t J O t W I - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of t J O t W I - DigiFind-It


First Edition.



Mayor Harriion's Slayw Bronght Into Conrt, but Hlg Trial Postponed.


T l » Auuilu 'a Cauiit.l w ill T r j t . r r ,T . Ih . M .b 1. Ina.u., and to l>r«T. Thit ■‘.non . Will II. c .l l .d rrnm P lan . Uiililil. of Chlr.fo to To.llfy for lb . I'rUuaar'.Tha Muntorcr Ul*|>layln, th. Vimofel Imllft'.rriiv. ALiout Ih. r r o c d -ijtfi. *

(iiirAiiii, Not. tl -Uinf bofor. lb. hour for tilt ojienlnif oj JiiUfo Kdward K. Dum-

iiH'*.court. Ill the old crimlu.l court ihit iiiurhlug uii Ideal croU'il g.Utortd and tr l.i lo run tb. gaiiullrt ol driKiiTn, ballin. anil ib.rlfli tta- tionwl at tT.ry door. In iba courlrooiD, UMrIy all ib. pcriona vrer. uffleart or Iba la*, cltlicn. iummourd tor Jury .rrTjoe, aitoriity. aud uaatpapar raprt- •riitatlvca

All iboM who eoHid not tbow authority f'-r beini In the courtroom wora rtcludtd. Afitr tumo minor oaaai ocrc ditjiotrd of I bo naino o' Patrick Kiigciio J'randbrtutl iiai cullad. Tbe a.iaMln of Mayor llartl.on waa brought 1 1 1 tiirm^nlrd by abcrlffii

tOAiamd bailinaand tcatad In n chair cloi, to iba Jury-box. lit . aqlranca VM tbc ilxnal fora gtnrral rlaliia ol tbo traieu tpaelalora (incara (head tba people and alcrnly nrdtred all lo i l, a<i«n or ba rjrcltd front tba r<>uin. ‘riia anxiaty to hear *hat paurd diitvcan tba' Court and Iba atUiriicya, and lo obtain a Tlaw of iha undcrtlaid miio- dcrcrvaaao gre.it, bowcTCr, that during

ttat proccedloga tba pritoncr wan aurrouuded by Jiirnra, nltneaiea and aitornryr.

Piandrrgaxt pmcnlcd a itilld IndilTcr. anca tu *bnt waa going ou. and except for bli ablfungeyea neither (ooTCd or belrayid any ainolhiD. IL A. Waur, a ho ll tbo ailuriiay tooin till tVaiiilttgion Park Club aud Ilnbert £<aax appeared n. couuacl for tbe murderer. They were rilalued hr Preiider- geai'i brother at the aollcttailob of pereunal ir onil. of Iba lawycra

Wncu the Judge aeked the prliuner If lie *a i repreaeulod by It lavr yer Ur. tluadc aroae and addreeted the court 111 ibeaeaaialn'a bcniilf. Heapolie •e lawyer, tor the defence are expeoied to • bout bclteTlbg that I ’ renderga.t baa a good defenac. but ll would Inke lime tu pre- para It. He did not want to delay tba trlAl. but hla cilenl wna enlltted to a fair one, NoieTenlba frienda oflbe hoe rl ou family wanted to iiurry tbe trial nnd hang the mnn without a Ihoroucli exemlnation ilnto hla mental condUloti. Itn tlioiigfat thirty daye waa not too much t me iu which trj prepare thedelenar. When tba Court aaliad If I he lUitonoe oauM not get ready In leeitlme, t ic lawyer replied that U waa neoeaiary lo bring peraona from outatda of Cblojigo who could teailfy to the life and hlalory on to prlaoner. Tue alaleinent aruuaed tbe kttafa Allorney to my that PrCndergreat bad Heed Iu Chicago nfnp yeira, and tba prupoaltlon that the dtalc aUoLild watt a month tor wllocBica waa not reaaunabla If Preiidargaal had Head hara nineytara llien there ahould be plenty of wll- negate here who would teailfy lo btl char- acicr.

“ It la Doe Ibinf or nothing, luaanlty or iiotblnt," declared ihe Shitc*i Attorney, apeak I ng tu the pria- ooer'a oonuaci. He oddad t ” t am guetalpg at that from what you eey." The lawyer auawered “ Your gueai la right, Isaabiiy It unr plea.' Tba Htaia'a latlorney ttid tba bnrdan of proof would be on the Htaie to pruee the aeouied aane, and wanted the trial net for two weeka fiom to-day.

After more ergument ebd a tperah from laiwyer Wada, Iha Court eoinpromlicd on Ibree weak!’ Utne, aettlug tba trial for Monday, 27. t’ rendcrgail waa ra, noTad to Iha Brldta of High. wUhont any damonilratln.


Aa Early Momtug Hlaaa Caiiaaa Coatider- able Damage Veaterday-.PIraat Irrlagton.

A flra which oantad a loaa of about |12,(init and which at one ilina ibieaiencd to de- 1 trey atveral larga bnildlngi, broke oat In tbe rear of 274 Market alreet etaortty after 3 o'cluek yeilerday morning, Tbe flwmei, ilanad In ib i threedtory brlek building In the rear of 2T4 and apread with great rapidity. The Art aUrled In that part uf tbe building oceupied bythe Ann Laundry. By tbe timethe Are department arrleed tbe AemMbad apread lo tbe ahoeatore of Hr. Aodcrioit, a one-alory Irameelntotureiyontlngou Market Iireei.bnd In a taw mlndlca after Muptrlo-

'tendaot Attley arrlTed the Aamet were at­tacking the inAtmmabla aiock Iu Wbalan'a Toy Baiar. at 272 Harkol aireel. Tan anglnaa and two Iruaka, bcaldta tha galTaga Corpa and tbachrmlcalangtoe, wera anmmoatd to Agbt tbeBamaa, and after aetobbom battle tba ArwAgtatara wer. Tlctorlona Tha loia to Zlmmeiman t Atbanbaob, the proprialora of tbe laundry will aihonni td^oOD,

The fewa on tne tbraomory hnlldlttg i t 271 budinjj Merkat iireet, ownad by aHOa- borne, ta put at about td.OOO. At 2N, tiO and ITJ Market atriel, tbeettaie of B A. Duraad, waa damaged about ’ll.ant and E. T. Hart, tbo paper box manufaeinrer, loeci about Bl OOOon contenia. Jack Abrabirai,, lallon loata tlW, and K. Whelan, tha toy daelar, tado.

At 4B l.awrenca .treat tba laia on handing and conteuta. both owned by Seymour A Whitlock, ItpleeedattIDOi Un.P.E.Oodid loiea e n on butldlni; Frledeotbkl A Adler' cigar nanufaetDr*^ loaa abont Oi, and Kirk A Jaoobna, CArpantara, at 27S aud 274 Market alreet, auAkred to Ibe exieot of about IMO, Moat of ibe iwaller loaaaa wara oaoaad by water.

Tbe raeldenae of Albert M. Bowen, Clinton abenue, JrTlogton, waa bnrnid lo tba ground early yaaterday moralng. Uy hard work an Improiniu aalTaga eorpa anc* Beaded In rteeaing moat of tbe furnltart on the Ant Aoor. Owing to ibe bet that iban la nil water aupply or Are apparataa In irTidaCou, no attempt waa made to ex- tingutab the Aamea. Hr. Bowen and family Ware In Uoelou, haTiuggaui thereon Friday *®, nftwbd tbe oMabrallon of hla fklher'a goldao wedding, Tue Are appeared to hare' been alerted from Ihe out aide. The building Wm probably worth « .o » , The 'lnee on fuic » “ !* '* known, Th# building and

I efTiioU wim tniiirttd.— — • ■

About "Thainaa the Bhymar." ^ “ Tbomai tha Rhymer" waa au early w i t h poal, who liTed during tba Ihirtaenth

wera unoonimoa In bli Ijma! but ha bore the iiama of TliumM Leap,

ont, of Brelldoanc. Rot only waa ba a II, but ba waa alio and cbleAy a pool. The

ate of bit birth la uol known, but tradition j okffIMI off

;o Fairyland, Where ba puiaad a'Ten yaart -Ith the Qiieah of Ftary, obiatnlng great laitom an i power ot aeoond alghL On hU Hum tu Ilia cartnbt OtllTared blanropbe- aa Oblpffy Under the Kildon tree at Erelb

tl nna. Afteptoany ytor. word waa bronghl t» 1 Mm that a bart and bind wara walking up a Id down Iba Tillage atnot. Miadiul “f hla p -amlaa to taMifd to tbeUaaan of Bacry w baaater abt.abotildHod Mr him Tboiau n llowad ibaanlmatito lba toreat and aaTar p itnroed. Ka taatlll alpeoted'lorOTliIttbaai irlliataoine nakoown lime. Thomaa tea ll Iiymer waa tha auibor of a temanair»sir f rl.lrein," v bleb aareed, aa tba baeta^ Ua i kjVanob roTneiieaa oriblaama Bame.

FradanalBMt Exoattaaea


A CawpalgB Daoaaieet Sent Oat by Maa< mentb Cenaty Deinecrati.

Special UlaiMleh to tba Nxwa.AHbl'MY Fare , Rot. S,—Tha Oamoeralt of

MooBaontb County wbo are auiloualode. toll Jomea A- Uredlry, the antt-raeilraok candldaie for Beiielor, had prlolcd and arw dltirlbuiing tlionaondt of lorga circular! reading at fullorai

“ Tbtae mcia cmi not be dlipuird. Tax- payeroi arouke! Cnnipare yimr tax bill with Jamea A. Br.dley’a, Jamci A. flradlay uwna In NepiuneTuwntblf raataaiateTalued ot 12,000,030 and paya la ica on only tltOiDOO. Uo reliiMHl for tbo beach front In Atbury Dark 47.10,1100. but ba only paya a tux otltt on the-aaiii*. Tnla outragaona aiate of allaira baa laatad twenty yaart,aa tbown by tbo lax hooka.

" Wbo baa paid Jamtt A. Rradlay’a Itxea Inr tbe poal twenty ycure? Tba booHl Ux- pay\rt nf Nepiuiia luwnalitp. It It attlmtled tliHl In Hie inaaltuuiily yeart Jaipea A. Brad- le,v received from III la unjiiai d aorltnliiatlon ofiuxatlon upward of t2kl,000 nfiba peuple'a inuin-y. Ifbrpald lilt Jutt itrnpiirllun of taxH It would decrenae your tax bill one halt. Noluxpavercan Tnte for Jamea A. Hrndlcy, tbo oppreaaorof Iha wage^amer, He would laglilate tor Ibe rich and uot fur the poor."

TaKRTi>!i, Not. 0.—It. Henri Ileibert, of tUliclly, woo prealded et tlie latl State eoh ored eonventlon, held liat year, hta ad- drcaacd a Uttar to tba colored Toicri of Mun- mouin Couucv, urging tbem to vole agatoat Foundir liradity, wbo la a candtdala lor Senator for that county,


Motiinoalh County Clilirclica Cloaed to Hold .Maaa Meeilnga Runilay Night-

ANBL'IiY Park, Nov. Clllaeni’Iwagueof Moimioiitb County bred tbe laat ibota Inid the camp Ilf the raeeiraok Deme- crolt yeitcrdiy by bolding matt meetlnga In Long Itr.inob, Frecbold, Mnnaaiinan and Aw bury Park. Tbe moeUnga in tola pinoi weia held laat rTenlug In Educnltunel Hall aud Library Hall.

The meetlnga, the Aral political damonttra- Ilona ever bald In Mniimnulh County on tht sabbtlb, were held under tbe dlMCtioa of the thirteen Hroieitent and Catholic clergymen of tha two reeiiriB. The eTcnlng lerTlcii In Ihc Tarloua cbutc'iet were nmiUed and the tminbari flucked to the niett meetlnga an iiiaare. Itcniocrata, Uepubileaua and Prubl- billon lilt piirllclpiiled iu the demonttnllon. ItrT. Lir. G.H. Hiokei, Ibe prraldeol of the Uoenn UroTe Camp Meeting Aaioclallon, pre- BlJci at the ineellng m PMitcalloual Hall, On tbe itage acre the paapira nf tba Methti- ul>t, Prctbyierlao, Uaptlai, Baliirmed and Lutheran CUurchea, and rTprcaeulatlvra of Ibe Ciitliollr Church,

Dr. Siukca III o|ientng the macMng uid that the mliilalcra Had Irfl llieir pulplltand Ibe people their poiva lor tbo purpoae of ineellng on ibo coiamoii plattorio of eom- muii moriillty. Nevtr before, he eald, hua tneie eiiaied In New Jeraey aueb a eiindl- ■ Itn HI rxlala to-day. "Unprincipled poll- tlcitnahaTe aold Hie Commgnwealin to the

iambler- nnd lo-Jny we arc not Ibe rulert o f iir uiillTe Hlaie, but ti:e iluTei o f Ihc tlloon-

kfotK-ra nnd racelrack owoert." Tbe doctor cr iilc lied Ibo Inwriiatcra who Toied tor Ihe Hiioatiack Ollla laat winter and pleaded with the Tot.ra preatut to break away from pollllcnl pn-Judloea nod unite to OTertbruw tbe giim bllng evil. The chacklea, he u Id , could be broken by Toling for Jeinea A. 11 a dlcy for Senator.

Ibo n il tpcitker, ex-.V«ie«blyman Will- lent 11. Corntu, of Rlixabetu, tald that tbe " Duke ol filoucctUi " baa been baton the count ufCnmdcii county Aflaan tlmea, aud puitiahed fur vldlallag tba lawa of New Jar- aey. He icored Hie aaloona, wbo, pt Ibe bid­ding uf Ttininpion, puaaaJ tha ubnoxiOBa liac.'lraek uilla wUbuulprrnilliiog tba moral people of tbo sidle to be heard on llieell-lm- pririant Aiiealtniii. The oiher apeakeri In Uitncutloioil Hall wera Ihe Kit , Dr, Frank Chandler, i f the Pretbylerlaii i hureh; tha Itev. S. I-Ulward Youug, of tbe Weatmlniter Pretbylerlaii Church; the Rev. Dr. Soudder, oftbe ItetoTincd Cuuioa, and Ihe ItCT, Dr. Allen, of the MethudlatCnnrah,

Over Ih UMrty Hall .tin retorsiMw wttTad- drcaacd by Dr. Hanlon, Dr. Cban llerand Ur. COThlD. Ur. Hanlon made a plea on bebalf of tba yoDDf meu nf tbe SMle and urged the ratbere preoant to Toie for candloaUt tor tba LagHlamre wbn were Dledged to toIo tor ib| repeal of ilia damnablb Racttrack lawa.

The meetlnga were eoRiiiiuad nnill nearly mldoifhland broka up with cbeera for tbo anIPraoolracit tiefcot,


minlatar tfonilonea laapaeto the El Cld. The Fleet Soon to Mart.

Nxw York, Not. A-SalTadur de Men- doneii, the Brailllan JHInliler, who came here from WaitatngIon Halnnlay, Tltllod El Cld yeilcrdiF. Uo remained on board only a lew mlnuiea, Mr, Mtndonca leiuroad toWaablDilun on tba midnight Iralb.

The Acet to lekTi New York ea near No- TembarU at poeiibte wilt oonalit," he tald, "o f El ad, UrJiaonia, tbe Dietroyir, the Jarelln, the Feliecn and Ihe Yarrow torpedd boat, wblob will arrive from Englaod In tbe meantime. Tbe AoHlla will Ay the Braalllen Sag, aalllof aa mercliantmeo under exirior- dlnary eleeranee pwptra. They will regia- lerataoraeNorlbrUrailllan port of which 1 am now la Ignorance, where the tblpewlll he manned by their Aghtlng crowa,

" Wa aretblpplag only common aailort In Ibli porl ftod no fx ir* luducMmenit.Of ooum tr 1 &« fleitt l•au«ok•d«tl rouleU win tboff Ut MtreQcibg but Ihertliooex- ^ U tlo n or any auefa ooeurftoce. Wa do not w ltaa ibot Mallo boa ouy aiaata or aympow iBlaoft lo ibta ooukury. vild rnmora to tibe iMoirary notwitbiUbdioffa I hort ooltuiw matloD tbit tba luiarreetiontiiaara lo f oMiaiaoea from Eofland, bnt at lo Wbtlbar »ny oth f? NaMon or fndlrfduaUB coDtrlbatlDf io tbair luppori lUonulidBratoapeake

« PubUo M lo f Is B m ll ll wholly ra> poblleaog ai tba poilpouvd aiidtloQ Jo Marab will uDdou&raily damooatrato. Nouaof tbe i ioliva pollilcfMDi nra inoiiaraJklau/' iMallo’a Heat la praolJeally Imprlionad In '

RloJanalro iir. Uandoooa uldg and blaitroDActt ▼eaatl. Aqoidabaftg la In aery bad Gondllloik from ber haaay boiobardraant

8be would bealtho luarcy of El Cld’i greet torpedo i brewer were not her own guna of aneh long and powerful range. The Pelxoio aoTortimriii will be Infonnad I m luedlaieiy of tbe oompicilon of the BKt 1 n th|uoubtry,aiidnoi tmiben will Mr. Man- donen be Inatrucied ea lo their preolae dealt- nation or ttm i of departure. Prooa bl|f not leaa tban tl,2»,0«) will bare been expended lo baying and equipping tha equ.dronto lawTa New York,

fXrA'glfB Acu ne brttir pnwf of da adtMrruiai TaniatA»nKroiMceiMauu|irtMTtf;maidainaday.


The Ramalna o f the Other Lnborert Drewneii Off Staten l.laad K ef Found. Nk w York, NoT.l-Thebodlst gf Uve of

the ten mea drowned on Saturday aftarnoon offBlatanlilahd by the npieUlng or a boat bnee been reeoTerid.

Twenty-two meebanict and Imborari em- bkrtiad In a tblrty-ftwt ya^l ihortJy after noon to ralurn to tbab homea. Tbt aaw m the bay waa running vary bigb, bm tba yawl, with a donble-reatcd lall, aueeaaatoily battled wHh tba wavea unill within 4m hg| of the long dock at South Beach, where the men were to diHmbark. The tall hud Jutt been lowered wnen a anddea agnail tlruck the boal. By qnick work Ihe yawi «ae kept from DTarloralng. but the eea WMbed ooitol plolely over the erafl aereral iimeL A T hindi artre eettowork belling with their hate, the only thlaga at hand. For tome mlnutaa tto mau wen iRoeetaftii in keeping Ibe yawl adoal, hot a wave larger than any pneeding II itrnck tha tide oftbe boat, Ail­ing her complflely. The yawl lank at once, leaTlug the twenty-two aarn atroKBog in the water, ^wdre of ilicm managed to leach ahore, but tbe o; bert wera drowned.

Tbo At# bodice found bate been reoognlaed at iheteoi Edward Kenny, llility-iwo yeara old, a lluemllhofU ttomilo etrMi, Rrook- lyo; Tlit.mie Hner, wnniaeo, helper, AU WeatForiy-niothitTTtt.NiwYotk; Leonard Wanlet, iweaty-onc, AmltyTllU, Long laland.; Albeit S. Mermia, twenty-eena, Tompkl latlllc, Suten liluiid, and Oarlton Drude, twaalyweTeu, Ml Uopklneoa aTennei Brooklyn,

Hanged Rimaell la a Clout.Apcelol lo the St in is o ttgirk. f

Hosokfif, Not, g-Itaac Bohlltrer, ality- Ave yeara old, einptayed by Real Eaute Dialer Hymann, of 301 Ifudaon eliret, banged IR^ietf laM night lo a e-out In the oAlee. B li body wai dlieoTered ttali morn­ing by H la Wondwtod, atelograpli operator W|* worn* 111 lilt ofAee. Tbo mao waa very

THE FIGHT IN HUDSON.C o im t Thirty's Fl«h| rorSh«Hff-wTh* B1«-

in«nt» Kfc Wdirk Agnlntt HkniwwL«f* Con(««u Uatcrlbcde

HptGlil (<tlb4 Kvekinq Niw &JiciwutCit t , Ngi-e moil dJioour-

i f lt j f ftfolureforColoiiet JoUu J. TofToy thti fii3 li (b* or Ibe elfoMon. Htd it iikeu piico len day* or iwo wuvka ago be would bliTtewfjht Hu :ion County and beta elected BberifT by a bandioiDe majarlty, but UHtwjg the till or i l energDiie a campaign M wai •Tcr waged In lU* Huie, hlichiooei of eleo- tioQ are exoiedlngly ilender, If they bate any UoglbUUy i.t atj, Tbu ColoiieL’a cam­paign ilarlOvi ofT wim • great Impelui, which ibreauard lo iweep oTarylbiug belort lb Edward Ur huo Iuq. lUe DvinocraElc oomlncf, wHi coniidered the caadldale of Bob DavJig iba policy dealcrd, tud tbe botte racing gambling rrtitcrniiy, rromlnenl Heinoorati openly rtpudiitad the tlckel, and declared their Intenllon of worklogagalnillt. Lawrence FagMii. a tn«eniiie man, Iburougbly acquilDled with niMcbme nteibudip wbo wui eleeied Mayor of ilobokeu Ian kpriug, pub>Ikly announoea H aU ii Mould do ill ta bit power lo defeai luton ana ai ha coolroUed tbe police and Arc dcpattmenla hla power wae coDildered airong cDuagh lo ralie ibe mtacblei With the majority which ihe rltig* ateralDOk furlo liubokon. Tba clergymen, Proteelaot aud Caibolio logeiber with Ihelr layraebe formed tUo Mural Reform AKfoelalloD and beld roaumeetinga ai whlfth UMaotou and ihe ring aere dauQUO^d aad Toinsy wiia extolled ai ibciuodarn Moeea wbo WRi lo lead ilie cliy aod luuniy out of Ha poliilcal bondage.

Rut ihal la a peculiarity of iludaao poli- lleia Evary cainpulgii iiarti off In un at- inuapbens of atuuted puoilo liidlgoatloii, uhluu ia enough m chili ibo marrow lo tbe booea oi llie ringalera, ir they u-nra noi osad to It by ibia time. Neembeld^ ibey were greatly iruiibled tbU fall, the paai two municipal eieciloOH abowed them Umt Jeraey t'lty oould give the llrpubiiCHQ uiiU-rnig oendldaie a majority wfilcu a wnulU U«x tbalr IbfCQUliy to ihe iiiiTioBt lo ovarvnnio In ibenurlh \\htI or (he county, while tlib fnet | Umt Tbumptoti and the raeeiraok people had dumped cotialilerable roonty Into Hud- ioti and were doing aJi they could to defeat HlaoUin, Iti order that they might get

buuk " with l>euMy aMcLnighlln. added to their diniouiltiet, Dcuuy'a Imuiui "Eect. youa Hhcritr 1 du uiid yi»u wunt waut Jawa,'' It la laid haa daukied.hi "'Hilly’a ” brceateveralnoe Demiy flung It nl blo3 laat winter H« n reply to ul« polli*) Inviuilen to help paaa tbe lUceiraok law*, andoueofhla aluiN Ih Hfc la (ogvt'^u.ire w im tue >■ Prince of (lultenbury.*' Luai w loter'a bill, prohibit­ing wtfiier raoefl.wnapaiiaed topunliu Daony, bullhompaoti fvari Ibut If HUuiou iaeleot- ed Hlienir Dcniiy will go on racing at Gui- Leubura Ju«t aa though tbera wai tio Jaw agalQHl It ou Was booka and will in Blliy^a " plelurcKiue vernacular^ have the InugU ou him.”

Hnt the rlngiicm wera not dhbearlened and they went to work in earnest. Hbe had all ibelnwyera from ex-noTernor Hedladown tothlayear'a IlceutUie etidorM huanloii'a uianugemeui of ibd bhartlTi ofnee during the year he b.it bucu iia occupant. At h meeting called to protcat agnitiNi the nng and lia caiKjtdit^e, istephaa R, Uaiikom, Ibe olde.it practicing Uwy«r lu tbe couuiy, said that although be did not endorse 8iaatou'a nomioatlorif. truth compell -d him to aay that be had made the beat tlberlfT the county had bad In ftitren years, Cbanevflor McO.H wrote u letter prairftig the Hberlff, and Guv* eruor Weria took I be atump in hla bebalf.

'J ben ibe Moral Raform Aasoelailun bald a maMmeetlug at which Dr, rarkburat, of New Turk, aud Neveral local clergymen laado'aome verv Injudlcloas remarks atiom Irlabmco abd Catholics. All Ibli tbe rlug has played lo lU beat advaniaga with the re* ault thai ll looks very much to-day as ibougb tStantOQ would wla.

The BbcrUrUghi nai to a great extent oeer-ahadowod ibe leglalaiive conieiE. Neverthe- leaa eauaea have been at w^rk in aeveryluf Ibe dUirIcta wbich make them doubtful. Hudson waa gerryioandorad HO aa tu make leu ofltaetieTeti dJairicla Demoerattc uuder eHotrcumelaacwi, lUkd noMoneof tbe ten has fires Uae thw« |6Q DaamoiwUc pUu»l>ty, TfiillepubktMBtciliwod tvw aeaia i«» ly «a r throagh dleaeaaloQs among tne Democrata, Oaeoftbeee, the y'lnt, will go back to the Democrats iUlayeer. Tbe Second la tbe new ** U«»raeeboe,” with a Kgpubhean moJorUy of ],6C0, abdMaX Salinger, the plctureaqne al- lorney will keeptbp Houseawakeagala (bla winter wbtb bia ornate oratory, llenrjr Hotmei, the IlcpubUcan, who captured (he Third last winter, will have a hurd row to boo to get eleoled tbh year, ilta opponent, Tboniaa Kean, however, la hot a pimieulariy strung or popular candidate, bnt behaaa working majority of uOO In hie favor. Hugh Kelly, Ju the KooTtn, u aifauoch DaTiamaa nnd one whom tba Ring can rely upon. There Is tauch oppoalilua to him among Demoorata and The Jersey City Xan, the local Democratic organ refuaes to aupport him. Nevertbeleta wllh a majority of ILO In bis favor hit chaooee ufelecLloti are gi>o<L

Oicar King, tbe DcmociwUc Domlnce In the the Fifth, wjil be elected unless an unfore- •eeu tidal wave strlkei the county,and U will have lo sweep away ** Teddy” Oarroll, the Glouoefter’a bookmaker, who la runnlni fOr ibe third lime in tbe SIxib. Things are more hopeful for tbe ftepublicanH lu the Seventb. This dlatriot takes In a portion of tbe vaat slope of Jersey City and Uarrlaon aud Kearny« and Jeraey City la generally looked upon to carry the district for the Democrat]'. John Kerr, tha Republican aomlneCr i* developing streaglh lu the Jeraey City section of tbe dlitrict, wbleU bla friends aay will carry him through. The Hepubil- cans' cbaocea of carrying tbs EldbH) arc brlgbi. Thomas McEwau, iheir caudidatc, ll a prset Cal politician und ituoitig gooii and edVollvo work. Ills opponent, Dr, K V. W. Stout, waa elected lost year by 60.1 plural­ity, but there la much opposition to the docior Is the district this fall,and predlciions of bia defeat are freely made. Michael J. Coyle, the Democratle oomlnee, liea another anre ihtug |u the NluHi. The Tenth la considered doubtful, JHotb oabdldalai are Demooiaia; Charles A. Meyers, .Tr., being the regular and Colonel CbarlcH Erieokoeticran Independent nomi­nee. The arlslocrutlA German oeciion of Ho­boken ta In diairiiEt. and boili oaortkdales have many (rienda amoug tba oltlBcus, Colonel Frleukoftier was ilio Lieutenant- Corumuuder of ibe old Seeood'Rsgtmo{U,Bn .1 WHS.very-popnier with iheaoldiers. I f he Is, be will act with tbe Republicans on orgaui< cation If tbe Democrats Inalai upon making Flynn nr une of his Ilk Hoaaker,

JameM Usher, a hrotUer uf Thomas H. Usher, clerk of Ibe Roar I of Taxations tbe Dfmocratto noinluee In tbe Eltventb, vfllL be •lectedi

A Large Antl-Raoetrack Heetlai: in ths First Gharch.


Clitaeaa SUuulil X'ote ta Pru.h ihe Itaai- lillng Evil, tie Raid, aiKl There BhaiiM Be No nhlrkltig at tbe Vullt--T,lllng uf the few er of the Haeelrarlt Mea-K, V. I.lnilabiirx On the leiue In Ihe Rtate, Other Mvetlaia.


Mrikera Pull Cara from the Traeka, Ret Them on Fire an A Ataanll DrlTora.

MAHj)xliJ.Xi, Not. a—The Citnnehitre, Ibo Aneat ilrset lu tbla clir, tbltonl/ 4 few daye ago wet tbe toeue of Iba great rteeptlon ic Ihe Runlan naval oRIceri, wai tbe acene [(>■ da!-' ofnn eutireir dIAeraiil galliertnx.

Tbeiramwar men went on atrlke jeale^- day, and lu-day u rlutuui mob gal Hired In the L'anneblere and aiuuaad llaelf by over, lunilng a number of onra tuat were.Jialnx driven by nen-al rlkrra and ntaeulling tbo drlvera. Hot eonlent wlib ibta diaplay of lawleiioaaa, theairlkeraobtalDod a quantity of patrolaunt, which they poured over tbe upeetcari and then aet Are lo tham. Tbe police were out in torcr, bnt tbeir elUmpla to dtaiwrie the e-owd and protect tbo driven were rrnlileaa-

Finally iroope were font to the eeeae oftbe dtaiarbnuce, aud they aucceed In realorlng order, dliperalng tbe rlotera at Ibe point ol Ibe bayontt._______ ______

Mlllbura aad Tiolnity.Several Iemperaaetadvoeataior Mlllburn

will organii* a branch of the tudependoDt Order of Good Tem plan lo-utgbl. Froleitrir lockoer, principal of Waablnglim Public

Roliool, aod )Elioar Clouaar are tbe I3>m- mitire of Airangemeota

Robert Itoee baa returoed fbom a baalneee trip tbri.ogb tba Weet aud reeonitd tale dnilei at the United Slatei nuraerlie.

Hri. George C. Ntllei, of Hlnbeapollh Minn., le tbe gueit of Uer pareota, Mr. and Mr«. N. Cory Cox, at BprlniAild,

Uuitave Kobbr, ofBumDill, will begin a nrleeqrMmtday evening ulka Id tbe UIll- born Fito Iteadlng-roomi to-nlghl, He will bate fo* Wa aabjaeij “ Ubtlid AtMee Ltfti- taving, LIgbthnnaa and Ligbtiblp Service,"

The irultlbf moa nr Ibrea tatala betwoan Jaraey tbe, a bay getdlng, owned by Calab Da Oemp, aod White Prinee, owotd by Jamea B, Lanenetelu, allraeled many borae- men loHorrla avenue, AprlngAald, yeilerday aflernooa. Both borne were allaobed to llghlwelgbt bagglta and were driven by their owaen. Jeraey lEe waa.

The Untied Btatai N araertea, of short Bull, tbla morn ing ablpped twooerloada of epeelmen qtaryaantbemama and other planu loibeannaal iiuibitlon oftbe New York

jriorieta' ClnK wblob opeoi ia the Indnatrlnl Th ~ ■ . . - - - .

Tbe aull-raoetreek inrailng In tbe FIrit l*rnbytfrian Cburcb laat nlgbt waa altandad ny a large audlcoce. On Ibe plelforni.be- tide. Ibe ap|pliara, tbe Rev. Dr. Duryte, >if Kutrera Collegr, end R. V, LIndabnry, of Elliabeih, were the ^ v . Dra. D. R. Kraatr, A. Nulaon HolMAald, Lyman Alim, Lvwla tainipmau and Paul K. Suipbtn, all of whom loot part in tbe aervicie.

The Rev. Dr. Duryee wai the Ant apeator. Tbere waa a ramarkablaaonteal going on, ba aald, in Ibe Slate, at remirkalilt In lit alienee aa In lit aplrlt, "Ononeal<le,'^ba Mild, “ eraarraigned the foroei wbleta wa ara no- cuatonied hi cuntidar at tba airong dominant fnreaa of Ibe Slate In Iba intaraata of hu­man lly. On I bn other tIdMbera ll parfaot alienee. And yet lo-day ll la glvan nul mat Newark li aafe tor Ibe gainbleri. All are Inalrueied aa to tbe namra of' ibeeoniaal. To Ibe credit of me prete it liaaa unll In thia Aflii, no matter wbet lit pollileal ooni- plexlon. Thera are now alx open hatia In ilila Stale, and tba people art clamorlog lor Ibe repaal of Ibe law mat make, tbeui helli Aflufleh. tleblnd the bill tbe face of the gambler It eoncraled,"

Dr. Duryce aald be w ii not oppnied in bnriea nr hurie-raclug when not Joined to evil. Rnbert llnnner waa a horramao who bad no mint of Uie gaiublcr. "llambllng ll notaaporl; It ]• a buainrai," beaald, "and whan a gambler tnvllea a man lu 11 la lim­ply an example oftbe old aiory of tbaapider and tba Ay. Why wai 1840.004 nald on one Irtok in one year fnrlba prlvllegtof book­making, or why do pooiirlltn pay giooa dayf simple betting la a petty vice which, when Indulged In lo exwat, lie nu'ianceto other.. Men ihat X know of bava friiin ilm- pla bellera become gamblcra and belong to tbe very worn ael.

" If a man And, bla neighbor'! pockaibcok hnnraly aaya ralurn It II puiilble. The gam­bler latigha blm lo .corn and eeya 'Take whnl ,von can gel and glvo notliliig for ll.' That Is thogambler’i mclhnd. And What la agalnat Ihl! outcry of lianealyf"

The tpeoker lold how Tbompion, of Glou- cetltr, liB'i put a bill before tbe l.e|litamre and alcppeij kicloiugblln, of Hudnoo, racing on hla track bccauae Olclaiughlln nouldnotpay down 440,000. But they bad come logelher aauln. and the Demnerali are with Iheie penple, in New Brantwlck, ba tald, there are 1,000 piirchaaable vote, ont of 6.000 volera. Tha word purrhutublo la aDtxod t.i ibelr namea. Io tbe Lrgiilaiure when tome of tbe beat lad lea I n the land appeared they wora ipoken of by the racetrack atarlar ipeaker ai • tboee women of New Jeraey,’

"Ob, men of New Jeraev, Wbn unto vote, tel Ibcie thirgi come Ip ynu," cried Dr. Dnryee, " They ex i eet to carry tlieeleeilon by parMaanihipaiid by Ihnae they ooiiirol. Iiiiiay bi-laid, ageotneiay, that It la betiar to vole to keep Ibla gambling uuder the law. 1 aay did you ever know of good coming Ifom legallied vicar If yon want to atop a dog barking at night cut off bla tall cloia to tbe eara. If you want to wipe ont vice don't legallie ll."

One other force. Dr. Dnryee raid, tbe gam- taliri dtpendedon to win. It waa tbe liidlf- fcrance nf men to the bet that there la an eieciion. " ! imat itaal Newark, wblcb baa alx of ibcie racetrack legHlalora up forcler- tlei), will turn Ibetn down, frnin IJarrlgau Jo tbe laat oiu. They may vole for iCtompeon tor tTnlldd Ftalee genatnr. He watt* ft. Tliompaon In the place of Frallnghuyaen and omeral Sinatnr T.iompaon, tbe oolleigueof Senator Jfmia Smith, Jr. I In difference may elect* him, Newark, 1 beJJeva, baa a great fntnra. It will exceed tbe Birmingham of England, It la only Ibe diiturtonee of Ibe hour that etanda tu tbe way, Ittitoyour Inlemia, men nf Newt rk, to vote the right way. A vole for n gambler', friend la avolo agalnat conictence, a rota tor iniquity."

Mr. Ltndubury tnid; "W e are being la tbla State n erlati, tha equal and Im­portance ot which bee not onmeupoiiua •toceltae Rcbelltnn. We have to divide li- anca IO far reaching In tbclr conacqueoeei that olirettroa Will not lie Ihc end oflham. Tbe leeue will Hart naon to proaperltyoi aend ua d'Wn to the degradation of'nian- klnd, to decide wtaelber the Stale ihRlI be lOvernedlD me Intereai oftlio gimbteraor lo the Inicreat of morality nod law."

"The Natural Hiiinry of Gambling" woa tbe anljeot of the dlacourte delivered by Kvv. J. H. Allen, peetor ot the New York Avenue Hetortoed Chorcb, yeilerday morolng, Tha clergymen began with tha exprcailou of bla belief Ibel Ihc world la growing belter, "Tbla dingeroot evil of gambling," con. iliiued Mr. Allen, “ bea become n imlltlcal liaue In thlaSt'iir, Tbe beltle-ground la tbe racetrack. In Imulalona It wna the lottery, and in me National Legliialura It wilt one of theta daye be the queeilon of gambling In fbturei. Tbe gambling liiAutocc la leading many promlaing young muo lo uta tbalr em- pioycri'money and to torga Ibelr employ- era' alguiturea. Tbla often letdttiidlamlieal, dlagrace, aiilcideor aoell lo priaon."

Mr. Allen then atucked gambling and pool aelllng on boraef.

In concliiaioo ba aald that In the praaanl laaue tbere were bnt two partlea ; llonen men and xamblera. Be called nphlihaarera loctaonae between tbern, aua maid mat' It la tbe duly nf'honaat men aa good ctllxenalo ciiat Itaelr ballota for men wbo will work lor the repeal of tbe racetrack meaiurei.

An audience cqpwdcd the Knox Preaby- lerlBO Kcerny Chnrcb lait ulghl, Tbo llep- tlatand theMeinodlat Chu'chca bad nulled with Ihe I'reabyierloo to denounce tbe pub­lic evtla whole fate Will be decided ncFl Tueaday. D. Cberlea Preycr vlgoronaly ein- phaalxed the duty of Ihe eliurch lo aprak ul tlmea tjku Ibo preaent. He laidi “ When a niBiHU takei toy boy and hold, him agalnat ft baaxnaw, I do not put a toble In front of me and quoioScrlploreat him, bat 1 daib my Alt between bla eyii| end the church neeija 10 atrlke e blow at evil when ll ahowa liaelf. Tba devll’a sroak that the pulpit ahould preach tnegoepel aad not meddia with poll- Ilea, If earried out, would tnake the puJpU tike a ma keeping ■ drugatorf,wel]-iloek«d with ell medicinei tor every coinplalni, but rofnalng to aupply Ihera when tbe lick and tbe auffering come begging tor rittif."

John Y. Fooler, of thli city, made on cap neat addraaaabowtnc bow contempt tor taw reautia in an aggreulon oferlmeanddcelrne- tlon of all eivll and moral righta ‘The State nf New Jortoy." be exclaimed, " la tbe only p'ace on God’a broad earlh whure gam­bling la itgalliud.'bealdeiihaL bell In France, where elmcet dally .be rntnid and Ibedet- pnlrliig take tbelr Uvea"

Rev, Mr. Gordon, of tbe Davli M, £. Cburcb, Harriaon, raadian ea meet add rate appealing loall to uae tbelr InAuence that luch men ai ate known lo lie oppoaed to ibe tvllidlacuwed ibontd be elected.


Hev. Dr. Haley Cwila Oa the Men lo Vote tor The Right.

The "CMieni’ Duty a I thePolla" wa« tha lutjecl of the Rev. Dr. Haley'i addieii laat nlgbt at tha RoeavlllaAvcnua Pmbyterian Cburcb, The text waa Taken from ibe forty- A r>t Tcrai of Ibe n Inaliont b chi pter of loike, “ Aud when be waa come near, ba balield a city, aod wept ovar It." He aalilt "Hava we any canae for lean In tbla ooantry f How oanitbeT Hava wa not tba printing preat, and-have wa not the ballot box? Can we not mow under a man running toronice wbo la corrapil May there not be aopie cauat tor lean bare, ibougb we have Iheae tbingaP’

Dr. Utley then eald there were tome dliturblng elementi la the land, one of which waathecorrupilon of Ibe balloiboi, Tbe trouble, he aald, waq that many people could be bought. He bad beard of caaei wberi men In New ark bad eaat tbalr volte for a aetlalo caudidat) tor |6 aod an dfirooah and Tome tlineaforroueb lew. Eleoitona ae nowoon* dPAed, tbe tpeiker laid, wen veritable farcee, aod the rgeitrack! are a real evil. The latter, he eald. Were ran In tbe Intereel oftbd bookiuekera and were flaqaented by degraded men and women.

Tbe apeaktr Itaen eontlDUed: “ I wee In a itallon oftbe Central Railroad on o u oftbe raoe daya, aod crowed tbe ferry with a crowd. Some were meu with bloated fadta, othtra wen lanoeent looking olirkk and na»ny ot them vr«a. Falnl-taeamtrahad

.1 wwiderto if i h y wtoegirtag (p r

prliaOfbt, and waa told by agautleman that they ware going lo tbe new ."

Theepaaker ibeii tald Ibal a fEpmlneBt poll.Iclan waa quoted aa having aald Ibtl "Iha racetrack luen will win In theeomlng eleelton, bccaiiw lUey are organlaed." Dr. Haley cool Inui'd 1 ''Every man nugbl lo go lo Ibt ballot box anhcriy and with fear. Conddenct la nnhetlihy. lo t na reinenibar that our duly a lo cxerclae our inAiienca tor man pledged agalnat ilieia evlli—agalaal ine bnela of tbo llquoi meo. Lei ua rtnieiiiliar ibftt tbegrcaleatwvll la ludtfferenov, wblcb you niillcc on regItiratlon daya. Thelndlf- fertuee of a molherur a faibar mcana Ibe cune of a ton or ilanibler. Tba Indlffennl mnn In bualneaa never auccetda. and tba In- dlflbrenlclllian lia waigbt upon ttaanaok of a poUilcal body. Krtiuka It, p iilltfar from you. Tba Americana of loot ago wara not Indlfferant; ibey tougbi, fought for a prlii- clplt."

Dr. Haley crnelnded by making an appeal to the wnmiu of the coggregetlon lo nee Gieir luAuence In the coming elcoilon,


He YYoiilil Not Give CeriiAcitti lo Chal- Irugera of Iha Citlaam' Party,

Shortly after 10 o'clock tbla morn lug Con- liable Mock ridge entered tbe City Clerk'a oDlee aod informed Ur. O’Oonnor Ibal bad a warrant, tor bla arreat. Tba oonitable read tba wirrant, wnieh waa twned by Jni- tloa John a . Rodrigo, and tht complaint, which chargai tba City aerk with miadt- meanor, waa iworn to by Juba H. Burualt, of IbeCItlaeo’a parly.

The law under wblob tbe wirrant waa la> ■uad permit! any Juttloa of tht Peace to erratgii llic defendant,■Dd the City Clerk aenl forTex ComnitiaiuDcr John (Hlo, who la a Juitloe, and be ailmltied 61r. G'Conoor to hail In Iba amu of tbOO. Tba City Clerk de­cided lo permit Ibe Grand Jury lo adjudge bla oare, aud became bth o « n hondainno,

Mr. O'Connor waa euuplalnrd of tor re- Aialng toappoint cballengara for itae bTilkeni* party.' _______ ____________

ON THE PUBLIC W 0R I 3.There W ill Re Little ta Do After Elee-

tloii Day ~ Thal’i the «ea - aral Opinlaa-

After a day or two tbere will baa tori of "your wrvicei are no lunger required " edict to many of I be veil “ army of UDeaiployed " that bava been " taved from atarvalioa" Ihrongh tht Iniirumentalliy of the powart that ba In tbelr "Judleloiil "eipehdllnra of tba taxpayeri’ money.

A majority of the men may be retained a day or two after tbe alcotlon returni eome In tor appearincta’ aakc, but la aald by tiia knowing onei that ihere will be few labortrt at work on the oily and oouniy roadi after tbe cinienf ihll week.

OfcDurae tbe city and counly nutborltlet aulhorltleirlld not appropriate public money lor poillteal purpoira; almoat everybody know, that, and Ifftny out la lo doubt, all ha needado la lo aik Iha auihorltlci oUiat it, lud they wUI unhctllallngly eay, “ Wbv, cerlelnly not; the atraiia iDdlaveuiiee were In need of repaln and till poor were out of work. We wanted Ibe repair, ipada, aad at tba aame time we deilred to help tbe need.v. We Juat killed two blrdi with one alone, I'ollLlcal purpoieaT fudge."

When one gala an explanation of tbla kind ftom the fountain bead, ae It were, be oin no Icngat entertain a payltole of doubL

ButaAar cleellnn la ovar lt willbedlffep auu It will be explalbed that tbe atreeta and ■vetiuea were never in better tbape. Of eonne. It took money to put f bem In coods tlon, bnt Ibe work waa done. It will be ehowothal I hare are no more etreefa to be Improved and no mora moaay toapend. Tba heart! ol the nfilclala will blend tor tbe dla- ireiiid, but wbat can tbey do2 Election la over. All voteeareoouiiled, aiidlbereleno need for tbe aervleee of tbe poor working­man. They will tty thay relieved dlitteia temporarily, but wllldlidalnnilly deny that Ibelr actlona were Intended lo keep voleri In line.

Ou the o itj’a etreet department pay roll ibere wee, Hta aald, ISt oanua. Whethveor nwt tba foreman are expeeted to wink et the manner fn wbleb work la done, la to ba eoa-

Jectared, but etriain ll. ia that Ibe taik of alreet oJeenlng la ptirformed In a allpabop manifbr. loibegawga eroploytd tbecaaual obaerver can pick out Iba man wbo ara willing to glva a fair day'a labor tor a fair day'a pay. Thay nra principally old men wbo have famlllri to aupport,and they work btcanie they are glad lo gal tbe ebtnee l« earn Ihe prlra Of tbelr dally bread, aid yonng mirrloa men wbo are Imbued wlib the pr< par aplrli. It la laid that on atreeta In ttala city wbere contracta bava baen awarded lor tba paving of Ibe lame, tbera lire amall armlee of men employed cltaalng out fULtere. Eteryitalni, aeeorillnf lo Ibe ciiniplalutftafrlUnnt end tax peyere. It be­ing done 111 ftule-eleolloa-day aiyle.

No texpayen hfti yet b> ea tonnd who did nut aay Ibal be waa willing to pay bia ibara lo defray Ihe rxpeuiea of work cobtclen- tlonaly perfornied.

The hotioit laborlDg. mea ere tbemeelvee lUegnaled with Ibe melhtda employed, 46- eordlug loiomeoffbctr number. Tbey are compelled lo aland Ibe abnaa brought on tbe gangi of worker! through the ennduct of wbal Ibey call tbe growICNruihlng element

In Ibelr ranke.TheaameappliNto tba dolaga of the men

engaged on the county roagi. Complaint! bava poured In toancU an exicnl that ITeel- dent Cahill of the Road Board a week or two agoacored tbe SnperluteadenUand declared Ibal they would beheld rttpunilblefor Itae action of the men under tbem.

Ae a matiar o f fact tba auperlpiandentaare murerlaaa lo oontrol tbegangaaeut out from Ntwark lo work on the cuiinly roada Thera are teorea of laboren who try lo work faith­fully, hot itaeraaretcorcaofolberi won will uoi oa.y not work Ibamaelvat, but will not permit otnara to work,

Tbe innrrlad men and aomt of Itae aingle fnen who ondvavnr to make a good abowloi nre horded at by Iha otbera and called

eeah! " and aucu eodeaflng lerme.On Bprltignafa avenue one dny iMt week

a candidate lor nfllee ordered a leg or two of beer at a Haplewuud aaloon, a/id iho men at once luapondnd work and didnoi think of rsiumlua until tha beer bad bean ennanmed. At that time aome of tham wera In no abape lueniitinue.

Biorlea ol (be dolnga oftbe forcta on Waab- Ington nvenua, (nniral, Park and Dioom- Acid aveutieii, have been repeaiedly told, tom tb Oraiixe avenne baa not eaenped tba dopredalloiit of tne tong her elemenl,- some of Ihe mtb. It l< atid, dn-pile the proldfla of Ihoae who warned lo wort and tried to beiiBvt themHlvm, atole cabbage from iheffelilt at si. Mary'i Orphan A4y- luin, groan lomaloea from Itae Beioo Hall Collaae torm and eabbagaa from amall farm- era on tha mountain ipie.

A young man. It la given out, Inaulled a priailattaobed tr tortun Hall College In a almtear ao grtiatfy mat ina elergymaii ibraataoed loebaatlaa him than and tbera. The lough kept quiet after thiA but ume or the retpeeiablo liborire Jen Ihe ear and trudged homalo Newark rather than ridt with Iba man who Inaulled Ihe prlaeu

lliporta of dcpredailoneeome from elttaena aloiit Ihe line ot every avenue. The old man ajf Riod III ihalr proloaia. Tha aiiperinitn- denii «ay they try toobay Pretident Cahill'a ordera to have work falintolly done, butde- Clara that It would ba nteeaeary id call nut tbe mtlllla Ui induce aome of loam ioto work.

tnaomneaata Iha eaperlnlendMl! reftiae lo be beld reeponilblc.

AAer eleetloa day the BniieHatetident win be blamed tor all rlamaga doae by men Whom they nan got erintrol, and thay Ibire- ton daclara that Ibay are powerlaoa to pre­vent depradatloua. _______


They May Bo PlBeedMaoh of Boothi aadRraad Praetload,

biiHTha RapubHcan County Committee u up In arma over an illoged aohamaraf tbe Damo- aralle "boaiea” to aupply voiara with ballota, and tba ODSimlUao will aeoord- Ingly Inatruct '.tbalr eballengeri towateb tbe elabtloa boolbi, nnd If nny nl- tempt la mada to Carry out Ihe plan, the partlee to It will be prnmpUy arrraied. Tbe •cbetoi, aa lold lotba oommlltee, la ibai boutba will be plcead egalnal doon leading Into vacant reomii, in Itae buck ofthe buntba, alldinf penal! will be placed lu lucb a ura,v aa not to be teen by Ihoce net prevlouily punted. Thue a man In tbe boom may be onppLled with a bftlliit to anil tba intareeu of the baokara of the plan.

A I ICMl two placet whare tlda acbemt l! tlkaly lo be operatod have beeo reported lo tbe ouaimltice, aad It le Ihongtit that then are uliitra

Ah alleged eobeme m X e beneOl of repeal- era la alaa apokea of. It la wald tbal two Hate of all the voleraIn eneb dletrlet will be kept, and na tba lime drawa mar for Ua eloalag of tba poUa ttaaoe ilMa will be eeeuuedand tba anDM< rX all ika votara who have not nvallpd Ibemealvta ot tha privllaga No voia will ba no tad by thoao wbo an wllilngturlak arnat tor a oonalderailoa.

EllhabaDClFmibaMiuFaaballl The icad- jR|^l|afa tjl^i^/alwnya uutlonwr—Adv.

HONOBING THE HERO DEAD.Yalerana Pay Tribute to tba Memery of

Aaghil llronner—Burled tTllb Military Ceremony,

Fulloued by about tbice hundred valertna of Itae late wer, end preceded by Voca' Hand playing mllllary nin, iha murial ra- malnt of Auguet K. Brauner, who tiaddla- llngulehid hlmialf oo the Acid ot bailie, wai borne lo Ibagraveal Falnuuunt Cvinilery. On tbe deccaeed hero’ a bnail wai ylunad a medal, a hroitie Iropby, that appealed to the raapcci and honor of Iba viierana wbo made up tba long llna of mournera. Tba bit of matal wai a niidal of taonoi priHnUd to Auguat Brounar by Cong real and bora Iba Inacriplloul

" The Congreaa to Augutl F. Ilrannar, tut- fery C., Flrtl Ualtellcn, New York Arlllliry, tor dlatlDgulihad bravery lu Ibe halilee of FatrOaai and Malvern HU, Juna 44 and Juy 1, 1W3."

Auguat F, Bronnar waa, aa naar aa la kUQwn, about ftfiy-ala yeara of age. Uecime lo the United Hialei when about iwaniy yaari of age and engaged lu the ineuufac- tnreof paicul medlclnaa on a amall icale. Soon after iha Civil War btgaii Brnnntr en- llilad In Ihe F|nt Battallou. New York Ar­tillery, and Waa aialgDad lo Company 0 aa driver. Ria career aa an arilllirymaa waa one full of auvaniura and hirdahlp. Soon afitr Joining iiia company at Waablugiun hirtotlvadan Injury loona or faliauMaby being kickad by onauf hla hotaM, During nil blaaftar life tbe aoldler au Acred from tba eflact uf Ibal Injury, Wban the Uulon truopa till buck from Rielimoud they ballad In iha While Geka awamp where on jnne 34, Utt, Uronuer'a company parilelpalad In a "•rea battle, the young drlvcrualng ibe buidipike during itae en­ure eoinbal. When iheDommend lochaugc the poauion ofibe bhilary waa given llrou- ner mourned with bit maleaaud prep>rad to dreg tba gun nwny. Tbe enemy opened Are and In the ball of abot that r. ll ihlca and faiteround tba ratreailng loldlart llronner waa atruek on iba left aide ot Iba biad, Tha bullet tank deep lu Iba ahull, nnd tba youug artlllaryinan uecania uiiounaolout froni iha pain ufhia eoiind. Iiaretalned hitmouni, howevrr, notll rnnacluuineai returned.

When tba troope haliej ba dlainoiinledaiid acomradanaraed DaoleJ Mueiltr axaminod the wouad aod tou nd I bi bal I llg hi ly wadgad In Iba akuli, A aharp call fruin ilia Lieu- fenant, who did not know how icriouaty me mao waa Injured, arouaed Biouiicr’a In and although ami laiul and only half oontcloua, ba ramounlad and conUnued bla rida wtib the battery. Unbelting again hli oomradea llftol blm from hla hcrar, Auguat Mueller, ailbarlakot bla llle, obtained aonia wilar tor bla euicly Injured .comrade. Hronner, In relating ti.a aiory ot that anful txpericnee, laid that ha Ihniiaht hli htat hour had ciimt. He leaned agimai it lence and prayed fur dliilb. Hit auAC.lngi were relieved by a yuting aurgeun, whooitracled Ibe ball, wlih 0 fragmunt of ibe clulli liat, after avveral efforia. The knife bud In be u.cd before tbe nil nf lead could b r dleloiijteJ.

Bruner, wlilie talking of llie evriil. vrieac- cuatomed todueil npoii ihe aeneallon of r<-- llef that fnlioeud the removal nf tha ball. Haoontlnued bladuilcaaud next ouy look enaeilve part In the baitleufiialvarii Hlli, ranialnlog on duty unill July 4, uheii ba wae praleed for brgvery beioro ibe entire baliellon, and waa relieved frnm duly, wlib Inati'uctloDi to report again wbeu he had re­covered,

In May following Brnncr again dltilng- nlihed nimatir by tavlng nit gun irom a alormlng party ol tna enemy.

At the eloae of Ibe war the yonng artillery­man ca me luNewurknndonce more enaagcil In ibe inniiufaclura end talc nl palent niaili- eloaa. Some aeventecn ymra ego be nepa* raled frnm bla a lfe, and at Ibe time of bla death tai'did not know whetbtr aha wna liv­ing or not. Me occupied a flirntabad room at d2 Bevanleenth avenue, where be liven alune. Gn April 14 laat yennbe tacrived hla modal of honor, which he regarded aa one of hli moat valuable potaeaeloni. Early laat montn bepBldavlalt lo the World'! Fair at Cht- cagu and later attended a banquet of Ihe Medal of Honor legion In Naw York. About tan daya ago he wa* tekeu III; but rafuiad to coDitott a phyajplau until Igiit Tuaadgy nlgbt wbaa ka waa takeo lo tbe CI|g_Hnapuat Cym lag Jbam pnawnfaffTK. Sup^ateadest Fhitda tonnd In bla poekela 4144 and pinned on bla bnatt Ihe medal of bonoe.

Mr. Field at one# rommnnleaicd with Ganaral Janwa R (PBalrm, sommander o f IbalAglon. Eiapa were at onea taken to ilva Brobucr a aoldlir’e burial and Ibt arrange­ment! ware Intrnited lo Hexemer Poet n. A. R., of Ihl!city.

Theftineral look place yeiterdiy, accord­ing to (he rltnal of Ihe Grand Army oftbe Republic, Tbe remain! were eecaaed In a bleak coffin and oonveyed In abeam from Moltin'! Morgaa lo tbe room ot Hexamer IHiai, where tne veierana toll In Hoe. A Arlog partynnder MajorAbtaerved uguard of honor.

A t^e iraven n oral Inn waidaltvarad by Rev. E. T. MeClymout, of tba North BaplUi Cburcb. GeneralO’BuIrneand GeneralC. 11, Oolih alao paldM irlbnUof raipvct to tba dead anldlor'a memory, A triple talnie of clgbt goD i wet ftrtd over Iba grove, tbe buglermundwda wlcrddlrgt aad tbeb.dy of the droaaaad hvh. waa lowered to the grave, Gonefal CBelrne aald of Brirnntr that ba waa one of the naUon’a buniole hetwA eon tent with having aervtd bla coun­try In Ibo hourofdlrcai n»ed. Illacaet, Gan eral O’BeIrne aald, waa ramarkable, In Hi it tala medal bore iiieiuioii nf two iHiiilai In which tba aoldler diaplaytd brnvary of eo bigli an order that li waa noted evan at a lima wbeu eaeb man w ait barn.

In Howah Urange Vlllaga, RunellB. Maxwell, aon of J. B. Maxwell,

principal of the Maplrwood Public Hohool, died at Ibe borne of bit paranta, on Second •treat, South Orange, ytaierday mornlni after an lUnaiiofAva weeka of Arlgbi’a dtaeaa*. Mr, Maxwell waa iwenly-four yeara of age, Tbe funeral will be held from hla lain real- dcDcaon Wednewdayaftarnnnnand will be condueied by Rev. Sohn R. Fiabor, tormer pcBiornflhe FInl Preabyierlaii Church. The Inicrmeul will be mode Iu New Prnvldencr.

Bridget Itellly, aged tigly-tbree, died at tbe home ol her hroiber-lii-lnw, HIchcet Quinn, OR Chnrcb atraet yealerdoy. The cau<e ofdealb waa poralyala Tbe funeral icrvloea will be held from Our lAdy of Sorrow'! chnrcb.

A “ penny eoclable" will bo b^dlnlbe Odd Fellowa’ Hall tu-olglil nnder Iha illrac- Gon of Slar or Hope Divlalon No. 236 of ihe Nona of Temperance.

U hat baen deeldert to eontlnne the fair In Onr Lady of Borrow’! Cbiireh for aooiher wea4.

Warrantt have baen lamed by Juatlee of tbe Peace Loula Albeck tor all Ihe delin­quent laxptyeriol tbe lownahlp. q'ht num­ber la aald to amcnnl to oeaely 440,

At a prlvaie meeting of the towneblp Corn- re I tire el Chairman Hal vll lall bouaeonSfit- urday nlgkl Mr. Bruah reporiad that ha jial leeiired tbe renewal nf tbe bid of iha Naiv Jeraey Llgh'log Ciimpncytor lighting the ODlildedlatrlcianfthe lownahlp. The work Will be pnehed forward aa rapidly aa poael- ble, and before the cold wealher eomea tbe greater part ot Ihe lownahlp will be tighled.

Tbfiiaylngof Ihe new leleptanne wiree by the N . m id N. J. Telephone Company on Souib orange uvenne ha. been compialed. An extra eoiidnli box haa bean laid, ao tbere will be DO ueeeiiity uf Icarlng up tbe road Ic tbe fntere,

Hoae Company Na 1, ot the Boulb Orange Voinnieer Fire Deparimenl, will bold (heir ball In Empire Hall to-nlgbt,

The toitowlng eportint eveote have been arranged by tha Seinn Hall Collefeitadenla tor Ibelr Acid day, Thuraday, November 0 i Uae huiidrad tun BN-yard daah, one-mllt and a he I Pm He IBD, Lbree-mlle bicycle raoe, high and broad Jniitplni, putting the tlx- lean-ponnd ahM, pole vinlllng and potato racea. ________________________

Koaas Conw4y C. E. Annlvaraary.An Intartatlng proiramme baa bean ar-:

ranged by Ibt Eaeoollvt Commlllce of the Eaaeg Cobnty Cbriatiaa Eiidenvur Union tor Itatixibanniveriary lobe held to-olghl In the FlratPreebyterlnn Cburcb. Tne epeakar oflbaevenlng, 8<T. Dr. David Jamea Bur, retl, of New York City, la a trtiiiee of tbe United Boelety, and an Endaavor worker itr national repute, Tbe Hiealonary lingne will begin aaerlel of meeting! In the eouich parlor at Ti24 o’clock.

Taeiday Likely to Be Fair.Fair weather, with aiallonary tempera­

ture, It predloMd tor Naw Jefaey to-morrow | idutkwaeterly w indr.___________



Tbe Bcagvlllc W. C. T. U. will hold aa aU- day prayey-mtalingat tbelr hail to-morrow, MfHmlug at 14 o'clock,

A (blr end aniartalnmenf, toe ihebanefltaf Ibe Home 41 Ihe Frlendmt, will be held In Ihe Church of the Redeemer on November 27 and B,

AanoelatloB Hall waa Ailed with men yee- terday alUynono, when the Rev. Dr. Feul F. Bntpbea epoke on the aubjeoi, " Fallen Am oq Th6eve<.” ilia dlaeoniaa waa I tateaad to wHk rag* atientlon. At ih<' aftaxoagaatlng IhieaptBpaaa profearal eoiiveaatao.-e-

Fightiffg Against Efforts to Foist Us- qoallfied Votsrs On tho Commoni^.


Firit Her Evidenea YVaa Queatlened by Dainoerallc Lawyara, and Thaw, t^baa II Cenid Not De Makto, the FroMBd- Inga TVere Nald le Be lllegnl—Bamael J. Hacdonald'a Hole I a the Caae~Baay Nalaralltalloe Clerha-The Naw Clll- aena Turned Out,

Net tjnea the opening of Ibt preMnl earn- pelgn hat Ihtrt baen tueb a erowdlngol tha Cuurthouae by would-ba cHlaaat and tbalr wllneieea at tbera waa Ibla morning. Knry clerk In tbe County Clerk'a oAloe waa bually anaaged In aiiliU itf In Iba nparation of tha naturalliailnn milt. Into 11 waut Ibt appll- eanli, baltar-ikallar, aud out Italy eania American cKixani, aoma of tbem In oiolhaa which no ntluralltalluu nitU could Atnart- oanlaa.

Part of tba crowd waa oompoted of man who want ad their aaiuct added to ibe ngle- Iry, It la Ihe opinion of many Ibal tba namn which "repealert" will vote on were not put upon (lie lleta onlll to-day. In ordar 10 out offopporlunlly for Inveaiigatloa.

Ttad'ibird component part ol tbe crowd wai the enmber aunt monad lo ana wer quee- tloni relailve lo auiperlad Illegal regl.lra- tlon. 2'iiomai N. McOartar. Jr„ wat to aonri early lo apply lor Iba itrjklng off of Iba forly-Sve namra publtahrd In ibaNkwaon Helurday, Judge Kalliob aud,Bamual J. Macdtinald appealed tor tbe Deecoorate*

Mr, McCarter etond op and moved that itaa name of Jamaa Farrell, reglateted froaa M Bank atrrei, ba ernaad from tbe Hal. Tba Judgenrdd^d Iha nurearoiu appileanta tor clllunablp and for Iha addition of Ibelr namto to tbe Hale to alt down, temporarily, until the worl of alrlblng Off namea ahould be done.

The copy of Ihe llcl of tbe Bevtnlb diatrlel. Fourth Ward, wae opened ce Elijah Jofan- eoii, a colored man, look Ibettipd, Mr. Mc­Carter moved that tba name of Arebibald Eigarioa be Mkvn from the ItaL He la rag- laiared from 64 Academy aireal. Tbe wit- Bela, It apprarad from bla own teatlmony. had mil tare the notice at Ibe right bouac, auU ao Kggerton'a name waa atlewad to rv- maln,

Herekamual J, McDonald made an argu­ment lo the i fffcl Ibei ibt nntloee lotppear had uoi Uaucit nut of Court end Itatretora were nol binding. Toriilog halfway around lo the nudleuce 111 ihf body of ibd room be added algiiinceutl, “ and no oat who licuiue 0 0 aiioh niiilce It obliged lu rematn bare.*

llie Judge dnided tb ii the noHoee were nol I'bllgauiry, but et Iha tame time "Ibote wtioiaiaed the nullctf bad a legal right lo do t'i,"

'X he coae of Henry T. Mann woa next lakas op. lilt name eppvara on ibt n g iilrj Hal of the abovc-nauicd diatrlot, and waa a. Jiving at 44 Acaileiiiy alreat Mr, Johntpn iwore that be ear ved nul lot at that liouaa In bla caaa. After Mr. Kaliach bad badgwed Iba vuieta by aiktiig blm aucb queitloiit aa "How did you know that you aervad thla nol lea WI tba lady of tba taouatf" ba atepped down aod Mn. England, of 6l Academy airec||, look iha aland. Bba awura that Ara man lodged with her, aad none of tbem le named. Henry B, Mann. Croaa-tiamlned by Judge KalUch ihe told abacoqld only rcinemhir the nainee of two of then men. She aakad tha other two ihalr iiniiiea yeilerday and they told bar, end noue of tbe namea waa Henry T, Manu. Mr, Kallacb argued that tbera waa no avldenn before the Conn toabuw that Mann dote uot Ilvaul64 Academy atreei. It would ba a poaltiTc Injuatlce in Hr. Hrnu, ha declared, to atrlke off bla name.

Judge Kirkpairlok coneatled long wlib Judge! X/<dwltb and Biittuer before beaald i

" I f I hla landlady will awur gualllvaty Ibal Maury T. Mann turn aol live 1a bar bnnai, and baa not lived ibere alnce Oelober Id, I will order bla name taken off. Kcvall tha woman,"

Bbe waa noallel, Sbe awore 11 poettlvely. Judge Kallacb aikrd ber whether abe knew that her lodgera, when aba .poke to tham yratarday, aava Ibelr right oainaa. sba did noU JHr. Kallich naked ber whelber aha ■aw all ber lodgera alnce Friday. All but one aha aaliL He bad coma from New York ebout two raonttia ago. Tbe Demoeralle' lawyera qnlckly look up tbla point. How did aba know be waa not Henry T, Maun? ' Bbe laawered Ibal ahe knaw bla Ant aama lo be William.

Mn. Esgland waa neat aifcad about Jamea Martin, Jamea Elolond and Jobu Van Ilomen, all o f whom are reglaiered from , ber bnoie. Siietwurt Ihet Dell her i f ibeui bad lived tbere elnce abe haa lived there, In ehoul elfbt tnoaibi.

The Judge began Ibuat “ Thti woman, bowaVer,dun not know tba oamae uf tbeie lodgtn of bar'fc Sba baa Ava men there and weflud four reglalraior-.”

Mra. England bare Inlerjeeied; “My peo­ple all lold ma that ihe,» were noiragiaterec, tor they have no right to vote. TwoufUiew are lately from England."

Nixt Mro England wae aaked by Judge Ka lecb abatheribe bouae aha llvad In weid nota doubla bouae. Sbe unawered Ibal It la, how did abe know Ihvn ibel theae man did not live in Ihe part of tbe houu wblcb !be doei not uecupy. • 'Bui," replied Mra. Eng- laud, "Ioccupy all of 6 the other pari la numbarad 66.”

l l looked vary black for Iha four namea under dIacuMlon. Tbere woa alienee tor a few mlnuiea and Ibau Samuel J, 6lucdunald gilt up end mtd the Jaw and ccnairucd ll. He conalrued ll to read that ibe preaeni nro- neadlnge were entirely III)g J, tor It meant, lie tatifl, Ibal appliiutloii baaed ou aAldavltL tor IhuatrlKlug off of name, abimld be mode to Ihecourl, and tba court abouid Ibcii Ax a dale fur the bearing, nuua of wblcb bud been duiic. *

Elijah JobDion wnacytln putoi IbciUmd, He Uvn ftl 13H iUl«ey NlrCMia 11 will lUovfdg tbe Mine dJiirici in wbicb Academy iiiect irj aliUft1c(L Now Ur. Johnson «u i orcu'ffi • mined shurcly mb ic^whelLor iiiecopift tif ina ierved iHilkii til bU Itund* Hare ciuict cnpli'S. .Mr. Jiibasoij c«iuld uoi nh>-. Judisc KmUaii DOW louk uno of Ihom aad said ibura ws« • word hi li tbnt he cuuid urn famii. Mr. liictarur icitlAd ibis by pt'oduuing tb# OrllhlRl DOhCM.

*' 1jC( Ibo onsr now call tbess insn s nacaecg" ordered tha Judn»'. " They mny b« la courL reHdy 10RwtmMnair names in.” ^

Crier Harris cillnd lh« usuaVSt but tbere Wk* Di iiitwar. ibe JudKs ord«r«d ibb four iinmcs tdlicii oA. Mr. UeCurter b«d woo. but bli tipt>oncDli had niad« a bif pomi—an bunr bag bcthconaumcda

'iba Jujlire })«xt wld Mr. MoCarttr tbal li« would tisvt (o ur«w ttu iHdario be eawrwt ou tb« niiuiiiM of ihcCourL ordcrlnc thete namea tavieu uir. Mr. MoUimr ssked wbsiber ho could ordsr for th (h#namea and waa (old Ibat be luuit iD«lt« oat for eicb.

Am Li the nemo orje ioet FarrelJ, of t i Benli street, eame up. Aa iiociicu nuoieabw peered on iho copy of tUo rejrietry hit Id tb« Judxe R I.Aiide, that was eoshy dispttied of.U uM ihiiu-b thauhe oamoor J<k*vpb Fer­rell eppejiicJ an ( hu copy (be Jlsfc as HTloe Id ibat liguNf, *

Tbs home 179 Market Kreet, from which are said lu he rvgieiered Are names, wia nexi. teicfru up, Tbe n«niti of Jubn Lewrifiesa llulph WllliamSg Jhidcs Fell aud Lewis Lsiili were ftmud ou tbe lls% butibetof Ado^b Jakei WM ooi ibere. liuMUs Via Clet'Cui KU Camuitree alreet*• ItebebiJaen elertion officer for tbe tfeooDd dlairlci. Third Ward, look tbe atatid to proy# aervloe of not ices. Tbe Judfe round ikmi be Is not blm- seif registered. He declared tnsl be wasa Tbe Judge lUowed him rh« lleL Ou U bla uatue WM apelled ” V«uDioree” Tne Jud^e told blm uial would noi di>, and Mr, MoCai ler lold him logo at once uud ge( Ufi uanie added lo the leglatry. Jie weoi, end a Mre rteriibcrg, whokeK))« a atore ntlTf Merkel ■■reel* liM'k ibo • nied. He swore ibei be did n4i< know any oi lu* rmr men, buL tbal wm tbe best evldei'oe be uouid give.

The Demucrniio InwyerB h«d aniioaitoed ibaJr wiltirigutas |.i buve ukhs uamtii itrnek off, flsihi* ivutt un uRice-bujfUiugt bui ibc Judge iiDdAred lhai ht* could mjtMtrlke them off witbout tbe legal proof, This Mr. Me* Ci rter WReunRblt /iirnlsb*iuid be w«e oblUed U> HbAodim ibeoe ra es.

" Now n i give >’4Ki ten luinulAS more for your uiber cuhCa und then we will go jdIo Ibo ulbar brwJmb of the bgslue^” seJd iu« Judge* The bntriqli am (be bostittee”tnauu WHS tiiC grliiditig out of ue« ciLseai •ud tJie tiddirig ot (iiclr usmcft to Ibc lisUe

Mr. Mci^rtcr* delermlned lo do ihc keml b# oould In Ibe ten alnulos, ealltd Urc. Owonc oaa wlms«*roribiboBeo6l AeodChiystrsctt from which 1 aarahor uf per^^Dsaroicia to l>e iUegaUv regiatered. Mra* Oweas did not answer. It was said that ■&• woa la conrt enrlltr tn ita« day. Hbc bod probably Uktn Mr. MiscDonctd’s bint and bad cone bome* WUcM«easiuraiUb«otbar catwwer* oaM*d aud Dot one nnswvrsd.

"Is IbfttaUT^'maked tb» Judgf ofMT.Ma- Carler.

"That Is kite sir."Tbe Couri ibeo addressed linelf to ** the

oibsr brsDch or the businesc" wttb'treat ossblHlry, Mciiorter tben MifcorpAUie Ci>un'sordejre TSfoKlMf ibe four seeceew ik « r^atimiw Fieoft nihirom


I f s 1 m i l l .An Id»ho drank Alleged to Be Se#k-

Ing the President’s Lltk

A « jouf oblWrto »uUJ«l tuvou «h<n>W k* "llhool * " ’'J,nii.nilK'rinlii'it.oaiih llrm,,tjr. U J* • ^lain rur.' for ntoop. >ml h»t D. f*r t«r« tn o * n

fin ir ,.«n f;«i.m a in »vix-«i* >t "Ilf ”I, me Mj'.e r»H»nce "Hu



irtoh o tieve eruiipp ohililreu. nnd apiiolHIe them. There 1» D<> dnn«*r In ihi. inII conieinenoililn* Injurloun, u - , . , . .rur»1e or c. lloUheuer, Urued »«d MerM ,

Vorti A. c. leem Lueee m <*r»nfe

F.M1* lu ll ITejrer* '•J' f »e f «u 'i-^ « " * frem the Hqiiered f'lrele.

tiiputn lie U « l .ud 1.1. o r.n i. *■ b. 1 1 pl.Ter. h.d . ».n.e ecl.wluled « Wk« PI..1.H. ihrOr.n|.0r.l H.turd.>, n il" O'*


A NIm t W I » » » * » «r/ OTor the Bepe.l lUl lUid tm H «e *«d . Thr.nU Cl.T*l«.d-Ch»»*. the Cldneee tUeol. HIM In A'*'""0,,r Ih. C«..»l>le<«'

Hern Well•rderlj.

A,‘^f«rurr,'ii<‘li^Tirie.vr. nnd Orleniel .U d- Heliler, Orengo «t., no. Uneerl” * * ’ 'o, endO. H. r.inpliell.

ineorj- at to ibe le>1 meeiK " I de.denlii;j ,*inMr. Well nnwirana M« “ .'1rt-TMled *ht» iciurot f f it|Onjr.r#iilljr wtt* * fyltAn.

Haw Vnrk A. C. l»ni, In Ihe ch»nipluo«hlp M-rlee of the Anierlctii Ko<.l Bell Union. fUe Sew Vorkere did not .how iili l“r lb* g»"'*. tlieir (kipieiB heeloi «o1. e ill.peK Cepieln |» Herl, ennouneliil Ib.l II wu. too wei for bl. men to pin). 1>« llerl p.ld no

nilUflcAltun,Ills wra on tht lli'td

MlXFIl INA KeuinrUy Hl.Ukee hotlo. of

Khm ( ’fUbPisBon of rhrlpli»ttM.KP4»m th«‘ l.'UlHTill'* Tlinei.

Curtl»F. Burnham, of Rlcnmona, ivy., in..m.ol tho moot eucco-sful Jb'W*" m tliD blUB-greie eectlon, hut like meny Ollier brillinnt men u Ueblo to make ml.- Ukee. liome Ultte ti'ne »lnop Colonel Burnkain wa» employed by the reletleee of» rieh Madl»m County farmer, who alleged that he w a e ^ y and should be deprived of the ^hU nroperly. Bom ■ of the l 'et l»wyem in lilohmond were cnifiiKed on imth eidee, and the trial attracied a large i;rowd.

" When il wa» Ct'hmel llurnhuiti h llmo to croee-riamlne the defendant ha very

H o o ^ ^ lC iire s SitAiinn*'*'’'


VICTIM* OK THAIS WltECKEH*.1 I'aiM eger Tram Hrielled 1“ IHIe®**

A nember of nffle.r. In clllgen.' dreealmv.W lad toane'd tl.e WbHe llm.«.md

■rolaeilbellte ot the J'ra.ldBiil, whicheappoeed to be in d.n,rr Inmie murdermi.ennk who 1. et lergr in We.binglou, la.iWedenday Ibera arrived in Ibe ellj » n>a»wko keep, a rt.ieureni tu » e ! « CH». Ids-The name of iht« meu lb* pobee tor H » prvK eniraiorcb, dlvulie. kelurdey |.c ««o t mthe Chief uflSillce.iid uild hi. etorv.

Heeald aboot a week ago a m leer whowa. wtoleinploynieiitweni to hie re.i*ur,nl •nd tn iho euurte of a healed dlacuMioiieboattaeelleerQueellouendthe tlTecU othe Hepaai hill upon the mining lotrvMi. or the Weel. declared *HI> empiael. thal bo wee f.dng to We-lnngion,eodlllberrp«»l pauedaneoodllionally he would klU the ^ W h o ru, knew -boald be held |«po».1-ble. The reetaumnl-keepcr did not knowthe Ben, hnl ee be nlHippeared from tkil.n,; . « , “ ln d ed tb .llt-a .b l.d .ty o |o mWnahlaatoa and notify '7^,i^ , ,

ti* mrrivMd <m F flawy.nernoon be .trolled u p « » tb" rr.,m .nade. and the llr.1 Ih . m iner with whom be lied the eeneenoi‘,5,0 A. J . a. b. an-u> bit beeli. The reMaiirant ihAiiwhl Uiil It • CRi* t *

t i i , Uhtu lb.lurday, when be ngato wenl Ui ,h. While H oh» and « w ibe .eme manlurking about one of the gal«.

Th1» lime be wee aetbifted that there w h BO aitiiali» He wenl to ‘ ^Md told kU Iiory. fivm * * wf thalBaa. A e a preeautlnbary meaenre a « i b « W n fc e r e « r e deuilad 10 gn »* the W h ile Moueeand«,ih ttbem aoW bo avow, blmwlf an In-

‘* K . * " ; ; r ' - . . U r . they do ,o l WleveIhore 1. any dangar, but » y '*being lahab to guard agalnel poeelble eon- tiagauolea, aad Iba maiur la being kept ve»y guleC , —

OHABOi THE n iA Itti »S *D ,

Th«r*a>OBk Big Chlunmaa Paee«Away

With Paul Uo'UUt.Ae tliereeullofa JcliboriilelT planned at-

lempl aliraln , vrckliig, tr.ln So 1 on Ibelllinoi. Ceniral. knowu ntibo 1 ,United, wae wrerki d yemerday near U . n .'ailim about twanly m ile nnilh of Cairo, lii., aud threa Uvea »er« .acrldcad. Thellvce ln>l were thow of lUe flreioad. Cbsriea liar- ™i.n end iwo iramp', b t ' enlored men.

«ll«nk lon inproper tloiB i«Bt -,w » ! l lb' c.llmgoftbe game. Wbeu II be-C«>l1«a..ae-......appear Oe llerl aeul I’liw ecro.. Ibe IIr e jX g a v e 'lb a ia m e ” 'driuuli, ,7,7nUUy lrr«|.oiialblc-.

flff to 0» TUr will RiMa !

Special Bargains This Week:KIUHT CAUl-OAfX or Kf/tUR »r* ' »w

.landing oil Ibe iiack a 'U mu»i be niiwvtd. Ws I nei- tbein me nude aiioibor bcducibto

erteV* I BAk, tt e . g|U> aaJttetA' aaeae a j L ..«iiUcr, of Wfio ; him quiitloiis cnlculalod li> ahoW that

truck.'* tif III®who Wfieau-allng a rbl.on Ihe Ibaggage eai. Fireman Herman lived nl O-Iitratla and I'avradrcii. Tho eolorrd men bate not bean Idon

F iln k tlcO eb, Hm englnacr. i»ea|ied wilh ,llgni Injurlee, and themid ba.gAte meal r received ellgbl i ■ The i“ lu wae well filled wMii p««eBg»ri, in ? not on. wa. li.Jur«l, .Uho»«h ot Ibe day coeabee and the head truck of Ibe Aral .licper were thrown from the traok-

■n.. irnin reached UlUn over ,1a -alKMil 1 o'cluek In the mornlni. Seer inaiplane are lime kiln., loi which abaea provided. The awllch had been thrown over to gu ide the train on f> ih l . •P®*'- doee not rijuln Ibe main ir.Ck hel ende am ong lb . lim e k iln .. The » * P ; « ’ * • “ * d m h lM . io o f . and « . ‘ h* lekaii pn lnalo remove the light from the awiteb, K iifln ro r McCo.h wa. h "* * '® * * ' °J Ibe danger conlronltng him and the I r . n pa.ied from the main to the tide traek. 1 be eiigmeev reverwd the euglne, but It wet loo late. ______-

J ilboV t':(u ''.iioV ,'n * a rule ol me a.iiu-miluu dt.U i.clly . .V . Ibat a “ haoiplon.bip g"umea-inolbe (KWlpoued wllnmu lUa cone. Hottbe^TLt.m. ol la.ib team.. Im Hart d.d i.m ,.oi..cot to l ie poilpooemenl. eo lbs reler. deciilon viundie .. , .

The Young Meu'e Chrl.tlen I ulon team, o l Kearny, ebamplone o f 'h e Ni-w Jei.r. la-igue, and the Majeellc A. leader, o tlb a A U aotk lA .gu t, m il at Coamopolilan I ara, Kearny. Malurday, Tae home le * '“ I'Ol UP a go.Kl ganit. but w » . detealed by a Moreg lob T 11. player, lined up ae follow.

n Ib ' I rice ot F.inill.e i.nd I'Hlrol Flour. le - m g" e •' Moii.l.,, tilory." Pe" r«mll-- Flu. r. at 14 per hanel; Oui Um'ny, henry I aient FUTar, ail f lM b«rr«l; L'rocA®

“’r n 5'’ n r ,s :v .p »^bnic .-levping <hr. m , hywo and < ikHo wU mvl IDiUaui.ijoiliL bltdua,tDa.bee tiwol New r *k hi I Imviio . ^r'l.''. (Incluiiall aU A. H; liiUlauapoIbi * M,

I ' T iSSt’ - um.n.J.fomno,..1firUuUvriy of I IKdru,KaU Koooa. b iVBiinii I RT-'i itrenvuiLiufmptierA tuitl i>p4>Mrl»<-dBe --------- ,Vh*wa.w^ uiatdt hArhHi> hIiov. Iibnsiy

; “ t«oniI. .....Slag llusHclat rvl«rt., «an Mt^rie iMATfiioonw n f iR't«

la ' VIIn- i »n mei-onveBienie.uih«iie ■uodlce l-igirn'l hr ceo le F;:ey'I>mnt,K'our"ai M7op; bat. i Hallo,,ary «Hl ..mv.hlo el«Tn- ligbi.. Arrl.«»TOVA

iHjo ['uirtniiKLi a'i'l * kl'-U'*l*ud®AU VFaiiOulti MiewiHiiA R«»I l»inlaM

(kn litH L U>uia. liiiCMV4fcu4



M M»n...ilutpuy,.,. Mi lionlkld .IK ....\VI»e.......*T «v «f.....Tr»lnrr.....McKmoili-J,Dw.t'tr....W, Jon®ii.


X. P- r- .JiirOJl

Houii.. Moldlu4{

......WllllMlOA... ..... <'uiler


....... Fun bMoM

......„i*ulf buck....

.......Half b«ck.-............K «rw «rd ....................... .F orw ard ........................... .Forward....


l , t . . « » e — Bro-ke, Webb aou Holding-lle/erac-—Hr. Ufwd, Y . M. C. U. . .

1 he C'aledoblan foot ball team defeated the Americu. A a elevcB, of Bo^k.n, ye.ieh

alicrnoob on lli* hacKilinf

, Frurar


day rark


■ttba Age el rerty-tla. TkeHwioue Cblaeee glen I, Cneng, died at

Boavnaiaouth, Kngl. nd, yeewrij t, ■Cbaag wat Ibe moat tomoue big mai of hi.

new. He had baen eev.ral Utoet In America-Bm nteol ap f4»»lll“ » »u peril Hlon amougme Cblaeee people Caang’t belgbl ha. never

meaenied, ae they b .U "« lhalkl«th woatd tmmwllauty follow the Buttbeteave ana. "h® * » «

SEW AUakBlAIt ^Frlaoe Wlndlaebgraela ieleated *e Prim*

Mlaleter by Emperor Jaupb- Empevor Franoi. -loe. pb be. eeleoied Frlnc.

Wlndltcbgiaei. ae Prime MlnUler « f th* Autlrlen Cblnei lo .ueoeed Count Title whoad raal|aailon ba* !»••“ MccapUd. H* u Urend Hatter of Horm lo the Kbiperur. a mtnibtrof Ibe Au.trlan Cheniber of lajtde and a Coneervailvt l„ poll.tea

i'rlDOe Wlndlicbglaeia baa ehoaen tnie Cabinet: Bohuala* Von Wldmann, HermanLiberal, Ml...... . ol lolerlor; C“ “ h‘ * * "ITinrlnrki, Cletleal, Mlnlewr of .tuetlce, Ernrel Von Planer, leader of the O '™ *" Librrala, Mlni.lar of FluanMi i " " * ?Palkabbiyn, CIrrIcol, HInl.ter of Agrlcul lure. ai In the 'laaffe Cabinet; Amnia sue Vnn iiAdiTiki Piilf, J l ' tounl Franc f’-ronlnl, rterteal.Ci ininam; Apollifar Vou jBWortkl, Pol*, lIlDMtr wlihoui. i^rtf >ilo-

who btv. •i«ffS rHcal P «PH ,% oa . - « • u d hie etreogih bertuleao.5llad and egblbHed Ibroughrmt Ihi flvlllii^•lotM hfi wwtiRBd, Bod fcpok* wRb flufnoy*

KidMpftUlab, HdW*B»dom_S S m a ib k ^ n and deligutad lo tn^andw _ . . ...M veree with luielllgant mm and fo" ” - ^ ^ " n T wmi born m I8fl at Vtaani-Hue,

Fwklti, I

xtounda Thii le the Hrat time the Hoboken Siam, nave h «« 4»f«i«> ‘ u" **'“ ""• T“hi bad lent out a .uooger mam “ ■*" “ “ ‘*1’^^ Ing retnforcad by Mveral Mljeellc tram. The J'***''**" meplrlted fame, and had no dlIBculiy winnlug by a ecora ofS to E

New. at tbe rigtateri.Now tbalthd tract big pure« bae pa..ed

the men who make a liveUboodby pu,|cb ng mail oiber dad ibemeelvee wlibuut the rotmic prvjeptJt* that bdt IWi »*“ *” *“ ® them. Nnl only bae the former among atblalle club ■alobmakeri lownre m.tcbea died uul, but the bojem ®""' tiderable dllllottliy In obtaining ofler. at an. AH Iniienm of tbl. wae kiveu at Barton leel week when the er.twhlle '• MyilerlOUi Billy" BaiHband Dick O Btlen whS have been lor tome 'iri|tk*t«mi* of d ■■■tnh, BBeiooth8»<r**S*''dd1s€UM*d tk* probtblUlle* of * rnwHinf-

a nielg longUA and he t^.u .0 ubuN O'iJrJkO ruuudly. Hoib* «ittbnMT*: X t "h«eh b. applied "Ire and ae proavedtd to puneb Bmllh well. The My.terluui One " inagbl beck, and the crowd tnal ban gatbered. f“ '‘ali,g that be bed bronglii the P^ul'hroeul ®“ h ";** '!'

■Umd by uod walchad the flgbl.Inul lactlcB. end bit

Mv llooJ tfllu «,” *he Colonel, "te ll iiio, do you know what Chn.tmaa

‘ ••Ofoourac I do,” retorted the ^mun." ll'a a day when you 8‘V« preaenta.

‘■Very enod,” ri'lionded tho lawyer, blandly, noddlns hm bend at the vpccta- lora, "b u t why do we S*ve pre^iiU t What do we comm, morale on that nay -

Thin proved a iimcler for the dofeudani, who very candidly replied that be dldn t know anyth in j obout It.

“ Ofoourao not, of eonrao not, « i - cliilmed Colonel Hurtiham, triumphantly, with a knowing glanoe around the court­room, "H ero you uia living In Ihia «n- lightened age, within • ‘ * ‘ >1 and aound of dor.ena o f church.,h, you have *• »“ featival colebrala^ year after year, ao^ >et you do not know that we obaerve it in iommemorallon ot thecruolfigion o f ourBedeamer." j u .

The outburat of laughter provoked by thla remark waa aoterritlc that it waa a long lima before .Hence could b« en­forced or before Colonel realiiad hli break. The Jury decided im- medlaUly allerward that the defendant waaaane apd could not legally be de­prived of hie property when a man w h ^ brilllawcy haa never been '1“ “ “ ' " ’® ,V“ equally at « a when It came to telling why Chrlatmaa.was celebrated.

i r « s Sebtcoa Waaf

H eu ra lg ia Cured-rotm erlyl auflcrertwltU neuralgia. ont R

\X% not « « *lnco I h. tte Ulcea ■not ITGuUed-----------barsupaiilla. I gave Itooir. to my little girl WUiroat trouble, aiul It Blvo.'. li-r Imincdlate rellei.

tlsotaUm Ukn^ H hB «urodhim of asUimu,My bruthf'r li»i klso taknn Itkn t U hn «him of Wu M* fill tinlebteu »

Hood’s S a r s a p a r i l l aand will u.e no other medicine." Mu». Ba-Bxtu A Wnar, Omtuwn, Pit_______ _______ _

P ills cure lliTf llH, rick Ucadaebe.Jaundice, Indluoetioa. T ry a b o i. J8c ________

r.,; o,w Biickwhaii Hmr. Jb'be. f "NEW Fa m il y MACKEHKL-ieoKI’eN'W _____ ____

rial Murker.-, No. i, t-rinrrly •< H « l *hw, ; laujxitiiw nl bar. par g . , ; obolca Na k Meoku el, | i “ „vSi'lnc.n,uill I„.b, A. M .ra. louu TAj e M, very O i,r .i »r . per lo.; new Hollaud U.r- ! if^'cioue, M ijl M. tw.lder. ring III t l per ko

ELGIN CHEAMKftY tlUTTEU-Bul'. r la high, but we are .a;T;ig the b,el Kiiln trt-o,ii- ervbu,ieralltu- 'l l P'he D,ilr Buitrr i, IS.', per Ih.; i n , Liid al lOc. |ier;b.; lira; ( I ’ lCmed llaiiit ul l5c. per ib.

Kreah J " . r v K g i i a Kptrlally . A ll o r flen by mall or It lephilie prompily deilvcrea.


" Spook "

I h e n f s n o t h i n g

'a o QOOBM

S . S C H E U E R & S O N S

7 3 6 B R O A D S T . ,2 , 4 Hull O (^oniiiierCH S tre e t .

BHANOH HTORE-4* Ferry H'., eor. ItnUin.

f rt’vB J' M, Wrt„r., l . p r ^ VmU-bola rtiM-plug t “ r- In TbRIai'a, ‘ u,id. Irtniiiki'ai'W I'NibululiiWa, nu-l riil.b.im Ult'uimctk. Ariiv«ii at l.^vtUutl U.4,> .V-Al.. till* J.WUO tiSG I*. 0«xV dsf.fCifc P f*Quihwii»-'.Ofo hipr®*'«. PkiUiOAiVh UWUb' iti L-iinUii-.J»uhtt lAJUla MJiIuk (Xl- Alloous Ui - IrhuiuQ I.

I'uliintGus 2-1 P. li,i Clui'UiMSU A.W) I'. ,v1 HUS P M . Mill V Umu T.UG * NLAritvt* ‘

aKOiHl luomwv.P n ; lluldO I'oUinan buiMS*'V VtirR U» nunts'k. . trlvetdWi/

lb i lM 0 7 » l A. g . necotul „,ui,i,„tK'l.k*d>ll.'k P ™ , ulu,i,bu. T.IS V. .V« awl > UveWml. woril

'I'.IIIciM cnnJ and Iwisville I spraa daUrTwiib lhivucb .leapcn, to Aiwtuu and ->•»

II iHulv On a,. i«li>Uw, and ubkr’ liaUway. ■■Ihnjn.b sUB-pln.«,>d idnbii‘ Y liV r, M. Pbenaiulcab VnUrjr Upr^Jnllr. rtilirnau Bulbrl rlaeiwr lo Naw ,Aiaan. vlnrbiUU-


near Pgkin, ChlUA HI* pale"''-^-------5JSuiVlBg, are larga lea and allk growaM. ang ara ladepaiidant. There le ootklng lu ihelroonaillullon oor that of 1 heir progenlb orataiadlnta the potalblllly tiuxtlganllo ptopoitinnalo Ibelr eiiraordh naff « * on lb. contrary. Cheng', pereni. riL ataul Hie average « l . f uf Cblneie ptopl'.—ken ■ » w*y knoTh tr L*

lo indieale Ibat ke na. lo grow ^wemtiiiim And XB tO lb® DfBTiy SI* "*■hll bemhl dld bbi exoiM meet eblldreuof 5 . « i Aliet a .bori HHieei be began to

• - r . w X „ * r ‘ : v ; 3 " ™ . u

JoV^r.bowlug alt 1 he hablU and aclioo. ot ^aahllal___ W(L«\ |0 bfOO«rt liW*I dJ «Wni*hmsol nf ih. nMlgbiiorhood. At 5.”. "me lime b* f,',\eomtort.for ihv roea would ,tllib hini and ihr children wnold uotpl.TX h l m . Al Ih. a.v o f rlgbieenhecom- menoed loeihlbH >*'"?“ * ' IdI’ hana Tl.lled Amrrloa In IIW), ll!«and m i.g*. Alter hlvla.l Vl.lt be reiurued lo bl>.uUvemndlomaffy a Cblne.e buauly. It

InWhUobatthal timem Amerlcaand I® V « blm b#, lie uicd |o west • waicl, given bim n»

COLONEL rHILLIP*'* iPECTACLEB. They Had Peculiar Properttei, Uul They

nroughl Hltn lo UrIeLFrom the GhicagnTrlbuue.

“ The way Chloago peopla Itwk at tblnga remind, me of my old friend,ColonelJohn PhllHpe." t i.™, ™an

The epeeker wwe a large, hal^ m « With a big eloncb hat end a voice evi­dently better adapted to the ecoueUo propertlee of the prelrlea than the f aimer HoQM imoklDf-foom, H « ^realiae thla aa ha glanoed around and eaw •very man In the room looking toward him, aoma imlling, tome icowUng.

*i T«U 01 About your fri«ndg tbe CoIoubIi (Ulrfeeted a real eetata agent, who bad the hairy giant on the ilring for • big

"S fby ,“ eoHMmied the big mmr with ■the priSrie VoUie. "PhUnpe eeW that belonged to him big end everythingbelonging to mo email----"

“ That’i homan neture— the egent wee iuggoellng, but tho prairie man In­terrupted with :

“ No, 'twan'l no bumu nature. Twee epectaeteel He got made In thl. tp|V!j. I believe yon people all wear ew,

a -™, a welch givm bim

.lock of clove, end Jewelry pretenied lo b^ by w e l end ot Herd i.i ingul.bed penonagee.

ItIVKK BRIllQE.THR SOUTH Aotlen Brought lo iwtlle I f Right of |ml-

neat Homelu. J "The United b la l« Bupreme Coarl haabe«

called on to decideaulborlly to empower Ihe Horib River Rr d.i(in.penyio build » etruclure from YVetl Ttiinielh elroet, New York City, fo^®" boken wllboaiibc corporation llr.1 gctling Ih e cn n w n lo r ih eM e iw " f I * * "New Jereey end of the municipal autbOViHoi ID New York end HoboXeu. »«.*n l^xiou ha. brought Ihe uctlon «blok will call for a deelelontromU,. htibeu Mvr land In Hoboken ha. been condenii ed for Ibe bridge ebuiroeni, and ibelmmahlUi B fisUt on ibfi paiuL , '

The bridfB com puny will ' “' " ' f T l” *her in bribing ib» « ' *u It 1. anilouelohavetbe que.Uob of I Iipower .ellied at .oon a. J.®* j *mailer b inge, on I1i« power of eminent do- malu conferrril on the ^ * “Ukl AfCMllsriMW RW)rO*B<lOIV JUlJ H. UWSe

E,.(J^X*Ju«ph U. Hcdle, Ol Jerwy CHv rouueul for the bridge company, geve th l. explenatlO'i of the f " * " ® ” '

*• When the promoter, ot H>e hrldgewere ready lu get uulhorlly to build

a t ' pdooliir propertlee did yonr friend'e epeoteolel poiiomt" aekod a curloua lUtoncr.

"Joet ae I've eeld. They made hU property loom up In regnler Chir^o World'o Fair faihlon, but squaahed other people'ietnff worwi'n a Ztmrl Dwlgglna

----- »***How OQtild bft do Ihist" ,

Lbe -^iftmed leusw workoo tman aife and ehowed thing* toleacope faeh- ion, yon know. 8'l»<e there wni a horse trade up, he’d lot you look at your own home through the ordinary llUle end of bis glsmes, hut when you come to look et hU he’d gel at his specks ageln underdome pretext-just flipping’em over themegnifylng way-end yoifd see a magnifi­cent animal. 11 waa the eamo way withhotuce, tracU of lind. wh^t flo|d», chanr lug' monoJf-tanythbA t)noe you looked through hli glaaaei at anything you wM hi*victim, for you fells* if you couldn t live until you’d traded just a* Phillip* wanted yon to. But he met hi* reward. He tried a bluff game on Big Buffalo Jonk* of Arl«ons-to whom he bad by that apeclacled jugglery eold a hundred lackaae rkbblU for burrows-Md looked at Big Jones’s sli-gnn through the little end of hi* giame*. trying to pul Um down

vnn bnnwi but. ulaa. It dldn t

tiiupiybiuUb resorted to ----O’ Brien on the neck. The some time belor. B.ultb “bad bed euougb, and leOred Irom tbi b»lU* wLlb one eye cioevd aud clber mark, oftyflclen*. ptoweee nn bl« leoe.

A delegation of Newarker.- Inrludlng eev- eralof iheptoinlnenl .porlA h*. arranged fur a vl.il to ProTideooe lo wIineH tiie meepIni beiueenBtevrO'Iionnell,the long Au.traPIan, who defe.ted Jack callnnaeb at Coney Irinnd tvcenily, end "Old Chiwolate. Oeorge aodfiey. Tb» Ao.trallan’e ms»-. agar, Heley, le ooV with a predlcilou ibal Bieva Will, on Wedneeday nlghi, dl.pfl all doubt concernliif ble ability a.a puncher by putting Godfrey out In ebon order. U« eveneetiibi limit el el* roundi, and eay.I hat O'Donuell will do more than any tuixerbu vet been able to. do with Ibecoloivd men; Ibal U, knock him odt clean and cold Uodfrey'. .uppoiter. takee Ibe .lioetion, end luilel that Old C b r^ lata” will lake home Ibe wlnnerii end of the DU real Aa each man bsaa bo.t ofeuppori- g?i TtYJ ptobamrihal a goodly enm of

Billy Eru.l, the Hrookjyn lightweight, le eller nnotber chance at Horace UeedK the Pnlladelphla boy who defeated him at Coney t.laud recently- B*® Uallegber. who le Icmk- tnt alter Ernet'e an.lrt, eeld yeeterday i " Leed. promised to meet Billy and give him an^Ther ehsoc. In thla vicinity "bout lb. middle of March. You oaa put It du»n that If the two mend® maetenfl Krn.i » to *b ^ wttl pTobsbly become the ’ Amrr.eeo llgn^ . •aiidiinunlaD. aS JtCk McAuBIfe Ik redd#

Belentlete lieable to AidWrongfully DlMinbodled.

From tho London Teiegrapb.Uboeta, or, to call them by Ihetr ne

BcienUflc name, " .pook*,’ ’ art empt from lnju.llc0 any more than other people who have not yelatuined to Ih^ dignity. The new number of tho Pro- ceding* of the Society for Heeear% contain* a very glaring In- itince of epookical theft morning two peychloiaU noticed In church a epook raaking dgn* ‘ k«t be wiebed to conimunicate with them in the evening, so eller en early dinner the paychlclria sat down at 6:30 o’clock to the ^pplng-teble, and had an interview with

**^ui said he had beon injured In a rail­way accident at Loughborough Jonct'™; and wae lying in S t The maa’i HoepiUl unconsclou*. Afterward, the ajiparently aame Shade appeared to them m a state o f acme excitement, and partly by rap* and partly viva voce, told them * t®'« ^ unparalleled villainy “ I man who wae Injured, he cried, ^ 1 * to mo and not the other one. My body wee entered Into by another. I am now bodllesa Do you not Understand I In other words, the spook « P Mn*d that a second ipook had stolen hit body while be lay unconscious in the hospital, and that now when he, the real Simon, had recovered and wished to regain pMsession

his usual corporeal habitation, he

The new vegetable shortening- Wherever introduced, it driv^ lard irom the kitchen, and indi­gestion from the household.It has been tri'cd by every test, nud has met every requirement. It isasmuch superior to laid as the electric light is to the tallow-dip. 'The only question now is, will you g ive yvnr family the benefits which its use bestows?

"a N OMOIN'ANlUt TO I'lloVIUK YOU THK iVcolkMJTK'llim ufSWWC'I® „ ,„ «n i'V T

WABllBN "^ ’'IvltN^H-' ^ ** ’**'^' rn.m a palnl »»wut me Itot v werly ftum Csmdeo"’ yi*'it^:^iH"l. hr Ib- H-iaril of Hlrv-n^d Waler C'olJunironirtnfIhf cliy ’’f

KsvtIoD 1. A hIm w»w*f 8#WAlUtJN KAiHMOiJM

rrnro lh« pr**w«l urmliiu* of Ui*

gvitivf ktUb ill appnrt*nnof** torutitiilFt tlU' HVfTM.

^piilou 1. Tll.t liiioiKlI.t.iy upon ot Wirt luib'lr bork ot

Ibe link ol 'be Boacd

“ ‘? o t ‘ JlAlUoiMc, Ww«umi,loii Mid l-o rtiiUi, lilt . A li ’’ a.jt, aw iUniiii-i I'.AiinMA b S i IkciW l»n., t o.ub,i,o 1 i Miliitiiiiw 4'fcr llhM A. Sl.jJ 11.JH A. H,iiiHl fl? I'. M. 1 UHuOiiAy V1st unit «JI> !’• W Bn’tluioroOiiiy, i:a l-W«r‘k dli M


Ihe cim- impruT*-1* fv'lV-

iiiBkrtUu'vrfuMne Tiiilviet'r *b»I nemrrtl ►wperln { " S t of wy«K *f i t Howu,I vf. mi'l fur.ilih an ■ necRiioi liIrMUiMM mw‘ olhct Akia i»er'*Inln^ Vf »«ch u',Tuc i;orX or“ ,.'p™vc.lc-nl ..J the I twldeut ofliiii Urihs’ I'OirA ftnil RhI'ii’ 'u>rli"«h»lT Ibereupoii, on be.huirof Ihe Hoard ol iriI en of the rtiy Of Newarli. oerUly tb* niaimon t'ouiwtt ef the city rf Newark, »u nftiaf

• Ig’ h. 4L * A<«pniiiioaiitlPG, ibWanil 7.WIHT. At*, T.Utt. L40.(ie,M Uuill»<* r:«pit J'tiUiuan .....Ikn VnUbHli J’aaiawr

ILSiani U-W A Met 12*4. l*^ i*' t*' « ; l i t i l i

il, ii -ii WloiiV i’ati.if


1,1aw, as?; l i i aw ."d 'f *l *■

T '® ’ u K e ! ''« ^ [otTO i

'.I iud •■o.ncw'm*, tbcmilwc puje-edtuiiiAkeibe proper Meerorooni fur itae r«-< And Mt>ni»nf wTcb public work or imprnvcmeni a. iMiw ur kerretier rw|Olrod bj Is®. ,

ZriioTi L Held publiB V#rk or improvcmcBt ihtiLl I® niedi- enlt c-iiepleted imdi-rtbe -uiwrvt.loe Ir In-pwdlrt "f 0"; BSglilrer or ACtbig ailgtiiror out ibc Geut-wil Hum-rlPU'ndet'tof Worlw ot the “ olid .oconlld. to tHo provliiloii. of Ibe cliy rh.r. wr and 1*"" of I** iMeW “ 'd ki« erdlnoiiMr <rf tk.4*Ju Mini bjrtawR, ftiUm aitd rtfeliiWua ih* of \’merC’orttmlaalifUer*of ipadly ef’‘ IlSllIiY'r'iJ.fnmSISo.oc.ri.rii '®k. .tr«t

In com position , in healthfiiiness, in fla vor , o r in econom y.Its success has called out a lot of imitations and counterfeits made for the sole purpose o f selling in the place and on the merits of Cottolene,Avoid them all. They are made to sell and they are a sell.Get the genuine Cottolenb .

Hold In 3 M|15 pound polls.

bnniMllolelr. „ i-oMied October IS, Ml'ilH C. MKNllRV,

Prveldrotol Ult Boetd of Uteri oud Wotcr Com-nilwlostn- knoh I lf N ViiN.

Clerk of ibeBowrdof sinet ond Wowrfommlo-,lone re. EIlWitHH aOF.LLEB.

Acting SUj or.■Approvrd October W.JMl _______

luli A riu. un.1 oh V. M. Uo nul .top «lUo-MGro«-or ABbun Pirk niisoDd^.

PStSW noelnr Pws. lidsad ItHlghu end To-niF ll«.k3 rT M ...:k d.rw H .» f. » “ ""•'■fi

olllDlAyi ClU'. n u ivacc. Hoetob nllhoul cUsngt, 1-.M C R-


I mve Merxet Mre«A nuUmi, A?’'I rav* aiarao'-v’ N'w”- --rofwo-rvH -"-'-i - ^


ItS;, 4.». i l l J.ti- ? a: T.lki H.Uti, KriVSUIli4>*

Mnde duly byN.K.FAIRBANKACO.,

CHICAGO. MOIM I . seUware Avs„ nUa<

rrsdsM IxchSK*. 1-T.

* N (IKIIINANCK Ttl PHDVIUK FOR THE Al'ou.iroctlooM .'--"

Bo H oril.-ned, by tbe BoAta oi nwrei non ... cvimraiMklieti hIli« tiiy of Nerrkrk.il*ttillon. ;

MCtloli a VKNI.E, ^

KjSn'';i;bMo:iwrtr5ir7 « f » ” «

aiirt the

IPT nltitLImoivr*. ifi,"*™. ..iR 9bi. 1®!“ . . '% " i f i

Ud 10»7 r - M - J , a „ ,i w e ( beeram o i ^ •■‘p i,.t, ,w

4-in '\ k . I t ..B, Lio. a\>ui,

" lL™ . i'Tirwn. iw.ondfKatloD.

JCL G Ml2.24. ill. -Lia, *.iA.

o ffound himself coolly ovioted. Ho roust either remstn wilbhut a body, or consent to wicept the poeitlon o f a oo-M ger wlto the otber-n contingency which he seeroeH to think s great injustice.

The Psychical Researchists were unable to help him In the matter. I t seem, from tbe evidence of impartial rapptets that many spooks are irreclalmeble liars, Mid often aoy exactly the oppoeUe o f what they mean. Perhaps the Longhborough acrtdBBlrmaii betonged to thshelM*-'

rPTAIw*'W viti- uid Wat rupon. ‘’Obrbsllrilbc lbiord ot l « « t jU'h

in Older UralM'd |■ollllllOn<■otJlncll nm* IberyAhrrnriunii to make lb ■ proper M^ement for tbe ooalEldnfpen I'"")'' ®' uaprov.n.Mt“ ,5^onLlSS‘ ;rtTi'I?M M m i.ov.»™ ^ brm»d*ATK$ cuDnplf'l* under tU« *up-tri-Atoit or


imalt, you know; woi*k

“ What happenedT" aeked the agent. "B ig Jonsa’s gun went off repeatedly

Inst aa Colonel Phlllipe Was adjusting hil glasses. I t wss as well,. peAsps, oon- tinned the pretrie men, dropping his voice •o low Ihet the bellowing o f tugs In the river and lake could egedn bo heard, * formy friend had acquired ■“ «b ^hablt o f

which. CD the approval ol tbe Beers'®'/War giT* them authority logoabssd. - wa. unocces»ry loget ooy other coowiii. .The bridge coinpsoy, by llil» act of Congre.., lnElveii Ibc power of enilneul domain, and

, ,7 conde'u" land m Ne* York New j" wey awordlog Vo Ihi u.usl cu.iome of

‘ '^udiTe Atohleon sppolnlsd s onmtrlMlnn to carry on tbo condeiniiullon pr..o*ei1Uie» : „ d in .;i. . .w a rd .fo r properly ibu . tekeii. Ruwn lAixloo'. pruiMTiy w«. *™®n* that coHrtt tuned Id HoUnkoa.

'* Tb« *iilt !■ unfriendly on* 1“ * hii,that Iho bridge eombany will aid to every wsy In getting a ►peedy hearing of the caas, bcrtoiel' wanl. tho point.rllird- l/noou- xlBced thal we l ave mil satburliy denin .neh property a« we ennl. hut It R lu ila i well to have every doubt removed and Ihen no lurlher ubetruetloo. osn hethrown 111 our way.

•• W* clulDi wo Hat* fu'* w »r>. rucl the bridge and tuk- lai-d tor a|>- 1 , oocbei u nder the act of ConereM.

HeSBidIhe plum loMhc bri igu bao beeu approved by tuc Hecreiary ot W ar. but Ibal no coodfiiineUQii rrocccdliige bad been be­gun tu New York City.

trvlttg to talk up ta ‘ ke magnifying sidB o f those glsssss thst his long-snjoyed reputation for versolly wss enllrsly su’lled. We burled him al Big Jone. i etponss, and to prevent a recurrenos o f anch a tragedy I took posseaslon o f tbeopectacles, and— a ." - •

" What ever become of Ihora f »*kod hungrv-looking man who had gone broke on a World's Fair hotel scheme,

'*1 now w'tiir 'om nsywlf, iwd wifi d»|Ti hairy prairie man, ___________


Acoa.ed of Hronb-Maea. and Hleoraerly Cunduol-A Felon Hie Eioute.

K. Merry Wall.' be oiioe lamunt leader of f»,uloii !b Ne* York, ktux ol the dude., and.U-aruundniau-about-toWD, ws. arraigned IntbeJcaeison Markei Police Court yetiei- day belore Juttlce Koch charged with belbg drunk aud dleonieriy.

Woebegmie, indeea, *s . the ci-monarch or dudedom when, occompeiilod by b1. boBdeman. CUarie* tl. DeWltl, he appestsd betoic JoetlceKocb to nii.uor tbe cberge.

jnailce Knob, after reading iho complaintoulilulng tbs prlRinsr* r.j.rebrn.lblo per- loriBKhcs of Raturilay. tald i •* Wfil, Ur,Wall 11 uslIegeU ihul while drank and uo-.h is ln is k d care o f y ® Y n " w « t T h to moved from a oab to a cell lo Ihe W eet ThtwUoib Blr'WlBisiU.o. What have yntf to isy

'"jusumlng an exprs«10B of injursd Jn- nmwnc. nud phy.lcil soguLb, Mr, WaHhlld UP bit *'**( ' bADd Mtttt tflMto eoeek. Ml. vocal chord, were esdiy outof IMT. bnl nfer MVeral un.'iccsssfoi effolWhe lOaiiagt'd If remark In u fughorn key, l _t^wa> siupeUed by liquor and agony, root Honor. Ahl-lelonon my nglii hand hasiieat-nearly driven Ilia crasy wUn pain.had lo drink nil the lime, you kuow, to d r- drowh my mlBi sy-" ,

llwa»a pathsiieoxp'sbatlott, reenlllni m >lr Wnll’e Homedlaio dlecliarg® With hi. l ondiinanbeburriedoutofooung and van-libsd tbn-ugh ibo ride door of s saloon not

. 1 -------- gf ^

M ill M aking Gun KHnt.. . fr o m Ibc Loudon New..

Tho olde.t lodu .try In Orest B rlia in— elder It could Usrdly.be, tor lie eXI.tence b . t bran traced back to tho pr.bl.t>irlc.l<|na age - 1 . t i l l l belDg earrled on at ibe v llisg s nf Brauflun, on lUe Uirdere of Norfolk and , Sulfutk, and Is reporlod to bo In * n..utl*n- Ingcandlllon. I t I* a manutaoiory o f gun ' and lliide|.bux ll ln ia From an lu lertillu g aoconnl o f II In lbs f lr . l number o f lbs l l l,„ lra tta Arthaalogitt, a new and r ' “ ‘ ®rk.; ably uai.dHiiue h'>»r‘ « '; 'v review ediisd by Bom Illy Allan and publHhed by 0. J. Clarke, II appesr. lhat Ihore la no tegular llln l fait- orv but Ibe work le done tu lllt le ibed ., oPen at the back o fi 'ro lown.folke’ coR otea Il will naiurally be aeked, W bo wonle tin­der-box n iu l. and gun Hime la these d ayt o f phoapbiiru. mu'.o .e. niid H a rlln l-H e iiry .f The sn .u er lo the llr .t que.tlon I. that there le II good Irade In ilnder-bti* flln i. w b Hpain nud Ita ly, where Ibe tlnder-ba* el Ml keepa It* ground In very rural d l.IrlcH . T r a « l l e r i l o u n ilv lll**d Tcgiour, moreovec, tlnd flin t and -icel more iru .W o i Ihy Iban m .ichi's which are uaclee. . fU r iboy have absorta i u .ol.lur,, Obn flluis, ™ ‘ hs<‘ t ‘®r haud, go mostly t " the w ild psrt’ o f A fi lea, ........1 »..r 4.1.1 friend Brown Hii-A -old by

«»1ghtohgn ip lon ,a* Jkbkto f Iva np tbe lllle lo the winner of ho bon I. IfLrad. ehonldwln. --------- '- ” ™ fr®*®

*Gwrge^Dl*o» hae idopled ihescblmeof punching the beg on the etage •avi tlie new act add. much lo hi. perforin- anoe Cotbottsnrt Fiuilnimonisre the only lioiere to have need the punching h»g •• • evKUtsr pert of their perfprmanoo ihu. far.

It 1. reported lliattbe new IV b ll^ JacVsunelMsTFI*.. bs. oltered |ilO,M fw hh bailie between Corbelt and Mltch.ll, On tb® Ollier band, s. proof tbst !*’* " * ' " * h ,° 7 laae olnce before the new club coinei the re­port thal the repreaenullvea of tbe two Ognier. have elgnod urtiols. of agreement glfarantcemg a meeilng of the '®J ®g*,M» pur.e before the Olympio Aihlello Club at New Urleane, Ueoember 16.

0 <ldA »nd ICiiUm of fipprts jobo L. H0 lll,vaB, the e*-flhsinplon pugm

Bat appesn d Saturday m a new role, I hot 01 nl.rkHuan. When the “ Man from Boston

eompeny arrived al 8t. Loul. Ibeei-ch.ii,^Ion St one* looked up au old frlrml, Dick Dwvrr, who h*. bundled the flag at the East BL Louis rswtrsek for lbs past year. Davor l.niientbu.laatle markiman, pnd tbs con- Tensilon drifted lo Ihsi branch ol .pork nwysr .Ugsesied a mmicb.aud ooewa. Im- msdlstsiy srrauged bttwsen liim.elf, Sullt Tan J.J. Howard. Hullivao'. manager, and Henry Orie.ldtelSU, the w.alttay brewer. It w L a .weepstake. ottB a coru.r, al twen/. are lies bird! each, twentydgbi yard, naa and eighteen yard, boundary, Hurlingham rulea. It wa. .hot off on the Rock ro.d, near Helm’ , brewery. It wa* n close oonleM. and re.uuedin aviplory lor Dwyer, o"/ . h®w- ever,an*r ihooHng ulf a tl* with Orl.*ldlflok. The Bolton boy proved tbit he was no iloucb at the gain*, tor be brought down twenty out of bit twenty-ttve. knocking elablaeo of them wtlh tbe flr.i barrel. Clilef ofl'ollc* Wal.b.of Eael Ml. la.oli, aclto e. roferra. The -core wa*: Dwyer, k !: How­ard Ig. Miill.T.h.» ;C"es'®"'v'‘ '-'*- I®'I'® ibolunir Doysr klMod 21 and GrHaldlelcU, SI.

ComiitoilorB Korbee, owuer of ibo old cup deleuder, Volunmor. ua. purcha.ed ihc l'il-xrim’. racing rig and will have the old \ol-nulaer rigged out ogalii a. a .Ingle auck fUceMnonler the Mst" for Iba hoiiorotde-lending ibo cup next year.

Tc-aiorrow nioinlas Gi* PrlDCfllnn Unlver® HliT foot ball lanm will play their uununl usDie wlin the Orange Atbletla Club tasm nl K ill Or.inge, The game will attruot all tbe loot ball enlbu.la.U in lb), vicinity who nr. aiixlou. I" .ee Prlticeion nblblt bar atraoglb ag»lii»t lbs airoiig orang > leant, The college b.iys will put tbeir brat men on the Held, a. Y .l. did wbeu al Grange. The reanll of tbe laiue uugbl to .how the comparatlva .trenglh ol lb* two oollego tciini* a. near n.can be ahown prsvioua tolbeir Tbauk.glvlni Dtiygum*. The p.ayera will Mn. up a. follow*: paist’Bitm. voaiiio!*. okanox.kiot'iiulai........ lA'ite d right............. lajymh5 i, .......I.C t tackle rl*li.....!i. Hort'c®Wbirisr.......L.Bgn.rd light............BueRMllkfl I *«••• ........ ilAllBommer._____Rikb' I"'....... ' “ ".if,'’®'.!l i i ..."‘...-..Kighl mckle ten...........WebbTreiicbsrd.........B'ghi and leb....„..Grl««oidJuil.............

p a O O B E S S I I I C H IM A .vissels lH o»e_«qw >7

D r s io n ’s E m p ir e .

Hi* I f a ^ y the "Sonof Ho*losven " is onjoytaff * tram of mta t o ^ rrilrosd car^Freuch spidicate (2 ”Mrf- (vuitrBfCtfi for btilldmg roilWAyit

thpfv will wofnder at ifei fitfi**®

R. Walsh& C 0 .

T o - r i i g h t


inapw-tlon of the Kapmt or .-a^-—WTlaueral Mupemit-i^t “F ftccAPdllW U III* afUvWaoAfif Umlaw. o M ' Miaw amt lUw«kd|M«imhv-iAkrt. rile* AUd renulAiUm* of rrt'tTApt Btid WaiAc CouiinbiiioneTj of tli« cU/ of

*0*1 Uk.|B«bctlonli)n[Ti«dl*tel7. _ _

Octotwr * » 1^,

tM, t.l A an. t.il and 1 l.H t’ * .tWIM MAKkltl' MTitKKTSTATinV.

PMWlrobatb im® XOJaiB. i4«a WtM. H-ifi A- *•**» ‘ i? ri^' r?j* M ! M in iLQ^t(L IM, ».Ol.i.OTe *.18, tt.il

ft l ’i .41 aod lUfibl. Kuiidikf. •■rti * *Lsniff* ilH t iB lA k fi 1.88. titir 4rlk ft-U ff

« H. wprM..li41 ^ 11.47 Bl(thL I, * « p \L

F«w KUifibttib Guly. A. M-. l-4iM»tl a.86 P. M.w kOiiytt. ,n„ i AMiga T yj.Al7,A4«.

A. M.; I1.R.1JAIlAf. *.*, BSr. »SC NH “ >dAmtaf. U l.^ " “ A3 U7 »QU 8.4t

HllaH u HKTTDRY, prwldsnlof me Board of Btroet and riaiar Com-

lnl4al0D>A RBSVOB,Clerk af lha Board of Btrsel and Watsr Connda

■proved CkrtobeiiT^f^j^^

ladt h a t THEVTOTirK IH HSRKHV THi_N mmmb,rioa«*,barrtifbra^a5pri th*

ioIT a M.: I..» AUtt, 4.S7. A*4 AGl. ®£■ ¥ .;‘ 2* BUiifljiyfi. U.32 A.

’ *Vo‘?W idb'rtd|oonly. IIH nlghl- '®‘*'‘ r?-c?iil‘iKtrion..:.t;A.s.; « « . l " •nd ' ' "P.JL..<!»L'y.»!’ SiKS‘'gV'HI1l.7.W A.M..'U1 4,1*

P. M..


gogine; aad the sii^ ’s « sow iul

« * he long Sts * matertoi sdvancemMit

h L ^ » nm®7 esnturi* rmuntacd a W«*4upoa llieir civiligdtioti, *. Aian*i

miaelonsries are doing much to tiui nivstleism snd reverent swe which the



K e cityof Newark P^nl-sriy In Ht*4i hv tnr locftl 4taprovttoie»4 Jn theT.yii^roVlSJ ' i ^ r l y « J -

MLlmtttlBIIll JMWi‘U»»Bl U.iiriUH 4ii ttll Ibe tttPfi* And n ji vj-

^NawJirk seaoltsrly

I2CtS.P S H ; A®»rA« “ -Jp W l Golden Medical Discovery, u for sU ossee of blood-taint* or human, has had veeis of nnintermpted suocesa to t o United States, and ® ® ™ ^ ^K is^mintgatoed to^ fu tm ^ w d to s ol t o Drogomen Empire.

