The Book of Adelas Followers


Transcript of The Book of Adelas Followers



becam e a lawgiver at Athen s, than that a goddess

sprang ,full gr own and arm ed , from the cleft sku ll of

Ju p iter

There is nothing in the narrati ves of th is book

in consisten t w ith probability, how ever they m ay vary

from som e of ou r precon ceived ideas ; bu t whe the r

it is really what it pretends t o be—a very anc ien t

m an uscrip t, or a more m odern fiction—it is n ot the

less a m ost curious and in teresting wo rk, ,an d as such

I offer it to the Britishpublic.In order to give an idea of the m anuscript , I have

p rocured photographs of two of its pages, which are

bou n d w ith this volum e .

I have also followed Dr Ottem a’

s plan of prin ting

the origin al Frisian opposite to the translation ,so

that any reader possessing a kn owledge of the lan

guage m ay verify the correctness of the tran slation .

In addition to the Preface which I have tran slated,

Dr Ottem a has w ritten two pamphlets on the subject

of the O era L inda Book ( 1 . Historical Notes an d

Explan ations ; 2. The Royal Academ y an d Het Oera

Linda Bok), both of which wo u ld be v ery valu able to

any on e who w ished to study the con troversy re spect

ing the au then ticity of the work , bu t which I have

n ot thought it n ecessary to tran slate for the presen t

pu blication .


There has also appeared in the Deven ter Couran t

a series of twelve letters on the sam e subject. Though

written an onym ously, I believe they are from the pen

of Professor Vitr inga. They have been tran slated

in to Germ an by Mr Otto .

The wr iter e viden tly en tered u pon his task of

criticism w ith a feeling of disbeli ef in the au then

ticity of the book ; bu t in his last letter he adm its

that,after a m in ute exam in ation , he is un able t o

pron ounce a positive con viction either for or

against it.

His c on clu ding rem arks are to the following


If the bo ok is a rom an ce , then I m ust adm it that

it has been written w ith a good object, and by a

clever man ,because the sen tim ents expressed in it

are of a highly m ora l ten den cy ; an d the facts related,

so far as they can be con trolled by regular history , are

n ot u ntruthfu l ; an d where they deal w ith even ts of

which we have n o historical records, they do n ot offend

ou r ideas of p ossibility or even probability.



0. OVER DE LINDEN,Chief Superintendent of the Royal

Dockyard at the Helder,possesses a very ancient manu

script,which has been inherited and preserved in his family

from time immemorial, witho u t any one knowing whence it

came or what it contained,owing to both the language and

the wri ting being unknown .

All that was known was that a tradition contained in

it had from generation to generation been recommended

to careful preservation . It appeared that the tradition

rests upon the contents of two letters , with which the

manuscript begins,from Hiddo oera Linda, anno 1 256,

and from Liko oera Linda, anno 803. It came to C. over

de Linden by the dir ection s of his grandfather, Den Heer

Andries over de Linden, who lived at Enkhuizen, and died

there on the 1 5th of April 1 820, aged sixty- one. As thegrandson was at that time barely ten years old, the manu

script was taken care of for him by his aun t, Aafje Meyl


,born Over de Linden, living at Enkhu izen , who in

Au gust 1 848 delivered it to the present possessor.

Dr E .Verwijs having heard of this, requested permission

to examine the manuscript, and imm ediately recognised it

as very ancient Fr ies. He obtained at the same time per

mission to make a copy of it for the benefit of the Friesland

Society,and was of opinion that it might be of great im

portance , provided it was n ot supposititiou s , and invented

for some deceptive object, which he feared. The manuB

vi ru r non u cr i on .

script being placed in my hands, I also felt very doubtfu l ,though I could not understand what object any one could

have in inventing a false composition only to keep it a

secret. This doubt remained until I had examined care

fu lly- executed f acsimiles of two fragments , and afterwards

of the whole manuscript—the first sight of which convin ced me of the great age of the document.

Immediately occurred to me Caesar ’ s remark upon the

wr iting of the Gauls and the Helvetians in his “ BelloGallico” ( i. 29, an d vi. Graecis u tu n tu r liter is


though it appears in v . 48 that they were not entirely

Greek letters . Caesar thus points out only a resemblance—and a very true one—as the writing

,which does not

altogether correspond with any known form of letters , re

sembles the most,on a cursory view, the Greek writing,

such as is found on monuments and the oldest manuscripts ,and belongs to the form which is called lapidary. Besides ,I formed the Opinion afterwards that the writer of the

latter part of the book had been a contemporary of Caesar.

The form and the origin of the writing is so minutely

and fully described in the first part of the book,as it

could not be in any other langu age . It is very complete,

and consists of thirty - four letters,among which are three

separate forms of a and u,and two of e, z


, y , and 0, be

sides four pairs of double consonants—72g , til , lies, and gs.

The 729, which as a n asal sound has no particular mark

in any other Western language,is an indivisible conju n c

tion the tlz is soft, as in E nglish , and is sometimes re

placed by d ; the gs is seldom met with—I believe only in theword segse, to say, in modern Fries sialse, pronounced sisze.The paper

,of large quarto size

,is made of cotton


not very thick, without water-mark or maker’ s mark


upon a frame or wire- web,with not very broad perpendi

cu lar lines.

An introductory letter gives the year 1256 as that


in which this m anuscript was written by Hiddo overa

Linda on foreign paper. Consequently it must have come

from Spain,where the Arabs brought into the marke t

paper manufactured from cotton .

On this subject,W. Wattenbach writes in his Das

Schriftwesen im Mittelalter (Leipzig, s. 93

The manufacture of paper from cotton must have been

in use among the Chinese from very remote times,and

must have become known to the Arabs by the conquest Of

Samarcand about the year 704 . In Damascus this manu

facture was an important branch of industry,for which

reason it was called Charm D amascena. By the Arabiansthis art was brought to the Greeks . It is asserted that

Greek manuscripts Of the tenth century written upon cot

ton paper exist, and that in the thirteenth century it was

much more used than parchment. To distinguish it fromEgyptian paper it was called Clzar ta bombicz

na, gossyp z



cu ttzmea , xy lz’

na . A distinction from linen paper was.


yet necessary. In the manufacture of the cotton paper

raw cotton was originally used. We first find paper from

rags mentioned by Petrus Clu siacensis ( 1 122“ The Spaniards and the Italians learned the man u fac

ture of this paper from the Arabians. The most celebrated

factories were at Jativa, Valencia, Toledo, besides Fabriano

in the March of Ancona .

In Germany the use of this material did not become

very extended,whether it came from Italy or Spain.

Therefore the further this preparation spread from the

E ast and the adj oining countries, the more necessity there

was that linen should take the place of cotton . A docu

ment of Kaufbeuren on linen paper of the year 1318 is of

verydou btf u l genuineness. Bodman considers theOldest pure

Compare G. Meerman,Admon itio de Char tae nostralis or igine. Vad. Let =

teroef. 1 762. P. 630.

J. H. de Stoppelaar, Paper in the Nether lands. Middelb u rg, 1 869 P. 4.


linen paper to be of the year 1 324 , but up to 1 350much

mixed paper was used. All carefully-written manuscripts

of great antiquity show by the regu larity of their lines

that they must have been ruled, even though no traces

of the ruled lines can be distinguished. TO make the

lines they used a thin piece of lead,a ruler

,and a pair of

compasses to mark the distances.

In old writings the ink is very black or brown ; but

while there has been more writing since the thirteen th

century,the colour of the ink is Often grey or yellowish ,

and sometimes quite pale,showing that it contains iron .

All this affords convincing proof that the manuscript

before us belongs to the middle of the thirteenth century,written with clear black letter s between fine lines carefully

traced with lead. The colour of the ink shows decidedly

that it does not contain iron. By these evidences the date

given,1 256

,is satisfactorily proved

,and it is impossible

to assign any later date. Therefore all su spicion of mod

ern deception vanishes .

The language is very Old Fries , still older and pu rer

than the Fries Rj u chtboek or Old Fries laws , differing

from that both in form and spelling, so that it appears to

be an entirely distinct dialect,and shows that the l ocality

of the language must have been ( as it was spoken) between the Vlie and the Scheldt.

The style is extremely simple,concise

,and u nembar

rassed,resembling that of ordinary conversation

,and free

in the choice Of the words . The spelling is also simple

and easy, so that the reading of it does not involve the

least difficulty,and yet with all its regularity

,so u nre

str icted,that each of the separate writers who « have

worked at the book has his own peculiarities,arising

from the changes in pronunciation in a long course of

years,which naturally must have happened

,as the last

part Of the work is written five centuries after the first.


As a specimen of antiquity in language and writing,I

believe I may ventu re to say that this book is unique of

its kind.

The writing suggests an observation which may be of

great importance.

The Greeks know and acknowledge that their writing

was not their own invention. They attribute the intro

duction Of it to Kadm u s,a Phenician. The n ames Of

their Oldest letters,from Alpha to Tau

,agree so exactly

with the names of the letter s in the Hebrew alphabet, with

which the Phenician will have been nearly connected,that we cannot doubt that the Hebrew was the origin of

the Phenician . B u t the form of their letters differs so

entirely from that of the Phenician and Hebrew writing,that in that particular no connection can be thought of

between them. Whence, then , have the Greeks derived the

form of their letters

From thet bok théra Adela folstar The Book of

Adela’ s Followers”) we learn that in the time when Kadm u s.

i s said to have lived,about sixteen centuries before Christ, a

brisk trade existed between the Frisians and the Phenicians,Whom they named Kadhemar

,or dwellers on the coast.

The name Kadm u s comes too near the word Kadhemar

for u s not to believe that Kadm u s simply meant a Pheni

cian .

Fu rther on we learn that about the same time a priestess

of the castle in the island of Walcheren, Min- erva, also

called Nyhellen ia, had settled in Attica at the head of a

Frisian colony,and had founded a castle at Athens.

Also,from the accounts written on the walls of Wara

bu rch,t hat the Finns likewise had a writing of their own

—a very troublesome and difficult one to read—and that,

therefor e, the Tyrians and the Greeks had learned the

writing of Frya. By this representation the whole thing

explai ns itself,and it becomes clear whence comes the ex


terior resemblance between the‘

Greek and.. the Old Fries

writing,which Caesar also remarked among the Gauls ; as

likewise in what manner the Greeks acquired and retained

the names of the/g and


the forms of the Fries writing.

Equally remarkable are the forms of their figures. We

usually call our figures Arabian,although they have not

the least resemblance to those used by the Arabs. The

Ar abians did not bring their ciphers from the E ast,be

cau se the Semitic nations used the whole alphabet in writing numbers. The manner of expressing all numbers by

ten signs the Arabs learned in the West,though the form

was in some measure corresponding with their writing,and

was written from left to right,after the Western fashion .

O u r ciphers seem here to have sprung from the Fries

ciphers (sgf ar ) , which form had the same origin as the

handwriting,and is derived from the lines of the Juul

The book as it lies before us consists of two parts,differ

ing widely from - each other,and of dates very far apart.

The writer Of the first part calls herself Adela,wife of

Apol,chief man Of the Linda country. This is continued

by her son Adelbrost,and her daughter Apollonia. The

first book,runn ing from page 1 to 88

,is written by Adela.

The following part,from 88 to 94 , is begun by Adelbrost

and continued by Apollonia. The secon d book,running

from page 94 to 1 14,is written by Apollonia. Much later ,

perhaps two hundred and fifty years,a thir d book is

written,from page 1 14 to 1 34

,by Frethorik then fol

lows from page 1 34 to 143,written by his widow


jow ; after that from page 144 to 169 by their son,Kone

reed ; and then from page 169 to 192 by their grandson ,Beeden . Pages 193 and 1 94

,with which the last part

must have begun , are wanting, therefore the writer is

unknown. He may probably have been a son of Beeden.

On page 134 , Wiljow makes mention of another writing

of Adela. These she n ames thet bok thera sanga (thet


boek) , thera tel linga, and thet Hell én ia bok

afterwards t'

lia skr ifta fon Adela jeftha Hellén ia .

To fix the date we must start from the year 1 256 of our

era, when Hiddo overa Linda made the copy, in which hesays that it was 3449 years after A tlan d was sunk. This

disappearance of the old land (dldland, dtland) was knownby the Greeks, for Plato mentions in his Timaeus




disapp earance Of Atlantis , the position of which was onlyknown as somewhere far beyond the Pillars of Hercules.From this writing it appears that it was land stretching

far out to the west of Jutland,of which Heligoland and

the islands of North Friesland are the last barren remn ants. event, which occasioned a great dispersion Of

1‘A7 A

- 3 f

the M race,became the commencement of a chrono

logical reckoning corresponding with 2193 before Christ,

and is known by geologists as the Cimbrian flood.

On page 80begins an account in the year 1 602,after

the disappearance of Atlan d,and thus in the year 591 be

fore Christ ; and on page 82 is the account of the murder



”Of Texlan d two years later—that

is,in 589. When


,Adela commences her writ

“ing with her own coming forward in an assembly of the

! e0ple thirty years after the murder Of the Eeremoeder,

that must have been In the year 559 before Christ. I iithe part written by her daughter Apollonia

,we find that

fifteen months after the assembly Adela was killed by the

Finns in an attack by surprise Of Texland. This must

accordingly have happened 557 years before Christ.Hence it fOllows that the first book, written by Adela, was

Of the year 558 before Christ. The second book,by Apol

lonia,we may assign to about the year 530 before Christ.

The latter part contains the history Of the known kings of


,Adel (Ubbo) , and Aséga Askar, called

Black Adel . Of the third king , Ubbo, nothing is said, or

rather that part is lost,as the pages 1 69 to 188 are miss


ing. Frethor ik,the first writer

,who appears now, was a

contemporary of the occurrences which he relates , namely,

the arrival of Friso. He was a friend of Liu dger t den

Geer tman,who

,as rear- admiral of the fleet of Wich

hirte,the sea- king

,had come with Friso in the year 303

before Christ,1 890 years after the disappearance Of

Atland. He has borrowed most of his information from

the log-book of Liu dger t.

The last writer gives himself out most clearly as a con

temporary of Black Adel or Askar,about the middle of his

reign,which F u rmer iu s states to have been from 70before

Chr ist to 1 1 after the birth of Christ, the same period as

Jul ius Caesar and Augustus. He therefore wrote in the

middle of the last century before Christ,and knew of the

conquest of Gaul by the Romans. It is thus evident thatthere elapsed fully two centuries between the two parts of

the work.

Of the Gauls we read on page 84 that they were called

the Missionaries of Sydon . And on page 124 “ that the

Gauls are Druids.” The Gauls, then , were Druids , and the

n ame Galli, used for the whole n ation , was really only the

name of anorder Of priesthood brought from the E ast,just

as among the Romans the Galli were priests of Cybele.0


The whole contents of the book are in all respects new.

That is to say,there is nothing in it that we were ac

q u ain ted with before. What we here read of Friso, Adel ,and Askar differs entirely from what is related by ou r

own chroniclers, or rather presents it in quite another

light. For instance, they all relate that Friso came fromIndia

,and that thus the Frisians were Of Indian descent

and yet they add that Friso was a German,and belonged

to a Persian race which Herodotus called Germans

(Pepp ai

mot). According to the statement in this book,

Friso did come from India, and with the fleet of Near


chus ; but he is not therefore an Indian. He is of Fri

sian origin , of Frya’

s people . He belongs , in fact, to a

Frisian colony which after the death of Nijhellén ia, fifteen

and a half centuries before Christ,under the guidance of

a priestess Geert,settled in the Pu njab

,and took the

name of Geer tmen . The Geertm en were known by only

one of the Greek writers , Strabo , who mentions them as

Teppdveg, differing totally and entirely from the Bpaxt amin m anners


,and religion.

The historians of Alexander ’ s expeditions do not speakof Frisians or Geer tm en

,though they mention Indo

scythians,thereby describing a people who live in India


but whose origin is in the distant, unknown North.

In the accounts of Liu dger t no names are given of

places where the Fr ieslanders lived in India. We onlyknow that they first established themselves to the east of

the Punjab,and afterwards moved to the west of those

rivers. It is mentioned, moreover, as a striking fact, t hat

in the summer the sun at midday was straight above their

heads. They therefore lived within the tropics. We find

in Ptolemy (see themap of Kiepert) , exactly 24°

N: on thewest side of the Indus , the name Min nagara ; and about

six degrees east of that, in 22°

N.,another Min nagara.

This name is pure Fries , the same as Walhal lagara, F015

gara,and comes from Minna

,the name of an Eeremoeder


in whose time the voyages of Tennis and his nephew In ca

took place.

The coinciden ce is too remarkable to be accidental,and

not to prove that Min n agara was the headquarters of the

Frisian colony. The establishment of the colonists in the

P u njab in 1 551 before Christ, and their journey thither,we find fully described in Adela’ s book and with the

mention of one most remarkable circumstance,namely


that the Frisian mariners sailed through the strait which

in those times still ran into the Red Sea.


In Strabo, book i. pages 38 and 50, it appears that

E ratosthenes was acquainted with the existence of the

strait,of which the later geographers make no mention.

It existed still in the time Of Moses (Exodus xiv. for

he encamped at Pi- ha- chir oht , the mouth of the strait. ’

Moreover,Strabo mentions that Sesostris made an attempt

to cut thr ough the isthmus , but that he was not able to.accomplish it. That in very remote times the sea really did 4

flow through is proved by the resu lt Of the geological ”

investigations on the isthmus made by the Suez CanalCommission , of which M. Renaud presented a report to

the Academy of Sciences on the 19th J u ne 1856. I n

that report, among other things, appears the fol lowing

Une question fort controversée est celle de savoir,si 9.

l’époq u e on les Hebreu x fuyaient de I’Egypte sous la con

duite de Moise, les lacs amers faisaient en core partie de la

mer rou ge. Cette derniere hypothese s’

accorderait mieux

que l ’hypothése contraire avec le texte des livres sacrés ,mais alors il faudrait admettre que depuis l ’époq u e de

MOISe le seuil de Suez serait sorti des eaux.

With regard to this question , it is certainly of im por

tance to fall in with an account in this Frisian manuscript,

from which it seems that in the sixteenth centu ry before

Christ the connection between the Bitter Lakes and the RedSea still existed

,and that the strait was still n avigable


The manuscript further states that soon after the passage of

the Geer tmen there was an earthquake that the land rose

so high that all the water ran out, and all the shallows

ose up like a wall. Thi s mu st have

time of Moses,so that at the date of


the Exodus (1664 the track between Suez and the ‘

Bitter Lakes was still navigable,but could be forded dry

foot at low water. w


This point, then , is the commencement of the isth


m u s,after the forming of which

,the northern inlet was

certainly soon filled up as far aa tbe Gulf of Pel u siu m .

The map by Louis Figuier,in the Année scien tifiq u e

et industrielle (p remier e amide) , Paris , Hachette , 1857,gives a distinct illustration of the formation of this land.Another statement

,which occurs only in Strabo


also here a confirmation . Strabo alone of all the Greek

writers relates that Nearchu s,after he had landed his

troops in the Persian Gulf,at the mouth of the Pasitigr is,

sailed out of the Persian Gulf by Alexander’ s command,

and steered round Arabia through the Arabian Gulf.’ As the

account stands, it is not clear what Near chu s had to do

there,and what the object of the further voyage was. If,

as Strabo seems to think,it was only for geographical

discovery,he need not have taken the whole fleet. One

or two ships would have su fli ced. We do not read that he

returned. Where,then

,did he remain with that fleet ?

The answer to this question is to be found in the

Frisian version of the story. Alexander had bought the

ships on the Indus,or had had them built by the descen

dants of the Frisians who settled there—the Geer tmenand had taken into his service sailors from among them


an d at the head of them was Friso. Alexander having

a ccomplished his voyage and the transport of his troops,

had no further use for the ships in the Persian Gulf,

but wished to employ them in the Mediterranean. He had

taken that idea into his head,and it must be carried into

effect. He wished to do what no one had done before him .

For this purpose Nearchu s was to sail up the Red Sea,and on his arrival at Suez was to find 200 elephants , 1000

camels,workmen and materials

,timber and ropes

, &c.,in

order to haul the ships by land over the isthm us. This

work was carried on and accomplished with so much zeal

and energy that after three months ’ labour the fleet was

launched in the Mediterranean . That the fleet really


came to the Mediterranean appears in Plutarch’ s “ Life of

Alexander but he makes Near ch u s bring the fleet round

Africa,and sail through the Pillars of Hercules.

After the defeat at Acti u m,Cleopatra

,in imitation Of

this example,tried to take her fleet over the isthmus in

order to escape to India,but was prevented by the inha

bitan ts of Arabia Petraea, who burnt her ships . ( See Plu

tar ch’

s Life Of When Alexander shortly after

wards died,Friso remained in the service ofAntigonus and


,having been grievously ins u lted by the

latter,be resolved to seek out with his sailors their father

land,Friesland. To India he could not


,return .

Thus these accounts chime in wi th and clear up each

other,and in that way afford a mutual confirmation Of the

events .

Such simple narratives and surprising results led me

to conclude that we had to do here with m ore than mere

Saga and Legends.

Since the last twenty years attention has been directed

to the remains of the dwellings on piles,first Observed in

the Swiss lakes , and afterwards in other parts Of Europe .

( See Dr E . Riicker t, Die Pfahlbauten Wurzburg,1 869.

Dr T. C. Winkler, in the“ Volksalman ak


” t. N.v



When they were found, endeavours were made todiscover, by the existing fragments of arms , tools , and

household articles , by whom and when these dwellings

had been inhabited. There are no accounts of them in

historical writers , beyond what Herodotus writes in bookv . chapter 1 6, of the Paeon en . The only trace that hasbeen found is in one Of the panels Of Trajan ’ s Pillar


which the destruction of a pile village in Dacia is represented.

Doubly important, therefore, is it to learn from thewriting of Apollonia that she

,as B u rgtm aagd ( chief Of

the virgins) , about 540years before Christ, made a journey


B u rgtmaagd Kalip at Walhallagara (Walcheren) , whichis the most mythical portion of all

,is here said to be 1005

years after the disappearance of Atland, which coincides

with 1 188 years before Christ,and thus agrees very nearly

with the time at which the Greeks say the Trojan war

took place . The story of Ulysses was not brough t herefor the first time by the Roman s. Tacitus found it

already in Lower Germany (see Germania,” cap. and

says that at Ascibu rgiu m there was an altar on whi ch the

n ames of Ulysses and his father Laertes were inscribed.Another - remarkable difference consists in this

,that the

Myths know no origin,do not name either writers or

relaters of their stories,and therefore never can bring for

ward any authority. Whereas in Adela’ s book,for every

statement is given a notice where it was found or

whence it was taken. For instance,“ This comes from

Minn o’s writings—this is written on the walls of Wara

burch—this in the town of Frya—this at Stayia—this atWalhall agara.

There is also this further. Laws,regular legislative

enactments,such as are found in great numbers in Adela’ s

book,are utterly unknown in Mythology

,and indeed are

irreconcilable with its existen ce. Even when the Myth

attributes to Minos the introduction of lawgiving in Crete,

it does n ot give the least account of what the legislation

consisted in. Also amon g the Gods of Mythology there

existed no system of laws. The only law was unchang

able Destiny and the will of the supreme Zeus .With regard to Mythology

,this writing

,which bears no

mythical character, is not less remarkable than with

regard to history. Notwithstanding the frequent and

various relations with Denmark,Sweden

,and Norway


do not find any traces of acqu aintance with the Northernor Scandinavian Mythology. Only Wodin appears in theperson of Wodan, a chief of the Frisians , who became the


son- ia - law of one Magy,King of the Finns

,and after his

death was deified. 2 74 1 w ZJMThe Frisian rel igion is extremely simple

,and pure Mo

notheism . W r - alda orW r - alda’ s spirit is the only eternal,

unchangeable , perfect, and almighty being. W r - alda has

created everything. O u t of him proceeds everything—firstthe beginning

,then time

,and afterwards Ir tha, the E arth.

Irtha bore three daughters—Lyda,Finda

,and Frya—the

mothers of the three distinct races,black




,and E urope. As such

,Frya is the

mother of Frya’s people

,the Fr ieslanders. She is the

representative of Wr - alda,and is reverenced accordingly.

Frya has established her Tex,

” the first law,and has

established the religion of the eternal light. The worship

consists in the maintenance of a perpetually- bu rning lamp,

f oddz‘

lc, by priestesses , virgins. At the head of the

virgin s in every town was a Bu rgtmaagd, and the chief of

the B u rgtm aagden was the Eeremoeder of the Fryasbu rgt

of Texl and. The Eeremoeder governs the whole country.

The kings can do nothing,nor can anything happen with

out her advice and approval . The first Eerem oeder was

appointed by Frya herself,and was called Fasta. In fact,

we find here the prototype of the Roman Vestal Virgins.We are reminded here of Vel leda (Welda) and Aurinia

in Tacitus Germania,”8. Hist , iv. 61 , 65 ; v. 22, 24.


”i. and of Gauna, the successor of Velleda,

in Diolpassins (Fragments, Tacitus speaks of the town

of Velleda as edita tur rie,” page 146. It was the toWn

MannagAq-da forda (Munster) .In the county of the Marsians he speaks of the temple

Tan fane (Tan fan c) , so called from the sign of the Juul.

( See plate I.) p

The last of these towns was Fastabu rgt in Ameland,temple Foste


,accordingtoOcca Scarlen sis, in 806.

If we find among the Frisians a belief in a Godhead


and ideas of religion entirely different from the Mvtho

logy Of other nations,we are the more surprised to find

in some points the closest conn ection with the Greek and

Roman Mythology,and even with the origin of two

deities of the highest rank,Min- erva and Neptune . Min

erva (Athene) was originally a B u rg tm aagd , priestess of

Frya,at the town Walhallagara , Middelburg, or Domburg ,

in Walcheren . And this Min - erva is at the same time the

mysterious enigmatical goddess Of whose worship scarcely

any traces remain beyond the votive stones at Domburg,in Walcheren

,Nehal len ia

,of Whom no mythology knows

anything m ore than the name,which etymology has used

for all sorts Of fantastical der ivation s.


The other,Neptune

,called by the E truriansNethu n u s


God of the Mediterranean Sea,appears here to have been


when living,a Friesland Viking

,or sea- king

,whose home

was Alderga (O u ddorp, not far from Alkmaar) . His n amewas Tennis

,called familiarly by his followers Neef Tennis


or Cousin Tennis,who had chosen the Mediterranean as

the destination of his expeditions,and must have been

deified by the Tyrians at the time when the Phenician

navigators began to extend their voyages so remarkably ,sailing to Friesland in order to obtain British tin


iron , and amber from the Baltic, about 2000 years beforeChrist.

Besides these two we meet with a third mythological

person—Minos , the lawgiver of Crete , who likewiseappears to have been a Friesland sea-king



at Lindaoord , between Wier ingen and Krey], who imparted

to the Cretans an Asagaboek.

” He is that Minos who,

with his brother Rhadamant‘h us and ZEacu s,presided as

Min -erva was called Nyhellen ia becau se her co u nsels were and hel ,that is, n ew and clear . In Pau l’s epitome Of S . Pompon iu s Fest u s, deverbo'ru m S ign ificatione, we find

“ Min -er va dicta q u od bene monest . SeePreller , Roman Mythology, p. 258.


j u dges over the fates of the ghosts in Hades,and must

not be confounded with the later Minos,the contemporar y

Of n eus and Theseus,who appears in the Athenian fables


The reader may perhaps be inclined to laugh at these

statements , and apply to me the words that I myself have

lately used , fantastic an d improbable. Indeed at first Icould not believe my own eyes

,and yet after further con

sideration I arrived at the discovery of extraordinary conform ities which render the case much less improbable than

the bir th of Min- erva from the head of Jupiter by a blowfrom the axe of Hephaestus, for instance.

In the Greek Mythology all the gods and goddesses havea you thf u l period. Pallas alone has no youth. She is nototherwise known than adult. Min- erva appears in Attica ashigh priestess from a foreign country

,a country unknown

to the Greeks. Pallas is a virgin goddess,Min- erva is a

B u rg tm aagd. The fair,blue- eyed Pallas

,differing thus in

type from the rest of the gods and goddesses,evidently

belonged to Frya’

s people. The character for wisdom and

the emblematical attributes, especially the owl , are the

same for both . Pallas gives to the new town her own


,which has no meaning in Greek. Min - erva

gives to the town built by her the name Athene , which has

an important m eaning in Fries , namely, that they came

there as friends Athen.

Min - erva came to Attica about 1 600 years before Christ,

the period at which the Grecian Mythology was beginning

to be formed. Min- erva landed with the fleet Of Jon at the

head of a colony in Attica. In later times we find her

on the Roman votive stones in Walcheren,under the name

of Nehallen ia,worshipped as at goddess of navigation ; and

Pallas is worshipped by the Athenians as the protecting

goddess of shipbuilding and navigation.

Time is the carrier who must etern ally turn the Jol

(wheel) and carry the su n along his course through theC


firmamen t from winter to winter, thus forming the year ,every turn of the wheel being a day. In midwinter the“ Jolfeest i s celebrated on Frya

s Day. Then cakes are

baked in the form of the su n’ s wheel,because with the

Jol Frya formed the letters when she wrote her “ Tex.

The Jolfeest i s therefore also in honour of Frya as

inventor of writing.

Just as this Jolfeest has been changed by Christianity

into Christmas throughout Denmark and Germany,and

into St Nicholas ’ Day in Holland ; so, certainly, our St

Nicholas ’ dolls—the lover and his sweetheart—are a

m emorial of Frya, and the St Nicholas letters a memo

rial of F rya’

s invention of letters formed from the wheel.

I cannot analyse the whole con tents of this writing,and

must content myself with the remarks that I have made.

They will give an idea Of the richnes s and importance

of the contents. If some of it is fabulous,even as

fabulous it must have an interest for us,since so little of

the traditions of our forefathers remains to us.

An internal evidence of the antiquity of these writings

may be found in the fact that the name Batavians hadnot yet been used. The inhabitants of the whole country

as far as the Scheldt are Frya’s people—Fr ieslanders. The

Batavians are not a separate people. The n ame Bataviis of Roman origin . The Romans gave it to the inhabitan ts of the banks of the Waal

,which river bears the

name Patabu s in the Tabula Pentinger iana.

” The

name Batavi does not appear earlier than Tacitus and

Pliny, and is interpolated in Caesar’ s Bello Gallico


iv. 10. (See my treatise on the course of the rivers throughthe countries of the Frisians and Batavians


. 49,in

De Vr ije Fries ,”4th vol. 1st part


I will conclude with one more remark regarding the lan

guage. Those who have been able to take only a su perficial


view of the manuscript have been struck by the polish

of the language, and its conformity with the presentFriesland language and D u tch . In this they seem to

find grounds for doubting the antiquity of the manuscript.

But,I ask


,the language of Homer much less

polished than that of Plato or Demosthenes ? And does

not the greatest portion of Homer ’s vocabulary exist in

the Greek Of our day?

It is true that language alters with time,and is con

tin u ally subject to slight var iations , owing to which lan

guage is found to be different at different epochs. This

change in the language in this manuscript accordingly gives

ground for important observations to philologists. It is

n ot only that of the eight writers who have successively

worked at the book,each is recognisable by slight pecu

liar ities in style , language , and spelling ; but more parti

cu lar ly between the two parts of the book, between which

an interval of more than two centuries occurs,a striking

diiferen ce of the langu age is visible, which shows what a

slowly progressive regulation it has undergone in that

period of time. As the result of these considerations,I

arrive at the conclusion that I cannot find any reason to

doubt the authenticity of these writings. They cannot be

forgeries. In the first place , the copy of 1256 cannot be.Who could at that time have forged anything of that

kind ? Certainly no one. Still less any one at an earlierdate. At a later date a forgery is equally impossible


for the simme reason that no one was acquainted with

the language. Except Grimm , Richthofen , and Hettema ,no one can be named sufficiently versed in that branch of

philology, or who had studied the language so as to be

able to write in it. And if any one could have done so,

there would have been no more extensive vocabulary at

his service than that which the E ast Frisian laws afford.

Therefore,in the centuries lately elapsed

,the preparation


Of this wr iting was quite impossible . Whoever doubts

this let him begin by showing where , when , by whom ,

and with what object such a forgery could be committed,and let him show in modern times the fellow of this

paper,this writing

,and this language .

Moreover,that the manuscript Of 1 256 is not original ,

but is a copy,is proved by the numerous faults in the

writing,as well as by some explanations of words which

already in the time of the copyist had become Obsolete

and little known,as

,for instan ce

,in page 82 to

thera fiéte jefta bedr u m page 1 51 bargum jefta

ton n u m fon tha besta bjar .

A still stronger proof is that between pages 1 57 and

1 58 one or more pages are missing, which cannot have been

lost ou t of this manuscript, because the pages 1 57 and 158

are on the front and the back Of the same leaf.

Page 1 57 finishes thus Three m onths afterwards Adel

sent messengers to all the friends that he had gained,and

requested them to send him intelligent people in the

month of May.

” When we turn over the leaf,the other

side begins,

“ his wife,he said

,who had been Maid of Tex


” had got a copy of it.

There is no connection between these two. There is

wanting,at least

,the arrival of the invited

,and an account

of what passed at their m eeting. It is clear,therefore


that the copyist must have turned over two pages of the

original instead Of one . There certainly existed then an

earlier manuscript, and that was doubtless written by Liko

oera Linda in the year 803.

We may thus accept that we possess in this m anuscript,

of which the first part was composed in the sixth centur y

before our era, the Oldest production , after Homer and

Hesiod, of European literature . And here we fin d in our

fatherland a very ancient people in possession of develop

ment, civilisation , industry, navigation , commerce, litera



Dyo forme need is : hweerso en kynd jongh is fin sen e‘fitered n oerd wr hef, jefta (sud) wr birgh. Soe moet die

moder her kindes eerwe setta ende sella ende her kynd lesa

ende des lives bihelpa.

Dioe Oder need is : j ef da jere diore wirdat , ende di heta

honger wr dat land faer t, ende dat kynd honger stere wil, so

m oet dio moder her kindes eerwe setta ende sella ende capia

her bern ky ende ey ende coern deerma da kinde des lives

m'ede helpe.

Dyo tredde need is Als dat kind is al stocn aken , jefta

huus laes,ende dan di tiu estera n evil ende calde winter oen

com t sa faer t allerman ick oen syn hof ende oen sin huis

ende an waranne gaten,ende da wiilda dier seket diin holla

baem ende der birgha hlii, aldeer hit siin l iif oen bihalda

mey. Soeweinet ende scryt dat on ier iga kind ende wyst dan

syn naken a lyae ende de syn fader deer

him reda schuld,to ienst honger ende winter nevil

cald,dat hi so diepe ende dimme mitta fiower neylen is

onder eke ende onder da cerda bisloten ende bitacbt,so

moet dio moder her kindes eerwe setta ende sella omdat hio

da bihield habbe ende biwaer also lang so hit on ierich is,

dat hit oen forste ner oen honger n aet forfare.

Anju mer dr u k. e. i. i.

( 1466 )



‘ijn forma ned is Sahwersa en barn jvng is fen sen and

féterad northward vr - et bef jeftha sfidward vr tha berga,

sa ach thj u mam hjara barns erva to settande and to sel

j ande and hjra barn to lesane and thes lives to bihelpane.

Thj u Othera n éd is : jef tha j era, djur a warthat and thi

héte hvnger wr thet land farth and that barn stjera wil, sa

m ot thj u mam hj ara barns erva sett a an d selja and kapja

hiri barne ky and skep and keren ther mitha man thet barn

thes lives bihelpe.

Thju tredde n éd is sahwersa that barn is stoknaked jefta

hfislasand then thi tjustera nevil and kalda winter ankvm th ,sa farth allera man nal ik an sin hof and an sin bu s and an

warande gata,and thet wilde kwik sykath thene hola barn

and there berga hly thér - it sin lif an bihalda mei, sa wé

nath and krytath that vnj er ich barn and wyst then sin na

keda lithaand sin hfislas‘ saand sin tat ther him breda skolde

tojen st tha hvnger and tha ka a winter n évil , that hi sa

djap and dimme mith fj u wer n éilu m vndera eke and vnder tha

ir tha bisletten and bidobben is , es. mot thj u mam hjara

barns erva setta and selj a vmbe that hj u tha bihield have

and tha war inga al sa long sa hit vnjérich sy, til thj u - t hor

an frost ner an hvnger n avt vmkvm a ne mei.

Vertaald door J. G. O.


Thissa boka mot i mith l if and sele warj a. Se vmbi

fattath thj u skédn ise fon vs éle folk ak fon vsa éthl u m .

Vr léden jer hab ik tham u t- er flod bred tol ik mith thi and

thiara moder . Tha bja wéron wet wrden ; ther thr vch

gvngon bja aftern ei vrdar va. Vmbe bja n avt to vr lysa

hab ik - r a vp wr landisk pam pyer wr skréven . Sa hwersa

thu se erve,mot thu se ak wrskryva. Thin barn alsa til

thj u bja n immer the wei n avt me kvm a.

Skréven to Lj u wer t. Néi atland svnken is* that thr ia

thu sond fjvwer hvn dred and nj u gon and fjvwer tigoste jer,that is nei kersten rékn on g that tvelfhvndred sex an d fifti

goste jer. Hidde tobinom ath oera Linda—Wak.

Ljawa ervnOma. Vmb vss ljawa éthlas wille and vmb

vsa ljawa fr idom s wille,th u sand wara sé bidd- ik to jo.

Och ljawa n e let tha agon enis papekappe tach n imm erthe

over thissa skr ifta ne weja. E ja sprékath sweta wirda

men bja tor-nath vnmarksém an alles hwat fon vs fryas

trefth . Vmbe rika prebende to win n ande sé hélath bja

mith tha poppa kén inggar . Thissa wétath that wi hjara

grateste fianda send. thrvchdam wi hjara liuda to Spréke

thvra vr fr ijdom ,rj u cht and for stn e plicht. Thervmbe

létath bja alles vrdiligja , hwat fon vsa éthl u m kvm t an d

hwat ther jeta rest fon vsa alda sedum. Och ljawa ik hav

by tham et hove west. Wil W r .alda- t thjelda and willath

wi vs n avt ster ik n e makja bj a skil u n vs algadu r vrdiligja.

Skréven to Lj u dwerd. Acht hon dred and thrj u jer nei

kersten bigr ip. Liko tonOmath ovira Linda.

3449 voor Chr .

OKKE MY SONYou must preserve these books with body and

soul. They contain the history of all our people,as well

as of our forefathers. Last year I saved them in the flood,

as well as you and your mother ; but they got wet, and

therefore began to perish. In order not to lose them,I

copied them On foreign paper.

In case you inherit them,you must copy them likewise


and your children must do so too,so that they may never

be lost.Written at L i u wer t

,in the three thousand four hundred

and forty- ninth year after Atland was submerged— that

is,according to the Christian reckoning, the year 1 256.

Hiddo,surnamed Over de Linda—Watch.

Beloved successors,for the sake of our dear forefathers

and of ou r dear liberty, I entreat you a thousand times

never let the eye of a monk look on these wr itings. They

are very insinuating , but they destroy in an u nderhand

manner all that relates to u s Frisians. In order to gain

rich benefices, they conspir e with foreign kings, who know

that we are their greatest enemies, because we dare to

speak to their people of liberty, rights , and the duties of

princes. Therefore they seek to destroy all that we derive

from our forefathers, and all that is left of our old customs.


‘my beloved ones ! I have visited their cou rts ! If

Wr- alda permits it, and we do not shew ourselves strong

to resist, they will altogether exterminate u s.

LIKO,su r named OVER DE LINDA.

Wr itten at L iadmer t,

AnnoD omin i 803.

3449- 1 256 is 2193 before Christ.


THRITTICH jér aftere déi that thj u folksmoder wmbrocht

was thrvch thene vreste Magy stand et er arg vm to.

Alle stata thér - er l idsa anda Ore syde there W rsara, wéron

fon vs ofkér th and vn der - et weld thes Magy kémen , and- ct

stand to frésan e, that er weldig skolde wer tha vr - et Olle

land. Vmbe that vn l u k to wOran e héde man One ména

acht bilidsen , t r gadu rath wéron allera man nel ik, thér

ann- en gode hrop stande by tha fam na. Tha nei that- sr

mar vr lapen wéron as thrjv etm elda, was al gO- réd anda

tys and al - én sa by hjara kvm ste. The. to tha lesta frege

Adela that wird,ande kéth . J alle t —et that ik thrjv

jér bu r chfam wésen sy. Ak wét j that ik kéren sy to

m oder,and Ok

,that ik n én moder n ésa* n avt nilde


* thrvch

dam ik Apol to min Ongajérde. Thach hwat j n avt néte,that is

,that ik alle bér tn isa nOigvngen haw, évin as ik en

wren tlike folksmoder wesen were . Ik hav al - an fon and

witherfaren to sjande hwat- er bérde. Thér thrvch send

my félo séka bar wrden , thér Ora n avt n éte. J heweth

jester seith,that vsa sibba an tha Ora syd théreWrsara

njvt and laf were. Tha ik m éi sedsa to jv, that- er MagyTse nén yne ga of wnn en heth thrvch that weld synra

wépne, men blat thrvch argelestige renke, and j eta marthr vch that gyrich sa théra hyr tog u m and thOra Othelinga.

Frya heth séit wi n e skoldon n én vn frya ljvd by vs toléta,thahwat havon bja den ? bja bavon vsa fjand n éi ‘fblgedhwand an stéd fon hjara fen sen u m to déiande

, jeftha fry

to lOtane, bavon bja Fryas red m in acht and se to hjara

slafon u m maked. Thrvchdam bja sok dédon,macht Frya

n avt longer waka ovir hjam : bj a havon ynes Otheris frydom bin imen , and that is erseke , that bja hjara

nésa = ne wesa. n ilde = n e wilde. nete = me wéte.

1' Magy, Kon ing der Magyaren en Finn en .


hawe. Thach that ella is jo selva aken . Men ik W il sedsa

to jo, ho bja nOi gradum sa lég vrsylth send. Théra fin

n u m hjara wiva kréjon barn . Thissa waxton Vppa mith

vea frya barn . Altom et tvildon an d joldon bja to samne

vppa hem , jeftha bja wéron mith ekkor u m by there hérd.

Thér bOrdon bja mith l u stu m n éi tha vrdwalska finna

sagum,thr vchdam bja thjvd and n éi weron. se send bja

vn tfryast vn thOnkes thene wald hjarar aldr u m . As thabarn grat wrdon and sagon that tha finn a- r a barn nén

wépn e hantera machte , and blat warka moste , tha kréjon

bja an n eth warka en gryn s an d wrdon harde hachfarande.

Tha basa and hjara storsta svn u m kr u pton by tha lodder iga

fin n a m angér tu m ; and hjara ajne toghater a thrvch that

vvle farbild fon- a wéi brocht,léton hjara selva bigorda

thrvch tha skénesta finn a knapa , hjara vvle aldr u m to spot.Tha thén e Magy that anda nOs kryg

,tha n am - er tha skén

esta sinar Finna and Magyara vr loven de TO. kymith golden

horna,sa bja ra thrvch vs folk fata dédon

,afterdam sina

lér vtbréda. Men sin lj u da dédon mar : bern wrdon to

sok makad nei vpsalandu m wéibrocht,and sahwersa bja

vpbrocht weron an sina vvla lér,than wrdon bja to bek

sendon . Tha tha skin slavona vsa tal machtich weron,

the. klivadon bja tha hértoga and éthel inga an bord, andkéthon

,bja moston thene Magy beroch wer tha

, sa kvn don

hjara svn u m vpfolgja tham , oni*thr vch—et folk kéron

to wrdan e. Thér a thér vmbe goda dédu m en fardél to- rahus kryen hOde- vr lovadon bja fon sin an t wég u m . jeta - n

after- dél bij hoka tham en far an d after- dél kryen hédeséidon bja en rond- dél to , and tham en rond- dél héde enOlle stat. W éron tha éthla to harde fryas, thi). wendon bjatha stéwen and hildon vppar vrbastera svn u m an .

Jesterdéi weron- er mongTjo tham allet folk to hapa hrOpa wilde

On i, ou d Holl. an e, D u itsch Ohne = zonder .

Mong, among , emong = onder .


This is well known to you,but I will tell you how they

came to sink so low. The Finn women had children .

These grew up with our free children . They played andgamboled together in the fields

,and were also together

by the hearth .

There they learned with pleasure the loose ways of theFinns , because they were bad and n ew ; and thus theybecame denationalised in Spite Of the efforts of theirparents. When the children grew up

,and saw that the

children of the Fin ns handled no weapons,and scarcely

worked, they took a distaste for work , and became proud.

The principal men and their cleverest sons made upto the wanton daughters Of the Finns ; and their own

daughters , led astray by this bad example , allowed themselves to be beguiled by the handsome young Finns inderision of their depraved fathers . When the Magyfound this out, he took the handsomest of his Finns andMagyars , and promised them

“ red cows with goldenhorns ” to let themselves be taken prisoners by our peoplein order to spread h is doctrin es . His people did evenmore. Children disappeared

,were taken away to the

uplands,and after they had been brought u p in his per

n iciou s doctrines,were sent back.

When these pretended prisoners had learned our language

,they persuaded the dukes and nobles that they

should become subject to the Magy—that then their sonswould succeed to them without having to be elected.

Those who by their good deeds had gained a piece ofland in front of their house

,they promised on their side

should receive in addition a piece behind ; those who hadgot a piece before and behind

,should have a ron deel

( complete cir cuit) ; and those who had a rondeel shouldhave a whole freehold. If the seniors were true toFrya

,then they changed their course

,and turned to the

degenerate sons. Yesterday there were among youthose who would have called the whole people together,

On t, in Old D u tch , is one in German , ohne or zonde'r .

1 Many, among, or emong , is, in D u tch , ondefr ; in English , among .


vmb tha astlike stata wither to hjara plyga to tvangande.

Thach nOimin ynfaldamyn ing skolde that falikan t u tkvm

m a.Thank ynes thér was wesen en harde lvngsyakte

among- eth fj a, and that- er thOr jeta arg vvde, skolde j - eth

than wel wagja vmbejvw hélen a fja to farande among hjara

syaka fja ? ammer na. Sahwersa al lra mannelik nw biama

an d bijechta mot, that- eth thér mitha stapel arg of kvma

skolde,hwa skolde than alsa drystwésavmbe sina barn to wa

gande among en folk that Olle an d al vrdéren is. Macht ik

jo red jéva, ik skolde sedsa to jo, j moste bifara alle dingu m

jo en n éie folksmoder kyasa. Ik wet wel that j thérmitha

anda brvd sitte , vt hawede that- er fon tha thredtine bn rch

fam n a. than wi jeta ower have wel achte send thér ne i there

era dinge,men that skold ik n avt n e melda. Tiintja thér

fam is et-sr burchMedeasbl ik het er nammer ne i talth tach

is hja fol witskip and klar syan , and wel sa harde vppir folk

and u sa plyga stalth as all Othera etsamne. Forth skold

ik réda j moste n éi tha burgum ga, and thér vpskrywa

alle éwa fryes tex, bijvnka alle skydn isa, ja ella that er to

finda sy vppa wagum,til thj u ella n avt vrléren u i ga, and

mitha bu rgum alsa vrdén n avt me werth. Thér stat ask

riwan thin moder and jahwel ik bn rchfam skil have. buta

helpar and senda bodon , yn and twin tich famn a and sju gon

lérfamkis. Macht ik thér hwat to dvande,the. skol- ik

skrywa, and alsa felo ér séma toghatera vmbe to lerane,sa

ther Vppa burgum wésa muge hwand ik seg an trowe

an d tid skil- eth jechta, sahwersa j afta Fryas barn wille

mammer to winnande,hor thrvch lesta ner thvch wépne,

sa hagath j to nvdande that jvwe toghatera afta frya

wiva wrde. Barn mot man lere'

, ho grat vs land er

wesen sy, hokke grate man n iska vsa ethia weron,ho

grat wi jeta send, sa wi vs dal ledsath bij Ora,man

Falikan t, fa likando weinig gelijkende, niet conform .



to compel the eastern states to return to their duty.

According to my humble opinion,they would have made

a great mistake. Suppose that there was a very seriousepidemic among the cattle

,would you run the risk of

sending your own healthy cattle among the sick ones ?

Certainly not. E very one must see that doing that

would turn out very badly for the whole Of the cattle .Who, then , would be so imprudent as to send their chil

dren among a people wholly depraved ? If I were to give

you any advice , it would be to choose a new Volksmoeder .

I know that you are in a difficulty about it,because out of

the thirteen B u rgtm aagden that we still have remaining,eight are candidates for the dignity ; but I should pay no

attention to that.

Teu n tia,the B u rgtm aagd of Medeasblik

,who is not a

candidate,is a person of knowledge and sound sense


quite as attached to our people and our customs as all

the rest together. I should farther recommend that you

should visit all the citadels,and write down all the laws

Of Frya’s Tex

,as well as all the histories

,and all that

is wr itten on the walls,in order that it may not be

destroyed with the citadels.It stands written that every Volksm oeder and every

Bu rgtmaagd shall have assistants and messengers—twentyone maidens and seven apprentices.

If I might add more,I would recommend that all the

respectable girls in the towns should be taught ; for I

say positively, and time will show it, that if you wish

to remain tr u e ch ildren Of Frya,never to be vanquished

by fraud or arms, you must take care to bring up your

daughters as true Frya’s daughters.

You must teach the children how great our country has

been,what great men our forefathers were , how great we

still are,if we compare ourselves to others.

Fal ikant, or fit likande, is very improbable or u n likely.D


mot tala hjam fon tha wicharda and fon hjarawichand

lika dedu m ,ak wra fara sétochta. Al thissa tallinga

hagath dén to werthande bij there herd, vppa hém find

hwér—et wésa méi, sabij blyskip as bij tarum. Men skil

et standfast kvma an dat bryn and andat hir ta, than

moton alle léringa overa wera jvwera wive and toghatera

ther—in strama. Adelas red is vpfolgath.

Thit send tha nama théra grévetm anna,vnder hwam

mis wald thit bok awroch ten is. Apol, Adelas man , Thr ia

is—er séken ing wesen , nw is- sr grévetman over Ast-flyland

and ovir - a Linda-wrda. Th‘

a bvrga Ljvdgarda, Lindah ém ,

and Stavja send vnder sin hod.

Ther Saxman Storo, Sytjasman, grevetman ovir - a haga

fenn a and walda. v gnn wara is- er to hértoga , that is

to hyrm an,kéren . Tha burga Bvda and Manna- garda

forda send vnder sin hod.

Abélo,Jaltjas man , grévetman ovit tha Sudar Flylanda

Fjvwers is- er hyrman wesen. Tha burga Aken,Ljvdbu rch

and Katsbu rch send vnder sin hod.

