n the fore­noon pt•ogram. At 1:00 p. m., the light horse-pulling · contest is scheduled, followed by novelty team rnces and . running races open to Eaton county hor!es only.

SECURITY OFFICE JUOVES The Lansing field office of tho

Social Security Administration is now located at 507 South Grand. It has been in the Postoff-lce build­Ing. A representative of the Lan­sing office spends from 11:00 n. m. to 2:00 p •. m. the third Thm·sday of evm·y month at the Mason post­office,

FLASHING GETAWAY. Fordomalic oll'crs you getaway that will lake your breath away, I11tcrrncdiatc gear and torque com·crtcr combine to give fast, smooth starts-uu/omaliwl/y,

INSTANT ACCELERATION. F··r passing or hill-climbiug, just step down on the gas pedal a11rl Forrrumatic automatically shifts rou down into an "nccelcmtion" gear release your pedal pressure nnd you're back in high!

e And Ford offers you dozens of other "Look Ahead" features. You'll lind the stuoothncss of new A11tomatic Hide Control ••• the sa\'ings of the Automalic ~lilcagc Maker (on Ford V-S or Six) • and tltc safety of Double-Seal King-Size Brakes.

• Op!ionol a! ••tra calf. Fordomalic Drive avaif.

able with V ·B only. Equipment, ac.ceuoriet

end trim SIJbjec:t fo change wifhouf notice,

E,'\SIER ROCKING. li.'s Cl'eu casic1· lo "rock" out of mud, sand, or snow with Fordomntic than with a couvclltional' transmiosion, ,lust move the· selecter back and Iorch betwec11 low and reverse,

·You can poy more &ut you con't huy better thon


Roy Chr.istensen 210 State St.-cet YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER

Mason, Michigan


Editorial Page

Detroit's Prayers According to the Detroit. Free Preas, all the priests,

ral.lbis and the Prote.stant clergy of illl denominntionH prayed for the best possible weather during the presen­tation of the pageant, "City of Freedom," And it only ' rained one night,

Vernon Brown Bales Up Prose

Vernon ,T, HI'Own'R weol!l;{ nrt.lnlo on LIHJ slnto ol' flw nn­l.lon, Htnt.n nl'l'nil'~ nnd oon<ll­llons In p;cncl'fll wn~ lmlod up wl!.l\ the HCilOncl outting of nl­!'n !fit Mnndny. If Detroit received such a generous response from

its mass supplication for fair, weather during the pa­geant, then the priests, rilhbis and Protestant ministers s\wuld get together again and quick. They should be asked to pray for better patronage on the DSR lines. They should pray for improved traffic conditions on Orand River. They should plead for a new airport so Detroiters wouldn't have to drive out to Willow Run, Maybe they could even ask that the fifth place Tigers be helped up to fourth.

John Knight with his mass circulation not only in Detroit but in Chicago, Akron and Miami, has many important connections, It may well be that he has direct word that the prayer for the long dry spell was respect­flllly heard and quickly granted. Yet somehow it jLlst seems that God must be concerned with greater things than a city's 250th Lirthday anniversary and a play that staged to commemorate it.

With millions of humans suffering in Korea anrl China, with other millions dying of hunger in Indi<l, with people throughout the world engaged in the search for more lethal weapons with which to kill and maim each other, it hardly seems rea~onable that prayers for fair weather would be given priority or would even be con­sidered seriously.

Please, God, dor_'t have: it rain ch1ring our Sunclny school picnic.

We Got Ours Ingham county has been promised $300,000 from

the state toward meeting· building costs at the tuber· culosis hospital.

· So we got ours, as was succinctly stated at a mect-iflg of the Ingham county board of supervisors.

Now other counties are clamoring for theirs. Ingham started out to pay its own way on re­

modeling the tLlberculosis sanatorium. Then to woo sup­port for the $60,000,000 mental hospital bond issue last fall someone conceived the idea of adding $5,000,000 for tuberculosis hospitals. Most people thought the $5,000,-000 was for state tuberculosis hospitals.

The $5,000,000 was split: $2,000,000 for a state hospital and other sums aggregating $3,000,000 was split between a few counties and the American Legion hospital in Battle Creek.

In anticipation of the state's generosity, Ingham county went ahead with a four-story addition instead of the two-story. So we got ours.

But we got it too easy, so easy that Wayne and some other counties now want theirs. They'll get it, too. The ')Oliticians have promised it to them, and the extra $2,000,000 will come out of the state's general fund.

No, there is nothing wrong in Ingham county getting its share. There is nothing wrong in other coun­ties getting their shares. They are as much entitled to them as is Ingham.

But wouldn't it have been better had each county kept .on providing its own facilities? That was Ingham's plan.before the way opened for the $3,000,000 grab. Then we would have got ours, and got it with our own money. Now after getting ours we'll have to give some­body theirs.

That's the way local government and local respon­sibility breaks clown. We holler long and loud at state and federal controls. But we go a running when ·there's a chance to get in on the split.

We got ours.

The Telephone Hearing There .are several areas in Ingham where the tele­

phone service is inadequate. One of those areas includes parts of Stockbridge and Bunker Hill townships in Ing­ham and part of Henrietta township in jackson. That area is now listed as unassigned territory.

A hearing has been called for September 13 to seek n solution.

The public service commission is set up to remedy and control such situations. All parties interested have an opportunity to be heard at the hearings.

Perhaps the Dansville situation was not a compan­ion case. Yet the public service commission could well study the record there. Five or six years ago when Dansville subscribers were paying a little for a little: service there were somewhere around 100 subscribers. Then Dansville was offered good service .at higher rates. They accepted it. Now there are 27 5 telephones in the Dansville exchange.

That might prove that people are willing to pay a good price for good telephone service.

Starting De-Emphasis Two good places where de-emphasis of athletics

can begin .are the home and the school. Another one is the home-town paper.

Right now before classes start, parents can impress upon their sons that football is "just play and that the only valid reason for attending school is to train and im­prove the mind.

The schools themselves have over-emphasized foot­ball and basketball. Too often the boy who uses his muscles gets all the glory while the boy who uses his brains is ignored, often discouraged.

It has take11 the series of basketball scandals and the one at West Point to show how far we have per­mitted our sports enthusiasm to run away with our judg­ment. De-emphasis of athletics has been long overdue.

_Ingham County News


VEIU.'ON J. BROWN 6\: SON, Publleher1 NELSON D. BROWN, Editor

· , BE'rl'Y CRUM, Advertising :Manager

On Mondny l1Hll'nlng he ~nl down lwfurc hiH typcwl'itor out in Vovuy, f·Jc lind his hull[J fnll ol' lWtJII olmervu t ions. But he gla;wr;d liP at tile slry anrl RIIW stonn clonds gathering, Ho de· eiclorl l1i11 olmurvrttlons inHLearl of his alfnll'n cunlcl hctler wnit. f1H' 1111othc1' dny Ol' even nnotlwr wee!<. 1'1wt's why rcarlGI'H will Jwve to Willi. nnLil next wuelr to leum whut. l11r1 Hcnirw nwmlic;· of I IH' ntlll rn·inl .~tnl'f Is thlnlr· in g.

I Down. by Uw

Sycamore Il1·1Hrc Bnll'H rlouhlc is Enrl D.

Bmt., wilo flfiiHIIcH the !molt worlr frll' !toy U. CllrlstnnHen. H'H n r•n111111nn Cii!<:lln;11f!lJ fnr him to he I ;drr•n f~o1· llnu:c, H1~ r!ncHn't Ill inrl. Ji~HI'I ('/llllu ft'fltll Lansolng- lnsl Nn~ \'PI1llll•l' to jroin I he C!nt~l.cnscn stall. Wh11!. Jlll7.7.les Brur:o's fl•ienriR is fo~al'l's snlflldng. 'l'hc;y mlsl.ulren­ly r•nJwlude llwl Brur;e hnR become lulrlif!i<'li. Ji;nl·i ;;nid he nlight Hi.op hi;; ollloldng in public if Bnu:r• \\'nulrl il'nrir• in hi.s r;n1· f'm· n Chri:;­tcn~wn I~ord.· Joolt nlilrc is Rev. Paul A mold nf !.he l't·Pshyl r;rinn church nnrl ffnrolol Bnrnhill, a f'rcsbyJ.e;·i­nn Jaymnn. Home infretjucnt <!lnm·h 1il.l.cmlan Is ~n sp when they t11inl< llwy see Bnmey in the pul­pit. Sn111c others gasped. nt L11o <:ount.y fai1· wht•n they lhou~ht tl1c,1' .,11\V B1·ol ht:l· A mold hnving a Whirl n J. SO Ill<! M l.ilC ):(fllllCS of eh11nr:c.

J fplJ SIUIIII'Hly sif'lr nn<l was ns sudol1•nly l'1m•1J nt fliP fall· Sal.­lmlay artPrnnun and I had no doll­bin to r;iull'f; th1• l'lllblJ,ITI1SSIIII'IIt ll'hir·h 1'111111' m,y 1\'ay in hl'f 1\'l'l'n,

I went In tho bricft !Juilrling- t.o piclt 11p my wife's pies and !mit· ting- nnd M:u·gm·et's cool<icfl. As I <lorlg"'l nlnng througJh the crowd town.t'<l tho ca1· I felt something triel<lc down my legs. '!'he trickle g;·cw in Lo a stream. I wnllwd cross·lcru~·crL I stag-gered toward I. he tirsl aid st.a !.ion, wondering if the nurse on rluly !mew how to stop a hcmmo1·hagc. Just as I r~aclwrl the door I glanced down to sec wlwt. ltind of shape I was in. My feeling of alarm quicldy t.m·ncd to pride as I noticed the a.t·isloct•alic hluc seeping out thmugh my pants around the lmces. 'l'Jwn I tool' another loolt. It wasn't blood. Il was the juice from my wife's prize-winning hucklcbeny pic.

To r•ewa nl my wi fc for· winning blue ribbons on apple, pumpkin anrl lmclrlehcrry pies I tool' her out to suppet· at Anrl.rew Haley's rcstnumnl Saturday night. Mrs. Haley har.l won the top prize on cheri·y pic at the fair and I hoped t.hc two women would share re­ecct s.

Mt·~. Haley's blue rih!Jon had hrought on 'a rush of: cherry pic orders at the restaurant and she was completely out. We hac! apple pie instead. It was good.

Ml's. Haley makes 15 or 20 pies every day nnd even then can't l<ecp c\'cn with tl1fr demand. Some cuHtomers eat tho same l<ind of pic evci'Y day, others are notional lil<e Nitt.han La.nlis. who wm·ks ror· Lyle Howlett. For five· years without a miss Nate topped off his noon rlinncJ' at Haley's with a wedge of chcny pie. Mrs. Haley considcrecl him a steady customer. rl'hcn one day a waitress came hunying· back to repo;·t that Nate wnnt.ed a piece of pineapple pie.

M;·s. Haley insisted that the waitress must have mistmllerstood the ordc1., 'l'hc waitt·css went !Jaclt to aslr Nate again. He replied in a voice wilicrh all within lhe res­taurant: could hear, "I said pineap· pic." Now for t.w.o years he bas had pincn.pplc pic each noon.

What. lir,·s. lltlh'y wants tnlmow and ha~ nut ~·1·t. Sl',rl'll'lld IIJl <~nur­agn r>IHIIIJ.(h tn asl; Nitti\ is what \\'as 1\'I'Oll[:" wit:h the duwr~· ph;,

It was no surprise when .Tohn Prough's team won the hc11vy· wci;,:-h t pulling con test at the fail' Satunlny afternoon. '!'his is either tho thirrl o1· fomth time that the big- team ft·om LaGrange, Indiana, INtS wa!licrl off with tho money. The !Jig roan has a new partner each yem. 'Dhc 1·onn weighs 2,GOO nnrl .his gray parlnel' tlps the scnlcs nt 2,400.

"\Vhat can you do wi lh AtJCh a team of hippos on your farm?" I asl(erJ Prough.

"I don't work 'em," he replied. "If they were lmmans instead of: horses they woulcl pt·obnbly be canrlidates for public oiTice. The roan hns size enough to run fm· sheriff."

"As to worl,ing such a team," Prough con tinucd·, "they would pull my arms out of. thelt· sockets and me off the seat. They would lose llesh . worl,ing . on plowed ground. Horses need the weight as well al'l musoclc in these pulling . W:M. J .. :MciLQUHA:M, Plant. Superlntender,c

rflltere4 a1 1econd. cla11 matter at POitoftlce. lla1on, lllchhran, undor Aot . · of Karch a, 187&

· con tests. They need the weight when they :can into their collars to start the load."


