St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr -

St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr We are a Stewardship Parish Parish Mission St. Stephen is a Catholic community of faith striving to witness to the Gospel. Our Baptism and Confirmation call us to bring Christ’s Love to our families, our work places, and our community. Grateful for God’s gifts, we seek to nurture those gifts and to give back to the Lord by sharing our time, talent, and material treasure. In all of our parish activities we seek to develop a personal relationship with the Lord who directs our lives and a vision that sees the world with the eyes of Christ and that leads to a commitment to justice. We seek a sense of unity in Christ that leads us to be an open and welcoming people and a sense of joy in being graced by the gifts of God’s love. Mass of Anticipation 5pm Saturday Sunday Masses English: 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, and 6:15pm Polish: 1pm Daily Mass 8am Monday through Saturday Sacrament of Reconciliation Bilingual Saturdays from 8:45am—9:30am and by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays & Fridays 8:30am—3:30pm Thursdays 8:30am—6:30pm Benediction & Divine Mercy Prayers Thursdays at 6:30pm Rosary 7:30pm - 2 nd and last Tuesday of the month Informacje Dotyczące Duszpasterstwa w Parafii Św. Szczepana W ciągu całego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1pm Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedź od 6:30-7:30pm Msza o 7:30pm Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz. 7:00-9:30pm Spowiedź w każdą sobotę od godz. 8:45-9:30am

Transcript of St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr -

St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr We are a Stewardship Parish

Parish Mission St. Stephen is a Catholic community of faith striving to witness to the Gospel. Our Baptism and Confirmation call us to bring Christ’s Love to our families, our work places, and our community. Grateful for God’s gifts, we seek to nurture those gifts and to give back to the Lord by sharing our time, talent, and material treasure. In all of our parish activities we seek to develop a personal relationship with the Lord who directs our lives and a vision that sees the world with the eyes of Christ and that leads to a commitment to justice. We seek a sense of unity in Christ that leads us to be an open and welcoming people and a sense of joy in being graced by the gifts of God’s love.

Mass of Anticipation

5pm Saturday

Sunday Masses


7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, and 6:15pm



Daily Mass

8am Monday through Saturday

Sacrament of Reconciliation


Saturdays from 8:45am—9:30am

and by appointment

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Mondays & Fridays 8:30am—3:30pm Thursdays 8:30am—6:30pm

Benediction & Divine Mercy Prayers

Thursdays at 6:30pm


7:30pm - 2nd and last Tuesday of the month

Informacje Dotyczące Duszpasterstwa w Parafii Św. Szczepana

W ciągu całego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1pm

Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedź od


Msza o 7:30pm

Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz.


Spowiedź w każdą sobotę od godz.


For those in need:

• Counseling services are available at St. Stephen through the Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities. Appointments with our parish counselor Michele L. Nowak, LCPC, can be made at 312-655-7725.

• For crisis counseling and veteran concerns, please contact Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn at the parish office.

• For parishioners struggling and in need of assistance, please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry through the parish office.

• For those seeking help through a twelve-step program, St. Stephen offers English and Polish support groups. Please contact the parish office for more information.

• For information about Domestic Violence awareness, services, and prevention, please contact Deacon Bill Schultz at the parish office.

New parishioners are invited to register:

• After the 10am Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month.

• By appointment on Mondays at 2pm, Tuesdays at 11am, Wednesdays at 8:30am or Thursdays at 6:45pm. Please contact the parish office.

Anointing of the Sick—Please contact the parish office if you or a loved one needs this holy sacrament.

Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in English and 1pm in Polish. Please contact Deacon Ken in the parish office for the necessary preparations. New parishioners are required to register. A baptism preparation class is required if it is your first child baptized at St. Stephen.

Communion for the sick, elderly, handicapped, or homebound parishioners can be arranged by calling Fr. Greg at the parish office or Barbara Black at 708-466-9962.

Funerals can be arranged through the contact the parish office.

Marriages—St. Stephen Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of both registered parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. Information is available from one of the priests or deacons.

St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr Catholic Church 17500 South 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60487

Parish Office Phone: 708-342-2400 | Parish Office Fax: 708-342-1545 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1 –8:00pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm and 1-4pm

Saturday Noon—5pm

Religious Education Phone: 342-1544 RE Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1-4:30pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm

Evenings and weekends by appointment. Please call to schedule.

Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Parish School (CJB) 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60487

Phone: 708-403-6525 | Fax: 708-403-8621 | web: | email: [email protected]

Pastor Rev. James Finno Associate Pastor Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz Deacons Robert Conlin William Engler Chuck McFarland Lucasz Pyka William Schultz Joseph Stalcup Pete Van Merkestyn Kenneth Zawadzki Administrative Asst. to Pastor Karen Opyd Adult Formation Barbara Black Maintenance Director Dave Prete Music Minister Mark Gorka Receptionist Noreen Galvin Youth/Young Adult Minister Kyle Groves Director of Religious Education Sandi Morgan Assoc. Director of Religious Ed. Leslie Krauledis RE Administrative Assistant Joann Buryj Religious Education Secretary Patti Parker CJB Principal Mary Iannucilli CJB Admissions Director Cynthia Labriola Devlin

From Our Pastor

Dear People of St. Stephen,

In the Scripture this weekend we hear God’s invitation to all people - to each of us as individuals and to all of us together. It is a wonderful invitation - an invitation to share in the Lord’s feast. In the first reading the prophet Isaiah foretells how one day all would come together, gathered in the presence of the Lord. They would share and celebrate, with all differences and discrimination removed, coming together for a glorious banquet. In the gospel Jesus proclaims the invitation, saying that the banquet of the King, the Lord, is ready, so come. The life of the Lord is ready for us to embrace - a life that will lead us to an eternal banquet in heaven. Jesus’ parable also contains the challenge to us - the challenge to accept His invitation and to embrace the life Jesus offers. The life that the Lord invites us to embrace is in the spirit of the prophet Isaiah’s vision. Jesus offers us life that lasts forever - something no one else can offer. Jesus offers a way to live - His way of love that leads us to eternal life. He offers us helps along the way. Christ walks with us daily and offers the strength of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Our challenge is the same as that of the people who heard the king’s invitation in Jesus’ parable. We could ignore the Lord’s invitation, being caught up in our daily business and not willing to let Jesus guide our

lives. Accepting the invitation challenges our values and our ways of living, calling us to overcome our selfishness and our prejudices and to live in the spirit of the Kingdom of God. Accepting God’s invitation demands investment - an investment symbolized in the parable by the wedding garment. The garment for the Lord’s kingdom is made by giving time to build our relationship with Christ and by making efforts to live Jesus’ way, loving God above all things and loving our neighbors as ourselves. The Lord never gives up on us. He never stops inviting us to come to His banquet. In response to this weekend’s Scripture readings, let’s pray that we as individuals and as a parish will grow in our relationship with the Lord who offers this incredible life to us.

I want to mention two specific invitations that can help to build our relationship with the Lord. The first is to young adults. The Archdiocese is sponsoring a young adult faith night called (re)ENCOUNTER. The evening will feature Mark Wahlberg and Cardinal Cupich at the UIC Pavilion, 525 S. Racine in Chicago, this coming Friday, October 20, with the doors opening at 6 PM at the event starting at 6:30 PM. More information on (re)ENCOUNTER is elsewhere in the bulletin and is available at

The second invitation is to any adults who would be willing to help with our various efforts to involve children in our liturgies. We have a Children’s Liturgy of the Word program twice a month at the 10 AM Sunday Mass where children ages three through sixth grade are invited to go with adult leaders to our meeting room wing during the Scripture readings and the homily in order to have the Scriptures presented to them at their own level. Adult leaders are given materials to guide their time with the children, so no extensive preparation is needed. Also, we have a monthly Family Mass at the 10 AM Mass. Our children’s choir leads the music, families do the readings, and children come around the altar for the homily. If any adults wish to assist with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word program or any families wish to be involved with the Family Mass, please contact me or our religious education office.

May God bless you and your loved ones.

Fr. Jay

From our Associate Pastor

Polish to English Transla on:

