THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ VERBAL LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE AND THEIR READING ACHIEVEMENT (A Correlational Study at the Fifth Semester Students of the Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in Academic Year 2016/2017) By: Hafsyah Maisyarah 1112014000044 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2016





(A Correlational Study at the Fifth Semester Students of the Department of

English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta

in Academic Year 2016/2017)


Hafsyah Maisyarah









Hafsyah Maisyarah (1112014000044). The Correlation between Students’

Verbal Linguistic Intelligence and Their Reading Achievement (A

Correlational Study at the Fifth Semester of the Department of English

Education of Syarif Hidayatulla State Islamic University of Jakarta). Skripsi

of English Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Syarif Hidayatulla

State Islamic University of Jakarta, 2016.

Advisor I : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed.

This study aimed to know and describe the correlatin between students’

verbal – linguistic intelligence and their reading achievement. The population of

this study was the fifth semester students of Department of English Education of

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in academic year

2016/2017. There were 39 students from B and C classes selected as the sample of

this study. This study used a quantitative method with the correlational as the

reasearch design of study. The instruments used for collecting data were verbal –

linguistic intelligence questionnaire and reading achievement test. Both tests were

conducted to measure students’ verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading

achievement. The data which was collected was calculated by using Pearson

Product Moment Correlation to see whether there was any significant correlation

between the two variables. Based on the research analysis, the correlation between

the two variables was found at the 95% level of confidence (p < 0.05) with the

value of rxy was 0.096 which was in the weak or low level. The value was smaller

than the value of rt in the significance of 5% in which 0.096 < 0.316. Moreover,

the significance of t contribution revealed that the result was significant with the

value of tcount was 0.590. The value was smaller than the value of ttable at the level

of significance 0.05, in which 0.590 < 2.026. Hence, the alternative hypothesis

(Ha) is rejected and null hypothesis (H0) is accepted. In conclusion, there is no

significant correlation between students’ verbal-linguistic intelligence and their

reading achievements at the fifth semester of the Department of English

Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in Academic

Year 2016/2017.

Keywords: Correlational study, Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence, Reading




Hafsyah Maisyarah (1112014000044). The Correlation between Students’

Verbal Linguistic Intelligence and Their Reading Achievement (A

Correlational Study at the Fifth Semester of the Department of English

Education of Syarif Hidayatulla State Islamic University of Jakarta). Skripsi

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016.

Dosen Pembimbing I : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

Dosen Pembimbing II : Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed.

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan hubungan antara

kecerdasan berbahasa dan pencapaian membaca siswa. Populasi pada penelitian

ini adalah mahasiswa semester 5 Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas

Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta tahun 2016/2017. Sebanyak 39 siswa

dari kelas B dan C yang terpilih menjadi sampel penelitian. Penelitian ini

menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan korelasi sebagai desain penelitian.

Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah tes

pemahaman membaca dan kuesioner kecerdasan berbahasa. Kedua tes tersebut

dilakukan untuk mengukur pemahaman membaca dan kecerdasan berbahasa

siswa. Data yang diperoleh dihitung menggunakan korelasi Pearson Product

Moment untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua

variabel tersebut. Berdasarkan analisa penelitian, hubungan antara kedua variabel

ditemukan level signifikansi 95% (p < 0.05) dengan nilai rxy adalah 0.096 yang

berada pada level rendah. Niai tersebut lebih rendah dari pada nilai rt pada tingkat

kesalahan 5% yaitu 0.96 < 0.316. Selain itu, signifikan nilai t mengungkapkan

bahwa hasil tersebut signifikan dengan nilai dari thitung adalah 0.590. nilai tersebut

lebih rendah dari nilai ttabel pada level signifikansi 0.05 yaitu 0.590 < 2.026. Oleh

karena itu, hipotesis alternatif (Ha) ditolak sedangkan nol hipotesis (H0) diterima.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara

kecerdasan berbahasa dengan pencapaian membaca mahasiswa semester 5

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Kata Kunci: Penelitian Korelasi, Kecerdasan Berbahasa, Pencapaian




In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has given the mercy and

blessing upon the writer during completing this skripsi as the final assignment in

her study. Peace and salutation may always be upon the Prophet Muhammad, the

savior of the humankind, who has brought the light onto this world and turned it

into a better place.

This Skripsi is a scientific paper that is presented as one of the requirements

for the degree “S.Pd.” in English Education. Completing this skripsi is long

processes and the writer would not have been able to complete it without help and

support of lecturers, institution, family and friends. Hence, in this occasion, the

writer is pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions by conveying her

utmost gratitude to them who have helped her in completing this skripsi.

First, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to her great

parents; her father Uang Suwandi and her dearest mother Hafni Dewi for their

love, support, and moral encouragement in motivating the writer to finish her

study. Next, the writer would like to express the greatest honor and deepest

gratitude to her advisors, Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd., and Yenny Rahmwati M.Ed.,

for patiently guiding her and giving her the most valuable help, advice, and

support during completing this skripsi.

Moreover, the writer would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers’ Training.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anansy, M.Hum., as the secretary of Department of English


4. All lecturers in the Department of English Education who always give

motivation and valuable knowledge during her study.

5. All students of the fifth semester of Department of English Education

in academic year 2016/2017, as the participants of this study.


6. All of her family, especially Siti Aisyah, her one and only sister, thank

you because she always by her side and support her for finishing this


7. All of her friends in the Department of English Education, especially

for members of B class of 2012 for the encouragement, support, and


8. All the people who cannot be mentioned one by one for their

contribution to the writer during completing her skripsi. The words are

not enough to say any appreciations for their help.

Lastly, the writer realizes that this skripsi is still far from being perfect.

Despite the help from the aforementioned people, there are weaknesses and

shortages in this skripsi that remain as the writers’ responsibility. She, therefore,

welcomes all kinds of corrections and suggestions for a better writing.

Jakarta, 20 November 2016

Hafsyah Maisyarah



APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ............................................................................ iii

Surat Pernyataan Karya Sendiri .................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study .............................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem ....................................... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................ 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ......................................... 4

E. Objective of the Study .................................................. 4

F. Significance of the Study .............................................. 4

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................ 6

A. Literature Review ......................................................... 6

1. Reading ..................................................................... 6

a. The Definition of Reading ................................ 6

b. Types of Reading .............................................. 7

c. Purposes of Reading ......................................... 10


d. The Definition of Reading Achievement .......... 11

2. Intelligence ............................................................... 14

a. The Definition of Intelligence .......................... 14

b. The Definition of Multiple Intelligences .......... 16

c. Types of Multiple Intelligences ........................ 17

d. The Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence ................... 18

e. The Characteristics of Verbal-Linguistic

Intelligence ....................................................... 19

B. The Relevant Study ....................................................... 22

C. Conceptual Framework ................................................. 24

D. Theoretical Hypothesis ................................................. 25

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................... 26

A. Time and Place of the Study ......................................... 26

B. Method of the Study ..................................................... 26

C. Population and Sample ................................................. 26

D. Instruments of the Research ......................................... 27

E. Technique of Data Collection ....................................... 27

F. Technique of Data Analysis .......................................... 31

G. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................... 33

CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................... 34

A. Research Findings ........................................................ 34

B. Discussion ..................................................................... 52

C. Limitation .................................................................... 54

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................... 55

A. Conclusion ..................................................................... 55

B. Suggestion ..................................................................... 55

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 57


APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 61



Table 2.1 The Verbal-Linguistic Capacities Development Journey ........................... 20

Table 3.1 The Blue Print of Reading Achievement Test ............................................ 28

Table 3.2 The Blue Print of Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire ................ 29

Table 3.3 The Result of Reliability Test of Questionnaire ......................................... 30

Table 3.4 The Range Score of Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence ................................... 30

Table 3.5 The Interpretation of Pearson Correlation .................................................. 32

Table 4.1 The Reading Achievement Score of 5th Semester Students of

Department of English Education............................................................... 35

Table 4.2 The Statistical Score of the Reading Achievement Test ............................. 38

Table 4.3 The Range Score of Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire ............ 39

Table 4.4 The Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire Score ............................ 40

Table 4.5 The Statictical Score of Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire ...... 43

Table 4.6 The Linearity Test Result of the Data ......................................................... 44

Table 4.7 The Normality of the Test ........................................................................... 45

Table 4.8 The Data Analysis of Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence and Reading ............ 46

Table 4.9 The Pearson Product Moment Table ........................................................... 48

Table 4.10The Interpretation of Coefficient Correlation ............................................ 52



Figure 3.1 The Research Design ................................................................................. 26

Figure 4.1 The Histogram Data of Reading Achievement Test .................................. 37

Figure 4.2 The Histogram Data of Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence ............................. 42



Appendix 1 Reading Achievement Test .............................................................. 62

Appendix 2 Verbal Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire .................................. 71

Appendix 3 The Reading Achievement Test Scores ........................................... 76

Appendix 4 The Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Scores....................................... 78

Appendix 5 The Output of Anates ....................................................................... 81

Appendix 6 The Statistical Score of Reading Achievement ................................ 94

Appendix 7 The Statistical Score of Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence ................... 95

Appendix 8 SPSS Correlation “r” Product Moment of Verbal-Linguistic

Intelligence and Reading Achievement ............................................. 97

Appendix 9 Pearson Product Moment Table in Significance Level 5% and 1% 98

Appendix 10 T-Table ............................................................................................. 100

Appendix 11 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian .................................................... 102

Appendix 12 Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi............................................................ 103

Appendix 13 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi .................................................................. 104

Appendix 15 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi .................................................................. 105

Appendix 16 Lembar Ujian Referensi ................................................................... 106




A. Background of the Study

Education is able to help people to become more efficient to achieve their life

goals with increasing facility. The higher people’s education is, the better their

chances of creating good opportunities for themselves. The better people

opportunities are the better people quality of life is. As moslem also has been

obliged to study throughout life because studying could increase their level for

God and human. Indonesia also supports its people to have a higher education.

Education in Indonesia starts from elementary school, junior high school, senior

high school, and college.

One of the ways that can help people to increase their cognitive for better

education is reading. The most of important skill that have to be learnt by the

students is reading, because reading can help them in learning other subjects.

Students who have weakness in reading cannot have a completely normal life1.

These days, technology has improved and people can read everything not only

from books but also from the other resources such as newspaper, website, e-book,

online articles, etc. So, they will become easier to read what they want in order to

improve knowledge for their education, etc.

Besides, in order to increase knowledge, reading makes the students more

successful in the academic field. Researchers have found that most of students

who are good at reading have good achievement in school than who are not good

or less interesting in reading. So, from the findings, researchers conclude that

there is strong relation between reading and their study achievements.2

However, the problem faced by the students in reading activity is some

students have good score in reading and some students have not good score in

reading. Because of this, the writer assumed that there are some problems may

1Arthur E. Traxler, Research in Reading in the United States, The Journal of Educational

Research, Vol. 42 (7), 1950, p.481. 2 Pretorius E, The Importance of Reading, 2012. (


influence them in reading. Moreover, the problems that can influence them in

reading achievement involve both internal and external factors. One of the factors

that researcher wants to investigate is their multiple intelligence factor that come

from each individual.3

Ghamati studied about improving reading comprehension and motivation of

young Iranian EFL learners through the application of multiple intelligences (MI).

The results of this study revealed that using reading activities based on the

multiple intelligences theory can increase reading comprehension and it increases

motivation of young EFL learners to read.4 So, it can be concluded that mutiple

intelligences have good contribution in English classroom activity, especially in

reading skill.

There are 7 main multiple intelligences on Howard Gardner’s theory,

linguistic, mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal and

intrapersonal. Then, Fasko stated that in 1999, Gardner added an eight,

naturalistic intelligence.5 Howard Gardner’s theory suggests everybody has a

different mind, and no two profiles of intelligences are the same. From the 8

primary intelligences (linguistic, math/logic, visual, art, interpersonal,

intrapersonal, kinaesthetic, natural)6 an individual may excel in one, two or even

three of these, but nobody is good at the all.

One of the intelligence that has strong relation to the reading skill is verbal-

linguistic intelligence. Verbal-linguistic intelligence is defined by Gardner as

sensitivity to the spoken and written language to achieve goals.7 Furthermore,

there are many characteristics of verbal-linguistic intelligence such as good with

languages, loves reading, writing, listening and speaking, notices grammatical

3RatnaWulan, Peranan Inteligensi, Penguasaan Kosakata, Sikap, dan Minat Terhadap

Kemampuan Membaca Anak,Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, 2010, p.169. 4NargesMoheb, Mohammad S. Bahgeri, Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and

Writing Strategies, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2013, 4(4), p. 778. 5 Anna SvavaSòlmundardòttir, The Multiple Intelligence Theory in English Language

Teaching, (Kennarahàskòli Islands: Kennarabraut, grunnskòlakennarafræði, 2008), p.3 6 Adi W. Gunawan, Genius Learning Strategy, (Jakarta: PT GramediaPustakaUtama, 2007)

pp. 231-241 7KarimHajhashemi, KouroshAkef, Neil Anderson, The Relationship between Multiple

Intelligences and Reading Proficiency of Iranian EFL Students, World Applied Science Journal,

2012, 19 (10), p.1476.


mistakes, enjoys with foreign language, etc. Amir Reza N.T and FoadAmjadi

studied about the relationship between linguistic intelligence and reading

comprehension. The result of this study was there is significant relationship

between those two variables. In fact, from this study revealed that academic

achievement of Iranian EFL learners was not associated with IQ, but it showed a

strong correlation between reading achievement and verbal intelligence, a

subsection of IQ.8 Teele identified that student who has verbal-linguistic

intelligence shows high auditory ability and likes reading, writing, and playing


The characteristics of verbal-linguistic intelligence are suitable to be owned

by English education students because they learn and study about language and

words. However, based on the data score of students’ reading 4 in Department of

English Education in UIN Jakarta in academic year 2013 – 2014 revealed that

most of students in reading 4 got low score. From that observation, the writer

found the score from 73 students in reading class they got A: 1 student, B: 13

students, C: 44 students, D: 8 students and E: 7 students for their achievements in

reading 4. The data score revealed that more than 50% of students got low scores

for their final reading achievement. So, to be successful in educating all of

students, especially in reading, teachers need to be aware of this students’


Since reading is very important to be mastered by students, teachers have to

know and upgrade their background knowledge of students. Teacher knowledge

about how to organize classroom and to understand every student conditions

makes teaching and learning process more effective and this can help to improve

good achievement for students.

In this case, the writer would like to conduct a research with the title: The

correlation between students’ verbal-linguistic intelligence and their’ reading

8 Amir Reza NematTabrizi and FoadAmjadi, The Relationship Among Linguistic

Intelligence, Ethnic Identity, and Bilingual Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension,

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 2015, 5(2), p.55. 9Ibid., p.57


achievement (a correlational study in 5th semester of Department of English

Education in UIN Jakarta).

B. Identification of Problems

The problem in this study can be identified as follows:

1. The problems influence reading achievement both from internal and external


2. Intelligence is one of internal factors influences reading achievement.

3. Most of 4th semester students in academic year 2013-2014 got low score in


C. Limitation of the Problems

The writer concerns and limits the problem in this research on the correlation

between students’ verbal-linguistic intelligence and students’ reading


D. Formulation of the Study

The formulation of the problem is "Is there a correlation between students’

verbal-linguistic intelligence and students’ achievement in reading?”

E. Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study is to find out whether there is a correlation

between students’ verbal-linguistic intelligence and students’ reading achievement

in 5th semester of Department of English Education.

F. Significance of the Study

This study hoped can provide useful information for students, lecturer, and



1. The students

The result of this research hopefully can help the students to acknowledge

their intelligences so they can find the way for themselves in reading.

2. The lecturer

The result of this research is expected to be useful for reading lecturers in

improving their teaching capacity to improve students’ reading achievement.

3. The Institution

The result of this research is also expected to be useful input for headmaster

to support teaching and learning activity by improving and developing the quality

of education in the college, in order that students are motivated and interested in





A. Literature Review

1. Reading

a. The Definition of Reading

Reading is a mental process. It is called mental process because it

involves brain to receive the message or information from print text while the

eyes are sending the information to the brain. Related to this, Gough, Hoover

and Peterson stated there are two parts of mental process: word recognition

and comprehension.1 It can be concluded that reading engage a cognitive

process because it need the reader’s comprehension to get the meaning of text.

In addition, reading is not just a basic skill. Many people think that

reading is a basic skill that was taught in the first year of school. Most of

teachers teach their students reading based on their level and the vocabularies

based on the content. “Reading is a simple process: readers decode (figure out

how to pronounce) each word in a text and then automatically comprehend the

meaning of the words, as they do with their everyday spoken language. This is

not our understanding of reading”, said Ruth Schoenbach, Cynthia Greenleaf,

Christine Cziko, and Lori Hurwitz.2

Reading is a process for the reader and the text. When the reader read a

text, the reader not only has to find the information, but also the reader has to

work together with the text. Working together with the text means that the

reader has to engage the meaning of the text and what the author want to say

in the text with the reader background knowledge. Hunt said that reading is a

process that is formed by text, reader’s background, and the situation that

1 David Colins, Ann Colins, Advancing Reading Achievement Becoming Effective Teachers

of Reading through Collective Study, South Florida: HTRA, 1998, p.8. 2 Ruth Schoenbach, et al, What is Reading? An Excerpt from Reading for Understanding,

The Quarterly, 2000, 22(3), p. 38.


occurs in.3 Related to the previous statements, Urquhart and Weir said that

reading use the reader’s cognitive ability so that both the reader and the text

can interact well.4

In defining reading, it is important to pay attention in the reader external

and internal factors, both factors related to how the reading’s readability and

understanding. There are some factors involved both external and internal

such as reader’s intelligence, experience, and background knowledge, words,

phrases, sentences, and grammatical cues.5 So, like the previous statements,

reading is a process that involves all of reader attention to read the reading.

When the reader read the text, it will be better if the reader has good attention

especially to both factors.

So, the writer concludes that reading is all about the process such as

mental process, brain process, and the process how the reader can work with

the text. In reading, the reader who has background knowledge related to the

text is better than the reader who has lack background knowledge. This

because of the reader can easily read the text. Moreover, because of reading is

a mental process that involves brain to work with, the reader has to have

ability to work with the written text in order to get the meaning and main idea


b. Types of Reading

In the reading activity, there are two types of reading which are usually

done by the students. They usually read a short text for getting detail

information. In addition, they usually read a longer text for getting the overall

meaning of the passage. The kinds of reading are intensive and extensive


3 Julian Hermida, The Importance of Teaching Academic Reading Skills in First-Year

University Courses, The International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.3, 2009, p.23. 4 Feng Liu, Reading Abilities and Strategies: A Short Introduction, International Education

Studies, Vol.3, 2010, p.153. 5Seyyede Zahra Naghibi and Mahmud PourhassanMoghaddam, The Effect of Intensive Vs.

Extensive Reading on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Knowledge of Collocation, Modern

Jornal of Language Teaching Methods, Vol.3 (3), 2013, p.51.


1) Intensive Reading

Intensive Reading is different from extensive reading. Intensive reading

involves the reader reads in detail and need specific aim and task. Brown

explains “intensive reading calls attention to grammatical forms, discourse

markers, and other surface structure details for the understanding literal

meaning, implication, rhetorical relationship, and the like.”6 In this type of

reading they need to be more focus on the text because this type of reading

involves reader’s attention to read the text for getting information. Intensive

reading allowed the reader to read the text that the reader likes in order to

motivate in reading and the text also based on the reader ability.

Hafiz and Tudor said that in intensive reading students given a short

text to get specific aspects of lexical, syntactic, or to provide the basis for

targeted reading strategy practice.7 So, to improve student achievement, they

need to pay attention of accuracy of reading regarding to the reading text,

vocabulary, and organization. The purpose of intensive reading is to help

students to get the detail meaning of the text, to develop their reading skill

such as identifying main ideas, recognizing text connectors, and the

knowledge of grammar.8 So, it can be concluded that intensive reading is kind

of reading short text that needs reader’attention to the spesific detail, have

some aims to read and do more attention to the structure of the text or

language rules.

2) Extensive Reading

According to Carrell and Carson extensive reading is reading rapidly of

large material or reading long text for general comprehending and focus on

6Maija MacLeod, Types of Reading, 2016, p.1, 7Hesham Suleiman Alyousef, Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners,

Journal of Language and Learning, Vol.5 (1), 2006, p.66. 8 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An

Anthology of Current Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge Press University, 2002), p. 296.


the meaning of the text than the language itself.9 Extensive reading occurs

when the reader read very easy enjoy the reading in order to build the reader’s

reading speed or in order to help them become better in that skill rather than

reading to study about language itself

On the other hand, Davis defines that extensive reading is reading

activity which the reader is given the time and the materials to read

pleasurably in the reader’s level as many book as the reader can, without the

pressures of testing.10 So, in extensive reading the reader can read so many

books at the time which was given without any worries for testing, this kind

of reading shows a fun reading activity. Moreover, there are some reasons

why extensive reading is good for language skills development:

a) Allows the reader learn about language in context naturally.

b) Extensive reading helps the reader to build new vocabularies.

When the reader read a lot and enjoy it, the reader will find new

vocabularies that can help him/her to find out what the vocabularies

mean are then grammar may come next.

c) Help the reader to improve reading speed and reading fluency.

d) Build confidence, enjoyment, and motivation to learn about


e) Extensive reading makes the reader read and listen a lot, so that

they can develop good reading and listening habits.

f) Help the reader to get a sense of how grammatical patterns work in


Extensive reading means that the reader can read as much as possible

for the reader’s own pleasure but this type of reading can help the reader to

improve his/her speed in reading. Nuttall said that an extensive reading

activity is the important way to improve both vocabulary and reading skill in

9 Willy A. Renandya, The Power of Extensive Reading, SEAMEO Regional Language

Centre, Vol.38(2), 2007, p.134. 10Ibid., p.134. 11ERFoundation, Extensive Reading Foundation, 2016, P.1,


general.12 Nuttall statements supports that extensive reading is good for who

wants to improve his/her reading without any cognition about linguistic

structure. So that the writer concluded that extensive reading is reading longer

text than in intensive reading, but the reader reading the text pleasurably

without any kinds of reading tasks.

c. Purpose of Reading

In this era, students can read everything what they want in every time

and everywhere. But, each student has different purpose of reading. Based on

Grabe and Stoller there are some purposes in reading, such as:13

a) Reading to search for simple informationIn this purpose of reading,

usually the reader does scanning to get specific word or


b) Reading to skim quickly. The reader does skimming for the text in

a short time to find out the general information of the text.

c) Reading to learn from text. In this purpose, the reader learns the

important information from the text and relates the information to

the reader’s background knowledge.

d) Reading to integrate information. This purpose allows the reader to

read and decide what information they are going to pick.

e) Reading to write. Like reading to integrate information, this

purpose of reading requires the reader to read the text and get some

information or sources in order to develop writing.

f) Reading to critique text. In this purpose of reading, the readers

need to select, critique and compose the information of the text.

g) Reading for general information. Reading for general information

is a complex reading allows the reader to read words rapidly and

12 Thomas N. Robb, Bernard Susser, Extensive Reading vs Skills Building in EFL context,

Reading in Foreign Language, Vol.5 (2), 1989, p.1. 13 William Grabe, and Fredrica L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading, (London:

Taylor & Francis Group, 2011), pp. 6-8.


build strong skills in forming general meaning in representing of

mind ideas which is doing in short time.

On the other hand, Megan stated there are two main purposes of

reading, they are:14

a) Reading for literary experience. The reader becomes involved in

imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters,

atmosphere, feelings, and ideas; he or she brings an appreciation of

language and knowledge of literary forms to the text. This is often

accomplished through reading fiction.

b) Reading to acquire and use information. The reader engages with

types of texts where she or he can understand how the world is and

has been, and why things work as they do. Texts take many forms,

but one major distinction is between those organised

chronologically and those organised non-chronologically. This area

is often associated with information articles and instructional texts.

Furthermore, reading can have three main purposes, such as:15

a) Reading for survival is how to be aware to the environment, to find

an information like street signs, advertising, or timetables.

b) Reading for learning is reading purpose that occurs in the

classroom activity and requires some goals.

c) Reading for pleasure is something does not have to be done.

d. Definition of Reading Achievement

Reading achievement is a result from reading comprehension. So,

reading achievement has similar meaning to reading comprehension.

Therefore, reading comprehension effects reading achievement because

reader’s comprehension to the text will increase or decrease reader’s

14 Megan Chamberlain, An Overview of National Findings from the Second Cycle of the

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, (New Zealand: Ministry of Education, 2005-

2006), p.39. 15Sacha Anthony Berardo, The Use of Authentic Materials in the Teaching of Reading, The

Reading Matrix, Vol. 6 (2), 2006, p.61.


achievement in reading. Reading comprehension is when reader develops

understanding while interacts with the text.16 According to Kintsch reading

comprehension is the result of process that produce while reading to make a

mental production of the situation made by the text, reffered to as a situation


Moreover, reading comprehension is a process of concluding or

produce meaning from the text. The main goal of reading comprehension is to

get whole information from the text rather than to get meaning only from

words or sentences.18 So, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is

the main focus on reading activity to interact or to build up understanding

with the text. Without understanding in reading, the reader will get nothing

from the text.

In addition, Gray divided reading understanding or comprehension in 3

kinds. First, reading “the lines” is understanding of the text structure.

Second, reading “between the lines” is understanding about the text meaning.

The last, reading “beyond the lines” is understanding about how the reader

critiques the text19. Reading is important skill taught in schools. Readers,

especialy students, need to comprehand the reading to achive good

achievement. Comprehension requires the reader put the meanings of words

in reader’s memory until the reader’s can think or interpret about the

collective meaning.20

So that from those statements, the writer concluded that reading

comprehension is the reader’s way to understand how the text, structure, or

meaning then, the reader also can conclude the reading with his/her own

statement or opinion. In summary, reading comprehension is how the reader

16Paula J. Clarke. et al., Developing Reading Comprehension, (UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,

2014), p.2. 17Kristi L. Santi and Deborah K. Reed (ed.), Improving Reading Comprehension, Literacy

Studies, Vol. 10, 2015, p.2. 18 Gary Woolley, Reading Comprhension; Assisting Children with Learning Difficulties,

(New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2011), p.15. 19 J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, (Edinburgh: Cambridge University Press, 2001),

p.8. 20Collins, op. cit., p.9.


understand and interpret the meaning of the reading text. There are some

steps how compehension works21:

a) Word recognition allows the reader to accsess the meaning or

multiple meaning of words in a sentence.

b) As more word meanings are accumulated in the reader’s short-term

memory, the reader is able to sort through multiple meanings and

select the appropriate one.

c) As the number of meanings held in short-term memoy increases,

the reader begins to form an expectation of the complete meaning

of the sentence. This occurs as the reader assembles those

meanings and come acts them to prior knowledge.

d) Only when all of the meanings have been assembled can the reader

finally determine the meaning of the sentence.

So, improving reading achievement through reading comprehension can

be improved by mastering a lot of vocabularies and syntactic rules. On the

other hand, there are some ways to improve reading comprehension22:

a) Develop a broad background

Develop knowledge can by reading newspaper, magazines, or

intrest in world events.

b) Know the structure of paragraph

This kind of grammar rules, so the reader can know where the

beginning, midde, or end of the paragraph, part of speech, etc.

c) Identify the type of reasoning

Does the author use cause and effect reasoning, hypothesis, models

building, induction or deduction, system thinking?

d) Anticipate and predict

The smart reader can anticipate or predict what is the main idea or

topic of the text.

21Collins, op. cit., p.16. 22Donald Martin, How To Be a Successful Student, ( United States of America: Martin Press,

1991), p.7.


e) Look for the method of organization

Is the material organized chronologically, serially, logically,

functionally, spatially, or hiererchical?

f) Create motivation and interest

To create reader motivation and interest, the reader can preview the

reading and discuss with other readers. The stronger reader’s

otivation, the greater reader’s comprehension.

g) Pay attention to supporting cues

Identify the pictures, graphs, and headings. Read the first and last

chapter or sentence.

h) Highlight, summarize, and review

To develop deep understanding, the reader have to highlight,

summarize and review important ideas.

i) Build a good vocabulary

Build good vocabulary can by reading or use dictionary regurally.

j) Use a systematic reading technique

Develop a systematic reading style, like the SQ3R method and

make adjusments to it, depending on priorities and purpose.

k) Monitor effectiveness

Good readers monitor their attention, concentration, and

effectiveness. They quickly recognize if they have missed an idea

and backup to reread it.

2. Intelligence

a. The Definition of Intelligence

Thousands years ago, intelligence has been defined differently.

Intelligence was difficult to define and cause confusions between researchers.

The most important definition is how people solve their problems.

Intelligence also has been defined as ability to understand, communicate,

learn, how brain work with abstract thing, etc. However, currently,


researchers have been identified about relationship between human’s

intelligence, behavior, and development of each person.23

The term of intelligence commonly be taken to mean how a person

understand and learn, but different people have their own meaning of

intelligence and this also can caused by their background knowledge both

from historical or cultural factors. According to Howard Gardner (1983)

“intelligence comprises a set of separate intelligences, each of which is

specialized for acquiring knowledge and solving problem in different areas of

cognitive activity”.24

Snyderman and Rothman defined that intelligence is the ability that a

person has to deal with something that she/he can get and learn from

phenomenon and/or events and how to solve and learn the problem.25 From

those statements, the writer concludes that intelligences of each person are

not the same. Those intelligences can be changed and/ or improved. The

combination of the most prominent intelligences can help people to learn and

to solve the problem.

Bainbridge said that intelligences is always be defined as general mental

ability to learn and apply the knowledge in manipulating environment, as well

as the ability to think abstractly.26 On the other hand, Binet sees that

intelligence is based on three primary components, first is the ability to direct

thought and action, second is the ability to change direction of thought and

action, and third is the ability to criticize own thoughts and actions.27 So, it

can be concluded that intelligence defines as people ability to adapt with

environment, knowledge, and the ways of thinking that can be developed by


23 Sam Goldstein, Dana Priciotta, Jack A. Naglieri (eds), Handbook of Intelligence, (New

York: Springer Science+Business Media New York, 2015), p.3. 24 Kerri – Lee Krause. et al., Educational Psychology for Learning & Teaching, (South

Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia, 2010), p. 294. 25 Robert E. Slavin, Educational Psychology Theory and Practice, (New Jersey: Pearson

Education, Inc., 2012), p.103. 26 Muhammad Yaumi and Nurdin Ibrahim, PembelajaranBerbasisKecerdasanJamak

(Multiple Intelligences), (Indonesia: KencanaPrenadanedia Group, 2013), p.9. 27Ibid., p.10.


