EVERETTS - Capital Area District Library

•.^;-r'•^'-'>>>•C.'.^f{^yK^>-:!^;•^';^•;- 'M,''^ itilam VOL. Llll. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1911. / NO. 47 [EVER Al lbs Flour EVERETTS Cash Grocery fine 22c NiitvM IN mill':P.; Mrs. Ray Bullon is iiRiiin serious- ly ill; Thaukspiving Linens iit special prices at Mills'. ! Carpet samples now soiling at cost at A. McDonald's, ! !;''\u'^,,ff'.?.'.'.!,:.:;," IJ:! Lowest clubbing rates on mriga 10 II) Buelcwiieat Corn Syrup, wliilc---- Hy Uie priillon Sceilwl Raisins, per lb I'ulVetl Kiue, per plc^-- Saliiion, per can - lOc 45(5 10c 12c .18c and 20c My (Jriickers. Try Uicm. You will have nootlier. Try my AI'Lor Dinner Mints. 10 lbs. liUic Uibbou Graham 28c 10 lbs. Corn Meal, Golden Yellow- 2r)C 1 wanu your iiuiLer and E}fgs. :My prices will suit you. GEO. H. LEVERETT. Doth I'llOIK-H. RlllKI'UCl IllllK! I'OHt. Olllco, MllSOII, ad BUUUIKI-UIIISS miUtor, Publl.sliud Evury Tliursdiiy by Ona Ytir, $1.00; liii monthi 10 otnli; Ihrtt monlhi 35 ctnli. ADVERTIBINQ RATE8. Our advortlsliiKrates miidu known iitofflce, riualnusH curds tl a lino per your. HuHlnuHS lociilNflve cunts |iur lino each and isvory Insorllon' MarrluKe, birth and death notlccH free, liosolutlonK of roHiioct card of thanks, etc., live cents a hue Business Cards. L. ATTOHNICV. n. MoAUTllUU, Attorney at Law, Ma- son, Mich. D RNSMOUE, E. HUM, Mich. A,, attorney at law, Ma- A lJiniEI) AT,LEN, Lawyer, Otllco In the Kifrmors' llanU bullrtlnji. Mason. A A. BERGMAN. AITOUNEYANDCOON- A. SEhOU AT r>AW, Mason Mich. E. S. AVERY, attorney at law. Koonis •IM-n-n, llolllster IIIU.. Lanslrn,', Mich. liAWTON T. llliniANM. k TTOUNEY ANOOOUNSEIvOU AT I,AW t\. Olllco over KIrstStato and SavlnKB bank, Mason, Mich, •III. JON. N. IIAWLKV. DENTIST, l'S)nnorly Mackinac Island and St. Tunaoo successor to Dr. Spanldinp; and Dr. Mnsloy. Lawroncu Block, I>IIYNICIANN> II. F l t E E L A N D , M,MX O il. I'liKMiAWii, ni,Kij. Cionoral prac- . tlcei with special attention to diseases of women and eluldren. Oilice, Soutli Main street, ground lloor, Iloiir,s-8;U0 toflioo n. m, j.Q',.»'i.nn ....ri n./ut ,#, Q.iui I, in ItotU nlinnt!! II. AliEXANORIt, I'll R H. AlilCXAWiM'.K, i-nysicnm and Sur- ., Kcon, Olllco over Inannaican's druK store, Kosldence opposite, llapllst church, i Olllco hours 8 to 10 a. m,, 1 lo 4 and 7 to 10 p,ra | r\Xl. 0, S, nALLAUD, Homeopathic IMiy- iJ slcian and SutKoon. Diseases of E Byo lltco Ear, Noso and Throat a specialty. Ollfco In Near block. Hours 8 to a, m., 'i to I) aud 7 lb 0 p. m. kU. PRANK E, THOMAS., PHYSICIAN and J surRcon, clothluK store, D"'siirKcoii," Otiicoovor We'bb & Whitman's j CIIA8. fi. JENKINS, Ifl. ». P tl^OTIOE limited to diseases of Bye, Gar, Nose and Throat, Uooms Wi aud 204 l^rudon lilock, Lansing. MIcb. nii; MARK 0. CAHPFNTKH nil. K'rilBI. COOK OAUPKNTGR Ostoop'athic Physicians. ' 315 tx)217 Jonlson Blocli. Lansing, Mich. NVB8K. J AMES SK VIN, nnrso, graduate of Bellovue Hospital, Now York Uity, Uesldence.'Ma- -•• 3l«3u, ~ - • .son.. dltlzoiw phono 1 "Boll 1S5 2r Sfiyl rwB. GEO. O.MOODY. VETEtUNARY Sur U goon. OiHco and resldencecornor A and Asbstraots. Muson,'Mlcii, j . ITAHIItEBSMnUTIJAli. . rilKE INSUUANOE COMPANY OP INU- 1' ham ccunty. Safest, cbeapest, best. For Information vtrlto to P; H'. Plold. Bocretary, Mason. ' A; L Barboi, President, Muson. ON Oco on 8d floor ot court house. \. :,\ C HARLIE IlAKMON, Qonoral Auctioneer. ''Satisfaction .''Ruarunteed. Residence,at U. Q. Mote'H, Autellus, Clt, pbon«4, ILiiS, , nLARK&BABKNEBS, general liuctloii- \J: -.• oors, iibeave oraun at this >QfBce. 'Bell !honellne5>4:ri:Dan8vlUei'or Clttsen^ phone iHno l«0,-81/8s.'-MaMni.:V,.--v v., .'• .y-.^.•:,;,%'•'••^ jrViLIZ: & MURRAY, exMrt' EngUali and ilX Q^man auotloneen. .Hatlstactlon guar* ^intoed. vTernu reaaonable. P.Oj lataBmg. V tv)-i Baptist Churoh. jlO tOO—Morning.', jiervicti;; v •'••".'iii^j'SiV :«.':30'r-B;i.Y.^^*;vU;Vmtoetlng/-^:-i';-,'£;i ;-7 ;3iB—Prieachlng-. flervlcei:>:'.';-^:^?n^#;:;-i ifiiVslj^eilJimeetms ot-B, Y;;;!*. U;^ tjie:' f iipit;?!:>!W6diveBday;i;.eyehirij;:,; OIJ •m:m ,aBpw6rtKi':i'twijtie/';';'ihe:et»'ift;«v^ Sunday''r\ievehlh»';',^^(r<)itf'i\6:i;'untll?:fif iri'BvehlnfjiMryico};7.stO|'8iiiMV?if;?i4 Prayer meeting on Th'unday eve*. zinc subscri|)tions, at Qulrlc's, a. L. Peck, collections and insur- ance. Office over Farmers 'bank. ! Don't fail to read the Mortz dry goods store announcement this week. Born, Tuesday evening, Nov, 21, to Mr. and Mrs, Walter 13. Zimmei', a daughter. Chiis. Bickett of Alaiedon has sold his farm to his brother Clar- ence of Mason. Special lOc sale of clothes bas- kets at Quirk's, Saturday, at 3 p, m. ! A. McDonald has this week sold to John Saniann^ a Keoster con- cert grand piano'. Will the family group be home Thanksgiving? If so, see Tamlyn's adv. on fronc page. I Report comes tJiat W. R. Carven of this city has bagged two deer in the north woods. Just received, a new line of boys' and men's sex and rubbers. Come and see them at Cortright's. ! Last week J. E. Welsh of this city shipi)ed 10 Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds to Toronto, Canada, Only four more weeks for Xmas photos. Phone for an appoint- ment. The Tamlyn Studio. ! "^he Eden Gleaners will give a dance at their hall Thanksgiving evening. Music by Wood's orches- tra, Solon D. Neely went to Ann Ar- bor Friday and was operated upon Saturday to remove a tumor from his neck. Dr. S. ,H. Culver was the recip- ient Monday of a fine turkey from Biliie Ilale at Sallis, Miss., as a birthday present. U. S phonographs and inde- structable records that fit any cy- linder machine, at Quirk's. ! The scenes at Pastime theatre" Friday and Saturday nights, ot "Barbarous Mexico," gave the best of satisfaction to all who saw them. Last year Bion^Harper of Norih Aurelius held the record for cap- turing the largest coon. This year he has the largest coon, and on one day secured eight skunks. Sale on sweaters at L. W. Mills Jr. & Co.'s. ! Mrs. Frank Scofield Sr., a high- ly respected resident of Leslie for many years, died suddenly Friday evening in that village,while on her way home from attending a party. If you contemplate changing j from fraternal to old line life in-' surance, it will pay you to talk with D. P. Whitmore concerning the excellent company he repre- sents. 1 Mrs. J, A. Cortright was remem- bered on her recent birthday by a book of handsome views about Libby, Montana, from her son ion, - who holds a position in a bank at thait place., The farm house .of Ferris Rum- sey, just norUi of the village lim- its of Leslie, was burned to the ground during the rain storm last Friday morning. The contents of the lower roomfl were saved. Special sale and demonstration of Round Oak Chief Range and Base Burner at Dean & Cross' hardware store this week Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday. Hot coffee,and biscuits served free. Dr. Alexander took a fall when in the basement at the hospital Monday; Throwing out his hand to save himself, he struck heavily up- on his left hand, sustainin^^a friic- ture of one bone just aboye the MARRIED HALP A CENTURY GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MR. AND MRS. MYRON A. RANDALL. A golden wedding anniversary is of rare occuranoe, and but a small majority of married people reach that milestone in life's journey. Fifty years ago last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Myron A Randall of this city started together .upon the sea of matrimony, and they celebrated the occasion by entertaining their friends at their pleasant homo on west Maple street., during the af- ternoon and evening With their children and grand- children about them the day was enjoyed to the fullest extent. In the afternoon about 65, and in the evening over 100 gathered to enjoy a social hour with the couple who had passed the hiilf- century station of m.irried life. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Harmon Palmer, of Washington, D. C, is the only iierson now living who was present at their wedding .'ifl years ago. She was prevented from being present"M their golden an- niversary by the illness of her son in Texas, whether she was sum- moned a few days ago In the afternoon Miss Anna Cul- ver rendered several vocal solos, \vith Mrs. C W. Browne, accom- paniest. Mrs. Geo A. Minar gave an or- iginal recitation prepared for tlie occasion, accompanied by music. Mrs. L. H. Ives read a poem composed by herself in memory, of the occasion. In the evening the poem was al- so given, and Mrs; C. P. Mickelson and Mrs. II. J. Bond rendered vo- cal selections. Rev. W. H, Simmons spoke brief- ly in pleasant words of the occas- ion. The roomys were tastily trimmed with yellow chrysanlliemums and golden decorations typical of the occasion. The '"^guests wore received by their children, Clarence \V. Ran- dall and Mrs. J. C. Pingerle. Dainty refreshments wore served by the Misses Blena McMath, Anna Culver, Earnestine Earle, and Lucy Hawley. Miss Elaine Fingerle and Russell Randall, grandchildren, dispensed cheer at the punchbowl. Mrs. C. W. Browne and-Mrs. W. L. Clark had charge of the dining room. Mrs. Ella Marsh acted as mistress of ceremonies, ' Regrets were received from'Los- Angeles, Cal.; Ogden, Utah; Atch- ison. Kansas; St. Louis, Mo.; Sun- nyside, Col.; Cleveland, Akron, and Cincinnati, Ohio; Buffaio,"N. Y.; Washington, D. C; Moline, III.; Grass Lake, Manchester, Brooklyn, Napoleon, Jackson, Norvell, Lan- sing, Montague, Grand Rapids, Greenville, Ironwood and Newber- ry, Mich. The guests from a distance were Mrs. Wm. P. Babeock of Norvell, Mrs. 0. A. RaniSall of Detroit, Wm. Ackley.and daughter Vera ot Ann Arbor, Ernest VVatkins of Jackson, Mrs. Dorr aiid daughter of Grass Lake.-Mrs. Randall Wade of Nash- wrist, niSchooi Commissioner P. E. Searl is iSendihg. out,this week phmph- leta containing list of .school di- rectory of .the county, school liaw, list of qualified teachers and other information of intereist to the pat- rons, of the, district;, schools; '^Eledtriciahs have: the pqst week been ;l66king..afteii'. the wiring at the court .houfiie'-ahd'cotihtyjair. At >the latter;mtich icareless.^ahd de- .<fectiy(B':'.wiring'was found, and iin> mediate; steps: were': taken to place (the'; wbA ;'ln ;';'a sate' condition. . ^;-vi»Wir-'ifnV«iiio'i^''ii!.i'd*^^^ i several--eiecuon Mnspeccors certi- tne^jtiin^.-^MheJ^ leachxmonth frpm;Friday iat.,7 p. m; to ^Saturday; at a„p; m; Satur- day, No v.: 26,; at'2!ip;;m. will yhe; the' J. E. Taylor went to Flint with Mack Snyder of Vevay last week aiid bold hini a Buick touring car. Two drunks are languishing Jn the county Jail, having been,sent up'Monday by Justice .^dams to serve,20 days in default of |10,fine; In ''^conformance :'with law. county clerk is sen ding- - to. the the order of lelectidh 'adopted by the board of superviBors, relative to the;vresubmission :6f the local op-^ tioh' •question.,"v'i?:.i: '-m' : '•::':-;•' •,' / / .y, wov. ao, a t a p . date and timer of: the; (iriit meeting ;ip,,;<Aana^d.x^;\J.;,vi^damti ||!Orde^8'"o^^^:thefi(ibnUrigiBnt•i.i^ :iir(KltUl;;belhg*eld;iip by the cbun-- ;tyitxJBasurer.;.The .matter^bftrairis-;' vf eMlng/Sfrbmii'i^the .5'\county:^-3;p6or:;, „, ...„ ,.,_. ;hSui»B-:S.buildlrig«ifurid: thei^mpttey ivTKft^'Oi^ borrowed©!from (rthej?i^cbntiriigent-:this?sh6v The -Northwestern Syndicate of Chicago, presents Mr; W.,B.;\yooil lii an ^Illustrated V ^lecture ; bn the •^WhiteJSlave;^/ri^affic,»'vat thfe Pas-^ time Theatre'Friday;" night. NoVi 24, e f,iimdshaiirhbt;.yet been,settled;;Thei'S vprbBecutblJiJbolds;thafe:Buch:aiithbr-/fuMiy':;n^ ;lty rests with the treasurer by lecture on 'White Slavery' by W reason of 4 h e : resolution by^ the B Wood, were well re'paid for j!??*\'-*?-'S?..-''ii'331S.l*'D??l?'* •**'" *.' 9}®.*^.-W'?f'.* x'l^.^i *'** .worningB villo and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Davis of Lansing. The presents were numerous and very beautiful. Myron A. Randall and Miss Clara Graham were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents at Norvell, Mich, upon the farm taken up from the government For two years they lived with Mr Randall's people at that place and then commenced housekeeping un- on a farm at Bridgewater, AVash- tenaw county, then moving back to Norvell and Mr Randall enlist- ed in 1865, being at Chattanooga at the time when Lee's surrender was announced. They lived near Norvell until 1872, when they came to Vevay and purchased the farm two miles eiist of Mason, where they lived until 1883, when they took up their res- idence in Mason. For six years they lived in the western part of the city, am! moved into their pleasant and modern home about nine years ago. ivhere their friends wish for them many more happy years. Following is the original poem by Mrs. Ives: A GOLDEN DAY. Thuru aru many iilndsof days And niuny kinds of woathor That In these cliocUorod livus of ours Aru duly nii.xud tOKotlior. Tho |)rlnKllniu lirini;s us April days Of suddun suns and sliowurs Wliich May shall bloid in fraitranco sweot Kur all lior fairy llowors. Tho .Tuno brings rosy eaplands And thollliiosof .Inly But hint tho purpling splendor Under tlio August sky. Soptombur's yollow riot, Uciolior's lx)uubs allamo, Gloam thru tho dull Novuinbor And niui'liv sliys reclaim. Tho lirlof days of Decombor i<ring frost and leu and snow Vet we twine with clioorful ilngors Ho iy and inisileloo. Thus count wo all tho little days Till a year of them Is niado A nd half the year Is snnsblno. And half the yoar Is shade. When two have lived togothor 'I'lio <iujs iif llfty years. How many days of sunsbino ? How miiny days of tears? You liounttlu'm liy the thousands Since tho .loy liells rang for you And rouiiting thuin together Has kept tho record true. You wore so young and happy When you pledged with marriage-kiss. You novor ttu)nght.to look ahead To a golden day liko this, - V<in nover droamod that fifty years So soon could pass away And bring to you tho gladness Ot a golden wedding-day. Those dear ones who wore with you then Moot with you nover more— Tboy walk socuru the shining stroot Upon a golden shore. But the love wherewith they loved you In the happy days ot old I Joins bore with ours to crown you With diadems of gold. We clasp your htinds In token Of a bond that cannot break And our golden wishes spoken Wo give for friendship's sake. Tho love of frionds and clilldren And children's children too Heart-wealth of priceless value • Today are brot to you, . While tho Katbor-lovo so tender Tliat has blessed you all tho way. With benediction golden Urings peace this golden day. And unti; you His promise As your lioarts His liivo shall hold. Love's golden key shall open: To you the Gates of Gold, ^ -Edna G. H. Ives. The M^ason-AuriBlius euchre play- ers met at; the home of Eugene Ed- gar Tiiesday evening. Mason win- ning by one game. One hundred ana eighty games have been played and the score stands ,a tie, each haying 90 to their credit. MiBS-Leiiagenb fiordher has been quarantined for three . weeks in the children's: ward: at. the Home- opathic hospital I at Aiin Arbor, with other nurses iiilhd doctors, on accbtint of scarlet fever and.diph« theria in the. wai?d.. While there Miss Bordn'ef has had'an attack of Vtbiisilitis, ,from|, which she' has .recoyered.-',:;.-;..;-;.o^,,,,^^;^/;vl'i .•.,:-;• :,;••',;•:::• : <The produbtion ,' of /-"Human': Hearta'lr at the Rayner.opera house laBt„Friday,night was fully iip: to the; advahee notices. The; cast was evenly balanced arid ;'the :playi while not hew^- yet contains tnose elements that will" cause the sym- ; pathetic , to; laugh; with tears In :thelr:^eyesV;;;;:;.v;;^;:ft;/';;:•^:• u,r:"V-':.-"^.-'^^ All Aoooums After you've eaten your turkey and taters. Swallowed your cider and tipped all the waiters, After you've bolted your mince pic and .soup. Step around to our studio for your TliaiiksKiviiiH ^roup. Tempest or sunshine will make no dlHercncc—we are used to dark days. TAIHLYN STUDIO BOTH PHONES 'ii^ust;*Jbe>settled;:? by VDBC..IQi' or 'iuBrab:iwill!ibe-i'Wf t f or ;;cblliectibriii 5'V Farmers, Take Notice. We will pay 31c this .week for butter fat delivered at the cream- ery in good condition. . Mason Creamery Co, Double Funeral. David Erwin of Mason was called upon to attend a double funeral Sunday—that of the wife of his brother, William, and his sister, Mrs Gillivray. Mrs Wm. Erwin died at her home in Detroit, and Mrs McGil- livray went to Detroit to accom- pany the funeral oarty to Jackson for the buriaU wlTich was to take place on Saturday When the train bearing the party was near Ann Arbor, Mrs McGil- livray- was .taken suddenly ill with heart trouble and in a few min- utes was dead A'double funeral was held at Jackson Sunday at the First Con- gregational chut'ch at '2;'i0 o'clock Mrs McGillivray was well known in Jackson, where her husband for many years conducted the Ameri- can House She is also remembered by many in Mason, where she was a frequent visitor when Mr Er- win conducted a hotel liero A most peculiar feature con- nected with the death of the two Women was the fact that Mr and Mrs McGillivray and Mr. and Mrs lirwin jointly owned a lot at Mt Evergreen cemetery, Jackson Mr. McGillivray was laid to rest there about four years ago and Mr Er- win last spring Another party at I. 0. 0. F. hall this week r^riday night. I have placed several thousand, dollars for people of Mason who have realized their 8 per cent, per annum for several years. If inter- ested phone or call in person. Ma- son E. Reynolds. 1 llenvy llluck llorHo For Sulo Weight 1600 or 1700. 47w C. C. Rolfe . IMliN Vur Mule Seven weeks old. James P. Hathaway. Bell phone. •17w2p iJurii or'l'liHiikN. We desire to extend our heart- felt-thanks to friends and neigh- bors >who so freely gave their aid and sympathy during our recent affliction. Mrs. David Almond, Robert H. Almond, Mrs. Anna Steadman, Walter W. Almond. Mrs. Kate Olin. PorNale ' Coal stove and double harness. W. N. Taylor, Mason. 47w2p R. D. No. 5. For sale A Retort No. 18 hard coal burner, in A 1 condition. W. R. Carven. 44tf All Account* Not SettloU by Dec. 1st will be left for collec- tion. S. S. Holt, 45w3 Dansville, Mich. Wanted. . Every Tuesday, Lroilers and old hens. Highest market price. Phone No. 49. F. L. Miller, Dansville. S6tt For Sale'',, , . Registered Fercheroh stallion; 1 year old; 10 registered Shropshire rams; a number of Duroc Jersey boars. M. A. Bray, 37wl2 Okemos, Mich. .c For Sale.': . ' Shropshire yearling and ; ram lambB. Also 0.,I. C. swine both lez. Six miles east Mason. Rural phone. 37tf Geo. Pi Andrews; ,'' HoUU'tO.Bent:.'';';.''/:.'; With modern improvements. 46w2 Kate Henderson. .^..•, /;For Hervice ••,,-,;\'vv':;,; '.A;;big-boned.vregistered Poland China boar. Chas. A. Price; Cit; phone U--1L. IS;' ;:;;^6iy4p IPerfectibri bir in barrel lots 7c E er gallop of .dealers" in Mason, eslie, Eden,<;Aurelius :and Hblt. Wielded stieel barrels at cbst; ; ; ,Vc.^^•^•-:•';^••'••::-:•;^:•"••'::^••;,.;C;•:B ;Hill;':." Standard Oil Agent, A v <i;::^<l6tf: UDori't- use harsh ^ physics. i-TniB; reaction weakens the bowels arid leads to chroriiC;constipation.,Get Dean's 'Regulets. / They •; bperaite basilyttbrietheistoriiiach,: and .'cure •«sbb«tipatibnr!;o;v-:'^;:..^^;,;;:K:'*;:'lv;i,:;^ Real Estate Loans and Insurance No Better Farms in Ingham Co. Than ciin bo found on my list. , Good variety City I'roporty. D. P. WHITMORE News Olllos, Maaon, Mich. Purses Hand Bags A stylish purse or hand bag gives just the right linisli to your costume. Our purses aud hand bags are particularly pleasing—distinc- tive in style and workmanship. Get one of the distinctive bags and you will have something that is not carried by every- body. Prices range from .W.SO up. LONGYEAR BROS. Druggists A Qood Place to Trade. Thanksgiving Tabie Accessories Just a few suggestians for your Thanksgiving Dinner Cranberries—the right kind for jelly or sauce. Our berries are ripe, tart and juicy, 10c quart. Sweet Pickles—plump and sound, 9 lbs for 25c; 3c a pound. Pickles—Heinz Sweet and Dill, new stock, crisp and appetizing, 10c and 15c a dozen. Cheese—Michigan Full Cream, 20c a pound. Dates, Figs, Mince Meats, Fruits that are fresh and decently priced. We are headquarters for the Sheff, brand of Coffees, Peas, Corn, Shrimp, Lobsters, Marshino Cherries, Mince Meat, Raisins, Etc., Etc. For a short time we will give away absolutely free ot charge one small can of Calumet baking pow- der with every sack ot Lily White flour. Try our 22c coffee Good one at 25c Pine one at 28c None better sold than our 30c. We are sole agents for the Gait's 50o tea. 3 bottles tomato catsup 25o Peanut butter in bulk l§o Sardines 5c can, 0 for 25c Good flour per sack 60c 4 lbs. Ginger Snaps —25o 14 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 At A. L. VANDERCOOK'S R. C. Dart, loans, real estate, col- lections. Lawrence Block, Mason. If your money does not net you five per cent, see 22tf. H. C. Freeland. The National Loan and Invest- ment Co. will pay 4 1-2 per cent. See P. H'. Field. For Sale Cheap for Canh My place at the corner of P andi Elm streets. Mason, Mich,, consist* ing of 3 1-2 acres of land;with house, barn and chicken house. I. have a good rock well and cis- tern. Most all kinds of fruit now bearing. A fine place for fruit and poultry laising., 36tf John Wixson. , ForSale Registered Black Top Bams arid Duroc Jersey boar pigs. L. S;' Marshall, , 39wl2p Leslie, •Mich. TwentrBeautirul Souvenir Postcarda for 10c, postpaid; Souvenir' Post Co., 49'5 Sixth St;,'Detroiti 46wtf Card Mich. I Am Paying HlBbeat Price, '.'•,'•. * for hides, pelts and furs. Old riiis- ber Be per lb., rags SOc.per 100; lbs, 46-3p , . B. A. Ready, Mason,;;: ;^'.''BeitUtered^Berkalilre Boar':; ,|'; for service^:, 47-3 ,; Garl: Jewett^; , • :''.'': .''Bargain In.Sheei>'.,and'imnibW'',|'.;'', See Bert; Grandall, opposite Wjl- son school house;two miles eiast of'' .Mason.'.:-.?-:'^----'::'.'•;:•': '•"'":"••, h: :•'-. , V ~; ,;^Me«lluni»siaied:Saife';:^;';', ^vi'v; '•••;,';• /•vSecorid-••harid,:ifbr;sale.::;';t''':••-?;'ri-'- :4Tw2.i:.'-•;:i^,;•:'::''^.':•',C;NP. ^MickiBlBori.'.:''; ;';"-fi';':;t';vi;.^I^rm'For^ Sale;. :,;;;:';•;. Pour aci^s^gdbd house and balriir!- '-'^-iofifrwt^:'Inquire at;t^ > <-... :-;v5l ' / "}% I;-'!;; 'i0v- t':M^ iV-i?,';?S P i| ''&k •"'(:';•::.• s'tM^j

Transcript of EVERETTS - Capital Area District Library

bull -rbull -gtgtgtbullC f yK^gt- bull bull- M^


[EVER Al lbs Flour

EVERETTS Cash Grocery

fine 22c

NiitvM IN mil l P

Mrs Ray Bullon is iiRiiin seriousshyly ill

Thaukspiving Linens iit special prices at Mills

Carpet samples now soiling at cost at A McDonalds

u^ff I J Lowest clubbing rates on mriga 10 II) Buelcwiieat Corn Syrup wliilc----

Hy Uie priillon Sceilwl Raisins per lb IulVetl Kiue per plc^--Saliiion per can -

lOc 45(5 10c 12c

18c and 20c My (Jriickers Try Uicm You

will have nootlier Try my AILor Dinner Mints

10 lbs liUic Uibbou Graham 28c 10 lbs Corn Meal Golden Yellow- 2r)C

1 wanu your iiuiLer and Efgs My prices will suit you


RlllKIUCl IllllK IOHt Olllco MllSOII ad BUUUIKI-UIIISS miUtor

Publlsliud Evury Tliursdiiy by

Ona Ytir $100 liii monthi 10 otnli Ihrtt monlhi 35 ctnli

ADVERTIBINQ RATE8 Our advortlsliiKrates miidu known iitofflce riualnusH curds tl a lino per your HuHlnuHS lociilNflve cunts |iur lino each and

isvory Insorllon MarrluKe birth and death notlccH free liosolutlonK of roHiioct card of thanks

etc live cents a hue

Business Cards



n MoAUTllUU Attorney at Law Mashyson Mich


A attorney at law Ma-

AlJiniEI) ATLEN Lawyer Otllco In the Kifrmors llanU bullrtlnji Mason


E S AVERY attorney at law Koonis bullIM-n-n llolllster IIIU Lanslrn Mich


t Olllco over KIrstStato and SavlnKB bank Mason Mich


lS)nnorly Mackinac Island and St Tunaoo successor to Dr Spanldinp and Dr Mnsloy

Lawroncu Block


II FltEELAND MMX O il IliKMiAWii niKij Cionoral prac- tlcei with special attention to diseases

of women and eluldren Oilice Soutli Main street ground lloor Iloiirs-8U0 toflioo n m jQraquoinn ri nut Qiui I in ItotU nlinnt

II AliEXANORIt Ill R H AlilCXAWiMK i-nysicnm and Sur- Kcon Olllco over Inannaicans druK

store Kosldence opposite llapllst church i Olllco hours 8 to 10 a m 1 lo 4 and 7 to 10 pra |

rXl 0 S nALLAUD Homeopathic IMiy-iJ slcian and SutKoon Diseases of E Byo

lltco Ear Noso and Throat a specialty Ollfco In Near block Hours 8 to a m i to I) aud 7 lb 0 p m

kU PRANK E THOMAS PHYSICIAN and J surRcon clothluK store DsiirKcoii Otiicoovor Webb amp Whitmans

j CIIA8 fi JENKINS Ifl raquo

Ptl^OTIOE limited to diseases of Bye Gar Nose and Throat Uooms Wi aud 204

l rudon lilock Lansing MIcb


Ostoopathic Physicians 315 tx)217 Jonlson Blocli Lansing Mich


JAMES SK VIN nnrso graduate of Bellovue Hospital Now York Uity UesldenceMa-

- bull bull bull 3llaquo3u bull ~ - bull son dltlzoiw phono 1 Boll 1S5 2r Sfiyl

rwB GEO OMOODY VETEtUNARY Sur U goon OiHco and resldencecornor A and Asbstraots MusonMlcii

j ITAHIItEBSMnUTIJAli rilKE INSUUANOE COMPANY OP INU-1 ham ccunty Safest cbeapest best For Information vtrlto to P H Plold Bocretary Mason A L Barboi President Muson ON Oco on 8d floor ot court house

CHARLIE IlAKMON Qonoral Auctioneer Satisfaction Ruarunteed Residenceat

U Q MoteH Autellus Clt pbonlaquo4 ILiiS

nLARKampBABKNEBS general liuctloii-J -bull oors iibeave oraun at this gtQfBce Bell honellne5gt4riDan8vlUeior Clttsen^ phone iHno llaquo0-818s-MaMniV--v v bull y- bullbullbullbull

jrViLIZ amp MURRAY exMrt EngUali and i lX Q^man auotloneen Hatlstactlon guar ^intoed vTernu reaaonable POj lataBmg V

tv)-i Baptist Churoh jlO tOOmdashMorning jiervicti v bullbullbulliii jSiV

laquo30r-BiY vUVmtoetlng- -i-poundi -7 3iBmdashPrieachlng- flervlceigt-^^n^-i ifiiVslj^eilJimeetms ot-B Y U

tjie f iipitgtW6diveBdayieyehirij OIJ


aBpw6rtKiitwijtieiheetraquoiftlaquov^ Sundayrievehlhraquo (rlt)itfi6iuntllfif iriBvehlnfjiMryico7stO|8iiiMVifi4

Prayer meeting on Thunday eve

zinc subscri|)tions at Qulrlcs a L Peck collections and insurshy

ance Office over Farmers bank Dont fail to read the Mortz dry

goods store announcement this week

Born Tuesday evening Nov 21 to Mr and Mrs Walter 13 Zimmei a daughter

Chiis Bickett of Alaiedon has sold his farm to his brother Clarshyence of Mason

Special lOc sale of clothes basshykets at Quirks Saturday at 3 p m

A McDonald has this week sold to John Saniann^ a Keoster conshycert grand piano

Will the family group be home Thanksgiving If so see Tamlyns adv on fronc page I

Report comes tJiat W R Carven of this city has bagged two deer in the north woods

Just received a new line of boys and mens sex and rubbers Come and see them at Cortrights

Last week J E Welsh of this city shipi)ed 10 Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds to Toronto Canada

Only four more weeks for Xmas photos Phone for an appointshyment The Tamlyn Studio ^he Eden Gleaners will give a dance at their hall Thanksgiving evening Music by Woods orchesshytra

Solon D Neely went to Ann Arshybor Friday and was operated upon Saturday to remove a tumor from his neck

Dr S H Culver was the recipshyient Monday of a fine turkey from Biliie Ilale at Sallis Miss as a birthday present

U S phonographs and inde-structable records that fit any cyshylinder machine at Quirks

The scenes at Pastime theatre Friday and Saturday nights ot Barbarous Mexico gave the best of satisfaction to all who saw them

Last year Bion^Harper of Norih Aurelius held the record for capshyturing the largest coon This year he has the largest coon and on one day secured eight skunks

Sale on sweaters at L W Mills Jr amp Cos

Mrs Frank Scofield Sr a highshyly respected resident of Leslie for many years died suddenly Friday evening in that villagewhile on her way home from attending a party

If you contemplate changing j from fraternal to old line life in- surance it will pay you to talk with D P Whitmore concerning the excellent company he represhysents 1

Mrs J A Cortright was rememshybered on her recent birthday by a book of handsome views about Libby Montana from her son ion -who holds a position in a bank at thait place

The farm house of Ferris Rum-sey just norUi of the village limshyits of Leslie was burned to the ground during the rain storm last Friday morning The contents of the lower roomfl were saved

Special sale and demonstration of Round Oak Chief Range and Base Burner at Dean amp Cross hardware store this week Thursshyday Friday and Saturday Hot coffeeand biscuits served free

Dr Alexander took a fall when in the basement at the hospital Monday Throwing out his hand to save himself he struck heavily upshyon his left hand sustainin^^a friic-ture of one bone just aboye the



A golden wedding anniversary is of rare occuranoe and but a small majority of married people reach that milestone in lifes journey

Fifty years ago last Monday Mr and Mrs Myron A Randall of this city started together upon the sea of matrimony and they celebrated the occasion by entertaining their friends at their pleasant homo on west Maple street during the afshyternoon and evening

With their children and grandshychildren about them the day was enjoyed to the fullest extent

In the afternoon about 65 and in the evening over 100 gathered to enjoy a social hour with the couple who had passed the hiilf-century station of mirried life

The bridesmaid Mrs Harmon Palmer of Washington D C is the only iierson now living who was present at their wedding ifl years ago She was prevented from being presentM their golden anshyniversary by the illness of her son in Texas whether she was sumshymoned a few days ago

In the afternoon Miss Anna Culshyver rendered several vocal solos vith Mrs C W Browne accom-paniest

Mrs Geo A Minar gave an orshyiginal recitation prepared for tlie occasion accompanied by music

Mrs L H Ives read a poem composed by herself in memory of the occasion

In the evening the poem was alshyso given and Mrs C P Mickelson and Mrs II J Bond rendered voshycal selections

Rev W H Simmons spoke briefshyly in pleasant words of the occasshyion

The roomys were tastily trimmed with yellow chrysanlliemums and golden decorations typical of the occasion

The ^guests wore received by their children Clarence V Ranshydall and Mrs J C Pingerle

Dainty refreshments wore served by the Misses Blena McMath Anna Culver Earnestine Earle and Lucy Hawley Miss Elaine Fingerle and Russell Randall grandchildren dispensed cheer at the punchbowl

Mrs C W Browne and-Mrs W L Clark had charge of the dining room Mrs Ella Marsh acted as mistress of ceremonies Regrets were received fromLos-Angeles Cal Ogden Utah Atchshyison Kansas St Louis Mo Sun-nyside Col Cleveland Akron and Cincinnati Ohio BuffaioN Y Washington D C Moline III Grass Lake Manchester Brooklyn Napoleon Jackson Norvell Lanshysing Montague Grand Rapids Greenville Ironwood and Newbershyry Mich

The guests from a distance were Mrs Wm P Babeock of Norvell Mrs 0 A RaniSall of Detroit Wm Ackleyand daughter Vera ot Ann Arbor Ernest VVatkins of Jackson Mrs Dorr aiid daughter of Grass Lake-Mrs Randall Wade of Nash-

wrist niSchooi Commissioner P E Searl is iSendihg outthis week phmph-leta containing list of school dishyrectory of the county school liaw list of qualified teachers and other information of intereist to the patshyrons of the district schools ^Eledtriciahs have the bull pqst week been l66kingafteii the wiring at the court houfiie-ahdcotihtyjair At gtthe lattermtich icareless^ahd de-ltfectiy(Bwiringwas found and iingt mediate steps were taken to place (the wbA ln a sate condition -viraquoWir-ifnVlaquoiiioi iiid ^ i several--eiecuon Mnspeccors bull certi-tne^jtiin^-^MheJ^ leachxmonth frpmFriday iat7 p m to ^Saturday a t abdquop m Saturshyday No v 26 at2ipm will yhe the

J E Taylor went to Flint with Mack Snyder of Vevay last week aiid bold hini a Buick touring car

Two drunks are languishing Jn the county Jail having beensent upMonday by Justice ^dams to serve20 days in default of |10fine

In ^conformance with bull law county clerk is sen ding- - to

the the

order of lelectidh adopted by the board of superviBors relative to thevresubmission 6f the local op- tioh bullquestionvii-mbull-bull bull y wov ao a t a p

date and timer of the (iriit meeting ipltAana^dx Jvi damti ||Orde^8o^^ thefi(ibnUrigiBntbullii iir(KltUlbelhgeldiip by the cbun--tyitxJBasurerThe matter^bftrairis- vf eMlngSfrbmiii^the 5county -3p6or bdquo bdquo bdquo _ hSuiraquoB-Sbuildlriglaquoifurid thei mpttey ivTKft Oi borrowedcopyfrom (rtheji^cbntiriigent-thissh6v

The -Northwestern Syndicate of Chicago presents Mr WByooil lii an ^Illustrated V lecture bn the bull WhiteJSlave ri afficraquovat thfe Pas- time TheatreFriday night NoVi 24

e fiimdshaiirhbtyet beensettledTheiS vprbBecutblJiJboldsthafeBuchaiithbr-fuMiyn^ lty rests with the treasurer by lecture on White Slavery by W reason of 4 h e resolution by^ the B Wood were well repaid for

j--S-ii331SlDl bull 9reg^-Wf xl^^i worningB

villo and Mr and Mrs G T Davis of Lansing

The presents were numerous and very beautiful

Myron A Randall and Miss Clara Graham were united in marriage at the home of the brides parents at Norvell Mich upon the farm taken up from the government For two years they lived with Mr Randalls people at that place and then commenced housekeeping un-on a farm at Bridgewater AVash-tenaw county then moving back to Norvell and Mr Randall enlistshyed in 1865 being at Chattanooga at the time when Lees surrender was announced

They lived near Norvell until 1872 when they came to Vevay and purchased the farm two miles eiist of Mason where they lived until 1883 when they took up their resshyidence in Mason

For six years they lived in the western part of the city am moved into their pleasant and modern home about nine years ago ivhere their friends wish for them many more happy years

Following is the original poem by Mrs Ives

A GOLDEN DAY Thuru aru many ii lndsof days

And niuny kinds of woathor That In these cliocUorod livus of ours

Aru duly niixud tOKotlior Tho |)rlnKllniu lirinis us April days

Of suddun suns and sliowurs Wliich May shall bloid in fraitranco sweot

Kur all lior fairy llowors

Tho Tuno brings rosy eaplands And thol l l i iosof Inly

But hint tho purpling splendor Under tlio August sky

Soptomburs yollow riot Ucioliors lx)uubs allamo

Gloam thru tho dull Novuinbor And niuiliv sliys reclaim

Tho lirlof days of Decombor iltring frost and leu and snow

Vet we twine with clioorful ilngors Ho iy and inisileloo

Thus count wo all tho little days Till a year of them Is niado

A nd half the year Is snnsblno And half the yoar Is shade

When two have lived togothor Ilio ltiujs iif llfty years

How many days of sunsbino How miiny days of tears

You liounttlum liy the thousands Since tho loy liells rang for you

And rouiiting thuin together Has kept tho record true

You wore so young and happy When you pledged with marriage-kiss

You novor ttu)nghtto look ahead To a golden day liko this -

Vltin nover droamod that fifty years So soon could pass away

And bring to you tho gladness Ot a golden wedding-day

Those dear ones who wore with you then Moot with you nover moremdash

Tboy walk socuru the shining stroot Upon a golden shore

But the love wherewith they loved you In the happy days ot old I

Joins bore with ours to crown you With diadems of gold

We clasp your htinds In token Of a bond that cannot break

And our golden wishes spoken Wo give for friendships sake

Tho love of frionds and clilldren And childrens children too

Heart-wealth of priceless value bull Today are brot to you While tho Katbor-lovo so tender

Tliat has blessed you all tho way With benediction golden

Urings peace this golden day And unti you His promise

As your lioarts His liivo shall hold Loves golden key shall open

To you the Gates of Gold ^ - E d n a G H Ives

The M^ason-AuriBlius euchre playshyers met at the home of Eugene Edshygar Tiiesday evening Mason winshyning by one game One hundred ana eighty games have been played and the score stands a tie each haying 90 to their credit

MiBS-Leiiagenb fiordher has been quarantined for three weeks in the childrens ward at the Homeshyopathic hospital I at Aiin Arbor with other nurses iiilhd doctors on accbtint of scarlet fever anddiphlaquo theria in the waid While there Miss Bordnef has had an attack of Vtbiisilitis from| which she has recoyered---o vli bull-bull bullbullbullbull

ltThe produbtion of -Human Heartalr at the Rayneropera house laBtbdquoFridaynight was fully iip to the advahee notices The cast was evenly balanced arid the playi while not hew^- yet contains tnose elements that will cause the sym- pathetic to laugh with tears In thelr eyesVv ftbull bull urV-- - ^

All Aoooums

After youve eaten your turkey and taters

Swallowed your cider and tipped all the waiters

After youve bolted your mince pic and soup

Step around to our studio for your TliaiiksKiviiiH ^roup

Tempest or sunshine will make

no dlHercnccmdashwe are used

to dark days


ii ustJbegtsettled by VDBCIQi or iuBrabiwillibe-iWf t f or cblliectibriii 5V

Farmers Take Notice We will pay 31c this week for

butter fat delivered at the creamshyery in good condition

Mason Creamery Co

Double F u n e r a l

David Erwin of Mason was called upon to attend a double funeral Sundaymdashthat of the wife of his brother William and his sister Mrs Gillivray

Mrs Wm Erwin died at her home in Detroit and Mrs McGil-livray went to Detroit to accomshypany the funeral oarty to Jackson for the buriaU wlTich was to take place on Saturday

When the train bearing the party was near Ann Arbor Mrs McGil-livray- was taken suddenly ill with heart trouble and in a few minshyutes was dead

Adouble funeral was held at Jackson Sunday at the First Conshygregational chutch at 2i0 oclock

Mrs McGillivray was well known in Jackson where her husband for many years conducted the Amerishycan House She is also remembered by many in Mason where she was a frequent visitor when Mr Ershywin conducted a hotel liero

A most peculiar feature conshynected with the death of the two Women was the fact that Mr and Mrs McGillivray and Mr and Mrs lirwin jointly owned a lot at Mt Evergreen cemetery Jackson Mr McGillivray was laid to rest there about four years ago and Mr Ershywin last spring

Another party at I 0 0 F hall this week r^riday night

I have placed several thousand dollars for people of Mason who have realized their 8 per cent per annum for several years If intershyested phone or call in person Mashyson E Reynolds 1

llenvy llluck llorHo For Sulo Weight 1600 or 1700

47w C C Rolfe

IMliN Vur Mule Seven weeks old

James P Hathaway Bell phone bull17w2p

iJurii orlliHiikN We desire to extend our heartshy

felt-thanks to friends and neighshybors gtwho so freely gave their aid and sympathy during our recent affliction

Mrs David Almond Robert H Almond Mrs Anna Steadman Walter W Almond Mrs Kate Olin

PorNale Coal stove and double harness

W N Taylor Mason 47w2p R D No 5

For sale A Retort No 18 hard coal burner

in A 1 condition W R Carven 44tf All Account Not SettloU

by Dec 1st will be left for collecshytion S S Holt 45w3 Dansville Mich

Wanted Every Tuesday Lroilers and old

hens Highest market price Phone No 49 F L Miller Dansville S6tt

For Sale Registered Fercheroh stallion 1

year old 10 registered Shropshire rams a number of Duroc Jersey boars M A Bray 37wl2 Okemos Mich

c For Sale Shropshire yearling and ram lambB Also 0I C swine both lez Six miles east Mason Rural phone 37tf Geo Pi Andrews

HoUUtOBent With modern improvements

46w2 Kate Henderson bull For Hervice bullbull-vv Abig-bonedvregistered Poland China boar Chas A Price Cit phone U--1L IS ^6iy4p

IPerfectibri b i r in barrel lots 7c

Eer gallop of dealers in Mason eslie EdenltAurelius and Hblt

Wielded stieel barrels at cbst Vc bull bull-bull bullbullbullbull-bull bullbullbull bullbullCbullB Hill Standard Oil Agent A v lti ltl6tf

UDorit- u s e harsh ^ physics i-TniB reaction bull weakens the bowels arid leads to chroriiCconstipationGet Deans Regulets They bull bperaite basilyttbrietheistoriiiach and cure bulllaquosbblaquotipatibnrov- Klvi

Real Estate Loans and Insurance

No Better Farms in Ingham Co Than ciin bo found on my list Good variety City Iroporty

D P WHITMORE News Olllos Maaon Mich

Purses Hand Bags A stylish purse or hand bag gives just the right linisli to your costume Our purses aud hand bags are particularly pleasingmdashdistincshytive in style and workmanship Get one of the distinctive bags and you will have something tha t is not carried by everyshybody Prices range from WSO up


A Qood Place to Trade

Thanksgiving Tabie Accessories

Just a few suggestians for your Thanksgiving Dinner

Cranberriesmdashthe right kind for jelly or sauce Our berries are ripe tart and juicy 10c quart

Sweet Picklesmdashplump and sound 9 lbs for 25c 3c a pound

PicklesmdashHeinz Sweet and Dill new stock crisp and appetizing 10c and 15c a dozen

CheesemdashMichigan Full Cream 20c a pound

Dates Figs Mince Meats Fruits that are fresh and decently priced

We are headquarters for the Sheff brand of Coffees Peas Corn Shrimp Lobsters Marshino Cherries Mince Meat Raisins Etc Etc

For a short time we will give away absolutely free ot charge one small can of Calumet baking powshyder with every sack ot Lily White flour Try our 22c coffee Good one at 25c Pine one at 28c None better sold than our 30c We are sole agents for the Gaits

50o tea 3 bottles tomato catsup 25o Peanut butter in bulk lsecto Sardines 5c can 0 for 25c Good flour per sack 60c 4 lbs Ginger Snaps mdash25o 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $100


R C Dart loans real estate colshylections Lawrence Block Mason

If your money does not net you five per cent see

22tf H C Freeland

The National Loan and Investshyment Co will pay 4 1-2 per cent See P H Field

For Sale Cheap for Canh My place at the corner of P andi

Elm streets Mason Mich consist ing of 3 1-2 acres of landwith house barn and chicken house I have a good rock well and cisshytern Most all kinds of fruit now bearing A fine place for fruit and poultry laising 36tf John Wixson

ForSale Registered Black Top Bams arid

Duroc Jersey boar pigs L S Marshall

39wl2p Leslie bullMich

TwentrBeautirul Souvenir Postcarda for 10c postpaid Souvenir Post

Co 495 Sixth StDetroiti 46wtf

Card Mich

I Am Paying HlBbeat Price bullbull for hides pelts and furs Old riiis-ber Be per lb rags SOcper 100 lbs 46-3p B A Ready Mason

^BeitUtered^Berkalilre Boar | for se rv ice^ 47-3 Garl Jewett^ bull

Bargain InSheeigtandimnibW| See Bert Grandall opposite Wjl-

son school house two miles eiast of Mason-- ----bullbull bullbullbull h bull-

V ~ MelaquolluniraquosiaiedSaife viv bullbullbullbull bullvSecorid-bullbullharidifbrsaletbullbull-ri--4Tw2i-bulli bull bullCNP ^MickiBlBori

-fitvi^I^rmFor^ Sale bull Pour aci^s^gdbd house and balriir--^-iofifrwt^Inquire at t^

gt lt-






P i| ampk

bull(bullbull stM^j

bull t----)^^^ ^WK mmmm |iVvvjv bullbullbull mmmm


Publislied aii Mason every Tluirsday morninn by


All liittirtiilliiu liltliigtr from llr (bull L l l l l l M l l l l l

E i t o r TiiKliam County NOWHmdash We have been so busy since our

arrival iiere Nov 1st tirvt I have no liad lime to redeem my promshyise to write you of our trip parshyti uarly our visit to Pimamia City unl l^ynn Haven tlic G V R col-ony in WashinRton county

Ve startofl from Williamston on Oct 25 via PlymouUi and Toledo to Cincinnati Ohio where we stopped until the next evening and CO ciiued our journey over the Queen und Crescent Ry one of the best roads in the south to Tus-c josi the former capitol of Al-nbima The old state liouse is still Rtanding a relic of former days P rom there over the Moliilo and Oho Ry to MonLRoniery the jiros-cnt capitol whore Jefferson Dashyvis first cstal)lishcd the capitol of the southern confederacy before it w removed to Richmond Va Co-itinuing our iourney via the A C L Ry to Dothan Ala where we stopped for the iilpht s tartshying neKt morninp for Piinamn City which we reached at 2 p m and as usual stopped rt the Magnolia lloel run by J B Hogeboom of G- nd Rai)ids Midi

On Saturday afternoon T looked oer Tliirmons addition to Panama City and called on Comrades Dem-orcst Crawford and others arid ai 0 I them about Lynn Tlaven to which they rejilied Go and see fc jourself Sunday with some friends from New York we atshytended the M E church in the morning and in the afternoon I

went by steamer to Lynn ITaven There is (|into a town there if you eonsifler the time that it has been building but not half of what they reiiresent on paper Jlie walls of the wholeside drug stoi-e Juit they advertised in the National Tribune were about half up and the new bank builiiing noiii-er com-l)letion 1 visited the printini o -Iie which I found well equipped

bull and ready for business The streeis are not graded or sewers in and 1 learneil there were two dcatlis from fever the week before 1 was there I met 15 P Truesdoll the colony agent wJvomII fouiui a cvy genial gentleman who seemed anxious to do all that he conlu to promote the interests of the colshyony Jle showed me the location for the hotel which the company ])romised to build but which he says they will no do if they can induce private iiarties to erect and run it as the one at St Cloudhas not been iirofitable The location was a tine one near the whirf and overlooking the bay In ray judgment the loijation oi the town on the north arin of the bay and about la miles from the inlet is bad but I understand that it is In keeping with an agreement witli a Mr Gay a turpentine operator of whom they got most of the land whose home is up there and noy occupied by his son but as I did not owe Mr Gay or his partshyner Mr McKenzie anything I concluded not to invest The railshyroad wliich they represent on pashyper is graded from a point ahout two miles from Panama City on the St Andrews Bay and Atlanta Ry to Lynn Haven and some ties scattered along but no iron or rolling stock and as I concluded not to take a tie pass I came back by steamer This was my secshyond visit within a year to invest at what is known as Bunkers Cove which they a t first advershytised just east of Panama City and near the inlet to the bay but Avhich they still refuse to open up until they have disposed of Lynn Haven

Monday morning we started for home via Cottondale and Tallashyhassee to Jacksonville whers wo stopped tor the night and the next day and night took one of those delightful trips up the St Johns River on the Clyde Steamshyship line arriving at home rested instead of tired out by a ride in the dusty stuffy cars aridwe must say to all our friends coming to houth Florida do ho t miss that t r ip on the St Johns River

Concerning the G W R C

A R and

As the time approaches for the election of officers and the comshypletion of the current years work of our orders the comrades of Phil McKernan post feel that we have much to bo thankful for As a post we have been higlily favored Sevshyeral members have been added to our ranks and in comparison with our number five years ago our membership has increased nearly 40 per cent while thus far this year only one of ourcomrades has joined the ranks of tihe gland army on the other side

At Rochester Comrade Oilman in his annual address as commandshyer-in-chief told the representatshyives of the G A Rthat our order would still be in existence 9) years from the present time and while this will probably be true in some centers of population all realize that beforethe expiration of a quarter of a century the smaller posts of our order will liave disappeared Many liave al-rcaily passed and the places of many more would now be vacant ui)on our rosters had it not been for ouir great auxiliary the Woshymans Relief Corps

On Nov tl Phil McKernan W J C presented a beautiful silk flag to the primary and high school rooms of the central buildshying and a similar flag to the prishymary room of the ward school A delegation from W R C No 131 accompanied by members from the post visited the schools and placed the flags in the custody of the scliool board the superintendshyent the teachers and the pupils to be the permanent property of the rooms to which they were Iiresented In the illness and enshyforced absence of the president of the local corps Mrs Franc L Adshyams the patriotic instructor of the Iiost made the presentation Miss Titus on behalf of the piimary room thanked the donors and as proof that the education of the little ones had not been neglected they sang several patriotic songs and gave the flag salute L W Mills fr a son of a veteran and member of the school board acshycepted the flag for the high school room in brief well-chosen words Commander Sariw and Mrs Saraw each made a short appropriate talk and Superintendent J^iggs alshyso spoke saying among other things that if the occasion should arise the boys of today would show themselves as patriotic as American boys had always been ir times when theii country needed their services The school then sang the Star Spangled Banner and at tJie close of the national hymn the visitors withdrew and proceeded to the ward school where the flag was received by Miss Shafer for the primary room and the jiupils of both rooms sang patriotic songs and gave the flag salute

Phil McKernan W R C has iire-sonted each of the Mason churches with a fine silk flag and intends as soon as possible to place a flag in each of the school rooms now without the national emblem

About 15 years ago when the W R C first engaged in this special form of patriotic work this corps placed in our city schools and also in nearly all the rural schools in the southern part of this county flags and other patriotic symbols in addition to supplying such iicliools a line of literature espeshycially designed to teach the rising generation true patriotism and why every American boy and girl should love their country in tact in proportion to its numbers Corps 131 had the honor 6l leading the bulldepartment of Michigan W R Cbdquo in regard to work accomplished along patriotic lines

To again refer to Comrade Gil-mans address at Rochester What the loyal loving energetic wife is to her husband that the Womans Relief Corps has been and is to the Grand Array of the Republic and to make the analogy complete it may be said that the W R C is frequently more earnest and zealous in work of mutual intershyest to the two iorders than its male companion the G A R The formshyer was the pioneer in work along legislative lines for placing the stars and stripes over every school house and it took up the work of systematic patriotic ihstruetion in schools and communities several

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull ^ ^ bull bull ^ bull bull ^ ^ bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull ^ ^ bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo laquo f laquo t

Since reaching home I have bpen years before a similar system was thinking this matter over and I ^ ^ ^ pound bdquo ^ bdquo H l i laquo o bdquo ^ am going to make a business proshyposition Why go way back 10 or 12 miles on sonie stub riiilroad to build a town and pay $150 for a lot 50x150 feet and) 11-4 acres or 6 acres of wild land worth about $liamp per acre- as purchased by these companies when I will sell lots 50x200 feet on the state road between Sanford and Orlando in one ol the best sectiona of the state of Florida where we have J plenty of good soft water in drive wells from 20 to 25 feet deepi-and t h e lots within 40 rods of a good i store and postoffice and Avithin 50 toi 80 rods of a station on the A C L Ryiiwithfour passenger and gt several freight trains^ each wny

everyday and vith from SOrtb 180 j automobiles and other cbhvey-ances passingdaily AndIdo not pretenditObeglving-awiiy those

lotsjbutViWill seUVtheni f6r $60 ^ ^ - - u each while theyi^lastiirtyvidingthp i ested in the m a t t e r i t i s ^ m e w h a t purchaBer agrees t6r liuiW a h6 ] i8p |d

During the 23 years of its existshyence it has paid out more than $5-000000 for the relief of needy comshyrades and their dependent ones and this sum vas t as it is is far from representing all that the ministrations of these devoted AVO-men have meant to disabled sol-dleiS andtheir widows and orphshyans The sympathy in trouble the flowers at the r burial the unobshytrusive interest t ha t clears the title of veterans homiBsteads from a t ax lienj in these and in countshyless other ways the W RC fulshyfils one of- the three great objects for which it exists No member of a p o s t h a y i n g s a W R C aiixilr iaryneed lose his membership for nonrpayraieht6f i dues Thp corps are more thaihvwllUhg-fojkeepeV eryt soldlpr f how lnithe ranks a memberingdpdijrtahdlngi i i i

To those of US personally inter

worth $800within itwb years o r bullltforpoundelthlB-title~tiiyJtliampjlotigt8iJly watJ t people itovcpmfeltheWeriJby lite bask In the sunshine and eat bullorahigesi bull bull abull Y6ur8tfuly^^S Jf pf i iUV-laquo---v^GIigt-HahdalliMgtD bullAltallaquoAntfibull8DHntts^Ilai5lbulllaquo^^^^ AltainoiritfiiSL

Nov 16 r t l l bullfliiFipij

^ifMmM bullv-

0M in


radeQllmahipredl6tedgtthe utmost Umltigto(^our texistehce asahorg^iir Izatlbnibutvwhlle25years from now ohly VaiiefeblefewiiBur btrtheclyirvwar^livlUremalrithe Is nb reason why at that t imethe W R C shouldnot be astrong ahd^ifIbutisblngibidpri In^ this world of oiirs ftie work for which these rWomen are banded together -^relief of bull the unfortunatemdashwill never bf done Afld it is for- this

riBa8briSithi|it lSwhehSlthe men bullt6 whom they now are auxiliary have piiai8B6ai owiygthe I need of relief f or


Apparel for

Social Events and Street Wear The daily arrival of many handsome and clever styles of Winter

Wearing Apparel keeps our Ready-to-wearDepartment strictly up to date Every woman likes the kind of a Suit Coat or Dress tliatshows distinction and has a mark of individuality tha t reason makes our Ready-to-wear Department very popular with ladies vvlio arc looking tor goods ot the better grade

Tailor-made Suits No matter where you go wherever the women of this vicinity

Depi from $]i)00 to $7500

Winter Coats Our Coat section is very popular and the reason Is found in the

splendid variety of attractive styles and the exceedingly low prices that prevail Stylish coats for motoring touring or general service in every wanted style fabri and coloring Prices $750 to $7500

Dancer-Brogan Furs Our Furs show character Our display discloses models designed

by leading French artists and clever original productions from Amerishycas most eminent furriers Every piece ot Fur we sell is backed by our ropntation which is the guarantee for reliability Prices very reasonable

Childrens Coats Never has our Childrens Department been so complete lb is not

adinicull problem to please the little Miss Our large stock and alshymost endless variety of styles is sure to furnish something exactly to her liking Prices $i50 to $1G00

The Fashion Center ol Lansing


4 I

who wish to become members of the society one often heais woshymen say I am greatly interested in the work of the W R C but I cannot join for none ot my relatshyives were soldiers It is difficult to make the general public real-ie that the W R C has no such rule taut that any loyal woman who has never given aid and comshyfort to the enemies ot the Union is ot good moral character iind is 16 years ot age is eligible to memshybership in the Womans Reliof Corps

As a member ot the G A R of 35 years standing and of Phil McshyKernan Post tor more than 25 years with a full and intimate knowledge of what the Womans Relief Corps has accomplished in aiding this post in particular uul the the G A R in general I -havd written the foregoing as a slight tribute ot regard

W 1 Adams Adjutant and Patriotic Instructor

Post No 53


Vour niwiic) lliiukir Youre Not Sutln-Ucil

We pay for all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy tails to completely relive you of constipation We take all the risk You are not obligated to us in any way whatever if you accept our offer

Thats a miighty broad statement but we mean every word of it Could anything be more fair for you

A most scientific common-sense treatment is Rexall Orderlieswhich are eaten like candy Their active principle is a recent scientific disshycovery that is odorless colorless and testeless very pronouncedyel gentle and pleasant in action and particularly agreeable in every way They do not cause diarrhoea nausea flatulence griping or nny inconvenience whatever Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children aged and delicate pershysons

If you suffer from chronic or habitual constipation or the assoshyciate or dependent chronic ailshyments we urge youito try Rexall Orderlies at our risk Remember you can get them in Mason only at our store 12 tablets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 cents SOtablets50 cents

Sold only at our storemdashThe Rex

A JloiiMi-liold niviliciiic That stops coughs quickly and

cures colds is Foleys Honey and Tar Compound Mrs Anna Pelzer I 2526 Jefferson St S Omaha NebI says I can recommend Foleys I Honey and Tar Compound as a I sure cure for coughs and colds It cured my daughter ot a bad cold | and my neighbor Mrs Benson | cured lierself and her whole tam- ily with Foleys Honey and Tav j Compound Everyone in our neigh- borhood speaks highly of it W M McCrossen and longyear Bros |

To meet the demand for these bulljoods I have placed in stock a complete line of

Electric Appliances

Consisting of

Flatirons Toasters Curling Iron Heaters

Flashlights Vacuum Cleaners

Chandeliers Domes Portable Lamps Toys


Located at P M Wells Wall Paper Store on Ash St near Farmers Sheds

LWWHITED Will be at shop evenings after

7 oclock

all Store store

Longyear Bros drug

Marriage Licenses George L Haynes Lansing- bullbullbull25 Iza Growbarger Perrysburg O^20 Herbert J Bemis Iron Mountain 22

26 31 31 35 31 -20 19 -28 -25 -22 -18 -31 33 -Si)

Edith Losey Lansing John E Nelson iLansingmdash Elizabeth Wilson Lansing mdash Jas MCookj Wash tenaw Co Mary Sellers Stockbridge mdash Arthur H Erbe Lansingmdashmdash Ada Sraolark Lansing-mdashmdashbullbull Jas B Mclntee Lesl ie bull Anna Mackinder Stockbridge John Spahr Mason - imdashi Ethel Holey M a s o n mdash bull bull mdash mdash Louis W Krauss Lansing-mdash Mari^ BaummohOhib-mdash- Wm NSutUffe L a n s i n g - - -Lucy SpencerLarislngmdashbullbullmdash io Baydfeh F HubbardWilliamston 60 Rokle Arnold Lansing ii42 Michael Story Larislng-bullmdashbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull23 Jjiiie UzBillings- LariBtng---^-bullbull 17

our childt^iad i stiffered frpni

A Bank Direetor Who liss carried stock In tlid Asso-cliitlon for sovoriilyoars writes us that ho coiisldors it ono of his best Invostmonts Its snfo prbfltiiblo convcnlont and always available Woroiibivo any sum at any time Hlvldcnd checks aro mailed seml-annuaUy

Write ltor booklet and tlilanclal report our fortythlrd bull soral-an- nual bullbullbullbull bull

bull Capitol Sayinfls amp Loan Assoelallon

LintlnaiMiohioan v]

^bull^himt tromltBeyereVbrotichral troublef ayearVwroielQiTRlchardB6h6f RichardadnlsMUlBfAlaVw(eijf cared It had consumption It had a bad cbuglivaUth[eftlralBi Wer tried many rtmediesS without avail J arid bull doc-

petie^^e^arid^op^ strong and healthy For coughs iw i bullbullbullraquobullbullbullbullbullbull w f bull bull ^ ^ bull bull r

Ci[ndB^iCgtaMB)WS8^ mai croup and sore lungs lts t he

inmost iiiatallible-remedy thatalhiade^ EriceHj80c(iridsi$li0d-Trialii^Tlgt6ttle fre^ I t i i guaranteied by Longyear

Brbiii sviy iiiii)j|si bull

-|V f|vGreafiiVn^

is)iKiisifiy=bullbullbullbullbullbull bull-bullbull-^

ihilfYou Could

Only See the beautiful merchandise which we have unpacked and placed on our i^vcid floorsmdashbeautiful useful senshysible Christmas presents for practical sensible gift-buyers The sort of giit that are most wanted and appreciated for they add beauty and comfort to the home and may be used and enjoyed for a lifetime

Wc wish to call your attention particularly to our clcffant line of House Desks Music Cabinets Recshyord Cabinets and Piano Benches just placed on disshyplay Also Toilet Tables Chiffoniers Napoleon and Colonial Four-poster Beds Such beautiful and useful gifts for mother or daughter

In Library Tables well show you the greatest assortment in Michisfan besides a ltjreatline of l iving room Tables Pedestals Stands etc Ectcnsion Tashybles Side Bonnls Morris Chairs Rockers and scores of other articles which arc ideal gifts for the folks at home

How mothers eyes would sparkle if you would get her one of those wonderful Free Sewing Machines mdashthe machine that is so far ahead of others that there is just no comparison yet costs less than any other high grade make and may 1)C purchased on terms of SI i week if desired A Kitchen Cabinet would be an ideal gift for mother toomdashlook over our great stock of thcsi

For father or brother we have Shaving Cabinets Magazine Racks Foot Rests Smoking Sets Cellar-cttes Wall Hangers Leather Pillows and all sorts of Up-to-Date Den Furnishings to say nothing of comfortable Chairs and Rockers that are always greatly appreciated by a man

We repeat If you could only see this magnilicent array of suitable gifts for every member of the family sweetheart and friends you would begin your Christshymas buying r i g h t h e r e and r i g h t n o w Come to this great establishment and sec an assortment of styles quality and values such as you can find noshywhere else


The profits of the raw fur dealer and middleman vhen you buy furs from us because we buy the fur skins froin the trapper and manufacture them into fur garments We keep in repair for one year all garshyments bought from us and will store free the more expensive ones

We Make a Specialty oi

Repairing and Remodeling Our facilities are unexcelled We employ only furriers of (many yearseixperience

Free Booklet on Care of Furs

D 326 N Waih^ Ave LANSINQ

FARMERS BANK Oldest State Bank In Tritrham


CAPITAL $ 5 0 0 0 0

L B Mo ARTHUR bull Jresldent J K ELMER Vice President A J HALL - - Cashier A G LYON Assistant Cashier

Three per ce it interest paid on sav lURS deposits Money to loan

Call and see us

DirectorsmdashJ K Elmer A J Hall Geo M Hoyt A L Rose L B Mc-Arthur A L Barber C W Clark 0 J Dakin ^

whatgoodis jvea i th i to ybiigtifyo^ havent yowir eyesight tovenjoy It-Takecare of your eyes When they smarbji a n d b u r n arid iyqjirrhea^ aches I t often cpmes from the eye-T sight pleading for aldiWecaii^give i t just what ft needsby testing the Sight bysclehtlffc methods artdflt- t ing you with properly adjusted

^taii8iiic^^iHyWJ^^ Where the eyes are always moving f bullbull r r i lri-the lndby ii-VS^






Your ySOLD ONivYriBY bull gt

Mason J Mkhi vf v V bullbull bull

Unitd Railimytilifi TThird Rail Ete^^

In effect Nby5thii9iiieargMas(JnH^^

Limitedmdasha m 1016 ^ 12l8 JK in- 1-bull-gt bullVpmC-v216 bullo416bullbullbullS6levbull bullvgt bullbullbull-bullbullvvbullno00 bull ampvv ii Local ~ a in ^ 611 755 i925vil25 bullbullbullbullbull bull p m l25i325gt625fKW

Ximlted-atravf6lO)N854iiAll64gt ii Uvvp miylW- ^354yMVv5B4j| LooairTamvI28^iB66|libO^ bullbull-bullbullbull i bullbullbull p m- bull bull1(K) 3f007600iv bull laquobullbullbullbullbull As- mim^^ iii^iMjil li25 bull iraquoCapltoiFiyerhe

trlbfbiriDeitrbit|-BattleiOretelC iand fi|) Kalaihaisoo) i at vLanslng fori(Qwp880gtfe bullivndStJ6hn8 q s iS jf lp



COKRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County


River Road

(Too Late For Last Woclf) Winter Ima ticrtniiily ciuiKht raquos

thin time without our potatoes oinr or cabbage pulled Guess we will go without aaucr kraut

Mr and Mrs S B Pitch visited in Henrietta over Sunday at 1 O Garris Mrs Garris is his sister

i Floyd Ramer has taken a job of drawing wood for a m an east of iliere and has put his force of seven teams and their drivers on |the job Some wood in the country yet

S B Fitch of Toledo Ohio is hero for twi days visitinu his wife imd babv Margie Mr Pitch is 1

M C H H inspector at tlie wagon works at Toledo

Mrs Willis who recently moved her family to Jackson has moved back again She could not find n house to live in

The lecejit storm did not do any d a m a g e Iight around here

Lots of sickness those days One of Vm Jurnors cliildrnn

has been quite sick with eczema S B Fitch who has been visiting

his wife and parents for the past ten days has returned to Toledo

Mr lind Mrs Root are quite sick with grip

Mr and Mrs Ecard are expectshying their son Clare from California l ie has been working there all summer setting out fruit trees and spraying them

Cuiiitliliiu ut NIKIII means loss ot sleep which is bad for everyone Foleys Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough at once relieves the tickling and dryshyness in the throat and heals the inflamed membranes Prevents a cold developing into bronchitis or

l E S I i s r S u s J l X t i S e r w M b r u i s e s sprains swclHngs ccze McCrossen and Longyear Bros

Suiday with his mother and brother in this eity

Glenn Hughes of Detroit spent a few days this week with his parents in this city

Miss Genevieve Miller was deshytained from her work a few days this week on account of lionsilitis The Emmons music store is now

located in the April building Clare Bunker and Miss Nellie

Newton both of this eity were married Sunday evening by Rev Claflin

Miss Esta Bellows of Kingsland spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister Mrs Hugh Hall of this city

Miss Pearl Snyder is clerking in Parks dry goods store

Mr and Mrs Hallic Norton of Albion spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Guy Woodruff

Harry R Buckles and son Wil- lace were in Hastings Sunday

Clay Spicor is aole to be about Mr and Mrs f E Kelsey are I moving into the HI Moulton res- idencc on east Knight street

Mr and llrs iVrlo Bishop are staying at the liome of her parshyents Mr and Mrs Conrad Miller for a few weeks

Three inmates of the State In-duatrial School tor boys who esshycaped from that place on Monday niorning were captured at gtthis l)lace Monday noon by Under Sheriff Hugh Hall and were taken back to the institution in the afshyternoon

W E Severance of Lansing was in this city^ Monday on business

11 Slurllvil lUo World when the astounding claims were first rtiade for Bucklens Arnica Salvo but forty years ot wondershyful cures have proved them true and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for burns boils scalds sores cuts

Eaton Rapids

Miss Lena Matthews has bought a two-thirds interest in the Gardshyner block and will move her Needle Craft shop into the room occupied by the Davis barlier shop Mr Davis will move into the store

room in the Walter block just vashycated by B H Custer amp Son

Miss Bessie Houseman of Lanshysing sjient a tew days last Aveci

with Mis J T Hall George Hhuston manager of the

Bell telephone office is visiting relatives in Bellevue Ohio

Claris Hall has returned from his hunting trip in the upper peninshysula He bagged two deer

1 T Stringham was in Charlotte Friday on business

Harry R Buckles who has oiier-ated a real estate office in this city for the past 11 months has accepted a position as farm manshyager for the Home Realty Co in Lansing His real cstato business will be transfered to Lansing Mr Buckles entered upon his duties Monday Miss Ruby Whipp will stay at the office the rest ot this week and Mr Buckles will move his family to the Capital eity next Week

Mrs Claris Hallreturned Thurs-day from a two weeks visit with relatives in Saginaw

Mrs Irma Vickery spent Saturshyday and Sunday with her mother in Detroit

Elton Spears of Albion was in this city a few days last week on business

H R Buckles reports the sale ot the Daniel StJoutSO acre farm in Ingham county to C E Gernant of Bantry North Dakota and also the sale of the C A Robbins farm of 10 acres in Eaton county to Mrs Dave Perrine

Guy Woodruff who suffered a stroke ot paralysis a week ago is reported to be improving

Mr and Mrs G B Garnant and family are roomlrig at the hoinj of H R Buckles until tihelr hoiria is vacated by Dan Stout

Wm Humphry spent Saturday aind Sunday with his sister Mrs J T Hall

Mr and Mrs Claude Stringham of Charlotte spent Saturday arid

ma chapped hands fever sores and piles Only 25c at Longyear ijros


-r~p^QRLp-~ because it 18 made o

dwpu^ best i in- greo^eints becaua(e it

^cmtams^^^ni^ -si(irengy|(iMMri|j ( ] builitlmgiliTlatii ai^p^KqrEmul^i^^ because it iaei perfect

lgt|)rodudv ltopound ^

poctotB the world over yimM

$k fecpgniie^

i m liMi0sect^^IS^0et^U^^

Brooks Corners

Mr and Mrs L S Blakslee from near Holt spent Wednesday at 0 B Blakslees

F A Coleman lost a horse reshycently

Elzina Speers and Ray Parkhurst were in Lansing Saturday night and Sunday

Guy Strickland and family spent Thursday night ati Geo Shattucks

Mrs Steinhoft who has been visshyiting her mother returned to her home in Gratiot county Saturday

Elza TurnbuU visited at Chas Bassetts Sunday

Mr andMrs Shattuck entertainshyed Mrs Bird Maud lohnson and Cordie Barker and wife Thursday

Goerge McCormick and family spent Sunday at Otis Warners in Wheatfield

Bert Royston spent Sunday in Dansville

George Shattuck and wife spent Sunday at Fred DeCamps Mr D egtpects to move to the VanBuran farm near Edea soon

Ed Worden will soon move back to his farm

Mr and Mrs 0 B Blakslee and daughter spent Sunday at O W Priests

Mr and Mrs T E Royston were Sunday guests of Geo Bowden and family

Ml Kohler and family spent Sunday at W P DeGrotts

The children ot Bert Crandell have the Avhoopin^ cough

Mrs L A Aseltine and son Leo visited at 0 B Blakslees Thursshyday

The friends and neighbors of Dashyvid Almond were sorry to learn of his sudden death We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the widow and relatives

Gordie Barker and wife entershytained his parents Sunday

South Ingham and North Bun-kerhi l i

Mr and Mrs Wm Sharland made a business trip to Williamston last Tuesday

F Teachout and wife visited their sisters near Meadsvillo last Tiiiesday Mr -and Mrs Slaight were in

Williamston last Tuesday Mr and Mrs Waltei- Sharland

arid daughter Cora visited ait Wm Sharlands last Friday bullbull A J Miller and wife Suridayed atPTeacH6ut8 oMrandMrs Walter Fdsdiek and family attended the progressive ipedrb party at EmerysWordens last iWednesday evening bullIto and MrsWm Sharland and

Geo Boadenrecently visited at Walte^bull81iarlandB^^bull^i bull-bullbullbullbull-bull

Miss Florence Freer was a Jtfa-Bon visitor one day last week

Mr arid MrBi John McMichael wereMaBon cWlersrMondiy School a t tiie Howard began on Mdridayiaf ter a iweeks vacatibn-

^ Mr andltMrBWnii8hirlarid visshyited her parents iriekrStockbridge 1aBt-Thur8daySgtivy-gtj -i- HriTamea and family^expectsoon tio move tO tbePiDakl r i farm V Tboaie whOBtten[dedlkeliBaleand chicken pie aupper at -the town

^Kall lastFWdayltlaquonight rejidrti a bull3hic(Btiime 8hd4jagecrowdiSii -vffMiB5fNi 8Byle8SexpectBEdfleiyei Boon tovisit l ier broltier arid sister atoilraquolnekrieyi^af tei which-) she^iri- tends toltg6 to JolietIll to spend

Want LongHair And you would like long hair Rich heavy hair Beautiful luxuriant hair That is perfectly natural and we ate here to help you Ayers Hair Vigor is a great aid to nature in producing just the kind of hair you deshysire Do not be afraid to use it No danger of its colshyoring your hair The ingreshydients are all given on each label thus enabling your doctor to wisely advise you concerning its use Consult him freely He knows Matlo by tho J 0 AVER CO Loiron Mmt


Nov 20 Iflll Mr and Mrs Chas Brown have

been spending the past few days in Baton Rapids with Mrs Browiis mother returning Saturday night

The residence of Ferris Rumsey was burned to tho ground Friday morning Mr Rumsey had built a good fire and gone out to attend his morning chores when the fire caught about the chimney H gainshyed headway so rapidly that it was impossible to save the building The household goods below were i saved i

W Brown and tamaly ot lackson i visited his father Chas Brown on i Sunday his wifes mother Mrs Oldman returning home with them

Mrs P Demorest of West Branch is visiting her mother Mrs Carter i

Mrs Clarence Dowling and little daughter who have been with her parents Mr and Mrs C Carpenter tor two weeks past returned to their home in Albion today

Mrs C C Hascall spent Thursshyday with her sister Mrs Bishop

Miss Ellena McMath has been spending a few days in Mason and attended the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Randall

R C Bishop Was in Mason last Thursday on business

Mrs Thomas Wright was the victim of a slight stroke of parshyalysis last week She is improving at present

Leonard Rice suffered a stroke of paralysis last week We undershystand he is bettar and able to be about a little

Mrs Fred Haynes of Lansing Was a guest over Sunday of Mrs Clarence Ma cson

News of the sudden death ot Mrs Frank Scofield Sr Friday night was a great shock to her family as well as to the communshyity She had been attending an evening gathering and was taken suddenly ill and died before she reached home Mrs Scofield Avas a home woman devoted to her own family but was greatly reshyspected and loved by all She will be great ly missed Funeral sershyvices will be held this afternoon from the home on Church street Rev Claflin ot Eaton Rapids ofshyficiating