P E R P O U N D .

We Have the Largest and Freshest Stock of Candies in the Stats.

A Clock out o fj(order shows it on thel (face. When the hu-(I man machine goes4 ^.wrong,the physiogno-1 I my tells tales. If youj I do not iook well, taker

Beecham’s (rata) Pills

(TAtUlms) eeattt a box


121 Market S t 673 Broad S t

"r*BUK.N 'ffrRBKt. .from F*H Mecbinlt: ttreet VJ Klmitrattsy

rroiu W.rron.icecltoIh*city Una, “ ® 5‘ Ta llS their rtvKitw ot O.U uMciUrmnU for benaSla In om ii 7 ff i- ir r . nf the Circull Ceuti of lb. meatySf and lliaiUw JirimnfaaM MUrUiMflirds*tuTdtty. ihf lourih day of Nowabpr ntxt. s i W ft'cliwk Ui tlitt fopenoOQt in lb« ( Irtul* cDurtroora alihD t'ourtliuo'o hi tliR cUy o f Nuw»xki Mlh® i Iim•ltd « f btt*rtn* oblwlloiis UiAt may be0,adettilbe8itdtt*^nHita.

DS«® u «® "' "■ WM. B. tmiLO,n iy feu narl.

For Klsgeioo and Hoeky " p M. diinf. e.iwiit hunday.■por PhUUpaborg

aaby,cxi»pt;»“ n^{; , , , iL- i.-s.ijnH

*o'r,'i?Jdiy"lliRA. H.sudT.-''.**•, . . a_h*iA "ormlnidaia Manaviean M l s«a.


c^kf^T. .TJ.™y*'offl;i:“»o. to B^.dtuw.1,0. at ticku. affl.*

“Ga«r!dkH'''Uar. Gaaaiat <>w«a»rr Agaux

rpAXicsoF USXOffice of R'<*1T»'®I,T*'5‘ „ Hooro No. X (Sty Hall.

Thl* Office will be opined from Frtday. sapiem u._, UAi.irdaT. JanuaryXi. LSS4, fbr me i*ter I. until lisiuntM. ."PeSSrolo'f aSMtIoh li called to tbe Ibflowln* ro-

®"®e'sb^ tlober Wi

jKft iKVra _______ _, CGiarlAf

1 SUTHERLAND I • SISTERS 'h a ir g r o w e r ,a n i > h a ik a n d h c a lp c l e a n e r .


b a l d n e s s , h a ir FALLING, d a n d r u f f .

i...‘ !£r.;*TcioC wiu’be rtedintwl; it oald on or l » Iwr, I . ^ , epiambwrkini. per cent.willlit p*rii on or before tbe ‘ '»e'|'[''b d»y nneball of on* per cent, will be dobe

Qf {(ciobttr, di>cW>d.Vf • spBid W or belhro iba iwBottelh ^ I riO^».gi*sff..hrffiSliiM ofon»i'*rrem. wiJl be udilw ; If | ?kr 'i S Mtd on orTStore Ih* M. fiuiidttVtt.


I?^ !;;w 3 «b^U ie iv*oU eth d*y of imm^ h2> ibc** per cent wUI i » edded; If

* Fl h2 Sued, w tliiiw wt c«nue

iWl^emre' t m to 2 T MeOfllc* wiu ha oprnfrom H A. BL to 2 P. 8LOfUce M. IrtSLKR,Hecblver.

X f FIOK Ok' TKF, BOARD OF ABHKISMRNT room So.1, WtvHttih cxiur.T nK APrKALe.

In mronUiAnce with m oct bf iho Lofil^btur* oflbr r-»M^br HMtd at"laim will Rt a* a court of Appeal from d*y »®‘’‘ '•SimNb'SlJNl'irV TN MKITEMBKIC Iroine'A M to i: It., to bear and detorinli^P S friio M ««> »n » and vamailona by p * ^ £fnn Jm m.ka 1. aunrar by afltduvil to the anUa^

And alt Dlneasei of the Hair and Besip. Its MucooBa-rOver a niltliun bolUSa yearly.

Uffir ware ~ 71 i-j■duringW boir wSSdSlds toW»flii*<da.y Id April to ihe ttiirii wenneeci*/

Hay, aud *u» m cerrart “ » .yiwLOK*^may have beau mad., u. »-Lndlaa ot Ncwarl! and vielnlly ere diftile iti vlieU 10 P«li elorti of IbeMbt Drug Co." eU Brood .C, and (»nanlt Wltb.tbf younb Udiri rewarding iroalmaniol nil; riA lR AND SCALI*, and lv®rnh lAaven Muibt-rland Blnicra ublilD^ their beautiful hair, Al> ndvlm cbcerfully given 5'REE o r CTIAROF- H.« P 'L ^ 'M L V " '


I ja*Af F .^ ' Bunoaya (oicopt'-ak.H<iu«uiiiiT), 1.1b M. jeT**y I'eiitniil

M., i.ia, S OeivHlon. - ,MiJirh tDuuk 7AA ■ ,ju A.Alianiswiij p. kf. twssayx%or \Ulke.b*rt0, WUaton and Hcranton, XM A.

®pi iRturday nisiit, Monday, a.os P.

M..4J* F.MHiiibtl'PtilMUlelpb*i<t tieUiTfie - .


...H *t AiJ. 8.3; KUtobfili^ort only, J IA

A- M.a

Bevon Bulberlnnd Slater* on each paokaga

Bensons Porous Plaster


wheriour frlena Umwn NuutiPU JoiiB ofib* f‘ir wbnt flint would Klqb, ha* tound, H KCirn. bet istt raluge. _______,

Valtia nf Amarlcnn CrltlolaM .11. H, Boyeimn to the Forum.

■Jhe value ofnrrliletam depend* primarily Snon Ihu weight and tbe lotellsctuul oqulp- ment of It* ftulhori ond wnrre

kllihl. or oltogetMsr»l*ck. of lb* verdltti fur


iTieattbC88 irh Inir ih# powfr g,md or for ill 1* oOrrMpondlbXly •m*U. Wtiul fur In.laiiop, ran 11 muller to lU* If an.nonymonsybUUggcollemoli who Inoidant-Bllr confraie. lo o warm mlnilratlou for Rtdsr Unggsrd, *ud regimdaley Footi *• tbs grandof flatlon-whal can It matter Id me, I eay, H.weh u man flnfls me dull and com- toooplbcef I havo never au.peiidod my berolncs over til* brink, of yawning sh.sm.; nor bav* I linroduood monkey* fell­ing in love wilh men, or menvlUi innubfiri; nor ain I «qw»*loihefi<niiei1i»*ofthfi pertoQial cbhrm^ of woipfin 3,000 yottin Hid* Tho Unrtl* « f ro* malwfir* wbP reTfll In tbl* fiiy*® JnT«iill*

.,.lra»am..l S4^.«P «l Iffi II fb IQ V ttl U Ml bBt * t

________ - w. liutdickWBrdVa.3'” '...If*fi h*lf-biiek ri»,hl......McMi riSat-orlt \ Unlfvoack 18 ....... rittc#V®“ rb l. t ..... . IM arihH lIBurt.... - ................ Full b*ok„........ | Homuna

ThP llvf-b lrd malch between Fm nk Claia, lb * Irrsey ciianiplon, and J. A. H. ElilstI wa* PO»tla’" e ‘> •taiurdav on a cen u t pt tlio rath. It w ill bo decided at Murrl.town Wednrartay.

C, O. K tlpalrlck, ihaoiie-legied trick rider, wboaaftat o f tiding down tbo atep* of tbe Caullol at W tanlnglon haa made blio famous, is plnnnlbg n lour o f tbe south ib i .winter, ending wilh n v i. l t to Cohn.

Tbeopgsnisallon o f iba W ete rn Baee Bell Lraguebae been completed, and tbe leu f u* w ill eoter upon tbe .enaon o f 18M witb iha.e Sixbl eitleei MlnorituoHri MHwsukee. Kno- aa> c ily . Blow* U*iy, Deiroll. It.diunnpolK, Colombo* and Toled.i. St. I ’anl and Gniaba could not make a anm cen lly ilrous. abon, iBg A meeting will be held at Chicngo No- veiuberie to elect offloer. and complale ar-runKeniehtM. _

Tkie nnnunl meatlng o f lh a Orang* Lawn TannleUlob w ill bo I'alh ®" F fih sy night nest In U p i»r Hd*lc Hsll. Grange. A ohang* In the ooniillutlon w ill be noom - roeuded by lit* board and oflleor* w ill be elected to eucceed tbe folUiwlug: I ’ realdsul, CUarle* A. M uno; ireaanrer, H. B. K nesa*: iecretary, Ru.eall A. Grillln.


... - J f"•eg* svef e®


Anotlier Great Gat ia Elcjcles.noosufell*. will be slaugbtered, beginning

Ibla week, at about jk tbeir vulue.

JUa-T SE E T H E P R IC E S :NE W H IG H G R A D E F N E U M A llC fl-

ilrmoode.lW; 'F®®' ' ’’’ ’, ™ ” l i rimalley. SM; Buuol, W6; Kmg ®i Bo(?roh8i% |85a

The aame make wheel*, slightly „shoP- worn. 00 P r writ. 1C9B.

Hraoiid-bond I'neumntle* ftom »* l. Cush- lout from #18*

Get Yoiir Tickets aod Drafts Through

Jos. M. Byrne & Co:

bix 4«a. 4R.*> o r A l l i ^ Htghbiiida Tl*A. M-. 144,4.15. xl>, x » R H. Bundaya, ».« A- »■.*• Vnr.vSmhOld, XJt lU S A. M.H.M. 4 M, X50 F. M.

xSI toakTliOn* «r*iK% twoao “ r " ; * ' ’ ' !M l Ckt rh*. x i i (X^Tto Bad Bank

i For Al'ItoUr Cliyt LU P- W. ^JCKV AUK Atn> N *w VOKfL

Vmm B i«l4 ttnd Ftpry WttUtms -A*- A5J.

aS uxob. 10.W. *0.40,1 (S' I B kOA 1 Wi AOO. Ato| AWe •i-’W. A04i a£ 'im '* »x4o jm ,740^.s»uri,ii)4X i i j i

'ieWA A. Mat liWM,; 1,0ft. tW. W AOD.* LeeVttNttw Ywk troinTOoi Dri.lb*rly tt im i-A l

iktotla&tt A4A 7.IA T,»&. T,*A Al8.Ali.U.OTe».to.m S o^ iX l i * . t'.'W. >*■■*> A". ¥ '1 ';? “RLCU HLiAlAXL ll.w, A, 4-w «...aw.’

AfiO, A»a lMe4.2A4,M.AHS4S.

BOO Broad StCommlialoner of Deed*.

369.lotary Pnbllc.

* - % T F ^ ‘.*uTli.PHta.'BALTF 'i f t i i l i iN tn n N . BOVAI. IILUF, I.LNiC

LEHIQH VALLEY BAILROAD.BcMd RbrostIrwin*raatongar


t.m A R. dtlly’ ft5*’ M «rt*O bu iik and ln t »

iu.xix»ti6.x*hli.i“ F. mT Muoitay. u.os. n.til' A^.M ^xktxso.aiB i’. M . ............... .......

•nlrontU tlto is <oa" i>nortb»i i" "* !. at law#* fiUM ttTtt Of HtrwiJ. li. OldHAUliKN, He V. BaLUWIN,

Uon. tl8n. rttttttttOfii' Afttob

« Jbr .0.aavAtt^'tfio w*«i, rxithrrrtl* whI S S f i l » W liW *b*riOt5n»ttn^i»Lto B«

E. iLSnORF 4 CO.. 606 BROAD SI,Ojipoaite Ttlnlty Chbicb.

Hahne&CokU r " ^ n d M . fhrainmn and to

'*n "« mmrrn, IT,— " BuUkl®tl.M A M. d a l^ - ffir j j ia *^ ^ Pulinwn

ERIE RAILWAY.dkpot Fourth a 'yb. an a PAssAictT.JLtauuri'i1a& uiUtw uMv* *j> Kj lunn i


lo iSitofifo

iM t« NttttAtk ior PttittkiuHi -A/iJ, ?.U,AH,A H*; IIM. h LH, U.S4, 1.47. 4.U, 6.M. AOft, 821. T.t

A. M. miiWlnyiM.tti L i

Hnva n full 11"""'FE « I’ .alTKIlKS. Alan IN 111.41* lur miivKIUB ytiiii* TijiWi lilfiiu* HhdO®

Mafa, oV. Don't loll lose* them.Kerchtafa,

eul.rlalnmaat naver gltlurb my alumbar and the opinio®, of crlilca Who,Ilka ibaamax- tag Andrew Lung, take plagaur* Hi aveb rnhbl.b may smo*. me. tut ibOueue* me no more Uia" 'b » cboroa nf mosquliw thst

Ab<^ p y gRp.« f

“ |TaM4* pr<W**4 4* 4^ SJSWN aofi't itwAi WW gw*.*alll'«rirow“ * 'TO"'™' mail if amwtmUII naim ifvun Uutdvanlani or nubwinadneeiito

KtffgWiH/kilW __-__

For *11 form* of i D s » r t | s r a ? , , BromoRellser. Apniaiah!*, proroplcur*.


h e a d a c h e .C U R E S



ftltteupf to OhUOfO vDtt 6wto«i8lw

all tnte,insdl*ia'*t*tl*n*i ow w riw i " *’ 'too 1‘. M- dslly. e«e|it Bandsy, » r Tn®*bs«"®h WUkerlmr^ c


tor Tqiie ons; clitti Wtllla. >!toiM3Mcri

Xiij I’. M. dxilp, i

5Il'k,rxtA’ TJm'*.i.rio47'i\’ a7leMiVtt Ftttoiton tor NttWiD'k-vA-Vg AlA A81i

AIlTMk^4to.UP 44. KuU0tty,l.n. 4llAnAA'2.il>^k*«^Mir'.Nn;w J

' ,— 4.«i irnd-XW F. M. drily,- — — piainlleld and IBGrmedIa

For Earache, Toothache, Rot* Throat, Hweiiad Neck and tbe reap it* of oolda and In-

Dr T h S a * . ’ Boleolrld O U -llattnatlun, t«a Dr. Thomas’ BoleolrldilMI grswt jam (i**iiwpw.WiAdT.


Mllw L o m a AhBOS, o f Mloh*. ip«n Hou*bind Mlth a terrible J ".bout tw o year* and could not gettnylhlnn to help me, but at last ■ friend advlae® m » '(• '®ke your toa tx rek Btioou BrtTXita, which I dhi, and afier taking iv", botil« I aav* BOt iN d the bcadM be .luce.

SjSiKST DKFRNDANT-INClianiiory Of Nito Jeroey, ,

ToUnicJluar! By virui* of an o td ^ '.o f i? ^- - -■ — of I

j^OTIOK •|()

iat* aUAieea

iTIU*ttlttl<! ttUSII........P. k . (lulljr

PlttUidelfiAIJ4 P. h . -

told lotom»dlmi« iiuB.; cbidr t»r “ , 'lS r i i ilfgUo. Niawm F r il l 'd ri .Mparo W

( M n n ic ifiu 'r iy o f Kew'ierwy. fj^ a ^ ® ot tbe date h„r,K,t,ln a n " aro’ de-tl p*lHtu«err rim! UUto HMr,

aliiU Wtol 1 l^roiuio uDd ►uipifllWi iirtd** I «oo»*ctkHto to* *.tm * ■' rrlSianj

««'n'ria,‘Me**rojr*^ man 1 » » < eieep*' '®

Vltt HlMlMtltttklBf. .a*FHllHll»r sm! Itrtl. t 10 BtoO tolllP ••• '*■ i JTltol ISWINT Will a >.”j:T lev

Hr til* Wild ptiluon «rtil b* takon, a* rtoibaaed

'■'?HeUiS“i,eil«on1.flW ■krinolYnc, the wlh ®f

mairimoiiT OB th ‘ dfOuuAf of ttduhBcy.

( hunk ttitfi toll PotUyHto; 4-80 ■totiMW.

'T 5t mI SSSS^ta"®***'"

matrimony on ‘ b" « f* “ ®*,aa D,UdO0U,b*rllt,A. H l«to.SoUriKFTtiffjiittoMr.

p r u 4 j^ lu H d m ^ * t * * w d « e * » a l * a U e .

,'.t 1 ■


throujUtcgw -a-as..


I tott toiiiBfiiiMj New Tech“ e rS m S w ^ftokUBM

iL o ip ,^ ■bun.Sr.'V;*!. rSt'ii.w a m,ix»A *1*'h<!aT0 New' 1 ark (ItiaaAeriXOT, m u .» A. M.! h l.», InaAfc ixx i *3,740, 10.00, liOO F. tt, l * i * y . »ta ,Auk! lS Ud, X«t 10.00 P, >L h “nJ'An» y Kxptaa, loav* Nawark SIS'A. M On Bn daratAta. M. VegUtaw L to l^ l j * « »e^ " UIP.H. bondays, W* P.M. Trank F.MM, laav* Nswuk a » F. M^"«ndaJi *;• J;, Udeago Kxpre.*, laave Nawafk F. M- Moiid*!*^Jr'uekaw. baggagecheofca aleralag (wrIw^® tlmeUblaa caU aitba Cliy TIokejl OOoa IM g*fkaiiaat Talepboua tA « *4 eledhS

,.'*atA „LK>,. e i. lit.“ I K

STRm BudillW BO jDiii^SiNO 9*W lM b


AatlMrlMtf Av«^tia t4rrn*mi

• ■ A fff ir ,-rt^uln^ r»fW(imrmmrhmm^. r.» fi l l » . ftvUtflMS949 •^mlm t.

»E W A «KK. NrluirMM* 4 tf Hw^tH

Jnii^B A r*.. iMi simjk«i 4UK. Murkier. HIM ttp«Mlk1.4 . B. nm m r»m . 19ft B li* 9i.»\ W . Batirr. 195 A w,J. 99ftB.i i^ m w .li*n *«, U^ ik ira A«<k

FA9T A R a W4 V -W. H. MMRftk

ftOl'TH ORAWUr,Nekrrt 9#«Ui •m iiga 4v«.

H A IIR I»#M -SftI llferrlB*H Avd.

Ulcv4«WS !N«W«ft«Al«r, *F|i»

Ktli*«r4 Kellr.1I«I!«T4'LAIR-

rriitm l PlittmiJh<7.»B AX id ft: V A M ^ R Y -

WtlHmr 1*. FRiaAia. »rfi^<|«lil«r.I ABLlN<iTOK.-

4‘. II. fMnn .




.Uti0. au

. « A.-

rt v», L. «X'j

H.oh U, 7.140,

ll.B1. !)A A« 0. ft.l4A. M.?, *A V>uy; 11.11 A.IP. M.»•.I H«nK (Tepi U)^rkani

V- An w. «.»,

U, A35» 14 l i l t 90. 0.14, UM. 1.04' ■». IL re »i-A l >.o?» o.tOp i.:.L‘i.u, a ii S.14, $i). IU.S0, .00,11 o<] 1.U.104

;an d K)t •10 03 A.

4. fcUlK4 A, M.t '.01, 11.U1 low«N


ic tr .J

k li i49fity T.Ji

.UAA I.ll

(ill, T.ii] P-SA * ‘

«4T,’>.401. B-l l lH a4

T.|. 404 r kn A. •only. _ . Oa » i|rrunk kJ A«P. f tMiiiciAsl


A M O N G T H E 0 H A N G E 3 .

Ilf Kftft OrAiigf ln)iiriiT«m«Tit 9 «e l«irto NiiKQfit ChuDgoi In th« KulMirbuM

4'otiii>Auy*i Ffanrhlie—Nol«t« iThe piimisljod. ordliuiQee rfl*t1ng to th \ qcU!a« Append for b7 tbf Huburbttn Tr«c- lon l'oui| au i nmi wtucb ibft townotitp of

KbaI Ornhgf liftH omlcr contldfroliao, wai cllAcuKtcd bf ihB mrmbftrBOf ili(’ K'lit Urnty ft TowunIiId ImproycQe.-il Hcc.eiy At tb«ir rt'KoUr monlUl ' ineoilug lu Comraoti-weiuii liuiiuiijg Ib<i Dight. linni-lllon Wnilii luicd that ilioro werv many oorre<!Uoi>4 whieh tbuuM b* raad* In Itat francbli^ brf(>r« I t « a« g|?«n tolU« company.A commit lee of five coQiliUuf of Hamilton

l*hlicmoii WoodrutT,. J. K. Roy* mondi. Klclmrd LViyDeaDd Oeorge li. Howe. WKA apiHyoted by rreildeat Kortmeyir to ■tAtc til tbe i'owneUIpC'omratttee at He Deal meeting lU« piupoht^ cbAOise* adtooated by tbenoclety, Mr. WoodrulT iikcd ibaia iyio- lutlon be pBKKod by ttie Improeeiiiaat hi.clety, ttpproYlpg the acllon of tlie Keat Oraiifc Tuwiiiblp Conitnltlee la the matter oflbedkpute wlih'ilia Kevr Jer.a.'y Traolioa Ci>mpnny. A reeolutlon to ihaieffetUWM adopted. Three new rnemberi were eleoUd, W. U. Tbomia, ofHoutb OroTcelrect; Praak W. Mooye. ofFArkateaue.abdiiearfe Booth, of Nontf tiroee etreel. *

The Harugari hit igerband of Ortnre will five a Toeal and inatruiuejiUU oo«d*rt In lha Ucrmaa-KnBillaU kobool Hall MvnIftaU Holoe will be rendered bs* rnrl Huthe and Profeaaor riderlt. A cbiiruw will be eubf by the New York ifarugarl hffagerbund, Oerroanla and Aorora Minglug boQi0lle4or Newark, 8chlei- wlg Holstein of Hoboken, and Junger Alaeo- nerchor of Urango Valley. A feature of 1 he air.tlrwtll beachdraiby Ibe united ilnglng poclettes of Orange,

A meeting uf lodependent eotored eillsoae of Orange wlLl be held In Abyealnla Hall oa Blli elreel, Oraoge, tu>nlghi.

Dr. W. M. Brian, Hralib Uffleer of West Orangf«found two flnUbad and (rlismad atlfl balB twblad the el]C In lh>$ rear of his yard on Valtey road yerterdny aflernrmn. The mitierwN* reported lo lapialn Uaniford, uf the West Orange police, a ho >>ald ibii morn­ing that lUe ball uere undnubimtiy a part ol thoee stolen frnin Austin, Fraw A Co«’e fne- tnry on Friday night,

Dorn L'i^rlsllal1 l, a little girl llTlng on Val­ley r<Ad, West Onioge, found a pockei-bootc tta front of the First PrcKbyierian Cbnrch in Orange yesterday afternoon and brought It to tbe potlce-ftatlon. The ptirse conLalncd about O and a letter ofiftierenoe to chrletlna Jlerinn.

A pleasant birthdiy party was held at tbe residrnoe of Mra IvOulsD. Oaliltan, Oak wood aTenne, Orsnse, <alnrday aflernooD In honor ol the nlDfUeth birthday of Mrs. Gslllton** mother, Mr<. Carolloe !«. Baruett.

At iiSO o'clock yesterday morning firs broke out lo the bulldinguliJICanfleidetreet, owned by trreeitalcof tlie late QuHo Hang*. The plooe'wHS occupied by teftridge,colored, whakeptasaloo-a nnd hlltiard-room them. Ills loss yn stock and Axiurea'.rill amouat to ofnt'F U.Q9D. Tbelojntdthu buffer­ing will rcfich loDO Tlie iHUerUkisu'red, boi< LehrldMe's properly was only pnrCtaliy In­sured. *

Owing to the aiorm on auurday a quoram was uot present at the meetlnsor me New Eiiglnnu fkiclely of Orange, end eonse- qiu-olly the annual ineeilag for the elgctlOQ of offleeTa WHS not pe d. A report w aim ad e by the Haceiraok i''oniinlllee Mbnt they bad rerrlTed pledges from tbs lUipubllean and Demr-crailo eandidaiaa la iim ilalrleia ear- cred by me ihembershl^ o f the'sdtelefytft work fur (he repeal of the Ksoelrack laws. The commliiee was discharged afieraTOte ofiljanlca bad t>ecn glean to It. The presl- dent appointed Joel P. Freeman, Frank B. ficofiand Ulebcker Van Wageneo a conimll- tee to waieh tbe Legldalore at tbe next ses- sloD, Wcndoll P. Garrison reported that the Dinner Committee had been organlxed with Mark A. Ward as ebairman, and that aiN rangemeDt' were belog made t *T A 4u]5pet, which Would held* oh F6Veffttb^i^ D.iy,

About ft o^elock lagt Dfght Jhbn aigglas, of Orange Valley, left bis bor^e standing in fruotofftOOakwood avenue, Orange. When lie ^rte^t lo go home he found that bis bbflslo robe bad been atolaD, This morning about 7 o'clock Christian Rltobaok, a milk- man, ,weut lDto|MlcbarL Uiirns'i house on South JefTsrsou street, and when he came out be was mlnos a tO robe. Both tb«fis were reporied io ibepoUot, and aulavesll- gallon will be made.

Ixmls Marta, of Forest street, and Krneat Freeda, ofVaJley street, lUltana, became an- ^ged In aAgbt at ft o’clock last oigbi on Freeman stresl. Offleer Crane declarad the light a draw and arrested both partlclpanta.

Tbe Gongregatlonai ebnreb, on HlfuLand ’ aretiue, Orange Valley, waa well Ailed with tbe Ilailani oftbai vlelDlty last night, wbea wiewsofthe " DfsorahrltL" ware exhibited by ex-Mayor Henry H. Truman, of Orange. A desariptloD of the plclnres was given by G. B. Oossallno. tbt missionary In charge of the ffilsslou OB Tompkins streei. A slmUar aervlea will be given to-algbt, wbso Italian byinili will be shown and suag by tbo oob<

Mregatfon.Tbe Aratunloo meedngoonductedby lUv.

a Pay Miria. Win beheldln Ue Mtinn Avt- X)ue presbyierlan Oburcb, Eaal Orauga, ibis •venipg at 8 o'clock.

Tba Itidlug of Orange, Will bold Us aecood regular paper abase to-niorr<J w dioro- Ing. The iiari will be from Glen Hldge, Tba course will be aboat seveo mllftt,

Tbe Aral members' entertain meat of the T . M, a A, wilt be bald in Assoclatloa Hall on Wednesday evening. The aliraotlon wUl bathe Lyric Quartette of New York City. TkiseolerCalDmeotlsnollD tbe eUr coarse.

John Besven, of Watant street, East Or­ange, has returned home, after a prouaoied auy in Europe.

'Xbe jaaembers of tbe Asbiaad Uoee <^di> ^ n y , of East Orange, bald an Ijaforinal chowder supper la ibelr rootnft on HatnHUty cvtalog.

The East Orangs Township ConiaHtia wtU in#€t this even] bg.

The men's rneetlng of tbe Y. M. C. A. bald yesterday at^rnooji was eondosfted by Arthur liursa, Associate State Secretary.

Tbe foot ball game on tbe Oral to-morrow moming will betwesn ib* Orange and Frlneeion teama In tbe afternoan the ■eooud eleven of the 0. A. 0, will meet the Lawrencevltle team.

The annual fsll sgblblHoBOf tbaOrange Art AssoclatlOQ will be held In tbe Aeaoflla- Slon’g rooroa, 5S1 Main street. East Orange, oa Nuvsrnber SS, ft4 sod 91

Tba New Ybrk Atbletic Clnb fbotball team Eorfelted tbclr game with tbe Orange Aibletle Oiab team on BaCnrftay afiernoon. The Ksw York team fhUed to pnt la an «ppe1l^ tho&

XworldlBrelMoee forladlai In the Riding enub of Orange are being organised by tbe rtdlBg master, Profsasor .Llndhalm. One rill be fbr ladieg who wiiti to ride aetrlde Ith divided skirts aud the other for tboee Ishlogtoiideihsot^mgry way. Tbereare

MV tve lf e candid*^ A»r tbe oiasft to learn > rtde aatnde.The fbellBg oaased by tba dlsoovery that

be marbie slab to ba plactd on tbe Valley (noiplng nation of the Orange lyststadoee lot comatn the name nr Presidftnt of tbe XimmoQ Couneil Jphn Bftymoni', Wbp baa een connected Tlth.tha work from lU lik- ipmcy^ if very strong. The name of City Irifk Horace Sietsonis alsoomliiedOomthe lab. Mr, Bteteon has been eonnedied with bejworh siDna'lt 'waa Aret'ednsldered. He ,asi served ae aeoretarr of the Sewerage Com*

* 1 ™ tfiiichof his lime ’to uTe work, that the WAfk bpa progrrsaed without

srloQs oofnf>iloapons la in paH dbe to Mr. tegson'a legal knowiffdi^ ■

91 a MEWV Mr ae ftfopr proof of vt mfsvtinngita ~^rtrnijiroiieil j]||

, A ClkJaago Andieooa DeaertHd, Dfj^aepv^deaqe London News.Ttte most amsflng thing for yon narbape

seseniftt was a aenain pHvaia »eeapaa<>u >ftbaaadlcnca. D u rin go a e " wait**|ma

Tad by acoideni a young man wagginglaj awe wiiboQt^^pparsntdbjosv Tbqn ^onw that mftlh ahd woinep Fem idftUif this

aoseni OQd loorea. Nay, ibere*w«n n Irada feeding as .one, yet ieeiB>

:g to teaeh tbe subume pm^nmaiiudgi itwalldwlng, Xhef sre» "iefbevigR^

>1 I tbt fvBwn* of Mtbr t l t f w ^ 'a i s a Ib g i l f l f l i fh la t iM A M C ty tM tW lit f f ia '

v| « t M r io w t w U g Y9W9 n r

EbTATB Y * ^ ^ ^ * ^ * * *

Tta rt l estaio ttwiisBVi fsooddak la tbe ReglileFs oQlee Haturday 'ihb rtpnrted bytba KldeUty TIUe and Deposit Company were:

. wnWABt.Ife ii’ Fi. Deinlsel el (o Aurisia Gaerl*

ner,4 i W. Kiuovy il, t l ie fr Weal at,... fti

Jacob VPuiiilxiid etai ui Eag«r 1,. Meek­er, p da tirim^wlck »t, na «h>r David Kale hu w, Ifit Hs 1,010

Jacob Wsmbiiid, gdu w K U g 'ir li. Mtek-er samr.oH.M,..... ....... ......... il

BiIu ImUi W.mlMiH to lCJ,af UB r.k .r , w i l l . ........................- ............ *»>

Anna Jo-epiilne Duiialdaim, u» Jennie H. CuntlfW, H a kuruet si, 314 a frOrsoge Pi, MxW.......................... kiOO

K a il i i l Cantr to Wilurimuirt A. f-ai- iger. w s Johusoh uv VKOm fr ntgeluwSI. M x ltt............................ ...... ..........—

rtiWMxui^.Jacob Ifsu silln f (H litritn loE dm ond P.

Hackiip, Nseark stid EiiSt nrsaae, n w C'>r &1 Hi«l E K H a v and i'lA iia a t ; ti pNfW st 97 fre o c »r. John Kiwh ; vr a Ornveat n aeor, John Thx r i i t r ; w s t ifo v e s in o r Ciana st; e ■ ogiien s(Hi n Ir fkoes si; n e cor dock on |SiMah( llivfrof Wm K iuk ; n t JaiusnCTuvt'fll e ofOrden st.......... ............

FiUinore fo u d li et ux U* Jouu M- Harrt*. Verena,I r eorinsremnolavend E inweo L r<l, 900x90)....... .............

WUllarii H. If. MHrlfn ux tu C barlrs ].>iwen aud M, EAil Oruugp. s ■ G:su- urood av US w fr Hprtngdsia av. I3SJ6S5.... ............. ..............................



WOTICK—Tvaasleat advevuslag In tbe NEWit mast tavartably be paid le t la ad- vaaee.

Fe aeroantp w ill be epeiie<l fo r siioh.No advertlpenient will he rereieed ever

ibe talephoisa except ibo»e sent by author- leed agente,

\ ^A, TKl.Kl'UOXK it: VAJ.R IlKI.l* »free to rtiiaii>>'trH : Hiiy kUitottly. dflKM 4.N

AM UHirAn KM|'l.4>Y3ltNT A<ihfNCV.V(Waar at. ^ I

* OK NTH W a NTEU tVi-; hKHlltR TO AC ^ (feint ill oirriil hi NrwAfk. N. J , to pudh lllf palpuluiir Pvrr.x iiaa Min« Hm I. r «n hv m4iI >u diTki. Uw rr-. phyMid&rtti. oihcrs aii<l liomt-n. W«> wanl a Rood «i>iliu. (luiUilRf eiaH. capMbi* ui (Miiilins mu US'] }iai>d!lnff iur-ai& .tuaxceliant upt>'rim(My 1« olTSml lo aCtjiilmi i» rr^nme'it iHmioem ami nr will help you. AitiMt'nt iilso In eli uiwiit uf litf .rtUU'. n IA M M h I) «AN rk .M .TrH l.NO IXIMp a n t . Dayioit, Vbl«^ 1^



OK.NTH .HAriAllV 4Ml mMV|l-«KH>V_ _kXreMe>'i lnv*»nil»;> '»* lli-» am . tb • ne'» . i-beiuli# tux eriisine iieudi : Kvld on -ixbt ; »urkP


like lustfk': aeentH sr- froui to |l2'i |vfrwesk. For fiiTHn iinnti-qlari wpitf* ilii* M<jNHOK KKAHKH M*r''on»,, \vjn s\u. r ib

AOBNTH W A X TK h i m A i^VlrK(lairnied InveMton Jn«t l»-Uix nut un Dif mar-

kH ; eihloely ihmiifiti a «»o i» ; k<kki eivOi" en«i s■Iper Held : Mniple livmull, (wuIil T ill'. OHIOKDVKIfTV m . J> lit. i lai'lniisll. n.

F O L K S V O L K N O W .

—Detective Wr)g|lne, of lha Third IVloe Pn^incl, reiurnsd ihli muruing from a week's TMCuilou, spent at Bnsbglll, Pa.

^Kobert W. MeChesoey and Mtsa Minnie Dey wars united in marriage last night by the Etev. Thomas D. MeClyrimnl at tbe bema of tbe bride's fatbor, llAH Clltton aveaae.

—The judges at tba World's Fslr bava pronounced tba earriage-top leaiher and dash lealbir manufsotared byJ.H , Halsey ABraitb, oftbtseiljr, eD iltled to tbehlgbsal award.

BV T i ’ H K H VtANTElK JXJ'KIllK.Nl’KU Ouichpr: rousi fiitulhii bi‘-i rffrri*}i(e.

3(KK I11N<i KI(i Volley um1 MorltitiwIU id . VVeSi Urange. I

la tlfE C T im W ANTKU F X P K im M 'K h_ buuffh'tld tioi'slou-nT imiii ; h;in1 aorkor; fsal

start; si*nirMy boiiJ rsnuireii -.lAtrim-.. AUUn-eiAr-JiVK. lki\ J. NewH ulttoe.


Arhmils.^ O U lMAN NATIONAl.HUMNt5AsO>M.l£ilg.

TVeo'oait liandMoaio aiMruumts Ip tbe s p ;w a r k a m > n k w h- ^ H n i.P i 'f i i .

1 ntamsd •.B'l MupfoMil (UctlUl-. T'nfiirpa^i-d sdTiihiM*- >■.!> UO -. ijffHttii by tills Insltuiitou, iirpt Mivmiaiiil mul lyian-Htinx l^rpertmsiiU bi ib f M ale: mriw loo, A<l«tri-»* fur tauUigta' or iwliege Jourjini, '

I f Cfii.KMAN. I'reskiPiu, i02AO Etr<sal Hi. R II. HnU«Hux>. Newark.

I.VVKM NH fi., Phil g l A lirLK .r^UI..VN IMI'M A \ ^ llm iu rn i ilrcsiliL 1

-<rK>f XHIAI'II V 1.. l ln n .u . UWH»riK-r»t

a n dI?*

R E A L W T A T K f o r h A I . IU - r lT Y .

A m rii.iM M . uvifH v.XbM FKKT feu.-U i . rHIKTH. 7S ovr..Cd door.

A A. I llA V t; I'llOPKItTI KH r'lH«Mti- Id ever) want o f the city ami ivlll glvu

juunbafsaln. W. UKKItV. Ht»»a i4. Sly


I.-sl HSIallED Tti l.l-n’' Ijsster: balitroum; ne r 1>., r. A w.

lromtLl«i|3perw>wii. 4i h

i;M 'iiN iaH K n m e iM T o i i x w it h u m h i '.

HAl.TlMOHh: it-iioc;

I'HINi* kT. 1

Lieat ami um> uf sAtlirnuui

lO ll H.tl.K

XPKRrKSCK[> HAHVENUKU a t U.NCE •-'•J ( ’ KUAU WT.^ _____

P AlIfTKlbH TEN FliWl'Cl.AHH PAlNTKltft;tune but diet-clfl!


o lfO K M A k K h ^smvd Atimrtr

Wta.a B.b7 WH lick, w , ,|»t* tt if C u U tH ,

Tbw ih* wu , Ofalld, the crM f or Cutorit) When the bMem* Mti., .be clinic «> CieCorte,Wbm ilM bed Cbildnb, ib . ( e n them CeU erk

MARRIAGES.w eu.F .R -O RIhKKIL . NOT.mher t, et Fell

Fifth atrsetf'harch. New Yortc, .(umsn Waller,Of Newark, tc laiiro (ielnher, o f itrooklyn.

DEArKS.BRINDLEY. On November a, Hlrbard Brindley,

■gedn; yesrt.Funeral ssrvlcss will be bold at hie laU rntdeaev,

y im-narri utiwr. oa Wedoesdiy, Novemhera, iHq, at } F. M. Relatives and fMsnds of tne (Sillily are reipecilullj Invlied. Intertncnl at Fklrmimpt Cmeisry at eonventanraef ComUy.

BROWN.* -on Novembpr a. ifsa, Joha Key. uaiy child of Tiiomasanil LlUla Hrown.agad 1 year H luonthiaod ll daya

ilrlatives and rricndp srs Invited to aftend the funeral lerrlcM from tbe raddenro o f his par- eaii, .No n r MeWhflrter street, on Wednesdsy, November*. St S F. M. Jnl.-rment a( tbe venkiioe of th# fhmHy.

CabPRKMi.-OoFundsy, NoTsmbte I, OearfcE ('anipbeU at Orange, N. J.. In theClMysarcf Ills axe.

RHalivPsand ftlendi and taembtre o f FrlendJklp CuuncU, ooldMi fttar Kroieniltyof Newark, N. J.,andCia] l>odd lN«t,Cl*A. R.,ofOtahg«,N. J„ ere rcepectftiHy tm'Hcd to attend the fiiit*ral from the ri>!iideiioe o f his soB ln-law, Jasaes Finn. 71 JsokRon street, Uramrs, N. J., ca Tveu- dsy afternoon at I o'clock. lotermisitat Boee dale t>nrt*rv.

CARR'iLL-OpHunUay, November i, at her laie rwldraoe. No. 1 Meh<^smi nraet Bridget, alft* of Patrick Cbrroii.

Notkaoffiiarral hereafter.DVKN.—On November 3, Hoharg toa Of the Rte

Andrew a M rfarab Dunn.Belatives and frlendt o f the ftunllv. alas the laeoi-

bemof rsmCooDcU No. 774, Royal Arcanum of Brooklyn. N. V., are lespoctftilD Invited to at- lend tbe ftineral freffi the rfsIdeiKwofbbiuncK Mr- Nh-hoias IHiim, No. 14 Molherry Mace, on tufeday, November 7, a l l o'clock miH.Jebn'inmrch, where# High Massof Boqillstn wlUbeoffrfelIhrlberepCMieothlf souL Inter- ment In the (vmotery o f the Ueiy Repulchre.

BVRRa.-4 )hNoveiahar ft# M . as Ola late reel .denos#4aFlevetaai wvsaiBii'Marfftsoat K, 4.

■ JamiM JC+rts,ave(Hrye*fi'■ *'AdlaUvesiiMl frlsodsofibs tkoilfy ard lasiiOBl

folly liivlled to ulteiid h is fboerat on eTurs^y Morembar 7. at S A. M. ftom hk raatoencs, and SJU A. M. ftosi the Cburrh o f the Uoly (.'nos, where a Maas o f iieqnlem will btodhred ArlbereiiooeorhIaBOOt. Intormsat In the Cemetery of the Holy Hopolebre.

FARKKLL.-On November f 1»3, Nicbelaa Tar relL

Jtelatlwa ahd ffteDds ami RUegiben l%U l ,be^' Wen gcat lift a A. kindly InvUMil)' tend the Amsml from bis lotH> nwldsiice, N a O

Van Hnrra straat, on Tueaday, Novambar 7. a(A:90 A. M., to M. Jaasas's Church, wbara a Illffb Mum of Regiilam wtU be oifkred for tbe

* raponeof tilAPoni. InWtnent In theOamstarv of the Holy HepiUrJirs.

FEHblft.- Ou Moaday, November •. at ha rexldeiwc. No. SO Plum street, Idargaret, wMow ofthe late Kara Farrlo. \

NolU-a offaMral Uareanar.F O R B K K ^ ' N o v a i ^ «i"Jeariev -«HiBhiar a f

Jobs and iSiDaFertidi, teed f yUaxa ' Fuuersl Remcas wlU ba bald at- the partnts' res-

idonca, No. 7i stooa straat, on Tuenday, Novem­ber 7, ISM, St t F. U. Ralativee and friaods of (be family acs reapectlvety Invited. IntoriieDt at Kalrmoont Chmetery.

GAHDNSR-On Bunday. Novembar ft, ItsS, Frea- bom ()., only oon o f l-licabath i.. aad tba lata FraebgfP H. tiardnar, In tba i)s l yaav of bh sge.

R e liv es and ftiendii ate Invited to sttand tba fimsrai serv'lcea from tha mldenca of hb muUier, No. M Themas Rlesot, on Wedoeoday, Novembar I, ax t£h) o'clock F, H. Uiiermsnt Falnnoont Oemstary.

UUiGiNA, -Anniveriary U1|h Maas o f Requiem for Henry niggliM, at At Brtdfat'i Chitroli, TuMday mAfpiag, Norembar 7, at I o'clock. Friends art kindly invited to attend.

HOLBROOK.-On November ft, Dr. W. Btephan ilolhnmk, aoa of Uia lata a . M. Holbrook and brother o f Dr. U W. F. Holbrook.

Funeral servlrca on Wedneaday svaaing at S o'rlock from fats late realdsnca, No; 3S Fasl ItrkKtresi. Relatlvea aag trkends are Invited, to attend, latanuent at coovaaltnos o f ms (kmUy, ft

TRWIX.^On Novambtrft, Jaasas Q. Irwla. aged ihl yeers,

BeiaUvas and frlaads o f sha Jaeaaaid aro riapart- hilly I nvliad la atlaad the Axnaeal from bta late rMtdenoe, Na t AMstin street, oa Tueadar. NovfiuberT, at 9 A. to (he Chthadrat, where a holsmu High Mam o f ftequam wUl ha oltVred lor the rspoa* o f hk soul- intariaaafc at the deroetery ol the Holy Segiilobre.

LYNCH.- T:n Nnrsmber I, IIM, Hridget, widow of I'eter Tdrnclk.

RtlaliTSa aod MsmHot tha (hmlty are rsaport- fUlly invited to aitetid the fQnenU from hrr late rasMence. Mg. h bioamnaid avtonc, on Wednesday, Novamher ft. at ft A. M. to tbs C nthedral, wbara a Boleoin High Mate of Raqaiem wlU ha oflhred Ihr the repom o f ker •nuL InlaroMnt la tha Osnotery ot Ibe Holy Hipuklu—

V A X W B L I.—Ob M atey, H on ob tr t, IW , noiitb o n o n . tf. 3„ K o m i b .

Fnur*l at On fnid.uo. ,r bl* h ib tr, J. B. Mu- w.U, .kuUi U iU f.. oa W teon tey, NovnuBir I M t p, H, la k n iM t M tbt ponvwliiiMit of III. Ibniltf.

iK IU .Y .-O B Huadiy, KoTu iter (, M u? PIUBk-itt, bploTM mib of K.ittb«w RHUy.

T b .n lu ira B o ll M n d ..B r,.| .v iite Id iRKii4' j tb, fniw.1 OB -niMtey, >lvf.u||i,r 7. M Jte A.

M., ftom bai tal* rHl4 ina«, n » , 17 Bcnnry .Im t, loSf. Aiofrtn.'. Chareb, n b rn o i i l fh l lu ,o r il« ) i i l « i iw U IM a lif> n ta d h r t h . » - BOH o( b ir HOl. In tu M iit Is tb . CoBHUrr at lb* Holy Miiutubra.

bCU1.KCRT.-Oti Morteibm ■», UN, Btory HrbMir, b ite n y w n i noallte i* t e n

ItolMltM tod m « d l a n Ibvltte to btltlte Ui. hntn lbnTKM fiom hi. Ibm iiH td.K«,no. «I T leA tw f t t oBToiteby, Hovoaiter T, i t f F. H. ibUriaMt lo F iln o te iit OiDitl«(T M Ui* o on iitw in o f tbt hwU/.

i*W B ,_0 # IblonlW. * o » « o y r *, fM , A o b . A. f j t e , y r lA tf t o , I tu n te -

'A u .M bteiiDait, ifb. iimtb ii,--«Ata Oteol, oa T t e ^ w , * 0»w*beFT, F. W. IS U M tet In F b lro H ^ Qte»)|K>' t t tb b te B -n ilw M oC ib .lh b tllr ,". 4 . -1

A M r — - 1 " if. I I t e OniMb irlh Aif Klanr. IX Vnutorboof,

a i t e fs n in .F u n vn l^ V ilA Iitw ram t nt ObldwiU, H, J.

W AU)H.-OnHo.«B l>or8, » t Ui. im teno. ofbor » o . Hr. Jbinii Wbtab, Ro. 10 Bohooi itn it , Ann, -Mow of lb , 1* 1. Joha Wb'ita.

H,IWraf MOtebt hanalWr.

I o>f(i iH*«‘i4 ajipiy.. RKS'HILOUK, >outb Oraiise.

w a n i ’k h , a n t-xPKMi _ Atiieriran Klioemskiu' : Kood el jviialr Apply lAR'K JH((\ 'il, niooaideld. X. J. 1

W a i t e r F o iv f t » i r A u »A N T1 £ URPAR NT.

Mf-TItulMl.lN I.a W W llU 'tl. KALI. TKHM IwgiUi ni,lo*M*r : fVi-niu| sn^Rlons AHNF Il

T IH 'M .t* M !».. Hhio KoriiiinlofMM a*iilrat- pnif. rl-AKFM K U. A^ll l-l- \ . ’.V,' Hnsulnuy. (4rd

MIsm (OW\isKNlJ’ 'H tK iAU I'IM ) AND HAV IVhdul fnrgvriA :'*i P.vRK PL-. Nawark, N. j. :

Primary, AiatieiuU: and Cullage Fr«(«rah>ry Uo- paruitentt.

tlnniiarsun mnpdritii’in. ____


HKOPKN'M NKITFMBKIt It, tlW. Tbnri'UKli prepniallon for any i-ollega or Misnltdo

•dinoL ur lortVielocin a uikiu auiilli^un.

rt. A, FAIUIA^D,ftiv Uesd Maxili r.

O H tU lT IIAM i ANDTVrKW IUTIN fJ sn U X iL H iif ih t \S"n»ririi1irhila« Aw'n. PH funnel.; (•Tins m»'<lt*rnl»>, Aln«1v III whoolVlol^ A. SI..of afivT 111 iMirhvr. 1. C. K KNN KhV. Vi tt tUclil m. l^h

r p m . NKW a k k ^KMl,\A(i^. -'T HIM .A WU V bitmtire urlDri taL- He-upeo Wodnewt.'u-, he;>teuibar 37; iudivliliml ebillilM cnroftilli trained; S|wvlai ciasrw tu arl. iteraliire. blsltn '. togli*, eti^ cuilon. m u ^ end tbs Uiiitniuiiaa : cai-iinc'ahi admits (u Wellesley rnlleirw; prmtary nepartment lho^ Diifli aiut |*ri«eri-.--'vi. i in-uiarion applH-utbm.___ _

hUi'Atii htui!.i-:r.

* MIH.H CLARA U H ALLWill reopen )n r sClluMl. K iiU O lU lA WFPNKA' DAV.MKriKMlIKK'J?. I'rlmary. Arwismlt' and CuHvge I'reparatury Drjiarlmente, rtpaclal arrani^ Dieiibi Ibribose dismas I'Olleice prf^rM loa wlih- nnt ('Oiinei-iitiii a lili tlisscimoi: also for like mu- dsniN til )11*Uir>-, I lleretiire, Music or ArL

vnribrr iuloimallon from tirrulari,

Handsome Q. A, Dweliins anl rtia'ite, Mticiiln

sva, new ( heeier avr. with frunlaguca Woahingtim are ivk * low. 'I erius ea^y

Tor »tela or TO le i Twelve roam pm atereal

deikV, all ImproviMiietilA lot 'JSf 100. rhrstuut si.,

hetween OrcUanl and Uruad *i«>

PuHWRiliin iiumeillate.

1 .0W ivrlce (I'vl « bRyteniisor ■umleral-' reni to

! catefiil tenaul. Ajiply to


lan Iln'tad r ,

ItoomsT, s SUfI k

AI.E o il W ll.I. T A k K

W a n t e d , v o n t h k f n i t k i ) KTATKrtAruiy, le-fMMheil, unmarrlift iiiea. Iwtweoo

ihe sgm of ll nitd SO veAre. suod pny, rmllOiio, rlnlbiag hud niediral atlniilsiHv ; appikvnU luiwt be pienarad to fiirntHli sallsfkcinry i>> liletM'e as to lie , character and balatt Apidyat

J7S M A H K K i r . New ark. N. -T.

W AKTKH EVKKY IN>t Ra NCE AiiKNT and hualntMi msu to write lor ,>ut fortune-

maker plana, lireeti<l(iwmi-nt. eti'.; rueularboiiaiiaa-t; brntos eanii amt larifiNiiwy: nn-nilim paper and stele exneneiice, 7 U k AUKNi.'V liA , No 8. Uolua Bqiiare, Vsw York,

Y 0I:K<* m a s FOR K ll.g FACTORS*.I 'iZ CKDAR rtT,

w A MONTH AND FXPKNHhX ; SCXCLT' 4 tJsIve territory; pi> i-x|H>rleiic" ; ■taole

gnodA absolute mnrmpirty: meo aud wunienwaotw ; yearly roiilnu-Ui: pay c-rriaUi; bu lalk ; •vttem perfoct; wnteqiili-k; teruiH fra*'- Addrr-vs k .,«4. Box U4ft, ItoSUm. Ma«s. tex

H E L P W AN TG ]>--rK M AI.K h .

A - i . A Hi EH IN NKFIl OF liirtiD JIKU*.taieo fftris In want o f gt«»d placa-s (o rail at T7

W ARKKff 91., unr PhuM sk, Lmpleyukeoi Of­fice. tet

C'- ...........................Klrlof abniit lit. foriHmmhsf work n»d walilnR-.

must give reforeaaaaim tn cham-ter and dlspoRl- tloB. Apply Tia-eday sod WedacMtaj’ at jltf .to r-il'Jtn’K rtT.

ItAMRERSfATI) 'M'ANTMI). A N FAT UEH- man xirl rnrcbanil^rmiaid aud walir-in; good

feleresCM, 1017 JIKOAD HT. 1

'''V lUM ilKIlM AlD W ANTKn H F R M A S ^ 'X lrl, M. tu osrti't wlih upiiaim work and moke hsnipll utiefol. Ito (.;UNT1JN AVF. I

CLINTON ht .. i : u o o d o iu l w a n t k h t o amk, wuKb and iruo.

COOK A (SI It I. T o eami awlst a lllj other work

-'Al.K OH W ll.I. T A k K A h m ALLRH pruparu liieti'hansKluiiuie,l7 r(wtUivdimt>dern

itmveatearai; grouads UKUMu; sliUHtel tn Faei ursiiKi', near daput «m1 electrtc cars : (en mluntsn from Newark ; AS niliimr«i Fhiui New S ork. Apply toK \V, i+eKRV. rnuRroailst. Newark. N. J. 4ic

n OCMR W in h a l e THUKK-STOHY MHU'K, ITS lllah. It roomt and store; i*rtQveiilent

IW(>hmilllee ; iTuproveptentii witl lake ooeoE two lute m part pa. aienu a piil vt »i c o r T i i K in in H h t ,

Hnl hFH. FIVE TO S INK ntXJMH. fi.iw AND Up ;ilUMi-a^h, iHtlalKV te per moulli; city lots

' " RhYl “f i l l ; iicr iii'MiUi. F. ava.; it : hriad st.

fhlh. I'Ai rtpririf field Mv


Ba n j o , q u it u i . k it h r r a n d MASi>or.TStaiiirht JuvtiuinciitM for sale A lew eacuud-

liarKi bargaUm a . .1 WKIDT, T-t Sauth »t. sb

HANJO T A IM IIT IIV LOlHH a OKTHEN;music froiu tbe lateil oiianiR si ways un lisivl.

tig .15 um ilAHD HT,

Ha n j o us il

NOTK, .to fKSTH A LKftWO.N lunlruuicnPi PiriilKheil free for lenoons.

lie H KLLFM .I New si.

Ba n j o lk h so n .-* hv j^o t l . k v k m m w .7lb AI.I.KN. ITS WaMlililgtuo eft.

1-ftlsN O A N h KJVOINO LirnwONH 2-. eK.NTrt alt- ................AdilreM 1... Uoi Nswn ulHce. 4N(


IM.VNO, Box ft, Nawsomoe.


Mr . (J. DAVIft, TKACHKR OF DASCfNO rla^sMSteuiaiiiii- Hall, (iSt Umvl Rt.. d l y : 'I naiula ' evi-ninae for adults, HSturdav iiiorruluirs

chlliiren. }'i h ru>* le-t uiis at rH,ldeo(w. SM KROa D HT., oplHMlte ( H. H. rtintlcMi. .Send for arcular. VJi

Ml s CO Ua n awn a,

\rn S O TAl'O IIT . IM.AYN nFHKARftED and aaiatetm fHMicbisI by an « tp i‘rl'‘ iu'od pro-

IHslunsL ft'e

Addrc-HRi rtllONl), INotufllca, city,



t'O YO r W.-^NT MOSEY 7


A (SI III, T o e KIK. M'AHfl a NDTHOS, city reference^.

4177 H 1(511 HT.

/ " iiR L Wa n t e d , a j p k ’t it v k a h s o i .d .t oaYsulet Id light iHmiekcepliiK. Apply

J. A. VANDF.RHDCjF, ho ■ Moggianlb St

C1JRL w a n t e d a t FAOAN'H TftA NT, 4UI Market St 1

n Ol'MRWORK WANTED. A (JlHL FOH i^ e n l housework in a email fomily ol adulla

Call Ml'. I'i.FjA'HANT A V ll. live liuUteM abuva Fourth ava i

TYorHEwoRK- w a n te d , experienced1 1 Ktrl fur geut-ral huiisewora la Eanilly Oi‘ two. ('all between | and It o'clork.I e*?<OL'TK TENTH KT,

Ho r «K w o R K -W A N T i:n , a (H rt . f d h o k n .eml bouRewnrk in family of three ; reforence

tequireil. <*ail al FIFIMI AVKl 1

I f SO. we will Iran you any aum lhat yOn wWs at tbe lowest poMibie mteK, In (he qulckaat poaalHla liuie, eiMi fur Aliy iiiirlh uf Uiiis tu eiilt you. You <»n pay (be uuincy Iw k In any amounte you wleb, and at a> y time, and rach pavmeul so made wJii rr iui-e (be w ti n fram itig ihe loahlii gropf^rttoa to (he aiuuutii |i«lr1. You ran tiorrow uu boinaboUl fiiniHiira, pianoe. harTs% and oarrtagev andother pereoual prn|»erly and (hepruiierty (o rvuialu 111 your prsmeaelon. Iliun giving you Ihe iiaa of both it ufld Uic inniiey. Oiir olficef are runvenlenrly looaied, aud parties culling on ns oau ba waited on fauicklyarid Dnuru-ouRly. Before IkurruH-lng tlae- wheiv call ami sea un, and you mil fliKl It greafty toyo*.ir odvanUga.

NEWARK MORTOADK IX)AN CO.71-v Market st., oi-coud door.

Itc o u g lv e von In the way ofluiueii and lute , also inmiberur«mall bmisesand Hate to rent ; WIU remain open all day un Meoluiti Day.1 i 'l l AH. ll. WJNAK9. 177 KcMcvIlle ave,

1>K N T> f'Ol.r.MTED W ITH S I*E i*[A t ('A R E .IftbvUKOKl. A NUliKN'f.Tftft Hrnailai.

u A i Karr a tm f o r e a l k - uijtTO W N ,

o t

Kaal Orange. r^AK T ORASCE ftTlR M.lLE. MODERN r^bouiieS rooim*, flnlubad with hant wood ; open firenliKMi; goointxiaihni ; coti>enM«l (fl two fall- ruadn and etreelcara ; a 111 iWI ai ■ mcrlOoa If sold alunov. llOdKU JI. liL 'f I EUW OHril, IH Dudd il., kasl Orange. Idg


N"EW COITAdftW- a t I.INDEN, I MTI EH fhim Newark. Dear etatimi.o ruoma ft 1 *40 &

ruoms, Jl.uto; terms, ftto iluwii: balatu-* rum. Ain'LKilV.s.*, I'lBMst., New York.

d tllEENHr..to..U \ k light butmakeeptuk

HAi>rv vr. 4-1 ruom ; refliralls' lumteil

In lUReor *d itr-:#4NKU* 1.4 lM...c|ly.

Fl'H M -lIKD R iJJM ^FD Il ell pr i‘ 4. •


R ru n fm a o F F O R T U x ir rE a .

‘'AMt1T(|IKRKl|()FF»‘ K - i-ash bu»lu*.-i : nu-ner wthMn» ti» retire,

IMHNI) A 0<X>r * to retire, \vl|i

orSl rtasuniMde III cosh biMer. viMrI CA.HU, IIm'. K, .NewsoAIra,

T jrT C lIK H HJIul* I'OK *iALI-; flVJ; IKHNO A J leash Imsli I mil-1 hi- solil,

m IIAHIUHON a V K. I'Uthii

( 'lOHNFH OHftcKItV sm itK FUR hAI.K : ('LD . e5tehlDhe4 ; doing ifood hn .!n >ut; na-iwr Mohm

(■ir<‘Mr»; n>» ofeiit, and nniyciib purrhoser nw-d iiteiiet. AUdre«iOl(iM!KR, Rox J, NewioAli’e. 1

Tj^AM'VOOOTK AND Dlli:-"iMAK1Nf| HIJrtf.' uicK joc-iiiau ; dolna •<'U(h1 buslnam; goud

reaM»»H for telling.I J ll RKRT m i >TH. Broad St

>wn*-[ thVi otbet

n A M 11.TON HT.. H - l ' I ■ H N11 11K l>for IJI for IJkIiI Unuiekeerllrg I SH pr;e

M CKLY r i ’ RMrtHKD Ito


Ma id e n l a n k , h n ic e l y FcuNirtiiKDroomi; m all ami larffr. rt.KKuW'-sgiK.. 4lg

Fl llN lrtllK I) KOoAlH ■en. TWl


MCLhKHRY HT.. S(tflor light bouwksi-p<nc I uil pri

>r i ( ’Kl.V K ri(N IH IlK I) IliiUMn,I w; batU ; cunVAnluncHt,

IJAH U 'KT-.TI TWi* cnVNKcnN iJ UlU»MH, I. well fnrutsbal, a itli all Improvi uituiv. 1

l^ l.FAH AN T KUilNT HonM ri»R TWO (IEN- I tUmen oroiieslugle room, prte^ie family and centrsl WODKllATE, Hot C. Sewa umf-a. I


LET ; Hf

KLKilANV rCB- 17 NEW rtT. 11>(M>MH - TO LET. TWO

iiilNiad rmimst tBDtletbtn only.

\ ’ 'K kV IM.KAHANT FCRNlHllKU lUHiMrt Tti \ lei, 7U HrECHKN HT.. LAsl druiiite. Wg

^ . 1 r:fk W K K K , FOCnUIKlMrt K dR II'll hK* VAN lU'HN HT., Jcivej

ih y . ^

F tlR N lH H E Il KO «»H ft W A N TE D .

A . (0 rent out a nlcviy.rumlNhnl room. In^tulre '.-*>1 UCl.lliCHIlV Hi.

etokkr LftFTft, rT r .t 'ro l e t .

n('Hl.\K-M FUEIR m u RENT. NU. T-W Hroed si., rnsn-liant lollnr or any retail Imsl-

neae; t buloalocalluaUy JAMKft L. K A Y h, T4P Broad sL

A U . (M h o.34 RUUD]NOT

NT. InMuimor 9AM l'E (. \V. i<KKIlV,7ftn Rrotwl sL, or Sogluvar on the pmnlaeii. 'i'ah>p}ume No. M4. UW


. goefi paying. » lU N K HT.

n KHK IN A RAHd U N ID T llK H|(I3!T I'AH- Ilea--17 riiom^ mostlv all 'iipliHl, fiHrtlnr*

'cus'.. fM>: n til Kdl for b>iw th*u hult. or will n-at 'I. i 1 liaiivn «t..

/ v l l’HlDK I 'lF K Il a n d rw iN K Util.'Tht A.ygUiid mdeau-l priitlfai ; pfici' gTikl.1 ili nKiiT rtOtiTt(.;sn ftrinidift

I kJ.l'ftlUlMJ H liop f u r h a l f , w i t h t i n ^iwFi tihils, aiiHl hone ami nagon : n-i reawmabla

ofikr refoseil. AddresaV*’ D, M,. llOi N e « « ofllcf.

•aJooiL I mi|U|H'hI •lb CHhT'-VTiAN FklnF.KHrAN'ft BREWERT.,

Q AIJIO.V iHHtO CDRNEH ; Llt'F^NrtX, !>1HX'K«' i^elr.; |l.vl; abaftraiii.1 11 ciiER T ROtfni, no Broad at.

OTDRE ¥\ n. HU.K, ( ’ A ffn v . NiiTJUN A n IT tobacco, up|i, erhoul; sboil rvaoifi |ivm.

Wf ns I.AFAVr.lTK IlT ,

rp )1E B t^R C M 1N }X rt U|M‘<mTirNlTlSH ARK I eeeaailiuoM 3A No. oiia IlnNulsk Ipa

W ILLH K U /A T IN V K N roR V HI’OCK. FtX-- lurea, toule, iKtrsesao,! wnsuue of a limtalMS

grocery ; girtal Jooatl 14: doing inrga hustuvHa . m. ventory annul gj.issi; other husiee*e reostm for seD*- Ing. Addriwa . U.. ]lo< J, Sew« oilloe Ug

HlP'Mk i’U I.KT, WITH POWERS pruvrmeute: aell Itghieil.

KENT, MlW Ti» nOdDTKN , 'MMi-. trto storas al th-i’i»rtier o f jnellirim and' RliHimneld nve«.; ideetym nmai anil Isrfeabmv wloduwn. Ihi4ulfo**f C. ilKCKKH, No. 31 High sLlte

Wtoukh -'n» ah(-4,

SirI )R K A N D TH IIEK lUHiMH I'D LET AT'fc7f IM ftyllTH OUAN(.iE A V K

tjVHHKX AVK.. to I'D i^tohllHlied luilcher shop.ites uc 40 W ALNT r HT.

J.ET, TH E DLl4-h>i- Irxpilfv bn lht> prem-


1M) LkT-


T fD C rtfM M'ANTKD FROM ll.Uiyi (J ft bnyerw.

ItXVKiF. ItKV KK. ia> rtprlimnebl gye. Xftv

hovhkh tc» Lirr,

A - A. A. J HAVE I'ROTKllTIl'^t TO RENTA s i abiy.

every wmnl ofihe city and will rvnt reasoaa- 9. W. OKEHV. 7as Broad st ' » f

HK o f TKN ItifcMh 'and cellar : hui. and cold water and Ita’Untori

heater, luuulr*Vto lU A N HKHLA, ?€ Mulberry St

Ho v u in d t a t ., i4 -n o na ........................

■JIAHTOHANDK-ToLKT.HKVKllALIIO I.'rtys Fiifroni fi5 op : cunveiiIsQt (o two mllTtMula and

atreeloara. KDOKil H. R U TrERW O KlH , M Doddsk. Fastorange. ^ I t f

iN A fttM n rN T AW ... ll.i K fO lU ' IWX>MW, JT whole house. flS. filf

n-‘>.. Iiiqolmlft.111 \LhKY NT., tblrd floor.

a HoOMH,11.

UA]N9,(Nilanflinj Hruad Si., or 14 dourt at. 4gHDVSE TO LKT. 14 fXR’ RT NT.,

hath aad latmilry. (n<|Ulra JAMpyi

I I OCHK TO KENT -NO. m MULHRHRV W ;I I six raoreiv watrr aqd gas ; lib. Imiulra67b -rilDMAH CrtErt-iKV, Tbliilruadit

n OtTHK 14) BENT, K

KUlliT-HUOH llOUHB,KtagHisad. N. J,

Kb U koR ilk DODD,an Broad st, Newark.

A A.- MONEY LOANED IN A N Y HL'MH • nt 3 par eeuT. per month good for orte year,

f. blFRM AN. IhiHubruker, w (9da- Ilrow) l-kUhllxbvd I’M!


HOUNKWORK-WANTED, D IRL POR <1KN and bouseivork ; plain nx

bOher. Api^y to IT llxr.L KTlain euok. good waiihaf and

HOUNEWORK - (U RL B'ANTKD plain coi>klrig, wnslilng uud Iroalag.

]«7 MADWON K|'.

TO DO Apply


L d la ^ ' for general bouiework ; suiall EauUtj. ^ Apply 1’IT K A l.D lNk, 2 itoobirdy ui.

n OUfiJCWOKK 4J1KL WJrm-<D FUR ilBX eral Raosswurk, ^

1 MRW. H. HAWORTH, 124 Mlftar st *

HOVftRW'OBK -WANTKD. VOUXO COLOIUtD g(ri toaeilst with Jiviuwwurk : wagesfa.

Apply 77 Htf('TllR KT.

HOrrtRWOHK-W'ANTED. A YO l’ NO UlHL Air housmTurk, luuulire at




,-K. J.

MBA. FA llLY , f

. . . » DHKFN Hi;. WANTH-to _ -fiflN all uatloflsilties; coukAolmmbermaldH. iraitrtsww, nurses aad general lioiiKeu-ork ; iNirlieenaedlng help can be lOipplM at stiurl nntioe. wu

^O R H K -W A N T E D , A FRO UXTANT WOM-i an us aarae and ehanibermald.

la*! HAKRlNJN HI.,Apply at

Hrick ( Unreb.

W ANTKD - LADIES AND (*KNTLKMfc.N.we will pay you tof(5 per week to do

atrloUy home work fur uh ; uu caiivnsHiog, aod plpaymtut HendeddraeKAlsirVFltdW."l.liM V Hl'rPJ.Y CU., liberty s^., Boston, Mowc ISaEramp



WASTft HITUATION. (.'ITY OK Qonntfy. 'AW WARRKN ST., near IluOson. 34aBa k e rI

r OLliKCriR -A YOyNU MAN W ITH TM'O years' axnc rienca is a cullcctor wants a prnltioa;

I'and ascjwlty given If ratpiiml. Addnvui w a n t , itog D. Haws ofllcr.

Kfor«D<M' I

ENDINEKH w a n t s POftlTION: tiCKJD ItKF- eraaua. Addmu kpi k Mu i -it H'i', loe

Ma n w a n t s rtlTUATtON A ftcO A n iM AN ;wlfo to h(^p I f uoL-esoatT. ('all or uddreH*

KWAHT, Srargreau l'|. and Railruad are., luist Orange. i

MAK ■ H53flHT, RKM ABI.K StlDDLK- afad man wants work at aoythlDg: bast city


AddraoiRKlJABl.E, Box K, N swb ofUce.

flKINTF.Il EXTEKIKNCKD JOBBER Dk- 1 olrat poiiUnn ; capahteDlmat|agiag an olllca ; airktly temperata. Afidraas 1 C. k.. Box 24. Short unit, N. J,

UHEFl^L M AN - M'.BFR (IKUM a N MAN inldowerji wants work at anything ; good rar-

patiter. rail I'KTe R HEcKKR. «si ihib sva. m i

MD.NEV t o I.DA.S 0.\ llUl'HKHOl.D Kl'lt- niiiire, plaiins. organs and penoani pro|»arty

whhuul removal: ]MinlH4 liunurulily dealt wlUi. and cau uiukc lepaymcnte by iiiAteiiueikts; all hiteintrw i-(rH'tly ('unflilenilal- caR on F. sv. CftA WFOHli, room Z, 725 Bnsid st Open CVSbingt until 7.

MO.N- . _ .Xy, piouDo, urgttiis mill furuUura lu use without

remitval; ail huMitaoa eulct^y cunddantlal. CaJl or addrewR ('.EDW ARD <. rumuX ill Market st, or Id Cadar v1., 4lay oravenlng.

O m " IT/tv/TAJand morigoae at 4 and 3 percent, In hutim and fur lOiTlods lu muR (lie tierruwtr ; NO BONKS OR (X>MMlHHIl».N l-XACTKD: all pecetKafy 'pa)w'(H earafi9lw^pr'*jMreih A<

Q V f \ f ki I I t I OAN o n *lt >ND a n dI 0 1 / *^ mUmonganeatiparoeM tliisums

amt for period# (u ouR (he (M/rtowerH; no boiuM or commlnKm f’hartHj; Fi.oiO lo loan on dial tel mortgogt'lu suimi losiilt KDA'a k D k. b l a c k , (.'oiiu-o^or at-L^w. mum Sll Priideiillal Bolldliig; tel«e pbuiie No. ‘'“72. __________________

TO LOAN ON BON'D AND qui lu null.

(’, J, KHIpWN,737 Broad et„ rterm t.

d> 1 r j , i i W k TO LOAN ON BOO I ^ tP i.W 'y lfm vr (gage in e iif)te lo

r. J, »Ho'737 Broad et„

C i i r CHWAHI. 1.0 ANKl) O F U 11 s f f I' Kf'f;removuU promm, private, re Inlile.low

rntee. easy repavinnou; money (u fweUe hours' notice ; open evenings. KKUR, 4,to Brood at. 37g

i i T l T r UFWARD to LOAN ON F im s i. •!^ a esture. Make panniuil sppMcaiiun to 611 I ’llA K L KANE, K TbiTteenlh at. RoS 'vlUa. 14v



li.QOb, fi.Mio, 12,w , fi-r-on.Con be placed on'drai-ula'A Irani ami So-ciiriiy oil properly wurth doubis ihe amotini. and mors by bwUiug on

U tA K ril-yj A. F R IC K , (buiraellor al'LaiVf

pQfe 75N Hrowl 4t

■yiyANTKD-1300 ONDiurtgava.


Ja »AN, Ho* P. News odea.




JOHN M. OW INNEI.L PresiilenT.

f5.W to *6.(W DFrOftlTED RV THE THIRD O f a n y m o n t h d r a w s INTEKKHT FROM

'ID E KlUST OF t h a t MONTH.

MANAnF.Tlrt:Ktittasd KAWOUsa, K)>wAaT>L.CnsKU)if

NO. 1J!U BROAD KT.. (V)M- . IQS. rt ih oil Improveoama

lla<ful • un pretnioMi; rent |iTk 3ngn m 'HP.TnLET-

prhlng blna rooioe.

f p o LKT IiW KLLINd ('(^N TA IM N O FIVE ft rimmaamt cellar, wnl- r, No-SS Iliss'ilc sL, ngar

Oriental et.: rent |a par luonlb. lirt|tilrcuf J. J. I'AH l'K B .n llitrckerra 4Sf

r l i o LE T -N E A T COTTAOE ft C ITYJ water i 36' tfoble «L; fl3 ; houte 7 rooma, M

W rtiblsl.; city water ; SIX «g IA4 PhlNNHVLVANtA A V R

W bve rofuna B-'it

. ND.18-.T(I Inquire

liicr. llOtJHK OFRTdllT HT.,iquil

)to.-|UJVLEh a JACKBOM. TTO Broad at.

IIO L IS E S iV A N T K lft .

W A N T K D -A g '

Fl'RNJftHED ItOVHK FOH A geiiileman sod wlfo la good locality; do rbiD

dian. Addrote p. o, BOX No. 3M. Mg

KO O M ft A N D F L A T S T O L K T .

A B A R U A lN -. | | -r u t 'H L A K U B K L K G A N T ruotns, i « y w ndow, plaxxa, iifw ftaft, corner

BM M A N D rt o rT Il T E N T H h TM., neur ftpriag field-eve^; marble numtel, wirtar. etc.' lU

. 1X3 F I.A T , K l ^ HOuMtenew buiidiiitf ; Hue locattoii.

W. L . VVfiHTFAl.L. « 7 llFOad.


Be l l e v il l e a v k and baUi


1)F1 -*

autes fruni Newark, 10 ruuoi* ; rent moderate- iVq p>. JL JA(.'KHDN. 77u Brtewl SL, Newark.

K^LATON MRR( EK SI.. NE AR HDlH s L J: iDTiniH un rtprtu.-e hL, fM o |IOi liiqhliw p. Me; DUVKRN, ite cpruca. f-ujriter tor W)Cedar h|, s ir

•INLAT t o LKT IN A NEW HOCSK, (IK TWO F iamltli^, with oeveD light rooms aad baib. with all mixlaru IcipruvsinaDta ; rent juoderaic.ITg Ml g U flM A N HI'.

F l a t t o l k p d f s ix n ic i i ; r o o m s a tthe corner bouse o f No. Z7d FAtUMUONT

a n d FUL'KTREM'H AVD4. m

11LAT UF I-OUR HOOMft, A T ad IIAIJIEY ' HL, to le t ; rent renaotiabia.

tew H. JlL'YLkH H. J A(iKftON, 770 Rroml M.

I^ll.AT DJ.ENilllXlJC AVJL, iAONl'CLAUt, inlceinomH.

7ui| A. IlKRNK'K op|>oalte depot,Moidrlair.



a VKNINQ newa




W illC ll W ILL BESOr.U.


r.........AH BROAD MTRKFT,

M in BAi.r..

Al l liDKTH AND uF FB U If, rtHftDKand •(namtatid tra s, vines, abruttbery aa<U

unMry« f lihtaa av«^’ oOd ibroiul St red


hanly rases at the Newark naartonntitU!i or Rapid I'nuislivsri OITb«S4.t RE.diKN HI'

I^ICHT H a r d i .k ik u u c o a l m in k ia

ami (be vgry brat size rnr (kmtiy u m . lArge Psa and Nut mlteit i r ' It and be cimvlncM.

DellvemUnallparUorihaoUy al f3.«0 per tea. Oflics roroer

Fh E L lN U lirY sE N AVIC. and EMMET HT. r.g JFROLAM.4N A HuN.

IITCVOLK, |Vt, llttiaOc.

. , HAMBL^ H, 0 ( « T ♦17*. VKV.V. I l l V a n IIUHN KT., Jersey Uty. ftsf

( llIjniKNHd ’nchtn rockersla JuilDKN A U AW rUUK ?y.

l idou eve., M«r Lvona eve.. Irvkugtou ;c)m« i see UiHtt. aig

IsnkMAl.K 7'. hKCrt kl-H, dOtiFK TK^Nu Ingrain carpet«, new ami eermiiLhead, |ft up:

oak iHMlromti Huil.|Ui eswiag utMCblue. fiS; partar suit, flO; Uouk St ive |1 ; iMrlOr Ituvefi, up. itx________ 2ft W rf,LlA .d KT., near (H y Iiaii.

tMSH HALK-A FIRKl'^LABa healer. |d NKW Hi.


r i^> LKT - l.AHDE ftTOHN oN MCLBEKBY 1 $t; apsrinaenla of Ibrae, four and six rooms;

all near real re Market

ADoapirtiDentN orrmir, fire and six rooms cc lUrKteu avc-. Uarrlsnii. impilTe 47c COAL (JFFH'K. RSf'anal st


A K U ril6:H'ft W ALL PAPER«wiUpaiMr>Feur rooms u-lfttellar-go>1

teide butilar and hanging InrlutUol; house iipTntfiix, gralnlnKand kalsomlalnc iloas it rcaonnaMs prkrt; send for samplMi or call and niakn y(Hir selsciliWN. A. KUUUAR,b hiiaseg avs., cor. High at. New^ ark. 4:rf

T > !tA M II OFTHKNKW YORK W ALLPAPKH J litarawUl paper any alic rooms with guld paper and gold bitraeci, D a room ; pteaae send poelM bards ; i-slntlng. kalNoiiilnlng and decoraUng M. I ia THDLmf; liH HprlngileUl avM., Newark. N.J.3Aa

TXANDH h IMK PMlmnNM HA V '*PRnPLK like te In humbnfgi'il." I f iMe la an all tbsy

bavH to do Is 10 |katrnn(ve private hi»ne» and aurilim laise, aa Ike WAiurliy of Uieiu are frauds. I f viuil want value for yuur nu ney buy uf reapouBlbledHul. efswliogiiaraiitee every piano aold. M. D. LAU- TMK CUL do,

tftlAND 1 uprtRh'

....... Pf)R h.M.W CIIKAP, AN ELWIANT_ upright ptenck nearly now ; also s uom plsars

Dali at 21ft Ma ILk :1 rtT., aec<nd fo>or, 4Sd

P TaNO-FOR NAI.I-; BteL'AKK DAHLKH Ph aoo. n B U llN K T H f. ft4s

S ,taras a(id ftboaresasa. JARV[H,gtl Ferry sb ftou



ST o v »4 -N fc w A N n s k iv b d-h a n » T ir ic H ?ebaofs i also buusebold lu mtiara : must be sold.





A *T H R N F .W a KK nOKHR •market, Nca ftUS to ITS (tentnM ava

A largn stock of fifat-clasa honaa alwon OP band for Sale or axciianga at tba

lofMStiaarkatprtoM; drangBL dHvars aod gaosnl borvss; a it lr tnatglveusDdtolvtook oal<t

------ -------roaeoted at vmAprop.

punoeeborvss; a it lr matgiveuapdclvto> wttoa foil guarantee to bees reuroaected ( rsfoftded. ALBEHT L. H P L l< p ro p .___________


cbMp OLtVRR MANUFACT ufClgyprt. TrteiMlOjte H I

ntrriagea and wagons for eaJe " ------------(jRlJfD UX, foel

wsgaiM tor any purpose about Tft oarrlMsw tn aioob all the Utoei

wide Uimler, liK-tiidlng repairing, for f i 2.j; also we do firsi dass painiihg, irainmg. kalWltfliilhg. flteft- terlrigsnd lintlQg. tor.lbecfaeapast prices In the rtty. tend jiosUt cerds ftir anipJea or (iUI el brooRlya wslIpuierHloreaiv} selwt your patiars, ■R we HIV a braiM'b of 1b* Brunklvri Wa|l}iHper ('D4D[wiiy, rarryJog a foil Iftm ofttaelrcbolie paper, •ueb os hlanka flabi gilts, einbotsed, lugntlns and lilee, aiul tell at Ibctory prlc.«.4Mi DKt IIIATD H. W0pringll«ld avw, orar 11 Igb st.

-PlHlJU O D KLYN rtND NKWJ >1i.i;s5logC ity .____ ,M Ja CDBLKVV

YDIIK W ALI. PA. ter roTnblmitli'm--Plaaaf UAi; p o l^ that 1 will

isiper Ntir siu'd nsuii with gold And vcblehunter Iw K.tea rooiu. and aite^do fliww-ineipinnt- Ingaud kalsoDilnlng at 111* clieaiieei prkisa to Uie

; orders promptly allendsd to by mail.■ ■ ................ No. KW Warn-n sL, Newark.

ftwK.ftI kaisoi


^ a u p 6;NTKK a n d

I I a HPKNTRR JDHHI N (i i "x'fioo*. eddlllons, allemiions,

roorb bbluftled, hluro lilting, etc.

1IF.NRY KNIDIIT, 171 Centralave.


■ NfHUU HIDE NKIA«>N I'J.. I'ili . iblrd dour from High : rent reasonolrte.

1 H. l i . BA'l'KMAN, 41 Hill Si.

HraaXKT Bocua KliWIN H Uou«LA% J, Waad WooDDurr,]-;iin'AHD N. (.'raHV, H i .kwsn L iu lu xck .

W ANTKD -BV A Y OUXU MAK VFFKJE UK ootsldewnrk ;good writer.

1 Addrsns WuBK, Hox D, 'News oIBce,


____ WORk ' YYa NTHD B Y ^ i l R DAT,_'wsek or niuaik ; dty or oouutry : good eook ;

good reference. <17 EHHK^ ht. 1

OOK-OOLOirEI) WO.MAN WAKTH HITI A- don as cook; gu boiue nlghik

I 2M K. J. H. R. AVR.


LKOJU4K LaKAHkMkt Lamc.WlLLTAN H. [.im,John p,OoNTar.Lt.,Juim M. DWTNNhLLJ, A. LkUKl'Kl'IIRH. _tilL'UlUTY Na VIKUH HA.NK,

NO. 7* BROAD RT.Op.n a«ny ntom » A. M. w 4 ». M. DWilMiil

.lamiary l and Julv L All oeenurvts carr)' Interutt at 3 per (vnL ftocifty auri Trust I 'lmdi tekeiL

Prteldeul-HYLVRKTFiH H. BAITIN, Vice-President-UMTS LKLOND, Tn-erortr- BDWAU D HP A LTlL kecretary->J. W. PLUMK.


DAY'’9 W O R K -W tK TK D , BV Aw ■ ‘ - ....... - ............ -

Wl DOW^WMSblng arid eleanlbg; Is also RrsLclata kalete

mlntr. Apply KKKDV, *6 Joiieaet, ____ 1

7\AT i W ORK-W OM AN W ANTS DAV'ft J fwork washing aod Ironing at boioe, oewui go OUL iWITftBKDOMEnT. 1

HOCHEKERPI.'^i-W nXIW DEHIBEH POrtT* tlob as housokespex; good baoie praferml to

blfbwsgaA (.kJl c f address h a Lrtii.Y s t . i

HDUHBWORK - HfCKpKtrTAfll.B YIMTTM girt wUtirti a sltusdon as general houtewoiker:

goed retoresw. Lkll 12M llHi>AD hT- 1


0 4 HD or t A akic& r dHln.to u oM ix ir mint

— j,^ klilA.OWad. anduiliui,

la p 10AU Ly.

DMth Cldlnw uidTMiUtrT .H iv by Uto tu . Oo.

Aw.Koyweli,« f l i r w * i t , l i w w Annt.WMib4,Rt.V’'«u>*4«AilliiyWn ,M |« ~

Oathillr, M Jfc«“ - 'JM.Ct.I*.


rut.4 aL, earaat lU la r ,


J I , >. W W D SU Fr,

* ONQIOtTAXaB,R m »fM i i w m i s h m it.. It

bKk r o h i_________ NaB|IDAI>«T.,OC«N)IROHBRM.Haj, ib irt m r r rtmatl ilUMiMK* ity adA aWh. TilApbiliA Ob

B JOVCIl, M M WITH MnnOPDUTAtl •lituiMie Ofc, eadwibw, lU BeWT It

M kBM AL..


to do geutrai htweeworli eflUDlly. UtB 5W MoNW>K HT.

iHrork Ui a small prij

HO.wants iltoatlnn for tight buusrwork.

H-, Box D, Kswi offloe.Addrew*


HOUHKWOKK-IHRL WANTft SITUATION at geuefot bobteWDek. Inquire


tft RKsEX KT., drat dner.

HOIThEW OKK-O IRIa, iar ■ .............. ■LpUce for light hoiiMmwrk,

YftARK, WANTft •teLIBfcK’lYH T. I

Ho u h e w o b k - o ir l WANTK a PITUATIOK at hodtework ; small bhiliy. S ilU K iU hT. I

„ „ ............. a k k e p r h ie n c k d o f iu'man seaouitrtes and drramnaker seeks employ^

mont; fins er plain work i nwkHounbie prlouH.Wr 24(lLAFAYAlTJi »T.


^ E W IN « - A O IRL WIftfn:.rt BDMK MDKK^oa*tomer« rur sewing, at bciue or omslde. t IDS MONI'UUU Kit Y HT., t « t bd floor.

HTYLIKH DRRSHMa KRH a frwmorecuatftiDera:by tbe dayfi.'TA Adurm.

Iftg TAILUH, Box E,Kewa uBlflta.

T WO RRBNEiygXiiirtR a i k I h -w a Nt b it \;a - UonsteklngoareorobllUrcn pr upetnln ivork.

1 iBUat h &hdUt h o h A lIu a a v k .

A 8K r*Na- - W i PKVKXt V o MA K WAKTK waiblof aft4 irsulug by lbs da,v.

I Ckll 271 HAIiSKY ftT.

WAftniNtt OfCRMANwasblag and Ircolag at boms.


171 kLM RT.


H e, DQRN, THANCR MRDIUM, CAN BH •wiMultedi Mondays, Ttwsdur« aad ftatuntoys.

»lf .......... ■T4 EAAi’ KIKNKV hT.

TAO D BYt, BETWEEN A AND • P. U.. «UN- J day t will M y wh -who ooUesd gacUemau oppoetM pomiuiialealt wltJi1 a DMIREB. Box C, News oAcsr

T ADJM»,*tAr»1KNDSKJ4Ek.DIftAFlitJ(.^DXAM ssd. I t m vsHiUater tkaf nsrsr lalU rtiysM l’M W O IU III* ME0 iUOllB.Bidlslo,N V;

John n. Harrison, Kdward HpueUi. cbarles M. 'J heberativlAUlR i/ClOOl,WUllam Il-Ttortis. William A. RIghter,

ftylvpsier H. Battln, J. Frank Fort, James N. ArbnnklA Oet«r B. Mockrldge, Jossph W. Ihunie, Frask A. Wfiklnsoa

and John A. (iJflbnt

m i l i L U M LINN ALLEN A CXfo

STOCK BKOKRRft.Buy aod sell stocks, bonds awl grolA sllber for

cash or on margin.1» MAtUCKT «t i '

Telephone I020, Newask, » Newark, N. J.


Orange KaUorval Bank llulldUig,Telephone «ki Orange, Orang*. N. J.

D BX aB H AK lNA t

~A.3LTrTAYli^"T)Ml^^^*rut(lng Kchool. 1'be only

thorough and kn< cesafol system m use. ibe only om> nut a chart. FasyiolesgD. fupiU rank* drniM while learnUig. Maks an mistake, lenrn the beat. Open day end even­ings. Notice rt. T. Tayior'a All dU

Broad aUuOpposUe Trlnltr Church.M. V„ CHHIRTIK

A _ M c1M)WKLL DKRMS-cr'n'lNOHCrKHMi- aA&y bu]y coo now b^iius a prrtoct ntuer, fit­

ter and (ImvHiialier by using the Muuoweit Oar-luePt Drufllng Machine, it follows every f^hlon and fita every-fonn: D easy to team and rapid to use. Call or send fiircfrcuiar; iewu>nsday or even- l&g. K ATE CnOWf.KY, M6 llroiUl *L 7MI

A HUANCII HCltOOL OF ft. T. TAVLO ll’ftftVH- tetri o f drsaMnittlng from nu llrcMulway. New

Y'ork. The only syntem not a chart. IM iee can aowMve theexpenteof going to Nevv Yurk when (hey can team ns woll at our oning* branch. Open day and evenings, L. FL UL'Na K, 21a Msilii it., Ofaugii, N. J. tew

f?A ftiriO NABLK D H m M A K IN ti ITAIM HKD iV su U sftan d H <te PLANE hT. IMir

I NFANT DR1CWE9 MADE TU ORDER,A ddisss L. Ji., Hox A,J4sws ofllce.

O H A N U K IM tilflh C tirriN li R l^ iio JL , The on r orlgthAl 'layter Hchool in RMUr-

aiigssi. and defy lomMUtlOh. it la lbs oaly system that gives entire satMtoottoQ. Bswatw orpartteaadveriMag under tbs same hams* oa our scliuoLlathe only Biat^sisra subbgi in tbe Ura&tsi or la ib« Mils. Flrttcloaa ditWw inakiag ai reasimabls prlora.. Open M sod eveqlngn. AtmRmbsr lha mimner, t s asd Sft4 Main it., orangv, DeiAer BulMIng. ^

M AHY R l y n c h .

A i'C T lO N HALlCft.

a UCTION HALM^-EHTATE F. CORBITf, BE- ■fXceased.soreer MveriiadjClMirrp sis.: ‘j P. M ..t«Nsvktabsr i jtSAk sai•btiSSaaMOrtiif Mm WiMnMi m ,

F ),AT t o I.KT flllKM NOVKMBKB I. ?fO. art Markrlil. FHF.UT. K lIthVZH iM irktttl. J fi

■IjlI.ATrt TO I.KT OP'4 JtlKlMR If fr hnnses SOOhVW l^ntrsl ave., water and sewer cort- eei'iluiii; rent low. laqiiirH hi HliOE KAOl'OKY, cor. (.antral ave. and Ihiryee at tel

I [ALAI'S TU LKT, DKHIRa HLK FLATH, TEN- ' inUty located: to good teoauta tus csiito will be

reSBonoblc. Inquire ofMe JANITOR. 197 PlanosL, firtiftat.

V iLA T ft TO LET 405-Hrr BKHORN HTtllft AND A; ftK Apply 1'. A. KArtTKKH.4SrtlxtoenthavSAiiw

1riL4'J'H TO l,ET. F IVE ROOMH. BHU K ‘ bolWlng, iW iBRUPiftWIt'KHT.jrentill, mu

n AhHVY HT.,40- HANDHUME LAR U K AND small ir>')ut rounii to 1st 1

n ANDHOME r>-KOOM APAH TM RNT; lU T K , fudge, heutei, reilar. Uihai lew maiikall family;

(l-rcimi apHtimeut, ffl4. U AUSR. 'JO i,«Cavs(te st. tig

1>ART OF IfOL'dL TO LFTT- ft RQOMft I A I,L linpmvsmeuis; No, S2 Prospect at.; also houte

So. 27 bawsx ave., fl roumA « f DAVID H IPLK Y A. HOKK

^ttoor, adults,Qr iT M A N HT., 1W--TI1HEK ROUBH, 1HIHD_ T ---------


K a objccilon to reepsctatpls l-oIot hd people.

SU IT H FIOIITKKNTH KT. 71«- firMircffinienrjms; htxble atiocheil.

niNUriF.lfD AVK.. (W T IlItK B u objcciloQ to reeptci

quire In HUxiC MixirtR.


JtriLDKHptotobtlv attended lo. Ad')re«a

Slf liriLTlRR. Box M N>wii oRlre.

1 .HAlirn rVN'fi. b i -'-’kX 'rattan (if vsnshv^ i-orpHfti crMm>'l. inedo and l(iM : bony t-arrIsgeH aud furulinre reiralrcil: keys tilled. Kcud prurtfll to CM ARLtX W. FtllLL, 2S Murray « . ________ <Jg

/ IH FA I' f a m i l y rtIlOE >‘T<jHK 1.AIU^>' \ 'klt1-1kD|>eJ buttou, f l : lailtoa' iln«» kld-lippeil bulton, |l.h; tcISoeiM' iii>rliig-bsel kid button, slr.ei It to ,IJ, 7-v* : qilsMMi' iisel kki button, oa.: men’s KpweJ lacwl, | l: iben'i flnr* la<m and i*<jnarwe(, fl.R t boys'fiDS IfiODd Kbers.Ma ; yvHilb'a flnelocad •b<NS, 9'ie : Jiien's sewed congresi. e.>., at ft’ .U. J. McKINNLY'rt w7fl Plane M., near William st. 44b

FKATHKWH 1'i nLKD W DILK YOU W A IT ;frathera rnriml. <'lean* l, dyed and lephlred ;

Ura curtains and foncy UH'e: cleaned, e<jua> to nsw. a'lg MKrt. Ih W ii.Ll^t 24ur-lisrd st.

“ V jp im H IN U 'lA L k jTk a n d MUftlUAL liL

|stnuiirhW stbalf rsgnlar prices

, We nil lbs best Aplf "i»sll hooks, lie. pet kdosti Idea., SV*. ivpiy leaden,$1;. eoob. A good frad alal nei.ri^ lun feet block Hoe. As. Ited ioAd whUssand wcnfits always wn bund.

f r a n k KLAftA'H, IK Mnlberryot.

F.rlV IFlUDLAH, M AK liU O F the Jfongliiv Uanlo, Acme t>ul'

ter uDii fine iBandoiltis. MnsiesMu* strumenu of all ktudi; cv<h or In­stalments, tlepalriiig a spw'laltv,

formerly of 8-7 Mrood and ft I'wUr at


Fo r m a LIS-A nnoD k m a l l h o r h e . w i t h * harwos and twcywheei cart! anltabls for Uslit busineM ; niosi bewdit llils week ; a baiEaln; lfl'4.

Apply UCtlAHLTON ftT. 'Jtflf


4Ji*hd tWhbftaatloQ Anrllon MAloof'Hsms


620 Broad Ht.


Every Wedneoday nigl>L at 7;J0 o'clock ((a addl

Bon to onr regular salsa every

,. Tuesday and Friday

Every herse as rsprasciiiM or ninnay refonds W i llotsM ami t'arrlafi'H roewivaJ friim all points lo ks AUld ou oubtiulMiluu at auctlim Of private sals.

stoK K iio rH it iH yrn ta .

n ORHE WANTKD. A liniiHH FOR THE wluisr for his keeping; reforom'e given.

1 ('.\rii .Fk'l., Hut A, Ncw.h ofilcs.

TIO K H Kr i v i i f


MlrMAI-.LrtTKrjUSU. e n v LINK, KprlijKllsId aV4>. Ditsln»ws draught

Slid work borops cuntimialiy im baud ;___ _ tor sale or es<-baiM,-i‘ at the lortfstmarket irrlcv^; a fair trial glvsn: euiti with agnsK am«e to be as repit-sesiod or cash refiipUmL

NF UOOll. L lO IlT |il>| UI.K OOAL OH toed wagon cheap, IH cwi.; iwn single

Miill huals cheap nr wilt vtcUunge fur anytblug In n«Aon. 71 PAHHAIO HT. 1


WAUONf:V-FOIt HAI.K,luade byljnlBby A t'o.; .......

Doidet A Pmt; Park Phni'bifu, by (tolder A Post.


WAOON. mail'* b f

Coil on (\i A<‘ll .'rt AN, .1 Washington st.

AMON WANTKD, A L IO K T ONlC-KObaK busiuess wagnu ; mint Ih*cheep. Address

WAtlON. Box A. NeAeullb-t.

h RI'Yk a J !? »V fjockey cart: fs.i buy*

IIOIIHI-: ANI^ TWt>-WHgKF, lioris, biign and

J lH illc 'P . ' ____ t.ig


A m a n h w MKriKMO, witli good board

FRONTRIKYjND-ftTo"y beat; bati.



LAFAVKTI’ KKT. Jloivw painting.

R011MH: ---- Ill-


O T IR L IN O NT., irNfionr, to ist.

. F IV E JEOOMH, FUtrtT 5lf

T O LKT, IM WALNUT HTt-POHR KOOMHoX firstfioor, rent fli.and five rooms *yp third

doer, reni|l:l; wiMraodsMiionary tubs, tat DOUirliTV A ugVLD, S1U Broad KL, A

fl BfiithlK: IMFR0VE- R LINO KM AN, 204 Uini'

♦ Ito

rift> LET, M HANK BT. J Tneata; mouth.

terdon at.

rr>WO(V>MNE(’TINDtJNFi;RNtHJlF.DR(pJMH; I. cM ira l: re(erepcea|lv«m aiul re^tulred.

I AddroM KKFKHKNCK. liox (\ News omes.

T W'OPLKAhANTHOOKHTO LKT. a l l CON' vsnleiKSs; reatintelsmte, flS H a DIhoN HP. i

n ^ w o f l e a k a n t Rooftca i n l o n d w o m t iiJ.ftT.; H _______________ ________ I

W a l n u t » t . - t o l k t , f o u r o k f iv eroDina. flrit flonrj papered, bay wlodow froni,

water. Impilre 147 W ALNUt'KP, tug

HUNTER.H AND FJHHFHMFN well by buying Ibclr goods atItU

n Jonn osar Kpriugfleid ava

N W IL L lrt> OB BHOft'K.,


MA<Ot>nMAOk-~ft A T CM E LN, porkfltbsokA maood^ tool bogs

and trunks of mir own manTitoetura; rsktairlhg promptly attsodsd ig. ftta HRi ia D bT.. opposite Waahlagtoii Park.

I ftlANOHTUNED AND mCPAlKKD by ............................

........................ . .ORDBUHjuaU prorupUy atteialed to,

IV ita K. UnUKTt M Fair iL

SCARLFnT'rtNKWK DiCFOT, Mi WAHIIINn* (oust, msM' Court. • late i msgaelnss, wcekltea, ato., up (n date. Odice •Utiunery, bUIbeads. noWrt

bewlii, etc. ID^IsFa confoctioaery. Fin# line In Suls tablete. Kutao' ]Hibllc with moI. Htamp s t«lon .^ vas

ig e WILL PAY W>R liKCOItATtN<» Arf s r f Ma mednim-sixe

and border. "'J'bS FUr,' HprlAgllelU ave.

room with gold paper HTkiN A BliWf imim

P '- f '. - PIANdft AND OIUIANH TCNKP, RE- I OpMlrcd. (IkUIIDF lU’NT. 2IM Markatft.__Slf

W a r r e n ht .. ii*~T itR r;K iiANrHsOMKrooms to Int

pered and palatsU.rooms to tet; city water rrsB iH : isewlypa-

Ksyiatfoi UirJIL tey

W AftlllHQ'rON BT., 4&I^TWa CDNNKiT* Ing rnojoi, convsniecide tor hmuwfcecpliig or

will retd to one or twu gnnllenMiu ; 13 weekly. I

d> I I T(l «H"-kLAT TO LEI't 4 LAROKip I IfooniA StoDoiiaryRibM' 490 Hinil H P., ror-uer Academy. foDltor.


RtWMft-WANTKI), TWO rooins, good looaikm, by * i

I Addrem ic, i*. 10, BCJNFITRKrkUND

bhtlsmau. u (i. News oRics.

WANl’Kll-BY A UEDDLIwAGEi) WIDOW, OM Ism or two email rooms; rsht sure;

muat bv uiodaratej for g perttuwwtoy l Aadres* b. A., Itox Nsa i ofDcs.

W a n t e d f o o r r o o m a b v m a r r ie dcxKiple. within tee mlimtcs'walkof Mt. Pteai*

hot (.euuitsry; rsbt uot to exceed III.1 Address D„ Box M, News omoe.

W ANTBD--A lUlOll OF HOME ONK RENT- log ruouiN ai a low reat: fur mlildle-iged

tody; naluruliSied for boumkiwpliig ; central.1 Address 0,, Box <*, Newagfilce,

W ANTPD ' I t o 10 iDHilfrt, CE NTRALLY lecstfd.abDntNoyembef Ilk Address

MRh. »C!ANLuN,lfti.’HotOfi SL


L*bX!kii:K « t ', T -P u iw i»H V :D t o>lw. « «

BHOAD HT., ,1, ... rC K itlM IlE D iMm<i Art llfht how kn iiln ,.


CUNTOH HT., U - NICCLY-FUHMIHULD noon: tltn on* luit* Row tom. I

*~,o l u m b { a Hr., L i b ,/ h r llfk i ba

i» ..r iiR R n■ iV iJ




-F A T E N T E ^


The laigmt Patent Ofiics in the Ktxto.


ftTiKDERTCK a FRAKNTXElafiocevesor to (Jempbotl AU a

QLOBF B iFi LUINO.004 BROAD f9T. Rooms 04 and 07,

I Ja TE aNTh D IU K K A LUMollcUors of American add Foreign Patents,

Allorneys 111 pbtehl c,uws before the V. rt. I'ourlA Trtrchaaiiwl aiui Kleoteicttl iCugmoeri and Experts. Consuliailon fWu*. 7Sft BltDAD KT- The oldest V'- tabilslied bouse In the Htate. Twenty-five years' exptrletioe. itemuin spoken.

n^KN YKAKh’ KXPKHIKNI'K - t ’ llKNCII, L Derman, ftwedtah, liAuiib and IRuilsli spoken,

patedi eikd (IrhitglHl^ ofote uf TtinHCilow, MKJUEL A CD-, 'itS UlDton oL, rooma iKaad 24, Newark. N, J., (opph Y ,a1. U. a . Building), itpeti Wedaemley and Friday evcultifs tIU Mft o'clock; 0 aeral offloe houri, ft A. M. to ft P. M,


jrjJTICK OF.......... DIHHOLUTION — aCiTJUE I «^ . hereby given that tbe osrtuopihlp bervtefore existing bstwiwb Frank Knigbft »nd WhUaoi O. Kugier, under the llrot name of WlUtaiu <i. K iif for A Do., has this day been olssolved by mutual uon- ■est. The MablKUevo. the uonnerahtp wlUbeaa* iutned and the bnilnesa will be uuoiluued by tbe ■aid W illia m K t^ le r .

Xtatad October ft I, m l.f r a n k M .KKIGBT,WtU. KURLKn,

NATHAN C. BOUTON. Altornay.OraBft.N, J.7g

B A M T K ft.

H triHKMT m O R PAID rOR OiQn.Ol'Ir (MHIjic I ordMi at n tt ljp iw ^ s r m m iM ta,

4W. ‘ L K A D A W llK V ,dc*au M n *t(.

Ha n k ht., «ofol room**; labls boar<l.


ClKNTKF hT„ 2fl — FKONT ItOOMB W ITH ■'biKird : atej table bonrd. 4J

I f'jbuard ; bout and gu-s.

noOMH, W ITH 71

Fr o n t ro o m k , n i c k i .y, - - • • .............. FUHKlrtUKD,with board ; beat If deiilnHl.


1,'^ULTON KT., 17- FrU-SlHIlED VRONTruumaartil llriiH'liM IxHiMl. _ _ ____

INURNWilKD FRiINT HOOMrt w ri'llltO AU D : ' All Improvenieuia lOl (.' iUHT Hi'. 'J4g

Fl) UMMIIRD private fainlly; with

l«gHi l l fvr., 17— Ki.Mi.A>rr

ru'rfli, oil cotivciiitncuor wllbobt boehJ*

A PH IVATK FAM ILY. TWC LAUDF. ’ rtiotoste rent, wlUt board .prloeftll and ftlH per

weekjliuyM< has u)l iihpro^a.neutA and thm# mlnutte'wolk to Hrb'k riiuirb nraifoii. Apply ai 23e , 21 liAl.KTKD Vr., Fast urange, N. J.

Y-N I rtio

I lNDKN HT.. - Nr.WLY'FUbN'IrtHKD Jtaousc, vrJtb ur wllbnni bewni ; table iKtaril, 44u


Ok a n d k ht.. rtu>tn«, with board.

OKANUK-fiOOD nOARD AT iftf " " ........ .


70 PARK KT., OranifS. N. J.

P LKANANT RDOWrt, W IT H BDAIlD FOR two gentH-meu : gas. bath, heat; location cute

vi'nleni AddraosTit H<irtKVII.LK, Bov H, Raws olUoa

IftOOMK, Wl'JU OR W XilD lUT BOARD, AT . l . i l J7N>-KANKLlNHr.

ST a TK ftT., 2i-fiOOD BDAUD, LIUBHAL iubiotoriiiS modoittie: bath : seieol table

intard. flftf

WANTED-^DKNTLKM AN ’l'(» (M TUPY A corner mom. wtdi or without board ; tixiprOVte

meuta I <Ti)lr.j|: luiMleraie tormM« Addran i (jtiNF lD K NTlAL, Rux O, N«w t oflioe.

W a n t e d - u k n t l k m a n b o a h d k k h a t 14ft OLIVKU HT. 'lornts ttiodurata; ad-

n O A IlD U .A N TK O .- \ - '.-WAAVV*

yOtlNU WOM AW ‘rutcstiiU fomtly. Vlraseilata forms

o. Box F. olty.Bo a r d WANTED r v aInaPruicstiiUfomlly. VK .,

i Address L H.. P.

ENTLKMa K DEKIJIKK C'0HH)RTABLM Ibvated rooiu and board wikb private fitmUyi

vDiivflJiieut lo UAwvlIfo or ilrove Ktruel rttailojis | vrlM TtayftstAftSfHir week accordliif tu accemmu* itatluiM. AddreaH A. Box B, Newsofiioe. 1


r gift'f'-iriPTOtACLKB. ON M ARKET OH JBroad ita., ok way to Psddle Ukuich. Kewitad

on return to 10 v j M KHh e t bT. 1

T ORT^lRHiK Ho. n.OOft FR A N K L IN BAVINDH Jjlw itItHUoii; paymebt stopped, rtader ptaass raturo to BAN K. 1

jwhlto spot on breast. Reward If returned.* e i Ba l d w in b t .

L (^T>OUTOBKH 19, A WiriTB UOAT; JtE. mktd, 14 NjfiMUH 1ST., OlWBIt; M i

KRW A U K K V EN rSQ SEW S.M O N D A Y . N O V E M H K U <>.


Ktojark tfiotniug 2 eu)s.rt

O A IU Y . fX C E P T R U H P A Y i.%Y T«t

I n M PttMisWii^ C9BPUI,


mny r « t l l th . foct,thoU»»t y e « Armltago , „ «d a «u « io l a. b » l l « lli*n lha port).

11, flaiitma i ‘"an anli-fioe sci ureil 1 1i nf a er. »l many Ucim roU «l.<.

imgli in W icvo inArm lU r' lr»l>'*"* i’*'’’' ' ' !

I l f l« U 'f l>f* lilt Ilian Ini

nuu-liin* I*

T H E G I T ! O F U P l W I l .

irayntd Um .. or H.iHligo d» i nill, ,.r I'or- I tUllHClMI lUo I pAliiceP iK ii’**

n iu i I

Ijiiltit! baiH«»i

Rowarkt I». *■. . nmm Ml ^hd-dMIt BWW-l


oiohbonnB lown*.Moil ■


LbVrption*, (.v« dnllw » r ftin ti » month, poH*g»,’;**: ngi

whom in Thal’N llie uf th*w'htMa rauw Ih*' bPlriR work<-a with irumradou-^Havnllie b o * f« r l«n to ArmlU*n •„r k,hh1 .m l d « n iiollllolona. or in Ar (Age the w u if, ArmlloKn y*!^n’t 7 The faH l« Armitag* ''iw b fn and In a trlinmbr ami » atraiiaier, Irinv niliiKand rtrad.lling m make Arm!'age

«.ll,1 nllh tin- inanh"""

j ni-|YlAtC lUAUIIt' WQ* |r'i***k-«4 -MftgniUcenca that Doea Nut Succeed

in A ttracting Population.

T h e p o l l o m i n g ,



Mlant, with U* •>’ -hectare uf (rtmml,

tjiry frutn

ituin Dimi iiiYiH*v» m

« f Ayr*ir i l j H*«hle tha

(aplIal- DwctUr. «h o lie-art

It at M ,i,(fall-Mrima..t l.l*1illng ,„le ,ia i.ee l.a m l Uranlale ruh',•-'•»•>' ,,| ihr MI..I '-alahte Hilll,IHia>.

copiyj.two I,!Ncwfc<k. ttn c«nt* #• w t "

Ordinary ad'ertiaemenlr, ten ■'nt»

Delivered by

ante,■ Jliidvertiaemi-M* u„Jer headi of Wanted

.entT » 1'.* Fm Sale, Penotiil, et<- - O'

bet no charge lesa than ten end

rh a fi why ho

ime't- ;n | ,|„,„|j |,o turiif'd (hnvii.I T lif rcaaoii iiiorf forfihh'

ml Ihn one thatAriiillagf 1« not

if tilt, Demuorota if Ihf ih f iiotiiinee of


leech inieition.



have hi'on time to Kaectrark

I In force

Mimllhlto ilia uiiihitlonn la lid '- Ihe camlldate illatrjcl. lie 1


theae, I fat III

who. to allow ----- I iu.im->F, ............. .i.iilledpower over'the worker, ami votc^ ir. the j patn. ' . " ,,„„p .e ,ldi.trlel hna employed ntethnaa llmt

* HIELD POB fiOOir Many men and womon, moat of thrn>

Iflentlfled with church organUalloua

and m » y o f fhem ' '0*1 holdluK m ^ ln ga from time to denounce the Oainbilng law* which er in ibU SUto, and to pledge themaelvee to etert their otmciet endeevore .bout Utt eOaoemeiit o f theee rtntutee .ndthueaaveNew Jereeyfhiiulhe

ftirtker ehame M d thether danger o f the eiiftenee end the Ibroeof theee Uwta .

Appeeently, theee meetinga InatTuioenUi In e*ercl»lng a wide Inter- « t In the moral Hueetlon now before the people, and they have given promiae of eacellentreeuUa.

I f *11 theee good men end women think tdiey have iMmherged their full duty eeolUaeniMidderendeteofthe publta mo^•libyootabag together in ohurehee and denouDoln# the euthore of

and In pvoelaimlog agelnet the men w b o Y i^ for the WHi, and who ere now laeklBg rwwleoUon to the .LegWature, they mieapprehend their duty. Talk li * good tW m 1“ “ • way.butlneaohan e m ^ n e y a e th a t which now conflronU U e poople It wlU require eomething more -h.n talk to aooompUah reeulte. Let theee men who have met eo often and rmolvedIQ frequantly lae ‘ to W that they, them

T . - ... -V- ^ 11. .nd vate foldo not go to the poll* and vote for•gkOwMiiuanoaof tbeevUewhleh thoy have*6 oameetly denotumed, and let theee go*d women who have •ho»n ™ h ^ ^neieam In the egllatlon o f thto m b j^ *M to It that they e*ert the Infiuenoe

g n j ^ h e o i ^ o f i n o r a U t y a n d

law may ba advaaoed.Iftheohurob men and eburoh women

e fB m ei County want good, clean, government, and hope to w « * t » l the Bt*M flrdm the grip o ft te b a n ^ poUUoal biMMh they »> » *work. W ork la tood ;ill* ln to lW lyter thmi talk, and the kind of work thet ther c*n do to-day and to-morrow U tna kind that will otmnt when theballotaare


tliv bowM, who. to.fnrVm mid voter, in the

tin !

nmti o f apirit e«n endure. The Demo- vraU who have done wi " ’ " ' ' f .„„eO n of Ihe parly In the d.-dr,< l. have b o «n « humiliated that ' ' 7 ; *thandefeut AriiilUige would ho to *l«ow * craven .pirlt. The men Uietrlct have a iwore Ui aellle with the

who have IrmUed them with ao nmeh contempt, and that wore can only he .veiled up by retiring Arnillage to pri­

vet* llfe.______ __ _____

O tM T lO b* VI M.« WOKTM WEltlHlNO- Why ta It that the Ultle band of

Bowwi Who run the Democracy of County aa If nobody had any *"It but themeelvea, are m tereaUKl In the aiicceW o f the l-obaUr candldetc? That’* a point U.

Why ia It that the lltll* band o f Dem­ocratic bomea Uke aoeb an nnna^rdl Intereat In the auoecmi o f the Bom John L. ArmltageT That 1. another

queidloii to weigh.^ The Imlntera, one end all, dmpite public pfoteale, and a aenUmont well-nigh « " ! ' veradl, pb* through the gambllog lawa with n haate which may ho deacrihed ai Indecent. Who did they repreeent when they voted for thane inluutloua enact- monliT Did they reprwent the great maaaoflhe people who. In b m w ahamo, proteaiod agaloal IheHUleby making It a P*rtlcip»nl the gain, of the blackleg., or did they repreient the doelrea and wtohoe o f the band o f boeeee who run the Democracy o fN ew Jeieeyaalfitw ere »»«'■•tniiouT Theae are quoatlonafor the In telllgent voter to con.lder.

I f the Lobeter leghdatore, Ignoring puV Ho mntiment, laat year did the bidding ofthet>oe««i‘ lalt aot r e a « liable to jm p p ^that thii year they will mbmlttotho

*ame Influence T ,h ., th«la It not roaeonable to nuppoae thet the

deep intereat which the band of crattc boiim. oflucoem of the Lotoler. candidate, la theteteVeat o f h detnetf purpoae; and l ^ notreaioiiablotoiuppoee that that de­fined purpoea la to maintain the iuprom-*cyoftbogamblerain the (Hato, and ta maintain the repute of New Jeraey la a paradtie for blackleg.1

If theae are fWr deduotlona,

( „lT i -imiiili-urc " t 11"' A l.c l'i,*i i, Aicviitmu, iwpi

tin lil.Uiry ol im» l•<lnnln' m.lc tti.n II,* rrealloi, of 'Clinnied <’Uy ofth. mw l<i"d of culling i' uol.cMt ,l.p,au* in loealrt'c'e .Ic.iK-.-, ,ind in a tvw monlli.llm. I "

Niitliinu In It on"'.' rflrtliifk ■

1,, )>Uiu, 111" '■ En- I'lHiiw." «• Argi-nllnl"'*

Al 111. bidding of •“ In tlio * II

by n f.mliy oi lorc. i "v .tn r. und Iwe'*'' balhroom. wlmlUTU.H.Ive W«ll». t nch J.cenlgarilen. ociupic" » mid lU. arcblierturel de .l| 0» , ,llullin renut.Mof. to Ibwic.fo"* WoompMlte. Hut g " " * " ! / r iv a l l . - iu e y ba*. an unoccupl*d In, k, a

eer. all a.I-P- T '‘ « ‘

the public hulUUnc* -llie |•roTlnclal^io^ornl,le'>l. , ,'work., inurior, < ■" j;™ '"

Dlreccon, ‘ • ' '7 " ' « o , ,l«.h.Klh), t-b.mlo-r -t l>*P'"le'- I'onrti

' tiAnt'O ......... .• Bd uniMlDC." know. «« i* l

; tot rn lb..n ld.l ol a bcnllfnlrou nd td by .InUic, louulsin ., li)wer

‘ 'Turtrlbunaleullaw fo u r l.) " * **Mnvthlcitfln lb«w>aiUeiu Uomlxpn(-rt. JW Judgment Im ll hmk" im,w ib r l!n fr c ,.m tn .n a ju d in lm yb rn v ,

A I'diiy (iT tile uivaril t-rantt'd tu

rp r ig lit I ’ iiiiKtb. o.sptaiiis iisdl-

iiir .H F .S lT T R lN O R S O F T H i':

M CSV," V o".' iS: .Sniib fill their

'I'lict were jvrnnted the

u i iR i .D 's c o i . r M m A X

T h e a t r e

The Onlf Thtatr* of Preio iunte o' H>»ork fre iw f « j All of tAi Alotat/i 4f(racf,wii.

1 ‘ i'op. noil .Muonger.llPkldral Muuogbt

Mutliie* Hdt unty.

MH. II. C MINKK L'UU W. hi. ^OlUlkN.. Oim

*o»ly. MOHDAT, HOV. 6.KXPOSmo.N.

fVi-fl No 14.673. Group 168, Book A. S th ib ito r * -V o M & Son’s Piano Boston, Ifc iM . U'T'hihU—PianoB. Dofioi’vs an award.

. . 4 p o . . r m i , . . d

tains woU-

fetlup ndouB Aflv«tir« •nit'Srvt iirtufiiinllun In i IiIr cIIV « l ^boliK'NAiTy In! t' iim*!/»

i TfflP TO CliTOf H,

lu), t'h.mle-r - I 7 “ , nof ju.llce. me ‘ ‘ tS'V-mucrde la I’rovmri*. Uoveruor. la>u«.

" . . -I— fliob HUIT®*

T h e Scale is thorough ly evon and weU balanced. T h e S t i o n is d the best, w e ll regu la ted , and has g

lUrcclfroin II. irin-'i'liJint ri‘,-"rd.brck-jujj Ttin of iym'Th Ih iii TiHT ionM‘*p*lMY8 tilBiiliiai lloyi'd > 1 ^4 >H<*' A'lic-ilr .

'nif* pinVol k li-ioniT’lW J'. Mnli'uflf S..LuriU>' ut - I'. M. t ur* r'livM'HiU l‘- M-

Nov.lii-.MT. !* mof 4>f Tos*i‘ . ___

repea tiii? qualities.Tbi a Tniieh is ilrtn and elastic.In Construction the best m ateria l

care is shown in w orkm ansh ip and finish. T h e A r tis tic Designs o f the cases

d eserves specia lH . m n s ’s n i

mention. Signed,

ibw n rm o Krdiialr.piml and lu r « liP « ‘l P rv lh ing ,'IM, m ihc i..y of mn-hroom

' found in rimer Norm "teonmW hilr Ai«Pnnnl«tiM afPorRUy

woiKtem i*f

(•rovit'!k ii AinfTH'H,Mimt II iiH 'Jf in** -----n „ Mnuh rnirn. of l.romotct-It a l.ugv iirurticul J"kc. uud Vbrro l« Uiilhl,,„lM,,,|nloii.. l . . l ’ialB U<t „ 1....... . uiid b m iT .ltU gg lt fo - ."lifPinttcybclwcrii inr Sailonul Oov.nmi*iil and m.luhabiunuoflb»|(t«»tond po«*f"‘ l F™’ 'Inc. oMIn.no. A yr.a. 11. .plmdnr.. « .k oflBlcnwJrklou.y lh*l b.tarcn 'b.t'rovlDCIsl. and lb. y»a.ral-.

rrom lb. llm* ol tb. Out InVMlon by Rng- land, lu 1*0*, imiu.aialtiy lolloa.J by

.itVaird dal", gori«m .ly " ' ’ “ “ '“ ; f* ,\ „d rrlniBun pln»b »ud g"'**' J *,,^ ,jyc in d . oarpci. and en.hb.ni rq.ial build-iorKItU All , ,,ing. hav. mny and .pacluua wide marblo alatrca.r.. long ra.Tbl* ridnra. aiuln.d-gl*.' 'rurnl.hed o lfle . ami V ta n 1adoruwi wlib I’" ' ” ’* . ' " " “ ‘ “ 'n i , ,otp.tlifi flEf br!*adP 1 * piUiM nn in-_,„ 1 of form vonng iwril. In vl.boral. nnltorm,

I these p ianos Ibr N e w Tenmy1 1 . pruiwrtloni aw .o vast lliav ------------

p . Z IE G P B IE D , Judge. K . B U B N Z . P res id en t, j , H , G O E E , Secreta ry.

AitMf41(m» III i'o|miur l*rlc«i.

WieA BeAlaaliiA Bot- 6-MallPM. Wadiic.day and Saturday.

Sflra Alati/ioo Ti/o$<Ui/. fftef/cs Da/.W ALlK ll HASKonira lA lw l Sdcceufnl

Dramailo J-roducUon.

D . L A U T E R CO.lTlie Power of Gold.G57'(ir><.) B U G A D n e x t WEEK,

Tlift Byrne Bros., In “ Etjlit Bells."


niiiimtiabrlcka bava .Itvady herb nm<l. ,

tbrr. ara t*rniy-lhrf* p liu i. big and la riala; count *a. iuonnm.nl.' ronnUln.. *'"1 .n |

lack notbln. ,liltlr, Inand (Uibllr

rl.log again.! spam, 1h. Arg.ntln1.n looT- •,arkvU","«r «haltncrv uer* lu coullnual rcvolullon.and **r. , r , ' I b r wldr, 7,*’" ..'’nJaniDlrd„ " ;a t „u . . i .o tb .r ,u « l l l imi, w'lVH . ............... . ofl mm ;h 'rral .Milr* .iifcr«d»d in iwtoblng up a .or i, , i n * ' jTy*ilIuinlna,«larmuilcr. Then ibc qn«tlnn of a raolt.l | » ‘J > ; i i , a * " l l ,ua.,..nd*lnr-ro r lb c "a .a re a .r . 'm n ," ..lt «7 . '^ '- « .k -Cftint lb® bonf of runienllou, «n<ldlapOMd ofiortweniy yeai*~no'. iml'l tbe *ia- N.i-iftAA AVTflflL I lift nHllirft'f ^

MiK ptoli* wh*r« tii«r« lAri no boom »oJi

fUr of Uotfao* Ayrat, ilee niilterilIhfl prOTirrt of Iho *•*'»« lU* capital of Ih. f.-Uralioc. and 1b. Uii.oo. Ayrrnii. wfr»roiap<ll.d to ..tabh.b tbeir nrotluclal (loverniDeot rlMwbfre. AI. other province, had ihclr raplial-, fimnded by (be cnnunlitidoira ol lb. iiitcenlh ccntuiv,.ucha» 'fucunian, .Mtndaa". lor- ramiM. I'ar»n.. Santa K. and ka rm °fI hem; eaob with lla plaaa, cat had ral. cahltflo.