Intelligence can be developed by three main factors:

a) Biological endowment – generic factors and how brain works

before, during and after birth.

b) Personal life history – this factors involves experience with

parents, teachers, peers, friends, and others who developed the


c) Cultural and historical background – time and place in which the

people were born and raised. Then, the nature and state of cultural

or historical developments in different areas.28

b. The Definition of Multiple Intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences was first introduced by Howard

Gardner in the late 1970 and early 1980. Before Gardner introduced Multiple

Intelligence theory, intelligences was measured by logic and language. Then,

Gardner argues that brain has others types of intelligences. According to

Gardner, all people have these intelligences but people differ in the strengths

and combination of intelligences. Refers to multiple intelligences theory,

Gardner believes that every people can change or increase the intelligences

through training and practice.29

Since Gardner introduced the Multiple Intelligence theory, many

researchers have tried to identify the theory of Multiple Intelligence. Gardner

theory’s identified eights intelligences such as, verbal-linguistic, musical,

logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal

and naturalist. However, in 2006 Moran, Kornhaber, and Gardner added one

intelligence and became nine multiple intelligences, linguistic,

logical/mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, naturalistic,

interpersonal, intrapersonal, and existential.30

28 Thomas Armstrong, Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, (Virginia: ASCD, 2009),

p.27. 29Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching a Description and Analysis, (United States of America: Cambridge University Press,

2001), p.115. 30Slavin, op. cit. p.105.


Moreover Gardner claims that people can develop their multiple

intelligence, one, some of the intelligences or all of them. The intelligences is

changing. The multiple intelligences is something that can be developed or

nurtured. “There are seven autonomous brain systems that work out together

in complex ways; no intelligence exists by itself,” said Gardner.31 On the

other hand, in educational field, Chrristison said that the theory of multiple

intelligence can help teachers to find out learning style and others ways to

know about what have been taught in classroom activities.32

c. Types of Multiple Intelligences

Gardner identified there are nine intelligences, there are:

1) Verbal-linguistic Intelligence is an ability to perceive or generate

spoken and written language.

2) Musical Intelligence is sensitivity to pitch, rhythm, and timbre; the

ability to create, communicate and understand meaning in sound; the

ability to discern sound patterns.

3) Logical-mathematical Intelligence is an ability to use and appreciate

of numerical, causal, abstract or logical relations.

4) Spatial Intelligence is an ability to perceive visual and spatial

information, and to transform or modify this information and re-create

visual images.

5) Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence is an ability to control of all or parts of

one’s body and to solve problems or create products.

6) Intrapersonal Intelligence is a capacity to form a mental model of one-

self and use the model to make informed decisions about possible


31Heather M. Prescott, Helping Students Say How They Know What They Know, The

Clearing House, Vol. 74 (6), 2001, p.328. 32Akram Hashemi, The Relationship Between Multiple Intelligence and Reading

Comprehension, Archive of SID, Vol. 2 (6), p.103.


7) Interpersonal Intelligence is a capacity to recognize, distinguish

between and/or influence in desired ways others’ feelings, belifes, and


8) Naturalist Intelligence is an ability to understand and work effectively

in the natural word.33

9) Existential Intelligence it is involves an individual’s ability to use

collective values and intuition to understand others and the world

around them.34

d. The Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

In fact that verbal – linguistic intelligence has been identified many

years before the appearance of others intelligences. Verbal – linguistic

intelligence and logical – mathematical intelligence was used as measurement

of IQ. Both intelligences have become standardized test in some academic

such as National Assessment of Educational Program (NAEP), Iowa Test of

Basic Skill (ITBS), etc.,35

In addition, more than century ago, Alfred Binet made an IQ test to

measure elementary children in France. Later on, the U. S Armed Forces

began using the test in World War I. Basically, the Binet Test only measured

two intelligences: verbal – linguistic intelligence and logic – mathematical

intelligence36. So, it can be concluded that those intelligences were used as

the main focuses of the intelligences from years ago.

So, what is Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence? Verbal – Linguistic

Intelligence is an ability to use words in spoken or written language

effectively. This intelligence involves the ability to manage the language

form, the phonology or sounds of language, the semantics or meanings of

33 Kerri – Lee Krause. Et al., op. cit., p. 295. 34Melissa Kelly, Profile of Existential Intelligence, 2016, p.1,

( 35 Fred C. Lunenburg and Melody R. Lunenburg, Applying Multiple Intelligences in the

Classroom: A Fresh Look at Teaching Writing, International Journal of Scholarly Academic

Intellectual Diversity, Vol. 16 (1), 2014, p.1. 36Ibid.


language, and the pragmatic dimensions or practical uses of language. Some

of these uses include rhetoric (using language to convince others to take a

specific course of action), mnemonics (using language to remember

information), explanation (using language to inform), and metalanguage

(using language to talk about itself).37

The Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence is the intelligence of language and

communication. Language ability that involves speaking, articulating,

expressing, and delivering one’s thoughts and feelings to others with one or

more languages. The intelligence can be at spoken or written language.38

Gardner, Chapman, and Freeman state that people who have good ability in

Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence usually good at memorizing vocabularies

which lead deliver them to read books and to be engaged in the books and

have good appearance in English classes.39

The Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence involves high sensitivity to words

and language function. People with high Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence love

reading, writing, and good at expressing themselves. According to the

intelligence, it involves the ability to recognize language use, good at

remember things, enjoy joking, likes to explain or teach, know how to

persuade people, understands about language rules.40 So, it can be concluded

that people who have good verbal – linguistic intelligence have good ability

to know about language whether in oral or written language.

e. The Characteristics of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

There are some characteristics of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence41:

1) Love to read, write, talk, and listen

2) Often speak what they have read

37 Armstrong, op. cit., p.6. 38 International Montessori Schools and Child Development Centre (World School: Brussels-

Belgium), p.3. 39KarimHajhashemi, KouroshAkef, Neil Anderson, The Relationship between Multiple

Intelligences and Reading Proficiency of Iranian EFL Students, World Applied Science Journal,

2012, 19 (10), p.1476. 40Prescott, op.cit., p.329. 41International Montessori, op.cit., p.3.


3) Good at spelling patterns

4) Applying grammar rules

5) Likes playing word games such as, puzzle, poems, etc,.

6) Maintaining book collection

7) Have good memory for general knowledge

8) They can remember quotes and famous sayings easily

9) Orderly and systematic

10) Good at reasoning

11) Can speak what their viewpoint clear, beautiful, and refined manner

12) Can explain abstract content clearly

13) Good public speaker

14) Likes to debate

15) Likes to use “fancy” words

16) Have good knowledge about language use, such as persuasion,

information, etc,.

17) Good at interpretingn others

18) Learn foreign language easily and enjoy it

19) Flexibility in extraxcting meaning when speaking several languages

Table 2.1

Verbal – Linguistic Capacities Developmental Journey42

Basic Skill Level


acquisition and

basic development

of “building block”

language arts


including simple

Complex Skill Level

(involves understanding

various aspects of

language as a system,

for example, grammar,

syntax, phonetics, and

praxis, and the

development of

Coherence Level

(involves development of

the creative and self-

expressive dimensions of

linguistic communication

and expanded

comprehension and

interpretive capacities)

42Leslie Wessman, Verbal – Linguistic Ways of Knowing, tt.p, t.p, t.t, p.2.


Basic Skill Level

reading and writing,

and rudimentary

patterns of


Complex Skill Level


comprehension skills)

Coherence Level

1. Knowledge of the

alphabet (that is,

ability to recite and

recognize various


1. Complex and proper

use of language to

communicate ideas,

desires, and feelings

1. Ability to create original

stories and relate classical

and previously heard stories

2. Recognition of

one’s own name in

writing and in


2. Capacity to tell jokes

and understand various

kinds of language-based

humor (jokes, puns, and

so on

2. Execution of various

types of formal

speaking(debate, persuasive,

impromptu, and so on)

3. Single word

utterances; speaking

pairs of words and

meaningful phrases

3. Expanded

vocabulary, including

skill in using new words

in speaking and writing

3. • Skilled use of various

figures of speech (metaphor,

simile, hyperbole, and so


4. Creation of

simple sentences,

generally with poor

syntax, in speaking

4. Comprehension of

information presented in

a written format (stories,

narratives, and so on)

4. Ability to engage in

metalinguistic (language

investigating itself) analysis

and dialogue

5. Ability to

perform “imitation

writing,” especially

of one’s own name

and other letters

5. Self-expression in

various creative writing

forms (essay, poetry,

narrative, and so on)


B. The Relevant Study

There are some relevant studies about verbal – linguistic intelligence and

reading. The first study was conducted by Hashemi, his research is about

investigating whether there is any relationship between multiple intelligence and

reading ability. The participants were 122 Iranian undergraduate EFL (English as

Foreign Language) students were selected from Islamic Azad University,

Raudehen Branch. The research used IELTS and multiple intelligence

questionnaire as the instruments of the research. The IELTS test was used as a

main instrument for the testing reading ability and the McKenzie’s questionnaire

used to identify students’ intelligences profiles. The result from correlational

design revealed that verbal – linguistic intelligence and kinesthetic intelligence

made the greatest contribution toward predicting reading ability scores.43

The second study was conducted by Narges Moheb and Mohammad S.

Bagheri. Their research is about finding the relationship between multiple

intelligences and writing strategies among Iranian EFL learners. The participants

in this study were 120 adult males and females studying at high and advanced

level of Iran Language Institute. The researchers used questionnaires to measure

the variables. The first questionnaire was about multiple intelligences and the

second was about writing skill and strategies questionnaire for checking the

students’ use of general, before, during, and after writing. According to the result,

verbal – linguistic intelligence was correlated with general writing strategies44.

The third research was invastigated by Rahimi and Sadighi. This research was

examined about the impact of linguistic intelligence and emotional intelligence on

the reading comprehension ability of the Iranian EFL learners. The participants

were 135 senior English major (both male and female). But, only 90 students at an

intermediate level of proficiency were analyzed for the study. The data gathered

through two questionnaires and a reading test and analyzed through two-way

ANOVA and Multiple Regression. The result indicated that the linguistic

43Hashemi, op.cit., p.100. 44Narges Moheb and Mohammad S. Bagheri, Relationship between Multiple Intelligence and

Writing Strategies, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 4 (4), 2013, p.777.


intelligence is a relatively strong predictor of reading performance, accounting for

more than 40% of the variance observed in the students’ performance on the

reading comprehension test.45

The last research was conducted by Eva Stranovska, This research was

conducted to find the measure of influence of cognitive-individual variables (Need

for structure, Ability to Achieve Cognitive Structure, Self-Esteem, Cognitive Style

Category With), linguistic variables (Verbal Intelligence, Morphology Score), and

demographic variables (Study-year, Grade, Living abroad) on syntactic abilities

of students studying English language and culture at the Constantine the

Philosopher University in Nitra. The participants was 114 students (31 men, 83

women), students of first, second, and third year of English Language and Cultue

studies (full-time study). This research used PNS Scale – Personal Need for

Structure by Thomson Naccarato and Parker (12 items), AACS Scale (24 items)

studied abot how students react in uncertain situation, Estimation Scale C-W

(Category Width) (20 statement items): C-W scale measures rthe Cognitive Style

‘Category Width’ and real estimation, RSES to measure the level of self-esteem

scale, Intelligence Structure Test I-S-T, Verbal Intelligence Sub-tets (consists of

three sub-tests), and Test of Syntactic Abilities (80 items divided into four

areas)measured the ability to create syntactic structures. The result of the study

shows that a positive correlation between syntactic ability and Verbal Intelligence

and a negative correlation between Verbal Inteligence and Need for Structure46.

There has been some studies invastigated that showed verbal-linguistic

intelligence related to language proficiency, especially in reading. However, not

many studies have investigated verbal-linguistic intelligence correlates to a

specific language skill, reading. Moreover, since there has been investigations that

showed verbal-linguistic intelligence correlates to language proficiency for EFL

45M. Rahimi, F. Sadighi and Z. Heosseiny Fard, The Impact of Linguistic and Emotional

Intelligence on the Reading Performance of Iranian EFL Learners, The Journal of Teaching

Language Skills (JTLS), Vol.3 (1), 2011, p.151. 46Eva Stranovska, et al., Cognitive-Individual, Linguistic and Demographic Variables, and

Syntactic Abilities in Foreign Language, Studia Psychologica, Vol. 55 (4), 2013, p.273.


learners in others country, so this study will examined the correlation between

verbal-linguistic intelligence and reading in Indonesia.

C. Conceptual Framework

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that reading is one of the

most important material to be learnt. In reading, the reader can get information

through the written text. Especially in language learning, reading is one of the

most important skills that can help the language learner to improve their

knowledge about the foreign language. As mentioned in the theories about

reading, reading is a mental process that involves the reader and the reader’s brain

is getting together with the text to get the meaning of the text. While the eyes

read the text, the brin try to get the meaning of it. So, reading also called as a

cognitive process because when the reader reads, the reader’s not only reads the

words by words but also need reader’s comprehension in understanding the text.

Without comprehension, the reader just reads the words without getting the

message of the text.

Because reading is also called as cognitive process, many people in education

believe that intelligence is one of the factors whether the student potential level up

or not. In many schools, reading and intelligence test are becoming a standard for

understanding students self-background. In addition, intelligence is often

considered to be a major factor causing high and low reading achievement. Based

on Howard Gardner’s theory, there are 9 types of multiple intelligence.

One of them is verbal – linguistic intelligence which one of its characteristics

is loves to read. As theories above, verbal linguistic intelligence is an ability to

understand written and oral language. This intelligence involves how a person can

understand and enjoy easily with language skills. As writer mentioned, reading is

one of the ability that can easily mastered by the person who have dominant

verbal – linguistic intelligence in themselves. However, most people does not

realize what their dominant intelligence are. Since intelligence is something that

can be changed and/or improved, so people can changed or improve the

intelligence based on what they want.


Thus, based on the explanation above, it can be identified that verbal –

linguistic intelligence has a great deal with reading. it can be supposed that the

more students getting aware about their verbal – linguistic intelligence and having

a better knowledge about what their dominant initelligence are, they will easily

get comprehension with the text and also they can help themselves in learning

process based on their learning styles which developed by intelligences.

D. Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on the theories discussed above, it can be proposed theoretical

hypothesis that there is significant correlation between students’ verbal –

linguistic intelligence and reading achievement.





A. Time and Place of Research

This study was conducted for four months, from July to October 2016. The

study was conducted for verbal-linguistic intelligence and reading

achievementtest. The place of the study is at “SyarifHidayatullah” State Islamic

University of Jakarta which is located at Jl. Ir. Juanda No.95, Ciputat, Tangerang

Selatan. The consideration of conducting the study at this site was because of the

accessibility and familiarity of the situation and the participants.

B. Method of Study

The method of this study was quantitative method. Meanwhile, the research

design of this study was correlational study. For the real design of the study is

represented as follows:

Figure 3.1

Research Design

From the figure above, this study investigated the correlation between two

variables. The variables were independent and dependent variables. The

independent variable is “reading achievement” which was known as X variable.

