SonghuaScript-7-23-21 - BLUE BUG ENTERTAINMENT

SONGHUA Words and Music by: Joe Bockol

Transcript of SonghuaScript-7-23-21 - BLUE BUG ENTERTAINMENT


Words and Music by:

Joe Bockol



Chinese sailors fill the sea in narrow wooden boats.

NARRATOR(old sage, Chinese)

Long, long ago, when thousands of the earliest sailors once inhabited the seas, a dangerous windstorm struck...

A violent storm moves in creating treacherous conditions.

NARRATOR (CONT’D)But not just any windstorm, a powerful typhoon so severe that the ancient Gods intervened.

A tall, giant TSUNAMI forms and curls above the sailors. Their faces look up in terror.

Then, spirits in the sky place a small crystal STATUE at the crest of the wave, instantly turning it into a mountain of ice, which expands into a vast sacred land of ice and snow.


A mystical wintry ICY TUNDRA sparkles before the snow covered mountains.

Nature’s peaceful serenity is followed by a strong gust of wind.

It’s extraordinarily COLD.



Songhua, Zhong-guo...Wise-old Songhua... Brisk, Raw, Songhua...Magic land. Songhua, China... Ice-cold Tundra... Strong, Ah...Songhua... There’s a hero in every man!


Stand on the mountain! Rise from the sea!




Count every blessing that lies in between!! Each day is a journey... Every night is a dream... Neither one holds the future... Tomorrow has yet to have seen... It’s destiny.


Go to the ice-field! Kneel to your knee! Cast your reflection... Shining, shimmering!! The strength of the ice... Is as strong as the spirit... Not a soul knows the answer... What is accident, what’s meant to be? It’s destiny--


Stand on the mountain! Rise from the sea! Count every blessing that lies in between!! Stand on the snow bank! Dig in with your feet! Make an impression... On hu-man-it-y!! Each day is a journey... Every night is a dream... Neither one holds the future...A dreamer can only achieve... If a dreamer can only believe... It’s destiny.


WHITE MONKEYS and BEARS run in the distance as SNOW-OWLS fly overhead.

A FUR-TRAPPER, early Chinese descent, in primitive animal skin clothing, lays a trap in the woods. Spear in hand, he runs off and hides behind a tree.

AN ICE-FISHERMAN, early Chinese descent, in a bushy furry hood, sits fishing by a circular hole in the ice next to a bucket of fish.

While the fur-trapper waits, A NET snaps up from the ground and catches something dangling inside. He races over and draws his spear.




ANGLE ON a SMALL BOY giggling inside the net, a miniature version of the fur-trapper.




SPOTTED SEALS take fish out of a bucket, unbeknownst to the ICE-FISHERMAN while he fishes.

The confused fisherman notices his bucket is empty and jumps to his feet angrily.

ICE-FISHERMANHuh? Hey you come back here! I mean it!

One by one, the thievish seals slide on their bellies to the edge of the ice and NOSEDIVE into the water.

ICE-FISHERMAN (CONT’D)I’m gonna count to three!One!...two!!...two-and-a-half...

The fisherman sighs, then aggressively goes after the seals, but spins his wheels, slips, and lands flat on his back.




A few young children SKATE on the glistening ice.

We PAN UP the breathtakingly tall ICE MOUNTAIN behind them.


ANGLE ON a STATUE of the ICE GODDESS high atop the mountain.

A spectacular luminous display of GOLDEN RAYS emanating from the sun hit directly onto the statue from all angles.

We see a glorious CRYSTAL WHITE CASTLE.


TWO GUARDS stand at attention blocking the entrance.



A spear is thrown out of the darkness, whizzing above their heads. Confused, the guards look up as the force of sharp falling ICICLES CASCADE on top of them, knocking them out.

SINISTER VOICEDon’t get up, I’ll let myself in.


A closet quietly opens as we CLOSE ON a dazzling array of BLUE JADE and SILVER JEWELS. A robe is hung to the side.

Moments later, a fiery light fills the room and a NET is thrown upon the shadowy perpetrator.

MENG, 30, a sizable, elaborately mustached, wickedly smart, sinister thief, struggles inside the net holding the robe.


THE EMPEROR, Chinese, 50’s, intimidating, but WISE, sits on a throne. Several officials stand in a half circle facing him.

OFFICIALPraise be our sacred statue of the Ice Goddess for her eternal protection of our hallowed land.

All in the room bow their heads.

OFFICIAL (CONT’D)At this time I would like to extend my deepest thoughts and prayers to the Empress. Since she has taken ill, her courage and strength has been an inspiration to us all. Our hearts extend to you, Your Majesty, as well as Princess Meixiu.

(beat)It is with great comfort that we are at a time of peace. Tensions between Fur-trappers and Fishermen are in a period of harmony, and once again, Songhua is poised to prosper into the coming Ages.

(clearing his throat)Your Imperial Majesty, I’m afraid we bring you a man today who’s stood before you in the past. Apparently, he has again stolen what does NOT belong to him.




Meng is dragged forcefully in shackles before the Emperor by several guards.

Meng’s brother, NIM, 25, a dim-witted charlatan, stands beside him, pleading for mercy.


Your Imperial Majesty, it may appear as though my brother-- I mean, this nice man...

(making finger quotes)“may or may not” have taken a certain possession that...

(making finger quotes)“may or may not” have belonged to him...But the fact remains he was merely, and quite innocently I might add, simply moving “said” item safely under his watchful care to a new location! Honest mistake.

The Emperor is about to speak, but is interrupted...

NIM (CONT’D)I knew you’d understand! Let’s just recognize the innocent lack of harm here and forget that--

EMPERORHe stole...And this time he will not go unpunished!

NIMYour Majesty, what are we really talking about here, hmm?

(laughing haughtily)A robe?! Oh it was a dreary old robe! It lacked all fashion sense, I mean the man who wore it surely was missing something I should say, but certainly not that pathetic... dreadful...HIDEOUS robe!

OFFICIALThe robe belonged to the Emperor?!

MENGMy dear little brother, Nim, be quiet before I also steal your tongue.

NIMI can handle this, Meng. I’m more than just a carnival illusionist.



NIM (cont'd)



(to the room)And how are we all sooooo sure that my brother-- I mean, nice man, knew that this delightfully fetching item belonged to the Emperor? Hmm?


It was locked away in his Majesty’s closet?!

Meng rolls his eyes.

NIMVery well, but in the grand scheme of things, how valuable is a robe, honestly?!

OFFICIALQuite valuable, I would imagine. It’s pocket’s were discovered filled with the Emperor’s jewels.

The Emperor looks on furiously.

NIM(beat, then pleading)

My brother is sick! SICK I tell you! This man needs help!

MENGNim, I said be quiet!

EMPEROREnough! Meng, you’re a thief. And a bad one at that. I’m banishing you to imprisonment in the northern hills.

MENGBut I’ll freeze in that cell!

EMPERORAnd I will be quite warm in my robe. I have spoken and I have ruled!

NIMNo, no wait--!

Guards carry Meng away. Nim follows.

MENGYou haven’t heard the last of me! Get your cold hands off of me!

NIM (cont'd)



MENG (cont'd)


It will be a warm day in Songhua before you see the last of me! I swear to you: I will get my...



XIAOFAN, Chinese, 19, lazy slacker/lowly ice-sculpting artisan, SLEEPS in his untidy igloo.

A spotted leopard seal, RU, loyally sleeps beside him.

YI (O.S.)Xiaofan. XIAOFAN!!!


Xiaofan abruptly awakens, pops up his head, and noisily knocks over some pots and pans.

YI, a rugged huntsman, angrily grabs Xiaofan by the collar.

YIOh get up, will you!

XIAOFAN(nervous, intimidated)

Yi, just chill out. You’re gonna cause an avalanche.

YIYou were supposed to be out with the rest of the group hours ago!

XIAOFANI know, I know. I overslept.

YII hired you as a personal favor against all my better judgement--

XIAOFANAnd I appreciate that, and I will do my very best--

YI(exploding rage)

You are the worst employee I have ever had!!!

MENG (cont'd)



XIAOFANNow Yi, it’s not a competition--

YIYou’re pathetic, you know that? You’re weak...


--Xiaofan hauls heavy tiger skins on his back.

XIAOFAN(extreme struggling)

Little help?

He collapses deep into fluffy snow, giving the appearance of an actual TIGER.

YI (V.O.)You’re a coward...

--Xiaofan RUNS frantically from a convocation of snow eagles.


They can fly! They can fly!!!

YI (V.O.)You’re lazy and unmotivated...

--Xiaofan raises his hand with his group in the woods.


Um, do we have to hunt today?

YI (V.O.)And every time it’s cold out it seems you go into hibernation!

--A group of hunters track footprints. They sneak up behind a rock, raising their spears. But it’s Xiaofan curled up, SLEEPING on the job.


XIAOFANWhat’s your point, Yi?

YIIt’s always cold in Songhua!!!

Ru pokes Xiaofan with his beak and nods to the corner.



XIAOFANListen, before you fire me...I had a late night last night. I was sculpting this masterpiece.

Xiaofan goes to the corner of the igloo and bends down.

YII don’t care what you were doing. It’s simply too wasteful an existence to--

Xiaofan turns and hands him an ICE-SCULPTED BUST OF YI.

XIAOFANIt’s for you, Yi. Handsome, huh?

Yi holds the sculpture awkwardly as Xiaofan readies himself for the day. Yi stares at the bust, sighs, and smiles.

YII’m not going to fire you, Xiaofan. I’m in too good of a mood. The Emperor sent Meng away for good!

XIAOFANThat’s great news! That creepy fella stole from my family for years. The guy gave me nightmares.

YIA gentle breeze gives you nightmares!

Xiaofan readies for the day.

XIAOFANOkay, so I’m not exactly the brave warrior type. So maybe I am a coward. Maybe I’m a lover, not a fighter...

(off of Yi’s look)Okay, so I’m not exactly a lover or a fighter...

YIXiaofan, what are you going to do with your life? I’ve been watching you spend your days without a care in the world.

Xiaofan looks in the mirror (his reflection off the ice on his wall), and rolls his fingers through his hair.




XIAOFANI don’t know. I don’t want to be a Fur-trapper, I don’t want to be a Fisherman...

(off of his poor clothing)...and I wasn’t exactly born to royalty.

(then to Yi)I just love to sculpt ice!

YIIt’s time to grow up and do something honorable, something worthy with your life!

Insulted, Xiaofan puts on his SKATES rebelliously.

XIAOFANYeah well, I’ve got plenty of time to figure it all out. Today, I just want to have some fun on the ice. Do...whatever, you know? Kill some time.

YIWhat about work?!

Xiaofan puts on a thick WOOL COAT and a RED SCARF.

XIAOFANI quit. Catch you later, Ru!

Then, he pats Yi on the head as snow flies in his face.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Stay cool, Man.

Xiaofan SKATES off as Yi dusts himself off.

YI(to Ru)

That boy will never learn.

Ru shrugs his shoulders.


PRINCESS MEIXIU, Chinese, 18, beauteous, yet isolated, longing and low-spirited, trains with her COACH.

COACHNo, no, no, no, no, no, no! You can do it better! Head up! Back arched!



COACH (cont'd)



Leg straight! Gracefully, Princess, like a swan, not a bull-frog!

Meixiu loses her balance and FALLS to the ice.

MEIXIU(like a bull-frog)


COACHWhat is the matter with you today?

MEIXIUWell let’s see here...I’ve been skating since five o’clock in the morning...I’m tired...I’m-- I’m cold. All I ever do is train, train, train all the time-- trained practically my entire childhood. I never get to have any friends or any fun whatsoever. I’m basically just locked away in the palace 24/7. But hey, nothing to complain about really, so yeah, I’m good.

COACHMiss Meixiu, you are a princess.

MEIXIUYeah well, maybe I’d just as soon rather live a normal life, that’s all.

COACHThe Winter Ice Festival is but one month away! This is your year to skate...your year to be introduced to the demonstrate the very best of Songhua...You must, you’re the Princess! After turning 18, every princess has performed at the Ice Festival for the last three hundred years! My grandfather trained your grandmother when she skated, and my father trained the Empress! It is tradition, Princess Meixiu. It is your coronation, as well as your destiny. Everyone’s counting on you!

MEIXIUDon’t you think that’s a lot of pressure to put on a young person? I’m no good under pressure, you know.

COACH (cont'd)



MEIXIU (cont'd)


I can’t skate in front of people, nevertheless the entire Kingdom. I’ll get stage-fright...I’ll freeze!

COACHYou mustn’t be so negative.

MEIXIU(imitating him)

You mean “no, no, no, no, no, no, no,” negative?

The Coach kneels down.

COACHPrincess, when your important moment comes, I have every faith you will rise to the occasion. That said, you must first rise to your feet. Shall we?

He reaches out his hand and PULLS her up.


DOCTORS stand above the EMPRESS, 50’s, very ill, as she lies in bed wearing a satin yellow robe, and an elaborate blue HAIRPIN with feathers, jade, and pearls. Meixiu enters.

MEIXIUHow are your spirits, Mother?

The Empress motions for the doctors to leave.


From what I hear, my spirits are far better than yours.

MEIXIUDo you need anything?

EMPRESSSit down, my Sweet.

Meixiu sits on the bed.

EMPRESS (CONT’D)I’m told you’re having some difficulty concentrating.

MEIXIU (cont'd)



MEIXIUI’m not a natural-born skater like you were, Mother. I’m not sure I’m cut out for this.

EMPRESSYou mustn’t worry, Child. I felt that way too at your age. You’ll skate splendidly at the Festival, and you’ll win over the hearts of all throughout the Kingdom.

The Empress lets out a sickly COUGH.

MEIXIUMother, I’m scared. I’ve never even been outside of the palace or met a single soul. I’ve lived so little-- What will I do without you?

The Empress wipes some hair from Meixiu’s face.

EMPRESSYou can do anything the warmth in your heart can dream, Meixiu. But that choice is up to you.