A Hiirtlargtlaquo Alaquovtul Hoed may not paralyze a home so completely as a mother s long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female t roushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of Leadill Tenn If ailing t ry them 28c at Longyear Bros


For Hard Coal

Round Oak Chief Range

and Base Burner

trip to Haabn last WedDef|day ~

Fe l t s Plains

Miss Louise Cady of Grass Lake spent last week with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs W J Hayhoe

Miss Nina Hoffman who has been at home for a short time is now working in Jackson

Mrs Belle Kelley attended the P M S cojiventidn at Jackson last week

Mrs Prank Winslow entertained the young ladies division ot the Ladies Aid society last Friday evening

Miss Margaret Haindy of Jackson spent a few days last week at P Winslows

Willis Garrison is working in Montcalm county

The annual Thanksgiving exershycises and supper will be v held at the church Thursday evening Nov

bull 3 0 t h bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull- bull

James Mclntee of this place and Miss Anna Mackinder of Henrietta were united In marriage at the Catholic churchWednesday mornshying Novi 22 After a short wedshyding trip they will reside on their (amsouthjot PeltsPlains ch^

LOrbjr a n d Whi t e q a l euro

FioydCo6perand family visited hiB^atherSunday^v --J rv - bull bullMri arid^vSMrs E A Brboklarid Bperit Sundayat 0 W liebriards

vMrs GeoYOttriig is viBltlpg-h^r pajentB bullriorthof Wlillamsitoijfor a ieWrWeekfl- iVbdquovvbdquo ^m^^ 3l( iBreej B vand ^family vlBltiedi at

JaBiwH6dgiBB8ttndayrv rV-vV|v-r- MrBPi^X3^Bi8charidJlttfe Bon Carlreturned frona Ann Arbor last

sQlaquoi6 Wi^teonardwas IriLanBiri g on ^business V 8atur4ay^ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bull WM bull

MtaFred Holland visited Mrs SCi StbweWedrieBdajrVvc iN qii Barl^QIieqriai^di^ yisited his bull uncle

T o everyone buyintr a Roiuul Oak Chief Ranprc or Base

Burner duriiifj the sale will be yivcn a solid oak hand-cra f t

Mission Roclcing Chair early English finishmdashABSOrUTELY F R E E

DOINT VISS THIS CHANCE If You A r e G o i n g to Buy a Ransjc or Base Burner

The Round Oak Chief Range and Base Burner


The very best material painstaking fine workmanship in fitting and mountinff make thesednr-able economical dependable specialties the very best of their kind


Wed ilaquoov 22 to Sat Nov 25

Dean amp Cross Hot Coffee and Biscuits Served Free MASON MICH

ifissBKeesstexasBi na

S o u t h e a s t Locke

Frank Oakley has again returnsd to Vantown to canvass

Mr and Mrs Wert Brewer are visiting at Mr and Mrs Jay Wole-vers for a few days

Mrs Grace Beduhn visited Lidia Croopes one day last week

Mrs Prank Oakley and daughter Hazel were in Fowlerville Wednesshyday

Will and Charlie Groope were in Fowlerville Saturday

Grandma Allen has been quite sick

Ashley Bowen ot Tyrone visited his uncle Reynolds Rickett part o last week

Will Rogers has purchased the Andrew Baker farm and traded it for the farmi of Fred Beduhn

Real E s t a t e T r a n s f e r s

Alta M Maynard ito E R Wick-ham and wife part of NE 1-4 of Sec 8 Leroy $2550

J Toolan and iwifo to A W Gan-nell part of lot 7 blk 244 Lari-sing $350

Alice Lannan to G Boutel and Wife N part of NW frl 1-4 of Sec 2 Locke $4000

R S Holmes and wife to H Wagner and wife lot 6 blk 1 Holmes plat on iblk 4 Frenchs sub and lot 1 blk 2 Ramseys Mich Ave add Lansing |900

J H ViiniBuren arid wife to GB Diseriroth part of SW 1-4 of Sec 25 Aurelius $700

D E Brackett and wife to HJ Beck and wife part of SE 1-4 of

SB 1-4 of Sec 20 Lansing $450 W Lamerson deceased by heirs

to P Gi Parker and wife pel on blk 6 Claypools sub Larisirig $1200

Nellie E Driver to Rosa L Shultz part of SE W of Sec 14 Delhi $600

W H Showerman et al to D P Whitmore and wife N 120acres of NE 1-4 of Sec 28 Vevay $8500

LBRumsey and wife to Theo Hyatt and wife lot 15 blk 3 Lesshylie $2000

A (R Park and wife to P A Clark part of lots 5 and 6 blk P

LirislngJ1925 bullbull bullbull-bull -bdquobullgtbull P Heller and wife to iL J^HUde-

branti part of lots 1 tinid 10 S H Persons add Lanslrig $726 bull -

L B WeUs to L Puller out lot iA River Bend EiLarisiriR $500 -Mary B Chittenden iio Fanriie M Blair etal part of NW 1-4 ol See

^28Lan8lrigi|260arVL^^ bullbull A T r Sriflth laquotvai to W P (Bart

bull and wife lot 30 CollegeviUe East Xanslrigf-$900Vbullbull bullv=--^w^v^v v O TA Jehlson irustieei to W^ S iRuder arid wife lot 16 Harrah^s add yLarisingr $450 vV bull ^ r -Aw V

G Wavle-arid wife to CS Welsh ajnd wife pa r t of NW l -4 of Sec 3iAlaledori$6000v


Nuvetubur 15Mt lliu club lucl at Uic liDinu of iVlr and raquoVlrs Guo W Brisiul and ul lliu aijpuiiiiud limu was called 10 order by ilio pruSKletit fur Llie pur- pose uf eMJoyliiK au eveniuK with aliuUiispuuro Mrs Alexaiiiiur beiiiy unable lo be present liur placu as clmiriuan was occupied by Mrs Elicit Tile openint number uf ibe pronraiu was an Insirumuntul trio by Mrs Ellulti Miss Fame unci Miss Kuiliurine Ellcti A vtjcal sulo by Mr Mills Willi piano uccuiupaiilmciit was nexi givun Afler the uispirin^ strains ot iliu music hud exercised lliuir benign inlluciiue upun the audience Mr UIKK lead a skcleli of lliu Hie (if llie l ininorul William wliloii alUiouiib brief includes praclically all lliai Is known of the life family inlluences suriuundlHKS worK and acalli of the man wliu by the luajurity of English-speaking peuijle Is considered llie musl luarveluus lulelleciual genius ever knuwu tu mankind

Mrs Neely and Mrs Hawiey by tuneful luaKiu in a vocal duet truns ported llleir bearers to A bank whereon the wild thyme grows Mr Hemaus then gave a synopsis of Shakespeares Winters Tale ihe last act of which furnishtid the subject fur the groat event of llio evening In this event a uumblnatlun uf drama and tableau Mrs Uemans personated the Queeii Ralph Adams the King aad Miss Elmer the noble lady whose love loyally and devotion greatly strengthened her royal mistress In bearingllie sorrows of her lot Beshysides suggesting that virluesumellmes receives lis reward even In this world the actors Iri the tableau aforesaid proved that wlth priicilce and proper cusiume free-born Americans can beiier represent ideal royalty and nubility than the original kings queens and nobles themselves

Miss Paine sang a song with piano accompaniment by Mrs Ellelt and this was followed by roll-call the reshysponses tu which were to have been A favorite character from Shakesshypeares plays As a matter of fact however very few of Stiaikespeares

icharacters were molested the majorshyity Iriattendanue answering present as their riiimeswere called Mr Adamsi for response readadescriptlon of H e b r V I I I and his court asrepre-seutediupuoya London siaKe during the past summer i

Mr and Mrs Mills then sang a duel to whlchMrsBllett playied an ac-

icdriipttblirierit In the_Kue88lng cpn-itest which followed Mrs Kerns an-swdred correctly nli ieout of saques-ItlOnripniposea arid received a bust ofi Shakespeare asia -prize A vocal solo ibyMlHS Anna Culver completed the llteraryiportloo Of the program and irefreshmerits were served asa Unale

Out-of-town guests were Miss Nina Bristol MIsa Derby arid iMlsgBenja- irialriV-Lan8lngrteacher8i--Tr-bullbullbullbull bullbull The irieetlng adjourned to meet iwlth liIraridvMrgParBo|iBiV gt )^-lj

i^Hlvea eczema Itch or sa l t rheuria sets you v bullcrazy Cari^t hear the touch iot your clothlnKfivDoanB Ointment Curesthe rigt0Bt0b8tiriate

There Will Be Reul Cause

Thankfulness at Your for

Thanksgiving Dinner

If you use B E S T Flour for your holiday baking The pies the bread the cakes will be so light and toothsome that you will eat heartily and need no digestive helps

Try a sack and be thankful

Mason Milling Co Both Phones


Give prompt relief from BACKACHBi KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLB RHEUMATISM CONQESTION of ths Klipi^EyS mipiiAMMAtlON of j ths BLADDER and all srinoylrig URINARY IRRBaULARITIiraquo A pMitivie iMon traquo ilist)DLB^AQBp andE^LDI^ iPSSOPLE-gtandv fiiuVwOMEN bull- HAVI lilOHf iT llio6l||iMKNbAtlON 7

lid ii in iiia8SthyMr- He write8tiitTj _ gtWelIJBSW mnoh from my kidnairtapdS del X hkdMverebeokaoliM and my jtldnsy i vutoo tttquenteaulaquoina mstalosa maah ^

pilor-IVookFoley KWn6ylllraquo fortqmeMBWi ampnatmnosrfreeof all troubleancUminabSlg Mapan4 aronnd Foley Kidiiay^uli u m a i hlchtiirewmmeDdlaquoUdny v vgt lijor sale by l oisgyear ^ ^ ^ arid bullbullbull bull bull bullsW MM(CrossiBnrbull gt bull -bull bullbull

wm oome btok to reutt you ipend It lit homer It ti Kohaformrlfyou iiiidtt tev^ the Mall-Ordar Home A tlanoa thmifli n euritdrartliing MlufflUiiiU|iTeyeuaa idea where It wUtwr Ihe moil ymI-bullbull)bullgtlbullbull^^lWibullrf(|i


w^ r


DANSVILLE I w^s^ v bull ^w vvvcfcvlaquolaquowwwclaquolaquo5g

Last wncic Woclncscliiy luiiitcrM got lifter tlio aly fox but did not succeed in jfotting one aitiiougii cloo oiiouyli ln ge t ti filiot lit one

No foimei rcsi i tnta of (his place wjio huri or jjroporty damaged in tiic cyclone at Owosso except AV G Ilawcroft amp Son wlio had (wo windows brolcen in their grocery store The building W 11 Rcming-toi l^ept grocery in when in biis-inesB was destroyed

We learn that C A Diehl has bought 70 acres of the Prank Ska-dan farm

It is eKpcctcd that Ellsworth As-cltine of Lansing formerly of (his place will be obliged to undergo an operation at Ann Aibor soon

Mrs Sarah Atulrows hiis gone to live with her son George this winshyter on the farm

Mrs Wni Cooper is visiting rel-a t i es near Plainfiold

Mort Kecnc hiH returned to this phi C and will occu|)y the Mis Cooper house

Miss Ncsa Diclcey and Miss Flor-CWM Krcer were in Mason last Sat-ui lay

Dwight Miller visited his parshyent over Sunday

The ir IS sujipor and the V C T iJ oiitortainmont at the town hall last Friday night was well ai-teniiod considering the weather

Vniy tloiit you get in the swim and got the Toledo Weekly Blade for M cents a year This is the last week on this club B Z Strong a^cnt

H I Walker eKpocts to leave next Monday for Omihi iVeb ui spend the winter with his ciiiugh-ter Mrs H M Parks

Geo Tossop was operated upon at Detroit last weak Monday If ho recovers from it he and his wifs will reside this winter in Lansing

1- oy riiiirber has rented the Levi Swiii faim and is moving there

man wife and son have taken possossion of C 13 PiedorickH house nortli of this jilace which h ipjiened to hiive a stove in it anI are making themsiilvnj at liomc Thoy wore ti-aveliiig inil as night overtook them it looked pret ty good to them and since the weather has not been inviting enough to move on The Avoman is i cripiile They have a horse and buggy a coop pf chickens and two dogs but little of anything else The owner of the building has o r e rod tluMU out but they still hold the fort gtbull

The A U C Stock Co of Mason ajjiiears at the town hall in this village on Saturday evening Nov 25 with (hoir play The World Against Him It comes well recshyommended and wo hope to see them get a full house Xii addishytion to the play there will be vocal

bulland inbtrumontal specialties Kcv N Dickey of Reece Mich

Is visiting his tlaughter Mrs F W Dakin

Fred Wolcott has just recovered from a weeks quite severe illshyness

Park Ferguson was a victim of cider thieves recently having a half barrel cask taken barrel and all

Miss Bessie Madden of Lansing is a guest of Miss Mary Walker

Mort Keone was in Lansing Mon-diay

Dance Friday night TI town hall No rural mail service next week

Thursday Thanksgiving day Jas Johnson of Lansing was in

town Monday Jas Oakley amd wife of Stock-

bridge visited R P Walker Tuesshyday

Miss Grace Doyle returns to her home in Chicago next week

B L Dayton has recovered from his sickness

lIciiliivMM Ouniiot bo Cured by local applications as they canshynot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to (urc deafness and tha t is by coi-stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachshyian Tube When this tube is inflamshyed you have a rumbling sound or imi)erfect hearing and Avhen it is entirely closed deafness is the re shysult and unless the inflammation cfin be taken out and this tube re shystored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces

We will ffiive One Hundred Dolshylars for any case of Deafness causshyed by catarrh tha t cannot be cured by Halls Catari^h Cure Send for circulars tree

P J Cheney amp Co Toledo 0 Sold by all druggiSts 75c Take Halls Pamily Pills for con-

stipation bull v In a Japaniia Temptsi

Asakuse temple is dedicated to tbb jgoddess Kwaunou u tiny image of gold about two and one-half Inciies hlghV writes a traveler in Japan A t the entrance to the tdinple grounds on either side of the immienae-gate B^^ two largle and fearMlookinjg figures guiurding the sacred prisclncts HainJB-Ing outside the wiro grating nuinhepof aan^ais tor thcdr use if tiiey

bullwiBtvto-takegtwalkfj4ndtticeilB^ bullprinkledabout ]E3ach wpntiliperybe- fbroi i entering the^tempIevcalltVata^ Bmiaiibuildihg^ after c r a ^ a igiUBll anioiint^ woahei bis U^

rinsiasbismouthf Inftpbtoitti^^ shrine is a Iatgeaperture in the floor

^pvered^ withi laiiicewpr^ the wor8blpercMt8bls^^ clapphig his hands to awaken or at-

gttoctitheSjttttentlp^ kneels but bis prayer is only brief iWbilo there is one chief shrine there are many others unjer the same roof Onesbrine espeolsliy attracted my at tentlbn it was made of wood and quite disfigured andwomtbtitngb the laquoraquoQittant rubbing of band on thV spot

r New Shoe Store

Let us sell you your next piir of Shoes or Ruibbers Everything New and Up-to-Date We have the well-known

BALL BAND BRAND OF RUBBERS Every pair guaranteed to be first quality







Come in and sec us We are located first door north of the Farmers Bank



Secretary of Red Cross Socivty

Who Announces Sale of Stan|3s

Copyright by liurriH amp Kwlng

Red Cross Christmas stamps will be placed on sale about Dec 1 accordshying to Clinrles L Magee secretary of the American Red Crcs society For the first time sale of the stamps will be permitted In all postoflices Secreshytary of the Treasnry MncVoagh senl a biillotin order to cnstodians of all postodice huildings to permit installa tion of booth


Oil Inspector Reports that Present Year Wil l Be States Best

Northville Mich Nov 18mdashThe quarterly repoit of State Oil Inspector Neal for the period ending Sept 30 shows the inspection of 5310717 galshylons of kerosene oil or 598811 galshylons more than for the same period last year Total fees received $10-72070 total salaries and expenses^ $7-76109 leaving a net balance to turn over to the state treasury of $296501

The department has advised the treasury department that besides the $2000 already sent In that $14000 more will be forwarded Dec 15 and about $4000 more by the middle of January making about $20000 net for the year This will even beat last years record of $17000 which was the banner one in the departments hisshytory bull bull

Besides Inspecting oil the departshyment has made a canvass of nearly the whole state In Hhe enforcement of the red can gasoline act bull


As Reiult Village Is Without Light-bull ing Service Heavy L O M

Gladwin Mich Nov 20^A dam hie-Ipnging fo Josli Schiiltz was washed out here l Thedam was built in1890 and since that time has fiirntahed pow er for Scbiiltzs floiir mills and the Schultz amp Prliidle electric lighting Bys- tei|niiVrbullbullbullbull-bullbull bull-bull-^l^bullbullbullbull-bull

KTbisvieayeB tliebltjr wU^ of ahytkind Albert igtBhnlngBwliB| haa cbwev or bull the i plant yhea^ dam breRking -and Iran to the eb ^ ^ JuBtlMvtbeydam gtw^t downB^ Tbe ditm and pof r plant were valued iitiblaquotwMn|2laquoltkgt0and t250(K) and itotaiioiifiSspoundsi^V--^

|L||Tp|jgi| |f i6|RIEf| Map Held at Qrand Rapids Turned

O y e r to Buffalo

Grand Rapids Mich NoV 20mdashIden-

nations PivMcrik was taken In cliarge lioro by Sbariil Paniel P Becker ol Bufialo N Y and rfitiirnod to tliat city

Pntinka has just ooniplctoil a prisshyon sentence in nlihvauUoa and vas returned liuro to face forgery charges when a TiurCnlo olHoer arrived He will 1)0 shown to tho Detroit odicers to deshytermine if he is wanted there


Italians of Detroit Give Police Mysshy

tery that Baffles Them

Detroit Mich Nov 20 mdash Without tangibhi clews thn police arc trying to fathom a feud in which Italians are being slain and hulldinga wrecked with dynamite They believe five murders many explosions and a groat number of fights have mystcrlotis conshynection

One theory is that two rival bands have bcconio bitterly opposed to each other


Crew Reaches Shore In a Yawl After

a Terrifying Experience

Alpena Mich Nov 20mdashThe schoonshyer William A Young owned by Robert C Prlngle of Wickliffe Ohio was sunk during a storm on Lake Huron

The crew reached shore in a yawl after a terrifying experience

Tower of Hercules Travelers may still see on the coast

of the English channel at Dover the ruins of a Itoman lighthouse that was built at the time of the Roman conshyquest of Britain Another ancient lighthouse built less than a century after the tower at Dover Is still servshying Its original purpose It was partly rebuilt and some alterations were made in it but iu the inn in it is the same old structure that guided the Komnn galleys ns they skirted the toasts of the bay of Biscay making their way to the Roman port of Brl-gantium Th i s Is the modern harbor of LJI Ooruna and the lighthouse Is the most ancient thing about it The Romans called it the tower of Iler-cnles and the modems have pcnotu-ated the name The exact date of its erection Is not known but inscripshytions and other evidence show that it was bultt In the time of Trajan be tween 08 and 117 A DmdashExchange

^ Pores of Habit Its curious how habits fasten them-

selves on people You know Wapps-ley

Yes Hes nn entbnslastic fisherman and

always has a story to tell about some gigantic monster of the deep that he almost caught

Ive heard him tell a lot of lies of that kind

Well it seems that burglars broke into bis house the other night and ho got up and captured one of themmdasha little fellowmdashbut you ought to hear him tell about the size of the one that got awaymdashChicago Record-Herald


iOorreoted evary WediAidBir bullfternaon

VVHBATReltlNoaigterbuibel SA^ DO WHEATlVhiteNoiperbuihlaquol ggf w aVEperbushel Vsli SO OATS per bushel 4oa 4s 0OBNBheIlitdperhuD(lrediraquo IatAi 30 OLOVBR aKBU^perbusnel 8 fliK^rlo 00 TIHUTHYHEBDperbushel 660reg7 so gt OBObKBiBB AND iPBoviaioKH (

BCOKWHBATPUIURper hundred KGGHijwrdozen BCTTERiper pound iliARUper poundV bullbullbullbullgtbullbullbull-lt APPIltHdrledpHr pound PBACRBHdrlAn plaquor pound bulliiH0i-i MyBTookAKDMBAT 0 ATTLK per bundlred BBBFi dressed per hundred i VKAI OALVBH per hunarwlv BOHH per hundred ^gtlt PORK dressed tier l)undred

6 laquo bull-ft-ao aoamp 2(1 vftio)^

HAMajperpound HHOUiiDRKH plaquoiM)und gt BPSINQ OHIOKBNHdreised pifr III OHI0KBMttUva per pnutid bull TURKBVBlive per pounds bull bullbullbullgt-bullbull-deg TD^KBTBdrassedt pltr(pnund V ^MfSJS^SBuiugtiKOlaquoMATlaquoraquoiAi^ POBTLANt) OBMBNT perburiri

4001 5 M 6 (I0i8 00 r sect700 bull 6575 bull fcSiHI bull bull bull bull -18

12 bull bull


Overcoats and Suits K RE in greater demand this season (in

the month of November) than ever before and we were never better preshypared to furn ish them than now

Wi th a complete line of al l the new things in Overcoats with Presto Convertable and the plain collars in all the latestshades and colshyorings

The C L O T H C R A F T kind wi l l surely please you The f i t of the shoulder and the graceful hang of the garment puts it in a class by itself

We are having a great business on the celebrated STALEY Brand of Underwear T ry it once and you wi l l be customer for this kind as long as you can get it

Look over our l ine of FUR CAPS We have a beautiful stock and can suit you

IN FUR COATS I t wi l l pay anyone contemplat ing the pur-chaseof a Fur Coat to look over our line We have over 1 00 coats to select f rom Reshymember we sell more Fur Coats than all other dealers in Ingham County We can save you a substantial sum on a coat beshyside showing you a f ine line to select f rom

SlepAeuium i ^ M Uiutemueim

fforn ten^tt ^ ^ ^ H l

Mortf btraquonrfft W^^M 1 Mort woo r^Hfl 1 More wear S ^ B D I

j ^ H The himi

Yv^k y^ ^ [ t| g Mtw^ys

reH ^^orn

eurovery Garment Bears TAis J^abel T T Slepvdutimi UNDEiWpoundAR MlUi


Our Stock of Robes Robe Linings and Horse Blankets that Is the largest in the city and all bought direct f rom the mills

make them The prices as wi l l as the patterns are attractive

Come Early and Get Best Bargains

Webb amp Whitman Mason Michigan

Largest Dealers In the County

bull bull bull bull bull gtbull - bull bull I bullbullbull f bullbull

At Last HERE IS COMFORT FOR ocxaS^) SPECTACLE WEARERS ^ i We wi l l riiarautee a = =



They can be applied to your Icnaei while you wait


New and Popular Eye Glass Mountings


See the Optontietrist

O S BUSH OlTlce open Mondays Wednesdays

and Saturdays i 4vv4


Michigan Central

Novertiber 26i 1011 (Returning sameday)

LansingV v-v bullbullbullbullbull iampz O w b s s a V bull i - i s c Saginaw $i40 BayXlty i i KvvV- i $140

Tickets aCciepteii in co^ Baggage win not be checked on thesetlckets^i bullvVy gtf bull-bullbullbull


Mens Black Overcoats fine quality well made good values at S2000 $ 1 4 0 0

Mens Suits ready-made at $ 6 0 0 to $ 1 4 0 0 Tailor-made to order $ 1 4 0 0 to $ 4 0 0 0

Come in and see samples Mens Woolen Underwear in red tan and -rray

at $ 100 $ 150 $200 Mens Fleeced Underwear and Union Suits 4 5 c 9 5 c Mens Wool Coat Sweaters $ I 0 0 to $ 2 5 0 Mens Jersey Knit Oversliirts 4 5 c 7 5 c Mens Heavy Wool S h i r t 9 5 c One of the best Overalls onimarket 5 0 c 6 0 c 7 5 c 8 5 c Mens Suspenders the New Way Stretch with spring 4 5 c Mens Heavy Wool Sox 2 5 c 3 5 c 5 0 c Mens Solid Hogskin Mitten fleece lined with welted

s e a m s 4 5 c 5 0 c Mens Heavy Calfskin Pleece-lined Mit ten 25c 4 5 c 9 5 c Boys Fleece-lined M i t t e n 2 5 c Boys Wool Mittert 2 5 c Ladies Black Coat plush lined fur collar $1 3 7 5 Childrens and MissesCoats at very reasonable prices Lots of BabiesEmbroidered Coats $ 1 2 5 $ 2 2 5 Childs Bearskin and Velvet Coats $ 2 2 5 $ 3 0 0 $ 4 9 8 Childs Bearskin and Velyet Bonnets 25C 4 5 c 9 8 c All our Candy fresliVati bull bullbull I Oc

I ^iKh- -W

liaid QnX)ur-BaU-BainlV^ This ^ylnter wbatHer is sending in almost

everybody who ueeda

will eoms tiolc to you If n i l ip^^ iLtrade i UilaquolaquoVbullbullbull I M^ to-

lgtMi|ltll-Ordw Houit gt AcithM Uiraufli

M M laquoraquobullraquo ttwlUlMv ilM meiS bull

l or Sale by F ^ W W E B B Mason m

bull bull bull raquoP- ^bullm^-r^^i^^m-m


A New Line of Linens at Special Prices for Annual Sale We are unusually proud of our Linen Display this year and we have bought these linens in quantities that would insure the lowest prices You get the benefit of these pricesmdashwe are not undersold special for Thanksgivinemdash56-iii Silver Blea

Linen yard 49c Special for Thaiiksffivinsmdash70-in $125 Blea

Linen yard J8c Special for TluinksfjiviiiKmdash72-in Bleached

Damask SI50 value for _ SL19 Napkins to match nearly all patterns in linens

Rxtra Special $175 Bleached Damask 72-in wide $150

Table Sets in the round and square cloths Special for Thankspivinfr

Linen Huck Embroidered TowelinK 29c 59c 44-in Hardangfer LinenmdashSpecial for Thanks-


SWEATERS-Half Price All our large stock of Ladies and Childrens Sweaters going in some cases at less than 50 per cent of the original price We are overstocked on this line and while we have sold as cheap asany we are anxious to reduce this stock while the Tde-mand is on We are therefore sacrificing our profit in order to reduce stock and give our customers unusual bargains

All $100 to $150 Sweaters r9c Knit Caps all fifointr at one price 79c Shawls Bonnets Scarfs etc as low as lowest

All $400 to SO00 Sweaters Soini at All S300 to $350 Sweaters tjoins at

20 to S250 Sweaters froiiif-- at $19S 9Sc



Anything in Your Eye Miny people who come to us

for eye examination imagine

that there is some foreign

substance in their eyes Wc

can sometimes hardly conshy

vince them that these gritty

sandy scratching irritating

conditions arc symiitonis and

olTccts due to refrnctory ershy

rors which may be corrected

uy the use of proper Glasses

Let Us Take the Grit Out

C S BALLARD M D Eye Ear Nose and Throat

Ovar Atellinas Jewelry Store MASON

Supt Riffgs received the foliow-ing from the director of uthietica lit KaliimMoo

Kalamazoo Nov17 mil V D Ritgs Mason Mich

Dear Sir Our football season will have to close Nov IS We played onr riviils il-itUo Creek

I Nov bull and since that time there has boon little interest shown Wo have had an unluclcy your as we have lost all our big giunics J am Sorry that wc can not jilay the game with you under favorable conditions Very tiaily yours

j Laurence Taylor It looks as though the local foolgt

ball season will have to close for the yeiir ns ii seems impossililo to schedule any games with nearby towns Keyioated offers have been made to Chelsea Charlotte Eaton Rapids Grand Lodge and ]larshal but (hey have all jiolitely roluscf to set or accept a data Ganns were sehodulod with Eiton Rapshyids Charlotte and GrantI Ledge

UnleS soma arrangements can be made iji the noKt few days Mason will close the season

School Notes

Probate News

Tiaoringfi for Nov 24 Estate of Louisa A Mann-

bate of AVill Estate of Wilhelmina Smith

pointment of administrator bonis non

Estate of Nicholas Robsonmdashfinal account

Estate of Cornelia W Kilbourno mdashcitation



bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull PERSONAL MENTION bull

E D Pier ot Leslie was in Mason Monday

E C Bishop of Leslie was in the city Tuesday

Hiram Chase ot Clio Mich is visiting his cousin C V Browne

Mrs P P Millbury is visitiing her mother at Richfield Center Ohio

Alex Lang ot Ionia was with Miison relatives Saturday and Sunshyday

Mr and Mrs A L Vandercook visited their children in Lansing Sunday

W N Post and wife left Friday evening to Epend the winter at Biloxi Miss

Miss EUena McMath has been the guest ot Mr and Mrs M A Ranshydall the past week

A C Green ot Holly was a guest of his sister MrsG W Tamlyn from Sunday until Tuesday

Geo Green of Fenton and Lydia Treaubrodt ot Owosso visited at G V Tamlyns over Sundiiy

Mrs W A Shank went to Grand Rapids Tuesday to help her mothshyer celebrate her 80th birthday

Mr and Mrs H D Crippin-and little son Roy were Brighton visitshyors Wednesday and Thursday of last week gt

Mrsl Rona Atwoodot Cross Vilshylage spent Wednesday and Thurs-day of last week with Mr and Mrs P CvMcEuenbull bull bull V

Mrs Leona Salspaugh returned from Lansing Saturday where she had been for a week packing her mothers household goods for re-moval- here bullbullbullbullbullgtbull-bullgt bull-bull

Miss Elsie Beh)amin and Mj|8s Derby teacheravin the Lansing SchdolB were guests of Miss Nina Bristol at her home here last Wedshynesday [eYeiAhg-lgt^yjX---l^M^

Mr and JAr liCvi Slagl^t bf^^^ relius returned by gt way of Mason last VMonday frem attending the 89thblrthdayariniversary of their uncle Jared Shafer^ at Ithaca^

Wilbur^^UBlvbf iJacksori accom-piihietlbygt Miss Jennie B Paltnen-tonvOliBattle0refekvisited over Suridiay at oSteJlieh Hiinnaraquo8 inj V e- vayandampwithMriBu8h8daughr

-tiBr8 1nDah8ylUefx ^ iJ^inonil thbiieiattendihg


iArtliiuiSMri ^widMr8iiHrJi Btfhdr Dr and Mrs C S Ballard_Ro88

bullbullTh6rbttpniaJli aBi5sM6maniiWvflt) bullDltraderaquoivw-ilVM3iiVBriA1J-rTraquoii-l-0laquoiv

Several ot the teacheis and young people of our school attendshyed the Michigan-Pennsylvania foot ball game at Ann Arbor last Satshyurday

The High School Union herd its regular meeting last Friday aftershynoon The following program was sectiven

olo Miss Paine A Story Irene Henderson Original Song^ Gladys Lasenby and

Emily Sayre Original Poem Henry Adams

It was greatly enjoyed by all During the past week the seatshy

ing chart in the high school was changed

The senior physics class have taken up the study of machines

Miss Paine was in Lansing Saturshyday

Miss Dorr one ot our former teachers is visiting her many Mashyson friends

Herbert Bullen has left school Another mission rocking chair

arrived last Monday much to the pleasure ot the librariains

Agricultural BOOKS

The high school agricultural deshypartment has added the following new books to the library Farmers and other interested persons may obtain the use of the books byapshyplication at the high school li-Drary

Prmciples ot Fruit Growing-Bailey

FertilizersmdashVoorhees Feeding of AnimalsmdashJordon Principles of AgriculturemdashBailey Milk and its ProductsmdashWing How to Keep Poultry for Profit

-^Valentine gt Diseases T)f AnimalsmdashMayo Soil ManagementmdashLyons Farm MotorsmdashDavidson Farm Managementr-Card Pat of the Land Several books containing plans

tor farm buildings will be added nextweek gtbull bull bullbull- 7 bullbullbullbullbull iFarmbrs are urged to read these

books as they may be a meains of helping to gain a few mora idol-laP8bnnej(ityear^Bcrops yyv -|

Prohlbi t ibh County Conifer- bullbullbull en(seandRallir bull -

ihe prohibitionists ^^ in ithe fieldsfor the campaignr oif 1912 A conference of all friienda of the prohibition causeinithis Gdunr ty has been called to meet atlt230 p m Nov ST in the Grand Army HaUgtait LanBingv i-- iUic iii--riv bullr iThe^cboference will belvpireBided byerfby iWmABrubakeriof De-

^troitivthe-hewBtateiiehaimiiti bt gt the prbhibitiohi6mmltteebf Micih bull iganiJviHtIs tbe i)UPpoBe6lthis ineeftihgf to vthbrbi^ghly n rebrgiihi^ izeVand^Btrehgthen ijcbe pfbhibttion countycbmmTtteeandtomakegta heceB8avy^preparatibh8rforVcbm pdiatKewlth^thenewgtprih)[arjr^lawi Ih-the eyehlhga meeitingwiU held to be addressed by ttr Bru-baker who bull said to beone ot the

Eaton Rapids suffered a severe loss by fire last week in the buin-ing of the Anderson House the only hotel in the city and one of the best known in the state Fire fighting apparatus wore sent from Charlotte and Lansing to assist in extinguishing the flames anl they were heeded The loss is complete and very heavy


bull CHURCH AND SOCIETY bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The Rebekah Coterie will meet next Tuesday with Mrs Byrl No5-on Those desiring to attend will meet at Taylors implement store at 9 a m

The Aurelius Baptist L A S will have a handkerchief sale at the parsonage Fridtiy Dec 1 Supper from 6 to 8 at which the toUow-ling menu will be served Potashytoes moat beans white and brown bread and butter cake cabbage salad pickles friedeakes anul cofshyfee Musical program follows

The next regular meeting ot the Baptist Ladies Aid will oe held on Friday afternoon ot this week in the church parlors The work tor the afternoon will bo the tyshying and finishing ot the comfortshyers to be sold at the coming sale which will be held on the first and second days ot December An esshypecially large attendance is da-sired Come early and eome preshypared to work

Tho county Sunday school conshyference which was announceil to be held in Lansing at the Y M C A next Friday afternoon has been postponed

The young peoples societies oi the different churches will hold a union meeting at the M E church Sunday at the usual time from 6 to 1 Alfred Alien of the Baptist church will lead

The New England supper which was to have been held at the Meshymorial Hall Alaiedon was postshyponed on account ot the condition of the weather until Friday evenshying Dec 1

Rev A G Newberry will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening

Movement of the Air The movement of air Is variously

designated according to Us velocity as a zephyr breeze wind gale or hurrishycane With fogs the designations are mlstB slight moderate or thick A dense or thick fog according to the weather bureau obscures objects bull at a distance itt 1000 feet

bull bull bull bull V - - ~ ~ mdash ^ ~ - - V bullbull bull 1 My childVwas biirneti terribly about the face neck and chest I applied Dr Thomas Ecleetric Oil The pain ceased and the bhild sank into a restful slumber Mrs Nanshycy MHanBOn Hamburg N Y I


THANKSGIVINB MENU Provide your own Turkey but allow us to do the dressing

The well-dressed man on this the Nations Thanksgiving Day always possesses a fcclin of satisfaction that the careless dress-er docs not have ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ D R E S S I N G

with the proper kind of clothes will not be an extensive task if the clothes arc bought here A new Suit or Overcoat can be had for $10 $12 S14 $16 or $0

PASS IT AROUND P-iss it around and let it be known that few stores can excel us in our display of Clothing Hats or Furnishings

WILL YOU HAVE SOME of the splendid bargains we arc offering No better time to make clothinginvestments than now Whole season before you

SPLENDID SIDE DISHES and very appropriate for this wather are our lines of warm Underwear Hosiery and Gloves You cant do better than to come hero _ ^ _ i^^claquogtbull-bullbull

FOR D E S S E R T and to trim up your outfit we have elegant Neckwearmdashfull of life and snapmdashjust right for Thanksgiving Wc extend you a Thanksgiving invitation to come in


iiiin) B a rac m Another Fatal Accident on

the M U R


bullbullroiiiliKiiit ^lurcliuiit ul ICMIIU illtntK l l lNtlll lt Mltlltll

Word reached this city at midshynight Monday tliat a min had been struck by the south bound car on the M U R at Mclntyrcs crossing just south ot Eden

A special car was sent out from Lansing taking on Sheriff Banus lustice Adams and UnderUikor MnDonaki at Mason

When the scene of the accident was reached it was discovered ihat the victim was Paul L Darling a prominent and popular hardware merchant of Leslie

Tho Motorman R S Clioate states that when he first saw Mr Darling he was running across tiie track from the east and not over ten feet from the car IIewas carshyrying an overcoat on his arm Afshyter the car struck him he was dragged several rods before it ran over him and was brought to a standstill

To all appearances Mr Darling was hurrymg to cross the track in order to signal the car on which he was to return to Leslie The body was badly mutilated

Friends from Leslie were sumshymoned and soon arrived to take charge ot the body

Justice Adams empanneled a jury comiposed ot J W Chapin J H VanBuren Geo B Owen Lee Smally W H Chapin and Oscar Haire all residents ot the vicinity of the accident and the inquest will be held in Mason Saturday

H R VanAuken ot Williamston was the only passenger on the car when the accident occurred

Mr Darling was well and very favorably known about the county having been the democratic candishydate for register of deeds three years ago

Funeral services were held at Leslie yesterday afternoon

Death Comes Suddenly

David Almond pioneer resident of Alaiedon and civil war veteran died suddenly of heart trouble at his home in Wheatfield last Tuesshyday

He had been in poor health tor a few months but dsath came withshyout warning while he sat reading a paper which but a tew moshyments before he had taken from the mail box about 20 rods from the house

Funeral services were held from the home Friday morningconshyducted by Rev Fr Sharp ot Wil-iiamston with burial at Maple Grove cemetery in Mason

David Almond was born in Richshyfield N J April 27 1810 Here he lived until about 21 years of age when he enlisted and served three years in the civil war

He came to Michigan in 1865 first settling near Ann Arbor Feb 22j 1867 he was united in marriage With Miss Maggie McNama^a who survives him Ihey came to Vevay township about the year 1872 jgt- tling on the farm iii Alaiedon in 1876 where they resided until aihout four yeai-sago when the farm waB Bold and they moved to AViUianiston village living there tw6yeap8^^-bull^ bullbullbullbullbull bull

Inr the spring of 1910 he pur- chased aiid naoyed to the farm 4 1-2 miles southwest of Williamstoh - Besides the laquowldbwhe is surshy

vived by all ot his fourchildren Robert H who lived at home Mrs Anna Steadman lt of Detroit Walter W of Dansville and Mrs Kate 01inofLansing- bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull v Deceased waB a mian highly reshyspected-by his entire acquaintance aiprominarit democrat In politics holdin( BeveralofticliB ot truBl in the township oi Alaiedon ilhtil bullthegtlastyear he had enjoyed gen eralg6odhealth =bull c--y)f

i^yeommencinK bctvvirt

Prepare for Colli Weather KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY




Felt Shoes Arctics Socks and Rubbers Overgaiters and Leggings



GEO M WEBB Visit our Shoe Shinintr Parlors

Beginning Dec 1st our store will be open evenings until after Christmas



Our 10c Candies Are the Talk of the Townmdash16 ounces to the pound

5c to 25c Handkerchiefs A New Line Just Received

Quirks Dept Store

My Thanksgiving Proclamation I have much to bethankful for in this year 1911 I thank the public whose favor has Enabled me to dothe

biggest jewelry business betyveen two Thanksgiving Days since iny first opening in Maifon and I accept this faybi as ail obligation on me to still further improve my stock arid my serviceinevery way possible

Especially do I thank the many who after finding my goods my prices and my ways satisfactory have sp6ken~ tiidr Wordsof approval to friends and so have increased the | inumberofvmy customers bullbull[[bull ibullbullbull bull-bull

bull I thank my faithful helpers in the stprie for their loyaltyi Zealandefficiency bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull[bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbull I thank you for accepting my iriteritions ^ for tyccasionalmistekes for overlook your Conflderice in my earnest desire toi please ywi ^^ - I

bullFiriajly Ithank my ^m^ faults foi-npviri^ may mend the worst bJ them arid t ^

p)re efficiently serye



iidlAsc(tJnie^Si5jc^ IX^z



bull bull K

m-i ampgtyenyenmwm^y-



Grand Trunk to Erect Railway

Station in Bay City

Last of the Property Required Haa Ceon Purchased and Work on

the Big Railway Station Will Start at Once

rny Cl(y Mich Nov 20mdashThe Oniiid Triuils rajliond will hoyin at

oiico wnrl on ils new $1000000 ternv iiiiil Bliilioii and yards on tlie east siiUi JUKI lliG lirldHO that will givo accftsii lo tlioiii from tile WGHI sirio Ilic lasL ))rtii)crty rcriiiirod to apprnach thti rivei Iroiit on the wost side was purshychased within Uio last two wctelis anJ the owners have ten days in WIMLII to remove their hiiildinnH

All llio ojial side properly ro(|nirnd JnelndinK lwo hlorllts Ior slalion niu fvroiinds passenKiir ynrds hrid^e M| jiroachoH etc have long since been linrciia-wd and the removal of hoii-e Iroin this riroporly is now niider way Cradini on tiio wosr Hide approncli isi iirjdor way and temporary traeks for hridne liuiidinK purposes V i l l he laid vllhin 1W0 weolis

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 1 - 0 V

bull bdquo


Arrested Three Years Ago He ES caped and Recently Found

Ponliac Mieh Nov 20mdashLebaron f) Sawtello pleaded guilty to a cliarge of obtainlnK money under false pretenses bullvJion urraifjned before Instiee Stodi-cll and was at onro sentenced to tVu) honse of correction for ninety rtiiys Ttie charge of conspiracy which vmfl also laid ngalnat Sawtelle wnn diDPPed hy the proaecntion ihroufih in-iililllly to scctiro witnesses

Tho offense was committed three yijars aio Sawtello was arrested and Kuve SriOO hail Before he got away lio was arrested on tho second char^c and hail sot at $1000 which Sawtelle nliso gave and then disappeared lo CQjrtly ho was located in Cleveland urtfl brought had here

Two cases aro pending against Goorgo flilhoc and Rdward Stout Raw-ti t le s iKiiuisnien in tho circnit conrt hiR hail havin l)oen forfeilcd slKjrtiy nllor ho disii)pearod


Port Huron Man Opens Gas Pipe bull Without Knowing It

Por t Huron Mich Nov 20mdashWhen Ojfiver norealord retired he liTUXdced over a chair altcr lio had turned oiii lii^ gas The falling chair strucU a lithe loading from tho chandelier to a tpoundhle lamp disconnecting it so that iho gas began to escape Beroslonl liOgan to feel ill after he had been In hod hilt a short while hut thouglit il was iust a passing faintness

Tlo linally came to tho conclusion lliat something else was causing his weakness and succeeded in arousinc lilmsolf enough to stagger from tlio room and downstairs in time to save Mmseir from being suffocated to deatli A physiciiiii was called and after im-inodiato treatment got tho young man out of danger

Huron Farmer Takes Poison Por t lliiron Mich Nov 20mdashHenry

Hovlin 1 Huron township farmer comshymitted suicide by drinlUng potson l ie was Bfty-live years old and leaves i widow and several children Mo had been married three times

Farmers May Be Loseri Monroe Mich Nov 20mdashTudge Goldshy

en appointed William 0 Volimayer ftijfl Georgo E Kinney receivers for tiiis Michigan plants of he Clover Leaf CFjBnmery company of Toledo One g locateltl a t Temperance this counshyty and another Is in Lenawee county


Chicago Cash Qrain Quotations WheatmdashNo 2 red 9S(g)99c No 3

rejl 95n7c No 2 hard winter 100 fiji03 No 3 hard winter 95c(g)$100i No 1 northern springs $108lll N6 2 northern Bprtrig JlOGQJllO No ii8prlng raquo6cig)$lp4 CornmdashNoi 27Cc No 2 white 7Gc No 2 yellow 78c No raquo 7677cNo-3 white WjS^ci N Q 3 yellow -(new) 64G6c Oats

-mdashNo 2 white 49V4(5)50c NoiJ White 4849c8tandard48(S)49c gtbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullChlcaflo LIve^StocliY- bull

ftogsmdashReceipts 50000 Quotations ranged at|6^66S5 choice heavy

|^9p62laquo chplcei light (63604S b W y RackinSi and |485560 good to

^ G Q l c e pigsi^^bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull-

Ciittlamp^ReceiptB 25000 bull Quotatiohs rMWed i t |860 91B jirt bull Btera

^3^^450 goodtbeurotMgtlceted be r

et^ $626576 S(BlectedgtteMl(tniigt|3 5 i|()ci-f8(r vtp fJigppiJi- Biiockair Hif80oa tovbullclio c6bull VMl-iaIve

ifiisipjpptl eii B 60000-ij ^ ranged at$bSi6M5choicev ^ laquoatlveaambib JMpound26i 6Erlaquob(

(i[ iWrlln|Bi$37B(g)i ^^


GRAND RAPIDSmdashOn account o the pro-rata apportionment c the primary scliool money this fail and which abolishes the May apporshytionment the Grand Rapids publl schools face tho situation of closiii the preesnt semester several wecls earlier When their budget wus made up this Iall it was on a basis ol Ifl per capital primary money II proved to be 50 cents Tho May I lowanco expected to be $C will ni be forthcoming This means a if]bull 560 shortage the teachers refusing tv teach witiiout pay

DETROITmdashOne of the most costlj and spectacular tires occurring in Do troit this year started on tlie lourtli floor of lisher Oarton amp Wilis Whole sale Miiliiiory companys fivc-slorv building on lefforson avenue sprcii into the business l)ulldings on bet sides and cnusod a loss to p r o p e l and contents roughly estimated a 2()0000 The llrenien fought I hi blaze in a heavy snowstorm and al tlireo lionrs worii succeeded in getiii it under control


i^m ted wethera |310reg326 good to


lt|ini4i9t6nvKteniliaiitBE^ qijote vtks tollowa bull Cattle^ReceiptB iiH care market i5clowlaquo(rHogBmdash RacelptB 170- carij market bull lover heaYy$laquoi40lraquo6B0XYodkerB 1626(3)

iiPlWr|Bi7BJg) BheepKi2ROT laquo^a toptambBt626^636 yearllhpsi

ANN ARBORmdashGeorge Ross aped ten years llirough his fatlior as his next friend has started suit for SIO-000 damages against Fuaiilj I Corn-well a prominent coal and automobic dealer for injuries alleged to have boon received in an automobile accishydent about three wcebs ago The declaration alleges that as younq Uoss was riding on his bicycle the Cornwell auto in which were the driver L A Frost and Mr Cornwell ran blm down and broke both ankles

ESCANABAmdashUpon the application of Coupnty Prosecuting Attorney Storm the preliminary hearing of Dan McCarthy Arthur and Tohn Llndqiiist charged with the murder of Alvin Po-garty was postponed until Nov 21 McCarthy demanded a separate examshyination from the other defendants Me Cnrthya father is a well known railshyway engineer of ttiis city To his mother who visited him in jail McCarshythy stoutly protested his Innocence

EATON RAPIDSmdashDuring tho past four days three separatt farms have been sold here at figures above Iii0000 The Dr 1 B Bradley fapin two miles southwest of town went at $11000 tho lohn T Hall farm a short distance from the Bradley place was taken at i)lln00 and the Vauglian Brotliers farm tliree miles east ol hero was sold Ior $12200 Each sale will bring a new family lo this comshymunity

MUSKEGONmdashIt Frank Garasick of this city does not die from his alteini)t to build a fire with gasoshyline ho may thank the heroism of his bullvife Mrs Garasick tore the burninj clothes from her husbands back seshyverely btirning her hands in doing so Garasick lies at Mercy hospital - with the skin of one-third of his body burnshyed to a crisp Physicians say there Is a small chance for his recovery

CADILLACmdashMiss Mlna V Gale a young sehool teacher of Trenton and Homer 0 Tealle of Ithaca were married in Manton While leaching school some weeks ago at Trenton Miss Gale left her work to nurse Mr Teall in a siege of typhoid fever and their engagement followed Teall is a graduate of Cornell unversity and now runs an experimental farm near Trenton

JACKSONmdashThe iirominent busishyness men of Tackson adopted a resolushytion a copy of which will be forwarded to Governor Osborn asking him not to use undue haste In calling a special session of the legislature to pass upon the proposal of the commission on Inshyquiry Into taxation which favors the Imposition of a tax on the business done by the corporations o( the state

MUSKEGONmdashLouis Erlckson sevshyenteen years old a Bon of Mr and Mrs Lars BrlcUson of Norton townshyship accidentally shot and killed himshyself while hunting Erlckson wna takshying the guns out of the buckboard wagon and a chance discharge of one of the weapons sent a charge of shot through the left portion of his neck

l yendeg l l l -OR-

20th Century Needle Book Containing Pins Needles Hair Pins Hooks and Eyesmdasha Household Necessity

Choice o the Above Premiums to Everyone Answering

This Advertisement There are 10 Turkey Heads in this picshy

turemdashcan you find 8 of them To every one sending or bringing an answer we will give choice of the above premiums also an exceptional offer to purchase a new Piano during our Holiday Sale Send answers in today as all answers must be in our hands within a week

V ame

A ddress

Story amp Clark Piano Co 119 West Shiawassee St Lansing Mich

SOUTH HAVENmdashThe city of South Haven voted In ifavpr of the 38000 bond issue fora new high school buildshying-by 203 majority a- landfllide and the-largest vote ever recorded on a school proposition here bull Bells were rung whistlea bullblo|ffn anii studeiitB mode merryat a big paBBmeetlngin libnorof-theeventi^v-V-K V

iiONlAmdashMrii^vji^ Jones - bullwhio was charged vlth ^attet^^^^

i Bon bull iter i hiiirtKlnd - wltli ttl pleclB i of pti7chineltillledr ptei has^Mn ilaquo^

inonthBlncarcOTatloniHerlwll ln-laquoraquoe w p ( c K a r m s cbuld one a r i - ^ - t b

Proof of Beef Cattle Shortage

All doubts about the beet cattle shortage have been dispelled by the census report that tho deshycrease in luimbers in the last ten years has been 68 per cent This announcement is very significant This is tho greatest decrease reshycorded in any class of livo stock Horses mules and dairy cat Ic inshycreased to a much grca e r exshytent than any class of meat-proshyducing animals In fact ho censhysus figures indicate a d o r o i s e of about two per cent in sheep alshythough an increase of possiiDly 10 per cent may have been miile in hogs We cannot escape tho conshyclusion that the pro-luction o meat-porducing animals pari u-larly beet cattle has not kept ) ace with other branches of tli 11 (bull stock industry When it is considshyered that the population o the IJnited Slates has increased 1 raquo er cen t while the decrease in beef production has taken place ic is evident that a wide gap miay deshyvelop in the supply

Not only have beef cattle deshycreased in numbers but the avershyage age of marketing has been lowered So true is this that while market prices have appreciated the farm value credited per hear has actually declined The doan-up of large i-angs herds resulting i the marketing ot thousands of imshymature steers and females of all ages has been a factor in the deshycrease which cannot easily bo reshyplaced The expanded mirket in^ of veal is another The Pacific coast demand for meat is t r w-ing cattle that formerly would have come eastward ^o marker These factors luive been citeJ is indicating that we are living on our capital not on the increase of it in the beef industry

Witli the decrease in American beef production appearing as a grim reality some consumers are urging the free admittance of beef a t the seaboard in the hope that South America may fill the gap in our markets Even if this shoiild come about it will not destroy our market for first-ciass beef Whatshyever prime beef Americans cat for a long time to come must be proshyduced- oh the corn belt farms of this country

Forced to the conclusion that the corn belt must raise only high-clasraquos beef if any many farmers have established grade herds o beef cows in the last five years using pure-bred beef bulls to se-ctire the desired market- topping quality They havei reaped a well-deserved success that should enshycourage others to engage in this beef-breedingi industry rhere will be a place for the beef when it is ready mdashEditoriali Breeders Ga-

- a e t t e - - ^bullbull bullbullbull[[bullbullbullbull-bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull -

^ B A LPr HE A Li ED AV Q M A N Sliornof Her drown oirBlaquolaquoiitr itouB

gt = --Intioyeaad-illarrlBKe- - -Hair iscertainly mostneceBaary to womanWhovcduldldvff^a^^

In 1912 You WOl Elect a President THIS election is of supremo importance toyou Tho whole country is

divided On ono sido tho progressive Insurgents on tho otlior the Conservative Standpatters Both parties will promise many things

You will have to judge their claims and their fitness to carry them out In these stirring times


REVIEW OF REVIEWS is a necessity to tho busy man or woman who values being up to date In a hundred ways its editorials its character sketches and its timely articles will help you make your choice It gives you tho best clearest and most accurate non-partisan and unprejudiced news that money can buy It is the great monthly newspaper on which intelligent people everywhere rely for their news and you get this news almost a t promptly as it is given in the great daily newspaper of the country

Senktor LaFoIlcto i sys i flit mil muUi amiraii ami Imfarllal nvliw tftlii aO I lone have utttiztil the magazine In lit turrtnt Iwiei ai a valuable rntiini of informathn bull

Never will the Review o( Reviews be more necessary than next year

6umrof|tM0yraief finally bulluppllraquodfvS|ie has gone to Belding to itay with h r


offset Buch a disfiguremeh t v-A wbhiainB i jmaVftiuBually r 1 iEind marriageTHer crowning glory is herhairi Thebull JOBS of her Kair

| i B X T T U CREEK~Semi-lt^ laquo -~laquoraquoiAr ii i holaquon nhtAinftH Of a^B^cce88 Yet r i g h t h e r e in M a s o n

^ gt S ^ ^ r S deg I ^ ^ V ^ S ^ S awneglactirig^^o of Philadelphia 1B to take oyer the op- ^air to such an extent that It is eratlon of the Michigan United rail- (niy bdquo matter of time when it yay flyBteni i Includltijt Wllf^be utterly ruinedr

harmful to the scalp and hair As a result of su-ih iroilmont

dandruff is created Iho hair loosshyens loses color falls out in- L Itl-ness commen -s gt 1 s=i nvop^i -nd prompt precautions are taken i time Then again microbes and certain uiseas-ji ^rin JOI healthy scalp and hair on i io s

Almost any woman may rid hershyself of dandruff an^ iseis-3d scii]i and hair if she will but us-o h r ight remedy We have Ih i t remshyedy and we will positively guarshyantee that it will either cure danti-ruff and baldness or it will not cost the user anything

That s a pret ty broad statement but we will back it and prove ii with our own money We will reshyturn your money if you do riot find tha t Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will proihote hair growth and ovshyercome scalp and hair t roubles tha t it will grow hair even on bald heads unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished the follicles closed and the scalp is glazed and shiny It ges its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 bu t of 100 cases where it reteiv-ed a thoroughly hard imparUal arid practical test We want you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonicat our risk You surely cannot lose anything by doing so while you have everythia o tvl You had better thinic thi^ o c-v u then come in ani see ua aboa iiia offer You will be well ro ui 1 for your visit to our store

Remember you can obain R^x all Remedies in Mason only a t our storemdashThe Rexall Stbra Longyl ^roB^ drug Btore

bullbullbull His BuBlneit Vhnt u ivant to do it to have

t ^ t mudb in the road flied n i d tiM~ visitor That goea to Bhow reshyplied jparmei (orntoBBel bow little Ton reformei undefBtand local con-dltioiui Ive purty- n^gh paid off a BMrtgage with the money I v made iiitulih atitombblles out 0 that mud-

holemdashChristiana-Register bull

Your Agent in Confidence

Much business of a confidential nature is best transacted by a Trust Company If you will call at tHe offices of the Union 1rust Company you will find experienced men who will confer and advise with you and see that your interests are safeguarded to the utmost

Union Trust Company Detroit Michigan

Seiil Free by Mall to



TIieigtro6l That naaouHeaderaCan- bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull notDenybullJv-^- i^Whatcould furriishcstronger evi-idehee of the efficiency of any rem-edy than t h e t e s t of time Thous-ahds- of people testify that Doaris iKidrieyi Pills cure pfermariently vJHomelehdoEBenient should prova uhdoubtedlythe merit of this rem-iWysYears^flgo yourfr iends M rnelRhbora^iteBtified tortho1jj^elief

im^gt^m ieuro

they had derived from the use of Doans Kidney Pills Thiey now lonfirm their testimonials They ay time has completed the t e s t

Mrs T Riley 333 N Waishlngton Ave Lansing Mich says poundugtme years ago I began to suffer from kidney trouble and the physicians who t reated me failed to give hie reliefr The most annoying sympr torn of my case was al piercing pain in my back and there were other difficulties which showed that my kidneys w e r e o u t of orr der When Doans Kidney-piils were brbugbt to my notice I p roshycured -a supply and the coriterits of three boxes brought nie entire relief I have often recommended this remedy to my friends anfl never hesitate- to speak iri- its praise as I know that it lives up to the claims madeofii t V v

MrsvRiley gave the above testir moriial ill October 1906 andon Ap-i-li lO 1909Xsheaddedi Youa re welcome to contiriubthe ipublica-tiori of my previous endorsement iof Doans KidneybullPillSjIihaVe had no neediof a kidney j^emedy^since 1906 iand I thereforelook uporimy eure-a8-a-vpermaherit7ohd^igt-

Pbira sate byvall = dealers Price 50

New York sole agents for the United States Bemiember the nariiemdashDoaris-^ bull

and take no other

bullbullat of the PUIM The average pulsa of a liealtby maa

beats seventy-two times a minute


mm KiMM o r BiMi TigtonMMTlirii bull4 Bhenoiajtl

BiaewH M Bkcnoiaj tUai VIMN aercim BklB DIMMM NArTONI Hniidairlaquo VoMiMM (Ion l l r i i ree l f i t i Rnptara PilM or far Kln3ilaquolaquor or uiooflita

US treUmaDt ltbull MwAri ths ohettwit- Blittltl -^ advice mraquoy be raquoll yoa nted-tt ti 4 Jreeforthe-raquortlni-i-viv^ vbull OUR MOTTOl amp iS ^ Uont let monajrniMterirnoldyoutBukmdash nponeli toatoortoceMrTetfaelujiMnefif of bur beat laquoirort|0ll orwrlteJnatr|laquol vaDfldDnoe Vonanhktioo Ire Bpecf bullJhirlor foraquoPrlraquoraquooyif-i ---| ctjvfi



Kfsps^ reg~iai

bull- 1 bull bull - 1


A Romance of The South Seas

JACK LONDON Copyright 1910 by Street amp Smith

Copyright 1911 by the Macmilllaquoji CompMiy


By eleveu n inessenger arrived troin Biilosuiia vlllnge dlspatclielti by Soclee Tlio Jessie liiul gone ashore halfway between tlio vlllnge and Neal Islaod It was not till nightfall that two of the crew nriived reporting the drownshying of Cnptnln Oloson and of the om roinainj-ng boy As for the Jessie from what ihoy told him Sheldltraquon could not but conclude that she was a total loss Further to hearten him lie was taken by a shivering fit In half an hour lie was burning up And ho knew that at least another day must pass before ho could undertalvL even the smallest dose of quinine lie crawled under a heap of blankets and a little Inior found himself laughing aloud CIo had surely reached the limit of disaster Barring earthnuake itr tidal wave the worst had already beshyfallen him The lilibberty-Gibbet was bullcertainly safe In Mboll pass Since nothing worse could happen things simply bad to mend So It was shiv-bullering under his blankets that w laughed until the house boys with heads together marveled at the devils that were in him


BY the second day of the northshywester SheldoTi was in colshylapse from his fever It had taken an nnfalr advantage of

his weak stale and though It was only ordinary malarial fever in forty-elglii hours it bad rim him ai low as ten days of fever would have done when he was In condition But the dysen tery had boon swept away from Be rando A score of convalescents lin-gorod In the hospital but they were Improving hourly There had been 3Ut one more deathmdashthat of the man whoso brother had walled over him inshystead of brushing the dies away

On the morning of the fourth day of hla fever Sheldon lay on the veranda gazing dimly out over the raging ocean The wind was falling but a mighty sea was still thundering In on Bernndc beach the flying spray reachshying In aa far ns tlie flngstaif mounds the foaming wash creaming against iOio gateposts Ho had taken thirty grains of quinine and the drug was buzzing In his cars like a nest of hor nets making his hands and knees tremble and causing n sickening pal pltatlon of the stomach Once open ing his eyes ho saw what be took to be a hallucination Not far out and coming in across the lesaies anchor age ho saw a whaleboats nose thrust skyward on a smoky crest and disshyappear naturally as an actual whale-boats noso should disappear ns It Islid down the back of the sea He Icnew that no whnleboat should bo out there and he wua quite certain no men In tlie Solomons were mad enough to be abroad In such a storm

But the hallucination persisted A minute later chancing to open his eyes bo saw the whaleboat full length and saw right Into it as Itrose ou the face

ot a wave He saw six sweeps at jWorlt nnd in the stern clearly out lined against the overhanging walj of -wbitei a ntnu who stood erect gigantic swaying with his weight on the steer

ilngsweep This he saw and an eiglith j i man w ho crouched in the bow nnd j gazed shoreward But what startled

I Sheldon was the sight of a woman in j j the sternslieets between the stroke I oar and the steersman A woirian she

1 wris for n lira id of her hair was flying and she was Just iri the nct| of recapshyturing it and stowing It nway beneath

a hat tiint for all the world was iiie j his own Raden-Poweil i I The boat disai)peared behind the j wave tirid rose Itito vle4v on) the face I of the following one Again he looked into it The ihnh were dark skinned

I and largertluinSbldtnon Islanders l)Ut the woiniyi he cou|d plainlysee wita white vyJjo Shu wn9| arid whaii sh^ was doing ttiere werff ttiougbts tbapound

bull drlftedvagueiy throiigbhis consclotis-i nosf(gtHi was toosick to be vitallyiIn-I terested aiife hesideafhevjitid a hdlif i feeling tiintitwas al J fQbod bullIwatmeniVtvYas 8h gtlaquollcj^aiih((i^y^jitho^

oti^tiiiB-|flaquolaquo^fltvi(i--i^ j bullbullbullBweeps jfl^g|iwlf Urttokeep1^^^^^ j thatfrontltofItbjenioythg^^f^^^ iwotbrtbnif ra(e(^iinndiJ^ji^of

mfin8pilbiiiampg|f6ut j vposiBjt6-thraquogat(BSpM bullci^lM|yiilpij^^tcgtith^ i bullat5thffi iBiitJ(yeii(^ltjOT m n l i f t g | | ^ t i e n ^ l a ^ raquo i 1 ^ JikDe^lii|fnraquo^pabio5^U^5^ 1 goiio^iiitoijfij8tb^it^^


She scrutinized tlio house sharply and for some time she gazed at him steadshyily At lust speaking to two of the men who turned and followed her she started up the path

Sheldon attemptcltl to rise got half up out of his chair and fell back belp-iessly He was surprised at the size of the men who loomed like giants beshyhind her rtoth were six footers 11 ml they were heavy In proportion He had never seen Islanders like tlieni They were not black like the Solomon Islanders but light brown nnd their features were larger more regular nnd oven handsome

The womanmdashor girl rather he de-ckledmdashwalketl along the veninda toshyward him The two men wnltid at the head of the steps watclilng curiously The girl was angry Lie could see that Her gray eyes were flashing and her lips were quivering That she had a temper was his thought But the eyes were striking Ho decided that they were not gi-ay after all or at least not all gray They were large and wide apart and they looked at liiin from under level brows llor face was cameolike so clear cut was it There were other strlkiug things about hermdashthe c(^wboy Stetson hat the heavy braids of brown biir and the long barshyreled 38 Colts revolver that hung in Its holster on her hip

Pretty hospitality 1 must sny was her greeting letting strangers sink or swim in your front yard

Imdash1 beg your pardon he stamshymered by a supremo elTort dragging himsolf to his feet

His legs wabbled under him and with a suffocating sensation lie began sinking to the (loor Be was awiire of a feeble gratilJcatiou as he saw solicitude leap into her eyes then blackness smote him and at the moshyment of smiting him his thought was that at last nnd tor the first time In bis life be had fainted

The ringing of the big boll aroused him He opened his eyes and found that he was ou tlie couch indoors A glance at the clock told him that It was (1 and from the direction the suns rays streamed Into tfio room he knew that it was morning At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure bad happened Then on the wall he saw n Stetson bat hanging and beneath it a full cartridge belt and a long barrelled 38 Colts revolver

The slender giith of the belt told its feminine story and he remembered the whaleboat of the day before and the gray eyes that flashed beneath the level brows She It must have been who had jupt rung the bell The cares of the plantation rushed upon him and ho sat up in bed clutching nt the wail for support ns the mosquito screen lurched dizzily around him He was still sitting there holding on with eyes closed striving to master his giddiness when he heard her voice

Youll lie right down again sir she said

It was sharply imperative a voice used to command At the same time one hand pressed him back toward the pillow while the other caught him from behind and eased him down

VYouve been unconscious for twenshyty-four hours now she went oh and I have taken charge When I say the word youll get up and not until then Now what medicine do ybui takemdashquinine Here are ten grains Tliats right toull make a good pashyt ien t

My dear madam he began You mustnt speak she interrupt-

ed that is in protest Otherwise you can talk

But theplantatlon-V bullbullbullbull A dead man is of no use on a^plan

tation Doiit you want to know aboiit me My vanity is hurt Here am I Jtist tlirougb my flrat shipwreck and yhere are you not the least bit ctirlousitalklngrabout your miserable [iiantatioQ Cant youiseethatI am justbursting to teir somebody any- body about toy stilpvreck J He jBnilledgt It)jiJ^ fweeIcK And be siiniled iiotao iauchiati What she saidttailat itbeway she aaid tt-^ho wtilmsicai expresalon 6n her face the lattghterJohereyei add the| bulleyeral ^iDylihe8gtpfh^

bull Injatjty^raOTS^ IHe-flrariburiciMly iWwidepliraquoga8]itoii^ bull8bullhebulllaquoaldbull alo1idbull j gtvbull bullJbull ^

bull VTOatvI gtWlll nbti^not^nowi^ilaquolie^i^^ toited with a tosi o f the head ni (lnd8omebbdy to tellmy 8try to who

^ ti vbaylaquo|il)tibeJ-MiMd^S^ infi)mfllbn|i-iiraquo

fliif laquoyes flashed as on the day beshyfore and he saw again the Imperative expression on her face

Tliat I wont My men are men Ive been tmi to your miserable liar-racks ami watched them eat Faugh Potatoes Nothing but potatoes No eii-t Nothing Only potatoes I may have been mistaken but I thought 1 understood them to sny that that waigt all they ever got to euu Two meais a day and every day in the week

Ho nodded Well my men wouldnt stand for

that u single day much less a whole week Where is the key

Hanging on that clothes hook under the clock

He gave in easily enough but ns she was reaching down the key she heard him say

liancy niggers and tinned provishysions

This time she really was angry The blood was in her cheeks ns she turned on him

My men are uoi niggers The sooner you understand that the better for our acquaintance As for the tinned goods ill pay for all they ent Please dont worry about that Worry Is not good for you in your condition And 1 wont stay any longer than I have tomdashjust long enough to get you on your feet and not go away with the feeling of having deserted a white man

Youre American arent you he asked quietly

iiie (luesiiou disconcerted her for the moment

Ves she vouclisafed with a defishyant look WhyV

Nothing I merely thought so Anything furtheri He shook his bead AVhy he asked Oh nothing 1 thought you might

have something pleasant to say My name is Sheldon David Shelshy

don he said with direct relevance holding out a thin hand

Her hand started out Impuisivoly then chocked

My name Is Lackland Joan Lnclc-bullJand The hand went out And let Tis bo friends

It could not be otherwisemdash he beshygan lamely

And I can feed my men all the tinned goods 1 want she rushed on

Till the cows come home ho anshyswered attempting her owu lightness then adding that is to Cerande Sou see wo dont have any cows at Be-rande

She fixed him coldly with her eyes Is that a jokei she demanded 1 really dont knowmdashimdashJ thought it

was but then you see Im sick Youre English arent youi -was

her nest query Now thats too much even for n

sick man ho cried You know well enough that 1 um

Oh she said absently Then you are

Ho frowned tightened his lips then burst into laughter In which she join-laquod

Its my own fault he confessed I shouldnt have baited you Ill be careful in the future

In the meantime go on laughing and Ill SCO about breakfast Is there anything you would fancy

He shook his bend It will do yon good to eat someshy

thing Your fever has burned out and you are merely weak Walt a moshyment

She hurried out of the room in the direction of the kitchen tripped at the door in a pair of sandals several tlmcH too large for her feet and disappeared in rosy confusion

By Jove those are my sandals he thought to himself The girl hasnt a thing to wear except what she landshyed on the beach in and she certainly landed in sea boots



apeech of your people What time do tliW kiibckgtMri gtyifvSiiSiltv ^ ^ iiktiijjiiw)rt^aiBrthlaquotr^i3p^^^

yifTMtUppJjtlumk^y(0^ where gtdo) yon keep 1 the key to the proviaion8t I want to feed my men


HELDON mended rniildiy The fever bad burned out and there was nothing for him to do but gather strength loan

liad taken the cook in band and for the first time as Slieldon remarkshyed the chop at Berande was white mans chop With her own banda Joan prepared the sick mans food andbe-tween that and the cheer slie brougbt him he was able lifter two days to totter feebly out upon the veranda The aitiiatlon sti-uck him as strange and stranger stili was the fact that it did not seen^ strange to the girl at ail She bad settled down and taken charge of the hbiisehold as a matter of course as if he were her father or brother or as l f she wcrea mahiike bimselt- I t is just too delightful for anyshything she assured h i m i t is like n i)aKe out of Botneltroniancei Here 1 come along put-of-the sea and find a sick man alUalonewithi 200 sIkiVesmdash necroits lie icorrected Coritracf iabdren They selrye bnlytiiree yeairs and they ( are free agents when they enter tipon their rtjriWcta^^ ^iV

Yes yesnshe hurried pnr^tari^^ finannlbnefwith-200 recruits lt)n a cani- nibal lslaind~t iiey nrb pahhibaliii areii^ theyT6riaitkiitBikr-^^ri--^v-^Vvi Visaikrvhegtaid^witbk-M^^ a trifle morethan t h a t Most p t my boys are f rom the bn8h and every

bullbd8hmiampj8a-i1canhlbiiils^iiv^ bull^VBiii^iraquoptaftbfetheiyrblaquo Sorely the boys you haTohere wontd

nptbe gullty V vt- i-j cv J f V- bullbull ^^^ iifTheyda^y6u if toe chance nitord-i ediNVi15 fejSlaquobf i ^^ 5frtoiwifju8t8ayinir5BOiVo^ jbrdOiyburenliyknbwr^MeirtikL


months ago eleven of them sneaked a whaleboat atid ran for Malalta Nine of them belonged to Malalta Two were bushmen from San Crlstoval Thoy were fnols the two from San Crlstoval I mean so would any two Malalta men he who trusted them-

Bclves in a iHint with nine from Snlaquo Crlstoval Yes she asked eagerly Theu

wluit happened The nlneMalalta men ate the two

from San Crlstoval all except the beads which are loo valuable for mere eatlug They stowed them uwuj In the stern locker until tbey landed And those two heads are now in some bush village back of Langa Langa

She clapped her hands and her eyeit sparkled

They are really and truly cannibals And just think this Is the twentieth century And I thought romance and adventure were fossilized

He looked at her with mild amuseshyment

What is the matter now she queried

Oh nothing only I dont fancy beshying eaten by a lot of Ultby niggers is the least bit romantic

No of course not she admitted Cut to be among tliem controlling them directing them 200 of tliem and to escape being enten by themmdashthnt at least if It Isnt romantic is certain ly the qulntessencp of adventure And adventure and romance are allied you know

By the same token to go into a niggers stomach should bo the qulu-tessenco of adventure he retorted

1 dont think you have any romance In you she exclaimed Youre Just dull and somber and sordid like the business men nt home I dont know why youre bore at nil You should be at home placidly vegetating as a bankshyers clerk ormdashor-

A shopkeepers assistant thaoU you Yes thatmdashanything What under

the sun are you doing hero OQ the edge of things

Earning my bread and butter tryshying to get on ill the world

By the bitter road the youngest son tnust trend ere he win to hearth nnd bullsaddlo of ills own she quoted Why If that isnt romantic thou nothing Is romantic Think of all the younger sons out over the world on a rayrald of adventures winning to those same hearths and saddles Vnd here yon are in tho tliicU ot it doing I t and bullhero am I In the thick of i t doing I t

1mdash1beg pardon he drawled Well Ira a younger daughter

then she amended and 1 have no hearth nor saddlemdashI havent anybody or anything-and Im Just as far on the edge of things as vou are

In your case then Ill admit there is a bit of romance ho confessed

Ho could not help but think of tho preceding nights and of her sleeping in the hammock on the veranda under mosquito curtains her bodyguard of Tahitian sailors stretched out at the far corner of the veranda within call He had been too helpless to resist but now be resolved she should have his couch inside while ho would take the tiaininock

You see I had read and dreamed about romance all my life she was eaylng but I never in my wildest fancies thought that I should live it It was all so unexpected Two years ago 1 thought there was nothing left to me butmdash She faltered and made a moue of distaste Well the only thing that remained it seemed to me was marriage

And you preferred a cannibal isle and a cartridge belt he suggested

I didnt think of tho cannibal isle but the cartridge belt was blissful

You wouldnt dare use the revolver if you were compelled to Or noting

bullbullbdquo AOUIIgtMO MAXMWBVIBIO - the glint In hereyeaftf7yba did nab laquobullbull to--weUto^ hi^ anythinfgv bull - She Bteit^up suddeniyAtP e h ^

iipuBer^Hei^ilpoundnewbiiewaBg^^ hepiwbivbpoundiv|J gt bullbullbullvM ii^Never-mind^^vhe- saldvrvberttii jmtnb lrhatbabiybiidow1th1tiirib^ bullvVSbootthe block off bull yoiir llag-ihai- bullya^d^vIbulligtU J xbullbullbullbullbull^gt^ bull|Me iihUedWB-uiibaliei^^^^^^^^ ^^bullrivdbnitknbwthej^iwi^8hb8M dubipu8lyi ^ ibullbullbull - i(ii- ^i^- i i iii

eltr la tbere a car t r idge in t h e chamshyber

She Bred nnd the block remained intact

I t s a long shot he said with the intention of easing her fhagrln

Rut she hit her Up and fired again

The bullet emitted a sharp shriek an i t ricocbetled Into space The metal block rattled back and forth Again unit again she tired till the c l i | i was emptied ot lis eight cartridges Six of them were hits The block still Bwayid at the galT end but it was battered out of all usefulness Shelshydon was astonished It was better than lu or even nugh ie Drunimond could have done

That s really good shootingmdashfor a woman be said You only missed it twice and It was u strange wcraquo|i on

But I can t make out the two misses she comiualnod The gun worked beautifully too Give me nii-otber clip and Ill liK it eight tinies for anything yoii wish

I dont doubt i t Now Ill hnve to got n new block Viaburi Here yon fella catch one fella block alongsiori room

Ill wager you can t do It olglit 0111 of elglitmdashanything you wish she chnlleuged

No fear of my taking it on was his answer Who titught yuu ui shoot

Oil my father nt tirst and then Von and hls cowboys He was a shotmdashdad I mean though Von was splendid too

Sheldon wondered secretly who Von was nud he speculated ns to whether it was Von who two years previously had led her 10 believe that nothing reshymained for her but matrimony

Wiiat part o t the United States is your home be asked-Chicago or Wyoming or somewhere out tiiere

No Hawaii 1 was born iherb It is a beautiful land My Im almost homesick for it already Not that 1 haven t been away 1 bullwas In Now York when t he crash came But 1 do think it is the sweetest spat on carth-Hawall I moan

I might ns well begin nt tho beginshyning She lifted her head with a proud air of dismissing sadness after the manner of a woman quaiiiiod to wear a Baden-lowell and a long barshyreled Colts 1 was born at Hilo Thats on tho island of riawnli tho bigshygest and best in the group I cant reshymember when 1 first got on a iiorse nor when 1 learned to swim That came before ray A B Cs Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maul-big ones for tho islands Uokuna linU 200noo acres alone It extended in between Mauua Kea and Mauna l oa and it was there 1 learned to shoot goats and wild cattle

Von bad been In the army and dad was an old seadog and they were both stern disciplinariansmdashonly Vous girls had no mother and neither had I and they were two men after all They spoiled us terribly You see they didnt have any wives and ttiey made chums out of usmdashwhen our tasks were done We had to learn to do everyshything about the house twice as well as the native servants did itmdashthat was so thnt we should know bow to manage some day