Ilovernor'a p .la «, at"" 111 " " ‘H ,lr«(,tra (O dln lhe raidu of aclDbabltcd .olllodea, lia bcB o ' qulnlai Uirden.) and cuter aone ofcbacria. or ibrm«-the whole eoimliultng a ..U-aufflclng whol. In lb. aur. ronndlBg wllderuaia; a kind ol Blale nllbln » It itf, M tk* conUUloui of U*n* P***-’*

htirUlv Ilia *'*• * rmul. Ajjnrui) uir toon format• Uo

"?r. . . r l whenV. U ft b.heldlb.llgl"" S r e . r wILad b «u onl.hooimglhal Say a i7n>.a .naking «nr .ay, mward .van-

m lb . direction of |■,r,lr..<.tlo».«"

bed d ih g sacrificed !lAUIllAHN’S OPEBA BOOSE.

KUED WALDMAN.N.... ,,Wtfk ffommenciref Moafliv. Nojv J. « » t ! '

ntei TueMl»y. Thiiniftny rtnd1‘i‘iccte. Mo., 2Sc,» ftSr, and 40c.

Telt’phoiiEjftffl.ElecUon rolurua «1U be rved from ihe .lag*

Tiieiday ulgbi.— ---Ml

Brass Bedsteads1 WEBER 4 FIELDS'S own COIPAIT.

weekeommenolna Nov. Id-lrench Fully l}iirA(.'M)U0 Compony.

lull .IHOO. 4 II"*' Iherewni nomoon and auddenly nigbioverlook in; and rb^ntoe. "Uddenly -lIM.a" mrned " brtid in 1 b* rotd. ili.r" ‘’ “ " X ' 'P ''‘ ,“ '",,7 .iiinltbcd gale a iianllui blaao of while hab? and w. ihoogbi wa mn.t hav.atmn-' rt'o ’p ln tory-'anV ''■ ^ rrh r .n rn " tnwmrd tiie Halit. th* enf!0»niearuy lUyed tlif H* o*gUt and tA-e-ncxlday an 'w ire never .n.rw .rd ‘ ‘ " I , . ing aodaludylng Ibit wondejful tliy. tbla dream ol marble ball, kRD


tbau allWlU they bswnUnt to exert t h e w l v ^ "^^ Lobator atate*-

gomewhsL or wlU they feel that thefT «>“ « " » -----. mb. R-mxLobeteni

EtHIOAL «0 B 8 «O !t Y d s “ " ” *'1;" eotion intheoaeeorJudge Meyssrfi’ * . ,

the nceUed eleoUou return* la iu*0fled by hi* noMtIon couM*l for the Demwfktlc atuto Committee end for the atsto iroller. It i» held that hi* reUflon* with the latUr omolel gbv* him mitbority to U k* charge o f the letter containing the oleotlon retom i end iwtore it to the mim who by mittake, ** it i* ekimed, had « n t It on. In * word, it to upon the plea Ihet he did no more then bto duty a* coun*el authoriiod and required him to do, that hie oondnot to upheld e* right snd proper.

With thl* view of the oeae the majomy o f the membore of the Bar Aaeoctation, who should certolnlybe informed *“ ” *dard to the proper Ilmltellona o f theauthority o f eonniel in ei*ei o fdo not »«roe. Now the preaentotlon o feharoea agelnst Edward T. Baifielt, theRepublioan opponent ofpreienta to them another queatlou in theethioa ofthe profeealon.

It ha* been phown that

Bien W o ruMremsnt- T h e B i* «L o l» to f*efho iSeuld bdifcm *st back litoi -


years ago Mr. Htobtlett drew ■ oOnirmA tywhich, in oouakleratlon o f the payment of tliOOO a year, Caleb P. Mamb the appointment of Poet Trader at fo r t Hill. Indian Territory, gave tbeoommle- aion to John 8. Evan*, agreeing at tbe ..m e time to use any proper Influenoe with the Secretary o f War for the prole^ lion o f Bv* m . I t wa. afterward provito th .t Mamh had bribed Becretary of War Beilnap- The contract on Ita very ftce L r e evidence that ItIrafllcln Government appointmeot^.andit to absurd to euppoae thst tbs lawyer who drew It ww so innocent or so o b t ^ that he did not thoroughly reeognlie this

And yet It is conceivable that In a pro- feaslonal *en*e his part in the tran^tlon

seomed to hi™ * P ~ P « ®"*' nothing to da with the brlbeiy. He limply made a certain form o f agreemMt t^elween the vendor and *aovcttmeftt appointment. Me took the v i,w ,'io doubt, that with tbe morality ofhis client he had no concern, that he was .imply called in to make a lotma! a^ee^ ment by which two men might bind a bargain that they h*d entered into, wlth- o !7re»pow lbm ty of hto (hat ho knew nothing of the bribery, that he drew the instrument for what he be­lieved to be a reputable ollent and that ha got 110 for doing it.

The Bar Aieocistlon ought even at the last day in the campaign to let the people ■knowiwopin'o” *" regard to the pro­priety of Mr. Barlielt’s acUoii. i t la amatter for Indlvldnal conscience to de­cide how far a lawyer or any other man hjustifled in nmlsting in ilia amioablo dt- visloti o f stolen goods or privileges ob­tained by improper influence, but as "ther lawyora may be asked to draw aue- nlcioos contract, o f the . same kind and may at tome later day be candidates forjudicial positions, they ought to be m- '^ormed onttwrnlng the way In which the , ..omblucd legal and ethical wisdom of such a body aa the New Yofk Bar Aaso- Hatioii looks upon Iran-iicUous o f that

g ---I»K-

WHEN W IIJ. REI.1KY COMEt I d a number of cities guards aimilar to

one rgilhtly tlluatrated and described in the N «w g are iwed In front of electric calk They <Jo not ooit muob moneyF e w they in ao way interfere with the mnnlna o f the oats. It has been found that they afford a large measure o f protaetton. In aeveral cases children and adults directly in the way o f rapidly moving With such facilltlei have been picked up and thrown to on* side, aacaplng with Blight Injuriea, when, had it dot been fof the guards, they would have been killedor crippled for life. , .

Coroners’ juries in IWa county have recommended the plaelng o f such pro­tections on the electric cars in use here.

Again kWlbb<4> »»vcd ,by the m J * 1 ^ ®meihinlcal Sevfce hav* W n sacriflc^.

How long will it be before tbe localstreet railroad* takealep* to reduce the probability o f accident* o f this ktodt How ni*ny dlitater* mult occur! How many live* mnat be sacrificed before the manager* o f tb* line* or the public aulborlties determine that even if it coats 15 or fflO a car the precautions in use to protect human life In other cllle* sball be adopted here?

'’ * " ’ *6* eltlen days mei* were Indltmumbls a. puces of ref u*a »od sh.lier for the co"- nu.ror. and eaplorera, itartlng point* fur new adveniorw, and adnilolalratlve o*oJr“ Pirihelrtlleraand ib.lr * ‘»v»i-,ha aubj^ gated ludlaua i T f l ' i . rentnry lliaro wot* «o other b r * ! ! " A 'X * ^Una except 'hew f t * oupllala. Ibey »rr* me socUl ceutrik 'b* “ “ ' f eburcbea law courii and authorliiM f* l.ted, and thoagb In.lisUlcant in lb.ro' .live* aud Inhabited maluly by fiinotluD- arlF. and paraelte*. they acnuirad greal pmtlia and Imporuoo*. When iheM drow.y nroTloclal capi lal. were a roo^ by tUewarof lodeptod.eee, .11 Joln.d In the workurcreatinga federallon and teeurlug me National aulonomy, b"l at th* «m * lime «*ch reltgluualy looked out for h» own , and when Iho . tn i« le wa. over and the yoke of Spain wa. finally dl.carded, eich mile ctpllal conllnued to bo .nmcieiU unto itaelf and rfJoloeU In poHlIclan bodlw w b «e talih wuodlnitlllea were even more prandi- oce than thoeo be»l iwed by the National L'on.illutlon upon the rulerenflhe nation.

Xhagreateet and rlohaal provino* of a ll- thai of Buenoe Ayrei—the only oae that ha. ever been alrong *non|b to oppoa* the eeo- iral power, fnund It* cUw* cal, lo to apeak, whan In IIW, the city of Dnrno* Ayre* con- eluded to i.«flfloe provincial .uprom.oy to national grtalneaa The ‘ “ Ib o '!; '" provlnoi. beloi thna daprlvad of tbrir old- time Mpllal and forced lo eelan Ian their Wat of provlnoi at goveriunenl e1»wh*iv, could not gracefnlly content lo tbe bnmlll. atlon of inkln* a evat, and a". Iniiea* oflm. provlni one ol the llwinihln* young town. ;,r*ady ealaoianed to the province, they con­ceived the ttulxntio Idea of revlvlu* tbe ali teentb etntury nielholiof ibe conqulata- doreeand arttlog up In Ihe wlldiriiea* a brand now city, which abould '"eworld But where ihould It bet After a -crld of diaonaalon tl wit decided, prln- einallv tbroukh the influence aud energy of a^im eal leader. Dr, Uardo Koch., to build the new cepUnl only thlriy-flve mlleeaoulh- ei«t dl thWoU'y of'Bneeo. AyrH, live iuIIm iolBUd from the Rio della Piet*, and berd- bv iht foBild twempt of Enmnada,

Whv that particular apol wal choaeu uo- nody can aay-eioeptlhauil. promoura were deltrmlned to oul-do and over-.badow th* old caplial. a. a matter of revenp, while rfr malnlnir a. near ai It 1. pmalble for thajr «tlifiotlon-for lb* city of Busnoa Ayres ia mail Argentinian* what Rome wa. to the ancleiil Roman., and Peril 1. lo mod.rn Frenobmen. They proceed according to t he Argepllne principle of lakIng no thangbt fm the morrow to far n. flnaoee. are concerned. Bed Incurring enormous llabllltlM wllbout couHderlng vrh.re Ihe money 1. ]o « “ “ * from. Hireele nnd .qii.ree were leld out without regard to .pace or eipenm, upon .o aiiihitlou* a scale that the t * He** r“ 7 Truly be called a "d ly of roagnlflcent dla

h e r e a s t MBtoAOk-Hy Luey llainlltool.rtl.r Written

llonper Jii.t Before Her DeathLucy HaroUtou

year* an American oorreapoudent lo Pmto and one ofthe beet known m the new» paper world. Her laat newspaper letter

T# CliKt Out Eitiie lilt.U R A N D C O N C E R T .

C E N TR A L M. K CHURCH,Miirkci HI., ncarfilwlberfy,

M m irtB j E v e n in g , N ovtm ibor « .

t h e “ B L A C K P A T T I , ”lime, Brt'lcr.tl* Jnuea

v i i o w HlnTKlia. Vlolliilsl*font Aitpirl*. * iri5 uKl.LE n ib ilW N , Elmrollonl.t. Adm|.»loii iVOc. I’lckcts ni,Cl>.rlc*_Fre^

Will, ill..* 'rflinnilug. (like cui), and « *r,Acrdvmy rt.ee;.

K^nerTed ®X'ru. J Ik t 4... Uron-t Markfi, _

Wltb R ittress.Psir p illows lodB olstM |---------—

mo. THE WORLD’S FAIRIim .trnud

Lect^r^ by *■»

to The Phfiadelphl. Telegrupk Wto ^ Wled after her hand bitoto hold the pen, and in the full edge that her eyes wer* » b o u ^ on this world lorever. '* ' ' '" “ d with

‘ *‘,^d *«^ *royk ln d mutt .lop .nd lay dowu Ihe pen fi> "«r . ” •» rhe tlme ih-we lto«i nPP»r the .oibor, whoba. diclaied them to her amnnneo.l. and daar dau|hiir. will be beyond the .tera In j ” oary 1 would have celebraled my ilivef wedding with pro'emlonel ‘ “ y * " * ' ® - 'have decided U olberwlM, end Irnnit

? ,m w ." Other eng.gemenl. Imvc .".n .cd and v.rled, but the i ’ccalag Tr>' prouh he* been con.i.nt for eighteen ^ r « , Turing wbloh timo I have never m l»to a t » k in tondlm roJ lelttr. IJ w** ‘“ 'r'T* ' VI.1011 ol mine to return one day dur old city, Philadelphia, i o « « old friend, and old place., but like many tione in thl. world that on* wa. de.llnMJ to be oDtulfllled.

h a i r M A T I RHSS. f.U « . e , l ~ ' 3 , * * ”

H A IR M A C IR K S S , " " » » . ™ “ I;;It ciotod with M A T rR i- :s s , tuii s i « , $ 2 5 . 0 0 . w o ^

K .M R N IA T I RESS, full sife,

best UVB

Geese Feathers,

T H U B K l»A Y , N O V E 9 IB E K O,a t .\PHOC1AT10S h a l l .

be tecored at llols- and .her Mondsy.Reu-rved lehl* ecu

h.uer*. rtrng .bir* 'ViO.’ lober nu.l> A. M„ SOe. e.cU. Ulo

t h e Ttiitr.




TO-MOKUOW I.AST DAY. '•<?' " i 2 u'olock. Spec1.ll ™ee Irnln leae*. •’ fea* L w M e io t m litO r. Jl" returnlns Immedt-u'o.nck.Jlreetdei atrly after the races

A OUERY!ONLY 70c. - A T -


To my dear and loyal end ArmW.rburloD, whoMklndne.! to me and mto* beVheen onlalllog and untiring, to my many friend* In Philadelphia and to Ihe many people who have read ray letter*, androo^h not acquainted w.mhave wtlilen me kind letter* and aimken ofm. kindly to roy dcarold home I i*y fare- « l l Eviry onebae hten very kind tome, ” d‘ mine hai b «n a happy h>. B"t 1H‘ Inded now, and like Tloy Tim In the "Cbriitma. Carol;; I can only **y,"C.od bleaa ua, every on*."l _______

W O R T H IIG C E K T 8 .Gnheard-of Prices

W ill tlie iim e of tTosaltiff H'o ofNaii be r«iitc<Hl to five tla.vs ■ t-'crtftlii y-

A year ago iieople wouUl l i » '^ amileti If you told them tlint a iHirfccthewing cotton would I'c miuic, but D

1 d»|>U)Py ftdiuU(th»ttbiyN-j^W '‘!ru''Tl* i __ WViiiii ii'ft irutli

SpringBedsFromSlUplearn wr*1k3gk ATld OTlft-QURTtOr Wll&t

W ft o t t o n very liard . tVben we calij l i t the ” Latest Triumph o f Threads making A r t " wc arc unly g iving It >tm a k in g -........... — • • i ,name tltqt fits, none oilier would beappropriate. T ry u i*i»ul.

In every instanceat hflll regular value and one-quarter ’

other dealers chairge.

Lfwk for with N-F.-W lie other.

An Earthquake Epieude

*^?lm i»rt^o*lto » f«wion a c„ dMiruy.'d much properly and eon,*

uni emld Ih. wild dl.m.y, ho^orand confu.lon ther* were mnny hnmorou. mrtdeni., of which the following 1- a fait ,p«im *n r On. evening, when one of Bmtovere enocgi look piece, an engeged MiinU w«r« liUlng lo t*'® pwrlorof ont of " ‘" ’ noV." on the Batlvry. The yourg

who wa* of a ecientlflc mind, at once thought of ,b*

or a tidal "'hve. He itepped

inatoha k ' i it a o k awoi'i-D k k

rE A T K U .

Of all flistacters in political life the 1 trimmer aud etriuiiller I. the moat unoer- lain. John Lobster ArmlUg* Is a con­spicuous example of the etraddlers'class.Itor thiHrciiMin, ff for uo other, ArinliaBC Rhould hP tiimed down. It happeiii that there la another and a com IncliiK Bfouiid lor his defeat.

iioW knows how Arniltage

The New York il’orW of this morning nubUshes what purports to be a short In­terview with RcpreaenUtlve Thoroaa Dunn rngUah, of this district. Speaking of the political iltualton In Newark he is made to say. “ There the Rcpuhtlcane have a majority, but the leaders are handi- oapped in not knowing just how to get at Ibelr volem. Opposed to them are th* Democreta with a superb orgamxatlon, and like th* Tammany ieaitare, they see that their peopl* not only regieter, but Um out on election day and cast their Iwllols. W e may lose a few mBmberi of the Legialsture on account of tbe oppo- aition in religious circle* to Racetrack IcgWatlon, but there is not the ellghtest prospect of the dominies capturing the l,#glsUtare.’ ’ Everybody who know* Dr. English know* that he haa the habit o f saying "h a t he meant and what be be­lieve* to be true when he talk* for publi-oatloit at all. When it 1* not advlaable to talk in that way he preaervea eloquent silence. It ia poaalbl* that an obliging correspondent rather than Uie Repre- aentativo may be reaponaible for thl* in­terview with it* frank admleaion o f Re­publican strength and Democratic 6n«“ r„ out the particular kind o f a*!^t5*wliloh needs '• pcrauaaioii ’ ’ lo t.-lng U to the p o V But i f Dr. EugUeh d i^ ia - ouaa the subject and **>' what he thinks, lie would probably l ^ just in the way the irurlii makes him talk,

in a foot ball game at Delevan, Wi*., on Satnrday a player on th* Deaf and Dumb Asylum eleven had hi" neck broken and was dead when be w as picked up. I f he had been killed in a prirellght or boxing

I bis opponent, the eecouas and even the epectatora lutght have been in­dicted, convicted and sent to priaon for vartous grades o f murder or inanalsughter.

PUIoWs and ^olstefs...........*1 .0 0

The Aral stone we* laid Noveraher 19, IBB, and lu lees than two years the compleilou of th* roelropoD* we* celebrated with bifore unhe«rd-"f pomp aud brillleuoy and no end of arandlloquenl epeechlfylng. Five year* later 11* population sa* offlclally e*lliB*ted a t» HOD- and In 1390 tUe .tBlltllc* ol thenr«lnce o f Bueno. Ayres, publlehed In flu unv*rnmeul organ, fs i atmouBcedwllh«har*cl*T l*l1c dlercg.rd for i l i .U b e n e w a lly had <■ between'AOW and IflalWMnhabdsnis, b'cludlug “ U ihe proineiil uallonatltle* oftne eei'lh.''

Entirely apart from the inl.it nf money which It- por', Eusenad*. batao.t. It la eald thai uKireihao tl«,000,WI0*lerho* have bee.i •neiil upon the coirolrueilou and smbelll.li- nlint of l.aPlrts. Of ™»r.* I.rg. f .ruine. were lost and roads In laud anil building .nwidatinn.; but to-day mi.iy ol llie mostBiegulflceirt hon«‘ '"•F u* bought t>r acainparailvely re»tooaUI. .iini, A cil r«" w .aU lal.dont I a roe nhi.se puliice coat a trifle ovrr k'C.OTC |lh. mere humllu* sloiie, svclii.lveof f,iri.l.hlig« and g-oiindil, who f-r .ome time b*" too" "■>".* K.luorigal* the P‘ » » '“ f 'V!, •*'„n , loieresi, which he..ITer. lo pay. 1 her*belli* no roiiiraeroe, m en'ilhrinrl"., or localludhetrleein ke«pths boom alive, it died a natural death In course of lime, and the elkaollo specnlallon in land sod houM brooeriy, which 1h0»» two leviaihan con- Lrii7 the banco Uniiiiruoior aud tb* Korointo TcrrUorial. Indulged In, to their bean'scoutcnl. between the yeer. into nnditae have come 10 a etend*tlll.

Otcourte, the provlncl*! eealof govern men I .ltd hank were m algb ltvsy removi.d froio old cault'd to the " • » - 6 “ ' s i '" * o fth le Ibe and llW princely qiiatiert provided, it le w ill, a llB r iilly tl.ar anybody can be per- •uaded to live In 1.* I ’ lais, even thoiigh ntaaenree were deRleaed to compel eni- S ove * o f the Frovloclat tloverninent to rr- •Idc Itermaneuily In Ui.ollJ'. Theim 'a.urea uroved inefrei-tuat, ond now th.' night and morning 'r j ln e cerry backward and forward from Bueno. Ayree Iho totve innu n io lerk . .n d the legion* tiippurb'd by Iheiu. Jru tl

thegentleman turn of rETt'h*''window, W o od It, ihruet out hli hnnd, and inetautly knew that hie worst fear* were reallaed, for hit hand went Into water Ju.t ouielde the window. Ho cloeed the window, returned to hi. flancfe

told her ofthe dreedful truth, Ae by un* impulse they cla.ped ibelr etna, .rounde.cb iriiTr andaioouln in. middle ol Ih. room calmly a«:ultlngi.n*lrdoom. I'hey stood long. SxMctIn* he mta " f theeogolflu* water, t T l f d ld not come. The delay w « dleap- polBlIng, for they bed made up ibelr nilndeto a llUia dmioii. At last 'be delay and eus- pense became Intolerable; the geiilleman again went to the window. A Hill* fled examination of the condition of thing, .bowed him that he had put lili hand luloan aquarlnni which etood JusioiUelde.

y,vr|A«.V In Assrx S’raal'v .r.alt Hr H'Af.1 <Sre ear. la da ‘a' iv.'.v'watR aifiwlhriI" (A, .vsmx___ _____, . ________ _

l u l l . . . « ! r jA I K x c c i s i o r H o l s t e r ........P a ll- F is a tlio r P i l lo w n ... lRI-« I „P a ir 22x28, Geeso, 0 lb. Feather Bolster....................

Hillowa.............. .......... * « l f.pcge Feather Bolster,.............*3 .00P a i r 2 2 x 2 8 B e s t P i l lo w s .-..*8-

Excelsior end Husk Mattresseso FROM $2.00 UP, AND GREMLY REDUCED

r e n o v a t in g .

tlic Viiilct-colorud Islieljacross its faou, atirt take

A t the ir new mills fit Westerly, R L

anew bed YOU Oftfi osrtaiuly tiavo the old one done I f you cBU’t afford a now boa, y guatanteo to make it an; aJ:“wnoSKrr:Sr“lrra»™..»..»r..u.-»

or horaohoir,

1o n e - h a l f |DOLLAR

a l l a b o u t .T IJU 8EY.

A whale wie leen olT.liore *t Cope May on Malurd.y and H UlU ihu'c- Two olher. have appeared aevcrel tlsherroen will il- trropl to'-apto''e U"""

Israel Hunmeii. elxlceii ycer. old.jvholW «'* 't Wartilngion froeilng, shove Treii-Vd.n Bac dlumDDeiir d. RH-l foU

J. C. MCCURDY & C0„!Will hH» • fnl* iHiUli' AIlUr«yyoi;r.old Hy®. |w iiU ktv ' fluii,rAiii«‘t*dn!'Hii!nt ly pur®

^undft: •olMli'd jeriymand ilvocunileU

rtIkMiieilw i» Ibe oiHiBiry ;hranrl8 »it r<‘pu prlwMi* Pur OliI>K vNAWHAl'ure Ifte « ' J)o.Ur ^.r toHqosri <'0''in»rk®is Ijc liod r>nly ®t


593 BROAD ST.Quick sales. Pto"” ’*

Atuentlnlan not to wander further than na can help from the aUurcmeot* of th*■all* Florida, Falorroo and the I'asaireuipo.

True many of ihc higher otnolol. nwn reel- dencis in the laii'lata, hiillheylmv.tli.ro * 1.0 In tot older caplUi and spend niotl oltheir tiro* toe lailer cliy.

B ill' for tbi* elriiuiu.lepcs tlie tlreil suuihcia Kallweyro'ehthavHii'eu Insolvent inno ago. aud Iho Kiiseiiada roUwny would mobahly "*v «f kave |«ld a dividend. No. where not even to l,oiidon, ti Ihe dinermiee

, JL, ween the ">»*“ '’ *F |R>Ph1*IIou soroargeeatln l*F I*l*. WheBlUolailve.il-

1 train bee rolled awey beloi* auhoet and nu. o fth e humoroui feature* of <kb 1 ,u m* - Umcilouarles" back lo ihe

1 w.lltlcal campaign ha* been the 1 .aittie* of Ayr.., the ihlnlngnawcLoslug poUtloal tamp K eh me up shop, eo lo.peak, notwllb-geal with which the New York .mndln* » * Immoiiefl and gorgeous hnthas fought the Uemm-ralic hoaaes of Hud- < ,nd other umned pt.i'csloll County and upheld the Democratic | |iro,„„uenl, and go., lo.leep uiilll their

bosses of Kisex- ih « t* '* *!*'!ra,ihi!dlnm ' “ • Argenllula le ini-e.sniiUy Oirt'erenc* between Cfdlediini | ^ aw ihU >-*»y

and tweedlcdee. _ __ _

,on he* d l«*PP »»red , and foul play i i lue- "wied becaue* b* " “ d cohecert money to

I^ o t o n and tlieu eiarled tor home bul never roicbed there.

Captain "Jack '' Graham, of Jeraey Lily, who UDearlhcd the elwllpn frauds Jii that nUc. three years ago. h". been dl.mlstod by ?i‘‘„rl.roLrtto1 f,o.u‘ tha New iluard for bruUlly assmilUag Sergeant A. P. Btowu, ot company C, Fourth Rcglin.nl. (ail summer.

Tb® feildsno® of A. It. Hcho glt ®kHighland Perk, Mlddleifx County, w .i *n- ilrely Orttroyed by Are yeiierday morning, cnarie* Ceres', eevenly-lwo. Mr*. \ an Heboick’* father, ti missing and it 1. believed 1,,. loBi me Ilf* lu Iho burr,log holldlng. In Reai-chlng for him -Mr. V.iii Hrhol.k was badly burned about ihe face and heod.

ueerge Archer, o f Clllloo, Paiiato Coonty, killed h i. dog Saturday. His uelghbor, P--rcy H W llllam x heartily « lilies li had boeo don* uKincr, The dog bit air. W llll. iit* '. eight- vear-old eon, Halneforil, In the forenoed Sut- urday. One o fth e animal'* teeth, partly dfr eased, boko o ff and s in ek ln the bone. It w saeitrac ied by a phydcl.n. The wound haibeeii caulerixeil, and me ogy I* not c#n- .Idered In danger.

While the Poudeylvenl* ferryboat Mew BrnntlfK'k Wa. ou II* way from New York vo Jeraey Oily ntf.if. I'. M-S'csterdoy, she ran n- 10 a coiboai tlial w*. sallbis up ihcrlvet wll li- oulaiiy'lkhl, 'The piloi taw ihecaitoilln llm* lorever** the engine, and IbecoUlslon eauted no danger to lUe laial. One of Ihu man wee Ihiowi. overboard, but wa* res­cued. 'llie on ihc lioal refuted to give her name or e*y where she hchinged,


I.tqUOB IlE.M.EIt’ ,

484 Broad Street.f4 *ff£ r r f f i c F ^ 'f f SPBCfALTr.


is offering h'la enlire slock at cost to '"ehyoc.mf o r Holiday Goods. Note name AMOS

before entering the store.

onWlo with 'to*hto>-rt*“u,pf,„sp,fjfuuy


l U .(InotiiHiK lit tUe s„ lt BepartDMiiit.

K p iliu iiim b tn l l i « tiH- S l(leb iiar\ l B . p .tr tiiic iit.

B E ilu ctiim ii 111 th e Fo liU ii!.' ti,,, d p h U D ep a rtm en t.

Bertuetioiis in the Hall Table Depiirl iiieut.

public vkUh,M.d «m p 'rT lh -w il 'i i wlmiiou are o.ylhk

Chucit Ut)H8t fcna iSWttK............

A!Tli>i«i .....wctt®.... .

j . r e v y .Milk V « b . » ......JUndquarlcr Lamb....Forcfluurtor Lhiinb........H icw w w t......... ...........Cornell ..... .......r, I K .of HlriBiH ...............—*0 lb , of IflO CllblW....ev.H..........

ttoAppiruiiy* _J. B. FINGER,

1 1 1 , 1 0 1 M u lb erry H treet,NEWARK, N. J'

......... M....... Ot . «

TtlcpbuA* 307ii.

B e .lm ’ tIm.H 11. B n ok ease D e n «r t in e . .t -B e iliie *

Kveryhedydodged and trimmed and straddled OM the „Racetrack bills. Foalng-a." he alway* , o,,io [, dm HUle In which the P i*™ '’" doe*-~a* superior to hi* party, Armitage ; i„es tro ImsamB politicalpretended to be against the gambler^ clover thl* oft'year. _________ _..4,a ooiittled oub o f the Mouse - ■-■ e

vote wua called In order to There are Just four 14 augiier* amongmljrblmsclf from atulUfloaUon, But the ' the Reiiubilcan Aldermen In Uhicago, tlmrcarn® w h «i he m w i voUp ftud be- j • -1 i4 »teA n iim t He h a lw j ' i b e B ftcetreck j H iuhI ’ i ®b<i •*“ *> ******^ •'i l q l f r Z r o i i r S ^ U e u h e g a n h . ........ .. ......... . .....lactic* a* a reformer to even thine* I'P- IhMik, Pip.iRsewa, juniper berrtf a d oH er , th «tdar *vemi«*-re*ul*r boiU^ri, fa lh . kind ofarepretahtatlvef-New IJersey cun well do wuhuuw Tito * j ^ ^utraddkr »nd the trimmer ihould UA pr jmniUumnaUr wun

•ooTt*'* <** >Al®r, Arrk»<Ml In U It].a. jST*t «iid womleinutlheHiAMoti—a VAHl pll® “ 1 liiiiiiioulAtely wbllo ■tucco wMh tialliond fllrtlBK :Mftiore. Thfn h* Kotii lo iir»®kr®»i Oit

lie iPlenaufe br«iul-u®w hotel.1 wUoh® l(U!rt®u«» Kllnlrifaruom U Adorned

wirii a luMWibundttUCeofmlrrftwiiiid htuccoI ortifturfiiU. Bird wlio« ®labimit?ly ■ rvllhiBN Af« ■upi>Hi‘ fd l>y lUArbl® rolumn*!' Kfirilrted by !U« l‘‘rru«b aivri U-1 la it

imil cftlereJS can Uu. be w IHl-8 forUi. lor unllmlUHi 8urDri*®». Hefluda iHid om l" wltb wide

Iprev'*’ '''*

, the tfitto

K w liio tliM to 1.1 th e B x ton sh iu T.vhtp in -pa rlm pB t,

B e a m tiD ita hi th e ( hHir o itc U ith D e n a r iu irn t .

R M liio lio iis ill th e M in t in g D eiiuP tinon t.B e iln etioD k in G ir B e a f i ln g D e p a r tu ie iit .



Sf.SO fER mouth up. 9S OAHK STREET.


Grand and GprigW



9 6 ,0 0 0 NOW IN u s e .

m o d e r a t e PRlCBi' I'trtuliM'tte! inai!ed on appUcadiin.

WAHKJftnnill ATKD OmO“ '

i lo FIFTH AVE-, cor, 16th ST.) N,





.'dH mill HlU t ll' be


R - i


Preleiidinjr to Be Only a Game Keep­er While Hunting Deer.


Nuw Kiutiaror •ml eH|irfiii L«*il • » » • .iml fTtijriiui Lll* In III* F<irf>lt at Kh«ra<. • • I l l * - * V lm ii In nhlnh III* Llltl* VniicM W*r* Ilia Parroriii*r«-Morl*i *linul, the HIndnaia « f iha Fuipraa*. H ir Haiikrmit mill NpandthcHl Prina* Allmfl *1 Walrlark'l-yriiloal.

rorrr^^uHlf iico of N iiw-a.Oci, £l-nTh* (JirmiAU Kulitrand

fcitHe'Plu Arg III AfiJelJ'ltlg iUI thgpi«4i^ui9A of At] UdlHQ Muinnw *1 lb* Ouniit of llvbfriu«hi(i«ti, umr JctwriwAldr* Tbli •Id Htihioit In AituHiett In tb «o ild A to f« mounult) fuiMl btre AUd |b«r*with rocky crA|« auI deep r«tlnei. tiiepDtIre diBirlct !• tfae nittirA] lioru« uf tUft dfrr, irhich AbcMitid !• tllAt p«rilc(ilAr ipoi. ]| litbere A lr jn ry p« ai« a b lipteA*-AJiif^t burt''*. Tlie tihifjnn In mbieh b« • rrUtm ji cbutigpd f j f th« hunUnituUand JiiU« galiAii^jiud fc mprror Wllbelm forttia mine* bccoiiie* huiOMDlxed WiiUclni witb a rofuoineu of ttchHeliAer, ttubn«Alcr, or ^cbmidi,a> tb< spirit inoTei him. Hy All ibeHC.' alJuMt h* Uiirfw«ied gi dlJfrronl llmef In ibe remote dUiricie around bl« tumi doiQAiu where be U known to tbeootintry people At one of the Kelter’e feme keepert from Berlin who hen heen teut to tbeUcliltiAi to keep hit bend In with the rifle.

IIIh ^lejritr ftndN U e poiitlve dellgbl tu iwcome for Ibe tiine a plebeien. He eiilcn fully Into the Aplrlt of (he tblnf, llvei on coeree food end drinkt enytbluf tbetoomee ■ lotif In lilt pcAtentN eottagei, vriileb be loera to rltli, leking tbeir occupenu nti' ewercA Juit eboui feedltig time. JiegiVeA thepeMword t« the koeperi when he HJlien forth et to bl* namn for Uia deji end IneUie upon being edUn-Nted ea Kriti or In eny other ifeiolller term tbAt he may feney. JutiatU benUhnient from Ibe Imperiel ier> Tice It the puDlabmeni Awarded to tbe man Indlecreet eooogb to fetter in ble ^umUierKy or to betrey by met or look (be perioiiAiUy of htaMejeeiy, end to welt drilled ere ibtie ■erTltort ibet no obe Would gueu that tbe m ifbiy ruler of mB the Prntaleot formed one of the party of leQgblni, cbeffing, beppy-go- Jucky ruffleni^ ateloed wUb mad and be- grimed with powder, who rrequeully detoand u|K>n a cbarooal-burbei^a ooi and coniamo •TerythlDf edible wUhlQ Be aperee larder. Ofeourae, bit Majeity alweya rtcompenaea thete people, either by tbe preetitl of a ibt buck or A money payment,, and not 1d- frequrmly baeaebat with Ibetn about tbe KaJur, of wbom they elt baT# heard, but whom they tblufc they beve never aeea.

liar Mejeity friqnentJy aooompaalte her huabend upon tbeta expeditlont. abe*l« in- ▼erlabiy mounted on a pony, and aiiumet the ofaaraeter of a lerTlAg maid at the ttcbloM and daugbter of an old keeper named Karl Blum, who le alwayt one of the ptrly. Over tfae dinner table later In the day, when tbe Imperial party hare returned (0 (he Scbloat, many an fntereetlng atory la told of tbe Halieriij’a iklrmlabee amoDg tbe womenfolk and children with wboiu abe baa come Id contael In tne courae ofharadTon* lurea. Her JdaJeaty la a good ebot, and when abe le out rarely celle to oontrlbute her quota to tbe dey*a aport.

Juai before leaving Berlin tbeKairerln, ua- annonnoed and Qnexpecledly, visited act* eral oharlUble InituuiloDi, In tbe oompaoy o fa aoliUiy lady-ln-waUlng. Among othera her Uejeety Tlalled tbe City BHnd Aeyluin lu the Alter Jieob alnaee, and here eepeo- Uily alwahowe^ per trqe womanly lander- neM. ^ e t ^ k H b p wib niqkanan- ner to 'm a«y o r ^ id aproaeti t of monty lo be gtren to eeverat, and by one poor girl, who bad loat ber alght throuf b a terrible aceldent, her Mijeaty mat and ebetted a long time. At tbe oloeeebe gave tbe blind girl a delicate roag wbteh aha bad been wearing In her belt. Her Mejeety la atwaya doing auch little klndaeeeee ai tbla; wbertveribegoae abe brlnga theaua- ahine of ber amlle and gentlewrorda Bbe baa not a aeraji of tbe Imperial hauteur wblob chareoferiaee ber aponae. The other day vliltlDg an ImtltuUofu (be Kalaerbi beard that tbe ball porterTwlfb bad Juai bad twiDA and abe aakad toaee ber. ** Weil,'’ eald her Majeety, aa abe roee to g<*, ** yon have done beuer than 1, for I haveo^itwini ai yet,’ '

Upon bla return toPoUdam the Kalaer baa announced bli intention of tafelng partJn tbe

Mil kinda of espedlantr, buying hontea on credit nnd aelHui ihrm lc»r ready cash money tbe following day for hair*hrB*. A jeweller would Fcd him wrqllyff aervlor, wbleli be would K'll for alfi'Uil ^oiblug. hwin there wnx Miicii a hue unA cryufirr him that the iHiiicebaU In inierO'Tt'tu piwuut him from bcitif inoleiTed In th«* ktrcoin by l)Uorc<iiiori.

Tlmreigulng Prince of Wafdeck-l'j'rmoni, tht' t^ueen Ucgeul Kinmn, even ibu mighty Williemi, rectuTvd hcarl-rcndliig leltcrN (ruin (lifl atoreUeeneiw wlio nml Ik*vu ruined by IhiA princely RW'iiulter. T)ie l'!m|icnir replied tliul bU gruiidfalhcr had ^mcc already iMld bJadoOtM. The PHiicr'» aiwii famitv refused eqaalJy t f' I ndemutly fata crcdlluri. The Prinee eipd Priiict‘«« were obtigod to leave Meta, and they are living nl preaent Id a eaelle on ihv borders of Umland.

Prince Albert la iniw a baukrupi, and p«r- bapi In twi-ufy yeare* time h« may beabla to ]>ay iwcmy jx'r ccul. to bU creditors. Wheu lUa Kmiraror .wai luf *iy at .Meiic a pe- lithm WM« Id huva l»C(U) given to him. beg­ging him to hti lntlu"nc<> In lavor of Prince Wiildeck-PyrtaDiji'acriHlltaia. but the UoTernor O|ipo»vd tlilii, uileging "tiinllbeae Hploudld days of icio iniui lie iroubled by bringing upuiaagreoable souveuin V*

The aiilcmcut that Prlnca Alcxaudnr of Pruaale. greai uncle of the Kaiser, has mar­ried a Munich acireaa li now ganarjlly ac- cepivd Nf iwing irm\ The lady, who li one of the beaut lei of her native (own. 1m not yet iweuty yearn of Mge, U eKiremely latoiunU lag add lalcuied, and waa known by me name of the ^ Ice t^uveu" uu acconat of her IndlfTercnce to lullori. Prinoe Aleiamler wai burn In lH!d). an there !■ a considemble difference in their ag*''>> The happy pair innde eaeh olher’a ac- quHintance In Oeli*ud, and 11 waa a oaie of love al Araialght on ibe Prlnoe’a part. The lady gave up a prOapeciive eugnguneut in a beiiln iheaire and (b» itinrriage took place §(KiQ afleruard. fi Unole Alexnnder bat not yet bed It preUy hot from Tm Kaiser It ie aimply becaune bia Mejeiiiy la imullnf up bis Ire to let il flow upon tbe devoted C4>uple like boiling lead. And they will gel It ae soon ae he returns to Berlin and haa bad time to track them in t'lieir lair. It Is need- tees loiay they are not billing and O'lolng In iiiU oUy,

The Cbureh and the Bicyele*Prom ibcTbiladeipbla Bulletlii.

Tbe High btreet Metfiudlst Cburob of Blag- hemtou le DOW in a turmoil over tbe pro* priely of women riding Ulcyclca The trouble began wben Mri* Bnrrowi, a widow, purrbased a bicycle, she U an active worker In Ibe cbtiicfa, A la praycr-mecllng tbe other nlgni Bainiicl Btanlny aruteniid de- nounotd Hid ent of bicycle rld n ; an unlady­like, unchrlsiTan and a diHgrace lo the ohurcb. The deacon ediffed (bo audience by an altempied llluMtration ofa wuiohd riding a bicycle. The imsiur, tbe K.'V.Jobu Brao- shew, tnok aldts Hgaluet tbe bicyclists. Mra Burrow'a frlenctu ikreatsn to carry tfae qnvw Hon before the naai ennfarenea The Young Women's Clirlsdan AMuclailon bas cHab* IlihMt a wheel citib In open diflance of Ibois Wl|0 diaajlprov% off bioyciev

They Are WUbaiit q)i»ulit Iho Moat Polite OfitcUU ever Heen.

Kroin tbe llikMcm Traaicripl.There I» no huinu, he(ng quUe io polite

u the Jiputicse imlleem.n. Not to hti fellow oountrymon, be U undentood j by no Dieioit. lie regarda the hulk o f them probably with u (tnod-natured contempt, for, in the language of Mr. Cberaller, be ia “ a gentleman by birth aifd education.*’ When, in purault o f Weetera civititatlon, Japan call u(V feudallam and pul on a frock coat and a ailk hat, thouaaadi o f lamurai or twoHiworded retainer* o f the old noble*, found their occupatiou gone. The iworda rutted in their icabbard*, and Anally were, by imperial decree, dl*- carded altogether, and helped a few years later to decorate tlie dra^'lng*touma o f Belgravia. What wiu to be done with tbeac iwa.hbuckiers, trained to a mili* tarlam quite liiijioMible in the modern army, modelled on the French patient? The (foveninient wanted police. The •amurai knew nothing bIwuI the status o f the British -■ Hobby" or of the French gens d’artueii, ao they enrollad in Isfge numbers, bappy in being able to wear, at any rate, one aword. and that a two- handed one.

Thu* It bappen. that the Japanese^>o- lice are tbe mo.t sriRiocralic foreo o f con­stabulary in the world. They are a Anely disciplined body, .mail in stature, bnt well drilled, nnd expert in the use o f the ■teal acabbarded weapon which datiglea at their heel*

It ie lo the foreigner—whether he be a BOitor from a kerosene thip or a ileek, moneyed globe Irotier-lhat the eaaentlal politeneia of the Japaneee policeman Is shown in all lu native richnem. With the former clasa the police o f the foreign porta in Japan-Yokuhama, Kobe and Nagasaki—have niuch Intercourse, not o f tbe gentlest kind. Yet tbe ecrim- mage Invariably has but one termination. The truculent aun of Neptune la sooner or later handed over lo the con.ular authori­ties o f his country—if he owns one—and lodged in the foreign Jail. Perhaps two policemen will be engaged in tbe opera­tion—perhaps twenty, that is a mere de­tail. What ia important is the fact that once a Japanese jiolleeman makes up bis mi'nd to arrest any one who is In hie hands he ktlcks to him with bulldog tenacity—never loses bis temper or hia bold—and conduots his victim to the lockup, if he be a foreigner, with the greatest urbanity and much polite cere­mony.

— — ---- . - ■. ,Krrri/ltfuljd In r fvnn/if rrtiiU (As .VA'll'A'.

IVA.fi thry hm'f fjtmalt/lt tii Sij ffrrgbofSy ailvrrIUet 111 rS.AA'U'A.

Nspul.an AllrlliairU HI. K a r .r » . i* tir. .srFun. sail IIJgh-i-lN.t Mrklana...

Kioin lli.i eiiiiirr Magtslnr.Napoleon said many of bis oAicers de-

icrted previous to the liattio of Waterloo, and in ipeaking of the French Nation he said that the lower order* o f tlie® people were tbe moat sincere, the most firm, and, at the same time, Ibe best dii>|Huitloited in the world; lint In tiie profiortlon as yon rose tbe claaa tbeir characters became the worse, ami above the bourgeois they were too Ackle ami too volatile to be at ell depended on. Tliey b ul one prtucipla for to-day and another for to-morrow, ac­cording to the circumslancea o f the mo­ment, and he attributed hia Waterloo dia- asters solely to the diaalfeoted oWcers of hi* army,

III talking of the battle he assured tbe Admiral he hod uevar ibr a moment mis­taken tils Pruaaiaiia for Urouchy'a divl- lion, but that he knew early in tha day tliat the PruHiuna were cliwing on his flank j tliat Ihia, bowavar, gave him little or DO uneaslneea, as be de> {lendedou Uenerul Grouchy alau closing with him at tile aame time, and he had ordered a sulBoleut foroe to oppose tbe Prussian*, who were in fact already checked. And he added that he con­sidered Iho battle throughout the day to be very much In hii favor, but that so toon as it was dusk tbe disafl'ected ulflcars pruinulgati'd thccry#f “ flauvequl peutl" which spread such eonfusiun and alarm throughout his whole line that it became Imposaible to oounteram it or lo rally bia troope, situated as they were.

But, he laid, had it been daylight an hour longer, he was pusilive the result would have been dltl'erent; he further said that had he been able, when the alarm and confusion Aral took place, to have placed himself In a cotuplcuou. situ­ation in front, it would have insured the rallying of hit troops around him ; but aa It was, treachery and darkiieie combined rendered his ruin inevitable.

lie said that on the morning of June 18 be did nut entertain tb^moat distant idea that the Duke of Wellington would have willingly allowed him to have brought the Kngtlsh army to a decialve battia, and oonaequcntly be had been tbe more anx­ious to push on, and. It poaslblo, to torca it, considering nothing else onuld otTcr him a chance of surmountinf tho diftlcuille* with which he was surrounded; but, be added, could lie liave beaten the English army, be was positive soarcaly one would have escaped being either killed or taken, In whioh case the Pruaalan army i having been already beaten on the sixteenth) must have made a precipitate retreat, or most probably would have been dispersed, and certainly entirely dlaorganlicd.

wild boars (bredJkv 4|ia occasion) lo detlh7 TbeUruleg nsTglhely 1tnki Droken off, In srder that ths Uonudi issy not tulTbr; sems- times a hosr, driven to d«p*r*tlon, swims tcroH the wide Havel, followed by ibs dogs All Berlin runs to set th* hunt; lbs hnnta- men wear redjsckttsind tophaU, and think gres! tblngs of ibeinHlvei. A* many aa flfiy or sixty boars sre ilangniercd In a day, Tula buichery laau for S ruU w «k and It s favor­ite pa.Ilms of the wtalihy ynung bloodi, who endeavor to perinada IhemMlvet they are verflable Nimroda

The you ox Prliioes bate JuU given another of their amateur clrcui performancee in tha new palace ai Polsdam and tbe ihow was a great aucoess. AH tlie aoni and dauiniart of Ibe higher nobility who are on tbv KaliePa Hat of vfsftors were Invited and the pruoaed- liigs wound np with a tea scrainble and a danca on tb* tan. Tha perroemanaa began In Ibe Kiterndonai l o ’clock wiita a prologna spoken by Prince Augnst Wilhelm, bged only tlx yeais, In which he meallaoed the dlflereni Itcoia lu ihe programme and Cape- dully IntleeaUd that be *nd bisbrolbtrs bad net .pent tbeir thni idly while Iheir auyuil paean la were away.

flrti, each Of them led on hti pony, then I'rlacv Wilbtim hrougbt out his pony Par- eii, nhleh went Ihrough Its paces and elan obeyed inipllclily the word* ofooianiand— " H a ll,"K Igh t about inru," “ lArt about luru,"iind "Awsy;" (belsti eautsd muob aniukemsntthrougu lU ortglnslity. lii ins next Hem p rin « Wtlbeimsbowsd hit gratl aklil In riding, whils be performed various iilincnlt feati op me brown bon* Puck, wlilcb he received aa a present a stapri llina ego. At hit leit performanca be look aevcral hu rdlai and left the dlrcuk amid loud obeeri, -j’ben followed an leterinrua Jiy the Prlocet Adulheri and FHli, In which ths former lisik I he part of a clown.

In Iha CQUrsi of the euterlBlnment ilie Trlncea’ doga wire alto brnittht on tba te.me. -Join, Ibe Crown Prlnet'i tavorlte. Jump, iplendldlyaadihow.dinagy proalu of 11 by Jumping through hoops covered In wllh Hi- ana paper ksd aladovev btghwbeiaelba. Fur the fliiale (here was a battle of autumn flow­ers. In two ohsrmlog liuie csrrlsgsi eov- eredwlib vl"e leavei and driven by trlncei fS'llbeim aid Frits, aaitbem l of tba Prlncei wbdscBiie ed flowiia to the sptetalors as they drove aioag and left th* conne amid' load aedaniallona and applause. In tplie of there being nopauias the whole eutirtaln- meni occupied quite an hour and a half.

There ll mueta rtjoiclng In Barlln ihut the Kaiser has reached «m the hand of recou- eIllation to tbs Iron Ohancellar, whlpji hs oerialuly did In ofterlng Prlnc* Blnnarck tb* ns* of au Imperial raildsnoe, lint that there will ^ver again h* friendly relallous Ndlwten lUeie two pcrioni—laeb of whom lo Adsrly lovei hit own will—li impoidbte; thi words which psired belifesn luonaroii and Obnnccllor wore loo prminunecd lorrecm- eltlatlmi. Blstnurok has lout fouriein pounUi of desti within a fortnight and mcnaurea four slid a balflnclHS leia round Ills formerly oarpuleiit walsl.

When William was h. Anuria Inisty ons ol the Archdukei ibewed him a number of Ihe A'lI;lrU-f, a huiiiorliticjonriinl, lu which ihcrn will It caticsture ropresemlng tuc Emperor ul Me:*, end by hisiide BUmarck, covered a Ith la unis, under whjoh was writ.

WAnd Sir' the-old mgii, not aeon a ,-svwK) (■' WlllMUii lOnKad. St Ihe pupir, dialled aal-snld, la righll" The“ "*0 eWiilag tueEitipjrnvieol IheCaraoui

/Jelegmia 10 eoiafogt Hu Iron Cbanocllor en nl. s I ic u*,l. ,jiis oldlngti Is maklug slow

Aitt steady grogrtsi at Friedndpsruh, where he tieojoylog, with evident laitifscllon, ib i rrpoio slid eomfert of hie doineitic lurruuDd- liigs. lie goes ont driving when the weather Is n ic. however, aiea nohodj', and Ihe gimani opinfun ll tba* hladayi wlH uol bi numbered me into tbe nkw year,

AliwyaariagortisOsstle of FlappervlHs in liorialne wai ^ u gh t ** * tegideuM for r t in n Albert of Wntdrefc-Pyrmidt. *h li eou.iii of ihi fqneiii of Holland bad con trailed debia evary wham. M g w a too wall- known In *11 • h.fsrriaon town.of Oirinaoy. In Lcrralne. lhanki to bit (iti, ,nd aapecl.l- ly to his mirrlaga with a niece sT ilwAial- ibaltir, alT lnofii Hobanlone, ba borrowed huge aural froma nnmuoui portion of tbe enramarelal world at Heli. Tbese, bavini lust ell pntl^ce,»»nt lb ^,«ie im i, billet! theFilnce, vkueunid net yiv^tbem, ead Ike

W j* * * ^ * ? '" * ! 'to pey Her VnVIf Flan

-me oiuflblbfr Ih



Tba Rapid Spraad of lataiaparauce .4uiong______________ ______ Women of A ll Claiiei.

UruneWald iporl. which oouala(t*or~huDtlm From BarneFi Baisr.■„,,u I----- -—„ ------------- . . . •TtU'Wnru^HiMrlliTnHJSltlon to know

that it fa of Co we to dbgnisdtBB terrible feet that intemperaboe ia more frequent among women than it haa ever been be-- tore, more general end more mi non*, to the point o f physical and mental mor­tality.

It makta ui shudder to bear the facts in thejcaie, to listen to the auppoailion con­cerning its causee, one supposition being that saddenly acquired wealth, giving people tbe opportunity of going throngb life at a great pace, makes it necessary that they sfaonid resort to whip and spurs to mstntain the gait—that is, that having money they must and will spend it fast, and spending it tost engenders pleasures to whose enjoym ut thestraagtii Is not squat witbont thdnolp o f the exciting and stlmnlatipg drink-

Another cause is said to be tbe preva­lent absence of Imth religlouB and moral sentiment, the disdain for everything that cannot be seen or felt, the reign o f pure rssaon^nd realism, the custom of consid­ering that i f one want* n thing one sliould have it, and that there should he no re­straint upon one's desires furtlier than tlie inability to gratliy them. A third cause I* given aa the eigarette, it being atated., that many^nore j ^ n g and middle-aged womkn tluin wp iiave dreamed of have acquired a fancy or a fusbion for the use of this vile little article, and its use creates thirst, and the thirst which only strong drink* slakes. Thereare instances, loo, where thedreadful evil has beep brought about by the prescription n f physicians, the invalid thus having the habit establisbed before being aware of what Is done. But these insUncBs ore Tew In comparison to the number o f tlfiM which result from Hie apparently innocent giaro taken at table or elsewhere. The teste once formed it may be Indolgad with all tho other tastes, at table or oil the shopping tour, or in toe pnblfeity of the restenrant, or jn tbe privacy of the boudoir, where trouble or depression o f any sort causes the stimu­lant to bo resorted to with a hope that its temporary exhllaraUon will tide over tbe gloom.

These ore perilous tlmss; all tho olr- sumitimces of life are rapid, exhausting, nerve draining, The great stress under which we live occasions a degeneration of the nerves, and tbe swiftest apd castes tre- Bouroethen is the§HmalonL Knowing this, knowing that young girls are liable to such degenerationj it becomes doubly important that they abonid beeheltorcd by the force of a public opinion which may make it, at any rate, dltflcnlt for them to begin the ■ drinking habit In its most insidious and delicate ilrst ap- proaohea. For It is to be remembered that it is in the beginning thatthe danger lies. They none of them knowwhat la behind them, wiiaf heredity from an untortunala anoestor may'give them a total ilmpetiiM,once etertod. But no heredity oan start them on the way if they ratoie to take the first sip. and moke it thus t a i^ ib le to acquire the taste or appetite. Tbe first gism msy be harm-

vT’ J* • * ' ■sr kus- s debts, s" thW* hniBiagmi aSensi i-fissikorFIsppaFnil*. ~ s OiUf^lkfr tk hisps^'ertitstrasbars

dy 111. FfleM ’S ot^tliiws. i*ss^nma dtsMoft .not Hte biH ’ » puiilU) b1ni.

tn eft ibs army Hat, asd hs ;SU JUdlSIl

first tow drinl^i and death from some mys­terious dlseoss o f the nervss, whose other name is possiUy delirium tremsns,

■sbbsr Toy Wavsltlss, Froinitbslan Franclioo Repotl,

Rublnrteyaon sseoant ol tbeir durabil­ity asu hannlsssnsts, bars long bssa a eta- pis artloir, and are to-day fbund In tbe .bops la ranoh tns sainadTstu) as ibsy ksrssdoxtD ,ysan sga. *n InUgvamsflt tb HtJs Hos, dv 'Signed to five s nM to Jbiss good.,bsa Utely bssn liilabisd. and lir means of which sucb toys, wben lutvndsd lo represent Intgec of haisak kslngs and aulrasli, ean be made to lllnslrale tue moel msfreloiii pccul- Jarltles without adding to tb* vast nf prod ac­tion. This IrapruvamaiitcoiishU in making ttafsa hollow linagri of varytog tbleknesee* of rubber, to ihal, wi eu iqurexed by tha baqd, tbe Iblaner purls expand out ofull piMsrtlon to tba reel of Iha image, produe- U|nte kadlara variety of.groistqde and ludt-


Herole Ksmudy of Garmon BoliHere For an Anuoyiiif Fall.

From the KatnUurgli NHUlmlcliteu.At the tprrison town trf MEriB-Theresl-

snopcl, in Hungary, tbe ladHn-Jiave been getting into the habit o f taking with them to the theatre plush bags of various sixes and colors, in which they kept all their parapherimlla, such os opera glaases, sweets, handkerchiefs, smelling bottles, etc. The sight of n row o f these recepte- clos dangling over tho ledge of the dresH circle and boxe.s was, to say tbe least, peculiar; while the incessant luaoipnia- tlons of*beso prnantnntfii > dPfikl>dafecs by tbeir fair owners Dud tlie effect o f divert­ing tbe attention o f theiaudience from the proceedings on the stage. To make mat­ters worse, the fashion "caught on " among the lower olaascs, and Biddy, stroll­ing in the park at tbe side o f her toithfril trooper, was sure to hgi'C^ a plush bag swinging in bcF hand. *

I he said fashion is now dead.It came to pass in this wise. Last week,

and for several nighta in sncceraion, tbe officers o f tlie Hussars quartered at M—— bought up all the front seats in ihe boxes and dress circle, and turned up at the per­formance carrying on tbeir arms an ordin­ary forage bag, somewhat less than the usual size, which they tluiig over the ledge in imitation of the ladies. The joke created no little amusemeut, and roara o f laughter shook the huuse when the offleers produced from their bags opera glosses, monocles, sweets, handkerchiefs, and here and there a tobacco pouch or a snuff box. Since then the plush bags have dis­appeared from tbe borigon.

------------ » -------------- -tJl'KEK TRF.ATME9IT.

How the Simla tVeinsn ftnlet and bat tv flisep Tb.lr Chlldi'tn. ■

From tlie Youth** rnnfpaPInn,Sir George Campbell records In his

" Indian Memoirs" a very strange habit o f native mothers in the neighborhood of Simla. He seems inclined to recommend its adoption in England, hot perhaps he la ipeaking In Jest.

1 drondcr not to have seen more notice of the curious practice o f tbe blit women o f putting tbeir babies’ heads under v spout of water to send them to steep and keep them quiet. When the new cart- road was first made there was a village at a halting pUoe where rows o f auoh uhll- dxen might be seen in a grove close to tba road.

The water o f a hill spring was so ad­justed 0* to furnish a series o f little spouls, each about tbe tblokneas o f one’s little Anger. Opposite each spout was a kind o f earth pillow and a little trough to carry away tbe water. Each child woa to laid that one of tbe waterspout* played on the top of Us bead, and the water then ran off into the trough.

I can testify that tlie process was most snceesihil. There never was such quiet and untronbieiiome babies as those under the spouts. The people were unanimous that the water did tlio children iib harm, but, on the ooutrary, heneflted and invig­orated them. In taot, they seemed to f hlnk that a child nut subjected to this procesa muit grow up sofVbraincd and



Ao rakiiiinii Hut lllshly I ivlllnil Knee lluHl 11,* OrIglHsI Kuitte,.,.

Friini lUe .ticlilli-fi.Bec*nt events have stlrscted sitontlon

to th* gresl take between I'anibodia and Kiani, Toule Hap and to tho two Hiauiese provincee of Ang-Kur and H Hum bong which adjoin it, A few months ago the Fropresi df tia^on iwued an account, 11- liislrated by nifilve wood engravings, of this great iske o f the two pruvliioes and o f the toniutia ruins o f .\ng-Kor. The regiou is detcribed as lying to the north o f Cochin-China, between Hlsiu, the ocean and the unknown lotoe districts, and al­though now but thinly popnlatotl, il was In former liiuct the abode o f a nice which

; was greatamong tbe people of the East and which for Ii.ng centuries was governed by a toinous Hue ol sovereigns.

Th* great lake la foriui-d tlurlng the rainy season by one o f the branches o f tb* Mekong, and 1* then navigable by lerge steambosts, which go to Hlsinrcap, at the head o f the lake, and near the ruins of Ang-Kor, the greatest remains o f Khmer civllixtlioE. These ruins were discov­ered by til* Horlugiies* and Hpaii- lard* in 1964, ami they were flret de­scribed in a voluiuo published in Barc*- lons ill the following century. There are Chinese accounts ufa much earlier period, and one of the**', written in the Ihirteeuth cenlur.v by an Ambassador to the Cambo­dian court, was niade known to Europe by Abel Ueinusat.

It includes dneriptinns o f lbs two famous temple* o f Ang-Kor Wat and Ang- Kor Tfaoni, which correspond with the ruins of lb* present day. Mince then they have been invesUgsted by French tavniits, and quite a splendid work on tbe subject has been published by M. Fournereau. tl Is thirty hours’ steam to l’ iu>ni‘-Penh, the capital o f Cambodia, and thirty more to Hlaniresp. Aiig-Kur Wat, or Ang-Kor the Great, the royal pagoda. Is tbe beat preserved o f ail the Khmer remains. Mouhot, who visited it lo IStB, says it 1* more mejeslic than any other monunitnt o f antiquity that we pueseso.

It occupie* _* large rectangular i>ark, 1,067 miles long and 827 broad. Tbe Ulus- trstions show numerous towers, vast ter­races, several subsidiary templos. Innum­erable Agures o f fantestlo iiiytfaologlcal animals, galieries, entunuades, avenues, lakes, bridges, etc. Tlie surface o f the large stones employed in the building are covered with pictures and engravings. These huge blocks arc believed to have been conveyed tu the great belghtaat which some of Ikein are found by means o f tiictined planes.

Ang-Kor Thom, which is a few miles away, it still more ancient, and around it are tbe ruins o f the old Khmer Capital, Freathong, which have been invaded by the forest, giant binysns having lliotr roots below the foundations and tbeir branches among porticoes and pi liars covered with boi-reliets. Those latter, which are especially well preserved iii the underground galleries, represent the national sports, sacred ceremonies and birtoricat evenU of tbe Khmers. These ore the two main Khmer mounments, bnt there are hundreds o f others scattered over a large area of the country in the midst of what looks like a primeval fur- **t. ____


Au Amsrican Usslas *i hu l-.vh*i] t’p aTsliislil* Auctiuu FrJx*.

From the YouMi' rumpsiilori,Henry Htevens, tlie American book col­

lector, who made lii* homo in London, wa* seven long years in Audfiig a perfect copy o f tbe " Bay Psalm Book," the New England metriual version o f tho Psalms printed at Cambridge in 1640. The only copy io England was a perfect one at the Bodleian liilirsTy, which wo* mentioned' in the cstoiogud without dlnttnutlon among the other Psalmi in verse.

Mr. Rtevsns had often rgserently han­dled this book, but bod never t))oken of it to the librarian, thinking, as he enid, that when be had secured a copy for him- seif " It would be time enough to acquaint the learned doctor that be was entertain- ling, unawares this angel o f the New ■W«rld.’ ’

One day, however, on looking over an ■nctioneer’s stock, he came upon the lost Benjamin, clean and unaputted. He in­stantly closed the parcel, which had beeu described in tbe catalogue as "Psalms— 1030 to 1075," and tlgbleiied tbe string Just as the man came to lay ll on the table,

A cool delcrmlnatfon nerved •Ji Iul and

Ih id of the jp^pfe discovered America, but all oftbe people _ hayediscoveredl the perfect c e rea l food.


K is HombyB Oatmeal.**Tlio uiDkiiirltDly coiue, Anil hroumMr aaii moMaiid klDdrod

1‘Dc ^wldi’AiofiiiDyeur, ’ Afartorfahl* w«diJciwUc; (tblug*VS hfiiv rvotn muu But lie'll returaet evtallUtf

AridiveoHyimllew# trmt.WHI iiulfkl.v tliNAppoMr:For Id I iinHmd hl« huniliie nmna

litfutooleiUilag waxulB fife*

_____ LlTirtiIf li i iKir work nU biu>y upfiune

WUi uee Fiilrbaiili'e ioU ) BOVTi

G 0\i0 DVlSl Vl|1S\\\1U3 FQWDERMiikM rrtdli'Hl t’hnnjfr Ih r\ hoiu ’holU hy lUMkina iroi'k naulfir* •Imrlcr .io l U-AA4 it>F]ikivf. Try lb In yourn. Multi Qvm"^facn*

4 lb£ fDi- 25 nentSsMaM* only by N . K . F A IR B A N K d. C O ., C H IC A G O .

Nev/Ycrk, Phl(Ad«lphii. Bottoa. MontrcAl. '


If it's advertised at CANTifON’S,You’ll find it there and plenty of it, and

T H E P R I C E I S O N T H E T A G .

* * , ■» ^


THIS COUCH, exactly like cut, nude with good spring seat, covered in Corduroy Tapestry or Crushed Plush, and heavy fringe idl around, eaiily worth 9?.50,

Tha filulM of tli«i I'tippyp Uied in ModArA- tloiis f i Bnt liiJitrIcHit*

From (lie Cblcxfo TitncA.Ona o f the moat rerent wilneMois before

the Bpibish Roydl CbrttmJiwiefq’ on ihe . . ..opium trade between India and Cbitiit, ! ^^IvaficliiK to tbe lahle he beknii (be hifls which ia silling in the House o f Lords, i “ perfectly natural tone by aixpenee, i___ csi_ 1 - 1.-. a*___ 1........-.1. . i . r Th«*V w»nt. nn hv nnl-ll u«1dr <

|L' '* Mlrf Jttil •lA.gitsa.*$4.40.was Sir John Btrncbej, who has passed forty years o f' his life in various official potitions tn India. He said that It had been proved to demonstration that opinm was not a terrible poison. The vast mor Jorlty of those who consumed opium oon- suined it 111 moderation, and so cunsuined tliere was no stimulaut, timt entered largely into tbe nonsnmption of tbe world that WO.S more innocent or beneAcinl.■ It was os innocent’ s* the wines of Franco or Italy were to the people of those countries, or as undoctored beer WAS to tbe people o f Engliind or Ger­many.

In India there were 280,000,000 inhabi­tants and many countries. In some of these countries the people have from time immemorial consumed opium. But these classes constituted numerically an absolutely Insignlfliaiit proportion o f the population o f India. The consumption o f opium USB so Inilnltesimally small that he might say witliout exaggeration that no opium question existed at all.

It wa* declared that the consumption o f opium had beeu rapidly increasing, and Itad been fostered by the British Govern­ment. Thene statemenM were absAiutely baeeles*. The increase o f population under British rule iiad been enormous, but there was every reason to believe that

They went on by sixpences until half crown had beeu reached, and the auc­tioneer bad loosened Ibe string. He took up ll»e very volume of which Mr. Stevens was in search, snd turned to him to say :

" This look* ilk* a rare edition, Mr, Stevens, don't you think so?”

Thereupon he raised tbe bid to five shillings. Then a Spirited competition arose, until finally the tot was knocked down to Stevens for nineteen shilling*. He called ont: " Delivered I” with more energy than discretion, nod tucked the little volume in his pocket, leaving the other seven in the package to take the usual course, whereupon some one asked, curiously:

‘ "What rarity have you gob now?”"Oh, nothing,” woe the reply, "b n t

the first English book printed in America’ ’

Tbere was a pause in the sale wlille every one took a look at Hio victor.

"T h ere haa evidently been a mis- teket" cried a jocular voice. "P u t up the lot again I”

“ No," said ,Mr. Steven*. " If the for­mer owner did nut recognize the prize he had won, as be has shown by selling it for three shillings, certainly the cuta- loguer might be excused for throwing it •way into the iiands o f the rlglit person


ta.i iilni, Dim Bni Si.CLOAK AND MILLINERY DEP’TS.T ii 18 W E E K W K U FFK K U O I.a U IK V Iu .a i K CHIlV’ dH ' n KFKF.K .t.4 t!K « I'M wUb esp *

UU'-I lur iriih inlit]; mH n iin:l, Im IIij4i :j - 4-.'<- i ..il m(f fa .i-rf, rrijulur price|7 9ri,

Now $4.98.OHUKTItl K IS MiW ( oMn.KTj-: IN l.MUKs' ii.i 1 MISsKH’ G.Mf.lKN I'S, UorH CAFB8

anflJ.M KKT8, .md OL'Il I'Ul' f> .UtE'l'l.'I.LV ::A I'KIl CDN I. jlKI.DW NEW Y.lHK's. have iiuw uu ciliil>lii'p-> ,1 I 'r v •lurli—r t.vUIE-.’ I f v ls mul IlD.S'NErrf, .11 wear,

wlllliis F.titnSDER THU llKfiUI,.4lt FllU E, T(l lU'.lU^C^ .STUL K.

15 “ NEW HOME” and “ DOMESTIC” Sewiog MacMaes,III irr^eci nnliT, \rortli !fl0 -’HCh, vrjil bP (fi il

FOU $S.OO .AND m-I.OO r..\CH-TO CI.O.SE O l I’.

fully rewarded for my long and silent hunt o f sbven years I”

8I>*II Fortier.«.w vAk Wo

the consumption o f opium In India under | ^ TO-scue, apjireclnte preserve. 1 nui native rale 150 years ago was greater than * " " " ~ ’ ’ ' ’•t present. It Was an indisputable fact that those who consuntad opium, espe­cially the Rajputs and Mikhs, were pre­cisely the finest races physically in India.

There was no more vigurous, manly and baudsome race o f men in the world than the crack opiam-uslng Bikh regiments, among whom the praotice was uulvetul.People talked glibly about suppressing opium consumption in India, but he would not tike to see an attempt made to deprive the Sikba and Kajputn o f one of tlie necessaries o f their Uvea Bir William Hunter bad said that sneh a law could only be enforced In British territories by bloodshed and arms, while in native Stetei it could not be enforced at all.

With regard to tbe Chinese part o f tbe

^inestlon, there could be no greater de- iiaion tbon to snppose that China de­

pended npon India for h«r supply of opium. I f no opium wore ejraurtud from India the consumpllon o f Cbina would remain proctloally tmclinniRd. A single province o f China produced more opinm than the whol* Indian Empire. W i provinces were covered with the


good for nothing.Certainly their appearance showed no

signs that this tlAgnlor method orbracing the Intelleoluol p ^ o f tbeir bodies hod done them any harm.

Tti* Calniubta SaloHa.From ibe ForUenU Orsgonitn. ■

Itlsabw cuDSidcred atmMi eerlsln that, ooDlnirT to the aspal cufium, lb* esuiiarls* along tn* rlvee will be eompelled to peck lalmon as far along as UcFiber, on oeeouni of lb* great laitlDg off In operatkiiit this year.';- vFall sallnon ad* si of tbe ■llvtr side spetles,' and art considered sotuid grade, but *4 tbbra l i iiu doubt tbst t ^ July pMi, hoWsvar target « iu leave a dIsaAroqs shorlaff, Hits Is.tba only way out of tba dlllleutty. Tba total bual- ■irst for >h« Hawin u> dal* Is- itt,- !N caare, aud up lo Juu* n last yesr the Agures were 184,217 case*, All the canneries are fqlly Any per oent. beblhd their ordinary icrards, Evan ihi gift • «!», which iip .to.lwo weeks ugo were maaflng wan .vxlrgurdluaiy suectsa, taava tnilowsd I u I tngwgk ■ o* 1 be 1 rap* snu wlnea

*steb«a% llix l Lmithlag.

and the cultivation went on increas^g without any interference on tho part of the Government of Chinn. Even, there­fore, i f it were'True that the people of China were being ruined by opium, the cessation of imports from India would I not diminish the evil.

A Castle In tlie Air.From I.s I'lilrlntc.

Mr. IVbisitsky, the cngldPcr, Js slsrllng s company for Ibe litirodudlou ol u novel reap Uroloihs Antnerp exitibllloii wlilehlato be livid next year, l l Is lu consist of a raft, with an urea ofobout twenty square yard', aod CDUktructcd of bumbuu rirusand ilcet anil sluininlum lubliiv, on whlclia petitlsi restaurant IS lu hi rrected, imil lUe wlinlo BUspeniled In inid-tilr at an ultltnde nriillO yards by inransof cupllvt bSilOona Au lii- gentous com'binutlon of aactior cables.win bold Ibis " atrlsl cssil^r’ in potltloe, ana ef- reellveiy prevent sny etciilaiiuii ov«n1n lb* •frungealpair. TwoBmaliercapllva balloons, each tu carry slglii.or ten osrvunga wilt serve to ronvtv vltliors le tote fl'witliig Island and back again to terra flrma. Each * f tbe largerballoons Isfiittd wlin n silk tube, tbrougli wbiob, by niaans of pn aoiurastic arranga- raeni, a fresb mpply nf gas Is piualned when required. ElKtrlo lkiup< of Inlano* brlt • laney an tilled in tits r<'H ftw tbo pOVIoveuf IlgbllDgIbetxhlblllun grpsinds. Tbaanllre MbrlqBas b* erougbt duwii lulhc gruund In ten minutes by meant of sicsm vrinebea,

'I . *'.|' ' •--- ;---We recommend tha bt* «T AngosIkrS Hi|.

ters.to our frintda who kuUtr with dys- poplis. , « •

From tbe New Vdik World.A Isdy wiio apemla brr tunitners at ilicisn-

sJds bus oiiliceied about a buslirl, inure ur less, ol sinsll, nimust flat, tnin, yellow Shell*, which abound at so many pululs oil the coasi. W ith ihess she this Jo.'ir Isthluncd a puniere tlini Is novel and pretty beyond deicriptiun. Ksch ■ball ia pierced w Illi a bnt wire and Iben •triiog on n dcllcste wire, to that tbe narrow end o f on* Is next to the w I da end or ips other, A miniber o fs tr lu is were made in this w sy, tong enough to reach frum the Amir lo tlic curtain pOlr, where tticy werestcorely faitenrd 10 a airlp nf plaiitellnn oinib o f ibe •nmr shade s i ib i abtlls. Tbrnugli tbu trrl- wuric above tfaecuru in Is d r s | « i * lengtn of sssgpccn lud a silk, ratling hair rray to tba floor on tnc right side. A It 's ambitions wom.ni has mads a curious acarfby sewing Ihrae shells In s r ip . llcrou lusinn on either end o f a iFiigih t.r N ils greeu stik, pu lling bore niid th en • ntnng Iliem bits or gulden browo ai'ancet.A fringe l l made for each end byalringing shells Oh greeu i-mbruldcry allk Insl'Md i.r I wire.


TIi Ih Iwaiitiful H A N t i l 'K T IA 5 I1 ’ , slik slintle, trliiiiiiol with like cut, for.......................... ..................... ....... $ 3 . 5 0


lledrairs lu nollfy lbs pubbo tUal wchuva cns-iie 111 our l.lquor DopnTliitenl » flour : Mash Rye Wblskry iliai wo can rnarsntee i was twoniidabHlfyearsold on .May 1,1*0*. ll ! ban u rlcli, aivtei ffavoi* and Ir d hifgtilji, unci E (m partifuluriy rvttDmmnnd«it i4> ijivniMi I- Slid olln rs nesdliig s stlmnlniii, as u pore rye Whiskey.

Wer nlansett.all Wlaps slid i. qtiors nt rr- duorU prlees. Impnrica .Mwrirll ..rqndr r.')..

Tbocitestlal lung-besilng prlnclpla oftlic a plat;' liapoit i.i Vlunsnd Gin Ssr. u pii t. pin* iree baa nituily been aaecesalufiy aep.r " ....- ......... ................................

, «ongi> iBSdl-put

Druga, Patent VIedIclari, ftritslivs, Combs, M(»p*. VI So *1 red uacd jwtp**. Wo nrc sltowitig • large line o f lliosii I.iiiiipa w itli slik sliadce, Id kU c o lf i^

HuufiflnmeC'iiiffb»iili.q‘<^p|p|Mlili^ ........



Two Trolnmon Hort F .or Tr»iu|« Killed

•Bd SfVMBl OlliBr I'or^on*M«H]r < nr* ■ niB'lii d l<> A***™"-

d*HO, N-T., Nov. .. -Ot,.. o( ll-o wor.l r»IS ro.d wrrrk. ih»i m r b»pi.-mil in (h« «<-«j

[■'I’fltrHl Piic|rto<*ir«Ubb imiD

tmdlviiH'U " f l ' ' ' rtnirnl l’iic|rto««urT»d

cosir.4 iii''fl MIIBKMI'N. 1

.Vro I'Bf I « • K '"


i« l* rd »y ini viiiiit: iwiwi-iiJ(o W »v-UM.«na nnrt No. T clbonod. » ih ul nine nitlee m. » i I'l K»!vl«,o •io-» ' I * * '" " ttiMeniuilli-ieMtuI ll«''Oi ‘ •‘W Oenlti Oflbe rodooiug i<r.oa«:

Kred 1. .ifb, Itruknnjn'i ootrnlo; Cbnil*.<ltv.n», An miui on Ui»*»mvm in i r'Iir noHdenlldul.

Ttir following were Injured: Jeinei Wr . •n|ln.» of .No. 7. »■« •<'; broUnn oumkln Tery Oollyi Vom Moorhuad, bli ftn-iiiBii. tul atniul Inuile

Wim«ra hi. V. B,* Iramr, who »>«>•• »»fyoni I hlcego. nod hn. n wlfr living llioro. (ie i«eery I'-ViTe -loilp wound, end U • owed liti hr«lo 1* Injured ; n covury douhl- fuL TdelwoliBlniceineiofeiurrln “ nui on B nlinrii lurn iviille «idn* ul lull • Theeii*lno iinll‘u «> '"’■olU( e el, no Uml' '"'y ne*fly oboiir'd lio*'- ‘ li,„. Eoiirteennr nrm,, riflglno-r. w. e unMhfld U> aion... Uneb etn. oflTleiretn end cnughi talwennlb* bnll(W-br«U and innlt, llotli - f b'* J"* were eruelicd to e iniipnod < .‘ Iwny lliel ll » t » mil»"-ll>le lo f ' l l i H » ■ He I end inoliDom elt'-r Ih* coHUU'd. i* ■fti-lly «.hM lonv nil lb* l-»g ««d J’ *e.impinloo« U> kill him nnd end hu mllvr.iBi. Altei 111* ilrnih " « « • ' “ “ " f ' " ' T t to m l hi* hm* nhon m hi' body eilrlmt.- him Im hi 'he wiefk. Hi' killed were In u m jc»r clow to me froulend of irein N«. Ill, lr»*elll”*

Thrcnineof ihemvid* I wee • inUu^'y" *t»mllii| of order* vhei will mbe nn offl-iel Jdiieiilif"iioo rtx bUiM®ioDita. Til® bJXllo»t*f ■■ * ......... . " "

W1 ir.en*e l«>7 mtMU. i U« imiue-tHkni

Jhridno'l h* -i.I.Htantml ['■"I" mw/two rliv..'«A ' ' » ' i 'thBihi, U mimio il to bo Bu 1 would divide them lnw "iv

"with .11 Wiirkmu/: trluke und r'-H ™ :.

brouihi to Itmo l.x olllbi. I'be i»<iue.| w IIIlie HMd tii.duy. The bode of lynch won to Truckle. Engineer Ilird wllllic taken In tbe roinli»ny'* hoi.plUl el (iiiriinienlo ni .uonietheriuid le deer. Vii*. the Injured trenip, will l e hrmielil lo tbe Counijr lloiiih Ulnl lleiio If he Hem. The ci.iiilmuy *i ii ennei nn to ihe recfn’ ee toon ee |io .llileuini uecd every mmim el II* coloineiid to cure (or ilie deed end li Jured.

The Eii(l1"li apei'loi'uimiii,. Than vhoe< of i-nmiie. i

Kremlin' l/'iidiin Eiirilieer.1 1 no cmitraet the Khslinh w ill' 1'*® " ' J'

plun vi'irkmaii, wa find tliBt tlio Id'ti'. 1*Inrplrvd by iiii cepril ile oorim, ii vlriuo m wbichoiir iivtregp EiiKlbh mcobiiiilc l* oiilitoly wwitliiR. Tin ulni.iilHBlcountry in not In do a Job n“ noU u* il mil he d.'iie. hilt lo do it n I bet it I'viy Unav Ihoforrmaij, andlfili any "n.v t '" ' luonciinlMi deceived the nrlUan worcii omi. !l li contended, ol ciiiirw. Ibal Ihi fi»r» rr>ivn d«uetv«*<l<!oi]r)int ev,. - ......... - ,timl In* nHould bc«ble lo Uctci t ttiul nr’

Thin mtiy be granud, hut one mu*t nr*t ttinkc Miro of the foreman 1 mid eccondly, the wnrknicn hiivo freiinniiHy n Very cim- ilderable power over the forenimi. y . ‘ry niueb of this Ifidilfercnc. nniii.eati'd h.v oiir nicchanic* candouhtb 'bo nltfi lUlc totbniicilloii.-: o flb e union*, wlm do not anjinive of leiil, and we 1. ir alBO lo the higlu-i cduciUin. Our arlinaiiK are un- forlukiilcly inspired by ii belief tliut even t he diiihldcet black coat h more tioiiorablathan oviTail*. i , i

Hal our conlinental (rtendi point out to in ntiolhtr e«n*o o f our dcgcneralluii, | Tbeyeay; " You am Irylni: to undirae 1 the rut of Ihe world, you have too iniicb tonciirreiiec; you want lo ni.nkc your eiiBlnca loo iiulckty and loo clieuply. nml furthermore, you don't care ii snap of the ftiiKcr* for the look ot your engine if only , ahe ruiui well. In nil thia you inske a nilaUtke, You draign engliicnvery oimpln ■ ol'romlruelliin -oa«n nll .wiiii; elmiilicltv | of manufucluro to lake rank betore < HI deucy; you are iopreW ' d for lime that you pul on pdnl in»tead ol iioliab, ami rtnlah with elopplug what aUould have bftti done wilb a flit.

"y ou r mfifiRgera At tln'ir wU® end to turn out the work to their proprietors

cont^ini>tThU! Air of


There A ie In KnilamI a « la 'wof rrofe* ntunAl t'oHrt

Kroip pf'rtiTwtn'A V.'e<‘kiy.


Ih e l 'ie c l Ali.Uiilie lic.iime* Imperative unit Th«n It Kin*»

' ' m Tyunrifti AU'Wi’r*.The hare Aoknowl*•oin jv.oiK>T>-, J nbhlniheur* Tbe hare aeanowi*

n i S : r / l \ : r r & S : » ^ ^ ^ ^.C .nould make yon

dutleii cause them to bo brought In ionBlunt contact with crime,

Bional withf'in.

me one minulo uni pity me theIbw ixuplH neat. Hut you Briton* do nut under

1. “ ■ . 1 1 f ih . .recro l a },roles-I ilaod the real meaning of the word *b-know-anything unhe^amvv^^ Home of you probebly never

JOHN H. MEHTZ,685 Broad Street.

Tit lleiarl Blip! HiisisrjSlorimat lew iwople me aware aj,m lt m.Biw. W h V

. o f men who gain a liveliboud bygiving evidence in the wltiienB box. Yet not only do they cxlet but they d ■

I ... per "abulnUic" quietly, inyslerloualy a-rlve a Inlo a French inan'i ear aud await the re-

i T li« anwtvpr !«■ will give yyw w ill be britrlit amilfl 'fid u t'.#ltchlnjr o f iiragliHAtly lank of horror, Joain- pjty. 'HialwiU bo aecordliig to

w hoec duly tl t« l " aMlm Justice by FivinK : * y, “ |,e Iihh biBtcil alislnlhe ur not.evldci.ee " f ; I kuorwhal absinthe mcan.r " '


MadtieMiirddiHUil AhsinthciBallquidof pale. BlrItly, greeny bun- .i pol«onl A raairl-

liothm. Ten timea more terrible or any poioon


Large Assortment o f Ladies', Cents' and Children's

iluiTAOd .\AlurHl. KorelKQ DPd lHiO)fallCe

onlv IhoHO vpnK'd Jn the calitk* o f the cane can give. The clo«a cohsinU ul thuse wllnesseB [buHiiieMi It is tu dclcat Ihu ends J“ '' “ “ m,' ,.'|p.(;ta than brandy - -on behalf uf anybody who can alio j by fasar Hurgia, lu m a drinker o fpaytlK-m. immiobeealil iil».intiie, an hiihilnal drinker, a drunkard.

0 1 the llrat claaa there 1.1 ttlo to be « l i l . , j , , j,,As a lUlc thry are men of n„rrative, lor my brain is tutUirlng underintcgiily, whn have earnod- a wel. de ie„tniiv.i n.ilucnco o f the drink. It served rcput.atlon In their i.iHpwtHM r , ^ rise*and fal .ti- ioniior bnslneM** ^helr e 'libn t imo munlte my «pirlt isoncnciiiifllctlng, but, aaarulc, ItiBgiiau hciiven, Iho next It 1*In giioil faith. ..-luve aijniv* ' phingrd deep m denpair.

Medlcsl evidence i«, 1 and wring my band,at,ova suspicion, but \ '“ ‘ “ ‘ “ nd 1 n»‘‘ tluw ; for what am

In merely one ot daniuh. , «n“ j , i „n » one ..ffludis nobloet creations


— ----- .. .expert wltnesBC* have to bu called to gi'c I vblence im to valuation, then the Bbimil wlltiesB haa 111* chiincr. It Iho

Ion relate* to the vnUio of property hisliViiidiiiaiirliustic as that ofiheaue- ti.m.er, while irihc dUputo be over thu vuliu iif a hur« It would Bpliuar that no I wo dealer* In the kingdom hold the tsimaopinion. . „ I

Il him never liecn my Intto be engageii 1 know one dealer

forIn H horse case, but who Im* n regular scale 111* evidence. 'I wo^ir n^t rc^r^l'dm nf | nicdicine that can cure

a man hut lam ilcgradcd to the level o f an animal, and the cause o l my full ha» been ahsinlhc. Hut 1 must not brood over UieiiiisL. 1 am a niiiii still 1 Osgood a man ns any, thaniu loabulnthel This Is how absinthe makes you think; inakea you contradict yourself. You curao U and praise it alternately.

Absinthe In tasU isallghtly bitter; how 1 luve it-halo it! There Is no drink in the world tliut can be called It* equal; no

Bueb ills as this

OKU iiwN r.inmTATiON op

200 doz. GentB* Ladles* and Chil­dren’s Caahnioro Q Iotob, 26c., asc., 50c., 75c. pair.

Also 75 doz. Ladies’ Blaclc Cash- more Hose, 66c. pair, 2 pair 11.

100 flozon. Our Own R'anuftcuiro, Knit Hose and Socks.

Qents’ Blue Flannel Shirts, for flro- mon and machinists, $1, $1.25, E1.60, $2, $2.50. Best value, in the city.

Special value in Gents’ Scarfs, 26o and 47c. „ . -

A ll kinds of Worsted Hand-made Capes, Infants’ Jackets, All-wool Shawls, Shirts, Drawers, Leggins and Bootees.

perjury, hut the variety o f hill opinion* uii liuri-iflcuh I* ocrtaliily remarkable, 1

hon*<* at two

stni'iUeKi* t h e iumv>-*K.

H e Had J o lt ‘ »I>*u a Hare W henTo ll! tv Threw Kp 111* Ilam lB.

r x j i i i fS , Ni'V, a -Kx-Sh lilt Ibwodore H, OHm-. nr Clrmenum. Ih it c o u n t.,e n d hi* euu, WIlllBiii, curly ye.irrtlay iiion itiig uup- lu rcd ad a r ln i burglar Ju>t atier the bold crackiman bad bl'iwo I'leu theeafc tu the fl iu r m ill near tbeO lbb* bo in .e ie .d . .th e b u rlie r w «* capiur.d at tbe nu.x* e or n »b o t. io n . end arwir being ■ccorrly bound wn»coiii- ■ n lttrd !o the euuutj Jell ber* by-laBtlc*

Abel UottDm*.T m men gave tfai name nf Terrence Mc-

flreth, bal In m.eof bl* picket* v-a* found an envelopa Iddregiad to Belgmond lUne, Kortb Tenib Blreet, PblUdBipbia, He wa*e ieaed ln fly welhdrrBied lu a btowti *u ll,a iiil badoa paientleaihef »bo#a over wbich he w otcru bvra Mi yralh aleo had tw o band- aomc rln(A “ diamond Bliid, go.d watch and Bbapi and aboui sn 1a 0B«h lu big pocket*, be*,dee * coeUy loaded revnlver. E x-S i'erllt rilbb i look lb * man to Jail h lm eelfyaa ier- day. ^ ,

A nrnnber of atlempli here beau iDBde receiit'y to rah tbe (Jlbba mill, and ycel *' day morDlug, about t I 'coek, when Mra Olbb* heard at> egph ■ or, Bhearous' l lierBOu and fauebaud. Ihitli ai* men wllhoiU (Cir. iiau they haiteufd toward the mill. Will Otbln took bit gun eloni;, and when H im 'iVfHdK bonier I'lnerg* from llie balldlQg W* S u i * tain oovrred him wMh 1.1* gua n*d orderet bim lo ibrow up lit* hand*. Hoeing be aae iwrnirtd ibn roUber •mihngly cuiopHod, and while yiiu'ig Olllbi wgtehed him uli falher Wenlfor JoBiloe BoUoiub,

An Invetilgmloa In ibe mill ihowed lhal the gafe had been remplciely ibBitered wtin a d.rnemlle carirldi*, and ,be force of Ibe ekpioelun not only *ballercd every pan* o f glaea la tile baUalag. bnl al*o badly dnm- aged Ihe *irneiure. A oompielt *«i ot n.ie

t^nev.aegg eHo foaiid in the butld*.

?hlB I* lb* efoond burglar Will Qlbba baa capiured, tlw oiber bemr a man named Applegeie, who l» now lervtng a term lu Btalc Prlma. . ______

MbalVi^o'' d w a t o them h fg u ' «ya» ' know him to value the «inm Ihu w.‘ r2 L n * i nt2n0 g.ilne.m ahd A25.gour manggBr give* the keynote thu men will chai-t ip the same air," In thiiargn- ment wo are convinced that there .la much truth, and If better ani*h was In- B.»lud upun, heller Work throughout would heBocoinpllBhed,and the mechanic would lake mope pride Indi... traiiar

We have upoken of ihe litti© intc roil | taken by the EugllBh mechanic in the work In hand, and hav. mentioned wdmt we believe lo ba the rca*on*oflt. Thu foot that In certalrt ,Ktlgtlah ahoiia wljero the highett eicollrtice L* liiaieted on, Ihe

I mcehaulca and artlBane take a pleasure in doing their utiuoat, l» euftiolont prooftlial I Ibo converse 1* true; making bad machinery cormptn good niechanle*.From knowledge which we have gathered Id lima pa*l with the lurelgn mechanic, we can confidently aa*ert that he haa not three-quarters the worth o f a BriUebmechanic. , j, r

He la slow, Isay and much too fond ot talking and Buiuking. U i» only compel­ling him to do ftriPrate work that he is taught lo take nn lulereet in It; when hi* work la bad it 1* very bad Indeed. In a large loocinoltve works In Franco, though smoking It ilidclly prohibited, it is freely indulged In I eating and drinking are for- diddm in tha slinpa, but at ieual thirty- ive dgrjieuteotlliew'orkmoii b r lK a hol-

^ n >

The fcrrman, If ho know* what paavea, must wink at It, Tlioao mutter* in them- telveearo nut harmful, but they load lo waste o f time and gejieral siacknoBs, ]Again, wo may point to another injurious ; practice, common enough in France—the ' ruBlIeallon of a workman for half to two days In punishioent for bouio ofienqe, as, for example, nofkesplng lime,

Aa U is-gwjerally the younger jnen whorender themBclvcB llabio lo Ihi* punish­ment, and *• they know that wHU a little exertion at piecework they can m.vke up for Iho lost day*, there are not. a few who hud rather a pleiomrc than nn annoyance In lU But ot all laiilt* garruiousnC'S 1*W.TUWII awiTH W il.i. MOT KETBAOT. In lU But Ot all laiiiw garru.o.im.c'= -ine great arawoaca lu ...y ~

FATBEBA _________ . nerbap* the worst, ond one froni which ar.i conalantly obliged to change- . e-a.. * aa n_ ■ ■.!_ i_ s v . i a . n a y Han lAriiriF* I . . , lA-Ch -

llicri'mr uiiiTJn nw A,«/V ” ■Hill H in Rmoiig the crimli)©! olawHei. ItiAt

tho |>rofe»slon»l witnonH rfajin th(» rivht'Hl bAr\ I’Hl. o r ihe»e = I have huil oxiicrlencc, Ixjlh In Loudon ©ml m tho pruvimjt"*, UH<11 voulurv to wiythe VHURU oriiiimy a man belnjf at liberly. Yet 1 have never been reurimaiulcd, cither by a Judge or a inaglBlralc- Case* where the defence ia an alibi and coses of aBBuult form my chief stock in trade.

The defence o f an alibi Is ftlwaya viewed with Bujpiclon, and IherSfore requires the exerclMi of considerahla ingciuiliy, H must be rciiiombered that the Uist object of thu profeaalonal witness 1* not tu com­mit perjury, or rolher not to say anything which the Jury would consider jairjury. , For thlo reason il la best to appear a* an Indepondcul witness and not as a friend of the prisoner.

Bo I f you swear that you saw a man at a oertoin place at the lima when the offence WHS committed, and It is proved that ho was not at that place, it i* suflioiuot to prove that you were at that place your- BOifandso might have mistaken aome- bndy else for the prboner.

But too danger of attempting to prove on alibi without Buccev* is so great in a ciuie of importance that it i* rarely re- Borted lo. In cases o f common assault and pubfic-hoUK brawls, whore tbe offender Is not taken red-handed, the pro- fesBlunal witness can generally throw so uiilcli doubt on the mutUr that an acquit­tal in the renulU Btiil in these cases it is best not to depend on an alibi for the de- Icm’e,

The independent witnow whohappeoea to bo present nt the time, and who sUtes that tha prisoner was the aggrieved party luRtcad ot beiuif the ©ggrowtir, la the most usolol man km the defence. The polio* swiitl in awe of him. Uow often doewa gentleman voluntarily come forword to say that llie police used nouecossary violence T Ho ia not a volunteer ; he 1« a profcmioiial withcaa, wliose fee ranges from 11 £5 note lo a quort of beer.

The great druwbac'a to my profession is

Th* KatfmenUi 'tad* (ruin th* PalpU. B* Hay*. IT*re Furreil troia Rim

pATrasuti, M av.t-B «». Ilf. Bmiib, p«»tnr of Hi , JuBspb'BH. Kbarob. unnauD0«d Ui tb*cooire*aUoB)frBt*rday that B*v. Fathar Worphjr, lb Booerdanc* with th* demand of Bishop Wigger. sellag under butberliy from Booslgniir Bmolli. bad removed from the little Bollage. Dr. Smith said be hoped that liertaher | »e « would relao In th* perish.

Fether Marpby bss laken alvate epart- meiiu en.Ejel Elghkeeth atiRil. He say* bh"-wifi‘ re Htitw iv *ittfcuy umil T>r. fvir».QU th« lUiciuentf iie made ©laluit uim 4iiid bli ulwjfs From tUa putpit Dr. ©Imrrad FadjHf Murphy wlti» druiiktjnueH® ftud rtmllUrity wlib womun. Dr. fe§mitb«Ald ytmlertltiy lb«l bu b»d iD«d» no *t i U mtut tbal called for r«irEQilon, ©ud Ihui wimi liediu •ay from the puiplt fbrtiftd front him by tiH ©Ultudd of Murphy. he didnot » y more* b* dreJare®* aim ply (mdm of » lo »l»ow M much chanty n* pMilble. Kiibw Murphy U wry JR ' iuK from pueumoul*. iHmelt ptiiKd $I.I0U.

WB are thank tbl to say the Kngllsh work­man is comparalively free.


BUif.r- The concert for his


rb y ilc la n * Sey H I. Ulaeaee I . In e iirah ie , end Th at HIb U lnd Is F a llin g .

*■ L ohdoh , Nov. t —The Frencb dneiors sen I loe ianu n i* Oornello. (le r i, whose o x lr .d l- lloo Ibo Eroneb Ooverom ent l» Iry in g to oblain becau.e o f lilt eoniiecllon w llh lb * I ’aiiBina Bcaudul, ou Haturday toad* aiustluw BXBinlnalloB o f >1. Her* al Boarnemoulb. When ilio exiradltuin prooesdlng* aero brought -M. Hera’ . Engllah puytlcliin * ilc- ptsed that h i. life would he endougerod If ho was retiiiivsd irom the hotel ny Hourni- uioulb at wbioh lie Ittu ip p lu g w ith hi* w if ■

The French i.lllolal* did not oredll iho.o i«- v o r l . and Kronch dociors were eetit Hi liivo*. tlgiilo M. Hi-ri’s illuoB*. Thoir ffret rriHi t conllrrood the .UW ini'ut* o f the Enailali phydolobi. They aro now pri'psrliiii port for M. llupuy. F m ic li I ’ rlrao .Mliiltlor noU MlniMtor o f Hie In ierlor. In which tlioy w ill »ay that the heart aud k idneys o f .M. IJett ore liicumhly dieeneed and tea l hU mlud 1. fallUiy.

Xwd L ittle Hey* -peod * h ig li l o f SufTorlug llofuro They A re Ir l.o o v ir ed .

Ma y 's I.a f u is u . S*>v. 6,—T * .» im a ll boy* o f Ibis town, Harry rs y lo ra iid W llllaui Hip- ley, were lost In the denie wood* north ol ll.lt place SBturday af.ernoori, and they .pent a terrible night o f rn «h i nad su fbE n i bclhniniey Fere HI-o .t red, 't'h* wa* ..no o f Ihe cevere-i o * i«n l.-nc-d Ii*tb ! ii A Ions time. The rftln toll In torroela nil n ight end il WAi h liietly ooid.

T h e lw o l*d «B l«n o d out « s i i ir d * y murn-Ing for u walk lu Ihe w:>od. with tn.irdog...When they turned tnelr sU-p* homuwttrd they found I hey a ore hiel lu uno o f Ih- deo«o-.l fore-ti an I *wn.ni» In Ih l. Beollne. When Ihe .Uirid (Wine al ulahl me boy* lay down, aher gaincrlng « l l Iho llnih* and biiufbt iH)*.tbl», bu tlh le .gs jo Ihem IIM^ ilMiwr. 1.1 ifo' , . , ,

They were fournl in nn i-ihanste.1 and *n f fnrlng conditinn ye .lorday moruhig nnd were br..ugbt 111 Iholr homes, whore they are uow rvcoToring.



A Member of lh» t'lilun < onnly Bar and a rroinluRiil Drmocriit*

llATrwAY, Nov. Ke Llurt»tty,l ’o*imasier cliy during PrenldcnlClMYDlrtiid** flrit term, a popular inciubvr uf ih« Union Cuanly Unr, and h prominent Jwinocralof lliis Hmle, died auddeniy about S2o'fU^« ihU nvurnlng of bOHrt- dlrteaw*.

Mr. Liudeay wi*H nbuut lirty >-**nr« of ag#. lie Il prominent xMuiLn, beiviiving to Akifiiyette riiiiplor Na 57, n>iil n niorntitT of Kim k 0omi1.v Lndge, 1. O. O. r.. and Tarlnuii Dllii'r orcuniiH'loiiA* Do ui>ii> h«sM 1 I10 ntHoc fifCIty AfKuuey Ii fpw yeuFK U'Ull Ibn CuTitrnl ul ih6 cUy inio ibe Lamliiurlicpubik'RiiK.


lufilani Khtleavifrliiir lu in ire th* WhUfc* from Town uf llurrlioPe

HlHiKANE. W’a^b„ Nuv. 0.—Cajitum Je!i c lUiiufurd anlvcd t<i-o*y to inircUuRt' 2iKJ rlllMHofl unirtiunHl'“ f***" uf Us»i-rlumi. IdRho. the now ti.wn JuRl In iln.- borderuf 1 u►, tl’AletiP Imli.ui llv-Ai'rvjiUuo . Ciilof \Voll$tiew yG®U‘ra«y iioUfl’ d u'l i Id svblio ifUltTH t'» leavfl Ibe ii'M;rVRUou wlRilii tlin‘0 d^ya pny ruFh.illuwUa^Wi noiir uodkftm’ttiujd iimuy lialf’ brccdH In Uil' ( ' ‘‘kl, nil well ivnnort. J’’armori along Uie Si, Ju.- Vnl- vry hovi* U-oii oiilleJ In ivuU Uu- •cUU*rn ul 1

lu give up Iho tow n,The HHi-rium inw ri sRo l* on ImUim Inm!.

Liiel w4't*lK a big Cf’iiiH’ll s\uh liokl lo purcliftsw II. rliirf Miilti'ne oir-redln iJuunlo lUe low*uhRo 0 'Ua white »*eUlN-r(*. 1mi WcnMjii w-andliu'lhiiloim*w tlMUiiTnIrd tltW.OiJli. 'liiu oll'rr wuE reitiwd m \<\ Uio council UlhiiandcfJ. Two duya lau-r WmIMiow ii*u!iin ulUmutum d»* msmllug rw .frWlor th* pnvlh'kB of hlnyliiyllirouifh ibk- s lutfiP. Ho rlalm<1be0ovcp>lUL'iit vroop' can itol InleifufF, ai hi* Iihh iht* riuhi to eject tr«'‘pui«'r** «n-l tiio acitlcr me piepwriui; inUuktid liM'iuKt Ivi-s.

mv place of hUAinqs^ should Ire-

convenient. A t the oulsldo 1 cannot ap­pear before the Biino metropolitan maglae Irate more than s ii times in a year,

I have a permanent addresa which is tffowu to Boreral people, but raoet o f my time is spent in wandering from police court lo polioe court, botli in town aud country. I loaf about the neighboring public hoite*, »"d I*n«Oilly bear o f serne buBinese in which my service* would beai-ceptshle.

I have to exercise great discretion ns to whom I lender those services, but I do not often meet with a rebuff. A prisoner is not goncraUy scrupulou, o* to tbo^rutli o f his defence, though soinotimes he will try to ovoid paying for it. I inoko it a rule to got at least a largo share of my fee in advonqf.

HiTfng^'bfcnce'aBttfchdraetcr affurds u rich harvest both at Quarter Sessions and al AbbIzcb. The jirlce lor thin evidence is high, aa It can only be given about once in cighU'cn month*, cither at the same court or .before tho same Judge. Some brlf Hess burriBler i* snre lo reeognixo us and.to Icll the proBecuting counBcl.

Of toiiftie Iha ciinracter 1 aasunio in giv­ing this ovklonce vuries with the poslilon of the prlsonor. Tho cluirucicr o f the parson of the parish whero tho prisoner has Uved ntBomedurinor jicriod of bis life i* the one which I Imvu fouml moat suc- I'csslut, I have often been complluiciited hv her Mujcsiy’ * Judges on my kindness of heart, cimipliments wbicti 1 acknow­ledge with that respect due lo the dignity ot the law.


P4«it rpun nnd Bonlen l>y Jil^hwnym^n*i'UiUJmy‘j"j'iRA. - uv. ii.-—Juliu J* Nman,

ttiir v-Htfbl y^ur* tif a«:r, nt I’ rlncf*loll, was GumIUed tolhc JV-sbylerlao Hoi* pUallttRl tifeiRjiu from n de»p ciRiiTtf Ibf wy’, wl.IcU iniiy cims,* lillM lo lo»r tkiia Kight of R. Tiiit liiJuipO miiti I hHtlio R vntGijFd in ihi* UoKirH’f® HiIVItjci'loti, Hiitl limt IhIc < H hiiUir'lKv o

VH'iklni; Hli>oir ji durk .iHiIi umi-iy ro»il liomt*. liv WHS Krt upon by Mt-vt-rul

inmii wlin i.n’c lii rmRuRh. 'HH'/kiHH'luil Jilm down Hii'l lOal lilnv Hboiil Uie hend. K .iii ^Rerwartl bu ujiti loueid iyiUR }o tbu yond AHd WH» vtihoVi.'i.I tools pmiip. Afit'r

bU HvHi-itU loitipDrarUy uUuiidu to ty u iuCRl i>liy-4oiHiv ht'cuirH' lu this cuy,

SALTlr^KK, t'lftlJ, N'»V. ti. — lUiry IIhiij-imiiiil. iWHlvi* yi UThof u;:e, wu.s uoiivloieii <if iimnlcr in ti n ilu u-c Jh Ui»-J’ lhUU-iOmrlfoi- ihy miiriK’f •>! Ih'l'iiinuH.wvfn yi’iirMold. RUirdfr WHhruimultiftjjMHutii Ih**'. Jr tip- inoR 1.•m. rklibltM■u'• ' Ml Uinli ni'itHiMl hlRi'iiy. timi ila.vHiRry IlHUummd nJitl «lw}j;c (i^yloi, uiuilUi*rhniull ho>. li’U Rui luim-r*» lioiii' to KO$liiHi|lHti* laUlii;! 'Vflb l <ivi iv bn«cb- KiiMiLnc t > » ‘ lo:un)h).{ tbr(tvfnniN, youHi Htnuio'oxt * Ith Roh lo hamiwi hi lt» tb<* Uobltis n lihm ■. uo i uhllii^ 110*Hind * l'1|h R-Jic*'. iiiKfyvt'r d UahisGh Child on lh*‘ Mruh r.f o ir. pHBhori fJItiuHc** fMirn 111*? urouiul. lih-.-miuHint hu ckirJifd onl u jIiT' *it notilp p' fvUjuwiy by llrlDB, umlyoniiifVlydf Lobnisoh lull rrtmi Viiu l.eu UlmuI,

A Knn*** Tftwii Parlly lleslroyed by Fire.WimjlTA, K.iii., Nov. (-■ Almoil llie enilrt

bust CAapiirteinu* liovij or I .sill uni, in llul- )*r Oiuuiy, Wat dutroycd Uy (lee ypi.litrUiiT. Tlio flume*, which were evl lentiy ot iiicen- dlary nitglu. * sriigl tu Iho li iy loll nl Jadk. son's livery . I .hip KoU *pnad to llie adjulr)- Ing buLldlux., whtpli were line afiPr another reduced to aKhe*. unll! Main *lrepl wsh eleared. Tha lo*« 1* (K.UIXI, with litlle ina.ir- an*e. N'-ifly hII the i.oreoB lu Jucksuu’s ilv. try staula were rUiisled alive.

.liihn llouglll the 1’ ..1*011, i:vu Tnnk II.HUKl.iivvit.l.n i'll.. Nov. C. Mil* Evp

u„liih..c., iiaed *PVPhlPell,_Wils (h ad lo h.ve p .Ih .biUii Wsichtr, III li.cUhioiiJolln, lli- low I,pen liercplnrcldpl TUor*. n.v, luid II i* laM they iiuomiMi-il .veaipwlay. .loh., gol drmili ..vent W hile 111 thU eomlillou lie lu-ni u. odruBBlnreoio! U .lUihl I nBtily n oH' worth oturlPlilc. 1-U*I .veiilliglha alrl «* * fmllol III Iirenl aitnhT- All elloil, of |ihy«Lciuin lo *avo her illo wore frulUev*. The piory inlU hy her 1. iha' John hoUBbi the | ol»oii l.j kill tilmaalf, out U+e«ioo too drunk, iiii.l w bile he wii* lylne nihep hhe look Ihe unison from him liplIeviiiK li.ai he hud lahen hi* panlnu. mid UJoU Ihe whole nf 11 her«plf. Tills *t..py la mil believed Uy lUc r.-rnner. Welcher lle.l heinie the girl died, uud oinctr* are lu hoi (.unmli of him. ___

To r«b1n-«le nl An*vclilBl*' Hpave*.LHiOAbO, Nov, II ArrnngemP U were

Blade i.twBwreimevilap In Oriel’* Hall, M Weal l/sUeiireel, for a iiieoiof ml donioos’ra- tlou Ilex. Hoiiilay over ihe grave, or Anarch- ItIA Hplsi, I’uisnen, Enuel and i'lKhar *1 'Waldlielai Crmplery. Tbe mestlnt wu ai- IBoddd by Ibirly-lour delegate*, said to he rrpreaeiiUilve. of varlou. IrnilB. uiilniH ol tlilaolly. Fully 5,n» piwijile lire .iiiei ti.d b* ■tleiid. Till. ime*ilO:i of having .peechiB W.ui uot dee del!, 'f’hl, matter 1. fa tht tMudB of the oomiiillt.'e.

Covernnr Hole. Serloualy III.JIBS Hnism, is., -N’ov. I'iir HlhOB* of

Unvirnur Bnl.-, which devidni,*.! Saturday Iilglil Inlo lyphold innbirhi, U seruuif, nt* cording to tho alirndllur physlclam, i f it g.iua ihio iiuillithBnt irphtild (evor, iis II lhr..al«a* lo, ibe resull may be fninl. 'Jhe (Juvernor It nol In coodlltoii to joix through A aerere i i l i i e r * . __________

The Warfiiro Agwlnst tlie I’.lfltan*, MAiuiiJi, Nov. n,- -TpB Faiih iif Spam hs*

auUMO Ilml g'kl.ow Ul 111* rnud Inr carrying o'l the npprntlouB againaUhe Itilli lU*. Advice* fioni Mshlla show. Ihnl ibP KinilahS in Hh- Vicintiy of thal plan ire quiet 01 prertinl. F.irf Diiihello* wiiM provlBluhOi yi'NIordsy without an sxohnngeoffilibUi;

lt*.ly Prnpnau a M «*«l D«mu*.lrAtloii. I^ l is , Nov.II,—'Ibe lukflaa IJovernniBal

tOM irru|i«**d that naval squadrons o f Usf- .AiwiriataflAuil^ i^ d a oomblusd

HtiiifrUtonxi lu iSodtlnpid* lyiwioF, Nov. A -A •iiow storm Is pr»-

valiiHB lo-daF In iho mtlflfe eouDllsr of

fiss.w . ..


Il H ni Only Ihe I nrmpr’* Cniilliew that rieveiiled a I'nlnllly.

A few dajx ago, near Centrevillc.lTid,, William Martin, au elderly liiilstiilsturdy farmer, with his len-ycar-oW son, was go­ing along a lane on liia farm leading hy a ring and rope a blond bull which liad al­ways been perfectly doclk. Near the end o f llie lane Ja ii hay harn.^and aa this llttie procewiou was paaamg it llie bull, with a hoarse bellow, rushed at the old farmer, and catching him on his horns, plmoiied liim against tlie barn.

The boy, who was bobiml the bull, was frightened almoal out of liis wits, but the old man kept cool. The angry animal, wiien it Uirnod and caught the farmer, had. Instead ot goring bim, pressed one of its horna ou either side of his legs. Just below tbu hips, and with deep reverber- uiing bellowing, flanhing eyes, waving fail and curved spine, stood presalisg Ills tihurp’ horns deeper uud dciqicr into the beards ot the old man’s back, wliile- the cartli hcne'alh liie feel was torn up and tlirowii far to the rear by its iuriousdrorts lo cnwli Hu- oliject of Its great fury. Thus matters stood for a qunrter of a iniiiute.

The farmor, iiUhougii lie did uot expect lo escape with his life, reiiiaiuod a.* cool aaifho were simply milking a oow. Ho l.dd Ins son, who was standing as if para- ivxcd Blaring at the maddened bull, to run Imme mid gel tlie gun. Tlio house was a quarter o f a mite away, and llio boy run some diatnneo whin tiie farmor re- meinhered that there Was a sloiii, long- tilled pitchfork in liio barn, agulirstivldi h the bull was squeezing him tighter iiud lif'lder. lie called the boy back ami told him tii got the pitchfork. He got tlio fo'k aud came back. Tho lariiier d.reeled him to tho left side of tlie liellowlng, paw- Ing bull, pointed out to him about whero Ihe animal’s heart lay beiientii the tliiek hide, and told him lo place the tinea against tho bull’s side »t tli»t ’ Pot.

These orders were ail given with the greatc*t coolnoss and dellhoratlon by thn farmer, vvlio was by tliis time covered ■with tbe fcam that flow from the mouth of the enraged bull. Wlien the boy placed the sharp tines o f the fork against the bull’s side the father said ;

Now push with all your might and

'"rh e boy threw all o f his weight and forco against the haiidlo o f the fork, sink- lug the tines their entire length into ihe buii'B side. The animal dropped to bis knees as if he hmi been shot, and with one trsmendou* bnllow roHod over on his aide dead. The tiivds had passed olear liirough Ills heart. Th * old farmer fell to the cronud, too, for he was badly bruised and almost exhausted. He soon recovered aud hobbled home. HUi coolneee had saved him. I f ^ b ad aU rw l^ to me tretl *“*YS

ciirr’1.U has enemies, of course. The world is

lull o f cynics and pessimists, who growl nnd sneer and wat will' everytiilng. T*i®y will tell you that absinthe is poison, dead- Ivpolsuii; that It is a magnet, a wlll-o - tln-wisplhal draws you on and on uni t il draws you to dretruolion. They will liken it to your-fabulous mermaid, who,|.harming yoiir sailor with her wllei, leads him to his death.

And they will lie right. It is a poison—A pleoMUt poinon, a fearful polaon* It die-s ail they assert. First i l befrtendi, then mocks you and lastly kills you—it win kill me liy and by--ond draft you to the river’s edge, and in you drop.

We have been friends, absinllie and I ( miw- we are enemies I But it has con­quered my will. 1 Hpve no wilL Absinthe sloie it-took it in exchange for tbe pleasure It gave me when we flrel becAme irlendsl H ia a wretched, horrible liquid! It is a traitor I

I said absinllie is a medicine. This la w-hat it cures- no, not enree, but for a while prevents; Sorrow, despondency, unhappiness and misery I What doctor’s Bluff can euro those? A physician will give vo’u a Uaiic lo brace up the nerves, but he cannot drag you from tho depths of despair. Absinthe can.

Absinthe is the best friend to a friend­less man - and his bitterest,cruelest enemy. Doubly paradoxical? Well, when all your friciidi have lost sight o f you, when you have lost cvurylhliig but manhood, wiien morbid thuughta crowd upon yoor mind and emiiitler your soul, when your heart seem* aa if it would break wllh grief, ab- sintlic is your friend I

You drink il—forgetting its evil propen­sities—and you forget you ever had friends. Pleasant thoughts will scatter your morbid ideas; your Soul will be elherealized, and

What is Iho meaning o f that Strange word T’ ’ yon will laugnlngly ask.

Why did 1 become an absintheur? Wiien did 1 first taste it? Never mind why, that ia my busineas. I took my first glaM in a Parisian cafe-how often have I regretted that hour with useless regret —and now I drink it in a dirty little res­taurant near Leicester square, lamdonl Why do 1 drink H? Because I am powor- l e » to help m y «lf , but I can tell others, o f Ha howorsl’i l live only ftor *brtntt«fxa presenlly I shall die for it 1

1 like to thhik o f that first night!(Jrecn I Green as grass or emeralds, and dancing in tlie gaslight like a heap o f seething gems I Y’ ou mix water with ab- ainthe not aa you do with whiskey; you let it drip slowly, gently into the glass, and thus it thoroughly mixes as the liquid p<los.

First I sipprd It curionsly, half afraid, then I ijrank deeper. I took more than one glai* that niglit, nnd when I started for liome 1 felt lhatl niuslshout and sing, must run, must fly or jump! Jump! I could have sprung over tho moon, shining BO quietly, peocefully in the sky, for my legs were so light and buoyant—not loose and weak, as though I was intoxicatedwith wine, , . ,

Whe.t sights r saw t!i«t night as I laid in ray bed! Dreams, you cail them I Bright palaces, beniitifu! ipigols and sweet voices I Bitter wailing and dead men 1

Hat I felt no feat at all these sights— only an indescribable joy and great coq- tenipt. I knew that they*wcre but dreams —productions o f absinthe—and harmless.

Harmless, did I say? Tnat is tho mis- lako. See their effect -the clfeot o f ab­sinthe drinking In me i But I forgot; be-, yond looking ftrange and bloated 1 am llie sBiiio as other m en-it ia iny brain! Yon cannot see that! O'l, I f you could, liiiw you would pity me! But I want none o f your pity! Oallmia? No! Re- siiiiedl ‘ l nm awaiting my. end! ’The price timt nlislnlhe demands hiis not been paid yet! The worst Is to i-ume 1

It is not death; that is enry. It is that widch drives you to your death! It must conie,iKOOlieror later, and I am indiffer­ent I Betore long 1 sli.d! develop tho latest phase of the disease, llthcrs have told me so, Bomething hideous will ul- ivnys be on luy tracli, always in ray sight, sli-eplug nnd waking—that Is, when sb- sliithe turns tr iltor. It mocks you toward last, shows you bow heiples* you are. Could you but mo niy brain, but know my UiougiitB-weli,* you would pity me, you could do no mote!

But it is this horriblo plianlnsm I dread I I know not what shape it will take, but it will be something hideous! This fearfbl iiriiin picture always precedes the grande finale. ■ _______

Are printed in tlie N EW A R K EV EN IN G N EW S than any other paper in New Jer­sey. Every N EW S want ad. is genuine and is paid for by the advertiser. None of the.se is padded, fictitious, inserted free of change or copied from other papers the day following its first publication. As these advertisement j]i every case represent a genuine \Vant, their value is greatly increased both to the advertiser and the reader.



2D6-208 MIRKET ST.

William Mungle,__ lUSCtlVEH OF— ■

McRwan's Finnon Haddies,Cairn'* Jams and Jellies, Ginger Cordial, Raspberry Cordial, Scott s Oat Cakei, Gray’s Abernethy Biscuit*, Kippered Herrings, Finnon Had- dies, Lime Juice, Mountain Dew, Edinburgh Oatmeal, Glisgow PeaJ Meal, Beef and Pork Ham.

f i m n s B rH A iL m o u p T L r o iL i m E C .

Wtt MUN6LE,T5 B o lle v llto A v e .

xeitKT roa.aTIrt*?;® fitirti a. a. ebiPAFV.

EV E B Y person Is not oompsMU't % 0 ey®*i


OUR *f*s may nse4 Im-

Y a,*rtIste attention.IliXoB’t MdvAslay* art DAKUERoUa

IV E S tbougb you aretearing Glass**theymay Dill b* properly

I adjusted.

-.ai ' tU m -VUJWt ■

KE n*. W* irl- ’ eouBcatiy *x- S smlne the eyes r tof oil detscia.

J. Kendall Smitli,663 BROAD ST.OPTICIAN.

The Mutual Benefitl i f e in s u r a n c e c o m p a n y ,

NEWARK, N..I.Anvt iMinDa # ■ • ■A-ne.A IMurke- ia(®„|5l.Ste,U03 5ULlHbJllilM. N.YaUnd M«m . tjUmi-^ ^ ^

Siirplui?.by i*MjiMTN.Y,rtiand»rd .swfa,lAm. \ixUVtl^T c> u\, ReM*fV }...

PutlHc^ AbM>lMtrly Afipr%fnr.

In cask ok i*ak.*»k uh# ijoiicy i* coNnifuBoIM KOKCKrth JfiMtf ttn R* value]l prfuirpeil, “ I'uld-np Ptiijtjy for lUfuU vutiiu

.h*Pollo..-.are Hjrex.

tntvflofcccfii>atif>narere»iovr^ *L askLoank HF*‘ Pimdw 10 extent or M

porcuni, Rn? rpwerve VHlijir, ^ber* vnlHt aR8l«Hn>enUof Mifl polJclew etto be mnd« ai“t ': » ;5 'p “ Td bomedlatriy upon complottuu nnd epprovni nf proom.



Til* AlisoTit Siiprrstilloii Ilml Nlllt Linger* 'III th* GUI Kouiilry.

From Hnrpcr'* .Miiansln*.Tlio extent to which witchcraft abounds

to-iliiy lu England is coimldurably unoei^ oHllmatod. Sorvaul girls liuy dragon’s litood niid throw it on the fire in order thal they may sco in its smoko the faces of their future liuabanda One man, who liuogllt largq qiiunlltios ol' It, uimfosscd tliiil he burnt it to make liis cures more potent aud oure. He got n decent living hy cumlng professionally tlie enemies o f other people. Within a few hundred yarda o f whero 1 am writing this there lives o young woman who plies a thriving tr;ido a* a prophetic witch ; nml, ns a neighbor expresses it, " there arc on some I duv.s llireo or four ‘ car^ane ’ ladies come lo consult her.’ ’

1 liave been in scores of houses upon tho doors of which there arc horae-shocs nailed for luck. My liiiidlady almost alineks murrtor if by ctiiincc I place a shoe upon the table. On the lust night o f the old year hor hnsb;ind goes out at

and then cotne.s home to let In the now year. Nobody but tlio husband must let it in. Th jy were angry when I called tills a eaperstition. One swallow doesn’t make a summer in Some folks' eyes. Once my landlady lot some friend in first, and all that year nothing save bad luck and sickneaa came to thal house. I f our maid Hi e., two knives on my plate or two spoons in my smicer, she clears everything away save thoae and the cloth ; tlien she stands garliig at me fixedly, like a stuffed pig, and I have positively lo remove one knli'e or spoon before she will touch I he platter,

In tbe cottages, wlien winter fires are

8 « the new lamp—

The "Miller,”(Tfttented 1808).

It hu 1)0 er Ttal. It Is

The LaitipyouWanlEvery tamp Warranted.V.'e moke a full line otPIrIii anil Baaullfyl LamiMFfTicl fcYT clwnlsr, or call at 10 and 12 ColleRO Place!, N* Y. (Udiir If Ro*d RUUmii-m Aw, Park PUcHiMJiAru-rUMTlij Bt.