Dependent variable is “verbal – linguistic intelligence” which was known as Y


C. Population and Sample

The population of the study was the 5th semester students of Department of

English Education of “SyarifHidayatullah” State Islamic University of Jakarta

which consisted of 3 classes; 5A, 5B, and 5C. Each class consisted of 5A: 15


students, 5B: 20 students, and 5C 19 students. The total numbers of 3 classes are

54 students. The target population of this study was chosen because they have

already given all of reading materials. According to Cohen, taking the larger

sample is better to give greater reliability and facilitate more sophisticated

statistics to be used.1 Therefore, the study was considered to take sample for

collecting data consisted of 39 students which selected using random sampling

technique. The samples derived from 5B and 5C classes. Meanwhile, the other 15

students which were from 5A were involved to be participants in testing validity

and reliability of the instrument of this study.

D. Instrument of the Research

In collecting the data, two instruments were used in this study. The first

instrumentwas the reading achievement test scores which given to the 5th semester

based on Reading 4 syllabus. Then, the second instrument was questionnaire

Likert type scale of questionnaire about Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence taken from

Multiple Intelligence Questionnaire by Walter McKenzie, International

Montessori Schools and Child Development Centres Brussels, Belgium, and

Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong were used to

measure students’ Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence.

E. Technique of Data Collection

The instrument of this study was reading achievemetn test as variable X and

Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire score as Y variable.

1. Reading Achievement Test

In this study, reading achievement test was adopted from Longman Complete

Course for the TOEFL Test Preparation for the Computer and Paper Test, Step by

Step to Reading Skills 4, and E-book of The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test 4th

Edition by ETS. The reason why those books were chosen is because those consist

of test of the TOEFL paper-based which requires the materials from Reading 4

1 Louise Cohen, et al., Research Method in Education (6th Ed.), (New York: Routledge,

2007), p. 101.


syllabus. In other words, the tests were suitable for the participants of this study

because they have learned about all the materials in Reading 4. The main aspect of

this test was comprehending English passage. The test consisted of 25 questions

in multiple choice test. The participants had 25 minutes for answering the test.

The writer analyzed the score by using ANATES program version 4.0. So, the

reading test score will be correlated with the verbal – linguistic intelligence

questionnaire score in order to find its significant relationship.

Table 3.1

The Blue Print of Reading Achievement Test

Indicator Item Number Total


1. Main Idea and Topic 2, 7, 25 3

2. The organization of


21, 22 2

3. Thinking in English 10, 11 2

4. Vocabulary Question 4, 14, 17 3

5. Stated Detail Question 12, 23, 24, 9 4

6. Unstated Detail


1, 8, 13 3

7. Pronoun Referent 6, 16 2

8. Previewing, Predicting,

and Transition

18, 19, 20 3

9. Inferences 3, 5, 15 3

2. Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire

The writer conducted Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire was a

combination from Walter McKenzie Multiple Intelligence Questionnaire


(1999)2, International Montessori Schools and Child Development Centres

Brussels, Belgium3, and Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom by Thomas

Armstrong4 as the research instrument. It was a self-report questionnaire using a

Likert-type scale. The structure of the Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

Questionnaire consists of general characteristics of Verbal – Linguistic


The Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence comprised of 26 items categorized

under eight components in self-direction in learning. The components of Verbal

– Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire present in Table 3.2 included language

skills and creativity in language. In the questionnaire section, the participants

were required to choose form one of five scales (1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 =

Disagree, 3 = Undecided, 4 = Agree, and 5 = Strongly Agree).

Table 3.2

The Blue Print of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire

Indicator Item Number Total


Language skills 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15,

16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25,


Creativity in language 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 19, 22, 26 8

a. Validity Instrument

Validation of the instrument was conducted to know whether the

instrument capable to collect data or not. The writer got the standard

coefficient validity minimum for this instrument with N = 15 and coefficient

significance level 5%. The coefficient validity is 0,514. To see the validity

2YaminaBoudraf, “The Relationship between English Language Students’ Multiple

Intelligences and Reading Comprehension,” Dissertation in Mohamed Khider University, Biskra,

2012, p. 71, published. 3International Montessori Schools and Child Development Centre (World School: Brussels-

Belgium), p.3. 4 Thomas Armstrong, Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, (Unieted States of America:

ASCD, 2009), p.22.


instrument, the writer did it through SPSS statistics program version 22.0.

there were 26 questions that the writer conducted for validation. The

calculation of validity test can be seen in appendices. The indicator of the

questionnairewas taken from Multiple Intelligence Questionnaire by Walter

McKenzie, International Montessori Schools and Child Development Centres

Brussels, Belgium, and Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom by Thomas


b. Reliability Test

The writer used SPSS statistics program version 22.0 in order to get the

reliability of the questionnaire the result can be seen as below:

Table 3.3

The Result of Reliability Test


Alpha N of Items

,743 26

From the result, it can be seen that rresult= 0,743. It was compared to rtable

with N = 15 and 5% significance (see appendices), that was rtable = 0.514. It

can be concluded that this instrument is reliable because rresult> rtable = 0.743 >


After getting the participants’Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence scores, it

was devided into scoring range that indicates their level in Verbal –

Linguistic Intelligence. The table as follow:5

Table 3.4

The Scoring Range of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence*

Range Score Classification

130 Very Superior

5Wikipedia, IQ classification, 2016, (


Range Score Classification

120 – 129 Superior

110 – 119 High Average

90 – 109 Average

80 – 89 Low Average

70 – 79 Borderline

69 and below Extremely Low

*The Wechsler Intelligence Scale

F. Technique of Data Analysis

For analyzing the data, the study used the correlation formula by Pearson

Product-Moment Correlation. Pearson product-moment correlation can be used to

analyze data which is collected from the result of the two variables measurement

in interval scale.6 The formula will be used for finding the number of correlation,

as follows:




In which:

rxy :The Correlation coefficient between Verbal - Linguistic

Questionnaire score and Students’ Reading Achievement

N = the number of respondent

X = the student’s score in reading achievement

Y = the student’s score in Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

ΣX = the sum of reading achievement scores

ΣY = the sum of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence scores

ΣX2 = the sum of squares of reading achievement scores

ΣY2 = the sum of squares of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence scores

6 Jonathan Sarwono, MetodePenelitanKuantitatifdanKualitatif, (Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu,

2006), p. 149.


(ΣX)2= the squares of the sum of reading achievement scores

(ΣY)2= the squares of the sum of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence score

ΣXY = the sum multiple of reading achievement scores and VLI score

Then, the contribution of the independent variable (x) towards the

dependent variable (y) is investigated through the determination coefficient (r2)

as follows:7

R = r2 x 100%

R = value of determinant coefficient

r2 = value of the squared correlation coefficient

Moreover, after getting the r score, the significance between two

variables will be tested to know the correlation between variable X and

variable Y. The formula of the significance test is:8

tcount = 𝑟√𝑛−2


to = t value

r = value of correlation coefficient

n = number of sample

The last is to interpret the index scores of rcorrelation, product moment

(rxy) usually used the interpretation such as bellow.9

Table 3.5

The Interpretation of Pearson Correlation

The score of “r”

product moment (rxy)


0.00—0.19 There is a relationship between X and Y, but the

correlation is very weak or little so it is ignored

or it is considered no correlation in this rating.

7 Budi Susetyo, StatistikauntukAnalisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung: PT RefikaAditama,

2010), p. 122. 8Sugiyono, MetodePenelitianKuantitatif, Kualitatifdan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013), p.

187. 9 Jonathan Sarwono, Op. cit., p. 150.


The score of “r”

product moment (rxy)


0.20—0.39 There is a relationship between X and Y, but it is

weak or little.

0.40—0.59 There is a relationship between X and Y. The

value is medium.

0.60—0.79 There is high relationshipbetween X and Y.

0.80—1.00 There is a very high relationship between X and


G. Statistical Hypothesis

1. If ro>rt = Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It means that there is a

relationship between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading


2. If ro>rt = Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. It means that there is a no

relationship between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading





A. Research Finding

1. Data Description

The research was conducted at SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University

of Jakarta. The 5th semester of Department of English Education in academic year

2016/2017 were involved as the participants of the research. There were two

different tests conducted in this study; Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

questionnaire and reading achievement test. The tests were conducted to measure

students’ Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence and reading achievement. The Verbal –

Linguistic Intelligence questionnaire consisted of 26 items and the reading

achievement test consisted of 25 multiple-choice test type. The reading

achievement test items were adopted from Longman Complete Course for the

TOEFL Test Preparation for the Computer and Paper Test, Step by Step to

Reading Skills 4, and E-book of The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test 4th Edition

by ETS. While, the items in Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence were adopted

fromMultiple Intelligence Questionnaire by Walter McKenzie, International

Montessori Schools and Child Development Centres Brussels, Belgium, and

Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong. The data that were

gotten are:

a. Reading Achievement

These are the score of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence which were

gained from the Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence questionnaire conducted by

the researcher.


Table 4.1

The Reading Achievement Score of 5th Semester Students of Department

of English Education

Participants Reading Achievement Scores


Student 1 48

Student 2 60

Student 3 56

Student 4 64

Student 5 52

Student 6 60

Student 7 60

Student 8 32

Student 9 48

Student 10 64

Student 11 56

Student 12 60

Student 13 60

Student 14 36

Student 15 76

Student 16 52

Student 17 64

Student 18 68

Student 19 72

Student 20 64

Student 21 52

Student 22 56

Student 23 48

Student 24 56

Student 25 44


Participants Reading Achievement Scores


Student 26 48

Student 27 52

Student 28 44

Student 29 60

Student 30 48

Student 31 68

Student 32 40

Student 33 28

Student 34 64

Student 35 48

Student 36 60

Student 37 32

Student 38 56

Student 39 52

To provide an additional vivid description of the data distribution of

reading achievement, the histogram of frequency distribution is presented in

figure 4.1 as follows:


Figure 4.1

The Histogram Data of Reading Achievement Test Score

From the figure 4.1 above, the total number of students were 39

students. There were 1 student got score 28, 2 students got score 32, 1 student

36, 1 student got score 40, 2 students got score 44, 6 students got score 48, 5

students got 52, 5 students got score 56, 7 students got score 60, 5 students

got score 64, 2 students got score 68, 1 student got score 72, and the last 1

student got score 76.

Furthermore, the statistical score of the reading achievement scores

were counted using Frequencies of Descriptive Statistics in SPSS statistics

program version 22.0 to know mean, mode, median, and standard deviation

score of the reading achievement test scores. It can be describe as follows:


Table 4.2

The Statistical Score of the Reading Achievement Test

N Valid 39

Missing 0

Mean 54.05

Median 56.00

Mode 60

Std. Deviation 10.969

Variance 120.313

Range 48

Minimum 28

Maximum 76

Sum 2108

From the descriptive statistic above, the respondents of this study were

39 students. The mean of the reading achievement test score was 54.05 which

means that the average score obtained by the students. The median or the

mddle score of reading acvhievement test was 56.00. then, the mode score or

the score that appears the most was 60. It means that most of students

obtained 60 in the reading test. In addition, the highest score of the reading

achievement test score was 76, whereas, the lowest score was 28. Therefore,

the range score between the highest and the lowest score was 48. The last, the

standard deviation of the reading test was 10.969 with variance 120.313.

In Department of English Education, the score are characterized as


80 – 100 = A

70 – 79 = B

60 – 69 = C

1Pedoman Akademik Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

2012/2013 (Jakarta: Biro Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan UIN Jakarta, 2012), p.39.


50 – 59 = D

00 – 50 = E

An “A” is characterized as an excellent score. It is the highest score and

the students who obtained it, passed the test excellently. Then, “B” is

chracterized as a good score. Next, “C” is characterized as a medium score, or

the test takers passed the test but it is recommended to retake the test or have

remedial test. Then, “D” and “E” score is characterized as a bad score or the

test takers failed to pass the test. Based on the data description above, it

revealed that most of students obtained score 60, in which score 60 is

characterized as C, a medium score, the test takers passedd the test but it is

recommended to retake the test o have remedial test. From the data, it can be

concluded, that the students in medium position of reading achievement.

b. Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire Score

The Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence score was taken from the the

Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence questionnaire distributed by the writer. The

Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence score divided into seven catagories; very

superior, superior, high average, average, low average, borderline, and

extremely low level in Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence. The following table

consisted of scoring range level of Intelligence test, and interpretation of

Vebal – Linguistic Intelligence level.2

Table 4.3

The Scoring Range of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire

Range Score Classification

130 Very Superior

120 – 129 Superior

110 – 119 High Average

90 – 109 Average

2Wikipedia, IQ classification, 2016, (


Range Score Classification

80 – 89 Low Average

70 – 79 Borderline

69 and below Extremely Low

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale

Then, the following table consisted of the list of participants, their

Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence questionnaire scores, and their level in

intelligence scale.

Table 4.4

The Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence (VLI) Questionnaire score

Participants VLI Score (Y) Level of VLI

Student 1 90 Average

Student 2 76 Borderline

Student 3 104 Average

Student 4 84 Low Average

Student 5 94 Average

Student 6 100 Average

Student 7 79 Borderline

Student 8 92 Average

Student 9 90 Average

Student 10 86 Low Average

Student 11 85 Low Average

Student 12 99 Average

Student 13 81 Low Average

Student 14 80 Low Average

Student 15 93 Average

Student 16 80 Low Average

Student 17 88 Low Average

Student 18 82 Low Average


Participants VLI Score (Y) Level of VLI

Student 19 101 Average

Student 20 108 Average

Student 21 81 Low Average

Student 22 82 Low Average

Student 23 93 Average

Student 24 94 Average

Student 25 87 Low Average

Student 26 92 Average

Student 27 83 Low Average

Student 28 75 Borderline

Student 29 91 Average

Student 30 73 Borderline

Student 31 96 Average

Student 32 93 Average

Student 33 90 Average

Student 34 89 Low Average

Student 35 84 Low Average

Student 36 79 Borderline

Student 37 99 Average

Student 38 70 Borderline

Student 39 84 Low Average

To provide an additional vivid description of the data distribution of

verbal – linguistic intelligence score, the histogram of frequency distribution

was presented in figure 4.2 as follows:


Figure 4.2

The Histogram Data of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Score

From the figure 4.2 above, there were 39 students as participants of this

study. There were 1 student got score 70, 1 student got score 73, 1 student got

score 75, 1 student got score 76, 2 students got score 79, 2 students got score

80, 2 students got score 81, 2 students got score 82, 1 student got score 83, 3

students got score 84, 1 student got score 85, 1 student got score 86, 1 student

got score 87, 1 student got score 88, 1 student got score 89, 3 students got

score 90, 1 student got score 91, 2 students got score 92, 3 students got score

93, 2 students got score 94, 1 student got score 96, 2 students got score 99, 1

student got score 100, 1 student got score 101, 1 student got score 104, and

the last, 1 student got score 108.

In addition, there were 18 students in average level. There were 15

students in low – average level, and 6 students in borderline level.

Apparently, from the symmetrical bell-shaped curve, it showed that the data

of verbal – linguistic intelligence score was normally distributed.