More than once one or the othshyer of us had our rifles taken away for n week just because of a tiny speck of rust We had to know how to build fires In the driving rain too out of wet wood when we camped out which was the hardest thing of all-cKcept grammar I do believe We learned more from dad and Von than from the governesses dad taught us French nnd Von German We learned both languages passably well and we learned them wholly in tho saddle or in camp When I was sixteen we three girls were all sent up to California to Mills setnlnary which was quite fashshyionable and stifling I l l we used to long for home We didiit chum with the other girls who called us little cannibals just because we cume from the Sandwich Islands and who made Invidioiis remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cookmdashwhich was historically untrue and besides our ancestors hadnt lived In Hawaii

I was three years at Mills sem Inary with trljis home of course and two years in New York and then dad went smash In a sugar plantation on Mqui Dad had nothing left aiid he decided to returii to the sea Hed always loved I t and I half believe thot he w a s glad things had happened as they did He was like a boy again-busy with itlans and preparations froin morning till night Be used to sit up half the night talking things over with rae That was after I had shown himithat 1 wasreally resolved tb go along We were readyto starttOTn-hiti where a lot ot repairs and refitshyting for the Miele v^efe necessary when poor diid came down sick and

died- ^i- bull - bull bull v-bullbullbullbullbullbull

VvAnd you were left all iaione bull JbannoddedV bulliy^z bull bull i

Very much ^alone I had no biroth-ers or Hiatersi and all dads pebple were drowned ID a Kansas cloudburst That happened when he-was ft ilittle boy Of cburio 1 bull could go back to| Ton Theres ralwaya a home there

m $520 A YEAII

Is a uonunaii Inltliil sniarv for oar griidimtoK Aflur soiiioc(|)orlonoo miiiiY uiirn dnuhlu luul trtililo this iiinniiil Suiiil for CUIUIOKUO loihty and liiiirii how to prupiiiO



rhliUulhliullcliil(lireHll Ill llii nmtUrof IIXIIIK and appnliahiK ttraquoi

tiniis and places for liolilhi) tho suvnral toiiiislit lilioclrcullcniiri conn(or tliououii-ly iif liiuliain Slalo of iMlclilKaiij for iw yuais A I) nno lliousaiid nino Imndrtid and iwihii and one llioiiHand nino Imiidiud and

III iiiirsiMiiici) ofMio slaliilo in such eiiso inudu mid piovldod It Is oidenidlliat tho siiviinu toiiiis of tho olTOiill coiut for llil) coiinly of liiKliain Sliloof MIclilKaii for tKli bull ytiaisA 1) nnu tlioiisiiiid nliiii hiiiiiimd anltl uvulvu nnd oiiu Hioiisaiid iiliio hundred and lliliu^oii lid nnd llii) sainu limiiliy are (lwd and appointed 11) he liuld at Miu followlnit times and pincns

Alllni Oliy of Miison coimnonclnK on tho fouitli moiirlay In laiinary iniiili yoar

At lliuClly olbniisliiK conuiieinilnir on tho second MiMiday In Mnriili tiiicjli year

At |lio Oily i)f iMiison ooininonclni on tiio soroiid iMmiduy In Mny oiudi your

At ilui Clly of lyanslnK oiinmnmcliiKon tljii foiiitli Mondny In Hepiuniljui eacli year

Cmiittoopeii tile llrstnny of eacli term ut ton oclock in the foreiiooii

IIOWAltll WlKST CliCnItliid(n bull


Dalod haimlnt MIcli Octvi IIMI eurooiiiiiilMNloiiunraquo Notice Norrlfi

ytalii of Mlclil(nii Ihu probate court for tlie county of liinliam

til the mailer of tlic estate ot Sarah bull I iNorrls deceased

llavliij lieen appoliileil conimlsslonors ii) receive oiinilne nnd adjust nil tdalins and denuuids ol all persons ii(alnstsnld doconsod wedo hereliy KIVU notice that four months i from tlie Itli day ol Noveuiher A I) inilwoni bull allowed liy snid court Ior creditors topresent tlieir claims to ns for evniiiliintUm and adlusd-niont mill thnt wo will meet at the resldonco of losepli lewett In the clliy ol Mason hi snId county on the Itli tliiy of liiiiiiiirr| A t) itilJ mid on the- ltl(li day ot niiirvli A t) ili at ten ocloelc In tho forenoon of encli of siild dnys fw the pnrpose of o-camlnliiK and ndJiiKtiiiKsald claims

Dated Novciiilier ttli A 1) mil




lleiiriiiK OlaliiiN llvltvt^mdash1IiirHl Slate of Michigan Tin) proliale court fOr

llie county ot liigliani In llie matter of tlio estate of Conrad

llelwlK deeeased Notice Is henliy Klven tliiil fonv niontbM

from llieVth day ot NiivemlmrAlJ 11)11 liavo lieen nllmved for creditors to present thotr claims n(nlnst snid deceased to said coiirffor eNumliintlon and iidjiistmeiit nnd that nil creditors of snld deceased are reiinlred tj) present llielr claims to said court at tlie pro-liateolllce In tho city of Mnsoiilii said couiraquo-ty on or liefore the Rlli dny of Mnruh A I) 1)IS nnd Hint snld cliilms will he heard liy said court on tlin Ntli day of Itlurili A I) 11)1 atteii oclock In tlui forenoon

Dated Novemlagtrth A D mil IIUNKVM (iAHi)NKH

bulliiwl lndse of Iroliate

Order or t i i l i l lcnt ioi i STATU OF MioiiiciAvmdashrun OIHOUIT COUKT


Rthel W Alvarez Complainant

vs Kaymoiid 1 Alvarez

Defendant Suit iiendliiK In the Olrciilt Court for tho

(Jniinty of liiKliam In Oliaueery at liinsInK M ulilnanon tlieHth dny of Novemlier JOll

ItappearliiK hy allldavltin tlilsciinso thai the defendant Kiiymond 1 Alvarez docs tiol reside in this state lint resides In tlioelly of Mnnlla In the Ililllpplne Islands on tlio moshytion ofO I amp R P Hammond compliihi-nnts solicitors It Is ordered that liu cant-o Ills npiiearaiice to lieoiiterud liorewllli wllhlii live inonllis from the date ot this order and In case of appearance that lio cause Ids aii-swur tecomplalnaMshlll of complaint lo ho filed and a copy thereof to ho served on sidiJ solicitors wltliln twenty days after service dli liim of a copy of said lilll and a notice of tills order and tlnit In default thereof said 1)111 1)0 taken as confessed hy lihn

It Is further ordered that within twenty days after date Imreof said complalniinli cniiso 11 copy of this order to he pnhllslicd hi tliu INOUA-M COUNTV NKWH a nowspapflr printed and circulated In said county ami that said pnbllcatlon be continued tlioroln lUi least oiicu in each week for six weeks Insuii-cessloii or tliiitslio cause a copy of this orshyder to be personally served on said defuml-ant at lonst twenty days before llie tirno prescribed for said aiipearauee


i w a l t l n g f o r m a But wfiy8libuia ^ BOTtdes^|therbltweredaa8^pIaii8|^ain^ f e l t that I t devolved npon me tp carry themiptit jt8eemed^aflhe^ithing to d o uiaoI wanted tb cariryltheih Out Ahdhfire Iafliv fMHbullbull^ bi^ C tb rii UBn] bullbull-bull

CountorslKiied (Jircult ludKC WM It (JllAllAM

Deputy RoKlstor C R t K V IIAMMONI) 4fiw7

Complainants Hollcinrs Uusiness address LnnsliiK AllchlKan

LIcuHNU to Kelt lraquotl-lllaquolti 15 Stale of JllclilKan tho Irobato Court for

tho county of liiKliam At a session of said court holdat the proshy

bate ofllce in tho Oity ot Mason in said counshyty on tlm Mith day ot Novemhur A D Iflli

Iresi nt Hon Ilonry M Gardner IndKoof Pi obato

lit tho tnattor ot tho ostivto of Wllllala 1 Lett deceased

Sainjiol W Mayerhiivini lUod in snld court his potltion urayliiH for Uconso to soli tho In-turest ot said qstato in certain real estatu thorolndesorlljed

It Is ordored thnttho Iftlli day oi J lelaquo A a l l i t l U l l at ton oclock In tho fore-nooiii at said probate ollico be nnd is liornby iiupolnlod for liearlnt said pellMon and thtid all persons hitorestod In said estate appear boforo snld court at said time and place to show cause why II license to sell tho Intorest otsald estate in said real estate should not bOKrnntedi bull lt Is further ordered that putilic iiotlcn

thereof-be given by publication of a copy of tills order forthroo snccesslvowookspreshyvious to said day of hoiirlni In the iMOUAll COHNlV NEWS a newspaper printed and clr-cnhited In said county (A true copy) UENIIY M GAIIDNEK 0 A OllNiON lud(OOflrobato -

Irohatu ItOKlstor 4Tw_4

Fliiiil Account I l i i r row-JIcc III State of M IclilKnn The Irolmle Court- for bull

tlio county of liiKliam At a sessionot said court hold at tlio proshy

bate ofllce In tho cltY of Mason in said counshyty on tho goth day of Novombor A D liUi

Presonti lion Itonry M GardnerJudge pt Prohato

In tiio matter of tlio estates of Johri 0 Duriow docoascd

1 B Jlummol hivvlnit (llod hi said court his final administration account ai^d his petition pruyhij for Iho bull allowanoo bull thereof and for tlie nsslgnmont anddlstrlbn- tlon of tho rosiduo of said estate bull gt ItUordored that the Ifilli d a y o l Jloe A-D 1011 at ton oclock In the toronbob a t suidi Drobate efflce bo and is liorebvapr [iolntcd fer oxanilnlnff and ollowbiK said aft- countiiiia htiirlng siilap6tltl6n - bullbull bull

I t Is^fnrtherMrdered that public notice thercotbe given by pubUcatlonot u copy ot tnlsoraor for three successive Aveoks pre- vloun to said day of hearing In the iNOHiBH OouMST-NHwajanowspaper printed andch- culatedtn said countv ^ -lt sfj (A truepopy) HENRYMGABDNliBr bull

p AOttNTON- bullbull J u d g e ofVroBBte bull ProbateBeg|gter -bull bullgtbull y-^^^VIti-^v

How lillhbolnihirb8hephiiigtdi Ceiirit Yan (1) taii(2y tethera (8)r pethemi

s(4)ltplinp (5gtsbthera (6) lethewf (7)^ hbvera (8)^coyera (PK dlk(litt)lylaquofe 41k ((il)j tahrdrdlk U2)i tetherWUk ^18) [PetherailtIikV (14) bumpttii(iB)vVwi^ i W m p i t (ie)tiinabunu)itff(H) etb JIfgit (20)iPrbm Shepherdi jof Brit

Succeed iwhen^eyerything cIseMOii fill nerybu8pro8tratibh)j a n d fetnaleii weaknbiieavtheyiaiethei8upreme imiAyiM thouaanda iliaye tcBtjiilipd

pi(mleurolbNCtUlVERANigt^ 8idiyiACH|rROUBLB^



viijbull liinB

(bullbull^bull^bullbullbullbullltWft I tVVi----iltw|

mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im



bull t----)^^^ ^WK mmmm |iVvvjv bullbullbull mmmm


Publislied aii Mason every Tluirsday morninn by


All liittirtiilliiu liltliigtr from llr (bull L l l l l l M l l l l l

E i t o r TiiKliam County NOWHmdash We have been so busy since our

arrival iiere Nov 1st tirvt I have no liad lime to redeem my promshyise to write you of our trip parshyti uarly our visit to Pimamia City unl l^ynn Haven tlic G V R col-ony in WashinRton county

Ve startofl from Williamston on Oct 25 via PlymouUi and Toledo to Cincinnati Ohio where we stopped until the next evening and CO ciiued our journey over the Queen und Crescent Ry one of the best roads in the south to Tus-c josi the former capitol of Al-nbima The old state liouse is still Rtanding a relic of former days P rom there over the Moliilo and Oho Ry to MonLRoniery the jiros-cnt capitol whore Jefferson Dashyvis first cstal)lishcd the capitol of the southern confederacy before it w removed to Richmond Va Co-itinuing our iourney via the A C L Ry to Dothan Ala where we stopped for the iilpht s tartshying neKt morninp for Piinamn City which we reached at 2 p m and as usual stopped rt the Magnolia lloel run by J B Hogeboom of G- nd Rai)ids Midi

On Saturday afternoon T looked oer Tliirmons addition to Panama City and called on Comrades Dem-orcst Crawford and others arid ai 0 I them about Lynn Tlaven to which they rejilied Go and see fc jourself Sunday with some friends from New York we atshytended the M E church in the morning and in the afternoon I

went by steamer to Lynn ITaven There is (|into a town there if you eonsifler the time that it has been building but not half of what they reiiresent on paper Jlie walls of the wholeside drug stoi-e Juit they advertised in the National Tribune were about half up and the new bank builiiing noiii-er com-l)letion 1 visited the printini o -Iie which I found well equipped

bull and ready for business The streeis are not graded or sewers in and 1 learneil there were two dcatlis from fever the week before 1 was there I met 15 P Truesdoll the colony agent wJvomII fouiui a cvy genial gentleman who seemed anxious to do all that he conlu to promote the interests of the colshyony Jle showed me the location for the hotel which the company ])romised to build but which he says they will no do if they can induce private iiarties to erect and run it as the one at St Cloudhas not been iirofitable The location was a tine one near the whirf and overlooking the bay In ray judgment the loijation oi the town on the north arin of the bay and about la miles from the inlet is bad but I understand that it is In keeping with an agreement witli a Mr Gay a turpentine operator of whom they got most of the land whose home is up there and noy occupied by his son but as I did not owe Mr Gay or his partshyner Mr McKenzie anything I concluded not to invest The railshyroad wliich they represent on pashyper is graded from a point ahout two miles from Panama City on the St Andrews Bay and Atlanta Ry to Lynn Haven and some ties scattered along but no iron or rolling stock and as I concluded not to take a tie pass I came back by steamer This was my secshyond visit within a year to invest at what is known as Bunkers Cove which they a t first advershytised just east of Panama City and near the inlet to the bay but Avhich they still refuse to open up until they have disposed of Lynn Haven

Monday morning we started for home via Cottondale and Tallashyhassee to Jacksonville whers wo stopped tor the night and the next day and night took one of those delightful trips up the St Johns River on the Clyde Steamshyship line arriving at home rested instead of tired out by a ride in the dusty stuffy cars aridwe must say to all our friends coming to houth Florida do ho t miss that t r ip on the St Johns River

Concerning the G W R C

A R and

As the time approaches for the election of officers and the comshypletion of the current years work of our orders the comrades of Phil McKernan post feel that we have much to bo thankful for As a post we have been higlily favored Sevshyeral members have been added to our ranks and in comparison with our number five years ago our membership has increased nearly 40 per cent while thus far this year only one of ourcomrades has joined the ranks of tihe gland army on the other side

At Rochester Comrade Oilman in his annual address as commandshyer-in-chief told the representatshyives of the G A Rthat our order would still be in existence 9) years from the present time and while this will probably be true in some centers of population all realize that beforethe expiration of a quarter of a century the smaller posts of our order will liave disappeared Many liave al-rcaily passed and the places of many more would now be vacant ui)on our rosters had it not been for ouir great auxiliary the Woshymans Relief Corps

On Nov tl Phil McKernan W J C presented a beautiful silk flag to the primary and high school rooms of the central buildshying and a similar flag to the prishymary room of the ward school A delegation from W R C No 131 accompanied by members from the post visited the schools and placed the flags in the custody of the scliool board the superintendshyent the teachers and the pupils to be the permanent property of the rooms to which they were Iiresented In the illness and enshyforced absence of the president of the local corps Mrs Franc L Adshyams the patriotic instructor of the Iiost made the presentation Miss Titus on behalf of the piimary room thanked the donors and as proof that the education of the little ones had not been neglected they sang several patriotic songs and gave the flag salute L W Mills fr a son of a veteran and member of the school board acshycepted the flag for the high school room in brief well-chosen words Commander Sariw and Mrs Saraw each made a short appropriate talk and Superintendent J^iggs alshyso spoke saying among other things that if the occasion should arise the boys of today would show themselves as patriotic as American boys had always been ir times when theii country needed their services The school then sang the Star Spangled Banner and at tJie close of the national hymn the visitors withdrew and proceeded to the ward school where the flag was received by Miss Shafer for the primary room and the jiupils of both rooms sang patriotic songs and gave the flag salute

Phil McKernan W R C has iire-sonted each of the Mason churches with a fine silk flag and intends as soon as possible to place a flag in each of the school rooms now without the national emblem

About 15 years ago when the W R C first engaged in this special form of patriotic work this corps placed in our city schools and also in nearly all the rural schools in the southern part of this county flags and other patriotic symbols in addition to supplying such iicliools a line of literature espeshycially designed to teach the rising generation true patriotism and why every American boy and girl should love their country in tact in proportion to its numbers Corps 131 had the honor 6l leading the bulldepartment of Michigan W R Cbdquo in regard to work accomplished along patriotic lines

To again refer to Comrade Gil-mans address at Rochester What the loyal loving energetic wife is to her husband that the Womans Relief Corps has been and is to the Grand Array of the Republic and to make the analogy complete it may be said that the W R C is frequently more earnest and zealous in work of mutual intershyest to the two iorders than its male companion the G A R The formshyer was the pioneer in work along legislative lines for placing the stars and stripes over every school house and it took up the work of systematic patriotic ihstruetion in schools and communities several

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull ^ ^ bull bull ^ bull bull ^ ^ bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull ^ ^ bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo laquo f laquo t

Since reaching home I have bpen years before a similar system was thinking this matter over and I ^ ^ ^ pound bdquo ^ bdquo H l i laquo o bdquo ^ am going to make a business proshyposition Why go way back 10 or 12 miles on sonie stub riiilroad to build a town and pay $150 for a lot 50x150 feet and) 11-4 acres or 6 acres of wild land worth about $liamp per acre- as purchased by these companies when I will sell lots 50x200 feet on the state road between Sanford and Orlando in one ol the best sectiona of the state of Florida where we have J plenty of good soft water in drive wells from 20 to 25 feet deepi-and t h e lots within 40 rods of a good i store and postoffice and Avithin 50 toi 80 rods of a station on the A C L Ryiiwithfour passenger and gt several freight trains^ each wny

everyday and vith from SOrtb 180 j automobiles and other cbhvey-ances passingdaily AndIdo not pretenditObeglving-awiiy those

lotsjbutViWill seUVtheni f6r $60 ^ ^ - - u each while theyi^lastiirtyvidingthp i ested in the m a t t e r i t i s ^ m e w h a t purchaBer agrees t6r liuiW a h6 ] i8p |d

During the 23 years of its existshyence it has paid out more than $5-000000 for the relief of needy comshyrades and their dependent ones and this sum vas t as it is is far from representing all that the ministrations of these devoted AVO-men have meant to disabled sol-dleiS andtheir widows and orphshyans The sympathy in trouble the flowers at the r burial the unobshytrusive interest t ha t clears the title of veterans homiBsteads from a t ax lienj in these and in countshyless other ways the W RC fulshyfils one of- the three great objects for which it exists No member of a p o s t h a y i n g s a W R C aiixilr iaryneed lose his membership for nonrpayraieht6f i dues Thp corps are more thaihvwllUhg-fojkeepeV eryt soldlpr f how lnithe ranks a memberingdpdijrtahdlngi i i i

To those of US personally inter

worth $800within itwb years o r bullltforpoundelthlB-title~tiiyJtliampjlotigt8iJly watJ t people itovcpmfeltheWeriJby lite bask In the sunshine and eat bullorahigesi bull bull abull Y6ur8tfuly^^S Jf pf i iUV-laquo---v^GIigt-HahdalliMgtD bullAltallaquoAntfibull8DHntts^Ilai5lbulllaquo^^^^ AltainoiritfiiSL

Nov 16 r t l l bullfliiFipij

^ifMmM bullv-

0M in


radeQllmahipredl6tedgtthe utmost Umltigto(^our texistehce asahorg^iir Izatlbnibutvwhlle25years from now ohly VaiiefeblefewiiBur btrtheclyirvwar^livlUremalrithe Is nb reason why at that t imethe W R C shouldnot be astrong ahd^ifIbutisblngibidpri In^ this world of oiirs ftie work for which these rWomen are banded together -^relief of bull the unfortunatemdashwill never bf done Afld it is for- this

riBa8briSithi|it lSwhehSlthe men bullt6 whom they now are auxiliary have piiai8B6ai owiygthe I need of relief f or


Apparel for

Social Events and Street Wear The daily arrival of many handsome and clever styles of Winter

Wearing Apparel keeps our Ready-to-wearDepartment strictly up to date Every woman likes the kind of a Suit Coat or Dress tliatshows distinction and has a mark of individuality tha t reason makes our Ready-to-wear Department very popular with ladies vvlio arc looking tor goods ot the better grade

Tailor-made Suits No matter where you go wherever the women of this vicinity

Depi from $]i)00 to $7500

Winter Coats Our Coat section is very popular and the reason Is found in the

splendid variety of attractive styles and the exceedingly low prices that prevail Stylish coats for motoring touring or general service in every wanted style fabri and coloring Prices $750 to $7500

Dancer-Brogan Furs Our Furs show character Our display discloses models designed

by leading French artists and clever original productions from Amerishycas most eminent furriers Every piece ot Fur we sell is backed by our ropntation which is the guarantee for reliability Prices very reasonable

Childrens Coats Never has our Childrens Department been so complete lb is not

adinicull problem to please the little Miss Our large stock and alshymost endless variety of styles is sure to furnish something exactly to her liking Prices $i50 to $1G00

The Fashion Center ol Lansing


4 I

who wish to become members of the society one often heais woshymen say I am greatly interested in the work of the W R C but I cannot join for none ot my relatshyives were soldiers It is difficult to make the general public real-ie that the W R C has no such rule taut that any loyal woman who has never given aid and comshyfort to the enemies ot the Union is ot good moral character iind is 16 years ot age is eligible to memshybership in the Womans Reliof Corps

As a member ot the G A R of 35 years standing and of Phil McshyKernan Post tor more than 25 years with a full and intimate knowledge of what the Womans Relief Corps has accomplished in aiding this post in particular uul the the G A R in general I -havd written the foregoing as a slight tribute ot regard

W 1 Adams Adjutant and Patriotic Instructor

Post No 53


Vour niwiic) lliiukir Youre Not Sutln-Ucil

We pay for all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy tails to completely relive you of constipation We take all the risk You are not obligated to us in any way whatever if you accept our offer

Thats a miighty broad statement but we mean every word of it Could anything be more fair for you

A most scientific common-sense treatment is Rexall Orderlieswhich are eaten like candy Their active principle is a recent scientific disshycovery that is odorless colorless and testeless very pronouncedyel gentle and pleasant in action and particularly agreeable in every way They do not cause diarrhoea nausea flatulence griping or nny inconvenience whatever Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children aged and delicate pershysons

If you suffer from chronic or habitual constipation or the assoshyciate or dependent chronic ailshyments we urge youito try Rexall Orderlies at our risk Remember you can get them in Mason only at our store 12 tablets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 cents SOtablets50 cents

Sold only at our storemdashThe Rex

A JloiiMi-liold niviliciiic That stops coughs quickly and

cures colds is Foleys Honey and Tar Compound Mrs Anna Pelzer I 2526 Jefferson St S Omaha NebI says I can recommend Foleys I Honey and Tar Compound as a I sure cure for coughs and colds It cured my daughter ot a bad cold | and my neighbor Mrs Benson | cured lierself and her whole tam- ily with Foleys Honey and Tav j Compound Everyone in our neigh- borhood speaks highly of it W M McCrossen and longyear Bros |

To meet the demand for these bulljoods I have placed in stock a complete line of

Electric Appliances

Consisting of

Flatirons Toasters Curling Iron Heaters

Flashlights Vacuum Cleaners

Chandeliers Domes Portable Lamps Toys


Located at P M Wells Wall Paper Store on Ash St near Farmers Sheds

LWWHITED Will be at shop evenings after

7 oclock

all Store store

Longyear Bros drug

Marriage Licenses George L Haynes Lansing- bullbullbull25 Iza Growbarger Perrysburg O^20 Herbert J Bemis Iron Mountain 22

26 31 31 35 31 -20 19 -28 -25 -22 -18 -31 33 -Si)

Edith Losey Lansing John E Nelson iLansingmdash Elizabeth Wilson Lansing mdash Jas MCookj Wash tenaw Co Mary Sellers Stockbridge mdash Arthur H Erbe Lansingmdashmdash Ada Sraolark Lansing-mdashmdashbullbull Jas B Mclntee Lesl ie bull Anna Mackinder Stockbridge John Spahr Mason - imdashi Ethel Holey M a s o n mdash bull bull mdash mdash Louis W Krauss Lansing-mdash Mari^ BaummohOhib-mdash- Wm NSutUffe L a n s i n g - - -Lucy SpencerLarislngmdashbullbullmdash io Baydfeh F HubbardWilliamston 60 Rokle Arnold Lansing ii42 Michael Story Larislng-bullmdashbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull23 Jjiiie UzBillings- LariBtng---^-bullbull 17

our childt^iad i stiffered frpni

A Bank Direetor Who liss carried stock In tlid Asso-cliitlon for sovoriilyoars writes us that ho coiisldors it ono of his best Invostmonts Its snfo prbfltiiblo convcnlont and always available Woroiibivo any sum at any time Hlvldcnd checks aro mailed seml-annuaUy

Write ltor booklet and tlilanclal report our fortythlrd bull soral-an- nual bullbullbullbull bull

bull Capitol Sayinfls amp Loan Assoelallon

LintlnaiMiohioan v]

^bull^himt tromltBeyereVbrotichral troublef ayearVwroielQiTRlchardB6h6f RichardadnlsMUlBfAlaVw(eijf cared It had consumption It had a bad cbuglivaUth[eftlralBi Wer tried many rtmediesS without avail J arid bull doc-

petie^^e^arid^op^ strong and healthy For coughs iw i bullbullbullraquobullbullbullbullbullbull w f bull bull ^ ^ bull bull r

Ci[ndB^iCgtaMB)WS8^ mai croup and sore lungs lts t he

inmost iiiatallible-remedy thatalhiade^ EriceHj80c(iridsi$li0d-Trialii^Tlgt6ttle fre^ I t i i guaranteied by Longyear

Brbiii sviy iiiii)j|si bull

-|V f|vGreafiiVn^

is)iKiisifiy=bullbullbullbullbullbull bull-bullbull-^

ihilfYou Could

Only See the beautiful merchandise which we have unpacked and placed on our i^vcid floorsmdashbeautiful useful senshysible Christmas presents for practical sensible gift-buyers The sort of giit that are most wanted and appreciated for they add beauty and comfort to the home and may be used and enjoyed for a lifetime

Wc wish to call your attention particularly to our clcffant line of House Desks Music Cabinets Recshyord Cabinets and Piano Benches just placed on disshyplay Also Toilet Tables Chiffoniers Napoleon and Colonial Four-poster Beds Such beautiful and useful gifts for mother or daughter

In Library Tables well show you the greatest assortment in Michisfan besides a ltjreatline of l iving room Tables Pedestals Stands etc Ectcnsion Tashybles Side Bonnls Morris Chairs Rockers and scores of other articles which arc ideal gifts for the folks at home

How mothers eyes would sparkle if you would get her one of those wonderful Free Sewing Machines mdashthe machine that is so far ahead of others that there is just no comparison yet costs less than any other high grade make and may 1)C purchased on terms of SI i week if desired A Kitchen Cabinet would be an ideal gift for mother toomdashlook over our great stock of thcsi

For father or brother we have Shaving Cabinets Magazine Racks Foot Rests Smoking Sets Cellar-cttes Wall Hangers Leather Pillows and all sorts of Up-to-Date Den Furnishings to say nothing of comfortable Chairs and Rockers that are always greatly appreciated by a man

We repeat If you could only see this magnilicent array of suitable gifts for every member of the family sweetheart and friends you would begin your Christshymas buying r i g h t h e r e and r i g h t n o w Come to this great establishment and sec an assortment of styles quality and values such as you can find noshywhere else


The profits of the raw fur dealer and middleman vhen you buy furs from us because we buy the fur skins froin the trapper and manufacture them into fur garments We keep in repair for one year all garshyments bought from us and will store free the more expensive ones

We Make a Specialty oi

Repairing and Remodeling Our facilities are unexcelled We employ only furriers of (many yearseixperience

Free Booklet on Care of Furs

D 326 N Waih^ Ave LANSINQ

FARMERS BANK Oldest State Bank In Tritrham


CAPITAL $ 5 0 0 0 0

L B Mo ARTHUR bull Jresldent J K ELMER Vice President A J HALL - - Cashier A G LYON Assistant Cashier

Three per ce it interest paid on sav lURS deposits Money to loan

Call and see us

DirectorsmdashJ K Elmer A J Hall Geo M Hoyt A L Rose L B Mc-Arthur A L Barber C W Clark 0 J Dakin ^

whatgoodis jvea i th i to ybiigtifyo^ havent yowir eyesight tovenjoy It-Takecare of your eyes When they smarbji a n d b u r n arid iyqjirrhea^ aches I t often cpmes from the eye-T sight pleading for aldiWecaii^give i t just what ft needsby testing the Sight bysclehtlffc methods artdflt- t ing you with properly adjusted

^taii8iiic^^iHyWJ^^ Where the eyes are always moving f bullbull r r i lri-the lndby ii-VS^






Your ySOLD ONivYriBY bull gt

Mason J Mkhi vf v V bullbull bull

Unitd Railimytilifi TThird Rail Ete^^

In effect Nby5thii9iiieargMas(JnH^^

Limitedmdasha m 1016 ^ 12l8 JK in- 1-bull-gt bullVpmC-v216 bullo416bullbullbullS6levbull bullvgt bullbullbull-bullbullvvbullno00 bull ampvv ii Local ~ a in ^ 611 755 i925vil25 bullbullbullbullbull bull p m l25i325gt625fKW

Ximlted-atravf6lO)N854iiAll64gt ii Uvvp miylW- ^354yMVv5B4j| LooairTamvI28^iB66|libO^ bullbull-bullbullbull i bullbullbull p m- bull bull1(K) 3f007600iv bull laquobullbullbullbullbull As- mim^^ iii^iMjil li25 bull iraquoCapltoiFiyerhe

trlbfbiriDeitrbit|-BattleiOretelC iand fi|) Kalaihaisoo) i at vLanslng fori(Qwp880gtfe bullivndStJ6hn8 q s iS jf lp



COKRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County


River Road

(Too Late For Last Woclf) Winter Ima ticrtniiily ciuiKht raquos

thin time without our potatoes oinr or cabbage pulled Guess we will go without aaucr kraut

Mr and Mrs S B Pitch visited in Henrietta over Sunday at 1 O Garris Mrs Garris is his sister

i Floyd Ramer has taken a job of drawing wood for a m an east of iliere and has put his force of seven teams and their drivers on |the job Some wood in the country yet

S B Fitch of Toledo Ohio is hero for twi days visitinu his wife imd babv Margie Mr Pitch is 1

M C H H inspector at tlie wagon works at Toledo

Mrs Willis who recently moved her family to Jackson has moved back again She could not find n house to live in

The lecejit storm did not do any d a m a g e Iight around here

Lots of sickness those days One of Vm Jurnors cliildrnn

has been quite sick with eczema S B Fitch who has been visiting

his wife and parents for the past ten days has returned to Toledo

Mr lind Mrs Root are quite sick with grip

Mr and Mrs Ecard are expectshying their son Clare from California l ie has been working there all summer setting out fruit trees and spraying them

Cuiiitliliiu ut NIKIII means loss ot sleep which is bad for everyone Foleys Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough at once relieves the tickling and dryshyness in the throat and heals the inflamed membranes Prevents a cold developing into bronchitis or

l E S I i s r S u s J l X t i S e r w M b r u i s e s sprains swclHngs ccze McCrossen and Longyear Bros

Suiday with his mother and brother in this eity

Glenn Hughes of Detroit spent a few days this week with his parents in this city

Miss Genevieve Miller was deshytained from her work a few days this week on account of lionsilitis The Emmons music store is now

located in the April building Clare Bunker and Miss Nellie

Newton both of this eity were married Sunday evening by Rev Claflin

Miss Esta Bellows of Kingsland spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister Mrs Hugh Hall of this city

Miss Pearl Snyder is clerking in Parks dry goods store

Mr and Mrs Hallic Norton of Albion spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Guy Woodruff

Harry R Buckles and son Wil- lace were in Hastings Sunday

Clay Spicor is aole to be about Mr and Mrs f E Kelsey are I moving into the HI Moulton res- idencc on east Knight street

Mr and llrs iVrlo Bishop are staying at the liome of her parshyents Mr and Mrs Conrad Miller for a few weeks

Three inmates of the State In-duatrial School tor boys who esshycaped from that place on Monday niorning were captured at gtthis l)lace Monday noon by Under Sheriff Hugh Hall and were taken back to the institution in the afshyternoon

W E Severance of Lansing was in this city^ Monday on business

11 Slurllvil lUo World when the astounding claims were first rtiade for Bucklens Arnica Salvo but forty years ot wondershyful cures have proved them true and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for burns boils scalds sores cuts

Eaton Rapids

Miss Lena Matthews has bought a two-thirds interest in the Gardshyner block and will move her Needle Craft shop into the room occupied by the Davis barlier shop Mr Davis will move into the store

room in the Walter block just vashycated by B H Custer amp Son

Miss Bessie Houseman of Lanshysing sjient a tew days last Aveci

with Mis J T Hall George Hhuston manager of the

Bell telephone office is visiting relatives in Bellevue Ohio

Claris Hall has returned from his hunting trip in the upper peninshysula He bagged two deer

1 T Stringham was in Charlotte Friday on business

Harry R Buckles who has oiier-ated a real estate office in this city for the past 11 months has accepted a position as farm manshyager for the Home Realty Co in Lansing His real cstato business will be transfered to Lansing Mr Buckles entered upon his duties Monday Miss Ruby Whipp will stay at the office the rest ot this week and Mr Buckles will move his family to the Capital eity next Week

Mrs Claris Hallreturned Thurs-day from a two weeks visit with relatives in Saginaw

Mrs Irma Vickery spent Saturshyday and Sunday with her mother in Detroit

Elton Spears of Albion was in this city a few days last week on business

H R Buckles reports the sale ot the Daniel StJoutSO acre farm in Ingham county to C E Gernant of Bantry North Dakota and also the sale of the C A Robbins farm of 10 acres in Eaton county to Mrs Dave Perrine

Guy Woodruff who suffered a stroke ot paralysis a week ago is reported to be improving

Mr and Mrs G B Garnant and family are roomlrig at the hoinj of H R Buckles until tihelr hoiria is vacated by Dan Stout

Wm Humphry spent Saturday aind Sunday with his sister Mrs J T Hall

Mr and Mrs Claude Stringham of Charlotte spent Saturday arid

ma chapped hands fever sores and piles Only 25c at Longyear ijros


-r~p^QRLp-~ because it 18 made o

dwpu^ best i in- greo^eints becaua(e it

^cmtams^^^ni^ -si(irengy|(iMMri|j ( ] builitlmgiliTlatii ai^p^KqrEmul^i^^ because it iaei perfect

lgt|)rodudv ltopound ^

poctotB the world over yimM

$k fecpgniie^

i m liMi0sect^^IS^0et^U^^

Brooks Corners

Mr and Mrs L S Blakslee from near Holt spent Wednesday at 0 B Blakslees

F A Coleman lost a horse reshycently

Elzina Speers and Ray Parkhurst were in Lansing Saturday night and Sunday

Guy Strickland and family spent Thursday night ati Geo Shattucks

Mrs Steinhoft who has been visshyiting her mother returned to her home in Gratiot county Saturday

Elza TurnbuU visited at Chas Bassetts Sunday

Mr andMrs Shattuck entertainshyed Mrs Bird Maud lohnson and Cordie Barker and wife Thursday

Goerge McCormick and family spent Sunday at Otis Warners in Wheatfield

Bert Royston spent Sunday in Dansville

George Shattuck and wife spent Sunday at Fred DeCamps Mr D egtpects to move to the VanBuran farm near Edea soon

Ed Worden will soon move back to his farm

Mr and Mrs 0 B Blakslee and daughter spent Sunday at O W Priests

Mr and Mrs T E Royston were Sunday guests of Geo Bowden and family

Ml Kohler and family spent Sunday at W P DeGrotts

The children ot Bert Crandell have the Avhoopin^ cough

Mrs L A Aseltine and son Leo visited at 0 B Blakslees Thursshyday

The friends and neighbors of Dashyvid Almond were sorry to learn of his sudden death We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the widow and relatives

Gordie Barker and wife entershytained his parents Sunday

South Ingham and North Bun-kerhi l i

Mr and Mrs Wm Sharland made a business trip to Williamston last Tuesday

F Teachout and wife visited their sisters near Meadsvillo last Tiiiesday Mr -and Mrs Slaight were in

Williamston last Tuesday Mr and Mrs Waltei- Sharland

arid daughter Cora visited ait Wm Sharlands last Friday bullbull A J Miller and wife Suridayed atPTeacH6ut8 oMrandMrs Walter Fdsdiek and family attended the progressive ipedrb party at EmerysWordens last iWednesday evening bullIto and MrsWm Sharland and

Geo Boadenrecently visited at Walte^bull81iarlandB^^bull^i bull-bullbullbullbull-bull

Miss Florence Freer was a Jtfa-Bon visitor one day last week

Mr arid MrBi John McMichael wereMaBon cWlersrMondiy School a t tiie Howard began on Mdridayiaf ter a iweeks vacatibn-

^ Mr andltMrBWnii8hirlarid visshyited her parents iriekrStockbridge 1aBt-Thur8daySgtivy-gtj -i- HriTamea and family^expectsoon tio move tO tbePiDakl r i farm V Tboaie whOBtten[dedlkeliBaleand chicken pie aupper at -the town

^Kall lastFWdayltlaquonight rejidrti a bull3hic(Btiime 8hd4jagecrowdiSii -vffMiB5fNi 8Byle8SexpectBEdfleiyei Boon tovisit l ier broltier arid sister atoilraquolnekrieyi^af tei which-) she^iri- tends toltg6 to JolietIll to spend

Want LongHair And you would like long hair Rich heavy hair Beautiful luxuriant hair That is perfectly natural and we ate here to help you Ayers Hair Vigor is a great aid to nature in producing just the kind of hair you deshysire Do not be afraid to use it No danger of its colshyoring your hair The ingreshydients are all given on each label thus enabling your doctor to wisely advise you concerning its use Consult him freely He knows Matlo by tho J 0 AVER CO Loiron Mmt


Nov 20 Iflll Mr and Mrs Chas Brown have

been spending the past few days in Baton Rapids with Mrs Browiis mother returning Saturday night

The residence of Ferris Rumsey was burned to tho ground Friday morning Mr Rumsey had built a good fire and gone out to attend his morning chores when the fire caught about the chimney H gainshyed headway so rapidly that it was impossible to save the building The household goods below were i saved i

W Brown and tamaly ot lackson i visited his father Chas Brown on i Sunday his wifes mother Mrs Oldman returning home with them

Mrs P Demorest of West Branch is visiting her mother Mrs Carter i

Mrs Clarence Dowling and little daughter who have been with her parents Mr and Mrs C Carpenter tor two weeks past returned to their home in Albion today

Mrs C C Hascall spent Thursshyday with her sister Mrs Bishop

Miss Ellena McMath has been spending a few days in Mason and attended the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Randall

R C Bishop Was in Mason last Thursday on business

Mrs Thomas Wright was the victim of a slight stroke of parshyalysis last week She is improving at present

Leonard Rice suffered a stroke of paralysis last week We undershystand he is bettar and able to be about a little

Mrs Fred Haynes of Lansing Was a guest over Sunday of Mrs Clarence Ma cson

News of the sudden death ot Mrs Frank Scofield Sr Friday night was a great shock to her family as well as to the communshyity She had been attending an evening gathering and was taken suddenly ill and died before she reached home Mrs Scofield Avas a home woman devoted to her own family but was greatly reshyspected and loved by all She will be great ly missed Funeral sershyvices will be held this afternoon from the home on Church street Rev Claflin ot Eaton Rapids ofshyficiating

A Hiirtlargtlaquo Alaquovtul Hoed may not paralyze a home so completely as a mother s long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female t roushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of Leadill Tenn If ailing t ry them 28c at Longyear Bros


For Hard Coal

Round Oak Chief Range

and Base Burner

trip to Haabn last WedDef|day ~

Fe l t s Plains

Miss Louise Cady of Grass Lake spent last week with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs W J Hayhoe

Miss Nina Hoffman who has been at home for a short time is now working in Jackson

Mrs Belle Kelley attended the P M S cojiventidn at Jackson last week

Mrs Prank Winslow entertained the young ladies division ot the Ladies Aid society last Friday evening

Miss Margaret Haindy of Jackson spent a few days last week at P Winslows

Willis Garrison is working in Montcalm county

The annual Thanksgiving exershycises and supper will be v held at the church Thursday evening Nov

bull 3 0 t h bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull- bull

James Mclntee of this place and Miss Anna Mackinder of Henrietta were united In marriage at the Catholic churchWednesday mornshying Novi 22 After a short wedshyding trip they will reside on their (amsouthjot PeltsPlains ch^

LOrbjr a n d Whi t e q a l euro

FioydCo6perand family visited hiB^atherSunday^v --J rv - bull bullMri arid^vSMrs E A Brboklarid Bperit Sundayat 0 W liebriards

vMrs GeoYOttriig is viBltlpg-h^r pajentB bullriorthof Wlillamsitoijfor a ieWrWeekfl- iVbdquovvbdquo ^m^^ 3l( iBreej B vand ^family vlBltiedi at

JaBiwH6dgiBB8ttndayrv rV-vV|v-r- MrBPi^X3^Bi8charidJlttfe Bon Carlreturned frona Ann Arbor last

sQlaquoi6 Wi^teonardwas IriLanBiri g on ^business V 8atur4ay^ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bull WM bull

MtaFred Holland visited Mrs SCi StbweWedrieBdajrVvc iN qii Barl^QIieqriai^di^ yisited his bull uncle

T o everyone buyintr a Roiuul Oak Chief Ranprc or Base

Burner duriiifj the sale will be yivcn a solid oak hand-cra f t

Mission Roclcing Chair early English finishmdashABSOrUTELY F R E E

DOINT VISS THIS CHANCE If You A r e G o i n g to Buy a Ransjc or Base Burner

The Round Oak Chief Range and Base Burner


The very best material painstaking fine workmanship in fitting and mountinff make thesednr-able economical dependable specialties the very best of their kind


Wed ilaquoov 22 to Sat Nov 25

Dean amp Cross Hot Coffee and Biscuits Served Free MASON MICH

ifissBKeesstexasBi na

S o u t h e a s t Locke

Frank Oakley has again returnsd to Vantown to canvass

Mr and Mrs Wert Brewer are visiting at Mr and Mrs Jay Wole-vers for a few days

Mrs Grace Beduhn visited Lidia Croopes one day last week

Mrs Prank Oakley and daughter Hazel were in Fowlerville Wednesshyday

Will and Charlie Groope were in Fowlerville Saturday

Grandma Allen has been quite sick

Ashley Bowen ot Tyrone visited his uncle Reynolds Rickett part o last week

Will Rogers has purchased the Andrew Baker farm and traded it for the farmi of Fred Beduhn

Real E s t a t e T r a n s f e r s

Alta M Maynard ito E R Wick-ham and wife part of NE 1-4 of Sec 8 Leroy $2550

J Toolan and iwifo to A W Gan-nell part of lot 7 blk 244 Lari-sing $350

Alice Lannan to G Boutel and Wife N part of NW frl 1-4 of Sec 2 Locke $4000

R S Holmes and wife to H Wagner and wife lot 6 blk 1 Holmes plat on iblk 4 Frenchs sub and lot 1 blk 2 Ramseys Mich Ave add Lansing |900

J H ViiniBuren arid wife to GB Diseriroth part of SW 1-4 of Sec 25 Aurelius $700

D E Brackett and wife to HJ Beck and wife part of SE 1-4 of

SB 1-4 of Sec 20 Lansing $450 W Lamerson deceased by heirs

to P Gi Parker and wife pel on blk 6 Claypools sub Larisirig $1200

Nellie E Driver to Rosa L Shultz part of SE W of Sec 14 Delhi $600

W H Showerman et al to D P Whitmore and wife N 120acres of NE 1-4 of Sec 28 Vevay $8500

LBRumsey and wife to Theo Hyatt and wife lot 15 blk 3 Lesshylie $2000

A (R Park and wife to P A Clark part of lots 5 and 6 blk P

LirislngJ1925 bullbull bullbull-bull -bdquobullgtbull P Heller and wife to iL J^HUde-

branti part of lots 1 tinid 10 S H Persons add Lanslrig $726 bull -

L B WeUs to L Puller out lot iA River Bend EiLarisiriR $500 -Mary B Chittenden iio Fanriie M Blair etal part of NW 1-4 ol See

^28Lan8lrigi|260arVL^^ bullbull A T r Sriflth laquotvai to W P (Bart

bull and wife lot 30 CollegeviUe East Xanslrigf-$900Vbullbull bullv=--^w^v^v v O TA Jehlson irustieei to W^ S iRuder arid wife lot 16 Harrah^s add yLarisingr $450 vV bull ^ r -Aw V

G Wavle-arid wife to CS Welsh ajnd wife pa r t of NW l -4 of Sec 3iAlaledori$6000v


Nuvetubur 15Mt lliu club lucl at Uic liDinu of iVlr and raquoVlrs Guo W Brisiul and ul lliu aijpuiiiiud limu was called 10 order by ilio pruSKletit fur Llie pur- pose uf eMJoyliiK au eveniuK with aliuUiispuuro Mrs Alexaiiiiur beiiiy unable lo be present liur placu as clmiriuan was occupied by Mrs Elicit Tile openint number uf ibe pronraiu was an Insirumuntul trio by Mrs Ellulti Miss Fame unci Miss Kuiliurine Ellcti A vtjcal sulo by Mr Mills Willi piano uccuiupaiilmciit was nexi givun Afler the uispirin^ strains ot iliu music hud exercised lliuir benign inlluciiue upun the audience Mr UIKK lead a skcleli of lliu Hie (if llie l ininorul William wliloii alUiouiib brief includes praclically all lliai Is known of the life family inlluences suriuundlHKS worK and acalli of the man wliu by the luajurity of English-speaking peuijle Is considered llie musl luarveluus lulelleciual genius ever knuwu tu mankind

Mrs Neely and Mrs Hawiey by tuneful luaKiu in a vocal duet truns ported llleir bearers to A bank whereon the wild thyme grows Mr Hemaus then gave a synopsis of Shakespeares Winters Tale ihe last act of which furnishtid the subject fur the groat event of llio evening In this event a uumblnatlun uf drama and tableau Mrs Uemans personated the Queeii Ralph Adams the King aad Miss Elmer the noble lady whose love loyally and devotion greatly strengthened her royal mistress In bearingllie sorrows of her lot Beshysides suggesting that virluesumellmes receives lis reward even In this world the actors Iri the tableau aforesaid proved that wlth priicilce and proper cusiume free-born Americans can beiier represent ideal royalty and nubility than the original kings queens and nobles themselves

Miss Paine sang a song with piano accompaniment by Mrs Ellelt and this was followed by roll-call the reshysponses tu which were to have been A favorite character from Shakesshypeares plays As a matter of fact however very few of Stiaikespeares

icharacters were molested the majorshyity Iriattendanue answering present as their riiimeswere called Mr Adamsi for response readadescriptlon of H e b r V I I I and his court asrepre-seutediupuoya London siaKe during the past summer i

Mr and Mrs Mills then sang a duel to whlchMrsBllett playied an ac-

icdriipttblirierit In the_Kue88lng cpn-itest which followed Mrs Kerns an-swdred correctly nli ieout of saques-ItlOnripniposea arid received a bust ofi Shakespeare asia -prize A vocal solo ibyMlHS Anna Culver completed the llteraryiportloo Of the program and irefreshmerits were served asa Unale

Out-of-town guests were Miss Nina Bristol MIsa Derby arid iMlsgBenja- irialriV-Lan8lngrteacher8i--Tr-bullbullbullbull bullbull The irieetlng adjourned to meet iwlth liIraridvMrgParBo|iBiV gt )^-lj

i^Hlvea eczema Itch or sa l t rheuria sets you v bullcrazy Cari^t hear the touch iot your clothlnKfivDoanB Ointment Curesthe rigt0Bt0b8tiriate

There Will Be Reul Cause

Thankfulness at Your for

Thanksgiving Dinner

If you use B E S T Flour for your holiday baking The pies the bread the cakes will be so light and toothsome that you will eat heartily and need no digestive helps

Try a sack and be thankful

Mason Milling Co Both Phones


Give prompt relief from BACKACHBi KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLB RHEUMATISM CONQESTION of ths Klipi^EyS mipiiAMMAtlON of j ths BLADDER and all srinoylrig URINARY IRRBaULARITIiraquo A pMitivie iMon traquo ilist)DLB^AQBp andE^LDI^ iPSSOPLE-gtandv fiiuVwOMEN bull- HAVI lilOHf iT llio6l||iMKNbAtlON 7

lid ii in iiia8SthyMr- He write8tiitTj _ gtWelIJBSW mnoh from my kidnairtapdS del X hkdMverebeokaoliM and my jtldnsy i vutoo tttquenteaulaquoina mstalosa maah ^

pilor-IVookFoley KWn6ylllraquo fortqmeMBWi ampnatmnosrfreeof all troubleancUminabSlg Mapan4 aronnd Foley Kidiiay^uli u m a i hlchtiirewmmeDdlaquoUdny v vgt lijor sale by l oisgyear ^ ^ ^ arid bullbullbull bull bull bullsW MM(CrossiBnrbull gt bull -bull bullbull

wm oome btok to reutt you ipend It lit homer It ti Kohaformrlfyou iiiidtt tev^ the Mall-Ordar Home A tlanoa thmifli n euritdrartliing MlufflUiiiU|iTeyeuaa idea where It wUtwr Ihe moil ymI-bullbull)bullgtlbullbull^^lWibullrf(|i


w^ r


DANSVILLE I w^s^ v bull ^w vvvcfcvlaquolaquowwwclaquolaquo5g

Last wncic Woclncscliiy luiiitcrM got lifter tlio aly fox but did not succeed in jfotting one aitiiougii cloo oiiouyli ln ge t ti filiot lit one

No foimei rcsi i tnta of (his place wjio huri or jjroporty damaged in tiic cyclone at Owosso except AV G Ilawcroft amp Son wlio had (wo windows brolcen in their grocery store The building W 11 Rcming-toi l^ept grocery in when in biis-inesB was destroyed

We learn that C A Diehl has bought 70 acres of the Prank Ska-dan farm

It is eKpcctcd that Ellsworth As-cltine of Lansing formerly of (his place will be obliged to undergo an operation at Ann Aibor soon

Mrs Sarah Atulrows hiis gone to live with her son George this winshyter on the farm

Mrs Wni Cooper is visiting rel-a t i es near Plainfiold

Mort Kecnc hiH returned to this phi C and will occu|)y the Mis Cooper house

Miss Ncsa Diclcey and Miss Flor-CWM Krcer were in Mason last Sat-ui lay

Dwight Miller visited his parshyent over Sunday

The ir IS sujipor and the V C T iJ oiitortainmont at the town hall last Friday night was well ai-teniiod considering the weather

Vniy tloiit you get in the swim and got the Toledo Weekly Blade for M cents a year This is the last week on this club B Z Strong a^cnt

H I Walker eKpocts to leave next Monday for Omihi iVeb ui spend the winter with his ciiiugh-ter Mrs H M Parks

Geo Tossop was operated upon at Detroit last weak Monday If ho recovers from it he and his wifs will reside this winter in Lansing

1- oy riiiirber has rented the Levi Swiii faim and is moving there

man wife and son have taken possossion of C 13 PiedorickH house nortli of this jilace which h ipjiened to hiive a stove in it anI are making themsiilvnj at liomc Thoy wore ti-aveliiig inil as night overtook them it looked pret ty good to them and since the weather has not been inviting enough to move on The Avoman is i cripiile They have a horse and buggy a coop pf chickens and two dogs but little of anything else The owner of the building has o r e rod tluMU out but they still hold the fort gtbull

The A U C Stock Co of Mason ajjiiears at the town hall in this village on Saturday evening Nov 25 with (hoir play The World Against Him It comes well recshyommended and wo hope to see them get a full house Xii addishytion to the play there will be vocal

bulland inbtrumontal specialties Kcv N Dickey of Reece Mich

Is visiting his tlaughter Mrs F W Dakin

Fred Wolcott has just recovered from a weeks quite severe illshyness

Park Ferguson was a victim of cider thieves recently having a half barrel cask taken barrel and all

Miss Bessie Madden of Lansing is a guest of Miss Mary Walker

Mort Keone was in Lansing Mon-diay

Dance Friday night TI town hall No rural mail service next week

Thursday Thanksgiving day Jas Johnson of Lansing was in

town Monday Jas Oakley amd wife of Stock-

bridge visited R P Walker Tuesshyday

Miss Grace Doyle returns to her home in Chicago next week

B L Dayton has recovered from his sickness

lIciiliivMM Ouniiot bo Cured by local applications as they canshynot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to (urc deafness and tha t is by coi-stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachshyian Tube When this tube is inflamshyed you have a rumbling sound or imi)erfect hearing and Avhen it is entirely closed deafness is the re shysult and unless the inflammation cfin be taken out and this tube re shystored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces

We will ffiive One Hundred Dolshylars for any case of Deafness causshyed by catarrh tha t cannot be cured by Halls Catari^h Cure Send for circulars tree

P J Cheney amp Co Toledo 0 Sold by all druggiSts 75c Take Halls Pamily Pills for con-

stipation bull v In a Japaniia Temptsi

Asakuse temple is dedicated to tbb jgoddess Kwaunou u tiny image of gold about two and one-half Inciies hlghV writes a traveler in Japan A t the entrance to the tdinple grounds on either side of the immienae-gate B^^ two largle and fearMlookinjg figures guiurding the sacred prisclncts HainJB-Ing outside the wiro grating nuinhepof aan^ais tor thcdr use if tiiey

bullwiBtvto-takegtwalkfj4ndtticeilB^ bullprinkledabout ]E3ach wpntiliperybe- fbroi i entering the^tempIevcalltVata^ Bmiaiibuildihg^ after c r a ^ a igiUBll anioiint^ woahei bis U^

rinsiasbismouthf Inftpbtoitti^^ shrine is a Iatgeaperture in the floor

^pvered^ withi laiiicewpr^ the wor8blpercMt8bls^^ clapphig his hands to awaken or at-

gttoctitheSjttttentlp^ kneels but bis prayer is only brief iWbilo there is one chief shrine there are many others unjer the same roof Onesbrine espeolsliy attracted my at tentlbn it was made of wood and quite disfigured andwomtbtitngb the laquoraquoQittant rubbing of band on thV spot

r New Shoe Store

Let us sell you your next piir of Shoes or Ruibbers Everything New and Up-to-Date We have the well-known

BALL BAND BRAND OF RUBBERS Every pair guaranteed to be first quality







Come in and sec us We are located first door north of the Farmers Bank



Secretary of Red Cross Socivty

Who Announces Sale of Stan|3s

Copyright by liurriH amp Kwlng

Red Cross Christmas stamps will be placed on sale about Dec 1 accordshying to Clinrles L Magee secretary of the American Red Crcs society For the first time sale of the stamps will be permitted In all postoflices Secreshytary of the Treasnry MncVoagh senl a biillotin order to cnstodians of all postodice huildings to permit installa tion of booth


Oil Inspector Reports that Present Year Wil l Be States Best

Northville Mich Nov 18mdashThe quarterly repoit of State Oil Inspector Neal for the period ending Sept 30 shows the inspection of 5310717 galshylons of kerosene oil or 598811 galshylons more than for the same period last year Total fees received $10-72070 total salaries and expenses^ $7-76109 leaving a net balance to turn over to the state treasury of $296501

The department has advised the treasury department that besides the $2000 already sent In that $14000 more will be forwarded Dec 15 and about $4000 more by the middle of January making about $20000 net for the year This will even beat last years record of $17000 which was the banner one in the departments hisshytory bull bull

Besides Inspecting oil the departshyment has made a canvass of nearly the whole state In Hhe enforcement of the red can gasoline act bull


As Reiult Village Is Without Light-bull ing Service Heavy L O M

Gladwin Mich Nov 20^A dam hie-Ipnging fo Josli Schiiltz was washed out here l Thedam was built in1890 and since that time has fiirntahed pow er for Scbiiltzs floiir mills and the Schultz amp Prliidle electric lighting Bys- tei|niiVrbullbullbullbull-bullbull bull-bull-^l^bullbullbullbull-bull

KTbisvieayeB tliebltjr wU^ of ahytkind Albert igtBhnlngBwliB| haa cbwev or bull the i plant yhea^ dam breRking -and Iran to the eb ^ ^ JuBtlMvtbeydam gtw^t downB^ Tbe ditm and pof r plant were valued iitiblaquotwMn|2laquoltkgt0and t250(K) and itotaiioiifiSspoundsi^V--^

|L||Tp|jgi| |f i6|RIEf| Map Held at Qrand Rapids Turned

O y e r to Buffalo

Grand Rapids Mich NoV 20mdashIden-

nations PivMcrik was taken In cliarge lioro by Sbariil Paniel P Becker ol Bufialo N Y and rfitiirnod to tliat city

Pntinka has just ooniplctoil a prisshyon sentence in nlihvauUoa and vas returned liuro to face forgery charges when a TiurCnlo olHoer arrived He will 1)0 shown to tho Detroit odicers to deshytermine if he is wanted there


Italians of Detroit Give Police Mysshy

tery that Baffles Them

Detroit Mich Nov 20 mdash Without tangibhi clews thn police arc trying to fathom a feud in which Italians are being slain and hulldinga wrecked with dynamite They believe five murders many explosions and a groat number of fights have mystcrlotis conshynection

One theory is that two rival bands have bcconio bitterly opposed to each other


Crew Reaches Shore In a Yawl After

a Terrifying Experience

Alpena Mich Nov 20mdashThe schoonshyer William A Young owned by Robert C Prlngle of Wickliffe Ohio was sunk during a storm on Lake Huron

The crew reached shore in a yawl after a terrifying experience

Tower of Hercules Travelers may still see on the coast

of the English channel at Dover the ruins of a Itoman lighthouse that was built at the time of the Roman conshyquest of Britain Another ancient lighthouse built less than a century after the tower at Dover Is still servshying Its original purpose It was partly rebuilt and some alterations were made in it but iu the inn in it is the same old structure that guided the Komnn galleys ns they skirted the toasts of the bay of Biscay making their way to the Roman port of Brl-gantium Th i s Is the modern harbor of LJI Ooruna and the lighthouse Is the most ancient thing about it The Romans called it the tower of Iler-cnles and the modems have pcnotu-ated the name The exact date of its erection Is not known but inscripshytions and other evidence show that it was bultt In the time of Trajan be tween 08 and 117 A DmdashExchange

^ Pores of Habit Its curious how habits fasten them-

selves on people You know Wapps-ley

Yes Hes nn entbnslastic fisherman and

always has a story to tell about some gigantic monster of the deep that he almost caught

Ive heard him tell a lot of lies of that kind

Well it seems that burglars broke into bis house the other night and ho got up and captured one of themmdasha little fellowmdashbut you ought to hear him tell about the size of the one that got awaymdashChicago Record-Herald


iOorreoted evary WediAidBir bullfternaon

VVHBATReltlNoaigterbuibel SA^ DO WHEATlVhiteNoiperbuihlaquol ggf w aVEperbushel Vsli SO OATS per bushel 4oa 4s 0OBNBheIlitdperhuD(lrediraquo IatAi 30 OLOVBR aKBU^perbusnel 8 fliK^rlo 00 TIHUTHYHEBDperbushel 660reg7 so gt OBObKBiBB AND iPBoviaioKH (

BCOKWHBATPUIURper hundred KGGHijwrdozen BCTTERiper pound iliARUper poundV bullbullbullbullgtbullbullbull-lt APPIltHdrledpHr pound PBACRBHdrlAn plaquor pound bulliiH0i-i MyBTookAKDMBAT 0 ATTLK per bundlred BBBFi dressed per hundred i VKAI OALVBH per hunarwlv BOHH per hundred ^gtlt PORK dressed tier l)undred

6 laquo bull-ft-ao aoamp 2(1 vftio)^

HAMajperpound HHOUiiDRKH plaquoiM)und gt BPSINQ OHIOKBNHdreised pifr III OHI0KBMttUva per pnutid bull TURKBVBlive per pounds bull bullbullbullgt-bullbull-deg TD^KBTBdrassedt pltr(pnund V ^MfSJS^SBuiugtiKOlaquoMATlaquoraquoiAi^ POBTLANt) OBMBNT perburiri

4001 5 M 6 (I0i8 00 r sect700 bull 6575 bull fcSiHI bull bull bull bull -18

12 bull bull


Overcoats and Suits K RE in greater demand this season (in

the month of November) than ever before and we were never better preshypared to furn ish them than now

Wi th a complete line of al l the new things in Overcoats with Presto Convertable and the plain collars in all the latestshades and colshyorings

The C L O T H C R A F T kind wi l l surely please you The f i t of the shoulder and the graceful hang of the garment puts it in a class by itself

We are having a great business on the celebrated STALEY Brand of Underwear T ry it once and you wi l l be customer for this kind as long as you can get it

Look over our l ine of FUR CAPS We have a beautiful stock and can suit you

IN FUR COATS I t wi l l pay anyone contemplat ing the pur-chaseof a Fur Coat to look over our line We have over 1 00 coats to select f rom Reshymember we sell more Fur Coats than all other dealers in Ingham County We can save you a substantial sum on a coat beshyside showing you a f ine line to select f rom

SlepAeuium i ^ M Uiutemueim

fforn ten^tt ^ ^ ^ H l

Mortf btraquonrfft W^^M 1 Mort woo r^Hfl 1 More wear S ^ B D I

j ^ H The himi

Yv^k y^ ^ [ t| g Mtw^ys

reH ^^orn

eurovery Garment Bears TAis J^abel T T Slepvdutimi UNDEiWpoundAR MlUi


Our Stock of Robes Robe Linings and Horse Blankets that Is the largest in the city and all bought direct f rom the mills

make them The prices as wi l l as the patterns are attractive

Come Early and Get Best Bargains

Webb amp Whitman Mason Michigan

Largest Dealers In the County

bull bull bull bull bull gtbull - bull bull I bullbullbull f bullbull

At Last HERE IS COMFORT FOR ocxaS^) SPECTACLE WEARERS ^ i We wi l l riiarautee a = =



They can be applied to your Icnaei while you wait


New and Popular Eye Glass Mountings


See the Optontietrist

O S BUSH OlTlce open Mondays Wednesdays

and Saturdays i 4vv4


Michigan Central

Novertiber 26i 1011 (Returning sameday)

LansingV v-v bullbullbullbullbull iampz O w b s s a V bull i - i s c Saginaw $i40 BayXlty i i KvvV- i $140

Tickets aCciepteii in co^ Baggage win not be checked on thesetlckets^i bullvVy gtf bull-bullbullbull


Mens Black Overcoats fine quality well made good values at S2000 $ 1 4 0 0

Mens Suits ready-made at $ 6 0 0 to $ 1 4 0 0 Tailor-made to order $ 1 4 0 0 to $ 4 0 0 0

Come in and see samples Mens Woolen Underwear in red tan and -rray

at $ 100 $ 150 $200 Mens Fleeced Underwear and Union Suits 4 5 c 9 5 c Mens Wool Coat Sweaters $ I 0 0 to $ 2 5 0 Mens Jersey Knit Oversliirts 4 5 c 7 5 c Mens Heavy Wool S h i r t 9 5 c One of the best Overalls onimarket 5 0 c 6 0 c 7 5 c 8 5 c Mens Suspenders the New Way Stretch with spring 4 5 c Mens Heavy Wool Sox 2 5 c 3 5 c 5 0 c Mens Solid Hogskin Mitten fleece lined with welted

s e a m s 4 5 c 5 0 c Mens Heavy Calfskin Pleece-lined Mit ten 25c 4 5 c 9 5 c Boys Fleece-lined M i t t e n 2 5 c Boys Wool Mittert 2 5 c Ladies Black Coat plush lined fur collar $1 3 7 5 Childrens and MissesCoats at very reasonable prices Lots of BabiesEmbroidered Coats $ 1 2 5 $ 2 2 5 Childs Bearskin and Velvet Coats $ 2 2 5 $ 3 0 0 $ 4 9 8 Childs Bearskin and Velyet Bonnets 25C 4 5 c 9 8 c All our Candy fresliVati bull bullbull I Oc

I ^iKh- -W

liaid QnX)ur-BaU-BainlV^ This ^ylnter wbatHer is sending in almost

everybody who ueeda

will eoms tiolc to you If n i l ip^^ iLtrade i UilaquolaquoVbullbullbull I M^ to-

lgtMi|ltll-Ordw Houit gt AcithM Uiraufli

M M laquoraquobullraquo ttwlUlMv ilM meiS bull

l or Sale by F ^ W W E B B Mason m

bull bull bull raquoP- ^bullm^-r^^i^^m-m


A New Line of Linens at Special Prices for Annual Sale We are unusually proud of our Linen Display this year and we have bought these linens in quantities that would insure the lowest prices You get the benefit of these pricesmdashwe are not undersold special for Thanksgivinemdash56-iii Silver Blea

Linen yard 49c Special for Thaiiksffivinsmdash70-in $125 Blea

Linen yard J8c Special for TluinksfjiviiiKmdash72-in Bleached

Damask SI50 value for _ SL19 Napkins to match nearly all patterns in linens

Rxtra Special $175 Bleached Damask 72-in wide $150

Table Sets in the round and square cloths Special for Thankspivinfr

Linen Huck Embroidered TowelinK 29c 59c 44-in Hardangfer LinenmdashSpecial for Thanks-


SWEATERS-Half Price All our large stock of Ladies and Childrens Sweaters going in some cases at less than 50 per cent of the original price We are overstocked on this line and while we have sold as cheap asany we are anxious to reduce this stock while the Tde-mand is on We are therefore sacrificing our profit in order to reduce stock and give our customers unusual bargains

All $100 to $150 Sweaters r9c Knit Caps all fifointr at one price 79c Shawls Bonnets Scarfs etc as low as lowest

All $400 to SO00 Sweaters Soini at All S300 to $350 Sweaters tjoins at

20 to S250 Sweaters froiiif-- at $19S 9Sc



Anything in Your Eye Miny people who come to us

for eye examination imagine

that there is some foreign

substance in their eyes Wc

can sometimes hardly conshy

vince them that these gritty

sandy scratching irritating

conditions arc symiitonis and

olTccts due to refrnctory ershy

rors which may be corrected

uy the use of proper Glasses

Let Us Take the Grit Out

C S BALLARD M D Eye Ear Nose and Throat

Ovar Atellinas Jewelry Store MASON

Supt Riffgs received the foliow-ing from the director of uthietica lit KaliimMoo

Kalamazoo Nov17 mil V D Ritgs Mason Mich

Dear Sir Our football season will have to close Nov IS We played onr riviils il-itUo Creek

I Nov bull and since that time there has boon little interest shown Wo have had an unluclcy your as we have lost all our big giunics J am Sorry that wc can not jilay the game with you under favorable conditions Very tiaily yours

j Laurence Taylor It looks as though the local foolgt

ball season will have to close for the yeiir ns ii seems impossililo to schedule any games with nearby towns Keyioated offers have been made to Chelsea Charlotte Eaton Rapids Grand Lodge and ]larshal but (hey have all jiolitely roluscf to set or accept a data Ganns were sehodulod with Eiton Rapshyids Charlotte and GrantI Ledge

UnleS soma arrangements can be made iji the noKt few days Mason will close the season

School Notes

Probate News

Tiaoringfi for Nov 24 Estate of Louisa A Mann-

bate of AVill Estate of Wilhelmina Smith

pointment of administrator bonis non

Estate of Nicholas Robsonmdashfinal account

Estate of Cornelia W Kilbourno mdashcitation



bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull PERSONAL MENTION bull

E D Pier ot Leslie was in Mason Monday

E C Bishop of Leslie was in the city Tuesday

Hiram Chase ot Clio Mich is visiting his cousin C V Browne

Mrs P P Millbury is visitiing her mother at Richfield Center Ohio

Alex Lang ot Ionia was with Miison relatives Saturday and Sunshyday

Mr and Mrs A L Vandercook visited their children in Lansing Sunday

W N Post and wife left Friday evening to Epend the winter at Biloxi Miss

Miss EUena McMath has been the guest ot Mr and Mrs M A Ranshydall the past week

A C Green ot Holly was a guest of his sister MrsG W Tamlyn from Sunday until Tuesday

Geo Green of Fenton and Lydia Treaubrodt ot Owosso visited at G V Tamlyns over Sundiiy

Mrs W A Shank went to Grand Rapids Tuesday to help her mothshyer celebrate her 80th birthday

Mr and Mrs H D Crippin-and little son Roy were Brighton visitshyors Wednesday and Thursday of last week gt

Mrsl Rona Atwoodot Cross Vilshylage spent Wednesday and Thurs-day of last week with Mr and Mrs P CvMcEuenbull bull bull V

Mrs Leona Salspaugh returned from Lansing Saturday where she had been for a week packing her mothers household goods for re-moval- here bullbullbullbullbullgtbull-bullgt bull-bull

Miss Elsie Beh)amin and Mj|8s Derby teacheravin the Lansing SchdolB were guests of Miss Nina Bristol at her home here last Wedshynesday [eYeiAhg-lgt^yjX---l^M^

Mr and JAr liCvi Slagl^t bf^^^ relius returned by gt way of Mason last VMonday frem attending the 89thblrthdayariniversary of their uncle Jared Shafer^ at Ithaca^

Wilbur^^UBlvbf iJacksori accom-piihietlbygt Miss Jennie B Paltnen-tonvOliBattle0refekvisited over Suridiay at oSteJlieh Hiinnaraquo8 inj V e- vayandampwithMriBu8h8daughr

-tiBr8 1nDah8ylUefx ^ iJ^inonil thbiieiattendihg


iArtliiuiSMri ^widMr8iiHrJi Btfhdr Dr and Mrs C S Ballard_Ro88

bullbullTh6rbttpniaJli aBi5sM6maniiWvflt) bullDltraderaquoivw-ilVM3iiVBriA1J-rTraquoii-l-0laquoiv

Several ot the teacheis and young people of our school attendshyed the Michigan-Pennsylvania foot ball game at Ann Arbor last Satshyurday

The High School Union herd its regular meeting last Friday aftershynoon The following program was sectiven

olo Miss Paine A Story Irene Henderson Original Song^ Gladys Lasenby and

Emily Sayre Original Poem Henry Adams

It was greatly enjoyed by all During the past week the seatshy

ing chart in the high school was changed

The senior physics class have taken up the study of machines

Miss Paine was in Lansing Saturshyday

Miss Dorr one ot our former teachers is visiting her many Mashyson friends

Herbert Bullen has left school Another mission rocking chair

arrived last Monday much to the pleasure ot the librariains

Agricultural BOOKS

The high school agricultural deshypartment has added the following new books to the library Farmers and other interested persons may obtain the use of the books byapshyplication at the high school li-Drary

Prmciples ot Fruit Growing-Bailey

FertilizersmdashVoorhees Feeding of AnimalsmdashJordon Principles of AgriculturemdashBailey Milk and its ProductsmdashWing How to Keep Poultry for Profit

-^Valentine gt Diseases T)f AnimalsmdashMayo Soil ManagementmdashLyons Farm MotorsmdashDavidson Farm Managementr-Card Pat of the Land Several books containing plans

tor farm buildings will be added nextweek gtbull bull bullbull- 7 bullbullbullbullbull iFarmbrs are urged to read these

books as they may be a meains of helping to gain a few mora idol-laP8bnnej(ityear^Bcrops yyv -|

Prohlbi t ibh County Conifer- bullbullbull en(seandRallir bull -

ihe prohibitionists ^^ in ithe fieldsfor the campaignr oif 1912 A conference of all friienda of the prohibition causeinithis Gdunr ty has been called to meet atlt230 p m Nov ST in the Grand Army HaUgtait LanBingv i-- iUic iii--riv bullr iThe^cboference will belvpireBided byerfby iWmABrubakeriof De-

^troitivthe-hewBtateiiehaimiiti bt gt the prbhibitiohi6mmltteebf Micih bull iganiJviHtIs tbe i)UPpoBe6lthis ineeftihgf to vthbrbi^ghly n rebrgiihi^ izeVand^Btrehgthen ijcbe pfbhibttion countycbmmTtteeandtomakegta heceB8avy^preparatibh8rforVcbm pdiatKewlth^thenewgtprih)[arjr^lawi Ih-the eyehlhga meeitingwiU held to be addressed by ttr Bru-baker who bull said to beone ot the

Eaton Rapids suffered a severe loss by fire last week in the buin-ing of the Anderson House the only hotel in the city and one of the best known in the state Fire fighting apparatus wore sent from Charlotte and Lansing to assist in extinguishing the flames anl they were heeded The loss is complete and very heavy


bull CHURCH AND SOCIETY bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The Rebekah Coterie will meet next Tuesday with Mrs Byrl No5-on Those desiring to attend will meet at Taylors implement store at 9 a m

The Aurelius Baptist L A S will have a handkerchief sale at the parsonage Fridtiy Dec 1 Supper from 6 to 8 at which the toUow-ling menu will be served Potashytoes moat beans white and brown bread and butter cake cabbage salad pickles friedeakes anul cofshyfee Musical program follows

The next regular meeting ot the Baptist Ladies Aid will oe held on Friday afternoon ot this week in the church parlors The work tor the afternoon will bo the tyshying and finishing ot the comfortshyers to be sold at the coming sale which will be held on the first and second days ot December An esshypecially large attendance is da-sired Come early and eome preshypared to work

Tho county Sunday school conshyference which was announceil to be held in Lansing at the Y M C A next Friday afternoon has been postponed

The young peoples societies oi the different churches will hold a union meeting at the M E church Sunday at the usual time from 6 to 1 Alfred Alien of the Baptist church will lead

The New England supper which was to have been held at the Meshymorial Hall Alaiedon was postshyponed on account ot the condition of the weather until Friday evenshying Dec 1

Rev A G Newberry will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening

Movement of the Air The movement of air Is variously

designated according to Us velocity as a zephyr breeze wind gale or hurrishycane With fogs the designations are mlstB slight moderate or thick A dense or thick fog according to the weather bureau obscures objects bull at a distance itt 1000 feet

bull bull bull bull V - - ~ ~ mdash ^ ~ - - V bullbull bull 1 My childVwas biirneti terribly about the face neck and chest I applied Dr Thomas Ecleetric Oil The pain ceased and the bhild sank into a restful slumber Mrs Nanshycy MHanBOn Hamburg N Y I


THANKSGIVINB MENU Provide your own Turkey but allow us to do the dressing

The well-dressed man on this the Nations Thanksgiving Day always possesses a fcclin of satisfaction that the careless dress-er docs not have ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ D R E S S I N G

with the proper kind of clothes will not be an extensive task if the clothes arc bought here A new Suit or Overcoat can be had for $10 $12 S14 $16 or $0

PASS IT AROUND P-iss it around and let it be known that few stores can excel us in our display of Clothing Hats or Furnishings

WILL YOU HAVE SOME of the splendid bargains we arc offering No better time to make clothinginvestments than now Whole season before you

SPLENDID SIDE DISHES and very appropriate for this wather are our lines of warm Underwear Hosiery and Gloves You cant do better than to come hero _ ^ _ i^^claquogtbull-bullbull

FOR D E S S E R T and to trim up your outfit we have elegant Neckwearmdashfull of life and snapmdashjust right for Thanksgiving Wc extend you a Thanksgiving invitation to come in


iiiin) B a rac m Another Fatal Accident on

the M U R


bullbullroiiiliKiiit ^lurcliuiit ul ICMIIU illtntK l l lNtlll lt Mltlltll

Word reached this city at midshynight Monday tliat a min had been struck by the south bound car on the M U R at Mclntyrcs crossing just south ot Eden

A special car was sent out from Lansing taking on Sheriff Banus lustice Adams and UnderUikor MnDonaki at Mason

When the scene of the accident was reached it was discovered ihat the victim was Paul L Darling a prominent and popular hardware merchant of Leslie

Tho Motorman R S Clioate states that when he first saw Mr Darling he was running across tiie track from the east and not over ten feet from the car IIewas carshyrying an overcoat on his arm Afshyter the car struck him he was dragged several rods before it ran over him and was brought to a standstill

To all appearances Mr Darling was hurrymg to cross the track in order to signal the car on which he was to return to Leslie The body was badly mutilated

Friends from Leslie were sumshymoned and soon arrived to take charge ot the body

Justice Adams empanneled a jury comiposed ot J W Chapin J H VanBuren Geo B Owen Lee Smally W H Chapin and Oscar Haire all residents ot the vicinity of the accident and the inquest will be held in Mason Saturday