EDWARD MILUpR & CO. (Est'd 1SM>Insist on hsvlng tho •‘MM*:” from yocr dealer.

---- -

JIMES t. COE A CO.,l o e and l e s M sltw rry NL,

Nkwahk, N. j .



Bars, Dt'aiiia, Aiiiflos, Sheeth, KdoHnif riatc .


HARRISON & HOAG.You will find atnj J *loro a foil line of THE

B est Paper

in ino eovvajan, n.icu uiv,.burning, both old and young aetze hold o f ; the cinder* tiiat fly out from tbe grato, and decide as to whether they represent oolilns or monoy-boxca. Winding sheet* on tlie tallow candles bring dismay and dread into many faces. Toa stalks that swim In tho cup reprusent strangers, and are tested wHh a view to discover whether they Will be men or women, loll or short. Death-wotohos, magpies and gray horses aqu symbolic, and ferebadfl Kdod or evil,

to c lrw r ‘ "

Mr- AT LOWESTca ll and sse raj’ sloek «ti(l gei prioeia P H IC ftO s

20 CUHTQN ST., Newark, N. J.

Is a great medium for the publication of sucb advertisements. It is altogether the best and, circulation considered, the cheapest advertisingmedium in New Jersey.

These, advertisements may be left at the office of the NEW S, or at any one of its branch offices scattered throughout the city, and in the townp and villages adjacent thereto.^

I f you wish h e lp , a situation; if .you wishboarders or boarding; if you desire to rent rooms or have rooms to rent; to b u yer sell real estate; to buy or sell horses, carriages, machinery, store and office fixtures, household furniture, then insert your Want in the col­umns of the NEW S, which is the great direc­tory for those desiring to supply such Wants,

This class of advertising is received at the main office until i o’clock every day. Those advertisements received before 12 M. 'will be properly c la s s i f ie d daily; -those received be­tween 12 M. and I P. M. will run the risk of not being classified according to the varying possibilities of the day.

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The Daily Circulatipn of The NEWS is

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.j^UTv Bare. laiTATi iwiAhifl, labiw.n CSjM finuln tor ClilcMMer* JNetU*

Mc4%iZI«mYWM«.MaM1HiaWriUon. ^ B >9ywm*.m»M mia Ww rllikon. _ jBBBiliBW

hr NUm tor jffrfttewWW. • ‘ft



Ilfl tb* Pa»l«rAt« of iho FirstFroibylorlott C h^roN of BlonnOlild.

Na Haasaas «o Far Madf> Publlth Iq (be old F in i Prt«byt«rtaci Cliurebof

nioumflrld yeiUrda^ ai tha dost of tbv morulQK aoTTlee tba paitor, IUt . Htory W. lUnroUna. amiouDCaU ihst bli rtilsnatlon Wn» IB tbo baiida Of tba Hrialua of Ibe ehurab and ibat bo had bocti aiMtdtoaa^ nauuoa from tba polpitthat a iu»«Un| of iha eongrogaiioo would ba taaid on Toaadoy, Norambsr If* to tkka aclloo in Iba malt«ri

Tba cBua* Mr. Balientlne^a reiIgnatLoB la not aa yat drfibUaly Ieqowd. Ha refund yaa- Urday to BivaIbrormatlou about II until tba ptwibjifry of Nawark bad Ukad up tba mailer* wbtch wjH be at a iperial maatloK to ^ held on Wodneiday atiarnooD, JNovamOar 15i, in Bloom flel4t.

Twi» of lbs luembora of iba eburoh In* forokadaNawa ruporier yaairrJay tti«t Mr. lUlletitt ne bad bcon ooneidarhtv tbaaiap fur luauy MTfceki, Tliey aaid luai tfia eburck had* not grown a» rapidly aa expend, and re.ir*' Jn« that ba wnn la iba.way, Mr, balianiluii decided to resign. U la aUo nald tbit the reftigoatioD Will ami In owlug tu ditaullv- Uailou aiuorg cartalii roembera ol Iba eburcb over a «ermunreoently preached, li conlalned itu arralFunaent of tnambera for lu itlTereiice to tba aburob work. Mr, Ual- lentinc^a orjeellon to bating tba eburub ttiAd tur aDytblaf but raU<loua aartlcta la alao titan by soma aa anoiber raaion for dla- aallaliirllon,

Tbo rteiiloa of tba ahurcb, eillad by tba ' paalor, mat ou ttelurday nlgbl. Mr. balJvu-

tua Informed tba of bla IbteuUotiaud briefly announoed to Ibam tila rauaou for tkkluf tbaaiep.

Mr. iiallentine became paKor of tba GIodiq> fleld iVeabylerlao CburO'i |p June, 187f, auo> eaadliig Uet, Charles K. Kaok, now a profea* BUT ai tbs Uermai) Tiieolotteal bamlaBry of Nawark. Ha bsfsa tbU work In Ublo,

iHoomflflld, Montclair and Nsarby, Rlcbsrd NVaraaseb and MIm Llasle Zalm.

botb of Bioomflaid* will ba married to>Ditbl ai lbs botnaof itaa brlda*i pare ala on Will* lam street.

GeorRC Keatar* of Verona, haa reealtad nottlleailon from Europatbat he has fallau hsir Wa foriutie by thadaatb of an u .ole.

The ladles of tbs Coagrsgallonsl Cburoh at Dpper Uoutolatr wlU bold a social uvinor* row bight,

A ineeti&g Id iba loiarait of teraperauca will open lu Montclair on Wedueedsy and last tto days, Tba first maatlag will be bald la tba MeibodUt ebureb, at which Kav. Thomas L. Poulson will speak.

Kav. Etbslbert Talbot, Bishop of Wjomlug aod Idaho, praaebt'd to a largacongrefatlon In HI. Luke's Episcopal Ghureb* Momolalr, ya»terday. •

Tba Daw baadquartort of Iba Bsieation Army* at tba aoraar of Park itraat and Biooraflaid avanue* Montclair, wars opened Isii Dlgbi by Urs, Balilngtou Booth* the wife of tba CojnniaBdar, who Heat la Monl- elair.

Tba Roe. ADoaBbaw, of WashlngWo* was la MoQieUir laai nigbi ana a id reased a Urga audlanea Id iba CouaregaUooal Cbureb under tbs BUtplnes of tba >t'Oman’s ChrlillaB, TsDpfraaoa Union. Her labjecl was **HtrcDflb ofCbarsolrar."

Elmar P. Raatom, tba preslldlgltataur and foojurar, will sniertalu ibemembars of tha WcktmlBster Praabyterlaa Cburoh* Blouiu- field, to-nlf bt.

Iba Gleu Rldga foot ball laam will play tbe LafayetU Club of Jarsay City ou ibe grounds of tba former uyenorrow.

A fair undar tbs auspices of the Church of Tba Haored Haarl, Bioomflaid, opeut oa Wednesday night.

Liberty Lodgs. Indapendant Order Good Templars, of Mcntclalr* bus aleitad tbeaa cfficars: Chief leinplar, George Dodd;vlQS>teraplar, May Moore; sacreiary, Wlil- laoi Rsvetl; financial saorstfry, Isaac Dodd; Iraasurar, Bertha Duolay; cbsplala, Llsila Goble; wMrabal. William Conkiia; kusrd, Mrs. RoTall; santlaal, Albert Cdrby ; dale- galas to district lodge session tu be bald In Newark, Noeanabsr 23, Mr, aad Mrs, Kavan and William CoBklln. Tbls lodge will bold a donkey party aud literary eniartalninfat on November 0.

JV>hn T. Ballard, of Bloomfield* reoelrad word yesterday from Denser* Col., of the deaib of bli brother, Frederick W. Ballard, areeldentof Jrney city. Mr. Ballard Want to Denser for hlM baaltb. He was a member of the Royal Arcanum lodges lu Jtraoy City ahd S’aN forty yasrs^f age,

Conductor Charlra £. Vah Neta, of tba BtoomfltrlJ Branch oflha Datawsra, X«cka- waujia and W^iiara Railroad, has baao graated a ten days' saoatiOB and will spaud U at Niagara Falls,

George Jooas, a Montclair oolorsd man, was arrested oo fle»lardsy by Captain Nieder* bauser od a obargs of betrayal prafsrred by Julia Bbortr. He wUi be triad to-day.

FOR I^ W A K K ri,.k1fGOl.Ra.

Faroa^Comeily, Meiotlrauis anti Variety. <*Alrlp toChlDatowu** at Miner's.

Amoag the many successful Isrct-come- dial by Charles A. Hoyt none sver mala push a continuous run in New York as that o f ' ‘ATriptoihInatowii." wblcb ulllba tbs sUmctlou tblh week St .Miner’s Tbestre. There is loti of fun In tha place* music end song art iDlarspsrsaU tbroiigb Its sets, and, aa Is usual In Hoyt'sproductlOQs, qu&lQt auil grotesque ebsraoterlssLlott inakaa Ilia non- sense enjoyable. In tbe east Freak Lane playa tha pari of B'efload iVfrtiNir, tba unc<ma- mooly vigorous and Ueaitby ladisidual who fboclashlmapifan Insaild and whose saarcb for baaUh la one of the fuunjr IdsM of tba play, J. C. Mima, Lloyd Wliioo, Aana Boyd, Margaret Dooalo* L llfan Markham and Louie MorUmer are among tbe rueiubers of tba east. This will b*: iba hrii presenla- ilon of the piny In this ctiy, and tbe engaga- ment promises t<* he a kuccessful <ma.

At Jac^ms's Thaaire uue of Walter Bao- fnrd'scompautas vlli bo Hee:i inihcsirarg mah^raiua "Tbe Pnwar nfGnii,'' This hi an IrTtaresilng play. U has itui sottva si'cnle feulurs-, and it tells an esclUng siory, which lallgblened by welhdasist'd comsoy sliua* tioua Onesoene, Ibai representing the es oape ot a persfcmed womsn from S44 Insane ssylum nud tba locking up of the Titlalns as lunallce Is especially elTaaflve. iMr. Bauiord'a eompaulea arteareluliy ortfsnlssd. sml dur. Ing tbe prsvlous angasemont of this pUy here It was Hdinlrnbly MoteJ.

Tbsi old farurlte. "Peck's Bad Boy,” will be tha altraeiluD of Iba week at ibe Grand Opera Uouse, Frauk K igan av>psars as tba inliebtsYoua youngster, aod other members of the company are said tu Include soma good singers and actota. who gel out of tba play ail tbe ruugii and tmubla humor fur

bleb It Is consoleuous.At Waidnjsim’a Opera Housa Wabar and

Field's Company, beudid by tbstlro"Gc^ msfi Henators,'* will play during tbs waek. Jitmea F. Itiidy, John Carroll, t'wpltola For- rest, McIntyre and Hesth, and tba acrobats Abacha and Massaud ara among tUs pal* foriDtrs* _

MorrliWwii Mattars.Tba nlna-year-old child vfJobu D. Collins

died ya^ierday at tba home nf her parents In Mllleratraei* Morristown. I ast Wednsaday, tha llitlsone, Wh.le phiying around a boo- firaof leavas nasr bar h<me, recslTCd tba In­juries whloL resulted lu her doatb.

Religious ssrricet lor the llrsi time was bald yesterday in tba baudiome new Baptist church* norner of W'asiiluglOb and Uigb straata Tba uaw edifice Is onaitructad of brown stuna and baa what is siylad a cam* panlla rowar. Tba Interloi Is all hard wood, highly pvJlihad. ThsKev. 1. M, B. TbumiiK •OB U pssiur of the ciiurcb.

The raroains of ex-Judge and ex-Uayor Ogden, of llobokau*weTa ramovad to Morris town for iDtarmaut Hslurday.

To-morrow is alection day lo Morris County, Tba following nandtdateaar# In the field: Deinoerst^c—Kor Bberlff. WJUlamGUI, of Itockaway; County Qerk, Oacar Llndkley. of Fassslc; Asstnihlymab* First Dlilriol, Thomas J. CBrlau ; iseooad Dlslrict* John Hnalth; Coroners, Edwin 8. Pttuey, Thomas B, McGrath nod Chsrlas F. Hal* •lead. R«publicao-*'Kor Sheriff. Edmund Backsr, of Boon ton ; t.^anty Clerk, Elias B. Mott, ol Rocksway; AssemhlymsTi, Flr»t Dlitrlet. Cbarlat A. baker; Baeand DUtrlct, WillUiQ A. Bales; Coroners, Jamas Douglas. Charles C.Coakea and Usury Collins, Botb the leading paritss have bean conduetlbg an acUvs esmpaiga aod tba wlABlng party will not bava a largo majority. To aUiippaa> ancas, it la going to be a oloaa alactloo,

Tha flvf-yesr*old child of Judga Cutler, of Montclair, wblcb mH an untimaly nnd horrible death last Friday by being nurtisd at a ho.ifire. was Interrad today. A large lanefal coriage acoompanled tba retnslits to tha cemrtery.


fits D lanmnil'buiI Ci>»ld F la lis Hatd Oak I'roaperla >tf KabuliiBs W ea lth .

From 111*’ -'iin Kr.i Chrunicl*'.Dr. J. W. Malthuwa* a pioneer o f C*pe

TuA’n, aud for over d dosen >oars pest a reside'ntor Johannesburg in the 'Traus-

Republic, and who has had many



curious ckferienct « lu ftemth Africa, is at , eoek for new proaj>ocU are now ri lurnlug the Palace. For a iJme he belonged to ; to waib out a supply o f yellow duM, with the Council o f Cape Town. He has also ’ which to purchase next sumint r's slake, been a mamber of the Sanitary Board o f Any day a glance over Porttaiul' i hotel Johanneaburg, and during nearly all o fthe : registers, will reveal the fact lb «l a large time o f Lis residence in that country has number o f juiuing men, of irmre nrk-*; been interested in the diamond and gold . repute* are in the cUy to purchase I heir flelda. l>r. M:iUhcws says that In Uls * winter supplies. Many o f them imial lay opinion the Transvaal Republic is enter- in even Ihcir slock oi'.provlaionj* for some Ing on a career of prosperity o f which the o f the beat mines in Jobvphinc, JavlfHou past U but the merest bUggVHtion, imtch and Coos courtUeB are bo situated that it it as it has hittserto asuinlshod ibe world. lin}H>twhle lo reach them la midwinter. In His reasoDB for this ore in part the vivit auimner the supplies must be “ packed " gold reefs recently discovered in the new | lu on hor: ?s oversleep mouataiort, heavily parte of the couuiry* which are greater by : tlinbered* but during the winter luonilis, tar than Lbot<-- which tiuva mnde the | when the snow is irum tour Ui eight feet country famous, and the exlciisloii o f the ' in depth, sucii pbcci are lum-cissible. Behtti Hatlrood from Delagou Bay* which i Among tlio recent arrivals U Unptuiu will enable miners to get rnuchlnery and Oeorgu A. Fcfuu*. who has just Ik-cu look-

F ls e r r M in ing C la im i A re Being Mare Acllvely l^ioked After.

Frnii' Ih- VurlattU Orttafoulati,The approetTi of the welifji.in I . ,

•Igiiel for reneweil eottvily ip thi< pIucL-r mine, of tkiothern Orcjfon. Mtiny pro.-peckiMWho h»ve a iw rletitheiro la lm ilo I elilldren take your ttnger. out of your

mouth..) They are m) aijy lu fompaojr. You are the last pemoii I ever cipected lo

» :N T K l iT a iM \ < i i i t K < iU ) L o v e .

H.w Mri. r»ilil l)l>r<iur.«t to .Hr. Mlilg-l.y .titer M\t.eu V.ar..

A. \V. 1)-‘H tw 1ti t ‘htc.,oMnn.Mr*. I’odd : "And juat to think, it haa

hteii siiteeii year!) »inro 1 met you la.t, Arthur, hai'k in old Port MiUon. (You

other kupplie. in quiikly and with liKht obarKa* for fVeifiut,

'* The whole of ( ’alifornla from 1849 to 1882,” aaid he, “ |iroduced £230,000,000of gold, wherea. \ve, in eleven tiiiear inilea o f the gold range, will produce at our preieut rate ol output £325.000,000. The goid'hoarlng reel' ta a cuntclumerate from five to fifteen feet In width, and in aome

ing alter hia intereala in the .Althouae die* triel. Ho repurta that the moat promiaiug placer prospect there ie tiiat owned hy the Illinois Hydr.iullc Miniiig Ooinpaiiy. It la eltuated aliuut tixty inilto aoulhweat o f Uranta Paa.., in Joaephlne Cuuiily, and la lu the lieart of the Bihkiyou .Mouiitaiii». About thirty yearsa(fo It was worked bya couple of llerniBua. A lter aeveral good

inatancee. aa haa been proved. 2,200 feet i find, they uaiuo upon a piece of quartz deep. Be.tdca thl. comparatively .mall i which netted them about ft ,200, and, aatie-

•amniie AValra,Tb.lfawer CX>mBlHtonen wei*Inm m Iou

In th* Towuiblp U.1I tli. gm itr part of Saturday for the purpoH or bMrln, oon» pl.lnu aad making cormtloo., A lam number of taxpayer, apiwated. W. S. Laniwl, prcldent of lb* Summit Bank, oon- tanded Ibdt tbe mod. of pmowlura made by tb* CummlMloD.r. wa. llleiaL U. claimed that bull neia properly abould beaaaaaaedm proponloo to lia value. The boerd ad­journed uavll Tbnraday efiemooD. After lb. Comralailouera reoelve all thacemplalbt* tbey wlU report to tbe eourt. Jlr, Larowl will probably endeevor lo haft tbe wbolea^ anamant Mt aaJdA

Uealdanta of Cbeatnul avauu* an Indlg. naul over tb* aggreialve actlnu of Mr*. Mar­tin Dowd, who placed the peraoual .llbeti of Mrs- Jamea Pearoo, a poor widow, ont on Ibe etreet, Mr*. Marla Plood aympatblaed With Ibe women and Itored her gooda lo ber liable, Mn. Kearou bad ber rent paid op to tb* tint of tbe preaeat raontb, Bba baa con- an led eounaet, and a tnlt for damagaa will follow.

The following oOloara ofthaBnninilt Bollaf Aaaoelatlon won olecte* on Balarday i Frealdout, Ura. OOorgo H. W llooi; vloe> praaldanE, Mr*. H. L. Pleraon ; aeoratary, Mra. John Bteven.; Iimunrer, Mra Theodore C. Dunn; adviaory board, Mra. Edward

' Trualow, Mn. William OeForeat, Mn, H, ij, Twomblay.

Mlu Norab MoOrath, daughter of Hlobaal McGrath, bu ealered SL GHaabelb'iCoo- vrnl, with the Intenttob of becoming a Sla­ter of Cbarlty.

Rev. If. B. Bandall, paetor of the Pint Bap- Uil Cbnreb, praaobed a aermifa ou " Pulpit and Pi'illtlw ” laat ulgbl to a large andieucA

I’rereeeor Kaapp, lormerly principal of the pnblle icbooi In New Providenoe, haa luo- ceeded Frofeaaor Blaitll, who tesdereJ hit raalgnatlon aaprtnolpal of ttaeUummlt Fab- ll« tiobooL

In Irv ln g lon T lllaga ,Eight new membttr* were admitled to fel-

lovahlp In tb* P int Chrlallan Cbureb oflrv- logtonyeaterday morning. In th*evening the paatnr, Ref. William H. Halaer, preached on “ Dost Tbou Believe lu the Sou of U o d f

Tbe W ome n’s Ch rletlan Tem peranoe Ra luo raettmg In tbe Maaonie Mall, Irelogtob, yea- itrday Hlieriioon wa* in charge of Ibe Ep- worlb lAegoe of that Metbodiii Epticopal Cbureb. There wet*JMK4||<iii and good muKic. ,

Hev. Dr. Colt preacbed In tbe Irvington Metbodlet Epiteopal Cbnreb yeaterday morning In lb* abaenet of lb* paator. In the evening the pnlpU wu flil^ by Rev. William Gerard.

Eicetlob olllcfra of tke Flriteliitrlei or Cllb- lon Townablb, ibe polling placefde wblcb ti the Irvington Town Mall, leer Ibat It will be Impoealbl* to poll tbet diairiet’a vote to-mor- row„£xp*ri*ne* hei 'boBBiSHiP een not handle moretbainnvolcfe anwmr. The legleiry la I,ON. Taking former yeari ae a criterion Ibe bulk ol tbe vuilng will be done daring three boura In the morning atd

of time at night, tbe greaier oomber of the volara being pwey durldy tba mid-day boure. Tbit would dlA enfrauatatie a large number. Luiyeer, al­though the regletretlon we* neerly lOD laaa for thl, diairlefi a number ot voiert were unable Co get.ln tliair vote*, ^^beatteniliinof the Townablp Commute* wat callbd early In tbe year to tbeadviaebllltyof Oreuttog a new voting dietrict, and a eommitlee wae ap pointed, bnt no Inrlher action wa*taken. Botb partlaa have econte out makingaean- vaa* of voiara abd trying lo tmpresa ou them Iba nrgrnt neoafatty ot volliig early.

OaAtli el Well-Koown Mewarkera.Jam** O. Irwin, who baa bald many re-

■poodbl* potUlou In tbe gift of tbe Demo- oralle party, died at ble home, 8 Auatln etnat, on Batnrdap nlgbl. Mr. Irwin bed been tlek with pneumonia for a week and lltUe bop* of bla recovery wat given by ble ptayelolan. He wae flfly-nlo* yaara of-age and wai well-known In ibl* city ae a inaou- tbelnrer of gold pen* Mr. Irwin taai beeu a mamber of tbe Board ofEdue tllob, the Com­mon Coonell and Ibe Aaarmbly. At one time ha waa Fraaldent of |ha lax Boari Ha laavaa laverat oblLdreti.

Dr. W. Siaphou Holbrook, one of ibe well- known danlltla of thia city, and a aon of the late A. H. Holbrook, dlad aj bla reeldenee, I I Eeet Park atreei, ahortly alter B o'clock .laat night of ohronlc gaalrUlx

Hre. Bridget Lyoeb, one of Newark'a old- eet end earlleet eetilere, having come to Newark wben It wae aeparealy eetlled and ecatiered hamlet, died yteterday noon at her realdancr, 1|L Bloom Held avenue, ot Ibe age of aovanty, Bba waatlie widow of onaor tba old Ttalntanlh Ragtment voluuitara, who tool hta II lb In Ibe charge of Five Porkt. She Icavaa a eon and four daughter*.

Vraw k lla awd Nntley,Mra, Batah stager, widow of tbe late Ocorga

Stager, died laat Saturday. Tbafuneralwm be held at Franklin Halhodlat Eplicopal CbuTOh to-morrow ofleriioon at 2:80 o'clock.

i'be'Franklln Rod and Oob Club will meal at tba reetdonoe of Andrew C. Brown, on Faiaalc aveniia, to-nlgbl.

BIr, and Mra. Aribnr Raaber, of tha En- cleeure, who have been .pending eeveral monibe In Europe, roturnad home laat Sat­urday.

An Itallen known ai Jarry, employed In tba quarrlci at Avondale, Waa badly Injured 0 0 Saturday by a large block ofttube, wblcb All upon him. The atone wag being boialtd when Italipped and rolled over on ooeol tha man*! feat, crnablng H. Ha wni taken to bla bomA

Tba polla for Ithmorrow'a clretlou will be at the Park School Hall. Tha polla will open at t A. H. aod oloa* at 7 P. M.

J. 0. Fenton, of New York, hai laaard tho Xrlacb ootiage, on Vrealand avenue.

Mr. and Mri. H. Chur, dt Omnge, N. J., are gucaia at N r, aad Mra. I* F. Caalle, of Gram avenue.

Mre, J. FyM, ofWbitford avennt. la vltlP IngMr.and Mra. M. H. White, of Itutharford, N, J., foriuarly realdenta of Nuiley.

Tba unnuul mebilagof th* Franklin Alb- letlo Aaeoclatlon will be held at Military Hall to-morrow night, wben the elcoLlon of tdBoera for th* enaulng yeer will take plao*.

Hlia C, BIngbem, of New York, la a gneat or Mr, and Mr*. U. U, Blugbum, of Terrac*

Weatflald Newa ItemkTtaer* waa a large altendaboa at tb* ler-

Tto* of gong at tha Hetbodlcl Church laat eveolng, Th* mnale waa under the dliwcUon of Mr. MacQuold.

Obalrnun Oardloar, of th* Town Com- mitlee, ti patting the ronda on bla aid* of tb* railroad track* In' eondlllon Ibr ib* wintar, rolling and eleanlng out gntlera and dralna

Tb* iTualeeg of Falrvlaw Oamaiery will bold a maatlng to-morruw at 288 o'clock at Ihtlodga Hatiera pertaining to the oaring of Ibe ground* title Vinter will «ome befor* lb* meatlog,

Tb* labortra and gHtloB boeae* o f lb* Euaten and Anboy dlvlilon oftbeUhlgb VeJiey Ballreett art aompUlolog bllUrir over tb* laat redaction mad* in tbeir pay. Tbe boeae* go from m per monthtoW, aud Ibe man ara reduced to E.Ol per day.

Tbe cat* of M g e r va qarg will oeenpy Ihe attepilpn of the eourt IbU afterooen.

A * Blgbt-year-eld B ej Dreak.A Moatelair boy aamedltntj', dlghl ^«an

of age, waa fonod laat night near tb* Mac* lilelntlng Patrlek VanghTf borne, dmnk. Edward Waltb picked op tb* boy Bad car­ried btm to lb* taoBicaf Jin. Hnrpkyi-whwiB banPB reesveted, l i* w netat trsM b g

B gvn .a ioem aaM *T «a a t . f t a M itili- i'BBBiM.Bf. » e iia lb *4m ii*erl

" ' ‘ iM ra ffitk iB

territory In w hie It m much wealth baa been found, we buve tiicSelaliaMountalna and tbe Murchltoii Ibtugc, in which reefb 160 feet broad und cquaily aa rich have been diaoovered.

" In January, 1888. wo began taking ont gold at the rate of 10,DUO ouncea, or flSO,- 000 a month, and now we are averaging 125,OpO ounoee a month, or fl,6U0.000 a mouth. The produot ia *o great that one la continually aatuniahed, and ia com­pelled to atop and bonder over it. When the mine* ol tbeSeiaba and Murchiaon Mountalna begin to be opened our preaent output will be but a drop In the bucket.

“ The mat miner* we have are from the Pacific Btalea of America. They have an expert knowledge and are o f the claaa'we moat dealre. For a long time we had no­body who really undertUiod much about mining, but aa soon as we began to get men who were well poaled in it we made great progrvae. Wliy, here la an Inatance, that of Charles E. Bullers, o f Uraaa Val­ley, CaL tie went over there and atarted a chlorination worke, and the drat month he cleaned up—above all expenaea—|T6,- 000. Thia, remember, waa the Aral month. Many other Califomiana are conneoted with leading mince and milla and are all doing well.

“ There are three powerfhUy rich rolnlng-houaei,- or Arms, in tbe Truja* vaal, tbe aarae oa tbe Eothachilda, tha Qonlda and the Vanderbilta, generally apeaklng, are prominent In dnance in England and thia part of the world. They are tbe Eekateina, the Baruatoa and Slglamund Neuman. A ll thcae are ownera o f wonderfblly rich group* of mine*.

“ We have n remarkably good Govern­ment and a eafe one, though It may be called a little alow. Btlll, while .the United States pays Ita President fSO,000 a year, we pay oura {40,000. This, when yon consider that the whole o f the Transvaal ia nothing like so big aa Cali­fornia, B single State o f the American union, it will be seen that we do not do so poorly by our rulers. President Kruger la a very reliable and careful man, and la getting rich very fast,

“ One thing that will strike yon as sur­prising la our very heavy duty. For in­stance, all our cigars come from Havana, and there is a duty of six cents on every single one. The duty, with the amount charged by the dealer, htakea the total coat o f a cigar thirty-six cents. Yet we smoke them right along. W e also pay a duty o f two cents on every banana. On bams we pay a duty of twenty-four cents a pound, which makes hams sell for about sixty cents on the average. On many other things we pay proportionate duties, and atlll we thrive and get wealthy. 1 think, ■hemever, ■ i t w ill o liy besarshorttl time UU tbe duties are reduced.

“ Despite the guarding o f the diamond mines there is still a good deal o f stealing o f diamonds. They are oonstantly Invent­ing new ways to circumvent the guarda It is a great tem ptotion to steal. A native finds a diamond, for instance, aa big as a walnut. Well, i f he can secrete it It means that ho has a fortune nnd that he need never work any more. A diamond that size is worth 26,000, enough to last

: a poor native all bis life. So he sets to ; work contriving how to gat away with it.

" lh a v e known them to conceal dia­monds in their nostrils and in their hoi- iowed-out boot hefis end in all manner of ways Boarcely to be Imagined. Do tbe best the guards can tbe laborers will make away with »°me,' ’ .

I T W AS n e v e r P A T E N T E D ,

fled with their haul, tbey left Ihu county The big bole which they dug in the mouil' tain side was partly covered hy a moun­tain slide, and it was in (hat condition when H. I* Doney and Dr, J. M. Taylor, while on a prospecting tour, found tbu claim about July I laat. Tbey wasbad out some rich dirt, and picked up several good-sized nuggets before leaving the place. Eight claims, covering about 160 acres, were staked out on tho property, aud a company formed to work il.

An abundance o f water can be obtained from Bon der and M, Donald creeks through pljte lines about 600 feet in length, but rcsarvoln must be built tu keep up Ihe supply all the year round. While digging Iho ditch the workmen picked up {600 worth o f small nuggeta, and again, while sluicing out a portion of the old tunnel, twenty lect in length and four In width, twenty ounces of small nuggeU and coarse dust were picked up. There are now cn route for the mine a hydraulic “ giant,'' some smaller machines aod a large ainouiK o f piping, all o f wblcb, it is expected, will be in place be­fore the snow lalls. No attempt has yet been made to estimate the value o f the dirt, for the nwners o f the mine believe they have something belter on hand than the placer mine. About 360 feet up the mountain side they have discovered a well-defined ledge from which, they be­lieve, tbo gold In the placer lielow has been washed. It is the intention to sluice out all the debris below this ledge, laying the rock bare, before i^orklng on the ledge itself, A few weeks ago a German, Muiisen by name, appeared on the ground and claimed to have been one o f tho origi­nal ownera of the prospect. He said he had beeu out of the country for many years, but returned to relooate the prop­erty. His claim upon it haa long since ex­pired, however, and he will have to find a new prospect- Manager Lawrence ia in­terested in this properly.

si>e. And how have you been T (Johnny, let Mr. Mtdgley’a siik batbelberc.| Yec, these arc all ours. And you have never married t At least, 1 heard so long since. (Tottle, don’ t get on Mr, MidgleyV chair rockers.) 1 hui-o often thought of you, Arthur, fcud maybe 1 did not treat you rightly, but you kn iw I tvae .so young then, witli ao iiuh: mind o f iny own. (Bommy,don't you climb on .Mr. MWghy’s lap betore you know he wants you lu.) Our rblks, you ruincmiH'r, liilluciu ad my actions ill a grout meuburc, and fate is fate, ytm know. (Two of you on his knees, arc quite too many, 1 iLMir.i 1 reiuenilK’r you

I wentatsuy froui town the day ofourwcil- ; I ding, only sending your farewell and re- j gruta, I reuifiulK’r bow I bod the real ; huarlaclic every lime 1 thought uf you lor a long time. (Dolly, that isn't papa’s foot

‘ that you should ride iKnwcy lo mill on It. I 1 Tl*e dear liUlo tliiiiga are lull o f sport, i (Eddie, his lap wont liold you. loo.) Still I I did my bc»t to look briglilly on my new life ahead ttnd my husliainf wa* very con- aiderate, and ilduinmy, do not put your dirty band* on Mr. Midgley's shirt bosom I) That brcaalpln Im.t nitrarlud fall curiosity. Children are *o curious, you know. I hope that you have not turned away from the world to be a recluse ainco that time. iHobby, keep youV handa out o f his coat-tail jmekets; now do, wont you, like a goou faoyf Nn, he has no candy ill them. I You do not look much older than yo\i used tu, aud sometimes I get to thinking 1 am n lilUechaugcd. (There, i f Eddie hasn't pulled his necktie out. What a bad boyl) Have you been back among the old seenca laU-lyt (Don’t (ake his watch out of bis pocket; you can’t hold it. Hsmmy.l II liaa always been my hope, as I told you then, that you might soon become reconciled to your loss (Ethel, don’t yon muss his hair with ttiat old shoo brush; get away from behind Mr. Mldgtey}, reconciled to your loss, though you eald you never could live long enough for that. There, If Dick hasn’t pulled your boulonlerre out. (Bhanie on such a boy.) 1 recollect that you said that you would even prefer to be out of this loucly world, and I was greatly worried that you would do something rash, (Chlidren, either the chair or Mr. Mldglry will break down with Jrou all over him.) Ah, and you must Im In a hurry? I am sorry .your Visit is *o short. Well, good-by, Arthur, (Oh, children, don't hang on his coat-tails that way; you’ ll tear them otf.) Well, good-by.

ftepXr Jtati* tm* <w*rf lo etmti'Ut <Wt*rvw tv iutia Sotm M'*S jVIV in i/MMlAf wUu« Uf on ct«Nin(r pcu>«r itttA oj IM u mn 94tvm-tiHn9 medium tor WAJfTiL

5,000 Dozen

AOWlri at Madlion.Tb* Mayor anti Oouneit bsvs decided to

mn Ita* commercial circuit of tbe electric light plant all nlfbt anar,^Moember 1.

TbcNaw York Fbllbarmoolo Club gave a oonatrttonder th* aaspiodr ur lbs Young Man’s Cbrlilian Atscclailoa Uaturdsy eveu- Ing In Ib* W*bb Mitnorlal Chapel. Tbta wa* tb* first on* of lb* annual winter eouri* of enlertaliimenU given ny tb* aisaclallna.

Elecirlclana bava completed the work of wiring Maaonie hall, and the electric cur- rvnt will A* at tiic disposal or tha aaverai lodges meeting ttaer* this week.

Tbe LlMrary Boclety will mast at Aaaoola- tlon Hal! Ihitavrnllig. Tbe lubject for debate 1* 1 '■ Btaolved, That to* Beal Pmnerty of Re- 1 Igloos Uor|K>raiioas Bbonid E< Taxed,’ ’ Messra, W. rt. Baker and J. U. Paulmler will argue In tha afflrmallvi. Bod Meairi. O. A, Ralbban and Russell bum In tb* negsIlVA

The members of Ibe A. M. E Church will hold a lamborln* drill Wednesday svenlug.

Frank H. Walker baa purobaaed the aii^ llonery busloeta of J. W, Tompkins, on Wavarly plaoc.

T h * Chinam an's Favo rtt* Fhtvor*From tb* Boston feurnal.

A man wna sojoylng a cooling pbospbat* In a down-town drag sibrc tha other day— not far from Chluatowu—when a child from tb* Flowery Kingdom entertd. The soda raaber propersd for business.

"O fleaf" Inquired th* qninaman."No, lUconfieslaJuat ool,” asld the loda

Ibuntaln tender. •' We's* get vaallla, oboco- late, aaraepsrUla nnd— ”

But before b* had flnisbad the Chinaman abook hi* head, lurnad on bla Use! and walked out, vigaroatly working a fan.

Then the soda man tarned to Iba srrlter nnd said: “ It** tb*. funniest thing in tb* world. I bar* a lot ot (.'binamen com* In­here, and (bey Invariably aak for rofie* soda. I f I happen to beoutef that flavor they sron'l take auyltalng else. It stem* lo be a regnlar.Jsd with them. It would do your eyes good ( 0 *^ OUnauen In here'by tbebalfdosenatalline, *U drinking ouEud eodt. I taav* nevar cold a aadawlibany olber flavor to a Chinamen alnc* 1 bave been here, and you know that’s been a good number of yMts,” .


•'***“ •• maanfaetorelv119 Ctrrull *:ri:et, Butklo, N. Y., lUMsj " I was iroobled with nsusea of tu* iidmauk,

hendacbtnnd gatitral debility. Burdock Blood Billet* enred ina"

A p la ta n w tihoa t a fr « iw * Dt Mk* a d ia .mobd wUbcut a oettlng, and a marred or Obsap took Ing ftams It worp* ihanooD* at gU. i r r a i l| e u «a y d K * a iT V w a a d l& Broad street, with your piolorec you oan ebooe* eoeb a frame aa Is most appropriate and bav* tb* satlsfaeilco of paying leaa money fur It than it would neat yon elt*. wb«ra. _ _ _ _ _ _

Mich., C.J.DQMIh*Tr pnh- " 1 IBs B **b and lu iia eoloinas strongly

ind* pr. T lom tt' Bclsotil* OH far flttkMs;, gakgqh and

Th* Awinl Kireolt ol a Burglar Demoral.. Is er Too Much fo r It s In ven tor .

From the New York Hun.‘ 1 once invented," said a nun who

lived in the suburbs, “ a burglar demoral- izor that was very eireatlre in its way, but I never got It pate&ted, because I didn’t think I ought to. It was a very simple contrivance; it conaiated merely of a stout wire stretched across the floor at such a distance from the door and win­dows that any one entering would get under headway before reaching it, and low enough so that h* would fail over it. There has been a number o f burglaries in town, and so I filled up the lower floor of our house with the demoralizer; we ad­justed the wires the lost thing at night when we were looking up.

“ One night, about thro* nights, 1 think It was, after we had act them up, we heard a noise at the back door and we knew that somebody was coming. We gathered around the bead o f the back stairs and listened. The burglar got in without much trouble and closed the door softly behind him, and then for a moment everything was very still. Then there was a great thud that fairly shook the hoDee, then another moment o f stiUnen, and then tbe suppressed but steady eound of a human voice; it waa the burglar sit­ting on the kitchen floor and cuasin’ .

“ After a while we moved around a tittle upstairs to 1st him know we were on deck, and ho got up and went away. Ho didn’t Utlce anything, but Mrs. Suburb said she had rather be bad taken every­thing there was in tbe house tliao to hear him swear so, and that la why I never got the demoralizer patented. I t was efieo- live, but U would have seemed like offer­ing a premium on profanity.”

—- — ------ • - ■ -,8V. Pam’s Calliedral BalL

From tbeNaw York Poat,■When 8 1 . Paul’s Catnedntl wa* built, BIr L'brltloplisr Wren Is UDUeralood to bav* ax- pectad tiiat a manatertntl would b« providad for II, and to liav* oonMriroted a tower In whlen th* enarmaUB bord*a m lfbl be borne anfely. Huoli a belt baa now been easu " Ureal Paul” la baavler and more eiiormoua tlian “ Big Ben,” his rival at Weaimlciiat, but It appears that b* Is not to bave a ebanc* of making as inucb nnlae In the world aa bla foundera hoped for. Tbe Dean of Si. Paul’s, 1 tseeroa, do*V not Inland to put the bell la th* tower designed for It, but propoae* to fcsrpit lu a cbainta*r, with but one opening into the outer air, In wblcb muctaof tb* aonnd will be imothcred, Tbls urrangv- niebt, In theayta of cartaln worlby cltlsena, eoualltute* ao Injoallo* to Ih* whole cock­ney world by rubbing It of aura* of lb* moket lo wtaleh It la entitled, Tbe probabil­ity IB that tbe men who aroeo anxiodB that non* of tbe tITeot of lb* ball aball be loit know tbat they wilt not b* reqnirad to alacp wllbln A doseu mlloi of It.


I t Has B * «n E vo lu ted froua t li* B an d age io r 111* l.r rek a and Komana.

Prom Woman.The lodiea’ corscl, against which a cru­

sade has fur some years been going on, Is by no means o f modern dste. A writer says: A slender flgure was admired even in the days o f the Greeks and.RomanA fleveral means were then tried to restrain an expanding figure and to enhance the beiatles of a alight one. Bandages were worn, and when they failed those who valued tbe beauty o f tbeir figures envel­oped the upper port of the body with garlands o f ivy, which were thrown on the fire as soon as withdrawn, and then the upper part of the figure was rubbed over with goose fat .mixed. with warm milk, or with the egg o f a partridge.

As Europe emerged from barbarism Into a state o f semi-oivlllzation the women began to compress their wniats with a very tight bodice of linen next the skin. Neither whalebone, wood nor steel was, however, employed at that lime. With the advent of Catherine de Medici a new era dawned, dhe introduced tho real whalebone bodice with a strong husk in front, and her example was soon imitated by all Europe. Waist compression In- creoeed in spite o f tbe protests o f Kings and Emperors and the chief miuieters and nobles o f the land. Never since ar­mor had been invented bod any stitfer framework for,the human b<:dy been de­vised. fh e deep-pointed bodice was os stiff and bard os combined wire, whale­bone and steel would make It; and, to add to the diacomforte which fashion dic­tated, the neck was liketvi-o su()purted by a ruff not only formed upon an elab­orate background o f metal aud thick wires, but stiffened by the newly discov­ered " devil’s liquor ’ ’—starch. Thu* a machine, which bad ' begun innocently enoughas a tighl-fUting'iinon bodice, waa gradually developed by the oddiliou of busks o f wool, ivory and Wbutebone, and o f shsets and strips o f steel, until a verit­able armor-like encasing resultud. These stiff whaleboned corsets woro prominent features of tbe Restoration fashinns and of tbe Watteau period; but the Revolution, at tbe end o f the eighteenth century, which shook not only' Franco but alt Europe, had an equally subversive effect upon corsets. Tiiey disappeared com- pietely, nnd the cor ctiis, ns (.':ithcrlne dti Medici introduced it, has never reap­peared. Toward the end o f tho reign of tbe first Napoleon, several o f the loaders of Parisian fashion tried to revive the Hcdici oorsets, but they never succeeded in conquering the strong opposition. Women, however, began to wear stiff bodices again, anii Just as tbe waist was gradually regaining its natural position, oorapressiqn once more became the ordffr o f the day, and tlio corset, with which we are now famUlar, was invented.

■ - ----------——■I EDDCATIO?'^ IS

A Not« I WrUi Iuk Untoh.From HI* Jumrs Umtutti.

Tbe n-cunt uaJKInc nmtcb from P a r li to R l.a lin* ytn* •uffloURily oriflua l u» bare notice drawn to Lach of tbe two aalketa carried n|ion hi* ^b'lulders a in e k io w f l i filled ihDi it w etfbed lOO kilonram’inc*, mon^ tbaQ SOO E iig litb ptiuiidi. Tlie d .iia iicv be* lw «cp I 'a r li aod RbeJmi 1* 172 1tlluntftl»ri» about 1U6 lUlleii. Tbe two du-u fu t over tbe groim d In eigh t claj eg iJid ud* w a ion ty u liu la bebind tbe olber wbm ih t mattfU w « m couchided. Tbey are boib vrorltroea o f Kbeipnt* but Ibe cider, wbo w ai bcMten ap* papcfiily bci-auM lu tb « tarly part o f ihe oonleel be d id ufti lake advtntaae o f bla a b llliy lo dowJtb leak ileep ibait tbe diber, l i a'Weafery and iberefore li oouici not have been ble oceupaUaii tbal developed h li muscles. Hirange io lay, It w ie not ibe rallguC 'O f the khoulderk ihnt Irled tbein iuu«L but the awelllng aod toreueiit or the fret. It w ill be eltovred, evim In A ib le ilc Ktiglaud, tlia i lo wblk ib lr t^ u miles a day for vleht entteot’U llve daya w.th >i wetgbl o f over 300 pounds upuu ihe aboulder* i i a rather kevere tria l o f human iiren lth au d endurance.

At the trade sale of 125,000 dozen Japanese Hand* kerchiels by tlie Jap.mc.se house ol J . R. Simonit Co,, of Kfiv York, tlironjvh Messrs. Field, Chap­man cS: Fenner, anetimieers, \v.‘ ‘lought h'-avily, in anticipa­tion of oiir larjje Holiday Trade. .\s it is a ni!e of our Uouse, however, lo H IT CHHAI’ AND SK LL CHEAP, we have placed the entire purchase of 5,000 dozen on sale at about one-half the prices we could duplicate the 'oods for later on, thereby ^iviiipf an nnusu.al opportunity to.our cus­tomers lo follow our example and anticipate holiday wants at a j>reat saving. The price.s we give are aeUially twenty-five pei cent, less tliau t!ic regular w.iolesale prices. As the lot ia so large a detailed description would almost fill a page of this paper, and we can only give a brief synop.sis, viz.:

I.mlli’k' Si'ullo|i(>ii ,ln|Kuit'xc Knilimldcrvil, in iicnt designs, wlille and ool- ori'd, ri’g. iiruv IHu. and 2'a'. Tliia salo lUc. and Ion.

I.udii'B' I'.mliniliii'i.'d and Silk .'ji'aHiiiH’d, tdi gaiiUy oiubniidorcd all around, H'g, ailf. This sole I t i e . , ‘J In ,

l.HiUutt’ Ja]iam>sc Silk Soniln]), will) rluliomlo mnbroldury and dmvrn wotK borders, ri'g. aUc. It)-UK'. Tlds sale a Yc. ‘

I.adieH' Vary llandsimiL'Ja|iuiU‘so llt'iiisliti'hfd nnd Hrallnjx'd Rmbroldorod, with liiio Mexican dnivvii work clt'ocls In ciirnura and uldes, rug. 4lh). to (18a. This Kuli)

Liidlex’ Fine JtipaneiH' lleniHUleliud, wUli miat amalt enilirnidcrtid Ii i IUb !, rug. 2i5(‘. T I i Ih sale Ifte .

Ladles’ K.vtni (Jiiiility Jaiwncsu HenisUlctu'd, with lino mubrulitoriHl IiiUIbI, rog. .SOc. This sale tJ4e.

M uii'b Fine tjuulity Heiiistltched Ja|«inese llnudkerehiefs, 2II-Incli, l^-inel) bonier, reg. 4!ie. Thia sale JJOe.

Men's F.xtni (Jaalily lleniHtitehod JaiHini'se, 2U-fneli, w tlli 1)-inoh Imrder, reg. HUe. 'I’lds sale 4 w .

Men's I.,arge lli'iiistltnhed Jajwneso, l!0-lneli, willi tmndsoiue embroidereii IniliaJ, reg. Sfie. This suk' HDc.

M en’s K xlm luirge IlemsUleiied JiijiuneHe, w ith largo einbnildcred llpliBl, reg. Hoc. T ills sulu 4 0 c .

In eoiinectlon with the ulwvo offer we take idensure In aniinuncinf the nrrivut of tho seeond InstAlmenl of our lui-gc jmreham of 1,0(X) dozen BwIm Kmbroldered Handkerelilefs, Imdiidlng KM dozen of thos« Fiiegaiit Kinbroidered Lace Effouts, whieli went out WITH SUOlil h Itrirll. Many of the styles could not he purehHsed Bt 2.1 percent, above our price. Ou ucemiiit of a deiuy in receiving the balanoa of our shipnieiils we aeviired a small ismeesslon tu thu prieu, of wtiloh I we, as usual, glveoiir customers th* licnctU.Hcg. 350. to 411c. ]siltcriis. This sale 2 4 c .Iteg. 19c. to 2Ic. patlernt. Tills sale l i d . :

Eir*els « r a 11*1 *011 A«eia*nt.From th* Milwaukee Jouros'.

Alfred Couk, WHO w«s hurt la tb* railway ■flcldeBl near HarsbOsId. Is still la a preoart- uuf slat*. 11* la BiUl dellrlons aod alan to- tally bllBd from tb* blow ou Dll bead, tbs ouly sxtarnal mark of whiob t* a bruit* about at tsrfS ss s quartir. He Imazloet tbat h* It still under tb* car and aontinually plead* that bis eompanian (nho wsi but slightly Burl) be hiksn out quldfcly. ” He Is worse hurt tlisu I siu sna loan wbII,” Is lbs mosiBnt pry whiob sbows tb* nature o f tbs UBu, H* tblnk* Ibsy bsT* bsen under th* car tbras w**ks, and protest* against tb* d*. lay ami darfcnnia, whtdta hsattrlhms* to bad mBBicement on th* part of th* isllroad oom- p«By. U* dot* not raalls* that b* 1* Wind, and frtqnsnuv asks why lanttm* ar* not prcsurag, Altlina* b* InsoBlns* Ik* aar Is sctU lq f'M M ,apM blot, cad: *tinggia*la - — n jiaEMm >iw»6>kita«wC. At



The PnbLio flckoul Systum In llie Laud ol the Wlilte Cisr.

From th* Century,During tbe present reglnte it Is almost a

crime for a muzhik to acqulrn more knowledge than the class to wlilch he be- luDgs. “ Peasant* yon bave been and* peasants you will continue to bo,” de> olarod the present Czar in a speech to tb* people immediately after bis coronation. Bhortly after be signed a nkase In which It is ordered tbat “ the measure o f in- stmotfon shall be io proportion to tbe rank and means o f Jhe person having c hil- dren to educate,” This principle is also carried out in practice.

In Buatoff and other places the boards of education have passed resolutions lo tb* effect that “ Instruction in schools shall be restricted to protect tbe children of well-to-do people from the children of* the poor, or ot people with limited means,” Tbe zemstvo schools, estab­lished under tb* raign o f Alexander II., have, daring the reign o f bis son, been little by little anppreaaed, until through an Imperial nkoae of May ^6,1881, all pub- lie school* w *r* placed In tlio bands of tbe clergy.

1 visited some o f the people in the vlllagei. Initead o f geograpbical map* and counting and spellltig tables, which formerly were to |jo seen hanging on tb* walla, 1 aaw pictures o f sainbi, with a ploture o f “ the mo*t high fam ily" ot the Czar In tbe most prominent place be­hind the tescher'a desk. Only ohitdreu very desirous to leant are taught how to read. _________ ___________

Tbtcolertd.votonof Jfaiex Cauaty xr«t In* dlliiiuiU tti tbo way C. W. Uruwu mliropM* •otfU iboir pufitltfu*

Wo *ro fn favof of Loblbocli forBlior* 10 ; Ho la un bou<Hil BUffO* iia vrUl bo Mjtooa buarlft* Uo will tr«ui tverybmly bnuootly lind tatrly* Ho (• our rrlond. Ha voios and poll aoDorftliif tohia convieUuDt of duty and rlfbts Tbat Ti tba kind of man tbo onlcirail paopla wp lit to Pto Id tba Bliarfiri oflloa.

Tbikt U tba kind of tuna every good oiUirb WHbla to ftp fn tha {Jourtboaat*

J« U. Prapootl, fii»t Ont Dfr* bwrd of |ov« n DON i Grorgf UwLttiNrpy, biArd uf fovarooiw; Ofor^ Vaiio, praaldeoi.

lirait Turner, prialdeM; Johp If* CAxrkiTiai'praaiflaot; RAobirfl Vau Peltf •torotary;


ilavii up -ui’.i (k NolMit l)if|iaruiiO:iL Hii'i ofllrr guiue 4'XtraiyrbtiiBry Iniluuani'uia in Unit UfiF.

Ik*! VDU'eicirn Hluflfiin', 7c*Conti I 4 c.Jlcifr Pitir, iiiui'piickn, le.

I'uvervif Lutinn , Ac', perfiozou.CFiUmi, Npual, Ic.

TuinibluH, lu* *Hiz dtiEnn Btitlour. Kn H(jok«aDil EyoA, Vfr ff/trd.(k!. If)4ir CiuJortt, now 3i;. tiur DroM bhleidK, 7o.KiiiiiDtic CmuMi bill,Uur JOv'. Fine (.'ombu* fir.Our khidti Dtcai HL -ufp. 4c*UtK d quuMtf eiRHilr, .to, prr ynri*(Jur 241* (''•«; Iloda for itiiti Niur. tfic.Our tiOc, Floor OHololh for taftiiittc, 1A<i, vrt, Our to DecorolaU Chlop b«u fur iJHk

• a.HH.Otii II Oval Wntb B Hlere for irii- Jtftlp, APc. Our II I^irlor IjutiiM' lUli nh le. 7Uf. Oiirtb.60 D< coraiab Toilet Hpii fOr aula,

•9.0b>III Our Shoe Pepartmont.

Our LaHns' |L^ Duugola Buttuo ftboei for tbiNflPia. 91.Ub*

Our Mlnei' |1 tijirlDg H«al Hboap for tlili ulc, OO'c*

Our Mao'* 11.50 liuffHboet, foltd waarcri, fur till* 111*09.

Our ChllOreii'M file. Hprlnyllaol Hboe*, 8) IO 11, tor ' blH kulti, fille.In Our Fiirniiiliinif Pep*t»

OurSiV* WooMen Hucka for tbli •»!»*.Uur i&c. Ulilc Wab l§uflpeadQr4 lur tbi« ikute,

lOr,Uur25o* UiUn or Bitk Bow* for tbla tale,

9c.Ill CtiDdr^nN and Outfits

Oiir IxPdlah' |1 Wor^iad Jetskeip, « i V9a., ip A iiiNTTellttua barfialD-

OurT^a. Hilk OapK, pi SOo. cpdU be dupU* caletl.

Our Ladlaa* 2&e. Woollen iione, al OurloA lea'3Jc. LinbroUSered Cnumiae for

thl« hkN’, 3fio. .Onr 13 i 'blidrenU Ooakr* OOc*Uoadti dalivered tree Of oltJtrB(, Mooey re­

funded fur all nui atihiluclory.Till'. Fa JH.

ftff tn iSr B -tu, are.


William H. Brown-FOB-


( ^ R IB B O N BADGES <f&---------- --------— f3 S ‘AOEMT^WANTCO.

N«W lllumlROtsd ^ t*> «fW *.

Nevirk, Hev Jertej.■ FU68, FLieS. EA63. ■f UU o W M H ie U T O M 8T.


W e d d i n gP r e s e n t s .We will OFFER OUR EXTRAOR­


P i a n o L a m p s . !

At Surprising Reductions To-morrow. Who-i ever has the matter of a wedding (or Christr.' mas) present in mind should take advantage! of this opiortunity. We make this offerj simply for the purpose of closing out certaiiij Lamps of which we are carrying heavieri lines than we care to. The bargain becomes apparent wben you read over this list of reg-' iilur and special prices;

Onr $62.98 Piano Lamp , . . .Our 54.98 Piano L am p .......................... * • • » « . 39.000\ir 48.95 Piano Lamp . . . . . . . .Our 45.59 Piano Lamp . .......................Our 43.98 Piano Lam p...........................Our 39.25 Piano Lam p.................. ..... . « • « » * . 27.00Our 38.98 Piano Lam p .......................... » • « » * . 26.0aOur 37.79 Piano L am p ..........................Our 32.98 Piano Lam p............... ... . .Our 27.98 Piano Lamp . . . . . . . . .Our 24.98 Piano L am p .......................... • s • « • . 17,98Our 23.59 Piano Lamp . . .Our 18.75 Piano Lam p.......................... * « • « « . 17.00Our 13.69 Piano Lam p ..........................Our 13.49 Tiano Lamp . ...................... ■ s * s s • 10.75Our 13.29 Piano Lam p .......................... . 10.59Our 12.49 Piano L am p .......................... « « ■ « * . 10.00Our 11.79 Piano Lam p .......................... • • i s * . 9.59Our 1 1.39 Piano Lamp . . . . . . . .Our 10,98 Piano Lamp (like cut) . . . * • 4 • * * • . 8-79Onr 10.25 Fiano L am p .......................... . 8.25Our 5.98 Piano Lamp ........................... • 4-49


Mammotli Bascmcnil10 cents to 20 cents reduction on the dollar in the Hard­

ware line.to cents to 40 cents saved on every dollar’s worth of Soaps

and Sundry Woodenware.15 cents to 45 cents saved on every dollar’s worth of Tin­

ware purchased.30 cent saved on every dollar's worth of Brass Goods *

bought. «10 cents to 50 cents on the dollar reduction' on Brushes,

Dusters, 'Whisk Brooms, etc.30 cents saved on the dollar on all Agate or Granite Iron­

ware.Blue and White Enamelled Steel Ware reduced 33^ cents

on the dollar.Tea Trays reduced 3 0 cents on the dollar.Gas Heating and Coal Stoves, also Cooking Ranges, re*

duced from 10 cents to 35 cents on every dollar. >Ironware reduced lo cents to 40 cents on the dollar.Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Dinner Sets, reduced 10 cents to 6o

cents on the dollar.Crockery and Glassware reduced 10 cents to 30 cents on

the dollar.* Woodenware snd Fafrcy China reduced to cents to 40 cents

on the dollar.

h s h h u c o j F

N K VV a u k K V fc:N I N UJ S K W S , M O N D A Y , N O V E M H H U


- i t wM Ur. Holm«. P«t *ndlaU tbkl U1« tiduwtlon o( k ebiw

^Mld iMCtn «0 J» " b»for. !t ti >»'“■


la IhaM UltW IT**™ Ml'nO* U«t t«b*0 **>r■ iridMltiokr BOibr n«*»»rj » V»fl“

kAt m I to oltoln U>» P**‘ rotult*. TOt iCleBM

nUillnipulw »“« re».r».W. .irtdn.r r S h . : : : u : “ r . r r r o ;

S.u.'S!r.o" -u «lor bloi.pK®

B A M B E e G E e ' S .


______ W E H A V E PU R C H A SED --------

g .— Q p $ n 'fo r b u tin e s s

tt/l day T o -m o r r o » .

w l» or. rofordsd 0 . m .oth<‘r«y

- . “ f"’ "; tb.. tboobjrr. production In to InlllnW

Into tbi nolnne; of el.lW obi.mii-

to llil child fornnjf boowlodirotS r ^ r t d in 0 Which bn 1. boro. If2 ; « on ! I. inoklhi^ luklDi. Tb» MOinn, bow-"w J d S lw l lurnl.b bnowlndm

them. Aceordinf to . . . dcTcInpod no-

^dlSi to Ibli o'“»f' !!''Ptol‘ dativ ™ , 1 U mnnlftitcd in tbn flint. Utnron. Kof oinnx dnxnilWr

r ‘ir.:.Vtbr::n-nr.d.«,opod^

rilb nllhl thi tx» hnloi ,

nunlcnd noton n.oolhi bnlon u b*

ssp-vrowr^SS‘ *A^iIrttBiU> Dr. rrnycr. tbn fW »l iU "«‘ „ . Z » l l c S . . t ‘ hl.tth'» ollltn in ibotth*"4a *rm lltU« pbjiloloflcit ir«ln*®f* L V fS U lblnbVIhnl pUf II 0 » r « v dnynP JL^^bn ibud'* mind ) Ibnt

Oc'uTdnir JlUion'P “ * " " “ 0lUMin tb»t tbn nblld Intrni oolun, lonni nod iVu.unin. bnoInlmA l» oo •"> JSwr nt Ibln U»0 “f Hfr. “> ‘P* '>n»»'®P' MOlotltanloinllnoi. Tbn nollpo Ihnt tbnrn

“ "k- pnUitnblBi wllboul Inmongn Hoot Idiunlwnrn ppoodn Inononin, nod •iihoit tbnm dnnniopnnnnt In nlliht. iSTboowlndfO of word. ! rloMblakln< power In “*• aIiai niiitt prtendn Innntinin nrt i»londIfSir b, olWrolloo- ’ »>• prolenwr ooii-

In tolll U> nnbn* obb*' i l ^ i by tbnnr ntr*!" ®* f

bktn no mennini to tho infoot. T k f r t «d *.U Id ... by cbnerrlni.n .. » ™ .n ■ bo inomn by imiutlnf Bonn

B«U^od «Jupdk moon tbo ' “*“ .[5 u U In ool nnonnnnry to toppon* tbol » *•’ ' * lull hMianM U dot* pott ?;:; oSXry, u mVy •>. • «ry ol«;. o®""-

ihioki u U maoh b«U*fio b*, rtuOKtlnff ;ti"i*i,d 'b , opp*«»bf ‘o >'«• *_j mKm thtt orckDi of Muiw nfcT# !»••«'" 'S^wri^UrJd^ fbllV »IN“ I'H” *

Of All-silk Moire Ribbons, in all colors and various

widths, and

A DRESS TRIMMD16 IMPORTER’S STOCKOf Jet, Galoon, Bead, Steel, Gimp, Moss, Cantille aud other desirable and fashionable triimmng.s, and in connection with other large lots, bought at mere

fractions of their first cost, are on sale at

the lowest prices ever ohoted.Every piece, every yard, every article is warranted.

Of eoune, yoii all know,I f you geo It lu Bam berger’s “ arts, It h so.


/ 1 Mnlic. nil eolorn, wllb fnnnr Q x I I ! / m t i ni c ud ni 4^(. yfl* \* y '* dculen.

t,»„ nm ‘n l l K r ."3 nicnrly rcn«u ooU Tbn book tt rnlunblw W rn«nt* oUtn miniottaU In tbnCO. Nnw York, n»d oonni* by MulllfnB.-aiDon Dnrwhi’n theory of etoloUon bon token mob n bold upon lelenlln'ii Ihn ■•'■ 'Jy M hUlurnt htrlory bn. nnd.rfone n mmn k- nbln ebnow, Tuo old nnturotUt roomed lh»flnldn odd tlm nnlleye nod Climbed the milefo ilrob rknowledgn. Hi. nxoumloM

In iknnntom of n eoleotiflo bum. H .t- ^ plnnid Mi Mlomolo*lo*l ‘ P«> la* bonrdn nud wrlUen out tbn hie- .“ y of bin .k|wdiaon_,


fit 6c. yd

nt 80 yd

NO. 1 ALL-SILK RIBBON,Moire, nil oolom, with finer edge, mnnurtolurer’n prien JX' ,c. ynrd; no re (luotiuo io (trie* lo MUirio

NO. 9 ALL-SILK RIBBON,Moll*. 411 colors with fnDCjr cd»'. innnutaclnrcr’n price IBc. yard ; no re- dncUOD In price to denlnri.

itwK, Add, .nnuloguod bln

nt 6c. yd

ni 8c. ydNO. 12 ALL-SILK RIBBON.


A t Oue-lm lf auiA Oiie-fiiiarter Cost: •

Two-row Jet Trluming.Hegulu»fio.yd., Iioporior'n ptlon t^ynrd. BncrlBcoprlM...........

& C O .

In o u r WOOLLEN D E ­PA R T M EN T you will find the largest and best assort ment o f

Fall and Winter.

Cloakingsin the city at lowest prices.

Special attcnlion is called to our line of 54-inch wide FA N C Y CLO A KIN GS at ^ 1, $ lJ iO and f 2 .

Don’t fail to see our latest N o velty S tripks at $ 2 .7 S ,

worth $3.50-B l .\c k a n d B i a k C h e v ­

i o t s , in plain, fancy and di­agonals, from $ 1. S 5 up.

H e a v y B e a v e r s , K e r s e y s ,

W o r s t e d s a n d M e l t o n s , in

all the latest shades.

B r o a d c l o t h s for Capes and Dresses, all shades, from $1 up.

F r e n c h M o n t a g n a c and I ViCl'NAS, in black and blue, l^ T per yard, regular price

$8.50.A s t r a k h a n s , in a l l c o lo r s ,

a t a n y p r ic e d e s ir e d .

B l a c k i u d B r o w N S ea l P l u s h e s for Capes aud Jack­ets.

C a s s i m e r e s , C h e v i o t s and W o r s t e d s for Men’s and Bovs’ Wear, from 5 0 c . to

" i j i i r D U ^ r u mCLOSING WEEK OF THE


AMiraiAD O f EiUIAIIT BAEOAniB-Mo* w,prioeg which ghould attract every bpyer who appreolateg theeconomioal method of trading.

On tome M/nj« w» « « you a grea t deal.On other thmgt we ea*e you le te ;But on eyorything we ta re you eomeihing.

Handkerchiefs Right From Japan.


You know oil about our Great ^Silk Handkerohlefli, in which wo bought handkerohvefg at our

Here they areprico i.IjoI I—l.idlPi' whit. »nd piloreJ •'!

jaiianme Blln. wliU nml opt'd fnitj. PirilK, •!•<> ►hmlt* uf plinb, Jnp .teluhl «unl ol Innaiiu Jr, U,'ic. ourpricir....... - ...............

Lot 'J—I.»<llnn' Whlln nud Colored Jnpunniw Hllk llondbercblrfa, wilt) lonr cornnm wturUnd e|ub.,Elm enib. worked uii bll ndgo,EDd *ltb openwork, In nil the lE-letl llnin, hb'iinl coni of Iniidliif TOa 19e. to aSc. Out prion........- ......

LolS-lmdlci’ While »nd Colored Japnuene atik lUndkercbiefi, will) mnerluE work. imb,on four rf>r»*r», einb. wGfkpd urnttnd, wirb oprnwork, lit lii®Biltieii ftcriUJtl coNi uf IhrNuuaingStff’. Our price

D r e s s G o o d sPM M THE GREilT TRADE SALE.

CrMf Thinge in Black and Colored Dreee Ooodi.

1.1)1 4 -Tho biMBit lot of kll'-l.ndU.k'Wbllf' ouo IJolored .litp*nM«niiH H*ndkereblnf>, with ojwuworU, rerering, einb. on «ll eoronrn, tunleientiTrecln In Unibrl'i nbndei,nctUH I eont of lEndlng 3V. lo uw.i)ur price-.............. .....*......... .

l,ol .'1 ..LEdlfE-Jnpnneie Hllk Hand, kerchief., In while end colors,«mh. drnwnwork. rererlinr. with rmb. elTecl*, nllo lioodioanly Club, work on nil cornem, * 'b- ->nt eicepilonihn ecIueI eont nllandlbgM--- f® ....

By liny log « »m»ll <1»P®‘ I‘Ihom g'Midt for you 14m 11 tbn nre Junt tbn thing for tbrl«tm»n gKin- *nd we gunrntilen you ■ mvlng of Jam oO ' t J'-®? fhi dollnr. Imporl.r Ayr*.’. iWek of Unbd- kerohlBfn In n'to bnlng nold by uj kt h big lonn KQ tb9 importvr.




Note the following unprooadentod, indisputable and non-^uplioata- ble oSbringa for Election Day

from 8 o’olook until 6.

Selnch Tricot Clolh,'Jie. per yBrtl, cnlort brown, gruen end DEVv. . ,

All-wftol HuUlu|i. and plttldk.40-lBch All-woiil titjgc, itfVn, i'»tr« Uenvj,

* 11 colon*

F U R B .Klevlrlc*! c«]ies''Kweep»Syle,"*1>peKb liluck Copey Uox •O.tf**.lliHOk CbBTirtl Jackal", ICtf-o’-UUlUOM Sl06Y9

»nd wide nolch ooUar, ilBO*- CboTloi Jacket, wttb tolumbun coUiir,

wide pnC »!•«▼•, •7.0N.

N O T I O N S .Anpnolnl Ilnnoiatoel Hclinore, i Ii m 3;,Io

*’ Lndien*^n»rl'H*ndln Pocket Knlvei, gsc.

all eolorVg all



cw lM t Ah- bening rondn » jniiortar'a price JiJV

mrdibttof oTrurmnatory r « r l r oow.dey.

door. Tbey»nn not neeklng egletonl*. th* ^p e llh O d mngolrylng glnnn; they nn pry- tnn Into tbn myitnrih* of imerunli, «> lb“ i ibln.uirnllitof u -> »r '• BuiInmnt ebnmetet than lun predeconjorj. But ihAM la niHch *0 Itarnad la ibfi 0*1*1 of’nT-ll X . fro™M fjiHaanlly *u4 ^ ^ aS mC lae nbBdy wood end the ” d ib r tb .lim end bhblU nndcumoto.of Ibn lkinotnndnblnihl world, one lunni turn t^ tb ilr nBbrli for knowledge end fecU. Vrnderle Hoomhy. ">» emmeui feVillbr wllb old nOd new mntbodA vYTftrtHmd a book wblcb ba fawi givaa tbe

i t r l « of Anlmala- W * U a work In wbloh e Urge nmount oflnfOrroo- tkw It ■mnnpied lu • ooiioretn furio ; from U a a lb flip tb * « * «• the blrdiofthoelr, ” Uoninng demSbrn In n plnnnlng menner m ir mottn of lining. IheIf prey. Ibelr enera lr« gnd. wllb nome ontell, Ihnir plenn of def.net and offeooo wUen In bailie. It It reiunrkable bow moob Ingeotitty end appetenl roaioii* log many anliuali dUplay In idelrworki, and wblln Mr. HoOiiny thowe thet initlnoi intba reenltofnlong Itna of aoilon on the nartOfpredeeM.un..llll,a* he clnliue, and

n in to rnanoulitg Uial It .■ not alwnyt enny to d r « th e "-• b « « . » lb . f® . J " ' * “" f “ laareprlnloran finiltib odulon by Char^ iSiiIibMtdflon.. Now York. 1 1 1 . Ulunlraind.

in uaMca by tTaucM MacNab* publlahed U Appleton * Co. lo Iba Town Md

Library* purporli lo ba Uk* rrflebilODi of a »ptn*lbr,■ - y^j.y (Jiuii


rcfblar 5c., LaC. likKilflea

Pine Halfinch Jet Edgings,

r in BluMlUl Oiep''llegaiEcpnrieetn^rlce* 9c. and 13c.



Fine Cut Bead Trimming,llrguler 43c-, Imporiei'i prtoa fO i ad J5c. Haorllloi price...™..........

1'4-liwli Jet (hilpon .Trimmiiig,F.‘ Regular.«c..lnrpurfert priceSHs. 40* oH

Hacrinoe price... ...................... i . o .y »

Finest Colored Cantille Trimming,S k

oys w ear, iV'

Q u i l t e d F a r m e r S a t i n s

a n d S i l k S a t i n s , in a l l n e w

s h a d e s .

bo plrcen offiMneli beany Cloth Ding, niml. mid Tricot Cloihi, dnrlt- ooiom, In Hcuion rolled eir.-c;*.goodii whOMC'*tofpr<nluoilou 1.

yd., will be nold whilo theylam at..............•'............ ...........

r io t Twill mnrm Bergna In dark and mndloin Natty, 00c.ralua ,at.,....

All nnr hlih.«lani NoTeltIni.RBOmnd W matartil. lo

A »aw 1 In* of flna All-wool Plaid I,npeclftlly adapiad for n\\Mtt»,2Qc ivg. »C a foodt, at............ . /

Balln da Bronallr, Inlbihloiinlil*abadea oi II vain* ;Q(jdnUdimt; oKialti, of dollar Tatuo; natlo e!- feol Owbrt fl^nraa, of riollaf Talua: black ^ilour cord*, of Uollar falut; ColuiTilda doubla twill cords, of dollar valufl.Ewry lii»o In the lalcat faah* lonabla colora and of th#i aaoai ranowbod Fr#nch maka llQllb............ ........................ '


Clay Pi*fo“^** i-b« 1*1 filial 65Ce«ntlrb coiiuuiei* dollar (ood*,at-

Floo Armur^extra foifd quality, V 'lbi i alao flna Hraalto Clotba, wnti itiNall llanr#", self colora; alao fftoev Ur«Hn Ooodr, 1 B naat a - tecie, oinnlntlng ol oEinnlnbftlr Eirlp.nnnd otbei tnllor eff-cti, rniiklokio regnlnr prlee. from It lo gl.SO; nlno » large llnool K«nm- WeiTen »nd Cote de CliiTuli, In plein eolorn. In rnlue from It to »1 »&, t* »o kl...™........

25c. Regatta SUks,

All tbndei, tor evening wenriW iilnr fl.31. Import .t-i price BSc. Hecrlnoe price........... ...............

Bolib .

Krcncb Knocy Dr*'* MnlerlElr, in black only, dollar Kooda, -at

rino Black Bertas, of 50c. valua,*t..


knd Sllke from the Trade fa le o f the Phmmx K il le

We mill tell the bylnnce of Alt-nllkVn ille FrEiicnlne, Hllk ,

and Bilk Ilhnd»me,,ll»c.goodAj^(jnt........... -.........- .................... '

34-incU Fine All^lik Faille, 31-lncbfine All-nllk Hnadamni -™eEira qiielUy groe g «ln . •>! $ J c , good 11.30 Tolue*. Mt............

22.|nCb Finn Silk Betigallon, beinycord, ne»er relnlled lenn Ibno il. QQ q,at.................... ........................

Hnndnome Satin Duchemn, tbo^r-met i.«i.l'p<i,wllb while J'.’ rn®.' _ _retailed everywhere at |!.», onr g g £ , price............ ............................

Eitn. (luHliy BUok Fatll^ value IL25, our prioa-.-.............

Floe Ombra Suraba, lo complaia K Q r Una of oolora, dollar gnoda, al.--«

Haiaan CoTor Draaii BU-ela,tixaa, io«n a doaan,

A naw Una Horn Halrplbn, doxra.

C h ilr ir e i iV C u p s .Another lot of thou White lliderdoWn

Cape, at *fie. each.Cream Bllk,Kmhroldercd Cnp', new work,

full rnebn, Bkvwncb. ,h.CbaagOHbiflsnorab and Pluab Capa, all iba

naw coion. $ 1 .1 U «aob.

I B L A N K E T S .Thone w, advert lied yeiterdky weot like

hot caken. Toe bBlaner for Tueeday, IM Wblln Ilonn Dlankt-ln.^ll.e* end •4-3* Don’ t nilit tbnui. W’Hitnf « near.

44 Ctieniile Covert, 41c. eneh.4-4 Cbenllln Ouve», 19e. eerb.

H O S I E R Y .lAdlei' Fait Ulnek Heamlett Uonn, rng

1 lie., one day only, Ike. a pair.Ladle*’ Ribbed VonU, fleeced Hoed, reg.

IgcA one day only, B#e. ceog.lilnok Birtpn Bilk Vtlvel and Satin, never

eoidlentOiED It, election day prlee 4Be. yd. l>i ynMwIdeBleotmorra Herge, 49c. yd.

Im-Sicrl- 0«.ji

Fine Jet Edgings.price S9C., Imp9rier’ i 4A* Bactlllco prtoe-......... in * . j »Reguler


10c.jdl inch Silk Plush Trimming.

In all ibafl®**porler'i p r l« »c. HacrlBca prUa

2-lneh SlTkiroSs Trimming,111 alt the good color., r«ulnr 4UC., imporler’e price 45c. »nerl* Occ pria*.‘..»*—.......... *............ .

Wide Jet Edgings,Regular tWc.. Iniporier’e prlee Oic. bncrlfioeprloe.... - ......

Finest Colored Caatille TrimmlBg,All ebadri, fur eveoln* WMr, regular 13, [mporler'n price *1.JO. Hacrldoe prion..........................

l;M nch Finest Steel Trimming,' "itaodnorae dealgnt, re,ular

linporier'i price |l. Uterlbco ' prlcf... ............. .................. .

Fine Silk Jet Band Trimming,Rcfuinr II, linporler'n price Tie. Hucrillcn prion...............-.........-

2-lnch Jet Galloon,Very fine out bead*, rcgulnrll.^* . 4™ 4- itS..i4 U—omninMl




bad St.B.—Open for businets

all day To-morroir.

ji-lBch Colored C an tilk i j e

! l ,S !.‘; 52b r S : , * r K I .... ................ .... -... «»•

M il Straus6 5 0 t U t 8 t Broad, d o M o f SL

Get a Watch‘ i . TUI. wHOh-i- x«f)oa rmtfp*ooe ihA

u worth more than any |3 watch you can buy.

L. S. ^ U T «c COn,7 0 7 to 7 2 1 B R O A D S T R E E T .

i im C R lF lC E SALE,

SECO ND FLO O R .A oltarlDg up na|n of W-bltemare In Poroe*

lain Dud Ir*on!^,ue China at b^f tbn origlunt pricei. Si me plerii nre nllgbily Imperfeci. I'lie prlee will meke up for all ImperfectlodA A obnneefor board lug-nou*e » « ^ r ’ '■ ™

CiTjred Vegetable DUben that were 49o.,|

^*^vered Vcgaable Dlaben Ibol were&lo.,.

"*Me«d'*pitUrn tbat were 23c,, ipOuceO to

^*Ment PtaltoM tbat were 34c.. reduced lo

■ Meal PlaUere that were fin., reduced to S9o

Round Napplen that were Ibc., twluond to , rcducad IdIfoDcd Napplca that ware J3c,

* '( « DnnI. Bowl, that werefte.reduced to 4c. OatmealBuwln ibnt-wniwfeerw.uoed to 4n. Dlndrlf' I ud BreakTbni PUteg tbat were bo

and 7c., reduced to Sc. .Tea i*laten lont were St, reduced '® 3c. Soup Platen that were 7o.. reduced lo 3o,

m a h k e t s t b e k t .

A DOINIARa M0VBHEN1 IN OTEER LINES:64-inch W ide Cloakings,

byUoDBlry“ tboufbte and . bacvMted from peaceful ftnldt. flnldi Uiny »f*, too, and it In ntrangetbnl wyoM W llb to 11^ Of a.lory w toll nbculd , botbar to writ, a book.

—Xba bintorlbal hovel ben lu value. When lu norpone in to Innlruot the young It In tobetomm^ded. Molll. Mllot Heawnll. whokoi wrUtoo Mveial exoclinnt ntorlen, bnn BToduond a novel baneii "upim the eiplolto 5f Paul Jooee, that nplnudld neamnn who toagtai with nucb neal and nuccew for Ihe aoVauiei. Xnln book In well *rltteo. It hnod- ■omoly prioud and nnely lllu.traud, and Iba boy or girl who dtligbul* lha ointoUn of thin daring young naval offlerr will flea uuob to pleana and Intlruoi ibcm In thin book. I). Appleton A Co. are the publtiheri.,

—UavldLublB, oUfuoramenlo, ban a planthalhnbellevto would bring pronperilyto tb, former and nolve many ut ton ino.i nerl- ounof noolil proolem*. He bellevei that tha ■overnmeolnhootd traunport farm prodnetn M mall mailer at • unHorni end nominal rata tor all dlnlttBOnn. In behalf of thin re­markable propoiUloo and lu aiiiwnr wodl- lorlnli and eoneyn ooudemnlng II, bn pre- onnU lomn laganloun argnineaU la pam- khUU which he I* innulng upon the nubJecU

- “ CampFireBpnrkt,'' by Captain Jack Crawford, '• the Ppet Scout," li a oollnctlon Ol varooi moatly wrltian tor Orand Army gatbnrlbgA AU arc vigorouiaud pnirlotlo U d nome are marked by quaint humor and bom«ly patlioia -

—A Mrloa of <ll»coufati deUtaraa by R*t .yt tin Crowe, of the Uol«r**U»t Church of the Rndoemer, during tbn winter and nprlng of Ittl are republlnbed In a neot volume un- dnr the uun o f" Pbenen of llellglon In Amei' loo." Xbc aitllude of Ihli olcrgyiumi toward Iboon who believe tbel In Scripture, cunrch or iradlttou inoy dud nuiborlly tor lUeulogl- eal belief in well uudenloud. Fruin bln ftandpolnt be dlMumet In the leolurr* Iheno iobjeoti [ " Pnrllaiil«r* or tbn Hellglon of tbn Book j” " Mcthodlnm, or the Knllglon of p'lpnrlnooe;" ■'EpUcupellnnlam. or Ibo Be. llnionof Hyiuboln ; " " L-|)lvernnllara, or the BookAgnIntt lb. Book;" “ OnltarlauUiu. or Hnmnnlty Agnliiil Triidlltou ; ’ ’ "TUcliiu, or the Revolt Ironi the ilalorlallntlo Ilu- vo lt:" "Bulrltunll.m, or tho Ilnllgioa of Demonnlraiion;'’ '■ liiii leal Culture, or the Kellglon of Agnontlclniu ; " ‘’ lloionn Within the Oburcben, or the Unllglon of Inint'proui- tloo-" “ The Conicu.uv of lleaiuu and Kroo'llon, or ibo Rollaloo of t’oU-ci Idem ; " •‘ The Prubleiu—In tlod tiood f" “ -The Malbod-Uow Qud Work.,’’ and "Tbn Hope."

—Sow tbat the bonduyn ore upproaclitiig, Ibote punllitalng conoeru. wbicii employ thoir IkoUlllei lu the dlri-clioii of making nt- troollva and ln*irucllv* print* furtboubU- dreuare bunlly eugagud lo tho prepnrnilon ofbooknthat not only delIglit the pyc, but natlily tholiiltileetoal demand ol tbo yoiiug- *lcr». The Rapbitol Tuck ,t Sou’. Co., uf Hew York City, have Ju»l leaned toms Utile bookt tor tbo children n hlob ditplay nriltllo Jiidgnient In 'the litbograplilc feauiro nod .kill In tyi»ogrupblu cork. Tbetti book, am anAlled i “ Tuld by the Munbciim* and .Mo." ••Sunny lalo* fdr Suony lin)'*." “ Tuld by Ibe Flower)" and 'H’eup') Iota Fictiiro , Laud." In oolorlug, pNot, uppouranuc, nud In prone and porro, iheaebuokH ureoxcellunl. la oonnnoUou wUb vbcao work* the linn nn- ponaoenallteraryeoropetlitoii wblcU Iniipvd | lu nome rntpoctn. 'i'lioy oiler priiie* nggregat. Jpg lis) for tbo bent nlory baaed upon c<!rlnln Of the slcluiwn which appear In I Unas bookn, the nlory to be written byoblldron under touruen yeara ol nge.

—maoe tbn lantaluu In to wear lUona at varl- anen witb tbn iiructure of the foot It la nut. nml tbnt that very uierul member of the human body ntaoutd aulfer many llln, diatur- Ilona, InOammationa, calbailtintandibe like, wbhin make walking in many entea an Igony. Dr, Otaarira KeUlcr loin will ten n llUln book vnUlInd “ How loTnat VonrOwn FtoV* wtaick will commend luclf to two- UtiSs ot biikiiARyi lluljrery tow of tbnm

Satin 8trip«d-VelT«ts.•A n entirely new nffhol In blackunly lor nlMiT*f*a If^™*®**'*" j“S firter ’n price H.M. Baorlfle.JJj^ n JprloGi..- .. . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . .

Colored and Black Trimming Satins,CMuchea wide, •)!.•) tojekhbjbk.- * niiaden, 1 10 0 0 ) 101" . price die, Sao-JJji o^rlfloo price...............................

in new and ntylliu Paiternn, lOlk able for chlldrnu'n aud Itdlto’ cloaki. Bacrlflo* price........,....—

98c., $l.2&, $1.39, $ U 9 , $1.78.

Men’s Herastitohed H^dkerohlefe,WIUj conled t>ord*fi, fln* •Uy. m*nDl»olurtfi price AhL 4Ji* HatTiflce price......................... -

lu. Bamberger 8* Co.,1 4 7 n .id 1411 M A K K E - r S T R E E T .

am likely to to>low tbe doctor'* edvlcc, Tbo way loavold tbs me w bicb " lit-*'.tr«m«2Uci la for e coverlnK rtnboo ;™b“cb‘.tVs‘.* tbiTEus". Ptonty ..f rcim and. at tbsnainn liroe.duvn not woaliou lbs aroli of tbs tout that In lo aay, nboen will) low bMl*.‘ -p T oW or Charlen Franklin Twlug, through 111. long acrvlce In lug ndusalloual innlllullon. ol the country, write, wllb Ibn niithnrlty of Wtlsn hn lurnnlbn light of bl» * “ "*''|*** open eduontlonal •■Jbjecle. Uwhich coins* from Iho (hu) of Hj'* lor la enlllled “ WUbln Oollegs Well*, -bin l.liilcadpdae a giild. and an enponrago- tonut 10 the young men and ''"J f™ ‘ ‘ I ipgc. It 1* Inilrucilvc, becuuna It I» '" l4 out luodellcnlc rplnilonn-WbU-h acltolar* nod Ihs facultice of •iltuiluna and tbe aound ndvlco which It proffer* to tboao who want to gel the Sfcducatloo. Almost .very pboeeJ Its l i touched upon 10 tho ten *'"*F**" “J wblob the book 1« mndo up; ntrejn bntug paid ui«Mi the mural elhloal eduPettonal Im fluoocv"orcoltBgotrnli)lug In after life. 1 rfr fo*nor Twlng conoliido. hi* irmtlw oo a ohautcr about o r i ie rrn-cniltiouos of tbo Collegp Uraduate," Indlonllug >" H’ '* ol bin work tbn algollloanl fed ottU e prom - pent pbio. opoupleJ by ndutaled m*® >“ * " lb . .o liv e line* of eftork A . a hnud-book foriiudpotnaortanagutde for book tome*"'. Tbopubllnbemnro'Tbo ItakerTaylor Coinimoy, of New York, end It In onieaU ft*- MuU-gen’e* ..

-Tbn orltloliiuof the bucolic on Ibn coilon when Ihe young bull oiUhe railroad and lowered bln formidable bond to the ai proacblng oipreit train may. with non), degree of propriety, be ap- plied to llio author of the ^ k Imtltled, “ Uovcrainoiitn »nd lo lltlclaPn-ADOlonlnud Modern," J' ' ” ’™the nmn. Tbo granger who watched ttoi hostile preparations of tbn bull, remarked that beudinlied hi* pluck, but did not a| prove of bln Judgment, Chnrlen Mnrooin, nbvloutly an KuglUlimnn, now a renldonl of Cblcago, Is tho author and nlno the P'J**''**''’ of " UuvermjnfDls and FollUciaiiSi wb*c he modciUy aimounco* to ho a lha world," Mr. JlnrcotlO nnyi In a proa- oeoini that 1'*'“ " coudnusns iiioro{dean and gives more valhablo lotormnUnn Ibao could be obtained lu anoiiltored trnatlw oolhnlnubjpcl." Ho adds that w ^ i "tbn only production of litklud,rcvlnwe and compare, ull of the gmaleat unll«b» which have estoled lb tbs Inal fortyJn tu rln *,o »pec la llyorihn UnitedAniPTlca. It draw* » l*rallel be- iwecu Rusalun ahiolutlsm and Attier- laaii Dfinooratlsm In .bowing what they bavo done tor mankind ’[i.U 1* not neoBsnaty to purnue Mr. Marooilethrough the wludmge of bla ^osssea; nor li it Decennary ^.*F**'‘ literary oharaotet of bla work or au- Ihorlly uf bin historical review*. '*o®“ lo nay tbit he begins with Fnnolek » “ <* ^ k ' lu* up IbtiIniid and Pranne ny lutii, profeasen ton*pole their wrnknenatt and point out their nhorl- coinliig* and olurlduie llm dctocl* lu tbo tiovnromnuln lu wbbih they l'luy«l porliiDi pan*. Mr. Maicone aeon very llUIr l„ iidmire to rtpuhllcn. The Ib'publio of theHulled kliuiw •*>'•*‘•'^7,!’®“ oI bln cordial npprovul. li,* dlvloe i Iglit o

king* 11 Olio of the rlghU wblob the authorSt” bo.omewhal remirhahlobwk In willing4 *ittf*ikf1 In llll WRV, AJI tTlO AlIl€FlC*tE*nM Ibluk’i ihnt, oul.lde of Ibe Aninrlcan glr and Amoricun “ Ilime toorftne. »ud |o Ihln bo add* the mot* rcnmrkablo amrinallnn mat a* a people we an not ingriilous or pmcilcai, hut arepriuci- nmllr ii»ecHlHtiv»‘s Ju obapur theSutbor liiis to »ay of monarohln. that If they huvebecii produalie of many wrongj they iluvc pertormej nearly M' 111' earih, und. on Hi* ol'wr baud, republic* have perfuiiied very llltto huUne moil de- plornbio omoe* tor mankind Ih. autuar

Mices THtr uuoH *T mur muOf COMKTITIOH.



40 di!X4n ud»*i* io irtlii M il* Tb«4dellRD lllbbetj Hoic, In all liio bpw eTBwlDisbmdcR. NlJ* grMiy. Hfbl Hug, emlaDnoe, olu foip navy blno' whUf, erotini tud bitclii reg. prwe 88®*


B ; «^ a « e " ^ r "^ ; . r T Y 7 IL lu l“n'. ’:'‘woil{; from 25c, lo Wo., at 13e. yard,

L iD lE S ’ BISDKERCHIEFS.aeiMiiiL lot of China Silk

A h i^ In Id dlffi'retil ihades, Rilk einhrolu* wftUored all uround, worth JftyL,


tluncrlor ftnnmy M-Incli All-wool Storm Serge* in blT.rli and navy blur, never noldlein lhanlLaidbe-y*rd.

New linn of A. l-wool I’ InId'. very latost coiorlngn and bent denlgun, Nlc. qunlltji*t 39c. yard,

40-lnoli All-wool Hnnrletln Clolh, eslrallne aunlliy. In all i'*w fall jhtde* and blaoJ, reg. price 69c., cl 33c, yard.



. $15.00s ia o o

. $22.50

. $35.00

. $45.00 $59.00


WM obTloiiily octmeloBCd Sr

Tb« authorMVS 111 111" pretore: " 1 refrain at Ihe iiuWet from giving people nuUli u*peolatloii lent they should aficniurd be dlaeppomiim, U may nut be uecestury, therefore. 4) add that “ le price 1. need by the puhll.litr, who In alB) Iho author, nt Si

- lu Ibe year iBJf iJ>*Soelcty of h rIendnTO a falling out and from llini ' h*Jretont no cue c*ii wUh nice nalut to the unaker* and aar - “®w?,m de«en<le»to®rl’V"“This divUioM luok

ruU®<ltlphiR. It ___ jMb* adopll

Trtblurun Ideu" « » the perL 01 lome of Jbi hroiSroo. Tb. Fflcud. •* »>•* owned agroal deni of properly, and while thebranch'of tho *oclely now known aa Hlck-. » « wnr. to lb. raujorlly, the ral®o'“ T lbs ao-onllBd,ortliudo*, by way.Nfllher to be comrii«nd*d. got poitettlon fbl real enlaio ond have held It t®J^'* iiav Tbii tael has mnlolnined a nplrtl JfS'ufrlenditoei. between whftU time d o « not *m«ltoi»ln| » “ * *® u iliailhcl'rload*aro not on such

hroobuiw hoaring upon too unhappy eveiilnwhich have eegregaivd tbe oolablouodv 'Tho*o who bavo anuuJkCtn irill find much to Ihl-tout will ho nor to Uii'iu uud moat tbat willnrov*tonlruollve. Ii 1* pub ll.hed by J. HI™.,,tocolt, of Philadelphia___ _

My Drnain.1 dreamt of a garden Of long ago

Last nlghU where the ‘ bndown lay Cold and dark on Ibo doer old walk

And lUn moorland wild and grey ;I «toOd where a brook wcolntoglngon

UnwU tD tllD letK,w ^ rc tke imll-«bt'«l torn* with i> nicaiurad

R' UUll . ,Of hWesi, noltd

I sluD 1 hv Iki! old home o:i tbo UiU WhPTo'th Lreei look t«> n Eld fro.

The rook* Hr by. aud the ehVldrei) laugh.Aud iho hawiborn fulls ilk* saow,

I could sec Uin IU»c »ud golden gors*In the dear, familiar plac»i

Aud I till ibo touch uf a “ vahlshed hand. And wnlchid « airong. proud face.

Bui, obi 1 woke tormy grieving life t'rom Hint il ream of long ago.

To lulas forever ymir pru-cnoe dear p) my trogbleil life below.

Onl.v a place thill I* empty now,A ooeg In a iiiluof key,

A love that mull ever b.i lacnrapltln Tin the pa.ee otewfulty I

SPEClAli SILK BARGAIRS.Choice duality Sd-toob I’lald Ruroli Kll»n j

freul Frrnch gnodal to choice cuforluk*.iciunl value II.®, “ i 79c. yard.

Kilrii line quality 2l-tocb Black Faille. 24-Inch Black ^ I t o Uoadame, und N.inooMlnck a r c « « l o Urea* Hllks, every yard warranled pure nllk aud uni to cut, actual value ll.K.toi'to-morrow only al93o. yard.

lU S lIH SPECIALS.Full yard wide Uubleaclied Munllu, good

quality; ret. prlo* 7c„ at * ‘ ,o. yard.Hood duality IW Unblmu'licd Bbeetlng, at


Bedroom-Suits, were jl25’0O)

Bedroom Suits, were $3<>-O0|Bedroom Suits, were $35-oO' nowParlor Suits, worth $50.cx), now .Parlor Suits, worth I65.00, now. .Parlor Suits, worth $75.00, now. ,Body Bni^sels Carpet, worth i^w 9 5 C .Y dlO-Yvire Tapestry Carpet, worth 90c., now 6 5 C .Y d8-wire Tapestry Carpet, worth Soc., now 5 5 C iY o

Great Heduetions in Stoves, Ranges, Beddms,and Everything Else in Our E stab lishm ent. _____

H c M a n u s B r o s2 3 4 Mafket M

■_ J — .

f\ Rare Opportunity-

Y EABH AGO. when miwereivurded gd PlRUOi I<OH MElll * ffAMOlfa WATHRH HAWOHiovarUbly

jrv'.i%mtom.*wtlbi«"£ t o K ^ J ^i4 r .r to have 0 0 ” Vlnnoa ludned by the an- ^vrin« eriildldin o/-tht pubnc iRitib • d

WATERSAn tbU In nlrlcHy Impartial UiUmonlali

weooMldar Hof morn l i ohlrnaoblug efthcl than could P ® »»lb ly .® ," toin^ from a Diploma given by the cus- {omary CihlhlUon'jndgen who hero oo prnfr lIS l knowledge of the mouulkclurc of Flan CO.

PRIZEfrom a3M to S439, on tostnlmento

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DAVID STRAUS,938 and 637 Broad, Gorntr l i t SL

F O A M IN BFor keeping •irslghi hair la

curl. I'r'ce it Hiid » «e n la S U L T A N A

For lluilag the Hpi »ud { cbeeka I’rirn fO centa

P A l t l A N f * O T lO N ,rNtTWiilUntUieultiii. Prlc»aOo

Fiilfivt Double iiDd Hlriii®HlKltna (.'urilK« Cutnbi. «3o- 1 dovble. rt«ld by l«Hdiiii litliiknd ftiDcijr »uu.u Uoaiop. lamifaclured ]


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A chance to secure n hlgh-gratEd Crayon Portrait of yourself or Bomej loved one

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COLD f a c t s ;I ChotCB IMibdftd TiO**... . . . . .I K la « Ookong Teas.........

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Zic. per pound ‘JH. per pound liSe, per pounf 39c, par pounf

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„b Jo"?;* " r ^ fo ? f«b, o"rdVu*a"i 'cfrc^JfiirtouS;: w“o""<»have to way trum 351" S*-, the entire com- There 1* no f'lflber ca^unj-

OneDollui niirt lhl‘ i-"'’ '® " .T*7 L j, nnistied, and, unlenn entirely *»M*'fi’ji'£;Primfwillheabuwi) yim hi orh ^ ?|”you need t)ul “ 'ilfLato^fra* prlo*. if you flenlre todoKi. bul you are nl Ito-

‘crty‘75 tSutobaro " " "“J f * ® n o

r . , » ® V i ? ! r .ttoto.A. CAHILL,

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g|T*9kl9HtQ 1040. TChlPHONk HI.

l ib H iiM Printing Co.-I tA lS M M h M h s R I .



3 3 O O O .



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Ctlhtr B r )d oo r*,^ n lto ry ^ w r L ^ i w

Q B ATbB ^ E C m C M ® P > ® 5 S 'w TRADE MARE. " * . YRAOB MARE

Vonlliutor*. t l » btovei Ulohea nic- a * , ■«

m Martel St. TelepRonn 4S1.T tA »fl« Ulil.ljrV

4rHI »liaf|K-lf-any rHitoff » « n W Kc. dl.rtru»gl«ia*r umllwl. RAilSOHtllR COr; 2 W.Mtb lF,, T. ,

19 XOUKper cake. ^Al-rtruvghua

mi okav auiMcai Bk,si nM » *•0* i , w n i ° f wunwiCika fellow'Wtkgvti ibn

Fbp CUi*m a9*sb»**k» Btoad

Wholesale and RetailOFFICE AMD Y A iy l .

133 FIHST ST.Tslcpboui) No. lOtt llpwark, 1

W A I S T S S O N S A 0 0.,

ItogtocaBofiornTTanta. * * ^Sttu to 20* WAjiUi 11I<;MI?^

Iron ' t n t , CsWrt»f»**> W*$»**i***


Third Edition,





»Qo4mod)UUdit LonlUoiiouodoatidalloiL■«rroT

Mayor Horrlaon’s Slayor BroogM Into Gonrt, but His Trial Postponed.


L v b , A m u lB 'i ConnMl W ill Try t » r » * . th . M u 1, l a i u , , u d to ■‘rovo. T i l . P «r«m * W ill It , C l l . d from F U e ,,

|U n i«ld , , f C h in io I . to iU fy (or th , I P r llo u r -.T I i , M urde r,, Iilepleyln^ tb* I Dtnett lu d lF e ru H About tb . Preoud" |lB(fc

CiiiCAoa, No t . a - l o n i boltoi. Ih , lio«r •et rorth* ap*nlDgarjudt« Kdwurd F. Dam- Dia’ecourt, lu tba old Crlm lnil Court thii moroluf en ld ,u l etowd (tillered and tried to ruo lb , (tubtlet ol deiwllTti. btililli tod •h.rlllt ,tt - tloned t l rrery door, lo tb. eiiurtroom, n w rlf .11 tb . pertoni were umcen of tb , liw, d U irD . lamalaBtd fbr )ury lerTloe. . t lo r o .j . and o e « ip .p .r reprb leuittlree.

All thou who enuld bot ibow aatborlty lor beibf In tb . courtroom ir .r , • loloded. After tom . mlaor oau. ear. dlipoaed ol tb . o tm . of Patrick >:u («D . Pranderfait « u ealJwl. Ibe iHattlB of Mayor Harrlaon wae »rou|bt ta aurroundad by ahtrllb

k (N .i

and bftlilfls tnd tMitd ts a •hAlreloMtotbiJurjT'box. H li eolntpe* ib»aLfsiiMorb

• C*nfraJ rlalas of tb* iMtad tpMtfttEjn. Oflloani fftoad th* p*opl* and aUrDljr prd*r*d aL( 10 sit down or 1m rjeeitd from tbo rtkjTO. Tho aniloty Ip boar wbat pa Mod betwMn tb| Court .ud th. atturnrya and lo obtain a Tt.er of tb, und.rilHd mob dertrw.i ao (m l , howeTor, tbat dnrln( Ibe pro««d ln (i tb, prlionar wu aurroundwl by Jurora, wltbeuw and atlornaya Frender(aat prMaotad a adoltd tadlDbr-

rue, lu what wai (OtO( on, andeecrpt for bl, ib lfllo (,y u atllbar moTMl or twi rayed any .mollOD. B, A.tVaue, wbo U tba attorney fromIb, WaablngloB Park Club andHobart Euaz apfurad at counul far tbe murderer. They wen retained by Pnnder- («eC, brother at Ibe ■Ollcltatloa of perMinal ir enda of the lawyere.

When the Judye baked th* prlMoar If be wae repreunied 1 a law­yer Mr. Wade aroie and addnuid

( jbe Court 1b the auaealn'a beeair, Ueapoke aa Invtyan for tb. dMboo. .re.ipeolMl lo about bilitTlny that Pr*ndor(aat baa a |ood d.fbnte, but U would taka tima to pra- part It. U . did not want to dalay tba '.rial, bot bla eU.nl wt. .ntltlwl toa (bir one. Not .T.n th. friend. « t tb . Mar riaon family wuUd to burry tb. trial and hau( tb. man wltboot a ltaorou(b taamlnatlon into hi. mental condition, He Ihoatbt thirty daya wa* not too mncta lima In which to ptepan thedelente. Wben Ui. tourt aeked Ifiba delCnee ooold not (at ready In iMt time, toe lawyer replied that It waineeaaury to bring pmoni fromoUMIrto- '^ o f Cblnatu who nuuld lecilfy to tba 111. aad talitory afitac prlmner. Tba aiaiemant around tbe Ulale Attorney I . bay ttaai Preudaikrut had llead lu Cblcaco nine ye*n, and tb* propoaltien that lb* btaU .bonld wait a month furwltnean. waa not rtaaooabla IfFrondaryaal bad llred bar. nlna year* than than aboula b« pl«otyofwlt- iiuwa ben wbo wonM m tlly a* lo tala obar- aeicr,

" I t i .c u a ttaluf or notblny. tnianlty or nothint,” deelaiod tb. Btaie’i Alloruty, apMkIng to ttat prl.- onar’a coanMl. He added t "1 am (ueuliw at tbat from wbat you lay." 'ibe lawyer .nawerad " Tour (oeai la rlybt. Inanity U our pltk" Tbe BUtU’i >ttomiy aald th* burden of proof would be onitaeBtale to prure the accuaed une, and wautMl tb. trial Ht for two wnki from to-day,

Afier mor. arynmeot and a apwata from bawyer Wad., the Court eoiu prom lead lit! three tm k i' tlm*, ■*lilii( tbe trial for Monday, NoTtmbir IT. Praider- gnat ww remoTed lo lb . Brld(. of pi(ba wlibout buy damoiuitraUan.


R*pb1*IiMti Refat* t* AttendHie hpacLill Counotl to

Act on the Matter.CNirAUO, Not. a —There I. no certainty

lual Alderman Cloar(ettwl(l will be nllowed by Ibe Uemocrallc memban of tbe Oommou Cubucll, backed by the city law department and tbe police force, lo lake tbe HayoPa KAt and exorciae Ibe mnyorally powera nnlll n aucueraor lo Ibe Inle Mayor Hnrrlion la elMied, Tbe aituatlcn ii comptlcaMd by ttaeitaleraeniof Corporuliuii CounaeUt rAUa Itaat b* will render an opinion io the City Cuuocll declarln( that Aldirmno John MoQllleii wai leyally etected Mayor protein.

" I am boa* lirre," u id Cblcf of Pollc. Braun.n lu tbe Cliy Hall italamornlny, **.ud I aboil ba(oaerned In my aclionaouly by tb. law drpnriment uflh . city,"

'liiat wae taken tu maun ibal It lb . tbirty Detnucretlc Aldermen, at tb. apMUt Conn- cii meellny wblcb they callad for l lo ’clock, but which the Itepubllcao Aldarinau ..Id they wruld not attend on leyal yroundi. da- odeil nut 10 aorrebder to tb* lblciy-*l(bt Republican inenibrra, ned tbe Democratic Corporailun Coiiuael rendeiml ao autl-HwlIl cpluiou, Ibeo tbe Chlefof Police would uie bli power lo pul McCliil.n Id tb* UayoPa i-liHlr.

The City Council met .1 11 A. M, No Be- publican, wer* preeeol, Aa adjournmenl ww liken uotll S o'clock and tb* Heiywal- at-Ainie wue liieiructed lo compel tbe at­tendance orabaantace. Half an bourbtibra Ibc time for calllui the meetln( to order Chief Urenoao liud decided on Ibeplan lo be pureoed by the police.

“ I bype bwn In conanitatlon with Oorpor- tlloii Coupwilaud other aitornV i nod bar* decided tbut the police bar* no baalucu lb the cbatiibar. eauept ne Inafructed by tbe Heryeani-al-Armi. Offloera will (uard lb. entrii new ua they old Relurday, and keep Ibe publiconi, rofar w tbelr Inatroeiloni wlihm lb* chamber arc coucerned they will be * OTCTUM by tbeB«r(eiint-ai-Arma.

Tb* aepnblioaii Alderman wenllntocau- cu, at iha Tit:* and True! Biilldin* at U. All lb.Republican inemncra ol tb* Council w«r* prtaeni, tluiu(b b ra time It looked ae tbou(h four were in t (olD( to altend. All Bible Id, howerer, bafet* tbe m*ellb( ww well ubder way.

Tb* proc*idin(i of the oancua of th. Repub- llchnewtr. onndueted wHh Ib*(raaleet anw

|coy, Ez-Corporailoo Council Millar pir«aanicd 'bla npinlnnibal Hr, Swift bad been lefalHr le'ecied and .that ba could take tala

.. •• . ww rteoiTcd topD*»A th* r*(o1ar maellof at T*lhbla-FnnliK wban Mr. Swift will nreeant bl* pnco.^br .apnriieal by the Cauooll and wilt ^ k * hit plana ai Mayor.

Cwblar Thonipann Tara, Stala BrldcnM, j N iw Yon*. Not. (L—Loult Tbonipaon, lb. lewblar of tb* Madi.oti Bqn.r. Bank, taw tarimd Btat.*. nid.ne«, (n order hi «1wr hll

liklru of lb , otaarln axalnat him. Wb*n lb« iAwliiaal AHorb.y, wh* baa obar(*oflh « toroiccuiloD, ww aak.l to-dar about tb. Inaticr baaaldt «WMI, Mr. VnompMn hw jhelped m* In .Ttry poatibl. way M far, and a biiT* bwa bbl. to nniUriiaDd Mrnal im- Mrtaul point, that hav* bwn -obiinirk” Whl, HOP on tnapart of Mr, TbampKm prae- uioallT mtatia (hat tb* abaiiM of ptrJnry khatar*aUndln( atalnil bin. wiu btdlw Inlmd, and that PrwIdMt Blam and the direclortof tb. back will ha dwp(( In th* mlM I ban rr*r. Th* c b w ^ ow wblob rMrapMU la bald l»p*i;(ury tn nawrlaw to a puolle tlatun.nt of tb* aSilra of tb. a»»w


Tb. Fatariaa Fileat Aaka for a Fair Hwr- lag—Too 111 to Mot*.

Fatkiuiom, Not. it—IUt. Henry llnr-pby acd bla frlanda ar* bl(bly Inoenwd at tb# publlcallon of tbe eorreapnndeno* Iwtween bim and Blibop Wl((er. wblab la attributed to K*t , Dr. BmltU, and tbe depoaed enraie bat addreawd tbe lo11oWtn( open letter, dated NoTember 1, to lb* head of tbe dioeeee :m. Htv. M. ripper ■■

Ut. Hav. b iK -l aui nmaatd of th. batted Inii.uaaiyuu ute IO voiir not* of Novnmb'r 1, In a bleb you ipeclllcally Hate ihal 1 bare luii( alnoe Incurred HTcrk mclolwlt! cal penalty. For wbat and wbeiT Only a law wreka a(o you (aTC in. you r moil tolemb uHuranH 1b wrliiu( that 1 ww under no ctnture wtaaito«Ter. How do theaa two ■taieuButa telly T Wbat a cban(e muet have come oTar Lbaapirtt ofyour dream, wliblu tb, 1,(1 nw wMka I To ocna* lotnekrroel uftbem*tter, Kallier Hniltb bw uiraom, time pwt bncn wlabinc tu (et rldolme, feeloul of my pupuraaiy. To (irc, * l lewl, an eppearanoe of aelfjuillllrailan, be found It neotaNtry, I euppute, lu make ohar(eaa(alDit ray cbaracter—cbar(*i which be btiered trom tb. puipH aud piibllihed In lb. prcea, aud tb. arldent ujjKt of which wHiudmtroy m. not only lu your eeteerabutto bll(bt forcT.r ray ebaneu of (.itlu t an appulntmeot lb any other part of lb. Uultw Htatra Hae be oome furwnrd to loetaln Ibelt cbniweiT No, and far the beat or all reaaone; be owu not. Oe ibe contrary, be baa (one around to tb.parlab- loueri within the laat Ibw day*, aeluatly lay- lb( tbat b, B.Tcr mad, any ctaaryw ayaluit me a,d that abyiblnf tbat bad bwu Hid a(aloat m, ww ‘‘ mart nawepapar talk." 1 auk you, a, a roan of eoramou w o k , wbat u to be thun(tal of euch oou- doetr If Dr, BmItb bw mad, ebarf*, a(tlnat m, to you, wby did you not, w a Ju(t Jud(a, before reoder- lu (a decItloB, alknt me wbat la aooordad to the lowed erlmlcal In tbe laud, a fair beaiw Int and aaoppnrtanliy iAdef*no myHlfT

Irefar you lotlie RaT, Dr. Hmlth’B Hrmon from tbe palpit, la wbisb be foully slandered me In tb. nioai public mnnoar end which Hrmon be also took petoa lo bar* pobiitbed In Ibe newapapera. Ha alio ilanaered my aleoe In a lawr n.wipaper publlcallon. I would nalnrally look to yob. w tbe bead of Ibe dloewa, for ptoiectlon, but, tied liwlead of rapitmabdlog him, you teem to*ncouia(* bIm,

Aaron baT. permitted ynur Tlw-rtcenl, R,t, Hdiwtian kuiitta, to pubiUh In lo-day'i papnmb, prlTRl, lettari you addreawd to ma Itakatb, liberty of makin, equally pub­lic my reply to you. I bad a communleatton yeaurdiy from tb , Mott RtTireud ApoatdilC DtItiatA but It bM raltnnw only to tb, qucitlon of T,calln( tb* Hill, houft I now occupy and w blob ,H ma to b, tbe prmt bun* of cobtanticn, IrMpKttuUrbowtolberiit- iii(o f M(r. Balolll In tb, »a tt,r. leball, taowner, for the prwnt remain In Paiar- •on, only a fbw door" away, wbar, 1 (ball no lno(trfter a rtpetlilon of Ih. aaTntery dla- pl.ywl upon my nleo. or tbe . tIcIIoi; erow- harof aBebaailan Hmllh.ynnra elDcenly.

I bra to remain IlnNiiT H d b o r t , It. 0. 0,

The frlendi of Fntber Mn^by ,r* dlapcead In pay no *t>cntlon lo tbo Bithop’t tbraat of eicommunlcilao, and tb,y wllleanitaiic to aid bim lu ,T,ry way. Dr, William K. New­ton baa lelef raped lo Blabop W l((*r, Inform- lb( bim that Father Mnrpby U too 111 to leoT* lb, lItU* bouH In wblob b, hw be*n liTlnf line,bla nnnnrotlon With Bl, Jnaebp’a Farlib. Tb, Btihcp’, order was tba. ba •bonld IwTe bOt later than t o’clock Baturd.y afternoon uedK pcbaliy of exoommnclcallon. In t Mw of Dr. Newton's opinion w to tb* pbyalcal oon- d Hon of Father Marpby lb* tatter did not le*T* Balnrday. Tb, dca 1,1 on tn, part of Dr. Hmlttaorihe.Uiiy rtlatIT, to bis refuBlnp Ib* met of tba etaurcb to Edward Con- nlnfbam, bwauH b . dfcHutd to alin adne uia.nl ur(in( tb. wllbdmwal of Ib. ault .(alnat Dr. Smitb.la r*pndlnicdbytli* tn.ni- banoftta* Clballe ctnb to wboiif Mr*. Cuo- nia(h.m lold ibe •lory.


Be Hw Dluppearwl and a Swaatbaart aad Olhara A r , A w a lll,( Hla lUtiim, Tb* fact that Hainrieta Zana u mluln(

dot* net worry the Prudential Iniuraae. Company, of wbleb Znn* ww a eoUwior, a. tbey bar. him bondad lb tbe Ara.rlean Bnriiiy Company of New York Itor HOD, w Ihcy bare all tbelr ooileetor*. Zina op to the llm. of bla dluppearanc. from tbe bnardlcf-houae of Mr. and Ml*. Bbr.ll, 9u Slxlwnth XTwiaa waaatr.l(bt In bli ao- connia

Thursday mornlnt tb. mlulu( mau left Mr. BbraA'a with a pmmlM i* raiurn to dlnnsir. A . bad *Ub him no wbleb b.bad eoHwiMl for ui. FrandeBLlal^mpany, B . baa aalttaw bwa *an nor hwrd from elnw. No leilou la lb . maiitr ba. . . yetbwa lakau by tbo Imurauci Tcomptny with a Tl«w lo flndluk talm, oor I. It probable any will be, a. the Indemnity Company will lake care of tb. HBaael.l end of ib.dl.ap- pea muck

Zaniww engaitd lo b. married lo Ulw M t((le Reilly, ^nployrd at tba Mabtlon lIouK, MIm Reilly did not know where her flaDC* ww and Ibamd tbat be bad rael with foul play. U . left all bla eflbcta In bl. room al at tb. bo.rdl.( bonik

H (htlB ( far a ChIM. roBrlMn-ywr-old A ll*. Beqan. a-bo hw

bwn IItId( with Ur*. John CUiabau, at Plan* and Blwoker ttrHli, waa deUlned at poIlM biadquarlen last nlgbi. When .be ww foor yean of ago tbe was indentured to Un, Caltalia,. Ywierdty .he went H> Tl.lt b.r aunt, Mm. Jama* Tierney, al 5 Columbia .treat Hr*.'Harney nfliMd to ( I t* her up wbeuMn.Callabdu callad forth, (in , aad wb.b an aitampl lo take thanhlld ww made Mn. CallahauNra" rapulted. Then a l offirar look Alloe to potle. beadquartern. Jud(e Katlacb deelined to Interfere in tba eaw Ihti raornln( nod Alice went wllllu(ly away wlita Un. CalUbao, Mrk Tl.fney wid ibat the girl bad complaload of iH-tnatmeot, add •be aatd ab. would take I be uae lo (be Conrt of Chancery. Ur., Callahan claimed lhal •ha bad notllPlroatad tbe child.

FrlTaW DeWaUTW Arraated. Slobard Dalton, of l(g Mulberry iimet.and

Edward Behan,bfIIS Vewy ainal, weraar- redod by Offlear Brady, of tbe Sroond Pre- clne. at an .arly hour ib l. morning and locked up at tb . p^lo. atallon, Oflioer Brady HW m n .lauding at the corner of Orange and Berentbatreeu from 11 lift iMla’claok, andtb«B,w tb«y refused to gleo an ye i- pl.n.tlon of tbelr praHock they wer* tr- fed.tl. At th . atailob-bouit tUey displayed a large badge Inurlbad •• Newark Bpnlal Po­lio*, S," and Ib .y told Judge Oonlon tbat tb«y were dalecilTw employed by DtlectiT. Oiwgory to leoora .rld a n w ag.ln.t * well- known rriid .nl of Ro h t III*. Tblsttaum «nt waa T.rlOM Mid th . young iMlow. war. dla- ebargad by Captain UcMaaua.

Ranard Waa .h . Treaeurar.Barnard Auer, tblrty-lbnr yw r, o d, of 100

MtlT.rn atiwt, waa arrwted Iwt nlgbt by Oflioer Kelleti, of ilie Third llreolnot, and ar- ralf ned bafur* Judge Praiiti iht. morning toanawer. ebargn of grand lare«ny preferred by bit oroth.r AlTla The Utter eliarged bla brmh.rwllb auallng a .il-rar waUh and flb.il. Barnard denintthe ttaen.audMid that b.aod kli brutb«r WertraTlng money andkepiitalttogaiber and tbatbewwtb. ireeaurar. The walob, beXald, be wa. only “ minding " for hU bratb«r, Jndge PrcUel gm th c watch to a it u and dlrlded tn* nunay ba lw m lh . brotb.rk a . tbl.waa Ht iuotoiy to both th. prUoner wai dla, obaigrd.

Bhot Bar Baabaad Thrwagli th. Haarl,Bt . txiuia, Not, d,— U ik John Miller, llTlng

•t w Morgan iirMt, .hot and hilled b.r tau.- baud tbli morning, M ra Millar bad tnt- peewd bim of ibfld.llty, abd tb . counl. tr*- qn.ntly qBarrallrd. They were leing In bed atOo’eli'Ck tb i. momlng. wban the qnarml w w r.n «w «l. Mil U r atruck hU wife MT.ral blowk and th. ipr.ngout of lud With lb . exirtamatloo! "To n’ll narar . in k . me agcln" Bb* aelwd a mrolTar aud btfote bar h aiband could prcTent tbe llred a Iblrty-aigbi eallbro bullet tbraugbUla bwrt, B.dlidalraoet in- alaotly. Mri. M lll.r waa arfwtad and ex- prWHd RO grief OTtr tb . dw ib orhar bus- band.

SECOND DfElCf FIGIT.Thsrs Is & Msiry War in John L

imitage's Bailiwick.


lb . Gama Did Not Work.Edward Pul T.r, ol Jersey city, made an

no.necnsfUl attempt to work tb* "fllm- Bam" game In Finger’s boteh«r shop m log Mulberry <lrwt on Saturday nlgbt. Ha pnrabaaad Ibnneen oenia’ Worth of meat aod gar* Ibe Clark a fU bill. Wbtn b* gut bit ebaaga b. dl.MT.rm that be bad fourlom eanta In bli pocket, he baatUd (be .lark ti.W and aflar g.Utng th. tto bill ran out of (b.plack Falrulman Tnlly arreilnl him •od Judge Xaltauieommitied him tojalu

RiirrlUr Mawglad Under an BImtrla Cw.BT. Lcun, H o t. t,-Jobn Kall.ber, a

laborar, llTlng A lias BpruH .(rwi, waa torn to piwe* by a Undail Hallway tlwlrle w r at South Kourlmilh alriH at S e'eloek IhJa aornlrg. 'J'bo muiorraan dlKOTmd the mau lying aerm. tb. rati, too tala lo .lop iktear. K.tirbtr'a rlglii leg ww torn from ht. body and lii.-lalt arm pntlad ontof th. •aekel. Ii 1. thought h* fell on uairaiHFriK tom lnaat B x g a ila M t _____ _______ _ „ „

I lOSB.km ~****5f i e 2 L * 5 Sw- InSnanna tf IKptor,

Mnny DMiBfter«lM W m byArmlUgaStae* H ll A d v in i luUi PoUtlei M d Thmf A r* Tiot UlipoMtl to Kelp Him Oal Row— A Btory of th« fioArd of Worki I.AW R t p M l« r -01d Tonlh W a n lin W lll RoMBt th i Tmpatiklloii Tb »| Hotidy Cm J oflaODM Thira*

pnlttl^Al war li htlll fAmpiint Ih tbe HiNeoQd Dlitrlctp to rretdPDt H of that looatny layf tad ibere ii ao «ucl of ntorie« In ciJrcalaiton. Jobs L» CMiiled at ibe City HallIbJe mornlbt aird tulit hjH arquaititJiTioM tbbi be would win and have at least 1)0 plurality* drspUe tbe oppealliuajto bim.

He bee been buvy yotup the round*, mek’ iDf epMObae and telling bis oanstltnsnle wbat a bitter tnrmylo the reoeUack* he li aod bow be endeaeored lo base tbe prteent Board^of Works lew repsalaa.

ItUweUkuowQ that tbe only liflelelor from Swei Counly who made etroog apMOhei In (kTor of Hie bill to make th* Board of Worke CommlMionert eleotlteby tbe neople wa* AiRemblyman Barrett, of ^outb Oranee. Mr. Barren denounoed boM- Urn end rtfuted to bo called otT fro m bii et> tack 0 0 tbe Board o f Worke,

Onbiawey toTreotonob thedey be prt- lented bli hill Aribllaga le u id to beve teld e raemb«r of tbe ANemiily that he knew very well tbet be would uoi beglreo the Qkeaaiire prepared by Colonel rrloe io liUrodoo*, The ** bo«*es,'* he exoleintd, eo^rdl&i to tbe atory told tue Nam reporter, would pick out Aaeemblyman Byrne for tbe honor. ArmUeye dldnH pro­pose to have It that way. Ur wnen'i going to wait fur the bUI. and then work hard and earnestly for Us pniuge. ai ha rcoid bat* done; lie waa going lo wiu eti thegloryas tbe father ef tbe tetiealer, no metier what tbe rtsuli would be. Ho he iiad e bill patched nr, floa gar* lb* miobine th* chanoe tbe b^eei wer* probably looking for] tbal of deelarlng tb* Armltag* measure wae oeeon-- •Utuiional lo its make-up. They tberefore declared tbey uould waih tbelr hand* of the whole Doilneei,

Oo tbit last day of th* teiHibTi when the bill waa leken up for (be laat time Armitage called It up at Ibe urgent reqaeat of Arieru- blrtnao Byrne.Turning In bti seat Byrne asked Armitage

to call up tbe bill. 1 want to vote for and be recorded In

(keorDf tb* tneeaure,*' leid Byrne* ^'Ifyoo. don’t call It up I will ceil U up myself.”

Armitage at ibti moTod tbat tbe bill b« taken up. Jt was of courec derreied. It wottld probably not bave been beard of oo tbe teal d*y but for Mr, Byrne.

Armitage'* opponent. Mr. Denoen, inty not bave tbefluanolalsupporttfaatArmitage Itcottntlng Ob, but Mr. jJunoan be* aeter been uceused of ■eying (bat be uied jneaai ■teppingT«loa*a to bli ambliloo.

The bosses uptown aay In regiird to tbe Recond District; '^Oh. n*yer mind the old Tenth end It* adjunct from Uie old Twelftht a Mttic mosey will go a greet ways down there.”

This kind ofielk ha« aroused ihc Toiersjn tbe lower distflda sud tuey asy they wjll* teecb the mncblne ihat ib*y are not to be bought or drlten Ilk* ihcep.

