Smith cuts blamed on drilling decline - City of Newport Beach


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Smith cuts blamed •

on drilling decline

TAKI NG IT BACK Hcallor Jim Wootl r ea ll y ate h is w o r ds after laying off salesman J ack Elam, left. who dosed a $1.7 m illion sale after th(• dis missal notit'c· w<.1s

Dally Piiot Photo by Charle• 8tarr

st•nt Chagnm·cl ~t his act10n, Wood took·k both Elam and his words, glazed on top of a n ikl• prl'pared by H emingway's restnurant ('hl'f Lou Mangant•lli , 'right.

A generous helping of 'crow' Jim Wood literally ale his

own words Friday afternoon before a crowd of restaurant pat rons who watch ed th e Co r o n a del Mar reallor swallow a dismissal letter he had sent to an employee.

The 46-year-old president of Unique Homes decided to go through wi t h the s tun t a sending a layo Cf notice t o a salesm an three da ys before the salesman pulled off a $1.7 mHlion real estate transaction

Onl y after the letter was sent did Wood find out that Jack Elam had put togetht•r a deal that would mean $42,500 for the company.

Admittedly chagrined, Wood wished he could eat his words. Seated at his favor•tt• restaurant, Hemingway's, tht• realtor dug into a thrf*'-layer cake topped with the ongin<tl letter.

"Jim Wood has (inally met his matC'h," said Elam, who helped spoon feed a corner of

tht· glau'<.I ll•tlt!I' into his boss' mouth

Wood, who washed his word!> down with a glass of dry l'habl1s. proclaimed the ml•al "a 1111le rough ."

So far this 1s the only pink slip th<' real tor has had to eat. HE> sen t 12 to has 37 employees thts year.

Always a good sport. Wood picked up the tab for the cake a nd a few swallows of his pride

By SANDIE J OY 0 1 the Oelly "tot ltatt

Contanul•d Ucl'llnt• an worldwidc otl and gas drilling has been blamed for the layolf Friday of 560 workers at Smith Tool Division's Irvine plant and 126 at its San Bernardino plant.

Both h our ly a nd !>alartl•d -emp loyee!> rcac:hang into thC' managerial ranks wert· andudl'd in the action, which br ings total layoffs this yt"ar a t tht.• div1s1on's Irvine facility to 9 18 und Jt thl' y e a r - o 1 d S a n B t.' r n u rd 1 n o operation to 192.

Workers began rt'<.'t.•1vang thc1r pink sltps at tht' start of the 11 p.m. Thursday s h ift , said Paul R ussell , eurporatt• communications d1rN·tor for Newport Beach - based Smith International , pan•nl l'Ompany or Smith Tool.

Of the 686 total furloughed Friday from thl' lrvim· and San Berna rdino plants, 130 wt•rt• salaried workPr!> s u l'h as tec hn1 c 1an s, manager!> and market researchers while the rest we re mostly machine• operators. said R o bert Brady . Smith lnternatt0na l employt'<.' rt•lauons dire<.:tor

The h our l y workers are eligible for rC'Call for up to one year, sai d Ru ssell a nd tht• salaried employees "are JUSt gon e, and tha t 's the way our personnel rules w ork . If we need to add to the salarit>d pcopll', we m igh t 1..'0nsidcr, recalling th<'m "

Inspection bill passes Russell sai<tj)e doesn ' t know 1f

the compan y will ha vt· m o re· layoffs this year.

"We hope not," hC' said, "but don't k n ow a t t hi s tim C' It de p ends on t h<' l eve l of business." , Mandatory auto checkups m easure goes lo governor

He also said, 1'Cf'rtain salaril'd employees have been shifted back to hourly."

SACRAMENTO (AP) - After a fierce four-year political battle, legislation requiring inspections of smog-related equipment on cars and light trucks in populous areas every two years was sent to Gov . Edmund Brown Jr on Friday.

By a 23-14 vote, two more than the needed majonty, the Senate gave final legtslative approval to the measure.

The bill , SB33 by Sen Robert Presley, D-Riverside, is the sixth vehicle in s pection mea surc proposed in the last four years.

The o t hers a ll have been defeat.eel by lawmakers worried about voters' reactions to thC' a nn oyance of requ1rC'd inspections and the costs of the tests and repairs.

In the mean t ime. the U .S . En vi r o n menta l Protectio n Agency has hat California wnh pe n alities for its refusa l t o require inspections: a freeze in

permit s for some majo r construction projects in high ­smog areas, and a cutoff o f some fl.'deral highway a nd sewer funds.

Other two other s tat Ps , Ken tuck y and Idaho, lack thl' required inspecuon programs

Presley's bill. which ongmally would have required annual mspections hke its predecessors. was amended to call for bicnn1al anspecuons when the EPA said 1t would accept that

The change helped sof ten opposition, allqwi ng the bill t'J\ wan Assembly approval, but didn't eliminate fears of votC'r displeasure.

"The proposal 1s only about half as bad as it used lo be," said Sen. John Holmdahl . D-Castro Valley. who led the opposition .

H e belittled the federal sanctions. predicted they would be Lifted "if we hold ught," and said that if the bill passed, voters

Ex-Congress page says his sex charges false

LlTILE ROCK, Ark (AP) -Fonner congressional page Leroy Williams confessed Friday that h e was lying when h e made charges of homosexual relations between con gressmen and pages th a t h el p ed spark a federal investigation.

Williams, 18. said he lied to brin g a ttention lO a lack of su p ervision of teen -a gers participating In the congressiona l pa§e system.

'For the past few mon t hs I h a ve m ad e some very s.erious accusations." he said a t a news confere nce. "These accusations are not true. I have lied. I regret that I have lied."



"Words can never express the remorse that I feel for the pain and the trauma that I've caused" the families of those implicated and his own family , he said.

Williams had claimed he had sex with three male members of congress, and also had claimed he arranged a homosexual liaison between a senato r and a male prostitute

Asked if he knew o f anJ homosex ual relati o nships involving congressmen, he said , "There may be, but not to my personal knowledge, and I was not in volved in it.

Jellyb eans m ay be revealing W ant a quick insigh t In to your personality? A

psych ologist says a ll you have to do is buy some jellybean s a nd ch eck to see which t'olor you pick· first P a ge. AS.

First nuke plant l o be closed PITTSBU RGH (AP) - The n ation's first

commercial nuclear power plant will be closed Oct. I and dismantled a t a cost ol $66 m illion, federaJ energy ofJ.lciab aald Friday.

Dresser firm raps blacklist!ns W ASHINOTON (AP) - The F rench Rubsidiary

of Dr~aacr Indu e trlea Inc . on Frld~ a ppealed as uncon1titu tlonal a Reagan admtnistratlon o rder blacklJatJna it from U.S . tra d e for participating In construction of a Soviet gM pipeline.

would " remember who did it to them."

Rut Sen John Foran, D·San Fran t" isco, chai r man of the Se n a te Transportation Committee, said he had met w ith EPA officials and doubt.eel they would !aft the sanctions.

lt's an unpopular bill." Foran said " I suggest that there is no alternative• "

The Friday layoffs mC'an th.? Smith I nternational workforce h as been redu(' E'd by 2!J percent since the beginning of the year an it s d omest i c operat1ons, he said . with 2.250 e"!'ployees laid o ff company ­w1de.

No "1ay but up Brother plan r un

By ROB ERT BARKER Of lhe Dally Pllol 81•11

Dc.'an Jacobs o f Huntington B<'ach and his brother Paul are planning to d o something a little d 1ff<'rent this Labo r Day Wl'C'kt'nd

Tht•y'n• planning to run from Bad Water in Death Valley to Mr Whitney That's from the lowest plare in California - 282 feet below sea level - to the highest point in the state - 4 ,496 fret above

They want t o cover the 146-milc jaunt tn a world record time of 60 hours

The brothers are planning to raise money for the Huntington Beal'h Elks Club cerebral palsy campaign by way of pledgPS, but there's more than that to it. It's the chaJJenge

They read that a Florida "ultra -mara thone r" competed the d istance in 75 hours last year .

" It's an obscure kind of ' thing but at tickles our Caney ," said Paul Jacobs, a 25 - year-old industrial l'nginccr who lives in Cypress but spent his younger yE'ars an Huntington Beach .

"We got the idea while hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains in June . There w3S two months of summer left and w e thought it


from low lo high was plenty or time to pull \,l11s off."

The brothers say the y are .ivorking on both their body and m ind for the Labor Da y run "Anybody can do it (thc run) by conditioning ther mind that tht'y can." said Paul.

They will s tart the run a t 4 a .m Saturday. Sept 4. in Bad Water in Death Vall ey They plan to reach Panamtn\ Springs. 67 miles away , at the end of the first day

They say they aren't alanned by the day t 1m<' desert temperatures. which regularly reach 120 degrees They can endure them by taking lots of fluids. they feel .

But ifs the heat at night that has them concerned They fear tem peratu res may not fa.II below 100 degrees. making 1t too hot to sleep. Nightime temperatures of 110 degrees are common in Death VaUey in summer.

On the second day they plan to r un 55 miles from Panamin t S pri n gs to the town of Lone Pine .

T heir last day - Labor Day -they plan to dimb 24 miles from Lone Pine to the summit of Mt.

(Se~ DEATH, Page A~J

Help sought on rising gas prices LOS ANGELFS (AP) - Mayor T om Brad ley on

Friday urged t h e c h airman o ( the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to he lp Sou th ern California head off another increase in na tural gas prices.



Turkish diplomat slain ClrTAWA (AP) - A Turkllh mUltery attechc was

ambushed a nd alaln Friday when his car stopped at a t ra ff ic light. Ano n ym o u 1 pho n e ca lla to news o rsanlzadona clatmed Armenian terrorists were rHponslble.

Russell ac.Jrmlled that Smith Tool. whH· h 1s a lt·ad1ng manufa('tUrC'r of r0t·k b1l.s for the· 01H1l'ld drilling industry. had beC'n hard est hit of a ll th<.· d1v1s1ons with layofCs.

The action Friday rc.'Clul·es the· <:ombined workforce at LhL' lrvint· and San BC'rnardino pl ant to fewer than 3.000

Company officials rdust·d tu give a breakdown on w orkL'r!> at t•ach plant, but no tt·d the Irv1m· r a C'i 11 t y Is by ( a r l h (' I a r g (' r operation

The hourly and non -c:xc•mpt workers furloughed Friday c•ac·h were given three weeks sevcranct: pay, Russell said , plus anTucd vacation pay.

All em ployees laid u ff Wl'l'l' provided with 90 day continuances on their mcd1n1I, dental and life insurance• for thcmsl'lvl's and their dcpcndt•nts.

And. Brady said. the· company will continue to pay for t•ourws 1n which furloughed employee~

t.·urrt.•ntly art· f'nrolled until tht· t.·uurS(•S an' l'Omplet<.'CI

Russc•ll said thl' workt'rs knew <i layoff was ~ndang l:M_.cause of not1<.·es and newsletters provided th<'m by co rpora te ofl1c1als md1t·aung a drop in w orldwide t•rudc· oil produl'llon and, thus, a dr op 1n demand f or th ei r products

Russdl said the United States rig count. a measu rein l'n t o f udfa•ld drilling activity, "has ch•l'l int·d dramattC:ally from a high of 4 ,864 r igs at thc end of 198 I to a current level or 2,512 rigs. a drop of 48 percent.

HC' said th is rs the greatest short-t<'rm decline in the 42 years that dnllmg swtasllt'S havc been ma1nldined

Tht• s taff reductions w e re nc.'<.'t'S..'Mlry to balance production and invc.•ntory levels with lower salt'S forec:asL<>, he added

"This action anticipates that drilling act1v1ty will r e main !See SMITH, P age A2)

Continental seeks • • airport conJprorn1se

By OA YID KUTZMANN Of t he Dally Piiot Stell

ConlinentaJ Airlines, fighting an federal t'Ourt for pcrm1ss10n to u se Orange County's J oh n Way n e Airport , offered a settlement plan Friday to which t'ounty officials gavC' o nl y lukewar m response - at best.

Continental. whic h goes to court on Oct. 14 in Los Angeles, said it would suspend its litigation against the county if 1t is allowed to use the type of .}Ct which Republic Airlines uses on some of its flights out of John Wayne Airport. The planes are called OC-9-30s.

According to the count y's commercial airline access plan for the airport, these twin-engine. 1967-vanlage jets are t o be

phasc•d out over a two-year period 1n f avo r of qu ieter aircraft, preferably OC-9-30s.

It 1s for this reason county o ff1 t•1al!> sa id Friday that Con tml'ntal's offer - m ade in a letter to Board of S u pervisors chairman Brucl' Nestan de -rl'prc·scnts no major c'Oncessions.

Previously, Continenta l had insisted that it be allowed to use retrofitted Boeing 727-100 aircraft in Orange County. T he county has opposed this because of noist• t'Onsiderauons.

Also. officials said. the county's atrltne access plan allows only int'umbent air earners at John Wayne Airport to use OC-9-30s. which do not meet strict noise criteria establtshed for the (See AIRLINE, Page At).

. '"' Delly Piiot ~to by ftlotwwd Koefltef

TRAINING - Brothers Pau l and Dean J acobs, from le f t, are running 12 miles dai ly to prepare for what promises t.o be a grue ling attempt to break record for a r u n from Bad W aler, Death Valley to Mt. Whitney.

INDEX A t Your Service Classified Comics Commen t Crossword Death Notices Enter tainment Movies

A4 Cl-6 BIO B6

BlO C2

Bl l - 12 B l 1- 12


Pub lic Notices Re ligion Sports Television T heaters Trivia Weather Youth

Jones piloting the Rams

B8;C2 B9

Bl-4 Bl3

Bl 1-12 B l 2 A2 B1

Bert Jones will be in t he h ot seat w he n h e calls the plays ton.Jaht agains t Seatt. P occc Bl.

Angels nip Boston, 7-6 __, T h e Angels h eld off the Rt.od Sox, 7-6. Pue Ul.


~' Ot 1111gu Cou•I DAILY PILOT 19 lurdoy. Augul l 2tt , 19&2

__ _..; ____________________________________________________________________________ _

\\• Continued stories He seeks to soften hard times

SMITH LAYOFF • • • inngnant throughout 111ut·h nf 1983," Russell said

B r a d y I n d 1 <.' o t t• d L h l'

corporation t• x p (' <· l i. 1h1· production slowdown to c'Onllnut· for 12 to 18 mon Lhs

Russell noted thut growth in demand for the coqmrat11111 ':. products "had b<>en trl•ml·ndous " He added, " It's not that thl· company 1 s 1 n t r u u b It• n r anything hk~ that "

H e suggested a lowt•11ng uf interest rates probably would mPIH' an 1n1·rr·~~" 1n drtllmJ(

0 ( l 1 VI t Y .1 I\ d , II 11 • ll• ( U I l', ll 11

1rn. rl'U"· 111 prudul 11v11 v lit Smith Tuul

Tht• t'111·porut11111 " wall 111akt• ll'SS llllJl\t•y thtl'o Vl'll l th1111 last," Ill' smd, und 11ott•d , ··1•r111r tu th11> yt•:JI', lu vufh, ~t· r t• "'.'. 111f11'<1u1•111 0t't·u1·1·1•111·1· ;11 Smith

W11l1t1m Curtt•1, S1111th T ool marketing v1c't! pll'l>ldt•nt , ~11J tht• t'01pora11un1:. (h<'< k111g with I:.! to 18 lU(·al relatt'<J t·om1><m1t•s to sc:t• 1f tht·y l'an ht•lp lht•lr (u1 louMht•d wurkt·r~ gt·l nt•w 101>-.

DEA TH VALLEY RUN • • • Whitney.

They pl an to takl' thr<>c minute rest stops aftc>r runs of three-mile intervals Tht•1r fatht•r will be atx:ompanymg tht•m tn a recreation vehicle.

They have been running about 12 miles a day lo train for lhe run and haVf• lus t about W pounds each.

Dean JaC'obs, :.!9, 1s a forme1 construction worker <.·mployt·d as a bouncer in an Anahl•1m bar. " I'm a vcrbai bounl't' r , nut a physical one,'' he said

H e says he often do<1 s hi s training in pre-dawn hours afll' r work.

"Ifs wonderful runmn~ in tht• mornings,'' said Dean " You l'an smeU the dew and the mar:.h and the flowers. lt really 1s taking the time to smell the rost•s."

Paul agreed.

Manna High &·huol In 1971 He• joim'Cl thl• Navy .iftl'I attending G o I cl c· n W t' s t (.' ' ' 11 t• gt· 1 n Huntington Bt•ach and beg;1n runni ng whtlt• t1·a111111g for th(' unJ<·r wutt•r dc•mohtaon lt•am.

h 's somt'lhmg lw's llkC'd l'Vl.'I s 1 n (' l ' • ' I d o n ' t 1 u n f o r t•omp<•t1lmn but for JOY Nothing makt•s vou ft·t•I bl•ltl•r fastC'r phy:.1t·<1 liy than runntnl!I "

Paul bt•gan iunnm~ 1r1 Hl75 al Goldt•n W(·st Collcgl·

.. A lt'at'hl·r madl' ;1 gentll·rnan 's bt•t that 1 m uldn't run from my homt· in Huntington Bt·ach to my ~1ster's houS<· in Upl.rnd

" Tl was 55 miles I won Jht• ~t but I had to takt• u wt·l'k off lx'<.'<IUl>l' of lt•nd1mt1s "

l11s 1wi...t µru~'l'l W:Jl'o running 85 mill·:. frl•m thl1 1A.'t•an to Mr. Baldy

He s~11d ht· t'lmquNl·t.l ttw run m 1980 un his fifth try, ra1s1r1g $1 ,200 in plt'<lge•s fur th1• M«ifft•h o f 01mNo

BY JODI CAOENJl~AD Of"tti. Oell1 "'lot Iliff

John Caruso d111\ t' 111nrc.> thun 100 mllt'll from 0,Jl.11 111 · wuitl'li 1111 nl~ht 1111 ttw d111111"oll ·p ol 11 1m1ull lt'vlnl• t·o111µu11y tol' tht• c hunc<.• o ( lundlnl( thl• munuul luhor J<>h ht• hud ht·urd ubout

J.' ur lht• ftrwt t11111• 111 lour m onth" of d(•11pt.•1 t.11t• !wutt·IHnt( tlw :rn Yt·ur -old futh l'I of a ti y1•a1 u.ld t:lrl h<:urd hopt'ful 1ww11 John An•rul:wn , ~e'tll'ral rnanu~wr for Mubill• Wu~h of Anlt'nn1, htrc<l him un tlw spm

In u h•lt•vtsed newl>(:asl l'Urlil·r thts wet•k the cmployt·r :stmJ he'> 111ok1n~ for a few pt.'Oplt• tu ltlrt• Ht• w<1s floodtod with 1.·allb

But tht• rnmpany. which sdb truc·ks for l'll':lnlnK l'Vl'rything l 111m stadiums l o l:Ur fleets, t'llUllont•d Lhat 1t was looking for pt•ople with soml' m echankal aptltUdC'

Arendsen said ht• gut a goot.l ldt' a of how hard thl' r<.x'Css1on h.i:. hit Orange County wht-n he :.<.1w m1.·n. some wnh tht•11 wives a11d <:hildrt.>n, Wt• mto thl• Irvine off l<'l' looking for work

The-' 36 -year-uld falhl'r of fivt• didn't nl<£•d to hang uut a ht·lp wantt•d !>agn to find ou t that p<><>plt' are sc·ramblmg for S<·etn't' Jobs T1ml'S are tough

I It• was out of wurk h1msc:lf. trying to get by on <t dwindling consulting business, wht•n he was h1n•d by his fr1l•nd Hober t Curdul'I. prl'St d t•n l o f Mobile' Wash

The· ,JObless in Orange County numbt.•r 95.500 or 7 .8 pc.>r('ent. the hight-st number srnc'<' 1976, when um•mployment figures r<?a<:ht.>d 8 I pt•rt· ~· nt . act:ording lo the• s tale Em p I o y men t 0 c v <· I up men t Dt·partment

Jean F'orbath , head of Share Our St•lves in Costa Mesa, which g1v1.·s t.•mt•rgen1.·v aid tu thC'

dt•lftatuh· 1u)1d th11t I~ pt·or1lt> Wt•tc• w111lln6( nl tlw <'•llfl.O Mt'Sa 11ff1w wh1•11 !!ht• ul r lvt-<l J.' r1d11y mor n111~ On M11nduy idw ~av<· f11od Vt IOU JJ4•uph· l>i.•l•n't• 1 p 111

'' W1•'n· ·w1•lnu pl•opll' whmw Ufll•111pl11y11H' lll l1t•rit•l I t-i urC' run11an~ out ." i.u1u F111huth l'1•opll• Ull' not I mdrnt( pbs"

Ar 1·nclw11 ~y~ 111·'11 lik(• lO do !it01)1t•lh1111< lo help Aff.t.r S(•c,•lng a m .. wi. progrum carlac•r th111 wt,.•k ubout th l· pllgh~ or peoQle upply111~ for 1•mc1'f(l"11t·y rood und llh t'llt'I' frun1 SOS, hl• d1"<:1de•d 10 M•t· 1( lw ('OUld ht'lp ullev11.1w the situution. us a bus1111·:os..,man

Ht.• Wl'lll hunw 11nt.l l•rr1pt1 t'<.J hu; wgNulill' garden and hb closets But thot :.t'<'nwd fu tile

Arl'nd iwn !sc.1ld he· wa s 110 unprt·sSt·d w1 th tlw wm•k dont' by Shart• Ou1· SPIVi 'b. slurtt·d m 1970 to ht·lp poor pt·oplt". that ht..· dt•<:idt•d lo start a s1m1lar program for busint•sst·s

What ArcndSt•n lb proposrng is a Self H<•Iµ program in which Orangt· County comµan1t'8 rnuld draw from a pool of unt•mployt'<'J wurk1•rs o n a ll•mporary or ix•rmam.•nt basts.

Last month he hHd IC> turn awuy a lul'rat1Vl' t't'mtral·t bt'l'<.jUSt' he· couldn't find four nit•n tu work 11Hml'<.11att•ly Ht• t·ou ld htfl' about l <! wurken. now

· · I k n o w 1 l · s s l 1 I I 1 n t h t• " t.' on t· t• pt u a I slag c· l'> ,' · s a 1 d Arcndsc·n " But 1 dun't thank it 's som t'lh 1ng that should bt· pondc·rt'Cl about for tht• next 90 days . What's wrung with bustnc·~<, doang som1·th111g?

" What wt"n· aftt•r 1:. a guy with a good tral'k rt'<.'l>rd und a family,' ' said Arc11dst•n "You're not g1v1ng th1•n1 a handout, but y<Ju'w givi ng thl·m sunwth1ng that tht•v haven' t had 111 t1 long t1 mt• and that's hopt • ..

Deity Piiot Stan Photo DELUGE - John Arend:.t.:n, general manager of Irvine's Mobile Wash of Anwnl'a, was flooded with applil'ants for a fl'w mcchankal -1y1x · jobs he had available. Art•ndsen i!> hoping to org<rniZl' a poul o f workl'r talent to hl'lp mit1g<1te dfc•t· t~ of l~yoffs

" We have a pare of about one• mile in nine m inutes and wt· e njoy the seenery and each's company. And we see things in a different ix•rspe<.·t1ve than if we were going 45 miles an hour down the road in a car."

Th<• Jat•obs brothl•rs hopt.' lo ratS<.' lots of mime \' for th<· Elks Lodg<''s 1·1.·rebral palsy program. P I e d g t • s c a n b t• m a d e h v l'Onta1· t1r1c lhf' lodg1• ,1l !.lfi-t- 1665

Fed decision to loosen money disclosed Dean Jacobs graduated from


airport. Ass istant County Counsel

Robert Nutlman , who had not yet seen Contine ntal 's le ucr. said the proposal to allow uS(' of the older aircraft by Continental w ou ld not conform with provisions of the aet.>ess plan.

Continental ofhc1als, however, sa id their airline deserved " incumbency" status a t the airport "because 11 as every bit as qualified as any other carrier to occupy such a pos ition . .we beUeve that incumbency status is fully warranted."

The airline. which has nc:ver served Orange County, is seeking permission to fly two average daily departures per day from J ohn Wayne Airport

An aide to board c h airman Nestande said the county can

t·huost· to c1tht•r l"'Ons1dt•r Conu ne>ntal's requC's t. ignore 11 or negotiate the matter

He said county off1t·1als would n1.-ed about a wec•k to study the mall<'r

In the lcttt•r to Nt•s tande , Continental Vice Presidt.•nt John Carlson said has a1rllnC''s pending ml.'rger with Texas lnlemational A1r l 1nes allowed 1l the opportunity to have al'\:l'SS to . he DC-9 ·30s. which It didn't have before.

Refernng to thC' i.ettl ement proposal. Carlson s aid . " We believe l hat l ht• 1mmed1a l<' benefits to a ll parties - the county, the traveling publlt• and Continental - would best served by a rapid. negotiated conclusion to the antagonism surrounding the airport ."

WASHINGTON (AP) The Federal Reserve's policy makers, in an unusually divided vote, dec1dt-d las t month to speed g 1 ow th of the nation's money supply slig htl y during th e summer to encourage an eco n om ic recovery. thP F ed drsdoSt'd Friday .

Th e bank's F ederal Open Market Committee voted 8-4 to pursue a 5 p erce nt annual growth rate during the third quarter for the basic money supply known as MI - cash and deposits 111 checking Accounts . That compares with a 3 percent annual growth rate established for thP second quarter of the year

A report on the comm111ee's at11ons. taken during meetings June 30, Ju ly I and July 15, was released l"naa)' .

W1th1n a week after the board's decLsion lO make money more readily available to banks and other comm e rcial lende rs,

Oeserts can e•pect scallerad lhundersho,.ers allernoons and evenings No•lhern dessert highs In 90s. lows 65 10 75 SO<Jthem desert highs 92 10 102, Iowa 65 10 75

(:ooler today

Coastal Over the outer w aler• from

Point Conception lo San NICOIH lllen<I no<1hWfll winds 12 to 22 knola with combined seas ol 4 to 8 feet through night Elsewhere

' \ mostly llghl va1tabte wind• night and morning houra becoming llOUlh-t to west 8 to 18 knoll during afternoon. 1 10 3 loot wind wa ..... thl• attemoon Soulh-tt 9well 1 10 2 taet Var1at>le clouds, low douds at night



U.S. stu11111ary A cold tronl spre ad

thunderat orms e croas Iha MldwHt on f'rlday , wllh heavy rain drench ing the middle MININlppl Valley.

A ,_ thu""-Sh<>wer• rangeo along the Oull Coast and over Aond•

Hot -t~ continued In the 1outhern P lelns with read1ng1 above 100 dagraea acattared over aouthern Oklahoma and nonh oentrel TexH.

By contraat , cool weather OOY9<ed the nonhel'n Plaln1. Alter a morning of record cold WHlher, afMmoon temper•turH cllmbed on1y ltlto the !IOI and eo1

'J!ot today , 1 c•llered thuncMtltOf!Tla -• 101eceal In the Soutti.ut and ' perts ot lh• aouthern PlatHu. with llg '11 .n-1 In the north«n Pta1n1

Extended weather Mon~y·W•dnHd•y Nl ghl

tllrovgh ••rty morning IOil end 1ow otou da neer the co 111 oth e r w l •• lelr th1oug11 Wed.-cl•y HIOh• co .. 111 ere.ta rtnglng lrom tile low 701 er Ille t>e•ch•• to mld· ll01. warm er Inland ,, .. , , Low• 58 t o 811 8ome afte rnoon cloud• In mountalnt but mostly lei• HIOh• 11to8". lowa 5510 es

California Plf'tly doudy al tlmae through

lodey In Soutllefn CallfOfnl• . Fair Sunday. Low cloud• tn coHtal MC11on nlgnt 11no mOfntng hol.lra. Cooler t o da y wllh 11111• t~hn ~Sunday

Orange County c an upeol hlolll - 70 .. ~. tow 80t lr'Mnd. L- tonight In the toe ~ l\lgfl8 In 1M 70.

lnMnd ~ c.n expect hlOh• In tM IOI, Iowa nNt 70.

Mountelnt Wiii ha1tt Yltl1bi. aloud• wtttt leoltltd atttfnoon end t ¥9fllng tru1ndtrthow• r1 . Hlgttl 75 to 15, IOwt so to es


' . .

Vallable clouds th" weekend In Nor1hern and Central Caltlorn1a Chance of sho<Ne11 1n aouthern Sle11e. northe•n mountains Patchy tow clouds along coast nights and morn1nos

Teniperalures NATION

79 88 64 91 70


61 57 44 69 64 78 Na•o " We•"'e' ~'v<e

Rain~ Snowrn Show ersmll!ll Flurries(!!]

Albany Alt>uque Anct1oraoe Atlanta Atlante Cty Aushn Bal11m0<e Blrm•nohm Blsmarcl< Bol&e Bo91on Buttato Burl1ng1on Chartstn SC Charllln WV CharlUe NC Cheyenne Chtc;aoo C1ne1nnat1 Cleveland Ctmb1a SC Columbus Oat-Fl Wlli Dayton Oenver

80 {'1

88 91 78 74 83 89 72 85 73 71 76 78 90 81

102 80 8t 70 75 59 98 70 68 74 83 74 87 86 96 80 96 93 76 87 tl3 86 7ll 89 88 65 87 85 92 73 85

58 ~~~o~·~·~u~S'....£O..O~·~o~1=c~°"'~~~~~~~:...::::!..-=~:----:-:-==-;:;::::-::::::~ 73 Fronts Cold~ Warm YY OcOuded ~

Des Moines Oet1011 Oululh Et Paso f'atrbanks Fargo Flagstaff Greet Falls Hartlord H .. ena Honolulu Houston lndnapll1 Jeck1n Jeckanvtle Kens C11v l<no•vltle LU Vegas llllle Aock Loulavttte Memp111a M iami M llwaukM Mpl11-SI P NHhvllle N-OrlHna N- YO<k Nor1olk <>11111 O«y Omane



33 60 67 58 61 78 t;O 68 5'5 57 66 62 n 64 80 68 57 81 55 37 69 40 40 47 •1 82 •5 .,.. 80 66 73 78 e1 68 74 73 67 79 82 58 48 72 71 e8 5e 77 tit

Orlando Phlladph1a Phoenix P11tsburf!> Pt11nd. a Piiand, O.e Providence Aeno A1chmond S111 Lake San Antonio Sea Ill~ Sh1evepor1 S1ou• Falla SI LOUii St P·Tampa SpOklM Syracuse Topelta Tucson Tulse W11h1n91n Wichita

CAll'OflNIA Apple ll11tey Baker1lletd Bar II ow Beaumont Big Be•t Bishop Blyihe Cataline Culver City Eur eke Fretno lencaller Long Beech LOI An~0181 M!lflrov. M onlet>ellO M ont11ey Ml W111'Qn ~ ... ~t8teetl

93 74 78 64

tOt 81 79 63 77 58 73 58 72 83 92 46 82 80 90 61 77 e1 72 59 99 76 71 47 74 69 89 80 811 56 80 57 78 65 95 70

t02 73 77 e3 79 89

90 611 95 88 92 73 94 83 73 51 95 511

100 78 78 88 91 68 70 58 Ill 58 II• 8• 87 e11 811 71 115 88 90 70 7t 5e 77 8t

tOO 77 1' 87

~...-.\• --.,.su...._R_f R_f P_DR_T ""' lw1 ..... .... .... .....

9Hdl Ayt .... Ptd A._ ... 11 Dir Zuma t 2 12 1 2 SW S11n11~ 1 2 12 t 2 SW ~ a 3 " t 2 SW San =., eouni 1 3

,. I 2 SW Out ll)r Vtlelay· Lllllt Change


Ontano 93 68 Palm Spr1nos 98 71 Pasadena 92 68 P150 Aobtes 93 51 Atverslde 93 86 Aid Blufl 89 80 Aedwood C11y 77 58 Sacramento 81 55 Salinas 70 45 Sen Ba1nerd1no 95 69 San Gabriel 91 87 San 01-0o 73 71 San Franctsc:o 85 55 Son Jose 17 55 San ta Ana 88 67 San ta Berbara 80 58 Santa Cruz 80 56 Santi Marla 8t 51 S1n111 Monie• 73 64 Stockton 87 se Tahoe Valley 82 43 The1ma1 119 75 Tortance 85 85

WOlllLO Amsterdam 83 52 Athena 88 86 BanokOll 90 82 Btlrut 8• 73 Be~rade 82 55 Ber In 72 64 BIUHl!ll 68 44 B'Alres 68 55 Ca110 113 10 C1r1CH 8• 88 CopMhl19en 64 511 Oublln 81 •8 Frankfurt 17 57 Geneva 81 55 Helalnkl 83 55 Hong Kong 90 82 Jtrul81em 711 81 Jo bu1g 10 3• KJeV 73 H Lim• ea 57 Ll1bon 77 e t London ee M Madrid 88 84 Manti• 88 73 MOICOW ee 59 New Oelht 113 711 Nleoata H 70 0110 83 112 Plll1 70 82 Ptlllng 90 n , Alo 93 ... Rome Ml 81 Sao Paulo 82 e1 5eoul 77 73 Singapore u 1t Slootchotm 88 52 Syd nay 73 52

market Interes t rates began falling The Fed llSl•lf ha s contributed to lht' dec:llnc m rates over th e past five weeks by lowering lls discount rate. the rate 11 t•harges member financial mslltution:., from 12 percent to 10 per<·ent m four steps The latest decline went into c·ffC<·t Friday as that rat<? and others fell to the lowc•st level an nearly two yea rs.

The bank noted that the faster growth of Ml set for the July­S e pt ember period 1s s t ill consistent with its long term goals o r fighting i nflation through slow growth of th e nation's money supply - a tight -money policy that some have blamed for high interest rates and a subsequent recession.

The Fed has set a range o f 2.5 percent to 5.5 percent fo r Ml growth for all of 1982. but Chairman Paul A. Volcker said the bank would aim spec1fically for the top e nd of thC> range and would not mind if MI exceeded the top end temporarily

MI grew at a 10.4 percent rate during the flrst quarter but was slowed to 3.3 percent during the sec:ond quarter. Through July of this year, Ml has ~n growing


An article m a Friday edrtlon o f the Dally P ilot incorrectly listed the cost of printing a resolution about tht· Banning Ranch referendum for the Nov 2 ballot

It will cost the city o( Newport about $1.200 to print the resolution with the sample ballot, off1c1als said.

The Daily Pilot regrets the error.


Reg. $45 Now $19 ... -

',~ ~ . ". I : ~ l H GRINDl.t

a l a 5 percent annual ra lt' Many analysts believt• the Fed

decided to ease up somewhat bec·ause o f fears that 1ts t1ght­money pohcy thrC'atenl'd the country wrth a depression .

However , Fed officials contend weak demand for loans caused by the.> recession makes it possibll' for them to provide thC' banking system with more credit without fears of a new surge m mfla t1on or mt.eresl rates.

Meanwhile. Frrday. stoc k , bond and gold pri ces toppled from high levels of the past week as the Federal Reserve Board reported that the amount of cash m circul:llion had spurted up, dampening hopes for more drops m interest rates soon.

At the same lime, respected Wall Str Pel economist Hen r y

Kaufman of Salomon Brothers Inc. said he expected a temporary increase in shor t - term rates. although he still forecasts declines in interest rates over the long run

Some intPrest rates d id fa ll Friday.

M os t rates in the c r ed it markets increased, however. The rate on 3-monlh Treasury bills. which had declined steadily over the past week, increased about four-fifths of a pc.>rcentage point to 7.88 pc.>rcent.

Stock prices pulled back from the ir August rally and closed m ostly lower The Dow Jones average of 30 tndustnal stocks, which had opened at an eight­month high, tumbled 8.94 points lO 883 47.

Appeals court rejects Banning ballot change

A state appeal s court has re.)('('ted an <iltempt to have the wording of a controversial Newport Beach ballot proposition changed i n th e November clC<'tion

C1tv council candidate• Alan Beek- said Friday the Fourth District Court of Appeal rn San Bernardino had turned down his request for a writ m conne<.·t1on wtth the Banning RanC'h development measure.

Thf.' t·ourt's action was the second rejection in two weeks for Beck A week ago Wedncsday. a superior court judg1• tn Santa Ana also said no to Bee k 's request




~I. l J )



The city-wide propos1t1on asks vo ter s wheth e r a council ­a pp roved general plan amendment for Banning Ranch, which permits developme nt on th e 75-acre parcel in west Newport. should be repc.>aled.

B ee k claimed the ballot wording was ronfusmg because a "yes" vote would mean a pc.>rson is actua ll y op p osed to t h e development while a " no" vote would indicate support

The candidate wanted the ballot proposition to be w orded in s uch a way that a yes vote meant a voter supported development and a no vote meant he or s he did not

MAKITA 804520

Reg. $79,

Now $39 10" MITER



()om 5 n 1 b . $ 21 • 9 s w !h.~I •

f REI POCK IT f With Purcha1e Over $5.00 1o-----------1

40 PC. 50CKIY SIT %& 1.4" Drive SAi or Metric lllll $4.95 2 14 TON FLOOR JACK






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Spending bill veto planned SANTA BARBARA (AP) President

Reagan , turn lna hla back un plt•1t11 from RopublJcan l~den1 In (.'ongrt'iS, has dcc1ded tu ve t o a $14 2 billion euppll'mentul appropriatlona blll on grounds h ls "budgc•t busting" leg.islatlon, it wa1 learned on Jo~riday .

The president wu expected to annoum't' his decision In a five -minute radio addrt.·2'.'I to the nation broadt•ast live a t 9:06 a.m PDT today from his mountaintop ranch.

White House officials believe they have devised a way to avoid a pay less payday ut tht·

t•nd of lhl' mon th fo1 thl· 11 u 111111 ''1 :i 11111111111

m ll1tu1 y )>\' rK01111t•I t hul 11\hl'I w 11>1' would n ·i.ult with a prcs1d l'n llul vc•to Ht·n8tul 1n11y d 111m h t' hru1 uuthcmty w pay tht• •lllurlt•!> on 1rn Inte rim basis.

Admin111lrotion l'\'unonilsL-c urgut• ttw bill co n tu I n 11 $ 9 I H m 1 l I t 'O n l1 b o v t ' t h 1•

adman1strotlon 's rl'qUl•st for pn1gn uns for t•o llegl! 11tudents , th e e l d l•rl y 1rnd th<· dlsu<lvantagt.-d. Al tht• 11ume llm<', thC'y a rgul' it co n t a i n s $ i . I b I ll I o n l l• s 11 t h u n L h c• admlms trutlcm l't'tJUt•11ted for thl' mllltul'y

Money supply up $1.4 billion NEW YORK - The Federal Reserve

Board reported Friday that the nation' s money supply spurted up $1.4 billion in mid­August, prompting analysts to predict at least a temporary halt t.o this summer's slide in interest rates.

The surge left money supply growth near the top of the Fed 's targe t range and dampened hopes that the central bank would take further steps soon that would lead to even lowe r interPst rAtPS

" lt's just one more factor that Is going lO bring a temporary halt to the fall of in lt'rest rates wt·'ve set>n rt'<X'ntly." aa1d Maury Harris, un economis t a t the investment firm of Pa in<>. We bber, Jackson & Curt!.'> Inc

The Fed said Ml , a measu1 l ' o f funds readil y availablC' for s pe nding . rose to a seasonally adJUStC'd averagt' $-1 54.9 b1lhon in

the week ended Aug 18 from a rcv1Sl'<1 $453 5 billion the previous week

Paraquat spraying 011 'pot' set .tU:U liA Y. fla - A large maruJuana t1eld

in northern Florida mav become the first in the United States to be sprayed with the controversial weed-killer paraquat, state law­en forcemen t officials sajd Friday.

They obtained a court order to destroy Marijuana in an 80-acre field near Red Bay in a remot area of the Florida Panhandle west of Tallahassee.

An estimated 5,000 marijuana plants were growing on about :lO acres of the field. said


Don North . a spokesman for stall' Attorney Gene ral Jim Smith Some plants wt•rt• 10 feet t.aJI . he said

"If the s praying OC'<·urs, the fwld will be sealed off and monitored " lo prl'vcnl a nyone from harvL•s llng t ht• po1so11l•d plants, North said .

It would be the firs t police use of the her bicide on marijuana in the United States, according lo the fedl'ral Drug Enforce ment Administration.

Pro-Solidarity rally b1·oken up WARSAW, Poland - More than 100

pro-Solidarity demonstrators were arrested and at least seven police m e n injured in violence t hat erupted in three cities, Pohsh television reported Fr iday.

The report came as the martial law regime accused Solidarity of seeking an armed uprising and Warsaw's fugutive union leader said the independent labor federation's future hinges on protests next week.

Pohce m Lodz, central Poland's textile capital. d e tained more th a n 100 people Thursday during a disturbance involving about 800 Solidarity sympathize rs at the city's bus de pot. Pohsh TV said. showing footage of their summary trials m an apparent attempt to frighten othe r would-be demonstrators.

The re also w t.> re r e ports of a massive· display of police force.

Cosmonauts end 9-day flight MOSCOW - Three Soviet cosmonauts,

including the second woman to or bit the earth, landed their capsule Friday in central Asia and said their nine-day flight proved "women can play an effective role in future space missions."

Svetlana Savitskaya, 34, touched down with crewmates Leonid Popov and Alexander Serebrov in a h arvested field 42 miles northwest of Arkalyk in the Soviet republic of Kauikhs tan, government radio reported.

Soviet media said they landed right on target.

The capsule's red-a nd ·white parachute could be seen falling through the twilight ma film broadcast by Soviet television more than four hours a fter the cosmonauts touched down at 7:04 p.m. Moscow ume (8:04 a .m . PDT).

Miss Sav1tskaya t o l d 1e lev1 s 1o n interviewers she fe lt " normal" and would re turn to space " with pleasure "

Elections scheduled in Spain MADRID, Spain - Premier Leopoldo

Calvo Sotelo dissolved Parliament on Friday and called national e lections that could put a leftist government ln power for the first time since the 1936-39 civil war.

Calvo Sotelo, faced with a rash of defections from his ruling Union of the Democratic Center, set the elections for Oct. 28. He said in a nationally broadcast address


that he decided to dissolve Parliament because the country's situation "does not penn1t, in my opinJon. the open ing of a ne w session of Parli~ment in acceptable conditions of stabiJj ty and efficiency."

Calvo Sotelo's centris t coalition has dropped from 168 seats to 149 in Spain's 350-member lower house of Parliament in the past 11 months.

Rent issue setback for Wilson SAN DIEGO - Mayor Pete Wilson, the

Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate. says h e h as been living free in a friend 's $500-a-month condominium because he can' t afford to pay rent srnCE: separating from his wife .

The disclosure Friday about the free apartment was another in a series of political setbacks for Wilson 's campaign against Democratic Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. - a race

in which Wilson's once-substantial lead has dwindled to nothing m polls.

Donald Cohn, the owner of an apartment where Wilson has been living rent-free. said the arrangement ls "a gesture between two fnends," rather than a political contribution.

But a spokeswoman for the Federa l Elections Commission in Washington said that it might be necessary lo report the free rentals as a political contribution

Poor diesel market predicted DETROIT - General Moto rs Corp 's

outlook for diesel engine car sales in California " righ t now is extre mely gloomy" following a ruling stiffening d iesel engine emissions in the state, a GM official said Fr iday.

"At first sight, it seems the st.andards a re g o ing to be extre m e l y d iff icult i f n o t impossible to meet,'' GM spokesman Mark Cocroft said.

-rf Ftodl V II )'Ou do no! ....... ~-· 1>)'~30o m cai• DtlO>• ' 0'" - 'l'OU' -· ... 11 ... d ........ @d

s-1- ey ond !!uncle• II yo.. CIO nol

::i.~-== ..:, ~~'" .. ,,r:; _..,

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ORANGE COAST Ctanlft~ 1«Nertt11ng 7141842-5'7' All other departmenlt &42-4321 Dally Pilat

Thomat P. Ha&.y , ubll!NI ond Ch<&I EAKwliVt Oiltc.• •

Jane Amari C..c.itl•• f.dilO!

L Kay Schultz Vic.Pf~

and Owector ol ~'llllll

Thoma• A. Murphln• fdl•or

loymond Moc&..on '°"''*

KeM•th N. Gedclotd h . IN.cior al O.,.,otiont,

MAIN OFFICE »0 W .. I 8 ... •1 • ( Ml• AMN, CA lole ll •Cldi.•. 81- IMO. Cot le MeM. CA '2626

CGlllY•'11M t.-1 0..MOJ CN\I Pwltttttt\O CoMIMl\Y. No ,,_, • iof'le" 11111MrellOt1•, • Oll0tlltl m "'IH ot .. Vt•llMm.,,h Nntlt. m oy lM ••~odv<• wll"°"' -'" ' "'mtuk>tlot copvrltfll """

VOL 15, NO. 240

.... ___ .,... __ ... .. .. " . ...

Orange 0oH1 DAILY PILOT IS'1urdoy. Auguat 28, 1982

oe11r f'llot ""4)to b't " lchM4 l(o.t.1et

NO ONE HURT - Two Villa Park youths office rs lis ted the driver as 16-year-old T om escaped injury Friday night whe n the car they Schulz and his passenge r as Bob Rickerl, also were riding m knocked d own a utility pole and 16. The re w as no re port lau· F r iday on what flipped ove r on Route 55 nea r Arlington Stree t caused the a cc:1dcnt, but CHP officials said in C ost a M c sa . C a Ii I ~rn i a ..:.H~i g!?::h...:w:...a::.:!..y-=.P_:a:.:t:;..r..:::o.:.l _ _:a::.:l..:c..:..o.:.:h..:o.::..I ..:a..!p:.!p:..:a:...r...:l.'_n_t_,1 Y::.,_w_ a_s _n_o_t_ in_v_o_J_v_c_d ____ _

Campaign begins in OC for bottle-deposit ballot measure By DAVID K UTZMANN Of IM O•llr Piiot Sl•lf

Fo r the past 12 ye a rs. th e· Legis lature has been routine ly junking a nu -httcr. bottle -and · can de posit leg1sla t1on w hich has come before it

This y e a r , h o w eve r , lawmakers in Sacramento won' t be the final judges of a measure which would require a minimum 5 percent deposit on each beer and soft drink cont.amcr sold in

California. It's the voters w ho will dl>eldc

the fate of the proposal whe n Proposition I 1 comes bdon · thc•m in November.

C'S tabh!.h a ·IO-year landf1Jl silt.• 111 nearby Bee Canyon.

Pumfn•y said o tht•r s tates whic h have adopted t·ontaine r deposit bil ls have seen as mul·h a!> a n 80 percent reduction in th(• a.mount of litte r caused by cans a nd bottles.

In Califo rnia . h e estimated . there could be a -10 perc-ent cut in

the amount of litter Oppos it;on to P ropos1t1on 11

has come primarily from the b e v e rag e and eo nta1n e r mdus tries, supermarke t c ha ins and the AFL-ClO.

They have argued tha l a bottle bill would lead to a reduction in jobs in the c:ontatner industry; adverse health e ffec ts from the s to rage of bo ttles . a nd a dded

<.'OSts to the <.'onsuml'r " I don 't thmk people a re going

tu b<: l1evt• It," Pumfre y said of thl· h ealth ques tion He refe rred ti) 1t as a "scare tactic."

As for )Obs. he said . studies m o the r s ta tes had s hown the re w o u l d b £' a n e t gain i n e mployment related to handling returnable containers.

Propos1t1on 11 qualified for thl• November ballot when its s uppo rte rs ga th e red 535 ,000 signatures earlie r this year

Pumfrey sai d s tat e wide backe rs pla n to spend between $5110,000 and $600.000 for the up<.·ommg l'ampa1gn. Opponents, he· said, are expected to spend ten limes that a mount to de feat the mt>asurc

Opening the ir <.0a mpa 1g11 fur Orang e Count y vo t e!> o n Thursda y, s uppo rte rs of tht! ballot initiative renewed their l o ng - s tanding attack o n " throwaway" bottles and cans which they said create e normous litter and so lid waste dis posal problel'l)S in California.

With th e p a ssag e o f Proposition 11. modeled afte r a similar law passed in Oregon, a "dramatic r eduction " 1n litte r could be ac hieved statewide . they said

It's the last weekend to take in art fairs

Appea ring a t Thursday's press confc rC'nCt' m Santa Ana w e rC' two out of Orange County's three campaign chairme n - Irvine Ma yo r Larr y Agran and Newport &ach councilwoma n Ruthc lyn Plumme r The third is Leonard S ha ne. board eha1nna n of Mercury Savings . S hant' and Agran are Democrats whil e Plummer is a Republican.

Also on hand w as s tatewide c hairman Ross P umfrc y , a former aide to State Sen. Ome r Rains . D - V e ntura , wh o ha s sponsored bottle bill lcg1s lat1on in the past.

Citing the mcreas ing expense of provid ing solid waste dis posal . Plummer said coastal cities such as Newport pay a n especially high price because of the bottles and cans le ft s trewn about the beaches.

The cit y last summe r enacted legislation w h ich proh1b1ts glass containers on beaches.

In Irvine. Mayor Agran said, the issue of solld waste disposal 1s particularly acute because the city is figh ting county plans to

By PATRICK J . KENNEDY 01 lh• 0•11, P llol ll• lf

Off icials o f the Fest ival o f Arts. Art -A-Fa ir and ,Sawdus t Festival In Laguna Beach expect la 1 ge c r o wd s f o r t h is f ina l weeke nd .

Spokesme n for th e w or ld ­re now n e d Page ant o f the Maste r s e v en pre d 1c.t g ood cha nces for good Sf'a ts for t hoS<' willing to w ait tn line for ticket cancella tions.

The trad i t io nall y so ld -out pageant r e-creates works of art with live, but immobile, ac tors who bl e nd into backdrops of pain t ing and light.

" We usually find that ma ny people put off coming to the Festival of Art s until th ey suddenly realize it's a lmost over and then they come on the last weeke nd ." said Fl o ra Ba~s . pageant s pokeswoma n

Ge neral admission 1s 50 cents fro m 10 a . m t o 11 .30 pm through Sunday a t the fcsuva l g rou nds. 650 Lagu na Ca n yon Road . w here m o re than 160 a rtists d isplay their works before and during the two-hour eve ning pageant.

Bass said prospects art' good to fi nd a cancel ed sea t , n o llnJO?


Litt Price Our Price DLC 10E .......... ....... ....... ......... .............. ........ . $130.000 99.99 OLC 8F ... ... ............. ... ... ..... ............... ... ..... ... ..... . 185.00 149.99 OLC 7E ... ....... .... ........ .... ... ................... ... .... .... .. . 260.00 199.99 OLC 7PRO .... .... .... ..... ... .... .... ............ ...... NEWI 275.00 219.99 PASTA ATTACHMENT ···· ····· ··········· ·· ······· ··· NOW INSlOCK 119.99

FREE• sso VALUE C4J151nart St•intu s Stttl Tu~ettle with purchase

of Ot.C 7 PflO at our rqular tow or«

·c.n1t1cate 01191 Special Label OLC 7PK Box

" We ' ve had w a1 11ng lines two b loc k s lo ng thi s w eek and <•veryonc's been ge tting in."

The box office opens at noon for th a t night 's performance. T hose who can't get the $9 to $20 ticke ts the n acn put the ir names o n a waiting list and late r cancellations are sold at the gate a t 7:30 pm . an h our before show time

Fu rt h t•r inl a n d o n Laguna C an yo n R oa d , p a inti ng s . sculptures. je w e lry , po ttery , s tained glass. wood carvings and lea ther goods a re for sale at the Sawdus t F estival and Art· A · Fa1r. Both events open a t 10 a .m . and charge $1 admission.

"The artists have a tendency to lower their pm:cs during the last w ee ke.nd a nd w e u s ua ll y get la rge c ro wds coming for th e s pe c ial s." sa id Ron Ep , spokesman for the 200 Sawdust artists

" And . o f cou rse. many people l'Om e beca use they know th e festival won't be back until next J ulv"

A rt-A-Fair . the smallest of the three shows. features the work of 137 artists without the coastal reside ncy requirement of th e othe r two festivals.

••••• HARDWARE AM 81Cdl CIC*' 1 0Q9 W.tcllff Tiii 1:00 Thurt.

Wutcllff Pt•u COfOft• def Mer H•tbot View Centef 102,4 INIM A~. 3101 E. CoMt Hwy. 1814 San MIQU411 Dr. NNPOt• era.aoo Newpoft a.acn

M2· 11S3 'Mte1ep~ao ~o TJUa, HI I' P.M. Tiii 1 p,Jil

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Orang• Co,1t DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, Augu1t 28, 1982

av PAT ROAOWITZ or ... .,.., ......... DEAR PAT: I use my car to 10 to lbe

ctoctor'1 office eacll week for treatmen&a. -aow do I 10 about clalmtn1 tbe co1t1 on my lDcome tu?

J .G., Irvine Inte rnal .Revenue Service says these

transpor\ation expenses can be Included as a medical expense and the cost can be figured either of two ways. You can claim nine cents per mile plus any parking and toll charges or you may elect to take the actual expenses of gu and oil plus parking and tolls. You will !not, however, be allowed to claim insurance, repair cost.a or any depreciation on your automobUe.

Restorers 'not e ffective' DEAR PAT: Do any of tile over-tbe·

couter or mall-order llalr growing products really won? I've been tempted to try them, bat don't wut to waste my money If they don't perform aa advertised.

K.L., Costa Mesa A Food and Drug Administra tion panel

study concluded that products sold to grow hair or prevent baldness are not effective . Products contain in g su ch ingredients as lanolin, olive oU, wheat germ oil, estradiol (a hormone) and vitamins were evaluated .

The panel emphasized that the most common type of baldness occ~· In men over an extended period of time and is an inherited t rait. Hair loss al so c an r esult fro m malnutrition produced by crash dieting. an iron deficiency , a h ormone imbalance or

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expoeure to radlaUon. ,')udden excealve halr lou or an unusual pattern of halr lou have an und e rl ylna m e d ical cause . T h e pa nel recommends tha t an yon e havi ng such a problem should see a doctor without delay.

Nothing done to the hair shaft once It emerges from the scalp surface w ill influence hair growth , the panel said . To show that J product ls a hair restorer, lt must be proved that the &<.'live ingredient gets lnto the hair root and stimulates hair growth. No product was able to demonstrate this.

Boole appeals to vanity DEAR PAT: I received tlle enclosed

letter from " Wbo'a Who Amoa1 American Hl&ll Scbool Studeata" recently. It stated &llat because of my academJc acblevemeat, I am a mon1 "oaly $ percent of tbe Junior and senior cla11 1tudeat1" included in Wbo'a Wbo eacb year. I find lbl1 1tran1e because flve of my friends aJao received the aame letter. I

completed re1ueated blo1r1pby and paid SH.H to 1et be book 10 I caa 1ee •If my non-p1yla1 friend• also are included. Wlaat do you tblnk of &lala?

J .R., Costa Mesa Welcome to the wonderful world of

vanity publlshlng. T hia book, published by Educational Communlcatlona Inc., has n o connection with the original Marqult ''Who's Who In the U.S." But your name will be published with the biographical lnfonn.alion you provide. AYS notes that the price of the book has risen from $20.95 in 1977, when another high school student made the same inquiry you did.

• Got a problem? Th en write to Pat Horo-• 'l wltz Pat wlJI cut red tape, llettlnll the


arn1wers ond • ct/on you need to MJlve m ­equit.Jet m llovemment and bu.tiness. Mau

~ur qu f'• t ions to Pat Horowl t•, At Your Ser vic-e, Oranlle Coast Daily Pilot, P O. Box Jj60, Cart.t mesa, CA 92626.

Celllng Pana

504" OFF

Sidewalk Sale ITUllHLma 1IOI ltwJ•rt II., 0.1. 141-ll01 .... l •• ,.


with Snt1oir Fnire

Saturday August 28th

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11/n)1111,'< "'"''( 11/ Frrrnt~

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Sulewna I\ rt ~/111u •

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{enl11 r i11g ~1n111 :.: /11:-- . balik t~ w11/1•rl(l/i1r•

And Best­many sidewalk bargains at every shop .. Plan to be there early!

1111 111•11 morn•11u d' Frn11re pour Pous

(gstblief[ \?ilia~ (enter Eas tbluff Drive · Newport Beach

LADIES' PUMPS These little skimmer pumps are simple and smart with

contrasting piping, heel tie detail. and chrome/leather sole . In toast and blac:.k.J

sizes 5-9. 26.n

ANAHEIM East Anaheim Shopping Center e BUENA PARK/CYPRESl~ell View & Ball Rd. e COSTA M~ 17th & Orange (Mal Ccnt.n e FUUE Onmgefalr Mall e GARDEN GROVE Brookhurst & Kat4ila e IRVINE H Plaza • Pl.AC!NTIA Yorba Unda & Rose (ROM lJMa Shopping Centerj SANT A ANA Mlltn Streit Center

- l- - ------t·

Story Teller Old Mother Hubb-ard comes to Huntington

Center mall to tell fairy tales and nursery rhymes

to the youngsters Aug. 27 thru 29

Fri. at 1 & 3. Sat. a1 12:30-2:00-3:30 and Sun. at 1 & 2:30.

Photographic Business Cards A new Al:MltlltrlQ mecllurft to> VOii' ~ &/ti#~ orodUclt

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v Auto Rtv1ne, !WM hMtlan, Met ... Chr- T19t

v I Y 111 W1111nt1


1. STAR WARS 2. CAT PEOf>t.E 3. ARTtut 4. °" GOLDEN POfl.l 5. EXCAt.aJR



2u6 E. coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 640-S093


I~~-- -- --- --­.-

AP llluetr•tlon

~NAL YST - A psychologist believes that the color of je llybea ns you pre fe r may s h ow 90l1\ething about your personality. The theory says noth ing a bout those who don ' t like jellybeans to bf.gin with

Taurus: TiHJe for traveling

Sanday, Aug. %9


ARIES (March 21 -April 19): What seems far away will become available with aid o f one in position of authority. Don't be afraid to ask. to make r:equests a nd to appeal personally in orde r to alleviate grievance.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Be ready for. change, trave l, variety and confrontation with one whoee ideas clash with your own .

GEMINI (May 21 -June 20) : Interest in unusual subjects emphasized - spe<:1a l reading

1•ac1P1 ~terial on mantic arts and sciences 1s highlighted. Family member makes request which , upon careful examination. is reasonable .

CANCER: (June 21-July 22): Go slow, re fuse to be chided into hasty actions.

LEO:(Jul y 23 -Aug . 22) : Basic task s are necessary prior to achieving major goal . Focus on respon$bllity, special relationship and fulfillment :ff retK>lution.s concerning diet, nutrition and health.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Finish rather than initiate project. Emphasis on speculation, games of chance. romance and dealings with children .

LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): New approach can bring end to longs tanding dispute . Proper ty tettlement could be on agenda.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. :ll): Sense of direction ::an be restored - short trip migh t involve unusual meMage from re lative .

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1): Diversify. make inquiries, be in contact with one w ho senses 6nancial trends. You'll locate what had been lost. missing or stolen.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)' You obtain ' fie rules, regulations. Initial discouragement

will be replaced by optimism. AQ U ARI US (Jan . 20 - Feb . 18) :

Communica tion s improve and this a id s in eliminating suspicions, fears. doubts. Member of opposite sex proves loyally .

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What seemed a " lost cause" is due to rebound in your favor . Popularity increases, social life accele rates and you make valuable contacts.

Police endorse ~uke,' BrolVn

SACRAMENTO (AP) ~ California's largest ~w enforcement group is endorsing a split ticket in die 1982 elections - backing Republican George f;>eukmejian for governor and Democratic Gov. J'.dmund Brown Jr. for the U.S . Senate.

The Peace Officers Research Association of California, which rates candida tes on both law-4n<f-order lssue9 and economic issues such as pay jnd benefits, also endorsed Democrats John Van de Xamp for attorney general and Leo McCarth y for rJieutenant governor.

In state Aaembly and Senate races, PORAC ~ 66 Democrats and 25 Republicans during a two-day convention this week.

PORAC leaders declined to gjve vote totals on die endonements, but delegates sajd Deukmejian bad juat one vote over the required two-thirds inajority to wln the jUbematorial endorsement over Deinocrat Tom Brad.Uy, who was a police officer 21 181'S before hia election u Loe Anieles councilman tnd rftlyor. · It cOok PORAC'a board of direct.ors two ballots to p6ck Van de Kamp for attorney general over Republican George Nicholson , but Brown won landJly and McOarthy had been endonred at an earUer.-Son.

A board of 52 direc to r s voted o n the tndCJr•n111nta of the 3~.000-member sfatew1de law ·

t orpnlzation . : Reither Jrr1dley nor Deukmejlan allowed repocUn to Ill In on thetr 1pecchet to the officen, buJ Bradley held a newa conference after h l• appearance while .Deukmejian refl.Uled t.o make any public <'Ol'1UMY\t.

Orenge CoHt DAILY PILOT / Saturday. Augutt 28. 1982 .\3

.Theory full of beans Jellybean colors key lo perso11a/ity?

WAS ttl NU'rON (AP) You • fovorltt• .Jl•llyht•IHI l'OIUI lllthl'llll'K !44 11111 ' bu:.11: pen1Un11llty truw., ut't.'OI uln~ lu .1

psyl·holog1sl who stud1t'\.l thl• c1mdy m08l preferrt'tl al lhl• Wh1 tl' lloulK' these days

Or . Elluibulh M . B ard . 11 ps~chologist from Akron, Ohio. put It this wuy lnl un address tu lhc annual ml't'llng of th <' Amt'rlcun Psyl'hulugkol Ass<X'iutlon:

"Both initial and final jellybcun selections w ere found lo reveal traiui commonly 1U>SOCiated with gencraliu>d adult personality proClles."