Furthermore, the statistical score of verbal – linguistic intelligence

score were counted using Frequencies of Descriptive Statistics in SPSS

statistics program version 22.0 to know mean, mode, median, and standard

deviation score of the verbal – linguistic intelligence questionnaire. It can be

described as follows:

Table 4.5

The Statistical Score of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire

N Valid 39

Missing 0

Mean 87.87

Median 88.00

Mode 84a

Std. Deviation 8.712

Variance 75.904

Range 38

Minimum 70

Maximum 108

Sum 3427

a. Multiple modes exist. The

smallest value is shown

From the statistics table above, the respondents of this study were 39

students. The mean of verbal – linguistic intelligence score was 87.87 which

meant that the everage score students obtained. The median or the middle

score of verbal – linguistic intelligence was 88.00. Then, the mode score or

the score that appeared the most was 84. It meant that most of students

obtained 84. In addition, the highest score of verbal – linguistic intelligence

was 108, whereas the lowest score was 70. Therefore, the range score

between the highest and the lowest score was 38. The last, the standard

deviation of verbal – linguistic intelligence was 8.712 with variance 75.904.


2. Analysis of the Data

a. Analysis of Linearity of Test

The Linearity of the test was checked in order to see whether the

regression of the relationship between two variables is linear or not. The data

was analyzed by using SPSS statistic program version 22.0 and presented by

ANNOVA table. The table was presented as follows:

Table 4.6

The Linearity Test Results of the Data


Sum of

Squares df


Square F Sig.

VLI * RA Between


(Combined) 636.945 12 53,079 .614 .811

Linearity 26.833 1 26,833 .310 .582


from Linearity 610.111 11 55,465 .642 .777

Within Groups 2247.414 26 86.439

Total 2884.359 38

From the table above, it reveals that verbal – linguistic intelligence and

reading achievemnt have linear regression. The result of linearity is 0.582 and

deviation from linearity is 0.777 in which the data distribution is a good linear

regression because the significant of linearity is bigger than the significant of

5% (0.582 > 0.05) and deviation of linearity is bigger than 0.05 (0.777 >



b. Analysis of Normality of the Test

The normality of the tests was checked using SPSS statistic program

version 22.0 in order to see whether the data populations of the tests were

normally distributed or not. The normality test used Shapiro – Wilk at the

0.05 level of significnt. The result of the analysis was represented in the

following table:

Table 4.7

Test of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

VLI .082 39 .200* .989 39 .970

READING .116 39 .200* .966 39 .274

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

From the result above, both verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading

achievement were normally distributed because the values of both score were

higher than value of 5% or 00.5. Due the total number of samples which less

than 50, the test of normality was analyzed using Shipiro – Wilk. The test

result showed that the significant value of verbal – linguistic intelligence was

0.970, in which 0.970 > 0.05. Moreover, the significant value of reading

achievement was 0.274, in which 0.274 > 0.05. Since the data distribution

was normal and linear, the statistical analysis used parametric procedure,

which was Product Moment Correlation.

c. Analysis of Correlation Coefficient

In this study, the statistic calculation of the Pearson Product Moment

Formula was used to analyze the data of verbal – linguistic intelligence and

reading achievement. Before doing the calculation, the data is described as



Table 4.8

The Data Analysis of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence and Reading


Participants X Y XY X2 Y2

Student 1 48 90 4320 2304 8100

Student 2 60 76 4560 3600 5776

Student 3 56 104 5824 3136 10816

Student 4 64 84 5376 4096 7056

Student 5 52 94 4888 2704 8836

Student 6 60 100 6000 3600 10000

Student 7 60 79 4740 3600 6241

Student 8 32 92 2944 1024 8464

Student 9 48 90 4320 2304 8100

Student 10 64 86 5504 4096 7396

Student 11 56 85 4760 3136 7225

Student 12 60 99 5940 3600 9801

Student 13 60 81 4860 3600 6561

Student 14 36 80 2880 1296 6400

Student 15 76 93 7068 5776 8649

Student 16 52 80 4160 2704 6400

Student 17 64 88 5632 4096 7744

Student 18 68 82 5576 4624 6724

Student 19 72 101 7272 5184 10201

Student 20 64 108 6912 4096 11664

Student 21 52 81 4212 2704 6561

Student 22 56 82 4592 3136 6724

Student 23 48 93 4464 2304 8649

Student 24 56 94 5264 3136 8836

Student 25 44 87 3828 1936 7569

Student 26 48 92 4416 2304 8464

Student 27 52 83 4316 2704 6889


Participants X Y XY X2 Y2

Student 29 60 91 5460 3600 8281

Student 30 48 73 3504 2304 5329

Student 31 68 96 6528 4624 9216

Student 32 40 93 3720 1600 8649

Student 33 28 90 2520 784 8100

Student 34 64 89 5696 4096 7921

Student 35 48 84 4032 2304 7056

Student 36 60 79 4740 3600 6241

Student 37 32 99 3168 1024 9801

Student 38 56 70 3920 3136 4900

Student 39 52 84 4368 2704 7056









2 ∑Y2304021

From the table above, it showed that there were 39 participants, the sum

of the reading achievement score (X) was 2108, the sum of verbal – linguistic

intelligence questionnaire (Y) was 3427, the multiplication between X and Y

was 185584, the variable X squared was 118512, and the variable Y squared

was 304021. After getting the results above, the calculation of the data to

Pearson Product Moment Formula is presented as follows:



𝑁 ∑ 𝑋𝑌−(∑ 𝑋).(∑ 𝑌)

√{𝑁.∑ 𝑋2−(∑ 𝑋)2}{𝑁.∑ 𝑌2−(∑ 𝑌)2}


N = 39

∑X = 2108

∑Y = 3427

∑XY = 185584


∑X2 = 118512

∑Y2 = 304021


𝑁 ∑ 𝑋𝑌−(∑ 𝑋).(∑ 𝑌)

√{𝑁.∑ 𝑋2−(∑ 𝑋)2}{𝑁.∑ 𝑌2−(∑ 𝑌)2}


39 𝑥 185584− (2108)(3427)

√{39 𝑥 118512 − (2108)2}{39 𝑥 304021− (3427)2}













𝑟𝑥𝑦= 0.096

To make sure the result of the calculation above, the Pearson Product

Moment in SPSS statistic program version 22.0 was used to know whether

the calculation that has been calculated manually is correct or not to make

sure that there is no mismatching calculation between score that the writer

counted. The calculation of Pearson Product Moment is described as follows:

Table 4.9

Pearson Product Moment


RA Pearson

Correlation 1 .096

Sig. (2-tailed) .559

N 39 39


VLI Pearson






Sig. (2-tailed) .559

N 39 39

The Result of those calculation; manual calculation and calculation

using SPSS statistic program 22.0 were equal, in which the value of rxy or ro

for verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement was 0.096. It

means that there was no mismatch in the process of calculating the data by

calculating manually or using the SPSS stastistic program version 22.0.

d. Analysis of Determination of Coefficient

The contribution of the independent variable (X), reading achievement

towards the dependent variable (Y), verbal – linguistic intelligence, is

investigated through the determination coefficient (r2). The result of r2 can be

found through this formula:

R = r2 x 100%

= 0.096 x 100%

= 0. 009216 x 100%

= 0.9216%

= 0.92%


R = Value of the determination coefficient.

r2 = Value of the squared correlation coefficient

Based on the result of determination coefficient, the students’verbal –

linguistic intelligence contributes to students’reading achievement as much

0.92% and the remains 99.08% were given by others variable, for example

reader’s knowledge, motivation, reason, strategies, chaacteristics, etc.3

3 J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, (Edinburgh: Cambridge University Press,

2001), p. 33.


3. Hypothesis Testing

To test the hypothesis, the correlation coefficient from the calculation (rxy)

is compared to correlation coefficient from Product Moment table (rt). In the term

of the statistical hypotheses, these can be portrayed as follows:

1. If ro> rt = Ha is accepted. There is correlation between verbal – linguistic

intelligence and reading achievement.

2. If ro< rt = Ha is rejected. There is no correlation between verbal – linguistic

intelligence and reading achievement.

To find rxy or ro, the degree of freedom must be determined with the


df = N – nr

= 39 – 2

= 37


df = Degree of Freedom

N = Number of Cases (respondents)

nr = number of variables

In the table of significance (see appendix 9), it shows that the rt of a two

tailed test in the significance of 5% and the df of 37 is found to be 0.316. Based on

the score of r0 0.096, it indicated that the score of r0 is smaller than rt, in which

0.096 < 0.316. It means that Ha is rejected; or in the other words there is no

correlation between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement.

Moreover, the result of tcount or t0 is compared to ttable in order to find the

significance of variables. The formula of getting tcount is presented as follows:


tcount = 𝑟√𝑛−2



Description of the formula:

tcount = tvalue

r = 0.096

n = 39


tcount = 𝑟√𝑛−2






=0.096 𝑥 6.0827625303


= 0.5839452029


= 0.5866547653

= 0.590

The formulation of test:

a. If to >ttable, it means that the null hypothesis is rejected and there is

significant relationship.

b. If to<ttable, the null hypothesis is accepted and there is no significant


From the table of significance (see appendix 10), it is obtained that ttable of

5% and df = 37 is 2.02619. It indicates that to<ttable, in which 0.590< 2.02619.

Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. In other words, there is no

significant relationship between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading


According to the result of the calculation of Pearson Product Moment

above, the value of correlation coefficient (ro) is 0.096. To interpret the gravity of


0.096, the table of “r” product moment shows that the correlation value is on the

very weak/low level, in which between 0.00 – 0-19. The very weak/low

correlation means that the relationship tends to the negative relationship. The table

of “r” interpretation was adopted from Jonathan Sarwono’s theory.

Table 4.10

The Interpretation of Coefficient Correlation of Value r

Coefficient Interval Degrees of Correlation

0.00—0.19 Very weak/low

0.20—0.39 Weak/low

0.40—0.59 Strong enough

0.60—0.79 Strong

0.80—1.00 Very Strong

B. Discussion

Based on the data description of reading achievement, it is found that the

score is low. It is indicated by the average score of the reading achievement of the

fifth semester students of Department of English Education found 56.00 and the

mode score was 60.00. In addition, most of the students got score upper than the

mean score obtained 56.00. therefore, most of fifth semester students of

Department of English Education have low score in reading achievement test.

Meanwhile, from the data description of verbal – linguistic intelligence, it is

found that the fifth semester students of Department of English Education

commonly in low - average level, which is indicated by the result of the average

score found 87.87 and the mode score was 84.00. However, although the students

are considered in low – average level, there are still many students in average and

borderline level. It is indicated that the students who got score of verbal –

linguistic intelligence under the mean obtained 87.87 are higher than the students

who got score upper the mean score. It means that the fifth semester students of


Department of English Education should increase their verbal – linguistic

intelligence in order to have good sense in reading.

In addition, the finding reveals that there is no significant relationship

between verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement. It is indicated

that the value of correlation coefficient (rxy) is smaller than the score of rtable (rt).

In this case, the correlation coefficient is 0.096, and the value was compared with

rt at the level of significance 0.05 obtained respectively 0.316, in which r0 = 0.096

< rt = 0.316. Similarly, based on the calculation of tcount above, the value of tcount is

smaller than the value of ttable at the level of significance 0.05, in which tcount =

0.590 < ttable = 2.026. Since r0 and tcount are smaller than rt and ttable, it means that

the alternative hypothesis Ha is rejected and null hypothesis (H0) is accepted. In

other words, there is no significant correlation between verbal – linguistic

intelligence and reading achievement at the fifth semester students of Department

of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University in

academic year 2016/2017. Therefore, students who have verbal – linguistic

intelligence are not always good at reading. As cited reaserch, McMahon, Rose,

and Parks identified the relationship between multiple intelligence and reading

achievement revealed that students with high logical - mathematical intelligence

have high score in reading achievement4.

Additionally, based on the determination of coefficient (r2) = 0.09216

obtained, verbal – linguistic intelligence was considered to have contribution of

0.92% towards reading achievement. In other words, the reading achievement of

the fifth semester students of Department of English Education of State Islamic

University of Jakarta in academic year 2016/2017 is 0. 92% influenced by their

verbal – linguistic intelligence and there were 99.08% as the remains. The remains

indicate that there are other factors which influence their reading achievement.

To sum up, the data interpretation shows a finding that verbal – linguistic

intelligence and reading achievement were not correlated each other. Verbal –

linguistic intelligence gave contribution r0 0.096 to reading achievement. The

4Narges Moheb and Mohammad S. Bagheri, Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and

Writing Strategies, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol.4 (4), 2013, p. 778.


relationship of verbal – linguistic intelligence and reading achievement have not

significant value. It means that reading achievement students’ was not based on

their verbal – linguistic intelligence.

C. Limitations

In conducting this study, there were some challenges that lead this study to

some limitations. First, finding about spesific verbal – linguistic intelligence

references is difficult since the research about the verbal – linguistic intelligence

are limited in Indonesia. Verbal – linguistic intelligence workbooks also limited.

However the writer tried to find in others universities in Jakarta. As a result, the

writer got some challenges in finding those books.

Second, in order to find the result of the correlation between verbal –

linguistic intelligence and reading achievement, the writer had to find valid

questionnaire for measuring the verbal – linguistic intelligence. The writer tried to

find to psychology institution to find the questionnaire. But then, the writer

decided to conduct verbal – linguistic intelligence by herself..

Last, the writer found limited access to look for the relevant studied needed.

The reason was there were few researchers in Indonesia who studied about the

verbal – linguistic intelligence. There is no skripsi about verbal – linguistic

intelligence in UIN that can be example for the writer for her skripsi. As a result,

most of the similar studies discussing the variables were found in other countries.




A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings in the previous chapter, it can be concluded

that there was no a significant correlation between verbal – linguistic intelligence

and reading achievement of the fifth semester students of Department of English

Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State University of Jakarta in academic year

2016/2017. The correlation between the two variables is found at the 95% level of

confidence (p < 0.05) with the value of r = 0.096. The finding reveals that the

correlation between the variables is in the weak or low level. Similarly, the

significance t contribution reveals that the result there was not significance. The

score of tcount is smaller than ttable. The score of significance tcount was 0.590.

Meanwhile, the Df = 37 indicates significant score of 5% is 2.026. It means Ha is

rejected. Therefore, it can be summarized that verbal – linguistic intelligence has

weak correlation to reading achievement.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, it can be delivered some suggestions that go


1. Teachers

For teachers, it is suggested to give students the exposure or learning style

based on their multiple intelligences. This can help them to realize what they need

in learning process in order to get good achievement. Therefore, teaching with

based on their intelligences will help them and they will become familiar with

intelligence and learning style.

2. Students

For students especially as language learners, it is suggested to enrich their

knowledge and comprehension about multiple intelligence. Collocation can be

found in many English sources like books, magazines, newspaper, journals, etc., so

they can be familiar with multiple intelligence. The more they have knowledge


about their dominant intelligence, the better they will increase their achievement by

using learning style based on the intelligence.

3. The Next Researchers

According to the result of study, it is found that some students still have less

knowledge about verbal – liguistic intelligence or others intelligennces. Therefore,

it is suggested to next researchers to teach them about multiple intelligences.