EMPRESS (CONT'D)(singing)

Do you remember all the stories that Grandfather told?


Yes, I remember quite a few.


They were first told to him by his grandfather and then passed down to you.

MEIXIUI had no idea, Mother.


Do you remember when I read to you the ancient tales?


I was so young then, but I do.




You should know, my child, I still believe in them...

MEIXIU(cracks a smile)

Do you really?


Yes, and you should too.(beat)

In courage, and wisdom, and destiny.(assuring beat)

Meixiu, you will find your way.

MEIXIUI don’t even know who I am!


Be strong...Have faith...You’re just like me.


But Mother, we’re so different--


We’re the same! Remember...

(then, chorus)We can never be apart... We’re together in my heart... And in the shine of every star... Forevermore, and ever... We can never be too far... Be it anywhere you are... We can never be apart... Because you have my heart.


I remember when you sang to me the heartfelt songs?

EMPRESSAh, the songs of love!


Of love so true...




And Meixiu soon you’ll meet a young man...


Oh Mother, tell me, who?


He’ll be strong...and brave...inspiring.

MEIXIUBut how?


It will just happen one day.

The Empress smiles, then coughs.

MEIXIUOh Mother, I’m frightened--


Don’t be...Hold me in your thoughts. Then you won’t ever be afraid. Remember...

(then, chorus)We can never be apart...


We’re together in our hearts...


And in the shine of every star...


Forevermore and ever...We can never be too far...Be it anywhere we are...We can never be apart...Because--


You heart.

The Empress coughs again and LEANS in closer to her daughter.



EMPRESS(CONT'D)Like the Ice Festival, those stories and songs embrace a tradition that binds us all together.

(then, sickly)I’m leaving you, Child, but you will find your way. You’re part of me. And you’re part of that tradition...

(beat, meaningfully)You’re extraordinary, Meixiu. That’s who you are!

The Empress smiles proudly and closes her eyes.


SAD FUNERAL MUSIC plays and BELLS ring out.

CLOSE ON the Empress’ yellow satin robe being folded and gently put away...

People outside hold CANDLES with their heads bowed mourning.


Xiaofan SKATES through the woods at high speeds, recklessly weaving through trees while attempting SPINS and JUMPS.


He celebrates after he goes airborne over a SMALL BUMP. He looks back at the bump, and as he does, Xiaofan accidentally skates over a huge ICY RAMP.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Agggghhhh!!!

He FLIPS and SOMERSAULTS out of control and CRASHES face down in the snow FAR OFF HIS PATH into the woods.

Dazed, he gathers himself and dusts off the snow.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(looking around, confused)

Where am I?

Then, he notices a hidden OLD ICE CABIN and approaches it.

ANGLE ON a sign that reads: “THE AMAZING ERKE.”



Xiaofan goes to the WINDOW. He nervously DUCKS DOWN, then slowly inches his way up to look inside. Nothing.

He KNOCKS on the door timidly.

XIAOFAN (CONT'D)Hello? Anybody home?

There’s no answer. He cautiously enters the cabin.


Inside, an old, DUSTY ROOM appears as though it’s not been lived in for centuries.

A PURPLE CURTAIN catches Xiaofan’s eye. Fighting through smoky dust, Xiaofan gingerly OPENS the curtain.

ANGLE ON the frozen ANCIENT CORPSE of an OLD MONGOLIAN MAN with a FU MANCHU, wearing a PURPLE ROBE with stars and a WIZARD’S CAP.

A small WHITE MONKEY sits motionless on his shoulder.

Xiaofan is terrified. He reluctantly takes a closer look.

Then, the old man AWAKENS. Their eyes meet. Xiaofan does the white monkey.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Ah!!! You scared me!

ERKESneaking up on me in a dead sleep didn’t exactly do wonders for my nerves either!

(then sprightly)Well, I’d ask you what you’re doing here, Young man, but I already know. Amazing Erke’s the name, Boy, the greatest soothsayer in all the land!

XIAOFANYou mean like a fortune-teller?

ERKERight you are! A prophet, seer, mind reader... I can even tell you what you’re thinking right now.

Erke coughs as the white monkey nods.



XIAOFANOkay. What am I thinking?

Erke studies Xiaofan’s eyes and smiles.

ERKEI’m one hundred and six years old.

(coughing)I’ll be a hundred and seven in May.

XIAOFANHey, not bad, but what did you mean when you said you knew why I was here? I came here by accident.


An accident?! Young man, there’s no such thing. Why it was your destiny that brought you here today. Care for a reading?

XIAOFANYou can see into my future?


With crystal clear clarity.(then)

You know how some people think they’re right all the time about everything?



I’m right all the time about everything.

(then)But with unmistakable certitude and absolute truth.

XIAOFANIs that so?

ERKEIf I see it, it is so!

XIAOFANWill it cost much? I don’t have any money.



ERKE(thinking a beat)

Just your scarf. An old man could always use a warm neck. Deal?

Xiaofan hands the old man his SCARF and sits, as Erke closes the purple curtain around them.

XIAOFAN(looking around)

This is totally spooking me out.

ERKEGive me your hand, Young man, with your palm facing up.

Erke takes Xiaofan’s hand and studies it. He babbles some GIBBERISH, then abruptly displays a great look of CONCERN and pushes Xiaofan’s hand away.

ERKE(flustered, down-playing)

Uh, no, that’s not right. Can’t be?! Let me take a look into my crystal ball. You know, you’re young enough to be my great-great grandson.

He places the CRYSTAL BALL on the table, utters some GIBBERISH and studies it. Again, his eyes abruptly WIDEN WITH FEAR as he removes the ball from Xiaofan’s sight.

ERKE (CONT’D)This doesn’t make sense?!

The white monkey places his hands over his eyes in horror.

XIAOFANWhat is it? What does it say?

ERKE(noticeably panicked)

You’re fine. Not to worry. Let’s get out the cards.

Erke frantically scrambles to find his FORTUNE TELLING CARDS.

ERKE (CONT’D)Ah yes...

He quickly places THREE CARDS face down on the table, then he turns the FOURTH CARD over face up.




ANGLE ON the fourth card. It displays a SPEAR through a MAN’S HEAD: the DEATH CARD.

Everyone, including the white monkey, GASPS.

XIAOFANMister, you’re freaking me out! Just level with me. Please, tell me what you see!

The old man looks at the white monkey who reluctantly nods, advising him to tell Xiaofan.

ERKEVery well. Save for a miracle, you will most unfortunately die in thirty--mmmm...twenty-nine days from this very afternoon.

XIAOFANI don’t believe you.

ERKEIs your name Xiaofan?


ERKEWere you born on the 12th of December?


ERKEMother’s name Huan? Your father’s Yong?


ERKENever did tell me that, did you?



ERKE(firmly decreeing)

On the fourth Sunday of the month, it is written that you will be killed.



ERKE (cont'd)


(softening)I’m sorry, there is nothing I can do. I guess my advice to you is to simply ignore the fact you saw me today--

XIAOFANThirty days?!



Xiaofan COLLAPSES and covers his face. Erke begins pacing above him.

ERKESay, Young man, perhaps there is some good to this; a silver lining, if you will.


ERKEDon’t you see? Nothing can kill you over the next twenty-nine days. Nothing at all! You could live the last month of your life without caution or fear...Why you could act bravely, almost heroically, should the opportunity arise!

XIAOFANI’m just an artist, and a fairly cowardly one at that. No, I’ll leave the heroic stuff to the heroes, okay? I’d just as soon rather live a normal life.

ERKEWell I’m sorry to be the bearer of such dreadful news. It’s the will of the Gods.

(then)Do me a favor, though?

(coughs)Please take back the scarf. You might need it, and well, I never charge when the news is bad.

Xiaofan TAKES BACK his scarf as he stands.

ERKE (cont'd)



XIAOFANThanks, Mister.

CLOSE ON the RED SCARF as it magically GLISTENS when Erke hands it to him.

Xiaofan sadly goes out into the woods.


Chattering, Meng SHAKES in a blanket behind bars.


A GUARD stands in front of the entrance of the cave with his back to Meng.

MENG (O.S.)Listen to me. I won’t survive if you keep me in here.

The guard ignores him.

MENG (O.S.) (CONT’D)I’m freezing, do you hear me?! You don’t understand. I’m cold-blooded!


GUARDMost evil men are, Meng.

MENG (O.S.)(deliriously weakening)

I don’t know how much longer I can last. I can’t-- take-- the-- cold-- weath--

GUARDMeng? Hey, you all right in there?

Meng’s brother, Nim, approaches the prison cave charmingly.

NIMGreetings, Officer. My name is Nim. And how is my dear, dear, brother today?

GUARDI’ve never heard a prisoner complain so much about the cold.



NIMMeng’s cold-hearted...

(fondly reminiscing)Just like our mother. May I have a look at him, Sir? Perhaps seeing some family might warm him up.

GUARDMake it fast.

NIMThank you ever so much.

The guard unlocks the entrance as Nim enters the cave.


NIM (CONT’D)Good God, brother, you look dreadful!

Nim pulls out of his coat a MINIATURE DOLL dressed like Meng and a piece of GLASS from his pocket, then looks around.

MENGNim, what the devil are you doing?

NIMI’m getting you out of here.

He places the doll and the glass behind a rock adjacent to the ice wall in the back of the cell.

NIM (CONT’D)It might not be useful to have a carnival illusionist defend you in court, but it sure comes in handy for a breakout. When I place the magnifying glass just right, it should reflect perfectly onto the ice backdrop and...Voila!

ANGLE ON an IMAGE of Meng appearing FROZEN TO DEATH inside the ice.

MENGNim, you’re a genius!

NIMBut before, you called me an idiot.



MENGThat was when you were getting me in to jail. Now you’re getting me out!

NIMKeep your voice down and stand behind that rock.


NIM (CONT’D)(dramatically)

Guard! No, my poor, POOR brother!


The guard enters the cave only to see the ILLUSION of a frozen Meng.

NIMMy brother is dead! He has frozen to death and it’s your fault!

As the guard takes a closer look, Meng sneaks away through the open prison door.


He said he was freezing, but I didn’t believe him!


So young! So tragic!! Oh I can barely make sense of it all!!!

GUARDI’m so sorry!


Nim grabs the guard close to his face and unleashes spittle with every word beginning with the letter “p.”

NIM (CONT’D)I will personally see to it that this pattern of persecution is never perpetrated upon another prisoner!

Nim turns away feigning the ability to stand.



NIM (CONT’D)Such negligence! Such brutality!

He turns back once more, generously sharing his saliva.

NIM (CONT’D)My poor, POOR brother!

Nim leaves the jail cell shrieking out in tears, which slowly changes into sinister LAUGHTER.

Then, he is YANKED by the back of his collar, lifted off his feet, and violently pulled behind a rock causing him to be delirious. Meng smiles over him.

MENGAh, brotherhood...there is no closer bond.

Meng SNEEZES thunderously right on top of him.

NIMI may have had that coming.

(then)What’s the matter, Meng? Are you sick?

MENGI must have caught pneumonia. I’ve got to get to a warm place to hide. Come Nim, I’ve got things to steal and revenge to seek. There are lives to destroy, but first I must save my own!

Meng and Nim RUN OFF together into the snowy woods.


Princess Meixiu sits teary-eyed on her bed, staring at her mother’s magnificent HAIRPIN in her hand. Then, she puts the jeweled ornament away in a box and closes the lid.

Suddenly, she hears the MELODY of a singular OBOE playing in the hallway.

She investigates and sees nothing. Then, behind her, an APPARITION appears in her room.

OBOE, a sarcastically silly, overweight Chinese teenager with a WOODWIND INSTRUMENT, sits on Meixiu’s bed with her arms folded behind her head. Meixiu turns and sees her.



MEIXIUWho are you?!

OBOEMy name’s Oboe, see?

She PLAYS a few notes.

OBOE (CONT’D)My parents made me practice a lot.

MEIXIUHow did you get in here? I should call the guards.

Meixiu is about to scream, then...

OBOENo wait! I was sent here.

MEIXIUSent here, by whom?

OBOE“By whom...whooom” Gotta love the grammar...

(long forgetful beat)...Oh yeah, your mother sent me.


OBOESure, she asked me to come down here to watch over you and stuff... Make sure you didn’t fall in with the bad you through the tough times, ya know? That sorta thing. Now I told her, “I don’t know, that’s an awfully tall order, you know, with kids today?...” But then your mother tells me you’re a princess and that you had some really great clothes and jewels that you would let me try on and stuff so I--

MEIXIUMy mother would never have said that!

OBOEWell it was worth a try.

Meixiu begins to pace curiously.




MEIXIUAre you my guardian angel?

OBOENot exactly.

MEIXIUThen what exactly are you?

OBOEI’m sorta like the music inside you. We all have it. We can have harmony inside us, or we can have discord, you know, confusion. Your mother worries about you. So I’m here to, well, conduct you through life. Think of me as that little voice inside your head, and I’ll be with you as long as you need me.

MEIXIUI don’t understand.

OBOEMaybe this will help...


Oboe disappears and then reappears closely behind Meixiu.

OBOE(singing, spooky)

Your tiny neck hairs...Curl up in the air... And your stomach is all butterflies. You can sense a feeling... Though you can’t see a thing... But it’s there and you never know why. Let me tell you a little secret... Well, maybe a surprise... I’m a Spirit... But don’t ya fear it... I’m strictly here to advise...

Oboe lifts off of the ground and moves through the air enthusiastically.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

So if you’re... Unsure and don’t know... Which direction to go...





I’ll be the voice, the voice inside you. If you’re...

Oboe darts high in the air and hits her head on the ceiling.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

Too high...

She drops down low to the ground...

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

Or too low...

Oboe picks up speed...

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

Too fast...

She floats in slow motion.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

Or too slow...The voice, the voice inside you will...Ooooh!