Strój weselny Lubimy uczestniczyć w przyjęciach, być częstowanymi smakołykami, dobrze się bawić przy dobrej muzyce. Jedynym minusem jest to, że przyjęcia mają dwie cechy: po pierwsze nie zdarzają się codziennie, po drugie wymagają od nas innego zachowania, innego ubrania, innego nastroju. Chociaż czasami bywa tak, że mimo zaproszenia, nie zawsze mamy na nie ochotę z różnych względów. Ale każdy z nas powinien mieć określoną hierarchię wartości i zachowywać ją w momencie, gdy staje przed wyborem pomiędzy różnymi możliwościami i propozycjami, które mu się nadarzają, a Bożym zaproszeniem. Przed Bogiem nie musimy się krygować, udawać, ponieważ Bóg doskonale nas zna i przed Nim nic się nie ukryje. Ale zadbać powinniśmy o nasz odświętny strój, którym ma być nasza dusza, nasza wiara, nasza miłość do Boga, nasza miłość do bliźniego – nie tylko z rodziny, ale także tego, którego znamy jedynie z widzenia. Ów odświętny strój, który mamy przyoblec w chwili spotkania z Panem, tworzymy od narodzin aż po śmierć. Teraz poprzez analogię do przyjęć weselnych, w których uczestniczyliśmy lub na które nas nie zaproszono, przypatrzmy się, jak Pan Jezus mówi o Sobie, czyniąc to w trzeciej osobie, bo taka jest specyfika przypowieści. Mówiąc o królu zapraszającym na ucztę weselną swego syna, przekazuje nam Prawdę o Królestwie Bożym, Prawdę, którą On sam przyniósł na świat. Królem jest Bóg, ucztą – zbawienie, jakie przyniósł człowiekowi Syn Boży, sługami zaś są prorocy i apostołowie. Zaproszonymi, którzy odmawiają przyjścia na ucztę lub źle się obchodzą ze sługami, są wszyscy, którzy odrzucają Jezusa. Niczego od nich nie żądano, wszystko im zostało dane z dobroci i najwyższej szczodrobliwości. Jednak oni nie chcieli z tego skorzystać, bo inne sprawy uznali za ważniejsze. Odrzucając zaproszenie, odrzucili miłość Boga. Podobnie do nich zachowuje się człowiek, który jest przekonany, że nie potrzebuje zbawienia, człowiek zanurzony w sprawy doczesne, który uważa, że czas poświęcony Bogu i życiu wiecznemu to czas stracony. Bóg jednak nie przestaje ponawiać swego zaproszenia. Kiedy jedni odmawiają, inni zostają zaproszeni na ich miejsce. Ale być wezwanym i przyjść na gody, nie oznacza jeszcze ostatecznego zbawienia. Trzeba mieć strój weselny, by nie zostać wyrzuconym „na zewnątrz w ciemności”. Prawdą jest, że tę „szatę” – bardziej wewnętrzną niż zewnętrzną – daje sam Bóg, Sprawca łaski i wszelkiego dobra w duszy ludzkiej, ale każdy zaproszony musi powiedzieć „tak” Panu, musi przyjąć Jego prawo i odpowiedzieć w pełni na wymagania życia chrześcijańskiego. Czy jest w nas gotowość do przyjęcia „stroju weselnego”? Bo tak naprawdę, to ta gotowość lub „zgrzytanie zębami” zależy od każdego osobiście. Rozważając z największą pokorą dzisiejsze Słowo Boże, bądźmy dobrej myśli i przyjmujmy już teraz zaproszenie Pana do „Uczty Eucharystycznej”. MATKO RÓŻAŃCOWA – dopomóż nam wyzbyć się próżnych i złych wymówek i spraw, abyśmy często i nabożnie uczestniczyli w uczcie, która posila nas wewnętrznie.

Wedding A re We like to par cipate in par es, to be served with delicacies, and to have fun with good music. Par es do not happen every day and they require us to behave differently as we wear different clothes and get into different moods. Although invita ons are nice, we are not always up for par es for various reasons. Each one of us should have a certain priority of values when it comes to choosing between the various possibili es that come to him and God's invita on. With God, we do not have to pretend because God knows us well and there is nothing hidden from Him. When we receive God’s invita on, we should take care of our devo onal dress because it is to our soul, our faith, and our love for God. This devo onal dress, which we wear when we meet the Lord, is created from birth to death. In today’s Gospel, in the analogy to the wedding recep on, we hear the Lord Jesus speaking of himself in the third person. As we hear about the king invi ng guests to the wedding feast of his son, this is Jesus communica ng to us the Truth of the Kingdom of God. This is the Truth He Himself brought into the world. The king is God, the feast is the salva on that was offered to man by the Son of God, and the servants are prophets and apostles. Those who refuse to come to the feast are all those who reject Jesus. Nothing was required of these guests to the feast. Everything was given to them; however, they did not want to a end because they considered other things to be more important. By rejec ng the invita on, they rejected the love of God. Similarly, anyone who believes that they do not need salva on, as they are engrossed in the every day, and believe that the me devoted to God and eternal life is me lost, is similar to these guests. Thankfully for us, God does not cease to repeat his invita on. When some refuse, others are invited in their place. Keep in mind that being summoned and a ending the wedding does not mean final salva on. You need to have wedding a re. It is true that this "internal garment" is given to God and He gives us grace and all the goodness in the human soul, but every invited guest must say "yes" to the Lord and accept his law and fully respond to the demands of Chris an life. Is there any willingness for you to accept "wedding a re" in yourself? This readiness or "gnashing" depends on each person personally. Considering the humility of today's Word of God, let us be happy and accept the Lord's invita on to the "Eucharis c Feast". Dear Lord, help us to get rid of vain and evil excuses that prohibit us from devoutly par cipa ng in the feast that serves us internally.

Sharing Our Treasure

Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of St. Stephen. Please remember that our monthly mortgage payment to the Archdiocese of $41,500 is paid from our monthly collections.

Please consider making electronic donations through Byline Bank or through More information on how to make electronic donations is available on our website and at the back of the bulletin.

Sunday and Holy Day Collections

September 2017 Year to Date

Actual $109,409 $357,840

Budget $116,000 $371,000

Surplus/(Shortfall) ($6,591) ($13,160)

Stewardship Reflection “Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be.” (Luke 12:34)

Sharing our talents arises from the fact that God has given each of us the ability and gifts to do certain things well, and we are to develop those talents for the good of others.

Spiritual Life

The following children recently received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at St. Stephen. Our parish community welcomes these children into our Catholic faith and congratulates their parents, families, and godparents.

October birthday blessings will be offered at all Masses on the weekend of October 21/22.

The Holy Family Flowers were donated

in memory of Susan Allbee

for the week of October 15, 2017.

Requested by Eamon, Dawn, Isabella and Eli Allbee.

