THE INGHAM COUNTY NEW~ - Capital Area District Library


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Transcript of THE INGHAM COUNTY NEW~ - Capital Area District Library

'I I Want Ads ·" 9n Pages 6, 7 and 8 THE INGHAM COUNTY NEW~

Council Votes Cut In Police Force ~s Economy Move

Mayor Joins Ex-Alderman Against Cut But One Man Will Have to Go


County Milk Ordinance Is Drawn Up To Govern Production and Handling

~~:~~~d ~~~e~:~L~rle end I their ~9on, Kenneth, 2, end Mrs.

I' Plom·do's par ent:r, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raddatz?

All drawn np nnd ready for officers wll! hnve authority to com- I '!'hey llvc on tile Bnrt Gteen EHinpllon as an Inghnm counl y pel persons to suhmlt to physlr•ttl farm on Phllllps road, They came

; m·dinancc ill the so-cnlicd Michigan cxamlnn.llons when there Is ren.~on to Mason l~st N~vember ftrom

/mill< onUnnnco, to beHove the employees have in- J.i'owlervllle, Flotll'Cle s h?mo own

fectlous diseuse Is River Rougo. After gruduatlng Mr•mhm·s of the Tnglmm board of 1 • • • from high school thete he entered

nert 13\ndetY \llnn apr\n~r orl Mlch ~~ages

spl'IPGP ' A:.U .1

" Part One-8 Pages

Road Board Asks Additional Money for 1949 Work

Present Revenue Inadequate To Cove1· Prog1~am Mapped F'or This Year and Next

I :<upcrvirmt·s W<'l'e Informed Man- I All hauling- of mill< from dairy the marine corps serving in the rluy hy Chairman John B. Fay of larmn to mlll! plants must be done South Pacific, H1s' wife is a nativo

By a vote of 6-0 the city l11w public health (•ommltlee that I in vc!J!cles which have con~pieln!y of Fowlcrvlllc, grlldunting from One mill of tax money ear-'! d idcd Monda night lhc ordinance will be ud.opt~d by • enclosP,! and insulated bochea. Fowlervllie high ~chao! in 1042, marked for highways, or an co unci cc . Y the committee unless the! P. ate ob·i Retail delivery vehicles must Mr and Mrs Plourde and Mr

to red.ucc the pohce force by jcctions on the part of lhn board have permanent tops and sides und and Mrs, Radd~tz attend tho Mn~ agreement with townships for one-th1rd. One of the three of au pet visors. TM public health 1 must bent· the names of !lcenscrl son Catholic Mission. the use of township sales tax men now patrolling Mason commlllcc serves as 11 county mll!r plants whose products nrc de-, splits to match county bigh-t ts ill be rctnovcd the hollrrl of health Other members of livered permanently displayed on I way funds arc two measures B ree , w . . • the committee nrc Supervisors both the outer sides. All ownc1 s N B •d I

co.uncll decided. \Yh!ch one Ward Vlcary, Bunker Hill; Mar- and operators of delivery veillclcs arrower n ge being eyed by Ingham super-Will be counted out IS up to the .shall s. Gialmm nncl Fred L. must obtam licenses 1 visors.

members of the police com- Kircher, Lansing and John Pntri- All mill! must be sold properly B • ( •d d Present highway revenues mittee and Mayor S. A. Mor- archP., East Lnnsrng. labeled, and bottled milk must e1ng ons1 ere are inadequate to cover the rison. Unless the mayor and Supcrvisms wen• aslwd to study beat· caps with designs npprovcd I El s maintenance and construction

' b k the pi'OpOI!Cd orrJ!nnncc and to by the enforcing officer. I for m treet f 1 I h committee mem crs m a c mnlcc suggcsllons or objections at 'No person can legally Gllgagc in program o t 1e ng am county other arrangements, the cut the .JunP mePtlng of the board. The the processing, bottling, cllstrllm- road commission. This year the will become effective June 7. meeting wi!J be held ,June 28. tlon and sale of milk and m1ilr prod- City Warned of Damage commission is operating on a11 Or at least the announcement The orrlrnance Is to regulate the ucts without first having obtarneci To Standpipe by Rust, unbalanced budget, dipping of which m'an will be removed ~toductton, transport.~tlon, hand- a license for each milk plant and Water Extensions Ordered , , . 1 into a reserve. By the end of


b d 1

ling, proc e~rs!ng, rle!Jvcry and sttle delivery vehicle operated or used FRED FULLER BALES HAY faster w1th t. wo steel w1res, wh1le hay IS under com- tlle year that reserve WI' II be WI c rna e t 1en. of all mllir and mille products. It for such processing, bottllng, ells- · f S ' · Ftom r·umor·~ eu culatrng around wlli establish standards and re- tribution and sale. 'rhe license fees W. D. Bnegel 0 agmaw I than Maud Muller can rake it (Maud Muller presswn. . .

1 gone and either there will

the c1ty hall, citlH'J' LoUis Lee or qturements and w1!1 provide for li-~ have not yet been finally deter- told the city council Monday 1 on .a summer's day raked the meadows sweet . The ~alc·O~Mat1c ts the product of the have to be more money pro· Kenneth Mennrlmf w1ll be tagged censmg dealers Under the ordr- mined. night that he will consider tak- with hay) and Fred goes right on to bale it Mmneapobs-~ohne Power I~plem7nt ~o. vicled or else the consttuctio'Y out. Ralph Hall nppcurs to be safe. nance all milk and millt products 1 Penalties not exceeding $100 ing the contract for bridging up. . Fuller wtll do custom baling w1th h1s new I and maintenance programs Mellncim f wnH the last man on. offerer! for sale must be pasteur- fmeR and 90 days ln jallarc set up I the Sycamore at Elm on a unit Fuller took delivery of this new Bale-0- cqutpmcnt. will have to be trimmed dowtl He jomed the force five months rzcd, In the ordinance for violators. I price basis. Hi's bid of $ll _ M · h b I f R b' I 1 I h · F 11 · d · · 1 ago. Supr•rvlsor Fay declared that the . . , a tic ay a er rom o mson mp ement n. t e picture u er IS nvmg t 1e trac- 1 to meet current revenue

Mayors. A. MorriHnn declared, pt·oposerl m·dmancc has the back- 994.15 filed on the proJect May Co. last Friday. This new baler is automatic. tor, Norman Dart, left, associated with Lowell Members of the road~ and followmg the unannnous vole, that ing of the MIChigan depattmcnt of ~· T I BO"Rght '10 was low. The only man-power required is the man oper- Robinson in the Robinson Implement Co., is htrdges committee of tlw board of he docs not !avor the cut on the hPalth, the state department of rlre rue ( u Briegel's bid covered a bridge ating the tractor. The hay baler picks up the showing some of the features of the new baler supervrsm·s lent ned the burl news po!lcP. rm:cc Ald~rman V.:· Davis I agriculture, Michigan State col- 8 L T h• H feet wtde with Sldewallrs on 1 hay slices it and ties it into firm square bales to Rene Cremer. Montluy. 'l'he JoruJ commissioners Post, charrmnn o[ the pollee com- liege, the Mlchlgan Association of y eroy owns lp each Side, Now the council has I ' ' and County Engineer· I•'rank Evnns mlttce, said pt•ior to the Monday I Dairy and Mllk Inspectors, the decrded that a 26-foot roadway is I TWO R'DERS INJURED IN SPILLS met With the roads and bridges night sesswn that he opposed the MIChigan Milk Producers associ a-! I s . all that is needed and that there D k St 'k • committee to drscuss the fmancral reductron, but was voted down by lion and the Mlclugan Milk Deal-, For Rura ervice IS no need for a Sidewalk on the I oc rl e plrght but no tepml was made to

Aldermen Fran!! Dal!ln and Q(•raltl ers associatlOn, I south Sldc of the bridge. Trimmmgl ' Oh.·o Man Pa'lots s·llce Tlrtough Crowd the fuil board, That ['C)lort tS ex-Parsons, the other two members All milk sold must come from 1• off 14 feet of the width is ex- B s • DlJa peeled to be mad" June 28 when

of the committee Aldeiman Guy herds under federal and state su- Lei'OY Township Will Offer pectcd to materially reduce the a rs en IOrs actiOn IS tai!Cll on the county bud-s. Thtorburtn

81.xpttclsscd thrs Wllltrng-1 pcrvJsion for the eradication of Protection to Adjacent cost of the structure. I There were sp11ls and chills us

1 gr,uHlstands were filled Pnicl ad- get.

ness o vo e or te cu on n na b I i B td lk tl U d PI Ad d Th t 11 h F F II · · TIJet•e \"astJ't t·rJJc enough to .· tu cr cu os s e re ml lng, 1e Areas n m· an opte e contrac or satd he w! ave advertised at the motorc cle races mlsswns totaled 2 800 There were ' • ' basts, udders and tents of the cows must to get a new pnce on the steel rom a s y I another thous·w~l who walked dccrde such an Important matter at

Itnhhins 1\fai«·s App(•al be w1pcd w1th clean cloths moist- Leroy has set up a township tube and w1ll meet with the street I , held at the frurgrounds 111 Mason 1 through the g~tcs ciJmbcd the the meetrng Monday, members of

Dt, R. R. Robbms1

former alder· r>ned with bactericidal solutwns I fire protection program All committee, City Engmeer Walter M tod who returned Sunday, It was only by chance th11t fences or \'leWcd the races 'from the comnuttee explmnecl man and t!JC father of Mason's i approved by the enforcing officer, I . . h · h. E. Z1mmcr and Mayor s. A. MmTi- ason ~t b d th Naron c someone was not maimed As rt i the boulevar·d • Needs of the county road com-three-man pohcc system with pa- All persons handlmg m1lk must be pr.operty ~lthm t e towns