Oboe plays four rapid ominous-sounding notes.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

And when you’re lost, I’ll be the spirit that guides you through...ooh!...ooh!! The curious noise... That all-telling voice inside you.

Oboe lands and moves closely around an uncomfortable Meixiu.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

Your heart’s beatin’ fast... And you hope it will pass, Though you need it to push you to strive. It’s like an energy flow, but it’s pointless you know, if you’re scared and unwilling to try. But if you listen... You will hear it...





She hugs Meixiu tightly like a best friend.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

I’ll always be close-by... My way is music... They say I use it... ‘Cuz nothin’ quite strikes a chord inside...

Oboe levitates again and soars around the room.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

So if you’re... Overwhelmed and afraid... Don’t know what to say... I’ll be the voice, the voice inside you. If you... Need help or a hand... Well then I’m your-- woMan! The voice, the voice inside you will...Ooooh!

Oboe plays four rapid ominous-sounding notes.

Then, Oboe shoves Meixiu, knocking her off balance.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

And when you fall...

She catches the princess before her falls and lifts her back to her feet.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

I’ll be that uplifting spirit too...ooh!...ooh!! The “what-was-that?” noise? That wonderful voice inside you.

Oboe takes off of the ground, but this time takes the princess with her.

MEIXIUPut me down! Oboe, put me DOWN!


So if you’re... Unsure and don’t know... Which direction to go...



OBOE (cont'd)


I’ll be the voice, the voice inside you. If you’re... Too high or too low...

(sung too high and low)Too fast or too slow...

(sung too fast and slow)The voice, the voice inside you will...Ooooh!

Oboe plays four rapid ominous-sounding notes.

OBOE (CONT’D)(singing)

And when you’re lost... I’ll be the spirit that guides you through...ooh!...ooh!! The curious noise... That all-telling voice inside you.

MEIXIU(singing, frightened)

Overwhelmed and afraid...


It’ll be okay! I’ll be...


The voice, the voice inside me/you.


If I need help or a hand...


Well then I’m your--uh--Gal!


The voice, the voice inside me/you will...Ooooh!

Oboe plays four rapid ominous-sounding notes.

Then, Oboe lets go of the princess...


And when I fall...

OBOE (cont'd)




I’ll be that...

Oboe swoops down and catches her before she hits the ground, and gently lifts her back up high in the air.


Uplifting spirit too...ooh!...ooh!!


The “what-was-that?” noise?


That wonderful voice...


The ominous noise...


That happy rejoice...The obvious choice...


Is that beautiful voice...inside...


OBOE (CONT’D)What do you say...friends???

Meixiu thinks about it, then awkwardly nods her head as the two land on the ground.

OBOE (CONT’D)Ooh we’re gonna have lot’s of fun, you and me. Lot’s of fun! That’s a lovely necklace, by the way, is it real?

MEIXIUForget it, Oboe!


Yep, lots of fun.



There’s an awkward silence.

MEIXIUSo you can fly?

OBOEUmmm...more like float.

MEIXIUAre you powerful?

OBOEYou mean like strong?


OBOEThen no.

MEIXIUOh so you have magical powers! Can you make anything I desire appear?

OBOENo, but that’s kinda really difficult.

MEIXIUWell can you at least grant me wishes?

OBOEOoh, another tough one. I’m gonna have to say no, definitely not.

MEIXIUWell what can you do?

Oboe begins to PLAY her instrument badly.

MEIXIU (CONT’D)(sarcastic)

Yes, lots of fun.


Meng, wrapped in a blanket, and Nim sit around a warm fire. Meng uncontrollably SHAKES from illness.

NIMBrother, you don’t look so hot. I think you’ve got hypothermia.



MENG(shivering cold)

I vow with everything in my soul, if it’s the last act of my very existence, I will kill the Emperor. He is responsible for my condition!

NIMMeng, relax. You’re a thief, not a murderer, and you’re in no condition for a career change.

MENGWell then I’ll just have to steal his land away from him.

(pondering sinisterly)Nim, keep this fire going!

Nim gathers some kindling.

NIMNow how in the world are you gonna manage to do that?

MENG(thinking a beat, then) stealing the statue of the Ice Goddess!

Nim DROPS the pile of sticks.

NIMYou’re gonna do what?!

MENGSteal the Ice Goddess.

NIMYou must be delirious, Big brother! That statue has powers bestowed upon it by the Gods! It protects us from the mighty sun and controls our climate. That very statue is the only thing that keeps things cool around here!

MENGI know, I’ll miss it terribly. What a drag. Living here will be so uncool.

NIMBut it protects our world from melting into the sea!





NIMYou take that statue off it’s peak and you mess with the Gods! Besides, you’d destroy everything if Songhua melted into the sea?!

MENGNot exactly, you see, Dear brother, I’d not only save my own life...

Meng sneezes violently.

MENG (CONT’D)But when it’s all said and done...I’ll be the Emperor.


A dream sequence shows Meng enjoying life in a TROPICAL PARADISE.

MENG (CONT’D)(singing)

If the Legend states correctly, I then must protect me, and remove the statue from it’s place. And if the ice melts quickly, I would not be sickly, and I’d lead the new world I create. I see, the sunshine over me, And the ocean and the moonlight, Could always share a warm night, ‘Cause that’s where I’ll be...Emperor of the Sea.

MENG (CONT’D)(singing)

If the night fell softly and a calm breeze blew across me, I would not mind the fall of the rain.And if the sun beat brightly,That would so delight me to feel the warm blood coarse through my veins. I see, a toasty sandy beach, where the sea-gulls and the mermaids would not recall the cool days. I’ll RULE the marine!Emperor of the Sea.





I...never like snowmen, never liked mittens, never cared for the cold. I’ to go swimming, maybe take a trip fishing... Whilst I grow old.

I see, the sunshine over me, and the ocean and the moonlight,Could always share a warm night... Revenge will be sweet! Who’d a thunk it?! This ground-breaking scheme... An earth-shattering, watershed moment... Not bad for a THIEF...Emperor of the Sea!

MENG (CONT’D)Oh things will be really heating up around here.


Meixiu TRAINS with her Coach. Oboe is there, but only Meixiu can see her.

COACHConcentrate, Princess. Focus on the movements!

Meixiu skates and struggles as Oboe obnoxiously relaxes on the ice, eating breakfast.

OBOEYou know, this really is too early. Who could work under these conditions?

MEIXIUQuiet, Oboe.

COACHWhat did you say?

Meixiu stops skating.


I said, uh...“Why, it might snow.”

COACHUsually does in Songhua.




OBOE(sports commentator)

Shot and a quick save! Very quick save indeed.

(laughs)Hey Meixiu, let’s slip and slide out of here.


OBOEYou’re too cooped up here on the palace grounds. Let’s fly this icicle stand!

MEIXIUAnd go where?

OBOETo a real place to skate. How ‘bout the Center Village?


I’d love to, but I’m not allowed.

OBOEJust tell your coach you could use a change of scenery. There’s nobody awake at this hour anyway. Nobody would see you. Nobody would know.

(then, an idea)I know, tell him you don’t want your first time skating on unfamiliar ice to be at the Ice Festival. Man, I’m good!

MEIXIUIt’s worth a try?

(then)Uh, Coach, could I talk to you for a second?


Xiaofan, depressed, sits with Ru on a hill overlooking the ice.

XIAOFANI’ve been up all night thinking about one thing, Ru. My life is ending and I’ve barely lived.



Ru mimics carving out some ice.

XIAOFANNo, I don’t feel like sculpting. I don’t feel like doing much of anything. Just knowing about it is the worst, you know?

(then)Why, Ru? Why is this happening to me?

(sighing)I should get some sleep, but I can’t. I just wanna sit here and watch the sunrise. I’ve never seen one and I really should see a sunrise before it’s all over.There must be something that can take my mind of this.

Meixiu and her Coach enter the ice in the distance.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Who’s that? It can’t be...Ru, is that the Princess?I’ve never seen her up close. What is she doing here? She never leaves the palace!


XIAOFAN (CONT’D)My God, she’s incredible!

Ru motions for him to go over.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Forget it, Ru! I’m not gonna just go down there and strike up a chat?! She’s a princess!

Ru pushes him.

XIAOFANNo! She’s obviously training and I’m obviously, uh, nobody, so--

Ru folds his flippers disappointedly, then pokes him.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(interpreting Ru)

What have I got to lose?

Ru holds his heart and collapses.



XIAOFAN (CONT’D)No, it certainly wouldn’t kill me to-- Hey, that wasn’t very nice!

Xiaofan stares at the princess while remaining frozen.

XIAOFANThank you, Ru, but I’m quite content admiring her from right here. No way, no how, no chance...I’m not moving.

Meixiu continues to SKATE as Xiaofan watches with marvel.

She concludes her routine by SPINNING at HIGH SPEED REVOLUTIONS.

Meixiu digs in with her blades, CUTTING into the ice, spinning faster and faster until she all but disappears.

Suddenly, we hear Oboe play a flat-pitched OMINOUS MELODY.

We CLOSE ON the ice as it begins to CRACK around her skates.

Then, Meixiu’s skate GETS CAUGHT in the ice and she falls to the ground. She struggles to break free, but cannot.


XIAOFANRu, something’s wrong...

The Coach rushes to her aid, but the ice begins to break more rapidly around the princess, and stops him in his tracks. He extends his arm out to her, but she’s just out of reach.

MEIXIU(more frightened)


XIAOFAN(to himself)


Xiaofan immediately gets up and darts toward her.

CLOSE ON the ice as it rapidly implodes.

Xiaofan sprints, slides, and screams...




At the moment the ice gives, Xiaofan BARRELS INTO the princess, knocking her to safety, while he FALLS through the ice instead.

Confused and disoriented, Meixiu is aided by her Coach.

MEIXIUWhat happened?

COACHIt was a young man...Where did he come from?

Concerned, Meixiu gets to her feet and looks for any sign of him beneath the ice.

COACH (CONT’D)He gave his life for yours.

After several SUSPENSEFUL beats, and Meixiu is convinced tragedy has befallen her unknown hero, a FIST belonging to Xiaofan PUNCHES through the solid ice. He pulls himself out.

XIAOFAN(overly hyper)

Whoa! WHOA!!! Did you see that? First I-- and then I-- and you were-- and it was-- Wow! Really cold! I can’t believe I just-- I mean,

(then abruptly heroic)Are you alright, Princess?

Meixiu’s eyes melt and widen.



Now wearing the Coach’s thick WOOL COAT, Xiaofan sits by Meixiu on a nearby bench. The Coach shivers in his “long-johns” off to the side.

MEIXIUThank you. I am forever in your gratitude.

XIAOFANWhat, that? Anyone in my situation would’ve done the same thing.

MEIXIUYou are the bravest man I have ever met. You could have been killed!



XIAOFANOh I don’t think so really.

MEIXIUDon’t be so modest. That was an incredibly courageous thing you just did, Um-- what’s your name?


MEIXIUI’m Meixiu.

XIAOFANI know, Princess.

MEIXIUIt’s nice to meet you, Xiaofan. How lucky can a girl get? What were you doing out here at this hour?

XIAOFANI was just, uh, hanging out.

MEIXIUIs everything okay?

XIAOFANYeah, all good-- Look I really should be going.

Xiaofan stands.

MEIXIUWhat you did was heroic. You should be rewarded--

XIAOFANPrincess, you owe me nothing. It was my honor to meet you. Have a good and safe rest of the day.

Oboe appears behind them playing MUSHY MUSIC.

Xiaofan gets up to leave and takes several steps, then...

MEIXIUWait, would you, uh, like to skate with me for a little bit?





Xiaofan turns around. Meixiu ignores her coach.

MEIXIU(to Xiaofan)

It’s just that, I’m always skating alone...


She quickly skates up to Xiaofan.

MEIXIUNo more big finishes, I promise.

Xiaofan smiles.

Frustrated, the coach throws his hands in the air while Xiaofan and Meixiu begin to skate holding hands.


MEIXIU(singing in her head)

Who’s this boy out here alone? Such bravery I’ve never known. How can I repay him for what he has just done? Who’s this boy holding my hand? Where’s he from? What’s his plan? Why do I feel comforted no matter what may come?

There’s a warmth inside the coldness... There’s a glint, there’s a gleam, there’s a glimmer on the ice. And he’s shy inside his boldness... And he’s nice and he’s kind, And it’s kinda really nice!


Xiaofan and Meixiu SKATE together in unison on the ice while the SUN RISES.

Oboe watches happily on one end, while Ru watches grinning on the other.

Xiaofan and Meixiu continue to skate until a LOUD BLAST blows from the Coach’s whistle. He waves Meixiu in from afar.



XIAOFAN(out of breath)

Soon the village will awake.

MEIXIUYeah. I’ve got to go.

(beat)Promise me you won’t say a word to anybody about our encounter. My life is complicated and--

XIAOFANI understand. I won’t tell a soul, I promise.

(then)But can I see you again?

MEIXIU(she thinks, rushed)

Same time tomorrow?

She begins to skate off.

XIAOFANWon’t you have to train?


(smiling)Goodbye, Xiaofan.

XIAOFANBye, Princess.

MEIXIUCall me “Meixiu!”

XIAOFAN(in love)

Call me “Xiaofan.”


I did!


Tomorrow, Meixiu!

Meixiu skates away as Xiaofan heads enthusiastically towards Ru, who’s applauding with his flippers. He does a FLIP and lands sharply, SPRAYING ICE all over his seal friend. Ru cleans himself off.




XIAOFAN(hyper, out of breath)

I’m gonna do everything in my power to make the next few weeks of my life the best I can. There’s so much I’ve gotta do! This is just the tip of the iceberg, Ru...I don’t even know where to begin!!


During the song, Xiaofan is enthusiastically MOTIVATED to do “good,” work hard, and succeed. As people begin to awaken and venture outside...

Xiaofan helps an ELDERLY MAN shovel some snow. Then, he CATCHES a little girl from slipping on the ice.