Collections 9/24 10/1 Give Central September

Regular Sunday $20,622.00 $24,109.00 $15,342.50 Kids $55.34 $41.81 -

Sharing $461.00 $197.00 $125.00

All Saints - $30.00 -

All Souls - $25.00 -

Christmas - - $70.00 Holy Mother of God $1.00 - -

Easter - - $15.00

St. Vincent de Paul - - $40.00

Hurricane Harvey - $45.00 -

Prayer for Autumn

Heavenly Father, you made not only the stars of the heavens, but you made the seasons of the earth. In every autumn, there are endings and beginnings. There is the end of vacations, and the beginning of school. Cool green leaves fall from their branches, and become dappled yellows, bright oranges, and deep reds. Help me, when things end that I wish had continued, to see that in you, there are no real endings. In you, there are only changes, and new beginnings. Give me the grace to know, that even death itself is not the end, but only a change from one beautiful thing into another. Amen.

Ariana Jade Leone

Raymond Joseph Schmidt

Spiritual Life

New Altar Server Training Session - Thursday, November 9 at 7pm

For Boys and Girls Grades 4 and Up

Has your son or daughter expressed an interest in becoming an Altar Server?

Altar servers are needed at weekend Masses, Holy Days, weddings, and other special liturgies. Training occurs approximately twice a year for those children who wish to join this ministry.

Altar Server Scheduling is handled online!

We understand that families lead busy lives and need flexibility in scheduling. Our ministry utilizes the online scheduling tool Ministry Scheduler Pro for ease in scheduling and requesting substitutes. Everything is handled online and through email.

Our next training session will be on Thursday, November 9 at 7pm in the church.

This will be the only training session until the spring. This session should last until 8:30pm. Parents are required to stay and observe. Information forms which will allow us to add your child to the Ministry Scheduler Pro system will be filled out at the training session.

To register for training:

• Please visit our website

• Click on the “Serve” tab at the top of the home page

• Select “Altar Serving” under Liturgical Ministers and complete the online registration form. It’s that easy!

Thank you for considering serving our parish as an Altar Server.

Please contact Deacon Ken at the parish office for more information.

708-342-2400 ext.136 or email: [email protected]

Mass of Remembrance Sunday, November 5 at 6:15pm

We will have a special Mass of Remembrance on Sunday, November 5 at the 6:15pm Mass for those who were buried from our parish this past year and for all the deceased. We invite everyone to this special Mass and invite all to bring a picture of their loved one which will be placed on a table in front of the altar.

It has been a custom here at St. Stephen to put a Book of Remembrance out prior to the Feast of All Souls for those who wish to write the names of their dear ones to be remembered at our All Souls Mass. This book will be on the Baptismal Font side of the Church beginning the weekend of October 21 and 22 up to and including the Feast of All Souls.

An Invitation to Young Adults

All young adults are invited by Cardinal Cupich to (re)ENCOUNTER. Join together with thousands of fellow young adults at the UIC Pavilion for an event that will remind you that you are not alone in your faith! Discover how you can live your dream and have an active faith life. Speakers will include Mark Wahlberg and Cardinal Cupich.

Invite your friends, Catholics and non-Catholics, for a night filled with live music, laughter, and meaningful conversations. Connect with friends and make new ones. Let our thought-provoking speakers inspire you, and prayerfully worship our God with the community gathered. Registration is $15 per person.

The event is this coming Friday, October 20, at the UIC Pavilion, 525 S. Racine in Chicago. Doors open at 6 PM with the event starting at 6:30 PM.

More information is available at

Vijay & Roselle Alphonso Fran Dufrenne Gerlad & Theresa Nielson

Derek & Kelly Barker Jose & Molly Duran Dorothy O'Connnor

Sherri Barkoski/Laschober Micheal & Barbara Fleming David & Araceli Orona

Dona Eileen Bekta Brandon & Monica Foy Scott & Meghan Panozzo

Candice Cafarelli William & Nichole Frossard Victor & Katie Sanchez

Steve & Kathy Cuculich Albert & Joanne Graf Karl & Jennifer Schissler

Patrick & Audra Curtin Steven & Jennifer Grimm Nick Sikich & Nicole Fahle-Sikich

Timothy Cyborski & Melissa Nakovosas Vincent & Stephanie Koehl George & Patricia Turzynowsky

Robert & Sheila Dickman Marion & Alicia Kut Chris & Margarita Wagner

Nikki Ditusa John & Linda Leonard Maciej & Dorothy Walczak-Wojciak

Spiritual Life

St. Stephen Parish warmly welcomes the following individuals and families who recently joined our community of faith:

World Mission Sunday On the weekend of October 21/22, we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year the need is especially great because of the hurricane in Puerto Rico. Our financial and spiritual support is needed by the Church to help the mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands and parts of Latin America and Europe where priests, religious and lay leaders serve some of the poorest of the poor. Please keep missions in your prayers.

As a parish we will no longer have an actual second collection for this need, but as a parish we will send a contribution based on previous years’ contributions. So we ask you to increase your regular donations which become part of our parish’s donation to the World Mission Sunday Collection and other eliminated second contributions.