Ont 7oar In Ingham and . all.lolnlnlf oountleo ................. 2.00 Oat :tear outaldo ln11bam and

adlolnlnlt countlot ................ 1.10 lla moQtha In In~rhaa, and ,

adlolnlnll countlea ................ 1.11 . rour mol thl ............................. ·" ..... IOPIM .............. _tiiiiUilAIM ·all

~l•plar ad•ertlllnll rate• on liP• Plication. Dulin••• locale and read• ln11 notl~eo on ftflt and local PBIIel, 2~d a line. No reading or buelncu adnrtltlnlf le11 than ~Oo; Cnrd of Tlianb:•• la a word. Announcement• of ente1•talnmentt whore t.dmloolol! 11 oborrod or of an7 plan VI ral•• funll• aut\ lo11 paid at r11111lar _ratea,

So don't let>'!! carry t.hls tllming fad t:oo far. Mtt~·he some day we'll 1ten1l C.o lmcldc down into harness and Jlllll n loud.

.lust wlly most of the te:un·s in tho pulling contests come from tho


Moss Pink Anchors Soil Moss Plnlt Is 11 mmlu~t little

plant, Jmt 11 hrll'fl,v one, On rll'y, ~nndy, Ill' l'orlry snll, whcl'e most flrlWili'H WOiilcJ Wftl10l' ILilcJ lJio, it t!OIIrlshes anr.l sprenrls.

Orowmg In colonies, Moss Plnlt hlnnlwts the gronncl wflh 11 tnlil­lng mnt or g;•rcn, Re11ching· l!Jl· wn;·d from tho low parts fii'O stems ben.ring thin, pointer! Jen.ves, Hilflperl lllw ncerlles, Al tho ends 01' L11o stems nrc cillstol'R ol' ptnl;, while oJ• pu1·pJe !lowers, cncil with Moss Pink five potals. '!'he plnnL" clln;r close I!)Na!lanal Wlldllfo federation lo l11c g-round, ncvc1' !'Ising more lhnn six inchns In IHJ!gllt. Whon growing wllrl, It nnr:I101'H

Whun 11. mnsH ol' MosH Plnlt IH In rlown t.lw soli nnrl Jre(;ps )Jcating bloom, from April to .June, it Joolrs t·nins fl'fllll wnshing nwny the rlilt. Jilre tt bright cnrpot covel'ing the II' il wore not !'or tho t11iclt mnls cnrlh. Lntet• in L11o Sf!llson, lii'Lui' or: Moss Plnlt, many n hill m· .slope the IJJOSHOOlH III'C gone, J.lw StiJIIIH IVIJIIirJ fm i'III'I'OWed WJI.h gullies, uml JcaveH stny gn1un, 'l'lw plnnt nlso rlons well In

According to tile NaLional Wild- flower !Jcrts IIlli! J'OIJ!r gnrrlens, fll]­

llfe l•'cdemlion, MoHs Pink iH l!onllng t.o the Nill.ionnl Wilrlllfn found ill the nm·llwiiHlorn fOIII"ih fo'udeml.ion. II. come~ in a r!o~cn Ill' of tlw Unii.IJr.l AILIIOIIgll it lllOI'IJ vnl'ieties which nt•n enslly lllllY grow IIH flo!' llfll'i.h liS Onlnrio gi'OWII, f~il<t! ll.s WilrJ ~OIISill, MOHH and as 1'111' soll!.ll as F'Jorlda, It Pin!{ in gnnlens form ill·igil!. thrives cili<Jfl,v in Uw region Jllll:rrhnH of eolor in tlw sp1·ing. IHJIIIFier! hy New Vorl<, Nrnth Ji'm· lnl.<;l'iJHllng· lnl'unnalion 011 CIII'OJIJlll, '1\lllnUHSI'C flllrl 1\ilif!Jiigilll, OliH'I" )'llifJIIfC HjlCI'If!.4, )'ellf!CI'H llli!.Y A native Auwricnn plnni, it is 11 Wille lu lho Natwnal Wlldllle nwmiJel' of' t.lw plilox f11111ii.Y. /lccdcrailion, WI!Rhingtun 10, D. C.

-~· --~~-~-----· ·-.-~- ··-

Ancien[ Jfislmy olher equipment nt n.Jiction Au­gust 24.

on,. Yl'lll' Ago Cllvnnl!et' nn<l Mehnn 'l'lw l!IC>O eonnty fnir rr.l.lwiH'd JcnsiJd flw nn.ytH•.I' st.ot·e nnrl will

n pl'Of!l.. Tile exnct nmo1mt. is not. nlllVII J.Jwir sl.l)d( Scoptcmher l. yet !mown. A t.t.cnrlan<"~ wns IIJI on· •r11 esrlny morning C. A. Cnltl-nml expenses were lowet• I llnn 1.11" well elosrrl! Ute Charleston hotr;J in the year hcfo;·c. "' Mnso1t. f-lrr hns g-one on the ro11fl

l?rost An~nst 21 rlamn~cd r;t•ops l'nt• thr MnCormielt f-lrli'VI'Rting-on low ground. HnJHli'Pris of' n.err;s Mnrrhinrri'Y Co. of corn, pntnl.ncs, l'llenlll!Jel·s and u. H. Wnllrnr has lntd n ecmcnt: melons wc;·c l<illcd. Onions were wnllt in front: of his placre in Dnns-rlanwgcrl lllll. will partially re- ville. Tt io- the fii'SI. cement wnllc r.ovrt·, g-r·ow£H'X sai(l. in the town.

At its meeting- Monrlny nigl1l. Willifl Bros. nrc having- a new lhe eity <!<.llmrril dec'ided ln Hllhmil. g-nsollnc engine placer.! in tncit' lo rleclors in· Novemhe,r Lhe pro- lll•lln house n.t Onondaga. posnl ln hnve fL elHtt·tet· (~omn1i~~ Slocl<brirlge is organizing- n Hi on rlt·aw IIJl a. new cllD.J'ler. Jl~ilf ing <!ompnny. The (ll'onwl.m·s

Richard Men.d, 4, Uansville Jnst ;u·e c. 'R DePuy, W .. 1. Oanr;er·, the si~ht: of one eye when he wnH u1 .. A. J3. Grcrm, A. W. Brown anrl ;;lnwl' hy an niTOW. William Brogan.

In~hn1n pcnch gt·nwers nrc hnr· AIJw 1t .r. Hnll of Mn~mn 1'CRC11crl vcst.lng one of thr lwsl. rrmps in . two women from drowniug- at Y"ars. PlenHnnt lnltc Hlltunlny. Mr. Hall

10 Y1·arM Ago-ln·ll a.nd his wire and some other pea-Leslie voters tUI'n"r.l down. l.lw pic we1·e in bathing. •rwo women

proposal foJ' the sale of liqum· hy lost their gl'ip on a boat to which the glass, 393 lo 2D. they had been clin~ing to stcndy

'rhe Surplus Marltcting AnLI'nl'• themselves. '!'bey went unrlrl' in it.y !1ns nnn.romwrrl that it will rir1ep watc1·. Mr. I-Tnll swam to again lmy apples to bolstcl' J.11r their rescue. He pived to the bot-marlrel.. l?ivc million bushels of tom ol' the lalw nnrl bronght the the fruit will he shipper! lo Great two ;;truggling, sc;·eaming fe-Britain as n g-ift. males to the surface and to shni-

The har'n on the 80 acres a mile low water. AA Jw waded ashore nor·th of Onondaga owned by tho after u1c rescue he was given Prudential Life Insurnnee Co. wati many c:hecrs IJy the multitude destroyed by nrc Aug-ust 20. It watching the rescue fmm shore. was a new ham last year. Mrs. Two wcekH ago D1·. T-I. .T. Wat-Wilma Brown l'cntod the place son and Mrs. Watson of Williams-

In order to gel the stt·ccls sur- ton t·eturned from driving. Mrs. foced this year, the city couneil Watson remained in the caJTiage has abaridcmed the WPA program when tile cloctor stopped in front and will Jet a contmct for the of his office. After the doctor en-work. On the program for surfac- teored the office his wife decided to ing are Lansing street from Ash alight. As she stcpped to the to.North, Nm·th street from Lan- ground the horse wheeled. Mrs. sing to Cedar and Rogers from Watson was pinned against the Sycamore to Olwmos street. side of the carl'iage !Jox and the

The city · council has backed wheeL '!'he injuries she ;·eeciverl away from its edict that the Ma- proved fatal Sunday. son stockyards cnn not he used by Ridley & Marshall as sales pe.ns. '!'he Michigan Central, wh1eh leafieR the yards to the Detroit commission house, and the sellers themselves have ngr·eerl to keep the yards clean.

20 y.,1u·,; - Beavers have constructed a dam three miles northeast of Mnsmi on Mud creek. Drain· Commi"ssioner George Graham has aslred the stale conservation department t.o Jive-trap tho beavers so the dam can he destroyer!.

Claude Reynolds has tile lead in the tall cor;.n contest. He is dis­playing corn 12 feet, 4; incl~es tall.

The Wolverine Engmeermg· Co. has entered a nevi' field. It is now manufnctul'ing concrete hurial vaults.

Sidney Monison, plant eng-ineer at the SMA Corporation, has pet·­fected and is now manufacturing milk coolers. He has nppl!erl for n. patent on his invention.

F. W. Launstcin & Sons lws acquil'erl the routes of the Fosler· crest Dairy in :Mn.son and Holt:. Launst:eins also bought pat't of t.h~ Fostercrest ·he1·d.

no Ye~Us Ago-1!101 :Mnson'H baseball team walloped

the stt·ong Bement team of Lan­sing 10-2 last Fridny aftcmoon, Eugene, La and AI Edgal' of Ani'C· Jius added stJ·rngt.h lo the Mnson lineup. Lo Edgar Jed Mnson at the plate with three hils.

Nicholas McCann of Bunlcer Hill was in Mason Frirlny and bong·ht or. the Mason Buggy Co. one or the new ha 11-llea.ring top !Jug·gics.

The Dansville Crcamm·y Co. is selling its engine and boiler and

~outhe;:;:;-t;~;.-~r--Mieh ilJ1;n coun tic~ m· from over llw line in Ohio or Indiana, is hard to figlll'e ant. J~mm mechanization rcncl1Crl there before it did here in the third tiel' of eonntics. Some people say that the intet·est in horsc-pnlling Hi.emH from the Hillsdale fair.

Probably those in Ute horse-pull­Ing· nmliencc who can hitch or dt·ive a team al'c in the minm'ily these clays. LotH of people htwc to go to the fai;· lo sec a hol'sc in hlll'ness.

With inteJ·est high in luwsr­Jltllling Uwrn is gond l'<'ason tn lw­lii\VIl thut c;·owds wonlll "show flu• sunw iul.t;r1•st in wa{ 1·hiug Wllllll'll WOJ'](, Fm· n"xt: . ~·1;a1·'s fail• a clot.hl's-washlnr,:· m· clothrs-imning contest !Jouhl lm stttgl'd. l'erha11s <t baby-changing cuut.,st would gn good.·

Summertime is almost over. Mrs. Nick and Her Hayseeds will usher in the autumn social sea·son at the Legion Memorial builrling Saturday night, September S. That's a place where a. little extra weight comes in handy, too.

The Lions tlhl nll l'ight wlt11 thl'h' tnrt.le derby. The venture I"Chll'rwd a Jll'olit of than $1,1100, ac­cording t.o incolliJllctc l'CJlorts.

Book Talk from

I:-.'GIIA:\1 COUNTY URRARY Hours npr•n to Lilf• puhli(~ nt Hall Ml!·

mol'i:ll Liht'Hl'Y, Ma:-;on: llaily, 2-!i p, m.: Munday, Wt•dtH·sr!ny, RntUI'tlny, 7-!l p, m.; fial.tmlny, 10-l:.! n. m.

Vacation time is coming to a close; !Joys and gi1·Js are fnst com­pleting their· "Reading Roundup" fot· the summe1·. Thirty-five me al­ready in tho Mason library corral. •ro geL in to lhe cort'al, the boys and g-i1·Js have to show;~. record of' 10 of the bool<s they have rear!. Reading interests have certainly been va;·icd.

Leading point manufacturer is •vcrloadcd with high grad1 Houso Paint. We purchased hi• entire stock at a 1acrificu. Honea, this sensational price:

.85 Gal. In

5·gal, ~ona



::-fREE SAMPLE ON REQUEST =: White, Bnrn Red, OrO)',

Drawn. Order in unlto o! 5 11'011. per colm·.

Limited Qunn!Uy-Don't Deln1 Send check or money-order. 26o/o dopoalt when 10hlvvcd freight col• lcct. Bolnnce C.O.D.

WHITE DUTCH PAINT CO. 411 Dorr St. Toledo 2, Ohio


Whose Fault Is It? Accidents involving children

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Avoid rislting your savings and your future by having com­plete insurnncc coverage. Auto­Owners Insurance covers more types of accidents-g·ives you greater protection for your in­surance dollar.

