The Conflict Between Catalonia and Spain


Transcript of The Conflict Between Catalonia and Spain

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The matches between Real Madrid and Barcelona are one of the most watched sports events in the world. Not just because they are great teams but because Barcelona is like a national team for Catalonia. Catalonia, which is a region in Spain, have been trying to get its independence for a long time. There are many reasons likenationalism and economic reasons why they want to be independent. Nowadays they are closer to get what they want than ever.

The History Behind The Conflict

The origin of Catalonia lies in the county of Barcelona, established in 801 by the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne. Its count married the queen of Aragon in 1137. Because of this marriage House of Barcelona takes control of the two territories and the region is called Crown of Aragon.

(Spain before the marriage of the count of Barcelona and the queen of Aragon)

While the Muslim population increased, Catalans settled in shore areas and Aragonese nobles took the hills. As armies go to theSouth, The Aragonese and Castillian rulers make treaties to divide the country between themselves. When the quality of life in Catalonia fell in the 14th and 15th century, Prince Ferdinard of Aragon (Barcelona) and the Princess Isabella of Castile (Madrid) gotmarried in 1469.

(Kingdoms & Crowns in Spain)

In 1700 Catalans, English and Portugese want to back non centralized Habsburgs which caused 15 years of war. Catalonia was conquered by King Philip V in 11 September 1714. The political instutions and the language of Catalonia was forbidden. Castilian law replaced Catalan law. This conquest composes centralised Spain. Nowadays, ironically 11 September is celebrated by Catalans as an Independence Day

The monarchical system came under severe threats in 1898. Afterthe defeat in the war against US for controll of Cuba, some reforms were made. Due to the reforms, the system survived until 1917 when the revolts started. Revolts ended in 1923 when a military dictatorship founded under Primo de Rivera with the support of the King. He tried to make military reforms which didn’t please the army. First Primo was forced to resign then the king was forced to leave in 1931. The Second Republic was established in 1931. The Right didn’t want reforms so they decided to work with the Republic.When the right came to power in 1933, it changed the reforms which was made the coalition of the Socialist and the Republics in 1931. Left won the election in 1936 and changed the reforms again thereafter a group of army officer which was lead by Fransico Franco rebelled against the Spanish Republic government. Although the monarchy was overthrowned in 1931 without violence, the rebellion caused one of the most bloody wars which lasted three years and the longest dictatorship in Spanish history.

The Spanish civil war started in 17 July 1936. Many people fromaround the world volunteered to join to the International Bridgades to defend the Second Republic. Famous author George Orwell was one

of the volunteers, he wrote Homage To Catalonia. Other works inspired by the war include Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bells Tolls and Picasso’s painting Guernica. According to Orwell, people felt hope when the clash broke out because finally democracy was standing against fascism. The help of the aristocracy and the church Franco’sattempt was to resurrect the feudalism. (Katalonya’ya Selam 1938, 60) Nationalists took control of Spain and when the civil war ended in 1 April 1939, 200,000 men had been killed at the battle. The end of the civil war was the begining of 36 year brutal dictatorship of Franco.

(Evolution of the SpanishCivil War)

The Reasons Of The IndependenceDesire

Nation is a community of people who has common history, customs and language. It can be an identity which gives proud to be part of it but it’s not the Spanish case. Fernando Sanchez Drago (Spanish author) says: ‘’The Spaniard is the only human being who’s always unsure about his identity. As Ortega said, Spain is a countrylacking a backbone.’’ (Spain’s Secret Conflict) Spanish constitutionstates that Spain is a nation and gurantees the country’s unity willbe safeguarded but these days, this unity is in danger. Because ‘’Catalonia no es España’’ which means Catalonia is not Spain is

used as a slogan to make banners and it can be seen in streets and Barcelona games.

Spain may be looked united at the period of Franco but reality is not like that. Catalan language was forbidden on legal documents, in public meetings & phone, theatre and after Franco heldthe power it was forbidden everywhere. Catalan speaking people was beaten. Not just language, the Senyera (the flag of Catalonia), El Segadors (the national anthem) and the Serdana(the national dance) also were banned. Franco’s dream was a united nation so he make people to immigrate to Barcelona and its neighbourhood and which threated Catalans with extinction.

(Spanish Flag) (Catalan Flag) (Catalan Independence Flag)

As a result of immigration there can be a question about who’s Catalan. Jordi Pujol’s (Former President of Catalonia) answer to this question was: “who lives and works in Catalonia, with the caveat that to be fully Catalan must be able to speak the language.”(Hargreaves 2000, 35). As a proof, second and third generation immigarents call themselves as Catalans. Spain went from centralisedcountry to decentralised country with a new statue of authonomy and releasing Catalan after Franco’s death, in 1975.

Catalans say they are different than Spaniards and be proud of their four virtues which are: continuitat (working steadfastly

over the long term to achieve objectives), mesura (taking a measured, balanced view of things), ironía (an ironic outlook on life), and seny (a rational attitude characterised by good, practical commonsense.) (Hargreaves 2000, 22) Most of the Spanish believe the unity of Spain saying; Spain is one and great. Some Spanish people claims Catalans just using nationality as an excuse of hiding their interest in money which brings us second reason, economy.