1P son as soon as he receives the pl'lce


~~~~ ~~~~r ~~d~'~arsee e Nla at1al was three riders had to ha,vc mod-/ mrssron for next year t~tal $!l0~,-trol car, pleaded wrth the connell dressed in clean outer garments. Will be giVen fire truck pro- on the tube. F ll n D ~ ,

1 th ~

1_1 leal treatment for their hurts 1 000 and there ls only $.,80,000 m

not to cut the fo1ce. He remmded Persons with soiled hands will not 1 tection without any specific Bnegel also has a road com- la~ds.C ~clc rwf::s<~rstoo~err::lt t~e 11 But 1

Bner of Dayton Ohio ! f!..@ f J r •tiJ. s1ght unless a null tax rs added, the aldermen of ~he proximity of be permrtted to milk cows or charge. The township will also mission contract for bull ding a I shlp t: ~ocke ate Port Weller as took ~~!de off' the track through I Mfii(U1 ounu \'JtHhY I or the town~ltrp~ lnck in somo .or Mason to the State Vocatronal handle milk, • . . br1dge over Mud ereelt on Colum- .


. ' ~the sales tax 1cvenuc they now tc-h 1 nd Jackson prison and the , . 1 arrange With other townships b d scheduled, and the semors had to a narrow slit of daylight between Of B . V1V cmve An lncrcase


the gasohno sc 00 11

Regula lions are con tamed m the · · lla 1 oa · foreg th tr1p t the Falls poli e cruiser and a nb lance : ~ · danger of crrme from escaped pr!B• 0 dmunce to ovcrn the construe- or fire dlstncts to answer Standpipe Rusty 0 e 0 . I a c l;l Ell u' ea LBng oman tax or the wetght tax mrght yteld oncrs. He also declared that mur- tfo f barns ~nd the location and I alarms on a run basis. Accordmg to E. c. VanL!nder of Along with seniors from Boyne 1 a

1nd Up ov~r a. tcn-{00\


1of I • enoug-h revenue, the JO,td conums-

ders have not been uncommon 1n n ° 11 1 , the D1x1 T 1 k and B idg , m C1ty, Scottvllle, West Branch, cay. By c lngmg 0 le hand e- 1 s1oners pmnled out, but prospects a' on and that 181 version exists oondltion of ~oars, gutters, wa s, I Leroy has set up u township fire I an f e a 1 r e co '- Northport, Hudson, Hazel Park, I bars of hrs speedmg cycle he I A JUry m Judge Marvin S .. Sal- for those mcrcnscs arc not bnght. ~e~ 'Where


cetlmgs, partitions and lighting. I protection program. All p10perty I Pt Yd ~ Mem~hl~, Ten~;· Masons/ Benzoma and Akron the Mason 1 gutded 1t through the crowd so • mon's Cli'Ctut court brought m a The govel'llot has declared his op c ~ · 'd f

1 t . All the handling of milk in millt wlthm the township wil! be g1ven ~an prpe n;ab f e ~~s tng a~~af' group of 59 semor~ and three 1 that no one except himself was vcrclJct of g-uilty Tuesday agamst posrtwn to u ral~c


the gasolin; "Taxes par

01dr bma n amdmdg u houses and the lund of mill! palls: fire truck protection without any I 1e wappearpelc e fore tedcounc to'[ teachers boarded the Noromc m

1 hurt. Wilham McCrcar·y of Lansmg. He tax nncl his tecommcndatl~n for P

ollee force shou e rogar e us 1 t t th 1 f 111 h Th t h 'II s 10 sam es o rus amage o , , , t 1

'·h ,., r , rr, ' •

,. th f wr I h•we o mee e approva o spec e e arge. e owns 1P Wl tl t d · d t t k Detr01t Sunday The tr1p from 1 B1ll Klimas was splllcd two laps Nns tlet on a c at,e 0 ag"' a- u boost in the werght tax went un-

safety msurantced, e ormer enforcmg officers. I' also arrange with other townshlpsj Ho Jedr sian dplpestant wl u er adn s. I Mason to Dctr~tt was made by before He came out of it \VIth o~!y. vated assault. He slugged the heeded by the legrslatm·c alderman ass<•r c t 1 e ec ate mas ants are am-1 · 'th 1 1 1

· · R b.b , t d th • Persons employed in mill< plants i or fire distrtc s to answer a arms aged by neglect school bus. I a spra!ned ankle Baer was badly woman Wl w Jom w was lvmg A one-rmll levy on the property w~~· of ~·cd~~~n:u~f:!s8 suc~1 !~/must be healthy and the enforcing on a run basls. ' Mason's standpipe hmlt 52 years I The Noromc was due to sail shal!en up but had no broken °~ ~he! 1m~ ~~tr sutc\


fo\ce tl~ai tax would yield about $227,000. inst~IJ!ng a water softe~~r system 1 The fire truck IS housed in Web- ago, has a replace~ent value of from Detroit at o,ne o'clocl{ Sun- bones. • ~n~ ~~~~et~ 0 ea: ~e~Jra~w~e 108P1 a Under the 15-null lumtntion the,

wluch tmght prevent rust ln. tbe / • • I berv!~le and a new .. for~e has .b~en ~22,000 VanLmder declared. T~t>r day afternoon but there was a/ There was one prcvwus sprll but g P · county., townslups or the schools standpipe, and provldmg a muni- Memorial SerVICe recrmted to take spectal traim,Jg I tanlt capacity is 100,000 r delay of two hours which was "the rider was not seriously huzt. Testrmony snowed that a blood would have to suncnc]er tt. Ac-clpal power plant to fmance tl~Y . 1 under Lrcutenant Miller of th~ VanLmdcr offered the services • not. made up. The cruise sh1p went


The spllls of Klimas and Baer clot was formed as a result of the tuallr, 1t would be the ~chools or Jmpr9vementn. I Lansing fire department. Elmet of h1s firm in oleanmg and scaling I down the river, across Lalte Erie, happened m the fmnls Kltmas was blow and the. c!?t had to. be r~- the county, because thetc are f~w

Alderman Parsons toolc tssue Set for May 31 Foreman_, long a member of the I the mside and outside of the stand-, and through the Welland Canal to 1 th th th t . . f _ movr·cl by suzgety, doctors testr· townships now gettmg any mtll-With Dr. Robbms on the need for Webberville fire department, has pipe at $400, pamtlng the !ns1de Toronto on Lalte Ontano. Due to 1 ml~~~~~t ;e~~~ la~;n hL~da b1:een fwcl. age, "':hat township progmm~ at'e a three-man poltce fm ce. Parsons been made ~hlef of the Leroy de· I and fumishing the pamt at $300 arnve m Toronto at four o'clocl' 1 made Klimas was thrown clear McCt cary said he acted only m undertdl!en are fmanced lmgely dccln1 ed there Js no need for con· Memorial Day services in Ma-1 partment. Fifteen have signed up I and painting the Of!tslde at $200, 1 Monday afternoon, the Noron!c and drawled off the track to the self defense. He testrfled that he by sales. tax revenues. stant patrolllng of Mason streets son will be held Monday,, May 31, as firemen. . with the ctty furnishing the out- docked at 6:30 and left again at I mound of cia. Race st~wards sta- was awakened froin sleep by be- Reductrons ConsldcmE~ . rlunng the claylrme, cspecmlly beginmng at 10:15 in the Legion I Just what the present s1tuatwn s1de paint. The total cost of $900 11:00 so the Toronto sightseemg ttoned at tJ~ curve closed the ing beaten about the face by Bon- ~hete are two maJor ttems smce the one-hour purlnng limit :Mcmonal buildmg. 1is in regard to fi~e protectwn of does not include any repa1rs which bad to be done hurriedly. throttle of the spummg cycle and nu• NciSner at thbll'

1oom in aLan- Whtch could be cut to balance the

has been lifted. Rev. Marshall w. Simpson, pas· I farmers who subsclibed toward the might be needed, the agent ex- Accordmg to the schedule: the I dru ged it off the track. sing house. He s~1d he fought off county road commrsslon budget 1( In introducmg the resolution tor of thll Mason Presbyterian purchase of the tmck Which has plamed. He said the average cost Noron!c was to put in at Port g the woman only m self-defense. add!twnal revenue la not forth-

trimmmg the pol we force, Alder- church, nus been asited by Browne· been used is causing some debate. of arc weldmg damaged stand- Weller Tuesday morning, docking' D Sh1rif~ A!~~ ~ b!l:~c~~~nld ~~~ On 1\londay n.Jury fmled to reach comi~g, "?ad commission~J:e told man Post sa1d that people have clc- Cavcnclar post of the American Many of the subscribers llve out- ptpcs of the mze and age of the there to permit passengers to


epu Y ct a c c _ove 1 a V<'Hllet at the tllal ot George the comnuttec of the supc!Vlsors. mandcd u rccluctwn m pollee etc- I Legion to give the address. Ralph side the tohn~hlp Fnder one plan Mason structure runs about $2,500.1 board buses for Niar:ara Falls. pa~rol ~~r o,t~.t f~o~~ thf Jnfr~~1 an~' Sweazy, r harg<'d with Llrccny by One.,'·~ the ab'~':donment of the partmcnt costs. S Adams rs chairman of the com- suggested t elr cal s would be an- The damage by rust can not be After a day at the Falls the tour· i acwss lC :-c;ac w 1~ 1 e '"rmas i conversion Sweazy was prcvwusly proJec of exton mg Pennsylvama

"Thele lS only one way to cut ~itt('e wotkmg out the balance of swered by the old truclr; not the shown untrl the standpipe is llsts were to board the buses and I was Jymg, One of the offlCe~s h~ck-1 conl'iclcd ~f OpGratlng " gambling A.venue south to Cedar stre~t the costs," Post asserted, "and the program. new, Under another plan, the calls dramed and the scraping has been meet the ship at Port Colburn, on~ oned tob ~ewcy ~o~nc, cl~~~~t tlofl

1ayoul. ,ncl selling liquor illegally ~1om Jolly r~ad. The extension w11l

that Is to cut the fotcc, We have . would be answered by the new, completed. A contract priCe would the Lake Ene end of the Weiland the am u ance. oane dwH le 1 at1d was lllou ht back to Mason teach Jolly tOad th.Js summer. The no fault to ftnd with the oftlcers. T~ere Wlll be. a parade from tho equipment ~nd the towns!ups in I' be agreed upon at that time,' Van-, Canal. I Jewett ambu!a~ce act·oss the b acl< I for th~ .tl'ial o~ the' lm con count other would be to lreep only the I personally favor· 24-hour protec· Legwn Memorral bmlding to the which they hve would be billed for Lmder said. after the cycltsts had made an- S , , ,

1, .

1 tlyb • mam highways cleared of :mow

t· b t th 1 1

t World War II memorml on the the t'Uns 1 Th w t tt 1 t A str1ke of Welland Canal doclt- other lap and parked it near the weaz) >Ins c latgct Wl 1 uymg next winter dwn _ut" ere JS a c emanc o rc- court house square, and after Therd .is also another angle not I mvestlga~eerthcomeml d?t~ ugrefec tl o hands forced a change in the mound alongside the sheriff's car. usee! saloon eqmpmcnt without Hrghwny. revenues have not uce

1 ' 1 s rv1 c tl rc the parade will • e on 1 !On ° te schedule While the Noron!c was 1 ' paymg for 1t onrl then R<'lhng it h

After the resolution was adopted · e , c ~ u Jet M le Gr e emc- yet decided; that :s the proposed 1 st:tnclp!pe and w111 discuss repairs steaming across Lake Ontario the The remarmng riders in the race for second-ha~d eqmpmo.nt of hrs s run lc, Joad comm1ssioners It was agreed that the mayor and mme

0 P

0 ap ov e Vantown fire dlstrJct, made up of w1th VanLmder on June 7. 1 R

1 were commg around agam. A red n


porn ted out, but the. value of tho the pollee commr ttee would share tory, the territory between the Holt 1 The tank was mspected cleaned oya MoUJ;t~d pollee of Canada flag warmng them to be cautwus I ow · dollar has sin unk. Higher wage respons1b1hty lor cutting off one All veterans, school children, road and the Dansville road Wltlnn and painted 12 years ag~ I notified ships offtcers that lt had first been waved Whcthe

1• the There was no court at Mason mtes and spiraling increases in

pollee man. Post porn ted out that !3°Y Scouts and other groups are the townships of Leroy and Wh1te I 'fo .Extend Water I.ines · would be unsafe for the shlp and wavmg of that flag meant for 1 Monday equipment costs and the price of the maym appmnts pollee offlccts. mvJted by the LeglOn post to at- Oak. Petitions for settmg up such Water mam extensions·wore ap- passengers if the Noromc put 111 at them to hold theu· places was still _Hawld Tryon, Lansmg, charged mate.rrals have eaten deep into the 'l'hc mayor explamcd that the ap- tend thc,scrvrces and JOin m the a fire dlStl'lct were circulated and proved for West South street and mther Port Weiler or Pott_ Col- bemg debated long after the close: wrth drunlr rlnvmg, second offenRe, reserveR, so deep that the reserves pointments ate subJect to confn- parade, signed and meetmgs have been, East Cherry street. The South ~ur~;rUnlis~~he No~oni.~1 conttmtued of the races. Some of the race of- was scheduled to go on tnal wlll be exhausted this year. mat10n of the council. (" 1 , 'ft , t 1 held, I street cxtcns10n will be 1\1,-mch Pnlng tooulget1 ofef coantaaltweionlOUP ~soepn- f1cials contended only a ted and Tiltnsday mormng. C . ' Jtnc u.t wn !-o ,, un ou H unc tnJ-l" He· Th L , t h' b d h f L t .. r aLl .... t fl d' t d t) t I --------

urhs Given Vharwe lucLion at Lh" Pamtyle Shoproe. 2lwl e may owns lp oar opes rom ansmg s reet cast to the gers the safe passa c of the ship whl c ag m 1~11 e Ja paces c I B h AldC! Lee Darllng, chair- - to make a deal With Whlte Oak I James Deuel residence The Cherry ld t b g "t d R I should be held, II d u verts OUI'Il t

man of tile street comm!~tec, an- Scaled hifi~J~~I 'r~~~~!~led 1111(11 8 township to _provtde fire protection I str~et .extensiOn Will 'be ll 4·inch ~~unte~o offi~e~ll~~~~r~:d: an~y~f: After the Splll Of Klimas the A -State Ban ":1 nounced that Wayne Curtls Is be- "· m., June 7, l 948, fol' the mochllnlcnl o.n a run ba"Js wrtl~ the true!< sta- mum I unmng 750 feet east from the passen ers mana ed to et riders begun joc!wymg fm· posl-~ F R d R • mg glVCn a 60-day_ tJ !Ill as utrllty dl~giag of !)71 feet of LIPnch for Wllter boned at Web~ei'Vllie PprtlOns of Rogers. Alderman :r;:ranlt Dalnn ashore at lort Weller gthey mi:ht tiOn and on the south turn the sec- p· k J. s or oa epa IrS supermtendcnt to fill the vacancy ffiiiiiiH Ill tlw I'ILY of MIIROII. J,nymJ< nnd Locke township could also be said the PL'esent 11).,-mcb mam in t b ' 'tt d t tl h" and tunc around Bacr and another I c s I m 0 per d b tl t f 1 ovc11ng mnh111 11111 he done hy the elty, served fr 1 Web bet •ille 1 Cherry t, t . . d t f no e petml e o reJOlll 1e s rp ' cause Y

10 1 csJgna wn ° II h. ""vJ\c"'' ;, t•e•erverr by the c1ty

0 11 1 · . s 1 ee ts In&. equa e or at Port Colburn it was said 1 rider were close together Some

Rudolph Bowman 1 """' il to l'eJect nay and ,dl hldo. Ad- Leroy's new fire truck IS an fire protectwn. I • , ' sald that Baer's jacket cuff was F

1 I h Orders for five culverts costing a

Bowman was pard $1,500 per I fill•« hid• to City Clel'k, M.JHon, l'ol American-Marsh. The fire-fighting The counc!l is seeldng bids on E':tertainment aboard shlp was cau ht 0 the handlebar of an- or n ~er oc en total of ~6,212 35 were placed With year Darling smd that no a~ree- fulthr~ lnf"lmntlon conxult Frnnk D~tkln, eqUipment cost $3 903 with $2 097 the digging of the trenches prov1ded Tuesday, There was a hat thg 11 h' Oth . "d th t I Armco by the Ingham county road ' · " I r1 ll BlllrwH StiCf!t, Mnaon, chntrmnn of 1 f t 1 . ' Th t ' 1 t l · show stafl"ed Tu sday ftern n o er mac me. ets sat a . W d d D


. ment on pay has yet been made "'"'m comm1""" By

01 dm· of City Conn- or n rucl! c JassJs. e to al cost 1

A pc 1 1on ongmally filed May o e a oo Baer was ridden off on the turn. , commrssron e nes ay. e 1very 'with Curt1s but that tho salary 1•11 2Iw2 wa.s $6100 1 1945 calling for blacktopping and a variety show on Tuesday At t B f d f'f Jrm Soper, drummer 111 the Ma- has been pronused within 60 days .

. ~::::=-::-:-=.:-:-:-::~=:-':'::-=-::::::'::::-~-:----'--'---------- • • nl'ght , any ra c, acr was orcc o , h 1

b d d b t Will not reach the level of Bow- ~ Rogers street ft·om Okemos to · 1 th t 1

B t 1

t 1

'th h' son sc oo an an a maum a The culverts Wlll be used o re-man's Cut tts hns been with the 1 WHEN THAT CHOO·CHOO LEAVES FOR ALABAM/ I Sycamore streets was referred to Zoannc Migrants, George Bauer b·~ ra~ t. du it1~; aye!( ~~ 11~ solorst, has bePn picked for the all- place structures damaged m floods city r'orce for se.veral years I the street committee · 1 and Doris Caltrider of Mason par- 1 e

1 an i~ e d rou~ 1 th c h state band at Interlochen of last sprmg and this year and to

' Disposal Plant Ilel)Jer , • k I AI Iierman Gerald 'Parsons de- 1 tlcipated m the variety show. Zo- ~.~P cearg:nder~he ~~~~lane~ !i~~: Young Soper, a JUnior· at Mason, enlarge other culverts to meet The sewer committee autl;orized Women Ta e Streamlt.ner e!ared the petition can not be con-lan~e was awarded a compact for out striking any~nc. He shot has made sensatiOnal progress m dt•amage needs.

employment of a pnrt-trme helper 1

.., 1 stdered serwusly until repairs are a leading she gave. , throu h rr ht between Shcnff Mac- his mus1c this past year· under Culverts covered by the Armco for S L Demorest at the drsposa!l 1 made to blacktop on North Jeffer-' Mason semors arrtved home at 1 D lgd gd J B I

1 George Murthum Mason band di- order were:

· · 1 . . · 2 ·so Wed d ft All f ona an 1m _.1own, ng 1a1n ~ ' 0 1

W 1 1

plant. Demorest told the council S1xty-erght Ingham women and Mrs. Delilah Towsley, Holt; 1 son and Okemos streets. He as- th , nls ay a ernoon. . o I County News photographer rector Murthum has been ms1st- n Toles toat over 1 low cree {0 that doctor·s have ordered him not/


boarded the Pere Marquette I Mrs Pearlie Beach Mrs Estell serted that the two streets nrc em smd. hey ~ad a ~ood time. · ing for months that Soper rs of all- 72x107 inches, •i2 feet long, 8-. to do heavy worl' because of streamhner in Lansing at 8:46 Bennett Mrs Burton B~tsford mam thoroughfares and should be They exptessed dtsappomtment at I Brown had hrs ca:nera focuscclj state calibre. Announcement came gauge, at $1,172.00. sclatlCa. He asked for a part-t1me I Thursday monung, bound for De· I Mrs R~ Co;.bs Mrs erlee Erb' • repaired at once. i n~t bmng able t~ spend Tuesday at on the loadmg of I{hmas into the from Prof. Earl v. Moore, dean of On Edgar road over branch of

,helper to wheel sludge and to mow trmt. They had a special car. Mrs' Ge~r e Fr~st M_1:: Winifred I Alderman Guy S. Thorburn N!_agara Falls and some of them ambulnn~c, J:Ie missed tho prcture the school of mus1c at the Univer- North Onondaga drain, 72x107

the lawn at the plant. I At the Detroit station they were i Fro~t Mr! Russell Gre ·or Mrs pmnted out that the br1dge and smd they felt let down because the of Baer s b11te hu~thng off the srty of M1ehigan, Wednesday. inches, 12 feet long, 10-gauge, at

The council agreed to give met by two buses and taken on a 1 H 1 'p 11 · 1 M B ttg r-f' dl · sewer proJects on West Maple Rpyal Mounted was unable to track Wlth Baer clmgmg to the Thls 13th annual all-state high $995.00, Demorest a part-tune helper and tour of Detroit, The pomts of in- 1 M~sen A~t;~rt, Plr~r eMf.s o;ra':Ki should be placed first on the lm- han~Ie a few dock worlters, The bar~. The f~et of t~e rider were school mus

1c group Wlll mcludc On Laxton road over Hazelton

•uo-gested that an understudy may terest mcluded Belle Isle Wayne·, · tt d M P D' s' If d provement calendar He described movles have never shown the stra1ght up tn the au·. I three separate two-weelr sessions drain, 72x107 mches, 48 feet long, '· " I ' 111l.vere an rs. on e rl ge dtt· ' · Royal M nt d b I · f 10 1 be assigned to learn how to oper· Umversity, Detroit Art Institute Williamston· ' con . 1ons at the intersection of ou e ac tmg away rom The decls10n of the JUdges m for orchcstru, band and chorus. -gauge, $ ,216.05,

nte the plant in case of Demo· and Detroit C1ty college. . . ' , I Lansmg and Maple streets as a I nnythmg , awardi~g places in the race was The orchestra w1ll be directed by On los co road for Holland drain, rest's absence. Demorest said his I Luncheon at Hudson's store was I Mts. Ahee Brown, Mls. Garnet menace to health and a threat to hotly disputed and a formal pro- Robert Lint, the band by Dale c. 77x123 inches, 48 feet long, 7-w!fe has been helpmg him at the planned for noon, WJth a con- Brown, Mrs. Eda Christ!an, Mrs. 1 property. test was lodged. Harris and the chorus by Geneva gauge, $1,558.80. plant while he has been swk. ducted tour of the store also on 1 Naomi Conard, Mrs. Muhette Dot-/ Zimmer pointed out that the (rO D t' Cyclists from nil over Michigan Nelson. Guest conductors wrll in- On Snedeclter road· over a

A. caretaker at the city dump the schedule. The model home and I ~e~ r~sf ~eiMla DunsmordeG, "IMI rtst. cleaumg of Rayner creek and the I p us I ng and Ohio were at the races, The elude .Joseph E. Maddy, Elizabeth branch of Doane creelt, 72x107 now gets $12.50 a week, Alderman the house furnishings exhibits I Mo erW.'11

1 er • rs. Howar J1 e 1 • Sycamore should have priority in I Green, Wtlliam D. Rcvelli and May- mehes, 50 feet long, and sltewed

Da1·llng said Leo Hawltms will pay were expected to be two of the rs. 1

lam Jennings, Mrs. e~s e! the city's 1mprovement program. 1 s • Add d nard Klem. to a 10-dcgrec angle, $1,270.50. the wages Of a man at the dump hlghllghts. Sherwood, Mrs. Florence Smith, I I ervJces e H . M d Besides sectional rehearsals, All of the culverts are oval in If he is perm1tted to have all the For two hours Thursday after- I Mr~. Mae Annette Srptth, Mrs. Orwl DIRECTORS TO MEET eanng on ay pubile performances, concerts, shape, Evans explamed. scrap 1ron dumped there. Darling noon the women were to be on I Smrth, Mrs. George Soule~, Mrs. The board or d1rectors 'of the B A" broadcasts and elect

1ve courses, Evans reported that contractors

stated that he intends to malte an thelr own, to attend shows, see the ~a sg~erswM~r Els~ Wal~me and I Mason Chamber of Commerce will y I rport On Zont"ng Law each student also recmves private on the Pennsylv!lnla extension investigation to see how much s1ghts or shop. They were to leave rs. en a nns, ason, 1 hold a meeting at the counclll lessons from members of the na- grade separation have started salvage value there is in JUni( Detroit on the streamliner at 6:52.1 Mrs. Beatr1oe Cutter, Mrs. I<it· rooms Friday night, May 21, at 1 Jewett Flying Service has en- ' t1onal Mus1c Camp faculty. Swim- pouring the slab. ~a!~ en to the clump. . I Mrs. Lowena Murphy, home I tie D~ft, Mrs. Gertrude Gilbert, I 7:30, The meeting is open to all tered the crop dusting business Final hearmg on the proposed ming, tennis and other sports are The new bridge on the Olds road

dem.onstration agent, made ar- 1 Mrs. Aldine Haynes, Mrs, Mary 1 business and professional men. 1 .A. n J 3 p . 1'

11 zoning ordinance Will be held in directed by the department of r.~ar Leslle was opened up Sat· ~WO 1\IEN ARE FINED I rnngements for the trip and wm • Heller, Mrs. Lawrence Martin, 1 , e ui :: - !pet' spec a Y the council room Monday night at physical education of the Univcr- urday,

· ' Ernest Miller and Vlvten Rut I go along. The party Includes Mrs.; Mrs. Maxine Mason, Mrs. Dorothy I EXCURSION CALLED OFF his )fe n widh r ~lstl~g ltap~af1atus, eight o'cloclt s1ty of M

1chigan. i Fttch-Eva Construction com-

tan Lansing men who pleaded 1 Ida Balter, Mrs. Gladys Darrow, 'Meissner, Mrs. Emma Misner, Mrs. The Mlchl~an Central excursion ls expe~te~ :itt· an f s de very At the hearing originally sche- pa


tdty has started worlt on the new ' Mrs. Claude Howe, Mrs Audrey Dorothy Parker and Mrs Sylvia to Niagara Falls for May 30 has m a ew ays. . . PURCHASE LESLIE FARl\f br ge on Howell road over Mud

guilty to pn;ering slot machln~s~l Layton, Mrs. Allie MeCre'ery, Mrs. Root, Lansing; ' · 1 been called off by tt1e railroad. Sale I Contracts will be written on on- dule~ for Apr,! 26 1t. w,as dts- . , • creelt and the temporary bridge str,red by the Ingham grand jUlY Ruth Eastman Mrs V1da Fernald Mrs Ethel Benedict Okemos· of excursion tieltets at Mason was ions, potatoes, mint and other field' coveted that public •uttht; firms Mr. and Mis. Elmet C. Otis of has been removed. Traffic is be· ht the Fireproof storage, were Mrs Ruth Ge I tz' M Doris Mrs jo 1 Bi h D' 'd 1 • M ' halted by ra1lro d t aft'! tflcials 1 and muck crops. had not received the proper regis- Rives Junction have moved to the lng detoured ovet• Wolverine and each fined $200 plus $100 costs., · r


' rs. · e 8

op, lmon a~· :s. 1 The . a r c 0 ·I . tered mn!l notice as required by Bert Olds farm on Olds road, Les- Harper roads. 'Both men were placed

011 proba- JeJlits, Mrs, Blanche Sheathelm Ruth Hawley, Onondaga, Mts. Y explamed that the railroad 1 Bob Start will pilot the special law That hearing was changed lie township which they purchased A • _

'j;jon. . ~nd :Mrs, Catherine Warner, Les· Stanley Riley, and Mrs, Harold labor situation forced the abandon- 1 duster. . Into a meeting of a committee of recently ' 1

nothct road JOb m the Ing~ -----.:..· _ I he; Taskett, Perry; 11nd Mrs. Marlon 1 ment of the excursion plans. I the who)e and the final hearh • lam township se~tlon is the sloclt• 11 1 1 ,

22, ' Mrs. Dorothy Barrett, Mrs. Millcl',•Mrs, Orra White and Mrs / 1 En"'' St1in•l1y wn•h•u. Jowett Alll>li· t • tll t M dlg Gold •lnmnx i<lven on nil !HIIchn•ex. plhng of gravel m the Blat•ltlllOI'C!

'7 n(."' 101

gl "\~"1

1't "1"0~1 1 n"


21 "'i Jllllet Not•th Mt•s Orey Thomp&on Jeanette Wilson Eaton Rapids ·, Mn>·tn" wn•he1'"· .ro,~ett At>rolinn•o Co • nnco Co., I ,Jo W. phone was pu OVCI un ncx on ay Snnoco Sot vice, cn1nct' of Colnmhln nnli pit. Harold Stucltey hns -the job .. 1 nt lle m • r • IO!IIIc, w _ 1 • 1 • 130 w. A•h, Mn•on, l>honc 6611. 2lwlj6611, • 21Wljllight. CcdoJ·, Mason, .Hwl at 12c a. CUbiC yard.


···~ S~o~ftb~a~II~Se-a-so~n~~=iii~O~p-~n-~~ay~·2=7~~-~~~~n-~·v~~=~~~~~~-~~-.:::~-:~/1 ~~S~EC~N1~V'~S-~-F~IR~.ST~A~~D~.P~RE~SE~N~T ~~M~a~so=rt~Fa~therandSonHaveSeniority Two


N t T C I nj t tl J 1 . . .Tuno l'l I Old b'l F H Sh ex u H< ay eve ng a JC , • ll~e ' ,Jol'feraon Ml<l. VH, S<!hmlr1t's ... 7:30 .

I' county purl~ Uw sortbn]] ~cason Scl~mldta va .• Jotfcrson ¥l~t. .... 7:,10 Dansville vs. DUtil & Cady ... fl:OO I \ "''''''''''''''•·•'H!J n smo I e orge am mer . op ,, will )Jc off!clnlly opened, Pal !style vs, Hamnlllnn a ....... 0 ,00 / ,hJno 22 1


!· Dansville nnd Hammann's Jriome ,June 2 Hnmmnnn's va, ,Jcfi'erRon Ml1t, 7:30 1

Proclamation ' WhBI'ons, citizens of the Clt.y

of Mason sonved gllllnntly h;l tho defense of the United. StqteH or Amct·Jcnn in two world war·s and mnny sncrJo Heed tlwlr llves In that service', and

1:nnd Auto Supply will elnah in tho Dllrt llllcl. Cu.dy vs. f.lansvlllc .... 7:3{) Sclunldt'H vs, D~tt•t & Cady .... D:OD I '• fit's I. gume n.L 7:30 with Schmidt's Jet'tcvaort Ml1U.. va. Hammannlw O:OO ,JtJno 2·1 -•'rlopn.rtmcnt rJtor•o and Parlstyle .Tunc 3 Dan.wllle vs. Schmidt's ............ 7::!0 : appcat•Jng in the nightcap ttl. 0:00, Do.~t & Cady va, Schmidt's ...... 7::10 .Joffr•rscn Mitt, vH, ParliJtylc .... 0:00 ·

Olhor te11ms Jn t11c Mnson Soft- Pn.rlstyle vs, Dansvillo 1 ........... 0:00 ----·-----·--·-----· l·ball linfltl(Jinl.lon Include Dart & ,June 8 IUAHiN.ID ON 11'URLOUGU .'Cady and .Jefl'ct•HnJl Food Mnriwt. Da,rt St. Cady vs, I'Iammnnn's .. 7:ao i RobcJ•t K. Derby, prlvatc .first 1.'Phcy nrc pal!•t•ci fot· next Weclnes- Schmidt's vs. ];)o.ns.vllle ............ 0:001 dna~ in the Ma1·ine Cot·ps, enltsted I I day' night nt. 7:SO with Hrumnnnn's. June 0 Follr·uary 19 rtnd has. been uta-. Schmidt's )Jookccl for• the 8:00 I Pnrlstylc vs. Jetl'erson Mit 7.30 • t!ot.Jccl n.t . Pru•ris Island, South i ' nm<'. , t · .... :· I Carolina, He llE!Il been.· spending IL: ,g Hamm!Uin s vs, Drwsvllle ........ 0.00 10-dny rur·lough with fl'i"nda in i ; Next Thursday night at 7:30 · .Tune 10 1 Mnson nnd when he returns to·l Pnri:ltylc ruul _Durt & Cady are to Parlatyle· vs, Schmidt's ............ .'Z:30 cump he wlll report at Cllmp Lc-

,mcct w.lth Jorferson Food Market .Jofl'QrsonMkt. vs. Dart & Cady· fl:OO .Tcuno, North c·a.rollna I . 1md Dn.nsvllle listed for the beef· June 15 · · ·· ·


h frrollo. 1 1 1 1 f 11

Schmidt's vs. Hammann's ........ 7:30 NORTH, LESLIE · e 'uno ac we u e H ns o ows: Dart. & Cady vs, Parlstyle ........ 9:00 . lUrH, HuHscll warucr


YIHl <~t rt!IL<} the o Umr ct>i.ver's mind.. If you could,. it might prewnt 1L11

a.ccldentJ, But you ClUII't­

Ho tJ!te rwxt best thJng I~

· Dic!r Price, Larry Andrews, I Raymond l•'rrumtnd and Lloyd Ct·ippcn received ·their rllplomasf· last Monday evening in the eighth ' grade commencement mcerl!isea I helcl at Mason.

Franlt Vacek, Mnrl:lw. .Jean. Va­cek anrJ .Jennie Carvenlra of De­troit wore wee!< end guests r>f the .Jcseph Vncelrs.

! Mr. n.ncl Mm . .John Warner· and ' Brenda called on Mr. and Mrs.

t.·o protect yom·Hclf from 1

Orla Warner Sunday llftcrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bonnett of

JlnancluJ loHs flbJ•ouglt ade- . ,1 .Tacltson were Sundny alternoon

qu11te hts1n·nnee. st1,;0 cnllors of Mr. and Mrs. George 1 Lee.

JPurm Mutual JlrotNltion

still offerN many prrrtrc­

tlve ndvantag"s nt the

Harne low rnt"s.

State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies

Emery H. Jewett Rex D. Jewett 22!> State St. l2H2 s. L!tnslng St.

Phone 22232 Phone 22071

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gleason were ,Yupper· guests of Mt·. and Mrs. Guy Thorbum of Mason. Tho occasion was to celebmtc the

i birthday anniversary of Mr. Thor-1 hurn,

I Mr. and Mr~. Russell Warner

and children called on Mr. and Mr~. W. I. C1·ippen of WilliamHton Sunday.

I Mr. ancl Mrs. Guy Worden and , children of Detroit and Mr. and

Benjamin Stoddart (rlgltt) became the tlrst Secretary of tlte Navy on June 18, 1798 following .the formatlon·of the Navy· Department on· April 30 or that year under PresidentJolm Adams,. Stoddart served \111Ul1801, Today the Secretary of the most powel'ful Navy .in the world's history Is John L. Sullivan (left), who wa9 sworn 'in to succeed James v. Forrestal when the latter became the na.tlon'sllrst Sccr·ctrtry of Defense. The photo of Stoddart is that of a portrait painted hy E. F. Andrews.

· (Official Navy Photograph)

1 Mrs. Leonard B~tleman and chi!-1

1 dren of Mason were Sunday fore- I -----------------------~---- 1 noon vieilOt·s of ~r. and Mrs. Wil-

. lard Fox. All were the guests of I'

1"his lJ/1 oney 'Talks' The Am~rican Way atteries

For All Mal,es and Models




Priced The Same As Last Week

No advance in price although our cost is up

AI Rice Chevrolet Co. Bernard Plakke, Parts· Mgr.

447 S, Jeffe1•son Phone 5331

the Butcmans for dinner. i Mr·. ant! Mr:;. m. F .. Manthei were/ j supper guests Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Carver of Ann Arbor.

I Mr. n.nd Mrs. Floyd Sutton called ! ' on Mrs. Don Snyd"r and children of Lansing Sunday aftcmoon. '

1 Snrah .Jo Aldrich of Leslie spent I

the week end with Nancy Has- 1

brouck. i lWth Ayres of .Jackson visited i Mrs. Fred Sulton Sunday.

I Mr. and Mrs. Don~,tld Pec11 of E'FLton Hapids were Sunday dinner

I guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. George : Long. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Long of i !~lint were callers Sunday evening. 1 M. 13. Kemp, g·encral manager · of the Safety Products Co, of Lan­' sing, was a dinner guest of the 1 Hussell Warners Tuesday.

I A flea can le~p two hund!'ed I . times its own length; if a lion were as strong in proportion to its length it could leap a third of a



Jlealtlt NEWS

ulioaHb News" is presented by your Doctor of MccliclM na a 1mnlth ~et'\'ice of the 1\lichlgnn State ~lcdlcnl Snclety

-.Voluntary Health Insurance ·.. ...,: ... :, Grows ..... ,· • , .. •'('f

'l'hi• I• tho Hooker T, Wae.hlngton Commcmorutivc .half dollar. One dollnr moiler!· to Booker T •. Wn•hin~ton Dirtbpluce, Virginia, will' brin11 you thn ~oln ant~ bcli> ·14,000,0tlll Nea'rons to help thcmselvee.

DO YOU K.NOW who 1 Eim? , I am an American half dollar

but a very rare one. For, I. was created by special· Act of Con· gress, named the Booker T; Washington Commemorative Half Dollar, and minted by the U.S. Government. Then I was assigned a mission for America

My mission. is a wonderf\11 thing. It is to help many of our 14,000,000 American Negroes who are in need to become self -suf­iicient citizens; to free them from misery and poverty and disease; to make this a better America by giving them the chance to better tbemsel ves.

How am 1 going to do this?

humble birthplace he rose to the Ani:erican Hall of Fame as. an ·educator. Before he died he proved that. democracy lives for all Americans.

So Congress said that 1 "should help perpetuate the ideals and teachings of Booker T. Washing­ton."

I want to carry out that mls· sian, because I am a symbol of America and America has never fallen down on a big job yet. Never!. Not at Valley Forge, or Chateau Thierry, or Guadalcanal Atld we will never fail, becauso we are a united people.

There will be only 5,000,000 coins like me issued ••• all to be sold for a dollar. .

Michigan Medical Service, the ! D1ue Cross Plan for medical care, ---------------------------1 now has 9.35,531 members, accord· ing to the '··March report of the Council on Medical Service of the American M e d ·i c·'al Association.

Congress answered that. It au­thorized that I be sold ·at a pre­mium price of one dollar, the dif­ference between my par value of 50 cents going toward the ·build·­ing of industrial training schools that will help the, Negro people.

These schools will serve as a living memorial to the great American I was named after ••• Booker T. Washington.

You can get an All-American "Half" by writing to Booker T. Washington Birthplace Memorial, Boelter Washington Birthplac~, Va. Just. send your name and ad­dress and a dollar, or more,. for each coin.

Was .Your Fa~i/y Warm Enoa h

We Have On Hand

Lennox and. Duo-Therm


Oil and Coal Fired

Buy and install now in order to enjoy the benefits of air conditioning during the summer months. · . .


Fuel Oil Available From a, Reliable Source

F. c.· Anderson, Phone '2363

1\fichig-an is leading the field in tho i providing of voluntary health in· 'sura nee in the United States, and 1 has a largc.r enrollment than any other state at the present time.

Booker Washington was born a slave in Virginia, but from his

Your good dl!ed will help me carry out the legend to which I, as an American coin, am dedi­cateci-"In God We Trust;''

The report also stated that ap· proximately 30 million people, or Farm Bureau half of the working population of the United' States, 'are now insured

·j' engineer of the company addressed ·. the group and answered questions, ' The group decided to discontinue

' against loss of income due to dis~ :ability. i In addition it l'eviewed a survey showing that over 40 million peo­ple are insured for hospitalization, 17 million for surgical benefits and 6 million for medical benefits.

One of the newest developments in extending the availability of

i Blue Cross medical and hospitnl 1 service plans is the establishment

1 of the Community Enrollment


plan. . 'l'hcse community enrollments

.are still in the experimental· stage, according to Peter E. Klein, Blue

1 Cross Community Enrollment 1\fan-


ager, nnd . .at present nre being un­dertaken only where there is are­I quest from .the local hospital and

, doctors of medicine. I

I The purpose of the community I enrollm~nts is to mal(e . voluntnry henlth mimrancc protectiOn nvail­able to those persons not . ordinar-ily .eligib!B for membet·ship, that is to say those persons who are not in some group. Blue Cross as 11 rule is availn.ble only to establish· ed groups · of five or more em­ployees,

rhese figures mean II good deal to the health of the people of the United Sl:ates. Medical .• care has I

·improved · vastly in recent years. New inventions, techniques, and drugs - plus the increased ski11 1 of physicians 11nd surgeons - have. made many dread diseases less 1

· qangcl'ous to mankind. 1·

Some of these. improvements, , however; neccssitnte hospital care 11nd costly drugs. The costs of op· i

crating a. hospital have of neces- I sity ri$Cll with· the current infta- 1

tionary trend; and since hospitul bills have to be paid, the problem confronting the individual when s. il.lness comes is 11 difficul1l' 0111.'. . .. . ! · .The answer to this problem le thought to; be voluntary health· in· t

surancc, for by the use of small . regular monthly J¥.1yntents (the cost per family is about the price

Aurelius Center 1 p1eetings until September. · The Aurelius Center community 1

Farm Bureau met i"; the Bap.tist j New Land f F church parlors on Friday evemng, !n the . or l1rms May H. Lynn Haynes, . discussion / . . past quarter century about chairman, conducted. n short busi- ; 35 to 40. mill! on new acres· of crop­ness meeting. Don King, district i land and . lmp~oved pasture land salesman of the ,Aerovent ·FlU! I have been· drruned, cleared. or lrrl­company, showed . several movie!· gated. This is In addition to that reels, illustrating the usc of a·l brought into cultivation. by plowing hay drier and barn cleaner. The·· :UP ,.westem grassland. _

I, :

An Colors :Availablel ··.:· .. ·'·

DuPont OUT SID£ WHITE, ·self. ~leaning, ..... $5.59 I.~ :.-HJ .

DuPont FLAT WALL FINISH, gal ..................... $UO

DuPont SPEED EASY W~te~ Paint, gal. ............ $3A9

DuPont ENAMEL, qt, ...... ;,;.,,,· ..................................... $2.24

DuPont SEMI-GLOSS, qt • .' ..... : .. , ................................ $1.53

DuPont GLOSS ENAMEL, qt ....... : .................. ~ ....... , .. $1.56 j • -...:: .,

DuPont PORCH and FLOQR Paint; qt ......... ~ ......... $1.58

,··-: . ' :

On display and sold at our Ash ,street store

Dart & Cady . \ . , 360.• S. JefferaOil

. P.hone 4311 . of ll pack of cigarettes por day) ;medical and·hospital earo io: 110'\t ,_· ------------~~~;......;,.. ______ ..;,....,.J lavllilllblc _to_ everyone • .,.,.-- - - t ·

Hat'l'Y Nowmnn und his son, for the paRt 20 yenrs, They stnrtad Glenn, 11Ve the· sanlot• ten.m In tha nu "hcateva" (oparators. who heat forge plant hammer shop n.t Olds- tile t'or·gtng stoult to proper tom-mobile in Lansing. · perature) in n small plant in .Jnclt- '

Ho.rry lives at 1100 West Duns· son,· In 1933 they sought j11ba Jn i ville rand and his son resides nt. tho Cllevrolct D!Vi.9lon for•gc plant • 652 West Dexter •rrnl!. 1 in Detroit, r•emnlnlng thoro until . 1 In a recent issue ,of qw Olds-


. 1038, They returned to .Jac!(son for I mobile News tho Newmana were two years and during ttmt time the subject of a feature story Tho I became qual!flecl steam hammer­Oidsmobllc account of the New- i men, man tonm follows: t At Olrlsmobl!e they atnrtctl ns '



"heaters" In the steam hammer

out Oldsmobile cranltshnfts for '

Whnrens, the memory of those who so died Will nlwny.~ be held in hlgheHt honor in this city, nnd wlll niwnys be a Rource of patriotic Jnsplmtlon for u,g ILIJ, nn<l

WherenH, this memory fa bi•lghtened each yr:nr nnct' hon., or paid to the wnr· ricnd by the wearing of the Mcmorln!' Poppy on the Saturday before: Monwrlal Dny, now , , . Although It is not unusual Eor department. A year later they

two brothers to be worltlng co- wore rntml as hnmmet•men, nnd gether on the same jub at Olda- they worked steadily at thiR mobile, it Is news when a father job for the past five years, .AJ'­nnd son team fa brought tQ light.: though the average person con-' In the .hammer shop at the Olds- r sldet•s this work quite strenuou mobile forge plant you will find I and nerve-wracking Hart•y d Harry .EJ. Newmnn, und his son,., Glenn claim tho.t th~Jr job Is ·~~e Glenn, busily engaged pounding easiest in the plunt"

six-cylinder motot•s eacb worldng ~--------------------------..!.;;.... day In the week,

Harry and Glenn have the most senior! ty of all Oldsmobile forge ! plant ham mermen. They stm'led 1

Therefore, I, Sidney A. Mor-· rison, Mayor or the City of Mason, rlo hereby proclaim Saturdny, the twenty-ninth of May, to be Poppy Duy in the' City of Mason, nnd urg-e nll citizens to observe the clay by wearing the .Memorial Poppy,,

'working together In December, I 1010, and were among the first f

employees to help get production · rolling at the forge plant when . Oldsmoblle com111enced for·ging ' opemtlons. 1 '

Both of· them hnve worl1ed in 1 forg_es in various Michigan cltl~~ J

Masonic Meeting Attracts Many To Williamston .

Williamston Masonic lodge· No.I 153 was host to 15 lodges last I Wednesday, Lodge was opened at five o'clock at the Williamston. 1

school gym by D. Howard Gars- i line, worshipful muster, assisted ! by the officem of the lodge. The i Master Mason's degree· was con- 1

ferred upon Dr. Charles Schoff, 1

Dr. H. E .. McClenathan and Wii- I linm Wylie,

1 1


DuPont A Headliner Among·

Be(ter Pq,ints Will Present·A

Demonstration Of The Use and Preparation

Of DuPont Paints At Out· Jefferson Street Store

Monday and Tuesday-

May 14 and 15



At seven o'clock the meeting was : . adjourned to the Masonic temple, t

where dinner was ser,v.e d by the 11

0. E. S. Chapter No. 29 to 216 Masons, At eight o'clock the meet- 1

i~g 1:;,~~ ~~~e<IL~~~rn;ef~·~~~m~~:i

A DuPont representative will be on hand for these two days to actually show you how to use DuPont paints

• I •· how to m1x them, how to create with them new heights of ,

33 conferred the third. degree. 1

Mcm bers were present from thil1 following lodges: Okemos, Web-~ bervllle, Dansville,. Byron, Wa­cousta, Owoso, Fowlerville, Brigh· I ton, Howell, Lansmg No. 66 and Amity and Wolter French of Lan- I sing, Holt,, Perry and Laingsburg.


Four out-of-state lodge members 1 were in attendu.nce. There were 350:

home decoration beauty. · ··

Free Samples Stop in on Monday· or Tuesday for a f.reP. sample of.

DuPont paint. Bring along your questions about home decorating and: exterior painting.

Masons at the degree worl1 at the school·,


Dart &. Cady 141 W. Ash Phone 23111

Two Stores to Serve You

360 S. Jefferson: Phone 4311

Carol Montague of Mason has been elected seoretary of .Academy sorority, one of the leading sorori­ties on Western Michigan coilege campus, for the coming year, Miss Montague has been chosen ns a member of the committee which will be in charge of arrangements . for the annual house party to be ! given over the Memorial Day weel1:


end nt Wildwood Resort, Gull lake, .

by Academy f!Orority. .. lil••••••••••••••••••••••••••l WEDNESDAY SATURDAY .SATURDAY ,TUESDAY

·~~ ~.:


FEB. 1958



MONDAY WEDNESDAY r------..;_-,1.


OCT. 1958 NOV~ 1958

How to take 11~ worries·off your mind: THE. li'IDST·OF·TIIE•MONTHS0 When the

bills fall due, .are worriaome days for many of us •.

~ut here's a way you can lighten that pull' on. your pursestring~sta~ting i11 1058.and continuing for as long as you like:

Invest in U. S. Security Bonds. Start ' putting, aside part of everything yon eura


Ten. years from tOday, you.'ll start col~ lceting-collecting jour dollar1. for CVerJ

three you put in.

You cah save tliis patriotic, automt1tia way by joining your firm's Payroll Snv• ings Plan. If ym.:'re UQt on a payroll, yeu

· can enroll in the Bond-A-Month l'lan through· your bank. ·

Won~t it be wonderful, l111.ving worry~ tree first-of-thc-moDths· for J'OUrself and (amily? · ·

P •. s·. Evor)') hou~t yo~. Luy hetpe etnlllltzti' Jlrlces, Every· dollar im,Qated in Bonds retiree eu. equrd ·-~t ia lallaUoW&r,r l:llldi&o ·

"-· .SKUIIIY, • Sig.n up· for ~rlf:Y during ~S114A'S S4fJIIRI7Y:~Nl .

,. ~ ;! .

!' ! ~· ' 1 " ~ ''' i ' ' ' ' ·.·. . )' '



• j



··' Supervisors Give State Airport Aid To Capital City

Funds fm· Drainage Worlt And Salvation Army !l.l'e Appi'Opl·intccl by Board

~tgnl.nRt tho nounty, according tC> an ngrcoment l'Pnchcd J1ntwoon tha Hnlvn.Uon Army anrl t11e f)otJnly bnnr•(j lnHL Ootolmt•,

1 Omin JPnnd It"i'l"n!Hhl'll County Drain Commirmlonor I

Gcrr1ld Gmhum cxplr1!ncd to lh~, uuper·vl~ol'H Ute need for mpleniHlt-1 lng tho revolving dral.n fund, He I pointed out lllflt rcprdr:s to drains -lllH! the r:ogl of rnnhlng- HUrvoys haH run t110 $17,000 pt·ovldocl last: yonr· down to $17.1, 'rho supct·vlsor.~ I

voted ununlmously to holster the fund anothct' $17,000. i

Gmlu1m declared that t'opnlr i work must go on and If there is no revolving fund ·avnllahlo orders henl'ing Interest and subject to discount must be issued.


Of tile Locket By


S !LAS UlilNBU!lY, wedged Into a choir tilted a[lnlnst the coun·

ter, was slipping Into his regular altor·dlnner nnooze when the door opened, The customer woa nn elderly womnn.

'Ingham' county surrendered its claim to $15,419.86 in state aid for airports Monday to benefit the Capital City Air­port near Lansing, Although the airport iH outside the coun-ty, it servcu Ingham as Lan- "The big loss nnd the only los.9

to tho revolving fund nre drains sing's airport. The airport it- for which petitions nre filed and

Silns rose nnct the chair crealred ll.s rel!et. l-Ie clumped hehlnd tho counter and suld: "Good evening,, mo'nm. SomeUtlng I can do tar you?"

"Wh-why, yes, I suppo~e so. self is on f>tatc land in Clinton which arc never built following cotmty. Part of the state land smvcys," Gmhnm s~icl,

in the area is in Ingham. fo'cdcrnl Aid AHln·d ···'I'hc .appmpriatlon nul or funrlH By unanimous vote the fiUpcr-

i\t least, l hope so." .

1 "_Anything within reason. That's

why I'm r.allcd 'Uncle Silos.' My 1

ctlstmncrs are lust like relatives I to me."

allocnlect to the county but never visors aslted congress to enact a in the county's hands was mnclo to fcdm·o.l aid h?allh bill and uslred

. enable tho ,;ir·porl to mrtlch feeler·-: t.ho state. lcgJs!at.ure not to pass ~;·al l'unds anrl other state funds to Senate Bill No. 30, ~.covel' cost or extending- r·unwu.ys to~ The fedcml bill would provide ... necnmmocJaLr the l'our-motored money fo1· public lwullh, Dr. R. ;:: planes which now cmnnot land or, Lanting, Lansing-Jngham health "' tnlcc off. . , . i dlrcctn1· cxpla.lncd.

The propomtwn wn.s cxplamccl ! Dlll'Yl Minms, county soclnl wcl­'•·to the county hnnrd by M. J. Van- fare d!r·ector, told supervisors ;:~ DcBuntc, ot' the state clcparlmcnt -

1 Senate Bill No, 30 would double

,,.of ncronuullcs. , the l'Oiicf burden on cmmllcs and ,, VanDeBI)nte told the supci·vi.sors i would force counlicH to cut serv­.,.. that $7fJ,OOO in frd<!rnl nid will be ier•s to liwsc on the relief mlls, ~~mnd(~ nvailable fnr imprnVemnnt or ,, the Capitnl City Airport if tho , ••city nf Lansing- n.mlthe counties of ExtenSIOn Club '"Ing-hnm and Clinton mrrlch lhc ,7, fedcml aid rml of ulincatccl funds. The Wilson Extension group met ,,'l1tc state has put up $15,'il~.S6,, at lhe home nf Mrs. Vern Burg-er1s1 ···Lansing- has surr<'ndcrecl a ltkc i 'rhur~clny attcrnoon. Mrs. Ruth 1 :·:sum, the county of. Ingham . hns. Burgess, chairman, presided over .~'now sig-ned off aJHl Clinton counly j t.lw mooting after· which sho pre­~ .. has ngi·ccd to sunenrler ils claim.: sontccl a blackboard chart or pro-

Supervisor Paris Witt of Ingham .iocts for the next year. Eight. mem­•·.'·'township east the only clir:Aenling bcrs made reservations for the ::vote against the county surrender j county Extcn•;ion trin to the Hud­•· or nl.rport aiel. Thn action was' son store, Belle Isle and other ''recommended by tho ways and' pcinl.~ of interest In Detroit on :::manns committee, made up of Su-; Thursrlfly, Mav 20. Plans were _,_ nervisnr·" 1-Tnbert ](. Bnlion, A 'H'r-' made for a ];·•.nqucl with family ·--!ius; .Tohn B. T•'ay, Ingham; Ward and gurH night to be held on Sat­·' Vicary, Bunker Hill; and Marshall urrlay evening, June 1, at the :~s. Graham and Hubert Eddy, Lan- i Gleaner hnli. Motion pictures and ... _sing-; and il spr>cial airport com- 1 a short program will feature the ''mittee composed of Supervisors· evening, :;; lJ!no Helms and Dell of Lan-! Mrs. Marion Dowling and Mrs. ,. smr~ and Bert Twichell of East 1 Garnet Brown, leaders, presented ""La'lsing. i lhc Ieeson on floor carpeting and ~~ MtL!i'~ni!y Hill l'ai!l !linoleum. They showed samples '"' Major· Herbert Hill of the Sal- <~ncl g-ave many helpful suggest­.~ vation Army appeared before the I ions fot· new floor coverings, ·-supervisors Monday morning to rc-1 Refresh menta of wafers, pine­•• port that in tho last 30 months the , apple cocktail, ealw and coffee ~~Evangeline home in Gl'and Rapids! were served. i ... has given care to 28 Inghnm un-: * .,, * "wed mothers. Tho cost for the caro ! l'URVIIASr~ HOME

"That mulres it easier, ,. never I nad to. pawn anything dare, But ... ~ I

Her voice trailed into silence,

3 ·Minute t Fiction

Silas lmew that ! when she contln- · ued, tlt rou g hou t her story would run the same theme as counUeHs j

other~ to he hnd llslened dur· lng his 40 yc<ll'S in the pnwnbrolwr bllsineii8:' He nodded his 'head en· ··uu1·aglngly,

swim ancf. yet perm Its· the freest action in the water Is shown above. Tile br.ight~in-tlie~~urfstrlpes arc starred, and .the rope stl:aps: are feather-lig'l'it 'on the shoulders. Elasti­cized cotton. Available in red, green· and· brown.

,. ' . .

''7'/JiJ gold locket," rbe raid, unfold· '"8 h.r h.mds to reveal the · tri11ket, ··., .• , prcs•~rled to me by my hmbaud u•hen we u·ere married. No m111tet b;Hi' af~e11 we uwvcd trying· to better ?IU circtJitiJfu.1JCeJ, they ,jever itn· {Jrmoul. tl/ter his deatb last year !biug.t bec11me wone. I mid mort of 0/JY ,,afnul>les. flul this . • • I imt 'oot!rlu't, I only waul a loan 011 this /,.rk.t, /or some 'da.~ I rhall redeem it.

Legi~n Poppy Sale/ <'.1:9 Speoik May 27

Set For Next Week: "But to every pawn shop I've

~one, they l'efliso to lend me any money. They soy it is not valuable enough to be held as security.

"We'll soon see," said Silas. He scratched the surface of the lod(ct with a penknife. ·Into th'at shallow furrow he let tall n few drops of acid, then shoolt his head us a greenish tinge appeared, say· ing: "I'm sorry, but this loclret's ~nly yalue Ia 18 a keepsake. It's tin.·• ·


Sale of Legion poppies has been set for 'l'hursday, Friday arid Sat­urday, May 27, 28 and 29. - 1

In Mason the sale of the sym­bolic ·poppies will be handled by the American Legion Auxllia"i·y, as I

in tho past. -· 1 The flowers are made by . dis- ~

abled veterans, and the proceeds of the sale are used for the alle­viation of distress among veterr\.ns and their dependents.

Shop Talk

Kiwanis Backing Inter-Faith· Meet

Mason KI.wrlllls club Is sponsor; 111g an lntor·falth meeting to be hold In t!w Knights of Pythlas hall' next 'l'ucsday evening at 6;10.

.Three minister~, representing J~ws, Roman Clltho!lc.~ and Pro­testants, arc to share the speak­Ing- platform.

Habbl Stephen Freidman of a ~ Lansing synngo~'Ue v,.:UI r·cpresent


the .Jews with Fr. John Keating of the Mason Catholic misslo·n spealt­ing for the Cn.tholics and Rev. Kearney Klrlcby, assistant paator of the Central Methodist church, representing the Protestants. ·

Members of the Lions club and men from olher civic clubs nnd church g1:oups have been Invited to . attend the meeting, Rev, Henry Liddicoat stated. He Is chninnnn of the church committee of the KI­wanis club.

i•'ATHER oms Dominic Piacentl, father of· .. An­

thony Piacentl, co-owner of Tom's F'ood Marlcet, died nt a Lansing hospital last Saturday after a long illness. He Is survived by the son, Anthony, one otlicr son and three daughters, Services were held Tuesday at St. Mary's church ·In· Lansing with burial in Deepdale cemetery. ·

J,A\VYERS TO MEE'r The Jacitson County Bar a.ssoci­

atl.on will be host to the lawyers from the coun tics of Calhoun, Branch, Hillsdale, Lennwee, Wash­tonaw, Livingston, Eaton, Ingham and Jackson on Wednesday, May 26, at the Hotel Hayes In Jackson. The occasion is a district legal in­stitute, sponsored in conjunction with the State B11r of Michigan, it

I was announced hy State Bar Pres­ident Han·y G. Gault of Flint and' A~thur W. Wiggins,· president Clf tho host organizatl.on.

Concrete Tile Is New A. B. Product

Cement drainage tile is the lat-


est product to be made at the A. B. Concrete products company at the West Harper road plant. ee-

l ment tile has been used I. n some .city drainage projects and in northern Michigan areas,· accord­ing to Duane Dunn, owner of the


Always A "Must'' Gift For Graduates

Rings Of All Kincls .

I .If the ll'l'aciuate . in your "

fumlly cloos not o\vn a goo[j wnteh,. we IH\VC nn outstnnd· lng selection or'


We invite you to stop In to· see lhem.

Styles for Men and Women

Gold-mounted rings with your choice of soveml stones or inslgnill nre _popular gmd· uatlon gifts.


· Ford ·Aseltine Jeweler

The' place you buy your jc1i1eiry ls as ,.,lmJ?ortant as the jewehoy you buy·

'"was $·1. ,337, Major Hill said. The: Mt·. nnd Mrs, Gordon Kcm1ody ~:girls or their families pnicl $1.7<13, I have purchased the house located ,, leaving $2,593 as a charge against I at HO East South street from Mrs. •·• Ingham county. '.Jennie Hazelton of Lansing. The "" The cf the Salvation Army 1 Konnedyr; have already moved ~was pal.d with the general Claims' into their new home.

T HE woman looked bewildered. "l . , I can't understand it.

There must be some mistalte. Look here," she dlrect2d, unfasten· ing the trinket, It1 two heart. ,shaped halves swung open and she pointed to metal that encircled two mIn lature portrn its. "See bow brighl and solid that Is?!'

plant, but has never been ·exten­sively in ,the Ingham area.' The concrete tile' is said to Improve

CI'Op 1 Dusting ISm-vice with age, won't shale or crumble · The Jewett Airport is announc- and resists cracking when frozen.

-~ ., .... ... ~~ ,., h1 ...

J~W.' ... .\(.j;

"' '"' ,. ,,,;.

"" Ill

.. ,


6. . 16 y· ;X . · .. '-. ·~fe'S





N. F. C., each $9.95 J·. B. DEAN

- Ford Sales and Service

Mason 5311


Come and see our new, improved models! They're. almost human! They can even.put in their own soap! See the new Bendix Gyromatic ••• it doesn't have to be fastened down!

Now get rid of ALL the

W01'k of washing for just a few dollars more than you'd spend on an old· fashioned, washer! Easy payments!

tiME lEE!. tiME tNIIIEI tiME lAVE/ On display nnd. sold at our Ash street store

Two Stores to Serve You

Dart .. & Cady , TwO'' Stores to Serve You ·

, .

141 W. Ash Phone 23111

· 360 S. Jefferson .-._. ','.

Phone 4311 ·

"That photograph !avera you, ma'am, even though it was taken when you were younger."

"Forty years . youljger, . to be exact, when. Lwas married .. -The

I .lpposite one. Is of my husband. It · Javors him Loa.'' ...

''I'm sure it does. Looks lii'e he .vas a fine"

"He was: l"olks said he was un· l'eliflble and irresponsible .. I sup· pose Henry was, in a way. But they were his only faults."

ing ·a ·new farm service with the· The new type concrete tile which Inauguration of a crop dusting . the Mason plant produces, is acid-program, according: to Bob Starr. resistant, Dunn said,· and can be Complete information on the dust- used effectively .in acid muck. Wa-ing of all ltinds of crops haa been ter is abor.bed along the· entire provided by Michigan State col- f surface rather than running off at lege, Starr said with recommended

1 9o1. 1'Jen ~· Kelsey, dep:tty cl~ief joints ~A In vitreous tile.

spray matenals and procedures. of sta~. Umtecl States ;A1r Fore~, The uses of the perfectly round I outlined by the .college agriculture 1 who ,will ~dqress the Thil'd Annual 1 tile Dunn added are varied with I department ·1 State Avmt10n Conference at the 1 ' · ' '

I · . . . 1 Hotel Olds, Lansing, on Thursday . !'daptability to farm_. and home

Complete dus~m~ eqUipment 1

evening, Mav 27. Colonel Kelsey uses: around home foundatiOns and ANN ARBOR ~ Experimentn; .. work on lndustrlnl production of, can be flown to md!VIdual farms,· flew some- 40 ·fighter combat mis- septic tanlts. . chemical 'Isotopes !or use In studies of cancer and other physiological' he added, so that successive flights sions all over Gennany and was one The A. B. Concrete ·Products processes Is being ·carried on at the University of Micblgnn. ' can be made from the owner's of the planne'1·s and participated in company has been producing con· Shown making adjustments In the pilot plant being constructed

"Pardon my asking, but, loved him a great deal?"

property, rather than :from the the first shuttle raid, England to crete bloclts at the Harper road for. Isotope production Is Worthy T. B9yd, graduate student working airport. To acquaint farmers with Russin to ,Italy to. Englm)d, during plant for over a year. Three to under direction of Prof. Robert R. White. 'l'he Isotopes, or "ve~rleties" the value of dusting. from the. air, World Wnr H. He .. wenrs the Dis- five men are employed in the plant of chemical elements, thus manufactured will not !Je re~dloactive but the airport will send a representa- , tin!luished .~ervice Cross, Disti.n- Jln addition to truckers. The tUe . can be used as "trn:eers" in cimcer studies .

you tive to the farm of anyone inter- 1 gut~)1ed Flymg ~ross, Leg\01\ ,of project is a new one for which ·object ·of the experiments Is to find a method of producing iso-ested in ·the procedure, Starr said,: Mel•Jt, .French Crmx de Gucrre With modern equ.ipment ha.s been pur· 'topes on a large scale at less expense thnn ls possible in the atomic

A J-3 Cub plane has been P!llm, and.has five battle stars on chased from the Holland, Michigan ovens at Oak Ridge,_ Tenn. The research Is carried on under a grant "Yes, and, I' still do," she an­;wered. Then, regarding him with a quizzical look, said: "Why did you nsk?''

especially outfitted for the dust- . his. ETO l'lbbon. ccmcrete machinery company. In- uom ·the American Cancer Society.

I ing program. · · ,. · · terest in concrete tile for this area . .

··wen. I just ltind or thought a womfln wouldn't stay married forty

Paint Demonstration - . has prompted a conference· which


duction people. . · l. plant .two years ago and moved The Jefferson store of the Dart JU .. NE".·CH. AJRMAN Michig.a~ State college will. spon- Mr. and .Mrs. Dunn_bought th~ I fro~ Lansing. 'rhe ,Plant is open

& Cady hard wares is sponsoring . · . . . .. . sor wU!un n. few ~eeks, Dunn sald, pr~perty at· 3813 · West Harpm 1 f?r mspect10n by visitors at any a DuPont paint demonstration at for both prospective users and pro- road on wh,ch they built the block. time.

''A IVOIJIILD wouidu't ·slay married forty ·years unless she . loved her .hushand a rret\1 :deal," Silas salrL

years unless. sbe ioved her hus·

the store on Monday and Tues­day, May 2<l and 25. A company t·eprescmative from Saginaw will demonstrate the preparation and use of the various paint products p!·oducecl by DuPont and will have free samples to give to interested persons, according to Don Cady,

'l'his lllld 'l'hat . 1 Delmar Kramer, formerly with

the Douglas-Kramer store in Eden, has started work at: the Palmer Grocery this week ..

W. D. Post was in D.etroit·Tues-1 clay on business. . . '

band a grea'tdeiil." · · • "You make me reel noble,"

replied. "Nciw; concerning

.Ed Ware attended .. a· demon· I stration and dinner at the ,Porter 1

Hotel in Lansing Monday ·eve-,· ning, sponsored by· the Parlter. pen i · company for th. eir · dealc:s in'. the· I fngham county ten·ltory. .: , _

Bert A. Warnet; .has been· riamed I she a representative of the Co~utnb~an 1.

locket." this Hog and Cattle Powder. company

for the Ingham. County. district. l'he compa!)y's home.offlces a:re·Jn Her wards recalled Silas to the

ousiness at hand. He said: "I Will Kansas City, Mo. · · · · mistal<en The Inside was what eon· Mr. and Mrs. I{; ,A;-· Zimmer• vinced me. u

Silas gave her the money sbe N· ~uested and clrised -the deal. Her 1ervent thani;s made him glad that he had gone through wlih the de· ception. · •

For, h• h"d recogtli:ed tlgtm /'rmnlmll's pictmo. That was bow ,·h• bml lookrd when sh• had rejected bim io m • .rry .hi.s co,.#tl, H e~.r~, whos• photograph ·-.pfie<~recl itl · tb• lockel's ?tber hal/.

Silas hod known Henry was un· reliable nnd Irresponsible but he did not criticize him to ·her. Leaving home, he had never written or re· turned, Thus. Silas had lost all trace of Henry and Agnes until to· night when he hlltl recognized her r>lc\ure In •the locket.

Sllns .knew Agnes still loved E:lenry and would. be hurt to learn tbe truth, And, Silas still loved her so much that'- he had created a cer­tain way · to Insure her remalnlna ignoranfot Henry·~ deception. That waa, to advance so large an amount nn the locket tha·t she would never ,,! able to redeem !L ·

man are leaving · Ft•lday 'tor Lewis . W •. Morley, director of Columbia, Mo., to attond::gradl,ih.- Pub.liu l'elatioJtB for the -Michigan tlon exerciaes' at Stephens ;college~ Milk ·Producers. association, who is ~f. which their daughter,: . .Ann, Is· a ch~irman 'of the, Michigan Dait·y ,. graduating senior, She· expects to Month .committee in charge of the join the Zimmerman gift· shop 1948-obsel'Vance during .June. 1 staff upon her return to .:Mason. : .~l.t ~cr. m.e.mbers:. St.n nley. Powell, I During the absence of the· -Zlm· M1ch1glin State l<'arm Bureau, Lan­mermans Mrs. Vance · Mcintyre sing; Charles E. Stone, American and Doris Caltrider will be .worlt- Dairy. Association of Michigan,


ing at the,·. · ·. . .. , . ·;~ Lansing:; W. G. A1·mstrong, Michi· I , Lange Schmidt .and· Mr. and :r:f'i·s. gan. State Grange, _Niles; F. M.

'.Vii !lam Dabb flew to the nit!rt's ~p- S~ivei', Bureau of Dah:y Industry; pare! show in :Milwaultee last sun- {.ansing; A •. C. Baltzer, dairy ex­day, They returned , to. Detroit tension, Michigan State College, Sunday evening for 'another ap- Enst. Lansing; H. C. Hansen, Lan­parel show. John Bruncit of. the sing.· Daii·y ·. 9ompany, Lansing; Schmidt store In Carson .City llC· ·F;.dw. m J ... Smith, B. or. den's. Farm I

Products company, DetJ:oit; -and companied them. · L~Qnnrd ; N .. Francke,. Saginaw,

Mrs,' Ella Shcrwo.od. is the .new Mlchignn Allied ·Dairy association. cleric af the Mason .A & P ·store.. ..:. '

The Maple RapidS· a,e,.cY .. of the ';. Robinson Implement ~ampany has _ B · 1· • · . D t •t )een sold, according to Norman ow ··n . .e rOI ' DaTt. The Mason b.ranch will con· _ -·. -' - : ·. . · tinue its operations as . a, Mlnne-~ . ·Bo~Ung t,n the dllferent tourna·

1polls-Molille agency a. t.· the ·N. ort .. h ·m·e·.···nts In :r;>etro. )t o.n Saurday n.nd I Cedar ·street location ...... · . _ · _ 1 _sunday were Bud Swinehart, Al The Mason Elevator installed a. J.iloupht, Dicit Mills, Don .Vander·.

lOft drlnlt machine. in. th~ir otl'ices Veen, Sr., Mert Mizer,· Cliff Eddy, , last wee)t. . . . . . . · . .. , 1

· ' ·. · - · · · · . , Nels. Ferri by and Bob Moon. The ' - • , \, , I , ', ·. ' ' :,. ' , , ~

BUY NEAL HOME. ·.· different· tournaments were the; ---,....--, · Col. and Mrs. ·Ray ·c11tton 'have D.enby, the· Royal Classics and the

. The annual lOss of aoi~; fertility purchased tile' Thomas Neal h11me 20th.,Centuj'y. Those bow!ing in all 1 Utrough eroslon.,.and . leaching ls 1n West Maple and will move a111 three tournaments were Swinehart, e.stlmated to be. about seven times soon ·.as tho Neala ftnd . another .Mills, .. VanderVeen . and. Fen'! by. tlie . amount. of. ~ert!Uty used by :Jlace. The Cottons .. are residing Milia placed ICCOnd in. the .. squad crops;_ · ~ .. -' , mtil then at. 725 .:s: BaflleJI, : . prlze~Wtth o. high'· game. of 226 •

i . ' • / ,I • •' • ' ' ' ,,

A New Service From The

Jewett.· Airport

Crop Dusting ' ' ' ' - '

.. Complete· lrif()rmaticn On· Dusting Aii Kinds of Crops,

As Approved By M.S.C.

Equipment Can Be Flown

T.o Your Farm · For Inspection

If De1ired

Crop dusting this new modern way is

more thorough, more rapid and therefore

less expensive. Charges arc based on kind

of. 'materials used and time consumed in

. the. spraying operation, We can arrange

' ' to. :bring equipment to your f.arm so that

.flights can be made on your own property

in _each operation, rather than from the


Phone.Mason 2-3471 and a ~cprese~tative

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will cali to give. you full details fo~.YO~r. ~eq~lte~~nts' ~nd an estimate of cost. '. ' .· ., .• •• ,'1 '•'' ' • ' . ' .,· •••

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Social 6vents anJ Personals \·

Rece·ives Nurses Degree Ann11 Lee Troxell wns a mem­

llcr of tno graduating class of nurues ltl St. Vincent'~ hoapital "·I

In 'l'oleclo, Ohio !nat Saturday. E I C d There were 10 ·in the el1ws, Com-Ve yn asper an mencemont C)(<WC!sea were held In

J h H M Cl St. Ur.quJa2 n,uclitorlum. 0 n . C Ung Msgr, Mnrr was l.he mnstcr of

Spring Travelers Betrothed

Colonel and Mrs. Ray E. Cotton enter'tained Fred Mc­Q~Jira of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the week end. * * ~1 1\ir. and Mrs. R. J. Edgar of Owosso were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fortman. * * * Mrs. Osmond Beckwith and I daughter, Dorthea, of New York City, will arrive in Mason ·. SWnday to spend sev~ral. weeks with her. r:rother, Mrs. Bertha i Schlack. Mr. Bcckw1th lS expected to JOill them here later, o *.,:~ * Mr. and Mrs. N:ls Ferriby were in Sarnia, .o~tario, to j·· spend the week end wrth her father, S. Walton. •· ·1· '1• Mrs •.. Jennie Samuel of Johnstown, Ohio, arrived Sunday, May 9, to s~l!nd several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Max Sowers. . ..

I V ceremonies, Music for• the exercises ., Say Nuptia OWS was rurnislwcl by. the st. Ursulas orehestru. Patricia. Balter, n sl.u­!, Members of the ll'hmcdlate fum- dent nurse, sung vocal scleclions

' Illes witnessed the wedding. nup- of "'I'hrough thb Years" and ".1 tluls of Ev~Iyn June Casper, duugh- Hear You Calling Me." She was tcr.of Mr, and Mrs. Ed Casper of n.ccompanicd by Nancy Hucpcn­Wolverlne road, and John H. Me- bcclwr. The nddrcas was given by, Clung, son of Mrs. Glendora Me- ,Judge James C. Connell or Clcvn-


Clung of Lansing and Churles Me-. land, Ohio. Prmontatlons were Clung of Mason at the Mason made by Rev. Fr. Curl ,J, Alter, D. Presbyterian church SuturrJay eve- D., Bishop of Toledo, nlng at eight o'clock Rev. Mar- Miss Troxell was graduated from shall !simpson, pastor of tho Mason high school with the class church,· ohroiatcd at the single of 1015. She entered St. VIncent's

Mrs. Mary Johnson of Muskegon Heights ar-' • ' riyed last Sunday to spend two or three weeks with her son-in- , · law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Smith. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Hurl Milliken aQd daughters, Sharon and Sandra Sue, of Ypsilanti were week end guests of Undersheriff and Mrs. Jack

I Mr·. Casper gave his daughter In 'fhose attending the commence- ' ring ceremony, hospital in the fall of 1045, · I , . marriage. She was attired In a mcnt exercises were her parents, beige suit, accented with brown Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Troxell, accessories. She wore a corsage of I unci her grandfather, C. W, Phd­sweet peas, roses and carnutlons. Iabaum, of Mason, und her grand- ·

. Lechler, * * * Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Lethbridge entertained Dr. • and Mrs. I-1. L. Woodburne 1 ----

Her· maid of honor, Mrs. Joan Ale-~ mother, Mrs. David Brumbaugh Of A,NN.A LEE TROXELL shire, wore a pin!{ suit and hlack Ashtabula, Ohio. ------------------accessories, She had a corsage A luncheon for eight members of TO WED JUNE 21;

PATRICIA L. KARBER similar to the one worn by the the Troxell family was held at the Mr·. and Mrs. Gerald Parsons, Mr. and Mr·s. Phillip Karber of bride, . . Colony in Toledo uftm· commence· 111 West Ash street, Mason, an·

st J hns announce the engage- .Jack Croette of Wrlllamstou at- ment. " • nounce the engagement and ap· m~nt 0

or 'their dtwg-hter, Patricia, tended the bridegroom us best proaching m u r ria g e of their

at1~ family of Detroit, Sunday. i ENTERTAIN A'f BRIDGE Dr. Woodburne is Mrs. Leth-' Gtwsts of Mrs. Edward Ware at b 'd· • " 1 ·~ .1• ·r· M a dessert bridge Saturday aftcr­

n ge s urot 1cr. · .. .. r · noon nt the Walnut Hills Golf club arid Mrs. Carol McBride and wore Mrs. Glen Dunn, Jr., Mrs. famiiy of Wayland were Sun- Dom Diehl o[ Dansville and Mrs. clay guests of his brother and !•'rank Guernero. Guests of Mrs.

Louise, to Harvey Bennett, son of man. . h daughter, Patricia Jane, to John M. l MJ•s David Bennett of Mrs. Casper chose a brown prmt I Br'lg t William Swanson, son of Mr. and J\·[~·so~~~cNo d~tc has been set for dress with b;own accessories for mogene Mt•s, H. C, Swanson, llOO Robins the wedding. The bride-elect gradu- her daughters. wedding; Mr~. Me- d road, Loosing, The wedding will atcd from St . .fohns high school in Clung, the bridegrooms r;rother, To' Jol'n Br'l es take place Fiiday, .Tune 25.

· · M cl M D Le" Ware were Mrs. Bruce Ball, Sl~tcr-m-law, . r. an rs. Mrs. J. B. Dean and Mrs. W. A. Russell McBnclc. Bergin. · '

Clothes To Help You Enjoy

Your Holiday Week-End SOMETHING NEW!

Midriffs An abbreviated blouse, designed in figured rayon jersey or white ray­on for slacks, sl{irts or shorts,

$1.98 SHORTS and MIDH.IFF SETS styled in cotton plaid and cotton !lora! patterns. ~3.75


The practical change-about cos· tume for vacation and leisure wear·, plaid n nd striped cotton pat­terns, Sanforized, si~es 12 to 20,

$5.95 - $8.95


.Magic Slac]{s-Cuffs adjustable merely hy pressing, fashioned in popular gabardine, sizes 3 to 44.

$3.98 - .~6.95 Blue Jeans - Sizes 2·1 to 38.

$3.25 - $6.95 T-Shirts - Colors and white, cot­ton or rayon. $1.19 - $1.98

Graduation gifts to please any girl on your gift list.

MILLS STORE L. J. Adams & Son

Americana's "Party Girl" fashion illustrated featl!res tucked short sleeves, tucked hipline and a

pig bow that really puts a girl in a festive mood!

Rayon Crepe- Sizes 9 to 15

The P~ristyle Shoppe . ~ . . . .

HH7 and i:"-1 a studenL nurse at the j was attired i11 ~ brown swt. Wlt.h . * * * St. Lawrence schOol of nursing. brown accessorieS, Both .mothms SATURDAY BRIDE FETED Her· flflllCC graduated from Mason wore COI'Sa!?es of sweet peas, roses 0 n June 17 Mrs. Reginald I{ing. Of Leslie high school with the class of 1017J and carnatrons. and Mt·s. H.obert Moeltcr enter-and is employed at the Western • A reception .. w~s held at the Fo!IOI"l'ng the announcelnent of, talncd at a mlscell.ancous shower Auto Associate store, I h. omc of the budc s parents follow- ,


f th t M * '" * lmg the ceremony. Arrangements Mrs. Clara Kean that her grand- at the home o · err. par·cn s, r.

1 of spring flowers were placed daughter Miss Imogene Bright, and Mr·s. Ed CaspCI Wednesday College Club Has I throughout the Casper home. A Is cngag~d to marry Edward K. evening, May 12, in honor of their

three-tiered wedding cake, topped Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. sister, .Evelyn Casper, who became A I M D., 1

with miniature bride ariel bride- Glen Dunn the bride-elect chose the bl'J[lc of John H. McClung on nnua ay Inner groom, and ice cream were serv~d. June 17 as'her wedding day. Saturday evening. Twenty-five Th. t t b f th Ma The couple received many nrce Tl wedding vows w111 be spoken guests were pr·.esent. for the occu-

lt' Y· wo mem ers P c - 1 ifts 18 p b t . h h sion and games furmshcd the eve-son College c. lub att.ended the IUl· •


· g Mt:. and Mr·s. McClung attended in the Mason res Y ertan ° urc ning's entertainment. The Casper nual May rnncr a. 0 0 1 ~s 1 Mason high school. They are mal{· f M d M s R Glen Dunn c '

d t th H. bb on the 30th w. edding anmversary hom" \"as attr·actlvcly decorated chm.·ch lv)onday ~vemng. A c~untr Y


ing their home on Lathrop street 0 . r. an. 1 · : f rh with blue and yellow crepe paper

style cluclwn dmner was served in Lansing. The bridegroom is em- Mtss Brrght was graduated ~0 and spi·ing flowers. The honored by the women of the .church. Yel- lo ed b the Goodyear Services Mason hlgh sch?~l In 1912 and guest received many nice gifts. low tapers and mdrvtdual cor-· P Y . Y upon graduation JDlncd the staff of R 'f h nts of ice cream and

t bl PI I Stores m Lansing the Amencan State bani< In Lan- " res me tl 1

f sages decorated the a e. ace- * ,; * sing where she is now employed. I co,ke we:e served at tc c ose o

I fi~~d~a~~~~ made by Mrs. Caro-l B 'd El t f f d. Dunn was graduated from Mason the evemng. * * * Mrs, H. D. Henderson presided I rl e· eC e e high school in 1943 and entered the EIGHTH BIRTHDAY OBSERVED

I t' t 'navy. Following his release from over the business mee mg, a I Af D f 'B 'd service he entered the University Mrs. Harold Mygrants enter·

I which time officers for the ensu- ·. eSSer rl ge of Michigan. He is a member of tained seven guests Fnday after-ing year were elected. Mrs. Abe I . . t b •t! day party for her Cohn is president with Mrs. Ra- · Mrs. Darn Dreh! o. f Dansvrlle en- Alpha Tau Omega. '£he couple will/' noon a a It : '

',gun as vt'ce pt·esr'dent·, Mrs. Viva I, tertamed at a dessert bridge Fn- ma!{e their home in Ann Arbor. daughter, Glorra Sue. She Wall f · * * "'. celebrating her eighth birthday an-Ril{er, recording secretary; Mrs. I day evening, May ?, i~ honor 0 . 1 nlversary. Guests ' were Jeanne

Fern Slagh corresponding sccrc-' Miss. Barbara Franklin, whose G If W PI I J d L d N nc i tary; Mrs, Hoger Kl~rstcad, treas-: mar~Jage to Jack R. H_ufford of 0 omen ant'~~~~. as,P~ll~ y D~~~~d. ~ar~ 1 mer·; and Mrs. Harlan Hall, par. I Shertdran, Wyommg,• wrll be an M B kf t Fiedler, Ruth Strickling and 1

!iamentarian. I event of Satu.rday, May 29 · Three ay rea as I Janet sutherland. The afternoon I

The nominating committee con- tables of brrdge were in play, 1

, d sisted of Mrs. A. F. Zickgraf, i with honors going to Mrs. Frank Plans are in progress for the w~s spent in. P aymg games an.

I Mrs. Robert Bullen and Mrs. Joy: Guerri~ro and Mrs .. Claude .Edgar. annual May breakfast of the 1 prrzes were grven fa~ each game. 10. Davl·s. . 1 The br•tde-elect recerved.many nice Mason Woman's ,Golf association, I After the entertamment, the

t d Which will be held at the golf· guests were served refreshments Mrs. ·L. B. Barr, program chair· ! gifts. Arrangemen s of snap rag- f d k man, introduced Miss Alta Parks,, ons were placed throughout the course on Thursday, May 27. Mrs.' o ice cream ~n *ca. e.

h d. I Diehl home Donald VanderVeen, Jr., IS gen- · Ingham county, librarian, w o IS· I , , * * * era! chairman and reservations for VACATIONING IN WEST cussed children s books. 1 M

Hostesses for the occasion were : GOLF WOMEN MEET the breakfast should be made with Mrs. Fannie Starr left ason Mrs. William E. Clarl<, Mrs., A regular meeting of the Ma~ Mrs. VanderVeen by Tuesday, May, last Thursday for a vacation in Claude Post and Mrs. Ragan. . son Woman's Golf association was 25. I Denver, Colorado, and Cheyenne,

"' * * 1 held at the golf course Wednes- Committee chairmen for the af· Wyoming. Her son, Hurley Starr,· GRANGE co. NFERS DEGH.liJE ) day. Following the noon luncheon, fair are: Mrs. William Porter, d~c- flew her· to ·Danvil1e, Illinois, in his,

Ingham county Pomona Grange bridge was the diversion of the orations; Mrs. W. A .. Bergm, plane. From there sh~ contmued. No. H met Saturday evening, May afternoon, Honors were won .by bridge; and Mrs. Nels Ferriby, j to Denver by automobile with h~r. lfi at the Wheatfield Grange hall. Mrs. H. R. Fox, Mrs. Paul Mudgett golf. I bmthcr, Will Hackman, and hts TJ{e hall was deoorated with spring and Mrs. w. A, Bergin. Mrs. Fol'l'iby is in charge of the wife and granddaughter. In Den-

golf program for the year with vcr, she will be a guest of het• flowers donated by Grange mem- • • • Mrs. VanderVeen in charge of son, Forest Starr, and family, bcrs. About 100 were present when FORMER TEACHER WEDS bridge. Mrs. Don Densmore heads where she plans to visit for sev-officers of Ingham county Pomona j On Sunday, May 2, the Me tho· the publicity committee. era! weeks before returning to Ma-

l grange conferred the fifth <legree dist church In Vicltsburg was the ,, * • son. Forest Starr is a former resi-1 on 17 candidates. Doughnuts and scene of the wedding of Miss Dar- HAVE HOUSEWARMING dent of Mason. I coffee were served by members of othy Felkner of Vic!{s.burg to Lt. "' • * the Wheatfield grange. Dennis Wagner of Washington, D. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ferris were

* "' * . . C. Miss Felkner was a former· surprised at their home Saturday Rev. and Mrs. Henr·y L1dd1coat teacher in the Mason high school. night. when 30 friends gathered

went. to Kalp.mazoo '-!-'ue.sday The couple will malw their home there for a housewarming party. mornmg, where Mr. Lrddrcoat in Washington, D. c. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris have just re-

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen re-I tur!lfd Sunday evening after spending part ·or last week at­tending the Baptist State conven­

proached a funeral sermon. On * -* * cently moved into their new home Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Liddicoat at 1119 East Ash street, The eve- Mr. and Mrs. Frr>nl< Redman en-went to Flint to represent the Mr. and Mrs. H.alph Altenburg ning' was spent in dancing and tertaincd Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mason W. C. T. U, at a state of Plym~uth SJ.lent the wee!{ end listening to records. A midmght Martin of Williamston Sunday. meeting. with therr son-m-law .and daugh- luncheon of cake, sandwiches and The Martins called on Mr. and

tion at Kalamazoo.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barlter ter, Mr, and Mrs. Nelhs Bateman./ coffee was served. Mrs. John Dietz and family and traveled to St. Johns Sunday to Sunday callers at the home of j * * • Dell Bennett on their way home. I spend the day with his grand- Mr. and Mrs, James Waggoner Mrs. Lucy Travis and son, Paul, Mr. and Mrs. John .Toy of Has-father, John Shinaberry, and his were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clari{ left. Sunday to return to their home lett were Monday ev,1~ning guests

I aunt Mrs Wava Roberts and Jan- 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Goodenough at Springfield, Ohio, after spend- of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hulett. icc. ' · ' ; of Middl~ville, Mrs. Bernice Bailey. ing four weeks with Mr. and Mrs. . Mrs. George a·. Beaumont spent I Mr. Pnd. Mrs. Glen Coon llad as j of Aurelms and Mr. and Mrs. Ray· Clifton Lamphere and Mrs. Gerald h

" f D W'tt the weclt end at Onondaga wit ! guests Sunday Mrs. Carl Rosen- mond Craun ° e 1 · Strickland. her ,son and daughter-in-law, Mr. crance and Mrs. H. M. Maynard Mr. and Mrs, Kerineth Cole of J. B. Dean, Col. William A. Ber- and Mrs; Rex Beaumont, and fam-and daughter, Marian, of Ionia. Perry were Sunday dinner guests gin and William F. Richards of St. .

1 on Saturday, John C .. Adame of at the home of Mr. and· Mrs. Rob- Jolms left .Sunday afternoon for a 1 YMr. and Mrs. Herbert Stevens Mecosta was a caller at the Coon ert Fish and 1\:athy. . fishing trip in the Upper Peninsu-

1 of Leslie entertained Mr. and Mrs. home. . Sue Ann Haase, daughter of Mr. Ia. h d f 'I s d

Mr. ~nd Mrs. Josepll Fontana and.Mrs. Harold Haase, had her . Mrs. Helen Chaffin of Lansing Erwin Beac an amt Y un ay

I entcrtamed Mr, and Mrs. Vmcent /tonsil.~ and adenoids removed last spent Sunday with her son and evening.

. Genco of Jacltson Sunday. Wednesday afternoon. She re- daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs . .Adolph Sharlein of Mrs, Bertha M .. Kahler spent 1 turned to school on Tuesday. Francis Chaffin. , Lansing spent Sunday evening

• from Thursday untrl Monday at/ . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Neifert of with M~. and Mrs. Nellis Bate-

/ Dola, Ohio, visiting friends, She Dr. Dale Welsh, · presrdent of Flat Roclt were Tuesday afternoon man. was accompanied by Mrs. Harold I Al!Jla college, Charles Jones. and guests of their son-In-law and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hem-

1 .Tordan, who visited her father, Ellzabeth Adams called on Mr. and daughter·, Mr. and Mrs, Bernard street 'of Leslie entertained Mr. 1 Sherman Shields, at Dunldrlt, I Mrs. Ralph ~dams Saturday eve- Holmes. Mrs. Neifert is the former and Mrs. Russell Bartlett and Ohio. Mrs. Kahler is staying with nmg on therr way to Jacl{son, Myrtle Bird of Dansville. Nancy Saturday evening. Mrs, James Cole at :Mason for the where they were to· speak at the • George Hllton of Camp Grayling Mrs. Fred ' Collar and her summer months. First Presbyterian church there, spent· Wednesday and Thursday grandson, Merritt Barnhill, spent

Mrs. William Elliott of Farwell Sunday, with his·rnother, Mrs. M. J. Hilton, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. came Mothcr's- Day to make her Dr. and Mrs. Richard Wallwr of and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilton. Barnhill, home with her daughter, Mrs. Kalamazoo were week end guests Mrs. Walter Stewart of Scar- Dr .. and Mr·s. B. J. Dowd and Jesse Bm·gcss, Mrs. Elliott is Gl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don- borough, New York, and William son, Allen, of Kalamazoo spent years old. ·aid VanderVeen, Jr. Mrs. Walker H. Graves of Huntington Woods Mother's Day with_Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Densmore and Mrs. VanderVeen are sisters. visited Mr. and Mrs. Nelson D. Alfred 'Allen. spent the week end at their cot- Saturday night guests of M~. Brown and family Saturday after- Mr. and Mrs. Walter· H.. Carven tage at Narrow lake. and Mrs. Cern! Underwood were noon. Mrs. Stewart is the aunt of entertained Mr. and Mrs. curtis

Mr·. and Mrs. Norman Dart and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Balter, Mr. Mrs. Brown and Mr. Graves. Alford of Lansing and . Charles daughters. entertained Mr. and and Mrs .. Oliver Schram, Mr. and Mrs. Ella Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hilderbrant at dinner Sunday eve-Mrs. Harold Copp and daughter's Mrs. Herbert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt of Jackson and Floyd nlng.

i of Lansing over the week enr.l, Rollie Sp~er, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Jackson spent Saturday Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Williams of Mr. and Mrs./ Gerald Parsons Lance, Don Wilcox of Mlllville and uftemoon at Hou!l'hton !fi!cc. Brooklyn were Thursday afternoon·

were in Detroit Sunday to attend Rodney Felton. The party was Mr. and Mrs. Ward Vicary of callers at the home of Mrs. Charles the ball game between the Detroit held at the Underwood's new log Leslie were Saturday evening din- W. Browne. Tigers and the St. Louis Browne. house on Ash street. ncr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Bray at-

Mr. and Mrs. John Braley of Mrs. M. Belle Mygrants spent Cullen and Mrs. Arthur Cullen. tended the funeral of his grand-Eagle 'were Sunday :dinner guests from Thursday until Sunday with .. Mrs, Ben Pringle of Lansing at- mother, Mrs. Rose Bray, at Lan-

1 . of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carrigan. Mrs, John l{losc, ·Mrs. Beosle An· tended the mother and daughter sing Tuesday aftcmoon. Qther guests were Mrs. Roy Reed studz and Mrs, Cora •Bishop, In banquet of the Child Study club. Mr. and Mrs. c. R. Beebe, Miss Ol' Bath and Mrs. Pearl Crane of Jackson~ with her daughter, :Mrs. Doyle Agnes Beebe and Vance McWhor­Detrolt, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton· Hulett 1 Burgess, last Wednesday evening, ter of Charlotte attended the wed-

. Mr. and Mrs. George Keitogg and daughter, Kathie, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Clipper were ding of Nellie Hunter at the Meth· and Kittle Welch were guests of James Hulett attended a horse week end guests of his sister, Mrs, odist church in· J:ackson, Saturday ·

1 Mrs. P. Boehn at Chelsea Sunday. show at Lowell Sunday. Heland Cramton at St. Charles. afternoon. · Friday- night Arth~r Cronin' of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cummins en- They also visited his bt·otller, ·wn. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Childs were

of Dr.· and Mrs. H. D. Henderson. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Es' llam Clipper, who Is very ill. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jac!{Son was a caller at the home I sig of Mt. C!erhens and Lilian Mr. ana Mrs. .Francis Chaffin Perrin' at their cottage at Pleasant

Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Fetters, ~rs. 1 Stevenson of Detroit Sunday. attended the annual banquet of the lake, Sunday Florence Lyn!{ and Frank Fetters 1 -Rev. and Mrs, Marshall Simpson Western and Southern Life· In-1 Walter Runyan of Holt was a were Saturday guests of Mr. at1d. and family entertained James Tam- surance company at the Hotel! weelt end guest at the home of his

I Mrs, Beryl Geren at Kalamazoo. llyn and Miss Ailene Everingham, Hayes at Jacltson on Saturday ! grandparents, Mr· and Mrs. Walter . Mrs. Frank Fetters, who has been • both from l{inde, at dinner Sun- evening. i R. Carven. Callers at the Carven . staying with her son-ln·law and I day,. Afternoon callers at the Simp- Mr. and :Mrs. Clair Halstead of 1 home Sunda:-y afternoon were Mr. I daughter for the past two weeks, 1 son home were :Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Adrian were Sunday guests of Miss 1 and Mrs. George w; Jewett of returned to MaBon with them. I man Snldet• of Elkton. Minnie Kelly. · I Grand Ledge,




Gifts Pnrlccr 11 f'il''

The world's mcmt select WJ'iting lniJtrument

Pens and Sots $12.50 to $27.50

Elgin American Compnets

Schiel{ .Electric Ra;mrs

Lucile Brushes ancl Sets



Argus C-3 • Built-in llange Flndor· • 1-lo to 1-aoo se"mHI

Spcells Built-in l''lush


Richard Hudnut

We r'Pf,lll'IJ '"If' phnrmrwy rlc­pm'l.mcnt us the mnHt lmporllml one In 0111' Rloro. 'l'hrre rrgis· lerml phJu·nuwiHtr1 IISH1ll'" yon prompt, mtrcrul nttention to pmsr!!•lptlonH at. nil limes. Phone fio\11 f111' illlll1r<llate delivery service,

DuBarry Travel Kits

DuDany H.efills and Gift Sets

Egg Creme Shampoo Liquid creme shampoo that's cll•;tinelly diff.,·rnt. Emiched with egg, non-clryiJ:g·. Popnlrtr size• -- $1.00, fed. tax exempt.



June 20

Drug Specials AU'!'IlOitiZJm· AliGUi.l ll.EAU•Jn

Kyron Tablets ........ $3.-00 Argus Mica ............ $9.95

7 Sc Bayer Aspirin .... 59c Ahsco Reel if! ex ...... $14. 70

New Kodak $1.00 Lysol ................ 89c

Tourist .............. $71.00 200 Sheets of Kleenex 18c

60c Alka Seltzer ....... .49c

Argus A-2 ............ $37.50

Brownie Box Camera, 620 .. ; ..... $5.18

Gibson Greeting Cards for

Graduation and Father's Day

For that dream girl look.




D.r. Hess Treabnent For Weeds ·and Insects

Weed Kill Guaranteed

8 oz ......................... .' ....... $1.00 pt ..................................... $1.65 qt .................... '""" .......... $3.00

House Spray Unit complete with bomb-

type sprayer ........................................................ :.:$1, 9 8 . I

Vacation and Picnic Accessories

Sun Glasses Sun Tan Oil

Paper Plates , Thermos Bottles

Plenty of Color Film; All Sizes

Ware's Delivery Service 't·

Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Reaso11 Mr. ·and Mrs. Earl R. Overmyer Mr. und·Mrs. Robert Ballard and · Mr. and Mr~llllam Carl wercj called on Mr. and M. rs, C. H. ·Watt of Detroit were week end guests so11s spent tile week end with ller

1 Sunday dinner guests 9f her par·

of Mason and Mrs. R. . J, Schramm j at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. ·D./ parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Otis

1. ents, Mr. and Mra. Gem'ge But••

of Jacltson Sunday nfternoon. , C. Danow, · . . of Leslle. · .. ~ , , ' gess. . ~-. __ ..;... __ ..;.....;.....-______________ ..;., ___ 1

' '. Phone 5411


I •;I

' '



Mason Couples Mark Silver

doeomlerJ lim anniveraai'Y Clllto, c h I w r E d ····~;,~lit~;~;;r ~:~;~~~~nnley Bowen Club at 0 ic omen nga~e May 28 Bride~Eiect Feted coloht•alml their ltllvct• ~eddlng E I t Off' I ·· ' 1 nnniVct'IIUl'Y Saturday, Questa • • ec leers ~· ,..,. Morrl!yn Hummel WllQ tho hon-~ 'fho Wndding of MIHR Hum111ol to present for tho oceaslon were Mt•, • · orcd guest 11t !L brid11l sbowcr Sat- Hicdt~u•d Swaninger wlll ta!tc placo. nnd Mm, {,co Clnrlt, Mr. nnd Mrn, Mt'H, Dnnnld Vnndcr·Vecn, .Tr., : urclny nftcmoon Itt tile homo of nt tho Pnmhylel'inn church, in 1

WllllcLJn Clnrlt, Mr. and Mrs. By· nntm•tnlncd members of tho Clltho· 1 Donnll .Tc!tn Davis, with Miss DILVis; cumllollght IIOI'Vicoa, nn Friday, Anniversaries

ron StovcnH of Lunslng and Floyrl 1 Ch k U lie Women's club Tucsduy evening. Coming nnd Domlhy I•'razlet• 1111 eo·hoHt-1 May 2R, with tho pnstor of tho, Mr•. nnd Mr·s. Chm·JcJJ Lay en- Bowen, BnliCJUOts of spring flowers eC - P J Mru. Murlt Cave nsslstcci the host·· cases, The aftet•noon wns spont church, Rev, Mnr·shnll W, Slm1i~,i

to!·talnml 11t n surprise !llllllverHIIry were placed throughout the Bowcp ,.1;R. It wns the ltnllltlll meeting rwcl · Events In ptnylng gn.mes m1u p1:zcs were 11on, pet·fcn•mlng tlu• ceremonies. dinner Saturdlly cvoniilf: In honot'l home, Tho g-Lwst11 were served Icc tlw P!Pctlon of offtcers wns held. won by Lorraine Smith, .Joyce Col- • ·~ • .• I t M - 1M I I I I I Tl Whc•n tutd WhHt'll lllllOIIIl' Jug- by nne! Miss Hummel lo! wr pnren,s, r. 1mc r1s.1 Hntti·ry ct·o1nm, en t1e anct s1mu1wthc 1esm. 1 11c h!Lm 1,011111Y c•luh~o lmi••••K tuu! Mt·s .. fohn Bcrgeon was reelcctcrl · 4-H Club News 'rceman, WolD were •~c c ll'!l ng caw was r ccora nc w !l n a- orglutl1,tLtlonH, " prcslrlent of the group. Mrs, .James The 22 guests wcm served re-

thc!r 2fith wedding nnnivers/Lry. ttu•o IH'ir!c 1111d brideg-room and


ll;whcs Is viec president with Mrs, freshments oJ neapolitan Icc .. G t f tl I t I I It! II Th ~ I' "' c • 1 d ff · r The monthly nH'cling of the Has. ues s or 1e occas on wem Mrs, r mmer w 1 s vm·. c .. oup e 'l'hn n 171 R. (rd hlf~" In to "" 1 .futn<'q Mlt"ttlrP ns "ecJ•ctary and ,1erLm, en ce nn eo eo rom tt

' I I 1ft f II " " 'l'h!H l\kn111 (!<tltllllll I• II<'· t bl t d ith I~tt I 1·1 c•ltlb '"\VII" h~lcl Monclay''' I~reeman s parents, Mr. and MrR. rcec vcr many g s o s ver. held Thul'Sdny evening, May 20, at trcusurer. . 1 • " - fl c cen ere w an n.t-r11

nge- " · • . , " , D Crowth cl M l M L Ill the llftel·nnon tl1cy received 1 t • ln tile r 1 Hlgnetl pt·ltmu·lly for lllll IIHI· tnent of •pt·lng flowers Tl 1 lvlny 17, with :!0 ntcmlwrs and p!lr•.·,• ' cr, un 1', arH l'fl, . o gh o e!ocl{ . lv !Won c I 'Ir>J. Bet•gcort OPIJolntnd the fol- . f " • , 10 em cc E: Gowmnn, of Dotrolt, Mr. anti a to!ngmm from their daug-htm•, 1 " " tntr u puhlle c•vettls ntHinwet- wns clecoratcd Ia shades of pink <·niB Jli'Ofl<'nt, 'rhero was IL potlucl~ .. M

L 11 II BJI 1 T M Lyl B Mlll'phy of Phoenix -";·•ll e, l Vi' • lowing mmmlttee chairmen: Mr·s. lngH of llivle organ!zat!onK. rwcl gr·ec11 nd tOJ) d It! 1 Sll[lpor· fnllowocl by !he Installation rH. · aro r ss unc om my, I'S, o . , , rhc Presby L>'/1111 omens us- E. JD. Wonlland, ways and means: , 11 pe w · 1 wm • Linda and .Jerry nf Dcnrbm·n until Al'i7.ona, Hcndlng them her best soclat!on will tncet In the chll!'ch Mrs, William Mclm·,' Jlrogmm: and . ' 1"''r<ll~ nn <:lmo·g,( :.a• fiHtittgH, ding bells nnd pink roses, Wed- ot • officers, Tho retiring officers Jean find Harry Freeman, .Jr. wishes on their 25th wedding flll· parlors Thursday cvonmg, Mny 27, Mr·s. Mnrk Cave publidty. O~gn:llzu.t!nn offlc!<•r·s nm ding bells hung on the llreplace W<'t'P pr~'Hldnnt, Phyllis Stanke:

J\rrnngcmonls or vnrlollH cnlorftl nlvm·sm·y. ' at eight o'cloclt, A pltumcd cllscuH· ' . . as '"1 tn lutvH t•lul llsllngs In nne! 11 mlnlatnr·e brlde ancl bride-; vlno-prPsltl,nt, nohert Slanlte; and of' tulips nne! IIIIo~ of the Vllllcy * • • slon will be !NI by Mrs. Max The club voted to fiiVC P5 to the tim hnmls nf f.lte> r•hth editor nf g-room wn9 plnccd on the mantle jsccrctut·y and tr·cnsut'Pt', Wilma· were plnced on the buffet ant! I Mr. ant! Mrs. Harold McCom1lcl{ Sowers nn the s'ubject, "Women- rccrcal.!on fund. Fr. Keating was ! !"' Ingham Unuuty Nc!WH h)' forming the setting for the girts,

1 Coleman,. l~ollowlng· the lnstallf!--

tllblc of the Luy horne . .After the nnd grnncldnughtcr of Walled luke The Architects of Tnmorl'Dw's pn's<'nt and gtwe a short tn!J{, 1 nesri·:Ly. Nnt.lells nf Hlrlt!lly which were placed In front ol' t!JC · tlnn of ~>lflcers the gt·oup gave the dinner, cards were the cllvr'l'sion spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. World." The :loclnl hour Is to be Guest prizes were won by Mrs. eonun<'t'dnl vcntut·es <!lln not llr·cplaee. . 4-H pledge. 'l'hr. business mcetlng of, the evening. Silver trllllmlng·s j Rolllc Speer, In charge of a committee from Arthur Plourde nne! Mrs, Joseph he used. out-of-town guests were her 'I was called to order hy the pres!J,

Circle ·l df the rrsso!!lnlion, Lnst IPonLnna, Plans Cor the mmual THURSIJAY, MAY 20 aunt, Mrs. E. P. Randall, and dent, 11ncemnrlr• Qulclt. The group weelt the g-roup held a suceciJSful Cntholic picnic, to be l1cld nt Ray· AUDREY GEHHAHDSTJDIN West Alaieclon Ln<llcs Aid So- her cousins, Mrs. Hobrrl Ludwig- dtHt:tlimcr!. enmp nne! many mom-


A now permanent m· hair-do for nil : the senior activities .~cheduled fnt• tlw

next courle of: wccl{H, can he on every :senior girl's pmgmm il' she c:alls on , GJ'u~o.

GRACE EUGENE BEAUTY SHOP ~Ide C!ll!ranc·c·, IJ;Lvis Gnu:" ~tono, Owner Ulo!•hing Co, lmHdlng

Memoria! Wreaths Cemetery Bouquets

Geraniums and Bedding. Plants

For Memorial Day

Jewett's Flower Shop Dick Jewett

Flowerphone 21231

·the new, improved ·.. i<wlta;ul~

home permane_ntl

.SAVES UP 'fO HALF USUAL WAVING TIME The latest in home permanents-featuring the same type preparations .•• the same improved process used in the Richard Hudnut Fifth Avenue Salon! It's easy .•. quick .•• gives yau a lovelier, stronger,· longer-lastin~ w~yel ' $

275 At our cosmettc counter. , , •

Refill Kit $150 /prices plus 30~ fed, lax)

Ware's Drug Store Mason

rummage sale in tho clllm:h par- net• park on June 20, were discus· Mr. nnd Mrs, Lee Get·IHlrclstdn ciety, .Mrs. Letha Wcl!H, Sandhill nncl Betty Rundall, 1111 from Lan- lwrs are .tnt.ero~:tcrJ In attending. lot'S with .Mrs. Ji' . .r. Kellogg and sed. or Webberville announce t.ho en- road, sing. · ! Otlwt• l.hmg-s o[ impm'lunce were Mrs. C. L. Bashford trs co-chair· S p r l n g' llnlwt·s were placed gagcment of tlwir dnug-llter, Aud- Clre!c 'l, Presbyterian church, sunday afternoon Miss Hum mol· dtHeUHod and the bullctlns were men. Articles unsnld m·e to be sent lhrdughout tho VanderVeen hol)lC. rcy, to Harolcl Green, 8011 of Mr. Mrs. Oscat• VanStcclanLl, '1H West was fetecl at n: showm· In Lansing, JlfLSHot! mrt. to Rev. and Mrs. H .. J. Rccmstma I At lite close of the evening, rc- a,ncl 1\Ir·s. Hrtlph Green of Byron. Sy~;~~~~.r~f ~~~e~;18~01;; ~~~r ln!tia- given. fot• het· by her cousins, Miss " · " of Ft. Defiance, At·izona, for use, freshmen ill wore served by the ~he ~ouple ltavc not yet set their lion Masonic hall

8 p nl Rnmlall and Mrs. Ludwig, The af- ATTEND CHAR'rt~R BANQUET

in their work among the Navajo' hostesses. wcddtng elate. 1 • , • • • tcrnoon was spent In plo.ying- crml Mr. and Mr.~. Hex Stt·lb!cy and Indians. '

1• "' '

1' " ' ., I l• RIDA Y, MAY 21 bingo and othe1· games. Miss Hum- Mr. llnd Mrs. F'. II. 'rinltler at-·

'll1c Rebekah Cr.·tc-ric will meet Sr;outs Honor Mothers I TO OBSIDHVE BIRTHDAy PhtlnthPa dass of the B11ptist mol was pr·esentcd with the pl'izcs tnnded tho ulmrtor banquet of the on Monday evening, Mny 24, w!th At H.e,.ular Meeting Mrs, Myrtl Marne 1 ,101 E ,t ~1 u~~h,r, ,Mt:s. Ralph Hall, H1 which were kitchen utensils all(i r Howr•ll Jayeccs, sponsored by tlw Mt·s. Ivan Wethy on West Cnlum- b j A h t ~~ 1 ° ~a.. 01 1 'Li fet son, potluck luncheon groceries . Lansing .Jaycees ut Howell last

S 6 s s rcet wr I ce cbrate her 72nd 11t 12 •'10 " I ' bla road. Mr·:J. C. G. 01vcn am! Boy couts of Troop No. 2 en- lmth 1 . . : , " · Following the opening of: the Thut•sclay evening, Mrs. Huhcrt Hoy will he uo-host- tcr'tnitwd their mothers at the·Ma· 2.l coy anlntvmsaty Sund,ty, May .Junior and sentor reception, Ma- presents tl)e guest" 1vc1·c served a I ''' •· ' •·

. , Her c nughtcr Mrs Bessie · 1 · 1 · 1 1 ' ' '" • · esses. son Presbytcria~J duu ch last

1 Stodclarcl of .Taul<s~n, wiri be· ~ 1{ son llg 1 sc 100 • . luncheon. The centct•plccc at each Mrs. Bertha Sehlucf{, Mrs. Nina·

The Lrrnsing- Choralcttes will Wednesday evemng in hondr1 or I out-of-tbw gu t t tl b' 'll 1 l3o~nl of Dlrectorr, mectmg, Ma- table was 11 miniature bride and~ earn, Mrs. Lulu Whipple, Mrs: hold their spung concert on May Mother's Drw. Wnlter Hlnlde, dinner n cs 11 . 10 n lC ay 8011 Cham not; rof Commerce, coun- the favors for the guer,ts were i ,Elln. Lewis and Mrs, Ami Terrill 26. at St. P;rut's l£vnn::;·c!iea! opened the Pl'ogmm with a short · * ell roo~1~:rlf·l~ y I miniatm·c bridesmaids. On the bur-l attended the Past Noble Grnnd a:s~ church. 'l'iclwls for the concert tall{, followed by. Lewis So;.vcrs, HOSTESS AT TEA •' .. R A • MAY 22 fet was an arrangement or fnrg-ct- 1 soclation at l~owlervillc last Frl-may be purchased from Mrs. Miles who gave an outhne of the com- c Mc.thodtst church rummage sale, I mc-_nots and lilies of the valley in

1 clay, In the evening they went to

8:15. ' summer camping program. · Re-. one of the, l~nstosses. for the. an- P hSUt ~DAY, MAY 23 mcnt was placed a miniature hridc! monies for the institution of 11

new Hclley. The concert is to ,';tart at ing scouting activities and the Carol Montague nf 111asnn was ounctl 1 noms. , fa ttered vase. Atop tho 1u·range- 1 Ionia to nHslst with induction cere-

There will be a meeting- of the freslllnents were served, after nual mothms tea wluch was gwen res Y .ermn sacred concert, to corresponcl with the ccnter-J' lli\Xiillll'Y to Canton Fred Hall No. Bunl1er Hilt Center ccnwt<'ry llS· which a candlelight service was by the. ~omen's League of West- adult chou·. pieces at the tables

20 sociation Tuesday, May 2G at two held and each mother was pre- 01'11 llftclugan colleg-e, Kalamazoo, MONDAY, MJ\Y 2,1 ' ' o'cloel{ p. m. at the cemetery. sen ted a carnation by her son .. l Saturday afternoon in the ball- Rcbclmh Coterie, Mrs. Ivan

Tho Baptist Women's Union will Marvin Shepard closed the mcet-~mom of Walwood hall. Mothers Wethy, West Columbia road. meet on Wcdneeclay, lVlay 26, at ing with taps and Mickey Graham from all. pat'ls of the state at- Priscilla c i r c I c, Methodist two o'cloclt at the church. There led the Scout benediction. tended. She ts the dauglltct· of Mr, church, Miss Bessie Ball, 405 East


will ba installation of officers in William Drahet• is the troop's ancl J.frs. Vernon Montague, Oalc street, Mason. 'charge of Mrs, Fred Smith and scoutmaster. " '' '1 Maccabcc card par'ly, Mrs.' Ar· I Mrs. A. B. Hig-bie will have charge " B. h I thur Watl<ins, :127 East Maple St. ! of the devotionals. JO LYNNE CAPPO HONORED 1rt 5 'rUESDAY, MAY 25 1 The Wheatfield Gleaners will Fifteen boys an'cl girls were en- Ruth cu·cle, Methodist church, . ll)Cct Tuesclay evening, May 2~. at tet'tained at the home of Mr and !If!'· anrl Mrs. IIarolcl Robbmo of Mrs. Abc Cohn, 121 ·East Elm 8 p. m. at the Gleaner· hall for a Mrs. Joe Cappo last Thursday 'af- 1 Wtlltam~ton a:·c tile parents of a street. . ,

'regula!' lodge mr:eLing, Mr. ami temoon fmm 3:30 to 5:30 in honbr dnugiltot, Tony Lou, bo~n on Sun- Mary Martha cu·clc, Methodist [ ·Mrs, Floyd Balrlwin will have of the sixth birthday anniversary clay, May n. Mrs, Robbms ts the churcb, Mrs . .John Shepard, 226 charge of tho entcrtamment ancl of their daughter, Jo Lynne Cappo. forme~· Frances Sec. East Elm str~et. ·

' refreshmente. . A color scheme of pink and white Enmgn and Mrs. Carl R. Wtck . Bun!{ct Htll cemetery assocla-1 Phil McKernan Corps 131 will was used. May baskets containing announce the birth of a son, Carl tton, "t ~he .cemetery, 2 p. m. 1 meet Tuesday, May 20, at two gifts for· the children were plac~d I E.l'lc, ~t the Coco Solo naval has· at Mason~. softball season opens

o'clock at the Legion Memorial en the table and colonial bouquets pttal tn the Panamv canal zone ,the fa~1grot~nd, 7:30 Jl. m. building. llanlced each end of the table Mrs. Wtck is the former Helen Wheatfield GleaHets, Wheatfield

1 'rownscncl club will meet at th'c whiPh was centered with a doco~~ Getgen of Williamston. . Gleaner hall, regular meeting. • home of Mr·s. Franlc Robtnson rated birthday cake. Games, con- A son, Burton Thomas, was MPhll . McKernan Corps, Legion i Thursday, ~1ay 27, for 11 potlucl•


tests and movtes furn;s;wd the af- 'born tc l\Tr. and Mrs. Burton Stover·~ cm~·~bJ~1,,,~n\gY 2 o'clo~k. ! supper at 7:30. ternoon's entertainment. , of Detroit on Sunday, llby 16. T!1r . : "" 1 • MAY 26

I The Maccabees are to hold a * * * Stovers nrc former vYilltamston Orpha ID)len crrcle, Methodist 1 card party at the home of Mrs. W. n. Ttetz is tn Chicago this residents. ~~urch,. Mr~. Pelle Vaughn, West

1 ., Leola Watkins, 528 West Syca- wee!' on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Feighner " bumb~~ 1 oa.d. . . more, Monday night, May 2'1, at Mr ·tncl Mrs Charles A Gorllatll of Lnnsing arc the parents of a h ch

1or dMh 0 lClhc 1 r. Methodtst I

· • 1 · ' · · · ' • c urc 1 rs aries H Clipper I etght o c ock. :md son, 'Ciarlc, of Dimondale were son, Kurt Wayne, bnrn at tlw .JlO E 't 0

·1· t. t · · •

1 Mrs. Floyd Bmgess will enter-· Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Sparrow hospttal on Friday, May Llln:~n . 'calt 8 , 11ee · . .

I tain Past Noble Gr·tnds at a pot- G . . G h 11. , g IOta cttes Will p1escnt ' ' eot ge or am. srrmg' conu<•rt St p !' E 1 lucl\ supper on 'l'hur~clny, Mny 27, . . . . Mr. and Mrs, Richard Erns- ', . · • · . au " van-

at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Guy Strickland 1111 s. Ltlh~ Petty of Dansvtlle berger of Lansing announce the geltcal,. church, La.nsmg .. will be co-hostess was a Sat~tday guest of Mr. and birth of a son, bom at the Sprtrrow . Bapc1st Woman 9 limon, l3ap-

* ,1,· Mrs. Cordte Francisco. hospital. Sunday, May 16. Mrs. t1st ch,urch, 2 p. m,

Wear A le.sion Poppy On

Saturday, May 29 Mason's Twenty-Eighth Annual Poppy Sale

Conducted By Browne-Cavcnder American Legion Auxiliary When you buy a memorial poppy you honor the .dead of two World Wars and contribute to rehabilitation work among the veterans of this community.

Wear A Poppy On Poppy Day 1 SAY NUP"rJAL VOWS Mrs. Lawrence Fink and Mr. Ernsberger is the dau,.hter of Mr THU~SDAY, MAY 27 I • 1 lvi s Cl F f W'l " · Prcsbyter't"tl Vi'otll 11' ri' Vem Collier of Lansing and Mrs. nne r · ey 'oreman o r - and Mrs: Laurence Bradmnn of tio; ~ . e s asso~ta-1------------------------------r Nc!J.Noxon of Mason were marriecl liamston were in Toledo, Ohio, \Vaco, Texas. She is the grand- l'v~ ~rcsbytermn, church parlors. Satm·clay evening, May 1G, at J!'l'iclay to attend the funeral of daughter of Mr. m11J Mrs. Floyd! tim ason s. Golf. assoma­eight o'clock at the Main Street their uncle, Fran!{ J. Foreman. Brad man of Mason. This mal<es 1 1, annual liiay breakfast, Mason Methodist parsonage in Lansing. They returned to Mason Friday the Bradmuns' fifth great grancl· go,~ c?urscci

1 , N

Rev. Joseph Dibley officiated. night. child. n ;JI> nson c uo o. 1, Mrs, Frank , They were attendee! by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fortman and · Mr. and Mrs. Pcte't· Grades of ~~~~on, North Rogers street. Mrs. ~· H. Acker, brother and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fortman at- L11nsing announce the birth of ri Bur e Noble ~rands, Mrs. Floyd stster-m-law of the bride. The tended the funeral of their broth· daughter, Paula Irene, born at a m g ss, potluck supper at 7 p. couple left immediately for a trip er-in-law an,d uncle, F. W. Mack- 13. · through the western states !mel inder of Detroit, Monday after- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yuhasz of MONDAY, MAY 31 will be at home at 725 South noon. · Lansing are the parents of a girl, Memorial Day sct·vice, Legion J ff t t · M ft Memorial IJUildtng, 10:15. e orson s reo m ason a cr Last Wednesday guests at the Sharon Louise,. born at the St. ., ,. * . June 1. * * * home of l\h·. and Mrs. Harlan HaJJI Lawrence hosptla! Sunday, May BIRTHDAY FETED

were Mt·. and Mrs. Ted Anclrcy- 16. Mrs. Paul Muc!n-ctt entertained EXEMPLIFY DEGREE ~hU!{ of Aclrian. Mr. Anrlrcychuk A son, Kenneth Robert, was born t b' tl 1

• " Forty members of the Mason wrrs a former bllnd instruc,or at to Mr. and Mrs. Leo DoC'kctt at a a a· 1C ay cllnnor and bridge

Rebekah lodge attended Charlotte th R !\[ · 1 h 't 1 · Jvicnday night in honor of Mrs. the Mason high schooL On vVcdncs- e ·,owe ·<'mol'! a ospt a tn w_. A. l3i't'gin, whose birthday an-

Rebelcah lodge Tuesday evening, day evening-, Mrs. Andreyehuk was Stockbl'tdgo, Wcr!ncsday, May 12. mvcrsar 0

,. , . d F, 1

, when momber,9 of the 1\f:lson de- the guest. of Mrs. Hall at the Child A girl, Cheryl Kay, was horn to 1,1. Gneits c~~~·'ee ;~~ ~c a:. 'n May gree staff exemplified the Rebekah Study club guest nig·ht dinnot·. Mr. and Mrs. Alhcrt: Schmidt, . .Jr., mor, Mt" R' E c' tton ,c


degree to a class of 12 candidates F · 1 :rvr H t u Spa. ·o , I e, s. ''Y • · o on, " rs. f Ch 1 tt Vi · d d 1 George Green of Aurelius was a on :lr ay, .• ay ' ~.. 10 . n_ 11 Gcoc·ge McArthur, Mrs. William

! rom ar o e, 'm sor an 0 i· Monday ni"ht caller at the home hosp1taL M.t. rrnrl Mro, Schmtclt cere Port~. M s E G ,,.11 1

d M I vet lodges. " former re•1dents or Dansvt!le d' r. · · · mt arc an rs. 1 * * "' of Mr. and Mrs, Bu.rt L. Green. A daughter, Bonnie Nolan.' was I H~ymond MeLcan. High score at / Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Bill Keezer and born to Mr. ancl Mrs. Kenneth J brtclge was won by Mrs. Geot·ge

I of Eden wet·c Sunday evening din- .fiii of East Lansing spent Sunday Graham at the Mason General hos- McAr-thur and second was ~on by ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy ii.l the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- pita! on Wednesday May 12. ~l'v~rs. Don Densmore. Birthday

1 Shipman of La~sing. :1id Graham and family. 1 On Monday, :May' 17, 'a clan<:;"h· gi.fts were presented to the han-Earl Otts 1s conflnecl to his C. G. Himes of Lake City, Flori· ter, Bonnie May, was born to Mr. ot erl guest. Bergm gave tho

home on East Ash street with a tla. arrived in Mason Friday, ac· and Mrs. Ernest Shaw or Holt.! g~osts souv?mrs from her recent serious strep infection resulting ~ompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Mrs. Shaw is the former Arlene I tllp to Mcxw~. . . from an illnosa of virus infection Warren and son of Lalte City; to Dill of Lansit1g. .,. * '·


suffered last April. visit Mr. Himes' cousins, William * '' • HONORED AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Leo Kelly and Mrs. Richrrrd Barber' and Miss Maude Barber.· · I Mrs. D. Lee .Ware entertained at

MI'!Js "'ere gtte"ts of' Mr" El1'za Ho · f 1 a luncheon Frtclay afternoon May " " • o. ,, Mrs. Charles Seeley was called 5 pI a ~ 14 in honor of M . I" . · t' B

, Scott of Lansing at a luncheon at to Grand Haven last ThursdflY by . , . . . ts,. -"atrre oe-the Temple House, Wednesday af- the illness of her mother, Mrs. H. Wourt Every en tercel (he Ma·

1 s,ho1? of Phtl,ldelphta, _Pennsyl-

ternoon, M. Young. son General hospital for l.t'<':ltment 1 \an\~- ,Mrs. Boeshore arrived two William Mulholland, seaman · . on Mav 13. He was discharger! on weeks <~go to spend some ttmc w1th

first class, returned to Norfolk, Week end guests nt the home of May 15. . her• daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hinlt!e. Va., Monday after spending the ~rcht~B. ~nKter anddfaMmt!yDwe.rel Durrell Pollok, son of Mr. and Guests were Mrs. D. R. Lethbridge,

I past wee!{ with his mother, Mrs. Iss 1 lnntc unn un rs. 010" M w It p 11 1 t 1 u Mrs Marshall Simpson Mrs Wil

thy Bicrschbach of Lansing. I h rs .. t ' 1 af crt 0t 0 1' ton °~.01 1

1:;' !ian; Boegly atld Mt·s· J' E "'I.inlcle. Leslie Bt·uno, and family. • I ospt a or rca men on " ay a. · · · LC •

1 Mr. and Mi·s. Robert Fuller en- Mr. and Mrs. Lc~is Sowers Ilcen Sicrlwwsld was ndmitlccl * ,,, · * 1 1 tertained Mr, and Mrs. c. A. spent last Sunday wtth Mt•, and to the hospital on May 18 for treat- Mr. and Mrs. r •. J. Hendryx and·

I' Mosher Sunday afternoon. Mr~, Franlc. Samuel and family at 1 mont. . . ~udy of Dowagiac were weelc end I Mrs. Hazel Kester unci Janice Bm ton, Ohto, · 1 James Hughes ts undcrgomg guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred I

. and Mr. and Mrs. Harolcl Neal and ,Ray Collar of White Oalc was 1 treatment at the Mason General I ~'orche. Mr. Hendrix is a former I LaValle attended fl wedding rccep- a Saturday afternoon caller at the hospital. He cnte1·cd the hospital employee al the Ingham county I : tion at the home of Mr. am! Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thor- i,on May 18, · highway .department. ,

II Burt DeMuth of Charlotte, Satur- burn. Mr·s. Thorburn nne! Mr., Claucle Murray entered the has- Saturday tught guests at the • day. The reception was in honor Collar .are cousins. . pita! on May 18 for observation, h?me Of Mr. and Mrs. L11wrence



i of their son, Carl, and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Spcnny nt·J Patients discharged from the ~~nk were Mr: and Mrs. Leonard . Barbara, who were married Sat- tended. the fun em! of her cousin, hospital the past week wm·e Mrs.


F tnk and fatmly or Jackson, Mr. 'lurday night. Mrs. Ina Smith nt Charlotte Sat· I Hubert Harrison n.nd daughter, and 1\fr·s. C!~rence O'Dell nndl

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris urday afternoon. ·. Clifford watt, Mrs. Beatrice Rice daughter, Martlyn, of Webberville I were guests of· her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Riggs and of Holt, Mrs. Leonard stanley or and Junior Roll of Perry. 1 and Mrs. Albet·t Charles, Sr., of Nellie of Stockbridge were Sundny Lansing, Mrs. Versile Babcoclc and !~fr. and Mrs. Glen Beebe and I Detroit at a birthday dinner Sun- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erie son and Floyd Williams. clu.Idren, , Carol and Joycq, were 1 day. The dinner was in honor of Spenny. Afternoon callers at the Miss Audrey Slagh underwent Fr1day ntght guests at the home I' ! the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Spenny home \yero Mr, and Mrs. 1111 appendectomy at st. Lawrence of Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth R. Fort- 1