Best of all A uta-Owners Liability and Property Damage rates arc still the same low price. /

Your Auto-Owner~ Agency

McCowan & McCowan US I~. Onlc l'hone 32111


INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Auguql 23, 1951


gives you the "b k II rea s .



when opportunity

knocks for you?

It's easy to save in the

Page 2

The most popular author this 1

'!'he little follts hOVI} , selectclll especially the Nal innal f'nrlc plc· summ(JJ' hao been Robh While. He bookH that they eould read tlwm· tures. is host !mown for his sailing- sto1·- selves. This is very important to Classics have been tr·cnHUl'Cll ies but his most recent hook, a them, because it means accom- too-"Huci(Jehcrry Finn," "Mary do~ story, "The Haunter! Hound," plishment. Here o.t·e a few, which Poppins" and "Little Women" has realiy hrought hlm fame in they hav!!' especially lil<ed: "Blue- wet·e cneh t•cem•r!ed a numilcl' or Ingham county. It is the story of hm·i·ies For Sal," "Where Is Cub- times. "1-lucklebcrt·y Finn" iH the Po.t Li!drer, a fox·hunling hound, by Bear," "Wallting Hat," "DOO famous Rtmy of hoy life on t110 who at fit·st refused to be domes- Btickets of Paint," "Krrty-No- MiHsissippi, first published in 188u. ticated. Pot' Lil<l<er adopted Jon a- Pocket," "Billy and His F;·icnd," "Mary Poppins" is the stm·y of than BntTelt and Jrom then on "Little Eddie," "One bittlc In· this astonishing person who hlew hath the dog and hoy have many dinn," and "Why Cowboys Sing- in In with the cast wiml stayed adventures and provo the dog's Texas." as she had agTced, unltl 1t changed greatness. Some like this story be- Indians and cowboys !lave been nnr.l actor that 1 t was never ll~c cause it is a dog story, and others popular with boyH. They have also same for Jane and Mtchael. :"Jus talk about their interest in .Ton asked for geography bool<s. "Pc- is dellghlful nonsense. ''L1ttlc and his father ·and .Judy ancl her ter Paints the U. S. A." is an in- Women" is still the favorite of all uncle. We like it because it J• ex- te;·esting clesc;·iption of a cross· I Alcott boolts. It. 1s larg-ely d!'llWJJ citing-, full of: suspens~: and human country trip, and young rea.ders from _the life o[ Miss Alcott anrl interest. have enjoyed Peter's illustratrons, her s1sters.

., l-·


BIC; ; ; in size! BIG; i; in power! BIG; ; ; in all-around

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ultl·n·smart and spacious , , • tailored for your driving comfort

<~nd riding luxury. Ami above all, Oldsmobile's superb new "'!

Engine learns wilh Hydrn-Matie Drive* to give you bt·illiant

high,compression performance· and economy: Drive

.OJdsnwbile'~:beautiful "98"-t!te sl<lirdout mlue in tire big car fie/ell


Abot•e: "RocTiet 98" ·~·DIJflr Sllllrm. •HJy,(ra.Matic 11rit•e llflliuualtll t'Xlrct

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222 S. Ceda!'


O.LDlM 0 B UE Powered by tha Famous "ROCKET" ENGINE 135 Horaepowai fliihl C1ifndor1 90·D•ar•• lank T1p•

Overhead Volvto H1draulle Valve Lifton ~.l .. ring Crankohofi • Auto·Thormle Pitton• • 7.S Comproulon Rallo •

Reinforced Cranke••• and C1llnder llack Deolgn


A. G. Spenny & Sons Millon, Micbiran

f' I


I l

Williamston Mra, Nlnu IIotchum

Mr. ILQQ Mrll. nobert Qooq nnrl family. of Battin Cr•oolt wor•o lfiiCII.ta of Mrs, Bca11 Abbott Sattu·-any. ·

Mr•, nne! Mra, nollet•t Blanchnrcll Two Rl:llrluntA from Albion arc l'Clllt'Jlcd horne 'l'hlll'sclny f'ro111 n. pr•orrehlng In tlw Wllllnmsl.on fishing lt•lp In lhc nor•thorn purl. Mol.hnrllst nnrl tho Wllllnmatnn nt' the sl!rto, Ccnlm• MoLiwdist. church while

firemen Stage Annual Picnic

'J'Ihc Willlnmslon Volunteer· Flr·c­mcn heir! llwlr· annual picnic snp­)Jct• at tl1e homo of Mr·s, HniJcrt !{ctchunt, Ji'rlduy evening', li'nrty­nlnc atlonrlcrl, 'rho srrppcr· \Vas served at seven o'cloclc n ncler the wcli·IIghtcd l>lg- mnplc in the yr11·d. Following- lhc supper· a progr·n llt undor• tlw Hl!Jler·visirm of Mr. nnr! ll1r·s .. Tim Brit'llott ltepl cvor,vonc busy until W o'clo"lt, when ll;e gl'OtlJl nri.Jout·ncd inlr> lite hnusc for· hot coffee rrnd visiting-. li'oi­Jowlng- this, Lcstet· Mny slwwPr! co!or·ed slldos or his fnmll,v's trip

W. II, C, llnH 1'\I!'lltlng

'rho Woman's Relief Cor·ps mat 'Phur·srlu,v nvonlng 11l tl1c clt.y hull, Hhorl11 Slocum pr·osirled, Tho president uppolnterl Ivnh 'l'rn·ne!' 11nr! ICmmtt i:lmlth ns uhlos, Al t11o nextnrcotlng- tltosn who hnr! hil'lh·· r!ny nnr1jversnr·Jo~ In Mu,v, .Tune, . Jtrly nncl A11gust will bo rccog-. nl~oc!, A !Johmnlnn cllnnm· will he sur·vcr! at G::Jo o'clock, At thi•J time lillcstB fi'Onr n11l of town will IJe cntorlulncd, McrniJcr·s Ell'c lls!ced to la ftc ln !Jie ser·vJcc u ncl 11 dldh lo pass, A meeting with t110 Pntriotle dub will be llclcl In Scp­tenrlwr·. li'ollnwlng- the business ,Yossion of lhe W, H. C., Arvilln Porter und Emma Smith served t'cl'reshtnents,

·Plans Made for School Opening

On September 5 Wllllmnstnn sclwols will !'copen

Scptcm!Jer• 5, for· n hnlf-day ses­sion fnt• nil fr•oshmon, junior· high unci gr•nrlo students, No student~ A r·c to fl t tone! on 'l'ucsdny, n~ this is n c!ny for• the tenchor·s to g·et organized and r·orrdy fat• Lho open­Ing day,

Toneltcr·s will meet Tuesday lo got their moms In or•c!ct· and to hold gonei'!IJ meetings, 'rhe tlrst rnccllng will be nt 10 o'cloclt, 11l tho now ulcmcn tnr·y school, In tho rrftcmoon Ute high school lnachcr·s will meet in the home economics r·oom of tho high school nne! grmlr• tcrrchers will meet ut

The h T, A, olnas of tho Moth­ocllat ~hurch heir! 11 fnr·ewoll PILI'ly fm• Mrs, Hrmnah Bowor·a who Is leaving to apond some time with her· slater In the west.

Mr, and Mrs, Don DeNike nt· tended the wedrllng of hor broth­er, Robert Bartley, ami Miss Qcor­gle mvaQR Satur•day evening a I. .Judson Memorial Baptist l'hurch in Lansing .

Mrs. Robert Lisle, Sr., of Ohio has been Vlllltlng at tho Iwmo of her son and daughter-ln-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lisle

Mr·s. Bess Abbolt nccompanieu by her brother and wlro, Mr. anrl Mr·s. Montie King, at' r.nnsinif, nt­tended the Wood-Glelloy r•ounion heir! In Granrl Lodge Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gidley of Messick wore guests of their• cou­sin, Mrs. Bess Abbott, Frlllay.

Mt•. nnd Mr~. Willis De Will, with ll<lV, Hornco .Trrrncs rtnrl his fnmlly Mr•, uncj Mr•s, A, ll, Orlost of Lnn- nr·o on vucnllnn, Wendell Millet sing, lll'B spending a two woolts filled lhn PUifllt lu~t Sunday nne! l'nCirlion nt Fifo laltc und lilll< ltobcrt Wolfulr· will pr·orwh nexl Hapl<ls, Suncln,v, 'rho hays LU'c ft•om the

Brlgg Slone and Roirmrl Hnr·lt· Lnnslng ContJ·ni Metlwcllst church. ness, <JWtJcrs nnd opcl'Ulm•s ol.' the Rev, .Tnmes nnd frtmlly lll'c vnca­Oold Stnr• roct'Oillion howling nl- tinning nl Hll.l'l'lson, lcys In Wllflnnmlon, Will opun tho Mr. nne! Mrs. JU, C, Boomnn of alleys August 2fi, Mot'l'lson lnlw hnvo mlrlt'ncrl home

n'Rvlrl Cussndy, son of Mr. and n flcr• sp11nr1Jng n l'ew clays vi~itlng ll1r·s. Allen Cnssady, who Is stlr- Uw Char·ios Vnnnctcrs. tloner.l nt Cnmr Attcrhury, Indl- Mt·. nnrL Mrs, li'a.hlnu Mnitrln!i ann, has boon tr·rrnsferrcd to F'or·t nnd Miss Mnr·gnrot A thmnn oi Br•ngg, North Cur•oflnu. Dutl'oit: wor·c grrtlRt~ S11ndny of

Paul Br·ott, Donmt rmd Peggy Mrs .. Jrrlln Ciwmbcrlnin, Cavanaugh, Ann nnd T(rry Mor;m, Mrs. !l:lt'l'ison Bl'Dphy is con­Louo!la unci Cnt·oilnc Eaton, Mal'- vnlcscing- from n l'cccnl opet•nlion grrr•et Af.ll~on, .James Hccoe, Clum nt lho Sl. Lawrence lwspltal in l::khulr., Lonlsc Shaulis, Connie Lansing-. Srn!Lh, Nlln. Smllh nne! Bonnin Snndy Blll'gcss spent her· VIICII··

'ruttle returned last Sunday ov~- tion with hut· parents al Crystul l'lll'ough Ar·lxnnn, W,v"mlng·, N1•w , ,

1 Mexico, Utuh and tho Dalwtus,

A short business rmcting, l"'c-JI<1wan1ans p an sided over· by CIJicf Wilbur Smith,

1 ( • • s I

followed the Hllj>JlCI'. AnnOlliWC·! ommiSSIOn a e men-t was mnrle that I he A 11'1'1.1 f•'lrcmen's nssociution will hold its , . . • . picnic August ;w nt Cll. ,Johns, 'lhc Wtlli:tnmto.u hlwums club

' · . , will clepJll'l !r·om 1ts llS!llll way ot TiclteLs \\'Cl'(' gt\'cn out .'o the r·11 islng- frnuls !'or· undorpl'ivilcclgcd

local fir•t;nrcn t'or tlw Chr·rstmas children this year· !llH! will, in­~rojcct which will rr;IInw lite :;amc stead, hold ft c;lll111lllnily sale on rt lmo lis last year. !!.etch YllHl' lhc 10onslgnnront bnsis clur·ing the locnl iit·cn)[•n I'll!"' money wlm·h months of October ami November·, Is spent t'ot· lire Pt.rtturg on of £L Till' idea, :1s pr·oposcrl, would lw Christmas rar:t.v rn lire school for· me1·cJHtnts of \Villiamslon, gym for all t;luldt·cn . below the r esirlenls or lhi~ con111111nity and seventh gl'ltrle rn lite crty al!d Hill'· far'mer·s in ~li!Tounding lCl'l'itory roundrng COrttllllltllty. to con;:ig-n either one or· more heurl

New School Ready At Williamston

the elcmcn ter·.v school,

On Wcc!ncsdu,v, September 5, the fmshmcn, junior high nncl elemen­ter·y students will report for· school at nine o'cloclc, Classes will be dis­missed at noon. !Tinch school htrs will go out from the school at eight o'clock on tho same route used last ,YeEu·, All new students slroul!l walk to the hUll mute, If they clo not live an it, lhe !lt·st clny, The l'flutes will be changed to talw care of tile greatest number· of students possible, as soon us lo­Ciltion of stuclon ts, in relation to lhc mute, is clcterminocl, school of­lleinls said,

The Williamston W. C. T. U, will meet Wednesday, August 20,

Mr·, and Mr·s. Homer Hcndriclts and family spent the week end at Patterson lalw.

Mrs, Robert Branch of Bell Oak visited her mother·, Mrs. Irvin So­per l,~st wcelt,

Clarence Galvin of Detroit spent the weelt end with his mother, Mrs. Irene Galvin, nnd family.

Mrs. Car'l'ic Rig-gs has beun visiting her• son and family in Stockbridge hl' a few days,

Mrs. Mario Morse Is visiting relatives in Chicago and Menom­inee, Wisconsin,

Thomas Jervis of Bay City is visiting at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Dale Bios­soy.

