The Confession Killers/ Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole V2

Cold Open: Henry Lee Lucas. The only Texas death row inmate to be spared an execution by former President George W Bush during his six years as governor of Texas. During those same six years, another 152 inmates were executed. Why did Bush commute Lucas’s death sentence to life in prison just four days before a man once thought to be America’s most prolific serial killer was set to receive a lethal injection? I mean, at one point, Lucas was considered a person of interest in around 600 dierent murders. In 1984, the Texas Rangers created the Lucas Task Force specifically to solve murders thought to be committed by Henry Lee Lucas and they ocially “cleared” 213 previously unsolved murders. Two hundred. And thirteen. Murders. Detectives from forty dierent states talked to Lucas about an estimated 3,000 dierent homicides. So why did Bush let him live? Because, even though Lucas had already been convicted of eleven murders, he’d only been sentenced to death for one of those murders. And his involvement in that one death row conviction was beyond uncertain. Lucas had been condemned to die for the killing of an unidentified woman whose body was found in a ditch in 1979. The discovery of this victim - who became known as Orange Socks because that was all she was wearing when investigators found her body outside of Georgetown, Texas - was highly publicized. The murder of “Orange Socks” would end up being featured on America’s Most Wanted two separate times. And Henry Lee Lucas confessed to her murder four separate times. So he did it, right? No. Not likely. He was convicted of her murder by a jury based entirely on his confessions but it does not seem to be likely they he ever even saw her, let alone had anything to do with her death. No DNA evidence linked him to the crime. Work records and a cashed paycheck indicated that he was hours and hours away in Jacksonville, Florida at the time of the crime. No

Transcript of The Confession Killers/ Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole V2

Cold Open: Henry Lee Lucas. The only Texas death row inmate to be spared an execution by former President George W Bush during his six years as governor of Texas. During those same six years, another 152 inmates were executed. Why did Bush commute Lucas’s death sentence to life in prison just four days before a man once thought to be America’s most prolific serial killer was set to receive a lethal injection? I mean, at one point, Lucas was considered a person of interest in around 600 different murders. In 1984, the Texas Rangers created the Lucas Task Force specifically to solve murders thought to be committed by Henry Lee Lucas and they officially “cleared” 213 previously unsolved murders. Two hundred. And thirteen. Murders. Detectives from forty different states talked to Lucas about an estimated 3,000 different homicides. So why did Bush let him live? Because, even though Lucas had already been convicted of eleven murders, he’d only been sentenced to death for one of those murders. And his involvement in that one death row conviction was beyond uncertain. Lucas had been condemned to die for the killing of an unidentified woman whose body was found in a ditch in 1979. The discovery of this victim - who became known as Orange Socks because that was all she was wearing when investigators found her body outside of Georgetown, Texas - was highly publicized. The murder of “Orange Socks” would end up being featured on America’s Most Wanted two separate times. And Henry Lee Lucas confessed to her murder four separate times. So he did it, right?

No. Not likely. He was convicted of her murder by a jury based entirely on his confessions but it does not seem to be likely they he ever even saw her, let alone had anything to do with her death. No DNA evidence linked him to the crime. Work records and a cashed paycheck indicated that he was hours and hours away in Jacksonville, Florida at the time of the crime. No

witnesses linked Mr. Lucas to the crime. Only his confession linked him to the crime.And by the time Bush had spared Lucas’s life, it was well-known that Henry’s confessions were beyond questionable. This dude LOVED to confess to murder. He became known for a time as “The Confession Killer.” Actually, he became known as one of two of “The Confession Killers,” the other killer being his former partner-in-crime, Ottis Toole. Ottis would end up being convicted for six murders but, like Henry, he would confess to many, many more. He would claim to helping Henry kill 108 people. And to killing another nine all by himself. These two claimed they were members of a network of Satanic killers known as The Hands of Death! They said they would receive calls at pay phones from an anonymous, Satanic leader who told them when and where and who to kill to please Satan and bring discord and pain to the Earth. Today’s tale is a very strange one. We KNOW that Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole were killers. The evidence was there for sure for some of their crimes. We KNOW that they travelled together all around the country. We KNOW people did disappear and die in the places they visited. And we KNOW a lot of people think they did in fact kill far more people than they were convicted of killing. We also KNOW they for sure lied about A LOT of other killings.Today, I’m gonna do my best to separate as much fact from fiction as I can as I look into just exactly how terrible these two dirt bags were, on another bloody, true crime edition, of Timesuck.


I. Welcome!

A. Happy Monday: Happy Monday, Time-suckers and Meatsacks! I’m Dan Cummins, the Master of the Suck-verse, King of the Suck, Holy Suckmaster Prophet of Nimrod.And you are listening to Timesuck.

B. Scared to Death PreRoll: And Timesuck is brought to you today by my new Scared to Death podcast. That’s right. I’m sponsoring myself because I believe in myself and because I gave myself an incredible sponsor discount. The first two episodes of my new paranormal horror podcast, where I try and scare the shit out of my wife with two allegedly true tales come out next week, Tuesday, September 17th, at midnight. Available on all the standard podcast players and you can watch us in the new Bad Magic Studio on our Bad Magic Productions Youtube channel. Link in the episode description. And I had something happen to me last week that I think will help me tell a better tale of paranormal horror. I’m a skeptical person, but, I had something very strange and hard to explain happen at the Rainbow Room on the Sunset strip on August 29th where Lynze and I and my longtime agent and friend Joe Eshenbaugh had dinner before my show at the Comedy Store in Hollywood - Showbiz! - very fun show by the way. As were the Comedy Store shows in La Jolla which were PACKED! Anyway, I went to use the bathroom in the Rainbow room - technically the Rainbow Bar and Grill - before an early dinner around 5PM. It’s a landmark restaurant known mostly for being a hard rock hangout spot for decades. Alice Cooper used to eat there all the time, Lemmy from Motorhead was there almost every day he wasn’t on tour for decades and countless other hard rock or metal icons.The guys from Guns n Roses, Poison, Motley Cure - and on and on. John Belushi reportedly ate his last meal there. Former Suck Subject Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio had their first date there.

It’s a dark and dingy place with rock and metal and celebrity memorabilia all over the walls. But when were there it was dead. The bathroom is upstairs where there is a second bar but it wasn’t open yet. I seemed to be the only person up there. Two urinals and one stall. A sink to the right immediately when you walk in. I start using the second urinal and halfway through going to the bathroom I hear the sink running full blast which I thought was odd. I suddenly notice it. And when I look over the hot water is cranked all the way up and it’s so hot steam is coming out of the drain. And I immediately think it’s weird that they would let their bathroom water get that hot. Looks like it could scald you. I finish at the urinal and go turn off the water and just feel spooked. I turn on the cold water, wash my hands, and go to booth where Lynze and I were sitting. I’m still spooked. A waitress walks by and I say to her, “Hey - I know this is weird, and I would normally never ask this, but, are there any stories of this place being haunted?” She acts like I’m dumb for asking and says, “Oh yeah, this place is totally haunted.” And then I tell her, “I just had the weirdest thing happen in the bathroom. No one else was in there and while I’m going to the bathroom, all of the sudden….” And she says, “The faucet?” And I got the chills. Why would she jump immediately to faucet? And then she says, “It was running, wasn’t it?” And I said, “How did you know?” And she says, “Oh do I have stories for you.” And then she ran off to to go do something and she never came back to tell those stories. I think she clocked out and left. Bummer. BUT - after dinner, I took Joe and Lynze upstairs to show them that bathroom, and, I decided to turn the hot water on to see how hot it would get. Left it on for almost a minute I bet. I didn’t get NEARLY as hot as what I say. No steam. Not even close. What the fuck!?! Could there be some logical explanation for all that?? Sure. But I don’t know what. And I swear - it felt like something was in that room with me. So - spirit or not, I am less skeptical and I think that will make telling spooky stories on Scared to Death a lot more fun. So subscribe and

tune in!

C. Moretta Pre-Roll: Also - speaking of hard rock and metal - do you like Moretta? Be sure to stick around after the episode today Meatsacks… we have a special treat for ya! The exclusive, world premier of a new song from Moretta, Joe Paisley’s band. Joe “Horsecock Johnson” Paisley’s band. Their new track “In Need of Better” was written, recorded, mixed, and mastered right here in CDA and will be available to the general public this Friday the 13th. BUT GUESS WHAT FUCKERS… you don’t have to wait because there’s always special treatment for the chosen few spawned from deep inside Nimrod’s ballsack. You’ll find a link to the unlisted music video inside today’s episode description… so go feed your earholes! And do us a favor, even if hard rock/metal isn’t your genre of choice… click it. Every additional play and comment pushes the video up in YouTube’s algorithm, making it easier for others to stumble across and find Joe’s band. He’s really good. Promise!

D. Facebook: Also - some of you may have noticed that last weekend, our beloved private Facebook group, the Cult of the Curious, was disabled.Well now it’s back! Facebook recently changed its community standards. The general public’s increasingly delicate sensibilities must be guarded at all costs! No peanut butt butter jokes! What if someone gets triggered!?! Social media is suddenly becoming very Orwellian. We gotta soften all the edges and round all the world’s corners, before someone falls down and gets an owie. God forbid people just avoid content they don’t like and be grown ups and opt out of groups that bother them. Groups no one is forcing them to belong too.

I’m no fan of trolls and mindless hate. I am a huge fan of freedom and would prefer to let anyone say whatever and have never in my life attempted to censor another adult. BUT - Facebook is not my company. And I respect their right to decide how to moderate their own community. And they’re deciding to play it way more safe than I’d prefer. So moving forward, we will have to keep things a liiiiiittle tighter inside the group. However, our Timesuck Discord has specific channels for NSFW content, plus almost any other topic you can think of! So if you need that super dark humor fix, head to our Discord... there’s a link directly to it in the Timesuck App (just make sure you download the Discord app first and setup an account before clicking it). We know the private FB group means a lot to a lot of you. You find solace for whatever troubles you’re going through, you’ve made friends, some of you have formed really important relationships - so we’re gonna do everything in our power to keep it going. We just have to moderate it a little more aggressively now. And don’t worry! The COTC Facebook page will still have plenty of edgy Timesuck related content... just maybe less shadows of Paisley’s massive horsecock and memes about sticking bananas in your asshole and that kind of shit.Just wanted to update you and let you know that we will keep fighting to expand our beautiful community of kind, funny, irreverent, curious, and helping hand having meatsacks. If Facebook shuts us down we’ll rebuild. Either there or somewhere else. Love you guys for what you represent.

E. Tour Dates:

1. Quick tour date mentions and then on to the Confession Killers.

2. Thalia Hall in Chicago this Friday the 13th! Gonna be a really fun show. Queen fo the Suck Lynze is traveling with me for that one.

At Copper Blues live in Phoenix next weekend, September 19-21. Standup shows AND a live podcast. Helium in Indianapolis the week after, September 26-28th. West Palm Beach Improv the week after that. Wednesday, October 9th. Sidesplitters in Tampa October 10th - 13thAnd then my new stand up special taping at the Crofoot Ballroom in Pontiac Michigan just outside Detroit, October 18th. The late show is SOLD OUT! Some tickets still available for the early show. And then Minneapolis the next night, October 19th - the 10,000 Laughs Comedy Festival. Thanks to everyone who comes to these shows. I’ve been working really hard at standup for nineteen years and I think I’m pretty good at it, and you guys are making me better. It’s been a fucking blast.

F. Segue to Topic: Now let’s see what laughs I can come up with talking about two huge pieces of shit. Time for the Confession Killers.


II. Intro/Establish Premiss: Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole. Who were they? We’re going to try and find out today but it’s not easy because one of the things we know about them both, as I pointed out up top, is that they loved to lie. Henry in particular. You read ten different accounts of Henry Lee Lucas’s life and you’re going to get ten slightly different stories. Why? Because every time Henry was interviewed he gave

slightly different details. Or vastly different. The only story he couldn’t seem to tell was the same one twice. Damn it! Why do murderers also have to be liars!?! Why can’t this suck be about two very trustworthy total pieces of shit?Both Henry and Ottis loved to shock and to disturb. They loved to fuck with investigators. They loved the attention they got from investigators when they were able to convince them they knew how to clear up another unsolved mystery. They were rewarded with cigarettes, milkshakes, attention, and field trips to crime scenes around the country. Lot of taxpayer money went to flying Henry Lee Lucas, in particular, around the country. He was able to get himself out of jail with his confessions and get to eat out at nice restaurants and sleep in hotel rooms instead of eating prison cafeteria slop and sleeping in a cell. I’ll do my best to differentiate today between fact and speculation but their stories weave so frequently back between the two it won’t be easy. I’ll try and point out when it will be impossible. Let’s start their tale, as we almost always do here, at the beginning. Just like we know that both Lucas and Toole were killers we also know they both had horrible childhoods. And just like we don’t know how many they killed, we don’t know exactly how horrible childhoods were. But - if what we do know and if just some of what they claimed are true, then we also know that these two killers were made and not born, because the abuse they supposedly suffered by the very people who were supposed to protect them was nightmarish. Today’s Timesuck Timeline will begin at the birth of Henry Lee Lucas and run all the way up until he met Ottis Toole, than go BACK to the birth of Ottis and run back up until he met Henry Lee Lucas. And then we’ll march forward until both of them were incarcerated for at least some murders they probably committed.

Sound good? Great. Let’s march, meatsacks.