In view of lhl' publici ty given President Reagan's love of jellybeans, Mrs. Bard s tudied responses from 98 sub,JeCts from throughout Ohio. Her color choice conclusions. which diffe r for men and women , follow:

Orange -. a male " h as a powerful drive to\fard sensuous ness and w is hes lo find stimulation in an atmosphere of lu xury" while a fema le " has a high need for security" and wants s UC<.'('SS "In spite o~ insecurity surroundinR it ."

Black - a man "exercises great personal charm in dea ling w1lh others" and tends to cleverly "avoid endangering his chances for success" while a woman "desires recognition and control," seeks authority and " is co n s id e red p ersiste n t in h e r demands."

Yellow - a male "desires more

powt·r un<J l'<>nllul 11vt•1 h111 ,x•rN<mul futun•" a nd wu11ti> 1111i t·pt•ntll'rlt'•'. while u h ·mule "dl'lllrCll lo bt· r1•.iur<lt-d u~ u charm1 n.i l nd1 vlduul with 1mpn·~lvt• lnrlul'm~."

P111k 11 mun "St•l'kll pt•rsonol 1'C11Ht'lllllW1H through 1ol1 1111t; b1:1nds of uffc<' ll on" and " dl'111res n t l'ndc r rc.•lut1onsh1p w tm h will rt•:cull 111 tutu I at'l'l• p l ancE'" , wh ile• a WoHHll1 IS "anxwus tu purt1{·1pull' 1n many t•Xpt·rienl'l'S" and "purs ues pc:.•r.ional obj<.'<.'UVl'l> with a f1erl't' 1ntl•ns11y "

Whtte - a man " ultl•mpts lO l'Ontrol his OWll th •!>llnY yt>t ne<'US pra1M· and re in rut tt•nwnl Crom otht•rs to maintain st>lf <.0on C1dl' nc(>'' and a wum;.in "~ks a rl' lat1oru.hip offcoring ix·a<.·c and intimacy" and "nCC'ds to be p rotec t ed agai n st po ss ible exploililtion ."

Purple - thl' male "slnves for a rich life including clo~ relationships offer i ng sex u al and e mo tional ruJ f11lmC'nt" while the femalt' "seeks a mutually tender relationship in w hich h e r partner will s h ow s tr o ng a ttachment and aCCl'Ct1on."

Gr<'<.'n - the profile for this color 1s tht• same for bc>lh sexes. with a ll d('SCritx.-d as "amb1t1ous yet scnsi t!v~" wi th a "st r ong n eed to f et' l appredated and admired."

The man who prefers red. she said, is capable of powerful emotional involvement, while the woman who does so has great charm.

th Birthday Sale al 4 Days


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::~$49995 SAYE 1100

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UYI '30




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Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including fine watches. solltalre diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire. and emerald rings.

SALE NIGHT Fri., 27th, Sat., 28th Soo., 29th, 8:30 P.M.

INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

& 7 - 8 P .M. Sale Ni&hts

----. Property of several prominent leisure World residents. together with Inventory of well· known L.A. Jewelry In financial trouble. Also. out-o f-pawn merchandise. '

TERMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check • Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged

Property moved for convenience of sale to.

108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) Newport Beach



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.... .


I ~




8 Or•nge CoHI DAILY PIL01 / Saturday, Augual 26, 1B82


Plummer's prices are centered on our warehouse program, so you receive the greatest savings on fine contemporary furniture! Shop and compare!

White Lacquer wan Unit

3tor $149 F:::::::=::~

This wall unit. covered In tough easy-to-clean White 1acQuer. features 4

shelves The perfect piece to display bOOks. art objects at the perfect once 71 " x 29y.-· x