Remembering that reading is one of the characteristics of verbal – linguistic

intelligence and it gives contribution in comprehending the text, therefore it is

suggested to teach or explain them about multiple intelligences, especially verbal –

linguistic intelligence for language learning. In other words, next researchers can

try to find the effectiveness of verbal – linguistic intelligence ways towards reading

comprehension. Hopefully this suggestion can be beneficial for the next




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Reading Achievement Test

Reading Test

Name: NIM:


The cinema did not emerge

as a form of mass consumption until

its technology evolved from the

initial “peepshow” formt to the point

where images were projected on a

screen in a darkened theater. In the

peepshow format, a film was viewed

through a small opening in a machine

that was created for that purpose.

Thomas Edison’s peepshow device,

the Kinetoscope, was introduced to

the public in 1894. It was designed

for use in Kinetoscope parlors, or

arcades. Which contained only a few

individual machines and permitted

only one custimer to view a short,

50-foot film at any one time. The

first Kinetoscope parlors contained

five machines. For the price of 25

cents (or 5 cents per machine),

customer moved from machine to

machine to watch five different films

(or, in the case of famous prizefights,

succesive rounds of a single fight).

1. All of the following were true

of viewing films in

Kinetoscope parlors


A. One individual at a

time viewed a film.

B. Customers could view

one film after another.

C. Prizefights were the

most popular subjects

for films.

D. Each film was short.

These Kinetoscope arcades

were modeled on phonograph

parlors, which had proven successful

for Edison several years earlier. In

the phonograph parlors, customers

listened to recordings through

individual ear tubes, moving from

one machine to the next to hear

differen recorded speeches or pieces

of music. The Kinetoscope parlors

functioned in similiar way. Edison

was more interested in the sale of

Kinetoscopes (for roughly $1,000

apiece). He refused to develop

projection technology, reasoning that

if he made and sold projectors , then

exhibitor would purchase only one

machine- a projector-from him

instead of several.


2. Which of the sentences below

best expresses the esential

information in the highlighted

sentence in the passage?

Incorrect answeres choices

change the meaning in

important ways or leave out

essential information.

A. Edison was more

interested in

developing a variety

of machines than in

developing a

technology based on

only one.

B. Edison refused to

work on projection

technology because he

did not think

exhibitors would

replace their

projectors with newer


C. Edison did not want to

develop projection

technology because it

limited the number of

machines he could


D. Edison would not

develop projection

technology unless

exhibitors agreed to

purchase more than

one projector from


Before 1815 manufacturing

in the United States had been done in

homes or shops by skilled artisans.

As master craftworkers, they

imparted the knowledge of their

trades to appentices and journeymen.

In addition, women often worked in

their homes part-time, making

finished articles from raw material

supplied by marchant capitalists.

Aftre 1815 this older form of

manufacturing began to give way to

factories with machinery tended by

unskilled or semiskilled laborers.

Cheap traansportation networks, the

rise of cities, and the availability of

capital and credit all stimulated the

shift to factory production.

3. Which of the following can

be inferred from the passage

about articles manufactured

before 1815?

A. They were primarily

produced by women.

B. They were generally

produced in shops

rather than in homes.

C. They were produced

with more concern for

quality than for speed

of production.

D. They were produced

mostly in large cities

with extensive



The dessert, which already

occupy approximately a fourth of the

Earth’s land surface, have in recent

decades been increasing at an

alarming pace. The expansion of

desertlike conditions into areas

where they did not previously exist is

called desertification. It has been

estimated that an additional one-

fourth of the Earth’s land surface is

threatened by this process.

4. The word “threatened”in the

passage is closest in meaning



A. Restricted

B. Endangered

C. Prevented

D. Rejected

The nineteenth century

brought with it a burst of new

discoveries and inventions that

revolutionized the candle industry

and made lighting available to all. In

the early-to-mid-nineteenth century,

a process was develop to refine

tallow (fat from animals) with alkali

and sulfuric acid. The result was a

poduct called stearin. Stearin is a

harder and burns longer than

unrefined tallow. This breakthrough

meant that it was possible to make

tallow candles that woud not produce

the usual smoke and rancid odor.

Stearins were also derived from palm

oils, so vagetable waxes as well as

animal fats could be used to make


5. Which of the following can

be inferred from the

paragraph about candles

before the nineteenth


A. They did not smoke

when they were


B. They produced a

pleasant odor as they


C. They were not

available to all.

D. They contained

sufuric acid.

The first weekly newspaper

in the colonies was the Boston

Gazatte, established in 1719, the

same year that marked the

appearance of Philadelphia’s first

newspaper, the American Mercury,

where the young Benjamin Franklin

worked. By 1760 Boston had 4

newspapers and 5 other printing

establishments; Philadelphia, 2

newspapers and 3 other presses; and

New York, 3 newspapers. The

distribution, if not the sale, of

newspapers was assisted by the

establishment of a postal service in

1710, which had a network of some

65 offices by 1770, serving all 13


6. The word “which”in the

passage refers to

A. Distribution

B. Sale

C. Newspaper

D. Postal service

The final battle of the War of

1812 was the Battle of New Orleans.

This battle gave a clear

demonstration of the need fo

effective communication during

wartime; it also showed the disastrus

results that can come to pass when

communication is inadequate.

The War of 1812 was fought

between Great Britain and the very

young country of the United States

only relatively few years after the

United States had won its

independence from Birtain. The

United States had declared war

againts Britain in June of 1812,

mostly because of interference with

U.S. shipping by the British and

because of the shanghaiing of U.S.

sailors for enforced service on

British vessels. The war lasted for a

little more than two years, when a

peace treaty was signed at Ghent, in

Belgium, on the 24th of December,



Unfortunately, the news that

the Treaty of Ghent had been signed

and that the war was officially over

was not communicated in a timely

manner over the wide distance to

where the war was being contested.

Negotiations for the treaty and the

actual signing of the treaty took place

in Europe, and news of the treaty had

to be carried across the Atlantic to

the war front by ship. A totally

unnecessary loss of life was incurred

as a result of the amount of time that

it took to inform the combatants of

the treaty.

Early in January of 1815,

some two weeks after the peace

treaty had been signed. British troop

in the southern part of the United

States were unware that the war had

officially ended. Over 5,000 British

troops attacked U.S troops. During

the ensuing battle, known as the

Battle of New Orleans, the British

suffered a huge number of casuaities,

around 2,000 and the Americans lost

71, all in a battle fought only because

news of the peace treaty that had

already been signed in Ghent had not

yet reached the battlefield.

7. The main idea of this passage

is that

A. The War of

Independence was


B. The War of 1812 was


C. The Treaty of Ghent

was unnecessary

D. The Battle of New

Orleans was


8. It is NOT stated in the

passage that Ghent was

A. Where negotiations

took place

B. The site of the final


C. Where the treaty was


D. Far from the


9. According to the passage,

when did the United States

win its independence from


A. Shortly before the

War of 1812

B. During the War of


C. Just aftre the War of


D. Long after the War of


In the past if you wanted to

eat Japanese food, yo had to go to

Japan. Now, you can find Japanese

restaurants all around the world,

from New York to Rome or Sydney.

In the same way, Italian food used to

be found only in Italy. Now, Italian

restaurants can be found everywhere,

from Moscow to Tokyo or Sao

Paulo. People everywhere are

learning to enjoy the foods of other


10. Someday, it may be possible

to ...

A. Eat Italian food in


B. Eat only traditional

food in each country.

C. Eat every kind of food

in every country.

D. Eat only Japanese



Where there are people, there

are almost always mice or rats. This

is true in all parts of the world. These

animals can be real problem. They

eat or damage supplies of food. They

can also demage clothes and

furniture in the home. Finally, they

can carry many types of disease to

humans and other animals.

11. Therefore, you should ...

A. Keep a good supply of

food in the home

B. Clean your clothes


C. Boil all the water you


D. Keep your home free

of mice and rats.

Williamsburg is a historic

city in Virginia that was settled by

English colonists in 1633, twenty-six

years after the first permanent

English colony in America was

settled at Jamestown. In the

beginning, the colony at

Williamsburg was named Middle

Plantation because of its location in

the middle of peninsula between two

rivers, the York and the James. The

site for Williamsburg had been

selected by the colonists because the

soil drainage was better there than at

the Jamestown location, and there

were fewer mosquitoes.

12. According to the passage, the

colonists chose Williamsburg


A. It was in England

B. There were no nearby


C. There were lots of


D. The soil drained well

In English, there are many

different kinds of expressions that

people use to give a name to

anything whose name is unknown or

momentarily fogotten. The word

gadget is one of such words. It was

first used by British sailors in the

1850s and probably came from the

French word gachette, which was a

small hook. In everyday use, the

word has a more general meaning.

Other words are also used to give a

name to something unnamed or

unknown, and these words tend to be

somewhat imaginative. Some of the

more commonly used expressions are

a what-d’-y-call-it, a whatsis, a

thingamabob, a thingamajig, a

doodad, or a doohickey.

13. Which of the following is

NOT true about the word


A. It is used to name

something when the

name is not known.

B. It was used at the

beginning of the

nineteenth century.

C. It most likely came

from a word in the

French language.

D. Its first known use

was by British sailors.

Faced with serious threats to

its future, the company is taking

steps to improve its outlook. The

company has brought in a new crop

of trainees to staff some of its empty

positions. In addition, the company

has created a new comittee to

research various poposals and has

appointed a key member of its

management team to chair the



14. Look at the word crop in the

passage. This word could best

be replaced by

A. Produce

B. Group

C. Situation

D. Plantation

A massive banking crisis

occured in the United States in 1933.

In the two preceding years, a large

number of banks had failed, and fear

of lost savings had prompted many

depositors to remove their funds

from banks. Problems became so

serious in the state of Michigan that

Governor William A. Comstock was

forced to declare a moratorium on all

banking activities in the state on

February 14, 1933. The panic in the

Michigan quickly spread to other

states, and on March 6, President

Franklin D. Roosevelt declared a

banking moratorium throughout the

United States that left the entire

country without banking services.

Congress immediately met in

a special session to solve the banking

crisis, and on March 9 it passed the

Emergency Banking Act of 1933 to

assist financially healthy banks to

reopen. By March 15, banks

controlling 90 percent of the

country’s financial reserves were

again open for business.

15. Which of the following can

be inferred from the passage?

A. Congress did not give

any special priority to

the banking situation.

B. The Emergency

Banking Act helped

all banks to reopen.

C. Ten ppercent of the

country’s money was

in financially

unhealthy banks.

D. Ninty percent of the

banks reopened by the

middle of March.

Tunas, mackarels, and

billfishes have made streamining into

an art form. Their bodies are sleek

and compact. The body shapes of

tunas, in fact, are nearly ideal from

an engineering point of view. Most

species lack scales over most of the

body, making it smooth and slippery.

The eyes lie flush with the body and

do not protrude at all. They are also

covered with a slick, transparent lid

that reduces drag. The fins are stiff,

smooth, and narrow qualities that

also help cut drag. When not in use,

the fins are tucked into special

groovers or depression so that they

lie flush with the body and do not

break up its smooth contours.

Airplanes retract their landing gear

while in flight for the same reason.

16. The word “they” in the

passage refers to

A. Qualities

B. Fins

C. Grooves

D. Depression

Tunas, mackarels, and

billfishes have even more

sophisticated adaptations than these

to impove their hydrodynamics. The

long bill of marlins, sailfishes, and

swordfish probably helps them slip

through the water. Many supersonic


aircraft have a similar needle at the


17. The word sophisticated in the

passage is closest in meaning


A. Complex

B. Amazing

C. Creative

D. Practical

A Free Woman

Twenty-five years ago, the

worst they could say was “nice girls

don’t smoke” or “it’ll stunt yur


Even years later when the

Surgeon General’s report showed the

connection between smoking and

lung cancer and other diseases, the

fact were only about men. But now

we know that women who smoke are

dying of lung cancer and other

diseases at twice the rate of women

who don’t. Women who smoke are

sick more often than women who

don’t. Women who smoke heavily

have three time as much bronchitis or

emphysema and 50 percent more

peptic ulcers. Smokingn even affects

pregnancy, so you don’t have to wait

until you are old to feel the effects of

smoking. If you are pregnant and you

smoke, it can harm the health of your


What happens when you

smoke cigarette?

In just three seconds a

cigarette makes your heart beat faster

and shoots your blood pressure up.

Lt replaces oxygen in your blood

with carbon monoxide and leaves

cancer-causing chemicals to spread

through your body. As the cigarettes

add up, the damages adds up. It’s the

total amount of smoking that causes

the trouble. The younger you start

smoking, the greater your danger will

be. For instance, if you are fifteen,

you will have smoked many more

cigarettes by the time you are thirty

than someone who started at twenty.

And people who start young

tend to become heavy smokers.

Heavy smokers run a greater risk.

Again, the more cigarettes you

smoke, the faster they add up.

You are still young. The

younger you are, the easier it is to

quit. It takes years to develop a real

cigarette habit. So even if you think

you are hooked, chances are you’re

not. If you quit now, you will never

be sorry. Your blood will repair

itself. Food will taste better.

Everything will smell better

(including your hair and your

clothes). And don’t let anyone tell

you stories about gaining weight.

Have you ever seen a fat smoker? If

you have the willpower to quit

smoking, you have the willpower not

to overeat. If is as simple as that.

You know what you’ve got to look

forward to. You can grow into a truly

free woman, or you can ruin yourself

for life.

The only one who can make

choice is you.

18. The connection between

smoking and cancer was

made by

A. The A.M.A

B. Government doctors


C. The young man

D. The Surgeon General

19. Smoking can increase a

person’s chances of


A. Liver disease

B. Ulcers

C. Colds

D. Fat

20. According to the article,


A. Causes dizziness

B. Kills red blood cells

C. Gain weight

D. Raises blood pressure

Common types of calenders

can be based on the Sun or on the

Moon. The solar calender is based on

the solar year. Since the solar year is

365.2422 days long, solar calenders

consist of regular years of 365 days

and have an extra day every fourth

year, or leap year, to make up for the

additional fractional amount. In a

solar calender, the waxing and

waning of the Moon can take place at

various stages of each month.

The lunar calender is

synchronized to the lunar month

rather than the solar year. Since the

lunar month is twenty-nine and half

days long, most lunar calender have

alternating months of twenty-nine

and thirty days. A twelve-month

lunar year thus has 354 days, 11 days

shorter than a solar year.

21. How is the information in the

passage orgnized?

A. Characteristics of the

solar calender are


B. Two types of

calenders are


C. The strengths and

weakness of the lunar

calender are


D. The length of each

existing calender is


Conflict within an

organization is not always viewed as

undesirable. In fact, various

managers have widely divergent

ideas on the value that conflict can


According to the traditional

view of conflict, conflict is harmful

to an organization. Managers with

this traditional view of conflict see it

as their role in an organization to rid

the organizaton of any possible

sources of conflict.

The interactionist view of

conflict, on the other hand, holds that

conflict can serve an important

function in an organization by

reducing complacency among

workers and causing positive

changes to occur. Managers who

hold an interactionist view of conflict

may actually take steps to stimulate

conflict within the organization.

22. How is the information in the

passage organized?

A. The origin of ideas

about conflict is


B. Contrasting views of

conflict are presented.

C. Two theorists discuss

the strengths and


weakness of their

views on conflict.

D. Examples of conflict

within organizations

are presented.