III.Timesuck Timeline

1. August 23, 1936: On August 23, 1936, Henry Lee Lucas was born in his family’s dirt-floor havin’ log cabin just outside of Blacksburg, Virginia.Blacksburg is now the roughly 42,000 person home of Virginia Tech. In 2007, it was the scene of the Virginia Tech shootings when 32 people were killed and another 17 wounded by a lone gunman. At that time - that was the deadliest shooting carried out by a single gunman in US history. Sadly that’s no longer the case. In 2011, Blacksburg was named “Best Place in the US to raise your kids,” by BusinessWeek and that same year the readers of Southern Living named it “Best College Town in the South.” Blacksburg High School is currently ranked among the top public high schools in the nation for academics.,_VirginiaIt’s a small city that has seen a lot of ups and downs. Lately - it seems to be up. It’s been around for long time, founded way back in 1798. And while it’s a home for higher education and civic pride today, it was still pretty backwoods back in 1936. The town didn’t even get its first police officer until 1937. Blacksburg was just starting to become “modern” when Henry Lee Lucas showed up, getting its first street lights in 1935. At that time, it had around 1,500 people at the time. And many lived in poverty. Many were still pretty backwoods, hill-billy-ish. And the Lucas family may have been the most backwoods, most

hill-billy-ish family in Blacksburg. Henry was born to forty-ish year-old Nellie “Viola” Lucas and thirty-one year-old Anderson “No Legs” Lucas. More on “No Legs” and his nickname in a minute. I say Nellie was roughly forty when Henry was born but that’s a guesstimate. Could not track down an obituary for her despite a lot of digging and not sure one even exists. At least not one that exists online. By the time she died, Nellie was pretty universally hated by her family and I don’t get the feeling anyone went all out to hold any type of memorial service. So info on her is scarce. Most of it comes from Lucas himself. Sources list her anywhere from forty to early-fifties at the time of Henry’s birth. Her maiden name was Waugh and unfortunately there are several Waugh’s born in the late 19th century and early 20th century in or around Virginia. If I had to guess based on what I could find, I’d say she was born in 1891, making her forty-four or forty-five when Henry was born. HOWEVER - she may have been up to ten years younger. Just trying to be transparent. However old she was, Nellie was the family’s breadwinner and she made her money as a prostitute. And she wasn’t exactly a high-end prostitute. She was middle-aged, not terribly attractive, mean as Hell, and she worked out of a dirt-floor, backwoods Virginia cabin during the Great Depression. Not trying to get all high horse-ish and judge-y, but, I would have rather smacked my dick with a stick rather than take it out anywhere near Nessie Lucas. But - apparently she was fairly busy with customers. I can only imagine what kind of creeps these dudes were. I picture guys who would barely need any makeup to play a zombie on the Walking Dead.

Her customers would pay ten cents to come to the Lucas family home and have sex with Mama Lucas on the bed she shared with her husband. Awesome. So fun. And she had anywhere from nine to thirty kids, again, depending on the source. And who knows who any of their fathers really were. Anderson played the part of dad but birth control clearly wasn’t something practiced in the Lucas household and her uterus had its fair share of human tadpoles lurking around. Based mostly on what Henry would say later, but also occasionally corroborated by some siblings and other eyewitnesses, Viola was a fucking monster. Like, somewhere between Casey Anthony and Joseph Fritzl on the “How Much of an Evil Fuck of a Parent are you?” scale. I’m convinced you will soon hate her. Now let’s talk about ol’ “No Legs.” No Legs was the SUPER CLEVER nickname given to Anderson by the townsfolk of Blacksburg because - can you guess - he’d didn’t have any legs! Get it!?! Get how witty of a name that is!?! He didn’t have legs so they called him “No Legs!” I wonder what other cool, creative nicknames other town characters had?(Backwoods Virginia Local) “Hey! Have you run into Big Red? he’s a BIG fella with RED hair. That is why we call him BIG RED! Or what about Very Big Fat Gut? You can’t miss him. If you meet a man with a very big fat gut, well you done just met Very Big Fat Gut! Not to be confused with Big Fat Gut or Fat Gut or Chub Belly or even Kind of Fat But More Just

Chubby Side Gut.”I’d love it if it got that specific. “Have you done run into One Eye is a Bit Bigger Than the Other, Bald Head, Flat Ass with Somewhat Small Arms Compared to How Long His Legs Are?” You can’t miss him. Just look for the guy with one eye that is a little bit bigger than the other eye and, well, you git it. You git it! Now go on! Yip, yip, yaw! I got a meeting with Rodney Bobby and Ricky Randy. The only two moonshiners in this here country with regular names. Sometime before Henry was born, No Legs, was once the family’s breadwinner. He was an alcoholic known as Anderson who worked for the local railroad until he passed out drunk one night and fell on some train tracks and stayed there until a train did done run over his legs. And he’d spend the rest of his days being yelled at by Viola and pushing himself around the cabin in a little homemade wooden wagon with a broom handle.So, you know, I’m sure he was in a really good mood all of the time. (Sing) “Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and I don’t care, Jimmy Crack Corn and I don’t care, Jimmy Crack Corn and I don’t care - that I push myself around with a broom stick on a dirt cabin floor in a homemade wooden crate cause a train smushed up my legs - while some dude fucks my wife on my bed!!” Fuck me. The lives some people have led. I feel so sad for them. Also, I feel so lucky my life is nowhere near that. According to the most comprehensive biography I could find on Henry and what info I scrape together from a few other sources, ol’ Jimmy Crack No Legs lived in constant fear of Viola who would beat him and he let her run the house however she fit which was NOT good for the kids. Henry’s childhood, if he’s to be believed, was straight out of a horror movie.

Henry’s birth was not a welcome one because being pregnant and then having a newborn was bad for business. Henry claims he was pinched and hit when he cried too much as a child and rarely held by his mother in the cabin he was born into that had no electricity or running water. Just a wood-burning stove where Viola would cook meals for her pimp, and sometimes, also for her husband, and hardly ever for however many dirty kids were scampering about.According to family legend, when Henry was young, he got caught trying to steal scraps of warm food off of his father’s plate and he was beaten and then banished to the chicken coop which became his bedroom. And from that point forward he slept out with the chickens. Jesus! He was raised more like a dog than like a human. And I wouldn’t even treat a dog like that. My dogs Penny Pooper and Ginger Belle think my bed belongs more to them and Lynze than it does me. Those pampered bitches - literal bitches - live lives Henry didn’t even dream about. Henry supposedly gnawed on the woodwork of the coop when his teeth began to come in. Not even a dog’s chew toy to work with! He apparently ate a fair share of the lead paint the coop was covered in which may have helped lead to a low IQ. He inhaled toxins from the chicken shit, such as cadmium. Studies have since shown that odorous compounds from poultry shit definitely induce DNA damage. No studies have been conducted regarding whether or not being forced to live in a chicken coop is good for you or not because it is obviously fucking horrible to do that to someone and almost no one has ever lived that way.

2. 1941: By the time little Henry began to attend school in 1941 when he was five, he smelled so bad that he was seated by an open window. I’m sure he wasn’t ruthlessly teased at all by the children of the townsfolk who openly called his father “No Legs.”

When the school got ahold of Viola and demanded she clean her child for school, she, according to Henry years’ later, stripped him naked and drug him to a pond on their property and violently scrubbed him, held him under water until he thought he would drown, and then molested him. And then she told him, ‘They wants him to be a pretty smelling little girl, then that’s what we’ll give them.’That’s a quote I pulled from a book I found that had the most comprehensive look into Henry’s childhood I could find. I bet she did talk like that. I can only imagine her sexy talk for her clients. (Nellie) “So do you done want yer pecker sucked or what? If you don’t cum in the next two minutes I’m gonna punch you in yer dirt button.” According to legend, Nellie put young Henry in a floral dress that belonged to one of his older sisters and then she paraded him through town, bellowing to whoever wanted to listen, ‘Look how beautiful my daughter is. I thought I had a son, but I guess that I was wrong.’ Viola marched him all the way through the school gates and into the schoolhouse before stomping off back into the woods where she lived like a fucking troll. And Henry had to sit in the dress throughout the whole school day. And then he ran home, sobbing all the way.And because he hated it so much, Viola began to punish Henry this way all the time. According to Henry, she loved to immaculate the men who weren’t her clients. I’m guessing she hated what she felt she had to do to make money and took it out on ol’ No Legs and the other males in the cabin.Also, according to Henry, Nellie liked to have No Legs in the room when she had clients over and make him watch. (No Legs Singin’) “Oh Jimmy Crack Corn and I don’t care!

Jimmy Crack Corn and I don’t care! Jimmy Crack corn, and I don’t care! That my wife will take away my broomstick and beat me in my home if I don’t sit on the dirt floor and watch her get fucked my other dudes!”And then, to punish Henry, she’d make him wear a dress, sit down next to his maybe-dad and make him watch as well. SO FUN! If all this is true, Henry is sleeping in a chicken coop, never eating a hot, home-cooked meal, and being sat by the window at school because he smells like chicken shit where he is undoubtably being bullied horrifically - he was also a tiny kid. Which makes sense when you’re malnourished. AND - he’s being forced to wear a dress. AND - he’s being forced to sit next to dad and watch random, creepy dudes fuck his mom. And she hates his guts. He’s introduction to the world seems to have been a little bit less than ideal. Even more fun, by his own account, Henry had zero friends. He said even his siblings steered clear of him because he was mama’s least favorite and if they were nice to him she made life worse for them as well. And then he met and fell in love with a local mule. And not a drug-mule. Like, a mule-mule. A donkey was his first friend. Could this story get more cartoonishly backwoods?At some point during his first few years of school, the only thing Henry looked forward to each day was seeing a neighbor’s old mule that lived on a friend of his dad’s property between his cabin and school. And he’d stop to pet and feed it each day and it grew to recognize him and look forward to his visits. And he loved this mule. And this mule seemed to love him.

And one day, because he no longer had any use for the mule, the mule’s owner gave it to Henry and he walked it to his cabin one day after school. And when he made it home- Mamma Lucas was NOT happy. According to Henry, when Viola saw how much the mule meant to him, she went inside, grabbed a shotgun, came back out, walked up the mule and shot it in the face as it stood next to Henry. She killed the poor creature immediately and also drenched her son in his best friend’s blood. And that’s when Henry knew he would grow up to accomplish big things. He knew right then and there that he’d be either a doctor, or a college professor, or a lawyer. He’d been given such a great start in life - how could he NOT go on to accomplish grew things?Yeah right. - that’s when Henry was beaten unconscious. Henry said that, after killing his mule, his mamma backhanded him hard across the face and yelled, “What did you have to go and do that for? Now I’ve got to go and pay somebody to haul that useless carcass away, you worthless, stupid little rat-shit.” And then she slapped him again, hard enough to drop him to his knees. And she then proceeded to kick and hit him with closed fists until he was unconscious.For the next several years, Nellie would beat Henry on a regular basis, even beating him for leaving her room when she was fucking a client in front of her son.

3. 1945: And then in 1945, when Henry was nine, Mama Lucas nearly beat him to death. Viola aka Nessie aka Satan’s Sidekick put Henry to work one day

on a fence around the property. And by fence I mean scraps of old, half-rotten wood clumsily tied together with barbed wire. I climbed over or through countless fences like this when I was a kid growing up in rural Idaho playing out in the mountains. They’re all over in the woods. Put up quickly just to keep cattle, sheep, or whatever other livestock creature from wandering into or out of your property. Put up to keep sweet, lovable mules from wandering up to your home to talking to son. Animals you then, OF COURSE, HAVE TO blast in the face with a shotgun and then, because your kid should’ve never loved a mule enough to want to bring it home in the first fucking place, beat your little brat unconscious. You get it. So, Nellie is having her son working on a fence instead of going to school while she fucks guys for money in her marital bed - as a perennial contender for mother of the year does - and when she calls him to the house to do some other work for her, he doesn’t hear her. So she calls again - still nothing. And now she’s pissed. She has a John half-way undressed waiting to get some of that sweet, Mama Lucas loving, and now lil’ Henry is fucking with business. She’d have No Legs go find him but, well, he’s not able to broomstick push his little wooden wagon very out into the woods as you might expect. So she’s goes a’lookin herself and grabs a f two by four piece of lumber along the way to smack him with for not running when called, because, you know - what nine year old is going to pay attention to you if you only beat him with your fist or kick him with your boot? Nellie finds Henry, takes a baseball swing, and cracks him right in the back of the head with that two-by-four and knocks him out cold. And she’s lucky that’s all she did. He very nearly died because he was an extremely annoying and weak child who couldn’t just walk off a home run swing to the back of the dome with a fence post.

After teaching Henry a good lesson - how dare he physically not hear his mother yell for him to stop doing one chore and run in and do another chore for her while she makes some prostitution money - Nellie goes back to her John.And then she doesn’t notice that Henry doesn’t come inside that night as she meets more clients and gets drunk. And no one else notices that little Henry doesn’t show up at the home for the rest of the night. I guess they forgot to check the chicken coop and make sure he was doing ok. It’s almost like no one cared about him. The next morning Viola walks back to where she had knocked Henry unconscious and finds him still laying there. Over twelve hours have passed and he’s STILL out cold. When yelling and kicking him didn’t wake him up, she had two of his older brothers drag him inside the cabin. And he laid in a corner for two more full days before Nellie’s pimp, a man who went by the name of “Uncle Bernie” - my God this family was so fucked up - Uncle Bernie took Henry to the hospital. Accounts of Henry’s backwoods childhood feel like fucked up punchlines from a very dark version of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You Might Be a Redneck” jokes. As if this all is taking place in some bizarro, evil, parallel universe, some Stranger Things Upside Down version of reality, where a dark comic named Steph CoxScurvy instead of Jeff Foxworthy tells “You Might Be a Killer” jokes instead of You Might be a Redneck Jokes. (Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If the best parental figure you had growing was your momma’s pimp, and you called him Uncle Bernie - You MIGHT be a killer.” “If people called your daddy No Legs, and your bedroom was the Chicken Coop, and your momma made you wear a dress

to school - you might be a killer.”“If your best friend growing up was a neighbor’s mule - and when you brought that mule home your momma shot him in the face and then literally beat you unconscious - you might be a killer.” Uncle Bernie laid the knocked-out, almost dead little Henry in the back of his pickup truck - cause why risk him bleeding on the seat - and drove him into town where the doctor couldn’t believe Henry was even still alive. He hadn’t just been unconscious, he’d been in a full-on fucking coma for three days. Four days later he regained consciousness. The doctors had all kinds of questions. When had he been exposed to lead? When had he been exposed to cadmium. Did he live in an unsupervised chicken coop? Henry, still greatly shook up by head injury was too dazed to even attempt to answer them and Nellie was able to play dumb enough to convince them that sometimes accidents just happen and he was released back home. I’m guessing those Blacksburg doctors weren’t among the nation’s best.Shortly after coming back to the coop - Henry began to suffer occasional seizures. Every muscle in his body would contract, shaking and straining against every other one. His eyes would roll up into his head. He would froth at the mouth, let out little yips or screams. His body would twist and contort as violent convulsions wracked his small frame and left him aching for days in their aftermath. One moment he would be fine, the next he would be flopping around on the ground, helpless and lost in the black static of his own brain. The only good thing came out of this beating was that Viola was now afraid to beat him that hard again. Uncle Bernie convinced her she’d kill him and that if she did, he’d go to jail. Also, now that

Viola was leaving Henry somewhat alone, the other kids felt more comfortable not incurring her wrath if they played with him and he became a more normal part of the family

4. 1946: The next year, in 1946, when Henry was ten he suffered another horrific accident at home. A terrible knife accident. Fucking around with hunting knives was apparently just a daily part of Lucas cabin family life. The Lucas kids would use them to whittle crude toys for themselves out in the woods. (Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If the best toy you ever got growing up was one you whittled for yourself out in the woods….you MIGHT be a killer.”The Lucas kids also used them to play fun games like the knife game aka the “See you fast you can stab a knife in-between your fingers game.” They used knives to skin the squirrels and rabbits they caught, and, most importantly, they used knives to settle arguments in semi-playful fights. All of the Lucas kids would end up with knife scars, but none would end with more than Henry, and he’d receive the worst knife wound of all in 1945. He lunged ahead at one of his brothers just as they stabbed out with a pocket knife and the blade caught him directly in his left eye. And according to Henry, his eyeball “popped.” And as eye-goo ran down his cheek he fell to the floor and had a seizure. And then Nellie allegedly took one look at her son, with blood and leaves caked to his face, and said ‘Ain’t nothing to be done about it now. Just, don’t be stupid again.’And then she took a sip of whiskey out of an old soup can Uncle Bernie had carved the word’s “World’s Best Momma” into.

