INGHAM COUNTY - Capital Area District Library


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Transcript of INGHAM COUNTY - Capital Area District Library


INGHAM COUNTY Ingham Dairymen Will Learn About European Agriculture

D1. Karl Wright of Mlchlgnn Sl11te f'ollogo Will give un lllua-~ triLled lecl111 o on ugrlnullill o In lUtii'OjlC When he ll(l(lC\IlH Ill tho lllllllllli riftll y IJH!lf(IJCI Ill MILSOilj WerlneHclny noon, [•'eblllfll y 1 ~. Ho 1

tool! lhe piclUI'llS In France, Italy, I Englnnd, Germany, Switzerland nnd the Scnndinuvlnn r•otmlrlca lasl sUmlnOI,

~--N--in-~-ty-.-fi-rft_t_Y_e_n_r---N--o.-5-------------T-H __ U_R_S_D_A~~~.--F-E_B_R_U_A __ R_Y_2_,--19_5_0 ________________________________________________ ~-20 __ P_a_g-~,-----~--3--Se-c-ti_o_n_s_

A noLIHJI' henrlhnm on Llw pro-1 !il am Is D1• Ted Hnlaton of I he Mlr.hlgnn Slate collef{o dnlry rle­pn rt men L.

The bunquet w1tl he held In the Legion Mmnm·lul ilulldlng Women of the Methodist chul ch Will aeJ vc the dinner, The lmnquel JH span-. sor od jointly by the Inghnm Coun­ty Dn1ry Planning committee, the six dali·y he1 d lmprovomonl lLH­socmllons and tho IngiHJill Coilllly F,u m B111 cnu

Coe l~mcnH, Ludell Cheney nnd Dr. I{Jtrl W•·lght I Doh Ocstmlc 111 o on the banquet cornmJLloc, 'l'ed F'rl,Y, r.hnlnnun of hn\'e topped daiJ y lc .• tmg fl~.soclu­the County Dill I Y Plitlllllllif rom- liOilH c·onHIRlenll,\'. mlllcc, arc! County Agent Don Cow tcstCJ'H memho1 s or the C111 I',Y 111 c nlso wmlclng- with Lhc I banquet comnutlee and vocrtlJonal comnu Llco ag'I'IC'llltuJ r I cachm·s h11 \'C hoJ n-

Thc hnncpJcl piOiflillll Will hcm-1 quol llf'lcciR fo1 sale They ,trc also Ol' Jng-ham rlJJJI ymcn whose hc1 cis nwillablc 11l the cxtenswn ofrlce.

Inside News

Do You Know? Mr, nne! Mt'll, Ivan Swift and

their four ehllclr•cn? People have to holler "Mr,"

twice to gain Swift's attention. For 21 years pJ•ior to his retil•c­men t from the army u few wee!1s ago he was called "Cor­poral," or "Sor•gennt" and on up to "Mnjor." He was nn enlJstccl man for 12 years and an officer for fJ yearH

The Swift family lived In Ma­son before the war and year Major Swift bought the 20-acrc Forest Howe place on Barnes road west of Aurelius Center for headquarters follow­Ing retirement Howe Is Swift's uncle, Tho maJm' Is Mrs. Blcnn Swift's son

There UI'C fout• Swift chlldt·cn, Jean, 17, Jon, 11, Virginia, 8, and Ivan Dudley, Jr., 1, The t111 ec eldest n ttend the Ma~on school

Major Swift Is an Industrial lubrication salesman for the Wynn 011 Co, of Azuza, Cali­fornia,

Treasurer Splits Sales Tax Money Among Townships

Lansing Towllship Portion In Dispute Because of Anne"11tion of Everett


Ingham cities and townships are dividing $205,067.12 in sales tax diversion money for the last quarter of 1949.

County Treasurer Lyle B. Austin finished the computa­tion on the division Thursday morning and the checks will be in the mail before night. The dbtribution is computed on the basis of $1.57 per capita, using the 1940 census.

The anncxHllon of lhe Everett dJsll·lf't lo LanHing 1s holding up Ln nsmg town~ hip's shai'C, Had the annexation not UJI'l'letl, Lansing Singers Soughi

For Production Of 'Cntcifixion'

C t • D k township would IHtve got $22,-0Un V In ar ·ttrus, on the basis of the 194o GcnC'JIIl news, Pag-es 2, 3 and census f1gm e of 11,271 The actual

G, Part 1' P.tge 1, Part 2. • On Transact"lon township ( ounl' however, mclurhng Want ads, Pages •1 and 5, Ill' ICverott, might 1 each 18,000 OJ'

Po~ 1 t l. 21! 000. 'rite count m the Evcr·ctt Social Items, Page 2, Part l; Over Ho~pl"tal fll ea now a Pill t of Lansing, Is

P11gc •1, Purt 2 ~ about 8,000, LC'g-al news, Page G, Part 1 · Lanomg township and CJly o(-l~mJteJ 1s two monl11s .JWay veL Page G, l'.ut a No Mention Yet Made ficmls Will have to work out thell'

alt'cfHly chuJ cl1 and sclwol chflll s l!mnem.dtcJ 's news, Page 5, own solutJOn, County T1·casurer In Mason and llio SUIJotmdmg- P,nt 2 Of Payment to County Auslm declnl'etl. He said that Lan-aJea ate mak1ng h1g plnns fDl' the CIHJJeh news, Page 8, Patt 2. For Hospital Equipment mng Comptroller Robert Sander-Holy Wcclt PJ'Og111m. B·tslwlbnll news, Page 2, son anrl r.ansing Township Super-

The M.tson P1 cshyter~<tn <'11011' Pa1·t I, Page J, Pa1 t 3. Ingham supervisal.~ nrc m the vtsor R<~ymond W1lcox have ar-has lllYJtccl all lite c•ltm1 s 111 Ma- !CclilOJ w!H, Page 2, Pa1 t :J dark over the transact10n between mngcrl a meeting Wtlhm the next son to JOin In the proscnLttJon of Fa1 m news Page o!, Par L 3. the c1Ly of Lansmg and the Ed- few clays to adopt a fotmula There the "CrucJflxlon." Mls. l{Jchard ---- -- ward \V. Spat•t·ow hospital on the may be an agreement, the county

,Mills, clncrlot of lhc Pic~.hl•tcJJan sale or lease of the county conva- Lieaswc1 said, fDI' a speculatiVe choa, now extends nn lllVJl:LlJon w T • I lescent hospital, disttJbutJOn now w1th a 1 eadjust-lo all SJngcJ'S Ill the :'IInson Hl Cd lo oman on r1a At the JanU!llJ.' mccling of the ment (,Lter When the 1950 census jom choli memhc1 b ,tl Lhc P1 e5- board of Sllpervlsors the county liglll es become available Such a bylcrmn chHJCit Sunday nflcJ'- F T k" T I offered to surrender its 1o-ycar plan was followed once before on noon. The first practtce Will hcgml or a 1ng owe lease (With seven yeat•s still to gas and Weight tax d!Sli'Jbutlon 11 t foul o'clod! lliJs commg Sun- run) to Lansing. Lansmg c1ty offJ- These al'C the amounts Which day. From Grant Store cia!s saJd the Sparrow hospital townships and CltlCS Will tecmve

The "Ctuelfixlon". 1s a Bible U board would take over the lease. Citi1•s story set to mu&JC :md poJ•tr ay~ There is nothing yet in writing Lnnsmg tile ]If ' •tncl cl 'a til of Jec·tl" f1 o11t Jurors m Judge Consh's court 'l'ast Lnnsmg .

c ' c, ~ ··• but reports commg out of Lansmg "' the ltmc he at 1 11•ccl at Gcthsemnnc l!stened to testunony Thursday tndlcatc that an agreement be- Mason .... lJnttl Ius death on the c1oss. The mommg 111 the case of Eumce tween 010 City and Sparrow is be- WJIIJ.unston cantata tal1c, exactly one hour of Hc1ghtchew, charged w1th larceny ing wor!{Cd out. \'il!ages smgmg tunc, Some of the hcttcJ- from a building. Prosecutor Dansville . !mown hymns mclucle 'PJOcesswn Chat lcs R. MacLean rept esented Ingham county's board of soCial Leslie to Calvary," "Fling Wtde the the people With Roy T. Conley de- welfare IS sllll operating the con- stoclch11dge Gates" ami "God so Loved the fcndmg Mrs Heightchew valcsccnt hospital at 2901 East WebbcJ'Yllle

~123,642.21 9,167.23 4,501.19 2,675.28

Gfl1.07 2,011.17 1 337.64


Can She Bake In answer to Billy

A ,..I p· , Boy, here are five \,oli'1erry lie. gms who can bake cherry pies. They proved their culinary skill in the Ingham cherry pie baking contest held in Mason Saturday. Every pte, declared the judges, was fit for a king. After much sam­pling, the judges who did not know which girl baked what pie, gave the nod to Caroline Brown, Mason. She is at the left in the pic­ture. From left to right, the other expert pie makers are Marjorie Smith, Williamston; Rhoda Kelly, Okemos; Norma Eifert, Alaie­don; and Shirley Gregg, Whegtfield. Mrs. Mary Jane Johnston, county home demon­strri .on agent, and Mrs. Helene Howlett, Ma­SOt1 nome economics teacher, judged the cen­tes .

The winner will represent Ingham coun­ty at the state contest in Grand Rapids Feb­ruary 13 and 14. The winner at Grand Rapids Will enter national competition in Clucago.

The Michigan cherry commission is spon­soring the pre-baking contest, with the back­ing of the Michigan State college extension sta'ff.

Here's what went into Catoline's pie: 2ll,; cups of water packed chct ries, drained, one­half cup of juice, one cup of sugar, and one­quarter cup of Hour. This zs how she made the crust: Sift two cups of flout and one teaspoon­ful of salt, cut in three-quarters of a cup of shortening, and add one-quarter cup of water. She baked the pic 50 minutes w1th the oven temperature at 450 degrees for the first 30 minutes and at 350 for the last 20 minutes.

'Highway Chief Favors By-Pass On 127 Route

New Route Will Sldrt Mason and Leslie nnd Run East of Jacltson

US-127 will by-pass Mason and Leslie with a limited ac­cess highway. Otherwise the route between Holt and Leslie will remain much the same, From Leslie the new route will run south to skirt Rives junc­tion on the cast and then on to strike M-50 north of Jackson,

The route will swing east of the jackson business section to connect with the g-rade separa­tion aheacly under construc­tion. From Jackson the new trunk Ime will follow a new rotttc much of the way until the present US-127 intersec­tion with US-112 is reached. From there on south to_ the Ohio line the present highway will be followed.

Slate H1ghway Commissioner Charles Z10g!cr lair] lh1• map show­ing the new route he for c n MaHon and Lcslw rle!cgalwn in his Lan­smg office Monday forenoon, He would hazard no guess aH lo when a stnrt will be made on the new route He dec tared that only a study, not a survey, has been made The route, though, has tho approvn I of stale lughway engi­neers, It 1s the routl' that will pi'Oilnbly be appi·ovcrl by federal road nulhoritJcs, Commlsstonet' ZJCgle1· lndJcatcd.

iHJL1ching J\lnuJ•r 1\'J't•lif•d Construction of the new 1 oad

can 11ot start, the comm1sswner Slllrl, until the ~tate has enoug-h 111011cy to match l'crlrml funds ul­l'<'ady allocalerl. Unless the gaso­line tax rate IS boosted, construc­tion p10bably Will not be <;tarted

- before 1952 ot 1953 -------------~--------- -------------I


• Wo!ld." Michigan avenue, Only polio cases T m·nshiJlS Mrs ITcJghtchew allegedly took are confined there. There are 60 ' 1,777 2<1

:M1·s 1\IJlls s:ucl ll1al thetc IS a tlanungo and white bath towel! beds Ill the hosp1tal but less than Almcdon Ingham omon growers a1e tak-room 1n the cho11 !ott for at least I tom the W. T. Grant st01e m 20 arc occupied by the polto pa- Aurehus 2•066·12 ing u bcnlmg at the hands of mar-65 vo1ces. She stud that the chtu ch Lanmng. TcstJmony mdicatcd that tlents Ingham taxpayers mvested Bunl1e1 Hill · 1,317.06 Fun and cntertamment, mostly Alan Curtis is down for a piano !let mampulatm s Onwno which


Onion Growers Take a Beating 15 Acts PTA Variety Show

The stretch of highway from Holt south to Pl yo1· road, a half­lllile northwest of the Mason city lim1ts, has been surveyed. Com­lllJSsJoner Ztegler sa1d he was r:n- , able to say when 1t Will be bmlt. That, too, depends on finances, he sa1d. alleady has many cop~es of the a cleJk saw het take the towel some s15 ,000 m Improvements in Deihl 10,55511 on the lighter s1de, arc m store 'solo bestdes hJs appeuranee wtlh growers put Jnto storage last fall

"C fi ' b t tl t t 1 t Ingham 1,168,08 for those who attend the annual the wood wind trio, the quintet, -ruc1 X lOll, u ta anyone f1 om a coun er· anc carry t away, the hospital after loaslflg it from ' 0 7

have brought $5 00 a hundred, The \VIla has a Copy Sltollld br1n,.

1t 'l"ter· la,1·ng ·1t down 1·n another L . tl t t Leroy. 1,51 .1 PTA var1ety show next Thursday and another trio "rower price

18 now down to •


According to the map displayed by the stale highway commis­swner, the route south of Pryor 10acl will follow tllC [lrcsenL nghl; of wny to the ctty hm1ts a few roqs south of Cll!trlie's-Bnl'II From thn t pam t the new road will run southeast to sl rikc Columbia nt lhe Darrow place

D " ,, ansmg tree years ago a a ren - Lcsllt• 1 !96 21 h "'

SolmsLs w11l be chosen from all part of the store Mrs. Height- al of $5,000 per year. The board L 1 1 ·~38 · 60 mght, The show Will be staged in Clay Braden on Ius cornet 1s an- ami $2.25 when a market can be the chm ches. Gunther Dcckm w1ll chew's defense was tha• "c was af sociP; welfare scaled the, askmg I .. oc te:l .. ' ·

9 the school audtlormm, beginnmg other school soloist He Will also found.

• h t "f 1 d h I t ' f r plastic llrap :lJ She • • d' t n•Cil(Jan 7,A.'34.~ aL eight o'clock. play the cornet In the brass sextet du·cct l e can La -a, • e a 1 ea .Y as tun mg " · c.· price for the eqmpment own o Ononcl"ga 2 030 011 Ch t 1 d I I "C lfi " "aJ'd tit 1nanager came up beh1nd 0 h h b th n ' _ Gunther Decker is the cmly pro- w1th Fern Owen, cornet, Sue Der- JC ago quo ec pr1ccs range pro ucec scvc1 a rue xtons ·• c $8,00 . As yet t ere as een no - St kl cl 119·· 91 • •1 27 f 50

and !mows much of 1t by heal L her wavmg the towel and accused mg satd offJCJaliy about the coun- 'v oc n • ge .. •6

1 95

fesstOnal on the program. He has geon, French horn, Herman Bush- from ·rl.40 down to ,, . or -Mrs. N. s. Davts wtll be the 01 gan- her of t8ltmg tt She claunccl she'd ty's stake m the hospital deal If evay · 1• 24 ' sung on concert stages and on na- nell, trombone, Norman Lyons, pound bags, 1st. never seen 1t before, the county is reimbursed for all or Whcfltfield 1·~~~ ;r twnal radio hoolmps. Other vocal baritone, and Gene E1•ery, bass. W1th the marlwt demoralized,

M1 s Mtlls emphasized the fact .Jmlge Charles H. \Hayden pre- any of the $8,000 the chances are Whttc Oak ....... 1• soloists are Mrs. Walter Imig, The school quartet, made up oi the warm weather has also caused that Lhc pJ•actJce scss1ons Will last Sided over the case of Charles Gu- that the money wtll come from Wtlhamstown .. · 1•535·46 mezzo-soprano and Mrs Henry Verna Lou Collins, Carolme stor~gc losses running up to 25 only one holll Evetyone should be gm Thursday Guglp 18 charged Lansmg and not hospttal funds, a ------- LJddwoat, contralto. Mrs Im1g rs Brown, Norman Lyons and J1m per cent. Omans sprouted last at lhe cluu ell a llttlc ealiy Sunday wtth unlawfully di'IYmg away an county official sa1d Wednesday. He $182•656 ·94 school vocal mustc mstructor and RJCkly, will sing. wee!' so the h1gh note can be sounded automobile on Match 27, 1948 As- declared that the board of super- Gansmg Twp. made several guest ' appearances The Presbyterian harmonizers Dr. Paul M. Harmet, agncultur-at exactly tour o'clock, she sa1d ststant•Prosccut01 Earl McDonald v1sors w111 probably be asked at (Held Up) · 22•110·18 Wtth Warmg's Pennsylvanians. are also on the bill again. Law- a! economist at Michigan Slate

The "CrucJfixton" is the ptoduct represented the people. Jordan the board session ¥onclay to gtve $205.067.12 The Mason school is providmg renee Parker and Max Bement Will college, cxplamccl that speculators of .John Stainer. He was R.n Eng- Jenkins was Gugm's attorney, the hospttal equtpment to Spar- _____ other talent. Bes1des playmg a smg the tenor parts with Dr, D. R. are havmg a b1g play m oman Iishman who lived m the last pa1·t I row. ---- solo, Roger Topliff will play h1s Lethbridge and Sam Cotton smg- futures. Omans arc a compaJntJve-of the 19th centut',l' He was an Gugm IS oh trial for clrivmg The Sparrow hospital Will oper- k b clannet 111 the wood wind trio Wlth mg the bass, and with Roy Adams ly small crop and extremely per-emmcnt church oJ·ganJst who awa,v the truck belongmg to his ate the convalescent home as al Many See JO Susan Forche on the clarmet and at the ptano. ishablc, he pomted out, and so arc found his msp

11 at ton fat the employer, John Danza, of the Ho\~- hospital annex t( the transaction Alan Curtis on the bassoon; the Sue Mills Will dance the ballc- subJect to mampulaled prices.

"CJucttixton" in the Btble ard Coal Co, of Lansmg. Tcslt- d 1 t d ' k ( wood wmd qumtet with Mary D1n- rina Dwk Mitchell and Gerry RJClt- Dr, Hat mer smd he believes the --- ·--- many l evcalcd that after Gugin IS e mp e e . Ta .... ng en sus moml flute Marte Lyons oboe ' t pnco of omons will "O up Cast harl woJ•lcccl fat· Danza about a Relief Director Daryl 1\l.mms re- 1 1 ' ' • ' ' ly will appear in a tap dance ac "

week Gugin asked hJs employer ported Wednesday that M1ss Jean.- ALulaenli~CMttrctQJsu, ebeans'sF'oo'nen• cahnclho~0' tt~~ 'and Mrs. John Edgar wrll g1vc a withm a few weel's because of the Ch I tt B d•t l d 1 dl sh01 t 1950 crop. 'l'he 11pswmg may ar 0 e an 1 for the usc of a truck to drive ettc Loree, rcgts ere nurse m Thirty-two upphcanls appearec tr10 with Mnl'lc Lyons on the oboe rea ng, not do growers much good, how-bacJlt and forth to wm k, as he had charge of the county hospital, has 111 Mason Tuesday and Wednesday and Alan Cur lis on the bassoon The show is a benefit for the evm·, because they m·c havmg- to M 8 M k no tran"portat10n Danza granted subnutted ltcr res1gnatwn. It Wtll fm· Jobs as census enumerators _____ ------------- Cub Scouts, The PTA sponsors get lid of theu stored crop now at ay ear ar S h1m the use of the truck for work- become cffectl\e February 15. Many olhe1· Inghdm people have the Cu)l Scouts.

· 1 cleprcssecl p11ccs. mg p111 poses, but Gugm is accused applted at the dtstrict ofi'Jcc n F I Alfred Forche is licket manager ___ _ l~alon ~hc11ff's offJc•e•·~ anrl

stc<tc police <tl'C looltmg 111 ouncl the west edge ot Jnghmn co11nty !01 the banch l who roll bed the Charlotte LJvc~tock Comm1ss10n offices of $8:l0 at fou, o'clock Tuesday mo1n1ng.

'l'hc man sought Js about 10 ycaJ's aiel, 6 J eel Lall, slim lltulcl, unci he may IM ve a black eye OJ' smalchcs on Ins lac·o

Anyone l<nowmg " mn.1 of Lhd L clcsc1 tplwn who Ita, wounds ,tbout lite f~co JS aslwd to Eo lit y Eaton law oflJccJ s 01 slntc pollee 01 otfJccls sa1cl, 1f anyone knows a mdn answctmg tlML clcscJ 1pl10n who has suddenly taken off lot parts unlmown the 1nformntwn ii g1vcn to offJccJ s may help solve Lite CJ'Jme,

The J'obbc' clad 111 a J'ecl and blue!' mackJ,,aw weal mg a blue c,1p, and wtlh his face m,£skcd by a 1 od bandana ltancllteJ chief, cn­tcJ•ccl the COII11111SS!On f11m's Office Tuesd,ly lllOJ'nmg, He Ol clcrccl Fmnk Ptfcr, 46, offtcc m,magm·, to hand ove1· the 111gh t's ,llJctJOn l'CCelp ts. 'l'WO lt'UCkCI S WCI C Ill the off1cc The bancht ·kept them as well as Ptfer covered WI lh n sawed-off shotgun.

'l'hc bancht otdered P1fct to walk ahead down the stait·s A l tlte bottom of the stall'S the rabbet struclt PrCer m the face w1th the gun, P1fct lunged mound and grappled w1th Lite bandit. In the scuffle the offtce manager slugged the bancht m the face and WRS gettmg the upper hand when the robber leaped away and ran to a late model cat·. He clunbed into the car and drove off towa1·d Eaton

of usmg it J'or personal affairs, ('om tile IO Wllll)ll\)10110~ OC)lll)'ono Ill fol Lnnsmg. armers ncrease for the show. Gordon Kennedy and Vnlc IlLII\< ~I! OliO~ Clll<io, '"

I' tnt ~I 00 1'"' d!lY :l.lrnlrlLJI nmn':-; t 1 t 11 t 1 t s .... CIH(:rJIT COfJitT, Page ,; ,;wJ Murray Kennedy, asslstan c JS- Cub Scouts are ou se 1ng rc te s, w,,, , lo liflr. • l'iwl

tJJCt supel'YISOI', intct'YJewed ap- nnsurance Cove' rage -------- ------------- pltcnnts at Mason Tuesday and a SILO LiGHTS UP LIKE CAPITO,L DOME

Wednesday He said that many ---------- ______________ _ 'New American' to Address Teachers Tngh,un teachers Will heal Dr. '

Im1 e Kovacs at their county ln­,,Lllitlo Ill Mason next \'Veclnesday. If1s lop1c w "The Challenge of Bmng an A me! tcan."

Dr Kovacs rs hm allied as u clynamw exponent of democracy, a student of world affa1rs and an mJthoJJty on Centtal Emope and the Bflillans. He was bom m I Hunga1 y a ncl cducP 1 eel there and I 111 GCJ Roumanm and Set·­bm Then he came to Amm 1ca to slucly at Yale, "the LancastCJ TlteologJc,tl ocmmaJ'.Y and the .Ttnlilru cl ScllOO] O[ MUSIC. After that ltc represented the YMCA 111 Yugoslavia

The Jl!stJtule w11l be held m the Mason school slat tmg at 10 111 the fot·cnoon. Rev. Charles Brool1s of Mason Will open the mot nmg SCSSJOn Wilh plRYCJ' after Which D1· Kovacs Will speal>. A luncheon Will be served m tho I. 0. 0. F. hall at noon.

lnuc 1\ovacs

State Teache1s college, will dis­cuss readmg for mtcrmccl1ate C{tades with M1ss ,Alice Rowe of Mason presJclmg. Dr. Paul Bagwell of M1ch1gan State college, Will ad­dress the juniot· and semor high school teachers. Supt. Fred A,t!(Jn­son of Web bet Ville will pJ•esJcle.

capable men 8nd women filed np- Ingham farmers mcteasecl fire phcatJOn blanks fat eve1·y sectwn C.O\'erage m the FaJmCJ'S Mutual of the county. So fat 1 as possible, by almost n m1lhon clollats in District Supm·vJsm WRync Ktum- 1919, the report of Secrcta1 Y-

1 heuer cxplamed, enumerators' Will TJ•easlll er Louts A. Slid revealed

Lott Barn Lights Draw Visitors be assigned to townslups and Satm day. Stockholders held theu I VJsJtm·s at Fmmcrs' Wee!{ drove cJlJcs where they themselves 1e- annu,tl meeting Satutclay after• out to the Ray Lott & Son falm on sJCle. In that way, Knunheuer noon m the com t house Mond1an road Ftlclay to sec the pomtecl out, a more accwatc count At the end of J91!J the mutual new fa 11n hghtmg syoLcm VJsit-18 poss1hlc company ltdcl m force policies add- ors w11l he a1 J'JYmg almost cveJ'Y

Wtttten and 01 at· tests will he mg up lo $22,345,592. The 1918 clay fJ om now on to have .a look g1ven appl•cants, Kennedy sa1d total nsk was $21,385,714. at the mstallatJOn complctccl Tue;;­Thc applicant& Will be noLJficd ol 'flte gam tesultcd from mcrcases day It's just about the lateHt thmg the exammat10n dates soon, he on fewe 1 risks. There we••c 3,916 111 faJ'Ill hghlmg. The new system added. pohcy holde1 s in the company m was laid out b,\( DetrOit Echson

Enumerators must be between l94D agamst 4,016 m 1948 'rhe cngmecrs and is designed to at­the ages of 21 unci 65 Wilh the shnnlmgc of 100 in the numbeJ of tract, educate and sell farmets on 25-45 Ill acl1et g1ven pt•efeJ'ence. policy holdet·s resulted fmm a betteJ' hghtmg for outbmldmgs.

1 Wa1 veterans w1ll be placed at the change m old !me msmance com- The1e at·e lights or the right m-ltead of the list. pany regulatiOns, The old lme ten8tty and the propel' lnnd in the

Census enumerntors will receive compumes w1ll now insure l'lJtlll most advantageous places, and the $8 00 per day WJtlt extra allowance dwellings and garages on small sw1tches ate handy. 1f they have to use eat's m malcmg act·eages whcte hrmtng 1s not en- Bob Bandfield o[ DettoJl, light-the count. gaged m, mg advisor fot Detroit Echson, ex-

Bocaubo of heavy losses Ill 19•19 plumed that the new system al

I the company had to clip mto the the Lott farm JS not Ideal, but 1s Dealers Get Coa 1 eset vc for about $1,000 Income nn approach to it. An ideal system amounted to $67,637.11 w1th dis- m1ght cost more than a farmc1

h bmsements aclchng up to $68,- could afford to mvest, Bandfield To Ease S Ortage 659.04, Even at that, the company added. He pomted out lllat the new had a balance of $129,482 16 on Lott system offers good light, that

' hand at the close of 1949. The sur- the wmng and lights at'C safe and llthough Mason coal dcalCJ.'s plus of the company was reported the cJt'CUJts are not overloaded.

see the bottom of then bms evety · ao $136,608.66 beyond actual 'lia- Her·e 111 e some of the features: chy, thete has been no ttme yet btltlies. The net surplus is car- Current comes m to a May pole when all have been out at once. ned on the ~oot{s as $78,594.40. with circuits running off the pole

MICkelson-Bal,et· recetved two Policy holders unanimously re- to the house, barn, poultt y house,

Light IS reflected fi'Oill ceJlmg fJxlui cs wlteJ c il 1s needed on fioOJ s ami in co1 nctli and not on cctlings. New 1 ellectoJ s mal<e Hvmlaillc 2'/. tnnes the light avail­able f1 om ,, bulb Without a 1 c-1lcclot.

The poull1 y house in Which 450 In ymg hens di'C housed has con­lJ oiled l1ghlmg whtch automatical­ly J11ps on at 1 .00 n. m. and goes otf fll 8:30 on b1 1::;ht wmle1 days, comes on ag-aJn at 4 .ao Ill Lito uft­m noon to 1 emtun on unt1l 5:30 Also 111 tile poulll·y house aJ e fluorescent type sun my lamp:; 'rhey Jcmam on all day La pvc the hens the bcnef1t or sunshmc whtle mdoo1 s

Dell Ott Ecllson execuliYCS oa id they chose the Loll faJ•m for the demonstmtion of good llghtmg be­cause the Lotts, Ray, the father, and Mm·vm, the son, are practical taunm s, men who malw farmmg pay Anothet· factOJ was tts neat­ness to MIChigan Stale college. It JS only 10 11111es fi'Om the campus, and students and college vtsttors can mal1e the tt•tp eas1ly. 'At the farm Tuesday to see that

evetythmg was working uccordmg to plan was BandfteJd, the adv1sor;

Then the llcarmg Will be more to the east to h1t South street about at McRoberts. The new route w11l run to the west of the Kenneth Shattuck remdcncc and sllce off the southwest corner of Carroll Gardens. Contmumg on south and east, the new mad will JOIIl the present route ncar the Klpp road mterscl'l10n, possibly north of the Howard Ponttac ga-rage.

Same l~oll1<' lo I.:•sliJ• The present r1ght of way from

Mason's south c1ty lumts to the mtcrsectwn of US-127 wtth Hull road, a mile northwest of Leslie, Will he followed. Then the new road w1ll run du cclly south adja­cent lo the west VIllage linuts and on along Hull 1 oncl lo the county !me, and then on to M-50 south and cast of Rtves JunctJOP..

Suggestions that the state uti­li~C the ab,mdoncd M. E R. right of way to Widen the curve at the road commJsswn gamgc m Mason and con tmuc the nac of Cedar street were tnmcd clown cold, So were.,suggest10ns ftoni. Leslie men that Mam street in Leslie be con­lmucd ns the route

l<'ederal authorJltcs would never approve of the. contmucd usc of Mam street, Comm1ssJoner Ziegler sa1d Banning of parlung on Les­lie's Mam street and Mason's Ce­daJ' street would not alter lhc sit­uation, the commissioner contm­ued.

Wtlh steadilY mounltng trafftc on US-127 the state road chtef ex­plamed that new limited access roads around Gilles arc needed, roads on wh1ch the slnle can con­trol mgrcss and cgr ess. The state cannot control parking or access on streets already m use, Commts­siOner ZJCglct· said. It's the dnvlng onto trunk lines from streets and dnveways whtt'h cause fatal acct· dents and slow up traffrc, the com­missionet added

The amount of local busrness stemming from t1 unk hnc trafl'tc is over-estrmated in most cases, Commissioner Ziegler pointed out.

Alderman John Taylor, Lowell Robmson, Vernon J. Brown and Nelson Brown made up the Mason delegation Village President Har­old Hamilton, Irving Helmey, Hartley Troman, Alfred Wardow­sld, Leonard Rouse and Robert Browne represented ~es!le.

Rapids. , In the struggle the bandit

dropped h1s weapon, a single-bur­rel shotgun sawed off nudway m the bat·rel and ngam baclt of the pistol grip. A checlteted cap wtth a snap-down brtm fell from the man's pocket_ The, cap is light gray wtth darlt gray checl<s. It bears 1 the label of Alt's store in Eaton Rapids

Thc1 e is a talent program scheduled for 1:15 It mcludos an Everett mstrumental tno, Janet Feucht, Lon Sherer and Ruth Ell1s, saxophone solo by Robert MDl'tenson, Haslett; vocal solo by Maty Ann Fteclot'lck, Walters; vocal solo by .Joyce Madden, and vocn.l duet by Charles and Mary Ellen Taslut, West1ocl1; flute duet by Ruth Sheldon and Susan Bos­\';orth, Olwmos; the Webberville sextet, Laura Dingman, Marian Monroe, Martha Wilcox, Ruth Crandall, Doris Cox and Mary Malony; the Leslie male quartet, Ronnie Allen, Fot·est Hampton, Glenn Tuttle and Nmman VInson; and a pmno solo by Emily Smith, DuBois,

Bus dnvers, too, will partictpate m the institute, Supt. Edward Murdoclt of Oltemos will have chat ge of the program Lee Ger­hal dstem of Webberville, Supt. Clarence VanderLinden of Leslie, Fleet Manager Char·lcs Korn­meyet of Okemos, Sgt. Charles Holton of the state police and Dorr Stack of the department of public mstructwn will lead dis­cussions.

cars th1s wee!': and may get two elected StJd secretary-treasumt". bull pen and other bUildings. more,' Thorburn Lumber and Coal All directors whose terms expit•ed Fle~r:Jble controls. Any of the Co has received no shipments thts wet'e also re-elebted, Bunker Htll seven ya1d lights can be switched week but expects two early ne~t policy holders elected Austin on and off from many places. weelt. Only a little stoker coal IS Cavanaugh to the board to fill the Lights 111 all the buildings are con­now In the yard. vacancy caused by the death of trolled by multiple switches. Al-

Wilbert White of Howell, Detrott J!'IEI,D INSPECTS COUitSJ~ Echson mspector; and R. B. Mac-

The robber clubbed P1fer about the head with the gun but he Is reeovermg ~


Mason Elevator Co. receJved a Ed Mcintee_ ' most any light can be turned on car of Kentuclty coal Tuesday. Directors re-elected were Ralph or off from almost any place 111

Lansing Ice and Fuel has beea Stillman, Alatedon; Clyde Snow, the barn The farmer can 'turn the hauling 'coal from Lansing this Jt·., Aurelius, J. W. Ried, Delht; lights on at one end of the'barn week but has recerved not1ce of a Cltfford Allen, Ingham; Richard and go on to the other end to turn carload of stolter coal due Man- Andrews, Lansing; Howard S1ms, them off. rr'here Is no baclt·traelt· clay. Leroy; Lou She1111an, Leslie; John mg to turn switches.


Donald of Howell, service superln- George F1eld was In Mason tenclcnt, They ct•ed(tcd Wtlltam Tuesday to Inspect the Mason golf Bucl1mger of Detro1t, farm serv- course He then tool! off for Lake-100 engmeer for Detroit Ed1son; land, Flot'lda, to get in some wm­Robert Ji. Mattox of the electrical tet· golf before 1 etmmng to Ma­englneerlng faculty and Prof. Den- son m March. Fteld bought the nls E. W•ant of the agricultural Mason course from Dr. 0. K enginee1·ing staff at Mwhigan Pauley and :Jl!· 0, Pa!-!ley In De· -state for many of the new fea-· cember and ts plannmg to con­lures. tlnue an m1provement program

The Lott "farm is about the ·when spring arnves.

fm·thest west that Detroit Edison Spcclnl 5 " 7 enlnucomcnt frnmcd in comes. The d1vlding line between photo cnse, G9c, wn,·e's, ' 5wl Gcnol·nl J.t"ifl mcrchnn<hRu nnd lnm1113

hlnJ•ked tlnwn fOl clonrnncc, :l.lmmcl'• inn.n's, 5wt

Supt. Harley Fmnks of Maple Grove Will pt·es•de at the talent program. Mrs. Lydia Adlof of Everett will pres1cle at the lower elementary session at which Mtss Emily Rice of Battle Creelt will discuss rending problems.

Mtss l{athleen He~ter, Michigan

Mrs. Helene Howlett of Mason will preside at the school lunch sesston. Ray Swift of the county health department, and Miss Ber­tha Edmonds, manager of the Walter French cafeteria, will lend dtscusslons. '


Ingham pupil~ outside of Lan­smg and East Lansing will have a holiday next Wednesday while teachers are attending the annual Institute In Mason.

C. LaRowe, Loclte; John C. Gret- Ftre hazards from electricity are tenberger, Meridian; Paul Kilburn, elitn~uited by the usc of rubber­Onondaga; Lawton Heeney, Stock· coated wiring, by Installation of bridge; Emery Jewett, Vevay; J. cn·cult brealtet•s instead· of fuse V. Fishel', Wheatfield; Ralph Hay· boxes, and by use of vapor-proof ncr, White Oak; and E. D. Bt·own, and dust-proof lamps in hay Wflllmnston. mows and grain bins.

Detroit Edl~on and Consumers l10rth of tlie Howell road is Mendinn ro11d.

Ghmtcx scnl'fs, put•c silk, ni.'!\V di.'!RlRns, hcncl squntc~ nntl n(JeJ~ BcnttM, 'i.DN, Zlmme1 man'st ~ Gwl

Valentine Musical ·to· be Given· By Vesper Choir February 12

'l'ho VOH)ll!l' r.J·rnlr or tho MnRon Methoillst r·lntt·r·h IH plttnnlng nn nll-rnnHrual pmgmm for ilnnrluy, l~cbt·llru·y 1~, 111 nlghl. o'uloult In thu llvr.ning. 'l'lto pt'u!;'rntn Is en­tltl£•rl "Valr.nllne Mr.moii'H" unci I~ comprmml rmllroly of love songs, Ul't·ungerl nnd <llmc:terl ily Mt•s, L, 001'\VIJOIJ Cat'll. 'l'hr. Vfll'iOUH 01'· r·ung<Htli'nJ:; have J1r.r.n r•nrefrt!ly aeleetcrl to srrit nil :r),feH.

Some of lhr. Hllllg'H included on lha pl'ogrnnt ure "My Hcr•o," "Be­cnuHe," "Ah, Swent Mystel'y of Life," "My l1onrnrwe," "SIIvot' 'T'hrettds An1ong tlrr• Gold," "'VIwn You and I Wr•r·r. Young, Maggie," "Deep In My Heat'!,·," anrl BCVOI'lli Hn!r.f'liOIIA I'I'Oin "ShOW Boat."

Miss 13evc>~'i.Y l~t·rrnl{llll, Lansing htlrplat, will be llw g'Uesl at•t.lst of the evening, Thcr·e will ul~o be £'llesl Ul'llsts lllliOilg' the violin HOction In Urr• Hll'ing cnHemblc ac­nompanylng llw dtoir·. 'l'ilol'e will he a male octet, rltwls nnd scverul oOIO!I O,V Vlll'lollt; lll<'lllht•J'H oJ' lhe vnsper "''"II',

A borrqr11·l or I'IJHilH will be pr·e-11Cn led to llw t'Oiljli<' in 1111 t~IH!rtnee who IIHV(' hPt'll IIULI'I'il'd llln mor.;l llltrnl)(11' of ,\'<'ar·s. I'Poplo ntlenrl­ing' who wi><lr to r•nlel' lhc r•nntesl

for• the tlower•s JLI'O aHller] to wrllo lheir• names nn<l the 1111!11ltot• or ,voar•s mnrl'ied on n pieco of' paper· nnrj lorrve It In 11 llmc, which will be proyjcJed for Ural pru•poso, nl the rlom•,

'!'he chut•ch Will ]lo rlccor•nlnd In the Valentine rnottf in mu·r·yinr: out the themr., "V11lnnllnr. Mr;moln;."

Ill ·I· Ill

ft ~~ ~ifl ~Watch Television

AND WIN $25' $2r. In '''"" will lu• giwn tu tim N••••chi ~<'ll'ing rn:whlnP nwllr·r·­or ~~fi will h<• appli••rl tmprrd 1!11• Jlnrnhaso• nf' a 111'11' NP<'r•hi­for· KUill<'Orlf• wlro llo••s not own orw-wtw tir·st hr·ings us 1 hr• r·nr­l~·r·t nanw of ll11• N••<·<·hi wlnnr•r· on Uw Bt•rt. l':u·r" t r•l•·vision show, "Stop 1 hr• ,\Ills!<•," TiHII'sday nights, WX\'Z-T'\',


24fl s. ·••·lfi•J'Sflll

Sf•ntinwnf:ll to rPnwmht'J' . Hf C'OIII'Sf'!

But sho• lnv•·s it , .. and .vou and tlw.,,. ht•ar·t-ll'armirrg glf'ts!


Ln<'<'·l r·inmwd Ill' tailoro•tl 1'11,\'()[J " ' ......... $2.08 11)1

Nylon anrl nylun .i••r·s.·~· $5.!!;) La<'f'-t rirnrnPd WO\'Pil

slips ............. $:1.9n

:\lnjrHI arrrl ll••r·l<shlt•p lil-lfi .......... $1.ii0

:llojurl and B<•rlcshlm lift-Iii ........................... $1.!)5

11,\;.;nsol\m I !t\ :'.; J)K i•:!{('IIJJ~ Jo'S

l'hmw 2-ii2~ I

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LIGHT METERS $19.95 To $·32.50

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DUBARRY Success-0-Plan Kits for 0 success! Dry, Oily or Teen Age

Skins .................. $4.50 each plus tax .


! Phone 54li

Scout Executive Presents Charter To Troop Sponsor

Ilnmlrl Woorlin of Clliof Olwmos Council pi·nseniecl the MHHon Lions duir liJe r:hnt'l or for Mnson Bny flt'Ollt rl'I'OOJ1 No. fi2 HL /l mooting lrol<l in the Mnsonie hnll Wcdnes­cl"y nlgltl,

Oentlrl C:J 11 hnm, Linns club pr·osJclonl, rff'r•opl<>rl lite charter mrd plorigorl llw dub's support to Seouling,

!Jr. H. H, lleMn1 lin, !he lnslllu­tl"n"l tuprosentnlive of Seorttinr.:, gave lltP 11nnt1nl report of the sin ltJH of Bcoul.rng in Mrrson.

'l'he lflon c·onrwl'lcd with the Sr•oul lr oop, gtJPsl>r of the Lions Jm· llw CH'<'aKion, were Inti ocluced lo the gmup. Tiley ru·n ,Joseph Wynmn, r:mumrtlcn chalnnnn; Huchl 1\r·rJHP, rJemlrl Grnhnm, I.e­land Arr ,[Jn, [tnilcJ'l lJailatcl, Ncl­lrK HalenJHil, !lean Cl'flndall and J l.trnirl llenri<•J', <·onJrnJllcemen. ConJllliH:rionerl leaclnr:; Ill o .Joseph Roc, Sr•otrln!IIHl<'t'; llonnld Seo­llcld and Ch:tl'iCK J3t'OIVII, HHKiHlOnt Senttlmnstc•f >r; HJ<'ilfll'ci Wcrns, ex­pitH'(' I nrlv1~or; and Lm;IJo PalnlCI'~ H!i:-ti!ilnnL nxp!m·r•r :u!vi:-;nJ'.

On IJcirnll of 1111' Lions club, 1'1 rmrclr'!Jl lJJ•a!ram Jll esr:nlcd n new ll''"'P f'lng to liw Hr·ouls.

Flag ( '<'l'l'nwn~· ·t'w•sriJLY 'l'h•• tll'll' ling wrll !Je IJRccl for

llw fii'Sl lrmc 'l'Jrr•srlav when it will lw !'at rwrl lwfnre 'the gover­lwr· ot l.:rn>.Jng rn 1\lll'hig-nn':; Boy fkn11l l!epnrt to llw Nalwn,

r IIO!l!i Ui!-il 1\l'l (;oveJ 1101' Vct·non Sh.r lr:r;r t1 < 11· .1 tll'kson visi led tho M;"on !'11ril Wcclncsrlay nJr;ht. He mriri thai 1\lason ts tile fiOlh club lw il,rs l'lsilcd sJrH·c Seplcmbot•. In Ins r IJJ!J v:s1Ling he has alr·eady eli iv<'\1 mo1 ,. lhrrn G,OOO miles, he l'l'J>Ol'lr•ll.

pledgca, The plo(Jg~~ wet•e le(j by Oru•y Crtltl•irlc!• ilnd J<ennetl! Lo­y r.lio, Rayrnon!) Miller IIIIQ Ftotl· ez•t CaltrJclcl' lect tile game~.

Scouts to Run County Monday FOI'\Y·nlno Boy ScoutH i\rncl'icr1n self-govermnont. Scout

Pny In county govemmcnt hn~ !leon 11 majot• oven[ In Ingham tliH· ll'icl fol' aevornl yeai'S nnd thla ymu· oven ndded ntlenllon Is )Jo­lng fOCLIHOd on it,"

CAn I.Ji)AVIG8 1',\VJilMI•lNT r~co GeoFfrion of To!ei!L lost

control of his oat• on We~t Ash street In Mnson Sunc!ay ILeternoon, Tl1o Ollt' left tho pavement nncl sll'liCl< u tree, Mt·~. QeoCft'lon WrLs painfully aql nhnul lhe fflco and was tnken ln the Mnson Genet•ai hospltnl to lmvo !tor lnjlll'ica lrO!tlecJ,

Bowling News Milson ROO Lf.Ulfllf1 Rerrcshmant.s ot nomernaCle Ice

cream and- cal>e wer·e aeJ•Ved by Lat•r•y WlJeeleJ•, Duane Lowe and G!Ll'Y C!lltrldeJ•,

'!'here Wlll llc n toe social spon­sored by tho club on Friday, Fell­l'U!li'Y 10,

~ WIOJIM Memlle1'H of the Four-Windl! 4-H

Clothing clull and their mother~ were entertained nt the home of Jean LoVette, [<'rlday evening,

In the uhaence of the president, Joyce Hell, nnrl vice president, Mur·y mmcns, Phyllis Cheney pre­sldetl at the business meeting. The club pledge wos led by Janet Dangler, Members reappnded to roll cull by naming their favmite song,

The club lender•s reminded the members thllt April ~ will be achievement day, They attended a leaders meeting recently;l dis· cussed some fuels learned at that meeting.

The next meeting, u Valentine party, Ia to meet with Mary Em­ens, It was decided that each mem­ber should take a valentmc to he exchangeu at the party.

Mrs. Elsie Rowe nncl Phyllrs Cheney were 4-H guests of MusoJl Kiwanis cluh recently. They told about the 4-H, glrl who had just rctumed from spending several weeks In France,

gllir.le Ingham county ft•om elec­tive and appointive offices Mon· day, Sco~tlH fmm the 12 unlta of tho Inghilm tllalr'JCt have boon chosen to servo us part of t hell' lminlng In citizenship,

Scouls holding Star·, Lifo ftncl Elngle badges Will fill the elccllvc offices with Scouts of lesser nl· talnmonts hf other posts,

Tho program Is being he(d Mon­dny ns part of National Boy Seoul Weelc, ceiobrallnJ.r the 40th anni­VOI'SIII'Y of Scotrling in the United Stntcs.

"It Is nn excellent opportunity to see represenlaWve government In action," Scoulmflsler• ,Joe Roe of Mn~on poinlccl 011t. "Il wtll grve lhe boys u chance to frrmllinrize thcmsc]VCS With the l)t'OCCHSeS Of

Mrs. Donald Maclean Dies at Leslie Home

Leone Nol'Lh of Qrovenhurg, Ros­coe At•nold of Dunsvillo und Roe nf lhe SCOIIl (.l"I'Oitp lllUl Cmmty Clel'l< C, Rosa Hilliard have made the llt'l'llngcmenls.

'Stassen Booked For Lincoln Talk In Grand Rapids

-Circuit Court ( Curwlltd1•d i't·om Pug" 1) ·

Wolverine Englnoorlng Co, was tho only team !nat Thursdi!Y night to win nil fom· points. They wore leu by r,, A, Smith, with a high 501 set•ioa, They had no trouble winning from lOth plnce Al Rico Chevrolet,

Lcrtgue-leacl!ng Hll!.on unci Rich­ards BLJicl< was nhle to win only one point from nn inspired Jew­ett's Flower Shop, The Flower Shop rolled a new high game fo!' the season with u 976, C, Rogers WaH high for Jewett's with a 500 namely to visit a friend In Leslie, series,

Tho prosecution clnlmcd that on his way to Lealie, Gugin was In- Mickelson-Buller Lumber Co., valved in un accident in Holt, JeffeJ'son Food Market, Henson's

Modern Cleaners and Hownrd Pan­Fred Bm•g of Lansing Will be tine ench won three of the four

tried lPrldny morning for obtain- points fmm Morse's Restaurant, ing money under ,fnisfl pmtcnses. Horn's Shoe Store, Ware's Drug

Hat old m. Stassen, 1048 cun<li· H. Donald Bmr:e will clef end him, Store ancl Wyeth Incorporated, dnlc for• the Republican nomination A tr•Jal growing out o! !L Sloe!<· High team series were rolled by foJ• president, and now Pl'cs!dent bridge farm accident in scheduled Jewett's Flower Shop, 2655; Wol­of the University of Pennsylvania, to stm·t In Mason Monday. Adam verlne Engineering Co,, 2612; and will lwynote the 6.1rd flllnual Lin- Wireman, H6, is the plnlntiff, N. Jefferson Food Marl<ct, 2520, coin Day banquet in Grand Rnp· m. Bosore, foreman for Joseph Individual high series wore

nc !!s' olMiowt "ing-Dolni~Olcl wJvn[eal<cHI. 0or1fn si~711- ids, Feb!'llar·y 18. A

01]JHrasDh oJf ffDetrolt, ltL

1nddtif1e e

1stutte rolled by J •• A. Smith,

591; C,

" "' " " ' " ' More lhun 1,000 persons arc ex- . . e m•s lli'C lc e enc an s. Roget·s, 590; K. Horn, 570; died at lhc MacLean home on pec•letl to attend the vent which Wireman wrLs injurccl on Lul1or B, Woods 1 ond in Leslie towllHhip Ill 0

' Adams, 560; M, RJcllly, 563; A. early Wccincsdir.v momitig. She W be held in the Civic Audl- Dny of 10•18 while helping clean Williams, 560 ; D, Lyon, 554 ; D. h ·' ,_ . 1 ith f l lorlum. Senator Arlhm· H. Van· up barn debris on the fnt•m owned Horton, 542; F. Silsby, 536; w.

flu "con Ill Jl00l' lea or wo clenbcrg mny he home for the dm by Ahmsh unrl .Jcffors, He is asl<- L "3 H 1

years. Two weel<s nr;o he!' ~onch- 1 • - yon, "' H; • S agh, 536; W. ncr· nne many of tho GOP state ing rlumagcs to the amount of Barker, 5~5; N, Ferri by, 534; L. tio~r·~~·ewM~~~;~~~;n was llnl'!l in lencler·s nr·e planning lo attend. I $10,000. Lawrence Llndcmm· of Burton, 527; M. Cave, 526; und R.

Because ot the slate-wide m· Stoci<lmdgc is Wireman's uttor- Norton, 525. Cnilhnesnhim, Scotland. She went 1

Several games were played prizes awarded.

t C I . 19118 1 ti l lcrcst in the speai1e1· the Kent ncy. HowaJ•r McCowan of Mason Th 111 h" 1 o ann< 11 Ill , anc wn o • 1 1 , t 1 d . , 1 fot· osc l"o ng 1g 1 games were

D t , t 1,110 () J 1" 191 • r•ou!lly comtmllec IHtH issHccl an JUs >cen tea no ns counsc I A S ith 237 d 201

K H and

0 101 m ' ' n ' une "· ''• • tnvttutton ll lh R hi the defendants "· · ' 111 ' an ; · orn,

she anrl Donulcl T. MacLean wm·e l,o a. 0 er· cpu i· . , , , : ·. /232; D, VanderVeen, Sr., 225; M. Refreshments of jello,

mints were served.

Soutlu•Rst. Alnl••don

cake and mnrTJed In Dcttoil. They moved to can county chnlrman lo attend. ,Jm~ Cnmlcls Hart Rtcl<ly, 222; C. Rogers, 213; D. the LeslJC fru·m in 19Zl. BnnqJJel ticl1el.s are $3.25 anclj' After dellbet•ating an hour Horton, 212; .r. Shepard, 211; H.

Besides the husbnnd Urcte at·e can be obtained fmm 1ngham Wednesday forenoon a jLiry re- Singh, 211; G. Leach, 210; H. Saw­two daug-hters, Mt·s. Mnr•r;ur·et County ChaitmJm Lyle B. :\.uslm, turned a vcnliet finding James vcr, 204; B. Adnms, 201; R. Nor-Clurl<, who has been Irving at - ·--- ----· -- Hart of Lansing gLully of ussuult ton, 200; and W. Lyon, 200. home and en ring frw her mother·, will; u .,dangerous we:rpon. Judge 'l'eam standings arc as follows: and Mt·s. Donna Wat·nc1· of Lan-~ T faml"fl"es . Lmus m. Coash preSided at the •ream Points sing. WO lrlfri w£!cl~ slru'Lcd Tues~ar. La~h Hilton and Richards .......... ·-·-···51

Services wtll be held at the Jupp renee Jnr emcr prosecu cc' 1~1 .Jefferson Food Market ............... 47 functal home in Lcsltc Friday ufl- B New Houses Sam Street Hughes de(endmg Mi I 1 B 1 L h 47 Uy H t • c w son- a <er um cr ........... . el'noon al two o'clock with bm·tul Ill' ' Wolverine Engineering Co ...... .46

1'hc c!J:,trw I gnvemot· ~om-nwnlr•ll on 1.111• wrll'l< lire dull:; nre doing.

Ann McKinney gave a demon­stration on how to burn wool and cotton nne! showed the results nt the J unuary 25 meeting of the Southeast Alaiedon 4-H club held at her home last Wednesday.,After the business meeting the girls worked on thci r projects.

The hostess served refreshments of cai<e and ·punch.

in tho Leslie ccmcler·y. Hart was charged with stabbing Wyeth Incorporated ...... -.......... .45 --· ---- Mr. ancl M1·s. Ray Peri<ms have Weldy Campbell live times early Horn's Shoe Store ...................... .45

bought M!'S. Wtlliam Grow's house on the morning of last December Morse's Restaurant .................. .44

"1\1o:'ll r·Iubs," Shdhadn :mid, Emily Smith will he hostess at

the next meeting of the club on February 8.


at 335 East Oak street. Mr. and 23, The fracas took place at the .Jewett's Flower Shop . . ....... .44 Mrs, Pc.-ldns and their two chi!- Red Rail Tavern north of Lansing. Henson's Modern Cleaners ....... .43 dmn, Lee unci Gary, will move to Hart was with a group from the AI Rice Chevrolet ...................... 38 Uwil· new home March 1. cleaning establishment where he Ware's Drug Store ................... 37

Driver Is Hurt

Young ~f10n'" J""lllgtln INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Febnuwy 2, 1950 Page 3 By tnl~ln~ throe out o~ four

points from Puvla Clothing while Lee's Stlllldarcl Servlco was t11l1· ------- -· --------·~ - --­lng three out of four points from nnd lfi2: Both Mlllurcl, 108; l3et•nn­Chal'l!e'a Bnrn, Parlatyle Shoppe dine BuohnHu1, Hl7; nn<l lsrtllcllo wna able to talco over aecond place, Whyte, 160, Court Cafe took ull follr points 'I'cmn stnndlngs lll'O us foilowa: ft•om the American Legion team, Team W r~ •

Don Horton, ot Lee'~ Standllt'd ,J. B, Deun Ford Snles .... nO 30 Service, paced the bowlerR with Dart & Cncly .. . ............. ..!8 32 gan1cR or 228, 214 nnd 188 for £L Wnt·o1s Drug Sture ....... ~17 aa series of 1!30, Other high games Collins Sales ... ... . . . ·- 4!1 3·1 were rolled lly Don Funk, 213; Durl Molnt• SrlioH ......... Ali :lfi Hown1•d Singh, 210; Bob Dena- Morlel'!l Ciuannt'o .. ............ A·l 30 mot•e, 208; Jim Inght•am, 201; ancl The ~'orris Co, ................. -11 3fl Llyle Hnnnn, 200, Mnson Dr1iry ........ ···- .AO 40

B I·' D H t , 1 i 1 1 .Jewett Airport -· . . .... :!5 45 cs ues on or on s 1 g 1 sm· ca Pnl'istylc Shoppe ... . 46

of 630, the following mlled high Luunslein' Sawmill 48 series: Howard Slugh, 538; Fred I , 8

Silsby, 529; Dick Swnnlnger, 528; Schmidt 8 ·· .. ········ 50 Rny Collar, 527; Hcrh Fox, Jr., 521; Doug Fry, 518; ,Jim Inghram, 507, Bob Mooney, 505; and Ken Sheffm·, 503.

Court Cafe had high game of 940, Lee's Standard Service wns second with 880, Court Cafe also hud high tenm series of 2584, Charlie's Burn cnme next with 2421.

'I'eam standings are nH follows: Team W L Coun CrLfc ................... .47 3:! f'nnstyle Shoppc ....... . A2 38 Charlie's Burn ........ . A1 39 Lee's Strmdurd Service .... ao 11 American Legion ........ , .. 37 13 Duvis Clothing ......... . ... 34 46

1\l!tHrm lt(•c,reatlou \\'onwn Collins Sales nnd Service, in los­

ing four points to Dart Motor Sales, slipped bacl< Into fourth


place. Pa!'lstyle won tht·ee points from top-place J. B. Dean I<'or·cJ Sales to narrow the F'ord team's j'

lead to only lwo points.

Modern Cleaners was the only 'I

other team besides Dart Motor to I win four points. Teams winning three points were Ware's, Dart & Cady, Mason Dairy and Pnristyle.

Ware's Drug Store had high I series of 1983 for the night. The Ware bowlers marked up g"mes of 673, 613 and 697 for• their h1gh series. Dart Motor was next with gam'es of 658, 669 and 630 to make a 1957 series,

WIIEitl' ARI: ALL -r I JJ: SUNIJA Y N ll,fiT


Come on up nnd h11ve a r.uod time with plcnly of hr.nlthy t•xt•rcllie, U1inn ,don!~ tlw wife or trir! frie-nd nnd /:lvt• il 11 II y and you will 5E!O whnt we llll!ill\,


";rrc Ul!'lin••ri to /'eel they nt•e not ar·eompirslling c·rwugh, l;ut Ill my opillJon, lJH• tnajonly aJ c doing- nil nghl. 'f'hl' ~ffotl:; of each club and t!dcll nwmiler are multrphcci in 27 n,rlwn., h,v R,ono l'lubs."

4-H Clubs

Suzanne Mills, 10, returned to her studies tn the fifth grade at the Mason school Thm·sd11y. She had been out all this weelc wtlh a brain concussion. Last week she complained that her head hmt, but her parents, Mt·. and Mrs.

Sr·rl'ir·.n Guundl M•·•·ts Richard Mills, could fmd nothing ll!cnrbcrs of tile 4-H Club Serv- wrong, Friday a big bruise showed

icc Cmmcil ntPt at the home of up on the middle of her· fot·ehead Dicl< Benne Snlutday night. Plans and the doctot• determined that wct:c rliscusscd fm· the ham dance [ the injury was u brain concussion vancly show progt am. Table caused from bumping her head games, gmup games and dancing unci that she should be kept in bed concludccl the evening's program, for ul least 48 hours, Thursday 'rhc pmgmm for· 1950 was outlined her condition had improved Sllf· at the meeting-. ftciently so she could retum to

In Queer Mishap llrr. and Mrs. William Richards worked. Howard Pontiac ........ . . ....... 18 havr. purchased the house at 1110 Campbell, who belonged to the

Arlund Hyde nf Lanstng was South Lansmg str eel, whet:e the/ Red Rail shurneboard team, went lmocked out in a peculiat accident Per·l<ins fmmly has been living. to the Red Rail after a contest in on West Columbm, a half-mile They bought tl from M1·. and Mrs. a nea!'by town. There he found west of Onondaga road, last Hcmy StRJ'lc of Hot Sprmgs, New Hart and hts friends at the tavem Thursday evening_ Mexico, who ate fanner Mason unci unfriendly words were ex­

Leo Wolictt of J8cl<son, driving resiclcnts, The Richards fanuly, changed. Campbell advised Hart a Detr·o1t Rendering truck out of lt[r. and Mrs. Richat•cls ancl their to leave. Witnesses said Hart Jaclcson, mired hts vehicle in the three children, Bobby, Billy and turned to leave, then wheeled driveway of the James Martin Cherie Ann, also plan lo move the arounrl to slab Campbell.

:Uason i\l!'r~llantM Ll'ague In the top duel of the night,

fit·st-plrtce Jewett Airport and sec­ond-place Tom's Market refused to give up, splitting the winnings, tal<ing two points each. A vastly impt·oved A. G. Spenny & Sons team swamped Robinson Motor Sales for four paints. The Ham­burger Shop caught fire to take tlu·ee fmm Dart Motor Sales.

Bobby Bryde, howling for Ware's, cnptured high game hon-J ors for the season by bowling a 202 game. She had a high scri~s of l1 '184. Other high series went to Mary Jane Nicnstedt, 451; Ida Bisel, 449; Mary Kay \Narc, 430; Joan Bennett, 434; Beth Millard, 431; Isahelli Whyte, 414; J o Bray, 413; Helen Eggers, 410; Margaret McLean, 404; and Albet·ta Lee, •

far·m. He had a wmdlass on his li_r~t of !Watch. They have been t'e· Hart plendccl self defense. He tJ·uck unci so he dcciclecl to tie the srclmg rn an apartment at 320 also declared that Campbell

401. Bowlers with high scores were

\\'alt<'r·s-1\ipp llandii'J'al'l Mcmbcr·:l ol' Lhc Wallm·s-Kipp

Handrcmft eluil mel n! the homo ~f Robert am! Gal',\" Cullt 1cler on r ucscla.v ovcmng, .January :ll. New

tlngs wcr·c u:;cci for the !lag

end of the hauling rope lo a tree 1 West Columbta, started the row by remarks as to across the roacl. I Hart's color.

Hyde came along the mad and failed to sec lhe stretched rope. When his car stnrcl< the rope the line bmkc loose from the winch,

-------- strilclng Hyde in the forehead, FAIH noAIW l\IEf~TS lcnoclcing lum unconscious. His

Ingham county iail· directors J car careene~ down the road, 250 met at the court house Tuesday feet he fore 1 t went mto the dttch.

Explosipn Victim Is Former Resident

Joan Bennett, 172; Ida Bisel 169 l-!!!ill!!!!.!!!!!Jill!!!l!.!l.!!Jill!!!!ill!!J.!JJ.!l!!ill!!J.I!!!!!.!!!!.!!

L. Simmons had high game and llii;~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-~ series fat· the night with a 210 Auto 01\'!l(•rs Collect

1 game and 543 scrtes. Jnclc Whip·

Jurors Monclay gran led Au to I Pl.e rolled 517 for his series and Ownel's Insurance Co. of Lansing Vmcc Carlen had 501. a judgment of $656.75 against Team stanc~mgs are as follo_ws: Howard Bmrley of Webbet'VIlie. Team , Pomts Quentin Ewert wAs the attomey Jew~tt Arr~orl ········ .................. 51 for the plaintiff. Clayton Jennings Tom,~ Matkel ·········:· ................... ;8


Mrs. Albert Nearing, who re­cetvcd first nnd second degree bums lnst Tuesday 111 an explo­sion at her home in Lansing, is the funnel' Helen Everett o( Ma· HOll,

afternoon to discuss plans for the 1950 fair.

l'epr·esented Brailey. Judge Coush A. G. Spcnny & Sons · · · ········ u7 pr·e:;tded. ' Da1·t Motor Sales ........ ·····-······34 Part i c uJa ~~ ·,pe o ~I e


1. Personal Service 4. Cash and Carry Prices

2. Departmentaliz:.tJ'on 5 P f · I B · - . ro ess10na uyrng 3. Compm·ed Quality Only Power

~ STOP, SHOP aod SAVE! •

'J Log Cabin Hr~~::~cdays 9 a. m. to s p. m.

