the analysis of felicity condition found in the


Transcript of the analysis of felicity condition found in the






S1 Thesis

Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain SarjanaPendidikan

degree at English Education Program of PurworejoMuhammadiyah University












Hope is the only thing stronger than fears.

- President Snow The Hunger Games

And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely

increase you (in favor); but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.’

- Q.S Ibrahim: 7

The difficulties you face in life do not come to destroy you, but to show you what

you are made of and just how strong you are.

- Unknown



In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious, the most merciful.This thesis is

honorably dedicated to:

1. My beloved father, Yogi Sudarman and mother, Wigati. Thank you for every

single support you both give to mein any condition that I face, for your advice

and never ending prayers addressed to your second daughter. Also I do grateful

for Allah who nobly sends me suchgreat and cool parents. I love you.

2. My sister,my partner in crime, my one and only ally and

enemy,RestyWidiAsih. Thanks for the happiness you always give to me.

3. My beloved KOSIDAH, Dian AmbarPratiwi, EtikaNurulHidayah, Tri

KusumaWardhani, EfaLusiani, Sarah Purwati, AlfiHidayah, and

YunitaWidyaningsih. Thanks for always be there for me guys, for such great

memories we made together.

4. My best friends, Nurul W., Yogi T., Adimas S., WijiUtami, Nadia Husna,

E.A.Wijayanti, Ayu, Vika O.T.,Sendi F., NaufalIqbal H.Thanks for always

support me, you always made my day.

5. My advisor, Mrs. Zulia Chasanah, S.S., M. Pd.

6. My advisor, Mrs. ZahrotoulMuniroh, S. Pd., M. A.

7. All of my friends, the students of F class who have motivated me tofinish this

thesis. Thanks for your help, memories, and everything.

8. Whoever helped and supported me to finish this thesis.



Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin, is the perfect word the researcher can

sayto express the gratitude to Allah SWT who gives the researcher strength,

guide,bless, and ability in finishing this thesis. This thesis was written to fulfill

arequirement for obtaining the SarjanaPendidikanDegree for the

EnglishEducation Program of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty

ofMuhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

On this opportunity, the researcher appreciates greatly to those who

havegiven valuable suggestion and guidance in completing this thesis, particularly

theresearcher would like to thank to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd., the Rector of Muhammadiyah University


2. YuliWidiyono, M.Pd.,as the Dean of the Faculty of the Teacher Training

andEducational Faculty.

3. Sri Widodo, S.S, M.Hum.,the Head of English Education Program of

TeacherTraining and Educational Faculty of Muhammadiyah University


4. Zulia Chasanah, S.S, M.Pd., as the first consultant who always gives

guidance,ideas, suggestion, motivation, encouragement and valuable time in

correctingevery part of this thesis.

5. ZahrotulMuniroh, S.Pd., M.A. as the second consultant who give

suggestion,motivation in correcting this thesis.

6. All lecturers of English Education Program who enrich the

researcher'sknowledge, personality, guidance during the completion of this


7. My big family for their support, prayers, motivation, love and care.


8. All of my friend, the students of 2012 English Department for beautiful

friendship and those who had helped in finishing this thesis.

The researcher is aware that being perfect is still far from this thesis, so

criticisms for its achievements are gladly accepted. In the end, theresearcher hopes

this thesis will be useful to all the students.

Purworejo, 30 July2016

The Researcher

Windy Novanti




TITLE PAGE.............................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................. ii

RATIFICATION SHEET ........................................................................... iii

MOTTOS ................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION............................................................................................ v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... vi

STATEMENT ............................................................................................ vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ xi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem .............................................. 4

C. Limitation of the Study ...................................................... 4

D. Statements of theProblem................................................... 5

E. Objective of the Study........................................................ 5

F. Significant of the Study ...................................................... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................. 7

A. Previous Study ................................................................... 7


B. Pragmatics ......................................................................... 9

C. Felicity Condition .............................................................. 12

D. Movie ................................................................................ 16

E. The Hunger Games ............................................................ 29

F. Teaching Speaking ............................................................. 32

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 37

A. Types of Research .............................................................. 37

B. Source of Data ................................................................... 39

C. Instrument of the Research ................................................. 39

D. Technique of Collecting Data ............................................. 40

E. Technique of DataCoding .................................................. 41

F. Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................. 42


A. Data Descriptions............................................................... 44

B. Data Analysis..................................................................... 51

C. Discussion ......................................................................... 52

1. Felicity Condition Found in The Hunger Games Movie

.................................................................................... 52

2. The Application of Felicity Condition in Teaching

Speaking ...................................................................... 105

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 112

A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 112

B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 113





Table 1. Types of Felicity Condition ........................................................... 43

Table 2. Findings Types of Felicity Condition ............................................. 51



Windy Novanti. 2016. “The Analysis of Felicity Condition found in The Hunger Games Movie and Its Application to Teach Speaking at Twelfth Grade of Senior High School”. A Thesis. English Education Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

This research deals with felicity condition in The Hunger Games movie. The objectives of the study are to find out kinds of felicity condition contained in The Hunger Games movie and to describe the application of felicity condition in teaching speaking at the twelfth grade of senior high school.

This research is a qualitative research. The data source of this research is the manuscript and the scene from The Hunger Games movie. The researcher conducted library approach to get information about felicity condition. In collecting the data, the researcher found the movie and the manuscript first. Then watched the movie and read the manuscript while list some dialogue which contain some clues of felicity condition into its type. And then the researcher analyzes them and gives the reason why the dialogues are categorized as fulfilling felicity condition.

The result of the study shows that there are 49 felicity conditions occured in The Hunger Games movie. 8 (16.33%) data belongs to general condition, 9 (18.37%) data belongs tocontent condition, 6 (12.24%) data belongs to preparatory condition, 14 (28.57%) data belongs to sincerity condition, and 12 (24.49%) data belongs to essential condition of felicity.

The application of felicity condition in teaching speaking can be applied in XII grade of senior high school semester 1. The material which is closely related with felicity condition is expressions. The teacher can use utterances in the movie to teach expressions such as admitting, promising, blaming, and wondering.

Keywords: Analysis, Felicity Condition, Movie, Application, Teaching Speaking




In this chapter, the researcher will present the discussion on the

background of study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem,

statements of problem, objective of study, and significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Human is Allah extraordinary creation which has more

superabundance than His other creatures such as animals. Idea and feeling

are human’s superabundance that makes it different from animals. Because

of that superabundance, human can interact and communicate with others in

their society.

Language is the way to utter message in communication. As one of

elements of life, language is basically needed. Human beings need language

to interact with others because language is the major of spoken and written

communication. They use language to express their ideas, feelings, and

emotions. Conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication

between two or more people. They communicate or have a conversation to

share their thoughts about a topic.

Understanding of the speaker’s meaning is very important in

communication. When people read or hear the utterances, they not only try

to know the definition of word, but they also want to understand the

meaning of the writer or speaker conveys. So, it needs pragmatics.



Pragmatics is not only study in grammatical structure but it is also study

about the intended meaning of the speaker utterances. The meanings of the

speaker utterances are depend on the interpretation of the hearer. Human

uses utterances in a different language and different context.

Context is an important thing in pragmatics study. Context is

background knowledge assumes to be shared by speaker and hearer and

which contributes to hearer’s interpretation of what speaker means by a

given utterance. Beside context, there are other aspects of speech; those are

hearer and speaker, purpose of speech, etc.

Speech acts is the most interesting theory in pragmatics study. It

seems relevant in language teaching and language learning. Speech acts is

the action or intent that a speaker accomplishes when using language in

context, the meaning of which is inferred by hearers. In speech acts theory,

the rules of speech acts basically called felicity condition. Therefore, the

researcher takes felicity condition in her study. Felicity condition is certain

expected or appropriate circumstances, for the performance of a speech act

to be recognized as intended.

We can find any kinds of felicity conditions in any conversation, in

informal or even formal context. In this research, the researcher tries to find

felicity conditions that are contained in a movie. There will be a lot of

conversation and context occurred in a movie. Movie is one of the literary

works where the function is to entertain and to gain the information. There

are several kinds of movie that exists and most kinds of movie contain


felicity condition. The Hunger Games is the researcher’s option to analyze

the conversation, the context, and find felicity condition where then will be


The Hunger Games is a 2012 American science fiction adventure

film directed by Gary Ross and based on the novel of the same name by

Suzanne Collins. The story takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic

future in the nation of Panem. It is the first installment in The Hunger

Games film series and was produced by Nina Jacobson and Jon Kilik, with a

screenplay by Ross, Collins, and Billy Ray. The film stars Jennifer

Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth

Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, and Donald Sutherland.

In this research, the researcher decides to analyzeThe Hunger Games

because there are many conditions which include into types of felicity

condition found in this movie, since there will be so many conflicts that

show up during the movie. Besides that, this movie was a massive box office

on first week of release. Furthermore, this movie is not only released in

America, but also distributed and released in European Country, US, Japan,

and many others.

The researcher focuses her analysis on the conversations and context

in the dystopian movie The Hunger Games. This research analyzes the types

of felicity condition, and the application of felicity condition in teaching



B. Identification of the Problem

In this research, the researcher analyzes the felicity condition that

occurs in the movie entitled The Hunger Games. Five problems that can be

identified are as follows:

1. There are many misfire in the conversation between teacher and


2. The students have not understood yet about felicity condition and

the use of felicity condition.

3. Not many teachers discuss felicity condition.

4. Most students rarely concern about the context and felicity

condition in making short conversation.

5. Most students only concern about the grammatical structure in

making short conversation.

In this research, the researcher analyzes the felicity condition that

occurs in the movie entitled The Hunger Games. The condition of felicity

will be categorized according to its types. This research also will be applied

in English Language Teaching, especially in teaching speaking.

C. Limitation of the Study

Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. One of the

materials in pragmatics is speech acts. There are many speech acts theories

that explained about felicity condition as the researcher knows. Those

theories are proposed by J.L Austin, by Searle, and by George Yule. In


this research, the researcher will limit the analysis in the felicity condition

and its types only according to George Yule’s Pragmatics book.

D. Statements of the Problem

Based on the background of the study that is presented above, the

researcher would like to analyze the felicity condition found in the movie by

the discussion for the following problems:

1. What are the types of felicity condition found in The Hunger Games


2. How is the application of felicity condition found in The Hunger

Games movie in teaching speaking?

E. Objectives of the Study

Connecting to the problem above, the objectives of the study are intended:

1. To explain the types of felicity condition contained in The Hunger

Games movie

2. To describe the application of felicity condition contained in The

Hunger Games movie in teaching speaking in twelfth grade of Senior

High School

F. Significance of the Study

The results of the study are expected to be able to give the following



1. For the teachers

This research will be so useful for English teachers. This can help

them in understanding the felicity condition which later they also

can use this research to help them in teaching English especially in

speaking class.

2. For the students

The researcher hopes that this research can be used by students to

study and learn more about the condition of felicity. So that later

student also can apply the theory in real life especially in class

during teaching learning activity.

3. For the readers

Theoretically, this research hopefully can help the reader in

understanding the felicity condition includes its types. So the

reader will be able to understand the condition in interaction with

others in real life without violating the appropriate rules of felicity.

4. For the researcher

Practically, this research can be used as a reference for other

researcher, especially the students at English Literature and

English Education Program who want to analyze felicity condition

as object in their thesis. The researcher also hopes that this research

can motivate and be useful to the other researchers, so that they can

find and develop the other method to solve something.




In this chapter, the researcher presents the review of literature related

to the study. The aim is to give supporting guidance to the researcher in

accomplishing her research. This chapter elaborates Previous Study,

Pragmatics, Felicity Condition, Theory of Film, and The Hunger Games.

A. Previous Study

In this research, the researcher would like to analyze felicity condition

shown in the movie entitled The Hunger Games. To make sure that this

research is original, the researcher would like to present other researches that

have close relation with this research entitled “The Analysis of Felicity

Condition in The Hunger Games Movie and Its Application in Teaching

Speaking at Twelfth Grade of Senior High School”. The first research is

entitled “An Analysis on The Felicity Conditions in The Dialogues in Louisa

M. Alcott’s Little Women”. This research has been conducted by Irma

KurniatiAzizah in 2007. She was a student of Ahmad Dahlan University

Yogyakarta. Her study concentrated in finding out the types of felicity

conditions same as the researcher’s study. The researcher of the previous

study investigated the types of felicity conditions in Little Women and the

dialogues that fulfill the felicity conditions. The method that was used by her

is qualitative method that employed noting technique. She read the novel and

wrote some dialogues which contain some clues of felicity conditions and



groups them in accordance to their own felicity conditions. In her research,

she used dialogues from novel as the data. Whereas, the researcher’s data

taken from The Hunger Games movie and its script. Both of Irma and the

researcher’s analysis analyze English as the language.

The results of Irma KurniatiAzizah’s study show that from the

dialogues of Little Women novel, the felicity conditions consist of three

kinds; they are preparatory conditions, conditions for execution and sincerity

conditions. The felicity conditions can be divided into four categories; they

are felicity conditions of ordering, asking, asserting, and offering.The

similarity of this previous study and the researcher’s study is on the analysis

of the types of felicity condition. The difference is on the literature form

which analyzed, Irma used Little Women novel in analyzing the felicity

condition, whereas the researcher used The Hunger Games movie to analyze

the types of felicity condition.

The second research has been conducted by Ari RohmaniWisatawati,

a student of Pamulang University. She conducted her study in 2013 entitled

“Illocutionary Act and Its Felicity Conditions Analysis in Rise of The

Guardians Film By Peter”. Ari’s study concentrated on the illocutionary act

that implied on dialogues of the main characters and analyzed its felicity

conditions in each illocutionary act in Rise of the Guardians film, while the

researcher will concentrate on the types of felicity condition proposed by

Yule.She used qualitative method that employs descriptive technique.


The result of Ari’s study is not all the illocutionary acts that occurred

in the utterance could be performed properly because not all conditions of the

felicity conditions in each illocutionary acts could be fulfilled in the selected

data. If one of the felicity conditions is not satisfied, it will make the

utterance becomes infelicitous. It is necessary to fulfill all conditions to make

the messages in every utterances can be understood by the all involved

parties to avoid misunderstanding. Meanwhile, this research concerns in the

types of felicity condition and its application in teaching speaking. As the

result, the researcher intends to an analysis of felicity condition in the scene

and script of The Hunger Games movie. The similarity of this previous study

and the researcher’s study is on the analysis of the types of felicity

condition.The difference is on the source of data which is taken from

different film, and the application of felicity condition in teaching speaking.

B. Pragmatics

Pragmatics is one of branches of linguistics. According to Levinson

(2008:21) pragmatics is the study of the relation between language and

context that are basic to an account of language understanding.While

Griffiths (2006:153) states that pragmatics is about the use of utterances in

context, about how wemanage to convey more than is literally encoded by

the semantics ofsentences. The extra and different meanings inferable as

conversationalimplicatures save production effort. Pragmatics builds on what

is semantically encoded in the language.


Meanwhile, Yule (2003:3) states that pragmatics is the study of

contextual meaning. According to him, pragmatics is concerned with the

study of meaning as communicated by a speaker or a writer and interpreted

by a listener or a reader so that it involves the interpretation what people

mean in the particular context and how the context influences what is said.

Pragmatics is concerned with the study of utterances meaning in

which as communicated by speakers and interpreted by hearers. It focuses on

what people mean by their utterances that involve the interpretation of what

people mean in a particular context and how the context influences what said.

Mey (2001:5) states that pragmatics is interested in the process of producing

language and in its producers, not just in the end-product language.

Cutting (2002: 3) said that pragmatics takes a socio-cultural

perspective on language usage, examining the way that the principles of

social behavior are expressed is determined by the social distance between

the speakers. It can be said that in pragmatics the way people behave in

using language is influenced by the social distance and context between the

speaker and the hearer. For example, people who have distant relationship

will be more aware when they use language. They tend to be more careful

than when they speak with others in an intimate relationship. They will be

more aware about the context and make the conversation felicitously or


Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. There are many

subordinates of pragmatics which are deictic, reference, presupposition,


implicature, speech acts, politeness, and many others. In speech acts theory,

felicity condition can be said as the rules of speech acts. Felicity condition

makes the people more aware in making conversation in appropriate situation

to be felicitously performed.