Somehow, despite taking a dirty knife to the eyeball - and then soil and decomposing leaves getting rubbed into the socket, and water from a stream being used to wash it out, and no hygiene being practiced by fucking anyone involved, the injury did NOT get infected. I’m guessing living in dirt and chicken shit had built up Henry’s immune system a bit. If this is all true - it is AMAZING that this dude made it to adulthood. He did for sure lose his left eye as a child. There are school pictures of him and he definitely suddenly only has the right eye once he’s around ten. And then, also in 1946, he got hurt again. This one is hard to believe, but here’s the story. Apparently, Henry was sitting in class one day when his teacher threw a ruler across the room at a boy sitting behind him who was cracking jokes and disrupting class. And according to one of the sources I found this teacher missed badly and the pencil struck Henry. Struck him right in his fucking empty eye socket. And literally stuck in there. Like some shit out of a b horror movie. Some Tales From the Crypt type scene. And THEN Henry’s eye-socket got infected. And his left socket would weep milky tears off and on for the rest of his life.

5. 1949: In 1949, Henry turned thirteen and puberty struck and that was really bad news for every small creature in his immediate vicinity. No mammal would be safe from his sexual attacks. Not kidding. Years later, Lucas would confess that his first sexual experience with another living thing was not with a human being, but with a squirrel. And if you’re thinking, “How does one even set about fucking a squirrel?” You’re not alone. When I first read this I had no idea. They’re so small, right? They’re little buts and vaginas are so teeny tiny.

Well, thanks to the power of Google, I have an answer. And it’s beyond disgusting. Buckle up, meatsack! This is terrible, but, let’s not be afraid to put on our grownup pants and learn something we never needed to know. Here’s what an anonymous person posted on a Reddit thread that I found when I Googled “How do you fuck a squirrel?” Skip ahead exactly one minute right now if you don’t want to hear how to do this. I timed it out in advance so you could tap out because you can’t un-hear this. Here we go: They wrote: “This is something that caused my parents to put me through almost 2 1/2 years of therapy but when I was twelve my cousin who was 16 brought a bb gun to my house to shoot into the woods. When the gun ran out of bullets he tossed the gun down and said it was my turn if I could find the bullets. BB's are impossible to find in the woods btw but while searching next to my shed I found a dead squirrel. I'm not sure if the squirrel died from the BB or of natural causes but I decided to pick it up anyways. I guess as the therapist said, I should have felt sad or scared but instead I widened the anus of the squirrel using a twig and my finger to the point of mutilation. By the time I was done the squirrel didn't have an anus but rather a large gaping very bloody hole in it's backside. I don't remember if I was horny or not as I had random erections at that age quite often but I proceeded to insert my erect penis into the mutilated rear cavity of the dead squirrel. It was during the summer so the dead squirrel had been baking in the sun and I remember the hot entrails feeling amazing on my penis.” I guess that’s how you do it! You don’t use an existing hole, you make a new one. And that’s what Henry did. And he did the same to other small creatures he was able to hunt. Like rabbits.

(Announcer) “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Chuckle-Slut stage, Steph CoxScurvy!”(Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If the first mammal you made love to was NOT a human being - OR alive…. AND you had to make your OWN HOLE… You MIGHT be a killer.”

6. 1951: In 1951, two good things happened to now fourteen year-old Henry Lee Lucas. He got a car and No Legs froze to death. Henry had no love for his father, the man who never did anything to spare him from a moment of abuse from his horrific mother. And in late 1950, Anderson “No Legs” Lucas dragged himself out into the snow late one night in what seemed to be a crude suicide attempt. And it worked. By the time anyone came looking for him, he’d gotten such bad hypothermia from laying out in the snow that he’d die in the hospital days later to start the new year. And a few months later, after getting the money to pay for it by burglarizing local homes with some cousins, Henry bought a car. By this time, his hygiene had improved, he was no longer sleeping in the coop, and, despite his missing eye, he was handsome enough in his own way to convince some local girls to go on some dates with him. But he wasn’t able to convince any of them to sleep with him. And in his later years he’d claim that this is what drove him to commit his first murder. Supposedly, he took a young girl who he never named out to a known make-out spot just outside of Blacksburg. And when she wouldn’t let him have sex with her, he snapped and started choking her. And he kept choking her until she was dead. And then he took off her clothes and had sex with her still-warm corpse. And then he drove her body into a remote part of the woods, dug a shallow grave, threw her remains inside and covered it up with dirt, and went about his life. Wasn’t there an investigation? Wouldn’t he be the prime suspect

in the disappearance of the girl he’d just taken to a make-out spot? You’d think so. Maybe he made this story up. Or, maybe no one knew they were dating. Or maybe they weren’t dating at all and he just kidnapped, killed, and raped a stranger? All we have for this story is what he said about it and he didn’t say much more than what I just told you. A name - Laura Burnley - did end up getting tossed out as the possible name of this victim, but, Laura is only named on true crime sites I’ve found to be accurate some of the time, but not all of the time, like and So who knows. does list a seventeen year-old Laura Burnley as dying in March of 1951, but, it doesn’t show a tombstone or say where she died.

7. 1954: In early 1954, seventeen year-old Henry gets arrested for over a dozen local burglaries and on June 10th he’s sentenced to four years in his prison. He’s initially incarcerated at the Beaumont Training School for Boys, a juvenile correction center that changed names frequently over the years, first opening as The Virginia Industrial School for Boys and Beaumont Learning Center in 1890. was located almost two-hundred miles from Blacksburg, just outside of Richmond, Virginia. And the center closed its doors for good just recently, in 2017.’s stay there was short-lived. He was intensely disruptive and rebellious, and he seemed entirely incapable of absorbing any

of the lessons that the school tried to instill in him. One of the staff members would later describe him as “a boy gone feral.”He escaped about a month into his sentence and made it all the way back home to Blacksburg. When he arrived he met one of his nieces, the daughter of an older half-sister, who had been left in Nellie’s care. She was twelve years old and the day her met her, Henry raped her out behind the chicken coop. And then threatened to slit her throat if she told anyone.Not yet eighteen and this dude is already fucked. Anyone with half-a-brain could’ve already told you upon meeting him that no good would ever come from Henry Lee Lucas. After being victimized, he clearly didn’t think, “I sure don’t want to inflict this pain on anyone else.” He probably didn’t think anything. He just saw the world as a place where you violently took whatever you wanted. And, of course, I’m speculating here. And while his niece didn’t tell anyone, the very next day the Sheriff pulled up to the Lucas cabin, figuring that's where Henry would return. No more boy’s school this time- Lucas was now sent to the Virginia State Penitentiary in Richmond, a center that also has closed - in 1991. Henry LOVED his stay. No one was making him going to school. No one was trying to reform him. He had a bed that didn’t smell like chicken shit and was fed hot meals every day. A prison doctor even had him fitted for a glass eye. One he’d wear the rest of his life. He put on a little weight and, in a way, started to look ruggedly handsome. He also started to have sex on a regular basis. While Henry would always prefer to have sex with women when that was option, his true sexual preference seemed to be whatever was warm and close by. If something or someone was alive or hadn’t been dead too long, Henry Lee Lucas would fuck it, him, or her.

Henry became somewhat popular in prison. Compared to growing up on Mama Lucas’s Cabin of Horrors in Blacksburg, prison was heaven. The other inmates taught him how to commit other crimes. How to fight. How to con. How to talk to women. He even began to write to women through a prison pen pal service.

8. 1959: In late 1959, at the age of twenty-three, Henry was released. Instead of heading back to Blacksburg, he decided to put some distance between himself and Mama Lucas and he went to stay with a half-sister named Opal, in Tecumseh, Michigan, an hour southeast of Detroit. Opal happened to live near a young woman named Stella who Henry had been writing letters to from prison. Stella was a hard drinker and not much of “a looker,” according to one source, but, she wasn’t abusive and she’d have sex with him. And he didn’t even have to carve out a new hole. She already had a couple. So, Henry was in love. He got a job at a warehouse and the two made plans to get married. And that Winter he got down on one knee in the Michigan snow and proposed to Stella after he’d picked her up for their regular date and she said yes. And he was the happiest he’d ever been in his whole life. And they headed out to get thoroughly drunk to celebrate. And of course they would NOT live happily ever after. Later that night, Henry shared all of his good news with Opal, who he was still living with, and she was delighted to hear that her little brother finally seemed to be getting his life on track. The very next morning, Opal started calling various members of the Lucas family to spread the joy. And word got back to mother. And Nellie was not pleased. She didn’t even know that Henry had gotten out of prison.

Life had been hard on Nellie since Lucas had gone to prison. She’d shot a client in the leg with the same shotgun she’d used to kill that mule, and, while she didn’t get in any legal trouble, word got around and it was bad for her prostitution business. Business had almost completely dried up anyway - pun not intended. She was in her sixties by this point. And she wasn’t a beautiful woman to begin with. Her pimp, Uncle Bernie, had moved on. Her husband, as we learned, had died. And the rest of her children had either grown out of the home and left town or run away, never to come back. She was broke, alone, and utterly miserable. And she needed someone to take care of her. And she decided that that someone needed to be Henry, so she bought herself a bus ticket to Michigan.

9. January 12th, 1960: On the evening of January 12th, 1960, Nellie arrived at Opal’s apartment in Tecumseh. Opal told her mother that Henry was out a bar with Stella and Nellie went out to find them. Nellie walked in and wasted no time in finding Henry and telling him that no woman was every going to marry him, not after what he’d done to those rabbits and those squirrels and not after he’d raped his own niece. Yep. She’d found out about that. And held on to it like some kind of fucked up blackmail Ace in the hole. And then she started hitting Henry with a closed fist in front of everyone. Told him that he needed to come home like he was supposed to have done when he’d first left prison. Like he’d promised. Stella tried to defend Henry and Nellie cursed her out and hit her too. Nellie was up in years but as tough and mean as ever and she threw Stella down and started kicking her. The bouncer had to pull her off. Henry went to console Stella and she told him to get away from her. Said she couldn’t be with someone whose mother was a monster. And just like that, Henry’s engagement was off. His mother had fucked up his past and now she’d

destroyed his chance at a decent future. (House Announcer) “Please welcome back to the stage - Steph CoxScurvy!” (Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If your engagement gets called off because your elderly momma beats both your ass and hers in a dive bar after telling everyone that you raped your own niece… You Might be a Killer!”The bouncer threw Nellie out of the bar and she went back to Opal’s apartment. Henry stayed until closing time, trying to drink the night away. When he returned to Opal’s apartment late that night, he went straight to bed. And then, about a half-hour later, he claimed that Nellie attacked him. And I don’t doubt this claim. He’d say that he awoke to Nellie beating him in the head with a broom handle. He got out of bed as fast as his drunken stupor allowed as she continued to beat him with the broom handle until it snapped. And then she kept hitting him with her fists. She spit and cursed him and then Henry snapped and grabbed the pocket knife he always kept on or near him and then he swung it at his mother’s head and jammed it right into her neck. And then Henry left her to bleed out on the floor and he fled and drove his car all the way back to Blacksburg, Virginia. His sister Opal didn’t check things out until the following morning - she probably knew it was best to stay away from momma when momma was worked up - and then she found Nellie laying in a pool of blood on the floor. The knife had just barely nicked an artery and she was still alive. Tough fucks these Lucases. An ambulance would take her to the hospital where she quickly died of a heart attack related to the blood loss.

A warrant was issued for Henry’s arrest, he was captured almost immediately, and just like that, less than a year after getting out of prison, he was on his way back for an even longer sentence. At least this time he wouldn’t have to worry about what momma would do if he got out again.