~!1~1?":!. Sundays 2 p. m. to 7 p. m. ~ ·~ti"O~ery t'rank and Evelyn Phillip~

':.~ :,_,. Lo1,ated between the 1\Iuson llo~pltnl and ~ ~I . the Fairgrounds, -=.....,...,~ ,...-:.~ '124 E. AslJ (l\l-36) Pllonc Mason 2·5181

-.: "- Phone Hoi t 2686 CASH & CARRY PRICES

How To Keep In Shape

l{'"'Jl th•Lt size 12, n.nd lm\'e plenty of pep besides, .1\flllt is compam­ll vcly lo\V In calories, yet ('oll· talns almo•t a meal in vital nu· trlents, Dieting'! Then drlnl< milk All mill< adds is hcaltlr and no one can get too much of that.

"\'Pp," Maxwell, the l\lill<­IUan, ''leading chHJ'Jn schools rJ•cnrnnwnd long drlnl1s of mill< daily. N n one can get too much milli, whether they at·e young or· old. WhilP you are cr'rinldng mill< .ron might as well drlnl1 the best.· Uc sure it is frnm the llfuson·Hull Dait·y, • '


Mason-Hall Dairy Corner of A!iiL and ~IUJllc

, l'hone 2·4101 142 w. 1\laJlle Phone 11241

Driver Survives Crash Injuries The cllvellmg of Mt·. and Mts. Al­

bert Nearing at 2304 East Kaln­mazoo street in Lansing was

Veer' Ivan Stevens, 26, is male-, ripped and lorn apart by a gas ing rapid recovery from injuries explosion lust Tuesday aftemoon. he received in an automohile ac- The blast shoal< houses fot• many cident near Leslie January 15. He blocks distant. had his pelvis fractured 'and suf- The Nearings were lal1en to fered internal injuries in the wrecl1 Sparrow hospital for trm1tmenl. which cost the lives of his wife Mrs. Nearing suffered fit·st and and three little daughter!'. second degree burns on the right

Stevens will be leaving the Spar- arm and leg. She is 111 room 215 row hospital in Lansing to st:iy at the hospital. Her husband was with relatives at Perry withm the released from the. hospital after next few weeks, friends reported receiving treatment fot· burns on

Hamburger· Shop ·-..................... 33 Robinson Motor Sales .................. 25

The suit was the outgrowth of an accident which happened Octo-ber· 26, 1946. Arthur Hilliker, clriv- Holt Nitll O~>ls mg a trautor-lmrlct· owned by C. Hilda Cornelius came out on top A. P..eanlon and _msured by Auto Thursday night at Holt Recreation Ownet·s, was dnvmg ea:;~ rm M:78 with a high series of 510. She JlJSt outsrcle the Lanmng ctty I rolled games of 183, 182 and 135 lttmts. , When he reached a rarl- for the series. Other h1gh series road vmcluct Ius car was slt'llck went to Billie Somers, 456; Marie (tom the rcat ily a clump truck Pratt, 444; Jennie Hallifax, 421; owned and drtvcn hy Hownrd and Pat Moon 414. Brailey. 'rhc pia in tiff cl,limec! the . . . '. • . accident was caused by the cum- Htgh llldtvrdt:al gat,nes wer? lcssncss nnd negligence of Bralley. scored hy .Tenmc. Hallr~ax, 180,

HENSON'S Modern Cleaners Where Service Is Packaged with Eve,ry Order

Wednesday. the face. The car driven by Stevens --~

skidded on the slippery pavement

On Ft•tday the jury in Judge ~Jlhe s.omcrs, 17~, Gert!llde Cur· Marvin .J. Salmon's court ac- tts, 166, and Marte Pratt, 161, quilted Ralph Whitney on a Art's Bar had high team game charge of indecent exposure, As- of 682, Chappell's Insurance team

sistant Prosecutor marl llrcDonald scored 675. High team senes went "'----------------------------.1111 represented the people with Roy to Harrison's Grocery with 2007. •

Conley defenclinr; Whitney. Chappell's got 1961.

For Delivery Phone 2-1511

and ran off the road, striking a B d v t tree in front of the Bernard Wil- or er e erans son farm resi:encc on US-127. Plan for 'Party W. DaVIS Post Now At a meeting of United Mexican

Jurors in Judge Salmon's court Team standings arc as follows: last Thursday convicted Ray Team W L Mom·l1e:td of issmng a check with- Harrison's Grocery ............ 38 18 out. sufficwnt funds. Raymond Holt Recreation ............... 31 25 Campbell t eprcsenled l110 ·people Art's Bar . .. .... . ....... 31 25 wrth Albert Story or Greenville de- Kessler Renl Estate .......... 30 26 fenrhng Moorhead. Holt Recorder ................... 30 26

Border Veterans Patrol 24 at the

Has Furnl.ture Ll"ne Legion Memorial bmlding in Ma· Chappell's Insurance ....... 27 29

MOitGAN FAlUILY MOVE:; Hi-Speed Service .. . ........ 23 33 son Sunday plans were mucic for the patrol's birthday party on

NeweHL contendeJ in the field of April 23. It will he held at the Le· Ametica's 12-hlllion-dollar annual gion Memonal building. home fumitlu·e business is West- A dinner and some outstanding ern Auto Supply company which


entertainment will be on the bit·th­recently announced 1ts entry mto day party program, Patrol Com­the furnittJre marlcet with an in- mandcr Ralph G. Strope of Mason itial line of scvm·ul hundred dtf· said.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgnn and four children have moved into the James Dart house at 404 West Maple street. The Morgans former­ly resided at Pleasant lake.

Holt Products Co ............. 15 4!

Husine" Men's Lr•ague Chevrolet won four points from

the seconrl place team to close up the standings. Hull':; Dairy won four points fmm Silsby's whrle the Mason Elevator five were Lalcing three pomts from Jennings.

ferent rtems, and plans fm· expan- Membership in the patrol is open swn. to any man who served in any

The line will be merchundisecl mtlitary organization on the Mex­entircly through a catalog ot der lean border or in the Pumtive Ex­system, a sales method which 'pedition into Mexico from 1911 to Westem Auto successfully adopted 1917. · Ali men who so served, two years ago for heaviCr automo- whether or not they are members bile, farm and other equipment. of the patrol, are invited to the Under the trade-name "Westline," April 23 party, Strope said. the multi·colored 44-page ft)milur·e Reservations may be made with catalog now being shown a l t.he Harold Burwick, 1205 S. Logan, or Mason Western Auto Associnte Dale Griffin, 1509 Clifton, Lansing, store, owned lly W. Davis Pc;>st, or Strope ut postoffice box 186, lists living, dining, bedroom, ldtch· Mason. en, occasional unci . juvemle fur- Commander Strope nam:ed com-nitm·e, bedding, lamps, mirrors mit tees as follows: and other items. - Dinner and arrangements, Hen-

Merchandise will be ordered eli· ry Anderson, Clarence Wheeler rectly from the factory by the and Robert J, Inghram, St·. Wcslem Auto Associate slm•c, Speaker and invitations, George and will be shipped direct to the Parish, Ernest Fry, Dr. J. Earl customer fmm the factory. "West- Mcintyre and Leslie Peek. line" furniture Items ar·e in the Food preparation unci kitchen, lower and medium price bracl1ets. Steve Jarecke, Gale Reasoner,

W. D. Post said the catalog or· Alonzo A. Wallace and John Mil· der plan of direct s~pment to hisler. cu~tomer results in economics in Publicity, Dale Griffin, Elias handling which mean lower prices. Beam and Ralph Strope.

Dana Rathburn returned to school Thursday after being sick two weel1s. She is u first grader.


February 6

attend Optometic Con\'entlon

Finances and projects, Herbert Lundberg, Clarence Wheeler and Harold Burwicl<.

Reception, Alonzo Allen, Hal Fry, Colen Moore, Franklin Mal· lory, Chester Boelio and Lester Huff.

Business Booms, . In Stockbridge

C. W. Glenn & Sons of Stocll· bridge report the biggest January business in history. That history J•uns buclt 36 years.

During the past month the firm delivered 28 new Bnicl< cn1•s nnd Chevrolet trucl<s.

ltOBEitT EGGERS GUADUATES Robert Eggers graduated from

Akron university at Akron, Ohio, Sunday, J anunry 22, with a bache­lors degree in science. He has been at Al<ron four years. He plans to enter Kent university to study for his muster degree. Eggers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eggers of Mason.

l'ANSmS HLOOM IGAitJ,Y Jvlr·s. Guy Thorburn, 410 West

Maple, picl<cd a bouquet of pansies from her gnl'(len last Thursday. She p1·esen ted the bouquet to Mrs. N. S. Davis. M1·s. Thorbnrn said that she did not cover up the pansy bed last fall and when the warm rain came last week the pansies blossomed. Cold weather this week has given the flower bed a setback.

Northwest Ingham 1\lrs. Aml Tcn·lll

Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Soule and sonif of Stocltht·idge were Sunday evening callers at the TeiTill home.

Mr·. and Mrs. Robert Rae at­tended the March of Dimes ball at the Legion Memorial hall Fri· day night.

Jvlrs. Ami Terrill atteniled the Past Noble Grand club meeting at the home' of Mrs. Lee Barnhill Thursday evening. ,

Mrs, Zola Osborne callei:l 1 on Mrs. Delight Laws of Mason Thursday night.

Mr. and Jvlrs. Ira Osbome, Wayne and Ronny of Jaeltson

Cltf( Edd,v had the only high game for the evening, a 204. Htgh individual series were rolled by Chellis Hall, 558; Robert Inghr·am, Jr., 534'; and Cliff Eddy, 512.

Team standmgs nre as follows: Team W L Mason Imevator ..... _ ....... 56 Schmidt's ....................... .44 Hall's ................................ .41 Silsby's .................................. 38 Jennings .......... : . .................. 38 Chcvmlet ·········- ................... 35

Sunday '£raveling Lea!,'11C

28 40 43 46 46 49

In Sunday's games, Mason Rec­rcntion took two pomts from Charlotte and now stands In sec­ond place, one game ahead of Ea· ton Rapids. Hastings took two points from maton Rapids and now leads the league by two points. In its match with Portland, Grand Ledge won two points, also.

High individual series were bowled by Vonda Keefer, Hastings, 518; L. Baldwin, Eaton Rapids, 508; and L. Willetts, Hastings, 503. L. Atherton of Grand Ledge bowled high game of 194 for the day, Vonda Keefer had games of 190, 183 and 146. L. Baldwin got 187, 138 and 144 whlle L. Willetts score'd games of 176, 169 nnd 158.

Team standings are as follows: Team W L Hastings .............................. 24 15 Mason .................................. 22 14 Eaton F:uplds ...................... 21 15 Portland .............................. 19 20 Grand Ledge ...................... 17 22 Charlotte ........................... 11 28

were Sunday aftemoon callers of -:-:~:::":::':':":":':::=":-::-:--:::::=~--­Mrs. Zola Osborne.

Mr. and Mrs. Aini Tet'l'ill at· tended the annual dinner of the Keep Sweet club at the I. 0. 0. F. Temple in Lansing Sunday, Mrs, Lt1lu Whipple, Mrs. Ella Lewi~ nncl .Juel< nccompani,cd them. ·

Mr. nnd Mrs. Lange Schmidt and R. G. Henson flew to Wichita,. Kansas, this weelt to visit the Bonanza airplane factory, They left Mason Sunday and plnn to 1'e· turn the end of the wcci1,

Our pledge to you •••

Modest Price .... Quality On Every Used ApplianceJ

Ranges I Refrigerators ·---------------'

NESCO CHEf' 2-hm·ncr CltOSL!DY refrigr·mtor, 4 y2

r·ange wlth roastct· ..... .iii70.50 c:u. rt, ......................... !ji49.50

AB electric range, FJUGJDAIHE miJ·igcrator·, 4·burnm· .......................... $69.50 6 cu. ft ......................... ::;69.@

ES'l'A'fE electric range, NOJWT~ rcfrigeratot·, (J 4·burncr .......................... $69.50 cu. ft. . ................ _ ... $98.50

AB clectJ•ic rtmgc, apart- S1'1~WAR'r-WAHN.JoJJt rc-ment size ...................... $89.50 frlgeratot·, 5!/z cu.'ft ... $87.1i0

HOTPOINT electric range, 4·burner ............... : .......... $69.50

HOTPOINT electric ratnge, 3-burnoJ' .......................... $117.50

ESTATE electric runge, 4·btll'ller .......................... $60.50

Sales Float• Open Satm·day Afternoon 1 ·

and any evening by ap­pointment

10'Yo'Down On New and Used Appliances

Every uppllnnce guuranteerl nnrl ~cr\·iccd by


Want Ads RATES:-Advertiaementa in this department: 40 cents for 40 words or less for each insertion, Faa· more than 40 words, one cent a.word for each inser· tion. Advertising may be mailed or telephoned, Dial Mason 9011,

J !CASCO lY!DlDPf! fOI' nil JIVOHLoolc

lllHI ponltJ•;v, Htthlllt pelloLR, ILI­flllrll mHI tlmot!l,v hny unrl ~ltnw. Neullausor hlllly ehlclca, 17 ht•eec)s, lllCIUllfiJIJ' lllCiiflJl fti VOl' CI'O~H !liJC) H,YLino ohlcl>s. •romlinson IJ'eocl SLOl'O, Holt, I'J1ono Holt 72881,

:lwtf ----- --------·~ ----1500 BALES I-! A Y fol' snlc, EilfnlfrL

nnr! <!love!', lli'Rt nncl soconcl ctJtllng. nox 1'ownsoncJ, six m!los CllHI. OJ' MHHOn Oil CoJum]JJa I'OIIrJ,



BALED 'J'IMO'rHY HAY fm• sale, six tons, Also hrome and nlfall'n

BABY Cl-JICI(S; New Hamps, ALLffl-CHALMIDHS B LJ•twtm· will llB)). Hermun MEII'fjllar·clt, fivo mlleu RoelL A nncl J_,ogllOI'IlR, :Enl'ly rio n. Uno jo)J em your fn rm, A sic went of Mn.~on on Columbia, two

d!lr:lcR mcnn cnl'ly mar•Jects, )loth for n clunwrmtmtlon on yout• own miles north on Eifert, fiJ•sl hou~e ponlll'Y and oggs . .Tame~wny l1enc!- fur·rn. H & l•' Sales nnd Service, west on Harper· ut house No, 51:lil, CJII!Il'lors In Enlon R.nplrls. Giilllvct• pl1nr1e 10 Mnnllh. owl _____ -------------- ______________ 5w1p for Sale U. S. Apfll'OVCcl I-lnlc:hory, Pullm- - ;- --- BEAN PODS nnrl bore hog for· '1111 conll'OIIecl, piHmc li~8i. "ChlclHJ ft'ARMI WtAGON, Ad \soh nlll-wur·c raJ h-~ ~ale at th·~ Allee Chnpln frll'ln rrmrn nr,y Pny 'fhc!J• Wfly," [ lllt 111 dws an c lc wn eer m·, , I G t Sl ",. l r. 1

· · · 1w10 Phone Mnson 28:121, 5w1p In Er en. 1 nn eg11S . o>W p

H?f~SJr~~~,;~~~~~;,e~~~e~~~.~~~l \~~x= o.~fr~~:.oi~}i-~~: s~~~·~~~~'ifr.~~~'~r: A '[;.;,~~~~Jir~;~~,~~~~l;~~clfl:;to~~ -- ---Lhneston e ---~ atcfn hull fmm record rlam. Also Hownnl .Jrmles, ono mllc east ol' Allls-Chnlmor·.~; '10·10 Co-Op <lemon- LTMESTON!lJ CJ-JTPS fm· thnl pnr•cbl'Cd Hel'cford hull, Chnrgca Wehhet•ville. Phone 84-1~-·1, stl'/ltor; 1!117 Olivet• tmetm· and m·o $3.50 within first eight miles, nw:lp euJLJvntm·; '104o HG Cletrnc tmc-f)i2 repeat trip. Smull additional tm·; 1!l4:! HG Clclt·ac: tnwtm·; 1010 char·ge if. farther. William Mus- HEJGISTE:HilJD HOLSTEIN BULL UC :1-plow tmctm· nnd .John Dcero olff', a miles southcnst or Dan~· for· stile, 2 yc:nt·s olcl, goocl ht•ecd- plow; 1fJ:JO Avery !l'Uctm· nnd cJJI­vtlle. Phone Dansville 2891 or ing and gnod type, $~flO. c. A. t.lvntnr; 1033 I~-20 ll'Uctor and 2881!,

1Wtf Diehl & Sons, phone Dansville 20o I mower; New I rica mnnnt·c sprencl-

---- -----------.. ----1 01 . 2H72. 5w1 cr; Allis-Chalmt1rs 2-14 plow; 1042 J!OG RAISlGHH. In neccl of gilts? , SC Cnsc Lrnetor plow and culti-

We linvc full hloorl vneclnnlerl RllJGIS'rERED 1-lolstein-F!'iosinn, vntor: Intcmnlionnl 2-1:1 plow g-lllR nnrl bnnrs lo place on Bull far sale, l'):i yenrs old, F'lt•st with rnrlcx bottoms; Dav1rl Br•rui­Hhnres, sevcml br·ocrls, Cont.lncnlnl $200 lnlws him, pnpet•s l'lll'nislwcl. ley 2-lU plow. H & Tl' Sales nnd Llveslnde Co., Lilcht!olil. fiOwlf Chfll•les DuBr•euil, three miles Sel'vice. l'lume 10 Munith. fiw1

rm1drly c!J·ivown y

Bull; phosphate Rproad,



W asl1 bu 111 Limestone Co.

1nan PLYMOTJTI-1 courm, In mc­cc!Jellt concmton, Cnll Sflm Cot-

ton, •Ma~on 2821).1, 3wtf ------------------------------- -------GOOD USIDP Jnto)'IHtllonnl pJclctlp

fm• RUle, Has two new tlreR, gas, lmllory an1l overload .~pl'ings, Lewis Shaw, 1 1/J miles ca11t of US-127 nt 1826 Rolfe ro11q, phone 4785 Mason, /lwlp

1040 OLDSMOBJJ.,JD 76 for snle, eluh ~ednn, hydrnmntlc, deluxe

healer•, othot• extras, Has 1J,400 miles, $17ri0,00, Pt·lvnte owner, 018 Cuvnnnug-h roncJ, phone 10780 Lnn­slng. 5w2p

lU•I (j. C~IEVROL:ET- \~. tdJ~. t~~~~i~. low mileage, in good shape, Also

1fl1!l Olds1nobilc "88," cluh sedan, r•nclln, heater, low rnllenge .. 1. B, Jones, 110 North Rrtyner, phone 3ofll Mason, Fiwl

OLDSMOBIJ.E, lfl1fl, RB 4·dooJ•, light gl'erm. Rnclio, clool;, llil'

conrllllonnd Jwalct•, deluxe pnnel, gnod til'es, hydm rnn lie and I'Oei<ol motor. Jn excellent condition, -In­Hide nnd ortl, rillllllt 12,000 mlleH, Ot·ig-inul owno!', Glen Cttllr•lcloJ•, :J8fJO Klpp rond, phone Mn~on !J70G. 5wlf

10,10 OLDSMOBILE 1-cloor 70, hy-clr•nntntlc, l'atllo, nir-cnm11tloning

healel' :mrl other· cxt!'as, $1800, HaJllc HnrknPss, 872 S. Bnrnos. Phone 5!J:JJ. 5w1p

104 fl CT-ImVROT.ET Deluxe scdrm Power COWfl---20 g-ood Holstein 'nntl south of Mason onUS_·127._ iiw2

Guct·nscy cows,. frcsll unrl LARGE GUERNSEY nnd !Iolsleln'

roncl, east to Enslon ronrl, , llr,st 5

w1 house north. .1wap _ __ __ __________ _

Be Ready Fol' · Spring·

springers. You!' dtou:e. All tested heifer· for snle tlue within two nnrl guaranteerl. Ji'rm,tlt ,stwat!JCI.t~l, I wecles. Hobc;rt 'Shenthelm, lwo so!Jlh or LP.9llc on Ufl-127 to Ber.r.v /miles south of Eden on Eden rn:Hl.

. 'l'HR!Dill DUROC GILTS, eligible lfJ•tfJ H TRACTOR, goorl ns BROOD ROW fol' snlo, clue lo I to rcgiHter, cine to furrow in I new ........ .. ........ ~1 ,600

fnl'!'ow Jcclll'ltnry I 7. $G:i. Cad 1 April. Hnt'old Glynn, first house

110fi flrnnrl nJvnr

Howoll, Mic:I1. Phone 728

3· i!Ow!J

Stylclinc, hl11e, denn nncl in A-1 condillon, low mileage, visot• and undcr•coat. H. C .. lPwett, fl5J • W. Maple St,, Mnson. Phone 5511 Ma­son, 5wtr

--- ---------- 1940 OLDSMOBILE for sole or HUSST~LL HUBER SA YS~-Plnce trade, deluxe ~norlel. Al;~o 1949

your m·clcr fnt• Cowbell Tl'' 1 II Dodge plelwp, Will tracle tor any­sc'.,<ls now. Rnn10 high quality ~len~!~ thing I con usc. Henc" Cremer, low f!J'iees ngrtin this .vent·. Phone Route, 1,, Mns.on, phone ,)23 Aure- [ 73'J:i2 Lnnsing, three miles north- llus, Bnrnes 1mtrl. 5w2

We usually think first of steam or electricity as the pow­ers that mean progress for our economy. Y ct these cottld not be, without savings wisely invested in the industries producing them. It is the function of yo11r bank to help make your savings work for the good of all, while in­terest is also paid you on your deposits,

Nelson, M-:!li, Dansville, pl10nc north of Douglas iiClmol 011 Merirl- Tl'AT:MALL Tl'-12 tJ·nctor. This 298(1 Dansville. ___ -----~~wlp inn rond. jiw1 is in gnor! sltnpc. It's on

0. I. C. GILTS for snle, bred to FOUR PUREBRED Duroc gilts Tl'~~~~~~~,j~"·j:~:;:;--·l·;:~~~~;: .. ·!~~~ 1 fnrrow in lllnreh and April. Also for snle, bred to purebred Hump- good eullivnlm·, mechanically 1

0. I. C. honJ•s. fUchnrcl Aseltine, shire hoar. Lewis Shnw, 1 1/:, miles good, lii'Cs in good three miles east of Mason on Co- cast of US-127 at 182G Rolfe l'OUd, ohnpc ................................ .'.$GOO Jumbla rnnd, phone 21GSfJ Mason. phone 4785 Mason. 5,w1p FARMALL 20 tl'llclor with

__ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ ------~~1

1 JER-s-E:Y---cov\i'J-;;;:- sai;;,-rrc~h. w. r·uilivntm· nnrl plow in-

'I'HRJill~ IU~GJS'I'I!:I11~0 Hnlstcm D. Ot'l', 1 mile south of Aurelius l r:Judcd, This 11nit hns been IJCifet·s, rlue Lo ft•esllcn Mat•ch on Aurelius road. Phone Aurelius nvcJ'IJaiJlt•ri nnll is In very

1!j, These are vnr:r:inalerl nml nrc .1231 5wl gnarl shape ..................... $6o0 bred nl'lit'ieially. F:IIswm·lll Bmwn, :_ .: ------ . .. . - - ~-- --- JNTlmNA'J'TONAL D-2 piclc-·n22 Eden J•oacl, phone Mason 2•1972. HOLSTEIN COW for sale, 3 years I ' up. '!'IliA has n !ln t mck with

4wtf old, dry, will freshen in March. side". Motor has been over-

FOR SALE OR LEASE-Dm·ham 127 on Kinneyvillc roarl, \lr milo on u fann .......................... $295

cast of Holt. on Pinctt·ee t·oud, ] oiw ~~TUD-EB-AI{ER~- ,-;-Di~t~T;: Route 2 Lnnslllg. ·lw1p I in good shape, ring job and new BALED -ALFAL;F,~~Hayf~;:-~-;;- 1 t•eur axle in Scplemher. ?aod tires,

second culling. Eugene Lyon' nearly new battery. Wtll sell or Tomlinson 1·ond, phone 3780 ~~a~ trade for young cattl~ m• hogs. 1 son. 5wl Elmer Hendershot! 1 m1~e west of J

u. S. 127 on Kmneyvtlle road.

Phone"-~'=~= _a~-52~- _____ ~\\'-~ / ALFALFA HAY, secnnd cutting, 100 hales; 200 hales of oats

straw, never hcen wet; and lfi lmshels of Mammoth Clover seed. marl Nichols, comer of Nichols anti Onomlogn. roads, phone 23252 Ma­son. 2w4

--~~------- ---------WAGON WHEEl. FEEDING llJ.


19:J7 DODGE scclan fOJ' sale, in fair· eonrlition, $75. Also 1937

Olds, in good condition, $125. Leon­tml Westervelt, 1600 W. Jolly road, · Lan;;ing. Phone Latming 9il853. 5w1p

·-~----------------. -------

The Farmers Bank

Mason, Michigan

. · · -- ---- --- -------- -- Henry Combs, :lmiles east of U.S. Imulecl. Will pay for itself I bull, 15 months old. Also reg1s- north on Woods road o;· phnnc Lcs-J

tcrcd Holstein bull, 1:l months old. lie 5200. 5wl INTf~R.NA'l'JONAL D-2 · picle· Hampshire hoar for serv1oe. Also ______________ ______________ _ _ liJl. Moto1· ovcJ·hauled and Poland China boar, 250 lbs., fm· YORKSHIRE, champion bacon ready to ~;o ...................... $290

Special Laying ~ra~h 500 Ihs. Wagon Wheel Poultry FOR OVTS'l' ANDING


!938 PLYMOUTH, foiu· door for I GAS S'l'A'l'ION---Wnyne compul-snle. Good heater, radio and lc ing pump, ail· compt·cssot', gns

tir·es. Llo,Ycl Aseltine, 3355 Merirl- 1 ~anlc :llld other CfJlllpmcnt. Build­ian road Okemos. Phone Wil-~mg 12 ft. x 18 fl. Mrs, LoltJC Jiamslon ' 87-Ji'-5 sncl Lansing NorUti'Up, phone 288~:1 Mason.

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS sale. William Musolff, 2064 Dexter hog of world. Gilts, hours and .JOHN DIUJBRE com chopper Concentrate I

100 Ibs. Soybean Oil Meal 1 February 2, 1950 Page 4

Trail, phone Dansville 2801. choice weaning pigs. Bancr·ofl wiliJ power taltc-off, 11sed. 5w1 Acres, D16fl Miller !'ond, Swm'lz 1 '!'his unit will pay for ilsolf

Crcelt. owl/ the lii'RL yont·. You can't RTWTSTERED GU!lJR.NSmY cow I $27 ~ for sale, Trixie Ann of Quality I go wt·ong ............................. "

100 Ibs. Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal[ 300 llm. Ground Oats 200 lhs. Middlings and 100 lhs.

Bt·an, or :JOO lhs. Wheat @ Used Cars

87738. No Sunday business., op I ______ -----~~v1p ''IV- '


2 LAVA TORIES and toilet fm· sale with fixtures. Also several mis­

cellaneous light fixtures and fout· sets of glass rloor lcnnbs. Grover Cn1m, :118 S. Clemens, Lansing. Phone Lansing 0-3387. / f>w I p

Hill, rluc to fmshen litis woek, a CASID hay ImleJ', 4 .vent's old. I F T I I This is reacl." to g·o fo1· hCflllliful cow anrl a real pi'O< ucet·. arm' 00 s I ·'

Also a young· bull, ready for serv- , only .................................... $485 icc, J YCIII' old, from the above NI~W l~LECTRJC J h. p. mo-cow an:l si!'ed by Playhnven Maj- 1.NTERNA-TIONAL-Tm~i.~-;:--drag tor ntlnc:hed to lmrnmermill. esty, whoso 7 nent·est dams aver- JL's n buy at ...................... $60 ngerl 1 :!,!i12 pnrtnrls mille anrl 727.9 for sale. Also set of tmetor tires, pounds fa L. Fr anle Launsteln, first 11-25-24, 6-ply. Freel Lytle, [!hone fal'm south of Hawley school. 7F4 Stockbridge. 5w2p


HOLSTEIN BULL, service ago, U11iversal Loaclersl $125 '

NEW WAGON HOISTS, cable L,vpo. Mount il in the slack I scnson. YOIII'S for only .... $:lo

700 Ills. Corn Feed scratch grains in evening, .

one hour before roosting lime. I J,ow-~:ost. Ra1ion for Broocl Sows

200 lhs. Wagon Wheel Livestocl1 Concentrate

1800 lbs. Com and Oats Gii'C sows freo access to good al­

falfa or clover hay. I For Sows ami Weaning Pigs 300 lhs. Wagon Wheel Livestock

Concentrate ·


1948 CheVI'olct Act·o Sedan. Up­holstery and Grey paint lil\c new. Good tires and heater. Has fl baclcup light rrnd is nnclercoatecl.

1948 Chevrolet Club Coupe. Hn­'dio, IJefllet·, sent covers. Has a· sharp gl'cen finish and good tit·es. The valve-in-head en-

Fol'Cl Used Carf3 Rahinhood flour, steel gales,

I fence, poultry equipment, alfalfa,

I clover and grass seeds and Knsco feeds at Webberville Elcvntot· Co.,

; Webberville. 5w2

Clements Flower Shop

Holt Phone Holt 71791

Haclio Tubes Guaranteed, ucpcndablo

FRE:E TESTING of your present l'flclio tubes at no extra charge.

Goble's Radio Service

Phone 5051 HO S .. ~cffer>~on

will sell 01· lmde fo1· cow or equal Hloclc. FJt·nesl Sha\.1/, ~172fi Annis murl, Houle I, Leslie. Phone Leslie 3fJ.J D. 5w1 p

MATCHED 'l'EAM of horses with harness fm· sale, 12 and 1:1 years

old, weigh 3000 Jbs. Eight miles west of Mason on Colum hi a road to Waverly r·oad, south 1(~ mile.

DA vr~ AND DORN ormnL 1

Dnnsville Phones 2172 and 2631 I


GI·~NR:HAL HAND HYDRAU­LIC hoist, new, can save you plenly. Will fit on truck Pt·icod below cost n t ...... $75

iN'rllJ!1NATJONAL refrigcr-a LOJ', 1949 model, snpel' de­luxe 8.1 cu. ft. Small down pllymcnL nnrl monthly P{!Y­menls :1s low as $7.16.

100 IIJS. Meat Scrap or Soybean I Oil .Meal

1600 lbs. 9orn and Oats, ground For Growing· nncl Fatt1ming l'igs i

200 lbs. Wagon Wheel Livcstocl! Concentrate

1800 lbs. Farm Grains

gine is good. · 1948 Chevrolet Club Coupe. Ex­

cellent black finish, new low pressure tires ami heater.

. Seat covers on the front scat.

1949 Mcl'Clll'Y 2-door, radio ancl healer, directional ligh,ts, white siclewnll til'es, low mile-


FINA FOAM for cleaning rugs, upholstery and auto upholstet•y,

safely, quicldy, easily. Zimmer­man's Home Scl'l•ic:e. 2Gwtr




.JOHN DEERE NO. 12 A com­bine fm· sale. Arthur W. ,Jewett.

Phone 26153. •lwlf

------- --- SELL OR TRADE-Good hammei'-NOW HA TCI-IING --Order your mill fm· a good spt•ingtooLIJ dmg

White Rode chicks now. Ji'eerl- 01 • hay. At'lhtn· Kcsl1e, 125•12 Leclee custom grinding anrl mixing. Wag-~roacl, flvc miles southeast of Sloe le­on Wheel and King's concentrate. hl'idge of( M-92. Phone 1:J-.J-1J. I Snow's Hatchery, phone Holt 3541.


4w2 5wtf,

MASSEY-HARRIS three plow tmclot· with power lift and cultivatm· ........................ $1185

Silsby Implement Co.

Self-feed Concentrate if pigs are 1 in cornfield. 1 W% Dah·.1' Ration

I 200 lbs. Wagon Wheel Livestock Concentrate

1200 lhs. Soybean Oil Meal 11600 lbs. Farm Grains 1 One-half pound of salt may be


/ttdrled to each 10~ lbs. of the above

rat10ns. Handled by Your Local Elevator


194 8 Dodge Custom 4 ciOOI' Se­clan. In excellent all amund condition. Good black paint, clean inside and has Gt·ille Guards and heater.

1017 Chcvl'alet •1 <loot· Sedan. A 1 good looking two-Lonecl gToen

em·. Has a heatel', spothght and g·oacl white sidewall tires.

age, 2,2!JO miles .

1949 Fol'(l Custom Tm!ot· 8, ra-clio ancl heater.

l!H 0 Ji'ot·cl Custom Tuum·, l'a-dio ancl heatm·.

194!1 Ford Custom Club Coupe, raclio, ltentor, overdrive.

-------·-----Say It

With· Flowers J•'or All Occasions




Extl'a Trouse1·s


OrrleJ• yom TayloJ• made-Lo­measmc wit now and get an

:ion SALE m· tl'lldc for one good ewe: One yearling Corriedale

ram fmm Wilft·e<I Jowett flock. Ent•J WheeleJ', 2265 Luxton road, Route 1, Mason. Phone 5283 Ma­son. 5w1

:· Hay Driers

Phone il111 Mason i ·--- --- -~-------------------


1940 Pontiac Club Coupe. Here is a good car. Runs good, looks good nnd is good. Ra­clia. healer and knobby tires on the rea1:. HJ.JG Ti'OJ'rl Tudor, healer and I Jewett's

Flower Shop II extra pair of tr·ouse1:s for only

$:!. Come in and choose fmm Dill' J:u·ge selection of fabrics

, especially selected for this salr.

ELEVEN PIGS for sale, 10 wcelcs ; ' old, never been outside, extra t;ice. R. A. Ostrander,. 3718 W. Kinneyville mad, ·t'esii·c. 5w1p

STOCK HOG-- -Spotted Poland China sloclc hog, purebred, a

very nice one, 180 to 200 pounds. Pt·icecl to sell a l $35. llJd Twichell, phone Eaton Rapids -16725. 5w1 ------------- --- -----------GOING OUT of farming. Fresh

Holsteins cows for sale, includ­ing two fresh registered cows. Also heifers nnd 40 Roclc Red pul­lets, just started laying. Frank Marshall, '" mile cast of Stock­bridge. Phone 23-F-3.. 5w1 ----------~- -~---~---

GRADE GUERNSEY cow for sale, five years old, heifer calf hy

'side, fresh Jnmmry 27. Elvin D. 'Brown, 820 Barry. road, Rou~e 1 'Oltcmo~. phone 177-F23 Williams­ton. 5w2

Mr. Farmer: We Want

Calves' Jm~m~mEJ:! "'" Jtay tim lwst Jll'ice-!1\'t'l'~' 1\'t'"l;-,Just lotH( ' yom· call' In the I'll r• a nil lu·ing him "''Ill'-

J~ltoM O~JQ Di\ Y 'fO TWO wmms 01.0

ON ~10:\'0AYS ONI,Y'

ut. lllason Stol!ll,\'artl · llnnr·s ·l! tu 4

.·\VIwn Heller J>r·h"'~ i\m l'nhl We'll Pn.y i'lmm

Frank Thomas


·'' Barn Clcancm

·'' Dail'.Y Barn and Poultry House Ventilation

* Mill< House Hcntol's '.... ;.

Use TJ:~~nMOTAPE and avoid frozen water pipes

FREE estimates nnll cnginccl'~ ing service

Ae1·ovent Fan Co. .818 N . .Jenison Ave. Lnnsing·

Phone Ln.nsing 4~1:~71



JOHN DIDER:E Model E spt•cacler for sale, horse tlt·awn. Also have

tmctor hitch for it. Gail ThOl'· IJum, 3159· Willoughby road, phone FJ;olt 2651. 5wl

Tractor V alues-1 That Can't Be Beat USED TRACTOR VALUJDS



tm·, new paint, runs lil;e new 19•19 FORD tractor with plow

and cultivatm·, in good shape F·20 TRACTOR with plow and

cultivator in extra good shape We need several good used

tractors. Come in and see us about a trade on the new Fer­guson tractor

We also have good used ma­chinel·y, plows, discs, side ralws

See our bargains before y'ou Iniy I SEE THESE GOOD


Price Tractor and Implement CQ.

1 mile. cast of Mason, corner Dexter Trail find M-36.

Phone 2·2955 4wl

------------- clover seed for sale. Mrs. Harry Willett, 521 South Barnes, phone Mason 5061, 5wtf

1941 Plymouth Club Coupe. In excellent condition. Good ru!J­bct•, radio and herrtei•. Many good miles in tl1is car.

rnclia. SILOS J'Oi' flnlc. If yon want the

VCi',Y iJCSt silo YOll Al1011lcl Jmy a Smill1. l•'iml what JISet·s say. Buy c:u·ly nncl get the cnt·ly dis­r:onn t. We have the vet·y best bloclcs. Artie Wnod, Leslie. Phone H13. 1wtf

1012 OLIVER HG 68 cletmc, with cullivrtlur, stnrter and lights.


Must sell. Robert Schultz, 1 'h miles south of Slocl!bridge on M-92. Call after 5 p, m. on wee!\ clays.



------ .. CLOSING OUT Hudson chick

brooders, (electric and oil J at wholesale prices. Also cultipackers and field cultivators. Webberville Elevator Co., Webberville, 5w2

OLIVER SUPERIOR corn plant-01' with fCltilizer attachments,

nearly new. Can be opemted from tractor seat. Also John Deere Morici E manure spreadet• in fair condition. Hal'Oid Huffine,· 357 E. Holt mad, Route 1 Williamston. Phone 51-F-11 Williamston. 5w1p

LARGE-SIZE electric mill; ·sepa-rator. in good condition. Also

Hampshire fecdct· pigs. Archie Mitchell, G837 West Columbia, Route 1, Mason. Phone 25866 Ma­son. 5w2

16 Ji'T. COMBINATION ear corn and small grain conveyot·s, ready

to go without motor for $65. Also pal'ts to build yoin· own. Some­thing new--we m•e bullcllng drill press~s. Walt's Poultry Farm, Ce­da!' stJ•oet, Route 3, Mason. Phone 21223. 5wl

OLIVER COCI{SHUTT corn bind-er with side conveyor. Also 1937

Ford truck for sale or trade for livcstocl!, Clifcm·d Feflzel, 'Eden. Phone Mason 7788. 5wl

Hay-Grain-Feed Seed-Fertilizer 15 ACRES of bean pods for sale,

nice bright pods, never been wet. Jay Coffey, three miles south and one mile west of Mason on Tuttle roar!, phone 5285 Mason. 5w1


----------------QUANTITY of baled timothy nncl

10•19 Mercury 1-dom• Sedan, !'a­

clio, healer, ovet·!lrive, l<l,OOO miles. alfalfa hay, baled ·with Case

baler. Georg·e Helbig, first farm on E. Columbia sll·eet. 5w2


1941 Chevrolet Club Coupe. Gufll'cl unit on fl'Ont and heal-er. , . ,

-------- ---~-- ---OATS AND SILAGE for sale.

Elmer Reynolds, Route 1. Mason, 2513 West Tomlinson road, phone 7289 Mason. 5wlp ·-----------~---------

CORN in shoe!{ for sale, about 200 shocles. Leonard .Westervelt,

1.600 W . .Joll,Y road, Lansing. Phone Lansing 95853. 5w1p

BALED ALFALFA hay for sale, first cutting, good quality, nevet·

been wet. Also 10 acres of bean pods in stacks. Ralph Marshall, 1199 Aurelius road, phone 1509 Aurelius. 5wlp

BALED STRAW. W. H. Lilley, 1 V:: miles south of Bunker Hill.

Phone Fitchburg 1-F-12. 5w2p ··------ -----------·-------

Automotive for Sale

1941 OLDSMOBILE four door se­clnn for sale, J'aclio ancl heater

on good condition. Phone Mason 5101. 5w1p


Look At These Values

1949 FORD Custom, mdio, heater, excellent condition

1946 BUICK Roadmaster se­danette, mdio, air·condltion­ing

19H FORD Tudot·, heater, a real buy

1941 DODGE, heater, radio 1940 FORD TUDOR, V ·8 1938 BUICK Special. Will sell

this car for ~75 1937 CHEVROLET two·door 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe 1932 FORD, Model B-4, ex.

cellent tires,. a real buy

Hilton. & Richards Buick Sales

Corner of Parlt and M'aple Phone 2-6141


1939 Plymouth 4-door. Runs good, mdio and heater $215

1938 Chcvi'Oiet Coupe. Ex­cellent shape, goocl tires $225

1938 Olclsmobilc 6. LOO)(S good and has goocl tires. Heater $175

193'1 Oldsmobile G. New I paint am! t•ings. Heater $150 I

1935 Oldsmobile B. A good running old car ................ $125 i

. ~ '

U secl 'riucks

til16 Dodge 1 1,~-ton Chassis and Cn h, 2-speecl axle, 8 :25x20 12-ply tires

.19•11 Chevrolet 'll-ton Picl;-up.

J. B. Dean Fm·rl Soles :mel Service



/ . ~-~uson _________ .. _ Phone 5311 Used Trucks


WAYs . 1sce aneous 19·19 Chevrolet '!:. ton Pick-up I f

1 with DeL_uxe Call. 600~ actu~I or Sa e nules. T11·cs are new, Tl11s truolc is Iil;e new in every respect.

194 7 Chevrolet '!:. ton Pick-up. --------·-----Goocl tires nncl motor. New 3IX-FOOT hydraulic dump boJ< paint. fm· sale, in A-1 condition. Phone

1948 vVillys ~4 ton Picl!-up. This ,. 1711 Mason. · 4w2 is a solid truck. Equipped ·

, with heatc1· and a high can­vas covered raclc

1045 GMC 2 ton chassis and cab. Motor completely over­hauled.

AI Rice Chevrol~t Co.

Mason Phone 5331 52wl

194-1 FORD STAI<E true!(. 7 ft. x 12 ft. rack, good tires, new mo­

tor. For sale cheap. E. N. Dailey, 218 South Fairview, Lansing. Phone 24875 Lansing. Can be seer) Satmda.v, Sunday, Monday and Tttesdny 'tip until 6:00 p. m.

· 4W2p.

rYPEWRITER t•ibbons for mos! 'all mal1es of typewriters a~ the

fngham County News office, 60c ,>Ius tax. 2wtf


Lennox Gns Conversion Bnrners


F. C. Anderson & , Sons

Dansville 2363


:r.rnson F'loworphone 2-1231

2--23wtf I ------ ----·· ----- Davis Clothing Co. TII1E fat· sale, GOOx2l, has lube

and rim, all in gond conclilion. Mnson

Mu.rl< Kilpatricle, Route J)'o Mason, phone 24043 Mason. 5w1l' ·-------------- -------------

TWO I(NOBBY TREAD Tires for I sale, 6-ply, G :00 x 16, nearly new.


------ --·-------- --------

' You A l'e Invited Evert N. Petteys, 409 E. Oalc St., Mason phone 22415. 5w1p --------~------ ----- I to

Whitman's Gift I Shop .--------------·-~-----

Special Valentine Offer

ONE 8x10 Candid PortJ·ait

Hnnd-colorecl in oil---only $f>.OO Call Ol' rlrop in

Kraas Studio 241 State St. Ph. Mason 25131

Mason, M_ichigan 1w1

DRY HARD CORD wood for sale, $3.50 per cord. Freel W. Sulko,

· Route 1, Stoclchriclge, 201G Mur­ray t·oad, phone evenings 2488 Dansville. 4w2p

WALLPAPER prices slashed! Outstanding values just in time

Cor spring <lecorating. Zimmer­man's. 5w1

TYPEWRITER ribbons fot· most all makes of typewl·lters at the

Ingham County News office, 60c plus tax, 2wtf


Aureomycin Ointment

WARE'S DRUG STORE Muson Phone 5411


DRY WOOD for SElle at the farm. Cline Hnt·ris, ·.3 miles east of

Mason on Dansville road and % mile north on Every road. Phone Mason 21687 nftet· fi p. m. ·


Giant Sell-Out We m·c closing out our gifts and dinnm·wat·c at cost to malcc room for expansion of other item's. Located one mile east of East Lansing on US-16. Come in and browse nmunrl. 25';1: discount on alJ gifts ancl clinnenvare. Now is the time to buy that set of· dishes you've , been wanting·, Lansing phone I 81817. 3tf

-------------------------Start This Year

Right! USE

Michigan Bottled Gas

For cool1ing - heating - wa­

ter heating - refrigeration



We have n wide selection of ranges, furnaces and space heaters to suit every need and budget. CElli us for free esti-mate. •

1 Reasonable Rntes - Ensy


Don Hill 3135 S. Oltemos Rd.

, __ _ Ph,, Lansing 8-78·10


1 '


Want Ads Page 2

I ,I\ V I\'I'Oit11•1f~ nil ,JIV.I'H

Fruits-Foodstuffs R I E t t f S I ea s ·a e or a e for Saie


town nnrl


W. Libey


Heal Estate Agency


NEAR MASON 20 nr•r·c fnr m 011


Be1·t's Garage Clenotnl RO)JUil lng

nncl 21-lwrn• Wt oo!ceJ So1 vlr.n

Phone 7-1201 01 2fl72 Holt

All Men's Jackets RCDUCTI;J)

25'/r SP!~CJ AL GROUP A'!'


Davis Clothing· Co. MrtHOil

1-W-12 01 Willi'

hl.1rlclnp rnnrl, 0 room horrse pnPI!y 111orlrrrr .10 x ~0 harn, !urge pnnllt y hoi IRe, $fili00 Tm lll'l Nl•ii\H l!OL'l' 'Jfl nr•r e fnrm on

GUARAN'l'EE:D W.!sllCI SciVlCO all ntnl!cH AI'IO!Illls nl ~20 or

111011' '.111 he fm,tn< crJ, monthly paynwnts at small 'ost Benham ln<lltRlJ res 1 :J:JO North Hll eet Ma­son .'iw2p



Trailers for Sale

ALMA-HOUSE-TRAILE~;;;, heater, elect! ic stove and elec­

tric brakes, rcc refligmutor New· Jy refinished and ready to go Fr ani< Hm·rtcl< Bunlwr Hrll Store Phone Lesl!c 2144. 3w3p

rrogs J~cct

'1'\IPSd,l\ I nl

Wcdr,esddy 1 Ill

Clothing for Sale


Extra Trouse1·s


Or dct yom Taylor madc-to­measm c su1t now anrl get m exl1n pnn of t1 onscr s for only $3 Come 111 nne! choose f1 om ou1 Jar ge selection of fnbr·tcs espccr.tlly selected f01 thrs sale

Davis Clothing Co.

flllllll' I, Slor l!lnr<lg<' llrp The Wo1 II< 11 Agr.n<'i'

,J II ltHOll Phnnr. 2'Jit:l,l hln<•ldnp rnnrl, prnrllcnlly nil LOUIS DlmATTA

IIIHI<•r I he plnw, iJO x liO hip-r nor ilnr n nlhcJ lllllicllngs, 10 r nom morler n hmrHt•, ~ 11 'i!JO 'I'ermR

Cliff Watt I The Plum!Jer

Hi"'" I 221J ~lulP Ht, J\1w,on

Hex D. ,Jewett

Ftea l [<;state A 0. Gl'eenovp;ll



2ii,OOO 18,000



~lor c r·cnl estate hslmgs nnywhc1 c ll.w<' buyer lot ncar Van­

town Conlwcts to Sell /

Money to loan 011 motlgnges Want to 1lo busmess With you

A. 0. Gl'eenough Real Estate Broker since 1914 1346 Mason St. Dansv11le

Phone Dansville 2291 Du y or Evcnmgs

~--- ----------- -ALL-MODERN e1ght-room house

I m Mason, close to busmcss seo­lton nnd school. By owner. Phone 741ll MaRon. 4wlp

lflfl-ACHlU form 100 ncr e nncler·

ls Rli hI ly on litH own All lclnciR, ol' r opnu wor•lt und new tnstal- I lnllorm All \VOl It grrm an tee• I Phone 22951 1 plnw, lwo hniiH<'I pnrlly modern,

IOJg< hammcnt lwrn $12,000 l-20wtr TI'J llHl

f.nm on hlrwlclop hO nt JJ'H <rncil'r plow, h

}HIIIH01 ~7()00 'J'CllllH

I A.N.D. Bookkeeping &

Sel'vice Inconul 'l'nx Sc1v1rP

Qrmlrfl~tl Rcllnble For Appomlment

rrch~]ll10nc L 1nsing

Piano Tuning Vorc lrw Ac lion P.egul.r I rng

I F'r ec I'Rlrmn teH to JHrt rn perfect •ondtlron

Joe Cappo 4271


scw1 .11 ol llCl goo!( ASHES AND HUBEISH hnnled Livestoc:k .r111l hnmcH ne,n 1\lnson Nor man Weldon, plwne 26001

Mrrson Honte 2, Mason 5w2p

A bel Heal Estate Agency !!On W Ash

1\T tson, Mrchr~an

Phone 3161

If In Need Of Dminage Work

See Orlen Anas

Tile D1 am,tfre Conll tH l01 Sm vcymg 1~1 ce

34 fi~ Ann r s Hon cl

GIVE YOURSELF 11 oreal< agamRt fit e When fire stlll!es, you nPecl

tt qurck1y It's the fi1 sl few mm­utes that count m fighlmg fires. A fire doesn't have a chance to get hcyond control when Reel Comet Automaltcs nre properly rn­stalled Call us now for a ft ee fire sm vey Lot us help you pt otect what you cheltsh Warner F11 e Control Serv1ce, 317b N US- 127 Leslie, phone 2641 'iwl

MEN'S AND WOM~-N'S I Custom-Marie Clothes


MRS. FI~;~10

: ARFLE 1 .l:JO 1:. S Jer fer son Loca lccl ove1 Pete1 s Drug S lore 1

I __________ _! '_r51w~~ I 'l'REE CO:.lSTRUCTION and sm-,

lo Dcl1nrl p 1<1ong­

IHIII'P !IHl y,Jid:-i

Abo r.IIHrnl 'l'llrrlcmg

H. L Snider & So11

1 o 111 l'llltlll' !If


more for you1 I


J\Tason, Iloulc' 1 Phone Allil'hliH 2122

ALLmN HASKINS All(1tJnnceJ ,,


_ --------- ge1 y wmlc 'l'!Jmmmg, toppmg I cnhlrng, tal<e·downs. Wml; gnar-

\!\'RECKER SERVICTc I antced No JOb too la1gc or too l J/1 Y OR NIGHT I small ot lao f.u• nwny l>'r ee cstJ-J B Dean males g<ven John Wilhamson,

1 • • Box 355, AllJJon 41wtf

Fm d SaleH and Set Vice I CARL BERG

PIJ M.Json .n 11 Lans111g

DnyR phone 'i:ll J -- --

Ntghls ''I Johnson's j

L11 en see fo1 DaJ lmg dPli Camp my


Hoover Service Complete 1 epalr servtce on all models Per inns Hardware, 360 S Jcffctson. Phone 1311


WILL DRESS AND CLEAN cluckcns for ft ozen food locl<crs

anywhere Holt l~rozen Food Lock­ets. Word can be left at Mason I't ozcn Food Lockets, too.


l'LASTERING-Ail 1tlnlls of pinS• tcrmg done, p!ltchlng a special·

ty Rohet t S Bmns, 3811 Aurei­IIIS road ,Lansmg, R 2. Phone Lansmg, 2-5108. 1 lwtf

YES, WEl HAUL GRAVEL, for drrves, and also pea stone RIIC1 sand for cern en t work. Roy l{llpnt· nclt, 35<1 S South St., Mason pllone 24261, 21 wtf

CUSTOM BUTCHERING-Cut to your sattsfncllon Prclnrp and

delivery AI ITiwe1s, 1274 DeCamp 1 oad 1), mrle enst of Bnnltet· Hill store Phone Leslie 2145 liwtr

1 Home Laundry I All

I F1 ee PJciHtp anrl Dehvcr y



I Family SeL·vice

'l:JO m Sycammc Phone 21281 J\lason

ASHES HAULED-Rubbish, em ders, ]Unlc. Also furniture rnov·

mg and' other truclting. Roy Ktl· patrick, 354 E. South St., Mason,




I Davjs Clothh1g Co. _I------

Wanted phone 24261 owtr I crucrmNs W-ANTF;o ::..-vVtll-;;;;;~~-c

and get them. W H A pplor on 3318 Pryor rond 2 mrles north of Mason phone 5382 Dwlf

BULLDOZER - Baclt boe anrl Dtaghnc wmlc. Bmylng stone

ptlcs with baclc hoe bulldozer. Basen.ents dug, ditch dtgging, ctther by job or hour. See Wm. Whitcraft, 4';2 miles nm th of \VJl­llamston, 1000 Eply road.

WANTED-Tenant to work 180· acre dairy farm on shares and

furmsh own stock and tools. Re­qutre references J B Deekm,

24wtf Wasson road, Gregory. 5w3p

Leon J. lfe1lows Has been appomted n represen·

tattve ·for FARM BUREAU


Route i, Mason Phone 2·1132 629 Baldwrn Road

A phone cnll or postal wlll re· cetve pt ompt servJCe

WANTED-Man to cut wood ofl

I shares. Eugene Lyon, Tomlmson

wad, phone 3789 Mason 5wl -------- ------REAL ESTATE WANTED-Need

fa1 ms to huy ot· exchange for Lansmg propel ty Wnnt goo1l,

, level 80 to 120 acres m viclmty of

I Holt and 80 ames ncar Wilhams­ton. Sutton Real Estate, 311 Broad street, Eaton Rapids


WANTED-Demonstrators for fine plastiCs, good coJmmsslons, no

deliveries. Call Mt•s Geraldine Bloomquist for appomtmcnt, Lan­smg phone 93934 5wl

lost and found

FOR RENT-Pleasant front sleep­ing room with ltttchen privileges

1f clestrecl Close 111 M1 s Cordre F1 anc1sco, 223 East Oak, Mason. Phone 2a011 Mason 5wl

FLOOR SANDER, polisher and edget· for rent at all tunes at

Perluns Hardware, 360 S. J offer­son, Mason, phone 4311. 28wtf

SMALL BASEMENT ROUSE for 1 ent, water mstdc, ga1 den spot,

but not moclet n. No obJections to eh1lclren Inqune second house on r·lght of North Mason street. Em­ma Donnldsnn iiwl p


Cards of Thanks

S_fJO,~~ Yl'"""' with a

JOHN DEERE Modei''H'' Spreader

Barnyard manure is wortli up 10 $5 a wn m increased crop yields. Get its full value by spreadin11 manure evenly wrth a Sllre11H11etl Jobn Deere "H" Spreader. In good or bad weather, the "H" handles rhe btggest loads ef· ftcJently and economically , , , gtvi'ng you maxitnum returns from every ton of manure spread. See us for complete information, ~


l'lllllll' 2-6211 • 1\f.tson

Mason Troop Will Participate In National Boy Scout Weel<

Weather S'rll,l, ll\1' HOFJPITAJ,

Holt Resident Dies Wednesday

.Jnnuury or lllfiO hr1s gmw Into tho history llool~~ flR one of the wotleat nne! one or the mildest. natnfnll measur•ccl 3,!15 inches, ,TILIHIRl'.V oC 11140 WRS al~o wet ~n<l

Mason Boy Seoul. 'l'rnop Nn, H2 .Jody !lou 1tr1d ,John l{r'tlau will m!lrl, with 3,03 Inches of rn!n,

W11,vno !i'elg)mol' of T.nnsln~ 1~ ~tl)l In tllC Sparrow ho~pltrrl, 1>11~ lriH oondltlon Is go01), Ho wns uevol'~l,v burn eel crvm• monL ·of hla hotly on l'fovem)>OI' 21 nl. his cubln noar Qlaclwin when 11 tlro he lclndlcd wiLh IWI'r>Heno cxplorlccl, li'clghnol' Wits flown !melt La Lnn­slng nnrl llo llHH )leon In tho hon­pital over• ~!nee, Mr'ft, li'nlghncr· Rnlrl Wodne~day that hm• llliShnnrl IR getll ng along good n ncl llmL HI> in gJ•nfllng,..ihnR not been necossru·y. Feighner• ex peeLs to ho .diHcluu•gerl fi'Dm Lhe hoHpltal In three or fOUl' weeltB,

Christophel' ,J, .Jacltson, 7fi, or Holt died smldenly Wcdncnday night, He hnd been n resident of Delhi township for the past 36 years.

Will join wllh other rtislt•ict Scouts nar•r•y tho tr•onp (lngH to tho st,ato Thoro wus nlso n a,01 l'rtinfllll of In tho nhsct•vnn.:c nf l'fnllnlrrrl Boy cnpltol on 'l'u.,sr!ny to trtl(c prut In ,Junun.r•y or 1047, Those 11ro the only f,lcout Wcult which Hlnrl:l Mnnrluy the ceremonies nLtonr!unt upon the three yo£Lrs In the ~jlst 10 when and contlmtes through the [otlnw- proscntnllon or tho unntHLI report JJtlllHli'Y t•nlnfnll hUB gone above lng Sumluy, t.n tho 1111tlnn l'nr· Michigan, 'l'hc re- two lnehcs, and in 1945 und 1018

MJ•. Jncltson wni; born In Eng· land on March 18, 1874, to .Tames H. nnrl IDllen J acl\son. On J anuury 28, 1801], he married Bertha Lemke In Chlcngo, who survives hlmr Mr. and Mrs, Jacl\son llved In Chicago until 1011 when they moved to Lansing. '!'hey spent three years In Lrll!shlfi and then moved to Holt, Mr . .Tacl<son was a carpenter and crmtractor.

Through the t!ourtes.v ol' f'crldns por·t will he rwceplSd i>.V Governor It didn't oven measure an lnuh. hnrdwnr·e Htorc a cJiHp!uy will l>e 1 W!ltlmns, There hus been excellent skating on view nll wcul{, 1 As tho feature or lite 40Lh un- on tlelds which usually are dr•y.

IE the weather per·mils the· nlversary of Scuullng in America, The cold wuvc arrlvcd in time to troop wilt have a model CJtn:p sol· tho troop will r•onduct special Fr·ce7.e pnncls of water which WltB up on the court huusc lttwn on Srtt- I "Dce!ar·ntinn of f'ur·pose" ceremo- lying- on Lhc aupfucc, Some of the urclny, · f•'ebrunry 11. muc:l! patrol 'nlcH on Wednoorlay night 111 the best almling In years Ia In corn will have exhibits u.L lhc camp site. I Scout meeting r·uomH. .Spcclul Ileitis where usually no water

, • ., • , , , •

1 gueHts will be Muyor CeerJ Hall, stands, Seven s~ntrl.s wurc sulcdcd hy i'lupcr·Jnlcndnnt of "lc:ltools .Tomes LnHt Friday's freeze came just

Leslie Holds Lead With 58-47 Win the troop to pnrtrdprtlc lrr Scotll H Vander• Van Amcrl01tn Legion In time to save roads from going

Day In county governnrcnL. Rnber'L R~prescntn live Jlulph Strope Cub- all to pieces, Scollel~l was c_lcdcd Lo ll~c office master• Gonion Kennedy, the' troop The mercury wcnl up to a high of sheriff, DttVIII Angell \VIII he In eommiLlcomcn and Lhc pastors of of GO and a low of two llclow r!ur-

An active citizen, Mr. Jackson belonged to the Preshyterllln

All the fuvor·itr.s in tile Ingham church nnd was a member of the County league cugc race come Mnsonlc lodge No, 572.

the county u·cnsrtrcr·'s ollwc, l1bh- Muwn lng Jnst month, The snow, which crt Canol] and WarTen Wilcox ' · 1 t 'tl t t 11

through 'l'uesday n!ght'c; alate of: Besides his wife, Bertha,· Mr. games with little trouble. Leslie, .Jackson is survived by six daugh· currcnlly lending the league with ters, Mrs. Harr·y Chaffee of Lan­a comfortable one game lend, took sing, Mrs. Maynard Gates and an cnt•ly lead over Fowlerville and Mrs. Richnrrl Llnsca of Holt, Mrs, rmastcd to n 58-17 victory. Ernest KI'Ohn or Chicago, Mrs. Eel·

Arrrrng·cnwn ts hu l'c been made came nne wen . wr lOU rou J c, Will spend the clay 1m Lhu hnulnno- 1 1 4 6 1 1 \V ILli Hcv, Horli'Y Ltclrllcoat tn hold rncasurcc on Y • nc tea. bile of the r!ounty JilH'III',Y, flussell '1'1 1 1 It lid 't ] 1

Hlnltlc will worlc in the road com- Scout Snnchty scr·viccs at the Ma- ltrr·sr ay mo1·n ng c n °0 {

mlnsl?n offi,e, Gar.v Phillips in tho son Mcthurliirt elnrrch. All Scouts ns Lhough the ground hog, would anrl their families are uslter.l to ut- see his shndow. If he tioesn t dur-

county clel'lt'H oi'J'ice llnli Gary tend at 10:00 u. m. ing the clay aecordlng to the pi'C- Second place Hnslett Iucci to ward White of Tulare, Caltfomla, come ,from bollind to beat down a and Mr'H, Wallace Segerstrom of stubborn Williamston tlve but 11_ Eaton Rapids: four sons, James nlllly rlid the trick 42-HB. Holt Jackson of Mason, Chester Jock­stayed on the victory road by run- son of Eaton Rapids and Paul ning rouglt-shod over Dansville 52_ .Tncltson and Hartley .Jackson of 20 while Stocl\brldgc etlgcd Ol{e- Holt; 2G grandchildren, 16 great.

Larnphcrc in the (ll't>iwlc '"'ur·t ol'- ~ . . 'iicllon:;, Lhe weather shotrlcl tum flees. ·· !Jtrrlllii .the wr.ult a ~cnu-annuall off nice In Ute next few wecl\s, Al-

urMnrnr rnHpccllon ul lh? tmop though If he does sec hts shadow, wrll he n~mrlr:,d~d h,Y, drHLrw;, "r~m- :w the Hll.Ving goes, ther•e should be

INGHAM C.OUNTY NEWS llliHslrmcrs. T'!tch Scout rccclvrng six wcclcs more of winter. ~ n pcrl:cct score writ rcec.lve a "Lib- There Juts been the usual chang-

Febl'um·y 2, 1950 Page 6 crty CruHmle" award pm. ing weather· t.he pasL week with 1 11 'lO grnndchlldren, 11 sister, Mrs. Mar-nos . -. · garct Mealtln of Jaclcson; and two

Tubeless Tires Now Available!

B. F. Goodrich's Newest Deve;opment ~n Tire Science

As shown in llw c:ros~-sec:tion abnn• iiH' spPdal c·.orw<·ntr·i<: ridges rnotdml on• IU'atb sPat tht• !Ire against t!w rim and Jli'PVPnl air frmu l{t'iting· out. at·omul Uw edges, whiiP t·uhhPr wnslu~r·s insid<' and ouhide tiH• \'al\'1' lii'I'Jl tim air l'r·nrn l'sc•.aping that l~':t,\'. 'l'hc Sl•alant "'' tlw inrwr.sldc uf tlw tr·,.;ul ar·••a gin's tim tm, its punetur·e->it'aling <rrmlilil's.