H R VanAuken ot Williamston was the only passenger on the car when the accident occurred

Mr Darling was well and very favorably known about the county having been the democratic candishydate for register of deeds three years ago

Funeral services were held at Leslie yesterday afternoon

Death Comes Suddenly

David Almond pioneer resident of Alaiedon and civil war veteran died suddenly of heart trouble at his home in Wheatfield last Tuesshyday

He had been in poor health tor a few months but dsath came withshyout warning while he sat reading a paper which but a tew moshyments before he had taken from the mail box about 20 rods from the house

Funeral services were held from the home Friday morningconshyducted by Rev Fr Sharp ot Wil-iiamston with burial at Maple Grove cemetery in Mason

David Almond was born in Richshyfield N J April 27 1810 Here he lived until about 21 years of age when he enlisted and served three years in the civil war

He came to Michigan in 1865 first settling near Ann Arbor Feb 22j 1867 he was united in marriage With Miss Maggie McNama^a who survives him Ihey came to Vevay township about the year 1872 jgt- tling on the farm iii Alaiedon in 1876 where they resided until aihout four yeai-sago when the farm waB Bold and they moved to AViUianiston village living there tw6yeap8^^-bull^ bullbullbullbullbull bull

Inr the spring of 1910 he pur- chased aiid naoyed to the farm 4 1-2 miles southwest of Williamstoh - Besides the laquowldbwhe is surshy

vived by all ot his fourchildren Robert H who lived at home Mrs Anna Steadman lt of Detroit Walter W of Dansville and Mrs Kate 01inofLansing- bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull v Deceased waB a mian highly reshyspected-by his entire acquaintance aiprominarit democrat In politics holdin( BeveralofticliB ot truBl in the township oi Alaiedon ilhtil bullthegtlastyear he had enjoyed gen eralg6odhealth =bull c--y)f

i^yeommencinK bctvvirt

Prepare for Colli Weather KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY




Felt Shoes Arctics Socks and Rubbers Overgaiters and Leggings



GEO M WEBB Visit our Shoe Shinintr Parlors

Beginning Dec 1st our store will be open evenings until after Christmas



Our 10c Candies Are the Talk of the Townmdash16 ounces to the pound

5c to 25c Handkerchiefs A New Line Just Received

Quirks Dept Store

My Thanksgiving Proclamation I have much to bethankful for in this year 1911 I thank the public whose favor has Enabled me to dothe

biggest jewelry business betyveen two Thanksgiving Days since iny first opening in Maifon and I accept this faybi as ail obligation on me to still further improve my stock arid my serviceinevery way possible

Especially do I thank the many who after finding my goods my prices and my ways satisfactory have sp6ken~ tiidr Wordsof approval to friends and so have increased the | inumberofvmy customers bullbull[[bull ibullbullbull bull-bull

bull I thank my faithful helpers in the stprie for their loyaltyi Zealandefficiency bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull[bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbull I thank you for accepting my iriteritions ^ for tyccasionalmistekes for overlook your Conflderice in my earnest desire toi please ywi ^^ - I

bullFiriajly Ithank my ^m^ faults foi-npviri^ may mend the worst bJ them arid t ^

p)re efficiently serye



iidlAsc(tJnie^Si5jc^ IX^z



bull bull K

m-i ampgtyenyenmwm^y-



Grand Trunk to Erect Railway

Station in Bay City

Last of the Property Required Haa Ceon Purchased and Work on

the Big Railway Station Will Start at Once

rny Cl(y Mich Nov 20mdashThe Oniiid Triuils rajliond will hoyin at

oiico wnrl on ils new $1000000 ternv iiiiil Bliilioii and yards on tlie east siiUi JUKI lliG lirldHO that will givo accftsii lo tlioiii from tile WGHI sirio Ilic lasL ))rtii)crty rcriiiirod to apprnach thti rivei Iroiit on the wost side was purshychased within Uio last two wctelis anJ the owners have ten days in WIMLII to remove their hiiildinnH

All llio ojial side properly ro(|nirnd JnelndinK lwo hlorllts Ior slalion niu fvroiinds passenKiir ynrds hrid^e M| jiroachoH etc have long since been linrciia-wd and the removal of hoii-e Iroin this riroporly is now niider way Cradini on tiio wosr Hide approncli isi iirjdor way and temporary traeks for hridne liuiidinK purposes V i l l he laid vllhin 1W0 weolis

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 1 - 0 V

bull bdquo


Arrested Three Years Ago He ES caped and Recently Found

Ponliac Mieh Nov 20mdashLebaron f) Sawtello pleaded guilty to a cliarge of obtainlnK money under false pretenses bullvJion urraifjned before Instiee Stodi-cll and was at onro sentenced to tVu) honse of correction for ninety rtiiys Ttie charge of conspiracy which vmfl also laid ngalnat Sawtelle wnn diDPPed hy the proaecntion ihroufih in-iililllly to scctiro witnesses

Tho offense was committed three yijars aio Sawtello was arrested and Kuve SriOO hail Before he got away lio was arrested on tho second char^c and hail sot at $1000 which Sawtelle nliso gave and then disappeared lo CQjrtly ho was located in Cleveland urtfl brought had here

Two cases aro pending against Goorgo flilhoc and Rdward Stout Raw-ti t le s iKiiuisnien in tho circnit conrt hiR hail havin l)oen forfeilcd slKjrtiy nllor ho disii)pearod


Port Huron Man Opens Gas Pipe bull Without Knowing It

Por t Huron Mich Nov 20mdashWhen Ojfiver norealord retired he liTUXdced over a chair altcr lio had turned oiii lii^ gas The falling chair strucU a lithe loading from tho chandelier to a tpoundhle lamp disconnecting it so that iho gas began to escape Beroslonl liOgan to feel ill after he had been In hod hilt a short while hut thouglit il was iust a passing faintness

Tlo linally came to tho conclusion lliat something else was causing his weakness and succeeded in arousinc lilmsolf enough to stagger from tlio room and downstairs in time to save Mmseir from being suffocated to deatli A physiciiiii was called and after im-inodiato treatment got tho young man out of danger

Huron Farmer Takes Poison Por t lliiron Mich Nov 20mdashHenry

Hovlin 1 Huron township farmer comshymitted suicide by drinlUng potson l ie was Bfty-live years old and leaves i widow and several children Mo had been married three times

Farmers May Be Loseri Monroe Mich Nov 20mdashTudge Goldshy

en appointed William 0 Volimayer ftijfl Georgo E Kinney receivers for tiiis Michigan plants of he Clover Leaf CFjBnmery company of Toledo One g locateltl a t Temperance this counshyty and another Is in Lenawee county


Chicago Cash Qrain Quotations WheatmdashNo 2 red 9S(g)99c No 3

rejl 95n7c No 2 hard winter 100 fiji03 No 3 hard winter 95c(g)$100i No 1 northern springs $108lll N6 2 northern Bprtrig JlOGQJllO No ii8prlng raquo6cig)$lp4 CornmdashNoi 27Cc No 2 white 7Gc No 2 yellow 78c No raquo 7677cNo-3 white WjS^ci N Q 3 yellow -(new) 64G6c Oats

-mdashNo 2 white 49V4(5)50c NoiJ White 4849c8tandard48(S)49c gtbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullChlcaflo LIve^StocliY- bull

ftogsmdashReceipts 50000 Quotations ranged at|6^66S5 choice heavy

|^9p62laquo chplcei light (63604S b W y RackinSi and |485560 good to

^ G Q l c e pigsi^^bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull-

Ciittlamp^ReceiptB 25000 bull Quotatiohs rMWed i t |860 91B jirt bull Btera

^3^^450 goodtbeurotMgtlceted be r

et^ $626576 S(BlectedgtteMl(tniigt|3 5 i|()ci-f8(r vtp fJigppiJi- Biiockair Hif80oa tovbullclio c6bull VMl-iaIve

ifiisipjpptl eii B 60000-ij ^ ranged at$bSi6M5choicev ^ laquoatlveaambib JMpound26i 6Erlaquob(

(i[ iWrlln|Bi$37B(g)i ^^


GRAND RAPIDSmdashOn account o the pro-rata apportionment c the primary scliool money this fail and which abolishes the May apporshytionment the Grand Rapids publl schools face tho situation of closiii the preesnt semester several wecls earlier When their budget wus made up this Iall it was on a basis ol Ifl per capital primary money II proved to be 50 cents Tho May I lowanco expected to be $C will ni be forthcoming This means a if]bull 560 shortage the teachers refusing tv teach witiiout pay

DETROITmdashOne of the most costlj and spectacular tires occurring in Do troit this year started on tlie lourtli floor of lisher Oarton amp Wilis Whole sale Miiliiiory companys fivc-slorv building on lefforson avenue sprcii into the business l)ulldings on bet sides and cnusod a loss to p r o p e l and contents roughly estimated a 2()0000 The llrenien fought I hi blaze in a heavy snowstorm and al tlireo lionrs worii succeeded in getiii it under control


i^m ted wethera |310reg326 good to


lt|ini4i9t6nvKteniliaiitBE^ qijote vtks tollowa bull Cattle^ReceiptB iiH care market i5clowlaquo(rHogBmdash RacelptB 170- carij market bull lover heaYy$laquoi40lraquo6B0XYodkerB 1626(3)

iiPlWr|Bi7BJg) BheepKi2ROT laquo^a toptambBt626^636 yearllhpsi

ANN ARBORmdashGeorge Ross aped ten years llirough his fatlior as his next friend has started suit for SIO-000 damages against Fuaiilj I Corn-well a prominent coal and automobic dealer for injuries alleged to have boon received in an automobile accishydent about three wcebs ago The declaration alleges that as younq Uoss was riding on his bicycle the Cornwell auto in which were the driver L A Frost and Mr Cornwell ran blm down and broke both ankles

ESCANABAmdashUpon the application of Coupnty Prosecuting Attorney Storm the preliminary hearing of Dan McCarthy Arthur and Tohn Llndqiiist charged with the murder of Alvin Po-garty was postponed until Nov 21 McCarthy demanded a separate examshyination from the other defendants Me Cnrthya father is a well known railshyway engineer of ttiis city To his mother who visited him in jail McCarshythy stoutly protested his Innocence

EATON RAPIDSmdashDuring tho past four days three separatt farms have been sold here at figures above Iii0000 The Dr 1 B Bradley fapin two miles southwest of town went at $11000 tho lohn T Hall farm a short distance from the Bradley place was taken at i)lln00 and the Vauglian Brotliers farm tliree miles east ol hero was sold Ior $12200 Each sale will bring a new family lo this comshymunity

MUSKEGONmdashIt Frank Garasick of this city does not die from his alteini)t to build a fire with gasoshyline ho may thank the heroism of his bullvife Mrs Garasick tore the burninj clothes from her husbands back seshyverely btirning her hands in doing so Garasick lies at Mercy hospital - with the skin of one-third of his body burnshyed to a crisp Physicians say there Is a small chance for his recovery

CADILLACmdashMiss Mlna V Gale a young sehool teacher of Trenton and Homer 0 Tealle of Ithaca were married in Manton While leaching school some weeks ago at Trenton Miss Gale left her work to nurse Mr Teall in a siege of typhoid fever and their engagement followed Teall is a graduate of Cornell unversity and now runs an experimental farm near Trenton

JACKSONmdashThe iirominent busishyness men of Tackson adopted a resolushytion a copy of which will be forwarded to Governor Osborn asking him not to use undue haste In calling a special session of the legislature to pass upon the proposal of the commission on Inshyquiry Into taxation which favors the Imposition of a tax on the business done by the corporations o( the state

MUSKEGONmdashLouis Erlckson sevshyenteen years old a Bon of Mr and Mrs Lars BrlcUson of Norton townshyship accidentally shot and killed himshyself while hunting Erlckson wna takshying the guns out of the buckboard wagon and a chance discharge of one of the weapons sent a charge of shot through the left portion of his neck

l yendeg l l l -OR-

20th Century Needle Book Containing Pins Needles Hair Pins Hooks and Eyesmdasha Household Necessity

Choice o the Above Premiums to Everyone Answering

This Advertisement There are 10 Turkey Heads in this picshy

turemdashcan you find 8 of them To every one sending or bringing an answer we will give choice of the above premiums also an exceptional offer to purchase a new Piano during our Holiday Sale Send answers in today as all answers must be in our hands within a week

V ame

A ddress

Story amp Clark Piano Co 119 West Shiawassee St Lansing Mich

SOUTH HAVENmdashThe city of South Haven voted In ifavpr of the 38000 bond issue fora new high school buildshying-by 203 majority a- landfllide and the-largest vote ever recorded on a school proposition here bull Bells were rung whistlea bullblo|ffn anii studeiitB mode merryat a big paBBmeetlngin libnorof-theeventi^v-V-K V

iiONlAmdashMrii^vji^ Jones - bullwhio was charged vlth ^attet^^^^

i Bon bull iter i hiiirtKlnd - wltli ttl pleclB i of pti7chineltillledr ptei has^Mn ilaquo^

inonthBlncarcOTatloniHerlwll ln-laquoraquoe w p ( c K a r m s cbuld one a r i - ^ - t b

Proof of Beef Cattle Shortage

All doubts about the beet cattle shortage have been dispelled by the census report that tho deshycrease in luimbers in the last ten years has been 68 per cent This announcement is very significant This is tho greatest decrease reshycorded in any class of livo stock Horses mules and dairy cat Ic inshycreased to a much grca e r exshytent than any class of meat-proshyducing animals In fact ho censhysus figures indicate a d o r o i s e of about two per cent in sheep alshythough an increase of possiiDly 10 per cent may have been miile in hogs We cannot escape tho conshyclusion that the pro-luction o meat-porducing animals pari u-larly beet cattle has not kept ) ace with other branches of tli 11 (bull stock industry When it is considshyered that the population o the IJnited Slates has increased 1 raquo er cen t while the decrease in beef production has taken place ic is evident that a wide gap miay deshyvelop in the supply

Not only have beef cattle deshycreased in numbers but the avershyage age of marketing has been lowered So true is this that while market prices have appreciated the farm value credited per hear has actually declined The doan-up of large i-angs herds resulting i the marketing ot thousands of imshymature steers and females of all ages has been a factor in the deshycrease which cannot easily bo reshyplaced The expanded mirket in^ of veal is another The Pacific coast demand for meat is t r w-ing cattle that formerly would have come eastward ^o marker These factors luive been citeJ is indicating that we are living on our capital not on the increase of it in the beef industry

Witli the decrease in American beef production appearing as a grim reality some consumers are urging the free admittance of beef a t the seaboard in the hope that South America may fill the gap in our markets Even if this shoiild come about it will not destroy our market for first-ciass beef Whatshyever prime beef Americans cat for a long time to come must be proshyduced- oh the corn belt farms of this country

Forced to the conclusion that the corn belt must raise only high-clasraquos beef if any many farmers have established grade herds o beef cows in the last five years using pure-bred beef bulls to se-ctire the desired market- topping quality They havei reaped a well-deserved success that should enshycourage others to engage in this beef-breedingi industry rhere will be a place for the beef when it is ready mdashEditoriali Breeders Ga-

- a e t t e - - ^bullbull bullbullbull[[bullbullbullbull-bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull -

^ B A LPr HE A Li ED AV Q M A N Sliornof Her drown oirBlaquolaquoiitr itouB

gt = --Intioyeaad-illarrlBKe- - -Hair iscertainly mostneceBaary to womanWhovcduldldvff^a^^

In 1912 You WOl Elect a President THIS election is of supremo importance toyou Tho whole country is

divided On ono sido tho progressive Insurgents on tho otlior the Conservative Standpatters Both parties will promise many things

You will have to judge their claims and their fitness to carry them out In these stirring times


REVIEW OF REVIEWS is a necessity to tho busy man or woman who values being up to date In a hundred ways its editorials its character sketches and its timely articles will help you make your choice It gives you tho best clearest and most accurate non-partisan and unprejudiced news that money can buy It is the great monthly newspaper on which intelligent people everywhere rely for their news and you get this news almost a t promptly as it is given in the great daily newspaper of the country

Senktor LaFoIlcto i sys i flit mil muUi amiraii ami Imfarllal nvliw tftlii aO I lone have utttiztil the magazine In lit turrtnt Iwiei ai a valuable rntiini of informathn bull

Never will the Review o( Reviews be more necessary than next year

6umrof|tM0yraief finally bulluppllraquodfvS|ie has gone to Belding to itay with h r


offset Buch a disfiguremeh t v-A wbhiainB i jmaVftiuBually r 1 iEind marriageTHer crowning glory is herhairi Thebull JOBS of her Kair

| i B X T T U CREEK~Semi-lt^ laquo -~laquoraquoiAr ii i holaquon nhtAinftH Of a^B^cce88 Yet r i g h t h e r e in M a s o n

^ gt S ^ ^ r S deg I ^ ^ V ^ S ^ S awneglactirig^^o of Philadelphia 1B to take oyer the op- ^air to such an extent that It is eratlon of the Michigan United rail- (niy bdquo matter of time when it yay flyBteni i Includltijt Wllf^be utterly ruinedr

harmful to the scalp and hair As a result of su-ih iroilmont

dandruff is created Iho hair loosshyens loses color falls out in- L Itl-ness commen -s gt 1 s=i nvop^i -nd prompt precautions are taken i time Then again microbes and certain uiseas-ji ^rin JOI healthy scalp and hair on i io s

Almost any woman may rid hershyself of dandruff an^ iseis-3d scii]i and hair if she will but us-o h r ight remedy We have Ih i t remshyedy and we will positively guarshyantee that it will either cure danti-ruff and baldness or it will not cost the user anything

That s a pret ty broad statement but we will back it and prove ii with our own money We will reshyturn your money if you do riot find tha t Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will proihote hair growth and ovshyercome scalp and hair t roubles tha t it will grow hair even on bald heads unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished the follicles closed and the scalp is glazed and shiny It ges its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 bu t of 100 cases where it reteiv-ed a thoroughly hard imparUal arid practical test We want you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonicat our risk You surely cannot lose anything by doing so while you have everythia o tvl You had better thinic thi^ o c-v u then come in ani see ua aboa iiia offer You will be well ro ui 1 for your visit to our store

Remember you can obain R^x all Remedies in Mason only a t our storemdashThe Rexall Stbra Longyl ^roB^ drug Btore

bullbullbull His BuBlneit Vhnt u ivant to do it to have

t ^ t mudb in the road flied n i d tiM~ visitor That goea to Bhow reshyplied jparmei (orntoBBel bow little Ton reformei undefBtand local con-dltioiui Ive purty- n^gh paid off a BMrtgage with the money I v made iiitulih atitombblles out 0 that mud-

holemdashChristiana-Register bull

Your Agent in Confidence

Much business of a confidential nature is best transacted by a Trust Company If you will call at tHe offices of the Union 1rust Company you will find experienced men who will confer and advise with you and see that your interests are safeguarded to the utmost

Union Trust Company Detroit Michigan

Seiil Free by Mall to



TIieigtro6l That naaouHeaderaCan- bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull notDenybullJv-^- i^Whatcould furriishcstronger evi-idehee of the efficiency of any rem-edy than t h e t e s t of time Thous-ahds- of people testify that Doaris iKidrieyi Pills cure pfermariently vJHomelehdoEBenient should prova uhdoubtedlythe merit of this rem-iWysYears^flgo yourfr iends M rnelRhbora^iteBtified tortho1jj^elief

im^gt^m ieuro

they had derived from the use of Doans Kidney Pills Thiey now lonfirm their testimonials They ay time has completed the t e s t

Mrs T Riley 333 N Waishlngton Ave Lansing Mich says poundugtme years ago I began to suffer from kidney trouble and the physicians who t reated me failed to give hie reliefr The most annoying sympr torn of my case was al piercing pain in my back and there were other difficulties which showed that my kidneys w e r e o u t of orr der When Doans Kidney-piils were brbugbt to my notice I p roshycured -a supply and the coriterits of three boxes brought nie entire relief I have often recommended this remedy to my friends anfl never hesitate- to speak iri- its praise as I know that it lives up to the claims madeofii t V v

MrsvRiley gave the above testir moriial ill October 1906 andon Ap-i-li lO 1909Xsheaddedi Youa re welcome to contiriubthe ipublica-tiori of my previous endorsement iof Doans KidneybullPillSjIihaVe had no neediof a kidney j^emedy^since 1906 iand I thereforelook uporimy eure-a8-a-vpermaherit7ohd^igt-

Pbira sate byvall = dealers Price 50

New York sole agents for the United States Bemiember the nariiemdashDoaris-^ bull

and take no other

bullbullat of the PUIM The average pulsa of a liealtby maa

beats seventy-two times a minute


mm KiMM o r BiMi TigtonMMTlirii bull4 Bhenoiajtl

BiaewH M Bkcnoiaj tUai VIMN aercim BklB DIMMM NArTONI Hniidairlaquo VoMiMM (Ion l l r i i ree l f i t i Rnptara PilM or far Kln3ilaquolaquor or uiooflita

US treUmaDt ltbull MwAri ths ohettwit- Blittltl -^ advice mraquoy be raquoll yoa nted-tt ti 4 Jreeforthe-raquortlni-i-viv^ vbull OUR MOTTOl amp iS ^ Uont let monajrniMterirnoldyoutBukmdash nponeli toatoortoceMrTetfaelujiMnefif of bur beat laquoirort|0ll orwrlteJnatr|laquol vaDfldDnoe Vonanhktioo Ire Bpecf bullJhirlor foraquoPrlraquoraquooyif-i ---| ctjvfi



Kfsps^ reg~iai

bull- 1 bull bull - 1


A Romance of The South Seas

JACK LONDON Copyright 1910 by Street amp Smith

Copyright 1911 by the Macmilllaquoji CompMiy


By eleveu n inessenger arrived troin Biilosuiia vlllnge dlspatclielti by Soclee Tlio Jessie liiul gone ashore halfway between tlio vlllnge and Neal Islaod It was not till nightfall that two of the crew nriived reporting the drownshying of Cnptnln Oloson and of the om roinainj-ng boy As for the Jessie from what ihoy told him Sheldltraquon could not but conclude that she was a total loss Further to hearten him lie was taken by a shivering fit In half an hour lie was burning up And ho knew that at least another day must pass before ho could undertalvL even the smallest dose of quinine lie crawled under a heap of blankets and a little Inior found himself laughing aloud CIo had surely reached the limit of disaster Barring earthnuake itr tidal wave the worst had already beshyfallen him The lilibberty-Gibbet was bullcertainly safe In Mboll pass Since nothing worse could happen things simply bad to mend So It was shiv-bullering under his blankets that w laughed until the house boys with heads together marveled at the devils that were in him


BY the second day of the northshywester SheldoTi was in colshylapse from his fever It had taken an nnfalr advantage of

his weak stale and though It was only ordinary malarial fever in forty-elglii hours it bad rim him ai low as ten days of fever would have done when he was In condition But the dysen tery had boon swept away from Be rando A score of convalescents lin-gorod In the hospital but they were Improving hourly There had been 3Ut one more deathmdashthat of the man whoso brother had walled over him inshystead of brushing the dies away

On the morning of the fourth day of hla fever Sheldon lay on the veranda gazing dimly out over the raging ocean The wind was falling but a mighty sea was still thundering In on Bernndc beach the flying spray reachshying In aa far ns tlie flngstaif mounds the foaming wash creaming against iOio gateposts Ho had taken thirty grains of quinine and the drug was buzzing In his cars like a nest of hor nets making his hands and knees tremble and causing n sickening pal pltatlon of the stomach Once open ing his eyes ho saw what be took to be a hallucination Not far out and coming in across the lesaies anchor age ho saw a whaleboats nose thrust skyward on a smoky crest and disshyappear naturally as an actual whale-boats noso should disappear ns It Islid down the back of the sea He Icnew that no whnleboat should bo out there and he wua quite certain no men In tlie Solomons were mad enough to be abroad In such a storm

But the hallucination persisted A minute later chancing to open his eyes bo saw the whaleboat full length and saw right Into it as Itrose ou the face

ot a wave He saw six sweeps at jWorlt nnd in the stern clearly out lined against the overhanging walj of -wbitei a ntnu who stood erect gigantic swaying with his weight on the steer

ilngsweep This he saw and an eiglith j i man w ho crouched in the bow nnd j gazed shoreward But what startled

I Sheldon was the sight of a woman in j j the sternslieets between the stroke I oar and the steersman A woirian she

1 wris for n lira id of her hair was flying and she was Just iri the nct| of recapshyturing it and stowing It nway beneath

a hat tiint for all the world was iiie j his own Raden-Poweil i I The boat disai)peared behind the j wave tirid rose Itito vle4v on) the face I of the following one Again he looked into it The ihnh were dark skinned

I and largertluinSbldtnon Islanders l)Ut the woiniyi he cou|d plainlysee wita white vyJjo Shu wn9| arid whaii sh^ was doing ttiere werff ttiougbts tbapound

bull drlftedvagueiy throiigbhis consclotis-i nosf(gtHi was toosick to be vitallyiIn-I terested aiife hesideafhevjitid a hdlif i feeling tiintitwas al J fQbod bullIwatmeniVtvYas 8h gtlaquollcj^aiih((i^y^jitho^

oti^tiiiB-|flaquolaquo^fltvi(i--i^ j bullbullbullBweeps jfl^g|iwlf Urttokeep1^^^^^ j thatfrontltofItbjenioythg^^f^^^ iwotbrtbnif ra(e(^iinndiJ^ji^of

mfin8pilbiiiampg|f6ut j vposiBjt6-thraquogat(BSpM bullci^lM|yiilpij^^tcgtith^ i bullat5thffi iBiitJ(yeii(^ltjOT m n l i f t g | | ^ t i e n ^ l a ^ raquo i 1 ^ JikDe^lii|fnraquo^pabio5^U^5^ 1 goiio^iiitoijfij8tb^it^^


She scrutinized tlio house sharply and for some time she gazed at him steadshyily At lust speaking to two of the men who turned and followed her she started up the path

Sheldon attemptcltl to rise got half up out of his chair and fell back belp-iessly He was surprised at the size of the men who loomed like giants beshyhind her rtoth were six footers 11 ml they were heavy In proportion He had never seen Islanders like tlieni They were not black like the Solomon Islanders but light brown nnd their features were larger more regular nnd oven handsome

The womanmdashor girl rather he de-ckledmdashwalketl along the veninda toshyward him The two men wnltid at the head of the steps watclilng curiously The girl was angry Lie could see that Her gray eyes were flashing and her lips were quivering That she had a temper was his thought But the eyes were striking Ho decided that they were not gi-ay after all or at least not all gray They were large and wide apart and they looked at liiin from under level brows llor face was cameolike so clear cut was it There were other strlkiug things about hermdashthe c(^wboy Stetson hat the heavy braids of brown biir and the long barshyreled 38 Colts revolver that hung in Its holster on her hip

Pretty hospitality 1 must sny was her greeting letting strangers sink or swim in your front yard

Imdash1 beg your pardon he stamshymered by a supremo elTort dragging himsolf to his feet

His legs wabbled under him and with a suffocating sensation lie began sinking to the (loor Be was awiire of a feeble gratilJcatiou as he saw solicitude leap into her eyes then blackness smote him and at the moshyment of smiting him his thought was that at last nnd tor the first time In bis life be had fainted

The ringing of the big boll aroused him He opened his eyes and found that he was ou tlie couch indoors A glance at the clock told him that It was (1 and from the direction the suns rays streamed Into tfio room he knew that it was morning At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure bad happened Then on the wall he saw n Stetson bat hanging and beneath it a full cartridge belt and a long barrelled 38 Colts revolver

The slender giith of the belt told its feminine story and he remembered the whaleboat of the day before and the gray eyes that flashed beneath the level brows She It must have been who had jupt rung the bell The cares of the plantation rushed upon him and ho sat up in bed clutching nt the wail for support ns the mosquito screen lurched dizzily around him He was still sitting there holding on with eyes closed striving to master his giddiness when he heard her voice

Youll lie right down again sir she said

It was sharply imperative a voice used to command At the same time one hand pressed him back toward the pillow while the other caught him from behind and eased him down

VYouve been unconscious for twenshyty-four hours now she went oh and I have taken charge When I say the word youll get up and not until then Now what medicine do ybui takemdashquinine Here are ten grains Tliats right toull make a good pashyt ien t

My dear madam he began You mustnt speak she interrupt-

ed that is in protest Otherwise you can talk

But theplantatlon-V bullbullbullbull A dead man is of no use on a^plan

tation Doiit you want to know aboiit me My vanity is hurt Here am I Jtist tlirougb my flrat shipwreck and yhere are you not the least bit ctirlousitalklngrabout your miserable [iiantatioQ Cant youiseethatI am justbursting to teir somebody any- body about toy stilpvreck J He jBnilledgt It)jiJ^ fweeIcK And be siiniled iiotao iauchiati What she saidttailat itbeway she aaid tt-^ho wtilmsicai expresalon 6n her face the lattghterJohereyei add the| bulleyeral ^iDylihe8gtpfh^

bull Injatjty^raOTS^ IHe-flrariburiciMly iWwidepliraquoga8]itoii^ bull8bullhebulllaquoaldbull alo1idbull j gtvbull bullJbull ^

bull VTOatvI gtWlll nbti^not^nowi^ilaquolie^i^^ toited with a tosi o f the head ni (lnd8omebbdy to tellmy 8try to who

^ ti vbaylaquo|il)tibeJ-MiMd^S^ infi)mfllbn|i-iiraquo

fliif laquoyes flashed as on the day beshyfore and he saw again the Imperative expression on her face

Tliat I wont My men are men Ive been tmi to your miserable liar-racks ami watched them eat Faugh Potatoes Nothing but potatoes No eii-t Nothing Only potatoes I may have been mistaken but I thought 1 understood them to sny that that waigt all they ever got to euu Two meais a day and every day in the week

Ho nodded Well my men wouldnt stand for

that u single day much less a whole week Where is the key

Hanging on that clothes hook under the clock

He gave in easily enough but ns she was reaching down the key she heard him say

liancy niggers and tinned provishysions

This time she really was angry The blood was in her cheeks ns she turned on him

My men are uoi niggers The sooner you understand that the better for our acquaintance As for the tinned goods ill pay for all they ent Please dont worry about that Worry Is not good for you in your condition And 1 wont stay any longer than I have tomdashjust long enough to get you on your feet and not go away with the feeling of having deserted a white man

Youre American arent you he asked quietly

iiie (luesiiou disconcerted her for the moment

Ves she vouclisafed with a defishyant look WhyV

Nothing I merely thought so Anything furtheri He shook his bead AVhy he asked Oh nothing 1 thought you might

have something pleasant to say My name is Sheldon David Shelshy

don he said with direct relevance holding out a thin hand

Her hand started out Impuisivoly then chocked

My name Is Lackland Joan Lnclc-bullJand The hand went out And let Tis bo friends

It could not be otherwisemdash he beshygan lamely

And I can feed my men all the tinned goods 1 want she rushed on

Till the cows come home ho anshyswered attempting her owu lightness then adding that is to Cerande Sou see wo dont have any cows at Be-rande

She fixed him coldly with her eyes Is that a jokei she demanded 1 really dont knowmdashimdashJ thought it

was but then you see Im sick Youre English arent youi -was

her nest query Now thats too much even for n

sick man ho cried You know well enough that 1 um

Oh she said absently Then you are

Ho frowned tightened his lips then burst into laughter In which she join-laquod

Its my own fault he confessed I shouldnt have baited you Ill be careful in the future

In the meantime go on laughing and Ill SCO about breakfast Is there anything you would fancy

He shook his bend It will do yon good to eat someshy

thing Your fever has burned out and you are merely weak Walt a moshyment

She hurried out of the room in the direction of the kitchen tripped at the door in a pair of sandals several tlmcH too large for her feet and disappeared in rosy confusion

By Jove those are my sandals he thought to himself The girl hasnt a thing to wear except what she landshyed on the beach in and she certainly landed in sea boots



apeech of your people What time do tliW kiibckgtMri gtyifvSiiSiltv ^ ^ iiktiijjiiw)rt^aiBrthlaquotr^i3p^^^

yifTMtUppJjtlumk^y(0^ where gtdo) yon keep 1 the key to the proviaion8t I want to feed my men


HELDON mended rniildiy The fever bad burned out and there was nothing for him to do but gather strength loan

liad taken the cook in band and for the first time as Slieldon remarkshyed the chop at Berande was white mans chop With her own banda Joan prepared the sick mans food andbe-tween that and the cheer slie brougbt him he was able lifter two days to totter feebly out upon the veranda The aitiiatlon sti-uck him as strange and stranger stili was the fact that it did not seen^ strange to the girl at ail She bad settled down and taken charge of the hbiisehold as a matter of course as if he were her father or brother or as l f she wcrea mahiike bimselt- I t is just too delightful for anyshything she assured h i m i t is like n i)aKe out of Botneltroniancei Here 1 come along put-of-the sea and find a sick man alUalonewithi 200 sIkiVesmdash necroits lie icorrected Coritracf iabdren They selrye bnlytiiree yeairs and they ( are free agents when they enter tipon their rtjriWcta^^ ^iV

Yes yesnshe hurried pnr^tari^^ finannlbnefwith-200 recruits lt)n a cani- nibal lslaind~t iiey nrb pahhibaliii areii^ theyT6riaitkiitBikr-^^ri--^v-^Vvi Visaikrvhegtaid^witbk-M^^ a trifle morethan t h a t Most p t my boys are f rom the bn8h and every

bullbd8hmiampj8a-i1canhlbiiils^iiv^ bull^VBiii^iraquoptaftbfetheiyrblaquo Sorely the boys you haTohere wontd

nptbe gullty V vt- i-j cv J f V- bullbull ^^^ iifTheyda^y6u if toe chance nitord-i ediNVi15 fejSlaquobf i ^^ 5frtoiwifju8t8ayinir5BOiVo^ jbrdOiyburenliyknbwr^MeirtikL


months ago eleven of them sneaked a whaleboat atid ran for Malalta Nine of them belonged to Malalta Two were bushmen from San Crlstoval Thoy were fnols the two from San Crlstoval I mean so would any two Malalta men he who trusted them-

Bclves in a iHint with nine from Snlaquo Crlstoval Yes she asked eagerly Theu

wluit happened The nlneMalalta men ate the two

from San Crlstoval all except the beads which are loo valuable for mere eatlug They stowed them uwuj In the stern locker until tbey landed And those two heads are now in some bush village back of Langa Langa

She clapped her hands and her eyeit sparkled

They are really and truly cannibals And just think this Is the twentieth century And I thought romance and adventure were fossilized

He looked at her with mild amuseshyment

What is the matter now she queried

Oh nothing only I dont fancy beshying eaten by a lot of Ultby niggers is the least bit romantic

No of course not she admitted Cut to be among tliem controlling them directing them 200 of tliem and to escape being enten by themmdashthnt at least if It Isnt romantic is certain ly the qulntessencp of adventure And adventure and romance are allied you know

By the same token to go into a niggers stomach should bo the qulu-tessenco of adventure he retorted

1 dont think you have any romance In you she exclaimed Youre Just dull and somber and sordid like the business men nt home I dont know why youre bore at nil You should be at home placidly vegetating as a bankshyers clerk ormdashor-

A shopkeepers assistant thaoU you Yes thatmdashanything What under

the sun are you doing hero OQ the edge of things

Earning my bread and butter tryshying to get on ill the world

By the bitter road the youngest son tnust trend ere he win to hearth nnd bullsaddlo of ills own she quoted Why If that isnt romantic thou nothing Is romantic Think of all the younger sons out over the world on a rayrald of adventures winning to those same hearths and saddles Vnd here yon are in tho tliicU ot it doing I t and bullhero am I In the thick of i t doing I t

1mdash1beg pardon he drawled Well Ira a younger daughter

then she amended and 1 have no hearth nor saddlemdashI havent anybody or anything-and Im Just as far on the edge of things as vou are

In your case then Ill admit there is a bit of romance ho confessed

Ho could not help but think of tho preceding nights and of her sleeping in the hammock on the veranda under mosquito curtains her bodyguard of Tahitian sailors stretched out at the far corner of the veranda within call He had been too helpless to resist but now be resolved she should have his couch inside while ho would take the tiaininock

You see I had read and dreamed about romance all my life she was eaylng but I never in my wildest fancies thought that I should live it It was all so unexpected Two years ago 1 thought there was nothing left to me butmdash She faltered and made a moue of distaste Well the only thing that remained it seemed to me was marriage

And you preferred a cannibal isle and a cartridge belt he suggested

I didnt think of tho cannibal isle but the cartridge belt was blissful

You wouldnt dare use the revolver if you were compelled to Or noting

bullbullbdquo AOUIIgtMO MAXMWBVIBIO - the glint In hereyeaftf7yba did nab laquobullbull to--weUto^ hi^ anythinfgv bull - She Bteit^up suddeniyAtP e h ^

iipuBer^Hei^ilpoundnewbiiewaBg^^ hepiwbivbpoundiv|J gt bullbullbullvM ii^Never-mind^^vhe- saldvrvberttii jmtnb lrhatbabiybiidow1th1tiirib^ bullvVSbootthe block off bull yoiir llag-ihai- bullya^d^vIbulligtU J xbullbullbullbullbull^gt^ bull|Me iihUedWB-uiibaliei^^^^^^^^ ^^bullrivdbnitknbwthej^iwi^8hb8M dubipu8lyi ^ ibullbullbull - i(ii- ^i^- i i iii

eltr la tbere a car t r idge in t h e chamshyber

She Bred nnd the block remained intact

I t s a long shot he said with the intention of easing her fhagrln

Rut she hit her Up and fired again

The bullet emitted a sharp shriek an i t ricocbetled Into space The metal block rattled back and forth Again unit again she tired till the c l i | i was emptied ot lis eight cartridges Six of them were hits The block still Bwayid at the galT end but it was battered out of all usefulness Shelshydon was astonished It was better than lu or even nugh ie Drunimond could have done

That s really good shootingmdashfor a woman be said You only missed it twice and It was u strange wcraquo|i on

But I can t make out the two misses she comiualnod The gun worked beautifully too Give me nii-otber clip and Ill liK it eight tinies for anything yoii wish

I dont doubt i t Now Ill hnve to got n new block Viaburi Here yon fella catch one fella block alongsiori room

Ill wager you can t do It olglit 0111 of elglitmdashanything you wish she chnlleuged

No fear of my taking it on was his answer Who titught yuu ui shoot

Oil my father nt tirst and then Von and hls cowboys He was a shotmdashdad I mean though Von was splendid too

Sheldon wondered secretly who Von was nud he speculated ns to whether it was Von who two years previously had led her 10 believe that nothing reshymained for her but matrimony

Wiiat part o t the United States is your home be asked-Chicago or Wyoming or somewhere out tiiere

No Hawaii 1 was born iherb It is a beautiful land My Im almost homesick for it already Not that 1 haven t been away 1 bullwas In Now York when t he crash came But 1 do think it is the sweetest spat on carth-Hawall I moan

I might ns well begin nt tho beginshyning She lifted her head with a proud air of dismissing sadness after the manner of a woman quaiiiiod to wear a Baden-lowell and a long barshyreled Colts 1 was born at Hilo Thats on tho island of riawnli tho bigshygest and best in the group I cant reshymember when 1 first got on a iiorse nor when 1 learned to swim That came before ray A B Cs Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maul-big ones for tho islands Uokuna linU 200noo acres alone It extended in between Mauua Kea and Mauna l oa and it was there 1 learned to shoot goats and wild cattle

Von bad been In the army and dad was an old seadog and they were both stern disciplinariansmdashonly Vous girls had no mother and neither had I and they were two men after all They spoiled us terribly You see they didnt have any wives and ttiey made chums out of usmdashwhen our tasks were done We had to learn to do everyshything about the house twice as well as the native servants did itmdashthat was so thnt we should know bow to manage some day

More than once one or the othshyer of us had our rifles taken away for n week just because of a tiny speck of rust We had to know how to build fires In the driving rain too out of wet wood when we camped out which was the hardest thing of all-cKcept grammar I do believe We learned more from dad and Von than from the governesses dad taught us French nnd Von German We learned both languages passably well and we learned them wholly in tho saddle or in camp When I was sixteen we three girls were all sent up to California to Mills setnlnary which was quite fashshyionable and stifling I l l we used to long for home We didiit chum with the other girls who called us little cannibals just because we cume from the Sandwich Islands and who made Invidioiis remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cookmdashwhich was historically untrue and besides our ancestors hadnt lived In Hawaii

I was three years at Mills sem Inary with trljis home of course and two years in New York and then dad went smash In a sugar plantation on Mqui Dad had nothing left aiid he decided to returii to the sea Hed always loved I t and I half believe thot he w a s glad things had happened as they did He was like a boy again-busy with itlans and preparations froin morning till night Be used to sit up half the night talking things over with rae That was after I had shown himithat 1 wasreally resolved tb go along We were readyto starttOTn-hiti where a lot ot repairs and refitshyting for the Miele v^efe necessary when poor diid came down sick and

died- ^i- bull - bull bull v-bullbullbullbullbullbull

VvAnd you were left all iaione bull JbannoddedV bulliy^z bull bull i

Very much ^alone I had no biroth-ers or Hiatersi and all dads pebple were drowned ID a Kansas cloudburst That happened when he-was ft ilittle boy Of cburio 1 bull could go back to| Ton Theres ralwaya a home there

m $520 A YEAII

Is a uonunaii Inltliil sniarv for oar griidimtoK Aflur soiiioc(|)orlonoo miiiiY uiirn dnuhlu luul trtililo this iiinniiil Suiiil for CUIUIOKUO loihty and liiiirii how to prupiiiO



rhliUulhliullcliil(lireHll Ill llii nmtUrof IIXIIIK and appnliahiK ttraquoi

tiniis and places for liolilhi) tho suvnral toiiiislit lilioclrcullcniiri conn(or tliououii-ly iif liiuliain Slalo of iMlclilKaiij for iw yuais A I) nno lliousaiid nino Imndrtid and iwihii and one llioiiHand nino Imiidiud and

III iiiirsiMiiici) ofMio slaliilo in such eiiso inudu mid piovldod It Is oidenidlliat tho siiviinu toiiiis of tho olTOiill coiut for llil) coiinly of liiKliain Sliloof MIclilKaii for tKli bull ytiaisA 1) nnu tlioiisiiiid nliiii hiiiiiimd anltl uvulvu nnd oiiu Hioiisaiid iiliio hundred and lliliu^oii lid nnd llii) sainu limiiliy are (lwd and appointed 11) he liuld at Miu followlnit times and pincns

Alllni Oliy of Miison coimnonclnK on tho fouitli moiirlay In laiinary iniiili yoar

At lliuClly olbniisliiK conuiieinilnir on tho second MiMiday In Mnriili tiiicjli year

At |lio Oily i)f iMiison ooininonclni on tiio soroiid iMmiduy In Mny oiudi your

At ilui Clly of lyanslnK oiinmnmcliiKon tljii foiiitli Mondny In Hepiuniljui eacli year

Cmiittoopeii tile llrstnny of eacli term ut ton oclock in the foreiiooii

IIOWAltll WlKST CliCnItliid(n bull


Dalod haimlnt MIcli Octvi IIMI eurooiiiiiilMNloiiunraquo Notice Norrlfi

ytalii of Mlclil(nii Ihu probate court for tlie county of liinliam

til the mailer of tlic estate ot Sarah bull I iNorrls deceased

llavliij lieen appoliileil conimlsslonors ii) receive oiinilne nnd adjust nil tdalins and denuuids ol all persons ii(alnstsnld doconsod wedo hereliy KIVU notice that four months i from tlie Itli day ol Noveuiher A I) inilwoni bull allowed liy snid court Ior creditors topresent tlieir claims to ns for evniiiliintUm and adlusd-niont mill thnt wo will meet at the resldonco of losepli lewett In the clliy ol Mason hi snId county on the Itli tliiy of liiiiiiiirr| A t) itilJ mid on the- ltl(li day ot niiirvli A t) ili at ten ocloelc In tho forenoon of encli of siild dnys fw the pnrpose of o-camlnliiK and ndJiiKtiiiKsald claims

Dated Novciiilier ttli A 1) mil




lleiiriiiK OlaliiiN llvltvt^mdash1IiirHl Slate of Michigan Tin) proliale court fOr

llie county ot liigliani In llie matter of tlio estate of Conrad

llelwlK deeeased Notice Is henliy Klven tliiil fonv niontbM

from llieVth day ot NiivemlmrAlJ 11)11 liavo lieen nllmved for creditors to present thotr claims n(nlnst snid deceased to said coiirffor eNumliintlon and iidjiistmeiit nnd that nil creditors of snld deceased are reiinlred tj) present llielr claims to said court at tlie pro-liateolllce In tho city of Mnsoiilii said couiraquo-ty on or liefore the Rlli dny of Mnruh A I) 1)IS nnd Hint snld cliilms will he heard liy said court on tlin Ntli day of Itlurili A I) 11)1 atteii oclock In tlui forenoon

Dated Novemlagtrth A D mil IIUNKVM (iAHi)NKH

bulliiwl lndse of Iroliate

Order or t i i l i l lcnt ioi i STATU OF MioiiiciAvmdashrun OIHOUIT COUKT


Rthel W Alvarez Complainant

vs Kaymoiid 1 Alvarez

Defendant Suit iiendliiK In the Olrciilt Court for tho

(Jniinty of liiKliam In Oliaueery at liinsInK M ulilnanon tlieHth dny of Novemlier JOll

ItappearliiK hy allldavltin tlilsciinso thai the defendant Kiiymond 1 Alvarez docs tiol reside in this state lint resides In tlioelly of Mnnlla In the Ililllpplne Islands on tlio moshytion ofO I amp R P Hammond compliihi-nnts solicitors It Is ordered that liu cant-o Ills npiiearaiice to lieoiiterud liorewllli wllhlii live inonllis from the date ot this order and In case of appearance that lio cause Ids aii-swur tecomplalnaMshlll of complaint lo ho filed and a copy thereof to ho served on sidiJ solicitors wltliln twenty days after service dli liim of a copy of said lilll and a notice of tills order and tlnit In default thereof said 1)111 1)0 taken as confessed hy lihn

It Is further ordered that within twenty days after date Imreof said complalniinli cniiso 11 copy of this order to he pnhllslicd hi tliu INOUA-M COUNTV NKWH a nowspapflr printed and circulated In said county ami that said pnbllcatlon be continued tlioroln lUi least oiicu in each week for six weeks Insuii-cessloii or tliiitslio cause a copy of this orshyder to be personally served on said defuml-ant at lonst twenty days before llie tirno prescribed for said aiipearauee


i w a l t l n g f o r m a But wfiy8libuia ^ BOTtdes^|therbltweredaa8^pIaii8|^ain^ f e l t that I t devolved npon me tp carry themiptit jt8eemed^aflhe^ithing to d o uiaoI wanted tb cariryltheih Out Ahdhfire Iafliv fMHbullbull^ bi^ C tb rii UBn] bullbull-bull

CountorslKiied (Jircult ludKC WM It (JllAllAM

Deputy RoKlstor C R t K V IIAMMONI) 4fiw7

Complainants Hollcinrs Uusiness address LnnsliiK AllchlKan

LIcuHNU to Kelt lraquotl-lllaquolti 15 Stale of JllclilKan tho Irobato Court for

tho county of liiKliam At a session of said court holdat the proshy

bate ofllce in tho Oity ot Mason in said counshyty on tlm Mith day ot Novemhur A D Iflli

Iresi nt Hon Ilonry M Gardner IndKoof Pi obato

lit tho tnattor ot tho ostivto of Wllllala 1 Lett deceased

Sainjiol W Mayerhiivini lUod in snld court his potltion urayliiH for Uconso to soli tho In-turest ot said qstato in certain real estatu thorolndesorlljed

It Is ordored thnttho Iftlli day oi J lelaquo A a l l i t l U l l at ton oclock In tho fore-nooiii at said probate ollico be nnd is liornby iiupolnlod for liearlnt said pellMon and thtid all persons hitorestod In said estate appear boforo snld court at said time and place to show cause why II license to sell tho Intorest otsald estate in said real estate should not bOKrnntedi bull lt Is further ordered that putilic iiotlcn

thereof-be given by publication of a copy of tills order forthroo snccesslvowookspreshyvious to said day of hoiirlni In the iMOUAll COHNlV NEWS a newspaper printed and clr-cnhited In said county (A true copy) UENIIY M GAIIDNEK 0 A OllNiON lud(OOflrobato -

Irohatu ItOKlstor 4Tw_4

Fliiiil Account I l i i r row-JIcc III State of M IclilKnn The Irolmle Court- for bull

tlio county of liiKliam At a sessionot said court hold at tlio proshy

bate ofllce In tho cltY of Mason in said counshyty on tho goth day of Novombor A D liUi

Presonti lion Itonry M GardnerJudge pt Prohato

In tiio matter of tlio estates of Johri 0 Duriow docoascd

1 B Jlummol hivvlnit (llod hi said court his final administration account ai^d his petition pruyhij for Iho bull allowanoo bull thereof and for tlie nsslgnmont anddlstrlbn- tlon of tho rosiduo of said estate bull gt ItUordored that the Ifilli d a y o l Jloe A-D 1011 at ton oclock In the toronbob a t suidi Drobate efflce bo and is liorebvapr [iolntcd fer oxanilnlnff and ollowbiK said aft- countiiiia htiirlng siilap6tltl6n - bullbull bull

I t Is^fnrtherMrdered that public notice thercotbe given by pubUcatlonot u copy ot tnlsoraor for three successive Aveoks pre- vloun to said day of hearing In the iNOHiBH OouMST-NHwajanowspaper printed andch- culatedtn said countv ^ -lt sfj (A truepopy) HENRYMGABDNliBr bull

p AOttNTON- bullbull J u d g e ofVroBBte bull ProbateBeg|gter -bull bullgtbull y-^^^VIti-^v

How lillhbolnihirb8hephiiigtdi Ceiirit Yan (1) taii(2y tethera (8)r pethemi

s(4)ltplinp (5gtsbthera (6) lethewf (7)^ hbvera (8)^coyera (PK dlk(litt)lylaquofe 41k ((il)j tahrdrdlk U2)i tetherWUk ^18) [PetherailtIikV (14) bumpttii(iB)vVwi^ i W m p i t (ie)tiinabunu)itff(H) etb JIfgit (20)iPrbm Shepherdi jof Brit

Succeed iwhen^eyerything cIseMOii fill nerybu8pro8tratibh)j a n d fetnaleii weaknbiieavtheyiaiethei8upreme imiAyiM thouaanda iliaye tcBtjiilipd

pi(mleurolbNCtUlVERANigt^ 8idiyiACH|rROUBLB^



viijbull liinB

(bullbull^bull^bullbullbullbullltWft I tVVi----iltw|

mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im





COKRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County


River Road

(Too Late For Last Woclf) Winter Ima ticrtniiily ciuiKht raquos

thin time without our potatoes oinr or cabbage pulled Guess we will go without aaucr kraut

Mr and Mrs S B Pitch visited in Henrietta over Sunday at 1 O Garris Mrs Garris is his sister

i Floyd Ramer has taken a job of drawing wood for a m an east of iliere and has put his force of seven teams and their drivers on |the job Some wood in the country yet

S B Fitch of Toledo Ohio is hero for twi days visitinu his wife imd babv Margie Mr Pitch is 1

M C H H inspector at tlie wagon works at Toledo

Mrs Willis who recently moved her family to Jackson has moved back again She could not find n house to live in

The lecejit storm did not do any d a m a g e Iight around here

Lots of sickness those days One of Vm Jurnors cliildrnn

has been quite sick with eczema S B Fitch who has been visiting

his wife and parents for the past ten days has returned to Toledo

Mr lind Mrs Root are quite sick with grip

Mr and Mrs Ecard are expectshying their son Clare from California l ie has been working there all summer setting out fruit trees and spraying them

Cuiiitliliiu ut NIKIII means loss ot sleep which is bad for everyone Foleys Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough at once relieves the tickling and dryshyness in the throat and heals the inflamed membranes Prevents a cold developing into bronchitis or

l E S I i s r S u s J l X t i S e r w M b r u i s e s sprains swclHngs ccze McCrossen and Longyear Bros

Suiday with his mother and brother in this eity

Glenn Hughes of Detroit spent a few days this week with his parents in this city

Miss Genevieve Miller was deshytained from her work a few days this week on account of lionsilitis The Emmons music store is now

located in the April building Clare Bunker and Miss Nellie

Newton both of this eity were married Sunday evening by Rev Claflin

Miss Esta Bellows of Kingsland spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister Mrs Hugh Hall of this city

Miss Pearl Snyder is clerking in Parks dry goods store

Mr and Mrs Hallic Norton of Albion spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Guy Woodruff

Harry R Buckles and son Wil- lace were in Hastings Sunday

Clay Spicor is aole to be about Mr and Mrs f E Kelsey are I moving into the HI Moulton res- idencc on east Knight street

Mr and llrs iVrlo Bishop are staying at the liome of her parshyents Mr and Mrs Conrad Miller for a few weeks

Three inmates of the State In-duatrial School tor boys who esshycaped from that place on Monday niorning were captured at gtthis l)lace Monday noon by Under Sheriff Hugh Hall and were taken back to the institution in the afshyternoon

W E Severance of Lansing was in this city^ Monday on business

11 Slurllvil lUo World when the astounding claims were first rtiade for Bucklens Arnica Salvo but forty years ot wondershyful cures have proved them true and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for burns boils scalds sores cuts

Eaton Rapids

Miss Lena Matthews has bought a two-thirds interest in the Gardshyner block and will move her Needle Craft shop into the room occupied by the Davis barlier shop Mr Davis will move into the store

room in the Walter block just vashycated by B H Custer amp Son

Miss Bessie Houseman of Lanshysing sjient a tew days last Aveci

with Mis J T Hall George Hhuston manager of the

Bell telephone office is visiting relatives in Bellevue Ohio

Claris Hall has returned from his hunting trip in the upper peninshysula He bagged two deer

1 T Stringham was in Charlotte Friday on business

Harry R Buckles who has oiier-ated a real estate office in this city for the past 11 months has accepted a position as farm manshyager for the Home Realty Co in Lansing His real cstato business will be transfered to Lansing Mr Buckles entered upon his duties Monday Miss Ruby Whipp will stay at the office the rest ot this week and Mr Buckles will move his family to the Capital eity next Week

Mrs Claris Hallreturned Thurs-day from a two weeks visit with relatives in Saginaw

Mrs Irma Vickery spent Saturshyday and Sunday with her mother in Detroit

Elton Spears of Albion was in this city a few days last week on business

H R Buckles reports the sale ot the Daniel StJoutSO acre farm in Ingham county to C E Gernant of Bantry North Dakota and also the sale of the C A Robbins farm of 10 acres in Eaton county to Mrs Dave Perrine

Guy Woodruff who suffered a stroke ot paralysis a week ago is reported to be improving

Mr and Mrs G B Garnant and family are roomlrig at the hoinj of H R Buckles until tihelr hoiria is vacated by Dan Stout

Wm Humphry spent Saturday aind Sunday with his sister Mrs J T Hall

Mr and Mrs Claude Stringham of Charlotte spent Saturday arid

ma chapped hands fever sores and piles Only 25c at Longyear ijros


-r~p^QRLp-~ because it 18 made o

dwpu^ best i in- greo^eints becaua(e it

^cmtams^^^ni^ -si(irengy|(iMMri|j ( ] builitlmgiliTlatii ai^p^KqrEmul^i^^ because it iaei perfect

lgt|)rodudv ltopound ^

poctotB the world over yimM

$k fecpgniie^

i m liMi0sect^^IS^0et^U^^

Brooks Corners

Mr and Mrs L S Blakslee from near Holt spent Wednesday at 0 B Blakslees

F A Coleman lost a horse reshycently

Elzina Speers and Ray Parkhurst were in Lansing Saturday night and Sunday

Guy Strickland and family spent Thursday night ati Geo Shattucks

Mrs Steinhoft who has been visshyiting her mother returned to her home in Gratiot county Saturday

Elza TurnbuU visited at Chas Bassetts Sunday

Mr andMrs Shattuck entertainshyed Mrs Bird Maud lohnson and Cordie Barker and wife Thursday

Goerge McCormick and family spent Sunday at Otis Warners in Wheatfield

Bert Royston spent Sunday in Dansville

George Shattuck and wife spent Sunday at Fred DeCamps Mr D egtpects to move to the VanBuran farm near Edea soon

Ed Worden will soon move back to his farm

Mr and Mrs 0 B Blakslee and daughter spent Sunday at O W Priests

Mr and Mrs T E Royston were Sunday guests of Geo Bowden and family

Ml Kohler and family spent Sunday at W P DeGrotts

The children ot Bert Crandell have the Avhoopin^ cough

Mrs L A Aseltine and son Leo visited at 0 B Blakslees Thursshyday

The friends and neighbors of Dashyvid Almond were sorry to learn of his sudden death We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the widow and relatives

Gordie Barker and wife entershytained his parents Sunday

South Ingham and North Bun-kerhi l i

Mr and Mrs Wm Sharland made a business trip to Williamston last Tuesday

F Teachout and wife visited their sisters near Meadsvillo last Tiiiesday Mr -and Mrs Slaight were in

Williamston last Tuesday Mr and Mrs Waltei- Sharland

arid daughter Cora visited ait Wm Sharlands last Friday bullbull A J Miller and wife Suridayed atPTeacH6ut8 oMrandMrs Walter Fdsdiek and family attended the progressive ipedrb party at EmerysWordens last iWednesday evening bullIto and MrsWm Sharland and

Geo Boadenrecently visited at Walte^bull81iarlandB^^bull^i bull-bullbullbullbull-bull

Miss Florence Freer was a Jtfa-Bon visitor one day last week

Mr arid MrBi John McMichael wereMaBon cWlersrMondiy School a t tiie Howard began on Mdridayiaf ter a iweeks vacatibn-

^ Mr andltMrBWnii8hirlarid visshyited her parents iriekrStockbridge 1aBt-Thur8daySgtivy-gtj -i- HriTamea and family^expectsoon tio move tO tbePiDakl r i farm V Tboaie whOBtten[dedlkeliBaleand chicken pie aupper at -the town

^Kall lastFWdayltlaquonight rejidrti a bull3hic(Btiime 8hd4jagecrowdiSii -vffMiB5fNi 8Byle8SexpectBEdfleiyei Boon tovisit l ier broltier arid sister atoilraquolnekrieyi^af tei which-) she^iri- tends toltg6 to JolietIll to spend

Want LongHair And you would like long hair Rich heavy hair Beautiful luxuriant hair That is perfectly natural and we ate here to help you Ayers Hair Vigor is a great aid to nature in producing just the kind of hair you deshysire Do not be afraid to use it No danger of its colshyoring your hair The ingreshydients are all given on each label thus enabling your doctor to wisely advise you concerning its use Consult him freely He knows Matlo by tho J 0 AVER CO Loiron Mmt


Nov 20 Iflll Mr and Mrs Chas Brown have

been spending the past few days in Baton Rapids with Mrs Browiis mother returning Saturday night

The residence of Ferris Rumsey was burned to tho ground Friday morning Mr Rumsey had built a good fire and gone out to attend his morning chores when the fire caught about the chimney H gainshyed headway so rapidly that it was impossible to save the building The household goods below were i saved i

W Brown and tamaly ot lackson i visited his father Chas Brown on i Sunday his wifes mother Mrs Oldman returning home with them

Mrs P Demorest of West Branch is visiting her mother Mrs Carter i

Mrs Clarence Dowling and little daughter who have been with her parents Mr and Mrs C Carpenter tor two weeks past returned to their home in Albion today

Mrs C C Hascall spent Thursshyday with her sister Mrs Bishop

Miss Ellena McMath has been spending a few days in Mason and attended the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Randall

R C Bishop Was in Mason last Thursday on business

Mrs Thomas Wright was the victim of a slight stroke of parshyalysis last week She is improving at present

Leonard Rice suffered a stroke of paralysis last week We undershystand he is bettar and able to be about a little

Mrs Fred Haynes of Lansing Was a guest over Sunday of Mrs Clarence Ma cson

News of the sudden death ot Mrs Frank Scofield Sr Friday night was a great shock to her family as well as to the communshyity She had been attending an evening gathering and was taken suddenly ill and died before she reached home Mrs Scofield Avas a home woman devoted to her own family but was greatly reshyspected and loved by all She will be great ly missed Funeral sershyvices will be held this afternoon from the home on Church street Rev Claflin ot Eaton Rapids ofshyficiating

A Hiirtlargtlaquo Alaquovtul Hoed may not paralyze a home so completely as a mother s long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female t roushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of Leadill Tenn If ailing t ry them 28c at Longyear Bros


For Hard Coal

Round Oak Chief Range

and Base Burner

trip to Haabn last WedDef|day ~

Fe l t s Plains

Miss Louise Cady of Grass Lake spent last week with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs W J Hayhoe

Miss Nina Hoffman who has been at home for a short time is now working in Jackson

Mrs Belle Kelley attended the P M S cojiventidn at Jackson last week

Mrs Prank Winslow entertained the young ladies division ot the Ladies Aid society last Friday evening

Miss Margaret Haindy of Jackson spent a few days last week at P Winslows

Willis Garrison is working in Montcalm county

The annual Thanksgiving exershycises and supper will be v held at the church Thursday evening Nov

bull 3 0 t h bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull- bull

James Mclntee of this place and Miss Anna Mackinder of Henrietta were united In marriage at the Catholic churchWednesday mornshying Novi 22 After a short wedshyding trip they will reside on their (amsouthjot PeltsPlains ch^

LOrbjr a n d Whi t e q a l euro

FioydCo6perand family visited hiB^atherSunday^v --J rv - bull bullMri arid^vSMrs E A Brboklarid Bperit Sundayat 0 W liebriards

vMrs GeoYOttriig is viBltlpg-h^r pajentB bullriorthof Wlillamsitoijfor a ieWrWeekfl- iVbdquovvbdquo ^m^^ 3l( iBreej B vand ^family vlBltiedi at

JaBiwH6dgiBB8ttndayrv rV-vV|v-r- MrBPi^X3^Bi8charidJlttfe Bon Carlreturned frona Ann Arbor last

sQlaquoi6 Wi^teonardwas IriLanBiri g on ^business V 8atur4ay^ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bull WM bull

MtaFred Holland visited Mrs SCi StbweWedrieBdajrVvc iN qii Barl^QIieqriai^di^ yisited his bull uncle

T o everyone buyintr a Roiuul Oak Chief Ranprc or Base

Burner duriiifj the sale will be yivcn a solid oak hand-cra f t

Mission Roclcing Chair early English finishmdashABSOrUTELY F R E E

DOINT VISS THIS CHANCE If You A r e G o i n g to Buy a Ransjc or Base Burner

The Round Oak Chief Range and Base Burner


The very best material painstaking fine workmanship in fitting and mountinff make thesednr-able economical dependable specialties the very best of their kind


Wed ilaquoov 22 to Sat Nov 25

Dean amp Cross Hot Coffee and Biscuits Served Free MASON MICH

ifissBKeesstexasBi na

S o u t h e a s t Locke

Frank Oakley has again returnsd to Vantown to canvass

Mr and Mrs Wert Brewer are visiting at Mr and Mrs Jay Wole-vers for a few days

Mrs Grace Beduhn visited Lidia Croopes one day last week

Mrs Prank Oakley and daughter Hazel were in Fowlerville Wednesshyday

Will and Charlie Groope were in Fowlerville Saturday

Grandma Allen has been quite sick

Ashley Bowen ot Tyrone visited his uncle Reynolds Rickett part o last week

Will Rogers has purchased the Andrew Baker farm and traded it for the farmi of Fred Beduhn

Real E s t a t e T r a n s f e r s

Alta M Maynard ito E R Wick-ham and wife part of NE 1-4 of Sec 8 Leroy $2550

J Toolan and iwifo to A W Gan-nell part of lot 7 blk 244 Lari-sing $350

Alice Lannan to G Boutel and Wife N part of NW frl 1-4 of Sec 2 Locke $4000

R S Holmes and wife to H Wagner and wife lot 6 blk 1 Holmes plat on iblk 4 Frenchs sub and lot 1 blk 2 Ramseys Mich Ave add Lansing |900

J H ViiniBuren arid wife to GB Diseriroth part of SW 1-4 of Sec 25 Aurelius $700

D E Brackett and wife to HJ Beck and wife part of SE 1-4 of

SB 1-4 of Sec 20 Lansing $450 W Lamerson deceased by heirs

to P Gi Parker and wife pel on blk 6 Claypools sub Larisirig $1200

Nellie E Driver to Rosa L Shultz part of SE W of Sec 14 Delhi $600

W H Showerman et al to D P Whitmore and wife N 120acres of NE 1-4 of Sec 28 Vevay $8500

LBRumsey and wife to Theo Hyatt and wife lot 15 blk 3 Lesshylie $2000

A (R Park and wife to P A Clark part of lots 5 and 6 blk P

LirislngJ1925 bullbull bullbull-bull -bdquobullgtbull P Heller and wife to iL J^HUde-

branti part of lots 1 tinid 10 S H Persons add Lanslrig $726 bull -

L B WeUs to L Puller out lot iA River Bend EiLarisiriR $500 -Mary B Chittenden iio Fanriie M Blair etal part of NW 1-4 ol See

^28Lan8lrigi|260arVL^^ bullbull A T r Sriflth laquotvai to W P (Bart

bull and wife lot 30 CollegeviUe East Xanslrigf-$900Vbullbull bullv=--^w^v^v v O TA Jehlson irustieei to W^ S iRuder arid wife lot 16 Harrah^s add yLarisingr $450 vV bull ^ r -Aw V

G Wavle-arid wife to CS Welsh ajnd wife pa r t of NW l -4 of Sec 3iAlaledori$6000v


Nuvetubur 15Mt lliu club lucl at Uic liDinu of iVlr and raquoVlrs Guo W Brisiul and ul lliu aijpuiiiiud limu was called 10 order by ilio pruSKletit fur Llie pur- pose uf eMJoyliiK au eveniuK with aliuUiispuuro Mrs Alexaiiiiur beiiiy unable lo be present liur placu as clmiriuan was occupied by Mrs Elicit Tile openint number uf ibe pronraiu was an Insirumuntul trio by Mrs Ellulti Miss Fame unci Miss Kuiliurine Ellcti A vtjcal sulo by Mr Mills Willi piano uccuiupaiilmciit was nexi givun Afler the uispirin^ strains ot iliu music hud exercised lliuir benign inlluciiue upun the audience Mr UIKK lead a skcleli of lliu Hie (if llie l ininorul William wliloii alUiouiib brief includes praclically all lliai Is known of the life family inlluences suriuundlHKS worK and acalli of the man wliu by the luajurity of English-speaking peuijle Is considered llie musl luarveluus lulelleciual genius ever knuwu tu mankind

Mrs Neely and Mrs Hawiey by tuneful luaKiu in a vocal duet truns ported llleir bearers to A bank whereon the wild thyme grows Mr Hemaus then gave a synopsis of Shakespeares Winters Tale ihe last act of which furnishtid the subject fur the groat event of llio evening In this event a uumblnatlun uf drama and tableau Mrs Uemans personated the Queeii Ralph Adams the King aad Miss Elmer the noble lady whose love loyally and devotion greatly strengthened her royal mistress In bearingllie sorrows of her lot Beshysides suggesting that virluesumellmes receives lis reward even In this world the actors Iri the tableau aforesaid proved that wlth priicilce and proper cusiume free-born Americans can beiier represent ideal royalty and nubility than the original kings queens and nobles themselves

Miss Paine sang a song with piano accompaniment by Mrs Ellelt and this was followed by roll-call the reshysponses tu which were to have been A favorite character from Shakesshypeares plays As a matter of fact however very few of Stiaikespeares

icharacters were molested the majorshyity Iriattendanue answering present as their riiimeswere called Mr Adamsi for response readadescriptlon of H e b r V I I I and his court asrepre-seutediupuoya London siaKe during the past summer i

Mr and Mrs Mills then sang a duel to whlchMrsBllett playied an ac-

icdriipttblirierit In the_Kue88lng cpn-itest which followed Mrs Kerns an-swdred correctly nli ieout of saques-ItlOnripniposea arid received a bust ofi Shakespeare asia -prize A vocal solo ibyMlHS Anna Culver completed the llteraryiportloo Of the program and irefreshmerits were served asa Unale

Out-of-town guests were Miss Nina Bristol MIsa Derby arid iMlsgBenja- irialriV-Lan8lngrteacher8i--Tr-bullbullbullbull bullbull The irieetlng adjourned to meet iwlth liIraridvMrgParBo|iBiV gt )^-lj

i^Hlvea eczema Itch or sa l t rheuria sets you v bullcrazy Cari^t hear the touch iot your clothlnKfivDoanB Ointment Curesthe rigt0Bt0b8tiriate

There Will Be Reul Cause

Thankfulness at Your for

Thanksgiving Dinner

If you use B E S T Flour for your holiday baking The pies the bread the cakes will be so light and toothsome that you will eat heartily and need no digestive helps

Try a sack and be thankful

Mason Milling Co Both Phones


Give prompt relief from BACKACHBi KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLB RHEUMATISM CONQESTION of ths Klipi^EyS mipiiAMMAtlON of j ths BLADDER and all srinoylrig URINARY IRRBaULARITIiraquo A pMitivie iMon traquo ilist)DLB^AQBp andE^LDI^ iPSSOPLE-gtandv fiiuVwOMEN bull- HAVI lilOHf iT llio6l||iMKNbAtlON 7

lid ii in iiia8SthyMr- He write8tiitTj _ gtWelIJBSW mnoh from my kidnairtapdS del X hkdMverebeokaoliM and my jtldnsy i vutoo tttquenteaulaquoina mstalosa maah ^

pilor-IVookFoley KWn6ylllraquo fortqmeMBWi ampnatmnosrfreeof all troubleancUminabSlg Mapan4 aronnd Foley Kidiiay^uli u m a i hlchtiirewmmeDdlaquoUdny v vgt lijor sale by l oisgyear ^ ^ ^ arid bullbullbull bull bull bullsW MM(CrossiBnrbull gt bull -bull bullbull

wm oome btok to reutt you ipend It lit homer It ti Kohaformrlfyou iiiidtt tev^ the Mall-Ordar Home A tlanoa thmifli n euritdrartliing MlufflUiiiU|iTeyeuaa idea where It wUtwr Ihe moil ymI-bullbull)bullgtlbullbull^^lWibullrf(|i


w^ r


DANSVILLE I w^s^ v bull ^w vvvcfcvlaquolaquowwwclaquolaquo5g

Last wncic Woclncscliiy luiiitcrM got lifter tlio aly fox but did not succeed in jfotting one aitiiougii cloo oiiouyli ln ge t ti filiot lit one

No foimei rcsi i tnta of (his place wjio huri or jjroporty damaged in tiic cyclone at Owosso except AV G Ilawcroft amp Son wlio had (wo windows brolcen in their grocery store The building W 11 Rcming-toi l^ept grocery in when in biis-inesB was destroyed

We learn that C A Diehl has bought 70 acres of the Prank Ska-dan farm

It is eKpcctcd that Ellsworth As-cltine of Lansing formerly of (his place will be obliged to undergo an operation at Ann Aibor soon

Mrs Sarah Atulrows hiis gone to live with her son George this winshyter on the farm

Mrs Wni Cooper is visiting rel-a t i es near Plainfiold

Mort Kecnc hiH returned to this phi C and will occu|)y the Mis Cooper house

Miss Ncsa Diclcey and Miss Flor-CWM Krcer were in Mason last Sat-ui lay

Dwight Miller visited his parshyent over Sunday

The ir IS sujipor and the V C T iJ oiitortainmont at the town hall last Friday night was well ai-teniiod considering the weather

Vniy tloiit you get in the swim and got the Toledo Weekly Blade for M cents a year This is the last week on this club B Z Strong a^cnt

H I Walker eKpocts to leave next Monday for Omihi iVeb ui spend the winter with his ciiiugh-ter Mrs H M Parks

Geo Tossop was operated upon at Detroit last weak Monday If ho recovers from it he and his wifs will reside this winter in Lansing

1- oy riiiirber has rented the Levi Swiii faim and is moving there

man wife and son have taken possossion of C 13 PiedorickH house nortli of this jilace which h ipjiened to hiive a stove in it anI are making themsiilvnj at liomc Thoy wore ti-aveliiig inil as night overtook them it looked pret ty good to them and since the weather has not been inviting enough to move on The Avoman is i cripiile They have a horse and buggy a coop pf chickens and two dogs but little of anything else The owner of the building has o r e rod tluMU out but they still hold the fort gtbull

The A U C Stock Co of Mason ajjiiears at the town hall in this village on Saturday evening Nov 25 with (hoir play The World Against Him It comes well recshyommended and wo hope to see them get a full house Xii addishytion to the play there will be vocal

bulland inbtrumontal specialties Kcv N Dickey of Reece Mich

Is visiting his tlaughter Mrs F W Dakin

Fred Wolcott has just recovered from a weeks quite severe illshyness

Park Ferguson was a victim of cider thieves recently having a half barrel cask taken barrel and all

Miss Bessie Madden of Lansing is a guest of Miss Mary Walker

Mort Keone was in Lansing Mon-diay

Dance Friday night TI town hall No rural mail service next week

Thursday Thanksgiving day Jas Johnson of Lansing was in

town Monday Jas Oakley amd wife of Stock-

bridge visited R P Walker Tuesshyday

Miss Grace Doyle returns to her home in Chicago next week

B L Dayton has recovered from his sickness

lIciiliivMM Ouniiot bo Cured by local applications as they canshynot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to (urc deafness and tha t is by coi-stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachshyian Tube When this tube is inflamshyed you have a rumbling sound or imi)erfect hearing and Avhen it is entirely closed deafness is the re shysult and unless the inflammation cfin be taken out and this tube re shystored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces

We will ffiive One Hundred Dolshylars for any case of Deafness causshyed by catarrh tha t cannot be cured by Halls Catari^h Cure Send for circulars tree

P J Cheney amp Co Toledo 0 Sold by all druggiSts 75c Take Halls Pamily Pills for con-

stipation bull v In a Japaniia Temptsi

Asakuse temple is dedicated to tbb jgoddess Kwaunou u tiny image of gold about two and one-half Inciies hlghV writes a traveler in Japan A t the entrance to the tdinple grounds on either side of the immienae-gate B^^ two largle and fearMlookinjg figures guiurding the sacred prisclncts HainJB-Ing outside the wiro grating nuinhepof aan^ais tor thcdr use if tiiey

bullwiBtvto-takegtwalkfj4ndtticeilB^ bullprinkledabout ]E3ach wpntiliperybe- fbroi i entering the^tempIevcalltVata^ Bmiaiibuildihg^ after c r a ^ a igiUBll anioiint^ woahei bis U^

rinsiasbismouthf Inftpbtoitti^^ shrine is a Iatgeaperture in the floor

^pvered^ withi laiiicewpr^ the wor8blpercMt8bls^^ clapphig his hands to awaken or at-

gttoctitheSjttttentlp^ kneels but bis prayer is only brief iWbilo there is one chief shrine there are many others unjer the same roof Onesbrine espeolsliy attracted my at tentlbn it was made of wood and quite disfigured andwomtbtitngb the laquoraquoQittant rubbing of band on thV spot

r New Shoe Store

Let us sell you your next piir of Shoes or Ruibbers Everything New and Up-to-Date We have the well-known

BALL BAND BRAND OF RUBBERS Every pair guaranteed to be first quality







Come in and sec us We are located first door north of the Farmers Bank



Secretary of Red Cross Socivty

Who Announces Sale of Stan|3s

Copyright by liurriH amp Kwlng

Red Cross Christmas stamps will be placed on sale about Dec 1 accordshying to Clinrles L Magee secretary of the American Red Crcs society For the first time sale of the stamps will be permitted In all postoflices Secreshytary of the Treasnry MncVoagh senl a biillotin order to cnstodians of all postodice huildings to permit installa tion of booth


Oil Inspector Reports that Present Year Wil l Be States Best

Northville Mich Nov 18mdashThe quarterly repoit of State Oil Inspector Neal for the period ending Sept 30 shows the inspection of 5310717 galshylons of kerosene oil or 598811 galshylons more than for the same period last year Total fees received $10-72070 total salaries and expenses^ $7-76109 leaving a net balance to turn over to the state treasury of $296501

The department has advised the treasury department that besides the $2000 already sent In that $14000 more will be forwarded Dec 15 and about $4000 more by the middle of January making about $20000 net for the year This will even beat last years record of $17000 which was the banner one in the departments hisshytory bull bull

Besides Inspecting oil the departshyment has made a canvass of nearly the whole state In Hhe enforcement of the red can gasoline act bull


As Reiult Village Is Without Light-bull ing Service Heavy L O M

Gladwin Mich Nov 20^A dam hie-Ipnging fo Josli Schiiltz was washed out here l Thedam was built in1890 and since that time has fiirntahed pow er for Scbiiltzs floiir mills and the Schultz amp Prliidle electric lighting Bys- tei|niiVrbullbullbullbull-bullbull bull-bull-^l^bullbullbullbull-bull