He GREETS and WAVES to people he ordinarily wouldn’t.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(singing, inspired)

I’m gonna rise today and embrace the sun. My fate is sealed. Oh, but I’m not done. For if I stand tall...Then I can’t fall. And there’s mountains left to climb.

Thought I was cursed. Now I feel blessed. Gonna prove myself of worthiness. Wear a brave disguise while I tremble inside...And be a HERO for once in my life!

I’m gonna live each day like it’s the last one. Live my way and touch everyone.I’m gonna live each day like it’s the last ‘cause you just don’t know if tomorrow will see the dawn...So before this sun goes down I’ll do it all! I’m gonna give myself to those who need. Live out my days honor-a-bly. Gonna start brand new. Make my dreams come true...And when it comes to loving her, there’s nothing I won’t do!

I’m gonna live each day like it’s the last one.Live my way and touch everyone.





I’m gonna live each day like it’s the last ‘cause you just don’t know if tomorrow will see the dawn...But the memories made today will live on.

No time for worry. There’s no time to fret. I won’t need a second chance. There won’t be a single thing that I will regret!... If I live each day like it’s the last one. Live my way and touch everyone. So I’ll live each day like it’s the last ‘cause you just don’t know if tomorrow will see the dawn...So before this sun goes down I’ll do it all! And the life I lead today will live on!

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Ru, I’m gonna need your help!


Oboe and Meixiu sit on her bed.

OBOESo now that you have a boyfriend--

MEIXIUI don’t have a boyfriend.

OBOEOkay fine, but if you ever want to talk about, the weather, Oh I don’t know, BOYS...we could totally stay up all night and do each other’s nails and stuff.

MEIXIUDo you know that Xiaofan is the first person outside of the palace I’ve ever spoken to?

OBOESo you’re not exactly experienced.

MEIXIUI didn’t know what to say to him.

OBOEI thought you did great!





OBOE(”announcer voice”)

And a banner score from the fabulous floating flabby judge!

(then back to herself)Sure, you two looked good together out there...very strong chemistry.

MEIXIUWhat are you talking about, Oboe?

OBOEWell, when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s best when there’s a nice chemistry of friendship between two people. It’s a good way to form trust. Trust is the key. You’ve gotta believe in that person. Without trust, there can’t be love.


OBOENow you’re talkin’, Sister! That’s a miracle so strong, you’re willing to put another person’s needs above your own!

MEIXIUAnd how do you know so much about these things?

OBOEWell I am over a hundred years old.

Oboe plays a FLAT NOTE that sounds like a thud.

The Emperor enters the room angrily.

EMPERORMeixiu, you should have never left the palace grounds!

(then)Were you hurt, Child?

MEIXIUI’m fine, Father.



EMPERORI was told a young man risked his life to save you. Who was he and what in heaven was he doing out there at that hour?

MEIXIUI don’t know really. He just appeared out of nowhere, pushed me to safety, and fell through the ice instead of me.

EMPERORStrange?! Nevertheless, it was quite a heroic act of bravery. Miraculous indeed! I am in his debt.

(then firmly)Now you mustn’t leave the palace grounds again! Is that understood?

Meixiu nods unconvincingly.

EMPEROR (CONT'D)Will you be alright by yourself this evening?

Oboe PLAYS some music in the background.

MEIXIUI’ll be fine.

EMPERORSleep well, Meixiu. I know you’ll make us all so proud at this year’s Ice Festival. I’m counting on you.

MEIXIUI’ll do my best, Father.

He looks sharply into his daughter’s eyes and leaves.



An inspired Xiaofan, wearing GOGGLES, works on beautiful ICE SCULPTURES.


We see the ice wonderland beauty of Songhua before sunrise.




Meixiu, dressed for a cold winter’s day, tip-toes quietly past the sleeping Emperor’s room, sneaking out.

Suddenly, Oboe appears sternly with her arms folded.

OBOE(imitating the Emperor)

Now you mustn’t ever leave the palace grounds again! Is that understood?


Oboe! Go away! This doesn’t concern you.

Meixiu continues quickly down the hallway.

OBOEYou’re gonna meet him, aren’t you?

MEIXIUThat’s none of your business.

OBOEOf course it is. You’re my business. I’m supposed to be guiding you--

Distracted by Oboe, Meixiu hits her head on a chandelier.

OBOE (CONT’D)Oops. Sorry.

MEIXIU(holding her head)

Oboe, I don’t need your guidance. Now go...disappear.

Meixiu see the backs of TWO PALACE GUARDS in a passage way guarding an entrance, and quickly hides along the wall.

OBOEI hope you know what you’re doing.

MEIXIUI have done everything that’s been asked of me my entire life!

OBOEOkay, but--



MEIXIUAll the while, confined to these very palace walls!

OBOETrue, but--

MEIXIUYesterday was the first time I truly felt alive!

OBOEWell yes, but--

MEIXIUOboe, he saved my life.

Oboe thinks to herself, nods understandably, and disappears.

Meixiu looks back to the palace guards, takes a deep breath, and swiftly runs off out into the snow behind them.


Before SUNUP, Xiaofan waits for the princess with a newly sculpted ICE-ROSE in his hand.

Then, he notices TWO MEN climbing hallowed Ice Mountain.

CLOSE ON Meng and Nim.

XIAOFAN(to himself)

If it isn’t Meng and his harebrained brother? I thought he was locked away in prison? I wonder what they’re up to?


Meng and Nim SCALE Ice Mountain. Nim climbs above Meng, as ICE DEBRIS from his ascent cascade onto Meng.

MENGWill you stop making a mess of me, you Nim-wit!

NIMI can’t help it!

MENGWell try, Nim-rod!




MENG (CONT’D)This is exhausting.

NIMYou didn’t think the Gods would make it easy for mere mortals to get to, did you?

Meng ducks more falling debris.

MENGAnd you’re not making it any easier, Nim-compoop!

ANGLE ON their SPECIAL SHOES that have pointed PICKS which grip into the ice.

They PULL themselves up with rope attached to an anchor near the mountain’s peak.

NIMDon’t you worry, brother. I’ll get us to the top. I’m not just a carnival illusionist, you know--

A group of large, white, VICIOUS DRAGON BIRDS attack the two men, FLAPPING their long wings against them.

NIM (CONT’D)Aghhh! Help, Meng!

MENG(to the birds)

Go away, shoo!


Meng reaches inside his coat pocket and pulls out FISH BAIT.

MENG(to the birds)

Here you go, fine feathered friends! Care for some appetizers?

He THROWS them a snack. The birds take the bait and FLY OFF.

They reach the top of the mystical mountain and put on GOGGLES.

ANGLE ON the bright SUN REFLECTING off of the statue of the ICE GODDESS, harnessing all of the heat and energy, keeping the temperature below freezing.



NIMThis is beyond belief!

(then)Hey Meng, what were you doing with a container of worms in your pocket?

MENGYou’ll see in time, Brother Nim.

Meng ENCIRCLES the statue and KNEELS before it.

CLOSE ON the blinding bright, glorious powerful STATUE.

MENG (CONT’D)In all the years, this is the greatest singular feat of thievery for the Ages. I’ve stolen from Emperors, and now...I, Meng, steal from the GODS!!!

As Meng LIFTS the statue from its place, MYSTICAL MUSIC plays as LIGHTENING BOLTS FLASH and a spiritual altercation materializes.

MENG (CONT’D)And now for the icing, so to speak. Nim, spread some of this fishing bait around.

Nim spreads the BAIT near where the statue used to sit.

MENG (CONT’D)Now I’ll make an imprint of a bear trap alongside some feathers.

Meng makes IMPRINTS and furnishes the scene with FEATHERS.

NIMI don’t get it?

MENGJust adding a little controversy and chaos to the crime scene. The Fur-trappers will hear of the fish bait and believe it was a Fisherman who stole the statue. The Fishermen will get word of the imprint of the bear trap and be certain a Fur-trapper was responsible for stealing the Almighty Goddess. Not only will this place begin to slowly melt into the sea, but they’ll be fighting each other all the while.



NIMOoh, you’re good, Brother. I mean bad. Scary, in a way, how twisted you are, but good. Well, bad.

(then)At least they won’t think you did it.

MENGWho me? Couldn’t be. I’m already dead.

Meng FREEZES UP as if he was dead.

NIMSeriously, y’just gave me the chills.

MENGLet’s go before anyone sees us!

The two brothers escape with the STATUE down the backside of the mountain.


Xiaofan nervously waits for Meixiu.

XIAOFAN(practicing to himself)

“Hey, you look great. Ever seen the inside of an igloo?”

(beat)No that’s not it. I need a good ice-breaker. How about, “Is your father the Emperor, ‘cause Baby, you rule!”

(beat)Wow, that was bad. Wait, how about--

Meixiu sneaks up behind him and taps Xiaofan on the shoulder.


XIAOFAN(cracking, high voice)

Hi.(then, off of the rose)

This is for me-- I mean, uh, for you.

Xiaofan hands her the ICE-ROSE.

MEIXIUThat’s okay, we can share it.



XIAOFANI made it for you.

MEIXIUYou made this? Are you an artist?

XIAOFANWell, you could say that.

MEIXIUWhat works have you done?

XIAOFANUmm...well today I’m building a park for children.


XIAOFANYeah, it’s gonna be this big ice park and playground with slides and rides, neat things to climb,, that sort of thing.

MEIXIUSounds amazing! You’re doing all this by yourself?

XIAOFANI’ve got my friend, Ru, and his crew...and I was sort of hoping that you’d spend the morning with us, Meixiu.

Xiaofan begins to pace proudly.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)See, I just want to do something totally cool so I can leave my mark on this place, maybe, I don’t know, do something good for the children of Songhua.

MEIXIUThat’s so inspiring! I’d love to join you.


(then whistling)Ru!




Ru, followed by a group of SEALS with wheel-barrels of ice, tools, and some of Xiaofan’s sculptures appear.


XIAOFANNow we’ve just got to find the right space to go to work.

They journey into the woods.


Near the end of the woods, the group arrives at a huge empty PLANE OF ICE.

XIAOFANThis is the place. Strange, it’s so empty?!

CLOSE ON a knocked over sign on the GROUND which reads “DANGER!” But nobody sees it as they enter the ice.



The seals, along with Meixiu and Xiaofan CARVE, SCULPT, BUILD, and CHIP AWAY at an ICE AMUSEMENT PARK.

One group of seals push giant BLOCKS OF ICE on a wheel-barrel. More animals come out of the woods.


There’s a warmth inside the coldness...There’s a glint, there’s a gleam, there’s a glimmer on the ice. And he’s shy behind his boldness...And he’s nice and he’s kind, And it’s kinda really nice!

Sculpting on a ladder, Xiaofan turns to Meixiu and SMILES.

It’s happening to me... It’s really happening to me! It’s almost like a surge, a rush, I’m all a-flush... Honestly, I can barely even breathe! And it’s dazzling to me... It’s finally happening to me!



MEIXIU (cont'd)


Feels like it’s hit me all at once, Just like a punch... That’s knocked me off my feet! And I’ve heard that it happens to everyone eventually...But this time...It’s happening to me!

A WHITE OWL and a SNOW MONKEY SAW at the ice blocks, riding the saw up and down like a see-saw on both ends.

A group of young BEARS test-ride down an ICE-SLIDE.


There’s a warmth inside the coldness...There’s a glint, there’s a gleam, there’s a glimmer on the ice. And a light behind his focus...And he looks at me and my heart takes flight!

It’s happening to me... It’s really happening to me! It’s almost like a fire, you know. I’m all aglow... Honestly, I can just feel the heat! And it’s captivating me! It’s finally happening to me... Nothing else can justify, The reason why... There’s weakness in my knees! And I’ve heard that it happens to everyone eventually... But this time...It’s happening to me! It’s so hard to believe it. I don’t know how in the world he did it. I’m excited, I’m moved... And a little confused...It’s such an incredible, wonderful thing...

MEIXIU/XIAOFAN(love/dreams of sculpting)

And it’s happening to me...

MEIXIUIt’s really happening to me!

XIAOFAN(re: sculpting)

It’s everything I am inside...

MEIXIU(re: feeling of love)

It won’t subside!

MEIXIU (cont'd)



MEIXIU/XIAOFANHonestly, I just wanna sing! And it’s dazzling to me...

MEIXIUIt’s finally happening to me!

XIAOFANI’ve never felt so much alive...

MEIXIUNeither have I!

MEIXIU/XIAOFANMy life will be complete! And I’ve heard that it happens to people who find just where they should be...But this time it just happens to be happening to me...

MEIXIUIt’s happening to me!

A snowball inadvertently HITS Meixiu in the face. Xiaofan hurries down from the ladder, as a guilty-looking monkey drops an incriminating snowball and scurries off.

XIAOFANPrincess, I am so sorry!

Then, she notices something terrifyingly GIGANTIC behind them. Her eyes WIDEN, as she trembles and SHAKES.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Oh no, you’re upset, I can tell.

Ru lets out a frightened seal’s high-pitched BARK. The other animals begin to panic and hide.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Okay, everybody just chill. The fun just got a little out of hand. It’s not a big thing--

A loud menacing ROAR. Xiaofan turns and sees the fierce eyes of an old, giant one-hundred-foot CREATURE growling.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(gulps, scared)

It’s a REALLY big thing.(then brave)

Ru, take the Princess and your friends and go. Quickly! I’ll handle the creature.



MEIXIUYou’ll be decimated to pieces!

XIAOFANI’ll survive. Trust me.

MEIXIUBut Xiaofan--

XIAOFANI promise, with everything in my heart, I will see you again. Now go!

Ru’s flipper takes Meixiu’s hand. The group FLEES to safety as the snow creature moves sharply towards Xiaofan.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(to himself)

Okay. If it’s not my time, it’s not my time.

(then to the creature)Hey Big Fella, don’t you want to maybe talk about this?

The creature ROARS again.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Guess not, huh? Well, you can’t kill me. According to the fortune teller, I’m not supposed to die for a little while.