Furthermore Yule (2003: 3) divides the definition of pragmatics into 4


a. Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning.

Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as

communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. It concerns more

on the analysis of what people mean by their utterances than what the

words or phrases in those utterances might mean by themselves.

b. Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning.

Pragmatics involves the interpretation of what people mean in

particular context and how the context influences what is said. It involves

how the speaker organize what they want to say in accordance with who

they are talking to, where, and under what circumstances.

c. Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said.

This approach also explores how the listener can make inferences

about what is said in order to arrive at an interpretation the speaker’s

intended meaning.


d. Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance.

Pragmatics also gives attention on how close or distant the speaker

and the listener is, speaker determine how much needs to be said. This

perspective will be determines the choice between said and the unsaid.

Based on the definition above, it can be said that pragmatics is the

study of meaning contained the utterance in context. Therefore in pragmatic

view, to appreciate and to interpret the meaning of a statement or an

utterance, one must consider the relation between language and context in

which the situation is uttered.

C. Felicity Condition

According to Cutting (2002:18) in order for speech acts to be

appropriately and successfully performed, certain felicity conditions have to

be met. For Austin, felicity conditions are that the context and roles of

participants must be recognized by all parties; the action must be carried out

completely, and the persons must have the right intentions.For Searle, there is

a general condition for all speech acts, that the hearer must hear and

understand the language, and that the speaker must not be pretending or play

acting. For declarations and directives, the rules are that the speaker must

believe that it is possible to carry out the action: they are performing the act

in the hearer’s best interest; they are sincere about wanting to do it, and the

words count as the act.


While Levinson (2008:25) said that appropriateness or felicity

condition is a pragmatic theory that concern of principle predict for each and

every well-formed sentence of a language, on a particular semantic reading,

the set of context in which it would be appropriate.

Hurford(2007: 282) states that the felicity conditions of an

illocutionary act are conditions thatmust be fulfilled in the situation in which

the act is carried out if the act isto be said to be carried out properly, or

felicitously.Grundy (2000:53) said that felicity condition, in this case,

conditions which make it appropriate to make a promise.

Yule states that (2003:50) felicity conditions are certain expected or

appropriate circumstances for the performance of a speech act to be

recognized as intended. For some clear cases, the performance will be

infelicitous (inappropriate) if the speaker is not a specific person in a special

context. For example:

I sentence you to six months in prison

If the speaker is judge in a courtroom, the sentence is felicitous. But if

the speaker is not a judge in a courtroom, the sentence will infelicitous.

Because the felicity condition will be felicitous if the speaker is a specific

person in a special context. In everyday context among ordinary people, there

are also pre-condition of speech acts. According to Yule (2003:50) felicity

condition divides the types of condition into five classes, namely; general

conditions, content conditions, preparatory conditions, sincerity conditions,

essential conditions.


1) General Conditions

General conditions on the participant, for example, that they can

understand the language being used and that they are not playing-

acting or being nonsensical.

Submit your homework now!

The teacher said to the students. All participant understand the

language, they are not playing acting and the teacher’s sentence

makes sense.

2) Content Conditions

For example, for both a promise and a warning, the content of the

utterance must be about a future event. A further content condition

for a promise requires that the future event will be a future act of

the speaker.

If you don’t behave, I promise you there’s going to be trouble.

3) Preparatory Conditions

The preparatory conditions for a promise are significantly different

from those for a warning. When someone promises to do

something, there are two preparatory conditions: first, the event

will not happen by itself, and second, the event will have a

beneficial effect. When someoneutters a warning, there are the

following preparatory conditions: it is not clear that the hearer

knows the event will occur, and the event will not have a beneficial



You will hear from me.

This condition related to another condition, that is sincerity


4) Sincerity Conditions

Sincerity conditions is a condition that must be fulfilled if the act is

said to be carried out sincerely, but failure to meet such a condition

does not prevent the carrying out of the act altogether.

Congratulations on passing your exam.

For a promise, the speaker intends to carry out the future action,

I will definitely back at 6 p.m.

and, for a warning, the speaker genuinely believes that the future

events will not have a beneficial effect.

Don’t go overboard!

5) Essential Conditions

Essential conditions cover the fact that by the act of uttering a

promise, the speakers thereby intend to create an obligatory to

carry out the action as a promise. In other words, the utterance

changes the speakers’ state from non-obligation to obligation.

Similarly, with a warning, under the essential condition, the

utterance changes the speakers’ state from non-informing of a bad

future event to informing. This essential condition thus combines

with a specification of what must be in the utterance content, the


context, and the speaker’s intentions, in order for a specific speech

act to be appropriately (felicitously) performed. For example:

I sentence you 6 months in prison.

The speaker is a judge in a courtroom and the hearer is a defendant.

In other words, the speaker has the authority to command while the

hearer has the obligation to carry out this command.

In conclusion, felicity condition can be defined as general condition,

content condition, preparatory condition, sincerity condition, and

essentialcondition. Those are all of felicity condition that has been

categorized by George Yule. The researcher uses all of the condition in this


D. Movie

Movie is a special material that is used for taking photographs.

Movies can represent work of art by using oral language. According to

Jacobsmovies are entertainment. Movies are documents of their time and

place. Movies are artistic forms of self-expression. Movies can see at

theatres, on television, or home video. They tell stories about characters

going through experiences.


According to Aminulloh (2005: Jurnal Optima, Vol. 5, No. 2) Film

besides comprehended as a result of swan song, also meant as

communications media in perspective of mass communications. The message


can be submitted in movie. It makes film personate symbolic

communications system as social reality reflection. Films

frequentlybecome event picture yardstick that happened in society. Then

leave from desire of existence of information and knowledge about narcotic

through this film media. Movie can give message through sign system found

on visual language like location setting and of properties used and also

dialogued by which is said either by player.

Based on the definitions above, the researcher concludes that movie is

entertainment that tells a story as social reality reflection. Movie can be

shown on television, at the cinema or movie theatre which is to entertain the


There are major genres of movie that are popular and well known

while there are others that are not as familiar to the general viewing public.

Here is a collected description of movie genres for the major ones.

1. Action

Actionis a movie genre in which one or more protagonists are

thrust into a series of challenges that involve violence, close combat,

frantic chases, and physical feats. Action movies tend to feature a

resourceful protagonist struggling against incredible odds, which include

life-threatening situations, a villain, or a pursuit which generally concludes

in victory for the protagonist. Films in this genre often involve car chases,

gun fights and hand-to-hand-combats. Violence is the key characteristic of


this film genre. These films include kung fu movies, spy movies and

disaster movies.

The example of action movies are The Fast and Furious 7, Kill

Bill, Live Free or Die Hard, Spectre, and The Dark Knight.

2. Adventure

This genre also involves some action,but the main aspects of the

movies in this category are exotic locales, historical, epic expedition and

anything that bring thrills to the audience. Main plot elements include

quests for lost continents, a jungle, mountain, island, coast, urban and/or

desert settings, characters going on treasure hunts and heroic journeys for

the unknown. Adventure movies are mostly set in a period background and

may include adapted stories of historical or fictional adventure heroes

within the historical context. Kings, monarchies, battles, rebellion or

piracy are commonly seen in adventure movies.

The example of adventure movies arePete’s Dragon, The

Adventurer, The BFG, The Jungle Book, and Jurassic Park.


3. Animation

Animated moviesare ones in which individual drawings, paintings,

or illustrations are photographed frame by frame (stop-frame

cinematography). Usually, each frame differs slightly from the one

preceding it, giving the illusion of movement when frames are projected in

rapid succession at 24 frames per second. The earliest cinema animation

was composed of frame-by-frame, hand-drawn images. When combined

with movement, the illustrator's two-dimensional static art become alive

and created pure and imaginative cinematic images - animals and other

inanimate objects could become evil villains or heroes.

Animations are not a strictly-defined genre category, but rather a

film technique, although they often contain genre-like elements.

Animation, fairy tales, and stop-motion films often appeal to children, but

it would marginalize animations to view them only as children's

entertainment. Animated films are often directed to, or appeal most to

children, but easily can be enjoyed by all.

The example of animation movies areZootopia, Finding Dori,Hotel

Transylvania 2, Frozen, andKung Fu Panda 3.


4. Comedy

Comedy is a genre of movie in which the main emphasis is on

humor. These movies are designed to make the audience laugh through

amusement and most often work by exaggerating characteristics for

humorous effect. Humor is the main driving force of comedy films.

Anything with slapstick moments, witty dialogue and satirical elements

are included in this genre. Parodies and spoofs are the most obvious types

of comedy movies while some involve a mix of action, adventure and


The example of comedy movies areSilver Linings, 21 Jump Street

, Horrible Bosses, The World End, and Anchorman.

5. Documentary

Documentary movies involve putting together real life events and

people to tell a particular story. Movie in this genre often involve a


narrator, interviews and real footages of real events. They are done to

execute social commentaries or to simply put historical events into a new


The examples of documentary movies areWest of Memphis, The

House I Live In, Enemies of the People, Sound City, and Nanook of The


6. Drama

Dramatic movies with serious themes andintense character

development make up films in this genre. They often portray realistic

situations with realistic people, but they sometimes involve more

fantastical elements. Drama is a type of narrativefiction (or semi-fiction)

intended to be more serious than humorous in tone, focusing on in-depth

development of realistic characters who must deal with realistic emotional

struggles. In the sense of a type of film, the common term is a "drama

film". The term "the drama" refers to "the dramatic branch of literature;

the dramatic art".It is this narrow sense that the film and television

industry and film studies adopted to describe "drama" as a type of film

within their respective media.


The example of drama movies areThe Wrestler, Argo, Let the Right

One In, Sideways, and Forrest Gump.

7. Romance

Romance movies are romantic love stories that focus on passion,

emotion, and the affectionate romantic involvement of the main characters

and the journey that their genuinely strong, true and pure romantic love

takes them through dating, courtship or marriage. Romance films make the

romantic love story or the search for strong and pure love and romance the

main plot focus. Occasionally, romance lovers face obstacles such as

finances, physical illness, various forms of discrimination, psychological

restraints or family that threaten to break their union of love. As in all

quite strong, deep, and close romantic relationships, tensions of day-to-day

life, infidelity temptations, and differences in compatibility enter into the

plots of romantic movies.

Romantic movies often explore the essential themes of love at first

sight, young with older love, unrequited romantic love, obsessive love,


sentimental love, spiritual love, forbidden love/romance, platonic love,

sexual and passionate love, sacrificial love, explosive and destructive love,

and tragic love. Romantic movies serve as great escapes and fantasies for

viewers, especially if the two people finally overcome their difficulties,

declare their love, and experience life "happily ever after", implied by a

reunion and final kiss.

The examples of romance movies are Before Sunset, Juno, Carol,

Pride and Prejudice, and Dear John.

8. Fantasy

Fantasy are movies that belong to the fantasy genre with fantastic

themes, usually involving magic, supernatural events,mythology, folklore,

or exotic fantasy worlds. The genre is considered a form of speculative

fiction alongside science fiction films and horror films, although the

genres do overlap. Fantasy films often have an element of magic, myth,

wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary.


The examples of fantasy movies areThe Hobbit, Snow White and

The Huntsman, Narnia, The lord of the Rings, and The Huntsman:

Winter’s War.

9. Horror

Horror is a movie genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional

reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's primal fears. Its

involve blood, gore, the supernatural and things that go bump in the night.

Horror films often deal with viewers' nightmares, fears, revulsions and

terror of the unknown. Plots within the horror genre often involve the

intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage into the everyday world.

Prevalent elements include ghosts, extraterrestrials, vampires, werewolves,

demons, gore, torture, vicious animals, evil witches, monsters, zombies,

cannibals, psychopaths, serial killersand everything that makes one afraid

of going to sleep at night.


The examples of horror movies areThe Conjuring,

Mama,Annabelle, My bloody Valentine, and The Babadook.

10. Musical

Musical is a movie genre in which songs sung by the characters are

interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing, often

lighthearted stories with comedy and drama going hand in hand. These

movies involve a lot of singing and dancing to complement the

storytelling.The songs usually advance the plot or develop the film's

characters, though in some cases they serve merely as breaks in the

storyline, often as elaborate "production numbers".

The examples of musical movies areA Chorus Line, High School

Musical, Pitch Perfect, Rock of Ages, and Damn Yankees.


11. Science Fiction

Science fiction is a movie genre that uses science fiction:

speculative, fictional science-based depictions of phenomena that are not

fully accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life forms,

alien worlds, extrasensory perception and time travel, along with futuristic

elements such as spacecraft, robots, cyborgs, interstellar space travel or

other technologies. Science fiction films have often been used to focus on

political or social issues, and to explore philosophical issues like the

human condition. In many cases, tropes derived from written science

fiction may be used by filmmakers ignorant of or at best indifferent to the

standards of scientific plausibility and plot logic to which written science

fiction is traditionally held. Films in this genre are very imaginative that

does not fit in the real world.

The example of science fiction movies areThe Hunger Games, The

Maze Runner, Interstellar, Star Wars, and The Giver.

12. War

Whether it is an ancient battle or World War II, war movies always

involve combat and tales of life in the battlefield. Action and drama are


two key components in war movies. This film genre includes space epics,

historical war stories and futuristic battles between good and evil. War

film is a film genre concerned with warfare, typically about naval, air, or

land battles in the twentieth century, with combat scenes central to the

drama. The fateful nature of battle scenes means that war films often end

with them. Themes explored include combat, survival and escape,

sacrifice, the futility and inhumanity of battle, the effects of war on

society, and the moral and human issues raised by war. War films are often

categorized by their milieu, such as the Korean War; the most popular

subject is the Second World War. The stories told may be fiction,

historical drama, or biographical. Critics have noted similarities between

the Western and the war film.

The example of war movies are American Sniper, Fury, Downfall,

Pearl Harbor, and The Longest Day.

13. Western

To cap off this movie genres list, we have the Western film genre.

It started out as a film genre that only relied on horses, guns, dusty towns,

bar fights and cowboy for categorization. However, the themes of


showdowns, revenge and being outlaws are also being applied to stories

not set in the Old West. The description of film genres for some may stay

the same for decades, but in others, it can be revised and even redefined.

The examples of western movies are Dances withWolves, Little

Big, The Missing, A Man Called Horse, and A Million Ways to Dies in the


From the definition above movie is images in the frame that represent

social phenomenon of a society. It is as the reflection of the desire, needs,

fears, and aspiration of a society at a given time. The themes and stories of

movie derived from its social environment. There are many genres of movie

are popular and well known. The genres of movies are action, adventure,

animation, comedy, documentary, drama, romance, fantasy, horror, musical,

science fiction, war, and western.


E. The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is a 2012 American sci-fi or science fiction

adventure film directed by Gary Ross and based on the novel of the same

name by Suzanne Collins. Sci-fi or science fiction is a genre that involves

movies that feature futuristic technology, interstellar travel, stranger monsters

and anything that is very imaginative that does not fit in the real world. Films

in this genre may often intersect in action, adventure and horror


The story takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future in the

nation of Panem, where certain boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 18

must participate in the Hunger Games, a televised annual event in which the

‘tributes’ are required to fight to the death until there is one remaining victor.

KatnissEverdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) volunteers to take her younger sister's

place. Joined by her district's male tribute, PeetaMellark (Josh Hutcherson),

Katniss travels to the Capitol to train for the Hunger Games under the

guidance of former victor Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson).


It is the first installment in The Hunger Games film series and was

produced by Nina Jacobson and Jon Kilik, with a screenplay by Ross,

Collins, and Billy Ray. The film stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson,

Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Kravitz,

Stanley Tucci, and Donald Sutherland.

The Hunger Games trilogy takes place in an unspecified future time,

in the dystopian, post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, located in the ruins of

North America. The country consists of the wealthy Capitol, located in the

Rocky Mountains, and 12 (formerly 13) poorer districts ruled by the Capitol.