··· Easier to Mount •:: Longel' Mileage ··· Costs Less ··· Gives Easier Ride ··· Maintains Correct Air Pressure foi· Months


F1 ~~~~~~~~~==========:::::::::======- :· l Jl .... JL _______ rr.::::: ... ===-"Take a memo, Miss Twentywatt. Robinson-Dart has the best used car values in town."

Don't Take His Word for It ... Come In And See For Yourself We'll guarantee each of these lovelies for 30 days

Each has been thoroughly recohditioned

194fl HUIJSOJil Com-mand~>r (; sedan .......... $1 90li

1949 PLYl\fOTJ'J'II Club COUIIC .................... 1595

1948 PLYl\IOUTH . . Club CnuiH~ ...................... 1395

.1!148 I'LYMOUTH •1-rloor·• 139;3 1948 . DODGI~ 2-rlom· ...... :. 1345

' 1047 CIUWUOLET 2-dOOI' ............ .................... 10Jl;i

1941 78 OLDS 4-dom• ........ 495 19-ll CADILLAC

2-dom· .............................. 895 19-U CADJU,AC ~ 4-llOOI' sedan .................. 1095

1941 DODGF; 2-door· ........ 4!J;i 1941 BlJICii 4-dOUI' ........ 49ii 1 !J40 DODGID 2-rloor• ........ 395 19•10 OLDS 2-dom· ............ 495 1940 PLYl\IOU'l'H 2-dool' 395 1940 OLDS ·!-door .............. 445 1939 J,aSAU,E Sedan .... 295 1939 CHEVROLE'r 2-donr 195 1939 FOJtll 2-door ....... :.... 191i 1938 PLYl\IOlJTII 2-lloor 241i 1938 FOitD 2-door ............ 245 1937 HUI>SON 2-1loor ...... 145 1937 I<QUD 2-dnol' ........ ; ... 195 1937 CHEVUOLET 2-dool' 195

Robinson-Dart Used Cars· Phon·e 23081


a tow of 1 rlcgr·ces and a high of 4~. PrecipiLrtlion for the wcelt nmorrnlccl to .l:l of an Inch. There was 1 A Inches of snowfall Monday nig-J1L.

S. I", Demorest, superintendent aL the Mason rlisposal plant, re­por'Lcd the following tempemtures during Lhe past wcelc

.Tanuar·y 213 Jnnuar·y 27 .Jmtuar·y 28 January 29 .January 30 Jantlary 31 Fcbnmry 1 February 2

Min, .................. 2fl ............... 6

.................... 11 ................ 23

.................... 5 6 4

.................... 11

Max. 30 21i 4a 40 17 27 29

Lcslrc cag·e fans were on hand brothcm, Harry Jacllson of Flint to see Martyn Howe put on a one-, and William ,Jackson of Davison. rnnn scormg show. In a line up His hody was removed to the switch Howe too!t o~er th~ centct'l Logan funeral home pending fun­~utres and hrt lor 22 pomts the


em! arrangements. The funeral trrst time out. wtll be Saturday with Rev. Vernon

LeHiio edged Fowlerville In evcr·y T. Smith officiating. Burial will he period. 'rhc Bluckhawlcs n~ver made in the Evergreen cemetery, were too far in front hut never Lansing. were they in any danger of beini\' ------overtal:en. Lcolle hac! too much scoring power and too many ball- I h y th hawks for the Livingston county ng am OU S ho.vs .

non stcrcr·t turned in 10 points w· 4 H H to follow Howe in the Blacl\ilawk I m - onors scoring race. Tom Butler conlln·

SCIIOOL BOY :1N~Ji-r~nED I with 1~1 points, you cn.n count on Inghatn '1-H'ers uecl to pace the Fowlerville team


Wilen i l comes to winning prizes

David Green, 12, son of Mr. and ' llolt Could Do 110 0 Wrung- to come through wi Lh their shnre. . " Not all the returns from the

Mrs. George Green of Aurelius, Holt cn_me up wcth the pcr·,cct Farmers' vVeclt exhibits are in but who attends the Aureliuo Center game ngarnst Dansv•llc. The Ram- placings for com potato s· d school, suffered a skull frncture b~er defense w~s mrt1ght all the egg·s have been a~nounced~ an Tuesday noon while playing in the mfilt. The Aggtcs were held to a .Tack BI'Own of Ferris club won echool room. He is confined to his to,al of four field goals for .Ute en- second place in the whole corn home for com•alescence for three tJre mght. Wh~lc the Ptambler clc- show. Blue ribbon winners in the weclts. fense .was cltcilt~g , 1~0 sharp- com seetion wem Richard Cheney,

-·----- shootets on Couch P'red Law-~ Fout· Winds· and Gel'ald Brown renee's squad were httllng· from all ForTis. Phil 'Hayhoe of Alaiedon:

A t. n Ca' lendar over the floor. Joe Bloom of Vantown, and Aaron U( 10 Just about evct·yone on the Holt Hyde of Four Winds won r·ed rib-squad broke into the scoring col- bans. Friday, February 10, Robert

Coclll'oft, 4 ~2 miles northeast of Springport on M-99 to Harsl\ey road, 1 mile east.

for warm coaches

for more comfort

• There are no lower fare~·,! And you save up to 66c out of cad1 dollar it costs to operate youc can1ben you go by Greyhound.

1\lhliiJUI>I'IJll<l, N. M ....... $27.•11i Salt J,:tlm Git,r, Utah .... $3:!.811 San Fmncisco, Cali!'. .... $<H.20 Washington U. C ........... $12.15



Pete1·s Drug Store l'lwnc 2-6l:H

Gas Heat ? •



Come to us for the answm· . .; 'Ve ha1•e com•m·slon burnet'S ol'

gas w1its

Delco-Heat eondltlonalr Dowagiac Arrow ·

H1tdlcy-Brown Bryant

Associate member · American Society of hellting and Venti­

la tlng Engineers

Dr:&+il.~ll Pho11o ~-I 001 ·

umn, Top man for the evening was Fat· prize potatoes Ralph Elli­Doyle Lurner with 15 points. Len son of Hawley ancl Jack Freeman Hodgman pushed him with 14. Top of White Oalc placed second. Aud­honors for the Aggies were split t•ey Hawldns of Aurelius won third by Bob Thompson and Leland I place. Perrine with five points each.

1 Blue ribbon winners for eggs

Haslett Comes from Bellin• I I were Sara, Ann Eckhart of Wilcox Haslett had to pull out all the and Jea': Avery of Oltcmos. Mar­

stops to keep in the second place garet W1lhelm of the Canaan club slot in the· County League stand- and Dallas Hyde of Four Winds ings. 'rho Williamston Hornets placed secm:td. Max. Benne, Ol>e­really pushed the Lalwrs all the mas; :rv.Iaurtce Sqmre~, Hawley; first half and way inlo the second and Pbll H~yhoe, Ala!Cdon, took half. Williamston helcl a good sub· thtrd place rtbbons. stantial lead of four points at half­time but the Lakers came hack strong in the third and fourth periods to edge the Hornets,

Dicl\ Branclenburg was top man for the Hot·ncts with 12 points while Haslett honors went to Noel Miller.

Stncl<bridg-o Lettds All tlw Way Stockhridgc jumped on to the

Okemos Chiefs in tho first period and kept right on jumping all through the game. Okemos never did show too much strength and the Panthers gradually pulled away. At halftime tile Panthers were in front 17-10.

Paul Watson paced the Panthers 1

with a total of 12 points. Dick I Benne was top Indian with 91

ADL<W 1101\U; FltOl\1 IOWA Clarence Adlof spent from Fri­

day un_til Monday in Waterloo, Iowa, attending a reunion O'f the 6601st ordinance battalion. The re­union was held at the Waterloo Amvet home. In 1942 the battalion went overseas and remained there 35 months. Twenty-three months were spent in Afl'ica and part of the time was spent in France. Ad­lof served with the battalion two years.

points to his credit. I .

Shop Talk Atll•nds Convention Dr. F. J. Kellogg and MrH. Kel­

logg will be in Grand Rapids on Monday to attend the u3rd annual educational conference of the Michigan Optometric association. His office will he closed.

At 11w A & l' Jim Hanes is acting manager at

the Mason A & P store while Ira Rose is on a short leave.

Dicl\ Kehres, a former Mnson A & P employee who was trans­fared to the Eaton Rapids store, has returned to tho Mason unit.

Mason Markets Wheat ............................ $1.8D-$1.!l0 Oats ............................................ .65 Beans, cwt. ................................ 5.85 Soybeans .................................... 1.90 Bucltwheat, cwt ....................... 1.50

Yon lmow the high cost of lweplng you•· Clll' in top I'Cpalr. But think of the bllls resulting f••om. 11 sm·lous collision.

You can't afford to be with~ out tim lnsm•ance tlutt wlll pa~· tho_se bllls If lt. hltp)len~.

McCowan & McCowan· l'lunie S26t

A good example

of today's

insurance values There are a hundred ways

that you or your family or your dog can cause injury to somebody which inay result in a lawsuit against'you.

Somebody may trip on your front walk. Your child may hurt somebody with his· bicy­cle, or even playing ball. You may sock somebody with a golf ball. An occasional em­ployee may fall and break an arm. Etc.

Fo1• $10 a ymH we can pro­tect you against m1my ldnd!l of lawsuits up to $10,000 with our Family Legnl Liability Policy. Aml the ~arne policy JlllYS mcdl­cul fees .1111 to $250 for non- · family Injuries even If you are not legally llable. A!llt us.

DART Insurance Agency

Phones: 1\lason-2.3661

. Lllll!ilng-61\IA-28661

WOI\IAN RTJU, Oim'W!\l, Mr~. P11111 Leavy, 42, or ,Jncl;~on

IR Rtlll in orltlolll oonrlillon ul ~ho Mnaon Genom! hPRpltul. Sho wu~ Injurer! lu~t Tuearlny when pllchotl ft•om ne1• cat• when It ,ovct•ttll'nerl on Phillip~ I'OOC(, She had nn OJICI'atlon •rueadny for lnlm•nnl In­juries sustnine!) In tho JWclclcnt.

F~rm Bureau

Around Aureliu$ AlrH, I.rLWI'Nwo llolhee

Jones. Popcorn wn11 aolrt ]ly Mr~.' Wellington On•. MtiAio wns ren­derecl lly tho ohilclren oC M1•, arlll MrR, Hnwurcl Scrlptor,

":'01'1!hlp' Jre•:~Jcn wr~a 1.1eld In the Those who nt.tenclerl the lllrtlltlny AUt o!IUR chtll•-h Pill lor H Sunday tmll in MILSOn Friday WOI'O Mr• anrl lt>e


11sc l'c~wdcling lma begtln in Mrs. Joh~ lUdgru•, 'Mr•, ul!d 'Mr•s.

h tuclltorlum. It was ~tarterl Chnrles Davis Mr and Mrs Rod ln,st Monday. Chtlt'ch unci Sundrr.y I Carncron, Mr.' unci Mrs. R'usacll Hthool will lle held In tho pnrlorB Edgar· Mr arul Mrll Melvin swan­Snnclay, Fchnlury 5, and will meet son Mr. ~ncl Mrs ' Kennell~ Htll there nnlil Lhc rcmoclol!ng Ia com- Mr.' an•! Mrs. Bnw~ Decg und Mr: pletcd. The borrrrl of rlcacona will anrl Mi'll Dcw<1,Y Colfey of maton ll)eet Tnes<luy night, JPebruary 7, Rapids, ~rr, nnd Mrs, Paul Bur-

noxtM Trull The Alll'clitiH J,udies Aid did not docn und Rnllot'L Dt·oacha. During the rllscusslon of "Who meet Webrunry li Et.H plannccj, It Miss Dorenn Smith anrl Lal'l'y

Sets Farm Prices 'I" at the .Jumr- WJts postponed because of Farm- Shott of Ann Arbor were wcc'k ary 27 meeting of the Dexter Tr·nll LH'R' Wee!{, The meeting will be I enrl guests of Mr anrl Mrs J{cith l~arm Bureau group, the member- lwlrl Fchrunry 12, Weelta. ' " ship conclurlcd that the Jaw or

1 of the choir have been A euchre parL.v wns given hy

supply and demand is not worltlng- nv1ted to Join the Mnson Presby- I Mt• and Mrli PltUl Zimmerman today becau~c of the government Lerlnn churcll, which is acl!ng as Suturday night. Mr. unrt Mrs. support prices on man.v pmctncts, h,ost to all Musoll churcltes Palm Lawrence Dolbee won high prizes. that Lho amount of: the conmun- Sttndny, Ahoul. flO voices nrc de- Mr·s, Rcty Mnthews won the rov­er's dollar to which the micldlo- sll'ecl for the servlcll, Those who lng lone hum! prize man is entitled val'lcs with prices wish to prnclice rnJty contact Mrs. Mr and Mrs H~y Hyntt and and mnrlwt conditions und that Vivian Mol'l'lson nbout rides to fo.rnlly hnd Sun'day rllnrier with the govm·nment price ~up port pro- lila son next Sunday afternoon M. L . , 1 1 f 11 gram cmmot succeed if t11c law of f•·om 'l·OO to <1 ·30 18· 01 " 110 "nne nne run Y·

1 1 ' 1 . . . · ' · · · Cor·p. Lawrence .Jenn1ngs of FL. ~~~;/t:n~ do~t~m ope[ at~s, ~t"' I 'l'hc piny "Evcr·y Husband" was J<nox, Kcntucl<y, nne! ID<Iword .Tcn-

H 0 d w~ ca ~pe~a 0, ~•go :- H Htrccc;os. 'l'hrme in Lhe CHHt wet·c; nlngs, from Mlnrni University In

er. ownr ~y set vee JLH rscus- llll'o, ll.cnneth Hill, Mrs. VIctor Ohio visited Lhclr llltr'cnts, Mr. stan leader fm th~ mcct.tng ;v_hruh 1·1111, Ml'fr. Wlllrml Buxton, Mm. and Mrs. P'red .J~nnllli\'li, over the was held at, the ~ 1 own Erllt.h Roberts, Mrs. Carl Carmony, week end. Pul Kipp, who hns been ~1omr Mr~. Fwnk I etters n.JStstecl Mr-R. Keith Weeks, Mr·s, Ray making her home with the Jan-

to wstcss, .. . Mcrthews and _MI'H. William Jon- nings, has gone ln •rolcdo tn live The next rnaetmg cs schcdulcrl nrngs. IL wns drrecterl by Mrs. Earl with her mother, MI'H. Rnlh Kipp.

for l~'cbruary 21 at the Paul Red-~--------·------------------~ man home, ~_.,...,_,.

Clark Center 1\Irs. Donald Oal'i{

Mt•. ar.d Mrs, flobert Davison and daughtet' of !Caton f{apido unr.l Ml', Rnrl Mr·s. Reginald .TohnHon and children spent FridHy evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bullen.

Sunday gLrcsto of Mrs. Lc­Seney and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Mlchitsch were M1·. and Ml~;. Verne Keener and Vance or Van­dcrcoolt Lake and Mr·. :rncl Mr·s. Ivan Towns and Lynn of Baltic Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. Howm·d Clal'l\ flncl Duane called on her mother, 1\Ir·o. Louella Gifford ul Charlotte, Sun­day afternoon.

Just-A-Mere club will meet with Mrs. Cletus Strickling. Tue!lday, Februar.v 7. All members are urged to attend this meeting,

Mr. and Mt·s. A. B. Ziegler: were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunsen.

Mrs. Hnl'l'iet Eames anrl chil­dren of Lansing called on 1\Ir. anrl Mrs. Floyd Bullen Sunday after· noon,

l\'fcn's Grav





SOc Pr. Off

Hey! Look At These

(jJ S'ILllgll NYLONS

First quality

99c Army-Nav~· Wool


$1.98 Heavy Wuul


\ $2.50 , off f1·orn coats mul tr'ouse1·s

Reduction~ Due to the decline in real estate values, we 8re reducing

our commission for the selling of your property from

S~o To l~o On farm and City

Properties Sold By Us

Lou Shern-Dan Leslie Broker

Phone Leslie 2304

i\len's Jlc.a\',i' fl""en-lincd



Heavy fur-collared jaclwts In sand, sih•cr or darl< colors.

$10.95 1.0'1'8 OF O'rflEJt IlEA VY




Emery Jewett Mason Broker

Phone Mason 22571


We ar·e owr• stoelwd. Come in and clear· our shelves.

$1 Pr. Off You can't go \\'I'IUlg' nu thesf~



6 Pr. $1

Here Are Some More Values



Srw•,·al Colors


5 Pr. $1

Come In and ·Browse Around

P. X. ,SurpiUs.Store· Mason '· Eaton Rapids East Lansing _


California Would Gain 8 Seats Under Redistricting Program

Fcbrua1·y 2, 1950 THE INGHAM COUNTY 'NEW'S Section 2

PJ•esonl lnw rcrpJireH t:lw Jll'nHI- nl t.lw Lime ns prohnb!y the ml1~1-rlcnt of llw United fltnli!H l.o I'll- mum Jnernhershlp beyond which port lo the rwngross Ll1o eh;Lngns cfflolont opol'lltlon wotild be lrn­ln liOUHe memhm·Hhip l'cquirotl nfl- pniJ'ml h,Y too nnwlelrly nncl cum­CI' enoh cmnHIIH, 'l'hti!>, rtl lhn con- h<lrsorne n body, But of courae, the venlng of lhc ll2nrl r•ongJ•oss In H2nd congress Wr>lllrl hnve powm• ,Tunlllli',Y, lflfi I, tho prcslcli:nt must lo lnct·cnse lhc size of the ho11se, I'OJlOI'l on lhe ro:>IIILH of lhc l050 since no congt•css cnn bind 11 snh­eonsns. UnlesH lo,_;iHin.lion lo lhc Hcquonl t•ongrcss, Il hns been csll­eonll·ni',Y Is cnar'lecl In the mcnn- mnled lhnl !.here wonltl now he lime, I'CnppoJ·I.Ionnt•ml under the 477 mmnho1·s of llw house on the lflli.O census becomes ol't'oclivn with I b1Lsls of p'rcscnt population if the tho frJIIowlng congTess, the 8:1nl. CIU'I'ent limltn.llon were not in of-

Boy Scouts Marie. 40th Anniversary 1 Crop S·pecialist

Will Recommend Hybrid Seed Corn

New Press President

The holtHo pu.';loft'leo and civil fl!el. · sm·vice c~ommltlcr. on A11g11~t 7, FIJ(Ilri'H 'l'llllt. 'full' 101!1, mnclc public an cslimalccl ap-1 ll Is often :;aid that people nrc )>OJ'llonmmll of m em her:; of the Cl'eill.i ll'cs of hftbl t, Certain! y this honnc of rept•csr.nlnllvcs, by is tr11e In Ll1o Hense lhnt people slnlcs, based on eslimaleii or total pa,v hlrlrlcn lnxes without even sln.Le pop;;lallons nmdo by lite eon- tltlnl<lng about lhem Ol' won·ying HUB biU'crtu "" or .111iy t, l!l4k. lin- nhout them ellhct·, Yet wlth the der litis !!llktllni.lnn, California light sq11eezo thul many incll­would gnln 8 seals; WHshinJ:lon, vldtmls experience today rnnl<lng Oregon, Mlchig·rtn, Indi1111a, 'l'exas lnr~omc meet outgo, they should n.ntl F'lori<bt, one scrtl •'Ht,h. New tmclcrslantl anrl realizo juot how Ynl'i< woulrl lo:<c :1, Pcnn~ylvania tn.xes ancl rlcht enlm· Into every 2, unci Illinois, ~li>~snltri, Old11- hOIIt' of, theh• lives nne! hang oveJ' homa, ArlmnsnH, MissiHsippi, Ten- t.hciJ• heads lilw the sword of Da­nmu;cc, I<:enLuclry, Ge01'g'!n fiiHl nwclcs. No1'lh Cnl'flllnn .one each. Times clwn,_;c, 'lis true, yet few

'!'his iH 11 shiJ'l nf ·J.I ""nls. This people torlny seem lo compr•chcncl dislrlb111.ion is lia;;etl upnn the 11s- whnt iH nctu!tlly happening to lhe :;umplion llinl lhe nwmilet·- financial l;lt'UCLIII'c of our· govern­ship nl' l;ltt• )I(JIIse would 1'em11in menl. Tho following table spells the same tltnl is, ·I:IG. 'l'llis lollti, nut snmc inlcrcsling and dovast­unchan;:·cri since 1!112. wns llxetl in,_; fuels:

U, R. Pop11lalion U, fl. T,;x Re<'cipls . U. S. IGxpr,nrlillli'C>i Per C;q>ila l.le!Jt Pet· Capita Net



121 ,fl:l2,1100 .~·I,O:l:J,OIIfi,OOO

:l,H18,fi1JO,OIIfl t:l!l.'10

f Income HflL'l' Lax e..; 1

.1919 110,000,000

$:17,()57,000,000 40,180,000,000

I ,606.19


Increase 22'/r

81!1'/c 911'/t:


, .... ~ ··:n1,::/ ·: ... :;...... ::::: ..

Lnlghton Nels'on, Mlchlgnn State college fnrn1 crops specialist, wlll discuss nnd recommend hybrid seed corn ar two meetings Tuesday, An afternoon meeting will he held ln the Stocicbrldge town hnll nnrl n night meeting Is schedulecl for• the court house in Mason. The after­noon meeting will atnrt at 1 :~0 ond the night meeting nt 8:00, County Agent Don Curl'y, announced,

In utldltlon to the discussions on corn, Nelson will Pl'esent research clntu on new vui·ictles of outs ancl barley, I

"With tllot'c Interest evident In conservation of soil and In the ap­plication of grassland fn.rmlng," Curry said, "opporltmlty will be glven for discussion of the adapta­tion of legumes and the cultural pradicca which hnve proved suc­cessful on Ingham farms, Anyone interested Is Invited to uttcnd one or both of the meetings,"

--\. <

Small Business Is Menaced By Big Government

I Wnltet• Pn tcngc of Lansing, dis­trict lleulenant-governot· of Ki­wanis, pleaded with Mason Ki-waniqn:J Tucsclny night to answer the chnlleng·e of the present gov­emmental threat.

Inl' Whlt4' Inl< White, publlshm· .nnrl editor

of the Clinton County Republicftn­News at St. Johns wns olnctctl pi·esltlenl of the Michtg·fln Press Associn.llon, I.rc, ul lls 82ntl anni­vm·sary convention Jnnunt',Y 20-21 nl LHnslng. While succeeds .T, S, Gl'lly, publisher of the Momoc Evening News.

Other M. P. A. officct'!i fii'C .J. C. Bedient, Albion Evening Rc­col·dcr, tit'sl vice-pt•esldent; Mere­clilh Clark, Vicksburg Commercial, second viee-presidcnl; and J8mes K Ellis, Durand Expt·css, trctts­lll'P.t',

Rinee l.lw p111·r·lwHing· powe;· nf lo>iS tllfln tile $67•1.50 would buy in tile lfH[I dollar is nppt·oximatcly 1!12!1. The avcntgo American thcJ'e­G!J cents, when compnrerl with l.lw fo;·e is uclilflliy worse off todny purchaHing power of the l!nfl rlol- willl his net income of $1,019,00 J;u·, tile ~I ,018.00 pet· "a pita in- than he was in 1929 with his come today will btl,\' r:onsidct'llbly $571.50 nel income. Olllcial poster marking the 40th birthday.

Unless business men figh r i>acl<, the mirlrllc class in Amer·ico will disnppear as it has in Russia and as it is being made to tllsappeat· in England, Pn.tenge declared.

Louis J. Herman, Whilchall Forum, was re-elected dircctot·. New directors A.l'e F'. G1·angcr Well, Port Huron 'rimcs-Hemltl, ::tnd lcl'llnl< Worthington, Wyan­clotle Tribune.

When Cons:sdering The Change


Leslie Heating & Plumbing Co. Leslie Phone Leslie 3682

Pioneer Seed Corn I expect my first shipment of seed corn in a few days. I will have corn fm· bot·h old a-nd new cust~·mers:-'Any maturity date desired.

Lloyd Aseltine Phone Williamston 87F5 or Lansing 87738

If you live south cf 1--!owcll and Pryor ~·oads sec

Curtis Wright He 1s your local distributo1·

Start Out· The Month With A Car In Tune

Tlw Sun Anai,V~I't' Docs'thc Job

See What We Do

· Fot• only

$3.95 I. Olwel< and ndju.•t

c::trburr!tor. 2. Clwcl< dlstrlbutot'

and timing, 3. Clean and ad,just

sparl' JlhJgs; lnstull new . gasl,ets,

•l. In;;pcct air filter and tllcan if neces­SIII'.I'•,

o). Chcc!~ gcneJ•ator, shu·ter, und \'oltuge and current t•egula­tm•,

r;. •rest b>ittery and and clwcli cable connections.

7. Test coli and con­denser.

·x.< fan belt lot' loo~cness and ad­,jitst if necessary.

Check Thos.e Wheels Have Us Bala·nce Them ~1£'era~ltctrrf1: ~'11llf f1t~ "\ "'~"·\;..:"~

$1 a Wheel Plus weights 'I


Hilton & Richards Buick Sale's Pnrlt and 1\laple

The 40th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America will be observed Feb. 6 ·to 12 in every part of the nation by more than 2,300,000 boys and adult leaders .. "Strengthen Liberty" is the birthday theme. The Boy Scouts' "Cr1.4sade to Strcngtb­en the Arm· of Liberty" con­tinues through 1950.

During Boy Scout Week, Units will hold "Crusade Night" meetings when 1949 Crusade Awards -will be pre­sented. Representing the 12 Scout Regions, 12 outstanding Boy Scouts will make a "Rc-

Organ Experts Complete Work

James Butzen, midwest repre­sentative of the Estey Organ Co. of Brattleboro;'.-Vermont,' ancl Ben Buyes, both of Chicago, spcnL last week in~ tailing- new pneuma tics on the Presbyterian church organ. It was the fir·st complete replacing of leathers since the organ was in­stalled 4D years ngo, Butzen tle­clared.

The organ mechn.nics said they found the Mason instrument in ex­cellent condition. Like everything else, organs have gone up in price, Butzen pointed out. The organ which cost the Presbyterians about $3,.500 a half-century ago, could not be bought today for less than !jilO,OOO, Butzen said.

Mason School News

By ltachel Cool!

ShiJ·Iey Belt will I'cign as bn.s­l!elhall queen at t11e Mason-Evct·­cll game Friday. The quccn's court includes Marilyn Frye, Joan Jewell, Donna Hunt and Merna Hart.

At a junio1· class meeting Tues­day, committees were chosen to war·){ on a reception theme and to bool< a hand,

Pal Gallagher from Royal Oal\ is a new tenth gmrlc student. Bill Ireland ft·om Eastern is n new junior at Mason.

Due to n countv institute there will be no school ~Veclnesday, F'eb­t'Hat·y 8.

Total receipts from the Mn.rch of Dimes donations were $88.75, with the gmtles giving $51.05 and tho hig-h echool ~37.70. _ Robert Morgan entered Miss Jean Bush's first gl'flcle room from


At the Ynrd

OHIO COAL . $12.50 At ·the Yai·d

Kitchen Range EGG

$15.50· At the Ynrd

.-Foote~ Bros. Leslie, !\II ell. . Phone S762.

port to the Nation" at Wash­ington, D.C., whr:re the Move­ment was incorporated Feb, 8, 1910, They will also take part in an impressive ccrmnony at Independence Hall in Phila-

' delphia. . The highlight of 1950 will be

the Second National Jamboree which will see 40,000 Scouts and Leaders camping together at Valley Forge, Pa., from June 30 to July 6, including Scouts of other lands.

Since 1910 more than 16,-500,000 boys anti men have been identified with the Boy Scouts of America.

I Reed school, Pleasant lake. The family lives at 104 West Maple street.

Patenge urged business men to take active parts in political af­fairs, Unless business men used their influence fo1· good, Patenge declared, others who are opposed to the Ameri~an way of life will use their influence fot• bad.

The spcn.kcr· also Ul'ged Ki­wanians to attend church regular­ly n.nd to carry out other citizen­ship duties.

'fhc stale association, fonnllecl January 23, 1868, at Jacl<son, serves 5·1 daily n.ncl 30!J weeldy newspapers. Vice-presidents arc altcl'llnlcd annnnlly between dn.ily and wecl<ly mcm her newspapers. Among the past presidents were former Governot· Chnsc S. Oshom and Sccrclai'Y of Navy F'mnl< Knox, both from Sault Ste. Marie,

Plans Made for Leslie A'ccident GM 4 .. H Show Causes Law Suit The third Ingham county 1-H

I club safety meeting spon~ored by

Two suits asking damages ag- General Motors dealers of Lansing The agTicultmnl students spent gregaltng $60,000 have been will be held Ft'tday, February 17,

Weclncstlay at Michigan Slate col- started in Ingham circuit court as at the Olds auditorium in Lansing. lug-e allcmling the .Fat·met·s' Week. a result of an automobile accident Last year 1000 4-H "'embers,

Mrs. Maynat.·d Lamphere visited near Leslie last May 20, lenders, and parents attended this the tiJ·st grade room taught by , Ray DeLeeuw 011 behalf of his event which is one of the high: Misn LaVeda Box recently:· ' daughter Laura is asking $35,000 light~ oLlhe club year. . . I

-----------· ft•om Alfred Tiller of Leslie, Jaclc All summer memhrrs who com-


Morea, guardian of the estate of pletcd then· progr.ams arc lllVItcd.

P "I ( · . t! Nondes Morea is asking for dam- Leaders arc urged to gtvc trckcts [ Up I s ompe lng ages of $25,000. DeLeeuw and I to only those winter project men;-Moren charge Titler with negli-1 hers who are up-to-date on their

! . E c nt t gence, They claim he did not stop proJects. . . l n ssay 0 es his car whlle driving north on James P. Kehoe IS ~eneral Chlllt'·

Mason high school students will compete in the national essay contest, "Peace with Honor for America," sponsored by the Ladies Auxilim·y V0.I.N·ans of For·cign Wars. The essay contest is spon­sored locally by the Douglas Mac­Donald Auxiliary No, 6132 of Lan­sing.

Mason high school will compete with Dimonclalo high school for prizes which are the same as last year. First pt•ize is $25; second, $15; and thii'Ci, $10.

Alberta Adams won fi1·sl place fot· Mason last yeat', She placed fifth place in the department of Michigan contest.

Greenlee Drain Is Abandoned

A board of delcrminntion Mon-

Cooper road across Fitchburg man for the event. His co-workers road. The plaintiffs assert that arc Harold Lilly, Lansing Safety had Titler heeded the stop sign Council; Harold Lorenz of Lorenz there would have been no nccldent. Bros. Buick; Floyd Smn.ll, Waiver­The damages asked nrc to cover inc Chevrolet; M. H. Avery; conn­injuries, disfigurement, impair- ty club agent; Rex. F. Lamer son, ment of health and shock suffered 'frevellyan Oldsmobtlc Co.; Wil­by the two girls', the declaration liam Strickland, Ca.dillac Motor sets forth. Sales; and Leon 0. Tttus.

The DeLeeuw and Morea girl, both 17, and Elln. Jane Crowl, 18, were riding with Jerry Holmes, 17, in Jacl< Morea's car May 20, 1949, when the nccident happened. They were driving cast on Fitchburg road. Holmes came out of the crash with a broken jaw. The Morea girl's ribs were broken and her chest was crushed. Miss De­Leeuw suffered a brain concussion,

· a fractured nose, and dnmage to teeth and jaw nntl Miss Crowl had her arms broken.

Mr. and Mrs. 'J.'ilier ancl their three children, Charlene, 11, Shar­on, 8, and Jerlyn, 6, were also seriously injured. The two older girls sufferccl brain concussions.

The stage show, General Motors' "Prevue of Progress," will be pre­sented.

LEWIS SIIAWS BUY FAR~[ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaw have

bought the fat•m locatcrl at 1826 West Rolfe ron.d from Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Miller of Lansing. The Shaws have resided at the farm for the pnst two years. They have two children, Douglas antl Carol.

Save~ IVrinlcles For the accommodation of pus

s~ngers, the Pullman company fur nished 119,800 coat hungers ir, Pullman cars in 194R.

da,\' turned clown the petition for ,-----------..,;,._.....,: ______________ 1 the Greenlee drain in Aurelius.

Supet·visors Charles .s. Woods of Ingham, Phillip Millis of Let•oy ~ml Burton Johnson of Wheatfield were on the board. They were con­fronted with two petitions, the original . one flied n yea1· ago for· the drain nncl anothet· filed in De­cember against construction. The same signatures were on both pe­titions. Farme1·s said they con­sidered the estimated cost of $2,500 too high for 100 rods of eight-inch tile,

Leslie Man Speaks At Farmers' Week

Russell Wamcr of Leslle was 1

among the speakers at the Fntm­.ci·s' Week pt·ogram held rit Micil­igan Stale college, East Lansing, this w'eel\, He talked on the methods of fire contt·ol and fit•c prevention. Wamer illustrated his tall{ by demonstrating the aulo­malic~lype of flre extinguisher .

:E-ie is owner of the Warner· Fire Control Sc;·vice in Leslie, handling Reel Comet fire extinguishers.

JACI\SON lUAN DIES A. C. Long of Jackson died Mon­

day at. his home. Funeral services were held Thursday aftemoon. He is survived by his wife, Mrs, ·Lela Iveson Long, formerly of Mason.

Wid~spread· 'l'rcud It used to. be a favored practice

to have a darlt vai·nished trim in a room, but the custom of havii'g woodwol'lt enameled white, light· cream; ivol'y-or a color matching the wall-is be coming . constantly more widcs.prc~d:.

\f "oUR

_ ... _ --A lot of things can make a fire act dumb ••• and 97% of the time, it is NOT the coal,

In the first place, can your furnace breathe? Leaks in the chimney will dilute the draft until it won't pllll enough air through the fire. Fill up the cl'aclts or holes with asbestos cement.

Maybe your furnace smokepipe sticks into the chimney flue. That would choke off the draft.

Other faults such as a damaged smokepipe, Jl.repot, grate Ol' choked flues can be troublemakers. Some are hard for an amateur to see. So if a sulkins furnace is a mystery, call your heating plant dealer , •• or your coal man. '

· If you have o. heating Jlroblem be ·~Sure . to call 11~ \.. '

Lansing '"Ice. & · FueJ -Co . . .

ELLIS EVERETT, :1\fu.son Brunell 1\lgr.

S02 ·W. Aslt Pltoue ~ 2·6001

Curtice District 1\lr~. llnwunl SBriplill'

Goorgo Clurli Bllcnl Sunrlny evo­nlng wllh M1•, nnrl Mt'B, illnrl Llllllb In honot• of Sleven l~nmb'~ birth· day nnrllvcranry,

MrR. Lynn H aynoR rlllcl Mrs, Cl!tlid Par•Jsh spOilt Worlnesrlny in Mr, 1111d Mrs. Gem·gu Belen nf Jncl<aon with Mrs. Bob ,loneR,' 1 Lansing cllllerl Sunrlny aflurnoorl

on Mr. anrl MI's. Wllllnm Quinney, M1•, nnrl Mrs, Robert Scclgmnn Mr. and Mrs, .r, I'. Hnnsen cnllotl

hnd Sunclny dlnnoJ' with Mr. and 011 Ml', ILJUI MI'R, Nell Roamussen Mrs, Burt Sedg111an In honm• of of Lansing sunduy uflcmoon Mrs. Robert Sctlgn!fln's hll'thdny, M , l •r' 1 · th

I'H, '~rncs I' PI' :;pont o Ml', anrl l\h•s, Clm•i< Hnyncs woclc cnrl wllh M1·. tLIHl Mrs, Law­

culled Sunday nfternoon on Mr. ronco 'rr•lpp and fllllllly, nnd Mrs, Chttnocy Nefll' of .Jack-son,

Mr. and Mt'A, Clnl'i< Hnynes spent Wcclnesclny evening with Mr. nntl Mrs, Guy Bateman,

Mr, lllld Mr·s, Gct•nlcl Grlfl'ln Cltllerl on Mr. and MI'H, Fred Gt•if­fin Sulurtlny evening·,

Mt•. untl MI'S. Hownl'd Sut•lpler and family and Mr. uml Mr·H,


• c

Saturday Only

Puerto Rloo Children Hnlf the children of Puerto Rico

m·e J•occiving innclequalc schooling and the other hall nrc gelling no cdu@lion whutevcr, a Slll'VCY ol the country's public school system by lcnchct·s college, Columbiu unl· vcrslty, discloses,


!MY &a•&



7WGWe$rS 6/?tATcST APVI!Nlti/IC-(1



Ca1·toon! "Which is Witch" P:Lr·anliHtnt Nmv~

Tuesday- Wednesday FE.BRUARY 7-8



~· Jl((~. Ll~~f9§·~"· ·!¢t~tiJ§/ ''~''9 . CORINNE CAlVET

Car•toon: "liJach Hawn I Cro\\'11

Tllursday-Friday FEBRUARY 9-10


Short: "Frozen Icwt" · Chapter 2: "AIIventui'Cs of Sh• Galahtul"

Cominu: Glenn Fo•·d-.Tallet I.ctgh In "TilE DOCTOR ANn: 0' THE GIRL;" 1\lnrgaret O'Brien-Dean Stocluvell

In "THE SECRET GARDEN;" Gcno A11try nnll Clmmplon ·'m: "THE BIG SOIIIBRERO" in color; luul ,\\'a.!ch for "SQUARE DANCE· JUIHLEE."

Dansville Elizabeth Oarr Is Named Valedictorian Of 1950 Senior Class

'I (Jhii~H•r rJflh' ~fl'!ltfllg IJIIJd ', · TJ1o cnnnot· ohtll met Thni'sdny

J1i9'ht nftOI' ao)lool, Since the cte­hnto season Ia ove1• the mcmllet•a IL~'!l riannlng to Pl'esont some one-1\frs, Holen Young

O!tiiHVIIII' lllgh fkhnnl l'll•llli'Mtl'l' llnnnr Hnll Tho~n wlm earned plneon on tho

somcsLCI' hnnol' rnll nro: AI frieda I~I'ORt, IDII~nhcth Cn.l'l', Wnnd1t Fnr­HOII, Mulloy Sopel', l~llocn Com-1'01 d, Beryl Slww, DnmL11y flhowoJ'­mnn, Holnnd 0111 hnm, .TIICIV flpmguc, ll.t~nl 1'1'11HI<, Bntillll'ol Un!lcrwoo!l, liPil<' Bahnet·, .Tunm Carr, Quonlln r:Jynn, ,lny<'P Lnw­J'Llncc

KaLh1yn Wnll<•r, noger Balm•, .Tonn Cnu!drH'h, Ho.-.t1 Cod11 nne, Lilli ill! I 111 :wl1, Cordon Mnnmo, Lniii'Cen flnlnwt, Alan ClemcnLH, Hllth l'I'Uit, .In <'I< llnzallon, M.ll',Y Mlnnl•1, L''"~'" Neu, Hlllrley Sly, Bmnn1·d Vn B, l'hylllh Wlllinms, PhylliH llurt :-;u:~:~nn" 'T'hnlllpson, Hull! Ann Aii<IL't or>n unci Ui>h WhllltlkPI

R11lh Allll T-JIIJH, Ruth ,JoneH, Vlt•­glnlrt Wilson, Vol'lllco Sllel'mnn, Wnl'<l Sopet•, Beth Starlwy, Ocml­'dlne Underwood rrnrl Cllal'le~ Wool<s.

o, 1~. 1'!, MPt•tlng PhtnnPil 'flw t'egulnt' ol' Dans­

ville 0, 1~. ~; No. f)() will hu huld next Thnt'Htlny evening, I•'eiJttiiLl',\ fl, In tho MtLH<lnlc hnll. '1'110 pas! mn1tons lllHl paHt patmns of the chnptor will he lwnormlg-Hcsts, al't· PI' Whlr!li l't>fJ'GHhiiiCnl.~ Will he sel'Vf'<l hy !he t'OlllllliLLee r•onHis1.­ing- of Vlrglnlu Wilson, Maynurl Wing- nnrl RnHn And<'t'Hon. A rom m1tlee, will! Dmulhy MrCnh•• 111 d!llll'llllln IH wot l<lllg 011 plans fo. ll Jllihll<' HIIJtpt•t· Ln Ill' JwlrJ l~<'b

l'IIIII'Y 2:1,

or ll!o senlo!' olnas Of 1V50 ut Dnnsv!llo high school, Elizabeth C1u·r, c!flllghtcl' or Mr. nnd M1·s. DehnnJ' Can·, was >nmnecl •vnledlo­LOJian llnd Wanda •Pnl'son, daugh­ter of Mr. nml M1·s, !Dat•l Parson, !H llllllltalorlltn, Both gll'ls started ~heir oducntton nL the Dart schoo. IIHI have fJOillillltCrJ ll!ell' cdllCittloli .ngellwr ll11 ough lhc Lwelfl h pwlt>, enmlnt~ Ln the Dnn~vlllc tehool In Lhelt· fJ'eHhntun ;vent·,

!LIIzuilcth hflfJ boon very active 111 nelwol. She hus tnlwn pn t'l lr ch0111.;, Hllll Wll~ Jll'OHJdC!lt of thE ::!h:1tl<•r c•liih, Vl<·e-pt eHident of till /, H. A., unrl Hlle Look pat•l in both .he junim· and senlm· f'!oss plays f•1JI:~ulwth pinnA to l'tn'lhel' her edu "'ll"n Ill Mi<'lllfSUil fllule eollegc ,\ftcr finishing- liPI t•dnmtllon Hhc 1lon:; tn hr n honw e:t•nnomtcn r.rtd1CI',

net pluya, H wna nlso clenlc!erl tJ1at each mcmhcr Ia to give n elecl!t­matlon, rl••rtmallc t•cnclltlg or 1111 orallon, li'I'Om tllQao, two winners will be' chosen 111 cnch of lhe con­teats to rcp)'caent Dnnsv!llo In the dlsttlct fOl•onslc contest, The play Will lle )ll'euontecJ nt n P, T, A meeting,

Ml~~lnnnry' l'rngl'llm PJ:mn••d

Ht·vlml ~lrPtlngH tu ('lust• IIO!Wl' Holl :'iilliWtl On l'!uruhty, Jo't•ht'lntr~' r. r•

1m· Lo\'Nr <.~rlldf·~ Stmdny evening •• f1,etJI'IIaJ'Y G

MisRlonory S11n<lny will be oJJ· 1e1·vcd Sunday al lhe McLhodls' lhill'ch. 'file progrnm lA In chorgr ~r Mrs. Mabel Stewart 1\IHI wll lncludn 11 t•oatllng, "'l'hy Neighbor," ·,,Y G, W. Mannlqg, :wt•lpture road· lng by M1·s, ClroJ•gc Vogt, Sr., f

/OCHJ d!IG[ and ll Hong b,y lhr 1ooslct· clftss, 'rile p1·o;:;rum wll · '" presented nt lhe hcglnnlng of he Sundny school hOlll' and lhc •ntl1'e to!lccllon goeR to lhe slip· >OI'l c,f 11 nature wprkcr In Pcr11.

\V,mrJ,t lifUi talwn pa1·L In man) If' Li> ill<'", !I HI, She has he en Ill Mt•. and MI'H. CIHLIIOH K1'ccgo1 ll'tiVJ> mc•mlwl' of ehm·us, band tltcmled Lhe lmnquet Anltllda) ~hal Ler <'I lib qnd 1•'. II. A. She 11 ·Jght eolehl'llllng I he golden r111ni· Jll 1l1o school pnpet· Elllrl yearbool 'CI'stu·y of lhc Lulw:;lde No. 487 :lnft'. She lool< jlHI't In the junJo, )dd Wcllow lodge nt Nov!. 'T'hei'C

Those 111 llw lower gmdcs who Mtss Eilmt Lohl' will tn·Jnr~ tile m·o nn tile lwnnr loll nrr.: Culvln I dosing meHHIIIJ'e of Lhc 1evtvul Cl10lf, RnHPIIl'll Y Brnvcnrlcr, Rose- meeting-s uL Lhc lc1 ce MeLhollisi nllii'Y 8Lail<ey, .T.uwt Brirrgs, PatLy

1 church. F'or u1c pa~t two wccl!!

Cowan, 8undl'a .lean Wln.?hc!l, ~c 1 v1ees huvc hccn held r•tl<'h cw•­IJ:utmm Ccwht•ttnc•, .Tudy Cmlt, nlng nL 7::lO. Uosl<ieft LIH' n1ossagt Glen \Vii Plllnll, (1~1r'arm· Lnn(·r~ MIHH Lol11 haH JH'c~c·HlPd 11 sc·Pne~o llflcii.IPI II!U'l'alt, fO,tt!<llll Cool<, felL pi!•tut c In i<Pt'Jlllll( wlllt t•at•l

GHI'I Y NlchnliPI', llll'l< f-lodgl:-n, Hellnon lOplC' flpct>IUJ lllliHIC' I! ll

u•d :a•n!O!' claHR plnyH Wnr.tla 1 :err. 128 metnhei'H Jli'CRenl. tllunnmg- on lllt'tllOI' <•duculion, hu M1·, ami Mr:;, Acthen WilL Jefl .s not HIII'P wltt'ltl. l'nesrlay Lo spend Lhe 1 emnmdct

11' l.he wlntor m /~lorida. Mt•. one l•'olluwlllg- !Ciiznbcll!, with .t .. ndtug nf 2.78 1tnd Wm1da at Mrs. Howard 13uJgca•i of lllasot W7, '"''' r.i~ht olhm· honm· slu vill slu,y on llw WilL farm <lnrinr SunLl llall'llil, Ly11rla Wnt lie, I <ilso n<lded to the nllilll'liVcness ''~

'" hell' nlmen<'e.

Tuesday, Fchrl'lt·y 7 I o'dor·lc

l.o<•al<'d I milt• not·tht•asl (If

Chai·lotlt• tu l'a<'lmrd lliglma,v, lii'Hl Jll:ll't' Past ttn L<•wls La­J\Iunl farm. 1!1 lll'ail uf tlalt·y ('at11(•, nwsllr llot~,tt•ln, umulwr uf lht•m ft'l'sh u1· chll' ~o,oun; a fpw guod hf'il'••rs, Huan mar·p, () yt•ars nlll, m•lg-!1t IKOO lhs.; l!l·l!l (' Allls-Chalnwrs I melttr, ('OlllJlh•lt• 11 ith ;~-1'1111 r·llltivator :tiJ(I ~-1~-htl'h Jllo\1' (this trttl'­tol' is JJParly llP\\', WtPd \'Pry litth•), :~-st't'liun dmg, 11-hn<· g1•aln and l't•rlilizt•r <lt·IIJ, mu­nurP spri'Hdf•r·, c·m·n plnnt.-r, Jn0\\'<1 1' .j-1 t., wagon \.Vith nu•lc, sld<• ral"'• hay lnadt'r, douhlt• luu·nc•s!-t, PPJ'II't'tlon nJIIIWJ', 11ip:• lint• and ~ singl<' units (2 ,\'<'Ill's old), .Jtlll hushl'is t•orn, i'iO lmshl'ls mtls, 10 tuns miwd Inns" huy, fill hall's straw, II ton!-! t•nsilagt>, numlu•r· of rnis­('PIIanPOIIS it1•ms.

Ed Van Den Driessche, Owner

Glc·nn !., At'<'hl'r, Anetiunt•r•r, Chnrloltt•, !lrif'higan, 1\lilt ,Jor­dan .ttu1 L1•sU1• C,ollins, Clt'r'l<"·

A l:nm Chit' I< :-oltPnl wimling f'l!ronH• l'!pring

Ht•:JI \'ah11•


Tr·oning Boards Sturcl~· stf'PI Jlert'orntPd l'or Jlet­tet· IH'at ""':lf'l'. Tills' i• a tOJI honnl.

$8.39 Woo<! ('onstr!letion



9-pll'llrs, bP:tutllnlly tlt•llm·n­ted

A .~3.iitl mhw


Sheet Stet•! wood burner Built' to do :t .perfect job

2 ~~lzes


li18HC CVl'llillg ~leJ'Vif'C"o

!Datil nflerr.non cilllc\1 en's lllC<'l· mgs hnvc hrt·n l!olrl ul lhe churr!lt when the l'liil<lren IHIVC leamcd cliOl'liHCS umJ WPI'C tnlrJ fl Slrli',Y in plc•.uJ•c hy MiHH Loh1· 'l'l101 o lm~ been an llVt'l rtge a ltcndanec ol ovm 50 child! en lo I hesc nwctlngs

Ients· Bru·hni'H Un<lmwood, Mfll'· MI. and M;s, Purls Wilt nm tent• li'ir.I<Cs, Eileen Cornfonl , . ;3o• I Sl " M"IIH Smgr.r .TIIcl' Hlntly Wei'Cl Snniluy lj'IICSts of Mr , ~· Y • 1 w, J ·' ' " mel 1\lt·s. Lawrence Sw,m. ~pi clgll~.. Jlolnncl Gt nhnm All( I Mt'S. 'I'ccl Hoa[;' drove lo Ham' loy:'' ,Iaham. 1iond, Jmliann, Sallli'day to nttenc

he werlcltn•~ nf Miss Bcel<y Tilt OOJ llu~t·; to WilllrlmNlon F. II. A. mel Wllliurn P, MeCallintm•. Th<

'T'he nwmrwrs of the F. H. A. ol lCIV Mts. Mr.Callister und Mts Saturday evening thct c will he 8

youliJ tally 1nclndmg Ra<',Y, Wil· 1 •r. A. S. t•nt<'tlamed lhc mem ~-loa,; wet·c 1 oommaLes at AIIJ!ot J

JerH ol lhc Williamston F. H. A •ollege, I l1amslon, LPHlle, Pel'l',Y and lhc

Sill I otlllding lert•itOl',Y MISS Loin Will he the ~pcal<eJ' With spc<·wl 111\IHie fmm Perry and Williams· ton yo11ng people.

F't tday at fl Hix u'Plm•l< dinner Mr. and. Mm. Wilham LOf;"f\11 o I J'it'ly-fotll' m<>mhet·s of Williams ·,anHmg and M1· and M1·s. Geot·gt .un [•', H. A. am! lhe11 insLt·twto. 111sso of New CaHlle, Pcnnsyl· .VPt c llw f(IICHlH. •rmia, were SulrJnluy evening

.Toy< c u 1 nham, M,u y Ann Smg :uesls of Mt·. ami MI'A. .To~>cpl

Agogips Losp Gam1• fi0- 11(} 'I', Gco: ):(l:t P-1es anrl .Jmly Spmgw N1gton ancl sonq

To Willlarnston Fl'lday Night The Aggll'H lost a g-ame and

won a game 111 F'r1day mghl'o en­counter Willi Willtamston The second team won :11 to 1 :] wh 1le the first team hoys loHt f>O to 46. The boys wl10 played on li]l) second team WeJ e Brool<n, B11ller, Arnoi:J, Docl<ell, Shenthclm, Cm·lis, Sonic ancl Getz.

.v,.,.,. l11c emmmttce In charge o Mrs. Mina Mann was a Sunclaj ;eneml m·t·angements The menr llnnCI guest ol' Mt·. nml Mt·~ ·UI the dmne1 conststerl of Spar. lalpl1 Wllllwr. Mt·. and MIT sh nooclleH, mixed vegelltbler 'lnyno Wallwr and sons of Ne11 <Hiad, wann J'olls, ICC c1 eam on lmlson hnd Sunday supper witl "oolnes. 10ir parents.

A pt og-1 am was prcnented in lh M1·. and Mrs. Sam Williams nne' "tudy hall following the clinne llltly, Mt. and Mn;, George WI til Georgia Rtes 111 chat·g~. Th !m·mdot f and Mr nnd M1•s. IDe' ,ophomore quarl et cons1stmg 0 Inr•indol f and son, Lawrence, o: Nancy Anderson, Mlnntn Ma /cllbeJ ville and Mtsf, Shirley Sl;

On the first team were Thomp­son, Cartet, Holbei'L, Hedglcn, Per­l'lne, OesLel'le, Yn11ng anrl Coch­mne. T11csday the boys played at Holt and on F'liday at Stoelc­bndge. The gtrlH team wtll also play aL Stocl<bridge.

E:v:•1 ~tt, L01s Jenl<s and Dm·hat. rerc Sunday dmner guests of M1· f'CJ'I me, sang two seleetlons. A ntt Mrs. Howard Mer m<lorf h hiiii\OIOIIH skil WllR then Jli'CSentC( IOIJOI' Of tJ)C birthday anll!Vei'SOI) by Hazel Tt asl< and Alfriedr ·f Howard Merindot f. F'1 ost, and Geneva Chelf and William Musolff spent Tuesday Dorothy Brooks gave voca' n NotLhville and South Lyon wilt luct" with gutta!' accompar.1ment ·elatives.

1111'. and Mrs. Roy Wcsl wc>rc Sunday d1nnet· guests of M1 anrl Mrs: Ralph Aseltine of Mason,

l.i'ollowmg th~ p1 og-ram the group Mt· ard Ml's . .Tohn Newland of tltondcd the WillwmsLon-Dans Vayne and Mr. ancl M1s, Lnw 1·ille games. "nee. Larner of Lamlir.g wen

:uncl:w clinnm· 'guests of then .wther, M1 s. Besste Olson.

LaddCI' Chah· In gleaming c:hrume nnd rl'<l h•atht>rdte upholstt•rin~:·


Combination sin!< fixtm•e swings tllthm· way

ehrome finish t!OlllJJIPtl' with tmy


Circulating Jleatet• Ju11t 'the thing to remove chill from any room

· Special



itmwJII \\'l'hstel' IIOIIOI'P<i Pf<•. Ronald Webster was han·

J:·ed at a patty Sat \II day even in; tt the home or Mr. and Mrs. ·Law '.oa Gauss and Bud. Other guestf wet·e 1\11. nnd Mrs. Robert Thomp· son, JI ., Bnt bam and Matgir Amlmson, Miss G1·ace Randall .l!lni't Arnolcl, Geneva Chelf, Lois Klcmst111th, vvayne 'l'aylm, Sarr Willtams, Wayne Chelf nncl Mr -end MrH James Wright of Lan ·;ing. CanaHta was played dtll'lng the evenmg, after whtch wf•·esh· 11cnL~ \Vete setved. Ronald recent­'y l'ecrove<l Ius discharge aftet be· m:; m the m my the past year.

lt!•guhu· ~frp~:ing PlannNI Tl1e rcg11lnt· meclmg of Dans

Ville 1•'. & A. M. will be held Tues .lay evening, Febt·um•y 7, in th ,\hsomc hull The meetmg Wlll be ~m p10mptly at g o'cloclc

Merle Otis of Lansing was · • 1undny tlinner guest of his par· •nts, Mr. and Mrs. L, ID. Ot1~ irs. Merle Otis was a dinne1 ;uest of her mother, Mt·s . .Tame!' larclner. In the aftemoon Mrs J

3ardnet· and Mrs. Otis wmr ;uests of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E )lis.

Mrs. David Overholt and chll· lren spent Monday With Ml's. Rob­•!·t Scott, Mrs. Leshe Cooke and '.1rs. Rex Dutteret· of Hastings.

Mrs. Earl Braman, Mrs. MmmE 3lakely and Mrs. Nelhe Cline VIS I ted Monday with Mrs. Irma lullihm·ger, who is in the St. Law­

·ence hospital in Lansing. She is o have an operation for g01tel'.

Mr. and Mrs . .Tames Wright and 'nm1ly of Lansing and Mr. and 1!1·s. Theo Clickner and Ted of Villiamston wet•e Sunday dinner ·uests of 1111'. and Mrs Lawton }U\lSS •

. lam i'illpprt· I•ostponed Mr. and M1·s. Louis Yuhasz and The ham supper sponsored bJ laughtcl' of Holt were guests Sun-

_h2 Booster class of the Methodis lay of the Iotter':~ parents, M!'. church, wh1ch was to have beer llld Mrs. A . .T. MIII~r. .

1 , ::tn event of Jceht uaJ'Y 8, has beeJ I Ilk and M1 s. Alvm Dame of postponed to a later date. Th: ':letlO!t spent Fl'lday wtth the lat­iJOstponemenl has been necessal'J :er'~ parents, Mi. am! Mrs. Chan because of the illness of sevet·a• J Ne,!.1s?n. 1 M.. w It r B . hfi


members. "'· anc ts. a e uc teu md daughter and Mr. and Mrs.

Y. P. M. s. to "Jt•l't Wednt·sday The Young Peoples l\Iissional')

.;oc1ety of lhe F1·ee Methodls ~hurch w1ll meet Wednesday, Feb cuary 8, a L the home of Mr. am Mrs. ,Jnn Young. The meeting wll begin al 7:30 and a soc1al hom w•ll follow"the husmess sess10n.

Sho\1'1'1' Honors Two \Vomen Mrs. Dorn Diehl and 'Mrs. G. E

Manning were honor g·uests at • shower given F1·iday evening a the J10me of Mrs. Wayne Le· C!l!'cux, with Mrs. David Dtehl am Mt s. Dav1d Overholt assisting Varwus games wet•e played dm·in[ .he evcmng, mcluding canasta M•s. C. A. D1ehl, Mrs .• Josept W1glon am, Mrs. Vincent Carlm won prizes. The honored guest•. l'eCCIVed many gifts, ·after whict dcs~;et t and coffee wet e set ved tc lh~ 2fl guests by the hostesses.

W. S. C. S. to Have !Ueetlng Wednesday, Feb!'Uai'Y 8, th

regula! meeting of the Woman': Society for Cht'!Stlan service wll be held at the church. ·A •potlucl dmner will be served nL noon am this will he followed hy the busi ness meeting and 'program.

School l'earboolt 1lJntlmwtty "Bricks nnd Ivy," lhe schoo.

yenrboolt, Is getting underway fot publicatiOn 'this spt:ng. 1The writ : ten and oral English • class 11s ,pre . paring the book and the .. offlcer, are Geneva Chelf, ealtor; rroyc: · Graham, assistant 'editor; -EIIee! Cornford, business manage1·; • ·

~£~:·~~e s:na;~al ~~:~~~e~~r~e?n1~~~:; ., and the subscription campaigt closed lnst wee!<. The material wll soon . be sent tu the publisher fo. completion.

Perrine~; Buy UoiRteln

!'loyd Blanchard and daughter of - '~ansing. were Sunday visttors of

hea· pai·ei:l~s, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mu1 doc!~.; · .

Mi·. 'and Mrs. Wayne LeCureux lnd Mat•gie were Saturday visitors Jf her parents, Mt, and Mt·s. Jay 1ichmond of Owosso. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond left Tuesday to ~pencl the J'emamder of the win­er in Florida.

Mr. nncl Mrs. G E. Manning ancl 'atm!y and Miss Bessie Tyson ·rel'e Sunday VIsitors of his moth­'1', Mrs G. H. Manning of Ypst­antl.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hayhoc of ·,ansing were Sunday g11ests of ·he forme1·'s parents, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Ha.yhoe.

Judge Earl Pugsley and Mrs 'ugsley of Hart were week end ·uests of Mr. and Mrs. David )Jehl. Mrs. Pugsley l'emuined for he week. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dowling

vere Sunday VISitors of Mr. and •ill'S, Russell Dowling of Mason nd thel!· new grandson, Eugene \rthm· Dowlmg, who was horn lamtary ·19.

J. B. Dalton and Dale El'ter :11en t two dnys last weelt in •dt~thcl'n Mlchigan. Erter visitec' tis ·parents, 1\fr. and Mrs. Herve) :rter of Clat·e.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Eme1·y Freer and )!•rene and 'Mr: and ·Mrs. Lawton l~dglen and sons WCI'C Sunday

'llnner guests of 'Mr. and 1\>It·s '!"erie Freer. , YMrs. :noMt'l Anderson 'under·

1t!nt a minor bperntion at the Ma· on Gcneml 'hospital Friday. Shr s· 'recovering nicely. Mrs. Chesler 1enjamln of Lansing ·spent the ·reelt end at the home of her laughter. Paul A:nder.son has beer. !ck with the measles the past v~elt. ' ;'Mr. ·and 'Mrs. Jusbln 'Brady nne'

Perkins :Hardware Mr. and·Mrs. 1Leland 'Perrine>anr

Leland, Jr., visited 'the Crestot Farms near Grand Rapids Sattu· day. They ))ought ·a new Holste!! . herd sire. The sire is Ct·eston 'Ra!'

family visited his mother, Mrs Jllzabeth Brady, and family o! JtocJcbridge Sunday. 1

S. Jeffei'!IOil Phone 4311 Apple Valiant and the son 01 ~-------.._.._ ..... _..__.. __ ...;,....., ____ , 'Montvic Rag Apple Chief.

·Mr,' .and .Mrs. •Fred Grant, .Mrs: tuth Chaffin and daughter and !Iss -Ernestine lfeflne of Ypsl·

'anti were Sunday visitors of thi. ormer's mothet·, Mrs. Tabitha

Ga•nnt, .at Sunset Haven.

Mr. 1111rl Mt·s, Wllforcl COI'J'otte wero flrttUl'tlaY ovcnlng guests of Mr. nn<l 11!1 r1, !•'t·orl Wlltmq mJCI family.

'J'hlll'ECiny night 1fi 111Cl)1lJCrS Of Dansvlllo ChnptrJ]' tttLendod co11nty fr10ncln nlgllt at Wellhervlllo, Those nttor:<ill!G woro illlzlqu Wnr­tll, Clara Vogl, RUJn AndOIWHl, Ma1•:; l\!cu<l. Dot·othy 1\>lcCullo, l,!nl'Jfll'Ct "Villg 1 JGclnn CllOV01'1

111'1 Or<bo"no, HJrth•t Mollt•., Poll 1\!"ul, lC1t l1leer: (.;vrun, Il<>len ~'.tl'i;H, l.h11.1 l.lal,r,tl, Iva COt'WIIl • nil t }I'll I • T\lsi~~,·.