Homtasy that Armliege Is dtllngtipe fine realdenc* on Broad atreet, end (bey fear that ifelected b* may make It ble future borne and wbit* llelng In ih* NlntU Ward be ih* practicnl repre^eatailve of the Becond, Frienqa of Armitage aay, faoweYer, tbai he lidttlng np tbe honse tor ohotbor, yet the Becond Wurilrra can’t be made to belfave tbat eiplahailon.

AJiseiublyfnau Htrrlcen moved a call of ihe Huuab le ii winter . after be had jlefilded to oatt optbe Henatt biH ' iNfovIblim for toe rtatoekl of ibe dlaorderiy^bouf* act clasiifleetfon In ca^e* where telooti- kaepert arc aoouacd of or Ipdicted for kceplug ihclr places open on Buu- day, Tb* Idea wa* ta re­move the odium of posilbl* oontivetion with JbiMiiei of ll^faio* tbat Jlqaoi^draleri held went F^h indleimeilts under tbe Disorderly Houe* act ft! U then existed, HArrlgan’a purpose In calling the House, aa explained et tbe time. wj* to cnmpel Armliage (u vote one way or ancther ou Ihe bill. JUrrtgun refuied to have the ftHi) of the House removed ontll Arml- iQgc, Who was In the eorri'borM, was required lo oppear in his neat and role. Thebiilws* celcnUlea (o displease liquor (leaiers i« dofeeiCd aud to dUpieaee pro- blblilotilsli If pa***d. Tbe peoall'y in tbe old AOi WU* in no way ebaeged.

Tbe,'« Is a story to the efl>ot ihat Armliege asked tbe Campaign Commluee of the County Cuinmitiee U> let bint deposediilriet ceptaiUR fur rneu of hi* selection and that some ct mndtteemanadv}M*d him hot lokiok up any mure trouble.

From suurcea that Armliege 1* said to have counted on fbr sirong quartern It Is given out Ibelbe will meet wtih oppoaitioo. Many old-time Dercocritewho have supported hlro lu the past for the sake of ths parly deetare they will oppose him for (be reason tbat they are llred bf lilin and biM (r*alTD«at of Ihem. blnce his advent into politics In the old Tcotb Ward It l»laid tbat Armitage balqua^ retied with almost every Deiuourat wbo at­tained uu ofRce or who bed tbe temerity to aspire to one,

Heveral frleudsof thslate Seyaoar Tuoker, who, for a Duiubir of yean repreeented the ward In tbe Board of Eduoiiloii, are uode^ stood to be nnh'lendly lo Mr, Armitage aud ar* quleily adroeatlng tbe elaoilon of Charles B, Duhcsu. U V ■■ at the lime Mr, Armliage first desired lo be nomiueted ihai. It is alloged, be circulated a report that Mr, Tuokerg who, loo, was a oandldat*, had, when he was a school enumerator^ aubmltUKi false returus or tb* ceutus, Idcliuol Comrali- •ioner John Hewton, of the old Fourth Ward, a member of tb* commilieo Ibat have cbnrge of the enumeralfoDg bad ecoesa to tbe books end be furnlibed proof ol Mr, Tucker's boneiiy. ahd Mr. Armliege, it Is claimed, was compelled to eekoowladge tbat he waa Id error,

EX‘Ald«rman A, Jamee Payne, wbnwas one of Mr* Armttege's supporters, also bsd a dlflftrftnce wUh Him. But oo* ortbeinen who H la said brought Mr. Armitage tulo protnlnenee Is «x<Ald«fmaii Guiieve On- man. He managed eevaral u/Mr. Armlitnge'i CMYupalgus aud wui one of his steadlast frlendi, hot Mr. Orimuii U out of politics now end be and Mr. Armliafo only nod ai they pan by,

’Mr. Armliage ia deeland to he respoasibl* for several defeata that hli pWMy luitalned Id our dlitriet,” aald an otd«tlme Xfomoorat yeiierday, ** It wm b* who oaneed the foo> ilonal flghte Id the ward end ttaerrhy b*ougbt shout th* elecMon of Aldormen Jamil Merlttit, Thomni Hunt and John F. Ygeng, but bli treatment of Owrt* H, lAru* waa directly ipdusible for Mr. Larue*a defeat when he ran for Alderman the JlratUmu In IkfW, Several deyi previous lo tbe nieetlug of the ward eon vendue Hr. Arm Hag* elrculated the report iLat Mr. lAriie budeald In the room of Frlendibip Lodge, 1, 0. O. F.: ” 1 wnuiRo-— forclgueri to Interfere with my builue**.”

Mr. ArtuUaf* gave Ainoa Pleree m authority for tbi eia(em«id« Tbe arsi In* UtDstlon Mr, Lanid hHd of tba matter wae when tbe delegaiei Informed hint of the n* port, and after danouuBtng him they aX' preeitd ihetr intenilon of throwing him overboard. It was not qqUI tbanight of (be onovenUon, however, that Mr. Lwrue could bring about a mvadng batwaefi Mr. Piero* aud Mr, ArmlUge. Then lo the preasno* of Mr. LarDii Mr. iPtaroa doolad having said anyiblngcf the kind.

Thiidaiegaie* weic in wsltlbg, and Lame asked Armliage logo bcfora dwm nod ao> liDuwladgv that ha was wroua, pax he d*» •lined, (ayltig ibat li* had to attend a toceSs lug Ufa bnUdlngauu loan ataoeiadnu,

Mr. l^ru* wns hoirtiuatvd, but Mr. Hoiit heat bim by # vmvi, Audrew Gray and OMen Uii*y, who heard of (be report eirco- laiod, got out an ladrpendeDt ticket the day before eleetloD, aud lriflh'Ainrrlea>] cltl« sens sceenbt

«, goi uui an iaarpunuepir Ftcaei- duv ur/ ireeleetloD, aud tt^ lriflh'Ainrrlea>] cltl« I der*ai*d iArue, Tl<« totiuwing year, oh

.labtofouaor Arm ltags'gl}iht^ John F, Youug dafestti JubD Hyland f>r AldHrmtan.

A year ago Freeholder WHllam Moute and AlderroanTarrenoe Bnltb eould have had Mr. Armliage'e aupporl for anything, but when It looked as if they were to aUatfl ai muebpowarai ha Mr. Armttaga u aald to have eat looa* from them.

Bevarat rears afo, whll* elandtnf on the corner of Walout and PaciAe stretis, Mr, Armltsgaiasnld to have remarked W two members of the Democratlo Rseontlva Com* mUlct: ^ 1 UI* inaQ fur sUpplMt^abonei.”

Frasbotder Moore laya that when he wa* on fell wer to tht Ooaribonse to Uk* ihe m f i of iMoB add M t hM hnsd Armitage IkV^kte'Mlvlgg Uiai ha,«aoM «ot loaew.


Congressman Kiigllsh's Hill To Be Fafor* ably Rrpurtetl Cpeo.

Th* hill Introduced by Congressmen Eng­lish for ths relief of Colonel Tboniai i\ (TRcllly wlU be tavoiably reported upon. This ii the statrtn *nt luad* by General Ouihwa1t*« cbaliman of Military Anairs. The general o|jarge« agatnit hlui were for conduct unbtciiminf a geatJeoiau. It li probable that (Us cutnniHtee will mske tba report of Uie cotnmlU*# of the FlfiyTeeoond Congress lu own report.

The report entirely exoDeratei Colonel O'UeUly, aod. among alUer ibiugs, says tbat Ibe eourt-marUal uhldh tried him had no Jurlsdlodon; thHt It bad Dever been ap­proved by the Prerldout* aa required by the artietei of war; that (h* eaeused had reason to believe that the niembanol (ha court were capeelally aeleclad loooitVlot Him; tbat lb# offi>nce did not, even If proven. Justify (be eaDieDC* of ditmlNaai, and that Utsr* Is not to be tomid In tbe anoala of oouri-muriial prooeadlugi In this country anything np- pronebing the puerile Int uf mUirsDic ieohnteal ohargri tbat were lruiui>ed up agalnat (be acciiiei, and (he groealy lUcfal proceedings In throSseareaa good a travesty oo Juittee aa enu be found.

1 be re purl cuncludes:**Cohalderlog all the olreqniilaDCdi, your

Qominltlee arc sailsfloil ihatagreal wrung baa been don* a inerliurlouNsuldlar, who bai risen superior lo bii mlifortmia*, as evl* dsneed by his honorable career In elvil life •Inee leaving the army. Your oominiti**/ therefora. bflieving this to be a cate of great hardship, ar* nf th* opinion ibatonly a tulf rssloratioD to theirighi*. honors and rank whieh be would now enjoy bad be ramaloid In the army will dojusiloi to tbe case.'* *

IS IT A CHANGE OP POLITICS ?afsmbers af iha kick Uaneflt Fntid of th*

Harman Kagsr Aasoelatioa May» It U Said, VqI* (he Kepnblloan TlsheU

U waa reportvd and pnblltbed yeilcrday (bat tb* Herman Nager Damoeratio Club of this cKy had botied the Deraooralle ticket, and bad decided to vote (he entire Repubti- ran ticket In a body, AH ibis, It was re­ported, bad been eoniuniraatad al a maedng held nainrday nighU Wben (b« president of Ibe Bsaodatloti, Herman Negcr. beard tbla, he was anooyed, as he kntw of no inch mevt- iDg. Ha Iniervleaed a number nt the mem­bers of (ha club, but they denied all knowl­edge af ibt meeiing ami lU aotloo.

Mr, N*ger aald this morning thatln hlidr- ganUtatlOD Ibara uer* a dusen ur so of inem- btr* who are al«o moinbers o f a sick benefit society. ** As far as 1 eau learn,’* Mr, Neger continued, ** tbees men held a meeting Bat- arday nlilit and wlihimt uoUfylng ttaeufll- cera Of tbe other raembtni dee lde j to vote the Kepubllean llokei. 1 have not yet learned wbo ibesc m*n are. but 1 will be Informed probably ibis afternoon. 1 will then bav* them arrested for using my Dame without permlfslon.”

Justice Joseph Feldman, wbo li a member of the aesoclniion, i« firm In bli detqnulqa- tion to have tne men arrested unless ihe slfalr Is aetiled amicably, A special meeUng ofibeassoeiatlno will be held al Columbia Hall. Candidates Barrett, ticbalk and Brown are expected to make nddrcasps and Iha re­ported change of faith will be Investigated.

D C PK O B Y A N OL|> T R IC K .

A Bmoolh-longued btrai yer Robs Two Caalldlht Boys of th e ir Caats.

Tba police of the Third Preclaot are look­ing for a man wbo, by working an old trick, buncoed two fourteeD-yesr-old boys out of tbelr eoaia last night at the corner of Bowery and Fraemao atreet*. Tbe boys, Thoms* DavenpoM, of 6% Brill atreet, and Christie Dtvlue.ol ^Oxford, lold Ckpialn Daly tbat (be man ofT« r, d them iweniy-Ove cenLa to go to Wiedeomsyer'a saicon. at Chamberi aud Market streets, and get his bicycle.

The boys agreod and the strangsr took them lo a nearby stor*, where h* pur wbat Ihe boys thought io be a f2 bill Innn in - vslope and told tbrm to taka u to tbe saloon where hehad left bit wheel. He then asked the lads to leave Ibelr coals with him m le- euhty. They eohsented and atarlad off for Ibe blc-yeteand after bnotlitg for snm) time n dawaedi upon theta Ibat they had been duped. They burrlnd back lo where Ihey left Ihe man, but be bud dlsappeaivd, Tb*n tbe buys reported ih* oas* tu CaplHln Daly, who found Ibat ibe envelop* only conUlaed a User stump.

Death af Well-Known Newarkers.Elijah L. hmllh, wbo baa been consseted

wiiL (ba Newark Folica Depariioant for over twenty-nve years, died at Uls hnme. Ill Cotigi. street, aboQt 1 o’clock (blsaltcroouQ of a Ybroiiie dleease of the kldneya. Mr. Bmilh was born In this county on November 36, I8H7. and aliandad the public schools. Uc Wat one of the first to enlist for the war, atid •lartvd as First kergsant of the First New Jersey nalllila, and aubsequeDily served with two other raglmanU. At iba oioss of tba war li* raoalved an bonorabla dlscbarg* from the TwelUh Rtglment, Kaw Jsrssy In- fsuiry. Hr. bmlth was soon after sppointed to tbe police force, and served a* patrolman, ronndstnati. desk-sergeaut, drteeUve. and for the past two years acted as court officer of the Klnt Criminal <.k>nrl. Ha was a member of the Lie coin Pctsl, of which b* was apait commander, and ha was alio cbalrman of the relief commUtea of tbat oraanisation. As a member of tbe Polios Mutual Aid Asto- oiation hu was blgfaly thougUf of. H* hud bsen a sufferer firom disease for two or three years. On Tuesday last be ws* unable to work and returned hoinr. Lincoln Post will meet lo-uight to taka action upon bis death. He Is survived by a wife, three sons and a faughrer.

James G, Irwin, who has held many rc- ■ponilbla positions la the glfiof tb* Demo­cratic party, died at his home. 9 Austin sueet, on balnrday night. Mr. Irwin had been sick with poevtounla for a week and UlUt bop*of Uls rsdovery was fiven by bis pbystcitD. Me was firty-nino years of age and was well-known In (die cUy ah a munu- fkeiurer ofgold pens. Mr. Irwin bus been a member of tbs Board ofEduoillon, lUe Com- inoQ .Council and the* Asiumbly. At one time b« wo* President of I be Tax Board, lie ItHves several cbilurcn.

Dr, W.Btephen Htplbrook. one ofrhe well- known dentists of this nl(y, aud u suit nf iiic Ut* A. M. Holbrook, died at hli r*- idencc. Si Best Park sirret. sbortly after 6 o'clock last night ofehroDio kustrUli.

Mrs. Bridget Lynch, one of NewAik’* old- *st aud earliest actilers. haviog w»m* to N*wirk whsn^ltwae asparsslv •etdc.d and •(‘aUered batnlet, died yeewrday nuon st her resldeno*, U Bronsnnelil nv«hu*. at ihe eg* of seventy. Hbe wns (he widow of one of Ibe old Thiriaenib iiaginivnt vniurteers. who lost bis life In the cliarga of Five Forks, ktaa feoveaa son and fmir daughters.

A ll Over a Chattel Mortgak**EvaJaneiskSg of New York City, held a

obattel morigagaon the boueabold goods of Kerker Bueb, of 17 Fourteenth avenue, this city, Boveml day* ego she foreclosed and iba goods ware sold at auction by JusMc* of tbe Peace Feldman, Joseph MlebolofSky, who lives lo the bouse, purtbsted the cs^ pets, a louQie and ivo cooking stoves. Tbs Ollier ariiclea were boagbiby Ida Uoneiiburg, ofM Hprlngflild av*oo*, laaturday night th* Eosanburg womati went to (be Foui-teentb avenne bonea lo lake posstaslon of her goods. Bbaattrmpled to lake away tba olt- clotb upon th* floors, but > Mlebelofeky rr- Aisad to Jet her bavallgOUt snid iba could taka It U sba paid bira f%\ but Ida wouldn't give tbe money, Miohelofsky thereupon picked up an axe and began uarlag up iba oilcloth. Tbe ilosanburg woinan attempted to nravaiit him. whan oc turned upon h*r and struck heron the leg with iha ux*. cant- Ing a large brnl**. With tU* aidofa woman named Mary Zander. It li charged, he stole I2S from ber siuoklngg wber* sue bsd It In hidlag. MtPi Hoaaubiirg went to Justice UoseDblettlh^aolllMand iiid warrants Issued for the arr«*t of MlobMofeky aud Mary Z-<n. der.

BIr Andraw Clark Dead.LoifooNg Nov. •.-‘ Sir Andrew Clark, tba

well-known pbystolau, died at 4:80 o’clock thisufternoon. Sir Andrew Clark, M. D.. F. B. Gk uud liL, D., wai born Oofober St, ISM, wa« edncai *d d m ai Aberdeen and afterw i rd at Edinburgh. For two years be aaslstad Hr. Beimeit io Ibe paitanloglojil d*i>*rlm*ni in tbe Koyal Collage. For four years Dr. Clerk bnd oliargsoKhe palbologlo.il department oftbcNoval HoepHalat Haflir, In 1U4 b* took his (legraeofM. D. at (b « Unlversliy of Aberdfto, Ha eaiiled tp tbe nietropotls and became a ntemhrrof the Reyal CoHsge of PbysiolMn*. il* was ihs author of lusny medical baoka NfatlDg mainly lo iba rvsplra- lory, rluaal and dlgeaiira organs, ilia w m ereated a baronet in Ml. ,

•' ' " " "CitlMQi’ TlahaU at the lleotlis.

Thar* appear! lo bi an JnlprtMloo tbat ibare will be oo enttseos' tiekcte obtainable at the booths to-reoitww, Tbt* It erronaotis. Tba qutiU of offlolal tlcfcais tbat lb* law cn- Udas Ibe illiaeui'part V to has been Issavii. It la Ikaraira iieketsLidarsd diet tbe CHI- •tos were unable to procure, and for reasons UHit bAve bean tiridaioed.

Vote for V. £ Barrvu for itfeM

Fighting; A g i l n i t Efforts to F o l it D&>

qaallffod Voters On the Conunanity.


first Har Xvtdenee Was Questienail by Democratlo Lawyers, and Then, When l l Could Not Be khskaii, Ih* Procaad- liigi W tra Bald to B r Illegal—kainuel d, M**danaltPs Rola In tha Caia-«nusy KatnrallHUpa C ls rk «-Th a New 11(1* acne Tnraad Ou(.

Kot since the opening of the prevent cam* patgo h u thsr* been such a crowding of tb* Courthouse by would-ba elllxsiis aod tbelr wltacssea as there Wns ih li morning. Rvery clerk In the County Clerk's oltHi* was busily engaged In assisting in tb* npcrsilun of tb* Piiuralisailon mill. Inioitw viii ihaappll- cania, haiteMkciiir, and out they cuma Amailian citiseas, soma of iiism Is aiaihe* which DO usturaliMilon mill could Amsrl- canlSQ.

Part of iba crowd e as com posed of men wbu wanted tbelr nsme* added let be regis­try. H Is the opinion of manir tbat tba names which Tepeaters” will vole on were not put upon ihs llsis until lo*day. in order tocntoffupportuDlty for iDVi-stixatiow.

The third component part of tha crowd wssthe number summoned loaoiwerquee- Itons relatlv* lo kuspccted illegal registrn- Hop. Thomai N, .McCarUr, Jr., was lu court early lo ipply lur ih* striking off of (ha foriy-flve nam*e publiibcd lu ibaNkwaon Maiurday. Judge KaliKh and Hsmuel J. Msrdunuid appeared for ih* Democrats,

Sin HcCarler itood up and lunved that (ha nams of James Fiirrsll. rsgthtertd from M Bank itraei, b« traeed from the Mar, Th* Judge orUirfU the numeruui R|jpllcants fur clUsensbip and fur Hi* aUdiUun of tbelr uamesiotbe Hits to sit down, (empnrarlJy, umli tba work of atrlklng ult* namss should badone.

Tbe eopy of ita* list of th* kevenih dtslrtet. Fourth Ward, was opened siKliJahJohu- eoug a coloredenau, took Iheeiatid. >11*. Me- Csrter movvil (bat the name of Arcbibald Kggerloii b* lakuD (rom tbe list. Jla Is reg- litured from 64 Academy sirsel. Th* wli- nrss, It appeared frona tala own trstimony, bad not left lb* notice at lb* right bout*, and so Egiertoq's uumv was uiluwed to rv- mslu.

IJtre Hainucl J. McDooald mad* an argu- rneut to the effi^t (bat tbs iioUum Io appear bad hot IfsuC’l out of court and tbtrefor* were not binding, Turulog half way around lo tbe audience In Ihs body uf tbe he added s1gulflcniitiy,'’aQdiiu>0Qe wUd Is emue on lueti notice Is obliged (u reuiala bere.”

Tb* Judge decided that tbe imiloes were not obligatory, but ui the tain* tlm* "ibose who liaucd tb* uullcks bud a Legal right to do so.’*

The case Of Henry T . Mann was next taken up. H ll name appears ou ibe registry list of tb* abova-iiaiucd district and ward as ilTliig alM Academy sireet. Mr, Johniou awore that be served DOlloa al that house In bis ease. Alter Mr. KaiJBcb bsd badgerad^ttaa wUu9M by Bsklug blni such questtons as "H ow didyoukuuw that yuu served mis onilra un iba lady of me houset" be slipped down and Mrs. England, of 61 Academy street, look tbe eland, bbs swore tbat five ineit lodged with her, aaJ tbat nog* of Lbem Is named Uanry B. Maiia. Crosf-exanilued by J odg* KaiUch she said ib* could only ro:nember the names of two ofilieae Eneb.Hb# Mkcd the other (bree tbelr uanics yesterday and they told her. and none ofibe names waa Usury T. Hallu. Mr. Kslleoh argued tUat there was no evldeoee before (be Court lo sbow (bat Mann Uos not live at 64 Academy sireel, l l would be a posHlv* Injustice |o Mrt Mann, bo dsc1aie|), tu strike mr bis name.

Judge Klrkpairlok oooiulied long with Judges Lrdwltb and Buituer twfore be said :

" I f Ibis landlady will swear puslUvtly that Henry T. Mann dUM uulliTolnber hoae*, and has not lived ibcresf&ce Oolober HI. 1 will order bla niinae Uksu off, Baeall itM womau.”

Kbe was rcoalle 1. ttbe swore It posIHvely. Judge KaiiioU asked b*r whelbcrkbe knew that ber lodgers, when Hbe spoke to them yteierday, gave tbelr right names, Hbe did DOl, Mr, Kalbch asked Urr wlictber iba •aw ail her lodgers slaoe Friday, AM but ODC, sba said. Jle bad com* from Naw York about I wo moutDs ago, Tbe Democratlo lawyers qaickiy toiik up this point. Ilow did ebe kuow be ea^ not Heury T, Mann 7 lib* answered that she knew his first uame tobejl^miAm.

Mr"England was M it asked about James Martin, Jarnoi Itolaud aud John Van Houtcu, all of whom are rrglatered from ber bouse. Bbe swore IbatneUhor uf tbcio bud lived (bare since she bas lived there, 1 a about eight montba,

Tbe Judge began I bus: ’'This woman, bgwever, dors nut know tba namei of these lodgira of neri. She bas five men tbtrs and we Pbd lour r^litraiioui'."

Mrs. England here Intedected; "Mypac^ pie all lold m » tbat they were not registered, for they have oo right to vote, Tw ovf them arc liiiuly from Kuglatid."

^ext Mr-. Enginnd was asked by Judge Kallsch wbelbci' the houi* sba lived In were nut a double taoiiie, Bbe answered that It la How did abe know tbeq tbal these man did not live In ll,c jArt of the house wbJch sbs does not occupy. " 11ur,">i‘plJ*d .Mra Eng- liiod. *'1 ooA'upy all of 6t, tbv oiber port is nunibcred •'‘A.”

It UHtked vrry black for iba four names under discussion. There was iMmee for a few mliiutre and tben Bju iu s I J, Macdonald giitupand rend Iba law unil coDsirncd it. Ho cuiistrued It to ipcan that tbe present pro- ceedlugs aereeoilrely lllfg d, for It menut, lie held, ihatapplicatioQ based on sffldiivlis fur tbe striking off of Daiu*i should be madu (0 tbe Court, and ibe C o ^i Nliomd Ibcn fix a dale for tbe biarlng, unueof wjiicb bad beau dune.

EMJah Jobnsun was again putnb the stand. Us lives ut 138 Halley street. U was shown, tbe same district 111 wJileb 64 Academy itresL iNstluaicd. Now Mr. Jubuion was cross-ex- amlued sharply as to wbelber ihu copies or ine served Diillcc« In bis bauds were exact copies. Mr, Johnson rould not say. Judse l^aiiBCh DOW look od* of them and said there was a word In it that be cuuid md read, sir, McCkrirr sallied ibis by producing tbe origJusl noHecA ~

" lo)t Ibe oner now call these men's name*,” ordered ihu Judge, " Ttiey may tas to ouurl. ready lo swear tueir names in."

Grier Harris callt-t Ibe names, but I hers was no answer. Tbe Judge ordersd tbe four namsi Uken oft, Mr, JflcCsrUr bsd won, but bli uppoDcnts had made a big poi&l— an boar bud been cqj^suined.

Tbe Judge next lold Mr. McCarter that he would have to <traw an order to be entered on tbe tnlnules of the eouri, ordering tbee* namei lauuu off Mr, MeCarlsr askvd wbeiber he could mek* on* order for all tbe nsmesaDd was told ibat he must make one for each.

Again Iba oama orjamea Farrell, of 84 Bank iirael. came up. A i no such naibe ap­peared on ibeoopyof tba registry Uai In tbe Judge's bauds, that wse eailly dtspueed of. it was shown tbatthe name of Joseph Far­rell appearad on iba eopy of the Bet os 11 vi ng In that hodsA

Tbe huusa !?• Market s irN t from wblob are Mid lo b* regliicrad five names, was aext taken op, T h » Q.imas of John Lawrence, Ratpb W llllam if James Fell sod Ia w )s Lenls were found ou tba Uet, butibutof Adolpb Jakes wot not there. Miaari Vao Ciarf. of 108 Commerea airaet. a Kepubllean clectioD offlovr for tbeBscoad dlairici. Third Ward, look tbe si and lo prove service of botlce*. TbeJiidga fonudthatbeli not bim- self registered. He deelared t ’lathe was. Tbe Judge abnwed him tha Mat. On ll bis nams was fpelled '* Vancleva." T"* Jndge loia bim tbat would not do, and Ur. Mccar- ler told him to goat onoo and get uii nsme added (o the registry. He went, and n Mr, ntaruoerg. wbo keeps a store al ITti Market Ml real, tof k Ibaatatid, He swore lliai be did nnt know any oi the fonr men, but that was (be best evldenoe be eouid give.

Tbe Democreife lawyers bad annconrod tbelr wlltliigneas lohav* tliySf nartiDt struck n ffa ith li aas un ofhM building, hut ibe Judge declared Ibat be could not strike ibem off wlifaoul (be legal proof, TktsMr, Mo- Carier whs unable fo furnlib, and kewes ublitod th Rbandoii ibcM ca-es,

" Nuw I'H give yo J lea iitInuM more for ynqr uslier eaeae and then we wdl go into tbe other tarsDcb of the butlue si'’ said liie Judge* The "otiivr brniioUui inebUMlitess” maaai was the grinding nu of new cltiira* and 111* ndillhg ol ihvtr names lu toy ll«U.

Mr. Mof'sitfr. deiermined ro do Ibe best be could In tb iten mlnnte% called Mrs.Ow*Ba aaa wline»a f.»r Ihe Uo u m 61 Academy sir Jet, from which A number of per4 ms ara said to bellluHHiiy rvgisivretl. Mr-'. Gwens did not ar:awvr. it was Slid Hist bL* whs Id ixmrl earlier ID the Onv, Kh* nad prob»b<y taken Mr. Maedoiiqfd's blntnufl bad enne imm*.

Vwfo foeM, Uurrot^if fhifo ttaMoTviAfl

Witnes’ws tor all (h* other eases were osUad aad noioptanswiTcd,

"la that tllT" Hiked tbe Judge of M r Mc­Carter.

"That Is all, ilr."The Court tg*n addressed lUelf to "Ibe

other branch of the tauslD*ss" with great asiiduliy, Mr. MrOarler th*h entered the Cour; 'a Order, ragardlng I be fou r uames upon (be Oommon Fleas mlnuiM.

C U T OFFICIALS ARRESTED,The CHy Clerk and CHy Prinler Pross-

culed by (he t'ltloens* Party—The Grand Jury lo Investlgata.

Rbortly afirr 10 o'clock i Uls morning Con­stable Moekridge entered the city ciark’a oitica and Informed Mr. O'Conner ibat he bad a warrant for hla arrest, Tbecoasiablc read ibe worranl, wnicb wsa Issued by Jut- do* John A, Uodrlgo, and Ihe nomptalnt, wbicti cliargei tbe Clly ('l*rk wUh rolsde- meaiior, wsi iwurn to by John ,M. Bnrnell. of theCliiseuR’ parly.

The law under vbiob the warrant was li- lued iwrmlts any JusMoa of the Paooe to arraign (he dsfeudant.and ih'j City Clerk leni torThx Commissioner John Odo, whtk is a Just!**, and be admllteU Mr. O'Connor (o ball In Ibe sumof isOfi. Tbe Ciiy clerk de­cided to p^rmll Ibe Grand Jury i«> ndjudge bis ease, and became his own UoncIsma.T,

Mr. CyCuDnor was oumplalned uf f.>r re- foslDg loappoinl rhallcngerefnr iheClIltens' party.

William M, Sburts, whoprlnted the ballots and wboclaliiird to have drsimyed ibe plates when (he Citlseiu’ party, ihrough a commit- let. asked for «xtra balioit, was armted sborily after 1 n'clock this RfUrnoon. He, too. gave bnil In the sum ofAXI, and lb* Grand Jury will IbVMtlgale bis case,


Tha WltneiRai Atm Noi AppesHug and th* Frecevdlngi Ave Iteinf UeUyed.

JUfUoc Bnpp iHindiUind the investlgalloq Uitu the cases ol suspected Illegal registra­tion Hits niornlug under the Crimes act nf IkW. liawyeti Hklnner, Biuck and Kuowles ware on hand lo examine the wltncsies. Wlineeses who bed been subpiiMiard did not Rpp^r, and it whs said that warmnia would have to bt sent for tliem. Jn oilier eases whnassei could ucri be found, while In still olbars wlUi*e*s)i were huir nnt sent word ihey would coin* utar. Jusiica Kodrlgo will probably alt In th* CBitou Building this RherutHtq and JuaJro Hoobe alOrans* (tl luvestitate Lbe OHMHi uf Illegal rfgtslratlon.

.Mr. Nklnnar aald be expeoGd to bring about aevenieen C»s*S before Jasilce lUpp lo-day. Tlio first evidence beard was tbit of rx-Firc Cblef Ihtvld K BeaeUlet. wbo said (hat Mrs. Blake, ibu resident of VJH Orange streei, iiadSloid him lhal Fufrlck D.mnvan, John MeCardeU and Alexaiidrr Thompson, who were reglsiarcd frum Ibai place bad bol lived there for mnqtha.

Lawyer Conover then came and produced a doctor's otrtlflc.il* that klrs. Blake was lou 111 to Hpp<Hir. A Walt of on* hour for wll- aeiocs foifoired.

About 1:88 o'clock Judge Leonard Kalltch and Aeslstani PGraaoulor, Hood enicred lain Iht JObUce'B ofHee aad told him that la ibeir opialou be was pursulug a wrong oours* In issuing subpmuas nr vrur- ranls for wUneisea, They held Ibsl (be law under wbtcb be was acting wasooly InltDded io apply to wlthosses wenisd in prove a crime against a wlinaas tbit bodal- reaiiy been arreaied.

" W ill, gentleman." said tbe Jostlcw, " 1 only Wrtnt to do wpat Is rigbi. If 1 have dune wrong 1 am sorry for It, and If cocvluocd (ijat J am wrong I ■ball not emilbiue theis rases. I havHbean acting under tbe advice principally of Mr hkloikCr."

"W nknow lhat yoo do Dot loland lo a d wtnogly," said Mr. Hood, "blU (her* la u* duuni tbut this law Intends that (ha parson charged wtlh a orline shall oe ar- rcsiad before the evidence can ba called for, I tbiuk your form ofoomplalni is wrong,"

The Justir* ai onoe put a pad before Mr. Hood and said, " Give me (be rlgbi form and 1 wlU UseB."

" la u n o U t ir D Ik g tl gfo y ^ t , " rtpUed Mr. Hood. "1 b ire sot exammed tn* law lUoroUAbly, ~ bai ibat le my idea of !L" The thrr* rben left (o go (o Mr. Hoog’i office for further con suititfon. Judge Kilisoh loid a rvRorier that they vi«lt«d Joelloe Rapp simply as private oitlsrns.

Juiricfl Aocue, of IrviogtoD, and Halsey M Barrett vlsltad Orat gj ibis afier- noon and are Im u Id i iqb|HBuaiand warranii for persons lo apuvar before them and give svtdanoft as iu sue* pected eateioritlegai resliiration. The Ju i- tlM is sUllDf Id JuAilee Biurievaiit'i orfloe on Main street. Henry O'Hrten w m eelleJ lo ta«tlfy that five reefi registered from U New street, Grange, who bare not resided there for monibi, and John Eagan tesliflsd ibal six men rMflsiersd fnim 28 New street wbo bave never llvrd ih*re.

tn Juattc* ttudrlfo'4 ounrt IntbeCiloton Building a few roses of Jllugal reg iitration ware eitended la Au<nie Keller, uf IDl Jackson street,bad resided thers iwoyrare, Tba hou ewes owned by Andrew Iludel, siiv said. Cbrlatlaii Wurucr, Adam KIwlii smt Jacuh Klein had not resided ibsrw during that time. All ere registered from lhal place. Mra Blleu klulllii, of 48 MorYroa alreei, snid she owned 54 Van Bitren suett. It w m » dwelling house. Klwsrd Boyle, Charles Uoyle and John Bnrle bud oawr rsildsd ilierr. Kh* did not know ihsm. The Juiitcc suld he nuiild Issuo warrahu for the urlln*ftsSB who did m t nppsnr. He tiad over one hundred otiies on liAod and niorj wrra (uiu<ng in, " il any of the parties present iiu-tnsflves ai tba poll and afier Lfchig ohallcngeLi ih*y era allowed lo volt, the eli-oilcm officers will be tmtuedlately srre^Ud," said Justice Bod- rlfO tbli sflernoon.

C m Z B K A ' P A K IY A fT lV B ,

Aroniing Knlhualaem M'ltli Big Ira n i- parenelVR and Flaring TrutnpeU.

As an earnasl of th* good lotcqtloua of the ClHsens' movetnent. and us proof tlial the Clilsrni' party Is v«ry rnueb interes.a^ In the campaign, tha managers this tDorniagaetU oui a wagou train eonilst- Ingoffour big Irueki, tbe aides of which were covered with itreiches of eunvai bear­ing (he sentiments uf Ibe party. Heated in each wagon ware a nugUr h»U a cnmeLlsl, each of whom cotiirllmled In his way (o the objeeicftbe lurnouu

The procesitoQ halted for a short time in front of the Central lUllroad Ifopot on Broad arreei Id give thecrowdaoa the «lde- walka a chance lo read the inserlpUoQi. The first wsgon bore ibe announoamentt "Tweed Is Bead, Bql Hi* Metbod* Lies in Essex Connty. Vote ihe tTLIsans’ Ticket."

On tneoppoelte side wm an axoerpi from a fomous speech (hiia: " 1 declare to ruy itk low<aJtiXi>nB tbal L will never cast my btiioi fora ringcandldale,"'<*llamDel J, Tlldan,

'Tneaecflnd wagon bore a qnoladoa frona, lb* ■ame source.

** When bad men com bloc good moo should unlle."— Hamuel J. Tilden.

m ill anutbsr f^ooard bora th* empbatio dacteratlODt

" No ooloniaalfon. No Repaatlog. A fair count for the CTUm u s ' party."

Abolher excerpt from Hamuel J. Tllfien’s speeches raadit

"W hen Ihe Dames of men unlru* lo eretic principle*arc on ihe (kket It Is tho dntynf evsry eJtlsen to vo eagainst them."

On the third wnguii app^red the an- Douncementi "N uO sil Comhiiu'I Nulbio*' track Legiaiaileni No Ulngl''

A probleni li» purty pohtloA and a proroise was thus eel foriu un the lost wagun t " Who Nominates Our Csudldates— the People or UieBoRNwf Tbe CItlxens’ Party Will Khnok Them Ouil"

Tbe answer to tbe qucstioo appeamd on tbe oppostie side of i be WAgon, as foliowi i

"Th e People Nominated Our candldaics— Hot the BoasoS."

In (Klditiou to the ether intcrlp'lone each wagon pore the nhiitvR of the Republican cnndldaie^, wMb an appesi to the voters to support the ilnket of ihs cuiA^hN' party.

After* bait Of some ten mlnuiet,ihs train ■laried diagoualjy aoroM tlrirnd street tow­ard (be CUv Hall, ibe coruetUi ptcylng '^Aiierlbc Hall." 'Jbemuslclaa cimnged to "Ta-re-ra-bootn" while passing the Clly Hall, aud M a yv Hsynei. aliracled by Ihs mus c, appenredlin (he balcony, but did not wall lo review I'le procrsHloti. The wa«ons stpa- rated alt *r a shun lour through thv ccnira of the city, each taking a diOkreni dlfvclinn.

T h « fialclde Idanlifiod. j : Ribl. of 433 West Tlilrty*?lgblh ilrett,

New York Clly, lias Identified tha body of the mloldi found Thirrsday in a flAtd ndjuinlug Ibe llAplUt chuVeh, fit Lvotia Fuims. aelliatef J(t.iuM J mc iby, a palntar, fifty-four yeuri old, ornullivau ifou&ty, New YoriL ■ ....... - ♦ — ■' II..

V e i. (or Ml T. EHTsti luf Rt» (t RSR.tor.-Ail

Tbtn W ill B « L ittl* to Do After Election Day.


roin|itatnls of Iha Methods Rmployed la the Repair nf City tlraela aad Ceantf Hoads Kei'p I'nurlng la —Old Mew Auxtons lo W ork A re Called leabs Did fUmller Kadaaring Terma—fnperlntend* ents enable lo Caatrol the Faraca Bader Th*m--iltorlaa af Dapredatlane.

After a day or two them will be* sort of •* your service* arc no longer required ** edict to many ofih* vaet *' army of unamployed '* tbat have been " savetl from stNrvstiori ** through tbe Iqatrnmentaltir of the pnwera that be In llitlr " JndfoJoiifi " exrendltar* of the lixpayers* money.

A ruajarity nf the men msy be recilaad a day nr two alter the election miiroseome In for appparauere sake, nut l|said hv Ih* knowUig ones tnai ibero will bo few laborers at wnrk on tbe clly aud ouuo ly roaili after (ha cleat uf this week.

Of emirva thH city and counly sattaor- Hies did not appropriate pabllc money lor pniltieoi purpoeca; alranst everybody knows ihat, and Ifany one Is In doubi, all b* needs do Is lo ask lb* atiihorHles about B, and they wilt unhcsliRUngly siy. " Wby, eerlRlnly not; the itraaUsud aveouat were In ntwd of repairs and tba poor wrra ouiof work. We wanted Iha repairs msde, aad ai tbe eame Mm* wo desired (o beip tbe naady. We Just killed (wo birds with ob* stoat. FolliJesI purposci? fudge."

Whrn nne gets an explanation of this kind from the funnlaiD brail, ss it were, he can no longer onforlitn a panicle »f doubt.

Hut after elrctlnu is over 11 wiUbefiUTer- eiit. It win be explaloed (hat iheilreeta sl»d avrimrs were never In belter shape. Of rourR*. It look money to giii tbem In condl* tiun, but the work was done. U will ba Blmwnthnt there ar* nr> inoro itrestsin be tuiprnvrd end no more money io spend. Tha bearUofihc ufflaliiU will bleed fortbedle-. treesed, but wbat m n they dot Klectlofi Is' over. All votes ore counted, audiberelino need for the services of the working- man. They will u y they rellevrd dliireas ivmporarily, but will diHdMlnfully deay tbal (heir atitloDs ware intended to keep votera Id(liif.

Un (he ally's atreet drparimeit pay roll there are, U la said, 838 names. Wbsttaeror nut the foremen are expected lo wink at tha manner In which work li cloDe, Is t* ba eon- J«^ctur*d. but eartain It Is that ibe task nf itrscb cleaning Is performed In i illiaibod manner. Inihegangs employed lUeensual oherrvvr can pick out tba men wbo ar* willing (ogive A fair day’a labor for a feir day's pay. They itra prinelpally d d oea who bave‘fiini!!U>i to support,and they work becanffl they are glad to get tbe ebance lo sarn the price of iheir dally braad, aad young married men who are Imbued wHk lb* pr')|>«r spirit. I i Is said tbat oa streets In (bis any where contracts have been awarded for the paving of the lame, iber* are imell arnitea of men employtd elaaalDg out gaiters. Kverythlng, aceordleg to Iba cotuplalou of ciuaens end texpayara,ls be> Ing done in ah MDie.«ieaifoitH!iay slyla.

No taxpayer has y e ib en fooQdwbodM nut say lhal ba was willing to pay bis sbara iodtfray ibe expense* of work eooieian- llouRly perforhied.

Tha bunas I labo ring itiRn ar* ibemNlvci dirgUHieiJ with tbe meibods *mployed,ee- rordlug lo some of tbelr nuinher. They ar* compel led lo iinnd (heabuse broughtoatbe gangs nfworkars through ibe aonduet of what they tarm t le growler-ruiblbg eieMrat le tbelr runkt,

Thu same Applies to the doings of tbe ni*q •btaged on tbe counly ruads. Cnmplelois have poured lu to such an extent that FrtRl- dtnl Cabin of iba Huad Board u week or (wo ago scored the U>up*riut<-ndrtita and dfclart-d luAi lliay would iwheid rcapunsible for tlia action uf Ibe niru under ttasm.

As a mailer uf fOui ih* Hupvrleicudeuu ar* ^werlcsa to conirut tbegangauntoui irom Ntwark io work on the county road*. There aresrorvsof Jaborers wbn try to work faith­fully, but there ere ecurvsurothtra whn will uui Qb<y not work tbeiiiiMlves, but will not psrmli otbirsto work.

Tbs married men and some of tbe slogle m«Q who endravnr to make a good abowlng are hooted at by (he others and called "Rcsbs" and fiucii andearliig terms.

On Hpringfleld avanue one day last weak a candidate lor ufflee ordered • keg or two of beer at n kfanlawood sninoy, and lb* men at ones suspended work and did uoi iLiakuf resumius until the beer bed been conaamed. A iib e i lime some of them were Id aoebapi (oeimtlnue.

Biorlt* ot ihf doing* of tbe forces on WoeW IngloD avenue, (enirsl, Park and B>oom* fl«ld avenue*, have been repeaisOiy tuld-

Hi>u lb Oranxe avenue has onl Birspipd the dcuredadaiiS of lb* iougber elemsni,

Bdkne of Gie tnan, H la said, dcipll* tha prolaaii of ihrMte who wanted to work and tried to liehave ihamsclves, sfote oabbage frum lh«Avl(1s et Ht. Stary’i Orphan Aay-' lutei, g rf«u lommoFa from ih* o*toa UaU Collas*f.trtn and nanbigas from imall Cirks« era on tba iriountalo eH*.

A young mah, It le given out, insoltail a prlsNtattached t i Heton Unit CoJlsgs In a streeioar so grusaiy mat tne oisrgyman ihrreiened locbHStiMf him then end (here. Tbe lough kept qiiiai after this, but aonis of the respectkbte laburfra loft lUe car end irudgrd homelo Newark rather (ban rida with (be me n wbo insulted the prleat*

iteporls of depredatlocitonnio iroin cUiieni along ilip line of evrry avuimr. The old m*a bje foud hi their prnfoaia The Hiiprrlnien- durniN roy ihev t.ry in r»DRy Ftrsideni (>111111’* ordsm have work faithfully dunf, butda- clure that It H-ould bo necessary tu callout the m lliila to Induce some of tbameato work.

toNomecaa** Iha BuperJutendealirafua* to u* held resporiatbte.

After elertlmi day the Hnp*rlnt«&d*Tit will ba blamed ftir all daniaga done by nitn whom thry onu not o< ntro1, and tbey (bare-1 foredo<’Ure tiiit they are powerless to pr*-l vent dopreflMltons. 1

There wns no mralltig ol Uift Bond Board] thia aficinnon, Thn weekly meellng will lake place Wodneadny arternnon,

A Npeolal Ofllu*r AaaauUfd.When 8{HKilal orSeer Jubn ICnuicb rotersd

hi* stable on Blum etreei yesterday afler- Doorii 10 ford bla horse be was act npoD andj lavsreiy b«atsn by four yonog ftllnwe. Be| arrested two end bed them locked up at Ik* F<unb PoHoe Ffcoinct, wbers tbaywerar^ curded as Frsrik Kock. tweniy yean old, <rf 111 kprlrgdeld avenue, and John Ilufer, twr*niy-i wo years old, un home. Tbismorh- Ins K<Kk lold Judge Pn'IwI tbol he Wsstm- plnyod by Uau-ch at fifty cents a day and bla board* On Friday bla ern piny ar veked bim for'icvrniy-flva eenie emi Kock gave him a dollar. He went to tbestabte yeaier- dfiy lo get thlB money wheo lUuMb, ha clalhai, ebafied him out with • plicbfork. The men will Lav* an exatnloitloa Thurs­day moruing,________________ _

Tuewlay Likely to Be Fair. 'Fair woatbsr. wUh lUUonery tempera­

ture. Is prA'diuied for New Jarssy to-morrow x loutbwasierly wlndi,

The range of Uiiiperatura Ibr tba past twelve hours, eocordlng to the record kept by OlisriM Haridegaa A 0 >., 688 Brood itreat, lai 8A. 61; ,34r>; 8 A. M*,8T ; 8A. M., 4l f ; if M .,«F-i 3 r . M - . y . ______

C I T V N E W S N O T E S .

The'^lnievllle W* C. T . U. will bold an alb day pmyvrrureirng at tbelr ball to-morrow, beginniug at 10 o’clock*

A fair and ebtertatnmcQt, for the boDcfltof the Hume of jh e Friendless, will be heltf In the Church of (he Redeemer OQ November 27 and

Tbomas WaOnma, of 88 Newton ilraet, w m stricken with paratysle while walking on Market street this aaernoon uud was re- movsd to bis borne In the polios smbulanoe.

Before Judge Truidell to-day In tbe FJrot OlRlrlat Court Iho New Jersey Oil Cotnpaby oOiflliiod a verdict of fur oil supplied lo Houicyn B. Lcgg. Lvgg said he believed be bid paid the tall}, but could not find (lie ra- oslpi.

Thefouaral of Jutan MicUael Welker waa held ftoni the house 61 Johnitreei. Rev, Mr, GeantbtT oondueted the service*, aisiiltd by aeTaral sooictlee of which tbe deceased was a mcrnhvr. Tba Iniermeni was at Woodland Centstery,

Asioeliitlon Hall was fillad with men ye«- terduy aitirnuon, when the Usv. Dr. Paul F. flulptasD spoke UD the subjsoi, " Fallan Among Th level." Hla dieoourM was Hsianea lo with rapt AiicDtton. A t ib« after-meeting three persune profeBsaJ ouiiversluu.

Tbe funeral of Mrs. Theresa HoUa was held ycsttrdny KSifti her late resiUenct, 6 Htalp* man atrsM. TQ* funeral proceislou went ftnt lo Bl. Mary’a Cuurch, wbero B*v. Father Polycarp Mlataraied a requiem maasi aad I Hence the body sroa taken to Itaepsmetary of tbe Holy Grave, where iDtermtQl wee luBOe. Mumeruua UermaD seeUtlia took pirtlutbeaervlotsand followad tkelM im to lb* cfDietary.

2N E W A B K E V E N I N G N E W S ,

i l S OF TBEIdaho Crank Alleged to Bo Seek­

ing the Prealdeol’i Life.


A M iM r w a o U A « fT T 0 » » r th *

lu ll ia td to U a «* l l » j » t h r » « t «CiMoUHJ—ChMB. ClilnOM CiUnl,p i n In Aotlon B »iu n

0 * *T IH * €onUni|>lnl'*> ^o^lh I t lM f

A « Toor eb tld m i lo cruupt I f ■»,vuu »lim ild n » n r b , wUhout » b o lll, or i ’ i.»m b ,rU ln 'i CousU I* !• *Inliieiir.' fur croup.* ml b n n "» « r been fcnun n to fall. II ■Hfi n frct'ly mhju „ il‘* couih nptwnri it w ill p rnen t ito,I, th , i.ol» rciinnc, WHO ihouM iid , or mnin- t-r, nholiuTc cruopy plillilr, , »m l n «»c r dl • ppoinli tlj«n i. T m r ,n DOd»n<»rlii i;i»in| lhl> Kcronly in lu rie mid rp,qi>mit d 11 rotiiniu , noibtn* lojurloon flfpent n t i** for M l« by V. Holibuu.ir, Hro»d *nd .Marmu A. nciiurr, Hi im l l lo •n ilO rn i'lm H fU l«r. O rm ii" •(-, cor. Uo m »H I*0. n. t'AiMpimi. Mt.l'iur ’ .________

abong the sportsmen.

t ■Dd

Bw rrf tV *ll Drank »n tl UU*

A tt«n ib »r o f officer, m c i t i « i » ’ d f***W .B d .t.lU 'd lo iu . r d the W i l l , lluow-ivml •ro leo i tb " Ilf" o f 'b . I'n -.ld .i.t, wl.icli i>

I ba lu du iic.r iM.iti n iiinrdcioiii lui»l

ilin iry 10 Ibi' tM i m r.P " “ f dm d.n in* pain Mr. Wnli uottnund m , b ,o d « »M •no ri-Tnlcd th t "onre* o f » l l h i" • lo n r .

, ftloo.r"nlty 1


T r » ln Ile r .t lcd in lU lno l,

en u k « b u 1 " . l l• r *• ln WmblnybiuW"<lB«id.y U i" r » « r i iVMl in ilii'C lty u n i.nv b o k «rp " • rm ou r.u t In lluiH-t'liy. Idi*.

ID * B «m * uf ih l« i » »n u t.p o lio t io rt ln 'p fi'* ' .n l M fu m to d i.u liC . H.turdgyh# .c u t lo th tC h lt f o f To llc* »Bd told 111" "lory.

M t , i l d kboBl B w « k BIO ■ tnloer wbo wbb w l o f .lOploym Bot *BBl to hit rBiiBUMnl BBd Id t ilt Bi.urB. o f B liBBtrd diiclUBlou BbnolthBtllTBrqutBtlooB iid lUB circol, ol th t tUpeBi b ill Bpon tlw m liilu* lolcrM U of U i« WtBt, d rc ltrcd » l l b »iiiplB*l« Ib t l h«

ti'ln c to H B ib iB *lo ii, BOdlfib.rcpcAlp*BB»d noeondU loD .lly be would kHi tin n tD w ho b t kBB* thould be held rc»pon"l- blA T k t tBBlBUfBot-kceP'-f d.d But kiion tk t IDBD, bBt a t lit UlMppetred from IkiH". he eorolfldBd IhBl It wb« bl> duty m |u lu W atb iB llon BBd ooMly iheBiMlinrl.l"*.

He tn ly e d '>" W cdneid«y. On Krlday ■ncroooa be ktrolled up lo ih ■ W b i i . Ilo iiwpn.mBBBdc, B »d U.e b u t pn .e '> b « » » « » ■Ih . BilB .r with whom b . n .d ih . convert.- Hod A ito o n « • b . " * * biin tli. m lii.r in k 10 h i. b « l A T h . .n u u r .0t keeper ibeo tb .u ib t th ,t po .ilu ly It * • • »U k .n id .B llty , BOd h . t t ld nothin* t * tuy- body UBUl ■•lurdBV. when Im m tln " «n t tolb . W b lt* liuUH »Bd « " « t il.la rk lk i "bout o n . o f the y t i . ' . __

Tb it tim e be WBB i»ll*H ed ICBl ‘ bert w BO m ltltkB . H t went to ih » i bief o f Kolleo BBd told Ole B to ry .llT ln * u f” " d e «r lp ll*n o flb B B B n . A » b preetutlooAry mtKture b

nam btr o f BlBoert w er. dcluiled to guard ^ e W bllB UOU.C and Uoteeilye. a r . looking M t A r Iba niau who a tow t b lm talf an In- l— fiiBii nn*nMiOe

T h . po lio . d .a U r . they do not b e lliy . tta.r. Ita n y danger, but W b . ln « la k .D to guard .g .loB t PO""lblt • "»_ t iB g .u cM , BBd tba m a li.r It btlDg kept vary

D E A D .

M .w T o rk A . C. I . « m *-"••• • * < » « " * •

K aa t H a ll P la ya r t by l ia fa u t l-^ .* * *

from tb . tqu a r.d t lro la .

Oaplain im Hart and bit Or.n|e A. C. fool ball b l.y e r t had a f t m . tcliBdultd lo l . k t p it * , on ib e O r.ngtO Tul H .tu rd .y . » l t h th t b'mt Y i rk A, f . leam, In tti.

c a i t o N o iA iu r .M IX IU l lb

A K .a ta e k y l.aw y. r-t M H Iakaa y ie lla * Bf C ilrb rn G o * o f C b r lit »n § .

Erom 1h»‘ Id^uuviiiiO n r ll iE . Uurnhsun, t»f R lchm ond» K y .»

U one o f the n io « l "ucccM ful U w y o r i In the bluo-girBu. ucctlou, but Itku tiialiy o ther b rillian t n tM i* liablo to m aka m li- Ukaa. SumB iiu le H in « » t "d * Colonel

bumplunthlp | | }um bam w a* em ploye-J in • tu lt b ro il(h l .. . r lM o f ih i'Amerl'cB li Koot Bull UuiuB. Tba | b , tb « re la llv o t o l • rich New V ork tT . d id nolibuwr up (or ib t game, I farm er, w ho a lleitcd Ihnt h * w a » c r u y H .e T r c In m n bavin , wut a Ul.putcU to *n d eh ’m ld be dep rived o f the con tro l o f, „ . l r C .p im n n . ------------------- p roperly . Horan o f Ihn beat law yer.

in Richmond wore cn({a({ed on both .idea,C.niatu He I I . r l , inuuunoin* l l i t l it '<>" wet for h i, men fu pl»y- If* •*“ 't •” *“ * " " a tttn t lo i to the nuiHlcallon, and at tha proper tim e tent hit men on tha dud to nwttll tba cu lU «( t^ki IfiiD*. Wl.aii

Hood’sj^®Cures s. mmSpecial Bargains This Week:

P'**lClllNiVLVAliiA KAtlJk>All^Ty|igTAkP•jSm Uwayof Aftart^v UjfWibaBl

t e UMlateSokluf iwlbl) vo i bock altMl mY*» ttsev mUv om irtiLloi UiMfcnt. f n aad atVH cirtooof lA ! • » irfctiM »tU im n fitortrai B im t fbtatiant, N*w«rtt. w

f 1 9 A, rxpn . PollfUM VmA-bate CwwioitiriiJW

OtMThrA from N«w Vork ^ _ An v™ IflM..

OMrbrft fi«m Naw*^ ork, a&iJ A. M., luduiiiiKblte T.iS Au

CJikioro lauo A. JA. d-KtmikdbM#I lUrV. M. Prnii»ylviM»«A' fXCluaiVAly I®u)luMkn

amt the tria l a tlrA c icd a lureo crowd.*' W hen it wan (.'o liinel Burnim m 'a Hmo

to c ro i -c ia m in o the defendant he very

A l'M »e i»K ^ rtV llh K a l.t Ite iiilt .,

A t tb e rea u U o fa ileljU rnttly planned at- leiiip l a llrn ln virecklna. Irulu N 'o,.1on ilie llllDOit t;nn ir.l. known .1 the » « Or-eantl.im jied, w .a wrecked yi itcrd .y near Ulim. n I atioii .lim u twenty mll' t umth " f tu l'd . I.I.. and three llvoii wrr.- lacrlBce-l. fh e l iv e t lo il « e r « thote o f tha Hrenian, Cb.rlev lU r man, and two tram p', h 1 1 c.ilnrtd men. Wlio w e ie t iea lln g a ridtun Iba iruck ' o f the btggaga car. KlremBn Harman lived at Centr.lla and leavet a widow and two ehll- droii. The w lo r rd men liaya not boon Ideo-

" F i. ’nk MeCoah, iheenBlnaer. etcaped w llb . 1 11- t Ifijurlet. and ttia esprtta inrtaenger and b .pgate n t.tb r received i l lg b l rn^. The train w a . welt ffiled with p«t*en*rra. hut not o n . wnt Injured, .Itknuth ee-ry on . o f the day cnaehM .nd lb . head truck o l im nr«i rieeper were thrown rrom th . Iraea.

Tlio train rc ch e d UIHn over t i l Court late —tbouL 1 (.‘clock In III. innrnlBg. neat that p l .c .a r e l lm . k lin r.fur which a tpur hat b-tn provided. T h . .w ltrh h id been thrown over to guide H i. t r .ln o ,i to th li tpur. which do ." not rejoin th . ra.In ir .ck but .B d . among the lim e k lln i. Tha .apeat* cafn* dn.hlng alnng, nnd nt tba wreckart had taken paln« li> remove tha light from tit" iK lich . K o iln re r VcCo«h wat u nw arn M of Iht danger con(ronling him and tba iritn ptaved from tlia tnaln lo th , aide track, t h . en fko.er reeer.ea the au|lnA but It waa too late. _ ____

me cerlnln that th . (ioU itm lla i would nut | naturally Ir ied to raalto the poor oota r l e Hurt "«ut I ’ l.oe iirro'K the l lo " («r i a t feehie-IilliH led lui poasib loain lA "* tuiicbdown. H -ferrt A ltx .iid tr , ui Wr»- hliii queatl.'lHi ca lcu lated to ahow tha t he

Ic y to , uuve t ljega iiie to Or»og'i by dcfaul.. w a « m en ia lly Irri sp.iualble.■ -a --------- ----------------- III .i.Lu l ..with A .co re o f 4 too . Th . tcor. will . l"u .l wTihout qu ->to'4i, a- a ro leo l me unociu iim d l.iin c ily tu f t ibul a ciiaioplontlnp g to iecannot b . pottp'O 'td Wllnoul the fO iiM "llortu .c u p t . in i o l hoih Icaint. He lU r td ld mn e iio teu lto I le putipji.vmeui, to in . refer*. i decttlon tla n d a , „

1 0 . Young M .n '. t'h fltlluo Uliloa le .m ol K .'an iy , eb .m plou t o f Hie New JrrtiT



/ / / :


M r*, Beb ftea vr«i*

L UTk W.J^iUc A. l .k d .r t o f Ibj.AtlAUlIc la«itKU^ Itoft kt I ark.

Te K. C. V.itf'lifi

.... Uwiil.... ^.rkluliiiuic

llllAin*....... .aCaJJtJr......HhiklAlun.......b«uipM»n................ r r *M r.....^...Pouila*


N B W A tm iR lA N C A B IH X T ,

O B A H tt, T H K 411 ANT,

T h e W awaaa B l* Cblnamaa K B »*a * * « y a t tha A g . o f r . r l y - t l i .

TbaB taou * C h lnei. giant, Chgnf, died at BOBrBtBOUtb, Kngland, yettarda.v.^

Cbaiig waa the tn o il ftmona big iiitB o f hit ■ » . U t had bean M »«ra l U m « 1" A ra e r l^ BeaaBtaor a pravalHn* tuparHUlon aniou* u a OhlB«ia people Chani’ a h .lib t h“ * " " " bMB meiunred. aa tbay be ll.T t i l ia id e .th would introedlalaly follow tba m .aiurnneni. B u iil ie r e a re eoae who ba»a obariyed him at who baee aiood up betide him w boM tl- m aied h ltetature e l Ita i than n loalael. H I" BhTtIcal ptoportlona were very tyinmctrloai aod hla altenglh hereulaan. H aving lra »- ailed abd akblW iad ibroutbotil Ibe c iv lllitd gtoba, ha acquired, and tpoke with fluency, 1 1 1 d lBerenl languagee—Kugllth. U»rman, Viwaeh, llaMan and Hpaiiltti, H ew .aaoon i-BABloASblv inAii iie llfliU d lo jnMl ^ e * r a e w ith lutetilgeTil men and » « “ « " •

Okang waa bora In l l i f at \A tani-Hue, near Pekin, China, l i l t pnrentt. who are ” l llVtn*. a t . large tea aud .Ilk grower., and ara ludcpendtut. Thern it notbiiig In th fiy aoAailtutloB nor that o l i h r if prugeuH- ara to m dlcala tha po ttib lilly o f iraium li- l in g g lgaotlo propqrtl.m t lo their egirtordl- nary toe . On the oim trtry, tb .u g t p «ren it are about ibaaTerage a i , i o fC liloc ia peopj'. Who ere w ell knnw iib i be rather andtr b .o rd lita ry tlae. A t fata birth ihera 10 Indioala that be waa to arow o * stBtu !»■ And op lo iha hra o f o r*r ly *tx y# »r i

pot *lC#*d mrtet culldrewof A ltar a "Uorl IHitaw. ha h ^ b

eianma inch gigantic propnrtlottt lb « t hla M «B ta w .r a ranch .l.rm ed a llh .g ro w th ^ ^ e l r huge aon. A t ihe age nt iw .lve he waa equal to tha helgbl o ( h i* f a l h a f i h ' ganciaH ly o f iha neighboring peot'l*. Tht SbeJomanoB or h i. being u. tel at a m .ii, i S ad ya iabow lng all tha h .b lU and boIUio . ol I Child, cBuaed biro to become tht wonder aud aiiBmahroani o f Ibe ncltbhorhm.d. A t t be tam e Hina be Buffered g ie « i p rrion .l dla,

lio m to rT fo r the roen would not .-io c ia ie I wlTb biro and the children would nut pity W itb h im . A t the age o f elghletn^ba com- mencad to e iM b lt biratell In public.

Chang Tltlted Amerlcw In 1!»3, Hig8 and lit ligg. A lte r h la iM iy la ll he reuiruwl to h . iialtYO land to marry a Chintia beauty. It w a . h i . InleoUon at th .t lim e to to A m erica and to « i t i . down In tht W «1 .

■ M e need to w d »i * wnlclt given biro by Ouaeu V l i t o r l i , which welsbad two poundt J u T a heir, and bad a chain ulna fW l long which berely reached aroitud h it neck uud J !w „ ro hro ve-t pcckct. 11. h ad ‘ ‘ * ; « ' .lo ck o f gloeea end Jewelry p r.w iu "d lo him by roya l aud other dlttlngulihed pertonaget.

n iV I'.H B R ID O E .

PrlBoe W lo d U e b g ra e l, se leeted a i F r lia e M ln l i l . r ky E m peror Joeepb.

Emperor Frahcla Joaeph bet aalvcted Prlnca W lndlechgraeia ea Trlrae Sdlnllter o f the Auatrlan C ib ln e i lo tuecaed Count Taffa wlinaa ratlgDAtlon hea haaa eocaptad. Ha It (trend M uiirr o f H ort. to th . Emperor, a m e m b iro fth e A u ttr l.n Cheraher o f Lord, ■nil a C on terva ily i In poH.lca

I'rlnee W lad ltchg ta iia h .t chcaen th l. Cehliietl Bohu.lawVon WIdmaon, Oerman Liberal, M ln iile r o f lo la r lo r j Ceunl K arl C b or liitk i, Clerical. M inl.tar o f Ju.tica; Krnval Von K.encr, leader ul tha Oerroan l.lbcndt, M liile tero fr in an ret Count Julian Fglkanbayu, Clerical, M lo liia r o f Agiicn l tore, aa Im h e T a t f l. c .b in a l; h i. d IHuu. Von M .rteyahl, pole, It ln t.ia r o fE d u c a ilm ; Coo,tl Krana Croninl, ClerlM l, M Inl.ter o f C. mtnerce; A p o llln tr Vo ii Jaw ortk l,Po l., H ln la t.r w ithout portf.ilto.

Keuriiy, Helurday. Toe home c-am pot up a goiul g .m e, but W it nefeated by u acora o f S l o t tha p la y t r 'I tn r l upaa fo lU m tj MAJgHTIc. position.lit ., aim......... .......■i'*’ " " l ............ .M urpuy..... - .....—.Full biio .......M clio iia ld ............. - lu l l hecu.....1 ) Ji.iow....»......... ..Half biict....Wl>e .....................Ilnif b ick , .T u ye r................. .Hnir heck...T r .l i iv r ........ - ........ Kurward.—M rK e iiii.il_______.KorwnrU J. J on ."............ ......Forw .n l j iw v .r ............. i.„.,.lorward....w . jou iw ..... ........... Korwtrd...

L ln .t ! i ie o - f lr o .k r , W.Ub «ud R «ie rtc—Mr. Hood, V. M. C. U. , ^ tn .

J li. c.ledob lan foot ball laam g.fealad the Am aricn . A. Ci. elaycD, o f llobokan, d ty aliarnoon on lha BhooUhg P a '* gfountla Th lt la the flr it lim e the Hoboken p l.y ere have been defeatad luH leM on. Tuey bail MUl out a airoogar lenni than utual. be­ing rtlolOnwd by t.vera l m em btraof lue Mi.Je.llo irgm . T h .tp in ted game, and bed no dHBcolty Inw IhqJd i b j A acorAorS lo l .

N « w i « r 111* Fl«U lArte N ow that th t era o f big purtaa b a i P « » d

the men who makt a livelihood by pnochlng each I 'th .r find ihtm Mlvca wit bout the r o »a ia proipw la th .t not long n go frie ted them. N o t only h .t lha forioer a n ile ly ,m o n f Btblello clnb malohmakert m teru r. lu n u b ti ilHd on1,bnt ib . h ou rt And eon- ildarah l. d lfflcn liy lu oblnlnlng olfert i t all. An I n t u n c o f tb it waa glTen at Hmtiin la tt week when the er.tw b lle •• MyaterlOUt B illy " Bmllh and Dick O-Hrlmi,who hay . been litr Kime tiro , hugf ling OT.r 1b. ienua o f a maV-h, m elon the.Itw el noddlteuated tu . probebllltlrt o f a meetlog. Smith baa a uaaty tongut. aod ht began la abuH O'Hrlen roundly. B roit ofraiitlTe eu lib .t which ha applied .routed O Hrleii t

Umlltl W*ll.

f « i i l th e Colonel,“ te ll m e, do you k n ow w h a t Chritlm aa laT"

" O f course I d o ," re to rted the man.“ It 's a day w lien you g iv e presen t..”

" V e r y g o o d ," rc t^o iid ed tha law yer, b land ly, nodd ing hla head a t lh c p c c lh - lora, " b u t w h y do w e g iv e prenenlst W hAt do wo con iincm orA lo on ib a l dxy?

T b ia p roved a p-iia ler fo r the defendant, w ho ve ry cand id ly re p lied tha t he d idn 't know anyth ing atiou l it.

" O f oourae not, o f course n o t , ' ex ­cla im ed C olonel Rurnbam , trium phantly, w ith a k n ow in g g lan ce around the court­room . ■* H ere you are liv in g In thie an- llgh ten ed age. w ith in eigh t and eound o f duiena o f churebca, you have teen thla fe .tlv a l celebra ted year a fte r year, and ye t you do iK)t k n ow tha t w o ob terve it In cororaem oratlo ii o l th e cruclflx ion o f our

R ed eem er.” ^T h a o u tb o ra to f lau gh ter p rovoked by

th li rem ark waa ao le rr iflo that It waa a Park ' long tim e b e fo re alienee ooo ld be en­

forced o r b e fo re Co lonel Burnham esligad hi# breok . Thu Jury decided Im ­

m ed ia te ly a fte rw a rd thkt the d e fen d M l And cou ld o o t le g a lly b t dC'

p r ired o f hla p rop e rty w hen a m ao whoae b r lU U lc y baa n ever been questioned waa squally a t aea w hen It oama to te llin g w hy Chriatmaa waa celebrateiL

Neuralgia Cured“ ro rro e r ly l suSetcil with neuralgls, 1"'* ’*

hai not troubled roe alnce 1 have taken Huod a Sar«parm.v. I gave Hood’ , to Btf lUHe g® ‘ ™ lUniat trouble, and It gives her ImRU'dUite rclloi.My broihiT hat also taken tt and It has curedhim o f atUima. W e are aU indebted to

H o o d 's S a r s a p a r i l laand w ill use no other roedldUui.” Maa. t o -n x iT i W IST, QiTstown. Pa__________

H o o d 's P ll ld " “ f* Iber liU, tick hcadaeha, JauBdlae, Indlteadon. Try a box. 3&0.

K IO H T CABXiOADd OF F lA t m ata lo w.iau db .fon lh 'liaoka ..d iu u »t^^n u »‘ a;, ---------t\i- I Bve t i c e Ilia nude another iM uoiraii , -iwplua Idaina. "toIn ib M f Ic * o f Ewinlly 1 Mrvatioo_io^ ptHM'alUul l f f H • ................... ‘ '

.Tibote lirawLiii uAd MOOklJU *D<1 I * cud rtiporte,

______ lyp. urUFTS. bslhnx'ios 'T tMitb

widiiir I M HJ nt-i'banel' C fi" KA 1 • ‘ i sH Ih* «»aTtoleiu #• «^ homeFlour,. LU.MIp,;J,osrjei. msUoiim j and muvabl. Hwtitc hgbla. ArrlvwiChtOMTO 12t00 iKMn, _ . . .

riVsvF.*e*g4ll*,. *at,e t . WSIV." v '» M oi-hln fO lory/ ’ 1 *11 1-K in ll'-r jo i r. : o«r»|»Uei*

0* o t i pKiu'y'l*A««'iit K our At I4 7j I « r bA^]* ; •. o fw Buckv^A it H »nr. 25 'bs-1 " •">0.

K E W f a m i l yF is t V o 1,fFriOFrly nt l l . j ,i i o » At «3 . par k a ; cUoiw T<TF s i lt)r. ID.; ni*W Holland U n i­ting lit t l |>cr Ke •

E LG IN CH E AM KU Y U U lT K K -P a lU r Is

« 'T v l 'd iis ra U h r d i |.riiO, I W l ] ' - ;DhIt Huii*r M 2Gn, por lb.; 1 n : L «rd Ml w * l>cr :b*; UiS' 11 y tu sJ llu n ii ,iL iSs* tb,

KffHli .T'tt-rv E (r :i ft SpfT*laIty. AH n rd i aby insti Of U lephoiiS promptly um lf#n a.

Lnuii, iliicliiiwn and tKxursa'«> -Pnllmiu Vtiu’oiM* ^Qd litnio;

liOBix i,tik«tfO «itd laMHl'<vlUg . VArtlbm*

Ifiercf) nothing'xo GOOBEkS


^okirut var I'staaik^r <'ow.-&** to hu l«u ts A rr iv e 'Itvc oiiaU A. M , ixMiU 7-lJ K .Ue, *ijglClilesjm M. stxJ day. . ..

fu w I*. M , Whusph fip T w * Pailmsa bute 'sr* lo 1‘Uteburf Jt'hiCAic* sodtend. Molasrsf^tig iMiUtotrlpliiA. moU litU tnrt lo i hlCBRn, Arri**R At i teTflaiuJ U.*J Awil.,t'ul- cn-o V Su K M. next dsy.

fA15 I*. M- wuiiMSHUrii i;jipr**v^ruilnuis VesU'nile hlfi'phif ( st* to ilutl-in-kU Knd hi, laOiil Uliitnif Car Allooas lu ' ioMvnooda

1 9 I', 3a., i:liU'tuiUkU AUu V. >i , jndlRnBpollAv PiU F- sud uw Ixhiib 7.00 A. M. iH'omt [uumlac. . .. ^ .

f A ll 1*. M. I’sdde Kxpreat, FuUuisu bulM Htsplns (A r Nbw ork lu i'tilcii«E>. ArrivcsdxUy i

UiOBdo 7 SJ A. y . TBtfOODd nioriduBi, i'otedu I IX I rolumbui T-t& !'■ y . AUil <|«via|snd, w»«k IV. M..

7 3 6 B R O A D S T „

2, 4 anti O Coniincrco Street.BHa N iIH BTORE-1* Fairy H I, cor. Uulon,

lll'’b'’"ui'l aud hanvuit tJtpmia IlUily. wu'n tbrougU tlttpcn u Aagutu and B « 1OrVuant. ^ ^ prt.lt on I'Janil iihlo'tiallwty. Thniugh uiMpluiaad

r U. ssenualotn VtlHy k ip ru L ,_ --------------- --------------- daur.jFalTni.o hultkt i-ltaper to N.w (irlMot Tht Ch«n

e jT Y A U TK B T W K gm N Tq .

“ v??* li.lMinore, w «ninatrti tod tatemiin.- - - iJ.imlieit KUirwM, VuJIra*. V.


S t t M e n e

A F A Y C IIH A L i h l e h m a .

F H IL L ir v K iP E C T A C L to .C O LO N E L ____

Tbay H ad F a eo lla r F m p .rtla e , B a l-Th cyIlTDUghl H im in U r l.f,

From thaCbicagnTflhunc. , , . ,"T h e way Chicago people look at

things remlndi mo o f my old friend, Colonel John Pbilllpe."

The apeakor w«a a large, hairy man with a biff alonch hat iftd a voice evi­dently bettor adapted to the acoueUo jjropsfUcA of tbs pfsiriw tbAH Iho PAimer Honan amoklnff-room. Ho appearri to reallie thli aa he glanced around and taw every man In the room looking toward him, lome amiling, some tcowllng.

" Tell ua about your friagid, tha Colonel,” •uffgeeted a real ealate agent, who had the hairy giant on tbe itrlng for a bigcaah trade, _ ,,v

"W h y," contlnnedthe big man with the prairie voice, "PbllHpa saw everything that belonged to him big and everything belonging to me small—

** Thafg toman natura— tha kcent waa aaggeatlng, but the prairie man in- termpted w ith :

"N o , 'twan’t no human nature. 'Twaa •pectaolesi He got ’em made In thU

I town. 1 believe you people all wear ’em,1 too I**

"W h a t peculiar propertlea did your friehd*a kpecudet pUkemT’* atked aduHata U ilao ir;.......' ‘ ^

"J u it aa I ’ ve lald. Thhy made hli property loom up In regular Cbloago Worid’a Fair fashion; but squashed other neople’i stuff worie’n a Zlmrl Dwlgglns

n e


gB tIm B rou gh t to m M1« tha H lfh t o f Bm l-A «n t DoittAln.

The tJallad bialei Suprviue CJourl bat bean on to daoid* wbethar Congreti had lha

whihorlty to em power ib . North KlVer Bridge com pany to bmtd a airucinra from Weal Th irtieth llrM t, New York City, to Ho- bokan w lthoa t th. corporation Oftt geUlsg t b a e o B w n lo f t h .M t l » o f N .w York and N .w J .r te y and o f lh »m un icipa l au lbon tle.ID N ew Y o rk and Hobuk.o. Butan Luxlunhat brought the aqtlon whtok w ill «aH for a geoJalon from the h lghett court In the land ■Her land in H oho ien hat been oonderantd lo r tba bridge abotm tnl, and .ha la making bUlbkon ibl* poidte» H|lii on XD»* 1'''* “ *' rt-rtt- withThs coo^rtt* wHhksr lu brlogJDg U»o co** • sp<if>dr- - I t 1* anXlOBi to bsVs tb * qo***HuA biM W ar tattled a t toon n ooee lbla. 'The whola m atter hingea on the power o f eminent do-s : ; : ;V n h r 'r t d » » hndg, o o m p .h ^ y noM lo fC o o g re M a p p ro ved oo July l l , w ^

Ex-Oovernnr Joteph D. Bi-dlf, ol Jertey c i iT couneol for the bridge company, gave

a explanation o fth e .Ituallou y e .ttrd .y :“ W hen the promolera o f ma bridge eom-

ca n r were ready to gat eu lhorlty to build S e .tructore they went dlreoUy to Coogret. which, on the approval o f iho hecreury o -War gu v* tbani aoU iortly to go ahead. It

a ------------ . . . . . . muer conieul.wa. onueoawary to get any Th, bridge

people bank---- "

" How could he do tb lat"" Why, the Uomed laaeee worked on

an ukls and ahowed thlpip teheqeope fash­ion, you know. 8’post, there wsa a horse trade up, he’d let you look at you^ own horse through the ordinary little end of hit glasses, but when you obme lo look at his he’d get at hit specks again undersome pretext—Just flipping'em dyer the magnifying way—and you’d see a magnifl- centaniraaL Uwas the same way with houses, tracts o f land, wheat fields, chang­ing money—anything. Once yon looked through hla glaasei at anything you woe his vlcUm, for you felt as I f you couldn’t live until you’d traded Just as PhlUlp# wanted you to. But he met his reward. He tried a bluff game on Big Buffalo Jones o f A r iion »-io whom he hsd by that epectacled Jugglery told a hundred Jacknas rabbits for burrows—and looked at Big Jone.’i aii-gun through the little end o f hla glateee, trying to put him down tmall, you know; but, alas, it dii

" Wbat happened T" asked the agent."B ig Jones’s gun went off repeatedly

Just as Colonel Phillips was adjusting bis glasses. It was aa well, perhaps,” con­tinued the prairie man, dropping hla voice so low that the bellowing of leg* In tlio river and lake could again be heard, “ for my Mend had acquired suoh a habit o f trying to talk up to the magnifying side of those glasses that his long-enjoyed reputation for voracity was emlroly sp’ iled. W e burled him at Big Jones’s expense, and lo prevent a recurrence o f such a tragedy 1 look possession of the spectacles, and——

“ Wliat evef bcoome of Ihi^niT** Askdd a

iV .’ lvsu"lVepow 'sro’f«ro lo s n t domain,X M nasran land In N .w York oi.d New

hungry-looklng roan who had gone broke on a W

'" ^ u d g e M e h l io n appointed a comrolwlon to carry on theoond.in ita llon proortidhvgi and m /k . awards fur properly ihu. taken. BUMD L ox lon ’s property w ss ainung tual condvmued In Hobukes.

“ The suit I . noi an unfriendly one In t hit. th a l the bridge coBipauy 1*111 aid lo every w ay In getting » "pcedy h ia r li i f o f the caa., tMcauss It wants the point settled, l.n io o n - vlaoad that w e bavs m il autuorliy in con­dem n aooh property as wa mat aa wall to have every doubt reinoTSd, Bod lhan no further obslrnctlont oan b . ih row a lu our *rAy.

■■ Wa claim we have full authority to con- t iru c l the bridge anU Utkr nnd for ap- Dioacbaa under the act o f CoDgrea,."*^Ha ta ld the plans lor the h rld fe ban been approved by th . Hoer.iary " f W ar, but that no coudeiiiB-illon i.rooeedlug. had h «B bwgun lu New York City.

on a w o r ld ’s Fa ir hotel schemo.I now, wear ’em m yw lf," said the big,

hairy prairie roan.

B . B E R R Y W A L L A K R E S TK B .

A e a a . .d o f DrunkenBe.* and D l .o r d . f lyCooduol—A Felon H i. L x e u ...

E. Berry W ell. Ihe ouoo famou. leader o f fastaloD lu Naiv York, k ing o f the dude^ and nll-aruund man-ebout-town. ivaa arraigned In the Jeflenon M erkel Police Court ycatrr- day be (ora Jii.tlco Koch charged wUU balDg drunk and dtaorderly.

W M hegoiie. ^ w d , w a . lha ei-monareh o f dndouum ^ c n , uoootnp.oiod by h i. bond.roaii, Cliarle. H- DeW Ul. he appeared Ucrora Ju.tica Koch lo nn.wer the charge.

Jua Ice Knoll, Oder reading the i-omplelol iiu iiin liig ih e priaoner. rerrchenslble j » r - fOrmancB o ( M"turaay. aaldi " M e i l . .Mr. W all l i l t alleged that while drunk and Un- a h le io le k e care o f yuurM'lf you were re- m oved from a ceb lo acc ll to Ihe W en Thir­tieth B t r « t Btallon. W hat have you to aayIn explanollou y " * . , . ,

A ..u m m g ad exprexalon o f lujured In- BOOtnea and pliyilcnl anguLh, Mr, W .l bald up hi.woutidcid right hand and triad to speak. HU-vacal chorda were »ad ly out uf gear, hut a fie r aeveral untuoc.atfui elforla ho iBiuiagcd to remark in a f.»g horn key, I _ l _ w a « aiupefled by llqoor and agohy, your Honor. A f » l- l i lo u ou m y right baud batnoai— nearly driven me orasy w liu iitln. Ib »d to drink all th . tlmo, you kuow, to o r - drown m y roleery,"

i t <tn> It patuatia axplanatlon, ra to lllng In Sir W all’ a Iromedialo d ltobsrg t W ith o l . nond im nu hebu rrlvdon lo lcou rt. .ltd van- l.Oad through iha tide door o f a antoon apt

- twenty ya 'da away.Wktlia waUag * I »> “ th * aMatey

M ill M ek lDgGuu F llo la .From the I/ondoA N tw i.

The oldest Indo ilry In Great B rlialn— older it could h .rd ly be, fur l l« ex litenee On. been traced back to tU« prablttnrlc aluoe age —la atlll beingaarrled on at tb . v lli.g a o f Braudou, on lb . bordert of Norfolk and OulTolk. nnd la repuried lo bo In a fl.iurlab- Ing condition. U 1. a tnanufacLory o ( gun and lliider-bciX fllu ia From an lii ie rn U o * BOcount o f 11 In tha Aral number o f m e /Uu.lruletl ArehotolopHl, a now and rsmork- ably uai.dimmc q iiarlrriy lovlow edlled by RonilUy Allan and pohlHhed by U. J. Clarke. U eppoar. IhaU iiore I . no regular fU iil fact­ory, bu tt be work Is dntia In llitlo iheda, ofien " I Ihe back o f tbo lownafnika' oolUgea, it w ill naturally ba naked. W ho w aa lt tin- deotaux flints uud gun fllt iii lo those d a y i o f pUoephorui maicoea and .Miiriliil-HeurysT I l ie answer lo Ibe flr . 1 queitlon Is that there la n g'Hid trade in llndor-b"X ( l ln i. w ith Hpain and Ju ly, where ihe lliuler-bux " i l l ! keep, lu gn 'uoil In very rural dlalrlcU. T rave ller, lu uiu-lvHUed rcglnna, nioreover. And flin t and aieal moro Iru itw orlh y lUuii tnatoh.'s, which are usrless .f lo r they huv. ■AUfeorbcQ piioiNturf. Gun fllain. lli®ol1iot iiMnitt ICO iDovlIjr lo paitA o f A frica,w b ertou r old rrteiifiUJrown hoB*, wild bx KtictiMii lou f ^ A ilx t flint fauBkcia

r*lcbg b*.i muttd. Ii wm of, Her lA «t reiujf*' _______________ ________ _

lUlCUVO vvaj.vm. aaw ---,r » and be proeieded to punch Hmllh well.The " M yilerlo tiiO ne " lought back, and Ihe crowd m at hao gelbared. ruallxliig that he had btoug lil Ihe pua l.bm .n l on hlm.elf,■Imply itood by aod wuiched the flght.Hiulth rew rled to loul U ctic., aud bit O’ Brien ou Ibe neck. The coniiwl laeted •om e tim e belore Bmllh concluded that be had had enougb, and retired iTOiu the battle with one eye clowd and other marka o f O 'Brlan’ . prow e.. on Bl. face.

A d e i«a t lo n o fNew arker*. liir ln a to f i.v - •ral o f Ihe prominent iporie, h te arranged fo r a v l . l l to Frovidrnce lo e lineM the meet­ing belli eett Hlav. O’DonoelUOs long Au.lral- U n. who defe.ied Jack emtanach at Coney u u n d recently, end “ Old l.hw olaU ."George Godfrey. The Au.trallan ■ man­ager, H aley, Is nut wllh a predlelloo that Hisve w lll,on W tdneiday night, d l.pel ell doubt coiiceriilng b l. ability a« a puticlier b y p u " ln g Godfrey out lu .h u rt order,. He tvew U Ihe lim it e l alx rounde. and e a i. that tyU oonell will do mure than any boxer bat y r l beta able lo do w lih ihaonliired m an; that It. knoek him oul clean and co d. G odfrey ’ , .u rp o ilc r . lake a dHTcrani view ol the ilio .U u n , and In.let that “ OldCbooo- la te ” will take home Ihe w loner’e eud o f the purie. Aeeachraan haea host o f.u pp iir i- e r . It Ja probable lhat a goodly sum Of mnnoy w ill depend on ib . reault.

B illy Ernst, tb i Brooklyn lightweight, It a fter anolber chance at Horaoe Leeda, the Fnlladelphbaboy waodefeaud him alCqney Island Teeenlly. Ban Gallagher, who la look­ing a fu r Efusl’ i s f l . lr . , .a id ye .te rd n y:

Leeds promised to meet B illy and give him anothar chance lu this vic in ity ebout them iddle o f March, You can p u llt doe n thatIf Ihe two men do mectsnd Ernet w lo .b e w ill probably become ihe A u iT lcao llgbt- w elgbt eharoplnii,aa Jack M cAullffe 1. ready V .g lliey ip tk g H tteu th e wlmier o f lha n ^ t . i f leicdg aqqqld KifiV,, B i l l/ *■ “ 'h i* '* * ^ “ 1 tha ring inr good.

George Dixon lia i adopted thaM hen teof Donchrnglhe bag on the .U ge recen'ly, and eava lh en ew act arlde much to h li perfnrni- anoe. O u beil and F lt.itin raonesre the only liuxerato have u K d tbe punching b a gs , a regular p .n o f their performance iboafltr.

I t Is reported lhat the new flghling club ai Jackeonvllle, Fli,., b » . oflered IM .W ,for the b a ilie between Cutb.il and Mltcbell. On the oiuer hand, a . proof tbat the flgh l w ill not U k e place before Ibe new club oomee the re- port ib a l the ropre.e.il*live. o f the Iwo flgb ler. h aw tigned nrtic e . o f a g ijm e u t guarao leeug a meellhg o f the m fll for a 120000 pUT.e before the O lym plo A tb la llo Club at New Orleao., Jieeefnber I*.

O dd. and E n d . o f Hpurt.John u s o ll lv a u , tbs ex-ebantploa pngo-

l l . l appear, d Batorday I n a new yole, I hal o f a n ierktm ao. Wben Ine "M an from Boilon ’ ’ eompany .T flT eda tS t. larul. the ei-ohan i^Ion at onoe looked up an old fr l .o I, Dick DVryer, oh o ha. h.ndlc-d the flag a l Ihe East Bt. Lon Is racelrsek (or the pn il year. Dnver ISBII en tbuilan lo inarkintan, and theoon- vcnu llon drifted to that brsach o f .port- p v iy er eugge.led a tneteb, and on ew a . Ini- niedtately arranged bttweeii blni.elf, BiilH- vaii, J. J. Howard, Bull,van’ , manager, and H enry GrieeldleldX, Ibe w ra llhy brewer. II wae a aweepelakee o f gtS a corner, at tw .iity- flve liv e bird, eeob, laen ty-elgh t yards rl.e and elghte.0 yards boundary, Hurliughem rn ira It was .hot ' I f on the Hock rood, near H elm ’ , brewery. IV iva. acloee oonte.t, and ri'.u lied In a violory tor Dwyer, only, how-ever.a iu r .h oo tU go ff a tie w llb Grleitdieloli.The Bn.UiU boy proved that he was no .touch a l Ih . game, for he brought down Iw em y oul o f hi. iwenly-flve. knocking ila b leen urm eio wllh Ihe flr. 1 barrel. Chle( ol Police \Valsli,o( E a .l Bl. Lon l., acleil a.T. feree. The .cor" w a «: Dwyer, 22: How­ard l » ; h oll,T 'ii,a i;a rleslu ie lck ,23 . In Uie ibQ0H.tr Dwyer killed 23 nnd OrlealdlelL-k, .1,

Comiooilora Forhe., owuer o f the old cup dcieudcr, Voluniccr, ha. piirchs.ed llie l*;l- grim ’ , reoliig rig and will have the old Vol- uuteer rlagod out again a* a elnglosuck racer to eiiler the Il.ia tor lha Honor uf de-lendlng Ihe oup next year.

w .toorruw luornlog Uio I’ rlncston Diilver- a lly foot ball lesm w ill play their annual gnroe WIIB lha Orange Atlilet 10 Club teautul E ial Or.inge.' The game will attraoi all the loolbH ll enlhuslaiis in Ih l. v lo lu lty whonro BUXluUs 10 teoPrinceton exhib it hereireiiglh aca liisU lien iron itlr.iiiga learn. Theoulirge boy. w ill pul ih .lr beit men on the fjeld, as Ya le did wlieb at Orange. The reenll o f the gaibooughtlo allow tile coiupurallve.lreiigth ol lha two eollege tennis as near a . cao bo ahown previous lo their Thanksgiving Day gam e. 'Jh. player* w ill Hue u p a . fo llow *: PKINCETON# rrWlTiOP*. OHANWtiklCl.ilUl*y".MM....t»il ill riKllleiM«..i»vq..i.tJuXllltiggiiap..... ......rt„li* I iiic-kl* rl<U|,„*H, HurdiCAvl'h ee ler.........L ft gn .rd right.............. BuellBalheit.................. bcnirr................... ....HkllBoinroer..........Unht guar;' to " ...... . ViutobanI . , , .............. ..Uighl 'kckle ItfL,,,. Webbq'rencbard..........It-chi end le li.........G rl.ao id |Hall.....................quartoi-1 aea ................ .

gaiamtiate Dwable to .A id B '* f lp e o li" 1%'roagfully u ltainbudlaA, *

From the London Telegraph.Ohosts, or, lo call them by their new

icientlflc narae, “ spooks,” w e not ex­empt from Injustice eny more thin other people who here not yetelUluotl to that dignity. The new number of the Pro­ceedings o f the Society tot Psychical Eesewch contains a very glaring in- #tAnce o f tpook icA l thefl. On Bunday morning two psyebioift* noticed in fchurch A ipook mekine ilgn i that be wiiihed lo com m flniCAte wltb them In the evening, so alter an early dinner the

down at 6:30 o’clock to th« rapping-table, an l hiui an Interview wllh

*"^H6aaId he had been Injured In • rail­way accident al Loughborough Junction, and was lying InSt- Thcmaa’a HosplUl unconscloua Afterward, the apparently same Shade appeared to Ibom In a state of iorae excitement, and partly by raps

The new vegetable shortening. WliCTCver introduced, it drivrt lard irom the kitchen, and indi­gestion from the household.It has been tried by every test, and baa met every requirement.rtisiismuchsuperiortolardas theelectric light is to the tallow-dip. The only question now is, will you give your family the benefits which, its use bestows?

" I N o r d im a n o k t o r u o v id b f o r t i i f .i\con*kri«*Uflirt « a rnunffT^TWAUHE.S ATUKl*M AND FAIRMOUJlT

a VIivNIIK. . ^rroTO a pnini abomi 100 l*et **>»t*ny from CamAan

of hiM t i r d W»*erCuminbuloufffl of Hi* M M Iom'm;

{NTfliloti I. A pl|’* N*'T**' »'U*F liiW A lU tK S V n tk K r A.ND FAIIIMIIO.NT

A V' VIN IK , afrom tke prMant Wjniltiiw o f lh * i* * * r ln i^ *rr*i»#!f***t \4boMt >u0 l*<*t 'v i* iikMiik wr**i, lo b* rtlWii km-ti** m dumrt*r. lo-gfUiiT wHh tn* apimri* nan<^ ittcawary to

immprfteteir dimiii ih* c-)m-piritios of |u‘nlc work w Impwt*-moiiL the Utrk of n'i!'

W ork 'o f tk® Bhxll caftrtiliy |>r#iiMkriiHul fiinilili all mJM>Awetlllualwo* and g*h#i

wiirk or linpn3vem#nl aO'' tn* ITerndPOi of

A1A X-AT. AU --huM Fanor Ca«. V«*ubuia }*«a*o**r ‘ i, 4>irt|Di( t m . JU.9 A. M.); -«nd v.w i\ U. • n AD, ilu A. M.. 4-HI'P and GviTu F. U, For BaiUwora oiUy, l.i» F. Mlvo fk da}’Afc\Yr FhlUvlPlnbUL Kxp A4Bi 7*WsIk3S,h57,0--V a£^hl £ iffiall*! k ep n i. ltoih>iai!_ V «llhu l. Pit-t i i r c W VwUbuW

..laiio'i as. P..E-,,hSalriLMl^ M.„ qu qa.Klay; Exj.";* » f . L4J

ru. I Il.iiln u lrtia< l*rk *hall lliermiiion. on b«- Iialf or lha llu a « o f strsBt an-t W sif r t urartl*‘iii^

aST S3L aM, IhJI A. M.; 4.24. 4Ao, LW. aSJy B i'li XI. a i«»B ''n «la ilon ,S W a^ I.M I*. XL

to t TranMn, l i « . 44*, f.lji. L” -*-®.,!'''’ :(lOBt Unihah k.pm-a Paliuiaii ywilbul"CW., Vrtitliiil" I'aMUgrr lloacbrt rtal thuIJS la r t I1.3B anl 11X1 A. 12 « . L A »•**. c ® . ' Jl' ig a AW, H.H, T.SA AM and ».B> P. K. / “ “ h"/; ‘ JR-

AH .X *, 0.W aud ia »l A M.! 42*. hff. *-2*I.S^a.>2 atl(l a.u I'. M. n u wita

tilt A ll.atK City, r i . " F. H - D - * ^ ® thruujm Fulluian iiuflht Pariut OBiianoLIS P. R-

tr*a f U i. i l iy o f .N »«a tk ,«n lly iS . 4»nicio Uiil„uH lilm llw ncU oribc«ll» “ t

1 that tnid Comtiioo t'oom'll iMjf ibi'rvaliar pioc“#du m A k e lb ’ prof**r for 'h* ro-tainl#!iij#ni*of «u«(> (HibllF work or ImprovemeoiMnow!.Hi»rtalVciB<»‘’ l"h h r 'B *- „ ______Mftloii L Bri.l public nork or Improvemut ihHil bf made *ad comiiiftfd imdortb* !Hiporv lMon or lonpacUoTt of iba K tfliw ef or Aciinf F.ngliiwr anrt the < ph«™1 tiHp»'iluteiMl*i»fof Work* of in* BirtrtL BMonlln# to in* pfovUloim of th* citr 4'h.i r- Ifrnnd i*Ti»i*f ih* Hijiilr’ atiil Uit* ordloimw o f thnoily aiul b»l*,w4, Tul#* and r#(fnlallou*of tii* Hiiard

t *ua water C\tmtu1iMoiitfn o f itia dtjr of

aud partly v iv a voce, told them a taie o f uhpirBllelod vUlBlny. " I sm tb* roU man who was injured,” ho orlod ; IblB

My body

In composition, in healthfulness, in flavor, or iii economy.Its success has called out a lot of imitations and counterfeits made for the sole purpose of selling in the place and on the merits of Cottolene.Avoid them all. They are made to sell and they are a sell.Get the genuine CottolbnR.

Bold In t and i pound palkk

of Hir*#t *uaS*wark. *pplk.*U« lh*f*io. ^ ^ - ___

ftectlbfl^l'Uat thla arrilMAOa iHni teJi* #ff#ct

r » i* i f o c u > b B i* , i » ^ ^ ^ n HEKim Y,

PiMiBrut of u «» SoBTfl af t lm t Bad Watot Oom- ln[i|lU>A*t** KNOHRUNVOS'

CliFk of th* Bawd of B tr «t and WaUr Ooainili-Mtm*ra iiDWABD OOKI.T.IR.

ActUV MaTor.Ap>rQT*d Getobrr^. IIBS.

l i lJ an.rAk P . T Un not atop atowaB

Wvar, WC A. 9 . wort day*. F. I t M*nd.ty*and aiiir'iiiyn unlp. ^

For RoatoiL wHhoot chanfa, i l « P" M-

‘‘Y w BrMklyii!'N!^'.--AH ihroogh tialoB mbi* *at.ifTwy city with boaiaof “ ^ookiyn A ins^iVoidiiif d liJ t uatmAr lo and•Toldliif duub’A lOtrUhiC* *nd H>uri»*y acroi* « *city-

r o n NKW VOTUCt-aavo Mark*tl^tira:ii MUtlun, AI*, Ajj?, AOO,

7.1J rap. ■gbi. kia At*. htio. latA i ' ^f.‘ ;T ,T l f5 l< J ^ I2 ^ LOA L »i LH IM L|J

----- .ut, • ■■

A s OBIllNA.H.'K TO PKUVIDE FOB THE connmetipa o(_a rower In

iS bJivJa i!i ‘ .ii .“ail I’ll roSl l t l A. M..; IM sT lSA i 1.J2, i l r i ISA L2H, 40A A»A W ». k4A .J h T » . T.lR t.Mi r 4h. L*| “■«' Ab, laoo. row. p. M.; IXOInlgBL

LTOv* CeBii* htiest htatlon ).14,7,IB. l i t v-R-JA“*|, “ ;**(1.04, 101, IX!, 43, AD- A»l,. ... . * r. a. rtayA

> AIKVJKW AVHNrt.frwn Wavrrly ntar* tb suv#Dt*#filh avteil*. ^ l T o ".Vn^il hy Ih . H » r t arsirrot .m l IV .l.r ConimlroloiitM ul th* d ly ur .-leoark, u toUo«" :

racilirt 1. A p t , j. «a « .h r il^ b e ^ «^ ^ ^

purtanarktwH n#o#irtarjr le aimpi*'* lb*^ HwcUmi 3. Thai |iimi*.1lat*ly th*romAl*fl<>® of BUi k Dublic work uf Itupruveuiani, tha Liar* ui_« «... .* ...A -4L L M .**,. L.*» *, u- i eh. fi kl A ;!n*#r and

Ik ni6 and not the olhar one.WBB enured Into by another. I am now bodileta. Do you not understand T " In other words, the apook explained ® ioeondipook hadalolcn his bodg while he lay uncodsclous In the hospital, and that ndw when he, Ihe real Simon, had recovered and wtobod to regain poaxession of his usual corporeal habitation, ho found himself coolly evicted. He must either remain wlthoat a body, or consent to accept the poeition o f a co-lodger with the other—a contingency which be seemed to think a groat Injustice,

The Pqychlcal Besearohists were unable to help him In the matter. It aeomi from the evidence o f impartial rappists that many spooka are Irreolaimablo llara, and often aay exactly the opposite o f w h^ they mean. Perhaps the Loughborough accident man belonged to that claSB

tu, lu»nJ. lomnloiirUon with th . hu.,^ .(I.ncml Hup^BWial.i't 'i ofk. M to , BBaij. *hxil c*r#fl>fiy prip*** ftotnWi lul rif w eary

MAd* o n l j by

N . K .F A I R B A N K X C O r o C H IC A G O , a m

IS S I. D ilaw ire Avs., FUta*

Frodset SxchaBg«> i - F .

Iw ifa v S B rn B U B ^ atharUrtawragto.och wurX or pobl.o lmi>riiT,m.nl, auO tin A n t of thli Boaih snh wf/'V

R. Walsh& C O .

F f t O O B E S B I W C H I N A .

W A e e is F fo ve i f o o w U In « M

HU Majwrty the Emperor of fkm r fH »v< m " Isenjoylng^a trtlnof mln-

laSra’? a lS ^ cur.:French syndicate of capitehxte who wish to grt contracts for building rallwajB* « . w-n. i__ v11 WiPriiFiniVP M IIIIn China, they WiU wonito a ^ i r t ^ engine rwad the six th o i^ d o J o ^ Ugh^ ^ c b am now being tatrMuoBd.lnto ^ hoSost of Chinese sonctu^es^ calinrt teitturn their oyet to our riril^tion. tt ^ not be long ere a matensl advhncement^ be made In tbo seiea“ rfbull for » many centurias rrfntiiicd a blot

' ‘'.featl*

To-nightlo o k l/t M WIDOWS TO


W E L E A D w i t h O U R


Iilioa. no li,halti.r;h . H<»reor eirrot l:omuita tiin.r.afih*rtty of N "? * '* - , O.'J’ .A t* roaiv lo too Coiniiio'i Counrtl ortosaltyof N.wrtk, lo 0ia*r41iBt wal I OBmioa Cortiril nwy iheraafu r

- tier wwMuriit for Un» cjobiIc woft or tmpiWftnrDk

A», 7.*UA. M-; llitOib.n, AM

t fd 1007 F, M. wwk rtwA , o, n « u i W i , "iST V^B ‘& A A

ppot-r*!! u» vike ‘nM *x p # t i N * < » f w *__sa eow Of bsreBTter rpqalrea *y iw*. .wroti

tiKttoi) t. SmWS pablk wotkor»aiprDT*mrtt *b*Hbi> HiAdoatKl oompifte*^ uod*r ih#IntcHWiloQ o f vh# Ktiglnrrf or Aetint i tk* 4 4.iimd >jnp*jriUt“0(i#iit o f Work* uf lb* Board •ooordliurtoih*pro*iAioo4of UwN of Ii»# HIhUb *ud lb# nrdln*W*i bT-lxwi, tulMs Olid r«ml**U>a* of tb# Bo«ri of

KM Wai#r Coaiiala*4onerj of Ibe city of

*S S !o ‘ » r ¥ £ S 1 h 5 'S I ? t o . « . terii tok. .(fcethoiomialBlr.-

0 «u te r » , 1 « ^

Pi’frffidMi o f tb* Board of 8ti**t ood W »i*r Coni- RileilonwB RUNYON,

Clerk * f tb* Boerd o f « r * * t end W «* c Coensu**

iy*sV*:ia. Aa*,Li*.’ 7i2a.' «-a*. laaend

m ru i*r M.\2.%

U.44.1.21, LiB 2.4t. AH. I A*. 4 .». 4-SI, 5.41, 6.1X«.M, 1.1*, k®. *iM

jfHUM AiAhtr/l' HTUiilCl'8T.4TID ’ .ForKllwU>frtb and H*ln**n

AM. B 46.1AM, H.J3 A. M.; l.Oi. l.flA bSi,146. 4!io. 4-n. s-0*. ^ *1 *PA41, *.47,7.07, 7*«, kOiv •’t i

l;.4l and 1X47 D>*bU Vf,lai*. lUvti. 11*** A. SL; i i * x i.liiXM 7jON 7,11.1*4,7.4*. XW.V. 11.. 1X41 Mg 1X47 llLfUt

For S£U«Ab*!B only. BAI i

>40. AIO, 10.00,1A4I, II M

A" Ml. }t4**BdX00P. 3ConJy,H «»M ca ,.1 4 7 ^ 4 B X 0 B -M A ^ .

10.18 P. M. I'Oaflar,

wraheByBeirtid iLU * - >A;BSD. A » , B27,4.»L/IB >.i l d . BIO.BST.Ml V l j 'rtld m il A. M.; IMS.L4V

------- lil.O0.A»»Dd 11*7 P" M.

f on#r». _ _" A p w a r d o o e l l f r .

1^ ____ ________ AcUa i Ueyor.

cync* woofninkutoitete. h#M*rite** ^ th*

" ^ r w«)dhrtd®o uid Ferlh Amboy, XM, AM t M 1AB4 A, M.; t-te Xu*. 4-*7. *.*4 AOL f *M AO F, M., i? .i-SKW IX I blfoU GB yunbayA ALMAw

Woodbridf# orily* 1XI> nVftht Tc*** dayN

*-.H-m ‘ » j ‘^ ,r to „ , ,7 .ro A .lL ; 1X41. A » eOilAUFor M it ......... ,« d S y HIU, 7.TO A. M. rori o s


I3CtS.upoa their clvilCsatlon, j i _ ^ i

miaalonurim are doing much to d l ^ tha raysticUm and reverent aw e which tua Chinaman hdlds fo r the c o n c ^ o r a of


native doeton. They remedies which have long been known In America and Europe, such as Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, a niM“ 7 for all cases of itood-fuiTif* or humors, which has had yeara of uninterrupted success to the United States, and n«mber» its euros by too tens of thouimiMU. Th^ “ tbs future wellara of the Drogomsn Empire.

C X )0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 a Clock out o f®

order shows it on thei ^face. When the hu­

man machine goesi


We Have the Laiyest and Freshest Stock of Candies in the State. \ rnAxw of iba

iv i^ n f U «7 iy of -NB«atk.to maXe an rouinrt" ilrt^aaaeBsiDciit uiioB all Ihe owBm of all ihB UnOa Md ^ “ i . t o ih e ritr o tN iw .rx pvMhBrtr “ (U flual by aay lo(»l lin|*OT«B,Mt fo th, tsiu <i(y in irroponton aji nr*rly w m iy h# to tb# nd-

miMlf AU r*Iln«*te *»'• e.4ie**Hi#irt b#u#rtl* upon 5dJ ihe owii-rt oi ill tb#l*DdR*ndr»i e#l«i# »« ibu citv urS#w*rk p«'00ll*rl.v b#n#ftted by rten o f tb# folWtiln( Imphfvcnnenu IB #*111 city, Mtu#l/ :

Tb* pKTlnf of

fpuiu EMt ilecii*iSc r»*?wWm^■‘ ^ ' * ’ ' “ » ' ’ '<iot,LD AVENUE.

from w»rr#ri<irreHtottiM(HiyUnp, Md h### fllMr#uorl* of'w'd ubw* hu#o** for bpD#6ii In tM

otAo# of I t * d m of th* k'lreuli * «uri o f ih# miiaty of ^*^*1 *nd th*l tb® Jddw owirt bMSnturduy, Ol# loiirili d*y o t Ko*#mb#t n«xi, * l IJ

iii tki* fqmioon. lb lb* lirw it courtroom *t Ih ft Bunbou oln tbtiClty o f Newark, M tb# iUm aiwJptecBof luuTink My ot lecllou* UiM mn/ mndfi lo th® aud Mwwueni*.

BB,WI octosef'Jl, irSAClljr Coyipaol.

% 'Jr' W - V M B ^ t..wA. R., BBd A « , B il F u . w tFi>rLMiili»«TlUli,7i<), 11^ A. IB, X4S. ASIbiw

«•*^ ;¥ ? s £ S K ¥ & h .5 7 ,ll .X IA :M :: I . »X 1 B B » •nU 7 .» P. M_ dally AD aM

For BW.l»town. X F sT diliwBBd | l,« A, M.; L28, IH , A*1 «Od AM J ■ " I f •itwpi doisuy. OB MUBdsy. lu ll A. M .a iw (A *r.

**For FtrohOid. Fainiliifdato,G li^ rU Monmouthand 4.M P. M. wrok lUyx *'or Ftetbuld oi4y, Xfli F. Ma w*#k dby*.

NkW YORK TO NEWARK.Wa* 'Kvwuk XtiOe AW" A40» 7.X), TalOe 7*^

■ ■.‘M *lU) h <a. BO.OA HX.3B. ll"*** tt-40 A* M|i i * » liO. L50 110.X3A iOA

4 » ^ . A irA a r i . ld , 6.4(1, Sid; t w a m B A B i i A4a tba,7.W, a » b ib w-is. ii-»J I1.4S P. »l..»Bd llUrotdBlellL WoOBr LOD. * Ob. A44, lAOO. *AI0. ll.Wi U.I0 A- M.i

■‘■M,K'SisrsS’'Sut.T n 4’' “lSS 3

brothw aeclloi'e slid hagaug* 5JffSH ta ^ oB m , N a 7 * hnwd Mibbi, <« sS UeSH “ (hcB u starkal mrari maUoB.H. H. PUKVOOT,

(toMml Managar.

OIBn of Hvcrtvvr of Taiea,-Room No. 4. CTly Halt.

121 Market St. 673 Broad St.

I wrong, the physiogno-' I my tells tales. If you!Ido not iook w e ll, take|

Beecham ’s (."si.'j P ills\a Box. r


at centx a box




fBALDNESS,I HAIR FALLING, [ d a n d r u f f .

Thtt effle* Wiu ba openad from Friday, Hapum.iDui » . iroi, lb, u » riM , 1, until S r ih ^ r . HPUOB of BBia of

.grtlalar allanUos la rollad lojha (bllswlss ra-HS»ts of la*' “iTrSThTooiie b^oie u i» ilflwsth day ofw-piom-

iror f^ S ^ rra iiL to ilb .drtlo .itte :K » ld ™ o r b j-

J, R. WOOD, OiHi*nl P***#ufrf

_ _ liriJlUVJli'Xrilx |vv‘ arv-a...ba dvducwd 1 irpalii' os oi'bvAin- lb" ‘ •'"1[|alb •'•J' “ (JSioSr: one-^All ol ou. par « o i , wUl ha (todlictedT*** IffVW" iMid *b o( hetbf* tb* twenllatb day of<ifltg!LJracb*fk* ufuu# prrrent. will b« add«d i If

iKrsxBrostllalti flKV ftf NuVPRLur‘w for,_ib. tafDUslh day ufbrt a^bnma^of twopar crot u1.i ha addHL and Ifu l tted^oS or IwtoT. lb . lw.uUath day of b M a ^ a r * " '0( Uira. J "r (»n i will bs added, if

wenUtilTday of January wartanlaimpald'on'uia wcnUtili day of January----------will h.hrs.te, and, lu addition to tbrss nor c ,^ ,tolrirolftoni January :» aitau™r «nx. JoaUoa*and eolloruura' * « i will »• teSte

o a ts toU bs opsB from 1 A..M. to— U^vat.

*->FNTBAL KAILHOAD O PNI'.W JSR8KV-O A D t o r a r iw ^ uroa fxciuflvsly, aotorlMrtagyiBro* ami rmrotort. TlmB-tabla lo rifsci uo

'*^T^hui Iteva flroad and Fartry For llionflold, BIS. 7.18. A jb Rte; ' ’ ■» A; f{-l l-S

LIB 118. 3.M, 4.01, 418. 6.8k M 8 S ^ Ate, 7 ^ 7.^ t K liSd, H.2S P.H..t . l 'r d 'L iS x S 8 i7 o T ^ r ir 4 .£ r t8 ;^ ‘^

at BtL 7.18 ^ 1886, ll.U SLl

S ' r b , f *•U 8 'its . 4.18.54". a iaV V “ tmin:t;>i:fJiA»A. M.l WBBOBAU p

r tF F IC S OF THE BOARD OF ASB^sMICNT Cyn»*ot R*Tl8lon o f Tftx**, loom No. I, Cltr

CJOUHT OF AFPKAUl. ,In a*rab)tanoi! wUfi M *et of lb® T^«latur# of

ttM i5 m tb* wteTd nf j !ax*i 1*111 *1f ** » ^oon of Appeol from day lo-----------aaa

—■ K S B ? S 13. " - 1.

Benson’s' Porous Plastei


e f bin

V a lu o o f Am arlean Crltlolana.H. H- lloyvaoTi In tha Forum.

-Ihu vu.uv ofnrrlU tle iu dopeuda prim arily ntmn IhBWsiglilHiKl IhB Intollectual *qulp- inanl o f II* nuUioti and w livrvthese are alluht. or nltouelhor lack-Ins, Ihe po.wer o f thu verdict for good or for III la correapoDdmuiy ainall. W 1ml, for iuatanec, euu 11 iiiu lier lo me If annimnyn.(iuay.,ungsanllenian who InoidoiH-iiliy uonfraata lo a warm ndmlratloo for Rider Htiggaril. nnd rsgurla W al­ler Scott aa me gr-md roaalero f Bctloa—what can U innUet to me,J tAFi U iuch 6 ni*n flod* ntodvili attd com-n io iip laM t I have never euapeuded inyhurolDva .,vartti8 h rink i o f ya w n lh i ehuenia;nor have I luitoducod inouUeya fall­ing in love ivltli men, or men wittt m ongeja ; nor am 1 equalto lh a d e it lo iln go flh a pereoBlal charm* o f wuinen 2.000 years olrt. The Isureto o f w tnancers who rsvBl tn Ihla s ly le o f Jiivvnlle enurtalum ent never disturb m y a lu iobar.; and th rop itiloueofcrillee who,like the aina^ lo g Andrew L-.irig, tgko plB.*aurs.lii such rubblah may aiDuaa me, I u l Influence me no Hiors thau ihe (-horua uf inoaqiiHoee lhat hBui about my Borsaf u iqrainfr-a a l|hL

.............................. .............- ......W. l.UidlollW ard............ Dvii nslf-buck r-,hL..,.,„l-lul-h rR u n irti j Right half-liack le f t . ......... I'laceV oofh a J , MarshallBurt....-H............. ,.i'uU back-.....n„pnaha

Thellvr-b lrd malob between Frank Claaa, the Jersey champion, and J. A, K. E lllo ll a at poaiponed Baiurda v oo aflc-.uul o l the rain. It w ill be decided at Morrlatowu Vfidneaitsy,

C- O. Kilpatrick, the one-lefged trick rider, whose frat o f rld log down the itepao f the Capitol at .tVaehtogtoo has made him fniu'iue, le planning a lour o ( lb * Bouib this w luler, ending wllh a v is it to Cubs.

'fw -orgau lta lhm o f lUe WeaUirn Uaae Bull League but beeu completed, and ihe league wlH ehter iipoii Ibs tsuauii o f H94 ivllh ihsac eight cllleat M lnntapuIR M lluauke^ Kun- la * Dliy, Hloiix Cliy, IM iroli, liid lo iiapolli, Columbus Bud Toledo. Bl Paul aud Omaha could not make a aufficieiilly stroii* allow­ing. A meeting will b" held al Chicago No­vember 10 10 elect o fflcrrtaod cninpltle ur-rangeuienla.

The unmial roeillug o f thaOranro Lewo Tan iiiiC lub will ho held ou fr id s y night u n it lu Upper M oils Hall, Orniisr- A oliaogc lu Ihe eoiiailtuilon will be recom nisiided by th* booed wild ufliceri will to elected tu eucreed the f.illowluit: rrealdeni, l.:itHrlee A, Munoj trananrer, « . B. Kneaea; eecrstary, Hunaell A . Oriffin.

re lie v e s PnOMPTLY and f t . \ CURES ()UICKEtT.

And ^!i U;He**e* o f thff lU ilf xoA W c*l^ II* bucocur;—o%**r ft mllliloii boU l*» )'*«jflfe

LudlM o f NtWiiTk *nd TiclnUy are corw flla ilv h ivliefl *4lhi#cen l P m * (X».. (127 Bro*<J r t , andaConiull V ilb tb# youn* lndtt* pi'kwftltn* trokirn*Bl ol the H A IU A N D BCALP, *nfl

huiiitii’liinti HiMC'H obiftmed lo t ir

fm m tA i i 't o l2*Mr. to b*M (Itlefmln* *p- peolt mwo M^pWiiiefttR iind J*j**^|J^*SSSISS

UiMi of tb* boanl in*t tb*'^tfU# durlnz H>* whuJ# loteivai troui Ui*


Ht'retibejstifUiil hair*MIEE OK vnAHOICi

All fvdTlt« cheerfully iiy *n cnAHOIC. Be* pbotogrip iii of

bi'ven S m tiem u dB iste fto fi *ach pftokHi*,'

A v o t o ' w !lUltTlTUTIOM

Aflolher Great Cnt in Bicycles.SCO idftrelteH *U\ b# ftluugtUcrcfl, heglaDliig

thU we«b» XL A b o a iii U cJt tu Ui®.


Oymoofli-.IM ; Toiirlilf&t6 : Wni wlck, Bmalley, m i faJungl, 186; K in g uf bourcbevdp ^6.

TJii * * » « * n i*k* wh«eJ*p iligb tly ihop- worn. 60 per ^ew*

f<*oond*hnTi(l PnftUinAtl^fl from 130, Cm b' lou l Irom liSh

NtinJiy*. 4thTriVn Hrth Hrtd«“w r ;«h aud T »k . U0petoO8g,l

‘ ‘iK J ru jM a lin Mrth Lice NSW « « « ;

s & r i r f d BAUautowOI F. M- Kuedayt, 7.W A. M.. 1.18 8 »

MTIkrohetia, HttaUm end ScrantoA BH A m ' sJS P-H-?5%mbury. Iwwteiurg end WlllUjutoOrt Jrhhadelphia, 1.69 *■ “ - i* k ] oipt nalJrdur nltht aundey.» «S P. M.

HKWARK AND K U ZAB BTIl UBANUll. Tralua leave Breed hirrat HtaUun (hr NllaaWk

r t i Howlle at BIS, « . » ; Kllaahjth^rt only, 7.R

piAy'^v« li#*A wMte

F O R E U R O P ECkt Yoiir Hck«tB and

DraftB Tliruuffb

Jos. M. Byrne & Co,

t2 l EllEBbMhpon only, 8*4A ®-‘*s xw, 10.0%10.S4. U.1& A. M*; 1X14| tAlft, |. 6ilM 4X5,&eQ4, 614,4-4(1, AID. T-t^ 7-44i 4-^ D.SIp MToaBdAyi, 7A0, 4.45,M-*. 7-10- l.XV^lal5i SHI, 4.lUi-t*50» 7-tt, 4.U|,

*^ol*'Etnh**Aoiboy. 8,14. » « . 8S8 RM ± - l A 4 » . 4 » . 868, Bfc, T.tt P.K, eohOBVe, BM a M - 4 in P M **'FMAiuinlic Highland" via Hatawan, 8J1. HdJ A, M.; l.X), 4A8 861. xai P. M. BOhday". 886 A M..

*■ Fcr'F^hoSd. 821 U . » A. M.1 l.fe 4 U. 818 P, VL YorR*<l Bftnlt. IjOU* Hrmaobe OoeiMi

BVannhWirtl, B » r . IL BUhdeyB M0.pl IB

Hivrt, J^kBud

fo r Atliotts; City, l-*4 F- M.N £ W A liK ANi> NKW YOTtK.

5rom Bro*d *B*1 Fsarry 8tro*l HlfttluM-At B.Vk

800 Broad St Telephone 369.Cofliml**lbQBf tif a o U rT Fubllo.

Q to' lAoix 1^0,10.40,11.^ ii.W A li.ii S l lT iS l IWe ioo »J»L *-»■ 5W. 5*% IS : tS ATO -OO. 1.407u «. aw. 9 ^ 10. u 3p M ’ tkois l lW nVgftt bund?*y#-llW. 7.00, f.0Q EM T'ifiSrilob A. M.; 1 3 « JC.: 1*00, l , » . m i ® f f t w floe, 7.00,8 00, B.W, lu-oo, n,«^ rmp. m.* t L-mto Vteite 'Varit irom Ibot of Ipilwriy *1**4 "A * I t i f l S . 7"^ 7.W, 7eM. M4,An«.W.B.M^

E. ALSDORF 4 CO., 608 BROAD ST„Opposite T iliiity Church,

-goBH" piimte la »“ A'Anudoa’i uerBwa*dari.butlVytrCwIM naisrol rarolt <f eUeeiUHig

M, u J>roie<' avis *Sb eslHiatdCH of cMtva* dad rtrval» a «,«cA <u ll1* A’ATI ilaUopa JteiweaUi »v6eMBB

„ U inwUqdart ____________________

For bU forme uf dlaordored eiomacli uaB BnimoJJeliaer. A psleub le, prompt cure."

For Eoraelic, Toothach", Bore Throst, ftwtilcd Neck end the reau t< o f w id e nud lu- ftiHDtEfttloiiq u*p D a Thnrnftii KftlMlrio Oil"“ the gfeut psi u detlroyer.—Adv.







I .\l(as L o t t ib i AK»0!i, o f Itatiaiiiic, t llo tl.,4vrlie«l—“ 1 mive imeii tiou bled w Ith a IcrrlhlA liraduche f» iibn iillw oyeare andcmiid cm gt-iiiiy ib lng to help inr, but at leal ii

N0riF*il I»k# vQurBVUDOCK BiajOD QiTTgaa, which J dl.i, aim after luahis tw.* b o lllr i I nave not had ibe hcadsetiB tluce.”


LEBIBH VALLEY EAILROAD.tra lu i le sv * B raad Rtra*SFaaeBDger


St. dally Sa ’ite e r ii^ B B k mid lAti^f.00 A.rotolaro OeiiaVE. Roohesier, Srifljio

—. . t -.4. -.-..a — IrartteS nAlnl#-(und lb* WB«i FottevlUe nuil prlndl»ftl 1”^ iwtoiA oh*if cot to WiiK**b*irr«, I’uliuuM) o r to Hufljito.

B.40 A. !k. flfttVr Miiidky, ftir tainton ftoo i“ -

II BO A w. dully (br u#n#viis tioch**t*v. . ^ ftR*rm KnlHi ftOd Bb IHriolb W**A.i/a.-r-.e.. iJuiimon

\ nuflblft. iful

ri## u lull U’ p<(fK it l * A i ‘JKUN^. A l»n IM J iA l- p

ln r4nftr<ln’.J vu\jr Tal)l* IaImcu linlld- kerchl*r«, «ic. I)nn*t fall t<v*e* ibem.



' ^ ' ^ kVk n d a n t - IN

■liKiiMr toClikMa vte UuSiiJO'. I'tjllman alafteHr t o r b l « 5 » '*♦» rtw*^n*loii Bridge; tooMO-Uunbfcr H**ilJ«*nil lUrnsbiifg.l ld u r. M, aiily,**a*pt rtSSr

*U mteruiodlwi Ntocioua; cood^ imm "*r i w *vIJte.