Dl'i ving lhc school buses this year will be Richanl Hasltill, W. R. Fowler·, William Dennis, Ted 'l'ur·au, Lloyd Hunt and Mr·. Lueclc. Ha~kill will be in char·gc of all the buses, being responsible for their maintena.nce, fat· cit·ivcrs ancl for the detailed information necessary for tiling reports to the state de­partment,

Mr·. and Mrs. Varney Bennett have moved to Saginaw.

ning from Cnmp Bn.t'lll<el. Jnltc, · Hev. H. G. Rou.~lwy, pust01· or the Mr. am! Mrs, .Toltn 'robin nnrl

Free Methodlot chnt·ch, lras hccn frllnily Sflcnt. the weolc end with transferred to the Lansing North Mt•, anrl Ml's. \Vallncc Larson in End •·church, Hov, Hoei<nduy wi_JJ LJelroil. lle the new pastor· at Wllliumston. 1\Tt·s. l~t·anlt Hammcr·Ic nnil

Mr. anct Mr·s. Lawrence Smith lirurghlc•r·, .Joan of Cleveland, Ohio, have r·etw•n'od ·home ni'lcr spend- h:ts retrll'Jred horne ul'ler- spending­ing some lime near· Luding-ton. 11 few days visiting with her

M1·s. Lila Hideeker· hns le:rscrl !Jmllwt··in·law anrl sister·, Mr·. and nnd Is opr,·alfng llw 1mling plncu 1\!rs. B. W. Volmet·, anrl family. on M-78 l<nown as Shaw's Tri- T-lorr:;c gtrests at the William lingle. Maclde hon'" the Jlrlst wcclt were

Mt·s. Ethel DcCnrnp anti g-t·ancl- l'.Iiss Helen Johnson of New rlaugl1tcr, Dirtno .Jones, have re- Cnsllc, Indiana, anrl Mr·s, L, 0. turned fr•otn spending a week end Vannice of' !J:nrsvillc, Jnlliann, 'l'hc al Roosevillc, where they visited women Hltcnrled lira ntttionll! lhc Donald DcCnmpo. Donna Mn- humotnal<or s convention at Miehi­l'ie DeCamp returner! wil/1 them gan 8tat:e (,ollcge. Mr~. Vannice, for- a shor-t visit. mol!Jct' nf Mrs, Muellle, par·tici-

Mt·. and Mr·s. Selby Shaw ami ]iitlcrl in !he music Jll'Ufil'am al the son, Lomn, have rctul'tlcrl fi'IJJH coli''ge iltlllilor·irrm Wcrlnosday, spcncling a week's vacntion at Mr;;, l<'t•anlt Shepler hns been Bill's lake. , 'ick at hon'" tho past wcclt, HcJ' The new ell'mcnirrl'y Nchool will

lw completed lly Ute opening of school with tlte cxecplion of steel

· loclwr·s nncl u few otlwr· metal it oms.

'l'hc fol'mal derlicnlion will talco place after· Lht; opening of school.

It is L'XJlcclorl Uwt the locl<crs will Ui't'iVe soon. RegislJ•ation Will laJ<e place at the new school

of cutUe, farm tools or· anything of a fa I'll! n:J tur·e, Ol' housoholcl ap­pliance, wl1iclr they wish tf' sell on a eommission ba:;is. 'rho club will lwndlc tho ndvcr·'ising, the fruc­lioneel'ing and clel'king un n pcJ··· ccntage of !Ire ;::ross receipts antl p;ry the consig-nu· ll1e price, loss trw conJJnission for· selling. The maintenance men at the now

elcmonter·y school arc Rnlph Nor·­ris and George Vicl<ers. Tho main­tenance men at the high school are Harmon Straugh and Roy Holmes,

Mr. and Mrs. John Batchelder entertained at a dinner Sunday honoring Ferric Aldrich of How­ell.

Mrs. Jcrinic Steadman attended tho anniversary party of cv!r, and Mrs. Blakely of Holt.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taboda of Grand Rapids spent a few days last .wcelt with Mr. and Mrs.

Mr·s, Olgn Jason anrl daug-hlor r!atrghlct', .Mrs. Margaret Smith, is of Okemos have been spending- 11 c:u·ing for her, few clays visiting Mr·. ancl Mrs. Mis;; Nol'llra Dansby of Jackson 'red Thompson at the cottage on 'Pent lhe wcelc end with her par-Long !alto neat· Ionia. ents.