10. 1960: Henry was tried for the second degree murder of his mother in March 1960 and was sentenced to 20 to 40 years in the State Prison of Southern Michigan at Jackson. didn’t initially enjoy his second trip to prison as much as he had the first. He really thought he’d had a chance at a normal life with Stella and momma had ruined that. And momma had got him sent back to prison where she was still torturing him. He felt haunted by Nellie. He started hearing her voice in his head, asking him what kind of boy kills their own mother. Pretty soon his mother’s voice was telling him to kill himself and he tried to do just that. His first suicide attempt was almost a success. He fashioned a noose for himself out of his bedclothes and hung himself in his cell for almost twenty minutes before a patrolling guard noticed. The makeshift rope hadn’t been tied tight enough to properly cut off the blood supply to his brain, just interrupt it badly enough to render him unconscious, and possibly add a little to the brain damage that he’d undoubtedly already suffered when Viola had hit him with that two-by-four when he was a little kid. The injuries from this first attempt were minor enough that the doctor didn’t even report it—too much paperwork and too much effort all around setting up a watch for some nobody.About two months later, he tried again.Henry got the rope right the second time around, the sheets

twisted tight enough to bite right into his neck and knock him out instantly.But a guard found him again after dangling for two minutes this time. This time, his suicide was reported and Henry was transferred out of the prison and to the Ionia State Mental Hospital in Ionia [Eye Own Ya], Michigan. Located about a half-hour’s drive east of Grand Rapids. An institution that’s been closed since 1977. this mental hospital, Henry received therapy and he was administered an extensive regimen of sedatives to keep him calm and compliant. He also received weekly electro-convulsive therapy for what his doctors called ‘schizoid delusions’- Mama was still talking to him inside his head.I bet she was. How could that evil meat sack NOT haunt you?Henry was also given a job he loved - working in the filing room organizing the files of other patients. Privacy laws were a little more relaxed back then. The state hospital in Ionia was home to some of the worst criminals not just in Michigan but also in surrounding states. Those who had committed crimes so horrific they were considered to be beyond the actions of the sane. A full account of every one of their crimes was contained within the files that were handed over to Henry, along with a full explanation of all the holes in the criminal justice system that these criminals had been able to slip through, ensuring that their crime sprees could continue long beyond the point that logic would suggest that they could be stopped. Sitting alone in the stuffy file room day after day, Henry really studied for the first time in his life and he got an education in how

to avoid detection and capture.He figured out that moving from one state to another could completely throw off an investigation because the different departments didn’t communicate effectively with each other if they talked at all. Henry discovered the various means of countering forensic investigation, by destroying the body of a murder victim or moving them around to rob the police of corroborating evidence. Ultimately, he also learned that patterns were the enemy of every mass murderer - don’t use the same methods to hunt and kill victims. Don’t dispose of them in the same way. This is how killers got caught. He learned that by moving around, by destroying evidence, by switching the mode of murder, he could keep the police from drawing any connection between his crimes.He studied these files for almost a decade.

11.1970: And then on August 22nd, 1970 .after only serving ten years of a twenty to forty year sentence, Henry Lee Lucas was released early due to overcrowding. And he’d later claim that the night he was released, within sight of the Mental Hospital in Ionia [Eye Own Ya] he stole a car and met two teenage girls who he lured into his car by promising them some alcohol and that he then got them drunk and strangled and killed them both before raping their corpses and dumping their bodies in the woods. And then he set out on a fucked up cross country Lucas family reunion, bouncing from state to state, crashing with brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, and aunts - bouncing on to the next family member’s home when he’d either just overstayed his welcome or was suspected of molesting one of their kids because he probably was molesting their kids.

Feeling VERY thankful for my family right now. Do I have relatives I find extremely annoying? Sure. Some assholes? Not many, but, yeah. BUT - no molest-y creeps. That I know of, anyway. Got a second cousin who used to hug all the girls a little too hard, too long and a little too often. But that’s it. No Henry Lee Lucas’s that I’d be forced to say stay the fuck away from my family if you don’t want me to kill you.

12.1971: In 1971, Henry tried to kidnap a fifteen year-old girl back in Michigan - telling her that her boyfriend had sent him to pick her up. She fled and reported him and when the police found him they found a handgun in his car which violated his parole. This violation earned Henry a fresh four-year stint in a Michigan prison where he took advantage of the prison pen pal system again and started corresponding with a woman named Betty Crawford who lived in Port Deposit, Maryland.

13.1975: When Henry finished his sentence in 1975, he was on a bus to Maryland within only a few hours of his release, headed towards the waiting sofa of his cousin Wade, who lived conveniently just a short drive from Port Deposit.He was excited to meet Betty. Very excited. She had three daughters. Lucas got a straight job as an auto mechanic in Port Deposit and also got quickly engaged to Betty.

14.December 5th, 1975: On December 5th, 1975, Henry and Betty got married. The happy couple and Henry’s three newly acquired step-daughters moved into a reclaimed mobile home in Lot C3 of Benjamin’s Trailer Park in Port Deposit.And for awhile, things seemed to be good. They weren’t. But, to Betty, things seemed good.

Henry wasn’t a perfect husband, but he didn’t drink too much, he had a steady job, he never lifted a hand to Betty, and he was fairly charming. The only thing that started to bother Betty was the way that her girls had started to avoid him. At first, they loved the attention doled out on upon them by their new stepdad. He bought them toys and spoiled them. And they welcomed the attention. But then something changed. And then Betty found spots of blood and other stains on one of her daughter’s sheets. No bueno. No bueno, en absoluto. And, in 1977, when Betty asked her daughters what was going on between them and Henry - they told her they’d been raping them.Betty told Lucas when he came home that night that he could leave and never, ever come back or she could call the police right now. And two years after getting married, in late 1977, forty-one year-old Henry left. And who the fuck knows where he went?Some stories have him traveling with relatives back to Blacksburg. Others have him stealing a car and heading all the way to California. Others have him skipping on over to Shreveport, Louisiana. Hospital records show he stayed in the small 15,000 person town of Beckley, West Virginia at the beginning of 1978. He met another single mother, named Rhonda Knuckles who would write about her time spent with Henry Lee Lucas in a book called “How I Survived Henry Lucas: Living with a Serial Killer,” published in 2004. Henry got a job in a carpet warehouse and lived with Rhonda until child molestation allegations began to surface by members of the Knuckles family and other locals. When he heard a lynch party

was forming, Henry stole a truck and by the spring of 1978, he’d made it to Florida. Flat broke and with no leads for work, he found himself standing in a Jacksonville soup kitchen where he met the man who would help him kill god knows how many people over the next six years - thirty-one year-old Ottis Toole.

B. Henry Lucas Early Life Recap: Alright! Now we’re gonna push pause in Henry Lee Lucas’s story and go back in time to look at the early years of Otis Toole. And before we do - can we talk for a moment about how sad and horrible Henry Lee Lucas’s life was? And before that - a word from a sponsor!

C. Leesa Midroll: Today’s Timesuck is brought to you by the fantabulous mattress and more company - Leesa! You know what’s WAY MORE comfortable to sleep than the shit-covered floor of a Virginia chicken coop? A Leesa mattress. Bad example! But VERY true. Leesa believes that a bed is more than just a place to sleep – it’s a place for relaxation and rest! And they believe that every body has the right to rest. Except maybe not Henry Lee Lucas. Maybe not HIS body. Leesa makes two awesome mattresses plus accessories and bases to give your body the deep rest it needs. The all-foam Leesa mattress is new and improved, featuring cooling LSA200 foam for enhanced pressure relief for side sleepers. Their Sapira hybrid mattress is the perfect combination of foam and spring for pressure relief and edge-to-edge support. Leesa's mission is to provide a

better night's sleep for every body and from Day One, Leesa set out to create a company with heart! That's why they donate one mattress for every 10 they sell to organizations that work in causes like foster care prevention. To date, they've donated more than 32,000 mattresses through more than 1,000 nonprofits. I love my Leesa mattress! I’ve had for two years now. And I haven’t always gotten the hours of sleep I should’ve the last two hours. Too much research! BUT - when I do get sleep, I get GREAT sleep thanks to Leesa. My back feels amazing. So feel amazing yourself! Get 15% off your entire order at and use promo code TIMESUCK That’s L-E-E-S-A dot com slash TIMESUCK, promo code TIMESUCKLink in the episode description. Now let’s recap the life - so far - of someone who never slept on a nice mattress a day in his life. Henry Lee Lucas. Prison, poverty, and crime. Each phase of Henry’s life fell under one of those descriptions, if not under two. He was raised in EXTREME poverty by an extremely fucked up family. Cartoonishly dysfunctional. His dad passed out drunk on some train tracks and lost his legs and went by the nickname of No Legs for the rest of his life. His mom was an abusive prostitute who made him sleep in a chicken coop and left him laying in the dirt when she knocked him out with a two by four for not hearing her call for him. He was forced to wear a dress to school. He had to sit next to the window because he reeked of chicken shit. He was forced to sit next to his father and watch his mother have sex with strangers. His first sexual experiences were with squirrels and rabbits. He lost an eye in a play knife fight with a brother that didn’t sound very playful. He claims that his first sexual experience, outside of possibly being molested by his mother in a pond, was with the dead body of a girl he’d just strangled. His next sexual experience was raping a niece. And his next multiple

experiences would take place in prison. Within months of getting out of prison he stabbed his mother in the neck and killed her. He went back to prison and then on to a state mental hospital for a decade. He then travelled around the country molesting and raping family members and possibly raping and killing strangers. He’d tell so many stories years later, god knows what all he did. He goes back to prison AGAIN after trying to kidnap a teen girl. He gets out and gets married and then flees town after molesting and raping his step daughters. Then he gets run out of another town for molesting and raping who knows how many other kids. And then, at forty-one, this man who has known almost nothing but incarceration and aimless drifting and violence and sexual abuse - both dishing out and receiving the violence and sexual abuse - this man meets another man who he’d go on a long and infamous crime spree with - a man who’d had a similarly terrible childhood - Ottis Toole. Let’s back up now to 1947.

D. Ottis Toole Timeline:

1. March 5, 1947: On March 5, 1947, Ottis Elwood Toole was born in Jacksonville, Florida. Holy shit what a name. Otis. Elwood. Toole. That name alone may have kept him from ever getting good grades or a decent job. Ottis Elwood Toole is the kind of name you give to an inbred redneck character in some kind of slapstick comedy. All three names sound very backwoods. And three of them together sound like the name of some kind of hillbilly superhero. (Quiet Redneck) “Up, up, and away! Ottis Elwood Toole is here to save the day! Ah, Dagnabbit! I done got my cape stuck on the back of the toilet. Ah shit. I got shit on my cape now. Well if this ain’t messier than a turd biscuit on a hot

sidewalk. Someone get me my pocket knife and a mint - I gonna have to cut this cape off. And I got some in mouth.” Anyway, Ottis was born in Jacksonville, founded in 1822 and named after former Suck Subject Andrew Jackson. Jacksonville is actually the biggest city in Florida, at least as far as the population inside its city limits go, which is roughly a million people. Which, surprisingly, is almost twice as big as Miami. It’s metro area is the fourth biggest in Florida behind Miami, Tampa, and Orlando. I’ve been there twice and for some reason I thought it was way smaller. It’s also the biggest city when it comes to total acreage in the entire United States. Anyway - it’s a pretty big city. And in that way, Ottis had a very different childhood than small town Henry. In so many other ways - eerily similar. Ottis’s father was Bill Toole, an alcoholic - just like Henry’s dad - who would leave his wife and eight kids when Ottis was in grade school and never return. His mother was Sarah Toole - a woman who, according to Ottis, didn’t want another son when he was born. A mom who didn’t want him! Also like Henry. And, just like Henry, Ottis suffered from seizures. Unlike Henry, he suffered them from birth - they weren’t brought on by a two by four to the head. ALSO like Henry, Ottis’s mother made him wear dresses. Ottis’s dad liked to have his dirtbag friends come over and drink with him. And he liked little Ottis to be the cocktail waitress, little Ottis who would be wearing a dress and answer to the name of Susan - I know, I know - this shit is crazy. So fucking creepy. How are so many fucked up dirtbags raising kids?

And one night, one of these dirtbags put their hand up young Ottis’s skirt and Ottis’s dad Bill caught him. And, unfortunately, he didn’t cave the man’s fucking skull in. Of course not. This is the guy who allegedly was forcing his five-year-old son wear a dress and serve these guys drinks. Nope. According to what Ottis would claim years later, his father immediately saw dollar signs and pimped his five year old body out to these men for a few cents a turn. And that night, a few of these drunken dudes raped Ottis, who screamed out in pain and confusion in front of his father who may have even watched. How much is THAT going to fuck you up? And, uh, I hear some one coming.

a) Chicken JOE APPEARANCE: Bawk, bawk playboy. Bawk Bawk. Goddman man this is sadder than sad - enough sexual abuse to make a pimp madder than mad. First Nellie making her son watch now Bill making his son squawk? No wonder they both end up killing with the hate and violate they’d both been self- instilling. Making Chicken Joe feeling guilt over pimping and prostitution, ain’t no Uncle Bernie or Bill Toole but still part of the ass-for-cash-institution. Time Chicken Joe be part of the solution. No more pollution, just evolution, restitution, and absolution…. Alight. Allow me to translate. I think Chicken Joe just officially retired from pimping and wants to help keep others from suffering what Ottis suffered and witnessing what Henry witnessed.

Cool. Old character by the way if you’re confused new listener. Chicken Joe from the Candyman suck pops in from time to time to drop some pimp perspective.

2. 1952 - ?: After that horrible night in 1952, Bill would pimp his son out again occasionally. And a few neighborhood men also began to molest Ottis. And Ottis would also claim some of his older sisters also began to molest him around this time. This kid couldn’t of had any idea what normal sexual boundaries were. Also - his mother, instead of defending him from all of this, verbally abused him, calling him a whore and a slut, as if he’d brought all of this sexual attention upon himself. As if it was all his fault. So, you know, he’s NOT exactly living in a “safe space.” (Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If your momma makes you wear a dress at the age of five and then your daddy makes you serve drinks in that dress to his buddies who pay your father money to rape you and then your sisters also molest you and then your momma blames all of this on YOU??? ……….. You Might be a Killer!”Thanks Steph CoxScurvy.And then, one day, sometime between 1953 and 1956, Ottis is running out across the rotten front porch and one one of the boards gives way beneath his feet and he falls flat on his face. And that, on its own, would’ve hurt quite a bit. I’m guessing. But what really stung was the nail he landed on. He pushed a nail straight into his skull - two inches into his brain. And then his dumb fuck trash mother pulled it out and didn’t take him to the

hospital. Yay good moms and dads! This Suck has almost NONE of them so far. This injury and the parental response to it, or lack thereof, reminds me of Henry Lee Lucas’s eye! Both of these men were raised by the lowest level of dumb-fuck white-trash imaginable. After the nail incident, Ottis has way more seizures. As one would expect.