KTbisvieayeB tliebltjr wU^ of ahytkind Albert igtBhnlngBwliB| haa cbwev or bull the i plant yhea^ dam breRking -and Iran to the eb ^ ^ JuBtlMvtbeydam gtw^t downB^ Tbe ditm and pof r plant were valued iitiblaquotwMn|2laquoltkgt0and t250(K) and itotaiioiifiSspoundsi^V--^

|L||Tp|jgi| |f i6|RIEf| Map Held at Qrand Rapids Turned

O y e r to Buffalo

Grand Rapids Mich NoV 20mdashIden-

nations PivMcrik was taken In cliarge lioro by Sbariil Paniel P Becker ol Bufialo N Y and rfitiirnod to tliat city

Pntinka has just ooniplctoil a prisshyon sentence in nlihvauUoa and vas returned liuro to face forgery charges when a TiurCnlo olHoer arrived He will 1)0 shown to tho Detroit odicers to deshytermine if he is wanted there


Italians of Detroit Give Police Mysshy

tery that Baffles Them

Detroit Mich Nov 20 mdash Without tangibhi clews thn police arc trying to fathom a feud in which Italians are being slain and hulldinga wrecked with dynamite They believe five murders many explosions and a groat number of fights have mystcrlotis conshynection

One theory is that two rival bands have bcconio bitterly opposed to each other


Crew Reaches Shore In a Yawl After

a Terrifying Experience

Alpena Mich Nov 20mdashThe schoonshyer William A Young owned by Robert C Prlngle of Wickliffe Ohio was sunk during a storm on Lake Huron

The crew reached shore in a yawl after a terrifying experience

Tower of Hercules Travelers may still see on the coast

of the English channel at Dover the ruins of a Itoman lighthouse that was built at the time of the Roman conshyquest of Britain Another ancient lighthouse built less than a century after the tower at Dover Is still servshying Its original purpose It was partly rebuilt and some alterations were made in it but iu the inn in it is the same old structure that guided the Komnn galleys ns they skirted the toasts of the bay of Biscay making their way to the Roman port of Brl-gantium Th i s Is the modern harbor of LJI Ooruna and the lighthouse Is the most ancient thing about it The Romans called it the tower of Iler-cnles and the modems have pcnotu-ated the name The exact date of its erection Is not known but inscripshytions and other evidence show that it was bultt In the time of Trajan be tween 08 and 117 A DmdashExchange

^ Pores of Habit Its curious how habits fasten them-

selves on people You know Wapps-ley

Yes Hes nn entbnslastic fisherman and

always has a story to tell about some gigantic monster of the deep that he almost caught

Ive heard him tell a lot of lies of that kind

Well it seems that burglars broke into bis house the other night and ho got up and captured one of themmdasha little fellowmdashbut you ought to hear him tell about the size of the one that got awaymdashChicago Record-Herald


iOorreoted evary WediAidBir bullfternaon

VVHBATReltlNoaigterbuibel SA^ DO WHEATlVhiteNoiperbuihlaquol ggf w aVEperbushel Vsli SO OATS per bushel 4oa 4s 0OBNBheIlitdperhuD(lrediraquo IatAi 30 OLOVBR aKBU^perbusnel 8 fliK^rlo 00 TIHUTHYHEBDperbushel 660reg7 so gt OBObKBiBB AND iPBoviaioKH (

BCOKWHBATPUIURper hundred KGGHijwrdozen BCTTERiper pound iliARUper poundV bullbullbullbullgtbullbullbull-lt APPIltHdrledpHr pound PBACRBHdrlAn plaquor pound bulliiH0i-i MyBTookAKDMBAT 0 ATTLK per bundlred BBBFi dressed per hundred i VKAI OALVBH per hunarwlv BOHH per hundred ^gtlt PORK dressed tier l)undred

6 laquo bull-ft-ao aoamp 2(1 vftio)^

HAMajperpound HHOUiiDRKH plaquoiM)und gt BPSINQ OHIOKBNHdreised pifr III OHI0KBMttUva per pnutid bull TURKBVBlive per pounds bull bullbullbullgt-bullbull-deg TD^KBTBdrassedt pltr(pnund V ^MfSJS^SBuiugtiKOlaquoMATlaquoraquoiAi^ POBTLANt) OBMBNT perburiri

4001 5 M 6 (I0i8 00 r sect700 bull 6575 bull fcSiHI bull bull bull bull -18

12 bull bull


Overcoats and Suits K RE in greater demand this season (in

the month of November) than ever before and we were never better preshypared to furn ish them than now

Wi th a complete line of al l the new things in Overcoats with Presto Convertable and the plain collars in all the latestshades and colshyorings

The C L O T H C R A F T kind wi l l surely please you The f i t of the shoulder and the graceful hang of the garment puts it in a class by itself

We are having a great business on the celebrated STALEY Brand of Underwear T ry it once and you wi l l be customer for this kind as long as you can get it

Look over our l ine of FUR CAPS We have a beautiful stock and can suit you

IN FUR COATS I t wi l l pay anyone contemplat ing the pur-chaseof a Fur Coat to look over our line We have over 1 00 coats to select f rom Reshymember we sell more Fur Coats than all other dealers in Ingham County We can save you a substantial sum on a coat beshyside showing you a f ine line to select f rom

SlepAeuium i ^ M Uiutemueim

fforn ten^tt ^ ^ ^ H l

Mortf btraquonrfft W^^M 1 Mort woo r^Hfl 1 More wear S ^ B D I

j ^ H The himi

Yv^k y^ ^ [ t| g Mtw^ys

reH ^^orn

eurovery Garment Bears TAis J^abel T T Slepvdutimi UNDEiWpoundAR MlUi


Our Stock of Robes Robe Linings and Horse Blankets that Is the largest in the city and all bought direct f rom the mills

make them The prices as wi l l as the patterns are attractive

Come Early and Get Best Bargains

Webb amp Whitman Mason Michigan

Largest Dealers In the County

bull bull bull bull bull gtbull - bull bull I bullbullbull f bullbull

At Last HERE IS COMFORT FOR ocxaS^) SPECTACLE WEARERS ^ i We wi l l riiarautee a = =



They can be applied to your Icnaei while you wait


New and Popular Eye Glass Mountings


See the Optontietrist

O S BUSH OlTlce open Mondays Wednesdays

and Saturdays i 4vv4


Michigan Central

Novertiber 26i 1011 (Returning sameday)

LansingV v-v bullbullbullbullbull iampz O w b s s a V bull i - i s c Saginaw $i40 BayXlty i i KvvV- i $140

Tickets aCciepteii in co^ Baggage win not be checked on thesetlckets^i bullvVy gtf bull-bullbullbull


Mens Black Overcoats fine quality well made good values at S2000 $ 1 4 0 0

Mens Suits ready-made at $ 6 0 0 to $ 1 4 0 0 Tailor-made to order $ 1 4 0 0 to $ 4 0 0 0

Come in and see samples Mens Woolen Underwear in red tan and -rray

at $ 100 $ 150 $200 Mens Fleeced Underwear and Union Suits 4 5 c 9 5 c Mens Wool Coat Sweaters $ I 0 0 to $ 2 5 0 Mens Jersey Knit Oversliirts 4 5 c 7 5 c Mens Heavy Wool S h i r t 9 5 c One of the best Overalls onimarket 5 0 c 6 0 c 7 5 c 8 5 c Mens Suspenders the New Way Stretch with spring 4 5 c Mens Heavy Wool Sox 2 5 c 3 5 c 5 0 c Mens Solid Hogskin Mitten fleece lined with welted

s e a m s 4 5 c 5 0 c Mens Heavy Calfskin Pleece-lined Mit ten 25c 4 5 c 9 5 c Boys Fleece-lined M i t t e n 2 5 c Boys Wool Mittert 2 5 c Ladies Black Coat plush lined fur collar $1 3 7 5 Childrens and MissesCoats at very reasonable prices Lots of BabiesEmbroidered Coats $ 1 2 5 $ 2 2 5 Childs Bearskin and Velvet Coats $ 2 2 5 $ 3 0 0 $ 4 9 8 Childs Bearskin and Velyet Bonnets 25C 4 5 c 9 8 c All our Candy fresliVati bull bullbull I Oc

I ^iKh- -W

liaid QnX)ur-BaU-BainlV^ This ^ylnter wbatHer is sending in almost

everybody who ueeda

will eoms tiolc to you If n i l ip^^ iLtrade i UilaquolaquoVbullbullbull I M^ to-

lgtMi|ltll-Ordw Houit gt AcithM Uiraufli

M M laquoraquobullraquo ttwlUlMv ilM meiS bull

l or Sale by F ^ W W E B B Mason m

bull bull bull raquoP- ^bullm^-r^^i^^m-m


A New Line of Linens at Special Prices for Annual Sale We are unusually proud of our Linen Display this year and we have bought these linens in quantities that would insure the lowest prices You get the benefit of these pricesmdashwe are not undersold special for Thanksgivinemdash56-iii Silver Blea

Linen yard 49c Special for Thaiiksffivinsmdash70-in $125 Blea

Linen yard J8c Special for TluinksfjiviiiKmdash72-in Bleached

Damask SI50 value for _ SL19 Napkins to match nearly all patterns in linens

Rxtra Special $175 Bleached Damask 72-in wide $150

Table Sets in the round and square cloths Special for Thankspivinfr

Linen Huck Embroidered TowelinK 29c 59c 44-in Hardangfer LinenmdashSpecial for Thanks-


SWEATERS-Half Price All our large stock of Ladies and Childrens Sweaters going in some cases at less than 50 per cent of the original price We are overstocked on this line and while we have sold as cheap asany we are anxious to reduce this stock while the Tde-mand is on We are therefore sacrificing our profit in order to reduce stock and give our customers unusual bargains

All $100 to $150 Sweaters r9c Knit Caps all fifointr at one price 79c Shawls Bonnets Scarfs etc as low as lowest

All $400 to SO00 Sweaters Soini at All S300 to $350 Sweaters tjoins at

20 to S250 Sweaters froiiif-- at $19S 9Sc



Anything in Your Eye Miny people who come to us

for eye examination imagine

that there is some foreign

substance in their eyes Wc

can sometimes hardly conshy

vince them that these gritty

sandy scratching irritating

conditions arc symiitonis and

olTccts due to refrnctory ershy

rors which may be corrected

uy the use of proper Glasses

Let Us Take the Grit Out

C S BALLARD M D Eye Ear Nose and Throat

Ovar Atellinas Jewelry Store MASON

Supt Riffgs received the foliow-ing from the director of uthietica lit KaliimMoo

Kalamazoo Nov17 mil V D Ritgs Mason Mich

Dear Sir Our football season will have to close Nov IS We played onr riviils il-itUo Creek

I Nov bull and since that time there has boon little interest shown Wo have had an unluclcy your as we have lost all our big giunics J am Sorry that wc can not jilay the game with you under favorable conditions Very tiaily yours

j Laurence Taylor It looks as though the local foolgt

ball season will have to close for the yeiir ns ii seems impossililo to schedule any games with nearby towns Keyioated offers have been made to Chelsea Charlotte Eaton Rapids Grand Lodge and ]larshal but (hey have all jiolitely roluscf to set or accept a data Ganns were sehodulod with Eiton Rapshyids Charlotte and GrantI Ledge

UnleS soma arrangements can be made iji the noKt few days Mason will close the season

School Notes

Probate News

Tiaoringfi for Nov 24 Estate of Louisa A Mann-

bate of AVill Estate of Wilhelmina Smith

pointment of administrator bonis non

Estate of Nicholas Robsonmdashfinal account

Estate of Cornelia W Kilbourno mdashcitation



bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull PERSONAL MENTION bull

E D Pier ot Leslie was in Mason Monday

E C Bishop of Leslie was in the city Tuesday

Hiram Chase ot Clio Mich is visiting his cousin C V Browne

Mrs P P Millbury is visitiing her mother at Richfield Center Ohio

Alex Lang ot Ionia was with Miison relatives Saturday and Sunshyday

Mr and Mrs A L Vandercook visited their children in Lansing Sunday

W N Post and wife left Friday evening to Epend the winter at Biloxi Miss

Miss EUena McMath has been the guest ot Mr and Mrs M A Ranshydall the past week

A C Green ot Holly was a guest of his sister MrsG W Tamlyn from Sunday until Tuesday

Geo Green of Fenton and Lydia Treaubrodt ot Owosso visited at G V Tamlyns over Sundiiy

Mrs W A Shank went to Grand Rapids Tuesday to help her mothshyer celebrate her 80th birthday

Mr and Mrs H D Crippin-and little son Roy were Brighton visitshyors Wednesday and Thursday of last week gt

Mrsl Rona Atwoodot Cross Vilshylage spent Wednesday and Thurs-day of last week with Mr and Mrs P CvMcEuenbull bull bull V

Mrs Leona Salspaugh returned from Lansing Saturday where she had been for a week packing her mothers household goods for re-moval- here bullbullbullbullbullgtbull-bullgt bull-bull

Miss Elsie Beh)amin and Mj|8s Derby teacheravin the Lansing SchdolB were guests of Miss Nina Bristol at her home here last Wedshynesday [eYeiAhg-lgt^yjX---l^M^

Mr and JAr liCvi Slagl^t bf^^^ relius returned by gt way of Mason last VMonday frem attending the 89thblrthdayariniversary of their uncle Jared Shafer^ at Ithaca^

Wilbur^^UBlvbf iJacksori accom-piihietlbygt Miss Jennie B Paltnen-tonvOliBattle0refekvisited over Suridiay at oSteJlieh Hiinnaraquo8 inj V e- vayandampwithMriBu8h8daughr

-tiBr8 1nDah8ylUefx ^ iJ^inonil thbiieiattendihg


iArtliiuiSMri ^widMr8iiHrJi Btfhdr Dr and Mrs C S Ballard_Ro88

bullbullTh6rbttpniaJli aBi5sM6maniiWvflt) bullDltraderaquoivw-ilVM3iiVBriA1J-rTraquoii-l-0laquoiv

Several ot the teacheis and young people of our school attendshyed the Michigan-Pennsylvania foot ball game at Ann Arbor last Satshyurday

The High School Union herd its regular meeting last Friday aftershynoon The following program was sectiven

olo Miss Paine A Story Irene Henderson Original Song^ Gladys Lasenby and

Emily Sayre Original Poem Henry Adams

It was greatly enjoyed by all During the past week the seatshy

ing chart in the high school was changed

The senior physics class have taken up the study of machines

Miss Paine was in Lansing Saturshyday

Miss Dorr one ot our former teachers is visiting her many Mashyson friends

Herbert Bullen has left school Another mission rocking chair

arrived last Monday much to the pleasure ot the librariains

Agricultural BOOKS

The high school agricultural deshypartment has added the following new books to the library Farmers and other interested persons may obtain the use of the books byapshyplication at the high school li-Drary

Prmciples ot Fruit Growing-Bailey

FertilizersmdashVoorhees Feeding of AnimalsmdashJordon Principles of AgriculturemdashBailey Milk and its ProductsmdashWing How to Keep Poultry for Profit

-^Valentine gt Diseases T)f AnimalsmdashMayo Soil ManagementmdashLyons Farm MotorsmdashDavidson Farm Managementr-Card Pat of the Land Several books containing plans

tor farm buildings will be added nextweek gtbull bull bullbull- 7 bullbullbullbullbull iFarmbrs are urged to read these

books as they may be a meains of helping to gain a few mora idol-laP8bnnej(ityear^Bcrops yyv -|

Prohlbi t ibh County Conifer- bullbullbull en(seandRallir bull -

ihe prohibitionists ^^ in ithe fieldsfor the campaignr oif 1912 A conference of all friienda of the prohibition causeinithis Gdunr ty has been called to meet atlt230 p m Nov ST in the Grand Army HaUgtait LanBingv i-- iUic iii--riv bullr iThe^cboference will belvpireBided byerfby iWmABrubakeriof De-

^troitivthe-hewBtateiiehaimiiti bt gt the prbhibitiohi6mmltteebf Micih bull iganiJviHtIs tbe i)UPpoBe6lthis ineeftihgf to vthbrbi^ghly n rebrgiihi^ izeVand^Btrehgthen ijcbe pfbhibttion countycbmmTtteeandtomakegta heceB8avy^preparatibh8rforVcbm pdiatKewlth^thenewgtprih)[arjr^lawi Ih-the eyehlhga meeitingwiU held to be addressed by ttr Bru-baker who bull said to beone ot the

Eaton Rapids suffered a severe loss by fire last week in the buin-ing of the Anderson House the only hotel in the city and one of the best known in the state Fire fighting apparatus wore sent from Charlotte and Lansing to assist in extinguishing the flames anl they were heeded The loss is complete and very heavy


bull CHURCH AND SOCIETY bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The Rebekah Coterie will meet next Tuesday with Mrs Byrl No5-on Those desiring to attend will meet at Taylors implement store at 9 a m

The Aurelius Baptist L A S will have a handkerchief sale at the parsonage Fridtiy Dec 1 Supper from 6 to 8 at which the toUow-ling menu will be served Potashytoes moat beans white and brown bread and butter cake cabbage salad pickles friedeakes anul cofshyfee Musical program follows

The next regular meeting ot the Baptist Ladies Aid will oe held on Friday afternoon ot this week in the church parlors The work tor the afternoon will bo the tyshying and finishing ot the comfortshyers to be sold at the coming sale which will be held on the first and second days ot December An esshypecially large attendance is da-sired Come early and eome preshypared to work

Tho county Sunday school conshyference which was announceil to be held in Lansing at the Y M C A next Friday afternoon has been postponed

The young peoples societies oi the different churches will hold a union meeting at the M E church Sunday at the usual time from 6 to 1 Alfred Alien of the Baptist church will lead

The New England supper which was to have been held at the Meshymorial Hall Alaiedon was postshyponed on account ot the condition of the weather until Friday evenshying Dec 1

Rev A G Newberry will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening

Movement of the Air The movement of air Is variously

designated according to Us velocity as a zephyr breeze wind gale or hurrishycane With fogs the designations are mlstB slight moderate or thick A dense or thick fog according to the weather bureau obscures objects bull at a distance itt 1000 feet

bull bull bull bull V - - ~ ~ mdash ^ ~ - - V bullbull bull 1 My childVwas biirneti terribly about the face neck and chest I applied Dr Thomas Ecleetric Oil The pain ceased and the bhild sank into a restful slumber Mrs Nanshycy MHanBOn Hamburg N Y I


THANKSGIVINB MENU Provide your own Turkey but allow us to do the dressing

The well-dressed man on this the Nations Thanksgiving Day always possesses a fcclin of satisfaction that the careless dress-er docs not have ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ D R E S S I N G

with the proper kind of clothes will not be an extensive task if the clothes arc bought here A new Suit or Overcoat can be had for $10 $12 S14 $16 or $0

PASS IT AROUND P-iss it around and let it be known that few stores can excel us in our display of Clothing Hats or Furnishings

WILL YOU HAVE SOME of the splendid bargains we arc offering No better time to make clothinginvestments than now Whole season before you

SPLENDID SIDE DISHES and very appropriate for this wather are our lines of warm Underwear Hosiery and Gloves You cant do better than to come hero _ ^ _ i^^claquogtbull-bullbull

FOR D E S S E R T and to trim up your outfit we have elegant Neckwearmdashfull of life and snapmdashjust right for Thanksgiving Wc extend you a Thanksgiving invitation to come in


iiiin) B a rac m Another Fatal Accident on

the M U R


bullbullroiiiliKiiit ^lurcliuiit ul ICMIIU illtntK l l lNtlll lt Mltlltll

Word reached this city at midshynight Monday tliat a min had been struck by the south bound car on the M U R at Mclntyrcs crossing just south ot Eden

A special car was sent out from Lansing taking on Sheriff Banus lustice Adams and UnderUikor MnDonaki at Mason

When the scene of the accident was reached it was discovered ihat the victim was Paul L Darling a prominent and popular hardware merchant of Leslie

Tho Motorman R S Clioate states that when he first saw Mr Darling he was running across tiie track from the east and not over ten feet from the car IIewas carshyrying an overcoat on his arm Afshyter the car struck him he was dragged several rods before it ran over him and was brought to a standstill

To all appearances Mr Darling was hurrymg to cross the track in order to signal the car on which he was to return to Leslie The body was badly mutilated

Friends from Leslie were sumshymoned and soon arrived to take charge ot the body

Justice Adams empanneled a jury comiposed ot J W Chapin J H VanBuren Geo B Owen Lee Smally W H Chapin and Oscar Haire all residents ot the vicinity of the accident and the inquest will be held in Mason Saturday

H R VanAuken ot Williamston was the only passenger on the car when the accident occurred

Mr Darling was well and very favorably known about the county having been the democratic candishydate for register of deeds three years ago

Funeral services were held at Leslie yesterday afternoon

Death Comes Suddenly

David Almond pioneer resident of Alaiedon and civil war veteran died suddenly of heart trouble at his home in Wheatfield last Tuesshyday

He had been in poor health tor a few months but dsath came withshyout warning while he sat reading a paper which but a tew moshyments before he had taken from the mail box about 20 rods from the house

Funeral services were held from the home Friday morningconshyducted by Rev Fr Sharp ot Wil-iiamston with burial at Maple Grove cemetery in Mason

David Almond was born in Richshyfield N J April 27 1810 Here he lived until about 21 years of age when he enlisted and served three years in the civil war

He came to Michigan in 1865 first settling near Ann Arbor Feb 22j 1867 he was united in marriage With Miss Maggie McNama^a who survives him Ihey came to Vevay township about the year 1872 jgt- tling on the farm iii Alaiedon in 1876 where they resided until aihout four yeai-sago when the farm waB Bold and they moved to AViUianiston village living there tw6yeap8^^-bull^ bullbullbullbullbull bull

Inr the spring of 1910 he pur- chased aiid naoyed to the farm 4 1-2 miles southwest of Williamstoh - Besides the laquowldbwhe is surshy

vived by all ot his fourchildren Robert H who lived at home Mrs Anna Steadman lt of Detroit Walter W of Dansville and Mrs Kate 01inofLansing- bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull v Deceased waB a mian highly reshyspected-by his entire acquaintance aiprominarit democrat In politics holdin( BeveralofticliB ot truBl in the township oi Alaiedon ilhtil bullthegtlastyear he had enjoyed gen eralg6odhealth =bull c--y)f

i^yeommencinK bctvvirt

Prepare for Colli Weather KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY




Felt Shoes Arctics Socks and Rubbers Overgaiters and Leggings



GEO M WEBB Visit our Shoe Shinintr Parlors

Beginning Dec 1st our store will be open evenings until after Christmas



Our 10c Candies Are the Talk of the Townmdash16 ounces to the pound

5c to 25c Handkerchiefs A New Line Just Received

Quirks Dept Store

My Thanksgiving Proclamation I have much to bethankful for in this year 1911 I thank the public whose favor has Enabled me to dothe

biggest jewelry business betyveen two Thanksgiving Days since iny first opening in Maifon and I accept this faybi as ail obligation on me to still further improve my stock arid my serviceinevery way possible

Especially do I thank the many who after finding my goods my prices and my ways satisfactory have sp6ken~ tiidr Wordsof approval to friends and so have increased the | inumberofvmy customers bullbull[[bull ibullbullbull bull-bull

bull I thank my faithful helpers in the stprie for their loyaltyi Zealandefficiency bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull[bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbull I thank you for accepting my iriteritions ^ for tyccasionalmistekes for overlook your Conflderice in my earnest desire toi please ywi ^^ - I

bullFiriajly Ithank my ^m^ faults foi-npviri^ may mend the worst bJ them arid t ^

p)re efficiently serye



iidlAsc(tJnie^Si5jc^ IX^z



bull bull K

m-i ampgtyenyenmwm^y-



Grand Trunk to Erect Railway

Station in Bay City

Last of the Property Required Haa Ceon Purchased and Work on

the Big Railway Station Will Start at Once

rny Cl(y Mich Nov 20mdashThe Oniiid Triuils rajliond will hoyin at

oiico wnrl on ils new $1000000 ternv iiiiil Bliilioii and yards on tlie east siiUi JUKI lliG lirldHO that will givo accftsii lo tlioiii from tile WGHI sirio Ilic lasL ))rtii)crty rcriiiirod to apprnach thti rivei Iroiit on the wost side was purshychased within Uio last two wctelis anJ the owners have ten days in WIMLII to remove their hiiildinnH

All llio ojial side properly ro(|nirnd JnelndinK lwo hlorllts Ior slalion niu fvroiinds passenKiir ynrds hrid^e M| jiroachoH etc have long since been linrciia-wd and the removal of hoii-e Iroin this riroporly is now niider way Cradini on tiio wosr Hide approncli isi iirjdor way and temporary traeks for hridne liuiidinK purposes V i l l he laid vllhin 1W0 weolis

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 1 - 0 V

bull bdquo


Arrested Three Years Ago He ES caped and Recently Found

Ponliac Mieh Nov 20mdashLebaron f) Sawtello pleaded guilty to a cliarge of obtainlnK money under false pretenses bullvJion urraifjned before Instiee Stodi-cll and was at onro sentenced to tVu) honse of correction for ninety rtiiys Ttie charge of conspiracy which vmfl also laid ngalnat Sawtelle wnn diDPPed hy the proaecntion ihroufih in-iililllly to scctiro witnesses

Tho offense was committed three yijars aio Sawtello was arrested and Kuve SriOO hail Before he got away lio was arrested on tho second char^c and hail sot at $1000 which Sawtelle nliso gave and then disappeared lo CQjrtly ho was located in Cleveland urtfl brought had here

Two cases aro pending against Goorgo flilhoc and Rdward Stout Raw-ti t le s iKiiuisnien in tho circnit conrt hiR hail havin l)oen forfeilcd slKjrtiy nllor ho disii)pearod


Port Huron Man Opens Gas Pipe bull Without Knowing It

Por t Huron Mich Nov 20mdashWhen Ojfiver norealord retired he liTUXdced over a chair altcr lio had turned oiii lii^ gas The falling chair strucU a lithe loading from tho chandelier to a tpoundhle lamp disconnecting it so that iho gas began to escape Beroslonl liOgan to feel ill after he had been In hod hilt a short while hut thouglit il was iust a passing faintness

Tlo linally came to tho conclusion lliat something else was causing his weakness and succeeded in arousinc lilmsolf enough to stagger from tlio room and downstairs in time to save Mmseir from being suffocated to deatli A physiciiiii was called and after im-inodiato treatment got tho young man out of danger

Huron Farmer Takes Poison Por t lliiron Mich Nov 20mdashHenry

Hovlin 1 Huron township farmer comshymitted suicide by drinlUng potson l ie was Bfty-live years old and leaves i widow and several children Mo had been married three times

Farmers May Be Loseri Monroe Mich Nov 20mdashTudge Goldshy

en appointed William 0 Volimayer ftijfl Georgo E Kinney receivers for tiiis Michigan plants of he Clover Leaf CFjBnmery company of Toledo One g locateltl a t Temperance this counshyty and another Is in Lenawee county


Chicago Cash Qrain Quotations WheatmdashNo 2 red 9S(g)99c No 3

rejl 95n7c No 2 hard winter 100 fiji03 No 3 hard winter 95c(g)$100i No 1 northern springs $108lll N6 2 northern Bprtrig JlOGQJllO No ii8prlng raquo6cig)$lp4 CornmdashNoi 27Cc No 2 white 7Gc No 2 yellow 78c No raquo 7677cNo-3 white WjS^ci N Q 3 yellow -(new) 64G6c Oats

-mdashNo 2 white 49V4(5)50c NoiJ White 4849c8tandard48(S)49c gtbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullChlcaflo LIve^StocliY- bull

ftogsmdashReceipts 50000 Quotations ranged at|6^66S5 choice heavy

|^9p62laquo chplcei light (63604S b W y RackinSi and |485560 good to

^ G Q l c e pigsi^^bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull-

Ciittlamp^ReceiptB 25000 bull Quotatiohs rMWed i t |860 91B jirt bull Btera

^3^^450 goodtbeurotMgtlceted be r

et^ $626576 S(BlectedgtteMl(tniigt|3 5 i|()ci-f8(r vtp fJigppiJi- Biiockair Hif80oa tovbullclio c6bull VMl-iaIve

ifiisipjpptl eii B 60000-ij ^ ranged at$bSi6M5choicev ^ laquoatlveaambib JMpound26i 6Erlaquob(

(i[ iWrlln|Bi$37B(g)i ^^


GRAND RAPIDSmdashOn account o the pro-rata apportionment c the primary scliool money this fail and which abolishes the May apporshytionment the Grand Rapids publl schools face tho situation of closiii the preesnt semester several wecls earlier When their budget wus made up this Iall it was on a basis ol Ifl per capital primary money II proved to be 50 cents Tho May I lowanco expected to be $C will ni be forthcoming This means a if]bull 560 shortage the teachers refusing tv teach witiiout pay

DETROITmdashOne of the most costlj and spectacular tires occurring in Do troit this year started on tlie lourtli floor of lisher Oarton amp Wilis Whole sale Miiliiiory companys fivc-slorv building on lefforson avenue sprcii into the business l)ulldings on bet sides and cnusod a loss to p r o p e l and contents roughly estimated a 2()0000 The llrenien fought I hi blaze in a heavy snowstorm and al tlireo lionrs worii succeeded in getiii it under control


i^m ted wethera |310reg326 good to


lt|ini4i9t6nvKteniliaiitBE^ qijote vtks tollowa bull Cattle^ReceiptB iiH care market i5clowlaquo(rHogBmdash RacelptB 170- carij market bull lover heaYy$laquoi40lraquo6B0XYodkerB 1626(3)

iiPlWr|Bi7BJg) BheepKi2ROT laquo^a toptambBt626^636 yearllhpsi

ANN ARBORmdashGeorge Ross aped ten years llirough his fatlior as his next friend has started suit for SIO-000 damages against Fuaiilj I Corn-well a prominent coal and automobic dealer for injuries alleged to have boon received in an automobile accishydent about three wcebs ago The declaration alleges that as younq Uoss was riding on his bicycle the Cornwell auto in which were the driver L A Frost and Mr Cornwell ran blm down and broke both ankles

ESCANABAmdashUpon the application of Coupnty Prosecuting Attorney Storm the preliminary hearing of Dan McCarthy Arthur and Tohn Llndqiiist charged with the murder of Alvin Po-garty was postponed until Nov 21 McCarthy demanded a separate examshyination from the other defendants Me Cnrthya father is a well known railshyway engineer of ttiis city To his mother who visited him in jail McCarshythy stoutly protested his Innocence

EATON RAPIDSmdashDuring tho past four days three separatt farms have been sold here at figures above Iii0000 The Dr 1 B Bradley fapin two miles southwest of town went at $11000 tho lohn T Hall farm a short distance from the Bradley place was taken at i)lln00 and the Vauglian Brotliers farm tliree miles east ol hero was sold Ior $12200 Each sale will bring a new family lo this comshymunity

MUSKEGONmdashIt Frank Garasick of this city does not die from his alteini)t to build a fire with gasoshyline ho may thank the heroism of his bullvife Mrs Garasick tore the burninj clothes from her husbands back seshyverely btirning her hands in doing so Garasick lies at Mercy hospital - with the skin of one-third of his body burnshyed to a crisp Physicians say there Is a small chance for his recovery

CADILLACmdashMiss Mlna V Gale a young sehool teacher of Trenton and Homer 0 Tealle of Ithaca were married in Manton While leaching school some weeks ago at Trenton Miss Gale left her work to nurse Mr Teall in a siege of typhoid fever and their engagement followed Teall is a graduate of Cornell unversity and now runs an experimental farm near Trenton

JACKSONmdashThe iirominent busishyness men of Tackson adopted a resolushytion a copy of which will be forwarded to Governor Osborn asking him not to use undue haste In calling a special session of the legislature to pass upon the proposal of the commission on Inshyquiry Into taxation which favors the Imposition of a tax on the business done by the corporations o( the state

MUSKEGONmdashLouis Erlckson sevshyenteen years old a Bon of Mr and Mrs Lars BrlcUson of Norton townshyship accidentally shot and killed himshyself while hunting Erlckson wna takshying the guns out of the buckboard wagon and a chance discharge of one of the weapons sent a charge of shot through the left portion of his neck

l yendeg l l l -OR-

20th Century Needle Book Containing Pins Needles Hair Pins Hooks and Eyesmdasha Household Necessity

Choice o the Above Premiums to Everyone Answering

This Advertisement There are 10 Turkey Heads in this picshy

turemdashcan you find 8 of them To every one sending or bringing an answer we will give choice of the above premiums also an exceptional offer to purchase a new Piano during our Holiday Sale Send answers in today as all answers must be in our hands within a week

V ame

A ddress

Story amp Clark Piano Co 119 West Shiawassee St Lansing Mich

SOUTH HAVENmdashThe city of South Haven voted In ifavpr of the 38000 bond issue fora new high school buildshying-by 203 majority a- landfllide and the-largest vote ever recorded on a school proposition here bull Bells were rung whistlea bullblo|ffn anii studeiitB mode merryat a big paBBmeetlngin libnorof-theeventi^v-V-K V

iiONlAmdashMrii^vji^ Jones - bullwhio was charged vlth ^attet^^^^

i Bon bull iter i hiiirtKlnd - wltli ttl pleclB i of pti7chineltillledr ptei has^Mn ilaquo^

inonthBlncarcOTatloniHerlwll ln-laquoraquoe w p ( c K a r m s cbuld one a r i - ^ - t b

Proof of Beef Cattle Shortage

All doubts about the beet cattle shortage have been dispelled by the census report that tho deshycrease in luimbers in the last ten years has been 68 per cent This announcement is very significant This is tho greatest decrease reshycorded in any class of livo stock Horses mules and dairy cat Ic inshycreased to a much grca e r exshytent than any class of meat-proshyducing animals In fact ho censhysus figures indicate a d o r o i s e of about two per cent in sheep alshythough an increase of possiiDly 10 per cent may have been miile in hogs We cannot escape tho conshyclusion that the pro-luction o meat-porducing animals pari u-larly beet cattle has not kept ) ace with other branches of tli 11 (bull stock industry When it is considshyered that the population o the IJnited Slates has increased 1 raquo er cen t while the decrease in beef production has taken place ic is evident that a wide gap miay deshyvelop in the supply

Not only have beef cattle deshycreased in numbers but the avershyage age of marketing has been lowered So true is this that while market prices have appreciated the farm value credited per hear has actually declined The doan-up of large i-angs herds resulting i the marketing ot thousands of imshymature steers and females of all ages has been a factor in the deshycrease which cannot easily bo reshyplaced The expanded mirket in^ of veal is another The Pacific coast demand for meat is t r w-ing cattle that formerly would have come eastward ^o marker These factors luive been citeJ is indicating that we are living on our capital not on the increase of it in the beef industry

Witli the decrease in American beef production appearing as a grim reality some consumers are urging the free admittance of beef a t the seaboard in the hope that South America may fill the gap in our markets Even if this shoiild come about it will not destroy our market for first-ciass beef Whatshyever prime beef Americans cat for a long time to come must be proshyduced- oh the corn belt farms of this country

Forced to the conclusion that the corn belt must raise only high-clasraquos beef if any many farmers have established grade herds o beef cows in the last five years using pure-bred beef bulls to se-ctire the desired market- topping quality They havei reaped a well-deserved success that should enshycourage others to engage in this beef-breedingi industry rhere will be a place for the beef when it is ready mdashEditoriali Breeders Ga-

- a e t t e - - ^bullbull bullbullbull[[bullbullbullbull-bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull -

^ B A LPr HE A Li ED AV Q M A N Sliornof Her drown oirBlaquolaquoiitr itouB

gt = --Intioyeaad-illarrlBKe- - -Hair iscertainly mostneceBaary to womanWhovcduldldvff^a^^

In 1912 You WOl Elect a President THIS election is of supremo importance toyou Tho whole country is

divided On ono sido tho progressive Insurgents on tho otlior the Conservative Standpatters Both parties will promise many things

You will have to judge their claims and their fitness to carry them out In these stirring times


REVIEW OF REVIEWS is a necessity to tho busy man or woman who values being up to date In a hundred ways its editorials its character sketches and its timely articles will help you make your choice It gives you tho best clearest and most accurate non-partisan and unprejudiced news that money can buy It is the great monthly newspaper on which intelligent people everywhere rely for their news and you get this news almost a t promptly as it is given in the great daily newspaper of the country

Senktor LaFoIlcto i sys i flit mil muUi amiraii ami Imfarllal nvliw tftlii aO I lone have utttiztil the magazine In lit turrtnt Iwiei ai a valuable rntiini of informathn bull

Never will the Review o( Reviews be more necessary than next year

6umrof|tM0yraief finally bulluppllraquodfvS|ie has gone to Belding to itay with h r


offset Buch a disfiguremeh t v-A wbhiainB i jmaVftiuBually r 1 iEind marriageTHer crowning glory is herhairi Thebull JOBS of her Kair

| i B X T T U CREEK~Semi-lt^ laquo -~laquoraquoiAr ii i holaquon nhtAinftH Of a^B^cce88 Yet r i g h t h e r e in M a s o n

^ gt S ^ ^ r S deg I ^ ^ V ^ S ^ S awneglactirig^^o of Philadelphia 1B to take oyer the op- ^air to such an extent that It is eratlon of the Michigan United rail- (niy bdquo matter of time when it yay flyBteni i Includltijt Wllf^be utterly ruinedr

harmful to the scalp and hair As a result of su-ih iroilmont

dandruff is created Iho hair loosshyens loses color falls out in- L Itl-ness commen -s gt 1 s=i nvop^i -nd prompt precautions are taken i time Then again microbes and certain uiseas-ji ^rin JOI healthy scalp and hair on i io s

Almost any woman may rid hershyself of dandruff an^ iseis-3d scii]i and hair if she will but us-o h r ight remedy We have Ih i t remshyedy and we will positively guarshyantee that it will either cure danti-ruff and baldness or it will not cost the user anything

That s a pret ty broad statement but we will back it and prove ii with our own money We will reshyturn your money if you do riot find tha t Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will proihote hair growth and ovshyercome scalp and hair t roubles tha t it will grow hair even on bald heads unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished the follicles closed and the scalp is glazed and shiny It ges its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 bu t of 100 cases where it reteiv-ed a thoroughly hard imparUal arid practical test We want you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonicat our risk You surely cannot lose anything by doing so while you have everythia o tvl You had better thinic thi^ o c-v u then come in ani see ua aboa iiia offer You will be well ro ui 1 for your visit to our store

Remember you can obain R^x all Remedies in Mason only a t our storemdashThe Rexall Stbra Longyl ^roB^ drug Btore

bullbullbull His BuBlneit Vhnt u ivant to do it to have

t ^ t mudb in the road flied n i d tiM~ visitor That goea to Bhow reshyplied jparmei (orntoBBel bow little Ton reformei undefBtand local con-dltioiui Ive purty- n^gh paid off a BMrtgage with the money I v made iiitulih atitombblles out 0 that mud-

holemdashChristiana-Register bull

Your Agent in Confidence

Much business of a confidential nature is best transacted by a Trust Company If you will call at tHe offices of the Union 1rust Company you will find experienced men who will confer and advise with you and see that your interests are safeguarded to the utmost

Union Trust Company Detroit Michigan

Seiil Free by Mall to



TIieigtro6l That naaouHeaderaCan- bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull notDenybullJv-^- i^Whatcould furriishcstronger evi-idehee of the efficiency of any rem-edy than t h e t e s t of time Thous-ahds- of people testify that Doaris iKidrieyi Pills cure pfermariently vJHomelehdoEBenient should prova uhdoubtedlythe merit of this rem-iWysYears^flgo yourfr iends M rnelRhbora^iteBtified tortho1jj^elief

im^gt^m ieuro

they had derived from the use of Doans Kidney Pills Thiey now lonfirm their testimonials They ay time has completed the t e s t

Mrs T Riley 333 N Waishlngton Ave Lansing Mich says poundugtme years ago I began to suffer from kidney trouble and the physicians who t reated me failed to give hie reliefr The most annoying sympr torn of my case was al piercing pain in my back and there were other difficulties which showed that my kidneys w e r e o u t of orr der When Doans Kidney-piils were brbugbt to my notice I p roshycured -a supply and the coriterits of three boxes brought nie entire relief I have often recommended this remedy to my friends anfl never hesitate- to speak iri- its praise as I know that it lives up to the claims madeofii t V v

MrsvRiley gave the above testir moriial ill October 1906 andon Ap-i-li lO 1909Xsheaddedi Youa re welcome to contiriubthe ipublica-tiori of my previous endorsement iof Doans KidneybullPillSjIihaVe had no neediof a kidney j^emedy^since 1906 iand I thereforelook uporimy eure-a8-a-vpermaherit7ohd^igt-

Pbira sate byvall = dealers Price 50

New York sole agents for the United States Bemiember the nariiemdashDoaris-^ bull

and take no other

bullbullat of the PUIM The average pulsa of a liealtby maa

beats seventy-two times a minute


mm KiMM o r BiMi TigtonMMTlirii bull4 Bhenoiajtl

BiaewH M Bkcnoiaj tUai VIMN aercim BklB DIMMM NArTONI Hniidairlaquo VoMiMM (Ion l l r i i ree l f i t i Rnptara PilM or far Kln3ilaquolaquor or uiooflita

US treUmaDt ltbull MwAri ths ohettwit- Blittltl -^ advice mraquoy be raquoll yoa nted-tt ti 4 Jreeforthe-raquortlni-i-viv^ vbull OUR MOTTOl amp iS ^ Uont let monajrniMterirnoldyoutBukmdash nponeli toatoortoceMrTetfaelujiMnefif of bur beat laquoirort|0ll orwrlteJnatr|laquol vaDfldDnoe Vonanhktioo Ire Bpecf bullJhirlor foraquoPrlraquoraquooyif-i ---| ctjvfi



Kfsps^ reg~iai

bull- 1 bull bull - 1


A Romance of The South Seas

JACK LONDON Copyright 1910 by Street amp Smith

Copyright 1911 by the Macmilllaquoji CompMiy


By eleveu n inessenger arrived troin Biilosuiia vlllnge dlspatclielti by Soclee Tlio Jessie liiul gone ashore halfway between tlio vlllnge and Neal Islaod It was not till nightfall that two of the crew nriived reporting the drownshying of Cnptnln Oloson and of the om roinainj-ng boy As for the Jessie from what ihoy told him Sheldltraquon could not but conclude that she was a total loss Further to hearten him lie was taken by a shivering fit In half an hour lie was burning up And ho knew that at least another day must pass before ho could undertalvL even the smallest dose of quinine lie crawled under a heap of blankets and a little Inior found himself laughing aloud CIo had surely reached the limit of disaster Barring earthnuake itr tidal wave the worst had already beshyfallen him The lilibberty-Gibbet was bullcertainly safe In Mboll pass Since nothing worse could happen things simply bad to mend So It was shiv-bullering under his blankets that w laughed until the house boys with heads together marveled at the devils that were in him


BY the second day of the northshywester SheldoTi was in colshylapse from his fever It had taken an nnfalr advantage of

his weak stale and though It was only ordinary malarial fever in forty-elglii hours it bad rim him ai low as ten days of fever would have done when he was In condition But the dysen tery had boon swept away from Be rando A score of convalescents lin-gorod In the hospital but they were Improving hourly There had been 3Ut one more deathmdashthat of the man whoso brother had walled over him inshystead of brushing the dies away

On the morning of the fourth day of hla fever Sheldon lay on the veranda gazing dimly out over the raging ocean The wind was falling but a mighty sea was still thundering In on Bernndc beach the flying spray reachshying In aa far ns tlie flngstaif mounds the foaming wash creaming against iOio gateposts Ho had taken thirty grains of quinine and the drug was buzzing In his cars like a nest of hor nets making his hands and knees tremble and causing n sickening pal pltatlon of the stomach Once open ing his eyes ho saw what be took to be a hallucination Not far out and coming in across the lesaies anchor age ho saw a whaleboats nose thrust skyward on a smoky crest and disshyappear naturally as an actual whale-boats noso should disappear ns It Islid down the back of the sea He Icnew that no whnleboat should bo out there and he wua quite certain no men In tlie Solomons were mad enough to be abroad In such a storm

But the hallucination persisted A minute later chancing to open his eyes bo saw the whaleboat full length and saw right Into it as Itrose ou the face

ot a wave He saw six sweeps at jWorlt nnd in the stern clearly out lined against the overhanging walj of -wbitei a ntnu who stood erect gigantic swaying with his weight on the steer

ilngsweep This he saw and an eiglith j i man w ho crouched in the bow nnd j gazed shoreward But what startled

I Sheldon was the sight of a woman in j j the sternslieets between the stroke I oar and the steersman A woirian she

1 wris for n lira id of her hair was flying and she was Just iri the nct| of recapshyturing it and stowing It nway beneath

a hat tiint for all the world was iiie j his own Raden-Poweil i I The boat disai)peared behind the j wave tirid rose Itito vle4v on) the face I of the following one Again he looked into it The ihnh were dark skinned

I and largertluinSbldtnon Islanders l)Ut the woiniyi he cou|d plainlysee wita white vyJjo Shu wn9| arid whaii sh^ was doing ttiere werff ttiougbts tbapound

bull drlftedvagueiy throiigbhis consclotis-i nosf(gtHi was toosick to be vitallyiIn-I terested aiife hesideafhevjitid a hdlif i feeling tiintitwas al J fQbod bullIwatmeniVtvYas 8h gtlaquollcj^aiih((i^y^jitho^

oti^tiiiB-|flaquolaquo^fltvi(i--i^ j bullbullbullBweeps jfl^g|iwlf Urttokeep1^^^^^ j thatfrontltofItbjenioythg^^f^^^ iwotbrtbnif ra(e(^iinndiJ^ji^of

mfin8pilbiiiampg|f6ut j vposiBjt6-thraquogat(BSpM bullci^lM|yiilpij^^tcgtith^ i bullat5thffi iBiitJ(yeii(^ltjOT m n l i f t g | | ^ t i e n ^ l a ^ raquo i 1 ^ JikDe^lii|fnraquo^pabio5^U^5^ 1 goiio^iiitoijfij8tb^it^^


She scrutinized tlio house sharply and for some time she gazed at him steadshyily At lust speaking to two of the men who turned and followed her she started up the path

Sheldon attemptcltl to rise got half up out of his chair and fell back belp-iessly He was surprised at the size of the men who loomed like giants beshyhind her rtoth were six footers 11 ml they were heavy In proportion He had never seen Islanders like tlieni They were not black like the Solomon Islanders but light brown nnd their features were larger more regular nnd oven handsome

The womanmdashor girl rather he de-ckledmdashwalketl along the veninda toshyward him The two men wnltid at the head of the steps watclilng curiously The girl was angry Lie could see that Her gray eyes were flashing and her lips were quivering That she had a temper was his thought But the eyes were striking Ho decided that they were not gi-ay after all or at least not all gray They were large and wide apart and they looked at liiin from under level brows llor face was cameolike so clear cut was it There were other strlkiug things about hermdashthe c(^wboy Stetson hat the heavy braids of brown biir and the long barshyreled 38 Colts revolver that hung in Its holster on her hip

Pretty hospitality 1 must sny was her greeting letting strangers sink or swim in your front yard

Imdash1 beg your pardon he stamshymered by a supremo elTort dragging himsolf to his feet

His legs wabbled under him and with a suffocating sensation lie began sinking to the (loor Be was awiire of a feeble gratilJcatiou as he saw solicitude leap into her eyes then blackness smote him and at the moshyment of smiting him his thought was that at last nnd tor the first time In bis life be had fainted

The ringing of the big boll aroused him He opened his eyes and found that he was ou tlie couch indoors A glance at the clock told him that It was (1 and from the direction the suns rays streamed Into tfio room he knew that it was morning At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure bad happened Then on the wall he saw n Stetson bat hanging and beneath it a full cartridge belt and a long barrelled 38 Colts revolver

The slender giith of the belt told its feminine story and he remembered the whaleboat of the day before and the gray eyes that flashed beneath the level brows She It must have been who had jupt rung the bell The cares of the plantation rushed upon him and ho sat up in bed clutching nt the wail for support ns the mosquito screen lurched dizzily around him He was still sitting there holding on with eyes closed striving to master his giddiness when he heard her voice

Youll lie right down again sir she said

It was sharply imperative a voice used to command At the same time one hand pressed him back toward the pillow while the other caught him from behind and eased him down

VYouve been unconscious for twenshyty-four hours now she went oh and I have taken charge When I say the word youll get up and not until then Now what medicine do ybui takemdashquinine Here are ten grains Tliats right toull make a good pashyt ien t

My dear madam he began You mustnt speak she interrupt-

ed that is in protest Otherwise you can talk

But theplantatlon-V bullbullbullbull A dead man is of no use on a^plan

tation Doiit you want to know aboiit me My vanity is hurt Here am I Jtist tlirougb my flrat shipwreck and yhere are you not the least bit ctirlousitalklngrabout your miserable [iiantatioQ Cant youiseethatI am justbursting to teir somebody any- body about toy stilpvreck J He jBnilledgt It)jiJ^ fweeIcK And be siiniled iiotao iauchiati What she saidttailat itbeway she aaid tt-^ho wtilmsicai expresalon 6n her face the lattghterJohereyei add the| bulleyeral ^iDylihe8gtpfh^

bull Injatjty^raOTS^ IHe-flrariburiciMly iWwidepliraquoga8]itoii^ bull8bullhebulllaquoaldbull alo1idbull j gtvbull bullJbull ^

bull VTOatvI gtWlll nbti^not^nowi^ilaquolie^i^^ toited with a tosi o f the head ni (lnd8omebbdy to tellmy 8try to who

^ ti vbaylaquo|il)tibeJ-MiMd^S^ infi)mfllbn|i-iiraquo

fliif laquoyes flashed as on the day beshyfore and he saw again the Imperative expression on her face

Tliat I wont My men are men Ive been tmi to your miserable liar-racks ami watched them eat Faugh Potatoes Nothing but potatoes No eii-t Nothing Only potatoes I may have been mistaken but I thought 1 understood them to sny that that waigt all they ever got to euu Two meais a day and every day in the week

Ho nodded Well my men wouldnt stand for

that u single day much less a whole week Where is the key

Hanging on that clothes hook under the clock

He gave in easily enough but ns she was reaching down the key she heard him say

liancy niggers and tinned provishysions

This time she really was angry The blood was in her cheeks ns she turned on him

My men are uoi niggers The sooner you understand that the better for our acquaintance As for the tinned goods ill pay for all they ent Please dont worry about that Worry Is not good for you in your condition And 1 wont stay any longer than I have tomdashjust long enough to get you on your feet and not go away with the feeling of having deserted a white man

Youre American arent you he asked quietly

iiie (luesiiou disconcerted her for the moment

Ves she vouclisafed with a defishyant look WhyV

Nothing I merely thought so Anything furtheri He shook his bead AVhy he asked Oh nothing 1 thought you might

have something pleasant to say My name is Sheldon David Shelshy

don he said with direct relevance holding out a thin hand

Her hand started out Impuisivoly then chocked

My name Is Lackland Joan Lnclc-bullJand The hand went out And let Tis bo friends

It could not be otherwisemdash he beshygan lamely

And I can feed my men all the tinned goods 1 want she rushed on

Till the cows come home ho anshyswered attempting her owu lightness then adding that is to Cerande Sou see wo dont have any cows at Be-rande

She fixed him coldly with her eyes Is that a jokei she demanded 1 really dont knowmdashimdashJ thought it

was but then you see Im sick Youre English arent youi -was

her nest query Now thats too much even for n

sick man ho cried You know well enough that 1 um

Oh she said absently Then you are

Ho frowned tightened his lips then burst into laughter In which she join-laquod

Its my own fault he confessed I shouldnt have baited you Ill be careful in the future

In the meantime go on laughing and Ill SCO about breakfast Is there anything you would fancy

He shook his bend It will do yon good to eat someshy

thing Your fever has burned out and you are merely weak Walt a moshyment

She hurried out of the room in the direction of the kitchen tripped at the door in a pair of sandals several tlmcH too large for her feet and disappeared in rosy confusion

By Jove those are my sandals he thought to himself The girl hasnt a thing to wear except what she landshyed on the beach in and she certainly landed in sea boots



apeech of your people What time do tliW kiibckgtMri gtyifvSiiSiltv ^ ^ iiktiijjiiw)rt^aiBrthlaquotr^i3p^^^

yifTMtUppJjtlumk^y(0^ where gtdo) yon keep 1 the key to the proviaion8t I want to feed my men


HELDON mended rniildiy The fever bad burned out and there was nothing for him to do but gather strength loan

liad taken the cook in band and for the first time as Slieldon remarkshyed the chop at Berande was white mans chop With her own banda Joan prepared the sick mans food andbe-tween that and the cheer slie brougbt him he was able lifter two days to totter feebly out upon the veranda The aitiiatlon sti-uck him as strange and stranger stili was the fact that it did not seen^ strange to the girl at ail She bad settled down and taken charge of the hbiisehold as a matter of course as if he were her father or brother or as l f she wcrea mahiike bimselt- I t is just too delightful for anyshything she assured h i m i t is like n i)aKe out of Botneltroniancei Here 1 come along put-of-the sea and find a sick man alUalonewithi 200 sIkiVesmdash necroits lie icorrected Coritracf iabdren They selrye bnlytiiree yeairs and they ( are free agents when they enter tipon their rtjriWcta^^ ^iV

Yes yesnshe hurried pnr^tari^^ finannlbnefwith-200 recruits lt)n a cani- nibal lslaind~t iiey nrb pahhibaliii areii^ theyT6riaitkiitBikr-^^ri--^v-^Vvi Visaikrvhegtaid^witbk-M^^ a trifle morethan t h a t Most p t my boys are f rom the bn8h and every

bullbd8hmiampj8a-i1canhlbiiils^iiv^ bull^VBiii^iraquoptaftbfetheiyrblaquo Sorely the boys you haTohere wontd

nptbe gullty V vt- i-j cv J f V- bullbull ^^^ iifTheyda^y6u if toe chance nitord-i ediNVi15 fejSlaquobf i ^^ 5frtoiwifju8t8ayinir5BOiVo^ jbrdOiyburenliyknbwr^MeirtikL


months ago eleven of them sneaked a whaleboat atid ran for Malalta Nine of them belonged to Malalta Two were bushmen from San Crlstoval Thoy were fnols the two from San Crlstoval I mean so would any two Malalta men he who trusted them-

Bclves in a iHint with nine from Snlaquo Crlstoval Yes she asked eagerly Theu

wluit happened The nlneMalalta men ate the two

from San Crlstoval all except the beads which are loo valuable for mere eatlug They stowed them uwuj In the stern locker until tbey landed And those two heads are now in some bush village back of Langa Langa

She clapped her hands and her eyeit sparkled

They are really and truly cannibals And just think this Is the twentieth century And I thought romance and adventure were fossilized

He looked at her with mild amuseshyment

What is the matter now she queried

Oh nothing only I dont fancy beshying eaten by a lot of Ultby niggers is the least bit romantic

No of course not she admitted Cut to be among tliem controlling them directing them 200 of tliem and to escape being enten by themmdashthnt at least if It Isnt romantic is certain ly the qulntessencp of adventure And adventure and romance are allied you know

By the same token to go into a niggers stomach should bo the qulu-tessenco of adventure he retorted

1 dont think you have any romance In you she exclaimed Youre Just dull and somber and sordid like the business men nt home I dont know why youre bore at nil You should be at home placidly vegetating as a bankshyers clerk ormdashor-

A shopkeepers assistant thaoU you Yes thatmdashanything What under

the sun are you doing hero OQ the edge of things

Earning my bread and butter tryshying to get on ill the world

By the bitter road the youngest son tnust trend ere he win to hearth nnd bullsaddlo of ills own she quoted Why If that isnt romantic thou nothing Is romantic Think of all the younger sons out over the world on a rayrald of adventures winning to those same hearths and saddles Vnd here yon are in tho tliicU ot it doing I t and bullhero am I In the thick of i t doing I t

1mdash1beg pardon he drawled Well Ira a younger daughter

then she amended and 1 have no hearth nor saddlemdashI havent anybody or anything-and Im Just as far on the edge of things as vou are

In your case then Ill admit there is a bit of romance ho confessed

Ho could not help but think of tho preceding nights and of her sleeping in the hammock on the veranda under mosquito curtains her bodyguard of Tahitian sailors stretched out at the far corner of the veranda within call He had been too helpless to resist but now be resolved she should have his couch inside while ho would take the tiaininock

You see I had read and dreamed about romance all my life she was eaylng but I never in my wildest fancies thought that I should live it It was all so unexpected Two years ago 1 thought there was nothing left to me butmdash She faltered and made a moue of distaste Well the only thing that remained it seemed to me was marriage

And you preferred a cannibal isle and a cartridge belt he suggested

I didnt think of tho cannibal isle but the cartridge belt was blissful

You wouldnt dare use the revolver if you were compelled to Or noting

bullbullbdquo AOUIIgtMO MAXMWBVIBIO - the glint In hereyeaftf7yba did nab laquobullbull to--weUto^ hi^ anythinfgv bull - She Bteit^up suddeniyAtP e h ^

iipuBer^Hei^ilpoundnewbiiewaBg^^ hepiwbivbpoundiv|J gt bullbullbullvM ii^Never-mind^^vhe- saldvrvberttii jmtnb lrhatbabiybiidow1th1tiirib^ bullvVSbootthe block off bull yoiir llag-ihai- bullya^d^vIbulligtU J xbullbullbullbullbull^gt^ bull|Me iihUedWB-uiibaliei^^^^^^^^ ^^bullrivdbnitknbwthej^iwi^8hb8M dubipu8lyi ^ ibullbullbull - i(ii- ^i^- i i iii

eltr la tbere a car t r idge in t h e chamshyber

She Bred nnd the block remained intact

I t s a long shot he said with the intention of easing her fhagrln

Rut she hit her Up and fired again

The bullet emitted a sharp shriek an i t ricocbetled Into space The metal block rattled back and forth Again unit again she tired till the c l i | i was emptied ot lis eight cartridges Six of them were hits The block still Bwayid at the galT end but it was battered out of all usefulness Shelshydon was astonished It was better than lu or even nugh ie Drunimond could have done

That s really good shootingmdashfor a woman be said You only missed it twice and It was u strange wcraquo|i on

But I can t make out the two misses she comiualnod The gun worked beautifully too Give me nii-otber clip and Ill liK it eight tinies for anything yoii wish

I dont doubt i t Now Ill hnve to got n new block Viaburi Here yon fella catch one fella block alongsiori room

Ill wager you can t do It olglit 0111 of elglitmdashanything you wish she chnlleuged

No fear of my taking it on was his answer Who titught yuu ui shoot

Oil my father nt tirst and then Von and hls cowboys He was a shotmdashdad I mean though Von was splendid too

Sheldon wondered secretly who Von was nud he speculated ns to whether it was Von who two years previously had led her 10 believe that nothing reshymained for her but matrimony

Wiiat part o t the United States is your home be asked-Chicago or Wyoming or somewhere out tiiere

No Hawaii 1 was born iherb It is a beautiful land My Im almost homesick for it already Not that 1 haven t been away 1 bullwas In Now York when t he crash came But 1 do think it is the sweetest spat on carth-Hawall I moan

I might ns well begin nt tho beginshyning She lifted her head with a proud air of dismissing sadness after the manner of a woman quaiiiiod to wear a Baden-lowell and a long barshyreled Colts 1 was born at Hilo Thats on tho island of riawnli tho bigshygest and best in the group I cant reshymember when 1 first got on a iiorse nor when 1 learned to swim That came before ray A B Cs Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maul-big ones for tho islands Uokuna linU 200noo acres alone It extended in between Mauua Kea and Mauna l oa and it was there 1 learned to shoot goats and wild cattle

Von bad been In the army and dad was an old seadog and they were both stern disciplinariansmdashonly Vous girls had no mother and neither had I and they were two men after all They spoiled us terribly You see they didnt have any wives and ttiey made chums out of usmdashwhen our tasks were done We had to learn to do everyshything about the house twice as well as the native servants did itmdashthat was so thnt we should know bow to manage some day

More than once one or the othshyer of us had our rifles taken away for n week just because of a tiny speck of rust We had to know how to build fires In the driving rain too out of wet wood when we camped out which was the hardest thing of all-cKcept grammar I do believe We learned more from dad and Von than from the governesses dad taught us French nnd Von German We learned both languages passably well and we learned them wholly in tho saddle or in camp When I was sixteen we three girls were all sent up to California to Mills setnlnary which was quite fashshyionable and stifling I l l we used to long for home We didiit chum with the other girls who called us little cannibals just because we cume from the Sandwich Islands and who made Invidioiis remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cookmdashwhich was historically untrue and besides our ancestors hadnt lived In Hawaii

I was three years at Mills sem Inary with trljis home of course and two years in New York and then dad went smash In a sugar plantation on Mqui Dad had nothing left aiid he decided to returii to the sea Hed always loved I t and I half believe thot he w a s glad things had happened as they did He was like a boy again-busy with itlans and preparations froin morning till night Be used to sit up half the night talking things over with rae That was after I had shown himithat 1 wasreally resolved tb go along We were readyto starttOTn-hiti where a lot ot repairs and refitshyting for the Miele v^efe necessary when poor diid came down sick and

died- ^i- bull - bull bull v-bullbullbullbullbullbull

VvAnd you were left all iaione bull JbannoddedV bulliy^z bull bull i

Very much ^alone I had no biroth-ers or Hiatersi and all dads pebple were drowned ID a Kansas cloudburst That happened when he-was ft ilittle boy Of cburio 1 bull could go back to| Ton Theres ralwaya a home there

m $520 A YEAII

Is a uonunaii Inltliil sniarv for oar griidimtoK Aflur soiiioc(|)orlonoo miiiiY uiirn dnuhlu luul trtililo this iiinniiil Suiiil for CUIUIOKUO loihty and liiiirii how to prupiiiO



rhliUulhliullcliil(lireHll Ill llii nmtUrof IIXIIIK and appnliahiK ttraquoi

tiniis and places for liolilhi) tho suvnral toiiiislit lilioclrcullcniiri conn(or tliououii-ly iif liiuliain Slalo of iMlclilKaiij for iw yuais A I) nno lliousaiid nino Imndrtid and iwihii and one llioiiHand nino Imiidiud and

III iiiirsiMiiici) ofMio slaliilo in such eiiso inudu mid piovldod It Is oidenidlliat tho siiviinu toiiiis of tho olTOiill coiut for llil) coiinly of liiKliain Sliloof MIclilKaii for tKli bull ytiaisA 1) nnu tlioiisiiiid nliiii hiiiiiimd anltl uvulvu nnd oiiu Hioiisaiid iiliio hundred and lliliu^oii lid nnd llii) sainu limiiliy are (lwd and appointed 11) he liuld at Miu followlnit times and pincns

Alllni Oliy of Miison coimnonclnK on tho fouitli moiirlay In laiinary iniiili yoar

At lliuClly olbniisliiK conuiieinilnir on tho second MiMiday In Mnriili tiiicjli year

At |lio Oily i)f iMiison ooininonclni on tiio soroiid iMmiduy In Mny oiudi your

At ilui Clly of lyanslnK oiinmnmcliiKon tljii foiiitli Mondny In Hepiuniljui eacli year

Cmiittoopeii tile llrstnny of eacli term ut ton oclock in the foreiiooii

IIOWAltll WlKST CliCnItliid(n bull


Dalod haimlnt MIcli Octvi IIMI eurooiiiiiilMNloiiunraquo Notice Norrlfi

ytalii of Mlclil(nii Ihu probate court for tlie county of liinliam

til the mailer of tlic estate ot Sarah bull I iNorrls deceased

llavliij lieen appoliileil conimlsslonors ii) receive oiinilne nnd adjust nil tdalins and denuuids ol all persons ii(alnstsnld doconsod wedo hereliy KIVU notice that four months i from tlie Itli day ol Noveuiher A I) inilwoni bull allowed liy snid court Ior creditors topresent tlieir claims to ns for evniiiliintUm and adlusd-niont mill thnt wo will meet at the resldonco of losepli lewett In the clliy ol Mason hi snId county on the Itli tliiy of liiiiiiiirr| A t) itilJ mid on the- ltl(li day ot niiirvli A t) ili at ten ocloelc In tho forenoon of encli of siild dnys fw the pnrpose of o-camlnliiK and ndJiiKtiiiKsald claims

Dated Novciiilier ttli A 1) mil




lleiiriiiK OlaliiiN llvltvt^mdash1IiirHl Slate of Michigan Tin) proliale court fOr

llie county ot liigliani In llie matter of tlio estate of Conrad

llelwlK deeeased Notice Is henliy Klven tliiil fonv niontbM

from llieVth day ot NiivemlmrAlJ 11)11 liavo lieen nllmved for creditors to present thotr claims n(nlnst snid deceased to said coiirffor eNumliintlon and iidjiistmeiit nnd that nil creditors of snld deceased are reiinlred tj) present llielr claims to said court at tlie pro-liateolllce In tho city of Mnsoiilii said couiraquo-ty on or liefore the Rlli dny of Mnruh A I) 1)IS nnd Hint snld cliilms will he heard liy said court on tlin Ntli day of Itlurili A I) 11)1 atteii oclock In tlui forenoon

Dated Novemlagtrth A D mil IIUNKVM (iAHi)NKH

bulliiwl lndse of Iroliate

Order or t i i l i l lcnt ioi i STATU OF MioiiiciAvmdashrun OIHOUIT COUKT


Rthel W Alvarez Complainant

vs Kaymoiid 1 Alvarez

Defendant Suit iiendliiK In the Olrciilt Court for tho

(Jniinty of liiKliam In Oliaueery at liinsInK M ulilnanon tlieHth dny of Novemlier JOll

ItappearliiK hy allldavltin tlilsciinso thai the defendant Kiiymond 1 Alvarez docs tiol reside in this state lint resides In tlioelly of Mnnlla In the Ililllpplne Islands on tlio moshytion ofO I amp R P Hammond compliihi-nnts solicitors It Is ordered that liu cant-o Ills npiiearaiice to lieoiiterud liorewllli wllhlii live inonllis from the date ot this order and In case of appearance that lio cause Ids aii-swur tecomplalnaMshlll of complaint lo ho filed and a copy thereof to ho served on sidiJ solicitors wltliln twenty days after service dli liim of a copy of said lilll and a notice of tills order and tlnit In default thereof said 1)111 1)0 taken as confessed hy lihn

It Is further ordered that within twenty days after date Imreof said complalniinli cniiso 11 copy of this order to he pnhllslicd hi tliu INOUA-M COUNTV NKWH a nowspapflr printed and circulated In said county ami that said pnbllcatlon be continued tlioroln lUi least oiicu in each week for six weeks Insuii-cessloii or tliiitslio cause a copy of this orshyder to be personally served on said defuml-ant at lonst twenty days before llie tirno prescribed for said aiipearauee


i w a l t l n g f o r m a But wfiy8libuia ^ BOTtdes^|therbltweredaa8^pIaii8|^ain^ f e l t that I t devolved npon me tp carry themiptit jt8eemed^aflhe^ithing to d o uiaoI wanted tb cariryltheih Out Ahdhfire Iafliv fMHbullbull^ bi^ C tb rii UBn] bullbull-bull

CountorslKiied (Jircult ludKC WM It (JllAllAM

Deputy RoKlstor C R t K V IIAMMONI) 4fiw7

Complainants Hollcinrs Uusiness address LnnsliiK AllchlKan

LIcuHNU to Kelt lraquotl-lllaquolti 15 Stale of JllclilKan tho Irobato Court for

tho county of liiKliam At a session of said court holdat the proshy

bate ofllce in tho Oity ot Mason in said counshyty on tlm Mith day ot Novemhur A D Iflli

Iresi nt Hon Ilonry M Gardner IndKoof Pi obato

lit tho tnattor ot tho ostivto of Wllllala 1 Lett deceased

Sainjiol W Mayerhiivini lUod in snld court his potltion urayliiH for Uconso to soli tho In-turest ot said qstato in certain real estatu thorolndesorlljed

It Is ordored thnttho Iftlli day oi J lelaquo A a l l i t l U l l at ton oclock In tho fore-nooiii at said probate ollico be nnd is liornby iiupolnlod for liearlnt said pellMon and thtid all persons hitorestod In said estate appear boforo snld court at said time and place to show cause why II license to sell tho Intorest otsald estate in said real estate should not bOKrnntedi bull lt Is further ordered that putilic iiotlcn

thereof-be given by publication of a copy of tills order forthroo snccesslvowookspreshyvious to said day of hoiirlni In the iMOUAll COHNlV NEWS a newspaper printed and clr-cnhited In said county (A true copy) UENIIY M GAIIDNEK 0 A OllNiON lud(OOflrobato -

Irohatu ItOKlstor 4Tw_4

Fliiiil Account I l i i r row-JIcc III State of M IclilKnn The Irolmle Court- for bull

tlio county of liiKliam At a sessionot said court hold at tlio proshy

bate ofllce In tho cltY of Mason in said counshyty on tho goth day of Novombor A D liUi

Presonti lion Itonry M GardnerJudge pt Prohato

In tiio matter of tlio estates of Johri 0 Duriow docoascd

1 B Jlummol hivvlnit (llod hi said court his final administration account ai^d his petition pruyhij for Iho bull allowanoo bull thereof and for tlie nsslgnmont anddlstrlbn- tlon of tho rosiduo of said estate bull gt ItUordored that the Ifilli d a y o l Jloe A-D 1011 at ton oclock In the toronbob a t suidi Drobate efflce bo and is liorebvapr [iolntcd fer oxanilnlnff and ollowbiK said aft- countiiiia htiirlng siilap6tltl6n - bullbull bull

I t Is^fnrtherMrdered that public notice thercotbe given by pubUcatlonot u copy ot tnlsoraor for three successive Aveoks pre- vloun to said day of hearing In the iNOHiBH OouMST-NHwajanowspaper printed andch- culatedtn said countv ^ -lt sfj (A truepopy) HENRYMGABDNliBr bull

p AOttNTON- bullbull J u d g e ofVroBBte bull ProbateBeg|gter -bull bullgtbull y-^^^VIti-^v

How lillhbolnihirb8hephiiigtdi Ceiirit Yan (1) taii(2y tethera (8)r pethemi

s(4)ltplinp (5gtsbthera (6) lethewf (7)^ hbvera (8)^coyera (PK dlk(litt)lylaquofe 41k ((il)j tahrdrdlk U2)i tetherWUk ^18) [PetherailtIikV (14) bumpttii(iB)vVwi^ i W m p i t (ie)tiinabunu)itff(H) etb JIfgit (20)iPrbm Shepherdi jof Brit

Succeed iwhen^eyerything cIseMOii fill nerybu8pro8tratibh)j a n d fetnaleii weaknbiieavtheyiaiethei8upreme imiAyiM thouaanda iliaye tcBtjiilipd

pi(mleurolbNCtUlVERANigt^ 8idiyiACH|rROUBLB^



viijbull liinB

(bullbull^bull^bullbullbullbullltWft I tVVi----iltw|

mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im



w^ r


DANSVILLE I w^s^ v bull ^w vvvcfcvlaquolaquowwwclaquolaquo5g

Last wncic Woclncscliiy luiiitcrM got lifter tlio aly fox but did not succeed in jfotting one aitiiougii cloo oiiouyli ln ge t ti filiot lit one

No foimei rcsi i tnta of (his place wjio huri or jjroporty damaged in tiic cyclone at Owosso except AV G Ilawcroft amp Son wlio had (wo windows brolcen in their grocery store The building W 11 Rcming-toi l^ept grocery in when in biis-inesB was destroyed

We learn that C A Diehl has bought 70 acres of the Prank Ska-dan farm

It is eKpcctcd that Ellsworth As-cltine of Lansing formerly of (his place will be obliged to undergo an operation at Ann Aibor soon

Mrs Sarah Atulrows hiis gone to live with her son George this winshyter on the farm

Mrs Wni Cooper is visiting rel-a t i es near Plainfiold

Mort Kecnc hiH returned to this phi C and will occu|)y the Mis Cooper house

Miss Ncsa Diclcey and Miss Flor-CWM Krcer were in Mason last Sat-ui lay

Dwight Miller visited his parshyent over Sunday

The ir IS sujipor and the V C T iJ oiitortainmont at the town hall last Friday night was well ai-teniiod considering the weather

Vniy tloiit you get in the swim and got the Toledo Weekly Blade for M cents a year This is the last week on this club B Z Strong a^cnt

H I Walker eKpocts to leave next Monday for Omihi iVeb ui spend the winter with his ciiiugh-ter Mrs H M Parks

Geo Tossop was operated upon at Detroit last weak Monday If ho recovers from it he and his wifs will reside this winter in Lansing

1- oy riiiirber has rented the Levi Swiii faim and is moving there

man wife and son have taken possossion of C 13 PiedorickH house nortli of this jilace which h ipjiened to hiive a stove in it anI are making themsiilvnj at liomc Thoy wore ti-aveliiig inil as night overtook them it looked pret ty good to them and since the weather has not been inviting enough to move on The Avoman is i cripiile They have a horse and buggy a coop pf chickens and two dogs but little of anything else The owner of the building has o r e rod tluMU out but they still hold the fort gtbull

The A U C Stock Co of Mason ajjiiears at the town hall in this village on Saturday evening Nov 25 with (hoir play The World Against Him It comes well recshyommended and wo hope to see them get a full house Xii addishytion to the play there will be vocal

bulland inbtrumontal specialties Kcv N Dickey of Reece Mich

Is visiting his tlaughter Mrs F W Dakin

Fred Wolcott has just recovered from a weeks quite severe illshyness

Park Ferguson was a victim of cider thieves recently having a half barrel cask taken barrel and all

Miss Bessie Madden of Lansing is a guest of Miss Mary Walker

Mort Keone was in Lansing Mon-diay

Dance Friday night TI town hall No rural mail service next week

Thursday Thanksgiving day Jas Johnson of Lansing was in

town Monday Jas Oakley amd wife of Stock-

bridge visited R P Walker Tuesshyday

Miss Grace Doyle returns to her home in Chicago next week

B L Dayton has recovered from his sickness

lIciiliivMM Ouniiot bo Cured by local applications as they canshynot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to (urc deafness and tha t is by coi-stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachshyian Tube When this tube is inflamshyed you have a rumbling sound or imi)erfect hearing and Avhen it is entirely closed deafness is the re shysult and unless the inflammation cfin be taken out and this tube re shystored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces

We will ffiive One Hundred Dolshylars for any case of Deafness causshyed by catarrh tha t cannot be cured by Halls Catari^h Cure Send for circulars tree

P J Cheney amp Co Toledo 0 Sold by all druggiSts 75c Take Halls Pamily Pills for con-

stipation bull v In a Japaniia Temptsi

Asakuse temple is dedicated to tbb jgoddess Kwaunou u tiny image of gold about two and one-half Inciies hlghV writes a traveler in Japan A t the entrance to the tdinple grounds on either side of the immienae-gate B^^ two largle and fearMlookinjg figures guiurding the sacred prisclncts HainJB-Ing outside the wiro grating nuinhepof aan^ais tor thcdr use if tiiey

bullwiBtvto-takegtwalkfj4ndtticeilB^ bullprinkledabout ]E3ach wpntiliperybe- fbroi i entering the^tempIevcalltVata^ Bmiaiibuildihg^ after c r a ^ a igiUBll anioiint^ woahei bis U^

rinsiasbismouthf Inftpbtoitti^^ shrine is a Iatgeaperture in the floor

^pvered^ withi laiiicewpr^ the wor8blpercMt8bls^^ clapphig his hands to awaken or at-

gttoctitheSjttttentlp^ kneels but bis prayer is only brief iWbilo there is one chief shrine there are many others unjer the same roof Onesbrine espeolsliy attracted my at tentlbn it was made of wood and quite disfigured andwomtbtitngb the laquoraquoQittant rubbing of band on thV spot

r New Shoe Store

Let us sell you your next piir of Shoes or Ruibbers Everything New and Up-to-Date We have the well-known

BALL BAND BRAND OF RUBBERS Every pair guaranteed to be first quality







Come in and sec us We are located first door north of the Farmers Bank



Secretary of Red Cross Socivty

Who Announces Sale of Stan|3s

Copyright by liurriH amp Kwlng

Red Cross Christmas stamps will be placed on sale about Dec 1 accordshying to Clinrles L Magee secretary of the American Red Crcs society For the first time sale of the stamps will be permitted In all postoflices Secreshytary of the Treasnry MncVoagh senl a biillotin order to cnstodians of all postodice huildings to permit installa tion of booth


Oil Inspector Reports that Present Year Wil l Be States Best

Northville Mich Nov 18mdashThe quarterly repoit of State Oil Inspector Neal for the period ending Sept 30 shows the inspection of 5310717 galshylons of kerosene oil or 598811 galshylons more than for the same period last year Total fees received $10-72070 total salaries and expenses^ $7-76109 leaving a net balance to turn over to the state treasury of $296501