The Capitol is lavishly rich and technologically advanced, but the 12 districts

are in varying states of poverty. The trilogy's narrator and protagonist,

KatnissEverdeen, lives in District 12, the poorest region of Panem, formerly

known as Appalachia, where people regularly die of starvation. As

punishment for a past rebellion against the Capitol (called the "Dark Days"),

wherein 12 of the districts were defeated, and the 13th was supposedly

destroyed, one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts, between the

ages of 12 and 18, are selected by lottery to compete in the Hunger Games on

an annual basis. The Games are a televised event in which the participants,

called "tributes", are forced to fight to the death in a dangerous public arena.

The winning tribute and his/her home district are then rewarded with food,

supplies, and riches. The purposes of the Hunger Games are to provide

entertainment for the Capitol and to remind the districts of the Capitol's

power and lack of remorse.


The Hunger Games follows 16-year-old KatnissEverdeen, a girl from

District 12 who volunteers for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her

younger sister Primrose Everdeen. Also participating from District 12 is

PeetaMellark, a boy who has developed a secret crush on Katniss. They are

mentored by District 12's only living victor, Haymitch Abernathy, who won

the Games 24 years earlier and has since assumed a solitary life of

alcoholism. Peeta confesses his love for Katniss in a television interview

prior to the Games, leading the Capitol to portray Katniss and Peeta as "star-

crossed lovers". This revelation surprises Katniss, who harbors feelings for

Gale Hawthorne, her friend and hunting partner. Haymitch advises Katniss to

play along and feign feelings for Peeta in order to gain wealthy sponsors who

can gift them crucial supplies during the Games. In the arena, Katniss

develops an alliance with Rue, a young tribute from District 11 who reminds

Katniss of her kid sister, and Katniss is emotionally scarred when Rue is

killed. Katniss devises a memorial for Rue by placing flowers over her body

as an act of defiance toward the Capitol. More than halfway through The

Games, the remaining tributes are alerted to a rule change that allows both

tributes from the same district to be declared victors if they are the final two

standing. After learning of the change, Katniss and Peeta begin to work as a

team. When all of the other tributes are dead, and they appear to win the

Games together, the rule change is revoked. Katniss leads Peeta in a double

suicide attempt to eat poisonous berries known as nightlock, hoping that the

latest change will be reinstated, and that they will both be victorious. Their


ruse is successful, and both tributes return home victorious. During and after

the Games, Katniss develops genuine feelings for Peeta and struggles to

balance them with the connection she feels with Gale. When it becomes clear

that the Capitol is upset with Katniss' defiance, Haymitch encourages her to

maintain the "star-crossed lovers" act, without telling Peeta.

In this study the researcher focuses on sci-fi or science fiction movie

entitled The Hunger Games. The science fictionmovie is interesting for the

student. Moreover, there are many felicity condition can be found in this

movie. It can make the student have more motivation to learn about felicity

condition from The Hunger Gamesfilm.The analysis of felicity condition

found in The Hunger Games movie also will be applied in teaching speaking.

F. Teaching Speaking

Brown (2006:8) explains teaching is guiding and facilitating learning,

enabling the learner to learn setting the condition for learning. Teaching

means showing or helping someone to learn how to do something. Providing

with knowledge, causing to know or understand.

Thorbuty (2005:63) had appropriate activities to teach speaking as


a. Drilling and chants

Drilling – that is imitating and repeating words, phrases, and

whole even utterances –may in the fact be a useful noticing technique,

since it draws attention to material that learner might not otherwise


have registered. Thus after learners have listened to a taped dialogue,

and studied the transcript;the teacher can isolate specific phrases or

utterances and ask the learners to repeat them.

b. Writing task

Writing has a useful role play as an initial stage in the

appropriation of newly encountered language for speaking. It can act

as a way of easing the transition from learning to using. Inevitably,

because of the constraints placed on mental processing by the demands

of real- time speaking. Learners tend to rely on a very narrow

repertoire of memorized expression in face- to- face interaction. To do

this, it may sometimes help to reduce the processing demands placed

on them in order to give them time to consciouslyaccess alternatives to

their habitual repertoire.

c. Reading aloud

Reading aloud is the natural ‘next step’ between writing and

speaking. It is analogues to the way actors read their lines before

committing the text top play to memory. It also has the advantage of

providing a secure framework within which learners can focus on

lower-level features of talk, such as pronunciation without the added

pressure of always having to plan the next utterances.

d. Assisted performance and scaffolding

Socio-cultural theory argues that the appropriation of a skill is

achieved through the mediation by a ‘better other’- what is sometimes


called assisted performance. Assisting performance through

scaffolding and other timely intervention is well documented in L2


e. Dialogues

Practicing dialogues has s long history in language teaching-not

surprisingly, since language is essentially dialogue in its use, and any

grammar structure or lexical area can be worked into a dialogue with a

little ingenuity. Dialogue practice also provides a useful change of

focus from teacher-led classroom interaction.

f. Communicative task

Fundamental to the view that speaking is skill is the idea that

knowledge becomes increasingly automated through successive

practice. Practice makes – if not perfect – at least, fluent. A corollary

to this view is that the automating process can be speeded up by

creating practice conditions that ‘park’ the attention.

One way to distract attention from a dependence on declarative

knowledge is to increase the processing demands of the task, such as

reducing the time available. Another way is to set a task that requires

attention to be directed at achieving some extra linguistic goal, such as

buying a bus ticket or winning an argument. Communicative task,

thus, fulfill two important language learning needs: they prepare

learners for real-life language use, and they encourage the atomization

of language knowledge.


Harmer (2001: 88-89) adds there are some speaking activities as


a. Information gaps ( describe and draw)

One of type speaking activities involves the so-called

‘information gap’ where two speakers have different parts of

information making up a whole. Because they have different

information, there is ‘gap’ between them.

Describe and draw has many elements of an ideal speaking

activity. It is highly motivating (if used only very occasionally), there

is real purpose for the communication taking place (the information

gap, completion of the task), and almost any language can be used.

b. Surveys

One way of provoking conversation and opinion exchange is to

get students to conduct questionnaires and surveys. If the students plan

these questionnaires themselves, the activity becomes even more

powerful. Questionnaires and,surveys vary the structure of classroom

periods, allow people a bit of physical movement and provide

welcome variety of interaction.

c. Discussion

Most the teacher hopes that they will be able to recognize

discussion session in their classroom, particularly if the exchange of

opinions provokes spontaneous fluent language use. There are many

discussion possibilities. The important thing is that students need to be


engaged with the topic. They then might do some study (if there is a

necessity for language input, fact or figure, for example) and move

quickly to activate stages –which include the discussion itself. Almost

certainly, however there will be feedback, including study, after

discussion over.

d. Role – Play

Role –play are those where students are asked to imagine that

they are in different situation and act accordingly. Role play is more

than just play –acting: it offers chances for rehearsal and engagement

that some other activities fall to give.

So, the researcher concludes that teaching speaking is the process of

guiding and facilitating and moreover helping the learners to get productivity

in oral skill by using appropriate activities in speaking class.




This chapter presents the methodology which used by the researcher to

analyze the data. One of the factors that will make a research success is an

appropriate methodology that applied in that research. So, in this chapter the

researcher tries to explain that. This research method consists of types of research,

source of data, instrument of the study, and technique of data collecting, and

technique of data analysis.

A. Types of Research

In this research, the researcher makes a research plan and arranges its

certain procedure as guidance in doing her research. This is a library research,

as we know that literature research needs another literature material to deal

with the study. By library research, we can collect the data from books and

academic writing.

In conducting this study, the researcher used descriptive qualitative

research method. According to Creswell (2012:4),qualitative research

isexplores and understand the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a

social or human problem. The goal of qualitative research is a holistic picture

and a depth of understanding rather than a numeric analysis of data.

Meanwhile Djamal (2015:7) states that qualitative research is a research



focused to describe condition, characteristic or nature, value of an object or

certain symptoms.

This study is included in qualitative research because the data were

taken from words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Moreover, the sentences

were analyzed descriptively to describe and to explain in detail the

phenomena of sentences based on felicity condition theory. Creswell

(2012:16) said that qualitative research has some characteristics as follow:

1. Qualitative research is exploring a problem and developing a detailed

understanding of a central phenomenon.

2. Qualitative research is having the literature review play a minor role but

justify a problem.

3. Qualitative research is stating the purpose and research questions in a

general and broad way so as to the participant experiences.

4. Qualitative research is collecting data based on words from a small

number of individuals so as the participants’ view are obtained.

5. Analyzing the data for description and themes using text analysis and

interpreting the larger meaning of findings.

6. Writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluative

criteria, and including the researchers’ subjective reflexivity bias.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher used descriptive

qualitative research. In conducting this research she used descriptive

qualitative research because the researcher would like to describe about the

felicity condition found in utterances of The Hunger Games movie.


B. Source of Data

According to Arikunto (2013:172), source of data refers to the subject

from which the data are obtained. According to qualitative research theory, to

make a high-grade research, the researcher has to collect the whole data

completely, those are primary and secondary data. Primary data is a verbal

data or spoken words, body movements, or the characters’ attitude. Secondary

data is a data collected from graphic documents (table, notes, meeting

notulen, SMS, etc), photos, movies, video recorders, and any other things that

can be completing the primary data (Arikunto, 2013:21).

The object of this research is The Hunger Games movie and the

manuscript. The source of primary data(main data) of this research is taken

from the movie and the manuscript of The Hunger Games. The utterances of

every character and the condition displayed in this movie are all regarded as

the main data.

The secondary data (supporting data) of this research is some theory

books which are related to the topic felicity condition and also any

information taken from the internet that can help the researcher to find out

any information about the movie and the author. All those data are compiled

together as supporting data.

C. Instrument of the Research

Arikunto (2013:203) said that instrument is tools or facilities used by

the researcher in collecting the data in order to make his or her work is easier


and the result is better. The key instrument of this research was the researcher

herself. She collected the data by watching The Hunger Games movie. She

also analyzed the data by herself.

One of the major characteristics that distinguish qualitative research

from the others is the method used to collect and analyze the data. In this

study, the human investigator is the primary instrument for gathering and

analyzing the data. Arikunto (2013:203) defines instrument as a tool or a

means that the researcher use to collect the data.

In this research, the researcher is the only instrument that analyzes the

whole data used in this research based on the researcher’s point of views

which relates to the theory applied.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

The researcher gives technique of data collection and also conducted

library research to get information about the felicity condition in this movie.

The techniques of data collection are follows:

1. Finding the movie

The researcher looking for the movie on her folder computer, and then

choose The Hunger Games as the data to be analyze.

2. Finding the manuscript

After decided will useThe Hunger Games movie as the data, the researcher

looking for the manuscript of the movie on the internet.


3. Watching the movie

The researcher focuses and conceives the movie carefully, scene by scene

to find out the felicity condition in the movie.

4. Read the manuscript

After the researcher finished watching The Hunger Games movie, she read

the manuscript of the movie to make sure that the utterances is appropriate

to be analyzed.

5. Finding the data

The researcher observes the data from the manuscript of The Hunger

Games movie. So that, the researcher can finds the data to be analyzed.

6. Listing the data

The researcher lists the data according to the theory from the previous

chapter to make it easier to classifying the data.

E. Technique of Data Coding

In order to make easier the classification and analysis of data in the

research, each datum is marked by a code. The coding of data in this research

can be seen through the following ways:

1. The number of each datum.

2. The current speaker.

PS: President Snow

KE: KatnissEverdeen

PE: Primrose Everdeen


KM: Katniss Mother

GH: Gale Hawthorne

PM: PeetaMelark

HA: Haymitch Abernathy

ET: Effie Trinket

CF: Caesar Flickerman

CN: Cinna

PT: Portia

3. The type of felicity condition which are G for generalcondition, C for

contentcondition, P for preparatory condition, S for sincerity condition,

and E for essential condition.

4. The timing in which the utterance was uttered.

To make clear the coding, an example will be presented:

01/PS/G/00:34:18 which means the datum is number 01. The speaker is

President Snow. The condition is President Snow gave speech in front of

Capitol civil and tributes. It contains general condition. And it occurred at


F. Technique of Analyzing Data

There are some methods which are used by the researcher to analyze

the data:

a. Analyzing the found condition of conversation that contains the type of

felicity in accordance with the theory of felicity condition.


b. Listing the foundcondition of conversations of all felicity condition types.

c. Classifying the found condition of conversations into its type of felicity


d. Making the table based on the kinds of felicity condition.

e. Concluding the findings and discussing them in the thesis.

The example of the table in accordance to the theory which is outlined

on the previous chapter are as follows:

Table1. Types of Felicity Condition

No. Types of Felicity Condition Number of Data Total Precentage 1. General Condition 2. Content Condition 3. Preparatory Condition 4. Sincerity Condition 5. Essential Condition Total

The table is used to classifying each type of felicity condition by

using the number of data from each condition and the total of each condition.

Then the researcher counted the frequency of each type by using the formula:

푁푢푚푏푒푟표푓푓푟푒푞푢푒푛푐푦표푓푐푒푟푡푎푖푛푡푦푝푒푇표푡푎푙푓푟푒푞푢푒푛푐푦표푓푎푙푙푑푎푡푎푐표푙푙푒푐푡푖표푛 푥 100% = ⋯ %




This chapter presents the result of the research. As mentioned in the first

chapter, the objectives of this research are to distinguish and define the types of

felicity conditionin The Hunger Games movie and to find out its application in

teaching speaking. Moreover, this chapter divided into three sections: data

description,data analysis, and discussion. The first section, data description show

that the data is the utterances of the kinds of felicity conditionfounded in The

Hunger Games movie. The second section, the data analysis section, talks about

the analysis findings of the kinds of felicity condition founded in The Hunger

Games movie. The last section, the discussionis going to explain about the

analysis of felicity condition in The Hunger Games movie and about how the

teacher applies this research toteach speaking in twelfth grade of senior high


A. Data Description

This section present about the description of the data used by the researcher

to analyze the felicity condition in The Hunger Games movie.

1. General Condition

a) Gale Hawthorne: Happy Hunger Games.

Gale Hawthorne: Forty two. Guess the odds aren’t exactly in my




b) Effie Trinket: Now the time has come for us to select one courageous

young man and woman for the honor of representing District 12 in

the 74th annual Hunger Games. As usual, ladies first.

c) President Snow:Welcome. Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you. We

salute the courage and your sacrifice. And we wish you Happy

Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

d) Caesar Flickerman: What do you think folks?

Caesar Flickerman: I think that’s a yes!

e) Caesar Flickerman: Ladies and gentlemen, from district 12,

KatnissEverdeen the girl on fire!

f) Haymitch Abernathy: Okay. Why don’t you get out of here? Maybe I

can deliver you both in one piece tomorrow.

g) Caesar Flickerman: Ladies and gentlemen, the star-crossed lovers,

from district 12. This year’s victors, of the 74th annual Hunger


2. Content Condition

a) KatnissEverdeen: They’d catch us.

KatnissEverdeen: Cut out our tongues, or worse. We wouldn’t make it

five miles.

b) KatnissEverdeen:It’s a mockingjay pin, to protect you. And as long as

you have it, nothing bad will happen to you. Okay? I promise.

c) KatnissEverdeen: Take care of ’em, Gale. Whatever you do, don’t let

them starve!


d) Haymitch Abernathy: You better keep this knife; he knows what he’s


e) Haymitch Abernathy:They can be arrogant, and arrogance can be a

big problem.

f) Haymitch Abernathy:Stop it! Stop it!

g) President Snow: Well I have. There are lots of underdogs. Lots of coal

too, crops, minerals, things we need. There are lots of underdogs, and

I think if you could see them, you would not root for the martyr, unlike

you. Be careful.

h) KatnissEverdeen: I heard the cannon!

KatnissEverdeen: That’s nightlock, Peeta!

KatnissEverdeen: You’d be dead in a minute!

3. Preparatory Condition

a) KatnissEverdeen: I know. I know. But it’s not. It’s your first year,

Prim. You’re name’s only been in there once, they’re not gonna pick

you. Try to go to sleep.

b) KatnissEverdeen: Prim, I don’t have much time. Prim, listen! You’re

gonna be okay. Don’t take any extra food from them; it isn’t worth

putting in your name more times, okay? Listen, Gale will bring you

game, you can sell cheese from your goat.

c) PeetaMellark: I have no chance of winning! None! Alright? It’s true.