4.001' U. d*tb-i ficf pi Sui,d*y,_ w Toiuthajnp^■iki |iriiidi)»l Tn '■ ■“Wlik«*b«rr(i

. Tnl#rj»nl(ftt# Matlun«; chair onr to L'tii>.ittcll-*n* fur I'oU-tvIU*.n.irUIB.raaro awi t v i» ’ e,ir*p. —

'iooiuifi U.4U J, M. d*iiy. **p#ui>H»id*yj imboibo

‘ ' ^ i f ’p H U .i '^ I .P H f A.*BALTI MOHR AND '^W AH II N inON. H(>{'Ah BLUK LINK, FCrPhuSwphlB.«lT.vr,ioo,T..4.1. 1.68, 1886

K.;l 1.68 4.88 dan •■(>8 iakt -

For Balumon

Kub808 86U. 7.U. l l . » P...MA, 61.1 1A8 4.80.8.U4F. M. mure and Wstfalngtou, S-.8 Ddi A. M l

18 8X8 608 860,11,25 P- M. Kundaya 8.86. IL « 8B-r4!*8. «.W P. M.ThniuhUeketa teal! i.rluelpal polnia at icneat

rotro a ^ n roiB M B m d sirw lJ. H. OldMAUiARNj H-IK. BALnwiW, .

Oml iftii«rmt*ou**iAa Kftwnf*r At«ak ,,

ERIE RAILWAY.d e po t f o u r t h a v e . a n d Pa s s a ic st.LaUlMMilUC irttlu# l«iftV# H* lu iUWA ;

^ W A I lK AND PAJ’ERHONai«i,sr* M*ir*rk lor l'*t*r*oii-#.to, 7.68k M t ! » «

A. H.-, 1808, h lAO. 8H.847.1.61, 8|i, 8881 .* lM £n, »J 7 p. M. *>m1 lla i A. 11. rjuwdJiy,t.S M A. it.; »<<•. p. M. •

fsMV* KnMriod R»t New*rk-ASAi All, fAl, 7.1tA|al»i|.»Lt9"i4>11.3l A. n.\ m t u . i s t u i

A V i i-wTMe, 7.4it ms5 r , ^ ^ ^NfcaWf^HJ? a M> NJ*;W YtjeilL

AB?4KNTciiiirirery tif 'KnwJt'^My. , # *k ..

l o Llllh‘ Hiur; «.y virtu# of ft-t rout* of t hunt cry « f New jt-rwy. tntuln tin «b# d*r ot Ul* b .‘rrofll'i a rauR* wb»r#lo Junati I k M r la iwtuionar, aii.t jau, t « laid MWs !* • « . • « d" ■ tendasL you aretmiilnM in .iiiiivar anl jilead, ac- aw tr or deim.r m tlio is-l ‘.tinu of a*W petlllmier ou « r brtnro Ul,- iw iiiivrtx'h day “ f ' 8 '™ '“ ' or HiB 1*1.1 polUhm will be leken ua cooilsute

"^'ll'e'told'l'eillion h illsd againet yim, ihe to k of the aM ,i*miB.!er, fur a dlvore* f.’d ii Ih* bond «r uutirtmortv 4i|i ih" giouudiuf odftU*r}'.

j . .r td (.c lr t .rH ,A .IU »H , JOllNflON.bulk Ilur of l**ll11nn*t.

PrudtnhRl Biiildift*, eoraur Brcudkad Bank «tr**QMtetnpW NN’WJnmRT. ***

Utmo«ia anu M-iwhChunk816 1', 68 dally, ""tvpi aun.!ay. lor HaMhCT^hK aud leturinwiiai* aumoni ; r h -^ car to w im

886 V. 6f. dully fur millkl8 .rtf'nrtnUWMtiPullluawaieeilira iktai sod "Uapenalon itridge; tenoecilooa tor i e»o

d 'X '‘ fsr Ithace, ««>*V 8 R w ^ H h 'wJaeaiw Falla end ell poiniB West -. psll-

mis O T ^ a S X ^ to W ika^vle « « * - « »lirldxe: rallniuu sianpar to ftnlHIa .

addltlonel,ooxirt»y « l i w j*,!r bunk aud IntarmedlaiB alatioww FotniTUwi 4 00 P. M. lor Biairn end Iniermaaiaw

U ave He»-»nni,08 m , 7J6J.6* 828 a fl, J U 1847 A. Jt; 1188. 1.41, ■2.64,4.86,826,868806,82 IIJII P. 6C Sqng*j._ 7,34. 8.08 11.18 A. 61.18*1, 8 *

*■ LsaV? hew' 5 <irk (Oiamnen r i lv fS r t j i J-i 1W.BJ8 n . « A. M.;h 1.*, 208 818 818 888 M l.glL 828 7X8 18.00, 1800 P, M. hunuay, MB.A- U,: ).M6 6IL 810,808 10.08 P. 6L h Mtun

" Riprer ”‘"'‘‘Sir

'■ Usw'KirtSai,'iie*e VeWiukd u a 7X4 8.61. Vestllnile l-holte*.LIJF. M. uundeyw ‘881 P. SI. ^Drand D™"* Sj

oiilF-- , Ou •»>

L leave Newark 82> P. M. Bontayj •■■* ’

"SiSSrol i « « « » “ " i g t o t o a d w e y . New York Thm ttk OMnpftny will *d l

to?*ttd^fcle b «« «*T o n i boi*l *r twidtfto#

RxpM, to*v« SavrtrtMR Ps W* Bftww*

HrttotA '*«««»«*,OBtoUbl**, call auh* Ctty Ttokbi OlttOA Itt I4*»** T>l*ptnMt* to. or *t mwn*

Uj/09gblb* STRICTURE UJ Ml UIlD^

NEWAllK EVENTING NEWS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER B, 1803. 8A « t » « r U r 4 Arnwmm f^ r a f r t v v n U i^ i

m ta r* n»M »i

» :v# fi»N r M w . F.ntifiT. .Hiinw^r, B tU U la s

• K W a b K -Ftttvi K. «rhn»t4^r* 4*7 H r «*4 M. J»kier MarheiiH.» . «»lB#blvr, iHA flriMMl M.4 . It. Dannut. 1W I^Im ■ !. t .W .H n I ip r , IM

W Asklaft^n^i.’ I.^raii W .S arM , IIM*Tblr«l

F A b T O U A k U K -W . I I . A H r » , S « « M ftU At.

AO I T H O A A »U B -M n W rt tjrU lv, « » « U l • • « « « « 4 ^

M A n n in o H -P . J .O oad w n n , K4I lla rr lAA B Arm*

B I.O A .Iir iK L U -l l ln ln * . N «w M «*ler. o p ,

B in r ft iT -KAnMrA R. H#U7,

■ O ^ T II .A IH -

n iA M ilC VAT^I.f.V- W lllM ir K. raraiua,

A R i.l.M JTO :Y ..I I . R Imup,



JS!iH6S0ttl.Q(L1.5,IlOXiAlt.k0.iV• btlA th«

IK Y -lurlAf81 U<>}Q«.1.; LH I. T.B,. iaw» P.K.I» S.40i A. u.;

S.U f

)|fl40DUf,l A kiftki

B « b4(TAito .10 B »IsU A.

ort rl« U .,tv

Ctt. linMlIt y, 7.1A I, 10.0 J0.AB. .ot. ii.aftn il A,» . i i a ;A. M.1

kTi, *.Ma, ii.u S A. %L;

BOP.M.uiTtt, ptaBd Bank 'xu«pt IS

Pkrk tu4



M». iOQ,.P. I L ^ (reti'^Ak U.00. *.M| M.; LA4A AU), AJS, I.SD. U.l£ n.QA U.M AtaT.CMk

K AKD L5R.. lOOi A. M.I I A. M i b.0l, IL4I

•writ, ; r Ac«ok /|

Me »r*

u i w,M .a i.%

, ABl.T.t , A&t U . Utiuua.li

. B.<ITi «,A0«,


A Cble^o AodltvM Dstdrlliid* ^rrwpimdSQce liooihin Nsrs.: Tue tmuftr luiiuii^iuf Uiiujf ff»r jfon psfAApt te f wlu ■ « r u iQ prlTuM a c c u m -t t o n o f itaeaiytlnjc*. U arlB f s o l * nbbu rT .'il b r sfoWeDl « p o g se bian w u g ln r jb l. Jawg w llbaiit appartnl obj«o i, Than » o u M W I bat men iDd woman w o m Aa lng tbia by d o iau i kud atoraa. May, t b m w an buudrada rw H o f a t ona, y a l nvrar ata«n- In c ta naab tba aabllma o b w a a m a llo D nt awaltowlny. They wota " eb a w lB e " W ith lha griiTu t o f fo o ^ thay 'w a a i on ram taa iln glllio ratila aaafcly obaw ln a tba iBd. WjMna^tr you tootnd aagf U » « a M or ■>— . utlfMa)i aowg of- IWthiby

ipwa f ( l l l - — -«n *raA t MHaaMf.'

M u i. m t a t m n u a u r t a m


f. Knit Orsn|(» liuproTPuirtit Aorlstj to Sosfpit ChtnjfPB In UiP SnburbAA

CoiD]>»iiv*«Frtn«lilBd—Notdfa Ths pubtlftieil ordltituoa flitting to tbs

^ fruEicbJiie uppUfd far by tbs Hubarbso Trat - }%i<m t^ui|4D7 tnd trbicb tbs lowpthip of

Kutt OrtiDgs but undtir sobblJtrtiioD, wai ditcuAied by the msmberiofth*' YmmI Orsngs Towacblp fmprnvroBSut iMeicty st tliclr rsguUir tuutiUOy mssUng beU 2a Oomnaon- sreHllb liuiidlbg ttsi Mtturdty olgbt. Utm* lltoo WalLlt liatcd tbai tbsrs wsrs mAoy oorrectlmii which sboufd bs roods !□ tUs frtnebiBS befuro it wjit gjTeu U> lbs com pony. A eommllicsff flrs coailtUng of Uamllloa Wtllls, Pmiemon Wuodroff; J. F. Rsy- luoudA Ktcbiird Coynssod Gsorgs B. Hows, w»B Appointed by PretidSnt EnrUnejer to itots l<» tbe 'i'owitaUlp Cnnimtttsa ot its nsxt meeting tbs pn>pi>-ed rhsngea tdtocstsd by tbs iK>dtfty. i!r. Wot^rbffHsked that A rsao- lutiou bo psMii'd by ibs UnproTsmsot Hi cksiy. apprtiYliog Uis ssMoa of tbs Ks«t Omsi# Tuwoiblp Commutes lu tbsmatWr (if tits dlapuLs wUh too N«w Jsruey Irsotloii Uompsny. A rstolnllon to (bstsffeotwM AdopU'd. TJirss usw msmbsrs wers slsetsd^ W. Oa Tbomst, of Houib Gross arrsei; Frank W, Moors, of Pork sTsuas,sad Usorgs Boutb, of Nort h GroYSstrsft,

Tbs UarugATl Hit igarband of Orangs wlU glYs a Tooal BUd intlruiosntal ooticprt la tbs G*’rn3sa>Kni{hah Hobool Hall to-nlgbL Uolos will tisrsndsred by Car! Botltsand Professor PlderlL Aoborua s'ill bsiuog by the Nsw York Harugarl t'seagerbuod, Gsrmanla and, AuroraHibgliig Buclftlsa of Nswark, Scblssw wig liolstsin of Uoboksu, and Jongsr MseD< DsrcUur ofOraugs Vailsy. A fesburs of the afTalrwIli be a o.'iorui by tbe uattsd ilDgiiif •OOlStleS of DFADgSa

A rossUns of ludapsndSDt solorsd clttMos ofOrapgs win bs held ill Abysilula llall on HIU at reef, Orange, io<aigb(,

Dr. W. Ma Brloo, Hsaltb OITlrwr of Wen Oraagr, round two flnlaosd and trlmnasd slid bats behind the isaoa In ihd rtNitr of his yard on Valley road yesisrdHy ahsrnooa. The malisr was reported to (aputa Hamford, of ibe Weat Orange police, a im said t hla luorn* log tbat itosbais wore uiidoubiedJy a partot thoae ainien from Auiiln, Brow A Co,’a fas- lory on Friday ulgbU

Dora C'brlNtlnnt, a lUtls girl Using on Vat* ley road, Well Orange, found a pocksUbook in front of ths First rrst^byterfan Cbnreb Id OrAngs yesterday ausrnoon aod brooght It lo ths poJtite-iULlon, Tbn puns oontatnsd aboQt fS abd a letter of rsfsrsncs to CtarisUna lieijaa.

A ptesiaot birthday party was held at tbs midi'Dce of Mrs. houlsl). Galilson, Oak wood asoDue, OraQce,Hslordsyaflsrnoon InUooor ol ths nluellstfa blrtbdsy of Mrs, GsllUoo*s mother, Mfh* Caroline L. Bsrpetu

At 4A0 o*cl(Jok ysitsrday morDlog firs broke out In lbs buildingaUSUsDflsldstrsst, ownsd by IDS Mists of toe late Qaldn Hang^. Ths place wni oscupled by Bamuel Lsftrldgs, Colored, wbo kept a saloon and Ultliard*rooiti tbsre. HU lots on stooic and flitures wltt amount to nesriy 11.000. Tbelo^jitotUe build­ing will reaeh |fiW, Tbs lalterU Insured, bat IjsfirJdgs’i property was only ^ rtia lly lured. u •

OwtDf to theatorm on Bstakday a ^tafom wes not preiflht at the mesiinguf tbs New England Hoclely of Oraage, «nd eooss- quently the annail insetlng for tbe slsotloa of oncers w«i not lis d. A report was mads by the Uaoetrsok Cotnroittee that they bad received pledgee from tbs Bepufallcan and Petnncrsiie caodldalss In tbs dlsirlcfs eov- ■red by tbs msmbertblp of.the soolsty to s'ork rsv4Us' repea^of iu r EaoetrAcklkFs: Tbs cumroltUd' Wab' dlgbba'ffed afisFA wots DftUsnkA bad been given to lU The prsatw dent appointed Joel F. Trsemaa, Frank II. fioottand Blssoksr Van Wsgeueu aoommtt- tee to waioh tbe LegUlalurs at tbs nexisss* ■loll. WendeU P. Garrison reported tbat ths Dloner CommUlse bad been orgaotasd with Mark A. Ward as chairman, and that ar« rangsmeat*< were being mads a supper, whiob Wntfld US'h Td.dn F.ijYebUiUiy DwYl'

About 9 {/cfooklkat bight Johb |$iggiDji« of Oraogs Valley, left bis horse stsadluf In froDt ofdO Oskwood avenue, Orsngs. Wbeu be started to go borne lis fouud tbat bis biiHslo robe had been itolsn. This morDing about T o'clock Christian Hlmbaoic, a milk- men, went lolc^Mlcbsel Burns's bousa oa Boalb JeOhrion, slreet, aud when be cams out be was nrinus a 99 robO. Both thsfls were Kpor^ed to lbs polios, sod an lavsttl- gatiOD will be made.

Lonis Maria, of Forest street, and Ernest Frecda, of Valley street, liallans, became en­gaged la slight Ht9 o'clock last night oq Freoman street. Officer Craus drolarsd lbs Bgbta draw aiHt srresled both parllslpaDts.

Tbs Oongrejpstlo'ial Cbnrob, on Hignland ■▼enue, Orsnice ValUy, wss well llllsd with tbs lisllniia oftfaat vleibliy last nlgbi, when slews of tbe “ LirsofCbrlit" wers sxblblted by sx-Mayor Henry U. Trumsb, of Oraage, A description of lbs plciures was given by O. B. OoxxsUhO, lbs ailsslonsry In obsrgs of tbs mivsioii OD TompklDs street, a similar service wilt be given lo-blght, when ILaliaa hymns will bs ibown ind luiig by lbs cun- grsgatioD.

Tbe first UDlonniestiDgrondncled by Hot, Bt Fay Mills, will bs bi‘!d la tbe Maun Ave- Bue Presbyisrlau Cbarcb, East Oraogs* this•vsiilbg St d o'clnok,

Tbe Riding Club of Orange, will bold Its ■ecoDd regular paper obass to-morrow roorn- liig. Tbs iiari will bs rrom Ulsit Ridge. Tbs eouras will be abaut mstsu ruiJsa

The first menibsn' s&tertaknmsat of ths T. M. G. A- will bs held la AMbalAHofi Hall on Wsdnsiday evenlQg, Tbs ettraoiloa will be tbe LyKc Quartstta of New York OUy. IhiasnlsiLaluiuentlsDotla tb« atareottrse,

John Ba»Ven, of Walnut AtrssC, East Or­ange, baa rsturusd bome« after a prolraoted stay lu Karope.

'ibs roembersof the AsUlsnd Hose Ooro­pe ny, of East Oraugs, held an laformal cliou der supper Id tbsir rooms oa Baiarday evening.

The East Orange Tovbiblp Cominlttfa will meet ibUeveoloK.

Tbe men's roseUng of the Y* M. 0. A- held ysaterdey afLernoon was oondnetsd hy Arthur Lucas. Astfociale State deoreUMT-

Tbe foot ball game on tbe Oval to-morrow morning witt 1 between the Oratige and PrlncsIOD teams. la lbs afternoon tbe second eiaveu ofiheCt A- C. will niest tbe La w reoeievll le tea ip.

The auhl M, fikll d^biblilOn of tbe Orange Art AieucJatlOD will be held In the Aeaoola- llon'a rooms, Gdl Mala strsetf BMt Oraoge,. on November J rind 3d,

The New York Athletic Club footbaB team torfelted ihelrgams with the Orange Atble>tlo Club team on tjaturCay afternoon. Tbe New York team failed to put in an appear­ance.

Two riding claMsifbf ladtfiin the lUdfng Club Orange are belitf orgsulicd by tpe riding maiieri Frofessor LIndhotm, One will bs for ladies wbo «iRh to ride uetrid* with divided eklrli, and (beo)ber for tboeo wishing to ride the ordinary way. There ava BOW iwsivs candidates for the mate to Mem to ride astride. '

The fosllng caniied by tbe discovery that fb « marbleelab to be placed on theVallvr lumping atoilOn of lbs Ofsngs ijsism does

cbnlain tbs name oi President of Ibe COtOmnn Connell Johu Beymonr, who baa pseii connsoted with ilia work from He In- eiplencv, ts vety sirohg, Tnt.pnrae of CHy jpierk Horace Bteuou IS aiioomHisd from lbs

M^Bletion has been cojioected wllb ffttwoi'k Mdos it was first consIdefSa. He baa ssrveti asiecrftarv of ihs Bowersge Cum* Vmiit«, f ivo i much of bu lime to the work, knd that-the Work has progressed wUhont ierious coinplinatlnna^s III pnrl due to Mr, ^hisUofa*i legal kaowledge.

Seineettwprwir’Of « t eavertltia#'j M4ws lOoM lli MMi 'CoAlimu pttMnt /y<caa M kUA

The real retaie tranaiera rasordad la tha KeglatsFa olOee la ta rd a y and raporud by tbe FidsUiy TtUe aad H e fe iit tampan/ w en I

IftW AAC.M e r y E D en n lie ta l to Au to itaG aert*

aer, s s W. K inney ai, S69e fr West at,lTltiO...UMii.... ....................... . 91

Jacob Wainboid eta i u> Kugsr L. Meek­er, « e i »ruQ>w1ck I't, n e enr l>avldKsfebaro, 1,060

Jac^b Wainboid, gdu to Kdgvr L Meek­er, sarat............. ..................... 61

EiJaabetU Wamboid iii Eager LMeeker, w ioa .... ............................ IfiO

A n sa Jo'cpbtue DonaldHtm, to Jennie R Cenfk'lil. n a Burnet at, 9t$ a frOraage »i, ^ x M ..... ........................... 1.601)

Katie fi. Carter to WilQHlm]n.i A rai- Igcr, w a JobbSun ev 'AM a fr Uigslow•I, 351168............................... IW

ro w m n iy .Jacob Iten iallQ f (B tiurllfH oEdm ond?.

Backus. Newark and I^ s l OraofC, n w cor M and E U R s9 and Plane s t ; u I New It 27 fra e cor, John K o c b ; w a Grove p in e ei>r, John 'I'ha ohsr *. w p Grove i i cor Crnna at; c a Ogilan st 125 n Ir Croaa st: n e o »r dock on P mspsIo H tvero fW n i K >n g; nsJuinrs ^Opvivtl S nf Ouden B t . . .... . kSIO

Fliim erv ronait et g g . t s Jotm M. Hurrl\ Verona, 1 e co r i larsmout avand B mwood rd. 200x360.... ......... X

W illiam R. H. Munln nx to t'barlta L' iwciv end al. E n d Orange, s a Glen- w <hhI av 183 w fr Bpringdale av, ISSsfiU............ .... ........ ............... 1


N O T IC K —Tranalent advertising In the NEWfi aauat UvarUbly bs paid lor tm ad­vance.

Be aeceanka win be spenad far awsb.K e ndvertloeiBenl w ill bs rsvelveel o re r

ths tsiepbone saespt tboes espt by asthor- laed ngsfila.

A -A . TRl.KIMtONK 177 MAI.K H K1.P plrsetueinplurers; iiuy itpniliv. ilKTtMtN-

A M SmCAN EMIT/ IVB b.N f SmKNCV, t l OWar st. 1

A OF.NTH W aN T iJ i WR DKMRK IX) Al»- fiOlnl au agfju Is .Nfwark. N. J.. to puoh tbs

Mdeormir lVrM-inai *ui„« tiMt. ('nn be *olC io oJerks. lawj'Cm. piiysitHahn, onii'^nran-l honita W h want a good fiunUlax o'S" caimMe o f iKmin.: nut end liandlftig ate*-niH. i n esisllenl 0{i|inrluiiUy Is ofiVrsd to aui^ulraa |t*’rnianent an.lwill help you. A tia^nt also In alt mans uf tlie Htale. M A N p A h b llANCPAtTBHJNU COM- PA N Y, Bey ton, i >bl>k. r.le

AO KItTH -sALenV OK i'OMMlSHMX ; TH E grMtntlnvfBtluD -* ths»um : ihf iww pab*nl

rbroiival ink snamv iwiiri;; (Hiiia on -ii{}tt: wiwks Ilk* siatlc : ar>> msiiinc frimi |: i (o SlS-» r^rwevk. For furlbsf nuriUMlarS wrlt^ (hi- MONIlGK JCKABKH M 'P h I'lK. Xw>. iM IVuSh*. WIs. .Mlb



Nsw and epartnienu lu then k w a w k a n d S E W u m K H. R. B r r r .M x a

Fnlarge*! eni] iinpmvfd Aciiltlaa I'mmipavwd adveiiiaat-- urs ann- nfl'eri'd l>y tbl<« liiKiliuUoiv Hrsi hlierthanrl antj 1 'yi«r>wiiting I’rparimsiila lu Wii- Mlai«; raim low. AtlJrvM fbr taUdolUe oc CellScs Jourusi,

II. COT.KM.XX. I'rfsWrnt, miMC Fn«i| pt ((Viiiral U. il. .Newark.

i . 'V i :m n g N ’ ln k iu ♦i'* p ^ k o i a u t e b .rjdK.N.N I’ lTR A .M l H<Hil..;»BroailMi. 1

\NhTUrt TIOX IN HrKX'KiUAPHV AXO typfnrilhia. 1.. l lo r i i l l , mo ^prut's iL I7a

MKTIimNJl.M I AW ht'HOoI. P A L L T K R H iwv iti iMdlNT'J; evpamg wialons A llNK lt

t'. 'i IfoMA'i. ] u |>„ DsAii, Ki>r addrssi1‘m f rJ .MlKM K 1>. AMII.KV. '.VT Hrustlaay. wt

MISS IOWNkKNIj'm Hh1AiU‘ ING ANh nAY M’hwi} for glrl\ M Pa KK 1’U, .Nssark, N. J.

Fi Unary. Ai'aawiuki JUKI CuUaga Pretaraiury Bw parime»t-:

Clrculamnn anpllrtllon. Wq

A g k n ts w a x t k u kok a g i:h ‘K **Ki.LiNG patPTiicinnTpnUQiv Jimt tielng mit on (he mar- k # l; PcM only thn> leh : ko*m\ yOkfliN ami

X'^EWAllK At A h h M Y -

n iK o i i i i i

F O L K .H Y O U K N O W .

-^Drlectlve W rlgc iiih o f tb e Third PoUoe Precinct, returned this morning from a week's vaeellon, spent a t Buabglll,

—Robert W . McCbeaney and Ulsa Mlanle Psy w ire united In roarrlage lost D ifht by IDs Rev. Thomas D, M rC ljo iO bt at tbe b on e o f tbe bride’s father, 116H Clifton avenue.

—The ;ud|ts a t the W orld 's f a i r have pronounced tbe carriage-top leeiher and dato Jratbsr manufactared by J. H. Halsey ABtnllh, o ftb le c tty , eD iltled to ibe highest award.

clear tlvM : Mmpl* tiv toall. ,:-l rente.NOVEIiTY <*>., 1)171, t lechmau.o.

f l U T C H K H WANTK11, FXPKKlKNrRD Arbatrher; must fiirnhU b r ^ i i J t - . u i u l K MKKBINuKli, Vellejr end Northntlii rd . West otani*. t

Ot)M .K (’T ou W a n t e dbouwbnlU In'ieUrriti mun ; boni aork<'r;Pat

start; sneurUy bowl n-jiiltwl: fitatp,iai>. Aildnsi I A i 'T IV k. tii)x j , Neas ofilre.


ni-npENS MKITEMOKTI IK, iw l Tbfir>Mb t>r»para(kia for any colltv* or pcisnUflc

scliitul or lor Uisln*»w.('alalokuis upun apiiiicatlon.

K A . KABKAND,eiv lisatl Maiu-r.

OHOHTH AM> A .N D TYPK W Iin iN lr M luioIT i?nr tliv riirtatUii Aw'ii, lot Cuun Hi,;b‘rDi« hi'xlerMii>. A|>nlyrtt erhOMlittulJ a . after to Irai’hpr. T. K K N N K D Y ,t t rlwlit hi. Ubr il| IK NKW Al.a >-hMlNAJ.^. i l l i .L ty\\, J Mbs M'liHmors orlm'ipal.- • Kr-opea Wednesday,

t e kU'iuber 77; IniUvldnal sMlIrlM oarvfUUy imiaed;

P AlNTKHrt-TEN yrilsT't'l.ASW PAINTEMB;Bccc but Hai-cUst Disti ueed sjiply.

4?g JAh. F, nKNHHOOK.houlbOraoes.

Q M orM A K E H - W a n t e d , a n k x f k k i -i^esoed Am^rtcaQ nh^wniik^r : at repairwork. Apply I/JCK Jlox U2, Bloomflaid. N. J. 1

special L'loeeeH 111 an, Jilsrutufs, liUforv. logIc, «U>> I'Uilon, iinihlc and llis UMiguaices ; cenlncaw atliiilli to W'ellMley I'ulleirt; pfimery departmmit tbor- irtigh ami prnrreeMive. ilri'iUarA on ahiiin-alton.

!)71 BUi.Au hlUbUT.


W bM Baby was tick, we gave ter Oaetstlfo

Wban foe was a Child, abe cried for Castorlai

Wbea sbi beeacM Mim, afae ching to CeeCoMai

H b u she bad ChUdren, efae gnv* them OasMI^

W ANTED. FOB TIIK irs iT K I) aT A T W Army, able-bodied, unmarried mea, betwetn

Ibe ages of 21 «ml sn yean , good t»«y. ratlont, clctblag and tnedlcal aMerwIafice ; ap|tl1oaoi« nuist be prevared to birol*h lanAfiM-iory evidence as to

-e,cbaracieran(t haiiita Apply at _____________ A UK KT K r.. Newark, X. J,

W ANTED- KVKllY IN**I’ RANLR AGKNT and boPlneM man to write for mir fortune-

maker pISTiA, lllbendowinenl. etc.; reaularbotianrAi;

M A R R IA G E S .WALT.lCR—OXIRNEIL — November I, at Bast

Flflb HtrtetC'hnrrta. New York, James Walter, of Newark, to lauza oeuasr, e f Brooklyn.

DEATHS.BRrNDLEY. -On November A Richard Bricidley,

aged nr yesm,fuDvral etrvlMa wilt be held at hie late rtsldeaee,

21 Orchard street, ca t^ednoaday, Novembers, 1S93, at 3 F. M, RMativei and frleodi o f tns hmlly era mpectfully invited. IpienDont at Falnnoiiat f'emeiery at oonventeboeuf family.

BROWN.-on November % IBM, Jcbil Key, osiy child of I bonias and LlUle Brown, Slid 1 y«ar 11 inciitbt and tl days.

BelAtlves and friends are invited te attend the fbneral sarvlrsp from the reeldeam ofbla par- eat«, Np. 117 McWhorter street, on Wednesdsy, KovemberB,at! P. M. Inlfrmeiit at tbe coo- venisiios of the fkmlly.

CAMPHEI.I..—On Sunday, November t, OeorgeB. iWiupbell at Orange, N. J., In the f l i t year of bis age,

Relatives and frtends and members o f Friendsbip (XOinril, Oolden Star Fraternity of Newark, N. J „ in d lra i Dodd Post.Q* A. K.,ofnraTife, N. J..^re respeciruily In rlM to aitend ibifoneral from the rv^idenoe of hte aon ln-taw, Jim u Finn. 71 JarkNia street, Orange, X. J., on Tues­day aUemooB at S o'clock. lotermsQt at Beee dale t^meterv.

CABAtil|,,—Od KuBday, November S, at her late nwldeiicf. No. tl Nk^oison Streep Bridget, o f PalTtck CartolL

Notli-e of funeral bereafter.BUNN.-Ob November I, Bobert, soa of tbe late

Andrew and xarah iTuno.Relatives and friamls of (be fiunlly, also the mem­

bers uf fern CoandJ No, 774, Bayal Arcanum of Brooklyn, N. m « leapectfiiii? Invited to at­tend tbe foneoai ftomtha resldaaoe o f bU uncle, Mr. Nicbolaa . una, No. H Mulberry ptaoe. on Tyeedar, November f, at t o'clock A. M., to Bt, John's Cburcta, absrea lllgb Vassofnaqiilem will be ofibrel tor tbe repose of klaaonL Inter­ment In Ibe Osmeiery o f the Holy SspukArB.

EVEBA.—On November I, 18N, at 1 1 s laia zesl- denes,43Cleveland avenue, Harrison, N, J., James Kvrrs, aged Si years.

JtelaUresaDd frtendaof tbe fiually art rtipect- foby Invited to attend bis fUueral col Tueaday; November 7. at I A. K ftofo kll italOMicab Biid BJU A. M. from ute Cbnivkt o f the Holy Cross, where a Miaa of Uegulsm wui bs offered for tbe ivpoee o f hla eoal. rnlerment Id ttw cemetery o f iba Holy ftepulcbre.

FARRkLI>.-(Jn November 4.1161, NTcbolaa Fa^ rail.

JtelaUvea and fHeads and momben of PbU fibsg- idaD Poet UO, U. A. R.. itre kingly InrUadtoal-

. . t%iW IbB ftwRklN t|g rsMdenoe, Nte ItVan BofMi atresa oa Tueaday. NoveialNf T, a lltM Ai V., to n JameVa Churdi, whs re" a High M a « of Regulem win beoflbred tor tbe reiHws of blssonL Intcfxneat In lhaOmatery o f ^ Holy SsfHiIcbrs.

FBHIUB.—On Monday, November A at her lain reiMetiDe, No. w Plum stivei, Margaret, widow oftbe late Rira Ferrla

Notice of foneral bareafter FOHBEa—On November i, Jfsalr, daughter « f

, Idence, No. Tl Htona atreet.oQ Tuesday, Novem- « bar 7, IMS, at 3 P. H. Raiatlvea and frlettdl of

tbp fsinll} are reapecttreiy Invited. Interment nt l^lrmoont Cemetery.

GABDNER—Od Kunday, November i. ISM, Tme- bon a „ only sob o f Ulgabeui L. >and tbe late Freeborn O. Onrdnar, in the list year o f bte *€«-

Relatives sad Mends am tovlu^ ta attend tba funeral nnriom from tbe resldencs o flils mother. No, HIhumaa street, on Wednesday, November 8, ailAO o'clock B M. Interment FMrmouut Cemetery.

HIGOINB,—Annlvermry High Mass o f Requiem tor Henry Higgins, at St Bridget's Cburob, Tupoday morning, Noretnber 7, at B o'clock. Jr rlends are kindly Invited to aitend.

HOLBROOK,—On November t, Dr, W, Stephen Buibrookt sbn o f the late A. M. Holbrook and broUter of Ph G W. F. Moibrook-

Fnneral servlosa on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock from bts late realdeoc'e. Na S4 Past Park street ReUUves and friends are Invited to lUtend. Intemenl at oonvenltaos o f the Ihmily,

TRW lN .^nN cvem barL JU M i G- Imln, aged te years.

BeUtJvet and Mende oftbe deceased are respech ftiUy t uvlied to stteod the funeral nrcia tils late resIdeDoe, No. 6 AnsUn itreet, on Tursdav, November 7, at 9 A. M„ to tbs Cathedral, wl^te B Bolemn High Mise o f Bequem will be ornsred tor tihe repoee o f tali eouL interment at Ike Cemetery oi tbe Holy itopulobn.

LYNCH.-on November i, liw , Bridget, widow of Peler lynob.

Belativee and frlandiol the Autilly are respect- folly Invited to attend the foneral from hrr late nskhmoa, be. 14 Bloomfisld avenne, on Wsdnetday, November B, at I A, M. to Ibe ^thedral, where « Boleron High Mam of Beqiuem will be bftmd tor tne repose of her ■ouL Intermeit In Ike Cemetarrot the Holy ^epulehre.

HA}tW ELL.-OD BoDtej, NoTcmbM (, 1MI, i t Booih onn;n, K, j „ um nii 3 . Mh w b II.

ruo»r.l . t I.M m w .iw , o f Alii r,Ui,t, i. B. JU*- well. Sooth O rm fu m W e d w * ir , NoT«nb«r■ .M IF . M. lotoniiMt M d it OOOTMloiU* of(b , fUuU]T.

B E ]IJ iT .-Q d Soodiy, NoT«mh*e ft, UmiT plonit- M tibolarM wIdof MMib*., Rtiiir.

T h tn lft ilrn u d friaiid* o n tOTIKd to attondtboAioonroit T U M .,,'M „A a tiu T . . (T * l A. M , (h>* b n |«a fHMfton, No. i , Bowerr •irn t.loB t Aloyitna'a Chnreh, w htnAJUtb M in o r Hooulooi will b t n i «b n l « l Ibi Uii n -

. pofti et 1»r ftooi. iBtarumt In tb- Oun-urr o f •tbe Holy topu).*™. ‘

eCHLItCHT.—On MoTHnbor S, IMft, H m v Bebliohi, 0,-ft n xniroft nonttii ]ft 4ota

Beliiivet uO o n Iht IM to ottinA lb*lite rwdemo, No. fti

Tlttaoor ift,.«oTu«i4wr. ^ m ^ o r T, ot 1 P. M. IntwoiH Itn VokiMHiot 0 -m-wiT o l Uu contenlilnui Of ,lbe fiynliy.

' » * 2 Q W 2 i l y « 6M I ,w . .

SwSgfir.jn t t M t e f t j y W W e K O t i t i l i * , r ,M 3 P. M," T ™ * ” . . Ib» « » •venlence Of the Akmliy.

VAjtDKflKOolf -OB MonmWr ft, *t m » n .o . K. Ji. Ida Cran^ wife o f Rimer H, Vamterboof. aged M ymn.

Vtnieral private. IntertartHai Oahkeeti, M. J, W AUiH.-On Nsrambar B, at tha reaMeoee o f her

Ann, kridew oftbe late John Walih.Nados of foneral berwiief; -

beet oh earth and largest |i«f; utenllou pniwr aitd etete esueripnr<v T il h. AOk.NL V LXX. No i ruloA AquaresNew York.


MONTH AND F-X PRNkK' l KX<‘LV- *7 I vAbIvb lerTltory: no esp^ricuce : staplegoodA alSMdiite moiKipoly; men and wornen wanied ; yearly contraiUR : pay ivrtaiji; nu talk : STiStem perfect; wrlie quiet ; terms froe. Addrc** K., U, Box IBM, Boatoii, Ma^._________________ iSi


A ^LADIEH JN NKKD o p ODOD HKUPt •alto girls In was4 of giHMl plarea, weall nt 72

W a HHKN Hi,, ucac riaiLi sL, kmploymeni o f­fice. 4ti|

M l-^ n .A R A L RAT.r. w m reopen her S('|U sjL Fi>i( O llltit. WFnVFh- Da y , hK ri l'i.HHEH JT iTltUHry, Arademlc and College I'reparalory l>ei>Br(nienla, Rpeclai arranire- meiito tor those dcslrlnvr colieire pre|«ratlna with­out conbectkiti mih inesi-hoqh also tor like stu­dents lu liiHtnry, I Iteiilore, Music or ArL

r^urthcr IntoriiiallDn Dom ctmilaia

Music.TkAXJO.OUTTAB, ZITHER AND M A N lN lU N ilkteuahi lustrumcnte fur m Ip. A tea* second­hand bargalnv. A. .1. WKlDT,7SNonttasi. ab

Ik A N J i) TA m iF T BV l.OVlH AOKTHHN ; J Bniusic from the latest operas alwaw on hand, tog » O R ( ’llAHD »T.

BAN.lf> BY NDTK, tO rK-XTrt A LK9HON InsinimeulafiirulHhed free fbr iemona.

^ ________ liK liL E M .I New It.

Ba n j o HCrUWJN-'l BY' NOTE, KVEXiNtfS.Stb ALDKN. ITS Waabingluii

1:>Ia NO AND KINOING LESMONK i i CK*NTH aleiaim. Address li., Box C, Newt office.

^ IN D IN O A.VD PIANO k^cTQiaa lesiou. Aditn

CHAMBERMAID W a NTF,|i A YOVNO girl of about 14. forchamUer wurk and waiting:

must give retorpucen as to i har»« l ‘r and dlsposl- Mod. Apply Tuesday and WedneMlay at 31 g to ■'niCCB RT.

CHAUBF.RMAID WANTED, A NK ATUFK- man clrl forchumlermaid and wallriwa: g o ^

refereihces. 1012HHOADKr. 1

CHAMBERMAID WANTED - (1 E K M A N girl, 14.10 BssiRt wlih npfltalni work and make

berwll nsetol. IM LTJNTON AVr,. 1


lAXO, Dci B. NowsaStesL


MP. 0. Da M ^ . TEACHER OF DANCING rlavm stCaliUiilis Hall. Ml Bpjad sU city t

'I oesdav evciiiugs fur wdulte. ^turday mornlofs ebUdeen. ) ‘rlvaie lomuna at realdeaftw. H.Y3 BROAD BT., opposite t L H, station, ttend tor circular. 4>t


A c t in g t a l m i t , p l a y a RKnEAPNEDand umateiir-i cotU'bed by an sxperlenced j>ro-

fesaional AddressIte______________ W. RUHMONP, Postofflee, dly.

■XlJNTf),V^T., 47-XlOOD UlltJo WANTED 'JX) ../COok, woah and Imn. i

CtOOK-A (Jim-TO ('X>K. WAAH AND IRON, and asalst wllb other work ; cltv references,

311 «n H IO Il HT.

Gi r l w a n t e d , a b o u t i? v r a r h o l d , t o assUt In ligbl h<»ustk(-c‘plng. Apply

1 J. A. VANDEKHOOF, 140 MOiimodth sL

r ^ i R jt Y R A

IR L W'ANTED AT FAUAN’H KENTa U- ^ NT, 403 Market il, 1

n Ol’HKWOHX-WANTKD, A OIUL general houMwork In a lunall Chmlly ot

Call MT. PLKA)«AKT A V K , five hffom above


A .- '* " * - ^DO Y’o r w a n t m o n e y t

|fiO, ws n tU ](>an you any sum (list you wish at the lun-esc possible rab-s, In tba >|ulckest time, and fur any length of time tu suit you. Y ou CHM j»ay the money ba- k In any amounts yun winb, and at any time, and each payment eo made wlii reduce the cost of carrying ili« loan in prt^purtlon to Ihe aincunt piitd. Vuucao burrow ou housshold AiniUnre. pianos, Uomea, wagumand oarriages and nlhsr personal prot»prty sod f he property to remain In your possessiou, thus giving you iba tiae of Inttb Band Ibe money, our offlcsa are conveulantly iotwted, and parties calling on iis nan be waited on onicklyand ouurtroiudy. Itetors borrowlug else­where call ami see us. sod you will And It grrally lo your advaniuos.

NKYYa RK m o r t g a g e l o a n 00.21S Market sl.. second Aoor.

ftF A L FJITATF FO R H A l.F o ^ E T r .

- Rrif.D lXU LOTH UXliM KKKT BSOl” ^ - L J- I'KJKI H. 74 hrr1ngt1ek1av«..2d door.

A -A.- A I IIAVK PUtH»EUTlKB hH»H «aote Hi gvery eard of the cuy and will glv«

you a bargain. N W. tiKKItV ,'to Bniad at tty


Ifandsomt Q. A, Dwelling anJ foahta, Unoola are., near Chester are, I'lul bOs RB, with froutaga on Wasbitiflon ava, Erica tow. Terms easy

For (Kate or To T«t Twsireroaa pHvaterosl- drnce, all Improvrmanlii, lot fotlod, Chesttmt it ,

betwevT) Orclurcl and Broad itePusseiiMtni itmnedijpv

JftOW price am) easy terms, or moderate taut to carefal tenant. Apply to


•0) llroad I t ,

R(M»ms7, 8 ami I.

mt M ll.l. TAKE A SH AU-ER ]>ro|(ertv la a\ch>n:ji’. liotiw>,V- nioai^all modem

ronveawmiH, gruuails sRuhMiI In K«slttraugi-. near dvivt ain) »-Ut'irU'I'sni; ten mlnulas from Nenark ; U mltiuiet rrT.ftm New York. Apj>iy U>M. W. Uh.KKY.74U llnuulst. Newark. N. J. 4l0

n Ot’HK FtHlMAl.K THUEF-STUHY HRU’K, 171 Hlsii. II rounis ami store: I'onTenienl tor

two fkiiillles ; luipruvaoituti; wlU laku one ur two iols lu jiart pay inauL A ppiy 1_______ SI M u m i K iG im i irr,

HnrMFX. FIVE Tl» Nl NE ||,(S» ANDnp ; f liKHwAh, huliiiKv |»}tf>r niontti; city krU,

i»er m-mib. f . BKVMH, I'Ji BprLugffehl avu ; 4.1? Broad tl. 34v

KBAL EHTATK »EK YS'llAT lU llO A lX rt I can give ymi in (be any oriiousra and lota ;

also minitH‘ruf small liunse- and Mhu (o rent { will

Rosevllla ave.reiualQ open all day on Kiecnon Itev I rIJAs, II. W i NAX n li2 R



East Orangn.X^AffT OBANGR — FOR HALE. MODERN rehouse t rooms, flnfibea with hard w n^ ; ^ n fireplaces; good location ; conveniaot to two rmll- rundiand atreatesn ; will sell at • aacriflee Ifoold aloncv. IKKiKU li. BU TiK KAU lU 'H , M Dodd at., KastOrangn. lug


N'EW rOTrADKK AT T.IXDWN, • IIH.Efl from Nenark. near staiiou.d ruonta |l.*JS0: fk

nwnu, II.UVO; teriiiA 4>'iU down; i^lantvt asms M rent, A1*I‘LEDV. S'l l*ln.» st., .New York. Sg

K K A L Ks t A IM H 'A N T K n ,

n OLHRa WANTED FRuM fl.isn i 'F i’ H X vR hnyem. K. HKY EH, ITi HtiringnrUI ave. 2Sv


A - A . - A . I HAVE l*UDpEUTrK2lTORK!fT « In every ward oftlie city and vt 111 rvnt reasona­

bly. ti. W. <j KKIIY', TtW iiioad sL 20y

HOCDINDT hT . 14 -HOl'HK OP TEN HOOMH and cidlar r hot and bold wster and ItalUinore

heater. InquireMl? KU AS BKRLA, ra Mulberry i t

tNARTOHANilK-TO LKT. aKVEllALIIOUnBa Piftcun fI& Up ; convMiliDt to two ratimads am)

streetcars. UUUKK li. UUTrhHW UlUH, B4 itoddsL, KoetOrange. lig

-LTAIUJinirifT AVK.. ns - EIGHT RGOIIb!IWhoJehouas, 916. Inquire6lg m HAl^KY’* BT., third ftoor,

HOI’ftK-TO LET, H OOI RT NT., • ROOMH, bath auil laumiry. Inquire jA M fiA H.

UAlNH, KMandlto llroadak.or 14 (kHirtak 4g

T 1 0 (’NK TO RENT-NO. ftSV MULBERRY ST,f 1 1 all rooms, water and CM ; |14. laqutre $rb TUUMAB CHKK-tKY, 7«0 Broad at,

UO ra K -lO RENT, KlUllT-ROOM HOUBE, klogeland, X.J.

Kb olsXJRGK DODD, DP Broad sL, Nawark.

Fourth ava I

H o u b e w o r k - w a n t e d . e x f e t u k n c k dgirl for general hnuaeworic la family of two,

rail heifften 9 aitd iz b’cloi k. l ________________________MBOUTH TKNTHBT.

n OUSKWORK—WANTED, A OIRI, FOhOEN- eral houaework In family o f ibree ; retoreace

required. Call at »p FI FI’ tl A V H i

A . A . —MONEY LOANrO> IN ANY* ISLMB • at Z per cent. i>er month good for one year.

C. BiKKMAN, pawnbruker, 19 Cedar at., ne»r

HOUaE TO LET-NO. IIU BROAD XT., COM- pritlng Dine rooms. w liU all Lmprovsmenia.

Inquire on premises : renl I u.

rp O LKT-UYVK.l.UNU C tlN TA lN lM I F IV E 1 rooms and celhir. water, No, n f^saalc iL , near

Orlentel st.; rent |4 per aionth. Inquire o f j . J. CAK TE K ,» Uteecker i-v. 46g

Dreed et. hAtabUnbwl lU:i. 4iw

HOrREWQFV-rXVANTKDi •ral hounework; i w Ironer. Apply to 17 n il,!

IR L F>m 0FN- ‘ waaltfr and ite

HO U SK W O RK -G lR t. W'ANTFD TO DO. . .l-platn cooking, washing and Iroalog.

107 HADINJN hT.Apply

H o u r e w o b k g ih l w a n t e d ______dtetely for general bonsewurk ; traDl fatnilj.

IMSIE-.................... ......... fatnilj

Apply 1 UK AftftDI N E, i Lombardy at.

TTOUHEW PFU-U IRD ’^ N T K D FUR OttX- X xera l botiaework.t MRB. II, HAWORTH, 124 MUler it

HOU8EWORK-WA M'KD. YOpNG W LOBKD girl to Bsslit with huu.tework : wages #6.

1 A pply 37 itKCTUR RT.

Mo n e y to i-o a n o n h o u r e l iu l u f c h - mture, plani«, organa and pentonai property without removal; parilee honorably dealt with,

and can make reptvnients by iustelniHate; all hnalneHi strictly 4«mfldeiulsi. Call on F. vi'. CRAw fO llD , room 2, 725 Urusd at. Open eveniaga ^ U 1 7. _______

■\|0>E Y JAJANKDON PKRHDNAL PltiiPER- Jv| iy, planus, organs and fornitutc In use without removal; all toalness strictly couildentlsd. t Pallor addrosH F. C. EDWARDS room 6, 161 Market 8t« OT lu cedar at., day or svenlng.

n n n l o a n UN BUNDslPiwil F U *U lr x la t id mortgage at 4 anddiHir oenL In surui and tor periods to suit the borrower; NOnoNUNOH COMMIhHIOX KXAC l’KD ; all nei:«Mary peiwn carefully prepared. CHAB- A, FKJ£K^ Copntelto^s^ l.tt*^7y j y ^ au 421

f I f II I 'I V J UAN (/N HwKD AND O ^A a t '^ / l IruortgngoatB ptwoenL in Mime

and for periods lo suit Ihn berrowera: no bonua or

aY o i.r r -N E A T cm n'AnB 5 h o o u r , c i r r water ; 8J!e iloble et.: | lt ; bouse 7 rooms* N

WrIfbtiU; clly water ; |16.U ____ IM PKNNHYLVANIA A V it

WRIUHT NT., NO.S4-TU LET* HOlhJK " o ? 'ivsrouiua luuulre

fot k .'IIUYLER B. JACK.SON, 770 Broad at.


WANTPH»-A FDHKTkTIKn HmT^ITpOR A feoilemaM and wite t » good locality ; no dill-

dren. Adotess r. u. BOX No. ios. Mg

RQOMR a n d FfftATR T O L B T ,

A BAIUJAIN-96 FOUR I.AIUJK ELEGANT rooms, hay w;ndow, plaies. new flat, corner

BI.rM AND mHJTU TENTH BTti, near Nprlng- fleld avs.; marble nianlel, water, etc, IM

P3LL1CVILLE A V ll, l t ! -F L A T , NTX RoOltRB_ 'andbalh ; ttew bullihug ; flu* loratton,6f W. L. W tXTFALI., 487 Broad.


conimleiloa chsrg<.'<); to loon on cbatlel mort­gage III Sums (OBuiL KUWA kD H, BLACK, t mm- sellor-al-Law. room BU FrudenUol BulldLug; tele-


L<br boustjwurkft Inquire at I :£3 WASniNOTON HT!

JRONFJIH-WANTKD, F1H>T-CLAHH CtILLAU and caff Ironers: good Wages psldteeubJiieuiiii

hands. Apply H lL L lK k A CO.» U09 Fasialc ave., Ksorny, H. J. 1

MBN. FARLV, W OREKX 81V w a x t n W girlA all natlonaHtlcs : cooks, chambcrmalrilA

wnilressee, nurses ami general hous«wurli ; parties needing bstp can be supplied at ihorl a tics. soa

*\1 ^ fW lt ’-WANTED, A PRDrESTANT YVOM- i3 l ait 08 puree and ebambermald, a pnly at 1 teBHAKRJNUN HI., Brick Church.

W ANTED - LADIES AND GBJNTLI-Mk N, we will pay you |5 to $16 pur wbur (A d o

strictly home work for u » ; do canvsaning, and

IiromptpayrueuL Send addretneJ envelutn?. Lilt- CRTV NirPFLY CO., Liberty aq., l\wMn, Maas. He

$ 1 2o .u 0 0«™/mortgage In sums lo suit,C. J, HKOW.N,

737 Uruod Bt, room t

$k 9 UFWARD LOANED OX FUWNi TURK ;od * ) no removal: prom p(. private, re labia, low

rates, easy repaymeote; money la fwetve hoore' no line ; 0|>en evealagt. KflIlR, 4^ Druod at 87g,

^ I t AND UPWARD TO LOAN ON FURNI- r?7|.eycurR. Make perniinal application to MI- CIIAKI. K ANK, 57 8. Tlilrteeiuh sl.. RoievUlt. Mv

ttA H T OBANOE-te W I-XPIMIT HI’., IQ MIN- X!iutes fYooi .Newark, 10 ronmn : rent nioderab'.Bk] m, B. JAC'KHON. 77(1 Britml aU, Newark.

Ia l a t u n m k k c e b « i ., n e a r m u u htv ro;inu< on sprues sL, fo tu 110, hiqiure F« Mc-

ou V i‘;HN, 148 bpruce. corner Barclay, or Id Cedar 81. Mr

T jiL A T TO LKT IN A NEW IIOUBK, OP TWO famlllsi, with (even light rooms sad baib, wUb

all modera Improvemeats ; reut moilerate.17k to te(U i MAN BT,



A K E h" " Y V A N lS r " i^ U A T ic T jr ^ 'r Y '^ lcountry. SM WARDEN RT., bear TludsOn. B4e


Q A r E IKA'Jt»TMfc!??i-.

|i,0to, 91.100, 92.000. 9Lto0. 9-1/)00, |4.004. ran be on flrsi'Ulaiu bond mq | ruurtgngs se-ciirliy un pn»perty worth double the atuuunl sod more by calling on


60g 766 Hroad st

Fl a t t o LEr o f b ix n ic e r o u .mh a ttbe ronitr bouse of No. STI FAIHMUUNT


f jIL A T UK FOUR HOOilH, A T tHl JLALSKV st., to I d ; mu reiisuuable.

15w ■ W.:UUYLKK a. Ja c k s o n , 770 Rroad st

^OLLRtT }H -A YOUNG MAN W ITH TWOyenn’ experience sa a ooileotorwetilaaposUion:

id seourtty given ir required, Addreu ANTft Box D, News ottice.

W ANTED-9300 ON FIRST BOND ANDn '- * -----—


2U| A- DXRNICE, opiKMite depot,Montclair,

I j IL A T -N O R M f BIDE NKLSON"^*!,. (33 l . third door fruu lllgh i rent reasonable. t

H. II. BATKMAN, 4J jllU iL

rsfersoou sat 1

37gmortgoBV. Address

LUAlt, Box P, Newaofitoe.


Ma n w a n t s b it u a t io .v a s (X )ArH M a n » wtlb to help if BecesiarF. {'all or eUdrsM EWARTf Evergreen PL and Itallrood aw., hiuR

Orange. i

\ g -A N - llONKBT, IlK L lAnLE MIDDf.Fr ^V| aged man wjmte work al anyiklng; ban eliy retorenoss, Address1 llSLIABLK, Hox M, News sIDce,

■Y^BIWTKIt - KXPKRtENCkD ,rUBRK»J sires po^Klon: capahte ot managlug an office; ■trictiy temperate. Attdrasa 1_________________ Box « , Short HlllA N. J.

UaKPIH. MAN . snUKn QKIIMa N ^ V a N (widowar) warns work at anyttilog : good car-

penter, Fall PETMt II KcKE|i,4M 14th ave. 86d

A N T K D -B ^ A YOUNO M AN OFFICE OR oofside work : good h rUer,

1___________AdJfSte WORKftHok P. office.

E M PLO V :t)K N T W A N T E D -F K M A L E .

COOK-WORK WANTICD” i i y ^ H E DAY, week or month ; city or codutry ] good cook ;

good nAtretiOe. 17 ESHUX ST. 1

ClOOK -OOLORKD WOMAN WANTIS HITUA- ;Uon M cook: go boms nlghiv

l__________________________ 2MN. J, B, R. AVK.

DAY'B W O R K -W \KTKD. b y a w id o w woabltig and deanlog; It Men finFolaat kaiso-

miner. Apply NKEd Y, by Jouesst, 1

I f t A f f , w o r k - w o m a n w a n t * DVY'# J^w ork washing and Iroulngat home, or will go wn. Call 74 BRDUMH HI. |




JOHN M- OWINNELT., Preslilent.

9100 to 95.000 DRrOfilTRD BY TUK TH IRD OV A N Y m o n t h DRAWfilNTKRKHT FROM


MANAOERS:E rwaru KAwnusik EbwaawL. OowKuv,(igoBoR l.Axn, llyuBKar Doette,UshaT Laho, jLbWHr M. ik)UflL4toW iLUAk H, L n , J. W ard WooDSUfT^Jomt P.GDNThItm EhWARD N. Cmamb,JOHM al. OWIMHXLI* ']1KBMAN LEULRACS.J. A. LKRKUKCRJCR, I

IJ^LATTfi I.RT FROM NOVTtSIBKtl 1, NO. 281 : Market H. FRED T. K IRK, m Market st. Ug

IP LATH TO LKT OF 4 AND & UouMS I.N ' buuifHi 650-304 Central ave.. water and nswsf oon-

necUons; ren;;low. inuulriu in HiiOE FAC ilUtV, cur. OiJlial ava and DaryeeiL Mt

LTI.A ’IR -TO LKt, IH'SSIRAHLK FU TH , CK.N- A trally located: to good tenants tn* rsme will be reasonable, l&qulrs ofHe JANi rOR, 197 Plane st., first flsL

F l a t s t o l k t somot b k r o k n KT;9!fi a n d914. Apply T. A. KASTN KH.4M hi J teciiLh avs.BPw

I j lL A lX - T O LET, FIVK. IIUOMH, UHICK ' bulldluv, lUJilUJM4WU'KSr.;reiit91L lOu

I J AlJ^KV HT., 40- HANDSOME LAR fiE AND inmil front rumni lo let. l


NO. 743 BROAD BT,Operr dally lYom • A. M. te 4 P. M. Dividend days

January 1 and July 1. All Recounts rsrry Inlereat at I psr cent, Huolety ami Trust Funds Cakeia

HANDSOMR6-HOOM APARTM ENT; HATH.rungs, itHiiter, rellar, tubs; low Urnmaii ramlly;

C-ruom apuriment, 914. MAlUiU, 39 Lalareltfi sL Ug

P ART OF HOUSE T > L K 'f -9 RfKlMB ; A I.L liuim)veinf*iits: No. 43 Prospect it,; also house

No. 27 Misasx av8„ 4 rmMiiA 2Jf DAVID lU PLK Y A BONa

H OUftBKRKPl'SO-WtDOl* DHSIRKH POSI-lion as hoQsekseper; g o ^ hone preferred to

bighwagoa (Jailor addr«9is 4» UALHft'.V hT.

HUURKWORK - 1 R M P K r fA d L K girl wisbw a BUoatlOQ as geasrat hens

good retorenoe. call IXM BRoAD ts'L

YOUNQ iworker;


Ho u k k w o r k - y o o n q w o m a n Wa n t s aplare to do general bouMWOFk in a small p ii

Vate fiuaUy. CoU At „MA>NiiUK HT. I

HOUHKWUAX-irFAiPKCrABLK QJRL (IS) wants iltuatlon for light huiiaswork. Address U., BoxD, Nawsoffiuf. 1

DUfiKWOlUt-TirRL W ANTfl BITOATION ai 0 neral botMtesrork. inquire *■ ^

1 10 n s s ix HT., first floor.

I'reeWeal-HVLVKBTKU H. RATTlN# VIce-Prcskdent-UiriH LKlAlNQ, Trwteurer-KftDWABD rtPAHrU, ltocreiarj--J. tlfr^PLUMF*.

KAKAQKrft.aJohn D, Harrison, Hylvoeter II. Battla,Edward IMeLh, J. Frank Fort,Charlee M. ’] beberaUi, Jamrit N, Arhuckla Tjoats J Along, Owar Jl. Mock rtdgsW'lUlam If, Curtis, Jnse^ W. Flume, William A. lUgbter, Flank A, W'URlnsoa

and John A. ulJTiinl,

^ I L U A M U N H A L IA N A 00^ ' '


Buy and soR RlocICA hok<M bttfi graia atthir for oaah or on aiarglo.

119 ICABKET HT,Tftaphpne 193D, Newark, - Newark, N. J,


Orange National Bank Building,Telephone 495 Orange, Orange, N, J.

QUlTMANHT,, IM TIlltEh: BOOMS, H IU tD floor, adults, 95. i

SOUTH KUUlTKKNTil riT„ 7W—TO, ------------- - lu C N T ,7fluuroffiiur roiim i; stable aitechod. 94f

SPHlNOFIKLD A V E . Ba-TUllKB HfHfMH ;no oblBcilou to rMperiable oolored pa-ale. in<

qiilrelu MUMlOH'i'UiiJH 53g

ST lllL lN ll ST., 36- F I V E KOOMH, F U l«T Boor, to let A3f

TO LKT, 133 WAIftNUT ST.-FOUR ilOOMM ON Drat floor, rent |u,and five rontni on third

flour, rent 9I- 1 wster and siatlonary tobx, tet^WJlDHlTY SHOULD, 810 flru« 1 at. room 0.

r i lO LET, 83 RANK HT., B RO jWH: TMPUOVk I J menls; 916 month, p. LINDKM AN. aiH IDin-

terdon sl. . 6te

O B K aB ilA K IN ft.

:OUSBWORK-OIHL, I I YKARH, WANTS plane for light bouaewark. 34 l i t iE R I V sT. I

H O u A W O R lt-y lB I. W AN T8A WTUATIO.N •IkouMwock fediUr. tft|ill.jUnT. >

OAiui o r tkam iulW . hsi#b.T dft-lr. to AvprBM o «r aiftM ftftarUftU

*W07 k iw OWudi .Md Mupt..,., « f W. V .^ n ^ r * UO. tar Ui. tautln il doni Mbr- t m to our MsTod ftMw, )i lin . c. w r t t ^

____________________ b b h k a v e o F a m i l y .

V-Bth cioltnii r * iu lb M - w u * im r TlaSplftr X -H lw tw M i l » p « U t u U I * I * , . Co.

* * * . K o ^ t a o b , f t t P u r r o w i t , d u s w

Jaa. Cofi( o f . WILLIAMS, Ham.


......10 tow


V K U K E t ’A K lE lU .

8:Ix a m b t h f s h - a n k x p k k ir n c k d g k r -

._'nianBea(u«tceNaaddr«Minaker peeks employ- m eat; fine o t nlaln.work ; roMosAble prices.U I ' 2ft6 LA V a V O.TTK 8T.

o K W IN O —A. (tlR L WIHllnn aoM R BEORB Oceitainon lorMwIHf. *1 hoojo or euuldo.1 lot MDNTUOH l;u r UT„ u « .od Door.

LJTVLW H DRRliallAKRU W ANTS A PEW f?moro nutoDion; bj- th. d »r ftl .2ft. Adnmw.Mw T a ILOH. Bor B. Now. nlHcftl.

T vvu BEHPKOTABLK g ir l b w a n t SITDA- llpu taking care o f obltdran or up^talra wqik. * 4'allat i »a u U T U OUANOa AVE.

-A.-SiftT. TAVJdOR DRESS- temtiliix School Tbe only

thorough and soeceoifoi syateiu m lUto, Ibe only on« not a chart. Isay to I earn, PupUi mak* dreMPB ablle learning. Make no miaiake, learn the best. Open day and even- tugs. Notice H. T. Tayier'a <U-glt

Broad It., opposite Trinity Cbureb._______________ _____________ M. E CHtURTIE

A --MCDOWKLL DIlKsS.CUn'lN4lMCJlr)(Jl,™ • Any iedy eau sow beourne a pertoct cutler, fit­

ter and dreasiniiger by using the MriMiweU Uar- fflunk DralUng Machine, It tolluwa every Oiishlon end ate every Atom: ia easy to leara and rapid to tree, ('all or send forclrcuiar; isMona day or even- In ^ M A T K jrR O WJ.KV. 83A Hruart >L 71tt

A RKANCHHC'HOOLOFS. T. TAYLOR'SSYH- A t e r o ordreai-cuUIng from «3U Broadway, New York. Tbe only lyntem not a chart. I .ad tea ran now lave the es pruefl of going to New York when Ueycpnleani ue well at our Dronge branch. Open day and evenings. L. K. DUNNE 318 Main at., Drniige, NaJ. ^ 4HW

rrw o(T )N N n :m N uaN FU itN iK H K D m K >M H ;Xovtiirel; rafarenoee given and! required.

1 Addrrte RIlFEHKaM'E, Box ('. Mtnvs oflire.

rpW O PLRAhANTROOMHTO l-KT, AI.LCON^ X venlenctN; rent moderate, JI a DIhOaN ht . 1

ilWq PLEASANT itO()Wj IK LON^W OllTli 1 RT,{ 94. I

W ALNUT nT,«.TO LKT. FOUlt oTriK IVK roea3B, first flo<jr; papered, bay window froiR.

water. Inquire 147 Wa l N U lf it ', iug

W ARRKN HT, HY-TItHKR HANDSOME roorua lo let; elty water; rent 9 ; newly pa­

pered and iwlnlej. Xeysai tBi llIfH L 45y

W AHHINritON «T.. « l - T W O UONNKOT- Ing xiioros, couventence for housekeeping or

will rent to om> or two tnntlemen \ 93 weekly. 1

dP J I T i) |14-K IjAT TO LLI'. 4 IaAROR *!P I. I ruontA otatlonary tutja 494 UfOH HT.. <ur- uer Arodeffly.JanUor. Ms

fUlOhtflft FLATS , WrCftft T fA N tB D .

Roo m s- w a n t e d , t w o u n f u r n ih ie b druouis, good locailun, by agentlaman.

Addresa E L lO, ilox H, News office.

W ANTRD -BY A IIIDDLL-A(4ED WIDOW, one U m or two ainall roouu; rent pare i

must be tuodemut] fbrapeinaaueucy.rete. forapeitnaueui-y.Addreai S. A., Box B. Newe office.

W ASK lNa-O O M l'E rKNT WOMAN W a NTS waMitng and Ironing by (be day.

U can 371 HALSEY hT.


O B D B B TA E n ,BmoTtd fn m tftt Braaft It . to

•MBKOADHT.OOaitER O R »m ,,.jnmpB-i intHiftM* ftarMd "■iiiimiiu ^

B JOYCE, LATB W ITH M lfTROPOUtAM .ItoBM K* oa.. MdftHtBftr, 111 B w ip . IB

U B K E iJ U .

JJpoBitee pure ter all t e a r - -

W AfiH IN (« - OXHMAN WOMAN W a N1 « wttblDgandlrbntiigathoint. Addresa

1 in l l m s t .

f^ A R R ^N A B r.K riR IW .V A K IN (l; T R IV K K D \ Y .C IWll»H «n . lH « 1'I.ANK » r . Off

I NEAKT DRKasto> MAOR TO OBDK.ll.> Addirw L. 1)., Hux A, .Y*wi <

rANTED — lM VB tmOMH BV MARKIRD couplB. wllhin t « ii.li.uln^ wnlliUr Ml BIba*.

ant Cemetery; tent not toexoeedsil.' Address D Box M, News oOloe.



a t>OEN, TRANCE M E D in iL CAN BE .efCHiaolted Mondaya, Tuesdays and Batuedaya.


TA «O B rB ,B R TW R R N I AND 6 P. M., HVN- t j day : will- tedy who noticed gentlemao oppoeite oaaamualeeie wTinI a d m ir e r , Box C, News officer

Xt News office.

^ t lA N I iE DRl-MlOU'rnNIt SCHDOL, w T h e on'y original Taj tor Hchool lu U»e Or- angM, and dWy tocupaUtlos. U 1s (ha only ayitem that giwa entice sailafiunion. beware o/partteeadventelDg under the oatae nniue, tULOur flcbool lathe only fiisKtaa* buUooI In tbe Uranges ur In ttWetate. n m e U M d i—

W ANTED -A ROOM OP HOME ONF RENT- log rooms at a low reati lor middle-aged

lady t uDfornlabtd f<ir housekeeping; central.X A ddrem C., box (», News office,

making at r«a»>nahle urlote. Open day and— ...I------- . _ .L----- ^___ aUdtuf.MAKY S. LYNCH,

W A N TK D -I 'fO 10 Rol»M8, CE NTRALLY located, about November 13. Addreres

1 ______________ MK?A. HtjANLuN, JB ClinlOO M

dVMlnn, UamemlMir 'tbe nnml 399 Main at,, grange, Dtoker BoUdii FV R N lB aR D HOOMB T U LffiT.


i m - A KBlIiSU JW HKKU I0 A riWKJiJi U Tau ««B tiiiw u l-b irtb ,tB * .trt.llft X iVUM A M t l(£JU{OMtt.Hul)Wa.N r.

, T O D ifo K A S w A ir n iA K n in K R ta Wta -tow ^w**B»n*l ptotaa*ft ta H tm M <• Mt SMHft to. 1

-•Oiu., •r.-.' r.


A ocrroji BA1.B-IWTATII K. oUBBrrt, n to m h A, w n « e in r ■ » ; ft 1*. II. n

w BoTyntojr 1 Mxft *a ntlWMA ta » Mwtaftto ftll-i

B HOAD 8T„ fill -- rUKNiSHED FRONT rooms fbr light hodaekfeping.

NLINTON «T.» 18 - NIOELT-FUJUfIBHED ^rooma: atio oa* la tit front room. 1

/-IOLUMBIA BT., lf~9 K y iJ t ligkiboeaekaeplng;

If-FUHNDlHCD aUprtew.


r T K N liU H D BOOM S T O LC T-

1,'^1'RNIh h ED HDOMh To L hrr-BALTIMORE X bearer; UaUironm; op ir ■!».. i . r w . depot; tram 94 to 93 pvr week, 41 MPiUNO HT. I

T;irKNTH llFD nnoM TO LET. W ITH LIHIIT, r heal and use o f nNthrouBV 1 nqulre or adJTees 1 J7 NKlrt iN PI... city.

J 1 hKKNHT„iW,.'il FritNrHUKDItOUM;*yOH ^ Vligbi Itoueekteplug ; all pricva t

HA IaNKY KT.. 41 NICKL\ F l'R N lH lltD roum ; renlrelly lnoateiL Ifie

n AMILT(>N KT., II KVKM 'illKD DOOM flir tight buUMkeepltgi; all pfii’ft a 1

Ma id e n l a n e , u ‘ M c k l v f l u m h h k d n>ome : amall aiul Jaigr. KAIk(riV>Kl)<l 4lg

Mm .»K im Y HT.. fot VTDNIHHKD ROOMM for ligbt boii«ek(-i-p)uf ; ail prLaa 794

NH ’ KLY I VHNI.HIIKD 71 Ieto II Iw ib; rQuven:eai'*«


1>AnK74T..nfi TWO rO N N K 'T lSO nOUMH well Airucibe-I. a ilb all Irnprnvvmfnifl, I

P f.EAHAM' l* K'>\T ROOM KOU TWO UKN- lisnieu or Olio aliikle room, private fomily and

ifulrel. Mu d KHa TK. F. .Sews oflitw. 1

Jyj.LAHANI KUllNlHUb'D Koi^M TM LK T : privali-fSiiHly, 131'. I'OWMNLCM BT. Hf

OOMH .-T O LET. TWO l.LKiJANT Ft'H* ulMied rootuji: geoilrmeit only ftilNKWHT. 1

\*-K «Y PLKAHANT FrRX|-»JlFD KOOMH TO let 7eHTKUBKN hT., Seat oremre. U f

S « n / k J-'OCK Fo r h o THK*^rsO V kvrp m g. H4 Va n h u r .n si\, jarmy

(i(y . Mf


y rH N lH U K t) ] u >o h h w a n t e d *

A k iu d 'tj-v p h iv a t k f a m i l y w in iik s 10 leiil uul a nicely-lurnlshed ruutu. Inuulre


ST48KRH, I.OPTMft yrrC*. TO LKT.

B('HlNh>H FlxOUIt h\>lt KENT, NO, 74t Droed sL, mert'liiiut tellur or any retail bvil-

nem; chuU'# lorailondly Ja MEH It, HAYB, 746 broad ft.

TilM 'W H TO liKT, W ITH POWER: A M .IxT Jkprnvnnrnta : well lighted. N<v 34 1IOD]HN<>T HT. inquire or HAUCKL W. ilKEHX.Tdd Druod eL. oc englnrer ou Ure preiiilnea Telv^iune No. foi. iiw

WTORKH TO RKNT, I-OW TO HOOD TEN ante, two HftOrM It the r trner o f Ketlevliie and'

HliKinifitid ave^.; jitepiyol ruom and larie tbow wimliiwu. ln>)Ulreort‘. DKCKKK, Na31 ilLgbst.3»e


O U khKX AVK., ftO~TO J.KT. TH E OLD-KH- OiabtlshtHi buirher ihop. Inquire on the prem' |M>fli)r4tlU A L N L J 's r . a f

l i r i - — — — -




A T 144 I R 9 A P BTIIKMT, ,




a p p l y a t t e e e v e n in q n e w s O m C E ,


T O LKT — LAItOE HTORR ON MULUKRRY ■L; apartmeots o f tbrefi, four and six rooma;

ell near Oealre Market

AUoapitrtmentaof four, fire and Mi rooma on Haciioou ave., Ufefrlaan. Inquire 47b IMjAL l)>’FrrE. W f^nal st


A KianJKR'S W A liL PAPER STfmK-fo.S7 t will iiaper your room* with nne gold letter,

wide border end hanging Inrluded i bteiss naliiting, graining and kelsomliitog dune i t raaHOiiabli priert: ■rod tor soraph** or fall and niake ynur seNctlnns. A . KKUOLK.I HMBX ave., eOL llt|i3 iL . New-


Is : iiSlnUiis, kelaftmliilnv pud Ueouretlug I laTHOLSK, km Hpringtleld ave., Newark. N.JA&i

nlure will paper any sir.e rooine with gold paper gold bornere. El a riMiti ; please send

cards : }ialntiiis, kelaftmliilnv end cleouretluj

B RiKJliLVN W ALI.PAPKH HTCJRKAi W|U, paper any bkirsisa room wllb fold paper and

wide liuntec, UtClydIlUl.ivMiriqg, for Jl.3.1ateo we do nretvlow iwlnt'iig. ifrarninf, xalaomining,. pino- terlug oud tinllDg. hor tbr cheapest prioro In lhardy. toud iKwial canli brr ■emples or <all et Brooklyn WalliiatierKior-'aiki] w hvtjour rwpare, as we are a branch of the Hrooklvn Wallpaiiar(.^nipan>', carrying a toll line ofthWr c&oi4e papwr, itich ae blanks, flute gllta, embossed, lugralns siul liloo, end sell at llv'tor/ prlc.at 4Vt DKt'uH A ITKi, iw HprliigJleld a v * , near II Igb at.

B RODKLYNAND NEW YORK W ALL PA- rier(V>mb1na«l«i- PJeese (akHWolloetUat I w|it

paper tel r-Atesd rufiie with BMia>pecMr end whin bonder for iC'pII e room, anui also do nri<t-claupalul- Ing and kn1«Mrninh)g at th» obpspent pr^-e* In tha olty ; urden protnutTy artendetl to bv mail 4ttr JACXIU Lr.V V, Na 16U Warren IL, Newark.


|-1AnPKNTl:H J f» f l I i lN D L 3 ^■duue.a'IdlHoos. alteraliiins, P route idilngied, store filUiig, etc.

HENRY KNItitiT, 174 CeDlrel ave.

ClA IlPKNTfcn ASH M f'lf.IiK Il; JOBDISo ■piorupllti' aitendi^d to. Addresa

Buf HDILDEH, Hot M Nawiomre

y iJIAIHH KFrtKATMJ W ITH TANK, HL‘ H. V mtiaii nr veneer; rarp 'ia neenel. made end la'd 1 baity tariiogct siid furnUura reuelrod ; kevs mied. M4Ml postal Ut CHa KLIIM W. ivDLE. 73 Murray St. 47g

CIHFjLP f a m i l y HiDtR eTORE-LADIlCH*'kld-tlpped buKnti, f l : ledlos\flue kId-tipped

button, II.I&: roltaes' sprlng-beel kid bOUoii, slass ll lo 13, TVl ; tnisW heel kUt buttoo, Mh.; meu‘a eewed laced, 91; men'a flue Im e t and cimgraHH, 9I.U; hoys' fine laced shoes, (j'lC-: youth's fln laci t shore. IT'O.; ntoii's sewed nongres*, m '., ai WM. J. McKINNK V 'h 374 iNaUii M., bear WUHam sl. 44b

V K A T H R R ft CURLKD W H ILE YOU W AIT : X toalirers curinri, (‘Inunttl, Uyi-d aibd repaired ; lace curialas oud (km y laces clrentd, e^oiat in new. Ug MHH. Ji. WIi.l.IM.'J4itrcharJ *>i. ;


gsuiiiDentB ai half regular pHosa

We sell the beet B-ply ooell boeks. iiit per [lOdil: IdM., 3te, S-ply lnadere.Bc, each. A good rrad and rwei, 7Ba Iw Im i block Hire, te Red land white aaiul worms uiwa.vs on band,

FRANK DLAAiH's. 133 Mulberry st.

II. DOtKiLAN, M A K M tO F ' f (he Douglas Ban)e, Acme Lul-

tar and flue Uianduhua. Mutliai trn itrsnieiits of all kinds; cosh or In-

- -T, - Btel/neiftts, Hepalriog a spe^laltv, 15 NKW' KT., formerly nr rJ7 Rroail and B ('talar sL

;tIN K KA IM O M IM N 'L 7rtC. I'hRROOM.l.APAVM'i'TEHT. JIuniw palutiug.

n UNTKK'( AND KlHHFRMKN W ll.l, DiJ well by buying their goiola ai hUOR DKiAi'.s.,

73 Jones SL, ntar Kpringfieid ave.

MA iO im M A U K -R A T tilt K L m, pockeibo'ike, maimru’ ua>l bags

land tfiiDkaofour own manufootureIrtpatrlng uromptly atlendeU la 5M lBHr»Ai> err, opposite WaablJigtait


IP IANO H TU NE D AND KKrA lRED :ORl>K!tH X by lualL promptly ausrded K». iv ft}. E d ltU K T . AfiFalraL

SC’AKLKTTM NEWM DKPOT, Bte^AMHIND- Const, near UotirL - lA ie ii magailnen,Mreekline,

etc., up lodate, rifitoe italloiiery, blllbeeiU, nute- heails, etc. lltiyier'a mititoci.iooerT. i>'in« Hue in

Notary publio with 1 ale tableta, Notary publio with seal. Miampstatlun, irjt

W ILL PAY Fi>n DKAXlRATINd « ? ^ a f I t t a lueiUum slH room with gold paper

B L a U, IM-JVIlueiUum slH room with gold

noilbortler. ‘ ‘ Ibe Fair,’'H Tb lN ‘ “ * -*• bjirlngfi^ld avS.

r;-C .-p IA N O H AND ORHANKTCNKn, R|-> Opelred. HKDHOW HUNT, 2k8MarketSL fllf

A .


-P A T E N T *-


Tbs largeat Patent OOKre In (be fitet*.

FRKDRRfOR a FHARNIT^E^ buooessor lo Campbell A Co.

OLOBE iu iLD IN O .BC4 DROa D RT. Roome Bfl aad 07.

P ATEN*^ -m iAKK 4MX).Hollcitors of Amerkan end Foreign Patents.

Attorneya lu paieut I'aMii bvtors the U. iB. Ciiurta. Merbnnipal and Rlerirli'al Knglneerf and Kx liens, CouauKailon free, 7WRItOADMT. 'iheuidastM- tabllahed houM In the btaie. TweDiy-five years' exprrfeuce. Oerman spoken.

riVEN VRARM* KKI'KJHENUM FKKN(»II, X Oersrtan, siwrdiab, Danish and Engilah spokwi,

patent and dradglulug offlo# uf 'llicM iH ow , BltCHKL teUX, 11 CIlnlOH sL. >e«flw Read 34, Neeark, N. J., i.opp, V. M. C. A. Buttdiag). Open Weduesday and Friday evenlngi till ttWo'dock; ♦ geral OJflco houn, e A. M- te t Y*. M.____________


‘V f0 T Ic iP 7 )F * ^ l [ »M )L U T lO N ^ -^ 0 'n ^ IS X I hereby gtven that the partnerahip heretetore exlauiiig Mween Frank Knight, and Wiiiiam u, Kugrer, under the Ann oetneof winustno. Kugler A Co., boa trbiB dai' been diMoiyed by tuuioal uon- ■enL 111* l1al)lllll(HiOi Che irertuenhlp will be ae ■umrd and lb » b^slnsM wlU be coallDuefi by the— ......— . Kngier.

Dated October I iTIib l •FRANK JC. KNIGHT,W. D. KCGLKH.

N A TH A N a HORTON. Altorosy, Ownge, N. L ?g

W A N T E D .


n i w n r M o p p o itT T T N m K A

T l UTrilRHHim pB'OR h a l f , IXHSO A Oi>oi JJeasil bualneic: uvner wla: ln-' 10 rellN, wUI •ell reesobahle to cash buyer. A(Ur«Ji I t'AJ'lL B*»t it. Nn-fioffica

II IIT C D F R HilOP Fm i MALK, 91.V; D<H.Vf( a J >rnali biislm-K-,; mint bo eokt ai owner has otherhitetm>tai. Ill H AKKIhom a %'E (»)«

e OUNKR HIUK KUV KIMHK FOn.-^ALh,; OLD eitaiiltebed ; duing guod builRMi; onmer wlahM

bi retire ; nnageniaeml ualy r<th purrhaner ogHI aniHvr. Addr»«(4(KiCEIi, Roc J.Neir'iofiioa. |

T."iANCY A M » DUKHHMAiftNO BUHLI n< ■: nice loratlqii; dolnrgoud Tmilitm ; good rvaiooi for Millng.l HLIlK IlT B0 .1TIY. 7 « Broad ek

JIHHINIHIIKD l im 'iE FOR BALBt^ 4 paying, lo h a n k NT. t

n KHK IS A HAIKIAIX TO TH R ltD IH T PAH lire -U rooma nireiiv eil tm'upli^, fiiraltqra

eoi'.fsuu, will eell for leia than halt, or will i>UL I T, F.. te I'Uuiou SL. npotalre.

OLTh id K PAI'KK a n d t w i n e ROUTE; good Cradeaml^Mflte pries glte. pries glte


I yl.l'MIirVO NlHJp S'OH WALK, W ITH Tl.N- m>rT hKilaand hares and waguu ; uoreoMinabla

ortot ntoeva. AOdrem•UO D. M„ Hot J. Nenra offles..

OAIftDON htHi MALIC. KIlWTCLAaS CORNER Oho](K»n. Inquire at« h c 'llH ls riA N FKinKNMpAN^fl RRKWRRY*

OAI410N--(KH»D roRN K ft ; LU ’KNBR MTOCK. s?eii'.;|iau; a bargain.I______________^lliH KRT nOOTII,7IO Broad iC.

Q TDRK-l-vm HAl.K TANDY. N>JTI0N ANM li^lobacoo, opp. jK'hotd ; gO' l reason gIVM,Mg JIB I.AFAYr.TTRBT.

r p i iK hi(n t iu ?m in i-mh u p p o iirrM T iE h a r T^ s s M a c ltiM»M 15. Na lUiHroadst. iBg

W ILLH K U .AT INVF .V teH tY MI OCK, V lX - turn. tout*, bureeaasu woguntor a nrsl-aliMe

grorery ; goot) loretL n ; during large bunlnrea : 1a- yeiUory m»out 9i,teu roiher tmeliiree reosun for eell- mg. Adilr^ve r . It., Itiftc J, Newiottoe 4lg

r o n MALE.

\r.L ROHIX a n d MJy.KM OK KHIHT, RHADK and nrnamemal ira a, vhire, abrtihbery aad

hardy mere ai ih.* Newark Nursery, (linton *ve», near lennlnwi «r Rapid rrincLi sad Brood e i fM raiw. Oflheeiii UK.u ik N Hy. gyg


ami Ibe Tsry beet Six* tr>v ftmlly om lArga Fteiami Nut mixed, iry it and be cohvlaced.

DeUverud to all parte of ibecHy at 93.40 par lofo Offii* rorner


I I K YCLK, 94.1, RAMIILKIL UriHT BI.X). PNEU. J imade. 1)4 VAftN HORN Hi'., Jersey d iy . |gf

( AIIU ’KKNR. KDHhAI.H., a FEW KINK BUFF .'C'ochlB Cofksrvte JnJtDKNA H A W n iu K N K ,

( ulnii ave,, trear J.yuui avr., Irv iiq ^ a ;ooitia and Bet them.

1.N«»R HAI.K 75 BltrHiKIAk M O ^ K r i N A K l) IngrolQ Carpel'S end Berund-haBd, |fi up:

oak iHdroiHii ^mc. 9> : eewlag inorMna |I3; parlor ■lilt, 91O: cook itove 9J; perfor eioTfs, t l up, lfi*_ W WjU X a M HT, sear l i ly UoU.



P IAftNON-n iMF. PKItariNH RAY *• I'EDFLK like(0 be burahuftfed." I f this U so all Utoy

have lo d» )a to pelronixe private bouse and auutloa Bates, oa the majiirllv of them are frauds If vou uam retue for your in»m<y buy uf respeualhledeal- era wbuguaraotes every plaao said, (i, D. LAM- T KH 1\>. do.

p U .N O -F u K I4.1LK CHEAP. AN ELEGANT X upright plaii^ nearly new : also aquars plane, (lallat 211 Ma MEKT mT., Bercrad floor. 4Ad

I^ ia n o - f o r r a t .k , agOAUA g a b l e r p l . aao. TV BURN ST RT. Ate

SHYMNIv HAND RTOIIK, B im T lW R FIX- _ J u w and fooomwA J A AV1H,9S Ferry t i Mu

Sk w l n g m a c iu n e f o r h a l m ^ cI S a k T. BTHciM, 54 lUyseaL 1

STnVRR-NEW A N D hF(X)ND.HANT> IN EX-, change ; also bouaebold turniture ; mast ta« sold.'




A -T H E N E W A R K noflRB •markst. Nea >15 to IB Chatiml atw

A large Ntoek ofirsi-otegi horeas alwayo ... on band tor lals orexchaoga ai tea

wwes market prices; irau fki, driver* and geaenl porpoN borsM: a foir trial given aofl alkoiookt e i^ wtlha foltfiteraniee (e beat repreOMted or retonded. Al.HKUT L. T lF L L < pLHKUT L. TlFLlftM^ prop.

r iA R M IA n iW -A NUMHKH OF NEW AND X 'NUond-hand. .rriagea and wigoni chssp. OLIVER MANUFACTUiUNG of Clay at TeiepbonsMi

eXA, fool

g-lHARLKN (IKDRU, foS MARKET BT.-FARIC V^wagona buaineas waguni careeater oad pkin bstY enagorui atea oorriaM e f all klodB(ep«daUy)t wagetM for any porpoae built te oniei'; Wooirey ateftl Tt arriavts In etock all the tlgaA.

Fo r R A LE -A GOOD HMAfftL IIORHS. W IT H harnreaaiiit t«o-«rheel cart: eulteble for light, huMnree : must he sold ibU week ; a bafgatn; ML*



Ocnd CoQiblaailoA Auottea fiala of Hwegg

A lO ttE AT EASTERN tlfA B L t^ '

ia> Broad HL,


Evrry Wedumdty h lfb i at ?:.te o'eiook (fa oddB

Uoh to our regular aatea evary

Tuesday sod Friday).

Every bnrae aa representiHl or money rafliodod, DorMsaad C'arrlagre reoalv'ed from all points lo bg told on conmlsalou at auction or private aala,

___ ___ MOllKHOUR A IIJ IT E R |

n OHHFv-WANTED, A IfORHK KDR TH B I wiiiler tor bis keeping: n'torence given. *

I CAiCv.FiJL, Rnx A, New*office.


m ;irM AKLRTECIkKR.CrTY LINE. Hprltuflletdave, UuMinren, draught,

and work noreei continually on hand ;_________lor »eis or exchange at the towwamarkhl prices; a fdr irlaJ given i sold * Uh aghar- antoe to be aa rcpresenUHi or twilii refunded.

NF lMg)|>, LIG H T IKJl HLK COAi T Or | feed wairon ehanji, 19 I'wt.; two sirO ........................................

stiili buais cneap or will eiohange fur aDytblng1|LreoMO. TL FAHHAIC H'I‘. ^

W AGONN-FOIl HALI-; J^MtlT WAGON, nude byi^TiInby A a Jlrvite, lusde tiy

Holder A Tret; Fark I'haeLm. by Golder A Host G4v fa ll on i.’t ML'I IM A N. 5 Washingion * i

WAGON -WANTKD, A L lrtllT OXE-HOhllM buslucal wagon ; mu*t be chuMp. AiidrtM

I WAGON, Box A, Nevira ufflt'e.

0 * iJ V ***■'” ^ IDHtHK AND TWO-WJUCKIft, JiM‘key cart; f i l buys a horse, buggy aad'

liMfUits ■hs'i HIGH h i: teg

R O AH D IN ri.

\ llAND '‘riMK HK('GND-STn'’ Y FRONT n>oui, with guud b(Mird ; h*a : hatii^_ I


ANK m\, M fill rontiia ; tah)e boardll

CIlfiNTRE I /booni.

dGOOD HOARD AND CUEFft.______ "Ofl


V^htiard ; ali>> tuhju hotPtl.

I.lAKT DARK HI., 12- b'HONT ROOMH, W iT H Jbonrii ; heiit ami gfiH. 7g

1,1J(DNT ROOMH, ND 'KI.y f u r n im h k d J.1 with bourti ; bt-aC If dretruiL >2Wg » L llIK K l'Y 8T.

IJH.’LTON MT.. 47 FrKNlrtUKP *K O N Trooms and llrei-cliSv lH»anl. Tdf

IA fllN lK lIK D KKGNT llODMK W IT IIB O A K D i ’ all Improvectienia HU L iV^iT KT._________^

Hi l l mt., it - k i .k g a n t F t R M g i iK o num, All ranvenlsDce; private EamJIyi with'

or without hnnrd. I8f|

IN A FHIVATR FAM ILY, TWO l.AK<^~ rooms te rout, with boanl; price 91* and 918 per

wrekilMuiso has nil hH|irjve.neitti oRd throe juinutM'walk to Itrlck riiurrh Hiaiinn. Apply o| We________yt HAlXTElJ HT„ Fast orange. N. J. '


TNDK.N HL, IV— NKWLY-5*UHNlBItED Jhouee, «i(1i ur wllbnut board : table ^)0«rd. 44u


riHims, with board.

OBANUK-aOOD I»>AIID ATmr 7« PAIIK HT., Oraoga, N. J.

P LEAKANT ROOMH, WITH BU AKD ~KO » (WO gvuuwneQ; gas, batb, heat i iocatiea coo-

venlenL Addrese7H KOHP.VILLE, Dot H. Newa Office.


STATE HT., sa-OiOori liOAHD, L IR S ftA L table; terms bindHrute; hath ; Sbleu* table


W A N TE D -G E N TLE M A N TO OCVUFV A et»rner room, with or wltlicjlboard ; Improve-

meulJi i ivriiMl; luiMli'rate t ’riiiti, Addrvss I t^uNFtDKN'TJAL, hux O, News offios.

W a n t e d - g e n t l k m a n b o a k d e h h a t 141 OLIVER HT. Terms luodorate} ad*

vanoe. Til

H O AItU w a n t e d .

BO A IU A v a NTKD 1)Y a YOl'NO WOMAN In a PtoUiHtMil tamlly, please ftateterma

1 AdUrree u !£., P. U Box F, dtg>

p KNTLKUAN nWiiUEM^'OUKURTAHLU. O boated romii and board irttb prlvsie fhailly ( ronvenletri to ItofevUle ot Gruve Htreet Htetlonaj will pay ft) to teller week according lo accomuio-'' dadoita Adtireta A. W., Itox fi, Nswe ofouv. |

LOfiT AMI> rO flK D .

L ost - nPKCiAOIilm. o n m a RK b t o n BhhO .la., on wn, W Fwldle CIWKt.. JMWftrd oa retoni to lb &i.>MhilHKT HT, 1

L OHT -J10$1K NU. 6,800 yR AN E L iN Aa VINOH iDstlhitleo: paymea) Stopped. Finder j^teoM

Totufa lo Ba n e . i

UHT-WLACE W ATER BPANIBL W IT U white spot QP breast. JHewara if returned,

te *9 Ba ld w in bt.' QOT^OTOIIKII 16, A W H ITE 9 0 A l'tM K - Jward. 34NAMAU AT., (iieeifo .. .

I • fta lW A W iA H i) W f ’fl I Ibi J jliM i In

n e w a k ke v e n i n g N E W S . M O N D A Y . N O V E M B E R «i. ! « 0 3 .

S e w a i ;H . , > S u fn m g N e t u e .

rviM-aai)' O M LY . I I IO IP T RUHPAY*.

■t THI

Sm lB l S«ws PobltsWiK C oipu jiAt No. 844 BROAD STREET,

Kotrark, W. *•

Dtlivorcd bywrltr* In »[VP*'Jj. Tk. rtr.nff*.. Hirriwrv, Koarny, Burnmit

Bloomtioid, tnd all^ Tha Otanjat, Itllayi!*, Montclair,

lifty cant! acton». c«rtU. Delivered byt

S>nglactmer* in

Cfpi**.-------- .Htwurk. t«n « n t i R w«®“ ‘ .

Ordinary adverliaemanli, Wn cent* a Ima.

**Ad*.rti.am.nta undat haad. of W.nt.d To Let, For Sale. Panonal, etc., one cent a *»ofd, toot no sSarga Ian thm ten canti •ach (naartioo. _


a riKLii rrtK ooou tvoiiK.Many men and women, moat of them

Idaotliad with oburolt qr*anl»»tlon. and many o f them not, bava been holdtnc maatlnp from Um* to Uma to denounca the Racetrack OamWinr '»w * which are In force In Ihto Htata, and to pladya tbamaelvai to axart thatr ntmoat andeavora to brlnj ahoat the eflaoamont of tboaa offenaiva alalutea and thuiiaya New Jaraey from the ftirthtr thama and the people from fnr- tbar danfor o f the amtance and the force af tbeaa lawn,

ApparanUy, thaa* maatlnfa hav-a been Initrumantal In eaerolaing a wide intar- aat in the moral queallon now before the people, and they have gtyen promtao of aicallent M nlti,

I f all the.* good men and women think they bare diacharged tbelr full dnty la elUaem anddehndara oftha pnbllo roop- altby oomlng together In ohurchei and denoHBotng the anthore of the Racetrack acty, and In pfoolalmlng agalnat the men wba«#eAf«*4b*bUU,aadwhe.are now aaaklW^>«(he«»Dl td the UgfaWnre, they roiaapprebetid their duty. Talk la a good thing in lU way, but In auch an emavm!W t4«>*> now ooafronUthe peofWft wlU retjnira aomething mort than kMk to aooompllah reeaHn lift theie men who hate met ao often and reiolved to ftaqoanUy aae to It that they, tbew- aaltrea, do not go to the polU and rota for

lufthecTUawWohtbeykaTe donounctd, #td let Ike**

who hare ahewn aach an. thaigttatlan Of tlili Mthdeet

that they exarl the Influence good woman pomeaaa* and

beer upon the iwett fn the t tSa c*i»d o(morality and

___ __ _ adtaacad.I f the church men and church women

t f M m k Qoonty want good, claao, moral apd hopa to maeit And ran*

trol tha Slat* from the gripjtf the banded political bomea they louat pitob In andwork. Work la good; It UlnfltilUdy bet­ter than talk, and Iba kind o f work that they ean do toitday and to-morrow la tha kind that will count when the balloU are reckoned.

W ill they l>a content to o ierl tbemaelvee •omewhat, or will they feel that they hare dlrcharged their duty by peltlog the tough backe of the enemy with adjeotiva* t

TYBJfA* I.AWVKUAj lH y Tf kyw n fi'i action In the caie of

the recalled eleoUoa returna 1* Juatlflad by hla poaStlon ai counnal for the Democratic Slate Committee and for the State Comp- troUer. U U held that hit relatione with the latter offlolal gave him authority to take'charge o f the letter containing the election returna and raatora It to the man who by mUtake, aa It la claimed, bad icnt It on. In a word, it le upon tha plea that be did no wore than bU duly an oounael authoriaad and required him to do, that bla conduct la upheld a» right and proper.

With thia view o f the case the majorlly o f the lueuibcr* of the Bar Amoclation, ■wbu 'ahouM-CCTtainly bo Informed in re­gard to tha proper limitaliona of the autbofity o f ooonaal in caaee of thla kind, do nflt agree, Sow the pwaeiitatloii o f ebargaa agalnat Edward T. Bartlett, the Republican opponent o f Judgo Maynard, preiopta to them another qncrtlon In tha atliln o f the profemlon.

It ha* been abown that tweiity-lbrto year* ago Mr. BarlloU drew a contract by which. In conaideralion o f the payment of flJ.OOO a year, Caleb P. M irali controlling tho appointment o f Poet Trader at Fort sm, Indian Territory, gave the conimla* aion to John 8. Evan*, agreeing at the aame tim* to nae aay proper Inflitenc* with tho Baoratary of War for the protec­tion o f Evana It waa afterward proved that Marah bad brlbtd Hecrrtary o f War Belknap. Tbo contract on Ua very face bear* evldeuca that It waa to bo uaed la traffic In Uoyernment appointment*, and U )* nbaurd to iuppoa# that the lawyer who drew It waa ao innocent or lo obliuo

V 'tS a l ka did not thoroughly recognlia Ihl* fact.

And yet it la eonoaivable that In a pro- feaslonal aenac bl* part In tfce tranaactlon ■aemad to Ulm a proper one. Ho bad nolblijg-de do with tho briliery. He almjffy made a certain form of agreement betw'ceu the vendor ami the leaMC o f a GoTcrnment appointment. He took the view, no doubt, that with the morality of bi* oliaijllie had no eoiinern, that ho waa ■imply called In to make a tormal ngree went by which two men might bind a bargaln'tbat they had entered into, with out reapmiilbility o f hla. He eaplalna that ho knew bolhlng of Iba bribery, that ho drew the liuitroment forwlvat ho be­lieved to be a repulable client and that he gut ttO for doing it.

The Bar Ainoelatlon ought even at the laat d«y In the campaign U< let Hie people know ita opinion ill regard lu tlm nro- ^ e l f o f Mr. Barllelt’a action. It l» a matter for Individual cunacleiu'e lo dt- clde how far a lawyer or ony oilier man la Jualiflod in oailating In the umlcablo di­vision o f aloien gooda or prlvUcgai ob­tained by improper inftuenca, but «a other lawyeri may be aaked to draw •«*- piclouH controcta o f the *amo kind and may at eorao later doy be uandldatoa for Judicial poaitiona, they ought to be lii- lormed uoiwornlng the way In which the com billed legal and ettioal wlaUoia of *uoh a body aa the New York Bar Aaao- ciation looka upon Iraimaoltoni o f that kind ____

in.\y recall tho fact that laat year ArmlUge uoiiad aa a»ual at better than tha party, lie waa flgtting lha tioarea then, and aa an antl-rlpi candidal* ncurad the vo M of 0 graat manyDamoeraU who w*'*^^*' |*h enough lo believe in hla cant. W llh whom h Armltag* training lbl»That’a the point 1 He 1* the P»l of the boamwi the man for whoa# cauae the maehln# la being worked with Iramendout Havo the boiaac rlaon to Armltaga'a Idea of good and clean polillclan*. or la Armi- tage lha airaa ArmlUga without the can’t 1 Tha fact la Armltag* baa bean and la a trimmer and a atraddler, trim­ming and ilraddllng to make ArnalUg* ■olid with lb* maobin*. That’* why h* ihauld bo turned down.

Tho reason inora forcible than the**, and the one that ihould prove fkUl toblaambltlona 1* tbli; ArmlUgc la not the candidate of tha Democrataof tli* dlatclat. H* U the nominee of the boitea, who, to thow their power over th* workera and voter* m the diatrict 'J » impleyrd method* that no man of aplrlt can endure. The Demo- erau who have done *o much for tli* ■iieeeai of the party in th* dtitriot, have been *0 humiliated that to do oth*rwl*a than defeat Armllago would be to ahow a oraren apIrlL The men of the Second Dlalrlct have a aeora to aatti# with th* men who have treated them with ao much oonumpt, and thu acore can only b* availed up by retiring Armlug* to prl- vata Ufa. ______

m OF lA PLATA,M»giilflo«ne« that Don Not 8aco»«l

Id Attracting Population.


Bulll that III* rratleee a f Bitanoi Area*

Ml|bt lia r* a C r*»‘ J'**'***hatlonal tapl(al“ 0 »a > l '" Who Deiart It ■! sifhirall-tlrllHanlf-IgMIi** •• f * ' irt-ted Wreel. and llaMilal* lialii.-Som * sf lb* Uott Kotutilb ]lull<IAnf>a

oriwTiohawEi.i,’WORTH w « in * iN OWhy 1* It that th* mil* band of

Boa*e« who run tha Democracy of Eaae* County *• If nobody had any Interaat la It but thenwelvea, ate to deaparately In- tereated In the auooe*i of the Lobelar cnndldateaT That’a a point to pondw.

Why la It that the little band of Dem- oorallo boaae* take auch an unnatural Intareat In the luoce** of the Bo*a Lobaler, John U Armllag* t That I* another question to weigh.

The Lobatera, one and all, de. pile public proleala, and a aentlment wcll-nigb unl- veraal, put through the gambliug lawi with a baatc which may be dcacribed aa Indecent. Who did they rcproient when (hay voted for tlione inlqultoua enacP menut Did they repreaent tb* great maaa of the people who, In horror and abaiue, proteated agalnat the dlagrae* uf the Btale by making It a participant In tb* gain* of th* blackleg*, or did they repreaent lha dcalrc* and wlahea of Iba band of bOMea who run lb* BtBlocracy of New Jemoy aalflt"'**’®tutlonf Tbeite are qucatlonafor the Iti- telligenl voter lo eonalder,

I f the L o b »le r leglalatora. Ign o rin g pub­

lic sentiment, l i e l ye a r d ld . t l l » b idd ing o f the bom ei, l i It not reiaduaWe th auppose that thla year they w ill e u b m ltto th c

■amc in fluanoafli It not roaaonible to auppose that the

deep Interest wlilcb the bond of Demii- oratla base** of l> e * ar* ttklng in tho auoccsaoflh* Lobitar cliididate. is the Interest of o Uefliied purpoea; and is 11not reiionabl* to auppoM that that dc- llnad purpos* la to maintain lha auprera- ioy ofthegamWeratn.tbe Htute, and to maintain the repute of N e w Jer*ey as a paridli* for blackleg't

If theae are fair deductioiis, then all citlieua should volo the I,oUtcr atates- men Into reli rement. The Kate* LobaUmi who ihould be thus tat bauk. are!


ri.iBKk. j i m r r u M. i i v i i i s r .VVII,I.IAai J. KKAUN*.uKMMia F. oi.vAKr.y.

Corrr.ro’iCsaca o f til* Nan's.J.A ri.ST*. A rfan liiis , rtepr, a.—X oth in * In

lh eh 1iH iryoftm *c.n in lr)r_ Is more Miim rk- stile Plan Ilia creation o f 1j» I’ l iin, tlis “ l-n- Chanltil CUT o fllia r ia ln . , " ■ » Arget.Sinlant are fond o f e a llln i It. A t ill* h ld a iiif n faa a utoefn I It .prang into * a lata nee lu H>*wll-d *in ..% and In a frw iiio t iU iil l i i it l i t 'iwnam

pJaJii* tTmlElM rlT»AlM Hio»e of ibe f'edi ral c ip lm l mid lar tcllpaed .very lh tiig e lw In the e a r o f mu.brooin growth in he found in either North or Houlh Ani.rJra. W hile A igm uln lnn . gin ereily re- |ur.1 tl » t one « f the woudett o I the sorld, Ib eeinall rolcrie o f U . pruraotert oon.lder It a l.u j* prselical J''kc, and Hiere H trnih In bqlh nplnloni. Jo J’ lam "w *a H* ealeteore lo th * long and bU iera tiiigg le fo r .upreniicy between ipe Kalhm al aoreru m ent and ib * Inbabltenti o f lh e great and powarlul prov- liioeeof Buanoa A yre t. Ita apleiidofstpaak ona ltna* Jta loa .r that ea l.la between the Frovlnclala to d (b * Teaerala

Prom tde t in * ol tb* llrst Inrailnn by r.og- land. In IIM, im m ediately fotlnwad by lb* tiling aga ln .m pa ia , Iba A rg .n ttn l.n prov- luce, w .r* In coailnual r.voJu llon. end wer. a g .lb .l an* anotb»r, unlit 1141. when lien- er.l autre .ueceaded In palohlng u p a te r l of srtul.lKW. The* ib * qiiestlen o f a capital fer the •' Loafidera tlon ," a . It w * . called, be- e im e tb* bon. o f ooQ i.atlon, and w .e not dl.poMd o f for twenty y a a n -n o t unlll tho t l ly of Boubo* Ayrat, lb * n .m ra l eapllal df th . provlaee o f Ib e w m a name, wa.dcelared the cep llal of the fadtratlon, and th . Bueno* A jT .a n . were aotnpelted lo eatabll.h Iheir provincial U ntera iuaet elMwbere. A ll Hie other pro*In*#, had ih e lr eapllalr, fnnnded

tb* eonqn b led ore* o f th * alilcenth

g r .y o ld l.ima, or Ban llagodeChU I, or t’ o '- lu gd .ie K lo d e le Janeiro.

These palaces boe»t o f sH modern Im pror* nienta and .K h ew 111* picture.qu*. along wUb laully eewerag* and other deleeta prleate hons* wa. prdnled unt lo me *b leh , Ihnugh nnly two .lorlea high and o<eupl.d by a taniliy o f Hire# person., h « » l * “ » * vatcr. and Iw . lr * b itlircore* wUoto p t mae.1T* walU. l'.««h paiao*. e l t » t“ e j 'la cen lga rd .a .oeeu p leaa b M iar* o f ground,and lha ereh ltw in rel dae lin .ItalltD renalM eof* to Iiorl«,fron i Coftnlhlim to ocnipo.lii. But o a * genaral faalur* p t » ea llK -lb ey h av tan onooeuplad l«>k . a* I f n wer* tru ly an ancbaiited o ily males were all e.laap. T h a i I * p la t* pte-em ln.iii aa a e tp im l • " |ne lb * publl* bu lld lngs-lhn palaee* o f lb * Prorlnelal tJorernmaiH, U lo l. ie 'S d ' ublle Works, Jnlerlor. Flnaiiee, Iba P r tfw iu r* of l*ot:oi Dlteeeion, H .iiers l on Escuo.M, (srheols), Cb.intwr o f D eputW . h ^ a e, eonrlt o f Justice, the flanoo Hem l^ r m . Banco da la I'rovlnrla, (loTernors Pileea. and goodness knows What * l « - « e t i eiaoit-la g lu Itiein irt.l o f a beaullfttl w r d ‘ b. roundtd by ilaiuew tounialu., flowera aud tbrnbs. , ^

1h . tribun ile. (law court.) a r* as nne a. •nylh tugln iba southern liainlsphaet. tns Judgment hall looks more U kaam uoarcb l ibron* room loan a Judiciary b « c h , w lih I elavaled dais, gorgeously upholslorao m crlnisoa plush and gold, l i t carpels tad rush Inns equal lo tboseo f W led- tor mats sparlnun l*. AH the public build­ing. b .T * lo fiy and .p tc lo u i am ranet bmlia wide marble atatrcaiiei, long marbla cor­ridors. lU ln td -g la ia w ludows, sumptuously fntnlsded offloas and leitalatad “ “ r tP A 'f * sdornsa w lib palm * and foudUIn*. IceeB th* fln brlgada has He palace and l « » ' P * o f forty young iw . l l* In elaborate uullorm, with nolh iD i io do and good .a la r l.. for doing tt, T h . ea ibrdra l I* lha only bu lldm i not ya l fliil.had for lack o f fu iidn but, Ihnugh only about three matraa l* '!^ ,** T * '' II . proportion. a ra eo T a .1 that m im en io r brick, a ev * already h e*" used.

There era Iw eu ly ib rea pHaaa. b lf llitia, Id I a Plata 1 eou n tia * mouumtnie aud public fn llntal^^ and an enorinou. market houac that appear* to lacknotn lng but QUilmneia T b * wlda, biau lH u lly pav.d slmat. atraggl* o ff lu lo the unoeeopled Mniptk Y i t •▼•ry n i jh l ib » f r t » l •m r^ f e ltyo ferop ty paleo.s la grandly m uin liiitad wUheleoir.e lam p s -ih a ta ll m a ils and glao Ing lights being aa ilae m il in tb * .um iund- Ing plain where there ar* no house* and haialy the ssrahl.ne* o f a road. A recent iruvslltr says I ‘ "W e n u l l not soon forgst our . u r V i s i - h s n * . Orsl babeld the ligh t. o f ia P lu t i . W* had haen nut shooting thatday and ware m aking *u r way. toward avail- log. In the direction o f P a r .tr * slatioB, on th . Ensanda l la l lw .y line.

The polloaiing,A copy of the award nrnnt«i to Mt isrs. V'*'*’ & Sons on thrir Upright Pianos, explains itself. They were granted the




Card No. 14,672. Group 168. Book A.Bxhlbitors—Vo80 A Son’* Piano Co., Boston, M u*.Exhibit—Plsnoi. Dosorve an award.Tho Tone i» sweet, musical and powerful, and *u*-

tain* woU.The Scale is thoroughly oven and well balanced.The Action 1* of tho best, wolttefulated, and has good

repeating Qualities.The Touch is firm and olaaiio.In Construotion tho bo»t material is used, end groat

care i* shown iu workmanship and finish.Th# ArtUtio Dosign# of tho case* dsserve# special

mention. Signed,P. Z IBG FR IED , Judge.K. B U E N Z , President.J. H. GOBS, SeoreUry.

n* Only Thtairt of Pftir nines in Kiwnrt Priiinting Mil it thi MotaHi Jffmcf'eni.

MIL II. C. UINKH .......Prop, and Maoagrrcol- W, W. .MOR'l’UN..... llesldent .Msnagtr

““Su'l'y* lO lD H , 10!. 6. r unTy.Rtupfndou* ft»l6 of for ibt

ftrit prtvflniigGon In this ctiir of Hoyl'i ra^Doineoftlly Haoe«ititu1k TBIP TO ClWi.

Direct ffom lu trlnxinhunt Iny ruu of TOO coniPdiilvc lilgbiiat lloyt’M MiidUif ^quur*i l UcMlr -,

'I'be plHY RL 8 1*. >1. Nharix D >orA oiKii hi730 r, >1. mruiii-l- ml r. .m* Ut*flJi-ffAR nt JlhlO P, M.

Not. -Mf- IVn:ef of Texh'.

AlW hyi Ih * l l« tt AMrHOUiini m 'i*opuliir I'rlcifs,

fesk Befloslof M i ] , Not. ihliiliueca Wednciday and ekuurday.

txtra Katinm TuiiJa/, £lictien Ba/,


WALTKIl MANFl'Klva l.alc.t Sucoiutny Uraiuati* Productiun,

S. D. LAUTER CO. The Power of Gold.(357-659 B K O A D S T R F s E T .

Sol* Agent# for th### Pianos for New Jersey.


WIIK.N W lU . BEI.IKF COMXf 111 a nfliuber of cille* iuartU aimllar to 1

one recenUy llluitratccl and dctcrihed in Uie Nicw«l*uard in front of electric cara. They do not coatniiicli money, and they In no way tnterfare with tha rtmtiln* of the cars. It hua been found that they afford a largo measure of |irot*clion. In aoveral cam;* cltildrcn and adult* directly in the way of rapidly moving cars provided wlih incli facilltlea have l»cn ipeketi up aud thrown to on* aide, ewtapliiE with allglitllljiirie*, when, hid it not been for Hie guards, they would liave been killad or crippled for life.

Coroners’ Juries in till* county have recoin mended the placing of aucli pro- lections on the clectrie ear* in use Itwe. Again and again live* that might have been aaved by the use of thi* simple niechanleal device liave been saenfloed.

How long will it he before Uie local street railroads take steps to reduce the probability of accidents of this kiodT How many dia»ters must occur I IIow many live* niiwl be sacrlDced before th* manager* of lb# linaa or tha puhllo anthorUle* dctermlna that even if Itcoiti fSortilOkcar the precautions In use to protect human life in other cities shall bt adoplsd licw^__

Tlis New York W'orld of this morning pubiishe* what purporla to be a abort In­terview wltli RepresenUllva Thontoi Dunn lingllsh, of this dlitrlcL Rpaaklng of tlie political situation in Newark he Is made to say: ‘'There Ihe Kepubltcau* have a majority, hut the loaders are handi­capped In not knowing just how to gel at their volera. Opposed lo them are the DemocraU with a auptrb organiiallDn, and, like the Tammany leaders, they H* that their people not only register, but turn out on election day and oast their ballots. We may loae a few manibtrs of the I,«glslaturo on account of the oppo­sition in religious circle* lo Kscetrack bglilalion, but there la not tbs slightest prospect of the dominie* capturing the I.#gi*laturr." Everybody who know* Ur. English know* that he bk* the habit of saying what he moan* and wtmt he ba- lleve* to bo true when lie Ulks for publi­cation at all. When it i* not advisable lo talk lu lliat way he preserve* eloquent alienee. H Is possible that an obliging correspondent rather than the Repre­sentative may be responsible for Ibis In­terview with It* frank adniiselon of Re- Ijubllcotv strength and Oemocratie flnease iu setting out the particular kind of a.._a.T ...1.1 1. •••n#4sa iAAi iiA.4inn tji b?(ntfvote which iveoda'‘ p«r*ua;ilon" to bring it lo tbe poll*. But it Dr. English did din- CUSH lha subject and sav wlnu lie thinks, lio would probably talk Just In the way tho It’orld inakas him talk.

■Wilt AWlHTAflK kllOLLD BB Ill> FBATEit.

Of all chnraoteni in political life the trimmer and straddler 1* the most uncer­tain. John Lolialar Arinltage is acon- apicuoui example of the etraddlers'oliss. Par tW* reason, if for no other, ArmlUge ebould be turned down. It heppens that there is another and a convincing ground for hi* defeat.

Evetybedy now knows how ArmlUge dodged and trimmed and straddled on th* Racetrack blH*. Poslng-aa he always doea-a* auperlor to hia party, Armitage pretended lo be against tha gambleri, and aonltlcd out of the Housa when a veU wa* called in order to save himself from stultiflcation. But tbs lime capie when ho must vote, and be­hold the man! He helped Ilia Uaoetraek bill* at a critical Ume and then bejan hla tsetig* ft* a reformer U) ovon things tip. That’s th* kind of a represenUtiT* New Jersey can well do without, Tha dodgar, Btnddler and the trimmer ihould have no |iiso* I# ofi^al lUh,

)ij||iMjiM -<4f |R* OisSDAd Diitriot

In a foot bail game at Delevan, Wla, on Saturday a player on Uie Deaf and Dumb Asylum eleven had tils neck broken and wasdeadwlien be was picked up. Itke had been killed in a prisstight or boxing matob hi* opponent, tlie soeond* and even the apccUUirs might have been lii- nloted, convicted and sent toprlnon for various grade* of murder or mansleughtar.

Otto of the liuiiiorou* features of th* closing political campaign baa been the seat with which tb* New York R'oWd has fouglit the Democratic hoMOS of Hud­son County and upheld the Demccrstio bosses of Essex. Theta i* aoroetlme* a great difiorenco between tweedledum and twerdlodee. _______ _

Ohio is the Stale in which tho Preslden- Uftl bee* are bulling shout the political clover this off year.

Thera are Just fou» 'Wingneri among tbe Uepuhlloan Aldermen in Uhioago.

Huiid's aKl Holy Hood’s. iliKHi's Karsaparlila l*

fruiii Bsm-pjivll*, ikiiiUvIhiii, iiock, t’lpsissowa, Jiuiiper bmrlc* audoiiisr well-knowii reinuU‘*«, by ft tivcall»r cum- blnailuh, propucH'm and pioevv*, alvtng to Hoci'sUaiiaijrrida curallvn powvrs lint pns- sened h» other iiiidle iiv- It elwts rvmsra- fttel* curai When olber prepirsUons lall,

Htiog’s ru is it ira billousutas.

wntory, such as Tueuman, Mendatn, Cor- roiitles, I’arsm. ksn'* •=*> ‘ h* rest of llisn I aftCU with iU plass, eelh*dtal,oebliao,Qaiaraor'a pstaea, ale., Its refllUncsr iliMlttraecillii tti* midst of unlnhaMted solltndrs. It* belt of qulnls* (fardens) and oolst sniiBofcliaerss. or farmi-the wholt constltiiilB* asalf-sufflclrg whole lu m# ant- rounding wilderness; * kind of Stair wllliln sBielf, estbeconfllllonsot time and plac* dsinsnded.

In the olden days these were indtspensable a* Blsoe* » l refnie nod ettelier for tlis enn- Iiueror* and eiplorera. starting pnitiis for tis* adventures, and adinlnlslrstlT* centres for Hie settlers amt tbelr ilsvee—lbs subja- gated Indians, tip In the neglnnli'g or tuts canlury mere were no nther towns tn Argen­tina ex re pi the IS few capllals. 'I bey were the siipjal cenitei, the only ptacei abere ebnrebes, law oourls and auibiirbiai ex- liiid, and Ibnngh liisIgnUlcani tn tbem- ulves and Inhabllad mainly by fiinclluu- arlec *nu psrosltas. tbey acquired giont prestige atid impononce. When thioe drowsy nrovluclal Cftpllals were aroused by tba wsr nfludepandance, sll Joined In Ihe work oferaating a federailan end eecurlug tbs Notional auionomy, out at tba same Hina each religiously looked out lor Its own ; end when the-airnggle was over and the yoke ol Iftalti was finally discarded, aacb llttie cspllal ennlliiiisd to bo suntcii'ut unto Itsidf and rejoiced In politician bodies whoso high sounding tills* wees even mors arendi- ose Ibsn Iboi* best need by the National UiMillullun upoa lliiru len of the nation,

Tbe grcaleil and riobett provlnco of a ll- tb iio f Buenns Ayr**—tb* only ou* Ibat has ever been strong snougk to oppoas llio cen- trol power, found Hi plftW* eot.so lu speak,■lien, in l l » , tbe city of Buenos Ay roe eon- clntlsd to sserlflct provlnclsl inpremtey to ustlonul grratnesa Th* eulhorltls* of the pruviner, bring thus deprived of their old Hint ciptlel and romod lo etiabllsh tbelr test uf pTOvIneisl goTernment elsewhere, ooiild nnt gracelally coutenuo the humllU stlon of taking* seat, and an, instead of Im­proving use of ibtflourlihtng young towns already sslamshtd to the province, tbey con-

.(AlTStliUkeiQaMullnsdeaof revivtug thests- "leenth orntury methods of tbe coaqiiilLS- durei nod ssltlng up In tbe wtldirnsss briiidnew city, whlob ebould nsloDlihlhe world. Unt where should li bef After a world of dlscnstlon Is was decided, prin clpslly through the Induenoa nnd energy of a pollllcat leader, Dr. Iterdo Hooba, to build the new capital only tlilrly-nve miles south- test of lb* mty of Bueaoa Ayrtt, avointlee Inland from the Klo dal la Flau, and bard by the Antid iwampv of Knianada.

wav luat particular spot wfts oboaan oo- body cau iay-aioeptthftUlliproiiioiarswar* detarinluad to uul-do and evar-itaadow th* old caplial, as ft mftttcr of ravange, wbll* r*. malnlus as utar as it Is poallbl* fur tbelr latltrictlon-rof tb* city of Uu*n« Ayres Is In all Argentlnlftbs wbat Itoma was to the anelasl Homans, and Farts Is lo modern FrtDCbmsn. 'f bey proceal according lo tba Argrullu* principle of taking no thougbi for the morrow so faros flninoat areconoernsd, unit luciirrlng enormous IlablllHss without coiislderlBg where lha money is to come from. Btreeti and squeree were laid ont wlilmut rtgnrd to ipscs or expanse, upon so embltloDS » scale tbet tbe l.a Flstu mey truly be Cftlied a "city of magblOoeat dlatlTlCM,**

The ilrsl stone was laid Novem btr 14, IStk SBll III less Ibta tw* years the oouipleiloa of th* rasiropoll* was celebrated with before unheard.of iiontp aud brlillaiioy and no end offrandllaquent spatcbifytng. F ive years liter lispnpaiatloB wa* offloislly estimated ntGfl.OdOi and In HIO th* atatliUca ol tbe provlno* of Buenoi Ayrer, publtsbed In lb* UoTSromealorgan, Int IVeiro, annonneed, wlthrharaettrlsllc disregard for accuracy, thetlhanaw oily had “ lietween M.IXM aud lOO.OOOlnbabllaois, locliidliig alt tli* prom- Inanl naHontlIHe* of Hie enrlh."