The department has advised the treasury department that besides the $2000 already sent In that $14000 more will be forwarded Dec 15 and about $4000 more by the middle of January making about $20000 net for the year This will even beat last years record of $17000 which was the banner one in the departments hisshytory bull bull

Besides Inspecting oil the departshyment has made a canvass of nearly the whole state In Hhe enforcement of the red can gasoline act bull


As Reiult Village Is Without Light-bull ing Service Heavy L O M

Gladwin Mich Nov 20^A dam hie-Ipnging fo Josli Schiiltz was washed out here l Thedam was built in1890 and since that time has fiirntahed pow er for Scbiiltzs floiir mills and the Schultz amp Prliidle electric lighting Bys- tei|niiVrbullbullbullbull-bullbull bull-bull-^l^bullbullbullbull-bull

KTbisvieayeB tliebltjr wU^ of ahytkind Albert igtBhnlngBwliB| haa cbwev or bull the i plant yhea^ dam breRking -and Iran to the eb ^ ^ JuBtlMvtbeydam gtw^t downB^ Tbe ditm and pof r plant were valued iitiblaquotwMn|2laquoltkgt0and t250(K) and itotaiioiifiSspoundsi^V--^

|L||Tp|jgi| |f i6|RIEf| Map Held at Qrand Rapids Turned

O y e r to Buffalo

Grand Rapids Mich NoV 20mdashIden-

nations PivMcrik was taken In cliarge lioro by Sbariil Paniel P Becker ol Bufialo N Y and rfitiirnod to tliat city

Pntinka has just ooniplctoil a prisshyon sentence in nlihvauUoa and vas returned liuro to face forgery charges when a TiurCnlo olHoer arrived He will 1)0 shown to tho Detroit odicers to deshytermine if he is wanted there


Italians of Detroit Give Police Mysshy

tery that Baffles Them

Detroit Mich Nov 20 mdash Without tangibhi clews thn police arc trying to fathom a feud in which Italians are being slain and hulldinga wrecked with dynamite They believe five murders many explosions and a groat number of fights have mystcrlotis conshynection

One theory is that two rival bands have bcconio bitterly opposed to each other


Crew Reaches Shore In a Yawl After

a Terrifying Experience

Alpena Mich Nov 20mdashThe schoonshyer William A Young owned by Robert C Prlngle of Wickliffe Ohio was sunk during a storm on Lake Huron

The crew reached shore in a yawl after a terrifying experience

Tower of Hercules Travelers may still see on the coast

of the English channel at Dover the ruins of a Itoman lighthouse that was built at the time of the Roman conshyquest of Britain Another ancient lighthouse built less than a century after the tower at Dover Is still servshying Its original purpose It was partly rebuilt and some alterations were made in it but iu the inn in it is the same old structure that guided the Komnn galleys ns they skirted the toasts of the bay of Biscay making their way to the Roman port of Brl-gantium Th i s Is the modern harbor of LJI Ooruna and the lighthouse Is the most ancient thing about it The Romans called it the tower of Iler-cnles and the modems have pcnotu-ated the name The exact date of its erection Is not known but inscripshytions and other evidence show that it was bultt In the time of Trajan be tween 08 and 117 A DmdashExchange

^ Pores of Habit Its curious how habits fasten them-

selves on people You know Wapps-ley

Yes Hes nn entbnslastic fisherman and

always has a story to tell about some gigantic monster of the deep that he almost caught

Ive heard him tell a lot of lies of that kind

Well it seems that burglars broke into bis house the other night and ho got up and captured one of themmdasha little fellowmdashbut you ought to hear him tell about the size of the one that got awaymdashChicago Record-Herald


iOorreoted evary WediAidBir bullfternaon

VVHBATReltlNoaigterbuibel SA^ DO WHEATlVhiteNoiperbuihlaquol ggf w aVEperbushel Vsli SO OATS per bushel 4oa 4s 0OBNBheIlitdperhuD(lrediraquo IatAi 30 OLOVBR aKBU^perbusnel 8 fliK^rlo 00 TIHUTHYHEBDperbushel 660reg7 so gt OBObKBiBB AND iPBoviaioKH (

BCOKWHBATPUIURper hundred KGGHijwrdozen BCTTERiper pound iliARUper poundV bullbullbullbullgtbullbullbull-lt APPIltHdrledpHr pound PBACRBHdrlAn plaquor pound bulliiH0i-i MyBTookAKDMBAT 0 ATTLK per bundlred BBBFi dressed per hundred i VKAI OALVBH per hunarwlv BOHH per hundred ^gtlt PORK dressed tier l)undred

6 laquo bull-ft-ao aoamp 2(1 vftio)^

HAMajperpound HHOUiiDRKH plaquoiM)und gt BPSINQ OHIOKBNHdreised pifr III OHI0KBMttUva per pnutid bull TURKBVBlive per pounds bull bullbullbullgt-bullbull-deg TD^KBTBdrassedt pltr(pnund V ^MfSJS^SBuiugtiKOlaquoMATlaquoraquoiAi^ POBTLANt) OBMBNT perburiri

4001 5 M 6 (I0i8 00 r sect700 bull 6575 bull fcSiHI bull bull bull bull -18

12 bull bull


Overcoats and Suits K RE in greater demand this season (in

the month of November) than ever before and we were never better preshypared to furn ish them than now

Wi th a complete line of al l the new things in Overcoats with Presto Convertable and the plain collars in all the latestshades and colshyorings

The C L O T H C R A F T kind wi l l surely please you The f i t of the shoulder and the graceful hang of the garment puts it in a class by itself

We are having a great business on the celebrated STALEY Brand of Underwear T ry it once and you wi l l be customer for this kind as long as you can get it

Look over our l ine of FUR CAPS We have a beautiful stock and can suit you

IN FUR COATS I t wi l l pay anyone contemplat ing the pur-chaseof a Fur Coat to look over our line We have over 1 00 coats to select f rom Reshymember we sell more Fur Coats than all other dealers in Ingham County We can save you a substantial sum on a coat beshyside showing you a f ine line to select f rom

SlepAeuium i ^ M Uiutemueim

fforn ten^tt ^ ^ ^ H l

Mortf btraquonrfft W^^M 1 Mort woo r^Hfl 1 More wear S ^ B D I

j ^ H The himi

Yv^k y^ ^ [ t| g Mtw^ys

reH ^^orn

eurovery Garment Bears TAis J^abel T T Slepvdutimi UNDEiWpoundAR MlUi


Our Stock of Robes Robe Linings and Horse Blankets that Is the largest in the city and all bought direct f rom the mills

make them The prices as wi l l as the patterns are attractive

Come Early and Get Best Bargains

Webb amp Whitman Mason Michigan

Largest Dealers In the County

bull bull bull bull bull gtbull - bull bull I bullbullbull f bullbull

At Last HERE IS COMFORT FOR ocxaS^) SPECTACLE WEARERS ^ i We wi l l riiarautee a = =



They can be applied to your Icnaei while you wait


New and Popular Eye Glass Mountings


See the Optontietrist

O S BUSH OlTlce open Mondays Wednesdays

and Saturdays i 4vv4


Michigan Central

Novertiber 26i 1011 (Returning sameday)

LansingV v-v bullbullbullbullbull iampz O w b s s a V bull i - i s c Saginaw $i40 BayXlty i i KvvV- i $140

Tickets aCciepteii in co^ Baggage win not be checked on thesetlckets^i bullvVy gtf bull-bullbullbull


Mens Black Overcoats fine quality well made good values at S2000 $ 1 4 0 0

Mens Suits ready-made at $ 6 0 0 to $ 1 4 0 0 Tailor-made to order $ 1 4 0 0 to $ 4 0 0 0

Come in and see samples Mens Woolen Underwear in red tan and -rray

at $ 100 $ 150 $200 Mens Fleeced Underwear and Union Suits 4 5 c 9 5 c Mens Wool Coat Sweaters $ I 0 0 to $ 2 5 0 Mens Jersey Knit Oversliirts 4 5 c 7 5 c Mens Heavy Wool S h i r t 9 5 c One of the best Overalls onimarket 5 0 c 6 0 c 7 5 c 8 5 c Mens Suspenders the New Way Stretch with spring 4 5 c Mens Heavy Wool Sox 2 5 c 3 5 c 5 0 c Mens Solid Hogskin Mitten fleece lined with welted

s e a m s 4 5 c 5 0 c Mens Heavy Calfskin Pleece-lined Mit ten 25c 4 5 c 9 5 c Boys Fleece-lined M i t t e n 2 5 c Boys Wool Mittert 2 5 c Ladies Black Coat plush lined fur collar $1 3 7 5 Childrens and MissesCoats at very reasonable prices Lots of BabiesEmbroidered Coats $ 1 2 5 $ 2 2 5 Childs Bearskin and Velvet Coats $ 2 2 5 $ 3 0 0 $ 4 9 8 Childs Bearskin and Velyet Bonnets 25C 4 5 c 9 8 c All our Candy fresliVati bull bullbull I Oc

I ^iKh- -W

liaid QnX)ur-BaU-BainlV^ This ^ylnter wbatHer is sending in almost

everybody who ueeda

will eoms tiolc to you If n i l ip^^ iLtrade i UilaquolaquoVbullbullbull I M^ to-

lgtMi|ltll-Ordw Houit gt AcithM Uiraufli

M M laquoraquobullraquo ttwlUlMv ilM meiS bull

l or Sale by F ^ W W E B B Mason m

bull bull bull raquoP- ^bullm^-r^^i^^m-m


A New Line of Linens at Special Prices for Annual Sale We are unusually proud of our Linen Display this year and we have bought these linens in quantities that would insure the lowest prices You get the benefit of these pricesmdashwe are not undersold special for Thanksgivinemdash56-iii Silver Blea

Linen yard 49c Special for Thaiiksffivinsmdash70-in $125 Blea

Linen yard J8c Special for TluinksfjiviiiKmdash72-in Bleached

Damask SI50 value for _ SL19 Napkins to match nearly all patterns in linens

Rxtra Special $175 Bleached Damask 72-in wide $150

Table Sets in the round and square cloths Special for Thankspivinfr

Linen Huck Embroidered TowelinK 29c 59c 44-in Hardangfer LinenmdashSpecial for Thanks-


SWEATERS-Half Price All our large stock of Ladies and Childrens Sweaters going in some cases at less than 50 per cent of the original price We are overstocked on this line and while we have sold as cheap asany we are anxious to reduce this stock while the Tde-mand is on We are therefore sacrificing our profit in order to reduce stock and give our customers unusual bargains

All $100 to $150 Sweaters r9c Knit Caps all fifointr at one price 79c Shawls Bonnets Scarfs etc as low as lowest

All $400 to SO00 Sweaters Soini at All S300 to $350 Sweaters tjoins at

20 to S250 Sweaters froiiif-- at $19S 9Sc



Anything in Your Eye Miny people who come to us

for eye examination imagine

that there is some foreign

substance in their eyes Wc

can sometimes hardly conshy

vince them that these gritty

sandy scratching irritating

conditions arc symiitonis and

olTccts due to refrnctory ershy

rors which may be corrected

uy the use of proper Glasses

Let Us Take the Grit Out

C S BALLARD M D Eye Ear Nose and Throat

Ovar Atellinas Jewelry Store MASON

Supt Riffgs received the foliow-ing from the director of uthietica lit KaliimMoo

Kalamazoo Nov17 mil V D Ritgs Mason Mich

Dear Sir Our football season will have to close Nov IS We played onr riviils il-itUo Creek

I Nov bull and since that time there has boon little interest shown Wo have had an unluclcy your as we have lost all our big giunics J am Sorry that wc can not jilay the game with you under favorable conditions Very tiaily yours

j Laurence Taylor It looks as though the local foolgt

ball season will have to close for the yeiir ns ii seems impossililo to schedule any games with nearby towns Keyioated offers have been made to Chelsea Charlotte Eaton Rapids Grand Lodge and ]larshal but (hey have all jiolitely roluscf to set or accept a data Ganns were sehodulod with Eiton Rapshyids Charlotte and GrantI Ledge

UnleS soma arrangements can be made iji the noKt few days Mason will close the season

School Notes

Probate News

Tiaoringfi for Nov 24 Estate of Louisa A Mann-

bate of AVill Estate of Wilhelmina Smith

pointment of administrator bonis non

Estate of Nicholas Robsonmdashfinal account

Estate of Cornelia W Kilbourno mdashcitation



bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull PERSONAL MENTION bull

E D Pier ot Leslie was in Mason Monday

E C Bishop of Leslie was in the city Tuesday

Hiram Chase ot Clio Mich is visiting his cousin C V Browne

Mrs P P Millbury is visitiing her mother at Richfield Center Ohio

Alex Lang ot Ionia was with Miison relatives Saturday and Sunshyday

Mr and Mrs A L Vandercook visited their children in Lansing Sunday

W N Post and wife left Friday evening to Epend the winter at Biloxi Miss

Miss EUena McMath has been the guest ot Mr and Mrs M A Ranshydall the past week

A C Green ot Holly was a guest of his sister MrsG W Tamlyn from Sunday until Tuesday

Geo Green of Fenton and Lydia Treaubrodt ot Owosso visited at G V Tamlyns over Sundiiy

Mrs W A Shank went to Grand Rapids Tuesday to help her mothshyer celebrate her 80th birthday

Mr and Mrs H D Crippin-and little son Roy were Brighton visitshyors Wednesday and Thursday of last week gt

Mrsl Rona Atwoodot Cross Vilshylage spent Wednesday and Thurs-day of last week with Mr and Mrs P CvMcEuenbull bull bull V

Mrs Leona Salspaugh returned from Lansing Saturday where she had been for a week packing her mothers household goods for re-moval- here bullbullbullbullbullgtbull-bullgt bull-bull

Miss Elsie Beh)amin and Mj|8s Derby teacheravin the Lansing SchdolB were guests of Miss Nina Bristol at her home here last Wedshynesday [eYeiAhg-lgt^yjX---l^M^

Mr and JAr liCvi Slagl^t bf^^^ relius returned by gt way of Mason last VMonday frem attending the 89thblrthdayariniversary of their uncle Jared Shafer^ at Ithaca^

Wilbur^^UBlvbf iJacksori accom-piihietlbygt Miss Jennie B Paltnen-tonvOliBattle0refekvisited over Suridiay at oSteJlieh Hiinnaraquo8 inj V e- vayandampwithMriBu8h8daughr

-tiBr8 1nDah8ylUefx ^ iJ^inonil thbiieiattendihg


iArtliiuiSMri ^widMr8iiHrJi Btfhdr Dr and Mrs C S Ballard_Ro88

bullbullTh6rbttpniaJli aBi5sM6maniiWvflt) bullDltraderaquoivw-ilVM3iiVBriA1J-rTraquoii-l-0laquoiv

Several ot the teacheis and young people of our school attendshyed the Michigan-Pennsylvania foot ball game at Ann Arbor last Satshyurday

The High School Union herd its regular meeting last Friday aftershynoon The following program was sectiven

olo Miss Paine A Story Irene Henderson Original Song^ Gladys Lasenby and

Emily Sayre Original Poem Henry Adams

It was greatly enjoyed by all During the past week the seatshy

ing chart in the high school was changed

The senior physics class have taken up the study of machines

Miss Paine was in Lansing Saturshyday

Miss Dorr one ot our former teachers is visiting her many Mashyson friends

Herbert Bullen has left school Another mission rocking chair

arrived last Monday much to the pleasure ot the librariains

Agricultural BOOKS

The high school agricultural deshypartment has added the following new books to the library Farmers and other interested persons may obtain the use of the books byapshyplication at the high school li-Drary

Prmciples ot Fruit Growing-Bailey

FertilizersmdashVoorhees Feeding of AnimalsmdashJordon Principles of AgriculturemdashBailey Milk and its ProductsmdashWing How to Keep Poultry for Profit

-^Valentine gt Diseases T)f AnimalsmdashMayo Soil ManagementmdashLyons Farm MotorsmdashDavidson Farm Managementr-Card Pat of the Land Several books containing plans

tor farm buildings will be added nextweek gtbull bull bullbull- 7 bullbullbullbullbull iFarmbrs are urged to read these

books as they may be a meains of helping to gain a few mora idol-laP8bnnej(ityear^Bcrops yyv -|

Prohlbi t ibh County Conifer- bullbullbull en(seandRallir bull -

ihe prohibitionists ^^ in ithe fieldsfor the campaignr oif 1912 A conference of all friienda of the prohibition causeinithis Gdunr ty has been called to meet atlt230 p m Nov ST in the Grand Army HaUgtait LanBingv i-- iUic iii--riv bullr iThe^cboference will belvpireBided byerfby iWmABrubakeriof De-

^troitivthe-hewBtateiiehaimiiti bt gt the prbhibitiohi6mmltteebf Micih bull iganiJviHtIs tbe i)UPpoBe6lthis ineeftihgf to vthbrbi^ghly n rebrgiihi^ izeVand^Btrehgthen ijcbe pfbhibttion countycbmmTtteeandtomakegta heceB8avy^preparatibh8rforVcbm pdiatKewlth^thenewgtprih)[arjr^lawi Ih-the eyehlhga meeitingwiU held to be addressed by ttr Bru-baker who bull said to beone ot the

Eaton Rapids suffered a severe loss by fire last week in the buin-ing of the Anderson House the only hotel in the city and one of the best known in the state Fire fighting apparatus wore sent from Charlotte and Lansing to assist in extinguishing the flames anl they were heeded The loss is complete and very heavy


bull CHURCH AND SOCIETY bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The Rebekah Coterie will meet next Tuesday with Mrs Byrl No5-on Those desiring to attend will meet at Taylors implement store at 9 a m

The Aurelius Baptist L A S will have a handkerchief sale at the parsonage Fridtiy Dec 1 Supper from 6 to 8 at which the toUow-ling menu will be served Potashytoes moat beans white and brown bread and butter cake cabbage salad pickles friedeakes anul cofshyfee Musical program follows

The next regular meeting ot the Baptist Ladies Aid will oe held on Friday afternoon ot this week in the church parlors The work tor the afternoon will bo the tyshying and finishing ot the comfortshyers to be sold at the coming sale which will be held on the first and second days ot December An esshypecially large attendance is da-sired Come early and eome preshypared to work

Tho county Sunday school conshyference which was announceil to be held in Lansing at the Y M C A next Friday afternoon has been postponed

The young peoples societies oi the different churches will hold a union meeting at the M E church Sunday at the usual time from 6 to 1 Alfred Alien of the Baptist church will lead

The New England supper which was to have been held at the Meshymorial Hall Alaiedon was postshyponed on account ot the condition of the weather until Friday evenshying Dec 1

Rev A G Newberry will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening

Movement of the Air The movement of air Is variously

designated according to Us velocity as a zephyr breeze wind gale or hurrishycane With fogs the designations are mlstB slight moderate or thick A dense or thick fog according to the weather bureau obscures objects bull at a distance itt 1000 feet

bull bull bull bull V - - ~ ~ mdash ^ ~ - - V bullbull bull 1 My childVwas biirneti terribly about the face neck and chest I applied Dr Thomas Ecleetric Oil The pain ceased and the bhild sank into a restful slumber Mrs Nanshycy MHanBOn Hamburg N Y I


THANKSGIVINB MENU Provide your own Turkey but allow us to do the dressing

The well-dressed man on this the Nations Thanksgiving Day always possesses a fcclin of satisfaction that the careless dress-er docs not have ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ D R E S S I N G

with the proper kind of clothes will not be an extensive task if the clothes arc bought here A new Suit or Overcoat can be had for $10 $12 S14 $16 or $0

PASS IT AROUND P-iss it around and let it be known that few stores can excel us in our display of Clothing Hats or Furnishings

WILL YOU HAVE SOME of the splendid bargains we arc offering No better time to make clothinginvestments than now Whole season before you

SPLENDID SIDE DISHES and very appropriate for this wather are our lines of warm Underwear Hosiery and Gloves You cant do better than to come hero _ ^ _ i^^claquogtbull-bullbull

FOR D E S S E R T and to trim up your outfit we have elegant Neckwearmdashfull of life and snapmdashjust right for Thanksgiving Wc extend you a Thanksgiving invitation to come in


iiiin) B a rac m Another Fatal Accident on

the M U R


bullbullroiiiliKiiit ^lurcliuiit ul ICMIIU illtntK l l lNtlll lt Mltlltll

Word reached this city at midshynight Monday tliat a min had been struck by the south bound car on the M U R at Mclntyrcs crossing just south ot Eden

A special car was sent out from Lansing taking on Sheriff Banus lustice Adams and UnderUikor MnDonaki at Mason

When the scene of the accident was reached it was discovered ihat the victim was Paul L Darling a prominent and popular hardware merchant of Leslie

Tho Motorman R S Clioate states that when he first saw Mr Darling he was running across tiie track from the east and not over ten feet from the car IIewas carshyrying an overcoat on his arm Afshyter the car struck him he was dragged several rods before it ran over him and was brought to a standstill

To all appearances Mr Darling was hurrymg to cross the track in order to signal the car on which he was to return to Leslie The body was badly mutilated

Friends from Leslie were sumshymoned and soon arrived to take charge ot the body

Justice Adams empanneled a jury comiposed ot J W Chapin J H VanBuren Geo B Owen Lee Smally W H Chapin and Oscar Haire all residents ot the vicinity of the accident and the inquest will be held in Mason Saturday

H R VanAuken ot Williamston was the only passenger on the car when the accident occurred

Mr Darling was well and very favorably known about the county having been the democratic candishydate for register of deeds three years ago

Funeral services were held at Leslie yesterday afternoon

Death Comes Suddenly

David Almond pioneer resident of Alaiedon and civil war veteran died suddenly of heart trouble at his home in Wheatfield last Tuesshyday

He had been in poor health tor a few months but dsath came withshyout warning while he sat reading a paper which but a tew moshyments before he had taken from the mail box about 20 rods from the house

Funeral services were held from the home Friday morningconshyducted by Rev Fr Sharp ot Wil-iiamston with burial at Maple Grove cemetery in Mason

David Almond was born in Richshyfield N J April 27 1810 Here he lived until about 21 years of age when he enlisted and served three years in the civil war

He came to Michigan in 1865 first settling near Ann Arbor Feb 22j 1867 he was united in marriage With Miss Maggie McNama^a who survives him Ihey came to Vevay township about the year 1872 jgt- tling on the farm iii Alaiedon in 1876 where they resided until aihout four yeai-sago when the farm waB Bold and they moved to AViUianiston village living there tw6yeap8^^-bull^ bullbullbullbullbull bull

Inr the spring of 1910 he pur- chased aiid naoyed to the farm 4 1-2 miles southwest of Williamstoh - Besides the laquowldbwhe is surshy

vived by all ot his fourchildren Robert H who lived at home Mrs Anna Steadman lt of Detroit Walter W of Dansville and Mrs Kate 01inofLansing- bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull v Deceased waB a mian highly reshyspected-by his entire acquaintance aiprominarit democrat In politics holdin( BeveralofticliB ot truBl in the township oi Alaiedon ilhtil bullthegtlastyear he had enjoyed gen eralg6odhealth =bull c--y)f

i^yeommencinK bctvvirt

Prepare for Colli Weather KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY




Felt Shoes Arctics Socks and Rubbers Overgaiters and Leggings



GEO M WEBB Visit our Shoe Shinintr Parlors

Beginning Dec 1st our store will be open evenings until after Christmas



Our 10c Candies Are the Talk of the Townmdash16 ounces to the pound

5c to 25c Handkerchiefs A New Line Just Received

Quirks Dept Store

My Thanksgiving Proclamation I have much to bethankful for in this year 1911 I thank the public whose favor has Enabled me to dothe

biggest jewelry business betyveen two Thanksgiving Days since iny first opening in Maifon and I accept this faybi as ail obligation on me to still further improve my stock arid my serviceinevery way possible

Especially do I thank the many who after finding my goods my prices and my ways satisfactory have sp6ken~ tiidr Wordsof approval to friends and so have increased the | inumberofvmy customers bullbull[[bull ibullbullbull bull-bull

bull I thank my faithful helpers in the stprie for their loyaltyi Zealandefficiency bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull[bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbull I thank you for accepting my iriteritions ^ for tyccasionalmistekes for overlook your Conflderice in my earnest desire toi please ywi ^^ - I

bullFiriajly Ithank my ^m^ faults foi-npviri^ may mend the worst bJ them arid t ^

p)re efficiently serye



iidlAsc(tJnie^Si5jc^ IX^z



bull bull K

m-i ampgtyenyenmwm^y-



Grand Trunk to Erect Railway

Station in Bay City

Last of the Property Required Haa Ceon Purchased and Work on

the Big Railway Station Will Start at Once

rny Cl(y Mich Nov 20mdashThe Oniiid Triuils rajliond will hoyin at

oiico wnrl on ils new $1000000 ternv iiiiil Bliilioii and yards on tlie east siiUi JUKI lliG lirldHO that will givo accftsii lo tlioiii from tile WGHI sirio Ilic lasL ))rtii)crty rcriiiirod to apprnach thti rivei Iroiit on the wost side was purshychased within Uio last two wctelis anJ the owners have ten days in WIMLII to remove their hiiildinnH

All llio ojial side properly ro(|nirnd JnelndinK lwo hlorllts Ior slalion niu fvroiinds passenKiir ynrds hrid^e M| jiroachoH etc have long since been linrciia-wd and the removal of hoii-e Iroin this riroporly is now niider way Cradini on tiio wosr Hide approncli isi iirjdor way and temporary traeks for hridne liuiidinK purposes V i l l he laid vllhin 1W0 weolis

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 1 - 0 V

bull bdquo


Arrested Three Years Ago He ES caped and Recently Found

Ponliac Mieh Nov 20mdashLebaron f) Sawtello pleaded guilty to a cliarge of obtainlnK money under false pretenses bullvJion urraifjned before Instiee Stodi-cll and was at onro sentenced to tVu) honse of correction for ninety rtiiys Ttie charge of conspiracy which vmfl also laid ngalnat Sawtelle wnn diDPPed hy the proaecntion ihroufih in-iililllly to scctiro witnesses

Tho offense was committed three yijars aio Sawtello was arrested and Kuve SriOO hail Before he got away lio was arrested on tho second char^c and hail sot at $1000 which Sawtelle nliso gave and then disappeared lo CQjrtly ho was located in Cleveland urtfl brought had here

Two cases aro pending against Goorgo flilhoc and Rdward Stout Raw-ti t le s iKiiuisnien in tho circnit conrt hiR hail havin l)oen forfeilcd slKjrtiy nllor ho disii)pearod


Port Huron Man Opens Gas Pipe bull Without Knowing It

Por t Huron Mich Nov 20mdashWhen Ojfiver norealord retired he liTUXdced over a chair altcr lio had turned oiii lii^ gas The falling chair strucU a lithe loading from tho chandelier to a tpoundhle lamp disconnecting it so that iho gas began to escape Beroslonl liOgan to feel ill after he had been In hod hilt a short while hut thouglit il was iust a passing faintness

Tlo linally came to tho conclusion lliat something else was causing his weakness and succeeded in arousinc lilmsolf enough to stagger from tlio room and downstairs in time to save Mmseir from being suffocated to deatli A physiciiiii was called and after im-inodiato treatment got tho young man out of danger

Huron Farmer Takes Poison Por t lliiron Mich Nov 20mdashHenry

Hovlin 1 Huron township farmer comshymitted suicide by drinlUng potson l ie was Bfty-live years old and leaves i widow and several children Mo had been married three times

Farmers May Be Loseri Monroe Mich Nov 20mdashTudge Goldshy

en appointed William 0 Volimayer ftijfl Georgo E Kinney receivers for tiiis Michigan plants of he Clover Leaf CFjBnmery company of Toledo One g locateltl a t Temperance this counshyty and another Is in Lenawee county


Chicago Cash Qrain Quotations WheatmdashNo 2 red 9S(g)99c No 3

rejl 95n7c No 2 hard winter 100 fiji03 No 3 hard winter 95c(g)$100i No 1 northern springs $108lll N6 2 northern Bprtrig JlOGQJllO No ii8prlng raquo6cig)$lp4 CornmdashNoi 27Cc No 2 white 7Gc No 2 yellow 78c No raquo 7677cNo-3 white WjS^ci N Q 3 yellow -(new) 64G6c Oats

-mdashNo 2 white 49V4(5)50c NoiJ White 4849c8tandard48(S)49c gtbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullChlcaflo LIve^StocliY- bull

ftogsmdashReceipts 50000 Quotations ranged at|6^66S5 choice heavy

|^9p62laquo chplcei light (63604S b W y RackinSi and |485560 good to

^ G Q l c e pigsi^^bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull-

Ciittlamp^ReceiptB 25000 bull Quotatiohs rMWed i t |860 91B jirt bull Btera

^3^^450 goodtbeurotMgtlceted be r

et^ $626576 S(BlectedgtteMl(tniigt|3 5 i|()ci-f8(r vtp fJigppiJi- Biiockair Hif80oa tovbullclio c6bull VMl-iaIve

ifiisipjpptl eii B 60000-ij ^ ranged at$bSi6M5choicev ^ laquoatlveaambib JMpound26i 6Erlaquob(

(i[ iWrlln|Bi$37B(g)i ^^


GRAND RAPIDSmdashOn account o the pro-rata apportionment c the primary scliool money this fail and which abolishes the May apporshytionment the Grand Rapids publl schools face tho situation of closiii the preesnt semester several wecls earlier When their budget wus made up this Iall it was on a basis ol Ifl per capital primary money II proved to be 50 cents Tho May I lowanco expected to be $C will ni be forthcoming This means a if]bull 560 shortage the teachers refusing tv teach witiiout pay

DETROITmdashOne of the most costlj and spectacular tires occurring in Do troit this year started on tlie lourtli floor of lisher Oarton amp Wilis Whole sale Miiliiiory companys fivc-slorv building on lefforson avenue sprcii into the business l)ulldings on bet sides and cnusod a loss to p r o p e l and contents roughly estimated a 2()0000 The llrenien fought I hi blaze in a heavy snowstorm and al tlireo lionrs worii succeeded in getiii it under control


i^m ted wethera |310reg326 good to


lt|ini4i9t6nvKteniliaiitBE^ qijote vtks tollowa bull Cattle^ReceiptB iiH care market i5clowlaquo(rHogBmdash RacelptB 170- carij market bull lover heaYy$laquoi40lraquo6B0XYodkerB 1626(3)

iiPlWr|Bi7BJg) BheepKi2ROT laquo^a toptambBt626^636 yearllhpsi

ANN ARBORmdashGeorge Ross aped ten years llirough his fatlior as his next friend has started suit for SIO-000 damages against Fuaiilj I Corn-well a prominent coal and automobic dealer for injuries alleged to have boon received in an automobile accishydent about three wcebs ago The declaration alleges that as younq Uoss was riding on his bicycle the Cornwell auto in which were the driver L A Frost and Mr Cornwell ran blm down and broke both ankles

ESCANABAmdashUpon the application of Coupnty Prosecuting Attorney Storm the preliminary hearing of Dan McCarthy Arthur and Tohn Llndqiiist charged with the murder of Alvin Po-garty was postponed until Nov 21 McCarthy demanded a separate examshyination from the other defendants Me Cnrthya father is a well known railshyway engineer of ttiis city To his mother who visited him in jail McCarshythy stoutly protested his Innocence

EATON RAPIDSmdashDuring tho past four days three separatt farms have been sold here at figures above Iii0000 The Dr 1 B Bradley fapin two miles southwest of town went at $11000 tho lohn T Hall farm a short distance from the Bradley place was taken at i)lln00 and the Vauglian Brotliers farm tliree miles east ol hero was sold Ior $12200 Each sale will bring a new family lo this comshymunity

MUSKEGONmdashIt Frank Garasick of this city does not die from his alteini)t to build a fire with gasoshyline ho may thank the heroism of his bullvife Mrs Garasick tore the burninj clothes from her husbands back seshyverely btirning her hands in doing so Garasick lies at Mercy hospital - with the skin of one-third of his body burnshyed to a crisp Physicians say there Is a small chance for his recovery

CADILLACmdashMiss Mlna V Gale a young sehool teacher of Trenton and Homer 0 Tealle of Ithaca were married in Manton While leaching school some weeks ago at Trenton Miss Gale left her work to nurse Mr Teall in a siege of typhoid fever and their engagement followed Teall is a graduate of Cornell unversity and now runs an experimental farm near Trenton

JACKSONmdashThe iirominent busishyness men of Tackson adopted a resolushytion a copy of which will be forwarded to Governor Osborn asking him not to use undue haste In calling a special session of the legislature to pass upon the proposal of the commission on Inshyquiry Into taxation which favors the Imposition of a tax on the business done by the corporations o( the state

MUSKEGONmdashLouis Erlckson sevshyenteen years old a Bon of Mr and Mrs Lars BrlcUson of Norton townshyship accidentally shot and killed himshyself while hunting Erlckson wna takshying the guns out of the buckboard wagon and a chance discharge of one of the weapons sent a charge of shot through the left portion of his neck

l yendeg l l l -OR-

20th Century Needle Book Containing Pins Needles Hair Pins Hooks and Eyesmdasha Household Necessity

Choice o the Above Premiums to Everyone Answering

This Advertisement There are 10 Turkey Heads in this picshy

turemdashcan you find 8 of them To every one sending or bringing an answer we will give choice of the above premiums also an exceptional offer to purchase a new Piano during our Holiday Sale Send answers in today as all answers must be in our hands within a week

V ame

A ddress

Story amp Clark Piano Co 119 West Shiawassee St Lansing Mich

SOUTH HAVENmdashThe city of South Haven voted In ifavpr of the 38000 bond issue fora new high school buildshying-by 203 majority a- landfllide and the-largest vote ever recorded on a school proposition here bull Bells were rung whistlea bullblo|ffn anii studeiitB mode merryat a big paBBmeetlngin libnorof-theeventi^v-V-K V

iiONlAmdashMrii^vji^ Jones - bullwhio was charged vlth ^attet^^^^

i Bon bull iter i hiiirtKlnd - wltli ttl pleclB i of pti7chineltillledr ptei has^Mn ilaquo^

inonthBlncarcOTatloniHerlwll ln-laquoraquoe w p ( c K a r m s cbuld one a r i - ^ - t b

Proof of Beef Cattle Shortage

All doubts about the beet cattle shortage have been dispelled by the census report that tho deshycrease in luimbers in the last ten years has been 68 per cent This announcement is very significant This is tho greatest decrease reshycorded in any class of livo stock Horses mules and dairy cat Ic inshycreased to a much grca e r exshytent than any class of meat-proshyducing animals In fact ho censhysus figures indicate a d o r o i s e of about two per cent in sheep alshythough an increase of possiiDly 10 per cent may have been miile in hogs We cannot escape tho conshyclusion that the pro-luction o meat-porducing animals pari u-larly beet cattle has not kept ) ace with other branches of tli 11 (bull stock industry When it is considshyered that the population o the IJnited Slates has increased 1 raquo er cen t while the decrease in beef production has taken place ic is evident that a wide gap miay deshyvelop in the supply

Not only have beef cattle deshycreased in numbers but the avershyage age of marketing has been lowered So true is this that while market prices have appreciated the farm value credited per hear has actually declined The doan-up of large i-angs herds resulting i the marketing ot thousands of imshymature steers and females of all ages has been a factor in the deshycrease which cannot easily bo reshyplaced The expanded mirket in^ of veal is another The Pacific coast demand for meat is t r w-ing cattle that formerly would have come eastward ^o marker These factors luive been citeJ is indicating that we are living on our capital not on the increase of it in the beef industry

Witli the decrease in American beef production appearing as a grim reality some consumers are urging the free admittance of beef a t the seaboard in the hope that South America may fill the gap in our markets Even if this shoiild come about it will not destroy our market for first-ciass beef Whatshyever prime beef Americans cat for a long time to come must be proshyduced- oh the corn belt farms of this country

Forced to the conclusion that the corn belt must raise only high-clasraquos beef if any many farmers have established grade herds o beef cows in the last five years using pure-bred beef bulls to se-ctire the desired market- topping quality They havei reaped a well-deserved success that should enshycourage others to engage in this beef-breedingi industry rhere will be a place for the beef when it is ready mdashEditoriali Breeders Ga-

- a e t t e - - ^bullbull bullbullbull[[bullbullbullbull-bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull -

^ B A LPr HE A Li ED AV Q M A N Sliornof Her drown oirBlaquolaquoiitr itouB

gt = --Intioyeaad-illarrlBKe- - -Hair iscertainly mostneceBaary to womanWhovcduldldvff^a^^

In 1912 You WOl Elect a President THIS election is of supremo importance toyou Tho whole country is

divided On ono sido tho progressive Insurgents on tho otlior the Conservative Standpatters Both parties will promise many things

You will have to judge their claims and their fitness to carry them out In these stirring times


REVIEW OF REVIEWS is a necessity to tho busy man or woman who values being up to date In a hundred ways its editorials its character sketches and its timely articles will help you make your choice It gives you tho best clearest and most accurate non-partisan and unprejudiced news that money can buy It is the great monthly newspaper on which intelligent people everywhere rely for their news and you get this news almost a t promptly as it is given in the great daily newspaper of the country

Senktor LaFoIlcto i sys i flit mil muUi amiraii ami Imfarllal nvliw tftlii aO I lone have utttiztil the magazine In lit turrtnt Iwiei ai a valuable rntiini of informathn bull

Never will the Review o( Reviews be more necessary than next year

6umrof|tM0yraief finally bulluppllraquodfvS|ie has gone to Belding to itay with h r


offset Buch a disfiguremeh t v-A wbhiainB i jmaVftiuBually r 1 iEind marriageTHer crowning glory is herhairi Thebull JOBS of her Kair

| i B X T T U CREEK~Semi-lt^ laquo -~laquoraquoiAr ii i holaquon nhtAinftH Of a^B^cce88 Yet r i g h t h e r e in M a s o n

^ gt S ^ ^ r S deg I ^ ^ V ^ S ^ S awneglactirig^^o of Philadelphia 1B to take oyer the op- ^air to such an extent that It is eratlon of the Michigan United rail- (niy bdquo matter of time when it yay flyBteni i Includltijt Wllf^be utterly ruinedr

harmful to the scalp and hair As a result of su-ih iroilmont

dandruff is created Iho hair loosshyens loses color falls out in- L Itl-ness commen -s gt 1 s=i nvop^i -nd prompt precautions are taken i time Then again microbes and certain uiseas-ji ^rin JOI healthy scalp and hair on i io s

Almost any woman may rid hershyself of dandruff an^ iseis-3d scii]i and hair if she will but us-o h r ight remedy We have Ih i t remshyedy and we will positively guarshyantee that it will either cure danti-ruff and baldness or it will not cost the user anything

That s a pret ty broad statement but we will back it and prove ii with our own money We will reshyturn your money if you do riot find tha t Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will proihote hair growth and ovshyercome scalp and hair t roubles tha t it will grow hair even on bald heads unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished the follicles closed and the scalp is glazed and shiny It ges its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 bu t of 100 cases where it reteiv-ed a thoroughly hard imparUal arid practical test We want you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonicat our risk You surely cannot lose anything by doing so while you have everythia o tvl You had better thinic thi^ o c-v u then come in ani see ua aboa iiia offer You will be well ro ui 1 for your visit to our store

Remember you can obain R^x all Remedies in Mason only a t our storemdashThe Rexall Stbra Longyl ^roB^ drug Btore

bullbullbull His BuBlneit Vhnt u ivant to do it to have

t ^ t mudb in the road flied n i d tiM~ visitor That goea to Bhow reshyplied jparmei (orntoBBel bow little Ton reformei undefBtand local con-dltioiui Ive purty- n^gh paid off a BMrtgage with the money I v made iiitulih atitombblles out 0 that mud-

holemdashChristiana-Register bull

Your Agent in Confidence

Much business of a confidential nature is best transacted by a Trust Company If you will call at tHe offices of the Union 1rust Company you will find experienced men who will confer and advise with you and see that your interests are safeguarded to the utmost

Union Trust Company Detroit Michigan

Seiil Free by Mall to



TIieigtro6l That naaouHeaderaCan- bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull notDenybullJv-^- i^Whatcould furriishcstronger evi-idehee of the efficiency of any rem-edy than t h e t e s t of time Thous-ahds- of people testify that Doaris iKidrieyi Pills cure pfermariently vJHomelehdoEBenient should prova uhdoubtedlythe merit of this rem-iWysYears^flgo yourfr iends M rnelRhbora^iteBtified tortho1jj^elief

im^gt^m ieuro

they had derived from the use of Doans Kidney Pills Thiey now lonfirm their testimonials They ay time has completed the t e s t

Mrs T Riley 333 N Waishlngton Ave Lansing Mich says poundugtme years ago I began to suffer from kidney trouble and the physicians who t reated me failed to give hie reliefr The most annoying sympr torn of my case was al piercing pain in my back and there were other difficulties which showed that my kidneys w e r e o u t of orr der When Doans Kidney-piils were brbugbt to my notice I p roshycured -a supply and the coriterits of three boxes brought nie entire relief I have often recommended this remedy to my friends anfl never hesitate- to speak iri- its praise as I know that it lives up to the claims madeofii t V v

MrsvRiley gave the above testir moriial ill October 1906 andon Ap-i-li lO 1909Xsheaddedi Youa re welcome to contiriubthe ipublica-tiori of my previous endorsement iof Doans KidneybullPillSjIihaVe had no neediof a kidney j^emedy^since 1906 iand I thereforelook uporimy eure-a8-a-vpermaherit7ohd^igt-

Pbira sate byvall = dealers Price 50

New York sole agents for the United States Bemiember the nariiemdashDoaris-^ bull

and take no other

bullbullat of the PUIM The average pulsa of a liealtby maa

beats seventy-two times a minute


mm KiMM o r BiMi TigtonMMTlirii bull4 Bhenoiajtl

BiaewH M Bkcnoiaj tUai VIMN aercim BklB DIMMM NArTONI Hniidairlaquo VoMiMM (Ion l l r i i ree l f i t i Rnptara PilM or far Kln3ilaquolaquor or uiooflita

US treUmaDt ltbull MwAri ths ohettwit- Blittltl -^ advice mraquoy be raquoll yoa nted-tt ti 4 Jreeforthe-raquortlni-i-viv^ vbull OUR MOTTOl amp iS ^ Uont let monajrniMterirnoldyoutBukmdash nponeli toatoortoceMrTetfaelujiMnefif of bur beat laquoirort|0ll orwrlteJnatr|laquol vaDfldDnoe Vonanhktioo Ire Bpecf bullJhirlor foraquoPrlraquoraquooyif-i ---| ctjvfi



Kfsps^ reg~iai

bull- 1 bull bull - 1


A Romance of The South Seas

JACK LONDON Copyright 1910 by Street amp Smith

Copyright 1911 by the Macmilllaquoji CompMiy


By eleveu n inessenger arrived troin Biilosuiia vlllnge dlspatclielti by Soclee Tlio Jessie liiul gone ashore halfway between tlio vlllnge and Neal Islaod It was not till nightfall that two of the crew nriived reporting the drownshying of Cnptnln Oloson and of the om roinainj-ng boy As for the Jessie from what ihoy told him Sheldltraquon could not but conclude that she was a total loss Further to hearten him lie was taken by a shivering fit In half an hour lie was burning up And ho knew that at least another day must pass before ho could undertalvL even the smallest dose of quinine lie crawled under a heap of blankets and a little Inior found himself laughing aloud CIo had surely reached the limit of disaster Barring earthnuake itr tidal wave the worst had already beshyfallen him The lilibberty-Gibbet was bullcertainly safe In Mboll pass Since nothing worse could happen things simply bad to mend So It was shiv-bullering under his blankets that w laughed until the house boys with heads together marveled at the devils that were in him


BY the second day of the northshywester SheldoTi was in colshylapse from his fever It had taken an nnfalr advantage of

his weak stale and though It was only ordinary malarial fever in forty-elglii hours it bad rim him ai low as ten days of fever would have done when he was In condition But the dysen tery had boon swept away from Be rando A score of convalescents lin-gorod In the hospital but they were Improving hourly There had been 3Ut one more deathmdashthat of the man whoso brother had walled over him inshystead of brushing the dies away

On the morning of the fourth day of hla fever Sheldon lay on the veranda gazing dimly out over the raging ocean The wind was falling but a mighty sea was still thundering In on Bernndc beach the flying spray reachshying In aa far ns tlie flngstaif mounds the foaming wash creaming against iOio gateposts Ho had taken thirty grains of quinine and the drug was buzzing In his cars like a nest of hor nets making his hands and knees tremble and causing n sickening pal pltatlon of the stomach Once open ing his eyes ho saw what be took to be a hallucination Not far out and coming in across the lesaies anchor age ho saw a whaleboats nose thrust skyward on a smoky crest and disshyappear naturally as an actual whale-boats noso should disappear ns It Islid down the back of the sea He Icnew that no whnleboat should bo out there and he wua quite certain no men In tlie Solomons were mad enough to be abroad In such a storm

But the hallucination persisted A minute later chancing to open his eyes bo saw the whaleboat full length and saw right Into it as Itrose ou the face

ot a wave He saw six sweeps at jWorlt nnd in the stern clearly out lined against the overhanging walj of -wbitei a ntnu who stood erect gigantic swaying with his weight on the steer

ilngsweep This he saw and an eiglith j i man w ho crouched in the bow nnd j gazed shoreward But what startled

I Sheldon was the sight of a woman in j j the sternslieets between the stroke I oar and the steersman A woirian she

1 wris for n lira id of her hair was flying and she was Just iri the nct| of recapshyturing it and stowing It nway beneath

a hat tiint for all the world was iiie j his own Raden-Poweil i I The boat disai)peared behind the j wave tirid rose Itito vle4v on) the face I of the following one Again he looked into it The ihnh were dark skinned

I and largertluinSbldtnon Islanders l)Ut the woiniyi he cou|d plainlysee wita white vyJjo Shu wn9| arid whaii sh^ was doing ttiere werff ttiougbts tbapound

bull drlftedvagueiy throiigbhis consclotis-i nosf(gtHi was toosick to be vitallyiIn-I terested aiife hesideafhevjitid a hdlif i feeling tiintitwas al J fQbod bullIwatmeniVtvYas 8h gtlaquollcj^aiih((i^y^jitho^

oti^tiiiB-|flaquolaquo^fltvi(i--i^ j bullbullbullBweeps jfl^g|iwlf Urttokeep1^^^^^ j thatfrontltofItbjenioythg^^f^^^ iwotbrtbnif ra(e(^iinndiJ^ji^of

mfin8pilbiiiampg|f6ut j vposiBjt6-thraquogat(BSpM bullci^lM|yiilpij^^tcgtith^ i bullat5thffi iBiitJ(yeii(^ltjOT m n l i f t g | | ^ t i e n ^ l a ^ raquo i 1 ^ JikDe^lii|fnraquo^pabio5^U^5^ 1 goiio^iiitoijfij8tb^it^^


She scrutinized tlio house sharply and for some time she gazed at him steadshyily At lust speaking to two of the men who turned and followed her she started up the path

Sheldon attemptcltl to rise got half up out of his chair and fell back belp-iessly He was surprised at the size of the men who loomed like giants beshyhind her rtoth were six footers 11 ml they were heavy In proportion He had never seen Islanders like tlieni They were not black like the Solomon Islanders but light brown nnd their features were larger more regular nnd oven handsome

The womanmdashor girl rather he de-ckledmdashwalketl along the veninda toshyward him The two men wnltid at the head of the steps watclilng curiously The girl was angry Lie could see that Her gray eyes were flashing and her lips were quivering That she had a temper was his thought But the eyes were striking Ho decided that they were not gi-ay after all or at least not all gray They were large and wide apart and they looked at liiin from under level brows llor face was cameolike so clear cut was it There were other strlkiug things about hermdashthe c(^wboy Stetson hat the heavy braids of brown biir and the long barshyreled 38 Colts revolver that hung in Its holster on her hip

Pretty hospitality 1 must sny was her greeting letting strangers sink or swim in your front yard

Imdash1 beg your pardon he stamshymered by a supremo elTort dragging himsolf to his feet

His legs wabbled under him and with a suffocating sensation lie began sinking to the (loor Be was awiire of a feeble gratilJcatiou as he saw solicitude leap into her eyes then blackness smote him and at the moshyment of smiting him his thought was that at last nnd tor the first time In bis life be had fainted

The ringing of the big boll aroused him He opened his eyes and found that he was ou tlie couch indoors A glance at the clock told him that It was (1 and from the direction the suns rays streamed Into tfio room he knew that it was morning At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure bad happened Then on the wall he saw n Stetson bat hanging and beneath it a full cartridge belt and a long barrelled 38 Colts revolver

The slender giith of the belt told its feminine story and he remembered the whaleboat of the day before and the gray eyes that flashed beneath the level brows She It must have been who had jupt rung the bell The cares of the plantation rushed upon him and ho sat up in bed clutching nt the wail for support ns the mosquito screen lurched dizzily around him He was still sitting there holding on with eyes closed striving to master his giddiness when he heard her voice

Youll lie right down again sir she said

It was sharply imperative a voice used to command At the same time one hand pressed him back toward the pillow while the other caught him from behind and eased him down

VYouve been unconscious for twenshyty-four hours now she went oh and I have taken charge When I say the word youll get up and not until then Now what medicine do ybui takemdashquinine Here are ten grains Tliats right toull make a good pashyt ien t

My dear madam he began You mustnt speak she interrupt-

ed that is in protest Otherwise you can talk

But theplantatlon-V bullbullbullbull A dead man is of no use on a^plan

tation Doiit you want to know aboiit me My vanity is hurt Here am I Jtist tlirougb my flrat shipwreck and yhere are you not the least bit ctirlousitalklngrabout your miserable [iiantatioQ Cant youiseethatI am justbursting to teir somebody any- body about toy stilpvreck J He jBnilledgt It)jiJ^ fweeIcK And be siiniled iiotao iauchiati What she saidttailat itbeway she aaid tt-^ho wtilmsicai expresalon 6n her face the lattghterJohereyei add the| bulleyeral ^iDylihe8gtpfh^

bull Injatjty^raOTS^ IHe-flrariburiciMly iWwidepliraquoga8]itoii^ bull8bullhebulllaquoaldbull alo1idbull j gtvbull bullJbull ^

bull VTOatvI gtWlll nbti^not^nowi^ilaquolie^i^^ toited with a tosi o f the head ni (lnd8omebbdy to tellmy 8try to who

^ ti vbaylaquo|il)tibeJ-MiMd^S^ infi)mfllbn|i-iiraquo

fliif laquoyes flashed as on the day beshyfore and he saw again the Imperative expression on her face

Tliat I wont My men are men Ive been tmi to your miserable liar-racks ami watched them eat Faugh Potatoes Nothing but potatoes No eii-t Nothing Only potatoes I may have been mistaken but I thought 1 understood them to sny that that waigt all they ever got to euu Two meais a day and every day in the week

Ho nodded Well my men wouldnt stand for

that u single day much less a whole week Where is the key

Hanging on that clothes hook under the clock

He gave in easily enough but ns she was reaching down the key she heard him say

liancy niggers and tinned provishysions

This time she really was angry The blood was in her cheeks ns she turned on him

My men are uoi niggers The sooner you understand that the better for our acquaintance As for the tinned goods ill pay for all they ent Please dont worry about that Worry Is not good for you in your condition And 1 wont stay any longer than I have tomdashjust long enough to get you on your feet and not go away with the feeling of having deserted a white man

Youre American arent you he asked quietly

iiie (luesiiou disconcerted her for the moment

Ves she vouclisafed with a defishyant look WhyV

Nothing I merely thought so Anything furtheri He shook his bead AVhy he asked Oh nothing 1 thought you might

have something pleasant to say My name is Sheldon David Shelshy

don he said with direct relevance holding out a thin hand

Her hand started out Impuisivoly then chocked

My name Is Lackland Joan Lnclc-bullJand The hand went out And let Tis bo friends

It could not be otherwisemdash he beshygan lamely

And I can feed my men all the tinned goods 1 want she rushed on

Till the cows come home ho anshyswered attempting her owu lightness then adding that is to Cerande Sou see wo dont have any cows at Be-rande

She fixed him coldly with her eyes Is that a jokei she demanded 1 really dont knowmdashimdashJ thought it

was but then you see Im sick Youre English arent youi -was

her nest query Now thats too much even for n

sick man ho cried You know well enough that 1 um

Oh she said absently Then you are

Ho frowned tightened his lips then burst into laughter In which she join-laquod

Its my own fault he confessed I shouldnt have baited you Ill be careful in the future

In the meantime go on laughing and Ill SCO about breakfast Is there anything you would fancy

He shook his bend It will do yon good to eat someshy

thing Your fever has burned out and you are merely weak Walt a moshyment

She hurried out of the room in the direction of the kitchen tripped at the door in a pair of sandals several tlmcH too large for her feet and disappeared in rosy confusion

By Jove those are my sandals he thought to himself The girl hasnt a thing to wear except what she landshyed on the beach in and she certainly landed in sea boots



apeech of your people What time do tliW kiibckgtMri gtyifvSiiSiltv ^ ^ iiktiijjiiw)rt^aiBrthlaquotr^i3p^^^

yifTMtUppJjtlumk^y(0^ where gtdo) yon keep 1 the key to the proviaion8t I want to feed my men


HELDON mended rniildiy The fever bad burned out and there was nothing for him to do but gather strength loan

liad taken the cook in band and for the first time as Slieldon remarkshyed the chop at Berande was white mans chop With her own banda Joan prepared the sick mans food andbe-tween that and the cheer slie brougbt him he was able lifter two days to totter feebly out upon the veranda The aitiiatlon sti-uck him as strange and stranger stili was the fact that it did not seen^ strange to the girl at ail She bad settled down and taken charge of the hbiisehold as a matter of course as if he were her father or brother or as l f she wcrea mahiike bimselt- I t is just too delightful for anyshything she assured h i m i t is like n i)aKe out of Botneltroniancei Here 1 come along put-of-the sea and find a sick man alUalonewithi 200 sIkiVesmdash necroits lie icorrected Coritracf iabdren They selrye bnlytiiree yeairs and they ( are free agents when they enter tipon their rtjriWcta^^ ^iV

Yes yesnshe hurried pnr^tari^^ finannlbnefwith-200 recruits lt)n a cani- nibal lslaind~t iiey nrb pahhibaliii areii^ theyT6riaitkiitBikr-^^ri--^v-^Vvi Visaikrvhegtaid^witbk-M^^ a trifle morethan t h a t Most p t my boys are f rom the bn8h and every

bullbd8hmiampj8a-i1canhlbiiils^iiv^ bull^VBiii^iraquoptaftbfetheiyrblaquo Sorely the boys you haTohere wontd

nptbe gullty V vt- i-j cv J f V- bullbull ^^^ iifTheyda^y6u if toe chance nitord-i ediNVi15 fejSlaquobf i ^^ 5frtoiwifju8t8ayinir5BOiVo^ jbrdOiyburenliyknbwr^MeirtikL


months ago eleven of them sneaked a whaleboat atid ran for Malalta Nine of them belonged to Malalta Two were bushmen from San Crlstoval Thoy were fnols the two from San Crlstoval I mean so would any two Malalta men he who trusted them-

Bclves in a iHint with nine from Snlaquo Crlstoval Yes she asked eagerly Theu

wluit happened The nlneMalalta men ate the two

from San Crlstoval all except the beads which are loo valuable for mere eatlug They stowed them uwuj In the stern locker until tbey landed And those two heads are now in some bush village back of Langa Langa

She clapped her hands and her eyeit sparkled

They are really and truly cannibals And just think this Is the twentieth century And I thought romance and adventure were fossilized

He looked at her with mild amuseshyment

What is the matter now she queried

Oh nothing only I dont fancy beshying eaten by a lot of Ultby niggers is the least bit romantic

No of course not she admitted Cut to be among tliem controlling them directing them 200 of tliem and to escape being enten by themmdashthnt at least if It Isnt romantic is certain ly the qulntessencp of adventure And adventure and romance are allied you know

By the same token to go into a niggers stomach should bo the qulu-tessenco of adventure he retorted

1 dont think you have any romance In you she exclaimed Youre Just dull and somber and sordid like the business men nt home I dont know why youre bore at nil You should be at home placidly vegetating as a bankshyers clerk ormdashor-

A shopkeepers assistant thaoU you Yes thatmdashanything What under

the sun are you doing hero OQ the edge of things

Earning my bread and butter tryshying to get on ill the world

By the bitter road the youngest son tnust trend ere he win to hearth nnd bullsaddlo of ills own she quoted Why If that isnt romantic thou nothing Is romantic Think of all the younger sons out over the world on a rayrald of adventures winning to those same hearths and saddles Vnd here yon are in tho tliicU ot it doing I t and bullhero am I In the thick of i t doing I t

1mdash1beg pardon he drawled Well Ira a younger daughter

then she amended and 1 have no hearth nor saddlemdashI havent anybody or anything-and Im Just as far on the edge of things as vou are

In your case then Ill admit there is a bit of romance ho confessed

Ho could not help but think of tho preceding nights and of her sleeping in the hammock on the veranda under mosquito curtains her bodyguard of Tahitian sailors stretched out at the far corner of the veranda within call He had been too helpless to resist but now be resolved she should have his couch inside while ho would take the tiaininock

You see I had read and dreamed about romance all my life she was eaylng but I never in my wildest fancies thought that I should live it It was all so unexpected Two years ago 1 thought there was nothing left to me butmdash She faltered and made a moue of distaste Well the only thing that remained it seemed to me was marriage

And you preferred a cannibal isle and a cartridge belt he suggested

I didnt think of tho cannibal isle but the cartridge belt was blissful

You wouldnt dare use the revolver if you were compelled to Or noting

bullbullbdquo AOUIIgtMO MAXMWBVIBIO - the glint In hereyeaftf7yba did nab laquobullbull to--weUto^ hi^ anythinfgv bull - She Bteit^up suddeniyAtP e h ^

iipuBer^Hei^ilpoundnewbiiewaBg^^ hepiwbivbpoundiv|J gt bullbullbullvM ii^Never-mind^^vhe- saldvrvberttii jmtnb lrhatbabiybiidow1th1tiirib^ bullvVSbootthe block off bull yoiir llag-ihai- bullya^d^vIbulligtU J xbullbullbullbullbull^gt^ bull|Me iihUedWB-uiibaliei^^^^^^^^ ^^bullrivdbnitknbwthej^iwi^8hb8M dubipu8lyi ^ ibullbullbull - i(ii- ^i^- i i iii

eltr la tbere a car t r idge in t h e chamshyber

She Bred nnd the block remained intact

I t s a long shot he said with the intention of easing her fhagrln

Rut she hit her Up and fired again

The bullet emitted a sharp shriek an i t ricocbetled Into space The metal block rattled back and forth Again unit again she tired till the c l i | i was emptied ot lis eight cartridges Six of them were hits The block still Bwayid at the galT end but it was battered out of all usefulness Shelshydon was astonished It was better than lu or even nugh ie Drunimond could have done

That s really good shootingmdashfor a woman be said You only missed it twice and It was u strange wcraquo|i on

But I can t make out the two misses she comiualnod The gun worked beautifully too Give me nii-otber clip and Ill liK it eight tinies for anything yoii wish

I dont doubt i t Now Ill hnve to got n new block Viaburi Here yon fella catch one fella block alongsiori room

Ill wager you can t do It olglit 0111 of elglitmdashanything you wish she chnlleuged

No fear of my taking it on was his answer Who titught yuu ui shoot

Oil my father nt tirst and then Von and hls cowboys He was a shotmdashdad I mean though Von was splendid too

Sheldon wondered secretly who Von was nud he speculated ns to whether it was Von who two years previously had led her 10 believe that nothing reshymained for her but matrimony

Wiiat part o t the United States is your home be asked-Chicago or Wyoming or somewhere out tiiere

No Hawaii 1 was born iherb It is a beautiful land My Im almost homesick for it already Not that 1 haven t been away 1 bullwas In Now York when t he crash came But 1 do think it is the sweetest spat on carth-Hawall I moan

I might ns well begin nt tho beginshyning She lifted her head with a proud air of dismissing sadness after the manner of a woman quaiiiiod to wear a Baden-lowell and a long barshyreled Colts 1 was born at Hilo Thats on tho island of riawnli tho bigshygest and best in the group I cant reshymember when 1 first got on a iiorse nor when 1 learned to swim That came before ray A B Cs Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maul-big ones for tho islands Uokuna linU 200noo acres alone It extended in between Mauua Kea and Mauna l oa and it was there 1 learned to shoot goats and wild cattle

Von bad been In the army and dad was an old seadog and they were both stern disciplinariansmdashonly Vous girls had no mother and neither had I and they were two men after all They spoiled us terribly You see they didnt have any wives and ttiey made chums out of usmdashwhen our tasks were done We had to learn to do everyshything about the house twice as well as the native servants did itmdashthat was so thnt we should know bow to manage some day

More than once one or the othshyer of us had our rifles taken away for n week just because of a tiny speck of rust We had to know how to build fires In the driving rain too out of wet wood when we camped out which was the hardest thing of all-cKcept grammar I do believe We learned more from dad and Von than from the governesses dad taught us French nnd Von German We learned both languages passably well and we learned them wholly in tho saddle or in camp When I was sixteen we three girls were all sent up to California to Mills setnlnary which was quite fashshyionable and stifling I l l we used to long for home We didiit chum with the other girls who called us little cannibals just because we cume from the Sandwich Islands and who made Invidioiis remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cookmdashwhich was historically untrue and besides our ancestors hadnt lived In Hawaii

I was three years at Mills sem Inary with trljis home of course and two years in New York and then dad went smash In a sugar plantation on Mqui Dad had nothing left aiid he decided to returii to the sea Hed always loved I t and I half believe thot he w a s glad things had happened as they did He was like a boy again-busy with itlans and preparations froin morning till night Be used to sit up half the night talking things over with rae That was after I had shown himithat 1 wasreally resolved tb go along We were readyto starttOTn-hiti where a lot ot repairs and refitshyting for the Miele v^efe necessary when poor diid came down sick and

died- ^i- bull - bull bull v-bullbullbullbullbullbull

VvAnd you were left all iaione bull JbannoddedV bulliy^z bull bull i

Very much ^alone I had no biroth-ers or Hiatersi and all dads pebple were drowned ID a Kansas cloudburst That happened when he-was ft ilittle boy Of cburio 1 bull could go back to| Ton Theres ralwaya a home there

m $520 A YEAII

Is a uonunaii Inltliil sniarv for oar griidimtoK Aflur soiiioc(|)orlonoo miiiiY uiirn dnuhlu luul trtililo this iiinniiil Suiiil for CUIUIOKUO loihty and liiiirii how to prupiiiO



rhliUulhliullcliil(lireHll Ill llii nmtUrof IIXIIIK and appnliahiK ttraquoi

tiniis and places for liolilhi) tho suvnral toiiiislit lilioclrcullcniiri conn(or tliououii-ly iif liiuliain Slalo of iMlclilKaiij for iw yuais A I) nno lliousaiid nino Imndrtid and iwihii and one llioiiHand nino Imiidiud and

III iiiirsiMiiici) ofMio slaliilo in such eiiso inudu mid piovldod It Is oidenidlliat tho siiviinu toiiiis of tho olTOiill coiut for llil) coiinly of liiKliain Sliloof MIclilKaii for tKli bull ytiaisA 1) nnu tlioiisiiiid nliiii hiiiiiimd anltl uvulvu nnd oiiu Hioiisaiid iiliio hundred and lliliu^oii lid nnd llii) sainu limiiliy are (lwd and appointed 11) he liuld at Miu followlnit times and pincns

Alllni Oliy of Miison coimnonclnK on tho fouitli moiirlay In laiinary iniiili yoar

At lliuClly olbniisliiK conuiieinilnir on tho second MiMiday In Mnriili tiiicjli year

At |lio Oily i)f iMiison ooininonclni on tiio soroiid iMmiduy In Mny oiudi your

At ilui Clly of lyanslnK oiinmnmcliiKon tljii foiiitli Mondny In Hepiuniljui eacli year

Cmiittoopeii tile llrstnny of eacli term ut ton oclock in the foreiiooii

IIOWAltll WlKST CliCnItliid(n bull


Dalod haimlnt MIcli Octvi IIMI eurooiiiiiilMNloiiunraquo Notice Norrlfi

ytalii of Mlclil(nii Ihu probate court for tlie county of liinliam

til the mailer of tlic estate ot Sarah bull I iNorrls deceased

llavliij lieen appoliileil conimlsslonors ii) receive oiinilne nnd adjust nil tdalins and denuuids ol all persons ii(alnstsnld doconsod wedo hereliy KIVU notice that four months i from tlie Itli day ol Noveuiher A I) inilwoni bull allowed liy snid court Ior creditors topresent tlieir claims to ns for evniiiliintUm and adlusd-niont mill thnt wo will meet at the resldonco of losepli lewett In the clliy ol Mason hi snId county on the Itli tliiy of liiiiiiiirr| A t) itilJ mid on the- ltl(li day ot niiirvli A t) ili at ten ocloelc In tho forenoon of encli of siild dnys fw the pnrpose of o-camlnliiK and ndJiiKtiiiKsald claims

Dated Novciiilier ttli A 1) mil




lleiiriiiK OlaliiiN llvltvt^mdash1IiirHl Slate of Michigan Tin) proliale court fOr

llie county ot liigliani In llie matter of tlio estate of Conrad

llelwlK deeeased Notice Is henliy Klven tliiil fonv niontbM

from llieVth day ot NiivemlmrAlJ 11)11 liavo lieen nllmved for creditors to present thotr claims n(nlnst snid deceased to said coiirffor eNumliintlon and iidjiistmeiit nnd that nil creditors of snld deceased are reiinlred tj) present llielr claims to said court at tlie pro-liateolllce In tho city of Mnsoiilii said couiraquo-ty on or liefore the Rlli dny of Mnruh A I) 1)IS nnd Hint snld cliilms will he heard liy said court on tlin Ntli day of Itlurili A I) 11)1 atteii oclock In tlui forenoon

Dated Novemlagtrth A D mil IIUNKVM (iAHi)NKH

bulliiwl lndse of Iroliate

Order or t i i l i l lcnt ioi i STATU OF MioiiiciAvmdashrun OIHOUIT COUKT


Rthel W Alvarez Complainant

vs Kaymoiid 1 Alvarez

Defendant Suit iiendliiK In the Olrciilt Court for tho

(Jniinty of liiKliam In Oliaueery at liinsInK M ulilnanon tlieHth dny of Novemlier JOll

ItappearliiK hy allldavltin tlilsciinso thai the defendant Kiiymond 1 Alvarez docs tiol reside in this state lint resides In tlioelly of Mnnlla In the Ililllpplne Islands on tlio moshytion ofO I amp R P Hammond compliihi-nnts solicitors It Is ordered that liu cant-o Ills npiiearaiice to lieoiiterud liorewllli wllhlii live inonllis from the date ot this order and In case of appearance that lio cause Ids aii-swur tecomplalnaMshlll of complaint lo ho filed and a copy thereof to ho served on sidiJ solicitors wltliln twenty days after service dli liim of a copy of said lilll and a notice of tills order and tlnit In default thereof said 1)111 1)0 taken as confessed hy lihn

It Is further ordered that within twenty days after date Imreof said complalniinli cniiso 11 copy of this order to he pnhllslicd hi tliu INOUA-M COUNTV NKWH a nowspapflr printed and circulated In said county ami that said pnbllcatlon be continued tlioroln lUi least oiicu in each week for six weeks Insuii-cessloii or tliiitslio cause a copy of this orshyder to be personally served on said defuml-ant at lonst twenty days before llie tirno prescribed for said aiipearauee


i w a l t l n g f o r m a But wfiy8libuia ^ BOTtdes^|therbltweredaa8^pIaii8|^ain^ f e l t that I t devolved npon me tp carry themiptit jt8eemed^aflhe^ithing to d o uiaoI wanted tb cariryltheih Out Ahdhfire Iafliv fMHbullbull^ bi^ C tb rii UBn] bullbull-bull

CountorslKiied (Jircult ludKC WM It (JllAllAM

Deputy RoKlstor C R t K V IIAMMONI) 4fiw7

Complainants Hollcinrs Uusiness address LnnsliiK AllchlKan

LIcuHNU to Kelt lraquotl-lllaquolti 15 Stale of JllclilKan tho Irobato Court for

tho county of liiKliam At a session of said court holdat the proshy

bate ofllce in tho Oity ot Mason in said counshyty on tlm Mith day ot Novemhur A D Iflli

Iresi nt Hon Ilonry M Gardner IndKoof Pi obato

lit tho tnattor ot tho ostivto of Wllllala 1 Lett deceased

Sainjiol W Mayerhiivini lUod in snld court his potltion urayliiH for Uconso to soli tho In-turest ot said qstato in certain real estatu thorolndesorlljed

It Is ordored thnttho Iftlli day oi J lelaquo A a l l i t l U l l at ton oclock In tho fore-nooiii at said probate ollico be nnd is liornby iiupolnlod for liearlnt said pellMon and thtid all persons hitorestod In said estate appear boforo snld court at said time and place to show cause why II license to sell tho Intorest otsald estate in said real estate should not bOKrnntedi bull lt Is further ordered that putilic iiotlcn

thereof-be given by publication of a copy of tills order forthroo snccesslvowookspreshyvious to said day of hoiirlni In the iMOUAll COHNlV NEWS a newspaper printed and clr-cnhited In said county (A true copy) UENIIY M GAIIDNEK 0 A OllNiON lud(OOflrobato -

Irohatu ItOKlstor 4Tw_4

Fliiiil Account I l i i r row-JIcc III State of M IclilKnn The Irolmle Court- for bull

tlio county of liiKliam At a sessionot said court hold at tlio proshy

bate ofllce In tho cltY of Mason in said counshyty on tho goth day of Novombor A D liUi

Presonti lion Itonry M GardnerJudge pt Prohato

In tiio matter of tlio estates of Johri 0 Duriow docoascd

1 B Jlummol hivvlnit (llod hi said court his final administration account ai^d his petition pruyhij for Iho bull allowanoo bull thereof and for tlie nsslgnmont anddlstrlbn- tlon of tho rosiduo of said estate bull gt ItUordored that the Ifilli d a y o l Jloe A-D 1011 at ton oclock In the toronbob a t suidi Drobate efflce bo and is liorebvapr [iolntcd fer oxanilnlnff and ollowbiK said aft- countiiiia htiirlng siilap6tltl6n - bullbull bull

I t Is^fnrtherMrdered that public notice thercotbe given by pubUcatlonot u copy ot tnlsoraor for three successive Aveoks pre- vloun to said day of hearing In the iNOHiBH OouMST-NHwajanowspaper printed andch- culatedtn said countv ^ -lt sfj (A truepopy) HENRYMGABDNliBr bull

p AOttNTON- bullbull J u d g e ofVroBBte bull ProbateBeg|gter -bull bullgtbull y-^^^VIti-^v

How lillhbolnihirb8hephiiigtdi Ceiirit Yan (1) taii(2y tethera (8)r pethemi

s(4)ltplinp (5gtsbthera (6) lethewf (7)^ hbvera (8)^coyera (PK dlk(litt)lylaquofe 41k ((il)j tahrdrdlk U2)i tetherWUk ^18) [PetherailtIikV (14) bumpttii(iB)vVwi^ i W m p i t (ie)tiinabunu)itff(H) etb JIfgit (20)iPrbm Shepherdi jof Brit

Succeed iwhen^eyerything cIseMOii fill nerybu8pro8tratibh)j a n d fetnaleii weaknbiieavtheyiaiethei8upreme imiAyiM thouaanda iliaye tcBtjiilipd

pi(mleurolbNCtUlVERANigt^ 8idiyiACH|rROUBLB^



viijbull liinB

(bullbull^bull^bullbullbullbullltWft I tVVi----iltw|

mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im



bull bull bull raquoP- ^bullm^-r^^i^^m-m


A New Line of Linens at Special Prices for Annual Sale We are unusually proud of our Linen Display this year and we have bought these linens in quantities that would insure the lowest prices You get the benefit of these pricesmdashwe are not undersold special for Thanksgivinemdash56-iii Silver Blea

Linen yard 49c Special for Thaiiksffivinsmdash70-in $125 Blea

Linen yard J8c Special for TluinksfjiviiiKmdash72-in Bleached

Damask SI50 value for _ SL19 Napkins to match nearly all patterns in linens

Rxtra Special $175 Bleached Damask 72-in wide $150

Table Sets in the round and square cloths Special for Thankspivinfr

Linen Huck Embroidered TowelinK 29c 59c 44-in Hardangfer LinenmdashSpecial for Thanks-


SWEATERS-Half Price All our large stock of Ladies and Childrens Sweaters going in some cases at less than 50 per cent of the original price We are overstocked on this line and while we have sold as cheap asany we are anxious to reduce this stock while the Tde-mand is on We are therefore sacrificing our profit in order to reduce stock and give our customers unusual bargains

All $100 to $150 Sweaters r9c Knit Caps all fifointr at one price 79c Shawls Bonnets Scarfs etc as low as lowest

All $400 to SO00 Sweaters Soini at All S300 to $350 Sweaters tjoins at

20 to S250 Sweaters froiiif-- at $19S 9Sc



Anything in Your Eye Miny people who come to us

for eye examination imagine

that there is some foreign

substance in their eyes Wc

can sometimes hardly conshy

vince them that these gritty

sandy scratching irritating

conditions arc symiitonis and

olTccts due to refrnctory ershy

rors which may be corrected

uy the use of proper Glasses

Let Us Take the Grit Out

C S BALLARD M D Eye Ear Nose and Throat

Ovar Atellinas Jewelry Store MASON

Supt Riffgs received the foliow-ing from the director of uthietica lit KaliimMoo

Kalamazoo Nov17 mil V D Ritgs Mason Mich

Dear Sir Our football season will have to close Nov IS We played onr riviils il-itUo Creek

I Nov bull and since that time there has boon little interest shown Wo have had an unluclcy your as we have lost all our big giunics J am Sorry that wc can not jilay the game with you under favorable conditions Very tiaily yours

j Laurence Taylor It looks as though the local foolgt

ball season will have to close for the yeiir ns ii seems impossililo to schedule any games with nearby towns Keyioated offers have been made to Chelsea Charlotte Eaton Rapids Grand Lodge and ]larshal but (hey have all jiolitely roluscf to set or accept a data Ganns were sehodulod with Eiton Rapshyids Charlotte and GrantI Ledge

UnleS soma arrangements can be made iji the noKt few days Mason will close the season

School Notes

Probate News

Tiaoringfi for Nov 24 Estate of Louisa A Mann-

bate of AVill Estate of Wilhelmina Smith

pointment of administrator bonis non

Estate of Nicholas Robsonmdashfinal account

Estate of Cornelia W Kilbourno mdashcitation



bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull PERSONAL MENTION bull

E D Pier ot Leslie was in Mason Monday

E C Bishop of Leslie was in the city Tuesday

Hiram Chase ot Clio Mich is visiting his cousin C V Browne

Mrs P P Millbury is visitiing her mother at Richfield Center Ohio

Alex Lang ot Ionia was with Miison relatives Saturday and Sunshyday

Mr and Mrs A L Vandercook visited their children in Lansing Sunday

W N Post and wife left Friday evening to Epend the winter at Biloxi Miss

Miss EUena McMath has been the guest ot Mr and Mrs M A Ranshydall the past week

A C Green ot Holly was a guest of his sister MrsG W Tamlyn from Sunday until Tuesday

Geo Green of Fenton and Lydia Treaubrodt ot Owosso visited at G V Tamlyns over Sundiiy

Mrs W A Shank went to Grand Rapids Tuesday to help her mothshyer celebrate her 80th birthday

Mr and Mrs H D Crippin-and little son Roy were Brighton visitshyors Wednesday and Thursday of last week gt

Mrsl Rona Atwoodot Cross Vilshylage spent Wednesday and Thurs-day of last week with Mr and Mrs P CvMcEuenbull bull bull V

Mrs Leona Salspaugh returned from Lansing Saturday where she had been for a week packing her mothers household goods for re-moval- here bullbullbullbullbullgtbull-bullgt bull-bull

Miss Elsie Beh)amin and Mj|8s Derby teacheravin the Lansing SchdolB were guests of Miss Nina Bristol at her home here last Wedshynesday [eYeiAhg-lgt^yjX---l^M^

Mr and JAr liCvi Slagl^t bf^^^ relius returned by gt way of Mason last VMonday frem attending the 89thblrthdayariniversary of their uncle Jared Shafer^ at Ithaca^

Wilbur^^UBlvbf iJacksori accom-piihietlbygt Miss Jennie B Paltnen-tonvOliBattle0refekvisited over Suridiay at oSteJlieh Hiinnaraquo8 inj V e- vayandampwithMriBu8h8daughr

-tiBr8 1nDah8ylUefx ^ iJ^inonil thbiieiattendihg


iArtliiuiSMri ^widMr8iiHrJi Btfhdr Dr and Mrs C S Ballard_Ro88

bullbullTh6rbttpniaJli aBi5sM6maniiWvflt) bullDltraderaquoivw-ilVM3iiVBriA1J-rTraquoii-l-0laquoiv