The work of the World Missions of the Church is important and they are grateful for our financial help.

St. Stephen Parish 500 Club Last year’s Parish 500 Club raffle was such a success that we are doing it again! The Parish 500 Club is a year-long raffle featuring weekly drawings, bonus drawings, and a grand prize. Proceeds from this year’s raffle will be used towards the purchase of our Parish Life Center appliances. There is much anticipation for all the wonderful events our new Parish Life Center will bring. So let’s get cooking!

Here’s how the Parish 500 Club raffle works:

• Only 500 squares are available. The cost is $50 per square. You can purchase as many squares as you would like.

• Your assigned square number is your raffle number all year. Number assignments will be posted in the Narthex once all numbers have been assigned.

• Each square has the chance of winning multiple times. Numbers are put back into the raffle drum after each drawing. Winning names and numbers are announced in the bulletin weekly and winners’ checks are mailed to them directly.

Raffle prizes are as follows:

• There will be 51 weekly drawings, starting on November 6, 2017. Two numbers will be drawn each week. Weekly prizes are $100 for the First Prize and $25 for the Second Prize.

• Three bonus drawings will be drawn during the year:

• On November 3, 2017 at the Spaghetti Dinner—one $500 winner

• On December 26, 2017 in honor of the Feast of St. Stephen—one $500 winner

• In August 2018 at the Parish Picnic—one $500 winner

• On Monday, October 29, 2018 (the last drawing) a $1000 Grand Prize and a $250 Second Prize will be awarded.

If more than 200 tickets are sold, we plan to give away $9,125 in cash prizes!

To purchase your square(s), please complete the form below and return it to the parish office along with your payment. Get your order in early because we only have 500 squares to sell—last year we sold out early and hope to sell out once again this year.

St. Stephen Parish 500 Club Raffle—Please return no later than October 27, 2017.


City: Zip:

Phone #:

Address: Rcd._________


Check #____________

Office use only:

1st square: First choice________Second choice:________Third choice:________ Assigned: _________

2nd square: First choice________Second choice:________Third choice:________ Assigned:_________

Please remit $50 for each square purchased. Note: Only 500 squares will be sold. Squares are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. A random number will be assigned if your square choice number is taken. If less than 200 squares are sold, prizes awarded will be proportionate to the amount of squares sold.

Square Number Choice—1 to 500:

Make checks payable to St. Stephen Parish. Mail to St. Stephen, 17500 S. 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60487 Attn: 500 Club

Disclaimer—Prize amounts are subject to change in proportion to squares sold if less than 200 squares are purchased.




Parish Life

Come Join Us for the 8th Annual

Family Spaghetti Dinner Sponsored by our Religious Education Program

Come join us for an evening of good food, conversation and musical entertainment on Friday, November 3, 2017 from 5:30-8pm in St. Stephen's Education Wing.

NEW BYOB this year for alcoholic beverages, we will only be providing soda, coffee and water which is included in your ticket price. There will be no cash bar this year. Feel free to bring your own beer or wine. Tickets are $8.00 per person and will be available for purchase after Masses on the weekends of October 14/15, October 21/22 and October 28/29 in the narthex! Tickets are also available for purchase in the Religious Ed Office and the Parish Office. Sorry, no tickets will be sold at the door on the evening of the dinner.

Donations Needed: We are asking for donations of bakery items for the dessert table and drinks for guests at the spaghetti dinner. If you can help us it would be most appreciated. Families with students in grades 1-4 are asked to provide baked goods to be sold at the dinner. All baked goods should be individually wrapped and labeled with ingredients. Families with students in grades 5-8 are asked to provide canned soft drink (regular or diet) or bottled water for the guests. Please remember this is a Fundraiser that will benefit St. Stephen Church as well as the Religious Education Program. All donations should be brought to the Religious Education Office, ONLY during the week beginning Monday October 30 from 8:30am-4:15pm and through Thursday November 2 from 8:30am-4:15pm.

There will be 50/50 raffle and basket raffle tickets for sale.

Thank you for helping make this a successful event.

For any questions please contact Patti Parker at ext. 180 in the Religious Education Office.

Parish Life

Men’s Club Annual Christmas Wreath and Coffee Sale

The St. Stephen Men's Club Annual Christmas Wreath Sale is coming October 21/22 and 28/29! Members of the Men's Club will be taking orders after Masses on these weekends.

This year, we have added coffee, hot cocoa, and a fire starter basket to our sales. Take a look at the information on the brochures during our sale or check the St. Stephen website for PDF versions of the order forms. When writing a check, please make it payable to the St. Stephen Men's Club. All orders must be made by October 29th.

Any questions can be sent to:

[email protected]

Prayer Shawl Knitting and Crocheting Ministry

Welcome to the new members that joined our group on Stewardship Weekend! Our ministry creates handmade knitted and crocheted shawls and chemo caps which are filled with prayers and blessed. Please consider joining us to bring comfort to others one stitch at a time!