Rnlticly apart from the mint of money which III pon. Enienadi, has sotl. It 1* said that uinietbaii tIO.IXH.UOO starling have been spent upon Hie coiislniotlon and embellish, infill of I * Fiat*. Of course Isrg* rutuHe* were toil and made In laud and building epecnlnilon*; but io-d*y tjisny of the most lusgvlflcebt houiat-mar ns bought fur a ccinpareltvely reaionablt atim. A oltlseu was {Winted out til III* whose pslsoe cost a ir-lleovfr l»,(N0 (the mere biHldlog atonp, cscluslvaor fiiMilitilngs and gruiiuds), wUu fjf opm* lime bss been vainly trying lo iporigsg* Hie pSace for Its,004, even at ten per cent, lulerrit, which he o(Tkra ro pey. 'J'htrs being no commerce, mso’ifsclnrtee, nr lorul luduVrIrsInkeeptli* boom alive. It died a uatiiral dcalli in court* of time, and the gigantio spseulstlnii in land and bouse Woparty, which tkOe* iwo lavlaihan eon rertis, tha Banco tloneiruclor aud tbs Fomentn Territorial, Indulged lo, to Ibstr licHit's coutSDt, batwtau tba years 1411 andiMU pavs come 10 astandsttll,

OfcoursC, Hie provincial scalorgoverninsnl and bank warn strslgbiway rciiiuvcd foim old ospital to the new. But liispltdnribls lb* and the prii.orly quarter* provided, it ii with difficulty thill anybody can ue per. BUeded to live III 1st Flaie. evrn though inetsiires were designed lo compel cm- rlars* ot H’* I’rovmrlel (inveriiiiieatlore­side periuansiiHy in Ihi oily. The measuresproved inefrecuiat, aud now the iilgbSanUtnornliig ttJlus carry backward iiidfarward from Itiiebos Ayres the (Joveroinvnlcterki nod Ihe legion* supported by them. Trust an ArgenUntaii not t-i wander hiriher than be esu help from th” aHurenisnu of tb* Hall* Vloridt, I’tlertBo and the IWeaireulpo. True many of tlie hlgber officials own rssl- denoes in the 1* I’leia, but Hiey have them also In lb* Older ea|dtat and spend most of tbelr lime In the Utter oily.

But fur tuts clrcumtianee the areal Boulbsrn Eatlweymlghibavebesn tniolvent long itttn, end the Iinscnada railway Would probably never ha»* paid a dividend. No­where, not even in I.Dudvii, Is the diflbrence

Ilia night and lUy inpuialion so inurlied S> |n I * i'l*U- tVlisii the tnit vesil- t.ult train ha* railed away berore sunset and taken all the " tunelloiiarlet ” backtoibc taleltes of llusnn* Ayres, <b* Ibluing nsw espual ibut* up shop, so to speak, ootwilli- standing H* Isemekea a«d gwgsous but empty opembnus* and other nniised plsoei of aiuUsemCliL and goeno sleep until tbstr return.

Til* intirlit Of Argenllnla Is Incessselty urged to go out and see tbit marvellous city, andhegoes sooner or later. Arrived In la ITaln, ba first admire* tnd wonders at m* station—ft vast pU* of linmBculalely wbllt stneau with mttble-paved tatllsanditldtug gelora Then bs goes to bieskfaat In tbs Cafe da 1‘arli—a epitndid, brand-osw botah whoa* Imtaensa dlnlng-rooni Is adorned with a saperabundanoeofinlrrorsand elueeo arnsmenU, and wboie elsborately painted ceilings are supported by nierbl* column*. EurtlfitA by the best tbit Krsneta and Italian cook* uud calsrer* ein do, be satlles forth, preuarod for untlwUed Bucnrlues. He finds tbe town Isid out In squeriB with wide elreeis, and wider svsnuss—rsgular bout*- Tsrdi lined with lall te'sgrapta poles and u llarm tii for elertrlo ilgliis; IraversadUy lumimeiablc ir.imwav Hues and bordered with braiid.iiew iwleces, ell spick itnd span with apullaat aluficq, How dpiraiit from

________ ___ - Thera w*B no. mJon! and sudden ly u'lg h l ovar.uuk us; and

then, mors suddenly sHH, a* * • luriwd a■■ bead IB lb* road, tUsre burst upiu our as-

tootshed gale a datsllog blase of whli* light, end » * thonghl w* most liavt stum­bled upon falry-lnod, Ik* turned our horses hsads toward t'l* light, eatersfi tb* snebsnt. *d city, stayed tbelr that “ l »h‘ ?.7. h day, end were never afierward tired ot vlei - lug and studying Ibis wondejful city, this d^ntn uf marble ItalU and boulevards.

PAWXia H, Waro

h k k e a s t m k m a o e .

Uy Lacy Ifamllten

Brass BedsteadsAtlis Tim MaiiifactimiK' Frte ■ • Ti CIm Oil Mre Lin

The I.riler WrlttsuHooper Just B ifore Bnr Uealli.

Lucy Hamilton Hooper was for year* an Amerioan oorroeponilOBt in Farts and on* of the best known In th# news- Dftpar world. Her Jait newipkpar ietmr to th* Philftdalphlk Teteprapk waa dlfr tfttad kfrar iter hand had bacom #^ weak to bold tha pan, and in th* frill knowl­edge that bar eyea wer* kbout to o l^ ^ this world lorevtr. It oloaad with IheM words; ,

And now, iny kind and pailsut re id tri,! must atop and lay down ih* pen forever. By lb« time lbe»e lines appear Ida eulhor, wbo bas dictated them lo bar amanueeals and dear daughter, will be beyond the rtar*. lo Jaunery 1 would have ceUbrelad my silver widdlng wllb prolaeHonal falei have decided II otherwlve. andlmnll


Tilt Bynm Bros., In " Eiibl Bells."


Wtfic ouiiitnenolnfl iloadtv. Na»t, Og e lalk* TS9W TuwwlHy, 'J'hur«'t®y KHHir<l*jre

I'riCM, 1 .1 siiiHl'i'ClVt tlOlAC UQII-

Elecilgn rflurna will t»« r*mi rrsm it»e iUg»lAiM(i«ky TUglWt

lEBER & FIELDS'S OWXGOIPIN!.Week coiiiincnolng Nov. 13-Frcuch Folly

Burleeque (jOmpany.

tviih lire**Trlmralng*(Ilk* cut), and esc,

TBUli littrrsB.Pair Plllois ud BolsterA 1,1. FOR

S I O .

« R A I i r i > C O i r C E B T .

CENTRAL M. E. CHURCH.Market Bl„ near Jdulberrr,

Mondiiy Evening, Novenibor 6.THE "B L A C K PATTI,”

Mm*. Ntsslarella Joiiea VII.ONA smTEllB. Vlolinlatefram Aupirta.

SI IBB HELl.E TllOttHSiON, ElocuHoulst.Admission flOo. Ttcktls ai Cusrles Erse-

mun’ f. 44 Ac.idvm y slreei, Eiqbansed for lUserVtd Bcuu, Me. v i i r s , at Hoisbauer's,BriUtU and Markvi.



h a i r m a t t r e s s , fiiu sire, best section ick 4<>tb, $ 8 . ^ . w o«^h a i r M ATfRESS, full sire, best tect.on tick, 40 b, $ 1 5 , ^ , $h a i r m a t t r e s s , iuU sire, best section tick, 40 b, $ 2 0 , 0 0 , J $ 5 H A IR MATFRESS. full sire, best section tick, 40 "J. $ 2 5 . 0 0 . >3

Hluitraled by the Newark Camera Cluh, l.vcture by V. C. 1ft nr.


Bewrvsd sortie can be leeured at HniS' hsuei’s ilrng store nn and after OfioberSUg A. M.. .VOo. e»t’b.



sar larewetl. Olbar eogogenienli liiv* oiianead and varied, but Ida tVninp T t l - ffropA has b**n coBiUnt for eighteen y «rK during which time I h*v* never misted a werk In tending my taitor. U wee “ '••J'* • vision ol mlD* to mnrn uue d *y to my own dear old eUy, Philadelphia, lu eve old friends and old pisf**. but llkkmany otnsr-wipiik- tloot lo Ihl* world that on* ws* dssilnad to be Bolulfllled. ^

To my dear and loyal aod firm frleod, Mr. WsrburUiu, whomklndoes* lo msand mio* hat besn uBfaillnf and untiring, to my many frleud* in Philadelphia and to tb* many pvopl* who bava read my leSlars, eadthough not aoqnaloted wild ma periOoally,have wiUleo tn* kind letter* and spoken of me kindly; to my dear old home 1 sty lare. wslL Every one has besn very kind le me, and mine bas bteii a happy life. But H I* ended now, and Ilka Tiny Tim Hi llm •'Christmas Carol" I esa only say, "Uod bless ua, every o n e . " i ___________


Geese Feathers,OUABANTBF.D,


W O R T H 9 0 C EN TS.



TO-MORROW l a s t DAY. Bli row* * l J u'elock, hiiertel rnc* Irala Itavm B™»w nlreai dopol at J:40 P. M , returning liawedl- ately aflar the races.

A QUERY I—Alkocv

Unheard-of PricesSprlngBedsFromSlUp

In #T#ry initanoe #t h » lf r#gular valuo and onB-quarter whit other dBdlers charge-

■Wflrthe’UftHi <rf ornkdtng tlif ocean be reilueod to five days’? Certainly.

A year ago peopio would liav# gmtled If yojfjpld thcra that a pcrfcctl iewlng cotton would lie made, but to­day they ftdmHthat thu n-TII-w- cruw.lk perfection very hard. When wa call It tb& ‘ ‘ Lateat- Triumph of Tlirekd-, makiifg A rt” wfi krvi only giving U »i name thiit fit#, none otlier wouid b#' appropriate. Try a spool.

Look for tbe violcl-twlort"! lalml with n-E-w - aeroa# Ua face, and tnk# no other.

An Earlhqaak* Xplsmi*.Frniii Harper’s Bns»r.

The ciribqueke ttfrwyeari ago In tharles- ion B. 0.. dvilrsy.’ il iwdcb pwiperlydbdidni* llvna But sinld lb* wild dismay, horror and confualon ther* were maiiy taninorout inoldenls, of which the following Is a fkir i iniclrneut On* svenmg, when ont of th* amsaesra sbhcii took plaw.an eugaged conpl* war* simng fh« parlor of one of lb* boustt on the Battery. The young gcullaroan, wlm was of a •eleoBBo turn of mind, al one* thouglil of tba pqaslblllly of a Hdal wave. He stepped to lb* window, oiiened It,, thrust out bis hand, and Instantly knew that bis wont feari wet* realised, for bis band want Into wetsr Juyt ouisld* the window, U* closed Iba window, retoroed to bla flanoee and told her of tbe dreadful Iruih. A i by on* imputw they ctueped tbelr erin* around each other and Iloou in the middle uf tb* room calmly awaiting loelr doom. They stood long, txpacltng itae rosb of tb* ongnlflng water, but It did not conae. Tb* delay was dlsap- Dolmlog. Iter they had nSfid* up ia«lt bilbds toa mu* drama. At last lb* delay and ins- pens* became Intolerable; the gentleman uEUln wont to tbe window. A llllle lee* hur­ried examination of th* eondltlon of tblugi ihowed him that be bad pul bla baud lino an aquarium which elood Ju«t outside.

Pillows and Bolsters.I'rtlr Featlicr Pillow s.......... ijH.aOP a ir a 2 x a ». « »» .

PtlltlWM......................................x38 Beit Pillows,...$G.60P a l r ^ :

EseeUior Bolster...........

Feather Bolster.............

GYcse Fcatlier Bolster..



Excelsior and Husk MattressesFROM $2.00 UP, AND GREATLY REDUCED.


At their aew mtllfl at Westerly, R. 1

I 'rm M g Ol -Kiks (*irn<V rriub WW A'll'.k.V a a™ Or* h<l» orrrtiioB (o do » ewrytody aihtrlMtin ifit A'Ji'IFIt

I f you can’t afford a new bed, you can oertainly 1« y # th#over. Thi# •will oo«t you very llttlo, and we g i ^ n t a a to m ^ o It a#

matter what it may oontatn, from straw to fratnsrsgood as new, no i or boreahair.

a b o u t .t f k s e y .A L L ________A whale wai tesn off sbiirs at Cap* May ou

BrtUirdsy aud is sHH otb ifihave appeared Havoral flabermen will sp-Uiiipt tocapfnr* them tu-duy.

l.ravl Hulfinsn, .Uleen ysir.v old. who livts at Wusiiluglun CrosKltig, above Trea- ion, has disappeared, and foul play li eoe- prcied, beeauie b* bad cnllecied meney In Tceiilon end Iben eiarled for tauina bat never rancbail th*v*.

uapliln •■Jeek" (jrabim, of Jersey City, nbo uneerlhed Hi* elccllon freiid* In that place three year* eg". I'"" br*u dlanilvseU by oourl-iliartlil from th* Nea- Jsraty Nullonal Uuord iter brutally asssuiHng B«rg*anl A. F. lirowii, of Company C. Kourib itagliBaiit, Utl ■uiniiitr.

The ot A- R. Van Jkbolclt ht Illighlund MWdleiex CoutJiyg w«.i aw- Hrviy dsalroyed by lira yralerday murulng. Cbarlea Caray, aeveoiy-lwo, Mrs. Vao Scbolfk’a falber, I* misting »«d It Is belitved be Inst bis lift lu tba burning building. In ■earrblut for bH'i Mr. Van Itrhalvli an* brtdiy burned about lb* face and head.

Ueerge Archer, of CHfion. FassaloCmmly, killed tale dog Haturdsy. Hit neighbor, Percy U. Wmiania, heartily wlehe* It bad boeu done sooner. The dog bit Mr, Williams's elfbl. ycar-old son. ttalnsford. In tbs Ibreliead Ust- urday. Uneoflbe animal's leelb, partly de­cayed, boke off aud stuck In the bone. U wueeilraoiea by a pbyslclao. 'J'b* wonoU has been nauteriaed, aud me buy It not con- aldared Is danger.

Whit* tba Fennsylvaui* ferryboat New Brunswick wa* on It* wsy from New York lo Jersey City ftiS:« P. M. yesterday, tb* ran in­to acatboai that was salllug u p the rlvar wltb- ont any light. Tba pilot saw ibecatboatln ttmt ttt ravema tba engine, and tbcCoUleloti caused no danger to tbe bunt, One of the men was thrown overboard, but was ret- oued, The men on ibe boat refuted to give her name or say wliero sb* heluuged.

J. C. McCURDY & CO.,593 B R O A D S T .

Quick Sales.____________ Prom pt Deliveries



w ill buy ft frill quart houl* of Al trirte-ycni"uia I’eiineylvMilo By* WblBliey: guarknifedubanliit-ly pur* and DM from all lejurloue mni- ponndt: distilird from .elecied grain an* handled dtreet from Hiebimdvd warehnnae of one of the most feimB« dDHIleilta In tbeeonniryi brands at popivar prices. Our OLU t A N A W11A I'u re iCys « ' On « Do I* r ),-r lull quart bolile si 111 leads I us

tbiu ■ ■ ■PiiisrUsl I ba bod ouly at



484" Broad Street.rM ¥ a r T s to e M S s n e m r r .


THE GREAT KNOCK-OUT.ive pound* Of tbe best mrloln Biaak for-fllN 1 with to FotdTiA* frUuuKi iFMfc* * hoi • iyer dlreol from ih* fifg* fr « f bouse* at hleego and I am ‘Jl!



Is offering his entire stock at cost to make room for Holiday Goods. Note name AMOS

before entering the store.

Uctliictiuiui In tliB P a rlo r Stilt Dopartinfint.Rcrtnctloni.ln th# Bedroom Suit Bepartiuoot.

Rertiiotloiis lit tho Carpet DopartiucnURndiictloii# In tli# Sideboard Bcpiirtmont.

publTo’*iflili jresh lu-ais at tk* loweei p r l^ fold in lha Biate. Band «ur prime ceremllyend oomp-reHi-i.i wiib wimijou • », '»r la p . Frlra* Bib Baaet,.M..».-.-.-.....— •“ "Uhoak Boast and Bt*kk.-.i.-..- “Boiipd Bleak,.,.........- ...........

.... ,<M.0*

Rctluotlon* 111 the Foldiutf Bed Depnrtnieiit.* Reduction# In the D esk Departinent.

Hediictloiifi In th# H all .SlAufl Depnrtiucpt.Rediicttonf* iu th# Fanc,v Tnbl# Department.

UeduQtloii# In the Chlffouniiire Department.^ R ed u c tio n # In th o S eere tfiry « n d B o o k e w o D o fln rtm en t.

RcdiictloiiH In tho Lounge Deportment „ , ,Ucdnctlon# In tlie ISxtenslon Tohle Deimrtmeiit.

'ncilnction# In tho Chnlr Department, . . _ . . aRednctlou# in the Oilcloth Department-

Redwcliou# lu the M atting Deiwrtment.Reiliioilon# In the Bedding Ikepnrtment.

rosnMMo xAHOts ro mhy othioT£H TO out TUMT WE SlU 16 .. . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . - .Sixes. SAsr tesws. stosmoe roH rwutruss, rus fihest ixe MOST comusts tuiLom m the state, mu locseo msri m aSI.so fEft MOETH UP.SS OMSK 3TSEET. TELEPHONE 580.

fctirW)n Hte«V........Forierhoiit* aiaak -Jerivy Milk Vsal.......{iliidqnarter lintWi....‘orrqu II rter la. mb...... -

Kien Meat......... .Corned Beef..........SI-«.of Wriiiln btsak..............i lb '. oflJiii bOhop*.....- ......... .

Bceptcifallr,J. B# FINGEH,

117,101 MulberryMKWARK»N, J*





Grand aniUprigM .9S.OOO NOW IN U$E.

MODERATE PRICES.CaUtlogUd TBHiled on ippUMllQa*


no FIFTH AVE.,cor.l6th-ST.,N,Ye

J fA x o h r te lyPure

“ 1*1*4ioleN ra iim m tiu ^ inew.iisK. i

HoTAts lU K llf* COh K i Wall sU» . w T# fk . '

A cream of lanar baking powder, at all la leavanlng eironglb.- gaLe r -------------

T h e


, \

;e s .


:IMSEB n i l ' s FDKPretendlDg to Bs Oaly a Qam« K<)«p-

» r While Hunting Deer.


llim *1*4 l!iB|ir<>M I.m 4 ■ FrM■ml Ju3 uu> LIU In I ha Foraali « r Ebari- wnIda-A Clreiu In Whii'h Ih* UUIa Frlnsaa Wtra lha Parfnrinan-Muriaa Ahniii tlia Kincincin at ilia Empreia. lh a Hankrupt and Spanilihrlft Frinoa Albarl af Wnlilaak-l'jrniont.

rDirMpniidriire nf th< News.Hrh un , (>c(. ifiL—Tba Uarmnn Kalaar and

KaNrrlu aai ul pmrnt auJoylDg all tha plaaiurai uf hu Indian Numunr ■* Oia Chula of Hubenuiiiuck, uaar Kliartwalda. Tlila •Id Hahloaa la aiiualad lu Ilia inlJit or a tniiuolain fiiratl Intanparaad bara and Ibara Vllb rocky crnga aul deep ruvlnaa. Tha antlra dialrlet la lha ualural koina of ilia drar, whlcb abound In tbal pariloular apui. II la ban ibatbla Majnly paaaas hlaplaaa- aiiipti boora Tha uniforio In vhich lia arriTaa lichangad fur tha hunilns anil and hide gHU«ra,aud Emperor WIIbalm for Ibe Doiica Iwooinaa bumaulacd Wilhelm wllh a cotnoinrn of hctiWTlIaar, bdhaaataf, or bcumidl, aa tha aplrll inoTra him. lly nil Iheae allaaoa ha baa poated ai dldrrent llmca In tha remote diairlelt around hti aaal duiualu, wbera ha la known to tbacountry pauplaaa oaaof theKulaar'i (ama fceepen from Iterlln who baa been lant 1o Ibebchloii lu keep bla band In witb tba rifla

Ilia Idajeiiy nodi It a paaiilaa dell|bt to breoma for tha lime a plabtlan. Me amen fully Into tbe apirit of tba Iblnf, llaaa on coarao food and drintaanytblna ibaiaamaa■ long in tbe paaaanla' ooiiagaa, whlcb taa lorea to Ttatl, laltln( their occupaou na-■ H'art'i Jnat about feeding time, llefiaca tbe paaauord to tbe hetpera when ha aalllea forth aa lo hll toana for Iba day, and tnilaia upon being addretaed aa Krlia or in any other familiar term that ha may Inney. liiatant bnultbmabt from tha Imperial atr aica la tba poalabmaat awarded to tba nan liidlacreal enough lo falter In hla familiarity or to betray by act or look Iba penonalliy of bia MaJetlj, aod ao well drilled are tfaeia atraliore that no one would gueia that the mighty ruler ofall (be Fruatlani formed one of the parly oflnagblDg, chafflnt. happy-go- lucky ronant, atalned with nod aud be- ■rlnad wItb powder, who frequently daaoand upon a obareoaPburnar'i cot and conaumt aaarylbinf edible within lla aparae larder, 01 couraa, hli Uajeaty alwaya reoompenaei tbeie people, either by the preaenl of a tut Imok or a money payment, and not In­frequently haa a chat wjib tham about the Kaleer, of whom they all bar# beard, but whom they thlok they bare naaer laen.

liar Uajeaty frequenily acoumpunlae her buabeiid upon Ibaea capadillQDi. bbe lain- aarlably mounted on a pony, aod atiumei lha ebaraeter bfa'aaralng maid at tbe bcblota and danghter of an old keeper named Karl Ulum, who li alwaya one of tbe parly. Over the dinner table later in the day, wtacatba Imperial party baae returned lo tbeScblina, many an iBlemllng alary la told of tha Kelaarin't aktrmlabee among tha wumanfulk and ahlldran with whom aba baa coma In rontact'ln tna eourao other adean- inrea, liar Hajealy li a good thol, and when aba la out rarely falle to oontrlhulo bar quota to lha day't aporL

Juat before leaelng fiarlln IheKutaerIn, un- annonnoed and unexpceledty, Tlaliat kee- aral cbarltabta Ineiuutlona, lb tha company of n aoltlary lady.|n>waltlug. Among othera her Majeity Tlelled (taa City Blind Aaylum In tba Aligr Jacob itraaaa, and berceapec- lally abe ahowed her irua womanly tender- ceea. Bhe talked In the moat winning man- par lo many at tba Inmatae, •rdarad a prcaent of money lo be glrau to aeCeral, and by. ona.poiir gUI, who. bad. load hew night throngb a larrible aceldenl, her Uajetiy eat and chatted a long tlma. At tha cJoiaeba gave tbe blind girl a delicate race which ehe had been wearing In her belt. Her Uajeaty la alwaya doing anob llttta kibdnaaaaa aa Ihia; whererertbegoea abe brlnga tbeeun- ablna of her a mile and gentla worda. Hba baa not a acrap of tba Imperial bauleur wblab pbareeiarlMa h v aponar, Tna ether day alaliltif aa inillUiUoh, iBa Kklaerin heard that tbe ball porur’a wife bad Jnai had twina aod abe naked to aee bar. *' Wen," aatd her Majacly, aa aha roae to go, '• you hare done baltar lhan I, for I hareu’ i twiua at ytl."

Dpnn bla ratom to Pota^am (be Kalaer baa aiiiiDUBced bla Intention of taking part In tlio Grunewahl aporuiabiab.onoaliiaor hunting 'wild boari (badB^ thajMRUan) lo jeath. ,Tbdkruln dm.'IBgtr. W aka^ikaa Wn; In order that the bouuda may not anlTer; lome- llmeaaboar, driaen lo deaparailon, awliua ■erora the wide llurel, followed by tbe doga. All Berlin rona toaaa the bnDt; tba biiuta- men venr red Jackataand topbata, and think great tbinga ofthcmaelTef, Aa many aa dfiy nr alily buera ara atauguterad In a day, Thia tanichery Igett for a full week aqd la a ftiTor- lie laatlmd c t Iba'wealthy yoang blo^pi, who eodraverio perauade tbamaelTaa they areTerilable Nlinroda

Thayouog Prliioea baaajnal giyan another of their amatenr clrcni porfirmancca In tbe new palaoa at Polidam and the abow wua a grant aneacaj, Alltheionaanddangnitraof ibe bigtw publUly who an e « Ufa Kalaar^ Hat of vlaltora wtra iDTiled and the procaod- Inga wound np wUb a tea torambleaada dunce on tba laa. Tha partbrmanoa b^an Jn ibe nlternoon at S o'clock «lUi a prolngua apoken by Prince Augnat Wilhelm, egad only ilk fcau,lnwbioh be mautlanod lha different Itama In tba programme and ekp^ fially Inilnuattd mat be and blabroibart ^ d not apeoL tbalr tinia idly while Ibeir auftut pargtiia ware away.

(i lr*i, each of tham led on bla pony, then Prince Wilhelm hrnukbl out bla pony Par- ati,« bleb went ihrough ha paoaa and aten Dbeyad inipllelily the Wnrda of eoinmand,- I*BhU,’’ " I tlgbt about lurq," "Left uboqi tarn," and "Away Ibe lual cuuaad tnueb amuaemunt ibrongb lla ortglnalily. Iq tha bait Item Prlnea Wilhelm allowed Ilia grout ublll In riding, while ha performed yarlona ilifficnlt leata on tba brown boraa Puck, Whlcb lia.rycalTad naapreaent a abort tlma ago. AabU Iqatperfannaane be took aaveral b u rd laa and k a tha e|i rqa am Id land abeera. irbcnfollowailanlniermeaxo by tbe Priucca Adalbert and Frila, In wbleb (berorittar look Ibe purl of a clown.

lu Iba couraa of ihe aatertalnmant Iba Frlncaa’ dngi were iiloo brought on the aerna. Tom, tba Crown Prinua’a fuTurluf, Jumpa apicndidly and abnvrr.d many proofa of It by JumpmgtbroDgh boapa ccrraradln wflh tta- gda paper and alto oTtr bighobiiuclca. For tha dnaie Ihera wuaabaUlaDf aiUumu flow- era. lutwoebarmln| lltila carrlagag:'4 ot- aradwllb atne learaa and driven Iqr Princea Wllbtlm and Prile, aatthereat of tbe Prlpcrt wboacallaiad tluwara to tbe apacuton ua (bay diuva along and left Iba oouraa amid loud aaclainaliaaa and applauaa. I a aptta of tkara being no pmaea tba wbola entvrtaln- Mabl oeeuplad qnite an boor abd a half.

There la muob rejoicing lu Berlin that Iba Kalaer hai reached oni tba hand of raaon- clliailon to tbe Iron CiiancQlior, whteb be eartaluty did In offering Priuea Blemarclc tba naa of an Imperial rualdenoe. Bnl that tbera will ever again be friendly relatlODi between (bate two parao«n—each of whom ao dearly lavra bla own will-la Impoealbit; Iba worda wbleb puoed batween monarob and Cbancellor wera too pmnobnead tor raonn- •Illation, niaiuurck baa loal fcnrlaao pouuda of flgab within a furinight and meutttrei four and a bainachea leaa round bla formerly eurpuleot walaL

Whan William wat fu Aultrla lately one of the Arahdukea allowed him a number of tba jrtklrMrf, a bumortiitlajournal, in wbleb there ,woe a carleainro repreaciiilng tiie Kmpeaornt Uem. and by hliaida Blamarnk, eovortd with Inblrala, dndcr which wet writ- tan, '•Ana tbr^dba old man, not' even a wiirdpi Wllllatn .(nok«l,.it tha nM r, kmllen a«dpald, "IClUrlki ta rlgblT’ T ie ■aiRp fTaeiog (ua Km^rdr aqni tba famotta lolRirara to cumhirt ina Iron Vbanoallor on bla aek bad. 'ibg old man la uiaklag alow butateady pyograaaat Fricdnotiaruh, wbera ba taanjoyiui, with avldant unlafaetlon, tho rrpoia and eomfortof hladainaaticaurruand-

Inga- He inaa nntdriving whan Iba wMtber I It d'le. Ut. however, aaea nobody, and tha I general opinion Ig ibat hlidayt Will not ba I utinibcrcd Ikr Into tlia new yaur. j AlawyearaagothuCaaiig of PTappervlIla lb Lorraine wat bought aa a realdence for (prunm Albrrt of WaWeek-Pyrmont. Tbit \eoualn of tba tdueen of Holland bad con- iracted dapta avary wbare, and wan pm wall-

unwn In all Iba ggrrlaon tdwna ofOarmaBy. n Lorraine, tbanka to bla lllla and aapaclak

jy to bla Marriaga with a place of tba aiat* f t baltar, al'rlnoeai Hohtnloba, ba borrowed

1 targe gumi troma ntimaroqapwion o f tbawmmaiclal whrtd at Vti|k baringloaiaM Batiauea, eagt la tbqty iiu i, bUla to tba whaeobid gat pay t%an>. and tban.am /’, nta Wiia, refuaad.'M pay. bagjiao, baail'awUffftf, p i ihara wera bolatanpu atitaatat tb&anltaeif Ftailpamne^

TbB% ttlm lje f^ bla ^Igaa at BUpab 'w w fb ia tii^b y lihtm thea decided riot tn pay tba

* » t IP pUBlfti bthi. Sta“ ■ a«aFJw,iimMea:

nil blniTf nf buyluf horm bafurViAdy i-Hith riiuu<i|r

th« fuUuwInf d«jr ftir !)«lf pT|c«, A J^vralltr would fC'iid him a lUfsr wtilcb hdwould Mil for alio^t nolbhifr Soon Ihfiw wtii itjcli d tauo *Bd <*rjr tficr him Hint

bad to tuitrCmw to provont bim frota b «ir if ln lb « f t r e «u b jr hlaorfdiior*.

Tbo ro lfu iiif W ftliitck*P)'rmont,tbo K ium ii OTcui tbo JiiipbiyWtlbtfim, roo*^lvetl Li«Ari*r«n()lng l« ii«r ifru in Ihe itorekM per* whu 'had Ufen ruined by th ii p r luc «iy iw liid le r. The Bmperr>r replied tbal hla grendbilber lied once elreedy paid b ied eb li, Tbe Prlbee^eowh r^mliy reiuied equally tn indem ully bia crtdiiurir Tbe I’rince aud VrluorM were obbyrd to leave Meli, eud U ity are llTiug e l prtw u l in a enitlle on ibe burdern o f llniinnd.

Prince Albert la nr>w a bankrupt, eucl prr» hapalQ twontr year*'i|mi* he may be able U) pay iw em y per cfn i. to bis oredUor*. W b ta lh e Kh)|>en>r wai le tT ly e i M etta pc* tlllon w a i lob ibve lw iii f i v n i lu hltn, b ff* King him lu HA* h ll IhilueiK'e In luvor o f |*rliica WaltlL'Ckwryrmoul'acrodilori, buUbe Quveruor oppo«9d (bir. nlleglittf "thR ltu roe ■plendjid deye o f fate iniitii nm be irauUled by bringing up disegrerable «nuveuir« V*

Tbe eia lem eiit tb it Erhiea Atainndrr o f Frueele.great uuDloofibebLaiier, hae mar^ tied a Mubleh aelrere le now generijilly ee* otpled I f being Hue. The lady, wbo le one o f tbe bMUlita o f bev native Luwn, t< uni yet tu eu ly yanrt uf Hgf, le egtrcinely leRClual* Ing and laleuited, and w ai Utiowu toy Ihe name o f tba *Mee Queen*' on Ai*counl o f her l«dlf!^runce lo AUllore. P r iiiM A lexander w e i burn In IM). e » there U a couildembla d lirervno lu their niiue, The happy pair tueile choU uib«rU aa- quelQtauoe lu Oitead, unit li srn« « cmij o f lo re atflra t elghl on ibe IVtnce'** pari. The U dy gave upH proipeeilveciigrtgjiueni tu a Berlin theatre uiid ib « innrriage Oiolc plnce •OOP afier^arJ. Ir Unoie Alexau-lcr hue nol ye t Pad H pretiy hot from tue Kaleer It le elm piy becaune U)b M ujeily l i hnltilu f u p b li Ire to le: u flow ui!h>ii the devoted cuuple lik e bulling loud. And ihry will get lia e •ouii ae be returui lo Berlin and linx had Unie to iruck llieni In t leir luir. I t U n>^il> leM (OMty Ibe^ ere not bill lug end OMjlng In Ib taolty.

T h e Chureh ami the Iticyele.From tbe Pblladenibla Biilleiln.

Tbe lllgb Hlreet BlelbudUtChurcb of Bing- bamtou le now tna turmoil uver iho pru> prlely of women riding bieyclce. The troubla began when Mrn, Uurrowt, a widow, pnrobaeed a bleyelr. Hhe le m eotivi Worker Ih the ebnraUa A i « prayoratoMiluf tba other nlgtit Hiuiuel htaniny nruee and de* nonueed tho act uf blcygii I'id.ii; u« uniudy* like. uuobrlitlaQ aud a diRgrece tu the church. The deacon odlflM the andlenee by an attempted lliU4tr«iluu of a wuniHO riding a bioycle, Tbe putiuMhe K?v.Johti tim>- ibewaiook ildra agaiunune blcydiii«. Mra HurriiW e frienda Uireetin lo o irry the qne»* lion (Mfore the next oonfirenee, The Yuong Wonoen'e Chrlellan Aeeoclaiion faM titeb* Hehed a wheel club In open defiance of tboag who dleapprove of bloyclos.


Tbay Ara Wliliuui I unbt lha Waal PetiteOlllctale Kver fl«eu>

I'rom <he Hotloii Tramcript.There la no human ^ in g quite » polite

aa tbo Jaiuiiuau puticcmaii. Not to hla fellow t'ouulryjiieii, h" it uudnratuodj by no means. He regarde the hulk o f them probably with n good-natured contempt, for. In the Innguage o f Mr. Chevalier, bo la “ a genUeiunu by birth and education." When, 111 pursuit of Wcateru olvillaatlon, Japan east ofV feudallani and put on a frock coat and a silk hot, thousands of aamurai or Uvo-awordod retnlueta o f the old nobles, found their oeuupatlon gone. The bwords rusted In their ecabbards, and Anally were, by imperial decree, di*- carded altogether, iiud helped a few yean later to decorate the drawlng-tooma of Belgravia, What was to be done with these awashbucklora, trained to a mili­tarism quite impoaalhle In the modern army, modelled on tho French patternT The Govern meet wanted police. The ■aniurai knew nothing about the status o f the British "n obby" or o f the French geni d ’armes, so they enrolled in large numbers, happy In being able to wear, at any rate, one sword, and that a two- handed one.

Thus it happens that tbe Japaiiree po­lice are the most aristocratic force o f con* atabulary in tho world. They ere a fluely dtaoiplined body, small in stature, but Wall drilled, and expert in the oae o f the ateel aeabbarded wespuii wlileh danglea at Iheir heela.

It la to the foreigner- whether he be a aailor from a fcerusciia ship or a aleek, montyed globe trotter—that tbe eeaentlal politenesi of the Japanese policeman la ehown in all its native rlchuwia. With the former claia the police o f the foreign ports in Japan—Yokohama, Kobe and Nagaaaki—have much intercourse, not o f tho genUeit kind. Yet the acrlm- mage invariably hu hgt one termination. The tr jculeiit son of Neptune is sooner or Inter handed over to the consular authori­ties o f hla country—if he owns one—and lodged in the foreign Jail. Perhspa two policemen will be engaged in the opera­tion—perhaps twenty, that la a mere de­tail. What Is Important is the Amt that once a Japanese |)oliceman makes up hla blind to arrest any one who it in hie hands be sticks to him with bulldog tenacity—never loses hia temper or hie hold—and condnets his victim lo tho lockup, if he be a toruigner, with the greatest urbanity and niuun polite oera- many.

---------- *. .A'lriyiuslv in Jm ij ! ftwni'/ runli ihf -V/.'U'.V

trsrn rlM-y Auiv uroisii.n to do ro tu lw iltrt(litSf .T i ll'.'S


Nepulaou AltrlbuleA Ills EavaraM lo lla- ■erruns end UIgh-elest yiektenasa*

From (he Oantory Maisiliu'.Napoiooii said many o f bi.i oniceri dc-

asrted previous to the-battle of Waterloo, and in ajioaklng of tho xrreneb Nation he said that tha lowerordent o f the people were the meet sincere, the nioetflrin, and, at the same time, the best dispoaltloned in tbe world i hut in the proportion ai you roee tbo clssa their characlera became the worse, and above the bourgeois they ware too Acklo and tuo votatUo tc be at all depended on. They had one principle for to^ay and another fur lu-uiorrow, an- cording to the circunuUncea o f (he mo­ment, and he attributed Ills Waterloo dla- aatera solely tu tbe dlastVcctcd ulflccrt uf hll army.

Intu lkingof tha battle ho aaaurcdthe Admiral he had nevar for a moment mla- taken tho PriuBlans for Qrouohy's dIvF »lon, but that he know early in the day that the Frussiaiia were clewing on his flank; that this, however, gave him lllUo or no uneiwiueia, ea ha da- ponded on General Uruticliy also cloaiog with him at tba aaiiie lime, and ha had ordered a aufficient force to oppose the Priiwians, who were in (tact already checked. And he added that ho con­sidered the battlo throughout the day tu ba w ry much in his favor, but that to Boon aa it was dusk the disiSeclad oflteera promulgated the cry of " Mauve qui pent 1" which spread such conruaion and alarm throughout hia whole tine that it became iiupossible tu counteract It or to rally bla troops, situated as they were.

But, bo mid, had it been daylight an hour iongur, he waa poslUva the result would have been dlfl'erenl; he further Bald that had he been able, when the alarm and confltsion Aral took plaoe, to have placed blmsulf in a oonaptcuouaaitU' atlon in front, it would have itiaured tha rallyliqi o f hla troopa aruund him ; but aa It wat, treachery and darknaaa combined rendered his ruin inevitable.

H* said that on the morning o f June IS he did not entertain the moat distant Idea that the Duke o f Wellington would have willingly allowed him lo have brought the English army to a decisive battle, and oonaecgueiitly he bad been tha more ins-


Iona tu push on, and, i f possible, to forca It. conaiderlng nothing eiae could offer him a chance o f aurmounting the dlfAcuIlletwith which he wua surrounded; but, he added, could he have beaten the English army, he was noiitlve aoarealyone would have e.scsped being either killed or taken, III which cose tho Pruastan army (having been already beaten on the sixteenth) must have made a precipitate retreat, or moet probably would have been dispersed, and certainly entirely diturganlaed.

: i V

.V lT l

r i t S s .V u»EVV3* a « ’ M*dfi..vcv.A CKYlPCa KVIL.

TbaBapid Spretatl e f IuUinp«rauo« AtaangWoman nf All,CUtia«a

From Harper’ ll Bax«r.I t it said liy thou, iq ji goqjtiog td(Jino|v

that it it o f ifodiaa to dtttfbiie tWr Wribhi fact that ioUmparanoe it more frequent among women than it hat ever been be­fore, more general and niore rninoua, to tbe point o f physical and mental mor­tality .

I t makie ut shudder to heu' the facta in the^oaoe, to liaton to the BUppositlon con- cerning its cautea, one mpposltion lieJng that luddenly acquired wealth, giving people the opportunity o f going through tife at B great pace, makes It necessary that they ahonld resort to whip and apart to maintain the gait—that ta, that having money they muit and will apend it fast, and ten d in g It fu t eogendera plcasurea to wbote enjoyment the strength ii not equal without tbe help o f the exciting jiud atimulatlng drink.

Another cause ie said to be the preva­lent abaenoe o f both retlgtous and moral aantiment, tbe disdain Air everytlifuglliat cannot be seen or felt, the reign of pure reaaon and reallam, the custom of oonsid- erlng that If one wants a thing one ahould have It, and that there abould be no re­straint upon one's dfsires furthar than the inability to gratify them. A third cause !a given aa Ihe cigarette, it being stated that manyl^ore young and middle-aged women than we have dreamed of have acquired a ftinoy or a faabion for the use o f this vile little article, and lU uSe oreatea thirst, and the tblmt whioh only strong, drink tiakes. Thereore Jnatances, too, where thedreadful evil baa been brought about by the preaoriptlon of phyaiciana, the Invalid thus having tbe habit satabliahed before being aware o f wtMt la done. But these inataneea a n few In ebmparlson to tha numbaraf thoee wbleb reanlt from the apparently Innocent glaee taken at table orolaewbera. (Tbe taata once ftwmedit “ *•? Jndn%ai4 WttAi all the other taetes, at tabla or on tbe shopping tonr, or In the pobtieity o f the restaurant, or In the privacy o f the boudoir, where tronble or depression o f any sort causea the stimu­lant to be reaorted to With a hope that Ite tamporary eihllaration wlU tide ovar tbe gloom.

These are perUoua Umaa{ all the olr- enmatancee o f Ufa are rapid, exhausting, nerve draining. The great atreas under whiob w i live oocantdoa ft degeiierfttioD o f the narvei, and the iw lf ln t and eaalea tre- aonree then la the atimnlent. Knowing this, knowing that young girl* are liable toBnahdegeneniU(m,lt becomes doubly Important that they ahould beibeltared by tha fores o f a public opinion which may make it, at any rate, dlfflonlt for them to begin tbe drinking habit in its moat Inaldioua and dellcsta Aral ap­proaches. For It is to ba rememberad that it is in the beginning that the danger Ben They none ofthem know what U behind them, what heredity from aa Bnfortnnale nnuastor may give them a fktnl Impetus cnee started. But no heredity can start them on tbo way if they refuse to taka the fltat tip, and moke It tbut tmpMsible to acquire the taste or appetite. The Arst glasa may ba harm- I w eaoapt in ita relation to the lust, but there is an inorodlbly short space of Ume,

Itetwaanthofirst law drinks and death from ooine inya- tertoua disease o f the newMi, whoia other name |a possibly delirium tremens.

Kubbar Tny Nnvslitaa.From iRaSan Franolioo Itapcrl,

Rubber toys o ff leeenui ol their dorastl, Ity and harmlesaness, hava-tant beta a xia- Ble aHtsIr, and are totaay (bund in ihe shopa in mueb tba aam* (Urm te they were adoien yaasa agw As IniproTamsal to tbU tine, ds- ilgned lo give a new Impetua to these aoods, taai Utely hecu patantad. aed by mease of wbleb aneb toys, whan Iniondad to repreaest imaaaa erbuman biia|t and anlmali, een be made to lUnalrala the meat marreleus pacnl- rarltlea wltliool addina to the a « t o f produc- lion. Tbit improvamesleoealata In waklni Ibaaetaullowluiaars of varrlug Iblokuetaee of TubiMr, to tbai, wian sqateasd by the hand, tba italnnar psrli aapaad cat ofall


Heroic Bemeily of German Soldlen Tor an Annoying Pad.

From tbe itamburali N'liobnlchtgn,A t the garrison tow'n lieresl-

nuopel, in Hungary,' tholadies hnvo been getting into tbe habit of taking with them to the theatre plush bags of various sizes And colors. In which they kept all their paraphernalia, such as opera glasses, sweets, handkerchief, smelling bottles, etc. The sight of a row o f these recepta- ctes dangling over tho ledge o f tho dress circle and boxes was, to say tbe least, |>ecullar; while the incessant manipula­tions of these ornamental appendages by their fair owners had the effect o f divert­ing tbe attention of tbe,andlenoe from the proceedings on the stage. To make mat­ters worse, the foahton "caught o n ” among tbo lower ctaxwes, and Biddy, stroll­ing in the park at tbe side o f her faithful trooper, was sure to have a plush bag swinging in her hand.

The said fashion Is now dead.It came to poaa ill thia wise. Inwtweek,

and for aevaral night# In anooeasion, thaefficera o f the Hussars quartared at M----bought up all the front seata in the boxee and dress circle, and turned np fit the per­formance carrying on.theirarraaau ordin­ary forage bag. aomewbat laaathan the usual siz^, whioh they alung over the ledge in Imitation of the ladiea Thbjoke created no little ainnsemcnt, and roam o f laughter shook the house when the officers produced from their bags opera glaaaea, monocles, sweets, huidkercblele, and here and there a tobaocu pouch or a snuff box. Since then the plush bags have dis­appeared from tbe horizon.


Bow Itae klnila Woman (Julsl aad Ust to aieep Tliaty Blitldrsu,

From the Youth's Companion.Sir Oeorga Campbell records In hia

” Indian Memoira” a vary^an gs habit o f naUve mothers in tha flaiglilbnrhoMl of 81m ta. Heaeemt iaollnedteraoemmead its adoption in England, but ptrhtpa he ia speaking Id Jaat.

I wonder not to have teen more notice of tbe curiooa praelica o f tbe bill women o f putting their babiea’ heade under a spout o f water to tend them to sleep and keep them quiet. Wlieii tbe new cart- road wae first made there waa a village at a balling place where rows o f aoch ohll- dren might be seen In a grove eloM to the road.

The water o f a bill spring waa so ad­justed OB tu famish a aeries o f Jlttle sponta, each about tbe tblckneaa o f one’s little finger. Opposite each snout w u a kind of earth pillow and a little trough to carry away the water. Eaeh child waa BO laid that one of tbo waterspouts played on the top o f Its head, and tbe water then ran off into the trough.

I can testify that tbe prooen was moat lucccseful. 'i'heeo merer was such quiet ond nniroublesome babies as those under the spouts. The people ware unanimous that the watar'dld tlie children no harm, but, on the oontfafy, benefited and Invig- orated tbem. In tact, they seemed to think that a chi|d not subjected to this procees mftst grow np aoli-braln*d and good for nothing.

Certainly thoir ippearance showed no elgns that this singular method o f bracing the iiiteltcctual part o f their bodies had done them any harm.

The GaluihMo Jtalinou.Prom l hr I'ortlauil (Ji'eyoninn,

It Is now conBidsrvd sliiiool (erlstn that, contrary lo the nsiial cnsiom, tbe enniitriss along tha rtrer will bs cump.llgd to pack taltnon aa far along aa October, on occouut ol tn* great firltlng off In operaticus this yaar. Fall talmon ett si of Ik# silvtr tide sueciss, tsd am cunsidgrid saeend grade, but aa Ibrr* Is no doubt that tba J ate Piek, however large, will iqav* a disaatroni sbortagr, this it ihr only way cut of tbs dineulty, Th* total bual- neai for (lu s «s «a ta dal# U IH.- 'JH sears, and up to Jttnt 26 last year tb» flgnrsa wsm 111,SIT eaacs. All tba eanaertas ars fully fifty prr cent btblod tbclr ordinary leeards, Evan th* f i l l iwit, whiab up Ip t »a w*sksago «er* mavtieg with extrawdlsaty taaessa, have Ibliawad la ibtwabaor iba irapt and **ln*a

HW Mil Tim


Tbs Julaa at tha I'oppy, Giail In Hadara- tlas, la Nat Isjartoni,

From tha Chintio Tliprs,One of the moat recent wttneeaas before

the Britisb Royal Commission on the opium trade between India and China, which is sitting in tbe Hoaso o f Lords, was Bir Jolm Rtrochey, who baa paaaed forty years o f his life in various official positions in India. Me said that it had been proved to demonstration that opium WS1 not a terrible pnlaon. The vast ma­jority o f those who coDsumed opium con­sumed it in moderation, and so consumed there was no stimulant that entered largely into the consumption o f the world that was more innocent or beneficial.

It was os Innocent aa the wines of France or Italy were to the people of those countries, or as undoctored bes- was to tbe people o f England or Ger­many,

In India there were 280,000,000 inbabl- tants and many countries. In tome of these countries the people have from time Immemorial consumed opium. But these ctasaes ODDStituted numerioaJly an abeotulely inslgntfloant proportion o f the population of India. The consumption of opium wai so inflnlteHlinally small that be might say without exaggeration that no opium question existed at all.

It was declared that the consumption o f opiuru hud been rapidly increasing, and had been fostered by tho British Oovern- megt, These atatementa ware absolutely boseleas. The inureoss of population under Brilisb rule had been enormous, but there was every reason to believe Ihsl tbe consuropUon o f opinin In India under native rule ISO years ago was greater then at preaent. It was an Indlipulable fact that those who consatued opium, eape- ctolly tbe RsjpaU and Bikhs, were pre- oUely the finest races ph.TSlcally in Indls.

There waa no more vlgorona, manly and handsome race o f men tn the world than tbe oraek opiom-uitng Sikh rcglmenta, among whom the practice wae univeraal. People talked glibly about suppreialng opium conanmptlon in I ^ a , but he would not like to tee an attempt made to deprive tbe Sikhs and RaJputa o f one o f tbe neceteariea o f their Uvea. BIr William Honter had aeld that such a law could only ba eoforead In British tarrltorlas by b lo b b ed aud arms, while in itative Btat« it could not be enforced at all.

With regard to the Chi nasa part of .tha

Jiucstlon, there could be no greater da- uaion than to suppose that China de­

pended upon India for her supply of opium. I f no apinm wera exp ort^ from India the consumption o f China would remain praetloalty unchanged. A tingle province of China produoed more opium than the whole ludlan Empire. Whole prorlncee were eovcrtd with the poppy, and the cultivation went on increasing without any Intorrerenca on the pafl of tho Government' o f China. Even, there­fore, i f it were true that tbe people of China were being ruined by opium, the cessation o f imports from India would not diminish tha evil.

sfc I . >« ■ ■■». ------- .1 ■ iiiiA Caallu lu tiib Alfa

From Le Pairlnu,Mr. I'utotaitekry Ibe eoffinrerf Ifl tUrllnaft

cuiuiianj' f(ir ttic UHrcKtiuMlimiil h rtuvel lira to tbe Anl»erj> ciuibblou wiiteh Jilo bo Ilf Itl next year. U 1i lu eniiilti uf a rnfi, with an nrra irfabmu uontf *qgar< ynrd*, Aud rnniitruetad uf tamiiuu ruuaand ilcel A»d alunmnlum tubliiK, un wbleb a palAtiai revuturaiitii tti bo erfctedf and ilie whole •uipelided In inid-nlr at an uiiitiideoiOCQ yurdi by FmanN o( cupiive bailuonii. An In* geiibiUM ooihhlutiilniv uf ahi;Uf>r U4blr« will hulrt tbit ’ ’ MfrUl cAiile” lu punUlona a'lil ot* l^tlviriy pfEveiitHii.v moiiMllun even in ihu •tronaastrUiiU'. 'J'uuiimMliercflbUve betluaui, eQi'b fu ^rry eigbi r len will MVftito coaTvy i m U)« U aMmi latitnd midhMk aiitln tn i«rru llriun. ufthe larger lialloona l» dited wlUi ti kUk itilCp tbraitKik wnlab, by mottua nf an nuiumHMa arranao* nientf u tw h »u|i)>ly orgM laoMiluad wbeii requlrada Kioctric lam|i« nr luieoM brib* Imioy aro fiTieii ju the rffl f 'f ibo mirputaof llthllnfi tba exhiblDua jruonda. Tliiantira raurJe ein ba bmu|bidoaa tu tliaitmund In Un ntluutti by rnmni of aleam wiocbeti.

We rconrUTTien'd the hjia of Anxoxlnra Bis u r i lo uuf fftenda who ludar wUb dyft- {W p llU ._________ ^_____ ______ ***

TbbHoenUal lunf-bwllnf prlneipliorttit ptna troB baa ftfiblly bftn iuooMifuiiy tibtr* Hftd lyU offbofc Ijiu ft larfr^i' obuga etMt-


It 1« Ftiliiiwteil That Thai Number Mat Nttiiirallatd Tueilay.

Ir •»iliiiau‘d that iiiily pprtnui,of whom uver 100 Mure lialluuK, wara naiur-

at Ihe t'ourih-Juii« ti-itay. TblR bnnft the tnlal numlHr iiAluralivad during itio prtatiMit ceuijiiliiii up ii» abuui 1,0U0. Fully lUrrc-fuiirLiiM uf tba:»a bad Iba onutuf tbalr riiarg^U to the Lanio*Ci'ullr. Cuimty I'luumuiae, !

Tba nwr JiiiMarial orTurel fur imitui* ' fkolura lulu t-lixvn«hli> to-day •rfm«d, laiitnilly t] raking, far L«H4 do*!

I ilribla tbau uii |irt>v|oua dayt.Tbrro woe tliA iininlelAk<vbif but Kcarnely

drUtjabla ameH uf iba ilarrasa hauglug about many of Ui* appHoaniigand ttik from tirnuga, wbo wart la iburga of an lialluu mid an American wore ruau ifiilcU bud •iiouidrr atrape end liadutUer eTldanevHof f.ifKiiu tuuke about tbcJraluiboe.

A i ) o’clock the ua u i hour fur cloainf (tta Cuuru nathoevauf u legal bididny Hhrlr wurr «tl'l over furiy apptlcunu crmbLn^ piiibing wlib their witua*«ei lufberacalo

gi'l uiH Ibair pap'rR."

• 117. itAikUkTi onjiaT.Va

lint alMHtlee ttiipp IRiOR That Ha l i Artliif 1 r>gMll)’.

\\Ufii JiiiUra Uai>p optmoU oourt i t 8 o'clock IbU ulivrnfN)ii *u nonllnna the Id* vafUEatlon9 0tallitTfi>d lllfgal rcilatratloni. Heuatar M. T. Ii«rr»u nppuarvd and urftd (bat ih» JuiMro could only proceed under the Wrrlii Kltodou lew, aud that tbo law tmder which he wmi acting imd been reptalad. Jutllce liapp rapiled (hHt lb« id bad nut bceu riipcatad.

A dcfuitory butoomewhatiwarra araunient Ihea Miowed bfitween the eteoaiorlierreti, Judge Ktdbc'i and K Nia Blarkt Mr. HarrcU Ibon went ofl to convull Awitlaiit Fruaerutor flutKl,

Juiilce Ibipp kaK. be ahould pructiad wKb the gauft. at be uu Mtlafled tbe Jaw 3td uol been rcpraleda Jndiia Kullitcb walrbed ell OK»ea after lbl» and enkoi ■lUC’O’ tiohi i>f ibe WiluiTiM'i.

t r a in IIOIIHFU.H cAJ*Tiiu;n.

F Ivea flh * ntlpbant ItnadMa Caught awdFart of Tiielr Plunder Hroavarad.

Lm i.s Ko( k, Ark., Not. ft-KArly ibll raornlnff d«iii|itil«bea front haUceTUta a*y lba( five of (be bandiu wl.o nibbed an eX* pre»M train at Olipliaut baiurday bav« beau oocurred. Two are lo Jail aud ibrct are i e* tug oirrJod overland tu Newparl, A onn* vJderable i»arT of tho pluntlar wa» reoalveda liiCludlDf |> kckelbni k«, tnnitvy and wilrhaR.

'Jb« ibree in.*n orro oupturod In White n?aver UoUom« ihlK iti irnlug alt.T lie rxobaiiga uf MVrrul wblaUwoubded one uf tbe robberv. Ko Dailies of lilt purtlvi arreiuJ areglTcn Uili morning. Tbatwomen injull Bi Balt?sTllta give tbclr uaince vs fitiMOu and Tyler.

All l*laedcd Guilty ol Ful'gsry.Nkw Yohk, Nor. a.—luvcph lUyaVf Henry

Uurrc‘11, JHiuev W. fliichanaii, J. F. Hryce and J>r. JIcBry Beldon. atlnt Melden W. Crowe, were Arraigned ibi« naming berore Recorder kmytli tn l*.m 1 of tUe Aleiieral fcMilunv Ccjurt lo plend (0 tbe ettnrio of forglpig cbcokt on lha bank of mu Uhdijui- lan Company to the nmouut uf |7,0(KL Tbay all pleaded gnilfy. IzBwyrr Purdy, represenUnv Ueldtin. asked fur a rs* duelluu of lire laLter’i ball lo Fi.OXI, Tbe iDstisr was laid uaar iiuMI WedDfvday.

Found Mutilated on Ibo Traek.JkHHtY ( XTV, Nut. tf.-Tbe body of an uu-

knowji nun badly jnuiilaied was fooud ttilv iDurtflng on tbe iracli of Lbe N'nrihoni Railroad at 'lylcr Park, near Ibis city, Ilia lace was crusU^d bsyuiid luwiignlilona and nuito* lug nas fiibQd In the cloibing to le^d lo U )»•ftfipoMd ibat iba''iBaii"Troi kiRed'lry itfe- hivi f.'ora Nyuck due ai Jnrvey City at 8:30 o’cke'e __________

lUegftI Kaglstratlon in Jersey CKj.jKRMtT IJTY, Ntiv, A-Poiice huj>eriD-

teudeiit BniUb Mid R*Jay tiiat Jie bad gbialnrd erldanc.3 of Illegal rsgivtratiun lu (bo Fltsl, Fourth aud £1|btb dlttrlCU and had dttailrd bis mon to make an In* vestlgat Ion mid arrest (hose wbu had vioIaKU Iho luw. Ia-------------- -• --------------- I

Illegal Begistralluu In Hitbukaa.HotuiKKN, Nut, tt.—Mayor Fsgau juade

aiphcatJon lo Judge Jflppincuu tbit mornlag to bave eighty*c1gbl Jllrgat- ly reglsiered nsmci sirlchen from the list of tbt) First prai’liici of the Plrsi Ward. Argutneoi will be beard tbis afierDixjia.

— ---------------^ A N tlV L irK B A U r HOCIBfVa

An Orgnn'rntJuD In WliUh floine WelT-knovrit Newurkers nrs lulwreHUib

A meeting of Mewarkers intTrrviod iiilllcrnlure >vtu held Kaltird&y nlRht al the Free Library, for tbu piirpoic of (urming a lUerary ' club. Tfie Idea urigluated wUb Profevsur B.C. Matthews, of ibe lilgb•cboot, Ha iwJoe brJore iilLcmMlel to eilHbittli H otuto of thli JUnd lierr, but each lime his cflorls failed.

In respoiiic to tbu call issued /or Bit* urduy i»g ill’s DiceUiig (lierj wai n good Atlviidaiid'. however, and a CiHiimit;ee nu ?>an and Mcopuwas appulnttd and (Urwlea to arriinga fur ft dinner on Novviiihcr Ifi, which will be known at tbe orgaiilxslloTi dluoor.

Then ihenlub wRI be furinallj named and froiiMbattltnd H wlU date.

The obJi:>ci of Iho club is acicrully Ibe promotion of siHilal luiereourse among msn nf IJerary «ud iiriiihre-menlt. Tito rn^mtoirshlp 1l Ii pru|»osed lo limit In JOQ, wbo mutt te Interested In llleraiure rlthor h« wrllersare consumers. It will be an little

tamperod whb goverumttil. Is ii jf possible to make h. Ovcr forty meniben are already pRKiired.

Marrivnn and Keariry*Complnlni hushsoii niadnUt Che pellOa of

lf«rrt*on by a number of pcrtotis wbo pur* ebBoed tickets foru rafUe fora aatob, for tbe benedi of (ba fiinuly uf a luau who t« ilek at Ufa Mleba»l*s IfospHnl witb a bruketi leg. The tickets purchased mated (bot me ruflls would lake plsce Baturdny niglil at ibe sa* loou of Joseph Bbore, corner of WllUam and Fourth aireeiB, Harrison. Tbe proprloior •aid a numlwrol propis osUtU tbera Satur­day night with tiokaUrbut be told theta that he did not know of any rafllBa

Tbe memUerv of the oongregailon asd Bun- dny-iehool of the £>av1i JHvmortal M, K. Qhuicb, narrJvon, are basy pre]>aritJf articles for a IHIr f.»r tbe benefit of the church, which will be held the Iftttcr ]iari of tbls ibontba

li. Poirce, of Cbodiiut slreet, ArHuglobi left to-dey lor Hrewer, Ue., where Us will re­main during the winter.

Tbe Harrison Fife nod l>rum Corpe will five a ball and iXliibJilon drill at Jvouls'e Haiti Hardeoii, ou Friday night* UecfOiher

Oiift of the peopledlscoveredfAmerica, but all o ftfie people have discovered the perfect cereal food.n Is HornbyS Oatmeal.**Thu melButihuly days hwvi oome,

Tiio voddoMl o f the yooTi,'’AVhi'u ftoiu d(Mm’sUCBiH''uneft man.Will q|Uk'klydlMSpi'>tiur:For lot Acniuid hlx humble nniue

lloHiftdwolng waxeUi rltk»


Aud brooRie, and mops aud klDdrtd Abeorb hia wedded wife | (tbtef*

But b« II ratiirnatavaoUdeAnd gwavUv sinlla we Irust,

In bar work 1 1 1. busy i Will use Falrbauri DOtT,

G O liD V i f k S H m■bort«rauillvu<uj.po.-i.|(ii. Try It lb youra Mold avBrywbeva

4 Iba. tev ajB qaittfi.Mfidt only by N. K. FAmJjANK A CO.. CHICAGO,

St. LouU, Nsw Yerk, PhllaJalphie, Voilsn, UoDtrem.

e c h I n i c S n EW A R KIf it'8 advertised at CANfJON’S,

You’ll find it there and plenty of it, andTHE PRICE IS ON THE TAG.

m s COUCH, cixclly lib* cut, nuda with good apnng leit, coveral in Cotfinniifi I Tipastry or Crusbed Pluib, and heavy tringa all around, eaxlly wortli l 7-|a,


S“v 'e * W H l S K E Y.so A QUART.

^ t . a e A GALLON.Wadt.ire te oolite (ba publis Hiui a « hava

OD ..It lu our Liquor Mpartuiaui u Msur Ma.b llyo Wtalsitvy ibai wo oao luaraniea was twoasd ■biilryeqr.oldnn May 1,1008. It bat a rich, aweoi flavor and Is a barfala, and Is pardoularte rasonitnandad ta Invalids sndoitur. tiasuluk a stlnulanl, as a put*

’ ’ tl'e also tail all Wines indL'qaarf s( » dnont priett, Ininnrisd Martel orsiidy ifly. a pint; inipoitad Holland Qlq Bid a pliiL

Dmt*. Faus( Mtdlslnet, Iteisbsa, (taial)*, •sasai.a(a,..al ladaiad prtaia -

U. i l . u d


IIti J fur triinH]iti:if aIi round, bjlinou »< > hiiiI lulJ to iuS| regular |it'dg|7 M,

Now $4.98.O l HBTOr K IH M HV ( (t.V||>|,F,VK IN l.V D II'). ' nr 1 MIS-.KK" i lA l l ' lK N r a , llu T lt G A D B l

uurt J A lK U 'M , Mi.l1 (IIJU I 'l lU K 'l AUl': F U L L Y XU FH ll I,'FIN I', UKMh V NHW V llH K ’ a. \Vp h a t« rioU'oil vxhiii'ti,.;i n l i r ; ■ -iiii-it nj' I .v U IE - ' IIATM arid l iU N N K ra i a ( are art

w llllu j (o k 'H F . t l l l 'M D E ltT I lE IIE U U I.A K I'lUUK. TD IHOWIUE B fUUK.

IB "NEW HOHE" and "DOHESTIG" Sewing Machines,Li ptr.etclonlsr, worUi 83D crichs will bi sold

F O B $ 8 .0 0 ANI» $ r ,.0 0 K A C H -T O C L 0 8 K OUT.

218 and 220 MARKET STREEi;N E W A R K , N. J .

T ills bMutllul B A N Q U E T L A M P , silk shade, trlmtnod w ith lacx’, like cut, for«.......................................... ........... $ 3 . 5 0

We are sli^wlng a largo Itao of thm Lamp with ailk ahadci, InAU Mtoi*. ^ U a w d ao am C h ltlo iigM k ta m titt llilK i^

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , M O N D A Y , N O V E M B E R <i. 1 8 9 I t .

T 8 I E M 0 I H A B L A Z E .

Believed to Save Bow Set On Fire b j Xtccupaat* of the Place.


A » U » » r »u im « M»<l* by UI,irir, aad « " • » Bo»»*b»14O-odi D»lr..jr<»>--A 8 «r . to Whlcb Ih . H r* Broil, 0 «t Fount! to B , W «»fllr Iniurrd. „ t l ID, Mu. Who Oo.upl.tl

til* FIttC* Hm

f r e ig h t t r a i n s i n a CRASa

BtHfdal 10 lb , ETUtiito h’ lW*.iX l»A»»TH. Nt'r. A -A dUoilrou. t,no-

M,ul-bt™-.- ftrr br ikr t « l tier, ,t 1 o’cl'-fb tbto morolot ‘ h« (!rrra,n »«tlun trf Ita, attp, u tl iMfoi«llwa*«ul>duoil Ibro. hoti-t»v w , roiuw!. unoiBer parlly *«U «I. aud a doaaa tonum (»ni!»rrfl borBnl«.a

ThanumruUrtod III a M«in i-Uaod ,tor, alMSKllMOrtUOMOU.. rua by a llahraw. and lapldly tpraad to lb, ulhtr Boor*, lb * bolldluf U a ibrM.,U>ry onr, aud lhar, » * * »wH a«ram bl,farllfa ,ino ''» <b» InnialM. tolo! whom w,r, « I « p la tb*lr bod* at lb. Urn,, and ,0 111, * 0 ., n,nrlj auff.ifatrd.

Then w,r, thrlllin* nrror* lor u.arly ban an hour at tb, Br, rapidly •pr.nd In lli,adjololoa hooiiei, and al on, lima 1 1 i«m «idaa If lha•nttl, blork ant dotoiird. Agon- art! alarm «a* »™i out, bringing to Ih, W «i,tb , mil racily BradcparUnml to_^“ l* wUh th, Oamct. U wt* iltyligbl bafer,tbajr war, floally ondar eonlroL■ Tb, i ir c n In to. .loiiiliy 0 1 Ih. nr, ar« llUarad wlih houtcbold good*, a* moat of lb tt* !n lll«d *,m ng lo lha block r.mi.T«l Ibtlr airecU m order 10 ih.m Irorn ili, darourl.ig alamenU Tli, tmani. In to, aurnad dwelllug* Inal mo*l of tbair gooda. »• th, Br, iprcad « Qdicb'F ibni II w«, o «r iy all tb*y oould BototaTaihamMlyt*. Twooftha balldlnga wer, owned by Mra. B*ri,l,anotbar by Mrt. 1’. J’. Sicpban, and a IburiU by Mra. B erm in.

Tbla building wa* badly damaged by walcr. Tha lolal l.ia* it li dlBJcall lo g*l al. boi it

la Cali naiad al not Ic** Iban 113.030, partly ooTarad by ln*nr*B«. Tha building, war, gaob ibra. atorlm In haigbt.

an ibagronnd floor wera a bokary, a d«n- aiort and aancond-hand non.

The polloa baca mod, Iwo liuporianl ar- naU In aoanMilon with iba Arc. Tba pric* •M m H t Lodte Hlclnkar and Jo*apn Ba- leaky, who boarded al iba hnuia occupied by Daeld Learoa. iba aaennihhaud daalar. Tba touar I* nlaalng, be beelng iklppcd whan ba laaraad iba poliea were aflar blm. Bielnkar waa atan lu ring ■ be hoHH adlb a trunk ia «t kd lha era atohd A i . Hk wad pinMad by tgBearBberlbar and i.rertakea. Ha waa 00- ■eia Id anpl ito bla anddau daparturu and vaa loakad up.

From word* ba lal drop lha polloa arraited ■alotky. Tna polloa hart Irarotd that iba (toga tau baarliy l>l•a ed and th il lu i Trlflgy Blgbl *horl ly baton m Id night Ignrue • M Bteinkn •■iu>tl<dl a barrel of karouna told tha piaea. Wban iba Bnman reaohed tb# ecaoa Iba odor of tha oil Ailed tha air bad Iba barrel wa* a nan ofnati bing fltmra. Bo gnat waa itaa blau Ibai tba Bniun wera naabletoanbdiieU and It mpldly aurclopad tha bon*,. ]i 1* ibnughl Iba Mcemd-hand daalar haa fled lo cliuiir fiewark or MewTork, ._______ _


Two Tralnioeo anil Vnor Traaipa Itlllail aeit ■•ratal Olhar I ’arion* InJurwI.

llaliy Tar* Miia«lietl 1 0 A i«w *.Hg^0, MeT., Nor. g.-Una of tha woral rail­

road wreck* lhaiavcr ha[i|-' n d In lha weal- em dln.l'iD otto# tvniral Taoifloiicriirred yaatrrday morning beiwoi*n Irclghi tielna No. 10 I' calbound and No. 7 cealbound, abi iil Lino n illr*«e*l of Kolvla. a .in"H »l»ll"i> algbiatii inilfteaalol tteiin, reiullliig la Ibe deain of the following per>n»* :

KreB U*ch, brakainan on lha wcaHiouiiil ItBlii; l liiriei (llreii*. flm oaii on tbauBic train; P ur irampa, not IdcnllHed.

The following w «n tiijuroa; Janie* Bird, englnor of No. 7, leA n; lir.ikm alunkl.i very badly; Tom Moorbiftt. bl* flruiuuii, cut fihoul htriii.

Wililum F. Vtti, « tramp, wh'' '*rnnii Oilcagu, end hn* a wife living Iben. !m* a very ..?ver. -eHlp wound, end U I* fi'ur.d 111* br«lii 1* Injured ; rei nrcry doitol- fill, 'lha Iwo iralii* caion tiigelher lu n m l on a .burp turn while goliig al full apied. The engine pulling Nn. 11) liioullled tbe ' Hulolug <M»1, toal liiev Iie.rly Clianih d P'""' U'lii* I'liufleoii or tlfiren frelghieur. wi reainathed to alnm*. la '" h w*« <intl'"0i'- .in . of I'lairetn ninl ■ cauabl b itw i u ihe bnllei.heart and lank, H"lli 1 f IH‘ lea* were cruahed 10 a pulp and ninghi lii *neh a wKf titHl U Alim f»u8.jia I Tilt two hour* all. r the colHal'm. |u'f- leclly roiifcel"ua nil the lltn'', and begu.d b • coiiipunluu* 10 kill blm u n 'lm dh li anil'r-Ing. Alter Ilia fl'iiili I I '• “ “ •'‘ ihiid nei cianry lo eill hi, Icga Clnxi 10 111, body Ih order Ineatrp at" him In m Ibe wreck. The tramp* killed were III a In.iear cloie l'> toe fmulciid oliraln N". III. irnrdlmg wiii.

The I'aiwe of Iho acelde t wai a mliunrtrr- •landing or order, mat will take an olllcial Inrcili*,lion lo flt tha l.onna wliere il I'c- loo|*. Tba bodliMnf ihn f'lur irainii, were broughi U>ni!imla,l iilgin. Tboinr|Ue,mHI be held Ueday. The hodr of l.'ach wa, lahon loTiurkoe. Ungii.ecr liird wUlboiakuo 10 Ihc company’s hotplial at bueretneiilo a* aor>n a, the road la clear, Viw, the Injured Iramp, »tH tr* broiiabl 10 Hie ( ‘oiinly Ilirtpl- talar Itauo I f he Urea. The conipnriy *»nj •urgai ii* to Iba ncene u armn a* po-*lb1eand Uicd arery m caoa.t lU comnianil to oore for Ibe dead and Injured.


Mlultltr Meartnuca Intpecli Hit Bl C14. lh a Float boon to atari.

NkW YoBg, Nut. g,—Saleador ila Men- doiioa. lha liraalllaii MliiUler. who came here from Wuihlii|toii Malurday, Tl»lled HI Ctd yealerduy. Ho reiimlucd on board uuly a tew uilDiiiee. Mr. .Mcudniioa rvlurucd to Waahlogtoii on 111. iiililnlglit irnlu,

" I he fleet lo ItiiveNca 1 urit a" near No- Tcmber 13 ua iat«tlbla will tvii»l*l." 1“ ' **1'*. “ of IJl t'ld, llrllunhln, tba lre.lro.voT, thr- Javelin, tbo Kelse-;; and the V .rtow I'lrpedo boal, wIilcU lllllnrrlv* from liogland Hr the roeantliiic. The fl.>illlo will By the IPsalHan fliig, aalllog n* meroMnnliniri under cxiraor. dluary clearnitco paper*. They wlH rvgta-tur al iome N'lrrh llruillinn Twri of ahIcU Iutil now In Ignoriincc. wIuto the ■hip* willbo iiianiied b> loeir llghlltigcrowi,

•• We ar* »hliir'log only eomiiioii »*ilor* in till* port nliil i llerlng ooe itra Iniluccio.oiN IK cuurao U Hi. fleet l*a ii«cke 'l uii roiitu It will «hnw II* ■liciieih. hul there I* not *-larlnlinn of any iucli iKCiiir.-iicc, Wcilonol III llevi'that Mcllii ha* any naent* nr 'yntia-ihlaer. In Ibl* coimtry. wild rumor* 10 thecoijirary nuiwIiiialanOlna. 1 havu eo ln il-iiiel'uu Ih .l Ih* lnaurr*oliuul*la aru re. otv-li e aaslaiuiice from Kngluml, but aa lo uhciher nny other Nation or Indirlduii li fi.nlitbotlug to Ibelr auppnrl Ido not cur* lo,|renk.

"Public feeling In Hriall 1* wholly re. publican, I I th* imalpom’d elrwtnm In .March will nitdoubiedly d''iuon*tr*le. Non# of Ihe acuT.' jiolltlclnni ar# inoimrcIlHl*.”

■Meilo'* tlc t la praciItially Imprlaimed In ItloJniielru Hay, Mr. .Mendniica aald. aud hi* *tionge,l Te*ael. Aqutdaban, 1* In very bnd roiidlllon from her heuTy hoiiibarimenl Irmii ti'« forla Bbe would bo ailhe mercy of |;i fid 'i great loriiedo Ibrnaer aara not lo r own gun* of aucii loog end powerful range, Tbo IViinio OoTerniiiinl will bn Inloriiiod linineiliuialy of the coiiiiilellim of tin' lli'ct In till* country, and not till then will .Mr. Man- doncal.e Inairueiad M to Ihulr p rc ee dc,:|- nailou or mu ">f depariura I’ronably iiul lei* than ll.'JdUJXIO will have Iwen eaiKuidcd In buying and oquIpIHug Hie aquadroii lo leaTu .New York. ________

CONSPIRATORS IN HATTLTh * lipAM o f rr#»liU iit UnMrth

a r io t to Ml>o (Aotanmante l l l i Mmlitoro R^oiiti.

NEW VopKa Nov, *.-iU r fcteainar Orat.Jt, Naihtiu, Troili HBjtinn porta, arrJvad hvi* ttjwluf. fHibokrJwui Albert Urn riJUle to bU boint la Francerfttr iDElt* Inf a t« » f of lUr pTjnclt'iU lowna nf liayti.

S A N T A N D E R ’S C A L A l I T y .

!!>' wildttia vptc*dlicoTor«il <J<>vernmcDL

ihut I'Vi) wrekA »go i.t I’realdcnl Illppolyie

ooiKlbraoy again,! the It had It* aourc-* among the



Th* Fi-Allotney-Oeneral Talk* of Ih* Tragic Keeet—Thanking Hie Frtauil*. W'ABIliwaTOW, Noe, g.—E*-Aitnrney Hon-

arcl Oarlaud. whoa# daughter, Ml** Daley Harlabd, reoeoily died uudar luch tragic eircamelancea, waa to-(t*r abl* to reeum* jjl* profeatlonal dulle* at hli offlee tor lb# nral Uni* alno* the melancholy efeot. fleneral Oartaiid, when ipoken to about tba occurrence, ■aid In a broken Toloe: "1 havereoeleed iboueaude of the moat tender mnaagat of condolence In every •hape from peraona white and eolor«dall over tbedounity and from fnenu* abroad lo whom I can not, ol oouoc, make direct reply, and I will lake till* modoofuckiiowletlglng their TTcelpt and. from the bottom of my alroo*l iirphane'l heart.

Ba Had Jnat lllowa Upen a flafa Whan Told to Throw Dp Ula Haad*.

OAXSkB, Not. 1 ,-Ki-bbei iff Theodora B.01bh>, of Claroanton, tbi* oonntjr, aad hi*■OB, William, early yaatarday marnlnceap- torad a daring bnrglar Jual afiar tb* bold eraokatnan bad blown open tb* aatk In tb* flour Bill near tha QIbba bomcitead. Tb* bdcflar waapapiared al the muiilaof aakot- gon^ggld aoiflbalag aaciiraly boubfl waaqjira, Biltlad to U » doonll Jail hart by JiialloB Abgl'BbUoBA' Tb* awn gkt* th* name of Terraaea H >

Qratb. but In onaof bla poekaia waa found an gaealopa addreaaed to Salgmnnd Baoa, Mordk Tantb ilraat, Fbtladaipbia. Ba WM pa«tfllpf!F,jeaH:4feaa*fl to ■ biowii anU.aad

'f lM m tattVar ahoai, erar wbleu bevroN robben, UcGratb alao bad two baod- •ogaa rlbgi, a diamond itud, gold wateta and •taain and about HB In caah In tala poekaia, bealda* a eoatly loaded revolTer. Ea-BbarllT OIbba took lb* man to jail blmaalf yealar- Bat,

A DBBtaay of atlampl* taava boeu mad* reetntiy to mb tba OIbba mill, aad yaatarday awrnlBg, about 3 u’olook, whan Mra. Qlbb* baard an fxidcaion, Ibe arouied ber aou and buband. Bulb ar* man wlibout Ibar, and abay baattned toward tb* mill. WltlQlj>ba took bla gun along, and wban they aaw the 'bnrglaremarga from tba bnltdlng th* young Baa ooTvted blm with hli gun and ordered blm to throw up bla band*. Baaing ba waa eomarad tb*robber amlltoily »iap ll*d , and wbtta yonng Qinba watebad him bla father Maat'ior JnattM Sottouia

An InTeatlgatlon In tb* mill ahowed that ' Ibe aklkbad been completely that lered with

a dynamll* eartrldga, and tba furct of the yxploaloD not only ahatlarad evarF pane of glaaa to tb* bnlldtoi, but alio badly dam- ■bed lb* atrucinre. A oompleta tel ol One buigtoi** toOIa waa alto found tu iba build- tag.

Tbla It tbtteoond bnrglar WIII GIbba ha* ai^tiired, tb* otbar being a man named Applegate, who la now aervlag a term In But* Prlaon._______ ___________ _


Fhyaletan* Bay Hit Vlaeate I* Incnrabl*' and That Hit Mind I t Falling.

latoPOH, Hot, A^tb* Frencb dneurt aent Maxamine Cornallua Uera, wboa* exiradl' Don th* Frenoh aoTernmanl la trying to obtain bacaui* of bl* oonbcetlon with me Panama aeandot, on Saturday made another examlnallon of M. litre at Bournainouth. Wban tb* axiradltion prooeedlngt wer* brought .M. Hera’a Kogllih piiyalclana dw noted Ibai bit life would be endangered If be wta remcTed from the hotel al Ilourne- mouth at which bo li eiopplng with bit wif>.

Th* French olBelabi did not oredlt IhH* re-

S>|lt and French rtooiort wore aant to Invea- gal* M. llera't illDoia. Tbeir Aral K'port

eonllrmiid tba atatemanu of the Rugllah phy,lol>aa. They are now preparing u re- poti tor M. Dupuy, French Frlma Htnialer and Mlnittarof ibelnlarlor. In wtalob they wlU toy Ihctibe heart and kldueyi of ,M, Hera ur* Incurably diteated and mat bit Bind la Iklling. ______


A Mtmbar af th« Diilon t'onoty Bar aad a ProiuluiiBt Deinucnkt.

Rah w ay , Not. A—Gilbert U. Uofliny, Poalinattcr In tbla ctly during Preildenl ClaTeland’t flrat larra, a popular member of tbe Union County Bar, and a promlnanl Democrat of ibla Blate, died auddenly about t o’clock tbla m orntiig of he* i t dlaente.

Mr. LIndtay waa about flfty yaartofage. Be wa* a prointneiit MaaLD, belonging to laftyetle Chapter No. 37, and a member of Eatex County I/idgc, 1. O, 0. F., aiod tnriou* otbar orcanitalloaa Ha alto held Ihe offlee of City Aiiorney a few year* ego anlll the ooulrnl olib* city paia^ into tb* tauidtor Republloaiia

flat Upon and Heateu by Hlghwaymem. PHi LADELFIHA, Not. A—John J. Nolan,

tblriy-elght year, of k c , raaldlag atPrlnc*' Ion, waa admitted to the Frcabytarlan Uo*. pltal leal eTenlb^ iiifl'arjng from'i deep cat

thQ ty<*i wblcU rnHj cauio bJnr lo.lonti tbiMlgblrOf !lw TiJ« ttijured mtiti tbfti1)0 \§ enfAfpd In tbo gruc^ry builtieM At FriuoeUm, AQd tbalUlA cn Haluiday oiflit, wbUft wAiklnf Along a (kurk aad looely rnad neur bit bome. bewut Art upon by laep* wbo Mere In nrubuxb. They knocked blm down Aud bttt him About llie hcAd. Boon cfierwtrd be fbnnd lylug In the rotdfthd wae reiuovfd to bit homf. Afii-T biTlbf bit wngiide temporarily aUntided to bjr a local pbyAldlAn he caiue to ihit diy.

Three Toof idle Kpoepe from Frleou* Albaht, Ne y., N V. G.^A durlUf oscupe

va* tucc6i>ifaliy worktd by thrcu eoottuia wbo wtre eoufliiud lu tbe FuUou C<junty Jail At JoUuitown yetlerday murolnf! a. day* brwki Tiio nieu ta'ued lhpirl<bcrty hr Aaw> iBf tbrougii three ltrg« Iron ban uf tbe win­dow of tbrlr oell Tbe men who goi awny were aU deepentie and ti/ng ierme of tmprle- pmuent ilared LUeih in (be TaCi’. They were Jaiuis Bf'llyAnegro erresied forburalaiy; lUfbard arrested fur robblnii laiAiU iMlcbaei K>luU| arrenUd on a ebarge ol graud UroAor AUd burglary.

Tu Ceiebrate at AnnroliJsti* Gravet. diiDAUOf NoVi fi —.ArrungamenU were

Aad#4*t4itMrtin3Milug iu UrlclV llalb ol ^telldukstireeipfora meiuorfAl demunatra* lion OAXlflnudAy over ibo grave* of Anarub* 1«L* Uplei, rurtuD*, Kuk I und/Kkiober al WaJdheltu Oeinclery* The inftAUbg wat at- landed by iblriy-'tour delegate*, tald to bo reprcTwatakivel of varlon* Iradet unloot of ltdadUy., F i t ) p e o p l e are exported lo Atituda Tbu quentUM of baviug tpecoUft Wat not dec d«d* Tbit maltAr It io Leudiof Ihft oetnralltee.

...... .. ....... 1 thank tach and ail ofthuee who ware to kind at to tblQkof toy itricaan family.

**AtrAr aalfttn unable lo mirattl thi* ttruDge occuirence H eeem* l ia poor glri wa* •uttering from ba i lieAltb, WUh a vary aouie perTOUt temperamebt nbd WfCtUing wllb a itudy ol probltmt of fuiurt Ufa and of reilgloa aba became iUbkoi to tpeilt of depreMioii to »uoh All rsteot thgji bar reatob wag uDMtiied»kud Id ^ a of ibeea aliadk* die tookbar own iifv. Thie it Juit what aU tbe aqrrouudiDxa up la thIallmabAta, after Ibe tnoai atBrohlDg in* TaiUgtUo&g eatablUbed. fciboiild time, witb Innber eXaminatioD^ which win be mad« ^ n g W Itihl anyibink lo •hAhge tbii Aipcct of tbe attalr, It will be made known, at tbotedear relaliTat and rriandt wbo have torrowad witb onr bonteboid are cniitied to know and aball k&ow evAfytbMtg louchtug It that I now know or abali dudouibare- aftar.*'

Tlie Renialo* of Ibe Other Lahorera lirnwued Off Ktalen IllaaU Not rouml. New YokK, N’ov* il.—The bodlo* of live of

Lbo ion men drowned on Halurday afternoon ufThlnU'ii liland by the upMtting of a boal imva b «n recovered.

Tweuiy-tao mechaniet and iaborora em­barked in a ihlrlyliw l yawl thortly after nooD lo rolurn lO Iheir botnet. Tlie aoa lb tlie bay waa runnlog very blgli, but Ihe yawl, witb a dooble-raefed tail, luecfttfutiy battied wlili IUm wavri uuill within #0 foot of ilto loni do<^ at tioulh litach, where the mon were to dtaainbarkT Tbe tall had juat been lowerod. When a aiiddtu iquall ntruck the boai. By quick work tha yawl waa Kept from ovarluriUiiga but the if*a washk-d com- pletaly *>ver Ibe croft aeverai llmea* AH hand* were *ct to work bHillDK with ilmir hutf. the only ililngt at baud. For tome minute* Ibe men warn nuccwuifui in kenplng tbn yowl atloai, Unto wave larger than any pneedliig it ttruck llie *ldn of the boai, till- lug her i-oinplnely. Thv > nwl *jnk al once, l-gTliig tbe iwediy-lwii men airug^llng in ihe WKt'jr. Twelve oi them m linked to retch ahore, but the oiher^ were drownrd.

Tba five bod lea found hava be«D recc^nlxed ■ ibuee or tbdwurd Kenny, tbitty-two year*

oJd, ti tliitinUb of GJ lloroiln tireet, Briiok- ]yn; Tin-mat lloev, ievenieeu, beiper, 5li We*tKorly*omtUilreet. New York; I/eonnrd Wau*er, tweniy-onc. Amity vl-l’i, laong IhIaii'I i Albert 1*, Norman, twi*nty-*cven, Tf>mpWl mvllle, HikIwo Nljind, and Carlton Brudr, iweuty-aevto, 141 BopkUi*uQ avenue, Brooklyn. ____________

hruulo caii*pirulnTi at KlnK+iou* jam alco, Mr**riT Galneioa, Lcg llliiic aud other#. They bud a tiuniber o f agent* at Porl-au-l*riuce M id oibar HayOau luwtie, Tbo coivaplrators bad arranged un tlgburaie plan lo »c ii 'ib a Gi’V froineht and bud eiigogud an u in b a ro f KugllaJi nit'll.

Tbe Inlior went to rorl-ao-iVlnca and o*- tenilbly t’ iK ‘ g ‘’d in bua.iitaa. U lp ro iF ^ i ijfiwevNf, imd nit aplei acfiiiereJ aroundevijrywbcrt'and lb'%v re|*orted to iilru wbalwa* on fnoi. Tba i'rt. ddi-rtt wuit hI for a l im t and Uirii .iction wiilob rvaulled in aiij- praMning Uio i ivtur, .Mr, t 'u n i well, one o f ib t KngiifchiuHn, raceivtiJ u v la li fr»*m a <iov-torunsebl ogMtil and stO* O iicurtadlnanEuf- Dab iivamaruud warned nut lo aeiiout lo Utoyll AgHln. Mcvural oibor* wer* al*n ordered c«- of Ui* coontry. On tbo ftdlowing HunJoy i'rytJdrul liippidyie nnide a epofch ot the paiane. Ou tlilH day (bera wa* a large attendaucr, for iievta of Uu» fioncpirticy liud leaked oiii. At the rnildeui delivered his addreu be iveruf'd Ilk* n lion rvtarliigdtflunfle. Hi* face wan aicrti, while lit ui> with kiiteiiigeuca* ill* bU lo.'jn, uonaii aged, wa* rnaJcaUc.

“ A# ib f ruler o f ih lt cm nilry," Prewident H lppnlyie tay*, ahuli tuppre'i* a iieo ip ied rnvoluilont w iib un Iron bund and woe be tu ibuie cuDapirlug agaiU it me. I ntn a <mau o f ilea l, and w ill be u man ofbluod II becea^ary. You appolattd me ruler, and ruler i *uaD be* A n y Mtlrmpt to opaei my lovertiinaot w ill be lavarcly pualibed. lira-ember May, 1 91, aod hour in iiiliid ihHt 1 w ill uae lue rifle and Ibe tvrord JUMt at ro*rclle*»iy in any uprlalhf,'*

i l l * tpceeb made a deep tinpreaiiou on the people. A* a reauii o f tiia ounipiraoy N , ih-puy, MInhtar o f the Interior, rcalgrivd. H^xlld Ibe Mlniater o f W ar. illp p o ly ie aald he regretiad to Inae ihe lerviera o f tbe mvb tbul bad been bla playfellows

Xba Naiuber ef Dead New Plaaed at MO, Efferti o f DyaanUM Navar io

AppalliUB VarlodeI/n»i>ox Nut. 6—Th# Madrid correapon-

deul uf the Sfwiwlurd lo b1« report about iba banlaiidar dhfltter, o*o**d by tb# ex- ploilOQ ofilynamlle on the Cato Maehl- caco, unloading at ihe quay, taye that after Iheexploalow lb# borror-airlckeo crowd* on tbe wliarve# rnahed off lo lb# maddeil dla- order, trampling capN other dowa and carry­ing panic Inio Iba eliy*mill# burning debria «el Hr# to the railway ilalion at iiolaroa, ibirlaen mile# dDvaiit from H-iiUnder* Firiy prlvaia houtra on Mandei and Vigo alreeia were dvitroyad by tl)C (Inme . foaddiiloDto ihCKe lo*ae« *cv- eral ImporUinl puulic buildingi and valuubie arcLIvea w»-re bufuiMl befora any headway could be gained over tbe Are.

An»ong the victim* weiw the C’lvU G'<v* ernor, teveral Judgea, the Cupiaiii <;f Port, ill* daughter, Ihe Coloueli commandT lug the Irmipaand gaiidarmev, aeveral G<jV- ernineiil oinclaK offleera, MagUlraira, |K)- llcemcn, aoldlert aud tba Marqula tUanp*

i toinkm,urncial lelfgrnm* *tala that many bodic*

have bum n-vovered from tlia liay of Blacay and n-om iba ruins The maicrlul elibifly ctmalsi of tbe gfral number of hou»c* burned and whlrh aft valued at half » w'*'lion t*»unda aieiiliig* Tliey were imiatly Ih- auml in SpanUh and French companies

Civil and military englnoara dtplAfeibaV oevvr before have the of dynamiiabean to npp:»ili'ig or au vurled inohurecicr.lllv rr* wbo tiu verip ln rod t?ie boUom <tfil»«liny of Blucuy lu varlout plaoea found rawny buinan remnlui*

Among tbe am twenty cblldren.The ve»ia«-l on which iba exploalon occurred wa# Iriiig data to aud opposite aeverai pub- llGotticealn one of tba ilural and moat rr- oonlly laid out airaeia, with new raDroad atailuDa. Acoordlug to ofBclal lelegTam* the UUwt aoenuQllng ahowa that 300 per*ona ware killed and injurod.

BIOTINO A T MAK*sBll.tiB!4e- ______________ W

Btrikere Pall Cara trom rtM ^weka, Hat Them on Fir* and Aaaault Drivera,

Mabmillieb, Nov. fl.—The Canneblare, Ibe flueaiitmt lu tbla city, ibaloniy u few day* ago WM tbe aceneof the great recopUon lo tbe Uuiilan naval bfttoara, waa the aceoe to­day ot an entirely dltterent gaibaring.

j^,Tbe tramway men went on Hrlke yeater iShy. and to-day a rlotoua mo# gathered in tbe Canneblera and amuied iiaelf by over- Inrnlng a number of cart tuat wer* being driven by non-airlb'^rv and a*MuHlt)i the drlvara Not oonient wllh tbla diaplay of ]Awle*«pe*i, tbe atrlkenobulnod m quaotlly of petroleum, wblob tbty poured over ibe upaetcara and ibao *et Are lo Ibam. The polloa were 9 Ul in mrcr.fcut tlftlri at^empU lo dl*pa«etb#ei>ird amSpiitodt t4ie driver* were fritltleea,

KlnallT iroofw were #anl lo Ibe aoene of the dtxlnrbance, and they fmccee l in reitorlng order, diaperilogtberloiera at tbe polut ol the bayonet________ _________


ike Ordar^eThe rtnal Btruggle ta Ou*i Rreelver Begun,

IWDiAWAPOLlft, Nov.ft-Tbe final ilruggle to oust lb* receiver of ibe Order of the Iron Ball and place iU fiaaneea io tbe band* of the msiabarewM begun to-day before Judge Victor In the Superior Courl, Beeeiitty the order reorganlaed In conformity with the findtog erf the Court, which held that a proof of inioivency w u tb* only ground ou which a receiver could be appointed and cotiUDgad, apd rptiQg that wllb boiieat ottlocrt In control oMtaatreiri and tha obarga of inaolvency dlaproved the recelverahlp ahoold be vacated.

Tbo plalnilff* are now trying to *uw UiiD lb* reoalvarablp with tbo argument that the order la loaolveot while iha other aldeloalat that the coniUllou oftha order only at the tlmeibat theaolt for re- calver waa begttoi^lkaU be teailfled to. Trt* dcfeafA i* that loaalveDcynow pxl'ta, but hold that U waa preclplUwd wholly by th*- dlaorganlsatlon of tbe order as a result of recent migalion. Tbe ngbt over Ihls point li very bitter, and aliouM the Court rule that testimony can be taken only aa w the order’* floupclalpoqilUlloqal the llroa when the receiw*lilp atUnir-wna Itle), It I* Mfe io predict tbe onsilDg of tbe receiver. Aiiorney lltiwklna, for the plalo- ilttk, ipoalThoal of Ihe day lo argumeuu



A FrallmlnarY Kepurl ul tlia A .ie itm aoU .Marta In Th li Niat*.

Bp«ota1 Dl.paU’U In till) NKWa.Tbkntun. Not. 'Iba Btat* BoanlofAa-

■taann' prelim Inarj repori of tb* aa- Nasmeul* aialD*! rellroed* enrt canal* in New j t n t j under tUe nllruad toi*- Hoa law* bu bean compleied *ad fllud lu Ibe BUI* Comptruller'i umc& It alioiv* the total aueeaed TKlualloD* <0 be tJ.'l’.tBd.Set, upon which a IHX i.f |l,5:(T,a.il) will tie paid. Of Lbl* Hmoont tUI3,Bll will (I'llntotbi) Hlate Treiuu ry and KAdS will S" to bionl u «i.

iUi) toiel liicr'-uH 111 a**eaitd Talua- tlou over Ju»t year la more Iban IHIWI.nW* and lb* Innreaw In lax 1* lUO.WlO. Tbe total eatetied T*lu- alloii orescb Hyviein, and iba aruount of tax each will pay, 1* a* tollowa:

reDiiaylTiinlw Itallruad ayatem, vain*' 1|(ID, t03.le!l.t.13; total lax, H31,3o6.New Ji'fsoy Coutral ayitaiu, Taluatiuu W«,TO,183; UX, Fhllii.Iielpbla aii'l Reartiue ay.tem, Taliintlnn, 93015,303; Uix, S51.3CI. New York Lull" Krie aud TX'esiern tyatim Tuluatlon, 9l3.363.3ld ; tax, $163,OdO. D.'Iaware, Lackiiwiitma *iirt^W,‘.lrrn ayatem, valuation $36,flW.UII7; tai, I3r3,3*i.. New York Bn.quuiia'ina ami Weainro ■y.tain Talualinii, {(1.160,235; tax, j.TiTOi Lehigh Viiliey a^etfiit. Tilluatlon,$13,373,633 lux, $136,360. UnelaaalDart, vatuatloa, $16, 2as,3h; lax,ll«3.466


Tk* l*en*lon AniliorlUea Paclde la Favor of tba German Woman*

Tbe PeDsloh Offloe koiborlDea have do dared tha tat* Captain Julln* Bllmmel a blgamUI. and have deolrtod Ibaibla widow, that I* tb* widow wbo aurvlTi'*blm In tbla country ie hot entitled to a con- llnuaDce of f/eDiloo monay.

It appetrsp Mcordfug lo lbs p«b' lion ofneiali, that Slourmol wa*the youiigeal aoa of Baron \f>nBtelnaekar, of Germany, and tlialha hart bean married mora tlnia, than ibe law allow,, istomiiiel mnrrlert a Freeport Lallan girl In 18». Aflar bit ilealh lu M iy, 1631, the Kinl latter* to Genniinyto aaoerUIn II bet hii'baiid wa, ai wnll con- neeiea na he bud repreteutid. In tuat way *ht learned that Htommulbnd ran eway from a wife whom ha bad married lu 1616. Then a qtiew linn aruae beUeru tbn two women a* to whtcli wa* tbe legal wife, with tbe raaiill that tbe Germau*woniau’aclaliii wa, eatab- ll.hed, nud tbe Atncrlean widow’* right to a eoiillnnaur* " f the jienslon rtnniert. Slri. Bumiliiel No. 2. howeTer. bu* not yet given uptbeflglii. BUe Intend, lo lay her cate be- fureaume New Jemey moiuber ot Coogre,a

Captain Htlniinel —a, tor eeverul year* prior lo 16'"0 connected Wllb Ihu Goreuan new,|>apo>a In inu eity at editor of Ihe CblXmunn, ,peclal writer tor Hie jV™ Jerirv tyrle JPofr/ep and eorreapuuilcnt latar tor tbo Iftulvhe XfitHng. ______ _


Tfc* Da* e l Abetotfc* Baeome* laaparatly* aadThaatt kill*-

From London Amwora,I am an abilnlheur. The bare acknowl-

edement of that fact ihould make you loatb me one minute and pity me Hi* next. But yon Bflton* do not under- tUnd th* real meaning o f the word al>- eintho, Borne o f you probably never beard o f It until now.

The French know what it mcnn.6. Whli- per ‘ ‘ nbaliithe" quietly, myaterloiiaty into a FreiichranB** ear and await there-aull. The enewer ho will fllve you will be cither a bright amlle and a twitching o f the lipe or a ghnatly look o f horror, loath­ing end pity. That will be according to whelhcr he baa Inaled obeinthe or not.

I know what ubaiothe mcanal Madnea* nnd death I Absinthe i* a liquid o f pale, alikly, greeny hue--x polaoul A magi­cian’* potion. Ten time* more terrible In iU . lfect* than brandy or any poinm iiscil by Caiaar Borgia. 1 am a drinker o f abaintlie, an habitual drinker, » drunkard.

You nmiit pardtm me if 1 ramble in niy narrative, for my brain b loitering under tbe tentative influenoe of the drink, ft aeema to real on a pivot and rlee* atid fall* periodically. One minute my apirlt 1* curried high into heaven, the next It ia plunged deep In dcapair.

Time i* when I ail and wring my band* In deaiutir, and toam flow | for what am IT 1 woe one ofOod'eiiobleat nrealiona- a man—but I am degraded to the level of un animal, and the cniiae o f my full haa iteen abalnthe. But I muiit not brood over the paat. 1 am a man atill 1 Aa good a niiin oa any, tbankv loabaintliei Thin la bow abvintlio make* ,yoii think; makoa you eonlradlot younclf. You cur*c It and pralMc it altumalely.

Abalnthe In toate ia alight ly bitter; how 1 love it—hate Ul There 1* no drink in Iho world that can be called Ito equal; no nieilloinc that can cur* euoh 111* a* this

J M I . E E I I T Z ,

685 Broad Street.

Hie H O r i i Q i i i i l H i i s i i i T Sturt,


Large Assortment o f Ladies', Gents' and Children’s

w o r n n m E W E A i i .White. Bcarl(t,Caniel*a llairand Natural.

Forelga and Dutuntic.


a o o doz. O en ts ’ L a d ie s ' a n d C h ll, d r e n ’ s C astim ore O Io to s , 2 6 o„ 360., 60o., 76c. p a ir . ,

A ls o 75 d o i . L a d ie s ’ B la c k Cssb< jn a ro BEoae, 66o. p a ir , a p a ir $1.

1 0 0 dOBon, O u r O w n ft 'a n u ik o tu ro , K n it H o s e a n d Socks .

O en ts ’ B lu e F la n n e l S h ir ts , fb r A re* m en a n d m ach in is ts , t l , $1 .26 , $ 1 ,5 0 , $3. $2 .60 . B es t v ^ u e m th e C ity .

S p ec ia l v a lu e in G en ts ’ Soarlk , 26 o . a n d 47o.

A ll k in d s o f W o r s te d H a n d -m a d e Capos, In fa n ts ’ J a ck e ts , A l l - w o o l S h a w ls , S h ir ts , D ra w e rs , L e g g tn a a n d BootooB.



ludlaaaEBileaTnrlux to inivn tl»W lilta* from III* Sew Tow a #1 lla rrl* ’’*’ -

SrOKANX, W ,»b „ Nov. 5,—Cupluin Jm W Ilanxfnril arrived to-day to purchoa* lOO rlfltaand uintounlllun fur ne.ller, ot Itar- ritnn, Idaho, th* now town Jii«t In Hie border of Cmurd’Alon, lodiaii KcnorTatloa. Chief Wellihew yoaterday nollrto'l all th* wbli* aelllar* to leave Hio rMurTallon wlihtnthreertaT*orpayFJI),flOOca*h, Well*. iheWhaatOO C«ur (I’ Alenet and ftfiy «po- ganei and many half-hrecdi In tbe Held, all well armed. Parmer, along tlia Si, Joe Val- T*y have been enlled In and Hie ntaJi-r, iiUl relnne tn five up the lowii,

Th, Hurrlaon town alia la on Indian Innil, Iwil w'fk a I)Ie cI'UiicII wm held tu purchnu> It. I'hiflSiillca nlTrti'ed lo donale the town aim'* Hie while wtilor,. bin WrtUlicw and Daiilioloniew demanded tlOO.ao. The oiler we, reiuwd and the council rtlihanded. Two d,y. Inter Well-he* twul an wltlmalunrdc- nmndlny ISO,OM lor the prlTtlng, of ileyliia tliroiigli Hie u Inter. He cliilm, Ihc OoTcrn- loeutiroop. con not Ihlcrtorc. a. In'liu, Ihe right to ejart irevpiiarera, and the neitter, nrn preparing to ilelcod Ihciiivelvea

A Twelva-year-olrt Murderer ConTlelrrt.Sa u Laki!, Utah, Not, 6,-Berry lleni-

moiid, iweive yearaof age, wo, oonvlotad ol murder lo the aeeond itegrcc lu the Iltetrlct Court for tb* murder of Clydo Rohiu.on, acTBu year, old. The murder wa,coniml!teU Juu*76 laal, and 1, tha moat rnmorhnble o h III Utah crImiDul Itlainry. io> liiul ilny Harry Hainnioiid «nd Geoigi! liKylor, nuotUeramall hoy, lell'Hiu lormi-r’ , home Id goaboutlng, taktug with t irni ii lircaeb. loading ■liol-guo. Ujion rcluroltig lu th, evening, young Ilnmiuond alHi giiii lu hand went to the llobln,"Q horae, nnd hid lug lie- bind a high hoard lone, diacovered the R.ib- Inaon child ou the limb of » Ireenahuri diiiaiic* from thagroond. Inkingd llbcrule aim h* carried out a threat made incvluusly by flriBg, and young Clyde Hob hi non fell from ttie tree doiid.

John nought th, I'ulann, Kv* Took It.Bliai.iiVVJl.hi!, Ihd., Nov. 6.—.Mia, JEva

IloruliHOk, aged aeveniren, wn, dead In love with Jouu Weicher, of ludliiiiapolla He Iiaa Llreii hrraAlnoo la»t Thnnday, and It it aald Ibty quarrelled yeaierday. John got druuh ■ iTerJt. While In thia condilLoh ho ivoiil tu a drug atoreand b"Ught twenty rrntii' worili ofarieutc. Leal cTcnlng lUn girl iviit fmiiid in great agony. All eflorta ot pbr»(oiaii. to lave h,r 111* were fruiHeia The ,'lory told by bar 11 that John bought tbe rolvon to kilt bhnacir, but became loo uruiik, ninl a liilr be wa, lying atleep aha took Hiepolinn Irom blm, hrltoTiiig Inal he had lakrii hi, pimlnii, and took the whole of n iietaelf. Th l»H "ry |6 not believed by Hie C..roner. Wolchrr (led biKore the gin died, and ollloeta lire lu but puriuli ot him.

Th* Mercer Caunty Grand Jury Aet, on the” Heoenl Hiilng ol Freeb-

uiea Lnopeld.Special DIapalch to the NXw.rt,

T rkstow, Not. #.-T Iio .Mercer Counly Grand Jury tbla raomlig returned a true bill of InBImmeot agaliiat the Princeton College aopliomorei who haaed Freahman Robert T. Leopold, o f Bnlllmore, by beating him and dncking him In the canal,

lYnaccnlor Flooklon will notify the parenla ot t!ie indtcind ,106*01* Wbo ar, pui- ,lde o f the State 10 proditeetheir loni In ednrt lo bleed, and If Ihey toll to d c u , will lakeaummary proceedlnja lo ublutn their preaenoe.

'Iho Indlolnd ,1006011 nr*: David P.Elwarde, .leiary CHy; William H.Folt’, 1'. Flriolnginn; Anaeliii E. Shiiir, Netv York ; MlcuJaUW, Folk, A'lnapiilta; llarrjr V. Anderaon, Cimrli'.lon, S. I ’.; Gurdoa Joliinmi, Uirmlng. hem. -Yin.; Ili rbcrl ,M, Fltiuerold.

f a t a l l y SHOT IIKUHHLF.

Mr,. Shnffrr Dying III n Hnapita! From th , t.lt 'ct, o f a Bullet Wound.

Fpi-elnl to Ml" FVKSISO NkW».KLiXAiiMil. Not. 6.—Mr,. YVnnlo ShiilTor

fatally «hu| t iTM 'f at her home, 517 Kllanbeih ■ Term,, tart nitlii end I, now dyln i(*l Hie City Jloipllnl. The oullel, n ihjrt^-elgl'l t allbre, coi,r,d her abdomen and the physi­cian, at Hip t'hy llo«pllnt linv, been unnbtii to And 11 and ordared the woratn can olily live R fe v liour$.

TU# *liooUiig. U vi'A* *«i(t, \rik* Acc!d#ni#l,ftpd WA* due 10 ciir«ies*ue«< ou ibo unfortu- )i#t# nom.tn'M }>urti In hAudiinx i ua weapon. She 1* ihiily-four yenr# old, married and U#* afumlty.

Tb# pollc# h#ve howevar, InvoitlKRtAil II)# nUttlr jfRt, #ml w y iiiore i* auoUier -inTy onrremt Uiut lUu wojuftu did Uie net del I bur-

_______ ^

RaaMll Kk’;#*$ Breach Dl rromt*# Knit.^r.w York, 6.—CoIoupI Junios moved

befur# Juiii{u Bootciiuvur Id ttie Oouri vf Common I'laai lo-duy lodlami** lU«hClion which PellR Keeaxu wrought iixalunt RumncIi Huxeto recover $1FO,QOO dMmage* for Allesrd bro.ich of })ri»mi*a of inurrlRge. Tli# reply which J. liupiixi# Miirsbiill, cnumtcl,mftd# under iiib dlr##ii«it nf iu « Climri m i Lp pirn or fitiRu ihiil llic »lAtuiG* had runagulni' ihif ncliou WHi?* wlml licuikrt a gcnural de- uIkI. Cnlntiel jAinpfJ Haiti incandwer wn* # fthttm, *Uu Hud hf*!" eouiiHfl lta«tT UWUH wlufu 11 UHH drHWii np. “ I uhIs lha proicciUmof ilu* Omrl,’ 'Nuld Mr, AlnrEhAll. f'oUtiici JiiincH MflUTHtcd ItiH ®l$ilt*menl and lit# Court ordcr^ti lim urgumoui pmean!.11 did prnCCOd a Ullla fiulUvr uuil IMO Judgu took the p-ipuri #n(i dclcrrcd ilerlnioj.

A Wlld-Ay»d I IaIIa# DetnARd# MooAy of #q|#well«r #nd Th en A ttA p ip ti

to Itu vdar H tio.

Ni;Tr York, Not, 0,—Fr#uK Uarrif#iOp who tt Jtiwciry •Lor# hi :U9i> First Awunr,

hAu hardly floudiAd flltaolui up tb« plMs • bout 7 thli luonilDf when # wild-«yed lUllAiL whom h# kbew a# I*eivr CaoaioIou roibud Into lb# «tor#* ReCor# th# jeweLlvr h#d tlm# to Inqulr# wliAlwAi the mitUer ih# m#n J«rKedArv- voIv#r from hi# pookoi Atid |>otated It aero** tbo countar At GArrirulo. ‘ Olv# m# lAO orIMI uliRAtyAwdaAd,** b «erlAd, OAVrlfUlootilyh#d iiDi# in iDAk»A'm oUontQK#t A^Ay wbanlUueraukor tnlef firMt a #hoi* Tb9buJt«l ^uHl irraxtd Ibe Jeweller** heiid and tmaabed H elf»cic oil A •heif Juit Above bi lu.

Thaahoiand the oru’i of th# frtght«n#i1 mait brought NcverAl persoDifron lh«atr##i. llcfor# Ih# man omld «•** the ravoiver agiiln he look fright auTl tried to ruu awuj*. Police inau OlilliAU httd heard th# ahol* aud I'vuchad the door* jUAti# Uno to ArvMlAtid UliArm th# in#D. In tb# Harlem Polk# Court aUerwArd be wa« held fur trUl tu fS eO o a ___________ ____________

Arr«*ted Befor# P # p » r » Could Be fiavved.UtiooKCtXp jjov , fi.—Kooricen men, who

wer# urreiLcd at Orfive«#ud on H.ilurday, wer# tb li iDoroing releutad by Jadg# Tulleui lu 111# Suprrmu Coun on h#bca* corpua pro- oeadlugi. 'nien# m#u ware cent dowo to (iraveiK'nd WulUPday by W, J. tJalTior, the JtMpubUcAuand lmJ#veud#tu nomiuce fur JttHilc# o f III# Hhpreme C o y i in ibe Mecni.d Judicial D h lrlc i, lu *orv<}T*LP*?r»ou ihe elec- lluQ liippooturr o f IbHl (qwji, Tha mca war# mat at lb# railroad ilatlOQ by th ir iy man Hiid eworted lo lUt lockup, where they ipent (be nighi* YeiierdHy morning :hey w#r#Af- ralgiied'>#foru a Ju ilica o f ttie l*e#ca And oomniitted w libowt bail ua common vAg- ranii. Judge Culiam decided lo-day U ai lha ofimtnUmanti wer# daiDcilvo «tkd orderedlUC’If dlwhur*:#,^____ __________

CriABOKlr w i r i i h o u h k b t f a l in o .

StcCuml I ’reclnct i'lklioe C*ptur« Two 3l#n iToin Bruoklyu,

CharlManfl William V«u Horn, o f Brook­lyn, were ariyiated hy oflleer, o f me Fourth Precinct Itollc* KtiHon onBaliirday night on achargeofgfnnil lorcony. They were then lurned.oTer 10 the po'lei at tlie Second Pre- eiBCt, wliare they pleaded not guilty and were committed to await the aotlon of th* Grand Jury. The arre.ti reaull from * «*** which bad been worked up agalnat the menby Warrant OmcefaFaltuu and Murphy, otthe Nacond Preclwot* .

On WedDeaday iha men caUad At tbe •lADi#otiW llltam U. Rntan, t »B *o a d *Ire * l.*n dhired a hom* and esmage. They did not return the property amt Mr. Rolan roportad tbe matter to lb* police. Olfloer* Murphy and Fallon way* detailed on the c a « . They round Ihot me Van Horn, bad traded HuLaD'a bora# for #ncth#r owneii ny # Mr. MarUn, on Barclay alroet, reoeivlng $6 to boot, fh l* aeeond •to™LiTlastti'U alreet and lr*d ,d « - J !!.';Help, receiving a ttoraeand 16 in ca,h. TheOBIWto fmWB- III/ibert’i t ’ttreBatclay etreet■table, and there toer were arreettm.

PmvX, 6“™ ‘ oev tonini m eoiMi'l,, ood oh rsuXAesm, bum* M AJfIS i» (A, <»mowa l«# eadi, W a» nmlng JJapw •ocA Ol tAa AAIF3


Chlrag.t G *,. W hlihey and Sugar th* H o,t Aeilve Stoek, la th* Market,

Deells* In Price*.

Special to the K v x s is o N *w ».Wai.L Ftkkkv. Nov. d.—If the ailghleat

doubt eiHt, In the mind of anv ona famlltar wlthaflalretainbSluek ktorkel a, to ih* chur.iciet of the markejal Hi* present time, il must be dl*pvlled niter th* exhibition made lbl, morning. There waa abioluiely nottalng doing lu anything on lha Ualoioopl the industrial*, mid In thoao tbu early trad­ing was euBlolent to make qolla an active market

fAr Ana no #eUa*r pro/,.' of $£• aifuffr/ltf#$alu« iAuh il4 nu-n roIwniAJ prrsrrw from tWy fo Jags

CUC H.It lioa enemies, of eoniwa. The world 1»

fill! of cynic* ami iiosalraista, w ho grovfl and sneer end war with everything. They w ill tell you that abalnthe ia poison, dead­ly [joieon; that It la a magnet, a will-o'- thc-wiap that draws yon on and on until ft draws you to dealniction. They will lltcn It to your fabulous mermaid, who. cliuriuing your ■ailur wltii her wiles, icoda him to hia death.

And they will be right. Itlaflpolaon— a pleasant iioiaon. a fearful poleou. It doTB all they aaaert First it befriends, then mocks you and lastly kill* you—It tvlil kill lUB by and by—and drags you to the rivor'e edge, and in you drop,

Wu have been Irlnnde, abuntjie and I ; now wo are enemical Rut H has con­quered my will. J have no will. Absinthe «ln!e U—took it in exchange for the plca*nre it gave me when we first became iriendsl It is a wretched, horrible liquidt It is a traitor 1

I said absinlho is » medicine. Thia i, whnt it curcK—no, not cure*, but for a while prevent*; Sorrow, deapondoiicy, unhnppinesa andmieery! Whut doctor's stuff can cure thoseT A physician will give you a tonic to brace up tlie nerves, but he cannot drag you from the depths of despair. Aiieinthe oan.

Absinthe is the best friend to a friend­less man—and his bitterest,croelest enemy. Doubly paradoxical? Well, when all your friend.* have lo>t sight of you, When you have lost everything but manhood, when morbid thought* crowd upou your mlud and embitter your soul, when your heart aeem* as I f i t would break with grief, ab- ainthe iu your friend 1

Yon drink H-Torgetting It* evil propen­sities- and you folget you ever had friendfc. Pleasant thoughts will scatter your morbid ideas; your soul will be ethereallxed, and grief—o What 1* the meaning o f that strange word t ” you will laugbingly ask.

Why did I become an absinlheiir? When did 1 flmt taste It? Never mind Why.thatismyBtwmeW, I took my first glass In a Parisian cofe-i-haiw often have I regretted that hour wllh useless regret —and now I drink it in a dirty little rea- taurant near Leleeiter square, Iiondont Why do I drink it ? Because I am power­less to help myself, but I can tell others of Ito horrors! I live only for absiiilhe—tgeisentU J sJwJJ I .. o.o. . . ,

r like to think o f that Brat night 1 Green I Green a* grass or emeralds, and dancing in tbe gaslight like a heap o f seething gems I You mix water with ab­sinthe not as you do wllh whiskey; you let it drip slowly, genUy into the gla.**. and thus it thoroughly mixes as the liquid pales.

First 1 topped'tbosrieaaifiyf.hair afraid, then I drank deeper. 1 took more than one glass that night, and when I started for home I felt that I mustahout and sing, must run, must fly or jump! Jampi I could have sprung over the moon, shining so quieUy, peacefully in the sky, for my leg* were eo light nod buoyant—not looae and weak, aa thangb 1 waa lntoxleate.fl with wine.

What sight* 1 saw that night as I laid in my bod 1 Dreams, you call them I Bright palace*, boaiiliful angels and sweet voices I Bitter walling and dead men I

Bat 1 felt no fear at all these aighta— only an Indescribable joy. and great eon



2GS-208 MtRKET ST.

W i l l i a m M u n g l e ,

--- RECl-IVER OK----

McEwan’s Finnon Haddies,Cairn's jams and Jellifci, Ginger Cordial, Kaspberry Cordis!, Scott’s Oat Cakes, Gray’s Abcrnethy Biscuits, Kippered Herrings, I'iDUoa Had- dies, Lime luice, Mountain Dew, Edinburgh Oatmeal, Glasgow Feu Me.-U, Beef and Pork Ham.


W M . M U N 6 L E , .

75 B e lle v i l le A v c .VOS Alt'CnOH lilKK A A, OOMPAST*

V ERY person li net eompetont to examine your eye*.


OOB eve* m *r need Infcmediate altootlofi.

Don't wall,delay* are DANOEROUIL

VEN though you are wearing Glasara they may n'ltbepropurlFadjusted.

EE u*. We eel. entiflcaily ex. nmlne tbe eye* lor oil delecio,

' Oill 1 il-. -1. . ' s J 1

J . Kendall Smith,OPTICIAN, 663 BROiD ST.

i IlluiHcir hi H riaivteAilanito iou iily ’ sNflw JhU*ATLANTU.M ITV, Nov. ti,-Tlio new conuty \ iijpeptnl l » iHu Kvknism NKwa,

Jill at M*iy's JjiiuUUiil w#» formally Uirnod UgnoKiSM, Niu*. 6.-*1hhhc StJtillufor over lo itjB BoarJ of Freelmlilprs tn-rtay. The newji^il moilel t»itllaiog<rf IU Klntiq ti«- lug equipped with nil tb# UUkt liiiprove- mmiM tteopMury lor tho Kif# keeping oterlni* luala* Tli«ro ur# two dwiri «H I’l’ llii, uauii l§jg# #&oiigU lo ai'cufiiTndflelG two priiuncrs<Tbey #r« built o f Iron and it""??!.

sixty-llvt) yc.n'H old, employf’d by Uoal Euaie iJenlnr liymauii, of 301 lludwon atreel, hrtHued him'*#!/ Itt l ninliUn » c.oHei tn lb# otticn*, Hl» bfHiy w»»dl*cov#red IhU morn- lug by MlsiH Wuuilw trd, tt lelegraph (>tM;ir#tof who work* 111 Uio oltice, Tb# i»un wa* very p$M>r» #iiO two weeks ago w#a furuud lu l#t # life insurane# policy h»pae.

A M#(l Unaa Amuok* FLKSfiWOTON. Nmt, 0.— mad dug c#ua <l

# patiiO yoHierday nf-arnGon amoug church- gm>n oo lha »ir#oi» of tnls l4>wn. Tbn# uoiigrcgrtiibni of the leading chiiruhealti lh« town w«r# uu Ibeir way hum# nhenibvdoj rah through iti# vueetH Hnupplog And bliing every ohjeol thst cam# m li«|>ntu. lNa#u Hiniih MiUhtou was atta< >te<l by Ui# rnbld anliiinl and bitten iliroosh ibu hnbd, Fonr valuable dofrA wer# ni«ivbutO)h After run- (ilugaL'yerLil bluctc# iliojnaddug WHiQrially kUled. it balougctl lu Georgu WabAtjr* # grooef. __^ _

A Khdh#« Tnwn rnrtly Orstroyed I17 Vlr#*VI irilitA, Kao., Nov. tL-“ Almo*t tbo eollr#

biifli CH« pari uflh# town or Tiaiham, In But­ler r’ounty, was dentmyed by fir# y#>il0HtnT. Tlie fljihi?#, which wer# evlrietuiyof Inwo- (llary origin, toioned in th# huyloftofJ#cK- iu>p'M livery ittbl# #bd spread to tb##dJoib- tng buUdlngH, whieb wore oue after »nulher rfUueed to asboa, iinitl Mnln street vr#a cleared. Tb# loi# l#n'5,000, with litti# iDiur- ttficc- Nearly #11 the nofiM.’B luJackaoo'i liv­ery etaUie were roAstod alive.

dnspeeted of living Tniln Robbers*f>T. liOUia, Nov. 6'—Two men Muspected of

being conb#ci#d wllb the Laic# Khor# rob­bery neer Kcnanllvilte. Nobi# uountyg lodr,on September 1 Ia'»W wern Hcronted Ai ftiTthiviid Hpruoe aueeta last night, uttlcor# (/Mai­ler# and Meehan cum# upon the pair and overheard them eay aninolhing uOont’*NVe'v# got 10 lie lo«V-" Tb# men gnv# itieir oaraes us Clmrles Host and Hurry H. Folf. They are sirHUgeri lu the oHy uiid tiall irom th# Knsi. They deny any Icuowledgeof thoroh- Uety, __________

Getting # Jury to Try Cmighlltt.CJiiCAao, Nov. B.—Ih# UIai of Daniel

L'uughlln lor cnnipl1c-t.v li> ihe Cronin tt ur der waa rfsiuiied t.ilt mui iilng, with ihre# candldntss for jurymen In Iho box. They 'Hurs John f'arr, Ki-ll I<< lghiuan and 0* N* Caldwell, who had been It mporurliy p#hk# i by th# bt#t#. C'#rr did not reialn bla seat longi he being chHtknged bylhebuie for fnUHr. This lift but T.ie work ofaccnring 0 jury li slowly proceeding.

; r . . 0 . , w . » „ . .1JJarroless, did I say T Tuat i* the mie-

take. Bee their effect—tbe effect o f ab­sinthe drlnkina in me 1 Bui I forgot; be­yond looking elfange nnd blnaletl Inm the same as other wen—it 1* my brain I Yon cannot see that 1 Oh, i f ybti could, bow you would pity me I But I want noneof your pity! Callous? No I Re- signedl 1 nui awaiting niy end! The uric* that abaintbe demands ba.t not been paid yeti 'The'worsi is to come!