Several ot the teacheis and young people of our school attendshyed the Michigan-Pennsylvania foot ball game at Ann Arbor last Satshyurday

The High School Union herd its regular meeting last Friday aftershynoon The following program was sectiven

olo Miss Paine A Story Irene Henderson Original Song^ Gladys Lasenby and

Emily Sayre Original Poem Henry Adams

It was greatly enjoyed by all During the past week the seatshy

ing chart in the high school was changed

The senior physics class have taken up the study of machines

Miss Paine was in Lansing Saturshyday

Miss Dorr one ot our former teachers is visiting her many Mashyson friends

Herbert Bullen has left school Another mission rocking chair

arrived last Monday much to the pleasure ot the librariains

Agricultural BOOKS

The high school agricultural deshypartment has added the following new books to the library Farmers and other interested persons may obtain the use of the books byapshyplication at the high school li-Drary

Prmciples ot Fruit Growing-Bailey

FertilizersmdashVoorhees Feeding of AnimalsmdashJordon Principles of AgriculturemdashBailey Milk and its ProductsmdashWing How to Keep Poultry for Profit

-^Valentine gt Diseases T)f AnimalsmdashMayo Soil ManagementmdashLyons Farm MotorsmdashDavidson Farm Managementr-Card Pat of the Land Several books containing plans

tor farm buildings will be added nextweek gtbull bull bullbull- 7 bullbullbullbullbull iFarmbrs are urged to read these

books as they may be a meains of helping to gain a few mora idol-laP8bnnej(ityear^Bcrops yyv -|

Prohlbi t ibh County Conifer- bullbullbull en(seandRallir bull -

ihe prohibitionists ^^ in ithe fieldsfor the campaignr oif 1912 A conference of all friienda of the prohibition causeinithis Gdunr ty has been called to meet atlt230 p m Nov ST in the Grand Army HaUgtait LanBingv i-- iUic iii--riv bullr iThe^cboference will belvpireBided byerfby iWmABrubakeriof De-

^troitivthe-hewBtateiiehaimiiti bt gt the prbhibitiohi6mmltteebf Micih bull iganiJviHtIs tbe i)UPpoBe6lthis ineeftihgf to vthbrbi^ghly n rebrgiihi^ izeVand^Btrehgthen ijcbe pfbhibttion countycbmmTtteeandtomakegta heceB8avy^preparatibh8rforVcbm pdiatKewlth^thenewgtprih)[arjr^lawi Ih-the eyehlhga meeitingwiU held to be addressed by ttr Bru-baker who bull said to beone ot the

Eaton Rapids suffered a severe loss by fire last week in the buin-ing of the Anderson House the only hotel in the city and one of the best known in the state Fire fighting apparatus wore sent from Charlotte and Lansing to assist in extinguishing the flames anl they were heeded The loss is complete and very heavy


bull CHURCH AND SOCIETY bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The Rebekah Coterie will meet next Tuesday with Mrs Byrl No5-on Those desiring to attend will meet at Taylors implement store at 9 a m

The Aurelius Baptist L A S will have a handkerchief sale at the parsonage Fridtiy Dec 1 Supper from 6 to 8 at which the toUow-ling menu will be served Potashytoes moat beans white and brown bread and butter cake cabbage salad pickles friedeakes anul cofshyfee Musical program follows

The next regular meeting ot the Baptist Ladies Aid will oe held on Friday afternoon ot this week in the church parlors The work tor the afternoon will bo the tyshying and finishing ot the comfortshyers to be sold at the coming sale which will be held on the first and second days ot December An esshypecially large attendance is da-sired Come early and eome preshypared to work

Tho county Sunday school conshyference which was announceil to be held in Lansing at the Y M C A next Friday afternoon has been postponed

The young peoples societies oi the different churches will hold a union meeting at the M E church Sunday at the usual time from 6 to 1 Alfred Alien of the Baptist church will lead

The New England supper which was to have been held at the Meshymorial Hall Alaiedon was postshyponed on account ot the condition of the weather until Friday evenshying Dec 1

Rev A G Newberry will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening

Movement of the Air The movement of air Is variously

designated according to Us velocity as a zephyr breeze wind gale or hurrishycane With fogs the designations are mlstB slight moderate or thick A dense or thick fog according to the weather bureau obscures objects bull at a distance itt 1000 feet

bull bull bull bull V - - ~ ~ mdash ^ ~ - - V bullbull bull 1 My childVwas biirneti terribly about the face neck and chest I applied Dr Thomas Ecleetric Oil The pain ceased and the bhild sank into a restful slumber Mrs Nanshycy MHanBOn Hamburg N Y I


THANKSGIVINB MENU Provide your own Turkey but allow us to do the dressing

The well-dressed man on this the Nations Thanksgiving Day always possesses a fcclin of satisfaction that the careless dress-er docs not have ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ D R E S S I N G

with the proper kind of clothes will not be an extensive task if the clothes arc bought here A new Suit or Overcoat can be had for $10 $12 S14 $16 or $0

PASS IT AROUND P-iss it around and let it be known that few stores can excel us in our display of Clothing Hats or Furnishings

WILL YOU HAVE SOME of the splendid bargains we arc offering No better time to make clothinginvestments than now Whole season before you

SPLENDID SIDE DISHES and very appropriate for this wather are our lines of warm Underwear Hosiery and Gloves You cant do better than to come hero _ ^ _ i^^claquogtbull-bullbull

FOR D E S S E R T and to trim up your outfit we have elegant Neckwearmdashfull of life and snapmdashjust right for Thanksgiving Wc extend you a Thanksgiving invitation to come in


iiiin) B a rac m Another Fatal Accident on

the M U R


bullbullroiiiliKiiit ^lurcliuiit ul ICMIIU illtntK l l lNtlll lt Mltlltll

Word reached this city at midshynight Monday tliat a min had been struck by the south bound car on the M U R at Mclntyrcs crossing just south ot Eden

A special car was sent out from Lansing taking on Sheriff Banus lustice Adams and UnderUikor MnDonaki at Mason

When the scene of the accident was reached it was discovered ihat the victim was Paul L Darling a prominent and popular hardware merchant of Leslie

Tho Motorman R S Clioate states that when he first saw Mr Darling he was running across tiie track from the east and not over ten feet from the car IIewas carshyrying an overcoat on his arm Afshyter the car struck him he was dragged several rods before it ran over him and was brought to a standstill

To all appearances Mr Darling was hurrymg to cross the track in order to signal the car on which he was to return to Leslie The body was badly mutilated

Friends from Leslie were sumshymoned and soon arrived to take charge ot the body

Justice Adams empanneled a jury comiposed ot J W Chapin J H VanBuren Geo B Owen Lee Smally W H Chapin and Oscar Haire all residents ot the vicinity of the accident and the inquest will be held in Mason Saturday

H R VanAuken ot Williamston was the only passenger on the car when the accident occurred

Mr Darling was well and very favorably known about the county having been the democratic candishydate for register of deeds three years ago

Funeral services were held at Leslie yesterday afternoon

Death Comes Suddenly

David Almond pioneer resident of Alaiedon and civil war veteran died suddenly of heart trouble at his home in Wheatfield last Tuesshyday

He had been in poor health tor a few months but dsath came withshyout warning while he sat reading a paper which but a tew moshyments before he had taken from the mail box about 20 rods from the house

Funeral services were held from the home Friday morningconshyducted by Rev Fr Sharp ot Wil-iiamston with burial at Maple Grove cemetery in Mason

David Almond was born in Richshyfield N J April 27 1810 Here he lived until about 21 years of age when he enlisted and served three years in the civil war

He came to Michigan in 1865 first settling near Ann Arbor Feb 22j 1867 he was united in marriage With Miss Maggie McNama^a who survives him Ihey came to Vevay township about the year 1872 jgt- tling on the farm iii Alaiedon in 1876 where they resided until aihout four yeai-sago when the farm waB Bold and they moved to AViUianiston village living there tw6yeap8^^-bull^ bullbullbullbullbull bull

Inr the spring of 1910 he pur- chased aiid naoyed to the farm 4 1-2 miles southwest of Williamstoh - Besides the laquowldbwhe is surshy

vived by all ot his fourchildren Robert H who lived at home Mrs Anna Steadman lt of Detroit Walter W of Dansville and Mrs Kate 01inofLansing- bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull v Deceased waB a mian highly reshyspected-by his entire acquaintance aiprominarit democrat In politics holdin( BeveralofticliB ot truBl in the township oi Alaiedon ilhtil bullthegtlastyear he had enjoyed gen eralg6odhealth =bull c--y)f

i^yeommencinK bctvvirt

Prepare for Colli Weather KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY




Felt Shoes Arctics Socks and Rubbers Overgaiters and Leggings



GEO M WEBB Visit our Shoe Shinintr Parlors

Beginning Dec 1st our store will be open evenings until after Christmas



Our 10c Candies Are the Talk of the Townmdash16 ounces to the pound

5c to 25c Handkerchiefs A New Line Just Received

Quirks Dept Store

My Thanksgiving Proclamation I have much to bethankful for in this year 1911 I thank the public whose favor has Enabled me to dothe

biggest jewelry business betyveen two Thanksgiving Days since iny first opening in Maifon and I accept this faybi as ail obligation on me to still further improve my stock arid my serviceinevery way possible

Especially do I thank the many who after finding my goods my prices and my ways satisfactory have sp6ken~ tiidr Wordsof approval to friends and so have increased the | inumberofvmy customers bullbull[[bull ibullbullbull bull-bull

bull I thank my faithful helpers in the stprie for their loyaltyi Zealandefficiency bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull[bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbull I thank you for accepting my iriteritions ^ for tyccasionalmistekes for overlook your Conflderice in my earnest desire toi please ywi ^^ - I

bullFiriajly Ithank my ^m^ faults foi-npviri^ may mend the worst bJ them arid t ^

p)re efficiently serye



iidlAsc(tJnie^Si5jc^ IX^z



bull bull K

m-i ampgtyenyenmwm^y-



Grand Trunk to Erect Railway

Station in Bay City

Last of the Property Required Haa Ceon Purchased and Work on

the Big Railway Station Will Start at Once

rny Cl(y Mich Nov 20mdashThe Oniiid Triuils rajliond will hoyin at

oiico wnrl on ils new $1000000 ternv iiiiil Bliilioii and yards on tlie east siiUi JUKI lliG lirldHO that will givo accftsii lo tlioiii from tile WGHI sirio Ilic lasL ))rtii)crty rcriiiirod to apprnach thti rivei Iroiit on the wost side was purshychased within Uio last two wctelis anJ the owners have ten days in WIMLII to remove their hiiildinnH

All llio ojial side properly ro(|nirnd JnelndinK lwo hlorllts Ior slalion niu fvroiinds passenKiir ynrds hrid^e M| jiroachoH etc have long since been linrciia-wd and the removal of hoii-e Iroin this riroporly is now niider way Cradini on tiio wosr Hide approncli isi iirjdor way and temporary traeks for hridne liuiidinK purposes V i l l he laid vllhin 1W0 weolis

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 1 - 0 V

bull bdquo


Arrested Three Years Ago He ES caped and Recently Found

Ponliac Mieh Nov 20mdashLebaron f) Sawtello pleaded guilty to a cliarge of obtainlnK money under false pretenses bullvJion urraifjned before Instiee Stodi-cll and was at onro sentenced to tVu) honse of correction for ninety rtiiys Ttie charge of conspiracy which vmfl also laid ngalnat Sawtelle wnn diDPPed hy the proaecntion ihroufih in-iililllly to scctiro witnesses

Tho offense was committed three yijars aio Sawtello was arrested and Kuve SriOO hail Before he got away lio was arrested on tho second char^c and hail sot at $1000 which Sawtelle nliso gave and then disappeared lo CQjrtly ho was located in Cleveland urtfl brought had here

Two cases aro pending against Goorgo flilhoc and Rdward Stout Raw-ti t le s iKiiuisnien in tho circnit conrt hiR hail havin l)oen forfeilcd slKjrtiy nllor ho disii)pearod


Port Huron Man Opens Gas Pipe bull Without Knowing It

Por t Huron Mich Nov 20mdashWhen Ojfiver norealord retired he liTUXdced over a chair altcr lio had turned oiii lii^ gas The falling chair strucU a lithe loading from tho chandelier to a tpoundhle lamp disconnecting it so that iho gas began to escape Beroslonl liOgan to feel ill after he had been In hod hilt a short while hut thouglit il was iust a passing faintness

Tlo linally came to tho conclusion lliat something else was causing his weakness and succeeded in arousinc lilmsolf enough to stagger from tlio room and downstairs in time to save Mmseir from being suffocated to deatli A physiciiiii was called and after im-inodiato treatment got tho young man out of danger

Huron Farmer Takes Poison Por t lliiron Mich Nov 20mdashHenry

Hovlin 1 Huron township farmer comshymitted suicide by drinlUng potson l ie was Bfty-live years old and leaves i widow and several children Mo had been married three times

Farmers May Be Loseri Monroe Mich Nov 20mdashTudge Goldshy

en appointed William 0 Volimayer ftijfl Georgo E Kinney receivers for tiiis Michigan plants of he Clover Leaf CFjBnmery company of Toledo One g locateltl a t Temperance this counshyty and another Is in Lenawee county


Chicago Cash Qrain Quotations WheatmdashNo 2 red 9S(g)99c No 3

rejl 95n7c No 2 hard winter 100 fiji03 No 3 hard winter 95c(g)$100i No 1 northern springs $108lll N6 2 northern Bprtrig JlOGQJllO No ii8prlng raquo6cig)$lp4 CornmdashNoi 27Cc No 2 white 7Gc No 2 yellow 78c No raquo 7677cNo-3 white WjS^ci N Q 3 yellow -(new) 64G6c Oats

-mdashNo 2 white 49V4(5)50c NoiJ White 4849c8tandard48(S)49c gtbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullChlcaflo LIve^StocliY- bull

ftogsmdashReceipts 50000 Quotations ranged at|6^66S5 choice heavy

|^9p62laquo chplcei light (63604S b W y RackinSi and |485560 good to

^ G Q l c e pigsi^^bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull-

Ciittlamp^ReceiptB 25000 bull Quotatiohs rMWed i t |860 91B jirt bull Btera

^3^^450 goodtbeurotMgtlceted be r

et^ $626576 S(BlectedgtteMl(tniigt|3 5 i|()ci-f8(r vtp fJigppiJi- Biiockair Hif80oa tovbullclio c6bull VMl-iaIve

ifiisipjpptl eii B 60000-ij ^ ranged at$bSi6M5choicev ^ laquoatlveaambib JMpound26i 6Erlaquob(

(i[ iWrlln|Bi$37B(g)i ^^


GRAND RAPIDSmdashOn account o the pro-rata apportionment c the primary scliool money this fail and which abolishes the May apporshytionment the Grand Rapids publl schools face tho situation of closiii the preesnt semester several wecls earlier When their budget wus made up this Iall it was on a basis ol Ifl per capital primary money II proved to be 50 cents Tho May I lowanco expected to be $C will ni be forthcoming This means a if]bull 560 shortage the teachers refusing tv teach witiiout pay

DETROITmdashOne of the most costlj and spectacular tires occurring in Do troit this year started on tlie lourtli floor of lisher Oarton amp Wilis Whole sale Miiliiiory companys fivc-slorv building on lefforson avenue sprcii into the business l)ulldings on bet sides and cnusod a loss to p r o p e l and contents roughly estimated a 2()0000 The llrenien fought I hi blaze in a heavy snowstorm and al tlireo lionrs worii succeeded in getiii it under control


i^m ted wethera |310reg326 good to


lt|ini4i9t6nvKteniliaiitBE^ qijote vtks tollowa bull Cattle^ReceiptB iiH care market i5clowlaquo(rHogBmdash RacelptB 170- carij market bull lover heaYy$laquoi40lraquo6B0XYodkerB 1626(3)

iiPlWr|Bi7BJg) BheepKi2ROT laquo^a toptambBt626^636 yearllhpsi

ANN ARBORmdashGeorge Ross aped ten years llirough his fatlior as his next friend has started suit for SIO-000 damages against Fuaiilj I Corn-well a prominent coal and automobic dealer for injuries alleged to have boon received in an automobile accishydent about three wcebs ago The declaration alleges that as younq Uoss was riding on his bicycle the Cornwell auto in which were the driver L A Frost and Mr Cornwell ran blm down and broke both ankles

ESCANABAmdashUpon the application of Coupnty Prosecuting Attorney Storm the preliminary hearing of Dan McCarthy Arthur and Tohn Llndqiiist charged with the murder of Alvin Po-garty was postponed until Nov 21 McCarthy demanded a separate examshyination from the other defendants Me Cnrthya father is a well known railshyway engineer of ttiis city To his mother who visited him in jail McCarshythy stoutly protested his Innocence

EATON RAPIDSmdashDuring tho past four days three separatt farms have been sold here at figures above Iii0000 The Dr 1 B Bradley fapin two miles southwest of town went at $11000 tho lohn T Hall farm a short distance from the Bradley place was taken at i)lln00 and the Vauglian Brotliers farm tliree miles east ol hero was sold Ior $12200 Each sale will bring a new family lo this comshymunity

MUSKEGONmdashIt Frank Garasick of this city does not die from his alteini)t to build a fire with gasoshyline ho may thank the heroism of his bullvife Mrs Garasick tore the burninj clothes from her husbands back seshyverely btirning her hands in doing so Garasick lies at Mercy hospital - with the skin of one-third of his body burnshyed to a crisp Physicians say there Is a small chance for his recovery

CADILLACmdashMiss Mlna V Gale a young sehool teacher of Trenton and Homer 0 Tealle of Ithaca were married in Manton While leaching school some weeks ago at Trenton Miss Gale left her work to nurse Mr Teall in a siege of typhoid fever and their engagement followed Teall is a graduate of Cornell unversity and now runs an experimental farm near Trenton

JACKSONmdashThe iirominent busishyness men of Tackson adopted a resolushytion a copy of which will be forwarded to Governor Osborn asking him not to use undue haste In calling a special session of the legislature to pass upon the proposal of the commission on Inshyquiry Into taxation which favors the Imposition of a tax on the business done by the corporations o( the state

MUSKEGONmdashLouis Erlckson sevshyenteen years old a Bon of Mr and Mrs Lars BrlcUson of Norton townshyship accidentally shot and killed himshyself while hunting Erlckson wna takshying the guns out of the buckboard wagon and a chance discharge of one of the weapons sent a charge of shot through the left portion of his neck

l yendeg l l l -OR-

20th Century Needle Book Containing Pins Needles Hair Pins Hooks and Eyesmdasha Household Necessity

Choice o the Above Premiums to Everyone Answering

This Advertisement There are 10 Turkey Heads in this picshy

turemdashcan you find 8 of them To every one sending or bringing an answer we will give choice of the above premiums also an exceptional offer to purchase a new Piano during our Holiday Sale Send answers in today as all answers must be in our hands within a week

V ame

A ddress

Story amp Clark Piano Co 119 West Shiawassee St Lansing Mich

SOUTH HAVENmdashThe city of South Haven voted In ifavpr of the 38000 bond issue fora new high school buildshying-by 203 majority a- landfllide and the-largest vote ever recorded on a school proposition here bull Bells were rung whistlea bullblo|ffn anii studeiitB mode merryat a big paBBmeetlngin libnorof-theeventi^v-V-K V

iiONlAmdashMrii^vji^ Jones - bullwhio was charged vlth ^attet^^^^

i Bon bull iter i hiiirtKlnd - wltli ttl pleclB i of pti7chineltillledr ptei has^Mn ilaquo^

inonthBlncarcOTatloniHerlwll ln-laquoraquoe w p ( c K a r m s cbuld one a r i - ^ - t b

Proof of Beef Cattle Shortage

All doubts about the beet cattle shortage have been dispelled by the census report that tho deshycrease in luimbers in the last ten years has been 68 per cent This announcement is very significant This is tho greatest decrease reshycorded in any class of livo stock Horses mules and dairy cat Ic inshycreased to a much grca e r exshytent than any class of meat-proshyducing animals In fact ho censhysus figures indicate a d o r o i s e of about two per cent in sheep alshythough an increase of possiiDly 10 per cent may have been miile in hogs We cannot escape tho conshyclusion that the pro-luction o meat-porducing animals pari u-larly beet cattle has not kept ) ace with other branches of tli 11 (bull stock industry When it is considshyered that the population o the IJnited Slates has increased 1 raquo er cen t while the decrease in beef production has taken place ic is evident that a wide gap miay deshyvelop in the supply

Not only have beef cattle deshycreased in numbers but the avershyage age of marketing has been lowered So true is this that while market prices have appreciated the farm value credited per hear has actually declined The doan-up of large i-angs herds resulting i the marketing ot thousands of imshymature steers and females of all ages has been a factor in the deshycrease which cannot easily bo reshyplaced The expanded mirket in^ of veal is another The Pacific coast demand for meat is t r w-ing cattle that formerly would have come eastward ^o marker These factors luive been citeJ is indicating that we are living on our capital not on the increase of it in the beef industry

Witli the decrease in American beef production appearing as a grim reality some consumers are urging the free admittance of beef a t the seaboard in the hope that South America may fill the gap in our markets Even if this shoiild come about it will not destroy our market for first-ciass beef Whatshyever prime beef Americans cat for a long time to come must be proshyduced- oh the corn belt farms of this country

Forced to the conclusion that the corn belt must raise only high-clasraquos beef if any many farmers have established grade herds o beef cows in the last five years using pure-bred beef bulls to se-ctire the desired market- topping quality They havei reaped a well-deserved success that should enshycourage others to engage in this beef-breedingi industry rhere will be a place for the beef when it is ready mdashEditoriali Breeders Ga-

- a e t t e - - ^bullbull bullbullbull[[bullbullbullbull-bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull -

^ B A LPr HE A Li ED AV Q M A N Sliornof Her drown oirBlaquolaquoiitr itouB

gt = --Intioyeaad-illarrlBKe- - -Hair iscertainly mostneceBaary to womanWhovcduldldvff^a^^

In 1912 You WOl Elect a President THIS election is of supremo importance toyou Tho whole country is

divided On ono sido tho progressive Insurgents on tho otlior the Conservative Standpatters Both parties will promise many things

You will have to judge their claims and their fitness to carry them out In these stirring times


REVIEW OF REVIEWS is a necessity to tho busy man or woman who values being up to date In a hundred ways its editorials its character sketches and its timely articles will help you make your choice It gives you tho best clearest and most accurate non-partisan and unprejudiced news that money can buy It is the great monthly newspaper on which intelligent people everywhere rely for their news and you get this news almost a t promptly as it is given in the great daily newspaper of the country

Senktor LaFoIlcto i sys i flit mil muUi amiraii ami Imfarllal nvliw tftlii aO I lone have utttiztil the magazine In lit turrtnt Iwiei ai a valuable rntiini of informathn bull

Never will the Review o( Reviews be more necessary than next year

6umrof|tM0yraief finally bulluppllraquodfvS|ie has gone to Belding to itay with h r


offset Buch a disfiguremeh t v-A wbhiainB i jmaVftiuBually r 1 iEind marriageTHer crowning glory is herhairi Thebull JOBS of her Kair

| i B X T T U CREEK~Semi-lt^ laquo -~laquoraquoiAr ii i holaquon nhtAinftH Of a^B^cce88 Yet r i g h t h e r e in M a s o n

^ gt S ^ ^ r S deg I ^ ^ V ^ S ^ S awneglactirig^^o of Philadelphia 1B to take oyer the op- ^air to such an extent that It is eratlon of the Michigan United rail- (niy bdquo matter of time when it yay flyBteni i Includltijt Wllf^be utterly ruinedr

harmful to the scalp and hair As a result of su-ih iroilmont

dandruff is created Iho hair loosshyens loses color falls out in- L Itl-ness commen -s gt 1 s=i nvop^i -nd prompt precautions are taken i time Then again microbes and certain uiseas-ji ^rin JOI healthy scalp and hair on i io s

Almost any woman may rid hershyself of dandruff an^ iseis-3d scii]i and hair if she will but us-o h r ight remedy We have Ih i t remshyedy and we will positively guarshyantee that it will either cure danti-ruff and baldness or it will not cost the user anything

That s a pret ty broad statement but we will back it and prove ii with our own money We will reshyturn your money if you do riot find tha t Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will proihote hair growth and ovshyercome scalp and hair t roubles tha t it will grow hair even on bald heads unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished the follicles closed and the scalp is glazed and shiny It ges its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 bu t of 100 cases where it reteiv-ed a thoroughly hard imparUal arid practical test We want you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonicat our risk You surely cannot lose anything by doing so while you have everythia o tvl You had better thinic thi^ o c-v u then come in ani see ua aboa iiia offer You will be well ro ui 1 for your visit to our store

Remember you can obain R^x all Remedies in Mason only a t our storemdashThe Rexall Stbra Longyl ^roB^ drug Btore

bullbullbull His BuBlneit Vhnt u ivant to do it to have

t ^ t mudb in the road flied n i d tiM~ visitor That goea to Bhow reshyplied jparmei (orntoBBel bow little Ton reformei undefBtand local con-dltioiui Ive purty- n^gh paid off a BMrtgage with the money I v made iiitulih atitombblles out 0 that mud-

holemdashChristiana-Register bull

Your Agent in Confidence

Much business of a confidential nature is best transacted by a Trust Company If you will call at tHe offices of the Union 1rust Company you will find experienced men who will confer and advise with you and see that your interests are safeguarded to the utmost

Union Trust Company Detroit Michigan

Seiil Free by Mall to



TIieigtro6l That naaouHeaderaCan- bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull notDenybullJv-^- i^Whatcould furriishcstronger evi-idehee of the efficiency of any rem-edy than t h e t e s t of time Thous-ahds- of people testify that Doaris iKidrieyi Pills cure pfermariently vJHomelehdoEBenient should prova uhdoubtedlythe merit of this rem-iWysYears^flgo yourfr iends M rnelRhbora^iteBtified tortho1jj^elief

im^gt^m ieuro

they had derived from the use of Doans Kidney Pills Thiey now lonfirm their testimonials They ay time has completed the t e s t

Mrs T Riley 333 N Waishlngton Ave Lansing Mich says poundugtme years ago I began to suffer from kidney trouble and the physicians who t reated me failed to give hie reliefr The most annoying sympr torn of my case was al piercing pain in my back and there were other difficulties which showed that my kidneys w e r e o u t of orr der When Doans Kidney-piils were brbugbt to my notice I p roshycured -a supply and the coriterits of three boxes brought nie entire relief I have often recommended this remedy to my friends anfl never hesitate- to speak iri- its praise as I know that it lives up to the claims madeofii t V v

MrsvRiley gave the above testir moriial ill October 1906 andon Ap-i-li lO 1909Xsheaddedi Youa re welcome to contiriubthe ipublica-tiori of my previous endorsement iof Doans KidneybullPillSjIihaVe had no neediof a kidney j^emedy^since 1906 iand I thereforelook uporimy eure-a8-a-vpermaherit7ohd^igt-

Pbira sate byvall = dealers Price 50

New York sole agents for the United States Bemiember the nariiemdashDoaris-^ bull

and take no other

bullbullat of the PUIM The average pulsa of a liealtby maa

beats seventy-two times a minute


mm KiMM o r BiMi TigtonMMTlirii bull4 Bhenoiajtl

BiaewH M Bkcnoiaj tUai VIMN aercim BklB DIMMM NArTONI Hniidairlaquo VoMiMM (Ion l l r i i ree l f i t i Rnptara PilM or far Kln3ilaquolaquor or uiooflita

US treUmaDt ltbull MwAri ths ohettwit- Blittltl -^ advice mraquoy be raquoll yoa nted-tt ti 4 Jreeforthe-raquortlni-i-viv^ vbull OUR MOTTOl amp iS ^ Uont let monajrniMterirnoldyoutBukmdash nponeli toatoortoceMrTetfaelujiMnefif of bur beat laquoirort|0ll orwrlteJnatr|laquol vaDfldDnoe Vonanhktioo Ire Bpecf bullJhirlor foraquoPrlraquoraquooyif-i ---| ctjvfi



Kfsps^ reg~iai

bull- 1 bull bull - 1


A Romance of The South Seas

JACK LONDON Copyright 1910 by Street amp Smith

Copyright 1911 by the Macmilllaquoji CompMiy


By eleveu n inessenger arrived troin Biilosuiia vlllnge dlspatclielti by Soclee Tlio Jessie liiul gone ashore halfway between tlio vlllnge and Neal Islaod It was not till nightfall that two of the crew nriived reporting the drownshying of Cnptnln Oloson and of the om roinainj-ng boy As for the Jessie from what ihoy told him Sheldltraquon could not but conclude that she was a total loss Further to hearten him lie was taken by a shivering fit In half an hour lie was burning up And ho knew that at least another day must pass before ho could undertalvL even the smallest dose of quinine lie crawled under a heap of blankets and a little Inior found himself laughing aloud CIo had surely reached the limit of disaster Barring earthnuake itr tidal wave the worst had already beshyfallen him The lilibberty-Gibbet was bullcertainly safe In Mboll pass Since nothing worse could happen things simply bad to mend So It was shiv-bullering under his blankets that w laughed until the house boys with heads together marveled at the devils that were in him


BY the second day of the northshywester SheldoTi was in colshylapse from his fever It had taken an nnfalr advantage of

his weak stale and though It was only ordinary malarial fever in forty-elglii hours it bad rim him ai low as ten days of fever would have done when he was In condition But the dysen tery had boon swept away from Be rando A score of convalescents lin-gorod In the hospital but they were Improving hourly There had been 3Ut one more deathmdashthat of the man whoso brother had walled over him inshystead of brushing the dies away

On the morning of the fourth day of hla fever Sheldon lay on the veranda gazing dimly out over the raging ocean The wind was falling but a mighty sea was still thundering In on Bernndc beach the flying spray reachshying In aa far ns tlie flngstaif mounds the foaming wash creaming against iOio gateposts Ho had taken thirty grains of quinine and the drug was buzzing In his cars like a nest of hor nets making his hands and knees tremble and causing n sickening pal pltatlon of the stomach Once open ing his eyes ho saw what be took to be a hallucination Not far out and coming in across the lesaies anchor age ho saw a whaleboats nose thrust skyward on a smoky crest and disshyappear naturally as an actual whale-boats noso should disappear ns It Islid down the back of the sea He Icnew that no whnleboat should bo out there and he wua quite certain no men In tlie Solomons were mad enough to be abroad In such a storm

But the hallucination persisted A minute later chancing to open his eyes bo saw the whaleboat full length and saw right Into it as Itrose ou the face

ot a wave He saw six sweeps at jWorlt nnd in the stern clearly out lined against the overhanging walj of -wbitei a ntnu who stood erect gigantic swaying with his weight on the steer

ilngsweep This he saw and an eiglith j i man w ho crouched in the bow nnd j gazed shoreward But what startled

I Sheldon was the sight of a woman in j j the sternslieets between the stroke I oar and the steersman A woirian she

1 wris for n lira id of her hair was flying and she was Just iri the nct| of recapshyturing it and stowing It nway beneath

a hat tiint for all the world was iiie j his own Raden-Poweil i I The boat disai)peared behind the j wave tirid rose Itito vle4v on) the face I of the following one Again he looked into it The ihnh were dark skinned

I and largertluinSbldtnon Islanders l)Ut the woiniyi he cou|d plainlysee wita white vyJjo Shu wn9| arid whaii sh^ was doing ttiere werff ttiougbts tbapound

bull drlftedvagueiy throiigbhis consclotis-i nosf(gtHi was toosick to be vitallyiIn-I terested aiife hesideafhevjitid a hdlif i feeling tiintitwas al J fQbod bullIwatmeniVtvYas 8h gtlaquollcj^aiih((i^y^jitho^

oti^tiiiB-|flaquolaquo^fltvi(i--i^ j bullbullbullBweeps jfl^g|iwlf Urttokeep1^^^^^ j thatfrontltofItbjenioythg^^f^^^ iwotbrtbnif ra(e(^iinndiJ^ji^of

mfin8pilbiiiampg|f6ut j vposiBjt6-thraquogat(BSpM bullci^lM|yiilpij^^tcgtith^ i bullat5thffi iBiitJ(yeii(^ltjOT m n l i f t g | | ^ t i e n ^ l a ^ raquo i 1 ^ JikDe^lii|fnraquo^pabio5^U^5^ 1 goiio^iiitoijfij8tb^it^^


She scrutinized tlio house sharply and for some time she gazed at him steadshyily At lust speaking to two of the men who turned and followed her she started up the path

Sheldon attemptcltl to rise got half up out of his chair and fell back belp-iessly He was surprised at the size of the men who loomed like giants beshyhind her rtoth were six footers 11 ml they were heavy In proportion He had never seen Islanders like tlieni They were not black like the Solomon Islanders but light brown nnd their features were larger more regular nnd oven handsome

The womanmdashor girl rather he de-ckledmdashwalketl along the veninda toshyward him The two men wnltid at the head of the steps watclilng curiously The girl was angry Lie could see that Her gray eyes were flashing and her lips were quivering That she had a temper was his thought But the eyes were striking Ho decided that they were not gi-ay after all or at least not all gray They were large and wide apart and they looked at liiin from under level brows llor face was cameolike so clear cut was it There were other strlkiug things about hermdashthe c(^wboy Stetson hat the heavy braids of brown biir and the long barshyreled 38 Colts revolver that hung in Its holster on her hip

Pretty hospitality 1 must sny was her greeting letting strangers sink or swim in your front yard

Imdash1 beg your pardon he stamshymered by a supremo elTort dragging himsolf to his feet

His legs wabbled under him and with a suffocating sensation lie began sinking to the (loor Be was awiire of a feeble gratilJcatiou as he saw solicitude leap into her eyes then blackness smote him and at the moshyment of smiting him his thought was that at last nnd tor the first time In bis life be had fainted

The ringing of the big boll aroused him He opened his eyes and found that he was ou tlie couch indoors A glance at the clock told him that It was (1 and from the direction the suns rays streamed Into tfio room he knew that it was morning At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure bad happened Then on the wall he saw n Stetson bat hanging and beneath it a full cartridge belt and a long barrelled 38 Colts revolver

The slender giith of the belt told its feminine story and he remembered the whaleboat of the day before and the gray eyes that flashed beneath the level brows She It must have been who had jupt rung the bell The cares of the plantation rushed upon him and ho sat up in bed clutching nt the wail for support ns the mosquito screen lurched dizzily around him He was still sitting there holding on with eyes closed striving to master his giddiness when he heard her voice

Youll lie right down again sir she said

It was sharply imperative a voice used to command At the same time one hand pressed him back toward the pillow while the other caught him from behind and eased him down

VYouve been unconscious for twenshyty-four hours now she went oh and I have taken charge When I say the word youll get up and not until then Now what medicine do ybui takemdashquinine Here are ten grains Tliats right toull make a good pashyt ien t

My dear madam he began You mustnt speak she interrupt-

ed that is in protest Otherwise you can talk

But theplantatlon-V bullbullbullbull A dead man is of no use on a^plan

tation Doiit you want to know aboiit me My vanity is hurt Here am I Jtist tlirougb my flrat shipwreck and yhere are you not the least bit ctirlousitalklngrabout your miserable [iiantatioQ Cant youiseethatI am justbursting to teir somebody any- body about toy stilpvreck J He jBnilledgt It)jiJ^ fweeIcK And be siiniled iiotao iauchiati What she saidttailat itbeway she aaid tt-^ho wtilmsicai expresalon 6n her face the lattghterJohereyei add the| bulleyeral ^iDylihe8gtpfh^

bull Injatjty^raOTS^ IHe-flrariburiciMly iWwidepliraquoga8]itoii^ bull8bullhebulllaquoaldbull alo1idbull j gtvbull bullJbull ^

bull VTOatvI gtWlll nbti^not^nowi^ilaquolie^i^^ toited with a tosi o f the head ni (lnd8omebbdy to tellmy 8try to who

^ ti vbaylaquo|il)tibeJ-MiMd^S^ infi)mfllbn|i-iiraquo

fliif laquoyes flashed as on the day beshyfore and he saw again the Imperative expression on her face

Tliat I wont My men are men Ive been tmi to your miserable liar-racks ami watched them eat Faugh Potatoes Nothing but potatoes No eii-t Nothing Only potatoes I may have been mistaken but I thought 1 understood them to sny that that waigt all they ever got to euu Two meais a day and every day in the week

Ho nodded Well my men wouldnt stand for

that u single day much less a whole week Where is the key

Hanging on that clothes hook under the clock

He gave in easily enough but ns she was reaching down the key she heard him say

liancy niggers and tinned provishysions

This time she really was angry The blood was in her cheeks ns she turned on him

My men are uoi niggers The sooner you understand that the better for our acquaintance As for the tinned goods ill pay for all they ent Please dont worry about that Worry Is not good for you in your condition And 1 wont stay any longer than I have tomdashjust long enough to get you on your feet and not go away with the feeling of having deserted a white man

Youre American arent you he asked quietly

iiie (luesiiou disconcerted her for the moment

Ves she vouclisafed with a defishyant look WhyV

Nothing I merely thought so Anything furtheri He shook his bead AVhy he asked Oh nothing 1 thought you might

have something pleasant to say My name is Sheldon David Shelshy

don he said with direct relevance holding out a thin hand

Her hand started out Impuisivoly then chocked

My name Is Lackland Joan Lnclc-bullJand The hand went out And let Tis bo friends

It could not be otherwisemdash he beshygan lamely

And I can feed my men all the tinned goods 1 want she rushed on

Till the cows come home ho anshyswered attempting her owu lightness then adding that is to Cerande Sou see wo dont have any cows at Be-rande

She fixed him coldly with her eyes Is that a jokei she demanded 1 really dont knowmdashimdashJ thought it

was but then you see Im sick Youre English arent youi -was

her nest query Now thats too much even for n

sick man ho cried You know well enough that 1 um

Oh she said absently Then you are

Ho frowned tightened his lips then burst into laughter In which she join-laquod

Its my own fault he confessed I shouldnt have baited you Ill be careful in the future

In the meantime go on laughing and Ill SCO about breakfast Is there anything you would fancy

He shook his bend It will do yon good to eat someshy

thing Your fever has burned out and you are merely weak Walt a moshyment

She hurried out of the room in the direction of the kitchen tripped at the door in a pair of sandals several tlmcH too large for her feet and disappeared in rosy confusion

By Jove those are my sandals he thought to himself The girl hasnt a thing to wear except what she landshyed on the beach in and she certainly landed in sea boots



apeech of your people What time do tliW kiibckgtMri gtyifvSiiSiltv ^ ^ iiktiijjiiw)rt^aiBrthlaquotr^i3p^^^

yifTMtUppJjtlumk^y(0^ where gtdo) yon keep 1 the key to the proviaion8t I want to feed my men


HELDON mended rniildiy The fever bad burned out and there was nothing for him to do but gather strength loan

liad taken the cook in band and for the first time as Slieldon remarkshyed the chop at Berande was white mans chop With her own banda Joan prepared the sick mans food andbe-tween that and the cheer slie brougbt him he was able lifter two days to totter feebly out upon the veranda The aitiiatlon sti-uck him as strange and stranger stili was the fact that it did not seen^ strange to the girl at ail She bad settled down and taken charge of the hbiisehold as a matter of course as if he were her father or brother or as l f she wcrea mahiike bimselt- I t is just too delightful for anyshything she assured h i m i t is like n i)aKe out of Botneltroniancei Here 1 come along put-of-the sea and find a sick man alUalonewithi 200 sIkiVesmdash necroits lie icorrected Coritracf iabdren They selrye bnlytiiree yeairs and they ( are free agents when they enter tipon their rtjriWcta^^ ^iV

Yes yesnshe hurried pnr^tari^^ finannlbnefwith-200 recruits lt)n a cani- nibal lslaind~t iiey nrb pahhibaliii areii^ theyT6riaitkiitBikr-^^ri--^v-^Vvi Visaikrvhegtaid^witbk-M^^ a trifle morethan t h a t Most p t my boys are f rom the bn8h and every

bullbd8hmiampj8a-i1canhlbiiils^iiv^ bull^VBiii^iraquoptaftbfetheiyrblaquo Sorely the boys you haTohere wontd

nptbe gullty V vt- i-j cv J f V- bullbull ^^^ iifTheyda^y6u if toe chance nitord-i ediNVi15 fejSlaquobf i ^^ 5frtoiwifju8t8ayinir5BOiVo^ jbrdOiyburenliyknbwr^MeirtikL


months ago eleven of them sneaked a whaleboat atid ran for Malalta Nine of them belonged to Malalta Two were bushmen from San Crlstoval Thoy were fnols the two from San Crlstoval I mean so would any two Malalta men he who trusted them-

Bclves in a iHint with nine from Snlaquo Crlstoval Yes she asked eagerly Theu

wluit happened The nlneMalalta men ate the two

from San Crlstoval all except the beads which are loo valuable for mere eatlug They stowed them uwuj In the stern locker until tbey landed And those two heads are now in some bush village back of Langa Langa

She clapped her hands and her eyeit sparkled

They are really and truly cannibals And just think this Is the twentieth century And I thought romance and adventure were fossilized

He looked at her with mild amuseshyment

What is the matter now she queried

Oh nothing only I dont fancy beshying eaten by a lot of Ultby niggers is the least bit romantic

No of course not she admitted Cut to be among tliem controlling them directing them 200 of tliem and to escape being enten by themmdashthnt at least if It Isnt romantic is certain ly the qulntessencp of adventure And adventure and romance are allied you know

By the same token to go into a niggers stomach should bo the qulu-tessenco of adventure he retorted

1 dont think you have any romance In you she exclaimed Youre Just dull and somber and sordid like the business men nt home I dont know why youre bore at nil You should be at home placidly vegetating as a bankshyers clerk ormdashor-

A shopkeepers assistant thaoU you Yes thatmdashanything What under

the sun are you doing hero OQ the edge of things

Earning my bread and butter tryshying to get on ill the world

By the bitter road the youngest son tnust trend ere he win to hearth nnd bullsaddlo of ills own she quoted Why If that isnt romantic thou nothing Is romantic Think of all the younger sons out over the world on a rayrald of adventures winning to those same hearths and saddles Vnd here yon are in tho tliicU ot it doing I t and bullhero am I In the thick of i t doing I t

1mdash1beg pardon he drawled Well Ira a younger daughter

then she amended and 1 have no hearth nor saddlemdashI havent anybody or anything-and Im Just as far on the edge of things as vou are

In your case then Ill admit there is a bit of romance ho confessed

Ho could not help but think of tho preceding nights and of her sleeping in the hammock on the veranda under mosquito curtains her bodyguard of Tahitian sailors stretched out at the far corner of the veranda within call He had been too helpless to resist but now be resolved she should have his couch inside while ho would take the tiaininock

You see I had read and dreamed about romance all my life she was eaylng but I never in my wildest fancies thought that I should live it It was all so unexpected Two years ago 1 thought there was nothing left to me butmdash She faltered and made a moue of distaste Well the only thing that remained it seemed to me was marriage

And you preferred a cannibal isle and a cartridge belt he suggested

I didnt think of tho cannibal isle but the cartridge belt was blissful

You wouldnt dare use the revolver if you were compelled to Or noting

bullbullbdquo AOUIIgtMO MAXMWBVIBIO - the glint In hereyeaftf7yba did nab laquobullbull to--weUto^ hi^ anythinfgv bull - She Bteit^up suddeniyAtP e h ^

iipuBer^Hei^ilpoundnewbiiewaBg^^ hepiwbivbpoundiv|J gt bullbullbullvM ii^Never-mind^^vhe- saldvrvberttii jmtnb lrhatbabiybiidow1th1tiirib^ bullvVSbootthe block off bull yoiir llag-ihai- bullya^d^vIbulligtU J xbullbullbullbullbull^gt^ bull|Me iihUedWB-uiibaliei^^^^^^^^ ^^bullrivdbnitknbwthej^iwi^8hb8M dubipu8lyi ^ ibullbullbull - i(ii- ^i^- i i iii

eltr la tbere a car t r idge in t h e chamshyber

She Bred nnd the block remained intact

I t s a long shot he said with the intention of easing her fhagrln

Rut she hit her Up and fired again

The bullet emitted a sharp shriek an i t ricocbetled Into space The metal block rattled back and forth Again unit again she tired till the c l i | i was emptied ot lis eight cartridges Six of them were hits The block still Bwayid at the galT end but it was battered out of all usefulness Shelshydon was astonished It was better than lu or even nugh ie Drunimond could have done

That s really good shootingmdashfor a woman be said You only missed it twice and It was u strange wcraquo|i on

But I can t make out the two misses she comiualnod The gun worked beautifully too Give me nii-otber clip and Ill liK it eight tinies for anything yoii wish

I dont doubt i t Now Ill hnve to got n new block Viaburi Here yon fella catch one fella block alongsiori room

Ill wager you can t do It olglit 0111 of elglitmdashanything you wish she chnlleuged

No fear of my taking it on was his answer Who titught yuu ui shoot

Oil my father nt tirst and then Von and hls cowboys He was a shotmdashdad I mean though Von was splendid too

Sheldon wondered secretly who Von was nud he speculated ns to whether it was Von who two years previously had led her 10 believe that nothing reshymained for her but matrimony

Wiiat part o t the United States is your home be asked-Chicago or Wyoming or somewhere out tiiere

No Hawaii 1 was born iherb It is a beautiful land My Im almost homesick for it already Not that 1 haven t been away 1 bullwas In Now York when t he crash came But 1 do think it is the sweetest spat on carth-Hawall I moan

I might ns well begin nt tho beginshyning She lifted her head with a proud air of dismissing sadness after the manner of a woman quaiiiiod to wear a Baden-lowell and a long barshyreled Colts 1 was born at Hilo Thats on tho island of riawnli tho bigshygest and best in the group I cant reshymember when 1 first got on a iiorse nor when 1 learned to swim That came before ray A B Cs Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maul-big ones for tho islands Uokuna linU 200noo acres alone It extended in between Mauua Kea and Mauna l oa and it was there 1 learned to shoot goats and wild cattle

Von bad been In the army and dad was an old seadog and they were both stern disciplinariansmdashonly Vous girls had no mother and neither had I and they were two men after all They spoiled us terribly You see they didnt have any wives and ttiey made chums out of usmdashwhen our tasks were done We had to learn to do everyshything about the house twice as well as the native servants did itmdashthat was so thnt we should know bow to manage some day

More than once one or the othshyer of us had our rifles taken away for n week just because of a tiny speck of rust We had to know how to build fires In the driving rain too out of wet wood when we camped out which was the hardest thing of all-cKcept grammar I do believe We learned more from dad and Von than from the governesses dad taught us French nnd Von German We learned both languages passably well and we learned them wholly in tho saddle or in camp When I was sixteen we three girls were all sent up to California to Mills setnlnary which was quite fashshyionable and stifling I l l we used to long for home We didiit chum with the other girls who called us little cannibals just because we cume from the Sandwich Islands and who made Invidioiis remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cookmdashwhich was historically untrue and besides our ancestors hadnt lived In Hawaii

I was three years at Mills sem Inary with trljis home of course and two years in New York and then dad went smash In a sugar plantation on Mqui Dad had nothing left aiid he decided to returii to the sea Hed always loved I t and I half believe thot he w a s glad things had happened as they did He was like a boy again-busy with itlans and preparations froin morning till night Be used to sit up half the night talking things over with rae That was after I had shown himithat 1 wasreally resolved tb go along We were readyto starttOTn-hiti where a lot ot repairs and refitshyting for the Miele v^efe necessary when poor diid came down sick and

died- ^i- bull - bull bull v-bullbullbullbullbullbull

VvAnd you were left all iaione bull JbannoddedV bulliy^z bull bull i

Very much ^alone I had no biroth-ers or Hiatersi and all dads pebple were drowned ID a Kansas cloudburst That happened when he-was ft ilittle boy Of cburio 1 bull could go back to| Ton Theres ralwaya a home there

m $520 A YEAII

Is a uonunaii Inltliil sniarv for oar griidimtoK Aflur soiiioc(|)orlonoo miiiiY uiirn dnuhlu luul trtililo this iiinniiil Suiiil for CUIUIOKUO loihty and liiiirii how to prupiiiO



rhliUulhliullcliil(lireHll Ill llii nmtUrof IIXIIIK and appnliahiK ttraquoi

tiniis and places for liolilhi) tho suvnral toiiiislit lilioclrcullcniiri conn(or tliououii-ly iif liiuliain Slalo of iMlclilKaiij for iw yuais A I) nno lliousaiid nino Imndrtid and iwihii and one llioiiHand nino Imiidiud and

III iiiirsiMiiici) ofMio slaliilo in such eiiso inudu mid piovldod It Is oidenidlliat tho siiviinu toiiiis of tho olTOiill coiut for llil) coiinly of liiKliain Sliloof MIclilKaii for tKli bull ytiaisA 1) nnu tlioiisiiiid nliiii hiiiiiimd anltl uvulvu nnd oiiu Hioiisaiid iiliio hundred and lliliu^oii lid nnd llii) sainu limiiliy are (lwd and appointed 11) he liuld at Miu followlnit times and pincns

Alllni Oliy of Miison coimnonclnK on tho fouitli moiirlay In laiinary iniiili yoar

At lliuClly olbniisliiK conuiieinilnir on tho second MiMiday In Mnriili tiiicjli year

At |lio Oily i)f iMiison ooininonclni on tiio soroiid iMmiduy In Mny oiudi your

At ilui Clly of lyanslnK oiinmnmcliiKon tljii foiiitli Mondny In Hepiuniljui eacli year

Cmiittoopeii tile llrstnny of eacli term ut ton oclock in the foreiiooii

IIOWAltll WlKST CliCnItliid(n bull


Dalod haimlnt MIcli Octvi IIMI eurooiiiiiilMNloiiunraquo Notice Norrlfi

ytalii of Mlclil(nii Ihu probate court for tlie county of liinliam

til the mailer of tlic estate ot Sarah bull I iNorrls deceased

llavliij lieen appoliileil conimlsslonors ii) receive oiinilne nnd adjust nil tdalins and denuuids ol all persons ii(alnstsnld doconsod wedo hereliy KIVU notice that four months i from tlie Itli day ol Noveuiher A I) inilwoni bull allowed liy snid court Ior creditors topresent tlieir claims to ns for evniiiliintUm and adlusd-niont mill thnt wo will meet at the resldonco of losepli lewett In the clliy ol Mason hi snId county on the Itli tliiy of liiiiiiiirr| A t) itilJ mid on the- ltl(li day ot niiirvli A t) ili at ten ocloelc In tho forenoon of encli of siild dnys fw the pnrpose of o-camlnliiK and ndJiiKtiiiKsald claims

Dated Novciiilier ttli A 1) mil




lleiiriiiK OlaliiiN llvltvt^mdash1IiirHl Slate of Michigan Tin) proliale court fOr

llie county ot liigliani In llie matter of tlio estate of Conrad

llelwlK deeeased Notice Is henliy Klven tliiil fonv niontbM

from llieVth day ot NiivemlmrAlJ 11)11 liavo lieen nllmved for creditors to present thotr claims n(nlnst snid deceased to said coiirffor eNumliintlon and iidjiistmeiit nnd that nil creditors of snld deceased are reiinlred tj) present llielr claims to said court at tlie pro-liateolllce In tho city of Mnsoiilii said couiraquo-ty on or liefore the Rlli dny of Mnruh A I) 1)IS nnd Hint snld cliilms will he heard liy said court on tlin Ntli day of Itlurili A I) 11)1 atteii oclock In tlui forenoon

Dated Novemlagtrth A D mil IIUNKVM (iAHi)NKH

bulliiwl lndse of Iroliate

Order or t i i l i l lcnt ioi i STATU OF MioiiiciAvmdashrun OIHOUIT COUKT


Rthel W Alvarez Complainant

vs Kaymoiid 1 Alvarez

Defendant Suit iiendliiK In the Olrciilt Court for tho

(Jniinty of liiKliam In Oliaueery at liinsInK M ulilnanon tlieHth dny of Novemlier JOll

ItappearliiK hy allldavltin tlilsciinso thai the defendant Kiiymond 1 Alvarez docs tiol reside in this state lint resides In tlioelly of Mnnlla In the Ililllpplne Islands on tlio moshytion ofO I amp R P Hammond compliihi-nnts solicitors It Is ordered that liu cant-o Ills npiiearaiice to lieoiiterud liorewllli wllhlii live inonllis from the date ot this order and In case of appearance that lio cause Ids aii-swur tecomplalnaMshlll of complaint lo ho filed and a copy thereof to ho served on sidiJ solicitors wltliln twenty days after service dli liim of a copy of said lilll and a notice of tills order and tlnit In default thereof said 1)111 1)0 taken as confessed hy lihn

It Is further ordered that within twenty days after date Imreof said complalniinli cniiso 11 copy of this order to he pnhllslicd hi tliu INOUA-M COUNTV NKWH a nowspapflr printed and circulated In said county ami that said pnbllcatlon be continued tlioroln lUi least oiicu in each week for six weeks Insuii-cessloii or tliiitslio cause a copy of this orshyder to be personally served on said defuml-ant at lonst twenty days before llie tirno prescribed for said aiipearauee


i w a l t l n g f o r m a But wfiy8libuia ^ BOTtdes^|therbltweredaa8^pIaii8|^ain^ f e l t that I t devolved npon me tp carry themiptit jt8eemed^aflhe^ithing to d o uiaoI wanted tb cariryltheih Out Ahdhfire Iafliv fMHbullbull^ bi^ C tb rii UBn] bullbull-bull

CountorslKiied (Jircult ludKC WM It (JllAllAM

Deputy RoKlstor C R t K V IIAMMONI) 4fiw7

Complainants Hollcinrs Uusiness address LnnsliiK AllchlKan

LIcuHNU to Kelt lraquotl-lllaquolti 15 Stale of JllclilKan tho Irobato Court for

tho county of liiKliam At a session of said court holdat the proshy

bate ofllce in tho Oity ot Mason in said counshyty on tlm Mith day ot Novemhur A D Iflli

Iresi nt Hon Ilonry M Gardner IndKoof Pi obato

lit tho tnattor ot tho ostivto of Wllllala 1 Lett deceased

Sainjiol W Mayerhiivini lUod in snld court his potltion urayliiH for Uconso to soli tho In-turest ot said qstato in certain real estatu thorolndesorlljed

It Is ordored thnttho Iftlli day oi J lelaquo A a l l i t l U l l at ton oclock In tho fore-nooiii at said probate ollico be nnd is liornby iiupolnlod for liearlnt said pellMon and thtid all persons hitorestod In said estate appear boforo snld court at said time and place to show cause why II license to sell tho Intorest otsald estate in said real estate should not bOKrnntedi bull lt Is further ordered that putilic iiotlcn

thereof-be given by publication of a copy of tills order forthroo snccesslvowookspreshyvious to said day of hoiirlni In the iMOUAll COHNlV NEWS a newspaper printed and clr-cnhited In said county (A true copy) UENIIY M GAIIDNEK 0 A OllNiON lud(OOflrobato -

Irohatu ItOKlstor 4Tw_4

Fliiiil Account I l i i r row-JIcc III State of M IclilKnn The Irolmle Court- for bull

tlio county of liiKliam At a sessionot said court hold at tlio proshy

bate ofllce In tho cltY of Mason in said counshyty on tho goth day of Novombor A D liUi

Presonti lion Itonry M GardnerJudge pt Prohato

In tiio matter of tlio estates of Johri 0 Duriow docoascd

1 B Jlummol hivvlnit (llod hi said court his final administration account ai^d his petition pruyhij for Iho bull allowanoo bull thereof and for tlie nsslgnmont anddlstrlbn- tlon of tho rosiduo of said estate bull gt ItUordored that the Ifilli d a y o l Jloe A-D 1011 at ton oclock In the toronbob a t suidi Drobate efflce bo and is liorebvapr [iolntcd fer oxanilnlnff and ollowbiK said aft- countiiiia htiirlng siilap6tltl6n - bullbull bull

I t Is^fnrtherMrdered that public notice thercotbe given by pubUcatlonot u copy ot tnlsoraor for three successive Aveoks pre- vloun to said day of hearing In the iNOHiBH OouMST-NHwajanowspaper printed andch- culatedtn said countv ^ -lt sfj (A truepopy) HENRYMGABDNliBr bull

p AOttNTON- bullbull J u d g e ofVroBBte bull ProbateBeg|gter -bull bullgtbull y-^^^VIti-^v

How lillhbolnihirb8hephiiigtdi Ceiirit Yan (1) taii(2y tethera (8)r pethemi

s(4)ltplinp (5gtsbthera (6) lethewf (7)^ hbvera (8)^coyera (PK dlk(litt)lylaquofe 41k ((il)j tahrdrdlk U2)i tetherWUk ^18) [PetherailtIikV (14) bumpttii(iB)vVwi^ i W m p i t (ie)tiinabunu)itff(H) etb JIfgit (20)iPrbm Shepherdi jof Brit

Succeed iwhen^eyerything cIseMOii fill nerybu8pro8tratibh)j a n d fetnaleii weaknbiieavtheyiaiethei8upreme imiAyiM thouaanda iliaye tcBtjiilipd

pi(mleurolbNCtUlVERANigt^ 8idiyiACH|rROUBLB^



viijbull liinB

(bullbull^bull^bullbullbullbullltWft I tVVi----iltw|

mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im



m-i ampgtyenyenmwm^y-



Grand Trunk to Erect Railway

Station in Bay City

Last of the Property Required Haa Ceon Purchased and Work on

the Big Railway Station Will Start at Once

rny Cl(y Mich Nov 20mdashThe Oniiid Triuils rajliond will hoyin at

oiico wnrl on ils new $1000000 ternv iiiiil Bliilioii and yards on tlie east siiUi JUKI lliG lirldHO that will givo accftsii lo tlioiii from tile WGHI sirio Ilic lasL ))rtii)crty rcriiiirod to apprnach thti rivei Iroiit on the wost side was purshychased within Uio last two wctelis anJ the owners have ten days in WIMLII to remove their hiiildinnH

All llio ojial side properly ro(|nirnd JnelndinK lwo hlorllts Ior slalion niu fvroiinds passenKiir ynrds hrid^e M| jiroachoH etc have long since been linrciia-wd and the removal of hoii-e Iroin this riroporly is now niider way Cradini on tiio wosr Hide approncli isi iirjdor way and temporary traeks for hridne liuiidinK purposes V i l l he laid vllhin 1W0 weolis

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 1 - 0 V

bull bdquo


Arrested Three Years Ago He ES caped and Recently Found

Ponliac Mieh Nov 20mdashLebaron f) Sawtello pleaded guilty to a cliarge of obtainlnK money under false pretenses bullvJion urraifjned before Instiee Stodi-cll and was at onro sentenced to tVu) honse of correction for ninety rtiiys Ttie charge of conspiracy which vmfl also laid ngalnat Sawtelle wnn diDPPed hy the proaecntion ihroufih in-iililllly to scctiro witnesses

Tho offense was committed three yijars aio Sawtello was arrested and Kuve SriOO hail Before he got away lio was arrested on tho second char^c and hail sot at $1000 which Sawtelle nliso gave and then disappeared lo CQjrtly ho was located in Cleveland urtfl brought had here

Two cases aro pending against Goorgo flilhoc and Rdward Stout Raw-ti t le s iKiiuisnien in tho circnit conrt hiR hail havin l)oen forfeilcd slKjrtiy nllor ho disii)pearod


Port Huron Man Opens Gas Pipe bull Without Knowing It

Por t Huron Mich Nov 20mdashWhen Ojfiver norealord retired he liTUXdced over a chair altcr lio had turned oiii lii^ gas The falling chair strucU a lithe loading from tho chandelier to a tpoundhle lamp disconnecting it so that iho gas began to escape Beroslonl liOgan to feel ill after he had been In hod hilt a short while hut thouglit il was iust a passing faintness

Tlo linally came to tho conclusion lliat something else was causing his weakness and succeeded in arousinc lilmsolf enough to stagger from tlio room and downstairs in time to save Mmseir from being suffocated to deatli A physiciiiii was called and after im-inodiato treatment got tho young man out of danger

Huron Farmer Takes Poison Por t lliiron Mich Nov 20mdashHenry

Hovlin 1 Huron township farmer comshymitted suicide by drinlUng potson l ie was Bfty-live years old and leaves i widow and several children Mo had been married three times

Farmers May Be Loseri Monroe Mich Nov 20mdashTudge Goldshy

en appointed William 0 Volimayer ftijfl Georgo E Kinney receivers for tiiis Michigan plants of he Clover Leaf CFjBnmery company of Toledo One g locateltl a t Temperance this counshyty and another Is in Lenawee county


Chicago Cash Qrain Quotations WheatmdashNo 2 red 9S(g)99c No 3

rejl 95n7c No 2 hard winter 100 fiji03 No 3 hard winter 95c(g)$100i No 1 northern springs $108lll N6 2 northern Bprtrig JlOGQJllO No ii8prlng raquo6cig)$lp4 CornmdashNoi 27Cc No 2 white 7Gc No 2 yellow 78c No raquo 7677cNo-3 white WjS^ci N Q 3 yellow -(new) 64G6c Oats

-mdashNo 2 white 49V4(5)50c NoiJ White 4849c8tandard48(S)49c gtbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullChlcaflo LIve^StocliY- bull

ftogsmdashReceipts 50000 Quotations ranged at|6^66S5 choice heavy

|^9p62laquo chplcei light (63604S b W y RackinSi and |485560 good to

^ G Q l c e pigsi^^bullbullbullbull bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull-

Ciittlamp^ReceiptB 25000 bull Quotatiohs rMWed i t |860 91B jirt bull Btera

^3^^450 goodtbeurotMgtlceted be r

et^ $626576 S(BlectedgtteMl(tniigt|3 5 i|()ci-f8(r vtp fJigppiJi- Biiockair Hif80oa tovbullclio c6bull VMl-iaIve

ifiisipjpptl eii B 60000-ij ^ ranged at$bSi6M5choicev ^ laquoatlveaambib JMpound26i 6Erlaquob(

(i[ iWrlln|Bi$37B(g)i ^^


GRAND RAPIDSmdashOn account o the pro-rata apportionment c the primary scliool money this fail and which abolishes the May apporshytionment the Grand Rapids publl schools face tho situation of closiii the preesnt semester several wecls earlier When their budget wus made up this Iall it was on a basis ol Ifl per capital primary money II proved to be 50 cents Tho May I lowanco expected to be $C will ni be forthcoming This means a if]bull 560 shortage the teachers refusing tv teach witiiout pay

DETROITmdashOne of the most costlj and spectacular tires occurring in Do troit this year started on tlie lourtli floor of lisher Oarton amp Wilis Whole sale Miiliiiory companys fivc-slorv building on lefforson avenue sprcii into the business l)ulldings on bet sides and cnusod a loss to p r o p e l and contents roughly estimated a 2()0000 The llrenien fought I hi blaze in a heavy snowstorm and al tlireo lionrs worii succeeded in getiii it under control


i^m ted wethera |310reg326 good to


lt|ini4i9t6nvKteniliaiitBE^ qijote vtks tollowa bull Cattle^ReceiptB iiH care market i5clowlaquo(rHogBmdash RacelptB 170- carij market bull lover heaYy$laquoi40lraquo6B0XYodkerB 1626(3)

iiPlWr|Bi7BJg) BheepKi2ROT laquo^a toptambBt626^636 yearllhpsi

ANN ARBORmdashGeorge Ross aped ten years llirough his fatlior as his next friend has started suit for SIO-000 damages against Fuaiilj I Corn-well a prominent coal and automobic dealer for injuries alleged to have boon received in an automobile accishydent about three wcebs ago The declaration alleges that as younq Uoss was riding on his bicycle the Cornwell auto in which were the driver L A Frost and Mr Cornwell ran blm down and broke both ankles

ESCANABAmdashUpon the application of Coupnty Prosecuting Attorney Storm the preliminary hearing of Dan McCarthy Arthur and Tohn Llndqiiist charged with the murder of Alvin Po-garty was postponed until Nov 21 McCarthy demanded a separate examshyination from the other defendants Me Cnrthya father is a well known railshyway engineer of ttiis city To his mother who visited him in jail McCarshythy stoutly protested his Innocence

EATON RAPIDSmdashDuring tho past four days three separatt farms have been sold here at figures above Iii0000 The Dr 1 B Bradley fapin two miles southwest of town went at $11000 tho lohn T Hall farm a short distance from the Bradley place was taken at i)lln00 and the Vauglian Brotliers farm tliree miles east ol hero was sold Ior $12200 Each sale will bring a new family lo this comshymunity

MUSKEGONmdashIt Frank Garasick of this city does not die from his alteini)t to build a fire with gasoshyline ho may thank the heroism of his bullvife Mrs Garasick tore the burninj clothes from her husbands back seshyverely btirning her hands in doing so Garasick lies at Mercy hospital - with the skin of one-third of his body burnshyed to a crisp Physicians say there Is a small chance for his recovery

CADILLACmdashMiss Mlna V Gale a young sehool teacher of Trenton and Homer 0 Tealle of Ithaca were married in Manton While leaching school some weeks ago at Trenton Miss Gale left her work to nurse Mr Teall in a siege of typhoid fever and their engagement followed Teall is a graduate of Cornell unversity and now runs an experimental farm near Trenton

JACKSONmdashThe iirominent busishyness men of Tackson adopted a resolushytion a copy of which will be forwarded to Governor Osborn asking him not to use undue haste In calling a special session of the legislature to pass upon the proposal of the commission on Inshyquiry Into taxation which favors the Imposition of a tax on the business done by the corporations o( the state

MUSKEGONmdashLouis Erlckson sevshyenteen years old a Bon of Mr and Mrs Lars BrlcUson of Norton townshyship accidentally shot and killed himshyself while hunting Erlckson wna takshying the guns out of the buckboard wagon and a chance discharge of one of the weapons sent a charge of shot through the left portion of his neck

l yendeg l l l -OR-

20th Century Needle Book Containing Pins Needles Hair Pins Hooks and Eyesmdasha Household Necessity

Choice o the Above Premiums to Everyone Answering

This Advertisement There are 10 Turkey Heads in this picshy

turemdashcan you find 8 of them To every one sending or bringing an answer we will give choice of the above premiums also an exceptional offer to purchase a new Piano during our Holiday Sale Send answers in today as all answers must be in our hands within a week

V ame

A ddress

Story amp Clark Piano Co 119 West Shiawassee St Lansing Mich

SOUTH HAVENmdashThe city of South Haven voted In ifavpr of the 38000 bond issue fora new high school buildshying-by 203 majority a- landfllide and the-largest vote ever recorded on a school proposition here bull Bells were rung whistlea bullblo|ffn anii studeiitB mode merryat a big paBBmeetlngin libnorof-theeventi^v-V-K V

iiONlAmdashMrii^vji^ Jones - bullwhio was charged vlth ^attet^^^^

i Bon bull iter i hiiirtKlnd - wltli ttl pleclB i of pti7chineltillledr ptei has^Mn ilaquo^

inonthBlncarcOTatloniHerlwll ln-laquoraquoe w p ( c K a r m s cbuld one a r i - ^ - t b

Proof of Beef Cattle Shortage

All doubts about the beet cattle shortage have been dispelled by the census report that tho deshycrease in luimbers in the last ten years has been 68 per cent This announcement is very significant This is tho greatest decrease reshycorded in any class of livo stock Horses mules and dairy cat Ic inshycreased to a much grca e r exshytent than any class of meat-proshyducing animals In fact ho censhysus figures indicate a d o r o i s e of about two per cent in sheep alshythough an increase of possiiDly 10 per cent may have been miile in hogs We cannot escape tho conshyclusion that the pro-luction o meat-porducing animals pari u-larly beet cattle has not kept ) ace with other branches of tli 11 (bull stock industry When it is considshyered that the population o the IJnited Slates has increased 1 raquo er cen t while the decrease in beef production has taken place ic is evident that a wide gap miay deshyvelop in the supply

Not only have beef cattle deshycreased in numbers but the avershyage age of marketing has been lowered So true is this that while market prices have appreciated the farm value credited per hear has actually declined The doan-up of large i-angs herds resulting i the marketing ot thousands of imshymature steers and females of all ages has been a factor in the deshycrease which cannot easily bo reshyplaced The expanded mirket in^ of veal is another The Pacific coast demand for meat is t r w-ing cattle that formerly would have come eastward ^o marker These factors luive been citeJ is indicating that we are living on our capital not on the increase of it in the beef industry

Witli the decrease in American beef production appearing as a grim reality some consumers are urging the free admittance of beef a t the seaboard in the hope that South America may fill the gap in our markets Even if this shoiild come about it will not destroy our market for first-ciass beef Whatshyever prime beef Americans cat for a long time to come must be proshyduced- oh the corn belt farms of this country

Forced to the conclusion that the corn belt must raise only high-clasraquos beef if any many farmers have established grade herds o beef cows in the last five years using pure-bred beef bulls to se-ctire the desired market- topping quality They havei reaped a well-deserved success that should enshycourage others to engage in this beef-breedingi industry rhere will be a place for the beef when it is ready mdashEditoriali Breeders Ga-

- a e t t e - - ^bullbull bullbullbull[[bullbullbullbull-bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull -

^ B A LPr HE A Li ED AV Q M A N Sliornof Her drown oirBlaquolaquoiitr itouB

gt = --Intioyeaad-illarrlBKe- - -Hair iscertainly mostneceBaary to womanWhovcduldldvff^a^^

In 1912 You WOl Elect a President THIS election is of supremo importance toyou Tho whole country is

divided On ono sido tho progressive Insurgents on tho otlior the Conservative Standpatters Both parties will promise many things

You will have to judge their claims and their fitness to carry them out In these stirring times


REVIEW OF REVIEWS is a necessity to tho busy man or woman who values being up to date In a hundred ways its editorials its character sketches and its timely articles will help you make your choice It gives you tho best clearest and most accurate non-partisan and unprejudiced news that money can buy It is the great monthly newspaper on which intelligent people everywhere rely for their news and you get this news almost a t promptly as it is given in the great daily newspaper of the country

Senktor LaFoIlcto i sys i flit mil muUi amiraii ami Imfarllal nvliw tftlii aO I lone have utttiztil the magazine In lit turrtnt Iwiei ai a valuable rntiini of informathn bull

Never will the Review o( Reviews be more necessary than next year

6umrof|tM0yraief finally bulluppllraquodfvS|ie has gone to Belding to itay with h r


offset Buch a disfiguremeh t v-A wbhiainB i jmaVftiuBually r 1 iEind marriageTHer crowning glory is herhairi Thebull JOBS of her Kair

| i B X T T U CREEK~Semi-lt^ laquo -~laquoraquoiAr ii i holaquon nhtAinftH Of a^B^cce88 Yet r i g h t h e r e in M a s o n

^ gt S ^ ^ r S deg I ^ ^ V ^ S ^ S awneglactirig^^o of Philadelphia 1B to take oyer the op- ^air to such an extent that It is eratlon of the Michigan United rail- (niy bdquo matter of time when it yay flyBteni i Includltijt Wllf^be utterly ruinedr

harmful to the scalp and hair As a result of su-ih iroilmont

dandruff is created Iho hair loosshyens loses color falls out in- L Itl-ness commen -s gt 1 s=i nvop^i -nd prompt precautions are taken i time Then again microbes and certain uiseas-ji ^rin JOI healthy scalp and hair on i io s

Almost any woman may rid hershyself of dandruff an^ iseis-3d scii]i and hair if she will but us-o h r ight remedy We have Ih i t remshyedy and we will positively guarshyantee that it will either cure danti-ruff and baldness or it will not cost the user anything

That s a pret ty broad statement but we will back it and prove ii with our own money We will reshyturn your money if you do riot find tha t Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will proihote hair growth and ovshyercome scalp and hair t roubles tha t it will grow hair even on bald heads unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished the follicles closed and the scalp is glazed and shiny It ges its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 bu t of 100 cases where it reteiv-ed a thoroughly hard imparUal arid practical test We want you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonicat our risk You surely cannot lose anything by doing so while you have everythia o tvl You had better thinic thi^ o c-v u then come in ani see ua aboa iiia offer You will be well ro ui 1 for your visit to our store

Remember you can obain R^x all Remedies in Mason only a t our storemdashThe Rexall Stbra Longyl ^roB^ drug Btore

bullbullbull His BuBlneit Vhnt u ivant to do it to have

t ^ t mudb in the road flied n i d tiM~ visitor That goea to Bhow reshyplied jparmei (orntoBBel bow little Ton reformei undefBtand local con-dltioiui Ive purty- n^gh paid off a BMrtgage with the money I v made iiitulih atitombblles out 0 that mud-

holemdashChristiana-Register bull

Your Agent in Confidence

Much business of a confidential nature is best transacted by a Trust Company If you will call at tHe offices of the Union 1rust Company you will find experienced men who will confer and advise with you and see that your interests are safeguarded to the utmost

Union Trust Company Detroit Michigan

Seiil Free by Mall to



TIieigtro6l That naaouHeaderaCan- bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull notDenybullJv-^- i^Whatcould furriishcstronger evi-idehee of the efficiency of any rem-edy than t h e t e s t of time Thous-ahds- of people testify that Doaris iKidrieyi Pills cure pfermariently vJHomelehdoEBenient should prova uhdoubtedlythe merit of this rem-iWysYears^flgo yourfr iends M rnelRhbora^iteBtified tortho1jj^elief

im^gt^m ieuro

they had derived from the use of Doans Kidney Pills Thiey now lonfirm their testimonials They ay time has completed the t e s t

Mrs T Riley 333 N Waishlngton Ave Lansing Mich says poundugtme years ago I began to suffer from kidney trouble and the physicians who t reated me failed to give hie reliefr The most annoying sympr torn of my case was al piercing pain in my back and there were other difficulties which showed that my kidneys w e r e o u t of orr der When Doans Kidney-piils were brbugbt to my notice I p roshycured -a supply and the coriterits of three boxes brought nie entire relief I have often recommended this remedy to my friends anfl never hesitate- to speak iri- its praise as I know that it lives up to the claims madeofii t V v

MrsvRiley gave the above testir moriial ill October 1906 andon Ap-i-li lO 1909Xsheaddedi Youa re welcome to contiriubthe ipublica-tiori of my previous endorsement iof Doans KidneybullPillSjIihaVe had no neediof a kidney j^emedy^since 1906 iand I thereforelook uporimy eure-a8-a-vpermaherit7ohd^igt-

Pbira sate byvall = dealers Price 50

New York sole agents for the United States Bemiember the nariiemdashDoaris-^ bull

and take no other

bullbullat of the PUIM The average pulsa of a liealtby maa

beats seventy-two times a minute


mm KiMM o r BiMi TigtonMMTlirii bull4 Bhenoiajtl

BiaewH M Bkcnoiaj tUai VIMN aercim BklB DIMMM NArTONI Hniidairlaquo VoMiMM (Ion l l r i i ree l f i t i Rnptara PilM or far Kln3ilaquolaquor or uiooflita

US treUmaDt ltbull MwAri ths ohettwit- Blittltl -^ advice mraquoy be raquoll yoa nted-tt ti 4 Jreeforthe-raquortlni-i-viv^ vbull OUR MOTTOl amp iS ^ Uont let monajrniMterirnoldyoutBukmdash nponeli toatoortoceMrTetfaelujiMnefif of bur beat laquoirort|0ll orwrlteJnatr|laquol vaDfldDnoe Vonanhktioo Ire Bpecf bullJhirlor foraquoPrlraquoraquooyif-i ---| ctjvfi



Kfsps^ reg~iai

bull- 1 bull bull - 1


A Romance of The South Seas

JACK LONDON Copyright 1910 by Street amp Smith

Copyright 1911 by the Macmilllaquoji CompMiy


By eleveu n inessenger arrived troin Biilosuiia vlllnge dlspatclielti by Soclee Tlio Jessie liiul gone ashore halfway between tlio vlllnge and Neal Islaod It was not till nightfall that two of the crew nriived reporting the drownshying of Cnptnln Oloson and of the om roinainj-ng boy As for the Jessie from what ihoy told him Sheldltraquon could not but conclude that she was a total loss Further to hearten him lie was taken by a shivering fit In half an hour lie was burning up And ho knew that at least another day must pass before ho could undertalvL even the smallest dose of quinine lie crawled under a heap of blankets and a little Inior found himself laughing aloud CIo had surely reached the limit of disaster Barring earthnuake itr tidal wave the worst had already beshyfallen him The lilibberty-Gibbet was bullcertainly safe In Mboll pass Since nothing worse could happen things simply bad to mend So It was shiv-bullering under his blankets that w laughed until the house boys with heads together marveled at the devils that were in him


BY the second day of the northshywester SheldoTi was in colshylapse from his fever It had taken an nnfalr advantage of

his weak stale and though It was only ordinary malarial fever in forty-elglii hours it bad rim him ai low as ten days of fever would have done when he was In condition But the dysen tery had boon swept away from Be rando A score of convalescents lin-gorod In the hospital but they were Improving hourly There had been 3Ut one more deathmdashthat of the man whoso brother had walled over him inshystead of brushing the dies away