, Morris and her brother, Albert Leonmrl Walker and chilclren, hospital Wednesday, May 19. man. , Charles, Jr., whose birthday anni· Ronald and Beverly, and Mr. and * * * Charles J. Whiting was in Jack-: vcrsarics occur on ~;1e same day. Mrs. Herman Riggs, all from Rives Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ball accom· son Saturday to attend the annual Guests present at the dinner \vere Junction, ' panted Mr. and Mrs, J, R. MeDon· reunion of .the 31st Michigan Vol·

:Mrs. Albert Charles, Jr., Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Barvcy Gleason of aid of Howell to Wyoming, Canada, , untcer Infantry, Ho wns a lieuten· ·Mrs. Duncan Clarkson and Judy Leslie were Sunday dinner guests' Saturday, where they spent the ant in Co. F. during the Spanish­! and Gaty and Douglas Charles an~ ·Of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thorburn in I week end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom American war. I his fiancee, F'redia Hammans. All honor of Mr. Thorburn's birthday McDonald. On Saturday they at· Mrs. Maude Camp returned

I' of the guests were Irom Detroit. anniversary, tended a gathering of the Me· home Thursday after spending two I . Mr. and Mrs. V. L, Palmer spent 1Yvonne Surateaux was the week Donald families. weeks with her son and daughter- I 1 Sunday .with their son, Kenneth, r.'ld guest of Beclcy Throop unci Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Liddicoat in·law, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. H. Camp. 1 and Art l(nittle at Albion college. Florence Spaulding of Alblon col- and daughters, Mnrgaret ai1cl Lcs- of Pontiac. She also vlsited at the I The boys were dinner guests of lege. On Saturday night, she was lie Jean, of Rochestm·, Mr. an,d home of Mr. and Mrs. c. L. Mead

I the Palmers at the Hotel Schuler the gHeRt of Ted T·lORff of na1'•·1Mrs. fj:arry. Miller and daughter, of Perrysburg, Ohio. ' . at Marshall. ville at·the Rose dinner and dance 1 Patty, at)d three sons, David, Jim- Mrs. Charles A. Myers attended

Mr. nne! Mrs. Henry Palen at- of the Alpha Xi Del~a sorority nt my and· Paul, of Kalamazoo, Mr. the mother-rlnughter banquet of ·,tended the annual pharmaceutical ~he Post Tavel'll in Battle Cre~l,, I and Mrs. Donald Forward and the Alpha Iota sorority at the Ho· ' conference at Ann Arbor •ruc~day, Mrs. June Surateaux spent the daughter, Ann Marie, of Saginaw, tel Roosevelt Saturday afternoon 1 May 11: we"l' Cl"1 in <\ nn Arbor with her J Mr. and Mrs. Paul Liddicoat of as the guest of her daughter-In· : Mr. alld Mrg, Jnclt Lindsey of cousin, Miss Genevieve Glllett. Muskegon Heights and Mr. n11d law, Mrs. Charles S. Myers of Lan·

I nrtro'" ~.,rl Mrs." M•rv Coopei• of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllinm Sheaffer Mrs. Dan Roberts of Detot·oit wore sing. , San Frn:lclsco, California, were and Suzanne and' Bill spent the I dinner guests at the home of 1\h'. Dr. and Mrs. A. v .. Smith enter·

• •


Styled in satin, model 135 as illus­

trated. B cup sizes 32 to 3~, white only.

' I

j nund!W dinner g11ests of Mr. and weelt end at Bowllng Green, .Ohio, 1 nnd Mrs. Henry Liddicoat Sunday. tal ned Patricia Hough and William 1\lrs. Richard C. Jewett' and fam- with Mr~ and Mrs, Harry Cauf-~The occasion was Rev_. Henry Black from Michigan State col·

"'""----_;,-..,.. _______ ..,.. ____ _;, ____ ..,~, ily. · man. Liddicoat·~ birthday anniversa1·y. lege, Saturday night,



Want·Ads DUFWC ,J.EJI1SWY BOAI1. for aa)q,l INTElil.NATWNAL Farmull true- j

Elllgilllo tor• registration. 11ua- tnJ', M, UHerl 4fi cla;va, J'or Bfllo or I sell Hlnc, phontl Dnnavll!n 2011~,, will t1·adc !or en.ttlo, Alao now 1210 Dakin I'OfHl, 20w2p' IntCl'!lntional OfH orchal'rl true- I ----------------·--·-·------··- --I tm•, ncvu1• been Uflfl(), ~>1 000, and

IIWTOTILLER tructora for bettor I AliiH·Chfllmet•a B 10•16 with cmltl· farming. Good ground agitation vator. Oenrgo Wright, first farm i

I means better• crops, Plaee your north ol' Cavanaugh mu.d on Vult'! order now, Cash or credit, For A tta road. Phone Lansing 87685.

RATES :...:...Adve1·tisements in thin ·depn1·tment: 30 cents for 30 woa·du o1· leu for each insea·tion. For·more than 30 words, one cent a ward for euch imer­tion. Advertising may be mailed or telephoned. Dial .Mason 9011.

11nrormutlon Ace your authorized 20w3p'

I dealer, Ra.lph w. Rilter, 3230 S. I ----.--------: Washington road. Phone Lansing New · 5-2201. 1wtf I---------.--------nEmsTn::nmD OXFORDS, for ,

•==============;;;;;;;:=:;~r,;;~ sale. Mnny ewes with twins, · Farm Machinery

fm· sale "' GOOD vb1f.N'"a work marc for Your choice,. ~2G, Ahm, u-year old

livestock~ Tools for Sale

sale. 1700-1800 lbs, I~. E. Fogle 111-HOLEJ GRAIN DRILL for sale. Po.lamino saddle marc, $271i with nnd Sort, 5 miles north of MnHon: Has fertilizer attuchments. Also riding gear. Leon K. Zimmerman, Farm Wagons on Okemos road, R. 4, Mnson. · 2-horse wnlltlng cultlvator, 1-horsc 12fJ1 mifort ro11d, R. 1, Holt,

10_Ii't, Cultipnclwrs

. I

Lansing phone 87185. 18wtr spiltetooth . walking cultivator, 20w2p Raymond .Tewell, 'I~ of a mile ~~-------·--- Hay Loaders

PIPE LINE MILKERS, barn south of Dexter Trail on Potter CHOREl·BOY MILKER for sale, equipment, mllk can ruclts, can road, third house, 19w2p portable, in good worldng con- Tractor Plows

WESTINGHOUSEl Ill ole truclts, replacement rubbers for ditlon. Earl .JonerJ, fifth house west d 1 it 4 t 8m t

001 r~'. all mlllwrs, cleaning material and McCORMICK-DEJTDRINU double of Ameli us Center, Phone Aurelius Tractor Manure Spreader

D rop·1t uln t • Ot~r ~~n c~~~;et~' used mlllters of all make~. Chore-! bottom H-in. plow on rubber 3103, 20w2p A l & rop !Ill n 0 y

0 t Boy Milking Machine Co 819 E ·f r 1 I . ,, I PI '1 ------~~-------------- F. c. 11( erson Insulated tunk. fl-yellr Wllrran y. K 1 St L i '' Ph · · o sa e. n goou s 1npc. 11 .

Farmers, this is the cheapest way 2:-o:;nazoo ., ans ng. 14~~~ Stiles, cornet• of Fitchburg and TWO YOUNG BULLS for sale [ S011S ' I to cool mlllt. Build your own tank. • , Nlms roads. •!% miles cast of Les· On a Guernsey, 1\~ years old; 1 Also avallablc_ with Weat!ngl_wuse. REGIST'i'RE-D GUElR,NS-EY U!ld lie. 20wlf Holslcln, 1 year old, A. Alexa, 11100, Dansville Phone 2363 I r 1 t I I "" South Logan, Lansing, Phone tan cs. Come m or comp 0 8 n- Angus cattle and registered ' - 58031 Lansln 20 2 21w1 formation on how to build the 1 saddle horses for sale at all times.[ McCORMICK-~.EEJRING manure _______ _____!!_'_ ________ ~~ tank and cool milk economically. St dl t t d ·Kt , j spt·cader for sale or trade, in I

. Authorized dourer, Jewett Appli- ti anc ~gl a si ult ,MI n~s F.Ma es-' good condition. Roy El. West, 1 PAIR OP sonel geldings, three BEET AND BEAN dis" drill with ·ancc Co 130 w Ash Mason ~· a ' or v 8 cas a '·llrllls, mile west and 1 mile south of years old, well brolten. Ray - '

h 5~:11 ' ' lGwti Mttchell r·oad, Williamston. Phone Dansville at 1567 s Clark road Evert, Eifert road, Holt. Holt 'fertilizer attuelnnent for sale. ]1 one oJ • • 56F21. 16wtf Phone Dansville 2,{62. zow2 phon~ 3272. 20w2p Lloyd Harr, 2 mllrs northeast. of

Munith nn Dewey road. Phone HORSES-Highest prices paid for F.ARMALL BN tractor with hy- '·-----------------~ INTIDftNA-TIONAL~Uvator\--hY,: Munith 1.0-!<'-12. 20wtf old horses to be killed or cheap drallc-lifted cultivntor ltml McCORMICK-DEERING mower, draulic lift, l'itH on H nr M tmc- ---- ----~----·----·--------

. .Vorlt horses. I also have horses for plrJW. William Daley, 0 miles north ' horse tlrawn fot• sale, ,Also 2 tnr, pmclically new. George Vogt, •ale or trade at. all times, Wrlt.e of Jacltson .. on M-106. Call after gut·bagc cans, lu;vn swtng,. bench Dansville. 21w1 Georg c Phillips, Dansville P, 0. 6·30 p m 21w1 wringer, new; smglo culttvator, ---------------------·­

''::158 or home address, Williamston, -·---·----'-·------··-·------ sp!lcctooth; shovel, plow, crates, JOHN DEERm MANURE spl·c:ulcl' ,228 W. Middle St., P. 0. 2GB. POLAND CHINA BOAR for sale I fot·I.ts, dump mlw and bed and for mle, horsco drawtl, in good ' . _26wtf · · ciric ye·ar oid, a good one. Als~ sprtngs. ;.t· A. Wllso.n, Haute ~· ccndltion. Howard Coy, 218:> Coy

gilt, due In June, Priced t'eason- · Le~lio, 12"0 DeCamp wad, Bunker road. Phone Mason 229<1<1. 21w1p e'EEDER CATTLE- DURHA M able, Arthur Cobb corner of Dex- Hlll. Z0w3 ------------------- ··-----. steers, wmght 100 to 700 lbs. : ter 'rt•ail and Brogan road, Stock- EIGHT FEEDER PIGS for sale,

Michigan cattle, Also northwestern bridge, 21w1p RIDING HORSES for sale, 7 year 11 weeks old, will sell all or part :fiercford steers, weight 350 to 1150 old blaclt mare with white mark- or them. Charles E. Cooley, 2 y

2 'bs. Good selection at ull timea. TWO-FRESH cows· roi· sale. _A];;· ings. Good pleasure hor·se, :puo. miles west of Holt und % mile .[lellvercd. H. H. Anderson, 5 miles two stoclt hogs, sows with pigs Also beautiful 6-ycar old gray eouth ut 1679 Onondaga road. west o{ Mason on Columbia road and young pigs. M. A. Patterson,· contest mare and cheaper blaclt 21w1p

G & H HIGH-LIFT loudcrs, tailor , made for your tractors. C. A.

Davis, Elden. 21w2

Hay-Grain-feed Seed-Fertilizer ' for Sale

. ··lind 'l'J;', mil~a south at 8M Eifert 1 mile east and :Y, of a mile south gelding, stylish, rides and drives. ''bad. 18wtf of Bunker H1ll Center on Haynes Charles York, 5269 W. Holt road, NEJW IDEA push type hay loader~--

+road. .. 21w1p 2 miles west of Holt. Phone Holt for sale. Harold D. Gates, Mason. ---- 2916. 21w2p Phone 25643. 21W2P Agricultural Limestone Meal wm ARE Now 'l'HE ALLis cHALMERs--;;-~-mbinc--rot· ·-------·------------ -----------~-- ·-··-··--··

sale, 5 ft. cut, Arthur J. Pollok, FARM IMPLEMENTS for sale: NEW FARM MACHINERY--- Me- Prompt Delivery Sk l• H t 387 E. Columbia, 5 miles cast of Wall<ing plow, single disc har- Cormiclt-Deering manure spt'C[ld. y me arves er I Mason. Phone Dansville 2343. row, grain drill, 6-ft. mower, dump er, McCormick-Deering spring-

dealer for InJ:l'ham County 21wlp mke, gr•ind stone, t'iding cultivator, tooth harrow, McCormiclr-Dccring .Ask for complete details on the·------------------- 3-section springtooth drag, 2-sec- cylinder-ralte huyloader and Me·

JOHN DEJERE DISC, 8 foot for tion spt•ingtooth drag, spiltetooth Cormlck-Dccring No. 9 horse-combination corn and hay har- 1 • d d't· · h' s·l b vcster, sac, m goo con I ron, Den- clrag, log chain and 100-ft, hay drawn mowll1g mac me. 1 s y ... . staedt's Farm, 1()66 Edgar· road, rope. Carl Lawrence .Estate, Fred Implement company, Mason, phone ·,Model now on display at our store h A li 131 1

?. __ _2~e_-~!'_e_~s---~~--_:~w_2R W. Ford, .Admr., y, mile south of 514.1. 21w

S'l b I l t C I INTERNATIONAL tractor, W- Bunlter Hill Center. 20w2 1 USED TRACTORSr;;-;:-;;-;;-J;;-:-Ai;;;:; l s y mp emen 0. 40 for sale, in excellent condi- ;wo~-U·R-~CS~O~K ~OG~~ lawnmower. Silsby Implement

Washburn Limestone Co.

Howell Phone Collect 728


Increase Profits.

Improvements in this post-war pet·iod are still costly as .all farmers well lmow, but expensive or not, improved farms re­turn more profit.

Our loan department has a farm p1·ogram ·set up so that fanners who 1'equi1·e additional land, more buildings, large1· h01·ds, c.:m readily obtain the money they need. Inquiries are welcomed at any time •

Repayments are scheduled to

meet the individual's current

financial ability to repay.

Checking Accounts

Savings Accounts

Christmas Savings

THE FARMERS BA-NK The Oldest B.anlt 111 Ingham County

Member F. D. I. C. Federal Resc1·vc System

,. ,. ',.

Mason Phone 5141 tion, on rubber wilh belt pulley, . Co., Mason, phone 5141. 21w1 ----3wtf power take-off.' Also steel wheel ~ale, wclght around ~30 lbs., -------- ---------- -------- START those chiclts nght. Use

1 wagon with complete rack and a priC?~ reasonable. Als? hme and TWO HOLSTEIN BULLS for sale, !{asco Feed for all your needs. I p ants =--------------- · manure loader for a Fo1·d tmctor. f?rllhzcr "s.preader, wrth rubber 10 unci 16 months old, backed by ,Dress print bags, Newhouscr

il0-20 TRACTOR on good rubber, Denstacdt's Farm, 1066 Edgar, tires, neutly new. Charles S~af- production records. Robert Hunt,j chicks, alfalfa and clover seeds and Shrubs for Sale

!INDIANAPOLIS wood or coal , ldtchen range, In good condition. Mrs. Robert Reed, 1233 Eifert road, 1 1/:, miles west, 1% miles south of Holt on Eifert. Phone 3176 Holt.

DARK MAHOGANY PIA.:\10 for sale. Also bed and springs and

music mclc Gladys HunL01·, phoiie 26•131 Mason. 21w1 with lights, motor practically road, phone Aurelius 1314 . I ford, East Fro~t. road, Webberville. 7'/:, miles west of Mason on Bunker etc. Seed corn, No. 1. Gas at re-

jnew. Sam Cotton, 328 Onondaga 21w2p Phone WebbeJvtlle 63-F-12. road. 21w1p I duced price, fuel oil. Tomlinson jl'oad. Mason phone 23254. 19tf ____ 20w2p ---------~------------~- Feed and Gas Station, Holt. 1 ·-~------~ TEAM OP SORREL mares, 6 I------~-------, SPOTTED SHmTLAND pony for 5wtf iTwo METAL HOG feeders for year old, weight 1100 each. 1% GOSLINGS for sale. Hatches com- sale, 4 years old. Also good 2-, ------1 sale: One for 10 pigs; one for 6, miles west of Onondaga on Ross-! tng off every week. Place your horse trailer. Carl Bachman, call !Also dump hay ralte, like new. man road. L. Honnick 21w1p 'oJ•der now. Curl Blcltert, 251 .Noble at the hotel, Wi~liamston. 2lw3p


STRAWBERRY _ RASPBERRY YOUNGSTOWN SINK, •18-inch plants, state inspected, plus our bases, mixing valve, spray. Jew-

100 POUND ICE BOX for snle. In good shape, cheap. Mrs. Frank

Robertson, call at fi6fl7 Toles road or phone Eaton Rapids 377fi.

21\~~ [l . .Mrs, Seth H. Jones, ·1221 Keller ·------ road, phone Williamston 52-F-22. iroad, phone Holt 28•12. 2lw1 PIGS for sale-8 weeks old. Phone 20w2p HOLSTEIN BULL for sale, ready ! '· · Eaton Rapids 7170, at 5661 Fer- for service. Also saddle horse, 5 iMASSEY -HARRIS two horse cui- rls, just off Onondaga road. I GOOD SINGLE HARNESS for years old, safe for women. Keith



$1.25 per bushel

own dully Inspection to insure you ett Appliance Co., 130 W. Ash, Ma· Th d f son, phone 5511. 2lw1 ------

the finest possible. ousan s o ELECTRIC l~ANGE:S, Westing-satisfied customers. Dug fresh to DETROIT JEWEL gas stove for house standard and deluxe mod-

I' tlvator for sale. In good concli- I 21wlp 1 sale. Also 22-inch collr.r, farm Stewart, 2 miles east of William-tion. Bob Howery, corner of Plains ----------- ··-- wagon, riding cultivator and riding stan by M-47. 21w2p

your order, Bclamere Farms, 1 sale, $10. Mrs. Bert Wasper, 128 cls, avallable with one or two ov­mile south of Deepdale cemetery West Ash street, phone Mason ens, cloclt, tim01·, high-speed bum-


on Waverly roa.d. Lansing phone 21571. 21w1p 1 ers, $189.95 up. 20 1;; down . .Jewett ''and Ives roads. 21w2p. 1939 JOHN DEERE tractor, model plow. John c. Waterhouse, one REEJ EA·R OLD W

1 1 . Frank Hill

· B for sale. Has cultivators 11nd block off US-127 on Willoughby 1 TH Y . e s 1 po.ny, ,1942 MASSEY-HARRIS tractor 2 bottom, 14-in. plows .. ~l150 com- I'Oad, North Holt. 20w2p I ~oun~ and gentle. Clll;r~ Snuth,

23901, 1Dw4 ·----------- 1 Appliance Co., 130 W. Ash, Mason,

STRAWBERHY PLANTS for sale. PLAYER PIANO, dining table and phone 5:J11. 21wl

I' for sale. Also Massey-Harris plete, b'red Dennis, Jr., 2'/, miles ~ 15 ~~ mtlo~ south of ';'hlllamston. 2 miles south of Dansville · tractor ·grain drill, one year old; south of Williamston on Williams- FARMALL. TR,<\CTOR ~n rubb~r Phone. Wtlllamston 3FiJ. __ 2~::::_~~ [ Corner of Howc.rd and Williamston

IBluck Ha.wlt corn planter, new. ton road. Phone Williamston 5F31. for Hale, Jn good condttlon. Wtll F-14 J;'ARMALL tractor on rubher roads

Robinson (Scarlet Beauty). Pre- buffet, reasonable. Mt·s. Gerald -·------ -----~---------'­mier and Dunlap. Plant state In- Parsons, 411 West Ash, Mason REFRIGERATORS, Wc:<tinghouse spected local grown plants for best , phone 22801. 21wlp: and Leonard, 7 and 9 cu. fl. sizes,

Harry Rindfleisch, 1 mile north of 21w1p ~ake one horse or a team of horses with cultivator, also 10•20 on • I Howell road to end of Clark road, JOHN DEERE 1-scction drag, in m a trade. C. L. Thompson, 1969 steel. Clarence Hudson, 3% miles Phone Dansville 2031

results. Fresh supply on hand at . standard and deluxe models, 20'f, all times. Blossom Orchards, Al·: VENUS CABINET RADIO, 10 down. Jewett Appliance Co .. 130 w. fred Wardowski, 2 miles north of tube, very excellent condition, Ash, Mason, phone 5511. 21w1

i1009 Waldo road. 21w1p good shape. Coy Dunsmore, 2 :6 S, Cedar, Holt. Phone 7337~0w2p west of Holt on Holt road, % mile ---- 9wtf


'2 .. 0 ROYAL MATING White Leg- miles south and % mile east of - ----- ~~~~h on Kr~ntz road, phone i{~{ BUCKWHEAT SEED for sale. Bob horn pullets for sale, 15 weeks Mason on Coy road. Phone 22946. JOHN DEmRE manme spreader · Howery, comer of Plains and

Leslie on US-127. 16wtf reasonable. Joe Fontana, 526 West -----------------• · ____ 1 Columbia, phone Mason 21051. i TWq Dx1.2 RUGS, pl~tform rocker,

old, $1.25 each. Mrs. Fred Luw- 21w1p for sale, with rubber in front. HOLSTEIN BULL, 18 months oid, Ives roads. 21w2p ~t·ence, phone Holt, 2653. 2lwl FORD F"'R Glen Williains, 10 miles west and for· saln. El 1'g1'ble to 1·egiste1•• H. ------

.',;, GUSON elise. nearly 211 '1 th f M t 1314 .. ~ CULL BEANS f 1 C A

Memorml Day Plants I 21w1. lmtt sltp covers, SlX way SWlt~ll floor lamp, kitchen table, solid

Geraniums, 35c and 50c i 6 FT. FRIGIDAIRE for sale. 8 walnut ami tables, carpet sweeper Large Ruffled Petumas • ! miles north of Mason on Ma- and child's chifferobc, new, and 1

------------- --------··- • new. George Helbig, flt•st house a'21 mt csd sou 0 as on a Marquardt, 5125 Harper road, ' or sa e. · · 'OLIVER WALKING PLOW for cast of Veterans housing barracks a e roa . 21w1 west off Eifert road. 21w1p Davis, Eden. 21w2 foltage plants west to house number 2862.

1 Waldo road, phone Mason 2'1016,

Verbena~ and Ageratum


. son-Okemos road to Bennett road, elcclric jig-sow. Vemon Haven, -178

: sale, nearly now. Also Osborn on East Columbia street. 21w1p MILKING MA. CHINE, electric "IOLSTEINT··G--U-.ERNSEY 0·-

0-W--fot·· imower, new, and 2-horse cult!- "' . 100 BUSHELS of corn for sale.

•vator. C. Migrants, 504. Diamond GUERNSEY COW for sale, 6 separator, one-ton hoist, one- sale. Due September 10. Now John C. Frye, corner of Dexter Carroll Gardens . 21wlp' 21w1

road, Mason, Phone 23811. 21w1p years old, clue to freshen latter third h .. ~· mot~r and cemen; giving 8 quarts, tested. $160. Mill< Trail and Ewers road, Dansville. purt of June. T. B. and Bangs nux~r fot sale. Parkwood Kennell,, can and stminer, $4. Phone Leslie Phone 2022. -21w1

S. Lansing and South streets ,. 9x12 ARMSTRONG linoleum rug, BIRCHDrNETTE- set --f~~ sal~: Phone 4711 ' wine colored bacltground, in very maple finish, includes extension

.',';l'WO BAY MARES, 3 years old,

.; weight 1050 each, one is good ~·riding horse. Make good team. •<JA,lso two sets of heavy harness. t'A· Mead, 2% miles northwest of .,;.stocltbridgc on M-92. Phone ··5-F-22. 21w2

A Benuty to see . , . a Marvel to use ..• a Real Freezer .•. n Great Refrigerator, 2 in One/ Truly the most versatile refrigerator you've ever seen. The (liant Freeze Chest freezes and stores frozen foods, the senend food compnrtmcnt hns big,

tested. Ed English, 392 Fields l'Dud, 1 mrlc west of Deepdale cemetery' 2346. 21w1p on W. Mt. Hope road, Route 3, ___________ ·--~~

first house south off East Colum- Box 220, Lansing. Phone 28622. I DUROC JERSEY BOAR, well

21w1 good condition, $4, green tapestry table and four chairs, good comli-------------

1 davenport, $10, and Weiss pinltlng· tion, $45. Elmer ·Schofield, phone ROBUST BEANS for seed. Germ- VElGETABLEJ and flower plants, shears, $5. Homer Launstein, 1796 Mason 2350-1. 2lw1

bin road. 21 w1

JOHN DEERE 2-section drag, new, Elmer Bra vender\. 5 miles

east of Muson on M-36. 21w1

21w2 bred. James Thayer, 5 miles !nation test 06 per cent. $12 per well grown, thrifty plants, good Hawley road, phone Mru;on 3042. '

100 lbs. Maurice Lyon 1228 Ives I vnricllcR. Carroll Gardens, corner · . . 21w1p BLUE .LINOLEUM for sale. road, phone Mason 52ti2. 21w1 of S. Lansing and South streets. Also tll!'ee awnings, seed potn-"'w=-=-c_A_L_L_I=s·-0=H:-Ac:L:-M=E::R:-S::--a-n-d=--c-u:-J. south and 1 mile east of., Mason.

tivators. Also, Farmull BN 901 Meech road. · 21w1p Phone 4711. 21w1 UNIVERSAL ELI\:CTRIC ·stove toes and a few small articles. East tractor with cultivators. E. Bris- ::TH=R=E=·m=--c::cH~=ESTEJR WHITE and tow, 5 miles east of Leslie at ore mixed gilts due to furrow 5333 Nims road. Phone 3144 Les- June 2 and June 3. Selling because lie. 21w1p of failing health, Adolph Miller,

with oven, suitable for cottage. of Dansville on • M-36 to Meech RURAL RUSSET Burners all good, $15. 12x7 two road, north to Iosco roud, east at

Seecl Potatoes . Household Goods wheel farm trailer, 16-in. V-8 29-75 Iosco H~ miles. R. Garrett. wheels, $60. George Marquedant.! 21w1 Phone Mason 9606. 21w1

f S I EASY SPINDRY washer, no rins-Howlett Bros.


1571 East Ewers road, 4 miles southeast of Dansville. 21w1p

SINGLE BOTTOM PLOW for sale, 16-inch. Alva Satterlee, 2 miles

FOR SALE or a e PERFECTION KEROSENE range! ing tubs nece8sary. Spins water No. 2 Size - $2.25 per bu.

Used Milk Coolers, 6 and 8 size.

can north of Onondaga. 21w1 No. 3 Size - $1.25 per bu.

· for si:J.le, in good ·condition, all' out of clothes, 2 models, 2 pricos, white, excellent baker,· must be $17D.95, $189.95, 20'/t down. Jq~v­

COLEMAN GASOLINE mnge for sold this week. Mrs. 0. F. Swan, ett Appliance Co., 130 W. Ash, Ma· sale. Also hot water tank, power 1121 N. Edgar roai:l: · · 21wl son, phone 5511. 2lw1

.Allis Chalmers WC Tractor and cultivator, used, but in A-1 con-dition. ·

Cultipncker, 9 ft., 18-inch wheels, reduced price,

Horndraulic Manure Loader for we· tractor,. reduced price.

Papec Silo Fillers, in stock now. Bottled Gas Ranges, immediate

hook up,' Paint Sprayer outfits, a good

selection. House Paint, first quality, $4.85

per gallon · in 5s. This price good only for present stock.

Howlett Bros. Hardware

Grown from certified seed last bench saw, sink and one large · '. . . 1 -------:--------.-

year window. Lee Barber, R. 4, Ma- WHITE ElNAME;L kerosene rangei


FORD·FURGUSON tractor with complete line to tools. Lee

K. Ruthbonb, 6 miles north of Ma· son on Okemo.q roud and ~~ mile cast on Sandhill road. Phone Lan­sing 87566. 21w1p


George 'H. Ellison First farm west of State Game

Fm·m Mason Phone 26161

son. Phone 71091 Lansing. · for sale, . 3-burner .tabletop with

1 21w1p 1 built-in oven and utility closet, lilte

-------------------'·-~new, $20. Mrs. Effie Macldnder, . COAL BURNING hot water Pitch burg, trailer., 21wlp r·

heater, 30 gallon tank, like new, I years old, fresh 6 weeks with

heifer calf. Also 500 chick brooder, used bnc year. J. C. Sprague, first

$18. 2613 Phillips road. 21w1p 4-B.URNER GAS STOVE with up­~----~~----------, r·tght oven for sale, $10. Mrs. H. TABLE TOP, 4 burner, Detroit


. E. Hallenbeclt, 410 Ol~emos road .. 17wtf Jewel gas range for sale. Also · 21w1p 1

8 ft. Prigidaire electric refrigera- j farm on left of Mer·idian road off· CERTIFIED MICHIIGAN 51B Dexter Trail. 21w1p HYBRID SEElD CORN. 95 clay

corn recommended for muck plant­YOUNG RABBITS for sale. Clyde ing or where an early corn Is de­

Starr, south of Mason to Coy, sired. F. E . . Fogle and Son, 5 road, first house on Coy road; miles north of Mason on Okemos Phone 22015 Mason. road. Phone Lansing 87175; 9wtf

tor, American pressure _eool<er and 'r~OR WASHER and, attachable 1 Handy Man junior garden tractor. 1roncr for sale, used, but in good!·

LeRoy Ha.Zel, phone Mason 5386, condition. 513 W. Columbia, Ma- ·

-----·--------~w1p son. Phone 25301. 21w1p I AB GAS RANGE for sale, white PREMIER (GE) sweepers, $89.95.

table top, 4-burner, oven con- Special sale at $49.95, Limited trol, reasonable. Reason for sell- quantity, Has a light, 2·speed. mo-

MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE 69 com- DeKalb Hybnd Seed available. Mrs. John Hizer, 1 mile deluxe model. Jewett Appliance . I ing, moving where gas is not tor. Available with attachments,

bine with motor, 1 year old. Has .. . C · southwest of Leslie . at 5106 Hull I Co., 130 · W. Ash, M. as on, Phone I Gregory Phone 19-F-1 cut less thun 200 acres. Clarence . , Orn road. Phone Leslie 3963 before I 5511. . . • · 21w1

21w1 Krey, 4 miles west and 2 miles saturday night. 21w1 -:::----::---:::-==-:-=:-:::=-::==-=----=--1 south of Mason at the corner of r have a limited supply of seed . . . NEW HOT-POINT refrige1·ator, ~-O. I. C. WEANLING PIGS for Aurelius and Bunlter rmids, adn.ptcd to this territory. Also a SPEED QUEEN waslung machme ft. deluxe, l~ft hand door. Thts

1 I . sale, 9 weelts old, J. W. Man- 21w1p fevi bushels of extra early corn for sale, C. A. Davis, Elden. refrigerator IS less than t~o I nmg, 576 Lamb road, 6 miles --~-------,---- and some ensilage corn. 21w1 months old. Will sell for prtce

,northeast of Mason. Phone Mason I. H. C. MOWElR, G ft., stub that I paid. Charles Price, 3414

roomy ohelves, the two big Hurni­drawen keep )1 bushel of vege­tables .nnd greens fresh for days. The TWO-TEMP takes no more space than .an ordinary rcfrir;er· otor, costs little more. See and camplll'c.

· 26685, ' 21wlp tongue, two sets of knives, $25~ Leon· Cowdry, Deale ... USED ELECTRIC stove for sale. Klpp road, first place east of Kipp Cleo Palmer, '/:, mile north of .a. F. C. Anderson and Son, phone


school'. Phone 9.702 or inquire

I THIEMAN TRACTOR for sale, in Aurelius on Aurelius road. Phone_ 3 miles north of Mason on Olcemos 2363 Dansville. 2lwl about same of Robe)'t I. Felton at good conditiOn. W; G. Reeves, Aurelius 3803. 21wlp road, first house cast on I.;amb APAR'"""'E. NT SIZE S -- Consumers Power. Company, Ma-

l Stockbridge. '2lw2 -- road. Phone 24911. ""~' • • ears gas I son. · . . 21w2 K RES Ky·. PUREBRED POLAND CHINA 17wtf range, four burner, In good con-

I USED DOUBLE DISC HARROW, i fall boar, ready for service. ------'--- dltion, used only 3 years, $35. Rea- GOOD US;ED furnace; Holland No. II AT& H'I'I:D '


8-ft., for sale. F. C. Anderson & 1 Double immuned, George H: Elll- HAY AND STRAW for sale. Col. son for selltng, just purchased new 15, 24 Inch fire pot. Quantity of So,us, Dansville. ' 21w1 son, first farm west of State Game Arlie r. Feighner, 829 s. Jack, Westinghouse electric. ~!so have J heat runs and registers, $50 .. Buyer ECONOMICAL WESTINGHO.USE farm on Dexter Truil. Phone 26461. son road. Phone 7280. 18wtf a two burner gas stove,· used a will have to remove It .from my

21w1 --------------.short time. Mrs. C. J. Anderson, I basement. Robert I. Felton, 7211

' { fJtt ~~ .-;. ,·fLOOR FURNACE··

mille coolers with· the drop-in =.,,::::Lc:E::< c=T=R=Ic-=--=p"'o:-:R::-T=-:A-::B:-::L-E"'• -..H:-In_t_n_a_n RURAL RUSSET SEElD POTA- 208 Sout11 Lansing, Mason. Phone 1 South Jefferson, phone· Mason unit including five-year protec- ..,. TOES for sale. Howard Jenks, 1 21742, 21w2 22034. . 2lw3 ;' tion plan.' Have 4 and 6 can size, 'milker for sale . .Also .. platform mile east of Webberville on US-lS. . [ , · •Ustttli~nJAppro••J !1 UnJ.-rrrrlttTf•

' Availabl~ in Dual Wall or Floor Register

Mason Phone 5511 .,

also extra drop In unit for your scales, Mrs .. Seth H. Jones, 4224 Phone 84.F.4. 19w3p APPLIANCE REPAIR, all maltes REVERSIBLE fiber porch rug, IA6oralorlr;,lm. own tanlc for prompt delivery. Call I{eller road, Holt, Phone Holt -------------...:. of washers, wringer rolls, elcc· 8x10, ·.In shatles. of green and ~~~~~~~~ ~~~:,'· A. HaJJ; 320~1~ ~8~2. • 21w1 CHIPPEWA SEED POTATOES tric ranges, burners for all malces. tan, In good condition. cD.u Mason

TWO GOOD USED SURGE units, complete, for sale. $35.00 each.

W. A. Hall, 3205 West Columbia road, · 21w1

FOR SALE,----1945 Ford Ferguson for sale. Also 2-story granary, Je'l)'ett Appliance Co., 130 W. Ash, 3011. ' 21wlp MEl-Son, phOne 5,511. . !Uw1 ==-==~-==::---:-.,..,..--..........., tractor, cultivator and scoop. 18x30 with lx4 siding, white pln.e. TWO TWIN BEDS, ·springs and

Curl Hlle, 2 miles west, 1% miles John Daniels, Route 1, Eaton Rap· GOOD AXMINSTER rug 12x12, of one mattress for sale. Pl1one south of .Stocltbridge on Moechel Ids. PhOlle 6108 Euton Rapids, brown bncltground. 1920 School- Holt 74181 or Mason 21886. road, : 20w2p l · 20w2p craft street, Holt. 21w1 .21wl

JEWETT Appliance Co~

iso 'w. Ash Phone 5511 Mason


·'·want Ads CORTiUG.A'rnJD aluminum roofing fm• mLI~. n, 7, 8, P·, 10, 11 nnd 12

reeL longtha, 0, A, Dt~vl~; lDdon, 21w1

Automotive for Sale

NICm lJ'ElMALm Beagle fot• ~nlo, 'Nevel' been ]Jl•ed m• huntecl, One .

yeLtt' old, $fi,OO, Rcnsnn t'or selling, no t•allblts on my plrwc nnd no tlmo to bunt, Qcot•gc J, Be VIet•, ·East I Columllln rmul, :J miles east or

·Abel Real Estate


Seven ---------.---------.-.--.-.--.--.-----------.--.-..... I

8-ROOl!f H:ousm, contmlly lo· THRmm SlDTS of clou\tle window~.~ F'ARMIDRSI A now fnrm aet·vi~i' a a ted, MoHon. Comploto new ~lze 22x22, niao Raahoa, Priced' Whnt at•e your no•Jda? Anythi~

lmth with Hhnwm·, pr~rtly modot·n- rnnnonnble. Studio couch, In fnlr from houaohol,l, f1u•m tnola, hog t• !zed l<itchon, living room, rliltlng condition, Lawrence Lu.yton, 831 chicltotl houue~? If we d011't luu .o room, •1. borlt·oont~, nttnohed gru·- ;oouLn !:lames, pliono Mn~on :11001.. It lislecl with tm, wo wtll ellh\{1' Page 2 TWO OOOD 10 gal. milk crtns,

• Ariam BlelleHhelnwl', Route 4, Mason-Oiwmoa rom], Phone 41182, Masotl, 21w.1p OI,DS 1036 for sale, new fwnt

end, good brulws, good tires.

l'vlason, goute 2, Phone 2•1000 Ma· , FARMS lii'ElAR MASON .

eon, 21Wlp 80 ACRIDS with modern house, ------------------ hlproor bnsoment bnl'n, cement f' ART BLOOD HOUND puppy for ' a.tave silo,. tool house and othcl'

ago, largo Jot, New oil but•nct• wllh 21wl put you In lotte!/ with rlomeone W!t,b water typo Ltlt• conclillonet•, IIUto· .--- - hna It or• get It om·,solvea for yq~. ntutlc ncw hot watet• heulet•, • Howard Bennett, phono Mns~1

· ,, GALVANIZmD WATF.R. l.[lnt1 flor .~250, li', .E. Fogle, 5 mile~ north of l·f~ME COM!i'ORI l'rlnge for H~~e, sn]c, will hold 15 01, 20 bftl'l'els. Mason on Okemos road, R, 'J, Mn.-*10, Mt H, A. 0, Greenough, 1.116 1 'Pun! fl, 't, usc 1 mile oust of son, Lansing phone 87175. 18wtf

Mrl"Oll .slt·cct, Dansville, Phone 10 ' ., ---·--·----~----,--" OlwmoH t•oad on Hm·per· rona, ...

sole, cheup If to leon at nncc, Mel- , bulldhlgs, vln S. Darrow, ,J miles north of . Mason 011 Olcomos ron<!, 21.w1. 110 ACRES, modern house, hnse­--- .. -~---.. -~.-- .. -----. _ ment bu.m, cement stave silo,

Mnrlcm Ionic Resin wutt•r /jOftener, Busl"ne' ss ..<Servl'ces ~~-=----·---- 21w,l;pl_ all new copper piping throughout, -·~- -Vcnetlr111 illlmls and titonn win- mAVIDSTROUPHING-New a ~fl dows. Newly decorated Inside 11nd ----~----·----- repnii•, li'reo oatlmn.tes, Gtlnrnt)·

2201 Dnnsvlllo, 21wl Phonn 24808, 21w1 AU'I'CJMOB[LES-A-1 Conaltlon

RADIOS, por·l.uble, trlblc anrl con- R:rli;i.-m-;-~2ntttomaUcfut· sale-;7: soli! contblnntlon rr'cnrd plnyct'H, shot repctttcr, Also bt·cultfast

$1 1-1.05 ~lfJ.fJ5, $22,1ifl, ~2·1.50, set, clropleLtf table nnd -L chalrs,

nlwayu. Hilton am! Richards Auto Sales, 3000 S, Cedar St., Lansing. See us for a better den!, to buy or to sell. 20wtf

Clothing for Sale

tool house, 2-cnr garnge, poultry house, other buildings,

Several Other Irnrms To Choose

cxterlm· rmlnled, Phone owner, BUYJ,NQ OR TRUCKING live- tcorl wm·k. Right prices, Arraw Muson 4021. 20tC atoelt, WJJI tl'llck LtllYWhcrc With- Sheet Metal Works, call col1~1t -·~-.. ·-----· --.~.-... ··--· .. ----~·- In 150 miles. Good equipment, eK• Lansing 07022, 20\'j\f RmAL ms•rATE: iHMorn 5-room perlcneed handlers, Top prices ·--~----·~-··-~·-·-----.,.

bungalow on ""trn Jru·ge Jot with paid for dry and springer cows, g-one] outbuildings ncar Lansing, m. D. I~rnnltlin & Son, Mason, $1\,000. Terms. A number• of 80 phone 7,?01 or 2-6793, 12w26p

$2G.!Jfl, ~32.1>0, $-1-1.50, $7f!,!Jfi, up to rncllo rtml combination record --------·--·--·-----' $•12il, Lat•gc~t. ~elr!f!tion In town player, floor model, Boyd Long­

Jewett Appliance Co., 130 W. A~h. yeat·, 627 S. Rogers, phone Mason Mo.son, phone fifill, 2lw1 !i02l. 21wl

A PAR 'PM .m N '1'-SlZTIJ cleetrlc 2-WHEEL THAILER for sale, l.6· runge, AB, new, only $10D.Dil !nell Llrcs, colnPUlULJOn •weir

Wayne's Auto Sales MORE CAR li'OR YOUR CASH

when you buy at

I · From

HOMES I1ll' MASON 0 ROOMS, modern gus heat, 2

----- Jots,. house, 6 rooms, buth, oil SEVERAL FORMALS, sizes 9-16, heat.

for sale, 'I'Itree sillc dresses, 0 ROOMS, 2 baths, sizes n:11, Boy's wool loafer con.t,

acre l'nrms Crnm $6,000 to $17,000, Al~o mctny othor·s from a ucres to 400; Wr•fte Pinch Realty and Auc­tion Co,, Charlotte for cloflerlptlons.

LOANS-$10 to ~1'100 for nny worthy purpose, Ingham FI­

nance Co,, over the Farmers Bank, Mason, phone 7211, 13wtr

Johnson's Home Laundry

Washing by home washers I-Jnnd Irmtlng

All dellcntc garments wnshed by hnnd, Special instrucllons cnrl)· fully followed, , . Tet·ms, 20'/1 down, .Jewett Appll- raelf, Also two steel cow stnnch­

nncc company; .130 W, Ash, Mason, Ions. H, E. Hullcnbccl!, 110 Olcemos 2,101 S. C~dLtr, Lansing

MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR Large ileleollon of all malws Ltnd



' phone 51lll, 21w1 road. 21wlp -·---· ----- --- "···--~--------------,

-------~-------··- -~--~~-~ .. COMBINA'I'ION electric stove, WHITE PEKIN c:ucl! eggs for

size 0. Gray all-wool topper coat, BUSINESS OPPOR'l'UNI'I'ImS size 16. Long buffet mirror, Mrs, li'or People Willing to Work Robert Bullard, 2;H East Ash GROCERY stot·e and meat market street. Phone 21391 Mason, I clolng large business, stock and

-- ---------------.... FRUIT FARM, 82 acre~, one mile

Cmm Leslie. 700 cherry trees, 100 upplc·trees. Phone Leslie 3481,


The best malccs of soap used·

Complete Family . Monnrcll, $211fJ.Dfl, coat, wood and .. John Laxton, 1858 Tomlln-

·,; cleclrlc spcoi\11. Halws dlhcr wllh son rand, Phone 22006, 21wl.p

WAYNE G. lcEIGHNER, Prop. Wholesnlo unci Rctull Denier ·


21w1 fixtm•cs, Loolt this over, - .. --------------~--- RES'I'AURANT ami sandwich

PLASTERING-N~w nnd repair Free estimates, Leon C. Backus,

Route 4, Mason. Phone Lnnelng 87907. awtr

-------~----.. ·----· -·- ----~---- Service ·:. For pielcup service phone 2128l'

:J30 East Sycnmorc -~--- .. ------~-cool, wood or c•lt•elrlc, .Jewett Ap" I-----·-.. ·------· 1 plin.nce co., 1:10 w. Ash, Mason, Clernents

phone liflll, 2.1 w1 ... -------~-·-- Flower Shop

SIMMONS MJTITAL BED, !.win size, wnlnul finish; pinlt chenille Holt

diRL'S CLOTHING, raincoat shop, store building and fixtures, with hood, size 12; red coat with ~5,500, one-half down. Balance

nailhead trim, aizo 12; 2 silk ~100 or more per month, dresses, size 10; wool suit, size 8. We have several cash buyers for Ruth ScrlbllOt', 721 W, Center. small farms, 10 to 15 acres near Phone 5871, 21w1p Mason, We n!so have cash buy---~~--·---------·--- crs for good hon1es in and ncar

Fol' Sale 'I'o Close Olive Deyo Estate

80-ncrc ,farm on Columbia rand

WE WILL SELL your furniture,


ROOF P AIN'l'!NG and re-]Jufldii'!G'·

' bed.spreacl, full size; cotton mat­' trmm, three qunrtel' siza, all in ex­

cellent cnn<lilion, Mrs, Fmnlc Scv­erunce, 2:126 W. Hru·per road Phone 2•10:J:J Mftsnn, 2lw.lp

Phor:c Holt 71791. Maso.1 customers - please reverse


FRAZER MANHATTAN, This car has been driven only 9,000 miles. hns white sidewall tlt•es, with spLtre stfll new. Has mdio, alr­condltlon!ng and other extras. If you nrc luoltlng for 11 late model cLtr, here Is your chn.nce to buy one for $1,000 under delivery

HOSE, ALL-WOOL suit, yellow Mason, dress and wool skirts, all size 10.

Mrs. VLtnce Mcintyre, 215 East Oak, Phone Mason 3461, 21w1p


7-room house In Mason, located at 226 W. Asi\ street.

clothing or anything you have to sell Ltt pubifc nuctlon. Located nt cornr.r of Eifert lllld Holt I'Oad, one mile west of Holt. Sale starts at 2 o'clock p, m, every Snturday. Bring whLtt you have to sell. F'or lnformntlon cnll 41865 Lansing,


Can furnlsh paint, All co!QJ'II nvrrflnblc, Free ostlmr1tes. J, B. Jones, 1•16 N. Raynor St., Ma­son, llltonc Mason 3-111, 17w(f

\vAr.i:\V'Asr1iN'a~·r;·~intJng ~(Til: 4wtf

- .. -- ...... - ,ELECTRIC PUMPS, deep and

price, '

10-11 BUICK, special, '1-door se­dLtn,


Real Estate for Sale

6 HOOMS, bungalow, steam heat, larg!l lot and gnmge.

Submit bicls to Haymond I-I. Mc­Lean, Aclmr. Cliff Watt

tcrlor), wall paper clcnnlng, ole, 28 years experience, C. R .. Foote, 81·1 S, Jcffet·son, Mason, Phoq~ •1873 evenings, 21wlp MAYTAG wasltcrH, :1 nwdds, :J shallow well. All siz,,s, Across-

prices, $Ll-I,!Jfl, $1:J!i.flfi and the-counter service on pumps. $16-l.flfi. Largo east aluminum tub, Je\\'etl Appliance Co., 130 W. Ash, brllloon wringer rnlls, 20'/1. clown Mnson, phone fi511., l7wtf .Jewett Appllruwc Co, 1~0 W. Ash, ··------·--------.. - .. ___ _ Mu.snn, phone flfi 1.1, 21 w1

POP-UP TOASTErtS, waffle balc-ers, combination sandwich grill

and wnfflc baker, rllltornalic Sun­beam and Westinghouse flat imns, Westing-hottse J'OrtslerR, Jcwl'tt Ap­pliance Co,, 130 W. Ash, Mason, phone flfll.l. 2:1 wl

MAPLTIJ HfGH CHAIR unci pad, $iJ, nun-1cr·y chair, $2, toilet scat,

$1, Ltll in very good condition · Homer Launstoin, 17!16 Hawley

road, phone M11snn :JO.J2, 2lw1p

. Miscellaneous for Sale

Ffll 'rhnt Muddy

clrl veway or barnyard


Limestone Chlpe

Washburn L1mestone Co.


Phone Collect 728 llwti

SLABWOOD for sale. 'rhureson Lumber compa·ny; How~ll~ Phone

SH. 3wtf

Jewett's Flowers

DODGE, 19•16, town sedan.

custoln, 4-door

FORD PICKUP, 19,I6, one-half ton, Terms and trade,

FORD, 19,!1, tudor, $800,

CHEVROLmT, 1939, 2-door.

DESIRABLE CITY LOTS for sale, Mrs. Alton Jewett, 1319 S. Jef­

ferson, Mason phone 22233.

7 ROOMS and bnth, ncar school, $7,500,

209 W. Ash, Mason Phone 3161

Evenings 2-5 651 21w1

PLYMOUTH, 1011, club coupe, ----with radio and hcLtter,

12Wtt ~LLIAMSTON REAL ESTAT.E Agency, 127 E. Grand River

Ave., Williamston, has mnny fine houses, farms, commercial lluild­ings and bullding sites for sale, also some llusiness opportunities. Being located 11 miles east of Lan-

Hilton & Richards Auto .Sales

3000 $. Cedar St., Lansing Bob Hilton & Bill Richards,


a. o. greenough

Rea:l Estate Broker Offers:

2 STORm BUILDINGS in different sfng,on tUSt·16, Wflliamston, offers towns both having double front exce len ransportntion facllities

to Michigan State college, Lansing and brick construction in good nnd Detroit. Should you decide to 21


towns, One priced at $16,000 with build or buy, we will be pleased $1800 year income nne! the other to be at your service. Williamston

1936 LaSALLm, in good condition, $l8,flOO with $1800 year income, Real Estate Agency, 127 E. Granr:l Will sell chcnp. Gail Every, For the reason ask me. River Ave., Willlnrnston. Phone 79,

' · · 80 ACRES, 6-room house, moder- appointment. 15vrtf

Phone Mason 37Gl , 19wtf

NEW MODERN 6 room house for sale. Automrrtic oil heat, priced

for lmmeclin.te sale. Russell Dclp., 125 Wallace St., Williams­ton. Phone 38W, Williamston,


5-ROOM modol'l1 house tor· sale, larg·c Jot, 2 becironms, bath, fur­ ben.t, rcciccorated. Owner moving to unothet• stnte, Mrs. Gladys Rynd, :J:J:J E. Columbia, phone Mason· 3002. Call after 5 p, m. 21w1p -·-----------·----~--FOR SALFJ by ownct'-I·Iouse in

Leslie, 6 rooms, utility uncl hath, furnace heat, hardwood Iloors, in dining and living rooms. Cornet· lot one half block from school, convenient to Lansing and .Jack­son. li'or lnformntion calJ LeRoy Hazel, phone Mason fl386. 21w1p

---- -----------·-------

phone M•tson 24 971 21 w11 Open evenings and Sundays by

1830- MODEL A Ford for sale, nistic kitchen, liath, furnace. 80 ACRTIJS, level lanG, iargc hip-in very good condition. Inquire, Sand to clay loam soil. Barn 36x16. mof basement bam, silo, 7 room

Flcwerphone 21231 of .James O'Berry, Jr., first place 1 Chicl,en coops, granary, :corn crib, 90. ACRES good lund, gooll build- house, nice basement, new bath, t '11 h p · 1 •10 000 ings for sale, 10-room house, orchard and Iaro-e shade. Tractor, CUSTOM COLORS-Mix your own MASON . west of Meridian road on Dex et· tnt I ousc. rJCe on Y ., • · t h t


50 b "

. •· 'dark colors for Jwmo dccorution 34wtf .Trail. Call evenings or at Dart Mo- DANSVILLE historical house, tool shed, 30x40; granary. Immedl- wanted. s earn ea , x asemenL barn, implements and stock available if l!O colors make •tO different shades -- PAP"'R th t d tor Sales during the day, having had only two owners in nte possession. A. Green, 1

1h miles IN MASON 7 r·oom ho11se 2 lots Can be used with any white oil- WALI, . .c, -. c mas· mo ern 21w1p I ' ' '

d. t' t· tt· il bl fo sever·al· yours. Could be made Into west, 'h mile south of Holt on Ei- fruit, g·,·apes and maJ)lc shade,

"bilsc paint, Sec our color charts IS rnc tve pa erns uva n c r -~---·--·~-- --· f t ''Zimmerman's Home Service. Dwtf up-to-the-minute interior clecoru- lOOM).sTmR CHEVROLET for two-family easily. er road. 16wlptf on blaclttop street, has 3 piece

.. ---·-·-.. -----·-~ tion. We want you to come ill_nnd sale, excellent condition, can be 60 ACRES, about 10 acres of · bath, fumrtcc and city water, $5,-~"'l',STERN SADDLE fot· sn.lo sec our sample boo. Its. Ztmmet- s~en anytime, Bert Schertzing, 1 d t 35

f BUILDI'lii'G L01'S located In Mn· 500. · ""'' ' H s i 9wtf c1 £arm south of Catholic wooc s an pas ure, acres 0 fJOn for sale, 4 r~ds Wide and 4 ROOM house, garage, gas, bath, Bim Franklin, 317il W. Sitts road, mans omc erv ce, secon d wheat, all goes with farm. Tool 40~ ft. deep. Electricity and gas electricity unci city water, $


;p'h'one Mason 267!J3. 21w1 USED IRON FIREMAN STOI{ER ~~~~~h1,roS~~ckb~id:c~rman ~~~:i shed barn, no house. Price only ·avLtflable, Inquire Eugene Purvis, 950. 'I'erms unci quiclt possession. ONE \v.r!mm.L trailer "With tar- Deluxe model, ·hopper type, ----- $3•600· Better buy this. first pln"e west of US-127 on K!pp 2 ACRES vacant level land . ·.paulin and one spare tire. Harold complete with motor. Just the 1934 CHEVROLET coach and 120 ACRES near Dansville, fair ·road. Phone Mason 5781. Hwtf facing ~tt·eet with city water: Barnhill, 335 East mlm, phone Ma- right slze for home. Easy to Install model A Ford trucl<, long wheel i buildings. Ask me about this --- sewer, gas and electricity for $1,·

'l'HE PLUMBER --. ·~---~·--------- ---~--~---- -----GARDENS PLOWED and fittod,

Joe Aket·s, 42·1 ~~ S .• Jefferson, Mason, above Pnlmer's Grocery.

Is strictly on his own.r ',:'~o~-:_~_~_()~ 3101. ~~ __ 21w2p

BULLDOZING am! grading; grnv­All lt!nds of rep111r wot1c and new I c1 and fiJI dirt hauled. c. •B. ;

Rosebury, phone Am·clius 12, R. l, Installations. All work guaranteed. Mason, 21wtf

Phone 22951 · ----·---~--- .. ~----·--~-..... 33wtf CARPENTER WORK of all lt!nd.s,

Including cabinet malting, brick laying, bloc!( laying, sidewnf11s, basements and driveways, I also malce llreplaces n.nd store fmnts:

AUCTIONEER-If you are plan-ning on having nn auction, con­

tact Burton Wnllter. Phone Leslie 1001 for snle service and n. free estimate. · 10wtf

Also new mixer for rent. Phon'e 22701 Mason, 21wtf -~----------------·-------

-------.,..------ ROOFS APPLIED and repaired, OIL BUHNER SERVICE, furnace mctnl surfaces repainted, chim~

repairing, Gas, oil, coal furnaces, neys and windows calked, eaves Steam, vapor, hot water boilers, troughs cleaned, etc. C. Raymo'ild Hot water heaters, water softeners, and Son, 320 East Randolph s·t: radiators, convectors. Plumbing Phone Mason 217fl•l. 21 wlp supplies. 225 N. Main St., Leslie. ..-·-·-·- ..... - .. -- ... __ Phone Leslie 3682. :Swtf

BLOCK LAYING and cement work. Free estimates, James ,E,

Young, Leslie. Route 3. Phone 5486, 30t Catholic Church road.

17wtf --~--------------,

Order Your Chicks Early


Snow's Hatchery


See Page 8

Mr. Farmer: .. We Want





···( FR0:\1 'O,NE DAY 'ro -TWO


8on 2-1611, 21w1 in any furnace, The first .$75 takes base and dual wheels. Clarence j one, Price $10,000. 20

H j 000 · .~-~-· --------------,----~- 't I h Courly News 3wtf Hticlson, 3% miles west of Holt on MASON I b' 1 8 h omes ·10 ACR'ES; On blacktop, level, 4 MONT.A l'10WEH ln1vn mower; I

1 • ng am ' ' . . T.Jolt road, I{, lllile south on Krantz • arge me' ·room ouse 1

1 • " - JC ;c ry 1 with bath and Holland furnace, J d A d room house, sma 1 woodlot, $5,-·--··for sale, also quilting frames DORA .TAMES table saw for sale, I road, phone Holt 2785. ~1w f Oak floors down. Idenl for home or n an roun 000. Terms. Lewis G. Dietrich . ancl about 200 used cement blocks. 2 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. 6 in; 21-inch 1927 ESSEX 2-door motor in good roomers. Price only $7,500. Thfr- Realty Agency, 3136 South Cedar, CEMEN·r WORK-Drives waJI(S

A .. Every, 1541\ Harper road, phone base, one h .. p, motor, 12-mch snw condition two e~tra tires new teen-year-old beauty shop In con- Mason Lansing. Phone •I7755. floors, etc., block layi~g. resi: 2•1899 Mason,

21Wlp compl~te wtth dnto head and $85 Mrs S. S. Holt Datisviile. 'I nection for $750 extra. Home 21w1ptf I dential and commercial. Immecll-

' GAS --WATER HEATERs,""20,30, swfngmg motor, Vtctor Vercruy- · · ' 21w1 furniture Ltvallable extra; For Sale 10

ACRES -or two B-acre lots lo- ate service, W. H. Reynolds, 1900

Phone Holt 3541 7wtf REMEJUB.Elt! We pay the br.s,\

pricc-rwery weei<-Just load your <!a!f in tol!e car and bring

J 't R .d sse, 314 Center St., phone 22701. MASON HOME I I t cut"d on Ives I'oad, betw' een Hall street Holt, phone Holt

15-gu ion capact y, apt re- 18wtf , near y nE;w, o . c

: cove1-y, natural or bottled gas. 1938 Ilii'TERNATIONAL truck for 85x198, Close fn, 3 bedrooms, all mast Colulljbia and M-

36. Priced 72191. 20w4p 1

,,Je,wctt Appliance Co., 130 W. Ash, COVERED WAGbN house trailor sale, just the thing for farm use. on ground floor, with large living Prices ranging ·from $2,000 to at $100 per acre .. Emery and Rex . :Mn.son, phone fl511. 21wl l: 1 I d nd't' n new


Has large hydraulic dump box. Can and dining room joined, moclernfs- $15,000.' - Jewett, phone Mason 225

71 or . ---------~- ·~--1 tire~r s~l~~tJ~c go~ral~~s 1 ~~~~plete be bought cheap or will trade for tic lcltch7n, •!-piece bath, ful~ base- More listings desired 22232. 21wtf ELECTRIC PUMPS, shallpw wei , :' e t F E Fogle' R 4 Ma- ear, 0. P. li'crd, 1515 Pierce road, mont, wr th Lenox warm ntr fur- -~----- 1 _ ----·.

· ·' 350 gall one per hour, $109.95. eqmpm n · '· · 'M' 0 ' on Lansing. Phone Lansing 55256. nace with blower, 2-ca!' garage: If you want to buy or sell, see us 5-HOOM HOUSE to be moved off, '.r~wett Appliance Co., 130 W, Ash, ~~~e~osmu;~!lg,ortl~a~singas !~One 42wtf I House Is 42x32 average, Price $9,· Emery H. Jewett Arthur K. Bunl!er, 7\12 miles Mnson, phone 5511. 21w1 87175. 18wtf 500. "As is." Broker west Of Mason on CoJumbiLt, sec-TAVATORY·,-·1)·~~~~ uecd 5 months. Used Cai'S 2 HOUS,ES il) Dansville with large 229 state st. Phone 22G71 ond house north on Kingman road,

WHITE SEWING MACHINE re-pair man will be In your com­

munity, l<'rlday, May 28, to repair und atljlfst an ma1ces at machines. If you would Jlke him to call, send a card to H. n. Ster· ling, 1930 Devonshire, Lllllsing;

him over-

ON MONDAYS ONLY Hours 8 to 4


When Bcttct· Prices Aro Palri; . We'll PLty Them

Fran!( Thomas:: at Mason Stucl1y1~rd "' ROTARY LAWN MOWER less 1 • hi h · d t I

8wtf right side. Eaton Rapids phone "H. N. Hamilton, West Columbia, · • ots, one or w c is prtce a

6 "'ph'ono MaHon 7011. 21w1 motor for sale, Roy3'!6i A~aom:f FORD-1937 'A.-ton picl!-up, 100 $6,000; the other at $5,000. 367 . 21w1p

---~-·-.. phone Mason 4411

or u ·' w H. P, motor, good condition. 80-ACRE FARM, good lund and 159 .ACRE farm near Kingsley, INCOME PROPERTY, •! apart- '1'••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · ELECTHIC FLOOR. POLISHER, CHAMPION outboard motor in PONTIAC-1939 2-door, new buildings near Van town. Owners good 10-ro~m house, basement ments, new siding, new storm I 10-inch, for sale, hke now. '108 . d cl'tf $40 Lloyd' R t cl share of 10 acres of wheat goes bar.n, electl'letty? 20 Ltc_res woods, windows, new heating. equipment,

W- Colm.nbiu, Mason. 21w1p-l Dogaonoe, 1c0o9n St. ofeffers~n, Mason: paint, good-running mo or, goo with this farm nt .~14 000. Might' frmt and bernes. PriCe $4,000. 3 lots, double garage and garden. ---· . tires amt heater. trade ' Wt·tte A. A. Roberts, Summit ONE WHEEL Hnceway rar er, one u' · CI-l'EVROLET-1940 4-door sedan, ' City, Michio-an, or phone Willinms- ''


You Can t ·1 Ph 9M1 21w1 Fine location. no,ooo. Well worth 1

"f ld N I 211 HAV"' p R y tl t '11 1 " the money, 408 W. Columbia. St., ncar y new. " at·o ca , ·---· . 1 h th t new paint, radio and· heater, .& A T 1a Wt oan up ton 51li'21, 19w3p ·State street phone Mason 5701. DURA-S_EAL, the wood fm s a good tires, a Jot of transporta- to $1U,OOO on good farm mort• Mason. - 21w1p , ' 21w1 extenswn women have been us- gages.

ing and asking for is here. It pen- tion for the money. TRAILERHITCR custom bunt etrates, seals and finishes oalt, BUICK-1940 s~per \4-door sedan, DRESS SHOP in small town, clean

for late model Chevrolet, easily pine, maple and other wood. Zim'- radio and heater, olean through- stock, low rent .. Priced at cost 'installed, used only a short., merman's Home Service, Mason. out. This car is far above aver- of inventory about $6,500,

"32 S L · 21w1 age. '$5. Rex .Jewett, 1~ ' · ansmg, 270 ACRES with 40 acres of phone Mason



1 -5-:0-:H::--o"'u=N"'D=s-o-:f:-8::-t-n-m---;:M::-a-u_s_e_r_, ::~=10, wheat, 6 room modern house,

,Nmw GASOLINE Power· Lawn and grain soft point ammunition, AI Rice large barn, on main paved road, Mower for sale. Richard Mills, $10. Also Uncrctl scope sight, 8 Chevr·olet Cr.-. near Dansvflle. Price $25,000.

· 419 W. Elm, phone Mason 23021. power, $60. This scope is not to be "' 118 .ACRES, 75 acres wheat, 6-Call after 6;30 p. m. confused with various telescope 447 S. Jefferson Phone 5331 room house, barn about 40x80, --~-·~---- sights offered on the market for 21w1 both need repair, poor fences, but BOY'S 26 in .. bicycle in good con- n few dollars. This scope is a pre- -------------- the price is only $10,500, and terms

;dition, W. J. Lyon, 2nd house on I cision-built instrument of a qualfty 1941 BUICK with heLti:er, radio and with the owners. Includes two­east side of .Ives road, south off !made by one of the foremost manu- new tires. Recently ovet·hauled thirds shat·e of whent. About 85 D~l'tcr TraiL 21w1p' factures of qptical goods in this motor, $900 cash .. Phone Mason acres are tillable and balance is -.:.- ttountry, lfke new. Have a, 22 3572. 20w2p woods and pasture. Located ~ 0{-D MODmL Moto-Mower power single shot rifle for $8. Very good ------ miles to Mason. Tools available -lawn mower fot• sale. In good bore and accurate shooter too, wbrl1ing condition, also li'9rd model Phone 22411 or call at 328 E. Ash 1935 DODGE 1-DOOH sedan for at about $3000 extra. A.~1928-29 radiator. Does not leak. street between 1 and 3 p, m. week sale cheap. Has good motor, fair One horse adJustable John Deere days or call anytime Saturday, tires. Peter Za.ldolms, corner of walking cultivator, in good condi- 21wtf Phillips and Willoughby roads, R. tion. Roy , Fishel, 644 Hogsback 1, Mason, 20w2p

. ~.I;!Jtd .. Phonc Holt 72511. 21w2p 18 FT. RICHARDSON house ----------trailer for sale. Lil<e new. Mrs.

WCTRIC water heater, White, Edwin Newman; end of Mason Westinghouse, '30, 40, 50, 65, 80- street, Phone 5912 Mason. 21w2

I HAVE a few 16 ft. steel ,gates left. C. A. Davis, Eden, 21w2

Fruits ..... foodstuffs for Sale ..

120 ACRES, large house, large barn, other buildings, Suitable

for stock farm. Near Iirason, price $1-1,000.

lii'E\'\1 5 ROOM bungalow, all fur., nfshed in exquisite taste, lancl­

scapecl lot. This is modern to the enth degree, Everything goes ex­cept owner's wife at $17,000.

Abel Real Estate·

.Agency ' COTTAGE at Pleasant lal<e, year-.

round, furnished, 4-rooms and bath, fireplace n.nd furnace heat, oak floors, garage, possession nt once. Terms.

Homes 7-ROOM HOUS·E, 2 complete

baths, stoker heat, corner lot, garage, $9,000.

7-ROOM HOUSE, corner lot, gas heat, $10,000.

In Holt B-ROOM BUNGALOW, steam

heat, large lot and gnrnge, $7,000. .

7·ROOM HOUSE and bath, 2-story house, near school, $7,500.

Near Mason gallon sizes. Available for Consum­ers or Ecliso)t lines. Jewett Appli­ance compnny, 130 W. Ash, Mason, phone 5511. 21w1 -··----·

80 ACRES, modern house, hiprooC basement barn, silo, tool house, double corn crib, garage, poultry

GREENOUGH WANTS house, milk house. Terms. . BEST SELLERS at !"educed H y · d 123 ACRES, 85 acres under the

AVE BU ·ER for good Jan con.. plow,. very n-ood buildings, $14,-prices! Iclenl gifts for gradu-· WHITE ROCK fryers and roasterll tract or mortgage or if you have "' .:Zsuitablc for fishing trips, Xit- ates!. I'm seJiing popular volumes for sale, 3 to 4 pou'ncls. 'Ill' ow is money for Investment, tell me.

80 5~CRES, ''= mile from us.


.I{ninpcr and Mobf!e, 700 nnd 1,000 from national boolt clubs at prices the time to fill your Iocl<ers. Au- I NEED some farms to sell. If ~"" •lbs. Jacobs' Trailer Sales, first I way below the original cost. The g,ust Balz~r, 1'A, miles south of you want to sell, give me a house, 7-rooms and bath; gar-place ridrth ·or Plum·mer ·Machin-' boolts are all exceptionally ,clean Aurelius Center. Phone Aurelfus ring. Your farm may be just t(

1e · age, poultt·y house, milk house,

ery building on south Cedar,Ma- and as good as new. Come down '14o3. 20wtf one my buyers are looldng for. tool house, 36x60 hlp-roof barn. son. ' . and lool( them over. Mary Jane Very liberal terms.

Building Material for Sale

li'or Prices Ol!

Great Western Paint see

Guy Royston 422 E. Oak St.

Phone Mason 5271 ' 15wtf

HARDWOOD LUMBER in rough for buildin'g purposes, or will cut

to fiU orders .. Earl D. Whe~ler, 5 miles south of Mason to Plains road, % milo west, and lj, mile north on Laxton road, phone Ma­son 5283, or call Eugene Wheeler, i Dansville 2039, 20wtf I CINDER .AND CEMENT BLOCI<S


Metal Roofing - Laminated Hafters

Metal Windows, both residential , and factory ·

Utility and Bn.sement Sashes We can save you up to 30%

.. 21wl .Smith, 857 S. Barnes, phone 5031. ASPARAGUS, in any quantity. L. IIi' YOU HAVE real estate llllY· SEVERAL OTHER very good ..::....:__-c-'-·-~:-:::---:------:--:- , 21w1 B, Barr, 2'l.l miles south of Ma- where in the state, lcindly give ,values.!n farms. 4-WHEEL TRAIIJER for sale in·-=~-:==--=-=-=--:-:-:----- son on Dexter TraiL Phone Mason me full informn.tfon, and I may· be Business Opportunity Rives Junction Phone 23F13/ good condition, Fairly good tires. AT LAST YOU got the new car- 229M. 21w1p able to sell it. 13wtf Pnut Barton 509 West Columbia, peting, Keep it clenn with ardor- . RESTAURANT and Slllldwich / . I

' 1

1 "' · z· I NEED STORE and Investment : shop,, stoclt and· fixtures, ~5,- · Mason phone 21523. ' 21w 1 ess •' ina Foam. Immerman's t· b . "

' . Home Service. 21w1 D f s I proper Ies or usmesses. 500, one-half down, balance $100 2 'WINDOW FRAMES and sash,

Willson Brothers

RED COMB chicle stLtrtel' and ----.,-----...,.,...--- ogs or a e A 0 G h or more per month. ' complete, 4 lights, each light ' 'poultry balancer. c. ~. Davis, BASS DRUM and small tom-tom . • • . reenoug ' . 24x30, sash and frames made of I

Eden. 21w2 f~r sale. J. E. Soper, 1987 Aure- Real Estate Bro.ker since 1914 2.09 W. ·Ash, Mason Whitewood. G~orge Thorburn, 3174 TWo DEEP well pumps for sale.

C, A. Davis, Eden. 21w2

A GOOn lf1n FDH YOtJ

'. U.S. Army , tH!t CHOOSE THr')


l!us road, Aurelius Center, BLACK ENGLISH snepiterd pup- 1346 Mason St. Dansville . . Phone 3161- Willoughby road. Holt phon~i!~6P. 21W

1P pies for· sale, natural heelers. Ph D '11 2291

one ansvi e 21w1 Even1'ngs. 2-5651 CASH BUYS-A few to~e;~. :Ebwln, Barth, .3260 Stillson road, 'tll!zer, 0·20·0 and 0-20·10. Bement phone Stockbrtdge 27·F·2. 1::-::-:--:::::=-=--:--:---.,-----.,..--~:- 2Qw1

. Feed lllld Supply, Mason phone-: 20w2p 20 ACRE FARM for sate, % mile 21421. 21w1 · west orr Eames road. Has. run~ LOG-CABINS "In piriey ·forest,

COLLIE puppies, 7 weeks old, ,n!ng water, goo4 building site, large three-quarter ac~e lots on , FOR · SALE.=. Frigidaire: . deep· ' $2.00. Stanley Da~d; 4 J,Uf!es. near school, gas lllld. electricity good highway, excellent hunting : fr~eze, Ill good condition. Clnude :west of Mason to Aurel\us, . then avaJlable. Mrs. Alton Jewett, 1319 and .fishing, full price, $700. $200 Reynolds, Webberville. Phone 60 •.. 2 miles north. Phone Masot~ 23565. ·s. Jefferson, phone 22233, Mnson .. down,. $25 per month. Jerfy Mar· • · · · · 21wlp 2lwlp . 15wtf row~, Harrlson1 Michfgllll. 20w4

SEPTIC T AJII'l{S-Concrete Septic tanlts del!vered and set in

$32.25 and up. CollJplete lnstnll&.· tfons at reninrknbly low prices. Also precast well-pits, cisterns nnd fflters. Cot'ller' of M·17 nrid US-24. Precast Products Co., 20629 lllcot·se Road, Dearborn, Michigan. Phone EM-3311. 25wtt

Build . ..

20x38 - 5 rooms and bath .

As Low An


20x34 4 r~oms and bath

$5,800.00 20x24

3 rooms and bath .

$4,150.00 . .

Phone 14171· Office Hours - 9 to 5:30 Evenings by Appointment

A. M. ·Hunt Construction Co~ "'¥OUR BUDGET IS OUR GUIDE"

Eiabt INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON,' MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 '---~----------------------------------------·--------------------------~------~----------~---~------------·~---·-----------------

I OuH ruHI A1•n l WA!II'rlllD ,_ J .. lght tnlrll!lng a.nd W.AN'l'IDD-Dnlunae-t y p c 'HCJule, CAHD Oli' 'l'HANT<S·--To Dt•, A. V, Want Ads Welding junlt, OrvUlo Haines, 210 JD, weighing hy gramH Cil' CJIIIH'ter• Smith fo1· hlH Hldilfql 1111rl de·

f I Syc1lmor"e St. P)lono 6261, 30w·tf ounces up to two pnunds, Cull MrL· pon<lo Ill" e/ll'"• to \.he nmao.~ ltllrl

Oenerr1l Blor:ltsmithing -Iwtf son 213fil m• 23261, 2lwl stn.n;ut Mnnon nmwrui hoBpitul for IIot•fm Shooing ~---~--- -~~ thch• gonci r'll.l'<l, lo Mn11on ftohflknh Page 3

I Qcnornl J•'lll'm Mnchlno_ry nepalt• WANTiuD WOOL-I would Jllte to WAN'l'IOD--Eioctrioal wiring nnrl lorige I'm• lho fllipnnd girt of mon-

buy your wool nguln this year, cunlrrwling, Also ll(lpli\HHH: 1'0· ey, i.D Aunt Nollie ScnHel<] for the ---'---- Hru•<l J.i'ncing Br•!ng it any dny, Unt•old Mitchell,' prLir oi' nil lrlnrl~ by 11. liconHed' I1nnu<Jrchief, to M1·. nnd Mt•fi, Ar··

THiil COLUMBIAN Hog nnrJ Cat.- cn1·m•r"ot Hull and Bellevue rouda. I cloctr·icinn, nobort Bailtn•r], 2:1,1 i tluu· Bniicy I'm·· tho bornrtiftli plant, tie Powder compuny of ){rtnH!lH WugrJilH -- TrnilorH --Hitches Phone Leslie 3H2, 18w4p' .TGilHt Ash street, Phone 21:!01, I to Billy fill' hiH hOll'fiWt ol' Wild I

City, MIHH[lllt'l, wiHIIIIH 1." unnmrnce mudo to or•clcr 2lw1 nowerH unrl to mother for her I the appointment oe Bert A. Wnrnnr ---------------------------- npl'ing bottr1uct, to Mr. nnd MrH, I

of MaHon 11s their· rcpr·csentutive Barnes Hoacl WOOL __ EliDES WANTIDD 'ro BUY m· trade. I w. G. f{.,oves J'rw lmlly's gift nnrl for Inghrmr county, 21w2p G l W Jl' r_ would lilte to buy n gnori, used their nwny thotlghtful nels, to ·------~------~·-·-----· enel'a e ( Ing (.~ Junim• hilce, lllHO a good, used Undc Alger sr.ule for .Timmy's'

Bl k 't) SJ ' J Tl b Spindrler wrwher, uny maitu, Sli.VIIF'H bond, tD nli fricnrls nnrtl YIDS, Wlil HAUL cmAVEL for ac SlTil ~ 1 lOp ames )l'l' Ul'n 1 " drivca, nny I{ilpalrlclt, 3~4 m. I I t t ~I t It . v , 1 Would cons!< or trading my new relatives Cor th. o many cm•cls nnd


South street, MaHon Phone 210 1. 1 t r 11 8 I Rem 11/i nn JlOI' 11." e ypcwr er For g'il'ts which we rm:elVl'd, nne! Just,

1:lwlf l V. mi OR wes · n. A urc us Alley Rcllr of .Jail I waH her. M1·s. Aclnlph Miller, R. 1, llllt not least, to Mntiw1· nnrl Dncl




A.M. Hunt

Construction Co. Phone Mason 2·<1171


WILL CLJJJJt!{ uuc~lull til!les any­where. Also I n co m c tax us·

sistance. Earl Dunsmore, 304~ W. Columbia, l\ln~on. Phouc ~-321)


Phone Aur•olius 3112 I Stoclrbrirlgc, 21wlp J'or their "urc or Dilly and of us,, F. H. HDCKA!i'ELLO,W I Open 8 a, m, to 5:30 p .. m ~------·.. ~-- -- ~- - o111· humbi~ und Hinec•rc thnnl1s,

1flwtf WAN'l'JiJD ~Hny and stmw bF1ling. Mr~. LcVcm S(llll" and .Jimmy, 1

----~-- ~------------- Shop phono 921-l house phone 77741 I a new Hnllnnd !Jnlcr tuld: 2lw1p,

c~r~~~~:~~f,~I~;;rld '~~n.J~~n~! ~: 11ltt I ~~:,w~'~o;~' 1;1~tTh6 o~~~;~~ "~~~;~:f;.'ci ·cAno 01; T~I:IANr{s~:::.r~-~~i~s!~lli~t i buildings, complete. ncpuiring and -!Holt. , 21w2p' In thiH H111all space to express all' rcmmlellng work of all ldnds onc1 w ASlliNGS WANTED-Will cull , -----·-·--~---·-·-·-----~ ~ .. -~· · my thunk.~ for• the many cru·ds, I cabinet making. By tltc Job or for nnri deliver. Caroline Miller, I WANTTI:D~~~Marriecl mun for· rarrn /lowcr·H unri gifts sent to me by' ho11r. SleLtdnmn Con~lnwtion Co., 220 N. Hogcrs st., phone Mason 1 worlt, age :w to flO. Experienced friends and various organizations P. 0. Box 2;1, Mrwon, Phone ll801. 2,H01. 17wtf


wit!Jmnrinl'l1 mrwhincry and cul.tlc, cinrlng- my illness. Each nf these, 45wtr' ~- .. _ -------~-------- good wugcs, house und cxtrns fur· llwrlghtfutrcmembruncos gnvc me

·I WAN1'gD-Top prtces paid for 1 nishcrl. Must have own car ant! ~~ def'lllntc boost. I nm l111ly gmto· I your cream, poultry and egg·s, I give l't'fet•cnce, NrlJ'man Linn, ful. Mrs. Roscoe Arnold, Dansville, 1 Piclc up each wcclc Paul Hedglcn, :phone Williamston 18·F-2:J. I 21w1 Steadman :Dansville, Phone 2571. llwtf 1 21w1p ----· .. ___ ------- -·-- ----.. ·-~· · ---------------- -----·-·--~ .. -------~--·-· -- · CARD Oi•' '!'HANKS ·We wioh to

I · W ANTJiJD-'fwo deacon cal vcH. I cxprcr1s otn· deep grn.tltwlr! for , Complete buildings of all ldnds Wanted .Jeff Conarrl, 2 miles west of US-I nil lihc br•nutiful flowers nnd the I

I · . 127 on B11rnbs road, ot' phonP An- ' uct~ of ltinrlncss extcnrl"d to urJ:

Repairing and remodeling I rcl!us 70!!, 21w1 clunng the illness of Bert N. Chall1· 1

Constmction Co.

. All ltinds of beef cows and deacon --·------~---.. ---~- cr and (or Rev, Henry Liddicoat's! By the JOb or hour I calves, Also Holstein-Guarnscy WANTED .. -Position ns dtJHislant !rind words. Mr. anrl Mrs, William I

P-L-A-STEHIN-G--Ail-1~;-nas_;;t'_pl_a_s: 620 s. gdgar road P. D. Box 2·1 1 springers for Eastern market. in radio servicing shop. I am a Challcet·, 1\Ti;;s Mable Tripp or·[ loring done; patching a apecJal· Mason I Coyne school graduate. I

2Jilwi'O{<pl , :'~~':!<~~n. .. ~ .. ----- ~- ~ ·- _ 2lw1~ i

ty. Robert S. Burns, 3811 Aurel· Hcrricic, Stockbridge. Ph Robel·t Sheathe 1m ------· .. ___ - cARD m~ 'rHANKS-I talco in r Ius road, Lnnsing, R. 2. one ~ W-ANTED -~Piano, Must be a good thiH way to thank my mnny i

La_nlli_n_g_, !!·51_~8. lBw-tt John Steadman, I i one. Amm·ican Legion Auxiliary. friends, neighbors and relatives for• i 1 2 miles south of Eden on Eden road, Please phone Mason Dll71. 21wl the ilcautiful r:arcls am! lettcr·s,

I Building Contractor Phone Leslie 2153 ~-----~~-- __ .. __ , ~- -... ~-- --~~-- . phmts and !lowers and gifts sent I


Spray or Bmsh

3wtf WANTED-Man to work on, me during my stay in the hos-' Phone

08D-1 12wtf -------------- dairy far~ by the year.,n I pita!. I also limn]{ the Vantown I

1---'--------·- W AN'fED-Accounts to collect., house w1lh garden. Lo.unstcm s' \V. S. C, S., and t.he SunHhine ell'- I 1 c.IVES'l'OCK 'l'ltUCKING to De· Roy Adams, phone 4.411 or 3561! Dairy, 322 !£, Oak St.., ~~sr~n,! cle lor their cards. Again I say,

I tron direct to mek1n,:: hr•u"e , !lwtf I phone 7673. w Jl 1 thanlc you. Anna Stowe. 21wlp!

Interior Decorating Jr y11;dd. Hcne crdiner, Aurelius -------------AN· T~E-·D I h . ! WANTED -To RI~NT-~~Ap~-;:trnent iCARD OF-THAN-r{s~In th~.;-~-;;-;:;::.1 C •ntcr Phone AurC'llus 5''~~ THUCKING W - ave a I . 't I : • :

. -.. ~· ... ' ... "'""

Hew S1rrain of Corn Withsiands DrouH1

Gul!ltem~ia Cfossbr~ed / £lis® lle:;~s~s G'tooi not

Po,;'sibiiity of producing corn lhnt , would wilhstn nci root rot nnri other i diseuses ns well ns prol<'nged dry spoils nppcaletl to Em·! E. May and Iowa Stntc college offlclnls,

Knowing that Cluntemuirt had been pt·uducing coru for more than 2,000 years in an. isolated region, which hnd resulted In n highly inbred strain which could wiliJSlancl dry spells ns well as certain diseases nn<l pests, Iowa research woritcrs colleclcd

Jim ~toorc, !\:MA, and Bnriquc Salas inspecting Guatemala corn field,

1 e ' · ·' ~· ·. . two-ton stalre rack trucll for I wlth bath, unfurmshcd. S ¥J ey 1 ncr we wish to extend our ap·.

Houses, Barns, Sheds, Roofs 1 tiW·Lr, hire. John Steadman, 620 S, l<Jdgar Smith, phone 24122 Mason~' 200, preciation for tho care received 1

1 .. \road. Mason phone 9801. 16wtf Olwmos street. .1wlp at the Mason hosp1tal, to the 1,200 varic\ics of com !rom Ccnlt·al 1 LEARN TO FL'i, Anyone who can. , --------.-------;--:---;-;;- Pythmn Swtcrs and Mason lodge America, I drive n car can learn to fly_ an "'ANTED-Ashes and rubbish' W.ANT.ED--Rabbrts, WClgh. mg 311'" No. 70, K of P. and friends for Wot·k done to your

specification and satisfaction

For Free Estimates Call

W. D. Chapman

i 1 l:::[ d t f 11 " t 6 pounds ctther sex a y Nc1v Gtmlemaln-U.S. crossbred a rp anc. ea quar crs or c1v "I 1 11 ,. at s1 uo per load Also: o . • . . • the giflf1 and flowers sent us dur-lan and G. I. fltght training. !!'in-! II ~~u tb lt'ng ·Norman \\;eldon ! color. Paymg 3'ic i:lellvererl l.o ing our stay aL the hospital. Mrs, com has been tested at Ames, Iowa, est of planes; superior Instruction, ~ 1 ~c 1

· 6001 or Route 2•, Michigar; Department of Hea~t~, · Hubert HaiTison and Mitry Alice, The new corn outyicltlcd three com-Airplanes for rent and for sale. P one uson 1 ' Quarantmc Farm, old De VI 1,t!


1 manly used U.S. hybrids as much as

Jewett Flying Service, Jewett Air· !yt:oson, 21w PI road, La_nsing. W~ttc or telcphor~; 1___________ 1 25 bushels to the acre, While the port, Mason_. ______ 2w~ · WANTED:=-cti-~~~ worlt plowing i ~~~191~-=x~:nswn -=~~.'- -~---~~~-~ i · Midwest varieties withered and died INSIDE AND OU'l'::JIDE PAIN'!'- I muck with b~cuker plow. Jac~ WANTED-f•'amily cow, Guernsey: Auction Cak.:1dar durmg hot :vcalllcr, t~e _Guatcmal~·

ING w II 1 d s t· f 1 Garner, Stockbtldge R. 1, OI or .Jersey, Vcm W1lhclm, Route, 1 U.S. crossb1eed rcmam m full ears. 15wtf tion gt;aral~te~dre~~:~ 'Bai~c~ a~cd phone Dansville 2027, 17wtf 1, Webberville. Phone 58-J-11. I Sat:u·day M~y 22, R. H. McLean, College ?fl!Cials believe that c~r~y

·-------------- Tom Delt, 125 E. Sou til st., phone·_.. 21w1p gurrrd1an, 3 1111l0s north of Mas~n results. g1v~ promtse of a. new s!ram

Mason 22621

WALLPAPER HANGING. Call at .Mason 22·1Dl. ~6wtt Wai'tr·ess ----------~---·----r.,-··1!'·-i·h-, on Olwmos road l.n Lamb road, ,Y, that Wtll w1ths!and long ary and hot WANTJiJD T~ BU~- :tliec ~ .a1Y: of a mile cast on the Albert West- 1 spells in nny part of tho United

my home to Inspect my work or~- from 5 to 1~ ac:es Wt 11n ". 1111 cs phal farm. , St 1

Jnmes Moore K M A station phone Mason 26:l01. Lance Mm· OlL. BUHNE<;~ ~"rvlc~a oy auth- G d W 1 of Onondaga. Wl'lte L. Honmck at i a es. ' . ' · · · ' n!s, 210 South .Jcffcr~on, Mason, UllZed lJUu·lherrn dealer. Home 00 ages anc R 1 Dnonrlega ?lw1p' Saturday, May 20, Mrs. Orpha reports that \VOl'!{ m Guatcmab has I · 15w7p 1 Equ1pmen1 Co., Holt. Phone 7· I _ ~·~-·'· ~- ... _' __ -·-------~ __ - ----~-1 Gohle, 2 1,~ mil<•s west of Leslie on proven entirely, successful and he

~ ILJ.ll. Durlllg the tlVCltlng crtll Hours WANTED-Baby under two years B~Jicvne road to Ridley road, % believes that the now corn soon will I 73471. 30-tt or girl under 11 years to board 1mlc north. be grown on many farms in the

Block Laying'~-- "If 111 Ne-e--d -0--f --- M ' R t t ~Km~t~·~ ~~m~,e~;;, i~,i~~i;' ;~~,~~,;~,~ Grass Day Program United states. . I and Ol'Se S eS aUI'an Mason on US-127, Phone MQ.son,

New Non .. Toxic Insecticides Entirely Safe For Far1n Use·

NEW YORK, N Y.-Dcvelop­ment of new insecUcicle motcrials whJCb have a special interest to farmers because of their com­plete lacl< of toxrcily to man and animals, makmg them the only materials suitable for ccrtmn vi· tally impQrtant farm needs, has been annou~ccd by U. S. Indus­trial Chenucals. Inc. !nscctic1dcs made from them are raptdly be­coming availnble through the us~ ual marketing channels.

The cffectrveness of Insecticides marie from these new materials not only mal<cs possible improve­ment of present farm practices but likewise perm1ts their use in new and Important fie Ids of in­sect control heretofore untouched because no products have been available which combmed safety, eiTectiveness and economy to a practical extent.

'l'hc two new cilemlcals, piper· onyl butox1de and piperonyl cy­clonene. have no appreciable tox­ic hazards Their effectiveness is enormously increased by their use in combmation witb the equally safe pyrethrum and the almost equally safe and famrliar

rotenone. U. S Industl'ial Chemi­cals is now malung these chemi­cals available tn insecticide man­ufacturers tn combinalior1s with ryrclhrum and/or rotenone under Ll1e name Pyrcnonc, in propor­tions for maximum effcctrvcncss, with a degree of nexib1lity which factlitntes thcrr usc in all types of insecticidal combinations, in­cluding dusts. oprays, wettable powders and emulsions.

Fnrmers will And in these new tncecticides a better solution for many of thell' msccl control prob­lems. Two of their Aelds o:f use· fuJness. In gr·ain anci ammal pro· tection, lw ve such an immedi· ate economic and political im­portance, no! only to the farmer bui to the country as a whole, as to require special attention. Well~descrved emphasis is be­

mg placed on the enormous pre­ventable loss of grain, feeds and ccr·eal foods through insect dam­age ·Production losses of meat and dairy products from failure to protect animals from insect pests m·e 'equally heavy and pre­ventable. c t W k :_~15 · ________

2~~: Arranged at Ionia · 1 Organic Matter Will Aid I'

emen 01' Drainage Work 1151 w. Maple MasoniWANT~~D-Blacksmith anvil. Rus-! . . Work of Soil Bacteria See 21w11 sell Dowling, 767 Howell road. i The grass. day progmm set up 1 . . , i UONS (JJ,UB IHEETS times the bris!{ spring breeze has

By reliable veterans ()rlen Arras 1 Phone 21033 Mason. 21w2 by the Mtch1gan State college .e_x·, ~ _smgle_ ounce of _sot! conta~ns 50 1

Hev. Marshall W. Simpson was marie us nli shiver· a little bit. Most I WANTF.D-Stand!ng timber. We . - -- ~ tcnmon _scnOJ~e and local comm1t-' m1llton hvmg bactcrm, ac_cordm~ lo the speaker at the Lions club meet- gardeners hnvc been busy planting

I 1 will pay top prices for le.rge vir- 1 WANTED-Second hand play pea, tees Wlll grve Ingham county R. C. Thomas of the Ohw agr1cul- I ing Wednesday night, He dls,ussecl seccls, cultivating and hoeing. rile Drair,age Contractor /;;in or second growth trees. Thure· in good condition. Phone Mason' fm•mors compl~te information on 1 tural experiment station. I possible tmprovcments for Mason. Precipltrtlion for the week

704 W, Center St., Mason 17 years expenencc son Lumber Co., Howell. Phone I 5322. -~l_::v2 hay and grass management, re-I These bacteria can help or harm ; 'fho next mectmg of the club will ' amounted to .OO of an inch. Phone 25111 S . F 1 931. 40wtf, -----·--·-------- ported Donald G. Curry, county d' th

1. d f 'be on June 2 1

20w·1p I . • urvcymg ree • --·--- i WANT;E_D-Duts1de toilet 111 gnnd: agiicultural agent, i the cr?ps, dcpcn mg ?n . e on o : ' _ ~------ , Tomperuturcs as1recordcd by S.

Williams B1·os.

07 K1rby St. Les11e WE H 'VE LISTED WOMEN and 1 cond1t10n, pr1ce reasonable. J., A . tl t f baeterm. The good kmdrot the or-~1 C! 01

.s 1

tl" Jo " n t c 1 L. Demorest at the Mason dlspos-'-'h 1 1- ?

071 ' .tl. 1 1 . h M 2o 821 ·1 n Increase 1n 1e amoun o . It 1 1 t t . t 1am . ca kr' c e.l o con1 1 1

t ti t k . I .- Olle .es le • girls who are honest and t•eliablc.: G. Swer om, p one ason u • 'grass farming in Ingham county; game rna er, rc e~se Pan nu ncn s from chamois, but from the fleshy a pan le pus wee ur~, , ·

45wtf Just call 72171 Holt as soon a9l _______________ !l_~':::1_~lwoulct be desirable, the agent sa1ct.' and help .build sol] structure. The part of the sheep. · M n ~:~· Ma:.1

Custom Butchering I BLOCK LAYING and cement ·!possible for your w~ek end out.: WANTED-A I;ood used saxo-, The grass day progt·am has been harmful lund cause plant diseases. I ----- May 1


............................. 17 6

;, I v:ork of all types done, w!tf1 Day or ~ven;ng ap~omtments. H?lt! phone, Aethen R. Wit~, 5\6 miles set up to show the imporl.~~:nt ad· I The good kind c~n _be, aided and/ W th . M~y lfi .::::. ::. :::·: ·.·:: :::·:

42 69 Will pick Up and deliver to locl·ers I satlsfactlOn. Price reasonable, Baby Sl~ter SerVICe, Mrs. fi'l ed oust of Mason on East Columbia, vantages of grassland farm mg. the harm!~! kmd e! by add· ea er Ma~ 16 ............................ 50 74 Will also _buy all ltinds of 1 Stanley M~tt·shall, first house north I Welch, d1rector. 15wtf Phone 231ri Dansville, 21w1! Gras,lancl farming is a phase of ing orgamc matter to the so1l. _To I Observat'lons · May

17 ..................... ·!8 66

hvestock 1 of the store at Eden. Phone 5681 d I ~-'agriculture that has been neglected net this organic matter, accordmg I M"y 18 ,r-1

63 I M · ot WANTED-Fryers roasters an I 1 • " • • " ... ... .. ... .. .,. ,

' ___ a~on .. __ ~----- ________ __!_.!_I hens. Detroit pn~es at the farm.' L d d 1 111 the years ~~f. lllcreascd. crop .rro~ 1 to M1?dlc Wc;t Sml Improvemcl~t ~ypical pring weather has pre- May 19 ........................ a6 65

II WILL TAKE CARE of little girls I Write or phone Tyler Brogan,' ost an Foun clu:llon, agllcultu~al authO!ltleDI comrnlt!ce, return all ~osstble am- Valled the past week, although at May 20 ............................. 12 Joe Zalewskl' t b tl 1• d How 11 phon 572 I 1 pomt out. A well-balanced system mal manures to the sml· put back I a my home y w WPe { or ay e , e · · 11 f t' f t ' ' -----------------------------1 bi ' PI 11' ' 41w4ptf --------------- 1 of farnung ca s Ol' sa W uc ory' all crop residues and grow deep-a reasona c pnccs 1onc 1 •tson 1 I ' '

Okemos, Route 1 1 7,102 ' ' 2{ 1 IN'GHAM C01JNT'!' Humane So- ~mounts of grass and l?gur~Jes to J rooted legumes regularly in the ro- I <--------'-----------,.-----------.

Phone Lansing 8-7848 I ~-. ·-.. ~----.-~----- w_r~ i ASHES HAULEIJ-Ruobisb, cln·l' ciety urj;'es you to look for ¥our [ Jc~{~ hv~'stocll. ~mel to mamtam for-I lation and feed them generously i 7wtf NOTICE There Wilt be a mectmg , ders JUnlt newspapers mag a- lost dog or cat at the Ammal I t1llty oJ the sml. , with fertilizer carrying phosphate ____ · --------1 of the Buniwr Hill Center ceme-' zincs 'Also lurniture mo~ing and Silelter, 1713 Sunset 1\\'e., Lansinz

1 The program has been set for

1 and potash.

· llcr·y associatton 'l'ucsday, May, 25, I oth ; trucldng Roy Kilpatrlc-lt Open 8 to 5, wcelt days. Phone .June 18 on the Henry Welch farm, I _____ _ .ACE SEWER SERVICE-Septic ·at two o'clncl{ p. m. at the come-· 3• 4

81E S uth 'St Mao hon~


, 2·6218. All dogs picked up by. located H nulos northeast of Ioma , tanlts and cesspools cleaned. tcry. 21w1p 2t981''

0 '' on, P llwtf county dog warden are brought to ~n Ionia coun.ty._ Extension special- Early Growth Stressed

Equipped for industrial and com- -------·-~·. ·----.! - the Shelter daily. 42w-U tsts from Mt~h1gan State college , , b , mercia! woric 2-1-hour service. MERCHAN'LS and patrons, s~vo 1 WANTED-AU kinds Of cattle- 'I . prepared scoclmgs of vanous grass In RaiSlDg Ba y PigS Electric sewer cleaning. 500)/J E. I;'OIJCY! Bny your poultry live 1 springers, dry cows and fresh,

1 DOGS-Report own or stray dog? and ler;:umc _crops there last f~ll While the ave;-age weight of eight- ,

Michigan, Lansing. Phone 58966. we1ght anrl I wrll p1clt a~1d dre~s ·Paying highest prices. m. D, 1 to W. E. Disler, count~ 1

dog and th1s. spnng. Thcs~ crops w11l week-old pigs in probably less than I 35wtf them for you. Ernest H1le, 22u7 Franitlin & Son Mason Phone warden, Dansv1lle. Phone 2w6~. or l be usee! m <lcmonstratwns qf crop

30 d .

1 t f

1 'gl

40 ----- ~---- i Gunn road, 2 miles west of Holt 7901 ' ' lOtf: to IngMm county si,eriff, 9661. I harvesting and to shnw how such poun s, n . 0 0thp gs we~ 1 th 1 on North Gunn road, Call Holt ' I ' • 3w52p crops can be used in erosion con- pounds or mme at. IS age, n e l

· · , " 171067 aftm· 6:30 p. Ill. 21w2p . 1' - 1 troi. contrary, many wc1gh as low as 20 If you ltve m town or count!) and , WANTED- Automobiles, a! i FOUND-May 9 ·at Legion lJUi!tl-l . t. t'

1 d • Th so variations in wean-have rmming water, you can have ----~-------~--~ -~----.- mal<es or mod~ls, Phone Mason I . , , . Othe1 demons 1 a !ons p anne ~ounas.. e

PLASTERING, n~w and . repair. 24164, SOwtf 1 mf aftCl evening ser V1ce~, a, for the grass day mclude weed mg wc1ghts have a ~arkcd effect 100% Soft Running Water Fmc worlnna:rshlp. M~rvm Gan- l mans brown hat. Phone ~~ tlmr control, gully control, and effective. on tllc growth-rate of prgs up t? the

'fhe Culligan Way ton, 1621

Martm, Lansmg, Phone CHICKENS WANTFJD- Wlll come I F. Deyo,_ 2·!052, 21Wlp usc of forage. A large exhibit of, time th~1 arc baconers. The btg~er Lansing 40008. 19w4p J and get th~ln. w. ·H. Appleton, - ------· n1achincry is cxpec~cd for the dis- I pigs at eight weeks o1d are the ftrst

Have a unit installed on our 30- 1 CARPENTER·;_,:;01 .1Z"-;;r~1-Jr:inds, 13318 Pryor road, 2 miles north of For Rent play. Dealers will bring in new 1 to reach 200 pounds livewcight. day free tnal offe_r. Save soap, 1 E . .M, Wendel unci son inqnit·c Mason. Phm'e 5382. 47wtf moclcls nf flcld ba,lcrs, crops ,bl?w-clot~es, p~umbing btlls and. watel'' at the house trailer, 2l3 East i --- CI'S,_ forage harvc~ters, and sumlar r-------------, heatmg bills. mxcollent fot cool{· street Mason 21w4p. WANTED-Fence building job by ---;------------~-~--,.-·--- cJcv1ccs so that farmers may m- I Hog Self-Feeder lng purposes, • ' · • . , . · PASTURE for rent, for uO head, spect them, .

------~· -1 the 1od or JOb, Phone Mason of cattle. Phone Lans111 ... 878~6 ; · 1- t 'II b ·

PHONE 22311 5781 after 6 o'clock or come to sec " 2 1 ' Extens.on specta lS s Wl e ani L-------------....1

C ~ C • me at the first place west of us- or 9727~---~ ~---~----~ hand t? ~xplain the various dem- i ..... ------... ... _


Barns- Houses -Other Buildings

Roofs R.epaired Free Estimates

Work Guaranteed

PAUL BARTON 509 W. Columbia, Mason Phone 24523

Our representative will call and I USCOI11 Ul'lng 127 on I<ipp road. w. Purvis. HOUSE on Freel Herrick farm for onstrat10~1s and to tell farmers

1 give you further information. ' 19w3p rent, good garden spot, lots of how s1m~lar grass programs can

I . OF HAMS AND BACON I - . fruit. Howard Herricl,, Stocl{·, be cstabhshcd on other farms. I I WANTED-Full o1· part time; bridge. 21 w2p ' .

· Culligan I Guaranteed SuUsfactory work as beauty 'consultant. Lu-, : . Clip, cows rcgulrrJ•ly to p~·~:ent 1

S ft W t S · ' zicr's Fine Cosmetics and per- 1 • 1 d1rt f1om clingmg to.long. h,Ul on I 0 a er erviCe Leslie Food Lockers fumes. No canvassing. Write L. F.! p I I flani{S and udders, Ml~higan State


I{ I) !;-it-~ I '·1 ~ I

I THAT I . •. . . ' '""'"9 WAY···

510 Parlt St. Mason i s_tiver, 1303 N, Waln_ut st., Lun-1 ersona ,1' collego dmrymen a_dv1sc. . f,

21 11 Fiedler's Refrigerated Food PI 95069 G d 1

__ _:__ Lockers at Holt ~~~f~n a~0dn~ddress: IVe agei9~~. rn-"1111iilirci!-i:I;-\M-In-loving mem- j . Legal Notice I SPRAYING SERVICE·. Jnse·ct con- I I ory of my mother, Mary C.

H h d W 31 ' ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR · trot, flies, spiders, mosquitoes, Mason Frozen Food Lockers W.ANT.ED-If you happen to !mow owery, w o pa~se a ay · years I· HEAR INC c:r..AIMs ·etc. Effective weed control in 46 t1 of a house or apartment for rent 111-go, May 19 . .Nma M, Wasper. I HOYT-AUGUST


1948 '

lawns, fields, cemeteries, golf I w phone Carl Jewett, Mason 23451. 21wlp i 'SWtl! n/' Michlgnn. 'rhc l'i'Ohiilo Couz·t Coul·ses etc E Ill. d t t I 20w2 ~----------~--------: foJ• lhe County of lnJ..thnm. . ' ' 'q ppe 0 ate care ' . I CARD OF THANK::i-,-The family At II """"ion of Rnid Court, holol ntthc

of a. patch or a hundred acres. Jcn-~ w t d . of the late Mrs. Fred Frye wish Pro bitt" Olfko in ·~he City of Mn•on in kins,. 624 W, Shiawassee stree( an e WANTED:-Thre~·day old calves: to extend their sincere thanks to the •aid county, on the 1 Sth duy of Mny Lansmg Phone 56026 13w8p for veahng, wrll come and get 1 • . . , A. D. l ii·IX,

· ' them Alton Jewett South Jef-~ all relatives, fnends and nc~gh-1 . Pt·c•cn~: liON._ JOHN McCLELLAN, I- ' · Ph ' bars for the1r many acts of lund- Jud~c of P1·ohatc. AUCT~ONEE~-Yes, I'm In the 1 WANTEO-;-Goou Holstein heifer forsan, Mason. one 22233. ness sympathy and beautiful, In I he mullet· of the c•tnlc of· LUg.

r-1--- ·,I I

~~ -,,~,~ ~

auctiOn busmess Ask those who calves. F. E. Fogle & Sons, R. 20w2 I fl I t d . ' ' t' In lhc mn~tCI' of the cslntc of LUEL-h 1 d '1 I I! t I · . owers sen urmg our recen LA A. IIUY1', •locenscd.

ave lear me wart. ve a On- 4, Mason, 5 nuies north of Mason . . ! bereavement. We •especially thank It "I'Pcnl'in~-: to the ·couz·t that tho time .. t:mdaga, Route 1. Drop a card or on Okemos road, Lansing phone WANTED-Jobs mterwr ~ecor-, Mrs. Lottie Northrup for her lov- for l"'""mtnlion ~f. clnlm• ngnin•t snid Culll'ng Pays DI'vl'dends

call collect. Ves E. Spencer, 1 87175, lSwtf I . atmg. Papering and pamtlng lng re 21 1

eetnte •houlzl he lm~zted, t<nd thn~ n time •mile east of Onondaga at Five - I (mside and out)' Phone 941i55 ca ' w p "'"! Ill nee be. BllliOlllled to rcccove, ux-1 p d C 21 13 ' ----------------· Lan ·ng 20w2p 1 llnllnC'' 1\lltl m)Juttl nil clnimK and dcmnnd~ To Poultry ro ucers • orners, W ·I HORSES WANTED. Will pay 81 • CARD OF THANKS-I wish in u~-:uin"t enid decenAcd hy nnu before onid .

A porlablq, bDg feeder is a piece of labor saving equipment which has a place on every farm where hogs at·e bcl11g raised. The ell• pacity of ibis Ieeder is 55 bushels, but it may be made -of any size desired. If It is ltept well painted il wlll remain water tight.

I $3 a hundred, regardless of I this way to thank the many , com·t.. . , Regular cuTling pays dividends,

CYCLONES COME unannounced, weight George Phllllps Dansville' WANTED-Baling hay or straw.' neighbors and friends for the. It '" oz·dez·cd, ,,hnt crcclltoz·s of "'"" but many poultry farmers nrc unable ' P t t ' ' ' H •· A b 1. rleccmu~d :tro J'equu·cd to pl•cment thcu· : ro ec farm bmldlngs and per· P. 0. 158 or home address, Wil· ave a new ... nn r or . W Je. beautiful cards, flowers and fruit clnlm• to •nid court nt sold nrobnte of- to carry out the procedure because I sonal property with a State Mutu· . llamstan, 228 W. Middle St., P. 0. haler. Talnng orders now, W11liam : sent me during 11;1y stay in .the· fiee in the City of Musnn, Michignn,'' ""i of pressure of other duties. How· II al Cyclone Insurance company 268 4wtr Jenning-s, R. 1, Mason, Phone Au- hospital. Also Dr. Wadley and the "'' before the. Hrd dny of August, A. 1~. ·. vcr as the moulting season up-

·. (L ee •) r F .A L t . I . ' . relius 3111 2lw3p t ff f' t 1/l·IS, Ill ten 0 elocl< In the forenoon, Sa ill: e ' I . ap I po 1cy. . . es et, au·; · , s a 0 nurses a ·· Sparrow· has- time und place being hereby nt>l>ointed' preaches it will be seen that n per-

thorized agent for 25 years, 411 W. 1 \VANTED-Man or boy over 18 to ! pi tal fat• the excellent care given fnr the exnminntion nnd ndjustment of:.· nt e 't the flock commences to Maple street, phone '4182, 21w1p, worlt in Mason plant. Must be WANTED-Carpenter work, Cup- 1 me. MI'S, F'ra]\cis Lee, "' 21wl ull clnims nnd dcmnnd• ngnln•t •nhl de-l ce ag . \

11 th d it

1 :;.. ______________ 'energetic. Steady worker if wanted,! boards a specialty. Ira Beech, R.l • een•c:t . . . . . · , I moult cQr 1er Jan o ers, an s ·. <?WNER SELL~NG WellZ' Wall·· or can be pat·t tilne, Write Box 2, Mason, 1 n1ile. south of game:. CARD OF THANKS-I wish to tic~· t'hoo~~·~jh~; ~i~~~~;•],1~ ~~~1:J·ic1,;~~~~,•

0f",: 1 these earl:; moulters that .should be

paper and Pamt Co., established 115 Ingham County News 21wlp ·:t'arm on Rolfe road, Phone Mason I express my sincere thanlts to my coi>Y of thi• o1·dcz· for th1·oe •ucccHMiv~ 1 segregated :md sent oft to mnrltct nt · 1907, wholes~e and retnil, Assets ' ' • ' 26032. · · , 20w2p II frlend,1 , neighbors, Rebelwh lodge· )l'«k• l"·cvlou• to •nid dny of hcuring,


first. ·opportunity, · .15,000. will· compromise. VICAN~ED-Housecleaning, wash- and the entire stliff of our Mason I m the 1~"~ 11S'u~dun~1 ~j~~~d ";

11 newli · ------

.;'buyer's option, good four-ronml lng walls, _ceilings and wood·,WANTEDTOBUY-stand-ingtim-iGeneral hospital durlngmyillness.!~~',\'~;·y;' ne · · ". "". A .gard~n can be made profit·

.. apartment above. store. A, W .. worlt, alterattons and crocheting, 1 . bet'. Will pny top price. Donald! Evrr·yone has been wonderful to: , .JOHN MrCT.El.!.AN able by.,usmg good soil, good seed, :Wenz, 533 E. Michigan Ave., La.n· Clura Dietz, 326 E. Maple, phone Trua..._, 537 E .• Jolly l'Dnd, Lansing. I me, 'I'hanlts again Clifford Watt I' j1 ·rl'\"'cc"l? tt JouiH" of I'!·nhnt" j good fertllizet•, and by controlling

.: ·.' alng, 29. ~hone 26911. 2lwlj 4741, . 2lw1o Pl1.0ne Lansing 48726. , , 20w4 ' · 2lw1p 1/;;i;tcr · oi "'i·,·~buto 21wa weecla, dlseases 'and insects, ' ' ' < • ·l I ' , . •,

the WAYNE WAY #rom

Chic.lcs to Profit Pullets

EnJoy lhat Winnlnq Wayne' wilh your chick• lhla year ' .. , , , in livablllly, faal qrowth, • early malurlly. Now, aa you plan ahoad•lor pouhry prollll, come In and ILnd out about ' .. Wayno Chick Starter, Grow.· lnq Mash and thai Winnln9 Wa~nc Way,




,I I'


Boy Scout Leaders to Hear Director Blrmlnglutm, Aitthnmu, Greens­boro, N, C., unci Toledo, Ohio. In 1!135 he became deputy regionrtl executive fm· Region 5, with head-The 28th annuul mnotlng of the quarters at Memphis, Tennessee,

Chluf OI1emo~ Council, Boy Scouts and since lOH has been assistant



Concert Sunday Night By Presbyt·erian Choir nf Amr•r·lt:fl, wlll be held at the national direetor of the division of

Olrls engineering nmllloJ·lum, Lnn- program for the Boy Seouts of Tn I'alrle money Cot• the purchase the plano, Will piny "Andante" by 'rhe recreation counclJ reports and crnftE1 materials, charm sing, 'rucscl11y evening, May 25. America. of new choir ,:ohcs. tho Presby- i .Julius IDlchberg, "Angelica" by tlutt .the total of subscriptions from school matcrlnls, clmmntlc equip· '1111H will bring- togcolhc1• app)'[)x- His worl< Is closely related to the tm·inn eho!t· hrts arranged 11 public John MrntoJ and "Sweet Hota· of mcnt, nature study materials, hob-! t I 8()() C I bl I S tl

8 ht I Ill P • h b sorvlc,, church and soeial organ!· mrt c y u J ng cou· ng I len.dershlp training of the 1H,22 concc1·t frll' Sunrlny nig . t w myer' y W. B. Brad ut·y, '!'hero hasn't been n11wh going on by materials, tools, hrwcbrtlls, sofl-leuclers with their wives, For 1111 volunteer !coders handing up the !Je presented in tho Pl·csbyterlan "0 Sn.vlour or tho World" by Sit•! 011 t at the airport tlw pnllt weelt zrttionR of the community wlll be balls, imls, mitts, muslcs, vol!ey-

Mason Recreation Council Needs $225 To Cover Playground Budget for Year

cvenlng llf lnspimllon rllld Semi!. actlv!tlos nf troops, puclw and chureh, starting at eight o'cloc!{, John Goss, "'rhe Lord Is My Light" I with tho mlny wetll.lwr wo lmvo in !.he neighborhood of *1,275. It Is br11ls, nels and mn.ny others too fellowship, beginning with a pol- I senior unlls In America, and he In rHI<htlnn to choru'J music, by O!cy Spca!1s with Mrs. l\1lllard hncl. By Sunday 1t lmcl clenrod up estimated that a minimum of $1,- numerous tn mcnl!on. Some ndd!-luck supper at fi:i!O. Juts been wm·ldng closely with there will be m·gun nnd violin num- 1 singing the soprano ami Ralph i enough so that Mason flyc1·s could fJOO will be needed to m1rry out the tionnl large pluyground equipment

Guest. spr;aJcer will be l~rnnlc W. 1 i Region 7 In dcvelnp:~cnt of the, bor·s, n vioJ1n trio anrl vocal solos,· Adams singing the tenor, "God So • go to the Dawn P~troJ nt Hough- is needed. IL Is necossary to pro-Braden nf New_ Yrli'Jc City, asillst- I June 1-6 "Hoe Down to whwh the Mrs. JD. G. Millard, director of the Loved the World" by I. Stah1m·, /ton lnkc. Those gmng wc1·r Laylln eumnwr recreation progl'!lm ns

1 vide a min shelter for the children,

'" t Mtloo ol '' h·oetm• of ' pco '"''" Ch !of 01"'""" Co~ o ll lo "'""" g 0 he,., 0 """ o o ooll. . "'"' "PM! m fOO," by Cow Fmook, . J ow otl, Dob """, M m·' o st "'''"' P '"" ""' to P'H'oh~o "'" ""''"1 l """"'"" '"" lo bl"" ""d o otm·""" for the Boy Scout~ of Amerlen. Of-l 120 rlclcgatcs. The choir will open the con.cc1t will conclude tho concert, I or Holt rUJd Mr. nne! Mrs. Dtuk equipment and. npparatu.s ~nd to 1 facility for protection and snfo-ficct·a for 10•18-·l!J will be clceted I - with "Hoiy Art 'l'hou," Handel's ____ Alderman, make the deshablc Improvmnent~, lwcplng of

1111 equipment. and spcclnl nwnrds givrm to Irmd- WHEATFIELD 1

1 1 1 to the city playground. "It Is , t

. DIST. NO. 3 largo fmm "Xo1·xcs," to be fol- , Govemo1· K m S gler wus _a v s- 1.1101.01•0rc no' ccssu1',y," cvplaltlo<l

1,,. T.hc! Invites uHc of ers of outs ·anrllng- and long- Herv- h d · It t tl 1 tt AI t M 1 " h • t 1 ·

icc, c. w. "13ill" Otto, secretary of 1\trH. 1.1111an Foreman lowed by Dale's "Heat·lwn Unto Met 0 l'st (J'I·cles 1 or a w ·owe·· rpor OJH n.y H. Tinlller, chalrmo,n, "to rulse he coupon Jll nted below, It should Me," Himmc!'s "Incline Thine Ear · when he piloted tho clt·cuit judge, the ndditionnl $225 by an appeal to be cut out and sent In wlt.h contrl-

th o Lh'" log Cho m hw of Com. ' Alho" W o "'' ,; ""'' '"''" """ "' to Mo'" wl "' M'". V"'"·" Mofot,., . • I M ml" Sol"'"" "' ""'"'' ""· l" M~. tl•ooo oll' '"'" w bo tOot tb' woo ld lm llo'" to F mok 0• '",. ol ""· toooe-;;;;~;,f,:;', "''""" "" """~' ol' h~oolog, '""'" Mll DoW•tt ,.,, I "'""'"' "'' "''''"""· ""' "Tho LISt 5 Meeh ngs ' """ '"' "'" """'"• '"' Of """' .. llko to """'"t ,, t>lo woi'!bw,llo ,.,,., Moeoo """~""'' """'"ll· p, Ingham district will be repro- I wecl1. Lord's Pt·ay,r" by Mnlotte. I Milton Swartout wns tho only civic endeavor, but have not been 0, Box, Mrwnn.

scntod by <lolegatc~ from Holt, Ma- Mr. and Jll(ra. Cloy Foreman was Mrs. Nathan Davis ,wlii pi~!, Tho circles of tho Mcthollst W. pilot to so!o out last weclc. He so- given nn opportunity to do so. "Those who prefer· may place son, Aurelius, Willlflrnston, 0110- in Toledo, Ohio, Frl~ay to uttcn.~ three

01,'g,nn sclectt~ns,,, ~ndnn.te .. S. C. S. wlJJ meet during the com- locd 011 FI,rl~y, . , "Among the necessary Items them in tile several cnrtons to be

mos, Haslett, Leslie, Drmsvlllc, the funeral ,?f Mr. Foreman s by Anrlte:ta R.nmbelg, Tllllll,l(Clell' lng week. On Monday, May 24,! Sunday. wtll be compot1t1on day. which must be pmcuycd if om· found In om· local stores,'' Tinldet• and Onondngn, where arrunl'ro- I'I'ILIII< W. llrailrm uncle, Fran It .I! oreman. by ~o.~ct t ~churn ann, and Dona oMiss Bessie Bull will entertain for all of the pilots at lhc airport. [program is to be effective at•e at·ts nddod. menta for attcndanec are in the Br·adcn wus born and educated Minnie Mnc .Everitt, David NaviS, the fugue from Mass XV,I, membcr•s or the PrisciJia ·circle. They will have spot !rtnrlings ' hands of ciHtlt·nwn nf troop, pacl1 in Jw!1ann: where upon graduation Greenman and Roger Bates will by Wolfg-an.g Mozart. . . . Miss VIrginia Hose and Miss Effie cross-wind Inmlings and othm n.ncl scnlm· unit commiltot!H. Mom- f1·om Indiana Stale college he graduate from the eighth grn.dc of " Mrs, Gemge MeAt t~~m ts losing Hau

11 will assist as co-hostesses. events. '

hers or the aLli'IHinnco committee worlcod ltH a ncwspapm· reporter, the Pollok school this year. O, Divine 1<, by Gmmod, Mrs. Bernat·d Smith will lead the A supper flight to Clwl·!oltc is for Ingham dislric:t nrc Colen ~~";.7-ea;ll;t~~~oclll~~;bU~ds~~ggl~. In the

1 , Mr. nnd Mrs, Lewis Bartlett and ~~~~ ~~r~c~~~~~f~~ll~~~n~i~l~ttr~J. d~voti?ns and Mrs. ~arlyle .~nltz being planned within ~he next

Moores and Harold J. Bnxlbcrg of Jean and Phoebe Lou of Mason, R . II R bbi s n the violin and Will gwc a hoolc rev1cw on Com- week. Plans arc also bcmg made Holt, Kenneth Pflcaler of Alll'eli- During- that period he became 'Dorothy Rosclc and Louise Kellen- Mursss. "DavJ.Os atn thoc ot·gan. mit ted Unto Us," to have a I e. rtguc of tcamH between L M So nrl H·tr·1·y s 11en aetivc in the organization and 11 d "'II K! s 11d y th 1

1 t Th 11 1

us, . . wcrs a < • - • burg·er ca c on ""' ": ng u a Part IV is by lhe. choir "The Mrs. Abe Cohn will open her . e oca aH·por s. ere wt Jr ny of Muson, Don W. Wayne anrl lt,aclct'slup of Boy Scout t;oo~s, afternoon. Cherubic Hymn" by Grctcllamin- house to members of the Ruth events such as those to be held on Charles G. Ross oJ' Williamston, and or summer camps, rcsultmg

111 There was no school Monday af- off "Alleluia! Christ Is Risen" by circle Tuesday evening, May 25, at Sunday.

Albert Cooley anrl Walter L. Weiss 1

an in~itation to b?come the assist- temoon and Tuesday because of A. 'Kopolyoff, and "Cherubim Song eight o'clock. Mrs. Howat.'d Seibert The I.eague will meet two or or Olwmos, stephen Musselman! ant Scmrt cxocut1vo of hts local 1

. t t different and Charles Ralya of Hrwlctt, John: couneil.. , . . illnbe~1s of. fil'd t~~ch~··~~re bf~~j (Uo. 7)" by D. s. Bortnyanslty. ~111 ~~ve cl~~~rfe of hhc prof~m. three ;m;es tf· nwn.\at Grugcl of Leslie, Dell H. Mend of. Entcrtng Scoutmg professiOnal- mo 1 0 VIS e . e 0 0 t sc 1 The violin trio, made up of Mrs. eva 10ns WI c m c arge o. rs. ntrpor s tn us v1c1n1 .y.

I )26 I j I Monday mornmg. Franlc .Evans, Mrs. Russell Rob- Bon W1Ibur. Co-hostesses Will be ------Dansville and c. B. McK'JO of On- Iy in 1! 1e SI'I'Vcc succc~stve Y . B M ondaga. on the cxeeutrvc staff at Parts, III., Mr. and Mrs, Harold Glynn and bins and Mrs. Richarct Somers, ac- Mrs. Mildred auer and rs.

' Dale were Friday evening callers companied by Mrs. Dor.n Diehl at Charles Middleton. Mason w·oman I of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foreman Members of the Mary Martha NORTHWEST INGHAM Howell Wednesday evening where and family. cit·cle will meet at the home of d 1\l!'S, Ami Tcrrlll I tho women attended VIsitation at Mr. and Mrs. James Barrett Of Mason MIOrch :~~nts Mrs. John Shepard on Tuesday p s. e At

' I Howell l':ehelmh lodge, Leslie called on Mrs. Rietz Glynn \; Ill evening, May 25, for an evening re I 5 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oobm no rc-


Dorothy Butterworth of D.ctroi.t and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- meeting. A review of the book, cently visited at Lite ll'a. Osbomc! was IL week end guest of hot par- ert Foreman and family last Mon- Have Sunday T;lt "Committed Unto Us," will be Dl'strict Meeting home in Jacl<son, and their gr·cat-' ents. . • . . 1 day evening·. . . 1 given by Mrs. Waltz. Mrs. Ralph gmndchlldrcn at Michigan C•mter. i K<•nnclh Nmcross was btttcn by 1 Rietz Glynn IS now worlcmg m • ,Johnson and Mrs. Oren Hall will

. ·a dog Sunday. Several stttches Flint/. At w bll •11 assist Mrs. Shepard, Eighteen Pytbian Sisters of Ma-Mr·. and 111I'S, Clyde ~OO!lliS, :Mr:' were n~cessary to close the wound. I' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. e uervt we Orpha Ellen circle members wm, son :rcmplc attended the unnual

and Mrs. Harty Loomts .and Miss I • and Mrs. Cley Foreman and Arlo have a cooperative luncheon at the district mcctmg hold at Marshall Frances Loonm of L?nstng spent i CLARK CENTER were Mr and Mrs Erwin Fore- With the opening of the league

1 h "' last Thursday, Mrs. Albert Hum-Tuo~clay afternoon wtlh Mrs. Ina 1 Mrs. Donald Clrulc 1 man aml family of Lansing and season only a week away, the Ma- home of Mrs. Per e Vnug n on "· phrcy, district deputy, presided

Dav1dson. 1 Mt·. and '·[t·s. Robert Forema11 artd Columbia road at one o'clock on t T 1 " son Merchants have another non- w d d '·l 26 Th t d and members or he Mason cmp c Mr. and Mr.". l<'ranlc Qgbornc 1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clarlc and I family, The occasion was Robert's league game booked fot· sunday at e nes ay, "ay · e men. an participated in the afternoon Jli'O-callcd to sec the new bab.Y at the·, Mrs. Harvey Seeley accompamcd bl'rthday annt'versary. beverage will be furnished. Dcvo- A

1 1 1

t M

1 1 M Ch 1 s 1 t G ·and Ha Webberville. The game will he lions will be given by Mrs. L. R. gram. unc won was servo< a Charles Smith homo .one ay am I rs. ares ee ey

0 >~ - A surprise birthdfiy party played on a new diamond at Web- White. Mrs. Waltz will also give noon. on Wednesday called on Mrs. Rob-· von, Thursday. She. was called: held Saturday evening in the hon- bet·ville, built by the county park · t Th · tt 1 c M crt Foster and Mrs. Emma Dur- ! thetr by the serious tllness of her 1 or of Robert Foreman. .Euchre board. the book review at this moe in g. . ose rn a enc a nee wcr I'S. ham of Lansing. i mother, Mrs. Harvey Young. I was the diversion "bf the evening. Mike Simone, manager of the Members of the Deborah circle Basil Adams, cxccJient chief, Mrs.

George Swan Of Blanchard sp~nt Mrs. LoueJia Gifford and Gem:ge I The following attended: Mr. and Mason Merchants, has asked that wil! have a one o'clock luncheon on L. B. Barr, Mrs. John Shepard, from Thursday unl1l Srrturday w1th · Clal'lc spent the wcelc end with Mr. Mrs. Don Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. t t Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Maurie? RtckLy, Mrs. ~obe~'t

l D I 0 I I !IT H ward Cint·k and Mrs I players be at the Simone s ore a. Charles Clipper, East Oak street. Wallace, Mrs. c_ nrlt.~n ,Hun~ct' Mrs. his s1ster, Mrs. na avH sor1. n ant rs. o · 1 Wtlhe Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1:00, Simone is searching for an Holls will be furnished. Mrs. Bruce Donald H<tynes, Mts. F . .T. t{ollog?, I Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 1 Inez Clark. I Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. Harold umpire. Anyone who wants to of- M wa •n Spenny Mr Er1c S\

v,·tn \vorc dinner gucgts. 1 Mrs. Anna LeScney and Mrs. Ht!J,o lllld Delore" of Mason, Mr. Ball will give the devotions. 1 rs. j e ' 8

• R I 1 h ]VI. 1 t 1 tt d d the ·• ~ ficiate should apply to the Mason Spenny, Mrs. A. G. Spenny, Mrs.






HELP us REACH OUR GOAL I -Treasurer Date .............................. Mason Reel-cation Council City

Please find enclosed contribution towards the $225 hal-ance needed for our summer recreation program. Contribution ........................

Name ................................................................

Address ............................................................

............................................................ , .......

It's a Clean Sweep of Ilousedcaning- n'Iwn . You Huy

New WaUpaper

Patt l'rns are pa1·tieularly


Mr. and Mrs. Amt Terrill accom- 1 uc o P IC u sc 1 a en ° 1 and Mrs. Etwln Foreman and manager. H ld B 1 ·u M CJ panied Mr. and Mrs. Jay Coffey to I Rebekah mother and daughter 1 Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry John- Brighton will come to Mason CONCERT SUCCESSFUL aro arn 11 ' · rs. arc nee j'

1 ban.<JUet at the Eaton Rap1ds Ma- son of Lansing and Ml'. and Mr.s. • Boles, Mrs. Nelson Rouse, Mrs. -------------- · ht I Sunday, May 30, for the league The Mason school band concert Athur Nichols anct Mrs. L. .r. , some temple, Saturday mg · Cley Foreman and Arlo and Mrs. opener. held last Friday night was success- Ad M R 1 h N bl of H 1

I Madelyn Rusch spcn.t the week "'• .. Jla Kt'ng of Wt'!Jt'anJston. Bob re- 1 ams. .rs. a p o e . o-'" The Merchants dropped an 8-6 · ful. George Murthum, school music 1 d Fl 1 · · 't' M 1 I end 111 East Lansmg with Barbara I ceived many gifts. · ywoo , a., w 10 1s VISI mg a-


\'!Lrlctl this SJtring with nnw rl"slgnen,, anti l'incr IJllallty papers h~uding Olll' list nf new stodcs. Come in and cheek over our sample honl<s; \\'"'11 ho glad to help you Jllan !t new rlecom­titm scheme fnr your home. K

1 decision at Okemos Sunday. Ma- director, presented both the varsity son relatives, accompanied the Ma-~ ~:s. Anna LcSenoy called on · son started orr the first inning and cadet hands. About $200 was son sisters.

CULVER CORNERS with two runs and added two more realized. The money will be used M n T Ic '11 b hosts to her sister, Mrs. Charles Leonard aso emp wt c

l~Jwne 2'3461

Memorial Pay

Flowers Shafer Decorating Supply 425 S. Jefferson Also

of Gr1 venburg, who is ill with 1\lrs, H. l\1, Owen in each of the seventh and ninth. to buy band instruments, the convention in 1


9. Mrs. Hum- j That failed to match the three h t 1 'ft f jaundice; ·Sunday. p roy was pres on ec a gt rom

Mrs. Charles Seeley, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coyer runs tallied by Okemos the first WRONG CHURCH, WRONG PEW tho local organization. S 1 T M d M Harvey and family spent Sunday in Lan- fmme, the two picked up in the Rev. Paul Mergener, who was .ce~.~ .• r.u ~. ~qw~ ~ furm~M~~lli~~~h~~hllli~ --------------------------------------------&~and~~fundMmF~~~ ~~~n~lli.~~~rn.~~~~~lli~~~~N~~~•••••••&•••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••mBmm~ Earl Hicl"mm vrore guests Sunday Mrs. Minnie Thompson of Char- tied the score in the ninth but last. week ag speaker at rural ·IIi evening of Mr. and Mrs.' Donald lotte visited her brother, Lewis Okemos went out to make two eighth grade graduation exercises I





WAYSIDE Greenhouse

Open Evenings

and Mrs. Orville EmerHon, Sole Owners

Clark in Mason, is pastor of the Rob- , ·1' • Mr;, Clayton Kent called on Gardner, Satlll'day. Mila Leach of more. bins-G r o v en b u r g Methodist , Mrs. Inez Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Owosso was also a Satlll'day guest Norman Rector pitched the first churches, He was incorrectly I

at the Carl Gardner home. live innings for Mason, allowing Howard Clark Monday evening, Mrs. Francis Lee, who under- six runs and six hits. Dick Corbin credited to the Housel U, B. Mrs. Inez Clark returned home church. Rev. Charles Brooks is· went surgery at Sparrow hospital pitched the last four frames, • h

!I wi;h[ herdfoMr a volstltt. F I d May 4, was returned to her home yieldin~ two runs and fout· hits. pastor of the Housel U. B. churc ,

mile north of Leslie US-127

Phone Leslie 38~:l

" r an rs 0

nne 1er an Saturday, and is improving sa tis- Corbin struck out seven of the

1 David of Leslie were callers of factorlly. 14 men who faced him. Neither •ro STUDY l\lUS[C on Mr and Mrs Donald Clark, Mon- Rector nor Corbin had the right

day evening SOUTH D ·------- AURELiU:; AN kind of support. Four errors were Herman Bushnell, trombone;


Bottled Gas.

Elephants can travel at 2.5 miles NORTH ONONDAGA chalked up. per hour. !\Irs. B. H. Fielll Brown and Webb did the hurling

Mr. and Mrs. Ot·Ia .T. Rider of Lansing called on Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Rider Sunday evening.

for Okemos. Ralph Simone banged out three and Rector two hits for the Mason cause.

Roger Topliff, clarinet; and Nor­man Lyons, baritone horn player, have enrolled in the summer mu­sic course at Michigan State col­lege. All three are members of tl)e • Mason school band.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanSickle visited their son-in-law and daugh­ter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wagner of Jackson, two days last week. School Baseball T earn Breaks Even

By Norm Parisian We deliver in 100-JI,, tnnlu nnd install on any approved rdrnge. A 3-year contract ns~mres adequate tlllpply of gas,

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Conard enter­tained company f1·om Bellevue, Sunday.. · Mason high school's baseball

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Varhang tea~1 split four confere~c.e games and Carol, and their mother, Mrs. dUI'tng the week, dtvldlng a

I Ina Field, of Jackson were Sat- I doubleheader with .Eaton Rapids urday evening callers of Mr. and last Thursday at Mason, losmg to

started for Everett, but he didn't last long under the barrage of base hits laid down by Mason. Gabbert helped his own· cause with two doubles. curtis, Ron Stolz and Dan Garver each contributed a pair of

RANGES $89.50 and up Apartment size

and 'table-top

20% tlown, balunco in

monthly payments

Magic Chef Ranges

See us before you buy

Jewett Appliance Co. 130 W. Ash Mason Phone 5511

hits. I Mrs. B. H. Field. Mrs. Mable Howell Friday and then taking Field and daughters, Ileen and Everett 10-6 Monday night. The Catherine, of Holt were :Monday league record for Maso~ now ALAIEDON CENTER evening callers of the Fields. stands at .500-four vrctortcs and Mrs. Elmer Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Alberts of four losses. Holt and Mrs. Carl Warner were The Mason team is .bool,ed for Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson Sunday callers of Mrs. Duncan Charlotte Friday. In the first game and family of Lansing spent Fri­Palmer and her father at Wil- of the season Mason won. day evening with Mr. and Mrs. llamston, Mason displayed good pitching Fred Fichter and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lawson and some lusty hitting in the four Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Larner and of Millett visited their parents, games the past week. son of Miller road visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Warner, the In the doubleheader with Eaton Mrs. Elmer Brown and family Fri-last of the week, Rapids, Mason lost the first game, day e\•ening.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Field visited 3-2. Don Krumm, on the mound Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smatz and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bun!(er of for the Greyhounds, silenced Ma- daughter of Lansing visited Mr. Dansvllle, Sunday. son bats. He yielded only one hit, and Mrs. George Cady sunday eve­

a long triple by Merritt Snyder. ning. He had a good day at the ·plate, Charles Force accompanied Mr. banging out three hits in the two and Mrs. Edward Walsh and son

Dart National Time Certificates Pay Up To 21/2'ro Per Annum

games. Wayne Gabbert pitched on a four-day trip through Ohio good ball for Mason, allowing only and Kentucky last weelc. three hits, but his mates could not Mr. nnd Mrs. Vurl Traub and produce the run to tie or the pair daughters spent Sunday with Mr. to win. \ and Mrs. Harvey Swaim and fam-

Ken Strouse pitched a iw-hitter ily. .-in the nightcap. He had five The Alaiedon Birthday club met strikeouts and not a man reached at the home of Mrs. Grace Green second. Snyder and D;m Garver last Thursday for dinner. Birthday each collected two hits to lead the gifts were given to Mrs. Hattie

If They Are Held fo1· a Five· Year Period

TIME CERTIFICATES have ~ve1·y safeguard and insurance feature that a savings account has, plus the additional income based on the length of time held, accot·ding to the table below:~ ·

Six months to one year ........ 1 % per annum One to two years .................... ! Y4% per annum Two to three years ....... : ........ 1%% per annum Three to four years ............. : .. 1¥4% per annum Four to five years ........... :: ....... 2 %'per annum Full five years ................ : ....... 2%% per annum

TIME CERTIFICATES will be issued only upon re­quest and only in amounts ,.. of $100.00 or any multiple thereof.

·Dart National Bank . Member F. D. I. C. Federal Reserve System

I Mason attack, Mason leaped off to Allen, Mrs. Adaie Tyler, Mrs. Lil­a running start, getting live runs llnn Strouse, Mrs. Grace . Green i I off Chisholm in the first frame. I and Mrs. Helen Leu, Mrs. Lillian

, Snyder doubled and Strouse, Gab- Strouse won the award for the bert and Barney Curtis singled to games. The June meeting will be produce tlie runs. . held at the home of Mrs. Ethel

Mason ldcked away a 1-0 first :Montaven of Phillips road, Inning lead against Howell, end- Joyce. Swaim, Donna Hoff and ing up on the short· end of a 9-6 .June G!llen graduated Monday count. Nixon started on the mound from the eighth grade. Marion for Howell. He was blasted from Fichter, Eleanor Brown and Doris the rubber when Gabbert exploded Brown sang at the exercises. a bases-loaded triple. Howell got The Alaledon Center school pic­to Ron Stolz for 'three runs In the nic w!ll be held Friday nt Potter fourth and again in the fifth. park. Green and Fellows did the dam- Mr. and.Mrs. Elmer Brown and age. ,Each man banged out a pair daughte1•s · were Sunday dibner · of hits. Mason got only four safe guests or Mrs. Ethel I<elscy and 1

• bingles, Curtis with a double and Mrs. Esther Miles of Jackson. Mr. I I single, Gabbert with his triple and ,and Mrs, Vern Miles of Okemos

I' Snyder with a single. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles and On Monday night Mason went to l'lfarilyn of Dimondale were also


; Everett to trim the Vikings 10-6. guests. ·

Our Biggest Suit Event

Don't -give UP. the search for economy clothing Beckwith can always supply you.


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I An ealler game was also won by Kenneth Beatty and Yvonne Mason. Gabbert was on the mound. Lowry of Wllllamston called on

:&b~~~~~~j~~~~~~.~~~·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~r [ ~tt•iking out eight men, Spr~gue day; I 120 W. Maple

Beckwith. Clothes Shop Phone 24211