11" $98 value

BUY ONE FOR~--··········· · $ 59 BUY TWO FOR ............ !109

Rosewood SldebOard & Hutch

The side bOarct has storage space behind Its ttiree slid ing doors and the match ing huteh offers plentv of display space on toP

~~~T.~~ .. ~~.~.~~.~ .~·~ 495 Hutch 7l x 17Y. x 26Y. . $ 349 $475val.. .................. ..

Here·sttie solution to your space

problems! This efflclentiv designed twln·slze daybed

Includes 2 room drawers all In teak! $229 val

This amazing teak organizer expands to flt your needs. Closed, It measures only 32" x 21" x 45" . Opened It measures 64" wide and reveals a desk tor writing or tvplng,

559 bookcases. a flle cabinet and $ a 1ocken storage shelf! S769val.

Teak occaslonal Tables

This vanetv of fine teak tables come In sOfa·back, coffee table and

end table sizes. providing stvle and convenience.

~ i ~~~!-:·:·:·:·s~2s :r=re; ~~~~~~c.~ITT ~~~'5·~·25:· $19939 J~ ff , ~ .. ..,, $195 val.......... t.lJ

1 expandable Stereo Bench or wall unit

This dever modular design $ 495 In beautiful warm teak can be used as an entertainment center or wall unit. 60 x 17'1. x 27'h. extends to 118" $675 val.

The 4 drawers provide plentv of storage and tne desk contafns a ~.._....t-::;::\ large file drawer too 59 X 29'h X28

1n lustrous teak $319 val

In warm walnut $349 val


Teak TV cabinet

The clever dOOrs on ttilS flne teak entertainment center gives vou "now-vou·see·lt" convenience and " now-vou·don't " beautvt There·s room tor vour TV

and a VCR beneath. S319 val. 39Y1" W X 41V. " H X23 Y1" 0

The one and only 1 or1a1na1 Stt essless Leather

Chair from Norway

Imported Teak Bookcases

TW0for$178 Walnut...TWO FOR s191

RosewOOd ... TWO FQRt249

<> =>

These gOOd looking. f1ame gratn teak OOOkcases are a speclaf direct Impart purchase and are an unbeataoie value Crafted of the finest teak veneer with ad Justa Ole shelves ttiey measure 76" x 12v, x 35· Also avallaote in


walnut finish at sllghtty higher onces a~o ~npl\ ~'~ con\!~ w1tn -tcn1r>0 PVC


Matching doors 539 value s29 White Patio Fumtture

Space age 01ast1c covertn9 sturov steel 9~ long ·term beaurv tor 1ounq1n9 or enteru1n1n9

convenience' Plummer s 1ca11an 0<1t10 tao1e accomoan1es handy , -

occasional raores and vour - choice of smart chair


Outdoor stacking $ 24 Chal~JlS val •for-

utdoor dining table. 35" dla $85 sasva1 . .. ..

Hlghback chairs $29 $42 val

occaslonal tables 17Y•' dla $19 $3Sval

INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE WIST LOI ANGii.ii • 8833 National Btvd. • <213> 83?·0138 11etwt1n ven1ee & wn nrnvioni

INf\'A w • 1540 E. warner• C714) 557 ·0611 •1•1t ovw Id. on ,.,_.wpon r:wv1 IP VALUY • 12240 Sherman wav. No. HOltvwOOd • C213> 765·0401 ctetwt1n HOllVWOOd 'WV & Laurel canvon1

PAM091A 180 s. Lake Avenue • 1215> 449·6741 nwo ~~Of c.ol<nd01 IOUnt IAY. 23855 Hawthorne 81\(d., Torrance . (213) 378·94:1Stcr- bk>Ck nortn Of COHt HWVI

.,...., MIO• Marouer1te Plaza • 1714l 495·3252 tMtWMO c'rown va11eV1 a A.,,.,., PtcwVI

OPIN 10 to I - SUNDAY NOON to S All f\Jmlturt craftlO Of c:ne ftntSt veneers-many"*"' 1rt ~In C9ftOnS l'Or e~ Dtetl up

Pncet 1t1e1'"" Olll ldlM !UDJICt to stoctr on !'\Ind.





. . '


Dilly Piiat SATURDAY, AUGUSl 28, 1982


ll it·lu·.l 11 t •111h•n.011

bet·onu· 11/l-1i111 •

ba '(•-stt•11/i11/,r leu<l<·r. Pugt• 82.


0 ~

Jon·es may go the ·distance tonight Bl. JOHN SEVANO has decuJ1xJ, Ill lcas l .ti. u f Ll11i. moment. w Mulava:.1 hu:.n't said mt1d1 al1oul his 0 th• 0•11~ Piiot 11•" lt•avc Jones i11 lh<• c·ontl'Sl In an e f forl to offt•11st'. or dl'Ct·nsc, l'Xl't •pl tlwt both urc

q h1wt "11'\St·s Bv 1h1 · si·<·ond hall tht•v ploy up mon · sti you t'a11 throw to youi w1dl' rt ~·t•lvt•r:. . But l 'vt• IH•1•11 •iut uf tht· gam(• by tlwn

. Y ou heur 1t c·vNy yc·ar about this Wu) thl· gamt• "right on SC..'11l'dule" t ime if a team is winning a <·oa<•h Malavas1 has seen l'nough players and Th<· Hams lookt'Cl lilopµy tn losing to wUI say n 's building momentum. IC it's Ot•nvt•r', :J:J-20, in th(•ir opc.•iwr, and thl'y loeing, a t'OUl'h will inevitably say that Wt'I ,. unupponuni s tic in druppin~ a

"Tht· r N'l'IVt·r:. wr:.h tht.·y niuld ht• getting tht· ball mun•, hut I've• t<1lkt·cl to them and tht.•y und1 ·r~wnd Thai·, JU:.t the way thrngs Wt·nl tht·'>t· n >uplt· uf gam<'s Yo u t ukt· tht.' 1y p1 1.·•tl w1dt· rt.><:t.·1vcr who's playt'<l with nw m the: past and ht•'s caught liCI passt·s and avcr11g1>d 20 yardi, a t'aleh In fan . •• criucasm of mt.' rn the• pas1 1s that I haVl' a tendem·y tu Lhruw too mut·h to m y re<:eivcrs.' '

winning 1s no big deal, thl· fact ht• got to On TV tonight 26_2:J dt-t·ision la::; t w1..ock 10 Cll'Vl'land see a lot of players 1s what 's 1mpor1.<1nt

You'rt• only allowed om· guess a:. tu channel 11 at 7 Jont'l>. 111 four quartl·rs o f work, has wh1t·h approa c h Ram s Coac h Ha y l'Onlpll'lt-<l l:i of 20 passes (65 pc.•r1.·c•nt) M•lavas1 has taken after two exh1b1uon figures it's about llmt• tu do a little for 1 ~5 yards and om· tou(·hdown He's gam<'s . . and two losses. winning. thrown no 111wret·pt1ons.

Yes, Mulavasi has bee n able tu see And, that won't be an e.asy task About tht' only peoplt· C'Omplaining plenty of players. But then•'s a fuw line against Coach Jaek Patera 's newly about J onc•s so- far art• his own wide that has to be drawn somcwherC' a nd designed Seahawk dt•ft:onse, whit:h has rl'l'C'ivt•rs, who daim thpy'rc not St'eing appa rently that line w ill be tonight allowl'd only one touchdown in eight th<.• ball very much. when the Rams e ntertain the Seattle quarters of cxh1bit1on play Jones. distrt•sscd by sul'h nt•ws. went Seahawks at Anaheim Stadium (7 The Sl'ahawks, 1- 1. lost to Minnesota out of his way this past week tu mend

Jeff Rutk•dgt.•, cissurmng tht· Ram~ ar•· ahead after thn:t• 1:><'riuds, 1s S(:h1.odult.·d It• follow J om.•s Hutlc>dgt', who d1d11 ' t M'l' action against Cleveland and w1~ht•s he didn't SC-<" any agams l CA·n v<·r (ht.• W.J'

sacked t•1Rht umt·s) has c·11111plvt1.·d 8 o f 17 acn.:1 Is for 87 yards.

o'clock) last wee k, 7-3 Tht•y won their opener any ill ft-clings the r('('l:'iving t•orp:. might Bert Jones has already been tabbed by against St. Louis. l.J -0 haw

his coach as l he Rams' sta r ll n g "I've bc~n very plt:asc'<l with the play "Tht• mverages constltull' what you do quarterbal'k He 1s scheduled to plav of our defense," says Patera " Right now out then'." explains Jom·~ " [n the first three quarters . What has not been it's hard to smglt' out any individuals half, they've (t l}e l'Ornerb<ll'ks) t..akt•n a announced, though, is that 1f the Rams because the entire group 1s playing very deep drop. When they do thut, you'rl' Vine(' F'erragamo d(K•s not f1~url' to


LEADS RAMS &-rt J ones will l>t· ut tht- h t•lm wht•n thl• H.ams wkt· ~ St'<illl• · t11nil!ht _a_~~be~h_in_d~a_r_~_r~1h_r_~~~~r_i~~s_._M~a_IM_v_a_s_i~~w_e_l_l _a_s_a~u_n_11_·_·~~~~~~~~~~~~for~d ~ throw in front uf them w1tl1

Penhall's last stand Balboa cyclist de f ends world title tonight By HOWARD L. HANDY Of 11\e Dally Piiot Slaff

LOS ANGELES - Bruce Pmhull of Balboa will defend his World Speedway Champions hip against 15 Lop riders from 10 different countnes tonight at the> Los Angeles Coliseum with Kelly Moran of Huntington Beach and Dennis S1galos of Fullerton also competing.

Penhall. 25, won the world title a year ago at Wembley Stadium in London before mon.· than 90,000 fans and 1s trying to bel'Ome the first rl'peat w m ner in more than 10 years.

Action gNs under way in th<' first o f 20 heat races at 8 o'clock with gates open mg at 6 .3~. Each of the 16 riders will face the other 15 at least once during tht' competition with the c hampion determined on a 3-2- 1-0 point scormg basis for eal'h heat o r four riders.

' "Thl• main thmg I want to do n ght now 1s win the final again," Penhall said between practice runs this week on the 400-meter Coliseum dirt track. "After that I will get involved with other things"

He> is signed to appear on the tclevis1on show CH1Ps and camera crews will film his raet.-s tonight at the CohS<'um

"They won't bother me tonight ,'' he says " I feel really good about this race and have more confidence than 1 had last year There isn't as much pressure this time. either."

Penhall says Kenny Carter af England. Hans Nielsen of Denmark and S igalos are the three riders he fiR,ures have the best chance to unseat him .

Dennis has been doing well in England and he 1s an t'xt·eptionally good starter," Pe nhall said of Sigalos "Plus the fact he's a hometown boy"

Of course. Penhall djdn't allude to the fact that he and Moran are also hometown boys and could also be among the fans' favorites.


.. We wantl•d to makt• su re th<it if som ething happ<:n<'d to him b<:forc the race, wt.· would b<' prnte<.:tC'd "

Moran has drawn the No. 1 Sl.<lrting pos1t1on for tonight's al'tion wh1t.·h meeins h(• will bt• the first rider on thl' starting Ian('. He will fac.'C Pete r Collins of England, M1hail St.<1rostin of th(• Soviet Union and Sigalos an the first heat.

Lmmg up 111 the second ra('c will be· Jan A n d e r so n o r S w e d e n . V a cl a v V c• r n e r o f Cz('(.'hoslovak1a. EdwC1rd Jancar7 of Poland and c~rtcr

The third heat w1U have Georg Hack of West Germany. Dave Jessup of England, Phil Crump of Australia and Jin Stand of Czechosolvak1a

The· fourth and fmal heat will feature Penhall, Kar N1em1 of Fin.Jand. Les Colhns of England and Nielsen. Rc•serves an' Emil Sova of Czc'l·hoslovakia and Andy Grahame of England

After that they move around to get different opponen ts for each rider m each of the remaining 16 heats. All nde rs will ride m fivl' heal raC'es with the high point man at end of the t·ompetit1on declared th<' world champion of 1982

BASEBALL BALLET Reggie J ackson of th4' Angels stru ggles to keep his bala nce after swing ing a t a pitch from Brian Denma n of


Boston i''rtday night. Ar\gels won . 7-6. to keep a share of first place in the Amencan League West

Promote r Harry Oxley felt so strongly about the drawing mower of Penhall for this rat't' tha t he took out a $100,000 insurance pohcy on him -

" W e wanted to make su re that nothing happened to him before our event," Oxley said.

All thrl.'<· ndcrs r<.•prescnung th<' U.S. gamed their l'arly t.•xpc•rwnet· in spC'<'dway racing at the Orange County Fairgrounds in C.OSta Mc>Sa

Moran 1s r<>portedly o n e of thl' loosest competitors on tht' track. Oxley has this stor y about (See PENHALL, Page 82)

A close call, but Angels outlast Boston, 7-6 OOSTON (AP) - Don Baylor drove m

three runs with a pair of singles and Babby Grich belted a two-run homer Friday night, powering the Angels to a 7-6 victory over the Bost.on Red Sox.

..Rookie Ricky Ste1rer, given his first major league start on his 26th birthday , earned the win with relief help the last thfee innings Crom Luis Sanchez, Andy Hassler and Doug Corbett. Corbett, just r~lled from the minors, got the last out on a diving by right fielder Bobby Clark after Bost.on scored five runs the last two innings.

S teire r . 1-0. was a late re placement for scheduled starter Luis Tiant, who bowed

out with back trouble. The tall right­hander blanked Boston for six innings on two hits. but Luis Sanchez came on after Dwight Evans opened the seventh

DeCmces, who tripled in the sixth. The Angels picked up a run an the

second on Tim Foli's double and two groundouts and they also scored in the !ifth on Reggie Jack.son's sacrifiCl.' fly.

c hoice groundoul by Remy and Hick Mille r 's triple knocked in Bost.on runs in the ninth before Corbell retired Dwi.ght Evans on the fly to Clark

On TV today channel 5 at 11 a.m.

" I thought Freddie was going to catch it ," said C lark . who took over from Reggie Jack son in right field as a defensive measure in the ninth.

with a single and took third on Carl Yastrzemski'$ double to right . Carney Lansford hit a sacnfire fly off Sanchez for .Boston's first run.

.Baylor's RBI single in the sixth chased starter Brian Denman, 1- 1. Grich greeted re liever L uis Aponte with a shot into the left -field screen for his 14th homer, giving t he Angels a 7-0 lead.

The Red Sox narrowed the lead to 7 -3 with two runs in the eighth on J erry Remy's RBI infield single. his l.OOOth career hit, and a run-scoring single by Yastrzemsk1.

"Howeve r . the wind was bl owing away from him. and I saw he wasn't going to make the I figured I h::1d a pretty good shot , and took a dive and grabbed it."

Baylor put the Angels in front with a two-run single with two outs m lhe first. Ba ylor also singled hom e Doug A single by Tony Perez. a fielder's

Mike Will (8-4) takes to the mound today against Boston 's John Tudor (9-9) in the fourth of a five-game set.

It's the "no-name' Chargers Workman warns of his squad's inexp erience By ROGER CARLSON Of !tie Delt, ,.Kot llan

For the first time in a long time Edison High football coach Bill Workman is in a position where he seems to thrive best -coaching a bunch oC "no-names."

With th e 1982 seaso n a ppl'oaching, Workman is downright anxious for everyone to be aware the C hargers have but two returning starters on his inexperienced squad .

"On paper. maybe we should be 6-4 (six wins, four losses),'' says Workman.

"We've played some pretty pat hands during the last few years. I know this. wh en we went 5 -5 ( 1977) It wasn't the e nd of the world."

That was five yean ago, however. And Workman la aware of what's expected. F.dillOn fans are si mila r to Yankee fan11, they've become accustom~ to winning ways.

"We get It if the 11COre is just 2 1-7," says Workman. "Som e fans just look and .see everyone hu lightning bolts on the ir helmets. We're very 1poi1ed.

three years. including 32 straight victories, mostly by lopsided scores.

The result is such that despite the fact the Chargers are no longer running around with the unbeaten label, they still represent the ultimate goal. which is "Beat Edison ."

"It's bizarre," says Workman. "Even an passing league games during the summer . othe r coach es show up with their jaws set. It makes it very difficult."

Workman, however , has finally fou nd a way to relax with the a ura of Kerwin Bell. Frank Seurer, Dino Bell. Mark Boyer. Ril'k DiBernardo and Dave Geroux no longer visible factors .

Now , he just puts his hands behind h lR head, leans back and smiles, admitting he 1s obviously ln a more relaxed state.

"This (potential success) could be mor • satisfying than last year (10-0 entering the playoffs) ,'' says Workman, ''because last year we were a"ppo.'ICd to be just that.

.,.., "" ...., ,..... READ CHARGER - Blll Workman, ready to begin his 10th year at the head of Edison High's football team. aaya his team is inexp@rtenced this year.

"W~ lose a gamf' and l 'm sure it's going to be 'what's wrong?' " has only hlm&elf to blame. HI" team" won bac k - to - back CIF Sig Five Conference champlonahJpt within • spen of

''Some ~ple con1'ldcr last year (10- 1 overall) a failure . And now, well, we're the kiddie corps (pllayers and &sslstant coaches).· We lost Russ ·(Pum 11) tO USC and maybe we're gotna to fold up 1hop." who has compill'd a 78-19- l (See NO-NAME, P11e 83)

Dodgers overpower Chicago

LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pedro Guerrero slammed a two­run homer and singled twice and Mike MarshaJl and Rick Monday delivered pinch -hit hom'e rs to lead the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 9-4 victory over Chicago Friday night. snapping the Cubs' four. game winning slreak

Chicago led 4- 3 after five innnings, but starter Alan Ripley walked Dusty Baker to lead off th e sixth Mike Pro l y. 4 - 3, replaced Ripley and Guerrero s lammed his 27th h om e r , a nd f1flh against the Cubs.

Ricky Wright, 2-0. the third of lour Los Angeles pitchers, got the victo r y. with Tom Niedenfuer recording his eighth save

The Cubs jumped on star~r Burt Hooton for three runs In the first . high light ed by Bil l Buckner's two-run double and Steve Henderson's RBI siflJ{le .

The Dodgers made It 3-1 in the t hird when Steve Sax singled home Bill Russell , who had reached base on a n error by Larry Sowa. Los Ange les addded another run in the fourth on Ron Cey's sacr ifice fl y.

In the top of the fifth, the Cubs managed only one run on five su~ve ~Jes, with Leon Durham's base hit knocking In Ryne Sandberg. In the bottom Of the Cifth, Marahall slugged h1s fourth homer of ttte year, cutting the deficit to 4-3.

Aft e r pinc h - hitter Jose Morales' RBI single In the seventh made It 6•4, Monday slugged a lhrec· run pinch hornet' tn Uie eighth .

The Dodgen, who won thcl:r third s traigh\ game, maintained• one-game lead In the NaUonal League West over Atlanta.






!I Orongo Coa11 OAIL Y PILOT /Seturday, Augu11 28, 19H


Barnicoat's triumph paces U.S. • • 1n swim meet KNUX VIL.LK Tc•rm (AP) Ml-.'(lon

911.-j0' 11 Stt•vt• But 11111wl uv1•1 tuuk Hua.lllun Vl~thmtr Sht•mctuv m tlw ruual lt•g uf u vlgl.)rou. :.!00 m...t..-1 htu.'klilrokt• lo chum lhl· Untt.t.-<l Stull'b tt·11m' 1· vll'tory of \ht" duy f'rnl uy in u duul U S Sovh•t 11 w t m m to t'l a t t h 1• U n 1 v .- rs I t y o f

4 2:i :m, kuwJy t;a1m·"' ul l''loru.Ju bt.'1tt world H~·wd huldt•I Hubin Lc>umy In tht' mt>n ' !\0 -nWtl•f (Cl'l'li l y h · In :t:t 78 lil"t'unds; unJ Hu88111t1 w1m111t•1 Vlod1m1r Suln lkov won 1 ht• -1 110 f1 t•t•1l y h• In :i ~ I 07

tu 2 :H Htl In the 200 bn•u11llltlllk1• J uhn Nuber , whu wu11 f(lu1 j(u ld

nll'do lb 111 th e l 0711 Olympll'li, 1ilaw Burnln >Ul'11 v1t'tory from pocihodt· Rut 81.11n lt' llll \ WIU fl r 1•11n·uµH•d Wllh Slll'nll'tuv

lh li. Vl ' UI ·•I v.orltf d1111t1pl11nth1111 In 1-;,. u 1cl11r

Web ter key for Kirkland

WI LLIAMSPORT, Pa (AP) Swndlng in the way of •sixth

" 1 r 11 I Jl h t L 1 t I I " L C" a g u t· d111111p1t11111hlp for Talw11n la a ~ 6, IN pound nght· h.ander

Robt·rtui. Zhu lµ u, u S ovwt ~llver mc'<iah11l tn tht• 1rwn·~ WO hrt•1.1NtJlll okl'o toH·t u U S . opt•n 1t'("1rd t 17.04 - in tlw event 1''11day, t-<lgm~ Juhn Moffot, who f1nashl>d in 2.17 •16

" l JU!ll wunlt-d lo 11uiy l°lllll4 ' to him un lht• lasl 50 (ml'tl·n.) And 111 thl' l'nd, I knl'W I wrn. cl~· tu h l111 I didn' t know how h1:sl ht' w i:nt out,' ' &rni"ool said

U1uni·" li·rl Flout , Rldi S1.1t1gt•r and um hu1 J11 l I 1 .nw~on lo v1,•tory in thl' own\ HOO fr1•1•1tt yh· rl'luy in 7 22 lJ.I , twc, '4'( 0 11d,., 11rf llw w111 lt l rt't·or cl :o.c ·1 hy 11 lJ s lt ·11n1 I h111 llll IUdt•d GUhll'b

Tenne&'K'C 1 Barnlroat , u :l0-yt• 1r ~> Id thn·t• tlmt>

national l' humplon , r ir1111h1•c.J I 11 tw o minute~ , 1.08 .t1t't'tJOd11, whlll' Shl'metov, 18, fln111ht-d In 2:01 .88

Both U.S and Sovil't mt·n domlnoll'd I.he ru<.'t'tt 1-' riduy, lhl' lla'ond d11y of till' I.Oree-day outdoor m~·t .

l n wurnt•11 ' N l'um1>t· 111 ivn . Tiffan y Cohen won 1lw ·100 fn"t·stylt· In 4 . 1 ~ . JI:! for lht· Un itt•d Sllltt· t> , while L arisa Belokon, :rn 18-ycor old Rua.'i1on, cd~ed Bc·wrly Al·ker of R1l·hn111nd, K y., 2·33 IH

Zhulphu. 22, won lht• :.WO hn•u:;talrukt>, b ut wo:s :still lhrt·l· st·c·u11ds sh y of Curwdla11 Vk tur 011v1tf!i i . l 4 77 world l'l't'tll'd .

Mui y 'f Mt•a•tlu·r 111 hc·r only l'Ul't' 111 th<' J ,, y. u Ill hw c•tl . 1 U S t1·11 m a li.o ron111i-tm~ 111 l'•>lll'n , Mui y Wuyt1· 11nJ Lynrwt lt• (. ;l·rn11a1 th,1t won lhl· W1Jm~11 ·i. 800 f1t•t•s1yll• 1t•l.1 y 111 H 15 :t5, {'lghl IK.'<.'<>ndi- r>ff tht• wm Id l\l!JI k

K1rklund, Ww.h., will send &ct! Cody Wl'llslt·r to l hc mound this 11 1 t<'rnuon 11gmn111 Pu-Tiu Town ul Ta1wur1 In th" finat1 ot tht· :$6th LHllt• Lcugut• World Ser1e1.

Another Californian, J eff Float, won the men's 400 individua l nH·dll' Y in

Zhulphu said h t.• hu~ rt '<'OVl'rt·d fr11111 trouble thut phagut-d him t•u1 llt•1

ln 1u1111 lwr rul'•', LarlllfJ ~1rchakov1.1 won ht•r st•n111d mu· (1{ lhl' mcc•t by todgin~ I ,1bby Ktnkt•tll.I of Wt•11t Chl•stcr , 2·15 10 111 :.! Iii ~H 111 tlw 200 bu<:klllrokl'.

'f111w;1n ll•tirns hcivt• won :it ~trw~ht .:urut·~ dat1r1g back to Hl7U, ox wc·ll ui. 10 championships 111 I:.! yt•an;


·Rickey steals four to shatter record From AP dispatches

MILWAUKEE H 1l· k ey la Henderson or the Oakland A's stole his way into the baseball re<..-ord book Friday nighl, breaking Lou Brock's major league s ingl e -season ma rk of 118 by swiping four bases against the Milw aukee Brewers to improve his haul this year to 122.

Henderson broke the re<.'Ord when he stoic second base in the third inning. He added to it when he s tole second in the sixth and second and third in the eighth.

He nderson accomplished the feat in 127 games, 26 less than Brock needed when he stole \ 18 with the St. Louis Cardinals in I974 .

Henderson walked on four pitches with two out in the third against Brewers' starter Doc Medich . Medich threw four pickoff attempts at first base. twice almost catching Henderson as he dived back into the base.

Then, on the first to A's third baseman Wayne Gross, Henderson broke for second. The Brewers, anticipating the steal a ltempt, caJled a pit.chout.

Catcher Ted Simmons released th e ball quickly but his throw to shortstop Robin Yount was s l ightly to the right of second base . Henderson was calJed safe on a head first s lide by umpire Mike Reilly.

' Ma ny in the crowd of more than 35,000. t realizing they had just witnessed history, rose to their feet and applauded Henderson. Several of the Brewer players, including Medich and

, Simmons, extended their h ands to Henderson after he got to his feet and pulled the second base bag from its moorings. Henderson held the bag

• high in a triumphant gesture. f The game was held up for a few minutes as photographers rushed onto the -field. The second

1 base bag was formally presented to Henderson 1 by Brock in ceremonies at home ol:trP

, Quote of the day Reggie Theus, a guard for the Chicago

Bulls, asked prior to t he alumni charity basketball game between Nevad a -Las Vegas and UCLA if Bill Walton would be making only a tok en appearance with

; UCLA: " We ll , most of the players a re •. black."


Upshaw's hit sparks Blue Jays Willie Upshaw drilled a two-run la

ongle to snap a fifth -inning lie and lead Toronto to a I0-3 victory over Nl'w York Fnday night, as the Blue J ays snapped a five-game losing streak Elsew here in the American League, George Brett 's three-run single highlighted a four-run fourth inning and Paul Spllttorff hurled eight mnm s <•f fnur -h1t ball to lead Kansas City to a

~ • ,,» 7 - I victor y over Ch icago , V k~pmg the Royals In a lie for

firs t place in the Western D1v1s1o n with the Ange ls

. . . Tim Laudner homered and Minnesota capit.ahzed on two C leveland errors in a five-run third inning as thl' T wins defeated the Indians. 5-3 . . . Jim Gaoler's lwo­run single m the bottom of

UPSHAW th e e ighth inning l ifted Milwaukee to a 5-4 win over Oakland in a game in which Rickey Henderson swiped four bases to break Lou Brock's major-league record for stolen bases in a season . . . Jim Palmer no1t·hed his ninth straight victory to post his 259th career triumph as Baftimore knocked off T exas, 3-I, in the rirst game of a double-header. The Rangers rebounded for a 4-3 win in \he nightcap as Steve Comer pitcht'CI an eight-hitter . . . Milt Wilcox scattered four hits in seven innings as Detroit knocked off Seattle, 6- 1.

Braves stay on heels of Dodgers Rafael Ramirez smashed a one- la

out, solo homer m the eighth innmg w snap an 8-8 tie and give Atlanta a 9-8 v ictory over the Ne w York Mets Friday . The Braves, who squandered an 8-0 advantage, ke pt pace with the Dodgers in the National League West and still trail by one game

. Elsewhere in the NL. Tom He rr a nd George Hendrick each drove in fifth-inning runs to carry S t. Louis past San Diego, 2- 1, as Joaquin Andujar earned his first victory since Aug. 12

. . . Omar Moreno scored from third base as San Francisco attempted an in ning-endin~ doµbl e play in th e eighth in ning. h e lping Pittsburgh edge the Giants, 3-2 . . . Mario Soto scattered six singles and Ron Oester rapped three hits, in clu d ing a two- run tr ipl e as Cincinnati c ruised to an 8 - I victory over Philadelphia, dropping the Phillies three games behind St Louis in the Eastern Division .

Kotar's tumor found to be malignant NEWARK. N.J - Doug Kotar, m

the reured New York Giants running •II• back . has a malignant brain tumor. pathology tests reveaJed Friday.

Doctors suspected the 31-year-old's tumor was malignant Tuesday a fter performing e ight hours o f surge ry . The ir pre lim in ary findings were confirmed Fnday w hen laboratory analyses were comple ted.

Ex-Edison star Rhodes injured Edison I l1gh prvduc·t (;II Rhoad1•s 5l

suffered u brokc•n ~·011111 hmw al tl ll' C. t Untversity of GL't>rji!W and will Ix· •1Ul fr o m s ix t tJ n1nl' Wt· l•ks Meanwhilt>, al Kansas, fn·~hman Da ve Geroux mov<'c.I into the flrs t -stnnK I ullbm·k ~1 11 1 ;.ift1•1 lhrel' days of prat·lln• S t eve C lowl·r . a i45-pound Fountain Valll'Y lf1gh pmdul·t whu 15. a walk-on freshman, I:'> nuw with th1 · th1nJ t1·am at Kcinsus Troy Seurer 1 ~ b1·111g n ·ds h1r1t·d bet:au5€ of shouldt.•r surgt·1 y Al F n •M10 State, Bryce Malavasl 1~ UJJl 'fat111g ,,., " third team strong safoty

Baseball today On this daLl' in baSt•liall 111 l!lfill The Ch 1t·ago Wh1tl• S o x tratl c·d till'

Balt1mort• Oriole~ 3-1 "' the t.·1gltth 111111ng at Balumorl''s Mt•monal Stud1u111, w lll'11 C hicago's T ed Klusze ws k1 s lt·µ1wd uµ agains t Mill Pappas and bcltt.J a thrl•t• run homer to give the- Sox a 4-3 k•ad .

Or so it seemed. Third base umpire F.d Hurley dt•·d

tha t he had c.•a lled lime oul just bdon · Pappas had delivered the pitch . It Sl't.'mt•d lhat Chicago's Floyd Robinson and Ecirl Torgeson - who were gett1n~ n •ady to come 1 n l o l h e game as deft· n s 1 v l' replacements - w ere warming up in foul terr itory in an area tonsidercd tu Ix• on thl• field of play.

A 15-mmute argument tmsucd, res ulu ng In the ejection of White Sox managl'r Al Lopez and second basC'm<in Nel11t· Fox Wh e n orde r was finall y rc s t<irc· d . Kluszewski stepped up agai n . and hntod out. The Orioles went on w wm, 3-1. lhl' loss being a key eleml'nt m the Wh1ll' Sox's uns uccessful de fe nse of t he Ameri t·an League pennant they had won thl' Yl'al' before.

Today's b1rlhdays: Ne w York Ya nkl'{' S outf1l'ldt' 1 Lou

Piniella is :i9. Boston p1tt·he r Mike Torrez 1s 36. Yankees pitl·her Ron Guidry 1s :.l2 Montreal outf1eldt'r J OC'I Youngblood is 31.

Philadelphia deals Dawkins to Jazz The Philadl'lphia 76t•rs traded II

center Darryl Dawkins to the Nl'w Jersey Nets Friday in exchange for a first -round select ion in the 1983 National Basketball Association l'Ollege draft. A Nets' spokesman said the S 1xers will also retoe1w• an undisclosed amounl of cash for Dawkins

The Toronto Blizzard evened their North American Soccer League quarter final playoff with the Seattle Sounders al one game apiect.• Frida y with a 2- 1 overtime victory, a game which was decided by an own -goal Center Mark Eaton of UCLA and from Cyprc-ss College. the fourth -round draft choice of Utah. has signt-d a multi-year contract with the Jazz. T erms of lhe agreement we re not disclosed

tfesa, Viejo advance Ferguson leads Bills

Charges filed against Coody ~he two division winners in

t l\ e Am e ric a n S peed socce r .Atsociation - Costa Mesa and l'vtlssion Viejo - survived the pblyoffs and advanced to the ~tp.mpionship game at 4 o'clock SJin.~ay with victor ies in the ?T'ifinals Friday night at t he L~s Caballeros Racquel and Sfc>rts Club.

·'ln the opener, three fourth ­J>4tiod goals helped Mission Viejo

Irvine, 6- 4, w hile Costa broke from a 4-3 halftime

Jerry Hall in the fourth period. before Sam Bardakjian tallied his second goal of the even ing to bring Irvine close.

But Mission Vie.JO goal-tender Tom Lytle withstood some late pressure as the Vikings avanced. L ytle stopped 20 shots in the contest

W ASHJNGTON (AP) - Two t ouc hd o wn pa sses by Joe Ferguson and the running of ABILENE. Texas (AP) - GoH pro Charlt's Arthur Whittington powered the Coody has been charged with rC'Ckll-ss conduct and Buffalo BillB to a 20-I4 victory cruelty to an animal in connection with the shooting over the Washington Redskins of a neighbor's dog. an assistanl d1strit:l attorney Friday night in a Nationa l said. Football League exhibition game. T he misdemeanor charges filed against Coody

The victory ra ised the Bills in Taylor County Court-at-Law allegt' he shot and preseason record lo 2 - I . The wounded a dog belonging to Sonny Wooley, said Redsk ins a re winless in three Assist.ant District Attorney Rand;- Dale games. Dale said the 5-year-old Ucrman Shephc>rd

Ferguson sandwiched scor ing was shot in the neck and lhe hips wh1k Wooley's

From Page 81


h1~ 1979 fourth pl•wt• lln1sh in th<: Wodd Finab. " I rPmcmb('r Ill Po l<Jnd wht•n he fini shed

fourth . HaJfway through the rat·e meeting , we l'lJUkln l r1ml him for one· of hii. (.'Vl'n ts We finally dtbC'OWrt.J him in lhl''k or the· pits laughing and .1oking with suml• of thl· Polish mechanics.

UHl· is absolul<·l y S<mous cibout his racmg, but ht> cllX'Sn' t IN 1t dominate• his thoughts. Once he .sits on thilt motorl'ydl', h1~ t•ntirt· c'Omplexion ::hanges. I k 1s a r<.1L'<•r with probably more· natura l talent than anyone• m the· fwld "

S1galo~ has bc.·l·n pl ~1gut•d by a nagging ankle m1u1 y Tnttiillly he· wu~ told he• would be out for at lt·a~t six wc•.,ks but hci.'> followt."C! a rehabilitation program that has m;.adl' h1rn f1l for the finals .

Collin~ was tht• world c·h:.impion in 1976 and is lhL• onl y ll thc·r (OrllWI lltll• holder tn the field ton1gh1

St.arostin is the c.·hampion of the Soviet Union fo~ ~he past three years but d~n ' t t'Ompete in the British Speedway L<•agut• like the other 15 riders. He is the Cirs l rider to 1•vcr win three straight titles m the USSR.

Tickets w ill bt: available at the gate tonight.

Falcons rally to top Eagles

ATLANTA (AP) - Ray Strong scored on a one-yard touchdown pl unge with 38 seconds remaining as lhl' Atlanta Falcons overcame a second -half Philadelphia rally to down the Eagles 24-21 Friday night m a National Football League exhibition game.

The Falcons' wanning score followed a 30-yard pass interfe rence ca ll against the Eagles Roynell Young, which put the ball on the Philadelphia I.

Atlan ta back up quarte rback Mike Moroski added fou r pass completions for 37 yards in lhe 65-yard drive.

Second string quarterback Joe Pisarcik threw a pair of touchdown passes, including a 19-yarder to Tony Woodruff with 3:28 remaining to give the Eagles a 2I- 17 lead.

The Falcons, 1-2. had taken a 17-0 halftime lead on the throwing o( Steve Bartkowski, who fired to two touchdown passes while rookie Scott Norwood added a 19-yard field goal.

The Eagles, 2-1. who could muster only five Cirst downs and 97 total yards in the first half behind quarterback Ron Jaworski , came to life under Pisarcik.

Bast c.aptures scratch main

Mike Bast was the scratch main winner Friday night to highlight the motorcycle racing action at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Cost.a Mesa.

Bast won a tight race from English r ider John Cook , while AJan Christian or Huntington Beach fi nished third before a turnout of 6,325. Rialt<fs John Sandona placed fourth .

In the handicap main event, Dennis Bransford of Riverside was the winner with Steve Lucero (San Pablo), Jim Lawson (Riversid e) and Brad Oxley (San Clemente) following.

Jimmy O'Dell of Kansas City won the third division mai n evt'nt and Scott Talk ington (Downey) was the second division winner.

The racing is a pre lude to tonight's World Championships a t the Coliseum in Los Angeles. No ne of the 16 competito r s i n t o n ight's Championships was a llowed to compete Friday.

to easily handle the Orange ers, 8-5.

Cost.a Mesa received balanced scoring in its win as the Beach Div isio n cha mpions received scoring help from seven different sources. Don Duran led the way wilh a pair of goals.

strikes of 6 yards to Frank Lewis 7-year-oJd daughter. Sunni, stood nearby and 17 yards to Buster Barnett The pro&eeutor said a vetermanan lr•>aled the Body skimming meet set around a Whittington I -yard dog in time to save 1ts hfe

t.•With the score tied al 3-3.

rwan Asaad gave Mission ejo th e lead in the third

Orange did enjoy one lead. 2-I . early in the contest. The Gunners were pa ce d by P ete r Trifunovich's three goals, while Marty k Marikian a nd Ian Singleton added one goal api~.

touchd o wn run as the Bills Coody, 45, was out of tow n and L'ould not be The seventh annual world body skimming ope n e d a 20 -7 lead m idway reached for comment. but his wife. Lyneltt.>. denied championships will be he ld today (1 o'clock) al through the third quarter. the aa:usalion. Corona de! Mar State Beach .

Wash ington's J ohn R iggin s "All I can tell you ls Ch arles Coody did not The competition will be he ld at lifeguard tower ter it would not relinquish. Vikings added to their scored twice on I -yard runs in a shoot any dog," M~. Coody said ··He 1s m no wav No. 5, where a 60-foot long by four-foot deep ditch

losing effort. guilty." I · will be built for the t'Ompetition . antage on a pair of ${oala by ~~~~~~~~~~~_..;..~....;....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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Oru.110~ Coui.I DAILY PILOl /Soturday. Auguat 28, 1982 113

Fl cky advance at trial

Cosw M<•trn's Dun Flt•1·ky 1' among the part1t·1pu11ti1 who huvt• taken a on1• uµ udvantag1· an ttw best two-of thrC'c heats in tht· fourlh round of tht• Stubb11·s California s urf t rials ul tht• Lower Tres tlt>s near lht.• Camp Pendleton -San Clcml'nll' bordt•r

Flecky, who d e featt•d Jal·k C&Midy of San Oit•go to udvanl'l' Friday, took the lead ovt•r M1kl' Sherman of Playa dt•I H.t.•y

O ther area surf(•!'::. 1n th1• fourth round andud<' M1kt· Cruickshank (Dana Point). St•an M cNulty (Capistrano Beath) , Peter Tow n end (Fountain Vall ey), Doug Llamas (Hunungto n Beach) . O<J11ny Kwock (Newport Beac:h) , Pat Allen (Hunllngton Beach). Kl·Vin Bill y (San Jua n Capistrano) . Bobby Burc h e ll (Huntington Beach ). S teve Webb (lluntingtuu B each) and Ball Ward (Huntington Beach)

Llamas and Townt'nd a1 t• paired in the fourth round and Ll amas al r eady ha s a I 0 advantage, as dO<'s McNully uvt•r Alle n . Dennis Jarvis (lkrmosa Beach) won tht• first hl•al from Kwock; Ward leads Wt•bb and Billy is ahead of Ch ris Ban·l;.i (Hermosa Bca<:h).

Meanwhi le, Crull'kshank has jumped in fr on l of Mark Machado of Santa Cruz.

Jeff Parker o f Costa Mt•sj suffe r e d a tight loss lo Santa Barbara's Tommy Currt•n in a split dec1s1on o f the fi ve JUdgt·s Curren is listed as onl' of thl· favorites in the trials .

Meanwhi le, I rv1nt•'::. Alan Lopez was beaten in th<· lhml round by Greg Mungal (Cardiff) Mungal finished second hert.> year.

The su rfing action dr(•w ;:i

crowd in excess of 3.000 'fhe waves w ere from thrct• to f1Vl' feet w ith fair form. The atllun continues today with th<· comple tion of thC' fourth round ut 7:30 and a turnout of about 8,000 is anticipated.

Two ' heads better than ? one. L .. o ta Me a High, and flagey a11<I ("arn,·y, will find out liy llOG E lt C:AllLliON Of Ill• O• llr , llot ll•tt

l'o l' hump10111>lllp~ . n1 most v,lluuhll· ploy1·n1, 1•0 111·t•sld1•11ts, 1·0 a Ii 111111~. 1·11 produ1·t>pi , yuu 11111111• 1t, 111Ust gt.·l 11liuut ~II pt'l l'l'lll huµp11ws1> with sud1 11

.;1 tuauun Cost<.1 Mt•su H1~h. bt'('aUst• uf u

v1rtuul pallll' s1tu11 lwn w lwn Tom J:<'rL·n1·h rL·s1g1wJ has µosi lion as ht•Ud footl;ull (.'OUl'h lhrt•\• Wt-t•ks bdort· tht• slart 111 tht• lUH I Sl'tlSOll , Wl' lll Wt lh I'll l'Ullt'ht•S J 1m Hagl'Y and J11hn Currwy

" LAST YEAR was out uf nl'Cl 'Ss1 ly," says Canwy "This yt:ar WL·'vt• k111d uf M.'llkd down and we'rt> 1·omfurtablL• with 1t "

A year ugo the two sha11•d 0Hens1Vl' rt•spons1b1ht1es with Tom Ware• handling thl' dt•ftons<.'. but with W<1rc taking tht· hl'ad 1·ual'h1ng Job ,11 W<L'ie.'o lllgh (m•;i1 Bakt•r sfll•ld ), l'arm·v "'111 b t· swi tching lo d1·f1•ns1• ·

"Thi::. y1•:ir ll 's our d101t'1"" s;iys ll agl'y . " J11hn has l>t•t•n 011

111 fenst• 11iost of thl' unw Ill' ha1> bl'l'll 1n n1a1·h111g anti 1t ' , Ill John 's lll'1wf1l And, ht•' ll lw brmg1ng in 1u·w. fn•sh 1dt•as , wh1l'h will 11npruvt· him <ls a l'U4:it'h"

Costa M1•sa's s1tu11l10ll ha s t'h<Jnged, d ramatil·ally, J('t.'ord1ng tu Hagt•y and Canwy

The last - minute coaching t•hanges put tht• Mustan~s into a stall• of n1nfus1on and a :l -8 n•t:urd µrl'lty wt'll n ·f lt•tb 1tw S('l'l1l'

"That·s an undt·rslall'mt•nt," soys Carm·y '"It was dt:vaswung to the kids and staff. and tht• community. It was a rough dc•al and wt· didn't rec:OVl•r But n's over. Now . lhl'Sl ' art• uu1 k 1 d s a n d w e · ,. C' g o t g u o d support"

" WE HAD OUR !.('am mt'l·llng al Big Bc.' ar:· says H<Jgt•y. "and l'vt• nL•ver st•t•n so mul· h e nthusiasm frum a coaching staff in my life WC''ve got soml' real t·ompallblL' and eager people

··John and I havC' brokt'n down nur responsibilllll'S Thl'rl''s

COMFORTABLE SITllATIOI\ John Carrwy (l<·rt ) ancl .J11n Hag<.•y, fon:NJ mtu lX'ing t·u -co<.idws l<.1sl H·~1r aflc:r lhl' suddt·n rt·s1gnat1on uf T om Fr{'nch . a11· mun · adjuslvd to tlwir rnh·s this y t•ar and arl' looking furw.1rd lc> tlw s t;irt 111 tht· st';i .011

,dways sonw tl1111g' yot1 don ' I anllt·1pall'. hut w1• 1<11ow 1·;u-h other's rolt•.

" lt hasn't lx.•t•n all p1•adws and crt>am," suys Carm•y . " Wt• gut a httlt· fluk about who's in chargt· and thc•n•'s b<·t·n some Sl'cond guessing. But that's what p.•opl1· pay thl'ir mom•y for"

Past t•xplo1ts point lo u "down year" for tht· Mus tangs Thl• fn.'shmun L<'am was 0 Ill 111 1981 and the• M.>phomon·s l'OUIJ do no t)(.'tll'r than t ht• varsity. µosllng a 2-8 murk

B LIT BOTH t·o..1l hl's d1sagn·l' with th<• aSM•s.'>mL•nl

' · W <.' h ad a n <.' x ct• I I t· n I sophomon• d;.1ss and wt• had thrt'l' of our llt'sl sophum11r1•' playing varsity last y<·<ir" s.1~s lfagt•y

"Peopll' art: gu1ng lo h.1v1 • thre<' nr four days lo prl•pa11• 1111 us, and tht•y'rt• going to havt· lo prc:purt.', lx><:aus1· we'rt• go111g lo move lhl' football

" And. tht•rt• 1s sonwthmg Ill' \.\ .

w<•'vt• gnl somt· sizt:. fur a t·hang1•

W1· 'v1• gol .1 2:!0 pnurid cl11w11 !1111•111.111 .11ld 11111·1 · l1ghl I 111b ,ti ti :1, rn11g111g 110111 lHO lo :.!1:1 pounds ··

" W1·'1l' going t11 lw l11 ·1t1·r ." suvs Can11•y " Wh ;d h;1~ 1>1 •1•11 go.1ng 11n 1;1 lht• w1 •1gh1 11111111 wa-;n't grnng 1111 la:-.l y1·a1 WP't1· 11pl1rn1st1t Th1•n• an.· g11111g t11 ho· som<' di! lt•n•nl f ro11ts and looks (cll'fl•ns1vl'l yl "

E ACH HAS BEEN as.,1K·1..1tt•d with Cosl.i IV!t·s;1 1111 ,, h·11gth\ 11 llll'

llag1•y 1s .1 pn1dUl't 111 ()oy. nt•\'

l11gh (l' ll l ii Hl!111) Ora11g1 C:oasl ( 'olll·g1 . San1.1 8i11 lia1 .1 Stalt· tY.o ,1 .,1rs 111 tht t\rnn and tw11 y<'.irs at Long Bt·a-l h Stat 1· prt-<•t-d1·cl his t·ualh1ng t:1r11·1

Hagt•y sµt•nl four yt•a1' .is .111 assistant al Warrt•n ll1gh and tv..11 year:-. ;1s an Artt·sia I hgh ,1,..,1st,11H lwforl' coming IU Cost.1 Mt·s;1 1n HJ65 Stnl·e . he· hds worn '-1 ' \'l'I al nips. 111dud1ng th1· hl'ad h,, ..,, .h;1ll t:u:.H:h 's fo r s1·vt·11 y1.,1rs :ii oi11

rrnnl Car 111 v .., 1,1r1t•d .11 (;;11'cll·11<1

I lluh .111d I 1111i.h1 ·cl at f<'11l~11r11 111.cli Ix lw 1• l w11 )'l' •ll s 1H Swrrn ( '11111 g1· 1111<1 tln·n St1l rum1•11t11 St.lie · pr1·,·1·th·d hu. c·11ad11nt( 1 ;111•1•1, wl11d1 ht·l{11r1 at Cui>tl.I Mt•'a u11d1•1 Max M11lt•1 Ill IU70

·· W1• d1111 · 1 qut•sl1u11 1•1.1d1 11tlw1 ," '"Y' Cur m·y "Hut sun·. w1· tulk th111~i. 11vt·r You hav1• to hc.·rHI lo k1·1·µ unity 011 tht· staff and p1ohably tht• 1.1bs1JIUtl' sllUllllllll IS to ht• a ht·Jd l"OUl'h, by you1,1·ll"

S h 11 11 I d I h t· M u s l a n g s 1·v1·11111ally gu tu une 1:oaeh, t ':11111 y .1µ1wars l<> bt· in lln<.' for ll I l.1gl'y S<Jys hl• isn't pursuing 'ud1 ,1 s1lualum Thl' dd1•ns1vt.· .1s."g111111·nl p111v1dt•s C<Jr111•y with Lota I b:u·kg111u11d

I l.1 g 1 y ' s o ff l' n s 1 v c• d u l H· s mdud1· t oat hang his son , Scot , th•· tc·arn·, JUntor quartt'rbat·k

"THER E WILL B E sumt· l h.111g1·' in lht· o ffl'n s1•," says l l.1g1·y "Hut we'n' rl'lammg a lot 111 lhl' p..iss uffl'nst• wc:'vc: had , it's h1 •1·n sUL't'C'Ssful for us and wt.• 1·t'1 la1n(\. ll·a1·nl·d under Tum I Fn•11('h,-

" But w1"ll be ba1.·k in thl' 11p11or1 gana-. whith we· haven 't had 1n the last t·ouple of years and wl''ll bf• more o f a quic·k hitting offense. I feel we can run from t hP quarlt•rbat·k spot as Wl·ll as our running bal'ks.

· · Wt·' v l' go t t r l' me nd o us 1n tens1 ty I've nl'Vl'r SN' n the kids like· this"

Tht• uffrnsive staff consist<; of liag1•y. M1kc- Moisa 1rece1vers) .ind Doug Brown (line). The dl'ft•n!.1ve s lciff undt•r Carney mdudt·s K1•rH Paul (secondary) :ind Paul Kahn (linebackers). Allhou~h it 's strictly a two.

platuun system . the Mustangs put 1n 2:, pNcent of their time on 1 h c· o t ht· r s 1 d c of the b a 11 , pl ov1tl1ng l'mergency backup dt·plh

Thl•rt•'s also a new look in

ap1w..1r:mt·<· Instead of the gold­wh111· (t•gg yolk) uniforms. the Mustangs will be donned in silvrr hc•lml•ts and pants and kt:lly grL·en jers<.'ys.

From Page 81

NO-NAME. • • n·nutf 111 J<:d1,.on in n1111· yeonril , lovt•i. 1tw so-<olh·d 11dv1•1•u1y

011 ont• hund lw' ll tt·ll lht" W(1r Id oboul h111 young ... taff. but ht"" qu11·k 10 11rf1·r iJOflthcr 1111e1~hl 1r110 his KlaCf, wh11·h 1nl'ludl·li Tt·rry Lon·ntwn anr.J f1vt• l'X Chu1g1•1!1, Hwk Purnt."11, l)Jvt· Whitt· . Mu rk Takk1nt·n, Jt·fl ll ydt•1 und .lkum Glosht·n

" Wt•' n· o vt.•ry c:ompt•t1t1vC' grvup," says Workman " You don' t wan t to gt>t into a half l't.IUrt b;1sk1•tl>all gaml• WI lh OUI swff "

Su, lhl• prt.•l>Surt.', off, right? Not 11l'C.'l'!>."<lrtly so

"You want to do a g1xid Job,": admits Wo1 kmon " But tht· ; t)(1ttom l11w 1s you l'an't win C IF : or lt•agu1• 1•v<.•ry yt.•ar

"Kids aren't failures 1f tht.·y : don't, wt• JUSt ask thc•m to -c.Jo tht•1r lx'Sl

" Wht.·n you'vl· won , then."):) .always prl•ssurl' lO win mort·"

Workman dol'!. most of the offens1w play t'alhng, w•th Rick Purnt·ll's input , and he says 1 hc·n ·'s a lo t more• to 1t lh<Jn figuring out thl· 1dl'al play for a third -and -f1>ur s1tuat1on .

··Yt•::., we'n• rl'at·ltng to what wt• f ct>l 1s what they (lhl· oppos1t1on) think . And, we're thinking about what we've done in t ht.• past

" High sc·hool football is getting prt'lly soph1stit:ated . We know our ow n lendL•n(·ies, and purposely try to break them in o rdl'r to throw off computer readout-;"

Wllh five Sunset League C'hamp1onsh1ps m the past six yea rs undt.·r his belt, the 4 l -ycar-old produC'l of Whittier College has put Edison a t the top of evl'ryone's hit hst.

The Chargers began the l'Urrent season a week ahead of (•V<.·ryone as they prepare for their opener against Punahou High 1n llunolulu Friday.

Call 642 - 5678. Put a few words lo work for ou .

Sports on TV 11 a.m. (5) 11:15 a .m .

TELEVISION BASEBALL - Angels al Boston .

(4) - BASEBALL - Houston at

Practice makes perfect. i»A~ll.~l!WOOD-

-;------- ___ , - -- - _.........,._ Montreal.

2 p.m . (2) - GOLF - Third round play m the W orld Series o f Golf.

3:30 p .m (2) CBS SPORTS SATURDAY Hector " Macho" Camac-ho ( 16-0) vs Johnny Sato (31-13-1) in a scheduled 10-round lifhtwe1ght bo_ut taped at Atlantic City, N J J\lso: A rt>port om tht: World Basketball Champ1oru.h1p in Cali, lombia

4 p .m . (7) - SUGA R RAY L EO RD 'S GOLDEN GLOVES - A recap 1981 olden Gloves tournament and the selection e all­tour nament team

5 p.m . (2) - PAC-10 PREVIEW (Football) -A team-by-team report on the upcoming season P> - WID E WORLD OF S PORTS - Same day coverage or the Little League World Series from Williamsport, P a

6 p .m . (4) NFL F OOTBALL San Francisco at San Dit'go in an exhib1t1on game

7 p.m . (1 1) - ~FL FOOTBALL Seattle at Rams in an exhibition game.

RADIO Baseba ll - Angels at Bos~on . 11 :15 a .m .,

KMPC (710); ChiC'ago a t Dodgers. 7 p .m . KABC (790).

Football Seattle at Rams. 7 pm . KMPC (710).

A YSO region seeks coaches Coaches are being sought for Region 120 (Costa

Mesa) of American Youth S0<-cer Organization Anyone interesting should phon<' Matt Collett at 662-1125 during the evenings

The A YSO season off1 c1ally begins Wednesday.


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---- -

30 31

A ug. 21 • Allttl1 '' &)Ion 11 JO t •Iii\ •I Docl1•n . I o~

_..__ Sept. 1 2 3 . 4

•b , h ~· • 0' t '1•• .. 10

l1itlHJnti111\ 11 M tt•Mll• jtll

N 1V1lhh t Ba~•'' 11 Gut,n•f(• 1f

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tiu\: ._ 111•1 11.J I) I l I )I I •I Oodcen. I I~ \I l •I Ood11n , I J5 P111le\ •I Oodcen, I 1~ 1•,, ,1lt\ '' Oodcen . IQ; -l)l.1,h.11uu t.f '. 0 . • '

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J~1llll'-llt If t 0 U 0 M w.ihil\tl 1000 •Anctls al M1tw . 1 I 30 ChtO&O 41 Anctlt, I I M d&U di Anatll, I JO

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I '\·tw'llt t j 0 U U IU•w11 \11 _. () 0 0

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l'rnly11 oouo 12 13 14 15 t6 17 18 Amerio.,, le•gue WISTE .... D1v1sroN

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'" ' "'

" II l l1•Httt11t b1 fl 4 ... '· I ·h W U'f -o•, H

Frld oy'o Scor .. Angelo 1 Uotton b tt m1mrn~ ' J Tth1:t111 1 -' t Vtnuto 10 NuN Yoo. ~ M1l""u.1iilf·•• t, Oo" lurnJ .a "UP~.t• C"il) f ( hlr \.llJU I M11t1••1•11tu '• lh• ... tolJf•1I l ~ir·fu11f ti "-i~i.tlUt 1

ToC1e f 1 Oe m .. Ang••• (W11t e 4) "' Hoston 1 I Y•lllf I 'JI Nt•w Vo1-. ! M otgon fl d) u1 tur o111t1 1$11~"b

tJ ,,,,

'•' •tt\ (St,hmutt 4 4 1 ut U1tl1unu1 .. ,o MjHtutt·l l l 101 fl

Cl1tliilull1) H 1111Qft"J,<1 9 141 111 M 1IW,ht h•·t llf1W" 1J 81 M

kt1ns.-:. Liiy (0h.w 9 m 141 t hu .. 1111•• 1 ftum~ I I 41 t1

l:1t•vulM11i l Su1'.l11Jl• 11 .. , ti M11111r-11o l;t (Ol v-rmot ., :,, n

llttl•Olt (f°'(!ltV 14 /) •ti '>•11"1nlt• 1l,11•1nt:.h•, 11 .,.,

Netlonal league WE STERN DIVISION

W L Pc:t 08 Dodgero n ~1 SSS At1on1a 10 S7 ~" • I SAh D•l!QO 116 bJ s 12 f, Stt•• rtnnt..1~· u 6,. t·~ •'J6 8 HOU"OI' b'I b& .&1;9 I I

St t ""•' Ph 1udtt•uh1 • M ont, f'•lf'\l•UrQh Ct,'> N,.,. York

'"'o '" ''11 , I EASTER N DIVISION

I '4 "0 '~ ...

611 bO t>8 w ~1 7J .:.o 7b

b I I •

Frldap' • Scof•• OoOgtr• !! ChteUQO 4 C..1nc1nnJl t Ph•ltJtlt.-lt ht ' AUanti\ '• Nt-w \'Of" 8 ~· lOUI\ 'l Sttf\ lJ•tl\fO I P1lt'\b•Hqt1 \ fr''" Ool~ g1m1t•'lo \ChN1Vled

foC1ey'1 Gem .. t...h·c:auo

10 1(11" tN•,lt"'t t5 .qi tt DOdg•t• 1 r1•-u'\c

•tnv'¥tCJrt •Nw• 11 1 17 qi ti Mon1r~11t 1ljlil1' 11 61 P111~t>u,Qh 1R.ot11nhu11 1 ~ r1 JI :-. 1111

r 1 t0\CISCO fH8"lm&kfflr 8 7, l.••'C•nnull tPa!ttor.- 1 9) ot Ph1ldcJPlµh1u

IKru kow 11 11, n AH&nl..a tMfthhu 8 rq at Nt•w Yul~

1ow,,ht-v O 11 "

AMERICAN LEAGUE Angele 7, Red Sox 8


Rerny 2t> A Miller cl Evan• rt \'"itlrnk 1 Oh l. ..;n5tor1j tr StJplt-1on Nt<.l'ltil' If H o ffm•o S\ 81 .._.,,~ 1t> Ahf"t"\On < C..t Jmdn C Pt•IPl f•h

r '''~

•b r h bl eb I h bl ~ 1 1 ' Onw11.11y 11 ~ 1 I I ~ 0 l I 841111quO/ II 0 0 0 f/ ~ 1 t 0 Ctlrf'W Ii> ~ 0 2 0 4 ll. I Ri'J&C~\ur\ rt 3 1 0 I JOO I A Cieri. rl Ot'OO 4 0 I () Lt'"' Cl ~ I 1 0 4 1 l () Oe<;11ic .. , 'll 4 ' ' 0 2 o o o Bayw on 3 1 ~ 3 2 J 1 0 G"ch 21• • 1 I 2 )000 foi. » ~I 10 , () () () 800 .. ~ ' • 0 I) 0 I() 1 I

JS t> n & ,., .. , .. Scot• by Inning•

1~ 1 1n 1

<... i tOfn1a ~lU vt ~ UOO 1 eooton 000 000 12) "

OP Bo~tt>t 1 L 08 ""d 1lr.v~1:l "' Bo .• tnn b ~B l rnn Fo11 Gr "I Oo w n1n9

~t:~ 1 ~~~m',"t!~ .. 9!RO ",,, ~l t~ h,o~s, SF R~ J8r • n l •n•lo1d

Ca lllornl• IP H RERllll SO I 0 J

4 0 1 , 0 u 0 () ()

1r"11•1fW 1 01 L '; Ht(.hf!f 1 1

H.p • ._ rt C .tJtf'f"Hi~ t 11

8011on Ot!"mAn; l I I t Ac .,n fP


., '

4 6 • 2 t n •l

IJ b'"" b 1 u I I 1 4 3 0 0 () 0 J

1•11f P't p1t<.ht1d tn J fllH~fllt\ '" lhfl 71h , 2 )~ "' ll ~ 10

FIRST GAME Orlol .. 3. Reng•ro 1

' '" I 000 ()()I 000 , b I "·''''''1C"I'"' ,oo o 10 oh :l e o

~m•ttt~on .tnd Sun1t b~ro P tt m .-u ~·I" Jt.tn11J 1Q1 .\'•t i 0f'IMOl••v W Pa1m1u l I J l Sm•tl1'on 0 1 S StO<lctdrO ! 121 HA Battimo''* $1note1on P2•

SECOND OAME Re<>11•ro ' · Orio! .. J

TQ O I OU ()1)(1 ()(/() 4 ,,

•• • ,.,,,10,f 200 010 ()ht) 8

f('>~f .um """'",., !31.,'#l'I ElO·iOI \,rt

,. t ..... , .. ,.., 18) •rld NO'•n w CC.ut·i:t, I • l St-wart 1 7 HR• ·~-.\ l Jvf " IO" 161 B&01""1or e S·,• 1 '' l MurtiJy 1241 A 20 J&8

Blue J ayo 10, Yen-Ml J N~w Yor~ JOO 000 000 3 11 foronlo 120 033 •O• 10 13

R>Qt>eth rr ., .. , 161 3no Cf«c>~ ln ~no B M•rltne< w lell 'I 1, L R1o~•ll • 8 ~ HR1 lO•O"I<> EIHI -ro 1111 R M Ar liflt'I f6 A lA • J8

Twin• '· lndl•n• l Clev"4ano 000 000 no • '2 ' M1t' P'°ta 00~ 001 00• ' 1:i. t

<..orensen .rnd t1A~M""Y A w111 •" , q ():-ivtS, C 1) enJ l 3Udf\f'>t' VI A W1lh HO\ ' 7 L Soren .. n 10 10 <; R 011v1~ I 1 ~I HR MlnnHota lavdnf'r 1&1 A 6 639

Royel• 7, While So• 1 K&nsat City 00 l 400 00' •I, Q Ch•CROO 0 10 000 000 4 0

Spfl11otft A•m~tHJn(l (IJI iHH.t Wdlt'\1;11 Koo>man 8aro1at (41 HtC~fty 181 Kt"'' t9/ •1'<1 l'ISk W $p1111ortt 9 1 l Kno&ma" 6 G HA - Knn1a• C:.lly A•~• ns !91 A 42 .21~

8rew•r• 51 A •• • Oeklat1d 000 OOJ 011) • 4 l MllWPU'ff 002 001 0~• ~ 1 0

McCalty T uno~•wond "I H~nn• t41 O wthtnko tlll ,Ind M H~Alh M-11•<'• Fl"Qf'<l 191 onll <,rmm.,.,• W Ml'd•th 'I I l L Henna 0 I S F•nQ''' 1291 ttR OlllCll!n<I MIJfph~ 1'01 4 • f,11()

, . .... 11111'•

IHI I 11 f)'-1

f v l1I 1 ~ IU \.f Ir-I.ti

8~or• br lnr1lnQ1 "' .. t' .

( rut ,, •' \00 0 IU 000 Lu:> A tit~t·I•" OU I t tft I h ' '

E la;.U\.tlt (h .... , l Oti l hh.MUH ,. l U'\

""Ut!lt·~ ' llt I\" >11ut UU Moo•hotll t .. I Guelft'•t• 1'17t ~ut•01.1 1 1 i ~B W•ll• t ~01 l•lf\dtf'lau • 1n <•ut•fl•'' • I H1I •, ttc1ol •t

H~·"''"'°-t. ,r , , Chl~•QO

th1 ,,.,.

"' 1,1 .. '•N ti1·r t ' ''

IP H REA 98 SO I t I

I) II , 0 0 0 0

1utuw .• J l I It lOt An11e ltt

tlwtc,1 lt • 4 1 ' .... ~·· ' Wh ~•1tt'¥\-

u u ti tJ ,,, J U I) 11 t "4 1l•fl~ , ,, ••• , ..... )( U U ti I

It I ••• , I _, I d ~

1 •,I A '· ,i,

Redo 9. Phllll .. I (. 11,H 'l 10 t()H 0 IQ H i; t •'Htl.1\1• lt·ll• I (10' tJOO ouo , l Q

11'> tho, I It \Ill\' \ tU1')h:lll~Ull J JhH'd 14l 0)tt•ui•1 1b) M 1111\W t/J. M"'l11uw 111) d11tJ H 111 11 W , 1lu l 1 lJ t C. t111t..len1011 o ~; HR '1n11;111i 111 r<1nnth1Hlii1 12• A S 1 4 1•1

Bra-;•• 9 . Meta I A1l.u11.i l\b uOO 010 \' 1 ;i I Nt•w \'-"" l)C I .'ii'> 000 t' ,. '/

W,,11-. ,,,. I .1111 " M 11C"1r 1• I 1 ,111~t ')111 11t u t •'""1 f.ttl t.1111• 1/I Huu,0111h •ftl C>t1 Mc l f '--' i •H 1

11 uul ttM .. Jt• W M 1('ltt• "fJ 11iw,1 u I 10 tHh At11t11t •

'.011 ''" I ;1 H111tht• I 1f:t A, 14 IJJ

Cardtn•lt 2, P adret 1 St LO • > 00l' J. 000 2 IC 0 s Iii D•PU t o ()()(\ oon I 0

A of1UJo1' I' .. o 1to 1une ,u1 ctr1t1 futut t' f 11•1 l I fl ff ht•l l t•'Jt'; I&,, (..11d1'- 181

1••t..1 K• "" 1•t•'r 'I. a.11d,1111r t(\ 10 L •1tf'l• f ft A \~ 8 ft

Ph• t• • 11 Qlan t1 2 P11t')tiu19t <".1· f•or•c

.'0 GCIO 010 J 8 I "\ '~ 00 \ 000 I t n

Rr.eoo'°'' "''-'Ma-, ,,.')

Seu•' / 1A1 •'"d T Pen" l ....... .,

Pt·n1 fQl A !id.

W R• .ih•h ~ \\ I l n~•1r Sc: "• 1 '11 tO-h•r ,,,Qt t SJn t '"'1, 1tco t: 1it A11'1 t t • 1

Llllle league WORLO SERIES 11-,2-yur-old•

(o t Wllllamoport. Pa. I Frh:t•f• Sc.or••

"'>·•'''"I.• I la ~ fitst on ~1,hl pl.tC"lt\

0 I ,1 .. 1••

W) OrrttrtJ M• 1 0 ut t.- C it•u(l.i / tihird ploce)

Toeler ' • Champlonohlp t\1d,•,1nr1 "V;. ... h 1\ T1:11w ''' 1C.huun1

,, American Legion WESTERN REGIONAL

l et Grend J~ncllon, Colo.) Frlde y'• Scor ..

AprH'\ t5 Phoen 1"' 1J1JJt1 ''" • f'll1tmn.-1~J 1

r JT._.110 AIOu•lu~n.~Jt t fA.tthJOVl•t ,. 1•

tH•m10 .. tt!J)




W l T Pct , 0 667

' 0 0 • 0


!>()() ~ 000

Da •a• 1 0 ~00 Pthla"t'IUll1.J I 2 0 JJ:'I N v C.·~"" o .: o oro St l0v1' O 2 0 000 wu111n91<,n 0 't 0 000

CtNTR.t.l Dtvl810N lampa Ba, ~ O O 1 000 Gr~en a~, 0 0 1 000 M•MP!Ol) I 0 667 l':IUC.>Qn I () 5()() Oe••e>1r 1 0 soo


Oe1 · • ' c;\)11 [ •l'•JI


flHll "1 .,,.

o,,U,1· •i. ··'~

WE ST DIVISION 2 0 0 •000 l ~00

' .. 1)(1 t (I !>00

1 I 0 <,()() EAST DIVISION

0 &61 n 661

t •I SOO V 11 • 0 ~I)()

"'~""" E ''<i I' • 0 ()()'} CENTRAL DIVISION


A7 "' )() <)

n, }5 •l ~q

•f, JO• •7 bb , 1 l'l 13 JO 34 66

63 20 62 •6 5• J7 49 • 2 ~6 33

'.0 ... 44 ~3 13 44 29 26 11 1

61 41 •8 4~ S? 17 18 2• 27 38

••vC" 1· t

J'H).f 0 I 000 4) 19 0 I()()() J7 JO

1 0 !>OIJ 38 5J o • o ()()(\ • 7 e7


lonlghl • O• m•• ·,~1mw~ ·•' A•m• tt ".rn11t1 11 11 1 U.1lhmurfl wt r••ll•lluruh UulfO•I ul l.1hCt1lr1.111 ',1 lW•~ u1 <..:1uc..1QO Nt1w YOH Jfll~ --1 Nfljj!J "Olk f. th·"'' ' Ctt.ivttlUH\J •1 Nuw Or ..,.

M•·'"" dt """"'**' City N •. ...., r ,,(11.1mt dt 0.,11 . .. •, 111J t Ultt1\'-V ti '• 1u (ht tJU t(,,. I 100•·1 ,\ t i ,,, f ' ''''"' f .... ., ti lh 1:tlUt

Sunday ntghl 1 gon1e CtlllFI u .• , rtl l(1 1 /lilHJf ..., , .... ,,., ••

< r ,,,,..,, ~ ·1 o til

NFL EXHIBITION Biiie 20, Redek ln1 14

Score br Ouorlero u~otldltl () & '"' 0 .-o w .... ti1111.,11111 o o 1 1 1•

fh1t t t4Vv!"' t.J llW5'\ from FfHQIJ'"" tk1t.k

f1uh .. ·\J• tiHI WU1ttu1g11m I rtm (Andttl'°IUli ktC. ... J Wo> r11gg11i. I 111" tMtllor "''"I B~lf BLtr!ltHt 11 ""'' t'o'" fu,uu10,,

(,-,nd.~rsou kit ._, ) 1Wu• A 1001n'l I fUO MOSUIOV ~1c;1q A 4.' ~ 14

lnlllvlduel 81ell1llc1 RU'•lilNG Bulfolo Orown 9·36 lelll"

9 U1 Mu;it"v \ ,n1nu~ 2 Wtutlmglo11 11 73 Mum•• t.t 6 t Kotltn 1 3 WO\hmgton R1gQ•ns 11 •.1 Wash1ng1r.m 4 22 Wonsley 3 B Mon~ 1 18 t t .. rmoo 1 t> 1ne1smonn , 5

PASSitl(, Bu l lillo Ferguson l'J 1~ 1~1> .' 1(011"' 0 0-0-0 Mosley l ·O·O·O

W1t'\,,1l1'11rm l ne1t.rnaoo 30 11 1 t1 0 II( l ~ IVrN(, llvtldlO Piccone 4 •B

llrr>wt ) 22 1.1 unoll 3 3.l Tuttle 2·27 Le"''' I h M1.Nru 1 !I Garc•a • 15 Wasn1nglon M''' • 41 4 J W 1llidm\ l 46 Ce "Jtet 3 <4 1 Wi•l~t· .• •~ Watten 1 1 Jac.,,~on 1· 7 "-' ''"\'t'\o 1 1 Gaue11 1 1~ Httrmo•• \ 12

I IC l 0 <,OAL S MISSE 0 ButrdlO A1•\Jt•, .. ,,, , 1J Wft!>l"nQIOn M osalt'y I 40

W orld SerlH of Goll (•I Akron, Ohio)

l r 1111 I tHIPt

hol ~111·.1" ll,ly f l111d

f11m "'" t.1i,,,,._. S1r.t1111• 1. ' ' "'Y Wnif!. +fl" M.l\Jtllf !I Y 1H.1lll1 1111

1• H+ Au"1 ( 11 ... 111 JJ ..... f'tU!lt J\.l~I ti •I> •t fH,1

fU•IW'l W11 ·. 11 St.otl rte, h

A'"'Y 01 " '

J:\f ~ N1 Id 1.0.., r,.,,, w.~ ... pl h•rtr ~'Jh

tMI AUfJt-'"' <; ,,... ro1r1t ( •

r ""' Oilf': r m wa1\0t1

f '•·•'rla'le' l rO\t .., (ieoHJft Ouu1·i fivb C;1ldt•r loUt 1 ,,u 1 11

lt'\I I l • f/ • I

d ,, "''"~

;o ""' 1 ib bQ (..I 1 ,,. r.q. 11 1111 II nll 1·1 t • ' 71 •4, ;l> 1} i.i. t··· 14 14 1 7l 6~ ;43 71.71 144 ,.., 71 l4!i 1~·11 IA5 It. 7() 146 t1 7 I Id! '1 -:c., 14f 7 I l fJ 14 I •t, 1i t4t-' ,. ; , 14F' '"q ~o 14~ 71-17 149 1'~· 1'-, 1.,f'l

73 II r;o 76 ;;, 151 H '1 •SI l!J 8t •W

81 WO

Henredon CIH•k: (el High Polnl, N.C.)

!'>•nOr• Ha)n•t- 73 -84 137 O<.am t Oa1 t>y 7 1 68 139 Hr•I•• Side) 68 71- 139 (.. llhy ~hfl'fti. 69 ,, 141

Do""• Cat: n 68·13 1• 1 J0Ar11,f' C a;rr f"t 10· 7 1 14 1 Amv A'<••ll 69·13 1'2 Pol• R111 0 10· 12- 1•2 O""''ct tf Wrt~h • 1·70 142 "At ttradt,., 12· 70 - 142 J.1nf;I C;ulH 71-72 - 143 f'Mr>f Pull 73-10 143 P•tty S1,~na1• 12-11 - 143 Ja" r~rra "' 7? · 11 - 143 Jerilyn Briu 10-13- 143 lOrtHu.,.J10IO 73-71 14• Jo Aon W&!f.ht1n1 7") . 72 1•• lnuru.-.ur•b•Jtt 73--71 1•• San<lr• '\pu11ch 76-68 144 Syt.ia Oer1old<'"" 72·7? 144 Sh~ilflf H8mhn 73-71 ••• At•••noro Re•nn1101 70 -7 4 144 N8nr.v lOPfll 12-72 - 144 SuJll' M'Alh~ll'• 71-72 144 K•lny H1l<1 6~ 75 144 0.Dby Rhod~' 75·70 - 145 Bf't•y Krng 72-73- 14~ Ka•M PermP1~1 16·10- 146 Pim G~tz~n 71-75 - 146 V>e~ Teon1 7• 75 146 s '"' ltlll~ 1S 11 146•h, Am~"1 7S 1'2 1•1" Sur (•I• 73 7• 147 8•11t 'iotomon 73 7• 147 l•on0<~ Mu•eo•e H -73 ••7 Kath• wn.tworlh 7S 72 147 Ah~ ~liller IS 72 147

vnn Adem~ 15.74} t • 7

Play Better Golf w ith JACK NICKLAUS

l>ttM ·• '1k tot1tO O.,tf1f11•· MAn·.-'t' V :t9'1 ~uuq•t ttlt J.,.t~ c 101 111 ,, ,,, ,_,,,..>.tJtly

J~···· 'nt~ Cttt Jt,f H\IJI

Cl ti ilh· ~ IP11101ri t '•

(J.n· ( l'llt• • I ( .1fllly1 ti II

(1Jt1ti1• ,,,.,

v, ... " ,,,, ·· ~'·" f tt+t• (I ilh•I

t\,itlO r•! Y1Af11\I

( IHI( ~.11•1 M J -.,,. th

M.111 • I ···lilfW H.otJ111 M 111 t f t

Jh•I,. f Ii._ ( "''' t ~ 'j 11 ... t/1t"' I 1•10111

Jl•llt• f1yflf

Fallell l o Ouollly l-J'••lt• \..,h.01 111111111•1 P11Uy t~.,,,,,

B1Hh1•' ·• M o11\1 ._.

Sue f CJUl'-•m.m lllf• <•cmni·H / Mhrllull W1l..,1w1 Mui, 1111t11r•um ~ll 1'1 , M1Mlllll'H P:il M1•1•~' 8JJt1,;1.t Ript I ll•H.hi tlu"I 1• · PtHJC M .)t '-,ye111t•y C o ,1rn11ul1oot 1 Judv ~11nli>.H1 M~1y t>w1f'• ~r\'.-tl<; tlt;I>•·

Ah -:.t 11 '°)hcJrlJ

f4•t f ,, '''"""'


14 '~ ·14' 16 7) , • • , ·~ , 4 14'•

13 If) IA J l!I 14 14'1 /!Ji 14 II I /IJ,70 14 I

'11 14 I .0 ., , 1 , .... ,. .. '• )4 1; 1" II 7~ /11 /~

Rn ,,, ~.

fl I' I 1·1

I~ 11 !< I

I• 1 I t 1

t i It,, 1' I

/ti.'' 1•,t

t / I 11 .J , I 1'> p., ,., ,, ,,,, I L 17 l'; I /' In I~ I

/t1 t' I lj, 11 I t / H. ,., 11, , 14 / 11 t•.



1 '" 1 ' lb :•. , ... ' 14 80 l '.4 'ti lt.. ' 'l4 '" 7ij '"' H(I 71, p,· /ff 1 ,.

:~ '"b '" .. ,.. .,

(3Jr d o t 0 -llay lhoroughbrad m eeltn11 ) FIRST RACE 1 t 11 '" ,,,

( l·f*l ( f1lll if IJl'' II It'

H.1ftl. tOt• M ' ,,, ' A"lw tt A t11 t_;1JI f t)t11•' 1

A .,, •JO•\J '••lf•th f \; 1 It ly\t A ll111J "''''t I II lh tell "'io f15 V11 "'I,, i.'•

1 ~ fl · I 1 1 l

SECO ND RAC E 1 t p,,,.., ,. Jtur ~ "'' I , W n1r1.111 1r 1rJ1h•q1t t ,.,,.. 111• M11 1H 1..-.11·,. 1

. ,, : '· 1

A1 P r .11.1111 l tt~I "'"'"'" ~.,. 11• f ,, 11 Pu An ll!UU f,1111 Jitt ,..,, 111t I' 1 I ,,, ltu11111 1 In•, 1lP '-'"" t , M ,H1.1!f 1 1~1, I t t I ti

All 1H•" I

rmt• 1 •OJ 1~ 12 DAILY DOUBLE • I Ir 1 1 t Sr

THIRD RACE 1 h• 1 l o• '

! Vt• 1~U1¥¥lt')' I ; ' I ,0 H•111 o.u~ 1t1110) ' •n 1

·l.. ,, ... ,,,., f(l,Pl lt• hi ' t At .. t .h• J.. c •• ( ,, .,,,, r

~ •. '1 1, ' '-'''' tu ltJt ~ ·.t, ·,me t 49 S6 EXACT A t•·•" S• t \

FOURTH RACE r '"'' r 1. WtCkMJ ( i• •M l '"0' • 60 tJ) • ..,..oci~~l(.ipi•1 1 1 <, •O 3 4

l..tJ ... ,, ., (.f.H\11 fJ' '•i'eh 't,. Al!.• 'fl t.~ All) I & .1 I, It r'• •.11 '' ' ,_., SDt-hb1nOf'1 l,i( ~ \ \ 1~•• 1 h J\ ''r' I• ' 0 .AfQut "!i fteel -N~

y,,,,1.4' 1 11

FIFTH RACE f • ,, r~, t\t• 1.h.t- l .lr t1 1M ( 111 HI !.I , t

lr1\t• o B· •• 11 1t , ,, o, • r, .. t .. " ,, ,,, ,1 1 1 JO

Al ~ r 11~_.l, M .~ t ' ' '••• ,,, r.~ r ,1n , Am11;.• ., G A.111 1 l •t1 ·1 ,, n '' •' Po11•t•.,.. f,•ce

f•me i O!J S5 EXACTA 11\ tr I"'''$ <I 111

SIXTH RACE f '"''"' 1 f:.'11tlh ftdd•t l'>n 1Vhll1 1 lh.11~ly 0 Tonlt" 1( .1•.t;J11t•1~ •I ln".CJ•Ghnf fP11t'Cf'\


l{J tlO

Al' n •8t"rt I u ~, P1111 11,1111

WurdJ Erupll"'" LP''"' 1i. fh·IM T1n1e 1 09 '} ~

M.iu t • 1

, H1•111

SEVENTH RACE l • m1~,.1~ '" 111tt l,,t,unt..-,, Tully (Ptnt.ff,l '• JI • 10 • t,,, My S•~Utr (i'illwJeyt 7 ,.0 '• ~h. Se•snm IMeC8rroril • ~o

AIJ,a tdCf"O l3th'Utf ~ tlrl I! I ·fl '''''"' ,, SO"IQ Grt•-r 5u . J t 1· 1 M, AQt-'nt ~ tii .t•t 81 '' '1 1._.r..,~ W•nQ· \1 '' 111: • u,1m• ''"" pd~~· t ~1, 5 U EXACT A 1 1 i..1..1 •!th• 00

$2 PICI( SIX t 1 I t I ~ '> i• >''1 ' ' ! 1 \ f ""*'"' • 1 wtnn•"Q tl'('9f't I' • h •' r~1 Sol ~·tt: • 91, tt'•t•o,. ' ' 1 s· ~ 1)0 4 1lh h w11u1mu uc~fl"t" fh.,• t. V'\

---EIOUtH RACE. t, t.,nrt11tJ

1-. uu r, '41 • w•r 1~t11ulo 11f 10 tJt1l1 1hl M1 .,, rO. 1,1hv·J\~ tf• 1 (,, .,.,,ii• Ut111t_. t Mn1oo

• 1111 t 4(J

At;(j • 1 r•I ttv• 11,_. p ,,,,,, • ••• , ..... I •• , p,.11~ I , ..... ' I II~•

HJ.,t1t 1 .. 1•

1 on ~ ao 4 llO

11 H<>JJ' , ••fl••Qflfl•

' NINll4 RAC l ...

I' Ol J1 , "4.J

• ICI l.'(f

l.111 j

$!; £ X AC I A , ' J ,,,

Ho111wood Perk rRIO V'S RESUL l S

IWth ut S3 nigh\ horneu m .. t1r111) FIRST RACE lH1t• 1t11h r••"' tt

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(!llman captures eighth Lido-14 championship jlave Ullman of Balboa Yacht Club

p~ucally owns the na'tlonal Lldo- 14 ci,.s.

W ith Mark Whitchoust· as crew. u(bnan won has eighth national title in tilt class In a Cive-ra<X' regatta sailed o ut

oC: S&lboa Yacht Club.

1Jllman had seven back- lo- beck c~pionships In the claM up to 1978 .. did nol race In the nationals for the lQJt three years, but on his return to CotnpCtltion he defeated def Pndmg c))e.mplon Jock FrAnco by one point.

Oolng Into the final race Ullman wru; lC!lidlna Franro by four points. but. In th~ fln•I n at Fridey Franco won and UlJman dropJ)4"d to fourth . UUman's fl.ldah were 2- 1-4- 1-4 for J l \oi pointa

while Franco posted finishes of 1-4-2-5- 1 for 12 l;1

Th1rty -s1x boats part icipated In the regatta After two prellmlnary races Mnnd~y and Tuesday the Cleet wa• divided into the Gold and Silver nights

Third In the lcorlng was Lou Brooks of Mi ssion Bay Yacht C lub with 20 points. and fourth was Dave P,rltchard, MBYC with 21. Fifth place went to Hal 8mwn TI, MBYC. with 33.

11 was the 25th anniversary regatta for

the Lido-14 Class which orlslnated In Newport Beal·h ln o boat dC3lgned imd built by W.D. (Bill) Schock.

Winner in the Sliver fllght with 13 '12 points wu Rowland Lo~ of BYC. Runn('r·up Wd Blain<' Thorne, &hio C«tnthlan Yacht Club with 2~.


Time was when Ullma n o wnC'd national titles in /l\Le small boat classes, including the Olympic 470 Class In recent years he has been competing

'more in large offshore boots as s kipper

and But apparentl y hr has not lost hls tlller touch In the small craft

Top 10 finishers In lh~ Cold Flight: 1. Dave Ullman, Balboa YC; 2. JE1ck Franco. BYC; 3. Lou Brooks, Miiislon Bay YC: 4. Dave Pritchard. MBYC: ~ Hal Brown II, MBYC: 6. Tom Llnskf'y, Alamitos Bny YC; 7. Chnrlil' Cummings, ABYC, 8. Guy Raffee. SDYC, 9. Chris Raab, Hunt.ington Harbour YC; I 0 Oory Thom, BCYE.:,

FIRST FIVE IN SILVER FLIGHT: 1 Rowland l..ohman , BYC; 2 . Blaine Thorne. BCVC: 3. Ch\.lck Babcock.

ABYC: 4 Bruce• Osborn, BYC, 5. Rob Walker. San Diego ye.

haky Stadler leads AKRON . Ohi o (AP) Mas ters

champion Craig Stucl)('r , fon•<'d to rontl'nd w ith n driver so wildly f'rnatlc: .. it's kind of scary.'' scrambll'd hlR w 1w to a 2-und<>r-par and a Rhflrl' of t h e lead Friday In tht• s<'t•<md round of th<- World Series of Golf

''That's the• wo1 st I've dr1vc•n the ball prohnbly this year I didn't p l o y worth a damn todoy ," Stadler s~ud .

" I've got to try to find a llhot thot works. h's kind vf scary . I 've been driving tht• boll well a.It year and now 1 don't know whc>rt.> It 's going," Slbdl~r BAid after posung his 36-ttolc lOUll of 138.

Deep H• llahlng AR 1'6 LANDIHO (Newpo<t 84ac:h ) - 1 J

11to,a·• t• t fJL•ntU t~ft 1"1 1 t1i..._et~I 12 \ t<.,C.;,

1 "' 24 .1nO t,,.. '• io tirlJ1 ba\o( '? C•.>el<'fl v..ult ,, 1, )ht·•·' t ... .,'1

DAVEY 6 LOCllER (Newpor t BHCh) -t U•' •' 'to I' f11 t .. t I' 1 4 j1"-() bo~S 8 -il ,, lot41t'I 1 t4 Ht( .. 11 ·' 11U Htlld 011!.b DANA WHARF' I ••11jl1·• 308 lJa~· I

1,,.,,,u.udtt \,., t')(.>h1I• ' f,'-, nti'tl ktotttl 20 10<.k ,,,, 8[Al BEACH 1()4 JhQI~" 8 lJOntlO 4J

• 1tu. n tJ ....... • ' 11!t1u1 'JfJ m 1• ~ c.·1 e• 180 , O\.k t1')t1 It~'• u nt t• , •··~ tBe,g•) - 80 .ingltH'lo l tl.lf,dl.Ull' •, tHHPl(J l l•a llou t 800 mor"'"''r·I -t 'l sftnrl h'"' 1 ~rutpm 200 jllet•h 11 .111 100 w'11l u f1111tk'''

SAN DIEGO ( H& M l a nlllngl - 418 •'Ill 4!,B 1\tiJC..4·rt•

NASL playoff• FIRST ROUND tB•ot ol lhrH)

Wedn••d•r • Sc0<•1 l rt'o(91 .. &. r ul ,, u f ' ""' ., .. 1•1 ~,,(t\.

I 0 M· •ttt•"I l ro~t Lav•1• rrJ~1r I tMonueof

I .10~ ·Utlt·• ' Oi ~.,. O·''lj r, v. rm1vf\1 ' i'l<tt'\ 0·P9fJ

' . .., ,, ., . , , St" 111,1 ~ ' I f 1

Fr ldey • Score l If If 1 / C" , •• ,,.,. I ttt; I·• c, ' ,,

Tonlgnt • G•m• ( 1111t _.,, .,t fUhJ

Sundey'o Gem .. M onlfc.J a1 Fofl l .. wcJe1aa'8 ' •• (11 .. 0ti :ti V1tf1( 1 V•'''

Wedn .. da;' • c.,,. .. , ,,, •t\t<J wl &4•J1Hu l \11• ., "'' r:o'"''', 1• 11ecr''"'Y' M 1.J1t hl.'tJI ~u ro11 ltJudt1rtt&IB C• I§&ryf

Thurod• f• Ueme• VJ"' , ,.,. , It ~ t\11 O••'<'C'o 111 nPtt!S.\aryt

Women'• tournament (•I lllehweh, N.J.)

Ouerte rflnel Sl<>11le1 C•~vO •• r<.one1e tWest G4!•mony1 e1e1 Kethy

Juroan 1u S I 6 : 6· 1 6-2 w..,,ay wn.1~ •Us I ~I Jl'<\1'1lt .. Mvr·df'I 1S0u1n Alrica1 ~ ;1 ' ..c l flW)fi Al\ni Thnn·pso" •US) def Iva H 1dd" .... ~ 1C.1•-cho\1, . .,,o· ' 1 7 '· 6-41 Bellina Bv•li.JI HJ S I rtfOI PAm 5,-,..,.~, (US ) 6 1 • ~ I 4

Pro bowllng P8A TOUR

Ludlng Money Wl nnero l , 11 A1tlf1t)11 1 S 122 100

;,i A'I '·"·• S89 430 , n .• .,. ,.I,,,,_,, ssa , 10 4 ~ l ~I U\.••t Ill S87 67(1 ., • ,. ~ 11 H fl •• ' S80 qqt

Frldey 's lrsneectlon1 6ASllCTllAll

Hellon•I aa.kelb• ll Auocl• llon PHllAOEl PHIA 76f RS t ra<1f'd Oarr\11

O•""•un1 c~n,,_, to '"" N~w Jf'r•f'V Nets for ft 1983 fif\l rovnd dt ell p 1<.> dnd CHI>

UT AH .f A7 Z - 81gn .. a Motl< Ee ton C"N'llftf 10 a multi 'rftAt conl•&el

fOOTBAll Nellone l foolball L .. gu•

LHICAGO BEAAS Announced the , .. 11r11mer11 o t Gerry Sullivan o lfen11ve 1111!man. ttnd gol ~Ir 1ne • 1•111-•ounll dr•lt rhOlce th.-y ' ent 10 lh• Clevel•~d Srownt In e~Ghango I.Or Sulll~•n ~FW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Waived

Rt~hOtd Ht1r .. y, 1unn11•11 b~._and took 01ve Yout10 light end trom wn1,,..n

HOCllEV Nello11111 Hockey Leegue

WASHINGTON CAPIT ALS Fifed ROG"' (.1011« Kt•no genttnt meneoe·

COllEOt HOFSTRA Named Al L onge,,u1

~"!"Ml l""lb•ll Cc>ech

Mille r -Galt team to play ·- ·Dtck Mtllcr ot Newport Beach and partner Gretchen Galt of Balboa Island w1U compete in the ntllional final s o f the LiptQn mixed doubles tennis (•h ampiom1 h ipi1 at Sawl(rass, Ponte Vedra Beach, 1'1a., Sept .

15- 19 after winning a regional tournament ot Los Caballeros R 1:H•qtH'1 1tnd Spo r ts Club re<.'(•nlly.

Mlllt-r and Gall defeated Ted . Hage y of San Diego and Charmaine Thldl•n c>f TorTance in the fl no ls, 6- l . 7 -6 to win th trip to the flnela that will encomposs 32 lHms from acroa the c.'Ountry

·-- ......... - .....

I - -- -------- · - ---- ----- --- - ---, ..

Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Auguat 28, 1882 85

Postcards worth many words Teich collection, from tur11 of century on, going to museum

CHICAGO (AP) It's 1906, and the mailman has delivered 11 card from a friend ou• West. It has a photograph of pioneer -author Ezra Meeker 1tand1ng alongside a l'OVered wagon and oxen team.

Meeker ta on the prairie aomewhere along the Oregon Tra1l, re tracing his 185:.t five-month journey Crom Iowa to Portland.

The card coat a penny and postage was a penny. On the back is a "Wlah You Were Here" message.

Another picture post card shows Meeker and hla rig In front of his Puyallup, Wash., homestead, and there are others in the Meeker series.

The Meeker cards were among hundreds of millions flowing from Curt Teich and Co. , lnc. In Chicago, showing buildings, s treets, parks, lakes and other scenes depicting local communities and settings around the world. Telch, the father of the picture post card , virtually monopolized the business until World War l. The company was sold in 1974 when Teich died.

Today a legacy of more than· a million of the originals is going to the Lake County Museum in Wauconda, 50 miles north of Chicago.

exhlblt. The cards will be inventoried by computer, sorted and cataloged by a staff. There alao will be i.n exhlbll to travel to museums, libraries, achoola and other fac1l1Uet1 tliroughout the United States and in many European capitals where scenes were shot and reproduced years ago.

' 'The project may take five to 10 years," Ralph Teich said. "Dad always saved 15 cards from every scene produced . They are all stored at the Regenstelner rompany.

"Post cards are more than attractive things to look at," he said. "They are a communication device that brings people, places and memories together and holds them. There probably is a post card m every home in the world. But nothing ever was done to document a hlStory of them until now."

Curt Teich may have gotten his idea from hand-pamted post cards from Switzerland of bees, birds, flowers, h is son said .

"But those cards had to be mailed in envelopes. It wasn't until 1898 that Congress voted to allow cards to be mailed without envelopes. That's when Dad put his idea into action ."

WISH YOU'D BEEN THERE - Ralph Teich, son of American postcard pioneer Curt Teich, h o lds som e original early 20th century

postcards that will be donated to County Museum in Wauconda, Ill.

They are a gift by Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises lnc., of Chicago, which operated the Teich firm briefly after acquiring it in 1976.

Teich's son, Ralph, has donated $395,000 Crom the Curt Teich Foundation to build a permanent

The elder Teich took trains from Ch icago to Florida and on to California and back.

"Every time the train stopped, Dad got off with his camera, his order pad and his idea," Teich said.

VU~ ~L Tti~I CUlil~~

• Roy•/ Champagne Brunch •7 .95 10:30 to 2:30

673-3322 Newport Beach