It 1* not death 1 that i i easy. It is that which drives you to your death I It must com*, aooner or later, and I uui iiidlffef- en tt. Bstore long 1 slull develop mix latest phase of the diieaa*. Others have told me »o. Something hideous will al­ways be on my track, always in my sight, sleeping and waking—that is, when ab­sinthe turns tr.vltor. I t mocks you toward last, show* you how lielplesi you are. Could you but see my brnln, but know my thongbto—well, you mould pity me, you could do no mot* I . . ,

But it I* till* horrlblBphantaainldreadl I know not what shape It will take, but it will be aomething hldeons! This fearful brain picture always precede* tbe grande finale. . ____

<>pus*i • Havat Dein*n*l*a^aa.Nov,A~'ih* ilallan Oovaj-nmept

naval squadron*'pf C)*r- taainkknd tialy hold a combintd

OB u tha M^dltarranaae.

OoTBrlMSr Buir, Sorlooxly III.Dxs MoISKO. III., Nov. 6,—Tlio Illness ol

Govtriiof Hull.,, wlilcb dvvelo|,6.1 Halunta)- nixbt Into lyplioUl malutia, 1, »i;riouam> oordlnx to tu* ullenaiiw phyalciniiK. i f ii X.ic, Into malUnniil npbolrt (swr, a, Il Ihri ai.o, lo, Hie reioll ni*,» be filial. Tlio Governor Is not In cooiiltlou lo pssa Ibroiigb u .ever* Hill*,,. ^

TIib tVarlara Acalnat tba IlKBall,.MAUitiD. Nov. 6,—Tub Hank or (Spain lia,

tubamtiurt $iO,nuU lo tlis fond lor currying on tin? oprrailon* sgalual the ItitllniiK A.lvicc, rniiil iMsIlllu staow lb «l His Klflliun, In Hi" vicinity ol mat place nr* quint at prsisni. Fort t'umcllo* wus nrovlelon.d j isierday without ail cxebsngeuf Hbola.

---- ----------*r— nr---- —■iiom.atorm In Eii^taad.

LOMItoF. N «* i « .-A ato* •Wrin 1« pro- valllug lo-itoy la th* laftdla ccuntlti of Kogiand.

viriiok liy nn Kiiglns anil Killed.HvsKHiK, N. V.. Nov. (I —Mr,. Anne tlnrk.

ol JiTi-iiy C ly, im, InaiunUy klliml In Ihe Dunkirk, Allixlieiiy Va:lcy niiil I’ntsburg llailread y n l* puiiirUay nlghi. sii" bad ro- turneil from Ghii'iijo end wae >|i«iirtlng a toe- tiny* In lbl, city wUU bet dauxbier. Ibey bsd ]n>t relumed from Foreai Hill Oinctcry. Ae Ibo)' were croialng lbs track, St Hoyt iireei Mr*. Clare was ,truck by a (Wlich cBtlne und.rnn over.

Till) I'rcldent aud WlUnn Conrer. ' W aSnfwoYOir, Nov.8.—Th* rreildenl cam*

In Iniiii WiKii.ley el 13o’clock tbli morning. H* abut blKiMlf up IU tilaoBloe *t the Wbll* House, nbsr, lie had an mtsrview wllb G. airman Wltion, of Ih* Hons* Wsy* end ilesni fommitiee. Ills asaumvd,ofcouraa, tbattbs Turlir bill and the I’rrildsut’i r»e- otuniobdaUuBi on tb* tarlll qusat'oaa w*r* tbe kutjoei* of the cantortata.

Two New .Icrecy I’oalniaater, Appointed.WaSi IinotON, Not. fl.—Among uonilua-

tlun, ul FrreldeiiHal poiiinoaler* UBt 10 tb* Henaie which rmlsl tircnnnniiatlon were Hi* toltnwlng, wlllcli were li-Uay rcappolutaJ I Edwin E. Tebor, uf l/iiig Uranuli C.iy. N, J., VIC'S Charles Woolcy, remoTort; .iHineeCur. ran, Hoboken, N. J.. via, Uurii*liu> Kiel$ Jr., reniuTCil. ......... . I # . I ■ " ■

■wiii'n In a. Mint Jllreeinr.iVAsiiiKoroN. Nov. 6.—11 K. i’ rcaton wa,

■worn III lieiuy na Dlrrc or of the tllub Hu funs'! of coiiflruiatlon by tb* bounie, but lb* FrMldeiit has coiniulMlonsd lilin * , Direc­tor during lb* I'ccuM, wnich Inaurea tali rs- nmniDatlun by thij Frcsi-leiit In Dcooniber,

Ferdluand U* Leaiep* La Farit.Pabis, Not, 6__FenllDand De LsnspB

end III, tonilly nirlted In P.irJ* lo.6lay from I.U Cheaiiaye, bla country liome, wbtrs b* bnd been tu retirement tor a long time.

Snielde Afrer JS.at.sc*.Bib u x , Nut. $.—Frledrloh M*y*rtnck,

wbo w*. aentouesd oa W*da,,d,y to four y**ra' Imprltoamtnt $ur oompllclty la tu* U»no**r gambllag a***, haa wtotattud tulald*. , , , ,.w

Hied the dralinga. The movcoieut In the price* ol other ilocki wot without IlgolC- oauceandebangea to prlos* wore for froo- lion* *niF

Boon eltsr Ik o’clock the bollom was reached In lha downward progreas of the three active Induairltla, end th* umrkel bo- caiue alendy »nd exoeedtogiy dull, Tu* three alocke menllonrd bed aaffire.l a fur* tlier decline ol 'A or li. A .ilgu i drive we* alto mnde at tuc Granger,, New England Slid Mlavnurl Pacific, but tb* !o«,», were only i i to a. Price* than reco,TcrcJ aJlghtly, and bjr Boon Chicago 0«e, tVhlikar *nd bugar bud gained from I point l i l|i, undth* other* ,mall fr.cllouA All life bad dti- appeared Wllb the rreovery, and ib* inarkcl woe Hbeolntcly without ruber featnrr. At t o’ clock II *n* barely aleady and dull.,Billl lower price, wera reacheil In lorae •lockt daring the nfiernoon and tbe market wn, heavy, nnd uIommI dull but »t*ady. Final quiiiullnn, were generally only a free llo 1 Ire.ow tboopenliia.

The rang* of liHduy'a price, lor Ihe more eeHT.atocKaof the New York market ere given below. Th* qiiotutlop* ehow Ibe open. lug nnd diwlng and the hlgbcvt and loweat prir«, reached by the iecurlllea IKIcd. Tb* quotation, ar* from Ih* ,‘«e.v York Exchange and ere reiKwied to lb* Nkws thrung i Wlll- lain Linn Alton 4 Co., alock broker,. 18$ Mar­ket alreet, tbla city, and Orange National Bank Building, Orange:

Open- High- Low- Clo*. Ing. cal. cal. lug.

N. J. r*nlr*l............ ....Del. * Hnd'oii......... llWfiDel., Lecit. 4 Weal™........Phil. 4 lU'uUiug..... - ZIM'Uauada Houlbrro. fit))*c.. C.. c. 4 Bl. U ... 3“LakeHbo."............. Uf?XP.mlgHO Cvotial............N.Y. Crn ralt....... — Ik*Aiott., To. 4 b. to I » i(1 . II. a ............... 6i5fiG, W .*m . Paul- tUjicm. 4 .f. W.......... - ISl’ iC„ «. I. dt Pacllle-.... «7JAIllliioi, twill raL....... 38fs.MiaBourl P.1U1II"..... . a>Louli. 4 Na,h....„— 43Union Pacific.......... 1754l ’ .,clflc M «ll.............. ^Western tin ion.....—., s.?,Manbatlan......... l»lN, Y. 4 N. Eng..........Mg., lino. 4 T. x*)-...,. ......N .y\ .L .E 4 W ....... 1«HOntario 4 Weitoni...- 17 Wabnih, au I* 1’nc—Wftb., 8 1 . L. A Put', pr 16Texa, I’aciUc.................UtcU. 4 Weal Poliii~ Sti Norlbern Pacllle n.— 7>i Noilbero Paelflo pr... aAiuirioeii CoUuu Oil Amer. Ooi. Od pr.—No'ih American..„....

I28J4 m i

i i

lOS« !<







Cblcaio 0*a....Nnl’l Cortiai!'-.


Am. Wogar UrI, Co..Nai'l L 'ld .............mivcr I erHlliwta,....Hiwq. 4 Wealern-...Biiiq, 4 Wevtern pr., Clicseo. 4 Ohio....D.C.K...............P. 1>. * • « ...........T. A. N..............

i i i " ioM ae>4

CbloOEo Graia and I’rovltlon Murkrt Tbe following table glvei ib* rang* ol

nriceaoii ibnCuloagd Provlalon and Orola Kxnbangc* lo-dav, a, reported by C. W. Uoa land A On., broker*, rtwma sdl-tkii Prudeuilal BuHtiilDJt* open. High- Low- Clo*-




Dec..day........ -CWeli........ ..Dec.............May........Onab.... .I iOeq-~....—May-------CashJon.......—Ooab.....—



flJ Mti $IH

14 $6


Th* Ahaord Snp'cratltloa that Still Linger*III tho Old Conatry.

From Ho,rper’« Megiialne.The extent to which witchcraft abonnas

to-day in Engliand ia considerably under- estimated. Bervant girl* buy droflon’ i blood and throw it on the fire in order that they may see in iU smoko the txoes o f their future husbands. One man, who bought large quantities o f i*r confessed that he burnt it to make his cures wore potent und sure. He got * docent liTing by cursing professlonutly the cnenilo* o f other people. Within ■ few hundred yards o f where 1 am writing thlsUiere lives a young woman wbo piles a thriving trod* na a* pnqihotlo witch j and, as a neighbor expresses it, “ thereore on some days three or four ' oarringe ’ ladle* come to consult her.”

I have been insoopo* of bouses upon the doors o f whioh there sreuhofse-ehoos nailed for luck. My landlady almost shrieks murder If by ohonoe I place a slioe upon the tabic. On the lost night o f tho old year her husband goes out at 11:46, and then come* home to let tn tho now year. Nobody but tho huaband mutt let it In. They were angry when I colled ihla a superstition. One swallow doewn't make a summer in some folks' eyes. Once my landlady tat some friend In first, and all that year notbing save bad luck and Bioknesa esme to that bouse. I f our maid sees two knives on my plate or two spoon* in my saucer, she clear* everything «w *y Bave tbo86 &Dd tb® olotb \ thou iW stand* gaitlng at me fl*ediy,ltke aktuffed pig, and I have posiUvely to remove one knife or spoon before she will touch tho platter.

In th* oottflgeo, vrhen winter fires uro burning, both old and young seise hold o r ,,, tbo cinders that fly ont.^om the grate, and decide as to whether they r e p r in t oolflni or monsy-boxes. Winding sheets on the tallow oondlefl bring dlimay ond dread Into many fcoes. Tea etolka that swim in ths enp reproseut strangets, uan •r* tested Jglth a riewtodlaoovwe whether

be iBpil ttawmMfli’talt or short.

T h e M t i t i i a l B e n e f i t


* " * a ( ^ k « Valur.Miio.UKO..|.U,S$o,903 S3 Llai.llliler, N.Y.and MJ*». yj, gg,, «

huri6i«». hy mrm#r N.\. . >P o llr i fH Atmw

f$rr4Jnid V f'A r.TAKE o r LAI^M lb# poilCy *• COKTnfUTO

'*;:tc^ "fb ‘e ^ m tf 'v ;a V .h e P o l.c ie a » r * IX 0 o J TXSTABI,*, nndnilrrrfrWfo’wn* to r«rfito«*,itrm>eior 9C<v/>^ionarefemort(L «

lAJAMiHre niHlI# w »b « *> 'Wp#T ftonl. uf lb# rciWTTe v#lue, wfccr# K»iKnin«Titi$«f Ih# poIloiVACHO »>«

' ' ’iloselto pal'd corapleUoa«im of prmiJi.

BEFORE ROVING UMPSiBe* tile new Isisi)—

T h e * ‘ e w i l l e r , ” j(Patented 183fl),

It Um no #r;aAt* It 1*

Th e j-a w p youW aniKvnry Jaitnp W*»T»n»*4i We make a f nil Ihu oiPlain ini} BBastifnl Lim#Stud for clrenlar, or ctol at loond It Coileg* flam, S. T.

E D W A R D W ILLE R & CO. (K,fd im4»Juaiat on harhix the ■‘ MJl*?' frosn yoor daetai.

JtMES L COE i CO.,106 add 10» M .llw rrF BL,

‘ NeV^RkiN. J.


' STEELB a rs . llca in S f A l le le * , sUaietfl,

Ktfotliior P U te .

C. fi. liR R R lS O N ,BUCOHMOR TO

H A R R IS O N A H O A G .

You will find at loy liorc a lull line ol THE

Best Papei*3- at L ow caj

p r i c e s .

2 0 CLiJiTON ST„ Hewarh, M.

Call and ach my alock end gei prlOJ*.

( f j n iM «t,ir t v. rltoh m a M ta m iM


■outo vbP^

they W illi■fljpay horaex

t evil,

iB V E N lN Q N E W S , M O N D A Y . N O V E M B E R 6 . 1893.

A Largs Anti'Raestrwk Meitlog in the F ln t Choroh,

U B Id bM ltM i!«y«r 4qc««#As, aafl Um tf I A rm t oitiMD ID » wtUfat upon ib i nrak ofA pollitciil bodf, R«balt* li» pul 11 fiiMtom you. Til* AmDrlpoM ofioug ugo w«ro oot Indiffomit} ibfjr fbu|bt, fuugbi fof o phO'

; tipic.*'Dr. HDl«r o< Doludid by majiiof DO RppDAt

to tbe oomen of lb# oi»afr^«Uoo to dm ibeir iDAoDne# la thooaming floeiloo.





tlOl,rioron; or.,aIUD

»*!'MUIf N.ltd




1I .T .



DR. DURVEE ARRAI6N8 GAMBLERS, > " t h k k l io t io h .Th«T M ir B« PUe*d n«elt uf Bugtbi U d

7r«utl I'VDollood.Tha RapubiKiaa County CommlitM If np

In Armt yver an DUoffd frhamfof lUa Daint>‘ erftio to luppiy volerf vlttibfilulM, and tbt eommUloe will loeord* Ingly iDAlruot tbolr obfllfiigara lo Wficb tbt alaolloa boutbt, and If fuy at* tem pt U mode to oorry out tht plfUf lb# partita to It will be promptly ormled. Tba fcbeme, ON told to tbe commlUto, It tbot b<x»lba will be plioed f rolnut door* leoding Into Tocotit room*. la the b.tok uf tht booth»i flldlpf pooelf will be pUeeJ Jii tucb o «ay Of not lo bt teen by ihoAt uot prevlousir puattAi. Ibue o nien in tbt booth may be aupplied w ttb a ballot lo lu lt tbt iQtereeU oftUe baekeri of tbe plan.

At ieoft ivo pUori wbtrt thle ftbtmt If likely to be o|ttraied bavt been rtported to tbe eommltteei Kud U U ibougbl that there ■rt otiitn.

An fUeftd acbemt foriht btoedt of repeal* trt ie alf > tpoken of. It li uld that two ItAii of all tbt voter*la MRU diatrict will be kept, and oa tbt time drawa otar for (be olotlng of the poll! tbtM ilMte will be eeanuedaud Ibe uarnei oi *1) ihe voitre who have not ■vailed ibematJvei of ibe privilege to volt will be nolwd by tboat who are wltllbgto rlak •mat for ■ eonalderation.

Chixtae Bhtald Vett to Civub tbt Gam - blinf KvO, l i t ield^ and There tbould tie No ftlilrklnf at Ihe Po]le..TeUlnf » f the Fewer ef the Kkcelrock Jk]cD»&. V. Lladabory Oa the Jesue In the Stale* Other ■eeUnge.

The antPracotreek mreilng In the Flnt Prribjitrlan i'burcli laei bight woe altended br A large eudltuec. On iht plAiforin. bfr afiioi the apeakrri, tbe U#v. Dr. Dwryee, of JTutitre College Knd K. V. Liudebur)*) of Eltiabeth. wtro ibc lu-v. Dra. D. R. Kriifr, A. Kelaon Hollineld, Lyman Allen, iitwle Laiapmaii end Paul K. hutphea, All of whom t<wk pert In the narTicaN.

The Hev, Dr. Duryre wa* tba flrat ipoakar. TbtN WA* a mnarkablttMiHt going oa, be ■aid, in tba Btute. reraarkabla In lie alleoM At lu Ita aplrLl, Ob one aldV ht aAid, *^are arralgnei tht force* which wo are ec*

< ruetomed to ooaaider ai tbtitrong domlDtot H^.forota of tbt Blate lb the iQlerttle of bu> * ! niaatly. On tlie other aide, there la perfect

ilJtnet. And yet lo^day li la given out that Ntwarh la a«fe for tbt gaill'bitrt. AUere liiitruoted A4 to tbt naiure of ibecooitai. To tht credit of tbe pntt U lfian obU ln tlila flgbi^ no niAiter what H* poHtleal com­plexion, There art now tlx opto btlla la tbla Htatr, AQd ihe people Are cUtnorlng tor the repeal of the law that makta tbaae htlla Dnurlab. Behind Ibt bill tbt face of the gambler U coboeAled.** *

Dr. Durytt aald be waa aol oipoord lo boraca or home-roolbg when not Joined to evil. Robert llounar waa a horatman who bad no lalDt of tht ganibltr. ‘ Uambitni la not a aport; It la a butlntii/’ htMtd, ^nnd when a gambler tuvlUa A mob In It I* aim- ply AD tXAinple of tbt old aiory of tUt apidtr Abd tbt fly« Why waa INO.OOO paid on one track Id one year foriht prlvHegtof b<x)k- maklag, or why do poolaailara pay llOOa day? HlmpItbtUlog la a petty vie* which, when Indalftd Id to tketta, ta a nulaanot to othera. M auiball know of have from alm- plt batUri become icatnbltni and beiuiig to tht very wont itt.

** I f a man flnda bi* atlghbor^a pocktibook taODtaiy aaya rtiurn It IfpotPlblo. The gam­bler laugh* blm to aoorn and aaya *Takt wbat you can g<t and give noiblngfor It. That J* tbagarabiar** melbod, Aadwhatla ayataat tbia outcry of faooniy T '

The apeaker told bow Tbompaon, of Glon- oatUrf Mad put a bill before tbe laglalnture and Btopped UcLaugbllD, of Hudion, raolng on hli track beenuat McLaughlin would not pay down 140,001). But they had come togeibtr again, and tbe Dtinocraiaart with I beta people. In New Brauiviak. b< aald. there art 1,000 purohaaabitTotee out of fi.DOOvotari. Tbt word purcbaaable laafllaed t'i tbtir namet. In the Ltfl^laiuia when lomt oftbe be«t ladla* in the land appeared

jtbey were epoken of by iht roctirack etarltr ■j)eak*r a* ‘ tboM* women of New Jeriey.*

Oil, m*D of New Jtriay, wbo are lo vote, letlbeat tblcgi come to you,*' cried Dr. Puryee. *• They exiect to carry ttie election by partiAanibip and by tboM they control. It may be aald, aa aonie uy, that it !■ brtier10 vote (o keep Ibi*gambling nndtrtha law. 1 cay did yen ever know nf good coming from Jcgallaed vieet- If you want to atop a dog barking at night cut off bli tall eloie to tht tar*. I f you want lo wipe out vice don'tI. KtlllQ It,” '

Ou. ntbrr forcr. Dr. Darfc, uld, lh« (am- blrrt d.pend.d on to -In, It w h ilie ludlf- frr.no. of m.n to tbo f.ct tbai tbrr. ti .□ rieoiloD. - I truKt th.t Kew.rk, wblch b .i ■txot iboH r*c*Iriuik Irgltliton np for .loo- ttoD, will turn thorn down, from Hnrrl|*n to tti. l e t on*. Tbejr m.jr rote for Tliomp«>n for Uolird St*te. B«n.tor, Hp wnoLi tt, Tbotur«>n In the plan of Pralln(hurHD .Dd olbon I IMnntor TuautpKio, tbe ooUe.kur of, Srii^lor JktonSmllb, Jr.l tndllTbniioeluky rlw t blm, Ne.rj.rk, 1 belJore, b .i . fro .t fiitDr*..It will oxcMd IheBlrmlnxbxm of Enxl.od, It li only the dielurbtoe* of tbo hour ibBt lUod* In tbe wty. lllito you r Inlorrste, mon of Newark, to rot, th. rl(ht way, A role for * (ambier’a frload ii xVoU ■(alnet oonioleuce, a rote for InUiulty."

Mr, Lilodabury n id ; “ We are nudnt In tbli Atat. a orl.K, tb* equal tod liu- portanoe of wblob baa not auRie upob nr r in c .ib . BobdlloB. W . hire to divide li- rue. to tar rraeblu( In their cqMdqueDaei that * IlfetJni* will not vet the end oft hem, Tbe iHae will iiert ui on to prorperlty or •end ue. diWU to ibedekraddNon of inen- klnd, to ilrolde wbethir the SInl, iball be xqvemed lo tbeintereit of Ibe lentblen or I n tbe In tereit of martllty md law."

“ Tbe Naturnl HIvInry of Utmbhni*’ waa the eubject of Ibe dlMonnedeUvered by Rev,J. ts. Allen, pertor of the New York Avenne Heforoied Cbnreb, yeeterdiy moralDf. Tbe olercyman botao with tbe expredMon of bli belief that ibe world ti frowiug better, "TbIa dangeruu evil .of (xmbllnf,” oon, llnued Hr, Allen, "bat bteonie a polltleel luue lo tbiaHUle, The betlledffonnd Ik the reeetreek. In Lonlilann It wee tbe lottery, and In tbeNniional LeiUialnreltwlilooeof theudnyi be tbe qnntlon of quinbllad In fntaree. The jantbllnf InOoence l i iMdIuf many promlelnx yonoc men to nee tbair eoi- ptoyere’ loftoey and to forge Ihelr employ, ere* ilgnmuree. Tbleofien leedeloJlletniunl, dligrace, enlotdeor aeell in prltao.”

Mr. Allen tbeo ettwiked fnmbllnf and pool eelllof oc boreei.

Id roncluilon be laid tbnt In the preunt Hen# tbern were but two Siartiri: llane.t lueunodkninbten. Bieelledaponblihenren tnoborjtie between tn.m, and veld that It I,’ tbe duly of hooert men a. good olilxmi to out tbeir bnlloU for men wbo will work for the repul of Ibe Rncetnok muioret.

An nodleifae erowded tbe Koox Preeby- lerlen Cbnreb, Kearny, iMtnifbt. Tbe Bap> tiet and me Hatbodlit Cbarebe, had aniled with Ihe Preabyterlan to deeoaaee tbe pub- lie evllx whole tbie will be decided next Tueidry. D. Cbnrlti Preyer vlgornuilyaio- phaelx^ Ibedutyottbeobureb to ipeak nt11 met like Ibe pment, He Midi “ Wbeo n loOlen takee my boy end bolde bim ngelaii n buix-uiw, I do not pnt a tn bte In Iron t of me end quote Hcriptnrent blm, bnt 1 dub my flnt between ble eyeei end the ebunsb needi lo eirlke • blow at evil when It nUowe Iih U, Tbe devil'i oroak ttaxi tbe pmlplt nbonld praaob the g(|,liiel end not meddle wllb poll- lion. If enrried oat, wonlA. make the pulpli lik e* mni keeping*drniiiore,weli-nu»ked with all medlclau fbr every ooraplalnt, but reluelnt tonnpply tMm when tbe rick and tbe ruNerlng come begging for relief, *

John Y. Foiier, of tliln city, mndennenp- neit nddreu abowlni how eootenipt for l.w rcenllii m an nurenilon erarlmeqnddeilruo- tlon of all eivll end moral rfgbli, *'Tne Kln.enrKewJerier." be exclaimed, " l * tbe only p tea on Ood'i brvnd earth where gnm- bllnx lx teiillxod, be,lder Monnoo, where nlmoetdally .he rained nnd IbtdeipaJrlot tnketbnlrllvn."

Rev. Ur, Gordon, of the Davii M. E. Cbureb, UarrlMJu, mndenn earneet addrtu npiirnilng loell to are tbelt Inflaenn that mob meji nr are known to be oppoMd to the •vile dineneeed nbonld be elected.



Nov. Dr. Hwtoy Calle On tbo Hon to Tote far thn Blglil.

T ilt ” CJIxitni' Doty nl tbe Folli" w u thn I eubjeot o f the Rev, Dr. Utley'e xddrere leet Digbt St tbe Roeevllle Avenue Prrebyterinn Cbureb, Tbe text wu taken from the forty- flrat voru oftbe nlneleentb chepter of Luke, -And when bewne com* near, beUmheld * city, nod wept bver It,” Be u ld i “ Ilnve we eny caueo for lean Id tble connlry r Bow can It bet Have we not tbe printing prete, •nd— bsT* we not tbn ballot boxt Can we sot nnoir, nader * Unu running for o ffl« who U (xirruplt Ugy there not be tome eonie fbr texrX here, ihoagb we have ihcu tb iag ir '

Dr. Haley then itld there were eoroe I dliturblng elemen Ie lo the lend, one of which

wne iboeorrnptlot) of Ibe beitot box. The trooble. he nald, wu that many people could be bought. He had beard of carer where men In Newarb badeatllbeir votex lor aotrlntn onJidldtte for |b and an ortrooui, and xome Umax Ibr mnoh Ixii, Election i xx nowenn- dneted, tbe tpeaxer uld, were veritable fereu, andthe rabetraeki an * real evil. Tbe latter, he nald, were ran la the Intrrext oftbe bookmakera and ware frequented by degnwled men and women.

; TliexpeakerthtncuiiUnuedi " I wa r m*I nation oftbe Central Itallmnd on one oftbe

jwoo dayt, and crueeed the ferry with a crowd. Hums ware men wltb bleated facet, oilicrt were Innocent looking olerka, nnd many of tbeni were pwiui-birmlrdied

'Women. 1 kondered If they were going to a priMagbt. and wu told by agentlamw that tbey ware going |« ihc rage*"

The xpwker then laid that n rromlnenl pollilolnn wuquntod u baving u ld that "(ba niottrwk men will win In ihaeomlag aleetloo, btorUM tbay art organlaeit," Dr.Haley w ntlnaedt " livery >eeaa ought to go to Htt b illo t b o K igN lllt ied t r i l l Her. ConaddOM It unbaalthy. * i r*m«mbkr that oar duly it toexvraiMpnr Inogmcgfbr loau p m d i^ agnlnit >htxt evlle i« a l w iiia bsaia Df Ibe I lq b o w n . licU a^" ika tU M fP ia txetiffD I* li ~

Ad Eavlj Morning Dla»e CaitteM Coniidar- abl* DamAfc-wFIrr at Irvington.

A fln wbleb cauwid a Jou of ulwul 112,900, and which t l on* llm* Ihrcuiciard to d** •troj ••T*ral larg* huUdUng*, broke out In the rcArnf 771 Uarkrt »ir**i ahorlljr nfltr 2 o'cl(»ek >’Ml*rd*y mortilug. The flAtuw Aiarfrd lo ih« lhr***ilory brick butldlng la the r**r of Tti *nd iprcad wiih grtal rapldtly. Tb* dr* itartcd Id tb*t pari of lb* bukldlag occupiQd by the Hud Ijaundrj. Ry th* llm*111* flr* Uep>irlDkrnl arrlvvd tb* flame* bad *pro«d to lbs Rliuvftior* or M. Andcroon, a OQc-Htory fnm* itniclarofronllugoa Mackti •ireei, Aud in a lew r Jauten After Hup*rln- lendeui AiUcy arrived ih* flAin** w«r« At­tacking the iiiflMmmHbt* Btock tn WbelAD'i Toy BfAAr. Ai777Market«lr**tv T*d adiId** and two truck*, be*id*« ibe Baivag* Corp* andtliAchf-niletl eoglnc, wer* iummonod io ffght tbe flaoiw, and After a •tubbora battle lb* flre>aghurt were vlctorloua Tb* lou lo Zirotiiernnkn A ARb«QbACb, th* proprietor* of ttielAundry will umooDt to97,0ild.

TbeUwoonth* (br*o>itory bulldlug a t274and 274k .Market iirectt own*d by G. S. Oa- born^ I* put At about lU.OUD. At 270 AOd 272 Merkel rireei. ibA MiAloof ML A. Duraad,WA*d»trQ*gud About 91.400 aod E. T* Hart, th* paper box neDuCMCturer, loie* ab«»ut |2p000ou ooatema Jack AhrMhenii, a lallor, in«e* moo, and K. Wti*iADy lb* toy dialer, •900.

At 48 LawroDC* itr*«t lb* loif on building and coDteiiU. Ootli owned by Beymoor A Wbulock, 1* placed at miB; Mr*. P. R Oould loee* ITtt on building ; Krladeothai A Adler, cigar naatiurar-iuren, lo*e aboul t2o, and Kirk A Jacobu*. carpeatera, at 278 aod 278 Markfiitroel, euinirftd to tbe exUol of About 1800. Moat oftbe •mailer ioaie* werecatted by water.

The rnidenoe of Albert M. Bower*, od CilQlon ateDue, Jrvlngtoa, wa* barced to tbe grouifd enrly ye*(e|’doy morDlDg. By bard work aii Irnpromia aaiTag* oorp* *uc- ceeded !□ refctiing moit of tbe iurnilurc oq Ibe flnt door. Owing U> ih* fact that there 1* DO water tuppiy or fire appartta* Id I rvington, no attempt wu* mud* to ez- tlDf uTsh in* flem**. Mr. Bower* aud family were Id Bodou, hitvlog gone tb«re on Friday to atUud Ibe oflehratlota of bl« father'* golden Wedding. To* fir* appeared to have been itarted from tbe nu(«ide. Th* building W AS probably worth 15,000. The in*e on fur- sJture U bot khown, Th* bulldlog and effeoti i^re tniured.


•pocinl meeting to tn beM on Weawcaday atixnaon, SolriBitier

He BeHgu the Futeepte e f the F ln t Fnibylerlae Ctawoh of BloomileU.

No HeHooi So Fer Hsde Feblle.In tbe old Flnt Fiexbjterlab Charob of

Bloomflcld ytttxrday e l tbe cloee of tbe morning tcrvlcc Ibe putor, Rev. Henry W, Bellxnllne.'ennounced Ihet tali reilgnetloo w u In tbe handa of tbe BeMlon of tba obonh *DiI ibaf), b) baf been yxkbd.tba*- Donncx from tbe patplt that a meeting xf tbe ccogregation would be bold on Tnaeday, November 14, to t ikcactloo In the melter.

Tba came of Hr. Bellenllnc’x rulgaxUoa la not u yetdcfloltelyknoiro. He refuaed yae- terdty to give Information abunt It nnlll tba Pietbyivry of Newark had tnkxn np the

be at a •(

IS, In Bloofflflald,Two of tba membera of the ehnreb in­

formed a Nkwa reporier yeatvrdny tnet Hr. Belicntt ae bad been cobvlderlug tbe aiep for many week* Tbey eald that tbe church bad not grown u rapidly aa ex preted, and fear. Ing tbatba waa In the way, Mr. Rallenllne decided lo tetlgn. It la abo u ld ihei the rreignatlon wee aent lb owing to dlaaatlt- leellon among certain membera ol tbe ohnreh over a aermon recently prexebed. It eonlelncd an arraignment of mxraben for iuflllfcrrnM to the church work. Mr. Bal- lentlne'r otfcCIlon to having thmchurch uatd lor anything bnt relltiuua amviccila alio given by coma aa tnolber rcuon for dla- xaUafacilon.

TbxReaioa of tht ohurob, ciUlcd by the putor, met on Saturday nlgbt. Ur. Btllen- lint laformrd the Scxilon of hli Inleullon and bririij annonnoed to tbxm bit reuob for taking tba xtep.

Hr. BellenilBetHcime patior of tbe Bloom- fleld Preabyterlan Cbureb In June, 1S74, luo- coedlng Rev, Charier E. Knox, now a prolcr- aoratlha Oermno Tbeolcgicil Seminary of Newark. He began tbla work In Obtn.


Kev, 1. R, Dyott Telia How tbe Poor Shonld Be Helped,*

Rev. I t B, Dyotl, paator oftbe Flrat M. P. Cbarcta, preached Ibe DretofneerlH of ler- moaa on tbe ■' Htodi of tbe Hou r " latl night. Among other ihlngt bo laid; " A lung win­ter la at band and tba eratwlle Joyoua Chrlat- mulldx wilt he one of aorrow aucb aa fau never bcibro 'been experienced In onr eommnnlty. Hooeei men, tbrongb no taalt of thtiri, are walking the atmteoftbla oily almoit on the point of atarvatlon owing to their In- abllliy to etenre wNrk whl-h they are will­ing to do no matter bow menial, bccnuie at l*®m-l*ixy have wlvex and cbildrcn crying for bread. We can and mnat do oor ihnrx toward allcvlttlng tba wauie of the poor.

■‘ Let all of Ba wbo can do ao rend to tbe laeinre-room ol tela eh n rob one, two, three or four loavai of %rud, ao that they can be dialrlbuled to Ibe needy. Leltia all wnlob nnd find deMrviog ceaea of poor In our mtdai, report them and let tbe brand bo tent lo them without letting It ba known who the fll—r Ip, l4t there be no jllaiJncllon, tbe wor^mnet be uodenjirnluailonal In every reaiMl. Then, loo, we can have eand- wlebra and cornu, ,nd bang out* algn of ‘ D” J'>oeh,' Fight tba aaloane In thle way, and bring ttatunlbrtnnatva In touch with aa “ We m net praivei Um deeervl ng poor from

the b o u n bnuetda who. taking advantage of tba hard Umar, endgavor lo make the pem pie niorlgage their home, i f they have eoyend their forallarx ir they have not. Wbrt cun be more glorioua than tocircamveatttaeivvamplreaoribebaiuaB raoet Weeenund muri do It, and In ihia way only will ibaohorcbfUiaillutrae mleelon. Auoihar thing wa muit agnate la tpe rballllon of tbe cuetom Of renting pawn. Then when fur cape, will loach faded rbawli, and the oihera eecort the pooreri among at to 1 he new with tijc eaiue xplrlt that they would tbe rlehwt It can ha laid tlmt tba apirit of Jxrua Ubrixi baa touched nr all."

Bat.i County C, E. Aualvauary.An Interattlng programme hu been ar­

ranged by tbe Executive Cnmmltlee of the Eaiex County Cbrlatlaa Endeavor Union for lutixtbannlvenary Hiba bald to-night In tba Flrat Preabyierlnn Cbureb. The ipeaker

■>*">« Bni-rall, of New York City, la a triuicc of the tinned Hocltly, and an Endeavor worker of national repule. Tho Hteelonarv Lcagna uluboginaierleaufmcetlngeln the cauiob parlor ut 7,'M o'nlock.

____ _ s p e c ia l n o t ic e s .

*■“ **"■• •arrlage manufacturer, HP Carroll amat, Uullblo, N. Y.,auteai " i »■*« oonbira with mtuaeu of me aiomaoh, mcR bmidaebe and genergi debllltr. Burdeek Blood Bitlera uured joa,”

A pletare withoat • trama la Ilka • dia.mend Wltbout a rtlllag, and a luerrcd or ebeap looting flame la vrorat tban none at all. Ify «u go unary * K « ibv>a W and BM Broad atreet, wltb your pieian* you eanA SME* EMebh. m Awmvoi.-. r_ r_^ . 7 ",“ *'*** je im ^vaaa (peeierwa jiwu m oeUDo** A 5Am* u i* ebmI Approprlait •kllMaOllDD of pAfiDf t«Mand hav* ••!« uMi>iAoiinD or parinv i« m moD«y for Jk than K vrotild ootl rod •}*•• wborVe

laif *!t!*' r**' Mlnh,, O. d* DaMbary pnb. iW>ti ike K* intiLSia^Aimrfftrnd* Bh TSoinoA JMvirlo OJI Tr


■ - sLi.;

rmtmrrnmrn Par Trlbat* to IS* Mem otj of Aogttat I'rnaMor—Bvrlrd W^iS

m iltarr CeromoDj.Fol4o4r*d br About thro* hu adr«d vvierah*

of tb* 1* 1* war, ADd proeeded by Vo«*'a Bood playlDf mlllurr *ir«* th* morUI r*- maiD* of Aufuit F. llroDoer, who haddl^ ||pfal*b*d hiniMlfcu tbe ll.'ld orbalt:*, wo* borniio U i*fr*v*a i Kairmouut (ometerr> Oa tbe doOTHoed hen>'* brc*«i w*e fiuni-d a mrdai, a brooze trophy, thAi Ap|ie«leil lo tb* reepect Ahd honor ol ih* veteran* who mad* up th* JoDg jidp of luournore. Th* hit of 0 1* 1 * 1 wft* A oiedal uf honui preeeut'd to

Hrouuer by Cobgmu aud bor* ib* Inn'rlpllou*

The CohEree* to AuguM F, Hrountr, Bat* UryC, F im JlAUullnu, Neir York Aritilery» for dlellnauUhiii bravfry In thn batile* of KalrOnki Ahd Mairera 1111, Juu* ItJ aod July 1. IMS."

AugUKt F, I'-rouupr w**, i t near a* ii kiiuwn, rtbuui nriy-iixy*ariorAf*. lieesrue IO tbe UuiliHt Hiiiie* when *i>ou|, twenty year* of a|* ttUfMied In Die maDufidtliuwfll pAtiMt DU*<l]elniii tiu « kid ill ***1*,tSoon after ih<* C'lvll W ir hfli»h liruuaer en- iliiedlDtbeFlrit B:uUllot>, New York Ah lilUry, and wuRAKti^urd (g CumpaDy C oa driver. Uli career tn «n ArliilBrymaft wa* unefult of AdvenUir* and hardiililp. Hood After JolDing the cumpauy *t Wiiitbia|iou b* reoelv*d au Injury iuod* oi hi* ko*** by btlDf kicked by uneorhl* hor**s DurlDi All blAAfler life lb» Kiidler nufiered from the effect of ifaAt Injury. Wtitu th* (Julon troop* fell back from IlloUmoad tb*y baited In ihn ^Vhlle Oak* AWAtap whore twi JuD* .20, 18S8. lirrouner'* couipatiy pArilol|<ated ill 41 lierce b*tL*, lb* younc driver UHfnt; tbe hendupik* duriDflbo en­tire mbau When Ibe oomimind lochAUM* tbe iiMitICMk of (h* battery wo* glvea Broo- u*r mounted with bln maloa and prtpired to drag Ihe gun Hway. The enemy opened Are ■ nd In th* hall of *hui ihei fd! thick And f**t around Ibe retreaiigg Holdler* Broouer w ii itrock on lh* left tide of the bCAd. Tb* bullet lank deep Ja the ikuil, aad th* youDf arUllfryiuAO hucam* uiiconRclout from ih* pAlQ of tall Aoand. i i« twtalaed bii moudt, bowever, until oomrinutDeM returned.

Wb*D ibf troup* hniied he dl*moun(*d And A oommde Dttnied Daniel .Mueller •xaminod tbe wound ADd found t li* ball ilghily wedged In tb* ikull, A Rliarp call from th* leOAUk whrt did not know how «erlou*lr^b* m*D WA* Injured, arouieJ Brouner'* Ireand altboDgb itlll faint Aud oDiy hAlfeoDicloat, hereraouDied *Dd nuntinued hi* ride with tb* bAltery, Od baltliiig Agala biaoumrAd** llfLe l blm from hli boree, aud Uuftiler, At lb* risk of bi* llle, ohlalned aome water for bU iurely injured comradr. Brouiier, In relating tbeiiory of that awful ezperieDce, eatd ibut be thought bli lo*t huur had ooni*, Ue leiuied agalnet a fence and prayed n>r de>ith, HI* Hiifferlag* were relieved by a youDg lurgeoo, wlioeztracted th* ball, with A fragment of ibe eloLb bat, *rier leverAl effi>rl*. The knife had to be m*d before ihi bit of lead could b« dlilodif^d,

Brouner, witll* raiking of ih*6TaM. wt* *Ae cuatuRied to dwell upon tb* Neneatloo of re< Uef that fohowed the rumovai of the ball. He continued btedulleiand next day took AD HCllve partlD ibe battle of Malvern Hlil, rerualDlng on duty uiiUl July 4* when be WA* pralfted for bravery twlure ibe entire bMllalloD, and we* relieved from duly, wUb lii^tnietluQ* to report *g*la wbeu be bad re< coTeredv

In May following Broiiper agalD d]*im. guiihed blmeetf by «av)nf Dla guu liota a ■tormlug party <>t tDe enemy.

At the cloee oflbe war theyouag artillery* man came to yewnrlcaiid ddco more engaged In the ninnuraclutv Hiid eulu ol patent tnedi* cine*. Home iscvcoieen year* ago h* eepa* rated from tall ulfe, aud attbelim tuf bl* death be did not know whether ih* wa* liv­ing or DoL, He occupied a furDlibed room at 02 Hevanlcentb aveDue, where he lived alune. Un April IDInit year be rareived bl* joedal ofbtiuor, which h* regarded a* one of hit moat vAiuable poiie**loD;i. Early lait month be paid u vlAlt to tb* World'* Fair at Chi­cago Add later allanded a banquet of th* Medal pf Honor Deglop In New York. About ten day* ago be wa* taken 111, but rtluied lo coDvuU a phytleiaa udUL la^tTuciday night when be wa* taken tu the City Hoipital dy­ing from pDoumoDia. Hup3rln|eDd«nt Field found Id bii pocket* tl4S and planed ou hli brea*l tbe medal of bobor.

Mr, Field at one* communicated with General Jam** l i O'BAlrnegcommander of tbe Legloo. Hlep* were ai ude* tak«n tAgIve Brouner a toldler't burial tad ibe arraDg*- m«D(* were Iniruated lo Hrxamer Poet, O. A. R.. ot tbU city.

Tho fuaeral fex k piece mterday, aooord- lAf to tbe ritual of tbe Graud Army oftbe Rapoblic, The rernalti* were euoaved in a black eofllQ aod conveyed In a heur** (rota Idullla'a Morgue to th* room ol Hexamer Fuai, vbcri» tbe yeteiTAp* fe ll jn lla<e, A flrlag party wader MAjoeASk herved aaiuard of boDar,

At the grate *D oratioa waa delivered by Rev. K. T. MeCiymout, of Ibe Norih BaptUt Cbureb. General O’BvLrneauil GeneralC. H, Colli* alio paid a tribute uf reitpoct to ih« dead ■oldier'e memory, A trlplo lalule of eight guD* wa* ilred over tbe grave, tb* bugler iounded a wlerd dirge end tbe tn dy uf lb* dreeasecl hero was lowered to (be grave, (ieuerat O'Brlro* aald of Brmner that be wa* on* of (be natfoD'e bumoJe bvnwi, content wltb bavlag served hi* coun­try In th* hourofdlreiili need. Hiica**, Gen­eral CyBelrn* said, wo* remarkable, In that bi* medal bore mention ol two battles lu wbieta tba soldier displayed bravery of *o high an order that It waa noted even at a time when each man wa« a hero,


Faroe*Comaily, Melodrama and Tarloty,*'A Trip to Chinatown" at Miner'*.

Among th^ manyv sueceMful farce-oom^ dir* by Charles A. Hoyt none ever mad* lucb a coutlDMous run lo New York a* that of "A Trip (0 Chtuatowii," which will b* the attracUon tbl* week ut Miner'* Thoaire. There Is lota of fun In tbe place, routlo and aoDgaro Inieriperted tbrougb it* acti, and, *• 1* usual In Boy I’s productions, quaint and grotesq'i* obarocterlsstiou make* tb* non* aeoHC eojoyablet In the east Frank Lane play* tbe part of W«lUind Strong, tbe iiucom- mooly vigorous and healthy IndlvIUual who fatKies blmaelfan iDvelld and wbose searoli forbealtb leone of iha funny idea* of the play. J. C. Mtrcm, L'oyd Wbton, Anna Boyd, Margaret Donald, D’lUan Markham and lit t le MorMmer ore aEnuitg th* mmaban of the uoata Tbla will batb* flrat praienia- tioQ of Ihe piny In tbla city, and tbe etigage- meni prnmli'MiobeAiuecMifnlonee

At Jacob*'* Tbeatra on* of Waller Ran- ford'scampanlea win be seen Ititbeairopg melo(lr»THA "Tbe Power of Omd." This is an InlBrf'Stlng play It ba* attractive tceuio feHinre*, and Jt Ull* an «xoiUDg slory, wbleb li lightened by well-devlied coroe*iy altua- Hop*. One scene, (bat repteieuUng th* **• flApe of A persecuted womuii from an insane asylum and tbo locking up of the vUlalns *« lunailo* I* eapeclally effboLtve, Mr. Bauiord'i companies are carefully orgKulie^and du^ Ing th* previous eugagcmstu of thl* pUy here Ik was admirably acted.

Tbit old favorite, " Peok'* Bad Boy," will bo tbe aUraclloo of tb* week at the Grand Opera House. Frank Kiigan appeur* ai tbs jnisoblevous youngster, and other members oftbe company are «ald lo include soioe g4M>‘l stngeri und actors, who gel out of th* pleyaUtbe rough and tumble bumurfor which U Is onnspiouous.

At Waidroann's Opera Hnuse Weber and Field’s Oompiiny) beaded by (be two "Ger­man Briiators," will play during the week. Jiimes K. Iluey, John Carroll, Capliula Kur- reit, McIntyre and Heatb, and th* acrobats Abaeha and Massaud are among the per- loriDcr*.

In Irvington yillage.Eight new menaberi wer* admitted to fel-

lowsblpln lb* First Christian Cbureb of Irv­ington y«iil*rd*y morning* In ibe evening the pustor, Rev, William II. Hilaer, preaefaed OD " Doit Thou Believe Id tbe Son of O odf’

Tbe Woman’sCbrlstlAn Temperanoe Union meeting Id ibe Masonic Hall, Irvington, yea- lerday afternoon was lu obarg* of Ibe Rp* worlh League oftbe Methodist Episcopal Cbureb. There were addressee and good muRlc.

Rev. Dr, tXili preached Id tbe Irvington Methodist £plsuop*l Cuurcti yesterday roornluf in iti* absence of tbepestor. In the evening tbe pulpit wei flUed by Bev* William Gerard,

Breotlon otfloenofthe First dleirlct of Clin- (on Towueblp, Ibe polling place for which is tbe Irvingtnti Town Hall, fear that It wilt be impoAsibie to poll that dlstrlet’s vnte (o-mor- row* Kzpertence bsi taught them that they can Doi handle more than 100 voiersan hoar, Tbs registry la 1,090. Taking former year* ns A criterion vb« bulk ol the viiiiug will be doneduring three hours in ibe morulngand the Berne amount of time nt olghi, tbe grcAler number of tbe voter* being away durldytb* mld-dgy boun. Tbl* would dlOi enfranoblee a Urgomimbir. Last year. ilI- Ibuugb the reglitralioD waa nnarly 100 leas Inr Oils illstrlOt| a number of voters war* D ne ble to gat in tbeir vole*. The attentlim of the Towuiablp Coiniaitteu wam calle.i early In (Ueyeartu the advlNsblllirofcrafitltig d new voting diairicl, and a coiummee waa ap­pointed, bni no hirthsr ectlim wssUkeu. Both ptirlle* have scout* out making a can­vass of voi«ra AUd trying to Iznprc * ou them tb* argeat ifeoeislty of votlug early.

A a KigkS-ywv-wld Boy Drunk.A Mobtclsir boy asmed Kelly, tight year*

of age, WAS louod lost oigtai near thefSuee IneLoelng Patrick Vaugh'i bom*, drunk, Edward Walsh picked up tbe boy and ear­ned blm to tbe bnoeof Mrv* Morphy, vbere

4 * iooH recovered. He was sent tu bli home Im op^ r filoomfleld avenue. Tbe led baa given tbe aamci of ibt •Aioon-Zeejieri who gave him t t » If^dbr OAd-bia pirtnte will


Colonel Tfiffey** Fight forSheHt-Th* Kle- lueata at Work Against Hlm-<D*f-

leletlve Contests D«*crlb*de Rpeclnl lo (he KVKWijio New*.

Jabaky ITTT, Nove l^Tbe moat Ulioour- •ftng frature forCsiluafl John J. Tuflsy ibis tall li tbs date or ih* election. Had ii luktn plAOetcn days or two weeks ago he would bave swepL Hu tsrm Cnunly nii<1 brru rlrolfd FUrrtfT by n h«iid-uinc majurliy, but the Iasi uf as vncrgoilc a cumpalga as wm ever wtigLsI In tiie Miatc, htsrhHncfs uf clcc- llOd uro tserrdiugly alriiilsr, If itiry liav* any Ungibtilty nl all. Tlin lutonrl'i cam­paign slMTic 1 ull ulib a great Impel ns, uhicli tUrealvuvd lo awevp evorylblug b< [ore It. Edwnni III Mlatiiou, llie iK’imtoraile nominee, w.<is contldcrod lUs caudlilal* of Bob D.iv Ir atiil Dennis Atrlsiui lilln, tbe policy dealors, und lU* bortr racing gauibllng fratermiy. rroiplueul Deinucrats ojHUily rrp'tdiuKd tbr t'0k«'l, and di'Ciari'J thfii' luU'ntlun ofwurklngagnlniiit. |,avreiio« Kugaii, a macliliii'mati, thoroughly aoquululi-d with niurbln* methods, who was elecltd .Mayor of Hoboken last spring, piiU- llclv anmnmot'd ihat b* non d do ull lif hli puwrr inawJMl thlou, and os Us cuiiirollod tb* police Slid IIIV depart nan IS his |H>w*r was c<miirlr>ro4l strung cuougti to r*.is tli* mlsoblsl With ^h* niajorl y which the ring- slcrs luuk for In llubukvii. The clcrgyiiieii, Froie«Un(uua Caitiolic alike, uiNctbcr with their Ipymon, formed toe Mnml Itcfonii Asiuclilluu and (teld mns ineeimgs at which 8tanlon aud me ring wsra ilrtimiuced, aud Toirey was rxinllcil as I hsuinrloni Moars who was In lead 1 he cl ly uud cuuuiy out of Ita political boiidugc.

But Hiai Is a pacuflarlty of Hudson poli­tic!*, Every coiniutlgn siert* olf lu »n ut- nioapbere of nruusud puhlie Indiguailoci, which Ie enough to chill the marrow lu th* bones ni th*rlnfalers,,ir tkoy were not usod tu U by iliis time. NovmbeUs^ Ihry were greatly Ironbied Ibti fall. The past two municipal elrctluna ihowcd them that Jersey City could give the lirpublicau eiitl-ring candldtic a majority wbleb it would tag tbeir Ingenuity lo the ulitiosi to orrremns in tbe Qurth purl of ih* couoty, while the fact Ihet TbnmpflUQ and tbe racetrack ptMipl* bud clumped ootikblerAhlo money into llnd- sou uud were doing all they could Ui difeal Blanton, in order (hat tbey rol'jht gft " hunk " whh Denny McDnugblln, added to tbeir djflIculMes. Denny's taunt} "K eel your Hbenir as I do ntid you wont want laws," U Is laid has rankled In "H illy 'i" breoai ever slue* Dunny flung It at blm last winter AS a reply to bl* polite Invllailun to help pass th* liiicciraek laws, niid one ol bis Alms In life Is la get square urlih iho " I'riiic* of GuUeuburx." Jxusi winter's bill. pruUtbli- lug winter rao*i,wai passed to punlsii |)*nuy, buiTLoinpaou Ifiirs Ibat If RIhuIou Isrl^ie *d BharilT lienny will gu (»ii racing et Gut- MDburg Just a* though there was no Uw against it on the bonk* and will lu " Billy’s " picturesqu* vrrnucular, have tb* laugh un blm."

Rut the rlngiten were not dlsh*ATl*Q«cl and ibey wvnt to work Id earliest, uu* bad all lb* lawyers from es-Govornorl)*dlsdowu tuthls year's Itceniiate endurse Hiauton's managernent of lb* BherlfTs ofllue during the year be b*i been Its oceupani. At a meeilugcalled to prolest efaiuMl th* ring and lie candidate, Btepb«a B. Kahsutn, the oldest practicing lawyer In tb* county, said that allhougb bti did hot endorso Hiautuu's UQininalion, truth ooinpelled him to luy Ibst be bad made tbe besiriberifriho cou t(y had bad In lUt-sr) years. Cliaocellor McfllU wrnt* II letter praising the 8h*il(f, and Gov­ernor WeriH t(Mik the atump Hi lil« beliHlf.

'then Ibe Moral Ueform Associa.luo held a tmassmeelliig hi which Dr. I ’arkburii, of New York, and several local clergymen iriHd* some verv Injudicious remarks about Iriebmen and CatbollcM. All Ibis tbe ring has played to Ue best ndvautage with ttie re­sult that it looks vory much to-day as though HlHntmi would win.

The Bhenfl flgbl has to h great extent ov*r- ■badowed the IcglslaUv* ooniosl. Noverlbe- less causes have been at work In several of the dihtricli wbleb. make Lbcin doubifnl, Hudson waegvrrymandeiedao ms tu make ten of tb* elcvru dlstrii'lR lli'inoeraiio uodvr ell clrcumsUDues, aud nulionu oftbe ten has givvn leu than soo l.>erui cratie puiraiity. Tn* HepuhllCAus gained two aeaU last year through dissensions Atiiong to* Democrals. One of these, th* Firni, will go bock lo tbe Lkritjocrau t:iie year. Thu t^C‘mn Is ib* new ” llin-aesboe," with a Bepubhoan mojurlly uf lAU), aad Max Ballitgor, tn* piclDrssqit* at- ttiru«y, will keep lb* House awake again thle winter wUb till ornate oratory. Hcitry Holmes, tbe fVepubIlean, wbo captured the Third lest winter, will have a hard row to hiw to gel olecird (bli year. Ills oppoiieui, Thomas Kgau. bawarer, is not a pKrilculurly •trong or popular candldute, but be haa a worktug majority of aOO tn bis fovor. Hugh Kelly, m til* Fouith^s a Davla manund OD* whom ibe Hiug cun rely upon. There Is much oppoehlou to him Hinoug Democrata and The Jersey City thelocal Di'Toocralle organ refuves to support blm. Nevertbeloss wllb a rnajorlly oftkiti in bis favor bis obauoea of eleotluanre g>KMi.

Urcar King, the Democratic noiulnee In ihe tbe Fifth, will be elected unlcts an unfor<.«- seen tidal wav* atrlkea ih« county,and It will have lo sweep away "Teddy” Carroll, tbe Gloucester’e buokm ikcr, wlin running for tb* third time In the Sixth. Things are more hopeful for the Rvpuhhcans in tbe Beventh. This district lakes i i a puril-M uf tbe west slop* of Jersey City and llarrlsoTi aoil Kearuyt and Jersey Ciiy is gsjieraliy looked upon'to carry the dlsirli-t for tue Democrau, John Kerr, tbo Kvpubllcen nomlaev, Is deveiapiDgsueagih In tn* Jerx^ City section of the dlrtrtet, wbfeit bis rrieodi any will mrry blm through. To* Uupubil- cans' obanco* of csrryiiig the Eighth ere bright. Thomas McKwau, tbeir canJtdatr, la M prHCtcai pollllelBn and is doing gool nnd eft'Xtlv* work. Hia upponent, Dr, B, V, W. Hioul, wa* elvcied lust year hy 505 plural­ity, but I here fi much oppotUlou to tite dodor 111 the ditlrici this rAlJ,aQd predleUons of his defeut are freely made, Micbnel J. Coj'le, tba Democratlo nominee, has another aura lUiog In the Ninth. The Tenth Is considered doubtful. Both caudidalet are Denioaals; Charles A. Meyers, Jr„ bring lue regular ond Colonel Cbarlrs £rien|(oeU*r an Independont numP nee, Tbe artitocfatic GcMiian section of Ho. bukenlLlij dislruHt. and both cai)illd*tL-s have many friends among the citlseus, Colonel Erlenkoelter was the Lieutenant- Commander of ihe uld Hecond Uoglnient,an i wae very popular with the iotdlrrs. I f he Is, hu will aol wltb the R«pnblloan<i on orgam- SHilon If Ihc DemocratH insist upon loakin; Kiynii or one of bli ilk Nueaker.

Jain*H Ciner, a brcHb*i' of TliomesB. nKltnr, clerk of ihn Bosr i or 'lazathms the Democratlo aoiuiaee In the Elevmiib, will he elected.

B K A D L L T A N D H ilt T A X C A

A Cam paign Doaouieat Rent U n i by Man- m euth Cnuety Uem oerate.

Rpeo el DUpaich tu ihu Niw aAAWVXY rakK, Not. A*-Tbe Demoorate of

MoiiiBOufU Cuuuty who ere anxlouetode- ft>Mt James A. Bradley, Ih* aulhracetreek CA idldet* lor Henetor, bed printed and are distributing ihouMods of large olrculers reading as ;

** Thi sc fans esn not b* dupqfrd. T*x- paytra, aruu^r! (Vim tare yuur Ins hill « llb James A. Bradicy’a. James .\. Ilmdley owns li> NepluiicTowbahlpreai HiiaU viilued at rJ,OCO,000 ami pay taxes un only HjO.dOQi, llu rpruRvd lor the brach frubt lu A«hury I'srk but houuly pays a lux uffM uuIh* same, TtiU outragetHis lisle of affulrs has Ukted Iwi'uty y**rs,as sbuwu by (be lax hooks.

” Who bsN pild Jsm«c A. Bradley’* laz*a lor the |Miai twenty y<«ars f Th«» huiieftt lnx- puyese uf Neptune iownsblti. It Is esllmoieu tlmt lit ihv |Mi«i twenty yvara JnmeH A. Itrsd* ley rvoelvfd fr-'iii Ihls imjmii d 9or]iuliiAlhm

- ofiaxatiivt upwMrUof tSUOno of th* twoplo'* j itioiuy, Iftu'pKiii ht« ju*i prot^irtiou uf IxxosK n oo li dourrasi' your tax bill on*; hall. No (axi»aver i!*n vt»t« for Jttmis A.; Itradley, the iippri*s»orof tho wag^oarnur.- Hr would legislate for tb# rich aad not for ; ibr p<K)T.'’- lHKNTO?r, Nov. 4. 11. lleurl Herbert, of lhl« city, who presided Ht the last Hiet* col­ored ronvfnlfon, held tost year, has ad- drtast'd a lrtt»*r to th* tvdi rvd voivr* of Mon- moulb County, urging thern to voie ngalust Kouhdrr llradtey, who If a candidala for ueuatur for tbtu coutily.

T H E C H D k A lli: AG AINH T OAMHtxERfle

M onm oiitli County t 'h u rrh r* r io a «d to llu ld Mass Mvptlngs kiinday N ight«

ASBBitr f'AKK, Nov. d ^ T h e CUIsens’ Ixeagus o f Muuinouth County flred the .last fh o u Into th* cam pijf lb * raceirook I>aruo- crats yesterday by holding masN meoilugs In Ixong Branch, Freehold, Manasqnan and As- bury Park. Tbe meeting* in lu l* placv 4rer* held last evening tu KduiMlIouAl HaU nod L ib rary Hall.

Tbe raertlogii, th* fln t }K>Utloal deraonstra- tlon i ever held lit MoumuiUb County on th* Hnbbatb, were htld under the d ireciioa o f i l i * thirteen I ’rotostanl and Catholic clergymen o ftb e tw o resorii. Tbe evening service* In tha^arioue oburohe* were om itted and tbe tnembars Qook*d to Hi* mass meeilnga en maakA Democrala, Uepublicahe aud Frohl- blilun lita paniclpntod In the demunstrailOD. lU v . Dr. K. H'. ^lokef, tbe prrsident o f the Ocean Orovn ('am p Heeling Aasocintlon, pre- slilfKl at the meeting lu KduraMotial HnIL Ou the itugc uere the pistorn uf th* Metho­dist, t ’ rrsbyierliin, B.iplUl, R^^rornasd and l.ulherati Chiirrho*, aud represeiilatlvea o f the CatholicCiiufcb,

Dr, Blokes lu opening the m eeting said that tbe minister* h id k ft (beir pulpMa and the people I heir p^ws for Ibe purjmH* o f Diceitiig on Ihe common platform o f corn- niuD morulily. Ni«vvr htfor*, it* said, has Uivre v iis iv a in New Jersey *iirb a Condi- IfoD A* exists to-day. Unprlnulplcd poll- llr ia n t have Koid lUc Communweallh to tba gaiohlerii aud tt^duy wo wru ngl Ihe rulers o f our native Blate, but tt.c slave* o f the saloon­keeper* unU racelrack uwiieri/' The doctur cr iiie l**d the l*wiT»*krrit who voted for ih* KNOetrark bllla Usi w iiiicr and pleaded with the vot*-rs prcNcrii to break away from pi^illlCHl prejudices end untie to overthtow the gAPiihliiig evil. The Rbscalee, be said, could bo broken by voting for Jarne* A. Bradley for Henetor.

The OCX I speaker. ez-Ansemblymsn W ill- lam H, C<irblu, o f KHxabcih, Raid that the * 'D u k eu i G loucester’ ' has been before iXe courts o f C'emdeu County Afieeii tlmea, nud punished for violating tbe Inwa o f N ew Jer­sey, H e ►cored the saloons, wbo, at the bid­ding o f Thumpsou, paused tb* ubnoxlous Hocetruck bill* without perm itilug the m oral pt'uple or the btat* tu bo heard on l be ad-lm- porlant qoesllons. The other speaker* in Lduceilokiai Hull were tbe 11.v. Ur. Frank (.’handler, « f ih* Preshyifrlait t burch ; tbe liev, B. Kdward Young, o f ttie cairainster I ’ reibytfTiHrt Cburch ; tbe Hev. Dr. Bcuddsr, o ftb e lihformed Chuicii, mid the Rev. Dr. Alien, uf tbf> Methodist Cuurcb.

Over Iti Liberty 11*11 the reformers were id- dreisi'd by Dr. Hanlon, Dr. t'bau lerand Mr. Cui-IjId, Dr. Heoiou mxd* a pl*e on b«huir ol the young meu • f th* Hut* and urged ibe fathers prestmt tn Tote for candidate* for th* lAiglslMure w'liu weru pledged U* vor* for ib* rcMttl of til* darmiablu Kaoetmcli laws.

T li* meetings were roatlutted uu lll nearly m ldnlgntand broke up with obeen for tb * aniProoHirark lickei.

5,000 Dozen

(T O -n O R R O W )

T U E S D A Y O N L Y .


Denonneed i i i * Anti-Racetracit LSAgtig. Special lo lb * E v e n ik o NkWa.

E l ie a b b t h , N ov. Father Oissnercreated A stir In Bt, Putrlck’ s Cbureb here ye iU rdny by dunouncluftbe Autl-Uscetrack Ixeagueus a lo t o f crauksand said that i f tbey on ly devoted their energies to try in g to suppress tho rum ira ffl* there would a id be any rnceirsckv. He also pi relied into the Republican .Mayor and said that under his rule K isibctii was the w orn governed city In New Juroey. Tbe clergym aa decJarod that tbe M ayor t*t all Iha laioon* keep open on Rupdnys and that Ib i* w a a a g rea ic rev ll lo the communi­ty and debauched morull mur* than tb* presence o l the rBcetrack*.

Factory ami Barn llun»edt Special to the EyiNiNn N ews.

KIxJEAUCtk , Nuv. 6.—What WAR formerly .Herab's carpet fketory, located In Clark Township, on lb« roud leadlag from Itabway lo Crinford, was deatruyed by flre laiiulght with ItsbunlenU, A baro Adjoining tt was alMD eousumed. Tbe lof* is said to be stveral tbousHud dollars. The building (or ibe poet few year* has been fllled wltb inoubatora for raising oblokeni aud a large uumber of fowl* were deilroyed,

* W *e tfl« ld Nows Itrm ixThere was a large attoodauDe At tbe aer-

vlc« of song at tbe Methodist Church lost evening. The musio was under the direction of Mr, UacQ,uold.

CbAlnnati Gardiner, of the Town Com­mittee, Is putting tbe roads on htsildeof tbe railroad .tracks U oonditlun for lb* winter, rolling Aad ofoaulug out guliefli aud draliiA

Tbe trofteeg of Fairview Gem*i«ry will bold a meeting lo-morruw «L2:&0b’clock at the lodge. Mailers perlHlalng to the caring of the grounds tbl* winter will come before tbe meettug.

Tb* Inourcri and aecllon bosses of the* Euifon and Amboy dlriiion oftheLeUigb Valley Uuliroad are coruplslnlng bitterly over Lb* last reduction ntdtlo tn their |Miy, The bosaes go from 259 p«r moath lofifi, and t be men nro red aoed lo 9!.0fl per dny.

Tbeeatf of Ledger vi. Clsrk will occupy (be utieuiloo of ti>* court iMs afteruoou.

196<198 SPRlNGriELD AVC-,Havv op.iiuu u Nutfoii Ifopamiisni nu<i offer

aoiuu extraordinary Induceinetita lo that lino.

Bcfil Vi lvelecn Binding, 7e.Corset Kteeis, dc,Hiilr t'lns, fourpaeki, tc.Bilk CovervU Buttons, Ac. perdosen, Hiisllug Col (OIF, CO-yU spool, 1*4 56.1’htnibies, 1*.Hix do*<»n RiittuiiH, Ao*Hooks AitJ Kyes, ac. cird,6c. Hi«lr CiiriHfs, nuAV 3r.(for l3Xc. ]>re»i 8hield4, 7*.Knliliug CoLtou per ball, H.fox Our lOu. FliiuOmilM, Ar*Our kinds DressSt'uis, 4c.

quailtv eliiNiir. 9u. per yard.Oitrahi.'* (.'Dili Hotii ful'inU inie, Ifln. Otir;ik>. Floor Olfohxh for t ilssnfo, Ike. vd. on r ^ Decorated China Hvts forthTssnte,

S3.I»K.Our 91 Oval WssU D »ilcrt for tbl < ask, .ASe, Our 91 j^tirlur L<tmj>4 fur this « mi*. 7 BT.Our 13.50 Dc-coraied Toilet Beta for ml< snle,

•a.HH*lu O itr B lioo 1> f]m rtinp !it.

Our l.Fidii’ s' S1..50 ihuignlii liuUou Bbocs for tills sale. El.09,

Oirr ^il-ic«' i l Hprlng Heel Blmc* for Ibis ■air. Olio.

Our Afon's ILub IluffBboes, solid wearen, fur tills k<aie. Vt.UI),

Our Cbllureu’s 9>o. UprlngHeel Hboes,Io lii foi' Oils Kill*, AUciI I I O u r F u rn h li in if D o n 't .

OurSAf. Wnoilon KuuXs foru>lsssl<%Our 25c. BUk Web HUipciiders lur tin* nea*,

loc,Our 25c. Balin or SUU Bow* for ibis sal*.

9c.In C h ild ren 'll and Lad ion ’ O iitlitA

Our Ladles’ 91 WtFnied Jockeis, at 09o., Isaloervellout bargain.

Our 75a. Bilk Capa, at il9e., eao’ l be dupU- ceied.

Our Ladles' 3Sc. Woollfn Hose, at 12^*.Uur IxA lies'D2& Embroidered Cbemrse for

tills sa1», gAc,Our 92 Children's Clonks, Offo.Goods delivered rreeof oharg*. Money re­

funded for all nroh* not sstlsraciory.TIlFi FAllt,

flicin AB'nn, lHi ]9.S HprlnrflcM av*.

The colored voter* of Essex Oimuiy are In- dignanl at tbe way U W. Brown mUrepre- sent* tbeir ptieitloti

We ur» lu (avorof Ur. Ltblbsoh forHber- Iff. Ho Is AU bimeit man. He will b* a good Hberlff. h* win treat everybody houesiiy -udlalrty. He Is oiirfrleud, He vot<:a anaHCli ooeorUliig totals eunvtoilons of duty and rigbi, Tbui 1* the kind nf man (bsoolored ptople waul to see Id tbe Bhorifr* ufilAe,

That is tbe kind of min every good eltliAn wanii to ve« m the Couribouse.

J. H. Preseotl, East Orwnge, board of goT«^ nora; Gforge Calloway, buard of goviritor*; OK>rge Vaao, prealdeni,

Louis 'lunter, president; Jobb U, Clark, vicc-presideni i Biebard Van Fait, sacreiatT; Moriiian Jones, ntemlMr Ward ExeouUv«x MwpmiUedBeoond Word Cofored Club.


William H. Brown-Fon-


At the trade sale of 135,000 dozen Japanese Hand­kerchiefs by the great Japanese house of J . R. Simon & Co,, of Ne\v York, through Messrs. Field, Chap man & Fenner, .auctioneers, we bouglit heavily, in anticipa­tion of' our large Holiday Trade. As it is a lu'.e of our house, however, to HUY CH KAP AND HKLL CH EAP, we have placed the entire purchase of 5,000 dozen on sale at about one-half the prices we could duplicate the goods for later on, thereby giving au unusual opportunity to our cus­tomers to follow our example aud anticipate holiday wants at a great saving. Tlie prices we give are actually twenty-five per cent, less than the regular wnolesale prices. As the lot is 1 so large a detailed description would almost fill a page of this^ paper, and we can only give a brief synopsis, viz.:

I.iuUrx' Smllnpj'ii Jni>ani<Mp Kiiiliroldert'd, lu iiPttt (ioxlunii, white and ool- oriMl, rep. itrli'c l!H>. niisl Thin ink' I2e. und t.ti'.

Lmlli-x' Knihrtildt'reil nml ISilk {ji'alloiuHl, olnpaiitly umbroldared all around, rep. :«k‘. Tliln aide I Up ., U-Ip .

Liidli’n' Jiii«iK‘.p Hilk Hcullop, with olnboratp emhroldery and drawn work bordi'rn, rpp. Slk'. lo 41k'. 'I'hlx saU* ti.Yc.

I a iUpn' Very lliindn.imp Jn[>itnen<' Ht'mntltche.1 amt 8oallo)>cd Kiubroidered, with lino Mexloan drawn work ptl'octi In ounieri und ildi'*. rop. -lai;. to rtOo. Thin xhIo !li1c.

Laillox’ Kino Jkpancic HfliuRtltphpd, with noat Hiiiall pinliroldered Initial, r o p . T h i x aalo Idlp. '

I joUw ’ Kxtra Uimllty Jaiinnoie Ueimtitchcd, with lino cmbniiderod Initial rep. ;t)ic. Thti lulo !I4p,

Mon's FIik' tlmdlty Honixtltphed Jananoae Haiidkorchlofa, SO-Inrh, JldnoU l)iir<U r, rrp. 4tio. Tlili aalo tUtp.

Mon’iKxtratliiallty Henixtltohod Jaiianesp, iO-ltu'li, with IMiicU border, rep.Ulip, Thlx anUs 41»p.

Mon'e Larpo Honi.tltolird Jn]ianoiio, 20-lnch, with haiidmniin omliroldored Initial, rop. rillc. Tlik Hale iltlc.

Mon'H Kxtra Ijirpo lleuixtltotu'i'Ju|ianPxo, with lurpis onibruidorcj Initial, rop. (tjc. 'I’lils aale 41>c.

In conneplinn with the above offer we tnlio pleasure In announclnp the arrival of tho aopond histalnicnt of our liirpo piiroliaeo of ),000 donen Bwlaa Embrniderod Haiidkondilpfs, liii'lndiiip I0:i lioxeii of thoee Klopant Etnbrolderi'd I.aoo Effei'ts, which went out WITH HUGH A IIUNH. Many of the styles could not be purchicwd nt jier cent above our prlcu. On ncisniiit of a delay lu rwelvinp the l>alan<N> ofl our sbipmciits we secured a Niimll concession lu the price, of which I we, ai uiual, give our ouslonii'rs the Ijeneflt.Ucp. ,S6c. lo 41k'. ptiUcms. This sale 3 4 p .Itep. 19c. to 24c. patterns Tills sole lie .



We will O F F E R OUR EX T R A O R -' D IN A R Y L IS T O F GRAN D and SU P E R B


Our $62.98 Our 54.9S Our 48.95 Our 45,59 Our 43.98 Our 39.25OurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOurOur

At Surprising Reductions To-morrow. Who-j ever has the matter of a wedding (or Christ-j mas) present in mind should take advantage! of this opportunity. We make this offer', simply for the purpose of do.siiig out certain Lamps of which we are carrying heavier lines than we care to. The bargain becomes apparent when you read over tins list o f reg ular and special prices : '

Piano L am p ..................................................... $49.00Piano L am p ................. 39-oo,Piano L am p....................................................... Jb.75Piano L am p .......................................................36-47Piano Lamp ,Piano Lamp

38.98 Piano Lamp ................................................... j6.oo37-7932.9827.98 Piano L a m p ................................................... 19-3724.9823-59 18.7513.69 Piano L am p ...................................................10 7513-49’ ■ "

Piano Lamp . Piano Lamp .

Piano Lamp Piano Lamp . Piano Lamp .



13,29 12,49 11.79 11-39 10.98 1025 5-98

Piano LampPiano L am p ..................Piano L am p ..................Piano L am p .................Piano Lamp . . . . . Piano Lamp (like cut)Piano L am p ..................Piano L am p ..................

10.7510.59 10.009.59 9-258.798.254.49


! ^ R I 6B0N BADGES ^A o c n ts W a n te d .

New Illunlnatfd Cxt.l-EHX.

Neiuk, Hnr Jenej.■ FUGS. FUGS. FUGS.

1 * 1 4 103 W A tH I ft a T O N * T .

- IN O U K -

Mamniotk Basement!10 cents to ao cents reduction on the dollar in the Hard­

ware line.10 cents to 40 cents saved on every dollar's worth of Soaps

and Sundry Woodenware.15 cents to 45 cents saved on every dollar's worth of Tin-^

ware purchased.20 cents saved on every dollar's worth of Brass Goods

bought.10 cents to 50 cents on the dollar reduction on Brushes,

Dusters, Whisk Brooms, etc.20 cents saved on the dollar on all Agate or Granite Iron<

ware.Blue and White Enamelled Steel Ware reduced 33J4 cents

on the dollar.Tea Trays reduced ao cents on the dollar.Gas Heating and Coal Stoves, also Cooking Ranges, re­

duced from 10 cents'to 35 cents on every dollar.Ironware reduced 10 cents to 40 cents on the dollar.Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Dinner Sets, reduced 10 cents to 60

cents on the dollar.Crockery and Glassware reduced 10 cents to 30 cents on

the dollar.Woodenware and Fancy China reduced 10 cents to 40 cents

on the dollar.



_ n w i t Pr. H o liu * . t " " ! l > h l l o « ' r " « |Ibit u*» idufiUuu 1 ‘b"' MOd bHl» ■« T»*n t»fo" P '• „ 'SlSr^o h iw mi-lt •«“ •

rt*« w lt o c b ltU l ie u tb c h

e u S e n n W b* M c tn r y loI W u o r o f tb.eblld to fir « ' * ' “ >'><' " •! l « i to .U.1.1 lb . t - t r « « IU . T b . ttotok to h io « n • • «bll<l t ia d r b i t r « . l T « l

promlto of « « “"* • '""""■Vrofettor W. I 'r iy .r , who



AtUsivMtiir> ■“* itii »o" w ho i n n f i f d . a

.E ;^ , '™ .« iu lh n r .. j 10 lb .

iK irk i« » )wycb«*fi>-pUC«»nii>DS U»‘»A*

\a wbIcU U* li« «jjfhlCll__TUli It i t in i l iU d frool• MW worfc

■ f . lD f i i i l Wlntl.“

' h2iIZ"m»r «ir"iu ibii lb. oig. Jid S ^ i ^ o V . " f ‘;b ,!S o ’," ‘; r

2 i ^ W th ..b U d for . o r T h T w ^ a Ifllo wblcn b t 1* born. I f o " « 2 ? * “ ! i tacm w im o w W ito f '> b * b '‘; f

fa r t t t t lio b lo i- 1 'b i bo*-

m ilt'iJit;-.'io> ir, wu»

i 'lto Z ' l V b ; V r b . ln i « o . l l l » .1 llr.1ThM BO Wliilon o' oo'of I‘'f■”,T i r * r i l L r o W » t Iboi lb . to .o : f . t i i l » ;> »o '

h lb r ^ M 1‘ rrlitS^toiBo m ootbi bKOc. ll

nr. r n y . r . lb . « » i t < . ' « l

iClSt11 ilM M m 'S SM

Of All-silk Moire Ribbons, in all colors and various widths, ai.d

A DRESS TR1BMIN6 IMPORTER’S STOCKOf Jet, Gabon, Bead, Steel, Gimp, Moss, Cantilb and other de.sirable and fashionable trimnmig.s, and in connection with other large lots, Ixntght at mere

In our WOOLLEN DE­PARTMENT you will find the large.st and hcit assort­ment of

F a l l a n d W in t e r


Great Special SaleO F T R A D E S A L E P I R C B A S E S .

fractious of their first cost, are on sale at


prloe* which should attract every buyer who appreclat« the

economical method of trading.

On icm thingt wt tar* r»“ " **'■Cn o.'Atr fA.'irff* w* *ar» yob /»• ■'

■ $vt 0/1 $terf(hmg w* tar* /o« imMlhing.


in the city at lowest prices. Special attention is called

wide at

HandkercMets R i p From Japan.

THE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED.Every piece, every yard, every article is warranted.

1 ph y .io io ito .l i f » i » ! ” « - ,l!LJSwrii*b«ib.i.p!*rrp^yrflb , child'. ' : “ V ^ T b V .C di i t a T M t o a i i « o « r i n a ln « o t . lu * lu . “ t o l « r t by Milto, IBPMUIOO. wblcbW.Irui.o<ily Ibrounb t b « . w b . t u.Sritaim*obiia wmi ooibfi, WB*. •»«V ^ . m L M io .I t . h. C11HD1. I* B» •tdi M t o w . 1 U,U u i o o f Ilf*, w lb * dsT.b'P-

"oV lbO lB i.n « i. Tb* Bb'lab ‘ hol , 'b «o«.h .."Thi»iiiii« wiiboui iibiiii«i

or coiirne, you all kiioiv,I f )/ » » HOC I t i l l H a n ib c rd o r ’ d “ a d s , I t a *0.

: S t v T b 7 ” dW.Lpbr*BV I . m tu u «u-

S r t o r b B M i ^ Of - o m d « J Jtk lttk la f pow«rSii onHfl* a m

leZ u lh » t a ib .l prootdi Im b iu iii i n •»*"•** BooUy by (to u r tii io ii . 'J b i 5 2 5 o » . U l to lolly tetoB ltoB obUd l « r i

by ib M i ittoia of^ hM. •» ‘‘iUrX

b H o o rn .b y lm U lllD f » " «

Ji ta not BrtMWkfJf n ob lid l4

to . iM ito J y It iB iy b . . v .r y . i « i . * » » • " -1 a r l i f . n lBn* d linon ’ t/ .H It . m in r lo r In -ul5toiii.iau.m ito by “ ‘’u';

rn h *; a 5 r n V ” 5 r f o l i . i r . a ’ i i i i n :S ir t i id byTpptoiib i » >1. . r «

i . d who* Ih . o t f .u . .* " * • * '* V ’ ’ t " nraM rly 1 A to d nod bu lll u p .ll l i i lm * 1®

I . y . - I « . l i l l- '.* upun


4 ,/ I Holrr, uU foinri. wllb fin^y Q 1, I f ' X -b r l i n inHiibb-i-lurri « prlr. in • M T (L f

^ [ v / v j I>‘ > " ' l i i ' l b i o III prlci ii, I I I " T



f l l 6c- y d llu lr* . I l l oolon, wUh fm ry n i in iiU e iu r fr 'i l ir ir t l i ’ / . y ir u ; duottun in ptiwt ui doiUn't.

tH*r.iiu U-

t x in lM llMB)ih . fie i to ll m0iuir»»»*' 'n "" --- -Injury W ^n lb«y iuhjrct llum ton muob lo iMMrrnf l,Bto.nl prorl'. Tb«*.u*«* tton* .to .luiKitoioiy »>;i oiMfiy luto I b . •boob 1. Tulu.uto I" P*f0“ t* B '"'

!» i. fto t“ ' B ib j.o io r> y o i»^TOO Ltibllihar. « r « h , Appl.luu *


Rt 80 yd'lo lw * nil ftolort, wlHi fnin^ inanuhirUkTer't prlrt l«r. ykfa ; iiUL’Uoii til pflco loUeEwf*.

ldi|»U fC- Rt


8c. yd

attention to our line of FANCY CLOAKINGS $ 1, $ 1 .3 0 and $0 .

Don’t fail to see our latest Novf.i.t y Stru’KS at $ * .7 5 , worth {13.50.

Black and Bluk Chev­iots, in plain, fancy and di­agonals, from ^ 1 .55 up.

Hkavy Bu avkrs.K ersf.ys, Worsteds and Meltons, in all the latest shades.

Broadcloths for Capes and Dresses, all shades, from $1 up.

F rench Montaonac and VierNAS, in black and blue, $ 7 per yard, regular price

18-50-Astrakhans, in all colors,

at any price desired.

Bi.ack and Brown S eal Pi.ushes for Capes and Jack-

Here they are:prioei.Usk l- l*o (lU ‘»’ wltUeatid colors W»f , l*r>t

H.IU. vrlih hmIenib. Miiln, kiiRfl i l l " »Fmti. J Ip .BClUiil * t » l ol JuitlllU

OurprlCF..... ........... - .......7c.' 19c.

Lo l I - L . d l r « ' W h ll. .n d Colitmd Jiriuntoo HIIK ll.nUU.rL'tili f>, u ltb [oar coru .r. worko'l . ' " ‘■■i • too tn,b. .O fk .d on « l l « J « « * .u d r t lh o p e ii.o rk , lu n in ii* lu- iral lln1»,*0U i«l co.l i f Inllill i* I#.-, to dki. Our prior......... .........


LoV l-L «d lr » ' WhU. .nd lo lnr.d J .ru ii 'to fll 'h lliiBimereblnf-, « nil r r .r r i i i* work, iinlKou lour corn.ra, .1 '" nnb. w o rk « l Ml •round, with opt-nwork, lu lb . iiu ilto .l •ff-i'l*. .011.1 >'lioiiillUdS'V. lodJo. Iiur prior-.....


< -T lir b lK M l lot o f M l-Iju lli/ *W tillr niiil t.'riliirod Ui.nilltrrcliitrl-, w ltb o|wu«urk, reverinit, ruib, on ‘<11 cnruri-.. In . I.IM trS rS t. In Ulllbrln • ! l " ‘ l.<". Hnlur.lco«lof Inuillnil a V . lo j * . ’.Our prlonu ......

j.ol S- lO illM '-Inp iin .t* h i l t H .nd*k. rclilof.. in wbitf . 'id colorrd,•mil, iJr.witwork. ru torlii*. w ltb rinb. .1.0 liuud«<»n «lyiMi.b. workon » l l oon irr ., wUb- KUl (ito -p lliw i'll. uttiiul 00.1 OflundioKiUr. loTJo. Our prle*.....

•II d.j>0.1l * • " * ' *

w .KLmr,.i»rea you p in v in ji oi ) ^

kcrolilHt* II iiRu b «m * iGlil by Ui n » big loHtu 1U« Impurtir.


Note the foUowlDg unprecedented, Indlaputable and non-dupUcata- ble oUbringe for Election Day from B o'clock until 6.

tO-Incb Tr1<«l Cloth, M a pur y .rdb tow ", grtou .m l n *vv .

All-wool Huliiui;*. - IN -, Bb'Bb. "B d pi 4iMn<Mi All-woOl liore.. Cb'-'. o .t 'W b '

nil colon.



FITTiS.Klfcirlo.1 m « l C.pto, ■■ .woop • ly l » . " a e , » » . llluok Coi'cy iJuiw, ao.o il.Illi'Clt (.b c rl'il J .o k .l« , lf«-o '-inu iton .Im Tc

• ud wlflc uulub otill.r, a4 .e il.t -b .. l" l JMketo, w llb Co lu n jb l.o ooHir.

wiilo pu It

By p n jli 'i u .i l o ^ g »"1« for you ........ .. u . ) l ld .y .. . « ibc•rc Joel I f . IbJng toi' C lir l 'tn i.^ lf i . , . " d wS i t o yu . .-H V ln g ot j u . . » l « r cen .o

N O T I O N S .X ■pto l.l l ln .o t H u »l H cl.«>n , i l i H l i ' ; i «

L s d i t o ^ ^ r l ’ l lM d l . P w k c l K h It m , U3o


Or$at Ttiinga in Had anrf Colarad Drau Geads.

L'l.y IlLgoBBl*. 111. Ib'C't thing for S 5 C . IhSlrc ooaluinH, il'jll.rgoodr.u i.

U p lren ot.’i!!-lii''l< I'toTy Cloth P l.g - unato " " d T r ifo j c lo th ., dnrk eiiliirt. In i i f i t o " ml**-'! .n r . .,•nod. whoto CoitOf protlucllun I.SOc, nyU., " I l l be .o ld w u ll. iln-yliu i ............................ ................. .

I'liir Armurm M'd Ih n goo .K *'f r.lrn goud aiinllly. V 'lu . t l . v aivi tin . (iru irt(B .ia '‘|li.. * ' ' l '•iDiill lliuri", to-ll eifeir.; .^ otouuY In . . . Oouaf, to 11.U I V - hTi., lujiiitoinig ot cnmel • h * 'f tlrliirniind " Ih fl li'llur .IT'Ct.,L ' l l i L to rcynt.T pHcto itomI! ui Jl.r'O; .IM . l.rge lliiBo. F .n rr W .nTr. »nd Colo d . cinyiil.. lb I'lBlB eulmbr ' “ “ bItoiull w*t.»4,logo.t........

. 1 1 co lor., .11M iton C oT .r D r « . 8 le .l«,.Itot. 10c. > dou.0. ^A n .w tin . Jloru H .lrp lo ., I * c . down.

C h i l d r e n ^ H C a p s .W b li « kviUerdown

new work,


25c.Ftn . Tw ill klorm ttorgei In d .rk »n d

nj.dlutB S » t y ,M « . y . lu » , . i ......-


a . t o l * . Thu publlih .r. «rc S , K .w K 'lflf, .n d on .ul" by Muiiigun.

U .r ir ln '. tlieory o f rTolo llon h . « w .b . ' " I d up..n . « le " l t . '. . tb . . ' “ ■'y

0* ii.iu m l hlflury b ii. no 'l.rg 'in . u '• '"• '■ h - • b l l clu inu. Tu »"liJ n .iu r»lto l ru J in «l tb * e * i « . » d tiic y .lto y i und o ilm b.d H i. b l'l.I . ito tob o t kiiowirilg*. H I* vkcur»lun.■toe In th . n .lu r . o f u roloollltc hiitil. Jluv-

STSb" hi*to b o inU .u d wrllien out 'h * . b l " ta rr o f h i. .g p e d lll 'f i l ‘i h i. h-rb

. l id , cu l.lu iuw l h i. I'lMOU, li* WM eohunt lo b .» lB g m .il. . rwurJ wbleb w ie iiM lu l .n d * . i ‘ .r «H y o « f . e l ! bui •ladbaM Pl n .lur.1 h l-tow rirtiiy iiu w p il.y .Im * . . » « f * b » ‘ ‘ - ‘ “ " • ‘ ' " I 'Xaor, Tbfjr * r . I'u, — ...... ,

.n d .n .I"ir>T 'i| g l " . . ; I " ' ! ' b " I ' " ; iS ttn P , Ihn m y .le r l.. of " “ j l .tb ! .i.tunatotuf w-duy I. un uli'Jg.il'tod - j „ « o t « u . t . . i . t l h B i ' hi.Ib .M l* touch to b« timru.d lu Iho llrl'l u| D.tur.1 K l.'iO . fiu “ lb“ " *1” * ' ‘ Bfl‘ * t “ i " t lg “ 'i ly .a d well III tb » . bP*"*■1$ tbft wood MTid llifl Junulei! ! t f f c r m . l t y . . Obil b.bSU undCU.K.iinof

m . I . t o .1 » " d "Bi'BB' « " f i ' i . B'‘ “ " ‘ d 'V . ! ! ! " to tb . lr if lh r i. for kpuutod.it .n d f.<^i*. yrmltrlB Uouwuiy, Ih . .u ilu co l n .lu raltol. taniilMr with old uoU u .w raetliodr, i '" « Ju.t S ^ u i d . book Which b. b « * , f '” b ib6 Uito " In d in tr lto o f A n ln i.K Ih '" I* » work lb whleh . I.rg e u n io u '.io f I'lfunnu- Uuul* ptWMtod in » cmionto f u f o ! ‘ W "*

lu l l ' , uw lo lb . blrito ot liui uir.Uv UottlhMy uplCUblUS IfllUllltrlu . lr m od. o f l ly l i ' i . I b " 'f i'T'-i >' bo ll■«n'’ l l 'b “• ud with w in . O.iull, lht.tr plu"« o f drfi-nf.M * offritc. when In beltlc, U U rC'Uurkubl. how much lu f.n im y uod .i.i) 'r «i't r,m.oii- lug m .n y .u lin .l.d l»p lu y lu ibclr wurki, •udwhltaMr. U u lto ..y »b ou . Hint litollnci U th « i W k U i t n u i i o n ou U>ij M t l of eredwetour., .till, oil ho cluliito. .n d M . B to ioon f.).. ln.tli‘ c t i « i « ' »o d o « lykkln to r t o w o l i 'f tbhl “t • “ 'd “ I".?*',* ."“ 'J" d r e w l t a . m i . l ) * l » . e “ Ihotvro. Ih U hook t i . r « p r ln t o f .u KogltoU otllilon by t.ii.r lm M r | 3 r « tton., N .w Vork. I I 1* U ln 'lto '***;

H.ltn-." by Ki.uin. MuuMub, pubiuht-d )■« tb Appl.tOB a Co- Ih lb* I'n**! ^ d( M ^ r T lb r . r y , purport, lo b « Ibc o ikouabU »o d n l lK 'lo o . o f » splii.lcr, bto»totw>trom p . . « f u l Hem.,” \ r r y dula .ld t U ».y to.* Ion* .B * * it I* . in iB g o tb .i M yo o . wim .0 IllilB • •’" ' I ' *“ **'' •bohld boltitr lo writ* 5

—Til* iiUiorl*»llu surpoM I* 10 lu.iructih. young It m o to w n r^ d .d , Molll. Kill.it kr.w.ll. who h (( wrIUmt tovor.l .loolloui »torii*», ho. Broduoad . noT.l ^ I'rin ibo ugpio U to Puai Joiito, iliut jtpl.iidld .pouii'i who touhl wltb luoh »enl .i"* .occ.*. fof 'be ■tooWlH. 'Till, book 1« w.ll wrltlou, u huml- ■omhly Pfluted uud Iliiel!' Illitolr.teJ, nnd (to boy or t l f l*b o O.IIgbwl" lb . B.uluU. tolht. d.rlut yopBf nni'.l oCIl't'f "111 Cud to io h to e i . « » to '* " " " btotok. O. X pp l.loh e Co, n r . lb . pubU»b«rfc .

^Dawid Lttbln, ot d40niUicnto, hue " pl.ut t o i b » to ll . * * * would bring protpo fliy lo i t o lu t o .r and w l » « lu .ny of lb . aiuai rerl-OM of too la lp rooum ). H « b r lU v .. tliu t lb .■uy.rnn t.u t.bou ld l t » n .p o « r .n o rrod ueu•• n u ll matter » l ‘ u"'lo f"‘ u‘'>u‘u'*'raw for Ml d l .u n « « . lu b cb .lf o f ih l . w - B . r k a b l. p ropo .lU o . uno In »n .w o r to M l* M rlto . ana to.uy« oondamnWg It, b . nr.* — .1. lo m t lugeulou. .n u m t-u t. lo ptoo- pblata which t o I . iMulng upon th . .ubject,

_ “ C »m p F l" e p n fh . , " by Capuiii: Jnek Ctowaiid.** th . r o » t scout," 1. » oollM itu " D i.a rw .m o .i ly w rm .n for O r.ud Arm y

A U .r . .Igoroutund puirlotio. 1. m .r h « l by qualu l bm noraud

a «r ll . o f d l io o u r .« dcllyam d,>y R «t . W , a . Crow A o f tba UulTarM ll.1 Cbutch o f Uia lUda«in*r, durm t lbs w lu lar in d .p r ln g at UOL to * r*publl.hed Ui a n . . t volutnu uu-dar iha t t l l a o f ' l ’b . . * . " f Utlifloulii Aiii.r-Ito.** T b . a ltltu d . o f Ibis Clergy man lownnl ihgoa wpo bellcT. Ibut, lu Hortplur*. ounroli • r Uadlllon Ib .y find uulhnrliy for ih co li^ - •to b tila f I . wall uudaralood. From UI. a iaodpolat ba dliounas In the lacturw ibMo

. •Bbjceiat •■1‘u rli.b l.m , or me IW llglon ol tbc Book I " •' il.tbod lsn i, or tb f B .llg lou o f K iM r lc o C c ;" * 'Kplicnpall.ulem* or tb* Be- H to to o fS y m b o ta ;" ■■ U i.lm s M l.iu . or tbr Book A i. lu e t lb . B o o k ;" " CulinrlunUiu

i^ u m sh itr AiBib-i in «voH Iron) th . U u t.rln ll.tlc II*' ** ap irU u .ll.m , or Ibe Uellgluu

NO. 19 A L L -m K RIBBON,Rt yd Rt


All "ur hl.li-el*« R ’e 'lll**’ * . . _ ,I tM told W im tU tlil, to * l “ « J / . 9 5 y d

A D.W lln e o f (In . All-wool I l. ld Ar.peet.lly .d.plrd for m l . » . ,9 0 « yd, reg. 60c. goodA »t ................. ^


Two-row 1st Trismilng,U r.u lsr6c.)> l.,lm por«er '. price «r yuri). S u e r 'll« price..............

At O n c -li » lf and Ouc-iuiartcr Cotti

Fins Cut Bead Trimming,Iti-iuliir « f . . lb'J>-*n*r'* p rl.eIc.jd

Narrow Silk Braid,Mul Rllver fKliAP. J^-1ori^r't price iV.,i'. Hih i IOoe

8*ic, (Ancrlfloe prlWr...w

Cassimhri-;s, Cheviots and Worsteds for Men’s and Boys’ Wear, from 5 0 c . to $ 4 .5 0 yard.

Quilted F armer Satinsa n d S i L K S A T i N S , in Sdl newshades, ____

to iln da Briin.llc. in fh "hlnnjblaib a h n ot 11 value jUiulul* d l«g- iinalr, (ifilo llnr T .in s ; **Hu . - fWil Oiubra fl -nrcA o f ilo lliir T . lu i; black » 'our enr'i., <>1 dutlar Tftlu»; rnluihbloi uuudI* tw ill cord*, o f doller value.Every II n. In lb . IuIm i f“ *b. tnn .b l. color, and o f the in m i rcn.iwnad Kren.li m .k . a n a^^^^ yff, flqlab............ ............................ - '

Regatta Silks,

Anolhar lo t o f Uoaa Capa. ai Ud.. ..oh .

(heata S ilk B o ibreld tred Cap-,

’’c Y a o m b ic e i^ ra h 'a a d riuah t’upA a lKha new couirg. S L IV each.

B L A N K K T aTbuto w* adveniaed y e . l . r d .y waul Ilk' ot c k to . T i’ o bul.noc for jrue.d.y, I1-.

W hile B » m B lankeii B il.*# .u d Don’ t le ia . tb.u i, W in i.i-1 . ne.r.

( ( C h .m ll. Cover., *7 .. .uoh. t-4 Ctaenlll. Cover., 70o. each.


H O S I E R Y .

i n i S/f*wfreiw f*d I r a ia Jo/t a ftk a

Ph»a.t Hilla.w . will ic ll tbc bulanoe o f All-ellk

ra llle Krane.l*c, bilk H eiiia llne •nd Milk U b # d »m M ll 90c. goortA^^p_j^(/

Lad lH ' K ..1 B i.ek Bm m lM . Huae, reg. 170., ou . dayou ly , lllB. a pair.

todhu* RlUb*«l V toU , flM ced llaad, reg. . 9*.. on . day oa ly . 3 »o . each.

black Stripe h llk Velvet aud 8 » l in ,n .v . i ■Old i « i th .u «1, election day price * »o . yd.

J j jy . r d w ld f BUok Storm Serga, * »c . y A

SAInob Fln. A11-.llh*;'"tc iira ' cualUy gm . gra in , good n.'Iu valucA » t . ...............

2S.IMCI1 r in . WIkm d , never retallwl I.M th .n H, 69e.

itan.tiome S»liB DunhJtoa, the eor- lecl 1. « b ! " ’,w llb '^•llto

Fr«nch r .n c y Pro*. Mntcrlale, blaek only, r»g. dollar good.,

P in . B l.ck B»rgM,olSOC. value, at....................... - ............. .....


riiK lI.d everywh*r* .1price................... ............... - ..........

E i lr * Quality Block F i l I lA v a lo . | L », our prle....................- .......—

Flue Ombra Surah*, in oom p l.ie line o l ewlnr.. doU .e ■upda, at....


SE C O N D F L O O ILA claftrlni UD Mt* of WbU«w«r* In Forco.

l*ln Cbin.1 * l hMlitb*orlgmtlnriotik* B(m* litf bi)y impErfoct,j'b* prtw will iu*k« up tor *11 tinp*rf*cUorn,

CiViitd Vr**i*bi* piihrt iii* i w«r* l c.,

*Co« r*S* VofaUbU Pl*l»* w«r*Mc»^ M e iO ^ m iU r i t h * t V * f * 23?.. »4 ii< i«d lo'14*

UiH •1 hk{ ori*r’* lc.jd

Pinfl HiUf-inoli J#t Edgings*llegiti.rreia l price H c„liopofV 0, 'L irice 1 lo. BoeriBca prle*...— 5c.jd

l;i1-lncli Jet Galloon Trimming.^Ufguli*ra»c.,ltDpi»r(6r’ *p r lo * »e . 4Q* i jhEcrinoe pnc«..„-.to..... ................ ^

Finest Colored CnntlD* Trimming.A ll .bade*, for evening w.iir.reg- nlur ll.'fi. .Imporl.-r'e price 98e.

Fine Black SllK Gimps.iirice. Uc. aiiil Ibc.* . . - .. I4iA I

Am*p ilM .V .u n d lie ." S .e t l- [ j j 9 J

■'iei*./:.......... ........Urn pllee..'

P in e J e t E d g in gs , , ^Ueg'il.ir pri.w aie., lm pw rt.r ’a price •-’lie. toerldoe prioe.....— 9

tocrlfliw p rle .....

Wide Jet Edgings,HegnUr Hill'., l i i* fo r l. t '* OV. tocrincc prlBo---- ....

701, 703. 7 05 ^ ^

^ o a d S t .

Get a WatchBy outting out this coupon and p u ro h ^ g »6.00

M « t plattart tbal wera Wa , laduoto to

*^ *a t piattoa that war. taduead le

* ^ u a d Nappiaa tliat w «a Ibe., radaowl i»

**HouDd Happiti that war* »c ,. radnead to

B o y s ’ C lo t h in g D e p a r tm e n t .This watch is a good tlmopleoe and

m o r e t h a n a n y 1 8

prld* ite.jd

N. B.— Open for busmso alf day To-morrow.

s .

Finest Colored Qagttlle Trimming,A ll fili'ulf*. f 'T f'Vt-'ii’ JlBf wenf,

im p or ltfU ]ifiC*|LW. ii*cnflrtr prioii«„.~.............**1...... 3SC.

1- inch Silk Plush Trimming.

2- incli Silk Moss Trimming.!*• „ tm p"He*'» prle. tSc. B*erl- { J c v f ltlC" pf'd*'...........- ............... - ......................

i-j-inch Colored Cantille,' I'l *b.de gu "; j«j;*p;|„";l6C.jd!

1; ;-inch Finest Steel Trimming,' iltuillaDrive ro jum r |i.^,lMivw»n«r’* prlf* $1* tttiorirtce

.................................... 33c.Pine Silk Jet Band Trimming,

Ut'ptUitr » l , Imjwirl^r’ E prle*7.'».‘.bufrlrtcw price... 30c.

IKirUir'n yrWn

2-inch Jet Galloon.Very HfitcuiOuaUr, T fguUr H.S6. lin|iorLsr'i |jrAo* U6ft. Hacr>flo* prinf............................................ .


7 0 7

P L A U T 8c C O . ,7 2 1 B R O A D S T R R E T .

miCES THAT Lit/Off MT ffWf EO/tW or cowrfTnm.

A d o w n w a r d m o v e m e n t i n o t h e r L IN E S :Satin Striped Velvets.

an niAtlroly b*w affbctln b iiC *?iily lor eleevi'., trlinu 'lu ** ,to ', «r tc r '. price .«.Rb '»“ « r ‘ S '«'690. j dprice.............................................

Colond and Black Trimming Satins.iJ'AluohM wIiSk** hU'» In *y*niD8 IriM lM.linporler'a prle* ftV. j j

gau. nr 1 1 1 # .,... ..... . wrllloo price.......

54-inch Wide Cloakings,In heW *n i| .iy ll* i P k ii.rn A .u ll-

lur chll'leo'- . and ladlai’ui.l* lur c h ll 'le o '’ elimk*. Hueridc.'I'rlee...)li„,k«. H uerinc.'iT iee....■■■•-.■r’

flgi., $1.!5, $1.39, $1.49, $1.15.




»T. D tn l. Bowla that warn lo.,redoM d to to .tt aarnim that ««r«7Ca. r*7jUa*d tu iOtb a lm to i B iw U that wore7c., rtouort t

Dinner m d B r a .k r . » t n » l t o t b . l wera bkand Tc., T ■


re4uc4d to 3«>» $ r . r « 9 i ^ i » s r i r « .

h a m k e t s t b e e t .

Y EARU AGO, Wban Medali« * r * awarded _oo^i7i<u<ia. SOB MKtU,£*


1^ W AM O U i'W A T E R « I'lAJlOH tovarlkbly

fimt F B l i V 'u m Wr«7o hwi Mr riiBOiJoAwd W th*«tH« n riile lim o f lb * pubtlo ^ Itb *

b tT t o i r i m b w j i— ------- *?rrtB » crli le lim o f tb . pubile * * tS * o v i f *0 ,000 toie* in tb . p « t * • Y B a ES.

l o o k a t T H I iS B P B I d B A N D B B E I P T H E YW O N T T E M P T Y O U : '



Men’s Hemstitched Bandkerchiefc, with corded iNird.r*, flu. atoi- tty, rrm iiiil.clurer'* prle. wo. Baorincu .............................. 1240.

L . B a m b e r g e r 8* C o . ,1 4 7 niKl 1 4 9 M A R K E T S T R E E T .

to di.iHt U d l » ' logralu l.lela Tbraad Rleb- W U i ' T a ll me new ev .H n r

r*4* n ftty bln*. wbUf, cr**m nud b2*ck, r*g. prlci» fiO'to ft* 3®*. p»lra I

Bedroom Suits, were $25.00, now. Bedroom Suits, were $30.00, now. Bedroom Suiti, werfi $35-00’ now . Parlor Suits, worth $50.00, now . . Parlor Suits, worth $65.00, now. . Parlor Suits, worth $75.00, now.

. . $15.00. s iao o

. . $22.60 ... $35.00 ,. . $45.00

. $59.00

A . th i. la airtctly Im partia l m tlm ontal, n a o ii l i ld a r It o f mora Im portauc. »nd far*.

. f i le t th .o oouid powiWy be ob*' i lS S d i r o m a D iplom a f l v .n by ih . eo«- S i S y ex “ b1t len "u d *e . * “ ® b a v ^ o p r . ^

1 1 ” Tknowlw li. o f ‘ to m *u u l«A u " « ' F laooi.

DRESS T R IIIIE G BRAIDS.BSl(r.5Tu‘l*"o7iJrD«M,1„ . Fancy

ara likaly to fflilow Itic doetor’ . advlcA The w „v inavold lb* III* whieU b .«e l llic [Wdnl c i- rrefo.uV. I . m uenr lor » eov .r l.'K a iboe winch dive* tho ioc i p l* "ty " f room end. « iIh iiu m t (line, dni'» not weaken the "reli of111. fiH,t, ib .t 1* In iwy, Khiiea " lUi biwl*.

- IT c rM io r n atk.* • ’TiadIb rou ili I 'll lontt "ervlee in .o m . " f the If c l ­ing eduo.tiohttl tn*lUHl><»"* " f lb . w m et wllh 11,1. m iU 'orUy -vnnrli.nc*

li .n in lu rn .U ie ligh t o lo f eMperlunc*

biM kno«rled|l

,- ;^7 c ilfte .ltou .l .U ije o la which eome. from the I " ;" o f

|i (nleuilcd •* » guide and n m it l " tU * young men * “ >1 woman k- cob iege It liltiitru o iive . becauH It (m liitiout

ofor tbawaAt'**toB on .ira t«w i" “ K.hleaU-oliurc, nr the IUIImIOO ol i * lUJloriU Witbl

*>r lU* H clliio ii nf lo [* fp r*to ’ ConieivMUi o f U fatoii titA

«a iXtoBL or tb* I'tolifluQ M'f 1 olecilolim a« fH o tiood fM «bo4-How Work*,” and**”*NowttiM.Uia holiday* nr* npjtroicliltitf

whicti em ploy

a m ,. I* on* o f th * righ t, which the .u lbo r

from » r . lo » c . , a t 13«. yard.


Body Bruss' ls Carpet, worth $MS'lo-wirc Tapestry Carpet, worth goc, 8-wire Tapestry Carpet, worth 80c



PRIZEPrlra* Ikomll

lNTKKW.*'’H7ndto'iirii KUi.h Scarftoolrl S “ o 3 t.k tra ch a rgA Fully warranto*;tor » lx Ytnr%a

O H * t B e d u o U o M i n S t o v e * , E a n g e a , B e d d in g

a n d E v e r y t h in g E l e e i n O u r E r ta b U s h m e n t .PIANOS

Riw vlil o f C b ln i BilkehlJ ln 10 dlEcmnl .had*.. «.'lk •"'-'’f.'O-n ih ciom cw l L rcmurkubl*bo.>k i i uUllng p ^ d ' f ' 'J i n hi* wuv. A , f i r t h . A m crlC b . no (h ln k i Ihul, ou t"k l«

A m .r lc .n ' ' ’ 7 Ilima tnori)*’, "tiU lo Ih l . be .ild * lilt inor. m iiarkiiiile u lllrm .lion t l ' . i . . u i « "p l* w* urv nitl li'g vS io 'i" or tTceilciil, hut .r*p fln c l- iinlii- •iif'-uhiilvi'. lo the e l"* 'n g oh.ptor Ibc Uuibor I'K. I " m y " fhuvebri-ii I 'ro iliiiU ta o f many w roM A they ,•1 . t"r f"rm ca ." - .r ly .11 Ihc good on be

* .r ib mi Ih® oUtcf republic*huvo ivrrf.rmcd very lIlUo b u U b . luoitdr- nlor.blC offles* for m euk lud ." T b . aiUbor r » y . lu hi* praftoc; •-! retrulu a t lb . ou . «

giv ing proi'le mneb ..p ce t.t lou l « t

*r*d ttud *c .llo| i« l nil lOu* aacibe

■ ruuod, ktoriAi So., at

SPECIAL DRESS GOODS BARGAINS.HuDcrlor ttimllly M-lneli Alt-wonI «tn';

ft*,SM. lh bkcK «nd navy blue, o *T .r .o ld le*» lhaii l l . ftA , , .

Nbw Une of A l-wroA ru idskXM’inBi uud wrul deftlliR, flOf. q iiility *

McManus Bros234 iaftet Stffifil


W BHOiD SnitT, UiWUtX.

OLD P IA N O # t a k e n IN EXC H ANO llj A T F U L L CASH V A l iO n V

fOioilng. und ueul df.liu»,99iv Vftrd.to-ineu All-wool H.hrl*tl» Cloth. . I l r . Ilua

qunm y. In all "cw f“ ll »hud.» .u d blaox, rrg. price c-, .1 Qdo. yard.

i i i ito e ^ it ito Of ^ o «u u .m i .m•lllullon* and the .ound ed v lft ulilch It

‘. d .llc le rctotloh. Which tctwe«

•ayIromlUsytliudld •nl be dliMippoinieil-'’ 1'may nm ba n e c t a r y . Ih.relor., taad il ib iilIh. price t» flkcd uy ib. publl.U.r, who li


Ibo*. puhllablug concern, their fholllllei In the dlreuiloii o f making iraeilve and Initrucllv* priul. lorlbecbll. d ren .r* bu.lly engaged lu (be prcpu'-.tloo urhoukiibat not only delight lU* e.v*.but gail.ly lb* I'ltollMlaal dcnianU on he young- •ler*. The lUphavl Tuolt * Bout* Cu„ i;! Ntw York Ulty, have lo .t litued euinellUl. book* for the children which dUpluy ortl.lle ludgmeut In the lltbogmpbtc feuiure and •kill lb typographic work. Thew ooulti ure aotlUed : "Told oy 111. Hunbenm. ami .Me." '-BunuyTatn lor *nowy U iil.," “ roid by

Klow.ra" end “ recp« Inm Picturelb*l.aDd." In oulorliig, prlut. uppc.rancc, and In profa and poem, Ihriiehook, are ekCoUent, laoD onectlouw llh thew w o ik . the Arm an-aouDOM.literaryooinpct'Uou which l i novel111 gome reapoeto. They offer p rl.e* Hggrvgal- iDg for in . IM.I . lo ry b . » d upon certiilu P fih tphJlurto wbloU appear In i b * . book*, lb . * lo r j lo b . w rllien by ohildren under fouriMB year, ol agr.

_ H ln n the fa.blun I. to w w r aboe* » l v .r l- ana. w llh the .Inieture o f Ih . f j o i U l i u . l . ' Ural Ibat that Very ow lu l m .rabcr o f tb . im m .u Uoily *11001(1 •ud'er " ’any III*, illilor- jloiik. InflenimMlIimt. oall iMt v * a "d the like, waltin iiii’ kc ba lk in g lu luauy co-c* "u •gony. III. Olinrh'i K .b le r hn* w riiivn a lii l le book enitliKt " H o * lo T iaat Yo 'irO w n t 'a A ," wbb'b will oo nineud H »clf to two- UMru* ol humaiiliy. Hut very fo w o fV -e io

urotf.r* to IbuM who w ant tu g e l Ibe best out SfeauealUi". A tm o.l e v e ry pbaio » '111. U lunched epua In Iho le " which tb " hook I* tu . i l . o p ; H rc «. being paid upon the mural el blouj flu e i"K .o Ico lteg » train ing In a ficr llt». Pru- [e » e r Twing conclude. b l» Ircn llw on cliau l.r aboul “ The I ’ lv-om lneiic. o f tb . College (i™ Jnalc." In d ica llin In ib li p a r t . o f h i. work III. . ig i i lf lo a iilfa c lo fih e p ro u ih Iient place occnplod hy .duealed Ih aactlv . H ue.oftor i t u d n ) l . .n d n . ' i gu ide forbook I. u»eiul, Tbepublleh .re aro The llak.rTaylor L'omp»ny, of New York, and It U on

'* -T V .^ c t llic l.m of lb . hucollo on tb . o » eailuii wbsa lb . young bull braced b lm w lf on itomimin'lun'l “ “bead lo Ihc arproncUliig .ipre.e train may. WUh anm. degrto »t V , ^piml to Hie author ot tb. ^ k eulltled, ■■UoviruinonU add 1 all- tlolBU.-Anm'ul and Modern, n.wly Irom tb. pres. The granger who leaioiied the boetll. preparation, " f tb* hull, remarked ^^Bathoadinlicd hi" P «"k . hut did not ap- proT. ol bl. Judiiiient, J*®™Si'Tlouily an Kngll»hi"»o. « « » A»toid.ii of Chicago, II the iiulbor .nd alaothe PUbH.bcr of “ (JovaruioonU and Politician., wblcb h«m od..ily»""O i"‘®C'*l‘’ '’* * .urprl.eto(be worid," Mr. Munmll. .ay* 1“ » I’ t".-iwcliu llial till* book " emdeuw nmreideaa aud give, more valuable mforii'.tlon than could be oi)talii»d lu a acallered Ir.allw on Ibid lubjccu" He add. Hint Ihl. work, “ lU. oiiry prii-lucllun of It. kind, review, nnd oompam. all of th. greatr.l whi.b have eglttod H* Ih* |«»t ociiturl.a, eapecl.lly of the AmcrlM. It draw, a parallel be- ineeu lloeelau ab.olUtl.in aud Arui^ lean DemooratHin la .howiog Wtot t i.y have doB* for mankind reapeettvely. li It nut necBMary to pur.ua Ur, Uareoiw ihrougb th. winding* of bto menial prfr odiaea; nor 1* It uecMwry literary ebaraewr of bla woik oe Itoai^- thorliy of hU bl.torlcal review*. BdfflM It to wiy tAjtt lie begin'* wUb P*rici^ nod tok-ibg up uf Or^ootg Home, Kug*Anno »nd KrHDOt lum, protoftiM lotMpftM tholr moktiWGW End p o liil out IbekftborA.

oincliini*. 'b* AlefKU in<tov#rni»u*«ii Am whtoh l ’J*y P*4>*d poruAUt burn iiai«uU4M«*Tiry iiUl*i*» udtnlru iu ropubltrtf. Tbo R**p|ibllflof tooUolltd J?UiN turtUI 4


nI$o Abo ftuibor, ttl I2‘- I n ih . y . * r 1127 ih .S oc ie ty of F r l .o d .T O

a falling out and from Him year until tb . pm.eut DO OB. can w llh n lc. icgar^ fer Irutb nolnl to Ibe Hunker, nnd > «y . Sto how the detociid .n l* o f Penn dwell In b .iraon j iiwelher." T n li iH v l.lo " H“>k P'ao. e^ong Ibe Huaker* o l niHedcIpbla. It mat obvloualy occa.loued by H it adoption of " in U a r i.u idco* on tn . P t o i® ' iiB brethren. The Friend, nt ‘ ' 'k U H " ;owned a Bi'oni deal o f property, and whll. thebranch o f tb . aocielr now k iioa ii ca Hltk- . l t e * w 'r « ln ih . tim jorliy , the minority of I ta .o-calUd orihodug. by way. n o la lt^ ge lberto bo cuniiuended. got portomlob iJf

r » l e ila le and hare hold II to th li

rholae oua lliy SMuoh Plaid Surah Stl'tg irea French good*) lu choioi c o lo r lf* . ,LiualrBltl**!"'

E .ire Hn* nuallty 21-Inch Black Jalllc. M- Inch Black Hallo Unadaine. and M lnoo Black Uroa Grain Drca* Silk., erery yard warranicd pura .Ilk and noi *u ciu, aolual vatu . llJb. lor 10-morrow oaly al M e . yard.

A ohanoo f o boouta s IHSili-g C r a y o n P o r t r a i t o f y o u f s e l f o r i

l o v e d OHO

130 Year^ Laboring for th« People.

COLD FACTS;Almost Free of Chargo.

7h© rv*l and hday, T h i. laci ha* lu.ln latned a ip lr ll o fS i^ ifrlei'd ilo .'* b . iw w i |U» two d lr ie lon .

* «k " c t ? ia i ,d the HOI.bl* vollglon.b'olly Tb” ? wbrim« .;n 9 h, H'.

NDSLIN SPECIALS.y.ilt v .r d wide Unhtencli.d M utlln. good

Quality, r«g. price 7c„ al * S “ - y*rd .Hood qo.lliy lO-f Unbleached shnllng, i t

ik '^ .y a rd .

I cboloe Blended Tea*............Fine Oolqn* Tea*.*...... .S gce ll.n t E n g ll.b B rw k l'»*t1 NfW Japan ........................

I Mnyune Yoi'hii Ityma

DAVm STRAUS,335 and 631 Brotd, Corner Net St

J k .. t " T l iin.1 niorh In H 'l’Will be new 10 ihcni and n">*l lh't_t will11(4 pub ll.hcd by

,lp il uoot'Cof Ph llod .Ipb la^rov* ln . t « « H V ^ J. U

>ly D re .m .Id fJ .m lo fagardeu o ilo iig .go

E i i i II IghI I where the «liud.ivi • lay cold Ind dark on lh e il. i;ro ld w .lk

A od lb . inoortoud wild and grey ,I mood whcra n brook w .n l .ta g lo f on

DAMD lo Hid ESMiW tare tbu iiu ll-wbcel H'rua with a meaturM

Rl undOf •wi'vi, walrd naoto iy.

I iiim l by ihu old h o 'I '* on the hill here the trto . rook U> anil fro,

Tb* rmik. d ' by. and lb . chliureu laugh.And Ih . hawlborn toll. Ilk .."uw .

I enutd ie * m * H I** c » l d " t » ‘ ’ 'V*In lb . dear, fam lllur plkCi' , , , i.„ „4 n

And I toli louoU tff AA Taulftkwl htnd.And waujhwl k .lro n g . oroud lk«A

f o a m i n eFor keening •iralgUl Hair lu

cufL r r ‘< tniil finMnlAS U LT A N A

For tinting tl«*FhenUi*. rrireiOwMtft*F A lt lA N l o t i o n

g o u r o n .

I f p r d M B te d w i t W n 3 0 d a y s a t t b e

EUREKA PORTRAIT ST0D10,|m floivfur, HEW retiE,w i l l en lU I. Ih * holder lo a

Fine Bust Crayon Portrait,% l.llo « ; «e , WslW iiib-'iiGF.

..e«A Ilk tUil iilnliBhl Rfvlv <»r IUm MF' I Mrid MINI 1 QU»A 1.U m T l iX m ;n H -ra m c ^ :“ ; ? i b 1.h . m .d .f ...JHmry c lrcu m .lah cc , y-h

Uo Air’ , nrid jir« i QUhI U> flu-- - would

Sftc. p«r pouDci ‘ittQi p«r pociad ific* per pQund

per pound

---------- --------- -IEg.ra B «.ked F (r .d T g ............ 1^- perp'.und

P u r. N a tive W ...................“ ‘ I” ' ’Calllhmla BrnndlM................F-*0 P'l'Betl BmoKing Tob»eeo.....™-. P«f pouagBeat M Iscil C m id l...-.............. P * ' poDnipureVlnescr.-------------------Beat F-our B v .r Wbidc............ W-W per baftel

A»U toi..-. " ■ - *a tou

:-S»chruu - - K l » . l,mi cdtl,"iy .ati.:,rw,Om» 1Ther* !• «« furtlic

Fotwimingll^^wkine Fr|w»50e ftMfl Hingta

HfidHyg CarllHK Combi. Win*- 1 jftAe "btdd AiylP»idliiK drug-

pfiiot will A« B l i o w n You Citii UiivopofirtOt i,nunf.d I'Ot aMCPl p ,ice ,| fyood ..lrc lodoao . but you arc nt Hb- J

63 MARKET ST. 55.

, viiiid f'-r;0 ■iay*i"i'i''.glai.wMly by

madamc ■ westcrvclt.2 1 3 Wrislims:ton SL

'uV ih iii upcc'iil n rvu n cc 'en i you cantr <'.f your Oi»^I>ollur with uimve Coy imu ,MI I K,~I| la per.o.. «• H.c .1, Ho.

and nend by

r*gifti*r*<i toUer, 1

Ou Au C A H I L L jtl'oru jerly w llli k:. O. A Co.j



liillttlbniiikPrinlingGo.. Walter P. Dunn, GRAY’S BFECIFIO TRAM WARK. "• •'"*. tram HARK

IIRUMMhMtatt MAKiaa or HiOM-OLAas rRiHviHa



Bui, oh, I wefc. lo m y g r i.v lo g HR From thul dream o f long ago.

To rol.a lo r .v e r y u r pr.*ettea dear In my H'liublett llf* b.low.

Only a place that H em pty aow,A .oug In a iiHiior k .y ,

A leva 111* I roum ever b* hicomplei*

THE " NEWS.*o n O U k A T IO N


Teleplione 481 .

Ana.iir« fcir SfiiM* u»\ M*«RkRni| Sp«r wntom


iiJ lalor., t ia * “ 'oveihtA *ie-

8 ^ M i r l t t St,

1 « k O U a K A E O ll HUht.7 . . . ,O O n O r Y Bawirln. w ill '.I 'a rpanH nyr.'.orsJ Ilc .h to j ^ ^ A ( , U b a t t o r . 8 « » 4

cy«nOR - - Ce<ttl t h Rt frJm*

TuMi*i6Jii<Ktiiava, itifriia, a v.no " . S h u S lW Tellw Wnudw lb.

Wholesale agd RetailOFFICE A N B YA K U

133 FIRST ST.Y pbouftNu* AOA l gwigltr J



KaMdiWojJchuugv. RuMog, i w m * % a a ( ' * a


Bealcra In Berap 1 ^ .

JlUAYdll'' )i«m(wii.tpMUtfoi

r J * I »