TH ', .Ltltl jl11'fl, t,c1a:d r<liH\0 r..t .. ,•,!tl• I to tilt I ltd ty Jld.IY /,!0,)(\JL~'

11 lw 1111 IJ. ..f1 h i;1 Ol':.~udc n!' ,,I'JliH•!.I'It•,

A matHii ill "' 11 1.11 ,;L' iu:hcon '.'{jl}] t1 JlgJit IJJI!I' llD:i:", Ul'tlllgl) flllll

V1'llnw h'1111'd I'll! I :1 io1 clH'~Lcl r.1•r::;l nf g'l Cl'llioll hllll',

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Fehl'uury 2, 1950 Page 2

Auction Saturday? F cbruary 4

I o'<•lol'i< Ln<'lttl'll ·I mllt•s nlll'th oF l•:lt­

tlln IWJ•Ids on ('an,ll l'n:ttl lo C'nl11mhla hlg-h\\'11~, I ntlll' ll'l'sl Ill' 7 milt"• Past nl' ('ltarlolt•• 1111

h<lund l'lllltl to c:unn,.ll t'o:"l, I 111111' 11111'\II to "'lwol, lli'sl Jl:nt•:• 1\t ,t on ('ollnnhlll llll:hwa~·· IX lu·ad ol' llolsll'in t•altll', nnm­:rpr· oJ ('0\\'l,, '! hull!;, ~-i ~i·ar·~ old, t•lll:lhlt• to l'<'l{istt•i'; I 11-months-old ,\t•arliag lll'llt•t· null h:•llt•l' 1'1111'1"•• 11'1'11-hi'I'tl h:•t'tl, ~ ill•t•<l ( III'St<•t' Wttttl' gills, ('ht•slt•J' Whitt• htHII', I() I'Pt•ll•••· Jligs, \\'Pigh1 l:!!i JHIIIIHis; 11'arm~ all I•'-'!0 it'lti'IUI' (o\·:•r-illliih•<l, """' l'llhlt •;-), ~-1·1-hwh rudt•x plow, ·1~spf•Uon lll'ag, }l-rl. llisf•, IK-hll'il hlntl:•s; !t-It. t•nlli­pa1'1H•r, fic·~tl t·uJ!h.atnr·, Su­p.·l'lnr 11-ilo:• gwln nntl l't•rlli•,. ,.,. tlrlll, JHI'.h-t,rp:• lm~· ln,t(h•r, m:uwr'l' S(ll'PadJ•r·, ruhllt•r·tir·t•ll wa.~on n lth r·ad.;, •·urn plantt•r·, :1-M•(•f ion dr:u.;-, c•m•n ltJndt•r•, ~!

~III'J..!'I' 1Uill<il11~ llllit•, (IIPHJ"),Y n ··wL 111ill< c .ut-t, Ptl·., 2-unit Erupil·t• tnillw•·, l.i tons loosr• rni \:I'd lm.•,, l;iO hu~o,Jn•ls f'oru, I 00 lm~.llf'b o,\1!-i, NtuuhPJ' uf ~o,mall 1ools ;uul mi'iC'I'IIant•mJs ih•Jns.

Llcvd Dawlcv, Owner . (:ft'illl L. Al'<'hf'l', AtwtioiWPJ',

('harlot::>, ~lldtli'an, l\1111 ,Jn•·­dn n :tllll L1•sJIP Collins, Cll't'l<s.

TWO-WAY STRETCH thatS strictly inside stuff I

Your Key to tff!P Greater Value Ill

TUM! •n HENRY J. TAYLOR, A8C f .. ,lr.t,.,•od, Cfcry h'oncloy f!Vr!ning,

HERE'S THE NEW 1950 BUICK SUPER 126, companion body-type to the equally new ROADMASTER 130. Bolh are shorter than last year's 4-door Sedans- yet 4 inches longer in wheelbase. In both, the difference is used

to give you real stretch-out room in the rear seat. .:J.-•,

""mt the boys did here re~~~;· calls for some medals.

We gave them the job of coming up with something that was bigger inside-for room and comfort­longer in wheelbase-always im· portant to good riding qualities­yet unbulky and easy-handling in over·all dimensions.

Just look how well this tidy num· ber meets these "impossible" speci· fications!

Item one-rear·seat cushions are ·a full foot wide1· than last year's SUl'ERS and ROADI\IASTERS.

Item two-in every dimension­leg-room, head•room, hip·room, shoulder-room-this rear•seat com· partment is bigger than previous models-and nearly four inches longer, fore and · aft, than other 1950 Buick interiors.

' ~ I ! ' . J: 'r

That mean'·~ 'easier pa~king, easier tucking away in family garages, easier maneuvering in crowded , trallic.

There arc some other things too. An extra rear-quarter window not found in standard 4·door Sedans. A different upperstructure styling that makes this body·type stand out as something pretty special.

Even special names that let you say, "] drive a SUPER 126" or "Mine's a ROAD.I\IASTEH 130," just by way of being different.

Yes, we think we hit on a happy 'idea in the "Longfellows," as they're coming to be known. They arc not longer, on the outside, but there's a two·way stretch-in width and length-in the rear compart• mcnt.

You're going to like that-as you'll see by calling on your own Buick

dealer. If he doesn't have one on hand, he can get it pretty promptly -and at a price and on a deal you'll have trouble matching, much less beating, anywhere else.

Sec him now, will you-about plac· ing an order?

Features like these mean BUICK'S THE BUY

HIGHER- COMPRESSION Fireball volvo-in-hood power in #/~roe enginos, hve hp ratings. (New Fp263 ongine in SUPER models.)

NEW·PATTERN STYLING, with bumper-guard grilles, toper-through lenders, "double bubble" taillights.

WIDE-ANGLE VISIBILITY, cfose·up road view both forward and back.

TRAFFIC-HANDY SIZE, leli ovcr·afl length for easier parking and garaging, short turning radius.

EXTRA-WIDE SEATS cradled between the axles.

SOFT BUICK RIDE, from all-coil springing, Safely· Ride rims, low-pressure tires, ride-sfeqdying tarquea tube,

DYNAfLOW DRIVE standard on all ROADMASTERS, optional at extra cost on SUPER and SPECIAL series,

NINETEEN MODELS with Body by Fisher.

WIDE CHOICE Of EQUIPMENT adding 1/oxibilily to prices that bracket every price range above tho lowest.

Item three - wheelbases are the longest of our 1950 line. On the SUPER, it is 125W' instead of 121W'-ontheROADMASTER130W' · . ·z~ANII instead of 126X". WHATIY~R YOVAPRIQ~ f:f' 1/ Yet- and here's where the magic ~.. A ,. AM comes in - tile W/10/e car is·sllorler ··~ · r . -over•all. Actually less from bumper . · , • to bumper than previous Buicks 1 · in these series. · · . . ·

111hen better a111omoblles are bull• IIVICK will 11111111 them

:Hilton &. 'Richards· Buick Park and Ma9le ...... Mason, ,Michigan

_ ll'fG!!b-M COUNTY NEWS Feb1'u11rY 2, 1950 P~'ll" 3

Got a Family, to feed? •• o Got a Budget to Balarice? ••• . ' '

' '~I, Y. eustomr~s

~ .. ·~~Corner ... /.

Do yon fiml A&P shopping . t? honre convcmen •

If ou shop the first tlJing in the '( do you find the store neat

::~n~=il.stocked and the clerks

ready to serve you? . . ht If you shop the last thing at mg '

do you get courteo~s, c~JCient serv· icc right up till closwg tJme?

Are there enough clerks on d~ty, nnd checkout strmds open all d.u:Jn~

aren't kept wa~tmg. the day so you If not, please let us know.

Please write:

I t• 5 Department, Customer Re a ton A&P Food Stores.,

420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.

LETTUCE Crisp Iceberg, 60 Size

2 heads 19C.

Fresh, Crisp Florida Golden Heart

Celery ft larqeo ISP & stalks ""

Fresh, Tender Finger ·

Carrots ft larqe f 5C ~ bchs, C

California Seedless, 200 Size

Oranges doz. 39c Michigan Yellow, U.S. No. I

Onions 5 lb. 13c bag

Golden Red

Yams 3 ., lbs, · 15c Large, Fresh, Crisp

Green Peppers 4 for 19c Fresh, Green

Broccoli . /JrQo 13c-bch,

Budget-Easy Frozen Food: Enjoy A&P Dried Fruits Marshall Variety-Sliced & Sugared

Strawberries 16 oz. 39c pkg.

:iunsweet-Large or Medium

Prunes Booth or Birdseye

Green Peas 12 oz. 15c pkg.

Sun Maid Seedless

Raisins Minute Maid or Birdseye Regalo Fancy Halves

.. Orange Juice 6oz. "5c tin Afr Walnut Meats


Pure Lard '2 lb. pkg. 13c Famo

Pancake Flour 5 lb. bog 39c

· Pink Salmon K S Blue aro yrup Label

Crushed Pineapple Red Chenies Janes Navy Beans Rolled Oats Pancake Flour

· Ann Page Ketchup Fruit 1 Cocktail . Sultana Red Beans

. ,y,.lb. 17c btl.

· Del Monte

Sour Pitted




.~:~ 37c 5~=~ 47c N~.~ 27c N~~; 24c 5 lb. 43c bog ..

~.~· 33c ~.~· 33c

. 14 oz. 17c btl. .

Nc0~n 1 19c 2.~~~o,. 21c

Sure Good

Margarine Ann Page Prepared ·

Spaghetti Cake Flour Bisquick

Sno·Shoen, Softasilk or Swansdown

Sirloin of Salmon Tuna Fish.


Chicken of tho Sea

dexo Shortening No. 8 Brooms !

Canvas Gloves Roman Cleanser v. 9•1.

Waldorf Toilet Tissue Nescafe Instant . Coffee

A&P Has the· Values! These Prices . Effective 'at All A& P Super Markets o'nly -



lb. 3.5c pkg.