Everybody knows it. Do you know what my mother said? She said


district 12 might finally have a winner. But she wasn’t talking about

me, she was talking about you.

d) President Snow: Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little

hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as

it’s contained.

President Snow: So, contain it.

e) KatnissEverdeen: Let’s start, right now!

f) KatnissEverdeen: Trust me. Trust me.

4. Sincerity Condition

a) KatnissEverdeen:Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, you were just dreaming.

You were dreaming.

b) KatnissEverdeen: I just gotta go. But I’ll be back. I love you.

c) KatnissEverdeen: Thank you.

d) KatnissEverdeen: You need to get out of here! You need to get out of


KatnissEverdeen: Go find mom!

KatnissEverdeen: Prim, go find mom!

e) KatnissEverdeen: Don’t cry.

KatnissEverdeen: Don’t cry. Don’t.

f) Haymitch Abernathy: You’d freeze to death first.

Haymitch Abernathy: No, that’s a good way to get killed.


g) Caesar Flickerman: Now see that! I love that! Two young people,

holding their hands up, saying; ‘I’m proud I come from district 12.

We will not be overlooked.’ Now I love that!

h) Katniss: Thank you for your consideration.

i) PeetaMellark: Congratulations.

j) President Snow: I mean, why do we have a winner? I mean if we just

wanted to intimidate the districts why not round up twenty four at

random, and execute them all at once? It would be a lot faster.

k) KatnissEverdeen: I’m sorry I went after you.

l) President Snow: Well I have. There are lots of underdogs. Lots of coal

too, crops, minerals, things we need. There are lots of underdogs, and

I think if you could see them, you would not root for the martyr, unlike

you. Be careful.

m) PeetaMellark: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

n) President Snow: Congratulations.

President Snow: What a lovely pin.

President Snow: They must be very proud of you.

5. Essential Condition

a) KatnissEverdeen:No! I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!

b) KatnissEverdeen: Of course. Any maybe I can, I am smart, you know.

c) Katniss’ Mother:I won’t.

[Katniss’ mother nods with tears in her eyes]


d) Haymitch Abernathy: Oh. Okay. Um…embrace the probability of

your imminent death. And know, in your heart, that there’s nothing I

can do to save you.

e) Haymitch Abernathy: Oh! Not what you were expecting. Well, when

you’re in the middle of the games, and you’re starving or freezing,

some water, a knife or even some matches can mean the difference

between life and death. And those things only come from sponsors,

and to get sponsors, you have to make people like you. And right now,

sweetheart, you’re not off to a real good start.

f) Cinna: Yeah, but I don’t wanna do that. I wanna do something that

they’re gonna remember. Did they explain about trying to get


Cinna: We’ll see. I just think somebody that brave shouldn’t be

dressed up in some stupid costume now, should they?

g) Portia:In two weeks, twenty three of you will be dead, one of you will

be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the

next four days. Particularly to what I’m about to say. First; no

fighting with the other tributes, you’ll have plenty of time for that at

the arena. There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be

individual training. My advice is don’t ignore the survival skills.

Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from

natural causes, ten percent from infection, twenty percent from

dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife.


h) Haymitch Abernathy: Tomorrow they’ll bring you in one by one,

they’ll evaluate you. This is important cause higher ratings will mean

sponsors. This is the time to show them everything. They’ll be a bow,

make sure you use it. Peeta, you make sure to show your strength.

They’ll start with district 1, so the two of you will go last. Well, I don’t

know how else to put this. Make sure they remember you.

i) Effie Trinket: Mad? You realize that your actions reflect badly on all

of us, not just you!

j) Haymitch Abernathy: They’ll put all kinds of stuff right in front, right

in the mouth of the Cornucopia. They’ll even be a bow there, don’t go

for it.

Haymitch Abernathy: It’s a blood bath, they’re trying to pull you in,

that’s not your game. You turn, run, find high ground, look for water.

Water’s your new best friend. Now, don’t step off that pedestal early

or they’ll blow you sky high.

k) Haymitch Abernathy: Don’t kill her. You’d just create a martyr.

l) Haymitch Abernathy: They’re not happy with you.

Haymitch Abernathy: Because you showed them up.

Haymitch Abernathy: Katniss, this is serious. Not just for you. They

don’t take these things lightly.


B. Data Analysis

As mentioned on the previous chapter, the data of this research is the

kinds of felicity condition contained in The Hunger Games movie. The

researcher summarizes the result of the data analysis before analyzing the

data in details. In order to make the reader understand easily, the researcher

will present it in table. From The Hunger Games movie whichhas length

about 2 hours 24 minutes, the researcher was able to find total 49felicity

condition. According to Yule (2003:50), there are fivetypes of felicity

condition. They are general condition, content condition, preparatory

condition, sincerity condition, and essential condition. The researcher puts the

number of total and percentage of the each type of felicity condition to make

the research finding is clear.

Table2. Findings Types of Felicity Conditions No Types of Felicity Conditions Number of Data Total Percentage

1. General Condition 5, 8, 22, 32, 33, 36, 46,

and 48 8 16.33%

2. Content Condition 4, 7, 15, 19, 24, 34, 39,

42, and 43 9 18.37%

3. Preparatory Condition 2, 11, 25, 31, 35, and

45 6 12.24%

4. Sincerity Condition

1, 3, 6, 10, 14, 17, 21,

27, 29, 30, 37, 41, 44,

and 49 14 28.57%

5. Essential Condition

9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20,

23, 26, 28, 38, 40, and

47 12 24.49%

Total 49 100%


Based on the table above, the researcher concluded that there are

49felicity conditions in the movie. As seen on the table, 8 (16.33%) data

belongs to general condition, 9 (18.37%) data belongs tocontent condition, 6

(12.24%) data belongs to preparatory condition, 14 (28.57%) data belongs to

sincerity condition, and 12 (24.49%) data belongs to essential condition of

felicity.From 49 data which are taken by the researcher, sincerityconditions

are more frequently happen than the other felicity condition. The discussion

shows that there are 14sincerity conditions or about 28.57% from the total

felicity conditionshown in the movie. Sincerity condition becomes the

dominant data of the discussion because the utterances in the movie contain a

lot of sincerity.

C. Discussions

Research discussion is the important thing in this research. Here, the

researcher will presents the further explanation from the data analysis above.

In this discussion, the researcher will divide the discussion section into the

analysis of felicity condition in The Hunger Games movie and the

application of felicity condition to teach speaking in twelfth grade of senior

high school.

1. Felicity Condition found in The Hunger Games Movie

In this discussion, the researcher will include the conversations

where every type of felicity condition occurred. Then it will be explained

and discussed clearly. The details explanations are as follow:


a. General Condition

General condition means that the speaker and the hearer are in

general situation. According to Yule (2003:50) General conditions on

the participant, for example, that they can understand the language

being used and that they are not playing-acting or being nonsensical.

Submit your homework now!

The teacher said to the students. All participant are understand

the language, they are not playing acting and the teacher’s sentence is

makes sense. In this movie, The Hunger Games,the researcher found

that there are 8general conditions occurred. The data will be discussed

as follow:

1. 5/GH/G/00:07:30 – 00:07:50

a) Data Description

[She splits the bread in half and gives a piece to Gale; as they

are about to eat the bread]

Gale Hawthorne: Happy Hunger Games.

[Katniss jokingly does a fake British accent]

KatnissEverdeen: Andmay the odds be ever in your favor.

[they eat their bread in silence for moment]

KatnissEverdeen: How many times has your name entered it?

Gale Hawthorne: Forty two. Guess the odds aren’t exactly in

my favor.


b) Context of Situation

This conversation is occurred in minute 00:07:30. In

this scene, Katniss and Gale are talking about capitol annual

event, the hunger games and its taglines. Katniss ask Gale

about his name in the fishbowl for the hunger games and Gale

answer there are 42 of his name on it. Gale guesses that the

odds are not exactly in his favor.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belongs to general condition

because the participant here; Gale and Katniss, are know what

they are talking about. That is about the taglines of the hunger

games from the capitol, and they think that the odds are not

exactly in Gale side. Therefore, this condition is included into

general condition.

2. 8/ET/G/00:14:00 – 00:15:00

a) Data Description

Effie Trinket: Now the time has come for us to select one

courageous young man and woman for the honor of

representing District 12 in the 74th annual Hunger Games.

As usual, ladies first.

[Effie picks a piece of paper from a large bowl containing all

the children’s names; she opens it and reads out the name]

Effie Trinket: Primrose Everdeen. Where are you dear? Well,


come on up.

[a scared looking Prim hesitates]

Effie Trinket: Well, come on up!

b) Context of Situation

This condition is occurred in minute 00:14:00. In this

scene, Effie Trinket as Capitol person in charge of looking for

tributes in district 12 announce in front of district 12 people

time to select one courageous men and women to represent

district 12 in the 74th annual hunger games. After Effie picked

one of paper in the fishbowl, she calls Primrose Everdeen as

picked courageous women to represent district 12.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to general condition

because of the participant here; Effie and district 12 people are

in the middle of reaping day. They can understand the language

being used and they are not playing acting because the fear of

get picked for 74th annual hunger games is real and in their

tradition of reaping day, this is make sense that every year they

pick children for participate in the hunger games. Therefore

this condition is included in general condition.


3. 23/PS/G/00:34:16 – 00:34:55

a) Data Description

[As the tributes take their place in the arena in front of

President Snow]

President Snow:Welcome. Welcome. Tributes, we welcome

you. We salute the courage and your sacrifice. And we wish

you Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your


[The crowd cheers]

b) Context of Situation

This condition is occurred in minute 00:34:16. In this

scene, President Snow welcoming the hunger games tributes,

and giving speech in front of capitol civil.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to general condition

because when President Snow welcoming the tributes and

giving speech in front of capitol civil, the participant can

understand the language being used by President Snow and it

make sense that President welcoming and giving speech.

4. 32/CF/G/00:56:11–00:56:21

a) Data Description

[the audience cheers]

Caesar Flickerman: Wait! Wait! Wait! Is it safe?


KatnissEverdeen: Yes.

[audience laughs]

Caesar Flickerman: What do you think folks?

[as the audience cheers loudly]

Caesar Flickerman: I think that’s a yes!

b) Context of Situation

This condition is occurred in minute 00:56:11. In this

situation Caesar Flickerman as the presenter of the hunger

games ask Katniss in the night before games about her fire

dress and she willing to let the audience look at her fire dress.

Caesar asks if it is safe, and Katniss answer yes. As the

presenter, Caesar asks the audience about it and the audience

cheers loudly which means yes they will like it.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to general condition

because the participant here can understand the language used

by Caesar Flickerman as the presenter of the games. The

utterances said by Caesar also make sense because he is the

presenter of the hunger games TV program.


5. 33/CF/G/00:57:48 – 00:57:58

a) Data Description

Caesar Flickerman: Ladies and gentlemen, from district 12,

KatnissEverdeen the girl on fire!

[the audience cheers loudly for her]

b) Context of Situation

This condition is occurred in minute 00:57:48. In this

situation Caesar Flickerman as the presenter presenting Katniss

in the night before the hunger games begin to the audience.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to general condition

because the audience as the participant here can understand

Caesar Flickerman words. The evidence is that they cheers

loudly for Katnissbecause Caesar words in presenting Katniss.

6. 36/HA/G/01:00:59 – 01:01:05

a) Data Description

[after explain to Katniss, he turning to Peeta]

Haymitch Abernathy: Okay. Why don’t you get out of here?

Maybe I can deliver you both in one piece tomorrow.

[Peeta, looking upset, walks off]

b) Context of Situation

This condition occurred in minute 01:00:59. In this

situation Katniss got mad and attack Peeta because the idea of


start crossed lovers, and Haymitch tried to explain to Katniss.

After explain it, he askPeeta to go to his room because

tomorrow is d-day of the hunger games. Peeta agree and walks

off to his room.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to general condition

because Haymitch as the district 12 mentor asks Peeta as the

participant in this context to get out and back to his room. Peeta

understand what Haymitch said and agree to go back to his

room. Haymitch words make sense because he is the mentor of

district 12 tributes and has responsible to them.

7. 46/VA/G/02:10:14–02:10:40

a) Data Description

[just as they are about to eat the berries the voice of the

announcer stops them]

Voice of Announcer: Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, may I

present the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games.

[on hearing this Katniss hugs Peeta]

b) Context of Situation

This condition is occurred in minute 02:10:14. In this

situation Katniss and Peeta are about to eat berries because the

gamemaker keep on change the rules in the last minutes of the

hunger games. But the voice announcer, in fact the


gamemakerhimself stop them and announce that they are the

victors of the 74th annual hunger games.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to general condition

because the participant here, Katniss, Peeta and the viewer

understand that the voice announcer announce the victors of the

74th annual hunger games and it make sense because voice

announcer is the gamemaker himself and he decide to stop

them and make them as the victors of the 74th annual hunger


8. 48/CF/G/02:12:52 – 02:13:02

a) Data Description

Caesar Flickerman: And what about you, Peeta?

PeetaMellark:She saved my life.

KatnissEverdeen: We saved each other.

[the audience sighs]

Caesar Flickerman: Ladies and gentlemen, the star-crossed

lovers, from district 12. This year’s victors, of the 74th annual

Hunger Games!

[the audience cheers for them]

b) Context of Situation

This condition is occurred in minute 02:12:52. In this

situation Caesar interviewing the victors of the 74th annual


hunger games KatnissEverdeen and PeetaMelark. On the last

lines of his interview, Caesar present and cheers for the victors

to the audience. And then the audience cheers for them.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to general condition

because the participant here; Katniss, Peeta, and the audience,

understand the language used by the presenter Caesar

Flickerman, and it make sense and Caesar is not playing acting

when announce the victors.

b. Content Condition

Content condition means that the content of a condition must

be about a future event, if it’s a promise, then it will be the future act

of the speaker. According to Yule (2003:50) content condition for

example, for both a promise and a warning, the content of the utterance

must be about a future event. A further content condition for a promise

requires that the future event will be a future act of the speaker.

If you don’t behave, I promise you there’s going to be trouble

In this movie, The Hunger Games, the researcher found that

there are 9 content conditions occurred. The data will be discussed as



1. 4/KE/C/00:06:44 – 00:07:03

a) Data Description

Gale Hawthorne: We could do it, you know. Take off, live in the

woods. It’s what we do anyway.

KatnissEverdeen: They’d catch us.

Gale Hawthorne: Maybe not.

KatnissEverdeen: Cut out our tongues, or worse. We wouldn’t

make it five miles.

Gale Hawthorne: No, I’d get five miles. I’d go that way.

KatnissEverdeen: I have Prim and you have your brothers.

b) Context of Situation

This conversation occurred in minute 00:06:44. In this

scene, Gale invites Katniss to take off and live in the wood

with him. But Katniss refuse it because she knew that they or

the peacekeepers will catch them. But Gale thinks positively

and said maybe not. Katniss add that the peacekeepers will

torture them, cut their tongue or worse. Gale still wants to take

off, but Katniss warn him again that she has Prim and he has

his brothers.

c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to content condition of

warning because in Katniss utterances, she warns Gale about

what will exactly happen in the future if they running off and


live in the wood. The peacekeepers will catch them, cut their

tongue or worse, and they will not make it five miles.

2. 7/KE/C/00:09:43 – 00:10:00

a) Data Description

[after Prim and Katniss put on their finest clothing for the


KatnissEverdeen: You wanna see what I got you today?

[Katniss gives the pin she got earlier at the market to Prim]

KatnissEverdeen:It’s a mockingjay pin, to protect you. And as

long as you have it, nothing bad will happen to you. Okay? I


b) Context of Situation

This conversation occurred in minute 00:09:43. In this

scene, Katniss tried to talk to scared Prim about what she got

today. Katniss gives the pin she got earlier at the market to

Prim and exlplain that it is a mockingjay pin to protect Prim.

Katniss promises that as long as Prim has mockingjay pin she

will safe and nothing bad will happen to her.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition of

promise because in Katniss utterance, she promises to her sister

Prim, that as long as Prim has the mockingjaypin nothing bad

will happen to Prim. Content condition for a promise is that the


future event will be a future act of the speaker. It means that

Katniss will always protect her sister, Primrose Everdeen.

3. 15/GH/C/00:20:18 – 00:20:31

a) Data Description

KatnissEverdeen: They’re twenty four of us, Gale, and only one

comes out.