Prayer Shawls will be available in the narthex at the Night of Remembrance Mass on Sunday, November 5 at 6:15pm.

Please contact Dorothy at 708.614.2588 for more information.

Drury Lane Trip

St. Stephen’s Young @ Heart Club invites you to come along to see the play 42nd Street on Wednesday, December 6th at Drury Lane. Tickets on sale now.

All are invited to join our group. Price is $85 per person, includes transportation, lunch, and show.

Please contact Joan Kapala at 815-534-5111 with any questions.

Change Jar

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to our parish life center through our change jar. Your spare change amounted to $686.94 recently. Thank you!

Flu Shots

Flu shots will be administered through Orland Township on Sunday, October 22 from 8am-1pm in the Large Meeting Room. Please bring your Medicare or Healthcare insurance cards.

Metal Recycling Drive

Sat. 10/21 4:30 PM—6:15 PM

Sun. 10/22 7:30 AM—1 PM

Each month, St. Stephen hosts a metal recycling drive with proceeds benefiting the future Parish Life Center. Instead of putting your metal items into your curbside recycling bin, please consider bringing them to the parish parking lot on our recycling weekend. Participation in this program is easy! All we ask is that any metal cans be placed in a sealed plastic garbage bag. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can fill a bag!

If you have any questions, please contact Andy DeLuca at 708-606-3755.

2018 Golden Opportunity Books

Get them while they last! Golden Opportunity Books are now on sale for $25 each in the parish office.


Saturday, October 28

Games, Candy, Friends! Come on October 28th, 2017 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm to St. Stephen Parish for this year’s Trunk or Treat! There will be many games like pumpkin bowling, apple bobbing, pin the nose on the pumpkin, and pumpkin bag toss. We will also be showing a Halloween movie in the large meeting room.

Please RSVP to Kyle Groves to reserve your spot in the parking lot. There is no cost to attend so I hope to see many of you there.

[email protected] 708-342-2400 x149

Pumpkin Patch—October 15 through October 31

We will be hosting a Pumpkin Patch fundraiser for teens to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference in November and the Mission Trip for the 2018 summer. We will be open from 2:00pm-7:30pm, Monday to Friday, 11:00am-6:30pm on Saturday and 8:00am-2:30pm & 6:00pm-7:15pm on Sundays. We will have all kinds of pumpkins that are perfect for your family to decorate for the Halloween season. Please support the teen program, Branches. This event counts as a service project for any teen looking to fulfill service hour requirements. Check out Signup Genius under SERVE on the parish website to learn more about how to help with the Pumpkin Patch.

Community Tinley Park Police Department Citizens Police Academy

Applications are currently available for the Tinley Park Police Department’s Citizens Police Academy which is a 12 week program designed to provide a working knowledge of law enforcement and the Tinley Park Police Department. The program is free of charge and is limited to 25 students per session. Applicants must be twenty-one years of age or older and must live or work within the Village of Tinley Park.

Classes will be held every Thursday beginning January 4, 2018 and ending on March 22, 2018 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. There is a graduation banquet on Thursday, March 28, 2018 at the conclusion of the program. Application are available at the Tinley Park Police Department and the deadline for submitting the applications is November 3, 2017. The completed applications must be delivered to Officer Perry Dubish, Citizens Police Academy, Tinley Park Police Department, 7850 West 183rd Street, Tinley Park, IL 60477. To receive more information, please contact Sergeant Patrick St. John, Officer Perry Dubish or Officer Sonny London at 708-444-5300.

St. Catherine of Alexandria—Oak Lawn Reunion

St. Catherine of Alexandria-Oak Lawn invites past parishioners, school alumni, and friends to its 60th Anniversary Dinner-Dance and Reunion on Saturday, November 11, 2017. Mass at 4pm in the Church. Banquet at 6pm at Gaelic Park. Gourmet dinner—Open Bar. $80 per person. Reservation forms online, at rectory, in church. For more information, please visit, 708-425-2850, or join St. Catherine of Alexandra 60th Anniversary Facebook Group

Hurricane Relief Local Fundraiser

On Sunday, October 15, from noon to 4 PM, Dance Images, a Tinley Park dance studio, will be hosting a new and used Dance Costume Sale, proceeds going to the victims’ relief efforts for Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. The cost for each outfit is $10 and $5, respectively. Please stop by and purchase a gift for your favorite dress-up princess or prince, while donating to this very needy cause. There are also great Halloween Costume ideas! The studio’s location is 18475 Thompson Court, Suite B. For further information, visit

Joyful Again!

Treasuring memories of your loved one, but needing to heal and move into the future? There will be a Joyful Again retreat/workshop for widowed men and women in Lemont on November 11 & 12. Includes overnight and meals. Information regarding Joyful Again! Widowed Ministry Program can be obtained by contacting the ministry:

By phone:1-708-354-7211

By email: [email protected] Website:

Mother McAuley High School Events—3737 West 99th Street, Chicago

Girls Night Out—Friday, October 20 from 6-9pm

At McAuley, the fun doesn't stop at 3 o'clock! All 7th & 8th grade girls are invited to join us for a HALLOWEEN PARTY hosted by McAuley's clubs, organizations and intramurals Wear your craziest, scariest or funniest costume to win GREAT prizes!