~~~~~~~~--~~~---~----------------------------~--------Stf\1:0 Pt•cabytory at Troy, Sunday J To PreHent; Ooncllrt I About 1715 cnndldatet~ were lnltlated NORTHWEST nnd fnmlly apent sunday with Mr. Leslie with Dt•, George A, Buttrlclr, pua-·1 The Leslie high school hand wlll Into the super excol!ont maBtor/t · STOCKBRIDGE 11nd Mrs, Clinton Dunrmlot•e nnd lnr of tho Mncllaon Avcuue PrC8·, give Its thit•rl concert of the ycat•l degree, three coming from Ango!n, · MrM, Quordnn llRil!lr frtmlly nnd mlva F'ulton, Mr.

lly I!J, J, OrnHH )Jytertnn church 'or New Yorlr City, I Wodneadrty cvontng, May 26, ThiR lndtrmn, Twenty grn.nd orrtcenr, nnd Mt'H. Coy Dllt!Hillllrn and fnm-1 prcnchtng the Hel'mqn, I mmcerl. wtiJ differ from the pt·ov- hmulcd hy most tllustrtmJH gmnrl Chut•r•h l.O a, m. Sl!nrltty Rehnnlllily eullect tn tho nfl.crnoon, I!lllllnt~ l'eri'Y StwnumhH . nev, Long gl'llclurtted from tlla I taus ones, tn that mrtnY. more solaR 111a.~. t.o1·. Sftlllllol lll. Brt!lcnt.lno oC 11. rt. m, ru I

I D t It Ill fltt 11 • Ti , ·1 Mr·, llllcl Mrs .• John Coleman nne! 'I'hc funcl'!l] or. Mru. utnmn Union 'f'hcologtca seminary on nnd ensembles will be l'mttut•cd, Ji)J- c I'O wore ·o <ranee,,. · 10. 'lhe Mlll\•lllo nnrl Vnntnwn, rnmlly nnd MrR, Mm·y Colcmun Perry, who rllcrl Thiii'H<iay mom- 'l'wmrlay nnd tt Is expected that 1 ctnn RnHcgn.rt ts tl)o director ol' the addroAR WaR given by .Judge ,Jn,v chUI'ch choii'H pt'OR<!Iltcd a. rhoral visited Mr, nnd Mr•a, Orn•nld Cor· tng at the Mason hrmpltrli, WIIH lw, with hl.9 wlf!!, wlll visit Los!lo [ bmat. 'I'herc will be nrl ndmlsflton H. Payne of Ann A1·bm•, IDnter- concot'L n.L church sot·vlees, Sun· win Sundny. hold Sutm•dny arter•noon from tho Hnon, While henl, It Is hoped that· "hart;c, tnlnmcnt WllH gtvc~1 lly Bnrburn. <lay night. Behrens funernl hrlJ.Il£! with hurlnl he wlll occupy tho pulpit or tho ll<'nuaell, I<'lorcnce Cobb nncl .Jncl\ Ml', nnrl MI'R, Hownrcl Town~eml Ellen and Btlly Strntt .9pent Sun-In Woocllnwn ecmf!lcry. Hev. WI!- L!!Hite Congreguttonal church on l\fnlhorltst: Womcm 'l'o 1\fl'r't. i LcwiR, ~'he banquet WllH served by an<! ehtlrlrrm cnllcct on Mr·. and {lny evening with Do!'Othy nnrl llo.m VnnV!elt ofl'lctlltod, Mrs. Sunrlrry, Mny 30, He IR n gruduato The women of the Losito Mctho- the women, or the li1astcl'l~ Star Mm, Irn. OBIJc;rnc rrl ,laclcaon, Sun- Barlml'a Dunsmore, Perry had tJcon Hlelr for sevm·nl or tho Pnlytet!hnlc Institute at. <list church will meet Thm·sdny usststod by tl1o Rainbow Gh ls. d , ------months, She is survived hy It so.n, Hcnsselncr, New Yorlt with nn en- urtornoon, May 20, at the home of .. -.-- . aKir. nnrl Mrs . .rc.~sc Dysert of.' OKEMOS AND VICINITY Arthur, at home; three ststi!IH, glnect•Jng degree nnd Is now plan- Mt·s. L. C, Kmft, The gathering Tho roslrlcnco. of Wtll,lam Rou~l, .Jncl\son w~re Sunday dinner llfrs, A. :n. Whiting Mrs, Lynn Young ot Hives, Mrs. nlng to eonl.lnuc hiH studies nt tho will llo ndctrcssed by Mr·s. William 115 ~· Race stl ect, :V11•1 dmnngcd uests of Mt•, nnil Ml'fl. cny Artemis Cowing oJ' Plcmsnnt lultc Union scminnry fot• his PhD de- Summerton of Lansing, who iR dls- by tlto Suntlu7 o.ftetnnon With " frutdlinsnn nnd Jne. The Pioneer ladies will meet and Mt•s, Luclllc Young of Sag- grce, trict prcftldent of the W. S, C. s. los~ exceocllng $~,000, whi?l,l was Mr. IH!d Mrs. Hugh Spencer or Wednesday, Mny 26, with Mrs. Jnuw; and u nl<>ther-in-lrtw, Mt•s, Mr/;, IDIIcn Cullen will hnvo chllrgc prutly coverc~ b~ insurarwc, The I Holt called on Mr. it11cl Mrs. Wit- Nettle Woodworth for potluc!c din-Nellie P<'rt·y of Leslie, 'l'u VIKit LnKIIo Sclwol <>f lhe worship service, I cause or. the fltst IS .. unknown, m·Jg-! lium Garnet• Sunday. ncr. A. mlls.tlng wlt.h the pr.ogl'nm

h l <l t f tl ---- !lllltlng rn ,t.hc bas.em:nt stalrwn.y. I Mr. unci i'lr'rs. Glenn Fox nnrl Mr.' are Mr8, Tela Cart·, Mrs. Agnes Edwal'rl Long IH Ordalnc•<l ru·~;~f ;~ho~:;~' ~rg[~c utc~1ieo nr;~ Youth ltNc•lv!'H Jnjurle,; rhls propel ty sulferecl a lns.s by an<! Mt·s Claro Jcox nnd children Young anct Mrs. Mary Bldwelt,

Edwnrd L, Long, .Jr., husband of wtll be guests of the Leslie high . Rl;,hnrd. B<u:rott; 17, of Pleasant· tlm. ncur $a,OOO n year ago Ins~ I visitor! Mr. nnd Mrs. met Burns of Mcrlcliun Farm Burenu wtll meet the former Dm·nthy Whitney, anrl school Thursdny, They will visit !alto suffered cuts and bruises on Mmch. . Lnlrc Orion, Sundny, Friday evrming, Mny 21, nt 8:00 son-tn-lnw of Mr. unci Mrs. Hugh clnsses during the morning and the face an(] body when nn auto-! The science class of the e!ghth Mr. and M1·s. Rob~rt Ncwth of with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Powell. Whitney, wr.s ordained to the gos- wtll be attendants nt the basebllll mobile he was driving callldecl with grudc of the Leslie school vrslt~d Clrnt·Jotte had supper Snturday Movies will be shown. pel ministry by thr. New Yorlt game tn the afternoon which will that of Myr·on Cl'fllg or .Tacltson on tho state game farm ncar Dnns- night with Mr. and Mrs, Clore 'I'hc Olwmos Extension group

be played between the tenms of US-127, Cour miles fJouth of Les-1

ville Wedne~day. Fox, I meeting wlll be held Frldny, Mfty the Leslte nnll Stocllbrlc!ge high lie, cnrly Monday morning. Ho was The last of the civic concert Mt•, and Mr"t. Don Steffy and 28, at one o'cloclc, with Mrs. Al-schnnts. trtlren to Mercy hnspitar; .Tnckson, , series, sponsored by the Leslie' Lnmcnco and Morris Briggs had 1 bcrtu. Redman. The lesson, "ltaltun

The youth's cnr overturned and Music Study club, .wa:; given nt Sundny dinner with their parents,· Hemstitching," wi!J bo given. Offlrcr·~ Jn~o>talll!cl was demolished, 'l'he automobile of

1the high school audttorttlm 'l'hurs- Mr. and M1·s. Fred Br·lg-gs, . . Thread and matel'ial wi!J be fur-

There was a public Installation I Craig, who \;oas unhurt, wns d~m-, day evening, by tho symphony Ft·cd l31'iggs spnlw S~Jnclny at the nlshod, but ench one ig to lultc a of officers of tho recently organ-l~tged accordmg to state pohce,J orchestra o! Western Mrch1gan Dumnt church for G1cleons. blunt needle.