Gale Hawthorne: Yeah, and it’s gonna be you.

[a guard comes into the room to get Gale]

Peacekeeper #1:Okay.

KatnissEverdeen: Take care of ’em, Gale. Whatever you do,

don’t let them starve!

[Katniss hugs Gale again before the guard ushers Gale out of

the room]

Peacekeeper #1: Let’s go.

Gale Hawthorne: I’ll see you soon, okay?

[Gale is taken out of the room]

b) Context of Situation

This conversation occurred in minute 00:20:18. In this

scene, Katniss scared about the hunger games because there

will only one be the victors. Gale convinces Katniss that she

will be the victors. Before they talk longer, the peacekeepers

get in to get Gale. Katniss ask Gale to take care of her mother

and sister and never let them starve. Katniss hug Gale again


before he taken out and Gale promises that he will see Katniss


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition of

promising because in Gale utterance, he promise will see

Katniss soon. Katniss utterance of ask Gale to take care of her

mother and sister will be the future event of Gale because of his

promising utterance that he will meet Katniss soon.

4. 19/HA/C/00:27:42 – 00:28:36

a) Data Description

[as they enter the Capitol, Peeta gets up and look out the train


PeetaMellark: There it is. It’s huge! It’s incredible.

[as the train is pulling to a stop they see crowd of people

waiting outside cheering them, Peeta smiles and waves at them,

he turns to Katniss to join him]

PeetaMellark: Come on! Come on!

[Haymitch turns to Katniss]

Haymitch Abernathy: You better keep this knife; he knows

what he’s doing.

b) Context of Situation

This conversation occurred in minute 00:27:42. In this

scene Haymitch, Peeta, and Katniss enters the capitol. As they


enter, Peeta get up and complimenting the incredible capitol.

When the train is pulling to a stop they see people crowd

waiting outside cheer for them. Peeta smiles and ask Katniss to

join him. Haymitch warn Katniss better to keep the knife

because unlike Katniss, Peeta know how to make people love


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition of

warning. The proof is on Haymitch utterance. He warns

Katniss to keep the knife which she used to stab the mat

between Haymitch fingers. Haymitch’s warning will be the

future act of Katniss because unlike her, Peeta know how to get

sponsors and make people like him or tributes from district 12.

5. 24/HA/C/00:39:13 – 00:39:29

a) Data Description

PeetaMellark:So how good are they?

Haymitch Abernathy: Obviously they’re pretty good. They win

it almost every year, but…

Effie Trinket:Almost.

Haymitch Abernathy:They can be arrogant, and arrogance

can be a big problem.


b) Context of Situation

The condition above is occurred in minute 00:39:14. In

this scene, they talk about tributes from district 1 and 2.

Haymitch said that they are pretty good and they win almost

every year, but Effie disagrees with him. Haymitch said that

they can be arrogant, and arrogance can be a big problem.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition of

warning. Haymitch utterance about being arrogant is a warning

for Katniss who had bad personalities. Haymitch said that

because he doesn’t want Katniss being arrogant and in the

future she get into big problem in the hunger games arena.

6. 34/HA/C/01:00:24 – 01:00:31

a) Data Description

[asPeeta walks backstage from his interview with Flickerman,

suddenly a very angry Katniss grabs hold of him and pushes

him against the wall]

KatnissEverdeen:What the hell was that? You don’t talk to me

and then you say you have a crush on me? You say you wanna

train alone? Is that how you wanna play? Huh?

[Haymitch pulls her from Peeta]

Haymitch Abernathy:Stop it! Stop it!


b) Context of Situation

The condition above is occurred in minute 01:00:24. In

this scene, Katniss got mad to Peeta, grab him and pushes him

against the wall. Katniss angry because she feels betrayed by

Peeta when he said ha have crush on her but he didn’t talk to

Katniss. Haymitch pull her from Peeta and warns her to stop.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition of

warning. Haymitch utterance for Katniss to stop the fight is

about the future act of Katniss. Haymitch pull her from Peeta

and warns her to stop attacking Peeta.

7. 39/KE/C/01:34:16 – 01:34:31

a) Data Description

[Rue and Katniss form a plan to destroy the other tributes


KatnissEverdeen: Now this green stuff is gonna smoke like

crazy, so soon as you light it, move on to the next fire. Light

this one last and I’ll meet you back over there.

Rue: Right.

KatnissEverdeen: And then, I’ll destroy their stuff while

they’re chasing you.


b) Context of Situation

The condition above is occurred in minute 01:34:16. In

this scene, Rue and Katniss planning to destroy the other

tributes supply. Rue has a task to get their attention by burn the

tree and Katniss will go to Rue after destroy the other tributes


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition

according to Katniss utterances. She explain to Rue how to

catch the other tributes attention and promise to Rue will meet

her back over there. Katniss utterance include in content

condition because her promise of meet Rue again over there

will be her future act as the speaker.

8. 42/PS/C/01:46:54 – 01:47:36

a) Data Description

[Seneca takes Haymitch’s proposal to create a love story

between Katniss and Peeta to Snow]

President Snow: So you like an underdog?

Seneca Crane: Everyone likes an underdog.

President Snow: I don’t do. Have you been out there, 10, 11,


Seneca Crane: Uh…not personally, no.

President Snow: Well I have. There are lots of underdogs.


Lots of coal too, crops, minerals, things we need. There are

lots of underdogs, and I think if you could see them, you

would not root for the martyr, unlike you. Be careful.

b) Context of Situation

This conversation occurred in minute 01:46:54. In this

scene President Snow doesn’t like when Seneca Crane, as the

gamemaker take Haymitch proposal about young love of

Katniss and Peeta. Seneca actually know that it will root for the

martyr, but he want to try something new with young love

story. But President Snow doesn’t like Seneca idea and warn

him to be careful.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition of

warning according to President Snow utterance. He warns

Seneca Crane as the gamemaker of the hunger games to be

careful. His idea about young love with Katniss as the main

character can root for the martyr in the future.

9. 43/KE/C/02:00:39 – 02:01:03

a) Data Description

[asKatniss is hunting, she hears a cannon go off and frantically

looks for Peeta, as she calls out to him, Peeta suddenly he runs

into her]

PeetaMellark: You okay?


KatnissEverdeen:I heard the cannon!

[she sees that Peeta has been collecting nightlock berries,

which are poisonous]

KatnissEverdeen:That’s nightlock, Peeta!

[she knocks the berries out of his hand]

KatnissEverdeen: You’d be dead in a minute!

PeetaMellark: I didn’t know.

b) Context of Situation

This conversation occurred in minute 02:00:39. In this

scene Katniss frantically looks for Peeta as she heard the

canon. She afraid that canon is from Peeta. As they meet,

Katniss look Peeta collecting for nightlock berries which are

poisonous. Katniss warn Peeta that the berries are poisonous

and he could be dead in a minute if he eats it. Peeta didn’t

know about that.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to content condition of

warning. Katniss as the speaker warns Peeta about the

nightlock berries which are poisonous. She warns Peeta

because if he eats the berries he can be dead in a minute.

Katniss utterance include in content condition because her

utterance is about warning for a future event.


c. Preparatory Condition

Preparatory condition has many kinds of condition of

preparation. According to Yule (2003:50) preparatory conditions for a

promise are significantly different from those for a warning. When

someone promises to do something, there are two preparatory

conditions: first, the event will not happen by itself, and second, the

event will have a beneficial effect. When someone utters a warning,

there are the following preparatory conditions: it is not clear that the

hearer knows the event will occur, and the event will not have a

beneficial effect.

You will hear from me

His condition related to another condition, that is sincerity


In this movie, The Hunger Games, the researcher found that

there are 6 preparatory conditions occurred. The data will be discussed

as follow:

1. 2/KE/P/00:01:43 – 00:02:01

a) Data Description

Primrose Everdeen: It was me!

KatnissEverdeen: I know. I know. But it’s not. It’s your first

year, Prim. You’re name’s only been in there once, they’re

not gonna pick you. Try to go to sleep.


Primrose Everdeen: I can’t.

KatnissEverdeen: Just try. Just try.

b) Context of Situation

This conversation occurred in minute 00:01:43. In this

scene Prim was dream about she being chosen in the reaping

day for the hunger games. She screams and Katniss calm her

down by saying good thing. It is just first year of Prim’s name

in the list of children in the reaping days, and her name is only

been there once. There are few probability Prim’s name will be

picked. Katniss ask Prim to back sleep, but Prim cannot sleep

because of the dream.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to preparatory condition

because it is not clear that Prim as the hearer, know that the

event will occur. Katniss as the speaker thought that the

reaping days for the hunger games Prim was dreamed about

will not occur and the event will not have a beneficial effect.

2. 11/KE/P/00:18:00 – 00:18:32

a) Data Description

[Katniss is ushered into a room and given 3 minutes to spend

with her mother and Prim, who is crying as she hugs Katniss]

KatnissEverdeen: Prim, I don’t have much time. Prim, listen!

You’re gonna be okay. Don’t take any extra food from them;


it isn’t worth putting in your name more times, okay? Listen,

Gale will bring you game, you can sell cheese from your goat.

Primrose Everdeen: Just try to win, if you can.

b) Context of Situation

Katniss is ushered into a room and given three minutes

to spend with her mother and Prim. Prim hug her and crying.

Katniss told her that she can’t take any extra food from capitol

because one take one name will be add in the hunger games list

for next reaping days. Katniss said that Gale will bring her

game and she can sell goat cheese. Prim just wish that Katniss

can try to win the hunger games.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to preparatory condition

because in Katniss utterance, she warns Prim not to take any

extra food from the capitol. Prim as the hearer is not clearly

knows the event will occurs, and the event will not have a

beneficial effect. The event here is she takes any extra food

from the capitol as Katniss warns her not to do.

3. 25/PM/P/00:39:51 – 00:40:25

a) Data Description

KatnissEverdeen: No, but you might have a better chance of

winning if somebody comes after you with a knife.

PeetaMellark: I have no chance of winning! None!


Alright?It’s true. Everybody knows it. Do you know what my

mother said? She said district 12 might finally have a winner.

But she wasn’t talking about me, she was talking about you.

[Katniss looks away from Peeta and the table goes quite]

b) Context of Situation

They are in the middle of breakfast and talk about their

abilities and their chance of winning. Katniss can hunt, and

Peeta is strong. Peeta disagree with Katniss opinion about his

better chance of winning. He warns Katniss that he has no

chance of winning. He also said that his mother told him about

district 12 might finally have a winner, but Peeta’s mom

talking about Katniss, not him.

c) Data Analysis

This condition belongs to preparatory condition because

in Peeta utterance there is preparatory condition of warning.

When he warns Katniss about he has no better chance of

winning, it is not clear that Katniss as the hearer knows the

event will occur. The event also will not have a beneficial

effect, no matter who will win; the hunger games will not have

a beneficial effect.


4. 31/PS/P/00:50:39 – 00:51:06

a) Data Description

President Snow: Hope.

Seneca Crane: Hope?

President Snow: Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear.

A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is

fine, as long as it’s contained.

Seneca Crane: So?

President Snow: So, contain it.

Seneca Crane: Right.

b) Context of Situation

This condition occurred in minute 00:50:39. In this

scene, President Snow has serious conversation with the game-

maker, Seneca Crane. He talks about hope that is the only thing

stronger than fears. He told Seneca to contain that hope.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to preparatory condition

of warning. The proof is in President Snow utterance that

warns the game-maker, Seneca Crane, to containing hope.

Especially the tributes hopes that can root for rebellion if it

cannot be contain. It is not clear that Seneca Crane as the

hearer knows the event or the rebellion will occurs, and the

event will not have a beneficial effect.


5. 35/KE/P/01:00:33 – 01:00:36

a) Data Description


KatnissEverdeen: Let’s start, right now!

Haymitch Abernathy: He did you a favor.

b) Context of Situation

Katniss got angry when Peeta said that he has crush on

her and never told her anything. She attack Peeta and Haymitch

pull her. Katniss ask Peeta to start fight right now. Haymitch

explain that he did a favor for Katniss. She cannot accept it

because she thinks that Peeta make her look weak and she

refuse to be star-crossed lovers with Peeta.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to preparatory condition

of warning. In Katniss utterances, she asks Peeta to start the

fight immediately. Peeta as the hearer not clearly know that the

event will occur. The event here is the fight between Katniss

and him. And the event will not have a beneficial effect.

6. 45/KE/P/02:09:28 – 02:09:35

a) Data Description

[she takes out the nightlock berries she’d taken from Fox

Face’s hand earlier]

PeetaMellark: No!


KatnissEverdeen: Trust me. Trust me.

[she gives Peeta half of the berries]

b) Context of Situation

Due to the rules of the hunger games victor change,

Katniss takes out the nightlock berries she had from Fox Face’s

hand earlier. Peeta said no because he didn’t want to make

people behind this game angry to Katniss but Katniss said he

should trust her before she share the nightlock berries.

c) Data Analysis

The conversations above belong to preparatory

condition. It can be look in Katniss utterance to Peeta that he

should trust her. The event of will not happen by itself because

Katniss ask Peeta to do that with her, and the event will have a

beneficial effect for both of them because they threatening the

game maker by try to eating nightlock berries that make both of

them safe.

d. Sincerity Condition

Sincerity condition is a condition where the speaker said

sincerely and for the act, it should be carried out sincerely. According

to Yule (2003:50) sincerity conditions is a condition that must be

fulfilled if the act is said to be carried out sincerely, but failure to meet


such a condition does not prevent the carrying out of the act altogether.

Congratulations on passing your exam

For a promise, the speaker intends to carry out the future action,

I will definitely back at 6 p.m.

and, for a warning, the speaker genuinely believes that the future

events will not have a beneficial effect.

Don’t go overboard!

In this movie, The Hunger Games, the researcher found that

there are 14 sincerity conditions occurred. The data will be discussed

as follow:

1. 1/KE/S/00:01:33 – 00:01:42

a) Data Description

[in District 13, we hear Prim scream then Katniss comforting

her younger sister]

Primrose Everdeen:No! No!

KatnissEverdeen:Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, you were just

dreaming. You were dreaming.

b) Context of Situation

This condition occurred in minute 00:01:33. In this

scene Prim scream because of her nightmare about being

chosen in the reaping days. Katniss comforting her younger

sister and said that it is okay, she was just dreaming.


c) Data Analysis

The condition above belong to sincerity condition

because Katniss comforting her younger sister with all her

heart, sincerely. She makes sure that Primrose will be safe in

the reaping days no matter what because she loves her younger

sister so much.

2. 3/KE/S/00:02:04 – 00:02:42

a) Data Description

[Prim whispers to Katniss asking for a song, she lies down and

Katniss sings her the first few lines]

KatnissEverdeen: You remember that song? Okay. I gotta go.

[she kisses Prim’s forehead]

Primrose Everdeen: Where?

KatnissEverdeen: I just gotta go. But I’ll be back. I love you.

b) Context of Situation

The condition above occurred in minute 00:02:04. In

this scene Prim whisper to Katniss, asking for a song. Katniss

nods and sing for Prim, and then kiss Prim’s forehead. Katniss

told Prim that she got to go somewhere. She didn’t mention

where she will go but she will be back. Katniss said she love

Prim before go.


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because Katniss said genuinely about she will be back home

although she didn’t mention where she will go. Katniss also

said she loves her younger sister, Prim sincerely.

3. 6/HV/S/00:08:20 – 00:08:40

a) Data Description

[Katniss is at the market when she notices strange looking pin]

KatnissEverdeen: What’s this?

Hob Vendor:That’s uh…mockingjay.

KatnissEverdeen: How much?

Hob Vendor: You keep it. It’s yours.

KatnissEverdeen: Thank you.

b) Context of Situation

Katniss is at the market and she notices strange looking

pin. She ask the hob vendor what is that and answered

mockingjay pin. Katniss ask again how much the pin but the

hob vendor is giving it to Katniss. The hob vendor said that

Katniss can keep it. Katniss smile and said thank you to the hob


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because the hob vendor is giving the mockingjay pin to


Katnissfor free and Katniss accept it and genuinely said thanks

to the hob vendor.