Open House—Thursday, October 24 from 6-8pm\

Learn about the lifetime advantage of a Mother McAuley education.

• Presentations at 6:15 p.m. & 6:45 p.m.

• Financial Aid Presentation at 7:45 p.m.

Come see all that Mother McAuley has to offer! Go on a personal tour of our school, see our classrooms and meet our students. Please enter through the auditorium doors. (West side of campus)

Not-So-Haunted House—Monday, 10/30 3:30-6pm

Crafts, games, face painting and more. Children $2, adults free. Enter through auditorium doors.

Brother Rice Fashion Show

The Brother Rice Mothers Club presents their Fashion Show Lights...Camera...Fashion! on Sunday, November 12, at Beverly Country Club. The raffle preview and vendors begin at 11:00 AM; luncheon and fashion show begin at 1:00 PM. Ticket are $50 per person; visit www. for details and tickets.

If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]

Crafters Wanted

Interested in selling your handcrafted items? The annual St. Chris Holiday Craft and Vendor Show is Saturday, November 11th. Cost is $35 for a 9x5 space.

For more information and an application, please visit

or email [email protected]

Meeting/Event Calendar Sunday, October 15 • Narthex—Spaghetti Dinner Ticket Sales | Seniors

Young @ Heart • 10am—Children’s Liturgy of the Word • 10am—Growing with God Rooms (#162-167) • 11:30am—Feast of John Paul II (Bilingual) • No 1pm Polish Mass • 3pm—Baptism • 4pm—Living Stations (#125/126) • 7pm—Teens “You are Empowered” (LMR) Monday – October 16 • 6:15pm—Confirmation Parent Meeting (Church) • 7:30pm—Finance Meeting (#126) Tuesday—October 17 • 10am—Stewardship (#126) • 6:15pm—Confirmation Parent Meeting (Church) • 7:30pm—Highlanders (#170-173) Wednesday—October 18 • 7pm—Adult Choir (Church/Music Room) • 7:30pm—RE Board Meeting (#153)

Ministry Sat 5 PM Sun 7 AM Sun 8:30 AM Sun 10 AM Sun 11:30 AM Sun 1:00 PM Sun. 6:15 PM Priest Fr. Jay Fr. Jay Visitor Fr. Jay Fr. Jay & Fr. Greg Visitor Fr. Jay

Greeters Jean Coughlin Mike Tyrrell Anna Williams Jackie Szymanski Mary Tafoya Eileen Tyrrell Chris Losey Charlene Mueller Peg Schmidt Amparo Hughes Mark Losey Lynn Packert Mary Berger Danny Hughes Kathy Cunningham Natalie Sims

Counters 10/22—Team #1

Deacon Dcn. Pete Dcn. Lukcasz Dcn. Lucasz Dcn. Bill E. Dcn. Chuck Dcn. Chuck

Greeter/Counters Schedule—October 21/22

Congratulations to the following winners for the week of October 9, 2017:

$100 Winner—Allan Dressel, #224

$25 Winner—M/M Robert Onyszko, #447

Correction: The following winners were for the week of October 2, 2017, not September 25th, per the last bulletin.

$100 Winner—Andrea Adams, #19

$25 Winner—Thomas Danca, #357

Our regular Parish 500 Club raffle weekly drawings continue through the end of October. Our last drawing of this year’s raffle will be held on Monday, October 30, 2017 and will include a $1,000 grand prize and a $250 second place prize.

The new raffle kicks off on Monday, November 6, 2017.

Parishioners’ names will be read at Mass for four weeks and listed in the bulletin for 60 days. Immediate family members are asked to call after four weeks if you wish to still have the name read at Mass. Names of non-parishioners who are immediate family members of our parishioners will be read at Mass for two weeks and listed in the bulletin for two weeks.

To be added to our prayer list, please contact Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn at the Parish Office.

Parishioners who are hospitalized and in need of Pastoral Care should contact the Parish Office and/or Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn.

Parish 500 Club Prayer Requests

Thursday—October 19 • 4:30pm—Children’s Choir (Church) • 7pm—Praise Band (Church) • 7pm—RCIA (#125/126) • 7pm—Children’s Liturgy Group Friday—October 20 • 8:30am—Scripture Study Saturday—October 21 • Baby Nursing (#153) | Birthday Blessing • Narthex—Spaghetti Dinner Ticket Sales | Christmas

Wreath Sales | PADS Sign Up • 4:30-6:15pm—Metal Recycling Drive (Near garages) • 5pm Mass—8th Grade Rite of Enrollment (Church) Sunday—October 22 • Baby Nursing (#153) | Birthday Blessing • Narthex—Spaghetti Dinner Ticket Sales | Christmas

Wreath Sales | PADS Sign Up • Grounds—Metal Recycling Drive • 8am—1pm Flu Shots (LMR) • 10am Mass—8th Grade Rite of Enrollment (Church) • 11am—Parish Registration (#125) • 3pm—Baptism

Pumpkin Patch—Sunday, 10/15—Tuesday, 10/31. Please see bulletin article for times.