On the morning of the fourth day of hla fever Sheldon lay on the veranda gazing dimly out over the raging ocean The wind was falling but a mighty sea was still thundering In on Bernndc beach the flying spray reachshying In aa far ns tlie flngstaif mounds the foaming wash creaming against iOio gateposts Ho had taken thirty grains of quinine and the drug was buzzing In his cars like a nest of hor nets making his hands and knees tremble and causing n sickening pal pltatlon of the stomach Once open ing his eyes ho saw what be took to be a hallucination Not far out and coming in across the lesaies anchor age ho saw a whaleboats nose thrust skyward on a smoky crest and disshyappear naturally as an actual whale-boats noso should disappear ns It Islid down the back of the sea He Icnew that no whnleboat should bo out there and he wua quite certain no men In tlie Solomons were mad enough to be abroad In such a storm

But the hallucination persisted A minute later chancing to open his eyes bo saw the whaleboat full length and saw right Into it as Itrose ou the face

ot a wave He saw six sweeps at jWorlt nnd in the stern clearly out lined against the overhanging walj of -wbitei a ntnu who stood erect gigantic swaying with his weight on the steer

ilngsweep This he saw and an eiglith j i man w ho crouched in the bow nnd j gazed shoreward But what startled

I Sheldon was the sight of a woman in j j the sternslieets between the stroke I oar and the steersman A woirian she

1 wris for n lira id of her hair was flying and she was Just iri the nct| of recapshyturing it and stowing It nway beneath

a hat tiint for all the world was iiie j his own Raden-Poweil i I The boat disai)peared behind the j wave tirid rose Itito vle4v on) the face I of the following one Again he looked into it The ihnh were dark skinned

I and largertluinSbldtnon Islanders l)Ut the woiniyi he cou|d plainlysee wita white vyJjo Shu wn9| arid whaii sh^ was doing ttiere werff ttiougbts tbapound

bull drlftedvagueiy throiigbhis consclotis-i nosf(gtHi was toosick to be vitallyiIn-I terested aiife hesideafhevjitid a hdlif i feeling tiintitwas al J fQbod bullIwatmeniVtvYas 8h gtlaquollcj^aiih((i^y^jitho^

oti^tiiiB-|flaquolaquo^fltvi(i--i^ j bullbullbullBweeps jfl^g|iwlf Urttokeep1^^^^^ j thatfrontltofItbjenioythg^^f^^^ iwotbrtbnif ra(e(^iinndiJ^ji^of

mfin8pilbiiiampg|f6ut j vposiBjt6-thraquogat(BSpM bullci^lM|yiilpij^^tcgtith^ i bullat5thffi iBiitJ(yeii(^ltjOT m n l i f t g | | ^ t i e n ^ l a ^ raquo i 1 ^ JikDe^lii|fnraquo^pabio5^U^5^ 1 goiio^iiitoijfij8tb^it^^


She scrutinized tlio house sharply and for some time she gazed at him steadshyily At lust speaking to two of the men who turned and followed her she started up the path

Sheldon attemptcltl to rise got half up out of his chair and fell back belp-iessly He was surprised at the size of the men who loomed like giants beshyhind her rtoth were six footers 11 ml they were heavy In proportion He had never seen Islanders like tlieni They were not black like the Solomon Islanders but light brown nnd their features were larger more regular nnd oven handsome

The womanmdashor girl rather he de-ckledmdashwalketl along the veninda toshyward him The two men wnltid at the head of the steps watclilng curiously The girl was angry Lie could see that Her gray eyes were flashing and her lips were quivering That she had a temper was his thought But the eyes were striking Ho decided that they were not gi-ay after all or at least not all gray They were large and wide apart and they looked at liiin from under level brows llor face was cameolike so clear cut was it There were other strlkiug things about hermdashthe c(^wboy Stetson hat the heavy braids of brown biir and the long barshyreled 38 Colts revolver that hung in Its holster on her hip

Pretty hospitality 1 must sny was her greeting letting strangers sink or swim in your front yard

Imdash1 beg your pardon he stamshymered by a supremo elTort dragging himsolf to his feet

His legs wabbled under him and with a suffocating sensation lie began sinking to the (loor Be was awiire of a feeble gratilJcatiou as he saw solicitude leap into her eyes then blackness smote him and at the moshyment of smiting him his thought was that at last nnd tor the first time In bis life be had fainted

The ringing of the big boll aroused him He opened his eyes and found that he was ou tlie couch indoors A glance at the clock told him that It was (1 and from the direction the suns rays streamed Into tfio room he knew that it was morning At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure bad happened Then on the wall he saw n Stetson bat hanging and beneath it a full cartridge belt and a long barrelled 38 Colts revolver

The slender giith of the belt told its feminine story and he remembered the whaleboat of the day before and the gray eyes that flashed beneath the level brows She It must have been who had jupt rung the bell The cares of the plantation rushed upon him and ho sat up in bed clutching nt the wail for support ns the mosquito screen lurched dizzily around him He was still sitting there holding on with eyes closed striving to master his giddiness when he heard her voice

Youll lie right down again sir she said

It was sharply imperative a voice used to command At the same time one hand pressed him back toward the pillow while the other caught him from behind and eased him down

VYouve been unconscious for twenshyty-four hours now she went oh and I have taken charge When I say the word youll get up and not until then Now what medicine do ybui takemdashquinine Here are ten grains Tliats right toull make a good pashyt ien t

My dear madam he began You mustnt speak she interrupt-

ed that is in protest Otherwise you can talk

But theplantatlon-V bullbullbullbull A dead man is of no use on a^plan

tation Doiit you want to know aboiit me My vanity is hurt Here am I Jtist tlirougb my flrat shipwreck and yhere are you not the least bit ctirlousitalklngrabout your miserable [iiantatioQ Cant youiseethatI am justbursting to teir somebody any- body about toy stilpvreck J He jBnilledgt It)jiJ^ fweeIcK And be siiniled iiotao iauchiati What she saidttailat itbeway she aaid tt-^ho wtilmsicai expresalon 6n her face the lattghterJohereyei add the| bulleyeral ^iDylihe8gtpfh^

bull Injatjty^raOTS^ IHe-flrariburiciMly iWwidepliraquoga8]itoii^ bull8bullhebulllaquoaldbull alo1idbull j gtvbull bullJbull ^

bull VTOatvI gtWlll nbti^not^nowi^ilaquolie^i^^ toited with a tosi o f the head ni (lnd8omebbdy to tellmy 8try to who

^ ti vbaylaquo|il)tibeJ-MiMd^S^ infi)mfllbn|i-iiraquo

fliif laquoyes flashed as on the day beshyfore and he saw again the Imperative expression on her face

Tliat I wont My men are men Ive been tmi to your miserable liar-racks ami watched them eat Faugh Potatoes Nothing but potatoes No eii-t Nothing Only potatoes I may have been mistaken but I thought 1 understood them to sny that that waigt all they ever got to euu Two meais a day and every day in the week

Ho nodded Well my men wouldnt stand for

that u single day much less a whole week Where is the key

Hanging on that clothes hook under the clock

He gave in easily enough but ns she was reaching down the key she heard him say

liancy niggers and tinned provishysions

This time she really was angry The blood was in her cheeks ns she turned on him

My men are uoi niggers The sooner you understand that the better for our acquaintance As for the tinned goods ill pay for all they ent Please dont worry about that Worry Is not good for you in your condition And 1 wont stay any longer than I have tomdashjust long enough to get you on your feet and not go away with the feeling of having deserted a white man

Youre American arent you he asked quietly

iiie (luesiiou disconcerted her for the moment

Ves she vouclisafed with a defishyant look WhyV

Nothing I merely thought so Anything furtheri He shook his bead AVhy he asked Oh nothing 1 thought you might

have something pleasant to say My name is Sheldon David Shelshy

don he said with direct relevance holding out a thin hand

Her hand started out Impuisivoly then chocked

My name Is Lackland Joan Lnclc-bullJand The hand went out And let Tis bo friends

It could not be otherwisemdash he beshygan lamely

And I can feed my men all the tinned goods 1 want she rushed on

Till the cows come home ho anshyswered attempting her owu lightness then adding that is to Cerande Sou see wo dont have any cows at Be-rande

She fixed him coldly with her eyes Is that a jokei she demanded 1 really dont knowmdashimdashJ thought it

was but then you see Im sick Youre English arent youi -was

her nest query Now thats too much even for n

sick man ho cried You know well enough that 1 um

Oh she said absently Then you are

Ho frowned tightened his lips then burst into laughter In which she join-laquod

Its my own fault he confessed I shouldnt have baited you Ill be careful in the future

In the meantime go on laughing and Ill SCO about breakfast Is there anything you would fancy

He shook his bend It will do yon good to eat someshy

thing Your fever has burned out and you are merely weak Walt a moshyment

She hurried out of the room in the direction of the kitchen tripped at the door in a pair of sandals several tlmcH too large for her feet and disappeared in rosy confusion

By Jove those are my sandals he thought to himself The girl hasnt a thing to wear except what she landshyed on the beach in and she certainly landed in sea boots



apeech of your people What time do tliW kiibckgtMri gtyifvSiiSiltv ^ ^ iiktiijjiiw)rt^aiBrthlaquotr^i3p^^^

yifTMtUppJjtlumk^y(0^ where gtdo) yon keep 1 the key to the proviaion8t I want to feed my men


HELDON mended rniildiy The fever bad burned out and there was nothing for him to do but gather strength loan

liad taken the cook in band and for the first time as Slieldon remarkshyed the chop at Berande was white mans chop With her own banda Joan prepared the sick mans food andbe-tween that and the cheer slie brougbt him he was able lifter two days to totter feebly out upon the veranda The aitiiatlon sti-uck him as strange and stranger stili was the fact that it did not seen^ strange to the girl at ail She bad settled down and taken charge of the hbiisehold as a matter of course as if he were her father or brother or as l f she wcrea mahiike bimselt- I t is just too delightful for anyshything she assured h i m i t is like n i)aKe out of Botneltroniancei Here 1 come along put-of-the sea and find a sick man alUalonewithi 200 sIkiVesmdash necroits lie icorrected Coritracf iabdren They selrye bnlytiiree yeairs and they ( are free agents when they enter tipon their rtjriWcta^^ ^iV

Yes yesnshe hurried pnr^tari^^ finannlbnefwith-200 recruits lt)n a cani- nibal lslaind~t iiey nrb pahhibaliii areii^ theyT6riaitkiitBikr-^^ri--^v-^Vvi Visaikrvhegtaid^witbk-M^^ a trifle morethan t h a t Most p t my boys are f rom the bn8h and every

bullbd8hmiampj8a-i1canhlbiiils^iiv^ bull^VBiii^iraquoptaftbfetheiyrblaquo Sorely the boys you haTohere wontd

nptbe gullty V vt- i-j cv J f V- bullbull ^^^ iifTheyda^y6u if toe chance nitord-i ediNVi15 fejSlaquobf i ^^ 5frtoiwifju8t8ayinir5BOiVo^ jbrdOiyburenliyknbwr^MeirtikL


months ago eleven of them sneaked a whaleboat atid ran for Malalta Nine of them belonged to Malalta Two were bushmen from San Crlstoval Thoy were fnols the two from San Crlstoval I mean so would any two Malalta men he who trusted them-

Bclves in a iHint with nine from Snlaquo Crlstoval Yes she asked eagerly Theu

wluit happened The nlneMalalta men ate the two

from San Crlstoval all except the beads which are loo valuable for mere eatlug They stowed them uwuj In the stern locker until tbey landed And those two heads are now in some bush village back of Langa Langa

She clapped her hands and her eyeit sparkled

They are really and truly cannibals And just think this Is the twentieth century And I thought romance and adventure were fossilized

He looked at her with mild amuseshyment

What is the matter now she queried

Oh nothing only I dont fancy beshying eaten by a lot of Ultby niggers is the least bit romantic

No of course not she admitted Cut to be among tliem controlling them directing them 200 of tliem and to escape being enten by themmdashthnt at least if It Isnt romantic is certain ly the qulntessencp of adventure And adventure and romance are allied you know

By the same token to go into a niggers stomach should bo the qulu-tessenco of adventure he retorted

1 dont think you have any romance In you she exclaimed Youre Just dull and somber and sordid like the business men nt home I dont know why youre bore at nil You should be at home placidly vegetating as a bankshyers clerk ormdashor-

A shopkeepers assistant thaoU you Yes thatmdashanything What under

the sun are you doing hero OQ the edge of things

Earning my bread and butter tryshying to get on ill the world

By the bitter road the youngest son tnust trend ere he win to hearth nnd bullsaddlo of ills own she quoted Why If that isnt romantic thou nothing Is romantic Think of all the younger sons out over the world on a rayrald of adventures winning to those same hearths and saddles Vnd here yon are in tho tliicU ot it doing I t and bullhero am I In the thick of i t doing I t

1mdash1beg pardon he drawled Well Ira a younger daughter

then she amended and 1 have no hearth nor saddlemdashI havent anybody or anything-and Im Just as far on the edge of things as vou are

In your case then Ill admit there is a bit of romance ho confessed

Ho could not help but think of tho preceding nights and of her sleeping in the hammock on the veranda under mosquito curtains her bodyguard of Tahitian sailors stretched out at the far corner of the veranda within call He had been too helpless to resist but now be resolved she should have his couch inside while ho would take the tiaininock

You see I had read and dreamed about romance all my life she was eaylng but I never in my wildest fancies thought that I should live it It was all so unexpected Two years ago 1 thought there was nothing left to me butmdash She faltered and made a moue of distaste Well the only thing that remained it seemed to me was marriage

And you preferred a cannibal isle and a cartridge belt he suggested

I didnt think of tho cannibal isle but the cartridge belt was blissful

You wouldnt dare use the revolver if you were compelled to Or noting

bullbullbdquo AOUIIgtMO MAXMWBVIBIO - the glint In hereyeaftf7yba did nab laquobullbull to--weUto^ hi^ anythinfgv bull - She Bteit^up suddeniyAtP e h ^

iipuBer^Hei^ilpoundnewbiiewaBg^^ hepiwbivbpoundiv|J gt bullbullbullvM ii^Never-mind^^vhe- saldvrvberttii jmtnb lrhatbabiybiidow1th1tiirib^ bullvVSbootthe block off bull yoiir llag-ihai- bullya^d^vIbulligtU J xbullbullbullbullbull^gt^ bull|Me iihUedWB-uiibaliei^^^^^^^^ ^^bullrivdbnitknbwthej^iwi^8hb8M dubipu8lyi ^ ibullbullbull - i(ii- ^i^- i i iii

eltr la tbere a car t r idge in t h e chamshyber

She Bred nnd the block remained intact

I t s a long shot he said with the intention of easing her fhagrln

Rut she hit her Up and fired again

The bullet emitted a sharp shriek an i t ricocbetled Into space The metal block rattled back and forth Again unit again she tired till the c l i | i was emptied ot lis eight cartridges Six of them were hits The block still Bwayid at the galT end but it was battered out of all usefulness Shelshydon was astonished It was better than lu or even nugh ie Drunimond could have done

That s really good shootingmdashfor a woman be said You only missed it twice and It was u strange wcraquo|i on

But I can t make out the two misses she comiualnod The gun worked beautifully too Give me nii-otber clip and Ill liK it eight tinies for anything yoii wish

I dont doubt i t Now Ill hnve to got n new block Viaburi Here yon fella catch one fella block alongsiori room

Ill wager you can t do It olglit 0111 of elglitmdashanything you wish she chnlleuged

No fear of my taking it on was his answer Who titught yuu ui shoot

Oil my father nt tirst and then Von and hls cowboys He was a shotmdashdad I mean though Von was splendid too

Sheldon wondered secretly who Von was nud he speculated ns to whether it was Von who two years previously had led her 10 believe that nothing reshymained for her but matrimony

Wiiat part o t the United States is your home be asked-Chicago or Wyoming or somewhere out tiiere

No Hawaii 1 was born iherb It is a beautiful land My Im almost homesick for it already Not that 1 haven t been away 1 bullwas In Now York when t he crash came But 1 do think it is the sweetest spat on carth-Hawall I moan

I might ns well begin nt tho beginshyning She lifted her head with a proud air of dismissing sadness after the manner of a woman quaiiiiod to wear a Baden-lowell and a long barshyreled Colts 1 was born at Hilo Thats on tho island of riawnli tho bigshygest and best in the group I cant reshymember when 1 first got on a iiorse nor when 1 learned to swim That came before ray A B Cs Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maul-big ones for tho islands Uokuna linU 200noo acres alone It extended in between Mauua Kea and Mauna l oa and it was there 1 learned to shoot goats and wild cattle

Von bad been In the army and dad was an old seadog and they were both stern disciplinariansmdashonly Vous girls had no mother and neither had I and they were two men after all They spoiled us terribly You see they didnt have any wives and ttiey made chums out of usmdashwhen our tasks were done We had to learn to do everyshything about the house twice as well as the native servants did itmdashthat was so thnt we should know bow to manage some day

More than once one or the othshyer of us had our rifles taken away for n week just because of a tiny speck of rust We had to know how to build fires In the driving rain too out of wet wood when we camped out which was the hardest thing of all-cKcept grammar I do believe We learned more from dad and Von than from the governesses dad taught us French nnd Von German We learned both languages passably well and we learned them wholly in tho saddle or in camp When I was sixteen we three girls were all sent up to California to Mills setnlnary which was quite fashshyionable and stifling I l l we used to long for home We didiit chum with the other girls who called us little cannibals just because we cume from the Sandwich Islands and who made Invidioiis remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cookmdashwhich was historically untrue and besides our ancestors hadnt lived In Hawaii

I was three years at Mills sem Inary with trljis home of course and two years in New York and then dad went smash In a sugar plantation on Mqui Dad had nothing left aiid he decided to returii to the sea Hed always loved I t and I half believe thot he w a s glad things had happened as they did He was like a boy again-busy with itlans and preparations froin morning till night Be used to sit up half the night talking things over with rae That was after I had shown himithat 1 wasreally resolved tb go along We were readyto starttOTn-hiti where a lot ot repairs and refitshyting for the Miele v^efe necessary when poor diid came down sick and

died- ^i- bull - bull bull v-bullbullbullbullbullbull

VvAnd you were left all iaione bull JbannoddedV bulliy^z bull bull i

Very much ^alone I had no biroth-ers or Hiatersi and all dads pebple were drowned ID a Kansas cloudburst That happened when he-was ft ilittle boy Of cburio 1 bull could go back to| Ton Theres ralwaya a home there

m $520 A YEAII

Is a uonunaii Inltliil sniarv for oar griidimtoK Aflur soiiioc(|)orlonoo miiiiY uiirn dnuhlu luul trtililo this iiinniiil Suiiil for CUIUIOKUO loihty and liiiirii how to prupiiiO



rhliUulhliullcliil(lireHll Ill llii nmtUrof IIXIIIK and appnliahiK ttraquoi

tiniis and places for liolilhi) tho suvnral toiiiislit lilioclrcullcniiri conn(or tliououii-ly iif liiuliain Slalo of iMlclilKaiij for iw yuais A I) nno lliousaiid nino Imndrtid and iwihii and one llioiiHand nino Imiidiud and

III iiiirsiMiiici) ofMio slaliilo in such eiiso inudu mid piovldod It Is oidenidlliat tho siiviinu toiiiis of tho olTOiill coiut for llil) coiinly of liiKliain Sliloof MIclilKaii for tKli bull ytiaisA 1) nnu tlioiisiiiid nliiii hiiiiiimd anltl uvulvu nnd oiiu Hioiisaiid iiliio hundred and lliliu^oii lid nnd llii) sainu limiiliy are (lwd and appointed 11) he liuld at Miu followlnit times and pincns

Alllni Oliy of Miison coimnonclnK on tho fouitli moiirlay In laiinary iniiili yoar

At lliuClly olbniisliiK conuiieinilnir on tho second MiMiday In Mnriili tiiicjli year

At |lio Oily i)f iMiison ooininonclni on tiio soroiid iMmiduy In Mny oiudi your

At ilui Clly of lyanslnK oiinmnmcliiKon tljii foiiitli Mondny In Hepiuniljui eacli year

Cmiittoopeii tile llrstnny of eacli term ut ton oclock in the foreiiooii

IIOWAltll WlKST CliCnItliid(n bull


Dalod haimlnt MIcli Octvi IIMI eurooiiiiiilMNloiiunraquo Notice Norrlfi

ytalii of Mlclil(nii Ihu probate court for tlie county of liinliam

til the mailer of tlic estate ot Sarah bull I iNorrls deceased

llavliij lieen appoliileil conimlsslonors ii) receive oiinilne nnd adjust nil tdalins and denuuids ol all persons ii(alnstsnld doconsod wedo hereliy KIVU notice that four months i from tlie Itli day ol Noveuiher A I) inilwoni bull allowed liy snid court Ior creditors topresent tlieir claims to ns for evniiiliintUm and adlusd-niont mill thnt wo will meet at the resldonco of losepli lewett In the clliy ol Mason hi snId county on the Itli tliiy of liiiiiiiirr| A t) itilJ mid on the- ltl(li day ot niiirvli A t) ili at ten ocloelc In tho forenoon of encli of siild dnys fw the pnrpose of o-camlnliiK and ndJiiKtiiiKsald claims

Dated Novciiilier ttli A 1) mil




lleiiriiiK OlaliiiN llvltvt^mdash1IiirHl Slate of Michigan Tin) proliale court fOr

llie county ot liigliani In llie matter of tlio estate of Conrad

llelwlK deeeased Notice Is henliy Klven tliiil fonv niontbM

from llieVth day ot NiivemlmrAlJ 11)11 liavo lieen nllmved for creditors to present thotr claims n(nlnst snid deceased to said coiirffor eNumliintlon and iidjiistmeiit nnd that nil creditors of snld deceased are reiinlred tj) present llielr claims to said court at tlie pro-liateolllce In tho city of Mnsoiilii said couiraquo-ty on or liefore the Rlli dny of Mnruh A I) 1)IS nnd Hint snld cliilms will he heard liy said court on tlin Ntli day of Itlurili A I) 11)1 atteii oclock In tlui forenoon

Dated Novemlagtrth A D mil IIUNKVM (iAHi)NKH

bulliiwl lndse of Iroliate

Order or t i i l i l lcnt ioi i STATU OF MioiiiciAvmdashrun OIHOUIT COUKT


Rthel W Alvarez Complainant

vs Kaymoiid 1 Alvarez

Defendant Suit iiendliiK In the Olrciilt Court for tho

(Jniinty of liiKliam In Oliaueery at liinsInK M ulilnanon tlieHth dny of Novemlier JOll

ItappearliiK hy allldavltin tlilsciinso thai the defendant Kiiymond 1 Alvarez docs tiol reside in this state lint resides In tlioelly of Mnnlla In the Ililllpplne Islands on tlio moshytion ofO I amp R P Hammond compliihi-nnts solicitors It Is ordered that liu cant-o Ills npiiearaiice to lieoiiterud liorewllli wllhlii live inonllis from the date ot this order and In case of appearance that lio cause Ids aii-swur tecomplalnaMshlll of complaint lo ho filed and a copy thereof to ho served on sidiJ solicitors wltliln twenty days after service dli liim of a copy of said lilll and a notice of tills order and tlnit In default thereof said 1)111 1)0 taken as confessed hy lihn

It Is further ordered that within twenty days after date Imreof said complalniinli cniiso 11 copy of this order to he pnhllslicd hi tliu INOUA-M COUNTV NKWH a nowspapflr printed and circulated In said county ami that said pnbllcatlon be continued tlioroln lUi least oiicu in each week for six weeks Insuii-cessloii or tliiitslio cause a copy of this orshyder to be personally served on said defuml-ant at lonst twenty days before llie tirno prescribed for said aiipearauee


i w a l t l n g f o r m a But wfiy8libuia ^ BOTtdes^|therbltweredaa8^pIaii8|^ain^ f e l t that I t devolved npon me tp carry themiptit jt8eemed^aflhe^ithing to d o uiaoI wanted tb cariryltheih Out Ahdhfire Iafliv fMHbullbull^ bi^ C tb rii UBn] bullbull-bull

CountorslKiied (Jircult ludKC WM It (JllAllAM

Deputy RoKlstor C R t K V IIAMMONI) 4fiw7

Complainants Hollcinrs Uusiness address LnnsliiK AllchlKan

LIcuHNU to Kelt lraquotl-lllaquolti 15 Stale of JllclilKan tho Irobato Court for

tho county of liiKliam At a session of said court holdat the proshy

bate ofllce in tho Oity ot Mason in said counshyty on tlm Mith day ot Novemhur A D Iflli

Iresi nt Hon Ilonry M Gardner IndKoof Pi obato

lit tho tnattor ot tho ostivto of Wllllala 1 Lett deceased

Sainjiol W Mayerhiivini lUod in snld court his potltion urayliiH for Uconso to soli tho In-turest ot said qstato in certain real estatu thorolndesorlljed

It Is ordored thnttho Iftlli day oi J lelaquo A a l l i t l U l l at ton oclock In tho fore-nooiii at said probate ollico be nnd is liornby iiupolnlod for liearlnt said pellMon and thtid all persons hitorestod In said estate appear boforo snld court at said time and place to show cause why II license to sell tho Intorest otsald estate in said real estate should not bOKrnntedi bull lt Is further ordered that putilic iiotlcn

thereof-be given by publication of a copy of tills order forthroo snccesslvowookspreshyvious to said day of hoiirlni In the iMOUAll COHNlV NEWS a newspaper printed and clr-cnhited In said county (A true copy) UENIIY M GAIIDNEK 0 A OllNiON lud(OOflrobato -

Irohatu ItOKlstor 4Tw_4

Fliiiil Account I l i i r row-JIcc III State of M IclilKnn The Irolmle Court- for bull

tlio county of liiKliam At a sessionot said court hold at tlio proshy

bate ofllce In tho cltY of Mason in said counshyty on tho goth day of Novombor A D liUi

Presonti lion Itonry M GardnerJudge pt Prohato

In tiio matter of tlio estates of Johri 0 Duriow docoascd

1 B Jlummol hivvlnit (llod hi said court his final administration account ai^d his petition pruyhij for Iho bull allowanoo bull thereof and for tlie nsslgnmont anddlstrlbn- tlon of tho rosiduo of said estate bull gt ItUordored that the Ifilli d a y o l Jloe A-D 1011 at ton oclock In the toronbob a t suidi Drobate efflce bo and is liorebvapr [iolntcd fer oxanilnlnff and ollowbiK said aft- countiiiia htiirlng siilap6tltl6n - bullbull bull

I t Is^fnrtherMrdered that public notice thercotbe given by pubUcatlonot u copy ot tnlsoraor for three successive Aveoks pre- vloun to said day of hearing In the iNOHiBH OouMST-NHwajanowspaper printed andch- culatedtn said countv ^ -lt sfj (A truepopy) HENRYMGABDNliBr bull

p AOttNTON- bullbull J u d g e ofVroBBte bull ProbateBeg|gter -bull bullgtbull y-^^^VIti-^v

How lillhbolnihirb8hephiiigtdi Ceiirit Yan (1) taii(2y tethera (8)r pethemi

s(4)ltplinp (5gtsbthera (6) lethewf (7)^ hbvera (8)^coyera (PK dlk(litt)lylaquofe 41k ((il)j tahrdrdlk U2)i tetherWUk ^18) [PetherailtIikV (14) bumpttii(iB)vVwi^ i W m p i t (ie)tiinabunu)itff(H) etb JIfgit (20)iPrbm Shepherdi jof Brit

Succeed iwhen^eyerything cIseMOii fill nerybu8pro8tratibh)j a n d fetnaleii weaknbiieavtheyiaiethei8upreme imiAyiM thouaanda iliaye tcBtjiilipd

pi(mleurolbNCtUlVERANigt^ 8idiyiACH|rROUBLB^



viijbull liinB

(bullbull^bull^bullbullbullbullltWft I tVVi----iltw|

mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im



Kfsps^ reg~iai

bull- 1 bull bull - 1


A Romance of The South Seas

JACK LONDON Copyright 1910 by Street amp Smith

Copyright 1911 by the Macmilllaquoji CompMiy


By eleveu n inessenger arrived troin Biilosuiia vlllnge dlspatclielti by Soclee Tlio Jessie liiul gone ashore halfway between tlio vlllnge and Neal Islaod It was not till nightfall that two of the crew nriived reporting the drownshying of Cnptnln Oloson and of the om roinainj-ng boy As for the Jessie from what ihoy told him Sheldltraquon could not but conclude that she was a total loss Further to hearten him lie was taken by a shivering fit In half an hour lie was burning up And ho knew that at least another day must pass before ho could undertalvL even the smallest dose of quinine lie crawled under a heap of blankets and a little Inior found himself laughing aloud CIo had surely reached the limit of disaster Barring earthnuake itr tidal wave the worst had already beshyfallen him The lilibberty-Gibbet was bullcertainly safe In Mboll pass Since nothing worse could happen things simply bad to mend So It was shiv-bullering under his blankets that w laughed until the house boys with heads together marveled at the devils that were in him


BY the second day of the northshywester SheldoTi was in colshylapse from his fever It had taken an nnfalr advantage of

his weak stale and though It was only ordinary malarial fever in forty-elglii hours it bad rim him ai low as ten days of fever would have done when he was In condition But the dysen tery had boon swept away from Be rando A score of convalescents lin-gorod In the hospital but they were Improving hourly There had been 3Ut one more deathmdashthat of the man whoso brother had walled over him inshystead of brushing the dies away

On the morning of the fourth day of hla fever Sheldon lay on the veranda gazing dimly out over the raging ocean The wind was falling but a mighty sea was still thundering In on Bernndc beach the flying spray reachshying In aa far ns tlie flngstaif mounds the foaming wash creaming against iOio gateposts Ho had taken thirty grains of quinine and the drug was buzzing In his cars like a nest of hor nets making his hands and knees tremble and causing n sickening pal pltatlon of the stomach Once open ing his eyes ho saw what be took to be a hallucination Not far out and coming in across the lesaies anchor age ho saw a whaleboats nose thrust skyward on a smoky crest and disshyappear naturally as an actual whale-boats noso should disappear ns It Islid down the back of the sea He Icnew that no whnleboat should bo out there and he wua quite certain no men In tlie Solomons were mad enough to be abroad In such a storm

But the hallucination persisted A minute later chancing to open his eyes bo saw the whaleboat full length and saw right Into it as Itrose ou the face

ot a wave He saw six sweeps at jWorlt nnd in the stern clearly out lined against the overhanging walj of -wbitei a ntnu who stood erect gigantic swaying with his weight on the steer

ilngsweep This he saw and an eiglith j i man w ho crouched in the bow nnd j gazed shoreward But what startled

I Sheldon was the sight of a woman in j j the sternslieets between the stroke I oar and the steersman A woirian she

1 wris for n lira id of her hair was flying and she was Just iri the nct| of recapshyturing it and stowing It nway beneath

a hat tiint for all the world was iiie j his own Raden-Poweil i I The boat disai)peared behind the j wave tirid rose Itito vle4v on) the face I of the following one Again he looked into it The ihnh were dark skinned

I and largertluinSbldtnon Islanders l)Ut the woiniyi he cou|d plainlysee wita white vyJjo Shu wn9| arid whaii sh^ was doing ttiere werff ttiougbts tbapound

bull drlftedvagueiy throiigbhis consclotis-i nosf(gtHi was toosick to be vitallyiIn-I terested aiife hesideafhevjitid a hdlif i feeling tiintitwas al J fQbod bullIwatmeniVtvYas 8h gtlaquollcj^aiih((i^y^jitho^

oti^tiiiB-|flaquolaquo^fltvi(i--i^ j bullbullbullBweeps jfl^g|iwlf Urttokeep1^^^^^ j thatfrontltofItbjenioythg^^f^^^ iwotbrtbnif ra(e(^iinndiJ^ji^of

mfin8pilbiiiampg|f6ut j vposiBjt6-thraquogat(BSpM bullci^lM|yiilpij^^tcgtith^ i bullat5thffi iBiitJ(yeii(^ltjOT m n l i f t g | | ^ t i e n ^ l a ^ raquo i 1 ^ JikDe^lii|fnraquo^pabio5^U^5^ 1 goiio^iiitoijfij8tb^it^^


She scrutinized tlio house sharply and for some time she gazed at him steadshyily At lust speaking to two of the men who turned and followed her she started up the path

Sheldon attemptcltl to rise got half up out of his chair and fell back belp-iessly He was surprised at the size of the men who loomed like giants beshyhind her rtoth were six footers 11 ml they were heavy In proportion He had never seen Islanders like tlieni They were not black like the Solomon Islanders but light brown nnd their features were larger more regular nnd oven handsome

The womanmdashor girl rather he de-ckledmdashwalketl along the veninda toshyward him The two men wnltid at the head of the steps watclilng curiously The girl was angry Lie could see that Her gray eyes were flashing and her lips were quivering That she had a temper was his thought But the eyes were striking Ho decided that they were not gi-ay after all or at least not all gray They were large and wide apart and they looked at liiin from under level brows llor face was cameolike so clear cut was it There were other strlkiug things about hermdashthe c(^wboy Stetson hat the heavy braids of brown biir and the long barshyreled 38 Colts revolver that hung in Its holster on her hip

Pretty hospitality 1 must sny was her greeting letting strangers sink or swim in your front yard

Imdash1 beg your pardon he stamshymered by a supremo elTort dragging himsolf to his feet

His legs wabbled under him and with a suffocating sensation lie began sinking to the (loor Be was awiire of a feeble gratilJcatiou as he saw solicitude leap into her eyes then blackness smote him and at the moshyment of smiting him his thought was that at last nnd tor the first time In bis life be had fainted

The ringing of the big boll aroused him He opened his eyes and found that he was ou tlie couch indoors A glance at the clock told him that It was (1 and from the direction the suns rays streamed Into tfio room he knew that it was morning At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure bad happened Then on the wall he saw n Stetson bat hanging and beneath it a full cartridge belt and a long barrelled 38 Colts revolver

The slender giith of the belt told its feminine story and he remembered the whaleboat of the day before and the gray eyes that flashed beneath the level brows She It must have been who had jupt rung the bell The cares of the plantation rushed upon him and ho sat up in bed clutching nt the wail for support ns the mosquito screen lurched dizzily around him He was still sitting there holding on with eyes closed striving to master his giddiness when he heard her voice

Youll lie right down again sir she said

It was sharply imperative a voice used to command At the same time one hand pressed him back toward the pillow while the other caught him from behind and eased him down

VYouve been unconscious for twenshyty-four hours now she went oh and I have taken charge When I say the word youll get up and not until then Now what medicine do ybui takemdashquinine Here are ten grains Tliats right toull make a good pashyt ien t

My dear madam he began You mustnt speak she interrupt-

ed that is in protest Otherwise you can talk

But theplantatlon-V bullbullbullbull A dead man is of no use on a^plan

tation Doiit you want to know aboiit me My vanity is hurt Here am I Jtist tlirougb my flrat shipwreck and yhere are you not the least bit ctirlousitalklngrabout your miserable [iiantatioQ Cant youiseethatI am justbursting to teir somebody any- body about toy stilpvreck J He jBnilledgt It)jiJ^ fweeIcK And be siiniled iiotao iauchiati What she saidttailat itbeway she aaid tt-^ho wtilmsicai expresalon 6n her face the lattghterJohereyei add the| bulleyeral ^iDylihe8gtpfh^

bull Injatjty^raOTS^ IHe-flrariburiciMly iWwidepliraquoga8]itoii^ bull8bullhebulllaquoaldbull alo1idbull j gtvbull bullJbull ^

bull VTOatvI gtWlll nbti^not^nowi^ilaquolie^i^^ toited with a tosi o f the head ni (lnd8omebbdy to tellmy 8try to who

^ ti vbaylaquo|il)tibeJ-MiMd^S^ infi)mfllbn|i-iiraquo

fliif laquoyes flashed as on the day beshyfore and he saw again the Imperative expression on her face

Tliat I wont My men are men Ive been tmi to your miserable liar-racks ami watched them eat Faugh Potatoes Nothing but potatoes No eii-t Nothing Only potatoes I may have been mistaken but I thought 1 understood them to sny that that waigt all they ever got to euu Two meais a day and every day in the week

Ho nodded Well my men wouldnt stand for

that u single day much less a whole week Where is the key

Hanging on that clothes hook under the clock

He gave in easily enough but ns she was reaching down the key she heard him say

liancy niggers and tinned provishysions

This time she really was angry The blood was in her cheeks ns she turned on him

My men are uoi niggers The sooner you understand that the better for our acquaintance As for the tinned goods ill pay for all they ent Please dont worry about that Worry Is not good for you in your condition And 1 wont stay any longer than I have tomdashjust long enough to get you on your feet and not go away with the feeling of having deserted a white man

Youre American arent you he asked quietly

iiie (luesiiou disconcerted her for the moment

Ves she vouclisafed with a defishyant look WhyV

Nothing I merely thought so Anything furtheri He shook his bead AVhy he asked Oh nothing 1 thought you might

have something pleasant to say My name is Sheldon David Shelshy

don he said with direct relevance holding out a thin hand

Her hand started out Impuisivoly then chocked

My name Is Lackland Joan Lnclc-bullJand The hand went out And let Tis bo friends

It could not be otherwisemdash he beshygan lamely

And I can feed my men all the tinned goods 1 want she rushed on

Till the cows come home ho anshyswered attempting her owu lightness then adding that is to Cerande Sou see wo dont have any cows at Be-rande

She fixed him coldly with her eyes Is that a jokei she demanded 1 really dont knowmdashimdashJ thought it

was but then you see Im sick Youre English arent youi -was

her nest query Now thats too much even for n

sick man ho cried You know well enough that 1 um

Oh she said absently Then you are

Ho frowned tightened his lips then burst into laughter In which she join-laquod

Its my own fault he confessed I shouldnt have baited you Ill be careful in the future

In the meantime go on laughing and Ill SCO about breakfast Is there anything you would fancy

He shook his bend It will do yon good to eat someshy

thing Your fever has burned out and you are merely weak Walt a moshyment

She hurried out of the room in the direction of the kitchen tripped at the door in a pair of sandals several tlmcH too large for her feet and disappeared in rosy confusion

By Jove those are my sandals he thought to himself The girl hasnt a thing to wear except what she landshyed on the beach in and she certainly landed in sea boots



apeech of your people What time do tliW kiibckgtMri gtyifvSiiSiltv ^ ^ iiktiijjiiw)rt^aiBrthlaquotr^i3p^^^

yifTMtUppJjtlumk^y(0^ where gtdo) yon keep 1 the key to the proviaion8t I want to feed my men


HELDON mended rniildiy The fever bad burned out and there was nothing for him to do but gather strength loan

liad taken the cook in band and for the first time as Slieldon remarkshyed the chop at Berande was white mans chop With her own banda Joan prepared the sick mans food andbe-tween that and the cheer slie brougbt him he was able lifter two days to totter feebly out upon the veranda The aitiiatlon sti-uck him as strange and stranger stili was the fact that it did not seen^ strange to the girl at ail She bad settled down and taken charge of the hbiisehold as a matter of course as if he were her father or brother or as l f she wcrea mahiike bimselt- I t is just too delightful for anyshything she assured h i m i t is like n i)aKe out of Botneltroniancei Here 1 come along put-of-the sea and find a sick man alUalonewithi 200 sIkiVesmdash necroits lie icorrected Coritracf iabdren They selrye bnlytiiree yeairs and they ( are free agents when they enter tipon their rtjriWcta^^ ^iV

Yes yesnshe hurried pnr^tari^^ finannlbnefwith-200 recruits lt)n a cani- nibal lslaind~t iiey nrb pahhibaliii areii^ theyT6riaitkiitBikr-^^ri--^v-^Vvi Visaikrvhegtaid^witbk-M^^ a trifle morethan t h a t Most p t my boys are f rom the bn8h and every

bullbd8hmiampj8a-i1canhlbiiils^iiv^ bull^VBiii^iraquoptaftbfetheiyrblaquo Sorely the boys you haTohere wontd

nptbe gullty V vt- i-j cv J f V- bullbull ^^^ iifTheyda^y6u if toe chance nitord-i ediNVi15 fejSlaquobf i ^^ 5frtoiwifju8t8ayinir5BOiVo^ jbrdOiyburenliyknbwr^MeirtikL


months ago eleven of them sneaked a whaleboat atid ran for Malalta Nine of them belonged to Malalta Two were bushmen from San Crlstoval Thoy were fnols the two from San Crlstoval I mean so would any two Malalta men he who trusted them-

Bclves in a iHint with nine from Snlaquo Crlstoval Yes she asked eagerly Theu

wluit happened The nlneMalalta men ate the two

from San Crlstoval all except the beads which are loo valuable for mere eatlug They stowed them uwuj In the stern locker until tbey landed And those two heads are now in some bush village back of Langa Langa

She clapped her hands and her eyeit sparkled

They are really and truly cannibals And just think this Is the twentieth century And I thought romance and adventure were fossilized

He looked at her with mild amuseshyment

What is the matter now she queried

Oh nothing only I dont fancy beshying eaten by a lot of Ultby niggers is the least bit romantic

No of course not she admitted Cut to be among tliem controlling them directing them 200 of tliem and to escape being enten by themmdashthnt at least if It Isnt romantic is certain ly the qulntessencp of adventure And adventure and romance are allied you know

By the same token to go into a niggers stomach should bo the qulu-tessenco of adventure he retorted

1 dont think you have any romance In you she exclaimed Youre Just dull and somber and sordid like the business men nt home I dont know why youre bore at nil You should be at home placidly vegetating as a bankshyers clerk ormdashor-

A shopkeepers assistant thaoU you Yes thatmdashanything What under

the sun are you doing hero OQ the edge of things

Earning my bread and butter tryshying to get on ill the world

By the bitter road the youngest son tnust trend ere he win to hearth nnd bullsaddlo of ills own she quoted Why If that isnt romantic thou nothing Is romantic Think of all the younger sons out over the world on a rayrald of adventures winning to those same hearths and saddles Vnd here yon are in tho tliicU ot it doing I t and bullhero am I In the thick of i t doing I t

1mdash1beg pardon he drawled Well Ira a younger daughter

then she amended and 1 have no hearth nor saddlemdashI havent anybody or anything-and Im Just as far on the edge of things as vou are

In your case then Ill admit there is a bit of romance ho confessed

Ho could not help but think of tho preceding nights and of her sleeping in the hammock on the veranda under mosquito curtains her bodyguard of Tahitian sailors stretched out at the far corner of the veranda within call He had been too helpless to resist but now be resolved she should have his couch inside while ho would take the tiaininock

You see I had read and dreamed about romance all my life she was eaylng but I never in my wildest fancies thought that I should live it It was all so unexpected Two years ago 1 thought there was nothing left to me butmdash She faltered and made a moue of distaste Well the only thing that remained it seemed to me was marriage

And you preferred a cannibal isle and a cartridge belt he suggested

I didnt think of tho cannibal isle but the cartridge belt was blissful

You wouldnt dare use the revolver if you were compelled to Or noting

bullbullbdquo AOUIIgtMO MAXMWBVIBIO - the glint In hereyeaftf7yba did nab laquobullbull to--weUto^ hi^ anythinfgv bull - She Bteit^up suddeniyAtP e h ^

iipuBer^Hei^ilpoundnewbiiewaBg^^ hepiwbivbpoundiv|J gt bullbullbullvM ii^Never-mind^^vhe- saldvrvberttii jmtnb lrhatbabiybiidow1th1tiirib^ bullvVSbootthe block off bull yoiir llag-ihai- bullya^d^vIbulligtU J xbullbullbullbullbull^gt^ bull|Me iihUedWB-uiibaliei^^^^^^^^ ^^bullrivdbnitknbwthej^iwi^8hb8M dubipu8lyi ^ ibullbullbull - i(ii- ^i^- i i iii

eltr la tbere a car t r idge in t h e chamshyber

She Bred nnd the block remained intact

I t s a long shot he said with the intention of easing her fhagrln

Rut she hit her Up and fired again

The bullet emitted a sharp shriek an i t ricocbetled Into space The metal block rattled back and forth Again unit again she tired till the c l i | i was emptied ot lis eight cartridges Six of them were hits The block still Bwayid at the galT end but it was battered out of all usefulness Shelshydon was astonished It was better than lu or even nugh ie Drunimond could have done

That s really good shootingmdashfor a woman be said You only missed it twice and It was u strange wcraquo|i on

But I can t make out the two misses she comiualnod The gun worked beautifully too Give me nii-otber clip and Ill liK it eight tinies for anything yoii wish

I dont doubt i t Now Ill hnve to got n new block Viaburi Here yon fella catch one fella block alongsiori room

Ill wager you can t do It olglit 0111 of elglitmdashanything you wish she chnlleuged

No fear of my taking it on was his answer Who titught yuu ui shoot

Oil my father nt tirst and then Von and hls cowboys He was a shotmdashdad I mean though Von was splendid too

Sheldon wondered secretly who Von was nud he speculated ns to whether it was Von who two years previously had led her 10 believe that nothing reshymained for her but matrimony

Wiiat part o t the United States is your home be asked-Chicago or Wyoming or somewhere out tiiere

No Hawaii 1 was born iherb It is a beautiful land My Im almost homesick for it already Not that 1 haven t been away 1 bullwas In Now York when t he crash came But 1 do think it is the sweetest spat on carth-Hawall I moan

I might ns well begin nt tho beginshyning She lifted her head with a proud air of dismissing sadness after the manner of a woman quaiiiiod to wear a Baden-lowell and a long barshyreled Colts 1 was born at Hilo Thats on tho island of riawnli tho bigshygest and best in the group I cant reshymember when 1 first got on a iiorse nor when 1 learned to swim That came before ray A B Cs Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maul-big ones for tho islands Uokuna linU 200noo acres alone It extended in between Mauua Kea and Mauna l oa and it was there 1 learned to shoot goats and wild cattle

Von bad been In the army and dad was an old seadog and they were both stern disciplinariansmdashonly Vous girls had no mother and neither had I and they were two men after all They spoiled us terribly You see they didnt have any wives and ttiey made chums out of usmdashwhen our tasks were done We had to learn to do everyshything about the house twice as well as the native servants did itmdashthat was so thnt we should know bow to manage some day

More than once one or the othshyer of us had our rifles taken away for n week just because of a tiny speck of rust We had to know how to build fires In the driving rain too out of wet wood when we camped out which was the hardest thing of all-cKcept grammar I do believe We learned more from dad and Von than from the governesses dad taught us French nnd Von German We learned both languages passably well and we learned them wholly in tho saddle or in camp When I was sixteen we three girls were all sent up to California to Mills setnlnary which was quite fashshyionable and stifling I l l we used to long for home We didiit chum with the other girls who called us little cannibals just because we cume from the Sandwich Islands and who made Invidioiis remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cookmdashwhich was historically untrue and besides our ancestors hadnt lived In Hawaii

I was three years at Mills sem Inary with trljis home of course and two years in New York and then dad went smash In a sugar plantation on Mqui Dad had nothing left aiid he decided to returii to the sea Hed always loved I t and I half believe thot he w a s glad things had happened as they did He was like a boy again-busy with itlans and preparations froin morning till night Be used to sit up half the night talking things over with rae That was after I had shown himithat 1 wasreally resolved tb go along We were readyto starttOTn-hiti where a lot ot repairs and refitshyting for the Miele v^efe necessary when poor diid came down sick and

died- ^i- bull - bull bull v-bullbullbullbullbullbull

VvAnd you were left all iaione bull JbannoddedV bulliy^z bull bull i

Very much ^alone I had no biroth-ers or Hiatersi and all dads pebple were drowned ID a Kansas cloudburst That happened when he-was ft ilittle boy Of cburio 1 bull could go back to| Ton Theres ralwaya a home there

m $520 A YEAII

Is a uonunaii Inltliil sniarv for oar griidimtoK Aflur soiiioc(|)orlonoo miiiiY uiirn dnuhlu luul trtililo this iiinniiil Suiiil for CUIUIOKUO loihty and liiiirii how to prupiiiO



rhliUulhliullcliil(lireHll Ill llii nmtUrof IIXIIIK and appnliahiK ttraquoi

tiniis and places for liolilhi) tho suvnral toiiiislit lilioclrcullcniiri conn(or tliououii-ly iif liiuliain Slalo of iMlclilKaiij for iw yuais A I) nno lliousaiid nino Imndrtid and iwihii and one llioiiHand nino Imiidiud and

III iiiirsiMiiici) ofMio slaliilo in such eiiso inudu mid piovldod It Is oidenidlliat tho siiviinu toiiiis of tho olTOiill coiut for llil) coiinly of liiKliain Sliloof MIclilKaii for tKli bull ytiaisA 1) nnu tlioiisiiiid nliiii hiiiiiimd anltl uvulvu nnd oiiu Hioiisaiid iiliio hundred and lliliu^oii lid nnd llii) sainu limiiliy are (lwd and appointed 11) he liuld at Miu followlnit times and pincns

Alllni Oliy of Miison coimnonclnK on tho fouitli moiirlay In laiinary iniiili yoar

At lliuClly olbniisliiK conuiieinilnir on tho second MiMiday In Mnriili tiiicjli year

At |lio Oily i)f iMiison ooininonclni on tiio soroiid iMmiduy In Mny oiudi your

At ilui Clly of lyanslnK oiinmnmcliiKon tljii foiiitli Mondny In Hepiuniljui eacli year

Cmiittoopeii tile llrstnny of eacli term ut ton oclock in the foreiiooii

IIOWAltll WlKST CliCnItliid(n bull


Dalod haimlnt MIcli Octvi IIMI eurooiiiiiilMNloiiunraquo Notice Norrlfi

ytalii of Mlclil(nii Ihu probate court for tlie county of liinliam

til the mailer of tlic estate ot Sarah bull I iNorrls deceased

llavliij lieen appoliileil conimlsslonors ii) receive oiinilne nnd adjust nil tdalins and denuuids ol all persons ii(alnstsnld doconsod wedo hereliy KIVU notice that four months i from tlie Itli day ol Noveuiher A I) inilwoni bull allowed liy snid court Ior creditors topresent tlieir claims to ns for evniiiliintUm and adlusd-niont mill thnt wo will meet at the resldonco of losepli lewett In the clliy ol Mason hi snId county on the Itli tliiy of liiiiiiiirr| A t) itilJ mid on the- ltl(li day ot niiirvli A t) ili at ten ocloelc In tho forenoon of encli of siild dnys fw the pnrpose of o-camlnliiK and ndJiiKtiiiKsald claims

Dated Novciiilier ttli A 1) mil




lleiiriiiK OlaliiiN llvltvt^mdash1IiirHl Slate of Michigan Tin) proliale court fOr

llie county ot liigliani In llie matter of tlio estate of Conrad

llelwlK deeeased Notice Is henliy Klven tliiil fonv niontbM

from llieVth day ot NiivemlmrAlJ 11)11 liavo lieen nllmved for creditors to present thotr claims n(nlnst snid deceased to said coiirffor eNumliintlon and iidjiistmeiit nnd that nil creditors of snld deceased are reiinlred tj) present llielr claims to said court at tlie pro-liateolllce In tho city of Mnsoiilii said couiraquo-ty on or liefore the Rlli dny of Mnruh A I) 1)IS nnd Hint snld cliilms will he heard liy said court on tlin Ntli day of Itlurili A I) 11)1 atteii oclock In tlui forenoon

Dated Novemlagtrth A D mil IIUNKVM (iAHi)NKH

bulliiwl lndse of Iroliate

Order or t i i l i l lcnt ioi i STATU OF MioiiiciAvmdashrun OIHOUIT COUKT


Rthel W Alvarez Complainant

vs Kaymoiid 1 Alvarez

Defendant Suit iiendliiK In the Olrciilt Court for tho

(Jniinty of liiKliam In Oliaueery at liinsInK M ulilnanon tlieHth dny of Novemlier JOll

ItappearliiK hy allldavltin tlilsciinso thai the defendant Kiiymond 1 Alvarez docs tiol reside in this state lint resides In tlioelly of Mnnlla In the Ililllpplne Islands on tlio moshytion ofO I amp R P Hammond compliihi-nnts solicitors It Is ordered that liu cant-o Ills npiiearaiice to lieoiiterud liorewllli wllhlii live inonllis from the date ot this order and In case of appearance that lio cause Ids aii-swur tecomplalnaMshlll of complaint lo ho filed and a copy thereof to ho served on sidiJ solicitors wltliln twenty days after service dli liim of a copy of said lilll and a notice of tills order and tlnit In default thereof said 1)111 1)0 taken as confessed hy lihn

It Is further ordered that within twenty days after date Imreof said complalniinli cniiso 11 copy of this order to he pnhllslicd hi tliu INOUA-M COUNTV NKWH a nowspapflr printed and circulated In said county ami that said pnbllcatlon be continued tlioroln lUi least oiicu in each week for six weeks Insuii-cessloii or tliiitslio cause a copy of this orshyder to be personally served on said defuml-ant at lonst twenty days before llie tirno prescribed for said aiipearauee


i w a l t l n g f o r m a But wfiy8libuia ^ BOTtdes^|therbltweredaa8^pIaii8|^ain^ f e l t that I t devolved npon me tp carry themiptit jt8eemed^aflhe^ithing to d o uiaoI wanted tb cariryltheih Out Ahdhfire Iafliv fMHbullbull^ bi^ C tb rii UBn] bullbull-bull

CountorslKiied (Jircult ludKC WM It (JllAllAM

Deputy RoKlstor C R t K V IIAMMONI) 4fiw7

Complainants Hollcinrs Uusiness address LnnsliiK AllchlKan

LIcuHNU to Kelt lraquotl-lllaquolti 15 Stale of JllclilKan tho Irobato Court for

tho county of liiKliam At a session of said court holdat the proshy

bate ofllce in tho Oity ot Mason in said counshyty on tlm Mith day ot Novemhur A D Iflli

Iresi nt Hon Ilonry M Gardner IndKoof Pi obato

lit tho tnattor ot tho ostivto of Wllllala 1 Lett deceased

Sainjiol W Mayerhiivini lUod in snld court his potltion urayliiH for Uconso to soli tho In-turest ot said qstato in certain real estatu thorolndesorlljed

It Is ordored thnttho Iftlli day oi J lelaquo A a l l i t l U l l at ton oclock In tho fore-nooiii at said probate ollico be nnd is liornby iiupolnlod for liearlnt said pellMon and thtid all persons hitorestod In said estate appear boforo snld court at said time and place to show cause why II license to sell tho Intorest otsald estate in said real estate should not bOKrnntedi bull lt Is further ordered that putilic iiotlcn

thereof-be given by publication of a copy of tills order forthroo snccesslvowookspreshyvious to said day of hoiirlni In the iMOUAll COHNlV NEWS a newspaper printed and clr-cnhited In said county (A true copy) UENIIY M GAIIDNEK 0 A OllNiON lud(OOflrobato -

Irohatu ItOKlstor 4Tw_4

Fliiiil Account I l i i r row-JIcc III State of M IclilKnn The Irolmle Court- for bull

tlio county of liiKliam At a sessionot said court hold at tlio proshy

bate ofllce In tho cltY of Mason in said counshyty on tho goth day of Novombor A D liUi

Presonti lion Itonry M GardnerJudge pt Prohato

In tiio matter of tlio estates of Johri 0 Duriow docoascd

1 B Jlummol hivvlnit (llod hi said court his final administration account ai^d his petition pruyhij for Iho bull allowanoo bull thereof and for tlie nsslgnmont anddlstrlbn- tlon of tho rosiduo of said estate bull gt ItUordored that the Ifilli d a y o l Jloe A-D 1011 at ton oclock In the toronbob a t suidi Drobate efflce bo and is liorebvapr [iolntcd fer oxanilnlnff and ollowbiK said aft- countiiiia htiirlng siilap6tltl6n - bullbull bull

I t Is^fnrtherMrdered that public notice thercotbe given by pubUcatlonot u copy ot tnlsoraor for three successive Aveoks pre- vloun to said day of hearing In the iNOHiBH OouMST-NHwajanowspaper printed andch- culatedtn said countv ^ -lt sfj (A truepopy) HENRYMGABDNliBr bull

p AOttNTON- bullbull J u d g e ofVroBBte bull ProbateBeg|gter -bull bullgtbull y-^^^VIti-^v

How lillhbolnihirb8hephiiigtdi Ceiirit Yan (1) taii(2y tethera (8)r pethemi

s(4)ltplinp (5gtsbthera (6) lethewf (7)^ hbvera (8)^coyera (PK dlk(litt)lylaquofe 41k ((il)j tahrdrdlk U2)i tetherWUk ^18) [PetherailtIikV (14) bumpttii(iB)vVwi^ i W m p i t (ie)tiinabunu)itff(H) etb JIfgit (20)iPrbm Shepherdi jof Brit

Succeed iwhen^eyerything cIseMOii fill nerybu8pro8tratibh)j a n d fetnaleii weaknbiieavtheyiaiethei8upreme imiAyiM thouaanda iliaye tcBtjiilipd

pi(mleurolbNCtUlVERANigt^ 8idiyiACH|rROUBLB^



viijbull liinB

(bullbull^bull^bullbullbullbullltWft I tVVi----iltw|

mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im



mm -m-^ bull bull =^rir bull bull bull bull v - i v - i i v bull


RoVAL Baking Powdei|


Makes delicious home-baked Soods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes tiome baking a


The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

Mo Alum mdash No Limo Phosgihaies

CORRESPONDENCE Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the County

i Across the Garden

Wm Randall and wife and W C

ruckinans Sunday J E Bateman called on friondB

irt Mason Sunday John Rusch and family of Mason

lyid David Strong and family visshyited Mrs M Fountain Sunday _Oscai Wilson and family wcro

Sunday aallcrs at M 0 Browns M Jii Batoman and sons Ray Cy-

rl and Russell visited J E Batsshyman and fiunily last Thursday

Rha Walton osi)ects to mo-o to Uie Dr Gallery farm wost of Ea-(an Rapids

Ellis [[avnes and family visited at Prank Scutts last Friday

Nov 20 1911 The Ladies Social Club will hold

ajj apron and baked pfooda sale on murday afternoon and evening JVov 25 at the Woodman hall Sujj-IHU- will bo served framlSto 7

Dont forgot the sunper Dont forgot the date

Dont forget the place Dont you come loo late

Everyone cordially invited MvH C M DoCanup and daughter

Maud were in Lansing Saturday Mrs Rose Winfield of Jackson is

vij^ting her sister Mrs Bert Par-leer

Miss Ruth Walker of Ithaca visshyited Mrs Chris Parker recently

Mrs D DeCamp visited at A JI Dillons in Lansing last Thursday

Mrs Kate Price of Ohio is visitshying friends and relatives here

The society meeting at Mrs A iL Thorhurns was well atiendcd Proceeds over sect500

load of turkeys to Bunkerhill parshyties last Wednesday

Mrs Wm Stanfield died at the home of her son George in Lyndon Tuesday Nov II Deceasecl was the mother of Chas and Alonzo Stanfield and has many other relshyatives residing here

Over 300 were present at the anshynual banquet given by the M E church

Miss Kate Locke and pupils gave an interesting program at the closing of the fall term of school at the Reed

The Henrietta Farmers club was entertained Saturday Nov 18 at the home of Wm Fleming The Deshycember meeting will be the third Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Uibbins

The Helping Hand society met Thursdaj- Nov 16 with Mrs Delia Suylandt A Thanksgiving dinner was served Mrs Nettie Hoy will entertain the ladies Dec II

llarlcHVlio llviidiivhv NvrvoiiaiicM and rheumatism both in men and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond tliie reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foleys Kidney Pills They regulate the action of (he urinary organs Tonic in ac-116 ^ quick in results W M Mc-Croflsen and Longyear Bros

J P Parker 2021 N 10th St Ft Stuiith Ark says that he has taken lucany kinds of kidney medicine bu did not get better until he tojciJc Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney tiTQublc you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of ffoley Kidney Pills Start taking (m now W M McCrosaen and Longyear Bros

West Munith

Mrs Pred Baxter is sick with taiWilitis

Mrs Ruth Hayes is again very i l l bull bull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull V (There seem s to be no imprbve-

iii0nt in the health of Mrs Lee Benson who has been confined to her b^d for several weeks

Maurice Fleming has been re-mqyed home from Ann Arbor af-to a two months treatment dt the University hospital r

Hr and -Mrs Frank Oibbinswere In Jackaon Monday IV Mrs IaaacLieece visited in Jaiick-bullsoiipartofia8tWeekv- -7v-N M

V Miss Helen Pixley spent the past bulltift) weeks In Hanover with her-NiBteri^Mr8Anna PickelU X ^

bull vBftiil- CoulBon Mrissr Prank Qih-btjia^ Miss Minnie Llhey Miss Ida Aoffevlne arid Mi8laquo Dora Call were clt|IersatMrBRath HayesSiin-


Goo Ferris is coinfinod to his bed yet

Mrs Wellman returned to her homo Sunday after a weeks visshyit in Eaton Rapids

George Halifax recently shot a deer and expressed) it home

The men iiere have banded toshygether and are going from house to house clearing up tlio debris from the recent cyclone There was more damage than at first though c

There were a numiber Sunday to see the ruins at EJd Halifaxs caused by the cyclone

It is reported that Mrs Z Pierce is not as well as usual

Walter Halifax and John Stevenshyson had another car load of soft coal shipped to Kingsland for the farmers It is taken from the cars very fast

MI Bacon iandiiiainilyivhave J movedStotheiiDutcRer f t

Iv i Bejiry ilieeHas soldi his farm here raquoitqi^Ghft|irNaridyen^0eoStahfieldiand h^s purchased the Fred Densmore

4itMniSi((BarIgtahBviUeji| ^^ raquovOibblriB^iKttiflibughtithe Ridgtlarm of Mrs Jack Harrlng-

Ingiiam and Eaton

Willard Lenon of Lansing visited our school Monday bull

Mr and Mrs Chas McCarty of Toledo Ohio is visitiing his father Bertha Lenon visited in Eaton Rapids last week tihe guest of Iris Scott

Mrs Maud Cox and daughters visited in Milletits last week

Mrs Henry Redfield and sons Mahlon and Delbert and Mrs Anshyna Redfield of Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr and Mrs J M Tayshylor Sunday

A W Hathaway of Dimondale is the guest of Mr and Mrs E Hull

Mrs Hazel Stroble is boarding at the Jaehicke home and teachine in IDist No 8 this winter bull bull bull Clifford Williams has returned from his hunting crip up norih

Mr and Mrs Earl Hart were in Lansing on business Friday

Ben Williams hogs haye the cholera Alvln Williams has lost all his hogs with the same disease

ErriieiHull Is selling his hay and grain and getting ready to rnove to Dimondale- We are sorry to lose them from our s t r ee t iv

South North Aiireilus Wajfid vvvuiQnonclagai HThe^Kandkerchief salegiven b^ the BL A 8 will be held Friday evening Dec- i at the parsbhage Everyone should attend as there is u fine display of handkerchiefs t6ibeiSoldiviMM-i Nv v fc-vvV Harris Hemaris i bf Masbri j v isited at C Wi Pieldff Saturday arid Sun-dayvift-si3 i7v~Xt

Mr Shiftferahdifamily of West Aurellus have moved into James iRussellsv terian tyhoiise bullbullbullvi bullbull i- iiilt MrsiOifbiea)olbeebfEatbri Hapr ids visited at Dell Dolbecs last

Everyonejs cordially invited to attend^thiB^^Thithksgivingdinriepat

Columbia Road Nov 21 1011

C S Wilson is on the sicklist John Collins was in Eaton Rapshy

ids Saturday Joe Munccy and wife visited

Forest Smith and wife Sunday A company of relatives gathered

it tJio home of Mr and Mrs John Vcbb Sunday to remind Mrs M ebb of hor 51st birthday Dinner was served and a few tokens of esticni left All felt as though they had spent a very enjoyable day

Hei-man Bullen and wife spent Sunday at Asa Wilsons

Will TJerrick and family viiitel at Jae Herricks Sunday

Roto Watkins is spending a few days with his brother Almond in Mason

Arch Gale of near Baton Rapids was on the street Monday buying chickens

Robbie Smith left Saturday for a visit in the northern part of the state at John Ahrons

Albert Piester has purchassc i horse to replace tha one he lost rctently

Mrs Lucy Jcnnin^s spent Sunshyday at Will Nichols

Frank Reed was ciiVij I to Wyanshydotte Wetlnesday by the illness o( his mother

Bert Sitits and wife spent Mon day ill Jackson Frank Viuighn and famiy - i=itc L C Smith and family Sun ly

Mrs Will Johnson sjient tUiiiday with Ernest Hart and family-

John Clark is considerably betshytor and is able to ride out again


Nov 20 ion Miss King called oigt friends in Lanshy

sing SalAirday Mrs Darling is seriously ill Emma Silsby and Grace Lock spent

Sunday at F Uorlons Mrs Patrick and daughter were in

Lansing Saturday The brick work on the new school

building is now completed Delia Dunham was a Lansing visishy

tor last week D Harris of Lansing spent Sunday

with his parents here Mrs Millis was in Howell Saturday Chas Monroe and N Nemer have

purchased the pool room of Mrs Whitehead

Edna Stowe of Fowlerville was the guest of Eva Wickham Saturday

Mrs iluslon and daughter Edith Moore were in Wiiliamsion Saturday

Mrs E Silsby and children of Six Corners were the guests of relatives here last week

The Ladies Advanced club recepshytion which was given at the home of Mr and Mrs James Fraamper Friday evening was an evening of great en-joymeiil to all After a musical proshygram a drama was played by ladles of llie club The out of town guests were Misslcnnock Miss Barrett and Mr Teach worth of Wiiliamsion and Mr Weeks of Detroit

Eugene Millis was in Lansing Satshyurday

R Foster will clerk in Nemers store the coming winter

Martha Harris was in Lansing one day last week

North Wheatfield

Nov 20 ion Urs Geo McCormick and family

H Hammond and wife Harry Lane and family and Mrs Emma Lane took dinner at Otis Warners Sunday

Leo Salisburys ciiildren have the chicken pox

John Leach and family visited at Mrs Ida Leachs Sunday

Chas Shaw lost a horse last week Miss Hattie Phelps spent Sunday at

Percy Foler s Mtss Lirinie Cams spent Friday and

Saturday in Lansing Prank Steadmanand wife are slayshy

ing with Mrs David Almond Walter Almond and wife of Dans-

ville spent Sunday witli his mother Harry Lane has bought a farm near

bullLansing and will move there soon

Southeast Alaledon

Sam McMann was in Lansing on business last Thursday

Mr and Mrs M Speer visited their son and family in Lansing Wednesday and Thursday

A number from this vicinitiy atshytended the funeral of David Alshymond at Williamston Friday

Miss Mildred Collar visited her sister in Mason recently

Mr and Mrs Wert Every ltwero in Lansing last Thursday

Miss Elzina Speer visited ber brother and family in Lansing last Saturday aind Sunday

James and Esther Corner were in Lansing last Wednesday night

Mrs H Every Mrs Roy Dresser and Mrs Floyd Otis wefb in Lanshysing last Thursday

Mrs Jud Hill of Wheatfield visshyited Mrs H Every Saturday

Mrs M Speer visited at H Ev-erys Sunday

Ray Parkhurst visited in Lansing recently bull

Bunkerh i l l C e n t e r

Daniel Foot of Fitchburg died NoV12 bullbull bull ^ bull

Mrs M J Puller is not quitesb w e l l bull bullbullbull lt - bull bull bull bullbullbull

We are inforhted that Price Ford Fred Lee Erwin Ewers and Geo Wemple were called to testify In the case of the People vs Pred Shaw regarding his mental condishytion Monday

The marriage of James Mclntee and Miss Anna Mackinder took place at the Catholic church Nov 2 2 a i d bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullWillis bull Qarrisbn has returned from-Stanforibullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull- v c i-

Albert Blood has returned to Grand^Rapids^ - l gt bullbull Miss- Minnie Braitmayer of Jack-sbn spent a few days last week with MrsB J Hollandi bull 7 gtMiles Simons and wife of Mason are visiting (their doughter MrBi CiiHiVFuller

NERVOUS DEBILITY lllaquolaquo Nwept Over llie Ooiiutry biko M

Wlli lMrlaquo The hustle and worry and strain

of modern life has produced a modern ailment This modern ailshyment is neivous debility and durshying the past ton years has swept over the country like wild-fire

Today a large percentage of the ))opulation particularly city dwellers are afflicted with nershyvous debility or a run-down condition as it is called

The chief symptoms of this modshyern complaint are hick of vitality and energy nervousness and stom-acli trouble weak back poor cirshyculation constipation insomnia

Old fashioned remedies failing a modern tonic was introduced in Europe to overcome this trouble The medicine was an instantaneous success and a similar tonic is now-meeting With tremendous success in this country The tonic is called Tona Vita and it builds up runshydown pooiple in a few weeks time

Are you a victim of this misershyable run-down half-sick tirecl-all-the-time condition Are you nei-vous and despondent Do you lack energy and ambition If so you havc ^ nervous debility and iho wisest possible thing you can do is to let Tona Vita build you up and bring back your heiith am strength as it has done tor thousshyands of others You will be astonshyished how quickly this groa niou~ era tonic will make you feel as though niado over

Lees Rhubarb Laxative (he as--sistant remedy is used in cases of (-hronic constipation Rhubarb Ls the finest of all natural laxatives Other drugs strain and weaken the intestines rhubarb strengthens them Lees Rhubarb Laxative is an ideal family medicine and should be given to children in preference to ad ohers The taste is pleasant

Longyear Bros have the agency for theio two great medicines in Mason and will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied with them

Town Line

Nov 31 1911 George Mulkins is home from

Lansing for a few days Chas Swartout and family and

Mrs Clara Marzen and son Charles were Sunday guests at Geo Butshytons

Byron Driver and wife were in Lansing one day last week

Mrs A ThompsoiU wis in sing Monday

Jimmie Woodworth and McCurdy returned Saturday Lake City where they had hunting

East Alaiedon


You Cant Afford to Miss This Wonderful Cliance

For the Next Ten Days We Add to Our Bargains The Following


Prod from been

Dress Trimmings Up to 15c per yard for 3c 25c 3Sc and SOc yd for l i e

Silks SI50 Silks for (gtlt)c SlOO Silks for 49c 75c Silks for 3Jc SOc Silks lor a ic 12 yards only dark blue Mar-- qucsittc res SOc for 2Jc

Lace Curtains $375 values for SlJS 3275 values for Si40 $250 values for 08c OSc vilucs for 30c

Infants Bear Skin Hoods Regular Si00 75c and SOc

values for SOc

Dress Goods SI50 values for 69c $100 values for 49c SOc ami 60c values for 29c

All Hose 25c values for l i e 12l^c and ISc values for 6c

Puritan and Munsing Winter Underwear

S400 values for $170 S500 volucs for S150 $250 viiUics for 3130 S225 values for SOc $150 values for 69c SI 25 values for SOc SI00 values for 39c 65c and 75c values for 29c SOc values for 21c

The Mertz Dry Goods Co FRANK E CARTER Ownef MASON MICH

lt Belle and Viola Holland bl Watshyerloo-bull spirit- Sundavlat this i51ace i^MrSPrlce Ford h y a-thbpping bullbullbbwliwhiohvbelohged to her grea grandmother andwas ^ made by ^pr-^Eeat - grandfather-ibut ^ of gt birdsieyeir-maple- bullThbiighmndei X)yergt100gtyear8^agditha8 never

Mrs r A Speer received the sad news of the deach of her brother-in-law Charles Williams Sr of Washington Mr Williams Avas a former r6sident of this vicinuy

Mrs W M James is visiting the family of her sister Mrs Jas H Durrow of Mason

Ivan Potter lost his three-year-old colt one day last week He had but reeeniJy purchased it

Henry Palen and wife visited their daughter Mis Melvin Rot-nout last Sunday

Mrs Mary Darrow who has been visiting her daughters in this vishycinity returned to her home in Mason last Friday and is (luiie ill at this writing

StockbndKe Town Line

Born Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs F Springnvan a son Harold T She is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Green

Hart Gauss of Pinckney visited at John Coopers Saturday ana Sunday

Fred Hedglin of Pullman Wash is visiting relatiives and friends here

Miss Libbie Anderson is very ill of appendicitis

C H Lowe and J M Moorman returned from the north Monday

Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts are moving to Jay OsborneR farm

Mr and Mrs Geo Mattocks of Jackson are the proud parents of a baby girl since Nov 8 The mothshyer will be remembered as L-zie Roberts

Oscar Snay of Stockbridge and sister Miss Snay of Grand Rapids visited Daniel VanBuren and his m^other Sunday

Gottfried Gauss an old and reshyspected citizen of this place died at the home of his son near Pinckshyney Thursday The funeral was held at Millville Saturday

Mr andMrs Will Gauss and chilshydren ofLeoni attended the funeral of his father here Saturday and visited her sister Mrs Guy Felton Sunday

The neighbors and friends to the number of 32 walked in upon Mr7 and Mrs Roy Roberts last Monshyday night and gave them iin old-fashioned surprise They were preshysented with several nice presents The evening Was spent in games and visiting

V - MlUvllle

LibbieAnderson is sick with apshypendicitis

F Hodgelln is ill at the homie of his brother

Mr-and M rs H A Bravender visited his parents and brother Sundayiii bull v- - bull -

G M Burden visited W-Rice and family in Leroy Thursday

The little children of Mr and Mrs R Stevens are on the sick list

Scott Gbdleyhasmoved into Jasi Egglestons tenant house v

Rev Morrlsoih is holding meet-j iiigB in the church here this week (T J Gillam retiirned Saturday from the- north woods gt



STOVES For Sale at All Prices

Perfection Oil Heaters

^ W e Are Also Agents for

Winchester Guns and Ammunition


Haslett Mr and Mrs Chas Poster of East

Lansing were guests of Mrs E K Elliott Sunday

The annual banquet of the Wo-mans Literary Club will be held at the Maccibee hall Thursday evening of this week

Miss Ruth Hoffman of Lansing spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Esther Himerdinger

About 30 young people attended the first annual banquet of the Diadem Class of the Suijday school An elaborate supper was served

Misses Bessie Elliott and Pearl Ferris were home from Mason over Sunday

Mrs Roy A Foster and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs C L Foster at East Lansing

Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell of Lansing spent Sunday with his mother

The C E society will be held at the church at 1030 a m Sunday Sunday school will immediately follow Preaching services at 730 p ni

For Sale by GEO M WEBB

y-V CouiiblnK Mt Nlgtiiit ^mearis loss of sleepwhich is bad for everyonci Foleys Honeyand TarCompoiirid stopsthe cough at once relieves the-tickling ancTdry-ness in the throat and heals the Inflamed membranesi Prevents a colddeveloplng intoJbronchitisor pneumonia Keep alwaysin the house )Hepounduse^Bubstitute8gtW M ^ ^ Mcprp88pniand|ongj^ews^ B^^ - bull bull

A BiirtflarN Awful Deed may not paralyze a honyj so completely as a mothers long illshyness But Dr Kings New Life Pilla are a splendid remedy for women They gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female troushyble wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of LeadiU Tenn If ailing try them 25c at Longyear Bros

Lansing Koaa Mrs Chas Rayiner has gone to

pids weeks with

her daughters in Eaton Rapids after spending three her son B FKeeler

Lola Avery visitedMrs Shlrkey par t of last week vi Earl Norton and wife and Chas Shaull and wife were in Lansing Sunday toattend the wedding anshyniversary of Herman Hoyt arid W i f e ^ bullbullbullgtbull-bullgtbull bullbullbullbullbull ^ibullbullr-i

Mrs Lottie Shirkey arid Mrs Ef-fieKeeler attended the N L club at Mrs Towns in Eaton Rapida

^Thursday -v-v -bullbull School wasi closed last weeky for

repairs on the school house caueed b y t h e recent cyclone V y i Aid society at the church this week Wednesday to fixup the

com I pletely torn down by the cyclone

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United

States for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division

In the matter of WILL C WALTER

Bankrupt bull In Bankruptcy No 2170

To the creditors of Will C Walter of Mason in the County of Ingshyham and district aforesaid bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that i on

the 16th day of November AVD 1911 the said Will C Walter was duly ^diudicated bankrupt and that the^first meeting of his^credr itors will be held at the office of A ABergman attorney Mason Michigah) oh- the seconddayvibf December A D 1911 at ten-thirty-oclock in the forenoon ampt which tiine the said creditors may attend v prove their claims - appoint ^crusV V teei examine the bankrupt deter-

mine in what manner aiid at wh^t tlihe the piroperty of the I bank- ruptsgte8tate shall be abldj amd trariBactiiSUchOtherbufsineBsas may properlyrpomeibefore B meetlngi-- v bull--v f- iV-bullbullbull Dated at Dietroit Michigaraj No- bull bull vember 21stA D1911-- -bullbull - bullirOw bullv-LBB-EJOSLYNi Hirbull bull bull bullltbullbullbull bullbullbull Referee-iriBankruptcy^--iVj AvAvBergraah bull-bullbull vlpyy-

Attbrheyiior Bankruptbull



bull bullgtbull im