Enoch Dywek his man , grévetman ovir West- flyland

and Texland. v g u n mel is- er to seken ing kéren . Thin

WOrabu r ch, Medeasbl ik, Foran a and ald Fryasbu rch send

vnder sin bod

Foppa, man fon Du nrOs, grévetman ovir tha Sjvgon

elanda. Fif mel is- sr seken ing wesen. Thju burch Wal

hallagara is vnder sin hod.

Thit stand vppa tha wagum et Fryasbu rch to Texland

askrywen , that stét to Stavia and to Médéas hlik.

That was Frya his dei and to there stondewas et vrleden

sjvg u n wara sjvgu n jér , that Fasta was anstald as folks

moder nei Fryas jérta. Thju burch Médéasbl ik was red and

en fam was lréren . Nw skolde Fasta thju n éja foddik vp

stéka,and tha that den was an ajnwarda fon that folk,


You must tell them of the sea - heroes,of their mighty

deeds and distant voyages. All these stories must be told

by the fireside and in the field,wherever it may be, in

times of joy or sorrow ; and if you wish to impress it on

the brains and the hearts of your sons, you must let it

flow throu gh the lips of your wives and your daughters .

Adela’ s advice was followed.

These are the Grevetmen under whose direction this

book is composed

Apol,Adela’ s husband ; three times a sea king ;

Grevetm an of Ostflyland and Lindaoorden . The towns

Lindgarda, Lindahem , and Stavia are under his care.

The Saxman Storo, Sytia

s husband ; Grevetm an over

the Hoogefenn en and W onden . Nine times he was chosen

as duke or beerman ( commander) . The town s Buda and

Manna—garda- forda are under his care.


s husband ; Grevetman over the Zn iderflylanden . He was three times beerman. The towns Aken ,Lindburg

,and Katsbu rg are under his care.

E noch,Dywcke

’s husband ; Grevetman overWestflyland

and Texel. He was chosen nine times for sea king.

Warabnrg , Medeasblik, Foran a, and Fryasbu rg are under

his care .

Foppe,Du nroo

’s husband ; Grevetman over the seven

islands. He was five times sea- king. The town Wal

hallagara is under his care.

This was inscribed upon the walls of Fryasbu rg in Tex

land,as well as at Stavia and Medeasblik.

It was Frya’

s day,and seven times seven years had

elapsed since Festa was appointed Volksmoeder by the

desire of Frya. The citadel of Medeasblik was ready, and

a B u rgtm aagd was chosen. Festa was about to light her

n ew lamp , and when she had done so in the presence


tha hr op Frya fon hira wakstare, sO. that allera man n al ik

that hera machte : Fasta nim thin ra stifte and writ tha

thinga thér ik er navt sedsa n e machte. Fasta déde alsa

bja boden warth. SO send wy Fryas barn an vsa forma

skédn ise kémen .

That is vea forma skednise.

W r . alda* tham alléna god and evg is,makade t.anfang,dana kém tid, tid wrochte alle thinga ak j rtha. Jrtha barde

alle garsa, kru don and boma, allet djara kwik and allet

arge kwik. Alhwat god and djar is , brocht hju by dégu m

and alhwat kwad an d arg is , brocht hj u thes n achtis forth.

After- ct twilifte jol- férste barde bja thrja m angérta.

Lyda warth u t glyande,Finda warth u t héta and

Frya u t warme stof.

T-ha bja blat kémon spisde Wr .alda hjam mith sina

adama ; til thj u tha mAnneska an him skolde bvnden wésa.

Ring as bja rip weron kréjon bja friichda and n ochta anda

drama W r .aldas. Od‘

r trad to- ra binna : and nw bardon

ek twil if svna and twilif togathera ek joltid twén . Therof

send alle manneska kémen .

Lyda was swart,krolhéred alsa tha lOmera : lik stara

blonken hjra Ogon ; ja thes gyrfiigels blikkar weron vnmo

dich by hjras.

Skarpe Lyda. Ann en sanaka kvn hju kruppa héra, and

hwersa thér fiska invr weter were n -vn tgong that hira

nostera n avt.

M dbvwde Lyda. En store barn kvn bja bfigja and

sahwer sa bja run ne brak n éne blomstal vnder hjara fyt.

Weldige Lyda. Hard was hjra stems and krét hj u u t

grimme sa run ek flux wéi.

”5 W r .alda. Altijd geschreven als zamengesteld woord beteeken t : doover

ou de, het ou dets wezen.

1' 0d, wortel van het Lat. od i, ik heat.


Wonderfvlle Lyda. Fon éwa nilde hj u n avt n éta : hjra

déda wrdon thrvch hjra tochta stjvrat. Vmbe tha tédra

to helpan e, dade hj u tha stOra an d hwersa hj u - t den héde

grajde hj u by- t lik.

Arme Lyda. Hj u warth gris fon- t vnwisse bihjelda and

vpp- it ende stu rf bja fon hirtsér vmbe tha barn- ra kwad.

Vnwisa barn. Hja tichtegadon ekkor u m,fen mam - Ta

dad,bja grajadon lik wolva, fjvchtadon alsa and dahwile

bja that dédon eton tha fu gelon that lik. Hwa méi sin

tara hwither to haldane .

Finda. Was gel and hjr her sé tha mana éner hors '

éne thré n e kv bja n avt n i bfigja ; men bwer Lyda annen

lavwa macht to déjan de, thér dade hja wel tjam.

Vrlédal ike Finda. Svet was hjra stemme and nannen

fu gel kvn sjonga lik hj u . e a égon lokton and lordon ,

men thérer an sach warth slaf.

Vn redalika Finda. Hj u skréf thu sande éwa,tha hj u n e

folgde n én er fon vp. Hja vr fyade tha goda vmbe hjara

frymod, tha an slikmamkes jéf hj u hjr selva hast Wei.

That was hir vn l u k. e a haved was to fvl : tha hj r

hirte to ydel hj u ne minde n imman sa bja selva and hj u

wilde that ek bja lyaf hawe skolde.

Falske Finda. Hu ning ewet weron hjra wirda, tha hok

tham bja trjvwade were vn l u k nei by.

Selvsjochta Finda. Ovir ella wilde hj u welda, and hjra

svn u m weron lik hj u ; fon hjara su steru m leton bja

ra thjanja and ekkoru m slogon bja vmb- et masterskip


D u bbelhir ta Finda. Vmbe skotse wirda warth hj u yre,and tha argste déda me rorde bja n avt. Sach hj u en nyn

dask en spinne vrslynn a, than warth hj u omm- et hirte sa

ys ; men sach hju hjra barn en fryas vrmorde sa swol

hjra bosm fon nocht.



Wonderful Lyda ! She had no regard for laws ; her

actions were governed by her passions. To help the weak

she would kill the strong,and when she had done it she

wou ld weep by their bodies.

Poor Lyda ! She turned grey by her mad behaviour,and

at last she died heart-broken by the wickedness of her

chi ldren . Foolish children ! They accused each other of

their mother’ s death. They howled and foug ht like wolves,

and while they did this the birds devoured the corpse.

Who can refrain from tears at such a recital ?

Finda was yellow, and her hair was like the mane of a

horse. She could not bend a tree,but where Lyda killed

one lion she killed ten.

Finda was seductive. Her voice was sweeter than any

bird’ s. Her eyes were alluring and enticing,but whoever

looked upon them became her slave.

Finda was unreasonable. She wrote thousands of laws,but she n ever obeyed one. She despised the frankness

of the good,and gave herself up to flatterers.

That was her misfortune. Her head was too full, but

her heart was too vain. She loved nobody but herself, and

she wished that all should love her.

False Finda ! Honey- sweet were her words, bu t those

who trusted them found sorrow at hand.

Selfish Finda ! She wished to rule everybody, and her

sons were like her. They made their sisters serve them ,

and they slew each other for the mastery.

Treacherous Finda ! One wrong word would irritate

her,and the cruellest deeds did not affect her. If she

saw a lizar d swallow a spider, she shuddered but if she

saw her children kill a Frisian , her bosom swell ed with



a uke Finda. Ej u stu r f anda blomtid fon hjra léva ,

and- t is jeta tjvester ho hj u fallen sy.

Skinhéliga barn. Vnder kestlike sténa léidon bja hjra

lik dél,mit kwabbjan a skr iftu m sm u kton bja tham vppa,

tograjan de vmbe herath to wer thande men an stiln ise n e

wénadon bja n énen énge tar .

Vr ijfal ik folk. Thi tex thér Finda nei let was in golden

bléder wryt thach tha besta t r - far i makad was , wér i

nammer to not. Tha goda ewa wrdon u tfagad and selfv

sjocht wryte thér kwada far in .

O Finda. Tha warth jrtha fvl biod, and tha haveda

thér manneska majadon thin barn lik gars halma of. Ja

Finda that send tha friichda thinera ydlen ise. Sjan dal

fon thinre wakstar and wen.

Frya. Was wit lik snei bij- t mOrnerad and that blaw

hjrar Ogn u m wn - et jeta there r éinbOge of.

Skéne Frya: Lik strélon there m iddéi svn ne blikadon

hjra héron , thér se fin weron as rach.

Abela Frya. Vn tlvkton hjra wéra, than swégon tha

fiigelon and ne rordon tha blédar navt mar.

Weldi ge Frya. Thrvch thene kraft hjrar blikkar strék

thene lawa to fara hjara fyt dal an d held thene addu r sin

gif tobak.

Rene Frya. e a yta was hu ning and hjra drank was

dawa, gadvrad anda bOsma théra blomm u r .

Lichte Frya. That forma hwat bja hjra barn lerde was

selv—twang, that Othera was lyafte to diiged, and that bjajéroch wrdon , thO. lérde hj u hjam thju wertha fon tha fr ije

dom kanna : hwan d séide hj u svnder fr ijdom send alleOthera diigedon alléna god vmbe jo to slavon a to mak

j ande , jvwe Ofkvmste to évge skan tha.

Milde Frya. Nammer lyt hj u metal u t jr tha dalvavmb ajnbat, men sahwersa bja- t déde wer- et to jahwel ikisnot.


Unfortunate Finda ! She died in the bloom of her

ag e, and the mode Of her death is unknown.

Hypocritical children ! Her corpse was buried under

a costly stone,pompous inscriptions were written on it


and loud lamentations were heard at it,but in private

not a tear was shed.

Despicable peOple ! The laws that Finda established

were written on golden tables,but the object for which

they were made was never attained. The good laws were

abolished,and selfishness instituted bad ones in their

place. 0 Finda ! then the earth overflowed with blood ,and your children were mown down like grass . Yes


Finda those were the fruits of your vanity. Look down

from your watch- star and weep.

Frya was white like the snow at sunrise,and the blue

of her eyes vied with the rainbow.

Beautifu l Frya ! Like the rays of the su n shone the

locks of her hair, which were as fine as spiders’ webs.

Clever Frya When she Opened her lips the birds ceased

to sing and the leaves to quiver.

Powerfu l Frya ! At the glance of her eye the lion lay

down at her feet and the adder withheld his poison.

Pure Frya ! Her food was honey, and her beverage

was dew gathered from the cups of the flowers.

Sensible Frya ! The first lesson that she taught her

children was self- control,and the second was the love Of

virtue ; and when they were grown she taught them the

value of liberty ; for she said, Without liberty all other

v irtues serve to make you slaves , and to disgrace you r

origin .

Generous Frya ! She never allowed metal to be dug

from the earth for her own benefit,but when she did it it

was for the general u se.


Lu kigoste Frya. Alsa tha star-a om jr tha omswyrm ia

swirmadon hjara barn om bja.

Wise Frya. Tha hj u hjra bar n vpbrocht héde alto

there sj u gon de k u y, tha hrop hju - ra alle a Flyland to

samne. Ther jéf se hjam hjra tex, and séide, lét tham

jvwe wéiwisar wésa, the. ne skil that jo na n avt kwalik

n i ga.

U tforkéren a Frya. Tha hj u - t seid hede , bévade jr tha

lik Wr .aldas sé, Flylandis bodem svnk an grade. vnder

hjara fyt dal . Thj u loft wart swart and nylof fon tara

to stir tane and tha bja nei moder omsagon , was hj u al

lang Vppira wakstar . The. to tha lesta sprak tongar u t- a

wolka and blixen schréf an that loftrvm ,wak.

Farsjanda Frya. That land fon hwér hj u was vpfaren

was nw en stram and buta hira tex was thér in ella

bidvlwen hwat fon hjra bOndu m kémen was.

Hér iga barn. Thfi. bja to—ra selva wéron , thamakadoubja thit hage therp , bvwadon thae burch thérvppa, an dawagr am thessawryton bja thene tex, and vmbe that allera

m an n alik bja skolde mnga finda,havath bj a that land

rondomme Texland heten. Thervmbe skil -at bilywa al

wenne jrtha jr tha sy.

TEx Fan s.

Held béid tha Frya,to tha lesta skil u n bja my hwiter

sja. Thach théra allén a mei ik as fry kanna thet n én slaf

is fon On Other u i fon sine tochta. Hyr is min réd.

SOhwersa thju n éd arg sy and gode red and gode ded

nawet mar ne formiige, hrop than thi gast W r .aldas an,

men j n e mot- im n avt anhropa bifara alle thinga prvvathsend. Tha ik segs to jo mith redene and tid skil-et wara,tha modelasa skil u n ammar swika vnder hjar ajn led.

Nylof de kleu r van n ieu w loof ? gee] groen .


Most happy Frya ! Like the starry host in the firmsment

,her children clustered around her.

Wise Frya ! When she had seen her children reach

the seventh generation , she summoned them all to Fly

land, and there gave them her Tex , saying, Let this beyour guide

,and it can never go ill with you.

Exalted Frya ! When she had thus spoken the earthshook like the sea of W r - alda. The ground Of Flylandsunk beneath her feet, the air was dimmed by tears, and

when they looked for their mother she was already risen

to her watching star then at length thunder burst from

the clouds,and the lightning wrote upon the firm amen t

Watch !Far- seeing Frya ! The land from which she had risen

was now a stream, and except her Tex all that was in itwas overwhelmed.

Obedient children ! When they came to themselves

again,they made this high mound and built this citadel

upon it,and on the walls they wrote the Tex, and that

every one should be able to fin d it they called the land

about it Texlan d. Therefore it shall remain as long as

the earth shall be the earth.


s TEx.

Prosperity awaits the free. At last they shall see meagain. Though him only can I recognise as free who is

neither a slave to another nor to himself. Thi s is mycounsel

1 . When in dire distress , an d when mental and phy

sical energy avail nothing, then have recourse to the spirit

of Wr - alda but do not appeal to him before you have

tried all other means, for I tell you beforehand, and timewill prove its truth, that those who give way to discour

agemen t sink under their burdens .

Nglof ; the colou r of new foliage, bright green .


2. Wr .aldas gast méi man alléna kn ibu n ande thank

to wya, ja thrju wara far hwat jv fon him noten have , far

hwat jv nith, and fara hape thér hy jo lét an anga tida.

3. J hawed sjan ho ring ik helpe lénde, dva al On mith

jo neston, men n e tof navt til man jo béden heth, tha

lydande skolde jo floka, min famna skoldon jvwa nama

u tfaga u t- at bok and ik skolde jo lik vnbikan n ade Ofwisa


4 . Nim nammar kn ibu n ande tank fon jv neston an ,thj u s agath W r .aldas gast. Nid skolde j bikrj u pa, wis

dom solde j bilaka and min famna skoldon jo bityga fon


5. Fju wer things send to jvwe n ot jéven , mith nama, loft,wéter , land and fju r . Men W r . alda wil ther allena bi

sittar of wesa. Thervmbe red ik jo, j skil u n jo rj u chtfér

diga manna kyasa, tham thj u arbéd and tha fr iichda nei

rj u chta dela, sethat namman fry fon warka u i fon wera sy.

6. Sahwersa ther amman among jo fvnden warth, ther

sin aj u frydom vrsellath, tham-n - is navt fon jvw folk

hi is en hom ing mith basterd blod. Ik réde jo that jhim and sin mam to that land u tdr iva , ségs that to jvwa

barn,thes mornes, thes m iddeis and thes Owendes, til

thju bja therof drame thes n achtis.

7. Allera mann alik thar en Other fon sine frydom birawath, al were thene Ore him skeldech

, mot ik anda barn

tam éner slafinne fara léta . Thach ik réde jo vmbe sin

lik and that sinera mam vpp On e kale stéd to vrbarnande,aftern éi hjara aske fiftich fyt anda grvnd to dalvane, til

hj u ther n énen garshalm vp waxa u i méi,hwand aldu lkera

gars skolde jvw diaroste kvik dOja.

8. Ne grip u s that folk fon Lyda ner fon Finda an .

Wr .alda skolde helpa hjm ,sa that-at weld that fon jo

u tgong vppa jvwa ajne haveda skolde witherkvma.


9. Sahwersa that machte béra that bja fon juwe red

jefta awet owers wilde, alsa aghat j to helpanehjam . Men

kvm ath bja to rawande ; fal than vppa tham nither lik

blixen ande fjvr .

10. Sahwersa annen fon hjam Oner jvwer toghater u m to

wif gerth and hju that wil , than skol u n j bja hjra dvmhéd

bitjvtha ; thach wil hj u toch hjra fréjar folgja, that bja

than mith frétho ga.

1 1 . Willeth jvw svna fon hjara toghater u m ,sa mot j

alsa dva as mith jvwa toghater u m . Thach hor tha éna

nor tha Othera méi witherkvm a ; hwand bja skoldvn

n thémeda séda and pléga mith fara ; and drei thessa by

jo heldgad wrde, m éi ik n avt longer ovir j 0 wake.

1 2. Vppa m in re fam Fasta hav ik m in hap fastegth ,

thérvmbe most j bja to érem oder néma. Folgath j min

red,than skil hju n émels min fam bilywa and alla frana

famn a thér bja folgja ; than skil thj u foddik namer u tgather ik far jo vpstoken hav. That lj u cht théra skil thanevg jvwe bryn vpklarja, and j skil u n than évin fry bilyvafon vn frya weld as jvwa swits r in stram a fon that salte

wéter thér andelase sé.


Alle setma thér en Ow, that is hvndred jer , omhlapa

m iige mith tha krodar and sin jol , théra m iigon vppa red

there moder,and by ména willa vppa wegar théra bu rgum

wr it hwertha ; send bja uppa wegar writ, than send bja

éwa, and that is vea plicht vmbe altham an éra to hal dande.

Kvm th n éd and tvang vs setma to jévane, stridande wither

vsa éwa and plégu m ,samot man neska dva alsa bja askja ;

thach send bja wéken , than mot man ammer to that alda

witherkéra. That is Fryas willa, and that mot wésa tham

fon al hjra barn.



9. If it should happen that they come to you for advice

or assistance , then it behoves you to help them ; but if

they should rob you,then fall upon them with fire and


10. If any of them should seek a daughter of yours to

wife,and she is willing

,explain to her her folly ; but if

she will follow her lover,let her go in peace.

1 1 . If your son wishes for a daughter of theirs,do the

same as to your daughter ; but let not either one or the

other ever return among you , for they would introduce

foreign morals and customs,and if these were accepted

by you,I could no longer watch over you.

1 2. Upon my servant Fasta I have placed all my

hopes. Therefore you must choose her for E eremoeder .

Follow my advice,then she will hereafter remain my

servant as well as all the sacred maidens who succeed

her. Then shall the lamp which I have lighted for you

never be extin guished. Its brightness shall always

illuminate your intellect,and you shall always remain

as free from foreign domination as your fresh river-water

is distinct from the salt sea.


All the regulations which have existed a century,that

is,a hundred years

,may by the advice of the Eeremoeder


with the consent of the community , he inscribed upon the

walls of the citadel,and when inscribed on the walls they

become laws,and it is ou r duty to respect them all. If

by force or necessity any regulations should be imposed

u pon u s at variance with our laws and customs , we must

submit ; but should we be released, we must always return

to our own again . That is Frya’s will

,and must be that

of all her children.



Alle thinga, thér man an fangja wil, hoka that-at mOga

wesa, vppa tha dei, thér wy Frya heldgad hawa, tham ski

lun evg falykan t n tkvm a neidam tid nw biwysd heth that

hj u riu cht héde, sa is that en ewa wrdon , that man svnder

n éd and tvang a Frya hjra déi nawet owers n i dva neméi,tha blyda férsta fyrja.


l . Sahwersa thér arne ene burch bvwet is , esmot thj u

foddik théra an tha forma foddik et Texland Vpstéken

wrda. Thach that ne mei ni mmer owers as troch tha

moder sken.

2. Ek moder skil hjra aj u famna kjasa ; alsa théra ther

vppa théra Othera burgum as moder send.

3. Thju moder to Texland meI hjra folgster kjasa, thach

sahwersa hj u falth ér hj u - t den heth,sa mot thas keren

hwertha vppa éna mena acht, by rédu m fon alle stata et


4 . Thj u moder to Texland mei On and tvintich famnaand sjvgu n spille mangerta hava, til thj u thér ammer

sjvgu n by there foddik muge wakja deilikes and thes

n achtes. By the. famn a ther vppa ora burgum as moder

thjanja alsa felo.5. SOhwersa en fam annen gada wil

,sa mot hj u -t there

moder melda, and bistonda to tha mann iska kéra, er hjumith hjra tochtige adama that lj u cht bivvlath.

6. Thj u moder and alrek bu rchfam skil man tofo.ande

On and tvintich bu r chéran,sjvg u n alda wisa, sjvgu n alda

kampar, and sjvgu n alda sékamper .



Anything that any man commences,whatever it may

be , on the day appointed for Frya’s worship shall eter

nally fail, for time has proved that she was right ; and it

is become a law that no man shall,except from absolute

necessity, keep that day otherwise than as a joyful feast.



1 . Whenever a citadel is built,the lamp belonging to

it must be lighted at the original lamp in Texland,and

that can only be done by the mother.

2. E very mother shall appoint her own maidens. She

may even choose those who are mothers in other towns .

3. The mother Of Texlan d may appoint her own su c

cessor,but should she die without having done so


election shall take place at a general assembly of the

whole nation .

4 . The mother of Texlan d may have twenty- one maidens

and Seven assistants,so that there m ay always be seven

to attend the lamp day and night. She may have the

same number of maidens who are mothers in other towns.

5. If a maiden wishes to marry, she must announce it

to the mother,and immediately resign her Ofli ce


her passion shall have polluted the light.

6. For the service of the mother and of each of the

B u rgtm aiden s there shall be appointed twenty - one towns

men—seven civilians of mature years,seven warriors of

mature years,and seven seamen of mature y ears.



7. Ther fon skilu n alle j eron to honk kéra thr im fon

elik sjvg u n , thach bja n e mu gon n avt vpfolgath ne wer tha

thrvch hjara sibtal mejar sa tha fjarda kny.

8. Aider m éi thré hvn dred jonga bu rchwér ar hava.

9. Far thissa thjan esta skil u n bja léra Fryas tex and

tha éwa,fon tha wisa mannon thene wisdom , fon tha alda

hérm an non thene kunst fon tha or loch and fond tha séken

ingar thene ku n sta ther bi that bu tafara n éthl ik send.

10. Fon thissa wérar skil u n jér l ikes hvndred to bek

kéra . Thach send thér svme vr lam th wrden,sa mugon

bja vpper burch bilywa hjara elle léva long.

1 1 . By that kjasa fon tha wérar n e m éi n immen fon

thér a burch n én stem n avt n e hava,mi tha grévetman na

jefta Othera haveda , man that blata folk alléna.

1 2. Thj u moder et Texland skil man jéva thrja sjvg u n

fl inka bodon mith thrja twilif rappa horsa. Vppa ora

burgum ek bu rchfam thre bodon mith sjvg u n horsa.

1 3. Ak skil ajder bu r chfam hava fiftich bvwara thrvch

that folk akéren . Men thérto mei man alléna jéva

sokka,thér n avt abel an d stora for wéra n er to bu tafarar

sen d.

14 . Ajder burch mot hiri selva bidru ppa and genera fon

hjra aj u r onddél and fon that del that hj u fon that mark

jeld bi rth .

1 5. Is thér amman kéren vmbe vppa burgum to thjan

jande an d nil—er n avt,than ne m éi- er na n én bu r chhér

wer tha, and du e n én stem n avt n i hava,is er al bu r chhér

sa skil hi thj u ér vr ljasa .

1 6. Sahwersa amman red gért fon there moder, tha fon

One bu rchfam,sa mot hi him selva melde by tha skr ivwer .

Thesee brangth - im by tha bu r chmaster .

Forth mot - i nei tha létsa,that is thene hélener .


m ot Sja jef er ak biséken is fon kvada tochtu m . Is- er god



7. O u t of the seven three shall retire every year,and

shall not be replaced by members of their own family

n earer than the fourth degree.

8. E ach may have three hundred young townsmen as


9. For this service they must study Frya’

s Tex and the

laws. From the sages they must learn wisdom,from the

warriors the art of war, and from the sea-kings the skill

required for distant voyages.

1 0. E very year one hundred of the defenders shal l

return to their homes , and those that may have been

wounded shall remain in the citadels.

1 1 . At the election of the defenders no burgher or

Grevetm an,or other person of distinction

,shall vote


only the people.

12. The mother at Texland shall have three times seven

active messengers,and three times twelve speedy horses .

In the other citadels each maiden shall have three mes

sengers and seven horses.

1 3. Every citadel shall have fifty agriculturists chosen

by the people,but only those may be chosen who are n ot

stron g enough to go to war or to go to sea.

1 4 . Every citadel must provide for its own sustenance ,and must maintain its own defences

,and look after its

share of the general contributions.

1 5. If a man is chosen to fill any office and refuses to

serve,he can never become a burgher, nor have any vote.

And if he is already a burgher, he shall cease to be so.

1 6. If any man wishes to consult the mother or a

B u rgtmaid,he must apply to the secretary, who will take

him to the B u rgtmaster . He will then be examined by a

surgeon to see if he is in good health. If he is passed,


tha vn dvath hi him selva fon sinum wOpn a, an d sjvg u n

wOrar brOn gath him by thOre moder.

1 7.Is thj u sOk vr On e stOte sa n e mu gon thOr n avt

miner thOn thrO bodon kvm a is- t vr - t Olla F ryaSlOnd,

than moton thOr jeta sjvg u n tj u ga bywOsa . Thér u mbe

thOt er nOn kva formvda n avt risa n e mOi nor SkalkhOd

dOn n e wrde.

1 8.By alle sOku m mot tha moder walda Ond njvda thOt

hjra bOrn , thOt is Fryas folk, SO m Ot- rik bilywa as that

wésa m Oi. That is thi grOtesta hjrar plichta, and vs alra

vmb- er thOr an to hOlpan de.

1 9. Hat man bja by On e rj u chtl ika sOke anhr Open

vmb- er u tsprOk twisk annen grOvetm an On d tha mOnte,

and findath hj u thj u sOke tvivelik, SO mot hj u to bOte fon

thOr m On te sprOka til thj u thOr frOtho kvm a,and thrvch

tham thOt bOtre sy that On man vn rj ncht dOn wrde thOn


20. Kvm th hwa vmb rOd and t thj u moder rOd, sa

Och hj u tham bystonda to jOvane, t hj u byston da nOn

rOd,SO mOi hj u wachtja lOta sjvgu n dég u m . W ét hj u thOn

nach nOn rOd,sa mugon bja hinne brfida

,an d bja mfigon

hjra selva n avt biklagja, til thj u nOn rOd bOtre is thi n

kva rOd.

21 . Heth en moder Orge rOd jOven u t kvada willa,SOmot

mOn bja dOja jefta u t of landu m dryva stokn aken and blat.

22. Send hj ra bnrct ra mOdeplichtich , thOn dvath man

alsa mith tham.

23. Is hjra skild tvivel ik jefta blOt formoda,SO.mot mOn

thOr - vr thingja an d sprOka, is—t nOdich,On Ond twin tich

wyka long. S tem th tba hald l skildich,SO. halde man

bja vr vn skildich,td e SO. wacht man jeta en fvl jOr .

Stemth mOn thOn alsa, SO. mOi mOn bj a sk ildich halda,

tha n avt n i dOja.


24. SOhwersa svme among thOt thr im na send tham bja

alsa Ser vn skildich mOne that bja bja folgja wille , SO mugon

bja thOt dva mith al hjara dr iwan de and tilbar a hOva Ond

namman acht hjam thOr ovir min to achtian e, til thj u thOt

mOra dOl alsa blyd kOn dwOla sa thOt mi u ra del .


1 . Alle frya bar n send a Olike wyse bOrn . Thervmbe

moton bja Ok Olika rj u chte hOva, alsa blyd vpp- at lOnd as

vpp-Oth O

,that is wéter and vp ella thOt W r .alda jefth.

2. Allera m ann alik mOi- t wif sinra kOsa frej a and ek

toghater mOi efter hjra helddrvnk bjada thOr hj u m in th.

3. Heth hwa en wif n im th,SO jOft mOn hjam bu s and

WOW . N- is thOr nOn ; sa mot-Ot bvwat wrde.

4 . Is- sr nei en Other thorp gongon vmb en wif and wil

hi thOr bilywa, SO mot mOn him thér en hus en warf jOwa

bij onka thOt not fon tha hOm r ik.

5. Al lera m annal ik mot mOn en OfterdOl aswOrf by sina

hus jOva. Tha n imman ne mOi en farde l by sin hus nOva,fiil min en ronddél. AllOna ief hwa en dad dOn heth to

mOna n itha, sa mOi him that jOven wrde. Ak mOi sin

jongste svn that erva. After tham mot thOt thorp that

wither nima.

6. Ek thorp skil en hemrik hé’tva nOi sina bihof and

thOn e grOva skil njvda that alra ek sin dOl bidon gth Ond

god bald, til thj u tha after kvmmande n én skOde n avt n e

lyda ne muge.

7. Ek thorp m éi en mark hava to kap find to vrkap iefta

to wan delja. Alle- t Ora land skil bvw Ond wald bilyva.

Tha tha. bama thOra n e mOi n imman n avt falla, buta mOna

réda and buta t a thes waldgréva, hwand tha walda send

to mOn a nithe. Thervmbe ne mOi n imman thOr master

Of sa.


24 . If any of the one- thirdwho have voted for her wish

to go away with her,they may depart with all their live

and dead stock,and shall not


be the less considered,since

the majority may be wrong as well as the minority.


1 . All free- born men are equal,wherefore they must all

have equal rights on sea and land,and on all thatWr - alda

has given .

2. E very m an may seek the wife of his choice,and

every woman may bestow her han d on him whom she

loves .

3. When a man takes a Wife,a house and yard must

be given to him. If there is none,one must be built

for him.

4 . If he has taken a wife in another village,and wishes

to remain,they must give him a house there

,and likewise

the free u se of the common .

5.-TO every man must be given a piece of land behind

his house. N0 man Shall have land in front of his house,

s till less an enclosure,unless he has performed some public

service. In such a case it may be given,and the youngest

son may inherit it,but after him it returns to the com


6. Every village Shall possess a common for the general

good,and the chief of the Village Shall take care that

it is kept in good order,so that posterity Shall find it


7. E very village Shall have a market—place . All the

rest of the land shall be for tillage and forest. NO on e

Shall fell trees without the consent of the community, or

without the knowledge of the forester ; for the forests are

general property,and no m an can appropriate them.


8. As mOrkjeld ne mOi that thorp n avt mOr n i n imma 8a

tha tillif te dél fon tha skat, hor fon tha inhémar ner fon

tha tOrhOm ande. Ak ne mOi the. mark skat n avt Or vrsel

lath* n e wertha as thOt Ora god.

9. Alle- t markjeld mot jOr likes dOlath wrde, thrja dOgan

far thOre joldOi, an hvndred dOl u n to dOlande.

10. Thi grOvetm an mit sinum grOvu m skil thér of bura

twin tich dOla ; thOne mOrk rj u chter tian dOla, and sinum

helpar , fif dOla ; thj u folkesm oder On dOl ; thj u ga moder

fjvwer dOla ; that thorp tian dOla ; tha arma, that is théra

tham n avt warka u i kunna ni muge, fiftich dOla.

1 1 . ThOra,them to mOrka kvma

,n e m iigon n avt n i wo

keria,kvmath thOr svm ,

sa is- t thOra fam n a plicht hjam

kanhOr to makjan a in ~ vr thOt Olle land,til thj u bja nim

merths kOren n avt wrde to eng ampt,hwan d soka hOvath

en gyra- lik hirte,vmbe skat to garja skolde bja ella vrrOda,

that folk, thjv moder, hj ara sibben and tho tha lesta hjara


1 2. IS thOr Omman alsa Org that- er Sjvcht- Siak fi a jeftha

vrdOren wér vrsel lath vr hOl god,sa m ot thene mOrk- rj u ch

tar him wOra Ond tha famn a him noma invr - et Olle land.

In Ora tyda hOmadon Findas folk m Ost algadnr invt hjara

moders bOrta- land , m it nOm a aid- land that nw vn der—HeSO leith ; bja wOron thus fOr- of

,thOrvmbe nOdon wi ak nOn

or loch, tha bja vrdrOven send and hOinda kOmon to rawan e,

tha kOm - sr fon selva lan dwOr hOrm an n a kOn inggar and

orloch, Vr altham kOm on setm a and uta setma kOmon Owa.


1 . Ek Fryas mot- a lOtha jeftha fyanda wOra mith aldul

kera wOpne as - er forsin na, bikvma Ond handtéra méi.

Dc mOrkskat werd in goederen betaald.


8. The market charges shall n ot exceed one- twelfth of

the val u e of the goods either to natives or strangers.The

portion taken for the charges Shall not be sold before theother goods.

9. All the market receipts must be divided yearly into ahundred parts three days before the Juul- day.10. The Grevetm an and his council shall take twenty

parts ; the keeper Of the market ten,and his assistants

five ; the Volksmoeder one , the midwife four, the village

ten , and the poor and infirm shall have fifty parts.1 1 . There Shall be no usurers in the market.If any should come

,it will be the duty of the maidens to

make it known thr ough the whole land , in order that such

people may not be chosen for any office,becau se they are


For the sake of money they would betray everybody

the people,the mother , their nearest relations , and even

their own selves .

1 2. If any man should attempt to sell diseased cattle ordamaged goods for sound

,the market- keeper shall expel him


and the maidens shall proclaim him through the country.In early times almost al l the Finns lived together in

their native land,which was called Al dland

,and is now

submerged. They were thus far away,and we had no wars.

When they were driven hitherwards , and appeared as rob

bers,then arose the necessity of defending ourselves, and

we had armies,kings

,and wars.

For all this there were established regulations , and out

Of the regulations cam e fixed laws.


1 . Every Frisian must resist the assailants with such

weapons as he can procure,invent, and use.

The market d u es were paid in kin d.


2.Is en boi twilif j er, sa mot- i tha sjvg u nde dOi

miste fon sin lOr - tid vmbe rOd to werthande mith - a


3. IS hi bikvmen , sa jOve mOn him wOpne Ond hi warth

to wOrar l gen .

4 .Is hi thre jOr wOrar , SO wOr th

- i burch- hér Ond mOi hi

hOlpa Sin bOwed-manna to kjasane.

5.Is hwa sjvgu n jOr kjasar , SOmOi hi helpa en hOrman

jeftha kOn ing to kjasan e, thOr to Ok kOren wrde.

6. Alle jOr mot- er ovir kOren wer tha.

7. B u ta tha kOn ing mugon alle ambtman na wither kOren

wer tha,tham rj u cht dva Ond n Oi fryas rOd.

8. Annen kOn ing ne mOi n avt u i lOnger as thrO j er

kOn ing bilywa, til thj u hi n avt biklywa ne mOi.

9. Heth- i sjvgu n jOr rest, SO mOi hi wither kOren wertha.

10. Is thi kOn ing thr u ch thene fyand fallen , SO m iigon

sina sibba Ok nOi thére Ore thinga.

1 1 . Is- er Vppa sin tid Ofgvngen jeftha binna Sin tid

stu rven , SO ne m éi nOn Sibba him vpfolja, thOr - im nOiar sy

sa tha fjarde kny.

1 2. ThOra tham strida mi tha wOpn e an hjara handa n‘


ku n n ath navt forsin na Ond wis bilywa, thOrvmbe ne focht

eth nOnekOn ingwOpne to han tOra an the. strid. S in wisdom

mot sin wOpen wOsa Ond thj u ljafte sinra kOmpona mot sinskyld wOsa.


1 . Sahwersa orloch ku mth,send tha moder hira bodon

nOi tha kOn ing , thi kOn ing send bodon néi tha grOvetmanna vmbe lOnd—wOr .

2 . Tha grOvetmanna hropath alle burch-héra et sémne

and birédath ho felo manna bja skil u n stj u ra.


2. When a boy is twelve years old he must devote one

day in seven to learn ing how to u se his weapons.3. A S soon as he is perfect in the use of them they

are to be given to him,and he is to be admitted as a


4 . After serving as a warrior three years,he may become

a citizen , and may have a vote in the election of theheadman .

5. When he has been seven years a voter he then m ay

have a vote for the chief or king,and may be him self


6. Every year he must be re—elected.7. Except the kin g, all other Officials are re- eligible

who act according to Frya’

s laws.

8. NO king may be in office more than three years, in

order that the ofi ce m ay not be permanent.

9. After an interval of seven years he may be elected


10. If the king is killed by the enemy,his nearest rela

tive may be a candidate to succeed him.

1 1 . If he dies a natural death, or if his period of service

has expired,he shall not be s u cceeded by any blood rela

tion nearer than the fourth degree .

1 ° Those who fight with arms are not men of counsel,

therefore no king must bear arms. His wisdom must be

his weapon,and the love of his warriors his shield.


1 . If war breaks out, the mother sends her messengers to

the king,who sends messengers to the Grevetmen to call

the citizens to arms.

2.The Grevetmen call all the citizens together and

decide how many men Shall be sent.


3.Alle bislnta thOra m oton ring nOi thOre moder senden

wertha mith bodon Ond tjugum.

4 . Thj u moder lOth alle bisln ta gaderja On d jOfth et gul

du ctal,thOt is thOt m iddeltal fon alle bislnta etsOmne


thOrm itha mot mOn far thOt forma frOto ha Ond thene

kening alsa.

5.Is thj u wOra a kOmp , thOn hoft thi kOn ing allOna mith

sinum havedm an n a to rOda, thach thOr moton Ommerthe

thrO burch- hOra fon thOre moder fOran a Sitta svn der stem.

Thissa burch-hOra moton dOjalikis bodon n Oi thOre moder

senda,til thj u hj u t a mu ge j ef thOr awet dOn wOrth


str idan de With - a Owa jeftha with Fryas rOdjevinga.

6. Wil thi kOn ing dva Ond sina rOda n avt, SO mOi hi

thOt n avt vnderstonda.

7. Kvm th- ene fyand vnwar l inga, thOn mot man dva sa

thene kOn ing bith.

8. Nis thene kOn in g n avt vppet pat, SO mot mOn sin fol

gar hOr ich wOsa of tham- is folgar alon t tha lesta.

9. Nis thOr nOn havedm an,SO kjase mOn hwa.

10. Nis thOr nOn tid, SOwOrpa hi him to havedman thOr

im weldich fOleth .

1 1 . Heth thene kOn ing en frOsal ik folk Ofslagen , SO mu

gon sina after kvm an de S in nOma Ofter hj ara Ojn e fora ; wil

thene kOn ing , SO mOi- er vppen vnbibvwade stOd en plOk u t

kjasa to bu s Ond erv. ThOt erv m éi en rond—dOl wOsa sa

grOt thOt hi fon alle Sidu m sjvgu n hvndred trOdu n u t of

Sine hus mOi blapa , Or hi an sina rOn a kvm th .

12. Sin jongste svn mOi thOt god erva,Ofte tham tham

is jongste, thOn skil mOn that wither n imm a.


l . Sahwersa thOr Owa vrwrocht wrde jefta a a setma


tavlikt,alsa mot- et to mOn a n itha SkOn , men nOmmer to

bOta fon enkeldera mOn n iSka, her fon enkelder a Slachta,

ner fon enkeldera stOta , n ach fon awet that enkel

2 . Sahwersa orloch kvm t Ond thOr wrde husa hom ljat

jeftha skOpa, hok that et sy, sy- et thrvch thene fyand, tha

by mOna rOdu m,SO ach tha mOna mOn ta , thOt is al - et folk

to sOm n e that wither to bOlen e; thOr vmbe that nOmman

tha mOn a SOka Skil helpa vr ljasa. vmbe Sin Oj u god to


3. I S orloch vrthOjan , Ond send thOr SVm ,alsa vrdOren

that bja navt longer wOrka ne n on,SO mot tha mOna

mOn te hjam vnderhalda,by tha fOrstnm achon bja foran a to

S ittan a, til thj u tha jUged skil Ora hjam .

4 . Send thOr d von Ond WOSOH kOmon, SO mot mOn hja

Ok vnderhalda Ond tha svn a mu gon thi nOma hjarar tOta

vpp- ira skildum writa hjara S lachtha to Orane.5. Send thOr svm thrvch thene fyand fat Ond kvmath hja

to bOk,SO mot mOn hjam fOr fon thOt kOmp of fora, hwand

bja m achton fry lOten wOsa by arge loftu m Ond than ne

mugon hja hjara lofta n avt u i halda Ond toch Orlik


6. Jef wi selwa fyanda fOta, SO brOnge Inon tham djapanda landa wOi, mOn lOrth hja vsa frya sOde.

7. LOt mOn hja Ofter nOi t pa, SO lOt mOn thOt mith wel

hOd thrvch tha m n a dva,til thj u wi Otha Ond frj u nda

winna fori lOtha On d fyandu n .


Sahwersa thOr Onm an is thOm ta Org that hi vsaswetsar birawath

, morth- dedu n dvat husa barn th,

m angOrtha SkOn th, hok thOt- et sy, thOt Org sy, Ond

vsa swetn ata willon thOt wroken hOva,

SO is thOt

rj u cht thOt mOn thene dOder fOtath Ond an hj ara Oju


established, they must be for the common good , and not

for individual advantage.

2. Whenever in time of war either ships or houses are

destroyed, either by the enemy or as a m atter of precaution

,a general levy shall be assessed on the people to

make it good again,so that no one may neglect the

general welfare to preserve his own interest.3. At the conclusion of a war

,if any men are so

severely wounded as to be un able to work,they Shall be

maintained at the public expense,and Shall have the best

seats at festivals,in order that the young m ay learn to

honour them.

4 . If there are widows and orphans,they shall likewise

be maintained at the public expense ; and the sons m ay

inscribe the n ames of their fathers on their Shields for the

honour of their families.

5. If any who have been taken prisoners Should return,

they must be kept separate from the cam p,because they

may have Obtained their liberty by m aking treacherous

promises,and thus t hey may avoid keeping their pro

mises without forfeiting their honour.

6. If any enemies be taken prisoners, they must be sent

to the interior of the cou ntry,that they m ay learn our free


7.If they are afterwards set free , it must be don e

with kindness by the maidens,in order that we may

make them com rades and friends , instead of haters and




If any one should be SO Wicked as to commit robbery,murder



,or any other crime , u pon a neighbour

ing state,and ou r people wish to inflict punish

ment,the culprit Shall be put to death in the presence


warda dOjath , til thj u thOr vr nOn orloch ne kvme,wOr thrvch

tha vn skOldiga skolde bota fori tha SkOldiga. W illath hja

him Sin lif bihalda lOta Ond thj u e ka Ok pja lOta , SOmOi

mOn thOt dOja. Thach is then bona en kOn ing , grOvetman,

grOva hwa thOt- et sy, tham ovira SOda mot k a,SOmoton

wi thOt kwad bOterja men ta bona mot Sin straf hO.

Forth hi en OrenOm a vppa Sine Skeld fon sina Othel u n , SO

n emugon sina Sibba thi nOm a n avt lOnger n e fora. ThOr

vmbe thOt hi One Sibba svrg ski l hOva ovira SOda thOra Othera.


Alle fryes svn a hOva lika rj u chta, thOrvmb mu gon Olle

fl inka ku Opa hjara self as bu tafOrar melda by tha OldermOn

Ond thisse ne mOi him nit Ofwisa, wara thOt er nOn sted is.

2. Tha stj u r ar mugon hj ara Ojn mOstr u n noma.

3. Tha kOpljvd moton kOren Ond binom ath wer tha thrvch

tha mOn te thOr - et god hOreth Ond tha stj u rar ne m iigon

thOr by nOn stem M n .

4 . Jef mOn vppe re i s bifin th thOt thene kOn ing Org jefta

vnbikvmmen is , SOmu gon hja en Ora n imma ; kvm on hja to

bOk,SOmOi thene kOn ing him selfbiklagja by tha OldermOn .

5. Kvm th thOr flOte to honk Ond sin thOr bOta,SOmoton

tha stj u rar thOr of en thr im ene hOva,

alth u S to dOlan de,thi

witkOn ing twilf mOn - is dOla,thi Skolt by nacht sj u g u n dOla,

tha bOtInOnn a ek twa dOla,thi skipr u n ek thrO dOla


Ora Skip- is folk ek On dOl. Tha jongste pren tar ek en

thr imn ath, tha m idlosta ek en half- dOl Ond tha Oldesta ek

en td n ath .

6. Sin thOr svme vr lameth , SO mot- a mOna mOn te njvdafar hjara lif, Ok moton hja fOran a Sitta by tha mOna fOrsta,by h u sl ika fOrsta

, jO by alle fOrsta.

S tj u rar , van hier do n aam Stu m by Pliniu s.


of the offended,in order that no war may arise

,and the

innocent suffer for the guilty. If the offended will Spare

his life an d forego their revenge,it may be permitted. If

the culprit Should be a king, Grevetm an

,or other person

in authority , we must make good his fault, but he mustbe punished.

If he bears on his Shield the honourable n ame of h isforefathers

,his kinsmen Shall no longer wear it

,in order

that every m an may look after the conduct of his rela



Nacigator is tlze title of tizose w/io maizeforeign voyages.

1 . All Frya’s sons have equal rights

,and every stalwart

youth may offer himself as a navigator to the Olderman,

who may not refuse him as long as there is any vacancy.

2. The n avigators may choose their own masters .

3. The traders must be chosen and named by the

community to which they belong, and the n avigators have

n o voice in their election .

4 .If during a voyage it is found that the king is bad

or incompetent, another may be put in his place , and on

the return home he may make his complaint to the Older

man .

5. If the fleet returns with profits , the sailors may

divide one- third among themselves in the following

manner The king twelve portions , the admiral seven , the

boatswains each two portions,the captains three, and the

rest of the crew each one part ; the youngest boys each

one- third of a portion,the secon d boys half a portion

each,and the eldest boys two- thirds of a portion each.

6.If any have been disabled , they must be maintained

at the public expense,an d honoured in the same way as

the soldiers.

S tj u ram, from this is derived the word S ta rii in Pliny.F


7. Sin thOr vppa tocht vmku me,SO moton hjara nOstu n

hjara dOl erva.

8. Sin thOr d ven On d wOson fon kvmen SO mot thju

mOntehja vnder-halda ; sin hja an Oure kase felth , sa miigon

tha svna thi nOma hjarar tOta vppir a Skeldu n fora.

9. Sin thOr pren tara* forfaren , sa moton sina erva en

OI mannis dOl hOva.

10.Was hi forSOith

,SO mOi S in brud sju gu n mannis

dOl u n aska vmbe hir a fryad u lf en stOn to to wjande, m ar

thOn mot bja for tha Ore d ve bilyva lOva lOng.

l l . Sahwersa en mOn te en flOte to rOth , moton tha rOdar

njvda fOra beste liftochtu n Ond fOr w if Ond bOrn .

12. Jef en stj u rar of On d Orm is , Ond hi heth hu S nach

erv,SO mot im that jon wer tha. Nil by nOn hus nach erv,

sa m iigon sin fr iu ndu n hem tus nOm a On d thj u mOnte mot

et bOtera nOi sina stOt,wara thOt sin fr iu nda thene bOta



Min no i was en alde SOkOn ing , sjan er On d wisgyrich.

An tha KrOtar heth- i Owa jOven . Hi is bOrn an tha

Lindawrda, Ond nOi al Sin witherfOra heth hi thOt luk

noten umbe to Lindahem to Sterve.

Sahwersa vsa swethn ata en dOl lOnd hOve jeftha t ir ,

that vs god tolikt, se focht- et vs vmbe that a kOp to frOja,n illath hj a thOt n avt ne dva, than mot mOn hja that bihalda

lOta. That is n 'Oi Frya- his tex Ond- ct skolde vn rjncht wOsa

to vn thandana that.

Sahwersa thOr swethn ata et sOmna kyva Ond sana

vr enga Séka,the. VT land

,and bj a vs frej a en ordél

to Spréka, sa ach m an thOt rOder Ofterwéja to lOtane,

Prentar,nog Op Texel een (st u nrmans) leerling.

1“ Minn o, Minos (de ou de).


7. If any have died on the voyage , their neares t rela

tives inherit their portion .

8. Their widows and orphans must be maintained at the

public expense ; an d if they were killed in a sea‘fight, their

sons may bear the names of their fathers on their shields.

9. If a topsailm an is lost, his heirs Shall receive a

whole portion .

10. If he was betrothed , his bride may claim seven

portions in order to erect a monument to her bridegroom,

but then She must remain a widow all her life.

1 1 . If the community is fitting out a fleet,the purveyors

must provide the best provisions for the voyage , and for

the women and children.

12. If a sailor is worn out and poor, and has no house or

patrimony,one must be given him. If he does not wish

for a bon se,his friends may take him home ; and the com

munity must bear the expense,unless his friends decline

to receive it.


Minno was an ancient sea-king. He was a seer and a

philosopher,and he gave laws to the Cretans. He was

born at Lin daoord, and after all his wanderings he had

the happiness to die at Lindahem .

If our n eighbours have a piece Of land or water which it

wou ld be advantageous for u s to pos sess,i t is proper that

we Should Offer to buy it. If they refuse to sell it,we

must let them keep it. This is Frya’s Tex

,and it would

be unjust to act contrary to it.

If‘ any of our neighbours quarrel and fight about

any matter except land, and they request us to

arbitrate,our best course will be to decline ; but if

Pronto/r , still u sed in Texel to designate a pilot ’s apprentice.1‘ Minn a, Minos (the Ancien t ).


tach sa man thOr n avt buta ne kan,sa mot man thOt erl ik

Ond rj u cht rdich dva.

Kvm th thOr hwa Ond Seith , ik hOv orloch,nw most- v mi

helpa jeftha en Ora kvm th Ond SOith , min svn is vnjOrich

Ond vnbikvmmen , Ond ik bin ald, nw wild- ik thi to wOran

stew ovir hini Ond ovir min land stOlla, til hi j erich sy,

sa ach man that wOigarja , til thju wi nawt an twist

ne kvme ne m iige vr SOka str idande with vsa frya

SOdu m .