Mrs. Albertine Monme was sur-)ll'ised on her bir·thda,v when a pic­nic supper• was g-iven in her· honer at the home of Mt·. and Mrs. Vern Insurance Dillingham Thm·sclay,

~~~~~~~~~'afr~~~~·er~g~n,w~~~~~e~1t;;;er· :r town a I. tend itt if Lht• ole men tary school will have an oppol'lunily to ride the llus, which will matte ;;tops on Lito wulh sirlc of Grand River nne! on Williams street, for all Jiving not·th "I' Grand River in that section. Grade cl1i!d:·en i11 other soetol's or the city will lake the bus, whidt will slop for· thom when r·etm·ning from their tt•ips lo the rur-al nl'eas. Reg-ular· stops will be established nl.'lct· the opening or school,

'l'hoso J'armer·s, mer·ehants or residents who [fcsit·e to enter llti~ plun lll'e asl<od to gel in louclt with eilh<Jr· J~vct·ott White, Ar·nolcl Pt·ino, Harold Youngs or· Clar·oncc Morrice and their· consignmento will he recorded and the consignor eonladcd lalcl' ragarcling details. While, club president, can he 1 eac!tcrl at tile Williamston har·d· Wfll'c, Prine at the Williamston Cr·edit Btu·oau, and Youngs at Pon­tiac Sales.

FFA Boys Plan Camping Trip

Wayne Beatty. . Tommy Cassady spent the past

week in Dryden visiting his uncle; Roland Adams,

Mr·s. Gcor·ge Bnclmtn is .spending · her vacntion with her· huslmncl at Gl'ayiing whel'e he is in tn!ining.

Mt·. and Mr·s. Roy Bishop of Howell and Mr. antl Mt·s. Forest Shirley and claug-hter·s of Bello­ville visited their pnr·cnts, Mt·. anrl M:t·s. Floyd Bennett, last wcclc

Fire ·Life • Casual tv

i"iprll·lsnwn Discuss Hunting 'l'he .Chief Okemos Sportsmen

club meeting was hold recently, Mot·t·itt L, Vnn Ostran, president of the Williamoton Pr·ogressivo Hunting club, was an invited guest and gave a short tnlk on how the loc;rl club wor•fts, ils success and accomplishments over the years of

Oarrh•n Cluh lo llold Sho\\' its ltett\'ilies. The Okemos club

The August meeting of the Fu­ture·s of America was held at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ley Risch, Gaylot·d Risch was host.

Plans arc complete for the an­nual summer leadership CHmp, which will be held at the Cadillac state park August 20. The camp will consi~t of ;Jlanning the year's program. The Williamston chapter has been high in state chapter competition for years.

Plans are made for the boys to swim, boat, fish and hilce during the camp. Twenty-five boys will

The Reel Codal' GaJ'!Ien elub will wer.t on r·ecorcl As opposed to us­llDid the amtwll fall [•'lower show ing l'if!es in dcor llllnting south of September 7 and S al St. Mary's M-·16, ;mcJ also to Clll'b the use of hail. Residents of the comnHmity motor· boat:; on \'fll'ious laltes and and men g~ti'Cienct's a1·e urged to s t J' e a 1n s. Ref1·cshments Wel'e br·ing in !lower HJ'l'nngeJnenLs and/ served at the close of the rnecling. • ~pccimcn blooms. 'l'he local club ---

will try again fm· l110 national Mrs. Nina Ketchum, Mrs. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Siebert Moerman

attend the camp .

Cpl. Gregot·y Wygrant from Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, spent the p:tSt week 'end with his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wygant.

Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Crips and daughter have returned from a motor trip through northern Mich­igan and Wisconsin.

Auto Owners, Ilartfurd

Joy 0. Davis AI Pier·ce of Lnnsing visited Mr·. and M1·;;, Er! Porter· Sattu·dav Hft-

ernoon. Mt·. Pierce used to 'he iu Ahovo Fa.rtllct1! Hanlt the bm·bcr· business in Williamston 3lllVz s. ,Jeffrorson l'h. ;181:132 several years ago.

Mt•, aM Mt•s, Tee! I·T11nnan nnd 'hllelren apont Strnclny ovonlng In Iwru'l~ Ol'colc,

nov, Hol'I!Ce .JnmnR, jlllHl<ll• of he Melhorllst chm·ch, r·Dtur·nml

lfllllO Sn til !'Clay to pi'Ofonn tho lllll'J'lngo coromony of Dorothy lmlt.h rtncl Rlc!tnt•ri Mn,y, '

Hnlatoncl Beatty nnd mmc~l Qnffnor• left Monrln,y for n week nl ::amp Ocquooc' 11 t Ocquonc lnltc In ror'thorn Mlcltlgan,

Ullrt Wnr·,lwcll of Ln!<ovlcw, New rorl<, Is visiting n~ Uw home ot' 1ls hr·othcr•, 'l'hnd Wrmlwell.

Mrs. Dcll11. Anwny Is vlsillng In Jhlcngo for a few weelts.

Mr. nnd Mrs, Ted Cllcl<ilm' hnvo ,·oturncrl from sperH!ing u wcclt al t-J<Jllg-hlon Lako. '·

Mr, and Mt·s, !toy L11nc spent

tho post week end at their cottlla'!l In I he nor'ihfll'n JlUI't of lite st11to,.

Mr·H, A linn in Youngs loft Satm·-· !lay fnt' n·oo-wcolt stay 11t Lob~ rlnll Iulie.

-·-------Colton onr'o Jl'l'CW wild In mnny

IHndH, 'rho Clt·o"l<s called It "tree wool" hul twcrl llltlo of It, · '

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS August 23, 1951 Pngc 3

E\'['ry 1'ru~dlty - O:SO I', Ill,

Kit Clardy WIIA'I - 11!20


Don 'l Be

lmpalienl . . In the preparation of your prescription

we consider accuracy most essential. It is necessary to carefully measure ingredients, and to be certain of each operation in their preparation. This takes care and time,

So if you must wait a few minutes for your prescription, clon't be impatient. It will be right when yoLJ receive it,

• IIne

I· I I. I I I I I I I

, I• I' I I

awnrcl of tho Purple r·ibbon, Last Wilton and daughter, Dawn Ellen, I have rctumed from their trip to year they won honorable mention. wer·e dinner gue.sts of the former's the west coast covel'ing nearly 'rhc theme of lire slww will be sistct•, Mrs. Edith Tobias, in Lc- 7,000 miles. While there they VIS· "Down lhc O>tnlen Pnth" whicl. Roy township Sunday. ited the Austin O'Dell's in Call­will enrl Hl lho wiolting well. There Clyde Oroel was surprised on fornia and called on friends In arc few rules, HIJ ciHsscs being his birthday Saturday night when New Mexico. The Mcermans were open lo the public and all entries fr·ienrls and neighbors· came in for obser·ving their 25th wedding an-m·e free. " the evening. Mrs. Croci served re.. niversary, They have two. chi!-~

fresluncn ts, assisted by ·her drcn, David and Dorothy. Mr. and l'v!·t·s. 'Lawrence Siegels daug-hters, Vil'tue ancl Loraine. Dr. and M1·.s. Owen Hendren of

and son of Tucson', Arizona, ar- 1\fr'. and Mr·s, George Frost visit- Birminn·ham callecl on Williamston rived Fr·iday for a visit with rcla- ed 1iir. anr!Mrs. Joe Lane in Char- friend~0 Saturday afternoon. tives ancl friends. Tltc Sicgels are lotte Sunday. Mr·. and Mrs, John Wagner of for·mor· r·osidcnts of Williumslon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Porter of Cumberland, Maryland, and Ridge-

tobuythis at ar!

Tiro Past Pt·csidents elub of the Lrrnsing spent Lhe wcclt end with IV West Vit•rrinia who have been Womans Ro!iol' corps will meet their· parents, Mr. and Mr·s. Eel v~cationing i~ M{chigan and Ohio for a bol1cminn dinner al lhc home Porter. the past two wcclrs, visited their of Mrs. E1·a llfcOeo fo'r·iday. Mrs. Ml'. and Mrs. Charles Butler and aunts, Mrs. Nina Ketchum and Bernice Sicgels of At·izona, pasl famrly unci 1\It·s. Verna Butler of Mrs. Be

1·b Tobias, and Mr. antl

president of the cot·ps, will be the Detr·oit spent tL week cnt! at the Mt·s. Cunan Wilton and Mt·. ancl honoree! guest. 1\f. V. Buller home, M1·s, William Ketchum this woelc

··-- ·---·- __ ··------------ _ _____ ____ ~~~~Inje~~~:~~~I\~~n{:.ftT~~y t~)~~l~;:cl


SEE thousands ol FREE exhibitsl

ENJOY Parades, Contests, Fire­works, Concerts! ·

SPECIAL Su!lriso Service; Sunday, Sept. 2


August 31-Septambor 1

Ht~ad/ining Spectacular ~o/isoum Show



WILD BILL (RED RYDER) WIOn ~llltU1131- Stp!GIIIbtr 8

* IOO·AUlE AUTO RACE S1.11day, Septo~nber 9

to stop in Cleveland, Ohio, to visit the formc1·'s pm·ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner·, The Wagncrs fly their own private plane.

The Dorcas society of the Alaic· don Seventh Day Adventists chtn·ch sent 13 boxes of clothing overseas for· war refugees in Eu-rope. ,

M1·s. Edith Smith of Haslett, rliod August 11. She was bom in Haslett, December 13, 1866, and had Iivecl her enlir·e life in Haslett, Smviving is one si~ter·, M1·s. Bini (.I essie) Tobias rif Williamston; and a niece, Mrs. Thelma Abbott Dewey, of Lansing.

Slie wns a chapter member of the Haslett Baptist church and a member of the Ladies Aiel society of the chur·ch and also a member of the Haslett Literary .society. Set·vices were hold the following Tuesday. Bm'ial was in the Rose cemetery.

Mrs. Dale Welch nttencled the Glad show Rt Michigan State col­lege Sa tul'Clay.

Mt·s. CntTie Hunt entertained her sister-in-law from Chicago, Il­linois, over the week end.

Mt·s. Herb Tobias, who has been sic It fm• three weolcs, ·is able to be rlown to\vn again.

Mr. and Mr·s. EJarl Hathaway en­tertained their gr·andniece and nephew, Patsy and David Bloss, of Allegan this week,

M1·. and Mrs. Bel'ton Johnson and family spent l11st Sundny in Detroit visiting Mrs. Ida Burke. Lois Johnson enter·ecf her· last ,veat· in training at the Henry Ford Nursing school nfter spending a month with het· parents.

.Berton Jonnson entertained ~>CV· en teen young people of his Sunda.y school class Friday, honoring EI­dean Gregg who Is home on fur­lough.

l{enneth Beatty, Stlltioned nt Great Lalccs n11val training sta­tion, llew home Saturday fot· 11 short lenve Which· he spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beatty.

Don Beatty, James Stephens, Curran Wilton of Williamston and Franlt Enger of Lansing are spending their vacation on n camping trip in Canada.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hager­man, and daughter, Mary Lou, are spending a few days ,In Elmira, New Yorl<, with Mrs, Hagerman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Welles.

.t .ft ·II

r' ,,., ...

T HIS is the perfect day to do something very nice for yourself.

Stop in and see how very easy it is fOl' you to become the owner of a great new Pontiac. It's easy because Pontiac is so remarkably low in pt·ice-and because we want to work out a good deal for you.

And what a wonderful feeling it is to own and drive a Pontiac! It's a pleasure just to

be seen in this distinctive Silver Streak beauty. It's a joy to drive-so effortless, so smooth, so quick and eager.

Best of all, the pleasure you get from your new Pontiac is something you can enjoy for a long, long time because Pontiac is built to give you years and years of pleasure.

Make this a great day for yourself. Come in and buy a new Pontiac-a great car!

Equijmumt, ~1cccssorics ttlld b·im illustrdltd ttre subject to ch1111Ke wilholtlllotice.

Anterlcn~s I.O\\'est•l1rieed StroJgltt Eiglat

l.owest•Prleed Cor witlt G:tU Jlytlt•n·lUntie Drive (Optirm~l ~~ e.Wm cost)

'l"our l:ltolce of Silver Strt!nk l~ugiJtes­Strnlgltt Elgltt Ul' Six

Dollar f"o:r Dollar you eant~eat a