The creature looks perplexed and STOMPS his foot down in rage causing the GROUND to RATTLE.

He takes THREE HEAVY STEPS towards Xiaofan, who closes his eyes and repeats “It’s not my time” over and over.

ANGLE ON the ice CRACKING with each step. Just before he reaches Xiaofan, the creature’s foot BREAKS through the ice.

The creature cries out as Xiaofan opens his eyes.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Hold on, Big Fella!

Xiaofan frantically CHIPS away at the ice with his tools as the beast winces in pain.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)You’re stuck!

Xiaofan gets a WHEEL-BARREL. He struggles mightily to free the old snow giant by using the wheel-barrel like a crow-bar.




XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I’m gonna need your help on this one. Gimme everything you’ve got! Ready?...NOW!!! Aghhhh...

They both exert their energies at the same time and the snow creature is FREED. His pinkie TOE, however, is BLEEDING.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Hey Big Fella, you’re hurt. Here, let me help you.

Xiaofan removes his RED SCARF and wraps it around the old creature’s pinkie-toe like a tourniquet.

The scarf GLISTENS magically and stops the bleeding. The creature smiles.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)There, that should do the trick.

Xiaofan is exhausted and sits down beside him.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)You must be one of the last snow creatures in the world.

The giant nods.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Are you all by yourself?

The giant nods again.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)That’s too bad. You know, we actually have a lot in common.

The creature shoots a confused look.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I, myself, recently found out that soon I’ll be extinct.

The creature’s eyes widen.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)It’s true. Just a few weeks more and I’m-- well...ancient history.

(then inspired)But life is for living. That’s why I’m gonna do as much as I can to do something worthy and make people’s lives better.





That way, after I’m gone, at least maybe some of the things I did could live on.

(beat)Big Fella, from one endangered species to another, if it’s all right with you, do you think I could build my park here on your land?

The giant creature looks at the scarf around his ailing toe and nods one final time.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Thanks! Well I’m gonna get back to work. Anytime you want to hang out sometime in the next couple of weeks, you’ve always got a friend.

The creature SMILES revealing his massive FANGED TEETH.

Xiaofan returns to the ice park and WORKS tirelessly into the night.


WE CLOSE ON Xiaofan’s hands polishing the finishing touches.

He SIGHS, then takes a few steps back to take a look at all his hard work.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(to himself)

Wow. I can’t believe it...(awe, then laughter)

It’s perfect.

We PAN OUT TO a view of the ICE PARK: The intricately designed park SPARKLES MAGNIFICENTLY with BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED, BRIGHT FLORESCENT COLORS emanating from GLOWING LANTERNS inside the ice, underneath the nighttime stars.


Xiaofan SLEEPS with a smile on his face.

Serene LULLABY MUSIC plays, but is suddenly interrupted by the sound of INTENSE RUMBLING.





He pokes his head outside and sees a group of HUNTERS running.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)What’s going on?

HUNTER #1Someone stole the statue of the Ice Goddess!

HUNTER #2Songhua is melting!


HUNTER #2They’re fighting in the village!

XIAOFANWait, who’s fighting?

Xiaofan looks at the slightly damp ground.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(to himself)

The temperature change...that’s why Big Fella’s foot broke through the ice...



There is RIOTING and CHAOS. Hundreds of VILLAGERS are scattered about in panic.


A large group of FISHERMAN stand across from a large group of FUR-TRAPPERS. Both groups are armed with SPEARS and SWORDS.

FISHERMAN #1(raising his spear)

For centuries, your kind could not be trusted!

FUR-TRAPPER #1(beating his chest)

We are honorable men who will perish for your theft.



FISHERMAN #2You’re greedy criminals, all of you!

FUR-TRAPPER #2It is you who stole. Now return the statue or die by our sword!

FISHERMAN #3Give it back!!!

FUR-TRAPPER #3Return the Goddess!!!


The Emperor and his advisors watch with worry as Meixiu hangs in the back with Oboe.

OBOEThis is not good.

MEIXIUAll this is going on, and I don’t even know if he’s still alive.

OBOEWho, Xiaofan? I’m sure he’s fine.

MEIXIUIt was such a dreadful creature. An army of ten men couldn’t have survived its attack!

(then)You should’ve seen him, Oboe. He was so daring, so fearless.

OBOEWhat was the last thing he said to you?

MEIXIUHe promised that I would see him again. He was so certain.

OBOEIf he said it with his heart, then you’ll see him again.

MEIXIUWait, how did you kn--?




XIAOFAN (O.S.)Stop at once! Everyone: Listen to me! Hear what I must say!

Meixiu hears Xiaofan’s voice.

MEIXIUIt’s him!

OBOEHim? Him who?


Meixiu fights through the Emperor’s advisors and looks over the balcony.

There, she sees Xiaofan and Ru standing between the two groups who quit jostling for a moment to listen.


XIAOFANPeople of Songhua! I know who stole the statue of the Ice Goddess!

The crowd GASPS.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I was there. I saw them!

FISHERMAN #1(pointing)

Was it one of them?

FUR-TRAPPER #1(pointing)

Or was it one of them?

The crowd again begins to PUSH and SHOVE.

XIAOFANAllow me to tell you what I know!

(then)I was there before sunrise yesterday, standing outside the Center Village.

FISHERMAN #2What were you doing outside before sunrise?



XIAOFANWell, waiting for someone.


XIAOFANUh, well, I can’t say really, but I was there and I saw the infamous thief, Meng, and his brother on Ice Mountain.

The crowd gasps again in disbelief.

FISHERMAN #1Impossible. Meng is dead!

The crowd gets suspicious.

FUR-TRAPPER #2Did anyone else see this?

XIAOFANNo, I was alone.

FUR-TRAPPER #1Did you actually see him take it?, but it’s safe to assume that--

FISHERMAN #2A dead man stole the statue?!

FUR-TRAPPER #2Meng, the thief, died in prison!

The crowd gets noisy and begins to close in on Xiaofan.


People, I, uh, speak the truth!

FUR-TRAPPER #1Here you stand, placing yourself at the time and place of the robbery while everyone slept, all by yourself with no alibi, waiting for someone who you can’t name, merely claiming as evidence you witnessed a dead thief on the mountain?



XIAOFAN(beat, gulps)


VILLAGERS IN UNISONGuards! Seize him!!!

Xiaofan and Ru are GRABBED and taken away.

XIAOFANI believe there’s been a rather large misunderstanding here!

(then)It was Meng and his brother, Nim! Find Meng! He’s alive! Seize him and you’ll find the statue!

ANGLE ON the DAMP NATURE of the ice below him. As Xiaofan is being DRAGGED AWAY, his feet carve into the MOISTENING ground.


Princess Meixiu watches on in shock.



Xiaofan and Ru are imprisoned in a jail cell.

XIAOFANThe people have gone mad, Ru. They’ve turned against each other, turned against the problem at hand--And now they’ve turned against us!

(then)It seems people just don’t trust those who are different than they are. It’s always been that way between Fisherman and Fur-trappers for as long as I can remember. Those people out there in the village? Their parents fought each other years ago, and in the future, their children probably will too.

Xiaofan walks to the bars deep in thought.




XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Ru, I want to change that. If they could just see their similarities instead of only their differences...

Ru nods his head in approval.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)If we ever make it out of here, I’m gonna do everything I can to bring the two sides together. People just have to believe in one another.

Meixiu enters the dungeon.


How could you?!

XIAOFANI didn’t!

MEIXIUMy coach has already testified that you were there the morning before the statue was stolen. What were you doing, casing out the mountain for your big heist?

XIAOFANMeixiu, no!

MEIXIUI am a princess. No longer will you address me by my first name!

XIAOFANI can explain.

MEIXIUYou can’t explain anything! You couldn’t even tell me what you were doing there that morning you fell through the ice.

(pacing)I couldn’t figure out why in the world you would do something like this, and then I remembered you were using those ice-sculpture statues to decorate your precious park.



MEIXIU (cont'd)


You should be ashamed of yourself, trying to pass the work of the Gods off as your own!

XIAOFANMeixiu--I mean, Princess, I swear I didn’t take it!

MEIXIUTell me, does our sacred statue make your little park sparkle?

XIAOFANIt’s not there!

MEIXIUThen where is it? You’ve put us all in dire jeopardy!

XIAOFANI know who has it. But you’ve got to let us out of here so we can find him and put the statue back!

MEIXIUI don’t believe you. I thought you were someone who wanted to make great achievements with his life, not some crazed lunatic intent on sinking us all!

Meixiu leans in closer to the bars.

MEIXIU (CONT’D)There’s talk they’ll torture you if you don’t come clean!

XIAOFAN(into her eyes)

Princess Meixiu, I promise, with everything in my heart, I didn’t steal the statue. You’ve got to get us out of here. The ground is already softening!

Ru slips and falls along the mushy floor.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I need your help.

Meixiu stares back into his eyes and pauses.

MEIXIU (cont'd)





She leaves.

XIAOFANNo wait, Princess. Please!


WINDS BLOW as the skies become OVERCAST.

A RUMBLING is heard as an ominous STORM is brewing.


An OLD WOMAN in a shawl and cane walks up to the cell.

OLD WOMANExcuse me, Young man, but are you the suspect being held for stealing the statue of the Ice Goddess?

XIAOFANYes, but I didn’t do it, Ma’am. I’m innocent.

OLD WOMANI believe you. In fact, I know for certain you didn’t steal it.


Then, her OLD VOICE changes to a deeper, EVIL VOICE.

OLD WOMAN/MENGBecause I did.

The thief removes his MASK and reveals his DISGUISE.

MENG (CONT’D)A thousand thanks for taking the rap for me. Rumor has it they’ll torture you.

He laughs in a purely evil tone and shivers from pneumonia.

XIAOFANMeng?!...Guards! GUARDS!



MENGThey won’t hear you over Mother Nature’s rumblings outside.

XIAOFANI won’t let you get away with this!

MENGOh, but you are, literally, letting me get away with this.

XIAOFANBut why?--

MENGREVENGE!...Let’s just say, when this whole thing washes over, if you survive, you’ll be answering to me, the next Emperor of Sea-world.

XIAOFANThat day will never come!

MENGOh, but it very well could be as soon as tomorrow. Anyhow, I just wanted to drop by to thank you. My plans worked out better than even I could’ve imagined. I’ve built my ark. It functions marvelously.

XIAOFANWhere’s the statue?

MENGGone, I’m afraid. In fact, no one in Songhua will ever find it.

(then, fanning himself)My-my-my... Is it me, or is it getting hotter in here? Though I would imagine it’s quite difficult in prison, I do hope you can swim.

Meng leaves as Xiaofan attempts to rattle the bars.


Xiaofan sits down in disgust.


Meixiu and Oboe sit on her bed as Oboe plays a SAD MELODY.



MEIXIUCut it out, Oboe.

OBOEI think I know what your problem is.

MEIXIUSonghua is in grave danger!

OBOEPart of you believes him.

MEIXIUNone of me does.

OBOEPart of you cares about him.

MEIXIUNo. That was before.

OBOEBefore what? Before he was accused of a crime without any proof of him actually committing.

MEIXIUOboe, what are you saying? Do you think he’s innocent?

OBOEDid he look you in the eye and tell you he didn’t do it?


OBOEAnd did he tell you with his heart?


Xiaofan and Ru sit in the back of the cell.

XIAOFANRu, let me ask you a question. If you were gonna hide something from the people of Songhua, where would you hide it?

Ru thinks, then mimes a jump, a dive, and swimming in water.



XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(chuckles)

Huh, Meng does love the sea.(then more seriously)

He did say that no one in Songhua will ever find it...

(he thinks a beat)Wait a minute... He even said he built an ARK!

(realization)That’s it!! No one’s lived there for centuries. And it’s not too far from where Meng escaped! Ru, you’re a genius!

Ru shoots him a “what did I do?” look. Xiaofan rushes to the front of the jail and begins shaking the BARS.

XIAOFANRu, we’ve got to get out of here!

EMPEROR (O.S.)You’re not going anywhere.

The Emperor appears with JU-LONG, a large and fiercely imposing warrior, and enters the cell.

EMPEROR (CONT'D)Tell me now! Where is the statue?

The warrior grabs Xiaofan around his neck with his forearm.

XIAOFAN(struggling to speak)

It was the villainous thief, Meng. He stole it.

EMPERORMeng?! That’s impossible.


He hates the cold and wants to rule the sea...

Ru NODS his head nervously.


He did it for-- He did it for--

The Emperor motions for his enforcer to release him.




The Emperor’s eyes grow wide. The enforcer goes to grab Xiaofan again by his throat.

EMPERORWait!!! He speaks the truth.

XIAOFANYour Majesty, I think I know where it is. Meng and his brother have the statue hidden away on the Great Glacier.

EMPERORI’ll send my bravest warrior to retrieve it.

XIAOFANEmperor, let me go!

EMPERORDon’t be ridiculous. The fate of Songhua depends on the statue’s safe return. You’re no warrior.

XIAOFANI can get it back.

EMPEROR(thinks a beat)

Then you’ll have to prove it. If you can best Ju-long, my bravest warrior in battle, then you can challenge Meng.

XIAOFANI accept.

EMPERORYou don’t fear death?

XIAOFANNot today.

EMPERORVery well. Ju-long, give him a weapon.

Ju-long hands Xiaofan a large elaborate single-blade AXE. Xiaofan and Ju-long sidestep cautiously in a circle with their weapons drawn as the Emperor watches on.



Ju-long SWINGS mightily down on Xiaofan, who averts to the left. The warrior swings down again and Xiaofan averts to the right. Ju-long swings at his knees, but Xiaofan JUMPS over the axe. The giant reverses his swipe, as Xiaofan steps off the wall and somersaults backwards, avoiding the blade.

Then, as Ju-long thrusts down, Xiaofan blocks the axe with his handle, but struggles as the axe inches towards his head. With a twist of the wrist, the large warrior skillfully separates Xiaofan from his weapon, which falls to the ground.