4. 10/KE/S/00:15:41 – 00:15:44

a) Data Description

[after volunteering to take Prim’s place in the Hunger Games]

KatnissEverdeen: You need to get out of here! You need to get

out of here!

Primrose Everdeen: No!

KatnissEverdeen: Go find mom!

Primrose Everdeen: No!

KatnissEverdeen: Prim, go find mom!

Primrose Everdeen: No!

b) Context of Situation

After volunteering to take Prim’s place in the hunger

games, Katniss ask Prim to get out of there and go find their

mom. Feels frustrated, Prim scream and refuse her sister order

to go find their mom. Prim just scream ‘no!’ until Gale take her


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because Katniss sincerely ask Prim to get out of there and find

their mom. Katniss do that because she afraid Prim will keep


scream and shock of what Katniss do, that is being volunteer to

take Prim’s place in the hunger games.

5. 14/KE/S/00:19:20 – 00:19:38

a) Data Description

KatnissEverdeen: Don’t cry.

[she hugs her mother]

KatnissEverdeen: Don’t cry. Don’t.

[the guards come into the room and take Katniss’ mother and a

crying Prim out of the room]

b) Context of Situation

After ushered in a room, Katniss meet up with Prim and

her mother. She hug her mother and ask her mother to not cry

because of her volunteering for Prim. The guards come and

take Katniss’ mother and a crying Prim out of the room.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because Katniss sincerely ask her mother not to cry because of

her volunteering to take Prim’s place in the hunger games.

Katniss just do not want her mother cry and sad if she killed in

the arena.


6. 17/HA/S/00:26:03 – 00:26:09

a) Data Description

[in the morning as they continue to ride on the train, Katniss

notices Peeta is talking to Haymitch over breakfast]

Haymitch Abernathy: You’d freeze to death first.

PeetaMellark: No, cause I’d have a lot of fire.

Haymitch Abernathy: No, that’s a good way to get killed.

b) Context of Situation

In the morning Katniss notice Peeta and Haymitch have

a conversation. Haymitch said that Peeta can be freeze to death

at first. Peeta disagree with him because he can make a fire.

But Haymitch said that make a fire is a good way to get killed.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because Haymitch utterances about life advice in the arena are

sincere. As his mentor, he tells the right advice sincerely to


7. 21/CF/S/00:33:28 – 00:33:42

a) Data Description

[asPeeta grabs hold of Katniss hands and holds up their joined

hands in the air]

Caesar Flickerman: Now see that! I love that! Two young

people, holding their hands up, saying; ‘I’m proud I come


from district 12. We will not be overlooked.’ Now I love that!

Claudius Templesmith: People are sure to be paying attention

to them right now.

[the crowd cheers loudly for Peeta and Katniss]

b) Context of Situation

As Peeta and Katniss joined their hands and holds up in

the air, Caesar Flickerman as the reporter of The Hunger

Games complimenting them and said that he love what they do.

Claudius Templesmith as Caesar partner in reporting also said

that people are sure to be pay attention to them.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because Caesar utterance about complimenting Peeta and

Katniss – tributes from district 12 – is sincere. He did sincerely

that because he really love what Peeta and Katniss do as

tributes. They really get people attention and also Caesar


8. 27/KE/S/00:45:28 – 00:47:30

a) Data Description

[Katniss missed her target in first attempt and the sponsors

ignored her. And then succeed in her second attempt but the

sponsors still ignore her. She mad and shot an apple in among

the sponsors and they startled]

Katniss: Thank you for your consideration.


b) Context of Situation

Katniss missed her target in first attempt and the

sponsors ignored her. And then succeed in her second attempt

but the sponsors still ignore her. She mad and shot an apple in

among the sponsors and they startled. Then Katniss said thank

you for their consideration.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition, but

the utterance Katniss had said is insincere. She thanking the

sponsors who did not paid attention of what she did. The

conditions belong to sincerity condition but the act is carried

out insincere.

9. 29/PM/S/00:49:24 – 00:49:51

a) Data Description

Caesar Flickerman: And finally. From district 12,

KatnissEverdeen.With a score of…eleven.

[everyone is shocked and excited, Peeta looking a bit jealous,

turns to Katniss]

PeetaMellark: Congratulations.

KatnissEverdeen: I thought they hated me.

b) Context of Situation

Caesar announces the individual test score and Katniss

got eleven as the highest score among all tributes. Everyone is


shocked and excited, Peeta looking a bit jealous but still

congratulating Katniss. She never thinks about it because she

thought that the sponsors hate her.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because in Peeta utterance of congratulating Katniss, he looks a

bit jealous. But, when Peeta congratulating Katniss, he really

sincere about that and he thought that Katniss deserve that

score because of her braveness in front of the sponsors.

10. 30/PS/S/00:50:15 – 00:50:39

a) Data Description

[Seneca sits next to Snow]

President Snow: Seneca, why do you think we have a winner?

Seneca Crane: What do you mean?

President Snow: I mean, why do we have a winner? I mean if

we just wanted to intimidate the districts why not round up

twenty four at random, and execute them all at once? It

would be a lot faster.

[Seneca doesn’t know what to reply and just looks at Snow]

b) Context of Situation

President Snow and Seneca have serious conversation

in the garden. President Snow asks Seneca why they should

have a winner if they just want to intimidate the districts due to


the rebellion before. Seneca does not know what to reply and

just look at President Snow.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition.

President Snow utterances show that he asks Seneca as the

game maker about why they have a winner. It includes in

sincerity condition because President Snow asks that question

because of big hope that Seneca give to Katniss, that is score

eleven. The condition above include in sincerity condition but

the act is not carried out sincerely or insincere.

11. 37/KE/S/01:01:30 – 01:02:00

a) Data Description

KatnissEverdeen: Can’t sleep?

PeetaMellark: Of course not.

KatnissEverdeen: I’m sorry I went after you.

PeetaMellark: You know I meant that as a compliment.

KatnissEverdeen: I know.

b) Context of Situation

In the night before The Hunger Games begin, Katniss

look after Peeta. She looks Peeta sit and looking out of the

window. She apologizes about the accident – she attack Peeta

after interview with Caesar – happened before. Peeta consider

it as a compliment.


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition.

Katniss ask for apologize to Peeta genuinely because she went

after him before. Peeta did not mean and thought that it was a

compliment from Katniss.

12. 41/PS/S/01:46:55 – 01:47:39

a) Data Description

[Seneca takes Haymitch’s proposal to create a love story

between Katniss and Peeta to Snow]

President Snow: So you like an underdog?

Seneca Crane: Everyone likes an underdog.

President Snow: I don’t do. Have you been out there, 10, 11,


Seneca Crane: Un…not personally, no.

President Snow: Well I have. There are lots of underdogs.

Lots of coal too, crops, minerals, things we need. There are

lots of underdogs, and I think if you could see them, you

would not root for the martyr, unlike you. Be careful.

b) Context of Situation

Seneca takes Haymitch’s proposal to create a love story

between Katniss and Peeta to President Snow. But he does not

seem like accept the proposal. He does not like an underdog


because they can root for the martyr. He also warns Seneca as

the game maker to be careful.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition of

warning. President Snow said he likes Seneca as the game

maker but he also warns Seneca to be careful. President Snow

genuinely believes that the future events by accepting the

young love will not have a beneficial effect.

13. 44/PM/S/02:01:03 – 02:01:16

a) Data Description

KatnissEverdeen: You scared me to death. Damn you!

[she starts to cry and hugs him tightly]

PeetaMellark: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

b) Context of Situation

Katniss heard the death cannon and she rushed looking

for Peeta who busy collecting berries. Katniss said that the

berries are poisonous and reprimanding him because scared her

to death. Katniss starts to cry and hugs Peeta tightly. Peeta said

sorry because he did not know that the berries are poisonous.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to sincerity condition

because Peeta said sorry to Katniss genuinely. He really did not

know that the berry he collects is nightlock, poisonous berries.


14. 49/PS/S/02:13:04 – 02:13:40

a) Data Description

[at the victors crowning ceremony, President snow places the

crown on Katniss]

President Snow: Congratulations.

KatnissEverdeen: Thank you.

[Snow glances down and notices Katniss’ mockingjay pin on

her dress]

President Snow: What a lovely pin.

KatnissEverdeen: Thank you. It’s from my district.

President Snow: They must be very proud of you.

b) Context of Situation

At the victors crowning ceremony, President Snow

places the crown on Katniss. He congratulates Katniss and

glance down on mockingjay pin on her dress. President Snow

complimenting her mockingjay pins and said that the district

must be proud of her.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above include in sincerity condition, but

the act that the speaker carried out is insincere. President Snow

congratulates Katniss surly. He does not seem happy with the

victors. He also complimenting Katniss’ pins and said her


district must be proud of her, but still does not genuine to do


e. Essential Condition

Essential condition is a condition where the speakers change

their statement for non-obligation to obligation. According to Yule

(2003:50) essential conditions cover the fact that by the act of uttering

a promise, the speakers thereby intend to create an obligatory to carry

out the action as a promised. In other words, the utterance changes the

speakers’ state from non-obligation to obligation. Similarly, with a

warning, under the essential condition, the utterance changes the

speakers’ state from non-informing of a bad future event to informing.

This essential condition thus combines with a specification of what

must be in the utterance content, the context, and the speaker’s

intentions, in order for a specific speech act to be appropriately

(felicitously) performed.

In this movie, The Hunger Games, the researcher found that

there are 12 sincerity conditions occurred. The data will be discussed

as follow:

1. 9/KE/E/00:15:00 – 00:15:38

a) Data Description

[Prim walks slowly towards the stage, suddenly Katniss steps

out and calls out to Prim]


KatnissEverdeen: Prim! Prim!

[the guards stop Katniss from approaching Prim]

KatnissEverdeen:No! I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as


Effie Trinket:I believe we have a volunteer.

b) Context of Situation

When Prim called as the chosen tributes represent

district 12 in the 74th annual hunger games, she walk slowly

toward the stage. Suddenly Katniss step out and calls out to

Prim. The guards stop Katniss from approaching Prim but

suddenly Katniss said she volunteer herself to take Prim’s place

in the 74th annual hunger games. Effie clarifies that district 12

have a volunteer.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because Katniss utterance changes from non-obligation to

obligation. Katniss statement to become volunteer to take her

sister place require her become the tributes to represent district

12 in the 74th annual hunger games.

2. 12/KE/E/00:18:30 – 00:18:44

a) Data Description

Primrose Everdeen: Just try to win, if you can.

KatnissEverdeen: Of course. Any maybe I can, I am smart,


you know.

Primrose Everdeen: You can hunt.

KatnissEverdeen: Exactly.

b) Context of Situation

Prim asks Katniss to try to win the games. Katniss

agree, she said she will try to win, or maybe she can win the

games because she is smart. Prim also convince Katniss that

she can hunt. Katniss agree and said exactly.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because Katniss utterances change from non-obligation to

obligation. She said that she will try to win, any maybe she can

win and she convince Prim that she smart. She also agree with

Prim’s statement that she can hunt.

3. 13/KM/E/00:19:07 – 00:19:19

a) Data Description

KatnissEverdeen: You can’t tune out again.

Katniss’ Mother:I won’t.

KatnissEverdeen: No, you can’t. Not like when dad died. I

won’t be there anymore, you’re all she has. No matter what

you feel, you have to be there for her. Do you understand?

[Katniss’ mother nods with tears in her eyes]


b) Context of Situation

Katniss ask her mother not to tone out Prim again like

when her dad died because Katniss will not be there. All Prim

has just her mother and her mother should be there for her no

matter what she feels. Katniss’s mother nods agree and said she

won’t tune out Prim again.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because of Katniss’ mother utterances that she won’t tune out

Prim again change her statement from non-obligation to

obligation. Katniss ask her not to tune out Prim again and she

said she won’t do that again.

4. 16/HA/E/00:23:55 – 00:24:17

a) Data Description

PeetaMellark: Yeah. Our mentor, you’re supposed to tell us

how to get sponsors and give us advice.

Haymitch Abernathy: Oh. Okay. Um…embrace the probability

of your imminent death. And know, in your heart, that there’s

nothing I can do to save you.

KatnissEverdeen: So why are you here then?

b) Context of Situation

Peeta said that Haymitch is their mentor that should tell

them how to get sponsors and give them advice. Haymitch who


still sick with hunger games just said okay, and then ask them

to embrace the probability of imminent death because he thinks

that there is nothing he can do to save the tributes.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition of

warning because of Haymitch utterance changes his state from

non-informing of a bad future event to informing.Haymitch as

the mentor said that they should reduce the probability of

imminent death because there is nothing he can do to save their


5. 18/HA/E/00:27:00 – 00:27:38

a) Data Description

Haymitch Abernathy: You really wanna know how to stay

alive? You get people to like you.

[Katniss looks surprised at his comment]

Haymitch Abernathy: Oh! Not what you were expecting. Well,

when you’re in the middle of the games, and you’re starving

or freezing, some water, a knife or even some matches can

mean the difference between life and death. And those things

only come from sponsors, and to get sponsors, you have to

make people like you. And right now, sweetheart, you’re not

off to a real good start.


b) Context of Situation

Haymitch said to Katniss that to stay alive, she should

make people like her. Katniss surprised at Haymitch words

because of her personality is not really good. Haymitch said

that when she in the middle of the games, a little thing can

mean the difference between life and death. And those things

only come from sponsors who like the tributes. And Katniss is

not off to a real good start because of her bad personalities.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition of

warning because of Haymitch utterance change his state from

non-informing of a bad future to informing. He said to Katniss

when she is in the middle of the games, a little thing can mean

the difference between life and death.

6. 20/CN/E/00:29:42 – 00:31:15

a) Data Description

Cinna:I’m here to help you make an impression. Now usually

they dress people in the clothes from their district.

KatnissEverdeen: Yeah, ours was coal miners.

Cinna: Yeah, but I don’t wanna do that. I wanna do

something that they’re gonna remember. Did they explain

about trying to get sponsors?

KatnissEverdeen: Yeah, but I’m not very good at making



Cinna: We’ll see. I just think somebody that brave shouldn’t

be dressed up in some stupid costume now, should they?

KatnissEverdeen: I hope not.

b) Context of Situation

Katniss met her stylist Cinna. He will help Katniss to

make an impression with the clothes that the sponsors will

remember. He said that he will not dress Katniss in some stupid

costume like other stylist do.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions belong to essential condition because of

Cinna’s utterances about he will help Katniss make an

impression in front of the sponsors change his state from non-

obligation to obligation. Cinna’s utterances make him should

do what he had said.

7. 23/PT/E/00:37:15 – 00:37:55

a) Data Description

[Addressing the tributes at their first day of training]

Portia:In two weeks, twenty three of you will be dead, one of

you will be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay

attention over the next four days. Particularly to what I’m

about to say. First; no fighting with the other tributes, you’ll

have plenty of time for that at the arena. There are four


compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My

advice is don’t ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to

grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes,

ten percent from infection, twenty percent from dehydration.

Exposure can kill as easily as a knife.

b) Context of Situation

Portia as the coach from capitol said to the tributes in

the first day of training. She said about what will happen in two

weeks. Twenty three of the tributes will be dead due to fighting

in the arena or natural cases. She gave advice to do not ignore

the survival skill because most of them can die due to natural


c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because Portia’s utterances as the coach changeher state as the

speakers’ from non-informing of a bad future event to

informing. Portia informing about what kind of bad future

event will happen in the hunger games.

8. 26/HA/E/00:43:35 – 00:43:58

a) Data Description

[toKatniss and Peeta]

Haymitch Abernathy: Tomorrow they’ll bring you in one by

one, they’ll evaluate you. This is important cause higher


ratings will mean sponsors. This is the time to show them

everything. They’ll be a bow, make sure you use it. Peeta, you

make sure to show your strength. They’ll start with district 1,

so the two of you will go last. Well, I don’t know how else to

put this. Make sure they remember you.

b) Context of Situation

Haymitch said to Katniss and Peeta about the tomorrow

evaluation. He said that this is important because this is the

time to show them everything and get the sponsors. Haymitch

add that Katniss and Peeta should make sure that the sponsors

remember them.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because Haymitch utterances changehis state as the speakers’

from non-informing of a bad future event to informing. If

Katniss and Peeta cannot have a higher rating, then there will

not be sponsors for them because higher rating means sponsors.