3. 1957: In the Spring of 1957, Ottis’s drunken scum of the earth father Bill leaves the family without warning and never returns. Hopefully he went and jumped off a cliff and then, cannonball-style, impaled his asshole on a sword made out of sandpaper and salt. Ottis would later claim that, shortly after his father leaving, he went to live with his grandmother and that his grandmother was a practicing Satanist. And this is highly unlikely. Ottis would talk all kinds of crazy talk about Satanists later and I don’t buy it. MAYBE he did go live with his grandma but I doubt she started letting Satanists molest and torture him in bizarre and elaborate rituals. There was never any evidence of the many claims of the existence of child-sacrificing satanic groups both he and Henry Lee Lucas would later talk about.

4. 1959: Ottis would claim something that probably did actually happen in 1959. He turned twelve that year, hit puberty and realized he was sexually attracted to other boys. And when he told his 1959 Jacksonville dirtbag family he was gay, the news was not well received. Not even Grandma Satan was supportive. His mom proceeded to try to beat the gay out of him, which has literally not ever worked once in the history of ever - and he ran away from home.

He started squatting in various abandoned houses in Jacksonville, which were apparently all over the place. He’d set fires in these houses to keep warm at night and, at first, his fires stayed in actual fireplaces. But, he was twelve and on his own for the first time and angry at the world and he didn’t work very hard to really make sure these fires would remain contained and sometime in 1959 he accidentally burned down his one of these places. And he LOVED it. The fire turned him on. And for the next two years, he set, according to his own recollections, a great many fires around Jacksonville. (Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If your momma beat you when you told her you was gay and then you ran away from home and started burning down houses because fire put some steel in your peter? You Might be a Killer.”

5. 1961: In 1961, when Otis had turned fourteen, he began turning tricks to survive on his own and had become a fixture in Jacksonville’s gay bar scene. There wasn’t many gay bars in Jacksonville in 1961, but Ottis was a regular at all of them. There was a fair amount of gay prostitutes in Jacksonville and Ottis became a part of that community where, at least some people were somewhat looking out for him. At least they accepted him for who he was. Ottis also claimed to commit his first murder at the age of fourteen. As Ottis would later recall, one night, he was picked up by a traveling salesman. Not all of his clients were kind to him, or complimentary, but they

usually didn’t scare him. This guy did. The second Ottis got into the car, he tore off down the freeway, laughing his ass off. In the middle of nowhere, ten minutes out of town, he swerved off the road and slammed on the brakes, smashing Ottis into the dashboard and knocking the wind out of him. He then dragged the dazed fourteen year old out of the car and forced him down onto all fours in the glare of the headlights.And then he violently sodomized Ottis. No lube, no effort to spare Ottis any pain. Ottis screamed out as the man raped him and the man clearly enjoyed his suffering, telling him, “Go on, yell. Nobody is going to hear you out here.” When he was done, the salesmen threw some change at Ottis and staggered back towards his car, laughing at what he’d done. He stopped in front of the car to light a cigarette and looked back at where he’d left Ottis and then he stopped laughing. Ottis was gone. He turned and made a dash for the driver’s side door but Ottis had beat him to it. Ottis locked the door and slammed the car into reverse, then hammered it forward straight it into the sadistic salesman who fell under the car and he ran right over him. Ottis then reversed back over the man as he squirmed in pain and ran over him again. Then he got out to put his pants back on and to make sure that the salesman was dead. He was super dead. The car’s tires had run right over his head when Ottis reversed back over him and his skull had been crushed to a pulp.(Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression)

“If you back over the salesman you just ran over on the side of the road to make sure he’s dead - you Might be a…. oh heck - I guess in that situation, you already are a Killer. I guess that’s all for me, then! Take care of your waitstaff and drive home safer than, you know, that salesman guy Ottis done just killed deader then a cat that done been shot ten times.”If that salesman really did behave like Ottis described - picking up a fourteen year-old boy, and then violently sodomized him as he screamed out in pain - I’m glad his night ended with a flat head on the side of the road. Picking up a prostitute doesn’t make any sexual thing you do to them okay. You can rape a partner or a prostitute just like you can rape a stranger. Non-consent is non-consent. Fuuuuuuuuuck that guy. For the next three years, Ottis Toole continued to live on the streets of Jacksonville as a teenage prostitute and petty theft - stealing goods from the homes he’d crash in and selling them and occasionally burning down those homes.

6. August 1964: Then in August of 1964, when Ottis was seventeen, he got arrested in a prostitution sting. Because the officers didn’t end up with enough evidence to actually charge Ottis with prostitution, they charged him with “loitering with intent.” Which is kind of like being charged with being “up to no good.” It’s a lesser prostitution charge which means, “We didn’t catch him in the act, but, c’mon, everybody knows what he was doing out there on the street.” Ottis got six months in jail, and - like Henry Lee Lucas - he fucking LOVED it. He loved it more than Henry. Hot meals. A bed. And plenty of dudes to date. While Henry was a sexual opportunist, Ottis was homosexual and jail was literally the best place he’d been up until that point in his life.

7. 1965: When Ottis got out in 1965, empowered by the knowledge that he didn’t really care if he went to prison or not, the just about to turn eighteen Ottis Toole decided to explore more of the world than Jacksonville. He stole a car within a few weeks of being released and bounced around the South, staying in abandoned homes, burglarizing others, whoring himself out, and possibly murdering others. He’d confess to such a ridiculous amount of murders and then retract most of his confessions or have them discredited that’s really impossible to know what he did from 1965 to 1973.

8. 1974: In 1974, he was living in Nebraska, or, at least taking his time drifting through Nebraska, and he became the prime suspect in the murder of twenty-four year-old Patricia Webb. He is STILL a suspect in her murder. Patricia was shot in Lincoln on April 18th. But did Ottis Toole really kill her? Toole would confess to her murder along with hundreds of others after getting arrested years later, and he is still a suspect BUT Webb was also working as an undercover drug informant for the Nebraska State Patrol. She was working at a porn shop and the mafia was believed to have been running that porn shop and using it as a front for crimes like narcotics dealing. And, in a 2012 interview, Lincoln Police Sergeant Larry Barksdale, who has reopened Webb’s case, thinks she was executed by someone either in the mob or working for the mob. She wasn’t raped before or after being shot six times in the head and four more times in the body. Shortly after her murder, Toole would claim he left Nebraska and

headed for Colorado where one month later, he became a suspect in the homicide of 31-year-old Ellen Holman, who was murdered on October 14th, 1974. Holman was abducted from Pueblo, Colorado, shot three times in the head and then her body was dumped by the side of the road near the Oklahoma border. Shortly after her disappearance and death, Toole left Colorado - he was staying in Boulder - and headed back towards Jacksonville, arriving there by early 1975.

9. 1975: For the next few years, Toole, now in his late twenties, re-established relationships with some family members in the area, worked odd jobs, stole shit from time to time, and prostituted here and there. In 1976, he even briefly tried to pretend he was straight and he got married. He supposedly married an unnamed woman twenty-five years his senior who then annulled the marriage three days later. Feels like a scam/money grab to me.

10. 1978: And then in the Spring of 1978, he met Henry Lee Lucas in a Jacksonville soup kitchen.

a) Otis Toole recap: Now we’re caught back up with Henry in the timeline. Before we go further with the conjoined exploits of these two, let’s recap Otis a bit. It’s even harder to get life details on Otis than it was with Henry. No one in his family, to my knowledge, ever granted any interviews. His mother and grandmother were dead by the time he was caught. His dad abandoned the family and seems to have died, based on genealogy records, shortly after doing so. His siblings either didn’t get asked for any interviews or didn’t grant them. There are a few quickly written shitty biographies on Toole that amount to nothing more than a fluffed up wikipedia page. Nothing has been done by any respected true crime authors. He didn’t seem to really have any friends. He moved around and either stole and hustled his way through life or worked for

cash. He stole cars or hitchhiked instead of buying a bus ticket or vehicle, so you can’t even find many sales records. He was a ghost for much of his free life. He also, based on the results of some prison assessment tests, had a low IQ of around 75. And this comes across in a handful of prison interviews. He doesn’t reveal much about his life in these interviews other than fire makes his dick hard and he’d love to watch an entire city burn because that would get him really hard and it’s no big deal being a killer because even if you step on a bug you’re a killer. He comes across as a simple guy - intellectually - who enjoyed burning shit and killing people the same way a typical kid loves ice cream and video games. No guilt over murder. Says everything with a soft, “Don’t mind me I’m just a harmless ol’ Southern Belle” way of speaking - comes across very likable actually. Says thing in such a pleasant way you almost forget how horrible the shit he’s talking about really is. Just an attitude of “Some people like going to the movies and I like setting things on fire and raping and killing folks.” Now let’s talk about Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis running amok together - AFTER a word from a final sponsor.

11.The Great Courses Plus Midroll: Timesuck today is brought to you by the incredible long-time supporter of the Suck, the Great Courses Plus. The Knights Templar, The Illuminati, Japan’s Black Dragons… • Secret societies like these have been shrouded in mystery and intrigue for thousands of years. We’ve talked about many of them here on Timesuck because they fascinate me. And based on episode downloads - they fascinate many of you as well!

Even Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas will end up talking about a supposed Secret Society - the Hands of Death. The Great Courses Plus ALSO is fascinated. They have an amazing new course: “The Real History of Secret Societies” — created in partnership with the History® Network. This is a deep dive into the brotherhoods, orders, and cults that have often played covert yet major roles throughout history I loved digging into the real origins of the illuminati - getting additional details about the real group founded by a young lawyer obsessed with creating a New World Order...very much like communism. 26 lectures in this course covering secret societies I’d never even heard of, like the Black Shriners and Red Octopus. “Secret Societies” is one of hundreds of in-depth lecture series that you can watch or listen to from The Great Courses Plus! They offer unlimited video access to the world’s greatest professors — who are experts in their fields • You can explore — and truly master — any topic that fascinates you! And for a limited-time only, you meatsacks get a FULL Month of unlimited access to The Great Courses Plus for FREE! To get this special offer, you need to sign up through my special URL It’s: The Great Courses Plus dot com slash TIMESUCK That’s Don’t miss out on this! Sign up for The Great Courses Plus today!!!Link in the episode description. Now onto to the times and crimes of today’s dirtbag duo.

E. Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole Timeline.

1. Spring 1978: After meeting in that soup kitchen, Henry and Ottis start bonding almost instantaneously. They have a tremendous amount in common. They both suffered from seizures in childhood. They both had alcoholic fathers who left the family - Henry’s father through what seemed to be a suicide and Ottis’s father through straight up abandonment. They both had mothers who hated them and forced them to wear dresses. They both had committed murder, or we think they both did. Henry for sure - he went to prison for killing his mother. And Ottis did always stick to his claim of killing that sadistic salesman when he was fourteen. They both grew up super poor. They both had strange head injuries as children - Henry’s two-by-four to the head and Ottis’s nail to the brain. Neither family cared enough about them to take them to the hospital. They both had enjoyed being incarcerated and they both drifted aimlessly from place to place surviving on petty crimes. And neither of them had ever really ever had a friend. Not a friend who knew who they actually were and still accepted them or even loved them. There are different versions of what the two did the first day they met. Some versions involve thirty-one year-old Ottis bringing forty-one year-old Henry home to stay with him and his mother. Other versions have his mother dead, which based on death records is not true, and the men bond over being haunted by their mothers when they stop at the tombstone of Ottis’s mother, Sarah, who wouldn’t die until May of 1981. Other versions have the two heading to Ottis’s apartment within hours and fucking each other over and over before heading out to kill hundreds of hitchhikers, following the orders of a secret Satanic organization known as the Hands of Death. That also doesn’t seem to be true. This next story may not be true either, but, it feels the most likely to be true

to me. Or maybe it’s just the most exciting version. In this version, Henry and Otis meet and Otis invites Henry over to his place so he can change and then they can go out and grab some drinks together. Otis changes into women’s clothes and then they go to a local gay bar. Henry doesn’t care. He likes how comfortable Ottis is with his true nature. They have a few drinks and then they go to a local bar that is decidedly NOT gay. And the Jacksonville locals don’t exactly appreciate Otis’s choice of clothes. And he and Henry step outside with some of them after some fightin’ words. And then a fight ensues and Henry and Otis beat the shit out of two men. But then more locals come out, and, severely outnumbered, Henry and Ottis run for their lives. After a few blocks, only one man is still chasing them. He follows them into an alley where Ottis takes a handgun out of his purse and shoots him from point black range six times in the chest. And then, because everyone in that bar could ID them, the two flee Jacksonville. Again - no idea if this fucking happened or not - but it’s my favorite origin story for this pair’s misadventures.The two would later claim that they had a grand old time in the summer of ’78, become occasional lovers - Henry would never be into Ottis like Ottis would be into him, but when he couldn’t find a woman Ottis was a reliable alternative - and they enjoyed each other’s company, drinking together and then robbing convenience stores and gas stations in Alabama, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. They would claim to shoot any store clerk or customer who got in their way. They claimed they also picked up a variety of hitchhikers, mostly young women, with Henry and even Ottis raping them - I guess his sexual attraction to violence overcame his homosexuality in those moments - and then they’d dump the bodies in the woods.They both would claim, based on what Henry learned studying those case files back in Ionia, that they varied up their killing

methods to keep authorities from connecting their crimes. They’d burn some bodies, cut up others. They’d leave some bodies out in the open and bury others. Some victims were raped before or after death, some were never touched sexually. The ages of the victims, while Henry preferred teen girls, would vary. The sex of the victims would vary. Sometimes they took money and valuables off of victims, sometimes they didn’t. Some victims were shot to death, others stabbed, and others strangled.

2. November 1978: According to Ottis on the night of November 5th, 1978, they traveled to Round Rock, North of Austin, Texas, on Interstate 35, and picked up a teenage couple whose 1974 Ford Torino had run out of gas.When they got both teenagers in their car they pointed a gun at the teenage boy and he gave them his wallet, Henry was driving the car and pulled off the road. Ottis opened the door and pulled the boy out and shot him, when the boy tried to run Ottis emptied his gun into him. While Ottis was driving the car, Henry went to the back of the car to the girl and raped her. Ottis got jealous and he stopped the car on a service road South of Waco where he ordered the girl out of the car and put six shots into her.