Ju-long slowly raises his axe above his victim’s head, as the menacing blade’s SHADOW moves across Xiaofan’s face.

Ru covers his eyes, then...


Meixiu rushes into the cell.

MEIXIUFather, this is the man who came to my rescue when I should’ve fallen through the ice!

EMPERORWhat? Is this true?

MEIXIUHis name is Xiaofan, the bravest man in all of Songhua!

EMPERORYou saved my daughter’s life?

XIAOFANYes, Emperor.

EMPERORYou are indeed a warrior after all, and worthy of retrieving the state.

(leans in, then)Go and return it to its rightful home!

XIAOFANI won’t fail you.

Xiaofan bows to the Emperor, then starts to leave with Ru.

XIAOFAN (CONT'D)(whispers to Meixiu)

Meet me at the edge of the ice by the northern hills in one hour.




The weather begins to DRIZZLE and the sky turns DARK GRAY.


Xiaofan, wearing GOGGLES, begins to ICE-SCULPT.

He rapidly CUTS, SHAVES and POLISHES until he hands Ru and exact REPLICA of the statue of the Ice Goddess.

Xiaofan gives the REPLICA to Ru, who places the statue in a BAG and attaches it around his neck.

Xiaofan and Ru race off to the edge of their land, SLIDING, ICE-SURFING, DUCKING, and JUMPING all obstacles with urgency.

Meixiu is waiting for them.

MEIXIUWhat’s the plan?

Ru hands the bag to Xiaofan, who reveals the statue.

MEIXIU (CONT'D)Amazing! I don’t think I could tell the difference.

XIAOFANLet’s hope Meng can’t either. It’s only a matter of time until this whole place melts into the sea.

They abruptly arrive at the ice shoreline, the edge of Songhua, and pause.

ANGLE ON the GREAT GLACIER a few hundred yards away.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Um, this is probably a bad time to bring this up, but I can’t swim.

Ru rolls eyes in sheer disbelief.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Well when you live in a place with freezing temperatures all the time, learning to swim never really seemed that important.

Ru turns his back to them and waves them to hop on.

Meixiu and Xiaofan get on Ru’s back.



XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Old buddy, are you sure you can--?

Ru takes off as they SOAR through the sea towards the glacier.


MEIXIUHold on tight!

XIAOFANWhooah! Ru, you might not get around too swiftly on land, but you sure can swim!

Xiaofan KISSES Ru on the back of his head, all the while DUCKING the waves that spray against them.

Meixiu smiles at Xiaofan, then she notices something.

ANGLE ON the BOAT and SMALL HIDEOUT as they arrive at the glacier.

MEIXIUDo you see what I see?

XIAOFANIt’s gotta be them. We have to be careful.


Xiaofan, Meixiu, and Ru quietly sneak onto the glacier and outside of the EVIL HIDEOUT.

They PEER through the window of the FORT.


Nim is SNORING sound asleep inside.




There it is! Stay here, I’ll get it.




MEIXIUNo, I’ve got the grace of a skater. He’ll never know I was ever inside.

XIAOFANPrincess, no...don’t.

She TAKES the REPLICA out of the bag.

MEIXIUCall me “Meixiu.”

Xiaofan blushes as his eyes widen.


Meixiu slowly CREAKS OPEN the door while Nim sleeps. He tosses a bit, but never awakens.

Meixiu TIP-TOES over to the mantle, then suddenly she hears Oboe play a flat-pitched OMINOUS MELODY.

She quickly places the FAKE STATUE next to the REAL ONE.

CLOSE ON Nim, who tosses a bit.

Oboe’s melody plays stronger and faster as Meixiu races across the room to leave with the STATUE OF THE ICE GODDESS in her hand.

Then, Meixiu TRIPS on the CARPET and lands facedown on the ground right before the door as it OPENS.

Meng stands in the open doorway with a SPEAR up to Xiaofan’S HEAD in one hand and a handkerchief in the other. Ru SHAKES next to them as Nim AWAKENS.


How very un-graceful of you, Princess.

NIMWhat’s going on here?

MEIXIUMy father put you behind bars!

MENGYet another reason for me not to like you very much. Now listen carefully.



MENG (cont'd)


If you do not hand me that statue, your friend will soon have a quite large, rather symmetrical hole through the side of his head.

Sick, he BLOWS his nose in the handkerchief.

MEIXIUWhat, this statue? It’s a fake!

MENGNow you didn’t really think you could outsmart me, did you? Nim, get that pathetic sculpture off of our mantle. You thought you could switch them and I wouldn’t know the difference? Shame on you. Didn’t your father ever teach you that stealing was wrong?

XIAOFANYou’re one to talk. You’d steal from a child, take food from a starving man, and here, you keep the holy, sacred statue of the Ice Goddess over a burning fireplace!

MENG(sarcastically proud)

Stop, you’re embarrassing me.(then)

Now Princess, hand me the statue...

He places the SPEAR right up against Xiaofan’s head.


XIAOFANMeixiu, he can’t kill me. Not today! Don’t give it to him!

MENG(diabolical rage)

Young man, you’re on very thin ice!

Meng draws back the spear threateningly as Ru covers his eyes with his flippers.

MEIXIUOkay! Don’t hurt him. Please.

XIAOFANMeixiu, no...It’s our only hope!

MENG (cont'd)



Deflated, Meixiu HANDS the statue to Meng and Xiaofan is RELEASED.

Meng admires his possession, as Nim obnoxiously TOSSES the ice-sculpted REPLICA near Meixiu’s feet. Her head sunk, she sadly picks it up.

MENGJust look outside, children. There is no hope, and I’ve got an empire to build. Now get out...unless, of course, Princess, you’d be interested in being my bride.

Upon exiting...

MEIXIUWhen hell freezes over!

MENGSorry I’m afraid, you see nothing will ever freeze over again.


The WINDS have begun to pick up as they head back to Songhua on Ru’s back, and the WAVES are even higher.


XIAOFANIt’s okay, I’ve got you, Meixiu.

MEIXIULook out!

A mini-TIDAL WAVE appears and approaches as Ru lets out a frightened bark.

XIAOFANOh Ru, get over it...

Ru shoots him an insulted look.

XIAOFANNo, Ru, I mean get over it!!!

(then, trepidation)Ruuuuuuu!!!...

Ru takes off towards the GIANT SWELL coming their way. Meixiu closes her eyes tightly as they scale the mighty wave at it’s peak.




Meixiu looses her grip and is about to fall into the sea. But Xiaofan quickly grabs her wrist and pulls her back.

XIAOFANI said I’ve got you!

(beat)You know you’re really gonna have to learn to trust me. We’re gonna be fine--

Just then, a smaller wave crashes into Xiaofan’s side and knocks him into the turbulent sea.



Xiaofan flails helplessly. Then, he sees two large, long pointy-nosed, CHINESE PADDLEFISH coming directly his way.

Just as the feeding Paddlefish are within feet of him, Xiaofan is PULLED UP by a hand on the back of his collar to sea level, and back atop Ru. The hand belongs to Meixiu.

MEIXIURu, let’s get out of here!

Xiaofan is panicked, out of breath, and coughing.

MEIXIU (CONT’D)(teasing)

It’s okay, I’ve got you, Xiaofan.

XIAOFANMan, I really have to learn how to swim!

Ru rolls his eyes and shakes his head, then notices out in the distance, Songhua is going through a wildly APOCALYPTIC destruction of climate change. He barks out.


THUNDER and LIGHTNING are seen and heard as Meixiu, Xiaofan, and Ru return to their melting land.

PANIC has set in among the people as they run off and hide in their dwellings.



The ice is getting SLUSHY and begins to CRACK in many places.

XIAOFANThis is crazy!

(beat, defeated)It’s too late.

MEIXIU(yelling over the weather)

Listen to me. Take this statue and place it atop Ice Mountain!

XIAOFANWhat good would that do? It’s a fake. It’s of no use...

MEIXIUJust put it back atop the mountain! There’s no time to explain...I never switched the two statues!


The WINDS pick up even greater.

MEIXIUSomeone-- Something inside me told me not to. Meng has the fake. This one’s the real thing! Go!!!

She hands it to Xiaofan. It GLISTENS magically.


Meixiu leans in and gently KISSES Xiaofan on his cheek.

He STARES at her a beat, but Ru BARKS and pushes him off to Ice Mountain as the RAIN picks up and the ice MELTS rapidly.

ANGLE ON the ice CRACKING with each step he takes.

Xiaofan sees a TOBOGGAN and HOPS on. PIECES OF ICE fall into the sea as Xiaofan avoids the crashing obstacles around him.


Xiaofan JUMPS OFF the toboggan and begins his difficult CLIMB. He takes one of his SCULPTING TOOLS from his pocket and begins to use it as ice picks in each hand.



He fights the heavy winds, thunder and lightning, and the rains. He LOSES HIS FOOTING at times, but makes headway.

Meixiu RACES over to watch him.

MEIXIU(to herself)

Come on!

When Xiaofan is within fifteen feet of the top, the evil, white, long-winged DRAGON BIRDS attack him. Surprising him, he LOSES his balance and FALLS.


Xiaofan FREE FALLS several hundred feet to the ground.

MEIXIUXiaofan! No!!!

The moment before Xiaofan is about to hit the ground, a HUGE PAW reaches out, catches him, and saves his life.

ANGLE ON the paw of the old, giant, SNOW CREATURE.

XIAOFAN(opening his eyes)

What the--? Hey Big Fella, it’s you! Sorry to drop in like this, but I sure appreciate the hand.

The old creature LIFTS Xiaofan up...

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Whoa! Going UP!...

...and places him on the peak of Ice Mountain.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Now it’s time to finally set things right around here!

Xiaofan places the statue back in its rightful place as powerful ANGELIC MUSIC plays.

ANGLE ON the sky. The winds suddenly die down, the rain stops, and the SUN shines directly onto the statue of the Ice Goddess.

Meixiu CHEERS for Xiaofan at the bottom of the mountain, as he relishes in the beauty and victory of the moment.




XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Man, is this a scene?!

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Hey Big Fella, take me down-- just not so fast. This time I wanna enjoy the ride!

The snow creature places his friend carefully next to Meixiu.

MEIXIUYou did it!

XIAOFANWe did it.

Ru comes over to join them excitedly.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Ru, you had a flipper in this too.

The giant creature groans.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I know, you did too, Big Fella.

ANGLE on the ground SOLIDIFYING to ICE.

PEOPLE come out of their dwellings and realize the crisis is over.

Xiaofan, Ru, and Meixiu CELEBRATE and EMBRACE.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)(exasperated laughter)



The Emperor and his TOP ADVISOR are having a meeting.

OFFICIALIt would appear, Your Imperial Majesty, that Songhua has dodged a rather large snowball. But there’s still a great deal of uneasiness and tension about. It seems the misunderstanding surrounding the theft of the statue has made it even more difficult for our people to coexist.



OFFICIAL (cont'd)


Each group has their own dreadful misconceptions about the other, and it would appear as though a confrontation is unavoidable.

EMPERORSuch a shame really, and with the Ice Festival less than a week away.

OFFICIALFrankly, I’m concerned at the chance of violence occurring, your Majesty.

EMPERORIt’s a rather unfortunate situation.

OFFICIALPrincess Meixiu could be the key.

EMPERORMy daughter?

OFFICIALYour Majesty, the people of Songhua do not as yet formally know her. First impressions can be very powerful. Her coronation at the Ice Festival could prove quite unifying to the villagers. The Princess could represent an important symbol of oneness in excellence and hope for our land.


Meixiu SKATES with her coach watching on. The Princess nails her difficult jumps with precision and skates with a smile.

COACHExcellent, Princess! Again!

She SPINS through the air and lands perfectly.

COACH (CONT’D)Magnificent! Superb, Princess! Whatever has come over you? Whatever it is, your skating is coming together at just the right time!

Oboe appears.

OFFICIAL (cont'd)



OBOEOh to be young and in love...

MEIXIUGood morning, Oboe.

OBOEYou’re in a chipper mood!

Oboe gets in the Princess’s way.


Oboe, please, I’m skating.

OBOEBut I could be wrong.

MEIXIU(still skating)

Where have you been? You never seem to appear when my life is at stake. Now you come bothering me?

OBOEHey, I’m a Guide, that’s all. I can’t make bad guys disappear. If it’s any consolation, I, myself, was very scared for you.

MEIXIUGee, thanks.

OBOEYour boy, Xiaofan? He’ll take care of you.

MEIXIUYou really think so?

OBOEHey, like I said, I’m your Guide. Would I steer you wrong?

They laugh.

MEIXIUWe’re meeting under the stars tomorrow night.

OBOEWhat if someone sees you?



MEIXIUI’m sneaking out past midnight. If my father only knew...

OBOEWhat’s the occasion?

MEIXIUXiaofan told me he has something he wants to talk about with me. I think he’s going to ask me to marry him!

OBOE(concerned, down-playing)

Oh I don’t know. Ya think?

MEIXIUHe said it’s very important. I just have this feeling that Xiaofan and I will live a long life together, happily ever-after.

Meixiu does a fancy JUMP and SPIN, but FALLS on her behind.

OBOEJust be careful, Kid.


Wearing his red scarf, Xiaofan and Ru sit overlooking the ice where BICKERING continues between the VILLAGERS.

XIAOFAN I really want to do something to end all this fighting before I die, but what can I do? I’ve got less than a week left to live.

Ru barks and skates with elegance.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)No, I just couldn’t. I’m telling Meixiu tonight.

Ru gestures to the red scarf.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Yeah, Big Fella gave it back to me when his toe healed-- nearly caused an avalanche returning it.

They laugh until Xiaofan lets out a big SIGH.



XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Oh, I can’t believe my life’s gonna end. I took so much for granted for so long. These last few weeks were the only times I really truly lived. I notice things now, little a breeze, or the shape of an icicle. And I don’t put things off anymore. I just wish I could do more.