, !zed Women's Auxiliary of the 'I'roo~ers said Barrett was cr~ssl.~g college; Julius Stulllerg, conduct- Mr·., nnd, ;vrr·s. William Shn.rl~nd The Community Guild meets Lesllo post' of the VFW. at the US~127, going cnst on. the I'eul-,lng, and chlldlcn nnd Mr. ,and Mrs. next 'l'hursday, May

27, at eight

I high school auditorium Wednesday to~·rnl road. , He was bckoto<l for Tho Losito village council, at its Wynn Boyce nnd children had sup- o'cloc!r with Mt·~. Barbara Van-evening, Mny 10 nt eight o'cloclc. fatluro to yJClcl the right-of-way. meeting Weclncsdny evening, per with Mt·. and Mrs. Lon! 'rown- Dy!ce, Hulett roncl: .

' The other· car was going 11outh on/ ordered thnt the roof of the GAH I sene! Frt<lny night In honor nr I . . . · . • ---------------------------- the nHtin highway. · 1 n b . Ired 'I'(osnlyn Boyce's bitthclay nnniver- The semor clu~s of ill men~bcrs,

___ 1n ° I epa · . , " , 1 accompamod by, their adVIsors,



will ifinva Suncluy morning for thn IN FATAr, (1RAI'III ~cntor trip, going to Detroit for 11 GthblnR Howlnlt of l'llhqon wnR hont tt•lp tn Mnc!dnnw ancl Chicago nnrl rctnrnlnl{ by }HIM from MnHlw· In a l'nlal ct'aHh nonr Dutr·ott Slill· gon, day night. Hn drove hla cat•' Into

Mr. niH! Mt·a, Rex WllltlnA and tho r~ar of a car• pru•itecl oil Tole­family Hpcnt tho wnolt end If) Do-l gmph road. Inmtl Dittrich, 30, n. troll. ns tho guesta of Mt•, and Mt·a. paascngcr tn tho por•lcr.•ci cut·, woH Dicit Wever rtnrl fnmlly. ldllcd, Elrneqt Gclssr!, :12, his wtfo

Mr. nnd Mrs. Glon Kr·lb'l of Cnl- nnd his mother wrro nll Injured n,.q lfornla lli'C vlnlllng his Hlatcr nnd wrr,q Howlett, Gfli.~Hc t.nlrl pnllct! lln husband, Mt•, nnd Mt'll. Hnrold hnd stopped hl11 nnr to l'l'(lnlr his Glass. headlights.

A Fisherman's Parad~se

'l1JC board of revtew fnr the vrl- 8"·

1Y· •·M · Ed'th B · d M s 'tl Sn<•lul f<'"Pnt" lll•lcl · . • · Mt"' J-Jo\""t"' 'rn\VnRcncl and I 1 rs. ' I onrup an r, · llll 1, I' . . " ' " . ' . . lage of Leslie wrll meet Thursday •'· "" u ·. ' ' .

[ Roprd~~g~~d~~~~~~o~ ~dFI'ida~MeyW·a~2l,at~e M~. ~~ %wn~n<l ~d a h~y ---~·------------~~---·----~-~-~------------:ilic In~N~ ~ ~e ~ili- GARh~I.SM~OM~ll~~omO s~wcr 111 hoonr of M~. ~cla ~--~--------------~-----~----~------------~ [ torlunt of tho Leslrc · hrgh 11 m to 1 m Snoy anrl son, Robart Lee, We cines-!~

Right Here in Our

SPORTS DEPARTMENT \Vhem ynur c·wr·~· fishing PlfU]fl­

ntent nt~{'d ''an ho nw·t.

The Weather Has Finally Changed So why not change the appearance of your house by using

Benjamin Moore Outside Paints A complete range of colors

For the Kids

All Metal Wheelbarrows ................................ $1.49 All Metal Hackers ............................................ $2.75

Come Around the Corner and Savr~ At

Jacobs' Store

1 schooi f. or three events last week. 'G ' , · Rp. · t 1

t clay afternoon at the home of Mrs. 'I

[Thursday night the symphony 801 ge umsey was n rcn ° Lm1l Townscmd. 1 orchostrn of Wcstem Michigan col- Foote hospital, . .Taclcson! Sunday Chrrrlc•s Galbrenth and cbildt•cn 1tcge gave ·a concert under· the nus- morning for treatment. nrc visiting Mr. and M1·s. Fny

I pice of the Leslie Music Study T11e Piclrctt Bible class of the Townsend while Mrs. Charles Gal-1 1 club. lmmediately after the con- Leslie Baptist ch!\rch will meet breath Is · rccc"7cr.·ing from an

I c~rt the members of th. e junior E'riday afte.rnonn, with Mrs. Glenn. operation nt th~ Rowe Memorial htgh scl10oi class hnd to commence The Lesltc Unrtcc! Sunday eve- hospital, Slockbrtdge.

1 docomting the auditorium for the nlng services ~vas held at1ttw Bap- Mr. and Mt·s. Harrison Gale I reception they gave to the mom- tlst church With tho Rev. Wrlltam and chil<lrcn of Vandercook lalte ·hers of the senior clnss on Fri-1 VanV!eit, minister of the Congre- spent the wrek end with Mr. and I day evening. Then the decorative 1 gational .church, as the preacher. Mrs . .Jesse Campbell. I scheme harl to be changed for the r The serviCe next Sunday evcmng Miss Patty Brower cared for i Strawberry festival of the Leslie 1 will br. nt the Methodist chureh, Barham and Joyce Frinlcle Sun-1 council of the Royal and Select


. with the Rev, Carl Arnold West- day while their· parents were In 1 Masters where nearly 500 sat down phul presenting a program with Detroit. 1 to the bnnqtiet on Saturday eve-~ u.nusual musical ir:strumcnts n~d Mrs. Guerdon Usher and Mrs. 1 ning. object lessons. This serv1ce wrll Lizzie Usher ca1led on Mrs. Lottie I .-- begin at 7:45. Oalricy, Sunday.

I Plan Summer l'rogl'!Lm I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wllllnms

Miss Dorothea Rozclt . of the HUBB RD DISTRICT nnd son of Lansing spent Sunday lngham county library is mterest- A wtth John ·Usher,

, ing the pupils of the tlrst six 1 Eighth Grade , :grades of the Leslie school in a I . . . . . WHITE DOG I Rum mer story program which will Graduation exer c1scs were held [ b' d t d 1 · · th t' in Mason Monday evening for the lHrH, JU, V. Butler 1 e con uc c < urmg- e vacn 1011, . , . ·l . . .


reach Thursday morning at the CJghth glade. Shn cy tMI!Its and M All . t h' ". Wl 't 1 Joy Launstel graduated from - rs. · en '" eac m.., 11 e

i Leslie bmnch of tho library, with th' 0~. t, t n · Dog school due to the illness of

___ he sc 00 Plemc was 0 a . 10 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bolter i ,New IJons Officer;~ schoolhcuse Fn~la~, M.ay 14· Sqd,v wNe dinner guests Monday eve-

II local mothers assisting. ;rs 18 1h10 •1 . , h ld ttl I Mrs. Quinlan.

j The annuai election of officers were served a ptcmc dmner. A ball ning- of Mr. nnct Mrs. Lawton r of the Leslie Lions club was held game between the parents and C!icl Je, I

157 W. Maple Phone 21821 ' I 1 Monday evening. Richard Schmit children was greatly enjoyed by Mt:~ ~t;cl Mrs. M. V. Butler and '---------------------------'1 I was chosen UB president and the all. . Mr nnd Mrs L T Smith spent.

other officers as follows: Lloyd· Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mrner, who fm~ 'I'lmrsd~y to Monday night I i Dutton, ftrst vice president; Walter! recently retur':cd homlc ftrom. Art- in Kcntuclry visiting Pvt. Thea-·

~---------------------------, J' Hoenig, second vice president; Rev.· zona, were Frtclay 11 gh dmncr dare M Butler at Fort Knox. Paul 1'uclrer secretarv · Bernard· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester '

f + + ¥ + + + + ¥ 1 1 Hemstreet, tt:easurer; Lc~Jie Vince, 1 Snell, . · REEVES DISTRICT ~~ __ .-L _ __ lion tamer· Ford Chapman tall Wilham Barker from the VA • M Gl~·' 0 ~· twister; r,;1'd directors fa; two I ~~spit~! In Dayton, Ohio, is vis- t•s, u.uys tmsmore


Home-Made Bologna, lb ................................................. 45c

Fl·anl,ful'iel's, lb ............................................................... 49c

Liver Sausage, lb ............................................................. 35c

Slicing Bologna, lb ......................................................... 49c

Head Cheese, lb ................................................................. 35c

Po1·k Sausage, lb ............................................................. 49c

Sp.aret·ibs, lb. .. ................................................................ , .35c Pig Hocl•s .......................................................................... 29c Liver, po1·k or beef, lb ............... ; ................................... 35c Slab Bacon, lb ................................................................. 49c

Millerlile Market Home-Killed Meats


~Mi .. , !I "'-!~ l~ /(If til" IJifAG/l rrn~ c

The last word in Wall finishes! Now better than ever-thanks to wartime research- Kem-Tone brings you greater hiding power, durability, room 'beauty, Applies like magic! Dries in 1 hour with· cut 'painty' odor. Covers most any inte­rior surface, even wallpaper, with one coat.

years, 0, B. Wood and Clarence 1 1tmg hts family, . The members of the Reeves 1

VanderLinden, These officers. will; Mr. and Mrs. Chnrhc Hall were school district met at Mr. and Mrs. be installed and 100 per cent at-' entertained Sunday at the home ?f Stanley Marshall's Thursday eve- I ten dunce pins will be awarded at 1 Mr. ~nd Mrs. Forest Gorton 111 lning to discuss and. settle business the meeting Monday, .Tune 7, by Lansmg. . . for the school year. Karl Sorrick of Springport, pn~t Ilah Balte~· IS among- the scmors The Reeves school closed Thurs-president of Lions International. of I'll. fa~on htgh school tnltmg the I day with a picnic ut the school. A Het·bert Shaw and Roy Cosier, of trlp th1s week. potluck dinner was served at noon the Michigan Bell Telephone com- El BORHOOD and a program wns given by the pany: Jackson, was .Present at the DERBY N GJ:I 1 children. meettpg and. exhibited a motiOn lllrs. G. W. Sprmgman I Roberta Corwin and Janet Cole-picture showmg the development 1t W'l d M AI , man arc very ill with tonsllitis of the telephone by Alexander Gra- )Mrs. tA, a t' csox dan . rtsh. ' 0 ~a I and pncllmonta. ham Bell. C emen s spen un ay tn e r a Mr. and Mrs, Howard Townsend

___ Acldey home. . . n.ncl family called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie n.e,ldent Dies- . The 1 Stoclthrld~e Past Noble' Clinton Dunsmore and family

George Hull, 62, . a· .Jife long


Grand club met Wtth Mrs. Thomas Tuesday evening. resident of Leslie and Onondaga Poole Tuesday evemng. . Carol f!lld Roger Graf spent township, died Sunday morning at,. Mr: <;tnd Mrs: Tcdd Fay ami/am- Sunday with Marilyn and Jerry

: u Lansing sanitorium where he lily VISited fnen s near ason Lytle. I hnd heen sick for a number of Sunday. · · '.'J Mr. and Mrs. Burton Johnson months. The funeral was held from Mr. and Mrs. John Thot;tas of the Behrens funernl home Tuesday Ann Arbor spent Sunday With the~-------------afternoon with burial In Wood-IJatter's parents. . lawn cem~tery, He ls survived by a M~. and M~s. Orla Addey and Hammann's daughter, Mrs. Fred Noble of On- famtl:f. were m Ann .At hor Sun-ondaga, and a sister, Mrs. Llna dny. . . . , Hurlbutt of Lansing Robert Kmser of Detroit VISited Honle and Auto

' Lynn Springman Wednesday af-Strawllerry Festival I ternoon. s I

Over half the councils of Royal .Janet Arnold of Dansville spent upp v and Select Masters of Mlchtgnn

1 Sunday with Gladys Smith.

were representee:; in the nearly 500: B11l ~eyer ls helpmg Ed Otto- 1

who attended the 34th. annual I man wtth his farm work. 1f'KESENT5,. .. · Strawberry festival of the Leslie . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frmkle spe~t . · council held Saturday evening at one day last weelt ~rth then· . the Leslie high school auditorium. daughter ncar Webberville.



Lloyd Aseltine attended super­visors meeting in Mason Monday,

The Wheattleld Methodist Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. Max Eifort Thursday, I

Miss Vivian Jennings of Shep­ard is spending a few days at the 1

home of Lloyd Aseltine. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Vinnc

I c~led on Mrs. Nevn Hasbrook and children Friday evening In Leslie.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rathbone were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills.

Rev. .T ohn .Aseltine of Shepard was in the Sheridan ho.spital n few days lnst weelc with nn attack of pneumonia.

I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Donaldson moved Into the Leslie Wonch house .

I on Meridian road last week.

I Orran Aseltine is recovering' from a heart attack which took

'! him while vi~lting in Shepard over · the wcelt end. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Hunt of Williamston are maldng extensive repairs and alterations on their


fnrm home on Meridian road. Geor•ge Osborne and :Mr. nne!







New Kern· Tone

4-ln. Brush

Kem-Tone Trlms Pla5tlc Patell$3.49 gaC -· .

Paste form maltes 1 !h gal. paint, ready-to-

Mrs. Alex Grill were sunday ' cnllers at the Ted Roback home. I

Mrs. Lula Howarth and daugh-ter, Helen Rathbone, were in Lan·

' sing Monday. 1

$1.29 ea. $2.39 lSc up 2Sc lb. apply!

Zimmerman's Home Service MASON ··


I• NatlolUll Blood Program I

The American Red Cross has es• . .tnbllshed a nattonnl blood program

I to provide sufflcletlt blood and Ita derivatives without charge for the '

I products to the entit·e nation to help I . eave lives nnd allevlnte needless ~uf· ' COMPLETE WITH INSTRUCTIONS.

!{roger Tenderay Beef ... always fre:;ih, always tender

Braunsdeweiger ARMOUR'S STAR .

TOMATO JUICE 46·oz. tin

lb. 49c

8 NEt


'+fow to Make a 'Dollar

Dirl you !mow lhnt Kroge1· has to sell $80 worth of mct•chandls~ 11'1' Ol'der to malcc u net Income of $1? That's the way our low-prollt .margin figures out--we usc $79 out of the $80 to buy our merchandise, get It Into yout· hands, nncl meet general business expense~. That's why KrogCI' prices are always close to cost.

Rib..-Roastlb.69c 4J(


Saus~ge.· lb. LEONA - Sliced or Piece


, I

lb. 67c

Fillet of. Cod lb. lSc No Waste

Kroger Fruit cocKTAIL 2 No.1 39c cans


Five Luscious Fruils Combined

Libby's Beans. 2 cans 29c DEEP BROWN

. ··'·

Kroger ~eans, WITH PORK 2 cans 27c in Tomato .s~uce · · · · ·

Spotlight ; Coffee· KROGER'S - Hot Dated

No.2 cans



3 lb. bag S1.15·

~~ d PINEAPPLE JUICE 46·0%, tin 43c Kroger Bre,. a, •, KROGER'S

2 20-oz. loaves 27c

'-------------:..Jl·Better Bread Buy. Save More


KROGER MILK tall can 14c Vitamin "0"

BORDEN'S MILK 3 tall 42c can5 Canned




lb. 40c _ AERO-WAX

No Rubbing I


c.,~,2.Sc Pineappl,s',.: ', erato $6.19 Sweet, Juicy

Calif. Carrots l bchs l9c Fresh, Tender . , : · · ·

Calif. Potatoes 10 lbs. 69c Long Whit11 ·



j' fertng, The program Ia expected to · J

b* In full opeu.tton within three to . READY TO ASSEMBLE AND FLY . . . .. , ....

- nve yent4, " . j 5211 Maao~ L.::::::::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:...,~~iii.-... ~~~+ ... _.~-,-----... --~ ... ~~~:z. S 4~ .. ·.,., , 'H~~~·~ ~:~. 3lc Quart 5 Jc

'· ' ,

1 ,('----------------~~--·----------------~---------------IN_G_H_A~M_C_O_U_N __ TY __ N_E_·W __ S,_M __ A_SO __ N_,_M_I_C_H_IG_A_N~,~T-I_·I_U_R_SD_A __ Y~,_M_A_Y __ 20~,-1_94_B ___________ ~-------------------------------T_h_'re_o ___

' whlto shoeu, Two bun boy~ wore lr,, 'J', r,, To JI.It•c•t I D •11 M • I s • M 31 Mr. anrl Mt•fJ, VIncent Glllntt Wrtyno 1'aylor· nnd Churlei\ Wll- JONfiOU'I'IIl 110MB . ' clnrlt trousers with White serving' 'l'ho rcgulnr mPetlng of tho L. ansv1 e emona erv1ces ay un<l <irliJghtar, Kathleen, of Dent'· eox w'er·o Suncluy gucul.u oJ' Mr, und R I ·t 'V , Wllll P , , .• jnolwtrJ, T, L, Will bo next 'l'hursrllty tlfter-~ bol'll wore wue!t one! g11estH of thn Mt•u Leo Seeley or Mldc!loton 11 1~ 1 ' IU 0 • lUll al sons

1\lt'H, )J(lhlll Young The dinner wna prepared hy the noon Mny 27 at the home of . !nil cr's pm·onts Mr nnd Mru A ' · ' and I• rnnk H111 t a1-rl vee! In San

Dansville Boostc1· club nnd served by 14 Davl;l Illuler• Following the bus!- nov. Glenn Ill, Cnt•penter DC Lnn· Tho Donsvllle high sehool hnnrl, r Miller M;.' unci Mrs L~ul~ Clisper Smtrlolt and drntghlcl' JPrnnciHco, Cnllfomln, Sundny from

Jl.fnnulll llnt•lll'l\ti Rl'l'll(\ sophmnorca, The menu conHisted ness mcettn' and Jesson there sing, vctel'll\1 or World Wnl' I fl,\ld, Boy ScouUI, Girl Seouts nnd Vl1ter- 'Yuhnsz or lnn~ln ·s Jont w dn II and Mrll.• Annll Scarletl of Mason I .Juprllll whcrn I hey hal] boon ata." ]lor lllgh rldwnt ltt•(•cpllnn of escalloped chlcl!en, parsley will be a wle~er ronst.' .!Gn~h child presently aftlll~tad with the Voter- nns Of both wnrs will pnrtlelputol <illy ~ncl 'I'l;lll'~lh~ 1~t the ~JI~o; were Saturday vlsltol's of Mrs, llone<l with the urmy for the past

'I'he {iynmnslum of tile I. T, A, potatoes, buttered pens, molded who' attends sllotJici talco his own uns Admlnlst1atlon, wlli ll,e the In the parade which will rm·m at home, Mftrtha Shattuolt at Sun.~et Ha- two yenrH. '!'hey nrc cxpcetc(l S. WHH il'nnsl'ol'lned Into moonlit salrul, buttered rolls, mille, coffee, wieners main spcalwr 11t Dansville~ Me· the school house. 1 M

1 M Willi ffl von, home tho end nl' thl.9 wcelc. Wltrc'"'

gru·dcn11 rr~r tlJe junior-senior l'C· leo ,cream unci cake, / ~ · ___ mnrlul Dn~ o]Jscrvnncc for Mon- Ivan .Richner n,nd .Jim Hells will 1 wr·r~·· ,;~111/rsclnra,vlsllm·on~f ~~~:~~:Ids Monday guests nt tho home of is tl~c son of .Mr·. ;tnrl .Mrs, D. !..eo".:

ccptlon l•'l'l<lay evening, 1'hc color lJ allowing the dinner, dancing J1'nrm nun•un drty, May .11 • be astt·Hlc their mounts as mm·- lin Nm·tt viii Y 1


I Clmrles E Woel!s wr•rc Mr· unci Wm c nml Putk!on.9 pm cuts m•e Mr, , schc•me was red nml white with W!IH the diversion of the evening J Mr and Ml·s Will in 11 Mu •nch Spomlored !Jy the Murphy-mvnns shnlls or the clay, 1 Mr ~i~

1 ir ~tn\ so,u ~ yon,

1 Mrs, Rnlpl; Lawr•r.nco ~r Wn~hlng- nnd Mrs. GPl'llirl f'lli'Hons, Hart Is .. ~wnlng;9 ol' the mune colors which with music furnished hy Bob Wll- will ~ntm'liLin tl;e mamt~ers nl'' the 1 Pos.t, VFW, the tentative schedule Wayne Dnltor., posi. eommnndet·, 'flintily or' Ba{l~' w~r.; 's~~~~r~r ,~1~'-1 ton, D .. c., Mr. and Mrs. William lh<', son of Mr. an<l Mr·s. nlllph oxtcn~e~l over· ~'nr·cl tables whPrc ltlna and his orchestra. I I•'nrril Bllt'Oilll at their home next crtll.l for 11. .pnr·aclc an~ sen•lcc. at

1 hns Issued u cnll for all vot.emns, ner guests of Mrs. Illllimbeth i H. Lawrence of Ann Arbor nnd FIILlt.

tho g11csts Wei<J ne•ttcd for tho , --- fi1Iondny evening, Mlly Z•I."I~ollow.lthc camctmy at 11:1" at Which 1Whelher or not tlwy b•!long to llw Scr'lcy. Mr. and Mrs. Clnude Hunter of - --------banquet. Pineo Carris lll!ld<1 to rep- fl' & A. 111. In" tiie bu• I ness meeting til. I time Hev, Carpenter wlll dchver jiocul post, lo talw part In the Jlfl- M Lansing !\loth l.ar11UO resent rod nnrl whltP top hnts and Tlw Wllllnmston DoMolny will I wOI be fl ,iiscl;~"ion j,,d l>Y Leo his 1uirlress, r·acle, ; c nnd Mr.~ Nnhle Sherman ' -------progmnlH of tho snmc color motif I put on tho degree worlt In the· , . ' ,' '' . · , , ___ nnd I flllllly or JJ,flst Lansing" ware , , It Is generally hellnvocl that moth · completer] the setting Nonl'iy one Dunsvlllc Masonic hnll next Mon- ~o~orfi. A potlt:r.k fiUppcr will con- Boy Ht·unt NewH I Mr. and Mrs, David Woods nnd Monday evening dinner gtwsts of The Gnrdm1 :Sialo larvno nttnclr elothes only In tho thmmnnd Htnrs lnnlccri rlown upon! duy evening, May 24, at 8:00 p. m, / c uce tho even ng. 'The Boy Scouts sold over 5 tons family wcr·o Monthly evan1ng Mr. nnd Mt·s. All'rcrl Sherman, 1 Now .Torney's motto Ia "llherly summe1·thno. This Is not true. Moth .. the gnnlens where pine nnrl junl-~ -- A, , 1 !'~ lh•I'P!th•d A ,11111 of pnper this week as ll result or guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurlco I Mr. nnrl Mrs, George Vogt, .Jr., nnd prosperity," Tho alate !lower ogga talto longer to hatch In cold · per nnd lilacs were plnntcrl. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Otis were gg · ll their recent waste p~per drive, Swan of Mason, Mr. [llJCI M1·s. Roylyn Miller· an<! Is the violet and tho stutn !Jird the weather hut lito Inrvao aro at worlt .Juniper Intm·twlncd n plcltet fence visitors S1mrlny of Mr. and Mrs. I The ";ll'gles founrl defeat Ill the Part nf the funds will be used I Mr. and Mrs. Merle Freer and Mr. ami Mrs. Vincent Gillett were Elastorn golrlflnf'h, ~11 yonr long, which Hlii'I'Ottnrled the m·chestm 1 llllmcr Otis of Leslie, I hands ot an aggr·e~stve Lt•slle !ugh 1 to send n Care paclmgc to '' troop family were Sunclny visitors of

1 cntcrtnnwd Saturday evening at

with a hedg-e for the bncltgmund, I Mr·s. Sadie Behm spent the wee!{ ~;~1.00 1 team Mo~day arte.r·noon, tin mm·ope. The rom.alnder is to be Mr. and Mrs, Orville Dn.roe of Mn- 'dinner at the home of Mt•, and '£he wnlti'OHSPs wct•c dressed In end with Mrs, Cassie Rlechle of Ltl ors and fall me to hit m tho; I ctnlued by the p.ttrols to pur-l son, ·Mrs. Paul .Tuanlwvlflic or Lansing, white with reel 'lprons and wore Jacl!son ! pinches again were the downfall chase equipment. In the troop M 1 M I B I Mr and Mrs fi'tlpll Walker were

' ' ' ' I of tho team, Howm·cl of Leslie I activities of this month the boys d 1M', am 1

/18 • A extlander oycc Sund~y dinn'c'r 'gncsls' of their

pitched effectively, allowing no 1 at'c,, preparing for their nnnu,~tl 1b7 I', an~· "(fl. Arl MJUr BoylcMe or ~on-ln~law and ciaughl~r Mt• and ~ ... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••; 1lllts and no runs, Charles Howcl1 1 Camp-O-Ree at Camp Klrol!ex on R uGca~r~, Dlno 8• am t'. nne t'S, Mt·s Wttde S<·udder or S~llm: •rr· 1 nncl A ·tin L 1 •• 1 tt J 1 c r1 6 . . mac onald or Norman Ole- '· • · " · II pitc•!J'tnlg lrdtitlensncef .s1aDter 'Jl'e!. u~el '', d aln. b.' thl t! I lahoma were week end gue;ts of n~HI Mr·s. Wayne Wallwr [ll1d sons Custom Painting

Lacquer and Synthetic Enamel

Welding Arc and Acetylene

Safety Glass Installed

HOLT BODY SHOP 2182 N. Cedar

Holt Phone Holt 7-4141

A. B. Concrete Products Co.



l!ighesl quality Product~ 1\lade with. the Best Material

MORTAR STEEL SASH \'osltor.~ Arc Welcome!



. Flt·st place west of US·l27 at 3.81 a West Harper road

· .... J~h!!nc·lfla.son 21845 YOUI~ PRODUCT UJOlroRE nUYING .

. or ansv1 e ... w 1 egu nt 1-mon y mcc ng 1 M. 1 M F , , t B· . , ut New Hudson were also guests allowmg 16 hits. ~'he final seorc of the Inghum District Scouters' l. 1111' ~s. "mr<s "'ury Ill there. ·was 16 to 0. On Tuesday al'tct'- at Camp Kiwanis last Thursday honor or thc1r 2ilth wcdcllng annl- M,

1 M, J p ,

1 I ll t . ' · verw1ry I r. nne IS. , nmes m {S of I noon 1e cam, ~Ia:,:eci an Inter- cvcnmg wn~ attenrlcd hy Dell ·' · . Lansing were sunday visitors of ; squall game, lhe JUntors nml sen- Mead, Rev. F. A. Lendrum, Guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Mrs Ona Almond l?rs opposing the" sophomores and Charles :Sutton aml Roscoe Arnold. M~solff Sunday wer·e Mr. and Mrs, / M·r. nncl Mrs. >Vnync Otis and lr·oshmcn. On 1• rrday the final 1 In uppomtment of the district V<.rc ~chupp and daughter, Kay, .Jimmie nf Wllliamston w"rc Sun-

1 gamr. of the season wil be played committees for tho coming year, Of M1Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Frank· day visitors of the fanner's prrr-

1 at Haslett, Mal'Odilh Patterson was placed on Greene of Ypsilanti, Mr: and Mrs.· ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. otis.

, --.- t11o camp1~1g committee, Dell Mead .Tames Barclay of Dctrort and Mr. I Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Humrick , W. M. S. To 111•,nt on the f;nance committee and and Mrs. Frank Motz of Belle:vue., and son of Webberville and Mr. ! The Woman's Missionary society Charles Sutton on the advance- The occasion wns Ill honor of the nncl Mrs, Wynn Boyce nne! fam-1 of tho Free Methodist church will mont cmmmttee, birthday anmvursary of Mrs.' ily and Mr. and Mrs, Beryl Smith meet next Wednesday, May 26, nt . . Mu~olff. · I and GladyR of Stocltbridge were 1 the home of Mrs. Alfred Sherman. Att~ncl Tlgcr-Brawns Game . R1chnrd C~mpbcll, who hns been Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

, Tl1e meeting will be called at 2 Srxtecn membel.'s of the baseball m the. Vcte1nns h?spltal at Dear- noscoc Amold. o'clock, Mrs. William Freiermuth, team were in Detroit Saturday tc born, Is now at ~Is home. I M'r. and Mrs. William Lovejoy will have charge of the progrnm, 1 attend the Detl'Oit-St. Louis' ball Mtss .Joann .wrtt was a week and son of Munith wore Satuniay

, ___


game. ~he boys were accompanied end .~ue~t of Mrss Jean Bartlett of, evening guests at the Owen Bach- · ' Hrwc,alaureah' •Sen•iees r1y then· coach, Charles Sutton, Ypstlantt. 1 man home I 'rhc baccalaureate service for Robert Thompson, Ito bert Hood Miss. Beth Wood~ span~ tlw weeki Mr. anrl. Mrs. Lo1lis Bat·ket• and I the class of 10•18 will be held next 1 and Bruce Dill. In the morning, end w•th her cousm, Mtss Georg- 1 Ida Mac were sunday visitors of Sundn.y evening, May 23 in the tl~e. boys attended the baseball • anna Post of ~ason . . i Mrs. Anna SguiJ·es of .Jackson.

I school auditorium at 8 o'cloclt. chn1c where the mn,Jor league j Mr. and M1s .. Tames Bailey of 1

Mr. and :Mrs. Ray Henderson of Tho following is the program for players. tallced to the boys and M~son a.nd Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Lansing were Sunday visitors of: the evening: processional, lllliza- demonstrated the different phases I errclt Barley of Battle Creek and Mrs. Irene Braman. 1

beth Carr; invocation, Rev. Euler; of pitcl~ing, nmning, .hitting and; Mr. ~nd Mrs: Ha:ry Boughner M 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Taylor: senior high chorus, "Open Thou other mterestmg thmgs about, La~smg we1 c VISitors of. thmr and Mr. and Mrs. Et·ncst Stetler' My Eyes," directed by Miss Cobb; baseball. i patents, Mr. and Mrs. Ir.n Bailey, were Sunrlay visitors of Mr. and I prayer, Rev. Lendrum; solo, "Oh, --- I las~ week, because Of the Illness of' Mrs. Dennis Tnylot•, I Lord Most Holy," lllthclyn Hannn; Sehoul To Close May 28 then· mother. I Mr. anrl Mrs. Leslie Yost of' senior high chorus, "My Task;" Sch?ol closes next week, May Ted Foster of .Holt spent the Belding were guests Sunday of scripture rending, Rev. Euler; and 28, WJth the annual picnic at w~ek end wrtll h1s mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scott a vocal duet, "Hear Us, Oh Fa- Ple~~ant lake .. On Wednesday, me- Olive ~oster.. Mr. ancl Mrs. Will Cor·bin of tlwr," Cleona .Johnson and Yvonne ~mmat10~1s w.tll be grven all day ,:Andrew M1l~house of Stock- Leslie spent Saturday with Mr. Clark. The address will be given ;md there. wlil be no school on, blrdg.e and Mrs. Thmnas C~venrlcr and Mrs . .John Corbin,

1 by Rev. Murray Morford of Ma- Thursday 111 order fm· report ca~·ds , of .~tegory were Fnday VISitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Friermuth

I son. A song by the senior class to be marlted, Fnday mornmg i Mts. Paul Hedglen. . of Fitchburg were Fl'irlny eve-and benediction hy Rev. Lend rum buses Wtl! . operate as usual and: Mr. and Mrs. Fred:rrcl( Berger


ning gtlests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will conclude the program. I students Will receive their report i and daughter of Spnngport, Mr.: Freer,

___ cards after which they will leave nnd Mrs. Lee Ham del. of Mason 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy West and Plan Commenc,emcnt .Excrdses I for Ple'asant lake f?r the day. 1 and Mr .. and Mrs. Maur;1ce Monroe Mr. and Mm. Ronald ,west and [

Commencement exercises will Bu~~~ will leave the lake for. home and famrly of Webber~1~le a~d Mr.! family spent Sunday with Mt·, and: he held next Tlmrsday evening, at 2.30 p. m. Any pat·ents w1shmg and ~rs. A. C. Berget were en-: Mrs. Grant Dunsmore of Cold- •

1 May 27 in the auditoi·Jum of 1. to attend the picnic may ride on : ter:tamed Sunda,Y at the home of i water. I

I. T. A. S. The program will be the buses. •' Mt, and Mrs. Mike Kuch, 1 Mrs: Floyd Warfle of Mason was I opened by the salutatory by Ma1·y , . . . . M.r. anrl .Mrs. G. E. Manning and' a Sunday visitor of her mother, 1 Lou L1bey followed by the Iiistory I. T. A. To Have Pwmc Mny 28 i Davi(J wet,e week end guests of Mrs. Mary Niesen, at the home of of the class by Phyllis Taylor. . The P. T. A. is. spon·s?ring a :the formers. parents, 11:fr. n~d Mrs. ! Mrs. Irene Braman. Ethlyn Hanna will sing "Bless PICntc ~~1 .cooperatwn With the G. H; Mannmg of Yps1lantr. • Mrs. Gertrude Bohnet and son, This House" and Joann Witt and! school l~Icmc at Pleasant lake, Mr. and .Mr~. Dell Mead al- Wilmot, were in Corunna Friday

1 Roger Church :Will g·ive the gifta.l next Frulay, May 28. All parents tended the weddmg o,f Ro?ert Tur- to visit Dr. w. B. Dakin of Los : tory. After that will be the proph-lrn the community arc welcome. A ner and Mary Lou 0 Dame! nt the I Angeles, California. Dr. Dakin is : ecy by Gerry Bohnet and Roger baslcct lunch will be served at Bushnell Congregational church in an uncle of Mrs. Bohnet and is I i Favorite .. The· .... will will be I n?on. T. mnsport~J,tion will be pro- DetrOJ.t Saturday afte~·noon and visiting his sister at the home of given by Evelyn. Brooks aiid Vir- Vl~lod at the school for all who. f~e dmner and receptwn follow- Dr. anrl Mrs. Bush Moore of glma Howell. Yvonne Clark and 1 Wish to attend. g. , · 1 Corunna. They also visited Mr.

: Cleona .Johnson will sing a duct I --- 1 MI. and Mrs. Russell Hayhoe, and M1·s. Ed Franslsco of Owosso. I and the valedictory will be given y,.~ung l'cnple To Meet Mr. ~nd Mrs. Arthur Somers of • Arthur Olson, .Jr·. and Frank

Dansville Veterans

Join The Parade Of Your Fellow Veterans

Monday, May 31 A parade with appropriate services at tl;e cemetery is scheduled for 12:30, May 31, in which all Dansville vet­erans are urged to participate.

Rev. Glenn E. Carpenter World War I veteran, now· associated with the Administration, is the principal speaker. •

Dansville High School Band Boy Scouts Girl Scouts

Veterans of Both World VIars


Will participate in the program. The parade will assemble at the school for the march to the cemetery.

Ivan Richner and Jim Hess Will Serve as Pat'irde Marshals

All veterans, whether members of the post or not arc urged to join in this observance .

Sponsored By

Murphy-Evans Post 6894


-===f~~~~············~ 1 by Kenneth Richner. The mem- rhc Young Peoples Missionary Lansmg and ~r: and Mrs. Robert Michalczuclc of Dcarbom were

"" ! hers of the chss will be intra-' soctety of the Free . Methodist Somers . of Mason and Mr. and Sunday guests of his parents, Mr./ ! duced by Superintendent Searl church Wtl! m~ct this Friday eve- Mrs .. Orin Voss, Jr., Were Sunday and :Mrs . .Arthur Olson, Sr. I '---------------------------~1 I Briggs and diplomas presented by mng, May 21, at the parsonage, evemng guests of Mr. and Mrs. j'

l~eecro~ry~llie~udor~~ F~liow~g llie bu~n~s mooting Wayne D~~n. ~-~--~-~-------~----~·---------------~-----1

1 cation. there will be a program. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crusoe of ROW CROP


The most economical way to make ensilage .in the field. One man with tractor, Sky· line Harvester and trailer can cut and shred 10 to 14

tons of ensilage per hour. Attachment for short crops available.

The pick-up unit and row crop unit are inter­changeable. The Skyline will pick up and shred 6 to 10 tans of field! cured or green forage per hour. The ideal way to make ensilage in the field. Same basic unit used for green forage harv·est•!t

By simply ,removing attachments and adding chute and feed col­lector, you have a aelf-powered feed grinder. A very efficier1t mill for the farm,

Wilh Skyline Harvesters, Skyline Trailers and the Skyline Blower the job of making ensilage is simplified. One mor1 can do the field work and onu man can fiH silos with the Skyline Blower.

Silsby Implement Co. , I ~


The seniors have received their .Jackson were Sunday visitors of caps and gowns and will begin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Swan Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glover. wearing them this week Friday. attended a shower Saturday eve- Mr. nnd Mrs. George Fogle and

I They are tropical blue in color mng at the home of Mrs. Henry· Barbara and .To)!ce of O!cemos 1 and lhe caps have white tassels . .Jensen of Fowlerville in honor of w~rc. Sunday v1srtors of Mrs. I They will weat• them until after Mr. and Mrs . .Arthur Peterson. ~t.nnw Grunes. ~l's. Fogle was

I commencement exercises, . Mr. and Mt·s. Henry Brotherton fmme;Iy Helen Bn·d. , --- I of Wheatfield were Thursday visi- .Tamce and Kay Moran of Web-1 Senim· Sl<il> Day Hell! . t.ors of Mr. ancl Mrs. Sam Wil· bcrv1lle and Manlyn and Tommy ' The members of the senior class 1Itams. . Voss were entertamcd Sn.turday J accompanied by their class spon- . Mrs. Grace l{innc was a Sunday afternoon at the hom~ of Mr. and

I sor, Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs, dmncr· guest of her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Don .Leonard m honor of . Paris Witt, enjoyed their "slcip Frank Kleinsmith of Ann Arbor. the th1rd btrthday anniversary of I day" in Lansing last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Freer and Step~en Leonard. . 1 They arrived in Lansing at 10:00 Lynn were Sunday vrs1tors of Mr. ~l. and Mrs. George Mttchell I a. m. and went to the Fisher Body and . Mrs. Harold Rindfleisch of spent Wednesday With Mr. and

I plant, after which they visited 4Je I Wl.lhamston. , Mrs . .Jack Yaeger of E.ast Lnn-state capital. The group separated ,Mrs. ~oy West spent Monday. SJng: . .

cat the noor hour for lunch and \\ rth her SISter, Mrs. Irving Mtss Vwlet Muench of Lansmg 1 in the . afternoon part of the Holmes, Who under went an opera- was a weelc end guest of her par­I group vrs1ted the Michigan His- ti.on ~t the Rowe Memorial has- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W11l1am 1 torical Museum and part went P•taJ tn Stocl<brldge last weelt. 1 Muench. ' shopping. They then met again Paul Reynolds of Coldwater Mr. and Mrs. Charles Musolff and . then went bowling. In the spent several days last week at the and. son, Da":'son, of South Lyon cvcnmll' the'y ate at the Famous home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bra- were Wednes?ay guests of Mr.

n .Having sold my fa1·m, I will sell at pu~lic auction at the place 21j

2 miles west of

Leshe on Bellevue road to R1dley road and % mile north or 6 miles east of Onondaga, on

Saturday,· May 29, 1948 Grill·· and then attendcrl the man. . I and Mrs, W1Iham Musolf f.

I theatre. Vu·gn Kehris and son, Virgil Mr. and ll~rs. Lawrence Neis- COMPLETE FURNISLIINGS FROM A 7-ROOM HOUSE --- .Jr., Of Detroit spent Saturday at, wonger and family of Mason ware c

II Sttull~ng Livcstod,.· JiJdging , th~ home of Mr. an. d Mrs. A . .J,I wcclt encl guests of his parents,

3 Dress"l'S Boo.' •. ,case

1'he members of the freshman Miller. . Mr. and Mrs. William Ncis- • • Crocl,ery of All Sizes

Commencing at 12:30 o'cloclc, sharp, the following described property:

and sophomore classes are study- Ak and Mrs. Dewey Craft and wonger. Libra1·y Table IS-gallon Bane! Churn 1 Jn·g livestock judging. On Tucsrlay fanuly were guests Sunday of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fay and 2 Beds, Mattresses and~ 8-qt, Glass Chul·n I they made a field· trip to the and Mrs. Woodrow Craft of Bun- family of Stockbridge were enter- S • Aethen Witt; a11d Wilbur Singer kcr H1ll, tained Sunday at the home of Mr. prmgs, one ·a % bed Vinega

1• Barrel with Vinegar I farms and on Wednesday to the A baby boy was born Wednes- and Mrs. Gilbert Glover, 5 Rockel's C S

Henry Shenthelm and Glen Fox day, May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Richner were Heavy Oak Chah· ream epal·ator farms. The boys are preparing for Dockett· .at the Rowe Memor·ial in Granrl Rapltls Thursday on 6 Light Oal( Dining Chairs Shotgun 2 Hods the F. F . .A. judging contest at hospital 111 Stockbridge, The baby business,

2 C d Granite Pails Tin Pails

Michigan State college on June has be_en named Kenneth R<;>bert. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Seeley and ammo es Antique Apple Peeler 17 and 18. Mr. and Mrs. George H•nick of Mr. 'B.nci Mrs. o. Vorheis of Ann 4 Stands, two a1•e. antique Potato Crates Buggy Whip

I Detroit and Mrs. Glen Webster of .Arbot;, ~vcre week end guests of; 5 T~ables, extension, dropleaf, 1 B. L. A. s. IIIL~ts · Mason were Thursday guests of Mrs . .tehzabeth Seeley. . dish table walnut dJ•opleaf Grain Bags Coal Shovel i . The regular meeting of the Bap- Mrs. Ona. Almond. Mrs. Ona Almond spent Wednes- , ' Clover Seeder Corn Grader list I.adlcs Aiel Society was· held Mrs . .Jmedel] Barr and Clyde and day with her granddaughter, Mrs. La1·ge M1rro1' 'Some Antique Dishes and Tuesd'ay at the home of Mrs. Minn Laura attended the Mozart festi· Glen Webster of Mason. 3-piece Dining Room Suite Ful·niture :Mann. In the afternoon the bus!- val at Michigan State college Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Beach I Kitchen Cupboard 30-ft. Extens•'on Ladder ness session was held after which Sunday afternoon. and family of Lansing and Mr. p· w· • & S a potlucl{ supper was served. The . Word has been received of the and Mrs. Forest Campbell of' •.ana, mg on make Wool Box Some· Lumbe1·

I .June meeting will be at the home bath of a baby girl to Mr. and Mason were Sunday visitors uti I VIctro)fl and Records Lawn Mowe1· Tool Box of Mrs. Dell Mead, Mrs. Bud Schmidt of Lansing on the home of Mrs. Irene Braman. Monarch Cook Stove, new Some Tools

Friday, May 14, at the Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. Myron Holmes I Kalamazoo. Heater 16-in. ll'on Sledge F. F. A. Officers Elcetctl hospital in Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. of Mason were Sunday dinner O'J "'t S f At the regular May meeting of Schmidt were former residents of guests of Mr. ancl Mrs. Lloyd 1 ::l ove a e Spade Forks, Rake

the F. F. A. the following officers Dansville. · Broolcs. ·· j2 Rugs, 9xl2 Hoes Scoop · were elected for tho coming year: Mrs. A. J. Miler began serving Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Greenough 2 Congoleum Rugs, 9x12 Heavy C


President, Luren Bartleft; vice as juror Monday at Mason, and Mr. and Mrs . .J. B. Dalton Some Ingrain Carpeting Heavy Galvanized Pipe presldej1t, Gerry Bohnet; secre- Phyllis Williams spent the week were Sunday visitors of Mr. and B' d C · tary, Lawrence Everett· treasurer, end with her aunt, Mrs. Therma Mrs. .John Soniclc of Battle

2 1C1'

1 kage P'll Iron Vise

1 Marvin Brower; repoi·ter, Paul Curtis of Stocltbrldge. - Creek. oc s 1 ows Buzz Saw and Arbor ! Oesterle; and watch dog, Quentin Mr. and Mrs. George Merindorf Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Otis of Ma- Quilts and Blankets Chicken Feedet•s I Glynn .. The nomin~ting commit· spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. sofnMwere dd1M'nner guests Sunday Cotton Sheets Copper Boiler Half-Bat•rel Galvanized Tubs tee was selected from the senior' Dell ~awry of :Morrice and also o r. an rs .. Emery Freer. W h T b 1 K 1 class and consisted of Kenneth visited Mr. and :Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wing and as "! S ron ett es, 2-ft. Step Ladder Richner, Rogel' Favorite, David Lowry. family. and Rolland Will" were h·on Frymg Pans Kraut Cutter

It' Pollok, Norman Rector and Rol- Mrs, Minnie Bailey is ·seriously Sunday visitors of Mr. and :Mrs. Lnt•ge Aluminum Kettle with 2x4's and 2x8'~ la.nd Wing, · ill at the home of Minor Daven· Charles Wing of Grass !nice. cover G. E • d

port. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbin were as . ngme an A baby girl was born Sunday,

I May 16, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Yuhasz of Lansing at the St. Lawrence hospital. •. The baby has been named .Sharon Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Rex Townsend en- Su,nday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tea Kettles Lamps Cross .~ut Saw tertained Thm·sday even;ng at Charles Kirby .of Eden.' Baskets of Clean F1·uit Cans Quantity of Coal

Hall T1·ee Dyna_mo

Quantity of Carpenter Tools Tool Box


1 Y2 Bushels of Alfalfa Seed Y2 Bushel of Little Red Clover

Seed First Cutting Alfalfa in Barn Many other small articles not


My home and home fuJ•nish­ings"and equipment are free of vermin

Col. A1·1ie [. F' eighner Auctioneer

Phone Mason 7280

Mr. and Mrs. Leland ·Perrine n11d Louise an'd Mr. and Mrs, Paul Hedglen and R!chni·d . visited the Neils 1'ulip Fiel,d~ nt Holland, Saturday.

dinner in honor of the second Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 1\:inne 'and birthday anniversary of Raymond Wayne were Sunday guests of the .Tacit, Guests were Mr. and Mrs. latter's father; Peter Kimler, of Jess Bachmlln, Mrs. Owen Bach- Jncltson .In honor j;lf his birthday man nnd sons, Mr. and Mrs. anniversary, Mr. and Mrs.. Clar· ·

TERMS: Cash, all good to be settled fo1• day of sale before removal

Mr. and Mrs.· 13ob Pric'e 'and family were Sunday. visitors ·or the latter's .. parents, Mr·. al)d Mt·.s. Leo Glynn of Wlleatfleld, .

.Aethen Witt' and Charles Houser. ence Kimler and Mr. and Mrs. M Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell, Milton Hudson were also guests I rs.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Noxon of for the occasion. ! · ~ ·

Mason· and Mr. and :Mrs. Claude Mt•, and Mrs, Ahnarion "Sump- '• Campbell, of Wlilinmston fl.\ld Mr. tim.t and l'am!ly· of Olivet wercj . and· Mrs. Max Wm•fle spent . Sun· Sundny guests of . M1·s, . Ross day neat' St. Jolu1s, . · , · • Sumption, . , _ . ·- J _ EARL

Orpha B., Goble, Prop.

) I



Holt Ortunt.y Olflr•r•;• Ji}ut~r·lu.lnH ton Whlpplo wl11 havo charge or -----·------------·------·------------------------~--------·----~ I VANTOWN RIIOHlfl nt: tho Bt•own lwme WCI'e Church News MrH. liJthel Phllllpa, Jnghum the program and MrH, F'nye Crowe

nnt1nty rngiHI:or• or rJr.ociH, gavo rL rmrl MrH, Molllo Ru~sell are in Ml'li. Mury Dlxun tttllc n.ncl (!l:•play or hrw collnctlon charge ol~ tho Hllppnr, Mnar"' Church nr The N.,,,,., 11 ~, Mnn nv

Opr1n lfmtH" f'lannf'd of' hnllH Suturdny nl[{ht ut f.lw ---- r •• Murlunl, MiuiHI•"· lorrJu "· m. H: 111.j l I' " t I 1 1 b ' tl I I' 1 I'll II [• clny 11dwnl. I 1 :fill n, m. MHIIIlrH-1' WOI'I!hlp,, FrlcndH of Ml','i, A. E. WB ch :u·n ·rnsJ.Jy eJ• an c 1l11'C! 1 e,~I'O . 1~ . 'IIUf"ra " .t•s •.· h n



111, y

1111t.h umupn. 7 :ll!l P


Invited to nn opnn hOIIHIJ to !Jn held FJ'iend~hiLl clt•elc, Mt•s, 1 lttlllpli . f•'uncral srrvlcoA were )Jeld Snt· r i•:vuu~··IIHtl•· "~·:-vl•·n. 7 "' m. w .. du•·•·, on Sunday, May 2:1, at the homo bells hAve renciwd rtn cvrm l.wn lui'C[ny l'or Mr~ Mory ~ Parlett" dny ,v .. ni'"'· I hu """'"" """'"''"" m:,oJ· ~

f 'M w' I I.. I It M IJIITIU!'er] COllJlllJ!,' fl'Dill nllltty coun- I'" 't 2 't tl w, r ., lui( nf '"" """''"" with ulnntlou nf ""''·I o r•a, e c 1M t Illig- I t~J', r."i. 1 • J&J, a p, m. n. w Logan uncr- 1~r1rfi fn1· thu rww .Yr·lll', I Hollnrt Mar-tin, Mt·. fl.nd MrH. ltol- trio~. 'l'hom Ill'" very old bells, tl"W rtl homo with Hev, Wllson Tc•nnant ---·-·----lund Welch and Mr. nnd MrH. Ho· hells, clay bells, hl'fJSS ht•onze and nfflclat.lng, Burial was In North Holt Pr••bytorlnn, n .. v, y,,·nnu 'J', ~mllh.

1 hart ure to be hoslH ttl ir·ou hells, rnnglng from cow bnlls ecmctery. Mrs, Parlette died eat•ly! ::r:~~·~,}'; ~1,';:;:1"~, .. ~~::~,'~11 L1

1 :~::: 1;;;,1[,\:;•:.'

open hou~o honoring Mi'H, Weleh.l rllld Hlelgh hells to l.hc· miRHion 'l'ltursday morning at the Maca- I high rul/ow»hin ~'"ldnv :·venin~<. t•:v•·-1 T1w nffnlr will h<' h«lrl ft•nm l.:llO !·hells. - mara nursing home In Lansln!~ af- nln•t i""""" H '"";, H•·nioJ' hlrr,h f"ll"w"hit• · to 6:00 Sunday afternoon, ' Mrs, Phillips In lwt· tallt, pointed tPr Revcrnl months Of tllness She nnd '".'' nlglt'lt I "",",•,laly, I 1111"',1'1 '"''","'"II

. t I . I . I . I I . . . . . : WrHfllll) H Jill'(! llH w ll! II! I llll'tl( ~lY, I ou · tow mue 1 pcop e 'epenc on wns taken to the home Jnst No·[ Mny ~7. All "'""'"h »l!lionl olt'l•·n''" "';" ,

OhHHvc Ulrthcln._yH beliH tht•oughout: their lives. Ft•om 1 vembcr when her husband dlocl. ~··ncher» will m"nl. nl. H>llll l•',.idiiY, M»y [ ; Tht annual May JJirthrlay parl.y lhc brnlslcle bull l11 the hospltnl, the [ She wns born in Iowaln May, 1882.1 ~I. _____ ,

was held Suncluy night at the Bnl- alarm cloclc, the school bell, chtll'ch She is HUrvlved by three siBtcrB, Wllilnmstnn Nazeo·ouc, w. H. ua,·run1iut', I '

zcr home on Soul.h Atil'f'ilus when hell, the telepliOne bell and ·last, Mr·s,· J. 1-1. Schamp of Kewanee, j """1.,,., Uh111'uh "'''"",; 111 n, m., wm·•hi 1•i.'. the birthdays or Walter Balz,r, lhc funeral bella which toll. Mrs. Illinois, Mrs, Nola. Nolin of Day- ·~··vi<'" II "· m. und 7::111 "· m .. N. Y. ' Mrs, Stn.nley Ji'rocdlert and All· F't·unlt Bates ~ailed a short busl- ton, Ohio, and Mrs, Groce New-~ 1' s. 1 "· m, ---- · I · thony Krelnet• were ceiPbrnled. Tlw ness meeting, Mt·s. Ruth Smith ville of Flint and one ]Jrothet•, Wlli!Jnutoll Lutheran, 1•', P. 7.1mme,·muu, II eyenlng wus spent with Cflf'(IS nflcr HhOWl!rl two films .. Stanley Parlccr Frank Balcer or Lansing. '"'·"''"'·. l.c·~dnll .'.'"11, :1111 s. l'IILmiJn, Wnl'· which lee cream wns served with and Mr. and Mrs. Lawt•encc Parl(- _______ •h11• lltrvlce, 11 .. 111 p. m,

the blrthdhy caltc. Mr. and Mrs, er were In charge or the progl'llm A~sodat.lon l\ofr!etlng Wllllometon St. -Knth~rlue• Eplsco1u:l, Kreiner, formor nelghbot·s, cnnw and Mt•, and Mrs. Clctus Moore and The General Assoclatlon of the Jo'""""'' , Mncllougllll. '"'"toJ', Wn:·•hlp'

I 1\lt·H. r,, J. •, \VtlllnmH lift•, nne! Mrs, ,Howrm]• Gillett. nnd

Mr. nnrl 1\frs . .Nelltet• Mol't'lsnn or , Mi'H, Hoot. ol' Wwil Tlt•rtnnh, Mt'H, Lnnsing. li't·mi 13f'(IW11 llltH !Jnrm Ill Mat·y Kcnclriel!, Mt·s, Cnt'l'ln Llle[(ll, llw pn~t W£·nlc. Mn;, Gt'IWO Gt·••nnlng nnd Mt'Ji, Mr. nnrl Mt'H, P<'tnt• Gr•ndn:t of MalLie nunr!lmnn oi' r"ansing ltnrl Lr1nslng atmolltl!:e tll'e hit'llt rtf " Mrs. li't'Plln. Wikox plnnsantly .YIII'- daughter, Pmtlrt rr·ene, born Tlllii'H­[ll'lncrl ;\1t'H. Mnu :-ily on ltct' hlt'lh· day. MI'H, Gt•rtdns Is lhc daughter rlay unnivm·sury 'Ph!II'Sdrly, Mny :i:l, of Mr. anrl Mrs. Mrtx Cham/Jet'H.

· , 'rtw al'let'tlflllll wnH hjWIII. In 1•lsi- Mt:, an1l Mrs. Ben Mnt•sltal[ ll'ft I ling·, llei't'CHltllWIIlH ol' foe CI'Clllll,, TIIUAcliLY tnornin>;" to VIsit his ertlu~ nnti c·rH,i>ios wet'•' >J••t·vcti, I hmther ill Wnshlngton, :rtwy plnn

. I Mrs .. Jnc 'fhnmpHnn of' F'ernclnln to tout• tn Callfol'lliiL lnl:ct•·mHI will , :spent lilc weel< ••nd with her si9- be gm11~ about thren wcclm. i I t,r, Mrs." Vlrg-lnln Nemer. Mt·., 'l'ho Jlllpll~ nl' Roll'c sr:lwol nnrl

', . ; '['hnmpson nntl .fi:tlis Nemet• Mpcnt tltelr tettci:•Jt', MIHH Allee 1\{lller, · · ~ i tile W<'clt enrl In thn tishing. ntH] motlwt·a attended a t.henlrc

.·,. Mr. and Mt·s. L. P. WillinmA nnrll party in MnHon JnMt 1'hllrsdny cve-1 Donnlrl Hpcnt. Sunday wil.h Mr. and nlng, 'l'lwy lmd their school plenk Mt·s. Fr·1•rl Williams nt Brty City, 1 ot E::lln Sita1·pe pn.t•lc In .rncl<Mun,

'rhc Cncly Huiwol will ltnlrl ltH 'l'll£'sdny, Sdwol'•; out ttntll next plenlc nt the school hnllliU l~rlclay, I year wh<'ll Miss Miller will return MAy 21. "" our tenchct•, ,

A rlttughler, Clioryi Kay, was 1 ----·----born to Mr. and Mt·s. Albert CANAAN DISTRICT Schmidt, .Tr., nf LnnHing-, Mny 1'1. ~Irs, L1twrcnco nurgcss from Brown City. Wnlt"t' Balzer Mr. and MrH. 0, H. Moore were in Presbyterian church \will meet "'"'vic"' .1 ,., m., ehn,·ch """""' ·I "· m.

was conflncrl to his bed, hrLVIng eluu·ge or .the supper. The .rune Thursdrry, May 27, in the chvroh Wllllom•'to" W•sleyon Methodist, Row-ing been painfully injured In an j mnetlng w•ll he held Snturduy pm·lot'S wlth Mrs. Murtha Mason lcv, H. A. Cole. ron11tot·. Chul'ch •l'i~nor President 11. w. Buclcl •

0r Grc!


Mr.9. Schmidt waH l'nt·mct·ly Eileen Monroe or Vnntown. Mrs, Lorraine Wllshire and

~tJ·nt.or. Tioft'OAllll1CI1tR of homo mado Ito et'Cilll!, cnlce and col'l'eo WCI'O Al'l'\'cd by llw hosteHR.

Mt•, nnrl Mt',•l, Clllllrle Onrpenlot•, .rt•,, or Wlllinnwton wr.r·o gnoRt.s or lliH Jllli'CiltH, Mt·, IIIII[ MI'H, Cillllrlo~ Cll.I'JlOiltPJ', HI'., Hnnrln.y.

'l'hl1t year IL IH eHpcf'lnlly lm­pnrtnnt l.n do 11 good job rti' i\ll!cling lnmlm nnd "f lcePplng d<'rtlh lrtHHOS down.

Hilltop Flowers


Flowers and Plants

auto ttccident, night, .run<l 10. Mr·. and Mr.Y. Pres- rtn·' Mre. Florence• Grahnnt rrs host- Ill"' rn., cl""" lllcl•lill~ II "· m., "'"''"hit• u •""J "' H(~1·vlc1! II ::Jfl H. m. nnrl H p, m, w. Y. LH]H~fl Gr~yhnund ha;~ nnnounced

csses. Mrs, Mason wlll give a re- 1'. H. 7:1111 p, m., "''">cr ""''vi"" 'l'huJ'H· the election of John W. Powell us ROLFE COMMUNITY

daughter SntHit·u l~uy ttnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Wilbur of Lnnsing were M ondny evening callers of Mt•. nne\ Mr~. \Charles Mullrins,

Gnocl selection for m·ns nnrl


Get That House Trailer Now!!

MOBILE SPORTSMAN TRAILER, 17 and 19 ft. sizes MID CRAFT CUSTOM c·OACH, 23-ft.. size KITCRAFT TRAILER, just the thing for the fisherman

Immediate delivery Ot""n nuon !u ll:XO un w"elulays

OpPn all da:i un Suturclays and Sundny~

Jacobs' lrailer Sales First JlhH'I' nnl'th of l'lumrnl't' 1\hwhium·.v IHtlldiug uu South

Cedar Gr-'"NN ,JJ\COHI'i, 01\'lwr


Angel Food Is

Dream Cake Moist,

('.l't•atinn "" halwr's art. Saturday.




FEATURED ON SATURDAY Cocoanut Macaroons - 34c Chocolate Brownies - Sc ea.

For Memorial Day Picnics

Special orders of rolls, cupcakes and other baked goods . will be made up on one :1 :• · s notice.

Ice Cream - - - - $1.80 gal. In 5-g.allon lots

Mason City Bakery Underwood. & I-I all

Spri ntJ ... timel ..


Mackinaw Cl ty $6.05


·tl Mluml $20,85



If Phoenix ~ 1.85

~·~ '

and the way to go is

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Los Angeles .... 38,40

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Chicago .......... , ... 3.90 Toronto , ............... 7.06 Boa ton ............. 13,85 New Orlcnns , .... ,15.65 New Yorh City, 12.90 Grand Rapids , ....... 1.75 Pi'ttoburg ..... / .... 6.50 Sault Ste. Mnric .... 7.35 Louisville ........ 7.80 Dayton, Ohio ....... .5.55 Memphie. ........ 11.35 Charleston, W. V . .. 8.40 Muskc!gon .......... 2.55 Evansville .............. 8.50 Bc~ttoll Harbor 3.25 Kaloma1oo , ........... 1.90

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Call Your Greyhound Agent for Information on Schedules and the Following Special Services:

EXPENSE-PAID TOURS Greyhound'~ carefree, nll-inclu•ive tours include· hotel rcser:votions, sightseeing, en­tertainment, meals,, fares- oil planned in advonco tQ fit your individual plans and vacation budget.