00 1\U.:10: , .. ~11·1 .•: l 'l: 'nl•: l\:\4M 01,o .. Or•nge Count)' '• grNl••t

Bun<Uy llrvnch OHi -unno.~.---· ln~IOOVI....,_

From 1411 CtllldNn 2. II FREE CHAMPAGNE

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SUhdayBlich lL pl' Restaur nt1




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3000 •tatok· 545-5570 ot lolcer Cotto MMO



Champagne Brunch '4.96 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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3300 Coast Hwy. 548-2224 Newport 811ch

Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY


Cll1•,11H lrHclt llarlter C111ises Departs 10 a .m . & 12:30

Reservat ions pteqvired 675-7522 1010 WArEm Ari. IEWHIT IEAO#

mAnDARln Geurmet .....................•••..••

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CompUmentery Chempagne Sp~clallzlng In Eggs B~Mdlct Ho~mMJ~ Btu~Mrry Muffins

Fr~sh Fruit & Salad Bar



' I


rn rn [LI] [LI]~ ~u '78 ghost spurs early campaigns By THOMAS D. ELIAS

Thomas Elias is a free· lant.'f-' rolum11Jsc baaed Jn Santa Monica .

The ghost of '78 has been hard at work in this summer's California politics.

Until four years ago, there was an unwritten political rule: no serious ctiPpaigning for the fall election until ~r Labor Day. It was a good rule. ~~ollowlng the June primari es, e'terybody wou ld lie low Cor thf' ~mer, conserving energy and money

itlfDRllA fDCUS e giving voters a welcome breather

tween elections . It was considered th bad form and unproductive to bf>

out shaking hands when no one was tl') about politics.

the charu.-c o t shooting themselvos m th•· foot .

So far, if anyone has seemed to suffrr self-mfllct.e<l harm, 1t'i. probably ~n the two Republicans

Wilson has been hurl the mos t , suggesting that under-45 workers tw given "greater freedom" LO chc)()Ke their own retirement plans than nuw exists under Social Security.

Brown used that to brand Wilson a nt i-Social Security and evt!n the Republican Party's national l'hairman later conceded Social Security might be the year's hottest polillcal issue.

G~IC E~INmt~!

BUT ALL THAT changed m 1978, when Evelle Younger - then the state attorney general and Republican candidate for governor - took a few w eeks in Hawaii at a lime wht'n hl" actually led Gov. Brown in th£' polls.

MEANWH I LE, Deukmejian was proposing that convicts be oCfered early release in exchange for work done in prison. That prompted Bradley to charge Deukmejian might set some murderers free, mentioning Charles Manson as one possible example Never mind that Deukmejian's idea sounded a. lot like a suggestion for flexible prison terms that ca m e last m o nth from State Bar president Samuel Williams. a longtime Bradley friend a nd a Bradley appointt.-e to the Los Angeles Police Commission.

Israel leads arms buildup Brown used that time, which came in

the immediate aftermath of Proposition 13's passage, to gain an image as the tax-cutting initiative's leading backer and overtook Younger in the polls. later going on to an easy victory in the fall

Determined to avoid any "Hawaiis," all four of this year's major candidates for governor and the U.S. Senate have been campaigning all summer.

Brown and his senatorial opponent , Republica n Pete Wilson , b egan by staging televised mini-debates within a week of the primary. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley and h1s GOP foe, George Deuk m ejian, immedia t e l y began sparring over a possible campaign code of ethics.

For all four, there are major risks in the early exposure: voter boredom and

~~ -~~·

Democrats have not been exempt from the perils o( early campaigning, either. Had the campaign been allowed to simmer, no one might have noticed when an oil company hired the law finn or Brown's campaign chairman to lobby for a pet bill in Sacramento.

All the candidates run other risks, too. Will ear ly adver t ising blitzes like Brown's "take another look" radi o campaign and Wilson 's "just one look" response alienate more voters than they win over?

Will the earlier-than-ever start lead to boredom. apathy and a low voter turnout in November?

It 's uncertain JUSt now who will be burned by the lack of a political summer vacation .

, Have you noticed how thing• have changed since • . Dlaneyworld Joined the Teamatera Union? ...

By EO BLANCHE Auocl•l•d Pr•H Wrlt•r

LON lXJN 011 a pN-ca µ1 ta bas is. l:.r<wl 1s lht• world '!> must ht.•avlly arnwd nJllUll and '>p<•ncb. more proporuonal<•ly on dc•fen:.<' than a ny other <·oun tr:v . including tht.• SUJX'l' l)()W('fS

On a straight number.; basis, Israt'I 1s tlw fourth strungl·~ l military powC'r in tht• world after the Uniwd Swtl'S. th<' Soviet Union and China, aL'Cording to analysu. at tht• International I n s t1tul<' for Strateg1C' Studws in London.

Last yC'ar lsrael's dl'f<·nsc cxpenditu n.' totaJed $7.34 b11Jfon, or $1.835 for each Of llS four m11l1on people, th(' 1ru.t1tUtC' s aid Is rnl'I 1s th C' o nl y M1ddlt• Eas t <'OUntry with its own <lt•ft•nst• 11idustrv and build~ 11.., own tanks, platW!> Jnd OlllC'r Wl'Uporu.

THE INSTITUTE. wh1c:h kcx•p:. track of worldw1d1· md11a1·y ac t1v1ty, lis ts lsra<'l's armt-d forc·(·s at 135,000 men and womC'n , indudmg I 10.(J()O c:onscrip ts. But with fuU mobilization, it can field 450.-000 tr<unC'd personne l within 24 hours in "' urnquc· t·1l1zens' army uf Vl'lt•rans

The army has nearl y 4.000 tank i., 1ndudmg c1bout 450 Soviet T -54. T-:>5 and T -62 tank s t•.i µturPd Crom Arab opponenta over the years. It also has 8.-000 to 9,000 a rmon'<.1 l'f"lmbat Vt'hlcl<"s and about 2.000 art ille r y pieC'<'S and rocket launcht.•rs

By compa.nson. the insutut<" hs l.'; tht• U.S . Army of 775,000 with 11.400 ld.nks. 20,000 armored fighting vehicles and 14 , 700 a rtillery g uns and m1 ss ilt' launchers.

The Soviet Union, w11h an army of 1.82 m11Uon , has 45,000 tanks, 62.000 armored fighting vehicles and some 22.-700 guns. self-propelled guns and m1s.sile launchers. the lnstitutt> said

Only Saudi Arabrn, bu1ld1ng up its armt•d forces to counter Iran's Islamic

reg1mt'. spc•nt more> p('r c:ap1t.a las t yt•ar $2.664

Maj. Bob Elliott. an ln!>tllLlll• analy ... t, sai d mul: h nf lhc Saudi ch• Ct•n !> t' cxpend1tun· got•:.. toward t-st.abhsh1ng a military infrastrut·ture, including army bases, aii'f1elds amJ other faciHties.

The United St.Iles, by l'Ompanson, budgeted $171 billion on ddense in 1981 , or $759 per cap11.<1. a(.-cording to 1nslltuh.• statistics.

FIG URES FOR T HE Soviet Union are not availabk, but analysts C'st1m..it1.· it s pends 12 to 14 pc·rcent of its gross national produl'l 0 11 defem.t·. compared to 5 5 percent fur tht• Unlled St.ates and a whopping 2:i 2 p<•l'('(>nt for Israel Gross national product 1s tht.> sum of a nation 's goods and serv1et'S

Israel':. air force , w11h about f}Of) combat plam.•s, 1 ~ "without doubt 1hc> best in tht.• world ," Ell1111t said in an interview

According to the institute', lhe Israeli air fort.·e has US-supplil><I F - 15. F -16. F -4 Phantoms and A 4 Skyhawks, plus Frenc h -built Mirage Il ls and ls raell­made Kfir f1ght(.·rs .

The U S Air Fo rce has l.450 combat aircraft and th<• Soviets an estimated 5. 300. the 1nst1tutc ~ud.

Israel's navy ts 1ls smallest fighting arm with thr<·e Type-206 submarines, two missile corvettes, 22 missile-carrying attat•k craft and 40 patrol boats.

The US Navy has 201 major combat surfat·c· ships, including l4 aircraft carriers, and 84 attack s ubmarines. The Soviets have 294 major surface uruts and 259 subs.

Israe l's armed Cor'CC'S are on alert a ll the time and the invasion of Lebanon in June was their fifth maJOr conflict s met' 1948, when th1• nation was established

"The Israelis have the edge through their three decades of combat expenence

and a urnqu<· dro1t'dtHJn and motivation among thc·1r pc.-rsonn<·I," Elliott said .

But an ~ol vsts bcl1cvt' that Israel ' s military str~·ngth ll Ps not only 1n the mol1va11on of its fon·es and their tomlmt- tt.~tHi Wl!aponry, induding some of the· mo'>t sophisticated non-nuclear hardw<m · 1n the world, but 1n its ability le, 1mµrovl' ;,mcJ develop armor, aircraft and Plr<'tronu: weapons in combat cond1t10ns.

" THEY HAVE DEVELOPED t•4u1pmc nt that even the· American' don't have.," Elliott said "They pass on to the Am<·n cans what Lhey want to tell them If the Americans make specific r<.'qUl'b~ lhey are usually answered, but lht!y don' t volunteer much "

The• air force is believed to have used top Sl'l' rl't electronic equ ipme nt, d1•vc•l(Jpc.'d mdepcmdently in Israel, in it.s stunning victor y against Syrian fighters a nd m1ssil<' batteries m Lebanon's Bekaa Valley in June.

In one• dav Israeli airmen in 90 F- 15a and F-16s, backed by U.S -made E-2C Hawkeye radar planes and modified Boeing 707 electronic counter-measure planes to confuse missile defenses, dei1tro yt! d 80 Sov1et - s uppl1ed MiG-2ls and MiG-23s and knocked out 19 SAM-6 missile batteries with no losses or their own .

In Jul y. lsraeh warplanes struck agaio 1n thf' Bekaa, knocking out three Syrian SAM 8 missile batteries never used in combat before. Prime Ministe r Me nachem Begin of Israel claimed later tha t ,1 "~'Crct weapon" was used against Syria's m1i..'i1lt· sysl<"ms

Israel will share that secret w ith the Americans "one day," he said, adding: "When we do 1t will change the who~ ba.laoc-e of strength between the Warsaf.. Pact and NATO forces"

·~ overnrnent agencies' all-out war on cancer misdirected? " By ELIZABETH M. WHELAN

'4n epidemJologist, Elizabeth Whelan rts>eived her doctorate from ihe Harvard s,,bool of Public Health, where she is e&rentJy a research :J$0C'iate

The topic of cancer weighs heavily on the regulatory mind . Indeed, foderal •age nci es - the Food and Drug Admini s t ration ( FDA ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

:in particular - are waging an all-out ''war" against the dread disease

H owever. it is a misd irected war against a misidentified enemy.

Two assumptions he beneath much retu).atory policy in this area: first , that tAere is a cancer e pidemic in the U.S .

second, that this alarming elopment is related to the presence of -made carcinogens - food additives.

tlc ides, a ir pollutants , workplace hazarda - in our environment. Both of

~these assumptions are questionable

~ •,FOR INSTANCE, the idea that we are I eJ( an epi ic of cancer IS a l m.lecon ception . Whil it is true that , deaths we common in the e•rly years of centu r y, life ••

expectancy was limited then , and canC'<'r is pnmanly a disease of older adults.

In the good old days, most people died of communicable disease before canl'er had a chanc:e to strike. Whe n statistics are age-adjusted (to take into account the growi n g proportion of older Americans) the combined incidence rate for all cancer in both sexes actually decreased 3 percent between 1947 and 1971 .

Similarly dubious 1s the notion -advanced by e nvironmental and consumer activists, some of whom hold government posts - that th e overwhelming majority of cancers in the U.S. are "environmentally caused "

The problem here is with the word "environment." To many non-scien tists, and apparently to some government agencies, environment Is a synonym for synthetic chemicals . But to scientists, environment ls a much broader term, referring to everyth ing except he redity and the body's own biochemistry. Such factors as c igarette smoking, diet , exposure to sunlh~ht, drugs, viruses, radioactivity, sexua l habits, and reproductive patterns are all part of the "environment"

But when reforenC'es to envtronmental cancer are included in government proposals, they frequently d o not acknowledge that environment includes many voluntary factors. Instead. thl'y imply that environment m eans a smorgasbord of involuntarily 1mposed carcinogenic chemicals in our food, air, and workplaces.

YC't the danger posed by many of these chemicals is questionable·

WHILE FREQUENTLY the wrgt'l of regulation. for instance. food add1Uves, when co n sumed in .,. the amounts nonnaJly added to food . never have been s hown to cause cancer o r any other illn<"SS m human beings. Indeed, there IS

suggestive laboratory and epidem1olog1c evidence that the use of some additives, speci ficall y the antioxidants BHA and BHT, has contributed to the dramatic decline in stomach cancer in this country over the past four decades.

Likewise , although peeticide in concentrated form are certainly toxtc (after all, their purpose is to kill the insects and other pests with w hom we compete for our food supply). there isn't a single documented case of cancer or any other humao illness caused by the

minute pesticide rcs1dut•s present 011

foods. Air poUuuon 1s (."E' rtainly und~sirablc.

and it may play a role m diseases such as bronchitis and asthma But again. to our knowledge, generaJ air polJut1on Joes not cause lung cancer or any other form of cancer .

tn modem times, cancers have been caused by high -dose occupational exposures to asbestos, vmyl chloride, and several other substances Through the 1960s and 1970s, both industry and government have become increasingly aware of this type of hazard, and steps have been taken to reduce the exposure of workers to known camnogens

Such judicious regulati o n o f workplace che m1caJs 1s necessary. But regulatory overkill of occupational cancer hazards will accomplish little.

STRENUOUS NEW regulatio n of chemicals in our food, air and gene ral environment will not conqu er cancer because it wlU not e liminate any major risk factors.

The known cancer risk (actors are primarily voluntary practices. such as cigarette smoking. which cannot be controll~ by regulation ~nd the causes

~!!.:~!™~hou!~ .. ~~.~1: .. ~~ ~! '!~ .. !~~ ~ u ~<::.t S~!:i~~~uon wrow • Dr. Hart map ii p r eaident of the 1hortage of tbe 1970s, more drivers found, the motorcycle rider has only two chapter on .. to roadway 1haring for ~~ Safety Foundlldon. traded ln t heir gu-guzzllng cars for aeoonda to spot the dan&er, decide what states to lnclude In their driver liceNC

S haring the road with m otorcycles gaa,...ving motorcycles. Today, there are to do , and carry out an evaalve b.andbooka. Mot.or vehJcle .d!:Nnistraton a hould ~ of lnterest to all drivers, more than 730,000 motorcycles on the maneuver. T o react effectively th11 In all 50 states received coptea of the conlldering the boom in motorcycling l.n road in Calllomia - up 32 percent from action must be lngralned - and tti.t ~ handbook U!bct on "Shui1'8



Daily Pilat Thi' rommrnt p1.1gt"ofthc Dully Pilot seeks lo lnlorm end stlm ulate readt>rs by present Ing a variety of commentary on topics of Interest and 111ntflc1t1ec from Informed ob •~rver1 andsPoketmen.

T"°'1111U I'. H.,, Pvbll*r SalvMJ. Aaptt H, ltlt

1970. taket profetl6onal trainlni and practice. th81'oed." To ct.t.e, 25 ttatea. lncludlna And t his affect• all of us on the The Motorcycle Safety Fou.ndatlon la Call{ornia, are clther Uling the material

nation's roadways. A landmark study working to ln crca1e the number of °'are pJ.annin& to lndude ft In their ne>n conducted for the federal Department of motorcycle rider education program• prinUJll. Transportation by UntveraHy o f available ln all 50 states. In Callfomla. What should we oil be doing to 1bnre Sou lhem Callfomla re1earch er Harry for example. wtip the California Offloo the road safely? H urt 1h owed t h at 75 percent of all of Traffic Safety, wo are helpll'\I to fund - M o t orcycllati shou l d tak e motorc~le acciden1.I involve a car or more than 50 locations around tbe state. advania,e of available rldtt education truck. e 1tudy al8o found that nearly Rldel"9 can call a toll free number, (800) couns. two-thirds of t h oae multi -veh icle 952-5672, to flnd the court nearest -~ allo thould take awp 11CClden1.1 were the fault of the "other home. to be u ~ M pomble on the vehicle operator." In mott cues the But the foundatton hu lone l"Olld - bynotrkllncincars'blindlPOf!z driver either f.&Uod to tee the motorcycle reccgnJztid that rider educatJon lm't the \lldnacare to llloal their lntentiom weJ.1 ot failed to lfve the motoreycU1t the only an1wer to motorcyole aafet~. ln acfvance ana by w•arlnl brl1htJy of wa.y. r.chadon for the other ro.d \IM!lr'S a1lo " colored helmeta and c:lothlrw.

With 1tatlstlc:• llk these, It 's no an lmportant element In maldna the -Otherroed'*"9mu1t.6emcnalitrt wonder moat mot0rcydl1ta learn lo drive roedl Mfer. to t he motorcyclH o n \ he road,


of many cancers are unknown. Fund s intended for "cancer

preve ntion '' would be better spent on resC'a rch Our unders tanding of this disease and its causes 1s far from C'Omplet e. Many brilliant , promising avenues of research are being pursued and are m need or funds . The current and exciting work on interferon as a possible means of trea ting some forms of cancer 1s mere ly one example.

lf the regulator s continue t h eir misguided war on cancer, there will be many casualties. Businessmen wm face higher costs, fewer JObs and limited produc tion The consumt'r will face h1ghC'r prices. tax increases a nd fewer produc•ls

Perhaps the most important result wilJ be tht' perpetuation of a major misunderstanding if the outpouring of regulations gives t he false impression that cancer is being conquered through prevention . We should n ot develop a sense of securi ty when we are merely bombing the wrong targets

Cancer is not an e pidemic, but it is an important health problem m the Un1ted States. If we're going to have a war against can(.-er. we should use tactics that will enable us to win.

be.Ins upecially aareful to check tor motorcycl• a\ lnttrleCtlona and bdcn:

1 chan8ina 1a.nea or mak1nC a left ~ - l>rfwn ahoWd ,we ~all

riabta ol. the roed ~ ..,..,. • ...,.. i ncludlna a f un traffic l••· -'' f~ diltanctt and the epp:op1ate rilbta of way .

-- - -·- -- - - --........ _ _._ • • • • • ..

YOU H Big fete • taken in stride

Uncle Len was pleased to see eo many of his friends putting their best foot (feet?) forward this week.

And , as usual , the p os tal carrier had to shoehorn the entries in the mail pouch before making delivery.

Whal Uncle Len learned about his young friends is that they like to pad around barefooted , just like he did when he was young . . . that's right, he was young once.

But now, at times, his memory begins to fail , so the drawing by Brooke Johnson jogged it a bit, and he began thin1cing abou t how good grass feels between the toes. The picture is so real he could almost smell the Krass.

For that effor t, the $5 fi r s t prize goes to Broo k e, 10, o f Newport Beach .

Picking the runnerup wasn ' t 80 easy because all of the artwork was very good.

Uncle Len kept trying to toe the line, but his mind go t to "------------------------------' wandering. He started thinking about the good old days, and then he saw a picture of the ol' fis hing hole where h e spe nt m a ny

FIRST PLACE: Brooke Johnson, Newport Beach

summer hours. The picture b y M ic h e ll e

Strand, 11 , of C os ta Me s a. reminded him of this favorite spot. and she wins the $2 second prize.

Honorable m e ntion goes to Kristen Williams, 12, of Costa Mesa, who says s he likes sports. and to prove it h e r drawing shows jogging shoes. ice skates and swim fins. Uncle Len w ould be awfully tired if he tried using any of them.

And congratulations to Nancy Hobbs, 12, of Costa Mesa, for her humorous entry. Her happy feet were pointing in o pposite directions . . . so she could catch the fun either way?

_0 --·-

As Uncle Len was taking this week's entries in stride, he got to thinking about h o w soon all thoee feet will be s tepping back to school, so he wants to remind you that when you go shopping for new shoes to keep this motto in mind: "Only when the shoe SECOND PLACE: Michelle Strand, Costa Mesa fita, wear it."

But while yo u ar e s til l enjoying vacation, Uncle Len wants y'ou t o ca pture the highlight of this summer in the next contest. It could be a movie, trip, sports activity, the roo, or even a book.

Your ideas are bound to be colorful , but reme m ber draw your entries in black ink or pencil (no color , please) on 4 by 4-inch paper. Be sure to include your name, age and address.

Send them to Uncle Len , c/o

the Daily Pilot, Box 1560. Cost.a Mesa 92626, and ma ke sure they arrive by Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Uncle Len is going to run bare footed in the g rass. or maybe hang up h is "Gon e Fishin' "sign.

Start school on right foot By Tbe A11oclated Pre11

New shoes for the first day of school are as traditional as new school books. But p odiatris t s advise parents to shop carefully for 1ehool shoes and to be sure that they fit properly.

Dr . Rob Roy M c Gre g o r , specialist in sports medicine and a consultant to\ The Footwear Council, points out that a child's foot has 26 bones, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles - and will travel 65,000 miles during a lifetime.

Children's feet may grow at a

rapid rate and shoes should be checked (frequent ly) to insure healthy, normal deve lopment of their feet , he advises.

M os t s h oe s t o r es or departments have skillful fitters for their juvenile customers. But parents should double-check for " r o om •to gro w on ," adds McGregor, who recommends that the re be froe'l one -quarter to one -half inch of free space between your child's longest toe and the end of the s hoe. The experienced salesperson will test

Dog of tlte W eelc

~ ...... . .... Pflete

PLAYFUL - Thia black and tan cocker 1panlel mix ii available at the Newport Beach Animal Shelter, 12& Mesa Drive, Costa Meu. Offidala aay he ii very playful. Shelter houn are 9 a.m. to 6-p.m. weekday1; 8 a.m. to noon, S.turdays, and noon to · 4 p.m. Sundays. Phone 644·3656.

for length when you r child is standing.

No two feet are ali ke. so ask the fitte r to measure both feet and fi t the shoe to t he larger foot , McGregor says. Shoes also vary s lightl y i n size fr o m manufacturer to manu fac t urer and from style to style . A size 8 in one shoe may not be a size 8 in a nother so have your ch ild 's shoes fi tted by measurement -not by size .

Every child's foot has d ifferent proportions and the ball of the foot should match the ball of t he s h oe at the wid est p o in t . McGregor says that feet grow backward from ba ll to heel, so there should be enough room for growth - but not too much room or the h eel m ay rub. r a isi ng painful blisters.

The third measuring point is the vamp. Ask your salesperson to press up against the sole of the shoe to see how much the vamp wrinkles . The vamp c r e a se should cross the foot just below the ins te p. Too much creasing coul~ean the shoe is too w ide , but if e child's foot p ushes out of the sides of the s hoe during ere ng, the shoe is too narrow.

McGr e gor sa ys t o da y's sneakers are fine fo r toda y's children so long as they are well-flttea. Most snea1<ers now have 90lid shanks, flexible soles and the support necessary for everyday wear.

But children today are "into" different sports such as running, basketball , tennla, soccer and akilng, and the special footwear whlch has been developed for each aport provldea the best protection against Injury.

All canvaa sneake rs and athletic shoes ahould be washed frequently to prevent bacterial irowth, he 1uge1ta.

Shoet1 and boota of manmade fiben are fine, he add1, but these material• do not breathe. Waterproof boota of molded or non-poroua material should not be wom all day b«aute th y wUJ cauae perspiration that encour~et bacterial growth.

- ' . Orange CoHt OAILY PILOT /81turd1y, Augutt 28, 1982


Hobby for the birds Nl!:W YUHK (AP) - JOl(•ph

G1ovinl'O unh1tt·hl'l> the c:lawp cm the croll' of humlng p1~l'OM and o dozun birch burat 11u t . f ly " w 11t11Uv1• dr<:ll' tK:vcrul hundN-d ft'l' l off thl' gruund and h ead o or t h NuH towu rd tht• ir h om ti t'OOp rou~hly 30 mi lt·• uway

" A good tosH," Ciluvln{'O says. "They'll Ix• ht)lllt' In u holf-hour "

C1ovin1:0 hud driven lhl.' birds to a small park on tht• Verrazano Narrows \.o tnun them for races of up to ~00 males. Hl' r t> lcased 68 youn~ birds in small groups several m inutes apar t. Most of th e birds were l t-ss th a n 3 mon ths old

This "t.o!>S" was to select the birds wllh potential "To see w h u:h um·s have the stuffing," to makl• it in a ral't'. as Giovinco puts it

"This one is a real beauty.'' he says. ns h(· strokes tht' feathers of a p1gl'<>n he had isolated from the others . He lets it go. Without making a loop overhead to find its bt•armgs. It flies directly to the coop

"Tha t 1s onl:' of our b est ," G iovinco says. " H e' ll find his way home wit h no he lp."

G1uv1m·o a11d h is pa rt ner , A nthony Accardi. have raised and rat·cd birds as a hobby for more than JO years

"Thcr<''s a lot to l h1s game, bellevt• me," G10vinco sa id . "P eopl e spend their lives in it , breeding, cross-breeding."

And w inning. "Th c r t>'s n o t hi ng li k e 1t,"

Giovinco said . "When a bird comes m and I

call another coop and his birds haven't a rrived, I know I've got something." he said.

Back a t the coop, Ac.-card1 waits for tht• birds to return.

" Wh e n t h ey l a nd ,· it's bc-autiful." he says.

Man y races are held through the Brooklyn Concour'S<' Homing P igeon Club, a g roup of abou t 100 members in the New York

,, ~ ........ BIR OMAN - Anthony A ccardi, who has ra ised and raced birds as a hobby for more than 30 years, te nds to his pigeons in their coop on a Queens, N.Y., rooftop.

·a rea tha t holds over a dozen ral'es each summer.

The birds travel in crates that open on the sides w ith wooden shutte rs on top lo provide air. When they are re leased . the birds can average as much as 50 mph on the way home.

Giov inco and Accardi keep more than 200 birds in five coops beh ind Acca rdi 's home in the Queens section of New York.

" l can tell every bird in t his coop apart," Accard i said . " l could even te ll you w ho their mothC'rs and fathers were."

Accardi bui lt the back yard

compll•x of coops ove r 15 year11 ago. He s pends much of his time there w hen he is not tending to h i s who l esa le p e t su pply bu sines.'>

" 1 can JUSt come out here and furgl'l m y troubles," he said .

T he 75 -year -old G iovinco, a re tired podia trist , is the doctor for th<' birds. He inoculates them fo r d1 sc.'ase a nd admini s te rs antibiotics

" I've been interested In these birds· ever s1n<.-e I was 10 years old," 9iovmco said. " Now tha t I' m retired . I can s pend more ume hert-."

Japanese proficient at tests NEW YORK (AP) - J apanese children are not

necessarily smarter than American youngsters, they may JUSt test bette r . Discover magazine concludes in its September issue .

ln two new s1udies, young Japanese s tudenl.8 out.scored Americans m mathematics. Researchers also found that super ior ity could be explained by the Japanese devotion of nearly twice as much classroom time and three times as much homework time to math.

T he ma g a zi n e. intr igued b y a Britis h psychologist's report that the Japanese national mean IQ SC(>re rose seven wints in a gene ra tion and was the highest in the w orld, examined other studies and decided tha t simple brain power was too simple an explanation .

The magazine said that information led Harold Ste v en son o f t h e Un iversit y of Michigan to conclude that ''it is indeed the environment rathe r than he redity that enables Japanese to perform so w eU in testing . . . " lndeed." the science magazine said, "Japanese

scholars tend to agree that the high national IQ is re lated to 'shiken jigoku' - or 'examination he ll' -inflicted on Japanese students which enables them

" Ame r ica ns, if they are beginning to feel inadequate, should be concerned not about their me ntal e ndowme nt but about their education system," he suggested . to become proficient a t taki tests."

world scope (10 point• tor Heh qu .. uon anaw.,.d correcu,)

1 In a nation-wide address, Pmldent Rea1an asked Amerlcanl to lupport hll $911 bllllon tu Increase. TRUE OR FALSE; Under the plan companies n nnot deduct the cost of busineu lunches.

2 The European Economic Community formal ­ly opposed President Reagan's ban on ules of pipeline equipment to the Soviet Union. The pipeline ll lcheduled to carry .. f . , from Siberia to Western Europe by 1984.

a-natural gas b-oll c· liqulfled coi l

J Whal event led the U.S. to Impose the ban on pipeline equlpmentf

4 The U.S. now ranks 9th In annual avera1e Income per ,person. Cltlzenl of .. l .. have the world 'l highest per capita Income of $16,500.

a-Switzerland b·Sweden c-Japan

J Censul· taken In China now prediC1 that country'l population Is slightly more than 1 billion. That il about .. l .. of the world 's total.

a-one-half b·one·fourth c-one-eighth

newsname ( 10 point• II l'°" can Identity Ihle peBOn In the -)

I 1m out1oln11 Pmldent of the world'l third lu11est oil oponlng na­tion. Analym belteve my re cent dec ision to devalue the pew Is a sl11n of serious economic trouble In my country. Who am 1 &net wllll country do I le'(~

match words (4 point• lor t1ch COfffft ftllttch )


1-allude 1-mitlead, dee.lw

2-elude 1Mu111nt, Imply

>-delude c-llood

'-<lelu1e • •void, evlCI•

s-delete .-canotl, • ...

- ----

Answers appear (upside down) beueatb qat1


• newsp1cture (10 point• II l'IMI 1nt wt1 thl1 queallon correct!J) As SoOdarity'l leCOnd anniversary neared, Polish demonstrato" like these challenged the n1t lon'l Communist martial law 11"hority In 1 lhow of support for their outlawed union. Before martial law w.u lmpoled, about 9.S million Poles belon1ed to Solidarity. TRUE OR FALSE : No other Soviet-bloc country !\as ever recoanlzed an independent trade union like Solidarity.

peoplewatch/spor tllgl1t f2 point• lor H eh qvt1llon 1n1-red correctt,)

1 Henry Fonda, n , who made more than 100 ltap and screen appearances, died recently. Which of thete dmaam dtd Fonda NOT portray on filml _

a-Abe Lincoln b-To'!' Joad c·Franklln Rootevelt

2 Mother Teresa, who won the 1979 Nobel f>Qce f'rlze for her work amon1 the l ick of (CHOOSE ONE: China, lndlA), turned r~ntly to the Mldeut. There lhe ind ot~r member1 of the Slster1 of Chari ty have been working to save chlldren trapped In the flahtlng In Lebanon.

J (CHOOSE ONE: Vilas Gerulaltil, John McEnroe), of New York, beat two-time defending champion Ivan Lendl ' of ~~~-to wlnlhaMtn's!An OpenJlt TorOf'ltq

4 Sally K. Ride, .elected to puticlpate In the 7th ~ shutti.: fli1ht, 1nd colle11ue Steve H1wley recently tt.d the "estro-' · kn0t." TRUE Ollt FALst: Ml. Ride is scheduled to~ the first American woman In space.

5 hth O.nlel of Charlotte. S.C., won her Sth tournament t~ MHOn - more than any other pl1yer In her sport. Daniel lsi professional .. l .. ' •

•· bowler b-tennls player c-1olfer

roundtable f Mlly -.Cua•""' {no tc0re)

WN<h two maJor l•11u• teams do you thll\k Wiii meet In tM 1•2 ,,,. WOfld wi., end whyL _




.. I I'

1 • 4 .d 1j


.. Orange Co ,, DAil Y PILOT / Sa1u1d1y, Augu1t H , 1082 )

'10mlOU8 ....... .. ":aii:i"' IUl• •t ITAftlllWl

MllC MOllCl "OTlnout tu ... H ~ITAtlMIMT '~a'r4l1U1 ~~.Ti..--.-' "°'"..,. _.. MM111 ITA,,_JfT

~CW A#\.9C4TION 0 llU. Al.CoMoUO

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pertOll la CIOing ll\.t&llleM ••

lha lello111tng peraon •• doing 1>11el ........

T • l ollowll\g pat1Qn I• doing .. KT M 212' CerOb Newport ~. CAl2NO

The lollowlng 1N1190f1t 11r11 doing Tiie ~:::l:'"" ~. clolng t>otlnM• .. buel1- .. -

HIW~OIH M AIH I 102 ANA l!AITl\P\LIN larnna M111t>le Aroll, Santi Ana, CA 12706 10 llllpp1111 g IHea m , I r vin e .

llloball W Dawton . t 11112 Calllomla ta1111

fn• follo• lng .,.,.011 I• Clolng bU9IMM ..

MACHO l'IAllll I AlOH , tHO I C OUI HIQhW•Y. Laguna klch. CA i28&1 f o Whom It May Conown

J OAC111M POHL la app.lylll(I 10 t111 OtP•• t mtn l o l A l oohollc ln1111• Control tor " 4 1" ON I All HA I WIN& (PU8Lt C IATIHO Pl.AC'l , to .. 11 11lconolkl b t vutgH at 0 611 Allt on 11.lvO Col1• M-... Calllotnla ta020

Pu1>1t1h.a• Coa11 P111y Piiot, Augutt 28, 19112


Ml.IC NOllCE '1Cnnou. au•INIH

NAMI ITUIMINT Th• to llowlng pereon 11 doing


(al .. ATIONAL PAOOUCTIONS, (3) ltlJ S - O PP MAI LINGS , 1304 · 1 LoQan. Coete M-. CA 92tl2tl

JA Y MA "LOW 17312 B1111onW00<1. Fountain Valley , CA 92700

Thie t>utlnHa la 1conductod l>\I an Individual

J ay Ma1tow Thi• t tat_,t wu llleo wtlh lhe

County Cient ot Orange County on -'uouat 2tl. 1982

FIN210 Publl•h•d Or• no• Cout Oe1ty

PllOI, Aug 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 1982 381• ·82

tttCilf10U8 ......... ..,.._STA,._.,

Tiit. follow4ng '*'°"" .,. doing bu---D A T!. M I N O l!R S or OATEMINOfRS, INC., 3090 Pullman Strtel . Coeta M M • . Caltt ornl • 92828

Detamln~. tnc.. 1 Calll ornl• GOfpotlllOll

Thll bulli,_. II GondUC:led by I COfpot• l lon

OATEMINOERS, INC Jemtt Fl. KruM , Praatdenl

Thie llttam«tl WU llled with 1118 eoun1y Clerk or Orange County on ,t.119 10, 1982 '1~

cue TO M IHI N I! , 11011 CooHdQe, No 42, Ooet• ~.Ce 11<)0~7

o.i1 .. 1 ,1o1o99h wottllleltlfl. ao tt CQClllCIOe. Mo 42, Coeta M-. Ca 92621

PROll!8, llat W MecArlttur 1 10, Coela M••· CA 12821

L•.,r•~• T. LydlGk , Jr . llllO• I v 1101n11 w o . l o L t g una. CA uen

Tiii• 11111tme.11 wat tueo with II\• County Clark of 0 1• •>11• County 011 Thi• bul l,,..• It COlldl.IOtad b)I an

Individual o.,,1a1 JOMfl'I womnaen TNI t l1len>9"l wu llled whh In.

Aug • . l~Oa PIMIM

County ot Oren;. C0un1y on Aug. 11, t912 P


Publl1h1d O"nge COH I Oally PllOI , Aug 7, 14, 21. 21. 18U


Pul>ll • h• d Orenga COH I O• lilt' Piiot. Aug 14. 21, 28. Sept 4; 1N2

3t18 1·U


NOTICI OP PUM.IC HU NNO Conelltlonal UM P .. mll NO 70· '8

NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN tll•t • i>ubllc; naa1lng wlll bl hetO by the Clly Pllnnlng Comm1u1on ot the City o r Hun1 1n ot on B e1c;f\ . C elilOrnle I OI lhe purpOH OI conllOerlf\Q a 1eV\eW or Condl\lonel use Perm1I No. 711· 28 and .xl•tlno c:ono111ons ot epprovlll 101 Iha Old w orld Oc1obetl111 Thll Condltlonal u se Parmll w .. approved Oc1obet 3 . 1878, &1nce that time there ha\111 been a number or problem• end concerns •elated to l hta speclal event Tiie eul> lect ptoparty It el 111'11 norlhwell corner o1 Center Drive en<I Huntington Vlll• O• Way

Said M eling w111 be 11e1d •t the nou1 ot 7 00 p m • on Septeml>« 8, 1982, 1n lhe Councll Chtmberl Bulldln9 ot o" Civic Center . 2000 M ein Streit , Huntington B each. Calllorn1a

AH 1n1erested pe1&0ns ere lnvlllKI 10 at1end s.1<1 naarlng and express lheu op1n1or1a l or or against the proposed review ol Coodl11onal Use Perm11 No 78·26

Funhe r 1nto1malion may oe 01>111ned ltom t he C11y Planning Oepanmenl

Telephone No (7141 536-!t27 I DA TEO lh15 281h day OI Augual ,



NA ... l'TA1'MINT Tiie totlowloo penona ere dotno


1743& Newhope, Fountain Vetley , CA 12708

Or Da n A Howar d , 11 t1 8 Pllnona Ct. . COttl M .... CA 92828

M ich •• • L R o•• · 8871 M1nhelt1n, Huntington 8-11, CA 978'7

Thlt OUaineU II condUCtad by a QIMlll patlnerthlp.

Mlchatl L. ROM 0.. Dan A HOWl rd

Tiiie 1111-nt w .. fllec:I with t l'WI Counly Clafk ol O•tnQI Coun1y on Aug. 11. 19112 P


Pul>ll t hed Orenge CoH I Delly PllOt. Aug 14. 21. 28. Sept. 4, 1982




The lollo wlng peraon h• • aoenctoned Ille UM ol 11\e Flc11110ul Bu11n .. 1 Name

The Ftct llloua Bu11neu Nam• re lerred t o ebove w et lllod in Orange County on OeG 12, 1980

TOAESCO , 17 80 Unit A- 4 Monrovl1, Colta Mesa, CA 92627

Mlc:hoel L Swaim, 320 7t h St , Huntington Beech, CA. 92848. T~• l>uelneN was con<luc1IKI l>y

en 1ndlvldual

Pul> ll• he<I Orenge Coaat Dally Piiot. AUQ 14. 21, 2tl. Sept ' · 1982


City Pl1111mng Comm1sa1on Mlc:ht181 L Swaim By JemM w Palin, Thi• 11at11T1enl was tiled wll h the Secra1111Y County Cterll ol Orange County 0t1

Puollshed Orange Coast Dall) Aug. ' · 1882 Pllol , AugUSI 28. 1982 P151900

3847·82 Pul>ll•h• d 0 11noe COHI 01lly

t O llllllOO t ttO Monro vi a lwe Unit A• . Cot t i MHa, CA Ht21

AdrlaM\ c Pruy•-•· 323 r u t 18th su .. 1, COttl M .... CA t2tl2t

Thia 1>u1h~•• It oonduOl lKI by*' lr>tllvltJual

Adttaan C Prvy• .. " fllla ""'' "'' " ' WH wllll Ille

Coun1y C1a<k 01 O•anoe Coun1y on Auou•• 4 , tH:l ,, .... ,,

Publl• h•d Orengo COH I O• llY

PilOI Aug 1 " · 7 ' · H . ' " " 3490 82

rtalC ll)TIC(

ncmnou1 .,... .. N.u. ll ATUSNT

Tn. loltowing tit OOl"O l>utll'IMI • • .

JIM SLEMO..S HONDA, 32U 1 C t mlno C1pl1t reno. Ian Juen Cepi.trano, CA 9~16.

8 LEMON8 MOTOAS. INC'. , a C el lforn l a oorp o re llon . 32H 1 C emlno C t pl1trano, San Juan c.pltttano, CA 92tl78

8 temone Motorw, Inc. C. O. Oely, Aul. See

Thie a1e1-1 ,. .. llled wtlh the county C*1< 01 0r1noe County on Aug, 19, 1982. P:


Pul>ll• h• d Orange Co111 Dally PllOI 11119 21. 28. Slpt 4, 1 I , 1992

• 374f>.82


Julian ' • ldmt n. 2124 Catob. N~pOtl a..o11 CA UNO Matola A1'h, Santa Ana, CA 927011 A11 1 l t1 t erll n " • ••ar oh

Chel let E OuQan, tltlee King E11he11¢1. a CallfOfnla eotP01 11llOf\ TN• 1111.inet• I• c:ond~.O fly at\ ln1llvldu1I e1 C1t1no. CA tl7f0 Ill ~ lpp llno 811 o m . Irvine

f1111 b\1"""9 le oonciuoteo l>y • Calltornta 9'71& Jut1111 ~eldman Thi• 1111amanl WU Oleo wllll lh•

Counly c1 .. 11 of Otanoe County on Aug 4, 1911 P


~-.. partMl tl'llP • Thi• bualMa• la by • lllo!Mtl W 0•- Cotpot• llOtl

fhle 1111 .. nant wet l lleO wnn 11'1• Alla l!u tatlln P1Mlelanl County CMltk of Orange Cou111y on 1'-rCI• £e1hellcl

Publl•h• d Orange COH I Oally Piiot Aug 7 t• . H , 2tl, 1912

Aug , • . tt82 Tltlt ..... ~I WH 111..0 wlth Iha ,. , ... ,0 COuflty Clerk Of O•anoe County °"

Publl• h• d Ort nga Cott• Dally Aug 4. 19112 ' ' 3tltl2·12 -----~~-::-:~---! PllOI. Aug 1 14. 2f, 21. 1113 '1 .....

P\lklC ll)TIC( 3~to-02 UAY a IMfTH __ .....;;,,;.::;;.;_;~~~:=::::::::1----------- C_....,._ Al I.Aw IT A TIMINT OP AaAMOOMMINT P\alC ll)JIC( ...0 MeoMtlw ._..titd. ••

Ofl UN OP fll0Tlf10UI ....,.........,_ .. ....... UO IVllNtlll NAMa ...... ......... - Newpofl hech, C ellt0tnla ~

th• 1011o wtng p ereone h ave MAm 8TATl•MT Publlth•d Orang• CoH I Dally tl*ldOMd Ille UM of I ha f'l()llllOUI The loOowlng petlOflt . , . doing PllOI Auo 14, 2 I. 29. 8991 • • 1112 9u11Mte Ntfne. bUtlneM .. 3920..92

NEWPORT MAIN, 2&8 E 20lh 8 V8Y 8 E & CL EAH I N Q 6 81 C°'t' Mau CA 92tl27 MAINTENANCE, lH I Mac:Oont ld

Th• flc;lll lO~I eualnen Nam• 8 1., No 4, Huntington Se.en, CA re l a1t1d to 11>ova wu filed In 92t147

11 7lltl 0tenoe county on Mey ti, 11111 Weyne Dt nlel Pov 111111, 1 Rol>eft w Oaweon 118&2 Marl>tl MacDonald St , NO 4, Hu11t1ngton

C ' n270& Beach, CA 12tl47 Aroh. S1nl1 A11e. A"' "' C1r me11 M . Povlleltl t , 78tl 1

Rob«I R Zlernll • 258 E 20th SI .. MacDonald SI., No 4, HuntlnglOll Coala Mt H , CA 92827 Beech CA 92t14 7

Thll butlneH WH c;ondUG1ed by • Tiii• ' l>u•I- ,, eondUCled by an Qeoettl pannerlhlp lndlvld al

Ro1>et1 w . Dawaon u Wayne Povi1a1ul Tiii• ..... ,,,.,., . ..... llled with th• Tiile t l etemenl WU n1ee1 with ""

County Clllfk ol Ot• fl99 County on County Cl•k of Orenge County or Aug • . 1982 , ltll3t Augull 12. 1982

'11U71 Pul>llthtd O"nliJ• Coat• Dally Pul>ll • h• d o11nge coul Dell)

Pnot. Auo 7, 14, 2 1. 28. 1982 Pl'~. • ug 14• 21, 211 ana "-1 ' 349 1.92

1992 .. .,...

Ml.IC NOTICE 3619 82


NAiii ITATIMl.MT Th• 1011owlng perton• .,. dotng

bulllletll •• COR N SOF TWARl . 7 6

wnnaw• ltr Or . Coron• dal Mar, CA 92826

Michael Harold Corntllaon. 2tl Whllewllllt Or . Coron• del Mat . CA 92825

Rot>;irt Leroy Cornelison, Jr., 26 Whllewaler Or , Corona del Mu . CA 92825

M ere Se ll. 32 Point Loma, Newporl Be&Cl't, CA 92690

Scott Emigh . 27 M onaco.

The f ollowing peraon 11 doing t>ualntta u :

CARIBE PACIFIC SERVICES, 338 E. 17th Str .. I, Cotta M .. t , CA 92t127.

1(-41$20 NOTICE TO CflEDITOtll l'l&IC NOTICE

New1><>rt Beech. CA 92tl80 This t>uelneN 11 conduc1ea by •

gene<al plllnefShlp

Of llULI< Tlll ANIFI" PlCTITIOUI .UIMll ''"' · •101.f107 u .c .C.) ..... ITATI MINT

N olle: • I • he re by g iven IO Th• following ~11on I • doing

M H Cornellu• Thie • t•lemenl WU llled Wiii\ 11\e

County Clerk or Ortl\QI County on

Richard Talemant... I 0 I 2 O.tnelli SI La Puent• . CA I 1161

Tnt• out&neM 11 ~led oy an Individual

Rtcnt1d talam.ant" Thia 11a1erM111 wu tiled wnh in.

Cwntf Clatll Of Ol• "O' County on Auo l , , .. ~ llM114

Pul>ll•nad Or1nQe COatl Delly P110 1 Aug 1• , a1, n . lee>! • . 1t12

$~3 t 2

P\8.IC NOTIC( • -cum


Ofl llULK T"ANIPlfl (leca. 1101 .. 107 U.C .C.)

N o1tca I t ll a l e b y g l v t n 10 cre dito r• o f Ille w11n1n n•m•d p1r11a1 11111 • bulk 1ran1t•• 11 about 10 bl m1da Oil pat eon el prQC14t• 1y hefelnall .. d1ec;1tt>e0

Th• ntme(t) and 1>u11n a1 • eddro•• o t the in t e nded '"ner .. or(•) ar•

ERIKA BENOLIN, 6172 Helley Circle Hun11ngtoo O.acf\ C A 92847

A NN A M C OHEN , !tll82 Studutt Oriva, Huntington 9eM;h CA 92&47

Tn • name(•) end bu11ne1 1 a ddre11 ol 111• I ntended 1r1n1teree{1) ore;

SEVGI AKSOY 81180 L• Z•n• Coutt, Founttln V11141y, CA 9270tl

Tnt1 1rie proper t y p.,ll n t n hereto ta detcrlbe<I In Q•~•I 11 furniture, llature a 1qulpment goodwill lease . 111a e h Old 1mp•ovemen1S 1radenatne, stcx.k tn 11ade c11enl 11 s1 end telephone 11umber and 11 loc aled a1 177 Riverside, Suite O. Newport Beech, C A 92660 OAN IEL JOH N M O A TS , 9

WNtperlrlQ Wind, lrvtne, CA 92714 Thlt butlnMI te condUC16d by en

lnellvlduet Daniel J . Moel •

c:redll o n or the w lltl ln n•med t>utlneM 11 tranaletori t ) thel I l>Ulk 1r1nale< It p S ATTORNEY SERVICE eNI 1oou1 to bo m 1d e on personal PROTEK SYSTEMS, 3037 Werr9'1 properw heretn11tor deecrlbed Lane coata M ... Celll0tnla 928211

The n a me(a ) a nd 1>u11nHa Patrlelc 0enni1 San<lerl, 3037

Aug 4, 1982 ,11<1172

Pu1>llsn1d Orang• Cout Oelly Piiot. Aug 7, 14, 21. 28. 1982

3477· 82

The t>Ui.in81f name uMCl by the 111d 11an1rero1(1) at said 1oc111on is. SEW WHAT INTERNATIONAL

l hat said bul k transl • • l a intended 10 be c;onaumma1ea •• Ille olllc• o l S ERVICE ESCRO W COMPANY, P 0 . BOA 2!8. 14282 BelCI\ Blvd , W eatmln11t!I . CA 82683 on 0t alter S991 17. 1982

Thie ttat_,I WU lllecl with the County Clet1I of Orange County on Auou• t 19, '1982.

'1M7M Publlehed 01• n11• COH I Oatry

Pllol Aug 2 1. 28, Sept. 4, 11, 1992 • 3897·82

add•••• or th e l nlend • d wa rr e n L a n e , coue M • •• . 1r1naletor(a) are BKI l3. Inc .. t California 92828 C11lllorn1e corpora1lon, 3303 Hubor Thie bualneaa 11 conducted by en l'UllLIC NO TICE Boulevard, Suite E· 8, Colla MM&. lndlvid.,.I CA 92626 Patrlc;lc 0 Sanden NOTICE Of' T flUITH 'I I ALE

The n a met tl a n<I bu1lnt ll Thia t tetamenl wu llled whh the 1.oen Mo. 19001

Pl&.IC NOTICE add re•• o I t h• In 1 • n d ·~ county Clerk ot Orange Coun ty on T.I . No. 71Mt-5 • trenslerlll(a) ere PHILIP A HIL • A I I 1982 UNIFIED HOME LOANS H duly

Thll the lall date IOI flflng Gilllml In tne escrow relerre<I to hereln It Sept 16, 1982

\ l'UllLIC NOTICE --,-IC~TfTIOU;.;;;~~.~au::-:-:.,..-==~s~a-~


- ----------- Piiot, Aug 7. 14, 2f, 2tl, 11~:89-92 NSLIC NOTICE Jt<:TITIOUI llUSINlll NA• aun.•tcT

The rollow lng peraon 11 doing bu11neN as:

210 19 New e Ave • ug. • f'1N1• appointed Trustea und., 1ho Torranoe, CA 90!t02 Pul>ll • h• d 0 11ng1 Co111 0 1lly tollow1ng descr1De<I deed ol trull

Thtl 11\e proper t y pertine nt Piiot Aug. 14, 2 1, 28. Sept. 4, 1982 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC TION nerelo 11 descttbed In general at ' 3&64·82 TO tHE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR

So tar •• ts k nown 10 sai d 1n1endod Tr a nale 1ee(a) ae l d Int ended Tflnsteror(• ) used the following addlllonal l>utlness names end eddrenea w it hin the tnree


D The lollowlng persons are dotng

bualness as. S A L M AN SEATING . 8935

HermoSB Ctrcle, Buena Park. CA 90620.

A LBE RT SAL M AN ASSOCIATES. INC , a C11lllorn11 GOfpotalion. 6935 He<mosa Circle.



Ptrl I " IMP01'T NOTICE"

I F YOU R PROPERTY IS I N FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS. IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION. and you may l\1ve the legal right to bring your account In good standing by peylng all ol you1 put due payments plus ptrm111ed costs a nd e• penns with in three (3) montht from 11\e date 1n1s Notice ot Oolault was recorded es thown 1n the upper

P\8.IC *>TICE ,tCTITIOUI llU ... H

NAME ITATHllNT The toltowlng persona ere doing

bu•l~A~N':ow DECOR ATO RS . 3004 Harding Wty, Costa M .... CA 9262tl

STEVE'S APPLIANCE. 1849 Ptacanlla No I. Co1t1 MH a. Ct 92627

Steve Herold Delong . 184tl P1acant111 No I, Co•I• MeH, Ca 82827

Thia t>u91nen le c;ondUGled l>Y an lndlvldual.

BURGER KI NG II 2005 and IS CASH (pey11>le el time OI ule In localed al. 13912 Brookhurat mm• IC ll)TlC[ law1ul money ot Ille unuea S1a1u) Street , Garden Orove, Ca111orn1a r--. all right, 11118 and interest conveyed 926"3. T.I . No. :M2I 10 ind now held by 11 under aold

Tiie l>uSlneas name uMCl by lhe NOTICI OP' TM.llTIE'I IALE Oeed ot Tru51 In the pro p erly aald 1ranateror(s) 11 said 1oca11on" YOU AM IN O&PAUl.T UMDIJ' A ,.,.,-einall• deacrtl>ed BURGER KING •2005. Dl•D OP TRUST OAftO llllARCH TRUSTOR IRWIN WINGE~ and

T h a t aal d l>ul lc tr an eter l a ao, 1111 . UNLlll YOU TAKI KAREN V WINGER. hus"and and 1n1an<1ed to be c:onaummatea et l l>8 AC TION TO P"OTlCT YOU" wlle 11 Jolnl tenants

years last pu t none Tiiis bulk tr•n•I•• ti SUDjecl 10

Ca11torn11 Uni l o•m Commerclel CO<le Secllon 6106

OAtEO Augull 18. 1982 Sevgl Ak.oy lnlenOec:I Tranaleree




Buenl Pai l\, CA 9062D. Thi• t>uslneas Is conducled by a

t:Ofpot8llon Aloert Satman ASSOC Inc All>«I ::; .. 1man, Pres

Thi• 11atement wu llled with the County Clerk ot Orange Coun ty on Augu1t 18, 19tl2 F


ALI.IN AND Fl.An AUorney• et Law

t400 MecAl1NK llhd. Mo. 170 Newpor1 llMdl. CA l2IMO

Publlshed Orang• Coast Dally PllOt Aug. 2tl. Sept 4, 11, 18, 1982

' 3842·82



(lee$. 1101-'10'1 U.C.C.) Nollce Is hereby given 10 th•

Gladltor'S ol BENGT SVENSSON, Tr-teror. whOM t>utlnaas tddreas I• 734 Ohm• Way. City ol Cos ta M.... Cellfotnll 92627, County ot Orange. State ot C.lll ornle thal a ~ 1renller It abou1 lo 04I mede to J am•• Purcllu ll a nd Glenn J Fewlle•. Tre nate r ee s . w hole butt,_ eddreaa le 13752 Gunl hflr Stteet . City 01 G a rden Grove, Count 1 o f Orange . Slat• ot Celll oml• .

right hBtld corner above This emount Is$ 726 00 es ol June

28, 1982 and will lnetease delly unhl your account 1>eeomes current You may not have 10 pay the entlrt unpaid porllon ol you1 account. ev1n though lull peymon l IS demanded, t>ul you must pay thfl amount s11111<1 el>Ove.

Unless the obllgellon being l orectosea upon pe1m11S a 1onge1 pertod. you have lhe leQaJ rtghl to slop the torec:tosure only by pey1ng the entire amount demanded by your crecSltot within tlWee (3) months attar th• date or this dOQJmant s recordatlon , wh ic h dale ot rec:ordlng eppeara 11eroon.

To find out the amount you mutt pay, or to arrange lot payment lo atop the l oreclosu1e, or 11 your propeny Is In foreclosure for any other reatoo, contact L .. H. Duret, AllOfMY • I L•W US Town Cantat Or. No. IOO Coate lleu, C A t2t26 (714) 141·1"7

II you have any questions, you should contact • lawyer o r t ne government agency wt11CI\ may heve maured your loan.

C tt h erln e M ut p hy , 300 4 H8'dlng Way , Coal• MH•. C A 9262tl

Thomta E Grim .. J t , 2011 Roee Lene, Co110 MIU, CA 92827

Thll t>ual,,... It conCIUCled by e 08"9f II Plr1<*'1fllp

Catl\erlne Murpny Thie 1t1tament wH Ill.CS with 1118

County Clet1c of 0..'"99 County on Aug 11, 1982 ,, .. ,n

Published Orange CoH I Dally Piiot. Aug. 14, 21, 28. Sept. 4, 1982



NAMI I TATR.-Hl Tiie tonowtng pettont are dotftG

t>ualn ... as: SINBAO' S, 3tl8 South Main

Str .. t . Orange. Calllornla 12668 Boonc;hoO Vongruk1Ukdl, 2234

East Walnut Av e nue . Ora nge, Callloml1 92867

Slftgd10 Vongruk tvkdl . 223' En t Wal n ut Av enue. Ore nga. Cellloml• 92867

Thi• t>ualneN 11 conauctea t>y &n lndlVidUll

BoonchOO Vongrukaukdl

Thll 111ttmenl w .. llled wltn tne County Clertt ot Or• • County on Aug S, 1982.

f1M1'M Publlalled Oranpa COHI Vally

P"ot, Aug. 7, 14, 2 • 28, t9~82 REM EM BER. YOU M AY LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT TAKE PROMPl ACTION •-.,. ll)JIC(

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ___ ,,_ _____ ........ ...,...._

The property to be 11ensler1ea 18 deecrlbed In genatll u · All a1ock In tre<le, llxtllfes, equipment •nd good wtll ol I het machine 9hop l>Ualnas k nown •• Ouallly P1oduc11 end 1oce1ed ti 734 Ollms Way, City ol Coll • MIH, County ol Orange, State ot Celltomla 92627 and lhe 1u1 data to I lle ciilma 11 Secitember 16, 1982.

l h e bulk t 11n1lar w i ll 1> • c:onsummated on Of after the 11th dey ol Saptemt>e< . 1992 al 10:00 a.m. at OfCMll' EaGrO'ft Corporellon. whoae address Is 18002 Irvine 8 hr<I . Tuettn , Calllomla.

H A R B OR V I E W HILLS f11Cm10Utl ...... lll HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION has N.Am ITA........,. • uen upon lhe real property known The tol'owlng l*90flt are doing .. 3912 Inlet ltle Or . Coron• de! ~ aa: Mir , Calllornla, which 11 legally co v N T R Y C 0 U S I N S detctloe<I IS PRODUCE ANO SEAFOOD MAR'T,

Unit ??? ot Lot 46 of Trtcl 642!t 2 140 PteGentla, Coate Meu. CA as per e map rec;oraed In Booll 238. 12617. Paget 43 lo 48, lnelualve, or at J A M ES O HUDSON . ti 130 1n111uroen1 N umbe r ???. C amino Cu rra r , Anehel m . C A Ml1cellaneou1 Map• ol Orange '2907 County . Celltornla ol wll lch SAMUEL P. ING AROIA, 2021

Is SHE M OO 0 EL & RO W S HAN Pleoenlla, Coela MM&. CA tze27. YADEGARAN are lht owner a ol J OSEPH C. INGAROIA, 2021

So l t r a• la know n 10 Ille Tr1nsleree1, all l>utlneu name• a n d addreu• • u aad b y t he Tr111sleror lot the pul thrae years tlll:lalM

Latt d•t• lo• llllng c;l1lm1 September 1!t, t 982

Steve H. OeLong Thi• 1t11ement WU nled with Iha

County Clerk of Orange County on AUO 11, 18tl2 ,

119111 Publl•h• d Orange Co111 Dally

Piiot, Aug 14, 21, 28, Sept . 4, 1982 3!195-12

olfloe ol· AlamltOI Escrow, 11474 HOMI, IT MAY 111 SOLO AT A BEN EFICIARY TIM OTHY W South Street . Cerritos. Callfotnl1 PUel.aC IA.LE. tp YOU • ED AN MA RSH A LL and SANORA E 90701 on or aft .. Sept l6, l 982 I XPLAMATION OP TNIE MATUM MARSHALL, husband and w1le as

The n1me and eddreu ol th• OP' THI "'OCllOtMQ AGAIHST 1o1n1 1enan11 perton wllh whom c1a1ma may be YOU. YOU IMOULD COMTACT A Recorded Auguel t 1. 1978 as flied la Alam11oa Esc1ow. 11 474 UWYlll. instr No 170!t8 1n book 121g5,

1Ul2 ~h llhrd. WHtmlne1et. CA ~

Publlahed Orange Coast Oaily Piiot , Aug 28. 1982


l'UllLIC NOTICE South Street. Cerritos. CA 9070 1 STAN-SHAW CORPORATION. • C>8Q4I 1890 of 011k:lal RllCOfdl In 11141 ATTN Cheryl Slonehem. Eacrow c anl o rnl a corp oration, •• duly olllce of th• R&Gorder or Orange NOTICE Of TIIUSTEE'I SALE Olflce1/Escrow No 1586 and Ill• • poi n ted Tru 1tee u n de • the County, uld daed ot uusl detGrlbes Numbef 1ot1MMI

P\BJC ll)TIC( IHI day tor lll lng clalml by any 1o':1owtng described deed ol trust lhe toltowlng praperty YOU ARE IN OEFAU\.T UNOER A c:redltor shall be t!t, 1982• WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Those portions of Lot 1 ol Traol D EED O F T fl U I T DAT E 0

NOTICE OF DEATH OF Wllleh II IN l>utlnen dey t>elora tlle TO TH E H IOHEST BIDDER FOE 9340, 1n the County ol Orenge. NOVEMIER 2 1. 1110. UNLESS HELEN EVA HURLBUT c:onsumma11on date epecllted 1CASH or aa ae1 fort h In Section Sta te ot Celllornla, a.s pe< map tiled YOU TAKE ACTION TO Pf10 T£CT

AND OF PETITION TO • bove. 2924h ot the Civil Code, a.II right. In 11ook 381 , pages 34 ond 35. YOUR P"O PEflTY , I T MAY •l

ADMINISTER """"'ATE NO. So l ar as 11 known 10 nld 1111e and lnterMt conveyed 10 ana M11ce1taneous MIPI. in Iha olfk:e of SOl.0 AT A PU9l.IC SALE. If YOU .,..,. I ntended Tran1leree( 1) s a i d now held by 11 una• Mid Dead of trwi c:ounty rec0<der or said county. NEED AN EXl'L.ANATION Of THE

A11'Nt. Intended Tranaltror(s) used the Tr ue\ In the properly harelnalter deteribe<l In par<ielS es loHows NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING To all heirs, benef iciaries, lollowlng a<lditlonal l>utlnesa namee dee«lbed' PARCEL 1· Unit No 11, as shown AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD

creditors and conti nge nt and addresau within lhe three TRVSTOR. LHI•" L•b•• and and desc:r11>e<1 1n lhe conaom1mum CONTACT A LAWYl".

1 E ye11a IHI put none Terty Lynn Lel>ef . l\ual>and and wlle Plan rec:orded on S.plemt>er 24 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thlt c r edl t o rs o f He en v a DATED Augull 24 1982 .. 111 • • to 1n undv 'It ln1 and 18116 In book 11900. pag• 1464 M AR VISl A FINANCIAL . INC . Hurlbut and peraont w h o Ph•hp A Hiio Mlc"-el J. Sc;haff4H . I tlogle m• n II Official Rec:orda, ot said County. oorporellon. 767 North 'E" Street may be otherwiae lntereated Intended Transteree 10 en undv. 'It Int . H tenents In PARCEL 2 An undivided one· San 8efnard1no. C1hlorn1a 9i403

th will and/ Mta~· A.IMnttoa Eac:row common t-1111\ I 11 12) 1nteru1 as •tenant In Telephone Numl>ef ( 714) tl89.023 I, in A '!,....,_ .... ~been filed 1W74 10UlllSllMI B E N EFICI A RY l hl I rvine common1n 1hetee 1n1•es11nane110 as the pre1en1 Trustee under the

__ ....,., •- C.rtloe, C A 90101 c 0 mp • n y d / II I a San 11 • go lhe Common Area ol said Lot and oeed of truat heretnelter mentioned. by Robert A. Eatman in the Eec:row No. 1511 ln-1rnant COmpany Trac;I e1 such 1erm 11 denned In the wlll sell 10 the hlghH1 bidder tor Superior Cou rt of Ora nge Puollth•d Orange Co•fl Dally Recorded June 15, IH I •• ln111 Attlcle enllllea " O.flnhl01u" or the caSh on lewful money ol the Untied Co unt y requeatln& that PllOt Aug 29• 1992

3112e..82 No 21847 In 110011 14 100, page Otclar•t lon o f Co ve n a n tt . s 111esw11hout w•rran1y ot anylllnd

R o b •rt A . Eas tman be 1 --- ------:---:-- 1271 of OfflclaJ Record• In the olf\Ge Cond1t1on1 • nd Re111 1c:11001 •• 8 public aucuon at l he time ana "' 1· , o f the Recorder of Orange County: recorde<I on July 23. 1976 In book place desi gnated t>elow, In tho

a ppointed •• p e r ao nal PUBUC NOTICE Hid deed ol 1ru11 des<ir lbet th• t1824, page 915, Ofllelel Rec0td~. county ot the St•t• ot C1lllorn11 repre.entative to administer K.01IO'I' rooowlng properly ol satd County ( the " Oeciaratlon ) c1es1Qna1.ct l>8IOw en ol tl'le right. t h e eata te o f Helen Eva s~COUffT Of' Ex.-T " A" 1no eny am•ndme n u or 11119 and Interest now lleld by Hid

d th CAUl'Ofll*A LEGAL OESCRIPltON 1nnekatton1 the<eto Trus1ee In and to all 11111 ce<laln H U r I b U t ( Un e r e PARCEL 1; EXCEPT TH~EFROM ell oll, gas. property which Is iltuale In Hid Independent!niltration C OUNTY Ofl ~~:flD Q Unit 72 u anown end claecrlbed mtnetal .. and othe< hydrOCS1bon1, County and ts described below Tf\e of r.taies Act). ~ petition ,.g~~~d~•;~" ':,.~' ~INDY 1111 : In the Condominium P1an recor-ded below 11M9tll ot !tOO feet , witnout street address. II any, or other la aet for hearing ln Dept. ROelNION, ~ o n Nov.,,,ber 29. 19 79 In Book 111e rlghl ol surlece ent ry . u common destgnauon. 1t any ot said No 3 at 700 Civtc Center NO: A·U..,.. 13413. Pegea 706 10 849 lnc:lu....,_ of re1erved 1n Instruments or rec:ord propet1y I• eel torlh below

Ori.Ve .. ,_, in•'-- Qty of NOTI C I 0 , HIARING O F OfllclalFlec;Otdt ol .. l<I GOUnty. P A RC EL 3 Non·ei<Cluslve S111ddH<l oltrus1wase•eculed

, " '-... WJC ni peTITION '°" ~MT cw PARCEL 2. ee.aemellll over auc;h property ana by the Trullo• detignated below Santa Ana, Callfor a on GUARDIAN Of' liMNOf'S C""I<* M undMOed one ~ty nlntl\s '°' sucn purpo ... as are reserved al\d was reGOtded on the date. in Sept. l~, 1982 at ~:30 a .m. A*> I STATR) (11291 h1 lnl•• H t H 1en1n1 In l o• 11\a benal1I o l or granted to lh• Boot. end at the Peg• aa

IF YOU OBJECT to the TO ALI CI A WISE . JE A N oommonln lha lM lnl ar .. lln llld to Owne11 in the Sections entitled Document Number of Oltlc;lal .,,..nti no of •'-- pe"""- you M ALt<EM VS, JEAN GA R L AN O In. ccmmon - of Lota 10, II, 12 " U\1111 1.. , ' Support tn<I Records In the 011'°9 of lhe County r -·- u 1111: .. _,.., E O WA Ro G -.! 13 of Trtel N58 M par Map Settlement • " Encroachment " and Rec;order or H id County, all u lhould either appear a t the ~OOB~N~~~ ~~O ALL PERSON S lllad In B0041 438 , Page• 1 ' o 7 " Common ArN Easement" or the dHlgnated below, and conveyed h e arin g and 1t a t e y o u r INTERESTED HEREIN· lnclutlve ol M lac;etlaneou• Map1, .11111c;1e ot 1he oec11,.11on entitled sel<I property 10 the TrustM therein

(11 i tt n E N OTICE that reco•d• ot ea.Id County, H auch "~t". epeclfled objectlont or e w r e PLE A SE TA K t0fmlldeflned ln t"9at11deetltllled PARCEL 4 Non · 01tc;lu 1 l v• Slleofll\eprOP41'1yW1ll1>8mad• objections w lth the court REBECCA LYNN ROBINSON hi~ " OellnlllOna" of me Oeder111on o1 ~••over auch proll'8f1y and pursuant 10 the d emand ol lh• before the bearing. Y ou r ~:1;,:,,·~~~ ;:.~z,~,!. cova n enta . Condt1ion 1 i n d !Of IUC:l'I porposea u are reserved Benefoc111ry under sel<I deed of trusl appearance may be ln perwon of the abOve nllrned mlnort R11tr lclion1 Recorded Aprll 21 , ror t he benefit ol or grant ed lo end by reeson or delault 1n the

orr bi vyourour a"..........v. A hM•lnO on aal<I petltton 11 M t 1978 In 8oott 12'44, PllQll 951 ol o wners 1n lhe Sections entitled ptyment or pert or manc • ot ·-·- .1 E 5 987 t t 1030 Offldel Recor<l1(The " Oeclal••lon" ) Ow nera Rlghll a nd Oulln . 0bt1ga11onssecureabysatddeedol I Y 0 U A R A tor Saptembet 1 ·

1 1 n d a n v 1 up p I • m e 1111 • n d u1i1111 .. and Cable Telev111on" . trust 1nc;1u<11ng lhe defaull. nollGe or

l"nl:"nIT(}R •'--t o'c\Odl A.M In Oepertmenl 3 ol the , d ~ or a ccn........... 0 ,.ng• county Superior co11rt amendmenl • th«ato " v 111111•• ". 'Su PP or I an whlc:h 1111as rllCOfded on the dete. in cred..ltor of the dec:ealled, you tocitlKI •• 100 Civic: canter Ortve PARCEL 3: Settlement", " Enc;roechmenl" ind the l>OOll end 11 the Page, !Ind es

0.tec:I: Augull 26, 1982 J-Purcllull

rtc0td and Mid Lien hit arisen by P'-'lla. eoeu Meea. CA 112~27. v iii ue ol • Oec:l a rtllon of TNI ~ 11 condUc:led II\'• Covenants . Cond ition• 1 n d gener91 pertlWINp

file -•- •-with the It 1 Refef Eat«nanll u auc h .-menll "Community Fa<:llltlff E11emen\'' Oocumenl Number ol uld Oflk:lel mu.t your uau.u w .. 1. Senta Ane, Cal 0<n e ere pertlCiularly H I forth In th• ol the Anlde entltled 'Euamenll" R«orda u deatgnated belO'# cour t or present lt to the lo u l d ptt l t lon tor f urther anlele enllllecl " Eaeernenl•" of tn. In the ()eclartllon or Covenanu. Tiie 101al emoun1 ol the unpaid Qlenn J. Fewtces

Trw.t• -MOYPllCftOW -n1"eltfd.. ,...,... c...._...

~trletlont (~elnefttt ~R'1") Jemtt O. Hudton recor<led on Jenu•IY 10. 1987 In Thl9 t111emen1 wu filed with IM

peno n al r epre1e nta tlYe pa~~.::,r~uout1 20, 11182. oecluatlon under th• H Oiion Condlllon t •nd Restr1c11ons btlanoe or the 01111g111on securea a ppo inte d b y th e cou rt WW.AVI"- anucKLIN a PACK hMdlng• In 8Ud'I artk:te u tol1oW1: rec0<ded on Jun• 9 1976 In l>OOll by said o..a ot 1ru11 and .. 11m11ed ...... Boote 8988, Pages 94. lnc:tualvo. or COUnty CW!( of OrlnQll Councy on

u lnllrurnar>I Humbel' ?» Olflc;lel Aug It 11182 Recotds ol tat<I County Calll0tnto. ' f'1tli'U

Pvbll1hed Orengf. Co1st Piiot. August 28. '902

Dally es anne•e<I 10 the tublect propeny Pul>llthed Orano• CoHI Deity NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN thll Pllol, ... UO 21. 28. Sepl 4, 11, 1982.

8 breach 01 the 01>11oa11on lor whlc;h 37._'\.82 said Lien wu ~ • • eecurlty has


----.,.- - - 1C- ..,..- Tl-C-E----1 ocx;urre<I 1n that lhe paymen11 01 ·-.,. *>TIC£ f'UU\. nu aueument a end ch1rgea duly ~

---= .. .,.,cmc~=E.::T:-:o=-=c::A::E::D::::IT:;:O~ .. :o,.-- lellled t>y said AesoclatlOn agt inat ACTIT10U9 .,..... .. OP' ltuU( TflAHSFE" the 11Ul>l8Cil property -· nol petd STATllmWT

(Seca. 1•01-'101 U.C.C.) when duo, and 11111 remain due. The tOfklttwlnO pereon1 are doing N 0 1 le:• ts here by g I ven to owlllil and unpaid H lolloWS 11utl.- u .

creditors 0 1 the w ithin ntmed Aueumenls "'hloh are more GREAT l,.ENQT'HS (FOR HAIR), 11- ltlfO<I tha.t t l)Ulk lrtntl .. la then thir t y days Piii due plua ~tl20 E. COU I Hwy ., C0ton1 del

b 1 10 b• made on peraonal aubH(luent e.sseaments, togelhet Mw. ~ • ou ,_111,,.11., descri bed with 1n1er .. 11~ from said date, W l ll l 1 m E . a n d P1m111 L Pfrlames and bullneaA edd1eu 11 tl\ll rate of 7 pe<cen,1 per annum, c ecac:e. 10 12 Clltt Drive, Legon• ol th• Intended trantlerort are· 1n eddl1ton 10 auorney • feet, cotts Beech. Cellf0tnla 92e5 I Jacll Guge and Steven Medina di>• and late cnargtt II Mt lorth In said Thia t>uel,_ II conducted by • TENOER M EATS. t partnership, CtaR'a together with any and llll oaner•I pertnertl'llP Sult• • . Magnolia Center. 18171 euma advanc.d by Iha A1eoc;:t111on Pernell L c -M eg nolla Huntington Beach . 0 ( 111 agents. under lhe terms ana WllMem E. Cao-Callf0<nla S2t\4tl prov111on1 ot 1814 CC&R's Thi• 1111-1 - flleCI with the

The locel lon In Calltornla ol Ille NOTICE 1$ FVRlHER GIVEN 111111 County CW11 o1 Orange County on Glllt'I executive ollloe °' pr lnclpal H id Auociatton. through 111 duly AUQUll . It, 11192. butlneu o fllc• of t he Intended appointed tQelll . he• eJ1ecuted 1111<1 ITlineltrOI'• It: u m• . aetlverlld • wrltlen dlderallon of

All o the r l>uflneu n1mH end defaull end dernan<I lor Nie. and lld<lr ..... ueed by the lntene141<1 hH surrendered 111 documents """""'ore within tiwM yeeta 1811 evidenci ng ol>llgatlon• H Gurect pal l 1o 111 a • kno w n 10 t h• 11\ereby. end hit declar.ct and does ln1ended lr91\81er .. t1e none hereby declare •II euma aecured

Tht name and 11ua1neu tddreu 111ereby lmmedlately du• and of the ln tanOed 1rentleree are peytl>le, and hat e1ec1ea tN1 does

8 1R JAX. INC .. 3037 S Brlstot, elecl 10 c 1uae tl'le properly Santa An• . Callfornt11 92704 datcr1bed above 10 be sold to

That Iha property pertinent 11t11ty Iha obllgellont du• sa id l\efelO It daaellbed In general II all Auoclillon tvrnlture, equipment. llKtur•• end T 0 0 E T E R M I N E I F goodwill of a cter teln retell mHI REINSTATEMENT IS POSSIBLE

f~ll ~ and II IOGaled at· A N~f H AM 0 V N T. IF ANY . I") :l'!11a 4 , Megnolla Center . ft ri lfECES A R Y iO cum:. THE

..__/ M1o noll1 Aunllng ton B • • Oh , OE ' CONTACl Celif0tnla. 1. .. "' DUAl, Att_, •• Law


Pub ll1hed 01a1t9 • Con t Delly PllOI Aug. 21, Ill, BepC. 4, II. 1182

. 1740-82

ACfTT10U8.,.._U ..... tTATUE'ff

Th• tollow tng pa11on I t dolno t>ullneM ...

A S I LK T R EE. 18 5 1 1 BtooflhurWl 81. Fount aln V..,,.,, CA 12708.

ROBERT W, CRAVEN , 184 1 Molino A\111 , No. I , &lgnal HNll, CA 90804

Thia ~ It oonelucted by an lndivldu.i '

wtihln {our mont.hl {rom the e_... w. '"tell*' " Algbll end Dull• • Vllllllea end 1116 6 p • 11 • 4 ~ O. 0 11 1 c I• I c;oats expenses. end edvances •• f tt_,_ C t Ille Tel e v l• lon" , " Support , Record• of U ld Count y I ' Th• tne time ol the lnilltl publk:ahon or

da t e of flnt i11uance 0 A~* Pet Settlement end Enc;roechmenl " , Master Oecleratlon 'I 11nd any th is Mollee or Truatee' s Sale IS letters u p rovided ln Section Publlah• d Oran~e C~Htl9~2ally " lngr• .. EgreH and Recreallonal emendm•n•• or annexet1on1 designated below 700 of the Probate Code of Pilot. Aug


28• apt · 3801 -82 Rtghll''. 1n<1 "& dullve ~rlcted 1r-e10 ,..,. uMCl ,,.....,, " Tr11•tor • tlhall be

California . T h e time for Common A• .. e-Mlll' YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER" dff'Md l o - " Truston' ii mor• ---'..,. PARCEL•· DEED OF TRUST OATEO August lh t n one Truelor 11 datlg naled

filing will not..-..-- P\BJC llJ1lCE EH emenl• .. auc!I .... men1a to 1178 U N LESS YOU T AKE below end " Beneftelary" a/1111 t>e prior to four month• from ~AL COURT .,. putlcululy H I fo r th In l h• ACllON TO PROTECT YOUR a-Md to mean " Benellclar le•" II t he d ate of th e bea ri ng °"CAL'~ at1lc:ll entllle<I ""-1• " ol Ille PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT" more than OM B-lldlary exaculed nodced above. fttT ~COUNTY Oe clar e llon of Covenant 1 , PUBLIC S ALE IF YOU NEED ... N Ille Not!Ge ol Oefaull herlllnabo\111

M JNE DIS1WCT Cond it lon e a nd RHtrtc:llone EXPLANATION OF THE NATVAE YO U M AY EXA JUOtaAI recorded July 26, 1971 In Book OF lHE PROCEEOINO AGAINST Th• time •nd piece of ul•,

lbe tile kept by the court. u ::~~ 12305, PllQll 7•e and , .. recorded YOU, YOU SHOVLO CONTACT A deacrlp11on ol Hid property end you are Inte rested in the PLAIN TI FF: S IL V ER CRAFT September ti, 1977 In Boole 12371. LAWVER 10th« d••• ralarraa 10 above are .. estate, hou may We • request FUANfTVRE COMPANY PllQll 327 of Offlelal Recoroa ano The 11ree1 addf•S$ II 102 WMI lollows

I OTT GERBER llt'J 911pp'-111 and emendmenll Vale Lo«>. Irvine. Callfotnla Coun1y Or111i1• with t e court to r ece ve OEFENOANl: ELLI • 1,,.,.10 (Ille " Muter Oecleratlon") " (It 8 at•ee• 1doras1 or GOmmon Tru11or LAZAR JAN1C1N and a p e c i al n O t Ic e of the lndlv lduelly and d / bl t l GERBER un<let the Mellon headlno• In auctt oas19n111on 11 eh own above. no MARICA JAN IC IN Hus1>1nd and inventory of est.ate a&aetl FUANtTURE. and OOE8 1 ttwOUOh ertlc'e enttllecl H lotlowa " Right• w arr a n ty 11 g iven as to 111 w 111 and of the petlt.lona. accounta 10· loolut!N9auwOMS an<I Dulin Vt11111n and Cable come>llt-as or corractnen)" Dead o r Trust Recorda11on

d ' b d \ Te le vlelon ", Support a nd The oanellclery und11 u1<1 Deed Otte oec to. 19tl0, Booll 13867, and re po rt• etCfl e n C... Ne.,_ Sattlem1nt end Enc;rot cllment ''.: ol Trutt , Dy rea~ ot t bfeec;h or PllQll 1907, Document No IS2S6 S e c t I o n l 2 0 0 o f t h e NOTICll v .. lwN IMefl ""' " Commun4ty Fec:llltl• Ea....,,...11 oetaul1 in 111e o1111ge11oN teeured Notice 01 o.taun Recordatlon Calllocni.a ~te Code. T1'a...,. ""'•~ ...::J "::C i nd " Ot1lneoe Over Community thereby. 11era101or11 eaec:uted end Ot•• AP' 2. 1982. Document No Robert A. Ea1tmu, ......,. ,.,,., ..., Fectllllal" dellvered t o t he underaloned • 82- 114420.

-~ La r:: ,..,..., .... ..,... MAY ltE ALSO KNOWN AS· 17 wrttten Oeclarellon ot Del•ull eflel TkM 01 Sale Wed . S99tembe< A.11"°1 ~~~·Drt.,•e, ti ..., 111 • 1 ....... L• Roche ll•, Ne wport Bnoh, Demand tor Sele. end wr111en notice 22. ltH . 10'00 A .M ........,,... 09& "yoll wtlfl to ... ""acl\ltoe Of CalllcWnla 92600 ol bf~ 111<1 OI a!Kllon 10 CIUM P l ec;• 0 1 S • I• Norlh •ront

Newport lkd. Ca t!NI an • tlorney In 1111• mat ter , YOll " (II a elrMI eddr ... Of common t he undersig n e d to nll Hid entrenoe l o Iha county courthoute, ('71•> 111·7•11 • = cs:' .. ':o':~i:.f':!:C: dHlgnallon 11 1hown 1bo11e, no property to .. lltly Hid Obltgatton• , 700 Clvlo c.nter Drive Weil. Senta

Pub llihed Oran~e Coatt flled on time w art a n l y l a g ive n 11 to t u and therHll•r th• undersigned AM. CA

2 " " ~Of correctneaa)." cau..O Mid not~ or t>reKh at>a of To1a1 otlflOlllOl'I a.nd .. urn11ad Daily PUol. Aua. 2 • 2 • - · A v I • 0' u • t.. ~. . Id. The t>eneflclerY lln<*' Mid Deed • •• cUil' 10 II • r ec:ord•d M •Y 6 · l<!OSl a. HpenMI, l n<I adv~ • • 1982 ............. II OtlHl"•I ~ ot Trvat, by reetOll of • bfeach Of 1982, "• 1n11r No 82- 155743 Of 1ntt111 publlcatlon. 188.372 19

' 3730...&2 ....., ..,.. U.. ....... ...,. • Oefaull 111 Ille obllgatlont ~ uld Ofllcl•I Re<1otd1 S treel add 1e u or other - .- W.. ,........ .....,_ t~tby. '*-'Ofora eaecuttd tftCI S l l d H I• wlll b• m ad e . bu t common detl g n 1 t1o n or n l d ••..._&.ea .. .,._,, ..... d etlvt11<1 10 l he under1l9n1d I wllho11 1 cove nant or werrenty , ~rOP•flY ac 12 Se1atoga, Colla ..... WTltlen Oeolarellon of Def"'" and • •P'MI or lmplt ding tll le. M-. CA 92626

'1CTITIOUI IUllNIU ~I V•l •d den• eotloll!:t.:: Oeman<l IOI 8ala1 end written notlOI pos• .. •lon, 0, - noa1. to Onc11p:.';11™l!, .. i.:.

NAMI ITA'rtmNT conMt<> de un tt>oglldo en of br..otl and Ot atec:tlon 10 eauea g.1:1ttta1111\~0 IC>al IWI ot u aACS• l.l TN tollowt •01111W9 OOll .g av. n .1.0.-d•D•ila ti a o u J o Til8 1flfCJU'flQ IH<l ,O O lr'H l d the no•• ~ ~ of n ~Ill end 10 Lot I of Tract

t>u~ ... ' "' '* """**Utllln'9. de -. ,__., property 10 M l lefy Mid oblf9allona1 Trull with 1n1er H id not• 5180 11 Pllf "'411> recorded In BOOlol THE RIPPTIOES 31& Ct tellll• ""~ eecrtta. 11 he'f aiouna. and tha1H f\ar th• und• relg nao provided tdv~-.. eny, und• r 18 1. P ao aa 40, 41 11\d 42 o l

Drive Newport tlaac;h c e11tom1a puede "' ~~ •0~ ......... ceuMd Miki nollCI ot ~encl of th• terme ot .. ,,., uaao or Trull . Ml~ MiPt. 1tt IN Of'llce 01 TM 11uelneaa name uM<I by the Ill T-n C1111Mt Dr. No. toO

Mid lraneJefort at Mid IOGel lon II. ~ ...... C A t:lla TENDER MEATS (T t4) M Ml97

