Teaching Methods

Teaching Methods • The term Teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction. Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits you — your educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area(s) and school mission statement. • It is important that teachers learn to use a variety of teaching methodologies in order to cater for the range of learning needs and requirements that are present within most class environments. Within this section a variety of teaching methodologies will be explored and their various advantages and disadvantages outlined.

Transcript of Teaching Methods

Teaching Methods• The term Teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction. Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits you — your educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area(s) and school mission statement.

• It is important that teachers learn to use a variety of teaching methodologies in order to cater for the range of learning needs and requirements that are present within most class environments. Within this section a variety of teaching methodologies will be explored and their various advantages and disadvantages outlined.

Teaching theories primarily fall into two categories or “approaches” — teacher-centred and student-centred:Teacher-Centred Approach to Learning

• Teachers are the main authority figure in this model. Students are viewed as “empty vessels” whose primary role is to passively receive information (via lectures and direct instruction) with an end goal of testing and assessment. It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information onto their students. In this model, teaching and assessment are viewed as two separate entities. Student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments.

Student-Centred Approach to Learning

• While teachers are an authority figure in this model, teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process. The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material. Student learning is measured through both formal and informal forms of assessment, including group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. Teaching and assessment are connected; student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction.

Direct Instruction• Direct instruction is the general term that refers to the traditional teaching strategy that relies on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher-led demonstrations. Direct instruction is the primary teaching strategy under the teacher-centred approach, in that teachers and professors are the sole supplier of knowledge and information. Direct instruction is effective in teaching basic and fundamental skills across all content areas.

Teacher’s rolesAuthorityFormal authority teachers are in a position of power and authority because of their exemplary knowledge and status over their students. Classroom management styles are traditional and focus on rules and expectations.ExpertExpert teachers are in possession of all knowledge and expertise within the classroom. Their primary role is to guide and direct learners through the learning process. Students are viewed solely as receptors of knowledge and information.

Inquiry-Based Learning• Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that focuses on student investigation and hands-on learning. In this method, the teacher’s primary role is that of a facilitator, providing guidance and support for students through the learning process. Inquiry-based learning falls under the student-centred approach, in that students play an active and participatory role in their own learning process.

Teacher’s RolesFacilitatorFacilitators place strong emphasis on teacher-student relationships. Operating under an open classroom model , there is a de-emphasis on teacher instruction and both teacher learners undergo the learning process together. Student learning loosely guided by the teacher and is focused on fostering independence, hands –on learning and exploration.

Personal Model

• Teachers who operate under this model are those who lead by example, demonstrating to students how to access and comprehend information. In this model students learn through observing and copying the teacher’s processes.

Personal Model• Teachers who operate under this model are those who lead by example, demonstrating to students how to access and comprehend information. In this model students learn through observing and copying the teacher’s processes.

• DelegatorTeachers act as a ‘resource’ to students, answering questions and reviewing their progress as needed. Teachers play a passive role in students’ learning, students are active and engaged participants in their learning. The main goal of a delegator is foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process.

Cooperative Learning

• Cooperative Learning refers to a method of teaching and classroom management that emphasizes group work and a strong sense of community. This model fosters students’ academic and social growth and includes teaching techniques such as “Think-Pair-Share” and reciprocal teaching. Cooperative learning falls under the student-centred approach because learners are placed in responsibility of their learning and development. This method focuses on the belief that students learn best when working with and learning from their peers.

Teacher’s RolesFacilitators place strong emphasis on teacher-student relationships. Operating under an open classroom model , there is a de-emphasis on teacher instruction and both teacher learners undergo the learning process together. Student learning loosely guided by the teacher and is focused on fostering independence, hands –on learning and exploration.

Delegator• Teacher act as a “ resource” to students, answering questions, and reviewing their progress as needed. Teacher play a passive role in students’ learning; students are active and engaged participants in their learning. The sloe role of a delegator is to foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process.


The 'teaching by task' methodology was developed upon notions of

personal practice, independent learning and individual development. The

task style of teaching allows students to develop at their own rate and

in their own direction. This particular methodology empowers students to

take responsibility for their own learning and therefore fosters the

possibility of 'deeper' learning across a range of different areas.

Mosston describes the nine decisions that are transferred from the

teacher to the learner within this style. These are: "Location, Order of

tasks, Starting time per task, Pace and rhythm, stopping time per task,

Interval, Initiating questions for clarification, Attire and appearance,

and Posture" (Mosston & Ashworth, 2002: p.96) As a result of such

student empowerment a deeper appreciation for education can be fostered,

thus making ongoing participation within all subject areas more likely.



• The teacher maintains control over what is being learned and therefore can ensure that the lesson meets the needs and requirements of the curriculum.

• " Within this methodology the teacher is able to move amongst the class and supply individual feedback while providing extension activities as required.