l'lte 1Uost Denutiful Tltiug ott \VJteels UuJsteel BodY. Jty l~lslter

1340 S. Jefferson 'Howard Pontiac

..... ',·

. Mason; · Michigan

News ·on Ike Rural Front· ' fH:IT STEAKD ON THE RUN!

Fertilizer Will Be Scarce Until 1954 Steers Average $38 cwt ·at Scramble ·Auctions

Ftll'lill~ct· Hllppllc•s n1uy c•nntlnl!t' HCill'IHl lrll' tho lii'Xi lwn Dl' 1111'1'1' ;iCili'H, but Jl!O.Kjll'f'(H lllll hrlghi thnt thcr o will lm pi Pill y nl plullt food ngrdn ll,Y I flfl1.

'rlw nalinllul pl'orlur•llnn lllllhm­It:/Iu!h ngl~><'rl 011 11 Jl!Ogllllll ln JlCI'lllil lllliidlllg nf pllliiiH lhiil Will rlcp up Olltplll of lllii'OgPn !Jy f!IIO,­rJOIJ tons n ye111.

Applll 1111ons 1'111 Jll'lllllllos fn1 mnlm Ill I,, In lllilhl 11Jilllls will! u r·npnr ill' of •lOO,non ln flfiii,OOO ln111 a Yl'fll' llli'e!HI\' 111e nn l!lc with lilt• NPA,

Some nlllogcn fiOill lllCSI' plnnl~. will IJO .rvnJinhlo for tnfJ:l llllfl~ 'l'llc full nniplll silnulrl he Jl'llll.tblt• iOJ' J'lfH.

USDA IHI s <'sl!lnnl Pel 111111 I lie nnllon Hlwulrl hnw• lwd :,I;O,clll'l

1'1 Clnl 1 or i( phosplmlc. Sull'lllll' II< lei IR sr "' cc• lwr'IIIIHU sn 111111'11 sullrll' '" Jwlng URn<l In llllllllllon,, synthc•lir' r·ublll'l', nnrl HI Pel.

'l'lle 1 c•nsnu wily we eo~n loot, fonvn 1 cl I" mo1 n phnspllOI'IIH h tlml IIILI·w IH'Irl f'llll he usrrl In pi!H'C' of ~ulflll'lt' nr•lll 13Jil 1l tnltCH dlflcreut N[lllllllli'TII, hPnro llw clr•­I,Jy, Supplies of n1l1 11 rrr·1cl 1 o~n ill' 'IIIIPI<iy llH'I ensPrl, howcVPl', !IIlli NPA will g!Vl' plcfet't•nce lol' llln­lelllli,K lll'<'d••ll ln r·onstrlll'i pllnH­phlll<' pl.!nls IIHlllg lire Jlllil1• auicl mcllwrl.

Polnsh suppiiPK, HIIYH !JSfJA, fll0 t•xpcelecl In meet demnncls rlilllllg ttw IH xl HPVtl'ril \'Pill H. I•'(JI j h~ long lllll, ]HJ\\'f'VtlJ, jlOIIIS!J IS 1 he lllggl'sl \VOl I'Y·

INlHI;\~T IA!'I{I'\ I• lo:tl'l'ILIZEU Jngll.Jlll f.Jlll\l'IH Will I.IIC " Tree Farm t•15~;ng 11gl!l t'erliiiY.I'I sJLII.ri!On thrH J'nll lu


It's just too bad that women aren't like hogs. or comsc, I mily have startccl an argument without knowing it, lntt I really think thct e nrc basic dilfcrcnccs between the two. It is so easy• for a hog to reduce, for instance,

At the scramble steer sale during the fair I learned from a Ridley Commission buyet· that a 200. pound hog loses about 10 pounds on\a tt·uck trip from Mason to Detroit,

Show me a woman who could lose that much on such a trip. In the human species, automohtle travel (and truc.k, I suppose) has a tendency to nc\c\ father than sLthtract bulk blubber.

Yes, hogs are differ·ent. . l'spr.ellillv in lh" ·"\'"''' pll<lspt!Jt,· 15 Made by St!lte line, 111 r rml111g lo M11x BI•tnrnl nl H 01

I lw Bc>nwnl l•'""cl & Slippl.v Cn. And now from the feminine sir\c of the news to spot·ts. 'l'llr. hnsl' nf 811 1'0 "1''1"'"''" 11' JVIlrl!!g 111 now hns 2flfi "lll'l' !Iats off to theM 1 I I I 1 'II tl t mlru 1, nnrl 1 h" gnvcrnnHnl ' ason sc 100 JOarc anc cspecJa y 1e ax-Lilting " big sllllll' nl rl 111 ll1e I .elms,' lhe t•onsc•rviiiJOn c!Pp.rll- payers for providing toilet facilities :1t the athletic field. In th<;

men( ':-1 r'o1 <'HI r,v rllvisJOil t 1 pn1·ted h h 1 · lmm ol Hllllilllf .ll'rd. Mll'ill;'.Joi 1,,1111,slc>l's 1111 "" 111 , 1wr·lcrl.llulnp- [>ast t ere ave Jeen many embanass1ng moments and a few Hlnle r•nll<'g<' s1rggc sis lll.1t sod l 1 ("'7 ~ " lClJOrtetl fits of rage because of the lack of such facilities. tef-11!1 lw llli{Pil nnw ~o Lhdl llPPdPd JHil\'lc PIDJtlc s cnvPIIIlg )!l ,th,

1 1 1 o111es, !'.Jtlll'l[l.Jllllg wnucllol flllll fell! IZOI 11111 1' be 011 '''"' · <'Oilllll<'ll 111 t r01 •1·sl nwiH'I's have 1 ,.. The Clovet· 4-H club placed fifth in the float con· tons mme lllilrJg<•n lillh ~'""' til'" c·~·lwrl rr•tlrllloill', 1111cl s1gns wlucll test at the county fair, ' Will he pt•oclr!r'Prl 111 I'Hil, nnr! Lo!C'11J HCI'Illil\' IIHIIV!rll!.ll l!ll!ilel m.rn- • a ymu·Iy 111<'1•' '"'' ,,r Jllll,fiOO tuns 111 .~~enwn~ "'''ns. . It was lucky to do that. The club wotked on the float 111 a n1l1ogon enf'11 vt•.rr nlil'l l!J.Jt 1 CPrlrhl·.rll's " 1111 signs ate given gamgc owned by the A. A. Howlett Implement Co. When it

M(l " illlO"[liiOI\1" 'li"Cll" 111 'l"llt to 0\VIlCIS fJf wood!o1s ,lJHI fnJe,.,(:-, 1 • • • ) c .~ .. • .. .. • n :ame time to bnng the float to the fanbrrrounds for the contest 1ht~c yc.Jt';; !tom no\v, C\f'll L11011gl1 ol moJe tlwn :ilX .lC'IP,I..! Wlill'll llti'£'L

~llpplic, tlus :, 1 ,1,. n11• g.nng lo '"' the Htandnllis set 11,1 111 lht• ''"' Thursday night, Howlett and all his helpers could not be small1•t llllln Jnsl Y""' f.11m prug;nm. found. The group paniccd and fin~11y ca\lecl the sheriff's de-

Tiw IP.rooll fm pii'RI'ni shrll'l- partment for permission to crash the locked door to get the nges: a sc·;l!r•il,l' ot "Jilflllll' 111'11

1, llarltnn•ls nscrl O'i million Inns nf float. Deputies paled, hut called on Sheriff Bm·nes who did as-

us£•d tr1 p1 udttC't 1 plto ~plWIJc' :U'H( hiltmnnmJs r•nnl lns( yPnt sist in the break in. The float arrived for the parade in the p1 ovcrhial nick of time.

Clarl' Hall claims some of the credit for his wife's fabulous wheat crop.

"G;n net thought I was a little cxtravagent when I pou1 eel the fertilizer to that Vevay g1 otmtl," Clark said. "I told her she would sec the results next summer and she sure c\ic\, The 30-acrc ftelcl averaged SO bushels to the acre."

Hall said he is a firm believer in returning to the soil just

"I 11<"1'1'1' J.ncw thnt llll)'lhinp: slnll't•cl 11 ilh hny I'OU!cl he 811'


Farmers Can Ge·[ Planting Stock Offered by State

Nenl'I,V 20,000,000 Vllllllg t'"''c, lnlgP~L Hlor·l\ tlw r•on•;r 1 l'VHIJnn .!t~~ pn1 Lnwnl cvu1 hns lwP/1 Jt]J]P r 1

ul'fPJ' fm· pl'!Vdtl' IPf01t'sLJitol1 WOII<, Will IJo 1\'llllnlilt• Jm· 1 .. 11 plmltng.

[o',llllll'lH nnrJ Ol!Wi' lllHIIl\\'llPL., now C'Hll SPtHI f(I(Jil!:-;h lu tlw !lt•­pntllllPnL's IOieHLty dni;;Inn, L tn­slng,

F'm the lil.~t lmw I llo d<'p 11 1-llll'llt crm ~ltpplv !-iomc t 1 t'P:-t 11 mll tho olrt lc•riPI'Jll Yl'lll.Jil 11111 "''I I' llPfll j\fdlli!-illqnr., 'illpph•Jllt'l•tlll~ oulpnl ,rl llw Jlr~;,lll, J.rltr .mel 11.11 rlwood lllll'~clll's.

gtght cL-lRSC~ of pin~ em 1w had o1l Hlighl p1 ire., mr•t'f'<l~es l'dll.,­mg fl'Oill nllollt ~1 li tlwlls,lnd lllllro' !OJ' snurllmgs nnd ~2 r1 tlion dlld

mo1o fnt l!dPS[ll.inls. Inf'llllkrl "'' the fl1 st Slot r'h TllnC -.:1 r•dlll 1•, I rJ be Rllpplte<l Jn 11Prlt !v 20 yr'dl s, d)

meet tile denwnd r m Cl11 tsLJ,:' ~ ill'l' stock 111 southo1n :.\lll' Ol11e1 s on the new l1sl .rll' l11 11

jP.f1l-O]d lCcJ, ]rH~Jc 01' JJ,Jfl]{~, .!1 d '\Iitie pllle RCPdlin~-:,;; lhtPO-yt HJ~ nlll jn<'l( scPrlllnf.S ancl 1 rrl nn1l white ttan!-1plants; r~nd lonJ-,Vldl ~ old 1 ed [llllO ll ,l!lspl.rnls. Only U11 f:ll'Dli Jr JllllC SiippJy IS I IIlli prJ

N111 HOI y 'hlpll't>llls will [Jp Ill HI.

nlirllll fJ1•pl<'llllle1 I>J-No\'l'miH'J J

11••••1 .1l1• lit 1111 I lit• llfllll' Hnld lui' r the open I'III~H t!IVIHIOII nl IIJn filii', ':lli II, " lilll<tl••·tl p111IIHI•; 111 llw Rhlll',\' CommiHHIOil Co, prild ~:Ill fill .r,rnlr•l ,., IIIJido• 1111rl 1-11 sl"'' to .John W11IHh fnl' hiH J,IIRO-pnund

I'"" l•'rrl\.rv nii•·Illllllll .11 llw lnf:· lll'rcl'm•d nnrlltny ('IJrlslenHon pnltl 111111 ''"IIIJtv 1.111, 'l'l11• Hlll'lion tnnlt '~:IIJ f>l) to .Tolin \VniHh Jn1 IJIH fll!ll­plr••• Ill II diiWiljlfJIII oJ' 1.1111 Ill [10111ldH lll'it•l'md llldill~' CommiH-1 ,filii I •l"''l.lllli'• lllld ,, i••w llii,Y<'I s Hinll Co. p111d ~:lH 7fl !11 .Till I WniHh lollll,o•d Oil. 'lilt' lllt;llilll Hlt't'IH Rllld fill' IJIH J,JfJII-JlOlilld fh•if'IOICJ. 1<11 >J.IJ() 11\ll 11!1' ll'gllllll' lllfll'ill'l Mlrhlgnn J,lvcHlolllt pniCI J:lllOO Jlllll' I 'r11 1 s I''" n·tl Jr "'" :~ H on 11 to Leo LyonH fot· ills tOOOJjwund illo!Hiit'tl\\lll;Jil ln ~;15 7fl, fiP!OJ'Oir!,' !lirllt•y [lilld ':'i:J8,()() Jo

' '1'1!1 lllgill ,[ pi ill' "' ~II()() \VII~ Wnyne mvcly tor h!H n:lO-pounrl JJIIIII to \illiill Wt•hslti Ill' tho AngllH Htcct•, and .To,v Davis paid

lf111J1g 111 t.Jv••slcwl< J•:xohdng·,.. $:JR.OIJ lo .Tacit Wt!lt'IHLi'adtl'nl' lu~ ri\Vt>Jll V Jivc1 :-il f t'l.~ WI'J t' on llh• 1,2fi0-p01111f!c~ ~C'I'fl111hlc :;toot, rr/111

lllll'll1lll IJI 11 ck dlHI ,,old 1111 11 lolnl stt•ei' bnughl hy 1111VIH plnu•rl tltsl ol Kfl,lll.l II. among HCI .rmblc sleet H al lh<' tal,.

'1111• Hhl\1 1 \' ( 'rllllllllb~lflll Co. o( D~ IJJJ!! 1Jnugll1 lfi HLPPJ' .... , llw ,\II! 1Jn~.111 f.J\'1 ,Joe•]{ r~:xC'Illllge ot J,1 IJ(Jil lJntiJ'ill !if'\'lll nnd Jhtl'U

.\1.1:-;on IHJ~Irt<·s~lllt 1 ll, Ow.; {(can, .Jov 11 1\'J•, .tnrl l~oy Chi'J~Il\fl.'WII, IJongiJl [1/U' l IL'Ii,

11IIclllgdn l.lvcslrwlt P'llrl $:l8 Oil to W.t,\'111' Malclw I'OI' l1rs 1,1~5-pO!Illrl slct•l, Hl<ll<•y p11rcl $.J~.r.o In Gonion M0111 oe I m Ius l,OOO-pnnnrl slec1 nnd MJCillg .. n Liv<•slnclt pard :'i:J7.7fi ln Bill\' ,BliiVClHICt' IOl' In,, I ,075-poun<l 1 !c1 cl onl.

Gus Kcnn pn11l $3K21i ln Wnync .\lu·IIIP,dll r 1\'P:'iloc k ltJXdlt~llgo I E~V0 1 ,Y 101 hiH f)fJO-pnmlCI ffPI'Croltl,

p lid~ I IIIII 111 J\!llllll Wl'lmlct· tor i Rtdl<'\' pnld · $:!7.fJO lu l'.lll Nci­In, !lllli-pllllllri AngJI',, 'I'll<' lllllmnlf wn, Jl'., l'o1· Ins DUO-pounrl H<'llllllblc II Ill! I ill ;.:r IIlii <"I1Hillpi111l II \VIII rl lol stePr, dllrl Rirllc>• paul $:l7,7G to

Proved Sires Is Answer High 0\J\ilk Production

rid II\' ill'ld HileS COli-~ HI\°CR or ]liOilliSlllg biCCrllllg, to II"' lllllll'...., !o !IH lt'rt:-.P, :-i/1\'fl llw U, S. caeh of these one senE<oll With flL'J! ll 1 JJ1ilnf ol _r\~·J•kultuJe. In thP 1 cows enough to "p1nvc" the qlln:­"': IJrli' ol 1'111 tiro Bllll'llll ot 1ly ol' the Hire, 11nrl lllCll l.rlm

1'.111\ lnrlrc-lrv J••rc'JI'<'il lllllll' lhan out lhl' .vonnr; hulls lor two ot· ....1 l,Otl!J '''elllr!~ 11111 r·,m be lJ'iecl ti1J'ee !'icnsons tmlJ! the "pll1\in;.," n )11 J\'11\'~ IJull:-~ 1111~ yt~.ll dll m- tecmd:-~ hllVtJ eomP 111 Fl'nm Ute

• f I,, Ill ::U,Uilll I< 1'111 <IH OVCI the g!OIIfl only lhc HlllllllliS lhnt 111 ,l JJiif ol' 1CJGII mnl{c oulslancllng Jc(·ot·ds m Jill­

tole ptovmg Jl!Orlllf'liDn of clllllghlels wtll be Jclmnerl to the llleedrng SCI VICe Of the ABA,

frJI f.rll plnnlmg. ' , , , Stnr·lt IH rl!sl;rhulorl .!1 <'nsl f.JJ ><Hlil!Oll hm•h. Jill· ,,t:rllmg .• lnd

tefotc;;;.lrttton ell Jo,ps crp], nnl lr~ptd dt•Vt'lol,nH~nt ot ailtftcntl 1 I \ L1 \ t dill'' H'-:-,Dfllllnn~ wm; a na-

.flm W,dsh t'nl' his fl20-pnuncl ITcJ•o, 1<11<1

ltlcllc•y pnlrl $:17 r;o to Dnvlcl Oil· < i!lt•sl lnl' ills 1100-pnilllli HCl'llmhle slc•<'i', $:111.fJ(I ln Bl'IICCJ I~V!'l'trlt 1'01' Ins !100-pounrl Hl'l nmhlc sleet•, nnd $:17.7fi lo C:n1 don l\!0111 Ol' I'OI' hi~ ll<•ll•iolll sl<'t'l,