Sahwersa thOr kvm th en vr lan disk kapman vppa tolOt

mOrk et Wyr ingga tha to A lm an land Ond hi bidroght, se

warth -er bistonda mOrk- bOten On d kanbOr mOkad trvch tha

m na invt et Ole land. Kvm th - er thOn to bOk,sa ne skil

n imman kOpja fon him ,by mOi hinne brfida sa- r kvmen is.

Thus, sahwersa

- r kOplj u d kOren wrde vmbe wr - a merka to

gO, jeftha mith- e flOt to fOrane,sa ach man allOn a aldu lkera

to kjasane tham mOn tyge by tyge kOn th Ond an en goda

hrop stOne by tha m n a. BOr th- et n avt to min that-sr en

Org man mOng sy, tham tha lj u d bitrogha wil, sa agon tha

ora thOt to wOran e. Het- i- t—al dOn sa mot mOn thOt bOterja,Ond thene m iSdOdar u t of lOndu m banna

,til thj u vsa nOma

vral m ith Orane skil wet tha bin om ath.

Men jefwir vsvppen vrlandiska mOrkt finda, sy

-et heinde

jeftha fOr , Ond bOr th—et thOt—st folk vs let dvath jefthabistOlleth

,SO agon wy mith haste hOi to to slam


afSkOn wy Olla agon to dvande vmbe frOtho willa, vsa half

brother n e mugon vs nimmer m in achtja nach wOna that

wi ange send.

In min j iiged hOv ik wel Onis mort overa bOnda thOraOwa, Ofter hOv ik Frya often tanked vr hjra tex, Ond vsa

Othla vr tha Owa thOr thOrnOi tavl ikt send.

Wr .alda jeftha Alfoder heth mi fOlo jOren jOven ,invt fOlO landa Ond SOa hOv ik omme fOren Ond nOi

al hwa ik sjan hO, bin ik vrtjfigad that wi allOna


trvch Alfoder u tforkOren send, Owa to hOvande. Lydas folk

n e mOi nOn Owa to mi ande Hi to hOldan de, hja send to

dvm Ond wil d thOr to. FOlo slachta Findas send snOd enoch ,

men hja send gyr ich , hOct rande,falsk, vnkfIs Ond mort

Sjochtich.Poga blésath hjara selva Vppa, Ond hja n e mii

gath nawet than krupa. For ska hropath wOrk, wOrk, Ond

bja. ne dvath nawet as hippa Ond kl u chtmi a. Tha roka

hropath SpOr , spOr ,men hja stOlon Ond vrslyn ath al wat vnder

hjara sn avela kvm ath. Lik al tham is thOt Findas folk,

hja bogath immer ovir goda Owa ek wil setm a m i a vmb

et k d to wOrane, men selva nil n imm an theran bonden

wOsa. ThOra hwam—his gOst that lestigoste sy Ond thOrtrvchster ik, tham- his hOn e krOjath kOn ing Ond tha Oro moton al

wenna an Sin weld vnderwu rpen wOsa, til en Other kvmth

thOr - im fon-a SOtel drywet. ThOt word Owa is to frOn vmbe

an mOn a Séka to nomande. Thervmbe heth mOn vs Ovin

sega lOr th. Ewe thOt sOit setma thOr bi aller mOn n iska elikan hjara mod pren th send, til thju hja muge t a hwat rju cht

On d vn rjn cht sy Ond hwér trhvch hja weldich send vmbe hjara

OjnedOda Ond tham fon Orum to birj u chtande, thOt wil sedsa

alsanOka hja god Ond navt m isdédich vpbrocht send. Ak is

er jet- en Ora Sin an fOst. Ewa seit ak,Olik t er—lik ; rj u cht

Ond Slj u cht as t er that thrvch nOn stornewind jeftha awet

owers vrstoren is. Warth weter vrstoren, sewarth- et vnOwa ,

vn rjnch t, mem et nygt n vmbe wither Owa to wer thande.

that lOith an Sin fon selvhéd, alsa tha nygu ng to rju cht Ondfrydom in Fryas bern leith. Thessa nyg u ng bOvath wi

trvch Wr .aldas gOst, vsa foders, thOr in Fryas bern bogtb,thOrvm be skil hju vs Ok n biklywa. Ewa is Ok thet OraS innebyld fonW r .aldasgOst, thOr n rj u cht Ond vnforstorenbilywath, afskOn

- et an l ichOme Org to gOit. Ewa Ond vn forstoren send tha mOrka thOra wisdom Ond rj u chtférdict d


are chosen by A lvader to have laws. Lyda’s people can

neither make laws nor Obey them,they are too stupid and

uncivilised. Many are like Finda. They are clever

enough,but they are too rapacious

,hau ghty



moral,and bloodthirsty.

The toad blows himself out,but he can only crawl.

The frog cries Work,work but he can do nothing but

hop and make himself ridiculous. The raven cries Spare,

spare ; but he steals and wastes everything that he gets

into his beak.

Finda’s people are just like these. They say a great

deal about making good laws,and every on e wishes to

make regulations against misconduct,but does not wish

to submit to them himself. Whoever is the most

crafty crows over the others , and tries to make them

submit to him,till another comes who drives him off his


The word Eva is too sacred for common u se, therefore

m en have learned to say Evin.

Eva mean s that sentiment which is implanted in the

breast of every man in order that he may know what is

right and what is wrong, and by which he is able to judge

his own deeds and those of others ; that is, if he has been

well and properly brought up. E va has also another

meaning ; that is , tranquil , smooth , like water that is not

stirred by a breath of wind. If the water is disturbed it

becomes troubled,uneven

,but it always has a tendency to

return to its tranquil condition. That is its nature , just

as the inclination towards justice and freedom exists in

Frye’ s children . We derive this disposition from the

spirit Of ou r father W r - alda,which speaks strongly in


s ch ildren , and will eternally remain SO. E ternity

is an other Symbol of W r a alda , who remains always just

and u nchangeable.

E ternal and unalterable are the Signs wisdom and rec


thOr fon alla frém o mOnn iska socht Ond trvch alla rj u chtera

bisOten wrden mot. W illath tha mOn n iska thus setm a Ond

domarm i a, thOr alan god bilywa On d allee ikes, semoton

bja Olik wOsa to fara alle mOn n iska ; nOi thisse Owa achat!tha rj u chtera hjara ordOl u t to kOthande. IS thOr eng k .

dOn,hWOrvr nOn Owa tavl ikt send, sa mot mOn On e mOna

acht bilidsa ; thOr ordOlth mOn nOi tba sin thOr Wr .aldas

gOst an vs kOth vmbe over ella rju cht rdich to birj u ch

tande,althu s to dvande n e skil vs ordOl nOmmer fOlikant

u t ne kvma. Ne dvath mOn nOn rju cht men vn rjn cht, alsa

rist thOr twist Ond twispal t emong tha mOn n iska Ond stata,

thOr u t Spr ii t in lan diska orloch , t rthrvch ella hom ljath

Ond vrdOren wOr th . Men,0 dvt d. DOhwila wi to

dvande Send ekkor u m to SkOdane, kvm th- ct n idige folk

Findas mith hj ara falska prester u m jvw hOva to rOwande,

jvwa toghatera to skOndane, jvwa SOda to vrdva Ond to tha

lesta klOppath hja SlOvona banda om jahwelikes frya hals.


Tha NyhellOn ia tham fon hira Ojn nOmeMin- erva hOte,god SOten was Ond thaKrOkalander r hja to met even hOrde

m in ade as vs Ojn folk, thO kOmon thOr svme forsta. Ond

prestera vppe- ra burch Ond frej on Min- erva t r of hjra

erva l on . NyhellOn ia andere , min a erva drOg ik cm

in mina bosm,t t ik urvan hOv is ljafde vr wisdom,

rj u cht Ond frydom ,hOv ik tham vr lOren

,alsa ben ik

Olik an the. m inn iste jvvar l vonen a. Nw jOv ik rOd vm

nawet, men than skold ik vrkOpja tham. Tha hOra gvngon

wei , Ond hr ipon al lakan de, jvwer hOroga thjan ra, wisa Hel

lOn ia. Thach thOrm itha miston hja hjara dol, hwan d thOt

folk thOt hja m in nade Ond hja folgade, nam this nOme to - n

Ore nOme an. Tli a hja SOgon thOt hjara Skot mist hOde,

Nyhellen ia, Nehalenn ia.

1' Krekaland, betKreken land, zoowel Groot Gr ieken land alsGrieken land zelf.


titu de, which must be sought after by all pious people, and

must be possessed by all judges. If,therefore

,it is desired

to make laws and regulations which Shall be permanent,

Athey must be equal for all men . The judges must pro

nounce their decisions according to these laws. If anycrime is committed respecting which no law has been

made, a general assembly of the people Shall be called,where judgment Shall be pronoun ced in accordance with

the inspiration of W r - alda’ s Spirit. If we act thus,our

judgment will never fail to be right.

If instead of doing right,men will commit wrong


will arise quarrels and differences among people and states.

Thence arise civil wars,an d everything is thrown into con

fusion and destroyed ; and, O foolish people ! while you

are injuring each other the spiteful Finda’ s people with

their false priests come and attack your ports , ravish your

daughters,corrupt your morals

,and at last throw the

bonds of Slavery over every freeman ’ s neck.


When Nyhalen n ia, whose real name was Min- erva, was


,and the Krekalan ders loved her as well

as our own people did, there came some princes and priests

to her citadel and asked Min- erva where her possessions

lay. Hellen ia answered, I carry my possessions in my

Own bosom. What I have inherited is the love of wisdom,

justice, and freedom. If I lose these I Shal l become as

the least of your Slaves ; n ow I give advice for nothing,

but then I should sell it. The gentlemen went away

laughing and saying,Your humble servants, wise Hellen ia.

But they missed their object,for the people took up this

name as a name of honour. When they saw that

Nghellen ia or Neha len n ia .

l' Krekaland, the Kreken land means Magna Grecia aswell as Greece.


thO gvngon hja hja bihlvda Ond sOidon that hju - t folk hex~

nad hOde,men vs folk Ond tha gOda KrOkalandar wOrde

aller wOikeS that-et laster wOre. Enis kOmon hja Ond frO

gon,as thv thOn nOn thjon ster n e biste, bwet dOist that;l

mitha Oj ar tham thv altid bi thi hoste. Min-erva andere,thisse Oj ar send that S in ebyld fon Fryas rOdjOvinga , wOrin

vsa tokvmste forholen t it On d fon Ol thOt mOnn eskalik

slachte ; tid mot hja u tbroda Ond wi moton k a thOt- ar

nOn lOth an n e kvm th. Tha prestera,god SOid ; men

t r to thjanath thene hn nd an thina fOra hand. HellOn ia

andere,heth thene hOrder nOn skOper vmbe Sin kidde at

sOmene to haldande ? hwat thene hvn d is inna thjan est

thes SkOphOrder , bin ik in Fryas tjanest, ik mot ovit

Fryas kidde k a. That l ikath vs god to,SOdon tha

prestera : men seg vs, hwat is thju bitjvten ise fon thi

n achtu le, ther immer boppa thin hole sit, is that lju cht

Skvwande djar altomet thet tOkeu thinraklOrsjanhOd. NOan

andere HellOn ia,hi helpt my bu gja that er en S lach fon

mOn n iska ovir hirtha omme dwOlth,thOr evin lik hi in kOrka

On d hola hOma ; thOr an tj u ster frota, tach n avt as hi, vmb

vs fon mfisa Ond Ora plOga to helpane, men renka to for

sinna,tha Ora mOnn iska hjara witskip to rOwan e, ti l thju

hja tham to bOtremuge fOta vmber slavon a fon to mi ande

Ond hjara blod u t to SOgan e, even as vampyra dva. Enis

kOmon hja mith en benda folk. Pest was over- et land

kvm en , hja sOidon,wi alle send to dvan de, tha Goda to

offerja, til thj u hja pest wOra m iige. Nilst thv then n avt

n e helpa hjara gr imskip to stilan e, jeftha hethste pest selva

ovir - et lOnd brocht mith thin ra kuu ste. NOan SOide Min

erva,men ik ne kOn nOne goda

,thOr Org dvande send ;

thOrvmbe ne kan ik n avt frOja jef hja beter wrda willa. Ik

kOn On gode , thOt is Wr .aldas gOst ; men thrvch tham er

god is,dvath er Oh nen k d. Hwanath kvmth- ct k d


their shot had missed they began to calumniate her,and

to say that She had bewitched the people but our people

and the good Krekalan ders understood at on ce that it was

calumny. She was once asked,If you are not a Witch


what is the use Of the eggs that you always carry with

you ? Min—erva answered,These eggs are the symbols of


s counsels , in which our future and that of the whole

human race lies concealed. Time will hatch them ,and we

must watch that no harm happens to them. The priests

said, Well answered ; bu t what is the use of the dog on

your right hand Hellen ia replied,Does not the

Shepherd have a Sheep- dog to keep his flock together ?

What the dog is to the Shepherd I am in Frya’

s service.

I must watch over Frya’

S flocks. We understand that

very well, said the priests ; but tell us what means

the owl that always Sits u pon your head,is that

light- shunning animal a Sign .Of your clear vision

NO,answered Hellen ia he reminds me that there

are people on earth who,like him

,have their homes in

churches and holes,who go about in the twilight



him,to deliver us from mice and other plagues

,but to in

vent tricks to steal awav the knowledge of other people , in

order to take advantage of them , to make Slaves of them ,

and to suck their blood like leeches. Another time they

came with a whole troop of people , when the plague was in

the country,and said : We are all making offerings to

the gods that they may take away the plague. Will you

not help to turn away their anger , or have you you rself

brought the plague into the lan d with all your arts ?

NO,said Min - erva I know no gods that do evil, therefore

I can n ot ask them to do better. I only know on e good.:

Spirit,that is W r - alda’s and as he is good he n ever

does evil. Where,then

,does evil come from ? asked



thOn wOi , frejath tha prestera. Allet k d kvm th fon jow

Ond fon thOre dvt d thOra mOn n iska, tham hjara selva fon

jow fensa lOta . Jef thin dr ochten thOn SO bj u stre god is,wOrvmb wOrther - et k d thOn n avt

,fr ej ath tha prestera..

Hellen ia andere , Frya het vs Vppe wOi brocht Ond thene

kroder that is tid, tham mot thOt ovr ige dva. With alle

r ampu n is rOd On d help to findan de, tha W r . alda W il thOt

wi hja selva soka Skilon,til thj u wi ster ik Sh ile wertha

Ond W is. Nillath wi n avt, thOn lOt- er vsa tr u l u t trulla


til thj u wi Skilon er fOra,hwat nOi wisa dOdu m Ond hwat

nOi dvma dOdu m folgath. Tha SOide—n e forst,ik skolde

wOna,that wOre betre, that to wOrande. Hwel m u glik,

endere HellOn ia,hwand than skolde tha mOn n iska bilywa

lik tOmade SkOpa ; thv Ond tha prestera skolde- r than hoda

willa,men Ok SkOra On d nOi thOra S lacht benke fora. Tach

alsa nil - t vs drochten n avt,hi wil that wi ekkoru m helpa,

men hi wil Ok thOt jahweder fry sy Ond wis wrde. ThOt is

Ok Vsa wille,thOrvmbe kjasth vs folk Sin forsta

, grOva,

rOdjOvar Ond alle bOsa Ond mOstera u t- a wisesta thOra goda

mOn n iska, til thj u allemOn n al ik S in best skil dva vmbe

wis Ond god to werthan de. Althu s to dvan de skilu n wi

Onis t a Ond anda folka lOra,that W is wOsa Ond wis dva

allOna lOith to sal ict d. That l ikt en ordOl,sOidon tha

prestera, men aste n v mOnste, that pest thrvch vsa dvt d

kvm th,skoldeNyhellOn ia thOn wel sa godwOsa wille, vmbe

VS ewat fon thOt nya lj u cht to lOn an de, t r vppa bja sa

stolte is. Jes SOide HellOn ia ; tha rokka On d Ora fliglon

kvm ath al lOn a falla vp vii l Os,men pest m in th n avt al lOna

vii l OS,men vOla SOd—pleg u m Ond fangn isa. W ilstv nv that

pest fon - i wika Ond na wither n e kvma,thOn mostv tha

fangn isa wei dva, Ond that i alla rOn wrde fon binna Ond

fon bOta. W i willath bilOwa thOt thin red god sy, sOidon

tha prestera, men seg vs, ho Skil u m wi thOr alla


mOnn iska to krOja , thOr vnder vs weld send. The stand

HellOn ia Vp fon hira SOtel Ond kOth : Tha muska folgaththene SOjar , tha folka hjara goda forsta, thOrvmbe ach- stv

to bij in n ande mith thin selva Olsa rOn to mi ande , that

stv thin n a blikka in Ond u tward m el rj u chta svn der SkOm

rOd to wer thande to fara thin Oj u mod. Men in stOde fon

thOt folk rOn to mi ande heste vfila fOrsta u tfon den ,

t r Vppa thOt folk al sa nOka Sfipth , that hja to lesta lik

tha barga annath Slip frota,vmbe that stv thin vfila lusta

bota mOi. ThOt folk bigost to j olande Ond to Spotan de.

ThOr thrvch n e thu radon hja nOn strid wither an to Spin

nande. Nv skolde Ojder wOn a, thOt hja vral - et folk tohOpe hropen hOde vmbe vs algadu r to- t land u t to dr iwande.

NOan an stOde fon hja to bihlu da gvngon hja allee ikeS ,Ok to tha hOinde KrOkalan a til tha Alpa n t to kOthane,thOt et thene allervrste drochten hOgth hOde S in wisa tog

hater Min - erva, to nOm th NyhellOn ia Omong tha mOnniska to sen dane in overa SOmith-en u lk

, vmbe tha mOnniska gode rOd to jOvan e Ond that allerm an n alik

,thOr hja

hOra wilde , rik Ond l u kich skolde wer tha,Ond Onis bOs

skolde wer tha ovir alle kOn ingkr ik irtha. S . Hira byldnesestOldon hja vppe hjara OltOr u m , jeftha hja vrsellade- t anda

dvma mOn n iska. Hja kOthon al lee ikes rOd-jOvinga, thOrhj u nimmer jOven hOde, Ond tOladon wondera, thOr hj u nO

dOn hOde. Thrvch lesta wiston hja- Ta selva master tomi ande fon vsa Owa Ond setm a

, Ond thrvch wankOthinga

wiston hja alles to wisa On d to vrbr u da . Hja stOldon Ok

m ma vnder hjara hOde,tha Skinber vndere hoda fon

FOsta ’*vsa forma Ore moder, vmbe over thOt frOn a lj u cht

to k ane. Men thOt lj u cht hOde hja selva vpstoken ,Ond in stOde fon tha m kes wis to mi ande , Ond afternOi Omong thOt folk to senda

,ta Sjaka to lOvan de Ond tha

bOrn to lOrande, mOkadon hja- ra dvm_

Ond dimme bi- tlj u cht Ond ne machten hja nO buta n e kvm a. Ak wrdon

Fasta, Vesta, en de Vestaalsche maagden .


to agree to it ? Then Hel len ia stood up and said

The Sparrows follow the sower , and the people their good

princes , therefore it becomes you to begin by rendering

yourselves pure, SO that you may look within and without,

and not be ashamed of your own conduct. Now,instead of

purifying the people, you have invented foul festivals, in

which they have SO long revelled that they wallow like

swine in the mire to atone for your evil passions . The

people began to mock and to jeer, so that She did not dare

to pursue the subjec t ; and one would have thou ght that

they wou ld have called all the people together to drive u sou t of the land ; but n o, in place of abusing her they went

all about from the heathenish Krekalan d to the Alps, pro

claimin g that it had pleased the Almighty God to send his

c lever daughter Min- erva, surnamed Nyhellen ia , over the

sea in a cloud to give people good counsel,and that all

who listened to her Should become rich and happy,and in

the end governors of all the kingdoms of the earth . They

erected statues to her on all their a ltars,they announced

and sold to the Simple people advice that She had never

given,and related miracles that she had never performed.

They cunningly made themselves masters of our laws and

customs,and by craft and subtlety were able to explain

and spread them around. They appointed priestesses

under their own care , who were apparently under the

protection of Festa,our first Eeremoeder , to watch over

the holy lamp ; but that lamp they lit them selves, and

instead of imbuing the priestesses with wisdom,and

then sending them to watch the Sick and educate the

youn g,they made them stu pid and ignorant


never allowed them to come out. They were em

Fasta is Vesta, or the Vestal Virgins.


hja to rOdjOvstare br u kath , tach thi rOd was by Skin u t

hjara mvl u n ; hwand hjara m vla wOron n avt owers as tha

hropar , t r trvch tha prestera hjara gOrta u tkOthon .

Tha Nyhel lOn ia fallen was , Wilden wi en ore moder

kjasa,svme wildon nOi TexlOnd vmbe thOr One to frOjande,

men tha prestera tham by hira Ojn folk thOt rik wither in

hOde,n ildon that u i hengja On d kOthon vs by- ra folk as

vn - frOna u t.


Tha-k alth u swOi faren was mith mina ljvd fon Athenia,kOmon wi to tha lesta an en Oland thrvch min ljvd KrOta

hOten vm - a Wilda krOta tham et folk anhyv by vsa kvmste.

Tha as hja sagon thOt wi nOn orloch au - t SkOld foron,

wrdon hja mak, alsa-k et lest far en bota mit yserark en

havesm ode Ond en stada land wandelde. Thach tha wi

en stut SOten hOde Ond bja SpOradon that wi nOn slavona

nOde,tha wOron hja vrstOlath , men tba-k- ra nw talt hOde

that wi Owa hOdon Olik to birju chtande vr alla, tha wilde- t

folk Ok fon sokka hO. Tach SkOr S hOdon hja tham , jefta

thOt Olle land kOm anda tys. Tha forsta Ond prestera

kOmon bOrja, that wi hjara tjvth over hOr ich mOkad hOde

Ond thOt folk kOm to vs vmbe hul Ond Skul. Tach thO

tha forsta sagon thOt hja hjara rik vr ljasa skolda,thO

jOvon hja thOt folk frydom Ond kOmon to my vmb- en Osega

bok. Thach thOt folk was nOn frydom wen th Ond tha hOra

bilOvon welda nOi that ir god thochte. ThO thi storn wr wOr,

bigoston hjatwispalt amongvs to SOja. Hja sOidon to min folk

that ik hjara help anhrOpen hOde vmbe standfOst kening to

wer thande. Enis fand ikgif in min met, thOas er Onis en skip


ployed as advisers , but the advice which seemed to come

from them was but the repetition of the behests of the

priests. When Nyhellen ia died, we wished to choose

another mother,and some of u S wished to go to Texlan d

to look for her ; but the priests , who were all- powerful

among their own people,would not permit it, and accused

us before the people Of being unholy.


When I came away from Athenia with my followers,

we arrived at an island named by my crew Kreta,because

of the cries that the inhabitants raised on our arrival . When

they really saw that we did not come to make war,they

were quiet,so that at last I was able to buy a harbour in

exchange for a boat and some iron implements,and a piece

of land. When we had been settled there a short time ,and they discovered that we had no Slaves

,they were very

much astonished ; and when I explained to them that we

had laws which made everybody equal,they wished to have

the same ; but they had hardly established them before

the whole land was in confusion.

The priests and the princes declared that we had excited

their subjects to rebellion,and the people appealed to us

for aid and protection. When the princes saw that they

were about to lose their kingdom,they gave freedom to

their people,and came to me to establish a code of laws.

The people,however

,got no freedom , and the princes

remained m asters , acting according to their own pleasure.

When this storm had passed,they began to sow division s

among u s. They told my people that I had invoked their

assistan ce to make myself permanent king. Once I

found poison in my food. So when a Ship fromG


fon- t Fly by vs vrsOilde,ben ik thOrm ith stolkens hinne

brith.—Tach min witherfara to lOtande, sa wil-k mith

thesa skOdnesa allOn a SOga , that wi n avt muge hOma mith

et Findas folk fon wOr thOt et sy, hwand thOt hja fvl send

mith faiska renka, Owa to frésane as hjara s tewina mith

dOjande fen in .

Ende wra skr ifta Minnos.



l . Allera man n al ik t,thOt i Sin bihof mot, men wOrth

Ommon Sin bihof vn thaiden , sa n Ot nOn mau hwat er skil

dva vmbe Sin lif to bih aldan de.

2. Alle elte m in n iska werthat drongen a bOr n to tOlande,wOrth that wOrth , sa nOt nim m an wath Orges thOrof

kvme mei.

3. Alrek t thOt- i fry Ond vn forlOth wil lOva,Ond that

Ore that Ok wille. Umbe sekur to wOsande send thess

setma Ond domar makad.

ThOt folk Findas heth Ok setm a Ond domar : men thissa

u s send navt nOi tha rj u cht , men allOna to bOta thOra

prestera Ond forsta,thana send hjara stOta immer the fvl

twispalt Ond mord.

1 . Sahwersa imman nOd heth Ond hi ne kan him selva

n avt me helpe,sa moton tha m na thOt kvndich dva an

tha grOva. ThOrfar thOt et en stolte Fryas navt ne focht

thOt selva to dva.

2. Sa hwa Orm wOrth thrvch tham hi navt wOrka n il,

thOr mot to thOt lOnd u t drOven wertha,hwand tha . lOfa

Ond loma send lestich Ond Org tOu kan de : thOrvmbe Och

mOn to wOrane tham.

3. Jat der jong kerdel Och en br u d to sOka Ond is er


Ond twintich se Ocht- er en wif to hOva.


Flyland sailed past, I quietly took my departure . Leav

ing alone,then

,my own adven tures

,I will conclude this

history by saying that we must not have anything to do

with Finda’ s people,wherever it may be

,because they are

full Of false tricks,fu lly as much to be feared as their

sweet wine with deadly poison .

Here ends Minno’

s writing.



1 . E verybody knows that he requires the necessaries Of

life,and if he cannot obtain them he does not know how

to preserve his life.

2. All men have a natural desire to have children , and

if it is not satisfied they are not aware what evil may

Spring from it.

3. Every man knows that he wishes to live free and

undisturbed and that others wish the same thing.

To secure this,these laws and regulations are made.

The people of Finda have al so their rules and regula

tions,but these are not made according to what is jg


only for the advantage of priests and prin ces —thereforetheir states are fu ll of disputes and murder.

1 . If any man falls into a state Of destitution , his case

must be brought before the count by the m aiden s,be

cause a high-minded Frisian cannot bear to do that


2. If any m an becomes poor because he will not work,

he must be sent out of the country , because the cowardly

and lazy are troublesome and ill- disposed,therefore they

ought to be got rid of.

3. Every young m an ought to seek a bride and to be

married at five- and- twenty.



4. IS hwa fif Ond twintich Ond heth er nOn OngO, sa Och

ek man him u t Sin bu s to weran e. Ta k u Opa Ochon h im

te formyda. Nimth er thOn nach nOn OngO, SO mot mOn

hin dOd SOga, til thj u hi u t of lande brade Ond hir nOn

Orgenese nOva ne mOi.

5. IS hwa wrak , thOn mot- er avbOr SOga, that nimman

fon him to frOsane nach to du chtane heth. SO m ei er

kvma t r er Wil .

6. FlOcht er Ofternei hordom ,SOmeI- r fl u chta, n e fl u cht

er n avt,SO i s er an tha e ke thOr bitrogn a vrlOten , Ond

n imm an ne mOi helpa him.

1 . Sahwersa Ommon eng god heth, Ond en Other l ikt

that thermOte that i him thOran vrfate, sa mot- i thOt

thrja vrjelda. StOlth - i jeta reIs,thOn mot hi n ei tha

tin lOn u m .Wil thene bistOln e him fry jOva, SO mOi- r

thOt dva Tha bOrth et wither sa ne mOi n imm an him

frydom j eva.


1 . Sa hwa in hOste mode tha u t nid an nen other is l a

brekth,Ogna u t stOt, jeftha thoth, hok thOt et sy, sa mot

thi lOtha bitallja hwat thene lOdar askth. Ne kan hi hOt

n i dva,SO mot- er avbOr an im dOn wer tha, sa hi an thene

Ore dOth. Nil hi thOt n avt u t n e stonda,SO mot- i him to

sina burch- fam wenda,j ef—i inna yser jeftha tin lOn a mOi

werka til S in Skeld an sy, nOi thOr mOu e dom.

2. Jef ther imman fvnden wOr th alsa Org that- i en Fryes

felth , hi mm. at mit sina lif bitallja. Kan sina burch—m

hin far altid nei tha tin lOn a helpa Or er fat wrde, sy mOi

thOt dva.

3. Sahwersa thi bon a mei biwisa mith vrkOnda tj u


gum that et by vn l u k sken is , sa skil hi fry wesa, men

bérth et jetta re i s , sa mot - i tach nei tha tin lau u m , til

thj u man ther thrvch form itha all vn er imde wréka and



l . Hwa en Other is hvs u t nid thene rade hOn an stekt

n is n én Fryas, hi is en horning mith basterde blod. Mei

man hin bi thér ded bifara, sa mot man hin vppet fjvr

werpa. Hy mei fiya sa - r kan tach narne skil—i sekur wesafara w rékande hand.

2. Nén afta Fryas skil ovira m issléga sinra n éste malja

nach kalta. Is hwa m isdédoch far—im selva,tha navt

fréselik far en Ora,sa mei hi him selva r iu chta. Warth- i

alsa arg that er fréslik warth , sa mot man - t anda greva

bara ; men is thér hwa ther en Other afterbakis bitighat

in stede fon - t to dvande by tha greva,tham is en horning.

Vpper mark mot- i anda pele bvnden wrde, sa that et jong

folk im an spéja mei ; after ladath man him overa marka,

men n avt nei tha tin lana,thrvch that en érerawer ak is to


3. Sahwersa ther enis imm an were sa arg that i vs gvngvrréde by tha fyand, pada and to pada wes, vmbe vsa flyburga to naka, jeftha thes n ach tis therin to gl u pa, tham

wére allén a wrocht u t Findas blod. Him skolde man

mota barna. Tha stj u r ar skoldon sin man and al sina

sibba n ei en fer eland mota brf mga and ther sin ask

forstu va, til thj u - r byr nen fen in ige kri

i don fon waza ne

muge. Tha fam na moton than sin nam u tspéja in vr al

vsa stata, til thj u nen barn sin nam ne krej e and tha

alda him mu ge vrwerpa.


the death was accidental, he may go free ; but if it hap

pens a second time , he must go to the tin mines , in

order to avoid any u nseemly hatred or vengeance.


1 . If any man sets fire to another’ s house,he is no

Frisian, he is a bastard. If he is caught in the act,he

must be thrown into the fire ; and wherever he may flee,

he shall never be secu re from the avenging justice.

2. No true Frisian shall speak ill of the faults of his

neighbours. If any man injures himself,but does no

harm to others,he must be his own judge ; but if he

becomes so bad that he is dangerous to others , they

must bring it before the count. But if instead of going

to the count a man accuses another'

behind his back, he

must be pu t on the pillory in the market- place, and then

sent out of the country,but not to the t in mines , because

even there a backbiter is to be feared.

3. If any man should prove a traitor and show to our

enemies the paths leading to ou r places of refuge,or

creep into them by n ight, he must be the Offspring Of

Finda he must be burnt. The sailors must take his

mother and all his relations to a desolate island,and

there scatter his ashes,in order that no poisonou s herbs

may spring from them. The maidens must curse his

name in all the states,in order that no child may be

called by his name,and that his ancestors may repudiate



Or loch was vr tigen , men nOd was kvmen an sin stéd.

Nw wéron byr thrOmann iska thér—ek en bu da‘

kéren stélon

fon asvndergan e Ojnhéra. Tha bja wrdon alle fat. NW

gong thene érosta to and brocht thene thjaf by tha skelte.

Tha fam n a thOr - vr kétande seidou allerwéis, that i den

héde n e1 rj u cht. Thi Ora nom thene thjaf that kéren of

and lOth im forth mith frOto Tha famn a sOidon , hi heth

wel dOn . Men thi thredde ej nhOr gvng n ei tha thjaf sin

h u s tha. Asser nw sach ho n éd thOr sin sOtel vpstalth‘

hOde,tha gvng hi to bak and kérde wither mith en wéin

fol n édthreftu m,thér hi nOd mith fon thOre hérd of dr iwe.

Fryas fam na hédon by him omme warath an d sin déd an

dat évge bok skréven,dahwile bj a al sina léka u t


hOde. Thj u Oremoder was et séid and hj u lét het kvndich

dva thrvch that Ole land.



(Zie plaat

Hwat byr hoppa stat send thi tOkn a fon that j ol. That

is that forma sin n ebild W r .aldas,ak fon t- anfang jeftha- t

‘bij in,wér u t tid kém

,that is thene Kroder thér evg mith

that jol mot omm ehlapa. Thana heth Frya that stand

skr ift makad,that bja br u kte to hira tex. Tha Fasta

Oremoder were , heth hj u - r that run ieftha hlapande

shrift fon makad . Ther W itkOn in g that is Sékén ing,GodfrOiath thene alda heth thér asvndergan a teln om ar fon

makad far stand an d rvnskrift béde. T is thOrvmbe n avt

to drok that wilr jér liks Onis fest vr fyrja. Wy mugon

W r .alda n thank to wya that hi sin gast sa herde in vr vsa

Othla heth fara létn . Vnder hira tid heth Finda ak en skrift



War had come to an end, but famine came in its place.

There were three men who each stole a sack Of corn from

different owners , but they were all caught. The first

owner brought his thief to the j u dge , and the maidens

said everywhere that he had done right. The second

owner took the corn away from his thief and let him go

in peace. The maidens said he has done well. The third

owner went to the thief ’ s house,and when he saw what

misery was there,he went and brought a waggon- load of

necessaries to relieve their distress. Frya’s maidens came

aro u nd him and wrote his deed in the eternal book ,and wiped out all his sins. This was reported to the

Eeremoeder,and she had it made known over the whole




( See Plate I. )

What appears at the top is the signs of the Juul—thatis,the first symbol of W r—alda

,also of the origin or be

ginning from which Time is derived ; this is the Kroder ,which must always go round with the Juul. According

to this model Frya formed the set hand which she used

to write her Tex. When Fasta was Eeremoeder she made

a running hand out of it. The W itkon ing—that is, theSea-King Godfr ied the Old—made separate numbers for

the set hand and for the runic hand.

It is therefore

n ot


too much that we celebrate it once a year. We

may be eternally thankful to W r - alda that he allowed

his spirit to exercise such an influence over our fore

fathers .

In her time Finda also invented a mode of writing,


u tfvnden,men that were sa hagfarende an d fvl mith fr isla

and krol u m,that tha afterkvm an da therof thj u bitj u dnese

ring vr leren have . A ftern éi havon bja vs skr ift léred binoma

tha Finna,tha Thyrjar an d tha Krekalan der . Men bja

n iston n avt god,that- et fon et jol makad was and that- ct

thOr u mbe altid skréven wrdemoste mith son om. Thérbywildon bja that hjara shrift vn lésbér skolde wésa far ora

folku m ,hwand bja havath altid hem n esa. Thus to

dvanda sen d bja herde fon- a wis rakath,thérm étha


ta barn tha skr iftu n hja- rar aldr u m amper lesa en muga

dahw ile wy vsa alderaldesta skriftu n evin r éd lesa mfiga as

thera thér jester skréven send.

Hir is that stand skr ift,thérvnder that r u n skr ift


tha taln om ar a byder wisa.

(Zie plaat II.)


Er there arge tid kém was vs land that skén u estein

wr .alda. Svn ne rés hager and thér was sjelden frost.

Anda bama and tréjon waxton fr u gda and nochta , thér nw

Vr leren send. Among tha gars - sedum hedon wi n avt

alen a keren , ljaver and blyde, men ak swete thér lik

gold blikte an d that man vndera svnn astréla bakja kvste.

Jéron n e wrde n avt ne telath, hwand that One jér was

alsa hlyd as et Othera. An tha On e side wrdon wi thrvchW r .aldas sé bisloten

,hwérvp nen folk buta vs n avt

fara n e mochte n ach kvn de. Anda Ore side wrden wi

thrvch that bréde TwisklOnd vm tu n ad,hwér thrvch

that Findas folk navt kvma n e thvradon,fon ovira

tichta walda and ovir it wilde kwik. By morne paldonwi ovir it uter ende thes aster-sé, by évind an thene


m iddelsé,alsa wi b u ta tha l ittiga wel twel if grata swete

r instrama hedon,vs thrvch W r .alda jeven vmb vs land

elte to haldane and vmb u s wigan dlik folk tha wéi to

wisana nei sina sé.

Tha owir a thissar rin strama wrdon tomet algadu r

thrvch vs folk biséton , ak tha fjelda an thj u Rene fon téna enda alon et Ore ende tha.

To jen st- vr tha Dén am arka and that J u ttar land hedon

w i folkplan tin ga mith en bu r chfam ,dana wonon wi kaper

and yser,bijvnka tar , pak and svm a Or bihof. To jenst

vr vs form élich Westland thér hedon wi B r ittanja mithsina tin lan a. Br ittanja that was that land thOra banna

linga,thér mith hulpe hjarar bu r chfam wéi brith weron

vmbe hira lif to bihaldan a. Thach for that bja n avt to

bak k vm a n e skolde,warth er érost en B to fara hjara

star pr iked, tha bana mith rade blod farve and tha Oram isdédar mith blawe farve. Buta an d bihalva hedon vsastj u rar an d kapljvd m én i loge anda heinde Krékalandaand to Lydia. In vr Lydia ther send tha swar ta m in n iska.

Tha vs land sa r u m and gr i t were, hedon wi félo asonder

gana nam on. Théra tham saton biasten tha Denemarkawrdon Jutta héton , u thavede bja tomet n avt owers ne

dédon as barn- stén juta. Hja tham thér saton vppa

élanda wrdon Létn e héten,thr vchdam bja m ést al vr léten

lévadon . Alle strand an d skor hemar fon—a Den em arka

alout there sandfal nw Skelda wrdon S tj u rarf Sekam

painLan d Angelara I héton . Angelar a SO. héton man to

fora tha bu tafiskar vmbe that bja alan mith angel

jefta kol fiskton and nimmer nen n et u m . Théra thér

thana til tha heinde Krekalanda saton,wrdon blat Kad

hém ar heten,thrvch tham bja n imm erthe buta foron.

Théra thér in da hage marka saton,thér anna Twisklanda

palon , wrdon Saxm ann a héton,u thawede bja immer wépned

weron vr that wilde kwik and vrwildarda B ritne. Ther to

S tj u rar , St u r ii . 1‘

Sékampar , Sicambri. It Angelara, Angli .Q L 4 4 ( 2. c u A

j /



Sea ; so that besides the small rivers we had twelve large

rivers given us by W r - alda to keep our land moist,and to

show our seafaring men the way to his sea.The banks of these rivers were at one time entirely in

habited by our people,as well as the banks Of the Rhine

from one end to the other. Opposite Denmark and J u tland we had colonies and a B u rg tm aagd. Thence we

Obtained copper and i ron,as well as tar and pitch


some other necessaries . Opposite to u s We had Britain ,formerly Westland

,with her tin mines .

Britain was the land of the exiles,who with the help of

their B u rgtm aagd had gone away to save their lives ; bu tin order that they might not come back they were tattooed

with a B on the forehead,the banished with a red dye


other criminals with blue. Moreover,our sailors an d mer

chants had many factories among the distantKrekalan ders

and in Lydia. In Lydia (Lybia) the people are black.

A s our country was so great and extensive,we had m any

different n ames. Those who were settled to the east of

Denmark were called J u tten,

’ because Often they did no

thing else than look for amber (j u tten) on the shore.Those who lived in the islands were called Letten


they lived an isolated life . All those who lived betweenDenmark and the Sandval

,now the Scheldt

,were called

Stu u r lieden (pi lots) , Zeekampers (naval men), and Angel

aren (fishermen). The Angelaren were men who fished inthe sea, and were so named because they used lines and

hooks in stead of nets . From there to the nearest part

of Krekaland the inhabitants were called Kadhemers,

because they never went to sea but remained ashore .Those who were settled in the higher marches

bounded by Twisklanden (Germany) were called Saxmannen

,because they were always armed against

the wild beasts and the savage Britons . Besides


ar,in Latin S tu n t. 1' Sékd/mp ar , in Latin Skambm



I Angela/m, in Latin Angl i.


hoppa hedon wi tha nOma Landsaton , Marsata,* and Holt

jefta Wodsata.


Hél thene sumer was svn ne aftere wolku m skolen, as

wilde bja irtha navt ne sja. Wind reston in sina bfidar,

werthrvch rék And storn lik sela boppa bu s and polonstand. Loft warth alth u s drov and dimme, and inna thahirta théra mann iska was blydskip nach frii chda. To

midden thisre stiln ise fang ir tha an to bevande lik as hj ustarvan de were. Berga splyton fon ekkoru m to spéjandefjvr and logha, Ora svnkon in hira skat del , and thér hjuérost fielda héde bejade hj u berga vppa. Aldland Ttrvch

tha stju rar Atland héten svnk nyther and that wilde hef

stapton alsa naka wr berg and délon , that ella vn dere sé

bidvlwen were. Félo mai nn iska wrdon in irtha bidobben ,and félo thér et fjvr vnkémen wéron , kémon thérn éi innet

weter vm . Navt alléna inda landa Findas spéidon berga

fjvr , men ak in - t Twisk- land. Walda barn adon thérthrvch

after ekkoru m and tha wind dana wéi kém,thawajadon

vsa landa fvl ask. Rinstrama wrdon vr léid and by hjara

m vda kémon n éja élanda fon sand and drivande kwik.Thrj u jér was irtha alsa to lydan de men tha hj u béterwere macht man hira vvn da sja. Felo landa weronvrsvnken

,Ora uta sé résen and that Twisk- land to fara-n

halfdél vn twalt. Bands. Findas folk kémon tha létoghar u m tne bifara. Vsa wéibr itn e vrdon vrdelgen jefta bjawrdon hj ara harlinga. Tha warth wakandom vs dvbbeld

boden find tid lerd vs that éndracht vea starikste burch is.


Thju WOrabu rch nis nen famnabu rch,men thér in wrdon

MErsata, Marsncu .‘I‘Aldland, Atlantis.


alla u thémeda and vr landeska thin ga warath , thér

m itbrocht binne thrvch tha stj u rar . E j u is thr i pela, that

is en half ty su dwar th fon Medea—sbl ik legen. Alsa isthat fOrword : berg

’ a n ygath thin na kr u n n a, wolka and

strama wen. Jes. Skén lan d blOst, slavon a folka stOp

path vppat thin klat , o Frya.

Alsa is thju skednesse.

1 00 and l jér 1’

ne1 that aldlan d svnken is, kém thér

u t- et asta en folk Wei. That folk was vrdrOven thrvch en

Other folk, after vs twisk land krejon bja twispalt, bja

skifton hjara selva an twam hapa, ek her gvng sines

wéiges. Fon- t ene dél nis nen tail to vs n e kémen , men

that Ore dél fyl after to vs Skén land. Skén land was

su nn ich bifolkath , and anda after - had that su n n ichste fon

al . Thervmbe m achton bja- t svnder strid wrwinna, and

u thawede bja Owers nen leth n e dédon , n ildon wi thervr

nen orloch ha. Nw wi hjam bavon kanna lered, sawillath

wi ovir hjara séda skr iwa,aftern éi ho- t vs mith hjam for

gungen is. That folk was n avt me wild lik felo slachta

Findas,men elik anda Egipta- lan dar

,bja havath prestera

lik tham and nw bja karka have ak byldon . Tha prestera

send tha engosta héra, bj a heton hjara selva Magjara,hj ara aller ovirste hét Magy, hi is havedprester and keningmith én

,allet Ore folk is n u l in~ t sifl


er and ellik and al

vnder hjara weld. That folk n éth n avt enis en nOme,

thrvch vs send bja Finna heten,hwan d afskén hj ara férsta

algadu r drov and blodich send, thach send bja ther alsafin vp , that wi thér bi after stane , forth ne send hja navt

to binydane, hwan d bja send mvo u a fon tha presteru m

and jeta fii l Orger fon hj ara m én inga. Hja ménaththat ella fvl kvada gaston is

,ther inda mann iska and

dj ara gl u ppe, men fon W r .aldas gast n eton bja

n awet. Hja havath stene wépne, tha Magjara kapra.Tha Magjara tellath that bja tha arge gaston


nland, Scania, Scandinavia. 1’ 219- 3101 = 2092 v. Chr.



all the foreign articles brou ght by sailors were stored. It

lies three hours south from Medeasblik.

Tfiu s is tire P reface.

Hills,bow your heads ; weep , ye streams and clouds .

Yes. Schoon land ( Scandinavia) blushes , an enslavedpeople tramples on your garment

,O Frya.

Ti m'

s is t/z'e H istory .

One hundred and one years after the submersion Of

Aldland a people came out of the E ast. That people was

driven by another. Behind us,in Twisklan d (Germany) ,

they fell into disputes,divided into two parties

,and each

went its own way. Of the one no account has come to u s,

but the other came in the back of our Schoon lan d,which

was thinly inhabited,particularly the upper part. There

fore they were able to take possession of it without contest,

and as they did no other harm,we would not make war

about it. Now that we have learned to know them,we

will describe their customs,and after that how matters

went between u s. They were not wild people , like most of

Finda ’ s race ; but , like the Egyptians , they have priests

and also statues in their churches . The priests are the only

rulers ; they call themselves Magyars , and their headman

Magy. He is high priest and king in one. The rest of

the people are of no account,and in subj ection to them.

This people have n ot even a name but we call them Finns

because although all the festivals are m elancholy and

bloody,they are so formal that we are inferior to them in

that respect. But still they are not to be envied, because

they are slaves to their priests , and still more to their

creeds. They believe that evil spirits abound everywhere ,and enter into men and beasts

,bu t of Wr - alda’ s spirit they

know nothing. They have weapons of stone, the Magyars

of copper.The Magyars affirm that they can exorcise

Skénland or Scandinavia. 1' 2193 101 is 2092 before Christ.H


banna and vrbanna mugon , thér vr is- t folk Olan inange frese and vppira wésa nis nimmer nén blydskipto bisjan . Thabja god seten weron , sochton tha Magjaraathskip bi vs, bja bogadon Vp vsa tai l and sedum,

vp vs ij a

and vppa vs ysere wepne, ther bja gér n to fori hjara goldunan d su lvere syrhedu m wandela wilde , and hjara tjoth hildon bja immer the binna tha pélon , men that vrskalkton

vsa wakendom. Achtan tich jer for ther , just wér - et jolferste

,thOr kemon bja vnwar l in ge lik sn éi thrvch storne

wind drewen ovir vsa landa to r u n n ande. Ther n avt flyam achton wrdon vrdén , Frya warth anhrOpen , men tha

Skén landar hedon hira red war lased. Tha wrdon krafta

sam lath , thr i pel u n fon Goda—hisbu r ch .

*wrdon bja wither

stonden,tha or loch bilév. Kat jefta Kater- inne, alsa héte

thj u fan],thér bu rchfam to Goda burch was. Kat was

stolte and hachfaranda , thOrvmbe n e let hju nOn réd u i

follistar anda Moder n e freja. Men tha tha bu rchhérathat fata

,tha svn don bja selva bodon nei Texland néi

there Moder tha. Minna alsa was there Moder- is nOme,let ala tha stju rar manja and al - et othera jongk folk fonAst- flyland and fon tha Den n emarku m . U t thesse

tocht is thj u skydnese fon Wodin bern , sa- r vppa burgum wryten is and hir Oskréven . Anda Alder- gOmu deTthér reste en alde sekan ing . S ter ik was sin nOme and

tha hrop vr sin a déda was grat. Thisse alde rob hede thrénOva ; Wodin thene aldeste hémde to Lu rnka—mahja l bithOre E-mude to Ast—flylan d by sin eldr u m t- u s. Fl u es waser hérm an wést. Tu nis an d Inka weron sékAmper and

against nw bi hjara faderja anda A lderga-mude t- vs. As thaj onga kampar nw bi ekkOr u m kOmon

,kéron bja Wodin

to hjara herman jefta kaning u t,and tha sekampar ke

ron Tu nis to- ra sékan ing an d Inka to hjara skelte bi thér

nacht. Tha stju rar gvngon tha nei tha Dennemarka fara,thér namon bja Wodin m ith sin wigandlika landwér in .

Goda-h isbu rch,Gothen bu rg.

1' Alderga, O u ddorp (bij Alkmaar).i a kamfikja bithére Em u da, Embden .


Wind was rum and al sa weron bja an en amering “ to

Skén land. Tha,tha northeska brothar ra selva by-m

fogath hOde, delde Wodin sin weldich her an thr i wiga.

Frya was hjara wépenhrop and SO. hi bakward sloch tha

Finnen an d Magjara as of et barn weron . Tha thene

Magy fornOm ho sin ljvd al ombroch t wrdon , tha sand hi

bodon mith staf and krone . Hja sOidon to Wodin,o thv

alra grateste thOra kan ingar , wi send skeldich, thach al

hwat wi dOn have is a t nOd den . Je m éne that wi jvw

brothar willengkl ik an fat have,men wi send thrvch vsa

fyan da forth- fetereth an d thi alle send vs j eta vppa hakka.

Wi havath Often helpe an thin re bu rchfam frejath , men

bja n eth vs n avt n e meld. Thene Magy se i th, sé hwersa

wi ekkOru m to tha halte vrdva,sa skil u n tha wilda skep

bardar kOmon and vs algadu r vrdva. Thene Magy heth

fdl r ikdom,men hi heth sjan that Frya weldiger is as


vsa gaston et sém ine. Hi wil sin haved in hira skat del

ledsa. Thv bist thene wigan dlikste kaning ir thas, thin

folk is fon yser. Warth vsa kanin g and wi alle willath

thin slavona wesa. Kwat skolde that ér - rik far—i wésa,aste tha wilda wither to 15k driwa koste

,vsa séfyra skolde

—trondblésa an d vsa mara skoldon jv vral far u t ga.

Wodin was sterik, wostandwigan dlik,men hi nas n avtklar

sjande, therthrvch warth i in hjar mera fvngen and thrvch

thene Magy kroneth. Ej u felo stj u rar and land-werar, thami thisse ker n avt n e sinde, brudon stolkes hinne

,Kat mith

nemande, men Kat ther n avt to fara there Moder ner to fara

thOre m éna acht forskine nilde, j ompadewr bord. ThOkOm

storn ewind and fetere tha skOpa vppa skorra fon na Denne

mar kum del svnder enkel man to m istane. Afternei havon

hjathastrétKatsgatj' hOten . ThO.Wodinkroned was

, gvng- er

Amer ing, n og in N.-Holland in gebru ik, beteeken t daar : ademtocht,

oogenblik. Cf. Killann in voce.1' Katsgat, het Kattegat .