CHARTERED GREYHOUND Your club or lodge. will enjoy Greyhound charter for conventions, ball gamos and pic­

_ nics, You'll be.amozcd how little a chartered bus costs. · ·

PETERS' DRUG STORE· riione 2·6131

tc//fe•.' ~' ~N<-~ty.; 'lt,· .~Jt "/.-f' h0'/;i?'•Zif ' . ~


I port on the P~·.,sbytcry meetini[ at day ~ fl· rn. I assistant. g-eneral manager. Drtttle Crcelt In ApriL Mttry Dtxon Williamston Wcslcyon Mothodist, 11. A. Powell joinPd Gt·cyhound in 1D28, wlll have charge of the blessin1; Cniu, '"'"tu:·. Wm·Hhin w•·vlc" 111 n. m. nncllw~ served In field and admin­boxes and Mrs. Marjorie Parlcer ""' 7 ::lit p, m .. ··lnHH mcclln~ II 11 • "'" lstrative post~; lht'oughimt the 0['·

I 'll b ' h f th dliii'Ch HCJJHJol Jl :Jfi ll, rn., JII'HYUI' Kt!I'Va

WI e Ill o urge o e nursery. icc. WcdncHduy, 7 ::Ill 11 , m. grrniza.tion. About a year ago he C\llllc to Detroit !'rom Cleveland as

Mrs. Elizabeth Ahrens was Wllilnmoton Christian Science Society, assistant to the president. I chosen president o( the Noble· 1 ~I Wcllt c;,.'""1. lliv•"·· Chanh .•cl:nnl DJirt'ng a y".'tt' ot' expanst'on,

. nnd wui'Khhl IWI'VIce II n. m .. mHI\\.'r.r:k u ~ Grand club at the annual meeting lif!t'virc, Hl~cnnd nnd fou1·th W1!d111~tHin;v Powell hns hcen inHtrumcntal in held WedncRduy at the home of n1. H ll, m. :::;ubject, Mny ~:1, "Soul nnd acquiring- 210 nC\V bus~s, nnc1 cf­Mrs. Martha Menhenlck on De]! I lloyd". Unldun T••xt., 2 c .. rlntl~i"""· li :Ill. feeling lllJmerous o p c r ali n g

1 M M D. I I Til!HJlOIHH\'u r·cnfilngo, PHulmH tl.!:li~H. roac. rs. ary txon s v ce- clmngcs for bc!.lrn· service to the president; Mrs. Clara Blis~, sec- Wlllinmston McthodiHt, W. A. I::·•·Kory, public. rctary; and Mrs. IVIartha Menhcn- pnKtnr·, Chur·ch nchool 111 11, rn. Wun>hip , ,

Ht'r'vicc 11 u. m., l(enend W. S. C. S. fi!'flt

llclc, treusuret·. Wcdne»day nt 2 ,,, m., ciJ·cl"" '""""d FULTON SCHOOL Three persons have sufCot'ed W•·•'"""""Y 111 2 p. m. l\lrs. Helen Franl<lin

I broken bones in the pust few clays. 5

M c 1 11

r 1 1

w 11

I !Jon Rey tripped while dir:nno~mt~ 1 11 :(HUil~ryJonJ'~~:I~m~' ~~~·t 11 ~. 1~~~P 17 11 :! )1~1:: The school children Hpent last lng from a 11_0l'SC at the Alvin H~r- Sunday mutili 7::ill nnd Jo::JIJ ll. rn., Fuw- IPriday in Lnnsing. rrhcy \Vent tig farm and brolce his arm. He iuJ·villc II 11 • m. thmugh the Lawrence Baldng Co. was tn~lten to the Sparrow hospital Williamston Bap;;;;:-H;11•0 ;,; Jt,.,,.., ""'' pluut anrl the Hoatherwood Dairy. for treatment. Jimmie Wade, 11, toJ', Churc~h Hr:hnol 10 u, m. WoJ'flhi!•l 'fhey o.lso visited the State .Journal brclw his arm at the shoulder •m·vic·:• '·' 11 • m. " 11 '1, 7:• :w p. m. ,J,nio,. and the museum at the college. while c1imbing in' the neighbor- and Senw•· h'TrliiJIH h :.lo p, m. Sunday

Hchool tenchel',"i lc!HKOII .:;tudy 'l'lnu·~·lllny Vernnn Cobb fl'}I out Of the hay honc1 und fq in the St. Lawrence 7:15 p, m., JII'HYI~I· twt'Vlrc,., p.m. mow and hul't his head. hospital. Patricia SrrliHbury broke ---- · H. 'l'he Fulton school hold it9 picnic her shoulder when she fell down ~(~~!.~-~~·:~~~lor.F~~~~urc~c~~~~~!:1t, 11~ a. r:~: TueFHJn.y at McCormick Pnl'k, It stairA in her home last ThursdaY. Wot'Hhln Ht!rvice'Jl ,ll. m .. a~rl M:L) p.m., was 11 baslwt pknic wilh icc cream

Mrs. Arvid Rehkopf spent the YOIIO~ ''"""'"" HCI'V"'" 7:.111' ,,, m .. '"''"~I ,, I tl b 1 E t l . t l l . D t 't . 'tl M IWCJ)d~H n!,..dH at Jllli'KOOl\g'f' \VC!dne!ldny servcu lY lC oarc. 1 n er atnmen

\vee { en{ In e l'Ol VISl ng r. 7:3o 1,, rn, JJruyBt' nurvicc 'l'hun;day 7 :ao of gumes. and contests were en-and Mrs. Joe Brondell, :Mr. and Mrs. Rex Lamereaux of ''· m. joyed, ·

G d R ·q th b' th Lcslio na1>ti 5 t, Pnul E. 'l'ucl.;r·r, pa!-ltor. Mt·. and JVlrs, Nelson Ltwlt and ran apt s announce e tr HI :on Sund 11y nchonl. 11 :ou W<H'Hhip Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Luelc and

of a duughtcr, Carol Joy. Mrs. lif!l'vimJ, Semwn.luplt.:, "Judgt~s nf Mc!n". son drove to Detroit laflt Wcdncs­Lnmercaux was the former Betty HJI~->rdnl mue1ic by Choi1·. Union Kel'vict! at day evening. Wielnnd. Mcthndint church nt 7 :4r.. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Ording

Byron Welgman and liJu Hen- Mnson Christian Science Society hnloin were dinn~t· guests at the Harris nicl<Cr went to Houghton lal{e' over :-wr·viceK at thH church crH'nu1· of Onlt. d TJ the week end on a fiRhing trip :<nd nnd Pat'!> Htt'Ct!tH Hvet'Y Bundny nt 11 ~-Iartwcll h~me Sun ay. 1C Ord-also visited friends, Mr. and Mt•s, n. m. Sunduy Hc1hool fo1· pupil:i up to I mgfi have JUSt returned to Onrm-Bruce Jacohc\ the Ill{(! of ~IJ i.'i !wld dul'ir!g the Hl~~vi~l', daga from Arizona where they

·~ \Vednc:Hiny f!vc.nmy'. at , H. rn~! spCnt. the winter. 1\Ir, and Mrs. Cecil Vanderhoof chule:i tm;tltYIOilltJS of Cht'JHtltln Scwncc

of Howell visited Mrs, Vander~ henling. A puhlic reading t•oom iH open :rvrr. and l'llrR. NelRon Lueck .en-nl thu chun:h tlvery Sntunlny nftm·noon tcrtained at a birthday dinner Sun­

hoof's mother, Mrs. Fran1< Ahrendl fl'flm 2 tn fi. 'l'h~ 11uhlic. iK cot·diully in- day in honor· of :rvrrs. Luck)s and her sister, Mrs. Cora Weigman vitcd to ltttcnd thu Hnl·v•ceH nnd nHe tlH~ . Sunday. rt!:ttlin~ I'Dom. "Soul and Hotly" will llf' brother, 'ValtC!' Relue of Detroit.

tho Huhject of thu LnHHon-SemlOn in nll ! !vir. and I\.1r~. Clarence Ainge J. G. Chapman and William Tietz ChJ·i•tiun Science cohul'cho• ,,th.-ou~hout I wel'c in Quincy over the week end

of Mason are in Chicago on busi- the wnJ•ld on Su~ Mav •. 1. I visiting Ml'. and MI'E, Frank Kren-nea<J for the Major Appliance Co. Mnson Mcthodi,t, Rev. llc·ni'Y Lid<iieont, erick. this week. rniniHter. I 0 :on a. m. Mot·ninj.(' .wor~hip, A ~on wac; horn to ~1r. and l'vlrs.

1 Benton Yates and Gower Chap- Hichanl Peek, direclfll', o.~ mu.sJC: P1·e-, Burt McN~ily • ;man left Friday for a business trip lude: "Aoutmte Cantnhile . Wnlo:·; Of- e · 'to Chicago. They were nccom- f01'to1'y, "Adu>:lo", 7.ieHtn•·•ki; nnd. Pn•t,- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Franldln

Pllnl.ed by Mrs. Chapn1an and Mrs. Jude, "MoHHo Modei'Hto", Y>:aiHZYoKI<~ ... I cntet•tained at Sunday dinner Cor Anthem: With youth und •en1o1' choi:·H, M d M R B , f W If

Yates, who returned Sunday with "1\in~ All r.Jmlou•"· Vnil. S'i!l'mon: "Lit-~ r·. an rs. ay .town o . o y tlu FoxeH". ll :I 5 u. m. Chu!'ch HChoul, la]{e and rvrr. and ]'v(rs. Chfford

Mr. ates. Rnltil: John•on, Sul""·hiteodcnt. Carley und children Of Mttnit11, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnard and · son of Mayville spent the wccl< Miller Road Bible Church, Hev. E. A. land Mrs. William Dill of Okemos, end with his mother, Mrs. Effie Rulolf, puocm·, s :IIU a. m. Rndio h.-o::d- Mrs . .Esther Burton und Mrs. Jcn-' B tl CUI-It. !1:·\f:i Sunday 1\Chnol. t.l :00 Mol'rlln~ nie Mo.cldndcr and daughter of r

.~arnar· . wnt•shi)l, Sub)e~t: "~nleKtlt\(! arul t_IH· II Stockbridge; Do.nald Norton ancl 1!rs. J\.tary Dixon was called to ,Jew." 7 ::In M1s!-i Avel'ill Heed, home m~:-1- . . . ' . . • Gmnd Ledge to help cure for her Hiono:·y, will "''""''· Jtm Denntson ol Wtlhnmston.

cousin, Mrs. Wi11iam Idding, who Moson Presbyteri;:.;-;-M"''''"tll w. Simp ' \Vo~~·~-S;lortc~-t l'i\'cr is seriously ill. ~on, nn:-~toJ', Mot·nirl~-r woi'Hhi,P 111 :oo. Ser~ •

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clack of Ox- moo will lw '"l'he Church" Pineo 111 Oregon .has the shortest river In Arnel'iea." 'I' he l'll<lit• will .Hin~ ''A Son_g t! ld 1 4 ford were dinner guests Sunday of or Pence" by SihilinH. Ch~rch HChool '" le wor ; on y 00 feet long. This

their daughter, :Mrs. June Logan, 1,:,,; ., 1 r 1 :t r.. At t :an the HCnioJ' hi~h unique stream runs along the and the party drove to .Holland to Wl., g'I'OliJl will lt!avt:! t!Ht munHe Lo nt~ northern Oregon coast highway nc:Lr

th t 1' ' 1 Th · t(!nd a l'nll~· nt 'l'ecum~eh. Mr:;. J. E see e \1 tp dtsp ay. ose gotng Hlnl<lc will <ICcompnny them "" "'ons.oJ' Occanlalce, This river also has tile besides Mr. and Mrs. Clac]{ were The f!i10 ir will p1·escnt n. Hnct·c:d conccl't 3hortcst name, The D river flows Mr. unrl Mrs. Russell Logan and nt H:nn Sun<inv cve~i 11 ~·. 11We<ihncHdny n; from Dcvil's lake into 'he Pacific I

I Gareth and George Arnold. I li ;45 the Youth ehol\' Wl l'i! <!Ul'tit: !1 !r

6:4 a nnd nt 7 :4!i the nJult . cholt• wtll ocean, 1fr. and, Mrs. Warren Morey meet fot· the finn! r·elwnnml tor· the Hum·

1 moved into the rear apartment of mel' monthH. 'fhe youth choit· will con-! 1\l!ary Dixon's home. tinue to mi.!et until Children'H Dlly,

I Wednesday night the Holt Re- Mn•on Catholic Mlssi;;n, Cotholic mu>H bekahs put on the entertainment .will be tmid 11 t the chapel nt tlw cot·ncl at the Howell hall for the thir· of JcllerHon nod ChcJ'I'Y Hto·ects Sunday' teenth district, with a parody on nt 10:30.

"Romeo and Juliet." Twenty Holt · Stocltbridg~ Baptist, W. 11. Ja:·man, ~~~·'· women attended. tor. 'fhc Hn)l})}l lftrstltH'K cln!-!H meets With

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Budd, en- Mr. und M:·•· Wiliinm Rohcnon Fl'idav, 7 o'clock. Morning wort>hip 10:00, Jun101

tcrtaincd M·r. and Mrs, Ray Dar- chui'Ch meett> during thH Hermon. B!,ble lington and Mr. and Mrs. Harold school II :I,;, Choir tll'nctice :1t ~he h:~h Chalnbers of Flint, Mr. and Mrs. IU.:hool :t:OO. Bnccnlnureute HC!l'VLC'C S:(J() Riehrrrd Budd and. children, Mr. ut the high school. 1 and Mt'S. William Griffin and Stockbridge Met~ Mornfn·~ WOI'Hhip daughter of Lansing on Mother's 111 :au. Chul'ch HChool II ::to. · !luccnln· Day. .

Ronnie Surato spent the weelt end visiting his mother, Mrs, Vera Sura to.

Several mem hers of the Mason­ic lodge attended the annual straw·

rente ~erviccs nt the :-;choo( nt S :00.

Maaon Baptil'lt, Loyd n. Cn1·nwny, pas­toJ', Mol'nlng wot•ship 10:00, Sunt\;!y nchoal 11:15. BnptiHt youth fellowHhrp

·with lc!uwn untle1• dll•cction of Char:leH ·Lyon nt 6:30. Evening Hcrvic<! of i50f\g .nnLl Christian tcHtimon~· nt 7:30,

berry festival at Leslie Saturday 'Danovllle Me'lhodi.lehurch, Rev. F. A night. . •Lendt•um, JllUitOJ', 10:00 Chul'ch 'Hchool,.

A crowd packed" the :Methodist Al-thur Polloi<, HUt•erlutcndcnt. II''" h h Th 1 d F ld ' 1 t : Wot·HhiJ) Het•vice with a mc:HliiJ!t.] . by the

c urc ursc ay an r ay mg 1 IHJHtor. s :UII nu,cnlnul'cnlc sc,.vocc• .ut to listen to the 1nusical comedy, the :;chool. Community pt•ayet· mer.tmg 14Singing Saints," given by the Tue:-;duy evening nt s o'clocl\, choir to raise funds for the new addition which is nearing comple­tion.

Mrs. White is visiting her sis· ter, Mrs. Myrtle Kirker.


School News By Joo.n Rusch

Last Thursday · the campaigns for mayor were held. The various managers arranged the campaigns and they were presented in the fol· lowing order: Don Lehman for Joe Johnson; Bob Beebe for Jimmy Soper; George Bauer for Bob

Wheatfield Methodi;;tC'hurch, llc\', lo', A Lenll•·um, JllltltOI', fi:30 WorHhip Hen:ice with n mc~s'm~l! l1y the ]111Stol'. 1 U :30 Church school, LeK!cl' Wnrncr, supcrtn­tcndent. 7 :0!1 M. Y. li'. Sc!l'Viee. Mid\\'1•ek devot.IOJinl gel'\dce 1'h\}I'HdllY cven!n~ nt 8 o'clocl,,

Dnnavllle Free Mt!thodiot Church) Rev Lloyd Eult~1·, JlllStol'. 10:00 SundltY 1\chool LehuHl Perrine, :-;uttcl'int(Jndont. 11 :00 1 Pt·cn.chinA' Acrvice with ~t meHiillJ.rC hy tht.

·IULHtor. 8:00 Bnccnlmu·entc lst!I'V~ce ~~~ lhc Hchool. Community JWilYel' meatlng- 1 ueK­dny f~Vt~ning nt H o'cloclh Reguit~J' chu1·ch IH'flYCI' meeting 'l'hunHlny cvenmg- nt S o'clock.


Lyons; and Nancy Speimy for .Ann Mrs. Joseph Goeman and Mrs Gilchrist. August Goeman and children of

Election was held Friday, Bob Detroit were Sunday guests of Lyons was chosen . mayor; with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Plcltell. Mary :Menovslte named for cleric, Henry Anc),erson, accompanied Bonnie Mizer for treasurer, and by Clyde Smith of Mason attended Jimmy Soper for alderman at the Ingham County Council meet­l,rge. Aldermen chosen in the ing of the .American Legion of cm.sses were Don Redman and La11sing, :Monday evening. Nancy Johnson for the 12th grade; Phillip Fanson· entet·ed the Ea·

:Dan Garver and Mary Hallenbeclc, toll Rapids hospital Saturday for 11th; Jim Kelly and John Evans, treatment. Darrow Pollolt is in the lOth; Betsy Parisian, ninth; and ·Mason hospital recovering from an Patty Sowers, eighth. These mcm- appendectomy. bers of the council will be Installed Mrs. Bertha Hodges of Lansing, Friday. :Miss Sandy Hagerman of Alma 1

The junior class held a meetlng and Jay Court 'of Wheeler were 1 Tuesday, The receptlon was dis· dinner guests sunday of Mr. and cussed and Mrs. Rllter gave a short Mrs. Andrew Fqote and family. tallt. The junior-senior reception Mr. and Mrs. Hemy Anderson will be held Friday night, entertained at a family dinnct

, Sunday. Keeping farm accounts riot only Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daft and

Jean's Beauty Shop

I Cold waves and maehinelcss permrrnents. Hair styling and razor shapcring a specialty.


Jean Smith Phone Holt 3762


Record Bar Latest Recordings "SABRE DANCE" "SWII'IG LOW, SWEET CLARI­

NET'' Woody Herman 38102


Gordon McR<\c 15027


Margaret Whiting 15024


Rosetta Hownrd 37573


"BLUE AS A HEARTACHE" Tex Williams 40081


Hurry Harden 45053


."1 WISH I HAD NEVER MET SUNSHINE" Gene Autt·y 36970



lNG IN HEAVEN" ' . Roy Ac\!ff 38042

"MOTHER .GOOSE SONGS" Frnnh Luther C. U .. 100


JEWETT Appliance Co.

' i I

aids In flUng income taX. returns 'Carol visited, Mr. and Mrs. Lee i but also helps to improve farm Carl and family of Lan:itltg Sun- 1

business. · day. 1••••••••••• .. 180 W. A811 Phone 15511

1\lr~. Allee llt'fll\'11

Mrs. Mrtdeline Hazel stnrlcd jury Eugene Drrlwr and brother or duty Monrl.1y mnt•ning in MrtHon. Lan.<;ing were Sunday callers or

Glen Bmy's mothct•, Mrs. Rose


t.ltclr uncle, Charll!s Mulleins. Bray, of Dewitt, pass~d away mtd- Andt'l!W Schray nf Lansing denly Saturday night. called on his brother-In-law and

Mr. >mrl Mrs. Dm•t• Cady spent i slstct•, Mr. and Mrs. James Swnlh· fmm Friday until Sunday evening wood, Sunday. in Detroit. Tlwy rdso nttcnclcd· the Mr. rilHl Mrs. HatTy Gray of navy band concert at the audi- Lansing sp~nt Snnrlny with Mr. torium in East Lansing, and Mr.'s. Clifford Howeth.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Dorrl'll Mrs. Don Doolittle entertained


Open Iavcning!i

1831. Cavnnaugh roarl, % or. a

mile cast or Olcr.moH marl.

Phone Lansing 8-7G70 nf Onondaga were SRturday night at a Stanley dcmonslratlon lnst I nncl Sumlay gucst·s of Mr. rtncl Mrs. I~riduy evening with lot present.[ Freel Brown and family. Sunday Mrs. Undct\vood was tlie demon- ! .• --------------


The Ne-w. •. . . 100% Wooll'ace


So handsome~ Stm·dy .all-wool ·face for luxury

feeling and longer wear. · Cushiony jute base.

Two' smart new designs. (A) Self-color Floral, in beige, blue, rose, wine or green. (B) Multi­

color Floral in blue, rose, tan or green ground.

Here's the tug value you've been waiting for ... - I

only $29.95.~ Use it for every 'nig need: dining

·room, living room, bedroom.and guest· t·ooms,

etc. You'll be.amazed athow· much rug you

get fot so little money! ..

Names· We Both Can Depend On In Your Selection of Floor Coverings

AX-MINSTER ARMSTRONG 9x12 t'ugs and linoleums from th!!se compa11ies are available in limited quantities. · . · · · . .

Trustworthy Furniture

t, 'I


~ ' --~---------~----------------------------------------~ ' "The most sensible of all pleasures consists in promoting the pleasure of others ... "

' '

Book Talk rtnd wnrthwhiln hnnlrR, HIW]l us WOMAN. YOU WANT 'I'D BID, HOW '1'0 LlVJU BmYOND YOU!t MJDANS.

ovoning, Prizrs wm·n nwnrded to M•·s. Olivo Bt•own, Rny Phillips~: anrl CJiydc Smith,


Equestrians Post Summer Tourneys ''1-lm'H"nwn'H Hollrlny," o. hnrue Bm~nfll: Show

Hlww HpnnHot'crl hy the Icowlcr- Mernbom .or . the Dextr.r .Trull ville Driving drrh rtnil Dt•xl:cr 'I'rnil Stod; 1-lorMc club nrc hu~y mELitlng Slnr:l1 Hnrso dull, will he HtagcrJ ~plans fOJ' thtl fourth annual .hor·sc at l.htl .I<'nwlc•·vi!Je fnil'groundH on 'i Hilow, which will be held at the Sundny, Mny :w. AdmiHHion for Ma.Hon f11.lrgrounds Satll!'dny night, udullH will he fiDe r111cl children un- ,Tuly 17, under• the flood Jlghts. der· H will IJo n'lmilted J'r•ee, Proceeds of tho alTair wiJJ lfO Into

I-!tu·ncHs 110rses will be featured tho •J-H lmlldlng fund. In three driving exhibitions by lhc Various committees for the show Fnwt"'·villo Driving cllll1, whlchphavo bc·en announced nre:

W<•stel'tl hor·se events on the Selection of jurlge, Coml Undcr-

nnd tlctwtn, Ha.rlow Sly, Floyd Bnrtlott and Wlll't'on 'I'hompson. ·

Wirtcon ewml:e hu va been cliO R­on for tlw 'prngru m, mnHtiy west­ern In type, Hm·s"s nnd rldel'll are expected from all. partu of the state 11nd Indlanu and Ohio.

MSC Plans Annual Water Carnival

progrrtm Include western porndc wood, Hnn·y Allen lllld Everett t bll The annum water carnival at

class, pleasure class, chlldt•cn's Bal<cr; grounds and s a ng, Gus Mlchi"'an State colle"'c wlll take horsemanship, women's musical I Ow<•n; entrieH, William Dabb, Mrs. o " rijJOl, bending·· mce !'or· men, bcnd-1 Harry A. lion, Mrs. Ed Wuterstrndt, JliD.Co on Rod Cedar river Juno 3,

l M of and 5. It will coincide with tho trw rnee for women, mall race,' Mrs, W1lllrun 13mven< or and rs, elllltlr·en'e pony, mcc, women's Cera! Underwood; rihbons and college Alumni Day, and ha;r for

I '[ D 1 F'l M many years been an attraction for speed and ttcl;on, men's Hpccd and prom trmH, " r:"· n c • cs, ·rs. aetlon and the ''"·"'uc rucc. Vcl'llnn Asqmth and Mrs, Art returning nlurnnl.

I-IInchcn; public address syst"m, Nan VanDot·voort, East Lansing vm·non Asquith and Art Hinch en; senior, and Joe Bogart, Stllt'gls

I pi'Dgl'rlrn, Ed waterstradt, Row- rwnior, nrc co-chairmen of tho car­

,-------------------; land Frost, .James Frost, Darrell ntval, George Guerre, Fli~t sen!Ol', BIGGER DcvcrcrliiX, George ·runningly ant! ami R~th Meh1ko, Detroit semm·,

and Dale Hies; , · will ~·ergn as long and queeN of the BETTER Calf mplng, William Bra vendor ~~rntvul, whJ~h ha.s b~cn "named

Than Evet· Before! and Konnctt1 McManus; advcrtls-~ rhe Best Thrngs rn LJfe. ing, Mrs. Clayton Hulett, Robert The ~lumnl Day P.arade will be

1948 Wieland and William Dabb; food I ~cld dml~g tho afternoon of Juno.

I and conccseions, William Brnvcn-1 ~.· wlth1 tl~ wat~~ car~~val clanJ.c 1

.-----A New Feature---· We're introducing a new feature pagb to our

readers this week, one concerned with programs,

entertainments and recreations to be found in Mason

and smrounding communities. Articles for this en­

tertainment page should be .)eft with the society

editor by Tuesday morning ·of each week.

Readying Formals for Reception

Lansing -Home Builders

dol', Mrs. Everel:t Enl!er, Harold I el.~g 10 , 111 0 00 ege Ill~ I· 1 I Parlier and Mrs. Rowland FrMt; I tonum dmmg the even mg.

I "Summertime In Dixieland" will

II ' 'I Choralettes be the theme of'thc'recoptlon Fri­day night when the juniors honor

Final Wednesday j the graduating class, Juniors are

I II To Present )JUsy at wor!; completing last-min-oa nee , ' utc armngemcnls foi· the annual

I affair, A dinner at •no Legion Me-

Show l· Sprtng Concert m_orial buildl~g at 6:30 .will etu:t

M 26 i oft tho cvcmng. 'fhc dmner w1ll

9 h r . ay 1

• . . . 1 be prepared by the mothers of jun-11 t I / fho Lansmg Choralettes pre-~ io1· class members and served by / American Legion Bldg. , sented a concert at the Okemos boys. and girls from the freshman F A Armory Lansing I Mason, Mich. i high school auditorium Saturday class.

• . I I night, May 15, The affair was I At nine o'clock, juniors, ·seniors,

M 13 J ft 1 Music by sponmretl by, the ?l!"m~s 0 : .~: S.! faculty members, board of oduca-ay - \Jl and the C~W!~le~tr.s WC!.e tJnected! tim\ members and gUests Will pro-Nick and His 'by Don Prcurd Jf LrulSing, Aft~r eectl to the high Sr!hool gymnasium,

CORN HUSKERS I tho concert the chm·al group spe~t which has been transformed Into Sunday through Sunday

··· New Exhibits

··· New Homes on Display

Be Sure To Go!

On thH air llVet·y Srtttu·tf.ay at 11:30 Jr. m., 910 lu,;, •Station

\V. F. I>. F.


\\\a\~ it a PLEASANT bolidal· .. ···. . . ;!J ' ' ·.·- . -. ' .·. ,: ' .

· Drive Over

jhc rest of the ovcnmg at Sepeter s a sou them plantation scene. Joe 1 lu~t Room.. Cappo and his orchestra wlll fur­·r Sunda:f nrght the group sang nish music for dancing. Jerry Ray over etatwn WILS at Lansmg from will be featured s vo al'st 6:30 until 7:00. , a. c I •

. The ChoruJettes arc to present Chmrmen of the. varwus com-their spring concert on Wcdnes- m1ttces arc; . Invrtatlons, Joan day, May 26, at st. Paul's Evan-~ Rusch ?-nd ~asrl Frum; programs, gelical church in Lansing, David Ann G1lchn~~ and Kathleen Jro-Machtel of Michigan State college land; tlecorat10ns, Nancy .Johnson will be guest soloist for the eve- and Philip E?yno; nrenu, Mary ning, The concert wlll start at Menovslcc; dlnrng room, Margaret s :15. Watt; reception and check room,

Mason women In the Chornlettes Holen Terrhorst; and clean-up, arc Mrs. Miles Holley and Mrs. Ruth Van~er Ven. Much war!; on Pauline Braden. M••s, Ervin Clem- the reception has also been con­ents from· Holt .js also ·a: member tribllted by the· class sponsm·s, of the group. Mrs. Viva Ril;er, George Murthum · ___ · _______ _

and Lou is Lori. I . , meeting. The next meeting will be

.Tumor class offiCers are: Robert held at the· home or Alan curtis Lyons, pt·esrdcnt; Roger Hummel, ron Monday June 14,

From Ingluun .:.lounf.y Library

H011rB nJlun to tho })uhllo nt llnll MrJmnJ•:uJ llhi'III'.Y, MliHOJl r f~VOl'Ytlny ex• UOJJt flundnyn nnd hol!dnya, ::l~fi 11. rn, t.tondny, Wodnm~rlny nnd Snturclny, 7~0 Jl• m, DurinJ( Hchool you1•, 'fUOtH)n:Y J 2~1, S'fOI!Y IJOOI' IIOUJt ovory ~aturdny, 1 •3n.

Mnny of you lrtugiHlrl with Prl­voJo Hnr·grove, ant\ nnw will hr. JnturnHtc<l to lrnnw lhnt the 11Utlwr ha~ wrlllcn rt novel. SOMill­TI-IING'S GOT •ro GTVJD, U I~ thu stot·y nr: t,l\'0 young scr·vlcemcn who hnvo returned to normnl liv­Ing, nnd hnvo rctlr·cd with thoh·

TIME J?OR LAUGHTER we en- small i'nmlllcs to rm·nl living, joyed vory much. It Is oplaodea enoug-h· to provlfio tile nocesriltlos from the JIIc of Gnesala Hodan of Jlfo, hut few of the Juxm·ics, .One from the time of hm' iJirth to her day ,To!''s wll'o Carolyn ·is allowml young adulthood. Her parents wore to ~tny In hcd too long and a.n liirm Russian and their customs wore comes to hm·. 'I'hnt 11tcu makes the not nlways those or their Amerl· story, fm· she concoets the Jdt~n or ca11 "ontompomrles, though, hav- having a rndlo progrrtm glvon by tng chosen America ns their coun- two young mothers about. tholl' try, they felt oven more American chii<.Jren, It Is to be cniled Airing . than the natives, 'I'hey were Jdndly, Our Chlldr·en. Sounds simple, but good people, full of l!umor and In- tho whole families got Involved un­dustry. There are plenty of rein- tJI peace und quiet again settle on tivos and g1wsts who ndrl to the the world. It's not a rapidly paced fun of the rending. 'fhis would story, but evolves ·slowly M such mal;e good road-aloud f<)r adults. I happening~ .would. ·

As an Introduction td English · . . · · historical fiction S'I'RONG ROOM, GIRLS HAVE PARTY by Jere Wheelwright Is rocom- Tllota Rho girls held o party nt mended by tho critics. It is the the I, 0, 0. F. hall last Weclnesdny ~tory or John Aumnrle, Earl of Bristol, who was lmprlaonod In tho Tower of London because he hnp­pcnocl to ·be distantly in llne fo•· the throne. There he Is able to carry on· all the activities of the normal young man of the Court, except that he cannot .go fr8e.

We've bought a book that· we thlnk all husbands and hus!)ands­to-bo should rend, and now. we're Interested to sec how well ,it is road. It i~ HOW TO MAKE ·THE MOST OF WIFE by Margery WLI­son who hns written other popular

goirig UP!!


Hitting a now high

e in entertainment

e in fun and prizes

G in quiz shows

ht•glnulng 1\fnnlluy, May si. (10:30 • ll:,OO a. m.) from the

lhrll!s!N CoffPe ShOJI



, 1430 on evet•y dial

To The

· Roller Rink \

Grand Opening Is Planned

v1ce president; Joon Rusch, secre-/ · ' · . tary and Kathleen Ireland, treas-,· --------------------------------------------­urer. Harold Ware is president of the senior cla.~s with George Whyte as vice president; Nancy Cool;, secretary and Shirley Lindsay,

Make it Memorial Day or any week end



Wednesday and Friday Evenings .......................... 8 to 11 Saturday Evenings ........................................ ; ....... 8 to 11 :30 Sunday Afternoons .................................................... 2 to 5

Available For Private Parties Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Evenings

Phone Mason 21561 for Reservations

Located At

Hankerd' s Grove-Pleasant Lake

Grand Opening Friday May 18th



The New

DELLS featuring

Lake Lansing

JOE'CAPPO His Accordion and Orchestra


The O~iginal ·


2 admitted for the price of l.



At the Dells The Dells ballroom at Lake Lan­

sing will hold its grand opening Friday night, May 28. Joe Cappo and his orchestm· will furnish mu­sic for dancing and Jerry Ray will he featured as vocalist.

The Dells has oeen completely remodeled and plans have been made for dancing every Friday, Saturday and Tuesday evenings. Every Tuesday night is Pal Night

1 and two arc admitted for the price of one.

Free Movies

At The

Bulldog's House





South On US-127


Quid<, ,E'I'ficlent Service Tcmpthig Food Modm'l!.te Prices

The seniors, who returned to Ma­son Wednesday following their r trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls, I are also busy preparing for the I big event. They left Mason Sunday morning for Detroit, where they boardoq the Noronic, cruising dawn the Detroit river and across Lake Eric, then through the Wei­land Canal into Lake Ontario to Toronto. After spending seven 1 hours at Toronto the ship shoved Across from the court house off for Niagara Falls, where the group· spent Tuesday, While the tourists were at the Falls the Nor­onic was worlwd through the Wel­lnnd. Canal from the Ontario side I to Lalre. Mason seniors were ac­companied by Principal Harlan] Hall, Louis Gillis and Miss Jose­

Phone 24791

phine Carey,

4-H Club News The East Alaiedon 4-H Garden

club met at the home of Roy Bon-~ nell on May 10. Alan Curtis was elected president of the group and Marjorie Every was named secro- ' tary. Tho leader, .Jack Hudson, gave the members a quiz on gar­den problems, which was followed

I by n discussion on seed planting. Tee urcam and cake were served by Mrs. Bonnell at the close of the


Wlwatlleld Gleaner Hall SATURDAY NIGH'!',

MAY 22 Kiger's Orchestra

Glenn Lee, Caller Public Invited

MATIE~s CAFE Located in





Catering to Special Parties Reservations accepted up to 25 persons

239 S. Main Phone Leslie 97 ~1

\ MIDGET. AUTO RACES Legion Motor Spe~dway


I Every Tuesday.Night Starting May 11 Mic~igan~s·finest 1,4'~ile asphalt. speedway u~der the lights

Time Trials- 7 p~ m. Racing __,. 8:15 p. m.

· • Clau A Racing

Under :tho supen-iaion of William R. Jay

~----------------------~·· We'll mnto1'lrlln You with


other• · Social Dr>lllgH ON SA'l'UHDA Y .TDVl!JNJNGS Russell Mnsnn - Merlin Scutt

'/. m!lmi tHHI1.h nf .\!ll'flllw> I'hcmu t\un•liiiH 1·114


fo'lt.l•~l•! IIAN<:J•! HA'I'TTRIM. V

Cln re noughton's OrcJwqtm Squru·e anti Ilound Dnnd,ng

Curb Scrvleo

Bill's Place Holt

Sbc INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THUHSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 --~--------------------------~--------~-------r----- -------------~----------------------------------~---------------------Stockbridge Wriglrt, and r'eHpmtHc by coupty

[H'C,Yiclcmt, Mt'tl. Soyrnotn• PcrfJOil, Whn UllllCfltC(crf tho bUHJnOSH HCH• Hlnn, All cnmnilt.tccH g1wo tholt• I'O· ]JCil'ts, J'olloworl hy one minH!.e olwtches hy the president of clubH l'ejU'CHOtl tor].

Bll•lt•. l'lc1hnul l'htmwcl CHILDS 'flw C. C, lllllb wnn nntortnlnnd g-norlu to Doll'oll to put in sttH'ago Lender~ from tho vurimts Sun- Jlll'H, J.~nn 11 ,Jnllllijllln nt tho homo nl' Mt•u, Luelle Mohr until thoy crm Hud ·.rt hmHJO,

1\lrH, lJelmt JII,I'Jnltll

llome~ Culture Cluh lhml.eMr-~ to :liH!· 1111'«•1.

With the Home Culture club of Stoclthridgc llH hosteHH at the Presbyterian ehu1·ch, !IHJ :llHt un· nual mooting nl' Uw lnglwm Coun­ty IPederatlon or Womons' clubH wua held Wedncudny, Mny 12 with nn all-dny IIOSHion, Tllu morning meeting opcn"d with Antol'iCil nnd the Pledge of Allcg-II!Jlm in lt!ll· son followocl by "A Tlwnght. fnr• the' Day," nnrl 'invoetllion by Dr. F. G. Behner. Greeting:; WI!H by our local ]Jt'csitJenl, Mrs, Glady:;

'l'ho rtfl.ernoon session opened with 11. slmrt nrgnn l'!!dtul by MlsH Nellie Slephcns, Next oume elec­tion of' offlcerH ancl vocal mtmhm•s by two high snhnol gir•Is, Suzanne Wilde rttHI Merry HlltUJI<, 'l'hcy were !WCO!ll[lflnicd .by Johanna Morehouse.

rln.y IJChn<'li met 111Ht weoit with Dr, 'fllllt' ovunlng, Mny HI. 1'lwm Wultcr Olrlnm· lHIH boon hmno F,' Q, Bohnor, ehnlrmnn, to plnn M1•. nne! Mt',9, Morell Hnlteu of wore 30 Jn'r.scnt. Luncl1 was from his wml1 ln. Mr1son f01• nov-for the annual vtwation scllool, T{!nncyvllle rond rtnuounce tho en- am•vml. oral days on account of llhlCHA, Uc

1 Mt•s, r~tlltrln. Mtu•shrtll WitS elected gngoment nnd coming mnrrlugo of Mt•, uml Mr~. Ora Smltll of Tilr.t• lws br~n tultltlg x-rnys In I~nnulng-, soorHtary. Classes wore planned their son, Robert Til., to l-lll!'rloL Lon Rupldll srent Sumlu.y with her Callers at tho Dullns ,Jones, for· chll<Jren, intormedlutes unll IiJdwinn ·mrlmnnn, of Mr. Hinter ru1d lmslmnrl, Mr. und Mt'H. hmne tho past weelt wm·e Mrs. junlm·a, 'l'hoy are to be hold at tiH! unrl Mt'H, I-Jnrt•y JUrlamnn or Oldtt· IDru•I .Johnston, her frrther, .lDclwar<l Jessie Dyer, Mrs. [{orney :rones public school bulldlng und nil/ homn City, Oltlrthoma, 'l'he mar- Blg-g:J. nnd Mr. and Mrs, Rolrh Hrtyl!Or, children of the community are ri11ge will be solemnized on .Tunc Mr·. tmd Mrs. William Comstoolt J Mrs, Eldnr1 Sharp of Sylvnnln, ur!{ocl tn siluro In this Pl'oject,


5 at 8:30 p, m, in tho Crown visited their dttllghter, Crmnlc, and I OI1io, who hns been stllying with ~'he clute is .Tune 7 to .Tunc 20 Heights NllZILI'Cne church nt 01\ln- family nt. .Jnclwon Slln<lny, her slater, Mrs, Walter Glclnnt·,


'rho nddrcsR of the <111y was "Mnl,lng- the Most of Your 'l'lme" hy Dr, SanHwl W. 1-Tm'lwell ot: the Mi,hlgnn Dcptp·tmcnt of Mcnlal Health or. Lansing.

und llw time from 0 to 11:30 a. m, homn <;:tty, The bride is u gradu- Mt·. ·and MrA. LeRoy Norris anrl spent the wcelt end with her sis-' --- ate of Classen {high school und non spent S11ndr1y artemoon with tor, Mrs, !~loyd Gibson In Wil-,

Mrs, Kinsey entertained 30 wom- Central Stnto college nt Tildmond, I Mr._ nnd M1·s. William Comstrwl< llnmston. ' llll at It storlc shower at her farm Okln.homa, Robert served three nn<l family, Mt·s.Bcrttt·ieo On· and Mr. and Mrs, Lester I-Tel'l'lel< rtnd homo, l~rlday, in honor of Mr·s. years In tile Pacific m·ca durlnfi friend of .Jacltsnn were also vlsl- .Joan nnd Mr. and Mrs, Cltcslcy Clur•ence Millhouse. World War II. He attended Los- tnt's at the Comstoclc home Sun- I-Icrrlclt of Muson callml on Utcii·

Come and see our new, improved models! They're

almost humunl They can even put in their own

soap! See the new Bendix Gyromatic, •• it doesn't

have to be fastened down! ·

Now Opeil

After the final reports of com­mi ttccs on roglstmtlon, courtesy resolutions and tiHJ presentation of the new officers the mcc~lng was u.djouJ•nrrl to meet next September Itt mast Lan~ing,

Guests at the Culver home ove1·. lie hig-h school and Is now attend- dtly, aunt Sunrlny. the wcclt end were Miss Janet lng Bethany college In Bethany, -----·---~ ~---Homsher of JP!int, Guy King 1nr Olduhoma, The couple will mu119 OAKWOOD AURELIUS Ann Arbor, Ml~s Chtu•Iecri Joss and their home In Bethany. · Mrs, Howtml llllrrltlll Mt'M, Mary Dr<)scht~ Raymond of Kalamazoo, Mrs. Lena Pawlasl<i has been

T11e Ladles Aid society of the confine;! to !lor home with illness, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Osborn Bnptlsl church served dinner to the M TtmMI'otns;!'d, son


1 Mr. band and sons riwvcd to .Tncltson Sat­

Chlll'Ch services will be held Sunday morning· at 10 u. m. Rev, Charles Brooks will be the gucHt speaker.

Now get l'id of ALL the

WOl'k of washing for just a few dollars more than

you'd spend on an old·

fashioned, hard-work

washer! Easy paym<;nts!

l~·ngngenu!nl. Annllll!H!nd 'For tim hPst In )Hltmlleum pt'fJ· duets HI'«' G IJI.l•', Mr. ancl Mr·s. Robert Sortor an·

rcfrigemtor ]o~ker men and their h~:ln, r~Cl~Cil~~~~Sf]~~' O~Yil~ WO~~~ i Ul'df~y. wives from tlus put'!. of the st11te --g----·---- P ·J Mr. and Mrs, Howard I-Tcrricll last Tuesday evening. L I N t' l were Sunday nftcmoon callers or Opl!ll 7 n, m. lu 11 ]1, m.

nnuncc the engagement of their

I daughter·, 'J'hclmu, to Hugh Cowan of Gt'H11Cl Rapids. Miss Sortor hnH taught .Ychool at Grand HrLpirls for

The Grand Trunk depot and · ega 0 tee I Mr, and Mrs. Walter Gidncr. Family night will be held Thurs.

day night, May 27, nt 8 p, m. The feature of the evening will he a hint hunt pt•ogr·am, mach wom­an'fl admittance fcc will be an up ron.

freight house has been repainted. DID~ wXNTED Mr. nnd Mt•s, Fran!1 r~angham Mrli, Bertha Barr and Miss War- Scnbl "'''" w'lll he """"''t"d unl.ll H hllVC lllflVCd Into Mrs. Lillian Jef-

rlclt of Mason were gucHts of Mrs. 11. m., .JtUJ!! 7, 1 U·IH, fu1' tho fcry's tenant houae,



12 years. '

Mr. und Mm. Arthur· Cobb made Gu~f Service

Corner ol' Gl'dar and Cnlnmhl!t

B · •'o si"lel' Ml'S Adele l'roctor ellggln" nf 1170 feet nr 1''"'"'" fn." wuLcr Mt• and Mm Don Dassance and arr •"' •1

, • ' nwluH In L!w clt.v nf Mwwn. LaYing 1111d ' • . ' Sunday. Ml'R, Barr has just re .. c:ovr•rlnf' nwlnt~ will he donn hy uw city. chllUt•en were callct•H of lv!r. and turneci from spending the winter Tho '"'ivll"""· i• """erlocol hy tlw city Mrs, Howard Herrick Sunday.

Mrs. Fred Fnnson, who has been In the Foote hospital, Jacltson, the past week underwent un operation. Tuesday.

On display and aold at our Ash ~h·ect store­Two Stores to Serve You I

a business trip to Holland, l'ucs­rJay. i Ir]orl<ln """""" 1" rc.wot nny """ nil hid,, Ad- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Plclwtt spent n • dJ'efiH hldH to 0Jly Clerk, MnHun, l•'or '

Short Way Lines I


8:31) a. m. 11:05 a. m. 3:35p.m. 7:21 p. m.'

'-'11 :01 p. m.

TO ANN ARBOR 6:24a.m.

10:09 a.m. 2:09p.m. 6:19p.m.

':'8:49 p. m.

• Friday'r;, Saturday,,, Sunday~ and holidays, arul dnys preceding holidays only.

A?" ~he Answer to At! f'lf G Your Housecleaning Needs Above the Floor, the dimin­utive TIDY ... a new kind of above-the-floor cleaner.

On the floor, the distin· guished .TALL, , • perfect for rug cleaning.

TIDY TALL (with nttachM


~H.IiO $53.25

Tidy, the 7% pound cleaning wonder that &lings over your shoulder by an adjustable strap. Complete set of light weight attach­ments clean upholstery! lamps, draperies­dust floors, walls, stairs-spray insecticides ond light lacquers.

Toll, a marvel of case and efficiency-cleans rugs to perfection. Handle locks in position for easy under-furniture and rug-edge cleAn­ing. Dirt-spotter light hunts out dark-corner dust, Easy-to-empty, nccordion-top hng.

They're the "PERFECT PAIR"-right for nil your housecleaning needs. Other G-E up­right cleaners can also be bought in combin­ation with the Tidy.


Coll'ins Sales & Servic'e Open Saturday until 9 p. m.

222 S. Cedar Phone 24291

Mrs. Clyde Bmdshuw is enter· fHI'ti'"'' h1fnrmulion """"""· I··•·unk llnldu, Sundrty Wlth Mr. and Mrs. Dalla,q tuining her siBtm· Miss Met Gor~ 0·1~1 Bnl'ncn• Stn!IJL, Mntmn, t;hninnn,n of ,Jones. I f C I , A' 1 b ·t C d wntur commlttc,, By ""'lee· ol City Gonn·l Mr. and Mrs. 'l'om Kelley t'e· ron o a gary, , ,, er a, ana lt• ell 21w2 . this week, -'------------------.. _c ___ i calved won! of the brrth or a son,

ORDER FOR APPEARANCE J Kurt Wayne, at the Sparrow hos-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown en- Stnt" nr Mi,hl'"'"· 'l'hu Cie·,nlt. Con,.t pita] to Mr. and Mrs, Wayne

tortaincd Mrs. H. D. Brown and roo· tho. County or In~hun;., In Chnncc;·y. Fclglmcr on May H Mrs Fci h-

Mr·s. Mag·gio Bascnclorf and daughter, Eva, of Detroit and hal' niece and husband of Canada wore Sunday afternoon callers or Mrs, Corn Grinnell.

The Aurelius P. T. A. met last daug.lltcr Bnt•bara of California VAIIIJI!OLA MAI!I.,\Hicl' SII8RLI;Y, ·. ' . · • · g . . ' " ' . ' Plulntilf VH, VINGI~N'I' 1'. SIIEI!LEY, IJe- ncr lS thea• granddaughter. for dmner at the Hotel Hayes

10 fun<l,;nt. . Mt•s. Peggy Brown of: Detroit A centipede mrely has n hun-

Jacltson, Sunday, Sn>t 1"'nelln• 111 the """•" ""Uti"" and Mrs. Ray Miller moved their drcd Ieo-s; rarely more than twelve. R ·v laJ•mall attended the Michi· """"'on Lim lHih <illY of .Muy, 1114H, . "

l'hursday evening.

L • • , • In thiH •~nuHr! It nppnnr'llll-t' f1•om nff1~ g~n Convcnt10n at Kala- davit on file!, thnt tlw df'f(lJHlnnL, VincrJnt mazoo last wee!\ Wednesday, F'. Sherlr•y iH not. H l'eHidt~nt of ihln Hlftl.c!

Dart&. Cady Two Stores to Serve You

141 W. Ash Phone 23111

360 S. Jefferson Phone 4311

Thursday 'tnd Friday. but. .thnt hiH lnHt. l•nown ltdclt·t!HK waH !lb ' Mnd1t1on Avnnuu, Albany, New York.

1\lrs, Emn1a Dicldnson and Herb On molinn of Ro~· 'I'; Gonloy, nttot·nt!Y HAVE YOU TASTED A&P's THRIF'TY-PRJCED

called at the L, B. Parrish home fo!' tlw Plnintiff, It I~> orrl1!r~d t.l~nl t.lw · S 1 ft Hntd rlf~fnndttnt, V!ncl!lll 1•. Sht~t·l11 y, lfl Jackson ~ unc ay a. ernoon. C/IWil! hiH appr~ni'UilC!e to h(! tmlt:t'cd In

~Irs. Bertha Rose spent last thiH cHuKP within thnm month~ ft·om thu \"celt at her ·on' in Detroit while dnt.c o.r th_l:; or·dl!l' 1!nd thnt . '" tl~~ruult


·v r S S thct·eot nnul Bill ot Complntnl WJII lw hiS Wif.'C Ul1dCl'\VCllt an operation, tal\et),j]}\ Cnn!l'li~l',tl, and t)u~t within ffHl,lo'l

Mr. and 1-Irs. Arthur Cobb enter- dnyM. the P_lntntifl entHw tht~ ordcn· tn ht• . ' . . ~ ,~,1 d JlllhiL"llH!d Ill the l~g-hum County N1!W:->,

tamed ~or dmner Sunday, . .1v r. an It n()WHJlfl!let· 1m!JJiHi1Pd nnd cin.:nlutcd I Mrti. A. Lindberg of Gaylord, Mr. 1\'ithin !;1'\id (!0\lllly, Hllld ]lllhllention to and Mrs. Norwnod Cobb of Lansing lw con~inued onl'e in nnch wnl'k fot· Hix,

J NE PARKER ~~~~~~? People Tell Us They're Simply Marvelous and Amazingly Low Priced

. th h.ld f St I ~\'uelcR rn HIIC!CUHH!on, and then· o er c 1 ren o oc <· Outed Muy !Hth, l!I·IH. bt•iclge. CHAI!J,I,~S H. JL\YnJ;;N

Mr. and Mrs. Mannie Hoffmeyer ~. ·~;~·;~ ~7;'1[."" 1 Cll'cuit .Joul"e have returned here after spending Tn"hnm CJonnty c;,,.k tho \Vinter in Florida, By: Knthleen AIHticl, Dupuly

Mrs. R. G. Sortor attended the , Hoy '1'. CuniP,v county llbrar·y star~ meeting at ~~~f,';~~!: ~~~~;IJ~!~~lntilf the Ingham county ltbrary at Ma- ~1 or. Old< 'l'owe1·, son, Thursday. LanrdnJ.:", Michig-an

Next Sunday evening wlll be the -- ORDER or PUOLICAT-IO_N __ _ baccalaureate services at the high FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT


school gymnasium. Rev. Jarman of Thorburn-June 8, 19·18 the Baptist church Will give the St,l.n of Michi"""· 'l'he Pl'ulmlu Cuuo·t

d th B t , t h i '[] fnl' the County of Ing-ham. address an · e ap lS C 0 1' Wl At 11 Hf!HHinn of Haicl COII!'t, hc•ld at thr. sing tWO numbel'S. Pr·nh1rtr. Oiiir:e in tlw City or MnHnn, in

The Friendly Bihle class of the Hnid County, ou the 17th day of Muy Methodist church held its May A.~;.~,!,~·;~· noN. J.OHN McCLEf,LAN, I meeting and potluclt Sll)l]ICr in the Juri"" or Pl'ohutc. . dlllrch dining room Monday eve· In tho Matt,,· of' tlw EHtutc nr I1A Vlfll.

· It 1 th 49th wcddinn- 'fHORBUHN, n(!(~f!HHI!d, nmg. was a so C b HOWAJW SIMS huvin" lilo•el io <uid anniversary of Mr. and 1vlrs. Cor- court h!:-.~ finn! tuJminh;lntlilln nccnunt •. die Bowdish. The tab]c was at- nncl hi:i putition pr•ayin!.:' for· the ILII<m·~ I tractive with lighted tapers and ancn Lhct·eof, ancl for Uw usHiJ.:"nmcnt nnd

i diHtl'ibuLion of the 1e1;1idut• of Hnid m;tntt•, arrangements of spring flowers n IL i• o 1·dc1·,.,1, 'l'luit the Hth day or honor of the occasion. .Tune A. D. 11l4H, at len o'cloc·k in tht• I

Mrs. Biner spent last week at for·cnoon, 11l said Prohnte Olfice he nnd b iH IWI'PhY 11ppointrd fol' t>X<tmining- nruJ 1

Mr. and ' rs, oy Me ott , Jlf'Litinn. Ann Ar or. l\I R Cl d nllowing H,tid account und hc:~r·inl{ ~mid I Eleanor and Ji1nmy were in De- rt in Fut·t.lwr Or·dmed, That Jlllhlic· trait ]ast Thursday to attend the nnlit·" I het'f'of ,he 1-('ivcn hy ptJhlicntron

· · I ,.. of a copy of th111 nt·der· fo1· th1·ee suecl'H-funeral Of thea• SlStet-in- aW, j\11rS.

1 Hivt~ wcckH Pl'tlViOUH to Hrdd clny or hr!ti'-

Hcnry Anderson. inl-:' in ttliie lnuham C:ounty NDwA, a ni!Wii-Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haukcs lnarH~I· '~l'inLed nnfl clr·culatcd in Haid

and two children fr·om East Lan· County. JOHN MeCl.ELLAN sing called on Mr. and Mrs. R. G. A Te·ne Copy J"""" of Pmh11tc 1 Sortor· Sunday afternoon. c. Re:ctl.y

Mrs. Maybelle Howlett, Mrs. Rc"~<ter of Prohnlc 21 wa


Redi-Meat 12-oz. 3~-•e can If. ~

Sunny brook

RED SAI.MON St,,ndord Quality


Ann Paqc Dessert.

SPARKLE 6 Fla•ors

Grade A Fancy

No, I soc tall.can 1

2 J4.oz. bats.

full qu~rt



4 pkgs. 25c Nora Kistler, Mrs. Alice Kator and Mrs. Ruth Howard attended a dis­trict W. S. C. S. meeting at the Wayne Methodist church Tuesday.

Council Proceedings

I APPLE SAUCE M1·. and Mrs. Wanen Petoskey

and sons spent the week ·end with

his parents ut Harrison. M>~<on, Michigan. May 17, I fl<lH. Coun-Dr. Behner is to leave for .Seattle ell md and wa:; ealled 1.u oJ'dt•r· by Mnyor

next Saturday to attend general Morrhwn; lll'eH .. mt.. Aldt!t'm'~n Dakin, !Jat·­assernbly of the Presbyterian lin~. Post., Shelllll'd Pai'HOIIS and 'J'hoL'­church The young <>']rls Marilyn """!" Ahc;cnL, none, • . • o ' 'llw fmnncl! commltLtiC! reported the

Ntchols and Carolyn Drown, who l fnllowlng clnim.'i H nd l'ecommcndcd thoil' I attended the Youth Rally nt Kula· allownncc: · mazoo will occupy tha··pulpit next Miclw!Hon-Bnkc<· Lumhec· Go ....... ~:nr. . .J6 Sunday lleuch Mfg-, Cn. ............................ J ~.·~,·~,'

· • Sinclnir· Hcfinin~ Co. .................... o 11

,J. B. Dunn ...................................... :!.1 ii Ehvin V{iley ,.,,,, ............................. :!S,O() McCownn nnd McCownn ............... •lH.l;i 'fhe FcrTiH Co ............................... ~7a.on 1 Ccntnll Scientific Co. .................. !1.1111

Mrs. Terry Hatch and Mrs. lH!omctMitc c Cof'p. 0............................. 2 1:~; I Lloyd Shl!on Wel·c Wednesday 111" · ' 1"'"" '"· ...................... ..

Mich. Bull 'l'ulephottc Co. ............ 2.~fi guests Ot Mrs. Ben Burch, The .nudley Pupc•· Co. , IS.II7


Fancy s~dions of

GRAP~fRMIT Halves or Sliced

UBBY'S PfltCHES Morqan's '

APPLE ]mCE Unswoctannd

GRAP~FRUIT JUICE Oraoqe and Grapofroit

BLUmED JmCE Florida

2 ~~·n; 27c No.!~~ 30c

46-oz. 17c eon

46-cz. con



COFI(Ei~ CAI,ES Three Tempting Varieties:


ANGEL FOOD BAR only 49e oo.






only 19e ea.



ANGEL fOOD RiNG Onlv 35e ...


ea. f_) p~nn 29e ------------------~-----------~------------------------------

Peali•Ft•esl• A~ P PRODU~:E WATERMELONS ~~;~:er~r lb. 5e Red-Ripe . Fresh-Tender

TOMATOES 12 o;, ~re More ca. 25¢ GREEN BEANS Fresh-Golden Yellow Fresh-Florida

GREEN CORN 6 ears 29c EGGPLAt~T Long Green-Outdoor .


Garden-Fresh-Home Grown


NEW POTATOES 10 lbs. \



large bch.



63e I Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Fell and Eu,t: Lnn•inJ< fimvel Co. ............ 4.GO

--------------------------""------ family were Sunday dinner guests Doyle Bu,."e'" ................................ 1.31 - Prier. lm;ti'Umcnt Oivi.'iion .......... 24!UJH

of Mr. and JVIr·s. R. V. Dangler. c. B. Rosclnu·, ............................. J·H.oo

ORANGE JUICE 46-ot. con

21c 21c TENDER! : • • JUICY! ••• DELiCIOUS!

A&p~s ••Super Rigltt~~ Meats

Put The Pep ~ack In lourCar

Give yourself and your car a break by putting it in top shape for summer driving. Come in and let our motor doc­tors put your car in smoother running order.

Parts and Accessories '

We h~ve parts ·.and accessories to handle any repair job.-. Come m and look our stoc.k over. .

Somerville Service

Mr. and Ivirs. Alton Weston Contt'Hctor Puhlh;hing- Co, .......... 22.75 t s t l en' g with Mr 'l'l'HVee'He City lf'On Wol·ks .......... lH:\.7:1 spon a ·ur( ay €V 111 • nnard of Cemcl£!1'Y 'I'I·u.-;tct:.'l ........ ~·! 1.:10

and Mrs. R. V. Dangler, City Em 1Myec< .............................. Miss Mary Hall spent the week Mf's. Jennie Fontana .................... 2.1111

end with Loretta Howe. F. R. Bowman and men ................ 8U::!.:!a B d Normnn Weldon ............................ ~.ilo

1Yir .. and Mrs. Lytnan rown an 1'he report of tho fillHnce committlll.! baby of Belleview, Ohio spent Sun- wn• adopted by lhe following vote: Yens, 1 day with · Mr. and Mrs. Lyman 6 : n~'YAid~·,.man Post: I Freshoul', nesolvetl by the common council that I

. Mr. and Mrs. \ViUiam Stead1nan one of the !roliccmcn he lnid nif in order I and Mrs, Willial}l Draher spent t.o l'CdliCC expenseti, The nhove I'CKolut.ion

G d wns SUIJ!lOI'ted by Aldel'tnHn Pni'HOnH nnd Friday and Saturday. in ran cniTiod by 11 vote, yens, G; nny~ o .. Il Rapids, Patricia Drahcr returned '''IIH refen·ed hnck Li1 the Jlolice commit-~ home with them from the Bloggett tee to e·c1>orl ut the next mcctin". h Pit I 'rhe l'eport of S. L. Demol'(~!'t, Super-~

OS a I • intendent of dis]lOBIII fl)nnt, fen· 1Inrch and Mrs. W1llia1n Steadma.n und Apl'il IU·1H wnH l'ccoivcd uml placed

I. and children spent Monday eve· on file. . ninO' with Mr. and Mrs, Wayne I By Aldcrm:m Dnkln: •. 0

• Rmmlvcd hy thfl common cotmcll t.hnt Draher, the occasion bemg the t.he city extend the wnt<~r· mnin ll.Jl])l'OXi-

weclding anniversary of the Stead· mntaly 1 fill feet wc•t fo·om the Jnma• mans 'Deuel J'eHidencc. The above l'CHOlullon

' : d · ·ht wa~ t;UpJlOI'tcd by Ahlermnn Thol'bttl'll Catl Draher spent Man ay l1lg tlnd ct\l'riccl hy vote: YenR, 6; nnys, o.

with Mt·. and Mrs. William Stead· By Aldel'mnn Duldn: ' 111Ril. RcRolved h}• the common council thnt

d d t f th t.hc fire hydmnt ut the H. '\r, Mnditton Eighth gra e g-rn Ua OS rom e Co .. Jllnnt •hould he moveel approximuta·

Kipp school are Richard .Ayres Jy 70 fact WCHt of the 11l'eHcnt location. and Shit'lcy Durling. The nbovo l'11Rolution wns IH~Jli!OI'Lcd h~·

I 'l'hose who received an A aver- Al<lm·nutn Thol'iJUl'h nn<l cne·e·ecd by vote

th . t Ill yuus, 6, nays, fl. age on err semes er spe ng • Oy Alclce·mun llnkin' tests at Klpp school were Nancy I Resolved by the common connell, city

I Dangler, Gary Cultl•Ider, Dicit of Ma•on, thnt after June. 1, I U4S, the Wheeler, Francis Sterle, Jo Scott, ~~~~~~~~:~.~~~~~hne~'f 11~.,.u~cirt 6~~v~$~l011~n~r'f~; Robert . Caltrider, Robert Sterle one-inch Pilla will he $:Jfi. '!'he nhovq and Phyllis Cheney. l'etsolution Wns 8UJl]lOl'Lctl hy Aldc!·mnn .,

Pnt'HOOR und cnt•t•icd by vote yens, 6;

TELLS ABOUT RUSSIA 1111b~ i·l<icrmnn Dnkin: AI Rice told Mason Klwanians Rc•olvad by the common council that

T d i ht b t t} d 1 th'e motion to extend the wate'l' mnln ucs a:v, 11 g a OU • le eve op· cnst fe·om Roge1·s street on Cherl'y •trcct ment of Russia, and about the In- be e·cforrad to tho wntCI' committee nncl dustria] growth since 1918, He that they should ndvertioc foo· bids ror compared the War potential qf di~gln~ the trcnchCH foe· nil three r>ro·

h f h U t I jcct~. The nhove reHolution WUK HUll-Russia with t at 0 t e ni ed .'mried by Alda,.mnn Th01·bum und cnr· States. Rice was a lieutenant• .•·led by vote yeus, 6: l>nYH, o. colonel in ordnUllce during "the lly Aldermnn SheJ>nrct: .. war· He served Wltll '·the armot•ed I 11csolvc'll by the common counce! thnt

' · the b!d on clennlng nnd pnlntlnJ.t the units ill the Battle of the Bulge •Lnndt>h>c be rcfce·red to the wntcr com• IIJld with those which fought their mlttce nnd city nttomey. '!'he nbovo way into Germany M B Colllns rCHolution wns 9Ul>!lOf'tOI) by Alderman PI th D S t ' 'd ' G 1• PntMllR nn<l cm·rled by vote yens, r.: ymou • e o o an enel'a nny,, o. ., Electric dealer ill Mason, was wei· ·on motion council ndiouf'llcduntil Juno comed .Into the club nt the Tuesday 7, tn1~, nt. 7 :ao !l· m. night session. · · GEOUGE

Kelloqq's Cereals

VAR~ETY PACK tray Mild and Mellow

8 O'CLOCK COfFEE Drip or Roqular Coffoo

1-lb. ·bog

29c 40c

lb. 47e ·READY TO EAT

COOKED PICNICS MAXWELL HOUSE lb. 54c Any Size Piece Sliced or Piece-Spiced Instant Coffoa

NESCAfE 4-oz. 39 i•r C SLAB BACON lb. 57c LUNCHEON · MEAT

Roflncd .




lb. 25c 46-oz,


1-lb. eon

19c 10c

lo1ma Peas '1> No.2 2~·e· ~ cans •J




2 bars 23C

Lean Boston Butt Fresh Caught

PORK.ROAST lb. 51c WHITEFISH Sliced or Piece

PORK LIVER Fresh Dressed :

lb. 33c LAKE TROUT Dry Salt Sides.

SALT PORK I. Fresh Caught



Keyko Marga·rine • • • • • • Lb. Ctn. tOe

For All Baking , : • For All 'Frying • , • For AO Se~soning , •• For All Spreads Koyko has a grand "Farm-fresh" milk flavor! For oxtra nutrition Keyko has 15,000 U.S.P.

.units of Vitamin A per pound 11dde.d. · I


lb. 59c

lb. 39c

lb. sse lb. 29c



• I

I •.


' I

------------------------------------~-------·------------~-------------~----------------~----------------------~-----------------------------M L I• D 'II d H I ltn rolntlons to lt.s tmbscrihm·s nnd I H I S10lls 1'o.xl BuijlJIC~K 'I F'l N this love, slw rlotcrmlncs to mnltc ason es le anSVI e an 0 t tn tho public as" wh<llc, and would 0 t Max Hovoy, 1835 Aurcllus road, I m ews a breult and on lhn rebound tums . I t not propnsc nuch a plnn If, in Its llii'H Jllar Dixon , and Vll·!,rJl Myel'S, 2223 Denn to nnothor. But oven her morl'ingc , , , I sound judgment, It wm•c cont1·ru·y ' Y , street, huvc bought from James I "Two Blondes and ,. Redhead," docs ·not hrenlt lhc tics or the nlrl W'll B Ll ked With Lansing Phones to tlw ]JOB[ intCI'ests of tho puhlle N"II'H]III(IOr IH 'rhmno Jennings, what hus been lmown as fcntlll'es .Tcan Portm• with .Timmy love nnd It ltcops !'eCIII'rlng until I e n for tho obvious rrmnon that nny At lloli BtUU]IIIIt . ' Our Cu.h Co, The snle included Lloyd, June Prclssr.r, ,Judy Clal'lt tho situation cx:ploclos in cliVUI'CO

nlhc•r course would IonrJ to Ntf'lllnml One hunclrccl and th!r'Ly mothers two cabs operated in Mason nnd nne] 'l'ony J:'nstor nncl his orohestrn.l prococcllngs, · The Michigan Bell 'l'elephmw <JIIminate loll cluu·gos of lho lOc lrclutlons between tho compnny and nnd rlrcughtors or the Prcsbytnl'irm/1 one in Holt, Jennings cllsposecl of 'l'lw film' will he shown n.t. the Fox Hoy Rnge1•s nnd 'l'rlgg'CI' will bo •

cnrnp1cny announced torlny it will!rlflll IG" l.ypc1 bctw"cn ul'fcctccl ex-' Its eustnm<l!'s, church held n mother lllld <laugh- the business on account of Ill on Sntm·rJny, 1 sc.,n In the Thursday unrl l•'l'irlny tnlw m;rny mnnthn to [l1'<;Virlo tho I dtnng-<'s," Sllpc• Hnirl. "IJ~crs will I "While we .n.ppredutn lhnt In I ter hrmcjllol at the Home Dniry hmtllh, j Cnthcrlnn Ahhnl.l. II younv deb- tnl<!nlnr f'entllro, '~Undt!l' Call-

', , , , , , , _ 1tll' nnl!IIPrl l.o llnllmilcr] cnlls to, somn isnlntncllnslnnces It mr1y up- baiHJIICt hall last Wednesday 1 • --- . lulanl.c who hns fnr~ 1111 ,:11 lhc' com- fot•nla Sld<·.~."

ncccssury laclllllcs bcfrn u ex • nnr,l frnlll 11011r1Jy MiChig-an Boll ex-, pear that lncqtnllcH will l'Psull night. Community singing was I Hnll)tnn Tracey left Srrlul'fl:ty, watlvc• ,1111

ol' 0

't·ll , . ,1 1

, -- .......................... .. tenrled-nrcu. sni'Vico can go Into; dti1'ngcs with tho mcme community /l'rnnt tlw udopllon of ~uch a plan, lead lly .Miss Loom M, Homing of for Chicago where he will ho a ~~r ll ,, · i., .~!,

11;.:, nr" ~I ng ~L 1 ~"' fH;'I'S <:Or.I,J•;Gr•:, liON OJ• . I

genm•a] cff••<:l, if tho ~uhlic Herv-: of interest, Ji'DI' llmt privilege, 11 · ynt we believe thut its lnng-:.mngo Mif!hig1111 State eollego, g11e~t ?f the I!Jqultahle Lifo Ir,tslll'-; line. •kg~t;;,.,~· \~illt c:lunn1" p::c\'~~::;, Viq;inln. Ilum:h, Mnsnn m•nio1·,

ir•p OOITIIlllbHIIIIl flllitlly ;;lves its hii!lWl' flatl'llte will apply at HOinC f l'l)HUilH will lllCVII.nhly bc,JOI'JL tho The progrum under the super- fti1Cf! eonvention in honor ol his i l] I I Cl l l! l ill l f I has b<'f'll lhllialf'd Into Pili Knpp'l

ail,provnl, poi,IIL:Y, rll•pr•ndlng on tlw value of 1 pub lie Hfl It whole; that It will vir;lon of !Dcllth 'Kleppe was in the writing tho most policies in this11 't'

11 e' '

11.'t"lcy wlar 1• 1

1e, wo , onrr"r" ~; ·

1 Phi,

1;,;tlonni ~ehoiliHllc honm·m·y'

· I b ll 1 tl 1 t I h · · ' locrlllty Mr· T1·r co 1 a h ill 1 · ., lOJn H le pnsHrH o . ,1.1 . . Louis R. Sllpe, nmnUg'CI' f(JI• the the ,Ym'VIf'O IIH meusurcc y w VElB y 111]Jt'(JVC .e ep one SOlVI~!C form or It nl!WS[lllpcr, with Mrs. . ' I y l s ecn w 1 f'lassmntcs or till' tiuishin' school . ut MlehJg·nn Stat!) enllt•gp, Scl<:r:-compnny, polnt.erl out thrrt the number nJ' t<'lrphones In the ex-1 in Michlfian as well ''" l'csult . lilt Lillian Heck "" eclit01· in chief. the company since las~ .June. I the~ wnrl; their d<'e<' ;!:Iongo~ hi ,

1; /linn to Phi Knppa Phi is ilnHl1cl on

Mlehig'ltn Pulllie :-Jorvi<!e Cnmmis- [.,nrfllrl service nrc•a. . subHluntml econom,Y of opnnctl.nn I Associate cclltors, Grace Cornwell Ron.nie Sllrato Hpen, the week Hociety until the hluc\mlllil rove ~Is fiCholnrHhip nchlcvements or t.lw Jn-airm, In ll]l]ll'OV!ng- cxt<•nrlr:d-m·ca "l~xtcnrl['(l-nr·crL Hcl'VIce, ln effect,' which, under l'Pgnlrttlnn, muHI. m-~ and I•'lnrcncc Little, were in I end With his mother, Vera Sum to, 1 thch· ll'lle color~ 11 divlrlual students during· their (:nl-scrvice, r!ld "" to pm·mll nfi'''I'H Lito UHI'r, nt ll aing-1" prlt!e, nrc to the bcnoJIL of the puhlle." char·gc of the music department. un~l his grandparents, Mr. nnd , ,. · · loge enl'oe 1·~. '!'his is


ot' uw the company to plun 1 "'' the serv-, n puelwgcrJ "'"'Vic•~ lhnt pormitH 'fhc order also authorizes the J<'idion was by '!'helm a Thorbum · i M1 s. William Crll1dPy. 1 Double Jq .at.ur" hlg-hcHl lwnors

11 student can al-j

leo while I'XJliinding its fa.clllllcs to I him lo WH' hi" telephone to the OJ'eatlnn ~r the GnUJd H.apld.s nnd eovcr design, Mn.c Waltman and 1

'1'wenty mcmilei'S of the Holt '"rhcl Il(vlsihl" ytnll.", tt~;· Hceonc; lain. meet g-rowth. Many u.drlitlmllll flir-'maxlmum aclvu.ntagc, He will be Ponlluc diHtl'lct exchang~s '"m.lllll' Connie Lou Waltman; frontispiece, I Hobei;nh lor~go No. >11~ .ntt~ndecl, ~nlf o; s.n.t~1rd~y ~ ,tc.n,lnre .at the ctlits rmwt be prnvirled betwe•m nble lo eommunlcnto with tcle- to tlw Dotmlt motropolttun r,ys- Marthn Mnson; editorials, Dora the 13th Rtbclwh cl!sttict Vlslta-' I ox~ conrmns llHJl \llt!J the nri-JH:Ighbnring ••nmmllniticH, tn tnlw phont· n"ighbn1·s in norrrby corn- tern, Martin, poetry cm·ner and Murl-j lion at Howell last Wednct~dny, ventures or a yo11ng- r:x-C,J ~ho: ns eat·~ of the lll'nvy increaHe in trn t'- munit i<'H .... and U1ey wilh him·-· --.-·---;-· -------. lyn Baxter; clrnmlttic episode, night. Tl~c l?cal. l~clg-~ were In 'tlw ~ontnc~. man ~rn· .'L h~g--llm~ flc cxp.,etorl to dPvr.lop ns 11 ro~ull wltho11t. Wfll'l'ylng nbout toil, New Lans!ng Brld e 'J'lwlnm 'l'horbut·n and Pauline c~~rgc .ol tho prog1am nnrl they ~~oloe.' JH .e.:tnp,ult,rJ 1nto .u; 1ul of the now typ<' nf sm·vicc. . ehrrrge": l~nl'thel', he will be ahlo g l•'a~·nsworth; mn~lcale Interlude,, di.Jmnttzed a com~cly In pantomine \~.ntll!~, st,u tl~~g when Dr:n Cnst.r~

Under the onl<'l', lhc compnny 1s t" crrll .JII:;t aH ol'tcJl nne] talk just Plan.ned by State Shirley Shepard; and pure fiction, I or,~om~o uncl .Tuhot. , . . Is. fno.hshl~ rlta\~n n~ln gambling aullwrixcd ln prnvldc cxtr.•nderl- 1 IIH long- ns he pleases, In other , , , , , . Ethel om! Jerry 'l'hOI'bUl'll.