lb. 35c pkg •.

~~~~·· 69c

-~.,, __ _

lb. lie

2% lb. 37c pkg.

40·0%. 43c pkg.

.~b~ 69c

!.~b. 67c mh ~9c

p:ir · 25c 25c qt. l4c

4 rolls -25C I 4i~~·· 4lc

, ~ '

·emem er: e .. a ues!

R'b LOINS ' End PoN;~: ~ 5 ( From Cor F

PORK CHOPS Ch • . Porkers o;· ed

. . . ' Dice, Lean Center Cuts Medium Weight

. lb. 49c

English, Blade or Arm Cut

CHUCK ROAST Sunnyfield, Shank Portion

Cooked Hams lb. 45c , No Neck 49 No Excess

Cuts/ lb. · C Waste/ Whole or Butt Portion lb. 49c

Small, -Lean, Ready-to•Eat ,

Cooked Picnics lb. Sugar Cured, l-Ib. Layer

Sliced Bacon :1-lb. Cello Roll

Pork Sausage Sugar Cured

Bacon Squares .

DOIUTS Sugared .or Cinnamon

f2/n 19 Pk • C Jane 9 Porker Pia in, /2 in pkg. 18c

Iced or Golden

Raisin Bread lb. 15 .loAf C

Jelly Filled

Finger Donuts pkq. 19 of 8 C

Strawberry Cocoanut

Gold Layer Cake · o•ch 49c ~gel food ·Cake ring :49c

or bar 'I

Cinnamon/ Loaf'. ·-Potato Chips - · ~·no Parlor

Date Coffee Cak~' · , '

~·ch 19c b1:; 59c .

·• I each 29c Potato :Bread · ·' ~ - lb 15 . loai C ·

Choice Cuts, Round, Sirloin or Swiss

Steaks lb. 73c 4 to 616. Average

Stewing Fowl lb. 3 5c Lean, Fresh Chopped

Grounr' Beef lb. 49c


lb. 37c Shrimp For Cocktail or Salad lb. 59c

lb. 17c Pollock fillets No Bone, No· Waste lb. 19c Whiting Heeadless & Dressed lb. 15c

lb • .23c Oysters

Mild, Fresh


lb. 39c

. Kraft American

Velveeta Fresh

Colby Cheese 92 Score

Solid Pack

Silverbroolc Butter Ched·O·Bit Americsn

Cheeso Food

:.~ 65c

2 lb. loaf 77c

lb. 39c

Pimento Velveeta Cream Cheese · Limburger Cheese Braumeister · Cheese

· ·' 2 ;~~i 69c 2 ~~~·~. 79c fa •. 17c pkg. . ' ~' '1 I .o''

lb. 49c

SociaL 6vents and Personals Annual March of Dimes Ball Proclaimed to be Best Yet I~'our lnmdr•cd and lifty people were Mr·. !UHI Mrs. Wmlleld Slltt

cl!mccrl to tl1o music of .Joe Cappo of. .raclcson, Mt·, and Mrs . .Tames and His Orchostm Frldrty night ut Inghmm, M1·. !tnrl Mt s. Dt!uno the March of Dimes Ball held at Bnr'l', M!', and Mrs. Donnie! Funic, tlw Legion Memorial building. It Pff'. .John Culham of Spolcunc, WELH the 17th unnwtl hull staged at Waslungton, Ml', nncl Mrs. Robert Milson. Donslllot'<', Miss Muriel Hnrt and

Featured with Cappo's orchestm Mt•. and Mrs. Hay Cnllnr·. ns vocnlists were .Jerry Ray nml Stxl,Y guests gEttherml al the Tct·ry Arnson, Miss ,Tanis Dart ap- home of Mt', ELIHI Mls. D. c. Dur·t pcar·cd as guest soloist nftor the for refrcsllmcnts bct'or·e the dance. intermission and sang two num- Mr. nncl Mrs. Jlnrlnn Mills of Yp-


c,.,,r·les Millet• celebrated. hi~ ll!lr rl birlhtlny Etnnivot·sat•y Sunday, Mr·s. S. s. Childs, Mr, and Mr·s. Wflltet• Miller Ftnd Mr. ami Mrs, C, H.ay Beebe visited him in the ovc­nrng in honm· of. the ocenslon, Mt•. nml MI'S, G. M. D11ncnn, with whom Clmtlos Miller lives, oervod the guests hlrthdEty calte as refresh­ments.

bers. sllanll WOJ'I2 house guostH of the Mcwricc Riclcly headed the bull Dm·ts for tho week encl and ut- Mrs. W. W. Winn and Mrs, Earl

committee, His nsslsllmts wei'IJ tcndetl the drtncc with them. After Smith honored Mrs. Marlon Pol-

Mrs. Marion Pollok Is Guest of Honor At Bridal Shower

. Mrs. R, G. Henson and Ralph lhc dmwc, the Dnrts hntl 11 supJlC!' !nit with IL mrscelfnnoous bridal

Claudia Seibert Feted at Party

Claudia ScltJcl't celcbratorl het• eighth birthday anniversary Sat­Imlay afternoon nt n party given by hot· mather, Mt•s, Howrli'(J Sol­bert. Thh leon of Claudia's friends attended the pnrty, They played gnmcs during lhe, aftor•noon nnd saw homo movies,

Mrs, llldmt Lnng of Cleveland, Clnurlln's grandmothot•, sent her u merr.v-go-raund bit•thday calcc which, served With Icc ct•eam, mucic up tho I'Cfl'osilmenlo.

Claudia rocelvccl many nice gifts .

• • Strope. "One of the best balls yet," party for· theit· friends. slwwet• at the Whoalt!cld Gleaner wrts only one of the compllmen~ary lwll Friday cvomng. C. H. Watts Mark JliH·nses hoard alter· Friday night's Mr·. and Mrs. Bill Fox cumo The guests played bingo, after

. dunce, from Flml to attend lhc annunl which the gnest of honor opened 25 h A • . Gross rel'cipts from the dunce lmll us guests of Mr. and Mrs. 13111 lwr many lliCO gifts. Mrs. Roger t nnrversary ' amounted to mora thnn $600, ac- Cummtngs, 'l'hc l~oxcs remained to Cllllrch received the guest prize. Mrs. Arthur Gcnnts of Plymouth

cording to I~ranlt Guerrict•o, whn spend the wccll end ILL tht• Cum- 'l'he hostesses serve<] r·efrcsh- and Mrs, Glenn Rose entertained served on the tlcl<et committee. mlngs homo. ' mcnts ft om a lace-covered tuble, A Snturday evcnh1g ut the Rose Rulph Swinehart was Guen•lelO'H J\Ir·. and MrH. Harold Barnhill plant was usecl as the table center- home on Cedar street honol'lng the eo-chnlrman. had mr therr supper I':Uests after piece and it was presented tn Mrs. silver wedding anniversary of their

, 1\llss Ann Zimmcl'!nnn ltnd Rich- t1111 dunce Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Pollok at tho close of tho evening. parents, Mr·. nnci .Mrs. Clifford H. . nrc! Jewett plllnnl'd I he dccomtlnns Kuhn of Lunsmg-, J\Tt·. and Mr·s. AI- Guests wore Mrs, Max Avery of Watt. . for Uw ttffall·. Big silver dunes fred Asstd of l~usl Lansing, Mr. Perry, Mt'H, Ronald Cole of Bnn- 'rho 15 guests, who attended the ; were hung around the bulldmg on and Mt·s. Schuylo•· ~mtlh and Mr. croft Mrs. Dan Smith, Mrs. family pat•ly, were seated flt n : the walls anrl by tho huncl stngc. and Mr·s. Muur•roc Ricl<ly. I Chm·ios Kltlrtdge and Mrs. Robert tnblc covct'ccl with a white cloth,

'!'hey fasl!'llcd groups of multi- Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Vuughn of Jones of Lansing, Mrs. Dan Pat- tr·immcd with silver leaves. A , colm·Pd lm!loons to tho girdor·s 111 Charlotte, 1\lr. ami Mrs. Elmer rrcl< and Mrs. Roy Hills. of Duns- large white anniversary cal1c was ; the bullrling, wh1cil were released Corbin of Lnnsrng, Mr. and .Mrs. villa, Mrs. Roger• Church, Mrs. used as tho ccntor·piccc. A silver

dll!lllii 1ntcrmlssron. Favors of/Donald Cady, Mr.and Mts. Bcmurrl Owen Srmth, Mrs. D. V. Robertson hot·sc shoe and the number, "25," • confetti, slrr.l.tlllei'S nnct Marcil of Cndy, Mr·. ancl Mrs. Donald Sny- and Mrs, Harold Glynn of Mason, topped the cai<C, with weddmg ' Drmcs yru·tlsticics wcr·e passer! out dcr· of Hoosevelt olrect ancl 1\lr·. Mrs, Edward Kline of Enton Rap- bells and white roses dec01·ating i dmmg- the tlnnce. N1rs. Hmy~rd and Mrs. Hcr·shel .Jewett hac! a rds nne! Miss Ernut Polloi<, Mrs. the hase.

Relatives Honor Mrs. Jennings As She Marks Up 97th Birthday

Mra. MELI'Lht~ Jenning-~ of Auro- I llua cclcl:ll'lltecl hor• 07lh hlr•lhclny nnnlvcnmry Sunrlny, ,Tamtnl'Y 20 nt tho home of IHH' Han-In-law ami dnttgl!tcr•, Mr, rtnd Mr·s, C. A, Davis nt Eldon,

•rt10ae present for• the bit·thday dlnno1• were her• son <md cliLughlor· m-fnw, Ml', anrl Mt•s, James ,Jen­nings of Royal Olllt; Miss Snrnh Jonntngs, who lives with het· moth­m at Aurelius; Mr. nnd Mrs, Cll!U'ies Davts nnd .Jon of Onon­daga and Miss Allee Duvis of Dc­tmit,

A special re,ltut·c of tho dimwr was the till co-tiered bir'lhdny calcc, decorated with tlower·s, candles ancl the nnmhct• "D7." 'f'he calw was made by Mrs . .T1tmos Jennings and het• daughtet·, Agnns.

Mr·s. Jennings recc.vcd g-ifts and canis from relatives anrl friends, rrs well !LS plants lrom the AnrB· \ius Baptist chru·ch and Lndics Aid Society. She hns been n member of t11e Aurelius churcll for m01 c than 71 years ami attends the L. A. S. meetings.

She was baplisctl m Dcccm!Jm· In n Hl!'enm on the old Rider fnt'lll In Alii'CIJIIS three months lwfnr•e MRS. MARTITA .T!<;NNINGS her dauglilo!', Mnhcl. no"vv l'.'Tl'~. -- ------·---~-----Chut·les Davis, was hnl'!l in Marcil. H II L. b S She IS the oldest mcm!Jcr· of Llw a I rary tarts AUI'CIIUS church. ,

Mr·s .. Tcnninw> is 111 g-oorl health' Story Hour Senes anrl rr; active for her ,tgc.

.,. '' ., The sp1 rng scr·res of ~tor-:.· lww·s will bcgrn at the Hnll M<'nwnal lilluu·y on S~llmlny, F'chntar·,y 1, at 10 a. 111. Mrss Dotollll' Hozcl<, chrlclron's libr·ar·tan, will· I ell tho stories to the older !Joys and 1'\'11'1~. Scrhert, Mr. and Mrs. Hog-er K1er- luncheon party after tile dance al Franlc Cllmch, Mrs. Floyd !Pishcr, Cannr;ta was the diversion of

"stcatl, Eilwarrf Wm•o, James Davts, the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Hat old Huffine, Mrs .. Jay Me- tho evening. The honored couple :Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dunn, Jr., Ron- Hoyston. Nilt, Mrs. Robert F'orcman, Mrs. received a purse of silver· from the W. S. C. S. momllcrs will hold aid Smith nnd Plul Collar also Guests of :\lr. and 1\lrs, Sam c. H. Ross, Mrs. Vance Pollok, group. their gr.nel'UI mcctrng 111 lho worl1ccl on Lhe decorating- commit- Colton and Mr. and Mrs. James Miss Ruth Pollok, Mrs. Robert Pol- "' Mcthochst dun ch thnmg room

Methodist W. S.C. S. To Honor Birthdays At Wednesday Meet Pre-school ynungHtcr s anrl ltin­

rlcrgartncrs at·c invttc!l to attend the T•resclay 11101 n lllh scri<>r;, spon­~m·cd by the Junior Child Study clrrb. These a•·c also al 10 a. m. rtnrl arc helpful ns a group '"'ltvily for the ~mall ehrldt·cn. Mr·s. Lynn Bullen wrll tell the slot 1cs, mclud­m;; some fingct• plays, dlllrng the month of Fcbnmry.

tee. Colton bclorr. and after the ball lok, Mr·o. Leo Glynn, Mrs. Law- BIRTHDAY HONORED Wednesday, February R. A one Special guests who appeared at mcluclcti Dr. anrf Mrs. Richard renee Doan and Mrs. Howard Pol- Mrs. Robert Leonard enlet'lnin- o'clock rlcsscrt luncheon wtll be

the ball were Strttc. Treasurer D. Wall<cr· of Kalamazoo, Mr. ancl lok all of Wrllramston. ~d nt a luncheon Sunday cvcnmg served mstead of lhe regulat Halo Erulto and Ills Wife, Mrs. Mrs. 'l'cd Jioag of Dansville, Mr. :t~1rs. Pollok was Miss Bonnie Lee luncheon, as fit st planned 1'1tis I f I I M tl

honoring the bii'thday anmversary ' Bl'll w, o Allls ng. any o wr and Mt s, Angelo Guel't'icm, Mrss Kittridgc before her marriage on of her husband, Robert Leonard. change has he en made on account people c·amc from out-ol-town Lu Beverly Fr·ani<lm and Frank Decemlior 31. Guests at the luncheon wct•e Mr. of the remodclmg or the clntrch attend the annual afta1r. Sehmitt, all of Lansing; Miss ' .,. < d Jcitchcn.

81'\'<'raf l'ar·tt .. s II"."' Helen Ward of Ann Arbor, Donald Mr. and Mrs. L,vnn Vining of <tnd Mrs. Malt Walsh, Mt·. an Tlus is to be a hrrthdny ohser·v-I l t [ 'I 1 'I Mrs. Hamid Kmg unci Mr. and , ,1unsc 11coffn gufcs11s

0 "

1'1·1ancd., rs. Shincvar of Grosse Pointe \Voods, Dcm·bm·n were guests of Mt·. and Mr·s. Max McComb, all of Lan- ancc of all members. 'rhe four

.Jnr. c 1a or o owmg- lC ancc Mr and Mr.~. Wilhrrm Wallace, !\Its. 1\larlc Cave on Sunday. tables will be placed according- to INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 1\11' and Mrs. Cacrt Dunn, .Jr· .. Ilk Mr .. lllc! Mrs. 0. D. Crouch of srng, * , the year',; (jluulcrs, with members " rrtlli Mrs. Frank Guerriero, Alfredu Wa,1·nc attcndccl the birthday ball Mr·s. Roy Kam and clulclr·cn sitting at the l:1ble t·cpr cscnting

February 2, 1950 Page 4 1 Powelson, Mt'. iftHI Mrs. Richard Fttclay evening ami spent the wcelt "alled Thmsday aL the home of the month 111 which lilCil' bir thilay !1 I I Brown, 1\!r, and 1\lrs. Don Dens- "tlfl wrth ML and MIS. Harry Mrs. Bessie Lewis. accms. h:ach table will be clcco-

more, Mr. nnd Mrs. Htchanl Mor- Shultis. rated in keeping with the scafmn 11s, J\Ir. anti Mrs. Or· ville Woodard, Isabelle Hughes of Corfu, New rcprc!wnlcd, and a verso or song-.VIt·. nml Mrs. Robert Dunn, Mr. Clare Coole and Mrs. Jennie Yorlc, has been visrting relatives pretam

1ng to the month w_ill he !I

and Mrs. 1\Iax: McCarn, Ml·. and Coole called on Mts. 1\L C. Smith and friends in Lansing and Mason, part of the ptogmm. Mrs. Ben Weaver, .Joe Dean and Fnday. Sunday Mr·s. Hughes and her All circles wrll part1crpalc m Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kapson, all of Mr. and Mrs. George Havrland brother and sister-m-law, Mr. nnd this affau·. The Ruth cit clo will Mason. The party was held at the 0f Bath and Mr. and Mrs. Chat•les Mrs. Andrew Hunt, and Joyce and be responsible fur· tho table doc­home of Colonel anrl Mrs. H.ay Cot- Haviland and Donald and Mrs. Aaron visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl orations nnd progrnm r

01. the

I " I


Mrss Pat Foster· of Mt. Pleasant visrtccl from Ft·icfay until 'l'uesclay at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lo­luntl Austin and family, Mrss F'os­tcr, who is In her sei1ior year at Ccntml Michtgan t•ol!eg-c m Mt. Pleasant, rs Jmvmg her between­semesters vacation. She rs major­mg m physical education. Miss Foster left Wednesday to ;;pend the remainder of her vacntron with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster of Charlevoix. The Fosters arc former Mason residents.

HOSTS 'fO MASON PlOOPI,Ia Mt•, unrl M1•s, ftrtlph NolJlo nf

llollywoorl, Florlcltl, trololmttccl llwh• wedtllng fl1111IVOI'Bal'Y SH~IIl'­rlny, ,Tnnun1·y 28, hy ontertulnlng soYOl'<LI Mus on fl'lomls 11 t dmnm•, Quests lnchttlocl Mt', und Mt'H, D. Leo Wuro, Mt•, rtn<l Mr•s. ,J, B. Donn, Mt•, 1Lilrl Mt•s. CiHI'tllll'e Bolos, Mt•, nncl Mrs. S, /\, MH!'doC'k nnd Mt•, unci Mrs. GIIH Kmm. Afl-01' dinner l.ho gro11p plrtycd­astu,

Rainbow Installs New Officers

Mnson's Hnlnhow AsHomhl,v Jot· Girls hC!Icl a pubfitl instnllntlon In the Mnsnnic Temple 1\lonrluy night.

.Joan Pur·sons was lnslulled ns worthy ndvlsnt', Other officers who tool< their new posts In thr. lnt­presslve ceremony Wt•re ShrrlPy Post, worthy ndvrsot·; 1\lnry Ann Hallonheclc, Srster of Ciuu ity; .reanettc Slrlckling-, SisLer• of Hope; Caroline Brown, Sislt'l' rd F1tith; Eltznlwlh Irox, I'P<'OI'cil!I',

Cnddic Nt•wmau, trcusur cr; Con­nie \Vr1shbum, ehnplnin; .Janu·c Evans, drill icadr.r·; 1J1nna Coul<iin, Love; Mnry .l!tnc Cnlily, l:ellgliln; Mary Anrlorson, N.1t11re; lierr·y I H.icl;ly, Immot tality; Hltlrfe,y M<·· Michael, l~ulclrty; Doris Drown, Patriotism; Aurlr·ey l3mwuli<'ld, Service; gJcunm· Brown, eorJfid(•rt­tlal o!Jsm·vpr; .I nne Wnnl, nut <'I ohoclvcr; Lnui:;c Vnnllul'l!, IHU"J­<'ian; Kctthn Mrlls, If holt· din•clor;

,and Shirley Flcif'ill'r, .\fnrjori<' Ji'letehcr·, .lny!'c ff~trlclt, Billie As<'lline anrl Berthadell Moses, <'111111' lllClllbCJ S,

Zoannc 1\ltgl lfllts, who rl'lit·ed as worthy aclvisor·, was rn:;tnlling nil!· ccr· with Nancy Spt•nny a~ inHtnll-

1 ing 11ULI'."ihal. Gl'II,Y Ril'i\l,v WI\~ In­stalling p;unrsl 11 ilh Cat oiim• Br· UH soloist.

Mrs. Ruehl Kr·usc, rcl.iring mother· advist>I', pr·estrfed and in­tmrlucccl her sur·r·•·~sol', Mr·s. Stan­Icy Holmes. Wtllr!fm H. ~kclyl', on behalf' of tlw 0. E. S. chapter, presented Mrs. Kruse wil11 a pin fol' outf1tnnding wor·Jc as ad\'tlWI'.

M1·s. Kruse presented a pin to Zll· anne l'vltgrants and awanl~, lo :wv­oml of the grrls I cw <tltcnrlancc. Mrs. Kruse, Mt·s. Ilnh1wr, and l\lrss ..\frgrants made short responses.

Mcmbc1s of Lhc 0. K S, advi­sory honr·!l were presented. 'l'lwy arc William S. Seelye, J\llss Kalil· lcen Hunt, J\lrs,< Duane Ba11, Mrs. Ethel Browne, Rnil<lt'l Os!Jor•nc, Mr·s. Her·hcrt C:olby, J\lt s. 13cn Weaver', Mrs. Lrla Loel<, Mt'H. Or· v1lle Woodard und Mts. Elnrcr Brown.

Members and guests lwei I'C­freshmcnts rollowmg the mstalla­tion.

ton, 537 West 1\iaplo street. nten P. Stevens vrsitcd relatives E1,ing at Grand Rapids. months of January ancl August. • • • m Sheridan Sunday. Charles E. Lumb and daughters, the Mar1a 111 circle tilt· February

ANNIVERSAHIJ,;S HONORED .Mrs. Annu Scarlett has been Jacqueline and Eleanora, of South and Septemhe1, Orpha Ellen fot Mr. anrl Mt·s. Lawrence Barton Mr·. and Mrs. Claude• Perr1n <'n-

and family had dinner· Sunday terlainccl Mrs. S. S. Chilrls nnrl wrth Mr. anrl Mt·s. Paul Simpson Mrs. G,1rnet Treadwell al dinner

Before your spring peimanent­wc'll restore lustre ancl

lrfc lo wintet·-dullcd hair With

' Hot Oil Shampoos

J\Tr. ancl Jilts. Nellis Bateman sick at her· home the past weelc. Hrrven and Pfc. David E. Lamb of March ancl October, Elects fot: ami family enlcr'lnined Saturday Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Bolt and Barksdale, Loursinna, spent lhe April, Mary Martha for May and evening Mr. and 1\It s. Rftlpil Alton- Mrs. Bolt's sister, Miss Anna week end w1th .Mr. and Mrs. W. K. December, Debamh ·for .Tunc nnd burg of Plymouth, ::V!r. am! Mrs. Stark, all of Coldwatct·, spent Lamb. Charles Lamb rs u son or Novembm· and Pnscrlla for· July. 'lnlph Holmes, Mr. and Mrs .• Tames Thu1·sday With Mr. and Mrs. Trent the W. K•. Lambs. Manam circle members Will act Nimmo, Mr. ami Mt·s Lee Crego, Sawyer. Dr. Bolt is Mrs. Sawyer's Mr. and .Mrs. Celand Lamphere, as hostesses. They will prepare Mr. an(! Mrs, Lloyd New~on and brother. Gary and Gale spent Sunday aft- and set vc the dessert luncheon. Al Allenburg, all of Owooso; and 1\Ir. and Mrs Lyle Millet· and ernoon and evening with Mr. and Tho executive board meeting· or liir. and J\It·s. Ccl'ri Hurd of Cor- famrly of Lansing hac! Sunday dm· Mrs. Curl Densmore at Battle the W. S. C. S. wrll be held Fmla,v unna 'rile wedding annrvcr·sat'les ncr wtth Mt·. and Mrs. .Tames Creek. aftemoon, Fc!Jruar·y :1, in tho of the Batcmans and the Holmes Quinn. chmch par·lors

· · f Roy Karn 1s confined to Ius Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Stevens of ; · * " Brcclc Dandtuff Tt eatnrents nnd the birthday nnmvers,Lt'ICs 0 D t f M 1

I Nellis Bateman and Lloyd New- homo on North Mason street by owagtac were guess o . r. am 'COUPI E WED SATURDAY

Grace Eugene UEAUTY SHOP

Grace Stone, Owner Phone Mason 3301

I Tl R I I l'llness tt11·s week. . Mrs. Dart Lang and famtly Sun- ' • 1

T A ton were celeb!'fltec. 10 a Pl th L Keith Follows anc essay Dr. und Mrs. Robert P. Azelton, day. Dinner guests at e ang · . · · : Altenburgs, parents of M1s. Bute- t home were Mr. and Mrs. John Brya?t of Lansmg spolce the~t

man, visJtcd from Thtusday unttl Kathy and Bobby, entertamed a Hamlm and Terry and Linda Lang. wed<!mg vows to Rev .. Henry Monday at the Bateman home. rUnner Suncluy her brother and L


1coat at the Methodrst par·-

* , * s1ster-in-Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cookson sonage Saturday aftemoon. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Russell Birkett Springer· of Lansing. Guests • at and Krtsten and Lee of Jackson Fellows Clark and Russell Hayhoe

entertained al dinner Saturday tho Azelton home in the evening visited Mrs. Mury Lasenby Sun- of Lansing attended the couiJie. evening Mr. "nd :\1rs. Dale Peasley were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erns- day. , * • of Lansmg. M1s. Peasley is a s1s- berger, Vicky and Tommy and Mr. Mrs. Florence Parker of Holt Mrs. Hiram Toy of Lansmg

ancl family of Leslie. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cordw L. Bash-~ Mr. and Mrs. Davirl Bennett ford got home Sunday after spend- spent l.hc wc>clc end wrth ME' ancl ing- two wcol<s at the home or Mts, MrH. Vrctor Mrlfcr and i'anrily. Zola Bashford Dart ancl .Tan Dntl. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ..\ rmslrong nf Mrs Dart was brought home from Detroit entertained Mr. aucl MrfJ. the St. Lawrence hospital last Charles Rich and datwhlcrs over Wednesday after. it majm· opem-1 tho wcelt cud. o

lton the week heiore. Mr. and Mr~. !icll't'.V Willett nncl Mt·. ancl Mrs Harold Neal ancl M1·s. Normun Brown attended tho

LflValle futd Mr. nncl Mrs. Vern tuneral or Mt.'s sislor, ..\'irs. St,lntleld ancl Kenneth. TCifiott of c. D. Chidgey of Dctrort, ::Vionday. Lesltc as guests for cltnnm· Sun- S

1 1 1 I' M

day um ay r rnner guc~ s o !', · ancl Mrs. Herbert R. Newman

Mr. ancl Mt·s. L. C. Otis enter- were Mr. ami Mm. Ernest Mess-tamed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wrl- ner of Rives. [ Iiams nnd son, .John, of Lansing M · · for dinner Sattmla , . r. anrl Mrs. Carl Dtchl vrsttcd

Y €\ enmg Sunday wrth Mr. anti 1\Ir·s. Vant!c

Mr. ftntl Mr•s, ,Joseph Stcrlo nml flllnily spunt Snnrlny ~It tho ·horne ol' Ml', nne! Mrs, ,Jacob StOJ•Io,

Mr, <tncl Mrs, c, L, ,Jncobs had dinner• Snturdny nvcnlng with Mr, nntl Mrs, Clat•e Potter• and Sandra T-4CO,

Home Fashion

Notes From Ann

Miss Ann Zimmennan

LH,,L Wt'[•J( I tllPntwned :;ome of tltl' new IIJI'IIttlJil' Whll•h I •~<rw 111 lilt• Grand Rllfllcfs Horne l>'llrnrslrtng sltll\1', 'l'lrts weelc to lwlp c•omplt•l" ll11• pir'llll'<' I'd lrf,p lo it'll \'1111 nlio11L llw color·s l!Jat Wl'I'P tisf'd,

Silo~dPr< ol !Jrown, vellnw anti ntll:;lnt d at,, hPI'otntn~ mm c nncl nror" pr lllllfll<'lll. '!'he 1 crls llnr dL•t· 011 I h<' ,Vt•llow or· brown oulr. 1\ lrvely, liiii ri<'cp g-reen I'L'llldtn pnptilal'. Nolt(•eable lH til" Wl'if IIH•t·Pd louk of these t'llflll S Ill fail! 1C S of fll'OVinCJfll dl'fllgll.

Aflf1011gft rf••cp I ofOlH Hl'C :llill Vtlf ,'.' Jl''!Hlidl', lllclllY lt'tiC aur! lt\'l'i.l floiolt'i>, olll'h ns soft Jlllllt::, h,fl,,v hines, crtr·on yellow anrl 111i:~ty gt t'Pll!i iLrc used, cs­fH'f'Jall \' \l'tllr fll'J IDe! pieces

F'oJ U1n:w \\'IH> hnvc a yen for lilt' •I' a llld lf<•: l'O!or clas'hes dl'(' tnfll:lng new~;. Pinl\!i, pw·­ples and lr liP t·rris arc used. Or.mgr•, veltow nnrl ltlftstard also ~ll't'\ :-;lwwn togclllct·

ll'hll lrm•c•r of the,,n three gt oup:-; ol eolnt·~i ,vn11 ~!loose for· ,\'OIIl's. UH• pt rlVIJwirll ,-olor·s, lhe dclieale pnsll'!s nf lire more fornml pcr·ind r noms or' U1e c·olor· C'lo~shes ol the mortem, lltl' cnlor·s Will oi!Ow r.virlcncc of I'Cill l'hm a< l<'f, cleplft and rich­ne:;[,, for lhi~; sea:;nn lheHe new colot·:.; HI c !t.LI'dPr lo usc. Deft­nile ',u·r. 111 planning, good LCislP and L'ummon scn~c must clctof minl' \'0111' tlccrsrotl or tho r·csr.Jt., mn:r be ehaotrc.

'l'hr. l olo1 ~ \Vc h;n'c today arc vary tl1fferenl from those of 11H' pn-.l 1111rl lltcv n111st be usccl Willi a ' new · altrtuclc and hanrllccl 111 a different mannet to al'hievc the pmper· results. Jf ynu have any color problems, <'nt:1r. 111 ur call fot· an appomt­mcn t.


Zinunerman 's Phone 2-1301 lcr of Brrkclt. and Mrs. Robert Weyland, Suzanne visited Sumlay at the homes of spent Thlll'sclay and Fnday wil h

'and Judy, all of Lansmg. Eugene Pm·vrs and Mrss Bessie Mrs. Ernest Every. She also ------------------------------ Mrs. Stuart Armstrong has been Lewis. called on M

1·s. M . .J. Htlton.

. . . .. . .. confined to her home for the last Mrs. J. B. Evans and sons visit- Mr. and Mrs. Rtchat d w. Mot'l'is ·t·• ?fS~-·~·,.J·'·'~'!:''·,·. ~:;i··~,i~;··:,.:"~~~~··''-· ~:'Jt'i~-;~~~·,·~·:~~:g: tw~l~ve:~~J ~~·~. EL ~!~fs ~~~~;~1~~ ed Mr. and M1s. James Qumn ontertamed Mr. and Mrs. Alvin

Mr. and Mt s. Russell Pot let· ancl Pollok und Roger or Wtlilamston. famrly and Russell Bl'OW!] of Wil- Mrs. Claude Post nnd Mrs. Hen­ilamston vrsrtcd Mt·s. Potter's par- ty Liddicoat attended the dtHtr


cnts, Mt·. and III1s. Emcst Iflvely,jmeeting of theW. C. T. U. 111 fo'ltnl

Sunday. Fnciay, •---~:-----------

· -" •· Sundav night. Yates and son, Bill, of Detrmt for • · .. --'·'I •· "'' · ··· · ami son, Denny, spent the week " 1 s 1 " Mrs. BL!l'tis Dtllbcck of 424 East < mner· um ny. · I end in Big Rapids VIsiting Mr. and u

1 1 " s R 11 1 •v· nrl ~Jill'-..... ...._ M Randolpll street 1." t'mprovcd from mr. a 1< mr · o am ' mg· a Mrs. Frank Hall and family. rs. ~ Sl t 1 " 1 " c 1

' he1· t·ecent t'lltlcss, but she 1's strll lert·y VIS! ec '" r. am mr·s. ar· I Alderman ancl Mrs. Hall arc sis- G h 1 f 'I t St 1

BUYS An EXTRA COAT, Suit, Dress,_ Child's Coat Or Snowsuit ·

With the purchase of any one of th~se at the

regular prices

Every Garment Will Be Cleared So we can put on our new spring face


Marie's .style Shop Eaton Rapids, Michigan

confined to her home. ross ans am am• Y a oc t-tcrs. bridge Sunrlay evening.

1 Sunday callers at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Avery at- Mr. and Mls. Dan Lonsbcry,

I Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Putnum were tended tho Alpha Gamma Rho fra· Phyllis and Philip spent the wcel< Don Nelson, Miss Jcr,ncttc Van- ternity dance at the Hotel Olds in encl at Spi·mgpm·t wrth Mr. Lons­Notc and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Lansmg Fnday night. bery's parents, Mr. and M

1s. Roy

Palmer and family of St. Louis, ·Dr. and Mrs. Richard Walker of Lonsbet-y. Yvonne Zmn of Alma and Mr. anrl Kalamazoo spent the weelt encl Mrs. Ch,lrles Wilson of Plymouth. with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vandm·-

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rose were Veen, Jt•., and sons, Barry and Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. Gatry.

and Mrs. C. H. Watt. Mrs. Nellis Casselhery and Mr. anrl Mrs. Darrell Densmore daughle!', Cheri, of Ypsilanti spent and Cheryl of Albton spent the

"week end with her parents, Mr. the week end visiting Mt·. and Mrs. L. L. Swnninger. M1s. Crrsselhery

aml Mrs. Milan Waters, and fam- is Mr·s. Swaning-er's niece. liy. Mt·. and Mrs. C. A. Plumb of Mt·: and M1·s. J. Wrlson Davis

Flint VISited her parents, Dr. and entertained Mrs. Davis' sister, Mrs. F. J. Kellogg, Sunday. Mrs. Lester Hayner of Fort

Mr. and .Mrs. Max Kipfmueller Wayne, Indiana, at dmnm· ami claughtors spent the week end Wednesday. 111 Dearborn with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Dart had Larry Jenkins. a's their· house guests for the woelc

Mrs. W11liam Sheaifer of Haltt ~nd Mrs. Dart's mother, MIS. Sa­visrtcd Mrs. H. W. Wagner last bm Corbin of Pmt Hmon. Thursday. · Mt•. and Mrs. George Hagadom

Mr. and Mrs. Erdman Lipstraw of DeWitt vistted Wednesday eve­had her purents, Mr. and .Mrs. A. nmg at tho home of M1·. and Mrs. H. Greenwood of Detroit, as guests Sam Clemens. Other guests of the Sunday. Clemens were Mt. and Mrs. Rob-

Mr. and Mrs, Bert Wasper called ert Kcl'l· ami Ivan. on Mr. and Mrs. William Town of Mts. Richard Douglas visited Pleusant lake Sunday. Sunday at the home of her son-in-

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence VanHorn law and daughter, Mt·. and .Mrs./ had Sunday dinner with her broth- fred Assicl, and Alfred II of East et· and sister-in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. Lansmg. Donald Weston, and son of Lan- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coss and sing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mutehlet· plan

Christine Vandet· Von of Bran- to spend Friday evenmg with Mr. son Methodist hospital, Kalama- and Mt·s. Orville VandorMalc of zoo, spent tho week end with her Lansing. parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Van- Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. der Ven. Royal Webster und Danny of Bat-

Bill Thorburn spent the week tie Creel> vistted Mr. and Mrs. end with Lowell Avqt·y of .Midland Glenn Webster and Ronnie. The at the Avery cottage at Craalced Royal Websters spent the weelc lake. Bill and Lowell both attend end with her parents, Mr. and Michiga~< Stnte college. Mrs. J. Wilson Davis. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Somers Mt·s. Gladys Eisentrager of De-apd daughter, Sandra, Mr. and trarl spent the week end with her Mrs. Raymond Underwood and brotltcr-m-Jaw and sister, Mr. and family and Mr. and Mt:s. Clyde Mrs. Vet·n Colher. Suturday night Underwood attended a birthday the Colliers and theu· guests were dinner Sunday at the ho1nc of Mr. supper guests of Mr: and Mrs .. E. and ·Mrs. Dennis Underwood of H. Acker of Lansmg, Mrs. lllisen­Ononduga honoring J. H, Under- tt·ager and Mrs. Collier at·e sisters wood. He is the father of Clyde of Mr. Acker. Underwood. Mrs. Almond Wing of Dansville

Mr. and. Mrs. Ford Lenon and spent Saturday night. and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. :Ambrose Raymond with her son and daughter-in-law, spent Sunday at Gladwin and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Wing, and West Branch. 1 Sherry.


IT'S COCOA TIME - Belted and bloused, this pure silk shan­tung afternoon dress,_ done in warm cocoa with white em­bt•oidery, Is shown In the French designer's New Yorlt salon. The full skirt Is topped by a belted blouse ·featuring the dropped shoulder line and full, long sleeve. . . .

Peanuts' That's About What You Save

When You a·uy Furnibi-:e .At A "COLOSSAL SAVING"

No furniture dealer, unless he is disposing of stock in order to go out of business, can· cut his prices beyond a certain percentage which all furniture dealers recognize as reasonable, without a crippling loss to himself.

Yet you are tempted time and again by this type of advertising which leads you to believe that from SO to 75% markdowns are being effected. Ball's docs not and will not advertise in this manner, because it frankly-is untruthful and unfair. Of course," we have reductions, but honest ones. They represent an opportunity for us to clear the decks; they offer you a pleasant saving.

This is our policy in every-day merchandising, as well as special events: sincerity rather than flamboyance. We feol that you prefer us this way.

.Truthful Values. • • Truthfully Presented • I

A. B. BALL Trustworthy ,Furniture


Ho.memaker's Page •'~========~~"============T·-~~--~=-==~~~-=-~==~===j-=~~==--7~==~======~-================r======-==---=--=· ~ .~~-'-· __ ,., .. -:-

Stoves Can Be The V ~ry Common Cold .Kingman Road ~~~=~ ~~~~t~~~~llllournut tho Holy CAN DO ,.._,. __

'rhe trend lnwarci nrnm pre· lhe c:ontniner anrl less expensive paci<aglng of foods will eonlinrw ennlaincnr. Pmcessom nt•e ·incltrtl­in future ycnrs l!fl yotr'cl bullet' gel lng moJ•c infonnatlon nhout In­used to it, say:; M:rry Budwrll, ug· lft-erllenls, weight, and how to rlculturul economies depnrlmcnt mnlw lwst use of the pt·otlud, Miss food spceiulisl nt Mit:higan Slal.e! 13oclwcll emphatle!ally rcmlncls eoiiegc, Hiwpper·s to read ull labels cnre-

r.~"~®~Y Home and ~r~G~ ~~~lr~S

""""'IWI'J•;n cure, of yuL/1' plumb· 1:--' ing- nnci IH•rrtiiiiJ' equipnwnt iH •tit•d, pnr'i.lcnlnrly ut. this s<'usun of liw "<'fir when <·Xll'<'lll<!" nf rold

·!<!'n nli too ennHnnn in u good 'nl!•n•; lllll't' of the eOl/1\l.l'y,

!\Irs, Dr~m A\'MY Mr•, nne! Mrs, De11n Avery cntcr•-K t L•k N ~ ~ "" tnlncrl Mr·, nnd Mr·s, Clotus Striclc-ep I e ew ~ '~~\ ,o AVOID COI.05 ••• ~'/DIO Tire Northwest Aurelius Farm ling, Mr. nnd Mrs. Al'chlo JDnglnnd ~{I · ~ peorr.e WHO fi~VJ:' T~EM... Bureau group met nt the home of and Mr. 11nd Mrs. Don Ciurl! JPrl· R•lgh·t (are t)l; ~ \ b ~ r l'.m·~NANCI:OIWA~S., )\ ~ William Nichols Tuesday evening·. day evening. Late'' nil ntlendocl

,. aer 1 !..;.lofTY OF E~~ISG AI/Cl After n lively cilscussion fllld !Just· the hlrthdny bnil nt Mrtsnn. ·• 1\'E~T. ness mooting refreshments of Mr. und Mr·H. Arthur BunlccJ•,

Do you !mow how to lccep your· \ ~ sandwiches, pie and coffee were Arclls, Barllnm n111l Cillyton Swift electric runge looiling lllcc · new lf . ,(JI served, Eleven families were pres- hntl dinner· SundrL,Y In Mrtsmi with even though It mny he sevcml --:::._I~ ·-;;_; ..... ' .. '.'~-~.:.)JI'-.:__· cnt, Mrs. Edna BnJ•I!wny, lt was in ,YCfii'H olrl? It can he clone with tJ _ _ .. - __. ·Mt•, and Mrs. Cietus Strlcl!ling honor r>f the hl!'Lhclny unniversnr·y proper Cf!re, arivlscs Evelyn ~p WARM AIJIH;RV and family called on Mr. and Mrs, of Ar·thur Bunl1or·.

\ llnri nn nclrleri emphus·is is pluced on tho cnr·e ·of thi' oejuip· nwnt l'ight. nnw because nf the foel. thut. much of tlw nution still is nfft•e•lt•d ~omowhat by slHll'l.ugt•s :" n result of t.hc l'l•cent. pro· lorti(Ni steel stl'ilw.

Zwcmer·, who teaches home mELn· I'I<ARWARMCI.OOWG '" Bernard Bellows Sunday evening. ---~-·---·---a[{ctncnt nt Michigan State col· WHE~ tT~ COW OVi5li?F.- Mr, and Mt·s. Lloyd Aver·y nnd Our· nlphnhct WnH Introduced lege, , fiUBBe~~ OR OWK,HO~S ,John and Mr. nnd Mrs, Dean _in_to_Etr_ro_p_e hy_l_he_l~!~~l_c_lnn_s_, _

llliectrlc ranges finished in syn- WHrn IT~ wor, Avet'Y and girls spent Sunday In thclle en!lmnl or· por·cclaln enamel Dotr·oit with Mrs. John Avery and I

Tiw nrivantag"'' nf mncii!J'll pnr·lt· fnlly, aging- far·'ight. llw dlsadvan- Raving- in lnbor in !.he rlepm·l-tugcs, MiHs Bndwnll hu!illvrm. illents, pins Hnvlngs wh!eh often

So-cnllccl non-perishahli! or· sl.!r· r·cmtlt from lr.~:s spoilage as In lhc pic groc:erics ,,.rdt "" flnllt', sugar·, ertHr. of frullH nnd vegetuhles, off. eoffcc nne! eeJ'L'IliH wer·o 1111: lirsl. l.o .~ctn the extru. c:oRI.s of pr•c-pack­bc fwic! in r•on\'"nienl. l.'onl.aincJ'H. nglng in most. cases. When prices It saved lime fror the; HIHJpper !IH Hl'C not lnc:rcusec! us fl result. of well aH the gToc:c!l' whrn !Ioiii' was tlw pac:kaging, the time saved for Hold In vru·yiug size•cl ;;;-,e•l";, mllwr bolh g-rm;er'H :we! shoppers bccom"s than fJ'nnt 11 ilnt'J't•l IIH il wus a a dcr•Jrlerl nrlvuntag-e,

require an occasional wunhlng in c;-?,.se ~'ou~ou COLD Mrs. Etta Dunwcll. '!'hey also Wttrm soapy warcr, It is not ml· \lhii ~I lfllll l'f vlsablc to wash the porcelain en-

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS February 2, 1950 Page 5

amel when the ritngc ts hot. 1t wilt 6TR~KES NEARLY EIJERYON£ eracl! or clrccll the enamel. Chrnm-ilun-piated pnr·ts require only AT IJAf( OJ/&f: A Yf'Afl wnshing-, drying and nrhblng with rL soft cloth.

gcneJ'IIlion ngn nut. pr·r.-pnel<aglng lw:; no!. nl-Pc:rishnblc: l'r>rllls, !ill" fntits, wnys llecn. fully sulisfaclnr,v lo

vcgclnblt-:-:, and IIH'Ill are lliOJ'rJ re- WliiHt!mcr·fi. 'I,o he accepted by the cent acldiliorJH l.o l.lw Jli'I!·Jl!ll:l<agc:d Hhop[li'l', the· pr·e-pnciling method fnnri l'fl:ilt!l'. lllliHl ofl'er only quality foorl~. Grn-

1 Nev"r try to thuw nul fro~en 1wntt•r r>iJles with 1111 open flnmc. A nllrch bettor• proredure is to

'npply 11 contintrntts seri<'s nf hot r·iol irs 1111til yntt gel the ice mov. ing-. it's n slow, hut. it. is the only wf'P way.

When un aelrl, such as vinegar or Ienton juice, Is rrceidentally npilled em the enamel surface, Wipe it off lmmcrliatcly with a damp cloth, Although pt·ogrcss hus been made in producing acid-rcslslnnt porecirtln enamels, acicls allowed to r·cnwln 1111 enamel may stain It or·

1--1-1.- 1o tii:T OrJE.R A COLD ... 1-' '5i'AY 11.1 B€D ... ~K'!NK.lOTS OF


Slnpl!~ ffltlll~ 111'1! tiStlillly pnelc- l'(l)':-i r~an lal<r. advantage of r,:·c­llgcrl by llw llllllllll';wtrrr·,_.,., f:lllc:h, Jlrll'ilnging il,Y rilsplaylng tiro besl items us l'il.rrr." fnlil:;, npples, 1111- Hlrle ol' llu: 111cnt, J'or example. Miss lnnr: unrl pol:rl.11es c:nn Ill' pac;lceel florlweil illlYH llwt while such fl

nt lhc: shipping poi11t. Mor·e Jl<'l'· Jll':rdlc:n is 11ol common, il docs IHilllhie f.,llds ::r" ol'lc:n pr·e-p:ll'l<· lmppl!ll. aged by whnlf':-:Hii•l'l'i or lilt: grrH~L:rs lhem:;el\'PH .. Mcml, ftJt' ~~:-:ample, is umtail,v Jll'C·JliiPit:rgc>rl :rl tile• :;lore,

remove tho gloss. F'rmciH spilled on cioHecl unlts

mny be wiper! orr nr, If necessary, r·cmovcr! with any mild abrar,ivc. l>'ood spiller! on an open unit must be burned off nncl is best removed !Jy charring r.luJ•ing a regular cook­Ing proeoss. A stiff brush or sharp instnunent should never he used ho<,nusc of the danger of injuring

JOIC!::'I".EATI.l61!T, JC.,I\LL 11-tE OOCTOfl.,, ~OiJRISH1116 MEALS. IF ffVEI<, PAIN OR


1comuwn Sen~e Still llest

Defense Against the Common Coltl

IIOW '1'0 C!Ci\C[{ NU'I'S

Morlcl'll p:lf'i<:~gilll~ sy.<lc:ms t't:­duec lite <tl1111llltt of <'!c•r·k:li worlt ncerleri in llll• slor'e', allow lite shnppcl' tn nral<c a ('ilOI<'" wililflllt rlciay, Hllri ui'l.o•n 111.111 t•XI.m eye :rp­pcnl when jli'CJ(IIIC'I.:; an: displaye•l in trunHpa n·nt pnl'I\Hg"P:;.

Glass, <!l~lloplHillt', or piaslie t·on­talncr·s pertnit tile· slrroppcr to in· spcet Lhc Jll'tll!uct. Other bene lil.s fi'Oill n.•cent pad{aging- impt·ove­mcnlH iw.:tudL~ nwt·e infol'll1H linn on

To sltcll pecans put tl1c111 in 11 l<eltie willl water to cover and lt<':rl until the water boils. Let lhc nrrts n•rnain in hot watct• for about five minulcfi. Drain and cracJ< cu; sr11•n ~~~ they <:an he handled. With a little practice it is possible to g'el the nut meaLs nut whole, r·e­ports l~nye Kinder, Michigan State r•olicgc home e'conomist.

the heating coils. Oven shelf supports and heat

distribulell's, if they arc removable, may be tal!cn out and washed with soap and water. Spilled food should be removed as soon as the oven has cooled, using a mil,d abra­sive if necessary. ll is a good prac­tice to wipe out the oven with a clamp cloth after baking or roast­ing, since greasy deposits will be­come bumed on the lititflg and arc

As the nation settles down this <week to its annual mid-winter bout with the common cold, many a chronic victim is wondering what, if anything, has been ac-

1 complished in the field of medical research that promises relief from thc discomfort and_ expense that

\follow in the wake of the cold 1gcrm.

among allet·gy vict.irns wlro take them on proscription.

'Much smaller doses <Ire r' ;om­mended by the manufacturers of anti-histamines now 011 sale in drug stores, but dodors rcqlize a large'proportion of the users will tend to overclose in an effort to break up their eulds quickly and, as a result, may be subject to these side-effects.

A Balalnilm is nn old Russian : Aside from taking part in the

present mass testing of these new drugs, the best thing the chronic. victim can do to avoid the misery· of a cold is to try to avoid the cold germ in the first place. That is much easier said than done, but there are several common-sense rules that may help, 'l'hosc which have won general ar.eeptance among medical authorities arc:

>;lt•ing-cri instrument. 1..!!~~'----------..-J

$119.95 Terms

, You con shop ami shop, and nowhere else will you find .uck a wonderful value! This. ~ovely "Kitchen

M I r" Dinette Sel is ideal for smaller drnrng rooms and as e . · 1 " g

kitchens. The beautiful Duncan Phyfe styled base ~s rn. g ea.~rn , mllror frnisk chrome-the kind that stays new looktng Jndeftmtely and will add a note of shining brightness to any home. ~he attractive "Douglite" Plaslic top is resistant ro ~eat .and starns, inaking it the perfect top-just whisk oil the drrt wrth a damp ~loth. The comfortable chairs have padded backs and seals up·_ holslered in colorful, washable, all plastic DURAN. Be suro to

· see it todoy-All. 5 PIECES INCLUDED!


' ..

Western Auto . Associate Store W. DAVIS POST, Owner

420 S. Jefferson Phone 2·2121

Bv the s::nw Lol;cn of safety, clor/t use a plumber's torch-a hiow torch-to thaw pipes unless J'OU know a g-ood deal more about it than me>:'t houo.eholders. In in­<'XJ>GI'it·neccl lwncls, the torch can he as clang-er·ous as n lr,adccl gJn. lt. might cause lire or· an explosion of ire that has tumcrl to sterom in l11c closed pipes.

On thr: other hand, don't as­. sumc that frozen pipes will thaw · hy themselves if the weatloct• shows promiRc of gctlint{ wanner. If 1

you don't want to laeitle the thaw· I : ing job via the hot cloth method, bt•tt~t· call a plumber. The dam· nge cau~ud by a frozen pipe whi(!h but·st.s is lil:cl;' to exceed by far the cost of havinJ.: it thawed by someone who' knows his business.

difficult to remove.

'Round the Calendar




Extension Clubs Deihl

! For those in search of a sure i cure for colds, the news is bad. ; So far, no one has come up with i a universally effective cure for ithe common cold. Nor has any­:one brought forth a fool-proof i method of prov:cntion. On the other hand, there have been sev­

: era! promising developments. 1

The most promising of these 1 was the discovery that anti-his­; taminic dt·ugs, whicb have been ·used successfully against hay fc· 'ver and other diseases of allergic ·origin, could also be employed with some SLtccess to combat cold ~~ymptoms. Preliminary studi_es (ndicate they are reasonably ef­. iective if taken according to di-

1. Stay away from people who already havP. colds, particu­larly if they are couglting or sneezing. ·

2. Keep bodily resistance high by eating proper foods and getting plenty of fresh air, exercise and sleep.

3. Avoid chilling by keeping out of drafts and dressing ac­cording to the weather­wearing warm clothes in cold weather and rubbers or overshoes when it rains ot· 1 snows. Now here are a couple of warn· *

ings with regard to your hot water lwnter lhatlmight oe new to you: Jf your watet· pipes happen to ft·eezc at some point between the hot water· boiler and your kitchert or bnth1·oom tap, don't try to g·et hot wat~r from the "draw-off" faucet on tho bottom of the hal water tanlc itself. The combina· t.ion of the frozen pipes above and 1vntcr leaving the tank from be­low can creal a vacuum that is capable of collapsing the tank,

Fiflecn members of !.he Delhi extension group met on Thllt'scla,v, Januar.v 26, at Mr·s. George Conar· ton's for ll1c lesson on pet·sonal improvement. The mcmhersi1ip has been divided into four groups, who serve in turn at each dinner meet­in;;. The four pmvidc a main dish, a salad, lll'ead and dessert. The hostess pmvides tbe beverage.

.Mrs. Percy Barrett, chairmun, presided at the business session at which it was voted to pa,v $2.00 for the foreign scholarship fund. Following ,the business meeting


; t·ections at tho first sign of a cold.

, So far, the country's leading I medical spokesmen have declined :to give the anti-histamines their !unqualified endorsement. They i know the drugs cause certain i''side-efl'ecls," such as drowsiness :and disturbances in appetite,

Timely Tips for


For those who cittr;h cold in i spite of these precautions, the ad- 1 I vice is equally simple. Stay in. bed until the worst of the cold is over. Eat light meals, and drink plenty of liquids. If fever, pain or a rattling cough lasts more than 24 hours, call the doctor.


I work, etc. Cellulose sponges are: also useful. Polishing cloths; llan-~: nel or other heavy lintless cloths,

• • ·om YOU ever get yourself into the leaders, Mrs. Clarence Leon-a predicament where it was ard and Mrs. Howal'fl North, pt·c­

necessary to get n square end to 1 scnled the lesson. The next les­a board for the particular job you 1 son on seasonable salads will be were doing-and you didn't have the subject of the February meet­

fa try square? Very uggmvating. ing to be held at the home of 1\llrs. (The result probably was thht you Willard Femberg on February 23. ra 11 down to· the hardware store •:• Fancy Do'm·s * to get yourself a try square at the • Personal gmoming, a pmject for lirst opportunity, Lngham county extensr?n

· lhts month, was the toptc of chs­


\.__ ___ ~~....J

I But in case you still don't have one, het·e's a method some genius figured out for squaring the end of any board up to ftve inches in width, All you need is a folding rule.

Hold the second section of the rule against the ·edge of the board -but fiat, Now, on the opposite

'edge, bring the first and third sec­; tions of the t•ule together so that the outside cornet• of the end of the first section is at 205/n" on the third section, Then draw a line

· along the outside edge of the first 11ection to obtain a perfect right


When buying washables look for the "Certified .Seal of Ap­proval." Ail articles or materials with this seal have gone through the testing laboratories of the American Institute of Launder­ing, proving ground for the textile and laundry institute ..

LAUNDRIES lULL GERMS Gertrude 'Mueller, in charge of

the Michigan State college laun­dry, reports that washing methods used by professional laundries are extremely _effective in destroying bacteria, The scientifically oper­ated power laundry Is definitely a va~uable gitardlan Of IJUblic health.

cussion in tho Fancy Do'er·s meet­ing last Thursday evening at Lhc home of Mrs, 'l'heriow Noyce in Millett.

Mrs . .Jay Allis and Mt·s. Mol'l'eil Fox, the club leaders, presented vat·imrs metlrods of hair styling as a pat'l of t11c lesson. They wet'c •tssislerl hy Mt·s. Mat·y Jane John· ston, home demonstration agent, wl1o was a gue~t at lhc meeting-. Mrs. Fox also explained glass etching and Mr·s. Noyce showed a centerpiece made of milk strainer pads ancl colored yam.

'railing time out fmm the les­sotl, Mt·s. Charles Tisdale demon­strated a few exei'Cises as fl prtrb of the personal grooming- pr·ogt·am.

Dlll·ing the aftemoon each mem· bet· submitted a copy of her fnvorile recipe. Fl'Om them mem­bct·s chose Mt·s. Gladys Wight· man's spider com cnlw ns number one,

SJllde~r Cnr•n Cake 2 eggs V! cup sugn.t· 1 cup sweet milk 1 CUp SOUl' Ill ilk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt , 1 2/3 cup gnu:ulaLcd COJ'n,mca! 1/3 cup tlom· , 'i Beat eggs and sugar together.

Add swecl millt, then som milk in which soda has been dissolved and salt. Mix com meal and flour together and add to mixture.

Melt two tablespoons butter In skillet, turning the skillet to allow butter lo cover sides and bottom. Pour in mixtme and add 1 cup sweet mlllt. Do not slit', Bal{e 35 minutes. When done there should be a streak of custard tht·o.ugh it.

SOAIUNG HELPS FRUIT For plump juicy prunes, apricots

or other dried fruits, soak over­night or for several ·hours in tepid water. Cook In soaldng water In a double boiler' until tender.'· Slow cooltlng over indirect lleat•'l{eeps fruit tender·, plump and juicy ad· vises Faye Kinder,Michlgan State college home. economist.

•. As .early as 300 B. C. India had

a law providing a fine for adul· tot'·ntion of food.

H.Y 1\frs. Mary ,;arm Johnston (l-lomc Demonstration Agent)

are best for rubbing and polishing I furniture. Chamois is good for windows and mirrors, Old dish- , towels and napkins make excellent! scouring and metal polishing/ clotlrs. Polishing materials: You'll

At long last the food choppers need paste, liquid. and p~lishing . • wax. Metal and stlver polish arc

have arrived and a SUpply IS at the r also needed. extension office. '!'hose of you who Cleaners; Try a mild soap or de-have orclcrecl them may pick them tcrgent, mild scouring P.owder,


up at the office or from Mrs. w. tollct bowl cleaner, ammoma ~nd . . . . . dts!nfectant, earhon tetrachlortde,

Wmn, Mcrrdran ltd., JUSt not·th of liquid ginss cleaner. And you'll 1

US-16. find many uses for an art gum I Yom weekly eleaning will be eraser, cleaning spots from walls [

twice as easy if you have 'the ma-j and lampshades are a few. I terinl and equipment to do the. There's the list, you know Wl1at work on hand and in one place., you u~e most and what you could! And do away with scurrying baclt. be usmg. Stock your haslwt now I and forth to your kitchen or clean- [lllcl you wlll save many steps each ing closet for· the supplies you week ..

need as you are cleaning. Get a :=============- . light inexpensive mar·kct basket --

that Will be easy to carry from Food Lockers room to room, and that will hold 1

all the cleaning aids you will need I for yom· morning tasks. Mal!e an oilcloth or· plastic lining for it, anrll to help keep it ship-shape, make s?me pockets fot· small cleaning I aHis. ,

Some of the equipment you will find useful arc: Brushes; un up­holstery brush wilh stiff bristles, a radiator brush and a Jampshacle brush is handy, one with a curved end will he the most help. Cloths; treated "tlustless" dust cloths, worn out clothes m• cheesecloth ones, just so they are lintlcss. (To make a treatccl dust cloth combine .l pint water with ~i cup lemon oil. Saturate cloth thoroughly. Squeeze out excess, dry and store in tightly covered box or glass fruit jar.) Cleaning cloths; cheesecloth and other lintlcss cloths ar·e good for washing windows, mirrors, wood-

Attention Ladies!

STRETCH Food Budget

Buy and process in sca6on at sea­sonal low cost and enjoy frcsb .. frozen fruits. vcgctablc.s and ntcat at any time through the yenr,

$14 & $16 • Yearly Ri\lcs

For drawer nnd door lYIJC lockers COMPLETE PROCESSING


Mason Frozen Food Lockers

109 E. Maple Phone 3531


Spring Wool.ens At the Horner. Woolen Store In E1tton UaJilcls

·' Quality woolens tn·lcecl ns.low 11s $2.9 5· Yd. Sew and Save

If you ar•e unable to \•lsltJ .our miil stor·e, write 01' 11hone for free samples

Horner ·woole'n Mill~- Salesroom 'l'hone 2321 · Enton Rllllhls, l\Uchlgmi llotu•s D. to 5:80

Speaking Of Spring ... llouse•wil'eH , , ,

Spring r·cully Is just lll'rltlllrl Ute eornrn', r111rl now Is the lime ln plrm wail-iJI'igiJlenir)g projects.



Call us for a free estimate







Log Cabin Gro~ery l'mn11 and g,·"'·"ll l'!tillips

Located hnl.wonn th" Mason Hospital and the Fulrgronnds. •IU I~. Ash (~l-36) l'hcrn~: 1\lason :J-i>II!J

c~•o•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " 'G 9 41

• ~ 0

• • •

new, beautiful

iUOiftERM GAS Heater

., •I • •i •• • • .I •• e: • • .......... •••


Chippendale in Wulnut


The ONE gas heater with EVERYTHING you wantl

comfort I Exclusive Power-Air Blower circulates heat evenly . , . efficinntly ... for ~onstant, nil-over comfort. Saves you up to 25% on fuel costs.

beauty! Magnificent console styling adds the charm of~uthen· tre period furniture to your home! Lovely Chil>]Jcnrlale model shown in walnut is also available in modern !Jlond.

performance! Exclusive gquaname Burner provides a clean, silent name that's the same high temperature at 34 burner ports-gives you plenly of heat.

economy! Big, husky heat chamber and douille economizer transfer heat to your home fast-travel heat farther for extra fuel savings,

aJI-in-one COntroiJ Gas pressure regulator, pilot lilter, and heat cOlttrol dial with po"itive pilot shut-o!T and built-in safety catch are all combined in a single compact unit! l~asily adapted to automatic thermostat, Design~d for all types of gas. EASY TEHMS,

Approved by the American vas Associatioll

$109.95 .10'o Down

GAS CONVERSION UNITS Lennox - - - - •$219.95

' Installed

Hadley-Brown .. - - $212.~5 lnNtailed less Rue pipe

. ,/. . . . \ J .

Let us help you fill out your gas application ot·der

Dart.& Cady·, 141 W. Ash. Phone 23llf'

Leslie Item-s m. J, ()rua~. 11Jmne ~ll!Jl

. 'NortiJwest 'Stockbridge ·r ~!~0·,~1~1~,~ rl~~~~!:" ·~mel ·Mra. Wnltor• ~ ii Mr~, 01mrclcm lJ~hnr M1•. find Ml'H,' Hfll'ln.v Beach !!ml 1

OIHn'oh soi'Vioea will be hclcl nt ohllclJ'CJI 111\Cl lltmclny dinner• with ~ VFW Auxiliary Plans Public Initiation

I with Wesley .\hlley tholl' high pn!ni man with 26, 1111d Glenn Mo­MIII'roy totullng 12 for• thn ,Judi· ~on vlsltor·s.

Prococllng lhiR game thoro was ono played by n younger group, none ove1• 14 years of age, Tho Leslie Angels went. Into nn e;o,:tr•n perlorl to win ovc>• the OnorHiuga Rnls hy the rwr·t·ow ll'Jar•gin of one point, the result being 1fJ to lli.

Mnplo r,nnl' posl. No, •t0~2 Vot­Ol'lil]S o1' f>\JI•ol!{n Wrii'H A nx!llnry of J,eslio will hulrl fl n opon nwot­ing rLt thn high sc:hool aticlllol'hlm Wnrlrir.sciFLy, Ji'ohl'llfll'Y R, nt H p. 111, Tile rltilll I te111n of Morley S, Onles AllxiiiH!'.Y No. 7fll of Lim­~lng Will fllll on Uw lnltinlion ·Qmu·t .. t. In Sin~ nt lnMtltntc• WOI'k. Al the Tnglwm County 'l'oachers

M1·s. Kntllnl'inc Bedc ol' Dcti'Oit, inHlllule, to he held ltl Mason dopa1·tment pr·cslrlcnt of Minhig-an Wednesday, Fellrl>ur·y 8, Hpeeial Lnclles 'Auxllilti'.Y V. !<', W., is to he numberH will he furnished by the the feu tlll'erl HJlOilltor·. She will out- Hchrlols of the county, 'Phe Leslie line ll10 worlc of llli){lllfu·les In eon- sehool will he reprc~enlecl by n june lion with poHlH 11s llwy, "Hnn- mnle quartet compoH~d ot' Honnld Ol' tho rlnad ll,Y holplnf.:· the living·." Allen, Glenn 'J'uttle, l!'nn·esl

Helnllyeft of vctm·nns nnrl thel1• Humptnn nnrl Norman Vinson. frlenriH fll'l1 lnvitnrl l11 III.Lenll Llw '!'hey will sing at the mornlnr:;- Hes-moeling. slnn of the in.9tltule,

J,I\HIIc• fncll'fll'rHif'nt 'l'r•am.~ Win \VJ•i•lc J•:ncl Oanws

'l'he past woe!{ end wtlnessecl some Interesting lnrlc>penrlent hns­l{elhnll gumr>!l In llw Leslie school gymmmium. Sntunlay evening lhc Leslie SulnlH, nn lnl.c>J'-chul·c•h lenm, clnfeulerlllw Mco1le nnr.l Cnr­rlnlfnl' tea111 or the .Jndc.~(lll .lA anrl YMCA Jcug-w•s, by n. scm·r, of 08-!la, It Wflft CL llghlly frou;:hl gnmc with thn Sulnl.s HNll'ln;: two hus­lcets in the tlnnl 20 scr'fllHIH to win. WeHiey Ahhey with ~,1 rnints rtnd ICenneLh Vim''' with 20 pneerl tile Saints, .Johnny Hes.~ion lli!Hic 24 points Gonrllinr• Jll for llw Jnsr.r•s. Mnnrlny niglll llwre Wl'l'l' two gnrhcH, whicl> jurl;:lng- hy the nnmc:;~ or t lw tt~nms, mighL bu Hon1c•what llcnvenly, 'l'Jw Leslie Saints bnlllerl a mic-siderl cnnlPst with a tcnm or tho Lnller Dny Sal.nts ehlil'r~li of .lneltsnn, wl1ich is i.t ntemill'!f' nf Llw l'IHII'cil lengue of thnl. <'ity. 'l'ht! senre was 88 lo .31}, in rnvnr nf lhc Lr.slie Saints




f•'••lg-htf'IH>rl llny J<onncl · A Leslie lad or 12 yeur·s wns the

cause of a extl'nHive hunt lnst wecl{ by the pollee foi'Cc of .Jnclt· son. He hnrl heen tnlten to the of­fice of n .Jnclcson dentist nnrl he npparenlly was fJ·Jglltencd hy the rlrlll and olht•r· equipment nt' the plru'e nnd cleelrlml to gel out. "I'm ;:oing home," he shouted to his molh01· nnd after a shmt tussle With tho dentist made his escape. '!'he mothm• went to police head­CJLifll'teJ'H nnd nsltecl assistanec In 11nrling l1i111. It wns his father· who found him when he wns driving from Leslie to .J aekson, 'I' he lnd was hllchllilting on Cooper street, ncar the norll1 city limits of .Jnclt­Hnn, In his delcrminnllon to get home by hilchhlldng or wnll<ing.

l' out h Ilully :SdH•clulf'tl 'l'her·e will be u rally of the

Ameri1~11n Youth fm· Chl'ist at the Leslie Baptist church Saturdny e\'cning, l''ebruary 11. 'l'he pro· grum will be provided hy the Hurnl Bible mission.

Sllfc•ly l'rng1·um l'lllnii<'d Sgt. Femalius, of the safety cle­

pnrtmcnt of the Ford Motor com­puny, will give a Hafety entertain­ment at the Leslie school Friday afternoon, l•'ebruary 10. He will ust' n flannelgraph and ventrilo­quism.

DOCKSIDE CONCERT -Polish pinnist Stanislaus Niedzlelsl!i sits on n l!cg of nnils <1t the pier to give n workotlt to tho ·pinna he brought with him on his nrrivnl by steqmsblp In New Ynrk. 'l'he concc1'l grand Is still in ils spc,~i<~lly huilt I rail"'' in which he cnrrlcs il on u tour of the U. S. 1'Jw· pinnist lws <ilrendy nppcared in

Cnmcgic Hull, New York.

ll;v Ut~o, HoJon Decmnn, 'l.'hono 140

toea I· Men 'to Appear In Variety Stage Show

Ftfty men fl'om Slonltln•irlgo nne! vicinity will give IL Htngc AllOW nt Lhc lllgh nulwnl r:ymno.silllll Wednesday nnrl 'l'hur·~;cluy evening, li'ehl'tmt•y 8 nncl H, nt olghl. n'd"':lr, when they pi'esonl "illvm·yhn<ly's Here," 1'ho play rlcplcts nn olrl home reunion in a town hntl. WJ1CI'O fl llHlHter OJ' f!OI'IllllOnic:l WliJ greet the g-uosts; mrllo, HC'I'oert nnd olhol' notables,

'I'he highlight J,r u henul.y c•on­tc:;t in whlci1 fiv~ mon will Jllll'Hclc nero:.~,c; thr. fJlng1~ llefm•e jndg·e;:;r who will scleet lhc hen11ly queen, CiriR of the guy nlneti~H will pm­sent n sf!ng !lllr.l claneo, typic·al ol' the pet·lorl. In crml!·aHL, nnnlhct• gTniiJl of men will flJlJlOfll' in n cliiHppy I'OIIllno of J8fl0.

Angelo unrl tmlnml IJeru·, J3rlmo; a llallcl, Uncle .Toe nnd Aunt. Mur.dy will nppetll' in n. hlltiH'I'OUH >lc ll.

I'Pi'I'•Hhytlwllln Clulld 1\f•m!H

'rhr' first mooting thl~ yenr of lhc grllld nf l.ho PI'OHP.YtDI'Inn rdrur·ch wns hnlcl ul t.ho horne of Mm. ,June Myo1·s, Werlnb:Hifl,y, Silo W.LH flfiHistecl ]ly, Mnry Dominic, Mt'H. ICrlnn. Sommm·u hurl ·the de­votions ltnrl Gem·gln Mitloe1· con­rlnctcrl llll llJIULJon Of JmJIOCJ goods, J{efi'Otlhmcnls were served nl the close nt' lilt! meeting,

The employees of D & ·c wnre­hoqse, with tlwlt• wives and htls· htuHIH, unci Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Dancer, luul cllnnel' ut Gnrdnm·s Stenlc Ho11sc In .Jrwltson Ttlcsdny nlg-hl. Thny nl~n n.ltcndecl n movie,

Mrs. Vero Yocum nttenclccl the gmrlunllng cxm•cises nl Prudden nudlloriu Ill In Luuslng JcrJdny eve­ning. Her grnnrldnugltlm•,. Phyllis Bulmel', grndunlccl from J, W. SPxlon high school.

A receplion fol' Mr. and Mrs. Nm•mnn Collh wns held rtt the home of the hrlrle's pru·ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Denmon of Mu­nllll, on Sunrluy, ,lunuai'Y 15. Mr.

Pnt'l of lito fun will he n chnnce ru1rl Mrs. Cedi Cobb of StocltiH'Idge fen· lhJ nurllc::cc t.o !Jitl'tlciputc ill are the pnrenls nl' the hrldcgroom. the antics, fl!t ll1r. m~n ti'Oop M1·. nnrl Mrs. Herbm·t P!assmun clll'OIIglt ll1e aisles Oil the11· way Lo '.have lllOV<'ci to the Bert Hollis til~ stl:l.fe. , ' ' , j urartment which has lwen vacuted

Col01 ful cost111nes, e]Ctbot ate by Ml·. urid M1·s . .Joim Nichol, who H~ngs. unrl Jli'Ol ess1onnl maiW·UJl hctve moved tn 1 heir new home. Will lllf) the llCtOl'S tlS they loltCI' on l1igh JweiH, · Mrs. LaVel'!l.c Bamar:r~ spent,lnst ·

Tl1is allroction I!; sponAOI'crl by wce.k With lwt tlnughtc1 and lam­the Slockhi'ldgP P. 'I'. A. nnd is >ly Ill Delmlt. b~ing rlircetocl lJY Mt•o. Tva C. Ml'il. Marion Hnrcll ami two chll­Kcefcr of Pitlsh11q;h, Pennsyl- ch·en nn> spending a week with her vania, who rlll•ccted "A Womanless .~Isler, Mrs. Vivian Spt·y of .Jacl{· Wcrlrling" he1·e five years ago. 'l'l1e SOIL

play is open to the P,ublic. Mrs, C. F. Emling of Chicago '!'he following m~n have parts; has been vl.qlting Mt·s. Rob Was­

Arlhlll' Wilcle, .Tames, Hon. Lowc•ll Cmnclall, Dr. A. J. Spencer, Mrs. Vct·c Yocum unci daughtc1•, William Willmore, Dflve Busnre, Mr·s. Clayton Bnlmm· of Lnnsing, Kennech Byer·Jy, William Wilson. were cnllerl to Mansfielcl, Ohio, William Dominie, Guerdon Usher, where Clayton Bulmer was seri­Ncil Mills, .Jnl<e Hnffhine, Clyde ously injm·ecJ last week Werlnes­Buchun<m, Cai'Ron Bennett, II. A. day. He was unloading eat'S .. One Plassman, Arthm· Collins, William hit the sldds, stri~<ing him and Caslcoy, Bob Shilling, B1:<l Harley, I breaking his leg. · Howard f. rl~, Ga II Gmnt, Fra nl{ Sam Moffat was ta~<cn hack to Burgess, Tom and Kenneth Stan- I the University hospital in Ann Ar­flclcl, vvaJLe>· Barber, Elmer Leh- bor Sunday, after suffering a r·e­man, Wilbm· Beeman, Lornn Col- lapse. lins, Robert Streets, Cha1·Ics Webll, Ki1·k Patterson and Don Kum­Gm·don Keeper, Rev. Ltll'en Strnit, mrey left for New Yorlc by plane Robert Mitl.eer, Pete Macldnrlcl', from Willow Run 1\Ionday mol'll-

Liuus l'lau Ludles Night . . Dan Se:<ton, Wllyne Collie!', Gemlr.ll ing. i Monday evening will be Indies BOTTLE BABY-Film uclr·~ss ~nn Shc;t:ldan. bnngs lunch to Runciman, William Barber, Mau- Fred Kistler spent· a week va-

l night at the Leslie Lions club. Andy, the tame baby antelope who >s u famllwr s1ght at Sun Valle~, rice P1·Jce, Clayton Proctn•· a nell cationing ut his parents home After a supper at the GAR hall Ida. Andy was found in the rugged mountains near the resot t. At'Lh1n· Cob h. Many others Will here. Ralph Brown of California there will be a theater party at the I also have parts. Mrs. Lenora Mil- was his guest. Both arc students

I Arcade Theatre. formed for thr present semestel'. Knowlton home in Farmington nel· is the nc~t.t~nnist. at Albi~~ college.. . . r ' -- · 'I'he teaeher of the class is Clar-.J last Wetlnesdny. . . Hononng the lnrthclay ann1ver-l The student council of the Les- encc ·VanderLinden, su er•intendent 1 • • . , " • .. • i John Nichol sp~nt St~nrl~y at Big sarles of her two sons, Mrs. Eve-''" high school elected as officers: r u .. • 1 p 1 1\lr;;. M.tb .. l Dass,mce of Carllllac Raptds where h1s Wife 1s ca1·1nP· Jyn Allman entertained 10 little

· ·Robert Campbell, president; 0

, te sr.noo' , . . .. ! spent last weelt Wilh her son, Don, I for two· mother. ~ boys last week Tuesday. '!'hey en-vcurge Kaymonu, vice-president; .

1 he W~mcn 9

un>on of. the Le.,-1 nnd fflmily. Duncer·'s store han n colorful clis- joyed games afte1· which a lunch Jerry Holmes, treasurer·; and Pat he Bart•sl church Will. meet i 11-lr. and 1\frs. Fred Dietzen and piny or fancy W<ll'k in one of its was served. Warner, secretary. Weclnesclay, February 8, Wit~ dill-/ Julie were Sunday guests of Mr. windows. All pieces were loanecl Mr·. and M1·s. Art Wilde and

Earle Knowies of Pontine was ner ~t noon anrl a pr·ogmm rn the: ancl Mrs. John Knoch. by friends. children spent Sunday at his par-the soloist at the Leslie Baptist after noon. . . ' i Mr .. and Mrs. Geo1·gc Dickey of ents home in Ypsilanti, church Sunday moming. . The Leslie Bapt.>st church was Old R d ( . Delm!t spent the wcclc er:cl with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stanfield