The wind was fair, so they a rrived immediately inSchoon lan d , When the northern brothers met together


VVOdin divided his powerfu l army into three bodies . Fryawas their war- cry

,and they drove back the Finns and

Magyars like children . When the Magy heard how his

forces had been utterly defeated,he sent messengers with

truncheon and crown,who said to Wodin : O almighty

king,we are guilty

,but all that we have don e was done

from necessity. You think that we attacked your brothers

out of illwill , but we were driven out by our enemies , whoare still at our heels. We have Often asked your Burgt

maagd for help , but she took no n otice Of us. The

Magy says that if we kill half our numbers in fight

ing with each other,then the wild shepherds will come

and kill all the rest. The Magy possesses great riches,

but he has seen that Frya is much more powerful than all

our spirits together. He will lay down his head in her

lap. You are the most warlike king on the earth,and

your people are of iron . Become our king, an d we will allbe your slaves. What glory it would be for you if youcould drive back the savages ! O u r trumpets would re

sound with your praises,and the fame of your deeds would

precede you everywhere . Wodin was strong, fierce , and

warlike,but he was not clear—sighted

,therefore he was

taken in their toils,and crowned by the Magy.

Very many of the sailors and soldiers to whom thisproceeding was displeasing went away secretly


Kat with them . But Kat,who did not W ish to ap

pear before either the mother or the general assembly,

jumped overboard. Then a storm arose and drove the

ships upon the banks of Denmark, with the total destruction of their crews . This strait was afterwards

called the Kattegat. When Wodin was crowned,he

Amer ing, still in u se in North Holland to sign ify a breath or a twinklingof an eye.

1“ Katsgat is the Kattegat .


vppa wilda lOs ; thi weron al rutar, lik een héjel bujekemon bja aj u Wodin - is hér

,men lik en twyrne wind

wendon bj a omme and ne thvradon na wither forskina.

As Wodin nw to bak kém , jav thene Magy him sin

toghater to-n wif. After nei warth- i mith krfidon birekad,men thér weron tawerkrfidon mong, hwan d Wodin warthbi gradum alsa sér vrméten , that- i Frya and W raldas

gast mishaua and spota thvr ade, thawyla hi sin frya halsbog to fara falska drochten - l ikande byldu m . Sin rikhilde sjvgu n jer, tha vrdwin d- ir

,Thene Magy séide that

er mong hjara godon*‘ Vpn im eth were,and that hi fon

thér over hjam welda, men vs folk lakton vmbe tin ta].ThaWodin en str

i t wé i west héde, kém ther twispalt , wiwildon en Ora kanin g kjasa, men that nilde thene Magyn avt me hengja. Hi wérde that et en rj u cht were , himthrvch sina drochtn e jéven . Buta and bihalva thissa twist,sa was thér jet-en emong sin Magjara an d Finna, ther Fryaner Wodin era n avt nilde

,m en thi Magy dede as—t im

sinde,hwand sin toghater hOde en svn bi Wodin wvnen ,

an d nw wilde thene Magy that thisse fon en hage kom- of

wésa skolde. Thawyla alle san ade and twista, krOn adehithene knap to kaning and stalade hin sel s as foged andforam ond jefta r édjévar an. Théra ther mar hildon fonhj ara balg as fon that rj u ch t, tham leton h im bidobba,men tha goda brudon wei. Felo Magjara flodon mithhjara ljvda bak ward , and tha stj u rar gvn gon to skip anden her fon drista Finna gvngen as rojar mitha.Nw kvmath tha skedn ese fon nef T

u nis and sin néf

Inka erost rj u cht vppet pat.




Tha Tiin is mith sinum skép u m to honk kera wilde , gvng- i

thet forma vppa Dannemarka of, men hi n emacht thér navt

Wodin , Odin , Wodan.


ne landa,that héde thj u Moder bisjowath. Ak et Flyland

n e macht- er n avt n e landaan d forth Darne. Hi skold alsa

mith sinum ljvdu m fon lek an d brek omkom th have,thér vmbe gvngon bja thes n achtis th

a landa birawa and

firm bi dei. Alsa alinga there kad forth farande ké

m on bja to thOre folkplan ting Kadik,

*althu s héten

vmbe that hjara have thrvch On e sténen e kadik formath

was. Hir selladon hja allerhan n e l iftochta,men Tu tja

thj u b u r chfam n ilde n avt daja that bja - ra selva nither

setta . Tha bja r éd weron kréjon bja twist. Tunis wilde

thrvch thj u strete fon tha m iddelse vmbe to faran e far

tha rika kaning fon Egiptalandu m ,lik hi wel ér dén

héde,men Inka séide

,that - i sin nocht héde fon al et

Findas folk. Inka mende that er byskin wel en hach del

fon Atland by wysa fon éland vrbiléwen skolde wOsa,thér

hi mith tha ljvdu m fréthoch léva machte. As tha bédan éva—t- althu s n avt én es wrde koste

, gvng Tu nis to and

stek en rade fOne in - t strand,and Inka éne blawe. Thér

after macht jahweder kjasa , hwam ek folgja wilde , and

wonder, by Inka thOr en gryn s héde vmbe tha kan ingarfon Findas folk to thjanja, h lipon tha masta Finna andMagjara ovir . As bja nw that folk tellath and tha sképathér nei delath héde

,tha skédon tha flata fon ekkor u m ;

fon n éf Tu nis is aftern éi tal kém en,fon n éf Inka n inmer.

Nef Tu nis for al linggen there kad al thrvch thj u porte

there m iddelsé . Tha Atland svnken is,was- t- inna m iddelsé

ra owera ak arg to gvngen . Thér thr vch weron thér felo manniska fon - t Findas land nei vsa he inde and fere Krékalandakvmen and ak félo fon Lyda- h is land. Ther ajn weron ahfelo fon vs folk n éi Lydas land gvn gon . That ella hédewrocht, that tha heinde and fére Krekalanda far that weld

here Moder vr lOren was. Ther hede Tii n is vp rekn ed.Ther

vmbe wilde hi thOr en gode have kjasa and fon ther u t fara

Kadik, Cadix.



mother had ordered, nor was he to land at Flylan d nor

anywhere about there . In this way he would have lost

all his people by want and hardship,so he landed at night

to steal and sailed on by day. Thus coasting along,he at

length arrived at the colony of Kadik ( Cadiz), so calledbecause it was built with a stone quay. Here they

bought all kinds of stores,but Tu n tia the:B u rg tmaagd

would not al low them to settle there . When they were

ready they began to disagree . Teu n is wished to sail

through the straits to the Mediterranean Sea,and enter the

service of the rich Egyptian king,as he had done before


but Inka said he had had enough of all those Finda’ s

people . Inka thought that perchance some high- lying part

of A tlan d might remain as an island,where he and his

people might live in peace . As the two cousins could not

agree,Teu n is planted a red flag on the shore

,and Inka

a blue flag. E very man could choose which he pleased,

an d to their astonishment the greater part of the Finns

and Magyars followed Inka, who had objected to serve the

kings of Finda ’ s people . When they had - counted the

people and divided the ships accordingly,the fleet sepa

rated. We shall hear Of Teu n is afterwards , but nothing

more of Inka.

Neef Tennis coasted through the straits to the Mediter

r an ean Sea. When A tland was submerged there was much

suffering also on the shores of the Mediterranean , on which

account many of Finda’ s people,Krekalan ders, and people

from Lyda’s land,came to us . On the other hand, many

of our people went to Lyda’ s land. The result of all this

was that the Krekalanders far and wide were lost to the

superintendence of the mother . Tennis had reckoned

on this,and had therefore wished to find there a good

Kadik is Cadiz.


r ikka forsta fara,men thr vchdam sine flate and sin folk

sa wanhaven u tsagon , mOndon tha KadhOmer that bja

rawera wOron , an d thOr vmbe wr don bja vr al wOrath . Tha

to tha lesta kOm on bja an to Phon isivs ki d, that wOre 100

an d 93 j er* '

nOi atland svnken is . Nei bi thOre kad fvn

don bja en Oland mith twam diapa sl inka, alsa- t as thrj u

Olanda u tsach. Yppet m idloste thOra staldon bja hjara

sku la vp , afternOi bvwadon bja thOr en bu rchwal cm to.

As bja thOran nw en n Om e jOva wilde , wrdon bja vnOnes,svm e wild - et Fryasbu r ch hOta

,Ora NOf tunia, men tha

Magjara an d tha Finna badon that skolde Thyrhisbu rchThOte. Thyr i alsa hOton bja On hjarar drochtena and

vppe tham- is jOrdOi wOron bj a thOr lan d, to wither-jeld

wildon bja Tu nis n as hjara kaning bikan ne. Tu nis lOt

im bilOsa an d tha Ora nildon thOrvr nOn or loch n e ha.

Tha bja nw god saton , tha sandon bj a svm e alde stjvrar

an d magjara ana wal an d for thnOi thOre burch Sydon , men

that forma nildon tha KadhOmar nawet fon - ra nOta. Thv

bist fOrhOm anda swar var sOidon bja, thOr wi n avt hachta

n e mu ge. Tha tha wi hjam fon vsa ysera wOpn e vrsella

w ilde, gvng to ler sta ella god. ak wOron bja sOr ny nOi

vsa bar n stOn u m an d that frej a thOr nOi nam nen ende.

Men Tu n is thOr farsjan de wOre, barde that er nOn ysere

wOpn e ner bar ri stOne mar hOde. Tha kOm on tha kapljvd

and badon hi skolde twin tich skOpa jOva , thOr bja alle

mith- a fin n este wOr u m tho brOda wilde,and bja

wildon him alsa fOlo ljvda to rojar jOva as - er j erde.

TwO- lif skOpa lOt- i - to hrOda mith win hvn ing and

tomakad lether , thOr bi weron tam ar and sitlu n mith

gold wr tOin sa man bja n inmer nOde sjan . Mith al

thi skat fyl Tunis that Flymar binn a. Thi grOvam an fon

Westflyland warth thrvch al thessa thinga bigastered, hi

2193—193 - 2000v . Chr . 1' Thyrhisbu rch , Tyr u s.I Thyr

,de zoon van Odin .


wrochte that Tunis bi thOre mvde fon- t Flymar en logebvwa machte , afternOi is thj u stOd Alm an aland

l"heten and

tha mark thOr bja aftern ei to Wyr inggaT vp wandelja

m achton tolOtmark . Thj u Moder rOde that wi ra ella

vrkapja skolde b u ta ysere wOpne, men man n e melde bja

n avt. Tha tha Tyrjar thus fry spel hOdon , kOm on bja alan

wither to farand vsa wOr on sa hOinde as fOre vsa ajn sé

kampar to skadne. ThOrafter is bisloten vpper mOna

acht, jOr likes sjvg u n Thyrjar skOpa to to lOtane and navt



Inner n or thlikste herne fon tha MiddelsO, thOr le id en

Oland by thOre kad. Nw kOm on bja that a kOp to frO

j ande. ThOrvr warth ene mOn a acht bilOid. Moder- is rOd

warth wn n en,men Moder sach ra lyast fOr of. Thervmbe

mOnde bja that er nOn kwa an stek,thach as wi after nOi

sagon ho wi mis u hOde havon wi that Oland Missellja ihOten . Hirafter skil blika ho wi thOr to rOde hOde. Tha

Gola, § alsa heton tha sandalinga prestera Sydon - is. tha

Gola hedon wel sjan thet et land thOr skares bifolkad was

and fOr fon thOre Moder wOre. Vmb ira selva nw en gode

skin to jOvan e, lOton bja ra selva in vsa tal ana trowe

wyden a hOta,m en that wOre bOtre wOst

,as bja ra

selva fon thOre trowe wenden a nOm ath hOde, jefta

kirt wei trju wendne lik vsa stj u rar lOter dOn have.

This bja wel sOton wOron,tha wan deldon hjara kap

lj u da skOne kapre wOpn e and allerl a syrhOdon to

fara vsa ysere wOpn e and wilde djara huda,werfon in

Almanaland, Ameland. 1' Wyringga, Wier ingen .

I Missellja, Marseille. Gola, Galli, Gau lois.


Tennis to build a warehouse at the mouth of the Flymeer .

Afterwards this place was called Almanaland,and the

market where they traded at Wyr ingen was called Toe

laatmarkt. The mother advised that they should sell

everything except iron weapons , but no attention was paid

to what she said. As the Thyr iers had thus free play,they came from far and near to take away our goods


the loss of our seafaring people. Therefore it was resolved

in a general assembly to allow only seven Thyr ian ships

and no more in a year.


In the northernmost part of the Mediterranean there lies

an island close to the coast. They now came and asked to

buy that,on which a general council was held .

The mother ’ s advice was asked,and she wished to see

them at some distance,so she saw no harm in it ; but as

we afterwards saw what a mistake we had made , we called

the island Missellia (Marseilles) . Hereafter will be seen

what reason we had. The Golen , as the missionary

priests of Sidon were called,had observed that the land

there was thinly peopled , and was far from the mother.

In order to make a favourable impression , they had them

selves called in our language followers of tfie tr até ; but

they had better have been called abstainersf rom t/ze tr u t/a,

or,in short

,Tr i u wen den ,

” as our seafaring people

afterwards called them. When they were well established,

their merchants exchanged their beautifu l copper weapons

and all sorts of jewels for our iron weapons and hides

of wild beasts , which were abundant in our southern

Almanaland is Ameland. Wyr ingaisWieringen .

2 Missellja. isMarseilles. Gola are the Galli or Gau ls.


vsa suder landa fOlo to bikvm a wOron . Men tha Gola,fyradon allerhana wla drochten l ika fOrsta and to tyadontha kadhOm ar thOra thrvch todvan hjarar horiga maugh

Or tn e and tha swet hOd fon hjara fin in n igewin. Was thOrhwa fon vs folk thOret alsa arg vrbr u d hOde

,that sin lif in

frOse kOm ,than lOnadon tha gola him hul and foradon him

nOi Phon isia, that is palm lan d. Was hi thOr SOten,than

most—i an sina sibba and atha skr iwa, that- et land SO. god

wOre and tha mann iska sa l u kl ik,as n inman hin selva

m ocht forbylde. A Br ittan nja wOron rj u fOlO manna, thalith wiva

,tha tha Gola that wiston

,lOton bj a al is m angh

Ortn e skaka and thessa javon bja tha Br itne vmb nawet.Thach al thissa manghertn e weron hjara thjan ster u m,

thOr tha bern fon Wralda stolon vmb- ar an hjara falskedrochtne to jOvan e.



And ho W i thOr thrvch al vsa su derlanda and Br ittanjaanda Gola vrlOren have.

B i thOre SOder - rOn -mvda an d thOre Skelda, thOr send

sjvg u n alanda, nOmath nOi F ryas sjvgu m wakfamkes there

k . Middel vppet One aland is thj u burchWalhallagara,*

in u t tha wagrnm thOra is thj u folgjande skOdnesse writen .

ThOr bvppa stet : les, lOr and wak.

563 jOrT nOi aldland svnken is,sat hir en wise burch

fam ,Min—erva was hira nOm a. Thrvch tha stj u rar

NyhellOnja tonOmath. This tonOma was god kOren ,hwand tha rOd

,thaer hj u lOn ade, was ny and hel



alle Other u m . Overa Skelda et there Flybu rch sat Syrhéd.

Thj u s farm was fvl renka, skOn was r - anhlith And kwik was

Middelbu rg.

2193- 563 = 1 630V. Chr.


hira tvnge, men thi rOd ther bja jef, was immer in thj u stereworde. ThOr vmbe warth hj u thrvch tha stj u rar Kalta

hOten,tha landsata mOnadon that et OrnOm a wOra. Inna

u troste wille thOre vrstu rven e Moder stand ROsa-m vda thet

forma,Min - erva thet td e and SyrhOd thet thredde as

folgstere biskreven . Min - erva nOde thOr nen wit fon,

men SyrhOd was er thrvch kn aked. Lik en wrlandeske

forstin ne, wilde hj u Orath frOsath and bOden wOsa,men

Min- erva wilde enkel m in th wOsa. To tha lesta kOmon

alle stj u rar hiri hjara held bjada , selva fon tha Dena

marka an d fon t Flym ar . That vvnde SyrhOd, hwand hju

wilde bvppa Min - erva u tm in thja . Til thj u man en grOte

thank ovir hira wakendu m hava skolde, myk" hju ennen

hOna vpper fans. The. gvng Min - erva to and myk en

harder hvnd and en n achtu l in vppira fOne. Thene hvnd

séide hj u wakt ovir sin hOr and ovira kidda and thene

n achtu l wakt ovira fjelda til thj u bja thrvch tha musa

n avt vrdOn n e wrde. Men thene hOna neth far n imman

frj u ndskip , an d thrvch sin vn tocht and hachfarenhéd is er

vaken thene bana sinra nOista sibba wrden . As Kalta

sach that er wark falikan t u t kOm,to gvng hj u fon kwad

to arger. Stolkes lOt hj u Magjara to hiri kvma vmbe

tawery to laran e. As bja thOr hira nocht fon hOde, werpte

hj u hira selva and arma thOra Golum ,thach fon al thi

m is don n e macht hj u n avt bOtre n e wrde. As hj u sach

that tha stj u rar mar and mar fon iri k e,tha wilde bja

ra thrvch frOse winna. Was tha mOn e fvl an d thene sé

vn stu m ich, than hl ip hju over et Wilde hef,tha stj u rar to

hropande that bja alle skolde vrgan , sahwersa hja hiri navt

anbidda nilde . Forthvrblin dehj n hiraag u n t r thrvch bja

t er fori landand land for i ter hildon, thOr thrvch is man i

skip vrgvngen mith man and mus . Vppet forma wOr fOrste

tha al hira landsata wOpned wOron lOt bja barga hj ar Skanks

in that hjar hOdehj u taverdrank den. As et folk nv algadu r

Myk wordt nog Op Walcheren gehoord.


beautiful,and her tongue was nimble ; but the advice that she

gave was always conveyed in mysterious terms. Therefore

the mariners called her Kalta,and the landsmen thought it

was a title . In the last will of the dead mother,Rosamond

was named first,Min - erva second

,and S ijrhed third in suc

cession . Min - erva did notmind that,but S ijrhed was very

much Ofi'

ended. Like a foreign princess,she wished to be

honoured, feared, and worshipped ; but Min - erva on ly desired

to be loved. At last all the sailors,even from Denmark an d

F lymeer,did homage to her. This hurt S ijrhed, because she

wanted to excel Min- erva. In order to give an impression of

her great watchfulness,she had a cock put on her bann er.

So then Min- erva wen t and put a sheep- dog and an owl on

her banner. The dog,she said, guards his master and his

flock,and the owl watches that the mice shall not devastate

the fields but the cock in his lewdness and his pride is only

fit to murder his nearest relations. When Kalta found

that her scheme had failed she was still more vexed,so

she secretly sent for the Magyars to teach her conjuring.

When she had had enough Of this she threw herself into

the hands of the Gauls ; but all her m alpractices did not

improve her position . When she saw that the sailors

kept more and more aloof from her,she tried to win them

back by fear . At the fu ll moon,when the sea was stormy


she ran Over the wild waves , calling to the sailors that

they would all be lost if they did not worship her. Then

she blinded their eyes,so that they mistook land for water

and water for land,and in this way many a good ship

was totally lost. At the first war - feast, when all her

countrymen were armed, she brought casks of beer,

which she had drugged. When they were all drunk

Myle is a word stil l u sed in Walcheren .


drunken wOre, gvng hju bvppen vp hira str idhros standa,

to lOnande mith hira hole tojen st hira spOr i , mOr nerad ne

kv n avt SkOner . Tha bja sach that alle Ogon'

vpper fas

tigath wOron Opende hj u hira wOra and kOth , svn u m and

thogatr u m Fryas, i t wel that wi inna lerste tyd fnl lek

an d brek lOden have , thrvchdam tha stj u rar n avt lOnger

kvm e vmb vs skr iffi lt to vr sella,men i n Ote n avt t r

thrvch et kvm en is. LOng hav ik my thOr vr inhalden ,thach n v kan -k- e tn avt lOnger On . Hark then frj u nda til

thj u w

i t a muge t r u Oi i bita m Oi. Anda Ora syde

thOre Shelda t r bja tomeh tha fOrt fon alle sOa have,

thOr makath bja hjvd dOgon skr iffi lt fon pompa blOdar,

thOr mith spareth bja l in n en t u t an d kan n ath bja vs Wel

m iste . NOidam that skr iffilt makja nv alti vs grateste

bydr iv wOst is , SO. heth thj u Moder wilt that man et vs

lOra skolde. Men Minerva heth al et folk bihexn ath,jes

bihexn ath frj u n da, ivin as ai vs fja that lasten stu rven is.

E r—u t mot- et, ik wil thi tella, n as- k nOn bu rchfam ik

skold et wel t a,ik skolde thj u hex in hjara nest vr

barne . Tha bja thi lerste worde u t hOde,spode hj u hira

selva n Oi hira burch tha,men that vrdr vnken folk was

alth u s dén era bigastered , that et vr sin rOde n avt mocht

to wakane. In dvi - dryste iver gvngon bja overa Sand fal

and n Oidam nacht m idlerwil del strOk gvngon bja evin

dr ist vpper burch lOs, Thach Kalta miste al hwither hira

dol , hwand Minerva and hira fam n a and tha foddikwrdon

alle thrvch tha rappa stj u rar breth.


Jon JOn, Jhon and Jan is al On mith j even , thach thet

lOit anda u tsprek thOra stj u r ar , thOr thrvch wenhOd ellas

bikirta vmbit fara an d hard hropa to mvgane. Jon that

is jeva was sOkOn ing , bern to - t-Alderga, to- t Flymar u t


faren mith 100and 27 skOpu m ,tohrOth far en grOte buta

rei s,rik to lOden mith barn stOn , tin , kaper, yser, lOken ,

lin nen t,filt

,fam n a filt fon otter, hOver , and kanina hOr .

NW skold er fon hir jeta skr iffilt mith n imma tha to Jon

hl'r kOm and sach ho Kalta vsa rom rika burch vrdOn hOde,tha warther sa uter mOte heftich , that er mith al sinum

lj u du m vpper Flybu r ch of gvng and thOr to witterjeld

thene rada hOne an stek . Men thr vch sin skelt bi nacht

and svme sinra lj u du m warth thj u foddik and tha iamus

hret. Tach SyrhOd jefta Kalta ne m ochton bja n avt to

fatan e,hj u klywde vppa u troste tinne , jahweder tochte

that hju inna logha omkvm a moste,thO. hwat hOrde ?

Dahwile al hira lj u da stak an d stif fon skrik standon , kOm

hju skOner as a- to fora vp hira klOppar to hr opande nOi

Kalta min—Otis ThO. stram ada that ora Skelde folk to

hapa. A S tha stju r ar that sagon hr ipon bja far Minerva

wy. E n or loch is thOr u t kvmen,t r thrvch thvsande

fallen send.

Under thesse tidon was ROsamon d that is ROsa mvda

Moder,hj u hOde ful in thOre minne dOn vmbe frOtho to

warja,tach nw- t alsa arg kOm ,

myk bja kirte mOte. Bistonda sand hj u bodun thr vch tha lan d pala and lOt en

mOna nOdban u tkOtha,tha kOmon thO. landwOrar u t alle

wrda wOi. That strydande land folk warth al fat,men

Jon burch hin selva mith sin lj u d vppa sina flate, mith

n im an d bOda tha foddika,byonka Min erva and tha famna

fon bOdar burchum. Helpr ik thene hOrman lOt- im‘

i n banna,men the hW ila alle wOrar jeta O - ra Skelda wOron for Jon to

bek nOi- t Flymar and forth wither nOi vsa alan du m . Sin

lj u d and fOlo fon vs folk namon wif and bern skOp, and as

Jon nW sach that man bin and sin lju d likm is dar strafja

wilde,brudon hi stolkes hinne. Hi dOde rj u cht, hwand al

vsa landar and allet ora Skelda folk thOr fju chten hOdon

Kalta Min -his, Minnesdochter ?


from the Flym eer with a fleet of 127 Ships fitted out for

a long voyage,and laden with amber






,otter- skins

,beaver and rabbit skins. He

would also have taken paper from here,but when he

saw how Kalta had destroyed the citadel he became so

angry that he went off with all his people to F lybu rgt,and out of revenge set fire to it. His admiral and some

of his people saved the lamp and the maidens,but they

cou ld not catch S ijrhed ( or Kalta) . She climbed up onthe fu rthest battlement , and they thought she must be

killed in the flames but what happened ? While all her

people stood'

transfixed with horror,she appeared upon

her steed more beautifu l than ever,calling to them


Kalta ! Then the other Schelda people poured ou t to

wards her. When the seamen saw that,they shouted


We are for Min—erva from which arose a war in which

thousands were killed.

At this time Rosamond the mother,who had done all

in her power by gentle means to preserve peace,when she

saw how bad it was , made short work of it. Immediately

she sent messengers throughout all the districts to call a

general levy,which brought together all the defenders of

the country. The landsmen who were fighting were al l

caught,but Jon with his seamen took refu ge on board

his fleet,taking with him the two lamps

,as well as Min

erva and the maiden s of both the citadels . Helpr ik, the

chief,summoned him to appear


; but while all the soldi ers

were on the other Side of the Scheldt,Jon sailed back to

the Flym eer ,and then straight to our islands . His fight

ing men and many of our people took women and chil

dren on board,and when Jon saw that he and his people

would be punished for their misdeeds , he secretly took

his departure. He did well,for all ou r islanders , and

the other Scheldt people who had been fighting were

Kalta Min-his,Minnesdau ghter .


wrdon n ei Brittanja brocht. Thins stap was mis dOn ,hwan d n v kOm t- anfan g fon that ende

Kalta thOr nOi- t segse Oven hlyd vppet t er as vppet

land blapa machte , gvng nei tha fasta wal , and forth vppa

Missellja of. Tha kOm on tha Gola mith hj ara skepu m

u t- a MiddelsOKadik bifara and O1 vs uter land , forth fylon

bja vp and over Br ittan nja thach bja n e m ochton thOr nOn

fasta fot n e krOja , vmbe that tha sjvrda weldich and tha

ban n al in ga j eta fryas wOron . Men nw kOm Kalta and

kOth,thv bist fry bern and vmbe litha lOka heth man thi

to vrwu rpene makad , n avt vmbe thi to bOterja, men vmbe

tin to winn an de th rvch thina handa. W ilst wOr fry wOsa

and vn der mina rOd and hoda lOva,tjan u t then


skilu n thi wrda, and ik skil waka o- er thi. Lik blixen

fju r gvng et O - era alanda,and Or thes Kroders jol Onis

om hlapen hOde, was hj u master inn e over al gadur and tha

Thyrjar fon al vsa suder stata til thOre Ymbe

that Kalta hira selva n avt to ful bitrowada , lOt hju in -et

n or thl ika berch lan d One burch bvwa Kalta- s burch warth

hj u hOten,hj u is j et anWOsa

,men n v hOt hja KOren -ak.

Fon thju s burch welde hj u lik en efte moder , n avt to wille

far men over hira folgar and tham hjara selva forth

Kaltan a ’

r hOton . Men tha Gola weldon by gradou over Ol

Br ittanja , that kOm Onis dOlis that hj u nOn mar bnrga nOde,

twyas that hj u thOr nOn bu r chfamn a nOde and thryas

thrvchdam hj u nOn efte foddik n avt nOde. Thrvch ai

thessa OrsOka kvn hira folk n avt u i lOra,that wrde dvm

and dor an d wrde endelik thrvch tha Gola fon ai hira

ysera wOpne birawath and to that lesta lik en bnhl by

thOre nOse omme lOid.

Sejene, de Seine. 1' Kaltana, Geltse.




10 j er after Jon wOi brit was, kOm on byr thrj u skOpa

in - t Flym ar falla, that folk hrip ho- n -s en , fon hira

talinga heth thj u Moder thit skrywa lOten . ThO. Jon antha

MiddelsO kOm was then mara thOra Gola hin vral far u t

gvngen , alsa hi an thOr i kad fon tha hOinda Krekalanda

narne fOlich nOre. Hi StOk thus mith sinum flate nOi

Lydia,that is Lyda his land, thOr wildon tha swarts

mann iska fata hjam and Ota. To tha lesta kOmon bja et

Thyrhis, men Minerva sOide hald of, hwand hir is thju loft

Olangn e vrpest thrvch tha prestera. Thi kaning was fon

Tu nis Ofstamed,SaWi lOter hOrdon , men til thj u tha prestera

en kaning wilde have thOr alder langne n Oi hjara bigripwOre

,alsa hOde bja Tunis to en gode up hej ad, to arguisse

sinra folgar. As bja n v Thyr after bek wOre, kOmon , tha

Thyr iar en Skip uta afte hoda rawa, nOidam that skip to

fOr was,kvndon wi - t n avt wither wina

,men Jon swor

e ka thOrvr . Tha nacht kOm kOrde Jon nOi tha fOre

KrOkalandu m,to lesten kOm on bja by en land that bju stre

skryl u t sa, m en bja fondon thOr en havesmvda. Hir sOide

Minerva skil by skin nOn frOse to fara forstu m nach pres

terum nOdich wOsa,nOidam hja algadu r feta etta minna,

thach tha bja inner have hlipon fouth man bja navt

r u m noch vmbe alle skOpa to bislnta, and thach wOron

mOst alle to laf vmbe wider to gane. Alsa gvng Jon

thOr forth Wilde mith sin spOr and fOne that jongk folk

to hropan de, hwa willinglik bi-m skara wilde. Minerva

ther biliwa wilde dOde alsa. That grateste del gvng

nOi Minerva, men tha jonggoste stju rar gvngon bv Jon.




Ten years after Jon went away,there arrived three

ships in the Flymeer ; the people cried Huzza ! (What a

blessing l) and from their accou nts the mother had thiswritten .

When Jon reached the Mediterranean Sea,the reports of

the Gauls had preceded him,so that on the nearest Italian

coast he was nowhere safe. Therefore he Went with his

fleet straight over to Lybia . There the black men wanted

to catch them and eat them . At last they came to Tyre ,but Min - erva said

,Keep clear

,for here the air has been

long poison ed by the priests . The king was a descendant

of Tennis,as we were afterwards informed ; but as the

priests wished to have a king,who

,according to their

ideas,was of lon g descent

,they deified Tennis

,to the

vexation of his followers . After they had passed Tyre,the

Tyrians seized one of the rearmost ships, and as the ship

was too far behind us , we could n ot take it back again ;but Jon swore to be revenged for it. When night came


Jon bent his course towards the distant Krekalanden . At

last they arrived at a country that looked very barren,but

they found a harbour there. Here, said Min- erva, we need

not perhaps have any fear Of princes or priests, as they

always look ou t for rich fat lands . When they en tered

the harbour,there was not room for all the ships, and yet

most Of the people were too cowardly to go any further.

Then Jon, who wished to get away, went with his spear

and banner, calling to the young people , to know who would

volunteer to share his adventures. Min - erva did the same

thing,but she Wished to remain there. The greater part

stopped with Min- erva,but the young sailors went with Jon.


Jon nam thOre foddik fon KOlta and hira famna mitha,and Minerva hild hira aj n foddik an d hira aj u famna.

B itwiska tha fOr u m and heinda KrOkalandu m fand Jon

svma Olanda thOr im likte, vppet grateste gvng- er inna

tha walda twisk that berchta en burch bvwa. Fon u ta

litha Olanda gvng - er u t e ka tha Thyrjar skOpa and landa

birawa, thOrvmbe send tha Olanda evin blyd Rawer Olanda,as Jonhis Olanda"E hOten .

Tha Minerva that land bisjan hOde, that thrvch the. in

hOmar Attika is hOten , sach hj u that that folk al jOitahoder wOron , bja hildon hjara lif mith flesk

,krfidu m


wilde wotel u m And hvn ing . E ja wOron mith felu m

tekad and hj u hOdon hjara shula vppa hellinga thOra

bergum. ThOrthrvch send bja thr vch vs folk Hellinggar

hOten .

That forma gvngon bja vppa run , tha as bja sagon that

W i navt n e taldon nOi hjara skat, thakOmon bja tobek and

lOton grate atskip blika. Minerva frOjde j ef wi vs in thOreminna machte nither setta. That wrde to staden vnder

biding that wi skolde helpa hjam with hjara swetsar to

str idande, thOr alan kOmon hjara bern to skakana and

hjara skat to rawana. Tha bvwadon wi One burch arhalf

pal fon thOr have. Vppa rOd Minervas Warth hju Athenia 't heten : hwand sOide hj u , tha after kvmand agon

to t ane,that wi hir n av t thrvch lest ner weld kvmen

send,men lik atha vn tfongen . Dahwile wi an thOre

burch wrochton kOmon tha forsta,as bja bja nv sagon

that wi nOn slavona hOde, sind er sok navt, and lOton- t

an Minerva blika,til thj u bja tochton that en forstene

wOre. Men Minerva frOja, ho bist wel an thina slavona kv

men ? Hja andere, svme havath wi kapad , Ora anna stridwnnen . Minerva séide

,sahwersa n inman manneska


nilda sa ne skolde n inm an jvw bern rawa and i ne skolda

Jonhis élanda, Insu lae Jon iae, Insu lae piratarnm.

7 Athen ia, Athens.


thOrvr nOn orloch have, W ilst thus vea har linga biliwa sa

mot- i thina slavona fry lOta.

That nv willath tha forsta n avt , bj a willath vswOi driwa.

Men thaklokeste hjarar lj u da kvm ath helpa vss burch ta

bvm ande,thOr wi nv fon stOn makja.

Thit is thju skOdnesse fon Jon and Minerva.

As bja that nW ella tellad hOde, frejath bja mith Orbjadenesse vm yrsen e bu rct pn e, hwand sOidon hja vsa lOtha

send weldich , tha sa wi efta wapn e have, skillon WI t a wel

w ither worde. As hjn thOran to stemad hOde, frej ath tha

ljnda jef tha Fryes SOda to A thenia and tha Ora Krekalanda

bloja skolde,thju Moder andere , jef tha fOre KrOkalanda.

to tha erva Fryes hOra, alsa skil u m bja thOr bloja, ne

hOrath bja n avt thOr to, alsa skil thOr lang over kampad

wrda mote , hwan d thene kroder skil jeva fifthu sand jOr

mith sin Jol ommehlapa , bifara that Findas folk rip to

fara frydom sy.



Tha HellOnja jefta Minerva stu rven was , tha baradou tha

prestera as jef hja mith vs weron, til thju that hel blika.

skolde bavon bja HellOn ia to—n e godene ute kOth. Ak

nildon bj a nOne ore Moder kjasa lOta,to segande, bja hOde

frOse that er emong hira fam n a n imman wOre, thOr bja sa

god kvnde trowa as Minerva thOr NyhellOn ia ton om t was.

Men wi nildon Minerva n avt as One godene navt bikanna,

nOidam bja selva seid hOde that n imm an god jefta fvlkvma

wOsa ne kvnde than Wr .aldas gOst. ThOr u mbe kOron wi

GOrt Pire his toghater to vea Moder u t.

As the.prestera sagon that bja hjara hering navtvp vssfjvr

brOda nemochton,thagvngon bja buta Atheniaand sOidon

Vervolg hier het verbasl van bl. 48—56.



not steal your chi ldren , and you would have no wars about

it. If you Wish to remain our allies, you will free your

slaves. The chiefs did not like this,and wanted to drive

us away ; but the most enlightened of the people came and

helped us to build our citadel,which was built of stone.

This is the history of Jon and of Min- erva.

When they had finished their story they asked respect

fully for iron Weapons ; for, said they, our foes are powerfu l ,but if we have good arms we can withstand them. When

this had been agreed to , the people asked if Frya’

s cus

toms would flou r ish in Athens and in other parts of Greece

(Krekalanden) . The mother answered,If the distant

Greeks belong to the direct descent of Frya, then they

will flourish ; but if they do not descend from Frya, then

there will be a long contention about it,because the carrier

must make five thousand revolutions Of his Juu l before

Finda’s people will be ripe for liberty.


When Hellen ia or Min- erva di ed, the priests pretended

to be with us,and in order to make it appear so


deified Hellen ia. They refused to have any other mother

chosen,saying that they feared there was no one among her

maidens whom they could trust as they had trusted Min

erva,surnamed Nyhel len ia.

But we would not recognise Min - erva as a goddess , be

cause she herself had told us that no one could be perfectly

good except the spir it of W r - alda. Therefore we chose

Geert Pyre’s daughter for our mother. When the priests

saw that they could not fry their herrings on our fire (have

everything their own way) , theyleft Athens , and said that we

Here follows the narrative con tained in pages from 48to 56.


thatwiMinerva n avt to- ne godene bikana nilda n t nyd,vmbethathj u tha inhemar safu l ljafde bi sen hede . Forth javonbja that fol k byldn isse fon hira l ikn ese, tjfigande that bjathOrlan ella frej a machte alsa naka bja beroch bilewon.

Thrvch al thissa tel linga warth that dvma folk fon vs

Ofkérad an d to tha lesta fylon bja vs to lif. Men Wi hedonvss stene bu r chwal mith twam hornum om tejen al to the

se. Bja n e machton vs thervmbe n avt naka. Thach bwet

berde,an Egiptalanda thOr were en overprester , hel fon

agnnm ,klar fon bryn An d licht fon gast

,sin nam were

SOkrops,* hy kOm vmb rOd to jOvane. As SOkrops sach

that er mith sinum lj u da vsa wal n avt biran n a n e kv,the.

sand hi bodon nOi Thyrhis. Af tern éi kOmon er thrjahvndred skipnn fvl salt- atha fon tha wilde berchfolku mvnwarlinga vsa hava bifara, dahwila wy mith alle mannu mvppa wallum to strydan de wOron .

Dréi as bja thj u hava in n om th hOde wildon tha wildasalt—atha that thorp and vsa skipa birawa. En salt-athehOde al en bnkja skand

,men Sekr ops wilde that navt ne

hangja, and the Thyrjar stj u rar thOr jeta Fryes blod int lif

hOde sOidon , aste that dOiste se skilu n wi tha rade hOne invea skype steka an d thv ne skilst thina berga na witherssja. SOkrops tham n avt n e hilde n i fon morthja nor fonhommelja, sand bodon nOi Gert vmbir tha burch of to askja,hj u macht frya n ttochte ha mith al hira drywandeand bOrande hava, hira folgar alsa fii l . Tha wista thOra bu rct ru m

O1 god sjan de that bja tha bu rch n avt halda ne kvnde,reden GOrt bja skolde gaw to bitta

,bi fira SOkrOps wodin

wrde and overs bigvnde, thrO mOn atha after bru de Gerthinne mith tha alder besta Fryas bern and sj u gu m waratwilf skypu m . Tha bj a en stut buta there have weron hémon thOr wel thritich skOpon fon Thyrhis m itwif and bern.

Hja Wilde néi Athénia ga, tha as bja hOrdon ha- t thér

eskepen stande gvngon bja mit GOrt. Thi t hing thera

SOkrops, Cecrops.


Thyrjar brocht algadu r thrvch tha strete’“ther vnder thisse

tida vppa tha rade SOn thl ip. E t leste landon bja et Pangab,that is in vea sprOke fif t ervm ,

vmbe that fif r instrama

mith hiri nei tha SO to strame. Hyr seton hja'

hjara selva

nithar. That land havon bja GOrtm annja hOton . Thene kO

ning fon Thyrhis afternOi sjan de that sin alderbesta stju rarwei brit weren sand al sin skipa mith sina wilde saltatha

vmb- er dad jefta lOvand to fatane. Men as bja by there

strOte kOm bevadon bOde SOOn d ir tha. Forth hef irtha hira 4

lif thér Vppa, sa hag that al at t er to thOre strOteu thlip,and that alle wata and skor r a lik en bu rchwal to fara hjam

vp rOson . That skede over tha GOrtm ann a hjara diigda lik

as allera m ann alik hel and klar m éi sja.



NOi that W i in twilif jOr tid nOn KrOkalandar to Almanland sjan hOde, kOmon thOr thrj u shepa sa syrlik as wi nen

hedon An d to fara nimmer n Ode sjsu . Vppet storoste thOra

wOre- n kOn ing thOra Jhonhis Olan dnm . Sin nOme wOre

U lysns and tha hrop ovir sin wisdom grat. This kening

was thrvch One presteresse forsOid, that er kOn ing wertha

skolde ovir alla KrOkalan da sa- r rOd wiste vmbe- n foddik

to krej an de, thOr vpstOken was anda foddik it Texland.

Vmbe- r to fensane hOder fOle skata mith brocht, bOppa ella

fam ne syrhOdu m ,alsa thOr in wralda n avt skOnener

makad wrde. Hja kOmon fon Troja en stede thamtha

KrOkalandar inn im th hOdon . Al thissa skata bad hi the

Moder an,men thj u Moder nilde narne fon nOta. As er

to lesta sa,that hju navt to winne wOre

, gvng er nei

Walhal lagara. iThOr was en fam SOten , hjra nOme wOre Kat, the

S trete, tbans hersteld als Kan aal van S u ez. Pangab, de Indu s.1' 219 v. Chr . I Wallahagara, Walcheren.


the Tyrians brought them altogether through the strait

which at that time ran into the Red Sea (now re- estab

l ished as the Suez Canal) . At last they landed at theP u njab

,called in our language the Five Rivers


five rivers flow together to the sea. Here they settled,

and called it Geertman ia . The King of Tyre afterwards ,seeing that all his best sailors were gone

,sent all his ships

with his wild soldiers to catch them,dead or alive . When

they arrived at the strait,both the sea and the earth

trembled. The land was upheaved so that all the water

ran out of the strait,and the muddy shores were raised up

like a rampart. This happened on account of the virtues

of the Geer tmen,as every one can plainly understand.




Aft!r twelve years had elapsed without our seeing any

in A lm an lan d,there came three ships

,finer than

any that we possessed or had ever seen.

On the largest of them was a king of the Jon ischen

Islands whose name was Ulysses,the fame of whose wis

dom was great. To him a pr iestes”Earl prophesied that

he should become the king of all provided he could

obtain a lamp that had been lighted at the lamp in Tex

land. For this purpose he had brought great treasures

with him,above all

,jewels for women more beautiful than

had ever been seen before. They were from Troy,a town

that the Greeks had taken . All these treasures he offered to

the mother,but the mother would have nothing to do with

them. At last, when he found that there was nothing to be

got from her,he went toW alhallagara (Walcheren) . Therethere was established a B u rgtm aagd whose name was Kaat,

Stréte, at presen t restored as the S u ez Canal. Pangah is the Indu s.

1‘ 2193-1005 is 1 1 88 before Christ. I Walhallagara, is Walcheren .



inna wandel wrde bja Kalip* heten u t hawede that hjara

vnder l ip as en u tkikbored far u tstak . Thérby heth er

jeron hwilth to argen isse fon al tham et wiston. Neithera fam n a hrop heth er to lesta en foddik fon hir kréjen ,tha bja heth im n avt n e bat, hwan d as er in S6 kem is sin

skip vrgvngon and by naked and blat vpn im th thrvch tha

othera Sképa.

Fon thisse kening is byr en skryver afterbiléwen fon

rén Fryas blod, barn to there n éie have fon Athenia and

hwat byr folgath het er vs fon ovit Athenia Skréven,

thér u t mei man bisln ta , ho wer thja Moder Hel—licht

spr Oken heth , tha bja séide that F ryas Seda to Athenian én stand holde n e kvste.

Fon tha 0thera Krékalander hetste sekur fu l kwad ovir

Sékrops hered, hwan d hi wére in n én gode hrop . Men ik

dar segse, hi wére- n lichte man,hachl ik r om ed alsa Ser bi

tha inhém ar as wel bi vs,hwand hi Were n avt ymbe tha

man n iska to diapan a sa tha Ora prestera,m en hi were du

gedsém and hi wist tha Wisdom thera férhém anda folku m

n éi wérde to Skatan de. Thervmbe that er that wiste,

héde- r vs to stonden that wi machte leva nei vs ajn elikSégabok . Ther gvn g en telling that er vs n ygen were,vmbe that er tj u cht wesa skolde u t en Fryaske m angérte

and E‘giptiska prester, n thawede that er blawe aga héde,an d that er fu l mangér ta fon vs Skakt weron and in

ovir Egiptalande vrsellath . Tha selva heth er n immerte

jecht. Ho- t thérmei sy, Sekur is - t that er vs maraathsk ip biwés as alle Othera prestu m to Sém ne. Men

as er fallen was, gvn gon sina n éim an n inga alr ing an

vsa éwa torena and bi grad u m sa felo m islikan da kerato makjande, that er to lOnge lesta fon elik sa and

fon frydom ha n avt Owers as tha Skin and tha nOme

vrbiléf. Forth nildon bja n avt n e daja that- a setma an

skr ift brocht wrde,hwerthrvch tha witskip théra far

Kalip, l Homer u sKalipso.


vs forborgen Warth. To fara wrdon alle séku m binna At

hén ia in vsa tal bithongon , aftern éi most et in béda tala

sken and to lesta al léna in tha landis tal. In tha érosta

jera nam that m an folk to Athenia enkel wiva fon vs aju

S lacht,men that jongkfolk v oxen mitha m angérta ther

landsaton n amen ther ak fon . Tha bastera bern tham

therof kemon weron tha skenstaand sn odsta in wr alda,men

bja weron ak tha argsta. To hinkan de vr byde syda,to

malande her vm séda n er vm pléga , hit ne sy that etwere

for hj ara ajue held . Alsa naka ther jeta- n Strel fon Fry

as gast weldande were warth al'

et bvwspu l to mén a werka

forwrochten an d nimman ne m ocht en bu s to bvwande,

that rumer an d riker were as that sinra n éstu m . Tha tha

svme vrbastere stédjar rik Wéron thrvch vs fara an d thrvch

et su lver,that tha slavon a uta su lver lOn a wnnon


gvngon bja buta vppa hel linga jefta inda déla héma.

Ther beftha haga wallum fon lOf tha fon stén bvwadon

bja hova mith kestlik h u sark , and vmbe by tha wla pres

trum in en goda hrop to Wésande, standon bja thér falska

drochten likanda and vn tu chtiga hilda in . By tha wla

prestr u m and forstu m wrdon tha knapa al tomet mara

gert as tha toghatera , an d faken thrvch rika jefta thrvch

weld fon et pad there diiged ofhléid. Néidam r ikdom by

that vrbr u de an d vrbasterde slachte fer bvppa du ged and

ere jelde,sach man altomet kuap u tham hjara selva mit

ruma rika klatar syradon , hj ara aldr u m an d fam na to

SkOnda and hjara kvn na to Spot. Kémon vsa én falda

aldera to Athenia vppe there m éna acht and wildon bja

thérvr bara, Sa warth ther hropen , hark, hark, thér skil

en sémomm a ketha. Alsa is Athenia wrdon elik en brok

land anda héte landa,fol b-lodsfigar , pogga and fen in iga

snaka, hwér in nen mann iske fon herde sedu m sin fot navt

waga n e mei.



Athens were pleaded in our language,but afterwards in

both languages , and at last in the native language only.

At first the men of Athens only married women of our

own race , but the young men as they grew up with the

girls of the country took them to wife . The bastard chil

dren of this connection were the handsomest and cleverest

in the world ; but they were likewise the wickedest, waver

ing between the two parties,paying no regard to laws or

customs except where they suited their own interests. As

long as a r ay Of Frya’

s spirit existed,all the building

materials were for common use,and no one might build

a house larger or better than his neighbours ; but when

some degenerate townspeople got rich by sea- voyages and

by the silver that their slaves got in the silver coun tries,

they went to live out on the hills or in the valleys .

There,behind high enclosures of trees or walls


built palaces with costly fu rniture,and in order to remain

in good odour with the nasty priests,they placed there

likenesses of false gods and unchaste statues . Som etimes

the dirty priests and princes wished for the boys rather

than the girls,and often led them astr ay from the paths

of virtue by rich presents or by force. Because riches

were more valued by this lost and degenerate race than

virtue or honour,one sometimes saw boys dressed in

splendid flowing robes,to the disgrace of their parents

and maidens,and to the Shame of th eir own sex. If our

simple parents came to a general assembly at Athens and

made complaints,a cry was raised, Hear, hear ! there is a

sea-monster going to speak. Such is Athens become, like

a morass in a tropical country full of leeches , toads, and

poisonous snakes,in which n o man of decent habits can

set his foot.



Ho vsa Dénemarkaei fara vs vléren gvngon 1 600and 2

jér‘t n éi Aldlan d vrgongen is. Thrvch Wodin s dor and

der tenhed was thene Magy has wrden ovir Skén landis

astardél. W ra berga and wr - n sé n e tvrade hi navt ne

kvm a. Thju Moder wildet n avt werba,bja Sprék ande

kéth,ik sja nen frese an sina wépne, men wel vmbe tha

Skén lander wer to n imm an de,thrvchdam bja bastered and

vrdéren sind. Vppa m én a acht tochteman alén . Thervmbe

is- t im leten. Grat 100jer léden byondon tha Dénemarkarto wandelja m ith hjam . Hja jevon him ysere Wépne and

r édskip ther fori wan deldon bja golden syrhédon biju nkakaper and yserir tha. Thju Moder sand bodon and red- er ,bja skolde thj u wandel fara leta. Ther were frese Séidebja fori hjara sedum ,

and bitham bja hjara Sede vr leren ,than skolde bja ak hjara frydom vr ljasa. Men tha Denem arkar n éde n arne ara nei

,bja n ilda n avt bigr ippa that

hjara sede vrbrfide kvste,thervmbe n e meldon bja bja

n avt. To longa lesta brochton bja ajue W épne and

l iftochta wei. Men that kwad wrocht hjara geia. Hjaral i chém a wrdon biladen mei hlik and skin



n hjara arka

spyn ton an d Skvra wrdon létoch . Krek hondred jer efteredei that et forma Skip mit l iftochta fona kad faren was,kem erm ode and lek thrvch tha anderma binna


spreda sina i ka and strek vppet land del , twispalt

h l ip stolte in overe stréta an d forth to tha husa in,ljafde ne kv nen stek longer n avt finda and én tracht run

ewei. That barn wilde eta fon sina mam and thju

mam héde wel syrhédon tha nen eta. Tha wiva kemonto hjara manna

,thissa gvn gon nei tha greva

,tha igréva

n edon selva nawet of hildon - t Skul. Nw most man thasyrhédon vrsella

,men thawila tha stju rar thérméi

Den a marka, de Iage m arken .

1" v . Chr .


wei brit weron kem frost and lei- n plOnk del Vppa sé and

wra strete. Tha frost thj u br igge red héde, stop wakandon

ther wr to- t land u t an d vred klywade vpper Sétel . In

stéde fon tha owera to biwakan de spandon bja hjara horsa

for hjara togum and r u non nei Skén lan d tha. Tha Sken.

lander,tham n éy weron ne1 that land hjarar éthla kemon

n éi tha Dénemarku m . Vppen helle nacht kemon bja alla.