Prayers of the Faithful

Rita Imgruent Miroslaw Koszarek

Sunday—10/15 7:00am Francesca Mamulska Adam Mamulski 8:30am Lydia Mayer Carol Fornek Mary A. Marren The Family 10:00am Fran Barnas Pauline Cotrano Be y Staniszewski Ron and Marie Mader 11:30am John Dillon Mary Ann Dillon Inten on of Ron and Charlene Yock 50th Anniversary Joe Castro Roseann Moslein Malgorzata Swiedrych Karen Opyd 6:15pm Joseph Majchrzek The Family Robert Kelley Senior Altar Servers Monday—10/16 8:00am Ralph Provenzano Lou Provenzano Marie Rychetsky & Leonard Cali M/M Rychetsky Tuesday—10/17 8:00am Louise Prybys Emily Johnson Julia Wegner Ted Wegner Wednesday—10/18 8:00am Elma Sims Bill & Kay Farley Joseph Stalcup, Jr. Dcn. Joe & Linda Stalcup Thursday—10/19 8:00am Bob Mayer Carol Fornek Purgatorial Society Friday —10/20 8:00am Salvatore LaMargo Lucy LaMargo Robert Przybylski Dianne Przybylski Saturday—10/21 8:00am Bill Casey Dianne Przybylski Marge Kwiatkowski Sharon & Keith Grill 5:00pm D.J. Zimmerman - T.J. Daly Don & Marge Supak

Pa y Li on Eleanore Kotan, Nancy Smith & Joe Palermo

Margaret Piotrowski Ron & Marie Maeder Tim Fisher R.E. Staff Sunday —10/22 7:00am Joe Onak McLean Family 8:30am Bob Fiore Pat Leeson Thomas Rogan The Family 10:00am Betty Staniszewski Pat Frejlich Mary Beth Vasquez Mark and Chris Losey 11:30am Frances Rato The Family Sam Ris ch Gilda Cacres 6:15pm Jerry Murphy Murphy Family Tammy Burns Bob and Nancy Belling

For those who are sick and in need of healing from our Divine Healer:

Mar n Bennet Jeff Kummer Gerry Gernsen Frank McFarland Kathie Brosius Dave Newquist Don Bryar Timmy O’Connell Joanne Chess Dan Opyd Karen Cole Deacon Pablo Perez Ma Creen Marek Rudzki Ken Dellorto Nicole Siedschlag Pat Dickman Bruce Spenger Bill Dunlap Rachel Swallow James Felmon Richey Swiedrych Bill Galvin Therese Wabi Larry Hersh Donna Watzke Ed Jenkins Kelly Weiss Ziggy Klimavicius Rex Knapp

And for all for whom our parish is asked to pray.

For the ac ve duty military from our parish who serve our na on:

L/Cpl Benjamin Brasher Lt. Dan Kniaz Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro Tsgt. Laura Langley Major Vincent Cesaro Ssgt. Carl Langley Capt. Michael Chimien Sgt. Joseph Malone PV2 Joseph Clavio Capt. Christopher Mazurek Lt. Amanda Griffith PFC Ma hew O'Boyle

Sgt. Evan Grober Major Thomas Walsh Capt. Michael Gryczka

Jacob Ellio USN LCDR Marilyn Walsh

For those who have passed, may perpetual light shine upon them:

For those who are preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony:

Banns III: Steve Feyerer & Antonella Pinto Banns II: Josh Kratovil & Megan Grober

Joyce AdairBroker Associate, SFR, ABR708.715.2323 Direct708.460.8681 [email protected] W. 151st StreetOrland Park, IL b






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Ways to Support the Ministry of St. Stephen Parish

•—Through, parishioners can make automatic donations at the time and frequency they chose. Donating through GiveCentral is a way to simplify your giving and is environmental friendly. Signing up only takes a few minutes. Go to our parish website and click on the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page. Donations through GiveCentral are processed via your credit card or bank card and at the frequency you choose.

• Electronic Donations—St. Stephen accepts electronic donations through Byline Bank. To begin this method of donating, you will need to complete and sign the authorization form and attached a voided check, and bring the items to the Parish Office. The authorization form is located on our website under Support/Sunday Giving.

• Envelopes—Registered parishioners can also choose to receive weekly envelopes. Envelope packets are mailed out every other month.

• Wills and Trusts—Please consider remembering St. Stephen Parish through your will or trust. Details area available on our website.

Bulletin Submissions

If your parish group or ministry would like to submit a bulletin article, please send your submissions to the following email

address: [email protected] Our deadline for submissions is the Wednesday, 11 days prior to the bulletin’s publication date. Please include a contact name, email address, and phone number when making a submission. For questions about the bulletin, please contact Communications Coordinator, Stacy Zampillo at the parish office at 708-342-2400.

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