. Mr, nncl Ml's, ·LesteJ• Bfu•th. 1J 0:15 1\, m. Wlth Sunday sohonJ Ill MJ· nncl Mrs WilHam Oarner ' lO:t? IL, m. nnrl YmJth V'cllowship had Sunctny dln\le•· with MJ•, and 1



nt 7 ,ao P· m, Ml'H, a, r,nwnm·. 'I'!1o Onl'nors JPr•1enrlshlp clnss will have Its spent Fl'icluy·ovonlng wllh M1·, nncl J

monthly mooting at tho hall Frl- Mra. r~rnest Sehoolcow, cla,v nig-ht, M1•, nncl M1•s, Guerdon Usher ~

Mt•, uncl MI'H, A I'Chle Shnrlnncl oullecl on Mr, nne! MrH, Looter U

nncl Ilene nml M1•, oncJ Mrs. Stun- Barth Sunrlrty ovrming. I ley Mnrshnll rcturnecl homo Sun- Mr. nntl Mn,, Fny Townsend clrL,Y from •a tltrco-woel> vaoullon cnllecl 011 Mr. anti Mr·s. Loai '!'own-In Flol•idn, nonrl Sunday evening·,

·MI', unci Mru. ,Tosso Cumpholl Ml'H. Fe1·n r~ouly and Mr. nnll cmlled rm Mrs. Will Knight nntl MI'.Y. Kenneth fCimlmll of .Jnrlcson Floyd Sund1ty evening, spenl SiuHiay with Mr. nncl Mr~.

Mrs, Dale Swltzenberg nnrl Dnlo Swit~cnhcrg. daughter l'otumotl home fi'Om Mrs. Mclllrio Lnnlis unci Mr·, Hnrl Rowe MemOI'iul hnspilnl Salllt'· MrH, Hnmlrl LnnliH nnrl c·hllcli·en tl!Ly, RpenL S11nrlny with M1·. nnll MrH.

M1•, nnrl Mrs, Jesse Cnmphell eLl· J,yJe li'uller ol' .rncl<son, tended the ch1·istenlng of Uwil' grandson, ,James Koch, nL the ,,utherun church In IJextrw Sun­chty, f!'rom c•htll'dl l11cy wont tn

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS February 2, 1950 Page 6

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The Pickett class ot' tlte Leslie Idled Sunday eveJllng at tho .Jan- S Oa 0ffiiJlUnlty Dr. I. G. Belme>·. went to Detroit last Tuesday and Buptist Sunday school will meet uary united service nf lhe Leslie 'I Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Roberts Sunday to hear "Little David Mir-}'riday nftemoon at the home of C:nuncil or churches. II. was a mu-, i\lr·s. l•~lnwr Otis have moved to Albion where. Rob- acle Boy" at the Bethesda' Mis-/ Dansville Phone 2363

Mn.~nliredRummcl. =al~•lartp~grom~M~~~ M· 1

M· B. ··lot ~re-r~~~h_a_s_e_n_~_r_m_l_c_o_J_~~g~e-·---~s=1~o:na=t~y~T:e:n:1p:l=e:. __ ~~---~=========~~=~==============~ . 'l'welve students of the Leslie Mrs, Howard Skinner anrl Karl t. anc 1 "· 01 nett c 18 n high school have been awarder! Steele, representing the Mnrana- t~nded the can!. ptll'ty Satunlay

F~ C. Anderson & Sons

. You have only to do a little ' price shopping to discover . that the Speed Queen gives :you the most for your. • washing machine dollar-; iust as it has for 20 years. :It's a DOUBLE-wall washer ' at the single-wall .p1ice. : Come in and let us ·show. • you.

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tha Bible cm1 ference. n1glil at the home of Mr. ~ml Mr·s. certificates for successfully com- T Btu old Glynn m Wheatfield. I pleting the automobile driver here will be two motion pic- . , · . .

1 • •

I I course given during the last se- tures shown at the Leslie Baptist . 'I he L:sh~ te eph?ne exohan~e I , mesler. They arc Galeta Stevens, church Sunday evening .. One has '.~ r.o\~e c.on~~cted With llie JncJ,. 1 Pat Dalrymple, Amelia Straub, to do with the clisplacecl persons ,on m .. lun"c. 1

Norman Vinson, Evelyn Stafford, in Eumpc and the other shows Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobert Foreman, Janet Gea1·lng, Pauline Adams, some of the ccmclitions in India. :\It'. and Mrs. Kenneth Belcher of Gerald Johnson, Janis Gulliver, --·-·----· --· -.. Mason and l\1t·. m:cl l\1rs. Austin I<arl !;'Iamme, Pat Moon and Ruth I Wh' d OL's and so:1 of Stocl,bl'idge we1·e Mast. Another class is being', Bte og District ::2cn~ p;uc,<;ls of :MJ•. and Mrs .

.8on:anl Oliri. On £3uncby the ~Ir ... ~1. V. Butl.,1· ~emard Otis fs.mily wero

H 1 Wh ;act;tt; at U1c Austin Oli!l home. ; ere S at 1 Pmce~1ds ~rom lhe white elo- Mr. t~n<l ~:in:. Oemld M·u·tin and J~.mnL so1le ell the school house m:Js of Rives wel'e Saturday eve­S~turcby cvenmg w:re $·16.00. It nin·~· guc.sts at th:! gJmcr Otifj

Lansing \Voman Says About! vnll b~ usccl to buy mndow shacles.jlw:~ie. 1

1\II'. nnd 1\Tl·~;. L. 'f. Smith and r::~mr.~· Oli.:.: ir:jul'ed the big to~ * I f<~mily we1·c cllnnoc g~1est~ Sumlay of his 1·igJ1t foot while brealcing ol M1·. ancl Mn;. B. Coclclmgton m ~lit th~ cement floo!· in the base-

! B>·ighton. ment of the llnrn. Star Rheumatic Solvent Mrs. Cnl'l'ie Riggs ami M1·s.

Distribu!f>d by F•·ml ,J, Dolhee Do:·othy H1mt1ey ancl chilch·en of Mrs. Fred Shultis, phone 4JG05 La!lsing spent Sunday with 1\It·. Greiton. District

Lgnsing, ~mys, "I was suffel'ing and Mrs. 1\l. V. Bntler. with high lllood pressure, diabetes, M;·. anti Mrs. L"wton C!iclmer arthritis, swollen hanrls anr\' feet, ancl .Janice were suppr.t• guests a jumpy uneven heart beat, wus ex-· Sattii'Ciay evening of Mr. ancl Mrs. tremei,Y nervous, had poor eyesig-ht Lawrence Eoltct· and Sandra i:J

M1·s. Edward q. Daft ·

unci was ove1· weight. My comli- Lansing. Lion is llltlch impmvecl." F1·iclay evening a group of WOI~l-

'l'hc Grelton Community club met ·Friday evening ut the school for a gTocery party. Ref>·eshments of srrmlwichcn, cool1ies ancl coffee were nerved by lV!r~. Bruce Ro)lel'l­~;on ami Mrs. Irene Smiley. Mrs. Montele Snow had charge· of the party. Mr~:. _\'i'ilson Drosoha and Mrs. William l<'m:son wi!l be co­chairmen for the penny suppe1· to be held in fceJn·uarv. 1\'Ir. a.ncl Mrs. Jrm·l·c:;l BQdcll a1·e On· tho pro;.;1·nn1 committee.

"One, who lwei h~cl arthl·iti:o; ancl en met \~lith Neva Bullr.J· n.ncl Mon­r ·cJinlletis ancl had been helped by clay evening with Loi;; Slover to

this medicine and calls it a mil'i· wol'ic on trays. 'I'ltis io. an exleJ:­·cal worker, advised me · to call sian club project. Omer Williams, 93104 Lansing and . --.... ·---·-.

. ' illCJIIire what he could suy for this • , • meclicine," Mrs. E~hel 1\>fcDonald, i Hernck Dlstnd

. phon~ 22954 Lansmg·, sa1<l. ~ "He l'eporlcll that he was practically ~Irs. L1•e GPrhardslein helpless from arthritis and could scal'cely rl1·ag ltimself around on Cl'Utchc:; at the lime he started Laking this medicine and that the mcclkine \1•ns n life saver to him, for he is well feeling- fine. I began tal{ing this medicine and 11lnost imme1linlely my health be­gan impl'Dving in every way. Now llfler tailing one-half a treatment lone treatment is 36 bottles) ·I hwe lost consldei·nble weight, my blood pressure is down to normal,

I eyesight is improved, swelling is gone fJ•om my hands and feel and

. my strength has returned. I nevet·

Tl1z honor roll fm· the last six 1\11'. and 1\•frs. Leo Gerhanlslcin weelm is rrs follows; Leta Kil-

ancl Karen Sue spent. Sunday at patric){, Donna Jean Daggy, Dm·o­the H:ll'old llunt home at G1·ancl thy Robc>tso·n, Ruben Droscha, Ledge. Phi)lip Fansrm, Joyce Krey, Hoger

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunn of How- Peabody, Marilyn Piolcell, Nnomi ell were Sundn.y g'IICsts of M1·. and Snow, Rmlv Dmscha, Rnnnie I{iJ. Mrs. Milce King. pall·ick Elia Jean War.per, Laura-

Mrs.; Lee Gerhnrdstein and Icc Peabody, Carolyn Il:rey, Nm·-Helen nnd 1\frs. Leo Gerharrlstcin mun Thllrhy, Cnrl Kilpnll•ick nnll and Karen Sne were in Howell on .Janet Defoe. business Friday, JII1-. nnd Mrs. Roy Court and

Week end gt1esl.s at the Archie family of Wheeler nnd M1·s. Bet·· House home were Mr. and Mrs. tha Hoclg-es of Lansing were Sun­Ivan House and daughter and Mr. day guests of M1·. and Mrs. An-and Mrs . .Judd Dailey and son. d..ew Foote nnd family. ·

1\h·. and Mrs. Eldred HOLJse Jvlt•. and Mi·s. Willard Droseha

I felt bette!' in my life; in fact I feel like n. new person,"

To get this medicine, Star , •Rheumatic Solvent, wl'lle bt· call

J;honn 2-3111 Mason I. Fred J. Dol bee, Mason,' Route 1, 1 ot· plwne 2105 Amelius.



spent Sunday nt the AI, Semlcie and fnm'ily were clinnel' guests home nL Walled Lake. Sunclay of MJ•.' and :Mrs.· Ela1'1

.Mr. ,an c) 1vfrs. Lloyd ShepleJ• and Childs. · Elma .Jean called at the Elcl!·ecl Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bedell House home Sunday. we1·e Tuesday callers of Mr. and

iM ., I , , &. H ·Body Shop

Comea· of McRoberts and Maple

24-HOUR WRECKER SERVICE . ·.}),hone .47'31 .or '22561 .

. Bun,pin:g._.' , .. · Painting · L Generar R.epair On All Makes ·.: .. ;· . \lfORK. GUARAN,EED .. :f~~-.

Mt-. and Mrs. A>·chie House re- Mrs. Ford r:rollcy and family of tumed home Sunday after a shm·t Shaftsbm·g . m:cl •Mr. and ·Mrs. stay in Roseville. Fmn!c Bedell of MotTice.

Mt·. ancl Mrs. Harold Smith aml J\Ii'. ancl Mrs. Robert Osbor·ne children spent Sntmday with M1·. were Sunday dinnc1· guests of M1·.

·and Mrs. Eldred House. anrl Mrs. 'l'homns Bush of Parma. M1·s. Don Dassnnce was hostess Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Fuller were

tal a demonstration party ·of Saturday evening cullers of Mt·. Minute Maid products Thursday unci Mrs. Edward Daft and Carol. evening. Five couples attended the M1·. and Mrs. Andrew Foote and demonstration. . fttmily visited Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Junwr Crand~ll and Kath1e Charles Kirby of Eden Sunday Ne~son called at the Lee Gerhanl- evening . stem home Thursday afternoon. I · Mt·. and Mrs. Forrest Bedell ancl

M1:s. Grace Strobel, Virginia. and family were ·Sundav dinner guests ·VeJ'nlta.uttended John Deere Day of Mr. and Mrs, John Gardner of at Williamston Thursday. . Woodland.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stafford --'-----were Sunday dinner guests of

'M1•s. Hattie Seelhoff. ·They called on Mrs, Edith Stafford 'in Lansing on Friday. . .. .

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strobel and children visited at the William

'· ' Moth Damage·

In one year.- a female moth ·and her :desct!ndants can .'destt•oy · ns much wool as 13 sheep can pre· c!ilce in .the .same time.


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r ..

Holt News ·ny ~lrH. l~rJwHt llnrhlW - l'hrmrl l!R92

l1rilt1•d flnnd Dr•il'n l'lnnlll'll ThiR wnelc n llllilocl fnnd ciJ'ive

wnR schedllloli in the Holt schools. 'Pho goal in $200 nne! ti1e t'unrls cnller.tCll will ho divlciod !Jclwccn the MUJ'Ch of Dlmr.s, ,Junior 11ecl Cr·osB rrnli StrliT Cornmonwonlth, nnem·ding lo sciwol nfl'lcluln. Tllo Honl<mr tonic n:1 llru IIHBignnwnt. in Llw Junior· 1iml senior sd10ols

Lansing, The Langworthy oar 'WilR str'IICit )ly a speeding pollco ca.t·, di'IVon ll,Y Putrnlmnn Oefll'!re At.· lrlns, nnd wrrs JHJshed Into tho l-Jopllins nt1lo ns ·it Btoppocl prtrt way out into the lnLersoeLion fr·om ·south Lal'f~il, Mt·s. HoplthJA wnH lnl1on to lr1ril'l!ll'(l W. Spni'I'OW IJOR­pll nl 1111rl r•elonHorl.

·WIIIIlllll lluwiH ~flfl

Ml'~. l•'lt,V DOI'dOIIOI' lmwioti 200 J'eoontl:t 11nd reooivecl ~he men'a pencil, One IHIIllh'cci unri fifty is .IHl mrtl'l[ for• the women, blJL ~J1e Is tho only one ~o got 200 nncl cat•n tho men·~. too,

·nrnoflt Dam'" l'lruuwd A lmrcHimotJ heneflt dance will

be Rponsot•ocl by tho 'l'omple oom­mltlco nL the new Masonic 'l'emplu fi't•iclny ovonlng, Fpht·rmr•,y n, frorn ·nino t.o nne o'cloclc with aCJIIIll'c nn<i nwrle·rn <lancing,, !~owls' O!'chostl'll will pr·ovido the muHic,

and L11e lenr;Jwr·B slnr'i.<'d lhingB In (Joupln 1\lu,rll iiO YI'ILI'H \VPd ll I I S I r(Jwanlnns !'!Indy Trafl'l<~ 1n e nmenltLI'Y gl'lll UB. uper· n- Celebmllon of tlw fiOlh weclclln~· lenrlcnt JJcnton Yates HILYH tiiiH nnnivorsur·y of Mr·. and Mt'H, rr. H, The Holt I<lwnnls club has rle· nnnuul nffnir tnlcnH !.he plttce of Mnnts<!h of Holt tonic phwc.Jamr· el<lecl to unclot·talw n program of indnpmulnnl fuJHI r·nlsing effor'ls ur•y 2u Ill lhe r. O. O, I~. hlill from rocltrclng ll'llfflc enmlllltios cluu to lly tlw lhr·eo rJI·grutlzrtllon~. !Plfl,Y Lwo to six n'cloclc Mr·s. Mantscil, o. t•epor'L of n tremendous trnN'Ic rwr· I!Onl of Llw funds will g·o t.o 72 and Ml', MrutLsch, 77 wet·e loll In the Delhi nr·ea during tho Llw March ol IJirli<!S ancl 2f\ Jl"l' mr'll'l·icd .Tanuury 28 , 1900 ;,t Bal- past year•, Nine rlcathR were re-"""t lo <!IH'h 11f t.lw ollrer· gr'OIIJlH. lie r.reelr. MciaLRc:h op~I'Hlcd n ptrted In tho vicinity, three times

, . • , / g-r·or:ury und monl nllll'lrel in Lnn- t 10 num)Jcr lcillcrl in traffic in \~oman III.Jllrl <I in Cmsh sing· for uhout lfi year·s. The Lansing, The tlrHt acli~n ln~cen by Mr~. l•:clnn floplrinH of 22'15 couple hnve nlwnys lived in lhiH llhe club was to cull rn Captain

Avon J'Oilci, Holt,. IVIIH HJig·}ri.Jy ill- vkinlly rend huve four childr•en George Wurncr, head or the Lan­jurml In 11 r·r•nsh nt. Lur'<'h s'LJ'nul lclnro, · 'l'hurlow, Mrs,. Anita RoHH: sln!f pollee rlepnrtm;~lt tmfflc eli­and Mldligrur HV<'IliiO In LmJsin!{ and Mrs. All"o l{omey; nine vlswn, who spoke l UeRrluy eve­Ins!. Hrlnd 11 y lll<ll'llilllf when lhe r:ur g-r·andchllclr'en 1111,1 lhr·ee !{reaL- ntng to tho Kiwani~~H nt the Holt driven !Jy lr•n· husllllml, Wllllnm lfl'fl!Hlchlltlr·en, Bfll1ery anrl Grill. I his was ar·-Hopllias, was slr·rwlr !Jy 11 lllltellinc mnge~l by Richard James, Holt at-rll'lvr:n 1>1• Il'filn L:rngworlhy of Mrs. ,J. H. l•'urnlsil of l•]rlnn"Cl', torney nnrl member of the club,

· · " Captain Wamer detailed what the I<••nlu<:lly, Is vlslling nl. !.lin Iwrne tt·atl'ie cnfor·eement could do nnd

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS of Mr·. anrl Mr·s. Altstin Oppen· hns done for Larming, Iande!' for two weelcs; Silo is the

Page 7/mother of Mrs. Oppenlruulm·. Feb•·uary 2, 1950 l'ierm1s l'lan Outln);'

I noLh, OU10r' gtle~t~ wr.r•e ,TQ)lll He!- ,Tonn'n nlovonth blt'thrlllY " tlr•ook ancl Miss Ann · Kuthleon anntveranry, '

1 011llla, ]\l[r, nne\ MI'H, Iillton Wellton wore Mra, l3olvln T~rtl'llOl' nnd frtmlly Snnctny uftorrwon culler•a of M'r,

wore SntiJI'r)uy qtiJors nt tho homo nnd Mr·a, R, V, Dnnglor• rwl fllmllv. of IJor pcLrcnt.a, Mr•, unci MJ'R, A, Mr•, ntlcl Mrs. mugonc l.yon n't- • '" Y otJng. I tend eel the lllllHHll .Tot•soy 1neoLing ' '

Mr. unci Ml'll, Irving Pnrltet• and at Webbot•vllle Thur·sdny, .,. i Mr·, nnrl Mt•s, Hurry )lurnrnina Mr·, unci Mr·a. Robert Lyon and wore I'Juturclny O\:ening callers at fnrnlly ~pont the week ·end witr

, Uw homo ol' Mr. 'hnd Mrs, mrnest I Mr, anrl Mrs. lilugonu !.yon nncl Lnrnm·, family,

Mr, and Ml'R. Bon Burch onllecl Mr•, nnrl Mrs, !van D, r~arncr on Mt· unci Mrs Reitz Glynn nnd

·nnd Delle wore 'l'uosday evening enmity' Suturclny' nigllt culler•s of Mr·. unci Mrs. mlrner Mr, and Mrs. l3en 'Burch were . l3rnwn anrl Fnrnlly, SLrmiay dinner· guest~ or Mr. and

Charles l'lwaim is nbsent from Mra, I-lai'Oid Hulline. school wtth the measles, and It•ma Lorettcc Howe Gerald Hnmmell IPm·so 1.9 ulao nlmcnt from school Mm·y Hull, and .Junior O'Berry . with, n heel infeellon. spent Sunday evening with Mr.·.

'Mr. anrl Mrs. ,Tames McDaniels nnd Mr·s, Lm·cn sweet, or Lansing accompnnled Mr. onrl Mr. un<l Mrs. HurTy Freshour Mrs. , I-turv,e;y l'lwnlrn ln. Ch~cngo Mr·. ami Mt·n, Lyman F'I'eshout• unri Sut~n drty. 1 hoy lonlc lf•; MeDon- I Ludell Cheney flttencled Lhc Fnr·m­lcls mntlJ<cr, MI'S, m. C. rayior, to crs' Wrelc !JnnLJucl of The Mlch­the tl'Jlrn rlepot no lhnt slw JnllY lgnn If< Istcln-~'l'irsinn ussr Ia I'Otlll'll to ht!J' homo In MIHHiSHippf. linn Ine, 1 ~lollcl!ly, ' '' IC -

The Swr.tlms nnrl ~cDnnlels t'e- M'r·. un~l Ml's, 'fl11lr!s Holley nncl malnell 111 Chicago 101' the weelc Mr• nnd Mr·s Vt'l'llOJr I! oil 'Y IV 'I' end . . . e e e

· S11rulny rllnncr guests o1' Mt•, nnd · Dol'is Brow11 nnd Chal'lcH Swalrnl Mr.~. i>ort Holley.

l!ave perfccl ullcn<~~ncc rcenrcls Mr, und Ml's. Roher·t Wlchnew- , lor the flJ•st scmestet · sl<l und MI'H Clal'fl. Wlchnewski II!:·· . and r:rrs. , Ernest Lnl'!ler were sunduy' cllnncr g\rests of ~lr. wer<. recent callers nt the homes und ~1 rs. Woller Kranz. nl Mr. nnrl Mr·s. Mnrl Lnm~r antl Mrs. Cnnit• LoVette Is nt Foot Mr. unrl Mr·s. Mml Llll'ller· ol Lnn- of .lnclrsnn fm· sut·ger·y~ sing, Rhe w"nt Mondu•t.

Mr. nntl , Mr·s. ,frsHe Pallen of 'rhc liftlr sixth Rcventh and Lansln!; vrsrl<ld Mr·. nnd MrH, eighth gmti;H'H of l{lpp sehool at­C:cot•g·e Cn<ly I•'t•ldny evenln!;. tcn<lcd eour'l nl Mason on Wednes-

'l'~lT.V Hnse 1~ a JWW lwg-1nncJ' al duy of la:-~t weel<. · thro RC}JOnl. '

Womlrnw Wilson issuecl the tJt•st' ·

l3oy SeouLs of the Delhi tnwn­Hhlp nrc planning o. ".Jamboree Trip" to Valley For•ge. 'rhts is an annual event, Tho cost to make lhe trip Is about $100. I<'loyrl Lolt of Jnghllm district llnnounces 4<1 pel'· son.~ are to organize into four troops fm· the jour·ney, Eneh gTmrp eonslsts of a sco11lmaster,

DYNAMITE BLASTS MOUNTAINSIDE-A rnonntn11mdc erupts rn this JJUge rlynnmrw 11insl p1ctum<1 11t Boy~cn Dnm, Wyo. More thnn I!JU rn rtllon pmrmls or rnclr were thrown lr.o~c loy J!Jo :r~! t.r.ns or clynnmrle user!, Nole the thiel\ i:•e er·ncl,ing 111 the 13ir: lfor·n·Rivcr nl lllc rn<HIIll:lln'' IJ:1,r. :' 11 rr!r~a o! lha explosion's scnle can IJ~ gained IJy notill!l lhe ru11-si1.crl 11'00" :l!nrrr: ";.- r11 < .. '' .nl:.

Kipp Community Mother's Dny pr•oelrunnlion.

l'hyllls C:h<'llt'Y

i two assistant scoutmasters, n ~enlor palmi leader llll!l four pa· il'llls or eight ~cnuts ench,

___________________ __.,;. __ i _________ _

Alaiedon Center Por·feet ~;pr.ller•s of lust weelc

W1•r·e Icvc-lyn Wrer.hour·, .Joey Mil­ler, .Joe Howe, ~hr.ilu Hong, Lnl'I',Y Whcelt:r, Diclr Wheeler, Gnt•y Call-

Office Hours

'1'/w World's Most Mmhmt Car With

#!Ritfff CtJ!Ycf.letlt'lltJIY


Including Reclining Airliner Seats-new Super Power High Compression Engines-Twin Beds-Weather Eye

'Conditioned Air-and a host of ·other features that mean .greater performance, comfort and safety.

Let Us Demonstrate

Les Foote, Inc. 1116 S. Washington Ave. Phone .~5'351

Clvie Projl'~.t. (lurdl•n Cluh 'l'oJlie "Civic Planning antl Planting"

will be lhe topic of the sp~alcer to address the Gat·dell club February 7 aL tire home oC Mrs. Wllliurn Waltman. mrwln Hof1'mnn, a senior fr·om Miehigan Slate college, will he the ~peaker.

Couph· llnil<•d 'i\lnn<la~· TJ;c wedr.ling- of Orvillear.

Straehan of 2101 :11arlon slreel Lansing, and Leo 1-r. Saul of Holt ,1,1as perfo!'mecl at li1e :wme of Mr. I -·u1d Mrs. 'rhomus Eseh, Monday ~venlng ut elghl o'clocl<, hy .Tusliee .\I vin I lal'tig.

!:hr11·r•h !:Ire!" Phtn' """t 1'he .Josephine Rose circle ot

lhe Preshvterian church will meet Lo hear ai1 address on .Japan Feb· 1'1191'.\' 9. Tl1e hostess i~ to he Mrs Leiur·cn Bar·lcer, 4901 West Holt road, with Mr·~. Carmi Ray as co hoste~;s. Devollons will he hnncllcrl by Lila Blodgett and Gt·ace Corn· 1 well, The program is being plun· ned by Mrs. Clara .JJlckson.

:\l!.<~ionury Describes ·China Miss Etha Nuglcr, missionnr)

home fl'Om China, spolte at the W. S. C. S .. geneml meeting at lhc Bl·olhel·hoocl Temple Methodist ctlureh lrrsl 'rtJCsday evening. She explained lhc ehangcs Laking place i>l China nne!· also ~tatetl that the missionaries m·e still there carry-

' ing on their work, contrary to be-

, -"l'S, gJrnt!l' <.J. Brown rider, ,llrnior· I<ranz, Hnymoncl Miller, .fnnet Dangler, Leigh Ly·

M.r. and Mr~. Belvin Larncr nnd om;, Robert Call.rider, Marvin Mil· famrly wer·e S(llur·tlay evening ller· an<l Hol:crt Howl'. gueRts of Mr·. and Mrs. John llfly Mrn. Carrie LoVelle culled 011 nf Lansing. I Mr. a11tl Mr~. Elmer Smllil of On-

Mr. and Mrs. C:oorgc Cacly were ondaga Salurdny afternoon. Sunduy dinner guests of Mr·. and :Mr·. nnd MrH. Louis Hcnclersllnt Mrs. Wayne Beatty of Williams- anrl fumil.v wo1 c flulnnlay evening lo11. The occoRion wos the hirlll· guests of Mr. anrl Mrs. Wrerl Lo· day anniver~;nry of lhcir son, Ken- Vette and fnnrily. Thry celehrnted


p. m. to •I :30 p. m,

Except 'l'hlll'Sclflys

Phone 7181 For· A ppolnlmcnt

Dr. Kate E. Lamb OPTOMIDTIUS'r

$'25 Worth Of .Frozen Foods YOUR CHOICE

With Every International-Harvester Home Freezer Purchased At Mulkey's

Lunsing, Michigan /

lief that they are being r• this country. because of Cornmu· ~isl dominallon of r-ome scclions of .China.

·community Counell to. ~feet ~lf.~ilJ~~~J~~: I .Buy International-Harvester

lotal Agent: Bruce Love 4491 VI. Columbia · Phcne 3003

The next meeting or tho com­rmmity council will be held Mon· day evening-, February 6, at the Boll high school ul eight o'cloelc. All· h~ads of organlzaL!ons and a' least one othel' clelegate from each club Is aslced to· nltcnd. These meetings are open to ··the puhJ!c

-rueSt>Ay, FEBRUAJ<Y 14,

t~i~~~ri~Jk,Wlf Refrigerators - Fre. ezers OR I'EHDCR, I'JII.L .

M<lson, Michigan

~.~~11~ AS HEAT

IN HEATING WIN 1' E R A I R C o·lN.:Dil ,fJO'N•nN G · The Dmvag·iac "Arro;v" ·Gas Furnace .. heals, c!irciilcjte,,, hum.itlifics and filter,•: the air-there's nothing finer under lhc su'n! Engi'nccrecl for economy, built for years 'of service! Quiet, always dependable-no noisy. moving parts. Built in one complete, coinpact tlriit; .firiishei.hin ·

·trcautiful bltic· balnxl'on :Hnmmerloicl <cmimel, it's ·ideal for your modern basement· or recreation rooi11. ·Here's home heating at its very ·finest, nriy'.w<iY you'' look at'it!

G 1.\ 5 H E A'H D H 0 M E.S ·A.R • .C .n A N,E'R Gas •heat is .cleauer:thcre's ·no odor,

t Q'ltR smoke ·or ·~oat!. !And :it's e~on!>niical, (,l\"~G ull . . too! You!ll find1:hat,your pamtmg and

N 0" . E decorating bills are less i ~hat it's eas!er f,Pt'\Ot' · to keep yam·· .basement and enttre

t 1!. \ ,;"e 2~1~ .hctt!e ,~lean. _.Co~1e. in . .;'!~ 17~- ~·s .tell 11$- -- you a~out ALL· rts superiOr featmes.

Duvi~nn-J,ott N'lit•tltd ·vow;; So!c•mnlzl'll · ,Junnury '27

'J'he maniagc of li'lorer.ce 'Loll lnd ·Emest Davison, both of Holt, ~oolt place 'in the paroonage of Rev. \Vilson 'J'ennant on .Tanmu:y 27. Mr. and Mrs. Hichard Parltet·,


/-OVE/ II .


brother-In-law and sister ot' the 1


·!)ride, were the aHendnnl~. 'rile bride WOI'~ a navy suit with I

white accessories and a white .!QI'Sage. · .

Bolh of Lho young people gr·nd­uated ot Holt· high schoql. They· ~oolt a short motor tl'ip lind now reside In nn upar·tment in Lhe Beol\ l·e:;Idcncc on Delhi street in HolL.

Co~rple W~d Jttllttilry 21 .

I ~\t Unm<' Cereniony · , At :1 home ceremony Saturday

·evening, Jarii1ary 21, before 50 guests Mi~s Virginia ·Bowe1·s, daughtet· of Mr. anti ·Mrs. Charles

· ·Bowers. 1137 'Cinistophet· avenue, Lansing, ·was wecl to ·Rus~ell Spaulding, son of Mt', and Mt·s. B!'lllon Spaulding of Holt. •

Mrs. Carl Doughj.ery was ma­tron of honor and Carl Dougherty was groomsman. Clusler Bowers ·~·ave ·his sister away.

For the cereinony, performed hy Rev. Vernon 'Smith, i.i1e bride WOl'e a blue suit nnrl·a·corsage of cuma-tlons. • .

A :reception ·at the home fol­lowed the rites ·with ouL-of-town guests ft·om 'Detroit, Perry nnd Mason.

The bridegroom is a 1947 grad· uate of Holt high. school, nnd, is employed at tile Oldsmobile. '!.'hey

· .plan, for the pt·escnt, to reside ivith Mr. and 'Mm Keith Hanson, brothet·-in-law and sister of Mt·. Spuuldt!lg·.

0. E. S. lias Social E1•enlng . A social evening· ,was held by

·member's Of•Holt Chapter No. 510, -o. •E. S., Tuesday evening ut the

· ·I: 0. ·o. ·~. hall. A table of white ,- elephants were offered ns prizes

arid .a lun¢heon was served after the"g"ames. Mrs. Earle Smith won the special pt•ize on the last

1 . gam·e, >0ffieers acted as the com­mittee for .the evening. Thirty-two people ·were present.

.. HQLL Eleanor 'Roosevelt, muidrig one of het· nqes,'chats:with ·actress Janet,Bialr,

:·ivho Is' a former'flrst lady,_ Mt·s ... Roosevelt ·asl;ed thnt ·.her j:ial't;y be given::at u table in· a qu!et ·cm:ner.

.! ••• • •

Detro! t in ~h~ hmnes. of Mrs: ~M~t·-~ Florid~, to be gone t1vo · or three, tha .Briggs ~mel ·Mrs.· Ell· Hall, s1s· .weeks,_ Mrs. ·Mary Albert plans to ters of .Mr. Hartig, .. · I stop fm· We duration ·of ·the win·

'Mrs . .James Helmlcet• of Bertha ter. · . , strec.t l;lipp~d ,on the, Ice near,'Jrer I ~.bohemian dinrier t~ to be .'held. home January 23 _·and brolte her I for the Alpha Delta Tau •class .nt hip. She. spen't ·a week' In 'Sparrow


.. t~e home of Mrs. Walter A. hospttnl,_·ancl is now :convalell,eing ·Kno~Ies, 71101 Am·e:llus .road,. at, at,het:'ll\Jme.· , . · · , '12o.9locl1 .noon·on IJ'ebt•uary 10.

Mrs. :.ii:dtth Cor~&li~~ of ;Hub· . . . . ' . '.: ·. . . bard lake. is spending .~this 'Weelt Block "Bleeding" · .

· · i' ··A;son. ·William Emest, was bm•n

with the Clift~n:Cot;nelius ·family ·:When .·lt is .. desirable ·to · itpply prior· to :leuvmg · for C~lifornla· :J)~Inhover n -tireviously. -stained·. Fe?ruar.y 5. She-is the ·mother. of. •iurtnce, 'It is \Vise to _apply·'n .seal· • Mt. Cotnelius, " ••· . • , ·er 'fir·st to make sure ·that •the · C d H • & v •1 • to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J(alis on QW ry eatmn ent1 at1ng Janua!'Y 12 iat .the Sparrow hos·

~ - . ·pital rn Lansing. Mason · J Phone 121961,' :Mr.~•OJltl Mr~ .. :~lvin 'Hartig and

... ,. . . , , da:ughtet•, · Mrs. 'Murtha Miller ·-or ------...i..--~---..:..-~;...;~~--..;.;..:...;_;...._ Haslett, .spent Sunday visiting In

~1·. nrl,d-~rs. Robet·~ ,Wrtght-Jeft· ··sta'tn ·won't "bleed" through ·the for FlondnvSaturday. for a two- ·new ·co' tl .,. s .,;., · 'tl · week stay. · ~ _ ~ . . a llJl. · pectu• cornp~st ons

"Mrr'and- M!·s~ :A.. G.c Albctt/iind are. Bl'l!iloble •to;_ ~he;)purp_qse. ·In son, Rich41\d, and Mrs. Mnry Al-·1 some ,,cases, ·shellac or ,·aluminum bert left Saturday ·for Dlidc City, , 11re h~lptul. · _ _ .

l '. , .. ·., ••• 1111 f '


1948 l949 '1.947 '19·47 1942.

~RI·DE IN STYVE~! ·· Ford Plymouth Dodge (Nash,, like New

.. Plrmouth.

$1125 $1215 ($1195 $975 :$45'0

1-940 iFO:r.d :T.udoi· with Cclum~ia !'em· axle

, /Many 'Ofher 'Values

·wE GU~RANlEE ::OOR :OSED·· ':C·~·Rs ··Don~t jForget 'To ~see ::s.turday · 3:00

1 , .. · · = · · 'DeSoto~P..Iy . .rto'tith · . · · . .

·Mu1key's- li\b10r Safes _, , , . .. !!JA~D iEi\ilM.'STOR~,. ' 'ii . .

!Eaton Rapids ·">. " -- 'INTERNATION~~~R~MVESTER ·:p.ftbne '4·4971



! I

' I I. I


!l: 1 : ....:=__;:_. =='--=---~--------·

.News of the Churches .Doctors At Wayne U, .Reverse Blood Stream and Avoid Leg Amputations



0n'Ondaga -IW ntr~, Hnrlcm R~llhvln

f li!lto!l lll HOU lho UJ10l'il "JJI\SOI'l Hong." In lho ovonlnfl they Hnw Gone Aiiii'Y 111 poi'~Oil nt tho Olymplll,

Eden U. B. Marking C. E. Anniversary

Jl :lfi n, m. Collugo pruyol' mcet­lllgs, Wcrlncsrlrty ns rtnnrnmcecl,

llll':i, I•Jfvtl Mnll~011 llltcl ~on, J\Jol'lnn, nl J•Jnlo11 HIIPirl~ wm·o Mt•, lind Mt'H, ,J, D. Bonnell of Ml', nne! MI·H. Mr1111lcn Qlovl'l' rtnd Rut:dny lilleol~l of Ml', nnd Mt•a,

Onsted ~1·o spending rt few clnys


famll,Y of Cl'lspoll lulw, Cill'l'oli Glynn, ~!si~ing then• sistol', MI'S, Lallie W/lt'Cf MlilVnnoy of Bn I I It• ~'!'coli ~[I', and Mt•s, Cllltt•fos UHIIHH anti ---j-

Wllihunston l>'l't•n l\lnl hndiHt, I[, G, Hrmshcy, pu:;Lm•, Cllill'C)l ftchonl 10 n, m. Wni'Hhlp sm·vfr'c ll n, m, and R:lii p, m, Young peoples ~et·v­ice 7:rtn p. m, Pmyc1• servlco 'l'lliU'Htla,y, 7::!0 jl. m,

blch i,dge, , , _ spent ~he w,eek one! vlsiling , l\!1. ll\lnl'viu llfJQnt Siinclay with Mt'H. Mt, rrnd Mts, N. Sclllllol of De ancl M1s, Btl! ton Flnlrlwln n11d tnm-, l~va llng

110 of .TuciiH<m.

'l'olt wet·o Sunrluy guosta of Mt•, llfy and Ml', nnd Jill's. rtobm'l lluoh 1

, Mnn;y d111J'chos col' vn1ious rJe­nomlnrtlions, r•nlm·s und rltc'llH In nhnost every country on Ll1l~ globe will r•nlobrnto lco!JI'Unry 2, 1050, ns llw hlrlhdny nnnii'Prsai'y of Chnst1nn mndenvm·. Begun In t h e Wlll1slon Congregntionnl church of PortiHnrl, Maine, In l RRl by Dr, F'1·anl'C,9 E Clarl1, the movement hn.~ llecmno Jnlel·dennm­lnat.loncLI, lnter-I'UCHtl nnrl tntcmu­

unci Ml's, Allen Weiss and sons, I and dnug!)tel's, I i\lr, aral Mrs. Hobert Snuth _of Mr. anrl Mt·s Gem•ge Nicholas ,Joe Porca1 ell! of Wlllinm:rton flow<' II spnnl Icitclay evening w1th

rrnrl M1•, and M1•s, Charles Pnnottn. 1 was u Wljdnesdny nftet•noon emil-~ 1.11', nntl 111m. Wlllrmn Bowr.n. On nne! Dnvld of I.anslng visited thcli•, Ill' of h1s pal'ents, Ml', nnd Mrs. rillnrlny I"" Bow<'nH entm tnlnecl parents, Mt•, rmd M1•s, L. '1', Weller, I Tony rtoss, 1.11', nne! Mr·s. Chn1·!es Youn~o;- nnd on flntlll'dny evening, Mrs. Ednu Glovet· wus guest ot' fct 1l~ ~Jnll'l or Pontine nne! Mr

WllllumHion i'il. IH.trJ''H ('allm- 1 ..,,,., .. ,,,,.,,,,,, llr•, Hev, 1~1', Hugh Conlclin, J>ns­tor, Srtturday, confcrmtons unt! de­votion~ 7:30 p, m, Sundn,v nwsses, 7::Hl fiJI(( 10::10 fl. m. l•'uwft•t'\'illn, r•onf<',,Hinns nne! cluvolionals Fr·t­rlay at 7 p. m. Sundny llHtss D a,

M1•, nnd Mrs, Alvin, Johnson of lwnm· nt u birthc!ny slipper· nncfll'tlll 1\Tr, c'CJ'I'.I' Pemw of Hnslott. .Jnclcson were S11nrlny visltm·s of 1 thealm• pal ty on 'I'htll sdny l'Vc-/ Mt•, nnrl l\Ji's, I, fcu·illy Allman ot r,l! s. Nettle French. , nmg In !)onm· of he1 70th hir llt-J' .J.wlcson spent Snndn,v wtth 1\lr,

Ollte Lyholt spent Snndny wllh clay unnlversnry <'nrl Mrs. f•iurl l'ILI'Hon and family. Mt•, nhd Mt•s. Ft·nnlc !.ybolt, I Ml', and Mrs Floyd L,vlt<' left I Ml', nnrl 1\!1 :;, A lgm• Dowon nnrl

tlonal In Its senpo, Tlw E<len iJnitPrl Brethren will

he among- thrmc who have nn nn­nual h£inrJUet In honor· of Chl'tHI ian En<leavor's fifllh ht~·thrlfty, Mtso Mul'ilyn MOJ'I'Is will net as toust­ml.9tl·oss of the prngt ,un planner! by a cnmmltlce r·etll'escnlinr: lhc two soclcl!Ps o/' lite DlriPn church,


Wll!l.umlon Bnfill~t, H:ti'Oirl

Mr. nml Mt s. Don Bftt'l' were' on Weclncsrlay fra· 11 month's va- fnmlly WCI'o Rlmr!,ty g".c~ts oe Mr, Satmcltty evening dinner guests of 1 cation t1•ip to D'lotlrln M1·, IIIHl 1•nrl M1u. Lulhet• Gt'lsewolrl of 1\!". nne! M1•s Arlo Bowers of .Jack-' Mrs, f{euben Crites, .Jt•,, of' mnsl l'leawmt lillie, SOD. I Litnsing a1·c slaying at Lyi1c I , M1•, nnrl Mt·s Mrlw Kucil nnrl Heese, pastot•. Chun·h school 10

a, m. \Vm·sh1p ~wr·vwr.s I 1 rt, m. ru!(l 7·ao p, 111 •• Junior nne! scn!rn· groups 6G ::JfJ p, Ill. Tltiit'H(fll,Y, lcachcr'r. lesson ,,111<1y, open lo ull chlll'ch school tcache1 H, followed by jJI'fl,Vel' Hei'VICC Ill 8 p. ill.

'rho Junior Miss 4-H glt•ls held home d111ing lhell' nbsencc, 1

ldlllll,\' W<'I'IJ Sunrhi,V callctH of Mr. a meeting at the home of the!!', M1·s, Gcnevcm P.rchatclfotJ w.ts awl Mrs, ,J, Bergc1·. lcaclm• on Momlny afternoon. They' substitute teacher fo1· Mrs. E<lnn I elected Wfln<la Fmnldin pi'Cslclent.' Moore lrtst week ' ru h W'll'

Mr•. nnd Mrs. J•'loyrl La11nslcin of Rolfe I'OJtrl u ro HI'L(ng as hosts for

the second sur·r·cssivr. yr•nt' ln lhc Wflliarn•,lon Chr·lslian Sl'IPnr·•·, Eden Chl'isllon f•Jrrrl<'il\'lll'. 'l'hctr Leg 1nn h•til, Wni'Hitip sr•t vier• ll a. basemen I Will he ri<'< ",','',tr d in ITJ. MidWCPit HOI Vtee, C\'01',\' HC<'Ollrl Itcepmg Wllh Lhr·. lh~·.nw, Gnrl De- ancl fotlllll \Vcdm'sriay 11 t 8 p.


Ml'. and Ml's, Monte Hayward • Ft·nnccs Doxtnclc1· or Cnl1to, 1.ia I ~'tOrt ! 1amston left on Monday for Florida, where Is visiting ills pai'Cnts, M1·. and , lhey plan to spend the next two, ll!t·s G. 0, Doxtarlcr, and l\'Hn ~lr·s, ll<'rl \ llllfbllan

months. i Bob Hhlncs ra!nfltlly ln.[ III eel 1 ~ 18 I J\11' and Mrs Shm't'lll VnnOstt·an Mr, and Ml's. Larry Doyle anc\ hand wh1lo worlung on li'l'lriHy .lli-11 anti oon ftJHI Ml, IIIHI Ml's. Mill<

Mllcc spent Sunday at the home ol crnoon, · 7.P<'it111Htlo and chlldt'cn spent

:-:--------------,-;:::::=;:;;:;:;;;;;:;::;;;;:;;:;:::::==:::::;-:--;; I :iunclt v wi lh I hell' {lHI'cnl~. M1,

Ed ,tJHI Mt s 1\I. I~. VnnOstmn, I o help en Kclllll'll1 celebt'Hle ills lgth ba'Lh·

Htgns Yoiilh lJutld I · · The JH'og

1·a 111

1 or Chi'JHltan En-~ , - . By usln~ 11n unmjured vein to channel blood Into flesh that has l\li'H, Cltat•ii'H ~mnll••y dcnvo1· WPL'l<, .!urtUfli',Y ~fJ ln J•'r.b- \\ llflnmstuu ;\lPtltu•lr,l, W. A. I b<•en denied Jts normal blood supply because of injury to an aJ·tery, doc-ruary fi, roJI<'IWtl wllh 11 spcr•ral c:r .. goly, Jl.lstot·. Clllll'l'il ::f'IIDol 10 tors have ~aved legs that might othe,rwlse have been amputated. The Mr. and Mrs, Henry Scheppcrly". lor ·rrtd lly llw l'OIIIlii P""', a. m, Wrn shrp sei'Vir•e I I .1. m technique mvolves grafting together the uninjured part of the artery of Ollomos spent Satunlny evening

1 / ll ' 1 11 • 1 ci11' 1, linn J?n I N111 sery r•mtrlur.lrd rlu1 tn[' worsltip and the vein, thus reversing the direction of flow in the vein and send- with Mr. fltHl Mrs. L, D. Morris. P1 c ,


, 1 w ,. i 11"'.:· . ~ ll ·; ' , ,1 ~ r :m1 vir•c: 111 hhscmenl, w.' S. C:, s ing health-restoring fresh blood to the star\'ed tlssue, The blood re- rvrr. and Mrs. Howard Olney of De-c em oi Jay Wi ' osr

10 wr.u'

0 \ 1 1 r h 11 turns to the he•r• through other veins s d t t the J?cht'll•ll'Y is Willi :rrwlhut st·I'\'ICC flt''lt 'lcr nL'or ay o cnr· nton 1; ~ • ' troit were un ay guess n

tot· y"ung JH oplt•. [ c11 ('los scc:ortrl Wr.rlrwsrlo~,v at 2 P· Twenty-two patients suffering when the body's blood pnssarres be- .Morris home. • Ill. Ghnll' Jll ,tclwe, With Ger. tid me from ganrrrene o! the leg have been come clog-gccl. The new operation, Mt, ancl Mrs. K A. Bmttam were

I Mcllllllllon 11s tltl'eator, cvci'Y performed In the thigh, channels Satut'day evening callers at the Wcdne~tlay 7 p. m. aided through a new surgical oper- blood from a blocked artery to a home of Mr. and Mrs. Eitner Huf-Church Not1ces

Wllliamslu11 l.ullu•i'an, I .t•gton hall, .foltn Wc·siPtHioll', pastor. Chill ch sr•Juwl !J d. rn, \Vol :-;JJ1p

<ltion evolved by Wayne University vein that has not been blocked. fine of J ncl<son, Willlnrnstun c .. nlr· 1

• ~lPiho<iisl, doctors in Detroit. The new channeling Is accom- Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Sherwood of W. 11, nr·cgo1 :r. JlolHtot. Worshi)l 1 The newly developed method has pUshed by grafting- torrether a nor- Mason were Saturday evening sc1 vter' D::lO n. lll. Chu1 ch school In some instances saved legs fwm mal vein and the uninjured part of lO::lO a, m. amputation; In others, has reduced the artery so -that flesh that has callCI's of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene

the extent of amputation. The doc- been without its normal blood sup- Caton.

::-;cJ VH!C !J · LJ a n1.

Will iautsl ou \\'r•,lr•y:ut :\l PI hml­l~t, Rowley, c; .r•; Mrllc1, pastor, Church stlwol 10 "· m. Cla:;s meet­ing- I J a. Jll. \\'r11 s/11p BCI VJCL' 11 ::W 'a. 111 • .tnrl 8 p IlL W, Y. P. S. 7::JO p. IlL, M1,, lleatltr·e Al'iccl', prcot­dcnt. Pi·~tycl :-;erv1ce ThUJb{Ll~', R p, 111.

\\'llliamston Sl'\ r·n!h l:a,r ,\<1-\<'lltist, 11., K Knelt, pastOI'. Chtll l'h ,<,chon] SnlrJI'(fay 1.20 p. m Wol'ship set Vice 111 artcmoon at 2 '15 p. Ill, Sunrht,Y evening lcc­tme 7.:10 p m ArlvenliHL ltottt', W.!Il\[ I '00 fl. tn. CVCI',I' Sunri,L,\'.

Wllliamsl on ;\':11ai'l'll<', Hen I l \\'llfiat,Jslon \\'r•si••J.tll ~l••llrrl!l- Milici·, p.tslrw Chill r·h ~citool 10

bi, Bi'll'ir (1 IC ~.TiliCI, pao!Or. il, lll. W01 Bi1tjl '•<'ii'J<': II a. m. fiiHI Wo1·siltp sr1 \''"" 10 :t. 111. nrrl 7 ·::o 17::JO Jl. 1'1. N. Y. 1'. S. 7 fl m. Jl. 111. Cl~t~., lltt'<'i tng I I a. m , !Jon- . , . - . . alrl Pcl'iun,, lc.tdcr. Clnn ch sclwol , \,\'rldamslon Sl. l\allti'I'Ull''s

I fo.ptsr•opHI, .John Slc~ter, rcr·to1'; --------------- Wnt·ri Clalltlcoeh, lay it•.tdcr·. Wrn-

ship SClVICU J[;flfl a. 111. QUiCK REUEf FROM 'symptoms of lliis~r~~s Arising from Wllli:unston llospl'l, •102 1 Btu·k­

STOMACH ULCERS Icy marl. B1·eallmg or bread 10 tL 111. Cln11 ch school >Lilli Bthle I'! ass

DUE TO EXCESS ACUD 11 30 a. m Wot~i11p ocr·vicc ;; ;m freeBookTellsofBomeTrcatmer.ttllat I p. nr. l<'itclay, pt a.ver· mcelmg- Htlll Must tlelfl or it Will Cos! Vo11 tlotlr~ng mmtstry 8 p. m. ovor ~hrr.P mil!!nnllntllf',; nf tllr \Vu.J,I\IW ,... --.- . . .

t<Jrs, while pointing out that "not ply because of the Injury will again 1\fr. nne! Mrs. Raymond Under-all the flaws have been removed receive fresh blood. wood and family and Mr. and Mrs. from the technique," express in- Normally, n vein carries blood Clyde Underwood were Sunday creasing confidence In it. toward the heart, but after the op- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

The operations, spaced over a eration, the graitcd vein acts as an Donms Underwood of Onondaga, penod of a year, have been per- artery, cntTylng blood away from The occasion was a birthday cele­formcd in Receiving Hospital by the heart. bratton for J. H. Underwood, who Dr. Charles G. Johnston, chairman Artencs carry the fresh blood was 75 years old, of the surgery department in the which comhats gangrene. The college of M()dicine, and Dr. Pres- problem heretofore was how . to I , . . cott Jordan. of the surgery stau. transport such blood to the dymg t:'lkemos and VICimty The1r work followed more than a tissue. . _ ~ year of preltmlnary research study The Kresge Fou!ldatton hn., set l\1rs. A. B. Whiting by vanous staff members, Including up a $114,000 research fund to a1~ I

the Dean of the College, Dr. Gor- the Wayne doctors ln contmumg don H. Scott. thell' study o! various ways to sup­

Gangrene, which ls alwaJo:s pntn- ply bloocl to diseased ltmbs and or­lui and sometimes tatal, occurs gans.

Trio at Baptist Church Sunday

Stxtcen members and a Vts1tor altcndecl tho Ptoncet· Ladies mcct­mg- last Wednesday at Mrs. Della Mc·Kanc's home. The next mcet­mg Will be on February 22 at the homo of Mts. Fern Keesler.

Mr. nncl Ml'", Nforns Hoag arc the pal'ents of a baby ga·I, Faith Ann, bol'n Ft·iday, .January 27 at the St Lawt·ence hospital. Ml's. Haag was fotmerly Miss Phyllts

I Plpei',

POMERANIAN PLEA-Not a taUcmg dog, Perley, I -ycm -old Pomeranwn pup, must catTy a placard in order to get hts clmly tare. Perley arnvcd at La­Guardia Field from Franldut t, Germany, on his way to a ne·.•.'

home in New Yorl;. rJ1 nt-.ATi'tll.~'l' hn-:u ]lj'( n sold fo1 rolt~f ar I ~f. ,Janw~ ( athnhe I\JJSSIOil, BYillJJtom"'nfdr~t t•es" ~~~ •s1:1~ hom St(tl~~ch F'athcr Char]cs l{cating, pastor, urut Duodcnnl Ulcurs d '"'In E.ccoo Acid·-~ Muss will be snlrl at the chapel at Poor Dincstion, Sn~:r or Up;;;ut Stornilth, _ Gassinc;~, Heartburn, Sl£::eplo!:~Ho!:s, etc., the <!Orner of .Teftcrson and Cherry dunloExcossAcitl.:--l(ddon l!i dny:-.' tn:l' strcctR Sunday mormng at S::JO. Ask 1'or '"WiH~rd's Mc5sz.;!o" wl,ich.full~ Cntech!Sil1 classcfl are held Satur~ CXJH,JillsfJ•tstt•t,~!llll'!l' -lroc--:t( day RftetnOOJ1 flt 2:00 p, Jn. at the

'rhe Not tl1mn Mcsscnger·s, an , evangclrstic trio ft·om the North-/ em Baptist TheologlCnl Semmat'Y Ill Chicag-o, will be guests featured I at the servrccs of the Mason Bap-

1 ltst church on Sunday, accordmg I to the pastor, !lev, Loyd G. Cam­

A new linoleum has been put in' Dart School the nut·sety at the Community

WAIU<;'S IJIW!~ i'I'I'Oitl~, MASON Legion Mcmrmal ])LJilding.

Onondaga Crmununit,r, Rev. Mal Hoyt, pastor Suncla,v schor.l, 10 a. m. Worship scn•tco, 11 a. m. Young Peoples F'cllowship, 7 p. m. Sunday. Choir pl'acttce, 7:30 p. m, Thursday, lollowccl by prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Young peoples SCI'Vtcc•at 7 p 111. Sunday evening.

way. 'J'hc trio is composed of Alastair,

Walker nf Capetown, South Afri­ca, Donald Penney, JUnior class flt'esident, Northern Setmnary; and Harold Gieske, president of the Ge1man Baptist yottth organiza­tion of North America.

the local Baptist church at 10:00 a.m. and 7·30 p.m. They will also hm•e a part in the 11:15 a. m Sun­clay school hour and the 6:30 p m. Youth Fellowship hour.

These three young men arc stu­dents at the Northern Baptist ln Chicago, prepanng themselves for the Chnstmn ministry. For the pust tht eo years they have pre­sented spiritual messages in song

. Nnrlh AurPiiu~ Union "humh, and personal wttness each Sunday Youth Fellowship 7:1[i, Paul Wolf, comer of Columbia and Etfci t in ~hurches in. Illinois, Wisconsm, sponsot·. Berton Johnson will lead l'oads, Rev Carl Brtgg~. pastel'. Incliann and Mtchtgan. the young people in a cliscuss

10n of

Sunday school, 10:15 a.m.; morn- The trio will be featured at the Sunda,v observance Evcnmg sct·v­ing worslnp scrvree, 11:1.5 a. m., two Sunday worship scrvtces of I tee at' 8 ·oo. Pt aycr meeting cvct·y Young Poop lee fclowsilip, 6:45 p - - ----- ----- ----- •rhurscla,v evening at 8:00. Febt·u­m.; evnngclisttc service, 8·00 P I throughout the world on Sunday, 1 ary 12, Race Relations Sunday, .Joe m.; midweek prayet' scrvtce Fcbniary 5. Boayvc, n Libeuan student ftom Wednesday, 8.00 p. m. Albion college wtll spealc at the

'· * 9:30 mol'mng set vice. Uunsvill<' llrethodisl, Dr. F. A. Lr·sli:· llapltsl, Paul E. Tucker, Lenrlrum, pastot·. 10:00 a. 111. pastor. Sunday school 10:00, Wor-Churclt school, G. E. Manning, stJ- shtp service 11:00, sermon, "Jesus Slockhridg" Prcsh~·lrll ian, Dr. F. pcrintenrlcnt. JV!issronary p!Ogt'am nml the Holy Spmt" Special mu- G. Behnet, pastot. Dr. Behner will at the bcgmnmg ol the Sunday I stc by the chou·. Youth Fellowship usc John Woolman's favorite text:

churcl1. Nurse1y cutouts n1·e in- By 7th and IHh laid in the linoleum.

Spelling honot mil mcmhc1.; ll11s TtJesday evenmg, Febtuary 7, I week arc: Wa,vnc Male Ito, .Juc

th9 P. T. A. Will span sol' a basket- Po!il{flilis, Law I' en c c Malclw hnll cit cus at the school. Pt·oceeds Gwen Oakley, rtonalrl BcLtcrly, will be put in the playground Ruthann Freeman, Wilmel' Pat~oi1 equtpment fund. Ma1lenc Wa1·fte, Mat vm Ga11ss

Mr. and Mts. Her·bert Southwell Gerald Bakel, Edmond' Norkus and daughter have moved mto and Vnginm Oakley. The fifth then· home recently purchased grade children al'e mal{lng scl'ap­fl'Oill Mrs. Henry Lewrs on Moot·e books of the rhfferent pr oducls street Mr. Southwell's bi'Other and raised m the Untled Slates, be­family of Traverse City are spend- gmnmg with the mw matcrwl mg the week with them and. nt- stnge and ending 111 the Jlnishcd tcndmg Farmers' Week at Ivhch- product stage. Letters lli'C b~uig I lgPn State college. . sent by them to fl'iends tn cliffcr-1'

There wtll be a basketball game ent states to get the needed ma­Fl'iclay at 7:30 at Holt and one terials and informalton. next wee~c Fnday, February 10, Mt·. and Ml's. Milton Huclsot• wtth W1ll!amston here. and Robel t spent Sunday With

Eight , memhel's of the Youth I Mrs. Hudson's father, Pete Kcm­Fellowshtp class attended the Mid· fer, of .Jackson. Wmter Instttutc at Jackson lnst week encl. Those who went wct•e ¥t:. a~d M1·s. Wtlltam llla!cho Marilyn Bonnett, Margal'et Black, and' tam1ly and Mt ancl Mt·r: .John Susie' Boswot·th, Helen Swab, .John Malcho nncl Lawrc~cc were Slln­Buxton, Russell Buxton, Clat'ence cla,v dmnet· guests ol Mt·. and Mts. Prentice, .It•., and LeVon Prenttcc. B. Thteland ancl fmml,v of .Jack- I

Ronnrc Wlntmore, son of Mr. son. .

!tly rttl11lVOI Hill J'. 1\lr, awl M1 s. Ben Grnham spent

Stmdn,v Willi t liCit' son and LioJugh­' •·r·-ln-law, Mt•, and lilts. Wtllarrl

I Gl'l-lh(llll

I M1. and ~II'S IJ.!Vo Powell ,u·o

spr•rHiing a few wcokb in Flrll'ldn \'l'llirng I r ronrls IIIHI rr.lallvcs

Mr nnrll;fJH . .Joiln ;.Jch!O!'i:-il!l' :tnd i\lr . .tnrl i,ll s 1\:Pnnelh Snttlh nnd son visited Sund.ty Wllh Mt· and i'lll's. Br•rl VanOstran.

Ml'. and Mrs. B J. Gmham of L'tn"ng vtsilod Salurrlay with his pu en Is, lilt. and Ml's. Ben Ol'a­h·tl'l.

'!'he Nor lh Williamston l?ricml­ship cl11b wtll meet wrth Ml's Fcm !\!~t·indorf on Wednesday, Feh­l'l!HI v 8, fo1 11n all-tiny meetmg, D1n1:os· \\til he fm·n1shcd by the eon11nilleo fot· the month.

ill!. a~1! lilts, Gus Lundbtrl'~ and two chlldt en of Lansing vtstlcrl \li•~ll molhl'i, M1·s Hann,th LutHI­iJLIJ g, al lhc M. L. VanOslmn home St~ntl.o y a! let noon.

!Iii's lvali Lnui:bhlii'Y left lttst Werlllesday I'm· Phoenrx, Al'lznna, [o, a few month's vacatton. She will vro1t lit Caltfomra bc!ot·c t·c­lltl'ning.

OuuglaH Lounsbtt.·y ts stclr wtlh I the chicl<~_ox thts ~ek.

I Fcld~par

About 65 per ceut of all the feld

I 1 spnr mined in the U.S. comes from lhe Spruce Pine area of North

I l;arofma.

You get all this ONLY

wi~h an Ae~fhorizetl Rcuonc!lutioned Fordl Eagwne •••

Harper School 7flJ nud tllft lll'fllli'H

111"1', nnrl Mrs. Wllllntll l{nup an­llOllllC<' tho hll'l h of n daughlel', She hn:; JJCen na111od Chnrluen .Tny, 1\It•s, l{nop retul'nml home ll'orn tho hospital Salut day,

Orvlllo 'l'holllllfi IIIHI HOIIH WCI'C weeic cnrl guests of l\11'. nnrl Mrs, mal') ThOillllS nf Plymouth,

mhnol' Gahl<' of llolt hus left fol' Crtlifol'Jllll, whm·o he expects lo go Into huslncrls, llo will 1 cl111'n lot' hla fnmlly rtftm he. Is sl'lUml there,

Mr. anrl Mrs. 'rhomns Shanks cntertnlnccl a gmup of ft•lt•llds Snt­

Lil rlny cvcnln):l' .

In llw prtlrlollc• hymn, "Amer·­lr.n," lhc wot•<l Amc1 !ell docs not nppent',

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS February 2, 1950 Page 8

• •• they deserve the ST

BEMENT Feed & Supply


Looh ll>f' lilts emblem on AUTTIOR/Zl'.D Rccnn· didom:d ford Engine~­) our assurance chat che cngineJou buy has b~cn

~ ~U·f/}o~J~Rb~c~~n~~ tioncr (or lilslin.£ power and savinru. comple:re sOlds(a(;Uon, Dri\le in to• day! Hf'hool hour. ll:OO a 111. Wol'ship 6:30, Mtss10 nary moving prcturcs "He shnw~cl me a pttre rtvcr ol the

scr vtcc wtlh a message by lhc 7:30. Wednesday: 12:30 Woman's watr;r ~f life, clear as crystal, pro­pastor. Union; 4:00 story hour; 7:30 ceedmg out ~: tho thrcn.e o~ God

prayer meotmg; and 8:30 choir _and the lnmh, as the bas1s ol Sun­practrco, Saturday February 11, clay's sermon, Dan~~ ill" l•'rt•f' i\I••!h(){ti~t:- Rev.

and Mrs. Max Whttmot·e of AI'- M.r. and !\Irs. Bas1l F1 ecman IIIHl rowhead Drive, had his tonsils out f!untly ancl Mr. and M1·s Guy Hoi­last week and is recupel'ating at lms sp~nt Sunday Wlth :vfr .. ancl his home. Mrs. William Hanes of Del1~o• t

2 11 is ••·m•nufacluied Ia emUna lll"li!fm;1led In rord standards by an authorized lrJ~ U i rebu1ldtH. --- 9 H


Of 'Em' C~min~ In This Week

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E. H. Kineaicl, pastor, l 0:00 a. m. Sunday school, Leland PCI'l'lnc, su­pel'intcnclcnt. 11:00 a. 111. Pt·each­mg service with the message by Mtss Ednn Loht', 6:30 p. m. Y. P. M, S. service, 7:30 p. m. Evcnmg servtce with the concludmg mes­sage by Mtss Lohr, P.cgular church pwycr• meet1ng at 7:30 p. m. at the church led hy lhe young peo­ple, Bible club l<'t·rclay aflcmoon nt 4.15 fl. m, nt the church.

youth -rally at 7:30.

]~den Unllr•rl BrPthren, J. R. Gibbs, pastor. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Mormng worshtp 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. 111. Adult leader: F'lorencc Fetters; Young Peoples leader: .T. Fetters. Evening scrv1cc 8:15 p. m. Choir practice JV!onclay 8:00 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday 8:30 p. 111. Feb­ruary 8, at Fay's on Rolfe rou~.

Stnd;hrirlgll Methodist, Rev. W. Harry Young, pastor. Tower chimes and meditattons 10:15 a. m. by Mtss Nclltc E. Stephens. Wor­shtp 10:30 a. m. topic, "Love, the Measure of Our Hclig10n." Church school 11:30 a. m, Errett ill. Kist­ler, superintendent. Report on first month of attendance. 1\Ionday 10·30 n m. Distnct meeting of preachers at Snhne. 7 :4[i p. m. Leadcrshtp classes at the high school. Thursdlt.y 7::JO p, m. Youth Fellowship at the church, 8:00 p. m Chotr rehearsal.

2 ~~~uine Ford Paris used lhraugh. ~ about· •, , .Of.!f ~ budgeto ufennsrs 3 Engina rig1dly block-tested. 4 New engine gu:~rante&, for 4,000

miles or !10 days-whidaever comes first.


A daug-hter, Jean Lynette, was . W1lmet Parson spent I• ltday bot n Januat y 19 at the McLaugh- mght and Satut·clay With Hobert lm hospital to Mr. and M1s. Max Hucl~on, . . . . , Holloway,· M.t. and Mts, Oil a O,L!,Ic,\ ancl

Thet e • wtll be no school next fam•ly called on ~rr. ancl l'l!t s. Wednesday, February 8, as tench-~ ?':aries . l(neale of Stoclc!Jwlge crs will be attendtng the county F!Mtday llldg h ~:1 C!


1 . . ! r. an ..~,., rs al'encP \.Crn CJ ·r .. rms $1.3 a month Cm· title mnst llf' clr•ar to tai<P adl'<• uf lr•t·ms

mstttute. ____ ___ __ and family entertainer! lhc Mil-~ ton Hudson family on Suntla,v

W d I d night, · on er an On Salul'day Quenlrn Glynn, ac-1 J. B. Dean

FORD SALES & Sfm\'TCI~ l'ho111• .i31l Mason l'rf'sbytl'l'ian, Marshall

W. Stmpson and :Mcredtlh R. Tay­lor, llllllisters, Sunday, b'cbruary 5, 0:50 a 111. Nursery. 10:00 D1vine worshtp: Sermon, "Wmcls Arc Not Enough;" .John Carroll wtll sing "Babylon," lly Watson; and the chotr will sing "Pm•don," by Maun­der, 11:15 a. 111. Church school. Classes for all ages, including the high school ag c group, with Rev, Stmpson toachtng the ga·l's class and Mrs. G. C. Edmonds teaching the boy's class, 4:00p.m. Commu­nity chott· rchcatsal of "The Cru­cifixion" which will be presented on Palm Sunday evening, 6:00 p. m. and 7:30 p. 111, .Junior and Sen­lor High Westminster Fellowship, Saturday, February 4, 8:00 p. m., Session meets m the study, Mon­day, February 6, 8:00 p. m., Wom­en's Association board meeting in the study; Men's Counctl board meeting in the lounge, Tuesday, February 7, 2:00 p. m., Lansing Presbytery meets at Concord. Wednesday, February 8, 6:30 p. m., Men's Council supper meeting.

~ru:,on First Baptist, Loyd G. Caraway, pastot•. Ser·vices, Sun­dny, Febt'tmt y 5. Mornmg worship set v1ce 10:00 a. m. Guests for the day will he The No-rthern Messen- . . gci·s, an evangelistic trio from the SlrH"khrHig•• Baptrst, Rev, H. H.

M 1·s. William J. Chtrlm companied by James Yonng, Chat los Getz, Lcl'Dy Soules anti I

MI. and Ml'S. Wtlliam Clal'ltc re- .Jack Hulbert of Dansville went to

cm~m~~~fu~~M~r~----~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~ Wtlltam Helrigel of Albton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gulliver, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Topliff and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert VanAJ(en.

2lfl W. Slat"

First Chm•ch of Christ, Schmtist, Mason, holds services at the church, corner of Oak and Barnes streets, every Sunday at 11:00. Sunday school is held during the services for pupils up to the age of 20. Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 includes testimomes of Christian Science healing. A pub­lic !'ending room is open at the church every Wednesday and Sat­urday from 2 to 4. "Spirit" will be the subject or the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches

Northern Baptist Theological Peyton, pastor .. Mornm~ w~r~,hlp,, Semmary, of Chicago, Illinois 10:00 ~· m. Scn~,on RUbJcct. Oc­Sunclay 'school 11:15 a. m. wtth I cupy Ttll I, A monthly mts-spocial musical numbers by the stonary offermg _wtll be taken. t1·io. Youth Fellowship· 6:30 p. m. Sunday school, 11.15 a. m., Clyde w1th )JLogram under the cltl'ectwn Rob~rson,, superintendent. Evemng of The Not thorn Messengers. Eve- servJCe WLll be held at the G~·egory mng wol'shtp set'Vlce 7:30 p. 111 •. Bapttst church at. 8:00 o clock. featuring The Messengers. Alastair Rev. P~y:?n Wt!l gtvc a mes~ag~ Walker, Donald Penny,and Harold on the . Meamng ~f Baptism Gieslce, ministerial students from I a.fter whtch. there Will be a bap­the Northem Bapt1st Theological ttsmal ~ervtce. No ~ervwe at the Seminary, wtll present spil'itual I Stockbridge . Bapttst. church. messages in song and personal Thursday <;t 8.00 p. m. The mtd­Wttness. weelt servtce, The first m the

stewardship advance course. Mrs. Mason Methodist, Henry Ltddi-1 Bertha Rose Wlll be the teacher of

coat, pastor: Mrs. Derwood Cnrn, the adult class. dtrector of music. Morning war- -----

Culver Corners !\Irs. II. 1\l, Owen

ship, fifth Sunday after Eptphany. The pastor will use the theme of "Love" for his sern1ons during February . .Toe Dean Wtll be soloist, smging, "The Holy C1ty." Church 1 Mrs. Jolm Burns, Mrs. Clyde school 11:15 a. m. Methodist Underwood and Thm·man .Watson Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p, m. vis1ted their bl'other at the Uni­Jerry Wilcox, .Janet Bullen, Bar- versity hospitiJ.I at Ann At•bor bal'Cl Jewett and Joyce Hall will Sunday. give a report on the mid-winter' Mi·. and Mrs. Earl Rose bury, inst1tute held at Jackson last weelt Mr. and 1\It·s. Donald Keyes and end, Tuesday and Wednesday eve- Mr. and Mrs. William Milkie of nings the men will worlt on the Lansing were Monday evenipg chul'ch re11ovatio11s, guests of Mr. nnd Mrs., Lloyd

Hansen honormg Mr. Hansen's Wheatllclcl Centet• 1\fethodlst, J. birthday a11niversary. The ·

Mrs. D. H. Ballard was hostess to the Tri·County Home Econ­omics extension group Thursday. The topic was "Perso11a1 Improve-111ent 11

Herbert Clarl1e was a guest of Harry Milbmn of Eaton Rapids '!-t a I<iwanis meeting last Tuesday.

Mr and Mrs. Sam Gillett and baby v1sltcd Ml'. and Mrs. Dale Reese Tuesday evening.

.Melvin Batten of Albion was a Sunday visitor at the Vet:n Mc­Manus home.

Myra nnd Clyde West of Eaton Rapids spent Sunday with theil· grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern McManus,

Miss Mary Clarice is home from Central Michigan college at Mt. Pleasant for the semester vaca­tion.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thornton of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. John Engle of Dimondale visited nt Lynn Faulkner's Sunday ..

Mrs. Hem·y Petrie of Lansing 'Thursday with her daughter, Leo :Sloan and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarl<e and Mr. and Mrs. William Clat'l(e were Sunday dmner guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Ramsey in Lansing.

Mable Brlgsti'Jclt of Battle Creelc was also a guest of the Ramse;ys Sunday.

A. Lippincott, pastor, Moming was spent playing pinochle, worship 9:30. Su11clay school 10:30, Hansen sel'ved a luncheon to

superintendent .. group,"

Mt•, and M\'S, Bnsll Towsley and family· of Lansing spent Sundtty flt. the Sloan· Winters home,




?lt'tea 'PdtcU- A modern homo insulotlon. Loose Flll Typo Gronufar Insulation which pours eoslly to flll unusuol shopod openings-EASY TO INSTALL, It •lops rodiotlon, conduction ond convoctlon, form• o fireproof barrier to hoot loss. Fuel savings will poy for Mice Pellets.

'P~ .r/~te- A light.woight, insulating o~grogato f~r mod:rn ·walls, Specially prepared for odd ilion to plu,tor, producrng bettor .tn1ulohon, lighlor wolght wolls, better firo rosistonco and lol5 wall Roploces •and in plaster thoreforo oliminolos tho problem of frozen sand pilos in

' I tho wintor.

~ .1"1~- For 1ubfloors, roof ·~d r~dlont _hoot floor ponels, Spociolly preporod for oddition to oomont producmg • ltghl· weight concreto, unh•rmod by temporoturo ohong11, hovlng • high insulation voluo, fireproof, docoy and rot proof,


MickelSon-Baker Lumber Co. .,_


Mason Nips Eaton Rapids 38-37 In Slam.,Bang Overtime Game

Februal'r 2, 1050 THE 'INGHAM COU·NTY. NEWS Section 3 'l'llorn WHH plonL,v nf' oxuHmJIC!Jt

OVlli' ill V:nlrJII [tnpiriH Wl'iriii,Y nig'IIL, 'Piw Mn~rm LliilirlnffH nnd tlln FJn­l.on Jlnplrl.~ OreyliniliHIH turned n )JaHitcl.llnll ffiLilln Into 11 tlrHL clnss rlog· flf(lil. with tho Billlrlogs flnal­l,y nmni'A'ing- with u :\R-:!7 victory. H Lnn\r fill ovcrlline perinrl to do llw t.ri"l< Llwn~ll . .T11e\r Pn.vis lwpt liJnsnn in Lhe g-nmo lly evonlng­IIJl l110 eo11nl wllh lwo qnielt hnelwls \nlc in L11o frllll'lil qunrlm• IIIHI llffllill In l.llo overtim~? period. D<!llny Stolz dmpperl in tho wln­nin~.;· pnlnl on rt slwl l'romtlw fo11l stripe,

MlliiOII will really have to piny IJ:dl l•'!'irla,y nl,l;'ill. Wilen the Bnll­dngH mcd the 11111lent.on Vil>illi(H nl' mvr.i·ci.L hnre in 1\frrmm. 'rile Vil!lngs r11·n r·nlcrl ns tho numbcl' 2 Clr1ss n lenm in tlw stale )Jy the TlnlrniL F'mn Prns:;, Tho Vll<irti(H am n L l11r. Lop h,v virlrw nf tlwli' HLJ•ing- 011 I ~l HLI'tl ih'ht Wins,

never a, Hlli'o thillll' t'DI' cllilol' loam nntl thero wn.H plont,v of nc ~ion nnrl somo goocl buslwtball. Tile gumo WIIH r1 llltlo I'Otlgh, 'rhroc M1won plnyora ltllcl two Gi'o,v­hollncls wore tmnished ft•om tho IJ'!IIllO Yin the 5 f[JIIi mute,

Manon showofl more sCi'ap and dr.l.ermlnnllon lhnn It h11s shown nil J'OO.i', Davis player! t.he good fll·unr.l of ilftll lie ims come lip wit.h sovm·nl i.imes In lhe pnat, l,ec Dr11·llng and Grover AI(OJ's, nlong· wlllt .Jim Koii,Y lwpl Mrrson In the ll'llllle b,Y tnl1ing control of both hac!;boarrls. Ail three of them were found a little I'DIIgh hy tho officials, though nnrl clldn't stiel( at·mtml for tho whole g-nme.

Davis Lopped the buel~ot liH·ow­eJ·s with 15 polntH and Dnrling was next in llne· with 7. Bruce Hig-gins ngnln led Lhc Greyhouncln with R points, .Jim Rcclfleld wus SOCDnti in GroyholmcJ oCOi'ing With 7. . it<•S<•i'\'<'s Chall1 UJJ i\nntlu:r

Leslie Pulls Away In County League

Powell Creates Hit as.: Starmaker. in Fox Theatre Feature "Strllw It Rloh," a Htory ot

"hot-oil" days In East Texas, opens at the I~ox Theatre on Sat­

Leslie cage fans breathed a tlrdny, little euslel' F1·irlay night wltcn Co-starring Rod Cameron, Bon­ivoi·d ll'Ot out that Holt lmd put a Ita Grunvlllc and Dort Casllo, cl'lmp in the tlllc hopoH of Huslctt,l "Strll<e It Rich" has Stuart Er­BefOJ'O l•'ridny night's games the win, Lloyd C'?r.rlgan nnd Ellen Leslie Blrtcl<h.nwi(S and the Lnl1e1·s Cm·hy.ln Auppoi'L, were tied fOI' the league lead, Les- ,1 Based on the oil promtlon of lie had a close call itsqlf but 1929-1931 in East Texas, tl1e plc­mflnngocl to sqticczc Dill with 11 lure blends the authenticity of the •!Q-13 v![JtOJ•y ovci' Stoci(IJi'iclge. oil-boom.days with a vigorous Jove Holt. thumped Haslett 6•1-39. story involving Miss Granville amj

I Cnmeroll, anrl a screen tlgltt to end

In otheJ' County longue games nil screen tlghts between fl'iendly Williamston Slli'pi·lsed Dnnsvl!le enemies Cameron and Castle, hy coming up with its lli•st win of I Filmed on the actual site o~, the the yeai', The Aggies fell befoi'e famous oil brawls M more thanla Lho Hornets 50-•16. Fowlct·villc had decade ago . "Strike' It Rlch1' ~m­~o ti'OIIble getting b,v' Ol(omos to played the ~se of three East Texas tho tunc of ~5-36. j towns-Kilgore, Tyler ariel Lindale

David Gorcey 1111d Onhrlol Dell In llclclltlon to J.,eo Got•coy ancl Hunt;;~ Hrtll.

Arthlli' Lnl>c, Lon Chaney and Lloyd Bridges will he soen In the second feature, "16 Fathoms Deep,"

DuBois Items ~lt·s, ,r,uwt Carl

Mt·~. •r. Russell's brolhet•-ln-law nncl sister, Mr. nne! Mrs. A, 0. Smith, left for Wushlng~on P, C. Mondrry,

Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Smith und Michael weJ'e Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Walt of Mason,

Stockbridge Townline ~~~·~, ol, II, llilYillll'

Mi', unci MI'H, Donnld SLofl'oy' nml 'bnh,v hu vo lli<JVcrl into tlwlJ' new home,

ifr·. nnri Mt•s, W. C. BO,I'"c Hpon~ F1•irJny evening with Mr. nnd Mi'H, ,J, H. Haynnr, Mr. Ilayner :mrfcrcd a sevem sct-buel( lnsl wcci(,

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asqllil.h nne! son, Lnwronco, an: nLLcnding the mrlno rtml hor~e Hhow nt f•'ort Wort11, ToxiLH.

·Tho sewing clasH oF Lho ·I-ll <dull will meot ·with Mrs. Mui'giiCi'ltle Sehubet'L Sn.LUI'rln y II fi.Ci'tlOOrt,

Mr. and Mrs. Nnil Mills tool( the glee cillh fi'Ofll S[ocic!JJ•Jrlgo high

Miss Russell, Wlio is in Rciwol lo Delroil Sa.t1mlay Lo see nurses lmlnlng In Lansing, spent "Deserl Song-," MiHs Mm·y Loll the wock end with her pat•ents, Schubert of litis neig-hhorhoorl was Mr. nncl Mrs. 'l'homas Russell. mnung lhc slltdcnts who al.tenderl. · 1\!nor>n h:"l n pm·fe<'L opporl.imily

to lrnoelr ol'l' tlln Villin~·s earlier in llw fiPIIHrm mul ll1:ffcrl lilT. Tlin Dilllrlng:: nllowc<l !.110 mvcrcll boy~ l.o l'rm:,., llinm inl.n lhc l~Yci'Ctl :;l.yln or pllly nnrl Lo l'oq.;ct their own. Tile 1VTn!1on r·n11dt anrl cag'CI'H tii'P r·onlirlnnl llils won't happen

Mason's fast-movinff J'cscrves lmlllecl nnrl finessed their wny to nnotl1e1' victory over the !Ditton i1Hplds juniors. Mason was Hheu.d illi the way. '!'he fii'Sl CJIIHi' WllS Lito b~sl nne foi' Mnson, The Lli:ll­rlng Jlllppies j11sl COIJicln'L miss. 'l'l1cy mclwcl up lri points while E~aton Rnpids wn~ g-nlhcl'!ng 5.

!''t'Jdny • Hnsiei twill. Lry Lo ¥'ct -·as well as their Inhabitants, to gomg- ugnln ag-01nst Fowlr.i'VIIle, give the screen story added value while the Blacl>hnwl>s will meell and integrity, WilllamHLon. O!ternos will be the J M .1• n 1 •. st . 1

li'Ir. f!ltd Mrs. Ivan Potter spent Miss Fr·alwcs Cronldt!Le rntcr-Mai·l St 1 I' u. · t 1 1 Ji'riday evening nt lhe home of Mr. Lainecl ll1e .ftltli(JI' '•'ttl'lil lltii'CILII \ evcnH ns (S JJ~·oc uce1• "l!iJa .. i r'owcll o g vo liH !Ia nco ,.