9. 28/ET/E/00:47:33 – 00:47:43

a) Data Description

[referring to how Katniss, during her evaluation after missing

her target whilst shooting her bow had then shot her arrow at

the sponsors after they ignored her second attempt]

Effie Trinket: Are you crazy?


KatnissEverdeen: I just got mad.

Effie Trinket: Mad? You realize that your actions reflect badly

on all of us, not just you!

Cinna: They just want a good show, it’s fine.

b) Context of Situation

Effie asks Katniss why she did that in evaluation. She

refer to how Katniss, during her evaluation after missing her

target whilst shooting her bow had then shot her arrow at the

sponsors after they ignored her second attempt. Effie asks

Katniss that does she realize her action will reflect badly to all

of them.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions belong to essential condition because

Effie’s utterances changeher state as the speakers’ from non-

informing of a bad future event to informing. She afraid that

Katniss attitude will have a bad impact to all of them, the team

from district 12.

10. 38/HA/E/01:04:40 – 01:05:07

a) Data Description

[Haymitch gives some final words of advice to Katniss just

before she’s about to take the flight with the other tributes to

begin the game]

Haymitch Abernathy: They’ll put all kinds of stuff right in


front, right in the mouth of the Cornucopia. They’ll even be a

bow there, don’t go for it.

KatnissEverdeen: Why not?

Haymitch Abernathy: It’s a blood bath, they’re trying to pull

you in, that’s not your game. You turn, run, find high

ground, look for water. Water’s your new best friend. Now,

don’t step off that pedestal early or they’ll blow you sky high.

KatnissEverdeen: I won’t.

b) Context of Situation

Haymitch gives final words of advice before Katniss

take her flight to the arena. He said that she should not go for

all the stuff she need in Cornucopia. She should turn, find high

ground and look for water. Because if she went to the

Cornucopia she would dead immediately.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because of Haymitch utterance changehis state as the speakers’

from non-informing of a bad future event to informing. He said

that Katniss should not go to the Cornucopia first because there

will be blood bath there. They try to pull and eliminate many

tributes in first minutes by giving all stuff they need in the

mouth of Cornucopia.


11. 40/HA/E/01:44:50 – 01:46:29

a) Data Description

[after Rue’s death and Katniss’ reaction to her death, there is a

rebellious uprising in district 11; which is causing Seneca to

consider killing Katniss off the show]

Haymitch Abernathy: Don’t kill her. You’d just create a


Seneca Crane: Well it seems we’ve already got one.

b) Context of Situation

After Rue’s death and Katniss’ reaction to her death,

there is a rebellious uprising in district 11; which is causing

Seneca to consider killing Katniss off the show. Haymitch ask

Seneca not to kill her because he will create for a martyr.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because of Haymitch utterance changehis state as the speakers’

from non-informing of a bad future event to informing. He said

to Seneca not to kill Katniss off the show because he will create

for a martyr which lead to rebellion.

12. 47/HA/E/02:10:56 – 02:11:13

a) Data Description

[after returning to the Capitol, Haymitch warns Katniss]

Haymitch Abernathy: They’re not happy with you.


KatnissEverdeen: Why? Because I didn’t die?

Haymitch Abernathy: Because you showed them up.

KatnissEverdeen: Well, I’m sorry it didn’t go the way they

planned. You know, I’m not very happy with them either.

Haymitch Abernathy: Katniss, this is serious. Not just for you.

They don’t take these things lightly.

b) Context of Situation

After returning to the Capitol, Haymitch warns Katniss

about what she did in the last minute of the games. He said that

people behind the hunger games are not happy with Katniss

because she showed them up. Katniss said she also does not

happy with them. Haymitch warns her that this is serious

situation because they do not take the situations lightly.

c) Data Analysis

The conditions above belong to essential condition

because of Haymitch utterance changehis state as the speakers’

from non-informing of a bad future event to informing. He said

that people behind the hunger games are not happy with

Katniss and this is serious situation because they do not take

the situations lightly.

Those are all of discussion of 49 data that have been found and

classified by the researcher.From 49 data which are taken by the researcher,

sincerityconditions are more frequently happened than the other felicity


condition. The discussion shows that there are 14sincerity conditions or

about 28.57% from the total felicity conditionshown in the movie. Sincerity

condition becomes the dominant data of the discussion because the

utterances in the movie contain a lot of sincerity. Besides that, there are only

8general condition or about 16.33%, 9 content condition or about 18.37%, 6

preparatory condition or about 12.24%, and there are 12essential condition

or about 24.49% from the total felicity conditionhappen in The Hunger

Games movie.

2. The Application of Felicity Condition in Teaching Speaking

Brown (2006:8) explains teaching is guiding and facilitating

learning, enabling the learner to learn setting the condition for learning.

Teaching means showing or helping someone to learn how to do

something. Providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand,

while Bailey (2003:48) stated that speaking is the productive aural/oral

skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey

meaning. So, the researcher concludes that teaching speaking is the

process of guiding and facilitating and moreover helping the learners to

get productivity in oral skill.

As a human being and social being it is a must to communicate as

the part of interaction with the others. There must be a context of condition

in every conversation. Yet, not every conversation is well-organized.

Sometimes there must be a misfire of communication occurred either in


formal or informal conversation. Moreover, in everyday conversation, we

cannot avoid the misfire of communication happened because every

person have their own way to conveys their thought. High school students,

in their youth, they do the misfire more on conversation with their friends

or a teacher because of their emotion is still unstable. Furthermore, it is not

a bad idea to study the types of felicity condition in order to practice it

later so that they understand how to make a conversation in appropriate

ways. Therefore, studying felicity condition is important for the students.

Studying felicity condition later can be applied in the classroom

both in the interaction between teacher and student or in the English

material. The application of felicity condition in interaction between the

teacher and students is about the context, the appropriate ways to speak

and have conversation in any conditions. Felicity condition can also be

applied in teaching speaking in class. More specific is teaching speaking

dealing with how to express requesting/asking, blaming, accusing,

admitting, apologizing, promising, and commanding. The expression such

as are deal with felicity condition which can use to teach the student of

how to express those expression in appropriate way. Those expressions are

taught in XII grade in the first semester.

To make it more interesting, teacher can use movie to show the

examples of those expressions. Manser (2000:481) visual aids is picture,

video, so on used in teaching to help people understand something.

Teacher can use The Hunger Games movie. Besides it is an adventure


movie that students will like it, they also can get new knowledge

especially about science fiction as the genre of this movie. These materials

can be taught in grade XII of senior high school in the first semester. The

researcher will give an example of lesson plan of Expression that uses the

movie as the media in teaching.


Subject : English

Class/semester : XII/ I

Time Allocation : 2x45 minutes

Skill Focus : Speaking

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:

1. Identify the expressions of admitting, promising, blaming, wondering, and

showing attitude.

2. Write a dialogue about the expressions of admitting, promising, blaming,

wondering, and showing attitude.

3. Perform the dialogue using the expressions ofadmitting, promising, blaming,

wondering, and showing attitude.


Standard Competence


To express the meaning of formal transactional and interpersonal

conversations texts sustained in daily life context.

Basic Competence

3.2 Expressing meaning in very simple transactional (to get things done)and

interpersonal conversations (to socialize) using oral languagestyle accurately,

fluently, and appropriately in daily life context for the functions of admitting,

promising, blaming, accusing, wondering, and showing attitude.


1. Students are able to identify the expressions of admitting, promising, blaming,

wondering, and showing attitude.

2. Students are able to write a dialogue about the expressions of admitting,

promising, blaming, wondering, and showing attitude.

3. Students are able to perform the dialogue using the expressions of admitting,

promising, blaming, wondering, and showing attitude.

Learning Materials


e.g. A: I admit I was wrong.

B: I told you.



e.g. A: I give you my words.

B: you’d better keep your promise.


e.g. A: you are the one to blame.

B: do you accuse me?


e.g. A: I wonder if …

B: why not?

Learning Methods

1. Demonstration

2. Practice (Role play)

3. Assignment

Learning Activities

1. Initial activity (10 minutes)

Teacher guides routine activity: greet the students, check the students’

attendance Greet the students:

Good morning class. How are you today? Good, I hope everyone is ready to

follow today’s activity.

Checking attendance (Call up the students’ name)

Recalling the relevant previous lesson (To the class)


Tells the aim of today’s teaching learning process

Tells the students about the material

- Expression of admitting, promising, blaming, wondering, and showing


- Kinds of felicity condition

2. Core Activity


- Watching and listen to the movie that played by teacher.


- Identify the kinds of felicity condition contained in the movie under the

teacher’s guidance by giving pause on the each scene containing felicity


- In group of two make a conversation expressing of admitting, promising,

blaming, wondering, and showing attitude occurred in it and submit it.


- Students act out the dialogue related to expression of admitting,

promising, blaming, wondering, and showing attitude in front of the


- Students make a conclusion about the dialogue according to felicity

condition and what type being used by the students.

- Other students are allowed to guess what type of felicity condition being

used by students in front of the class in purpose to make the conversation

in the class is alive.


- Students and teacher make a conclusion.

3. Closing Activities

Asking the difficulties in the process of learning.

Make the conclusion.

Learning Sources

1. LKS / English for SMA

2. Movie

3. PPT


1. Technique : Test and Non-test

2. Form : Observation and Practice

3. Instrument: Ask the students to practice dialogue contains the expression using

those accents that have studied in front of the class.


90-100 = Very good

80-89 = Good

70-79 = Good enough

60-69 = Not good

50-59 = Very poor




After reviewing and explaining some types of felicity condition contained

inThe Hunger Games movie, the researcher comes into the last discussion. In this

chapter, the researcher presents the outcomes of the research involving conclusion

and suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Having analyzed the data as stated in the previous chapter of this

study, the researcher makes some conclusions based on the findings and the

discussions as follows:

1. After analyzing and discussing it on data analysis, the researcher found

out there are 49 felicity conditions occured in The Hunger Games

movie.The data were classified into 5 types of felicity condition. From 49

data which are taken by the researcher, sincerity conditions are more

frequently happened than the other felicity condition. The discussion

shows that there are 14 (28.57%)data belongs to sincerity conditionsfrom

the total felicity condition shown in the movie. Sincerity condition

becomes the dominant data of the discussion because the utterances in the

movie contain a lot of sincerity.8 (16.33%) data belongs to general

condition, 9 (18.37%) data belongs tocontent condition, 6 (12.24%) data

belongs to preparatory condition, and 12 (24.49%) data belongs to

essential condition of felicity.



2. The felicity condition can be applied by teachers in teaching speaking.

Teachers can use the examples of felicity condition occurred in The

Hunger Games movie to teach the students how to use the expression

such as admitting, promising, blaming, wondering and have conversation

appropriately. Furthermore, Teachers can teach their students to use

felicity condition in everyday conversation either inside or outside of

classroom. Learning felicity condition using a movie is able to show the

student’s enthusiasm during teaching learning activity.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher proposes the suggestion

as follows:

1. For the teachers

This research will be so useful for English teachers. This can help

them in understanding the felicity condition which later they also can use

this research to help them in teaching English especially in speaking class.

2. For the students

The researcher hopes that this research can be used by students to

study and learn more about the condition of felicity. So that later student

also can apply the theory in real life especially in class during teaching

learning activity.


3. For the readers

Theoretically, this research hopefully can help the reader in

understanding the felicity condition includes its types. So the reader will

be able to understand the condition in interaction with others in real life

without violating the appropriate rules of felicity.

4. For the researcher

Practically, this research can be used as a reference for other

researcher, especially the students at English Literature and English

Education Program who want to analyze felicity condition as object in

their thesis. The researcher also hopes that this research can motivate and

be useful to the other researchers, so that they can find and develop the

other method to solve something.


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Data Script of The Hunger Games Movie

A. General Condition

1. 5/GH/G/00:07:30 – 00:07:50

[She splits the bread in half and gives a piece to Gale; as they are about

to eat the bread]

Gale Hawthorne: Happy Hunger Games.

[Katniss jokingly does a fake British accent]

KatnissEverdeen: Andmay the odds be ever in your favor.

[they eat their bread in silence for moment]

KatnissEverdeen: How many times has your name entered it?

Gale Hawthorne: Forty two. Guess the odds aren’t exactly in my


2. 8/ET/G/00:14:00 – 00:15:00

Effie Trinket: Now the time has come for us to select one courageous

young man and woman for the honor of representing District 12 in

the 74th annual Hunger Games. As usual, ladies first.

[Effie picks a piece of paper from a large bowl containing all the

children’s names; she opens it and reads out the name]

Effie Trinket: Primrose Everdeen. Where are you dear? Well, come

on up.

[a scared looking Prim hesitates]

Effie Trinket: Well, come on up!

3. 23/PS/G/00:34:16 – 00:34:55

[As the tributes take their place in the arena in front of President


President Snow:Welcome. Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you. We

salute the courage and your sacrifice. And we wish you Happy

Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

[The crowd cheers]

4. 32/CF/G/00:56:11 – 00:56:21

[the audience cheers]

Caesar Flickerman: Wait! Wait! Wait! Is it safe?

KatnissEverdeen: Yes.

[audience laughs]

Caesar Flickerman: What do you think folks?

[as the audience cheers loudly]

Caesar Flickerman: I think that’s a yes!

5. 33/CF/G/00:57:48 – 00:57:58

Caesar Flickerman: Ladies and gentlemen, from district 12,

KatnissEverdeen the girl on fire!

[the audience cheers loudly for her]

6. 36/HA/G/01:00:59 – 01:01:05

[after explain to Katniss, he turning to Peeta]

Haymitch Abernathy: Okay. Why don’t you get out of here? Maybe I

can deliver you both in one piece tomorrow.

[Peeta, looking upset, walks off]

7. 46/VA/G/02:10:14 – 02:10:40

[just as they are about to eat the berries the voice of the announcer

stops them]

Voice of Announcer: Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, may I

present the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games.

[on hearing this Katniss hugs Peeta]

8. 48/CF/G/02:12:52 – 02:13:02

Caesar Flickerman: And what about you, Peeta?

PeetaMellark:She saved my life.

KatnissEverdeen: We saved each other.

[the audience sighs]

Caesar Flickerman: Ladies and gentlemen, the star-crossed lovers,

from district 12. This year’s victors, of the 74th annual Hunger


[the audience cheers for them]

B. Content Condition

1. 4/KE/C/00:06:44 – 00:07:03

Gale Hawthorne: We could do it, you know. Take off, live in the woods.

It’s what we do anyway.

KatnissEverdeen: They’d catch us.

Gale Hawthorne: Maybe not.

KatnissEverdeen: Cut out our tongues, or worse. We wouldn’t make

it five miles.

Gale Hawthorne: No, I’d get five miles. I’d go that way.

KatnissEverdeen: I have Prim and you have your brothers.

2. 7/KE/C/00:09:43 – 00:10:00

[after Prim and Katniss put on their finest clothing for the reaping]

KatnissEverdeen: You wanna see what I got you today?

[Katniss gives the pin she got earlier at the market to Prim]

KatnissEverdeen:It’s a mockingjay pin, to protect you. And as long as

you have it, nothing bad will happen to you. Okay? I promise.

3. 15/GH/C/00:20:18 – 00:20:31

KatnissEverdeen: They’re twenty four of us, Gale, and only one comes


Gale Hawthorne: Yeah, and it’s gonna be you.

[a guard comes into the room to get Gale]

Peacekeeper #1:Okay.

KatnissEverdeen: Take care of ’em, Gale. Whatever you do, don’t let

them starve!

[Katniss hugs Gale again before the guard ushers Gale out of the room]

Peacekeeper #1: Let’s go.

Gale Hawthorne: I’ll see you soon, okay?

[Gale is taken out of the room]

4. 19/HA/C/00:27:42 – 00:28:36

[as they enter the Capitol, Peeta gets up and look out the train window]

PeetaMellark: There it is. It’s huge! It’s incredible.

[as the train is pulling to a stop they see crowd of people waiting

outside cheering them, Peeta smiles and waves at them, he turns to

Katniss to join him]

PeetaMellark: Come on! Come on!