ltldlt y p11lcl $:18.7fi to Lt•c Lyon fill hi' 1,110fi·;l<l1Jnrl ll<'l'efnt•cl llllcl $:17.7fl In 1\!IIH• Polo'lll fot· hiH I, lflO·flOIIIHi Kl'lllllllllo HI eel', Snt­\ll'<lny Pelt~ul l!ll'ri l'ot· iliH He<•ond sc1 "llliJie slt•ot·, but wns Htepperl on ilv 11 Hlt'l'l' IIIHI was l<'lllOVecl to tlw M11snn lwspil'll IOI' tcpnll s,

Mlllugnn r,,yrslot•l< pnld $:17 flO ln Llnyrl C'onnrcl t'cll' Ills fJ.tfi-pouncl "''llllllhll' steel, Rtrlll'\' pnlrl $:l7.71i In 'Put'l \' t111PVt\'i lot ll!Fi H20~pound sctnmllle steer, anrl 1\lir'illgnn Llvt•· stool< pnHl $:1£1 on to •ret'l'\' Fenzel J'O!' Ills !lfHl-pnunrl H<'lamhll' stl'er.

Mlllllg.rn Liveslo<•i< pn1rJ $:l7 fJil In B1lly 13J'IIV<'1Hlr•i' fol' Ills 87fl· IJO!Illcl SCI <illliJ!c sll't'l', HltJiey ;:ll!H[ I Ill' Inwt•sl JlliO<' ol the cl11y, ~3fl.71'i, lo CIJIIC I< gll'l'l .< J'nl' Ills Rfill-pnlll?<l R<'lnlllhl<• sl('<'l nncl Ridley nlso pn1rl :,;;J7 fifl ln I•:Jdon BucL1y lo!' Jus !J](J-prlllllli se1 llllhle slf'rl Hiri­IPy pnlrl ~~17 2fi ln Ltnwoocl Nlm.; lor Ills 'Jl'i-pnlnHI IrcreJ'OJrl,

Sr•rr~mhlr- HLPer H ~PL Uw nnme IIOill lill' J',H'I tl1nl fn1m bo>s s<'l<illlhlt• lor pnssoss1on at the nn­nunl c.JII st'l'nmilll' cllll'llli( lhe fnl1. llicllc•y C'tlllllllJRSinn Co. illl'nislw; Iff< nil'"' <'11<'11 yen!' 101 the sct·nm­hlt'. 'rlw hoyH 111 C' dllowed lo l<ePfl llw e:rlves Jrnlrlllll' snle llw Jollow­mg ,Vt'H 1 Tile chi fcJ"ence between tlw nl<~li<<'l p11ce ns enlves 111111 tlw jli!CCs p.11d al the sales r elul'nod tn lhc ilO\''•· i{!fJIPV ll'fJIIII C~ the boys H1gn d non-mtPrcst hcru·mg note f01 lilt• Jllll'O o( the cnii'PH.

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS August 23, 1951 Page 4

~ ~ 01 YO\\\~

I exactly as much as he takes out. Its the only way to ca11 y out long-time farming operations, he pointed out.

That's the way with almost everything-in the long nm you get out just about what you put in.

may not IH• l c~olcl 01 rrllll'l\\'1' It 1 0 " 1., 11 , 11 ol lhJs l"oneel'· l•',cd l'OllllllCI emily. Ill d II ,I II l

_______ !1n~ l£'1-i .. 'IJI'h. 'l'hll ABA dcvolop-11 t nl 1s 1 p•.H tJc•al W.JV ot tnnlc- ROWENA

Poultry Raisers! Are You Getting

60~o Egg" Production? If not, why not call out a Wagon Wheel feed service man. He is .an expert at getting hens into production.

Call SHELDON FEED CO., Holt 7-4174 or sec yout· WAGON WHEEL FEED DEAtER


Long Bean & Grain Co. Haslett Elevator Eaton Rapids Haslett

Producers Elevator Co. Snow Feed Co. Williamston Holt

* Ample Clearance * Light Draft \hI ._11~~h1 \O 'I ltj

loll .. ,~~ .,.,.t, , ...... . :a, \olio• ..._.,., \\tt • \H

* t,. ":.,,, ,,.... ... 'l \

Excellent Ocourlng ... -~ .,, ,, ,·· '" " J •• • \1\ * Better Results

You do a heller job • •• and you do it easie,.with MM IIi-Klenrnnce Plows. Their greater clearance, :3¥2' between .share points and beam, 26!1" between share points, helps eliminate your trash problems • • • greater lift prevents dragging trash or smbble at the eni! of rows, lets you plow deeper when necessary, makes trans·• port and turning easier.

MM Hl-Kicarance Plows ure built for strength and durability to. meet the needs of modern, high-speed plowing. Longer land­~ltde.s on the ~ouom act as rudder for entire plow keeping it 1n altgnment wah lme of travel, lleat-ht~rdened, Carburized shares give you longer plowing life, An adjustable hitch allows you to use Hi·Klenrance Plows with nil makes of tractors. l'rktion or Spdng Trip hitches, standard equipment with Hi-Klenrance· Plows, protect shares and beams if plow strikes hidden obstacle.

ltl uo show you tho many ad•antagoo of MM Hl-Kioar­onco Ptowo, Vlolonllnod Tracloro and tho Comploto line of MM Modorn Farm Ma<hlnory.

Francis Platt 3 ll!llcs nm·th of 1\fasott on US-127

t{) College road, flr~t farm sonth

" • 1ng 111ll Jo;C 11! llw IJ<•sl of lilc

If you't·e going to be around fat· just a few years, you can get by with pumping the soil cm~ty, but it's sort of tough on the rest of the folks.

Nd\W u~ tB...a T~m~ """ lll.•l ·"'' "JllllVcrl" ily uw

I u ~.} Bl<&; u~ \\.. P'llflll'llnfCIIItlltild!IJghlcrs.JS

T ( II l f '"'"l'lllrl \lllil tne ploclnrl!On or ~ u <1'\!11 er~ tf,p cl.llllS.


\J' UIQ! "' ill till' 2,102 ~ii'CS Ill Selvicc lD

Til if . . t!l0. :!lllfH J,ll ]Jll'l\dlt1g d!:bCH.!JUtiOJI.:~


. Now IS thc.t!lne to lay 1l nn tho 111 1\liJ, lllflll' ,h,m n thud, 01 76G, l1nc fnt tile llll<ls who lay clo\\'non 1, rei Iii''' m· mn1e clnn;,hlms whose the JO~ tr.stcnd oi lny1n:~ egg~ ·~ 1 11 cd JH nclJH t 1on \Vrts 1 ecordoc1

Cml G. Cnn;. hea1l of l\[ll'illgan 'l'lol'S<' 1Jnnghtr 1s nve1agccl 44:1 State colleges rlcpallmcnl o! 1,01111 ,,, of hullcrlclL In lU30 tile

poultry, says tllal Ang~1sl IS tl>c \'e.lll\' nvcl:rgc of all c·nws 111 lhc ~1mc to spot the loafers m the lay- IJC·' r1 1mpl '"'mwnt assocwt10n w~s rng house anrl tal'e out the pnm·- ,!fl 111111111 ts. The ,l\'CI age fol' all clomg pullets he fore housmg ,then~ 1 01.,-s' rrllli<•'il 111 lh:c Umlctl Stcllcs

CAR£ COI.LIN Hall-gallon~ ar<' l'J'!Ilaf'inl:' crnarls in !he mill' industry.

Al'L says fnnnrt·s don't I<Prp in Iilli' 1\ ith union poli<•ic•s, Pullets. w1th phy<•cal rlotmm1- 1,, 2i1 poun 1b l1es anrl those that l8cl< llll'lft ot It , not l'Hcpl 10nrrl, srrys lhe nrc weak should he lnl,cn ol't lllc iJI!Jt'flll, frn tho nl!!if'lcll hteecl cleh1t SJcle of the !mtlget nnrl sent flu llllJI(llt' lo •'I'.! hi•• nne of lhe

1\Tidii'PRI floods toni' a loll nl' 1hc rorn ern]!.

No huller, lmtlcl 011, non-fat rl!!e<l llllllt solids, peanuts o1· pea­nut 01! f1 om oi!JcJ r•nuniJ•ics will flow in In tile U. S frll' consump­tiOn fi'Om now on. 'J'ho USDA has put mto efl ect n p1 0\'IR!on of the Defense Pioduelion Act stopp1ng lhe llll]lOI'lS of these pl·oclul'ts ancl lllllltl11g tile amounb ol 101 clg'l cheese and cn.sem that cnn c·mne into this counlly. CheDse impm·L; lll'e lo be limited to flve-twclft!Js ot the qunn l! ty of each ty ,lc or chec,c ,mnually llllJlOI teLl chl!mg lhe b,Jse pCI'lOCI 18 J 8-1950

. . . Ito 1;Hnlcet. l\[o:;t ,ll1l]J10t'Llnt 1'1 sr~ lllt~ll 1 y r tYo, l't1 s•t c s 111 an ABl ...

ccii!llg JlllCCS rlmmg· tile figl1t, lectJng tpullclo fm tile Jnvrn~ Jlnrl, ,. 1,1111 lo "'''' 1, m~nv as 10,000 ove1 t11e De!ense Ptorluclwn Act. ar·e pigmcntatJon, plumn<Yr and ,i_1 qiil••r s ,.1 h~0 llfr.t 1rnc The A!i'L cxecuttvc council issue<l hody SIZe. (•l't ell<·c·t 1"c mcthorl usccl a statement on August 8 Wll!ch 'l'hc lonfc!s among olrlC!' he•h 1 I'<'!.! I \B.\ rs to1 the ,:s­chnrged tl111t the Ia bot mgamza- 111 the 18ymg house may JC!ol ·'' , 01 1,1twn ln lluv seve• al young l1on could not longer "nppense" well go to marital along Willi il•t• I _____ · -~~--- -lhc~e fmm groups hocnuse they culler! pullets, C:11 cl sa1d Ti 1s IS a had swung "to the Side of 1eac- gnorl time to spot tllCill nnrl n g rod »:;• B• tJl liOll" Ill llfltronal aflmrs. 'l'hc tunc to sell them, lno, lie nclllell. I ~ Pll~f:':!!l.po(~ nons s\ atcn1ont, nnlong oLhel' things, :~ v•· '" "- :..~ :t a,..~ .?J s~icl lhflt: "fa1m WOI'Itels nre not ~. ~ ~ h .a..j!. t' Ill accmd With the pohClCS of these BreeJ;ng ~;rtr a~teea £!.~uen IOn f[Um fedctatJOns" The AFL Om 1\Jlc! ~ pomlecl out that "lnbot cannot ~·1 rnc ,•nclllg numbe1 ~of l10gs Will on mrlcfin!tely suppm·tmg leg isla- SLnuld Be G 11'1\UU!n ill' II cii'C]lll'; in Aut;uot and Sep-t JOn bCilCfiCHll to fa1111ClS While r~UU av~·a~~ t 1 1n]) 1', gu111g" 111 shOWS nnrJ mar-

By the lmw July entlerl, 19Gl then· orgam~,ttions maintain a IC< l, ntHl 11 Jot 01 t them Will he 111111: produC'tJOn wns 1Rg-gmg lll'nl'- policy ot sccldng pumttve antJ- Swme producers wl1n 1.1is0 Uwir lt• t'l-p •o;,t 1,1tetl unles::-; prccautwn~ ly a bJIJJOn pmmds below Jll oduc- labo1 leg1slatron." 'l'hc council in- own hl'eerling sloc·k finll th.ll 1t 11 ,. t,Jl(cll r,lieJ11 gsn State college tJOll or lhe lllSl SCVC'l months J,cot chcnlecl cl!spleasure •tl lhr. nct:OIB pays to "grow" then gills l:tll!el ',\\llol. :.;p.•r'!cil!!,tS 1\'0in f[\1'11lel'S. ~·cal. U S. ti:11J>' f !l'lllels had on!,; o[ f.Jl'm g!Oil)JS clul'ing the fight than "Callen" them. If 1 .~ .. .,J:, 1uicl nnt be ctowderl slightly fewer nl!IJ( cows on then ovc1· the cl~lensc ]ll'OthJCtJOn act •rtJat Js lhe obse1 \'Htllm nl somr u11111g hrol wealhct·. One way to fatms m June than a yeat· ago [\\hen cmlmgs wme genenJIJy of Mtl'lllgan's leadmg· ow1nc tells- ptc'VI'I'l los~.c> and crippling elm­The number lh1s yea!' toL!lecl fnvo•·cd by la!Jm· ancl gene1 ally op- ers and liT!ch!g2n Stnjc r·ollegc ex- Ill" sun 111 ,, 1 heat IH to move hogs about 22 7 lllllhon head posed by fdrm gr·oups tension swilll' spc<'r.LII,ts Ti1cv all 1 :·~ rn';' ··~rll•" 1wrimls ol tile day,

Govc1nmcnt pul'Cllnses of dllll'Y agl'cc that prospN!tvc lllnocl Jll~lol'lblv 111 'ale evening m· <lut'-producto tllHiet the l!JfJI-52 p11ce Cmn, wheat, 1ye and llnxseccl sows shoulclllc scpmntcd t'I'Om lh:o rng llll· nq:;IJl suppml hnve been small com- p1 aspects clecllllecl somcwJ1,1 t 111 mal'l<et hl'l'II wl)cn they oil'r tin cc Tilt• l\Ic;:_• hog expel ts advtse pm·cd w1th those of n ycaJ' ago. July 111 M1chigrrn, accm·ding to th,) to four months old Dy luncllrn~ lwrld•ng Ill" tl'llr]( w1Lh wetted­At _a!d-JJ!ly this yem about 220.8 Michigan c1op Repm ting sc1v1cc. them sepnrntely the J'nJmcr· ean 1kwn c,\Jlrl anrl mHiting SUI'C the thousand pounds or bullet· and Ollllool< ror oats and ell y IJcaw. put lhe g1lts on a gmwmg l'lli1on ll w h 1s wcll-ventllale•l For 115 thousand pound~ of cheese harl 1mptovocl. On August 1, an ahove to develop L11c stlclch ancl sliong iHavy hog': il w1ll help to put a been plllchased Uuongh the ;)l'ICC alicrnge yJelrl pc1 ac1'c was p1·e- hones desn·ccl in h1ood SOl\' II•\\' chunl sol ll'<' 11Jio lhc lluclt. Fuppmt p1ogmm Ptnchnses at rllcted for .111 the majol' field clop.. ·G:Its tal,cn directly f1nm the ;\.-,rj hogs 11111 slnncl lhc tllp llet­non-ht w·y mlll( solids stoocl at .L 1n the stale. TllC lllllicatecl yiclcb market herd 111 the fnll may l'lllsc lcl' if' not fed lao lleal'lly. httlc mmc than 10 million pounds. pel actc fm cmn, oats, flaxscccl, good litters, hut mo1e often they - ·----- --Cold sto1age stocks o! but tot at potatoes, d!'Y hean~ and hay mu I rlon't. 'They nl ten gut toD f.rl willie f,1 .l'nlis!o "tng" msrcts with rn-lhc slrllt of July stood ala hlllc above last yem. YJClcls of suor11 on full fcccl nne! there IS more pos- llll•arll\'e lrlllerml:; to slurly then· undct· 73 million pounds '!'hat':; beets and btJCkwheat nrc bela\~ a sibility of fat gilts bccommg weal' lillVCI habits less than ll.llt what they we1c at ycm ago. 111 then pastems and leg;~· ----~-----------, the same tunc n year ,tgo. \Vmter wheat Yield:; cliO!Jpecl Good pasture." .m tmpol'tant