The most traditional

American food may well be

cornmeal. Cornmeal, as we know it

today, began as Indian staple. The

Indian grew corn of six different

colors – black, red, white, yellow,

blue, and multicolored. They ground

the corn kernels into cornmeal and

mixed it with salt and water, then

baked it. This recipe was introduces

to the early colonists, who

experimented with it and developed

their own uses for cormeal.

Succotash, a meat stew with cormeal

added, and mush, leftover cornmeal

porridge cut and fried, are two meals

invented by early colonist.

23. According to the passage,

cornmeal was originally used


A. The early colonist.

B. The New Englander.

C. The American Indian.

D. The people in the


Ice ages, those periods when

ice covered extensive areas of the

Earth, are known to have occured at

least six times. Past ice ages can be

recognized from rock strata that

show evidence of foreign materials

deposited by moving walls of ice or

melting glaciers. Ice ages can also be

recognized from land formations that

have been produced from moving

walls of ice, such as U-shaped

valleys, sculptured landscapes, and

polished rock faces.

24. According to the passage,

what happens during an ice


A. Rock strata are

recognized by


B. Evidence of foreign

materials is found.

C. Ice covers a large

portion of the Earth’s


D. Ice melts six times.

In the philosophy of John

Dewey, a sharp distinction made

between “Intelligence and

Reasoning”. According to Dewey,

intelligence is the only absolute way

to achieve a balance between realism

and idealism, between practicality

and wisdom of life. Intelligence

involves “interacting with other

things and knowing them”, while

reasoning is merely the act of an

observer, “... a mind that beholds or

grasps objects outside the world of

things ...” With reasoning, a level of

mental certainity can be achieved,

but it is through intelligence that

control is taken of events that shape

one’s life.

25. What is the topic of this


A. The intelligence of

John Dewey.

B. Distinctions made by

John Dewey.

C. Dewey’s ideas on the

ability to reason.

D. How intelligence

differs from reasoning

in Dewey’s works



Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire

The blanks on the answer sheet represent the following:

1. Strongly Disagree

2. Disagree

3. Undecided

4. Agree

5. Strongly Agree

There is no time limit for the test. Try not to spend too much time on any

item. However, your first reaction to the question will usually be the most

accurate. Tick (√) your answer in the coloumn that you choose. Use a pen or

pencil, and be sure to make your marks heavy and black. Erase completely any

answers you wish to change.




Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire








Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly


1. I enjoy reading

all kinds of


2. Taking notes

helps me

remember and



3. I faithfully


) contact friend

through letters

and/or e-mail

4. It is easy for me

to explain my

ideas to other

5. I keep writing

journal and/or


6. Word Puzzles

like crosswords

and jumbles are


7. I write for


8. I enjoy playing


anagram, or


9. I like study about

foreign language

10. Debates and

public speaking

are activities that

I like to

participate in

11. My conversation

includes frequent

references to

things that I have

read or heard


12. I cherish my book


13. I find that it is

easy to remember

quotes and

phrases and

weave them into


14. It is easy for me

to make up


15. High sensitivity

to all aspects of




reading, and


16. Good knowledge

about the

structure of

language; can

recognise and

apply grammar


17. I have capacity to

use language to


certain goals

18. I have knowledge

of many different

uses for language,

such as



information, and



19. Ability to

interpret others

20. I have flexibility

in extracting

meaning when

speaking several


21. I am good at

spelling and

sensitive to


22. I am good at

memorizing for



23. Like to use

“fancy” words

24. I can hear words

in my head before

I read, speak, or

write them down

25. I get more out of

listening to the

radio or speaker

word recording

than I do from

television or film

26. I enjoy


myself or others

with tongue


nonsense rhymes,


or puns



The Reading Achievement Test Score

Participants Reading Achievement Scores


Student 1 48

Student 2 60

Student 3 56

Student 4 64

Student 5 52

Student 6 60

Student 7 60

Student 8 32

Student 9 48

Student 10 64

Student 11 56

Student 12 60

Student 13 60

Student 14 36

Student 15 76

Student 16 52

Student 17 64

Student 18 68

Student 19 72

Student 20 64

Student 21 52

Student 22 56

Student 23 48

Student 24 56

Student 25 44

Student 26 48

Student 27 52

Student 28 44

Student 29 60

Student 30 48

Student 31 68

Student 32 40

Student 33 28

Student 34 64


Participants Reading Achievement Scores


Student 35 48

Student 36 60

Student 37 32

Student 38 56

Student 39 52



Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence Questionnaire

Participants VLI Score (Y) Level of VLI

Student 1 90 Average

Student 2 76 Borderline

Student 3 104 Average

Student 4 84 Low Average

Student 5 94 Average

Student 6 100 Average

Student 7 79 Borderline

Student 8 92 Average

Student 9 90 Average

Student 10 86 Low Average

Student 11 85 Low Average

Student 12 99 Average


Student 13 81 Low Average

Student 14 80 Low Average

Student 15 93 Average

Student 16 80 Low Average

Student 17 88 Low Average

Student 18 82 Low Average

Student 19 101 Average

Student 20 108 Average

Student 21 81 Low Average

Student 22 82 Low Average

Student 23 93 Average

Student 24 94 Average

Student 25 87 Low Average

Student 26 92 Average

Student 27 83 Low Average


Student 28 75 Borderline

Student 29 91 Average

Student 30 73 Borderline

Student 31 96 Average

Student 32 93 Average

Student 33 90 Average

Student 34 89 Low Average

Student 35 84 Low Average

Student 36 79 Borderline

Student 37 99 Average

Student 38 70 Borderline

Student 39 84 Low Average






Jumlah Subyek = 39

Jumlah butir = 25

Bobot jwb benar = 1

Bobot jwb salah = 0


No Kode/Nama Benar Salah Kosong Skr Asli Skr Bobot

1 STUDENT 1 12 13 0 12 12

2 STUDENT 2 15 10 0 15 15

3 STUDENT 3 14 11 0 14 14

4 STUDENT 4 16 9 0 16 16

5 STUDENT 5 13 12 0 13 13

6 STUDENT 6 15 10 0 15 15

7 STUDENT 7 15 10 0 15 15

8 STUDENT 8 8 17 0 8 8

9 STUDENT 9 12 13 0 12 12

10 STUDENT 10 16 9 0 16 16

11 STUDENT 11 14 11 0 14 14

12 STUDENT 12 15 10 0 15 15

13 STUDENT 13 15 10 0 15 15

14 STUDENT 14 9 16 0 9 9

15 STUDENT 15 19 6 0 19 19

16 STUDENT 16 13 12 0 13 13


17 STUDENT 17 16 9 0 16 16

18 STUDENT 18 17 8 0 17 17

19 STUDENT 19 18 7 0 18 18

20 STUDENT 20 16 9 0 16 16

21 STUDENT 21 13 12 0 13 13

22 STUDENT 22 14 11 0 14 14

23 STUDENT 23 12 13 0 12 12

24 STUDENT 24 14 11 0 14 14

25 STUDENT 25 11 14 0 11 11

26 STUDENT 26 12 13 0 12 12

27 STUDENT 27 13 12 0 13 13

28 STUDENT 28 11 14 0 11 11

29 STUDENT 29 15 10 0 15 15

30 STUDENT 30 12 13 0 12 12

31 STUDENT 31 17 8 0 17 17

32 STUDENT 32 10 15 0 10 10

33 STUDENT 33 7 18 0 7 7

34 STUDENT 34 16 9 0 16 16

35 STUDENT 35 12 13 0 12 12

36 STUDENT 36 15 10 0 15 15

37 STUDENT 37 8 17 0 8 8

38 STUDENT 38 14 11 0 14 14

39 STUDENT 39 13 12 0 13 13




Rata2= 13,51

Simpang Baku= 2,74

KorelasiXY= 0,41

Reliabilitas Tes= 0,59


No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek Skor Ganjil Skor Genap Skor Total

1 STUDENT 1 6 5 11

2 STUDENT 2 8 6 14

3 STUDENT 3 10 3 13

4 STUDENT 4 10 6 16

5 STUDENT 5 8 4 12

6 STUDENT 6 9 5 14

7 STUDENT 7 9 5 14

8 STUDENT 8 5 2 7

9 STUDENT 9 7 5 12

10 STUDENT 10 10 5 15

11 STUDENT 11 10 4 14

12 STUDENT 12 9 6 15

13 STUDENT 13 8 6 14

14 STUDENT 14 6 2 8

15 STUDENT 15 10 8 18

16 STUDENT 16 7 6 13

17 STUDENT 17 11 5 16

18 STUDENT 18 12 5 17

19 STUDENT 19 10 7 17

20 STUDENT 20 10 6 16

21 STUDENT 21 6 6 12

22 STUDENT 22 9 5 14


23 STUDENT 23 7 5 12

24 STUDENT 24 8 6 14

25 STUDENT 25 6 5 11

26 STUDENT 26 7 4 11

27 STUDENT 27 8 4 12

28 STUDENT 28 6 4 10

29 STUDENT 29 9 5 14

30 STUDENT 30 7 5 12

31 STUDENT 31 11 5 16

32 STUDENT 32 5 5 10

33 STUDENT 33 6 1 7

34 STUDENT 34 10 5 15

35 STUDENT 35 7 5 12

36 STUDENT 36 10 5 15

37 STUDENT 37 5 3 8

38 STUDENT 38 8 5 13

39 STUDENT 39 8 4 12

Kel Unggul & Asor


Kelompok Unggul


No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 STUDENT 15 19 1 1 - 1 - - 1 1 - 1 1

2 STUDENT 19 18 1 1 - 1 - - 1 1 - 1 1


3 STUDENT 18 17 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 STUDENT 31 17 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 1 1

5 STUDENT 4 16 1 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1

6 STUDENT 10 16 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1

7 STUDENT 17 16 - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1

8 STUDENT 20 16 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 1

9 STUDENT 34 16 1 - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 1

10 STUDENT 2 15 - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 1

11 STUDENT 6 15 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1

Jml Jwb Benar 8 9 2 10 1 5 5 9 5 9 11

No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1 STUDENT 15 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1

2 STUDENT 19 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 - -

3 STUDENT 18 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -

4 STUDENT 31 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 -

5 STUDENT 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - -

6 STUDENT 10 1 - - - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 -

7 STUDENT 17 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1

8 STUDENT 20 1 - 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - -

9 STUDENT 34 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 -

10 STUDENT 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -

11 STUDENT 6 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - - - - -

Jml Jwb Benar 11 8 10 3 11 5 11 6 10 7 6 2

No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek 24 25

1 STUDENT 15 1 1


2 STUDENT 19 1 1

3 STUDENT 18 1 -

4 STUDENT 31 1 1

5 STUDENT 4 1 -

6 STUDENT 10 1 1

7 STUDENT 17 1 -

8 STUDENT 20 1 -

9 STUDENT 34 1 1

10 STUDENT 2 - 1

11 STUDENT 6 1 1

Jml Jwb Benar 10 7

Kelompok Asor


No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 STUDENT 23 12 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - - 1

2 STUDENT 26 12 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 1

3 STUDENT 30 12 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 1

4 STUDENT 35 12 1 - - 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1

5 STUDENT 25 11 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 1

6 STUDENT 28 11 - - 1 - - - - - - 1 1

7 STUDENT 32 10 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 1

8 STUDENT 14 9 - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1

9 STUDENT 8 8 - - - - - - 1 - - - 1

10 STUDENT 37 8 - - - - - - - - - - 1

11 STUDENT 33 7 - - - - - 1 - - - - -


Jml Jwb Benar 6 1 1 5 0 2 5 2 1 5 10

No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1 STUDENT 23 1 1 - - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 -

2 STUDENT 26 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1

3 STUDENT 30 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 - - 1

4 STUDENT 35 - 1 1 - 1 - - 1 1 - - 1

5 STUDENT 25 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 1

6 STUDENT 28 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1 - -

7 STUDENT 32 1 - 1 - 1 1 - - - 1 - -

8 STUDENT 14 - - - 1 1 - - - - - - -

9 STUDENT 8 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 1 -

10 STUDENT 37 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 -

11 STUDENT 33 1 - 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - -

Jml Jwb Benar 8 4 9 2 11 1 8 2 5 5 4 4

No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek 24 25

1 STUDENT 23 1 -

2 STUDENT 26 - 1

3 STUDENT 30 - -

4 STUDENT 35 1 -

5 STUDENT 25 1 -

6 STUDENT 28 1 1

7 STUDENT 32 1 -

8 STUDENT 14 1 1

9 STUDENT 8 - 1

10 STUDENT 37 1 -


11 STUDENT 33 - -

Jml Jwb Benar 7 4



Jumlah Subyek= 39

Klp atas/bawah(n)= 11

Butir Soal= 25


No Butir Kel. Atas Kel. Bawah Beda Indeks DP (%)

1 8 6 2 18,18

2 9 1 8 72,73

3 2 1 1 9,09

4 10 5 5 45,45

5 1 0 1 9,09

6 5 2 3 27,27

7 5 5 0 0,00

8 9 2 7 63,64

9 5 1 4 36,36

10 9 5 4 36,36

11 11 10 1 9,09

12 11 8 3 27,27

13 8 4 4 36,36

14 10 9 1 9,09

15 3 2 1 9,09


16 11 11 0 0,00

17 5 1 4 36,36

18 11 8 3 27,27

19 6 2 4 36,36

20 10 5 5 45,45

21 7 5 2 18,18

22 6 4 2 18,18

23 2 4 -2 -18,18

24 10 7 3 27,27

25 7 4 3 27,27



Jumlah Subyek= 39

Butir Soal= 25


No Butir Jml Betul Tkt. Kesukaran(%) Tafsiran

1 21 53,85 Sedang

2 15 38,46 Sedang

3 7 17,95 Sukar

4 24 61,54 Sedang

5 2 5,13 Sangat Sukar

6 13 33,33 Sedang

7 18 46,15 Sedang

8 16 41,03 Sedang


9 10 25,64 Sukar

10 30 76,92 Mudah

11 38 97,44 Sangat Mudah

12 35 89,74 Sangat Mudah

13 27 69,23 Sedang

14 35 89,74 Sangat Mudah

15 6 15,38 Sukar

16 38 97,44 Sangat Mudah

17 12 30,77 Sangat Mudah

18 34 87,18 Sangat Mudah

19 14 35,90 Sedang

20 26 66,67 Sedang

21 18 46,15 Sedang

22 18 46,15 Sedang

23 15 38,46 Sedang

24 34 87,18 Sangat Mudah

25 21 53,85 Sedang



Jumlah Subyek= 39

Butir Soal= 25


No Butir Korelasi Signifikansi

1 0,308 -


2 0,512 Sangat Signifikan

3 0,134 -

4 0,520 Sangat Signifikan

5 0,171 -

6 0,228 -

7 0,072 -

8 0,439 Signifikan

9 0,279 -

10 0,396 Signifikan

11 0,390 Signifikan

12 0,376 -

13 0,311 -

14 0,158 -

15 -0,133 -

16 0,091 -

17 0,325 -

18 0,214 -

19 0,431 Signifikan

20 0,435 Signifikan

21 0,148 -

22 0,091 -

23 0,025 -

24 0,384 Signifikan

25 0,175 -

Catatan: Batas signifikansi koefisien korelasi sebagaai berikut:


df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01 df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01

10 0,576 0,708 60 0,250 0,325

15 0,482 0,606 70 0,233 0,302

20 0,423 0,549 80 0,217 0,283

25 0,381 0,496 90 0,205 0,267

30 0,349 0,449 100 0,195 0,254

40 0,304 0,393 125 0,174 0,228

50 0,273 0,354 >150 0,159 0,208

Bila koefisien = 0,000 berarti tidak dapat dihitung.