1 , ,I he Lmma Blcltett, chelc r~f .the With d. sm.tll f>m.tunt that, IS n~1t

arc[}. SCI'Viec In lOii nf its 2.fl out- 1 WIII'CIH, f<lr trw pf'iee of local ex- State Hl~hw.ty Comntlsalmtc.l 'I'hc sextet to nf daughters, Sally F lesbyterlan Women s assocllltwn1

his own, .m btl1 ".'(cr.! by ,L nllek st11te exeltnngcs, Six won cx-1 dHillf.ii' .~or·viec, t.lw IIHcr's calling Ch•u·lcs ~f, ~wglor ~as. announe~Jrl EuHm·c, Gwen stahl, Bl!l'llllrJt Page, Will mo~t Thursdny with Mrs. I bunen:arlt~t, ancl, hnnll! '" fm:cc,cl rhang-os w••re not inr:l11rlerl in llw, opfHIJ'lunilles will bo extenclrrl be-j that Lhe ~LtLc highw,Ly Elopa1t- Beth c 11 tolinc, Jea.n ':Jenvcy and JamP;s Grinnell. tn, u~~un.'L lh~ u:l:f!rl,L~toe lll.lns

enmpnny'H orlginnl npplicntion, 20, yoncl lor:al bnnnclm•les and over IL n~ent expect's ln w.mplo:c ,by ·.~lll;~ Jacqueline WclciJ, sung. Mr~, Maude Wh~te of Lalw: lc~c.~lllly I~ r~ dlHJ~C!,Ittr ,."llem~l to nlhcrs were ••xr:lllllerl by joi.nL I wide, inl<'r-cnmmunity ar<'n." I],, plans fot It Mrlln st.Jeet bllflge Orlcssu spent tile p.tst week end

1 Ccl(dpe bcmg charg-ee] 1\llb the lut-

llg'reomenl of' the ellnlprLny anri the i Tlw cnn1nilflsion's c:rcll!r left lh11' ~"?~sing th" ~l'llncl r~rer,.,~rv.~l' J• 1· 1 ·~h.l'tllrlan Wo~nen ~l'o l\ll!nt w~~h ,her sistet•, Mrs. Edwm·cl Kir-r tor's ."cel~lcn~ul ril'ath, the. pwtmc

Ponllrynwn who nro running short of hnrcl-to-buy fl'l'llln ~.hould cull tho inoffinlont lwns l1·om thoir lloclw, IV!Ichlgrm Stt\lo eollego poultrymen advise,

WATKINS PRODUCTS Sfll'r:hll f<n• llltty

II o~. Bol.ll1~ oi' VunllltL J•luH

Ono of Four lllt'fl'rlmf, Dl'HHill'(N for <>nly

1/ie If yon luwen't, t rh•<l \\rat.ldnK Jli'll<hmls, cullmll or st.nt~ ILt my home.

CAROLINE MILLER ~.~0 N. ltogm'H l'hmw :N401

eommissi1111, unci 11 Jllrmhf!l' of ex-; r.lrmr op••n fnt· other eommunities s;J.tet, th~ .N.e~ Yorlt .c~n7~''11· Hnlt Prc~bytcl'lan Women's as- l;m, :tncl fam1ly. . , . 1 builds n. cor~~~antly 1~10~11~t.m~ stJR­chHilf.ii'H were rD-g'l'ollpL•d in lltc,to pdition for the snrvicc bl!forc r,nfwny.twel<s :m.rl.c.crl11! .s~i~rt soe1at10n w11Jmcet at the church .JI:'fls.,c. I-I. Ke~lc1 of A1macla, V!l~~.nta. Ch~rst~nc. r.lflrl varlons cxl,·ndiirl-sor·vitr• mens. I a finn! dPcision on tho company's In Lansmg. Btcls Jor eonstlliCIJon I May 2·1 with 11 dessert luncheon at VIsiting Mrs. Cmolme Aldneh this Richard Gllme .. ntc nlso le!Ltlllccl.

The order nrlds LPsli" tn the list! ovcr:rll mto eaHP, At thnt tirr10, will l~c talwn ~y the statr highway' 1:30, Mrs. Martha .Mason wllJ be week. I Al•.hml Hltr·.lcg'ronnds of cxc:hnng-es In Lhc Mamn ex- I ntlc:l to hr t!IWJ'gl!c] in thr' partie- depmtmont, as .so.on ns the pian~ I hosteHs with Florence Graham as I "'!'~> the. Ends n[ the Earth," tencl .. cl-H~l'Viec :rren llH ~~ l'l'Slll~ of Ill ill I' 0Xtenrlocl-servieo areas will he ~ave bc~n olPlHO\c~; by the. Pt~b_l co-hostess .. The theme will be I VII bb .,, Hl:UTlllf? Dl~k Powell and swr~c mfm·mal.lon at the IH'lll'lng bet ore' rll'tcr·fllincd. ]Jc Roads ,Admlmstl .. itiOn, It JR '.x i "Prcshytona] Echoes," With Mrs. 'e ervl e I Hasso.IS baser] on authentic 11\CI-tlw ~:nmmission, Sl1pc snid. Tlw i TIH· commission callt•d the pllln pcctecl llns approv,lf .will be Ic-

1. Mason a11 tho leadct·, The blessing· I dents [rom U. S. 'J'r·easury filc•s.

MASON !'~lONE 7421 ] •' Cvcninr: Shnw"' Stnrt nt 7:00 P. M.

Continuous Saturdrty ft·om 3:00 [". M. Contimlflua Sundny rrom 3:00 P. M. Adrnitu>lon-1·1c nncl 35c-Tmc includml.

ll'<~~~~mlli'!m1l!l~~!l.&W.m,,. 'l'hm·:.;<fay anrl Frl<lay, May :!0-21, BLONilllG'S ANNi\'Eit!'lAI~Y

revi.scd "rca will be comprised of: a "forward looking slc(> in lela- coivcd. and ;:onstr~wt~on started boxes will be turned in at this I l\irM, JHyrl Uraluuu It will be shown a~ the JCox on Mnsnn, Dan.svillc, Lnnsing-, llolt phone." mmcttme. dilll~lg miCI-r,um.mcr. I meeting. Mrs. Mary Dixon is the [ ,, ·' , , Sunday and Monday. In what is nncJ Leslie, I "We nppr·rr:ial.e," till' commL~sion The hl'ldg~ 18 t? he btult under leader . .Mrs, Marjorie Parker wil11 I•,t~mors llno!!ltl~ Club , by far his most powerf:~l rnle,

"The UP\\' type nr service will! said, "that the company cherishes the supervtston ol the ~tate htgh- have charge of the nursery. 'I he Farmers' Pmochle clnb met· Powell portmys a tough, hard-hit-, , way cl~parlment ana With the .co- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 ttng government ag-ent eng-agee] in

operatwn or. the c1t~ ol La~s1~g Stuart or~enlanrter 'J'o Wayland Haskil! <>a•urclay ~vening, j traiii 1 ~g tho shadowy .Jopancse

Guaranteed WelcHng Of All Metals



114 State Street

Gaslllinl', Oils, Car Washing ant! l'nlishing, Simonizing


opemte!l hy

James H. Snow and Cleo J. Brown Ojrr•n We<'lt Hays

6:00 a. m. to !l:OO p. m, Otoen Sundays

8:00 a. m. to 8 :00 p. m.

7/u. P~ COAL BURNER Fully Automatic Heat-WITH COAL I

No coal or osh shoveling! No clinker

· digging!

Pipes coal from bin to furnace. Pipes ashes to

dustproof container.

Automatic­really automatic -;it coal hear at lowest cost.

HENRY FRIES, Mgt·. ~Tiw~~J G0&11 IJI.'DI]Wl3lli

'ir.tMEDIATE DELIVERY!~ .............. ..

Mason Branch

Lansing ~ce & Fuel Co.

a.ncl the Publl? Rands Adm!mstra- Spr•ai• at CommtOitel'ment Mrs. Myrl Graham and .James captam of a sluvc-clup. In Shnng-tton. It is est1matccl the structure Members of the Holt senior class Lowe won high prizes. Consolation I hai, Powell learns that his quar­Wtl~ c~st appr~~unatcty $850,000. lett Monday morning for their an-1 prizes .were woq oy Mildred Hawley I ry is but <>11c link in a crinmml The c1ty and .,tate lughway cle- nua! tnp '!'hey will go by chart- and Vmmg Hawley. syndrcate operating on

11 glnbnl

pru·tment each will pay 25r;,. of lhc creel bus' to Niagara Falls, Buf- ---- basis. As the cnm·mity or the c~st and the federal govcmment falo, Now Yorlt City and Waslung- Grallno.ting Class g-ang's conspi1·acy i<1 r·cvenlerl to Wlll pay fiO•;, · Lon, IJ, C., and Lhcy will return Ha.~ Conuneneement him, he cncountot·s g-ovcl'nment

Follr~\~lllA' 18 .ge~e.ral data 011

the FI'iduy. Myron Sm!th, class coun- Commencement excercises for operatives of other countf'ios and Ma;n stt.cct. hl ulgc · . . '<·' selor, and. M~·s. Simth and Barrett the graduating' class· were held t~ey p~ol their otforts lo b1·eak the

T h: , ~'~.Vel bridge. cws.:'~~ ,the Vo1·ce, pnnc1pa!, nne! Mrs. Vorce Thursday evening, May 13, Pro- J'lllf.i, h.•s quest ~akmg' turn tn the , ~veNI st:

0'i· .;110C Gl a~d ri: et ,mel 1 arc accompanying the group. cessional was played by Mrs. far citiCs of Cairo, Beyroulh and 1

t e cv. 01

< anti 31

. tr acl<s IS I Arrangement for the graduation • James Roche and the invocation Havana. j to, be. of steel do~k l?u:~m· con- ceremonies were completed this was read by Rev. ]'loyd Fisher. llmnmUc Stor.v

I, stJuctwn With a l~lnfO!c.orJ con-. pnst wee](. Baccalaureate is sche- The salutatorian, Gloria Zarza Joan Crawford, Dana Andrews crete .iloor ~~~d. s•clewall;~. ~he dulcd for May 30 and commence- then gave a speech. 'I'he presi~ and Henry Fonda, arc starred in

1 roadw.1y. co~slsts of t~vo 3·' toot ment will be the following Thurs- dent's address was read by Nor- ·"Daisy Kenyon," the Tuesday anrl

J lanes Wlt.h ,, 2 fo,ot ~IVtcler stt:rr day, June 3, man Jeffry and the class will by Wednesday feature at the. Fox. r 1~ncl two

6 foot stcl6c6wnfl.cs. T1he filst Rev. Vernon 'I'. Smith, pastor of Ronald !!'loyd. The valedictorian "Daisy Kenyon" ckalH w1th a

I our spans arc eet ong a th p b t · h h · 1 . . 1 1 f 13 f t 6 · h .· , b 1 ; cl e res Y er1an c urc Wll de- was Verh!ta Strobel, who also gave career woman w wsc ovc or a . oo me II Vel an ( span dn I' th h 1 t . t . . . . I I l n ut he in th hope ! thrc•e spans crossing the Grand 111ver he 1 accad.aturea e sehrmotn lin a speech a this tmw, Musical se-

1ega Y.ct~o pf ..Stl .. rth D an· ,;

il'e. an 1 th N, y ·t c t. 1 '" sc oo au I .onum. T c op c · lect10ns were given by the high ess p~sr 1on o 1.e o cr wom , . ~rac~;s ~hie!~ Rr~~O · f~~~ 9 ~11f~~t of the sermon WI I! be "How to be school glee club, under the di- Realizmg tl1e futility of shril'lng 6 inch~s ancl 70 feet res 'ectivet a Stnr." R?v· Wrlson Tennant of roction of John Cooley. They were all measuring' from west pta eas?' ~he Methodist church. w;n give the accompamed by Mrs. Elmer Nel-

The structure carr in Main mvocatwn and benediCtiOn, son at the piano, The address of street o~et· Squth Ceda!stfoet con- Stuart Openlander, suporinten- the evening was give~ by Dr. Clyde sists of one rolled beam span of clent of Wayne schools, and a for- M. Campbell. '£he dtplomus were 71 feet 6 inches with two 35 foot mer Supcrmtendent of Holt school! presented by tile president of the lanes 2 foot divider stri and two WI II be the comm?ncement' board of education, Laurence 6 fo;t sidewalks p spealwr. Honor awards Will be an- Crandall. The benediction was

The over-all le~glh of the Rtruc- nolll:~:d at commencement cere- given by Rev. Floyd Fisher. ture over River street, the Grand momes. . Sup.enntendent Benton Graduates we-re Gloria Zarzu, river and the New y 1 c t 1 Yates will present dtplomas and Norman Jeffrey, Ronald Floyd, tracks is 575 feeL or

1 .en ra ;.;r. Vorce Wtll present the class. Vernita Strobel, Helen Beman,

Cedar street will be relocated in: !he faculty honor award commit- Richard Mlliard, Gerald Baugh­the vicinity of the' bridge and will'' tee met tho past week to select man, Ernestine Monroe, Roland

I have two 24-foot lanes separated I the seniors to rocetve the gradu-.1 Attey, Homer Bennett, Donna on a divider strip. I atll1g uwm·ds. . . Dingman and Catherine Olson,

, Departmg from the tradition of Baccalaureate services were held the past, there will be no valedic- for the graduates last Sunday Flomln'go's Nest

The flamingo builds up layer after layer of wet clay and gravel to 11 height of about 12 Inches for its nest. During the nesting season every nest contains n solitary egg,


Oln :Jitimate Co a,ur.·bcaul)'

ull prom ott

better lle~ltb.

Doetort' prcacriptioal un fully filled ·

torian ot• salutatorian this year, evening according to Mr. Yates. He said The Helen A. Huston Past Ma­the first 10 students in the senior I trons club held its regular meet­crass w1l! he dcs1gnated as honor, ing at the home of Mrs. Sylvia students. I Oesterle lust wee];, Mrs. Gladys

l'UI'IJhas" Gas Station Reynolds was co-hostess. Mr. and Mr. Claud Reynolds

have returned home from li'Ioridn where they have been spending the winter,

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Krieger of Lansi11g have purchased the Reh­kopll sm·vice station on the corner of Watson and Cedar streets. They will continue to handle Leonard Raymond Wright Dios gasoline products and operate the

'[ice stati~n. They will also condu~t Funeral services for Raymond automobile repa1r work and Will Wrigl,tt were held Thursday, .May increase service by including auto- 13 at the Leverance funeral home. mobile accessories, small imple- Rev. Cargo. officiate~ and inter­ment parts and hardware items mant Was m the_ Fa1rv1eW ceme­fOI' sale. A special feature in the tery, Brtghton. 'l'he Bnghtmoor near future will be the handling i I.O.O.F. No. 484 acted as pall· of Bibles, Christian literature and bearers.

I plaques. Ivun Thayer of Lansing . H~ :vas born December 15, 18.86 I will be employed by Mr. Krieger. 1n LlVIngs~pn ~ounty. In early l~fe I ___ he was umtcd m marrtage to M1ss


1Ikcciw,.; Rcholar~hlp Be~sie O'Dell. To. this umon were

A regents-alumni scholarship to bot~ three children, Howard the University of Michigan has Wr1ght . and Russell Wri!;'ht of been awarded Walter Holz, a sen- Fowlcrv11Ie and Herbert Wnght of

FRIENDS, fire and disaster are taking a stag­gering toll of property dol­lars. And, for all we know, your home may be the next jump.

Why not face that possi­bility now?

' Protect yourself from fi-nancial loss. Insure with

.DART Insurance Agency


Dart. National Jlanl• Builtling I' hones: - Mason 2-3131

l.ausing 2-2424-Mrs. W. J, Thorbum

4661 l'arl• Drive HOLT

Phone Holt 8721 or 7lG'l'l

' ior of Holt schOol. The scholarship Detroit. .

I provides for payment of semester . Bes1~es the Wife and children he e. • ~~ fees for the freshman year at the 11s surv1vec] by e.1ght grandchildren pt,~ ,4 ~ 4 university. and other relatives. I r.;:;,.,r rw

I Mr. and ·.M~warcl. Alberts Lt. Whittalwr Spealwr H r •T --------------------------------------------R~~lutw~~mlli~~ ~re-sa~~~~ QIL ~" ter home nt Laltc Worth, Florida, cmnmt)nity ha!I !nst Monday eve- . where they have spent the past ning. The spea]{er for the evening six months. was Lt. James F. Whittaker. He

(Sec answer below)

• Easy as rolling your hair up on curlers but the wave stays in for months.

• Yes, your Toni Home Permanent will last just as long as a $15 beauty-shop wave.

• No frizzy stage. No brittle ends. Your Toni wave is soft, smooth and natural· looking.

• The twins pictured above are Gloria and Consuela O'Connor of New York City. Consuelo, the twin at the· right, has the Toni.


Ware's Mason

Fine Cosmetics

Phone 5411

Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Rarlington told of hls experiences In the South

I and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chum- Pacific with Ricltenbacller and tho hers of Flint, .Mr. and Mrs. Earle crew. There was a large crowd in

I Euclcl, Mrs. Gertrude Fernald, Mr. attendance.

unci Mrs. Richard Budd and two The regular meeting of the Re­childrcn, Mr. and M1·s. William bekahs was held last Tuesday eve­Grif[in and dnughtcr, Annette niJlg. Six candidates were initiated Marie, of Lansing and Mr. and into the order. They -.were Arthm· Mrs. Walter Griffin of Holt were Nelson, Oscar Nelson, Hill Van­guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Riper, Mrs. Illah Monroe, Mrs. Budd on Mother's Day. At the Lillie Violett and .Mrs. Anna Jenks. Methodist church during morning Mrs. Hallie Monroe was sur­services William 'Griffin and his prised at her home last Thursday daughter were Cltristined and Mr. evening when a group of friends Griffin became a member of the gathered there to help her cele­church.

brate 'her birthday anniversary,

I Patricia, three-year-old daugh- The W. s. c. s .. held a May tor of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Salis- breakfast last Thursday. bury, 2860 Rosedale road, fell Family night will be held next wnile at play and broke h'er breast Fridny evening. bone. Those attending the County

Mr. and Mrs. George Thorburn, Federation at Stockbridge last Mr. and Mrs. Gall Thorborn and Wednesday were Mrs. Clarence five sons, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Reynolds, Mrs, William Dunavin, Farns1vorth and Lynn and Mr. Mrs. Grace Shutt, Mrs. Virgil Le-, and Mrs. Arthur Bell of East Roy, Mrs. Elmer L. Alchin and

~ Lunsing had a picnic dinner vtith .Mrs. Roland Graham. Mrs. Clar­Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Thorburn and once Reynolds was elected second I family at East Lansing Sunday. vice president of the federation. They celebrated, Lyle's birthday A lluffet supper was held at the anniversary and the fifth anniver- I.O.O.F. halllast'Saturday evening. sury of the Farnsworths. . Mrs. Arlington Thompson re­

Mr, and Mrs. Wllliam Candey tumed home last Wednesday after spent Sunday with their son, Rich- staying with her daughter, Mrs. ard, and family at Lansing. Hoy Shipman, for two months.

Miss Dorothy Sehemmer, who Mrs. Thompson was takqn to the came here last September as sec- home of her daughter from the St. retary of the County of Churches, Lawrence hospital, after receiving Ita~ resigned to return to Iter home an iNury from a tall. Mr. and Mrs. 'In I(ingtlshet•, Oldahoma. She left .Charles Rohrbacker of Pontiac are Sunday, While here· she taught assisting In tho care of Mrs. religious education classes: Thompson.


• lONG llfl ..


Manual or Automatic Control 10% . down, bitln.noo in 86


-Jewett Appliance Co. 180 \V, Ash Phone 3511


all(! IHCI{ '!'I:ACY'S DlLIC~ni·A.\Jt.~m!jll!IMj!R!Il Saturday, May 22

Sunday & Monday, May 23-24 Filmed ~~~ Shanghai, Cniro anti llrtYana witr!t f:w aid of Ow l.J. ~. ~ri'P,:tsiH')''s Bm·l'a.ll:-; of Nan•nfi(•H, Coast Gua!~II and Cus1.nnts is this true stoQ• or the IJI'(:aiHI!t of 1111 international minm rinlr·

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'~arr'"1 DICK POWELL • SIGNE HASSO aOO jntroducmg lh• Chinu1o oc1rou MAYLIA ...... -.:-.~;..::::;:.;:~:~W~m:'~~

Pnpeye Cartoon and Stnn f{enton's l~a"'f

Tuesday & Wednesday, May 25-26

3 Stouge Come(iy and Danger.~ of the Canadian Momltlctt, Chapt, 3

N.EXT \VEEl\:-Juan Bennett·R.ohcrt RJ'llll Jn WOJ\lAN ON THE IJ,EACII with I COVI<:R BIG TOWN; I<raiwhnt Tone-Lucille Bull In HER HUSBAND'S AFFAIRS with SLIPI',E'Y McGEE; Grtlct' Garson-Hobert Mltchr m In DESmE .l\fE; Woody Hernutlt-I.oul5 .Mms.ti'Ong In NEW ORLEANS with Don Castle in ROSES AR,E ltED,





~~· 1t . MASON, MICIIIOAJII ~v ~ ,

' Vernon J, Brown & Son, P11bhshcrs ~ Nelson D. Bmwn, Edit.or

. !i Betty Crum, Advertising lvflmager Wm. ]. Mci!quham, Plant Superintmdent

Entered n11 aacond nlnu.11 mnttDJ' nt 110 stofflce, Mnaon, Michigan, under Act ol Mnrr.h 3, I H70

SUDSCRIPTION RATES (Pnyfl,lllo In Aclvnnco)

One yunr In lnlol'hnm nnd nt!Jolnlng oountlcH,, ,, ... ,, ........... tl2,00

One yu1~r outuldo ln~:hnm nnd ndjolnlng counth11:1 ""'""'""'"' 2.60

Six rnonthtJ In In~rhr1m nnd ndjolnirqr countlcl! """"""""" 1,26

Four muntha .. ,,............................ .7li SlnFdB copies .. , ..... ., ... , .... ,.,,.,,,,,,, ,06

ADVERTISING RATES Dhl!lhLY ndvort!Hin~ rntoa on Dl'""

(lJicntJon, Bus\neAa !ncnJ1:1 nntl rend .. lnv notlcca on fir·~:~t nnll lucul nrHrtJII, He n line. No rendln~t or llltHinr.~:~K udvcrtl.elmc hHHi thnn :!Oc i Curd of ThnnltH, J c I\ wot·cl. 1\nnotmcr.nwnltl or cnttJrtnlnmcntfl whoro nrlmls~;~lon IK chnt·uecJ or or nny Itlnn to rnlfHJ fun11B mu~t be Jto!tl at re~ulnr rntilll•



State Can Erect Office Buildings Without Direct Cost to Taxpayers

By Vl'mon ,J, Drown lngs, '!'ho prosm1t ml.u Is slightly that nl tho enl'liest pnsalble dnte · above two per cent per• nnnum, the r·mnals now being paid out

Lnst weolt In this column I diR· At the 1mme time tho slrtto Is In l'ot• old and unsuited structut•cs 1 cussed the record made by the dcspemttJ need' ol' modern ol'flcc can be nvoldctl, The fund would Michigan :,Jtutc lDmployecll Rellrc- fncllltlc~. It hns ult•eudy acquired be able to flnunce the cstlmntqLJ

:mont tund !Jom•d since It same Into tho needed lnnd dit·cctly at tho ¥6,000,000 required ancl dut·ing tho opcmllon on July 1, 10•1,1. I sug~ rent• of the ]ll'Cscnt sl.nle cnpltoJ 1 tlmo required for construction gestc.<l tlwt both tho slate ol huil<litlg, It won nbout live ycura would accumulate Rtlfl'lclont to

1 Michigan fls n. whole rlll~l tile ago wlwn oxlHlli'lliVe Htudlos of fmmedlrrtely begin construction of tnlg·ht find n~vantagc ll ll~c lnv.s tho need~ of the stnto In respect tho Allegan street seven-story

I wore so clmngcrl tlmt a portion of to office fuclllllcs was un<lortakcm. hull<llng In whleh would be housed I ! the conlt'lbutwn~ by the state nt Ropor'ls were made to the lcglsla- all the t•cmnlnder or the dcpurt­ll.a.rge and the lndlvlduol (~mployces: ttn.·os of lO,lf> uni.l lU•l7 in their ments now occupying J•cntcd spnce,l I could lle 1mfely Invested In other: rPgulat• nnrl intervening speclnl Under this plan the state coulU, 1 l!mn low Interest-ben ring United; sessions. From t11e cflrllct· stucllc.~, 1r desired, permit the fund to own States nnd •mmlclpal bonds.. i comprehensive but nltcl'lmle plnns the land nnd structures outright/

The Michigan retirement plan Is I were submitted by tho £lrchltccts nnd occupy them ns lessor. In such set up on an etHlo'{o'mcnt, hrtsiH and engineers employed, From thiil: case no additional drnln on cur-

1 under which the pensions· of the j rolnl the progt·css townrd mal'c i rent funds would be required. 'I'hc • futm·c will lle paid largely fl'om · fully dcvelopml Jllnns, was storrdy, same rentals now being paid out

We never miss the water until the well runs dry. comings of Investments made nnw am! a complete set of structure for Inadequate, insanitary, poorly-Have you driven between M.ason _and Ho_Jt this sprinf?;? 1uul during the yeam when tho wuH ngrcerlupon us practical, mle- lighted Htructurcs Hcattercd all

Flave you noticed the Hogsback o~eratw_ns whlc.h start at the itvornge ugo of nil stnle employees qt111te, appropriate nnd within the over Lansing, mrmt of them pre­ls eomparntlvely young. means' of the state to erect anrl. sentlnr; HCrious fire hnzanls, would north city limits of Mason ancl contmue nght on mto Holt? The recot•ds show that dming maintain. I pay lhc rcntH In the new build-

Have you reflected about the source of Mason water? the llrst nve years or opemllon Lnclt of available revenues for [ ings. On. tlw other lumd, if the • f ·I 1 tratum being the acj,umulations or contributions the estimated ~12,000,000 required state eventually ht to own the I

. Mason .s water comes rom t le same ~r~ve 5 . nnrl 1q pt•npt·intions will amount to Is the one thing which har; del£Lycd slrudurcs as It sl10uld, then an

mmed by g1.ant shovels by t~1e road commiSSIOn, the East Lan- 1 approximately $14,000,000. In line actt1111 hcglnning's of the slruc- amount equal to about five per 1

sing Gravel Co., the Delhi Gravel company and the , other 1 with good m.a~agerrwnt nnd con- tural .Jli''am. Tlw land i9 rcarly. cent of the total actual co~t wo~ld operators between Mason and Holt. Just south o.f Masons No. servatlve J_'Dll~lo~, better t.han ~o Acclumtcd by tho lea"'ng ut;?ht-


b? approp.r mt.crl. each ymu t.o ltq-. · 'th' · 1 t f the urn house is another per cent ol thts ts now Invested tn tects o[ the nnt10n as offermg the utdntc the ptlnctpal debt.

1 pumpmg .st~tlOn, WI In Sig 1 0

P P ' United Stales securities. Until a most efficient governmrmt plant Evcnt.twlly, It migilt ile dcsir-operator mmmg gravel. bettor field is opened up for the In the nation," there s~tould be no able for the fund to invest its Slit'·

Mason's two shallow wells arc down only about 50 feet. investment: of its. accumulllting further need fm· study or chango plus in the supreme comt bt1.ild-Th t . d 1 M . the best drinking water in the endowment funds, this must con- in the layout and .design of the ing, it historical museum and a ~ wa et use. JY .a so~, ·f f'l d b d . . ! linne with cmu<cqucnt low eam- biJildings. All that ifl needed is the state library addition, But that Umted States, IS actually sm ace water 1 tere Y npptng - g0 ahead. And here Is lww it would be something for future down through the sand and gravel to the 50-foot level. I . can cas~ly be accon~pli,,hcd with- lcgislatmcs to con,tur·e with.

W 'IJ tl 't ater remain at 50 feet below the surface or Down btv i'le out talung any mlllrtwnal money In concl.usion,. it should be 1 li.l W , ' 1 .1 /; fmm current general fund rev- . t f even 60 or 70 or 100 feet below the surface 1£ the thousands of enues: prnntcd out that the axpaycrs o

I d ? I h I S the state now ELr~ held responsible tons of gravel .are taken out of the stratum at ea~ 1 en · S t e ~·~amo re I. The legislature should pass for one-half the cost of the om-removal of all that gravel likely to work like the unplugging 1 '-" an enabling act to authorize and ployecs p~nsion system, Whatever

direct tlw retirement fund board 1 f d of a pi]Je? I . . . generosity the state genera. un . . , ' . I was Ill Lunsmg last Ft·lr!ay, t~ invest not to cx?ced one-third might extend to the pension fund

Maybe 1t Will, and maybe rt wont. Mason got 1ts Water standing in the corri(Jor of qw ol Its en~lowmcnts m !l state of· would be reflected, one-half di-from deep wells for 50 or 7 5 years, from wells down 300 feet., Lansing city hall talldng with flee bulldt!lg· . .rcctly back to the taxpayers and Those wells were abandoned about 20 years ago. The abandon- Judg·e Charles H. Hayden, when 2. Provtd~ by statuto for le~sc the other half to state employees. I

h I h l b a woman came up to inquire of the reqlllred Janel to the bmld-j . • ment was forced because t e supp y egan to peter out anc e-1

' . h ' f 1 11 1 th ers for the lifetime of the occu I This loolts ltl<e one case where . I d . d A t 1 t th wluc nne o us 1anc et e gar- . . tl t t •an cat ·ts c•tke and still cause sewer c?nst.ructlon 1a carne sewag" oo c ose o e bage business. She lliul a complail\t pa~cy lcase-ho!cl. · w.: a 0 c t ' '

wells. Contarmnatwn was feared. I to malcc. The judge directed thu 3. Provtclc lor occupancy lease ha> lt. . I, h · '1 1 Jd 1 1 b


woman to the g-arbage department between state o[ Mw!1.1gan and re- There can be no risk, for the . We be l~vc t e City counct s lOU emp oy t le est w.ater on the lloor below. We all lmJ~·hccl tircment l'und board on terms to slate c:m insist on full occupn.ncy

engmeer avallable to make a survey of water resources. It may over the mistake, and the jnclge be agr·ced to as to r-ate of interest, at such ;·entals as arc sufftctcnt be that such a water witch will find that the two shallow wells remarkcrl that the courts • have i rrmount to be charged as obsoles- to cover nil costs o[ op.cratwn and now used will be adequate for many years. He may hold tha't many unusual cases brought be-' cenc? anrl deprecif~:tlo~ a~d length m::un~enance, llqutdntlOn M the

· · · · · M • fore it of tnne for full hqUiclatton. , pnnctpal debt and such mtercst the gravel mmmg operatwns w~ll help mstea~ of ha_rm ason s · Monthly payments hascd on! charges as will keep tho retire-water supply. That would be ftne. But he mtght discover that I hac! a strange case myself about 10 per cent annually woul<II ment funrl 100 per cent solvent,

Congratulat~ons Seniors High school days are over. The world beckonn to yott with its work and its fun, its education and progress.

Success to you in this land of oppor­tLmity. We hope to know you better and in the years to come, serve you as we have so many of our grads Hince 1925.

Mason's water supply is threatened. He might find that some lnst Thnrsrlrry and It was Friday be appropriate. Of this, th.rec pet•' Should actuarial studl"s disclose remedial measures are needed right now. He might find that night before I was a.hlc to make cent could be constdered mtcrest that more than onc-t~~rd of the .

1 · · 1 d I · a report. A man who hall attended earnings· two per cent mnin- funds coulrl be safely mvcsted tn William Alden Call han succes- Squires had a team or Harper w. E. Howard ha,q pui'ehaserl , M"'" h' d b<tto< '"" d nil m g .om< d « p w<l • "' eve < P m g '"'" ,.,. ""''" 1 ""' eo, ""'' c>o lk"' "" ""'" 1 ''", P" """'· u q~ idotioo gooornm'" ~t "'"'"'"roo, "'"" ,.,_ tot 1y """"' "'" '"to~oc ''""""" ,, _ Rood •, ""' ; m· , '"'" dl·l oe M ""- '''"""'' "'""" "' A I UUm "" d w 'I the shallow wells down another 10 or 20 feet to keep pace W1th nsltcd me about the law governing cf principal debt. haps one-half coulll be Invested, tions for We.ql Point and will ente,· clay when a whiffletree came loose move his family thoro about .lui, the lowering of the water table. . burials. He declared that the


1. B~gin with the building leaving. the rem.ainder to be in· July 2. He won the aprointment and fell on the hec;s of the near 1. i W'll 1 •t t 1 ? Chalker gmvc at the Hawley was lmown as Ottawa street tower so vested m more ltqtud assets. through competitive examination hm·se. Away the team went at n The state rair· will he in C:I'al\


t le Cl Y wa cr supp Y seep away· I just below the surface and it in the Michigan National Guard. spitPI'ul gait, Ncar Prof. McCone's, l'tapicls from Scptemhcr 26 to :l~ Let's find out. 'seemed a shame to treat. Bert tl~ut, !lowering crab. Cordie Bashford f cold for n week. There was. frost 50 Years Ag-o corner the pole dropped, nnd into, On '~nd aftet· .June 1 the Mns~i

-o- way after all the dependable dtg-~ set out the bush. The Latin name two mornings, enough to scJ•tously m. F. House of Williamston Is the air went the doctor and Freel, postofftce w111 lccep open until 8:.! WE ALL LIKE FEDERAL AND STATE AID gmg he had clone fm· others. is malus eleyi, or mmcthing liltc damage some fruit. regarded as the biggest feeder of Squit·cs. The hot'He,: w,.cnt a few all nights <'xeept Satmday .. Til

Thmsllay night I had an op- , 1 • > • ~ • . wo. >~or ters are .( 't Cctd1'e "at'd I T WPA 1 tln lor livestock In the county. He recent- rods farther before they fell. 'rhcn closing hom· on Srtturday Wlll ll S ' I · 1 lk b 1 d ld d t f stcalmg 'JO planks ftom ly turned off 290 lambs to Roman they regained thei1· fPel and went 9:00. . . . omettmes po itrca leaders ta a out t 1e goo 0 ays portunity to get the facts from of- i G!nmour De]Jnrtmcnt· Patricia 1 arres or ' . . ' . Cushman fOI' $1,A90 and last on to Dart's lumber· yard where Co. I~ 1s now canipcd at Ch!Clto · b h d Jd fi · I· f t1 metery Here they I ' ' 1 a road commtsswn proJect. .,

when every tub stood on 1ts own bottom, a out t e goo o I etas 0 1

e ce · . t , Dabbs and Duke grace the cover 1,

128 Wednesday sold to the same party they fetched up. Shortly afterward mauga, Georgia. Col. Gardner IHI ,

clays when tax money was raised at home and spent at home ! a~·e: Two good ~en we::. ht~edl f I of the May issue of Western Horse 20 y,ars Ago- ' . 40 head of cattle and 100 hogs .Mrs. Cnmphell p~icl the owner of. command of the regiment n~d h , · h fi · L · W h' B h ·' 1 chg the grave or Bel

8 ur a· News The board of directors of the hi h brought $2 586 60 House is the team his prtce and she now· has presented every man w1th 1

Wit out. lrstdgomg to anstlnl g for d as ll1dgton. w eln It! The gr?uncl, of 0?ur~, was satur- · . . . Mason Golf club has decided that :ow0 feeding 60 h~ad ~f 'cattle. and owns tho horses. •rhcy arc sound I red bandana to w. ear ns a nccl<ti~

comes ng 1t own to c.~ses a o us eman more a1 to oca nted wtth the ram. here .wns no ,Eceleslnst!Cal Depar·tmcnt: He11- . the official opening will be July 4.1100

hogs ones with good manners and solld Charles Padd<tcl< has been ar. units. cribbing ?n hand. The men dug ry L. (Hanlc) Smith, former Ing, Orla Maine i~. erecting a build·/ Dr. Ge~trndc Campbell and Fred horse sense. pointed marshal at Dansville. &m~~~~nkili~ilie~&~~nm~~~ndoa ~oo~.rl~~fuurgra~bm~h~Coo~yfu~~~a~r~di~n~~llic~&~~~~--------------------------------~---------. . . . l every tune they almost reached pt·wr to that a restdent of Stock-

11 1 street ,

better JOb controllmg the water m the Grand nver val ey. the pmper depth the sides of the bridge is being graduated "cum ' ap c · I And if the fedcrals won't come through with money, surely .. grave caved in. The two men dug laude',' from the Olivet Nazarene Helen Lan;ont was elccte~ may-the state will share in the ex ense of fldod control. 1 faithfully and fmiously until the college, Kanltaltec, Illinois. or nf Mnso!l ~ stude~t l!'ovetnment

• • • ~ . • • J hearse was in sig;ht. Then they by a landsl1dr .. She 1 ccetvcd almost. . . ~ttles, vrllar.r:s and to~nshms 8re getttnP' state 'ltrl. s~hnol • took their shovels and wallted up Alt~ratinn n,11artment: Dick t,.;ice as many votes as were cast

' d1stncts are gettmg the b1ggest share of sc.hool funds from the hill out of sight. Mills has decided nat to r<>· for her two opponents. the s'·atc and now there is a clcm."1nd that the feel ern! ~o· ·e n · . . I tire from buqincss. He used a full . The porch of the Clarence

. ment subsidize the schools Both U S senators from Michigan Followlllg the <'nmmltal ~ervlee i Page in last Thursday's SJ to state Hnngl1 house rtt the corner of Lan. : · . · ' . tlw easlwt was pl:u,ed dow.n on I that he is still in business at the sing and Ash str·eets was crushed h~ve ~one alor:g. on federal atd for scho~ls,. a measure whl<:h top of trlte rmv~·ln, ,Just as Noun as old stand (Hunter's) and inte'\ds Sunday moming when the driver

Wtll Siphon mrlhons of dollars from M1ch1gan to spend m the 1:ortego left th" el'metery the • to stay. · of a heavy truck lost control while " Mississippi and Georgia. two men went bueli to worl<. They 1 • making the turn from Lansing

At th t . f th b d f · · M d th moved the cnsl;et 11ttt <>f the way, Geor~~ 1\furthum ts dnlng n renl onto ARh e mee tng o e oar o supervisors on ay e got ~nm(l m·ibhlng anti dug the jch wlt.h um Musoi!l school hand. · ·

~ county agreed to put up county money to match state money gt·:tve hoth wide a!Hl dee11. 'rhe 'rhe concert last Fri!lny night \\'ns In attempting to sink a heavy so federal money can be had on the Capital City airport. vault ennla.lning the caslwt !;i' at

1a credit to 1\turthum ami to tim ~~tu!W~u?~~u~f l?~iel~1~~v1,}!~~a~~~t - The supervisors also demanded that our state senator and the regulation depth. I sehool beneath the s~one. Both his legs

... three representatives fight to the bitter end .any move made to That's nn Interesting point. 1 If I were n preacher I would were broken, the left leg so seri· .,. reduce state aid to counties for welfare. Then the supervisors What iA the rcll'ulation depth? I I prepare a sermon o~; the sh?ep ously that amputation was neces­'" passed without debate a resolution calling upon our rcprese11• asked that qucstton of several pea-, wlucll went nstray: All we hke snry, The accideq_t happened out

· · . . pie and they all replied that it is sheep have gone astray." Tnke n' of view of his house nnd other res-~ tahves m congress to work for the passage of a federal subs1dy six feet. "Haven't you heard about look at sheep, '£hey don't go as- idenccs, Walllne had to claw him·j for county health departments. being six feet below :;1e .sod?" tray by racing to the far end or self out of tho trap with his

No, these subsidies aren't necessarily wrong. But it seems 1 tho field nnd leaping the fence. hands. His hands were lacerated .. wrong to condemn state and federal aid as wasteful extrava~ I There may be burials six feet Sheep go astra~ by keeping their almost to the bone. He dragged

. . . . , ' . below the sod, but not many. Pe;- heads down, then· eyes away from himself over the ground for 17 .... gant,, socraltstlc, an~ tendmg to centralize a!l government m, haps that was the proper depth m the shepherd, nibbling a tuft of rods until he reached an elevation :::· Lansmg and Washmgton, and then turn nght around and I the old days ,before concrete and grass here, and going just n little' from where he was able to attract ~\ demand those subsidies. We should make up our minds to take steel burial vaults came into use. bit farther for the next tuft. They I the attention of his wife at the ·!>. the cash and keep still or to quit demanding st.ate and federal Twa nnd a half and three feet be- go astray a step at a time, not by: house. ~ J' f , . low the surface Is standard nowa- leaps and bounds. They l11en look I Howard Mcbowan won the Btate f' re le · days, around too late and find they arc/ declamation contest a't Detroit • -o- Ross Hilliard and I searched the lost, they have juRt nibbled them;: last Friday.

WHAT'S BECOME OF THE SALOONS? statutes nnd we could find nothing selves away from the flock. / 'Floyd Harluiess was elected

.in tho lnw which says how far be· 'That's the way bat! hahlts arc I head of the Mason nights of Pyth-In court Monday was a case involving two places where low tho surface a body must be formed·; snatching .a tuft. of gra•s /-ias nt the election last week, 1

· hard liquor is or was sold, yet the word "saloon" was not men- buried. We did find that townchip ut a time; a t.uft of indulgence:------------~-~ tioned. Lawyers and witnesses talkt:d about cocktail lounges boards of health have the author- here today, a little mot'" tomorrow, 1 " and clubs. lty to regulate burials. There arc :mtl ln, a had •lmhlt has u.~ tra1111cd.

1 ·~· Wh • h h h . b h . no township boards of health any- I r. . Y can t we e on est enoug to call thmgs y t e1r more since the county health de· . right names? Why do we have to call barrooms and saloons partine11t has been established, The Ancient Hislo1y I

; . cocktail lounges, parlors or clubs? health department has talten over 1

.... _ 0 _ the work, But no one had previous- Ono Yc!w Ago-19·17 i

PASS fHE POTATO SALAD Iy inquired about how deep n body Alaicd.on township has. adopted f ~-- should be buried. a zoning ordinance, i· Charlie Ziegler has put up the 3,000 picnic tables alongside Dr. R, Lanting, county health di- Alderman R. R. Robbins urged t, state trunldines and in roadside parks. Ingham county has put rector, said dead animals such us the council Monday night to issue ~. out its picnic tables and cities and villages, too, are getting set horses ~d cows must be burled revenue bonds to finance the eon­~- for the picnic season. six feet under but that he knows struction of a municipal water

of no regulation saying how deep softener., :( It's a peculiar trait of human nature to leave a handy kit- r. human must be buried, Mason and Aurelius Center Bap-, ": eben .and a comfortable dining room to prepare and eat a tlst churches have decided not to' :. meal in the open. We insist on having everything J'ust right on In Jooldng thrmtglt the law share their pastor following· the''

bool<s we ran :wJ•oss an astonishing t •· our own tables but anything goes i11 the open. th1ng, Had the runet•al dlrectorf deparGuredorR~c~.dClaRrence LLawton "'' A t bl h Cl 1 or · ran apt s. ev. awtan ,;, gues at our ta e w o throws trash on the floor or lmen present while the tal '"1' h s ervcd ns joint past f th I ~: litters the dining room with papers and scraps of food would be grave wus ca.vlng · ln. I tremble t>~o schurehcs. or or e ' considered a li d b bl h ld , 'b · . d b k over thinldng ll'hat might •ltave :~ . oar an pr~ a Y ~ wou n t e InVIte ac ha11pcned to his licen•e. For tlw Peaches_ and plums burst into


:. agam; u~le~s he were a nch relative. . 'law provides for the revocation or blossom last week and apple bios· I ..• We InSISt on palatable and nourishing food in our own r>nspcnNion of the license of any


soms are expected to appear this I ! dining rooms. undertalccr caugtltt "using profane, week. , But an thi 0 t · th M d 1 Indecent or ohoeene Janguage In The Mason bon1·d of education' ... • • Y ng. g .es ou m . e open. . ~nners an taste are tlte 1,resenc6 of a dead human is issuing contracts to teachers I t' la1d atnde. The ptc~1c season IS here a gam. P.ass the potato body, m• within the Immediate I this wee!t. · -.~ salad; hearing of the f!UnHy o~· rela.tlveB 1 o ~cal'l! Ago · -o- of n. deceased·, whose body has .n<>t . 1

yet been lntcrrt>-tl or otherwise Ills- . Drillers declare that the forma-, SOUND JUDG~ENT Jli»!Cd of" . tton at the Royston Eros. test

. ' : !colts favorable. A ga.s pocltct was ::;•. ~a~on's city ~ouncil used sound judgment Monday night • Under the Jaw an nndertaltct• tapped deep in the Traverse. Salt ;: m dectdmg to· present streets before taking on new con· can use ali the profane Indecent water is now being cased off so; ... struction. · or obscene language at' his com- that further drilling cari be done. / ··· · A · • · d b Aid G · mand before the ltvtng and his It has been decided to resume .... s potnte. out y erman et·ald Parsons, "Every cent license Is in no danger, but if he work at the O'Sulllvan test. Drill· ; .... of street money should be earmarked for repairs to Okemos and uses bad language in the presence ers will go on down to the Monroe I

· · ;':j Phillips roads inside the city limits bt~fore the city promises to of a dead body he may have to stratum.' · ...,. build anyone- any new streets." . . quit undertaking, Stoclthold~rs of S. M. A. are be-, . .... " Those tw. o s.tretches of bla_cktop a·. re bad. They are a'ctually lng- aslted to vote June 7 on the

Correction Depnrtmenti C: P. merger of the company with • ~~ dangerous ·to drtvers and costly· from the standpoint o£ tire and not L. M. Scott of Dansville American Home Products. 1


:!:Over 5 million Maytags sold­for mora than any other washer,

Como In and pla10 your ardor now 3 models

_ S priceH 20% Down

$i14.9S up

Jewett Appliance Co .

\'.·damage • .-.Those t~o streets. should be repaired immediately. lteld nnd measureC! the· 58-inch blue John Dart, teacher at North! . :;.. They are part of the "firat thmgs first" po~icy which candidates mcer. '' " • Instead · of a flower- Mu~J~egon, intellds to enter Har­... ,. talked about last fall. · ing plum, the beautiful bush at vard for graduate study next fall.

the .Coon home on West llllm Is a The weather has. been wet and J-_.; ____ _; _____ --1 •

IF you live in Michigan, you get a lucky break when vacation time rolls· around. You're in one of America's greatest vacationlands ... a State where your favorite recreation is never far away.

Justl,p'ack up your g~ar, be on your way, and in a few short hout·s you can, for instance, be matching wits with a wily trout ... taking a refreshing plunge in sky blue waters ... cantering over old Indian trails , , , setting out for a hike through pine­scentcd.foiest!i .':: o'd1itting a long one off the tee. ,. So ·plan a Michigan vacation this summer and be sure to make your reservntipns now. Send for help­ful free 1\teraulr,e today:

' ' ~·



' '

1 ~ ~ 1 - l'lircc INGI.fAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 . ----~--------------------------~------·----------------

A Barnyard SJa·nt on National Defense phutc, unci all around the world I do nt nny hom•, thel'o is nothing' This wihhio-wnllhlo nbout Uw with selections hY llnnd rr•om dul'ing two World Wars to tho left but 11 good tight until one ldd hmmr!rtry lines of~ muropo tlmt hn.~ Wllllnmston high school. 'J'IHn'o point of nenr depletion In mnny says "onongh", It'a onHy t.o tnlk been going on Hin"o ahorrt 101•1, was n nlcllol mn.rah, tho proeerdfi roapcet:a, RuaalrJ huH conae!'VCd her !about 11 United I\fJJtions, nbout ho· alnerJ Womlt·ow Wllann'a por•tod of of wl1lch will ho used to aoml fl for•eats, h"l' oil 1tnd her soli . .She tng good when every nntlon In the "wnt.chful wnltlng," Is gett1t1g to Cure pnclmgc to Jiluropo,

Unlver·Hn.l Mllltn.ry Tr•ulplng nne! Fllld stuffed shirts. This aoloctlon conrmltlcus of congrcr,s; nml flll'· docs not hnvc the brJillunt aldll, world Is so exhnustecl and sick bo rnthct• nHUW!rLtlng to the Amcri- Beverly VunDomurlt underwent selnctivo drn.l't nre rJnnstlona nnd should be mudo from hig-h Hchool thm· wo nnocl a congr· with lhc but she docs havo the population, lhut many of them wonder whcthct• nan people, who woulrl lll<r snmo 11 tonsil op~mtlrm Monday ovo-~ J.~HUOH lo he voted on by ermgr'c!HS grudnnte vnluntoors and the pay lnl.olllgcnco, and tho fortitude to the dogged pcrscrvrtnce and the! they nrc going to llvo m• not, But houses built to. Jlve In, some ma- nrng, • In thn rwrtr future, More lllccly und tho prlvllogcs should be so net on this lnfnrrnal.ion from the nut.urnl reflourccs, Om· gold stored talldng of a United Nations, when chlncry built to worlt on tlw rur·ms Mr. and Mrs. George IProsJ. spent lhun not t.lwt'll will be no vote Hn- high lhut lt would attract tho Inlr.lllgence Sorvlcc, mther than 11t Fort Knox, Kentucl1y, won't go most nations' wounds lli'O healed, unrl If lend louse or· gifts must be Thursday In Plymouth nncl South ttl ILftcr the fall election, for no crollm of the mllltnry-mlnrlcd lads, dnlegutlng nil or nout•ly all rc- far toward feeding a people sol- their bellies 1u·o pr·otty well filled, nontlnucrl, a few billions to relieve Lyons, matter wl1ieh wuy u. congromunan who nrc "nutumls" for• milltury Hpmmlblllty ~nd power to tho.chlef dlor~. or ln manufacturing' war and a few chips nru on each of' ,\mer·ienn clll;~crm, who hnve no Mr. and Mrs. Pnnl Wolf were volcH he lH certain l.o lose some service, who lovr. It, rurd who executive. rho United States I equipment. Our !\rat big problem In shoulclcr, Is u different matter. place to live. wee]{ end g-uests of Mr. nncl Mr·s. vntos rtt tllf! next election. •ro him, Hhould he most highly honored anrl I~ fru· ton big and VllHt and com- 11"tinl11ll !lefenon I• the conservu- u ttl t 1 rnadn. t t 1 RlclJRI'<l Wolf of Grand Rapid•,.

I. 11 t 1 t h . in W"rtlmc or " ><u ·• n grea·er pmgr·oss s ,. "He who rtoon ;w 11 to cnr•r. of " Ills vntc•H nrc his brenrl Lllid butter. t•csp(Jcted by .John I. Pub rc, 11' P en °< ·0 0 I un " tlon of soli 11nd forests and t.he ro-


in .tho evolution of clvlll~ntlon, 1 1 1 1 1 1 . tl S.rndn.y they visited the tulip fcs-'l'no of'l.en it Isn't Wllltl he thlnltH thrJHc. eclcetcc] are paid, }JOncrocl pcuecllnw aH u one-man ~how. newnl of oqt· soli Communism' II 1 • I b tl 1 . J tiHLll 's own ~ouse 10 c 1H wor·so um tlvnl rtt Hollnml, • be,sl. for· his counlr·.", but \vital Is ltllt! respoctecl hi~.:llly cnougl1, IV" With ~ueh un lntelllgcnee Service C<JJ111UUJ11"111''n~"S "Cl'C"JI1S·Irhnan bt nc ancd r<tl w,r·ty nvo an lnfldel,' W t I t t

·' I Ill ·I ' ' I 'I'll [n- " • ~ c " '" as een rna o o <a e, we must Etlucntlon, toad11ng· nnd tnrln- heu fielc Grange wus lws. ·o ln,.~t fnr him. II' ll congrermmun should I111Ve no trouble g'f! vol- nne w 1 SUC.l 11 congress, L ,- made lnr}'ely by those in public "I 1 1 " 1 vhnt's Pomona Gmngo S!llUI'f!ny evening. lwtli'H Cmm enough lncllviduuls ut untncrs. Why force n fine, natuml nnre f.hc.Hfl scan' heads aiJOUt WAR offlc~ Ol', candidates 'or by those m~e,~p ~~~;J'~:"' e:·~~r~ ~~~\some lng nre. the g,''"nt JlCl'rlH at homo Cancllcla.tca for fifth degree wm·o twn1e, llc votes tn HllV<J hi~ hide. •1-H or Futw·c FILI'n!CH' boy, a by the dally press nml the blatant nnxlo;ts to got ln front of some 1 ° . , 0 0

st ,' 0 , 1 e n.nd nbroacl . .J~ducatwn nne! train- Initiated A dl pln.y or fl w 1.,

t t • 1 t 1 f · It 1 J t rnrllo commentatot·s. . . . ron ow, some copper, some oil, In go on how to live llfllnncocl Jives; · 6 0 " ·'

I•' or example, the Ftltentp o puc t nn. ur·u or ngt'ICU urc, w 10 m os , " wmcly, breezy, natrona! trend that 801110 soli and some forests left. No oduc,atlon 0 how tn wm·Jr lnt ,111_ udrlcd to the ceremony. There was thn United Sl.ntcs rmpr·cmo,. cml!'l. m!lltury lifo, to become n. poor I• nr· the past 1.1 yoa~:s thl~, coun-1 might <'urry thmn Into office, The people can defend thcnuwlves and "'cntly and '~onstr·lwtively· od~cn- n. large number of by Hoo~cvolt. Mcmllf!l's nr eongTess soldier In a worl< wl1ich he dlsliltos try lms lrec.omc "crisis nncJ emer- best way to lceop Communists out defend their nntinnnl irlofl!s with " • 1 'l'hosc from Wheatfield wore Mrs heard from enough pclople at home nnd which Is against hls will, OJ' geney" mrndod, We hn~e been is to make our republican form of men alone-It takes mnterlul A tlon on !row ~0 play;_ orlucatlon on Ln.Wl'OilCO Smith, Charles v·nnD~: so l.hnllhc move was bt~<)ly beaten. 11 boy fr•nm ttny other wall< of alrtnnerl by ono crl~ls utter nn- govor~llllent wn!'l< so sutisfuctorlly we long or uro we short 01~· m~": how to relax .tnd rest. Who can, is, marl<, .Junta and liJJizabolh Carr·,

11' enoug-11 pcopln will write J.hclr life In time of pence'/ othet• since the cJosmg of every that 1s111s have no fertile soil In torlal-mw material? Better· loolt :1~d wll~ ;In ~hg 3~ucatlng, both at Mrs. Mollie Gibson, Mr. nncl M!'s.J eongressmc11, orn·H 11rc Vanrlcnherg, In time of war conscription nnrl lmnl,<, !n the '.mtlon. n;.>out. Mnreh which to grow, We must hnve a that one up bcfoi·e you get too 1 1110 n 1 u r 11 • George Fogle anrl Mr. and Mrs. li'erguson u11d Blael<llf'Y• Unlvcr~ul Universal Mllltnry 'J'ralnlng he- 6, .I.J.I.l. Nervts arc ajar and the strong, healthy, well-balanced soil, exciter! flbout these men who nrc A. D. FARMER Berton Joh.nson. Ji'ried cal<es anrl J'llllitnry Trnlnlnfl' cnn he hcn.lcn or comes noceasnry. We c;.tn not. have jitters nrc ll regular diet. T110 a strong, healthy, calm, doter- getting so hysterical about Russin WI-' IEAT-F-IELD CENTLR coffee were served by home ccon-drolnycct. '!'he word "univm·sal" is too efficient n volunteer· nuclt:<rs Am.,rlcan ulcer JurA become nearly mined, woll-brllnnced people, and and Communism and Unlvorsul .o:. omics committee, tho Jolter. Spending lime 11ncl for• nrJ.tlonal defense. We should unlvc,r·snl, sleeping tablets ure sold concentrate on the many unsolved Military Training, ~Irs. 1Grmn ,Jolmsun Ml~s Bar·buru. Cook spent Still-money training every hoy 18 and have the best trained und most lly the barrel, nerves are shot,j home problems and reduce this R 1 . 1 d 1 t clny. with her fnrnlly in Lanslng-. 1

Antos on IP!I1'J!l8 Automob!Jns urn owned on 56 per

cont of t.h& fnrms ot tho United States.

Wolverine Auto Insurance

T1Ho our IIILYillOilt pl11n, ln­"' 1>11 ILIIY ngu C\ILr,

Jo'lltl': nnd EX'J'J~NJHm

CJOV,ImAm~ (Wln~l)

Ohl-llno cnllljlllnl<l~ only

Get mn• fire nnd win~! nLics

Jewett Insurance Agency

ISO W. Ash Lm~atml U.('.rOSI."i


JlfllMOII from Con-

up Is nbHmcl. A Jnrg-r1 pl'rccntage efficient technicians in every pllllse poycho}ogy spccinlists' off icc s \jitters stuff-a new nerve jitter m nuess u 11 ohccnt Y telva ua eel her Mr·. unci Mr·s. Geor•gc Henning of They were dinner guests or her 1

t 'J't t 1 l 1 f l' Tl u it' 1 st t "' · " ' b lh 1 1 1 o Y m rc more 1nn ours was South '.yons were Satw·dtly "llcsls ftl t M M 1 C 1 · Ch would Jm·e mr 1 aJ'Y l'fl n ng, nne n war ·arc. 1e n. "' a "" jammed have ccorne e genom cue 1 wee.'<, devaltr."ted Wll~l Jo\vet'c<l '-' " m , rs. arc on< rn llr-1

l'llll!l<l a511 1 l 1 1 1 f Jlt h Jd 1 tv lsi rn 1 n th other ·~ •• over- of Mr·. anrl Mr.9. George Frost. lotte "••••lllialliiiiiiill•••• n arge pcrecn age wo11 r JO n - s ou ll o 1. c H 0 c order. For around 15 years now A mer!- night from one' dollar to sixty · ••

tlc vullle aft<!r trnlned. By till' time sl<~O of the Atln.ntlc flllly 11~1~1 Peace ls more or Jess unknown. cnns have become so used to cents. Of course, United States Mr. nncl Mrs. George VanDe- -----------------------------those trainee! would hn needed in hc,tvlly manned ut n.ll tlr110s, ulct t Annthnr crisis or emergency Is search cad crises that they expect money can be lowered again to murlc and chilr!ren were Sunday '"f~~~z:::::;:::::::::::;:::~~:::;::::::;:::~~~z=:::~:::::;:~~z=::::::::::~~~~'iif warfare, most of them would prob- for an attucl<; nnl. asleep as. at rrrnuncl l.hc comer submarines arc 1 one. The modern politlclan !mows t 1 t t t' clinnct· guests Of Mr. atHI Mt·s. Doll 11~

I 1 ll · · t I · P 1 H r·J or 1 c t!Jr' "xectrtrvc · ' we vc con s, no usc 0 s 0 P at W If ably ho too o d anc H'll' ra mng- oar,. a 1 w 1 n. · ·:,, 1 nff th" Atlantic eoast, flylnW suu- that and therefore searches tor a sixty cents. Tho lowering of the 0 • ' too stnlo tn be nf any vulue. AIHo dc~.attment of otn gn~unnwnt I cer·s nre in tlw air, tile railroads seareheacl that he muy ride on, American dollar 40 per cent was Mr. and Mrs. Betton .Johnson by the time they wcr·e ncc,ctcrl lor clelrnltely Imcv; so;etal dn~s In ad- ,

1 will stop tommol't'ow, und the pea- Ferguson, Stassen und many the first big stop by our govern- and family were dinner guests

national clcfonse llll'ir· tmioing' vance that a I carl HntbOI attack pit• of the big cillos will starve. others ure attempting to l'idc ·on t t . 1 1 . 1 11 ,· ,., Sunday of Mr·. nne! M'l·s. Dicit I I J I I lit rd• tc 1J11i \""". lmnJinPnt but rmrst h·•vc os- · men owate ug 1 \lllg cos .. s, ' D J J 1 d Ei I' 1 won c JO :u·ge y o o '' . - m., t t ' tt t 'h t'·t W·tshington the capital hus the communism scarehead. This is not an indication that unsmorc unr g t' s an ' vu 'u.

vcrHal Militat·y 'rraining in peace· ;-mmecl ·ha o. goorl a nc: < y - 1e , ~ ·, - ' , ' tl . . . ., . . · ton. time is absolulnly [nreig-n l.o the .Tups woulcl completely unite the been and Is more confused Jan Lust Febtua1y to hem our Russra. Is prosporrng. Russin lost M

1 spirit of democracy f'r·cc enter- people of the United States in war thr. rest of the country. Most peo- governor cross-examining the more. h~es in World Wat' II than l'S. OII\'O Ealiiwln anr Mnr-.