• " This style of teaching increases social interaction between students and therefore increases motivation levels, self-confidence as well as ones ability to work both independently and as a member of a group (Harrison & Blakemore, 1983: p.325).

• " Allows the teacher to provide more individual feedback to members of the class. Such feedback can improve student motivation either through positive reinforcement or through the improvement gained as a result of technique development.

• " This particular methodology allows students to experiment with a variety of skills and techniques while still allowing the teacher to direct student learning.

• " This methodology allows students to develop at their own rate and in their own direction. Individuals need to be provided with opportunities to refine their skills, techniques and knowledge within a safe and non-threatening environment.

Disadvantages Little student input into the lesson, as the teacher essentially remains in control.

This style does not allow for a definitive standard to be achieved. The style is therefore not as useful when addressing skills or knowledge areas where specific techniques, movements or products are required

There is a greater possibility that students will be distracted from the task when compared with the command style of teaching. The activities of students are more difficult to supervise and therefore distractions are more likely.

While students are able to experiment with the knowledge and skills presented creative thinking is not promoted. This particular style therefore promotes motor development more so than cognitive development.

INDIVIDUAL PROGRESSION • According to Mosston and Ashworth, the defining characteristic of the 'individual progression' methodology is that "learners with varying degrees of knowledge and skill can participate in the same task by selecting a level of difficulty at which they can perform" (2002: p.156). This particular methodology is therefore "a design of subject mater manipulated in such a manner as to provide the learner with full opportunity for self motivated learning, self-assessment, and decision making over a relatively prolonged period of time" (Mosston, 1966:p. 97).

• The 'individual progression' methodology allows students to participate within activities regardless of their individual skill levels, understanding and levels of motivation (Harrison & Blakemore, 1983: p.327). Due to the nature of the methodology students are able to participate within a non-threatening environment, therefore gaining subsequent experiences of success. The structure of activities utilising this methodology incorporate only minimal competition and therefore allow students to remain unthreatened, thus further fostering the development of positive attitudes towards all areas of the curriculum. This particular style of teaching allows students to challenge their own knowledge and skill levels and therefore set their own goals with regard to their future development. Mosston & Ashworth support such a notions as they state, "establishing a performance goal for each level reinforces acquisition of the content (skill) and prevents learners from haphazardly 'doing' the levels, checking answers, and moving on" (2002: p.163).

Advantages Students who are experienced in a given area and therefore already competent are not required to complete activities at the same level as beginners. This means that individuals with higher knowledge and skill levels can be extended with advanced activities.

Beginner students or individuals with lesser skills are able to develop at their own rate and in their own direction. This allows for a positive and non-threatening environment to be created and therefore fosters ongoing participation within all curriculum areas.

The 'Individual progression' methodology emanates from the social justice policy, as it provides equal opportunity for all individuals to participate and experience success. The Framework states that a commitment to social justice underpins all education learning areas, and therefore all individuals have the right to experience positive and meaningful education experiences. This means that individuals of all abilities, skill levels and knowledge must be catered for within all educational lessons .

This method can be very satisfying for the teacher as individuals are more likely to experience success and the lessons are easy to control.

This method has the greatest potential to build self-esteem and therefore increase student enjoyment. This will occur as a result of increases in performance coupled with the ongoing experience of success (Harrison & Blakemore, 1983: p.327


Students may not take the ability grouping seriously or may overestimate their ability in a particular area.

There may be feelings of inferiority by students in the lower group, causing concern as 'students that feel their abilities are inferior to those of their classmates and therefore will not achieve success; nor will they be motivated towards accomplishment' (Singer & Dick, 1980: p.64).

Teacher contact time may not be divided equally as individuals with poorer skill and knowledge levels often require greater levels of feedback from the teacher whereas individuals of advanced skill and knowledge levels often require more extension activities. This methodology is therefore very labour intensive for the teacher to administer.

GUIDED DISCOVERY• Allowing individuals to discover the solutions to their own problems allows them to develop the skills and abilities needed to enquire, compare, invent, discover, reflect and draw subsequent conclusions regarding a variety of issues pertinent to that particular individual within that particular environment (Mosston, 1966).

• The intention of the guided discovery method is for teachers to formulate the underlying structure and content of their lessons in a manner that forces students to discover the answers to a range of problems for themselves (Mosston & Ashworth, 2002: p.212).

• Within this particular methodology it is the role of the teacher to guide and facilitate student learning in order to allow student discovery as well as promote ongoing experimentation and participation.

ADVANTAGESIncreases student critical awareness.Empowering students to discover their own answers allows them to control their learning, and therefore they will be more likely to retain information.

Good for game play and tactical aspects of sports.

The structure of drills force students to use teamwork and therefore fosters the development of student abilities to "work flexibly and develop cooperation with others as part of the team"

DisadvantagesStudents have little input into the planning and development of their lesson and therefore only the requirements of the teacher and the curriculum are addressed.

Students can become dependent on guidance and direction to find answers