Betsy Drn.l1e n part In his new musical in this scene from the tcclllli- und Mrs. Hat'i'Y Howell, Thursday evening. gllcsls of Holt and the A,l;'gies will ~. O\ '",. u~ nenN a~r';~ plrl.y fl t Stocl<hi'iclgo. I Pancmg m t~c Dntl(, lHkes it~

· audience deer mto the heart .pf

Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Bonnell colOi' production "Dancing In The Dnrlr," coming to Lhe [<ox on S11n- <'ailed on Mrs. Bonnell's aunts In Mi', nnrl Mt·o .. Joe Milici' wore· day and Mondny. I Leslie, Mrs. Charles Walton nnci Fi·irlny night rlinncl' gnr.HUi of Mr.

First. Qua~·ll~i' 'J'eiiN Htm·.r . Hollywood to pmvide one of the Holt rlldn l wuste nn,v t11no 1n triple entcrtninmcnt trcnts of tho

" ''' • '' l\It•s. Lennnh Hurrnon. nnd Mrs. :fohn !<ncl(wr:ll. I Mrs. Vemon Robertson attended Mr. und Mrs. ICddic SehllbcJ·L Doolins Strike Terror in ngnin. .

l·:ver·dl. hns 11 fnsl 011lfll with ·pkni,\' of IH•ighl nnrl H•JYCi'H} sl1a1 p-slwot11rs. JL i:; the <lol'cnsu nl' Ill<' Vildn~s IIHiiltrh lilnl wim Llw gnlllfl:i I'm• li1r111. The Vii(ings hnw' li~illt:nl'cl up on high sN>i'ing· Ollt­i'il.s :'ll<:li 11s Clinrlollc nnrl C:mntl Lr·dur' 11n<l hr:lri l.l1oir shnrpshooLerH '" fl i>lli'() 11lillil1111111 ..

J•;a1nn Itaphls ('lo"'' J•'ast innl: 11 slight !carl in tho

lii'HI rprrli'I.Pr Hnd j(rpt. rl1~hl nn :<liding to il right liP Lo Lite 1>1sl. 1'11W min<JLl•s ol' lho last qnarlct·. 't'lwn the C:r~vhmmds found lhu l'ange fi·om miL in [!'ont and l11c c:nrnnrs nnrl ;;Lruted pulling- 11p on Lim BnllrlogH. Wii.J1 scc:onrls left l•~lll(Jn Fl:tpid:-: r.vened lhe eotml anrl l!Jr.•n went ahead on t.wo cles­pcralinn shillS by Br11cc Hrgxins. Lin vio r'ountercd with his l'asl lay-

Stun1'L •rrtylor topped the Ma­son ocorinf( piirarlc with .10 points. Boh .lowell tul'llccl in n good g'rune. The lanlty Mason freshman im pi·ovcs every grtmc. Steele wns Lnp mnn for the Crcyhrlllnrls with 1•1 points.

shnwmff lhc Lnlwrs wltal Lhe pal- season. Deftly combining a disarm­tern for Lhe. cvcmn~ wns. Al the lng sense of humot· about the ei:cl of Lhc tn·st• pci'iod the Ham- movie business Itself, a warmly biers WOI'C way out in front 25-8. appealing story about n faded Tlw second and llmrl pet·Jocls were movie star who shines again cru·hon r:op1es of Lho first. Haslett through his danghtm•'s eyes, and a clid not lmve 11 chance. In tho last half dozen of Howard Dietz and reriorl the Lnlwrs finally got an Arthur Schwartz's most notable ccl~e in the scot·lng. sung hits. "Dancing in the Pari>,"

.T1m 'l'uttle was lhc big gun fnr tllmed in tcchnicolor, will take Holt wllh 19 points with Bob the spotlight at the Fox on Sun'-

;\!asun Ji'O RLol?., r .......... o Bq i'l', [ ..................... L A !tel'S, c .................... ] D;1vi~i, g .................... 7 Pal'isinll, g ............. 0

Suhstltul ions Rog-g-ow, f ......... 0 !"ell, f ........ 1 I);JI'Iillg', f ................ 1 Kelly, c ...................... 1

F'r 4 0

.1 I 0

n n 5 a

i'l•' 'fl' Spmkcr only one pomt below tlmt. day and Monday. 8 ~ N;Jel 1\'lillcr paced the Lal(ers with As the one-time star who has hit 1 · ~ 11 pmn ts. the sl(ids, William Powell delivers fJ ·• LPslir, ~ta1•ts on Short; J•:nli his flnest portrayal In recent years. 2 lli Stocl<bt•iclge got the jump on the His Emery Slade conveys the 0 0 Blacl<hawlu; but could not hold glamour of a once great industry

2 5 5

its first period advantage. The figure and the shabbiness of his 0 Blacklmwl>s came back with a decline. Haughty hut proud, caus-2 !'Oat• lo outscore the' Panthers in tic but witty, this is the figure of 7 1 every pci'iod. Leslie colllcl not get a lonely man who had made him-51 going. The usually high-scoring self roundly disliked when he was

up shot lhnt sLnppcli the sem·c a l 12 H --- Blackhawl>s only P. art e d the on top, but who has since gotten

25 38 meshes once in the fii·tt 14 minutes his comeuppance, manifold. As he l'Jo' 1'1' with a field goal. The Biaclrhawl( cracl>s In the picture, "Time :H~:~·L , IGalon Ha('licls I~'G I~,T

1 5 shots just wm1ld not go clown. Wounds All Heels." ll wns nip and t11cl> in lhc over- Withei'OW, f .............. 2 1 lilll~. I•;H t.nn It:< pids d1·ew first MfiCormidt, f .......... 0 0


0 0 Leslie could not :;top lho sharp- The mnny talents of Betsy •I 2 shooting Paul Wntson the first Drake, one of the most persuasive Randolph Scott in a scene from "The Doolins or Ol>lahoma ," lllC 3 8 half hut a tigltl Blackhawlr de- of the younger actresses, are spot- story of a !Jam! of desperadoes who parullel thc .James gang for

blood hul Davis rlrnpperl in anothei' Pngc, c ............ 0 2 IJIIdWl Ln llg·ain Lie lllC scorn Ill Higgins, g .................. 2 4

5 6 fcnse in the last half cooled him lighted to full advantage, Miss violence. The Tuesday and Wednesday altJ·action at the I•'ox. · " 5 down. Drake plays an aspiring starlet * * * * * ,.

:16-:111. Eaton Hnpicls went ouL in C1·ibby, g' .................. 2 2 J'ronl by vii'LIIP of a fo11i shoe lllll Suhstitutioas

·• Watson accounted for 16 points coached on to stardom by Powell, A New lUnm;tr:r , I ancl subjects him to weird expcri-5

4 while Dick Pi•icc helped the Stocl<- who, unknown to her at the pic- Monogram's "Master Minds," monts, in which his mind ancl that 1 5 bl'iclgc cause with 11. Bob Camp- lure's outset, is in fact her own newest in tho Bowery Boys com-! of Glenn Strange, an apeman, arc

SLol~ cmne along and iced lhe Davidson, g .............. 2 g'Hllll' for Mason with a brace' of 1 Mclbout·nc, c ............ 2 clilll'it.,v Losses. I Hcdfiolcl, g; ................ 2

boll paced the Blaclrhawks with father, Mark Stetvens, the pic- ecly series starring Leo Gor.cey and i exchanged, · 14 points. 1 ture's third star, plays Miss scheduled to open Thursday at the! The thought transference scene~

Tin• l'nn:{ goL LilL'il' tnoncy's ---worth all evcnur)i. The game was

1 12

Viking H'opes Soar As Comets falter

Aggi"' Boot Away Lead Drake's press agent boy friend Fox Thenti'e, finds Huntz Hall in: take place in n haunted house Grancl Ledge· entertaining Eaton· Williamston turned in the sur- with great spirit, and one of the the clutches of a mad scientist, i wherein Napier has sot up an nwe-Hn.picls. p1·ise gnme of the evening by tak- year's most inventive supporting with Gorcoy out to save him. ·some laboratory -a lm•ge roomJ

Tuesclny Charlotte will tangle ing the Aggies into camp 50-46. characterizations is done in the This film shows what a tooth- I which is n labyrinth of electrical with Grand Ledge in the on\Y cii'- The Hornets tasted victory fot• the film by Adolphe Menjou, who in- ache can do-when Hall is the: gadgets of futuristic design, espe-CIIil gume of the night. first time this year. Dansville tried vests the role of the heacl of the victim. Every time he has one, he cially made for use in tho picture.

------- everything but just cpuld not get Twentieth Century-Fox studios. experiences great powers of sooth- The tllm, proclucerl by Jan Grip-

F I PI • , going. The Hornets tool< an early Outla\\' nand saying. Aware of this, Alan Nap- po, present the six Bowery Boys.-JCvercLL tool' a firmer .l(rip on e t amS lead and kept iL until the third Starring Randolph Scott, "The ier, the mad scientist, kidnaps him William Benedict, Bennie Bartlett,

l.lw Capital Circ:uit cage tille Fri- ·----------------------------, period when the Ag-gies caught tlre Poolins of Oklahoma," starts its 1 rlay night. with fl Slll'[li'ising-ly easy 1\alhryn WihlPs ancl scored 21 points. Dansville engagement at the Fox Theatre •12-:37 victory over Chai·Jotlc on the On ole home co\Jrt. '!'he win· i\'as A son, Danny Lee, was born' to then took. over .and were out in Tuesday. The western star is s,up­tlte J:Jth cnnsec 11 uve one for u1e Mr. and Mrs. James Lovely on Frl- fmnt by mnc pomts but e~ulcl not ported by a large cast that in-

1 c1 day at Mercv hospital in Jackson.j hold the advantage. Wtlliamston eludes featured players Gedrge Vii(ings litis year anc Hssm~ ' ralhed ancl took the game 111 a Macrcarly, Louise Allbritton, John Ll1cl11 of lhc best cage season m Mt· anct Mrs Bruce Gainble and ·

. , . , · · . . . I whillwind finish. Ireland, Virginia Huston and Ute lli,LOI ~ of the school. 1 daughters from. Lansmg ViSttedJ George Young was top man for Charles Kemper.

In olltel' r;nmer< Howell !wiped 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gaddy Sun· 1 the Aggies with 15 pomts while In a co.untr,v that bred mai'aud-

to pa1nt rt brighlci' cage picl.u1:c clav. Brandenburg dropped m 15 points ing gunmen, the Doolins grew to fm• Lite VJI<in)i:< by all but cllll11- Martha Joan Brower and Phyllis for the Hornets. :be legendary, ancl their evil roputa-nHling Gi'IIJ,rl Ledge from any Tink were 'in Jackson .Dvcr the Chiefs Nel'er ·in Uaml' I tion even surpassed that of the chance of ovNLai(ing· the Vikings. wecl< pnd attending the Youth Ol,emos played bail for one notorious Ja'mes Boys and the Dal-, Howell Lrippccl np Lhe Comets 42- Fellowship mid-winter institute. quarter only ancl then could not tons. Wild Bill Doolin (Seott.l

I d Mr. and Mrs. James Mcintee t d th 1 h h :JO. 'I' he loc<H was t 1e socon con- make any hendway as the Fowler- urne sour on e aw w en . 1s fcrencc one for the Comets in had Sunday dinner with their son- ville cagcrs tumed them under frJCnds, the Daltons, \~ere led m­ieagltC competition. 'Mason top~lcd in-law and daughters, Mr. and 55-36. The Clli~s brought up the to a trap and the.n. wtpe~ out by E~alon Hn pi cis fm· Lhc second lime Mrs. N.orman Mitchell, and family rear in the first quarter and never U. S. .. Rtdmg w1th them Fl'i<IH\' ni<~hl. This time lhc r;core 111 Leslie. . . clid catch up with Fowlerville. like the furtes themselves were. was ;l3-37. Jt tool' nn overtime I Mr. ~ncl Mrs: Rollm Rtcc h~ve Both teams scored 11 points in a Bitter Ct·ee~ !Ireland), Arkansas P ' .· ci to do the job. moved mto then· new home Which close second Jleriocl but that was (Kemper-, Little Bill (Noah Berry, 0110

was recently movecl to and com- .J ) R d B 1 F k F t mverci.L':< victory over Char lolL. e Jlletei,Y remodeled on the Blaine the best the Chiefs could do. r. • c uc ( ( 'ran en on),

11 Tom Bntlet· was a little more and Tulsa Jack (Jock O'Mahoney), was somewhat of a ho ow one. Ill Ric~ farm. The couple have been d t b d f a:; 11ltleh as Hans Kai'Cicl, Lhe ~ugh living with Rollin's parents, Mr. than Ol<emos could handle. He as espera e a an o gunmen as sunring Oriolr. stn1·, was out o! ac- and Mrs. Blaine Rice. tallied 21 points before the. eve- ever challenged the law.. , linn. r<nnlel lws boon the maitl Rev. Charles Brooks from Ma- ning was over. Benne nne! MeDon- Looting and murdermg, they, Sj11'ing of llw Oriole gnme for. the son visited the school on Monda,y, aid shared the Chief scoring hon- swept through t~IC countryside. l><tst lllrec \, •en 1.8 . 'l'lte Onoles He told the children an in teres tin"' ors with 10 •points. like a cyclone, unttl the marshals,;

" mobilized by Marshal Sam Hughes I rcnlly lnoiHlll as though they Bihlo story. (Macready)' forced, to disperse.' mi:;scd lii111. Mr. and Mrs. Clairmont Everitt Care with Fire Three months later, however, the

l II Ll li t and daughters from Lansing spent . d d f 1 W'ld B'll h Artor plu,vinu even Ja tr. II'S Sunday with Mrs. Everitt's par- If farrn ftr~ hazards, such as cspm·a ocs orcec 1 1 , w o




Downtown I..~ansiug Sli:A'l'INO NIGHTLY

ExCI'llt 111 onday Saturday and Sunday l\Iatince:

z-4:ao p. m.

Cu~selmun at lhe Ham­mond-Organ



Lalw Lansing Amus11ment l'al'l<


Wed., J•'t'i., and Sat. Nights

7:311-10:30 p. m.

lluss Gardner at tlw Ham­

mond Organ

Plan A Roller Skating Party~

:t sllOWCi' at the Gleaner hall Sat- were Srtl.unlny night rlinnor g110slH urdu,v honorinff Mm·lon Polloi<. of their·, Mi·s. Vine

Mrs, Vlolella. Sherirlan of HftS-J Grot~slmns. Ol.hei' giiPHlH were Mr. lett and Iter father, Arnold Bun- 1\llrl Mm. ltw:sPII Gmsshnns and non from North Dakota, wcJ•e son nf Plainllelrl nnrl MIHs ICm11111. Saturrlay evening supper guests at Forci ol' M1milh. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hay Fi'!lr,v oi' f>nnsvillP IVILH a

I Ru~soll, i'ecent ~nilel' of lhe .f. l!, Hll,Yilers.

Clmrlcs Hector of Lansing- eallccl Mi's. Orville Co~;gTH,'I has i'e-on Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Russell Friday. turned to her lionH~ frorn the lcootc

l'lehnol Nnl<'S hospital.' '!'hose absent ciLll'ing the week

WCi'c Nancy Haynes, Larry Mi·: rLn<i Mt·s. l•~ddil.' !:ir.:hulwr'l SLi'otlsc, Russell Strouse and Cui- WCi'c enLerLaiJHJd nL " trrrlwy rlin-vin Davis. ncr, Sun clay a I. I lie hc•tw of her ,

'!'he ht>st story of the week' wns parents, M·1·. Hlld M1·o. Flusscll written by Billy Hull. Gi·osshans, honot'Jil.E: the hiJ·thday

The A spellers fOJ' this week annlvcr~ary ni' M I'H, Sehuhcrl. were .Janet Davis, Allen Davis, Mt·,, and ;\>Irs. Clyde f'llt'r.:lwse ol.' Lnwrcncc Jones,~Paul Jones, Nan- Unnclilln, Mr. nnrl Mrs. David cy Haynes, Russell Slrm1sc, .Janet Hobb, M1•. ancl Mm Hn.lph Haynet·

I Every, Calvin Davis, Leon Fellows, and Mr;;, Wrcrl J.vtle Run­Dick Hall, Bob Colter nnd Emily cinv nfl.ernoon call~'rs nl the J. H. Smith, .. Httynet· home.

One Week Only!!

Specials On Block Assemblies

l936 Passenger .............................................. $10 2. 9 5 1937-39 Passenger ........................................ $118.80 1941 Passenget· ............................ ; ............... $118.80


Sheet Metal Specials 1936 Rear Fenders and some fronts

1937-38 F 1·onts and rears


AI Rice ·Chevrolet Co. pcl'iml Ever::tt ~la.J'lecl odgi~g. out ents, Mr. and Mrs. Park Baldwin. carelessne,;s m smoking, ncgli- had tal<en himself a lovely wife: in front. AL hali-L1me Lhe Vll<lllgs The Felt Plains Community' club I genae in handling matches, and !Huston), to resume his place as' heir! on lo a 18-15 lead and by made a profit of $10.82 at the pen- i I?Jproper use of kerosene or gnso- their leader. But the new phase of I t.hc'"'i?nrl of lhc tltirci period were ny supper Friday night. The.: hne in stoves, were eliminated, the tll~ir outlaw career flourished only: o11l. in front 28-2:1. Charlotte made bl'lcfly as Hughes and his men' a grim effrn'L Lo Lal<c Lhc game in money will be put in a fund to- i toll in hu,man lives and property tracked them down and trapped a wild-sco1·ing last pc1·iocl but ward buying a picture projector I losses cov.ld be reduced to a frac- them in a barn in the Doolins' last 1 H7 S. Jel'fer~un l'hun" •i:!al

coulrln'L quite mal(c the grade. The for the school. 1 tion of what they are. stand. '----------------------------~ ~----------------------------!

Special rates for group or private

parties. Call Lansing 4-6545 or 8-8806 Bm·mu·d l'lald<r:, Parts ~lgl'.

Orioles cvenctl t.he score at 3:3-33 with illi'C" minute~ lc!'L Lo play hilL Pan! Sartor and Johnny Kin­nano Lo.";cd in bnd,cls that al(ain puL Ute Vikings uul in front and ltcpl lhclll LllCi'e. .

Kinrwnr Pouirln'L be sLopped all night .. Tho Viking flash rnd<ed up 17 point£; bdm·c t11c night was over. Ken Sprtrl(:+ tossed in 10 poin Ls Lo lend the Oriole attacl,,

Ilnwdi J,~•d Comets All the Way The H ighlandei'S jumped onto·

C:ranrl Lerige' for a six-point lead in Llio fli'Rt pnl'iod and WCI'O novel' in anv lr'OJible aftci' lhat al­lhmlg-'11 the Comets pushed Lo with­in t.wn point~ of the Highlanders h,v the encl of'· lho half. The High­lnndci'S JlOill'cd it O)l in the third period Lo leave no doubt as to the oulcomn of the game. 'l'hc Comets could tally only four points in the Lhii'cl quaitcr while t.he I-Jighlancl-1 ct·s were tossing in ·11.

Bot11 team~ sluggcrl it out in a I'

wild fourth qlmrter,' but the Co-1 mcls could not gain any ground.

Both teams tallied jl points. ' Sonny Brigham .had n good II

night foi' the Highlanders with 22 points. Doug Stringer helped the Howell cause with' D. Jim Lee· paced the Comet scot'Cl'S with 13 points while the . usually high scoring Don Harley was held to 10.

an~~;~~~Yt;;;'~;t ~:s0\~~;1d~.iliNK~

MASON PHONE 7421 Contlnuou• Saturday from 3:00 P. M. Continuous Sundny from 3:00 P. M. Admt .. ion-14c and 35c-Ta• li>cluded.·

Even in· Sbows Start at 7:00 P. M.

Thursday & Friday, Feqruary 2-3 -BIG DOUBLE FEATURE-

Hoy ltogcrs In

"Shine On Harvest Moon". uiMo Dnne Chtrl<-Gall Uusscll in

"Moonrise" Sa~urday, February 4

'fill S'/Qb' o,: WIUJCAr 0" PRONT16RS.

Sunday & Monday, February 5-6 Tuesday & Wednesday, February 7-8 Thursday & Friday, February 9-1 0

Vil{ings can get pust Mason on its own floor they are as. g·ood as ' in as far as the title is concemed. The Vikings have been dreading

this one. They just ,managed to ~~~~~::~~~~~;~~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~=~;~~~;~;~~~~;~~~~~~···llllll~;;;::~=~::~::~ ....... !.~:~~::;~~~~-sheal< by Mason in'1-a. thriller on their own floor. The· Bulldogs will be gunning for the Vildngs this time, ·

In ot)ler games .Charlotte and

'Howell will meet· at .Howell with ,,.., ................. illl••lll•lllilll••ill••llil•~··••••~•·•••••.il~l!i~i.·l.·••••••••.i.• .. ••••••••••••••i.•;.••••••••••••••••• .. .


l~ditorial Page

A Straight Answer on US-117 Mason nne! Le~lle men aakcda straight

question of State Highway Commissioner Charles M, Ziegler Monday, The commis­sioner made just as straight an answer,

The Mason and Leslie men asked the ·commissioner about the ncf.W route for US-

127 I,Jetween Holt and jackson, The com­missioner pulled out a map showing the rc· location as skirting Mason's West Side by two or thrt!e blocl<s and Leslie by half a mile.

to a point south of Le~lle, The flt~Jdy on which the present recommendation is based was done in 1941.~Another one was m1.1dc In 1945. That route took off at l-Iar per road and followed College I'O!ld south to the Jackson county lin,e,

There wasn't nny equivocation or hesitntion a~; the state's road chief told where the road will run and why he· and ot!1er engineers favor it. That's what the Mr1son and Lc:>lic delegation went to Lan· Bing to learn, They didn't go with any in­tention of telling the state highway depart­ment where to build the road or to plead th:lt it be left where it is. They wanted to know where and why and when the road will be built. They found out where and why. When iG still unanswered, except that it will be when the state finds the money to match federal fumb, because US-127 is on the list of federal projects.

Mason and Leslie business men who wanted the present route retained were dis­appointed over the annowicement of the state highway clepartm~nt decision but t~ey realize that highways are built for the use of the traveling public and not specifically for the benefit of towns. The business men recognized the· logic of Commissioner Ziegler when he said that a re-location through towns is not solely to eliminate curves and turns but is primarily to CO!ltrpl access, Parking along curbs, driving into and out of city streets and driveways, and use of highways by pedestrians cause traf· fie bottlenecks and accidents. Access to the Mason .and Leslie by-pusses will be limited, probably just one or two to the mile.

For 25 ycar5 there have been rumors on rc-locatinr, 127, and Monday it was learned that there has been :1 foundation for all tho~r~ rnrnors. There have been three different r;tllclics with three different pro­posals. A 1924 study carried the route from Dart rowrl south to Tuttle and along Tuttle

Monday's conference cleared the way for a beginning of a long-delayed improve­ment program on US-127. It cleared the atmosphere of rumors and speculation,

The business men and city officials re­turned from Lansing with the information they went after, although it was not the answer all of them wanted to hear. With that information Mason and Leslie can now shape their own plans so that the shift in routes when it comes will be less damaging.

Laymen Know Some Answers This is an aiel of specialization, yet some specializa­

tion can be carried too far.

Two court rulings the past few weeks indicate to some laymen that the specialization of the law can be and has been Ctlrried to extremes.

1-lDown by the


A circuit judge in the Upper Peninsula has handed down an opinion that a probate judge or a pro~ate register can only innd out forms to be filled, that the judge or any member of his staff can.not legally let fall· one word of ~dvice-unless the value of the estate is $7 50 or less. Whether the $750 limit is set because the advice of a judge might be unbiased only in such ari in­stanct.!, or because an estate of that size wouldn't interest a lawyer is not disclosed.

He1·e on the staff of the Ingham Co11nty News we· are all chipping in to help cover the $500,000 loss sH!'fereci by our co-worker, Billy Rose. Billy wrote that I'Obbers at his New Yo1·k home slugged the butler and made off with $500,000 in precio11s gems and furs. That's the bi!if~esl loss suffered by any member of our staff since the dis­appearance of Mont Wright'3 up­pel'S bacl< in 18-1:3.

Orr;an music now means more to me. Last Friday I peaked in at Jam,~; Butzen and Ben Boyes as they wore putting the Presbyterian or·gan !mel' together. 'I'hcy in­stalled huncli'ecls of new leather pillows. I never before realized how complicated an organ is. Aft­CI' llle oi'J;anist touches a key Ol' l<icl<s n peclal the air has to lift a valve to let out the proper note into the right pipe. There are 650 pipes hidden behind the big bull pipes which show up front.

The other decision is one in which a Detroit real estate broker drew up a bill of sal'e, lease transfer, escrow agreement and bulk sales affidavit in closing up a real estate transaction.

In neither case was there .any charge that the ad­vice of tlic judge of probate or the register of probate was unsound or that the papers drawn up by the broker weFe incorrect. The decisions were based on the fact that the lawyers who crowd the legislature forced throt1gh a law to force the employment of lawyers on tasks that mcmy others can do as well, and in many cases do much cheaper.

For years people have relied on the advice and sug­gestions of the judge of probate and his assistants in handling estates, and that advice and those suggestions have proved helpful even when lawyers have been re­tained. The decision rendered in the Upper Peninsula case would preveP.t any person in the office from doing <mythin[; beyond hand in?.; out the' prescribed forms.

The probate judges and members of their staffs have not advised and suggested because they wanted to practice law, but because they considered the giving of. s:1ch il~lvi~c and the making of such suggestions V.:tthm thetr !me of duty. They took no fees for the ad­vice or the suggestions. They didn't counsel and advise in order to pr'.!ctice law .. They did it to serve the people -the very people who put them in office.

A few legislative sessions ago a group of painters usketl for enactment of a law that would have prevented any person painting any house, barrt, or the front porch or a picket fence on any premises he did not own or o~cupy. Lawyers in the legislature helped defeat that b11l, but they must have become infected with the same germ. Somehow legislation was enacted in 1948 and prior years to force the employment of lawyers on hundreds of transactions that any intelligent person can do as we!!.

Legislators should be asked to explain how they voted on the measures enacted .to make a monopoly for lawyers. Candidates for legislative offices in I 950 should be asked to state their intentions on repeal of the monopoly laws at the 1951 session.

.Acheson Might Be Afraid ' . ' Republicans in congress are raising a great hue and

cry in their .attack on Secretary of State Acheson. They are demandmg that Acheson be asked to resign. Some suggest that President Trurrian fire the secretary of state. Representative Arends of Illinois declared, "Ache­son is unfit for such a high position, and his statement on Alc;er Hiss proved it." Representative Woodruff of Michigan has demanded a shakeup in the department "f ' rom top to bottom." ·

All that Acheson said about the man convicted of perjury regarding testimony .as to his services for the Communist spy ring was, "I do not intend to turn my back on Alger Hiss." ·

No one has yet inquired what the secretary of state meant. His traducers insist that Acheso·n meant he· still ha.s faith in the loyalty of' Hiss. But maybe that isn't what A_cheson meant at all. Maybe he doesn't want to turn .his back because of fear, because of the danger' of a stab in the back. That's the way most Americans .feel.



·VERNON J. BROWN & SON, Publishers NELSON D. BROWN,> Editor

BETTY CRuM, Advertlslng Manager , WM. J. MciLQUHAM, Plant Superintendent

Enlcrcd ns second clnss mnttcr. at poHtoltice, M8oon, Mlchlgnn, under Act . • of Mnrch 3, ·1879·. . . •

SUDSCR1PTIOWRAT£S Display ndvertiaing rntoa on nn• (Payable in Advance) J;llicntion. Buaineas locnls nnd rend.

One Ycnr in lnA"hnm nnd lng.~otlcca on. first nnd locnl vng(!s, · adjoining conntie! ................ U,OO .2&c"a··n~c;·:.NoTrli~dinl! ·or .bualqcso One ycnr outside lnsbnm nnd 'lidvei'tialnir lc8o ·than 40c: Card of :·

ndjolning coUntic8 .............. ' .. 2.50 Thankll, ,lc ·a· .word. Announcemonta Six months in Inghnn nnd of entertainment• where admission ia . ndioinhlA' counties ............ ;.,, 1.25 cblir11ed or' of any plan to raise fundi Four . months ............................ .75 muat bo paid at ro~r~~lar rato1. 'lJn~le coolo1 "'"""'" .... ,,............ .01 "'

·.,, .... ·

I watched the notcr; ·ouiJble and boll out of the valves as Butzen experimented. with the keys. Neither of the two men can play nnything except. the scales and "Doctor, Doctor" on the organ. They hacl to sene! for Mrs. Nate Dn vis to clo the playing.

"It's an even IJreak," Butz.en ex­plained. "We can take the m·gan clown and put it back together ag-ain but we can't play tunes. Mrs. Davis can play tunes but. she can 1t mal<c repairs." ·

Which is the most important, the org·anisl who strikes the right notes m· the mechanics who see that the notes come out as they nre struck? Butzen and Boyes thin!' they have the best end of the deal. They make a lot, more out of their mechanical skill than most organists get fm· great talent and long pmctice sessions. Mechanics fu·e Ho busy mal,ing repairs they don't l1ave time to learn to play, and organists nrc so engrossed in making music tl)at they don't want to tal•e the time to make re­pairs.

Federal t·ecorcls now show that one out .of five persons is too fat, and a dispatch out of Washington Aays the public health service is going to try to do something about it. The income tax collectors are doing enough about it without. the public health agencies stepping il1.

Over in England and thmugh­out Emopc and Asia the govern· mcnts are doing· plenty about l<eeping people slim and a lot of people don't seem to care for the system. ·

It may be true that the new cold pills don't stop noses running but the mnnufucturers expect to do $100,000,000 worth of business in 1950 with n goal of $150,000,000 in 1951. ·

There's a salve for eve1;y so1·e. Somehow I can't work up much sympathy over the Detroit Free Press reporter who is trying .to show up healing practitioners as fakes and quacks; Repo1'ler John Murray might' find the same variety of answers if he wenf,'to .the Ford or ll~ayo cljnics· with.' a set of falte . C01]1plalnts. When a patient says he can't sleep or eat, the doctor assumes the man· ls telling the truth:· Whim· a ,patlept tells .me he or she h~s .poison ivy on the left ftank I accept It as fact :md prescribe .the suitable ,reniedy.

Maso'i1 students had'~ ·difficult tasl< qhoo$ing ,the . baslcetball queen from among the \beauties nominated for the contest, Ne-.:er · was there a per lop· ,'\l:heil :, mo~:e pretty girls adorned the' Ma~on school. r Shirley · .. ,Belt . ·,wl!i" 'be crowned queen ·Frl(j,ay .nigliti :Dan· na Hunt, · ~arllY,U· :.~rY.~i ¥e1ma Ha1•t and Joan Jewet~ make !1P·,the ~urt. ; · · · · ·

- Don't miss the PTA .variety show at · the i Mason school next ' Thursday. night, U's loaded with talent and trs all for a good. cause. After seeing ·the show you'll . wonde1· why soine people ·'prefer pulling teeth, teaching school, pumping gas Ol' studying to lolllng around . Hollywood. You'll wonder

'~ounties Face Mounting Deficits Under Sales Tax Diversion System

. ' . . ·.

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS F,e~l'fllll')' 2, Hl50 Plt[l'e ~

r (jojur) Olil, AI'O g]ucljy !'CCOJVOil ancl '·ntciHin~ocl r,,t 1111~ OLitQide of lleep­ing the town ;,~n hi wepulr rmrl mowing town~hll' cemoterjea, , .. · · · there is nothing for wnioh tuncla l,natilllllent~l 'nncl vocal. Tile prln· 111'0 nemlert. F)I•e' Pi'O~ectlon Ia an c.lpnl speni.Cl ut. tl)e llli•Miohlgrm exrJoptlon, 'l'he res11ll is tlmt to- •lfllllOI' waa rtnother MaHon pmcl­dn.y thoro Ia an. avc!•ag-o hmmling I net .. Mm'l'il C1rr 11:1m, who !]'l'fHhi, ill 'tO\VIlHhlp hunqs 0~ ajljll'OXimnte- Ill~.~~~ )]e!'O ,! 0 Jl):], His W~IR the ly $11 ono for each tnwn honnl of lii".,.igh, 0' n wc .. Hlmful fliOJii'Illll

·!\y V~rnnu ,J, .nrown Dm·lng the· past two wael1s I

111\VO lleon In Lansing muqh nt tl]a Lime, l~lr11t, there wus the annual w!nter meeting of the ryr)~hlgan Pr9s~ Assoct~ lion las\inwtwo ·filii duyH uml much of tho l)ights, Then followed the unnuul oonvention or the SLate Association of Super­vlum·s,

I am not n supervisor h11t on vai·ioua · oc·casions during pnat years this nssociaLion hns honoi'ed me witl1 n plac:e on its progr·am and this yeu1·. invited me to ti.~l!C pm'l in u pai{el discu~slon on local 11111 ls of government. Again I mn not !It all' nctive In newspaper WOI'I< but I nm stilj lnlei•estec! and at one time had the honor of sei'V· ing the p1•ess association as its president, I like to attend the meetings because I meet there a lot of old fr•icnds and nlso have oppol'lllnit,Y to mal'o the acquaint­ance of men nnrl women new in Michigan's journullsm, many of whom a1·e qui<e i,i<eJy to Home day become prominent in puhlic af'fair.~.

Than lo wind up a most interest­Ing 10-day period, J was invited to sit In with n gi'Dup of county officials and others in tm·estiH.l in obtaining a mo1·e adequate nnd staple revenue source to meet the costs of mnintuining the functions and sm•vices now the responsibility of the several counties of Michi­gan.

\Velfa.rc •rrLim.~ !\Ioney · It 'will be recalled that. a con­

siderable portion of Lhe money now collected hy the counties must he expenc.lcd fot· welfare am! public health services. Both of these functions were the sole re· sponslbility of the townships unci cities until I'Ccently. Then, too, in many counties the weight tax revenues are far from sufficient lei mee·t the cost of maintaining the county road systems. I-Im·e, too, is a function that until the late 1920's remained n 'charge ag8 inst township funds .. So co un­tie~ nll over the state nre now nmnin:; behind.

A few years ago these same counties had surplus funds laid awa~·. At present these funds arc rapidly being used up and a con.:' sidernble number of the counties in Michigan are running behind to the extent they are forced to bor­row funds agninst taxes not yet collected to meet current expense.

•rownshlps !<'am \Veil Townships sha1·e in the distri­

lmtion of diverted sales taxes col­lected by the state but few town­ships have any important func­tions left lo them. According to reports made public at Lansing last wee!<, about $15,000,000 of sales tax. funds is now in the hands of townsl1ip treas\n·ers. Meanwhile, the heaviest expense of local gov­ernment, .namely welfare and pub­lic health, has been shifted from the .townships to the counties without shift of funds to pay t]I.; costs.

Ancient f!ist'ory One Year Ago The stale health department

has turned thumbs down on drill­ing a deep well 'nt the North Jef­ferson site formerly used for deep wells.

Fire destroyed the Lester Barth horne on Ewers road Sunday after· noon.

The Consumers Power Co. is laying new mains on South Lan· sing street. A leak In the main let gas seep Into the Vernon Snyder home and . Snyder lost· his eye· brows ahd part of his hair when he lighted a match· to see what was wrong with his sewer.

Dansville's basketball stock is

Few townships levy nny pi•op­ol'ly tm<. Jn contrast; tho ·county flilocut.lon hmml, clomlnutecl ll.Y ~chooJ district ancl city advociite,\, glveH t!Je lion's ~haro o( all u.llow­rtblo millage lo Hehooln nncl cilliJR,

· leaving tho counties to ~truggJ~ along fneing r·islng costs rmri pay­ing bills for ltn "over-inoroasmg number of wolfu ro clients and ox­m·llitrmt hospital nncl nwclicnl bills fo1· those unnhle to pny,

l'rHl(liP Hun (Jount.v It was woil pointed ouf. n t the

c:onfoi·uncc of county officials that the county unit of g·ovemmer.L 1B a government of govomments. All­mlnistmtlvo offlcia!:J of t.hc emm­ty are e!t!Hil:.i)I.ectell clli·cctly hy the people Ol' thoy· ure uppoin loci n.t the hands or ~upervif;OI'B who are elected, not ns county officill.IE but nB officials of cithei' the town:1hips m· the <:Illes within Llutl county.

To bring the point closer· into fncuB, here ln Ingham county the board of supervisor~ is mode up ul' JU Sllpel'VlSOI'S eJected h,Y town­ships, plus 20 nldennen Ftncl othm• officialH elected by voters of tho seveml incorpomlod cities ·of the county. None Is <lleei.erl nH n county officinl. All become so ex­officio. Yet ll1is board forms the policy-mctlling body govci·ning the eount.y hy means of ilfl control ovet• nppropi'iationR rmd expondi· lllt'CS,

County government In Michigan hns heen appr·opt•iately eullc<l the' headless wonder in govel'nmcnl the womlei' being it works us well us it does. Unlilw all other' unit11 of government, the1·c is no actual ad­ministrative head to any county to he compared with govomor, mayor, township super•/i!lot· or villngc prcsiclent.

'l'owmdtips Hive iJp Here tl1en Is the picture. Town­

ship goverr:ment as such has jus;: about abolished il:lelf. 'rhis Wits

clone because sci'Vices demanded h,Y the people became too e:xpen­sive to b1 mflintained out of taxes possible to be collcctecl from prop­erty owners within the 1 average township. In consequence, first the township roads were handed over to the county l'Oad commission; next welfare became too great a burden and that was handed over to the counties in partnership with the state go·1ernment ar:d in turn subsidized by the federal govern­ment. Public health c~ontrol went the same way.

Control over the puhlic schoolo long since was given up in ex­change fm• statll nid.

Now we find ·the counties struggling ngainst the same prob­lem, namely how to get the money to pay the costs of the things the law says is their responsibility.

Will Countic:l Follow:' Shall we anticipate then that

county government is to go the way of the townshiP. ancl become moro!y an • empty shell of aban­<Joned control ?

Any person curious enough can

slipping. Sammy Williams, the Aggie star, is on crutches and will be out of action for several weeks.

IO Years Ago-l!l·lO Fire destroyed the big barn on

the Anson Miner farm two miles southeast of Leslie on US-127 Sunday morning.

Zimmerman's Home Service has leased the Jewett building at 314 Jefferson.-

The city has bought pipe to ex­tend wnter mains out West Colum­bia.

Nick and His Corn.huskers played for the President's Birth­day Ball Tuesday night.

20 Years Ago-1930 Emery Barr lost his Chrysler

Tuesday night. It was tal<en from his garage at the rear of llG East Elm. Officers have yet found no

if the stranger the second row trace of it. over is a talent scout from i'IBC Mrs. Walter B. l{elchum of Ma­or Columbia, :J,ltli'e in town to sign son has been chosen to preside at up next year'F' ~tars. · the state homemakers' banquet to

Add Nate Davis to the list of be held as part of Farmer's Week Mason authors. In the February at Michigan State college ..... Outdoor. Life· Nate has one of the Dorr L. Cady was the victim of· feature m'licles, · all about his a kidnap holdup January 29. On camp up· on the shore of Lake his way .to Mason Cady stopped Superior. "The Whistle1· of the for a traffic light at the corner of Little Carp" is the title of the Grnnd River and Telegraph road piece. There are a lot of pretty in Detroit. Two men approached pictures included. the car and asked for a lift. Cady

didn't like the looks of the men Ludvig Rasmusson of Johannes- and turned them down. The pair

burg is n inan with ideas. He's climbed in anyway and covered down from the north country to Cady with a revolver. The Mason tell about his Sheppard Diesels at man was forced to drive the pair Farmer's Week .. He popped Into to Ann Arbor· and then on back the office before dawn Tuesday toward Detroit. On the edge of the morning to learn how Mason· and • city·. the two m·en ordered :Cady

.• Lansing got their names. To pay £rom the car, They took $10 ·from for the Information he traded sta- . the Mason man and drove off with tistics' on Johannesburg, · South his car. It is still missing. Africa, and Australia. Before !fhe Mason Elevator company leaving he plan~ed a seed. It mlgh~ has a ,big crew of bean pickers at bear fruit or it .might turn out ;to work. · be a weed. · ·Miss· Bertha Hayes, English and

Rasmusson inquired, "When I dramatics instructor at . llfason am .handed .a b'allot on Issuing high, 'scp.ool, has· chosen Joh11 Ed­schoo! bonds I can vote yes or no, g11r for the lead in "Yimi11y ·Yolm­why shouldn't I ·be able to do the sqn's .Yqb," the annual all-high· same· .thing with a candidate· .. for play, · · · publlc:office?" · · 50 Years Ago-1'900

'· · The l!lx.year-old son of Lucius "You have the privilege of vat· Rice, nqrtheast ·of Leslie, ran a

ing for the opponent or'the candi- needle into his foot last weelc. date you don'tlike," I an~wercd., There was thread' in the ne~dle but

"Suppos'b{g .f don't lilte· ,him every· time .an attempt \vas. made either?•:' questioned· Rasmusson, to .pull.!~ out by ·the .thrend the "Maybe the~e .'are five candidate's needle 'l\'OUld .go in another. dlrec­fOI; the. same office and I don:t··l.lke lion, The :lloy·.was finally talc en to

f · th Wh h · Jd r· ... Dr. ,Gre!me of Leslie. The doctor any· 0 em. ·. Y ·· s ou · ' vote ad· m!n!ste' t•ed· chlot·oforin· and cut for tli.e ·:in an ,I dislike the . least? Why• shouli\il't: 1 have the privilege the needle out, ' of sayjng 'None of .you is wovth· 1!. Thl) mercury has hovered around vote?' If I !mow one candidate aild zero .. all ;the week. !mow he's no good 'and· don't'lmow Guy 'Abbott and Ted Hawn of any of his opponentiuvhy can't I White Oak ·have gone to Belding vo.te againnt the,:)ntin ·1 knoW?" to·wo~k in a shoe factory. Why. shouldn't I· be able to vote ,Eden people have about decided against the man and have the. vote to build their church of wood in-subti•a:ded. ;~roin )lis to~al_,?;': ·.· .. · str;;~:%;s~~~old Storage is pay-

That's original thinking, and lf • lng six cents a pound for fowls In anyone hns .the right .answer . g"od order, · . · . please· get in touch with Rasmus- Eighth grade examinations will son. The rest of this week he!11 be. held ·Jn . Dansville, ,Leslie, Holt staying at . the Walter:.· Laxton and .WIIllamst'!n ';Saturday, Febru• farm.' :Walt hunts with Riuinius- ary 24, County School Coinmls· son at· Johannesburg every fal1· sioner M. Hanlon has announced.




saUsf.Y hlnlllelf ns to how suplne the township .Jma become mere)y h,v' oxuminlng the pl'Ocecdlngs of the township board und Its annual tlnanclal. rap01'l. We still elect township highway· llOmmiasionora who mrty on l'lll'o occa~ions servo lUI fence viewers when neighbors Cj\lal'l'e) OVel' line fenCtlS. We Htlli elect constables and jwrtlces hut few elected eve1' qualify Lo SCI'I'U

other than 11.9 memberR of tho lown bonn!. Ami flfl for the town hoard it conducts elections whei·c county, slate and congressional ol'-1iclals unci once in !'Dill' ·ymll's n prcsidenJ of the United Slates nre cicdcrl. There is no longer a town meeting fOI' there is nothing left to jllstlfy n meeting.

'rnwnshlps (l.,t Oasb Sales tnx, liquor license fees ural

tnxos on lntnng-ible wetlllh, nll collected by slate nffiduis anrl

t'hc Rtnte, .''lll w:n lo;:g, !1o tnl!rorl or mnong , , r II , . Tidrl~nn m!..o•·:•. 1.1~n fnntul'ing ,Inch wns the IHII don o r. scu.I- 11 , c'cl"''l"' eve• 1 ,, tl

aion nt Llw unnunl of ' " · .... " · ·1 1" lC flll[lOI'· Michigan Bllpervisoi'S and county vic:n·•n conv0 :1f.lon. •:u:·lng· l11e hnn· ofJ'icinls No one ha~ rtpperu·erj fis r•qct: n 11T'lll!l of M:1::on WOillcn ir·

. ' , , '' 1\lrl.n"· H-· .. :. f·'l'llrl: J~vnm, J\II's, ~et With ll' I OILSOnA.bie, ILnSWfll • .... IIJ%!1 P..n!lb:•l'l fllld M1·:r. Dur-rtus C!l.O he l .. llwn !LH lnosr.rtpuhlc • '01<1 , .•. , .... V/'tl' ><·.. (' .. M

1 · J' 1 l · .. •· 1 "' .1 •. , r•-1111 OSfl ~Oill<l WU,Y IH O\IIH 0 jll'O- Arthlll' 'L Ill" ,, .. l c • l.J t i vide ncicrtriatn runcls l'or tho c'!lllll· . 1· . · · ' 1. n '• 11on unn n nr

' ' :'jl[ll!'l''IO '1'0111 I 1l'il I'll"' ai1Cii'"ll" lieu Liley Loo will go the WltY o.' · : • ' ·" " u., ' · . • . Al ono oJ. Lho rnqJe!'Vl~:oJ' r:r.K~innH

Lhe townHhqm ancl then ail public J?rocl "efli'i ol' c·· 1.11 • 1 !'· 11 lt '11 l I 11 l t f · '' ''·' ··'P<fl,•nn· rna .CI'H wr 1" liLJH e< 011 0 olhm· '111"011 Jr•ci 1"1 1 • · 1

I I T I"' hi Tt I? . . " ·- . '10 ll• I lll;llC ~rtns ng anc n tts ng on. 01 nne, guod In hi:J pi·ofnocJion, ilu<l n !cad-I rto not he! love ttitH tn he n gooc! lng jllner. on lhe lli'O"T 1111 H II 1 011H'n ·' I • • rl I (

· · our· own l!CJlln ly J'tJU d nnt{i noeJ', r.lh.CIII l'hq•s I'll!'! J?l'llnll f~VtlllH. In closing r llli!HI. Jlll.Y my com- Bcslrirm meeting huncll·erts o( aiel

plimont.s Ul my home ""'.11n11111ily fl'iemlY nn<l fOI'I\1!11' rir'qllllintu 1weR foi' llH vrtl'lecl trtientH on rhHplny ut fi'Oin cvm·.v section of the strtle I these Hlule galhoring·s. At the rcgulcid myself' with ioenl pride ill,'eHH meeting Nrtte F1•y, ct pi'Odllct lintt ~o rnnny of the ilonw foil{H of Mason schools, but now or Lnn- seem to l1uvc something tho pub­sing,. wltll Lwo other .v~ung men, 11" iil<b to hcoi', btl il spccelws, Jl1'0V10lcd WJ!IIr. mighty IIIW lrlliHiC!, llliiHin Ill' hypnotic perfOI'Illtltll'.CH.




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If will opel! your eyft I

J. B. Dean


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'Dear Old Golden Rule Days,' Help Resolve Labor Difficulty

"--------By BILLY ROSE . ! Tho following story wua passed on to me by or;e o~ the field :men or tho nulionnl lubor l'elutions board. I'm runnmg 1t, not be­'cause I'm jurnhln-brained enough to think it proves anything, but ,because it's an inlr!r'esling yarn, If you find any moral or message lin it-well, I'Cillt'mhcr yrm'm on your own. , , •

In December· nf 1047, n str•Jkc wns ·called in n U.xti!c plant In New

1Englancl, nnd will'll I he piclwt lines first appeared everybody thought they

•were only p111·t of tho uouul )Jitif£ and bluster that went with contract·rc· I nownl lirnc. nut 11o ll10 dnys uddcd U[J to weeks and the weeks to months, :the townspcoplo began to worry,

! .The str·llw, ns !nr· ns nnyonc could r--------------mni~c out, bad nothing to do with He walked to a desk near the wages ond woric· window and wedged his bulle Into 'ing conclillrllls, the sent, but seemed tn be "Thnl's J'ight," said Miss Pecic, ihnsed 011 tire in- "Helen Brennan used to sit in front 'abil!ly or JniJOr ol you and Burt Murphy had tile 0 n d mnnngo- desk on your r!ght. Now, just ex· mont to sit at cuse me until I finish correcting 'ti t 1 1 this paper," 1

10 sa me n l c 1wllhout throw· lng fmn• - lr!ller I words u t en ch !oth•r. Albert IHnnson, [ll'esi-

llllly Hose

dcnt or the IC>xti In company, hnd one mcclinr; Wtlli llJJr! Murphy, re· ccnlly Plcclecl l•<•ad of the union, but nflcl' a few tc.rJJIJics ol invective unci table·lhunl','Jilrg, bnlh men had stomped out and f1·nm then on had ~cfu~cci In tail~ to cnclt other except thi'Ougil iocnl !r.,•;.dlincs. And whc11 n nnti(lllill lulm•· rl'lntinns man hnd offered hrs ~:c!·",L(·~ as mcdinLor, he hnrl been t<)IJ to jJedclle his pa· pcrs clsuwhcrr:. . . .

'1'0 A FE\V in:;idcr·s, however, tho nni1n11sity br·lwccn Hanson unci Murphy \V~1s rru1lling nc:w; in fact, it hod been goi11g on since they were ldds in a village !iO miles not•lh of t11e mill town. They had competed ior the same pr>'titlon on the school bnscbal! Lcnm 'Albert had gotten itl, and !llli!cd tile pigtails o! ll,lo same junior 1niss mur·t had mat·· rled her). And they had continued to cnl·nnd·dog It during tho years when Hanson wn~ fighting his way

1up from sak~i:wn to plant presi-1clent aJJC! 11llt"~tiy was organizing rtilc wol'l<ct·s.

Ouc d.ty, ai the <lril'e 1/'rrJ go· ing iulo its }rJIIrlh month, tbe /e.vtile JJJdll got •' uole b·am oft/ scboollviit:ber. "lJt•ttl' tlfbcrJ/' it f'C,I(f, "J bltl'£''t't u•c:u you ill fll­most •JO :l'''ars, mul I'd llft/Jreci,JJo it if )'Oil WGJ.!rl come by the schoolholl!e lit 10, Sincerely, Anne Per£·. 11

Hanson ch:.cklc'd nl the precise, Sl'hoolrr.armish :::wdwnling, but he

'remembered the old Indy kindly, I anci so on Saturd.Jy he got up early 1 nnd drove the GO miles to his borne 1town.

• • • FIVE MINUTES Inlet', Burt Mur·

phy walked in. There was a grin on his face, but v:·!.~n he saw the lex­tile man he stopped smiling,

"I'm glad you got my note and could come," said Miss Peck. "Do you remember where you used to sit?"

"What's thil all about?" ;~sknJ tbt mzio11 boss.

T'bo oltl /<~tly look~d at him ot•er ber glasses, "If you'll t.rk• your seat," sbe said, "tbe will begi11."

Murphy, to li.:J!nor her, sat down next to Hanson,

"Things haven't changed much, have they?" said MJsB Peck plcas­anlly, "You're still throwing spit· balls at each othr:r, only now Iiley hurt a lot mor!l than they used to. Do you remember how it. was with you two in the old days? Most of the Lime you were pretty good friends, but every 11tlw and the11 you'd g~t into. an argument and make so much noise that none ol the other pupils could do any war!'

"And when you did, I'd just stop the class, make you stand up, and tell you to go 01;lside and not come hack until you had straightened things out. Som~times you'd go oul in the woods and settle it with your fists, ar;rd other times you'd go down to the brook, sit on the bani; and tau, it out, but you'd always come back Sll'.l'llng. Stand up, you two."

The two men ,(lCit to their feet and wolked out of the room.

"You heard what t'.le teacher said," said t.'la labor loader. "Do we go into th<l woods and slug it out?"

"You alwaf!s /:ad a pretty good left," said tho l<xlile boss, "liow

. "bout letliug a toltciliatiott board settle our arg:.'me,J?"

thn Woncl, 'l'OI'I'Y L,ynch, ,Jnunnn L.yon nnd Donulll Ho)Jlnson,

Tho ~ovunth gr~clo Is ncxl. In 01'· clel' with (1 !Js). or H honor Rlll· clent~. They al'o !Dvcl,vn Hnrnpton, ,Judy J"ynoh, Evelyn Mnnl'no, Carol Ann Teulmel', · Blanche Tullio, Jl/01'11111 Beeni, ,Judy Aldrich, Rob· crt BayliR, Albcl'l Aduma, Jlluncy I~ogg, Nancy Lunch, Jllanml Luntz, Mary Millar unrl Ma1·1Jyn Wheeler. The eleventh gl'ndc follows with 13 honor• llllldonlR: Pn.uline Adams, Joyc:e A1•mbruster, Anne Chapman, Jllclaon Cornell, Bill Dnvls, .Jo Ann RuineR, .Jnnct Qcnrlng, Yvonne Lant?., Dixie J"eo Mm'l'is, Dnnnn Jll ow lin, Amelia Sll'lluh, Lorun Wy· att nod Richurd Wnlluco,

The tenth grade had only 11 se­mester honor students who ILI'C Ellen Archenbronn, Rohe1•t. Balluff, Linwood Blgg, Mur,v Davi11, Mar­garet Ocuring, Kenneth Heintzel­man, Marianne O'Dnwd, Rlchat'd Price, Connie Wurd, Eleanor De· Lccuw and Delores Dutton,

i<'arnwr~' Wnel' S[umlu•r Russell Wurner, owner or the

Warner Fi1·e Control 11ervice of Lc~lle, WllS a speaicm· on the Farmer~' Wecic prog'I'Om ut Mich· igun State college L11ls week, He tnllcecl on "Icir·e Control and Fire Prevention."

nn~·nl .naughl;,rs M••••l; The Ho,val Daughters nf tho

Con greg at I on a I church met Wednesday nfternoon at tho home or Mrs. Ihu·licy Ti'OI11an, Mrs. W. A. He1·zig-, Mrs, Hugh Whitney and Mrs. W. H. Cowles nsslstcd as Jwstesses.

~lush' C:luh I'IJms l•'1•ida~· Mt• The Leslie Music Study club will

hear· about Vfu·ious musical fesli­VIlls al th011· meeting [•'rirlny aft­m·noon at the home nf Mrs. W. H. .Johnston. Mr·s. H. C. C<tmpbell will tell of the .May festival at Ann Ar­bor. Mrs. William 'rampier will ,,peale ahnut tile festival at Selz· burg and Forrest Hamplou will tell nf his cxperienucs at Intel'· lochcn.

Srn·ir••• Omuwil M•·•·ting l'lamwli


T~~PAV~R$ 10 20 40 50

UNPIR "7~ 0 u,ooo 3t, .. ,.,~o

u,ooo ,. t&,ooo 15,000

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,. uoo,soo 1%1,000

IZiii,OOQ l• I:ZB,200


OVfR •so,ooo











Tl\'l\1\H~E I

Graphs rCJlrinlcd hy special permission of Newsweek Ma)!;a~ir.c,


That for the Hmull wage earner, hidden taxes-included in the price of nearly every commodity and service today-are WOI'Se than income taxes? Hidden taxes averaged $700 in 1949 for every family in the U.S.A.

That fedet·al, state and local governments in 1949 collected $55,000,000,000 in taxes­approximately 25 pet· cent of out· national income?

That in 1945, when 11,000,000 Americans were under arms, the same g-ovel'!lments

collcdecl S52,500,000,000 in taxes-LcHS than in the l!J4f! postwar year'!

Hard to believe are these facts. :But they are true.

Spending by govet·nment..L..whcthm· fed­eral, state Ol' loeal-takes money away ft·om every citizen. 'rhe money is collected directly ot' indirectly, The rich pay it, and so do the jlOOI',

There is no Santa Claus at Washington, ot' Lansing, or county building, or city hall.

'l'hc Leslie Community Service council wiil hold its annual meet­ing Thu1·srlay evening, February ~', in one of the grade rooms of the Leslie school. The time is set at eight o'clocl<. Thet·e will ilc the rc· ports and election of officers.

Annual Ba.lliJIII'I. ll!•ld Thm·sday

llrook, Arizona, that night, a dis- !'oll(H back in Miehiga!l btYe any J:oss, l\!1·s. Floyd I<iRher·, ,~rr~. Leo tnnce or G40 miles. We made the clothing your chtir!rcn have out- I nlynn, Mrs. Harold Glynn and last lap of the trip in that day but l:l'nWn it Will come in handy h"J'c'. II'IJ~s Erma Prdlol;, altendt!d a not without some more trouhle, Just send il. to lhc Indinn Mission, Phowm· for Mrs. Murion Polloi< nt We stopped in Albuquerque, New Jlolbroolc, At·izona. , I he Whcallielrl G!C'aner lw.ll, Jeri-Mexico, for g-asoline and had Mr. and Mr~. Uuy 1\[cCliL' rlay evening, .January 27. It was

There WCI'C uhout 75 people in attendance at the annual banquet of the Leslie Rod and Gun club Thursday evening-. A chiclwn sup­per wus enjoycrl and motion pic· tu1·cs on Canadian Jishing were shown.

'J'hurs<la,y Vi~itor al. Lesli•• Thomas H. Kerroy, supervisal'

of ag-ricultural education of the state board of contml of vocation· al education, spent Thursday with Russell Miller, agriculture teacher of the Leslie high school, and the pupils of that department,

The Leslie Baori Mothers arc planning a banquet for the Leslie high· school band members and tbeir parents.

everything checl<ccl and everything i;ivrm hy Mrs. r~arl Smith and Mn<. was line. When we had driven .Jimnita Winn. Mr,;. Poilu!< l'e-about 70 miles our radiator began Douglas r·civcd many ni<'c gifts. Sire is the to boll. 'l'he radiator was plugged. former Bonnin Kitl.ric!gc, a neicc We tllle'd It up again and drove not I:.,~inl' W,\'1111 Iff Mr~. Howard Polloi<. faster thun 40 miles an hom anrl , . Mr. anrl MrH. Erl YPJ'I<e ol' De· reached Holbrook at 7 p. m. We ~~·. and :Mrs .. J"~ Znluwslo :rnrl lmiL were Saltll'c!uy \'isitot·s at made the 1900-mile trip in f(JU!' ululllrcn . were Sunday rim ncr I the Guy Gruvcs home. days, guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glynn. ..

We found our folks W<·il and They celebrated M1·s. Zalcwslci's . , .. very busy, Florence has 26 music birthday annivcrsar y which oc- S!attc ElectncJ!y pupils and Freel works in the post- curr·cd Feill'li'II'Y 1. 1 Static eloclricily from. n ~urn'' office 8 hours a day, 5 days a week 'file Ncigh!Jorhood J<:ucilrc cluil body was l.:rlnmcd for a fu·c 111 an and plays the Hammond Organ in mot Saturrlay night with Mr. anrl Indwnnpoll3 point fuctory. When the Motaurant in the evening. It Mrs. Har·o!cl Glynn. 'rhcre wet'<: ~3 the man opened a lacquer thinner is a large restaurant. I don't be- adults and live children present. valve, flames shot out into the lieve there is another place lilcc tt Fi1·st prizes wcnL :o Mrs. Hubert room. between Chicago and Los Angelc11• Foreman and Wallace .Johnson.

We att.enclcd a W. S. C. S. meet- Maynard Fnlct· underwent ttn j Use for Can:lries

"Fair enough," said Murpiry, "but I still want \o play first base."

"All right, If you'll lceep away from Helen Brennan."

The Patient W01•kers class of the Leslie Methodist church held its postponed meeting of .January 1 at tho home of Mrs. Alfred H. Parker, Wednesday.

ing at Holbrook. A woman who emorgenr·y npCI'Hlion n t. Me-, with her· husband operates a mis- Lnughlin hcrspiLal in Lansiny, Sat-~ sian for the Indians was the urday night, He :s t·uming- along speaker. She told of the need of fine. Cecil. CnmphcU i!;_ doin~· the I work among the Indtans. The In- ehores whrlu Fo!or rs til the hos­diflllS, especially the children, need pita!.

Alli10Llgh cannrics are raiscrJ pt·imuJ·i!y lur their bcuutiful ~ing. iug voices, they have been used lo detect dnngerous gases in coni mines and nlso poison g;n;us on the battlefield.


Ingham County Library Jinlii'H npnu In lhP nuhlln 111. Hnll M.u·

mnl'inl ldiJJ'III'Y, MaHnnl lll!IIY ~.r, 11, rn,1 Mnulluy, W11dnr•Hcluy, f:l/l~llnii~Y, i·O 11. ln.; ~~h10 Hntunluy rnnrnlnHH, 10·1:.!, llul'lu"' Hduml YOU!', 'rucnd11,Y1 I•'l'ltlny IIIICHJH.

'l'YPHOON WnH li]o )Jonll rtlJIUI'Lorl on for Lhla n11U1nr,

TI·Tiil I~I'r'I'Lf]J MINIS'l'llJH, rroh­allly ono of t11o IHnat rcncl of ,T. M, l3m•l•ie's H!.ol'irH, wns !ll!nl.hOI', 'Pho lifo nr lllo WIHlVOI'H of 'l'hl'lllnH, lilcil' VOI'Y atrlel cnl)e, Ia all mlxocl with wholesome t•onuulco,

A dog'~ longue is tho only llllrt or It~ llllltlom.v lhltl C(lll JlOI'Hpii'O,

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Februat·y 21 1950 Page 3 I

Those mon thR of .J unum·r, nnrl l~olll'tllli',Y nrc gnarl limca to hnclc­li'flf'it on yolll' rpuding 11ncl do some thnt you've !wen pl·omislng your­Hell' yon would do, Momotlme. Tho ~--------------"'1 sin ff of tho county 'llbrrJJ·y, which rucets regularly once por month, dodrlorl llwt In ,Jnnlllii'.Y they would cnch l'Cild nn English cirm- 1

sic whieh they hnd noVCI' l'cod, Mr·s. illr1rl, our· lihral'ian Hl Holt, guvc ;rn exeollont inlmrluclion on Homo of lho Oltr•iy nulhors, rmd de­fined a ditssle, nnd then or~eh li· hrnrlnn l'evlowecl very briefly tho booic she iutd rend.

We thinic you may like Clifton ' Ji'aliinHlii'H clcfinillon-·"Bcmks • nrc I not rolls tn be clcvourerl only when they are hot anrl fJ'CHil. A good ,

1 honi< retuins its lntm•inl' heat unci 1

I will wur•m a gcncraliu11 yet un-, bor·n."

Yours truly rend PICKWICK PAPERS h:l Di<'iwns. Even loclay, I we found the life of the avenlJ:;e !Dngli.,hman as dcscr·ilwd by P!eic-, wi<'l<, intm·csling-. When boo!<~ WCI'C lllJJCh IJJOI'C SCfll'f!C, WC enn unrlcr·stnnd why the readur· avidly walled for the nc•xl issue of tho paper, so lie l'fllilrl find what Pic:l<­wir·l< nnd !JiH fcliow,, did next. '!'his mnsl have been one of the early fif~l'ials, f.!Jaling-, drinldng and in g'WWI Fll lllill<Jilg' 11lCI'I'Y Wll!i lhe or~ der or the day. Yc~t, we think you'd lilw to rcacJ of the Christmas ee!cbralion in a country home, too.

.JANE EYRJD. Did you ever, thinlc of it as a mystery story? It J

was so tlutt one of our staff de­HCJ'illed it, and we lhinlc it very npt. The lPcn ng-cr· who ha!i a dc­ftiJ'C to rclld only mysteries might be SO encoiiJ'agcd to I'CHrJ It WOJ'Lh­While hook and arid to her Cilltmal lmc:l<gi'Ollnd at lhc same limo.

Off To A Good Start


Shell Gasoline l•'nr· 11 rpllci( ~:<>lawn,\' !Ire~•· C'olri wlnt.t•i mrr1nings insist nn Slli~LJ. fli\N fl'fllll lilt> Jlllllips ul IJt~c•].;(!J'':; [1(•! vif'u ~;lull on, 'J'JC!Jt. )'0111' l',ll' right. hy !ISing Sli!•;LJ, JliOtiJH'iH and it will give .~'fill lH'LlPI' :wrvi~c.

Lel IJec·lwl''~i :.ei'VH'e your (':II'

r·egllillriy anrl J:olil'f! I lw rlif· fei'CIWc. lnC!Lfit!i"nl petroleum prud1wl:; :r I'U hn I'd on lire pnC!I(r'lllrrlll(.

·DECKER'S Servke Station

II:! :-;, (hiaJ' ilia son

Life in tile South Sea:; ar; de-[ scl'ihcd by .ro~oph Conrad is fnll of nclion, clrarnH Lie and real. \Vhen one t·en.lizcs that l1e was a native: of Hussia and that his novels arc in p!'eciso anrl excellent EngliHh their mcr·it is mm·c outstanding.,._ ____________ _ - AM+ ,,. ..



Stewart-Warner GAS HEATERS

J. B. DEAN FOHil !SALJr;S and Slm\'JUJ~

I']WIW 53ll

·'l'hc schoc,ll:lous<• looked. much as :.he rcmeillhcrod it, ami so did the r·oom inside with its neat rows of desks. But lire thing that hit him

'right in the nosl~lgia was the sight 'nf Miss Peck hnsclf, stili sitting :behind her <lcsk on the raised plat-1form in front of tho blackl•oard.

"It's been a long Lime, Albert," she soid.

"Seeing as how she's my wife," said Murphy, "that's going to be tougb, But if you're still stuclc on the girl, drop around tonight and I'll get her to fry up an extra chop,"

shoes and clothing. H any of you! Mrs, Harold Hufl'inc, Mr·s. C. I --------------~----------------------------------------------------------------

11Nol so long as I thought," said ·her old pupil. "Let's sec. Seems I •used to sit r·ight over there."

'l'hen the two men walked baclc I into the schoolhouse 1o report

leslie Items E. ,J, U1'o", l'hnne 2301

M:&>.ou F"r'li ,.\g,·u•·y .Jo Ann Baine~. Cecile Grim, Mur-J•:,,m.ud" lo LP!;Iir· An·a icl Hoslcms, Yvonne Lantz, Dixie

Pu blir Forum It's been a long Lime since

wt·otc, and this time it's Just a crank lette1·. But I do want foli{H to be cleat· that Beverly .Jewett Richert is m the town of Sapporo on tho island of Hokkaido not viHa .. vcrsa aH lhe opening pm·a­gmph of the lll'liclo in the .Jan· uar·y 26 issue suggests.

I've hcen showing the hils she offers lo D1·. Howar·cl Hannrtforrl, mu· missions pi'Ofcssor i1er·c at Mu­Cormiclt seminary. He has been for many years n. rnissionar·y in .Japan, 11111! is thrilled with t;:n comments Bev makes. He say5 that her deseriptions arc ve1·y ac­cnralc, and that she is doin,.; a fine job helping create better understanding between the Unilccl States and .Japan, hoth by he1· activity there and her· letters in the Ingham County News.

I lceep on enjoying the "News" weekly.

.JOAN DAVIS, McCot·mick 'l'heological Semi­

nary, Chicago, Illinois.

Anollwr Mason hus<ueRR liJ'IlJ is Lee Mol'l'is, Donna Nowlin, Ameil· expandurg into U1c Lc.~iie area . .1. ia Stmuh, Lo1·an Wyatt and Rich­B. Deau of Mn:wn, has lcnsocl the aJ'(l Wallace. The seventh grade lots on Llw cast sirlc of Main stJ'Cel. has 1:1 of its members on the han­between the Bucld-Leach and Wai'C! or roll. They arc: Evelyn Hamp­barller shops fi'Om D1·. L. C. Kraft, Lon, Judy Lynch, Evelyn Monroe, tlw ow1kr, and will opemto a used Carol Ann Teubner, Blanche Tut­car lot l11cre, An office building iR, lie, No1·ma Beers, Judy Aldrich, now .under construction and it is Robert Baylis, Albert • Adams, cxpcctcrl that. the lot will be in Nancy Fogg, Nancy Lcuch, .Mary opcmtion witl1in <L eouple of Miller and Marilyn Wlwoler. wcel<s. A ~'oJ'(J new ear agency 'l'hc n· members of the senior will be upomtcd therewith, class on the honor roll are Ron­Dean haH the F'oril a~cncy at Ma- aiel Allen, Donald Beale, Robert son. 'l'he Leslie branch will be op- Campbell, Laura DeLeeuw, Wil­emtrd With '!'om .rackHon, of Ma· liam Kannawin, DeLynn Haynes, s.on, ar. tho n~anager. 'rhe Mason Gordon Gia!r .Jack Filch ·Bonnie 1\kCu"s 'l't•ll of Trill • hrms now ha~mg hmnches in Los- Ward, Terry' Lynch and 'Richard I We left home Novembe1· 30 at 8 he arc the Mtckelson-B!Ll~ol' Lum-. Baldwin, The tenth g 1·ade has the a. m. The first 50 miles we drove her company, the C and R Chevro· smallest number of honor students, in the snow, then the road was let company, ant,l the Maso!l Dmry. I nine, who ure: Ellen Archenbronn, dry all the-rest of the way with