ANGLE ON the Center Village as FISHERMAN and FUR-TRAPPERS face off on the brink of violence.


Princess Meixiu WAITS for Xiaofan on the ice. She works on a few of her moves, eagerly anticipating Xiaofan’s wedding proposal as she HUMS the Wedding March. Xiaofan appears.

XIAOFANHello Meixiu.


XIAOFANI could watch you for hours... skating, I mean.

MEIXIUIs there something you wanted to talk about?

She skates around playfully.



MEIXIUSomething really important you have to get off your chest?

Meixiu does a FIGURE EIGHT.

XIAOFANUm, Yeah...

MEIXIU(batting her eyelashes)




XIAOFANWell it’s kind of a heavy thing to just spring on somebody all at once.

MEIXIUOh, I can handle it...try me.

Meixiu lovingly looks into his eyes, making it even harder for him to speak.


MEIXIUDoes it involve...a ceremony of some sort?

XIAOFANWell yeah, I guess, sort of.

MEIXIUWill all your friends and family be attending?


MEIXIUAnd will there be, say, an altar, prayers, flowers, and music?

XIAOFANYes. Did Ru tell you?

MEIXIUNo, Ru didn’t have to tell me, Silly. It’s written all over your face.

XIAOFANAnd apparently my palm.

MEIXIUYour palm?!

XIAOFANSo you know I’m gonna die on Sunday?

MEIXIUWhat are you talking about?!

XIAOFANWell my funeral, of course.



MEIXIUYour funeral?!

XIAOFANYes, what did you think we were talking about?

MEIXIUWait a second. Why are you going to die?!

XIAOFANHave you ever heard of the Amazing Erke?

MEIXIUI most certainly have not!

XIAOFANWell, he’s a prophet. He knows everything, and he told me my destiny. There’s no other way to put this. My life is over at the end of the week.

MEIXIUI can’t believe it. I don’t believe it!

XIAOFANIt’s true. That’s why I was there that morning I saved you on the ice. I couldn’t sleep. I was up all night feeling sorry for myself.

MEIXIUI don’t know what to say? It’s not fair!

XIAOFANMaybe it’s not supposed to be fair. Meixiu, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this lately, and maybe life is just this gift, see, and it’s up to us to make the most of it while we’re here.

Xiaofan places his hands on her shoulders.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)All I know is that I am so glad I got the chance to meet you. I’ve really had the time of my life.




Oh Xiaofan, no!

XIAOFANThere’s a reason for everything. If I hadn’t learned of my destiny, I would’ve never met you.

MEIXIUIsn’t there anything you can do?

XIAOFANThe prophet said it would take a miracle to change my destiny. He made it perfectly clear there wasn’t a single thing I could do to stop it.

She pulls away.

MEIXIUWhy are you telling me this now?

XIAOFANI thought you should know.

MEIXIUYou do realize that Sunday is the day of the Winter Ice Festival.

XIAOFANYou’re right. I was so fixated on my death, I completely forgot.

MEIXIUSince I could remember, I’ve been raised to believe that it’s the most important day of my life.

XIAOFANYou’re an extraordinary skater. The people will love and respect you for who you are. Let them see that and I know you’ll do great.

MEIXIUIf I wasn’t already nervous enough, if my entire body didn’t shiver from the very notion of being out there all by myself on the ice in front of everybody, now you tell me--




XIAOFANYou mustn’t think about me, Princess.

MEIXIUFor the past few weeks, that’s all I’ve been doing!

XIAOFANYou have?


I was hoping you were meeting me tonight to ask me to-- marry you.

XIAOFANPrincess, I had no idea.

(beat)I can’t marry you, Meixiu. I don’t know what to say. I only have a few days left.

He attempts to console her, but she breaks free.


I’m sorry, I’ve got to go.

Meixiu skates off.

XIAOFANMeixiu, wait! Princess!

She vanishes into the night.


Xiaofan is still asleep in bed. Ru stands above him, poking him vigorously.

XIAOFAN(disheartened, depressed)

Go away, Ru! Leave me alone!

But Ru won’t stop.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I was wrong, Ru. One person can’t make a difference. You can’t change people. They have to do it themselves.





And whatever’s gonna happen is just gonna happen, and it’s all just luck when it does! Here today, gone tomorrow...none of it really matters and nobody cares.

Ru folds his arms and shakes his head in disagreement.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)The last time I checked, evil men were trying to destroy our land. Look around, Ru. There’s constant fighting going on in the village. I’ve lost the only girl I’ve ever cared for in my entire life, and she’ll never know how I felt about her!

Ru barks sensitively.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Yes, I told her about my destiny and she ran off crying.

Ru barks out holding his heart.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)No, it would only make things worse.

Ru shows frustration.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)There’s no future for us, Ru!

(then softens)I don’t have one.

Ru puts his flipper on his shoulder to console him.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I guess it’s just with everything else I wanted to accomplish. I was just-- running on ice. I got nowhere.

Ru crosses his arms, taking issue with Xiaofan’s sentiments. Then, he pulls Xiaofan out of bed with purpose.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Come on, Ru, what is it? Can’t you let me wallow in my misery?

Ru barks passionately, while pulling Xiaofan outside in his thick pajamas.




XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Wait, Ru! Where are we going?

Ru’s head bounces up and down as he aggressively slides on the ice, pulling with his flippers. He turns to bark at Xiaofan to hurry.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Hey, what’s this all about?

They travel into the woods.


XIAOFANWhere are you taking me, Ru? What is so important that you’ve gotta drag me all the way out here to--

Ru moves some icy branches to the side so that Xiaofan can see his magnificent ICE-PARK in full glory being utilized by the CHILDREN of Songhua.

ANGLE ON the children of both FISHERMAN and FUR-TRAPPERS laughing and playing.

CLOSE ON Xiaofan’s face in awe of the display of joyfulness and togetherness.

POWERFUL MUSIC plays as the group of SEALS that assisted in the park’s creation smile and look on from the bushes.

PARENTS of the children, both Fishermen and Fur-trappers talk among each other with civility as they enjoy watching their children play together.

--One CHILD swings on a SWING-SET.

--Another YOUNG CHILD flips through the air on an ICE RAMP.

--A GROUP OF CHILDREN slide down a long and windy SLIDE.

--Several young children CLIMB and sit on some of Xiaofan’s ice sculptures: A POLAR BEAR and a miniature replica of the OLD SNOW CREATURE: Big Fella.

--Parents SHAKE HANDS, pointing out their children to one another, and get to know each other.

Xiaofan gives Ru a KISS on the beak as the children continue on, LAUGHING and PLAYING.



XIAOFAN (CONT’D)This is the greatest moment of my life, Ru. Thank you.

Ru shakes his head. He gestures to the Ice Park, clasps his flippers together, and bows respectfully as if to say on behalf of everyone: “Thank you.”

Xiaofan just stares proudly beaming, his eyes wide open with a crooked smile. He puts his arm around Ru.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Let’s just stay here a little while, okay? I’m kinda enjoying this.

Ru barks in the direction of the people.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Yeah, Ru, looks like they are too.


Meixiu lies down in bed facing away from Oboe.

OBOEDo you want to talk?

Meixiu sobs and shakes her head.

OBOE (CONT’D)Do you want something to eat?

Meixiu again shakes her head.

OBOE (CONT’D)How about a game? Would you like to play something?

Meixiu shakes her head for a third time.

OBOE (CONT’D)You know you’re not exactly someone who’d be a lot of fun to vacation with.

Meixiu sadly sniffles.

OBOE (CONT’D)Meixiu, look at me. Please?

Meixiu slowly turns.



OBOE (CONT’D)There’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years...and that is we have a lot more control over our lives than we think we do. The choices we make are difficult ones, but the worst thing, and take it from me, is to look back on something and have regret.

MEIXIUBut there’s nothing I can do.

OBOEThere’s always hope, no matter how hidden.

(then)You should see him again.

MEIXIUTomorrow’s the day he’s supposed to--

(beat)Tomorrow is his final day.

OBOEDo you know how it’ll happen?

MEIXIUHe didn’t say.

OBOESo that’s it? So long? It was nice knowing ya?

MEIXIUWhat do you want from me, Oboe?

OBOENo regrets! It’s a curse that lasts forever.

MEIXIUI feel like I’m already cursed.

OBOEMeixiu, you’re not cursed...But I am.

MEIXIUWhat are you talking about?


Maybe I haven’t exactly been totally honest with you. There’s something you should know.



MEIXIUGo on...

OBOEWell, when I was alive...I did a not-so-good thing.

(beat)See, I once put myself between two people’s happiness and got in the way of true love. I was jealous, so I did whatever I could to break the young couple up...which eventually I did...and now it’s something that I have to live with for all eternity.

MEIXIUI’m sorry, Oboe. I didn’t know.

OBOEYeah well, it’s just eternity, that’s all. It’s not like it’s a long time or anything. The point is...I’ve made the wrong choices.

(choked up beat)Look, uh, I’ve got some things to take care of, and you need to get some rest for your big day so--


OBOEYeah kid?

MEIXIUWhat’s going to happen tomorrow?

OBOE(reiterating the Empress’s words)

Anything the warmth in your heart can dream.



A lurking SHADOW quietly SNEAKS UP and the REFLECTION can be seen off of the igloo. Someone is eavesdropping on Xiaofan.





XIAOFANI’m writing her a letter, Ru.

Ru barks interestedly.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I don’t know if it’s a love letter, all I have so far is “Dear Meixiu-”

Oboe MATERIALIZES inside the igloo and observes them.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)See, I’m not gonna be at the Ice Festival tomorrow.

Ru questions him.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I couldn’t put anyone else in danger. Plus, if I’m gonna die, I don’t think I want it to happen in front of the entire kingdom. That’s not exactly the way I want everyone to remember me.

Ru nods understandingly.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I wish I could be there for her performance.

(then)I wish I could be there for her... always.

Ru motions for him to write that down in the letter.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I wish I could give her something of mine to remember me by, something she could have for her performance...

(looking around) my scarf. Even the old fortune-teller told me it’s good luck. Unfortunately, I have no way of getting it to her.

Ru volunteers.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Nah, I’ve gotten you in enough trouble already, Pal.



Oboe stares at the scarf and gets an idea.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)Hey Ru? I just want to say that you’re really important to me, you know?

(then heartfelt)You’re my best friend.

Ru gestures that Xiaofan is his best friend too.

Oboe begins to TEAR and watch on as if it was a soap-opera as Xiaofan and Ru embrace. CRYING, she begins to blow her nose with a handkerchief.

Ru starts to leave, turns and takes a long look at Xiaofan, and half-smiles and barks...

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I don’t know how it’s going to happen. I just hope it’s painless. But don’t worry, I’ll be right here. And I promise not to do anything even remotely dangerous.

Ru leaves. Xiaofan sighs and continues to write his letter.

Oboe watches him for a few moments, then gently STEALS the RED SCARF from the hook on the door. Then, she vanishes.


ANGLE ON a giant BANNER that reads: THE WINTER ICE FESTIVAL. Excitement, music, and holiday spirit fills the air.

TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE fill the coliseum, a vast, circular stadium used only for the biggest events.

Hundreds of skaters, wearing matching colorful traditional outfits, dance in pomp and pageantry unison to an ancient Chinese song. Think the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics.

Meixiu watches on pacing, nervously wringing her hands. Then, the sound of an OBOE vibrates.

Meixiu Oboe, is that you? Oboe?

Oboe appears wearing Xiaofan’s RED SCARF and hands it to her.

MEIXIU (CONT’D)Where did you get this scarf?



OBOEXiaofan thought it might bring you good luck.

MEIXIUYou saw him? Is he alright?

OBOEFor the moment.

MEIXIU(looking around)

Is he here? Did he come?

OBOENo, he’s back at his place. He didn’t want to put anybody in danger so...

MEIXIUHe’s all alone?


MEIXIUJust waiting?

OBOEAfraid so.

MEIXIUAfter my performance, I’ll go see him.

OBOEIt’ll be too late.

MEIXIUAre you serious?


MEIXIUThen it’s true?

Oboe nods gravely.

COACH (O.S.)Princess!

MEIXIUOboe, I’ve got to go. They’re all counting on me.



Oboe tries to stop her from leaving.

OBOEXiaofan needs you. He saved your life, he showed you how one person can change the destiny of an entire people, and he never once asked for anything in return.

COACH (O.S.)Princess, it’s time!

Oboe begins to disappear.

OBOE (off of the scarf)

Go ahead, put it on. It’s meant for you...And don’t let go of it!

Meixiu puts the SCARF around her neck. Then, Oboe VANISHES.

MEIXIUOboe wait, don’t go! OBOE!


An OFFICIAL approaches the ice, clearing away the skaters.

OFFICIALPeople of Songhua, welcome to The Winter Ice Festival!

The crowd CHEERS.

OFFICIAL (CONT’D)This year’s event is quite special. This past year, we regrettably lost our beloved Empress to illness. We will never forget her. Today, I have the great joy of introducing to all of you our wonderful Princess!

The crowd’s clapping intensifies.

OFFICIAL (CONT’D)Today is more than a holiday festival. For this day is a coronation!

More grand applauds.

OFFICIAL (CONT’D)I present to you, the next Empress of Songhua...Princess Meixiu!



A small section of the coliseum OPENS, as a CARPET roles out onto the ice.

A SLEIGH, pulled by a dozen magnificent Royal SNOW DOGS carries the Emperor and the Princess, now wearing her mother’s exquisite HAIRPIN.

EMPERORWave. Go ahead! Smile, Meixiu!

ANGLE ON Meixiu’s conflicted, bittersweet demeanor.

EMPEROR (CONT’D)Don’t you see? Right at this moment, your life is about to begin!

The sleigh takes a lap around the coliseum to the delight of the people and stops. The Emperor and Meixiu get out of the sleigh and step to the center of the ice.

EMPEROR (CONT’D)(whispers encouragement)

Show them what makes you special!