3. 1979: In early 1979, Henry and Ottis stayed with Henry’s half-sister Almeda in Maryland. But then the left in February after she threatened to report him for sexually abusing her granddaughter. As they left town, Henry stole his nephew Randy Kiser’s pickup truck.They made it back to Jacksonville back in 1979 and couch surfed for a bit, staying with some of Ottis’s sisters, eventually making it to the home of his oldest sister, Drucilla. Drucilla was a single mom and needed babysitting help, so she let her homicidal brother and his serial molesting buddy, Henry, watch her ten year-old twins - Frank and Frieda - in exchange for a place to stay. And surprisingly, this didn’t work out well for her daughter, Frieda.Weird.

Henry started grooming Frieda to be molested immediately. He gave her a secret name she’d soon adopt publicly - Becky. And he showered gifts upon her. To stay close to Frieda, Henry even got a day job in Jacksonville. He got Ottis one too. Both began working at Southeast Color Coat, a roofing company where the two men actually show up on payroll records.

4. October, 1979 - Orange Socks Murder: A few years later, after getting caught for other murders, Henry and Otis would confess to committing hundreds of murders in and around 1979. The most famous of these murders was the murder of twenty-three year old Debra Louise Jackson, which Henry took credit for. She died on either October 30th or October 31st, 1979. Debra was just recently positively identified thanks to DNA advancements last month. Prior to August of 2019, she was known only as “Orange Socks” a name given because when her body was found, all she still had on was a pair of orange socks. This is the victim, as I said at the beginning of today’s Suck, that Henry Lee Lucas would be sentenced to death for. And it’s the one execution sentence that former Texas governor George W Bush would repeal.Jackson had been sexually assaulted, strangled to death, and then thrown over the guard rail alongside Interstate 35 near Georgetown, Texas, just north of Austin.One of two matchbooks found at the scene belonged to a hotel from Henryetta, Oklahoma, supporting a theory that she was a hitchhiker or drifter.Years later, Lucas would claim that he killed this woman. Although no physical evidence linked him to the killing, he stated that he’d picked her up in Oklahoma, where they’d had sex. And then they drove on down to Texas and he’d wanted sex again and she refused and he became enraged and strangled her and then raped her corpse and then dumped her body near Georgetown.

And even though he contradicted himself numerous times during his confession, and even though he was shown crime scene photos BEFORE his confession, photos which included the Oklahoma matchbooks, he was convicted. then years later an investigative journalist discovered that Lucas had been paid for working at Southeast Color Coat back in Jacksonville before, during, and after the murder supposedly took place. And that he’d deposited his pay check in Jacksonville. And Jacksonville is just over a thousand mile drive from Georgetown and Henryetta, Oklahoma is almost another four hundred miles north of Georgetown. This alibi is why Bush didn’t execute him. It’s highly, HIGHLY unlikely he committed this particular murder. More on all of his confessions and why he confessed a bit later.

5. 1981: Ottis and Henry stayed in Jacksonville and worked at that local roofing company until the end of 1981. And then on November 1st, 1981, little Frieda aka Becky’s mother Drucilla either hung herself or overdosed, depending on which source you read. She was thirty-seven. Frank and Becky were now fourteen and Henry was still obsessed with Becky and Becky, who is described as having been mildly mentally impaired, was obsessed with Henry. With no one else in Ottis’s family stepping up to watch them, the kids fell into the temporary care of Ottis and Henry until social workers from Child Protective Services found out what was going on and swooped in to take them and place them in state care. Frank ended up being sent to a state home for children with severe mental disabilities. And Becky - she now went by Becky -

was placed in foster care.

6. 1982: Sometime in early 1982, again depending on the source, Becky either ran away from foster care or Henry came and picked her up, and she, Ottis, and Henry headed off towards Texas with her. We do know the three of them were together. Becky would’ve now been either fourteen or fifteen - she turned fifteen on February 27th, 1967. And if now forty-five year-old Henry Lee Lucas wasn’t having sex with her before, he was now. And Ottis didn’t have a problem with it other then being jealous that Henry wasn’t with him because he had no personal understanding of what was sexually acceptable thanks to the combination of a terribly dysfunctional childhood and a low IQ. Six days after taking off with Becky, Henry and Ottis would claim to have raped and killed another victim on I-20 between Abilene, Texas and Colorado City, Colorado. In Scottsdale, they said they dumped this woman’s head in the desert and then after that Ottis went back to Florida alone and he would never see his niece Becky alive again.Why did Ottis leave? Once again - conflicting stories from conflicting sources. There are, essentially two main versions of why this happened. In version number one, Ottis gets sick. His liver acts up and his skin suddenly looks very jaundiced and he grew increasingly sluggish and would start to vomit every time he tried to eat. He’d been drinking hard since he was a little kid and his body was just beat up. He would eventually die in prison from cirrhosis, so, we do know he truly did have liver problems. And according to this version, he decided to head back to Jacksonville where he had relatives and wanted to check into the hospital there. And Henry and Becky didn’t want to return because she was still a minor and the state would put her back in foster care. And Henry didn’t want that because, if she was put in state custody, how would he keep molesting a young teenager?

In version number two, Ottis is disgusted with Henry’s relationship with his young niece, but, again - not because Henry’s a pedophile. He’s bothered because he’s jealous. He loves Henry and wants Henry to only fuck him. In this version, he and Ottis have been hooking up here and there behind Becky’s back and then eventually she catches them in the act and she tells Henry it’s either her or Ottis. And Henry says he wants to wait until they make it to the western Texas state line before choosing who he will continue to be with. And then he chooses Becky. This whole arrangement is so fucked up. What a dark romantic tryst. Are you going to stay with the guy who supposedly kidnap people and kill them with? OR - are you going to keep fucking that guy’s underage niece? After Henry makes his choice, Henry and Becky continue their journey alone where they went to Beaumont. One night while they were hitchhiking on the I-10 State Route 79, an antique dealer named Jack Smart from the small, Southern California, Riverside County, desert city of Hemet picked them up and even gave them an apartment to live in.In return for living in the apartment, Henry was given odd jobs to do in Jack’s shop and home. By now Becky was presenting herself as the wife of Henry and when Jack’s eighty-year-old, nearly blind mother Kate Rich needed someone to look after her - Henry and Becky were asked to do it. And I have no idea why these people were not REALLY BOTHERED by Henry’s and Becky’s age difference. Maybe these other people were also kid fuckers.

7. May 1982: Henry and Becky impressed Jack and his family with their hard work and in May of 1982, they took the Greyhound bus to Ringgold in Montague County to care for Kate.Ringgold is a little unincorporated community of no more than a hundred people in North Central, Texas located right on the

Texas/Oklahoma border. Mostly dirt roads and beat up old homes with the occasional nice home of a local cattle baron sprinkled in. It looks very wild west. You can picture the James-Younger gang riding through an area like this. High desert and sage brush. Cattle and coyotes.By the end of the month, Henry and Becky were thrown out of the house by two of Kate’s daughters after being suspected of forging checks. And based on Henry’s criminal past, I’m guessing he for sure did forge those checks. A general store clerk alerted Kate’s daughters that Henry was stealing from them. Her daughters then visited their mother’s house, the house Henry and Becky were supposed to keep clean, and found it filthy and unkept and they fired the two and gave them bus fare to get out of town. Instead of taking the bus, Henry kept the money and decided that they should hitchhike back to California instead.As they were doing just that, they were picked up by a preacher named Ruben Moore who ran a small religious community called The House of Prayer in Stoneburg, a town whose population has never exceeded 150 and hovers around only 50 now. It’s no more than ten minutes south of Ringgold. Take a Google Earth gander at this place if you want to feel depressed. I don’t like to call places shit holes because I think about some of you are bound to live in those places, BUT - HOLY SHITHOLE! Stoneburg is, in my opinion and I’m guessing the opinion of every person on earth whose opinion I respect, a colossal fucking dump. It’s not even a town. It’s an assortment of really beat up and dilapidated old single-wide trailers on lots of nothing but dirt and weeds and brush and litter in the Texas desert ten minutes outside the little 5,000 person Texas town of Bowie. And while I think Bowie has charm, I’m guessing a fair amount of people would also label it as a shit hole. And I’m guessing that many of

the people of Bowie make fun of the people who live in Stoneburg. So, Henry and young Becky head to the dusty little town of Stoneberg and live on a religious compound and they love it because they have no idea what a good life actually looks like. Ruben offered them a place to stay in exchange for Henry working as a roofer and general repairman. Becky also helped with the chores and, to Henry’s strong displeasure, became a firm believer in the Christian faith. Gonna be hard to keep killing strangers and fucking their corpses on the side of the road if he suddenly has Christian riding shotgun. Total buzzkill. And then, after she found Jesus, Becky got homesick and wanted to return to Jacksonville. It’s almost like she was a confused and scared kid and just wanted to go home. Henry tells her that they’ll head back but he has no intention of taking her back to Jacksonville - he’s afraid that she’ll tell someone what she’s seen him do - he’d claim to have killed several hitchhikers while she was on the road with he and Ottis.

8. August 1982: On Henry’s 46th birthday, August 23, 1982, he agrees to take fifteen year-old Becky home. Gross. He’s over three times her age.The pack everything they owned into three suitcases and Ruben gave them a lift on August 24th to the truck stop in Alvord, about twenty-five minutes away. Alvord, a little 1500 person town just past Bowie, and it is, based on more Google pics, for SURE another shit hole. Sorry if you live there. Holy Hell. This whole fucking part of Texas looks about as appealing to live in as central Nevada.If you live in one of these places and you’re pissed- travel to any other part of the country. Like, literally anywhere else, and tell me

I’m wrong. You only have one life. Don’t waste it in Alvord. Save up your money and get the fuck out. If someone told me, “You have two choices, you can either kill yourself and go to Hell or you can live in Alvord, Texas, I’d be like, “I thought you said I had two choices?” Sorry. I know that’s brutal. But, I’ve been to A LOT of towns, and some of them should go. Not every place that some idiots decided needed to be a town should keep being a town. Anyway - after getting dropped off, Becky and Henry got two rides that took them to Denton and then they waited on an access road to the interstate but no one picked them up.They decided to make their way down into a nearby field and make camp before nightfall. They undid their bedrolls and settled down to sleep. And Henry said he decided to try persuade Becky to go back to the House of Prayer. Said he was scared of getting in trouble if they went back to Jacksonville. Then he said they started to argue and finally Henry told her he’d made up his mind and that they were going to go back to the church compound in Stoneberg. And then he said that Becky screamed and hit him on the side of the head and that pissed Henry off. He claimed he just snapped and stabbed her with a knife in her chest. And then he said she just sat there stunned for a few seconds and then fell over dead.He’d say that at first he was shocked that he killed Becky, and that he really loved her, but after his initial shock wore off he became really aroused and took off her clothes and had sex with her corpse.It’s like Henry’s motto was, “When life gives you lemons, you just start fucking ‘em.”

I highly doubt Henry ever intended to bring her back to Jacksonville. I bet he knew she was dead the moment they decided to leave the church compound. No way he was going to risk her ratting him out. After he killed her he then cut her up into tiny pieces and stuffed her remains into three pillows he had with him, except for her thighs that for some reason he left in the field. Henry also claimed that after he killed Becky he started hearing her voice in his head just like he used to hear his mother’s voice after he killed her. And just like with his mother, Becky’s voice taunted and harassed him. It’s getting crowded in that crazy head of his.After scattering Becky’s remains, Henry washed up as best he could and hitchhiked back to the House of Prayer and told Ruben that Becky had taken off with a truck driver heading east and left him. Ruben believed him enough to offer him time and space to recover from his loss.

9. September 1982: A few weeks later, while he recovered, nearly blind octogenarian Kate Rich - the lady Henry had forged checks to steal from - contacted Henry. Always thinking it was Henry who was the one who’d done the stealing, she’d stayed in contact with Becky when her daughters had kicked the two out of them out of her house but she hadn’t heard from Becky in weeks and wanted to know where she was. Henry told her she’d left him and split and she had more questions. She didn’t believe him. He agreed to drive Kate to church one Sunday in mid-September and talk more about it. He took Ruben’s car to pick her up. And then instead of driving her to church, Henry drove her off the highway and down an old dirt road far away from prying eyes. And he took out a butcher’s knife he brought just for this occasion and plunged it straight into her heart.

He pulled her body out of the car before she bled all over the place and then he cut her up and and stuffed her remains into a big drainage pipe running underneath the road.When Kate’s neighbors found out that both she and Becky had gone missing in the same short period of time and that both were last seen alive with Henry Lee Lucas, they became suspicious and contacted the authorities.The local Montague County Sheriff, Sheriff Conway, had no evidence to suggest Becky or Kate was dead but he and Texas Ranger Phil Ryan suspected Henry, of course, and brought him in for questioning. Henry denied all knowledge of having anything to do with the disappearance of either woman and he was released after he passed a polygraph test.And then the first thing Henry did when he was released from the interrogation was to go back to the drain where he stuffed Kate’s remains. He threw them in a bag and brought them back to the House of Prayer compound where he they had an incinerator and he reduced what was left of Kate Rich to ashes. And then he took off for Mexico. Or at least that’s what he said. One time. Maybe he headed towards Blacksburg. Maybe he stayed close by in Texas. According to Henry, wherever he went, he was killing and robbing again and by the following Spring he’d run out of money and he called his old Texas preacher buddy Ruben Moore to see if he could get his old place to stay back. And Ruben told him that of course he was welcome to return. What Ruben didn’t tell him was that he had no intention of helping Henry again and that the police were looking for him, still suspecting him for the murders of Kate Rich and Frieda “Becky” Powell. By this time Ruben himself suspected Henry of their deaths and wanted to see Henry get put behind bars before he hurt anyone else.