[Haymitch turns to Katniss]

Haymitch Abernathy: You better keep this knife; he knows what he’s


5. 24/HA/C/00:39:13 – 00:39:29

PeetaMellark:So how good are they?

Haymitch Abernathy: Obviously they’re pretty good. They win it

almost every year, but…

Effie Trinket:Almost.

Haymitch Abernathy:They can be arrogant, and arrogance can be a

big problem.

6. 34/HA/C/01:00:24 – 01:00:31

[asPeeta walks backstage from his interview with Flickerman,

suddenly a very angry Katniss grabs hold of him and pushes him

against the wall]

KatnissEverdeen:What the hell was that? You don’t talk to me and

then you say you have a crush on me? You say you wanna train alone?

Is that how you wanna play? Huh?

[Haymitch pulls her from Peeta]

Haymitch Abernathy:Stop it! Stop it!

7. 39/KE/C/01:34:16 – 01:34:31

[Rue and Katniss form a plan to destroy the other tributes supplies]

KatnissEverdeen: Now this green stuff is gonna smoke like crazy, so

soon as you light it, move on to the next fire. Light this one last and

I’ll meet you back over there.

Rue: Right.

KatnissEverdeen: And then, I’ll destroy their stuff while they’re

chasing you.

8. 42/PS/C/01:46:54 – 01:47:36

[Seneca takes Haymitch’s proposal to create a love story between

Katniss and Peeta to Snow]

President Snow: So you like an underdog?

Seneca Crane: Everyone likes an underdog.

President Snow: I don’t do. Have you been out there, 10, 11, 12?

Seneca Crane: Uh…not personally, no.

President Snow: Well I have. There are lots of underdogs. Lots of

coal too, crops, minerals, things we need. There are lots of

underdogs, and I think if you could see them, you would not root for

the martyr, unlike you. Be careful.

9. 43/KE/C/02:00:39 – 02:01:03

[asKatniss is hunting, she hears a cannon go off and frantically looks

for Peeta, as she calls out to him, Peeta suddenly he runs into her]

PeetaMellark: You okay?

KatnissEverdeen:I heard the cannon!

[she sees that Peeta has been collecting nightlock berries, which are


KatnissEverdeen:That’s nightlock, Peeta!

[she knocks the berries out of his hand]

KatnissEverdeen: You’d be dead in a minute!

PeetaMellark: I didn’t know.

C. Preparatory Condition

1. /KE/P/00:01:43 – 00:02:01

Primrose Everdeen: It was me!

KatnissEverdeen: I know. I know. But it’s not. It’s your first year,

Prim. You’re name’s only been in there once, they’re not gonna pick

you. Try to go to sleep.

Primrose Everdeen: I can’t.

KatnissEverdeen: Just try. Just try.

2. 11/KE/P/00:18:00 – 00:18:32

[Katniss is ushered into a room and given 3 minutes to spend with her

mother and Prim, who is crying as she hugs Katniss]

KatnissEverdeen: Prim, I don’t have much time. Prim, listen! You’re

gonna be okay. Don’t take any extra food from them; it isn’t worth

putting in your name more times, okay? Listen, Gale will bring you

game, you can sell cheese from your goat.

Primrose Everdeen: Just try to win, if you can.

3. 25/PM/P/00:39:51 – 00:40:25

KatnissEverdeen: No, but you might have a better chance of winning if

somebody comes after you with a knife.

PeetaMellark: I have no chance of winning! None! Alright? It’s true.

Everybody knows it. Do you know what my mother said? She said

district 12 might finally have a winner. But she wasn’t talking about

me, she was talking about you.

[Katniss looks away from Peeta and the table goes quite]

4. 31/PS/P/00:50:39 – 00:51:06

President Snow: Hope.

Seneca Crane: Hope?

President Snow: Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little

hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as

it’s contained.

Seneca Crane: So?

President Snow: So, contain it.

Seneca Crane: Right.

5. 35/KE/P/01:00:33 – 01:00:36


KatnissEverdeen: Let’s start, right now!

Haymitch Abernathy: He did you a favor.

6. 45/KE/P/02:09:28 – 02:09:35

[she takes out the nightlock berries she’d taken from Fox Face’s hand


PeetaMellark: No!

KatnissEverdeen: Trust me. Trust me.

[she gives Peeta half of the berries]

D. Sincerity Condition

1. 1/KE/S/00:01:33 – 00:01:42

[in District 13, we hear Prim scream then Katniss comforting her

younger sister]

Primrose Everdeen:No! No!

KatnissEverdeen:Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, you were just dreaming.

You were dreaming.

2. 3/KE/S/00:02:04 – 00:02:42

[Prim whispers to Katniss asking for a song, she lies down and Katniss

sings her the first few lines]

KatnissEverdeen: You remember that song? Okay. I gotta go.

[she kisses Prim’s forehead]

Primrose Everdeen: Where?

KatnissEverdeen: I just gotta go. But I’ll be back. I love you.

3. 6/HV/S/00:08:20 – 00:08:40

[Katniss is at the market when she notices strange looking pin]

KatnissEverdeen: What’s this?

Hob Vendor:That’s uh…mockingjay.

KatnissEverdeen: How much?

Hob Vendor: You keep it. It’s yours.

KatnissEverdeen: Thank you.

4. 10/KE/S/00:15:41 – 00:15:44

[after volunteering to take Prim’s place in the Hunger Games]

KatnissEverdeen: You need to get out of here! You need to get out of


Primrose Everdeen: No!

KatnissEverdeen: Go find mom!

Primrose Everdeen: No!

KatnissEverdeen: Prim, go find mom!

Primrose Everdeen: No!

5. 14/KE/S/00:19:20 – 00:19:38

KatnissEverdeen: Don’t cry.

[she hugs her mother]

KatnissEverdeen: Don’t cry. Don’t.

[the guards come into the room and take Katniss’ mother and a crying

Prim out of the room]

6. 17/HA/S/00:26:03 – 00:26:09

[in the morning as they continue to ride on the train, Katniss notices

Peeta is talking to Haymitch over breakfast]

Haymitch Abernathy: You’d freeze to death first.

PeetaMellark: No, cause I’d have a lot of fire.

Haymitch Abernathy: No, that’s a good way to get killed.

7. 21/CF/S/00:33:28 – 00:33:42

[asPeeta grabs hold of Katniss hands and holds up their joined hands in

the air]

Caesar Flickerman: Now see that! I love that! Two young people,

holding their hands up, saying; ‘I’m proud I come from district 12.

We will not be overlooked.’ Now I love that!

Claudius Templesmith: People are sure to be paying attention to them

right now.

[the crowd cheers loudly for Peeta and Katniss]

8. 27/KE/S/00:45:28 – 00:47:30

[Katniss missed her target in first attempt and the sponsors ignored her.

And then succeed in her second attempt but the sponsors still ignore

her. She mad and shot an apple in among the sponsors and they


Katniss: Thank you for your consideration.

9. 29/PM/S/00:49:24 – 00:49:51

Caesar Flickerman: And finally. From district 12,

KatnissEverdeen.With a score of…eleven.

[everyone is shocked and excited, Peeta looking a bit jealous, turns to


PeetaMellark: Congratulations.

KatnissEverdeen: I thought they hated me.

10. 30/PS/S/00:50:15 – 00:50:39

[Seneca sits next to Snow]

President Snow: Seneca, why do you think we have a winner?

Seneca Crane: What do you mean?

President Snow: I mean, why do we have a winner? I mean if we just

wanted to intimidate the districts why not round up twenty four at

random, and execute them all at once? It would be a lot faster.

[Seneca doesn’t know what to reply and just looks at Snow]

11. 37/KE/S/01:01:30 – 01:02:00

KatnissEverdeen: Can’t sleep?

PeetaMellark: Of course not.

KatnissEverdeen: I’m sorry I went after you.

PeetaMellark: You know I meant that as a compliment.

KatnissEverdeen: I know.

12. 41/PS/S/01:46:55 – 01:47:39

[Seneca takes Haymitch’s proposal to create a love story between

Katniss and Peeta to Snow]

President Snow: So you like an underdog?

Seneca Crane: Everyone likes an underdog.

President Snow: I don’t do. Have you been out there, 10, 11, 12?

Seneca Crane: Un…not personally, no.

President Snow: Well I have. There are lots of underdogs. Lots of

coal too, crops, minerals, things we need. There are lots of

underdogs, and I think if you could see them, you would not root for

the martyr, unlike you. Be careful.

13. 44/PM/S/02:01:03 – 02:01:16

KatnissEverdeen: You scared me to death. Damn you!

[she starts to cry and hugs him tightly]

PeetaMellark: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

14. 49/PS/S/02:13:04 – 02:13:40

[at the victors crowning ceremony, President snow places the crown on


President Snow: Congratulations.

KatnissEverdeen: Thank you.

[Snow glances down and notices Katniss’ mockingjay pin on her


President Snow: What a lovely pin.

KatnissEverdeen: Thank you. It’s from my district.

President Snow: They must be very proud of you.

E. Essential Condition

1. 9/KE/E/00:15:00 – 00:15:38

[Prim walks slowly towards the stage, suddenly Katniss steps out and

calls out to Prim]

KatnissEverdeen: Prim! Prim!

[the guards stop Katniss from approaching Prim]

KatnissEverdeen:No! I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!

Effie Trinket:I believe we have a volunteer.

2. 12/KE/E/00:18:30 – 00:18:44

Primrose Everdeen: Just try to win, if you can.

KatnissEverdeen: Of course. Any maybe I can, I am smart, you know.

Primrose Everdeen: You can hunt.

KatnissEverdeen: Exactly.

3. 13/KM/E/00:19:07 – 00:19:19

KatnissEverdeen: You can’t tune out again.

Katniss’ Mother:I won’t.

KatnissEverdeen: No, you can’t. Not like when dad died. I won’t be

there anymore, you’re all she has. No matter what you feel, you have

to be there for her. Do you understand?

[Katniss’ mother nods with tears in her eyes]

4. 16/HA/E/00:23:55 – 00:24:17

PeetaMellark: Yeah. Our mentor, you’re supposed to tell us how to get

sponsors and give us advice.

Haymitch Abernathy: Oh. Okay. Um…embrace the probability of

your imminent death. And know, in your heart, that there’s nothing I

can do to save you.

KatnissEverdeen: So why are you here then?

5. 18/HA/E/00:27:00 – 00:27:38

Haymitch Abernathy: You really wanna know how to stay alive? You

get people to like you.

[Katniss looks surprised at his comment]

Haymitch Abernathy: Oh! Not what you were expecting. Well, when

you’re in the middle of the games, and you’re starving or freezing,

some water, a knife or even some matches can mean the difference

between life and death. And those things only come from sponsors,

and to get sponsors, you have to make people like you. And right

now, sweetheart, you’re not off to a real good start.

6. 20/CN/E/00:29:42 – 00:31:15

Cinna:I’m here to help you make an impression. Now usually they

dress people in the clothes from their district.

KatnissEverdeen: Yeah, ours was coal miners.

Cinna: Yeah, but I don’t wanna do that. I wanna do something that

they’re gonna remember. Did they explain about trying to get


KatnissEverdeen: Yeah, but I’m not very good at making friends.

Cinna: We’ll see. I just think somebody that brave shouldn’t be

dressed up in some stupid costume now, should they?

KatnissEverdeen: I hope not.

7. 23/PT/E/00:37:15 – 00:37:55

[Addressing the tributes at their first day of training]

Portia:In two weeks, twenty three of you will be dead, one of you will

be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the

next four days. Particularly to what I’m about to say. First; no

fighting with the other tributes, you’ll have plenty of time for that at

the arena. There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be

individual training. My advice is don’t ignore the survival skills.

Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from

natural causes, ten percent from infection, twenty percent from

dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife.

8. 26/HA/E/00:43:35 – 00:43:58

[toKatniss and Peeta]

Haymitch Abernathy: Tomorrow they’ll bring you in one by one,

they’ll evaluate you. This is important cause higher ratings will

mean sponsors. This is the time to show them everything. They’ll be

a bow, make sure you use it. Peeta, you make sure to show your

strength. They’ll start with district 1, so the two of you will go last.

Well, I don’t know how else to put this. Make sure they remember


9. 28/ET/E/00:47:33 – 00:47:43

[referring to how Katniss, during her evaluation after missing her

target whilst shooting her bow had then shot her arrow at the sponsors

after they ignored her second attempt]

Effie Trinket: Are you crazy?

KatnissEverdeen: I just got mad.

Effie Trinket: Mad? You realize that your actions reflect badly on all

of us, not just you!

Cinna: They just want a good show, it’s fine.

10. 38/HA/E/01:04:40 – 01:05:07

[Haymitch gives some final words of advice to Katniss just before

she’s about to take the flight with the other tributes to begin the game]

Haymitch Abernathy: They’ll put all kinds of stuff right in front,

right in the mouth of the Cornucopia. They’ll even be a bow there,

don’t go for it.

KatnissEverdeen: Why not?

Haymitch Abernathy: It’s a blood bath, they’re trying to pull you in,

that’s not your game. You turn, run, find high ground, look for

water. Water’s your new best friend. Now, don’t step off that pedestal

early or they’ll blow you sky high.

KatnissEverdeen: I won’t.

11. 40/HA/E/01:44:50 – 01:46:29

[after Rue’s death and Katniss’ reaction to her death, there is a

rebellious uprising in district 11; which is causing Seneca to consider

killing Katniss off the show]

Haymitch Abernathy: Don’t kill her. You’d just create a martyr.

Seneca Crane: Well it seems we’ve already got one.

12. 47/HA/E/02:10:56 – 02:11:13

[after returning to the Capitol, Haymitch warns Katniss]

Haymitch Abernathy: They’re not happy with you.

KatnissEverdeen: Why? Because I didn’t die?

Haymitch Abernathy: Because you showed them up.

KatnissEverdeen: Well, I’m sorry it didn’t go the way they planned.

You know, I’m not very happy with them either.

Haymitch Abernathy: Katniss, this is serious. Not just for you. They

don’t take these things lightly.

SILABUS Unit I Narratives

Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 MAOS Kelas/Semester : XII/1 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Nilai dan

Materi yang Diintegrasikan

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator

Pencapaian Kompetensi

Penilaian Hasil Belajar Alokasi Waktu

Alat dan Sumber Belajar Teknik Bentuk

Instrumen Contoh


3.2 Meng-ungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengakui

• Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan: – mengakui

kesalahan, – berjanji, – menyalah-

kan, dan – menuduh.

Ekonomi kreatif

(•) Komit-men

1. Menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak menjadi percakapan yang padu dan bermakna.

2. Memeragakan percakapan yang sudah urut. (•)

3. Menjawab

pertanyaan pemahaman berdasar percakapan pada kegiatan sebelumnya.

4. Melengkapi

percakapan rumpang dengan kata-kata dalam kotak yang sesuai.

5. Memeragakan

• Mampu meng-ungkapkan makna gagasan dalam percakapan transaksional/interpersonal secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima menggunakan tindak tutur: – meng-

akui kesalah-an,

– berjanji, – menya-

• Tes tulis

• Tes unjuk kerja

• Tes

lisan • Tes

tulis • Tes

• Menyu-sun kalimat acak

• Unjuk kerja

• Jawaban

singkat • Isian • Unjuk

• Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful dialog.

• Answer the

following questions based on the dialog in Task A.

• Complete the

following dialog with the correct words from the box. Then, practice the dialog.

1 jp

1. Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA XII Intan Pariwara hal. 5–6.

2. Kamus Inggris–Indonesia dan Indonesia–Inggris.

3. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Nilai dan

Materi yang Diintegrasikan

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator

Pencapaian Kompetensi

Penilaian Hasil Belajar Alokasi Waktu

Alat dan Sumber Belajar Teknik Bentuk

Instrumen Contoh


kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkap-kan keingin-tahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap.

percakapan yang sudah lengkap.

6. Membuat percakapan

berdasarkan situasi soal, lalu memeraga-kannya.

lahkan, dan

– menu-duh.

• Mampu

mengem-bangkan wacana transaksi-onal pendek menjadi sebuah obrolan atau interaksional yang lebih panjang.

unjuk kerja

• Tes

unjuk kerja

kerja • Unjuk


• Create and

practice dialogs based on the following situations.