Nw séidon bja that bja rj u cht héde vppet land hjarar ethlon

and thahwil that man thérvr kampade kémon tha Finna

in tha létoga thorpa and r u n adon mith tha bern ewei.

Thér tr vch and that bja nen goda wépn e n avt n édon,ded

hjam tha kasa vr ljasa and thérm éi hjari frydom ,hwand

thene Magy wrde bas. That kém that bja Fryas tex navt

lésde an d hira rédjévinga war lased héde.

Ther send svm e ther m éne that bja thrvch tha greva

vr réden send, that tha fam n a that long Spérath hédon , tha

sa hvam sa ther vr ketha wilde,tham is m vla wrdon to

smOrath mith golden kédne. W i n e mugan thérvr nén

ordel to fel lan de,men wi

,willath jo tohropa , n e lén navt to

sére vppa wisdom and du ged n i fon jvwa Forsta, u i fon

j owa fam n a,hwan d Skel et halda sa mot allera mannalik

waka ovir sin ajua tochta an d for- t mena held.

Twa jer n eidam kem thene Magy selva mith en flate fon

lichte kanum,tha Moder fon Texlan d and tha foddik to


Thas arge Séke bistonde- r thes n ach tis anda winter by

storne tydu m as win d gu lde and bej el to jen st tha andérna

fetere. Thi u tkik ther ménde thater awet herde stak sin

balle vp. Tha drei as et lj u cht fon er tore vppet ronddél

falda, sa- r that al felo wépen demanna wra bu r chwal weron.

NW gvng- er to vmbe tha klokke to lettan e, tha et were to

let. Er tha were red were,weron al twa thu sand ina wer

vmbe tha porte to rammande. Strid hwilde thervmbe kirt,


were away for that purpose,the frost came and laid a

plank upon the sea and the strait ( the Sound). W hen thefrost had made the bridge

,vigilance ceased in the land


and treachery took its place. Instead of watching on the

shores , they put their horses in their sledges and drove off

to Scandinavia. Then the Scandinavians,who hungered

after the land of their forefathers,came to Denmark.

One bright night they all came. Now,they said

,we have

a right to the land of our fathers ; and while they were

fighting about it,the Finns came to the defenceless

villages and ran away with the children. As they had no

good weapons , they lost the battle , and with it their freedom

,and Magy became master. All this was the couse

q u en ce of their n ot reading F rya’

s Tex, and neglecting

her counsels . There are som e who think that they were

betrayed by the counts,and that the maidens had long

suspected it ; but if any one attempted to speak about it,his mouth was shut by golden chains.

We can express no opinion about it,we can only say to

you,Do not trust too much to the wisdom of your princes

or of your maidens ; but if you wish to keep things

straight,everybody must watch over his own passions


well as the general welfare .

Two years afterwards Magy himself came with a fleet of

light boats to steal the lamp from the mother of Texland.

This wicked deed be accomplished one stormy Winter

night,while the wind roared and the hail rattled against

the windows. The watchman on the tower hearing the

n oise , lighted his torch. As soon as the light from the

tower fell upon the bastion , he saw that already armed

m en had got over the wall.

He immediately gave the alarm,bu t it was too late.

Before the guard was ready, there were two thousand

people battering the gate. The struggle did not last long.


hwan d thrvchdam tha wera n avt n én gode wacht halden

n éde, kemon alle om.

Hwil that alrek drok to kampan e were , was ther en wla

Fin to thére fléte jefta bedru m fon there Moder ingl u pth,and wilde bja n édgja. Tha thj u Moder werd- im of that er

bekward tojen st tha wach str u mpelde. Tha~ r wither vpa

ben were stek er Sin swerd to ir buk in segsande, n ilst min

kul n avt sé skilst min swerd ha. After im kem en Skiper

fona Dénem arka,thisse nam sin swerd and hif thene Fin

thr vch sina hole . Thér u t flat swart blod and thérvr

swéfde- n blawe logha. Thi Magy lét thj u Moder vpa sinra

Skip forplégja. As hj u nw wither alsa fere hél an d beter

wer that bja fast spréka machte , séide thene Magy that

hj u mith fara moste , tha that hj u hira foddik and famna

halda skolde,that hj u en stat skolde nyta Sa hach as bja to

fara na n éde ken th . Forth séide- r that hi hiri freja skolde

in ajnwarde fon sinu m forsta, j ef er master skolde wertha.

over alle landa an d folkra Fryas. Hi séide that hj u that

bijae and bijechta most, owers skolde- r vnder felo weja

sterva léta. As er ther after al sinra forsta om ira léger to

gadu rad héde fréjer lu d, Fran a vrm ites i klarsjande biste

most m.enis segsa of ik master skil wer tha over alle landa

and folkra Fryas. Frana dede as melde bja him nayt.

To lOnga lesta épende hj u hira wera ande kéth , m in

agun wrde thjfistred, tha that Ore lj u cht dégth vp in

minara Sele . Jes,ik Sja- t. Hark Ir tha and wes blyde

mith my. Vndera tydu m that A ldland svnken is , stand

thj u forma Speke fon thet Jol an top. Thérnéi is hju

del gvngon and vsa frydom mith tham. As er twa spéka

jeftha 2000 jer del trfiled het, sé sk ilu n'

tha syna vpstonda

ther tha forsta and prestera thrvch hordom bi- t folk téled

have,and tojen st hj ara tata tj u gha. Thi alle skilu m

thrvch mort swika,men hwat bja kéth have skil forth


bilywa and fru chdber wertha in- a bosme thera kloke man

niska,alsa lik gode Sedum ther del leid wrde in thinra

skat. Jeta thfisand j er skil thj u spéke then del nyga and

al mara syga anda thj u stern esse and in blod, ovir thi

u tstir t thrvch tha laga thér forsta and prestera. .Thérn6i

skil thet m ornerad wither an fanga to glora. Thit sjande

skil u n tha falska forsta and prester alsamen with frydomkampa and woxelja, men frydom ,

ljafde and éndracht

skil- et folk in hjara wach n ém a an d mit thet jol risa u ta

wla pol . That rj u cht that erost allén a glorade, skil thanfon léjar laja to- n logha wer tha . That blod thera argu mskil ovir thin lif strama, men thu me m iigth et n avt to thi

nema. To tha lesta skil that fen in ige kwik ther vp assand therof sterve. Alle wla skédnese tham forsu nnen

send vmbe tha forsta and prestera to boga, skil u n an logha

ofred wer tha. Forth skil u n al thin ra bern mith frétho

léva. Tha bja u tspreken héde,seg hj u del. Men thene

Magy tham bja n avt wel forstan héde kréth,ik hav thi

fréjeth , jef ik has skilde wer tha ovir alle landa and folkra

Fryas, an d nw haste to en other spr Oken . Frana rj u chte

hiri wither,sach im star an an d kéthe : er sj u gu n etmelde

om send,Skil thin Séle mitha n achtfu glon to tha grawa

omme wara and thin lik skil ledsa Vppa bodem fona se.

El wel se ide thene Magy mith vrborgne wodin , segs men

that ik kvm e. Forth se ider to jenst eu sinar r akkaru m, _

werp that wif vr skippes bord. Al thu s wer- et ende fon- re

leste thera Moder u m .

* W réke willath wi ther vr n avt ne

hrOpa, tham skil tyd nima. Men thu sand wara thfisand

mél willath wi Frya aftern éi hropa : wak-wak-wak.


Nei that tha modder vrdén was , leter tha foddik and

tha fam n a to sina Skip to brenga biju nka alle in

Verg. bl 4.


and Shall bear fruit in the bosoms of able men,like good

seed which is laid in thy lap. Yet a thousand years

shall the spoke descend,and sink deeper in darkness


and in the blood shed over you by the wickedness Of the

princes and priests. After that,the dawn shall begin

to glow. When they perceive this,the false princes

and priests will strive and wrestle against freedom ;

but freedom , love , an d unity will take the people

u nder their protection,an d rise out of the vile pool .

The light which at first only glimmered Shall gradually

become a flame. The blood of the bad Shall flow over

your surface , but you must not absorb it. At last thepoisoned animals shall eat it

,and die of it. All the

stories that have been written in praise of the princes

and priests Shall be committed to the flames. Thenceforth

your children shall live in peace . When she had finished

speaking she sank down.

The Magy,who had not understood her

,shrieked out


I have asked you if I should become master of all the

lands and people Of Frya, and now you have been speaking

to another. Frana raised herself up,stared at him


said,Before seven days have passed your soul Shall haunt

the tombs with the night- birds,and your body Shall be at

the bottom of the sea. Very good, said the Magy, swellingwith rage ; say that I am coming. Then he said to his

executioners,Throw this woman overboard. This was the

end of the last of the mothers. We do not ask for revenge. Time will provide that ; but a thousand thousand

times we will call with Frya,Watch ! watch ! watch !


After the mur der of the mother, he brought the lamp

and the maiden s into his own Ship , together with all

Refer to p. 4.


bold ther im l ikte. Forth gvng er that Flymar vp , hwand

hi wilde tha fam fon Medeasblik jeftha fon S tavora gabjaand tham to Moder makja. Tha ther weron bj a Vp hjarahodum brocht. Tha stju rar fon Stavora and fon thatAlderga

hedon hin i gern to Jonis togen,men tha grate flate were

vppen fere tocht fi t. NW gvngon bj a to and foron mith

hjra littige flate nei Medeasblik and hildon bja skul after

that ly thera bamun. Thi Magy nakadeMedeasbl ik bi helle

dei and Skyn an der svn n e. Thach gvngon sina lj u da drist

dr ist wéi vppera burch to r u n n an de. Men as al let folk mith

tha bOtu m land was,kemon vsa stj u rar a tere kreke wei and

Shatou hjara pila mith tarbarn tin hollum vp sinra flate.

Hja weron alsa wel rj u cht that felo sinra sképu n bistonda

anna brOnd weron. Tham vppa Sképu n wachton , skaton ah

n ei vs tha,thach that ne rojade n awet. As er to lesta en

Skip al bar nande nei- t Skip thes Magy dryf , bifel - er Sin

Skiper hi skolde of bade, men thene Skiper that were theneDén emarker ther thene Fin felad héde


,thv hest

vse Hremoder n éi tha bodem fona sé svnden to m eldande

thatste kvm a skolde,thit skoste thrvch tha drokhéd wel

vrjetta ; nw wil ik nju de thatste thin word jecht . Thi Magy

wild- im Ofwéra ; men thene Skiper , en afte Fryas and

ster ik lik en jokoxe klipade beda sinum hOn da om Sin hole

and hif hini vr bord into that wellande bef. Forth hés er

sin brune skild an top an d for rj u cht to rj u cht an nei vsa

flate. Thérthrvch kemon tha fam na vn for let to vs, men tha

foddik was u tgvngon and n imm an wiste ho- t kémen was.

Tha bja vppa vn fordene Sképa heradon , that thene Magy

vrdrvnken was,br u de bja hinne

,hwan d tha stj u rar théra

m ést Dén emarker Wéron . Nsi that tha flate fer enoch ewei

were , wendon vsa stj u r ar an d skaton hjara bar np ila vppa

tha Finna del. Tha tha Finna thus sagon,ho bja vrréden

wéron , blip alr ik thrvch vr ekkdr u m and ther nére lOnger

nen hér ichhéd n i bod. To thisre ston de run tha were bja u t



re burch. Tham navt ne fljuchte, werth afmakad, and

thér flj u chte fvnd sin ende into tha polam fon et Kry

linger wald.


Tha tha stj u rar an da kreke lejon was ther en spotter

fon u t S tavora mank, ther Séide , Medea mei lakkja, sa wi

byr u t hjra burch reda. Thervmbe bavon tha famn a thju

kreke Medea mei lakkja he ten.

Tha bér tn issa ther afternéi sked send,mei alram annalik

hu gja. Tha famna hagon tham nei hjara wyse to tella and

wel biskr iwa leta. Thervmbe rékenjath wi hirm itha vsa

arbéd fvlbrocht. Held.



forth from the citadel. Those who resisted were killed,

and those who fled found their death in the marshes of the

Krylinger wood.


When the sailors were in the creek,there was a wag

from Stavoren among them,who said , Medea may well

laugh if we rescue her from her citadel. Upon this,the

maidens gave to the creek the name Medea méilakkia

( Lake of Medea) . The occurrences that happened after

this everybody can remember. The maidens ought to

relate it in their own way,and have it well inscribed. We

consider that our task is fulfilled. Hail

Medemi lacu s, Lake of Medea’s lau ghter .




MIN nOm is Adelbrost svn fon Apol an d fon Adela.

Thrvch min folk ben ik kOren to GrOvetm an ovira Lindawrda. ThOrvmbe wil ik thit bok for folgja vp alsa dOnera

wisa as mine mem sprOken heth.

Nei that thene Magy felt was and F ryasbu rch vp stel

brocht,most er en moder kOren wer tha. Di—ra lOva nOde

thj u Moder hira folgstera n av t nOm th . Hira lersta wille

was sok and narne to findne. Sj u g u n mOnatha after

werth er en mOn a acht bil idsen and wel to GrOnega“u t

OrsOke that anna Saxan am arka palth. Min mem werth

kOren,men hju nilde nOn Moder wOsa. E j u hOde heth

lif minar tat brOd,thOr thr u ch hOden bja ekkorum lyaf

krOjen and nw wildon bja ak gadath wertha. FOlon

wildon min mem fon er bisl u t Of brenga ; men min mem

séide,en Erem oder acht alsa rOn in - r a mod to wOsana as

bja buta bl ikt and Oven mild far al hjara bern. NOidam

ik Apol nw lyaf hav hoppa ella in wralda, sa ne kan ik

sa- ne Moder n ayt nOsa. SO. Sprek and kOth Adela, men

tha Ora bu rchfam na wildon algader Moder wOsa. Alrek

stat thong fori sinera ajne fam and nilde n avt fyra. Therthrvch nis er nOn e kOren and heth rik thus bandlas. Eyr

after mug- it bigr ipa.

Lj u dgért, tham kOn ing thOr hOmes ga fallen is , was bithOre Moder- is lOva kOren blikbOr trvch alle statha mithlyafde and trjvw. Heth wOre Sin torn vmbe vppin eth

grate hof to Dok- hOm Tto hemande,an d bi thOre Moder- is

lOva wrd- im ther grate Or bi sen,hwand et wOre immer

sa ful mith bodon and r iddar u m fon hOinde and fOre

as -m - a to fora na nOde Sjan . Tach nw wOr - er OnsOm and

O rOnega, C ron ingen . Dokhém ,Dokku m.


vrlOten,hwand alrek wOre ange that—er him master skolde

makja hoppa heth rj u cht and welda O- lik tha slavona

ken inggar . E lk forst wande forth that- er enoch dOde as

er wakade ovir sin ajn stat ; and thi On ne jéf nawet taantha Othera. Mith-Ora bu rchfam na gvnget jeta arger to.A lrek thisra bogade vppira ajue wisdom and sahwersa tha

Grévetmanna awet dOdon buta hjam ,SO. wrochten bja

m istrv a bitwiska tham and sinum lju du m . SkOder en

sOke thOr fOlon statha trof and hOde man thju rOd Onerfam in wn nen , SO. kOthon alle Othera that bja sprOken hOdeto fOre fon hjra ajne stat. Thrvch alth u sdOnera renka brochton bja twyspalt in ovir a statha and t orendon bja that

band SadOne fon On , that et folk fon tha Onn e stOt nythichwOre vppet folk fon en ora stat and faret alderm inestalik fOrhOmande biskOwade. Thj u fOre thOra is west thattha Gola jeftha Tr owyda vs al - Ot land of wnnen haven al

ou t thOra Skelda and thi Magy al to thOreWrsara. Ho- r

therby to gvngen is , heth min mem vn t th,owers nas thit

bok n avt SkrOven n e wrden , afskén ik alle hape vrlOren

hav tha- et skil helpa tha bata. Ik ne skryw thus navt

inna wan , thet ik thOr thrvch thet land skil winna jefthabihaldane

,that is mi u ra achtne vndvalik , ik skryw allOna

far et after kvmande slacht,til thju bja algadu r t a

muge vp hd na wisa wy vr lOren gvnge, and tha. alram an nalik hyr u t lOra mOi that elk kwad sin n a tOlath.

My heth man ApollOnja hOten . Twyia thr itich dega

nOi mam hira dad heth man Adelbrost min brother

vr Sl en fouden vppa warf, S in hawed Split and sina lithne

fit On bréten . Min tat thOr siak lOide is fon skrik vrstu r

ven . Tha is Apol m in jangere brother fon byr nOi thOre

westsyde fon SkOn land faren . ThOr heth er en burchebu wad

,Lindasbu rch ’“ hOten , vmbe dana to wrekana

vs lOth. Wr .alda heth- im thOr to fOlO jOra lOnad. Hy

heth fif svna wnnen . Altham brengath thene Magy skrik

Lindasbu r ch , op kaap Lindanaes, Noorwegen.


because every one was afraid that he would set himself

above the law,and rule them like the Slave kings. E very

headm an imagined that he did enough if he looked after

his own state,and did not care for the others. With the

B u rgtmaagden it was still worse. E ach of them depended

upon her own judgment,and whenever a Grevetman did

anything without her,she raised distrust between him and

his people. If any case happened which concerned several

states , and one maid had been consulted, the rest all ex

c laimed that she had spoken only in the interest of her

own state. By such proceedings they brought disputes

among the states,and so severed the bond of union that

the people of one state were jealous of those of the rest,or at least considered them as strangers the consequence

of which was that the Gauls or Tr u wenden (Druids) took

possession of our lands as far as the Scheldt, and the

Magy as far as the Wesara . How this happened my

mother has explained,otherwise this book would not have

been written,although I have lost all hope that it would

be of any use. I do not write in the hOpe that I shall

win back the land or preserve it : in my Opinion that is

impossible. I wr ite only for the future generations , that

they may all know in what way we were lost, and that

each may learn that every crim e brings its punishment.

My name is Apollonia. Two- and- thirty days after my

mother’s death my brother Adelbrost was found murdered

on the wharf,his Skull fractured and his limbs torn asun

der. My father,who lay ill

,died of fright. Then my

younger brother, Apol , sailed from here to the west Side Of

Schoonland. There he built a citadel named L indasbu rgt,in order there to avenge our wrong. Wr - alda accorded him

many years for that. He had five sons , who all caused fear

Lindasbu rch , on Cape Lindanaes, Norway.


and min brother gOma. After mam and brother- is did

send tha fromesta fon- u t—a landu m to ekkOr u m kvmen,bja,


en band Sloten Adelband hOten . Til thj u vs nOn

leth wither fOra ne skolde, havath bja my and Adelhir t min

j u ngste brother vpper burch brocht, my by tha famn a and

min brother by the. wOrar . Tha ik thr itich jOr werO heth

man my to B u rchfam kOren,an d tha m in brother fiftich

wOre,werth—er keren to GrOvetm an . Fon mam - is syde

wOre min brother thene sexte , men fon tat his syde thene

thr ide. NOi rj u cht m achton sine afterkvmande thus nOn

o v e r a L i n d a after hjara nOm u n nayt ne fora, men alra

mann al ik wildet hava to Ore fon mina mam . ThOr to

boppa heth man vs ak en ofskr ifte jOven fon t h e t bok

thOr a Ad e l a f ol l i star . ThOr mitha ben ik thet blydeste,hwan d thrvch m in mam hjra wisdom kOm - et in wr alda.

In thas burch hav ik jeta Ora skr ifta fvnden,thOr navt in


t bok ne stan,ak lovspréka ovir min mam

,altham wil ik

after skr iva.

Thit send tha nOilOtne skr ifta B r u nnos,ther skrywer

wOsen is to thisre burch. After that tha Adela follistar

ella hOde lOta overskryva elk in sin rik,hwat wryt was

in Vppa. wagaru m thOra burgum,bisloton bja en Moder

to kjasane. ThOrto warth en mOna acht bilOid VP thisra

hOm . After tha forme rOd Adelas warth Tiin tja bifolen .

Ak skoldet S lacht have. Thach nw frOge m in B u rgtfam

thet wort,bja hede immerthe wOn ich wOst that bja Moder

skolde wertha,u t OrsOke that hj u byr vpper burch sat,

hwana mOst alle Moderam kOren wOron . Tha bja thet

word gund was,Opende hj u hira falxa wOra ande kOth : I

alle Skin th arg to heftane an Adelas rOd, tha that ne skil

thOrvmde m in mvla navt n e Slata ner su Ora. Hwa tach is

Adela and hwana kvmt et wOi thatster sokke hOge love to

swikth. Lik ik hj u ddéga is bja to fara byr bu rchfam wOst.


Tha is bja thOr vmbe wiser jefta bOtre as ik and alle

Othera, jefta is hj u mar stelet vppvsa sOd . and plOgum.

HwOre that et fal , Sa skolde hj u wel Moder wrden wOsa,tha hj u thOrto kOren is , men n éan hj u wilde rOder ennen

bosta ha mith all joi and n ochta thOr er an ebonden send,in stOd fon On su m over hjam and et folk to wakane. Hju

is Ol klarsjande, god, men min agne ne send fOr fon vrth

j u stred to wOsane. Ik hav Sjan that bja hir fryadelf herde

m in th , nw god, that is lovelik, men ik hav for ther sjan

that Tu n tja Apol - is n ift is . Wyder wil ik n avt ne sedsa.

Tha forsta bigr ipen Ol god,t r hj u bly sochte


emong et folk kOm twyspalt, and nOidam heth maradOl

fon byr wei kOm,wilde - t Tu n tja thiu Ore nayt ne guna.

ROdn e wrde stopth , tha saxne tagon uta Skadn e, men thOr

n e warth nOne Moder kOren . Kirt after hOde annen vsera

bodu e Sin makker faleth . Til hju ddéga hOde der frod

wOsen,thOrvmbe hede min bu rchfam orlovi vmb- im buta

tha landpala to helpan e. Thach in stOd fon im to helpane

nOi thet Twiskland,alsa flj u chte hj u selva mith im overe

W rsara and forth nOi tha MOgy. Thi Magy tham sina

Fryas svn a bagja wilde stald- iri as Moder to Godabu rch

et SkOn land, mOn bja wilde m ar , bja SOid- im that sahwersa

hi Adela Vpr u m a koste,hi master skolde wer tha over O1

Fryas land. Hj u wOr en fyand fon Adele séide hj u ,hwand thrvch hjra renka nas hj u nOn Moder wrden .

Sahwersa hy hir Texlan d forspreka wilde , sa skolde hjra

boda sina wichar to wOiwyser thjanja. Al thissa sOka

heth hjra boda selva bilyad.


Fiftian monatha nOi thOre lerste ach t wOr—et Frj u nsklpjeftha W inn emOnath. Alleramannel ik j ef to an mery


place ; is she, then , wiser and better than I and all the

others ? or is she more conversant with our laws and cus

toms ? If that had been the case, she would have become

mother when she was chosen ; but instead of that, she

preferred matrimony to a Single life,watching over her

self and her people. She is certainly very clear - sighted,

but my eyes are far from being dim. I have observed

that She is very much attached to her husband,which is

very praiseworthy ; but I see,likewise

,that Teu ntje is


s niece. F u rther I say nothing.

The principal people understood very well which way the

wind blew with her ; but among the people there arose dis

putes,and as most of the people came from here

,they would

not give the honour to Teu n tje. The conferences were ended,knives were drawn

,and no mother was chosen. Shortly after

wards one of our messengers killed his comrade. As he

had been a man of good character hitherto,my B u rgtmaagd

had permission to help him over“

the frontier ; but instead

of helping him over to Twiskland (Germany) , she fled

with him herself to Wesara,and then to the Magy. The

Magy,who wished to please his sons of Frya


her mother of Godabu rgt, in Schoon land ; but She wished

for more,and She told him that if he could get Adela out

of the way he might become master of the whole of Frya’


land. She said she hated Adela for having prevented her

from being chosen mother. If he would promise her Tex

land,her messenger should serve as guide to his warriors .

All this was confessed by her messenger.


Fifteen months after the last general assembly, at the

festival Of the harvest mon th , everybody gave himself


mery fru and bly,and n imm an nOde diger than to Shane

sina nocht. Thach Wr .alda wild vs wysa, that wakendom,

n avt vrgam lath wrde n e mei . To m idne fon - etjfést fyljakOm nOvil to hu llande vsa wrda in thikke thju sterniseg,Nocht runde wei, tha wakendom nilde nayt n e kOra. Tha

strandwakar wOron fon hjara nOd fj u ra hlapen and vppa

tha topadu m nas nOnen to bisja. Tha nevil ewOi tach,

lokte svnne thrvch tha rOta thOra wolku m vp irtha. Alrek

kOm wither u t to q gan de and to j olande , th et j u ngkfolk tach sjongande mitha gii rbOm

‘“ and thisse overf u lde

luft mith sina l iaflika adam. Men thahwila thOr alrek

in nocht bajada,was vrrOd land mith horsum and rid

derum. Lik alle arga wOron bj a helpen thrvch thj u ster-r

nisse,and hinne gl u path thrvch Linda waldis pada. To

fara Adelas dure tagon twilif m angOrtn e mith twilit

lamkes and twilif knapa mith twil if hoklinga, en junge

Saxman birOd en wilde bu fle thOr er selva fensen hOdeOn d tamad. Mith allerl a blomma wOron bja siarad


tha linnen tohnekna thOra mangOrtne wOron omborad mith

gold u t- er ROne.

ThO. Adela to hira hus u t vppet slecht kOm,fol en

bloe in del vppira hole, alle j u wgade herde and the. tot

horne thOra knapu m gfildon hoppa ella u t. Arme Adela,arm folk

,ho kirt skil frii hir bydja. ThO. thj u lOnge Skate

u t sjocht wOre kOm er en hloth magjara ridder u m linrju chtto r innande Vp Adelas hOm . Hira tat and gade wOron '

jeta vppa stoppenbenke SOten . Thj u dure stond Open and

te r binna stand Adelbrost hira svn a. As er sach ho sinaeldra in frOsewOron

, gripter Sine bOge fon - ere wachwOi Ond

skat nOi tha foresta thOra rawar u m ; this swikt and tr u lde

vppet gars del ; overne twade and thr ide was en Olik lOt

biskOren . In twiska hOdon sina eldra hjara wOpne fat, and

tagon vndyger to Jon is. Tha rOwera skoldon hjam ring

Gu rbam . C. Niebu hr Rc ize su n I. 1 74. Eenezakp ljp bij deEgyptenaren

Samdm cl Karbc genoemd.


fen sen ha,men Adela kOm , vppere burch hOde bja alle

wOpne to han tOra lOrad, sj u g u n i rtt t wOre bja lOng andhira gOrt sa fOlo, thryja swikte bja tham or hjra hole andas er del kOm wOr en ridder garsfall ich . Follistar kOmon

omme herne thOre lOne wOi. Tha. rawar wrdon falath andfen sen . Thach to lOt

,en pil hOde hjra bosme trefth.

VrrOdelika Magy ! In fen in was sin pint dipth and

thOrof is bja starven.


Jes ferhOmande athe, thu sande send al kumeu and jetmara send vp wOi.We]

,bja willath Adelas wisdom hOra.

Sekur is hju forstine, hwan d bja is immer thja forstewOst.

O wach t rto skolde bja thjanja. Hira hemeth is

linnen , hira tohnekka‘ wol, that hjv selva spon and

wévade. HwOrmOi skolde bja hjra SkOnhOd haga. Navt

mith par lu m ,hwand hjra tuskar send Witter ; n avt mith

gold, hwan d hjra hér is blikkan der ; n avt mith stOna, wel

send hjra agon saft as lamkes agon , thach to lik sa glander

that man thOr SkrOml ik in sja ne mOi.

Men hwat kalt ik fon skOn . Frya wOre wis navt skOner.

Ja athe,Frya thOr sj u g u n SkOnhOde hOde

,t rfon hjra

toghatera men One elk hachsten s thr ia u rven have. Men

al wOre hj u lOdlik, thach skolde hju vs djura wOsa.

Jef bja wygandlik sy. Hark athe,Adela is thet Onge

bern vsar grOvetman . Sj u g u n j rthfet is hj u hach, jeta

grater then hjra licheme is hjra wishOd and hjra mod is

lik bOde to sOm ine.

Lok thOr,thOr wOre On is en fOnbrOnd, thrj u bern

wOron Vp jen ske grafstén sprongen . Wind blos fel. AI

rek kréta and thj u mam wOre rOdalas. ThOr kvm t Adelaho stéitst And tOmethste hropth bja , tragd help to 16

To bu chha, eene hooge, tot aan de nelc mikende, japon .


Adela came. She had learned in the burgt to use all

kinds of weapons. She was seven feet high,and her

sword was the same length. She waved it three times

over her head, and each time a knight bit the earth. Re

in forcemen ts came , and the pirates were made prisoners

but too late—an arrow had penetrated her bosom ! The

treacherous Magy had poisoned it,and she died of it.


Yes , departed friend , thousan ds are arrived, and more

are coming. They wish to hear the wisdom of Adela.Truly, she was a princess, for she had always been the

leader. O Sorrow,what good can you do !

Her garments of linen and wool She spun and wove

herself. How could she add to her beauty ? Not with

pearls,for her teeth were more white ; not with gold ,

for her tresses were more brilliant ; not with precious

stones,for her eyes

,though soft as those of a lamb


so lustrous that you could scarcely look into them. But

why do I talk of beauty ? Frya was certainly not more

beautiful ; yes , my friends , Frya, who possessed seven

perfections,of which each of her daughters inherited one,

or at most three. But even if she had been ugly,she

would still have been dear to us. Is she warlike ?

Listen,my friend. Adela was the only daughter of our

Grevetman . She stood seven feet high. Her wisdom

exceeded he'

r stature,and her courage was equal to both

together . Here is an instance. There was once a turf

ground on fire. Three children got upon yonder grave

stone.There was a furious wind. The people were all

shouting,and the mother was helpless. Then came Adela.

What are you all standing still here for ? she cried. Try to

To knelcka, a high petticoat reaching u p to the neck.


nande and Wr .alda skil jo krefta jOva. ThOr hipth bja

ne1 - t krylwod, gript elsne trOjon , tragd en breg to mak

jande,nw helpath ak tha Othera an d tha bern send hred.

JOrlikes kOm on tha bern byr blomma ledsa.

ThOr kOmon thrO Fonysjar skiplju da thOr bja e vela

wilde,men Adela kOm

,bja hOde hjara hwop (hrop) bOrad,

in swim l ith hju tha lOtha Ond til thju bja selva jechta

skolde,thet bja vnwOr thel ike mann a wOron , bint bja

alSOmen an en Spin rok fest. Tha fOrhOm an da hOra kOmon

hjara thj u d askja. Tha hja sagon ho Skots bja m is n

wOron,kOm torn vp , thach man tellade ho- t bOrd was.

Hwat bja forth dOdon , bja bu wgdon to fara Adela and

keston thj u slyp hyr ar tohn ekka.

Kvm fOrhOmande athe,tha wald f u glon flj u chtath to

firm tha fOlo forsykar . Kvm athe samOist hjara wished


By tha grafstOn hwer fon in tha lovsprOke meld warth,is mam hira lik bigraven . Vppira grafstOn heth man

thissa worda hwryten .


Thj u form lOre thOr is hwryten in u tere wach thér burch

tore , nis n ayt wither eskrOven in that bok thOra Adela

follistar . HwOrvmbe thet lOten is nOt ik n avt to skri

wand. Tha thit bok is min aj u , thOrvmbe wil ik bja thO1

inna setta to wille m in ra magum .


Alle god minnanda Fryas bern sy held. Hwand thrvcl


tham skil et SOlich wer tha vp jrtha. LOr and kOth to tha

folku m . W r .alda is thet alderaldesta jeftha overaldesta,

hwand thet skop alla thinga. W r .alda is ella in ella,

hwand thet is n and vnendlik. W r .alda is overal ain

wardich , men nam e to bisja, thOr vmbe warth thet wOsa

gast hOten . Al hwat wi fon him sja muge send tha skepsela thOr thrvch sin lOva kvme and wither henne ga,hwand ina t W r .alda kvm ath alle thinga and kOrath alle

thinga. Fon u t W r .alda kvm th t anfang and et ende, alra

thinga gOith in im vppa . W r .alda is thet One ella mach

tige wOsa,hwand alle Ore m acht is fon him lOnad and

kOrath to him wither. In u t W r .alda kvm ath alle krefta

and alle krefta kOrath to him wither. ThOrvmbe is hi

allOna theth skeppan de wOsa and thOr nis nawet eskOpen

buta him.

W r .alda lOide n e setm a thet is Owa in al et SkOpne,

and thOr n e send nOn gode setm a jeftha bja moton thOrnOi

tavl ikt wOsa. Men afskOn ella in W r .alda sy, tha boshéd

thOra man n iska nis n avt fon him . BoshOd kvm th thrvch

lOt d vndigerhed an d dot d. ThOrvmbe kan hj u wel

tha man n iska skada, W r .alda nimmer. W r .alda is thju

wishOd,and tha Owa thOr hj u tavl ikt heth , send tha hoka

wOrOt wy lOra muge , and thOr nis nOne wishOd to findande

n er to garjan de buta tham. Tha man n iska m iigon fOlo

thinga sja, men W r .alda Sjath alle thinga. Tha manniska

mugon fOlo thinga lOra,men W r .alda t alle things.

Tha mann iska mu gon fOlo thinga vn tslfita,men to fara

W r .alda is ella Opn ed. Tha man n iska send mannalik

and berlik, men W r .alda skept bOde. Tha mann iska

m innath and hatath,tha W r .alda is allOna rj u cht rdich.

ThOrvmbe is W r .alda allOne god,an d thOr n e send nOne

goda buta him. Mith thet Jol wandelath and wixlat

allet eskOpne, men god is allOn a vn foranderlik. Thru cb.

that Wr .alda god is,alsa ne mei hi ak n avt foranderja ;


Through them the earth shall become holy. Learn and

announce to the peopleW r - alda is the ancient of ancien ts,

for he created all things . W r - alda is all in all,for he is

eternal and everlasting. W r - alda is omnipresent but in

visible , and therefore is called a spirit. All that we can

see of him are the created beings who come to life through

him and go again,because from W r—alda all things pro

ceed and return to him. W r—alda is the beginning andthe end. W r - alda is the only almighty being


from him all other stren gth comes,and retu rns to him.

Therefore he alone is the creator,and nothing exists

without him. W r - alda established eternal principles,upon

which the laws of creation were founded,and no good

laws could stand on any other foundation. But although

everything is derived from Wr - alda, the wickedness of

men does not come from him. Wickedness comes from


,and stupidity ; therefore they may

well be injurious to men , but never to W r - alda. Wr - alda

is wisdom,and the laws that he has made are the books

from which we learn,nor is any wisdom to be found or

gathered but in them. Men may see a great deal , but

W r - alda sees everything. Men can learn a great deal,

but W r - alda knows everything. Men can discover much ,

but to W r - alda everything is open. Mankind are male

and female,but W r - alda created both. Mankind love

and hate,but W r ~ alda alone is just. Therefore W r - alda

is good,and there is no good without him. In the pro

gress of time all creation alters and changes, bu t goodness

alone is unalterable ; and SinceWr - alda is good , he cannotM


and thrvch thet er bilywath , thOrvmbe is by allOna wOsa

and al et ora skin .


Emong Findas folk send wanwysa , thOr thrvch hjara

overfindingr ikhOd alsa arg send , that bja hjara selva wis

makja an d tha inewida bitj u ga , that bja thet besta dOl

send fon W r .alda that hj ara gast thet beste dOl is fon

W r .aldas gast and thet W r .alda allOn a mOi thankja thrvch‘

helpe hjar is bryn .


That aider skepsle en dOl is fon W r .aldas vnendlik wOsa

that havon bja fon vs gabad.

Men hj ara falxe rOdne and hj ara tam lase hachfarenhOd

heth r a vppen dwal i brocht. WOre hjara gast Wr .aldas

gast,sa skoldeW r .alda Ol dvm wOsa in stOde fon licht and

wis. Hwand hjara gast slavth him selva immer of vmbe

skOn e bylda to makjan de, thOr y after nOi anbid. Men

Finda s folk is en arg folk , hwan d afskOn tha wanwysa

thOra hj ara selva wis makja that bja drochtne send, sa

havon bja to fara tha vn ewida falxa drochtn e eskOpen , to

kOthan de allee ikes, that thissa drochtn eW r .alda eskOpen

have,mith al hwat thOr inne is gyr iga dr ochtne fvl nyd

and torn , tham Orath and thjanath willath wOsa thrvch tha

man n iska,thOr blod and Offer willa and skat askja. Men

thi wanwisa falxa manna, tham hjara selva godis skalka

jeftha prestera nOma lOta,bii rath and Sam n ath and gethath

aldam to fara drochtn e thOr er n avt ne send,vmbet selva

to bihaldande. Aldam bidrywath bj a mith en rum emod,thrvchdam bja hjara selva drochtne wane

,thOr an n inman

andert skeldich n e send. Send thOr svme tham hjara

renka froda and bar m i a,alsa wrdon bja thrvch hjara

r akkera fat and vmbira laster vrbarn ad,ella m ith fOlo

statska plOgu m , hjara falxa drochtne to - n Ore. Men in trvth,

Cf. Hegel a. h. l .


allOna vmbe that bja ra n avt Skada ne skolde. Til thju

vsa bern nw wOpned muge wOsa tojen st hjara drochtenlika

lOre,alsa hagon tha fam n a hjam fon buta to lOrande hwat

hyr skil folgja.

W r .alda was Or alle thinga , an d nOi alle thinga skil er

wOsa. W r .alda is alsa n an d hi is vnen dlik,thervmb

nis thOr nawet buta him. Thrvch u t W r .aldas lOva warth

tid and alle thinga bern , and sin lOva n im th tid and alle

thinga wOi. Thissa SOka moton klOr and bar makad wrda

by alle wisa,SO. that bja—t an Othera bithj u ta and biwisa

m u ge. Is- t SO. far wnn en , sa seith man forther : Hwat

thus vsa ommefang treft, alsa send wy en dOl fonWr .aldas

vnendelik wOsa, alsa tha omm efang fon al et eskOpne,

thach hwat anga vsa dants, vsa ain skipa, vsa gast and al

vsa bithankinga, thissa n e hOra n avt to thet wOsa. Thit

ella send flj u chtiga thinga tham thrvch W r .aldas lOva

for skina,thach thOr thrvch S in wishOd Sadane and navt

owers n avt n e forskin a. Men thr vchdam S in lOva stOdes

for thga, alsa ne mOi thOr nawet vppa sin stOd n avt bilywa.

ThOrvmbe forwixlath alle eskOpn e things fon stOd,fon

dante and ak fon thankwisa. Thervmbe n e mOi ir tha

selva,ner eng skepsle u i sedsa : ik ben

,men wel ik was.

Ak n e mOi nOn mOn n iska n avt ne sedsa ik thank, men

blat,ik thochte. Thi knap is grater and owers as tha- r


rn wOre. Hy heth ora gOr tn e, tochta and thankwisa.

Thi man en tat is and thankth owers as tha- r knap wOre.

Evin tha alda fon dOg u m . That t allera mannelik.

Sahwersa allera mann alik n w t and jechta mot,that by

alon wixlath,sa mot by ak bijechta, that er jahweder

ageblik wixlath , ak thahwila- r sOid ik ben

,And that sina

thank hylda wixle, tha bwile- r sOid : ik thank.

InstOde that wy tha arga Findas althu s vnwerthlik after

nOi snakka and kalta, ik ben , jeftha wel , ik ben thet

beste dOl Wr .aldas, ja th rvch vs allOna mOi- r thankja,


but really in order to save themselves. In order that our

children may be protected against their idolatrous doctrine,

the duty of the maidens is to make them learn by heart

the following : W r - alda existed before all things,and will

endure after all things. W r - alda is also eternal and ever

lasting, therefore nothin g exists without him. From

W r - alda’ s life sprang time and all living things,and his

life takes away time and every other thing. These things

must be made clear and manifest in every way,SO that

they can be made clear and comprehensible to all . When

we have learned thus much,then we say further : In what

regards our existence,we are a part of W r - alda’ s ever

lasting being,like the existence of all created beings ;

but as regards our form,our qualities

,our Spirit

,and all

our thoughts,these do not belong to the being. All these

are passing things which appear through W r - alda ’s life,

and which appear through h is wisdom,and not other

wise ; but whereas his life is continually progressing ,nothing can remain stationary

,therefore all created

things change their locality,their form

,and their

thoughts. So n either the earth nor any other created

object can say, I am but rather,I was. So no m an can

say, I think ; but rather, I thought. The boy is greater

and different from the child ; he has different desires ,inclinations

,and thoughts. The man and father feels

and thinks differently from the boy, the old man just the

same. Everybody knows that. Besides,everybody knows

and must acknowledg e that he is now changing, that be

changes every minute even while he says,I am

,and that

his thoughts change even while he says,I think. Instead,

then,of imitating Finda’ s wicked people

,and saying, I am

the best part ofWr - alda,and through u s


alonehe can think,


sa willeth wy kOtha wral and allee ikes wOr et nOdlik sy

wy Fryas bern send forskin sla thrvch Wr .aldas lOva ; by- t

anfang min and blat, thach immer warthande Ond nakande

to fvlkvmen likhéd, synder a sa god to wrda as Wr.alda.

selva. Vsa gast nis n avt W r .aldas gast, hi is thérfon

allOn a en afskin sle. Tha W r .alda vs skop, heth er vs in

thrvch sine wishOd- bryn- sin tu ga, hu gia and fOlo goda ain

skipa lOnad HyrmOi mugon wy sina Owa bitrachta.

ThOrof mugon wy lOra and thOrvr mugon wy rOda, ella

an d allOna to vs ain held. Héde W r . alda vs nOne Sinna

jOven , sa ne skolde wy n a me of nOta and wy skolde jeta

reddalasser as en Sekwale wOsa, thOr for thdryven warth

thrvch ebbe and thrvch flod.



E n vnsels gyr ich man kem to baran de by Trast thér fam

were to Stavie. Hy sOide vnd er hOde S in hus wei brocht.

Hy hOde toWr .alda bOden,men W r .alda nOdim nOne helpe

lOnad. Bist en afte Fryas, frej e Trast. Fon elder t elder,andere thene man . Than séide bja wil ik awet in thin

mod ma in bitrou wa,that et kyma groja and friichda

jOva mOi. Forth sprOk hju ande kOth. ThO. Frya bern

was,stand vs moder n aked and blat

, vnbihod to jenst tba

strOlu m thOre svn ne. Ninm an macht bja frOja and thOr

wOre n inman thér bja help m acht lOna. ThagvngWr .alda

to and wrochte in hjara mod nigang and liavde anggost and

skrik. Hj u sach rondomme, hj ara nigang kas thet beste and

hju sochte skul vndera warande linda. Men rOin kOm and

t onhlest wOre that bja wet wrde. Thach bja hOde sjan


ho thet t er to tha hellanda bladar of dr u pte. Nw

mOkade bja en hrof mith hellan da S idu m ,vp stOka

makade hj u tham. Men stornewin d kOm and blos rOin

thOr vnder . Nw hOde bja Sjan that tha stam hly jef, after

gong bja to an d makade en wach fon plaga and Sadum,

thet forma an One syda an d forth an alle syda. Stornewind kOm to bek jeta wodander as to fora and blos thju

hrof ewOi. Men bja n e barade n avt over W r .alda ner to

jenst W r .alda. Men bja makade en reitne hrof and leide

stOn e thOr vppa. Bifvnden havande ho sOr thet dvath vmb

allOn a to tobban de, alsa bithj u de hj u hira bern ho and

t rvmbe hj u alsa hOde dOn . Thissa wrochton and

tochton to sOm in e. A sadenera wise send wy an hu sa

kOmen mith stoppenbanku m ,en slecht and warande linda

with tha svn nestrél u m . To tha lesta havon bja en burch

makad an d forth alle Othera . Nis thin hus thu s navt

sterk noch wOst,alsa m ot i tr achda vmbet Ore bOter to

makjande. Min h u s wOre sterk enoch,SOider

,men thet

hage t er heth et vp bOrad and stor n ewind heth et ore

dOn . HwOr stand thin hus than,frej e Trast. Alingen

thOre ROne, andere thene man . Ne stand et than navt

vppen nol jeftha ther p, frej e Trast. Nean SOider , m in

hus stand Ou sam by- tha overe

,allOna hOv ik et bu wad,

men ik n e macht thOr allOn a nOn therp to makane. Ik

wist wel,séide Trast

,tha fam n a hav et my meld. Thv

hest al thin ‘lOva en g rfiwel had an tha mOn n iska, u t frOse

thatste awet jOva jeftha dva moste to fara hjam . Thach

thOr mitha n e mOi man n avt fOr n e kvm a. Hwand

W r .alda thOr mild is,kOrath him fona gyr iga. Fasta

het vs rOden and bappa tha dura fon alle burgum is t in

stOn u t wryten : bist arg bOtSjochtig séide Fasta, bihod

than jvwe nOsta,bithjod than jvwe nOsta

,help than juwe

nesta,SO shilun bja t thi witherdva. Is i thina rOd n avt

god noch,ik nOt far thi nOn bOtera. Skamrad warth then

man and hi dr u pte stolkes hinne.


how the water ran down the pendent leaves ; so she made

a roof of leaves fastened with sticks,but the wind blew

the rain under it. She observed that the stem would

afford protection. She then built a wall of sods,first on

one Side,and then all round. The wind grew stronger

and blew away the roof,but she made no complaint of

Wr - alda. She made a. roof of rushes,and put stones

upon it. Having found how hard it is to toil al one, she

showed her childr en how and why she had done it. They

acted and thought as She did. This is the way in which

we became possessed of houses and porches,a street


lime- trees to protect u s from the rays of the su n . At

last we have built a citadel,and all the rest. If your

house is not strong enough,then you must try and make

another. My house was strong enough , he said, but the

flood and the wind destroyed it. Where did your house

stand ? Troost asked . On the bank of the Rhine, he

answered. Did it not stand on a knoll ? Troost asked.

No,said the man ; my house stood alone on the bank. I

built it alone, but I could not alone make a hillock. I

knew it,Troost answered ; the maidens told me. All

your life you have avoided your neighbours, fearing that

you might have to give or do something for them ; but

one cannot get on in the world in that way, for Wr - alda,

who is kind,turns away from the niggardly. Fasta has

advised u s,and it is en graved in stone over all our

doors. If you are selfish,distrustfu l towards your

neighbours,teach your neighbour s , help your neigh

bours,and they will return the same to you. If this

advice is not good enough for you , I can give you no

better.The man blushed for shame

,and sl u nk away.




Min burch lOid an - t north- ende thOre L indgarda. Thju

tore heth sex syda. Thrya thr ittich fOt is hj u hach. Flat

fon boppa. E n lyth huske thOr vppa, hwana man tha

stara bisjath. An aider syd thOre tore stat en hus,long

thrya hondred, brOd thrya sj u g u n fOt, Olika hach bihalva

thj u hrof, thOr ron dlik is . Altham fon hyrbakken stOn,

and fon buta n e send nOnen Othera. Om tha burch is en

hr ingdik, thOrom en graft diap thrya sj u g u n fOt, wyd thrya

twil if fOt. S iath hwa fonOre tore del , sa S iath hi thju

dante fon et Jol. Vppa grvnd twisk tha sfidlika husa

thOre,send aller lej a krfida fon hOin de and fOr


moton tha fam n a tha krefta lOra. Twisk tha n ortlika

bOsa is allOn a fjeld. Tha thrj u n or tl ika husa send fol

kOren and Other bihof. Twa sfidar send to fara tha

famkes vmbe to Skola an d to hOm a. Thet Sfidlikoste has

is thOre B u rchfam his hOm . Inna tore hangt thj u foddik.

Tha wagar thOre tore send m ith kestlika stOn a sm u kad.

In vppa thOre su derwach is thOne Tex wrytten . An

tha fOre syde thOra fin th man thj u form lOre ; anna win

stere syde tha Owa. Tha ora SOka fin th man vppa Ora

thrja. Tojen st tha dik by- t hus thOr fam stOt thju

own e and thj u molmak thr vch fj u wer bu fla kroden.

B u ta vsa bu r chwal is- t hOm,thOr vppa tha bu rct ra.

anda wOrar hOm e. Thj u r ingdik thOra is en stonde grat,nOn stj u rar , men svn na ston de

,t rfon twya twilif

vppen etmelde kvma. In vpper bin nasyde fona dik

is on flat,fif fOt vndera krfin . ThOr vppa send thrya

hondred kranboga, todekt mith wod and lOther. Bihalva

tha husa thOra inhOmar send thOr binna alingne tha


dik jeta thrya twilif nOdhfisa to fara tha ot mar. Thetfjeld thjan ath to kamp an d to d e. Anna Su dsyde fon

tha bfi ten ste hr ingdik is thj u Liu dgarde om tfinad thrvch

thet grate Lindawald. Hjara dan te is thrj u hern ich, thet

brOde buta, til thj u svn n e thOr in S ia mOi. Hwand thOr

send fOlo fOr lan deska thrOja an d blomm en thrvch tha.

stj u r ar mith brocht. Alsa thj u dante vsar burch is , sendalle Othera ; thach vs- is is thj u grateste ; men thi fon Tex.

land is tha aldergrateste. Thj u tore fon Fryasbu rch is alsa

hach that bja tha wolka toren t, nOi thOre tore is al et


By vs vppa burch ist alsa dOlad. Sj u g u n jonge famna

wakath by thOre foddik. Aider wak thrja stonda. In ha

Ore tid moton bja hu swark dva, lOra an d mpa. Send bja

Sj u g u n j er wakande wOsen , alsa send bja fry. Than

m iIgon bja emong tha man n iska ga, vp- ra sOd to letane

and rOd to jOvan e. Is hwa thrj u jOr fam wOst,SamOi bja

alto met mith tha alda fam n a mith ga,

Thi skrywer mot tha famkes lOra lésa, skrywa and

rOkenja . Tha grysa jeftha grOva moton lOra hjam rju cht

and plicht,

sédku nda , krfidku nda , hOlku nda , SkOdnesa,

tell inga and sanga,bij u nka al lerl a thinga thOr hjam

nOdlik send ymbe rOd to jOva. Thj u B u rchfam mot lOra

hjam ho bja thOrm ith to wark ga mota by tha mann iska.