Now before we go further - what about Ottis? Where’s Toole-Time been this whole time? After leaving Henry Lee and Becky somewhere in Texas in early 1982, Ottis had a really rough trip back to Jacksonville. He started crashing in abandoned homes again and on three separate occasions he stepped on the rotten wood of an old porch, fell through, and sunk a nail into his head. And he didn’t go to the doctor for any of those incidents. Fucking OUCH. One of the nails penetrated his skull directly between his eyes and sunk a good six inches into his brains. And he pulled it back out himself with a pair of pliers. And of course I’m kidding. His story is naturally insane. Don’t need to spice it up with three more nail to the head wounds. The only thing he ever talked about regarding heading back to Jacksonville was nearly being eaten alive one night by some Hombre Asesino [ass uh seen oh] ants just outside of Austin. He got drunk and passed out in the backyard of a vacant house and when he woke up, thousands of those little deadly bastards were carrying his body back to their mound to feed to the Queen. Those Queens are terrifying. While the soldier Hombre Asesino [ass uh seen oh] ant has three inch mandibles, the QUEEN Hombre Asesino [ass uh seen oh] ant has mandibles up to two feet long and their bodies weigh anywhere from 250 to 400 pounds and they can be six to eight feet long and up to five feet tall. And if you’ve been listening to the Suck for awhile, at least since the Pedro Lopez Suck, you’ll know that is also complete nonsense.

Hombre Asesino [ass uh seen oh] ants only live here in the Suckverse. And I hope at least one of you believed there was a Queen ant out there roughly the size of a pony. Okay - for real now! Ottis headed back to Jacksonville and showed up at a sister’s house, where, soon after arriving, the police showed up and questioned him about his niece Becky’s disappearance. He really didn’t know where Henry and Becky had gone but the police didn’t believe him and his car was impounded and he was released but told not to leave town. He maybe got some medical treatment for his liver, maybe not - again, stories differ - and for the next year the now thirty-five year-old Ottis went back to his old life of crashing in abandoned homes and setting some of them on fire and then probably jerking off and cumming into the flames like a complete maniac.

10.April 1983: In April of 1983, Ottis was brought in on an arson charge for torching up one of the homes he stayed in. He’d end up getting a twenty year prison sentence just for that crime. After being taken into custody, and investigated for other Jacksonville arsons, he ended up confessing to another fire where a man was burned to death inside the home. And it was intentional. On January 4th, 1982, Toole had barricaded 64-year-old George Sonnenberg in a boarding house where he was living in Jacksonville and set the house on fire. Toole signed a confession stating that he and Sonnenberg had begun a sexual relationship and, after the two had an argument, Toole set Sonnenberg's home on fire.Ottis also ended up confessing to the murder of nineteen year-old Ada Mildred Johnson, two-and-a-half hours away in Tallahassee.Ada was reported missing by her parents on February 18th - they’d last seen her on the 9th - and a couple searching for

firewood in the woods found Ada's body on February 27th. She’d been shot in the back of the head and cut with a knife in what appeared to be a possible mugging gone wrong.

11.June 14th, 1983: So - back to June of 1983. While Toole is awaiting trial for a double homicide and arson, Henry shows back up at Ruben’s compound on the 14th. After letting him crash for the night in his old shack and making him feel like he could pick up right where he left off and by the compound handyman in exchange for a place to say, Pastor Moore has Henry “run an errand” for him the following day to a place he’d prearranged telling Lucas to go to with the police.

a) June 15th, 1983: And on June 15th, 1983, Henry Lee Lucas drove straight into a police ambush.And neither he nor Ottis would ever be free men again. `Henry rolled into town and was stopped by a Texas Ranger named Phil Ryan under the guise of a routine traffic stop. Ryan and local police knew they didn’t have enough evidence to arrest him for the murder of Kate Rich and they weren’t even sure Becky was dead, but they figured pulling him over would pull up something and they were right. An inspection of the inside of his vehicle revealed an unregistered handgun. As a felon, it was illegal for Henry to possess such a weapon.And then, Ranger Ryan and the police MAY have overlooked a few of Lucas’s basic human rights. They didn’t get him a state-appointed attorney like he asked for and then they grilled him about Kate’s disappearance, refusing to give him water, food, or cigarettes. They also stripped him down to his underwear threw him in a cold cell and refused to give him his clothes back. And all of this would almost cost them their case against him.

After hours of being interrogated and deprived of cigarettes basic sustenance and even the dignity of wearing clothes - Lucas began to confess under clear duress and police began to reward him with clothes, food, water, coffee, cigarettes, etc. He told them everything about Kate’s murder. He signed his confession. And then he got his lawyer who tried to throw out the signed confession. But it didn’t do any good because Henry just confessed again. And then later, when they began pushing him to talk about Becky’s disappearance, he confessed to her murder as well.Bone fragments presumed to be Rich's were found in a stove at the House of Prayer and skeletal remains of the same sex and approximate age as Becky were found in the field where Lucas claimed to have killed her, though the coroner wouldn't positively identify them as who they were claimed to be.Just days later, Lucas pleaded guilty to the two murders in court and shocked everyone by claiming to have committed over a hundred additional murders, saying “And I’ve killed about a hundred other women too.” And over the following months, he kept pouring out confessions to hundreds of murders. A "Lucas Task Force", led by the Texas Rangers, was quickly formed to examine the validity of his claims.

12.November 1983: In November of 1983 he was transferred to Williamson County, Texas, where he would confess to 213 unsolved murders. And then he’d keep confessing after that. Why did Lucas confess to SO many murders? While it’s just speculation, most investigators who worked on his case seem to think that:

(1) he didn’t really mind being incarcerated. He liked knowing he wouldn’t have to steal or work for his next meal. He liked knowing he had a bed to sleep in every night. In jail, he had access to TVs, he could play card games with other

prisoners, and he even had a steady sex life. While men were not his first choice, he, again, seemed to be a sexual opportunist.

(2) He liked the attention confessions gave him! The more murders he confessed to the more visitors he got and the more attention he received from other inmates. He wasn’t just another dirtbag - he was the most prolific serial killer in American history. It gave him notoriety.

(3) He was already serving life in prison so what did he care about confessing to more murders? Apparently, prosecutors tricked him when it came to confessing to murdering Debra “Orange Socks” Jackson. He didn’t realize the death penalty was on the table for that one.

(4) He got to leave prison and travel around the country and eat at nice restaurants, diners, donut shops, and supposedly - even be given alcohol, and, according to one source, a night with some prostitutes. I don’t believe that one, but it’s part of the Lucas legend.

13.December 1983: In December of 1983, word reaches Toole in Florida that Lucas is getting all kinds of perks for cooperating with investigators. Lucas had told them they killed together and he and Lucas talk, and Toole figures out real quick that he’ll be given the same perks if he talks so he also starts confessing to fucking everything. Basically, over the next year, these two would confess to every cold case placed in front of them.

14.1984: In early 1984, some investigators began to doubt all of Lucas’s claims. He overdid it! Texas Ranger Phil Ryan - one the guys who helped arrest him - would later report that Lucas became so accustomed to lavish treatment from law enforcement for cooperating that he soon began to "dictate orders" which were often obeyed by Rangers.

He was clearly loving all of the attention. Loving it too much. Ryan also reported that he became concerned about the veracity of most of Lucas's confessions, feeling confident in the accuracy of only two of Lucas's confessions, and he further stated to the Houston Chronicle that "I wouldn't bet a paycheck on any of the others." Ryan started inventing utterly fictional crimes, to which Lucas would generally "confess" involvement, atactic also employed in 1984 by Dallas detective Linda Erwin.Erwin interviewed Lucas after he confessed to thirteen murders in Houston alone. Erwin reports that "when I heard it got to be hundreds and hundreds (of confessions), it was unbelievable to me." Erwin further reported that, like Ryan, she assembled an utterly fictional crime: She "fabricated a case using random photographs from old murders long since solved and details pulled from her imagination ... He claimed credit for the phony crime, and his confession, containing facts she had dribbled out to him, probably could have convinced a jury to convict him, she said."Ryan reports the manner in which Lucas typically confessed to a number of unsolved murders: If a police agency suspected Lucas, and if Lucas admitted involvement—and his total of some 3,000 confessions suggests he rarely denied complicity—they would send the Lucas Task Force a case file with information pertaining to the unsolved crime. Lucas would be questioned at length and sometimes even allowed to read police reports, thus learning any number of details previously known only to police, which he could then use during interviews

15.1985: In 1985, a Dallas newspaper publishes an article about how Henry would have had to drive eleven thousand miles in one month to commit some of the murders he had claimed.The FBI was became doubtful about Henry’s claims. In an interview with a Houston agent, he was asked if he had helped commit murders in Guyana. As in the Jonestown massacre murders. Henry said yes he did although he couldn’t remember if Guyana was in Louisiana or Texas.

Guyana is, of course thousands of miles away in Central America, where cult leader and Suck Subject Jim Jones persuaded hundreds of his followers to commit suicide at their Jonestown settlement. More journalists started to dig into the various claims Lucas had made and records of Henry’s employment, credit card receipts and other evidence established that most of his confessions were bullshit. Investigators quickly came to the same conclusions about Ottis Toole. And the two didn’t help themselves by talking to each other on the phone more and more and coming up with even more outrageous lies together. Like a secret Satanic society called the Hand of Death or The Hands of Death recruiting them and ordering them to kill on their behalf. They claimed that other serial killers, like Ted Bundy, were also members of this group. They also claimed that they killed many of the victims that Bundy killed.They claimed they participated in black market snuff films for the Hands of Death. They claimed to have killed Jimmy Hoffa. Ottis Toole claimed he ate some of his victims.

16.1986: In response to these claims, and to reports of the Lucas Task Force's questionable investigative methodology, the Texas Attorney General's office issued a study (sometimes called "The Lucas Report") in 1986.The bulk of the Lucas Report was devoted to a detailed timeline of Lucas's claimed murders. The report compared Lucas's claims to reliable, verifiable sources for Lucas's whereabouts; and the results often contradicted his confessions. Texas Attorney General Jim Mattox wrote that "when Lucas was confessing to hundreds of murders, those with custody of Lucas did nothing to bring an end to this hoax," and "We have found information that would

lead us to believe that some officials 'cleared cases' just to get them off the books." Here are a few examples of crimes the Lucas Task Force ruled "closed" based on Lucas's "confessions," when strong evidence has been cited, indicating Lucas was far from the scene of the crime:a) Lucas confessed to the August 10, 1977, murder of Curby

Reeves in Smith County, Texas, while payroll records indicate that Lucas worked a full shift at the Kaolin Mushroom Company in Kaolin, Pennsylvania.

b) Lucas confessed to the March 20, 1979, murder of Elaine Tollett in Tulsa, Oklahoma, while medical records indicate Lucas was in hospital in Bluefield, West Virginia.

c) Chris Piazza, then a prosecutor in Little Rock, Arkansas, wrote, of a specific 1981 robbery-murder case in which Lucas claimed involvement, that "the testimony of Henry Lee Lucas ... is dubious, to say the least" and that Lucas's testimony was "inaccurate in nearly every detail."No more field trips or special perks for Toole and Lucas. The ride was over.

17.September 15, 1996: On September 15, 1996, at the age of 49, Ottis Toole died in his prison cell from liver failure. He was buried in a prison cemetery, as no one claimed his body.He ended up charged with six murders. The arson killing, the murder of nineteen year old Ada Mildred Johnson, and four others.

18.2001: On March 12, 2001, at 11:00 pm, Lucas was found dead in prison from heart failure. He was 64. He was buried at Captain Joe Byrd Cemetery in Huntsville, Texas. As of 2012, Lucas' grave is unmarked due to vandalism and theft.Ottis would end up being convicted of twelve murders, but only three - his mother, Kate Rich, and Becky Powell, seem definitively

tied to him. The other nine murders he received life or lengthy sentences for were:

(1) Debra “Orange Socks” Jackson- we know he didn’t kill her. (2) Linda Phillips - a 26 year old teacher from Kauffman County,

Texas who he stabbed to death in August 1970.(3) Clemmie E Curtiss - a police officer from Cabell County,

West Virginia, shot in August of 1976.(4) Lillie Pearl Darty 18, who was raped and shot in Harrison

County, Texas in November 1977.(5) Diana Bryant - who was strangled to death in Brownfield,

Texas.(6) Glenna Biggers - 66 year old woman who was stabbed with

a 14-inch knife and a three-pronged fork in Hale County, Texas in December 1982.

(7) An unidentified female raped and strangled in Montgomery County, Texas sometime before March 17th, 1983.

(8) And Laura Jean Domez - a sixteen year old beaten and strangled in Montgomery County, Texas on April 13th, 1983.And that takes us out of this Timesuck Timeline.


IV. Additional Thoughts

A. Recap: What a weird story, right? Most of what you heard today might be true, or very little of it. I can’t think of any other killers who confessed to crimes - a lot of crimes - they for sure didn’t commit. What a strange game they played. Both of them seemed to have two of the world childhoods ever, but, can you even trust that to be true?

They feel like real life boogeyman to me. Their story feels almost like horror folklore. Who the fuck were these guys? We’ll never really know. Monsters who did god knows what. Monsters who liked to trick as much as they liked to harm. I watched prison interviews with both of them, and what’s really disturbing is how much they both relished the attention of people thinking they were prolific serial killers. This is fucked up whether they did it or not. Either way, they both clearly LOVED being infamous. They loved the attention, even though the attention was given to them because people believed they were some of the biggest pieces of shit that ever lived. And this desire for any kind of fame feels very relevant in today’s culture. A fair amount of reality TV stars and social media stars seem to just want to be famous and not care WHY their famous. You hear kids now - I know as a parent - talk about how many Youtube Subscribers or Instagram followers someone has and sometimes it seems like these kids I talk to like these people only BECAUSE they have so many followers. They think it’s so cool how famous they are but don’t talk about what they actually did to become famous. How strange? To admire someone just because they’re popular as opposed to admiring them from their actual artistic talent or inspirational story or point of view, whatever. I like the artists I like regardless of who else likes them. I’ve always like to think for myself. To the point I truly don’t understand why you’d want to think any other way. “Why do you like so-and-so?” “They have fifty million subscribers! They’re famous!”Who gives a fuck! Don’t be a sheep. Follow your own interests. Life is short. Don’t waste it following a pack you’re not even sure you want to be a part of. Examine your own interests. You’ll lead a more authentic and rewarding life.