Th•I u l cl b 11 lk 11 a n1te1 I• O.ted. June 21. '912 lntendeel to be CC)fltumm••ad al lhe ~o..!.!!'s Ti~IATION

Aoben w, Cravtn f hle tttt""*11 wU !ltd wflh Ille

County CWll of Ollf'OI COullty on Augull 19. 1M 2. ""'91

• • 1. TO THE ~"'N Am : ......... eleClllOn t o be ..-ded April 29 .... Ghl•OM and • •P4111- ol IM !ht Co11~!1 Record., Of H i d 92183 RlndY p f\edmQl'I • HI Cilallna comp lalnt hH been llltd ~ht 1912 •• lnetr No. 12· 146124, of TM I .. ana of the ltWll CIM ted by ~011nt1 lVGI THER WITH non­Drive N9'Wport '*h Catlfornla plelftttft iQllfllll Y'DI'· If Y'D1' -ttt: Mid Ottlcla4 Aeciorde. H id OMd ot Tru11 .-141 w\11 l>e 1u c lut lvt tHtmt nte •llf non·

' '! tNil~. you nwM, •n S e id • • I • w ll l be h e l d on held on Monoey, September 20, lt~etu•hrt riQl'tl ol wey ovtt, ulldtf 12~*• 8'own lt\1' lnelu• Street " day• after 1t111 1ummon1 11 SePIMlber 10, 11192, •t 1 •:OO a.m.. 1982 , 1 2 oo om 11 lflt ~ Ind uPoft (ot I fOf MCtttary 0<

811111• Ana Hatgrll • Celtfof"nla 8270f -* on you, lie-::. tHa oourt • 11 Iha ffonl antr.,_ of Sten-Sh- ,..,._ entrtnce 10 tht Clvlo Cent• ~ .. 1re 1>tt lngrtH end ttrtU, omoe of. K-'I and Oton. Lawytt• , ,_ .. _ " $333 W C-t Hlghwty Sull• 40 1 LH It. DUftST, lte tlt1omeJ/ ._...t ~ 9Md'I Cetttorllll 112083 on STATE OF CALl~OANIA) Of tlflet &eptanil>ef 23. 18t12 COUNTY OF ORANGE I

Tillt bulk 1ren1flf It nol t11bl8C• 10 11)

Publl• htd Or• nJI• OOHI O• llY Piiot. Aug 21. 28, 1ep1 4, I t 1M2


Ml.IC lllOnct

Tom o oyre . 'uu VI• Lido wriMn ~ 1 .~ Corpo r allon , 231! E . 171h 8 1 . llullcl1nDo 300 I Ch~ A""®a. __ ceblee. poltt, ~~ s d N• porl 8ffoll Ca.tlfom l a ~ you dO IO, ~ Santa Ana. CelllOrnla 927 t I . In tht City ol Olanot. CA OOOOll!tt fOf ~r1clty. t_ .........

8~ w • be enter.a on epplleatlon ot the Tift 101a1 emount ot the unpalO At lh • llm• 01 •ht 1111111 1 and o t l'l • r pu r p o • • • and

c artrornla Unllorm Commtrc:lel On July 22, 1982. belora me, Iha COdt 8eetl0n 8 IOI undttlllgned, • Notery Publle In t o<I

The name end edd1H• 01 l h• 101 th t 8 1111 o l Callfornl• . pttton With Wl10fTI Clllllmt ma,y lie p erton ally epp a111d l fE fl . flied 19 Galvin Fl Keene. AllO<ney I I OVRST. ICnowtl 10 me to be the duly Law &crow lioldlt 3333 w CONt 111 t horlu d a nd d .. tg 11 •1t d ~. 8 111 40 1 ~ 9MGh rtpteM'\1111 .... of Ille ANOCll tlOn' C8ilfortila t2t63 8nct the 1MI daY w hich eucul a d t h e with i n I ~ cl#mt by llflt' mtdltOf llflall lnalrumtnt. known to me lo be IM .: ltpttmblt ti. fN2, wtllGtl 11 pa• aon who u ec:uted t h• within th• 1tu1 tn111 dty b t fO f • lh• ln 11rum• nt on 11 .. hall o f .. t d oon• ummauon d ell epeolfltd .aodallon, and edu10.-Sged ~

Oave Moore 4H Lanwoe>il, pMilnlltt. encl thla 00\ll'I ,,_, •:; b.ianot of the ~tton ~ put)lloellon (If ltil.• notice, IN local •ccoutrt~le. t lltttlO, '""'· Cotta MMe c 11t10mla 12t27 )uclgmtnt t1D11ntt you tot IN by u l d property 10 b t utd, amount of the~ bfllariot Of tht ~ • .....,, oM w tll!MI plpta.

PICTITIOU9 __,_.. E<I Whit'• 2 10 1t1th StrMI, Apt. deme11dad ii tflf ~. wlllOtl laot'htr wl1fl ln!.,..l, '"' cll•oet. obllg•llon aeoured bf I lle t bO,.. ~ eocolltr__..te lhtft!IO. ~ tor

Th. NMmfoltowl"ng"~•on 11 d oing 0 303 Newoor t ee1c 11 C111tor n11 ooul d f H Ull In g1rn4t llm1111 Of end " llm• l td cot't . ~. and oe eort b•d d H d o tr1111 a nd •uoh roof 011t rhtne• and 0 11111

,..... 92

..3 ' • ..,... lalllnll of rnontiY or~ ~ Mot the Cleta hit.of, It H tlru teel 0011a. • •p• nna. and ll ncroaol'lmtnt• ol • 111\.t o • ~Mt•l .. tO: u POOL IVPPLY , Thia buel,,... It COfldllcltd by .,, Of olhef rallat req11tt\t In the 870il.4I0.4 1. e d 'le n oe a lr l .it• U TO~ lliflO, ~ ~·r~

.. " I lion 01"-t oomiptalnt. • Ott« Augutl 10, 1N2 dtt«fllint the blel. you 11\tY lldJllOlrll L$-Of Mid f'rtel "" - · Ut42 Mul r1end• Orlvt , MIH ton unlnc:Ofi:;:.:MOC • OATEO JI.- 12, IM1. t1in-411tw Cot'por• Uon ca11 l7 14) ~7 • .o v 11 r 11 • n g • a nd o th • r VltlO CA. lhen • P .,......,. p Aeomon Aldlerd L. Wedl.. 11 .-i Tl'\ltl"' OIMd AUQljel ,a, tH~ an or o eotima nll. o t • 11 111 or

JOllPH T'AUUWICI. 2511 ,,__, · ... ~ I I l e n I n 1 • -~= NOMI LOAMI 4 llllmlltt' kind ttorn Drive , Hollywood, OA Thi• 11&1-t - llitd wtln 1111 Uurtt. Y . • ~- · · 2&, ~ IOOll COlln'Y a.ti ~ Ol'et'99 County on ~ COfpof-:r,. L 19¥enlMM'I II.. Ae Wd TNI-. OtlllMl.~V:la ~. lno. n.' INlil"9 II ~ "1 an ~ ' Cl. 1M ' , .... LAW °"1011 Of' A,,., IL Sent• Ana. calll. 1211 I a OOfl)Ofelton, 1N91M

lnclMdLtlt,,__ T,,,..... A. I.ti"'*"" MOWAm, ..... (714) M2-ttn ._.,.--. 48tt. a.ctJ. SUN I l'lell~ 1'111 ~ .. .... """ ,,_ • • ,,....,.II'--- = ......... C... ""'9. ~ t::'_;y OM CMr ...... --~ A ".:==;::m'°"

CoulltY an of or.,. County on ,., .,....:;:--c:. .... - ............. OA - "".,.,..,.., NawpOrt KWbOf ..... ~3 ~· • :rtomeyl fOf TNllll Auo• it , 1112. P.n1 ~had Orange COlll D • lly (TM),...,.,, O•lllY p,... OOfTll:Med wHh I lle Ol'enet ( PubMihed .Or anoe coaet Dally Pu l> ll •hed Oreno• CN• 1 o.tly °""' "'°~ Met. ,. 21 H and leot ' PublleMd Orenoe COUI NJ. OOt4ll °""' Plk>t, Aug " · 21, lc>t. PllOI Auo H eept 4. 11, 1tf2 PllOI, A\f8. 21. 8.ept 4, 11. 1"2

Pvbll• fl.,. Ofen .. c~: ttat, 1182 • • • "'°'· Auo· a1, ti....,.,•· 1;1~ 4, 1tu · · · ~ "°'·AYO. U , n, lilpl . 4, l f4+G M IMI SS&W2

ebcMI rne lhal Mid AHOClt .. ton ntc\11..,

o9tad ::r:'A.Jf~~·2 ;r.;· .. I 8 8 111 Y H A M 0 A M 0 ..., . .............. A. Wallltr, Oflll9C1Al RAl

~.,,.-.. "=•~•noa co111 Dally ltyl>tlllled 011n~ Coa1t Delly Pltol, Aug 28 Sept 14 . , 1. 1e.

Piiot. ~ " · 1 3a..ce-.e2 ltn 3149·12


I . ,

.- -- ............ .... - "



------- ---~-~--_...~~~~---------------------------..... -------------_...._.._. ..... ....

Oru11gu Con11 DAIL V PILOT tSoturduy, Auuus l 28, 1982 119

Visiting minister to fill pulpit <;t i Jo: , T S PEA K Elt Jt i1 .rn ,. 111

S 11nd11 V ,1 I l 111• l..1g U 11 .1 J\1., 11· l1 l 'o111 111u1 11t~ l '1 1· ... l1vh·11u11 <' h1111 l1 will 1>4 1lw Ht·v Will1 .1111 tirul1h . • 1 .ill \ • . 11 1111 .-~ ... 11111.11 y I ll h111t •lf

(;1 ul1h a11d hr:. w1l1• l.11u1<11 ·""' .1 1 111~:-.11111Jr' 111 K1111·u. 'A-ill I)(· h 11111111·d • .t .• l1n1111 h 11Ch ·r 1h1 :-.1•rvu 1•

(>Jl . l'UESTEH A. DAIN. II 11111111 ·1 prof1.•!i!>or of Asu.111 history Jt Wh 1t1 11•1 Cullq{t' und u l'Ultun1I orrl('l'I Ill 1lw u s .

Rf LI GI DUS NOTIS F o n •1gn S«.>rv 1l'c, will talk .1hmll .. Vdrtl' ll1·i. o f Religio u s E >. p1•111•rn1· 1n A l.Ill .. 111 ... lt'l'llirl' IS !.4.0 h1'llllh 't l .al 111 .111 a m Sunday at th1· L.ig\111.1 B1·.u h Uni l.111un- U n1v1•1 :-..ilt!.l l-\· ll11w.., l11 µ

OR.. ROBERT JI . SCl lULLEfl,..,1·11w1 pastor uf thl· Cry !. l<il Catht·dral ol G1.1 r dcn Grovl' who 1s known lo n11l l11111.., o f ll'l<.•v1s1rn1 VH'W1·rs tliruugh his w1·l'kly "' llour of Pow1•1" prog ram. will I~· 1lw gUl'!.l 111111 1!.1!•1 S umJ:.iy at th1· Cup1st1 ;1 rn 1 Cu111mun11v Chu1d1

Tlw st·rv1u.· will Ix· h1•ld at u :m ,, 111 .1 1 th<.• Saddlt•·k Collegt• gymna!'.1u111

APPLI CATIONS u11· !wing <Jlt1·µtt•d l111m artt~n~ a nd cra fL..,nwn who w.1111 to 1•xh1b1 l <.1ncJ sC' ll lht•1 r works :.1t th t• fund -raiser of Gran· Lutht·r ,111 C hurch , lluntmgtnn & •;.ieh.

01ilv handmade' guo<ls will bl• sold at

1111· cl:1v h•llj.t fl':-. l1val , 111·1·111d111..i tu <:1•111 · K11kpJt11tk. a :-.1111k1·"-1.111111111 1111 tl w t '1•l1·l1r;i111111 of ' l '.d .. 111 "111 d ii• ii 111

11,, , .... 1., I .... 11 11" I llUI\ II

AN INTllOl>l'CTIOI\ t11 g11·.11 1111...,11 1" 111'1111-{ prt• .... •llll'(I ,1( Ill , 1 I ll .ind :! fl 111 W1·dn1•st lay~ 1l11oulo(hout ltw l .111 ~t .. 1'4111 .it J1 ·w1~h < '11n1111u111ty t'1•111t·1 L.1gu11.1 l~ o, 1d1 C"l11s.,.1•:-. .H 1• b1 .. 111g 1·11111hw11·d hv A1111 l.1t v 111~ .1 f11lklt>r1 , 1 . .-thnH d,111n :O. lll '('iahlll !llld lllllSIC'll ll l

" A C 0 NT I•: M I' 0 H A It Y 11111 '<II' ti I d1 ·p1 l' l1ng lln Id(· 1,f C'hn:.l. 1·1111tlt«I .. C.'t•ll'IJ1<1ll' Lill-," will l>I' prt'M'll lt•d :.ti H µ m Su r1tfo y i1l lh1· pr1111·1· u f Pt·a< ,. Outduo1 Th1-.1t1•r, t'usla M1•..,,1

A GET-ACQUAINTED 1n1·l"l111g lnr 1111 •mb1:r~ und f1 u·ml!. o f Tt•mph· 1 .... 11.ili nf Nt•w p111 l Bt•al'h ""di ht• lwlJ <It II 111111gh1 ,1t tht• S;111ta A 11.1 h1lllW u f th1· I l.11 old 1111,..rwr ...

TH E R EV . TONY ALWAR D. of tlw C.'hn:;11an C1•n1t·1 di;1p1 ·I. ' lart•n10111 . will 1·omlut·t thl' Ii p 111 !.t•l'\'ll 't· Sunday at tl11· 13.·ltl'vt·r ... !<':.11th C1•11ll ·r , Tu:-.1!11

CHERYL DUBB E of J111dJn. Minn . ha:-. JOlnt><l th<· Chn .... t Col11 ·g1 · I rvmt· s t<1ff .1s an adm1s...,11>n' u>u n"·l111 A gr<1uu.111 11( Conl'orcJiu Collt•gt , St· ward , N1•t. Dublx· t:.iught 101· lwo yt '. ll'b Jl St John · Lutht•ran S1·ho11l 111 L1111g Bt·.1d1

A N EC U M EN I C' A L n· 1 n · ; 1 t 1 11 r ll'l'llv t•nn.I! akoholw ... will tw h1 ·ld L ,1b111



T O l' R EAC IJ Th(' ('harl<·~ I. H1 c1" LI Dr1•w Un1v1·1 , 11y

pr11f1·..,s111 nl l111111tl('!1c· .... w ill tJn ·;1d1 I 1 I () .. 111 s LI 11 d ,, \' , 1 I I It ~ .

N1 •1gh l>0rli uod ( 'ong 11 ·g o1t11111.d ( ·1iun h. Lagu11;1 I~ .. 11 Ii

I >.1\ \\l 1•k1 11d :-.•·pl .I 111 1 .11 1111 CJld \ J1.....,11111 S.111 l.u• ~ Hi\ H111 • .1I 1'111111

( )\ l 111 ... 1d1 I ,1.,1d1ng lht 11111 , al .al .... , 1tp1·11 l!1 lhllM

.1lh·1 tc·u bv all'oh•Jli...n1 Ill 1tw fa1111lv will Iii 1111· lh•v W.a1n·n H11u"' " 1·11urn.1 :l11 r

of Newport BHch-lrvln• Ralorm

HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES AT NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 798 Dover Drive, Newport Beech el 1011 Camelbeck Rolld (oft JemborH) Newport Beech


~ South Coast Community Church

Rabbi Robert Jeremiah Bergman TEMPLE CHOIR 11 pm

8 pm 10 am

130 pm ~·WAT• HIATING U THllOOM UM00aJH0

So I~ 1 ll•H

Setvtce Time Sllll'tl al YOUt Ooot (Call S1or1 __ , YOUt A•NI

()()STA Mis.A 641 - 1 289 U26 New...., .......

Mt$MOH WJO 495-0401 2"22 CefftlM Copiohoene

I'- Cllop "'-I· ., A-v "-Y I

Services 8 :30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corono de l Mo• Hogh School. 7101 Eo"blvft O• . Corono del Mor

Ron Jen!tmn • . fi;pt•aldnl( Prt>!>id e n t , l nt1·r n u li1111al ~l'hool o f Throlo~)

8 pm 10 pm

1 30 pm

Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY New TllOuQhl C1>u111"' Evange1111


Sunday Service & Junior Church 15th & Irvine. Newport Beach


Don Otfon, Gu .. t s.,.a~ ..

Church Office: 1929 Tustin. Coate Mesa Phone M&-1032 Dlal-A~MeHeg• Me-MM


Menlbef Cllurch Unatld Cllu1Ch of Reh&IOUS Scienc_e

CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. /Aii..,. Sunday School - Child Core : a T' M '.•

'·""·; "Cheerlead Your life"

I•"'· Ju4y Gole " Oial-An-lntpiration" - 7 6 0-0 504

1011 Camelbodc, Newport Beach (off Jamlaoree load)

. Mutlc ~ector • Marie fnglioh 760-9474

Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tradltlonal Epl~pal)

HOLY COM~UNION - Each Sunday - 9:00 AM (Book of Common Prayer - 1928)

MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church

611 Hellotrope, Corona del Mar Th• Rev. Jam•• Hohfeld - 532-2201


Bey & at Orange Avenue

Holy Eucharist 9 :00 Infant and Child Cote

ttM Rev. Conrlld Nordqulel, Vlc:.r 548-2237


3209 Via lido, Newport Beach l.'00 A.M • ..,.,... Boolir, Holy Communion t:OO A.M. Chructi kMol and Adutt l!dl.tcatlofl

10:iM» A.M. Ftr.t lunday, Pra,_ 8oolir Holy Comm41ftlofl 8ufldeye th«Mft.,., Holy l!UC*'let, Rtta n

NO a "10:00 A.M.1tur"'f CWrw-

CHAR .. MATIC MAia '1nt lundey of tM Moftth - 'NO ft.M. T....-, - _.. A.M. Holy •uctiaftat

........ hmoe Wlttl ~Oft Of Mende T"9 Rn. Johft ft. AaNey M, i..ctor - fthona f71.0210



"Christ Jesus" Sunday, August 29, 1982

Costa M~r.~ - First Church of C:. hrlat, Scientist

2880 Me .. Verde Dr., COf.ta M ... Churc~ a Sunday 8cftoc,!" - 10:00 A.M. Reeding Room, 2880 ..... Verda Dr. t A.M.-4:30 P.M. Mon. thru Sal. Wed. 7·7:50 P.M. - t-t:30 P.M.

lrvlne - First Church of Chrlat, Scientist Rancho San Joaquin Intermediate School • i M lchaaleon (NNr Yale) Church a thm!iar School - 10:00 ~.M. Reeding Room, 43Stl Berr• nca Pk"'Y·· Suite 145

Slonehuret ~=~"• 10 ,..M. - 4 P.M. Tuea. thru Set.

~'10"'A.M. - 7 P.M Thureday Child C• •e - Sund•>) 4 Wedne&dlt\

Huntington Beach - Ftrat Church of Christ, Sc ientist

Ith a Ollve, Huntlngto:- Beech Church a Sufldey 8eh00: - 10:00 A.M. Affdfng Room - 221 Mair. St.

Newport Beach - First C.hurch of Christ, Sc lent lat

3303 Via l ido, Newpor• Beach Church & Sunday Scho.•I - 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Via lido Mon. lhru Sal. - 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Tuee. - 7-9 P.M.

C.h••d C•rt1 f>'o••~I fo&sd9Y" G J0- 11 lO AM r<W S1udy Time

Newport Beach - Second Church of Christ, Scientist

310o ftaclflc View Dr •• Corona def Mar Church 6 Sunday f choot - 10:00 A.M. Reeding Room - S50C " B" E. Coatt Hwy., CdM


All are cordially rnvlled lo attend 1"41 church se"'ices ano enfoy the p11vlleges ol the Reading Rooms ChllO C11re Provided II T ALL SERVICES

Child Care Provlct.d AT AU HAVICE&


(Ne .. to S.n Diego Frwy. a Wfftmlnet., Blvd.)

- WORSHIP SERVICES -8:30 & 10:00 A.M.


AU. .sAINTS A.NGUCAH EPI 'Al CHURCH Acc ..... to Mt. I 921 , ... of c-f'NY'I"

180A2 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 HY. STll'HIH W. FKtCHB, llCTOI

HOL y COMMUMIOH •••••.•.•••••..•.......... l!OO A.M. MOIHIH4 ~ YB-CHUICH SCHOOL •...• •.• t : 11 A.M. MOIHIHO NAYOtt & IHMOH •..• . , ..• ...•• I t:OO A.¥.

r: ~ This Sunday W o rship In A CORDtAl WELCOME FROM Tt£



(Dleclp'" of Chrltt) 2.401 trvln• at lanla 1 .. bel


'-. V ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 SI Andrews Road • Newport Beech • 631 -2880


Corona dal Mar 844-7400

Donald W. Kutz, Mlnleter 10 A.M. - Sunday Worthlp

c ..... .,,, SctlOOI - __,, t:.<•


CtUCH 344 St. Alll'1 P'IKt

11 Gltmtyrt , l lllN 811d1 494·8061


Morning Worth Ip 10 A.M.

Oane 8waneon, Mlnlat.,

0.. Jo!M A.-....M. l'N ...

Worship Services - 8:45 and 10: 15 A.M . .. " A One Se ntence Strateg y"

Or Ho"y G 8rahams. p1eo1h1ng

PROGRAMS 8 45 am lnfanls Thru College

10 15 am - Infants Thru 6th Grade

ABC Helptlne- 145-2222

- -- -- -

Community Presbyterian Church 415 ForHt Ave., Lagune 8"ch 494-7555 Rev. Arthur J. Tankersley Rev Craig Wllllams

Worship - 9.30 AM NUl'SI 11' l l'RE PROV10£0 (ll lAING 5f1Wll f

I 0 A.M. - Slincl11 WorlNp Clvch Schoof I lbwy

Attend The Church of

Your Choice -- -- -- - - ·- --

ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH l!attbfu" Dr. a Jambot .. , Newport lhech

Rev. Wllllam McOuold Rev. Tony Wolfe ftattor Aaaoc:i.te Paetor 1

Lfffle Brockman, MU91c: Director I Church School & Adult Claaaes - 9:00 a.m. I

Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. ,

;=::N::u::rMrJ==C=• ='•::•::t::ao= t=h=S..==1c.e=='°'= '::" ::to::: ::C::•::" ::....._=:::134=1=~ I

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2850 Fairview Rd., Coat• Meta - 557-3340

Bruc e A. Ku rrie, Paator

Terry McCanne. Director ol Youth Mlnls11es Howard Killion. Director of Adult Ministries Don Maddox, Director ol Singles Ministries

Sunde~ Wof9hlp - 8:30 a 10:00 A.M. Church School - Ch11dren thru Adult• 10:00 A.M.

Nureary c:.ra avellabl• - 11:30 a 10:00 A.M. 1/"pe" - 7:00 P.M. A Cordlel Welcome from The I

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ---- - --1----c-o_tt_•_M-... ---~--H-un_u_ng_•_on_eea __ ch---1 CHURCH OF CHRIST

FIRST UNITED FIRST UNITED I 2t7 W. Wlleon, Co.ta M ... 145-3191 METHODIST We' re A Golng - Glowlng - Growing Church


19th St. & Harbor Blvd . 2121 17th st. 536-3537 10 ~.M. - " The lord Is Cominc To Judce The Earth" -Church lchool 9:30 worahlp lenlce 10:15 a.m. Psalm 96

Worthlp 10:45 ....._, c- All __, Chari•• D. Clerk, M inister Church khool- t:OO a.m. 6 P.M. - CHURCH SERVICES

Coate M ... North I Paul Thomae, Mlnlater - Doug Cole, Y0t1th Mlnl•t•r MESA VERDE Huntington Beach North _'---- ----------- - ----,_- -'_


Wotthl;rg~~~ 8ehoot M:!~~~11!!.~~~!~H i m·. . . SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT t:JO - 10:00 A.M. Worahtp hfvloe HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE

Dt. WMffam I!. lt..i t:aO a 10:00 Sabbath &anlc .. CHRIST CHURCH t:30 lunday kMo1 10:00 Frldar Evening 1:15 P.M.

BY THE SEA i----F-ou-n-ta-ln-V-1lley----1 • • .. • e M Flret Friday :,~~~·~~ 7:J0 P.M. Newport 8each

1400 W. BalbOa Blvd. FIRST UNITED Rabbi Bernard P. King Jamboree & Eattbluff Dr. 873-3805 METHODIST CHURCH Mualc: Arte Shlkt.r Newport Beach, Call! .

Rev. Roben Shapard Jr. 18225 Buthard St. Educator: Nancy Levin For lnfofmallon cell 144-7203 WOf"IMp 9"cmmih-9rctloot - -.e2·2513 Al Vleoton weioorn.

,._. A..M. ·-) Dr. Carroll E. Word, M lnltler Wkda~ ftfa'lchTol Wonhlp a Ctturctt School

DeJ Care tstO A.M. 7:JO A.M.-t ft.M. A KnllL .... CtlUltCtt


Tl;MPLE SHARON. ¢ (Con&e,..,,at lve)

Pre-School - Hebrew & Sunday School Bar/ M ltzvah Training

. ..

VacatlOl'l .INMe khool- A119. U.27, 9:00-11:JO ~· Youth Group-Sisterhood ' -. NEWPORT HARBOR LllTIDAN CtUCH

111 Dooler'Dr. ~ 81ACM 141-4111

"8tw e. i .. Pht I TWrd -..Y 11 A.Mo

SH-41,_...S...,t:11 AM.

Worship & Church School - 9:30 A.M. Rev. Ken McMiiian

s.Mcee: Friday, 8:15 p.m Sat. 9:15 a.m. sun. 9:30 1.m.


....... " . .., ....... A. Men-, ftNtof'

You WHI .. Wetcom.ct • - And Helped! 817 Weit Hamilton, Coa .. MeN


... WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M.

....., CAM AllALMUI


CHRIST LUTHIRAN CHURCH (Mleaour1 8Ynodl "° Ytotarte It.. c...a .....

&..-. Y. T ...... , ~ - a1-1t11

~· lmMm - 111' a 11:11 A..M. ~aMlllt .... C .... - NOA.11.

llJen c:tle&J ...... - .. 1111

!~· ,v. SERMON Topic August 29th

9 :00 & 10:30 A.M.

"Welcome To My World" CtUCH Of RELIGIOUS SCDCE

Member of the Untt.d CfiurOh ol Rellglout 8c1ence 8EACl.IFF VILl.AQE sun·& 45. 2223 MAIN STRUT


Adutta I Jr. Church 10. 1():30

F« Information" 536-8160, llS&-g336


Malft ltt Ademe, Huntlneton ....... , • IUNOAY1

C1i1Mae-MO a ... A.M. WoraNp l:IO, 1W a.m., MO p.m.

TOlft CMrWft A.ewe Youttl GrouM-NllfW'J ........ ..,_......, Olttul .... ~ .... ,._, f.W. °'*""' Dew. ....._ t Tef Mo0re

O'tHlll .... TIM .... ,..._ T,W ~ °""9 ........ Tel....,_

IMAL·A..OSYOTIOM - - 1111 OtllM - ... -'<PfMoftlftl Ctwtet l4Me WI"

BITT'R~m RA881 MARK S. tralER

MIOPOIT ... (....,_) Famlly SaMoel • t i t Friday Of Month - 7:30 ~· School, Adult Ed .• Youth aroup., Slng!M •

1111 Ctmelback, Newpoft 8Mch <.., ~ .. > 144-1 ...

C.taf RoMld a., ..... • ildueatOf Mtrtllm Van "8ena



••• Orange Coatl OAILV PILOT /Salurday, Augu11 28, 1982

THt: t ' '"IL\' C'IRCl S

by 6 11 Keane

. o -. ,1

~ " They hove oil those needles 'cause they don't

like to be climbed."

~ \R'9 \Dl Kt: by Brad Anderson

" You just should 've told them I'm not home!"

GAR•'lt:l. D

BIG Gt:ORGt; by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) b Charles hulz ----------.

-. · ~ , , . ,\' C/~:c.

----==--y . ,







"TlilS IV()IV1'J.j1}if! ~ '1.ACK ,.... _______ _...

™™ER GOES 101ME 'TRl9f?'S MOl1' 'ASnPIOCJJ !'RAVE! ~ P'ICKv' ~ICK 0'1)-tE CHIC SH'TICK:

.d Mk'flLJOOI ~I NAM&:VOO 1• INPIAN OF 1He MON1'H l ~ ~

I Ii ~ w




by Jet f MacNelly

DE:\:\IS THE '9E:\ .\CE Hank Ketchum

It was nice to have somebody listen to me."


U!>'ftN, 81.>Kl<HfR I~ fl.'f BIRO ~ U'ltt> 1114 'fi&IS

by Ernie 8 ushm1ller



by Tom 8at1uk

NO , !OOA~ (::UJD XlB AU. ~

1Vl4.s8..F !

... JTi~'M-OA_v~.;..!:> _______ a_ia_ ,0,112 1.)tlot.., , .. ,"'. SY'«•" I"< ME.I"'~~ 'fAAK ~OU ~~"£. ...

~00:\ lll'LLl:\S ~-:::-o::::::T

Lo~D PLUSHBonoM HAS BEEN L~AN ING ON ARA.I<~ OU iH~f<~ ALL~.~ilf MOJ?NING.. ~~ - - -- -

ACROSS I Aromatic

hel'b 6 Seaweed

IOBltlng 1• Eremite IS Celebrity Ill Dam

\ 17 Tassels 18 No. non eno

no1 · :10 Otnseed 21 Kin through

lather'• llde :22 Blacken ' 23 Dt1Cord 2S Stings • 27 OlalllleO 30 lmplanl 31 - Baba 32 Studied 34 Sllgllt lignS 38 C.,,ttt 40 Surt eounOt 42 WtelceO •3M .. NOt 45 AdotMlllll •7~

IUf'll• •t Tllltlg Lew 50 Alluded 52AMd MS•eo•

57 SkHlel 58 Cleans 60 Benell tool tl3 Increasing

3 word• 65 felln• 66 Contelntt

weight 67 Conttantly 68 Pi le 69 Strlkl 10 P1Pt 11111no• 7 I Metrle unit

DOWN 1 u s •kl

rffOfl 2 Speech perl 3 Conflmln11.

FJllJOArl ..Um.E IOl VED

Ing 21 Mary Of 44 Untl'lllr1 4 !*Ide J~ 48 Eltctrlc untt 5 Vtteh 24 Serpent 40 Private II Judffn lead· 211 Bird"• cry 51 Edit

tt 2 words 27 Orwy 52 Btemlan.t 7 Brltlth P M 28 Vwve 53 Wtlltnd -I Yullon PtP 2t Hlndtf 54 C.vltltl t Otte!• 33 Cold month• 55 Ur0t on

10 Frenctl chum 35 Omttllon 51 Futurt ~ 11 Cerp 38 Roytlt Of flelery 12 Pteetdtlty Y¥11., 81 ~llMJltr I 3 FUMllll't 3 7 Cdutet 42 lrlth tekt II Otl!Olt dlt• 3t Merit 44 HtW't lcln

*1 41 PlrlOf lttrne 411 Heed C<Mf

by Ferd & Tom Johnson

1H.ANl<S •. I N~EDED TtV~T.




W HA1" we:'~a POIN<.S, Kl Pt::>O, IS MOV!NC9

YOU ANP YOUR <!!U$AR 1'0 ANO-rH~,i\ .-tOOM

POWN -rMe M~U.. ••.

by George Lemont



I . ••

Orange CoHI DAILY PILOT / Saturday. Auguat 28. 1982

No Dolly like Carol Channing In 18 years, 2,00() hows, she 'nev ~r tire of role' By JAC'Klt-: HYMAN Anoele19CI ,, ... Willet

LOS AN<.a:L ~:s In lhc· more than lll yt'an. s1m>t· Curol Channing ongmutt'<I lhe lt,udlng rol~ In " lll•l lo, Dully !," lht• mut1CJll hus hl·t'n pt.•rformcd m J apanc>sc . S1u 111t•St'. Portugues<' and Russ1un (I h a t 's " Ht•ll o, Buhlnchky'" )

Sin l' e i t s Janua ry 1964 , Broadway opt•nmg. "Dully" has also provt•d a fine vt•hide for such s tars a !. Gingt•r Rog('rs. M ar tha Ra y t•, Bc•t t y Grable, P hyllis D1llt•r, Elhcl Merman . Mary Murun and Prllrl BailPy, wno pt>rfo rm1 'Cl wllh an a ll -black cast.

But C h ann111g, who's gi ven more than 2,000 performanc-es as Dolly and 1s t'urrently starring m her second revival of the J t'rry H e r m a n - M ll' h <H' I S t c w a rt musical, says ~hL• never tires of the role

"I'm JU St in lov P with thl' character. and when you're m love' 'with somebody lhere's nobody else m the world," said the c-omed1 P nn e during a n interview 1n her elegant horn<.' overlooking Holly wood .

Jll\t •t• ''""'


t'h1111n1ng , who 1 s u s t•nt hwdatk m person us un 11 lugt·. su1d s lw IWVl.'r takt•s th<' p~1rt fo1 "f llll ll 'Cl

" I'm JUSt so glad l k11uw till' ltnel> so wt.•11 ," s ht.• said " I'm grat1..•ful £or t•very bit or S<'('tmt y {'v<.• got with lhat rolt'.

"If the lump fall s on my h1•ud , I know what to do l:M."<.·1tuSl' It 's happt•ned two or thn·c.• t1mt•s Evt•rything ha~ happe nt•d that t'Ould possibly happen and t•vt•n tht.•n something new happens "

Tht· fact that she never grow~ :.~le was no ted m a rave rcvll'W in the Los Aneles Times, which sa id . " H er D o ll y 1s tht.• performance o f a lifl'l1mc hers und o ur s - and afte r a ge n erat ion' o f r eprlsc·s. t he performer and the rol e have wedd 1: d and maturt.· d ln pt•rft.'('tion."

C ha nning tour<'d Dallas and Seattle before her curn•nl Los Ange les s tint and , afwr tht· e ngagem e nt at the Do r o th y Chandk•r Pavilion t>nds m m1d­Scptt•mber, p«>ceeds to poin ts 1n c lud1ng New Orll'ans.

N11slivillt. M1111t1• l'.11 lu . Home arul i'JI IS

But sht· Mid sh1· i.t1 ll u1•ts st.ugt• fright

" ll '~ t ht• must fr1ght 1 • nl11~ thin~ to m1•," 11hc said " l 've got t o rt• -t' rl'al1• l'Vt•1 y l'rnotlun , Ul'lually ft•t•I 1l, m11l by osmosis th1•y ( tht• uud11.•r 11.:t•) f C.'l•l ll . If you don't, sonwthing g0<·s uut 111 lht· atmusphl'rt' and th1•n•'s no laugh, thc•y don't dap. they don't 1· r v Y ou h !ivt· lo ft•c• I it's happ<!ning for tlw f11-i.t UIOt'.

" I wall go t o m y gravt.' n •rnc·mbc•rmg thl' laughs that I lrn.t, bc.'\:aUl>t' I know II was my fault " ·

The aetrc·ss said sh1• dol'sn ' t n•st•nt other.. who star as Dolly; m fal't. s h<' St.' nl flowl'l's to Jo Anne> Wo rley, who's curn•ntl y play ing tht• same mil- with the Civil' L igh t Opt•ra 1n n c·arby Long Bcal'h .

" Amerit·an mwm·al t•omcdy's our l'Onlr1bution to the art form bl'cause it 's· an outgrowth of our history, of minstrel s hows, burlesque, Y1dd1sh thea te r , jazz, vaudevill e, MJrth a Graham's


uu II IOOIO MUO ltlOCfOo tUC• OUllQI y, .,,,.,r' \I\ "i Ht

COllA lltU ld••"' [fl' .... --· .. .,,.., ..

f ... "JI.<!' ... 16"' ... . . .... "" , , .. GA-DU llllOYI OllH Cll t\1111•" ~t"r- ... • •• t ~ I H •'-l0 U01 t.1H )Q''



HAllllM &took""' ,1 7726U &

....,~-.-..-.. -..i-...~.,.41wc:t1

MIA ....,&tu P!i1a ~:.>9 ~339

,,., ,,,,, It'(\ •

OIWIGl Pxiloc ' °'"'Cl' lh"' In bJC q)~I

COSTA MllA OlllAMGI CMIHGl [dWMdS H~tbof l w01 AMC O.anooo Md" UA C~y Cnema NO ••UU ACCl,.lO 631 3S01 631 OJCO 63• 391 t • '0~ IHll lNO• OU l l Nf

GAllOlll OllOtl .-----------~ ldW1td$ W~tbtOOlo ~JO UO I I • IA'o'l tcS P!*Sft;TID" ~""'51D"{ 1()1 "JO I


PETER CUSHING Y'O ALEC GUINNESS ~,.,.,.,., Pt·~KJ()v ..,.,_ ~Dit-..H"Ohlr


_ .... _ .-,.,1-- --- _ .... tW \~ • .., .. , .

rn1 ............ r· ~ . .. ..... .

"The mol1 exciting down-to-the-wire action alnce SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT

•nd the funniest bunch of rHc•la alnce THE BAD NEWS BEARS."

- T-. WT91J. - t.- ....,_ I KENNJ' ROGERS .. ~ ......

l\ll'lHll[lli CEN'TU!Y f()( "~' A UON SHARE"*'• A OAMEL PCTRIE 1""'


111nc II' CHARLES FOX 1-.. ... 111_, EDWARD S FU..DMNf ..,. 110 WITZER ~ 111 lilCHA£l TRllOUS -.i""., lillll MAIMfl ... Mil MAJ TER

e!~S:E~~B!E!! C-ICI .... ON«J. ~~~•~·--• ..

~ .,,.. - ,l_,~11.•I' 1 .-

d.11111"" !.Ill' -..11d '" l'lll'!>t' alt' OUI

l.11d V Mai lwth!-. 'l'lwy lll't• 11u1 1 lu._.,·,, d1i11.11·11•1' uml l lwy shuuh.J ht• pl11y1'tJ by m,111y pt '<lj)lt•, JUSl ilS

I h"<ldu Cuhk1 01 Bl.1m·ht: l>uBrn~ i.l111ul d ht• pla yt•d l.>y man y p1·opl1· "

t't.1111111111-( su1 d s hl' w as sui·p1•1:.1·d by lwr r1·al' l1on art1.•r ag11•1·1f1~ lo tlw l\t'W l'l'VIVIJI.

·• 1 rlt' v1·1 kn1·w I'd bl• d o ing Do ll y ug,un a11d when 1 pil'kt:d up lhl' M'1·1pt 11 fl1:r 10 ye<1rs, 1t ::. wt· pl ov t•r trH" llundrl'ds o f vt·ars I 1<n11 now they'll still be (tm11~ 1h1~< · mus11·;,1b," she said "Th1•y won't spt.'ak tht· languag1· but tht.•y' ll !o.<iy, 'Th•~ IS the 20th t·t•ntury Tlwsl' wt•rt· lhe1r valu(.'s, lht•!-.t' WL'l'l' lh('t r mores

"Tht· o nl y way o f knowing pt:opl(' a nd how tightl y they hold thl'ir <>mo tio 11s and how tht•y would lt•l th1•rnsc· l v1•i. !-(O 1s thrnugh lh1•11 tht•utt·r "

Futun• p lans 1nl'lud1• a new Jt•rry HNmc.n mus1t·al to opt.m somc• llmt.• rH•xt vt•a r al the r efurb1sht•d Nt·w· Amsterdam Thea tt•r 1n N ew York , and possibly a tt·lt•v1s1on St·nes.

HELLO AGAIN - Carol Channing is serenaded with the.• title sung an " He llo Dolly" an her S<.><:und n·v1val o f the• musu:al a t the· L os Angeles Musit· CN\tt•r.


DAILY 2:00. IM, WO 7:11, l:OO, 10:40 (fl)

DAJL Y 2:0I. ._ 10:a0

/Ill~~ DAILY 4.-00. 1:11


f.4!T f l/lfr1 AT lllOOlMONT

HIGH ·~~~~~ cm

DA._Y 1~1 7..-:.IO, 10-AO

"THE SOLDIER" DAILY t:11. "11 1:11, 1:11. 10:11


TO QARP" DAILY 3M, 1:00 11111

(" )


DAil V •10, 1:1\

"THE SOLDIER" DAIL V 2:20, t:20, 1Ct2S

POLTERGEIST _Ill! DA .. Y 4:00, l:OO

W'=O /: flOeUW 0 "~o•-a Y'll.!P. '"'" .. IE

,._ .. l:OS, UT /IUN. a.:30. l:05

'': :....- DINll 11 '" .. 1:00, 10:a0

IATllUM. 1:10, l:OO, 10:20


,..., l:a0, l:20, 10:11 tATllUH. 1:00, 2lo44. 'M

1:10, l:20, 10:11 '")

"T'Ha UAIT MAITIR" DAil. V 11:*1, 4:41, IM

~m DAtL Y 2:41, l :IO, 11:00

POLT.ERGEIST .. ~ DAIL V lllQ, 1.-00


•TtW: 9Y IT1MO

Er·neclbTM· rm • • Tul"llft'ALU. • V .. J\l>t•t• \ " IC'Ulll'f

D~ 1NO, t:OO, ll00; 10llO (PO)


DAIL V 1111, 411r. •11.trte. ,..,. )

fA !T T!Mr1 AT ltlDGlMONT HIGH !!ii

• ""'WAUl '1C 'Ultf

nil 7:00, l:IO, 10:AO tAT/ tUN. 1l00, ,_, 1:00

7:00, .. 1C>AO

...... • "'ACC DOUY ITIMO ET. Ta SllftA· • •

• • 'faa......,...L •"'*"f•U4tl>!Cfl.Mil

DAJL Y 1r1~ MO ....... 10!4' PO)

"?IOl•l.f' TM Otr A ""'91


POLTERGEIST.!! DMYt ... .......

,,. .. ,,_ . (l'G)

12:AI, ,:20, 1:20

""~T /N"l'MHB!I

DAILY ......



"THI 90&.DtlR"

OM.Y1 .... MI .... ,.. .. (R)


DAILY 1 :.41, S:J0 1:11, 7:00, l:to

to-AO (" l

DALY l:IO. 9:11

lll'f."''" Of THI oar Alt« ll!lll DAlt.'t 1~ -.....,......_, ''" f/Mh ATlltMCMOMT

•f:".F. DAILY •tt,4ctl lrtl,=MI I ""IA • 11•

E.T. 'T1fS EXTllA · Tl:IU,UT1UAL


DA .. V 1111, tl11 fQ11. Mt, •11

+ ,N/aAT. 1t• <"> untl

llAITMAITIR" D•Yecll. ... 1411X 'ACK"

~·-, .. c )

,...,.- - r - r- -

HIV Ornnge Co811 DAILY PILOT / Saturduy, Augu1t 28. 1882

chm rl r slips into first place <Jn1• po1·t1 ... ·l 114•01t•, by ~:ti Sd11111•1'll•I, bouith .. 'tl

h 11 Into tlw cutbud M·111 111 tlll' 1wu thlrd11 murk or 'I' lvUi Bowl XXVll th ts Wl•l'k

'l'ht• Ovl'I' lht· 11 111 <.:1111~ hu11~ 1'10~1· with lll l'I h i , whlll• S1n·td1 MllM lt<t'l'lllll!J vuulll·<l 11vt•1 tlw ll l' 'l'rut•y thx.lfr1·y with 111111· pointi.

• IC lht• Uang uml tlw lic·hr l"1wl:- would Ilk ... · 1.:l. 11!1c:u11on 011 tlll'11 1><.111 l ·:-. 111 tlw !lt1111<l111u:-. plt·aSt·


• • I


2 ver 1ne 11111 G•ng ( 101 73 I ~o Schm"''"' (I II H 3 lltlCh Mu1c.l.cr11rT11> (Ill 6• • Tr • cy Godlrey 60

ii NtllU y Pr1v1 lill 42', 21 19 12

5 ~Ob<I II (7) ~7 ', 6 f he Behr Facts (9) !> 1

0 Tr111 01u11y.i¥t1I (3) 10 Rtc.k W11111111 tr>I 11 John ~USIUll (21 12 Walle• w11111y (01

·no 111111y 1ece1veo SC0•9 8Wl1011Cl

1 111111ot111~1

7 • Tht Group 15) 4J

• ra)l in for thc info It 's too t.l1·wllt.'<J tu ~o mtu h<'fC' w tt h spa<.'(' at a prcmtum

• On now to the Seph:mbcr song us wt.• ht•ad mtu the backstrt•Lch

' l. J oan Lul·1lle Olandt•t CuumJ under w ba t name'!

: 2. A dog na111t'<i PciJarnas s hows up in what coti1ic strip'!

• 3. What was the Robinson's spal·t•sh1p 1n the TY ~rics "Lost in Spar<"' l'Hllt'{!'! : 4 .. (d(•J\lify thl' first stcitt• lCl l'Xt'l.'Ull' u niminal

in:a gas <.•humlx.•r. • 5 . " Bwana Devil " w<is t hl· f11 s t 3-0 fea t ure

m o vie in color. Whal was tht• Sl'Cond?

' 6. " Requiem for a H<.•avywl•1gh t" was the • nd P layhouse 90 TV drama Whal was the first?

. C:OSTA MESA El TORO FOU NTAIN VALLEY lidward< 811<101 £dw~1d~ SaddleO,tt• ldwdrds foun1.1r11 v,u1., ~40 1444 _)81 5880 839 I ~00 COSTA MESA f dwd•d< C111tma Cen1e1 979 4141

( NO p,115515 ACCU!!_D FOR THIS f NOAOOl fN tj


OllANGl Crn'°°me 634 ~553

lllll NEWPORT BlACM r a .. ara' ~•'""'"' Conrm.I 6'4 0 '60

ORAllGl WHTMIMSTlll ~"" Bre• Pt.11; 529 ~339 MISSION Vl(JO [~"'ards V.eio , .,., 8JO 69QO

CrneOomr (<X C1nrma We\t 634 2~~3 891 3935 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Pttt1l1• \ M1 .... \•0" 0, ,,.1n •ql .CS.C S

HO ll'USU 4CCl"tD ' OA fM f lftrtClAOUilf"'f .._ _____ _ EVERY YOUNG MAN NEEDS A TEACHER.

TRIVIABYT.l 7 Wt• ull k11uw uhout ttw Suhwuy Sl·1 ll•i. u11c1

th1• F1t•l•wuy Sl·ru·:- Whal two hu,.1•h11tl lt.·1111111 pluy1'(I 11\ th;. T111ll1·y Sl'l'll'1>



tt Jukl· WlllJJJ'UllY rnn lx· fuumJ 111 wh.11 '>U•~l' n1Ullln 1l?

I) l n thl' 111! \•sl in11v11• v1•r:uon ul '"fu11u11 ," nanw (..i) tht' two 1·1t•utu1l's ( 1 11111 whl('h lht· uJJt.• mun res<.·ut'<.I Bu lk•1 t•k und (b) tht• n u1i.t.•1 y 1'11y11w 1 t<t' llt'(I

bv Ril'har<l I !urns · 10 . •·If I t•v1•r ru11 Hilo any of you guys on thl·

stret•l b<1<.·k hom1>, prt•t1•nd you don't knuw 1111•,"

wt•rc thl' purtmg words of whut m·tor 1n his ()s(·urt•u p1•durmant't.' for what movit"!

Las t Week's Answtrs I Gig Young (name c h ange) 2. f'ranklm (bla<.:k Peanuts l'hurul'll'I') J "St•cret Agent Man " ( takt.•n uwuy your

name) 4 V1rgm1a Oare (first wh1tt• t·hlld) 5 Yale University (Flash Gordon) 6 "Bla<.'k S la<.'ks" (ready to go) 7 Marty M11rio n (Mr. Shortstop) 8 " King uf Hearts" (Fra nds X . D1gnun) 9. Coca Cola and iodine (Pulwr's mgn·diL•nts) JO ''On tht• W aterfron t" (movil' quot<.•)

(Send your answ<..'r to TRIVIA, d o the• De1i/y Pilot. &x 15ti(}, Costa MeSCI 92626. All Mines mu$1 be recf!1v£'d by WcdnC'sday, oth1•rw1s<• half the playt•r's last S<'Ore will be awardC'd)


ANAHUM ewu~hu\t l\J'U .. t/1 4) 11? t14b

COITA MISA fd ,.w••cJ· r1.1.i. n Ctt11t ·~1 41 e•

It k1wws whaJ scares you ..

NOWPLAYIN~ COITA MUA • OllAllQ( •wuTMlllSTfll f d.,1ros C•iema Ctoltr AMC 0111194' M•ll IOw••O> Contmo1 Wt\I q79 41•1 6310J40 891393~

ll TOllO OllANCll 10 .. ~•0\ S-"'°"'' UA Cily C'°""" ,e, ~eao 634 39• 1

• Cl)-~

The Retun1 of the Great Adventure.


·'·' ,11. ' ·· :~ COSTA MISA II TOllO ANAH~llll WUTMlllS Tlll

Pac ific s Anaheim v• "•• Orrve In 879 98~0 9q1 o~~ti

(.O i11t,.J·d'(H•""'t1 f ff'1•1 fVAIO t'"'•t

CJ ~ , , 41 "' ,, .... ,

COSTA JlllllSA I~,,,.,,, o I,.,.. L"u''' l':il 4184 fUlllllTON I • ~ .... •1'1

' ''The Chosen' ... Q .. ~~,,9!,!,l!,~year's best!" "It touches the heart .'' /I - Rei Reed


¥T/ SUft. 1:30 t _3:45, 6:00 ;1:15, 10:15

edwards LIDO CINEMA "-:Z,~?:::u 673-8350

MON-TtUtS. 6:00, 1:15


• 0. 0 4 • $ µ 0 Ji 'p 4 a

'E.T.' teen lecturing • ll1• i1 1111ly 1!1 vnu :-. old , but 11 v11w·, l<ulx•1 t M1~1·1 i.1ulo(ht1111 11> lwad111)( 1111 l'11l11.1Kt' thhi full S11Vt•1ul uf 1lwn1

B u t th1.· y1111 111( s 1111 ul tlit• l11t 11111vu•

" ~; 'I' ," w1111 ' t Ix• Utk111).( a11 y 1·111."t."K"it

h1·' ll lw lt•.11 h1111ot I tw111 , ;,,. II l(Ul"•t lt'l'tUll'I •

C.k:tulwt . tlw11 rt•lurn horn<' tu 11l1u 1 l ' l'hl·ur 11t1l11 fur " Thl· Oivinl•r1 " ut

South Cwu;1 Ht•pt.•t' tury 111 Ct.1e1ttu M ciw 111• Kt.;1rn·d in tht· N<'w York vt•r11hm "r Uw play two yl·or1> UMO

Hu lw11 Jlso will bi• l 't1rry 111g l'XlrU t 11111.-.. 11( IH1> lJouk . " At·t Now · Au A1·t111 " liu1de Lu Brt!uk111g 111," whit h lw l "O .1ulhon·d wHh his fothl'i ur1tl 111Jn.1~1· 1 . Brul'l' Mul'noughton Tht• tx,.1k ha:. JUSt bt..-<•n pubhsht-d and 1:. h1.•111J( d11nnbutt:d by th t.• Arncril·;m

Thl•Jtt•r Assoc:1at1on in W ashington and G Publl!.hing Ill Hollywcxx.I

M11l' llllll.lo(hto 11 , who' ll he· c·; 111y 111~ htlllll ' Wtll k •l'>1>qpH11t• 11 t1> f 111111 h lh

'411Jhur111111 • 1 l.1s-. . ol l1v1111: ., Un1v1' rs1ly II & 1111111 will l'lt1ha1 k S<·µt I 0 1111

<lrl l'lll>l · ll• Wl"ll h'l·tu11 · tour lo tulk aoout <.11 •t1n~ 111lll th1· 111ak111H 111 •·to: 'J' "

SPEAKER lrvuw's am.I h1!\ ~u-.t u1111plt•11•d film, '' I A111 th t• l'ht.•(-'S(• ' Al thl· end of Novl'm lx·r, when h111

SCH produl:lwn has dost.•d, younR M al"naugh lon will t'IYl l.n:.irk on o l>l'l."()11d lWO• Wl~k l'Ollt•j(t' tuur

Robt•rl M al:naugh ton l·k'll l>t• o11 till' r1111d lo s uch l ' llH·i. al> w i 11 I C.' d u re a lio u l Ht.x:hc·stt•r , Pllti.burgh , Albu4ulor4t.u · "E.T " at l'olk•gt•s and St P<rnl through S l'µtt •111lX'r und

--~-- ---IO FOil Tiil UUGllS -


I" .i


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I oo • .)0 • oo ~.. • n '"''"'' srltlAL .., " NIOHT SHIFT" IJ1JO > :OO l r>O 1:00

• ',. , M • .. I 0 : 2 0 70mm-Dolllr ... 0 l"HMt

lil;l41UuJ!M,i§6l6J9 8770/~~~) CH£ECH a CHONG "llOIEWOll•" (I )

111Ml.~A1£Til1;1 AU8"tl """ " Attlsh~~ R

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"'" 0 0&lllllAU Hll"

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0Pr1Yltt L111111" c•1

!i~!!tf'!i(! ~ 'hlll U41 (flO)

.. , ... ltltlltr" (I) -"Vitt l•11tl" <•> ve· ns Open 7 :30 Nfghtly

(;h1ld1 f'11 Undt1 1 ~ r Al C Unll'u No1M *

........ ,--... .... l<r .... M0- 7444

• BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru Saturday

All Ptrlo1m1ncH btfOll 5:00 PM (Elcept Special Engagements and Holid1ys1

l A M r11AD A MA ll M11aoo at to••C•O"' LA MIRADA WALK ·IN 994·2400

" ROCKY Ill" 1001 .,., . . . . ..... •» .. .

" HOME WORK" t• 1 1~.~ ........... u.. ,, ..


" THE JUNKMAH" <"I .... , .... ,,,.. .. " 8TA" WAR8"1N1



Focutty Al e>.r Amo 21J/ 6U· t211

" HOME WORK" 1• 1 t ».lAI ... .. .. ..

" AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1• 1 •ue.a-. u. .. ·--

" fRIOAY THE 11TH PART i ·· 1• 1 IN JO

ttM,. l:ll . . .... ....... t6:til

locutty ot Cono1e wooo

21J/ H1·9HO

-THE MIT UTTUI wt+OMHOVM IH ffllAI" t• 1 ,_. .............


,~.·-·--"HIGHT IHll'T~ C• I 2..11..•• tee•

• fllll>AY THC llTH PAllT J " ,.., ,..., . ........ ,.~···

, ACtftC TIClATllES DRIYl ·IN SWA' Ml£TS '""'"•Out ewcu - v•-•t tlltf .,,, " HARIOR l l YD D~IY(.I N I OUllGl D~IYl tll

I tit fl) ,. UIUAI U ' SVltOA• . . .. , ... .,., sv•OAU , , .......... ,. S1Y*U•

••~ .. ,.~ 1 JO ' •' , ... 7 1S ,.,.. l ,,.,. ., h "

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CINI-" - • •OOo , ,. tNl UOoO IS 10U0 SIL\l<Il

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A~AHf l .._


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ltncotn • • • we u OI l;nott 121-•010

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LINCOLN 0111vf · IN

t,1"'(:0lft A w• WeW Of ( f\Oft

121·• 070

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•'CHUCH I CHONO ,,..0 .. AU TOUOH ALL Gw11· 1111 -"TMll MAIT MAITIR" ftll

"LT., THE llCTRA• TIERRllTlllAL" 1001 .....

• T141 OfllA T M~ CAPER" tDI

••TME IOLOIUf' 1• 1 -" YICll IOVAD" I'll

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• THIE "*IC MAM"' "'' --UNO CAlll"1• 1


1 .T. ntll HnlA· ftMalTlllAl tPOI -• TH9 OM.AT ~CANll"t•1

\a"•o .Al'IO 1,....

• tto•• CoH•••

•AM Ol'l'telll ANO A MMTLIMAW' l"I -..,.. '1NAL




1:00 CID"°""' ••~ " It'• M y Turn" ( IHO) Jiii Cleyburgh, MlohMI Oo\lolN A ~U-1111111 Ctllcego meth ptOf ... 10t rMllZM the ptO~ In h« II-In IMllOneNp wnen ~ tlnd• • ,_ io... wt1M1 In New Yortl for,_ leth«'a rM'tarrlege 'R'

,. ~II Fo11." ( 1978) Rlcherd Lynch, Stuert WhhmW> A PfOIMtlOflll lllnUQOlet meets his m•tClh In 1 belutllul woman who lrapt him with I mHllon dOll.,. In h01 money (%) MOVIE * • "Come Have Cottee Wllh UI" ( 11172) Ugo Tog­n&DJ. Vllentlne. A mlddi. IOecl tax oonaunant for the Italian oo-nmenl­eel.. 10 a amall counlry lown wtitlte he hu ~ made helld or the depart­ment.


a:aoe IUV 5:46 Cl) ~THON 8.'00 8 SUMMER SEMESTER



t:aol~ Cl) SEVtM WISHES OF A RICHKIO A lliry godmott>e< leeches & rle:h boy lh•I mooey can' t buy trlenda or happlriou

1:30 . OU8lY'8 TA&HOU8E





**** " M" (l930)Peter LOrre. Ellen Widmann. Polle• paralyze the uodetworld U lhey -rch quate1dorf for e psychotic ctllld murde<et CID BU88TOP The llv.e of _., tra­.....,, c:hlf>Oll ........ they

- stranded In a small 1(1na1a town Margot l(ldder end Tim Mal'-on ... = MER HOUSE OF

"Guardian Of The Abyu" A bellull!U4 enoque deal« l)uyt an Old mirror once \.eel In human lllCflllce rttuala.

t:U (%)MOVIE • • • " Zool Suir· (1981) Danie! Valdez. Edward Jllmel Olmos In 1940. lc>t Ang.i.., I C8UM oel9-bre erupts o- the fram­ing of memb«a or • Chtce­no atr .. 1 gang for murd« 'R'



"°"" 7:30 . Mfl MOON'S MAGIC

QllOJll ~'::us (II NCH1E FUCH I



HOUA (I) PUER AHO THE WOLF The melodic: 90Und• or the orcheltra comee ltllve In Ihle en<:hanllng mutlcal wtlh Ray 8olgef .. the 110-r}'elllr . MOVIE '** '~"The 81u~ lagooo" (19• 9) Jean Simmons, Donald HOUllOfl. A young girl end boy 111\~ec:ked on 1 Peclftc 111...0 come to tow eedl other u they


1:00.~E • * " Aldin· On " Ram­~ .. (1941) 0- Autry. 9mlley Burnette A ahow-

1boat la en)oyed by the QOWt>oyl wtth·. help.

· ~VENCK • • "The Tlnglet" (1959) \4ncent Price, Judith Ev. 1yn M M force 11 lacM•ted .,.er the deelll of • dell ""111. bu1 tt MC1P81 end II ... • &ATUADAY '- :•=~-fl. " The M en With itooert' a Fece" ( tHO) ~ 8ecchl. Olhlll Hue­• . A main decld8e to ~ .. IHM!yte Md p11~ ~anoe to

~hie - ICIOI

- ·--- -- ---

CELEBRATED TENOR -:-- Pavarotti i s featu r ed an spec ial performance of Puc'-:!ni' ~ popular masterpiC'<.:C , "La Boheme tonight at 8 on KCET (28) .

8:30 8 Cl) TARZAN I LONE AANOER II QI KIO SUPER POWER HOUR 8 t1ll FONZ I HAPPY DAY80ANO fD GETTlNO TO KNOW M E (C) MOVIE • • " Honky Tonk Free­way·· (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly O'Angelo. A amall town jn Fl0tlde takes rnall8fa lrito tis own hands when by-passed by a new highway (H) EARTH, WIND AHO ARE IN CONCERT The 1a.a-lunk-rock group combine exploalve llf>gtng wU h comp le' c:horeoo< a­phy end llasny lj)IClaJ etlects In 11 performance taped 111 the Oakland Coll­eeum in Oakland. Califor-nla ll) M0111E ••Yo " Phantom 0 1 The Peradise" 1197•1 Paul Wll­llams. WHiiom Finley A dedicated roct.. 'n ' rOll compoMr becomes • dls­llgured madmen haunting 1 l1buloot rock Club ener he ts swtndled out ol 1\11 Qle'a wont, an elaborete rocl< cantata 'PG'

1:00 8 LEAVE rT TO BEAVER G aJl LAVERNE& SHIRLEY Q WILO, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS ., ERNEST ANGLEY • THE MISER Stgn language and the apoken word are com· blned In a pertormence by the Fe1rmoon1 Theater of Iha OMI OI Mollere'• clas­M<: eomedy •bout greed 8nd the COflMQIJll'ICft ol It

t:ao 8 Cl) 8008 BUNNY I AOAOAUNHER





!ID M E • · ·~ • fetory" ( 1981) Sytveat• Stallone. M leheel C11ne During Wor1d War 11. Allted POWa - lhtMr tlel(et 10 lreedom In • matc h between their llOCC4lf team 1nd the o.r­man National Team In Par­is 'PG' G MOVIE * • " Hawmpal" (1976) Jarnes Hompton, Cllrlt10-phar Connelly Mernl>«• ol 1111 united S1a1ea CevaJry try to adjual to riding cam­els Instead ol hor- In the untamed. lawless Te.o.u Of the 18001 'G '

10:00 11 QI SPACE ST AAS 8 8HANANA 0 0 THUNDAAA I OOLDIEGOLD 0 MOVIE • ''i ' H i deous Sun Demon" ( 1955) Robert Clarke, Patrlc:la Manning. A sclenhst 11 tranalormed Into a hldOoullly rep<.1lslva 111ard monater e ller bec:Ornlng expoMd to aoler

~· W DOOOE CITY AOOEO • 808JONE8 • THIS OLD HOUSE Cl> VOTER'S PIPELINE " NelghbOrllood Housing Services" Jim Cooper t11lka with lhe Sant• Ane Ind LI Hebra Neighbor· hood Hooullno Se<YIOle attcM their eltort• to aid people In und9fl)<Mlaoed

• • ·~ " Soni And Lover." ( 1980) Trevor How1rd, StockW911 BaMd on the n<Mll by D.H Law­rencie . A dominating mother lnaptree her eon to 1>ypue rom1nC>1 to b9ttlf hlmeelt.




~MOlllE a • • a ' The Spirit Of St Louis" ( 1957) Jllll\M Stew­art, Murrey Hemlllon In 111n Charlee A Und­oer gh bec:omea I he ll<lt m an 10 lly nonstop ecroaa tha Allanttc Ocean to Par. la

1 t:OO 8 BASEBALL Celllornla 11~1 11 Boe. ton Red So• 0 9 WEEKEND SPECIAL " The Winged COit " A boy end hla uncle find lhem· MMYll the coolused own­ers ol e COit born with wings (Plfl 21 (A) Q • SOULTJWN ti) AOelN HOOD Robtn. wm and Ralph l1de t o Huntingdon Manor where Friar Tuc;k , ...,..,, the thief wno mid• oft with Robin' • helrlooma. (Pwt 3) • M ICROWAVE COOt<ERY QI BASEBALL Regional coverage or Clll­lornla A~• at eo1100 Red Sox or Houaton Astroa at M ootreal EApoa

I 1-15 II 8A8£BAU. Houston Aatroe ar Montr• .. Expos 11 Cl) BLACKSTAR 0 9 AMERICAN 8AH08TANO Gueall Sperka, Eddie Mooey. G 8EAR8RYANT: COUNTDOWN TO 315 Host Joe Namarh end other grNt player• relive the football 11111or1ea ol Allbema. Te•H A&M and l(entucky with Coech Bryan I • A081HHOOO Mudge joint Robin end l>le

men '"" 1111 111"8t la unjually henged, end Robtn becOr.- an 1"°""9C1 enemy or the Sherllt of Nolllnghem (Pin 4) • MAOIC~OIL PAINTING


••• "CIHh 01 The lttana" (1911 t) HllfT)' Hem­""·Laurance OIMer. Myth­ic: herO P8'MOI la helP«I by hi. lllher Z..U. In a ..- or dangerous IMIU .. he trlea 10 win the hind of a Ptloenlelan prtnceae egllnt1 the w1.n. ol • ••ngelul Ml goddeu. 'PG O MOVIE " Solo" ) lllncenl Gii, Peny Armttroog A fler<*y lnct.. pendent Aullrallan wom­an. wt10 workt u • lor11t ranger , beoomll ln•Olved with a fire pltot .

'1 :U (%) to.t()W

• * "O<eued Llghtnl1111" (19771 Richard Pryor, Beau B<ldgee Atter World Wat 11. a IUI drlv9r ~ the flra1 1>1ec11 champion In the hlatory o l lhe circuit 'PG'

12:00 8 Cl) TAOW<IN8 • MOVIE •· ·~ "Top Slcrel Altair" ( 19571 SuHn Hayward, l(lf'll Oougt11 A publllhef etternpta to a1op • major Qlf*el lrom obtalnl11Q • dlplometlc: l)Olt

• THE ROOt<l£8


~MOVIE 8.A " ** 'A "H~own U. . ( t979) Gery Springer, 0..... Wllaon The problem• Ind 1nxktllea of three ldolel· cen11 coping with g<OW!ng up In the ' 50a lrl

e•plored. 'R'

(I) MOVlf 01 .. ** ··011eklng Ha (10&0) Hu., O'Connor, Pl\11 ~ A B<ltleh punll pop .,..... llfeetyte ulll­rnately leeda to trlQltdy. 'PO'

12:t0 I Cl) TOM AHO .JEMY ~Of'A


• MOYll • • " The Se41fCh" ( 19581 Clayton Moor.. Jay Sii-_,_.., -• YtC INW>EN'I "'"'R>A ll4S F\IT\IM " Ple)'lnO Do.ll>IM" Vlo


8'~ demoftttrll• IM 119Y polnta OI attel~ end ~I 11\11 Miki <fou.. blee e , .. 1 ~I~ (R)

I VIL.LA AUIOM ("> Q 1:00 e=:l(OMA

• K N.Xl IC8SI

• "N&C IN8C>

!KTL~ find I K.ABC tAOCI


• KHJ· TV llncl I


• KTTV ttno I • ICCOP· TV ( Incl I




tO On T\/ t i ' Z·TV


•C tCtn.im11M i

• • IWORI NY • N Y

011 IWlOSI rf , IESPNI I I !~Imel

• kotllgfll

• ICAtOl~ Nf""" N lll...Oflc l

• • "81ar Maldene" (Pen 2) ( 197 5) Chr l1t11n• Kruger, Judy 0-.

• MOYie .. * • * "~la For"-­'1M2) 81- McQuflft , lk>Otly o.rwt A eqiMd of Amenolln Ole .. ordaNd '° I

ho6d IMdl l"8 OertNN Ill

-~ "t-louliOO: """ Ot IW'


• THI G"'IAT MOIO OOM9DWlill Oeoro• ' '""• o•a~te A"""· Jedi ... ., • ., lllld rnor-. rern1111eoe .net r• Cr•••• 1111 Volden -• ot recllO cd!Ndy OU.Ing 111• ·~·ncs ·•o. 9 IHTllUAIMMIHf TMltWUk lnlenrtewa wOh J1m1e LI"' a.u... J.,•v l.-1• . .....,... H11008fd. Connie 11-lll>d Ann ~nktng (C)MOVll ••a An lnemy Ol fhe People · ( 111711 8teve McOveen. Chw... Durn Ing Bued on lbN11·1 pley The clll.tan• ol • M\11 town llfll llPPlaud then Pl'-1111 I IOCJll phylllciM lor dlC!llrlng IM IOCll hot 1pr1no- unule due lo l>OI· 1u11on •a·

1:301 (1) IO._INUlU CLoeE HARMONY

Ar'- Symon•. 1 BrOOlllyn mu11c t••cn., , b1lnga IOQllMr • QIOUP or Miiiot c11111na and • group of young 11uden11 101 • unique 1ntlf04t1W118110f'91 ctlo<ua (R) P.T 8ARNUMAHD Hl8 HVMAM ooomea Rlc:hard l(lley holla thla documenllry treeing the career ol the " Great .. 1 Showman On Earth." D THE OOLO£N AGE OF Tn.EVl8IOM " A Oolr1 HouM" A women (Julie Hetrlll 111«11 her own ldet111ty an.. con­lron1lng her huaband'1 (Chrlllopher Plummer) lmmorallly In a lelepley b...O on the pley by Hen­rlk lbMn (%) MOVIE ••• " Exc;allbul" (1981) Nigel Terry, Nicol WllMam­aon The explolta of l(lng Arthur bring power lllld death to the knights of the Round l 1ble. 'R'

2:00 8 Cl) PGA GOLF " World Settee 01 GOif" Cov• rage of the third round lrom the Flreatone Country Club, Akron, Ohio. II WESTERN OUTDOOASt.IAH e OIWQAH'S ISlAHD D MOVIE *'~ " Alllcit 01 The Muall­room People" ( 1966) Aklro Kubo, Niki Yuhlro ., M OVIE

* * ·~ " Empet0t 0 1 The North Pole" ( tll73) Lee Mervin, Erneat Bo<gnlne. A tough rellroed guard mllc:hM will Ind wlMa with e aaf1y hObo determined 10 hllch 1 ride • !Ra.AHO: A • TB..EV'8ION HISTORY " Ulller Wiii Fight· 1582· 1914'' The atruoote lor Horne Rule ·~ • Cli­max When Sir Edwerd CW­aon. leader o f the ui.ter Unlonlirta. llllfly predpl-11118 cMI war. 0 MOVIE * * " Fam11a Artillery" ( tll73) Owlnll w .. ..,.,, Ida luplno. QtlTECASAHO TENNE88££: AM~ AFF/IJA Aa!MC> Al The Wheel. lhl o.erott .. ~. Jim. my o.n. Johnny Dunc:an. Mickey Giiiey. Johnny Gknble, l<rla l(rlalo,..,_, Roger Mkler, Ray Price, J.rry Fteeo. Tanye lucillf end ErnHI Tubb get together to pay tribute to the pl~I of the THU ~d

(O)MOVIE * • ·~ " Victory" ( 11111) Sytveeter s 1111one. Mlc:hael Caine During W()(ld W11 11, Allied POWa - thelt lldlet to freedom In a metoh between their aoccet team lllld the GM• man Netlonal Team tn Par­~ 'PG' Cl) MOVIE -" * • " T Ike The High Ground" ( t953) Rlc:h11d Widmark. Elaine S'-lrl. A l\arwh, la.dlfllc -QMlll wtabllahea more •llPl)Ort with hla troopa through the Influence ol the women he

'°""· 2:tO 8 INSIGHT A mlddte-aged woman la forced to change her Nie' • dlfectlon when the l•t Of her children ......... ~ • OIUJGAH'S ISlN«> Ml Howell organtne an army and ~ta hlmMH g&nerll lf1er lhe CMte­WIYI .,. •lllCked 8 RICH MAH, POOR MAH: BOOK I Rudy (Peter S11auu) and Julie' • (SuHn Blakely) mlfTlage 11 thr .. lened and Tom JordlChe (Nlolc NOite) la put oH lhlp etter he hM en eaptoalve encounter with a d80QlfOUI edVll·

.+HE MAGIC WORLD M MAACEl. MARCEAU The world'• greateel IMng precllttoner ot lhe anclerll 1r1 ol eti.ncie perform• Mwn o1 hl1 mo9I l emoua pantoml"'" CID8U88TOP The """ or MV8'•1 tr•· velera change When they ere alranci.d In a arnell K 1nu1 town. M1rgot l(lddef and Tim Mllheeon ....

am e TAUC MOVT r>ICTUMS Oueet Normen COUllne -edhor, euthor, lectu•et Md phOIQOtopher

• MOVIE 0 .. ***'-' " Beau "'• ( 1939) Ofty Cooper. Rty Mlllend, Thr11 Frlf'Ctt For­eign 1Agtonn1lrl8 clelm ,._,.~alblUty for e jOwol tl\efl In order lo ptOllCI • ledy·• hOnor • MOvia • • • • " The lnapector Glinefel" (llM9) Denny K1Y•. Elea Lencheater

• If.ow QOOIE In P 11U1 GaMoo·a W()(ld Wt1 II lale, • ~ girt (Jenny Aguiler) and • ortp. l*d artlet (Alcitlerd Henle) r..ita tNlt YUln«abllltlN

~ -=:o. --QOOlt

•fl \t " A Gtobal Atflltr" ( 1"'4) Bob H~. l.llO PuMw. A blby, found b)' • IMldlelOf In IN lobby of nle Un/ttO Nl'ltone. le olaHMCI b)' ell the "*'lber ~

-~ • • * \t "eor.." C 1177) "OY tc1MIG1t, lruno

°"""*· '""" ~-

Orange Coall OAILY PILOT / Saturday, Augu•t 28, 1882

TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 6:00 "Gnomc.:11." Woodland gnoml'll prepare for n wedding but run Into troubh.• with thl!ir encmlt!ti, th • evil Trolls

KOC~ (2U) H:OO "La Boheme: Pavarc!tU In Ph1Jadelphlu. " Wlnn~n o f vo1t•e compl•lllaun o f the Opera Company of Philadelphia join celebrated tl•nor See photo, ldt KABC (7) U:UU "~letnb«.'<'k's Eu~t o( Eden." Rebroudcast of Part l of an eight hour adaption of the classic Amt•rknn saga . (Parental clh;cretion advi8t'd.)

KNBC (4) 10:00 - "After the Bi~ 1 Quake . . An L .A . Survival G u ide Jo~n Schubeck hosts special that orters advice to increase chances of survival.

,.,...,, rlak their llYW wtllMI h•ullng eaplotl•• nl110-glyc1tlne th1ough South Amerlc:•n lu•IQlla 10 b1111e en oH· wetl llre 'PO'

l:JO 11 CJ) SPORTS SATURDAY Scheduled cover&QI or the Hector COnlecho t Johnny Siio 10-round llghtw•lghl bout (hom . Allentlc: Clly. N.J I G AGRICUL TUAE U.8.A Cl> AMERICAN ODYSSEY Leon Hendoraon, Todd Oey and Melody Meyer'a tourney of 5,000 mllee ICIOM lhe United 818118 11 Chronicled (fl THUHOEJI IH THE PARK

S:IO. PLEDGE BAE.AK Regularly ICheduled ptO­grammlng mey be delayed due 10 pledge break a.

S:N. A PAOSPECT OF WHALE8 Krov and Ann Menohln and AndrM Pruna record the behevtor o l penguin•. ... uooa. elephant ...... cormorant• and the rife aoulhern right whale of the south Allanlk: 111 the Bay 01 lleld ... Argenllna


• L.EOHAN>'S OOLDEH GLOVES " Hlghllghll" (Plrl 81 D HEEHAW Guest•: Roy Acuff. M argo Smith, ,Steve Werlner . Cottnn Ivy • MOVIE * • '-' "The Mephlato WalU" (1971) Alan Alda, Jecque11ne Disaei Wltcn­c:talt turne a nl.olocH mulNClen Into 1 lamed pie. ntat. latrlly1ng hi• lemlly who are drawn up In the n1ver-.n<11no circle or evil tml TWE ROa<FOAO Fll.U . 8 LAWRENCE WELJ( " Tour Of Southern Califor­nia" (O)MOlllE ••a " Airplane!" (1980) RoC>ert Heys. Julie Haoer­ty Aner an etrllner'• c:tew falla to fooCI polaonlng, a

~ '°""" - pilol la pr-4 Into ~ and muet contend with or>­t>oard hyaletla, • ~ ...... eontrOI t- and ~ Med """'°"" ' PO' ()) THl OMTEJ'\A. DUD The Gretefvl Deed -- performing many of their grntl81 hit• In Ihle concert taped H~ night 1880 II Radio City MUllCHell (%) MOVIE * • ·~ " The Prlvele Eyee" ( 1980) Don l(notta. llm Conway Two bumbllng American o.tecllllw -called In to tn-llgate • Mr1e8 or murdera In an Engllah cattle 'PG.

4 :30 • "11EE.-4-AU. G L.£OACY FOR A SMALL PlAMET Wllllem Eddy covert the UNESCO Wortd Heritege Cooventlon tn Egyp1: the lnt.,natlonll organlutlon ldenllflee and p,_ unique netu1111 8nd cul111tel •II•. from the Groel Py<a­mld of ~ to lnd.­ponOence Hell (C} MOW! • * " Honky Tonk F.­way" (Comedy) B11u Brldgee. Bewrly D' Angelo A amlll town In Florid• takea maHera Into 111 own hands when by-PllMd by a new hlghwly CID JOHNHY CASH'S AMERICA The oountry mualc at1r perform• 1 lllute to Anter· lean 11111ory and tredltlon1 wtth gueeta J.- Carter Chi\, Steve Gooomen. John Prine and Rodney Crowell trom l(enn«ty C.Oter In Wa9"1ngton. D.C.

4:80. NATIONAL GEOOAAPHIC SP£CAL " The Shark1" Extraordl­nery undorw1ter nlm loot­IOI or how lhar1t1 !Md, '881 Ind why 11\ey 811acll provldM • ,.. oorepeo. llvo on thla fucln1tlng and !Mteome fllh. (RIO

6:00 e COUEOE FOOTIW.L ll'MVllW " PAC 10"


e wu·~Of' PORT't Scheduled. -..dfly C10¥• «IOI ot the Utile Loegue Wortd S.118 chlMpjon· lhlp game lrom w1niam • ~.Pe. • ONZZl. y AOAM8

t11 WtOE WORLD OF SPORTI ScnedulOd .-day cov­arege of Iha Lltlle leegue World Sortea Cha1T19lon­alltp geme from Wllllem-

~~ • • " The Mari Wit" 8ogar1·1 F . ,,.. (11180) Robert Sa<Nhl. Olhlla Hua­My A man decJdl8 to 'hlnOI hit lllHlyle lfld phy.tcel llPPHrlnCil lo reMmble htl ICf_, Idol. ·pa· (%) MOVIE • a "Olrl Friend•" ( 11178) Melanie Mavron, Ell wa1-l1Ch A young women learna about the concee­alona ooe hu to malce In romen<:e by obMrvlng hit cloeeat friend '• attalra and by having on• heraell. 'PG'

8:55. THE NEURON SUITE Jamee Burka llluatral .. • tour through lhe human brain Ind ci.l'ltrll net'VOUI ay1lem with •pecl el ellecta. animation and Interview• with guHI IXpefll



" Pre-Seuon Geme" Sen 4'9ora at Sen Diego Charger1 • MOVIE *• '~ " How I S~I M y Summer llecetlon" (11187) Robert Wa9ner, Peter Lewiord Q WILD. WILD WEBT

• LAWREHCE WEUC " Toor Of Southern Caltl0t · nil''

• MOVIE •• * • " Piranha. Ptrenha ( 11172) Peter Brown. Wit• Ham Smllh A ruth!Qa hunter 8cherne8 to 1talk • trio or tunote wlldllla pho-1ographflr1. G WOOCYWRKJHT'S SHOP " Log Conatructlon" Roy Underhill looka II th,.. dllf«ent atytee of log con· atrvctlon. (R) (BJMOVIE * • Y. "lllc1CIY" (1H1l Sy!Yeet« Stellone, Mlotlaal c.lne. Dut1ng Worid W11 II , Allied POWa - their tlctl81 10 l(Mdom In • mllcll between their acccor teem end the Olt­man Natlonll T-., In Pit· II, 'PO' (DJMOVll • * • · ·to Rllllng1on Plac!." ( 197 t) Richard AttenborOUgl\. JOhn Hurt. " young Br1111h couple ltll ~Um to a kind!)' neighbor who onen to help them OU1 ol I earloua ptedk:e-

8 O#OUO o1 YIClou.I r roll. who kldf\8'1 '"' OfCMj)e(. llw bflde 11\d flOOnl (lit) . ...,.,,,. • * " 11 HIUIOWl\OU .. 1 tllt•I Charle• OrOdlri Candtee R9f g .. 1 A bull

n1Hm1n· lurn10·bvrglar rmd a bore(l aoc;lall18 Cllal 1enge fhe WOtld' I gtealNI aoc:urlly ay11ern In oro.< 10 llKI a IOf'lune 8 QI LOVl IOAf Ceptaln &tubing (;0'181<*• marrying 1 beeulllul w~ 1111. .,.d en unac;rupulou• toav.. hta gtrl1ri.nd on lhe ahlp won hl1 111\y partner (R) Q G MOW • • .., " S-arel The Blob ( 1972) Oodl1•v Cam bridge. M1111M Clark A lroHn, ahap••• mHa brought lrom the North P0141 by a goologlll th-• 001 and gooa oo a killing api ..

• THEMOeT BEAllTlfVL FACE.8 OF THEIO'I • LA&OtiEM!. PAVAROTTI IH PHILADEU'HIA Winn¥• 01 th• Opera Comp1ny ol Phllld81phla I Luciano Pa.arolll lnt8'nl· uonal llolce Competition )Oln the celebrated 1.,.,0, In a new productloo 01 Puec1-nl 'a atory o l love and 101•. 111ged by Olen Carlo Meno111 Ci) ~\/IE * • • " Gung Hol" ( 19•31 Randolph Sco11. Noeh Beery Jr (C) MOVIE * • • • " The SpWI 01 St Louil" ( 1g571 J-St- · 1r1. Murrey H1mN100 In 11127. Ch1rtea A Lind­bergh bec:omee lhe flrat men 10 ny noo11op act099 tho Atlantlc Ooeon 10 Par­le. (BJ EARTH, WIND AND ARE IH CONCERT The 11112- lunk-rock group combine eaploalve 1lnglng with complew choreogra­phy Ind llUhy apecial

eltecta In a performer>ce taped at Iha Oekllnd COii· seum In Oakllnd. Calllor-nla. (Q) MOlllE • ·~ "Urld« The Aelnbow" ( 11181) Chevy Chue. Carrie FISl!er Tiie 150 mldgett wtlo are In town for the filming of " The wizard 01 O:r.'' turn • Calllornla hotel ~•Ide-down . ·pa· IBMOVIE • * 'A "1'merlcan Glgolo" ( 1980) Richard Gere. Lau­ren Huttoo A S.....ty Hiiis g1go1o ~ the prime tuapecl In a murder ln-­~Uon ' A '

HO . Cl) MOVIE ••~ " A F- Days In Weaael Creek" (11181) M are Winningham. Jonn Hammond II DIFF"AENT STAOKES Wlllll " borrow•" the Drummond 11mout1ne to lmpteM hit glrttrlend. (RI a o JOHN 8TEIM.8ECK'S EAST Of EOEH Al the end of the CMI Wer, Adltn T1Mk (TlmOlhy Bol ­toma) and hi• brother Char1H (Br~ Boxleltner) ftnd their 11- compllcaLed wllln the belulllul bu1 cru­el Cathy Amee (J- S.V­mour) errl"" In tNif Con­nec11cut town. (Part 1 t (R) (Peren11I dlacrellon la edvlaed.) QIMOV'IE * * ·~ " Somllhlng For J~" ( 11177) Geraldine Paoe. M ire Singer (H) MOVIE * • * " Eye Of The N .... die" (19811 Donald Suther· land. 1(811 Nelllgarl While on a remote Scottlah taland to ..-1 • sobmarlne. en Axla apy find• ahelter from Ille storm In the collage of • young merrled '®pkt. 'R' (l) MOVIE * * •,i, " lllG1ory" ( 11181) Syt11e11 .. Stallone, Mlctlael Caine During World War II, AHled POWa - their ticket 10 lrlldom In • match between the ir eoccar 119n1 end the Get­man Nalk>nal T.wn In Per-11 ·PO· (%) MOVIE • * • " Exc;allbu<" ( 1981 I Nigel Terry. Nlc:ol Wllllem­aon. The •~plOlte 01 King Arthur bring !>OW"' end dfflh to the knlgtlt1 ol the Round Teble 'R'

9:30 II THE FACT8 Of' Ufe Jo 1rrengee e date for Blair with • juvenile delln­~l. (R) m> MATIN£.EAT THE 8&JOU Fee tured. " Bulldog Drurn­Morld' a B<lde" ( t939) 1111· ring John Howard and J A.ether Angel • • 19.39 Cll· 1000; a 1937 8"°" i..tur­lng Glenn Ford: end Chap­ter 2 (Ill " Loll City Of The Jungle" ( 1948). (A)

10:00 II •"'*" '"' ••o QUAii.i · . AN L A



• • ·~ " McGuire, Go Homet " ( t985) Dirk Boo•dl. George C#laklfl•

- ~GOU> <11> NCtW10 PRYOR IH <X>NeeRT " The ........ _ comedletl

lhoota pointed ,blrbt at almoat _.y ~n tllutlon lmegln1ble In I u • sored, no-hold•· erred _, performenoe. . MOVll * * • "LOOklng For Mr OOOdt>ar" ( 19771 Diane Ketton, Tueedey Weld A • ocl • ll)' reprene d t CflOOlt81Cller H•k• lllClt.-nenl b)' lroquentlng ..,... bert Md luttng val• '°"' men tnto ~

9'llllM. ' " ' tO:tO. MeclHT A 11io'1 9Gt10Cli ~oltHlll pl1yer I• 011111u11oned

~ he '""'' hi. lall'Ori11 oorn1o booll flltro. a:> Afl tHOWCAll

10!41. IA~Y lfllOf'TI ,,.n.(J) •• ..-wt • IHTWl'TM .. BIT TMIWWC ...... wtltl~~ ...,.,, ..,., ~ HIOlercf, COMM ..._. llldAllft~.

8 13

• M(W'I

e • "' · lhe Wallt j ti t 11 Alan Aloa J~,. ......

• MOYie ' PIOlllharrn•n ' 11111t)

llllM 1<1tt1111 r a1y J o..... • OOVIMV "OttHtt Peopte'• Gerbaoe" 11111011'91 a1chMOfoOla1a 81 lllree Ml• ec;rOM ftle .Unttlld 8•·•· -c.n IOt • c.1eat .. , ltlO oftlfl -V Ott· l11en1, atory of AmetlC.• '• 1-111 .. 1 CAI Cl Cl> MA.INT(HAlfOe ~ I UJU (C)M()VIE

e * ~ " Pai>'llon ( 117'1 si.-.. Meo_,, Oue11t1 Hollman A pelt Of 0.Vll't taland convlC1• fPllld thel• 11me ptanntng their eeoao. CID BUS t-TOP The 1111.. o f Mv.,11 ,,._ veter a ch•nge whlt'I trw.y or• •lranded 1n a •mall t<•n•a• to wn Maroo1 l(ldOer 9nd I Im MlltlelM)n ,,., ( ()BIZARRE ' At>ec;am Cametl"

I t:30 8 THE AOQ(FON)

ALU II at 8A TUAOAY HIGHT LNE Hoel J011nny Caah Gueel Elion JOiin 1RI G ABCNEWS Cl) MOVIE •• 'It " M•n On The Move·· ( 19721 Jemee Waln­w11gh1. Ve•• Mllu @l KGBROCK8 (Q)MOVIE • " Tl-. V101allon Of Cleu­

d la" ( 1971) Sharoo Mltct.­etl. Don Patataon A t>ored wire 1a led down the prim­rose path by hit 1enn11 lnllrUCIOf {S) MOVIE • • " 1(111 And 1(111 Aglln" (1981) Jamea Ryan, Anne­llna Krier. A mlrllel lflt e•pert bllllu the mlnlooa of e power-mad 1Clentlal Intent on enalaving man­kind wtlh a new mtnd-con­lrOI drug ·po· (Z) MOVIE * * • " Silting Oucka" ( 1980) Zack Normen, Mlci'lael Emil T- crimi­nals escape 1he U S with • mltlton doll•rt end run Into a snag tn their pl1n1 'R'

11:-46 G MOVIE • * ·~ " The 25th Hour" ( 1967) AnthOflV Quinn, Vlr­na Liil


12: 18 0 MOVIE • * " The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980) Brooke Shield•. Chrlstoprnw Aikin• T­castaway children grow to adolescenu on 1 remote. South P1e1llc; llllllld end 8•pen60C• the pang• of hrst love 'R'

12:30 8 MOVIE • • • " Bre11klHI Al Til· lany' a'' (11161) Audrey Hepburn, George Peo­oerd ®) M OVIE • ,, ·~ " Tll11 M8C41hana" ( 19781 James Ameaa, Eve Marie Saint

t2:45~ MOVIE 'LllSI Tango In Perlt"

( 11173) M arloo Brando, - Marta Schneldet ·x• t:OO 11 ROCt< CONCERT

Gueata The Rolllng St~. Third Wotld, The Tu bee .. MOVIE * • ·~ "Band Of Angola" (1957) ClaMI Gable. Sidney Pomer C1J NEWS QI EVENING AT THE IM~V Hott. Doe Severtnaen. Guests Denny JOl'lnaon, Seatman Crother•. Mau. n ee L1M1rche Oolll• At chi bald ilf)MOVIE • • " Friday The 13th , Pllt II" ( t981) Amy Steel, John Furfly Thi! g1llly kllllnga continue at a aum,,,., camp Iha! had bMr1 cl09ed down alter • -\ea ol bliarre murder1 occurred there 'R' (Zl M OVIE a* ' \ " Phenlom Of The Plfeotse" ( 197•) Peul w 11-ltama. WIHlfm Anley A dedicated rod! 'n' roN compo-~ • di. figured madman haunting a labuloua rod! dub lflet 118 11 awlndled out of hla 1111·1 wont , an elaborate roek cantata ' PG'

1: 10 CS) THE ORA TEFVl DEAD J ~The Gratelul are

- performing meny of their greeteat hlla In tl>le concan taped Haiio­nlghl 1980 II Aldlo City Mull<: Hall • I

1:30 8 MOVIE * * " CaptlYe W Nd Wom­an" ( 1943) John Carradine, Evelyn Anker•

• MOVIE • * ~ " Oeet Deed Delilah" ( tll72) Agnee MoorlhMd, Wl80....

1:40 (C) MOVIE * • " Ooodt>ye , Emmanuelle" ( 19n1 Sytvl4I l(rlllel, Umberto Ofllnl. A beautllul wom1r1'a ~ for the ultlmete 8l'Otlc e•pertenoe bflnga her 10 • at1r1llng rM!lzatlon ' R'

2:00QI NEW8 0 MOVIE ••• " Jllllll" ( 197•) [)oc.. umentary Jania Japlln

• rt- 11om 1n unflaopy end obecure put In • ltnall T11u town to h9lld the char11 as 1 lop rod< end bluM Singer

2:3088 HIW8 a AllCN&wa (8) MOV1E • • • "Flrat Femlly" (t980) Giida Radnet, 8ob Newl\lrl

()) MOVIE * • " Breaking 01811" ( 1980) Hu.t O'Connor. PINI Oanlela A Brttitt\ P"f* pop ater' • ~ ""'"

• .mai.f\I leldt to tragedy •

£~ * • "~MMd Ugfrtntng'' (t117t)Alohard ~ • ._, B~ Atll( WOtid Wer II, a taxi drtwr booon'9

"" ""' bl8Glt ohMIOIOn In • the lll•t0ry of It. ,...., Cllf'CIUlt. 'PO'

1141 . MCMI * *... " HOl'tOf l ... nd" (tM1) DlcA '0111" &.. Cemllo

.• '• :· ·.

.. .• :' ... • \ ~ .. i. )



Or•nge Cou1t DAILY PILOT / Saturday, Augu1t ;>ti , 1982

.. D


Two complimentary tickets for your family

If you're age 12 or under, color this drawing and you could win two complimentary tickets - a S 1 6 value - to the all new Up With People Show, a musical extravaganza coming to the

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Tt Plact Yt., U, C1ll comm 1 0 , outl offlc~ w/ Found 11101 ... W4'tCh vic elation In no11111c me<11c11 OHi lvllllll dtd. PtF time. 110 •~Pt• l\_,.,01rig 494 601<1 Khn 11 t1c.t1vt 0111aonallll .. 10 Cry11111 C11111uc11 Apon 111101111 & 700 tQ II or yard Queen of Angelli Churct1 , fluld 060· 11~4J Min 7 J" exper Hiring " o1 ialllng req"d Wrlla to Molntenanca/ Oardl)nftt work wllti youth fegeo rel 7 11 W 17th St C M 642·5678

HOUSES FOR SALE <i•fltral llAlllloohlo..i ~lbo. tl·•ft1ntwl • C1pt•tr 1no tMarh Coron• dfl Ma r c ....... . DMA f·Oi~I El,....., f'wnte1n v.11,~ HwMl"f\Oft&6t" lrvuw LqWAe 9'.e f'h Lltw"- thlb ........,..,.., .. 1 11111 1.UMllll Vt-tto

~t:1~s..:~ ~ Su Jvaa C•Pt•lt • l\U S.•aAM Stel lleocb Sowltl! ..... .,.... . 'tlioHIMlf\4ltf ...... t40fnt• ~.,,

ICAL ESTATE Mrc1.1,. fQt 'Wit AJWift lntft.ll lcw , ,.,. Mituti1P1~ft 1 .... """'"' .,.,°",., t' C• mt,tty Loh t:r)pr.I \

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RENTALS lkiu.n •\lrn11ht>d How.h Vnturnhhrd t'°".M!' •\nnot l ' nl {"ondom1Atwnt• t 'urn Condom1n1uml l ' nf Tow~n •'vtn TO-nhovH•.'f I 'M D\i~•t~ •'-'" OupltAf ' l lnf ~114> l'lo r• ApU UAl~rn Apt\ fi\un fH' t ftl R.-,, Room a. RoHd Hutth Motth G~t Uomt " Swmnwr Mf'nhl" \'M'•I '°" thntlh ktnt•h to"'•" • Gat"fH hw lh•tlt Off~ M•n4•1 S...1nn. "~~ .1 ttlekiltrt•1 R,.,, at

::.~! ... "'~ Mlw RtM•t11


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Appro• 2,000 sq ti stortt, 646-3107 rent & 1m1ll compen111- quttbell • neallh club . In M1n1gement oppor tunl· )Obi 11v1lleble In US ond lllSON counsalor Call 2· 5PM , .. p nuc 544•2·C70, M ar c:;hotco loc 111ton , air lion 621 -0548, 495· 5306 Irvine Eves & S1turd11y1. tit• For lottrvlew call Overaeas For directory , 642-4321 . X346 ge

109 101' I~• IOtal 1-l (lllJ

cond . Newport Blvd al Found White K11111n Lg -- ---- 973-0838 9 to 4. titer 11.00 PM 11.42- 5678 cell (312) 688-4347 n~t ~uat have exper liourly I Lt ttlCI M io Mullet "ton a Harbor 17141 674- l92 I Hau . Vic B1oadw11y & Senior Accountant deslrH ••I 3 t 2 J 19 wag11 n8Q 95 t -459 !_ __ PAYROLL

Orange Oesc:;rlbe perm11nan1 pos111on u Dentel Tulfet 11long ceme a OIE Of A 1111 833-3903 controller 0 , ??1 Heavily EKperfenced Ro A ,,.._ l.att .. IH laortftfJ Hardwero Sales PI T. soml M ature counter oeraon Restourant ch om Corp aplder end read In 1ha


expor computer or mo- ded for Ort lilodonllc fo r Tra~Flrm Word retired type , ,-.pply In PIT Herbor Cleaners Olllc e In Irvine needlj Dally P1lo1 Clau1lled OlflcH combined wl llght Lost Blown from t ruck nual Congenlal non· precllce In M inion Vle)o Proctt In (Computer peraon Cr o w n l"arcJ · 16475 Harbor Bl, Fin Vly uper payroll 1uperv1so1 aec11on 11bout Miu Mui work shop • storege c aned arm c nau . vie smkr (2 13) 675-0561 area 1130-3703 e•p "-I lul lltpt Ctr IOC wore. 3107 E Cs• Hwy, 839-7555 to take charga o l ru- lei• Tutlel and bought II area lg overhead door ••acArtnurlSan Joaquin ~ •~ c taurant payroll Knowing f S" 95 y

2 I d "" 866-6148 Cell Jean 759-0193 d M Mechanic-auto MacGre.


or "' ou can .. 11 access min tom LI o or Jamboree 760-3870 IEllTA.L AllllTAIT ---- computnr PeyrOll •• a your tultet and lots of Isle Call 645-4800 esk H k llEALTI CLll ~or Yacht Corp t631 s F l M ouso eeptng and coo- Do you want a c.reer In Execvuva Secrellry musl a111ry commensu other thing• inrougn for Vicky or Anna ~~a~~V ~~ cf~:s~~~~ k ing ser vic es I n O · Ortho ullllzlng all your to President end vice· MllllER _!!cent~sta Mesa rate w i th a1>1111 y C 8JI Dally Pitol croulflad

!'!~~!.'!!~! .~!~ff!!.~~~ San Clema111e 496·2585 ~~~n~=1~0~f~'.v1~t;3room beROnA81s11ksllls6~0E_"0c1e2t w1 age & :~~Pd:tyo:~·~f~oCll~~ GMOV .1occ aMtlo/s"'nhsa' laHtyB&. C~~~O_P~~~llf g~~;1~:~ 5

49.g372 Ads Cell 642-5678

.. " Read tno c1assll1ed eds for " I w o y s a a a t a 1 n N B 3975 B11Ch 3660 sq Foulld Parro t H B area Nurse. no smk-drlnk will man ta M ust be profl · comm to $25.000 48 hr PI T Ins eKperlence re the best deals In opart · ctassll1eo- road Iha eels

ft or less M IA zone Ca 11 1 o 1Cle n 1 1 Iv hve-in care 101 elderly or llllTAL clonl typlst with akllla In wk Incl eves & wknds q u I red Ben a 11111 ment ren tals 642 5676 every day 642 5678 Agent 54 1 5032 2131630-6376 !>ICll 17131 860•0766 llllLUalH: d letaphone, Vydec word 859• 1983 54 1-4779 --- --

JUN llW llW l tlN :le

"'" J~

~· """' Jl W

$750 up 2160 II lndu· Found M whi le Ger m strlal • Office 1810 I Re· Shep ('>I puppy, lr1611dly d ondo C11c1e • M & T Harb o r l Ham l ll on Huntington B oa c n 548 -3710 842·2834 F - O_ U_N_O __ P_e_ n_11_1 -pl '>

1200 sq ft . lront ofc, lge rear door. $425 mo 629

grown kllten grey/ whte tiger 646-2085

Terminal Wa y , C . M Found Killen. Orange & 5 4 0 • 9 3 5 2 d a Y 5 • Wnte male Northwood, 646-0681 _11_ve_s_·----1 Irv 552-4809

ltw,ort-llr,ort FOUND Young cal , rem . 0 I 11 c e 11 n d II s t r I 8 I Balboa Penln Pt. Call to 4 .000- 14,000 sq ft All 1den11ty 675-3584

IJ.'.'1..'r!!'.~'!. ••.. !.~~ lootunfHI Jr.

E • panO l ng Newpo rt Beac h credit card co has open11111 In 1ho1r ac­c ounllng dept Appll · cant s must nave 2 yrs co 11ege acc tng & 1 yr praclloal axper, 10 key adding mach touch, cal · culot or Contac t W Sel· by . M on - Fri , 6AM· 4 30PM 759-7900

Newport Canter Dental processing Compu ter ---Group conllnuea t o background he lpful INSURANCE grow Pleosant , busy, Non - smo ker Sotary IROIP MULTI established office needs open. Ralerencee requl OUlll IUlllH a l ront olllco person, red. tmmedlete opening M I 2 also a cnalrslde eHll· Call for appointment. In mum years ••per

Kathy, 714 -492-6801 Should bo femlllar with tent This 11 an opportu- --'------- RVS COB and Medical nity 10 work In a prog- EKperlonce In video sales group con1rac t s Xlnl resslvo. Interesting onvl· & sys tems ln1tallatlon. benefits Salary com­ronment 640- 1122 • Eitcell w1ge & benefits mensurata wit h e.per

Coll Valorle for Interview Soddlobock Valley Area Dental Assistant, full time. a.ppt. 642- 1944 Call 837-9630

fron t & baok office ex-perience, ROA X- Rey II<.. EJtp. weekend receptionist ltr PHoh O•tflftr req .. salary open, bene- needed tor real estate Data Entry Person nee­

M edical Recapt1ornst in ophthalmology Xlnt w or k ing c ondll1ons Hunt Bch 549 .375g

IUHHY SALES o~=,='"°~·:..,,~. ~ low to fo,,,. '°"'' w'"()t. WOid•

TUK'1( S

I I I I I I ._ ... I-~ ...,l,.....M~T~Y.--11 ,

I I' I .

-· ....

.RluJ :r.lClu ...... •w

AI C Hvy Pwr and Llgh- --------­ling Xlnt tor R&D end Found Purebred Springer low rates 720 - 0621 Spaniel vie or Paterson 2 13-927 -4404 ' School, Hunt Ben Call &

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Ills, Newport Beach area. CJmpe ny In Irvine & ded IOI second shift , 3 lmmedlata opening tor 111 642-6660. eves & wknda Colla Wasa. Cell Suzon. pm-1nlon1ght Must be mature, dependable. AIP 673-3403. 631•0213 responsible Paid Com-

Look ing for personable, neat. energetic person able to grow wllh a well established Co Min 1 yr retail nursery selling BK· per req'd Fl11me Siar ling salary $900 to $ 1, 200 per mo Pd holiday~ & vacations Hospltallza lion Ins avail Interview by eppl only Cell Tue th ru Fri 646· 744 1 -~.....,R,,.~,!.....,C.-..1 :.!' , . 011emm• Our klOS nave now

I II I' I gtow n up and so we're raced

ow P1acent1a1 17th St. 1500 identify 536-0405 clerk lor high volume re- Dental/Front Ofllce. plea- flll UTIITll pany benellts S1111a1y