Meixiu nods as the Emperor waves to the crowd. Then, she looks down and sees her reflection in the ice, wearing her mother’s HAIRPIN, feeling the warm texture of the RED SCARF.

MEIXIU (to herself)

Oh Mother, what should I do?

Meixiu stands deep in thought.

SONG - “CARRIED AWAY” (Instrumental)


--Meixiu TRAINING.

--Xiaofan SAVING Meixiu’s life and SKATING with her at sunrise.

--Xiaofan and Meixiu BUILDING the ice park.

--Meixiu KISSING Xiaofan’s cheek in the rain.

Suddenly, Princess Meixiu impulsively LEAPS onto the ROYAL SLEIGH with the DOGS and TAKES OFF.

EMPERORMeixiu, what are you doing?!




MEIXIU (to the dogs)

Ya! YA!!!

She PULLS on the reigns aggressively to go faster.

EMPERORStop her at once!!!

The crowd GASPS. Ru SMILES in the crowd, as does Oboe.

The coliseum DOORS begin to CLOSE as Meixiu races to exit.

MEIXIUFaster! Let’s go! Ya!!!

She just MAKES IT through just as the coliseum doors CLOSE.


Xiaofan sits writing his letter in solitude.

Then, just as before, a lurking SHADOW quietly SNEAKS UP and the REFLECTION can be seen off of the igloo.


Meixiu RACES wildly at high speeds.


The SHADOW appears to be a PERSON’S ARM slowly extending behind their head with a POLE.

CLOSE ON the evil BLUE-FACED, deathly ill, Meng standing behind Xiaofan with his SPEAR drawn.

ANGLE ON his sickly blood-shot eyes and his menacing expression as he’s about to MURDER Xiaofan in cold blood.

Then, Meixiu and her ROYAL SLEIGH arrive. The stampede of snow dogs causes the ground to SHAKE.

MEIXIUXiaofan! Behind you!!! AHHHH!

She SCREAMS with such a shrill high-pitched tone that it causes a SMALL AVALANCHE.




Xiaofan turns around in a nick of time and DODGES the spear.

Xiaofan and Meng FIGHT, rolling around on the ground, tangled up with one another.

The AVALANCHE causes a SNOW SLIDE that carries them wildly hundreds of feet to the edge of Songhua.


ANGLE ON a TREE in their path. Meng TURNS Xiaofan backwards so that he will CRASH into it. At the last second, Xiaofan AVOIDS the tree.

They continue to WRESTLE and ROLL, caught in a DRIFT that carries them rapidly.

Meixiu TAKES OFF after them on the Royal Sleigh.

The AVALANCHE DRIFT drives Xiaofan and Meng to the edge of Songhua near the WATER.


Xiaofan and Meng are HURLED into the icy water.

Meng SINKS to the bottom, while Xiaofan STRUGGLES to stay afloat, gasping for air.



Meixiu quickly pulls up to the edge and jumps off the sleigh.

MEIXIUXiaofan! Hold on!!!

She ARCHES her back and RAISES ONE LEG backwards in a SWAN-LIKE POSE.

MEIXIU (CONT’D)(to the dog)

Here Boy!

Then, the LEAD DOG pulling the sleigh BITES DOWN on her back skate to secure her.



MEIXIU (CONT’D)(to Xiaofan)

Grab on to the scarf!

She removes the RED SCARF, and while holding it on one end, THROWS it to Xiaofan as it MAGICALLY ELONGATES to reach him.

Xiaofan GRABS ON, but immediately submerges underwater. Meixiu WHISTLES for the dogs and the sleigh to BACK UP.

The dogs pull Meixiu, still in a swan pose, as well as Xiaofan, holding on to the scarf, back to land.

Xiaofan is PULLED OUT of the water UNCONSCIOUS with the red scarf wrapped around his wrist.

Meixiu quickly gets on the ground, holds his head in her lap and SHAKES him.

MEIXIUXiaofan! Please, say something!!!

Xiaofan lies motionless.

MEIXIU (CONT’D)Oh no, it’s too late. The prophet was right. Oh Xiaofan, No!...


MEIXIU(crying speak/singing)

We can never be apart... We’re together in my heart... And in the shine of every star... Forevermore and ever... We can never be too far... And no matter where we are... We can never be apart... Because you have my heart.

Meixiu gently lays the red scarf beneath his head on the icy ground. She lowers her head in her lap and CRIES.

Then, the scarf GLISTENS. After a few beats, a dog LICKS Xiaofan’s face and his eyes begin to slowly OPEN.





XIAOFANYou look beautiful.

(then)Am I alive?

MEIXIUXiaofan, oh yes! You’re alive! You’re ALIVE!

Overjoyed, she rolls on the ice with him in celebration.

XIAOFAN/MEIXIU(singing, meaningful love)

We can never be apart... We’re together in our hearts... And in the shine of every star... Forevermore and ever... We can never be too far... And no matter where we are... We can never be apart... Because you have my heart.

XIAOFANYou saved my life.

MEIXIUYou saved mine first.

XIAOFAN(sudden realization)

The Ice Festival!--

MEIXIUI didn’t skate. I thought I’d never see you I left.

Xiaofan stands.

XIAOFANWe’ve got to get you back!

MEIXIUWhat about Meng?

XIAOFANMeng got what he always wanted. He’s finally one with the sea.

ANGLE ON the villain’s fleeting BUBBLES in the water.

XIAOFAN (CONT’D)I was meant to were so selfless to come here...They must be furious with you!




MEIXIUI guess I have to go back and face the music, huh? They must think I’m crazy.

XIAOFANIt doesn’t matter what they think.

MEIXIUWhat if the people don’t accept me?

XIAOFANYou just be you, Meixiu...the rest will take care of itself.

Meixiu smiles and takes his hand.


MURMURING echoes through the coliseum as Princess Meixiu and Xiaofan arrive on the ice. Then, the crowd turns SILENT.

The Emperor, Coach, and the Official approach them angrily.

EMPERORMeixiu, what’s gotten into you?! What’s he doing here?!

MEIXIUFather, forgive me. I’m ready to skate now.

OFFICIALIt’s too late. The festival is over!

XIAOFANBut you’ve got to let her skate!

COACHYou turned your back on the people of Songhua. You left. You’ve insulted them all!

XIAOFANNo, you don’t understand! She did it for me! Emperor, Meixiu saved my life!

The Emperor appears upset for several beats, then softens...

EMPEROR(to Meixiu proudly)

Extraordinary! (MORE)


EMPEROR (cont'd)


You remind me of-- Your mother would be proud.

(then powerfully)Clear the ice! The Princess will skate!


Of course.

The Official goes to the center of the ice.

OFFICIAL (CONT’D)(to the crowd)

And now...for the grand performance of this glorious event, it is my great honor to introduce to you all, Princess Meixiu...

The confused crowd is silent as Meixiu skates to the center of the ice. Then, a light snow begins to gently fall.

But Meixiu stands frozen, nervously unable to skate.



XIAOFANCome on...

Faces stare at her in the crowd.


MEIXIU (V.O.)(singing)

A pin drops...Time stops. Everybody’s staring at me. My thoughts race...Limbs shake. Everything is scary to me. I try to hide...I close my eyes...

She timidly closes her eyes, then assuredly opens them.

MEIXIU (V.O.)(singing)

And I find the answer there with me inside...

Meixiu takes off, skating rapidly.

EMPEROR (cont'd)




MEIXIU (singing)

This time is the time... For me to be me... Think what you think... Oh but I know I know! Now is my now... And I see I can see it... Believe you believe... Oh but I know I know! In my heart, in my soul, And with each ounce of strength that I have... I know who I am... So...Better watch out below! For wherever, however, I land... I know who I am.

The crowd cheers.

MEIXIU (CONT'D)(singing)

A song plays...Nerves fade... ‘More and more myself in my skin. My heart beats...Skips...Leaps... Forever is about to begin. I try to fly...I close my eyes... And I reach down just to rise up one more time!

Meixiu skates by Xiaofan on the side on the rink.

XIAOFANYou’re doing great!

MEIXIUI’m not afraid anymore!

XIAOFANIsn’t it wonderful?

She grabs him by the hand as the two skate together.


MEIXIU (CONT'D)(singing)

This moment’s the moment... And I’ve dreamed to dream it. I’ve tried to try so hard... I know I know! But I used to use... An excuse to excuse...





Now I’m free to be free... That much I know I know! In my heart, in my soul... And in each tissue, fiber, and strand... I know who I am... No, if you don’t, here I go... For my best is the best I can... I know who I am.

MEIXIU (CONT'D)(singing)

I will have the will... And I’ll fight to fight...

Xiaofan hurls Meixiu spinning high into the air.

MEIXIU (CONT'D)(singing)

I’m sure gonna soar to the highest...heights...this... Time is the time... For me to be me... Think what you think... Oh but I know I know! Now is my now... And I see I can see it... Believe you believe... Oh but I know I know! In my heart, in my soul... And with each ounce of strength that I have...

Xiaofan skates backwards off to the side to let Meixiu finish her routine...

I know who I-- I know who I-- I know this...Time is the time... For me to be me... You think you think! I know I know! This stage is my stage... And I feel I can feel it... I don’t care to care... Gonna float, gotta flow... Gotta shine, gonna show... And so now that the moment’s at hand...I know who I am...

Meixiu lifts off for her greatest, most challenging, jump.




MEIXIU (CONT'D)(singing)

So...Better watch out below! For wherever, however, I land...

Time appears to stop, until Meixiu nails her perfect landing.

MEIXIU (CONT'D)I know who I am!

The entire Kingdom stands to their feet in jubilation.

MEIXIU (CONT'D)(singing, confidently)

And if you don’t know, no don’t you feel bad...I know who I am!!!

The coliseum ROARS with excitement and approval as Xiaofan races over, BOWS DOWN to the princess, and KISSES her hand.

MEIXIU (CONT'D)I don’t feel alone.

XIAOFANI promise, with everything in my heart, you never will again.

Meixiu pulls him up to his feet for her first ever KISS.

Xiaofan lifts her off her feet and spins her around.

The Emperor races onto the ice to congratulate Xiaofan and embrace his daughter. Then, the Emperor addresses the crowd.

EMPERORRepresenting the very best of Songhua: Princess Meixiu and Xiaofan!

The people STAND applauding in unified national pride, while Xiaofan and Meixiu hold hands and WAVE graciously.

Yi looks on proudly, cheering in the crowd.

Off to the side, Ru claps his flippers excitedly alongside a group of overjoyed seals.

We hear the all-too-familiar sound of a WOOD INSTRUMENT off in the distance. Meixiu notices Oboe in the crowd and acknowledges her, just as Oboe waves goodbye and VANISHES.

Xiaofan raises Meixiu’s hand over their heads to the crowd.

CLOSE ON Nim in the crowd shaking his head in disapproval. Suddenly, GUARDS seize him from behind.



NIMOw! Take your furry mittens off of me! Wait! I can explain-- I’m just a carnival illusionist!


Xiaofan and Meixiu search for the secret dwelling of “The Amazing Erke.”

XIAOFANI think I recall it being somewhere around here. Yeah, I remember that ramp of ice. It should be right around...

He skates towards a ramp and again FLIPS.


He falls face down in the snow near a sign that reads: “THE AMAZING ERKE.”

Xiaofan dusts himself off and blows snow from his lips.

XIAOFANI think I found it!

Then, Meixiu skates over.

MEIXIUDo we just go in?

XIAOFANSure, but if I know Erke, he’s--

The door opens.

ERKEBeen expecting you.


The OLD FORTUNE TELLER with the WHITE MONKEY on his shoulder stands in the middle of the room.

MEIXIUThat was amazing.

XIAOFANWhat did I tell you?



Meixiu and Xiaofan walk in.

ERKEPrincess, it is indeed an honor.

The monkey BOWS respectfully.

XIAOFANWell I’m still alive!

ERKEThat you are, Young man, and it took nothing less than a miracle.

The prophet waves his fingers magically.

MEIXIUI don’t understand.

ERKEFrom the looks of Xiaofan’s future, there was only one kind of miracle that could’ve saved him.

The white monkey puts his hands over his beating HEART and SMILES amorously, putting all of his teeth on display.

ERKE (CONT’D)She’s quite a young lady, Xiaofan. The sacrifice she made took unique courage and strength. Most men will never know from being as blessed.

Xiaofan looks at Meixiu and grins.

ERKE (CONT’D)Quite an amazing circumstance of events has taken place. You’ve both risen above your destinies. Now you can truly believe that anything is possible.

Erke COUGHS as the white monkey PATS him on the back.

XIAOFANThe reason we’re here today is to-- well, I was just sort of wondering... You think I’ll be okay from here on out?

ERKEOh I’d say you’ll be better than just okaaaay!



The white monkey gives a bold REGAL POSE.

MEIXIUThank you, Sir!

Princess Meixiu kisses him on the cheek and the monkey FOLDS HIS ARMS in jealousy.

ERKEI can only help those who help themselves. Now go on, get going...Enjoy your lives! It’s a beautiful day in Songhua!!!

Xiaofan bows respectfully to the old man.

XIAOFANThank you.

Xiaofan and Meixiu skate off CELEBRATING giddily.

Erke cracks a smile at seeing them through his window, then SITS DOWN in an old dusty chair and SIGHS.

After a few beats, the old prophet suddenly PULLS at his face as if it were a MASK, pulling off thick layers of DISGUISE.

ANGLE ON OBOE, seated in the old dusty chair, PEELING off the remnants of her elaborate FORTUNE TELLER’S COSTUME.

Then, the white monkey magically TRANSFORMS into the WOOD INSTRUMENT she plays.

An expression of relief, satisfaction, and pride covers Oboe’s face as she PLAYS her FAVORITE MELODY.

She pauses, smiles, and laughs out loud.


Xiaofan and Meixiu SKATE OFF together, laughing and playing.

NARRATORAnd as the brisk, cold air freezes over Songhua, a new era warmly begins.