Probably, Franco is not the favourite person of Catalans. Even though the aim of the immigration was the elimination of other cultures in Spain, Franco heavily invested in Catalonia and Basque region to build up industry for encouraging people immigration. Now,Catalonia generates 20 percent of Spain’s economic output and its economy is growing faster than the country’s economy.

Despite the lackness of natural resourses in 19th century, Catalan society was able to tolerate first industrial revolution thru their social flexiablity, trade based & small scale of propertyowners. They learnt how to manage money which gives them a reputation as being tied with money. Now while Spaniards believe that Catalans don’t give enough, Catalans say they take from us muchbut not give enough. Many cities in Europe gives more than they get so why this one is different?

Region Wealth on Average

Fiscal Deficit

Southeast, England 17% wealthier than the rest of UK


Paris, France 51% wealthier than the rest of France


Baviera, Germany 16% wealthier than the rest of Germany


Catalonia, Spain 22% wealthier than the rest of Spain


Catalans are paying a lot more than other European regions do. Far more, for only being a 7 million people region so it’s a little bit unfair to call Catalans the cancer of Spain. They want to share but not everything they have. Former Vice-president of the Government ofCatalonia Josep-Lluis Carod-Rovira founds abnormal while the other regions of Spain have things which Catalans don’t have, because they

give more than other regions, like free school text books or free driving licences. Is the independence the solution for that problems? According to Francesc de Carreras Serra, Catalan professorof constitutional law, the answer is NO. He believes that will be a pure suicide because being independence means no longer being a partof EU which affects the trade with Spain and other European countries and that decreases the tax revenues while it increases unemployment.

Desire is Fine! What About Actions?

Catalans aren’t the only one who wants to be independent fromSpain, Basques also want it but there is an important difference between the two. Whereas ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom which is a Basque Indepedence terrorist group) killed more than 825 people since 1960, Catalan’s Terra Lliure (Free Land) accidently killed one person.In 1995 Terra Lliure was dispanded and their members joined (ERC) Catalans Republican Left Party. Since that unfortunate event there isn’t any violence made by Catalans. Then what did Catalan do? Referendums. The first referendum was held on 13 September 2009 in Arenys de Munt. The results were 12 null, 29 blank, 61 no and 2569 yes. It was the begining, many referendums were held but the most known one is in the capital, Barcelona on 10 April 2012 with 21% turnout and 20% independence support.

Spain announced that referendums are illegal. The referendum in Arenys de Munt was banned but it didn’t stop Catalans doing that.Controversy the illegal referendum, Spain let people go to Arenys deMunt and protest the referendum. Two groups shouted their slogans, sweared to each other, luckily it didn’t turn to a fight.

Catalonia is the region which has the most debt to Spain. In August Catalonia requested €5 billion  from an €18 billion emergencyfund set up by Madrid to help regions service their debts and pay suppliers of health care and other basic services. They find it absurd to want back what is actually theirs. As a result of the economic crises in Europe, Nationalist Day of Catalonia, which was on 11 September 2012, turned to a seperation meeting. One and half million people were in celebration/ seperation meeting which is according to Catalan leader Artur Mas, Catalonia never has been so close to national plenitude. (The New York Times)

Catalan President Arthur Mas called an early election and pushed for independence on 25 November 2012. For becoming one party government 68 of 135 seats are necessary. Even though separatist parties won majority, Mas lost his twelve seats. While 62 seats of Mas decreased to 50, ERC doubled its seats from 10 to 21. Both of Mas’s CIU and ERC are separatist but CIU is the right wing and ERC is the left wing. They have very different opinions about how to address economc crises, while CIU wants to cut from public sector, ERC probably will be oppose it according to BBC’s Tom Burridge. (BBCNews). This election made complex situation even more complex.

In The End

Spain’s secret conflict has roots in history. Catalans explaintheir nationality is not ethnic nationality, it is based on culture and language. Catalans and Spain have different language, different flag, different anthem and different culture. Jose Mariz Aznar Former Preseident of Spain says in Spain’s Secret Conflict: ‘’ Spanish nationalism does not exist and has never existed. What exists is the idea of united Spain and very strong Spanish feeling.’’ Today, the idea of united Spain falls to pieces not just because of nationality but also because of the economy. Otherwise how can we explain the people who want to be independent from Spain doubled after the economic crises.

While Tom Burridge finds independence from Spain less likely according to the situtation in Catalonia, American Futurologist predicts Catalonia will be independent in 2025 and Matthew Tree who is an English author and resident in Barcelona for 20 years, believes it will be before than 2025. Maybe Catalonia will be independent in recent future, maybe Barcelona will be. As world becomes globalised, nationalism is growing steadily. Maybe in the future, cities will be new countries.

REFERENCES Allen, Paddy and Jeffery, Simon. 2012. ‘’A Catalan History of Spain – Interactive .’’ (November 20, 2013).

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Hargreaves, John. 2000. Freedom For Catalonia? Catalan Nationalism, Spanish Identity,

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Orwell, George. 1938. Katalonya’ ya Selam. Yenibosna; İstanbul: bgst Yayınları

Serra, Francesc de Carreras. 2012. ‘’The Economics of Catalan Independence Don’t Add Up.’’ The Guardian, 22 December.

Spain’s Secret Conflict . January 2, 2013)

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