Er en B u r chfam hjra stOd in n im t,mot hj u thrvch thet

land fara en fvl jOr . ThrO grOva bu rct ra and thrja

alda fam n a gan mith hiri mitha. Alsa is- t ak my

gvngon . Min fart is al ingen thOre ROne wOst, thju s

kad Opward, al ingen thOre Ore syde Ofward. Ho hager

ik u pkOm ,to armer l ikte mi tha man n iska. Wral

inna ROne hOde man u tstekka makad. Thet SOn that

thOr ain kOm,wr mith t er wr SkOpfachta gaten

vmbe gold to winnande. Men tha mangOrta ne dro

gon thOr nOne golden krone fon. Er wOron thOr


the inside of the dyke thirty- S ix refuge - houses for the

people who live in the neighbourhood. The field serves

for a camp and for a meadow. On the south Side of the

outer fortification is the Liu dgaarde, enclosed by the great

wood of lime - trees . Its shape is three- cornered,with the

widest part outside,so that the sun may shine in it


there are a great number of foreign trees and flowers

brought by the seafarers. All the other citadels are the

same shape as ours,only not so large ; but the largest of

all is that of Texlan d. The tower of the Fryabu rgt is so

high that it ren ds the sky,and all the rest is in propor

tion to the tower. In our citadel this is the arran gement

Seven young maidens attend to the lamp ; each watch is

three hours. In the rest of their time they do housework,

learn,and Sleep. When they have watched for seven

years,they are free then they may go among the people


to look after their morals and to give advice. When they

have been three years maidens,they may sometimes aecom

pany the older ones.

The writer must teach the girls to read,to wr ite


to reckon . The elders,or “ Greva


” must teach them

justice and duty,morals

,botany, and medicine , history,

traditions,and singin g

,besides all that may be necessary

for them to give advice. The B u rgtm aagd must teach

them how to set to work when they go among the people.

Before a B u rgtm aagd can take office, She must travel

through the country a whole year. Three grey- headed

B u rgtheeren and three old m aidens must go with her.

This was the way that I did. My journey was along the

Rhine—ou this side up , and on the other side down . The

higher I went,the poorer the people seemed to be.

Everywhere about the Rhine the people dug holes ,and the sand that was got out was poured with

water over fleeces to get the gold, but the girls

did not wear golden crowns of it. Formerly they were


mar wOst,men son t wi SkOn land miste , sen d bja nOi tha

berga gvngon . ThOr delvath bja yser irtha , thOr bja yser

of makja. Boppa thOre ROne twisk thet berchta, thOr havik Marsata sjan . Tha Marsata that send man n iska thOriHVppa mara hOma. Hjara husa send vp palu m bu wad.

That is vret wilde kwik anda bose man n iska. ThOr send

wolva,bara and swarte gr islika lawa.

* And bja send theswetsar j

jeftha pal ingar fonda hOin de KrOkalandar, thOraKalta folgar and tha vrwildere Twiskar

,alle gyr ich nOi

rav an d but. Tha Marsata helpeth hj ara selva m ith fiskaand jaga. Tha huda wrdat thr vch tha wiya tomakad andhirbet mith skors fon berkum . Tha litha hu da saft lik

fam n afilt. Thj u bu r chfam et Fryasbu rch I sOide vs that

bja gode On falde man n iska weron . Thach hOd ih bja Orn avt sprOken hOred, ik skolde mOn ath have that bja nén

Fryas wOre, men wilda, sa bryst sagon bja u t. Hjara

fachta and krada wrdon th rvch tha ROn hOm ar vrwandelath

and thrvch tha stj u rar b u ta brocht. A lingen thOre ROne

wOr et alOn,til Lydasbu r ch . § ThOr was en grate

Invppa th isra flyt wOron ak man n iska,thOr husa vp pals

hOde. Men that nOr nOn Fryas folk, men that wOron

swar te and bruna man n iska, thOr thjan ath hOde to tojar

vmbe tha bu tafarar to honk to helpan e. Hja moston thér

bilywa til thj u thj u flate wither wOi br fida.

To tha ler sta kOmon wi to- t Alderga. By—t su derhava

liaved stOt thj u Warabu rch , en stOnhu s,thOr in sen d aller

l a sku lpa , hulka,wOpn eand klathar warad, fon fOre landu m,

thrvch tha stj u rar mith brocht. E n fjardOl dana is-t

A lderga. E n grate flyt omborad mith loth u m ,husa and

gardu m ella riklik sjarad. In vpper flyt lOi en grate flate

rOd,mith fOnon fon allerl a farwa. Et Fryas dOi hon

gon tha skilda omma tha borda to. Svme blikton

Leeu wen in E u ropa, Herodotu s, VII. 1 25.

‘1' Swetsar , Switsers. I Fryasbu rch , Freibu rg.

Lydasbu r ch, Leiden , de b u r cht . Flyt, jeftha mare, de Mare.



lik svn n a. Tha skilda thOr wi tking and thOra skolta bi

tha machtum wOron mith gold vmborad. Abefta thOre

flyt was en graft graven , to hlapan de dana alingen thOre

burch Foran a"and forth mith en Onga muda‘r in SO. To

fara thOre flate wOre thit tha u tgvng and et Fly tha in

gvng. A bOde syda thOre graft send skOne husa mith helblikanda farw

a malad. Tha gardn e send mit altid grOnehagvm om tu nad. Ik hav thOr wiva sian

, thOr filtne

tohnekn a drogou as t Skr ifli lt wOre. Lik to Stavere wOrontha mangOr tne mith golden kron u m Vppira holum and

mith hr ingu m i om arma and fOt sjarad. Su dward fon

Foran a lOid A lkmaru m . Alkmar u m is en mare jefta flyt,thOr in lOid en Oland, Vppa that Oland moton tha swarte

and bruna mann iska bwila Ovin as to Lydahisbu rch. ThjuB u rchfam fon Forana sOide my

,that tha bu rct ra dOistik

to- ragvngon vmb ra to lOrande,hwat afte frydom sy, and

ho tha man n iska an thOre m inne agon to lOvane vmbe

s en to win n ande fon W r .aldas gast. Was thOr hwathOr hOra wilde and bigr ipa machte, sa warth er halden ,alou t er fvl lerad wOre. That wrde dOn vmbe tha ferbemande folk a wis to makane, an d vmbe vral atha to win

nande . Er hOd ik anda Saxan amarka to thOr burch

Man n agarda forda § wOst . Thach thOr hOd ik mar ska

melhOd ejan,as-k hyr r ikdom spOrde. Ej u andere : sa

hwersa thOr an da Saxan am arka en frOjar kvmath en

m an gOr te to bi frOjande, alsa frOjath tha mangOr tne thOr ,kan st thin hus fry wOra tojen st tha hau n ane Twisklandar ,hast nach nOne falad, ho fOlo bu fle hast al fansen and

ho fOlo bara and wolva huda hast al vppa thOre mark

brocht ? Dana ist kvmen that tha Saxman na thju bu wanda w iva vrlOten have. That fon hvndred to sOm ine nén

One lOsa mOi ner skr iwa n e kan . Dana is - t kvmen ,that n imm an nOn sprOk vppa sin skild neth, men

blat en m islikande dante fon en diar,that er falad

Foran a, Vroonen . 1“ Engam u da, Egmond .

I Diod. S ic . V. 27, van de Galliers. Mannagdrdaforda, Mu nster .


like the su n . The shields of the sea-king and the admiral

were bordered with gold. From the river a canal was dug

going past the citadel Foran a (Vroonen ) , with a narrowoutlet to the sea. This was the egress of the fleet ; theFly was the ingress. On both sides of the river are finehouses built, painted in bright colours. The garden s are

all surrounded by green hedges. I saw there women

wearing felt tunics,as if it were writing felt. l Just as

at Staveren,the girls wore golden crowns on their heads


and rings on their arms and ankles. To the south of

Foran a lies Alkmaru m . Alkm ar u m is a lake or river in

which there is an island. On this island the black and

brown people must remain,the same as at Lydasbu rgt.

The B u rgtmaagd of Foran a told me that the bu rgtheeren

go every day to teach them what real freedom is,and how

it behoves men to live in order to obtain the blessing of

Wr - alda’s spirit. If there was any one who was willing

to listen and could comprehend,he was kept there till he

was fully tau ght. That was done in order to, instruct the

distant people,and to make friends everywhere. I had

been before in the Saxenmarken, at the Man n agardaforde

castle (Munster). There I saw more poverty than I coulddiscover wealth here. She answered : SO whenever at the

Saxenm arken a young man courts a young girl, the girls

ask : Can you keep your house free from the ban ished

Twisklanders Have you ever killed any of them ?

How many cattle have you already caught, and how

many bear and wolfskins have you brought to market ?

And from this it comes that the Saxons have left the

cultivation of the soil to the women,that not on e in a

hundred can read or write ; from this it comes , too,that no one has a motto on his shield , but only a

misshapen form of som e animal that he has killed ;

1 Felt, very thin and compressed, wi th a. smooth su r face.

Foran a is Vroonen . 1' Engam u da is Egmon d .

I Diodor u s S ic u l u s, v. 27, on the Gau ls. Mannagardaforda is M u nster .


he th. And andl ik,dana is- t kvmen

,that bja sOr wrchand.

lik ewrden send,men to met Ovin dvm send as et kwik


that bja fansa,and Ovin erm as tha Twisklandar

, hwér

m ith bja,orloge. To fara F ryas folk is ir tha and SO es

kOpen . Al vsa r in strama r u nath vppa SO to. That Lydasfolk and that Findas folk skil ekkor u m vrdelgja, and wymoton tha lOthoga landa bifolka. In - t fon and omme faralOid vs held. W ilst nw that tha bOppalander dOl have an

vsa r ikdom and .w1sdom ,sa skil ik thi en rOd jOva. LOt

et tha m angOrtn e to wOnhOd wrde hj ara frOjar to frOjande,Or bja ja segsa t r has t al in wralda omm efaren

, bwed

kaust thin bern tella wra fOra landa and wra fOrhOmanda

folka ? Dvath bja alsa, sa skil u n tha wickandlika ku apa

to vs kvm a. Hja skilu n wiser wartha an d r ikkar and wi

n e skilu n nOn bihof longer n avt nave an that wla thju d.

Tha jongste thOr fam n a fon thOra thOr by mi wOron , kOm

uta Saxsan amarka wOi. As wi nw to hongk kOmon,heth

bja orlovi frej ad vmbe nOi hjra hus to gane. AfternOi is

bja thOr B u rchfam wrden,and dana is- t kvmen that er

hj u dOga sa felo Saxman na by tha stj u rar fare.




MIN nom is Fréthor ik to n omath oera Linda,that Wil

segsa ovir tha Linda. To Lj u dwardja bin ik to Asga

keren. Lj u dwardja is en ny thorp, binna thene r ingdik

fon ther burch Lj u dgarda , hwérfon tha noma an yu er

kvmen is. Vnder mina tida is er ful béred. F‘

iil héd ih

ther vr skréven,men after n éi send mi ak felo thinga meld,

Fon eu and other wil ik en skédn ese after thit bok skrywa,tha goda man n iska to—n ére tha arga to vn ére.

In min jiiged hérd ik grédwird alomm e,arge tid kem,

arge tid was kvmen , Frya héd vs léton,hjra wakfamkes,

héde bja abefta halden,hwand droch ten l ikande hylda

weron binna vsa landpala fvnden .

Ik bronde fon nysgyr ymbe thi hylda to bisjan . In vsa

bfirt strompele en old famke to tha husa uta in, immer to

kéthande vr arge tid. Ik gryde bja ling syde. Eju strik mi

omme kin to . NW wrd ik dr ist and frej e j ef hju mi arge tid

and tha hylda réis wisa wilde. Ej u lakte godlik and brocht

mi Vpper burch. En greve man freje my jef ik al lesa and

skrywa kv. Ne seid ik. Than most erost to ga and lera,seid- er owers n e mei- t jow n avt wysen wrde. Dystik gvng

ik bi tha skr iwer léra. Acht jér letter herd ik, vsa

bu rchfam héde hordom bidryven an d syme bu rchhéra

hédon vr réd plegad mith tha Magy,and felo manniska

weron vp hjara syde. Vral kem twispalt. Thér weron

bern,ther vpstan don ajem hj ara eldr u m . Inn a glu ppa



MY name is Fréthor ik,surnamed oera Linda

,which means

over the Linden. In Lj u dwardia I was chosen as Asga.Lj u dwardia is a new village within the fortification of theLj u dgaarda, of which the name has fallen into disrepute.In my time much has happened. I had written a good

deal about it,but afterwards much more was related to

me. I will write an account of both one and the other

after this book, to the honour of the good people and to

the disgrace of the bad.

In my youth I heard complaints on all sides. The bad

time was coming ; the bad time did come—Frya had forsaken us. She withheld from us all her watch-maidens


because monstrous idolatrous images had been found

within our landmarks . . I burn t with curiosity to see

those images. In our neighbourhood a little old woman

tottered in and out of the houses , always calling out about

the bad times. I came to her ; she stroked my chin ; then

I became bold,and asked her if she would show me the

bad times and the images. She lau ghed good- naturedly,and took me to the citadel. An old man asked me if I

could read and write. No,I said. Then you must first

go and learn,he replied

,otherwise it may not be shown

to you. I went daily to the writer and learnt. E ight

years afterwards I heard that our B u rgtmaagd had been

unchaste,an d that some of the bu rgtheeren had com

mitted treason with the Magy,and many people

took their part. E verywhere disputes arose. There

were children rebelling against their parents ; good


wrdon tha froda man n iska morth. Thet alde famke,ther

ella bar makade,warth dad fvn den in en grupe. Min tat


ther rj u chter were, wilde bja wréken ha. Nachtis warth

er in sin hus vrm or th. Thrj u jer letter wer thene Magy

has svn der strid. Tha Saxman n a weron frome and frod

bilywen . Nei tham fij u chton alle gode man n iska. Min

mam bistvrv- et. Nw ded ik lik tha othera. Thi Magy

bogade vppa sinra snodhéd. Men Ir tha skold im thana,

that bja nen Magy ner afgoda to léta n e mochte to there

hélge skéta, hwér u t hj u Frya bérade. Evin sa thet wilde

hors sina mann a sked,nei that thet sina ridder gersfal

lich makad heth,evin sa skodde Ir tha hjara walda And

berga. Rin strama wrdon oyira fjelda spred. Sé kokade.

Berga spydom ne1 tha wolku m,and hwad bja spyth hede,

swikton tha wolka wither vp jrtha. By- t anfang there

Ar nemonath n igade jr tha northward, hj u seg del , 61 legor

and legor. Anna Wolfamon ath léidon tha Dénemarka

fon Fryas land yuder- ne sé bidobben . Tha walda ther

bylda in weron, wrdon vphyvath an d thér windu m spel.

Thet jer after kem frost inn a Herdemon ath and leid old

Fryas land vnder en plonke skul. In Sellamonath

kém stornewin d u t et n or tha wei,mith forande berga

fon ise and stenu m. Tha spring kam,hyf jr tha hjra

selva .vp. Ise smolt wei. Ebbe kém and tha walda

mith byldu m drévon nei sé. Inn er VVinn a jefthaMinn amonath gvng aider th u rvar wither hém fara. Ik kém

mith en farm to there burch Lj u dgarda. Ho drove sach

et u t. Tha walda thera Lindawrda weron mest wei. Ther

tha Lj u dgarde west hede , was sé. Sin bef fetere thene

hr ingdik. Ise héde tha tore wei brocht and tha husa leide

in thrvch ekkor u m . Anna helde fonn a dik fond ik in stem.


vsa skriver hed er sin nom inwryten , that were my en

baken. Sé- t mith vsa burch gvngen was , was- t mith

mitha ora gvngon . Inna haga landa weron bja thrvch

j r tha , inna déna landa thrvch weter vrdén . Allena Fryes

burch to Texlan d warth vnederad fvnden . Men al et hi nd

thet n orthward léid hede , were yuder se. Noch n is- t nayt

hoppa brocht. An thas kad fon- t Flymare weron nei

meld wrde thrichtich s'

alta mara kvmen , vnston den thrvch

tha walda,ther mith grvnd and al vrdréven weron. To

W estflyland fiftich . Thi graft ther fon- t A lderga thweres

to bet land thrvchlapen hede , was vrsondath and vrdén.

Tha stju rar and or farande folk , ther to honk weron , hede

hjara selva mith maga and sibba vppira skepu m bret.

Men that swar te folk fon Lydasbu rch and Alikmar u m

hede alén den. Thawil tha '

swar ta Su dward dryvon , hedon

bja félo mangértn e bret, and n éidam n imm an ne kem to

aska tham,h ildon bja tham to hjara wiya. Tha mah uisha

ther to bek kemon, gvngon alle binna tha hr ingdika thera

burgum hema, thrvchdam et thér buta al slyp and brok

1and were. Tha gamla husa wrdebyén kl u st. Fona bop

palandu m kapade man ky and skep, and inna tha grate

husa ther to fil m tha fawna séton hede, wrde nw léken and

filt makad, vmbe thes levens willa, That sked 1888* jernei that Atland svnken was.In 282 jer Tn edon wi nen Eremoder nayt hat, and nw ella

tomet vrléren skinde, gvng man ene kjasa. Thet hlot falde

vp G’rosa to nom ath 'Makon ta. E j u were B u r chfam et Fryas

burch to Texlan d. Hel fon hawed and klar fon sin, elle

god, and thr vchdam hira burch alléna sparad was, sach

alr ik thérn t hira hrOpang. Tjan jer lettere kemon tha

stj u rar fon Forana and fon Lydas burch. Hja wildon tha

swar ta mann iska mith wif and bern to thet land u tdryva.

Thérwr wildon bja there Moder is red biwin n a. Men Gosa

805 voor Chr .

1 Sedert 587 voor Chr . Verg. peg. 1 10. 1 1 2.


on which the writer had inscribed his name. That was a

sign to me. The same thing had happened to othercitadels as to ours. In the upper lands they had beendestroyed by the earth

,in the lower lands by the water.

Fryasbu rgt, at Texlan d, was the only one found uninjured,but all the land to the north was sunk under the sea


and has never been recovered. At the mouth of theFlymeer

,as we were told

,thirty salt swamps were found


consisting of the forest and the ground that had beenswept away. At Westflyland there were fifty. Thecanal which had run across the land from A lderga wasfilled up with sand and destroyed. The seafaring peopleand other travellers who were at home had saved themselves

,their goods

,and their relations upon their ships.

B u t the black people at Lydasbu rgt and A lkmar u m haddone the same ; and as they went so u th they saved manygirls

,and as no one came to claim them

,they took them

for their wives. The people who came back all livedwithin the lines of the citadel, as outside there was nothing but mud and marsh. The Old houses were al l

smashed together. People bought cattle and sheep fromthe upper lands

,and in the great houses where formerly

the maidens were established cloth and felt were made fora livelihood. This happened 1888 years after the su bmersion of A tland.

For 282 years we had not had an Eerem oeder , and n ow,

when everything seemed lost,they set about choosing one.

The lot fell upon Gosa,surnamed Makonta. She was

B u rgtm aagd at Fryasbu rgt, in Texland. She had a clearhead and strong sense

,and was very good ; and as her

citadel was the only one that had been Spared, every onesaw in that her call. Ten years after that the seafarerscame from Forana and Lydasbu rgt. They wished to drivethe black men

,with their wives and children , out

of the country. They wished to obtain the Opinionof the mother upon the subject. She asked them

2193 1 888 is 305 before Christ.1‘ Sin ce 587 before Chr ist. See pages 1 10and 1 1 2.


freJe, kau st én And Or to bek fora n éi hjra landu m ,than

achste spod to makjande, owers ne skil u n bja hjara maga

n avt wither n e fin da . Né séide bja. Tha seide Gosa

Hja havon thin salt provad and thini

brad éten . Hjara

lif and leva havon bja vnder jow hod stalad. I moste jow

anj e hirta biseka. Men ik wil thi en red jeva. Hald

hjam alo u d jow waldich biste vm ra wither honk to fora.

Men hald hjam bi jow burgum ther buta. Wak ovir hjara

sed and ler hjam as jef bja Fryas syna were. e a wiva

send byr tha ster iksta. As rek skil hjara blod vrfljnchta,til er tha lesta n avt owers as Fryas blod in hjara afterkv

mande skil bilywa. SE send bja byr biléwen . Nw winst

ik wel that mina afterkvm ande ther Vp letta, ho fer Gosa

wérhéd sprek . Thavsa landa wither to bigan a wer, kemon

ther banda erma Saxm an n a and wiva nei tha vvrdu m fon

S tavere and that Alderga, vmbe golden and Ora sjarhéd to

sékane fon u t tha wasige bodeme. Thach tha stju rar nil

don bja n avt to leta. Tha gvngon bj a tha léthoga thorpa

bihéma to West Flyland, vmbe ra lif to bihaldane.




Twa Jer nei that Gosa Moder wrdefi kem er en flats to

thet Flymara in fala. Thet folk hropteho.n .séen . Eja foron

til Stavere, ther hropton bja jeta réis. Tha fOn a weron an

top and thes n achtes skaton hja barnpilaTanda loft. Tha

déiréd were r ojadon svme m ith en snake to there hava in.

Hja hropton wither ho.n . séen . Tha bja landa hipte- n jong

herdel wal vp. In sina handa hedi- n skild,thérvp was brad

and salt leid. Afterdam kem en greva,hi séide wi kvmath

303. v . Ch r .

1" Barnpila. Def alar ica by L ivi u s XXI . 8.


fona fere Krékalandu m wei,vmb vsa sed to warjande, nw

winstath wi i skolde alsa mild wesa vs alsa fii l land to

jévane that wi thee muge héma. Hi telade- n ele skednese ther ik after hetre skryva wil. Tha greva n iston navt

hwat to dvande, bja sandon bodon allerwéikes ; ak ta my.

Ik gvng to and séide : nw wi- n Moder have agon wi hjra

red to fréjande. Ik selva gvng mitha. Thj u Moder, therella wiste


,lét hia kvm e, sa m iigon bja vs land helpa

bihalda : men let hjam n avt up éne stéd n e bilyva, til thju

bja navt waldich n e wrde ovir vs. W i dédon as hj u seid

héde. That were el nei hjra hel . Fryso reste mith sina

lj u du m to Stavers, that hja wither to éne séstéde makade,

sa god bja machte. W ichhir te gvng mith sinum lju du mastward nei there Em u de. Svme thera Johnjar , ther

m énde that bja font Alderga folk sproten were , gvngenther hinne. E n lyth dél ther wande that hjara éthla fon tha

sj u gon elanda wei kemon, gvngon hinne and setton hjara

selva binna tha hr ingdik fon there burchWalhallagara del.

Lj u dger t thene skolte bi nachte fon W ichhir te warth m in

athe afternei min frj u nd. Fon u t sin déibok hav ik thjuskednese ther hir after skil folgja.

Nei that wi 1 2 m el 100and twia 12 jer bi tha fif wétr u m

seten hede,thahwila vsa sékampar alle séa bifaren héde

ther to findane,kem Alexandre tham kening mith en

weldich hér fon hoppa allingen ther stram vsa thorpa bifara.

Nimman memacht in wither worda. Thach wi stjurar thatby tha sé saton

,wi skept vs mith al vsa tilbére hava in

and hruda hinna. Tha Alexandre forn om that im sane

grate flate vn tfara was , warth er wodin lik , to swérande hi

skolde alle thorpa an logha ofl'

erja j ef wi n avt to bek kvma

nilde. W ichhirte leide siak to bedde. ThaAlexandre thatfornom heth er wacht alou t er beter were. A fternéi kem

er to him ser kindlyk snakkande,thach hi thrjvchde lik

Alexander aan den Ind u s 327 v. Chr . 327.'l' v. Chr .


the distant Greek land to preserve our customs. Now wewish you to be kind enough to give us as much land as

will enable us to live. He told a long story,which I will

hereafter relate more fully. The old man did not know

what to do. They sent messengers all round , also to me .I went, and said now that we have a mother it behoves us

to ask her advice. I wen t with them myself. The mother,who already knew it all

,said : Let them come

,they will

help us to keep our lands,but do not let them remain in

one place,that they may not become too powerful over us .

We did as she said,which was quite to their liking.

Fryso remained with his people at Staveren , which theymade again into a port as well as they could. W ichhir te

went with his people eastwards to the Em u de. Some ofthe descendants of Jon who imagined that they sprang

from the A lderga people went there. A small number,

who fancied that their forefathers had come from the

seven islands,went there and set themselves down within

the enclosure of the citadel of Walhallagara. L iu dger t ,

the admiral of W ichhir t, was my comrade , and afterwards

my friend. O u t of his diary I have taken the following

history.After we had been settled 12 times 1 00 and twice 1 2

years in the Five Waters (Punjab) , whilst our navalwarriors were navigatin g all the seas they could find, came

A lexan def I6 the King , with a powerful army descendingthe river towards our villages. No one could withstand

h im ; but we sea- people,who lived by the sea, put all our

possessions on board ships and took our departure. When

Alexan der heard that such a large fleet had escaped him , he

became furious,and swore that he would burn all the vil lages

ifwe did n ot come back. W ichhir tewas ill in bed. WhenAlexander heard that

,he waited till he was better. After

that he came to him,speaking very kindly—but be deceived,

Alexander at the Ind u s, 327 before Chr ist .1' 327 1 224 is 1 551 befor e Chr ist .


hi ér den hede. W ichh irte an dere ther after, 0 alder

grateste thera keningar. W i stj u rar kvmath allerwéikes,

wi haven fon jow grate dedu n héred. Thérvmbe send wi

fvl érbidenese to fara jowa wépne, tha jet mar vr thina

witskip . Men W i Othera wy send fryber n Fryas bern . Wyn e m iigon n én e slafon a n avt n e wrde. Jef ik wilde


Ora skolde reder sterva Willa,hwand alsa ist thrvch vsa

ewa bifOlen . Alexandre séide : ik wil thin land navt

n e makja to min bu t, ner thin folk to min a slafona. Ik

W il blat that ste my thjanja skolste vmb Ian . Thérvr wil

ik swér a by vs bedar godu m ,that n imm an vr my wrogja

skil. Tha Alexandre aftern ei brad an d salt mith im

delade,heth W ichhirte that wiste del kasen. Hi let

tha sképa hala thrvch sin svne. Tha thi alle tobek weron,

heth Alexandre thi alle héred. Ther mitha wilde hi sin

folk nei tha helge Gc‘mga fara, ther hi to land n avt héde

mu ge naka. NW gvng er to an d kas altham u t sin folk

and u t sina salt- atha ther wen ath weron vvr - ne sé to

faran e. W ichhirte was wither siak wrden,thervmbe

gvng ik allena mitha and Nearch u s fon thes keningis

wega. Thi tocht blip svn der fardél to- n - ende,u thavede

tha Johnjar immerthe an vnm in weron with tha Phon isjar,alsa Nearchu s ther selva n én has ovir bilywe ne kv.

In twiska hede tham kening n avt stile n ést. Hi hede sina

salt- atha bama kapja leta and to planka makja. Thrvch

help vsar timberlj u d héder ther of sképa makad. Nwwilder

selva sékén ing wertha, and mith el sin hér thju Gonga

vpfara. Thach tha salt- atha ther fon thet bergland kemon,

weron ang to fara se. As bja héradon that bja mith

moste , stakon bja tha timberhlotha ane brand. Ther thrvch

wrde vs ele thorp anda aska leid. Thet forma wande wythat Alexandre that bifalen hede and jahweder stand red

vmb sé to kjasane. Men Alexan der were d in,bi wilde

tha salt- atha thrvch sin aj u folk ombren sa léta. Men Néar


chus tham navt alléna sin éroste forst men ak sin frju nd

were,rede him owers to dvande. NW berad er

as wen der

lavade thet vn lu k et den hede . Tha hi ne thvrade sin

tocht n avt vrfata. NW wild er to bek kera, thach ér hi

that dede,let hi thet forma biseka hwa- r skeldich weron.

Dry- r that wiste let er altham svnder wépne bilywa, vmb

en ny thorp to makjande. Fon sin ajn folk lét er wepned

vmbe tha ora to tamma, and vmbe ene burch to bvwande.

Wy moston wiv And bern m ith n imm a. Kémon wi anda

muda there Euphrat, sa m achton wi ther en stéd kiasa

jeftha omkéra,vs Ian skold vs évin hlyd to delath wrde.

An tha nya sképa, ther tha br6nd vn tkvm a Weron,let- sr

John iar an d Krékalandar ga. Hi selva gvng mith sin ora

folk allingen there kad thrvch tha dorra wosténa,that is

thrvch et land that Irtha vphéid hede uta se tha hju thju

strete after vsa éthela Vphéide as bja in na Rade sé kémon.

Tha wy to n y Gér tm anja kemon ( ny Gér tmanja is en

hava ther wi selva makad hede , vmbe ther to wéterja)m éton wi Alexandre mith sin her . Nearchu s gvng wal

vp and beide thrja dega. Tha gvng et wither forth. Tha

wi bi there Euphrat kemon , gvng Nearchu s mith s1na salt

alta and felo fon sin folk wal Vp. Tha hi kem hring

wither. Hi séide , thi kening let jow bidda, i skille jet en

l ithge tocht to sinra wille dvan , alout et ende fona Rade

se. Thérn éi skil jawehder saful gold kreja as er bera mei.

Tha W i ther kemon , lét er vs wysa hwer thju strete ér west

hede. Ther ne1 wylader 611 and thr itich dega, alan u t

sjande vvra wosténe.

Tho tha lesta kem er en hloth man n iska mith fo

rande twa hondred elephanta thvsend kém lu n toleden

mith wodin balkum , rapum and allerléja ark vmbe vsa

flate nei tha Middelsé to tyande. That bisawd- vs, and likt


s FOLLOWERS . 1 69

who was not only his chief officer,but al so h is friend


advised him not to do so. So he pretended to believe

that it had happened by accident,and said no more about

it. He wished now to ret u rn,but before going he made

an inquiry who really were the guilty ones. As soon as

be ascertained it,he had them all disarmed

,and made

them build a new village. His own people he kept under

arms to overawe the others,and to build a citadel . We

were to take the women and children with us. When we

arrived at the mouth of the Euphrates,we might either

choose a place to settle there or come back. O u r pay

would be guaranteed to us the same in either case. Upon

the new ships which had been saved from the fire he em

barked the Jon iers and the Greeks. He himself went

with the rest of his people along the coast,through the

barren wilderness ; that is , through the land that Ir tha had

heaved up out of the sea when she had raised up the strait

as soon as our forefathers had passed into the Red Sea.

When we arrived at New Ger tman ia (New Ger tman ia

is the port that we had made in order to take in water) ,we met Alexander with his army. Near chu s went ashore ,and stayed three days. Then we proceeded further on .

When we came to the E uphrates , Nearch u s went ashore

with the soldiers and a large body of people ; but he soon

returned,and said

,The King requests you, for his sake ,

to go a voyage up the Red Sea ; after that each shal l re

ceive as much gold as he can carry. When we arrived

there,he showed u s where the strait had formerly been.

There he spent thirty- on e days, always looking steadily

towards the desert.

At last there arrived a great troop of people ,bringing with

them 200elephants , 1000camels , a quantity Of timber, ropes ,and all kinds of implements necessary to drag our fleet to

the Mediterran ean Sea. This astounded us, and seemedo


vs bal to,m en Nearch u s teld vs

,sin kening wilde tha

Othera kén inggar tana that i weldiger were , sa tha kening

gar fon Thyris er wesen héde. W i skoldon men mith

helpa,sekur skolde vs that nen skada n avt dva. Wi

m oston wel swika , and Near ch u s wiste ella sa prou t to

birj u chte that wi inna Middelse leide er thrja mOnatha

forby weron. Tha Alexandre forn om ho- t mith sinra

onwerp Ofkvm en was,warth er sa vrm éten that er tha

drage strete u tdiapa wilde Ir tha to- n spot. Men Wr .alda

let sine sele las,ther vmbe vrdronk er inna win and in sina

ovirm odichhéd,ér that er bij in n a kvste. After sin dad

wrde thet rik délad thr vch sina forsta. Hja skolde alrek

en del to fara sin a svn u m warja,thach bja wéron vnménis.

E lk wilde sin del bihalda an d selva formara. Tha kem

or loch and wi n e kvste n avt omme kera. Nearchu s wilde

nw,wi skolde vs del setta an Phon isi his kad , men that

nilde n imm an nayt ne dva. W i séide,reder wil lath wi

waga nei Fryaslan d to gana. Tha brocht- er vs nei there

n ya hava fon Athenia, hwer alle afte Fryas bern formels

hin tein weron. Forth gvngon wi salt- atha l iftochta and

wépn e fara. Among tha felo forsta héde Nearchu s en

frj u nd mith nOme Antigonus. Thisse strédon béde vmb

én dol, sa bja seidou as fol listar to fara- t kén inglike

slachte an d forth vmbe alle Kr ékalan da hjara alda frydom

wither to jévan e. Antigonus héde among felo Other u m

ennen evn,thi héte Demetriu s

,after tonOmad thene

stéda winner. Thisse gvng en is vpper stede Salamis of.

Néi that er ther en stut mei stréden hede most er

mith there flate strida fon Ptholemeu s. Ptholemeu s, alsa

héte thene forst ther welda ovir Egiptaland. Demetrius

wn there kése,tha n avt thrvch sina salt- atha

,men thrvch

dam wy him helpen héde. Thit héde wi den thrvch

athskip to fara Néarch u s, hwand wi him far bastard

blod bilrande thrvch sin friska bu d and blawa agon mith


wit hér . After ne1 gvng Demetrius las vp Hrodu s* ther

hinne brochton wi sina salt- atha an d liftochta wr . Tha

wi tha leste réis to B rodne kemon , was or loch vr tyan .

Demetrius was nei Athenia faren. Tha vs kening that

vnder stande, led- sr vs tobek. Tha wi anda have kemon ,

were 61 et thorp in row bidobben . Friso ther kening wer

ovir - a flate,hede en svn an d en toghater tu s, sa bj u stre

fres,as jef bja pas u t Fryaslan d wei kvm en wéren

,and SE

wonder skén as n imman m ocht h u gja. Thjv hrop thérvr

gvn g vvr alle Krékalanda and kem in tha Era fon Démétrin s. Dem etrius were vvl an d vn sédlik

,an d hi thogte

that- im ella fry stvnde. Hi lét thj u toghater avber skakja.

Thj u moder De thvrade hjr a joiTn avt wachtja , joi nomath

tha stj u rar wiva hira mana, that is bl ideskip , ak segsath

bja swéthir te. Tha stj u r ar heton hjra wiva trast, and fro

jefta frow that is fr u Ek frolik , that is elik an fru. Thrvch

dam hj u hjr a m an n avt wachtja thu rade, gvng hju mithhj ra svne n éi Demetrius an d bad

,hi skolde bja hjra togha

ter wither j eva. Men as Demetrius hira svn sa,let- sr


tham n éi sinra hove fora, and dede alén mith him ,as-sr

mith tham his suster den hede. Anda moder sand hi enb u da gold

,thach hj u stir t- et in sé. As hj u thu s kem,


hj u wan sin n ich , allerwéikes run hj u vvra stréte : nast min

kindar n avt sjan , o wach , lét mi to jow skul seka, wandm in joi wil mi deja for tha—k sina kindar wei brocht hav.

Tha Démétr iu s for n om ,that Friso to honk were

,sand- i en

bodja to him segsan de, that hi sin a bern to him nomen hedewmbe ra to fora to - n hage stat vmbe to lanja him to fara

sina thjanesta. Men Friso thér stolte and herdfochtich were,sand en bodja mith en breve nei sinum bern tha


mande hi hjam ,bja skolde Demetrius to willa wesa, vrm ithis

tham hjara l u k jerde. Thach thene bodja héde j eta- n orabréVe mith fen in

,thérm éi bifal - er bja skolde that in n imma ,

305 voor Chr .

1‘ Joi l‘en trfist. Te Scheven ingen hoort men n og : joei en troos. Joi,Fran sch j og/e.


s FOLLOWERS . 1 73

fair hair. Afterwards,Demetriu s attacked Rhodes


we transported thither his soldiers and provisions . When

we made our last voyage to Rhodes,the war was finished.

Demetrius had sailed to Athens. When we came into theharbour, the whole village was in deep mourning. Friso


who was king over the fleet,had a son and a daughter so

remarkably fair,as if they had just come out of Fryas

land, and more beau tiful than any one could picture to

himself. The fame of this went all over Greece,and

came to the ears of Demetrius . Demetrius was vile andimmoral

,and thought he could do as be pleased. He

carried off the daughter. The mother did not dare await

the return of her j oi ( the sailors wives call their husbands

j oi or zoetiaar t (sweetheart) . The men call their wives

tr oost ( comfort) andf r o or f rom, that is, or eu ya’e ( delight)

and frolic ; that is the same as

As she dared not wait for her husband’ s return,she went

with her son to Demetrius,and implored him to send back

her daughter bu t when Demetrius saw the son he had h imtaken to his palace

,and did to him as he had done to his

sister. He sent a bag of gold to the mother,which she

flung into the sea. When she came home shewas out of her

mind,and ran about the streets calling out : Have you seen

my children. Woe is me ! let me find a place to hide in,for

my husband will kill me because I have lost his children .

When Demetrius heard that Friso had come home,he

sent messen gers to him to say that he had taken his

children to raise them to high rank, and to reward him

for his services. But Friso was pro u d and passionate , and

sent a messenger with a letter to his children , in which he

recommended them to accept the will of Demetrius , as he

Wished to promote their happiness bu t the messenger had

an other letter with poison , which he ordered them to take

305 before Chr ist .

Joi en mist. A t S cheven ingen you sti ll hear Joei en tr oos. Jot i s

the French j u g/e.


hwan d séid- sr - vnwillinglik is thin lif bivvllad ; that ne

skil jow n avt to rékned u i wrde, thach sahwer sa jow jowe

séle bivvlath sa n e skil j ow n imm er the to Walhalla ne

kvma,jow sele skil than ovir ir tha omm ewara, svnder a

thet lj u cht sja to m u gande, lik tha flaram u sa and n achtu la

skilstv alra dystik in thina hola sku la, thes n achtis

u tkvm a,then vp vsa grava graja an d hula, thahwila Frya

hjra haved fon jow ofwen da mot. Tha bern dede lik- ra

bifalen warth. Demetrius let ra likka in sé werpa and to

tha mann iska wrde seid,that bja flj u cht Weron. NW

wilde Friso mith alleman nei Fryaslan d fara, ther- i er

west hede,men tha mest nilde that n avt ne dva. NW

gvng Friso to an d skat thet thorp mith- a kén inglika

farrédskfir u m anda brc‘

md. Hj u d n e kv u i thvrade

n inm an n e bilywa , an d alle weron blyde, that bja

bu ta were,bihalva w if and bern hedon wi ella abefta

leten,thach wi weron to leden mith liftochtu m and

or l u chtu ch .

Friso n éde nach nen fretho. Tha wi by tha alda have

kemon gvnger mith sina dr ista lj u du m to and skat vnwar

linga tha br6n d inna sképa, ther- i mith sina pilum bigama

kv. After sex degum sagon wi tha or lochflate fon Demetrius

vp vs to kvm a. Friso bifal vs,wi m oston tha l ithste skepa

afterhade in en e brede line , tha stora mith w if and bern

far u t. Forth bad- sr wi skoldon tha kranboga fon for h imma

and anda aftestéwen fastigja, hwand seid- er,wi achon al

Hj u chtande to fju chtane. Nimm an nemei him forméta vmb

en enkeldera fyan d to for folgjande, alsa seid—er is m inbisl u t. Tha bwila wi thérm itha al dvande weron


wind vs vppa kop, to thera lafa and thera wiva skrik,

thrvchdam wi n éne slavon a n avt n éde as thera ther vs

bi ajn willa folgan were . W i n e m achton bja thus navt

thr u ch roja u i vn tkvma . MenWr . alda wiste wel , hwérvmb- sr


sa dOde, and Friso thOr - et fata,lOt tha barnpila ring inna

kranboga lidsa. To lik bad- er that n imm an skiata ne

machte,Or by skaten hOde. Forth sOid- er that wi alle ne1

that m idloste skip skiata moste,is that dol god biracht

sOid~ er,sa skil u n tha Ora him to helpan e kvma and than

mot alrik skiata sa- r alderbesta mOi. As wi nw arhalf

ketting fon- ra of wOre, bigoston tha Phon isiar to skiata.

Men Friso n - andere n avt bi fara tha Oroste pil del falde a

sex fadem a fon sin skip. NW skat- er . Tha Ora folgade,thet likte en fj u r rOin and thrvchdam vsa pila mith wind

mOi gvn gon , bilOvon bja alle an brOn d, and nakade selva

tha thr idde lage. A llera man nelik gyr adon and jfiwgade.

Men tha krOta vsar wither lag u m wOron sa herde,thet-et

vs thet hirte binOpen warth. As Friso m én de that st to

koste , lOt- er ofhalde an d wi spode hinne. Thach nOi that

w i twa dOga forth pilath hOde, kOm thOr en Ore flate ant

sjocht , fon thr ittich skOpu n , thOr vs stOdis in wn ne. Friso

lét vs wither rOd m akja. Men tha Othera sandon en lichte

snaka fvl rojar forut, tha bodon thOra badon u t alera nOma

j ef bja mith fara machte. Hja wOron John iar,thrvch

DOmOtriu s wOron bja waldan tl ik nOi there alda have skikad.

ThOr hOdon bja fon thOre kOse hOrad and nw hOdon bja

thet stolta s rd an tjan , and wOron vs folgad. Friso thér

ful mitha JOhnjar faren hOde séide ja, men W ichhir te vsa

kOn ing séide nO, Tha Johnjar send afgoda thjanjar sOid- sr ,

ik selva hav bOrad,ho bja thi an hrOpte. Friso seide thet

kvmath thrvch tha wandel mith tha afta KrOkalandar.

That hav ik ,vaken selva dOn . Thach ben ik alsa herde

Fryas as tha fin ste fon jow. Friso wOre thene man thOr

vs to Fryasland wisa moste. Thus gvngon tha Johnjar

mith. Ak likt- ct nei W r .aldas hOi,hwand Or thrja mO

n athe om hlapen wOron,

g vngon wi all ingen Br itannja,C

and thrja (lOga lOter m achton wi ho.n .sOen hrOpa.



did this ; and Friso , who understood it, immediately had

the fire—arrows placed on the crossbows. At the same

time he gave the order that no one should shoot before

he did, and that we should all aim at the centr e ship. If

we succeeded in this, he said, the others would all go to

its assistance, and then everybody might shoot as he best

was able. When we were at a cable and a half distan ce

from them the Phoenicians began to shoot,but Friso did

not reply till the first arrow fell six fathoms from his

ship. Then he fired,and the rest followed. It was like

a shower of fire ; and as our arrows went with the wind,they all remained alight and reached the third line.

E verybody shouted and cheered,but the screams of our

opponents were so loud that our hearts shrank. When

Friso thought that it was sufficient he called us Off,and

we sped away ; but after two days’ slow sailing another

fleet of thirty ships came in sight and gained upon us.

Friso cleared for action again , but the others sent forward

a small rowing- boat with messengers,who asked permis

s ion to sail with u s, as they were Jon iers. They had

been compelled by Demetrius to go to the old haven ;there they had heard of the battle

,and girding on their

stout swords, had followed us. Friso,who had sailed a

good deal with the Jon iers,said Yes ; but W ichirte, ou r

king,s aid No. The Jon iers, said be, are worshippers of

heathen gods ; I myself have heard them call upon them.

That comes from their intercour se with the real Greeks ,Friso said. I have often done it myself, and yet I am as

pious a Fryas man as any of you. Friso was the man to

take us to Friesland,therefore the Jon iers went with as.

It seems that this was pleasing to Wr - alda,for before

three months were past we coasted along Britain , and

three days later we could shout huzza.

1 78 THET BOK THERA ADELA r onsran.



Vndera tida that vs land del sOg , wOre ik to SkOnland.

ThOr gvng et al sa to. Ther wOron grate mara,thOr fon

tha bodeme lik en blOse vt setta,then spl iton bja vt-On.

Uta rOta kOm stof as- t gl iande yser wOre. ThOr wOron

berga thér tha kr u nna of swikte. Thesee tru ldon nOther

and brochton walda and thorpa wOi. Ik self sa that en

berch fon tha Ora of tore u t wrde. Linrj u cht sOg- er del.

As ik after n éi sjan gvng , was thOr en mare kvmen . Tha

ir tha bOterad was, kOm er en hOr toga fon Lindasbu r ch wOi,mit sin folk and en fam ,

thj u fam kOthe allomme : Thene

Magy is skeldich an al- eth lOt that wi lOden have. Hja

tagon immer forth en thet hOr warth al grater. Thene

Magy fl u chte hinne , man fand sin lik,hi hOde sin self

vrdOn . Tha wrdon tha Finna vrdrOven nOi Onre stOd, thér

m achton bja lOva. ThOr wOron fon basterde blode. Thissa

m achton biliwa, thach fOlo gvngon mith tha Finna mOi.

Thi hOr toga warth to kOn ing kOren . Tha karka thér Ol‘

biléven wOron wrde vrdOn . Sont komath tha. gode North

lj u d vaken to Texland vmb there Moder - is rOd. Thawi'

ne m iigath hjam for nOne rj u chta Fryas mar n e halde.

Inna DOnam arka ist sekur as bi vs gvngon . Tha stju rar ,tham hjara self thér stoltel ika sOkampar heton , send vppira

skOpa gvngon , and afternOi sind bj a to bek gvngon .

H e l d !

Hwersa thene Kroder en tid forth kroden heth,than skilu n tha afterkomanda wan a that the lOka and

brOka, thOr tha B rokm an n a mith brocht have , ajen

were an hjara Othla. ThOr vr wil ik wake. and thus sa

fu l vr hjara plOga skr iva as ik sjah ‘

ha. Vr tha GOrt


mann a kan ik rOd hinn e stappa. Ik nav n avt ful mithra

omm e gvngen . Tha sa fOr ik sjan ha send bja that mast

bi tal and sed biléwen . That n e méi ik n avt segea fon

tha Othera. ThOr fon.a KrOkalanda wOi kvme, send kwad

ther tal and vpp ira sOd ne mOi man Ol n avt boga. FOlo

havath brfina agon and hOr . Hja send n idich and dr ist

and ang thrvch overbila'

wichhéd. Hwérsa bja spréka, sa

nOmath bja the worda far vppa thOr lerst kvma mosta.

Ajen ald segath bja ad, ajem salt sad, ma fori man , sel

fori skil,sode fori skolde, to fu l vmb to nomande. Ak

forath bja mOst vrdvaliske and bik ir te nOma,t ran man

nOn sin an hefta n e mOi. Tha John iar sprékath bOtre,

thach bj a swygath thi h and t r i navt n ésa mot,warth

er fitekOth. Hwersa imm an en hlyd maketh after Onnen

vrstvrven and thet likt,sa lawath bja, that thene gast

thes vrstu rvene thOr inne farath . ThOrvr havath bja alle

hylda vrbu rgen fon Frya, Fasta, MOdOa, Thjanja , HellOnja

and fOlo Othera. Hwerth thOr en bern ebern,sa kvmath

tha sibba et sOm ne and biddath an Frya that bja hjara

famkes mei kvma lOta that bern to sOenande. Havon bja

bOden sa n e mOi n imm an him rora n i hOra lOta. Kvmt

et be rn to grajande and halt thit en stvnde an,alsa is

that en kwad tOkeu and man is an formoda,that thj u mam

hordom dén heth . ThOrvr hav ik al arge thinga sjan.

Kvm t et bern to slépande, SE is that en tOkeu , that the

famkes vr - et kvmen send. Lakt et inna l p, sa havon

tha famkes that bern luk to sOit. Olon lawath bja an

bosa gasta,hexna, kolla, aldermankes and elf u n , as jef

bja fon tha Finna wei kOmen . Hyrmitha wil ik enda

and DW mOn ik tha-k mar SkrOven ha,as én miura Othla.

Fréthor ik.

Fréthor ik m in gad is 63 jOr wrden . Sont 100 and

8 jOr is hi thene éroste fon sin folk, thOr frOdsum


readily pass by. I have not had much to do with them,

bu t as far as I have seen they have mostly retained their

language and customs. I cannot say that of the others.

Those who descend from the Greeks speak a bad language,

and have not much to boast of in their manners. Many

have brown eyes and hair. They are envious and imp u

dent,and cowardly from superstition. When they speak ,

they put the words first that ought to come last. For old

they say at ; for salt, seit ; and for man , ma—too many tomention. They also use abbreviations of names


have no meaning. The Jon iers speak be tter , but they

drop the H,and put it where it ought n ot to be. When

they make a statue of a dead person they believe that the

spirit of the departed en ters into it ; therefore they have

hidden their statues of Frya,Fasta


,Thian ia


lenia,and many others . When a child is born , all the

relatives come together and pray to Frya to send her ser

vants to bless the child. When they have prayed,they

must neither move nor speak. If the child begins to cry,

and continues some time,it is a bad sign , and they su s

pect that the mother has committed adultery. I have

seen very bad things come from that. If the child sleeps,

that is a good Sign - Frya’

s servants are come. If it

laughs in its Sleep,the servants have promised it happi

n ess. Moreover,they believe in bad spirits , witches , sor


,and elves

,as if they descended from the

Finns.Herewith I will finish

,and I think I have written

m ore than any of my forefathers. Frethor ik.

Frethorik, my husband, lived to the age of 63. Since

108 years he is the first of his race who died a


starven is,alle Othera send vn dera mga swikt, thOrvr that

alle kampade with ajn and fOrhOm an de vmb rj u cht and


Min nOm is Wil-jo, ik bin tha fam thOr mith him fona

Saxanamarka to honk for. Thrvch tal and ommegang kém

et u t,that wi alle bOde fon Adela his folk wOron , tha kOm

ljafde and afternOi l end wi man and wif wrden . Hi heth

mi fyf bern lOten , two suna an d thrju toghatera. KonerOd

alsa hOt min forma, Hachgana m in Othera, mine aldeste

toghater hOth Adela, thj u Othera Fr u lik and the jongeste

Nocht. Tha-k nOi tha Saxan am arka for, hav ik thrju boka

hret. Thet bok thOra sanga, thOra tellinga, and thet

HOlOnja bok. Ik skrif thit til thj u man navt thanka ne

mOi that bja fon Apollanja send ; ik hav thOr fii l lOt vr had

and W il thus ak thj u Ora ha. Ak hav ik mar den,tha,

Gosa-Makonta fallen is,hwames godhéd and klarsjanhéd

to en sprékword is wrden , tha ben ik allOna nOi Texland

gvngen vmbe tha skr ifta vr to skrivane,thOr hju after

léten heth,and tha tha lerste wille fouden is fon Frana

and tha nOilOtne skrifta fon Adela jefta HellOnja, hav ik

that jetta rOis den. Thit send tha skr ifta HellOnjas. Ih

set hjam far vppa vmbe that bja tha aldesta send.