lost. orange and while 12 tall grocer M USI have sent. busy established Your Oflglnal, flrat-quallty commensurate with e•· w k o l d ma l e k i tten minimum 2 yra p eg office needs &Ht front artwC>fk may be used 1n per ience Coll Kale,

LLOYDS NURSERY . . . . with the emp1y neat problem

!.';:: s I incl office $450 mo !230 6 46· 1164 dys. 6<1 5-9543 !~ eves

645-2601 Orange Mesa board system tlllparlen- o t c mgr 4 doy work our nation wide iill · I 549. 99og _____ _

111)) & 081 Ma• ce Job entails ma1nte· week CM 645-7560 m!lrkellno effort Volume LEIAL IEO•na•y

Ri•t•I• WHtH 4600 --------- nance ol purchase end aeles of better tllhO· n "

NURSES AIDE e11per only. tor 3 10 11 and 11 to 7 shir ts Competitive salary excel benefi t s and good work ing con­d1t1ons Convalescen t Hospital NB. 642-8044

.---------. lney're soll tn 1"0 neat end 11 U C T l N I we'd ll~e 10 - II

l'--.,.----r,:r-s -.-, -..,.----r--1 0 ( OfftC)L.te ..... <hw • I• Qvot9d

.__ ... _ ... _...._ ... _.._ .... - !;.Z,'1 . .:. ::.. ';:'1 = "'° llOll 1:00

""'° l4o)I)

• • ••••• • •••••••••••••• Fehne Mother and 4 new- d isbursement 1ourna1s DEITAL IFO llEOEPT. grephs Is our business Ne w port Center Real 2 Responsible , re11red borns louno near alley Good selery, benefits, 548- 5588 For delllls call Mr Mar- Eelate L1t1g111on 111.m

Mobile Home tor 6 mo C M vance with this growing DISHWASHER- M orn or • !,t typing. d1ctephone &

e rt1m NUMe(JfO I f I r( t~ IN r H( ~I !>CJ\JAJlS

• UNY"fAMllll Aft()VI 11110\ 10 C.11 A.N\ WU

1· r r r r 1

I I I I I I Adults (M IFI wish 10 rent off Wallace. nr 18th. I and opportunity to ad· --------- tin 1157- 6669 needs ll•POr legal Secy

M ust a II o w p e 'F - 0- u- n_d_ F_e_m_a-le_ M_a-la_m_u_t_e company Coll 631-4472 avn ,-.pply btwn 2-4PM. SELL Idle Items with a sno11h1nd a mus1 Salary 964-6110 Approx 10 Y' old On for 1n1erv1ew 3421 Via Lido, N.B I Delly Piiot CloulOecf 11' open 640-6g110

HELPI Arllsl ntteds studio Lore I a S t I n C M lortltlc

Put your advertising mes­sage wttere the readers ore 642-5676 SCUii-LETS hawtrs ia Cl1salfloatit1 IOIO

sp conse11date Garage 966- t702 Daaot l11truottr or unused rm or ? L_O_S_T_ C_O_ L_l_IE_·_S_a_b_l_e_& New studio In Newport 640-4039 White , 601bs name Area E•pe11ence nee·

" Homer Last seen in ded Top pay Ask tor l111i111u/ l•n1t/ Lido Isle-Cannery Village Cindy

Fi•••tl are a PI ease cat I Home 1)35·4 154 •• • • • • • •••• • • • •••••• • • 673-3004 Reward otle- Work 892-7737

11"' l111i11111 reo. ----Aides ~': ••• ~r.!!!~J!l ••• !.~~ P1110Hl1 5350 cer1111ee1 Aide ond an 1.1KJ LIOUIDA TION DISTRIBU· ••••••••• ••••••• • •••• • Arde Assistant for llcllva = ORS STOC COEDS · Would love t o retirement nome in NB. l>4><t l K party with you Call Sue 11 30 pm t o 1 30 am,

Light Bulbs · Fluore- or Ketny anytime 631 ·3555 ro<JW scents • Commercial 2131804•3233 ---------

light FIKlures • Heavy 1-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllll IOIPITAL Duty Shelving • Deluxe 1• 0111c:;e Funrnllure . Who· LtlDA I VICKI'S needs kennel help & be·

lW) lesale Prices PHOTO MODELS ther . part/lime Must be w;> DISCOUNT S AVAI L A ESCORTS/ DANCERS avalloble mornings & 11m BLE OUTCALL 24 HRS weekends Ask for Jane,

3 Days Only Hl·OlOl 754· 1033 (8-6pm) """ August 24th. 25th, 26th APARTIEllT lllt OOh• 11 " ut ry Lane. Irvine Fantastic opportunl1y = Or Call 2131553- 8595 SUNNY'S Ei1ecullve with growing company. :: A merican Prof M kl now Stress-Ra<1uc11on lmmed opening tor well - e•pandlng 10 So Calrf Offlc:e-hm- outcall groomnd apt mgr couple - seeking 5 qu•llfled per- 631-6377 al dla 250 unit comple• = sons In mkt & mgmt Call "partment + salary EK· ~ f o r 1 n t e r v 1 e w * * * pr d only 835-5526 :: I 7 1 4 12 4 0 · 7 0 2 4 Or APT MANAGER Mature

1600)654-6730 Atlantis Parlor couple. exprd 21 unus tl\ll; ST,-.RT NOW local Am· Open 24 nrs a day H B 1 Br apt plus $500 ;: w ay Distribu tor o lters 7 days a week 846-3166 #>Cl oportuntty for good ear· Jacuzzi Sauna Locals Babysitter needed tor 2 yr :;: n lngs 'l'ou ptck the as w ell as T our ists old g trl, Npt Bch area full _, h o urs. wo train . f o r BankAmenc.ard, Amer 11me Mon-Fri 630-3482. ::! 1n1ervoaw call 960·5651 •can Express. Diners All 673-0322

:: Small Family Busmess tor ~~~~0~:0~4~~"6;}433 _B_a_b_y_S-ll_te_r_ w_a_n_t_ed-. -m- y ...- Sale Auto Paris For In· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ home. nr Hoag Hosp •

lormat t on Call ref s t 11111e glrl 114. 953. 2064 EXOTIC 63 1.0463

.OIU IOVfll•l•I

:.5 ••• ~r.!!~~i!r ••• !.~H ~ " TAX BENEFITS" :m High Ta• Breckel rn· • .., vestor wanted for very """1 selec t thoroughbred

DANCERS Bachelor / 81che· lorett1 parties.

The Last Hurrah . 131-1531 551-1531 breeding & racing ope­

:u u ration ::i (714) 644-6074 Pretty Country Gori 27,


Be a telep hono promotl· on clerk for local new­spaper Priva te desk . casual attire Only requl· rement is a good phone voice and lots of enthu· s1asm .,., desi res a ff luent older

t ilt lttllfT, WHIH SOJO men Lynn Boa 1412. Hours ''~ • •••' ••• '• •••• • •••• • • Placentia CA 92670 Mon-Fri 5 30· 9.30PM :: ~ Wanted, Flnanclel Backer ----·------1 Sat 930AM· 130PM '" to help establish glass Relaxing massage by ten- $84 oo to start

blowing 1111s1 In Laguna n1s pros from Laguna Alter 1st week . shate 1n .. .ia studio 497-6783 Beach Wayne or Steve partnership profits ,....., b y a p p I 1 0 • 9 P M For 1n1ervlew ~ lloiJ::t."' f'tlll l 548-2817 call afler 6PM

:;:;· ..... .. ! ......... !.~~~ -D-00-8-IE_l_R_O_TH-E-RS-t 842-Hll :.::: 1.1. umER Need two reserved S4fal •IT 312 ....o lltrts•&• Ct. llO. Ucke1s to Sept 3 show at ~~~~~~~~~

Speclallzlng 1n 1s1 & 2nd Irvine M eadows Call -:;~1 TO 9 since 1949 Kevon. 859-8650 Bindery Position Training

v tow ard manegemont In . .... Robt Selller NH/CM , l •~N RE Broker Bd Realtors 111011• prln!lng shop Newport :~:~ 6•2-2111 545-0611 S1met1 5360 _B_e_a_c_h_ 6_• _4·_6_2_3_3 __ _ ' '" ----------1 ..................... .. ~~ WIDOW HAS $SS for TO s ,;.ti RE Loans 10K Up No 1;1!> Credit Check , No Pen· !l-::. ally Dennison & Assoc "" " 673-7311

HllLISI HITUMll Esc:or1 for Womtlfl

497-5725 (bet 8am-6pm)

BOOKKEEPER M e l u re 8 houra per week Votorlna rlen

644-8160 6· 5 PM Y1J) ----------1 ---------~1---------t'l>I f'r•rfl 5450 Building Malntenence ex-:J!' A11•0•11t••••I•/ •• • •• ••• •• •••• •• ••• • •• per only, • O hr wk Call ~ :~ lftlOalll/ AoundtrlpLA to Allanta. 675 - 6101 b twn 8 - 4 , y:.. Ull .t Fo••' Isl crass S960 value, M on-Fri Resume & refs f lti • ••••• ••••• •••••••••.. sacrifice .SSOO cash Va· required ~:, AHtH~••1at1 51 lld · ror 1 Y'

1 557•7196' c __ A_S_H-IE_R_/_H_O_U_S_EW- ,._-R-E-S

.n)r,) • •••• ••••••• •• • • • • • ••. 573 .. 349 1 Je t v1i.. Psychic Raadlngs Sales E•per pref Apply "'>1 (Splr ltual) at Crown Hard w11ro , ~\;i Jack (7 141 556- 1176 f!l!!f!!'!!.......... 3 107 E Cit Hwy . CdM

E~ "''' .. , ... , 53 hiHll .. # m~ • • •• • • • • • • • ••••• •••••• l•1tl•tllo11 1005 '111 •••••••••• ••••••••••••

FOUND ADS Now Enrolling. No enroll· men! fee $31 90wk Incl hot lunch 846·5423

'*'' ARE FREE Jd1 WHIH 101S ::'~ ...... .. ............ .... I w1> Cal·, Nurse·s " Ide seeks posl, • 11 tton as com pa nion . : t42-llll chauffeur or olde to el-

1!!111 ~~~~~~~~~~i~d:•;rlyT.;0;' ~ll~l ~5;.4~5-~9~3~8~0~~1 ~ LOii PASSPORT p~~;:;:: a~~;~~~~~r.: - 642· 1106 957-3063. X109 ~ ----------1----------1 : lalla111 IHl•n• 5 ... "m!!~!!!r ... !.~f ... ".!r.!!~!!r ... !.~¥ --..,. ''""

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I ~

~· ( ' I Orongf:I Ct>Mll DAIL V PILOl / Soturdoy, A1.1gu11 28. 101n

Urbanization run wild Mt.IC NOJICC

'90TfTIOO• 14> .... M NAllll "4TIMIHT

Th• lollc>winO o~eon 11 001110 ~ .. ·~a•

Mexico City conglomeration beyond experience CAPITAL OAOWTH 8 UMCU

23f>6 Co•oeta t>rlve. Coil• MM• Calilorr111 1no:10

1l•••ld l IJehrendHn 13~5 Cul1 e l f Drive Co• I• M••• r.a111orn11 1121l26

I • • ... ~ 28

Caffeine 0 I( for cramming

WASHINGTON (AP) S tudl·nts l'rarnm1ng for tests, balant·ing a ltttl<• s ll<t 'P with a lu t of m Ht-e, apparently don ' t haw to w orry a bout lhl· l'a Hl•1nl• affecting their' ove rt a x e d m cmora<•:.. s a y researchers.

Suspecting tha t c<1ffc.•inl' might a ffN.'t ret'.all , psychologists at the Un1vl·rs 1t y u f M1nnc.•sota 1n M orris tested 80 t•ullcgl' s tu<.Jl'nt.-. lo St.'<.· 1f l'UCft'l' wa~ defeating the purposl' o f thl'ir c ra m -a ll-nig ht ritual.

J oseph P . Blount and W Miles Cux S<:i id tlw stimulant seems to have ltttlt• ur nu t·fft·c t on remembering rect~ntly l<•arm•d matt•r iLll.

" W e expect<•d to fin<l somf..' d1ffort•nl'l' 111 memory, but we found none," Blount to ld a news briefing a t the annual mel•ting of tht• American Psychological Association.

"Caffeine's c ffoc ts on m e mory an· d iffC' re nt from the effects of d epress.ants a nd diffe rent from common be I ie f s about c a If e tnl'." s aid th e researchers.

The s tud y invulvl'd the voluntt•ers le arning standard classroom materia l in a n hour-long SC'ss1on and being tested on it 48 hours late r .

The students, d1vidl'<i into fo ui i:: roups, dra nk two cups of regular o r decaffcinat~ t'Uff<.>c during each session but didn' t know which ty pe they w e re getting

One group drank decaffe inated ('Offee o n both occasions; a second had regula r C.'t)Uc'E' on both ; a third got decaHeinatcd during lc-arning and regula r brew at test time; and the fina l group had regular coffee first and decaffe inatt'Cl late r

"No significant e ffet ·ts w e re found for the recognition of conl"C? pts , recall o f pal'tUrl'S, r ecall of parenthetical case s tudies. o r r ecall o f inte rest catching anecdotes," lhe rcsC'arche rs said .

H owever , an efft·t t wa s noted 1n th e recognition of the exact w ording of scntl'nces, but 1l depended on personality ty pt.•

For unknown reasons. cxtrovl' r ts, who arc> outgoing, reac ted diffore ntly from introverts, who

lt are more private and shy r "Extroverts pe rformed ~5 pe rcl'nt be tter if they consumed nu caffe ine , whil e Introverts performed 14 perce nt bC'ltt•r 1f th t>y did c·o11SUmt< caffeine," said the report


M lo~ X l <.: 0 C l'l' Y ( A P ) Sinking, swuylnf{. 1·huktnt( 0 11 It.Ii own bre ath , thl11 1111.•tropotltan sprawl of man and mat•h1nt'. monum\lnts und marlochi b<mdis ha:c a mo tt.o, 1111 opc•n· ht·urlt'<I um•

"La eludud ~s de tuJo.'I," "Tht• c ity is everyone 's."

The.· troublt• 1 . cvt' ryo nc K'l'mJS lO hloht•W it,

Ragged peasan~ sln."anung 1r1 from the Mexican t-ounu ys ide, job hunters from provinl'lal towns, bub1es born to a prolific populac e, tog •ther they all produt-e this s taggering fal'l .

Mexico City, each and every yellr, is adding the c.-quivall'nt of one Boston to itscH 700,000 people .

It is be<.:oming a "supercity ... beyond the sco p e o f human e xperience," says the Population CrislS Comrnllte<> of Washington, DC.

Mexican Preside nt Josc Lopei Portillo, who lives in a wooded oasis an the midst of it all, has another word for at.

" M e xi co C ity 1s the mos t ab s urd thing th a t ev ~ 1 happe~ed." he has oocn quou •d as saying.

lt now holds 14 m 1l11on (X'()ple. h is growing a t a rate of 5 perc ent a year, :l percentage points higher than the na t ional growth rate. By the year 2000 i ts p opulation will probably surpass ~O million, the world's greatest urban c.'Oncentratlon.

The problems of water and power supply, of sewage and air pollution, of automobile traffic. public transport , h o using , schools. crime, employment - all are gigantic, uke the city at.self. "Solutions " are out of the question.

"It is not a matter o( 'solving' it , " says Wor ld Bank urban planner Giancarlo Guarda. "It IS

a matter of trying to manage 1t" Wh e n viewed Crom the

western hills, the Mexican capital spreads like a huge gray-white amoeba over the bumps and flats of the 7,400-foot -high Valley of Mexic o . This organism of concrete, adobe and asphalt now

1covers 400 square miles , a nd some believe it will cover 1.000 square miles 20 years from n ow.

In, around and above i t fl oats an e ther of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide a nd other contaminants that make Mexico City one of the world's most polluted urban areas. Every day dawns a dirty yellow, every stree t boaslS a smoke-spewing traffic jam. every night falls a smoky gray.

Urbanolog ists might have HUNT ::>urviv(.od by his wife Anne. c~osen a better setting for a great

MABEL CliJ\MBER - so n s M ic ha el a nd Jud cit y . But 1t was a pri es tly LAIN H UNT. resident of Belson, s is te r Dorie Homel prophec y, not science , that Laguna Hills. Ca , fom July and 2 brothers Joseph and selected it. Legend says Aztec 2~. 1 8.97 1n Wind so r . Robt'rtSel.son , andgran~n priests led their wandering W1SCOnsm She passed away Joashua Mt•mo~1al services Indian tnbe to an island in the on August 26, 1982 afte r a were hl'ld on Fnday, August valley's Lake Texcoco where as two year illn ess She 1s 27, 1982 at 3.00PM a t the h ·ed th ( d ' 1 survived by h e r ·be lov ed P ac tf u: Vie w M o rtuary prop 4'.51 • ey o un an eag e h,usband Dr . William R C hapel Pa c ifi c Vi e w grasping a rat~lesna_ke on a H u n t . a 1 s 0 Mortuary d1re<:t.ors cactus: They built their cap1t.aJ survived by her daughters MOORE there in 1321. Marcia Falconer of Costa GEO RGE C MOORE . T~y's. city rests _mostly on Mesa, Ca .. and Phylli s resident of Mission Viejo Ca the filled - LO la k e , and at has been Taylor of Ca~penteria , ~ Passed away on August 26, sinking of its own weight - 35 and grandch1ld_ren . Craig 1982. He is surVlved by his feet over the past 70 years - as Falconer , Wendi Goodrich , wife Cecile Moore. step-son water is drawn Crom below. Scott Falconer, Nancee R obert M c Kean e, 5 At the same time earthquakes iaylortand KJ~ilJaylor~nd grand c hildre n . Ro b e rt , regularly sha k e


the capital

H gretali -gedrani cSa reBan. bars . . Larry, William, Lisa, and freakish downpours dro wn ll. un v n nta r ra s I d h ' ld '

from 1928 to 1946 and the E~~~t . M cf<~:~·ra:;. o~h'e r and windstorms blow in gritty last 5 years in Laguna Hills, Ma ud e Moore ~nd s is te r dust ~ram dried lake beds on the Ca. A mermonal serv1ce has Eve ly n J on es M e m o rial outskirts. been planned for Tuesday. servi<'es w i ll be h e ld on This is not lo s ay th e August 31. 1982 at 1.30PM at Monday. August 30. 1982 at "Supercity" sprawl is a dreary Geneva Pr esbyt e ri a n 11 OO AM at th e Harbor monotony. ~urchin Laguna Hills and L a wn - Me mo rial C hapel. The city's axis the Pa.seo de la 1ntermen( will b e a t Se d h d · ' R i v e rs id e N a t ' o n a I r rvHil~bun eLr t e Mirect1on Reforma, IS one of the world's Cemetery 0 a r o r a wn - ount grande st boulevards, a rour-

BELSON Mortua ry o r Cos ta Ml'sa mile - long, 12- lane -wide s wath MI\ UR I C E DAN :>40-5554 s o ftened by gre enery and

BELSON , re s id e nt o f RoaaPT'L~A~rEARY • glittering with monumental Newport Beach. Ca Passed . · a statuary away on August 25. 1982 resident of Ran<•ho Mirage, S . h f h ' bl

McCOllM.ICIC MORTUA•tfS Laguna Beach

494 ·941 5



Laguna Hi lls 768·0933

San Juan Capistrano 495-1776

HAalOll LAW""-MT. OLIYI Mortuary • Ceme1ery

Cremato ry 1625 Gis ler Ave

Costa Mesa 540-5554


MOttTUA•Y t to Broadway Costa Mesa

542·91 50



Costa Mesa 646-9371


627 Main SI Huntington Beach


Ca Passed away on August umptuous omes. as 1ona e 26. 1982 Bom September 2. shopping centers and elegant 1909 in Buffalo. New York restaurants fill the leafy and Surviv e d b y hi s wife affluent south ern and western Helen . a daught e r Mrs districts , or " colonia s." Robert Eck of Santa Ana . Government technocrats and Ca · 5 frandchtldren and a businessmen, e nri ched in s is ter a m Mrs J_ames F. Mexico's age of 0 11 crisscross th Child s of Whitti e r , Ca . . · e Vis1tat1on will be he ld on city - slowly. Sunday August 29 1982 at In the age-old heart of the city, the Pac'if1c View Mortuary the grandiose cathedral , National Newp o rt Beach fro~ Palace . blocks o f baroque 3:00PM to 6:00PM Pnvate buildings and the newly funeral servil-es w1U be held unearthed ruins o f the Aztecs' Interment at Pacific View Great Temple ring the vas t Memorial Park , Newpo rt central plaza. the Zocalo . In Be a c h · Pa c 1 r 1 c V i e w nearby Plaza Garibaldi. mariachi Mortuary d1re<:tors bands bl th , b t

CARPENTER tourists. are etr rassy unes to

C H A R L ES B A S 1 L The contrasts, in the space of CARPENTER. passed away miles, can be stunning o n Augu st 26 , 1982 1n lo th is place where man r t Laguna Beach , Ca He 1s . U'S surviv e d b y ht s w i f e settled during th e Ice Age, Margaret. 2 brothers Edgar impoverished families still live in Carpente r o r Corona d e l caves. A few miles from the Mar, Ca , Gilbert Carpenter heroic bronzes that line the Paseo of Canada and also 3 nieces. de la Refonna, garbage piles and He was a resident in pigs line the c hurned-up dirt California s ince 1919 and "stree ts " of the alum was born In Cnnada . He Netzahualcoyotl. A c r oss town retired from Young's Market fr U and Company where he was om the wine ce an of hllcle nda a aaJesman for over 30 yean dining rooma, jobleea peManta sit He was a golf enthausist and In darkened hovels drinking a long time member of the themsel veA atuporous on a Belalrc Country Club and dangerous, but nutrltloua, Indian the Irvine Coast Country home brew called pulque . C lub . Man of Christian The M exican government , Burial will be ht'ld At Our through Its Federal District Lady Queen of An1eles. admlnlstr•tlon haa been Catholic Church In Nrwport " ' ,. Beach at l l : 30A M on acrambllng to mana1e the Monday, August 30, 1982 many cr18es. laying miles o1 new and Interment will be at p ipe for water and eewage, Pacific View Mnnor1al Plll'k extend.lng the tubway, buyll\C Pacific Vlc-w Mor tuary , bu.tet, bulkll"I housl"I block.I Newpon .&.tlc.-h dln-ctol'll. and tchoolt At ~ a.ame tJme,

Tl111 uu1men la GC>fl4"'1.o Uy all llldMUUl l

Oe<1ld l BMltellOMll !hit •lll•meo1 wH 11141<1 wllh me

County C1e1k 01 01111ga Couniy on August 11, 191:1 JACKION, l(IODlfl 6 IUCICLIHO Attorney• et Lew tulle 1414 Welti '•190 lldf., NO Hewpo1t Cenlar Drh1e, f!Mwporl IHch, Calllornt. tMO

'1MJ1t Puu1111111t.1 01•11u11 Cont D• lly

PllOI Aulj ?Ii, Sl!~ll 4 , 1 i , Ill 1982 31143·87


NAME STATIMENT The tollow1ng pe11on 11 ao1ng


COMPANY. 83~ 8aka1 S1rea1. No N 106. Co111 Mesa Ca111orn1a 9262b

Rell frUl(O 63!> 81k8f SU&el No N 106. Co11a Meta Ce11to1111e 92626

Tt111 Ous1n.,b 1~ <.onduclwtJ by •n 1ndlv1<1uet

DIRT~ AIR - This is the view southeast from the center of Mexico City on one of its heavier smog days. The metropolis has some of the filthiest air in the world, with average visibility only three miles. Autos are responsible for 60 percent o{ the pollution.

Rall f1d11co l htJ s1a1emt1111 wa. hied w1111 me

Counly Clerk ot Orange Counly on August 'l1 1982 Fle.'2:3

Published Orange COUI De1ly Ptlol Aug 28 Sep1 4 t I 18 1982

38U -82


NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng person IM 001110

business as GRAN DMALA ND ov.r "

Om e. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 HA TIGE FRANK 435 lltr

Onve. Cos1a Mesa. CA 9262 ThlS bus111vss 11 conductea by an

1nd1v1dual 1ia11g11 F1&nk

This staiemunl wos liloo with the Cou111y Cler ~ of Orange Counly on August 26. 1982 FlM207

Publlshed Orange Coas1 Oaily Pllol. Aug 28. Sept 4, 11 , 18 1982



NAME ITATl•NT The lollowlng peraon It doing


Campus Orive. Suite 3'8. ~ 8eectl, CA 92660

EDWARD STITZEL , 3 3 r-~--•J Woodlyn Lane. Bradbury, CA

91010. u ~•11h•oa

• CLEAN AIR - This is the same view of the 14 million-strong city on a rare clear day. Mountains are visible in the background, as the city sits in a valley 7,400 feet above sea level.

Thia bu1lnna It condUC111d by an lndM®.i

E~ard Slitzel Thie 11118ftl«ll waa riled with ll'le

County Clel1< of Orange County on Aug t9 , 1982 f1117U

Publl1hed Orange Cont Delly

through tax breaks and other incentives , tl is trying t o encourage M exico's expanding industries to locate e lsewhere . About half of M exican industry is h ere.

It has doubled its population each decade sin ce 1940, and by th e end of the century is expected to have almost one­third of the national population. At least 500 new migrants a.rrave each day from the countryside. where the limited farmland cannot supprt the population.

But much or the growth is out o( the Federal District 's control.

On paper, " Mexico City" does no t exist. Three-quarters of the people Live in the FederaJ Distncl and th e re s t in adja ce nt municipalJUes o f the surrounding st.ate of Mexico.

Mexic o City 's mos t v 1s1ble problems are in the s treets and the air. Bul the most intractable are below ground.

" The water supply for the valley is a problem that is going to be there forever.'' says the World Bank's Guarda . " They have very few places Crom which to draw water. It comes from very far away and has to be pumped uphill."

From 1960 to 1976, water supply more than doubled , but th e supply per c apita of population actually declined.

Although the government has s pent $600 million ove r four years to improve the water and s e wag e systems , sever e deficiencies remain. The Federal District government says it will c omplete the water supply network for all its residents thts year, but only 15 percent of the population in the outlying slums have drinking water piped m, and in parts of the Federal District the supply system works only intermittently.

The problems above ground are more palpable.

Average visibility in Mexico City dropped from nine miles to three from 1937 to 1966. In the past four years alone , air pollutants have increased by 30 percent, the government says.

Doctors report a sharp increase in respintory and cardiovascular diseases in recent years. Joggers flock to th e park s in the evenings, since some have been incapacitated by running in the daytime smog.

li'ederal District Deputy Mayor Manuel Gurria says the government is pressing private Ind u stry to improve pollution control. It -is pursuing a more natural method as well -planting 70 million trees an the greatly d eforested valley.

Sixty percent of the contamlnants come from Mexico City's 2.5 million mot.or vehicles, which are not fitted with U . S .-sty l e anti-pollution equipm ent.

Th e traffi c long ago overburde ned a street system firat sketched out by the Aztecs. A aurvey ln the 1970s found that Mexico City's traffic m oved at an ave~age of 7 miles an hour, while London and Paris, with three tlmca H many vehicles, had avenaa of about 15 mph.

For yean the rivera of \raffle fiowed on cheap guollnc. But la~ wt year, 11usf1f'(f the mus trans it 1y1tem had been

f ( PllOI. Aug. 21, 28, Sept 4, 11, 1982

~ex1i~~enn \li'ade:r~h7~e~,o~h= ---M--Ll-C_NO_T_IC_[_3_eM-__ e2

dec is ive step to discourage -----------was te ful driving, r a ising the "~Ii::~o~T5A~~:~::S price of regular gasoline to the Ttle rooowlng person• are domo

· I { 88 ts all business as equ1va ent 0 cen a g on, J v ENGIN EERING 3420 w Crom 42. MacArthur. 'G", San1e Ana CA

At the same tlme. transit fares 92704 k

JACK R VANBEEK 3614 S were e pt minuscule - 12 cents ven Ness. Senta Ana. CA 92707 for buses and 4 cents for the JOHN VAN BEEK. 3614 s \/an subway - and soon may be Ness. SantaAna. CA92707

This business IS con<lucled by • elimina t ed totally for many genera• pat1ne<sh1p workers , who may be issued Jeck van Beall transit ""'"-.,_, as a Cringe benefit Ttll5 sia1emen1 was med with 1t1e ...-- Counly Clef!\ ot Orange County on of their jobs. Augu1t 26. 1982

Some urban p lanners blame r:11121• Mexico C t ty ' s problems on Publl1hed Orange Coe11 oa 11~ Piiot. Aug 28 S111>t 4 1 t. 18, t 982 d e c a d e s o f g o v e r n m e n t 3795-82 igno ranc e Mexican scholar s POOLIC NOTICE Gu s tavo Garza and Martha Schteangart writ e that the government has lacked "a clear conception of the relationships between e<.'Ononuc development and the urbamz.ation process."

S o m e s uggest moving the federal governm e nt and its hundred s of thousands of employees t.o a new capital in the hinterlands - as the Brazilians did with Brasilia . But this ci ty is so much the heart, soul and brain of Mexico, that the thought of a move of f (' nd s many " cludadanos."

New county judgeships plea dropped

L e g1 s la t1ve effo rts to gain thr ee new supe ri o r court judgeships fo r Orange County have been dropped.

A sse mbl y m a n Richard Robinson , D -Santa Ana, removed a request for the three judges from a bill he introduced earlier this s ummer Orange County c urre ntl y has 50 authorized supe rio r court judges hips, but there are four vacancies.

Robinson 's measure failed to c lear the Senate Finance Committee with the superior court Judge requests intact.

Ro binson's office said it would pursue efforts. however, to add a municipal court judgesh ip in Fullerton, where there are now 11 judges, and 11dd a municipal court comrnisiuoner In Sant.a·Ana.

The n<'w bill a lso would allow sup<.>rior court judges to h o ld sess ions i n muni c ipal court fac1ht1es throughout the county . Superior Judges are currently restrkted to the courthouse in Sant.a Ann

Hunt drops libel suit

MlAMI (AP) - Watergate conspirator E. H oward Hunt has dropped a S2 .~·ml11lon libel suit again st two New Y ork authors and the ir publisher.

Hunt dr opped the auit Thursday , just on e day befor • the trial was to bealn . His complaint alleged there were libelous ataltlmt'n\a In th e book "Coup d'Etat ln Amcrtca: The ClA and the A.saasslnatlon o( John F. Kenn~y." '

The ault wae filed In Un..& .. galnet authora Alan Webttman and Mich111cl Canfield.


The IOllowlng p8<!IOOS are dO<ng t>uSlness as

INT ERNA TIO NAl BUSINESS OEVELOPMENT 437 C1rn1111on Corona del Mar CA 92625

JOSEPH C ST EWART 437 Carna1 1on Corona del Mer CA 926 25

JAMES E PALMER , 71 8 '~ Martgot <I Corona <let Mer CA 92625

This business 1s conduc; led by an un1noorporated auoc;11111on oltler then a par1nersh1p

James E Palmer This ste1emen1 was tiled wlln the

Coonly Clerk ol Orange Counly on Augusi 26, 1982

Ft1'21' Published Orange Coes1 Oe11y

Piiot. Aug 28. Sept 4, 11. i8, 1982 3793-82


The lotlowtng peruin1 are doing b<.rslness as

ACTION CONSUL TING TEAM. 420 Prospect SI . Newpon e.aett, CL 92863

Anthony C A9•Plnen 420 Proepec1 St . Newpon Beach Ce 92683

Pr1sc;11111 Por llllO Agaplnen, 420 Proepec:t SI.. N9WP0"1 Beech, Ca 9211&3

Thi• bvllneH It conducted by • limited per1ern1Np

Anthony C AQ9Plnen This 111111ment WH llled with ll'le

County or Or•noe County on Aug 11, 1982

'1N117 Publl1t1e<1 Orenga COHI Di iiy

PllOt. Aug 14, 21, 28, Sept 4, 1982 3818-82


NA .. ITATIMINT The IOllowlng pef'aont 11'9 doing


20381 Adlcln1on Li ne. Trabuco. Callfornl• 92878

Richard Lynn Brown. 20311 AdkllllOn i..en.. Tret>ueo. Cat11ornl1 92678

Oennl1 Keye Evant J1 , 409 W Bay SlrMt. Coal• M•H. C.llfornlll 92e21

Thlt bllllness 11 oondUGllld by e

nit Evant g«!«~I MHhlp T a 1-1 wH llled with lhe

eou,, 1er1c or Or•noe County on Augutl 11, 1982

.t> \ / P:1M111 Published Oril'fga COHt Oall)'

Piiot, Aug 14, 21, 28 111"1 Sec>t 4 , 1982



"'°4111 l"AftTH«lllll"" Ol'lflA'*O

UHOlfl '1CTITIOUI IU .... H NA• Th• lollowlno P•reon h••

Wltll<l,.wn u • geneial Petl'* t1-on1 the pannershlp ot>«•tlno uno.r 1n. llotlllou• butln•H 1*N ot t•I WEST COAST LANDSCAPE, ~Bl COASTLINE ASPHAl,.T COMPANY, 1148 CllarlHIOn 9 11 .. 1, Cotta ~ .... CA 92020

Tiit 1101111ou1 bu11neu n•m• 1i1t•~llt for the pa'1n.retllp Wll 11110 on &e!>iember ti . 1N1 In tht eov11ty ot Or ano•.

""'* ,,,,, .. Full n•nf• 1nC1 Addreat ol Ille ~ Wlthd1""4n0 • ....... ....,, .........

1t•CllatlMttilll. C.... ...... CA­

Pubflthed Of•l!fll Coa" Oalty PllOI, AllO II, hc>t. 4, I 1, 1~ tN2




~1,6.7"!e~op~r for a

30 day •Cl In the


lllYIOI llllOTlllY 00 IT NOWI

lat fer ladra Your Dally Piiot

Service Olreotory All)rtff(lttllvt

M2-Hll, td. U2

~--~'!!~!.f!/!{~! ... Applied, r•applled, guar , ln1ured. llc'd 414891 730- 1900 flee etllmttes

~,~~~~·!.'! ........... . REAL ESTATE

Re11dent111/Comm'I 873· 1919

~,.~~!~ ............. . Orlvewtys, Parking LOI

Rep111r1, Se11<:oat1no S&S Aaphll 631-4199Llc

Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Res/coml. Lie 397804 842-1720

ROOFS · DRIVEWAYS Lowes! p11Ce guaranteed Don't wall Vic 67S-7794

~!!!!!!1! ••••••••••••• Personalized, low cost i.

gal services Ind , family, busl. tnltlal consullallon free. 5S3·0290

~-~~'!!!I ..........• lbrttttt's Sitters

Llc'd, bond~1 agency 420 62nd SI. N.B

C. Coder's B11bysllllng Agency. Cllll 64S-3746.

Infant 10 3 yrs. my C M home. 6 hr day Uc BSC190S3. 7S4-6238


~lllfl ••••••••••• LOVlllO "10th9f Wiii b1by111 In my C M hOIM M-1', aoe• ' 3 $41·0434

UP'I UIYlfTTIH C M arH 648·11760

91by11ttlng In my 110"11. nr Vl<.tO<la. 0 M

842 8482

~!!!!~.~'Y.. ~!!!~~ ... JAYS " SPEAKEASY" Prol B1tl9!10lng S9fv

Any °"*"°n Prtbl bar 1·8 79· 76621521-814 '

1.11 .... ''"'"" ..•...••••••.•........ GENERAL BUSINESS

SERVICES Help for small butlness 11 phont c 11 11 1w1y Rec­ordknplng , l ax prep, Bua lneu counaellng 406- 1255

f!.~,!~~!!~!!~I. ..... . Cabinets & Carpentry Smell Jobs & Ropalra

Free Estimates 645-2003

KITCHEN FACELIFT Realyllng existing 1111· chen cab w/ •eal wood. Save SSS nowl 642-088 t

f!!l!.1.hlf!t! •....... Shampoo l llNm cilMn Color brlgh11nt••. wht orpl • • 10 min blHOh Hall, 11v1<11n rm• St$. evo room S7 60 coucn a 10, ~fir St>. Qua1 ellm pet odor Crp1 rtP• lr 16 yra e•p Do work mra•ll Rtl1 531 .0101

'"NO Steam/No Sha~ S111n Spec1111111. F .. 1

<lry Fret .. , 8311· 1582

EXCEL CAAPU CARE Jack Butrlng1on Owner 1opera1or

Carpet, upnol, aria rug cleaning. Work guar Free Ell 846-1771

•• • f!!.'!!.'.~m .ff~!!f ! .. ................

LI¢ 30e8H AemO<ltl Add 'n1, Cahm111

848-60861645 4114~

f ... '.'!!1!. ~~~~~!". 0.CO•llOr 1lyl1 1n1 bart m ani a!• llb1111t1. high atylt 111..0 p1ntl wall• 8 telling Lie 638-2386 ,,..,,,,, ....••.••.............

w KAlRINA S LIVE IN h1kpra, delly maid 11rv o lltc• 011an1no erpl cleaning, 836-2116


Orengo Coa1t OAIL V PILOT 1S1tur01y, Augull 28, 1982 ( '3


9~d!.".~1A •• • • • • . • . • • • ~~~!~•A ............. . !' !!~~~~!.!!~'!!. .... llllHIH ti Olll TRIES

fe>pptd / ramov1C1 Cltan ..,p, lttwll l•llOV 751 J470

MOWING CLfAN UPS Hn,illng l 11td1eup11111

Fr11e eel 60 0007

HAUL.INO•OHAOING dernn1111 on c••an -up Cor1e1 ti• 6 Ire• removal Ovit~ Hrv 642· 7838

tor tht Pru••••1onaf 1t111 lllmply doe1n I ha111 Ill• time. and 101 ev11yo11e

PHOf SERVICE c.011c11r111d wllll value H•ullng yru c:leen up r1a1 de11gn toe SJ Pl• tQ Quick & clean Fr .. 111 II Wt wlll Hll 111 coil

JHtlll I G•l<ltl\lllg 873-0541 plu• 20°'\o 769 ieoe p 0 Boio: 5120 BalllOt l•lt1nd

C11111n·up11 ''" trim & HAUi INO & CLEAN-UP 92860

-m11n1 serv ~:~ ve1,1u11r11g111 Prop mg1

-- - I 5 01 DESIGN CONSUL TANT ltlllH L1dtt1•I•& _ 83 09 3'8~ AH/comm • boil dct TrH Ulm, gen c1nup1. OAAAQf CL!ANOUT? •lgn ASIO dHlgn1t 96 t emenl work FrH eat Wt wlll haul away your degreo Aeaa 845 4782 Call !149 1604 any1ln1e1 1uni. "" IQr lht uHbl11 - __:_

- TMI lltlll IOl-11 ~s"o' o34w08a w a v • o o n JHllotl•I ~ ..•••••...••.•.••..... L•wn- trff·thrub 1n11111 -- --- Complell 181111011111 111r


~!!~f ............... l~!/~1 ............. . ~!!.'!~'··· · ··· ······ ·· Pr1111oe M o vlllO Low Pe11t11 1 Pe 1111 1ng ROOF R PAIR ••IH fant11tt1c •• vie. r&11d1n1111 comm1n1al SPLCIAllb I 126· • 186 Still• wide V111 6. MIC Compl11lt1 1111 1•1 Kll t n ~rN 1111m11• 710 272!> lo•utect &43·8•61 Ca.I en C•blfH'• Jef tn11n1ng lfrH•I -t 131 1il"4 b&I 4264 ••••••• • •••••• ••••••••

~'!,~~'~.c.~~!!{~~~ ..... Nur11• An 1 for nom• care 1111•il 1mn1..0 , IUlly 11111 538 -!)863 Vlckll, 1-921- 1060

!!i~!!~I ............. . flll Pll•TIH

by R1cn1rd Sinor lie 260tl44 13 yr• ol hoppy local G\JltOm1111

Ttienk you 63 1· 44 10

PAINl Ul Nll OS M OBILE StHVICE WOl\KI :JO y•• ••P 1111 / he.c;rNnt/N- te•-•I •1tl A tnu•llc "'lll11g• NB/CM__ 6~ L•C 3CI01llO , , .. HI IH ' $

011vl1 P111111111u ••• ~!.!l .. 1!!!~L .... 6•1 ~18b Al•rm Co (llc'd) S.c;urtlv

- •Y•l•m• ror nomt ~ r!r..~J~J. • • • • • • • • • • • • • bullnl.. S"' tvlVllY &

F•t1111t1g lntlKIOr 0.1lgn Hll#Tl~M 846·6608 llANGlNG/ STAIPPING I I ti

v11111· MC Scott 84~· 032!r> .l!.~ .• !f! ........... . ASA PAPERHANGING SERVICE & Rf PAIR

G Van Oppene S9fYICe Co 1 Y•• local up uar (714) 838· 4888 w o rk Prices llllrt i.t _ S81ro11 Alec 979·08~ _ rill

l>Ht Hu•I•• lrM 1r1m/1cimov11 B I I vlcea . lrelned a1111 , • •••• • •••'• • '-••••••• • Lewn M1lnt /Ao1011111ng felff ••• ., blinded & 11\9 Unlclean - -

Ct•••tl.C••tlflf Doou repltotd, doorway• FrH e111ma1e 648-6065 •• R.oeiN'SCLEANiNa·· s lllltn• OI Npl Ben Cu11om work 1n1 & UI •• • ••• • •• ••••• •• • •••• added , French. 1n1ty , S I lhO hi 8 O· 1200 , 11c' <1 20 Y" In area, ieta ..•..•.•.••........... Cement-MHonry-Block cu 11 om • f n 111 rt or QUALITY WEEDING & trv cti • 11 roug Y --- Herb (7 141 521-8012 1111 Ei." t1r 1 wallcover mg In

W11ll1·Cua1 work. Lie. '" M 1 A be lh 3 CIHn hOu&& 540-08S7 £• '' • I 6 3oPM " R Chuck For ltle Work #381067 Rob M7-2883 631· 1528 anyll~- e "' em•m 'A e S •• ~ •• ~!f.,I .......... -- s11111111on 11a1 prices F1M Eat Dv• 640·5188

C'oncre1 e - amafl or lge D II R'1 AH1on11ble, e1111 - Joan·• Cleaning 11rv1G11 Yard M ain1 & Cleanup l BAlES PAINllNG ~:~.~~~n1 An1gnmen1 E.,,. wknda 87S-5100 . !!!'!~ ••••••........•• _b_le_ . _A_IC_k_ 49,..7_·_3_0_10___ or.OVllO•·APll ~:~1~~·s1 Soo . IPtlnklera, IOIO , SPECIAL! hi sgl $400, r I ' ---

jObS Remove. replace or DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC S1mmon1 Gardening • Ices • lrtte rmvl , (lr111nege, hill· 2 11y S650 64S-93S3 - -- lff · . .,~ tf repair


Repairs, •ml Job epec 1 I Cln-ups l1w11 car11, full TIRED OF HASSLES? st de woeo1 ng Brian CANYON PAINTING • 14 f;'/.~~ -~!l!'.~~~L .. •••• ... S .. LOW.RATES••;•" Orlvet· P11!101-Walk1 vrs exp. Bud 552·9562 comm & roald m111n1 Ouallly cleaning help Is 586· 2253 yrs in o c Sat1stac.1oon *•BRYANT S 1'1 * Tree ltlmming & removal NO JOB TOO SMALL Wall texiures·Acoustlc 646·6864 herel Reis 960·'74S2 ---- - guar 494·4S41 Wlllltoverlng Removal ell cleanups & "'owing

Free esl 536

•2607 LHIC11n3o8·9T911f!1·S1'~5312~'suscJ!9 GARDENING SEAV°iCE OIAL·A· MAID Ouallly & f!l.'.1.~.'!.. .. .. .. ... .. QUALITY PAINTING ~ All lypes 642· 13<13 554-7017 c.i1' c.,. .... .. Cleon-up1, tree serv & Serv Nr As Your Pnone YllH WILLI E•t llrtl , 11115 rates ,,, c.,, llPHllll

HARBOA. TR 1N.ITY •• PRE: DRYWALL TAPING heullng 6'41- 1096 Pele - $351$<16 540· 4669 Fore free la91 sheet. cell Loe 9348276 536· 2366 •••••• •• ••••••• ••••••• THE IHYIOI

Sc'-'OOL DAY CARE Alf Textures & Acoustic H•a'r:••• Houaecleanlng, ex~• . re- Harry WeeMJ, Allorney Ill EXTEruOR PAINTING Cer11l1ea House Slllers T W Co " Fr~ est K~von 6~5·90SS 11 b E I h k l S53 0290 Bonded S 11/dau (every . ree ork wlll'I 11 n CENTER Cos,11 ••e1a ~ " , • •••• •••• • •••••••• • •• II le. no IS spell no Lew . c stom wor' Fr- 851 , .. T •

"" C •• · u " ~ 3r<I wi. free) 631 1234 ~c1ence rtmm1ng "' C• 'N In Opening Sepl 13 Full - ---------i ••e>enlry • ..,,eaonry 642-5S26 Rea& + fine int & t l al· 1 -- --- removal Dy Howard Doi •• !,..-."..-1••••••••••••• d • d 1• •• I El1tt11'.,•I Roofing · Pluh'lblng --0- _S_E_C_E_•_N_E_R __ llHOllll nlng S111ue S47 '4%81 I i I Ft••illf I 11 p O B 34 Cost an ..., ay care ,.... o • Or.,..,411 • Stucco • Tiie H u L " •• •• ••• • • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • t flt• o ox • a Door nenglng, remodel, 8PM Register NOW •••••••••••••••••••••• , .... th 10 5 BRICKWORK s II J b8 --- --- - ••••• •• ••• • • ••• •••••• M esa Ca 92827 Ph cetllnets, penallng. e1c ELECTRICIAN Pttced Remodel J .B 846-9990 wo exper am· pm ma 0 RALPH'S PAINllNG Consullaloon & Hond



· Painting, camenl AlllS. ~g~:~3~8~~,5~:.~~~~w rlghl , l ree es11m11te on _B_e_n-·a_ M_a_ln_l_e-ne_n_c_e_S_e_r_v __ 5_4_1_-0_7_0_2_1_63_6_-0_ 40_3_ ~=~~o~e~o~1:5~~~~ AellnlF/ree•el eRset85Sr3a81~9sS98E Mede Frami;,s.64SOl!e1ars f' I • Jerry s.46·44 13 --- large or smell lobs Plumb·elec-cupenlry APT & HOUSECLEANING .. pe11e11ce ~ • .. 8 tt1••

2 ce1lllled pre-school 1811· Lie 396821 673-03S9 Pel!'llng c1111964.s231 Reliable. exp rel Hrly B rickwork - small or lge Petnhng our famlly lrpdi - -- •••••••'•·• ••••••• •••• FllH ESTIMATEll chers w /ll tense<I day LIC 'O ELECTRICIAN rates 957-3341 1oos 100 s local refs I •ion tor over IOO yrsl 'Plut1t llu•it Most subj&CIS, K-14

Rea101111ble pile"; fut. cere. 'h & lull day avail Oual work-Reas rates HIRED HAND. WILL f Since 1969 64S-85.12 lntle 1 Lie 346252 Free ...... ~ •• ,-........... Day/eve SS & S 101'1r prol eas1on11I work . CM 64S·2209 63 son TRAVEL! M11ny diverse HOUSllCleanlng, oad pre· - - --- A 1 ED'S PLASlEAING Mr Morgan 645-S176 cualom work toot No job ----~---,,-,--·..,,-, Free esl Tom I· chorea Willie 842·3491 perallon & shopping by V lrloll-111011-Stt•• est 66 399s _ Nt1e1 palches inl/exl too small 0t 100 btgl C•· 'Graveyard Sl'llll' lie child ELECTRICIAN couple J<lnl local rets ALL TYPES MASONRV CISTOM PlllTlll Reshiccos &45·S258 blntts. k itchen remodel ~~~~·1 ~g~/s~pgh~:: · Sml jobs/ Repairs Lie ~:~nll HAP~~~~A~e~:1r . _6_4_2_·_59_3_7 __ ---- L1~79 838·3612 2S yrs e11.p Lie 403941 PLASTER PATCHING & finished cerpenlry S6/nlte. S41·2277 233108-C· 10 548· 5203 painting Res/comm'! Cullom home cleaning & I Bonded ins Reis Color Resluccos ln1/e11.1 30 elect/ plumb/ Clblnels/ --------- RESIO/ COMM' L/INO 536·99S7/S36· 36S4 comple te maid service ltloviaf experl 963·0911 Dick yrs Neat Paul S4S- 2977 countertops. I do every- C•alt•tlOll O.att•I 20 yrs 00 my own work Pr ol . bonded & i ns •• • ••• •• • •••••• ••• •• • lhlng l ron1 star1 10 llnlsnt •• • •••• •• ··'·· . ••• • • •• Lie 27604 1 Al 648•8126 Carpentry . Ceb•nets uniclean Sys I ems or Npl ABC MOVING • Bill 's Paln11ng 1nt1ex1 R••o4tlilll,' 11, .. ;, Call Brad al REMOOEL/AOD- ONS Plumb • Drain Cleonlng Bch 850- 1200 Quick, Careful Service Aes1<11comml 6 yrs eap ••• • •• • ••• '! • •• ,-•• ••• •

!!~~~! .~!~-?~!!f ..... " Lei the Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window

Cl11antng, Ltd S48-8853 20% Monthly 01scoun1


Salls guar 839-S337 (l 1• ) tl1 HIO & Carpentry Ltc'd 2S 11t11t NORTHSTAR 11t11t Electrical - Tiie Freeesllmales5S2-0410 1 S Cst11rea H1ghqua1 & ROOM ADOlllONS

_.......;. ____ .___ vrs exp Irwin 54S·2~ 19 Eleclrlcal Contraclor Atila Doi\ 966-0149 I f MOYlll male•lals Lo price Free Hone51,Rellable & Rele· Master c:r111tsman spec1111- Lie New service. 220 Ho11111illi111, * · * esl Reis 496·S717 renc11s JC&B Const Lie

l y, remodeling & finish . Cuslom remo<Jels- CllCUllS 24hr64S-4174 II Ii ••••••••••••••.••• ••• Topqual1ly Special care -- - D347677 974· 7665 w"''"'""'•t 499.3 !05. addllfons. rree 11&1 Qua- •• ~~ •• "A •••••••• •••••• Responsible cpl. m1<1 30's m handling 2s yrs exp QUALITY WORK ne111 __ ••••••••••••••• ••••••

Illy 2nd 10 none Bandel feutitalf Jili•i•ll DUMP JOBS 1ookln9 10 houseslt this Competit ive Rates 1eas nonest Reis Lie looli•I. Computer word proces-HAROWOOO INTERIORS Const Lie 41857 0 ••••••• • •••••••••••••• & Smell M ovmg JoDs summer We' ll care tor No overume 730. 13s3 287107 Dave 964· 104S , ...... •••• • •••• •••••• sing Fasl, accurateserv Addltlons-remod·1-doors 5 46· 4271 Custom Refinishing-Furn Call MIKE 646· 139 1 plan is. house, elc. Call -------- - --


Hubel Rooling-11il types~ Reas rales Nolary Free Patios SmaU jobs, loo ---- ----- & onterlors-All Repairs Ken Haven, 760-8078. ED '•'""~ · 1 •,.., 1;. ~. Classllled Ads, yout one· New· recover · dOCkS pkup & delivery Len.

76-0·268S 548-86S4 Clusllled ... 842-7887 Can ror est. 644·5294 Want eds/842-7667 rels avail I WATCH US GROWi 1 stop shopping center Lie u 411802 S48-9734 1 7S1·1314

ll11t11 .. ~ .. ·········••··········· '!. .. ,,_ .'!~ ... ,.~ .... !.~ !! '!.'.'I. .'If ~!.t'!. .... '!.~ ~ 1111 to roe 1045 Fu1•ilu11 1050 lli"1llHH•1 IOIO

ii\. ~~ ~ · ... "" . DO A LITILE F;;;· ~d·;;:b;;·;;,i;~·"~ ·········_············· A~t~·.;;·~~~;;;;;·~:b1: PT / Tiil ltlOEPT, Experience preferred Templeton's 8e11uly Sa-1 on , Costa Me sa 833-7600.


• "ILIC Llllllltl

Telephone sales & 11gn1 delivery Apply 779 W 19th St, Coste Mesa, Sle H.

~11~ ... ~~ •••.•••• !.".'!f ~\ l. \~ BU81NE88 IN YOUR Costa Me$8 area SolabeC:, dining rable & <I net wllh orig RCA radio a.I\ 64S-7817 cnrs Reasonable & record playe<-$75 00,

WESATBMBINEYSTER r, -JL'I' . ~All( OWN HOME 646-3160 ' JVC .. table AM/ FM ~f\ 1S M os SpantCollfe male SOFA, eKcell cond. po: siereo radio wtlh 8 1rack

PIT Cosla Mesa o re. For GARSDS~~6~0A30VE , ~- ,_J--« _'{ ~r '.!. ' :~ ~ 1


\ Attecllonaie tem leHler / sink in I door & 2 drawer

T•l•p"H• Salts ANTIQUE MAlL IJCT ~ "' ~~ 'i; Hsbrkn Shots. Uc )(Int & record player·S7S 00. 117S 1 Westminster Ave ·v."''-~ ~ · . ~ • ~ . w/k1ds 642-4 174 llshed couon earlntones Follow up, no cold calls. · -·-·- ~~ ,_, ., r: ___ prtnl s225. 731 • 1766 ba1hroom " marble lype'

Into, Cell 63 1·7200 Ask !~~~~~~~~~~ , _, - - • c • e r 8 Shep mlk 6 mos Loves King 51Ze wat>!lrbed, natu· cabinet plus m111ch1ng 2 IOI Mr Carson I · r ~ ~ ~~' ' ! · ~ ! k 1 d s 4 9 4 . 1 9 1 2 , ral Sohd Oak & Oak ve- door wall cablnel &

Telephone s111es A I' IOIO .,. :.· , ~ •. ...: • .<!-. ... ~~, .... .t::,~~ •. ~,'t,. .~" ,. \LI ( . 'il ·,1

J S40· 1777 Gayle ~:::0,w~~~gst~~~1;~;s. ~~a;~~e ~~" ;~gt'~b'· Admlnla1ra11on needs lo Earn Big Money by the .1/1.!!!C.~~ ••••• •••• • • - ~ •7W._ '·f ~


f9111itaH 1050 hot1e blank81· $20 oo. 1111 40 hr/wk lemp 6 mo beach, $300· S 1000/ HARBOR AREA •*••••*•••

1 •• 8 •• u•v••*•••*•••• Ootreu




s .• Oplr~l7n~g & mat- g(sml r8111



<1 10

nng-hcaer' posll lon Knowledge ol week Call 536-7S 11. APPLIANCE SERVICE • ·~ , ~. .,.. ' ,-1 n v o i c In o , A IP , 1-----1- 1- 1- - We sell recond . guar GARAGE SALE ADS NOW ''· ~. -tf .' :"' floor mats 1•1· S20 oo, sec'l/clerlcal &kills • ne- TNeeleedpe":','mm'eld~:~:,•Y appliances 549-3077 CLASSIFIED IY CITYI .._,~.. Good used Furnllure & Almost new con1emp new 14 Inch llghl alloy cesslty. Flnanclallbudget I 11·y lPPll.,ICES ,. i.. Appliances-OR I will !>ell bdrm set. k'ng sz bed. rims (B MW ' s) set ol background <lealrable. Ideal for S1udent1 °' no- " · 511 llLOW - or SELL for You S600/obo 536- 1980 4·1200 oo. 1wo new con-Newpor I cent er loc mem~ers. H~r~ 3- S. L" ~7~,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~ISllCTIOI 1 1 ~ .... ,ed ..... II • 1 _,.:; ESlATE SALE Sarouk llnenla stee """' ra· $7 .69 /hr. Cell N1ncy. No '"" ng r •port area REFR GERATOR l'"•· llll i••-tt2i S dial I ire s 196/70 HR &40-2124 c 111 1 between 9-12 ,

1 1 d l•/H.f ldu' C•1t• llfl• C.1t• llt11 Im•• - •• 011en1a1 rug, 1e1nway 14 •110000, BMW 320,

640·4647 Af1tf 1 pm, No fr'!!t a nt6co0n9079 •• ••••• • ••• ••••• •••••• •• ••••• •••••• ••• • •••• • ••••••••••••••• ••••••• • ••••••••• ••••• ••••• •• ebony grand piano, Er· hoodmask· S20.00·, mlr· IE&L ESTATE llLU 966-0151 $250 ca....

4 • PATIO SALE- Back 10 Sat. Only 9 -• Clo thes. SAT 9AM Lee1ner 901115, 12' Apollo lnllllllble b081. I •• , n1tlllllt( mine cape, executive r 0, med I c In e

Why nol try 1ime theres TOPLESS MODELS G.E, School Sp11c1111s. •,~ ort hov&ehOld, misc, cheap! Electronic g11mea, aque· 2hp & 7',0,hp ovtboarda, Les 957-8133 desk, cry11a1 chandelier cablnet- $20 00

Call and make some money , 75 o • y • p • io o•iLY Electrk: Dryer. SSS retail · CHILORENS Beck 1S2 Cecll Pi CM rlums, go c11r1 . bikes, trailer hllches, M inolta

0 Bd

1 1 t Pvt par1y t ·S83-7431 ,..

2_0138 I<>< a change? 751·3191 no e:'p n- • "828_2': • ., 7141963-7920 eves pacl\1, greet for bOOlcs. Fri / Set t Sun 9 • •• ~ ii wa1cnes, knives. Kitchen pocket c11mer11, 35mm ueen rm se · a mos .,..

A - .,..., lunches, etc Oulllea &. ..... " Aid 11ash compec1or camera w/ ecces., Polt· new. 1111 aolld nerdWood Gen Elec trst lree Ret11- ---------Receiving Clerk for re1111 TOY STORE Kenmore washer end wallets 100 Sal Only 9.4, kinds of lhlnga • 100 nu- mlae. (Good Junkl 363 rojd oemera wheel 10, aSll, 2 dr ... 4 mus, ••· geretor Almost new 2 .... 2d ... ctothlng s10<e. Par1· tlme EXPER ONLY dryer set , Xlnl cond 3l6 Diamond Balboa merou1 10 mention 221 Saville Condo In New- .78 Cordova.'CB radio & moire wlln light bridge & dr 17 elf $546 Brand 8 10 20' long, 36¢ pet I\ polltlon. Mon-Fri. Expe- Sales. Cashiering, tlock $295 547-2916 Island $4·$12 E 19th SI pO<t Riviera enienne & more SAT I mlr behind bed So new S11mson11e card fbl , 775-1491 enytlme rlence preferred Call for FAO Sh 754 1S61 ELECTRIC DRYER GOOD YARD SALE S1 1/ Su!' Aug 28 14932 Crystal beautiful . must see to 4 lo1d1ng chrs S89 Foam ------l-.-.-.--appt 644 5070 Aak for t wan • C11••• '•I 11•1 Big Garage Sele Furn1- Circle , frvtne . rear 01 apprec1111e New $5100 lounger Spice brown Liff UL Kall~ • · _ ___ n_ '"_ l _T ___ CONOlllON S9St obo • •••••• • •• •••••••••••• 7 - 4 Pm Tope . b o oks . lure. Appliances & lots Gr•enlree School will sell S1950 966· 1436 s 13 8 A ll 3 t or $797 Send someone you love

n Call 720-0262 pfat)ls clothes misc ot household goo<11es ~ 2 68 Rest11ur11n1 Bookkeeper. Perl time, 3 alternoons ---- ----- ESTATE SALE Antiques, go.~ds 605 H11mll1on . and Olhe• iunque Sat· 551- 1993 M cCerlhy Oa~ Victorian 63 I · 4 h a 00

11 aut~U111bouquepl ortl 30

accounting ellpe< helplul. Pe' we ek . Cd M Seers Kenmore Washer / tables, chairs. mirrors. C.., Sun , 9 00 111 1 2134 Cnrome & Glass dining Desk Cotl $1900, Sac Ro111op sohd oak desk , e um ua oons. e ect P A I I 955-300~ Dryer, Almond color , al- blk ml Sl200 645_1410 5 4 .. wtde as new , .,., for all occasions. Gre111 Soanr1-191~11· atPPJoyshnSpelor: 1.V_E_ T_E_R_l_N_•_R_Y_ H_O.....,S-P- 1 moll new. will sell for rugs , ea . sc 5FamllyGarageS11le Nat1ona1 St C M table, Much misc 4371 S3

005 decorallng Ideas

" $39S Set 966-1436 $S - S5oo Sat & Sun Olshwether. tv many 642-7647 Man11nll1, Irv Green- Space sever bed dre- _P_r_oc_e _ _ 9_s_ 5_4_6-4 ____ 1

873·4•19 cums Aeslauranl , 280 1 needs one PIT A H.T 1---- -..,,..,,,.,,---- 9- Spm 500 Hazel Drive. misc 11ems. 2201 Amer · ----,.-~"<-"=- tree Sal SAM wets cabinets and beds 4 Poster Burllng1on On sz i-- --------W Coast Hwy. N.B and two kennel assls- * *WANTED ** CdM lean (Oii Victoria) Sii FREE LEM~OE all In one S45 w111erbed. new '4 prloe NEW ATARI VIDEO

I S I tanll Call 831·1030 UPRIGHT FREEZEA ~~~~~~~~~~' Set/Sun 2048 omona Woodbridge SAT 8·4, 416 SS7-6448 $49S OBO 646-400S COM PUTER SYSTEM Reta I aleaperaon, or Good cond 546-0859 3 Households 8AM to _&·_•________ Bks & mags- c to S2 Ashwood, Anflques &. --- s11s 731-2 133 c:hlldrens slore , exper WAITER OR WAITRESS 3PM, Fri/ Sall Sun Wo· POOL TABLE. king mat· S.91 sellers S C101nes • things Brau bed. chrs, SOUi Oil King sz Stearns & Foslef only P/Tci/~'..2· ::1

1!1e needed at luxury Lagune WestlngGhouseCWasher1 00

1 men's clolhong househld tress k11 table/4 chairs, Misc Nothing over SS baby II ems clothes Kong sz waierbe<I wnh " lnsptrallon .. manress. Men's Rolle< Skates Marche, "'" • Beacn Holel Restaurant ~' ~s-4°s':.~ 1 Items & turn 213,, Oeh· 5 rolls A19 1n1ul1t1on. f, t J V. II Something 10< everyone t>eaul headboard w/ IUA d o wn p i llow top , Sz 120, like MW. SJ5

Sales, PIT , R.1011 Fabrle Full Time Po1111on for or bol l'I 1111 CdM misc 29S5 Mindanao , .!.a:~ .~.~ .. ~ . .'J. ••.••• £ •-· • llgnted mirror, also mat- h8ndcr11t1ed 1nstde, orig ____ 7_3_1·_2_1_3..,3 __ _ S t ore An a ( 7 I 4 I break flll and luncn shift Freezer uprlghl , Imperial iiiii5iii57iii-4iii5il5i ,iiisi ai ti/Si uiiiniiii9-iii5iiil M OVING SALE cnerry· .!I."!!~.~'... ....... chino oek n1gn1 table $600 w/sell for $300. Pinball M llGhlne 772-4471 Con1ac1 LO'll Beloll hvy duly cornmerlcal 27 Brass. slpr & sngl , qn bds wood dining room set OLD HOUSE OEMOLI· Only 3 mos old C£)sl 760·6006 " Race Car"

S • LES PERSON wenled 497-4e77 cu ti Like new $650/besl Oak tbl, chld toys, btke. ..llE YIRI llt.E Side boy, 1quer1um, rug· TION & YARD SALE • over S 1000 Sacrdlce New lull -size mauress set. &42-S937

" 831 2226 clollles. misc Sat 8-S " G"'"e, 'SS vw perls misc • 1 11 1 d + s 4 5 o I 1 w/ex,...,r, IOI rellll &lore, Wanted 10 sell 1pecl11Jly , ___ . _____ __ 4 16 N SS elle Clothlng, coucnet . dining -v nPP , x urea. rs CO m P e II S60 New queen s ize. A· .. etlon-••erlne ...- SS 00 h ,. ercr us. y 1tem1, good PrlclS Sal I"' 584 M onier"" Or 730-6288 vr .., Laguna Ben. parl-llme llem. w / pay r , GE relrlO, bottom lreezer. rm l ebl4', chlllrt , 1724 m-. -, · SIOO 750· 5832 Compaas S50

494-5560 only wortl S hrs an eve $12 S Kenmore gee GARAGE SALE SS11~ Aouo Tuslln, Sat/Sun 10·5 ACugd218. ,911Am-3pmFo 'no12aool Laguna Bell, Sun 9-S M11t lltllt 01•"'1 Set o r old lashlon""' woo· 642-5937 e 11 r n b I g SS Ca II dryer. $50. 642- 7502 2Sl n 9 -5pm. 51 >\ r - er na ve. u n •" "" 714-675-761S blwn 7 & 1---------- Chld, C<IM 640-7785 GARAGE Si'LE Valley Moving Hill, everything PRICES START AT Sota ded ~~rno dbl bed Carpel Sale Used & 2nds



~-F-R-1-1-S-A-T-9-A-M-, - M- u-11-1• ~~~1 ~~·~·111~!.1 ~~:~~ Beds S197, Sole & Love $165, • 1 111 quality $499 sq yd Looking for e x l r a ln- liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil S s

30 Y

15 old, llk~.":9921 "••I• II••• ?O 16 Arnold , bah Ind 111mlly 16642 M t Der- r emo, atereo. W snr / Seel $ 1 6 1 • Be <I• Xlnl girls Bdrm Country & Plddlng & lnllallatton

come7 Try Pan- Time Wtll lflHlzt4 2

• ~~••••••••••••••••• • •• OM V win , off S1onflCress, nr dryr. Kg g dbl bed, clo· ~:i~~~~1~;~fr,',:~,·~~r Garden 6-pc se1, Prln· Lrg aelecllon. 838-5543 sales, Tuesday lhru Fri - Sell star ter wanted to Fros• Free relrlg, yellow, Wave Tool Surfboard . M l Sq An llque car thes. dishes, lumDer & Queen 5147 King s167 cesa day bed w/dr11wers. Hosp bed , elec , w / day, 9 AM to 12 Noon. organize end edmlnsler xlnl con<! $ 150. GE A111ri se1, Freezer, Ste- Sale lit 1-4 PM lrunk , brok en p111no misc 12 North Stoning· lpcllvlngr~ tabtea$67: Cne1111 mirror, desk . chr , 1rapeze; wlleelchalr. Apply PENNYSAVER, ~•paper morgue. Per- r ree z upright S80 reo. Datsun truck parts, 2176 Rural Ln. Cotta (cheap). Antq lurn & Ion (Upper 3 Arcn Bay) 4 Chair Oineue Set 197 bOOkahell. drener. 2nlle walker , cru tches 1680 Placent l 11 Ave . manenl poslllon Dey- 642-3842 household Items drapes Me s a ( 22nd 1 n d glasa, clew H tub clo- So L aguna B each D ,,.. beds w llh meti s111n<1• . only $ 89S 966-122S Cos11 Mesa, Ask for Mrs 1ltn41 hours Selary S2SO l ·A-p-1-5-1-ze-re°"'t~ri-ge-,-11-10-r-. -m- e-- c101h1ng. shoes , k ing Newport-behind Stele• lhes appllanees mople 496·5847 S ~77. 67S- 2S18 __ H_O_S_P_IT_A_L_B_E_D _ _ White to start. Light clerical nu11I <lelroSI $85 bedspread, sheets, gul- Bros) twnbed toys. household /ii tit II lllOOllTFUltllTUllE Oeslgnercornerbeds, $50 ALMOSTNEWSSOO

SALES duties Please send lellar 646- S997 tar, mucho goodies Sii GARAGE SALE Items Plenl s books • !.'!r.f •••• ~! ....•.. •• 1959 Harbor, CM ea 631 · 2657. 642- I 133 1-833-7431 mnd •e•ume lo Ad No ----,.----- & Sun 9 -S 481 Broad· "21 A•mona Pl11c• c •• _Mu_ch_ m_l_sc_____ Garana Sale S1111Sun 0 r111yne

Waler W orks Supptu. " ~ W I D I I ., " "" B ... 1- '& 1 h 1•1-H I • -"'--'-------- Lg 1011 P11lnllng, cos1 . ,.,.,, Inside/outside nles~- 1064, Daily Poot. PO Box S~•;lpoo ryer. ellCtr c . way Sal/Sun 9-5 .11.•.,!!•.f!!!.~ti:t... eby lems col ea • ' zBdrms den, dining rm. 8t11u1llul lr11me S.;; s 0 n c 11 11 E 1a 1 n e 1560. Costa M asa, CA 492 8873 20' freezer . aurlbo1rd, S , &. toys, etc 3702 Perl\ Ln Antique W11lnul Bdrm Sel, 11~ rm, retrl~ , Breakfast SlOO,

675_7788 6325 92627 • 1ous. 10 m•n & women' s SAT ear 8 weaner Salesmen' • samples ol dr-••r chest lull h•" (714)53• · ' " d 1 hi Lido Garege Sale 111 836 v ....... • • """ lbl, 6<14-"06 , 760-0213 Coldspol Relrlg $225 clothes, olls & walerco- ryer , 11tw "g mac ne, 1c hoo1. o t c aupplles . N d NB 9 6

$500. Sel -4130 1H•R Ltff••" IOTIY/ LIUL , M11)'1ag, Speed Queen or lora, 2 camping cols, ·so goto sofa. bookcase. household goods Fri/ Via Lido or • White French Prov1nc1111

1 ha~ ~lh.....,"~-·t' •• ,"'ll••'lll F 1 --~ s99 Ford Van seals. ••ore lwln beds . Many sml Sat 9em 21182 Breion S et /Sun fnclds 2 bunk Sole Slrlped grnt yell & 1 1 18 dreeser & n ight •• -·~ "'"Ill .,.._ ,.

~.!;~1r~m;;:~~~lence -..·:.,·,: ·.·,·,··• • •••• • ·1·00•·5· 5~'t~:;; w_.,., ee 1598 Ponderota St~ llems 212 Prlncllon (Atlan111/New111nd ) beds. washer /dryer bBelge L$o2v2es5ea6~ 1& /130nr .~:nd , double & elngle ~vol ~s~o~· Ohl~~ yceSe7m~c n. • llltllE ••LE Ill / Ill •oytilll • • mattresses & boxsprlnga SECRETARY FANT OFC ••••'°••••••••••••• •••• New gas stove n e ver M ini swap meetl Sal 8/ 26, Video eme s25 Eleclrlc Frt 1nru Sun 9 -5. 5001 - with frames, brown vln"' 840-8709 •YeSIWknds

Adv Agency'_ Good ly- Roll · Top Desk, Oak 48". u sed, whlle. pllotlese. Sun 8/29 , 8A M 1111 ? g Cu plan Cr No H B . 1930 Port Chelsea. NB. R1111an Bentwood rocker " d 11 1 hi 1115 dryer SlOO. Stereo $ 7S. Schwln bike. anlq cab, w/green cusnion S70, 1rmchefr & lovese111 , Celling Ian, brass. N-

plng and p hone vole• nee 1 re n 9 no. $380 64 1-8378 Baby llema, guns, 0011 Kids 1oys. clothes. die- hsthld, boou. 10.,., cto- M OVING SALE • every- call 84 l-4 130 hand -carved Mexlclen used w ood blades, • essent111I Shorthand a OBO



5 1 yr old Relrog , 25 cu fl. clubs. 1001s. & mite 325 h e s, books , records thing & muic ,. lhlng uc.rlllcedl Mull --------,..- Cotlee tllble. white vinyl 1ullp llghta, co11 J260,

plus Opportunity to ad- Closing 0\11 Speoe A·2 111 Crosley. l roel rree. $235 E 23rd CM FREE ICE Saturday Only 9-4pm. - ------- - aell end tables, foot · Greal 9 ' A1chllecl1 Teak Floral & Oan1sn occ11sJo- sell IOI' m 552--0796 v11nce S11l11ry commen- the Oecor11llng Bug , 556-1098 TEAi 448 E11her SI , C M (Off M OVING SALE • Furn, locker, b ike, gas BBO, Wood Delk S12S nal ch rs Tbl lamp & -,-. - --- ----surale with uperlence 1241 So Mein St , SA BIG GARAGE SALE Tustin Ave belw 19th & molorcycl11, Iola more, misc Fri, Sii. Sun 10· • 646-S 18 I pictures All bargain- 48 roun<I l11bl1, • met· Call Carol, 10 em- 12 pm Tremen<lou11 buyal M oving F r l gtd11lre g111 Set only, 9.3 Beige/ ru11 201h). Fri, Sat. Sun 9921 Stir 730• W Oceenlronl HAND CARVED TEAK prk:ed In good tondlllon t hing round benches, SS7·0642 dryer yellow very clean llorel love1eal & chelr, • Or . H B. (near Brook- NB BAR New. natural finish. S48-3088 beaulllully llnl1hed In -un••f/U(O Ecxeqrur

11111:!: svs1

50ctor lan baby $ 1so 642·3S89 n & A 1 1 1 --------- polyurul hen•. multiple

e.:; _ ..- e lec games. toy bOK. Garage Sele. Sun, 10-5, u r 1 1 1 n t 1 TWO FAMILY SALE mirrored Inside $600 · Beeutllul leaded glass uses, dlneue. picnic or 10 CFO ol Npl Bch Fin. 642-7726 • IO:ZO loys. new Polar old ca- ClothflS, bookt, misc _96_ 4_·_509_ 6_____ _ Sal 9-3 1200 Clay. 553·0175, 6'1·0154 bookcese/ deall Pren- c 11 d 11 b re $ 1 1 o Svoea Firm Challng ltt(!,lfl mete, hom• movie •di · hsehl<I Items. bunnies & lm•t Furn,, haew11ret, more Dresser. Ethan Allen, back rock ing chair EJc. 540- 17:l5 R-pon po·;tlon Good. , M Us T s E LL • B••• , ••3••,:;.·s· ::..··, • • •s·s·o· t or , 3x4 drafting brd & birds 244 Knoll SI.. CM ••• ••• •••• • ••••••••••• NYI• l1tt•11 Sh 111 Id ltd ch Olllenl condfUon. R•Ho-1----- --.....,..-,.--

- · "' . OESPERATEll l Women1 oy' a.,,.. .... w nn m eth., SSB CB rt<llo, 8 28 8-20 2 C S I " " e e so erry n•b'• I 869-9679 Brolher KH800 Knitting typ ing, Incl. s11t1sllcal , 10 spd bike, S.Ot1 Free U11d bul good cond. hahld ll1m1. c l o l hH THIS IS ITI All kinds ol • • - Illy I , r- MOVING AWAYll ,, 115013. S2x21 , wllh a ... Mach. Punch card all S/H 8111111 8 epllhJde for Spirit . xlnt cond 111cr 5-46- 1429 12· 16, aquar • tol l mor• junqu. & goodl .. Sat/ vine M isc Furniture, 6 rms of furniture, Incl. rram1d mirror, 35x50 •••1ti11' li#l1 IHS pattern .. S175 nCualml ~~•;,1•2XaP1' req'd $65 0 8 0 An1q rn11dllng Motobecant Gr1N1 Jubl- 1600 Whit• Oak (W of Sun 9.3 2012 1 Orchid, Anllquu. 32 ye• ra 6' anllques. apples, le.ta of I 1, 100 Oval toffee lbl, ••••• • •••••••••••••••• &42-5801

_..... se1 01 2 drtssera a radlls i.e. 12 •pd touring blk•. Harbor. bit. Adams & Sent• A na Hg11 foll I•· ~hl~gs prlo;' 1~ ~ / 1

o iher good aiufl . Sall 111tner lop, 1ru1iwoo<1 • YELLOW SHAG CAPT llHnU' v a nity Ubl• . C IRC A hudly useo Elltrae Bek9f) vine & Masa) c~~1 1~100r~I ~n lh: Sun 9•5. 2100 Santiago S95. Edlaon lloor model Good quaJlly. 12x14. 1111 Ull

Full time for Newpor1 1930 Sl .000 l or entire Musi sell lmmtd. $375. Pollery /Ytrd Sale Sal - Furn , clolhls, desk, 7119' corner of O.W.y & Cley Or ~;~g~:'fi.,Va, P!1~~°f;1t:~ S60 648-8SS8 UllllHll Beach Jewl11h ' Temple. tel Oi wtn conalder Ml· 675-2153 Sun 373 " A" Ogle, c M walerbed, 1oya. beds, 657-$484 Glau collectlbles, blkl, mond disc r ecord• • Jtttfln 1010 Cu1lom 8• I 5 '. euto , e 11 P · 8 5 1 • 1 23 4 0 r :~.:fr.•r~;!'!,..~r~s = SCHWINN 10 SPO Arlwork 10 aurlboerd1 110 2802 Chlo• Rd _S_1_t - 9- -5-.-2-t_a_m_ll_y_sa_l_e , louver dra. embroidered $4 75 Addlt1on11 di•· ••••··-'••••••••.:.::,,"j.. hSHI, fen. ••

112000" · llgyhtt

552-063& ~ ,_ T $7• p I & I I mond dlata S2 50 ea. Engagement find _,,.,d ng 7600 O<tg. · Oii . esslon orces ••!ell Wiii CONT81 N3EN2~!;· " .. ,., '"' Tlllllt ll1Htlo lara1t lalt frHzer, rattan apH1n I nens. old books • B-.. ·1 Beer fremed mlr· ring H I • coat S 1400, dlta1semblt 115-0695. llllOIJIY consider be al o ffer . 1-4 vv V Sal /Sun 9.5, Many anti· chair.., I'll II record player. editions CHI Iron pit· -" never worn , s IOOO

Wo r k w ith n o nprofit PIHH cell 5 49 - 0S78 Glrl ' • Schwinn Be1ch ~~~se~:: ~~~11~~~~~~ quu, oak furn . orig . cri b , ch•n~tng table , lert Sa l/Sun Holiday rors . S15 ea 675-0968 642-5937 lllNT heallh •ncy In Coate evt crui ser , $ 50 Boy ' • w/brau. old bHk•I•. Tllf1ny lamps, hshld dieutr, ch ldrens clb· Ad elBaypon, NB TCA18!-!;rb":!"kd, -~ld4 ,cShl•!'fr 1 11 -.~ .. ,,-.

000--c-ert_ll_ted __ ru-t>IM- - ,-1 HIOl'I quallty, Ilk• n ew,

M ... Mut1 h8"9 above 27 t ch II I'll weig h! d k .. . ... _., 8 Item• & much more lhlng & toys. 3772 Pro• 34 Balboa COVIi Sat/Sun ,_, - ...,. r-v, gold 2 4x28 ' W iii cu l · Antique Singer oak ae- • n · g ·,.i teak K c .. 11, ....., 81' Cornei> DI l80 I Sendai· vlnoalown, trvlne s•nn • .,., .. 438 eves !.o 111pphlr1 Beal ofr OVIK $200. 67~95

avereg• organlzaUonel wing machine , s 125 10-llPd, S30 N"rly MW rauan, many collect , 9-2 You Name 11,. Wa'vt """'· -.,..~ · S5000. 64._7007 ---------eklll1, t yp ing •blllt" & n ceah 675--6024. Ex81'cycle S50. 546-3088 10011 & nouaehol<I l1llft'l1 wood ~ ~e:woodw beti Decor111or'1 ant ique ga- Collected It , Q11 BBQ, ANTIOUE walnul dlnl"O M .

1 1 1 VVS

2 LA 10 Atlante alrllne tlekat

t1•~~p0h1omno•. p+e','rolnnat11t1y •. Antique a~, n11t llove, Cuil om built orulHr, 5 & misc S1111Sun S-8 38!1 Baker 1m1, · o r1g1 Hll. 13 Bullemut, Skl1, 1terao. c101n.a. etc . rm table/8 thll••. Sl500 1n s appi. c -1 00

I<>< NM. UIO vl!UI. 111 ,,., ..,.,..... • • ..,. " 1 • mu 1 '" E 191h SI c M. Harbor Blvd Irvine. 552· 7030 10·2 •- J C. •J metchlng china cablnll dlemond rtng. apr 71 clltl $400 ~ v alld 1

831 · 8700 ( Fri & on 1126 C8th. .,.,.., 1

x ra • 1

A,. you p1tinni.v.. 1 rnove i _s_a_1 _ ______ -· •U ·~dtue S300 8S?-68$7 tk $3200 831-9276 PI P yr. 5S7·7'M Jerf 9:30-11;30 pm). 675-8024 1260 offer 831·3402 GARAGE SALE . 273 Al• .. .,, =T a··:~:·a·e··s·~·L[:s·.·,•::::. t b'"" ,,,.,,..,L "-! .. Gr•t ... ~ ... t, .... wll .. ,.,.,..

bef1 Pt. Sat & Sun 9.4 Classlllld adt wlfl point hlnklng 01 1 ne\'Y ttome ,,,,.,,. ,, "'''' T llhl 1 ..., .... r 11 ....,.... .., ,, .._,.... Flrt.aMt 1,.a,•.t lall/1•1 A 1 1 Ilk tbl & yov In lht rfghl Olrecllon for 1prfng? See 1n. many 11-5. 26842 Calll AIGardo, • win a r.e 1 • ••• • •••• ...... •••••• • 1 5 . I' or mice kitchen

_,..., Solid Br~.:, anflqu. ._,.r1,,, IOll Ch~:. ~11C e ,~:,,w;. many to find th• h ome you lltllno• In lod•Y'• CIUll· San Juan Capo. e110 sao;,!~::J0n WMtM llM4 labia $30. 551·8393 -·· -an 071>-U397 •••••• ::i............. •11trH. nMd. 642-5871 lied CIQlvmna. 142-58711 r8fl09, '*"· mllG-. -~ ............ ~-· 1ow1101n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~ -~-~ 1P~uAA~THEINI· Full time · real etlMt fl- Antique aolld MthoO•ny ' II 80fa bed. 1115. capttlna IWllWDllll TIALS 0' ·

'** dltifebl9 l:lul not dreaa1r , 1 drawer. w / Atdwood 2118 decking, "1 .... , .,__,. r;, 11411 ........... II 1iM "-ff.-.,. W!~ 1141 On 1119 wat•r bad, 6 317H Camino C•pl· -n.ottaa~•" loulh ml•ror . • 2t .. OBO . • · 20' ~· tleo rldwOO<l ' ...,, ...... 1 ~ .. .._ .... 'I' 1 300 t " n J an C•"I

• '- ' • u •• ••• • • ••• ••••• ••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••• •• •••••••• •• • •••••••••• drtwera, cof't'pt . • rano. QI u ~ -. You .,. •n tuc«. htutftul IAQuna • OOtdwell 648"'4005 l enelng. all Jim °' Ken hr , .. _,.t•tt Olllt Moving, 2 d~•· Sh• " ml11 s ••• •3· "". ••o """"'" •treno ....... , ......... ~ ......... ........ ., '"Alf a -ft A- anutl- 77 .. 1491 - " "oopy · •gentle oom- Fr .. to good home mell ,.,.,_ '""' - -vvv• ._.., .,....... - ...,.,,. ' .... or"'~· -PO l ~u,-=-•• n ..... l , ANTIQUE a MISC. FUR.- , ....... .,. • SlgnupnowlFor lnfo . w/lhote. LI pup aome panlOnforchlldor adult Shep/COUii Mil!. c.ood ~_;;__;_..,,,;,,_"'.'""~--::- • 93-1023 «MWMttlhorMlhetd&.

"' l " QE s• E "-·-tat Iron Corner & C •••• ...,,, lll'IOI• 846·6"8 3 I BMulllul Frtneh Prov c:ll· ln ltlafe of C .. 0 . •rror, 831 Of 4 1320. NI UnE GARA ,.L ..,.,,.,.,..., an: 847-ivuv r ;• · yr o ld M tag11 , w/kldl, nlng room &ufle tn Chef· #llftlf•"' lf1~ n -. • Maho g Aegenoy din • Ing le column 1 h88 GOidin A 1 ~ Fr•• m•I• ~•t t o g ood 8•0· 2314 1140 ·2et8 rywood lnctudis oval •••••• • .-.••••••••••••• eotl 126, Mii tor •t& to Ht 6 Ohrt drop1 .. 1 P•"-'•· S40. &4&-1886 ltr ·- pu hOfl'le Neu18'11d 'll'IOU. 111 .. I• <••ttndtng 10 t• R1dl1I arm uw. UH luclty parton wllh lheM 8EAVICl8TATION • ,; d. wlthpapera loraale. nly Fret male puppy l•b· Otrm, ltlt Hlfr mate. Gd " v OBO I o d I Ill I O II 140 8101

AnE,.OENT M odern .,ouwoo Cati 10311 St75. 535-2494 W•tmln•ler. 19•·1276. S~get Spenlel mix 9 watch ~hnlr. Ft llbee )t,tpt\I, l•ble~!'· .. buu .~ ......... · .~ ~,!!." an !_*,!__ 1 ~ P ... , I f a 0........ bdnn IUlte. Poo4 ••••• ... ••••••••••••••? •- " b I .. f .. t ...__ 1 ~ ,.,,. vir..,.• " "' Wt-... ~~_, .,,_ ~ 8

" t me . • ven ng• "' lbl t " eold ttate, 2 t'- lfacll emok• P1t•I•" · M in orey poodle, 3't+ yre n-PUPPf w/ lhota. OOI· • • " w" • cai ... - 1• eaoittent oonelll lon . ~ .l!'ft Mtm~ In ,.....-, ...-endL NMt *""8· MlhOQ tbl. t.Gtlonal w/ Mal• , 1 yr, t 1110 obo need• good loYlno nome. deft "•t/ Huakf mta. t 14 ' •7524• Free to OOOd ho!N, a tr M ... ,. .... 7 ..,.., ..,.,..._ ... ~ ' 8"c• a hlndwrltl;&i oll om e n Vlctor l lf'I 957.o807 F,. to the rlgh1 tamll)' wka. 492-4813 Fr" mele Lh .. • ~. 4 Hullcy/Oerrn 8MIP. mix, tt4H. _....... !•••••• •••• .. ••••••• Athletic "'b, ~ :,:Pi~" ~'g"i,. 2 wmctir. Sat/fk,tn .. •PM. • ... , 1'80- 8008 Fetn Pu M . 1\t yr1 otd, yr•. Old. to good home. good w/ "ld11 affectfo·

1 N lllT. •• I · .... 10t ~!!., ma =~~· ·

----...-~...,...·-·..,...· ....,..- ttt2 Ale1k1 Av•. CM. a..., .,,... •JUf lholl, tr•IMd 1ow1 klda. 81'5-Mat . nett, a:u-.u. j • "" ....,.. TE.A 0 HI A • PA I · 5Af.20t2 :':K•••-••••••••""••• ftH tt ft• .- "'" 947-et47 I H•v• n•w eot• · mull POO l114)112.ot071""'"' Wtl!/M ,.,.. Club SCHOOL . Im med lull· 1----------1SHIH T2U AKC PUPPlt!&. ........ .............. Kitte n • ,, •• t o good aA&Sm '1<XJHO m-. 7 NII """""°I Cocoa wown I HO TAAIN lrt jri;.,11,, Memlt.,lhlp, 1llM ~'· ~ Mwcti 10 your pnone to Cemc> fine. '9/M, ...or. 1 Fr .. wood ll0f9Qe thtd, ,Adorabl• baby 11bblta. 1101M. I wtllte, 2 QflY tJ.., )'ft Old. Owrier treneffd I Ye!ouf. OOOd cond. 175. on 4a 4 plrwoodi. aln t l ttOO Incl. ue"ater tit • Harbor ., ... Info plaoe • IMt•ectlnQ CIU- lid color• Gu11. from j y0u h1ul °' , .. , down. fr .. to good home Cln- QeB• 8atbara 648~80t2 mu•I find Cid home for 136-9132

1 cond, U S. T3Mtl0» 1·340-t294, C9ll ~.

$640-19 t9 aln.d ad. 942·5f71 I ~00. 53g..og29 . e•t-5324 dy, 540-1644 ~ I ev/wkl'ld• Fred 492-8243. :::aEE- ~ • I



• '*' ' '


.. . ~-:. ••• .•.


' ' •



u ) .

Or•nge CoHl OAIL Y PILOT IS•lurd1y, Augult 28, 1982

• , ..-l!lf ""'~lfi. MAI ·1r;., .., i!/f!n•• .. ,, IH!li.!Fr.!. ...• 11.ff ~.t1,.ff!t ..... Mff «'W.'1~.~.llff ,,,. llmn, run Alttn/ Tt1!J.a. •••••••••• l!.ff ~~~· I •ttcllnO ••• ,~t.fmff ..• r.~"';f •• m~r. . .. mu ···""'w.-,HJ •••• 1:;. ' " C• rv• H ', "11nt oona. Hobie 11. 0 00<1 condition. " MOTOl~OAN! Urt· •• •!lt!!ft .l.f.ff ..• ~'}.'.'.lf! ••••••• 11.f. LAA<mn clra, l4lf , , ""'* ••••••••••••••••- 1 eooop "<I t.uitom Lot1 o l equip, wlll Mii 01 I 1480 141 UH or dllf 100 mnu , ti• b H • P T 11 .11 Ol..OI cuiia u lup JllP DI.ALI" Mft. ·• I All TANK U H trade 111-1111 141·2Ht k•I• t•OO 140·1101 :'~o :0.::,'~tt 0:, ~o,._ , conv H G• I cond lull tn TM w ...

-w-.. -.-"'"'°- -,,-'A'MI- , •Ito• l'ACIFIC c a n 1t•1644· 7001 .o• 1. , ll'rlndf• 16 C11. alnt cOt10 . ~· mtnege. ~00 " ' 111115V,6, 0u°!' pw1 12600 644-UH Hu u..a J_. & l1flton "°'11btl & OM MIC•OWAVI AVON reel ;j';'t't";/moeor 1971 all g len. d 1l'1, nu lflr. 12318 131 3831, ·10 Suiu111 f=Z80 Under 121L7 l · ll Cna moton ,,.. 'll T llll ;~! ;~~~f~:!Ci ~,:'a motor t1IO. '46-1114' mount OOOd cond 1396 Rdr , 11ip , OWC at 10%, 488 8348 800 milt•. sllll brend f'l4IW • WhMtf . AMJ,M

Mov1119 . ''IOld1tr1 OH 080 040· 4005 ~ 1 10 000 dwn. 1 711 OWNCR IACm"C£ 2111 aJIO 7$11-1031 rt1tont wh1ttwa111, /Ad exceptlont l oa r . Sta r 11COVN 71 '41119 ~. ytllo, ~Y clffn AllTINllA J l11lt1t wl11•••· 811.r 2 13· 403-lJH. tip• 4 Onlv 17095, ,,,ci ---;t;cn MOl)ed 1900 ltttd. 140/pr 1148· 06 mitt .. Obaby .. blue r •"70 Jeep CJll RAIMgad• 1 100. 1'2~511. 076 11007 lrh. 1hor1 slfp avail Hurry 13&0 or .,.,, olfet Super Shell H70· 15 for 2 yHtl h H lu l l with PIS . 1111 wro .... AM/

Olatlnet 1115 '"' m•· "'IM 1470. ,,__,ISO, Air eond. uo. 97't8 IEm· mone. , .V.

r--s:ili'isl•vlcl--1 No 30'e l eo<l H I NO 80 Loaded, H n- HelOO 0 a 11 9 8 2 1 7 8 8 0 r 648· I l72 )(Int lrtad, w/ rlm. 136 CO mfcltltd lovtnp ru rt\A CHt, oll road llrN. 32 1700 801· 9387 .17 )(lnl thtPI f ot&O 88!· 01 40 1148·8'~ tora l0'1 Atk lng I 7,000 whffll LO ml

VIS PER •m•ll motorblllt , e • 0 •I I" v •• Im e 111 • ·"89 ' 78 Xlnt XlrH 17:100 L111r • 37809. good, • • 50 Spt ola l, 700 mllu !11111 La.rge Ca r Top 416·051· 80118 t170XWA, " '" l _____ II_!!!_~! __ - _ _J INll ,,,,.,, 1"40 ·n )(trtt. trlr Bet Olr clng cond . 19 0 000 only. oooc H new. 14110 Ctrrlt r. 126 · ·111 J ttP CJ7 , 4 •pd.

•••••'•••••••••• •••••• IOllOI NATI 7&0·1 112 0 9 0 6 • 1• 13 48 811 ,, 900·9878 ·41 C adll lac Mod•I 81 . P IS . AM/rM "'''° low 'um. 60ll llOutt 1 71. ~.

nlly tablt H & 8Hul. wood a tmol r 1200 41&-SHO

CALL CLANCY 631-0906

C la11 lo 1e · Lap111tltt 0 " Stdant11t min t o rig . m1 Ct t11ury bt y boat, • cyl. 111·2 IO 111/Hlt'I IHI 0 30pm '09 Po11ch• Par11 1u1· auto, rad io. 93.000 ml I tAP MOOSI 97989 Orey $3600 075·8 181 J •••••••••••••••••••••• •79 MOTOBECANE MO· l)el1f lOn & Int 557-8040. 115,000 846 8001 OVER 80 J EEPS

*llt IPLAlll IHl11 HI H O C11m H llbOard by lnll11~. PED r oy a l b lua &d 631·7180 .29 MODEL A. FORD TO CHOOSE FROM Winn., Or Ch . r. c 'e r Cl11t11 ' .,,. 1111. 1975 840· 72 . cond

0 )ult tuned i 300 Tretter hitch for ' 78/"82 El o~·v• II home 1 '"'00 MAHI OIU1

SCRIU LETS •••••••••••••••••••••• 816•6116 &•0· 41\.aa r' 'ii • ""' Boat ParaOt 17' Xlnt 40" Viking for Cht rter """· Ci mino. 5000 Iba StOO 873-2912 Allt/ .. UP/ llWILT

ANSWER• S Oii:: [•t1ll1tf ~Oii fr.f!!'!l.~.'.~~ .. I.~ bay oru ln r $ 2500 or Fte111ny . dlvlnf ' c t n · 1Ht1, 11111 ' 77 Puch Mui Moped ~8574 1984 Buick Sl)l4;l&I Like 2024 Harb01 Blvd , CM " •. ~!U'!'!~'!! •.•••..•• BRANO NEW GOLD 00 _w_ ._, _0_11_. _r._0_1_3_.1_0_1_1__ ·8~~ ~·1ee" m.,, I II DH•• I010 Pwearlrtor1'n 1C:ndBll•lo,~ •• u,nnd.•r, 3BB~~EVSAN s, E9AOTS w,1tt1 New. 36,000 orig ml .. 649·80:n U&-7770

Penn R"lt 9375. 23· Pletct Arrow. llybrld· '". ' ••• •••••••••••••••• • • • 8 • " '" • I appralat d 1250 . Wiii 09 Ford F 100. 1/8, 4 1pd, ~~·~ ·N~~= UH<IX~::,~r.:e&f.pitr 7141044•7007 ge, '79, Volvo 290 hp, Oil l•IO tltt•t I 8~l:i1 J:,•'!~:!~· sio~~~: 1325 &• · 30&8 538· 8574 ta k t I 11111 ti C a II A~ n aw llr .. , body

IMPTY &4 1· 1010(Anlll) Mtna ll!Qt O"Ntlll wet ~~~~o~u~~j ~·~vr'.·~~ · N-p0rl. ~14/931 ·3&00. Pe.QOY or C 1 rr l t #•l•llfflfl/ 49iH119 a tra1Ql11. nd 1 paint Olltlnma. Our kid• ha.,. Wood dHks p lu1 m t• c M.111 . Xlnt cond $ 14.900 042-8580 494·4808 115~-2413 wlldyt 8-5 ltHllll 11$0 A• fii /11 lilt CAR SAC A If IC E ' 66 $ 1350 404·6'75