Jumlah Subyek= 39

Butir Soal= 25


No Butir a b c d *

1 12-- 4+ 21** 2- 0

2 15** 1-- 10++ 13- 0

3 21-- 10++ 7** 1-- 0

4 12--- 24** 3+ 0-- 0

5 8+ 12++ 2** 17+ 0

6 21--- 1-- 4- 13** 0

7 3- 8++ 10+ 18** 0

8 4+ 16** 2- 17--- 0

9 10** 8++ 13+ 8++ 0


10 7--- 2+ 30** 0-- 0

11 0-- 0-- 1--- 38** 0

12 1+ 1+ 2+ 35** 0

13 6+ 27** 4++ 2- 0

14 35** 1+ 1+ 2+ 0

15 3- 14+ 6** 16+ 0

16 0-- 38** 0-- 1--- 0

17 12** 18-- 6+ 3- 0

18 1+ 0-- 4--- 34** 0

19 20--- 14** 1-- 4- 0

20 0-- 11--- 2- 26** 0

21 6++ 18** 4+ 11- 0

22 6++ 18** 14-- 1-- 0

23 15** 1-- 22--- 1-- 0

24 3-- 0-- 34** 2++ 0

25 21** 8+ 5++ 5++ 0


** : Kunci Jawaban

++ : Sangat Baik

+ : Baik

- : Kurang Baik

-- : Buruk

---: Sangat Buruk



The Statistical Score of Reading Achievement Test

Reading Achievement

Frequency Percent





Valid 28 1 2.6 2.6 2.6

32 2 5.1 5.1 7.7

36 1 2.6 2.6 10.3

40 1 2.6 2.6 12.8

44 2 5.1 5.1 17.9

48 6 15.4 15.4 33.3

52 5 12.8 12.8 46.2

56 5 12.8 12.8 59.0

60 7 17.9 17.9 76.9

64 5 12.8 12.8 89.7

68 2 5.1 5.1 94.9

72 1 2.6 2.6 97.4

76 1 2.6 2.6 100.0

Total 39 100.0 100.0

Reading Achievement

N Valid 39

Missing 0

Mean 54.05

Median 56.00

Mode 60

Std. Deviation 10.969

Variance 120.313

Range 48

Minimum 28

Maximum 76

Sum 2108



The Statistical Score of Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence



N Valid 39

Missing 0

Mean 87.87

Median 88.00

Mode 84a

Std. Deviation 8.712

Variance 75.904

Range 38

Minimum 70

Maximum 108

Sum 3427

a. Multiple modes exist.

The smallest value is


Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

Frequency Percent





Valid 70 1 2.6 2.6 2.6

73 1 2.6 2.6 5.1

75 1 2.6 2.6 7.7

76 1 2.6 2.6 10.3

79 2 5.1 5.1 15.4

80 2 5.1 5.1 20.5

81 2 5.1 5.1 25.6

82 2 5.1 5.1 30.8

83 1 2.6 2.6 33.3

84 3 7.7 7.7 41.0

85 1 2.6 2.6 43.6

86 1 2.6 2.6 46.2


87 1 2.6 2.6 48.7

88 1 2.6 2.6 51.3

89 1 2.6 2.6 53.8

90 3 7.7 7.7 61.5

91 1 2.6 2.6 64.1

92 2 5.1 5.1 69.2

93 3 7.7 7.7 76.9

94 2 5.1 5.1 82.1

96 1 2.6 2.6 84.6

99 2 5.1 5.1 89.7

100 1 2.6 2.6 92.3

101 1 2.6 2.6 94.9

104 1 2.6 2.6 97.4

108 1 2.6 2.6 100.0

Total 39 100.0 100.0



SPSS Correlation “r” Produuct Moment of Verbal – Linguistic

Intelligence and Reading Achievement

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N











RA Pearson

Correlation 1 .096

Sig. (2-tailed) .559

N 39 39

VLI Pearson

Correlation .096 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .559

N 39 39




df = (N-2) Tingkat signifikansi untuk uji satu arah

0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.0005

Tingkat signifikansi untuk uji dua arah

0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.001

1 0.9877 0.9969 0.9995 0.9999 1.0000

2 0.9000 0.9500 0.9800 0.9900 0.9990

3 0.8054 0.8783 0.9343 0.9587 0.9911

4 0.7293 0.8114 0.8822 0.9172 0.9741

5 0.6694 0.7545 0.8329 0.8745 0.9509

6 0.6215 0.7067 0.7887 0.8343 0.9249

7 0.5822 0.6664 0.7498 0.7977 0.8983

8 0.5494 0.6319 0.7155 0.7646 0.8721

9 0.5214 0.6021 0.6851 0.7348 0.8470

10 0.4973 0.5760 0.6581 0.7079 0.8233

11 0.4762 0.5529 0.6339 0.6835 0.8010

12 0.4575 0.5324 0.6120 0.6614 0.7800

13 0.4409 0.5140 0.5923 0.6411 0.7604

14 0.4259 0.4973 0.5742 0.6226 0.7419

15 0.4124 0.4821 0.5577 0.6055 0.7247

16 0.4000 0.4683 0.5425 0.5897 0.7084

17 0.3887 0.4555 0.5285 0.5751 0.6932

18 0.3783 0.4438 0.5155 0.5614 0.6788

19 0.3687 0.4329 0.5034 0.5487 0.6652

20 0.3598 0.4227 0.4921 0.5368 0.6524

21 0.3515 0.4132 0.4815 0.5256 0.6402

22 0.3438 0.4044 0.4716 0.5151 0.6287

23 0.3365 0.3961 0.4622 0.5052 0.6178

24 0.3297 0.3882 0.4534 0.4958 0.6074

25 0.3233 0.3809 0.4451 0.4869 0.5974

26 0.3172 0.3739 0.4372 0.4785 0.5880

27 0.3115 0.3673 0.4297 0.4705 0.5790

28 0.3061 0.3610 0.4226 0.4629 0.5703

29 0.3009 0.3550 0.4158 0.4556 0.5620

30 0.2960 0.3494 0.4093 0.4487 0.5541

31 0.2913 0.3440 0.4032 0.4421 0.5465

32 0.2869 0.3388 0.3972 0.4357 0.5392

33 0.2826 0.3338 0.3916 0.4296 0.5322

34 0.2785 0.3291 0.3862 0.4238 0.5254

35 0.2746 0.3246 0.3810 0.4182 0.5189


36 0.2709 0.3202 0.3760 0.4128 0.5126

37 0.2673 0.3160 0.3712 0.4076 0.5066

38 0.2638 0.3120 0.3665 0.4026 0.5007

39 0.2605 0.3081 0.3621 0.3978 0.4950

40 0.2573 0.3044 0.3578 0.3932 0.4896

41 0.2542 0.3008 0.3536 0.3887 0.4843

42 0.2512 0.2973 0.3496 0.3843 0.4791

43 0.2483 0.2940 0.3457 0.3801 0.4742

44 0.2455 0.2907 0.3420 0.3761 0.4694

45 0.2429 0.2876 0.3384 0.3721 0.4647

46 0.2403 0.2845 0.3348 0.3683 0.4601

47 0.2377 0.2816 0.3314 0.3646 0.4557

48 0.2353 0.2787 0.3281 0.3610 0.4514

49 0.2329 0.2759 0.3249 0.3575 0.4473

50 0.2306 0.2732 0.3218 0.3542 0.4432




Titik Persentase Distribusi t (df = 1 – 80)



0.25 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.001

0.50 0.20 0.10 0.050 0.02 0.010 0.002

1 1.00000 3.07768 6.31375 12.70620 31.82052 63.65674 318.30884

2 0.81650 1.88562 2.91999 4.30265 6.96456 9.92484 22.32712

3 0.76489 1.63774 2.35336 3.18245 4.54070 5.84091 10.21453

4 0.74070 1.53321 2.13185 2.77645 3.74695 4.60409 7.17318

5 0.72669 1.47588 2.01505 2.57058 3.36493 4.03214 5.89343

6 0.71756 1.43976 1.94318 2.44691 3.14267 3.70743 5.20763

7 0.71114 1.41492 1.89458 2.36462 2.99795 3.49948 4.78529

8 0.70639 1.39682 1.85955 2.30600 2.89646 3.35539 4.50079

9 0.70272 1.38303 1.83311 2.26216 2.82144 3.24984 4.29681

10 0.69981 1.37218 1.81246 2.22814 2.76377 3.16927 4.14370

11 0.69745 1.36343 1.79588 2.20099 2.71808 3.10581 4.02470

12 0.69548 1.35622 1.78229 2.17881 2.68100 3.05454 3.92963

13 0.69383 1.35017 1.77093 2.16037 2.65031 3.01228 3.85198

14 0.69242 1.34503 1.76131 2.14479 2.62449 2.97684 3.78739

15 0.69120 1.34061 1.75305 2.13145 2.60248 2.94671 3.73283

16 0.69013 1.33676 1.74588 2.11991 2.58349 2.92078 3.68615

17 0.68920 1.33338 1.73961 2.10982 2.56693 2.89823 3.64577

18 0.68836 1.33039 1.73406 2.10092 2.55238 2.87844 3.61048

19 0.68762 1.32773 1.72913 2.09302 2.53948 2.86093 3.57940

20 0.68695 1.32534 1.72472 2.08596 2.52798 2.84534 3.55181

21 0.68635 1.32319 1.72074 2.07961 2.51765 2.83136 3.52715

22 0.68581 1.32124 1.71714 2.07387 2.50832 2.81876 3.50499

23 0.68531 1.31946 1.71387 2.06866 2.49987 2.80734 3.48496

24 0.68485 1.31784 1.71088 2.06390 2.49216 2.79694 3.46678

25 0.68443 1.31635 1.70814 2.05954 2.48511 2.78744 3.45019

26 0.68404 1.31497 1.70562 2.05553 2.47863 2.77871 3.43500

27 0.68368 1.31370 1.70329 2.05183 2.47266 2.77068 3.42103

28 0.68335 1.31253 1.70113 2.04841 2.46714 2.76326 3.40816

29 0.68304 1.31143 1.69913 2.04523 2.46202 2.75639 3.39624

30 0.68276 1.31042 1.69726 2.04227 2.45726 2.75000 3.38518

31 0.68249 1.30946 1.69552 2.03951 2.45282 2.74404 3.37490

32 0.68223 1.30857 1.69389 2.03693 2.44868 2.73848 3.36531

33 0.68200 1.30774 1.69236 2.03452 2.44479 2.73328 3.35634

34 0.68177 1.30695 1.69092 2.03224 2.44115 2.72839 3.34793

35 0.68156 1.30621 1.68957 2.03011 2.43772 2.72381 3.34005

36 0.68137 1.30551 1.68830 2.02809 2.43449 2.71948 3.33262

37 0.68118 1.30485 1.68709 2.02619 2.43145 2.71541 3.32563

38 0.68100 1.30423 1.68595 2.02439 2.42857 2.71156 3.31903

39 0.68083 1.30364 1.68488 2.02269 2.42584 2.70791 3.31279

40 0.68067 1.30308 1.68385 2.02108 2.42326 2.70446 3.30688

41 0.68052 1.30254 1.68288 2.01954 2.42080 2.70118 3.30127

42 0.68038 1.30204 1.68195 2.01808 2.41847 2.69807 3.29595


43 0.68024 1.30155 1.68107 2.01669 2.41625 2.69510 3.29089

44 0.68011 1.30109 1.68023 2.01537 2.41413 2.69228 3.28607

45 0.67998 1.30065 1.67943 2.01410 2.41212 2.68959 3.28148

46 0.67986 1.30023 1.67866 2.01290 2.41019 2.68701 3.27710

47 0.67975 1.29982 1.67793 2.01174 2.40835 2.68456 3.27291

48 0.67964 1.29944 1.67722 2.01063 2.40658 2.68220 3.26891

49 0.67953 1.29907 1.67655 2.00958 2.40489 2.67995 3.26508

50 0.67943 1.29871 1.67591 2.00856 2.40327 2.67779 3.26141

51 0.67933 1.29837 1.67528 2.00758 2.40172 2.67572 3.25789

52 0.67924 1.29805 1.67469 2.00665 2.40022 2.67373 3.25451

53 0.67915 1.29773 1.67412 2.00575 2.39879 2.67182 3.25127

54 0.67906 1.29743 1.67356 2.00488 2.39741 2.66998 3.24815

55 0.67898 1.29713 1.67303 2.00404 2.39608 2.66822 3.24515

56 0.67890 1.29685 1.67252 2.00324 2.39480 2.66651 3.24226

57 0.67882 1.29658 1.67203 2.00247 2.39357 2.66487 3.23948

58 0.67874 1.29632 1.67155 2.00172 2.39238 2.66329 3.23680

59 0.67867 1.29607 1.67109 2.00100 2.39123 2.66176 3.23421

60 0.67860 1.29582 1.67065 2.00030 2.39012 2.66028 3.23171

61 0.67853 1.29558 1.67022 1.99962 2.38905 2.65886 3.22930

62 0.67847 1.29536 1.66980 1.99897 2.38801 2.65748 3.22696

63 0.67840 1.29513 1.66940 1.99834 2.38701 2.65615 3.22471

64 0.67834 1.29492 1.66901 1.99773 2.38604 2.65485 3.22253

65 0.67828 1.29471 1.66864 1.99714 2.38510 2.65360 3.22041

66 0.67823 1.29451 1.66827 1.99656 2.38419 2.65239 3.21837

67 0.67817 1.29432 1.66792 1.99601 2.38330 2.65122 3.21639

68 0.67811 1.29413 1.66757 1.99547 2.38245 2.65008 3.21446

69 0.67806 1.29394 1.66724 1.99495 2.38161 2.64898 3.21260

70 0.67801 1.29376 1.66691 1.99444 2.38081 2.64790 3.21079

71 0.67796 1.29359 1.66660 1.99394 2.38002 2.64686 3.20903

72 0.67791 1.29342 1.66629 1.99346 2.37926 2.64585 3.20733

73 0.67787 1.29326 1.66600 1.99300 2.37852 2.64487 3.20567

74 0.67782 1.29310 1.66571 1.99254 2.37780 2.64391 3.20406

75 0.67778 1.29294 1.66543 1.99210 2.37710 2.64298 3.20249

76 0.67773 1.29279 1.66515 1.99167 2.37642 2.64208 3.20096

77 0.67769 1.29264 1.66488 1.99125 2.37576 2.64120 3.19948

78 0.67765 1.29250 1.66462 1.99085 2.37511 2.64034 3.19804

79 0.67761 1.29236 1.66437 1.99045 2.37448 2.63950 3.19663

80 0.67757 1.29222 1.66412 1.99006 2.37387 2.63869 3.19526

Catatan : Probabilita yang lebih kecil yang ditunjukkan pada judul tiap kolom

adalah luas daerah dalam satu ujung, sedangkan probabilitas yang

lebih besar adalah luas daerah dalam kedua ujung.