, . , ~--.--,, , Mary Davis, Marga1•et Gearing, sunshm~ and warmth. . L• slit Honor ~,ou~ N.unul for , Betty Haynes, Marianne O'Dowd, The lust night, we stayed m Si~~WI't'i< l'~r1od and SPmcslcr Richar·d Price, Barbara Whitney, Taylorville, .Illinois. .

I wo honor rolls have been rc- Connie Wurd and Eleanor De· The second night, we stopped at ~ascd b~ the Leslie senior and Lccuw. I Commerce, Oklahoma, and had the JUmor h1gh schools, one of. 95 I , . car g1·eased the oil changed and a names for the third six-weelt The. semester• honor roll dlff~rs 'new oil fllt~r installed. It was a p~riocl of tile year, ancl the ~ther hut little from th~t of ~he _six- little cool that evening und I Wlth 100 1;am~s f~r the first se· w~ek perw~. The mghth and moth stepped into the office for· a few mester l~luch .. has JUst closed. grades a~am lead 111 numbcr.s, 23 minutes to get warm and when I

The CJghth and ninth grades u~d 2~ 1 espectlvely. The etghth came out I saw the attendant put have each the san;e numbe1·, 24, gl adcts who. have htgh grades ~re G quarts of oil in the motor, We for the stx-wecl~ pcnod. The eighth Marilyn . Bacon, ~hyllls Baldwrn, drove on to Miami, Oldahoma, and grade honor·. pupils arc: Put~y Joyc~ Blgg, ;aulme Cady, Patsy stayed that night, Clancy, Marilyn Bacon, Phyihs Clancy, Audl ey Connard, Robert The next morning we started Baldwin, .Joyce Bigg, Pauline Farley, JoAnn Hasbrook, ~ary out early, long before' daylight. We Cudy, Audrey Connard, Rpbert .James, Nancy Kelley, Dean Kmc~, had driven nearly 100 miles when Farley, .JoAnn Hasbrooic, Gury .Jerry L.euch, Stanley Przy!?aclu, I discovered we were out of oil. I James, Nancy Kelley, Dean • [{inch, Letha Thomas, _Jamce Vmson, tried my hand at hitch hilcing. Jerry Leach,. Stanley Przygacki, Esther Vrnc7, Rrch~~d. Walker, Some of the cars nearly run over Dale Southwick, Letha Thomas, James Westervelt, Shuleen Wy.att, me, at least, that was the way it .Janice Vinson, Esther Vince, Rich· Charles ,., Y~ung, Delores ~mg, seemed to me. Finally, a cat• drew ur·~ Wall<er, .James ·Westervelt, Yvonne ~!all< and Gr~ver Barley, up beside me and stopped. Shtrleen , Wy:l:tt, Charles Young, The 22 who have thetr names on The driver was a traveling sales­Delor·es King, Yvonne· Clar·k and the honor roll for the ninth grade man. I told him my troubles. He Grover Bailey. . are as ,follo:vs: Maureen Wood, said there was u gas station down

Those of the ninth grade are: Geraldine Wtlbur, Janet Warner, the road about 1% ·miles and he M:am'cen Wood, .Janet Warner, Gerald Vaughn, Carol Todd, Rob- planned to stop there. Donald Walker, Gerald Vaughn, crt Stuart, Paul Southwick, Betty I bought 6 quarts of oil and the Carol Todd, Paul Southwick, Betty Salnes, Madeline Patter~on, Carol attendant took me haclc to our car Salncs, Madeline Patterson, Terry Kraft, Gurnet I<:oons, William In his true!<. We discovered the at· Mc)!'arlaml, Gail Marquedant James, Richard Hecl<sel, Rex Hen· tendant \Vhere we had our car• Richa,rd Mann, Beverly Gaston: dershot, '~ancy Hasbrouck, Betty serviced loosened' the oil line from Carol I<raft, Garnet Koons, Wil· Davis, Loyd Conard, Carol Ches· the oil filter to the motor and liam James, Richard Hecltsel, Rex ley,. Larry Castle; ·Bertha Carr, didn't tighten it up again. Most of Hendershot, Nancy Hasbroucl<, Ilah Balter and Sara Jo Aldrich. the oil was pumped out. No harm Loyd Conard, Carol Chesley, Larry · Sixteen members of the senior was done to the motor as far as Castle, Bertha Carr, llah Baker class have semester honors. They I cun sec because we have driven and Sura Jo Aldrich, are Ronald Allen, Donald Beal, 1800 miles since then and haven't

The 14 members of the eleventh Robert Campbell, Dot•is Churchill, needed to add any 9il. · grade whose names ure on the Laura DeLeeuw, . Wllliam Kanna· We stayed tbe third nig·ht at

p.onor roll are: Pauline Adams, win. DeLynn Haynes,,. Gordon Amat•illo, Texas, and started on J'oyce Armbruster, Anne Chap· Glair, Jack Fitch, Bolmle Ward, the next morning real early be·

. ·man, Nelson Cornell, Bill Davis, .Pat Wnrner, Mat•ion 'Wood; Mar· 'cause wa wuntcfl fo raach Hoi-·I



5-Passenger Streamliner 6-Cylinder Sedan Coupe State a"r/loctJ//ax~s, if a11y, licmse, 0/Jtio,rJ/ ct(tll'lJJIIctll

dnrl acassorics-exlra. l'rlces sub}ecJ Jo ciJauge witbout fiOiic~, l'rk~s may Mry t'n surrouudiug commrmilics dne

lo lrllmJ;orJalion differemials.

Bolla•· fo•· IJolla•·- You Ca11~t Beat u Pontiac! Ever ·since the day we first put the new 1950 Pontiac on display, we've heard one

word repeated over and over again: "WONDERFUL!" People admire its

wonderfully smart and distinctive styling.

They delight at its wonderfully thrilling performance, They check features and

1340 S. Jeffet·son ·

compare prices and say it's a wonderful

value. And it is a wonderful .value-a car

of very low ilrice that has everything it

takes to make an owner proud and happy!

So why not come in today and sec the won· dcrf~l new 1950 Pontiac? You'll never

own a better car-no matter w~at you pay!

America's Lowest-Priced Straig~t .Eight

Lowest-Priced Car with GM Hydra·Matlc Drive ONiof!al 011 all mode/1 at extra coJ/,

Thrilling, Power-Packed P,erformance-Cholce of Six or Eight

World Renowned Road Record for Economy and Long Life

Only Car in the World with Silver Streak Styling"

Howard Pontiac Mason, Michigan

Farm Prices Dip Below Parity For the First Time Since 1941

In ,Jrrnuar;v rmrl Folln1ur•y in ortler· lo got eorly eggH next ~urnmer•,

ll' you neorl feerl grnln, )llly rlur­ing tlw next 60 dnys. Corn is 11

<'hcnper· feed than orLts sn Jwep oat feerllllli at a mlnunum

Chicken .. cf .. T omorrow Contest Has Entrants from Seven Counties

Ooooicllosls this nm·mnl lwnrj, Hllppor~ gulrleR lll'tJ now ittcl'J'flHing cnnh wctl!{,

11,1' Jluh ~'1,\'I'I'S Lnpl!I'J" l'ICIJij rnlll1 l:dil()r

'rhc farmer• Is nn the shari r.nrl of lhc Hlir•Jt again, Ji'nt• the flrilt time slrwe ill' fill" llw wnr, Ure nvc•rngn pl'icr nf Jnrm products sii[IJI<'d h<•lnw panty 111 Dcr•t•m­h<'l', IPnrily Is t1111t varying flgurr whtl'lr Is HllJIJIO'JPrl ln give l!w fnrmer· L'IJII.t,llly Wtlh nllwr• pm·ts nf lltr• f'<'Oilnill,l'.)

· f'r olein fcrorls will not rlrop in I m·e nlso r•nmlng lhi'Ollflh now, in- P1 '''"· Stod; up rlul'lng lhe next 1>0 erronslng )niylng powel', • rlnys.

J•'rJI' thr. po.~t two yem•s, the r::en- Fertilizer• pr•lr·cs wll! not dt'np, ern! tmnrl nt' t'r11·m prices llUH )Jecn The potnsh strllces contitliiO and downwnr•rl, Jl'or lhnl reason, form- lhm•e may he u sjwrlage hy Murch, cr·s nrc ndvlscr! In Hell eru ly nn 11 II \'Ott cnn, lttl{o ettrly dehvei'y, hnAic rule, Wht•n In douht' nbout Store fpr•tlli~er,in n dt'Y place, not

Soil Loss From Rain Costly to Acreage

This Type of Erosion Studied by Government

.run I or Chlclwn-of-Tomormw mny sec wlwt a )Jig pnrt it plays conleBt t•nli'Unts in seven Miuhignn in Hli<'CPHsl'ui pnttlLl'.Y prodm•tlon." enuntles 111 o Btllilying proclucl1nn Two ol' lttst,veur's wlnnct·s, .Tcrr•y und mnrlwling tor•hnlque~ with Swbmn, tr., oJ' Grnncl Raplcls nn<l lropcs of hccmning lhc state's l'u- Brur·e Bror·gy, 11, of Alto, will )Je tm•e poultry lenders. tt·,ylng for r epont honors when the

Prcvonllon is the best methml of dealing with coccidiosis, ono of lhe commonest und mos\ destructive diseases thnt affect chlcltens. It is most sel'iOLIS in worm and humid or rnlny wenther becnuse such con· clillons favor tho rapid dcvc)np­ment of the young slago of tho pa rusitc, soy spec in lists of t11e depar1111cnt of ngrlcuHut·e.

1'110 USDJ\ sulci thut domnntl fnl' pori< pJ•wlnets Aholllrl !Ju genur•olly sllllng In llw wr•elw nhonrl with consumer lnr•nm<'s l'l'lllllining lllglt, 'f'hlll tn lltlchlion to ll1e lur·gc lll'o­Jlor lion or tile I!J·IIl spring pl!f <JI'DJl lhnl hus mnvc•tl to mnrlwt <'nr·ly In tlw fii'HHnn, tndir•nlos ll10t hog nun lu•l pf il'C'H Ill IIY lw strong­''' 111 r<'ittllon to ~llpporlH chulng the t'tlllllllg Wf'l•iw.

ho!Lllng or• fcro1Jing- longer, sell, IIIH>t'e than eight lln>;"ll rlcep,

Mnt·k<'llng sllnUid he nlt<•ntl or I Ti'n nn NJUipnlCnt Jl'. lees nrc not

Tho eontest, sponsot•ccJ lly A & p Kent county (H'ngt•nm Hlnrts in !~nor! Stores to Jmprnvo ment-Lype Mard1, '!'Ire two ho;vs, Along with r•hlclwns, nlrcflrl.Y hns stnrlerJ tn Allen Spyfrcrl ol' Onllcn, wnn lhe Elcl'tll•n county rmd will begin in enslr•rn trip lasl. your and pklwrl most of the other• <'Clfllllies within up polnLPt'H from observing the lhr cc wr.elnt. •rtrc Ben·wn ermtes- ntoss pr·ocltti'Lion methods ot' ntnny 'Phnt news lsn'L gnnrl. But on

lite other lrnntl, fnr·m ptleros wct'L' way lwlnw pru·ity nent·iy nll of the timL• hr•lWCI'Il 1!120 fllld l!J-1 I,

.II ')•'cbrunty Jll'u•r. lll'enl<, suclr ns wn lw ve hall I rw llw pnst I wo yl'nr s, is lrelli'VI'd unhlr<'iy Litis yJ•nr '!'herr• Will ill' 11 dip 01 sag durtng 1•'<'111 ttury ns sail's fii'L' HHidfl lo l'flJ',t 1 l;Hllll \' f01 JIH'Olllr. tnxPH. HuL it Will not lh• ns HPVPr f' ns 111 tltt• pnsl two ,\'t'm's. li'nmt pnees nr·p nt lnw<'l' lc•l'el WiliC'It givr• llwm !lint'<' slahilily.

llw IIHII!il peul! rlnLes, rulhr.t· tlmn <'Xpe<ted,to di'Op diiJ'Illfl' the next <>!let them, uml lliOdllclion shnlll<l six mnntils, exr.rpt In isolalccl j 11st Illicit 11 J'PW months nnrl you'll/ • nscs Used CfJlltpme~rt lli'Jces may iwe how much 11101·0 monoy' wns, drop ltll'lhct• this \ltlllm· hut will mndc hy l'unncrs who hurl cg~.Y fJtohn!Jiy slrcnr::then n liLlie, as nnd pigA to sell 111 JalP s 11111111 er und I usuul, in the R]lt'in~, em·ly tr11l r·uther· than November· Wool Jll'tccs wont drop much or r)e('embet below 4fi eenln.

' Lund jllll'l"l In MIPlllgnn nt•e Son~cwhnt strm~go>' pl'icrs rrre rinwn 7 Jll't' ePnt flollt a ngo.

se<'n lor lwgs durmg llw next siX .11 l'tllliH't' grn<lttnl rlel'lnie is 1110• wcPitH 'rhcre mny lle a prwe hrcni1 diPlccl. Jute 111 MarC'11 Wht•n fnr·mcrs m•ll befnt•o tiw $1G.20 s11ppnt t pt•!l'c

It oll the water in o lwo·mch rain should be dumped on o field nt one moment it would huve pow· m· to llfi n sevcn·fllch lnyer of oorl three feet into the nlr-a monstr·mts splnslt. Th1s fJgllJ e hns hccn cnl­cuJo ted by scion!tsls ot 1 he soil conservation scn•icc, U.S, depart­ment of ngt·lculture.

lnnts slut led early this ycnr• In liJnstcrn prorluccr·s. order to llnvc thetr· hiJ•ds J'or mnr· Seylt'e<i Is now 21 years old nncl lwling nt Enstm·, April P. llnishml wtlh 4-H conrpelltlon, He

All entrnnts in a county Htnrt at sold, however, that h1s 1 0-yeru··old the AUillC 1 !me fliJr! lreep accrmtle sister, .Tnnyce, wrts r cprPsenting r·ccnnls ror eompnrisnn with other tho tnmlly in the enntestlhls ycm·. conlt•slnnls when llw top cntrJ<'H I', Ci. Lnndln, nsslstnnt ~tate •l·TI nt•e exhihlled at the l!JBO Slnlr> r'lllh lender·, nnd Wtlllam ilho, ox· •I-ll clllh slww. Bnys nnd girls 111 lcnsJnn JIOIJllrymnn, rwr•ompunied Lapeer nnr! Isnbellrt counltes nr·e the wiilllers tn the htntiPJ' nt'l'n, the entr1·1ng the nnnltal eon test for the U. S Drpor·tment of ilgr H'UIIUJ'C llr·st timr, experJmcntnl fnrm nt Bcltsvtlle, ends Mrll'[h :11. 'Phr. n<•w Slipporl ft I_ w dl

fli'II'C Will JH'nllnhly he loWCl', I L '"'OK to 00 ot Spring pig'J sltn;tlci he pushed I o V ,

sell ns cnrly in the fall as possilll<•. F Ch l b Lower pi·ltCH AI'C seen for· go~<l or eap um er

nncl chotec fer! collie. PJJccs Will

lnHtll'nrH ,. 1 el ttnds lC> vclet nn~

"slrengtlwn for datry gmrles anrl Before you b11y mry lumber for ·' metllum types of beef r ntllc lor famr building repnir·, ,·crnodcllng

01 course, tho depnrtmcnt spe· clallols sny, such n c.t!nmity never occurs. In most nrens, t'otinfnll nt the rnle of one mch in Iii llllltutes IS an extremely hcnvy nnd de· structlvr. l'olln, dnd the totnl of the smaller splashes Ill such a t•ntn cnn cnuso surious splash erosion.

l\ld., ntH! Wnslnngton, Alw snl1l f'mf, .T. M Mom e, Mlr•hl>:nn mnny ol' the ter•hniqllcs they oil­

State collage Pxtcnslon poultrynwn spr·vcd would lle valllfthlc to the ntul cl.Hlll'lllan .of' the stole contest boys when tlte;v strrrted then· own comn.Jrttco,. sarrl the r!lcm lis nnd pt oclucllon on 0 Jar ger scalP. tnciJVIcluaJ mtercst of the conlcst-f The contest growing pe11od hns nnlh woulrl recelvP major cmpltnsls hecn reclttcccl ll'lun J.1 weeks to a in the JUdging this year, 13-weel< pcnorl this year, Aho saJd,

the sprtng mnrl<el. o1· new constntctron in 1050, lool!f

I No great chango m lamb prices over yollf fnr m woodlnl •r1w tim­

is pred1uled, at .least unltl late l'~tll. her yo11 need may llo stnndtnl!' l\o[JJJ, prl1•es 1 or far•mcrs S<'lhng there m vour own· tr·ces. ,


on the Dclrott mar het will, as Lester IiJ Bell, Miclllgan state unl, rltp Lhts spnn.g. More mtllt 'nllegp cxlPnstnn fnt esteJ·, rccom­WJII go into nwnuiL~c.turm~, l~w-jmcnds r·lllltng the lt()CS yourself ctmg the, hlen1.lcd J~'" e the farm- "nrl lwv 111g thPm sowed rtl n lor nl cr gels. 1 he ]li'JCe of haso mtll< Will ;;nwnull, 01 calling in one (Jf the ltl~cly drop ,t~JCl, a.l:l.l~ugh l~re ~tch- prll'lahlo sflwmills to saw them tg<~~l Mtll! rroduu.Js Association Is right on your lmm. A number of

It ls against tire fot cos ~r f.t!l­lng rain ti1nt the sot! comet vl<t10n sc1 vice is centering its elfoJ·ts to keep a protective cover on the

The A & I' wrll awttrd a trip to in an effort to get peak results the cnst const ilrollet· procluctwn from feed. Tn Jn st year's contest, at•en f'nr the three top wmners u!l contestants stnrteri J 0,080 ngain this yeor. The MtchJgun AI- c hlclcs and user! H9,2P5 pounrJs of

ROBE~i K~RBV Auctioneer

I Lrymg to prevent Jt. They may asl! such sawimlls aro 111 opPration in fat• a Jl'ecleml Orrler market fm :;nnthorn 1\fichigan

J th1s are~, , , . , , . If yo11 sell your trees stnndmg

I Undet Fede1 nl 0~ rler, tlr~ go>- 111 the woo(l)ot you Jose about

ernnwnt sets the pnce or mJII<.. two-thuds or til~ tncome you could Annotmccmcnt. of suppoll pncc lwvc cat ncci for them The only

for· eggs 1s hclpmg lo stcnrly tire tools you need for hni'vestmg mmltet. No great prlee change IS trees on yom fnrm me an axe, prcchcted for sevcwl months, C> osscut, severn] wedges and

Cheap eggs now me stamped- a mnul, n t1 net or to slod and load mg fa.i met s, rnto cullmg poultt·y the Jogs, and a true!! or wagon to opcratwns. rhe smart poult1y- haul lllem to lhe sawmill. men rue conlmumg notmal ope1·- The !tees can be cut any lime allons and arc buyn1g then· chtcl<s during- the wintct months when

g-ood weather Will penmt and you llllVl' the ex I t'£l time tn dovotc to

TJ. S. Ap(lrO\'etl Pnllorum Con- tills adtvity. The Jogs should Lhen

It Is only in recent years thai this type of soil erosion has been fully appreciated nnJI the destructive results measured,

Ired Poullt':)' Industries, Inc., Whlroh fcocl to mise 38,050 pounds of meat gave <;ash prizcG totalJng $150 last in the 14-weel' pcr•tod, The hit ds yeaJ', shares the sponsorship. ate an average of J:UJ7 pouncls of

Moore sntd that ]Joys and girls 1 ocr! each an<! the I ecd r•osl was 23 111 eight counttes partictpated last r·ents per pnnnd of mont. Tntnl ex­year anrl that he expected the l:l- pcnscs pc1 bl'oiler nused averaged wee!< contest thts year to lop then· 83 eents, leavmg an averuge profit marl<clmg total of 10,000 fryers (oJ labor income) of 2G ePnts pel

Moore snlcl 1t was rmpo1 tnnt b!I'CI. i hat the boys nnd g1rls lenrn the Srclsma 1 ccorclccl the top aver­fundamentals of poultry work I a;;;e prollt of !U.lG pet bnd w1lh wtth their contest floclts of 100 to 102 Red Rocks, while Bergy's RfiO 350 hlnls in order that they mny' New Hnmpshn•es gave htm $200 GO become capable or large-scale to lend in total profits, com mer eta! pmtluction. Moore satd last year's con lest

"One reason why poultry pro- was "very sur•cessful" and be ex­rluctwn tn Mtchtgan has not kept pcctccl even bettet· results this pace w1th demand," Moore ex- year, partrcularly among the re­pla!ncd, "ts the lacl< ot accurate peat cor1teslunts "who learned t•croord-lrcepJng We hope to train valuable things about lwol!lreepmg these boys anci gnls 111 the correct lnst yem· nnd wtll be able Lo apply

I way to J'eep books ensily so they them this yenr."

J IJtiV~' il,al ('XJlCI ifllH'r 111 OVCl'

lOll fill< I JIJI' ""'"" <JI nil J(flltls. I :,pt'< ldll%t 111 IIVL'SIIH 1\, fal'rn nuu 11!!11'! v 1nd IHH! ,('/!old Sdlcs.

2';i <'lJdlgP Willi .~)1) lillnllll\Jill. PJwne llH' :tl 7\1:1SO!l 2-·Hl82, rliH1 [ Will :;rp ynu n I on< r. lrJ nl'­tnngc ,lf•d :nh'cJ t1se vour snle.

trolled lw <·ut mlo Junrher unmerhately LllntiJct ~IlL in ll1C wmter will hn ve a d1ruH e to sen son for J'our to stx ntnn t11 s bel m·r• warm wonth-


Favorites for Years R<'cls, Rotrlls, Leghorns ant! New

Crosr> Ilrmls


er· llltng-; on 1nscets stam nnrl dis­C'URC f11 ohlemH.

If you aren't sur·c whether yom

land at all seasons when boating rains are likely. More th<:n 100 tons of so,[ per ncr e mav be splashed by the hcnvrcst 1nins fnllmg on a bare ond highll' de­tachable sot!.

Personal Towels Made for Cows To laymen, it looks lilw a stm- cltsml'octant generally ts added.

plc squat·c of paper. ~3uch JeudeJ s t'llslnmanly use fl

But to dnu·ymon, tt's n lime- cloth towr'l whJch must he ster· Jabm-moncy-savcr-a clevice whtch J!Jzed, laundered, and dnccl helorc fliriR production of htgher quality re-use. A stele from the labor m­tmlk and promises to help reduce vnlverl, ther·e ts a hazard in thts the yearly hnlf llilhon dollar loss method, scienttsls say, in carry­they now suffer through mastitis mg O\'eJ' dust, dn t nnd hactena mfectton 111 the1r. herds. from one cow to another thr·ough

Phone Mason 2-4982

Lowden l{oclc Reds

LOWDEN FARMS Phone Jncluon 2-4809

P. 0. Rive!'! JL&nctlon Location: 4620 Ben y Rood at


I woodlot WJIJ fmnish the lumllct yo11 need, y011 slrnuld contact your county ugl'iculturnl agent He can

I arlv1sc you or can g-Jvc the name of t11e ncat·est I arm forester, who Wtll be glad to look over the wood­Jot and ndvise on yom llmber hal­vesting problems.

~~W?II!@!iW!WIM!iQ'llS\ll!IW14fiiMH•**M*QNI!* .... / --- --.----

State !Farm insurance Co's. -,Controls Set Up

It is only in recent ycnrs this type of cros1on l1.1s been fully apprceintccl and the destnJc!tvo re­sults mcasul'cd. S[!icmiist:. nnd farmers llave come to reali~e that the rnindcop splashing which de taches partrclcs from the main soil body is a pt·>mary factor 111 ero Ston control, and that it is not unt1l the soil hns been detached by the falltng raindt op that tho llownrf~ wntcr of the run·cff ouloidc of rills and gullies cnn remove 1t from the f1elcl. Auto-Life-Fire On Bean Acreage

SER~~ARD E. WILSON, Agent 17 I \V. :U H'LE


land Bank Loans LONG TERM, 10 to 40 YEARS




Secure Your Future . , . : ';... G~ntnct

National farm Loan Assoc. R :lli<'ltiAan A\'e.

Lansing 12, Michigan

Board of Directors

H. Bnl!mr, PrPs.; 1\. Powell, Vice-Pres.; C. S. ,J. 1'. Baumgms, William I"nvcjoy

I:. D . .Tones, Sec.-Tr·cas,

Pellow the Gold Band Plan for

!'hone :i-8816



Gold Band I



We llnvc a Full Line of

Cure for Swine Mange Relatively Inexpensive

The U. S. clopmlment of agl'J­rultl!te hus annnllncecl lhflt p11ce o11pp01l JoFtns and pnl'l'hnsc agt ce­ments on the 19GO crop of dry odi­IJ!c lleflns will l,c marie avatlablc It wtll cost the ao;ct~ge farmer only tu those gr owcrs who plant only about 15 cents each to treat Wllillll asstgncd tat m acreage al- eoch brood sow for mc~nge oncl loLmenl.s next spt mg large rounclwot·ms. But thb treat-

At the ';ame l>mc tt was an- ments are \lollh several hundred JHlllnecd that l11e prtce suppot·L times that amount in bol1cr herd raLc 101 the 19'i0 dry benn crop health and faster g,1in' Will be about 2~ cents pel linn- Dr. M E MansfJCld, vctcLtnar. dreclwcJ;;hl less than lite 1919 mtc. ian at the Univc1·sity of IihPn>s, Pttce sttppor t Wtll apply to navy I reminds fatmct·s that breeding beans, r er! lmlncy beans nnd cran- . . !Jcl ty bean~; In :.\11Clllgan cUHl only tune JS n good tt!ne for P<ll~Slle these thJ ee vat teltes will be as- con!Lol. At that l1mc the farmer stgncrl allotments in M>chJgan. usually has only a few hogs on 'l'!Jc> c will be no support nor acre- hand, so tM cast of treatment 1s ag-e allotments on Yc!loweye less, and there Will be loss chance beans. of trouble with the ]Jt!ers.

Ivan Potter, vtce-chauman of To eonllol mange, he says, spray

I the Ingham PMA commtltee, sairl each sow in the herd W>th benzene that mdtvJclual farm aer·eng-e al- hexnchlottdc JUSt before brecdmg lolments for beans woulcl bo es- lime. Then the affected sows and t,rhltsher! and fatmers notified 111 boars wrll be free of mango.

tho cat Jy sp1mg, well' in arlvancc r--......:========---...., or plantmg lime.

Best of Barrows Co-opomtron 111 the allotmentll progl'am Js entirely voll!ntary,

Potter said. Farmers who clesrro 1~78i0\j02Cij~~jp7:0i~ to plant beans in excess or then· i. nlloLmonts m,l,Y do so, but in so domg they lleclfll e themselves m­eltgJhlc for i1rtce support next fall on their 1950 Clop.

Potter s1ud thnt the acreage al­lotment p10grnm, combmecl wrth lhe prtce support pmgrnm, ts de­signed lo a!fect procluclton ncl­jltstments that will maintain Sllp­pltes and pr1ees at ff!Jr levels to both Jli'Oclucers ancl consumers. Be­cause of the large crops of benns natronally 111 the past two har­vests, oncl because forergn outlets for beans have fallen off slmt•ply, r t Js expected that more than 9 ~J million hngs (100 pounds each) of the 1948 ancl 1949 crops will still

It's a "personal"-use-once-and-' the same cloth nnd eleanning so-thl·ow-nway-towel for bossy! lution.

A trmrnph of the papermaker's The paper towel is used once at t, it emboclics contradictory and th'rown away. A pape1· towel ellflra~lerJsttcs-llcurg highly nh- costs Jess Lhan Jaundermg a cloth ~orhent, yet strong am! rugged towel, •.v!1en wet. Pmduct of years of re-search and field testrng, the pa­ncr· "cow towel" is mdustty's 1950 •ontnbutton to better snnitntlon for the nalion'R 25 mtllion mtll< rows. It is endorsed by college l'etermanans, state rmll< sani­tanans and scores of leading dairymen who assJsletl the manu­'acturer· in expenmental develop­ment phnscs.

'Clean mill<"-whJch consumers, quality control standards ol dairy ~ompames, and govCJnmentnl t eg­ulatwns demand pmntecl 11p the 'lcccl fat such n product, for rt rs a say1ng among mtlk authontieE that "clean milk can llc gotten July from clean cows."

In order· to reach high samtary standards, most progressive dairy­:nen before each milking wash the urlrlers and teats of then· cows with warm watet, to which n mild

Dry lot Combats Foot Rot Peril

Kcepmg- tile hnrnyarcl well­drained and provtdtng plenty of slmw in the shed a: e two simple precautions that wlll help prevent foot rorl tn cattle, Dr. 13. J. Kill­ham, 1\Itchrgan State college ox­tension vcteunnrian, nclvtses.

Foot rot often occurs when cat­tle stand rn batnyarcl mud for long petlocis. If lameness appears I in one of the cattle, the sktn should be examined for a break I and the claws should be checl!ed fat sensttive at cas. ,

Vnrwus treatments are used. It mny help to wash tho hoof and

Farm Credit Group Has Annual Meeting

- l<ecp the ammal m a clean, weJJ­bcdclecl stall. In the ear Jy stages of infection, the !Jest practice is to have the foot treated by your local, vetcrmartan, j

Fted A. Smith or Hnstmgs ha' ~con r e-electecl prestclent of the F'a1 mers Procluctwn C1 ecllt Asso­~iatwn of Lansmg. Other· officers mclude Mm k R. Wes tbr a ole of lama vice-prestclent; and Hcrbet t Van Al1en of Enton Rapids, Enrl Baumgnt dne1 of Dm·and, nncl A J. Cable of Bath, d11 ectots

Employees fat th1s year ate At noll! Musolt of East Lansmg seerclary-treosm cr, L c w i s E Rowe of Portland, asststant sccre· tai'Y and treasurer, and Betnanl T<eefer of Lyons, Sh,trley Llndsa0• ~f Mason, nne! Beatrice Smtlh of Lansmg are also on the stuff.


Popcom, which has the same food value as col'll, was m·own nne! popped by the Incas of Peru long before the discovery of America Todav most of the commet·cial pop· cor~ is grown tn the S•3tcs of Illi nms, Iowa. and Nebt·aska.

Mastitis I"~dl'r·le's

Am·comycin Olntnll'nl

Ware's Drug Stor~

l'hone 1\fasnn Mil

Government Buys Hams and Bacon To Hold Prices

Capper's farmer Uses Byrum Hint

!dens !lsed i>y Wrll't'l'tt D. By-The u. s. rlcpartmcnl of ngri- t'lllll, L<'HIJP, 111 mnrlligmg <ln11y

mtllttre Is offering to hlly smoked 1 r·nws rit'll\1' <'lllllnll·llt 111 lilo l•'uil­hums nnrl hnc•on in 1u1 ' (•!lmt to rlllli'Y IHHIII' ol CappPt''" l•'ntnu•r, maintflln hog pileeH as t'CfJUil'etl by "l•'tgill<•t:, go tttlo sLI!H'lliOJIH lllld Jnw at flO,. pet• cent ol' nnr·lly 0 ,:_ JH'IIC~ct!Jit' <'OW.1.g11 tllln 11 Jll'll hurn cording lo VH'e~nhainnnn Tvn'n S. Ill til.- H.!' I llltl 1<~1111," :iH,VH l!,r~\OI'Y Potte1· ol' t!JP Ing;rnm I'MA r·om- Ill till' 1.11111 llt.tgltr.tttr', lnnld mitlcc, lllllit<'l "· don't Jll'll<ill>'t' ns II'<' II

I Whf•ll LllPY Ill (l \VOI'I!Prl by lllOI't' While pm•chnsf' nnrl Hlorngr of agg 1·nsHIVt~ h<'td 1111111"' >ll t•losr

pm·:~ Is the. Olli,Y nJCthod ol h~'g-j fJIIHil<'fs. ~l>tll<'ll>IIIIH frn<<' good prlr.c support open to lllr. clcpmt- lll'hlll'illl on 1""' , 11\I'H." mont, Potter· polnl"'J o11t that or-rJcrly mnrlreling ol' hogs by fnnn­cr·s cnn btl the most tmporlant Hlll­glc !actor in maintaining hog prices. Pnce support purt•hascs of pot·!< Will not he c!lecllvc in ltul:l­tng live hog ptlees tl' nwrkct gluts 1 occur, he adclccl. I

•rtw rlcnn r'lntPnl, in 1 ts an- j

nmjnt•ement oil cnng to buy

l(erp Supcm llry

Store bee supers in n dry place ~hts \'utter. Cinse them up l>ght to PI event dnmngc (J•nm m!cc.

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Feb1·uary 2, 1950 Page 4

smol<ecl hams, srnolrell pot I< ,---------------: shnuldi'J' pwnics and llnmll, snirl ~~ lhn t the present hog prtcc sitttn- F

tion resulted It nm e~:trrmely heavy marlrelings the wt•elt nf Jnnu,try D and not ft•nm rrny rlc-clme m consumer <lcmuntl for' pori<. The particulnt· prmluct:; which the uepurtmr·nt Js ofl'crillg to hny were ~electccl bcr•ausc "they store well unci ate adapted lo >.chool lunch and tnstitultonal clis­luhulion, oxpcc ll'd to he the 1111-1 twl oullets lor the price support purchases. •

The seven-marlwt average prier for barrows nnd gilts was ahout equal to the weel{ly s11ppot t gilt de the weel1 ended January 1:! but

This \'acuum supplwr i~ obt.llrl.lblc whh dth~r" 'h li.P. clcc· rnc nwmr or UI~US cnglnt:', rs rompJ~:[e and rcudyw rnsc.dl ns r~cczvcil frnm the f.tctory

marl<cl prices the following wroelt cl1d not met case suf!'lcJCntly ln match the seasonal 1ncrcnse 1i1 llw I wceldy guJdcs. In Jan11ury and F'ebr11ary, hng mnrl1ct pricc•s at•e normally trendmg- upward lr om the !Jccemher lows anti hascrl on

lEU is 1' ownsend Our11Hiaga

l'ltonr• 1\ m·r•litJs 3!102


CEMENT BLOCKS ... DRAIN TILE Open by telephoned appointment through the winter

"' months, please

New Phone· 28431 ·A. B. Concrete PE"och..acts Co.

3Yz miles norlh nl' :\fasnn at HillS West Jlar'JH't' road, just west nf US-127.

1M?* A &IJI ep fil*tJCftW§W'fW1iUMW;


Auctioneer No sale too large. No sale too small

Satisfaction gu.aranteed



Phone 227WX Williamston

All EnriC'hctl With



1 be 111 storage next faJJ when the 1950 hurvest gets underway, Th1s carryover Will repr·esent almost two-thtrds ot a normal ycm 's rc­CJUticments.

S,llt content of the Gi eat Salt Lake is lugh because thete is no outlet. The lal1c loseR water only through evapomtlon, leaving only the salt.

Ohio State university's "Play­boy," '250 • pouncl Derltshirc, was acclaimccl grand champion barrow (market hog) at the Chicago Jnternntionnl Livestock Exposition. "Playboy" defeat• ml more than 900 1othcr hogs to win top honors. Arthur J ortlau, OSU swine herclsman, Is shOIVil with the champion.

The F'a1·m Crecht act or 1932 organized nml chnrtccl the firs' Production Credit assocmtions. AI the tunc the government ijlvested capital m 'all the assoctations, which was to be retired as soon as the llssocrations could fully be­come self-mipportmg, The Lansmg assocmtion i otJrccl $30,000.00, of government capital this past yeai and presently has only $35,000.00 of this govemment capital left.

Members at the last annual 3loclcholclers meetmg passed a rcsoltJlion to g!Ve each member the privilege to purchase addttronal mcmbel'slnp stoclc to hasten the clay of complete farmer ownership Jf the cooperative assoointwn.

"... ' ......,. £1 ., •" ,. ,, .. ,' " vraJLin' ol ~ •' I

Does your tractor sound as good as it did last spring? Does it start easily ... have the quick, eager power it should?


'·' ~OULTRY •:• HOGS



Always In Ute marlcct to bny

ancl store yonr grain or beans

Farmers Elevator Co. GEORGE A. WARD, 1\fanager

Phono 2-1211


Collected l'rmnptly

HORSES-$4.00 COWS-$-l.OO

IIOGS-$1.00 cwt.

Phone Collect To A. J. TORRANCE Phone Mason 3541


Egg Is Never Jlny Better Than When It Is J.aid

Many farmers apparently don't lhmk about the faot, but an egg is just as good as it will ever be when the hen lays it.

Boyd Ellis, poultry specialist of tile Wyoming agricultural extcn· sian service, points out that it's up to the' consumer to keep the quality of eggs good, To do this, eggs should be gathered soon nfter they're laid; should be coGlcd in a wire taskct.

The local association loaned over .$907,000.00 clurmg 19<19 m Ingham, IiJaton, Barry, Ionia, Clin­ton and Shiawassee counties.

'Pepper' Prcvcnter

A new "mdirect llght" bulb for floor and table lamps is virtually free of black specks that pepper the top of most bulb rnteriors ncar the end of their life. Engineers de· veloped this bulb by trappmg the tiny b1ts of evaporated tungsten on a small screen called a collec· tor grid. The 150-watt bulb gives more uniform Ji ght throughout its li!c.

" ,J. '

L O;A 'N. s ,"· I '




Ramond V. Abel 209 \V, Ash Phone 8161

( Aurltorll~ MortJt/16e Loan Solldtor for


Of AMERICA Hom• orne~,' Nawir'k, N. J, ~ ., \ '

A simple adjustment, valve grinding, or a few new parts can make a surprising improvement in tractor performance. Our factory-traine~ mechanics are equipped to completely' overhaul your 'tractor if it needs it.

Have a check-up now. It may save you days of waiting next spring. '

Plummer Machinery Co. 419 ,N. Ceda\' Lansing

~ .


Williamston I'honu 111:m

fl•c•n" l'nhniHI fH 011'1'11 senlm• illclo, MJ!tle Bmwn, who !11 l'uHI. NohiJ! lil'illlli Cul'll ll mernilcl' or tho loouJ (\OI'Jlll.

Pnst Nnhlo nmncl r.luh or Myrll" 'l'ilo JlllliOI' JlllHt fli'CShlent jli'C• Rr.lwl<nh lorig·n 111c:i. Mnnrlny ovc- HentocJ laur pnst offlc:cr·s with gll'l~ nlng rtl. fliJ'nl Jwnw 1>1' Mrs. ancl NlrJCI Knlclnun, In bellrtll' nl' lrone Putman wll.h IG mumlle!'H ll1u c:or•ps, presented Mt•s, Brenner o.nd lhi'OC gqeal.;; Jli'OR<lllt. A IJO- with hor· /lilHl president's buclge, !1omiun dinner wns lim·vml In lhc A 1 tlils rnrcllnfl Llw pr'cHirient rne111IHli'H, !Cern f>IIIIW oponori l.iw nppc1inlcrl her rornrnlltoeH nH fnl­lliiHinr.HH mo•ll ing·, nnd •·unis wc•J·u lowH, with the llrHl purHnn nnmml mud frorn Adu Wili,JrlH, WIJO iH for ouuh eomrnltlee noting n:1 winlnr·iug In l•'lw icln; Dellrt ,/rwi<- dmim11111 : I~xoeutJve iJonrd, Mann Mon, ~~ fm•mor· nwn1her now living Wnll<e1·, li'orn Shaw utui Berlhn In .i!WltHnnviilo, Til.; nnd tho Gulielt; rLnclitlng, BoHH Ahboll, rulopt.!HI H<•lwloth :;isl.rJ' In .Jnr:lc- Lnlllc fi'ir;heJ· unci Hulh Gibson; finn, home JtllC! employment, Ruby

'f'lle pa·esidPnl pa·c:1rnl rd i1·erw' M"l'l'itlcld, JUlien Wnrner anti Our­Ptilnann willa " l'nsl llloble C:mnd nc 'l'hn,vea•; momurinl unci confer·­l:orcl, 'l'Jw olnh IH ln1ying llw r·ol- eru:o, lllin11 Ketchum, Ethel Van llli'H fJ>r 1~11 ils pa:;l nnl;h' gr·uruls. AlrHinc nnd !!olen Jolmson: dtll<l

hPfll'llllll' 1'11~1 ~~~ Jll11~ li'rlllfi,V J\j, i'lon'A llonm In Oq,vlllllll

Word WIIR reoe!verj S11lurday of ti!O dOilth or f!.ev,. Wlllhlrn Botre)l, formc1• pastor of tho Wllllnmflton Methodist chm•c!J, Jlt Dtw!son, lPrlrlny, ,Tanu11ry 28, nt the home of his son, Rev, nnd Mrs. Botrell hue) llcen with theh• non nne! f\1111-lly fna• u short tlmo owing to t.he rwrlm1s llinesH of Rev, Botrull.

Services WOI'e held at Davison, TiWHrlay urtomoon nt two o'clocJr,

J'asl MutrnnH nnd f'utronH Mm•l. 'l'hh•Ly mcmborR and tlwit• gueHLH

nllendod lilo a•egailaa• meol!ng nr llw Hosella Leighton Pn11t Matron nnrl Pnst Pnl.r·on elull In llw Masonic Temple 'J'hUI'Iirlny evening, A llohc­mlnn dlnneJ• was served J1y the eommittee In chnrgc, wltlr oysters us the rnnln cours£', Bynin Clnrlte was houorad lly members singing "I-Juppy Birtl!llny" to her·. .Tohn Wagner• showed thr·ee reels of moving pictures. 'J'h•) Slii'Jll'iHo gift, for whif'h rneh wolfni'O, Cleo Bal!lunnn, Maude

rnemlma· 1-(ives 11. donal.ion, WJLH won !Dr:Jmwn nrHI Jvnh 'l'lll'ncr·; Amca·i- G•·nng1, In s,.., r~ 11 !•'lim hy Ninn Kclelnun, Al'l.c!l' i.IJe lnaHi- mnisari, Blnnche M c r· I' I tl o I d; Whcntflcld Grnngc Is HPDIJRorlng ness w1~s r:onelaulnd, l.lw memlH'1'r; scholarship, Maille Miller· nnrl n do.y mrellng on 'l'uestllly, l~ebru­wem onlcrl.oined wilh gnmes and Pfllaiia\e MnGowan; liDHpllnli~alion, aJ'Y 7, with n potluck dinner nl l'na'l11ne telling, 'l'lw next m<•r.ling lllinn I<olehtllll, Wdllh 'l'oiliaH nnrl noon, Car·! Wrighl;, from the col­will lw lltt' l'oJn'lil Monrin,v in !~ell- li'r·ieda While; J'eiief, l~nl.h l~nlon, lege will spealt and Allow plclllros r•ntu·y, Holen .JolunJon anrl Anna f>hepll'l'i nf Ills recent visit to rural Europe.

'J'ho prognun ••on1mlll 1'11 np- ltod C:nms, l~rlnn Pnt'itcr, D'reida Humid y 1111ghn, rurnl reprcscnln­Jlolnlerl foJ• LIH: P'P)JJ'IIlll .. Y 0'<11'11 nnrl Mny Gn,Yl; live of Blue Cross, will nlso be ••onHisl.H of Stella Cn11wr. llyn in · Sieif eommillco, No. 1, ruthrJ'• preHent to tell the members nhout Clnr·icc n111l Amy WPirlwr. Vnn Alstine, BeHs Ahhollnnd Mny gr•oup cnr·oihnent In the hospllul­

~l"warl; Nn. 2, Ann11 Shepler, l~alion lliHl S111'gienl insuranee, MHillc Miller anti Kulo King; No, '!'hose attending ore tn tnlce snnd­:1, li'cm Slmw, Alma Knl'illlCJ' and wiches, (1. dish to pns.~ nnd tnblo Addie Bachman; No, of, Aa·villn ftr.r·vicc,

OIL,\' Nlnl'll••s ('hair M••••1K

Ciml'hlH .Tuhn~HIIH, ,Jr•,, F1•1111l r M~s. Mllllo B!'OW~· ~ncl r'h!Ugh- 32 s h I h' pnrents, MJ•, lllltl Ml's, r .. oatOI' Wur-Ritl·lll'dii,V ~~~ IICI<illptloil LCI', t .. eon/l, 131'0JI!ler, WOI'C Wll- ( 0 ars IpS nel', . . .. . ' '

A. I'Oceptlon honol'lng. Ml', rtnrl Iiams ton Vlfl!torfl Thut•flclay, . , . . Mr, nnrl Ml's, · Wllbw• Gibson· na•e Ma•s, Charles ,Johnson, ,T!•., Wll.fl Mrn, Mllble Fish wns slolr at her Qff d MSC nt Chan Nelson's helping ·oal\C for lwlrl Salti!'Ciny evening u> B o'clool~ home lust weol>, ere at · Mr. Nelson, who ls·!Jl, In St, :MaJ•v 1~ hull, The !1nll WfW 'I'ho !Ish rllnneJ•, sponaorert IJ,Y • Mr, ancl 'Ma·~. !~rlwnnl BOlll'llS llecorutoc) vi!th Hlll'lng llowoa·~ !lllli the W, S, 0, S, Of the MolhorliH( Thirty-two fr'oahman Rchollll'- !lllf) fanally of South J.,yona were mums, A t.hl'eo-llm•c,l weddln!I oh1u•nh ll'rltlny ovonlng, WOH woll ships will he nvullublo

111 ll)o Snndny dinner guests of 1\'T!', ru11l

culw contoJ•ocl tl1e lnble, MJ•s, Mil-<Iorl, snhnol of nga·iuutture 11 t Michigan Mrs, Howlt~n•l l~J·ost !PHI fllmlly. ton StoJ'fcH polll·orl tho nofFee fllHl Mr, und Mr·s, Hnrold m, OcRlcrle Slttlo r.olloge In frtll 01, .IIHiO Mrs. Bnrton Botsfonl na,ld Lo~a Mrs, !(fllinwyn MllleJ· presided nt wcr·e hosts ut n flnt\ll'rln,v evening ror high school grnrluntcs, I nml Lootn vlaltod tho IOI'IllOI' s the punnl1 howl, Mr. nnrl MI'H, .roe lllrth!lay cJJiclll'atlon honnrlng Mr. lil~teJ', Mr~. Beaton Johnson, Srtl-Onlllns were llHlstol' nnd mlstt•ess and Mr~ •. 1, I.nngvurdl of Lansing, D1•. C, R, Megee, assistant rle11n lll'dny nfternoon, of ·cer•emonios, Mr. nnrl Mrs, .Tolm- Ot.hct•.gaJosts were Mr, nnrl Mrs. R, In ehflrge of neodemlc tcnehlng, ' --·· ·---·-----··---son roeelvcd mrtny glftH, whlr.h Wilson, Mt•, untl Mr·,q, C, Wilson, snys students lnturestml In tl1eac wore npcnccl hy Miss 1"011 F.llcn Mr. nnrl Mr·s. D, Wilson, Mr·. nnd ~cholna·shlps can get complete In- Reeves District MlileJ', One I11'mdru11 nn<l flft.y ;v!''R, B, Heua·l nnd Mr. nnd Mr·s, Hj. fornmllnn fr•nrn cnnnty ngTicultJII'-gllesta nllcmlorl the l'eceptlon fi'Oill I little, · nl lenclwrs. Grund Hnplds, Dill'ltnci, Mnacm, Wnync Lnt'son fell Mondny nml Reqtfh•cmcnls are hosed on high Lrnmlng nml Wllllnmston, broi(e his shoulder bone, school schnlrirshlp, lerulershlp in

Wnmuu's lHnh JiJINlhi 'Jll't'UHUJ'PJ'

Willinrmton Woman's •;flab mel F1·iriny nfle!'IJOon ul the '1101110 of Ma·s. AIICI!'ey Dnnel<cl. Mr·s. l~fric fi.leiJO,V WllR eleclerl tr·ousm•ea: to Sllceecd Miss .Tulia Harvey, who cliccl J'eeently fmm lnjJJI'ies re­ceived In 1\11 neci<lcnt, Announce­ment of lhe mlcl-wlnter: mccllnrf to be hclcl 11 t I,u.rmlng wrtR mnclc, By­niu Cln1·iw, lender l'na• the nCI.Cl·­noon, pmsnnlcrl Glnclyn Wylie, who I~Hvn 11 pupet· on, '"l'J1e Al'l of Liv­Ing 'l'ogelher I'm• Pence," whil!h WHH followed hy a r·onncl ltthlu <iifl­cus;;ion, At llae ennelllflion nl' the meeting lhc lJosl o;;s, :Jssi:; by her l!ornmllloo, served nf1'1l~h­ments.

llntttist Wom<•n 1\1••••1

Mrs. Wllmn Rich enterlnlncd the nchnul nnd community rwtivllles 11ecJ Ocdnr-Merldlan r.xlenslon SJil'iJ nH li', li', A., 1-H eluh, GJ•nng•!, g-roup Wcdne~duy for nn all-dily .runior I•'nrm Burcnu, etc, meeting, A bohemian dinner· WnH Oaw sehnlnrshlr> In !.he amount ~n~·vc1d ~t. noon. \!'e lesson wns 1111, of $250 IH avnllnhlo lilrough the 1 _,, nomlng, NnllonHJ AsHocJrttirm nf Thm·ong-h-MisR Lois ,/olmsnn of Detroit IH·ecl Breeders nnll lhr·ce scholnr­

spent the week en•! with her pnr- /!hips nmollnling- to $200 m·e of­ents, Mr, nncl Mr·s. Berton .John- fcretl by u10 I<mge1· eornpnny. 60~ 1., and Mr·s, Dell Wolf left IoRI. Scars Roebuck company offers 11

seholnr·shlps of $150 and the Hllc week for a lwo-montl1 trip through Way Prnrlucts compnny on'ers two the West nnd Onllfomln. Mrs. ~:choiurAhlpA nl' ~100 caeh, 'l'hrough Olive Baldwin nnd daughter·, Mar·- tire !•'. f•'. A. nnci the State J3nm·<l gnret, nccnmpuniPd them, ol' AgT!euli.JII'o, 15 ;1d 10


·shlps or Mrs, Ernie Lechler· nllenrled llir. !Jif>O cncli 111 •

0 nv:


wedding of a niece in Ornncl J{np-lcls Snttii'Ciny, 'l'hcsc sdwlna·shlp:i nrc nnt nvnll-

l nhlc! l.o shnrL eoms<l studentn or• , llwsc planning ln lnitf' wtna•inaa·y lmerli•!lne. Clnl,v tlwsr• laking lhc 1 r·cg·uJua• four ycnr course in ngr·i­

i\frH. CHnrl,VH llnnHmm·"

Mr. and :Mrs. Rex 13ttlos' chil­dren nre almenl from liChr)ol ,with clllt:lten pnx. ·

Mr•, nnrl Mrli. '!'om Chnllur:nmh WOJ'Il Weclne~rlu,v evening dinner guests or M1·. nncl Mrs. Allen Detrick nn!l sons.

Flllzalleth nncl Mnrllyn Lylle anrl Dorothy D11nsmoa·e attended the 111Clllll1ly meeting ol' llio 4-H r:IJJh members nl l11e homo ol' Ma·. nnrl Ma·s. Bruce B11toH lc1·1•111y eve­ning·.

M1·s. Alhcrl Malclw rmlled on Ml', and Mt'S, Clinton DUnRllHII'Il }crirlny evening,

Mr. 1111CI MI'H, l~lrner Lyl!e fllllil fumily nnd Mr·. nnd Mr·s. A lien Dctriei< nne! hn,vs were R11ndny dinner g'llt'RLH ol' Mr. nnrl MJ'~'·I Fa·ed Lytle, 'rho flay NinPLio:; "lull rnr:l al

the ianmc or Mn<. Hess Ahlloll 1\.fonr.lay /'w· u <lllP o'c•IIH·k J)()lwminn <Iinnea·, l!l:ldll'n ling· llu• llli'Lhduy HnniVt!!'filii'Y or 1VIl :;, ;\tfHI',\' Hrnvlcy. Jcollnwing l.lte iliJJJtt:r·, ihe Jl1'PHi­llenl, A 1111 Lt>r•illl•r,·r•i!lled the meet­ing lo nr·riea·. r·:nf'll nwml1cr· ru­spondPd to l'Oii cull a shor·L ]lMJn. A fler lit" il11sirwf's llll'et­ing, llw prugnllll rcltrliJ'I11Hn, Mili'.V Rowley, cntet·l a i reed wi l.h ga JJIOH, ~Jf'ft llowh~,V l'('('fliVt)d tll:Jil:V gif'l!:i nnd ('Ht'fb.

PoJ•Lel' und Iv~1h 'l,nl'ncr; No. fi, Hnlil Gib~on, BeHs •ryle1· unrl Clar'H Gllli"'<; No. fi, Amy Wchber 1111cl Zoe Overholt; lllo, 7, EdnH Sr:hmcler, Lollle J~lshcr and Rose Duna; Nn. R, Monn Wnii<CI'i No, fl. Slelln Cnmca·; r111rl lllo, 10, F.dit.h 'rnlJins.

'!'he Past P1·cslrlents cl11h meet-in·.j· was announced fot· }i,eJJI'llUI'Y

I(] nl i.J1e home of Ninn Kclch1JJi1 l'ol' ;, lloheminn LiiJJncr nl 1:.!:30,

~fanif,d at IUonlrns" AnnOJIIH!Cillent iH made of the

rnnrrictgc nf MI'R, Snrail Luther Df Montmsc uml George Fairbanks of WillinmHton, They wea·e. mar­rice! at her home hv the Free Methorllst minister· or'Montrose on .January of, They nrc staying nt the Cln,vton Porter home while the Pm•tca·s nrc In Cniifornln.

'f!1c Lndles Bnpt1st Union mel al the lwme of Ma·s. li'l'nnees Baa·­J'ell Weclnosriay foJ• the Januaa·y meeting, Mna•gna·et Reese pre­sen ted the 111 issionary pa·ogt•nm. '!'he social pi'Ogmm wns in ci1n a·ge of Bessie Price. Following the meetiug the committee fm· the month served refreshments .

Idle Lands Offer Wildlife Profits

I'Ull.m·e enn he considered, Dr. Mcgee snid.

Mr. IIIHI MrH, Wny1w Geca• nnd l'!llllily nllendecl 11 pn.rLy Suntluy nl l.ho horne of M<'s, TJ•cno Bunlinfl· nl' Flint in llOI!OJ' of H<llli'Y Slew-

whe!>tft'eld Cerlter Cl'i 's GOth birlhrlny nnnii'Cl'Snry, Wilcllife resources or "wet landH" u ilf1·. ancl Mrs. Herlwrl. C:r.m· c:tll-

cnn yield consldcl'!lblc rclum to 1 Mm. Cl'ma ,JohnHnn ed o:1 MJ', and MI'H, Wayne Oeer some l'aa·mcrs either In fur tnlce oa·, nnd I'Hmily Wcdnesclay evening. in rentals for hunting anti fishing, Hcv. J, A. Ltpptn<'oll, IGilen Mr:;, A. V. Swanson left la:;t hut farmers nrc fmling tn tal<e nrl- I !Jils, Nevn .Johnson nnd Coral<! wool< fm· Culifomia to spellfl lha·,~e vantage or them, Nowli:t al tcnr!e<l Lila Mid-WintcJ' I weelts willl her sister, Mt·s. ],conn

'l'Jw ! 1't>lilii~II',V JHP.f~ling Will ltD cit.lwr with l•:IIH·I Bt•r·k <d Lnn­:;ing o,· fJP~::; AlJholl.

Pr••sitiPnl ol' \\'. n. c. :"iunw.ii ~PW (,omrnil1t·:·~•

!"c:onts Spousor 1':!!'"'' Dl'i\'1' The Boy flcmals 11rc sponnoring

.Tohn' Marten is, who hns been· ill a paper drive, wl1ich began Salur-'T'he nexl meeting will be held fnr· srrrrl". t1•1111 •. , 1." h<>lllc ,"JH! .able to 1 T 28 1 1 I' I n t 8 Ill J 1 '· ~ " 'ay, "ammry , nne wil conlin11e 'c ll'JJary " !L p, m. w t vn 1 !Jc OJJt ,'l" S l I ( ,1. 1 h - " on , R Ill'£ ays every lwo weei<H. . 11: 0181' aelmg as c airman of lhe .Tohrl Eatnal or Battle Creelf, son 'rl ' '

I, Plllr.l'lainment commlllce, 1e papers should be lied or

nf Mr. and Mrs. F'mnlr Eaton, Sr., JlelC!terl in hoxes, The local troop

'l'his opinion cnmes from M, D. ltwtitute :•l lhe NewiJilt'IS el1urcll Mu~usuon, Pirnic or Michigan fltalc college',, 1 ilntJII'day neru· PlymmJU·. Mr .. lllld M1·s. Cl11ia· Bru·num of l'onservation inslilule, who spnl'e [ BCJ'l Anwny wa~ ahsent ra·on1 I Unnrlalla, MrH. Clyde .Jacobo nn!l to !•'armors' Wuelt visitors in !Unst ::f'iwol last weel: with 1m 1111 p~;; MI'H. Norman .Jllenbs callell on J\'ir, Lansing this wcclc . , ...... , . ':•.· . .... , . . . land Mr:;, Wayne Ellswm'Lh and

L'i·· , , ·, d tl " . II' •l Alas. ""w"L JJ.Jt.!<"' w.ts ,, rim- family Sunday nfler•noon. , I, .. crop. tan R, . JLJC '1 " we ncr giJest of M1·. IJJHI Mr:;, Floyd ' ' I

lands v:>ry Ill , qualaty, he. states. ·Donais Sunrlay, In lhe nflcrr.o;m '

F~ltoo S~hoo,l 1\f•·il, i ne1t1u ·, IPmnldli'

'I'he eJ~coutlve meeting will h~ helrl this Fl'ldtty nt 8 o'eloclt nt the horne ol' Mrs, !toy Onl'l~nl), l'lans will )lo mnrlc for tho jj'cb­l'liUl'Y meeting,

Mr, nne! MJ·s. 13urt MeNoilly nnrl r.hlldron, Down, Mnra\Jn 1111<1 Mllro, we,1·u weelt one! visitors In ll)c noa•Lh,

Ml', unci Mrs. Ada·iun Arnblca· wore vlsll.m·s Slli1Ciuy evening nt the ll't'Hnklln homo.

Mr. nnd Ma.·s. Arthur Voa·rw or Vuntnwn !lll!IOlllleu the birth of 11. snn, BJ'IJco All.en, hm·n .ranuna·,v 2~ nt tho ::Jpnrrow IJmlpllnL

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Febt·wu-y 2, 1950 Page 5

We Remove Dead Animals

For a•rompl Remova.l

of Old, . Crippled or Dead Horses

and Cows


..... • • • • VALLEY CHEMICAL CO.

While some tmg!Jl he dt'[ttnccl for l'v!t·. anrl l\lJ;;, ·Don Allen and !·~a-! muclt cr·oprl1 son:c h.avc too_ Hhal- i..rit~l·;a viHilcd 1 lH~m. 1

low a muck sml !or jll'olllahle . . . .• yields of onions or celery. In some Comnllll'Jly AHl Will rneoL 'lllll'S-

was bmug•ht to the home of his t t 1 LJ 1 1 tl lllu:• foitar· ~lotlwrs Cha11t1,. , . , t M d u JXpec s o Hen( t,·ee Joys o 1c Womnn'H Helt<'i' Corpr; mel Installs NP\I' Of'fi<•l'rs wales parens, r. an mrs .• 'lalJOnnl ,Jambm·ee nt Valley l•'ot·ge

Thill'sday <'l'<'ning Hl lhe C. II. H. . I Grover Lantlli, Wednesday by his in .June. The buy~ lll'e wo1·ldng or: lrull. Clara CiJJJic·l< wn:; cf.,c·t.ctl liS Blue Slar Molner•s clwplcr, No, wife, He waH tal<en lo the Durand _~ 1 ~ir lllCl'ils unci will be chosen ~--------·1 delcgaln ,'\o, 2 wilh 1\l;tiJie illilicJ' Hi, mel 'fhm·sdny for tile inslalla- hospital Thursday, where he un- Inter.

1L 1 '!'I . lion or new ofric:crH al the Oclcl derwent an opemtion Friday _ --· ~~~e.::' ~~~;~1,~',.[-;d ~; ~~:;,:;;,1 :" ,~;~Ji~~:11 ~li l~eii~JW ~miL morning on his thronl a~Hl nose, I .1lrs- S!imrt Is DI'!Pgalf' flielc call:;, $flfl fm· child wcifai'C,,. ~lf;c;;r,H l~s.t~lled, ~~~· tile c:rnn- His condition was much am proved I , , . , , ,

illstllnces marshes cnn he made clay, F~lmmry f!, w1th 11'11'. and into wildlife ca·np areas to include lllt''1• F'toycl Donnlcln for a polluel' nsl!, waterfowl, and fur animal;: chn~e1· al. ~onn. . mach as muskrnt, hcave1·, mink and 1 hc1·c mil be a chy rncettn.'i nL

COMPLETE $11.50 for velct·nns and 1\ed Cr·os:; ~~~g > ~aJ ~~e.' e ·. , Pa e:,~~~cnt, Ruth Sunday ant! he is now convalescing M 1 s .. ?eloa e~ . Stu,u t attendee and .~71 in othPJ· proje•·L~. The F,:tton •. sem?'. va.ce?t.c~ule~t:. Nel- at the Lantis home north of town. the Cmlfure Gllllrl 111 Pontwe, lost pa·csirlent helcl 1, erml party at her he Wrelmm, JlllliOI Vtee-paeslcie.nt, Mr. ancl Mrs. Clyde Croel wm·e Sunclny. She accompaniCci J•loycl home Tuesciav nfl<'t'noon ·at 1 :an Lalll'a Lay; chaplmn, Curolme called to Ionia last week by the Tnnnble of. Arlmugh's .. ProfcssJOn­J, rn. J li'1·ey; scca·etary, Ivah 'l'ut·ner·; fi- serious illness o.nd death of Mrs. al models !rom Detm1t and Pon­l 'l'lw cnJ·ps iR preparing· lfJO fa- a~anc:.l!ll.'t'·u·y, ~Ivaan M~r.r~: Cmel's falhr.r. la~c partlc!patccl 111 the show. vor·s fnr llw aides l!t~·Hitfastal Bav fr?lri, Ltcns~IICJ, Beatim Gulrcl,, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galvin of Fmnl armngements were maclq foa· City in .fllne fnr llw dCJl<JJ'lnwa;l il1slo.r·tan, Sur.nnna Baugh; pn- Eaton Rnpic!R spent Sunclny with l!ae Nalwnal Hata· Dressers and

, tnolu: 1n:;Ln:clor, Tvfargru·et Lay; Lhe formea•'s mother, Mrs, Irene Cosmetology eonventwn lo he -------------- eorHiuctt·css, Cleo Bachman; cap- Galvin, nncl family. l;cltl Fe~r·unry •1, fi un:l 6 at \.he

mceoon. the C:mnge h~ll Tllesclny, Febnl------------- ;lf'Y 7, at 12:00 noon. A pothJcl;

First Perfume Recipe I dinner, a good spcnker· and pic-lureo, n1·e plannecL The community I

One of the earliest known per- is inl'ilecl. fume recipes occurs in the Bible's Mr. and Mrs, Winfred Amstutz Book of EJwdus. It calls for sweet nnc1'· Coral were Monday evening spices with pure frankincense: cullers or Mr. ancl Mr·s. Gcot-ge plus stacte, which 1vas 'probably VnnDemarlt nn<l family. a lcind of myrrh; gnlbnnum, a Allen .JolmHon ;;pent the wee!;

~!!!!!!!!~~~ ·" ""'"'" ~"~ ~,~,~E.E ·· .. ·~~·I· . complete anrl nppi'Dpriale.

Je.~~~~~m~~~.::d~} se~l~'~e ·a~· lain nf lhe coloa·s, Pearl Call; enlm· Mr. and Mrs. Cll!laH Smith and Bool< Cadillac 111 Dela·mt. beareJ·s, lllo, t, .Tessie Bonnell and family are visiting their· parents, l~I1·s. ~lmu·t was cl~osen. HH. dele­No, 2, Nacla Hodges; guards, Ma·. nne! Mr·s, Lyle Smith in F'lor- g·ate t1·om the Lansmg dlstr·wt to Fmncc~ Bartow and Merle Sal!lr.r; ida. attcnrl this convenlion, mugician, :Malie Brown; nnd ln1s- Leslie Simpson of .Jac:kson vis­tees, J\It·s. Jlal'l'y Tubb:;, Mary itetl :Ma·. nnd Mrs. Robert Ketchum PaulH· :mtl Celestin HnnL Saturday evening.

'l'hc next meoling will be at. the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waite and Odd Fellow hall on FelJrua1·y JG al fnmily retumed home fr·om their 2 p. m. Texas trip last Slmday evening;

Mrs. Albert Allen and chilclren llomPmaldng Class llfr-cts visited Bert Allen one·· day last

Tile adult homcmalcing class met week, Tln1rsday ever:ing willl Mrs. Joe I Mr. an~l. Mrs .. .Toe Gla:~er of Cheney in t.he J1ome economic Vernon v1sated frJCnds here last room nt the high school. Some Sunday. members were 1·eadv to have their Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sober,

If 'l'ou nnve ll~sitated dresses filled for the first time, Mar;;· nnd Don, spent Sunday at ~;ome \\'ea·e leuming to ent out pat- the ·hon~e of her purentR, Mr. and

Cir(')(• :";1HHt'Wring s;b,·:·:· 'fpa

The Mal'tlla cia·elc of the W. S.

encl wilh hiH gl'flnclparenls, Mr. anri 1 gum resin; nnd ony.,..w, now be· Mn; . .Tnmcs Jnlmson in Willinms­

lieved to have been n substance Lon, obtained lrorn a species of sen Miss Carol Wnr•nc1• of Sehool-snnil. cmft spent li1C wee!' one! with her


Phone Mat~on 6151

1111' r%.'1 II IIIII'

ueorin~ better hca.rin• becBuBe )'Oo

did OCJII won~ 10 be 1een wear!n' rhnt flctla henrin~ ., bultoo" in your ear beihate no longer J h'• 001 of si.lhl t



i tel'Jls and others wea·e pl:tcing the Mrs. Wallam Dill o~ Mt. Pleasant, rnarl<s on lheir materials, The Mr. and Mrs. Davtrl Parish, Har­elass meets .each 'l'hnrHday eve- old Hess nnd Har·olcl Reese, a~­ning, and anvone in lhe community tended the n~eetmg of the MrchJ­may altencl. · gan Councal _of Cooperated

churches in Delrmt :Monday after­

C. S. has taken aiel to lepeJ·s us its project for this year. 'I'o as­sist this eause fnrthel', a ;;ilveJ' leu will be given Wednesday, Feb­l'llary 15, at the horne nf Mr·s .. Murguea·ite Volmc1· on West Gmnd Rivea·. The )Wesident of the Gcn- · emf W. S, C. S,, chai1'!l1en of the various ci1 ales, and the pastor's wife, Mr;;. W. A. Gregor,v, will assist rllll'ing lhe afternoon, Piano selections have been tti'rangecl by Mrs. Marcello Griffith, Serving will !Jegin at 2:30 and conlinue until 5 o'cloclt. The ten is open to the public.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY . 10, 1950 B?cause of illness ·1 will sell all my personal property at public auctlon at the place 4V

2 miles north and east

of Sprmgport on M-99. to Hm-sl~ey road, 1 mile east, or 9 miles south of Eaton Rapids on M-99 to Hal'skey road, 1 mile east, the followmg descr1bed property: •


\Vrito or flhone for <lr!monsl ration at horne or <rffi"c-

Sonotone Of lansing 1'. T. HAMMER, Dlst. 1\fgr.

401 Rnsch Bldg. l'horrc 4202:1

Cuh Rr•mJt. i'IIPrting Ht·l<i Cub Seoul pnck meeting was

held 'l'ncsriay evening at Ute Amcricnn Legion hall on South Pillman street with n potlucl< sup­per nt O::lO p. m.

Y••ar Boulr and J'rogram PlannPd Members of the yearly program

book for the Red Cedar Garden club met Thursday afternoon at lhc home of Mrs. Robert Ketchum, to begin plans for the year's· pro­Jl'l'llm of the club, '!'he bool{s are to be ready for the members at the March meeting.


noon anrl evening. Ma·, and M1·s. Clayton Porter

are cn.ioying their. vac.ation in Cal­ifornia.

Mrs. Ethel Beck o.nd Mrs. Rena 17. memhea·s, one g.ue~t and two King or Lansing visited friends ehJlc~ren present. Be~s Bnl'l'nclt nnd relatives in Williamston Mon-~ Jl1'CSJrlccl over· the !msmess meet­day. '!'hey nttended the Gay Nine- mg ancl Bertha ~uhck wns elected ties club in the afternoon and the secrctmy to f1ll the vacancy Past Noble Grands club of theRe- cr•ealed by l.he resignation of A.n­helmhs in the evening nella McCloetl, who moved to Wis­

Mr. and Mr·s . .Inc!; Lechler of conRin. A handkerchief slwwea· Mason were Williamston visitors was given fm· M1·s. McCioecl, Mrs. Monday, Leln Lisk will entertain the group

Mrs. Hose Dana, who has been on February 23.

l~xt~nsion Ga·onp Has i\J~rting Aft•ica extensaon group met with

Mrs. Hal'I'Y Bartow on Thursclfly for a poth1ck dinner at noon, wilh

sic!<, is still under tl1e doctor's care and confined to her heel, C!ailtl Study .1\Iert I'lnnnr,cl



4 years old, freshened in milking good


1949 Ford Tractor with lights, equipped with 13-inch tire5

1946 Ford-Ferguson Tract01· with 7-ft. power mower

McCormick-Deering Hay Loader John Deere Side Rake 3·section Springtooth Drag

25-tooth Drag ILT

Members of the Senior Child Study group a1·e to meet on Tnes­tlay evening{ Febr·uary 7, at 8 p. rn. '!'his is a regnlar meeting and a film on child developement will be shown. Following the pictua·c, members will meet at the home of Mrs. Clare McDmmon for tile business meeting and refresh­ments. Members of the Junior Child Study club ar·e invited to sec the film. , Ford-Ferguson double-bottom, 14-inch


Oliver Superior 12-clisc Grain Drill with fe1·tilize1· and eTass seeder. aOachments

5-can Electric Milk Coole1· 8 Mill, Cans Stone Boat Elech·ic Deep Ft·eezc * CO~PLETEL Y TORN DOWN





.New Or Rebuilt-$115 Up bchange P1·.ice is plus t!lx and i~stallation. No .block deposit 1;equired

,. Mason

·.,,., :-

No Money D~nplJ!


ltlontllly PaY,f.llf!.IJIS

One Day lns(aU(l,#on •." , ... "' ·-~' ..

J. B. ·A:~·N ' ' ' \, ·'' !•I


Untmld Balance

$10~: 120 140 160,' 1so·..,. 2~0


12 !Uonthly Payments

$1g::" 12.40 14~15 15.90 17.70

.:ford Sales and Service "' \ ..;; ~:' . . . '

'Phone 5311 I -

Clipper Fanning Mill Block and Tackle

Ford-Fergt¥on 16-inch Single-bottom Plow

1940 Intemation.all%-ton Truck with Rnci•

Lihmry Guild Entm·tain~cl 'I'he Williamston Library Found­

ers Guild met with Mr·s. Ethel DeCamp for its January meeting, The program consisted of piano solos hy Tellene Ca·omley ancl Via·­!l'inia Mackie, and Mrs. Elizabeth Hajas gave a tall< on foreig-n journalism and fot•eign liga·arics. Following the program, the host­ess, assisted by .Tnnc·Cromley and Helen Johnson, served refresh­ments. A special business meeting "'{as held F1·iday afternoon, Janu­ary 27, n t the home of Mrs. Clara Hnthnwny.

Dearborn Utility Blade Ford-Ferguson Weeder Ford !'ear-end Crane Tractor Jack

1937 Dodge Pick-Up Bean Pulle1· Cement Mixe!' Deho!·ners

Chain Saw, almost new Woven-wire Sh·etchers

McCo1·mick-Deering 2-horse Culti·

10-ton Hydraulic Jacl' ,

vators ·

Ford-Fct·guson Tract01· .Cultivator with front·end attachment

Dump,e 175 Grain Bags Hay Rope, Log Chains

Wood Bros. Corn Picker, 1949 model 2 Walking Plows F01·ks, Shovels, and a Wagon Lo'ad of. Small Hand Tools .


Grand 1\Tuster Honored 6,000 Bushels of Ear Corn 1,600 Bushels of Oats

in ,Crib Wall Tent, 14x16, in good condition

Tlie I. 0. 0. F. district meeting wns held Saturc1ay, January 28, at Mason_ Grnnd M11ster Theodore A. Thompson was the honored guest at the banquet, which was held in tile Odd Fellow hall nt 7 p. n1.

400 · Bales of -Clove!' Hay a· Tons of Loose Hay

3 Mattresses Numb~,. of Chairs

. Mrs. Blanche Hendly, who has been siclt for severn! weelts, is much ·improved, but still unable to

Terms: CASH, all eoods to be settled fot• day ~f sale befo1·e removal. · Not Responsilile In Case Of Accfdcnt

be out, Lunch, _Wagon Q_o·Grounds-.' ' .'·" '\ . . ' ,, .

Mrs. Ethel Hanna of Lansing spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra King. · () B ·

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ingersoll R · E RT attended the trnvelogue-lccture · . · .,,~ ' ·· glve.n at :MichlgLlll State CQllege in . · ' , . · · ' East. Lansing, Saturday evening. · · ,. · ·' · · ··· · .. ' ··· ·.

Mr. and Mrs, Homer Barnum C:.O .. CKR·O·FT·· ·

~. - .'·:. ' : .. . . . ' . . t Prop. and daughter, Mrs. Ronald Shape· 5() LD I a 0 d p . ~- s ' A {r,~~~d~a~~inwi~\!1,~~;~'a~i::~r~~~ . ': . . • , .. Y- ..... r~. .r,ce -- · o.ns, . ._.ction.eers evening, ·· ·' " ·· '' ,., ''' - · · - Phone Mason 22955 .· " Mrs. Tillle Pratt, who has ·been · · ·


slclt for several days, is much lm- EARL DUNSMORE,· Clerk ·

proved. ' ~llllllllllllllllllll~ll~llllllllllllllllllllllll .. ~~~ ..... ,~.-~~~~~·llllllll~.-~~~~ .............. ~ll ... ',)·:··

Michigan's Outstanding Truck Driver

Webberville n~ lltr~ 1\fyrl Gr th till Phone bflf ~

Derby Neighborhood Ml s J tmes Lch lll of De h. alb

JUt~ (, W Sp11ngm.111

Illinms \ tsttcd her pm ants Mr Mt and Mt s J _c Sptmgman and Mrs Isaac Powell and other I have nottficcl 1 clatJvcs they spent JelatJves 01 ct the week end a few days 111 HU\ ana before go

Mal y Casltey who has been mg on to Quademela spending the w1ntm Ill Lansmg IS Mt s Rolland Hat'<lt has been 'ISttlng at • the home of Mr and I confined to he1 home by siclmess M1 s F1 a nit Oesterle Eden Rebeka! odo c ill o 245

Mrs Howard Wolverton whore had tts fit st meetmg "'of the yea1 cently underwent an opctabon £Lt conducted by the new offtce1s last the Memonal hospital in Owosso Fnday evempg Adda Gibson of returned home Wednesday Lansmg pt est dent of the Rebekah

Rev Cha1Ies B1oolts was guest assembly of M1clugan was a VIsit spealtet at the Baptist Mlsswn l£Lst o1 s 1e gave ap mstt uettve talk Sunday and at the close of the mectmg Guests

Mr and Mts :Momoe Teny wme p1esent f1om Jacltson and

Circuit Court l>roceedtngs


McARTHUR-February 14, 1950 Stntu ur M cluunn lhc P1obntc Cmut

r l the County of lngohnm At n soH~aon of snid Court hell at lht!

P1 ohnlc 0 face in thu City of Mneson In ~ u I County on the 2 •th dny of Jt r u nzy A D 19u0

Pzose t liON JOHN McCLELLAN Judge af Prl b tc

In !he Mntt• or tho Estz to GEORGE H McAz thut Dcccz ocd

Lotus B MeA th n h LV ng filed m I:Uud cot1 t hiN finn! udmlnlst:ntion nc:count n d hi• nctltlon nznymg for the nllow 1 nee the~cof nnd for the nsslgnmcT t znd dlsttlbut!on or tho ••• due or snld ctttntc

son Almon Teuy ate llome ftom thelt vacation m Waslnngton D

It r. Ozdcrcd Thnt !f!'• 14th dny of 1 eb ua1y A n HHiO at ten o cloclt 11 the forenoon t tmld P1 obntc Office be 1 H.l 11'1 hereby anpofntcd for cs.nmlnlng nnd tllo\\ ng tlfl d nccou tt nJld henrmg s1 hi petition

Lansmg Ice cream and cake wete Ills Fuzthc Ordered Thnt IIUbllc no served as tefteshments lzc• thereof be r<lvcn by nubhcntton o( c

Mrs Myt tte Hazelton has been ~lclt with the flu the past weelt

The Wan fanul~ 1s movmg mto the apat ttnent vacated by Mrs Guy B1adlcy the founet M1s Dieterle

n co1 y of Llls order fot three lmcccsslvo M~ and MI s FIDI ian Kelly and I weeks Ill cv 0" to snld day or henrlng

Conme Jo oC Highland Patlt call· zn the Inkl11tnt County News, 11 ne"sPn ed on fnends ThUlsday afternoon 1>cz Printed nnrl chculntod In onzd Ooun

ty W S Thompson ts spendmg the I JOHN McCLELLAN

Wmlet WJth hts daughlet nem Ma· A T '" Cot•l Jullgo of Prohnte nzvll c llcttty R~w:lstet of Prohnte

A 1 uc Cot>Y C Ro" H lhnz I lngh111 County Clerk By Inc• L Swnnlngcr Dcnuty Uuhbnzd McCullough & Fox, Attn ncy• fnr Plnlntzff ll udnctll\ AddtcAs 110~ OldK To\\ Of' Lnnolng Mlchlgnn 50w7

I EllA!, NO'I'I()mf! -----


A 'l ue Cory C Ros< Hlllhu I lnJ.thnm Co ntv Cle1 k lly l Jo 1 G Dewey Deputy Roy 1 Conley Attorney fot Plnlntllr nu~ln S!! AddtufHI 21 OG Old• 1 OWCl Lnnsln~ Mlchlgnn


Cltcult Judge

A T uJ'conY" Dnvld C llcotty

4\11 Regl•t• of Ptob zlc

New Court Cases

p lly

of Acids Couoswn resistant stamless steel

d1ums now me u cd to sh1p nc1ds and othe1 chemicals m sohd or

February Should Be Colder, U-M

I Astronomer Says

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Februat y 2, 1950 Page 6

Auction Satm day, F ebruat y 11

I o < Jm Jc

I I ( II I II l lillie

John Mestek, Prop ( ol (,Jc n I ()Jill I

\ I

Consumers Power Conapany I tslc II on tlw N1 1\ Vol I< Sl1 1 lc I ~~ h Ill f.: I '

'il r; II tll Uu firms In i\lJclug 111 111 w buy dH 1 noll II m t:ou SUI III IS J'n\\ C1 ( U

] Ill Ill lor 111 tl!llll r dl liS by JlhOIII, ),.tll'lllg 1 !II I I \\I IIIII )l l~ ln1 tlu r til

MORELAND & COMPANY II D llngw W'i llolhstCJ Jllclg I ursmg, ~Itch

i\11 mhcr Dc twit Slo1 lc J xch tllf.:IJ

Package Delivery, Too~ <\II )<JIUI!; oJ hght d1 )I\ Clles rncludmg Jl U I< 1g1 s ltld gJ <JCI I II S

Ju ought light (o ~ IIIII dOD I CJUIC)cly llld :; tid~


Our Cab Service \ l'hUill

"ffRCl STIUNG$'' 'r UlJNJs·<B . ··~