~~~,:'~.~~du~ ,~~d'~~ ~~:=,~"l91~r'°n•b1t 180 PRtMo sPR::


-2,-·-c- h,-1t- tw_ n_2_s_3_·.-.-b-a1- , s:~· ·s~'h:,C:,~':,h~f;k,~~~ 41 ''· ... ,,., 197a·H'~:.:; · ;2rM'x' i~ · ·,;.;;.c;,;;A;;; ;.;c)1;ce .. ~o~·~•n17~11\ c~~f P:~ ~::::.~ ;.~t~~' ·8;:,.~ l rtlPtY nttl problem. ----- ---- WET SUIT 1 45 tlnk, ll1h flndtf . 15.000 reduced ratH. Up 10 15 Exct llt nl N-pOtl Har- perl.CI condltlonl Mutt TO READERS ANO Hurry, cell 962-7788 or S49·3!H9 T::V'".J'~~ In tl~M~ Sm ~u~~ Dt~nl1on 548•20 17 0 B 0 8 4 2 • 0 3 8 8 , peoplt Bkr 846•4005 bor toe Neer P ub lic Mii for ONLY $400. Cell ADVERTISERS 851 ·0140 -.7-7- F-O_A_D_ C- 7-50- H- 1- 1- v-y • - e to cop er con . ---;:.-~;-;~-..;-----l-.:5.:.48::.·..:2:.:3.:62:______ Dock I 16.000. 554· 2328 Merk at 04S·2038. II no The prlct o r 1tam1 ad · I O duty van. 22• bo.11 . o ne It. 1250· 64 t- tOlO Tina WAVE TOOLS 30' Hunter c1bln crulHr, llfPlll OATS 40 ' Npt Bch mooring e n ewer · pl u n kttP ve rllaed by vehlcle daa· 4 ••• lt'.,i •• •.•.l.D •• •• •.! •••• 5.5.. ton 1111 g1ta , elda doon &