And you could say, “Hey - YOU are perpetuating the fame of these two dirtbags by talking about them now. Hypocrite alert!”Kind of. But not exactly. I’m spreading knowledge about these dirtbags, not glorifying them. And I never pretend their not monsters. I never think they’re cool. And I’m also making it clear - fuck these guys. If they were still alive, and somehow free, I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. Some people call themselves true crime “fans.” I’m not. To be clear - I’m not a “fan” of any of these criminals. I think they’re all pieces of shit. I am, however, curious about them. I’m curious as to what type of childhoods helped create them. I’m curious about why they behaved like they did. But I’m not a “fan.”Sometimes people ask, “Who’s your favorite serial killer.” None of them! I don’t have a favorite because they all are fucking terrible. I have some I’m most fascinated by. But that’s it. I’d rather put bullets in the heads of monsters like these guys - if they were still alive - then get any of their autographs. Fuck ‘em all. I’m a fan of Da Vinci. I’m a fan of Harriet Tubman. I’m a fan of Martin Luther King and Eleanor Roosevelt and JFK. People who did an incredible amount of GOOD shit. I’m inspired by their lives. I’m just macabrely INTERESTED in the lives of these assholes. And, to be totally honest, I also love making fun of them. I really do. I enjoy the Hell out of telling dark jokes at the expense of these dark-minded folks. I mean. C’mon! Steph CoxScurvey telling You Might Be a Killer Jokes? That’s fun, right??? Why am I comedically amused by their tales? I don’t know. I’d need a therapist to tell me that. Maybe because it makes me feel better about my own life to look at theirs. I make plenty of mistakes but I’ve never choked out anyone or raped anyone or killed my mom. Is that one of the reasons why some of us, or many of us, or most of

us like these stories? They make us feel better about ourselves?I hope you feel better about yourself right now. I hope you didn’t listen and think - “Wow. I’d hate to hear what Dan thinks of me. I’ve done WAY MORE bad shit than these two amateurs!” I’m babbling now. Time for top five takeaways!


V. Top Five Takeaways

1. Number One: Number one! Henry Lee Lucas had one friend growing up in a dirt floor cabin in Blacksburg, Virginia. A mule. And his mom shot it in the face in front of him. (Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If you only had ONE friend growing up, and your momma shot that friend in the face with a shotgun in front of you … You Might be a Killer!”

2. Number Two: Number two! Henry Lee Lucas claimed to have killed hundreds of people. He would only be convicted of twelve murders. Outside of confessions - actual evidence only linked him to three - his momma, his teen lover Becky, and eighty-year old one time employer Kate Rich.

3. Number Three: Number three! Ottis Toole spent his teenage years working as a prostitute and getting boners burning down abandoned homes in Jacksonville, Florida. (Steph CoxScurvy - Foxworthy impression) “If you sold your literal ass for cash when you should of been heading to high school freshman orientation AND your main

turn on is burning a building to the ground… You Might be a Killer!”

4. Number Four: Number four! Despite their infamy, and despite all the time they spent traveling around together - there is no hard evidence linking the duo of Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole to a single murder committed together.

5. Number Five: Number five! New info! Despite all my talk about the murders they probably didn’t commit, there is one very famous homicide I haven’t mentioned that many think to this day that Ottis Toole did commit. In 2008, 27 years after the 1981 murder of Adam Walsh, and twelve year’s after Ottis’s death - authorities officially named Toole as the likely killer. If you don’t recall, Adam Walsh was the son of John Walsh, and his death and not knowing who killed his son inspired John to help bring closure to other families and help bring other criminals, and he went on to create and then host the most famous and effective crime show ever - America’s Most Wanted. Ottis Toole is believed to have killed the kid that led to the creation of a show that has caught more felons than any other. Over it’s 23 year run, America’s Most Wanted led to 1,154 arrests by law-enforcement agencies. Tons of murderers were put in prison. 17 of the FBI’s most wanted criminals were caught due to this show. r,8599,2085343,00.htmlToole claimed to have picked Walsh up in a Sears mall parking lot in Hollywood, Florida, on July 27, 1981.Toole said he offered him candy and toys and that Walsh came willingly. Walsh soon wanted to go home and began crying. Toole

said he then punched him in the face. Walsh started crying more, and according to Toole, he began to "wallop" Walsh, knocking him out. Toole eventually pulled over in a rural area and decapitated Walsh with a machete. He drove around for several days with Walsh's head, forgot about it, and, upon rediscovering it, tossed it into a nearby canal. Police then inexplicably lost Toole's impounded car and its bloodstained carpeting, hindering their ability to proceed with the investigation. Toole would confess to this crime in 1983, and then recanted his confession, but John Walsh - who devoted the majority of his adult life to capturing criminals continued to believe he did it. And Walsh knew all about Toole’s false confessions. And no one knew more about his son’s case than he did it. And if Toole committed that murder, who knows how many of his other claims were true. While many of his and Henry’s claims were shot down, there is still technically a chance they committed hundreds of murders. Their murderous mystery will continue forever.


VI.Final Announcements

A. Episode has been sucked!: The Confession Killers! Sucked! Man, what a tough Suck that was to try and figure out. Even solid sources like Newsweek, Time, and the New York Times and a variety of established Texas newspapers like the Houston Chronicle contradicted one another. And not because those sources are bad! No - those two dickheads kept changing their story. Interview after interview they gave different dates for when they did what and who they were with and where they were etc. Drove me fucking crazy trying to put that timeline together. But, I got

to crack myself up with Steph CoxScurvey, so…. worth it.

B. Thank you to Timesuck Team (including episode researcher): Thanks to the Timesuck Team! Thanks to the Queen of the Suck Lynze Cummins, High Priestess of the Suck Harmony Vellekamp, Reverend Doctor Joe “Horsecock Johnson” Paisley. Thanks to the Bit Elixir app design crew - new update currently in a final beta test. Thanks to Axis Apparel and the Script Keeper Zaq Script Keeper Flannary.

C. Next Episode Preview: Next week - mormonism! We dig into the history of the Church of Latter Day Saints. How did they get to Utah? What do they believe? How did their religion form? Who was Joseph Smith? Who was Brigham Young? What is the FLDS? Who is Warren Jeffs? Why is he in prison? It’s gonna be fascinating. The Mormons have a very interesting history and I don’t think many non-Mormons actually know much about them. Can’t wait. Hail Nimrod!

D. Segue to Timesucker Updates: Time now for Timesucker Updates and stick around for that new Moretta track at the very end of the show.


VII.Timesucker Updates

A. Today’s First Update is just, well, cool as shit. I love a variety of perspectives. I’m not religious, but I love hearing from religious Suckers. This message comes from cool Christian Sucker Jacob Good, who writes: To whom it may Suck,

I just wanted to say a few things: One, I am a devout Christian college student and I am shocked at how similar some of our experiences are. I was kicked out of my youth group for asking questions and pointing out the hypocrisy in the church, a group that claims to be centered around love and forgiveness sure seems to have an agenda similar to that of the Flat Earth weirdos in that there is a huge lack of thinking for one’s self and general decency. Sucks to hear that you were treated poorly by religious fundamentalists, my motto is “Don’t be a jerk for Jesus”, and I agree with you on so much. I’m not bashing my own beliefs, I just want you to know that I recognize and agree with most of your thoughts on organized religion. People just need to learn to think for themselves. Second- I just listened to the Westboro Baptist episode and boy did that work me up. My Dad is a Marine and the more I learned about them the more I worked up an absolute rage- anyways this is what I sent to the church email address. “The Bible says that greater love has no man than this- than he who lays down his life for his friend. However you’d probably say that those texts were added to deceive us. My father has served this country for over 30 years as a United States Marine. He has fought alongside men with the fortitude and courage that you wouldn’t believe. He has seen friends, mentors, sons and daughters throw themselves into harms way to save others. My father has been the man to jump in front of bullets to save others. He has received the Purple Heart for his incredible bravery and he deserves so much more. He is the bravest man I know and the fact that you cower here in America where you have the PRIVILEGE of free speech- and you use that privilege to press your oppressive, ignorant, inbred hate speech regarding homosexuals and the armed forces- it is truly abominable. As angry as this makes me- Jesus does love you. Don’t ask me how or why but He does. And I hope and pray you realize you don’t reflect the reason He died for us and you see the hurt that you cause. Also the single out of context verses you pull from the word of God to fuel your horrible propaganda is deceitful on a level I have never seen.

Hate is easy to give. Love is a choice we make- love makes us HUMAN.”Anyways you’re welcome for this novel of an email. I’m passionate and I love your stuff!!! keep up the good work and don’t worry about me being a Christian, I’ll be that great Christian friend who never tries to convert you, knowing full well “I know where I’m going -in fire letters- DO YOU???” Hail BojanglesSan Diego CA Thank you, Jacob! You seem to be a wonderful Christian and a wonderful meat sack. And I apologize for making you feel the need to write “don’t worry about me being a Christian.” I get too judge-y about religion and need to be put in my place sometimes. I work on it. Know that I know that me not believing in a religion doesn’t mean I think I’m right. I think I don’t know, and that’s very different. I think there’s a chance Christians could absolutely be right. I forgot that some days, but I know it to be true. I haven’t been dead and explored the other side and then come back to report, so I don’t definitely know anything. I love that your faith gives you comfort. I really do. Thank your dad for his service for me, keep being my Christian Friend, and keep on sucking you beautiful bastard.

B. Now for a vaccination update from Dr. Heather. She writes: Hi King of the Suck and the whole Time Suck Team, I am a pediatrician and just listened to the Anti-Vaccination Suck. I just want to say bravo! You did an amazing job covering how vaccines work (including some immunology which is very complex), the history of vaccines, and why vaccines are safe and save lives. I appreciate you covering this topic because we need to be more vocal (and louder) than the anti-vaccination faction so that the truth

about vaccines can be heard. Ultimately, parents are concerned about their kids but sometimes misinformed and misguided. I spend so much time discussing the safety of vaccines on a daily basis. Moving forward I will just refer my patients (i.e. parents) to your TimeSuck and it will save me loads of time! Ha! Keep on Suckin'! -Dr. HeatherHail Nimrod, Dr. Heather! And careful which patients you share the Suck with. I want you to spread the suck but also not get fired. Or lose patients. And, let’s face it, I say a lot of shit that is going to NOT be appreciated by many. Your email made me very happy. I wish I would’ve gone further than a bachelor’s degree with my education and it makes me feel good to know some doctors out there don’t think I’m a total idiot.

C. Speaking of doctors, fake doctor alert coming in from Timesuker Stephen Grattan. Stephen writes: Dear Doctor Reverend Lord of the Suck Dan Cummins, I'm writing you today because after meeting with a doctor at my job, she handed me her card. I looked at the name and saw a very Polish looking name. My first thought was "A Polish woman? How did she ever get the intelligence to even go to school?" Followed shortly by the thought "GOD DAMMIT DAN! Your Polish bashing has burrowed its way in to my mind." Thought you'd like to know what you have done to me. Hail Nimrod, blessed be Bojangles, be gone Lucifina but come back later tonight and praise the Master Sucker. Future Space Lizard, StephenThanks, Stephen! Like the first part of your email. I haven’t tricked YOU - that Polish imposter has tricked YOU! I think it’s cute that women can dress up like doctors but there’s no way they’re as good as men. And we all know Polish people aren’t human. So, bottom line - you were tricked and you need to call the hospital and report that beast before they kill someone by confusing a stethoscope with a scalpel.

KIDDING! About the woman part. Women are every bit as smart as men. I hope you know I know that. And kidding about Polish people as well. Have I said how actually I think that Polish women are among the world’s most beautiful? I think that’s why I feel okay teasing them. Polish women are hot as fuck, and super smart, and often fierce and strong. Just don’t tell Lynze I said any of that.

D. Awesome snake update coming in from Timesucker Ruben Bates. Ruben writes: Hello oh holy suckmaster profit of NimrodMy name is rueben and I just finished the homeless suck so I'm a little behind but anyways dont know if anybody else mentioned this but some snakes like the Taiwanese keelbacks are both venomous and poisonous Most snakes are either venomous or non-venomous but there are exceptions just thought you'd like to knowAnd remember If it bites you and you die its venomous If you bite it and you die its poisonous. If you bite each other and you like it its kinky.Haha! This message cracked me the fuck up, Rueben. Love the mixture of trivia and humor.

E. And finally a fucking great update from longtime Sucker Jessica Casillas. Jessica writes:Dear Master of the suck and spouse of the poo-pourri hair queen of the suck. I have an update in regards to my husbands immigration process. After 604 days of him being in Mexico, he finally had his appointment for his green card. He got approved! He’ll be able to finally come home once he receives the necessary paperwork, which can take up to 2 weeks. He’ll finally be able to set foot on US soil for

the first time in his life as a legal immigrant. I just want to thank you, the queen of the suck and everyone you kept us in their prayers, thoughts and all the cocker spaniel sacrifices made to nimrod to help our cause. I wouldn’t have made it through these 20 months without the kindness from the cult and your willingness to cover this subject as well as all the awesome episodes to get me through my days. Thanks for all that you do and keep on sucking master sucker, you guys are the best. Jessica CasillasFUCK YEAH, Jessica! WRESTLING BUTTON Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! The Casillas family took on the department of immigration and won! A victory not just for them but for love and family! And a nice chance to remind America that our land is a land founded by immigrants! Let’s not lose that! The great melting pot stops being spicy and tasty if we don’t mix in some of that sweet Mexican SALSA!!!!!!!!!Love you, Jessica. Hug that motherfucker tight for all of us and HAIL NIMROD!!!!!!!



A. Goodbye!: Have a great week everyone, don’t kill anyone, but if you do, for God’s sake be HONEST about who you killed - and keep on suckin’!

ENDING BUTTON Talk with Joe about Moretta

ADDITIONAL SOURCE: Book - “Trust Me: The True Story of the Confession Killer Henry Lee Lucas” by Ryan Green (warning: VERY inaccurate in places)