1 tl A . f It d' 1 plc In Washrng-Lon arc ill<o u bunch p!•cstdent of one of our grea.t edu- any natwn except Germnny. Rus- gnrot spent Friday with Mr·s. DeJI

rll'l-"c anc w mencrtn way 0 as rc. r 1 1 · tl 1 1 n tails · tl 1 · t·t t' t bl •b · t 1 1 't t fi. ht' Wolf. lfc. It smaclts of copying one We also need complete and fully n cogs,. c }!lsrng. 10 r c v . ca ana ms 1 u tons was .0 UJ stn. s trc y coesn . wun ~' g rng . . LT t' f: E ,. , . 1 isla.n<l 11 til other sirlo By refusrng to srt in on the Lon- in shame. You would thmk the war, but she undoubtedly does Wheatfield Grange mot Tuesday

ltnmleltlns. 1 ru ron 10111 u opcan I m[.\tnhne!P .. ,1.1 s n°., cerlcnrJ , 11 ·111_ don r.conomlc conference before president had stolen a watermelon want to accomplish all she can for evening with tlw music committee 1

rm rons. 0 c ac c, a u w " ..• 'll I I . t A t . b th . I t b f d t l I h If . tl t 1 1 t , 1 f U ·, .. 1 M'Jit . tell! , scr i 0 in every land 011 Hr er mal'c lC< rn o us rm, Y e nrg1 e ore an was on r a erse , perservtng 1e secro in chal'ge. Mrs. Ronald Karn fur-~s 0"' " . Ill\ ers,, .· 1

aJ ;Y. genco ' .v 0 .. , 1 · 1 1 socr·et agrcem8nts nt 'l'eheran and in u township justice court. Why? agr·eoments made at Teheran ancl nishecl the program eonsisting of \I

Tt mrnilng. we. IHttl scl"ctr.~c. nvh· the le~;·tl109as t ~f~c1~tll ;1'\~ill~~~- at Potsdam, the standing of tho To • mul<e Michigan people thlnl< at Potsdam, and In porsuing a cold piano .elections by Lois .Johnson;

t111 ~'Y 11 r:unrnlg 0 1

1e tmosl 1' 0


•19"1 pon1<.n °., ,1° 11

1·,,.t·" 't0' tile,.,;· llnit<'d Stall'S in foreign countries the governor was n great man, war of nerves, more than lil<ely, duet, "In the Grmicn" und "Lnstj

c wroug- 1 onr up- .o-c a c onr ma ong I eg I at· rc'' ·• . - I d f ld b'J " . tl f' . . I I I 1 t I . t N' ht' h Id B . , I C . :1 d 1 b . , . h . 1 . " 1 , t t' Je art •1 t , n 1 the proper has been wca <enc many o , r - ,,avmg wm rom communism. s 10 ws v o u ~< no agrcemen s rg ' 1.y a cnJamm anc uro- i ms on o rrng 1 un > Jl a .• s M s ecu rve c P• me 1 '' 1 lions of dollars in Lend Lease uncl Why not usc this explosive energy, made at oithet· Potsdam or line I\arn; violin solos, "Love's 'I

other g-ifts notwithstanding. Honor cooperating with the legislature Teheran. She should be respected Old Sweet Song" ami. "Humor­and respect cnnnot be bought with


and others elected by the people, as one of the greatest world [iow- esque'' by Lawrence Smith; and r!nllars, either privately ot• pub!lo- in real hard work to help solve ers, having earned the respect of piano solos, ".Missouri Waltz" and:



LOVE- LEE CURL Waves Yot11· Hair With

CYSTINE G'I:'S'flNE Is !he vltul snhstiLliM IULtnrc' uses tn 1rrndncn natural curly Jutit•, It tnol{ Frcderim"'' famous hthor­nt.m·i,·~; t.lli'PI~ dt•each'.~ot tn find It wu.y fo c•xl md llrls r•>Lre suhslnlu:o fr•om hair ilsr:lf ·lllld use 11. In Jlf!rrnurwnt \l'lll'lng. But. It II'!LS wnrlh the <lffm·t lweawm uow .}·our· fluit;llH•.d JHWmarwnt lunl<s anti ads lilw natural !:Ul'ly hail'.



and unravel some of the many the world In many ways, and "Brown's Lullaby" by Iillizabeth · It cnn be obtained by an honor· complicated Michigan problems. recognized as the important lead- Carr. The quartette sang two num-:

able and efficient intellig-ence corps The reason communism has only ling nation in ertstcrn mur·opc, hers, ''Scefng Nellie Home" and i Ruby Can<c•hnll, Owner

I Ruth !:lcrjhnE"r, Tuesday & Thur!idny appointments

and a foreign diplomatic service, one side Is that they have no around whom many wcalwt· nu- "Drinlc to Me Only with Thin~' 415 s. Jefferson Phone 2233 t he01 dccl by a ·.John Hay or an Elihu I votes to quarrel over. Most state tions should naturally be expected Eyes." Tho evening· was climaxed (l~:::::::;::::::~=::::::::::=::::::::::::::=::::;:::;::::::;:::;::;:::::::=:;::::::z=:::~:::::;::;::::z:::;:::;::;::::~:::::::;:::::::=:::::~:::::::ill{

"l\1ofhhnll£ umy be all rir;hf, but may I sritl!(~st, sir, that ncxf time you consult the telephone tlitccto:-y Ycll-.J\\' I'ugcs 'fur

sle:·ag-C.'" ·

A. A. Dourlu

Hno't. A rw.t.innal university should problems have two or more sides. to cling, neighbor and deal. Russia '-hn establi.'I}JCcl immediately, truin-1 It is safe to rave unci rant about is their natural center of inJ!uerlce. inA' young men especially qualified u foreign or distant issue that you England, France and Germany by natur·c for foreign service over can't do about; then all. you have forfeited their right to lead I some six nr crght years at com- have to dots to shout. There IS no western Europe. They have lost p!C!ln government expense. These worlt to be done or decisions to be their self-respect nnd their respect II

young men should be sel~ctcd by mudo.. . for each qther. They nrc looking We Are Happy to Introduce

the most. thorough compehtlvo ex- Whrle on tho subject of nutwnal to Uncle Sam to )cud western I arnination. defense let's throw in a burn- liJurope; so let Uncle Sam and Larl'y Orla

Wl1y have a selective service or yard thought on foreign policy. Uncle Joe sit down and divide the a draft? Just to attempt to show Tile United States has not had a approximate boundaries into Hu"sia we are ready to fight? Why J sound, p o s i t i v e, constructive spheres of Influence, Let Uncle liH! hi;; show about it? Russia foreign policy since the days of Sam be big and mn!l'nanimous and rlocrm't want war. The United\ John Hay a.nd Elihu Root and let's both go horne and go to wor!1

Son nf n'fr. ~Mid J'l·]rs. if:nu·rson ~~lwpar<l

1 States rlocsn't wunt war. Why let Theodore Roosevelt. Hughes' and quit this scnrchead, playboy the military people run the coun-1 greatest contribution was the stuff. There are all kinds of weeds try·~ Why not Jet congress and' navy 5-3-1 ratio, at which time to be hoed in both of their gar­the people? Why not offer com- we san!< most of our navy to the dens, if mankind is to continue to pensation that will enlist those bottom of the seu, uml all nat!Dns evolve and progress. Then let adapted for military life ruther promised to be good. Nations' Uncle Sam put his atomic bombs, than a selective draft in peace- promises and arguments are no plenty of them, In Iceland or some\ limo. We n"ed the strongest better than the promises of the other appropriate, large anrl fully-~ vnluntecr military force In tho jldds to other in the alley, equipped base uml if Joe Stalin world. the street or the playground. As steps over the line after three fair

While we have shipped our long as the promise works, it's warnings, bomb hell out of Mos-nntural resources, lumber, iron, 0. K., but when either side cow overni;'{ht. Those Russians

1 coal, soil (nitrogen), potash, plws- changes its mind, which they mny aren't so dumb nor so stupid.

lt'~ that ritJh GIICI'IIS!'Y mill! (hat llllll<es l'OSY

checks and rnhusl. ynnngskr~

Launstein' s Dairy Guernsey Milk-"The Pea), 'lf Quality"

Chocolate mlll<, cottage chec~o, butter·

millt, orange nnd grape dr·Jnk,

The Mark That Identifies the Recipients of God's Wrath A Lecture on the Sure Word of Prophecy

Sunday, May 23; 7:30 P.M. ' \ · atthe



The Bible Voice Evangelist A. A. Douglas

Till~ Is the ,EIJEVENTH IN A SERIES OF BffiLE I..ECTUR.ES being delivered EACH SUNDAY EVENING, free to t.lm public. A lmlr hom· of vocal and instrumontu.J music will l>rccc<le trl1o lcctm·e. If you enjoy singing, or lll<c to hear good gospel music, you will he wise in planning to be pr,esent promptly at 7:30.

Have yon ever listened to any !!lscusslon •as to the meaning of "The 1\larl< of the Bea.~t ?" Do you. yourself lw.~e any t•heorlcs as to Uw lnterpret.lltlon of the "Jifarl1"? Indeed, hrwe yon ever hmll'<l o1• read' anything at· nil, regarcllng this sign of ltlentlflcatlon?

Will you read carefully the following .. references fr'Om t.lte boo!< of Revelation: chapter 18, all vel'fle8; chapter It, verses 9 to 20; lllmpter 15, verses 2 to 4; ehll}lter 161 • verses 1 and 2; chn11ter 10, verses 19 and 2tl.

'Vho are t.lw H4,000 persons who scmrre~ the victory, over l11o Hf'ALSt und his Imagn, ouul nV<W his llfnr·l<? l'h:aM r<}!l41 Revcbttiou, ehapt.m· 7; chapter H, vm'Nes 1 to 5; dlll!Jtcr 15, verses 2 to 4.

In t.lro end of the world. there will he Ullon the earth hut TWO <livislons of manltintl-thoso who have "tiJO 1\larlc of the Beast," 1t1al t;Jrose who ·have the "Father's name written In their forehemls.'' One c:hl-~s receives the wrath of God "which Is· poured out without mixture into th.O cup of his lndlgnatlon," while the other Is talren to tho sea of, which Is in lu'dwen, ·

Since YOUR ET,ERNAL /D.E'8TINY Is dctennlned by YOUR DECISION ru; to whether you receive the "JIInrl1" or the "Name," It is of .VITAL 11\IPORTANQE t•hat you KNOW what tho "mark" Is and what tiro "Jimnc" i•, No that you nmy be in a position to malce art Intelligent choice, ·


\ Special Music Prog~am Precedinr Lecture, Conducted By

Prof, Leonard Hill . Subject Sunday Evenin~, May 30, "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN"

Doors Open 6:30P.M.


' !


Williamston. wm·o exchanged, Following the ex- tiJe historicnl lmowlcdgo of the Fm·mcw SutwrviHot• nlf,H Word ltna boon received tltnl tluugltler·, Mt·s, Vem Bur·llrtll, and i Battle Creel< wore fhmday guefttrJ 'i'he navy l1ns developed li s~.· olwngn, thn hostess, nsslstml hy Civil Wu.r which the children of Robert .Jones, 86, rllod at his Mt•s, Jllmmn nugg in nnw living husbnnrl at Aaglnnw.. I or Mr. nnrl Mrs. Mikel f{lng, plane dooit whloh onn he r•ar•riet\ l<11 MJ'H, lflrnn. and Mot•y- today laclt. form In Wlillam~tun townr~hlp m- willt M<l·, anri MI'H, Il, H, Meohling Mr·, nnri Mrs, L. 'I', Smith 011 tcr- Mrs. Lee Gerhnr!lHtcln . and udvanned lmHeH hy lhr ph.tnUfl ilmt 1\lrn. Nlnu l[etnlmm

Ottrrlmr Club Meelfi The Red Cmlot• Gnt•den club met

Mondo.y 111. the homo of Ml'fl. Vir­glnin l{!teheJ<, 'J'hel'c Wl!l'<l 28 !111CH­ent, Rose Squi !'eH, preHicicnt, Jll'B.­IIIdcrl, •rhe club elected Virginia. Kitchen as thu dcln!,'ate to nl:i:end tho Strtte Federation of Garden clubs, to ho held in •rr·!'Hl! City in .June. Oenev~t Youngs and Mig­non Welch were elected·­n[ltes. Rose Squi!'rs a repo!'t of the Rnitc nnd Hoc •1-H elub which tho Jocoi dub is sponsoring. This was the nnnuni exdtnng~ or plants between lite membet'H, nnd mn.ny plnnts, buiblr nnrl shrubs

ellen BookQr, HOI'Ved ref1•ushment~. li'n!lowing the meeting ih~l com- cently, ,Jones wnH born In OntuJ'io, at ID!siu. Mr·s. Hugg hnd lJ<'en II tnincd hqt·• mothcl' nnd brother I Helen attended the grndtlfltlon v.,t


°1'0 to tJHo it, ' -- rhittee, Kutc Cheney, Clara Gullcll Canudu, rm Muy 11!, l8tll, unci t'CHidtmt of the CIL,Y J'nr auvcrnl Motlwr's Dfly fr>J' dinner, 'l'hoy Wi!hhor·ville TiUI!'Hduy evening, -------------

l'tth·loUe GrmJ(lH 'lJo AVelld und Ivuh Clicimer Herved refreHh- came to Michigan when 11 mnall, wm·e Mr·. rulli Mt'H, li\Juyd Stnnfleld Mt•, n.mi Mrs, Chn.rlr.s Stufl'ord Churr•h on Memori111 l'l•ty monts, boy, He wan weil-lmown thr•ough- Dl', D. C. Mcmhel' ol' !Dnst Lnn- and· Mr·. unct Mt·s. ,J. B. Keulm• wore Lnn~lng vilj)LorH Monday,

Tho Woman's neJir,f corps mel Initiation will he held nl the out the community, having AOJ'Vurl ~Jing, Mr. 1111<1 Mrs, Lam•etwo Rlll)- and dnughtcr Patty ell' Lrlii;Jing. Mr. and Mrs: ,Jim Alchln, Mt•. 'rhursduy evening. Rehq. Faust- next meeting 0

11 May 27.' for many ycln·s UR WllllaniHI.on cinmn, L!tnslng IUHI Mr, und Mr. and Mt'H, Ray PerldnB on- and Mr·s. Delbert Oontne1· ond son

man, presided. There was n large townHhlp supervism·, He had also Mt'H, Max Furney werr. guests ut t.·mtolned their rumlileH l'ot• dlnnet'l of. Lruming anc.l lild LeWlli,, Mr•, uJtd nurnber pmscnt. 'rhe hall hus hcen Rui11 Clrele Meei.H held other public offices. Rurvivlng the Runclmnn-BiosRcy home ][lltt MothlH''H Dny ami oiHo' celelll'aterl Mra. Husse!J Strobel unci Mr. nnd: redecorated, pnlni.<Jd, dmpe8 nnd The Ruth Circle or tho Melito- [lr'e nne mm, Bert .Jones oJ' Perry; Monrluy evening. the ilil'thrlny nnnivcrsur·y or Aud- Mt'rl, mrt Strobel were Sunduy: flltudcn Jllll'Choacd, and t.he tloot• diRt church met in the leogtle room two dnughteJ•s, Mnt. Pcnrl 'rnylor Mrs. Mary Cole nf LanHing hew roy and 11onnlrl Pcrllins. callom ut the Cruce St.robel home.: has h<'en flxerl, Pluns wer·e mn.cie of the chl.II'Ch WcdneHday, Ruth or Shnftshur·g, rtnd R11hy .JnncH of r·eturnerl home nfter• .~pending ~cv- -·-·-~~-~~-~ ' Miss Vernita Stmbo) nttcndetl For attending the Molhndlst church Hru·rls hnd charge or the dcvo- Wllllcmrston; one ln·otbcr, 13en arai weeim with ltct• nh!Cl'H, l\i!r11. HARPER SCHOOL the ~c)lool picnic nt Wnllccil in.lw on Memorial Duy . .All putr·lotlo tlona.Js, which consisted In pa.rt of .Tones or· Toronto, Cunadrt; nnd Alctah null! and Miss Nellie Lud- 7Ut and 8lh Grades l~t·iday, <lrgnnizationH will be guests of the the great. pmy·ers of Moses, other relatives and ft•icnds, Scr- d<!n, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jamc

11 Alchitl

W. n. C, and will meet at 10:30 Geraldine MacDurmon, missionary ices wore held Thursday al'tcmoon Mr. nnd Mr~. J\.1, A. noherts .IHLVO Mr. nnd MrH, Milan waters 1111d I were IPI'id<lY evening callers nt

Radiators CLEANED


Bob's AU ... Car n, 111. nt tho city hail. They will chairman, gave 11 t[liJ< on "The from the Gorsline Brothet·s chapel. 110 Ict their home nn .!Dust Grand family vi.9ited Mr. and Mrs. Peter the Jacob St.rotwl home, mnrch in n. body to the church. House," a Methodist home In New Rev, W. A. Gregory officiated. Jn- River· and will be lorLI'ing the city .Julln.n over· u

11, wee!< rmcl. Mt•, and Mrs. George Philips

'l'he conl'crcncc committee, com- Ym·lc, and the work it is doing torment was made in Summit vcr•y soon, Mt·. nnd Mt·s. Gcor·go Butler wor·o Monday , guests , or their lliHHIVill" l'hlliW :.lili>!l posed nf Nina Ketchum, chn.irmnn, with young girls, eHpcclally y~ung cemetery. On Mother's Day Ml', and Mrs. cnlcrtnined Mr. and Mrs .. Joseph d[lughter, Mrs .. Jncnh Strobel. •-------------' Bertha Gulicit ami RebtL I•'auHL- !migrant girls. The ch[lit•mflll, Nina w. lvcs Wood cnt.ertuinud Ill! their Conway and son on sunday,


man, will meet with tltc Veterans Ketchum, gave the translated vcr- Final 1\Ted!ng Hel•rl children and grandchlldren, Pres-1 g roup SnLunlay, May 22, in the sion of a letter she had received Th" p, T. A. a"soct'atlon or t.·hc H[lr'pct· school pup ls who sang ~ ~ " ent were Ml'. und Mt'll, HoPert JJJ. ti · 1 1 1 ti Legion hall to nssist with plan," from a fnmiJy in Grnz, Austr•ia, Fttiton "Citool l1eld It," )a". t tlt<•.ot- rrt tc ctgitll grfl< c gr·nc U[l 011 C. B. Rosebury

Bulldozing- Grading

Old Orchards Remo~ed

Fill Dirt and Gravel Hauled

.. " ~ " " " Wchar·ds umi children of Kalama- 1 1 1 t s G bl for McmMini Day, The child wei- th[lnltin,.. her for the box of seeds tng at t'te school hmrse with ", o in Mnnc ny n g t were: onny n. c, " • ,, zoo, Mr. unci Mr·s, .Tuck D. Wood M 1 w t D tl K t h fare rclwrt was ln.rge for tho past and clothing they had received and attendance. A potlttcl• 811 nper· was

1 C't

1 Y enc a ers, orn 1Y 0 c um,

• ,. and eh ldrcn ol' 'I'rnverse 1 y anc t · 1 fi 11 Mill month. 13asl<ets were sent for the asldng that if possible something r~erved at 7:30. Mrs. Fastmnn pre- .Mr. ant! Mrs. w. HoiJcrl Wood and p[l·sy Hc111s an1 ussc cr. rlllurnctl veterans, Melvin Rleh- might he sent to a relative in sided. Tho prognun consisted of son and Miss Willa Lou Wooci or Mrs, M. C, Hyde fell Wednesday mon<l ant! Robert Dansby. The de- Germany, various selections being given by Williamston. afternoon while desccr\rllng the

Farmers Gas & Oil Co~ pnrtment president, E I e an or At the next meeting the mem- the following: Mrs. Carlson, Mr. bacit .~tops und had tn he taltcn to St:nhles and the past depnrtrnent hers of the eit·cle will talco cloth- and Mrs. Clarence ,Ainges, Mrs, Mr·. and Mrs, Dale Blosscy and the hospital where she was treated

Enarco Penn Oil, per gal. ................................................ BSc Cup and Gun Grease, 5 and 25-lb. pails .................... 12c lb. President and past national field I ing and food, and a box will be Pic!< d " T" t J mother, Mrs. GcOl'ge Huneiman, !'or· hcHd cuts,

ffl 1 M N l rJ t • f II ar • mrs. .1n.s Jn[ln, ' oyce have returned from spending the n ccr, Ide l!L ac cal, both of pac tc and sen· to tlta.t am y, Fr[lnftlin, .Jeanette Hartwell, Mil- Six Hapcr bo,ys nnd girls grad-D t It t K l 1{1 t f th weclc end in Bay City with Mr·. anci e To :, wm·c gucs s. · It" o ng gave [l rteptor o t e ton Franlclin and Roy Harmon, Mrs. Harold Pcrvis and son. untcc! from tJ1e eighth grade at

Ethyl Gas, gal. .............................................................. 24;::!c · Regular Gas, gal. ........................................................ 22J;Sc

Phone Aurelius 3121 Mrs. Stables gave n.n eulogy to v sits and cards son o shu Ins. Mason Monday night, They were:

I the late commander, 01·lando Le· On Friday evening the member; The 10 members of Mrs. Bernie Ivo.n Ide of Webberville, Fred Dawn Bolhtman, Jnnls Ervin, Lu-

White Gas, gal. .............................................................. 21 ~~c

V~lley of com. will assist with the alumlni dinner Adams' Sunday school clus~ l1ave Ide of Haslett and Mr. and Mrs. cille Ketchum, Earl Ketchum, Rob-'--------------' Mrs. M[lcNeal spol{e briefly 011 I at· the. school, The next meeting received a tetter fmm Italy, thank- .!Drnosl Winchell of Lansing were crt Thomas and .Tacit Miller.

lc discount per gallon in 25-gallon lots will be made for non-highway usc

• · will be with Mt·s. Maxine Bl6ssey tng them fnt• the care pacitngc dinner guests Suncicty of ivtr. and I 1l -------------------------------...;---------------------- on .June 0 at 2 p. Ill, Following they purchased some time ago, Mrs, L. D. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. M. I- . Eo m.~n Hours ·----------------------------------~--~

Windy and Destructive TUAT'S AI, \VA 'I'S 'I'll F.' I'OSSIUILI'l'Y IN Sl'RING \\IEATll.ER Tlto~e of you who J'llntemill"' lite unexpC'etcd fury of the Mil.y, 1042 windstorm here In Ingham county, !mow tho extent of damago lhu.t windslm·ms t•au llfr.[lte. Ail!!f(UU.te lnsm'11nce Itgalnst suel,t loss wlil not •.•tot' Hlorms, hut it will protPct against com­phlle loss.


th t . M R D na Mr·s h · I I · Jv!t·. atttl Mt·s, Wt'llittrn l{ctclttltn and daughter spent Sunday WI h c moe mg, rs, osc n. , •. T e g11· s are p anmng a scavenger· their daughter Mrs. L, Bceitwith .Jacl< Lechler and Mrs. Clare Mac- hunt fo.r clothing, which will be and children spent the weelt end ancl family, , Durmnn, served a lunch. held in the ncar future. The cloth- with Mr. and Mrs. William Cook The school picnic will be held n.t

--~ ing collected will be sent to Ger~ of. Vandalia. Potters Parle l\llay 21 at 12 o'cloclc 4-11. GroUJI F..lcct~ J many, :Mr. and Mr·s. V. W. Vnlmct·, who The neighborhood is welcome to

The •1-H Ralw and Hoc club, 1 The local Methodist church pre- have been spenc!ing the winter in 'attend. · which is sponsored by the Red· sented the picture, "They Said It Hollywood, Florida, have retumed Aal'On Hyde attended the Junior

., Cedar Garden club, met Wednes- with Flowers," the story of Hol- home. ' Fellowship meeting at the home of day [lt tho school, with Mrs. land's gratitude to her friends and Mr. and Mrs .. Everett Fish, who Miss Lucille Lott Sunday evening.

'Squires as advisor. M. H. Avery, allies for their assistance. A sound have been spending th~ winter Dicltie Beclr.with of Lansing

I county club agent, was present movie "A Man of Faith" was also with the latter's son and family in spent sunday night and Monday


7 11. m. to li p. m. on, \V~·•·luiays 7 u, m. to I! jl. m; on Saturdays

Clo~cd Sunday~

'l'IIOJ\IAS IWSIIm~, 1\lalmg<'l' the <!ortwr f•·om Bement's on North

and outlined the work which they shown'. Religious movies nre shown California, have retumcd !tome. I with Dawn Bollman and [llso vis-


will do during. the summer· and e. very other wcelc in the ch.urch on Mrs. Ethel DeCamp had her 1 ited school Monday morning. M C & M C fall. member will }][lve a Sunday evening Ht 7:30p.m, children with her ior Mother's! c owan c owan garden, raisin~. vegetables and . The Cub Scouts held their· pack Day. ThoBe present were Mt·, nne] MiLLVILLE J 13 F,, Oak Phmm 3261 j tlower·s. The officers. elected for meeting In the Methodist church Mrs. Donald DeCamp. of Hoyal 1\Irs. l\Iagglc Burden

the year w~re: President, Teddy Wednesday evening with a pot- Oak, Roland DeCamp and Mr. and

I .Johnson; vcce presi?ent, Joan luck supper at 6:~0. Den No. D Mrs. Harry Jones. On May 23 Sunday school will

---------------------------- Morse; secretary, ~etth Cadler; had char·ge of the program. Neil Mr. and Mrs .. Georg' a Rolfe of be at 10 a.m. and preaching at 8 and treasurer, .sa~dla Burgess. On Newman and his trained dog, p. m. Frtday the drstnct 4-H garde_n Ditto, gave 'L talk on "Safely." Grayling visited friends and neigh- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtis of




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* Briclt. Work Cnll Us For Free E!!timates


Phone 98111!J llays- !l5814 or 85916 .l~venings ant! SundJ\;vs lllason Repre~entative-

ANDRE\V SANBORN- l'hone Mason 24141 Holt Reitrc.•entatlvc

ARTHUR GIUFFITH - Phone Holt 2761

Bud's Body. Shop And Auto Parts

Complete Collision Service In case your car is involved in .an accident, remember that "THE BIGGER THE SMASH, THE BETTER WE FIX 'EM".


COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS, new, and used for all makes of cars




J,ocatetl 3 miles south of Mason on US-127 Phone Holt: 7-4121

group met at the school. Thrs , . . . bors ltcre last wcclc ancl visited t S 1 lth th · Tb I t f tl t IJ Van town spcn um ay w · err group is composed of members e t rug s ~res o te eJ y WI her father, William LoBcllc, and daughter and husband, Mr. and

fmm Vantown, When.tficld, North altemate durmg the wmmer brother, warren VanAlstine, nnd Mrs, Howard Qaltley and family. Africa Locltc and Leroy town- months. One store Will he open family. tt 1 Shl. s ' fmm 8 to 1 p. m. and 6 to 10 M . 1 M R' h 1 I-! CI)J'trles Neithammer is a enc ing ' p · p. m. each Sunday. Both stores r. anc • rs. tc arc agormnn court in Mason this weelt,

11 I d h S d ft of Ann Arbor spent Mother's Day Mrs. Mary Mead called on Mrs. ;Extension Group IUeels Mrs. 'Lila. Lutz entertained the

Loel<e Center Extension group on Wednesday, May 5, Norine Hart­well presided over the business meeting. Twenty-five dollars was given to the Bertino Benedict fund. Mrs. Mary Shrum h[ld char·ge of the program. It was decided to have evening meetings during June and .July from 8 to 10 p. m. The June meeting will be with

1 Mrs. Keith Redman and Mrs. Lena Piper and Katherine Piper will have charge of the program. Fol­lowing the meeting, the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Hartwell and Mrs. Esther Mead, served lunch,

Plan l\Iemorlal Day Ri te.s

:~011~0 c ose eac un ay a: er·- with the former's mother, Mrs. Emma Morgan and Mrs. Maggie Bess Hagerman. Burden Saturday a.fternoon.

The Williamston DeMoltLy chap- Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barnum of Mr. and Mrs, Nat'l'agon of Lan-ter held initiation Monday evening, La.nsing visitecl ut. the William sing visited her brother and wife, May 17, The degree was conferred Ketchum home last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neithammcr on four candidates, On May 24 the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Comebal- Sunday, DcMolay chapter will go to Dans- lac!{ and daughter spent Sunday ville to 'put on both degrees for with the latter's parents, Rev. and HERRICK DISTRICT the DjlnsvH!e Masonic lodge. Mrs. T, s. Bottrell.

Mrs. Maurice Durkee and chi!- Mrs. Andrew Dandcaml. of Du- lltt·s. Lee Gerhardstoln dren have returned home after rancl and Miss June DcFay of visiting relatives in Illinois anrl Lansing were ovcmi,ght guests at Ken"tucky. Mrs. Reba Turpen, for- the Harris Hartwell home Friday, merly Reba ·waterman, was one of Mr. and Mrs. James Call and the friends visited. children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank

Mrs. Geraldine LaPrezc and Miss Call and d[lughter spent the wee!! Jeanne LaPrcze have returned to end at Beulah visiting friends and their studies at Marion, Indiana, relatives. after spending [l short vacation The Haynes Community club with the former's p[lrents, Mr. and met with Mrs. Ila Slocum Case in

1 Mrs. Bert Hart. Lansing. There was an exchange

. , of plunts by th" members. Birth-Mr. and .Mrs. Harold VanKam- days of Charlene Michalel< and

pen and children of .Tacksm;, who Iln. Case were observed with a have been VISJtmg t~e J.atter s par-~ fitting ceremony, each receiving ents, Rev. and Mrs. II. A. Cole, cards and handkerchiefs from the have returned home. rncmbers. The next meeting will

Mrs, Eleanor 1<'. Stables and be ivith Mt·s. Alm!L Kuclmer of Mrs. !della MacNeal of Detroit Williamston. were dinner guests of ,Mrs. NintL Mrs. George " Frost and Mrs. I<etchmn last Thursday evening. Hugh Oestct~c nttended an after­

Sun day (lfternoon callers at the Lee Gerhardstcin home were Mr. I and Mrs·. Albert Nelson and Mr.· and Mrs. Leo Oerhardstein tLnd Sue of Webberville.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunn [lnd Mr. and Mrs: Howard King and family of Howell and August King of

DON'T WAIT-c'nme to Ute WF.:S'l;ERN AU'TO ASSOCIA'I~IG S'I'OR,E, today. "Get 'em while we've got 'em." Believe uK, 'We at till limPs maim every effort to have the automotive- supply Items J1!qiUlNtcd at the prim' you ctLn affot•d to :pay. Wc'ro\ your COillJllete automotive suptrly store.

WESTERN AUTO ASSO,CIATE>STORE , OWNER -W.O. POST!'":~.~}·,~ '•.·, t..·. ,··

420 S. JE'FFERSON ' . ·· · '·; '• PHON'£"1~21121' ,, MASON,MICHIGAI\I"•·.- '·' · ·~, :.

' . Plans for 'the city's observation of Memorial Day will be com­pleted Saturday evening when all patriotic m•g[lnizations will meet at the American Legion hull to ftnish the de~ails for the day's ob­,o;ervance. On Memorial Sunday, May 30 the organizations will at­tend the Methodist church as guests of the Woman's Rellef corps. Rev. W. A. Gregory will deliver a special sermon. The Christian and American fi,ags will be dedicated at that time.

Bird Bickford, Jr., has pur- noon tea n.t Owosso last MondRy chased the farm owned by Mr. and given by the Farm Bureau wom­Mrs. Martin Fineout. The Fincouts en of Shiawasscc county. will live in a house trail"r until Mr. and Mrs. Allan Be[lch ltad

The annual meeting of the Wil- school is out, when they plan to as Sunday visitors last week Mr. Jiamston high school alumni will go to Ohio, where they expect to and Mrs. Pearlie Beach nnd Mr. he held this Friday evening. Din- malce their home, and Mrs. Burton Hammond of ner will be served ut 7 p, m. A Mrs, Archie Chamberlain enter- Charlevoix and Mr. and Mrs. Hex social hour and dancing will fol- tained the Missionary .Society of Beach. I

.li1\N1l1,.a1~ 'Vl'fll

low. the Rowley district last Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. George Frost The Ladies [lUXlliary of Wycoff day for dinner. Mrs. Lillie Hart spent last Sunday with their 1

Post No. 296 will sponsor a card presided over the business meet­[ party Thursday night, May 20, at ing. Mrs. Ida Bickford had charge

I Ute Legion hall. Refreshments will of the devotionals, Roll call was be served, • responded to hY: ?ach reciting .a

Mrs. C[lt't'lc Hunt, president of· quotation pertammg to mother, the Methodist L. T. K class, en. Mrs. Mac Silsby had charge of the tertained the class Monday eve- program. ning. The devotionals were given Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cool of Lan­by Muriel .Niles. Bernice Foelcr sing have moved into the Ray-

1 conducted an old-fas~ioncd school. mond Ording apartment. 1 Followmg the meetmg, refresh- Mr .. and Mrs .. Freel Warner have ments. were ser·ve,d. . . returned home after spending

Ensrgn and Mrs. Carl R. Wwk Mother's Day with the latter's announce th~ birth of a. son, Carl mother in Ohio. .Ertc, on .A!ll'll 2.7 tLt the Coco Solo Mrs. Ethel DeCamp presented naval h~sp1t~1 m the canal zone. her pupils in a recital at tho Mrs. Wtclc IS the former Helen Methodist church Monday evening, Getgen. . May 17.

Mr. and Mr~. Harold Rohbms Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Crips enter-announce the hrrth of a daughter, ta.ined the family of Mr. Crips T.erry Lou on May 9. Mrs. Rob- honoring his mother, Mt's. Mable

~ ll\1~\ ' .. (J 1 · When you re in the dOver'• ,,., humari · • ·-. • -~----..... -- ..1

lives are in your hands •. ~ That's why it's so important to keep your ~car in perfect

mechanical condition. Every life is precious~yours; your}a_f!lily's·; your friends •.

• I

bms was formerly Frances See Crips, on Mother's Day. Those ~---------------------------• \V'arren Ga.lvin, who has been ill present were Mr. and Mrs. oar-

for the past few weeks, is better land Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Hol­nnrl expects to be out in !its wheel Ungsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn chaiJ· this week. Crlps, Mr. and Mrs. Wain Crips

Drive with a clear conscience by having us, your factory-franchised new~ car _d.ealer

LESLIE Heating and Plumbing

Company . .


Residential - Commet·cial - Industrial

Heating, ventilating, air conditioning, sheet metal,· ' plumbing and electrical work

Gas and oil-fired, full automatic steam, vapor hot water installations Gas and oil-fit·ed fut·naces

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If you are )!Ianning to hulld, consult wltll us about your lwat-lng plant before you start ymir. hulldhtg, r

We lnstull 'couventloo'iu.r - pauci heating - ultra-modern I;; forced air systmns In homeK wltllout h!l8emen!J.~ • - . .

221S N. Main St., Leslie •

Robert Ruht, son of Mrs. Leta and Mr. and Mt·s. Earl Teeple of Ruhl, has retumed homel'rom Los Lansing. · Angeles, California, where he has Announcement is made of the been attending school. birth of u son to Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Kitchen of Chicago, II- Burton' stover on April 16 at Mt.

llinois, called on his mother, Mrs. Carmel hospital in Detroit. Mr. Blanche Kitchen, on Mother's Day, and Mrs, stover former resi­

, He stopped at Ann Arbor later in dents of Williamston. He will an-the day to visit his daughter swer to the name of Button Joan. ,. Thomas. · •

CJar.k's Garage

General Overhauling

New and Rebuilt Motors


Mr. and Mrs. Clore Hammond and family spent Sunday in Wil-liamston, e

The Williamston fire department I is attending classes in fi'l'e fight­Ing three hours each Monday and Wednesday evening, Thes'i classes, I taught by an experienced teacher, deal 'With the latest methods of fighting the various sorts of fires~ which the men are called upon to

.. extlnquish. Mr. and Mrs . .Joe Jenkins, for­

mer manager of the Byerly store, moved to L[lnslng this week. Jen­kins is now employed by the American Laundry company.

• IIR NEW till -• Ill lliJ tAll -• Ill All tAll -General automobile repair lllld service work done by an ex­llerlenced nnd C!llmble ma· ehlulst.

Guests· at the James Cotter home this · weelc were Mr. and MimiNG YOU fliED tD lOP Mrs. Ch[lt•les McRoire of Plnclmey loUI fDID'S SHDWIIOOII COMPUIIOI and Mrs. Bernice Dondlneau of Dearborn,

John Morse has retumcd from visiting realtives In Chesaning.

Mr. and Mrs. John· Dewey of J. B. DEAN'

check your car regularly-recondition it when needed

.-remember when you qrive there's LIFE A~~~.P•. handle with eare!

111 VI y()tJl\ CAl\

~s an authorized new Car D~aler we are best equipped to dp ': ,• ' '

the job. Our rriechanic$ ·~re.·_·~tops",. our service thorough,· . ' ' ', - . •,.

our work reliable.

Seven miles west of M&~on on Columbia; fll'llt house south on Gale road, Alll'lllllt!l Jlhone 611. Lansing spent Mother's Day with Forll Sales nud Siln•lce

~~~~!~~tcr's• ·mother, Mrs. Bird 1\lasou Phone. 5Sll 227 N. Cedar ' Dart Mo~or Sales

Phone 23081

r, '·

' ':


News of Interest to Ingham County Farmers I Cooking Hint Adds Flavor and Value

ll fllW OURilR YOtl Wlil need to fO• ttn•n it lo o. liquid by r~Uding wn· tor und nae na ordinm•y mlllt, Some recipes Will liH" enough dry mille to Jnorenae the food vnltto nvtlt' six ot• ei!l"h l limes, using flttltl rtldmmlliL One ·ounce IR equal to 1 cttp of fluid ·Hidmmlllc, Slnoe It con. tnlns no fat you will wnnt to use ('omls to l'Cplaoe t!u, fnt WOUld


More 4-H Clubs Organized Jcador•. The clnb has un cnt·nJI- Feed Cows Well men t. nf H nwmhnrs. Ofl'lcurs: President: Dcnn Bnughn: vice- For Best Return College Studies Weed Control on Corn

t president, Botty ]i'orce; secretary, 'Pwo, ·1-D, ltSed us n )ll'C•CillCI'· • ncrc, Rome rotn1•dutlon of "I'OWlh Community Cltt!Jft r.durnlng on-~ •!-Winds: A mixed projoc s club s 1 1'1 1 J 1 M t t·' 1 t thirds I " L d II 'nne rn " 10r Y: nn .rcnsmcr, nny cows Y e" on Y wo- g•cnnc '.l[li'Il.Y In "weet corn, ,"lle- and injur·v of corn wns noted, hut r·c1Jim••r!ls rcccnlly itwllllle: lei! by Mrs. Paul Howe nnd u c l" 'P 1 It 1 Mi 1 i 1 s tl1cy •· " " '

I ·'ern nwnsenr · cnpne ·Y n e 1 grm Jccuu. 0 • cesllfully destmy<trl weccf,a· without at llw rntcs or 3 to fi pott!lds fl<H' Fitchburg: A I vrst"elc nnrl finl'·lPh<>twy, ho.vlng 1G members, Off!· White Onlc: A lm·gc community nr·e rmly fer! from o~c-lmlf to twn- Injury to the CI'"P· This I'~ the re··i nm•c there was no adverso el'fcct

r!cn cluh with H m':'.mb"r'H hi by 1 curs: Pr'C!RI<Icnt: Dnllns Hyde; vi en- club wilh 27 nwmh<•rH Jed by Mr· tltirr!s volmnr, 'rills fcwL is ro- 1 t Almon•up. Olil""rs: Prest. president, nussoll Howe; secretary, 1 •. D 1 ·· C · ' . t 1 1 ' )JOI'terl by A. C. B,•tltzer, Michi"nn ii!tlt ol' one .~cr1son's tr·iul .hy Dr. I on growth, yielc Ol' qunll y of corn.

· II d t F 1 anr .. rrs. e mnr 111 '1' rts~ICJ '" ,1Y · ,., C, L. lTillllnor, Dr, I-1, 13, Tultcy, Tltc 2, •1-D lnducecl "tr.·ongor• tl<'llt: Mnry Jenn Wlls"n; vtee· .Joyce .Hn i an t•ensurer, •rec (J 1 ~1 tl 1 ill B'IJ J> St t 11 t I 1 ' ymnn " . r a ,, wa w m w · 1 ·' Aavnn· n ·c co ego ex ens on 'utr. • nnd R, I~. Cnrlson, hnrtlcultm·lsts nnchorng•c nnd n larger feeding· prcslr!cnt, John Koleor·; secretary, Welsh. cJor• n11 advisor nnd mli?.nhclh Carr from records of dairy herd im- t Ml 11 St 1 II

Hobortn Barber; nnd tt·oasul'er, Haslett: A community cluh hnv- 1 1 1 1 1 ll u " 1 gun, a ·0 co ego, rcmt system which completely I b I , 1 nnd Wnnda Pnt·Hons, 11p non euc- provenwnt organ ?.a ons. When the 2, •1-D \Vns lLJlfJllcd n.t fl'llecl tiiC ,•loll n1.01111 d tile plant. John Koker. llf{ 2·1 mom era <>cl by " rs. fl'l p · 1 l T 1 .,

Grovcnllut·g: A mixed project Chnriefl Coleman, W!lm!L Colemnn, orB, 0 . cers: rc•mt en : ' 1111 11 Mnny l1erds under DHIA test Cor the mt.J ol' 10 and 20' pounds per• 'l'he firm onchorage given by these dub with 18 mPrnlwn-1 1f!d,by Jlob- Olor·in. Smith, Phyllis Stnnlte nnd Cnrr; vlcc-pl'Nlidt•nt, Pl~Lt.!t' !?lwlps; tlw Ilrt~t. t.lmr. pr·oduec .2,000 pound:; ··~·--------------·------·-··--·---- rnots Iwpt the plunts erect dlil'!ng er't Hnlrl. OtTl"et·s: l'resldonL: Wil· Dnrwin Downey. secretary •md tremtur·er•, Bnrbura I less mille nnd 100 pounds less but· Date Important In n severe summet· stor•m, whHens

. . l L Cl I 1 r I tt A f I I h lc l b Stevens' nnd r·cpori.CI', mlizahcth tcrfat limn they produce nfter Jllnnt.• .Oil ttntrerttc•.cl plot" W"l'e Jinm Oakley·, vtce-preslc on , a r - ns c: : ooc s c u c Y c PI " u "

Olls; secr·dnr·y; Gnry Otis; and Mr.~. Wllllnm Qulclt lind nsslstecl arr: . 'toting for 12 to 2•1 months. anting of Beans I blown over,, trensurm·, Don Onieky, by Hnse Marie Quick with eight Wtlemc A llvcfll.ock nnu eropH 'l'IJC nvemge Michigan cow rc· The horticulturists wnrn thnt

Stocltbridge: A mixed project rncmboi'S. Officers:. President: ~~~1 •11 Wt~lt~lnc mcn;bc;s 1 J~dl \1Y celvcrt two· tons of hay, between .Tunc is .. nn lmpo.rtnnt mo.nlh fnrJ the success of this method fo1· with 1•1 members. Tlw dub is led Rose Mnrlc Qulelc; vice-president, D 10

:1Th ,1 ~ ~~na~rrfn' .. a'{:.".~~ {~ 2,000 to 2,500 pound,, of stlngc, nncl the be~n crnp since rnr"t plnutlng controlling weeds depends upon

by Ted IPay,, assisted !Jy Orvl!lo Doug Stnnlw; secretory, Marilyn orr c c m · , .. ccrs;, 1•0

:: en ' rtiJOut 1,000 pounds or gmin. 'fhe Is done then, B~tL]Jcrt. Petti- many rnctors such ns variety, soil t . . t' G I i Wlllln.m 'T'hayu' vlu.-pr c.Jidcnt, c. DI·IIA n v receives two 't'n b l t t M II Cosr;-r·ny. OfricerH: f-'t•csiclcn : non- \Vnrren, nnd rcpor er, or a Rubert Eclchnrt· nnd secr·ctary nnd av rage c 1 . . • g. vc, cnn spccl!liS a tc 1 gn.n type, temperature nnd amount of

nld Byr:rly; vicr,·presidonl, Stanley Smith, · tl•ensur·er.' Jr·vln 'Gcnu;1, 1, . tons or eholee nll.nlfn, alfali'o.- Slate colh:gc, says that plans must rnlnfnll. Tests must be mnde over Fay; nnd secretary, Lany Mills. Houacl: A rnlxccl projeet club led 1 Willlan;strm: Mrs, w. k. Sculrcs hmmc gmss hny; from ·l.O?O to ~10 mntlc curel'ully before planting a pct•lod of years and under n.

WdJ!let•vlllc: A dairy and l!l'Ops hy Konn":th mvans with 17 mem- ieucls this Gurdon club of 12 !nom- 1),000 poun,ds .of col'll ~!luge: and IS done, variety of conditions .before re-P-lith with 10 ml'rrtb.,rs led hy Vern· bcrs .. Olltcer·s: President: Donnld. llers. 'l'hcy nutned their club, "Ho" from 2,1i00 to .l,iiOO pounds ~t bnl- Beans can he plnntcd in Mny commendations cnn be mucic for 011 J, Horl~;e. Ollieers: Prnlilr!c•nt: Mdntee; vte8·prestdcnt., Bethel nnd Rake". Officers: President,' anced gru.lnmtxtures, . "' . lmt tiwy u~ltnlly mnltc n. set of general use, but the preliminary Neil West; viel!·pr·csidlmt, Wilfred W1lhur;. nnd secretary and trcas- 'l'Jwodore ,Johnson; vice·pr'cr<ldcnt, Though the cost for this reed ts PtlC]H r·nthcr curly, As they arc r·esults nrc promising. Milln.r·rl; seerL'tu1·y, ;roannc wost; tll'c.r, Lo~s .mvans.. . . , ,Joan Mot•so; secretary, Keith SFlcl- greater, the dollars retur'!1ed. hy mat.urin!fo a. rain can cn.usc the I specialists at Michigan stnte ctn1J troasmet·, Bdt.y Alchin. Sn.rHihlll, ~· mtxcd plO.Joct club ler; and treasurer, Sandra Bm- the more heavtly l'cd cows tH often plant to send nut new growth nnd college wm·n thnt gencml use of

s. m. Alai!!don: A large com- led by Mrs. T"dwo.rd Krnnz with 11 gcss. thl'ec times greater !hun thEit pro- m.alce n. new set or. pods. The ~ew j2, ·l·D spmys on corn cannot he munily club led by Glen Wntldns, members. Olfrccrs: President: ,Tim-. ------- cluccd by the poorly fed cows.1 gtowth mo.!ccshmvcst difficult rccommclidecl until another season dairy· led by Lt<WI'cnce 1-tnsl<ill, mie Krnnz; vice-president, Willio.m F .1. U nnd creates n pr.oblcm m?st grow-! of trials has been completed. Post' poultry kef by Phil Hayhnc, gnr- Gabel; secretary, Hlchard Gruhn erb lZer ps ONONDAGA ers nr? not !Lmoous to Jneo. I emergence sprays must be used dt!n by Melrose Hudson, German and treasurer, We hard Cooper. S B t y• Jd 1\frH. Burton Bnlclwln Pcttrgrovc ltsls t11e following with caution, Pre-cmcrgcn<:o cnnning and roods led by :'>lormn. South Leslie: A livestock and ugar ee Ie ~. rates nnd clo.tes for plnntmg varl- spraying cnnnot be recommended! Jm!'••rt, Bernadine Shaw and Donna r;arden elull led by Leo Brown n.nd Hev. and Mrs. Hunter drove to nus types of: beans; . . at the present time. It is expected I

u' you'm Joolelng fm• a way to got more mille In your rnmlly's tliPt in un eusy way, you!' nnswer may be the ttso of dt'Y Hillmmillt In mnny recipes. It Is o. eheup somco ol' good protein.

u.~lng dry sltlmmllk given a line flavor t.o rimny food.9 nnd puts min· ornln and vitamins tn your diet In· expensively, ndvlsen Pauline Pu.ul, r·esenr·ch professor In the foods nntl nutrition dcpn!'tmcnt at Mlchlgnn St.nte ,college.

Using various amounts or tho dt·led millt in hundreds or recipes hns cnn vlnce<l hnmo economists that it is a very prnctlcnl Item for every hotrscwll'e to ndd to her gm­cery list. It is easily stored nnd convent on t to usc. Keep It in n tightly closed container In n cool place nnd It Is rca1ly for your usc in soups, meat dl~!\es, breads n.nd desserts.

Usually you can nsc It clry and mix it with the dry ingredients. In

got ft•om whole milk. h!r, egg·a, cheese, green ve,gm;nlltes, enrrolt-J 1 llvel', :iWet~t. notm.oe' yellow ertl'n will give you n. bnlnnee,

Dr, Pn.ttl and her cO-WO!'Itol'R In the l'onda department, At•lene B1·ill nnd Shir·ley Means, hnve worlted out very successful recipes with the dt•y sltlmmille. Their recently published bulletin, "Using Nonfat Dry Mille Solids," contnins mnny or thom. Tho IUHclous frosted cho· cnlato m111e pictured nn the cover of the bulletin will sell you on the ideo nf trying this nutritional wny of cooldng. Get. n copy at your cnunty exteu~lon orflce Ol' f!'om the Bulletin Office, Michlgnn Stnte college, A~it for Experiment Stn· lion Circular Bulletin 212,

I U. R. AJI(II'UVlitl l'ullnl'trrn Cuntrol1.,cl

LOWDEN CHICKS ]?n.vorHPI'i for Vf'~tr!i


Pullet Chl!ills CoC!lter"l Chldt~ I!H8 Moclt~ls llutc,lthig All Smnrn"r

Voss; and Dttbnls cnnning- n.nd Mnllrcnc Brown. The club has 13 Sugar beet.' respond to commer· Pittsford nn Sunday where they Perl. beans (Michohtc vnrwty)- thnt additional work du!'ing the fc)()dS kd by Mnry I-Inll and J{ay membct·H. Officers: President: cia! fertilizer· npplicntion~ ns well were dinner guests of Mr. unci Plant .the first weclt or 10 ditys of coming season will mnlcc possible · Curlis. Thomas B r 0 w n; vice-president; or better than other crops grown Mt·s. c. Armstrong. Rev. Hunter June 1n rows 28 Inches npnrt nt definite recommendations for

F.v~ry day ls jlay d:ty-A gout! llud< nf lAl\l''hm sl"'''' Is n y~ar 'rumul (~ash crop.

Uuy lwre il.t •lwmo ' WIU'f.E, I'll ONE OR VISJr Driver: A fnocls clu!J !••11 by Mrs. William Krmnwin< and secretary, on heavy soils,. L. S. Hobertson, was the spcnker at the morning the rntc of •JO pounds per acre. general usc,

Marion 1~nx. Offic:crs: President: .James Bmld. I soli scientist nt Michigan Stnte service or the First Congrcgntlonal Cranberry bcans·-Plant the first -------Po.triciil D 0 w n s; vice-president, Wrst Locke Bl'ick: A. mixed pro- college, reports that. an increase church. The· church extended to trn clays oF June,, prefcrnbly as HEAVY l'ROiHJCER Ruth J3nle,•r·; so•crclary, Shirley ject club led by :Mrs. 'rhelmn Mild- of. one to llvc tons of beets per· him a call to the pastorate, n call ncnr 'the fir·st as possible, in rows . ntllips; nne! treasurer, I<ay Gin- den nnd assisted by Mrs. Wayne nero may be expected from the which Rev. Hunter ncceptcd. · 28 Inches apart nt tho rate of GO A registered I-Iolstc.ln cow m gTass. 'Phis club has 1.0 members. Force,' with Betty Riley ns junior correct usc of fertilize!'. Misses Bemnrdyne and Nancy pounds per acre. the dni~y herd owned hy Mrs. Ber-

The specialist recommends thnt Ann Rosquist were sunday guests Kidney boans--,-Piant June 15 to 1mce mrfert & Sons, Mason, re------------------..:·----------- on mineral soils, a complete forti- or their aunt and uncle, Mr. and 25 in row~ 28 inches aport at the 1 cently completed n· 350·day pro-

lizer be used. It slwuld contnin Mrs. Wayne paul of Coldwater. rate of 80 pounds per acre. j duclwn r.ecord m her~ improve-

BABY CHICKS All Popular I3rcccls

U. S. Approved - Pullorum 'festecl


Special Price

$14.65 per 100 For AAA Quality

twice a.~ much phosphoric acid as Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dalrymple If benns can be dropped four ment reg1stry test of ~45 pounds it docs potash. Examples arc 3-18- spent the wee]{ end, in Cadillac at inches apart in the row in a uni- of butterfat and 11,760 pounds of I 9, 2-16-8, or 2·12-6. On some light- the home of Mrs. Dalrymple's form manner, the spncing will be milk. Her ~ff!clnl name is Ann I er textured soils nl :J-12-12 anflly- mother. They also visited their oxccllen. t. Jl' the ctr,ill docs not drop Fobes Clothilde. Sll~ wns r111lllcdj sis produces gonrl yields. gmndl'ather who is a patient in the the beans uniformly in the row, tw1ce datly nnd was .! years nnd 2,

Fertilizer should be drilled !iOO hospital there. ennJtgh .seed 11111. st he used to avoid' months old when she bcgnn her I pounds ~or acre in !Junds nne inch George Hull, a life long resident wide spnccs between plants. Dis- test period, to the strlc and one and one-half of Onondaga, pnsscd away at the tances of 12 to 1/i inchc!s in the ------inches below the seed. Tests have 1 T. B. sanatorium in Lansing on row without plants will reduce thn FOUR TOWN CORNERS I shown that not mor.c than 200 i Sunday, May 16. J?uneml services y(cld. 1\Jrs. Edd 1\lullen

1 pounds of ferttltznr wtth the seed were held from the Behrens funernl The 28 inch row i~ standard.

I is .s.afc, yd a mnall. amount .. of home on Tuesday with burin! in [However, narrower spacinl? of the Mr. und Mrs. Bert Elford of De-l fctlllrzer w1th the seed w11l hasten Roselawn cemetery. row may be used nnd an mcrcasc I trmt were Friday callers nt Edcl cmcr·gcnce from the soil. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Basi~g and' in yield uhtamcrl. The extra yield Mullen's. /

Segmented seed is more susccp- ctnughter spent Sunday in Holly I may not any more thnn compen· Miss Mnry Mullen and Frnnlc I tible to fertilizer injury from con- at the home of Mr. Busing's par- sate fo1· the cxlrn worlc of: caring Mullen, ·or Detroit and Mr. unci. tact placement tllnn is the whole ents. for the extra rows hut lhcre mny Mrs. James Clickner nnd son of

Meadowbrook H.atchery or natural seed. H n drill which Mrs. Orpha Sammon has re- be a convenience in the usc of Dearborn were Sundny guests of places seed in n !Janel separate turned to her home from Decker- equipment. their brother, Will,

I from lhc seed is no~ availnblc, 500 ville, nfter spending the winter -------

1:l2 S. WaHhington Slrcct

Charlott6, Michi::an

Announcing Om· Own B1·and Of


Enriched with ·

Phone 814 · pounds should he rlrtllerl cle!!ply be- with her daughter and family, the CURTICE DISTRICT Mr; nnd Mrs. Edd Mullen spent fore plowing and 100 pounds used Rev. Dudley Mosures. 1\[r~. Howard Scl'iJtter Sunday with friends in Jncleson.

I in the r·ow nt plnnting time. Guests at the Glen Norton home Mr n.nd :ri~rs. Ecld Mullen were J

Certain so-called minor clements over the wee!{ end were Miss Nor- Mr. and Mrs, Hicharcl Gov!Ln nncl Wednesday callers at the Sever-will increase sugar bcet yields on mn Updike of Michigan Center and family and Kuhn of De- nncc home near Mason. I some soils. On neutral or n!Jcalinc Linn Kelso of Grand Rapids. trait spent the week end with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wemple vis-J soils, five to ten pounds of borax Mr·. and Mrs. Mnurice Glover nnd Mrs. Raymond Hart and ited their daughlct· nnd husbn.nd of, nnd 20 to 25 pounds of manganese nnd family or Clnrks lake spent family. Lansing Fridny. i sulfate per ncrc, mixed with the the week end at tile home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo DeCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Vnughn Phelps and fertilizer and placed in bands sep- Edna Glover, family and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray De- family or Jackson, wez·e week end erato from the seed, will incrense Mr, nnd Mrs. Russell Doyle of Camp were Sundny dinner guesls guests of the Haggerty family. _ yields considernbly. Leslie and Mrs. John Root of Lan- of Mt·. and Mrs. Fr:mk Shopbell.

Fertilizer shortages may malw sing were Frldny evening callers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shopbell . . . 1 it difllcult to obtain some of the or Mr. and Mrs. Larry Doyle nnd called Fridny afternoon on J1is called on Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Gr·tffm 1

I annlyses rccommcndctl bnt Robert- Mil;c, ' sister, Mrs. Myt·te Owen or Lcrllie. Sunday nfternoon. I son aclvi~cs that farmers will Tho lnst P. T. A, meeting for Mr. and Mrs. Doh Howery spent I Del Personius called on Mr. and J profit if they follow t.M rccom- the rmmmer was held nt the River- Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn I Mrs. Charles Pcrsomus Sunday I mcndntions as C!losely as eondi- side school last Thursday eve- Haynes. Mr. nncl Mrs. nusscll Ed- afternoon. lions permit. ning. Plans were made for the gar ancl l~ddic wen' also 1\ll'onday, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bateman

--·-----· coming year. The next meeting n.ftcrnoon gucr.ts of Mr. nnd Mrs.' anti ,-amily called on Mrs. Arbutus Fresh Air Needed will he held on September 9. Haynes. · Bnteman and Gordon Sunday oft-

Dick Rhines and Mr. and Mrs. M1·. and Mrs. F. J. Fox nnd crnoon, By Turkey Poults Clare Derby of Jacleson were Sat- family cnii~d on Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown 1

urday callel's of friends and t•eln· Fran It Plulltps of Holt on Sunday culled on Mrs. Louise carrier .of 1

Tnrl<ey poults need fresh air, . .jlcl- tivcs here. ' afternoon. . . . J Battle Creek sundny •. nftet·noon. I vises Charles Heed, extension poul- M d M p c t d '"'- t 1 1 1 d f r. nn rs. nul m·ren an ,,e Cur tee sc 100 IS c ose or M Clift. M. d ff.

LOWDEN FARMS Phone ,Jncl<son 2·480!l I'. 0. Itlve~ ,J unet1011

Lomttlou: 4620 Rert•y noa,lf, at Jlpnrlctta

~low Is Your Corn Crop Coming 1 If it is late and yo~ feel it may not beat Jack Frost, you know that many seed corn crops may also suffer.

Since Northrup; King's Kingscrost Hybrids are grown from their own special inbreeds; over scattered areas and given special cul~ tural care-vigorous seed is produced[ even under unfavorable conditions. Play safe I Let us have yourorder~ for1948 seed.

Mason Elevator Company trymun at Michigan State college. family and Mr. and Mrs. Arlo summer vacution. Children rc· I Mr. nne! 1 rs.. · on 1 0 00 I Windows should be urrunged so Bowers of Jackson were Sunday ccived their report cords Friday.J spent .sund~y With Mr. nnd Mrs. they cun be tilted in slightly to nl- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Mr. nnd Mrs. George Clarlc nnd I Bemmd Smith. @.. ______ , ________ ..... ___________ _ low fresh air to enter nnd circulntc t Rhines nnd family. . Sandra were Sunday dinner gues s in the house. Laclt of proper venti- Mr. nnd Mrs. Sig Olen nnd Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scriptcr lntion, the specialist points out, Nellie Trudgen nnd Barbara of nnd fnmily.


· will result in damp litter nnd un- Lansing were Sunday visitors of :\l!r. and Mrs. Hownrd Smith and

1\lason, l\IIehiga.n Phone 2·1211 Gl,orge A. \\11u~I, Manager

hcnlthy poults.. Mt'. .Tnsper and Thomas Baldwin. baby called on Mr. nml Mrs. How· Farmers gns brooders The young people from here who ard Scriptcr, Sr., and family

should be es~eet!L!I;y watchful stnce attended the junior-senior recep- Thursdny evening. these brooder~ rnplclly usc the •OXY·I tion in Leslie on Ftiduy evening Mr. and Mrs. Arlhur Roat nne! gcn supply m the r.oom. Poults were Jean Hhines, Rodger Under- haby spent Saturday evening with need plenty of fresh a!r 111 order to wood Beatrice Moore Alfred Mr. and Mrs, Fred Griffin and remain healthy. Air sh?ttld enter 'l'huy~r of Eaton Rapid;, Maxine family. t~e house w1thout cnusmg drafts Comstock, Owen·Ivens of Michigan Ardis Griffin spent Sunday with dtrectly on the poults. State college, Idn Steele, Terry Josephine Ancliff or Oleomus. CO.NTROL l'OINTS LIS'r,ED Lynch, Betty Dalrymple nnd Mr. and I'IJrs. Gerold Griffin

Charlene Baldwin. A five-point program for the Don Hamptqn and Mr. and Mrs.

control of corn borer is being ad- Rny Dwight were sunday after-

/ vacated hy the Michignn State col. noon cullers of Mr. and Mrs. Owen lege departments of farm crops Harmon of Leslie.

1 and entomology. The fn.ct that Mr. nne! Mrs . .Neil Harrison arid

Is your ALL-CROP harvester Ready to Go? FACTORY·




Now you can get fastt!.l! service on your AII-Cr,op harvester check-up and z:e­

.Pair. Bring it in while we are not so rushed.


It's better to have your All-Crop ready and waiting for the harvest,. than to have your grain ready and waiting fnr e(Jnipmcnt. Be ready ahead of time. Give us a ring and sdtcdule yqur job now~

·$·fREEDOM , IS • •

EVERYB.OD'I''S . a . joa • • ,•

Pi~mmer Machinery/ Co .. 1 410 N. Cclt.IBr,·Lanslng . Phone 2oT:nl


corn is a three-billion-dollar crop son, Don of North Hollywood, Cali­ancl is greater than nny other two fornia, and Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph crops combined in acreage, dollar Emerson of Detroit were guests at value, !Lnd diversity of by-priducts, . the Howard Lynch home on Sun­mnkes borer control important. day. These five points arc urged; (1) Mr. nnd Mrs. John Johnson and Destroy old corn stal lcs stub· Mr. and Mr·s. Roy Hill, Jr., of ble before emergence of the moths. Lansing were cullers of' Mr. and (2) Plant best locally adapted hy-1 Mrs. Lorry Doyle on Snturdny eve-br~ds. (3) Plant nt the best time, ning, , ne1ther or late .. (•1) 'Y~tch The on 01;tclnga Brownie Scouts for egg lnymg nnd use msccttcrdcs had a hilte and picnic nt Baldwin where needed: (5) Consult the park Monday afternoon. co u. n t y ~gncultural agent for T-Sgt. Jo'i.. Porcarclli of Wil· spemal advice. liamston nncltMrs. Pol'cnrelll spent

We Buy Dead Animals,




cows .

. Valley Chemical Company

Sunday with their parents, Mr. andj Mrs. Tony Ross. .

Don Barr, Allen ''Veiss, Howard Bodell, Buddy Garred and Mnrvln Baldwin spent :Monclny evening in Leslie as guests of the Leslie Boy Scouts. mach wns presented with an American flag.

Tho nnnual school and com· inunity picnic will be held on Fri· day, May 28, nt Potter pnrk in Lansing, ·

Mr. and :Mrs. .Elmer Pa!'r and Sandra are now staying .WIth Mr. nnd Mrs. Bud Winrlght and fam­ily as Mrs. Winright Is seri· ously ill, ·

Louis Mucha hns returned to his work In Jncltson nfter having n serious ntt!Lclt of arthritis. .

Mrs, Helen Lynch taught the high room on Mondny and· Tuesday

· clue to the lllness or Mrs. Mae' Spring, · ·


Dr. G. D. Dibble Veterinarian

Phone Holt 71221

Gentle low vacuum in • duce• compll!lr. milk. ing: mut.h eatier an the hNd. Oairvmen report 10% increase in milk production,

· · ·. Cho~e-Boy ·. Milking Machine Co·. Call CoUect

~anain1 45217

I Michigan State college fnrm safety speciaJists say that. farm machinery of all ldnds was in­volved in more than onc·fourth of the accidents to farmers In 1947. Out o( every five people Jdlled in farm accidents, one wns due to machinery. Burns, falls, Uvestock, explosions, nnd other rillscellnn· 810 E. KalaiiiBzoo: eous enuses accounted for the rest. l Lansing

Rural Tele-news

FITS TOGETHER: Dirl yon know thnt, in ad· 'ditiou to ~lichirra11 Bell, there are 160 "Incle· pendent" telcpl~onc companies 'ln Nfich igan? Their territory is shown in grey on the atljoining map. Thou sa nels of rural folks arc served hy l.hese companies whose lines connect with M.ichigan Bell (area in white) for long distance service, Both the "Jnclepenrlcnts" and Michigan llell have as their goal rnore and better rural telephone SCl'Vice,

LINE TIED UP: When a tc1cphone on a pnrt.y line is left off the hook- or even tilted off, like this one- the line is tied up for everyone. You cnn't receive calls aml no one else on the line can make or receive them! Please hang up carefully- for your neighbors' sake , , , uml yoUl's. - .::.--:--= - ..


- -·

SIZE MEANS SERVICE: Michigan Hell's telephone plant is big- hut it J!!_Ust ·gr.ciw bigger to supply everyone with .die kind of telephone service he wants, Expansion inc1·eases the value of your. telephone because it pt·ovides more telephones that yon CUI\ call , , , lets you· do more time·. nnd money· saving telephone errands.

COMPAN"i Our $1!,500,000 poaf·w•r ruro/ conatructlcill prognun m••••

111oro ••II .,ffer tlll'lll fe/lp•ofte nrv/co

___ s_ix------------~-------------------·~-----------IN_G_~_IA_M __ C~O-U~N~T_Y_N~E~W~S~,~M~A=S~O~N~,=M~IC~~~II~G~A~N~,~T~H=U=R=SD~A~Y~,~M::A~Y~20~,~1~9~~8~---­Circuit Court



We thlnl' th 1t the 1tmos phc1 e of our fllllCI al home 1s no Jcc(u! md reverent, but free from gloom tnd sadness

Jewett Funeral Home ••The Home of Friendly Service

!"hone Mason 6151

:.,,..,..,.,.,~ ·-~" I• ~· ~·· • • ··' •• l r • ~·~ ,t~.;k ~·.. ..\' .. ~ '\ ! '"'

< ' ~fo<l'\o '" ~ I ~r I 't ~ !If •, ·,. "1'1



Llfc insurance 1s useful not because someone may d1e, but because someone must hvc

(tllaniniml /il"g iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ,}1/lt/J!!tMJf'~ C. B. DIBBLE s+&·tt~ Oraneh Manag11r


Why Drive a Shabby Car? We'll Make It Look Like New


Radiato1· Repairing - Welding Body and Fender Repair


Jennings Body Shop 1340 S. Jefferson Phone 21801


Cows - $9.00 Horses - $6.00 We Pay $2.00 cwt. F oa· Large Hogs

Mn1tln J\ frrliTln


or 'la I S C1nm Hunrln.c

J )hfl Mulchuck IJcnrlnH" on

Wllllnm H P01Ler Heming

on a count Ern.ntc or A1 tlnu M Peck

on IH!f llfie to Kell Ef1tutc or lvah H 13ra!lcy Hcuun1-1 on


FITCHBURG !\Irs, Allee Craig

Mrs Letha Lord and Miss Myr­tle Lord spent last Saturday with Mrs Edtth Holland

Mrs Vernon Asquith and Jerry spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs S. V Lawrence.

Mr and Mrs. Chuclt Webb en­tertained Mr. and Mrs Charlie Webb of Lansing and Mr. and M1s Raymond Lane and Mr. and M1 s Lewis Wild and daughter Sunday

Mrs. Lloyd Gee Is spending a few days w1th her daughter, Mrs. Dick DeYarmond of Jackson.

Mt s. Mary Morehouse and Mrs Ellia Be1rd are In the Stockbridge hospital.

Mrs. Joe Hawley is Improved from her recent illness.

Mrs Margaret Wild and daugh-ter, Anna Louise, are staying wl th

I Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Web~ for a few days

Buzzy Buczenski called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Demont Mitchell last Saturday night.

Mr5 Jack Ranck, Sr., returned home from the Stockbridge hos­pital last week.


Countersigned Inez L Swnnlngcr Denuty County Cieri<

~'he Plnmt!IT• seck to quiet the title to~ the west tlucc .. (ourthR of th(! Notth· \\:CIIt QURI tcr of Hectlon twcnty.four, in town two North, RnnJ,!c one Enst M1chl· gnn ex:cctlt1nK n JHU eel f01 ty rod A Enst nnd West nnd t\'icnty rods North and South In the Northwest corne• thereof A 'J.ltue Cor-r Inez L 8\\ an1nget• Deputy County Clerk 0, J, Hood Attorney for Plnlntllll Busmcss AcldtefiB Muson, MlchiRnn

Blcbardaon's 0001111 The Richardson's or Hutchln'a

goose ia a migrant of tho Misslaslp· pi flyway, It breeds In the ea.stern Arctic and winters along the north­ern co1st of Mexico,


HAWLEY-MAY 25, 1948 Stntc nf Mlchlgnn The Probate Cotlt t

for the County of lngbnm At n BC~Kion of snld Cout t, held nt thu

Prcbutc Office, In the City of MaRon tn snid County, on the 4th day of Mny, A j;) 1948

P1usont RON JOHN MaCLELLAN Judge of P1o2ntc

In the mn\tet of the cKtll\C of EMAN· UEL HAWLEY, dcccnec~

Jonnthun W. Blower hnvlng flied In sn.ld COUit his llClitlon JHRYIUR' thnt Rnid court nnd determine who were nt the t1me of his dcnth the lcftnl hclrfl of snld deceased nnd entitled to lnhc1 it the rcnl ell tate of v; luch 1mid dcccllBCil died 1Ue2cd

It" o1d"'cd thllt the 25th duy of Mny A D 1918 nt eight o clock In thu fo•e­noon, ut smd Plobutc office, be nnd IR he1cby nppolntcd for hcnrlng ou1d potl· tlon

lt Is further 01de1cd that llUbllc no tlcc thetoof be given by publlcntlon of a copy of that otdcr, for thtcc ttucccf\Ki~c weeks JltCVIOUs to Rnld duy of henring, in the lnghnm County Ne\\th u news. nnvcr pllntcd und cit culntcd In ould county,

A T111o Cony nnvld O. Dcntty Ilcil8tor of Probate

Long<•Ht Unii<•JIIIIll'r ~·unnel LongeRt unllm 11 nlc1 ,unncl In tho

world Is lim 11 ,2'i I root Mcnay tunnel counccl\ng LIVe! pool nnd Bhltcnhcad In Englnncl

SPOT CASH~ For Dead Ol' Disabled Stoclt

Horses-$6.00 ea. Cows-$9.00 ea.

Hogs-$2.25 per cwt. (All IWCOrtllng to HlZI' rlllll CI>IHiilwn)

• l'lgs, Ct'h c• nnrl Slu•• 11 - ltl'IHO\ ••d rn o


l'honc collect to Mnsnn !llll


May 22, 1948

Several Pieces of Lace Fancy Work, new

Wash Bowls and Pitchers 2-Bumer Electric Stove


Forlts, Shovels, Hoes, Ral;es and other articles too nu­merous to mention

Col. Arlie I. Feighner Auctioneer

Phone Mason 7280

$4,287,218.19 Paid Michigan Prop~rty Owners For WINDSTORM LOSSES in the last Ten Years

Can YOU afford to neglect your WINDSTORM INSURANCE?

A Representative of this Company is ready to serve you in every section of Mich.

3,580 Claims received this year up to April 16th



7he Oldest and Largest Insurance Company of Its Kind In Michigan



HARRISON DODDS. Prosidont ORR G. STANLEY, Vico-President HORACE K. POWERS. Socretary.Treaauror



HARIDSON DODDS, Hastinqa CLARE 0, THORPE, Kalama1oo ORR G. STANLEY, Haatin~ FRED R. LIKENS, Momphill M. DeYOUNG, Muakogon Helghll ROBERT BESSMER. Owouo ' W. A. BARTLETT, Alma

.·' -~

E. T. OSBORN, Lanainq HORACE K. POWERS, Hauling~ V. P. MOTT, Scottville C. C. CONy."AY, Lupton NELSON COLE, Alanson WILLIS COTA, BI!T Rapld1 0. B. FELDKAMP. CUnton

~ BAY ~PLE, Mason