dunng\ June-off nbout a busho! pru·t of 1 he fcechng progl am ~;'I'· per ,1crc ft•om the pl'cVJOJlS month's mm;1e1Hled for grnwlllg gilts. l he c:;tmwle on August 1, 1t lool<cd gram rallon cnn he mac!:- 11p or like a ylelcl of rrbout 20 hush cis of two-tll\1 cis oa Ls and a lllll <1 r•nrn soyheai1s per ac1 c llCI e in :Michl- The gilts shoui<J have acct·~s t? a gnn. Tl)al would be the second good mmeral. n.Hx:nl'e, nccordmg-

Frnmel'S plan to huy 15 per cent mo1o fmm cqmpmcnt Ill lfl5llllan they r1.1cl 1n 1949

That's the inclicalton Ill a sur­vey made by PMA c01mmttees.

Fnvot ell fot pm clmsc lh1R yarn ate heavy wheel tractors, mnnm c f,pt·earlel ~. tl'actor eultlvo~ lot·s, hclcl c1 op sprayc1 s ami r{ustct s, beet hn1vcsle1 s, fie!!] and fot.1go hlll'VCStel'S, siclc tlel!Vei'Y l ,JI(CS, pJCl<-U,) w11 e ancl twme halcl's, Ir­llgation cqnipment ami cotton luu'Vcsting maehlllel'y.

The trnchtwnal one-quat t mill( contnincr secn1s to be losing ouL to lm•get· paclwges. Gnllnn nncl hnJf~g.tllon contamCl~ nrc mc1cns· mg Ill popuJ,u·rty m several major consuming scclions.

highest I on record fo1· the state, to ~SC spemnh~ts. o cxceorlecl only by the 1949 crop. We With this ratiOn and ,.,oocl '{los­have a l.lrge ncr-cage of sovbenns ture, tile need for pi ot01.n sllppll'-1n the state thiS year. w1'th the ment rs not h1gh, they pmnt nul.'' good nvet age ytelcl per acre tl folll'th of n pound pc1 day shonlcl iooks like a record prOLiuction for be enough. 1951 -------------------

0111' pwcticnl farming expel ts lo help them grow mo1·e foorl W1lh the Janel ntul equipment they have.

Natwnl\lly the pccniial' weather conch t10ns took a toll on corn. Pl'ospccls on AngHst 1 wm·c off 88 mrl!10n bn•hcls from July 1. Most of I hnt loss wns cine to flood damage. The total wheat Cl'Op clp­pcm·s to be about 988 million llu•IJCls thrs year. That's clown nbout 72 nulllon from July 1. Lo3G of ovcl' ._1 1111lhon acres in l(Hnsa.s am! Missolll'i accotmted fol' n thu·d of that l'ecluctton.

A [,umcr llll'!lecl n colonel ns n guest for chnnc1 11 wn< tll~u· WL'd­cling anmvol.'lll y so the i.l111lOl 's wtfe ]ll'eptuecl a g1ent fens! \\hiel1 incluclccl several 1 orrstotl youn~ chicl<ens,

The fal·met• was amnzc<l whm1 the colonel devon reel -two ,whole• !'Onsted cluclwns. A lit tic later n big, fine looking roost el' slllllte<l by.

"That's certnmly a Jll oml IOOStCl'," SOH] the colonel.

"He hns !'cason to be," smcl the farmer, "he has two sons m tho nrmy now."


Scve~-.d B1 ceds LO\VDEI-1 WlllTE ROCKS

1l.itclnnrr All Summer Our 25th Yc.u

Wntc, Phon(!, Dl"ivc 111 or Fly in


Phone .l.tclcsrm 248D9 4G20 L. Bc11 y Rd. nt Honri~tta

R. 1, R1ves .Junction

SOW and P~6 SUJPPLitiiHI Insures luster Growth and Stronger Litters at. Weanino.

Tom Iinson Business Center

for the CA Tractor Pastures and legume sod can breathe again when they nrc cui· tivated with this live-tooth A-C field cull!vator. Renovate the stand; kill undesirable grasses and w.ccds. The CA Tractor's hy­draulic system lifts and lowers this cultivator. You can dump tmsh instantly at a finger's touch. Tractor-mounted, compact­easy to handle in close corners and along fences. Tempered steel, spring-action teeth loosen and mulch the sorl.

Stop in and sec this new, low-cost field cultivator a'nd othel CA Tractor implements.

Plummer· Machin·ery Co. 419 N.· Lansing

Mobilgas &. Mobiloil Have What It Takes! Fot• thnt "hni'tl ]IIIII" ~·ou wnnt n gus thai DEJ,IVERS more

jlOW<'I' to )'Olll' tt·actm·. You wnnl an oil thai will ]U'nlPct the l'ital wearing 1111rts nf ynut· lt-.u·tm· nt all timt•s. In olht•t• wordN, lot• !hat tough ,iob you ll'lllll Mnhilgns :tllll Mobllnll. Ust• them wht•u you fall plow mul nnlt• lht• ]IOII'<'I'ful dlflt•r••nce!

Fo1· Delive1·y Call

In Ch!Cngo, rrs much milk w,u sold in hall-gallon contnmcrs m Apul as in qnarts. Gnllon con­t,uners accounted for 18.3 per cent of the total volume. In 5 yc,trs the percentage or Jluid tlllllt salt! in qu.u·t.s dropped from 61.5 to 37.3 per cent of the total supply The percentae 111 half-gallons jumped from 17.8 to 37.6 and the percentage Ill gallons from 11.6 to 18 3.

Or·ganized labor slapped haclt at the Amel'Jcnn Fat·m Bureau nnJ National Grange fnr lhc fnnn orgmm:ations' recent stnncl on

Wtth one tenth of !{oren's pop­nln twn dead nnd another tenth homeless, there's going to be a b1g JOb ahead rebmldmg that country when the shootmg stops. Although Km·ea nmmally produces eonsidet­able quantltJCs of food, its farm­ing llns taken a terrific heatm~ from the war. We wtll have to co1l:-' tinue sending the Koreans food and also prov1de them with the tools to produce. We enn also help them grcntly by lenchng t\lClll some of

Infectious n trophiC rh inti~ is n peculiar snce~mg cl1sensc of p1gh that sometmJCs causes the f:tce to cave in; 1t results m such ,,evem stunting thnt the pigs may neve:· make 11 prof1t for llw ownel'.

nnrs l'hon~ J.ansinA· 2Hi17 Jack Doror El'!'ttlngs Phnnr.

Hoi! ·111211

Socony-Vacuum Oil Company

News on lke RtuYtl Front

Indiana Horses Place First

INGHAM COUNTY NEVIS August 2.1, H15l Pag-e 5

Dr. ~'\A. J. Green \'ft:'f,Ji;I:J N ,\Hlt\ N

l'r:ldlc•iu~:· at fhn i'OI'Illl'l' lru·a·

finn of llr·. Hohr.•r·t 1\~r·llon N. C:c•clar· Sf. ~lla~o11

l'how~ :\l:1son H7!n

\ I ~ EVERYTHING ~~ ]J\1 You NIID ,~{~~ }1

1\ f@R FA~UJI BUU..DINGS \} ,\ ' ~J I\ !<'or rJrrnlity lumber, other Jmiltling ma·

t~rial~ nnd iflens that will save you real money, It will pay you to see us lirst.

' Come ir1 sooa and discuss your plans with us ... \\'C can help!


GILBERT PUTMAN, Williamston, Michigan

WILSON FORCE, Mason, Michigan

DANIEL PIERCE, Eaton Rapids, .Michigan

E. B. FAIST, Rives• Junction, Michigan

TUNIS HIGDON, Leslie, Michigan

·--Charlotte livestock Commission

16 YEARS Of Sf:rvice to This Community

Call Us for. Appraisal of Your

Stock. Top Price Guaranteed for

Top Qu~lity Livestock

Sale Every Monday at 2:30 p. m. We solicit and appt·eciate your patronage

'------Dan Linehan· Ownet• and Auctioneer

Phone Charlotte-Office 143 . Residence 945

• 1n Whitedog District

Heavy Pulling MrH, 1\f, V, Builor Two-County Farm Management

Tour Is Set for Tuesday

DRY-CLEAi\1 - One way to keep a fr0shly washed youngster from getting covercc'r with sand is to plunlc him in a basin and give him a beer can to play with. That's what a Korean mother did with tJ-.i~ tot. And when she re!l!rnecl from !he river, where she lwei been w:1shing diapers, ihc lnd wns dry, clean,- happy,

1fniter1 Boston a post

We Pay For Dead m· Disabled

Horses-Cows Removed Free

Dr. C. M. Clothier Veterinarian

A~Numlug 1h" pr·af'llc•n of llr. '1'. A .. 1\lot t;

Plwun ;1:!1'i I IIX N. Malo Rt,

Mason Dairy

Cash and Carry ~·1\'u Rtm•c•H to RHI'\'" ~'1111

State Farm Insurance Co's. Auto-!Jfe ... fire


l'IIONlG 2·fll n ·-------------------------

Phillips Body and Welding Shop 17:lll llamiltun Hna1l ()J(I•IlJOS Phonn Xflll·l

* Farm Machinery Welding - Grc * Car Painting a Specialty * }J!ow Points - hard surfacing * New Points InstalJed

illlcl ncetylcne

Try Our Service - We Know You'll Like It

Having sold my farm, I will sell at public auction at the farm located 6 miles e.ast of Char­lotte on Island Highway to Canfield Road, th~n 1 mile north or 2 miles west of Eaton Rapicls

M-50 to Canfield Road, then 4 miles north, on

Saturday, August 15 Commencing at 1 :00 o'clock, the following described J>l'opm·ty:

3 S Head of Cattle Holstein Heifet·, 2 ye.a1·s old, fresh, due Ap1·il

15 Holstein Heifer, 2 years old, milldng, due

January 20 Holstein Heife1·, 2 years old, pastu1·e bt·cd Hereford Cow, 3 years old, due Janum·y 14 Durham Heifet·, 2 yem·s old, milking, due

Mat·ch 30 Hereford Cow, fresh, pasture bred Holstein Heifet·, 2 years old, fresh, pashu·e

bred Holstein Cow, 4 years old, millcing, pasture

bt·ed Holstein Cow, 4 yeal'S old, millcing, pashn·e

bred Holstein •Cow, 7 years old, milking, due

December 24 Guernsey Cow, 7 years old, milldng, due

December 20 Guernsey .Cow, 7 years old, milldng, due

March 28 · Holstein Cow, 7 ye.ars old, milking, paslut·e

bt·ed Holstein Cow, 7·s old, millCing, pastm·e

bred Het·efo•·d Bull, 4 yeat•s old, eligible to t•egistet• 4 Holstein Heifers, 11 months old ' 2 Guernsey Heifers, 11 months old 4 Holstein Steet·s, 11 months old 10 He1·eford and Holstein Calves, 3 months

to 6 months old

FARM MACHINERY 1950 Allis-Chalmet·s W-D 1't·actol' and

Cultivatm· 1950 Allis-Chalmers .Combine with Bin Allis-Chalmers 4-section Tractot· Drag, new Oliver Plow 2-16 inch Bottoms Black Hawlc Com Planter McCormick-Deering 11-hoe Grain D1·ill McCormick-Deering 5-ft. Mower McCm·miclc-Deering Manure Sp1·eadC1· McCormick-Deering Metal Hay Loaclct· Field Cultivatm· Farm Wagon and Rack Farm Maste1· Millcing Machine, clnublc unit

CHICKENS 100 White Giant Pullets

HAY 1,100 Bales of Alfalfa and Clover Hay 100 Bales of Second Cutting Alfalfa

MISCELLANEOUS 150 Feet of New Hay Rope Electric Broode•·, ~00 chick capacity 8 Milk Cans Post Hole Digget•s Lawn Mower Buzz Rig . 48-ft. Extension Ladder 1 Roll of Hog Fence Quantity of Grain Bags

12 Steel Fence Posts .


Team of W01·lc Hol'Ses, 11

Gas Barrels F m·l,s and Shovels · The usual miscellaneous items

years old l'HOllll"l' SEIWICE

I'honn Coll.,!\t LANSING 45217

Valley Chemical Company

HOGS 6 0. I. C. Bt·ood Sows, open 35 F ceder Pigs


Not •·esponsible fot· accid'ents day of sale

Roy ·Bodell,. Owner ' I

DAN LINEHAN, Auctioneer MILT JORDAN, ,Cie•·k: Phone • Office 143 - Residence • 945 Charlotte FRANK PIFER, Cashier '

No sale too large, no sale too small. Piclc UJ) the phone, give us n call

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Auguet 23, 1951 LlllGAL NOT[()JllS

Legal Notices

A T t1f' Cn1n: Mn1thn rhnvo• Uotnty Rog~Slc of P ol lc

1\[rs Etld Mlull"n

Mts Donn! Pa1lcs snent the past weelc m nmthmn Mtchtgan

-- -------~----guests of the Rogel family at sup per Thm sdav

Mr nne! Mts Donal Patlcs Mr r.nd Mts Edd Mullen and Cecil Wtmple wete m Lansmg Satmdav nftet noon to attend funetal set v lees fm Mt s Edna Jolly

Mt and Mt s Leo Rogel s called at the F1 ani' Dalcm home m Ma­son Tuesda~·

M1 and Mts Paul Lor nn Ohio called lens fmm Sunday M1 and Mts F.ntl Ho\\c of Lan

sm.. called at the Wnnple home Fttdav The human body needs nouush

nncl mg food and rest in the summer Wei e as much as It docs m the winter

M1 s Floyd Chnmbctltn da ugh tet of Ann At bot


LJCO/U, N01'IOJ!ll!

AT ue Cot v ;nohN t L D1 nkn

83w13 Rcgtslct or l'•ohnte


IT \1 n l Fox & ThomnR AtlotnevR fn1 Mo tgngrl'!\ nnR nf'~~ A llrt"!~!\

11 BR Oil• To""' Rl!lg 32w3 Lnnsmg 8, Michurnn

J..EOAI, NOTIOlll1!5 ---- -------

A Tt e Cot>~ Rnlmt I n nlo

28wl3 Rcgtslct or l'tobnlo