In Ora tida n iston tha Slavona folkar n awet fon

fryhOd. Lik oxa wrdon bj a vnder et juk brocht. In

irthas wand wrdon bja jagath vmbe mOtal to delvan e and

u t—a herde bergum moston bja husa hawa to forst andprester u ms hém . Bi al hwat bja dOdon , thOr nas

nawet to fara hj ara selva,men ella moste thjanja vmbe

tha forsta and prestera jeta riker and weldiger to mak

j an e hjara selva to sadene. Vnder thesse arbOd wrdon bja


grOv and stram Or bja jOr ich wOron , and stu rvon evader

n ochta afshOn ir tha tham overflodlik fvl jOf to bata al hjara

bern . Men vsa br itn a kOmon and vsa ban n al inga thrvch

tha Twisklanda vr in hjara marka fara and vsa stju rarkemon in hjara havna. Fon hjam hOradon bja kalta vr

Olika frydom and rj u cht an d overa Owa , hwer bfita n imman

omm e n e mOi. Altham wrde Vpsu gon thrvch tha drova

mann iska lik dawa thrvch tha dorra fjelde. As hj u fvl

wOron bijonnon tha alderdr ista man n iska to klippanemith

hjara kOdne, alsa- t tha forsta wO dOde. Tha forste send

stolte and wichandlik,thOrvmbe is thOr ak noch du ged in

hjara hirta,bja birOdon et sOm ine and javon awet fon hjara

overflodalikhOd. Men tha lafa skin frana prestara ne

m achton that n avt n e lyda, emong hjara forsinde godu m'

hOdon bja ak wran gwrada droch tne eskOpen . Pest kOm

in overa landa. Nw sOidon bja,tha drochtn a send torn ich

overa overhOr ict d thOra bosa. Tha wrdon tha alderdrista

man n iska mith hjara kOdn e wirgad. Irtha heth hjara bloddronken

, mith that blod fode hj u fr u chda and nochta,and

alle tham thOr of Oton wrdon wis.1 6 wara 100jOr lOden

* is Atlan d svnken,and to thOra

tidu m hOrade thOr awat t r Vppa n imm an rOkned nOde.

In - t hirte fon Findas land vppet berchta lOid en del,thOr is kOthen Kasamyr ,Tthet is sjeldsu m . ThOr werth

en bern e- bern , sin mam wOre thj u toghater enis kOn ingand sin tat wOre- n havedprester . Vmb skOm to vnkvma

mosten bja hjara ajen blod vnkvm a. ThOrvmbe warth erbuta thOre stOde brocht bi arma man n iska. In twiska

was- t im n avt forhOlad n e wrden,thOr vmbe dOd er ella

vmbe wisdom to gOtane and garane . Sin forstau wOre sagrat that er ella forstande hwat er saand hOrade. That

folk skowde him mit OrbOdenese and tha prestera wr don

ang vr sina frOga. Tha- r jOrich wrde gvnger nOi sinum

2193 v. Chr . 1‘ Kasamyr , Kashm ir .


gray and old before their time,and died without any enjoy

ment ; although the earth produces abundantly for thegood of all her children . But our runaways and exiles

came through Twiskland to their boundaries,and our

sailors came to their harbours . From them they heard ofliberty, of justice, and laws , without which men cannotexist. This was all absorbed by the unhappy people likedew into an arid soil . When they fully understood this


the most courageous among them began to clank their

chains, which grieved the princes . The princes are pro u d

and warlike ; there is therefore some virtue in their hearts.They consulted together and bestowed some of their superfl u ity ; but the cowardly hypocritical priests could not

suffer this. Among their false gods they had inventedalso wicked cruel monsters. Pestilence broke out in thecountry ; and they said that the gods were angry withthe domin eering of the wicked. Then the boldest of the

people were strangled in their chains. The earth drank

their blood, and that blood produced corn and fr u its thatinspired with wisdom those who ate them.

Six teen hundred years ago ( she writes, 593 B. A tland

was submerged ; and at that time something happened

which nobody had reckoned upon. In the heart Of Findasland

,upon a mountain

,lies a plain called Kasamyr ( Cash

mere) that is“ extraordinary.

” There was a child born

whose mother was the daughter of a king,and whose

father was a high- priest. In order to hide the shame they

were obliged to renou nce their own blood. Therefore it was

taken out of the town to poor people. As the boy grew up,

nothing was concealed from him,so he did all in his power

to acquire wisdom. His intellect was so great that he

understood everything that he saw or heard. The people

regarded him with respect,and the priests were afraid of

his questions . When he was of full age he wen t to his

21 93 1 600is 593 years before Chr ist. 1“ Kasamyr is Kashm ere,


aldr u m . Hja moston herda th inga hOra , vmb- im kwit to

werthane javon bja him vrflod fon kestl ika stOn u m men

bja ne thvradon him n avt avbOr bikan na as hjara aj u eblod. Mith droven ese in vrdelven overa falxe skOm sinra

aldr u m gvnger ommedwala. Al forth farande mOte hi

en Fryas stj u rar thOr as Slav thjanade, fon tham lOrd- i vsa

sOd and plOgu m . Hi kapade him fry, and to ther dadsend bja frj u nda bilOwen . A lomme t r er forth hinnetach

,lOrd—i - an tha lj u da that bj a nOne rika ner prestera

tolOta moston , that bja hj ara selva hOde moston ajen falxeskOm

,ther allee ikes kvad dvat an tha ljavde. Irtha

sOid- er skankath hjara jOva nOi mOta men hjara hi‘idklawat

,that man thOr in ach to delvan e to Orane and to

s ane , saman thOrOf skOra wil. Thach se id- sr n imman

hovat thit to dvan de fori ennen Othera hit n e sy, that etbi mOne wille jef u t ljavade skOd. Hi lOrde that n imman

in hj ara wand machte frota vmbe gold her silver ner kest

lika stOn a,t r nid an klywath and ljavde fon flj u chth.

Vmbe jow m anghOr ta an d wiva to sjarane, sOid- sr, jOvath

hjara rin strama Onoch. Nimm an sOid- er is weldich alle

man n iska mOtr ik and Olika luk to jail . Tha that it alra

mann iska plicht vmbe tha man n iska alsa mOtr ik to mak

jane and sa fOlo nocht to jan , as to hinaka is. Néne wit

skip sOid- er n e mOi man m in achtja , thach Olika dOla is tha

grateste witskip , thOr tid vs lOra mOi. ThOrvmbe that hjv

argenese fon ir tha wOrath and ljavde feth.Sin forme n Om wOre Jes- u s


* thach tha prestera thOr - im

sOral ik haton hOton him FO that is falx,that folk hOtehim

Kris - en that is herder,and sin Fryaske frj u nd hOta him

Bu da,vmbe that hi in sin havad en skat fon wisdom hOde

and in sin hirt en skat fon ljavde.

To tha lersta most- sr fl u chta vr tha wréka thOra prestera,men vr al t r er kOm was sine lOre h im faru t gvngen

Jes- u s, evenm in te verwar ren m et Jez u s, als Kr isen (Krishna) metChr ist u s.


and vral t r - er gvng folgadon him sina lOtha lik sine

skade nOi. Tha Jes-vs alsa twilif jOr om faren hOde,

stu rv- er , men sina frj u nda waradon sine lOre and kOthon

t r- et aron fvnde.

Hwat mOu st nw that the prestera dOdon , that mot ik jomelde

,ak mot- i thOr sOral ik acht vp jan , forth mot- i over

hjara bidryv and renka waka mith alle kraft u m, thér

Wr .alda in jo lOid heth. Thahwila Jes- as lOre vr irtha

for, gvngon tha falxe prestera nei—t land sinra berta sin

dad avbOra,bj a sOidon that bja fon sin um frj u ndu m wOron,

bja bOradon grate rowa,toren n an de hj ara klathar to flar

dum and to skOr ande hj ara hola kal. Inna hOla thOraberga gvngon bja hOm a

,thach thOr in hOdon bja hjara skat

brocht, thOr binna makado u bja blydon after Jes- u s, thessa

blydon javon bj a antha vnarg thankanda lj ada,to longa

lersta sOidon bja that Jes—u s en drochten wOre, that- i thatselva an hjam bilOden hOde, an d that alle thOr an him

and an sina lOra lawa wilde, n Oim elS in sin kOn ingkrikkvme skolde

,t r fru is and n ochta send. Vrmites

bja wiston that Jes- u s ajen tha rika to fjelda tagen

hOde, sa kOthon bja allerweikes, that armode ha and

On fald sa thj u dure wOre vmbe in sin rik to kvmane,

that thOra thOr byr vp ir tha that maste lOden hOde,

nOim els tha masta n ochta hava skolde. Thahwila bjawiston that Jes- u s lOrad hOde that man sina tochta welda

and bistj u ra moste , sa lOrdon bja that man alle sina tochtadOja m oste

,and that tha fvlkvm inhOd thOra mann iska

thOr in bistande that er Ovin vn forstoren wrde sa that

kalde stOn. Vmbe that folk nw wis to makjande that

bja alsa dOdon , alsa bOr adon bj a armode overa stréta and

vmb forth to biwisane that bja al hjara tochta dad hOde,namon bja nOne wiwa. Thach sat rsa en toghater

en misstep hOde, sa warth bja that ring forjan, thaWrakka sOidon bja most man helpa and vmbe sin ajn



his shadow. When Jessos had thus travelled for twelve

years he died ; but h is friends preserved his teachin g andD 7

spread it wherever they found l isteners.

What do you think the priests did then ? That I must

tell you, and you must give your best attention to it.

Moreover , you must keep guard against their acts and

their tricks with all the strength that W r - alda has given

you . While the doctrine of Jessos was thus spreading

over the earth , the false priests went to the land Of his

birth to make his death known. They said they were his

friends , and they pretended to show great sorrow by tear

ing their clothes and shaving their heads. They went to

live in caves i n the mountains,but in them they had hid

all their trea sures,and they made in them images of

Jessos. They gave these statues to simple people,and at

last they said that Jessos was a god,that he had declared

this himself to them,and that all those who followed his

doctrine should enter his kingdom hereafter,where all was

j oy and happiness. Because they knew that he was opposed

to the rich,they announced everywhere that poverty


fer ing , and humility were the door by which to enter in to

his kin gdom,and that those who had suffered the most on

earth should enj oy the greatest happiness there. Although

they knew that Jessos had taught that men should regu

late and control their passions,they taught that men

should stifle their passion s,and that the perfection of

humanity consisted in being as unfeeling as the cold stones.

In order to make the people believe that they did as they

preached,they pretended to outward poverty ; and that they

had overcome all sensual feelings , they took no wives. But

if any young girl had made a false step, it was quickly for

given the weak,they said

,were to be assisted, and to save


SOle to bihaldane most man ful anda cherke jan . Thus

todvande hOde bja wiv and bern svnder hfishalden and

wrdon bja rik svnder werka, men that folk warth fiil armer

and mar Olandich as a to fara. Thae lOre t rbi tha pres

tera nOn Ore witskip hova as drochtlik rOda , frana skin

and vn rj u chta plOga, brOd hiri selva u t fon- t asta to- t

westa an d skil ak vr vsa landa kyma.

Men astha prestera skil u n wana,that bja allet lj u cht fon

Frya and fon Jes—u s lOre vtdavath hava, sa skil u m thér in

alle vvrda man n iska vpstonda, tham wOrhOd in stiln ise

among ekkorum warath and to fara tha prestera forborgen

have. Thissa skil u n wOsa u t forsta blod,fon prester u m

blod,fon S lavon u m blod

,and fon Fryas blod. Tham skilu n

hjara foddiku m and that lj u cht bu ta bringa, sa that allera

man n alik wOrhOd mOi sjan bja skilu n wO hrOpa overa dOda

thOr a prestera and forsta. Tha forsta thOr wOrhOd minna

an d rj u cht tham skilu n fon tha prestera wika,blod skil

strama, men thOr u t skil- et folk nye krafta gara. Findas

folk skil sina findingr ikhOd to mOn a n itha wenda,that

Lydas folk sina krafts and wi vea wisdom. Tha skilu n

tha falxa prestera wOi fagath wer tha fon irtha. Wr .alda

his gast skil alomme and allee ikes Orath and bihropa

wer tha. Tha Owa thOr W r .alda bi - t anfang in vs mod

lOide,Skil u n al lOna bOrad wer tha

,thOr n e skilu n nOne Ora

mastera, noch forsta, ner basa n avt nOsa, as thOra thOr bi

mOn a wille kOren send. Than skil Frya jun a and Irtha

skil hira jOva allOna skanka an tha werkande man n isk.

Althamlskil an fanga fj u wer thu sand jOr nOi Atland svnken

is and th u sand jOr lOter skil thOr longer nOn prester ner

tvang vp irtha sa.

Dela tou Omath HellOnja, wah l


Sa lucla Franas u troste wille. Alle welle Fryas held.

An tha nOme Wr .aldas,fon Frya

,and thOre fryhOd grete

ik jo, and bidde jo, sahwersa ik falla machte Or ik en folg

ster nOmath hOde, sabifOl ik jo Tu ntja thOr B u rchfam is to

thOre burch MOdOasblik, til hj u d dOg u m i s bja tha besta.

Thet heth GOsa. nOi lOten . Alle mann iska held. Ik

nav nOne Oremoder bin om ad thrvchdam ik nOne n iste,and

et is jO hOter nOne Moder to havande as One t r vp- i jo

navt for lOta ne mOi. Arge tid is forbi faren, men thOt

kvm t en Othere. Ir tha heth bja n avt u e barad and

W r .alda heth bja n avt ne skOren . Hj u kvm t u t et asta

n t- a bosma thOra prestera wOi. Sa fOlo led skil hj u broda,that Irtha- t blod algadvr n avt dr inka De kan fon hira vrs

l ana bernum. Thj u stren esse skil hj u in overne gast

thOra man n iska sprOda , lik tongar- is wolka oviret svnne

lj u cht. Alom an d allerwéikes skil lest and drochten

bidryf with fryhéd kampa and rj u cht. Rj u cht and fryhéd

skilu n swika and wi mith tham . Men thesse winst skil

hjara vrlias wrochta. Fon thrj u worda skilu n vsa after

kvman de an hjara lj u da and slavon a tha bithj u tnesse lOra.

Hja send mOna ljavde, fryhOd and rj u cht. That forma

skil u n bja glora, after nOi with thju strenesse kampa al

ont et hel and klar in hjawl ikes hirt and holle warth.

Than skil tvang fon ir tha fagad wet tha, lik tongarswolka

thrvch stornewind, and alle drochten bidryv ne skil thOr

ajen nawet navt n e form u ga. GOsa.



Thus runs Frana’s last will : All noble Frisians,Heil !

In the n ame of W r - alda,of Frya

,and of Freedom

,I greet

you ; and pray you if I die before I have n amed a suc

cessor, then I recommend to you Teu n tja, who is Burgt

maagd in the citadel of Medeasblik ; till now she is the


This Gosa has left behind her : Hail to all men ! I

have n am ed no Eerem oeder,because I know none


because it is better for you to have no mother than to

have one you cannot tru st. One had time is passed by,but there is still another coming. Ir tha. has not given it

birth , and Wr - alda has not decreed it. It com es from the

E ast, out of the bosom of the priests. It will breed so

much mischief that Ir tha will not be able to drink the

blood of her slain children. It will spread darkness over

the minds of men like storm- clouds over the sun light.

Everywhere craft and deception shall contend with freedom

and justice.'

Freedom and justice shall be overcome,and

we with them. But this success will work out its own

loss. O u r descendants shall teach their people and their

slaves the m eaning of three words they are u n iver sal love,

freedom,and j u stice. At first they shall shine, then

struggle with darkness,until every man

s head and heart

has become bright and clear. Then shal l Oppression be

driven from the earth,l ike the thunder- clo u ds by the

storm - wind,and all deceit will cease to have any more

power. Gosa.


MIN ethla havon in after thit bok skréven . Thit Wil ih

hoppa ella dva,vmbe that er in min stat nén burch ovir

is hwér in tha bértnesa vp skréven wrde lik to fara. Min

nome is Koneréd , min tat- his nome was Frethor ik, min

mem his nome W iljow. After tat his dad ben ih to sina

folgar kéren , and tha- k fift ich jer talde kas men m i] to

vrste grévetman . Min tat heth skréven ho tha Linda-wrda

an d tha Lju dgardne vrdilgen send. Lindahém is jeta wei,

tha Linda-wrda far en dél,tha n orthl ikka Lj u dgardne send

thr vch thene salta sé bidelven . That brfiwsende bef slikt

an tha hr ingdik there burch. Lik tat melth heth,sé send

tha havalasa man n iska to gvngen an d bavon hfiskesbvwad

binna tha hr ingdik thera burch. Thervmbe is that ronddél

nw Ljvdwerd heten. Tha stj u rar segath Ljvwrd , men that

is wanspréke. Bi mina jiiged was - t ore land, that buta

tha hr ingdik leid, al pol and brok. Men Fryas folk is

diger and fl itich,bja wrdon mod ner wirg , thrvchdam hjara

dol to tha besta leide. Thrvch slata to delvaneand kadika

to makjane fon tha grvnd ther fit- a slata kem ,alsa bavon

wi Wither en gode hém buta tha hr ingdik ther thj u dante

het fon en hof,thre pela astwar th

,thre pela sfidwarth

an d thre pela westwarth meten. Hju d degum send wi

to dvan de a- pela to héjande, vmb éne have to win nande

and mith eu vmb- vsa hr ingdik to biskirma u de. Jef et

werk red sy, sa skil u n wi stj u rar u tlvka. Bi min jiiged

stand- et byr bju stre om - to,men hj u d send tha hfiskes


al husa tlier an réja stan. And lek and brek ther mith

erm ode hir in gl u pt wéron , sen d thrvch flit a- buta dréven .

Fou hir u t méi allera mann alik léra, that W r .alda vea

Alfoder , al sina skepsela fot, mits that bja mod halde and

man lik other u m helpa wille.

Nv WIL IR vn Fmso SKRIVA .

Friso ther al weldich were thrvch sin lj u d, warth £11: to

vrste greve kéren thrvch S taveren s ommelandar . Hi spot

mith vsa wisa fon land -wer an d sékampa, thervmbe heth

er en skol stift hwér in tha h u apa fj u chta léra nei Kreka

landar wysa. Than ik lav that i that dén heth vmb that

jongk- folk an sin sn or to hindane Ik hav min brother

ther ak hin skikt,tha- s n v tbjan Jer léden . Hwan d tocht

ik nv wi n éne Moder longer n avt nave, vmbe tha énen

ajem tha fire to bi skirman de,ach ik dabhel to wakane

that hi vs nén master na warth .

Gosa n eth vs nene folgstere nometh , ther vr n il ik nén

ordél n e fella men thér send jeta alda arg thenkande man

niska, ther mene that hj u - t thér - vr mith Friso enis wrden

is. Tha Gosa fallen was, tha wildon tha lju d fon alle

wrda én e othere Moder kj asa. Men Friso ther to dvande

were vmb- en rik to fara him selva to makjane, Friso ne

gerde n én red ner bodo fon Texland. As tha bodon thera

Landsatu m to him k’

émon , sprek- i ande heth. Gosa

seid- sr was férsjande west and wiser as alle greva étsémne

And thach n éde hj u n én lj u cht ner klarhéd in thj u se séke

n e fvnden, thervmbe nede hj u n ene mod han vmb éne

folgstere to kjasane, and vmb éne folgstere to kjasane thertvyvelikwere , ther heth bja bald in sjan , thervmbe heth bja

in hjara u troste wille skréven,that is jow bétre néneModer

to hc’wande as éne hwér vpp- i jo selva navt forleta ne mei.

Friso héde fill sjan , bi or loch was er vpbrocht, and fon


Leaks and deficiencies produced by poverty have been

remedied by industry. From this men may learn that

W r - alda,our u n iversal father

,protects all his creatures


if they preserve their courage and help each other.


Friso,who was already powerful by his troops


chosen chief Grevetman of the districts round Staveren.

He laughed at our mode Of defending our land and our

sea-fights ; therefore he established a school where the

boys might learn to fight in the Greek manner,but I

believe that he did it to attach the young people to him

self. I sent my brother there ten years ago,because I

tho u ght,now that we have not got any mother

,it behoves

me to be doubly watchful , in order that he may not be

come our master.

Gosa has given us n o successors. I will not give any

Opinion about that ; but there are still old suspicious

people who think that she and Friso had an understand

ing about it. When Gosa died, the people from all parts

wished to choose another mother ; but Friso, who was busy

establishing a kingdom for himself, did not desire to have

any advice or messenger from Texland. When the mes

sengers of the Landsaten came to him, he said that Gosa

had been far- seeing and wiser than all the counts together,

and yet she had been unable to see any light or way out

of this affair ; therefore she had not had the courage to

choose a successor,and to choose a doubtful one she

thought would be very bad ; therefore she wrote in

her last will , It is better to have no mother than to

have one on whom you cannot rely. Friso had seen a

great deal.He had been brought up in the wars , and he

had just learned and gathered as much of the tricks and


tha hrenku m and lestu m théra Golum and forstu m héder

krek sa fiil lered and geth, as- er n édich héde vmbe tha

Ora greva to wéiande hwer hi hjam wilde. Sjan hir ho- r

thérm ith to gvngen is.

Friso héde hir- n e Other wif n im th,thj u toghater fon

Wil- frethe,bi sin leve was-er vrste Greva to Staveren

west. Ther bi héder twen svn a wumen and twa toghatera.

Thrvch sin biléid is Kor n élja sin jongste toghater mith

min brother mant. Korn élja is wan Fryas and mot Korn

belj a skréven wrde. W émod sin aldeste heth er an Kaveh

bo u den . Kavch ther ak bi him to skole gvng is thi svnvfon W ichhir te thene Gér tm an n a kaning. Men Kavch is

ak wan Fryas and mot Kap wesa. Men kvade tale havon

bja mar m ithbrocht as gode seda.

NW mot ik mith mine skédn ese a- befta kéra.

A ftre grate fiod hwér vr m in tat skréven heth,weron

félo Ju ttar and Letme mith ebbe uta Balda jefta kvade

sé * fored. Bi Kat his gat drévon bja in hjara kana mith

yse vppa tha Dénem arka fast and ther vp send bja sitten

biléwen . Ther n éron n arne n én mann iska an - t sjocht.

Thervmbe bavon bja that land int, nei hjara n ome havon

bja that land Ju ttar land heten . Aftern éi kemon wel felo

Denem arker to bek fon tha haga land u m,men thissa setton

hjara selva sfidliker del. And as tha stj u rar to bek kemon

ther n avt vrgvngen n avt n éron, gvng thi éna mith tha

Othera nei tha sé jefta éland u m .T Thrvch thisse skikkingm ochton tha J u ttar that land halda

,hwer - Vppa W r .alda

ra wéjad héde. Tha Selandar stj u rar tham hjara selva

mith blate fisk n avt helpa ner n éra nilde,and ther en arge

grins hede an tha Gola,tham gvngon dana tha Phon isjar

shepa birawa. An tha sfidwester herne fon Sken land, ther

leid Lindasbu r cht tonOmath LindasnOse, thr vch vsa Apol

stift,alsa in thit bok i biskréwen stat. Alle kadhémar and

Balda jefta kvada sé, de Baltische zee. J u ttarland, Ju tland.

1‘ Zeeland, de Deensche Eilanden . I 2 19 bl. 1 24.


ommelandar dana .weron ef t Fryas biléyen , men thrvch tha

lust there wréke ajen tha Golum and aj en tha Kal tana folgar gvngon bja mitha Selandar sama dvan , men that samadva neth nen stek n avt n e halden. Hwand tha Selandarhede felo m islika pléga and wenhéde ovir n ommeu fon tha

vvla Magjaru m ,Fryas folk to - n spot. Forth gvng ek to

fara him selva rawa,thach jef et to pase kem than standon

bja man l ik Other u m trvlik by. Thach to tha lesta bijon

don tha Selandar brek to kréjan de an goda sképa. Hjara

skipmakar weron omkvmen an d hjara walda weron mith

grvnd and al fon- t land of faged. Nw kemon ther vnwarlingen thry shepa by tha r ingdik fon vsa burch méra.

Thrvch tha inbréka vsra landu m weron bja vrdvaled andtha Flymvda m isfaren . Thi kapmon ther mith gvngenwas

,wilde fon vs nya sképa ha, thér to hedon bja m ith

brocht aller léja kestl ika wéra,ther bja rawed hédon fon

tha Kaltan ar landu m and fonl

tha Phon isjar’

skepu m.

Neldam wy selva n éne sképa n avt n - éde, Jef ik hjam

fl ingka horsa and fjvwer wépende r inbodon mith nei Friso.Hwan d to Staveren and allingen that Alderga thér wrdon

tha besta wérsképa maked fon herde éken wod ther nimmer the n én rot an n e kvm th. Thahwila tha sékampar

by my byde , weron svme Juttar nei Texland faren and dana

weron bja nei Friso wesen. Tha Selandar hédon felo fon

hj ara storeste knapu m rawed,thi moston Vppa hjara benke

roja, and fon hj ara storeste toghter a vmb ther by bern to

téjau de. Tha stora Ju ttar n e mochton et n avt to wérane,thrvchdam bja nene gode wépne navt néde. Tha bja

hjara leth telad hede an d thérvr fé lo wordon wixlad

weron , freje Friso to tha lesta jef bja nene gode have

in hjara ga n avt n - éde. O-j es,anderon bja

,ene besta

én , éne thrvch Wr .alda skepen. Ej u is net krek lik jow

bjarkr i‘

ik ther,hira hal s is eng , tha in hira bdlg kan

nath wel thvsanda grate kana lidsa,men wi navath

néna burch n er bu rchwépne, vmbe tha rawsképa ther u t

Phonisiar , hier Pu niers, Carthagors.



who live on the coasts,and in the neighbouring districts


had remained true Frisian s ; but by their desire for ven

gean ce upon the Gauls , and the followers of Kalton a , they

joined the Zeelanders . But that connection did not hold

together, because the Zeelanders had adopted man y evil

manners and custom s Of the wicked Magyars , in oppositionto Frya

s people. Af terwards,everybody went stealing on

his own account ; but when it suited them they held alltogether. At last the Zeelanders began to be in want of

good ships . Their shipbuilders had died,and their forests

as well as their land had been washed out to sea. Now

there arrived unexpectedly three ships,which anchored off

the r ingdyk Of our citadel. By the disr u ption of our land

they had lost themselves,and had missed Flym ond. The

m erchant who was with them wished to bu y new ships

from us,and for that purpose had brought all kinds of

valuables,which they had stolen from the Celtic country

and Phoenician ships. As we had no ships,I gave them

active horses and four armed couriers to Friso ; because at

Stavere,along the Alberga, the best ships of war were built

Of hard oak which never rots. While these sea rovers

remained with us,some of the J u tmen had gone to Tex

land,and thence to Friso. The Zeelanders had stolen

many of their strongest boys to row their ships, and man y

of th eir finest daughters to have children by. The great

Ju tlanders could not prevent it, as they were not properly

armed.When they had related all their misfortunes , and

a good deal of conversation had taken place, Friso asked

them at last if they had no good harbours in their

cou ntry. Oh, yes, they an swered a beautifu l one ,created by Wr - alda. It is like a bottle , the n eck nar

row,but in the belly a thousand large boats may lie ;

but we have no citadel and n o defences to keep ou t

Phon isj ar ar e Pu n ics or Carthagin ian s.


to haldane . Than mosten jow gvn st makja seide Friso.

God reden anderon tha Juttar , men wi n -avath néne am u

bachtislj u d ner bvwark , wi alle send fiskar and j u ttar .

Tha ora send vrdrvnken jefta néi tha haga land u m flj u cht.

Midlar hwila bja thus kalta, kemon mina bodon mitha

Selandar héra et sina hove. Hir most nw letta ho Friso

alle to bidobbe wiste to nocht fon bede partia and to bate

fon sin aja

n dol. Tha Selandar se ider to, bja skoldon jer

likes fiftech sképa have , nei fasta metum and nei fasta

jeldu m ,to bred mith ysere kédn e and krau bogu m and

m ith fvlle tj u ch alsa far wérsképa hof and nédlik sy, men

tha J u ttar skoldon bja than mith fréthe leta,and all- et

folk that to Fryasbern héred. Ja hi wilde mar dva,hi

wilde al vea sekampar u tn éda that bja skolde mith fj u chta

and rawa. Tha tha Selandar wei brit we‘ron,tha let-er

fj u wer tich alda shepa to laja mith bu rchwépne, wod, hir

baken stén,timber lj u d , m ir tseléra an d sm éda vmbe ther

mith burga to bvwande. Witto , that is witte sin svn,sand

hi mith vmb to to sjanande. Hwat ther al far fallen is,n - is my navt u i meld

,men sa fu l is my bar wrden , an

byde sida there haves m vde is éne withbu rch bvwed, ther

in is folk leid that Friso uta Saxan am arka tach. Witto

heth Sju chthir te bifréjad and to sin wiv nomen . Wilhem

alsa héte hira tat,hi was vreste Alderman thera Ju ttar ,

that is vrste Grevetman jefta Greve. W ilhem is kirt after

stu rven and Witto i s in sin sted koren.


Fon sin érosta wif héder twen sviar inga bihelda, ther ser

klok weron . Hetto, that is héte, thene jongste skikt er as


senda boda nei Kattabu rch that djap inna Saxanamarka

leid. Hi hede fon Friso mith kréjen sj u gon horsa buta

sin aj u , to leden mith kestlika séku m,thrvch tha sekam

par rawed. Bi jahweder hors weron twén jonga sékamparand twen jon ga hr u tar m ith rika kladar u m klath and jeldin hiara budar. Evin as er B etto nei Kattabu r ch skikte


skikter Bruno , that is bru n e , thene Othera svjar ing ne1

Man n agarda wrda , Man n agarda wrda is far in thit bok’“

Man n agarda forda skréven , men that is m isdén . Alle

r ikdom a ther bja mith hede wrdon nei om stan d wei skanktan tha forsta and forsten eand an tha u tforkér n emangértne.

Kém on tha sine knapa vppa there méid vmbe thér mith et

jongkfolk to dOn sjan e, sa leton bja kvra mith krfidkokkvm a an d bargum jeftha ton n u m fon tha besta bjar . After

thissa bodon let- er immer jongkfolk over tha Saxan armarkafara

,ther alle jeld inna budar hede and alle meida jeftha

skankadja mith brochton , and Vppa there m éid téradon

bja alon vnkvmmerlik wei. Jef—t n v berde that thaSaxan a h u apa ther nydich nei u tsagon , than lakton bja

godlik and seido u , aste thvr ath thene mén a fyand to bikampan e, sa kan st thin breid jet ful riker meida jamandj et forstelik tera . Al béda sviaringa fon Friso send bos

tigjad mith toghater u m th-éra rom r iksta forstu m,and

afkernei kemon tha Saxan ar knapa and mangértn e by

élle kedd u m n e1 that Flym ar del.

Tha bu rchfam na and tha alda fam n a ther jeta fon hjar

ere grathéd wi ste , nygadon n avt vr nei Frisos bedr iv,ther

vmbe n e kéthon bja nén god fon him. Men Friso snoder

as bja lét- ra snaka. Men tha jonga famn a spOnd- er mith

goldne fingr u m an sina sék. Bja seidou alomme wy

navath longer n én Moder mar,men that kvm th dana that

wit jéroch send. Jvd past vs nekaning,til thj u wi vsa landa

wither winna,ther tha Modera vr léren have thrvch hjara

Zie bl. 1 1 .



lies far in the Saxsenm arken . Friso gave him to take

seven horses , besides his own , laden with precious things

stolen by the sea- rovers . With each horse there were

two young sea- rovers and two young horsemen,clad in

rich garments,and with money in their purses. In the

same way as he sent B etto to Kattabu rgt, he sent Bruno—that is

,brown—the other brother- in - law

,to Man n agarda

oord. Man n agarda cord was written Mannagarda ford in

the earlier part of this book,bu t that is wrong. All the

riches that they took with them were given away,accord

ing to cir cumstances,to princes


,and chosen

young girls. When his young men wen t to the tavern to

dance with the young people there,they ordered baskets

of spice,gingerbread

,and t u n e of the best beer. After

these messengers he let his young people constantly go

over to the Saxsenmarken,always with money in their

purses and presents to give away,and they spent money

carelessly in the taverns. When the Saxsen youths looked

with envy at this they smiled,and said

,If you dare go

and fight the common enemy you would be able to give

much richer presents to your brides,and live much more

princely. Both the brothers - in - law of Friso had married

daughters Of the chief princes , and afterwards the Saxsen

youths and girls came in whole troops to the Flymeer .

The bu rgtm aiden s and old maidens who still remembered

their greatness did not hold with Friso ’ s Object, and there

fore they said no good of him ; but Friso , more cunning

than they,let them chatter

,but the younger maidens he

led to his side with golden fing ers. They said everywhere ,For a long tim e we have had no mother , but that comes

from our being fit to take care of ourselves. At present it

suits us best to have a king to win back our lands that

we have lost through the imprudence of our mothers .

See page 1 1 .


vndigerhed. Forth kéthon hja , alrek Fryasbern is frydom

jéven , sin stem hera to letan e bi fara thér bisloten warth

bi t kjasa Onre forste,men ast alsa wyd kvma machte that

i jo wither ne kaning kjasa, sawil ik ak min mOne segse.

Nei al hwat ik shoja mei, se. is Friso thér to thrvch

W r .alda keren,hwand hi heth im wonder lik hir hinne

weiad. Friso wet tha hrenka thOra Golum,hwam his

title h i sprékt, hi kan thus ajen hj ara lestu m wake. Than

is thér jeta awet to skojan de, hok Gréva skolde mi n to

kaning kjasa svnder that tha Ora ther n idich vr weron.Ald u lkera talum warth thr vch tha jonga famnn kathen


men the. alde famma afskén fé an tal,tapadon hjara rOdne

u t en Othera barg. Hja kOthon allerwéikes and to alla

m annalik : Friso kOthon bja dvath sa tha epinua dvan,

thes nachtis spOnth- i netta nOi alle sidu m and thee déis

vrskalkth- i thér sina vnafter tochtlika frju nda in. Friso

seith that-er n éne prestera ner poppa forsta lyde ne mei,men ik seg , hi ne mei n imm an lyda as him selva. Ther

vmbe nil hi n avt n e daj a that thj u burch Stevia wither Vphejath warth. Thervmbe wil hi nOn e Moder wOr ha. Ju d

is Friso jow rOd jévar , men morne wil hi j ow kaning wertha,til thj u hi over jo alle rj u chta mei. Inna bosm thes folk

is an tstondon nw twa par tyja. Tha alda and firms.wildon

wither One Moder ha, men that jongkfolk, that fvl stred

lust were Wilde ne tat jeftha kaning ha. Tha érosta

heton hjara selva moder his svn a and tha Othera heton

hjara selva tat his svn a, men tha Moder his svn a ne wrde

wrde navt u i meld,hwand thrvchdam thér felo sképa

maked wrde, was ther ovirflod to fara skipmakar , smeds,

sylmakar , répmakar and to fara alle Ora ambachtislj u d.

Ther to hoppa,brochton tha sOkampar allerleja syrhéda

mith. Ther fon hedon tha wiva n ocht, tha faman nocht,

tha mangOrtne nocht, and therof hedon al hjara mégu m

nocht,and al hjara frj u n du m and athu m.


Tha Friso bi fj u wer tich jé r et Staveren hu shalden hede

st u rf-er .

“ Thrvch sin bijelda hede- r felo stata wither to

man l ik Other u m brocht, thach jef wi thér thrvch beter wrdethvr ik navt bijechta. Fon alle Gréva thér bifara him weron n - as ther n imman sa bifamed lik Friso west. Tha saas-k er séide , tha jonge famn a kOthon sina love, thahwilatha alda famn a ella dédon vmb- im to achtjane and hatlikto makjan e bi alle man n iska. Nw ne machton tha alda

famna him thér mitha wel navt ne stOra in sina bijeldinga,men bja havon mith hjara bara thach alsa fiil u trju chtthatf er stu rven is svnder that er kaning wére.

NW e 1K SKRIWA VB ADEL sm svnv.

Friso thér vsa skidnese lered hede u t- et bok thOraAdel

linga,hOde ella den vmbe hjara frj u ndskip to winnande.

Sin eroste svn v ther hi hir won by Swéthirte sin wif,heth- sr bi stonda Adel hOten . And afskén hi kampademith

alle sin weld,vmbe nOne burga to forstalane ner wither

vp to bvwande, thach sand hi Adel ne i thOre burch et

Texland til thj u hi diger bi diger kvd wer tha machta,mith ella hwat to vsa éwa

,tale and sedum hereth. The.

Adel twin tich jér talde let Friso him to sin ajn skol kvma,and as er thér u tléred was , let- er him thrvch ovir alle

stata fOra. Adel was- ne m in lika skalk,bi sin fare. heth

er felo Otha wn nen . Dana is- t kvm en that et folk him

Atha- rik heten heth,awet hwat him afternéi se wel to

pa se kém ,hwand as sin tat fallen was

,bilév- er in sin sted

svnder that er vr - et kjasa On er Othera Gréva spréka kém.

Thahwila Adel to Texlan d inna lére were,was ther tefta

en élle ljawe fem in Vpper burch. Hj u kOm fon u t the. Sa

xanamarku m wOi,fon u t- ére statha ther is ketheu Sv aland

ther thrvch warth bja to Texland Sv enei‘ hOten , afskén

263 v. Chr. THamcon iu s, p. 8. S u obinna.



When Friso had been nearly forty years at Staveren hedied. Owing to him many of the states had been joined

together again , but that we were the better for it I am n ot

prepared to certify. Of all the counts that preceded him

there was none so renowned as Friso for,as I said before


the young maidens spoke in his praise,while the old

maidens did all in their power to make him hateful toeverybody

. Although the old women could not prevent

his meddling, they made so much fuss that he died without becoming kin g.


Friso , who had learned our history from the book of

the Adelingen , had done everything in his power to win

their friendship. His eldest son,whom he had by his

wife Swethir te,he named Adel ; and although he strove

with all his might to prevent the bu ilding or restoring

any citadels , he sent Adel to the citadel of Texland in

order to make himself better acquainted with our laws,language , and customs. When Adel was twenty years

old Friso brought him into his own school,and when he

had fully educated him he sent him to travel through all

the states . Adel was an amiable young man,and in his

travels he made many friends,so the people called him

A thar ik—that is,rich in friends—which was very useful

to him afterwards,for when his father died he took his

place without a question of any other count being chosen .

While Adel was studying at Texland there was a

lovely maiden at the citadel . She came from Saxen

marken,from the state of S u obaland

,therefore she

was called at Texland S u obene,although her name

263 before Chr ist. 1"Ham con iu s, page 8. S u obinna.


hjra nOme Ifkja were. Adel hOde bja ljaf kréjen and hjuhOde Adel ljaf, m en sin tat bOd—im hi skolde jet wachtja.

Adel was hér ich,men alsa ring sin tat fallen was and hi

seten,sand hi bistonda bodon nei Berth- holda hira tat

hin,as- er sine toghter to wif hava machte. Bertholda

wér - n e forste fon vn forbastere sOd,hi hOde Ifkja nOi

Texland inna lére svnden inner hape that bja Onis to

bu r chfam kére wrde skolde in sine aj u land. Thach hi

hOde hjara beder gerte kan u a léred,thOr vmbe gvng

- er to

an d j ef hjam sina sej en . Ifkja wér- ne kante Fryes.Far sa fOre ih bja hav


hauna lOred,heth hj u alOn wrocht

an d wrot til thj u F ryasbern wither kvm a machte vndera

selva Owa and vnder Onen bOn . Vmbe tha man n iska

Vppa hira syd to krOjande, was hj u mi th hira frj u delf

fon of hira tat thrvch alle Saxanam arka faren and forth

nOi Gertman nja. GOr tmannja alsa hedon tha Gertmanna hjara stat he ten

,thér bja thrvch Gosa hira bijel

dinga kréjen hOde. Dana gvngen bja nei tha Dénemarka.

Fon tha Denem arka gvngon hja skip nei Texland. Fou

Texland gvngon bja nOi Westflyland en sa allingen tha sé

nei Walhallagara hin . Fon Walhallagara brOdon bja

a llingen thOra suder HrOn u m al ont bja mith grata frése

hoppa thOre ROne bi tha Marsata kOmon" hwérfon vsa

ApollOnja skréven heth. Tho bja thér en stut wOst hOde,

gvngon bja wither nOi tha delta.T As bja nw en tid lOngnOi tha delta offaren wOron al ont bja inna strék fon thOre

alda burch Aken i kemon , sind thOr vnwar linga fju wer

skalka morth and naked u teklat. Hja weron en lith after

an kvmen . Min brother thér vral by was hede bja often

vrbOden,thach bja nOde n avt n e hOred. Tha bOnar

thOr that dOn hOde wOron Twisklandar thér j u ddega

dr ist wOi ovira HrOna kvma to morda and to rawande.

Tha Twislandar that sind bannans and Wei britne Fryas

Zle bl . 1 50. Aken , Aken .

“l' Dclte nog in N. Holland in gabr n ik , laagte.


bern,men hjara wiva havath bja fon tha Tartarum rawet.

Tha Tartara is en brfin Findas folk,alth u s heten thrvch

dam bja alle folka to strida u ttarta. B ja send ai hr u tar

and rawar. Ther fon send the. Twisklandar alsa blod

thorstich wrden . Tha Twisklandar tham thj u argn ise dén

hOde, héton hj ara selva Frya jef tha Franka. Ther wOron

sOide min brother rada bruna an d wita mong. There thOr

rad jeftha brun wOron biton hjara hére mith sjalkwéter*

wit. Neidam hjara On thlita thér brun by wer alsa wrdon

bja thesto ledliker thér thrvch . Evin as Apollanja bisko

j adon bja after nei Lydasbu rch and et Alderga. Dana

tagon bja in over Staverens wrde by hjara lj u da rond.

Alsa m in lik hedon bja hjara selva anstaled that tha man

niska ra allerweikes halda wilde. Thré mOn atha forther

sand Adel bodon nOi alle ath u m thér hi biwn n en hOde and

let tham bidda, bja skoldon inna Minna mOnath lichta

lj u da him senda t

Diod S ic. V . 28.

1‘ Hier heeft dc afschr i j ver Riddo oe ra Linda een blad te veel omgeslagen ,en daardoor twee bladzijden overgeslagen



but their wives they have stolen from the Tartars. The

Tartars are a brown tribe of Finda’ s people,who are thus

named because they make war on everybody. They are

all horsemen and robbers. This is what makes the Twisk

landers so bloodthirsty. The Twisklanders who had done

the wicked deed called them selves Fr ij en or Franken .

There were among them, my brother said, red, brown, and

wh ite men . The red and brown made their hair white

with lime-water—but as their faces remained brown,they

were only the more ugly. In the same way as Apollonia,they visited Lydasbu rgt and the A lderga. Af terwards

they made a tour of all the neighbourhood of Stavera.

They behaved with so much amiability, that everywhere

the people wished to keep them. Thr ee months later,Adel sent messengers to all the friends that he had made ,requesting them to send to him their wise men in the

month of May.1

Diodor u s Sicu lu s, V. 28.

Here the copyist, Hiddo oera Lin da, has tu rned over a leaf too m u ch, and

has thu s omitted two pages


sin wif sOid er thOr fain wOst hOde to Texland, hOde dana

en ovirskr ift krejen . To Texland warthat jeta felo skrifta

fvnden,thOr navt in - t bok thOra Adel inga vrskrOven send.

Fon thissa skriftu m hOde Gosa On bi hira u troste wille

lOid, thOr thrvch tha aldeste fam AlbOthe avbOr maht

wertha most, alsa ringen Friso fallen was.


Tha W r .alda bern jOf an tha modera fon that mannis

kelik slachte, tha lOid er One tale in aller tonga and vp

aller lippa. Thj u s mOide hOde W r .alda an tha mann iska

jOven , til thju bja man lik Othera thOrm ith machte kanbOr

makja , hwat man formyde mot and bwet man bijn' a mot

vmbe sOl ighOd to findane and sOlighOd to haldane in

n hOd. W r .alda is wis and god and al farsjande. NOi~

dam er nw wist, that luk and sOlighOd fon irtha flya mot,

j ef boshOd diiged bidroga mOi, alsa heth er an thj u tal One

xj u cht rdige ajendom likhOd fast bonden . Thj u s ajendom

likhOd is thOr an lOgen , that man thOr mith nOn léjen sége,ner bidr oglika worda sprOka ne méi svnder stem lOth

noch svnder skamrad,thrvch hvam man tha bosa fon

hirte bistonda vrkanna mOi. NOidam vea tale thus

to Ink and to sOlighOd wOjath , and thus mith waht

ajen tha bosa nygonga, thOrvmbe is hj u mith alle rj u cht

godis tale hOten,and alle tha j ena hwam bja an Ore

halda havath thOr gOme fon. Tha hwat is bOrth . Alsa

ring ther mong vea halfsu ster u m and halfbrotharu m

bidrogar vpkémon , tham hjara selva fori godis skalku m

u tjavon , also ring is that owers wrden . Tha bidrogl ika pre

stera and tha wrange ja forsta thér immer sOm in hOladon ,

wildon nOi wilkOr lOva and buta god- isOwa dvan . In hjara


tsjodishOd send bja to gvngen and havon Othera tala for

svn nen,til thju bja hem l ik machte sprOka in ajenwar tha

fon alrek Other u m,vr alle bosa thinga and vr alle vnwerth

lika thinga svnder that stem lOth hjam vrrOda mocht nach

skamrad hjara gelat vrderva. Men hwat is thOru t bern.

Evin blyd as- t sOd thOra goda krfidu m fon vnder negrvnd

u t vn tkOmth , that avbOr s ed is thrvch goda lju da by belle

dOi, Oven hlyd brength tyd tha skadlika hruda an - t‘

lj u cht,thOr s ed send thrvch bosa lj u da in - t forborgne and by

thj u strenesse.

Tha lodder iga mangertne and tha vnmanlika knapa thér

mitha vvla prester u m and for st u m horadon vntlvkadon the

nya tala an hjara bola, thOrwisa send bja forth kvmenOmong tha folkr u m ,

til thj u bja god- is tale glad vrjetten

have. W ilst nw t a hwat thOr of wrden is ? Nv stem

lOth ner gelat hjara bosa tochta n avt longer mar vrrOdon ,nv is du ged fon u t hjara midden weken

,wisdom is folgth

and frydom is mith gvn gen , Ondracht is sok rakt and twis

palt heth sin stOd in nommen,ljafde is flj u cht and hordom

sith mith nyd an tOfel , and thOr Or rj u chtferdichhéd welde,welth nv that swérd. Alle send slavona wrden

,tha ljude

fon hjara hOra,fon nyd, bosa lusta and bigyrlikhOd. Héde

bja nvmar One tale forsvn n en , m iigl ik was- t than jet en

lith god gvn gen . Men bja havon al sa fOlo tale. ntfonden

as thOr stata send. ThOrthrvch mOi that One folk that Ore

folk Ovin min forstau as thj u kv thene hvnd and thi wolf

that skOp. Thit m iigath tha stj u r ar bitjnga. Thach dana

is- t n v wOi kvmen,that alle slavon a folkar man lik Othara

lik Ora mann iska biskoja and that bja to strafl'

e hjarar

vndigerhéd and fon hjara vrmétenhOd,man lik Othera alsa

long biorloge and bikampa moton til thj u alle vrdilgad




so far as to invent other languages , so that they might

speak secretly in anybody ’ s presence of their wicked and

unworthy affairs without betraying themselves by stam

mering, and without showing a blush upon their cou nte~

n ances. But what has that produced ? Just as the seed

of good herbs which has been sown by good men in the

Open day springs u p from the ground, so time brings to

l ight the evil seed which has been sown by wicked men in

secret and in darkness.

The wanton girls and efl'

em inate youths who consorted

with the immoral priests and princes,taught the new lan

gu age to their companions,and thus spread it among the

people till God’s language was clean forgotten . Would

you know what came Of all this ? how that stammering

and blushing no longer betrayed their evil doings —vir

tue passed away,wisdom and liberty followed ; unity was

lost,and quarrelling took its place ; love flew away


u nchastity and envy met round their tables ; and where

previously justice reigned,now it is the sword. All are

slaves-L—the subjects of their masters , envy, bad passionsand covetousness . If they had only invented one language

things might possibly have stil l gone on well ; but they

invented as many languages as there are states, so that

one people can no more understand another people than

a cow a dog, or a wolf a sheep. The mariners can bear

witness to this. From all this it results that all the slave

people look upon each other as strangers ; and that as a

punishment of their in considerateness and presumption ,

they must quarrel and fight till they are all destroyed.B



Bist thv alsa gyrich that thu irtha allOna erva wilste,alsa achet thv nimmer mare nOn Ore tale ov ir thina wOra

n i kvma to lOtane as god- is tale,and than achst thv to

njodan e, til thj u thin ajn tale fry fon u thOm eda klinka

bilyweth. W ilst thv that er svme fon Lydas bern andfon Findas bern resta

,sa dvath stv Ovin alsa. Thj u tale

thOra Ast SkOn lan dar is thrvch tha wla Magjara vrbru d ;

thj u tale thOra Kaltan a folgar is thrvch tha smfigrige

Gole vrderven . Nv send wi alsa mild wOst vmbe tha

witherkvm ande B ellOn a folgar wither in vs midden to nO

ande,men ik skrom and ben sOrel ik ange

,that bja vs

ild - sa vrjelda sh ilun mith vrbrfiding vsra rOne tale.

Fiil havon wi wither faren,men fon alle burgum


thrvch arge tyd vrhom lath send and vrdiligad, heth Ir tha

Fryasbu r ch vn for leth bihalden ; ak mOi ih thOr by melda

that F ryas jeftha god- is tale hir evin vn for leth bihalden is.

Hyr to Texland most man thus skola stifta, fon alle

statum thOr et mitha alda sOdu m halda,most- et jou gh

folk byr hinne senden wrde,afterdam m ochton thOra

u t red wOre tha Ora helpa thOr to honk vrbOide. W illath

tha Ora folkar ysre wOron fon thi sella Ond thOrvr mith

thi sprOka and thinga, sa moton bja to god- istale wither

kOra. Lé rath bja god- istale sa skil u n tha worda fry- ea

and rj u cht- ha to hjara inkvm a,in hjara brei n skilet than

bijin a to glimmende and to glorande til thj u ella to- ne

logha warth. Thissa logha skil alle balda forsta vrtOra

and alle skin frana and smfigr iga prestera.

Tha hOin de and fOrhOmande sen dabodon hOdon nocht fon

vr that shrift, thach thOr ne kOmon nOn e skola. Thit stifte

Adel selva skola, after him dOdon tha Ora forsta lik hy. JOr

likie gvngon Adel and Ifkja tha skola skoja. Fandon bja

than Omong tha inhOmar and u thOmar seliga thOr ekkoru m


frj u ndskip baradou , sa lOton bOde grate blidskip blika.

HOdon svme seliga ekkor u m frj u n dskip sworen , alsa lOtonbja alra m an nal ik to m an lik Orum kvm a

,mith grate stat

lOton bja than hjara nOma in en bok skr iva,thrvch hjam

that bok thOra frj u ndskip hOten , after dam warth fOrsthalden. Al thissa plOga wrde dOn vmbe tha asvndergana

twyga fon Fryas stam wither et sOm ene to snOran e. Men

tha fam na thOr Adel and Ifkja n ydich wOron , sOidon that

bja - t n iwer th Ore vr dOdon as vmb en gode hrop , and vmb

bi gradum to weldan a in ovir Onis Other man his stat.

By min tat sinra skr iftu m hav ik Onen brOf funden,skrO

vin thrvch Lj u n r th thene GOr tman,

* bihalva svm lika

sOka thOr min tat al lOn a j elde, jOf ik byr that Othera to

that besta.

Pang- ah, that is fyf watera and t r n efl


en wi wechkvme

,is- n e r u n strame fon afsvnder lika skOnhOd


flf watera hOten vmb thet fj u wer Ora r u n strama thrvch

sine m vnd in sO floja. El fere astwar th is noch ne

grate r u n strame thOr hOl ige jeftha frana Gong-

ga hOten .

Twisk thysu m r u n stram ne i s- t lOnd thOra Hindos. Béda

r u n stram a r u nath fon tha haga bergum nei tha delta

del. Tha berga hwana se del strame sind alsa hach thet

se to tha himel laja. ThOrvmbe wOr th- ct berchta Himel

laj a berchta hOten . Vnder tha Hindos and Othera u t—alOndu m sind welka ljada mank thOr an stiln ise by mal

korum kvm a. Se gelavath thet se vn forbastere bern

Find-as sind. Se gelavath thet Finda fon u t- et Him

m ellfij a berchta bern is , hvan-O. se mith hjara bern nOi

tha delta jeftha lOgte togen is. VVelke vnder tham gela

vath thet se mith hjra bern vppet shum thOr hOlige

Gongga del gonggen is. Thervmbe skolde thi r u n strame

hOlige Gongga héta. Mar tha prestera thOr u t en Or lOnd

wech kvma lOton thi lj u da vpspOra and vrbarna, thOrvmbe

Zie bl . 1 64.



existing between the natives and for eigners,they were

extremely pleased. If there were any who had sworn

friendship together, they assembled the people, and with

great ceremony let them inscribe their names in a book

which was called the Book of Friendship,and afterwards

a festival was held. All these customs were kept up in

order to bring together the separate branches of Frye’ s .

race ; but the maidens who were opposed to Adel andIfkja said that they did it for no other reason than to

make a n ame for themselves,and to bring all the other

states under t heir subjection.

Among my father’ s papers I found a letter from Lind

gert the Geertm an . Omitting some passages which only

concern my father, I proceed to relate the rest.

Punjab , that is five rivers , and by which we travel , is a

river of extraordinary beauty,and is called Five Rivers


because four other streams flow into the sea by its mouth .

Far away to the eastward is another large river,the Holy

or Sacred Ganges. Between these two rivers is the land

of the Hindoos. Both rivers run from the high moun

tains to the plains. The mountains in which their sources

lie are so high that they reach the heavens ( laia) , and

therefore these mountains are called Himmellaia. Among

the Hindoos and others out of these countries there are

people who mee t together secretly. They believe that

they are pure children of Finda, and that Finda was born

in the H immellaia mountains , whence she went with her

children to the lowlands. Some of them believe that she

with her children,floated down upon the foam of the Ganges


and that that is the reason why tbsriver is called the Sacred

Ganges . B u t the priests , who came from another country ,traced out these people and had them burnt

,so that they

See page 1 64.


ne th u rvath se far hjara sOk nit Open tlik u t u i kvma. In

thet lOnd sind Olle prestera tjok an d rik. In hj ara charka

werthat Ollerléja drochten lika byldon fvnden , thOr vnder

sind fOlo golden mank. Biwesta Pangah thOr sind tha

Yra jeftha wranga , tha Gedrostne jeftha britn e, and tha

Orjetten jeftha vrjetne. Ol thisa nOma sind- ar thrvch tha

nydige prestera jOven , thrvchdam bja fon ar fij u chte, vmb

sOda and gelav , bi hjara kvmste bOdon vea Othla hjara

selva ak an tha astlika ower fon Pangab del set, men vmb

thOra prestera wille sind se ak n Oi thOr wester ower faren.

ThOr thrvch havon wi tha Yra and tba Othera kenna lOrth.

Tha Yra n e sind nOn e yra mar gOda m in ska thOr nOna

byldon to lOta nach Onbidda, ak willath se nOna charka

nach prestar doga,and Ovin als wi- t frana lj u cht fon Fasta

vpholda, Ovin sa holdon se Ollerwechs fj u r in hjara husa

vp. Kvm th mOn efter Ol westlik,Olsa kvm th mOn by tba

Gedrostn e. Fon tha Gedrostn e. Thisa sind mith Orafolkr u m hastered and sprOkath Olle afsvnder lika tale.

Thisa m in ska sind wOren tlik yra bonar,thOr ammer mith

hj ara horsa vp overa fjelda dwala, thOr ammer jagja andrawa and thOr hjara selva als salt-atha forhOra an the

ot mm ande forsta,ther wille hwam se alles nither hawa

hwat se birOka m iige.

Thet lOnd twisk Pangab and ther Gongga is like

flet as Fryal nd an tha sO,afwixlath mith fjeldu m and

waldu m ,fruchtbar an alle dOl u m

,mar thet mach nit

vr letta that thOr bi bwila thu sanda by thu sanda thrvch

honger biswike. Thisa hongernOde mach thOrvmbe nit

an W r .alda nach an Irtha wyten nit wer tha, mar allOna

an tha forsta and prestera. Tha Hindos sind ivin hlode

and forfOred from hjara forstu m,als tha hindne from

tha wolva sind. ThOrvmbe havon tha Yra and Ora ra

H indos hOten,thOt hindne bitjoth. Mar fon hjara blodhOd

warth afgrislika m isbr u k makth. Kvmat thOr fOrhOmande

kaplj u d vmb kOren to kapjande, alsa warth alles to jeldu m


maktb. Thrvch tba prestera n i warth et n it wOrth, hwand

thisa noch snoder and jyriger als alle forsta to samene,wytath Ol god, thet al- et jeld endlik in hjara budar kvmth.

Buta and bihalva thet tha lj u da thOr fii l fon hjara forsta

lyda,moton bja ak noch ful fon thet fenyn ige and wilde

kwik lyda. Ther send store elefante thOr by Ole keddu m

blapa, thér bihwyla Ole fjelda keren vrtrappe and Ole

thorps. TbOr sind bonte and swar te katta, tigr u m hOten,

thOr sa grat als grate kalvar sind, thér minsk and djar

vrslyn ne. Buta fOlo Ora wriggu m sind thOr enaka fon af

tha grate Oner wyrme al to tha grate Oner ham . Tha gra

teste ken n ath en Ole kv vrslyn n a, mar tha lythste sind

noch frOsliker als tham. Se holdon hjara selva twisk

blom and fr u chta skul vmb tha m inska to bigana them

thOr of plokja wille. Is mOn thOr fon byten,semot mOn

starva , hwand ajen hjara fenyn heth Ir tha n éna kru da

jOven , Olsanaka tha m inska hjara selva havon skildich

mekt an afgodie. Forth sind thOr Oller léja slecht fon

bachdiska nyn diska and adiska,Ol thisa diska sind yvin

als tha snaka fon of n e wyrm e til- ne hamstame grat, nOi

that bja grat jof frOslik sind,sind hjara nOma

,thOr ih alle

n it n oma n i ken,tha aldergratesta adiska sind algatter

hOten , thrvchdam se yvin grfisich‘

bitte an thet rotte kwik,

that mith- a strama fon hoppa nOi the. delta dryweth as an

thet lOvande kwik, that se higana m iige. An the. west

syde fon Pangah, want. wi wech kvme and hwer ik bern

ben, thOr blojath and waxath tba selva frfichta and

nochta as an the astsyde. To fare. wrdon er ak tha

selva wr igga fou den, mar vsa Othla havon alle kryl

walda vrbarn ath and alsanaka after et wilde kwik

jaged, that ther fé mar resta. Kvmtk man O1 westlik

fon Pangah, then finth man nefl'

en fette etta alt



into mon ey, and this is not prevented by the priests, be

cause they, being more crafty and rapacious than all the

princes put together, know very well that all the money

will come into their pockets. Besides what the people

suffer from their princes,they suffer a great deal from

poisonous and wild beasts. There are great elephants that

sometimes go about in whole flocks and trample down corn

fields and whole villages. There are great black and white

cats which are called tigers . They are as large as calves,

and they devour both men and beasts. Besides other

creeping animals there are snakes from the size of a worm

to the size of a tree. The largest can swallow a cow,but

the smallest are the most deadly. They conceal them

selves among the fruits and flowers,and surprise the

people who come to gather them . Any one who is bitten

by them is sure to die,as Ir tha has given no antidote to

their poison,because the people have so given themselves

up to idolatry. There are,besides

,all sorts of lizards


toises,and crocodiles. All these reptiles

,like the snakes


vary from the size of a worm to the trunk of a tree. Accord

ing to their size and fierceness,they have names which I

cannot recollect,but the largest are called alligators


cause they eat as greedily the putrid cattle that float down

the stream as they do living animals that they seize. On

the west Of the P u njab where we come from, and

where I was born , the same fruits and crops grow as

on the east side. Formerly there existed also the same

crawling animals,but our forefathers burnt all the

u nderwood, and so diligently hunted all the wild ani

mals,that there are scarcely any left. To the extreme

west of the Punjab there is fo u nd rich clay land


dorra gOstlanda thér vn endlik skina, bihwila ofwixlath

mith ljaflika strOka, w ran thet Og forbonden bilywet.

Vnder tha fr u chta fon min land sind fOlo slachta mank,

thOr ik byr nit fvnden hav. Vn der aller lej a kOren is er

ak golden mank,ak goln le aple, t rfon welke sé s t

as hfin ing sind, and welka sa wrang as Ok. By vswerthatnochta fonden lik bern- baveda sa grat, thOr sit tsys andmelok in

,werthat se ald sa makt man ther Olja fon, fon

tha bastu m makt man taw and fon tha ker n u m makt man

chelka and Or gerad. Hyr inna walda hav ik krup andstakbéja sjan . By vs sind bOibam a als jow l indabama


t rfon tha bOja fii l s ter and thOrwara grater as stak

bOja sind. Hwersa tha dOga vppa sin older lOngste sind

and thj u svn ne fon top skin th,then skin th se linrju cht

vppa j ow hole del. Is man then mith sin skip Ol fOrsOdlik faren

,and man thes m eddOis mith sin gelat nOi- t

asten kOred , se skin th svn ne ajen thine win stere syde lik

se Owers ajen thin e fOre syde dvath. Hyrm itha wil ikenda

,mar after min skrywe skil- et thi licht nog falla,

vmb tha lOgen aftiga tel tjas to mu ge skiftane fon tba waratellinga.

—Jow Lj u n r t.


Mine nOm is BOden,Hachgana his svn . KonerOd m in

Om is nimmer bostigjath and alsa bern las stu rven . My

heth man in sin stOd koren . Adel thene thredde kaning

fon thju se nOme heth thju kOse godkOr th , mites ih him as

mina mastre bikenn a wilde. Buta that fvlle erv m inre Om

heth- er mi en Ole plek grvnd jOven that an mina erva

palade, vnder fae rde that ik thOrvp skolde mann iska

stalla ther sin a lj u da n immer the skolde.’Ie

Hier on tbreken in bet H . S . twin tig bladz1jden (m isscbien meer), west inB eeden geschreven heeft ovit dien ken ing Adel III. (Bij onzekron ijk sehrijvers Ubbo genoemd.)


thOrvmbe Wil ik thet hir- ne sted forj u ne.



Jy alle hwam his Othla mith Friso hir kOmon, min

Orbydnesse to jo. Alsa jy mOne,send jy vn skeldich an

afgodie. ThOr nil ih jvd n avt vr sprOka, men jvd Wil ik

jo vppen brek wysa, thOt fé bOtre sy. Jy t ath jeftha jynOtath n avt, hoWr .alda thu san d glor nOm a heth thach that

t ath jy alle that by warth Ald er hOten , u t ersOke that

alles in u t him warth and waxth to d ing sinra skepsela.

T- is wOr , that Irtha warth bihwyla ak A ld stre hOten,

thrvchdam hj u alle fr u chd and n ochta bOr th,hwermitha

man n isk and djar hjara selva d e. Thach n e skolde bja

nOne fr u chd n er nocht navt nebOra,bydamW r .alda bja nOne

krefta ne jOf. Ak wiva ther hjara bern mama lOta an hjara

brosta,wer that d stra hOten . Tha ne jOf Wr .alda thOr nOn

melok in , sa n e skoldon tha bern thOr nOne bate by finda.

sa that by slot fon reknong Wr .alda allOna d er bilywet.

That Ir tha bihwyla warth Ald stre heten,and One mam

d stre,kan jeta thrvch- ne wende

,men that- ne man him

lOt d er hOte vmbe that er tat sy, that strid with-ajen

alle rOdn u m . Tha ik t wanat thj u s dwOshOd wOi kvmth.

Hark byr , se kvm th fon vea lOtha,and sahwersa. thi

folgath wer the, sa skil u n jy thOr thrvch slavona wertha to

emert fon Frya and jowe hagmod straf. Ik skil jo

melda ho- t by tha slavona folhar to gvngen is, thOr after

mOi jy lOra. Tha poppa kan ingar tham nOi wilkOr lOva,

stOkath Wr .alda nOi thOre krOne, u tn yd that Wr .alda

Ald er hOt, sa wildon bja d r u m thOra folkar bOta. Nw

t allera mannalik that- ne kOn ing n avt ovir - no waxdom


therefore I will allow it a place here.



My greeting to all of you whose forefathers came here

with Friso. According to what you say,you are not guilty

of idolatry. I will not speak about that now,but will at once

m ention a failing which is very little better. You know,or you do not know, how many titlesWr - alda has ; but you

all know that he is named universal provider,because that

everything comes and proceeds from him for the sustenance

of his creatures. It is true that Ir tha is n amed sometimes

the feeder of all,because she brings forth all the fruits

and grains on which men and beasts are fed but she

would not bear any fruit or grain unless W r - alda gave

her the power. Women who nourish their children at

their breasts are called nurses,but if Wr - alda did not

give them milk the children would find no advantage so

that,in short

, Wr- alda really is the nou risher. That Irtha

should be called the universal nourisher, and that a mother

should be called a feeder, one can u nderstand, figuratively

speaking ; but that a father should be called a feeder,because he is a father

,goes against all reason. Now I

know whence all this folly comes. Listen to me. It

comes from our en emies ; an d if this is followed up you

will become slaves, to the sorrow of Frya and to the

punishment of your pride. I will tell you what happened

to the slave people from that you may take warning. The

foreign kings, who foll ow their own will, place Wr - alda

below the crown. From envy that W r - alda is called the

u niversal father, they wish also to be cal led fathers of the


,everybody knows that kings do n


ot regu late


n e welth,and that im sin d ing thrvch that folk brocht

warth,men thach wildon bja fvlherdja by hjara formOten

hOd. Til thj u bja to - ra dol kvm a machte , alsa havon bja

thet forma n avt fvldOn wOst mith tha frya jefta, men hOvon

bja that folk'

One tins vplOid. Fori thene skat,tham

thOrof kOm ,hOradon bja vrlandiska salt-atha

,tham bja

in - om hjara hova lOidon . Forth namon bja alsa fOlowive,as- ra luste

,and tha lithiga forsta an d hOra dOdon al- Ou .

As twist and tvyspalt afternOi inna hOshaldn e glu pte and

thOr - vr klachta kOmon , thO. havon bja sOid, ja-hweder man

is thOne d er fon sin hfishalden,thOrvmbe skil- er thOr ak

has and rju chter ovir wOsa. Tha kOm wilkOr and Ovin as

tham mitha mannum in ovir tha hfishaldne welde, gvng

er mit tha kan ingar in ovir hj ara stOt and folkar dvan.

ThO. tha kan ingar et alsa wyd brocht hOdon , that bja d e

rum thOra folhar hOte, thagvngon bja to Ond lOton byldon

after hjara dan tn e makja, thissa byldon lOto'

n bja inna tha

cherka stalla nOst tha byldon thOra drochtne and thi jena

tham thOr n avt far bfigja nilde , warth ombrocht jeftha an

kOdne dOn . Jow Othla and tha Twisklandar havon mitha

poppa forsta ommegvngen , dana havon bja thj u sedwOshOd

lOred. Tha n avt allOn a that svm e jower man hjara selva

skeldich mahja an glornOma raw,ak mot ik my vr fOlo

jower wiva biklagja. Wer that by jo man fvnden , tham

mith W r .alda an On l in wille,thOr wer that by jo wive

fvnden , thOr et mOi Frya wille. Vmbe that bja bern

bOred have,lOtath bja hj ara selva modar bOta. Tha bja

vrjettath , that Frya bern bOrde svnder jengong Onis man.

Ja n avt allOn a that bja Frya and tha Oremodar fon hjara

glor- rika nOma birawa wille, t ran bja n avt naka

ne muge , bj a dvath alOn mitha glornOma fon hjara nOsta.

ThOr sen d wiva thOr hjarar selva lOtath frovva bOta,


afsken bja t e that thj u se nOme allOna to forsta wiva

hOreth. Ak lOtath bja hjara toghater famna bOta,vn tankes

bja t e,that nOne m angOr t alsa bOta n e mOi

,wara hju

to One burch bOr th. Jy alle wanath that jy thr u ch that

nOm rawa bOtrewerthe, thach jy vrjettath that n yd thOr an

klywet and thOt elk kwad sine tu chtrode s ath. KOrath

jy n avt n e wither, sa skil tid thOr waxdom an jOva, alsa

stOr ik that man et ende thOr of navt biSJa n e mOi. Jow

Ofterkvmanda skil u n thOr mith fOterath wertha,bja ne

shilun n avt n e bigr ipa t uat thi slaga wei kvme. Men

afskOn jy tha fam na nOne burch bvwe and an lot vr lOte,

thach skil u n thOr bilywa , hja skil u n fon u t wald and holum

kvma,bja skil u n jow afterkvm ande biwysa that jy thOr

willens skildech an send. Than skil man jo vrdema,jow

skin a sh ilun vr fOth fon u t- a grOvu m rysa,bja skilu n

W r .alda, bja skilu n Frya and hjara famn a anhrOpa, thO

n imm an skil- er awet an bOtra n e m iige, bifare that Jol

in Op en ore hlaphr ing trOth , men that skil Orist bOra as

thrO thfisand jOr vrhlapen send after thisse Ow.


Hier eindigde het schr i jven van Beeden . In hot H . S . on tbreken twee

bladzijden volgens de pagin at u u r . Maar zonder tw ijfel ontbreekt er meer .

De afgebroken asu boi van het volgende wijst aan , dat de aanvang van het vol

gende geschr itt ver loren gegeen is en daarmede ook dc aand u iding van den

I mam des schr ijvers, die een zoon of kleinzoon van Beeden kan geweest zijn.


although they know that that only belongs to the wives of

pr inces. They also let their daughters be called m aagden ,

although they know that no young girls are so called

unless they belong to a citadel. You all fancy that you

are the better for this name- stealing,but you forget that

jealousy clings to it, and that every wrong sows the seed

of its own rod. If you do n ot alter your course,in time

it will grow so strong that you cannot see what will be

the end. Your descendants will be flogged by it,and

will not know whence the stripes come . But although

you do not build citadels for the maidens and leave them

to their fate, there will still remain some who wil l comeou t Of woods and caves

,and will prove to your descend

ants that you have by yo u r disorderliness been the cause

of it. Then you will be damned. Your ghosts will rise

frightened out of their graves. They will call upon W r - alda,

Frya, and her maidens , but they shall receive no succour

before the Juul shal l enter upon a new circuit,and that

will only be three thousand years after this century.


Here the wr iting of Beeden en ds. In the man u scr ipt two su ccessive pagesare m issmg according to the paging, bu t n o dou bt there are m ore want ing .

The abr u pt opeping of what follows shows that the beginn ing of the followingw riting has been lost , and, in con seq u en ce, also the n ot ification of the n ame of

the Wr iter , who may have been a son or a.g ran dson of Beeden.


thervmbeWil ih that form a vr swar teAdel shrive. Swarte

Adel wére thene fj u rde kening after Friso. Bi sin Ju ged

heth- ar to Texland lered,aftern éi heth- er to Staveren

lered,and forth heth- er thrvch ovir alle stata faren. Tha

that er fj u wer and tvin tich jér were, heth sin tat maked

thet- er to Asega- askar keren is. Tha- er eumel askar

were, ashte hi altid in - t fardél thera firms. The. rika,sed- er

, plégath enoch vnrj u chta thinga thrvch middel fon

hjara jeld, thervmbe agon wi to njvdane that the. arms.

nei vs omm e sjan . Thrvch tha- s and ora redue wer- i

thene frj u nd thera arma and théra rika skrik. Alsa argis- t kvmen that sin tat him ne i tha agum sach. The. sin

tat fallen was,and hy vppa them- his sétel klywed, tha

wild- er evin god sin ambt bihalda, lik as tha keningar

fon- t asta plégath. Tha rika nildon that n avt n e daja, men

nw blip allet ora folk to hape , an d tha rika weron blyde

that bja hel - hu d- is fon there acht ofkemon. Fon to ne hé

rade man h immat mara ovir elika rj u cht petarja. Hi dumde

tha rika and hi strykte tha arma, mith hwam his helpe

hi alle séku m ashte,thet - er bistek Vp héde. Kening

Askar lik-er immer heten warth,were by sj u gu n irthfét

longe , sé grat sin tel wér,weron ak sina krefta. Hi

hede- n hel'

forstan , sa that—er alles forstande, hwérwr thatspréken warth, thach in sin dvan ne macht man n éne

wisdom spera. Bi- n skén onhlite hed- er éne glade tonge,men jeta swarter as sin hér is sine séle fvnden . Thfi

that- er eu Jer kening were , n édsékte hi alle knape

fon sin stat,bja skoldon jer likis vppet kamp kvma and

ther skin- orloch mahja. In - t erost hede- r ther spul mith,men to tha lersta warth- et semen érlik

,that ald and jong

u t alle wrdu m wei kemon to freJan de jef bja machte mith

dva. Tha hi- t alsa fere brocht hede , lét- er Wérskola

stifta. Tha rika kemon to barane and séidon , that


hjara bern nw n én lesa nach skryva n avt n e lérade. Askar

n e melde- t n avt,men as thér kirt after wither skin- or loch

halden warth, gvng

- er vppen vpstal ston da, and ketha

hlfid. Tha rika sind to m y kvm en to baran a, that hjara

knapa nen lésa n ach skryva noch lera , ik n av ther nawet

Vp séith,thach li ir W il ik mine m én ong sedsa and an tha

m én a acht bithinga léta. Tha alrek nw n eisgyr i ch nei

him vpsach , seid- er for ther , nei min bigr ip mot man

hj u d that lésa and skr iva tha fam n a and alda lichta vr léta.

I]: n - il nen kwad spréka vr vsa ethla,ik W il alléna

sega, vndera tyda hwérvp thrvch svme sa herde bogath

warth,havon tha bu rchfam n a twyspalt inovir vsa landa

brocht,and tha Modera fii r and nei n e kvndon twyspalt

n avt wither to- t land u t n a dryva. Jeta arger,thahwila

bja kalta and petarade vr nadelasa pléga , send tha Gola

kvmen an d bavon al vsa skén a sfidar landa raweth.

Hém isdéga sen d bja mith vsa vrbr u da brothar u m and

hjara salt—ath u m al overa Shelda kvm en,vs rest thus to

kjasan e twisk- et béra fon juk jef swerd. W illath wi fry

bilywa, alsa agon tha h u apa that lésa and skryva far

handis af terwéi- n to letan e an d in stede that bja invppa

melde hwip and swik spéle, moton bja mith swerd and

spér spela. Send wi in alle déla ofn ed and tha knaps

stor enoch vmb helmet and shild to béran e and tha wépn e

to hon térane, then skil ik my mith jower helpa vppa

thene fjand werpa. Tha Gola m eieath then tha nither

lega fon hjara helpar and salt-ath u m vppa vsa fjeldu m

skryva mith- et blod,that fit hjara w u dum drju pth .

Havon wi thene fyan d eu mel far vs fit dréven , alsa

m oton wi thérm ith forth gvnga , alhwen ne ther nen Gola

ner S lavon a n ach Tartara mara fon Fryas erv to vrdryvane

sen d. Tha- s rj u cht, hrypon tha masta and tha rika ne

thvradon hjara mvla n avt epen n e dva. Thjus tospréke héd


children no longer learned to read and write. Askar

paid no attention to it ; but shortly afterwards , when a

sham fight was held,he mounted a throne and spoke

aloud : The rich have come to complain to me that their

boys do not learn to read and write . I answered noth ing ;but I will now declare my opinion

,and let the general

assembly decide. While they all regarded him with

c u riosity, he said further : According to my idea, we

o u ght to leave reading and writing at present to the

m aagden and wise people. I do not wish to speak ill of

our forefathers I will only say that in the times so vaunted

by some , the B u rgtm aagden introduced disputes into our

country,which the mothers were unable

,either first or

last,to put an end to. Worse still

,while they talked and

chattered about useless c u stoms the Gauls came and seized

all our beautiful southern country. E ven at th is very time

our degenerate brothers and their soldiers have already

come over the Scheldt. It therefore remains for us to

choose whether we will carry a yoke or a sword. If we

wish to be and to remain free , it behoves our young m en

to leave reading and writing alone for a time ; and instead

of playing games of swinging and wrestling, they must

learn to play with sword and spear. When we are com

pletely prepared , and the boys are big enough to carry

helmet and shield and to u se their weapons,then


your help,I will attack the enemy. The Gau ls may then

record the defeat of their helpers and soldiers upon our

fields with the blood that flows from their wounds. When

we have once expelled the enemy,then we must follow it u p

till there are no more Gauls,Slaves

,or Tartars to be driven

out of Frya’

s inheritance . That is right,the majority

shouted,and the rich did


n ot dare to open their mouths.


er sekur to fa'ra forson nen and vrskr iva léten , hwand s

éwen dis fon there selvare déi weron tha ofskr iftu m thera

hwel in twin tich honda and thi alle weron én ishlfiden de.

Afternei bifel—er tha skipm an n a,hja skoldon d u bbele

farstéwene makja leta, hwéran man én e stelen kranboga

macht fastigja. Théra ther afterwéi bilév warth bibot,kvn imm an swéra that- er n éne m idle n avt n éde, alsa mos

ton tha rika fon sin ga- t bitalja. Hj u d skil man sjan

hwer vppa al that ba hé i fithlapen is . A n - t north- ende

fon B r itanja that fvl mith haga bergum is , ther sit en

Skots folk,vr - et maradél fit Fryas blod sproten , vr

- a éne

helte send bja fit Kaltan a- folgar,vr—et ora dél fit B r itne

and ban n an e,ther by gradum mith tyd fon-fit- a tinlfin u m

ther hinna fij u chte. Ther u t- a tin lfina kemon, havath al

gadur vr lan diska wiva jeftha fon vr landis tuk. Thi alle

send vn der - et weld thera Golum,hjara wépne send woden

boga and spryta mith pintam fon her this- hornum ak fon

fl in tu m . Hjara hfisa send fon sadum and stre and svm e

hemath inna hola thera bergum . Sképon ther hja rfiwed

have,is hjara énge skat. Mong tha after- kvm an da thera

Kaltan afolgar havath svm e j eta ysera wépn e, ther bja fon

hj ara éthlu rn u r ven have. Vmbe nw god forstan to werth

an de,mot ik m in telling vr that Skotse folk resta léta,

and ewet fon tha hein da Krékalan da skr iva . Tha heinda

Krékalan da havon vs to fara allén a to hérath,men sunt

vnhu gl ika tidu m havon ra ther ak afterkvm an da fon Lyda

and fon Finda n itherset,fon tha lersta kémon to tha lersta

en éle hape fon Trfije. Trfije alsa heth ene stede heten,

ther et folk fon tha fere Krékalanda in nom th and Who

melt heth. Tha tha Troyana to tha heinda Krékalandu m

nestled weron,tha havon bja ther mith tid and flit éne

s terke sted mith walla and b u rgum bvwed,Rome

,that is


He must certainly have thought over thi s address and

had it written out, for on the evening of the same daythere were copies in at least twenty different hands


they all sounded the same. Afterwards he ordered the

ship people to make double prows,upon which steel cross

bows could be fixed. Those who were backward in doing

this were fined,and if they swore that they had no means


the rich men of the village were obliged to pay. Now

we shall see what resulted from all this bustle. In the

north part of Britain there exists a Scotch people—themost of them spring from Frya

’s blood—some of them

are descended from the followers of Kaltan a,and

,for the

rest,from Britons and fugitives who gradually, in the

course of time,took refuge there from the tin mines.

Those who come from the tin mines have wives, either

altogether foreign or of foreign descent. They are all

under the dominion of the Gauls . Their arms are wooden

bows and arrows pointed with stag’ s- horn or flint. Their

houses are of turf and straw,and some of them live in

caves in the mountains . Sheep that they have stolen

form their only wealth. Some of the descendants of Kel

tana’ s followers still have iron weapons , which they have

inherited from their forefathers. In order to make myself well understood

,I must let alone for a while my

account of the Scotch people,and write something about the

near Krekalander s ( Italians). The Krekalanders formerlybelonged to us only

,but from time immemorial descend

ants of Lyda and Finda have established themselves

there. Of these last there came in the end a whole troop

from Troy.Troy is the name of a town that the far

Krekalanders (Greeks) had taken and destroyed. When

the Trojans had nestled themselves among the near Kre

kalanders,with time and industry they built a strong

town with walls and citadels named Rome , that is ,


Rum,heten. Tha that dén was

,heth that folk him selva

thrvch lest and weld fon that éle land master maked.

That folk that anda sfidside there Middelsé hém th , is far

et mara dél fon Fhou ysja wei kvmen . Tha Fhonysjar*

send en bastred folk , bja send fon Fryas blod an d fon

Findas blod an d fon Lyda his blod. That folk fon Lydasend ther as slavona

,men thrvch tha vn tu cht ther wyva

havon thissa swar te man n iska al - et ora folk bastered an d

brun vr farvet. Thit folk and tham fon Rome kampath

filan vmb- et masterskip fon tha Middelsé. Forth lévath

tham fon Roma an fjandskip with tha Fonysjar , and hjaraprestera thér - et rik allena welda wille wr ir tha , n e m iigon

tha Gola n avt n e sjah . That form a havon hja tha

t onysjar Mis- selja ofn omen,dana alle landa

,thér sfid

ward,westward and n orthward l idsa

,ak et sfidardél fon

B r itanja , and allerwéikes bavon bja tha Fonysjar prestera,that héth tha Gola vrjageth , dana sind th u san da Gola

nei n orth B rittanja brit. Kirt vr léden was ther tha vrestethera Golum seten vppa there burch , thér is kéthen

Kérenak that is herne,hwan ath hi sin biféla jef an alle

Ora Gola. Ak was ther al hjara gold togadu r brocht.Kéren herne jef tha Kérenak is én e stenen burch, thér _


an Kalta herde. Thervmbe wildon tha faw na fon tha

afterkvm ande théra Kal tan a- folgar tha burch wither ha.

Alsa was th rvch tha fyan skip thera fam n a and thera Golum faithe and twist in ovir that Bcr chland kvm en mith

m orth an d brfind. Vea stjfirar he lmon ther faken wolhalja , that bja sel lade fori tobiréde hfidu rn an d linne.Askar was often mith west

,an stilnesse héd—er mith tha

fam n a an d mith svme forstu m atskip sloten , and himselva forbonden vmbe tha Gola to vrjagau e fit Kérenak.

As- er thér néi wither kem jéf hi tli a forsta and wig

andl ikste manna ysere helma and stela boga. Or loch

was mith kvmen and kirt after flojadon strama blod by

Fhonysiar , Car thagers.


tha hel linga thera bergum del. ThaAskar ménde that kanshim tolakte

, gvng- er mith fj u wer tich skepu m bin and nam

Kérenak and thene vreste thera Golum mith al sine gold:That folk wérm ith hi with tha salt-ath u m thera Golum kam

ped hede,héd- er fit- a Saxan amarku


m lvkt m ith lofte fon

grate héra- rave and but. Thus warth tha Gola h ewetleten. After néi nam- er twa elanda to berch far sinumskep u m ,

an d hwanath hi leter fitgvng vmb alle Fonysjarshepa and stéda to birawane ther hi bigana kv. Tha

er tobek kem brocht- i tomet sex hvndred thera storeste

knapu m fon that Skotse ber chfolk mith. Hi séide that

bja him to borgum jéven weren , til thj u hi sekur wesamachte that tha eldra him skolde trow bilywa , men- t was

jok,hi hild ra as lifwére et sina hova

,ther bja allera

distik les kréjon in - t ryda and in - t hfin dtéra fon allerléja

wépn e. Tha Denam arkar tham hjara selva sunt longboppa alle fira stJu r ar stoltl ike sékampar héte, hedon sa

ringe n avt fon Askar sina glor r ika dédu m n avt n e héred,

j ef bja wrdon nydich ther vr,thérm éte

,that bja wilde

or loch brensa over- n e sé an d over sina landa. Sjan

byr,ho hi cr loch form itha machte. Twisk tha bvwfala

there vrhom elde burch S tavja was jeta ene snode burchfa’m mith svm e fam n a seten . e a nome was Rein tjaan d thér gvng en grate hrop fon hira wished fit. Thj u sfam bad an Askar hjra helpe vnder bithing , that Askarskolde tha burch S tavja wither vpbvwa lete. As- er himther to forbon den hede

, gvng Réin tja mith thr im famna

nei Hals,

*n achtis gvng hj u reisa and thes deis kéthe bja

vppa alle markum and binna alle m éidu m . W ralda séide

bja hede hja thrvch thongar tohr opa léta that allet Fryasfolk moston frj u nda wertha, lik sustar and brothar tamed,owers skolde Findas folk kvm a and r e. alle fon ir thavrdilligja. Nei thongar weron Fryas sjvg u n wakfamkes

bja anda drame forski u n en,sjvg u n n achta after ekkOr u m .

Hals, Holstein .


the slopes of the mountains. When Askar thought afavourable Opportunity occurred, he went with forty shipsand took Keren ac and the chief of the Gauls

, with all hisgold. The people with whom he fought a gainst the soldiers Of the Gauls , he had enticed out of the Saxenmarken

by prom ises of much booty and plu nder. Thus nothingwas left to the Gauls. After that he took two islands forstations for his ships , from which he used later to sallyforth and plunder all the Phoenician ships and towns thathe could reach . When he returned he brought nearly sixhundred of the finest youths Of the Scotch mountaineerswith him. He said that they had been given him as hostages , that he might be sure that the parents would rem ainfaithfu l to him ; but this was untr u e. He kept them asa bodyguard at his court

,where they had daily lessons in

riding and in the u se of all kinds of arms. The Denmarkers , who proudly considered themselves sea-warriorsabove all the other sea - people

,no sooner heard of the

glorious deeds of Askar,than they became jealous of him

to such a degree, that they would bring war over the seaand over his lands. See here


,how he was able to

avoid a war. Among the ruins of the destroyed citadel ofS tavia there was still established a clever B u rgtmaagd,with a few m aidens . Her name was Rein tja , and she wasfamed for her wisdom. This maid offered her assistance toAskar

,on condition that he should afterwards rebuild the

citadel Of S tavia. When he had bound himself to dothis

,Rein tja went with three maidens to Hals (Holstein) .

She travelled by night,and by day she made speeches

in all the markets and in all the assemblies. W r - alda,she said

,had told her by his thunder that all the


s people must become friends , and united asbrothers and sisters

,otherwise Finda’s people would

come and sweep them Off the face of the earth. Afterthe thunder Frya

s seven watch-maidens appeared toher in a dream seven n ights in succession . They had

Heals is Holstein .


Hja hede seith hoppa Fryas lan du m swabbert ramp mith

j u k and kedne omme . Thervmbemoton alle folkar ther fitFrya sproten send hjara tomfima wei werpa an d hjara selva

al lén a Fryas bern jeftha folk heta. Forth moton alle vpstonda and et Findas folk fon Fryas erv dryva. Nillath

hja that n avt n e dva, alsa skil u n bja slavon a benda vmbe

hjara halsa kreJa , alsa skil u n tha vr lan daska héra hjara

bern m isbr u ka and frytra léta, til thju that blod sygath

inna jowre greva. Than skil u n tha skin n a jowre éthla jokvm a wekja and jO bikyvja vr jo lefhed and vndigerhed.

That dvme folk,that thrvch todvan thera Magyara al

an sa fii l dweshéd wen th was , lavadom alles hwat hj u

séide and tha mamma kl imdon hjara bern ajen hjara

brosta an . Tha Réin tja thene kening fon Hals andalle Othera m an n iska to én dracht vrwrocht hede , sand

bja bodon n éi Askar and tag selva al ingen thene Balda

se. Dana gvng bja by tha E lith- hawar,alth u s heten

vmbe that hja hjara fyanda immer nei thet finhlite

hawe . Tha Hl ithhawar send br itne and ban n en e fon vs

aj u folk that inna tha Twisklanda sit and omme dwarelt.

Hjara wyva havon hja mest algadu r fon tha Tartara

rfiwed. Tha Tartara sénd en dél fcn Fin das slachte and

altha s thrvch tha Twisklandar heten vmbe that bja nim

m er the nen fretho wille , men tha man n iska alti fit tarta

to strydande. Forth gvng hju aftera Saxnamarka tweres

thr vch tha cra Twisklanda hin , allerwéikes that selva

fitkétha . Nei twam jer om weron , kem hj u allingen

there Rene to honk. By tha Twisklandar hede hj u hjara

selva as Moder fitjan and seid that bja moch ton as fry

and franka man n iska wither kvm a men than mosten

bja ovir tha Réne gvngga and tha Gola folgar fit Fryassfidar landu m jagja. As hja that dede , sa skolde hjrakening Askar overa Skelda gvn gga find thC-r that land

ofwinn a. By tha Twisklan dar send felo tjoda pléga fontha Tartarum and Magjara binna gl u pt, men ah f u l send


ther fon vsa sedum biléwen . Ther thrvch havath bja jeta

fam na ther tha bern lera and tha alda red jeva. Bit- an

fang weron bja Rein tja n ydich , men to tha lesta warth bja

thrvch hjam folgath and thjanjath and allerwéikes bogath

hwer - ct nette an d nedl ik were.

Alsa ringen Askar fon Réin tja hjra bodon fornom ho

tha J u ttar nygath weron , sand hi bistonda bodon fon sin

ant weg u m n éi tha kaning fon Hals . That skip, wérm ith

th a bodon gvngon , was fvl leden mith fam n a syrhedu m

and ther by wer en golden skild,hwervppa Askar his

dante ku nstal ik was u tebyld. Thissa bodon mosten freja

jef Askar thes kaning his toghter Fréthog u n sta to sin wifhave machte . Fréthog u n sta kem en jer leter to Staveren ,bi hjara folgar were ak én en Magy

,hwand tha J u ttar

weron sunt lfing vrbr u d. Kirt after that Askar mith Frethog u nsta bostigjath was, warth ther to Staveren énescherke bvwad, inna thj u scherke wrdon tjoda drochten

lykanda byldon stalth mith gold trvch wr ochtne klathar .

Ak is er biwérath that Askar ther n achtis and vn tydis

mith Fréthog u n sta far n itherbu wgade. Men sa fii l is

sekur,thj u burch Stavia ne warth n avt wither vpebvwed.

Réin tja was al to bek kvm en,

and gvng nydich nei Pron t

lik thj u Moder et Texland barj a. Pron tl ik gvng to andsand al lerweikes bodon ther fitkethon

,Askar is e even

an afgodie. Askar dede as murk- i - t n avt,men vnwar

lingen kem ther ene flate fit Hals. Nach t is wrdon tha

faw na fit- ere burch drywen , and ogtin s kvn man fon

there burch allén a en e glan dere hape sjan . Pron tlik an d

Bein tja kemon to my vmb skul. Tha ik ther after nei vrnei tochte, lék it my to

,that it kwadlik far min stat

bidéja kvste. Ther vmbe havon wi to semne éne lestforson nen

,thér vs alle bata most. Sjsu byr ho wi to gvn

gen send. Middel in - t Krylwald biasten Ljvwerde leith

vsa fly jeftha wera, ther man allena thrvch dwar l

pada mei naka. In Vppa thj u s burch hed ik sunt lOnge



laws have remained. Therefore they still have Maagden ,who teach the children and advise the Old. In the begin

ning they were opposed to Rein tja, but at last she was

followed, obeyed , and praised by them where it was u seful or necessary.

As soon as Askar heard from Rein tja’

s m essengers how

the Jutlanders were disposed,he imm e diately

,on his side


sent messengers to the King of Hals. The ship in which

the messengers went was laden with women ’ s ornaments,

and took also a golden shield on which Askar’

s portrait was

artistically represented. These messengers were to ask

the King ’ s daughter , Frethog u n sta, in marriage for Askar.Frethogu n sta came a year after that to Staveren . Among

her followers was a Magy,for the Jutlanders had been

long ago corrupted. Soon after Askar had married

F rethog u n sta , a church was built at Staveren . In the

church were p laced monstrous images , bedecked with gold

woven dresses . It is also said that Askar,by n ight


and at unseasonable times,kneeled to them with Fretho

gunsta ; but one thing is certain , the citadel Of S tavia

was n ever rebuilt. Rein tja was alreadv come back, and

went angrily to Pron tl ik the mother,at Texlan d, to com

plain. Pron tl ik sent out messengers in all directions,

who proclaimed that Askar is gon e over to Idolatry.

Askar took n o notice of this , but unexpectedly a fleet

arrived from Hals . In the night the maidens were driven

out Of the citadel , and in the morning there was nothing

to be seen of the citadel but a glowing heap of rubbish.

Pron tlik and Rein tja came to me for shelter. When I

reflected upon it,I thought that it might prove bad

for my state . Therefore,we hit upon a plan which

migh t serve u s all. This is the way we went to work.

In the m iddle of the Kr ijlwood, to the east of Liud

werd,lies our place of refuge, which can only be

reached by a concealed path. A long time ago I had


j onga wfikar stald,ther alle éne grins an Askar hede


alle Ora man n iska danath halden. NV wast bi vs ak al

sa wyd kvmen , that félo wyva and ak manna al paterade

vr spoka , witte wyva and u lderm an kes,l ik tha Dena

markar. Askar hede al thissa dwfishéde to sin bata an

wen th and that wildon wi n v ak to vsa bata dva. Bi- no

thj u stre nacht brocht ik tha fam n a nei there burch and

dana gongen hia mith hjara fam n a in thr vch tha dwai'l

pada Spokka in wttta klathar bu led , $53. that ther aftern éi

nen mannish mara kvm a n e thvr ade. Tha Askar mende

that- er thu bdada rum hede,let- i tha Magjara vn der aller

leja n fim a thrvch ovir sina stata fara and bfita Grenega

and bfita mina stfit ne wrdon bja narne n avt n e wérath.

Nei that Askar alsa mith tha J u ttar and the. Ora Dena

markar forbonden was, gvngon bja alsém in a rawa thach

that neth n ene gode fr u chda bared. Hja brochton aller

leja vrlan diska skata to honk. Men just the r thr vch nil

don thi‘rt jong folk nen ambacht lera,nach vppa tha fjel

dum n avt n e werka, sa that hi to th a ler sta wel slavon a

mimma moste. Men thit was el al ajen W r alda his wille

and ajen Fryas red. Ther vmbe kv straf n avt afterwéga ne

bilywa. Sjan byr ho strade kvmen is. Enis hedon bja to

semine ene ele flate wn n en , hj u kem fon fita Middelsé.

Thj u s flate was to leden mith p u rpera klathar an d fira kos

tel ikhéd, ther alle fon Of Phon isja kemon. That wraka

folk there fiate warth bisfida there Sej ene an wal set,men

that stora folk warth halden . That most ra as slavon a

thianja. Tha skéneste wrdon halden vmbe vppet land to

bilywane and tha ledliksta and swar tste wrdon an bord

halden vmbe vppa tha benka to rojande. An - t Fly warth

tha bodel delath,men svnder hjara weta warth ak hj ara

s traf delath. Fon tha man n iska ther vppa tha vr land

iska skepu m stalt weron, weron sex thrvch bu kpin felth.

Man tochte that et eta and drinka vrjfiven were,


ther vmbewarth alles ovir bord jompth . Men bfikpin reste

and allerwéikes,bwet slavon a jeftha god kem , kem ak

bfikpin binna. Tha Saxm an n a brochten hj u ovir hjara

marka,mith tha J u ttar for hj u néi Skén land and al ingen

thOre kad fon tha Balda- sé, mith Askar his stjfirar for

hj u n éi Br itanja. W i and tham fon Grénega ne léton

nen god ner m in n iska 0V1 I‘

vsa pala n avt n e kvm a,and

ther vmbe biléwon wi fon tha bfikpin fry. HO felo man

n iska bfikpin wéirapth heth , n ét ik n avt to skrywane, men

Pr on tlik ther et aftern éi fon tha Ora famn a herde,heth

my meld,that Askar thfisandmel mara frya man n iska fit

sina statum h u lpen heth, as er vvla slavon a inbrochte. Tha

pest far god wyken was,tha kemon tha fri wrden Twisk

landar n éi there Réne,men Askar nilde mith tha forstu m

fon that vvla vr basterde folk n avt an One lyne n avt ne

stonda. Hi n ilde navt n e daj a,that bja skoldon hjara

selva Fryas bern heta, lik Réin tja biboden hede , men hi

vrjet therbi that- i selva swar te hér a hede. Emong tha

Twisklandar weron thér twa folkar,ther hjara selva nene

Twisklandar heton . That One folk kém él fer fit- et sfid

asten wei,hja heton hjara selva Alleman n a. Thissa nOma

hedon bja hjara selva jeven , tha bja jeta svnder wiva

inna tha walda as ban n an e ommedwarelde. Létar havon

bja fon - et slavona folk wiva ravath,evin sa tha Hlit

hawar,men bja havon hjara nOm e bihalden . That Ora

folk,that mara heinde omm edwarelde

,heton hjara

selva Franka,

n avt vmbe that bja fry weron,men

Frank alsa hede thene éroste kaning heten,tham him

selva mith hulpe fon tha vrbrfida fam n a to ervlik kan

i ng ovir sin folk makad hede. Tha folkar tham an him

paladon,heton hjara selva Thjoth ~ his svn a

,that is folk

his svn a, bja weron Frya mann iska bilewen,n éidam

bja nimmer Onen kaning ner forste nach master bi

kan nn a nilde,as thene jenge them by mén a wil

la was kOren vppa there m ena acht. Askar héde



drink were poisoned , so it was all thrown overboard ,but the colic remained all the sam e . Wherever the

slaves or the goods came,there it came too. The Saxsen

men took.

it over to their marches. The Jutlanders

brought it to Schoon land and along the coasts Of the

Baltic Sea,and with Askar ’s mariners it was taken to

Britain . We and the people of Grenega did not allow

either the people or the goods to come over our boundaries ,and therefore we remained free from it. How many people

were carried off by this disease I cannot tell ; but Pron t-e



heard it afterwards from the maidens,told me

that Askar had helped out of his states a thousand times

more free-men than he had brought dirty slaves in. When

the pest had ceased,the Twisklander s who had become

free came to the Rhine,but Askar would not p u t himself

on an equality with the princes of that vile degenerate race.

Hewould not s u ffer them to call themselves Frye’ s children ,

as Rein tja had offered them ,but he forgot then that he

himself had black hair. Am ong the Twisklan ders there

were two tribes who did not call themselves Twisklan der s.

One came from the far south- eas t, and called themselves

Allem an n en . They had given themselves this name when

they had no women amon g them,and were wandering as

exiles in the forests. Later on they stole women from

the slave people like the L ithau ers,but they kept their

n ame. The other tribe,that wandered about in the

neighbourhood,called themselves Franks

,not because

they were free,but the n ame of their first king was


,by the help of the degenerate maidens , had

had himself made hereditary king over his people.

The people nearest to him called themselves Thioth

his sons—that is, sons of the people. They had re

m ained free , because they never would acknowledge

any king,or prince

,or master except those chosen by

general consent in a general assembly. Askar had


al fon Réintja for nomm en,that tha Twisklandar forsta

m ést alti in fiandskip and faitha weron. NW stald- i hjam

to film,bja skolde énen hertoga fon sin folk kjasa vmbe

that - er ang were seid- er that bja skolde mit m an lik

Other u m skoldon twista ovir - et masterskip. Ak se id- er

kvndon s ina forsta mith- a Golum sprOka. That seid - sr

w ere ak Moder his mene. Tha kemon tha forsta théra

Twislan dar to ekkOr u m an d nei thr ija sj u gu n etm elde keron

bja Alr ik to- ra her toga u t. A lr ik were Askar his n éva ,~h i jef him twen hvndred skotseanda hvndred thera storosta

Saxm an na mith to l ifwéra. Tha forsta moston thr ija

sjvg u n fon hjara svn u m n éi Staveren senda to borg hjarar

trow. To n v was alles nei win sk gvngen , men the. man

ovir e Rene fara skolde,nildon thene kaning thOra Franka

n avt vnder Alrikis biféla n avt n e stonda. ThOr thrvch lip

a lles an tha tys. Askar thér mende that alles god gvng ,lande mith sina sképa anna tha Ore syde there Shelda ,men thér was was man long fon sin kvm ste to lj u cht and

vppa sin hod. E ja moston alsa ring flj u chta as bja kvmen

weron,and Askar wrde selva fath . Tha Gola n iston n avt

hwa bja fen sen hede,and alsa warth hi after néi fitwixlath

fori ennen hage G01,thér Askar his folk mith forath hede.

Thawila that- ct alles hOrade,hl ipon tha Magjara jeta

dryster as to fara ovir vsa bfira ra landa hinna. ByEgmvda hwer to film tha burch Forana stan hede, leton

bja ene cherka bvwa jeta grater and rihar as Askar to

Staveren den hede. After n éi seidon bja that Askar thj u

kase vr léren hede with tha Gola,thr vchdam et folk n avt

lawa n avt nilde,that Wodin hjam helpa kvste, and that

bja him thervmbe n avt anbidda nilde. Forth gvngon bja

to and skakton j onga bern tham bja by ra hildon and

vpbrochten in tha hem n issa fon hjara vrbr u da lOre. Wéron

thOr man n iska tham

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