#lu.Ul•H•I Wll IALI SUR~~~-~~?7 $90 new canvaa , boll om BoetonF Whaler Catao~' w/16" Inboard . dlnk & trying. t 11en1ngs b11t Iara In the vehicle claasl· ·so ROVER 3500V8 5 •Pd roll up rear Mtny 11nrH. Wu"' l#l llOME 011 OFFICE done0/82. 2boet owntr. Below • clorycoer ny o art Inc l S IO 500 '78 Honda 750 wltll Fal· lied 1dvertl1lng columns loaded 2SKllke ntw, H c Ouaran1Md new eng ine.

SCUBA GEAR mu I I ft II I S 6 0 0 0 . 3 lelt · HURRYI 54S· 8734 ' ring S 1200 or bHI oller do11 no l lnc tudt eny sn •"" llrm 4n 7•2• 37 drive train . Miche lin tlrt1. Ch;;~~-~~;,: EOllPMHT Steel tank, alum tank. 2 1·996-6888 alt Opm IOHOI llATI 771· 1852 eppllcable l8JiH, llcenH, • ·""" • " $8100 pp 640· 2078 routt to lndla Mtcl baby Xerox 3100 LDC. IBM r~ulttora & ecc.H BC i----- ----- 171·2021 Super 40 fl mooring wltl'l trinsler 1881· llntnct '70 Scout 4x4, 4 cyl, ru,,, ---------

.... ~ 1 xlnt 1 2 .. 0 a ll. 2• 8 • 1 7· BOSTON WHALER. ----------• 18 II Inboard. auper loc 'IJ Hiil IOLIWlll ch1rgaa, lees for a ir POI· i reat . N__,.• a~~ work 81 l/W p ie k up truc k. Clol'*-ttc. 875_......., Correc11ngS1141Ct rlc, IBM " " " ••onta " 100 hp Evin A d d $ 2500 1 """' ...,.,_ d 1 L" Bl kt

50 Senta Ant Av• CM "' u.. . · INll 11/I IOfO e u c e 0 lnttnta te. 450 ml lut lon control davlct 1500 OBO 648-8382 1111 "' t u pun p~ mower and tdger ~~. ,· ~;~s ~x°!~ --------- rude, low hre 111n1 cond •••••'••••••••••• ••••• 18500 545-8734 14200 645•7444 certlllcallo ns or daaltr AM/ FM 1ttreo 1 7200 wanted, running or not . Chair , Dining/ Conltrtn· Mt<I diving wet ault. •Int S 9 8 5 0 No tr 11 I I e r 10• Hobie Cat , yellow w/ PIER up 10 28. Sl50/ mo l

00 documentary p1epara· Tt•tkl 1510 _4_9_4_-_43_8_6 _____ _

8e7·3939 ce table. beautltu1 Unlah. cond 150 2484 S e nte 1_6_4_S_·0_4_8_3____ 1eq sunrlae aella, Ltke 18, 11 00/mo . Mercui '75 suzu0

KI MS1 uon ch a rges un f e 11 •••••••••••• •••••••••• Toyota .76 AM /FM St•· Ana Ave CM Boston Whaler, 2 vra old, new $2500. 87S·6t6l Channel. 673·8145 XLNT C NO. 350· othe rwise apaclflad by 1171 Piii r e o c auatte . Sm all

Wtnt•d good baby furn Antique ~all S tand and ---------:-~ , 3 ~ P , 548-5913 the advertiser. and lnf1n1 clothing. 011 Paintings Also Misc ,.,,., IOI' t1 . .,H motor . .icln l CAL 20. tplnn1ker , Oan· a II.. I 00111111 Ill cam per Jhell J217S

96•-8042 Olllce Uams. end chl lr •••~••• •••••••• •••••• cond. 13,000 firm . (714) oa, 6 hp O/B, extras, WI l•I• ltw ' 7t Y,AMAHA 80 0.•1t•I 1510 4 cyl., s spff<J tran1 & 073· 8618 mats. IW&P IEmlll 840· 128 2 111n1 $3800. 642-6580 BY OWNER RllNS GOOD. $7S • ••••• •••• •••• •••••••• new tires Ready to gol ------.--

WANTED to buy TOY 2082 MICHELSON 11212 Mul l empty by 8/29 o•· 11' Bolton Whllet. 15HP 30' Dock, powe r or lull 5 46·5913 Claulc 19&9 Chrys ler (R68595) '10 TIYITA 4 • TRAl~S Llontl. IVES. A. IRl/INE rage lull 01 misc Cheap. Evlnrud• ale.: start Ullll UU down mut . $150 mo. 5 BIKE MOTORCYCLE stretch Limo . .cln1 cond OILY t•lll Lo ml. orall cond, muet F. 044-6829. 752·0322 960· 9678 I 1200 Firm 845-2101 Save big bucktl 25 new 075-0652 TRAILER, 2 SPARES Best offer Call Mr Smith • teel 17500 64'· 8484

#1a•1/ •itl IOll -,-11- .- , - , -1-, ----- LHera ulld for 3 daye In -Doc- k- lo_r_2_0_'_bO_ e_t -w-/3- B-r, $ 175 S48· S913 851.00l_1_____ 1982 Che vy Shor t bed •----·m , ••• r •c.." , .... , •• WUUl the o ·oay •Ingle handed 2Ba dplx , Newport Cen· •-11 I truck , ct mpr •hell. 7,800

..... _. -.. •••••• •••••••••••••••• #if.~ JlllH "'" 9 · Tender, fully equip· ch a mplonahlpa. Fully al $900 mo 613·3663 "75 Norton 850. lmmacu· IP flll lo h I I book •••••••••••••••••••••• Parter'• Pets Sile '/. ped, o h p. Evlnruda. equipped Ille. black. a lee •tart. CJ111/11 IJlO mt. w w

0 1111 8

YAMAHA Bau Amp. Al<C Springer Spaniels BEAUTIFUL0



c~: 675· 0 191. $ t800. The Laser Store l••ll•rt Itel Ill• S 1950. 8•4-4026 •• •••••••••• • • • ••••••• 498·1!601

HMd with 1 dou~le i s ·· were $349, now $.150 for TV sale. 2 vr wrnty 824 w. 18th St. C.M. \JP TO 44 ti ,71 llllA OllOO IOIEL "l"1I '71 FORD 4WD ~~n:!•:::: ~~.~',~:'o'n =:·~~: ;~i, :,u11 , was S 'ie· .f~:·~~~::r1e6 ol~~ l~~~'~t~:::~~.~~ ____ 6_4_2_.0_8_4_6 ___ 1 $3SO month. 873-4424 7000 Ml, LIKE NEW ~~~YP~et.11~a~·:1~~':f:s! Fun pwr. xlnt cond.

Miii tary Macaw WU duly lllt b t d trlr. Xln1 26" CIHSIC Sloop (Ludera BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE. $850 645-4199 lroml (008768, jStk $6000. 075-2776 Gultat With CM4t 9'ld ••· 11440. now S899. PLUS S e nyo color VCR 4200 cond $ 1495. 760·1450 1 6 I · N w P 1 111 P · N-port Beech: 40" & 45' A3093) p I t I t '71 LUY PICKUP ' 79 Ford F250. 4•4. 55. tr•• · all In tllCtllent ... NY ••ORE PETS ON New, never used New St900t OBO 573.5547 Call •• 2•4 .. . 4 rrom 9.~ . 11181 Honda CM•OOE. 5. · rce1 • 8' no• cond ition. ..,,.. .., S --•t 1 s~"" 11 ft 1 *11011 "" "" " 000 I $ 11 to Ft llLY II tlll Extra clean with ve ry low 000 SSK ml Blk, 1tereo.

SALE. All INCLUDE 70053, 7f~7 Ev;, wt LIDO w/lrl A·1 xtrs $ 1275 _M_ o_n·_F_r1 ______ t 964 •2~3a e lt OPM rm ' mllaa ( IS05407) Redu· radials 1 5000. 833.()()38 Uf-lllfr 1.... FREE VET EXAM plus . Bil by Lido Ship Verd. 4 673·6319, 673·9467 SLIPS a vail Hunllllgton 1--------- ced to

t5% DISCOUNT ON Sanyo Stereo, 8 treck & ct lnborrd. ~n\' alee· HOBIE 14. lllle new. In H 8 , b 0 u r B 8 y , 1076 Kawaukl KZ400 $337& Kaalno 8 ch. PA-heed, 125 STORE MERCHANDISE casselle player. 4 apkrs rFng Slat on m nFI top. garage, w/lraller S 1300. 7 1 4 • 8 4 0 • 5 6 4 s . 1850 or best oiler U watt RMS. 2 P .. vy cabf.. 140a0011 •••• 1 $300. 492· 6873 un c a nvaae1 . resl'l •Y• 54 8 · I 101 . e ve• 846-7768. . ____ 6_4_6-_1_1_12___ BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ntta w/ 1S"' 1pe1kere & .. paln1. Ve ry alable walk •;:,

360 6 R 19202 Beach Blvd. h 0 , n s $ 4 5 o / fl rm . ••JS Vi'H Lr•l••••I 1011 around Bay boat. In ax· (2 131430-8630 MOORING SO' NB main n onda • •Pd. uns Hnllngtn Bch 962·0829 042-8155 I ' ._tt.. 1010 ••••R••O'.'\co'~s·o•••E••·,· ,· · cell a nt con d $3500 . 32 ' Claulc Crutsrnft chann • 1. 1125 mo graall$600 0B02. - ------ - -- ,, .... "::t••• ATA I N L w 1 731 · 7900. Or 63 1-4754 549·4293. 957-09S7. 646-838 ' 80 Oataun 4x4 Pickup

PA Syatem. Altec, QSC, • •• ••••••• •• •• ••••• • • ta Pe s E •c a I con d eves. wknd1 Sloop Excel cond Bui I ' 'V 360 E 53 S d k Ch I * Mfl 1111• * Tapco, lncludee mikes. WHUTztl IPllEl $200/bst 01, 780-9321 Finland 1957. Cu1tom 4o · Sllp for pwr or 1811 w/ 71 amaha nduro · tu eba er amp on • 11750. 644-4005. Lt wood. $ 1100 Qf blSI BOS TON WHALER 13W 11/n~rF Lau.Ice IS / S dsltove. le t·down mqt. Balboa Sn-treecthlaeglnal,ru'nP1•r,elronp1g1. SS3p7510U2. QP1 /e5.92Nllc7e92car ., Gl ptotrtryebal,nhlmghetawlllltch .'whlDs

otter. 964-9454 IHI I 11 I 40 MPH Johnson. super n • 0 ISi ngy. CovH Avail now Flexl· · • · 13 • " Drums (Roge rs) 4 Pc , 1---------- I ,.,, •• cond w/ lttller. must set l Many t 11trH. Desperate · ble, 645·8 100 $350/obo 548.073 I I ti I I ti 4 comple te w/ shall , AM Dyno enare, 2 cymbal Electrlc Plano . Wurlitzer. 1 Lr•l••l•I 497.3331 muat IMlll $28,000 or bst IN

1 . ........,,, I .8 0 IT 125 Yamaha dirt ff ••H •• • FM/CB. ouages UM for

1t1nda, 1 high hal, Zlld~ yr old, Ideal for apt. ···~·~•••••••••• •••• 1---------- olr. 675-8391 daya. ''l ,._ bllo• •Int cond 5650 1946 Ford Woody W• · work or p I • v 11an & Patste cymbal8 + $850. 673· 8701 S.11r1l HlO A· Brlstol 38" C.C Connie -------- f 'L -·o gon, $13,000. BUT .. OON"T OELAYI "h rd re Good oond •••• •••••• •• ••• • •• ••• • w/sllp Completely refUr· PAOIFIO suoun " ,_ 0 B 0 5 3 6 • 0 ° 1 s 0 r I 1W73366) Ju at need re-

• 1 wa · •ulWll p•u•OI 36 ' Rlche rd11on Spo rt blahed, loaded. SSOOO ••••••• •••••••• •••• ••• 968 0597 S 3 8 0 85 7 1 08 2 - ..,. "FLICl<A".$1S.OOO. 4 )(811Cu11omslate poof 1 __ • ________ t929FordMCXlelATown ltable party t o make 873 06S2 • ' NONE FINERI Fa c to ry Fisher Sleeps 8. Asking DP · OW . tin (7 14 , Oennla 673·3533 deya table $500 Pleaae ca ll Kawaaakl 900 z1 1976, Seden, $10 ,000 small monthly pmt• No

• euthorlzed olearence $16,000. (213) 918·8437 675· 9146. 531· 1123 Id 1 1 1 All Brand New Eq·""menl. L I 3 d H~ nowt MELCRAFT SABOT 700-6234 I VN xlnl cond , low mlltl . 1963 St d bake • a II 0 con rac s Od8HUTek

...., as avs·-· v Wiii lradt 640 ac Sect. ' 78 25· Cabin Cruiser. nv. RIOOED FOR RACING many u traa. Must aee. u e r ,..v n · No back pmll ue "* :::i~~e~,~~:! ~!~.: * HUii * 17, T8S . ASE. Riverside bridge, VHF. ROF. dingy 2 sails. 1011 01 teak c~:;: 1~~:~,~~~$~~· 1_s_a_c_s _1e_oo_s_s_e_. _e4_9_1 ___ s_s_soo __ 8_7_s._s_1_6_1___ lor Rose 842-4400. Proto

'60 Toyota , xlnt cond. 29. ooo ml Radio . 4 •Pd $4 000 . 1· 795 · 76 44 , 1·797· 3696

,,., 1110 ............•..••••••. ' 77 Ford Ven Conv * MHT SELL*

SU MM ERTI ME FUN I Completely cuetomtied & sell-containe d with s ink , rel rlg . cablnat1. pottle . Custo m paint , wheels & much more 10 • aee. (1W7404) Juat need rellab le party to make small monthly pmts. No old contracts 10 assume No back pmts due Asl< for Roae . 8 4 ~ -4400 , Proto LIM witch , 280. Dean Merit· Beat seltcUon or most County ror sell or power Loaded S 14,000. (714) 1700 644__. 147 (2 131 438 0880 ·ea Ced Conv Orig owner. LIM.

makes of 0tgans , Leslie boat 833.00 13 Approx. 594-8'422 • f11/1111 ft1nl fl 11 nds lront end, susp & ley Pro- Mag acouillc Spkrs & Rhythm Unlls $50,000 - -------- 25 II MacGregor ' 81 lral· 11' Willllll Ill letl ••••···--··•••••••••••• uphol work Otherwise '71 TOYOTA 75 Dodge Window Van guita rs plck· up wt cast LIQUIDATION Sea Ray 245SDA 1980. ler, 7 .5 Honda. a•tras Jacuul Jtt , 350 Olds, 10 8 7 O ts ls 18 ·, ralr lg , gd shape s6oot obo. Longbed Pickup. ve1y Custom lint . seats. relrlg 150. · hura mlerophone Last calll Some popular Zodlall Mark 11 · wt 40 hp wto trlr . loaded Must E .. cellen1 cond $8500 hrs. muet see 10 eppre- 11ov1, toHet . sell cont.. 7141552• 1183 clean. (IP38260) $2450 644-4026 PE 585 w/caae, cord LOWREY & WURLITZER Marc mtr. 811 access & s e 11 s 1 8 . 9 0 0 I 0 Ir n- a le $ 1500 or bell. •3711 adaptor & s tand $100. models 81 our dealer trl r . mint co ndition 964. 5555 17• Sloop, 11lnl cond .. w/ c late l Tandem trailer . See at Newport Dunea "56CHEV2dr W<;jn. claan • Chev ·77 ~.T . sutler van , 649- 1076 ask for Bonnie. cost. (714) 645 ·247 I $3300. 548·9830 i-.-62_ D_o_r_se_1_1.-16_ t_1 -C-C-.-,-1. ~1•1'!;,~ 7 ~-S~~.J&~a ll. $5400. 8•6-5778 Aquatic Park. A Secllon. & c I ass I c $ 3 o o O . BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ~6~~;J~1~u1~~~~3 ~'~'.

Martin 0-28· 12 string, w/ lrll8 f Plllt OHier INFLATABLE S EVYLOR befgtast. 75 HP Evlnrude - -------- f: I or call An1werAd 676, 546· 154 1 19202 Beach Blvd 831.2750 herdcase , xln t cond. 217 E. 17th St., C.M. 10· ANTEC Never uMld OB Head Gatva n lzed 27' ILHP .!!~.'l'.!~'.~!~ ••••.•• 642·4300, 24 hrs 1949 w 111ys Jeepsrer , Hnllngtn Bch 982-0829 ---------1100. 957-8281 $100 536·8574 treller In weter now Sips 6. galley, dinette. + 11 •-J Restored, 11lnt running M 11 1975 o 1973 Dodge Van xlnt

• .. 1•1 11--.i1 1-~ .... ,.,,,Ht I A•ll •---'•• •itll usl s e ataun cond . $1900 1595 O/Jinl'ataJtlnl ~~-!.!.l.!'m'! •••• :'.~ INll #•tiH $2500 673-6833 menye•traa. S9900 Pvt Jiil II# • ~~· 1,r H- cond . S-4000 obo Pickup Grea1 condition Ne w port Bl vd C M L.J_,., •s SCUBA GEAR ~, ,., HJI MUST LIQUIDATE 26' party 673-8096 •••••• •••••••••••••• • • • ~HHllll - 960-4075 New t ires . shocks & 642·2050 •• ~:-"A-.•••••••• •••• Complete , $300 • • • ~:!f!'!....... ..... Weller e ll Nova wltrl r. 7• SABOT $300 ' 79 Campet Shell lor lhor1 Aj,'(:t;v;_•j;~k· ·,;;~;.· ~,; --.-0-t_M_E_R_C_ED- ES-- brakes Asking 12400 ----------

DESKS FOR SALE (7 14) 662.()907 Y11f •arlte llt41e Sip• 4 , xlnt cond. 1111 lmmac cond Must aeel bed truck 1200. or bet ton t o d iesel Rbll. • cyt. runs fine. bal cath Darlene. • 92· 3327 or 72 vw Van, re blt eng. iclnt Onks and matching $8 000 Uk • II PP 559-8790 ofr 902· 5453 transmluton from $165 o ffer 675-8972 83•-4575 cond s3 •5oo OBO chill'• at SllCfl!lot price Ice Hockey gear. compl $200. 554-1277 11

• 641· 1344, 54t-0608evs 11 1 5so. Replacemenl set. flt11 9-13 yr old SSO 12 . Apollo ln llallble ,

64517230 or



LIDO 14' plua trailer, rece #1l•ti1H Jlh1 1140 & up. ss4- l850 '6 2 Olds 88, 71,000 orig '71 CHEVY cost$2300. CALL DAWN 644-6989 1978. up to 26hp, wood 1981 18" Duffield electric equip If 1499 . excel ve'si>·..:·M·OPEO •• g~;d Autobody Student needs ml , good cond $t20 Long bed P ickup with 9-5pm M· F. 833-a600 300 Mag Waalhtfby 2 l( 7 1100< a transom, 1 11 ac · launch. Unbelie vable All co n d s 2 1 9 5 . 0 rt o cond Only 1200/o fr. pro)eets, ·10 to ·112 Imp 0 8 0 eves 84 1-07 10 aux. tank ( 1M15933)

Deak. b lack metal with Redfield Scope $700 ceu SSOO 551· 1993 :o~.11:~a~et;:~,11~,;,edp1 ' ~7~~10?24e6.-:11· d • ys 615-4792 & Domes tic sm cars , Illa ' 55 Chevy Bel Air wgn, $217& wood grain lormlca loP 631' 2877 2hp Elgin long shell. cenvu & uphol. . teax ----------1•92 PUCH-MAXI, b rend ~~~:~~::5;?':~'1un11r1 350 rebll eno runs >Cini, BILL MAXEY T~YOTA Mad• by S tt1lca1t . l:Jhop at home. ll"S easy 7'~hp Eloln. both $200 deck•. auweo. e vall. Im-

140 HOBIE CAT, 197 5• new. never used $450 2nd offic e 1erv lce end many extrts $ llOO 19202 Beach Blvd

$150. 548-8480 with ctutlfltd 842· 5078 S-51 · 1993 med $20.000 720-065S $850 6•" -8601 lea-,......, 213.9•• • •52 OBO 642•90H daya, I <>• 982 0829 :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:._.;;5;5,;.7 ·.;:8;;:64;;,0;,•:.;63;;:.l;.· ,;.7 ,;,;160;;....l,;;;;"";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' •;;;;· ·;;;; ...,,;;;;;;;;;;i:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"iii ... ~.,..--:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;..l..;63:;;,;1~· 8;;;;0;.4~0~eves George H nl nqtn .,..h •

1976 Dodge New paint. Mag wheel. never dame· ged. Excellent eond. S3. 000 COM 760· 8160

A l we y1 •ta l e I n CIHSllll!d· rHd lhe ad• every day 642·5678

Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line our famous DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE

• Bring them or mail them with correct c:Uh to Deily Piio t. 330 W Bay SI Cotta Miu. C A. 9'2626

• Each item mull t;e p11ced with no item over S50 20c per tine - SI 00 mon1mum

• No livestod1. produce or planll • No comme1c1al eds allowtd


FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678. ext. 319.

FULL mallrtH and boxlROUNO table 541n. made CABIN tent, sleeps tight . C ARPETIN G , Gre e n FOUR Ponlltc Trans Am CO FF EE labl e , solid FREEZER. motor runa , BRA SS fan llrep laca GAS barbec\Je $20 Small ANTIQUE llat iro n $ 2 spring•, perfect $25. rrom wire wheel. Resin carrylno cese, mleslng 12f1•13tt. ruet carpe11ng Honeycomb wheels $50 wood, llke new $45. End won ' t cool $ 20. Child screen $25. Large parrot corner ta ble S4 Step Antique paper autter SS G.E. clock rtdlo '4. Bird top. great for nautlcal or two p0les $50. POf'lable 111txt21t S35 ea. Heavy aacl'l 4 Trana· Am and tablt $35 . Wing back 161n . b ike with I ra in cege $40. 9•12 oval olive tables $8, TV stand $4 Antique drill press $40 C9Qe. tnedlumllleS7.50. country k itchen SSO typewrlter. caae l 50. 60)( loam carpal padding 2Z28 Reiley wheels $2S cha irs $ 30 each Old wheels $ 10, Twin bed gree n rug $30 Books Footlocker S20 WW tire Flor al arrangement Large table lamo-. nice 644-2770 relraC1or telescope wtth $ 10. GE wuher SSO. each. 4 etock ·77 Ca- fooled bath 1ub $35 lrame 15. Bed 11111, sat 25c· S I. Small wood wall G70· 15 $4. Bar 11001 $4 material . vases bases $3. Camping stow. llkt tripod $25 Small dog· Kenmore Electric dryer maro wheels with hub· 963·6824 15 511 high. child's allde shelves $ 12. Small wood Bicycle $15 AM clock t5c·SI Giit bOws 3 lor ,_ S7. Boye 20in. dlO FASTBACK pan with IJlle house $ 7 Motorcycle $35 .. needs minor repair c ape $40 Firestone $6 Stadium swtvel HI $5 cabln111 S 17 Clo thes radlo $4 Suri ll1h1ng Sc Colored ca ndles Sc bike $ 15 Boys 20ln 5 SSO. l/W parts Super helmet with 111sor S6 5 Brooklsoccerlhoesstze OR70- 15 S BR lire new ASSORTED toys 5c · S2 ttch Coffee ta blt $5 . 1lzt 7- 11 S 1· S5 Sult· spike S2 Can openers each Antique Journa l

. .. .• Beetle front clip $50 HI . 8 S6 s I fl I nd ., 60 5 Glrla CIOIMS and •hoe• E •s od I apted Schwinn .25 . back seata 140 .67 lghl gallon plastic t>ucketa S2 w m ns , s zes a .. uMd serlet 1 In nd ttbles S4 each cases • Wo aa11 s $ 3 . Stereo· • 15· 11 s and Bollle News I Sc Calh. 536-82e:l dOOt $

25 73 ·..,ht ~00< each Smaller size 75c small and medium $8 wide llrH $35 GX Cata· lOc· S2 Doll house s 5 Child "• b ike seats $4 $ 5 P ic t ur e l r amea Traverse rods $ 1 Plastic CoPY Two bltck padded , · '"' e a ch. Ladles elect ric pair Boy"s Dow,, )ecket. lyt lc converter $50 Hedst rom swing aet S l5 eteh. Ferilllzer epraader 50c· l 3 . lmllet lon tta ln roll -up blind• S 1 Pie · seat and back bar sloots

LARGE peg board $30. 145. 74 rear lender sio . shaver $ 7. Body shtper tlze 14 $7. All In &Keel· Green llvlng room chair 2849 Chlos Rd .. MtH 14 . C . B. antenna $ 3 glau limp $10 . Tennis turas . p icture framH SS each Electric grind Panel board• 125· A· Air cleaner 17 Jack s5. SS. Secretary' • swivel lent condition 494·8661 125 Overslzt<I floor pu. l/trde. ecrost lrom Ba· Toya and games 10c·S2 rackets $3. t2 Christmas 50c· S 3 Housewares stone $10 9 step plant :r'm:9 l~~ e:~• $iO: =~i~~~9::1z lenders chair $10. AM/FM head- BICYCLES S I0-$40 Roi· low $10. TV atand $10. IHrlc School In Coate Chll d ren books 25c glaates $6, Green throw 50c·$2. Pollery dlehes stelr way $3 Umbrella 00 1 • mega · phone radio new 1 10 · 6ft picnic lable S10 Mo· Mell. 9am-3pm. Coit hangars soc bag ruga $2-$5. 32x56 black Sc·SOo Toys and games teble $4 Asaorted hand ~1·.!:, ct;;:O~ 1:.~: A ECO ROS; H1,,de t the Automobile 1irea moun1: ~:u:~~I~ ·~;,. 6c~~~i torola AM/FM rad io $10. MEN"S ten speed bike. Alltf 9am Saturday Only. flrep la ce acrtan $8 25c-75c Lamps S 1· $5. tools 25c·SI 2573 Ox· u-rday a "n d Sunda y Messiah Vol 1 end 2 (30 ed. 165 SR15, aleel· S4·llO School clothes Thtrmalg m Ian clutch good condition $50 150 983 Presidio Orlvt MeN Brau lo.g basket S8 Black a nd while TV for lord Lane. Coate Mesa. llam-S pm . 3800 E . records). Bttthoven. belled $ 12 C70· 14 , SOc· S2 Jeans 5 1.s3 $ 10. GM to l/W wheel lb barbell set S5 0 de1Mar)CostaM9U Small bro0er $4.50 Sii· p1r1s $2. Saturday 1nd 557-3044 Saturday and Coaal Hlgl'lway C«ona Chopin, Mormon Taber- 580· 15 S7 each 560-15. New w ick e r baskets adaptor• 110 Two lleel 540-3811 ESK 125. Gu tanl( $20. urdayonly9am· 3pm 187 Sunday. c 111 a lter 9tm Sundey 9.5 def Mar. 075_'9041 o r nacre choir and more tire only 12 50 Medicine 50c·SI. Anllqut copper ~~~~·~~~O~ns!7z~ SLAB doors with hard· Chair 125 Whtelbarrow ~.:..3r:4~'1i~' · Coate 5• &·9085 _w_E_T_ b_a_r-(8_ 1_o_o_t )_S_• _5 87M107 rec<>fda 50c per record chett. no mlr'r :l M• pot S35 01me1 lt ·S2 complete with matueu ware ss each. Box of 1 20 . 5 46 - 0S2 t 252 GOOD po_ , mower $37 S• S-3922

962· 7689 181 1001

box 2 · Mo- PlcturH 12 Lawnmo_, box •Pring 1 50. Oak tc\.llplure tool• s 20. ·as Bowllng Grttn Drive. WOOL d inette Ut , 4 Heethkll scope $35 Two ---------C HA IRS SS·$ 8 ea c h . NICE solid cheat of 9 ped baakel. double 12 120. 7 10 Joa nn Street d ri.ftlng t ibia

150 Maverick front Nat flkt Costa M.... cha irs $43. 0 1co ralor woman·s t>lkes with bH· ENO ta bles s35. Otnlsh

Coc«!all labl .. S5· $26. Archery bow, no airing c M · S modern chair with stool Spanlth ~aOon•I lamp drawers with big deco- 1 5. Sand c lla lr ntads Oii• eea. 640•2033 new $45. Eureka upright p . u. 11,. 1 u 19 d : ( 2 , c h a Ir 2 O. Lam P • kell $35 and 125. Ole· 545 Electric OE 101519, table (need• rtllnleh)


011 or


a n d11881 ' · s$ t

5z0e webbing S 1 Room va- FOUR ye llow hlghback di- SOFA

150 Semaonlta ve cuum, work• 125 . 700· 141n ( 1) 000· 14 111 I S· l 15 · Wicker c hair hard 12 volt battery 128· ove~ $8 50. Bowling bell

$ 35 24 c oo kbook• nll nx n . por tztr S 2 50 2 - lb nlng room ewlvel ctia lrs 1

042.0882 1953Republlc 11 0 as ch (2) new 1 25 Wood drHfttl EJcldeO-vollbettary S20. with shoes S750 Han· 25c-S1 50 Paptrbeclta Two students desk. ltl we ights SI 50 ta ch S 15 Four p1nal room cerd teble $8 Chain · 5 Ava . Coat• MtN. 700· 14.5 tlrea for t ra ller '7· S 10. Stereo tptaker Portable 191n bleck and Ing lamps SS end S7 SO 2Sc--1 1."50 · Baby clothn :r;<:n~o~~ lkn~~~ :~g 3-AMP bart>eCue motM dMde r sis Light green ~~!=m ~~01~~:'5~0~.~~· ROOS e nd reel a a nd 645-6614 ~~P:~,B::~ron,i:_=; ~~~· si~.'!e •.. s~~.~~ gonfect1on ove n never 5oc. $ 3 . Brue candle ••ch Can dt ll ve r S3.50 Canff. adjustable bookihall 1 IO L.C . Eltctrle sander S t• . Ca· combina tions 14425. XL BABY cradle (wood) 111· 12S. 10 IPMd blkt $27 Mesa Follow Oak Strttt used s5 o Saber saw atldl1 $ 10 pair Bird pll· 831-3701 an"'lm. $ 2 tach Bowling ba ll Smith •llenl typewriter mtr• s2 Glau clown tong IOfln - t suit. new ctllant condition, ma t· Clothe• 500•1 7 CttPtl H It 1 $7.50 Hand saws S3 50 IOw9 13-$8. Glue •mpe ,. beg 18 lb $7 1 2 •~ lb $9. S2S. Bo)l lull va cuum dtca nttr i 1 20 ea c h $4 5 Volt i nd Viper remnant• Ill . 1112 w ome • llf pm and $4 50 Sprinkler n-$7 MCh. ~table tint STEEL olllca dHk $ 25. PlaSllC II- pot1, none cleanef' hONI S2 Foiir Hummtl 1 15 Madame super extra terge awlm Ching bumper P•d• . Balboa Blvd . Penn tn· SOFA bed na1da clea· $5 515 11\- 01ct1 ld . Co· 75c·S 15. Old 1nlrror Wtll fum81(_1 $50. Apart · over •Oc. Man'a 3 lpeed appllanct rollers $2. 14 Altunder doll• S l i lint S1~$2S pair. Large quilt . •heel. plllow SSO. trance alley. nlng Nall rtss llke new rona def Mar 640-7785 COOklel>C'es• M . Coolllog mtntllow$35 5 gsllon b ike, rear llrt nttch plectpunchbowtset$5 each Anti ue bed $50 duck foot nn se. LHd 63 t·0590 S60. 07l-0349 v 1 0 utenell1 ~-$4,fO . .-. l)C'Opane tank S20. 4 tuba mounting St2. l/W whffl Old bOlllH 20c·l1 Pie· DrtUet ssi Niie atanci sinkers 10c· 25e. Seoeca 250 WATI 2 trtln Amer. DINETTE Ml with 4 chairt AN bench stat 4 wetry 25o-S12. Clo1h .. 8tt nuoretcent llghl 1111 · oover1 S t.SO each. Rat· turn 25c·S1 81n wide , 25 Ctnnlng Jars (Ht hunting bow (45 lb) 115. lea,, Flyer lreln tranalor· 136 . Floor lamp S5. 10 MEN'S 80 topeldera. Cl· Quolztt tamp SSO. Btan 25o-A ~' Set of ,urt• $ 30 et ch tan flowlf baaktll 50c eyelet $1 yerd. Zippers, 1.,

1.;. ,. "''· h .. $3 .. ,..,, Huntlnj kn lf t St O mer s3o . Llontl trans· large 5 'A cu . h . May· 1ual1. dreee , whltt boot bag oh1lr S5 Cabinet

S I I 7~ ..... 1 1 1 et le • - · """' ""-• II I Shoes. all llke ntw $5 ..S8. $15. ()jneUe table with 2 4 1N4 butto,, f'MV•5 tyro oa m coo er <>Ci . uvllont. ma tr• , aat S3 Mt Rar"'utt bell rec: 548-100 atlamoon1 and IOttMr 110 045-7878 ower mov ng carton•. $15. 7 c'Mo e.varl•n . AM 1•1>19 radio S5. Bed- S1c-50c. Dolls 50<;-$25. • .. ,.-t blk tvenlnga 12 H Cih. Mtl•I utlllty AllO fishing oole•. reel• IH Vtl $15 Sklls with fl'\111 QAPt tndauotrw M TIAES lllce ,_. 4-H78x15 i ldt clock a $3.5 o. $2. Dlahts. radio 10o· l 8 quet - " · oP e car. · SCHWINN sport 28 Inch lablt $2 Conaolt TV, 1&·$32. Teckle b011. lltmS blndlnga $15. S ki boots ttoh . Otd fftfla OI• .. on 0 M. chroma eport 1506 Dorothy Lan• . Ladlta clotht1 10c-S2. rler 1 15. VW bumper $3. O~A 100 dothlng lttm• b lkt 135. Otep lrttu, nltds repair 1 2 Sllur· 25c· l4. 5 • 8· 0932 490 15. Toutllf $3. Popcorn 15.s to. Plcturt1 SJO rlma l60 ~If 2· H78x14 Newport 8tach. 220 C amtll la Lant . Saturdty . Sunday . S t and under. Good kid• emall $35. BrH k down d a y t -2 pm 20 8 I 'A Co111 Mt u Street . popper 15 Touttr oven MCh Mirror llTIOll 110 OtH)ff road on Ford $35 Colla Mua Saturday 20892 Hunter Lan t . clo1hts, Levi oordt, O.P. b ike $36 545-34 15 or Tuttln Ave., Costa M... Coal• M.... S S Ntw dlahu a nd S t• riln tll~9f, ooni pa ir 185 - 701114. POOL equipment· Uatd 9 .. 4 Huntln gto,, Btach . 1 2 . Adulu clo lhts 957-8178 LADIES h 1 gl111were S S · S 1S 13

. * lOO . 31 .. 0 PCl•v 175·70x1 4, 145X13r•· twotlmeallkenew 1411 (BrookhuratandAtlanta). SOc -15. Ol d French SEWI NG macl'lln l S25. bHc ,cru1tr Bo oks 50c Double • • • di I S 10 1 20 h Fl t 1t d CLOTHES 50c 150 Tup • ., ·-o. e•~t •- NEW Rip Curl -t1ult $50. l<l t chtn table and 4 b lkt $50. Olrl 1 201n headboard $10 Yellow

Street, Newport 8"ch. • s • • • 0 • e i1mts e r 8't n er SOc • T · . • TWO 2811 aluminum t lC· doo,. • 1• •-" · ,_ r... POfl· t -cnt> wtll'l mattr... chairs S50. ThrM limp• aUngray llke $20. PIHtlc Cor"9r o f WHtmlntlllf 070x1' 115 New Chry· Poll. IHI ,,., , • Ott hott. perware . outer•. ttnalon ladders $40 broom• 15 a nd f " · a nd bumper pad (Btatrlic $12 H eh. Cofftt table baby bll<a carrier $3.50. ~ullt 17. F1bt1c lor qull· and Clay S.tutdtl)' only tier, Plymouth alternator vacuum with awlvll, Ille allverwao"·1d2lo•hta. glaaa- tech 2011 alumlnum Hoover vtcuum 15 . Poller) ISO. E11calltnl • 1 .. . N1Aht 1ablt I t"' Fl· Car top carr ier 15 50. 1 no 11 bag. Flool r lamp ..____. · 135 . 9'x10.5 wtlllt 8 hole bruah. tt1t k it. a lgae ware 5 C· · Luggage walk · plank 125 Two Glrlt 241n blkt 120. S• 1 TV • 2• • " "" " p205 7.,R t• di 1 ti S2 . Clock radio 7 Baby _ ...... pm. G. M. p ickup rim S 111. bruah, t81n w•ll b ru1h, IS · S SO Album• and ladder )aclts se each wing machine $25. l(ft . Blllci< •,,d Wh 11 • " llng cablott $20. Bfk:k• . • " " re • re awing with 120 1200

T.V. 19 Inch blK~and 831-37 MJ'/1frM, all ror S50 002•7680 boo ka 26c· l 5 . Brua 848• 1423 · c'*' tl,,k In oa~ 120. Boyt Down Jtektt with (10) 11 tOo MCll. Thr" SI: P 225· 75R l 5 radlt l Cla y Strett . Newport whit• por11bl• Ztntttt headframt I 15 Baw;h Dulclm.r kit 125. Toyt, 1lp out llMwl 135. ,_.. l>Oarda S4 MQh. Blender tlrt $7. 50. Sktleboard Beach. 842-3948 8olld State. wortla PIW· EARL tPort•ltt hl-aeat BOY' S 10 •Ptad 2•1n. chair S 15 . 8~c11 115 BIKE fairing $35 box $26. atm9I 10c·S3. Gotf baQI aorttd bOyl dothet. \ltl · $12. Four large cut11lon1 13 . Blkt parte 26C· l5. *1 M5. 9'~71.. ffl· SIAy l>tl $20. Tank bike 140 New ham1111f Drtptry 1 10. Sunday 35mm 150. l/W partt 26c: S1 50 1 10 19H2 dtrwMt and anott S l -$3. S10 each Two e"-!vea 645-.Sa30 TWO couchta $45 aacm.

10. lnetrum1nt• 150. c•r end a cctH orlea 1025 E. Balboa Blvd.. 1 1·110 Lffthtt h11 bOx Quiet B~ S..ci1n tr11C1 Everything In J.rMt con-- wood 110. Garden tab~ GOLF baQ and cluba 120 ~:Osoe~o~=~= QAS Of' Oi...i ..0 fll<x1 81Malt5 . TaJlllgt\1110. $1 . NWO-'vtnlttdwlr• 8elb0a. S10. WoodchalreS3·S5. Enltr "'-•' P Harbor 011· d ltlon C a h ,,ly. 1t42 112. Scale ta,llPhoenla 'banlnnttt). Te nnie rec · tac .. Lou1 s aat 12• l-*'30. 0lrtl*•.,.., 14MIM5 amall ,,,1m a l ca g• Clolh bo k 5 .a3 .,.. " 8 .. Anaheim Avt . ~.i.-.... s50 Iron 212 ~ '-· 1 " • .. . *""'· pert1 120. P fe>o t8l!30ln 1111. 4. 141n. mag CAMP oot• St. 01\ and ••· 0 • 0 Ooldtn West Huntington Cotti M .... Nt'1 OMV , .. ,.... · · quet 5· Box of'°" back Lam S 15 Mell Ot~e h119I \lritll fl'•!"•• 11. LAZ·E·BOY recffNr 145. rim• tor Ch9VY 180 all. wa1eroolor or ig n al1 :::.:4~'· Coale MtH. B .. ch S aturd•y •nd 031 ... 274 =II s~7;·~~ewport booh (80) 15. 816-5194 •t t:&. SIOf. benCtl COUOfl 120. 8tove • 21. C°"*'ll peroolator .... 4 Cun only t 79-041M ar. 13· 160. Toy• 11 ·$10. Sunday. • • 15 GALLON .no w 1qua· 150. P icture• S1 · U . A9cotdia 25o-15, Df'lilMr lllCa touter M. 4 t0UP ttt t _.. Sutlboerd $50. '80 Ford DINETTE . tablt 140. e C HWINN ra~' a b lk• ROTO· BrOll S tO Ntw DAILi. Pf'tA $30. All kinda rlum 116. t ilt 1p .. ktr SCt\ool bench '14. <;llMt l1L ~ 15 .. mp. 15, muge and '** S4. Pie- van Mtrl• W MCtl. Men Chaltt 136. Ant!Q\le QOI· h& ()jtMI IMWW9 clun l ng pr o duct• of t > St~aso. Tow bar .with 30 ai mtgOe\ 112. of drawer• $45, look· ~ 110.$30. Oto- tin fremet 11 ~ 12 KITCHEN Ml: Table wf1h and wornen lttOI Clothft ~Olk Chair 135, Men' • 2~12. 180. 2 It . Cotta 5Qc•I 1. W•lg hl• and 110. (OOI boll• 1~135. Two llln JSL ~ ... .,. . OOH SllO. Tape dlolc Ind ttl9 1( Chelf 110. '4&-8135 tf1• '111t11 . butctltr ·b+ock•rcllnlth U · UO Craft1 . p in• olothta am•ll to laro• Mlltl 831.,.2ee ~Ml l&O. A4IGOfdt Avon bOt11H 11-120. QOOd ahapt 112 Lad ... epeetters MS Wt/A tflelf ON"- $ 1. Couctt •nd DE.SI< u . 8ookceM Sii. on toe>. NI of chaltt, con11 , old bottlet. 26c .S2 Ntw double 60c. C lothing 50C·l3. lllowtr toola '8 · 150. Samaonltt nan CI beg, '30. iMY chair and Ot• cMlr Mt •&o. Cuetom Book• He Toy ChHt orange vtnyt with •OOd 25o-U 169t Pond«ou bed1prttd1 18. Aug• OVER 800 llMd m.ttt>tty· Boe*• 25c Ind 10o. t!nd OoOf l'Mlt &oc.Sl. 'ltfl never uffd, wltll keya. tom an I U . Ant lQut i!'Cluroy drapta S 10. 1 15 , &edfn mt S 1 O. a nd metal trim . Qood 8trtet. llOc-17.00. W811 llMlflnp l lCa l bOOllt: -lp lrllual. 1tb ... 17 and I 10. Bit• ,..._ 11415. Ttunkt '6 b!\19 In oolOf 111 Citn· atandlllQ lamfl llO. 724 1ne Monrovia. Cott• Hammock wit" •t•nd condition S20. 5311· 11311 FANCV &penlth 111, • 1 S10. ~ry 211c41. La· Chrlatlan, lndlan. Miro- .. 11 Swtapmut1r I•. 4· 1'41n mtG wtltel• and vin e Teu1 a ow b oy ~ w. 1tt11. 00t1• MIN. ....... IM6-mt 135. Mtttl ..,...... S10. C LASS IC man' a 261n, etch . Wood c lltat of d l11 Lo ndon l'ot •II loOY. PNtotoohY. Parap. UfQt c. ettmlo p lt n ttr tlret 120. 22 1 t! . 11th bOOtl all teetlltr. hefCllV 8 •hlnCI liquor •tor•.

C• roof radt 116. l'old· bftCh CIN- wllll tank dr•w•tl $00 H Ch O.· ""'"*coat ..... .ta. 1ycholog~. PayohOIOGt. S20. Lamf> 13. YtPOt'-' 8trtitt , Cott• M.... \!ltd, alZ• 11-11\' aao. IC!toM from S tllet lfoe. 7f011uftk ~lfliOMIOtl. 1no tel>I• I U . s ew=ln HO. 1.ao111 8cl'lwlM cor•tor 11111111 daoor 800111 10c· 75c. u•• Medloar a nd 8tlf· ll•1Pi •4 . can optn•r 11. ITIA!O o.t\llh mod«n, CO· AX 01bl1 100 ft . 641·H7a ~ i;:A';:f'· very labile J5, htbe4.. . bllle "45 Boyt tnC1 glna h•rdware H •l40 Im· {'°'flet~O.-l~.~ ~ ~ trid,_~,1h~ Cnrtttm11dt, .. S4 lro wlln..,, wtth Oalfttd ,.. htmud~ d iving ~· OOSTUMI ~ 1• 1<t,

ltPe••"- ~. TV • 20ln. bit• &25 and 135. Pot1ed decorator ·o u1· imp • . 1 t • c on, Y n I t , nlng bO•r 12.,,.Challng OOfd player 121'l.- long ""'P" 911 ... • • • gold ~ cNilM FO-.O ,..._ rimM dOOf t•tllrd'Y ••"'· Corne r 81kt l*1a: Wfteelt. ,.,,,._ = Co11• M• ... cornet of poetry 1 11 nova • · dltf\ u MecSlclM c.l>f· 0 ~ 111 e 1110• l•nt •h•Pt t12. O.lc9 lftd ""•l,ce• tl· t1'. ~. fl afctt SM, ~ tnd W1t-11ont. "'" and tubea soc..te. d•I• ,,. •tone 1n lm11 !MN Orl\OI, 2fc· l 7. 71'4't w. 1t1n, fl•I St. Lamp 13, •aa C con o AM/ FM r9Cllo fro m 'tt .. II• 11•11 , l 1rrt110• .._.__AAA, .__ Coron1 d e l Ma t . Living r OO'"' cl'lllrt • 15-aao Deco- u 10rot1from 81at••oe. Emeraon ttr"t, New· M.a ~1201

flonllac , worlt• i"~'1 ~ . ............ t,""11 .._ _...,.... - · ,_ • ~I ''' rator""'9CI C>tmboowall "° ND.~« I , · bel'llnct llquor • tore . pon 9ead\. ffi*ln anct NIW batbell tft tnd Ou• QlOftlPIM9'Wltl\~tl0'9aM t1.60.i",... ..... ~74 r.= .re..11t1 ~ 1r: :::: ~each ..... lmall ..... ,..,, ::; 6"&-t&72 or lft..5021 lttt}. 145-1171 ,., .. eancfl ,,... h•tnH• tao. Chrom• ~· l!ltld•y Oftly auo • • ht d I I 50 78 "°9 lab>e l!Mt.. bWI ~ "°"' 01

Sl•.H ,._.. Pff1 ''" "' IO '"t nutt. Ot .. 11 ..... ~----..... ...., ~ ...... trer 111. 11 oo I o• o . Ne'!'POr1. t13·12t5 01' AO. Jape,.._ doll Wfttt DAAK wpOd OHll S•5 . l~llT'INL ... .,c:fltln 1 -~'°!"9. --'lent tlll • · 20 Cor •10. 80l.IO.oocl~delll ;;; ...... ;;;;;::;::·= · ;:;::===::.&ii:::::::::i::::::==:=:---~·~cr!R;l":a.ln ror Hin~ ~3--t1'!._ ·- out NO. t1t·8021 t65-ttn taO Mdtl t4M111 . !]I.~-=- f 4"""3lfn ........ tn


- . I ~ 1 I • J ~ , \

r I I \l I I

54l>- 1 l00


:....•~"'-4•~i.i-~ ..Wlll!!!ll~~4-·-- ' 79 BMW 3201, 4 spo. A/C,

38' Scarab 79 White with sunburst stripes, on trlr, gar since new . 370 h p. 4 bolt mains, $64,500.


3404 Via Oporto Stile 4

Newport Beach lll-1100


HeaYJ Duty Boat TarP.aulins

2' I 40 ... -...... $n M 1 ss .......... ms JO I SO .......... $145 50 I 100 ........ $390 so I 120 ........ S~7 SO I 150 ........ $562

ll 1 11 --..... SZJ 1' I 20 ..... _ SJZ 20 I 20 .......... $3' ll 1 24 .......... "' ll 1 32 -........ SSO 20 1JO .......... sso

Befote r.tdnipt Sept. 26

Viking Ind wall eend any of lhc above boat 1i~c tarpaulins to any reader o f thl1 publication who reads and responds to tlua tHt before midnight. Sept 26 Each Tarpaulin Lot C#Z-18. PVC) is cot111trucled of high denmty f•brlc (w1lh virgin gr~e ~ta. supplied by Gul f OtJ Co . Dow Chem ical Co. and Union Oil Co.) wath ltit.cMd heml. cl~ically welded .earns, 100~ water pr oof, # 4 ( ~" dia ) metal 1romm et1 set on 3 ft renters wath reinfora!d trial\iUlar romer i-atches and are recommended tor all hl'avy duty use. alJ yacht.a and uiJboat.a, and all bulk or p;illet ridlng materials, and Wiii be k't'Ompanaed wilh a LIFETIME guarantee lh•t 11 mwt perform IOO'JI. or at will be l'l'pl.c:oed frtt Add $7 handling and cr•tlng for each tarp ordl'red. Vlkln11 Ind pays ell shipping Should you wish lO rl'turn your tarpauhna you may do IO for • full l'l'fund. Any ll' poltmarked later than Sept 26. will be re turnl'd. L IMIT : Fifty (50) tarps pl'r addr"8, no exceptiona Send appropriate llWTI together wi th your name & addrete to: Tarp Teat O.:pt. #600E, Viking lnd .. 8314 Santa M onice BlVd .. Loe An~lcs, CA 90038, or foe festal wrvlce from any part of the oountry call collect before midnigh t 7 days a -k.

Ul.L OILLIOT (211) 412-1114

(Aak operator tor> TARP TEST #600E

Before mldni,ht, 7 myw • week Kave credit card l"Mdy

FlllUIUll 31 This 197• model old world motorsalll!r w /M hp Perkins came ~r ~ At.anuc on its own kffl ' A l'l'al singll' handhng long di.Stance r rulM!r wt~ & outaade stttnna For sale! at half the replacement cost. Fln&llC1ng available Aakmg "5.000

10111 YICllTS 3700 Newport Blvd. Ste 303 673-U 71

.c.~ /~


A111st llew ht 11 s,.ow E41t111s


34195 Coast Hwy., Dona Point (714) 411-1211

sunroof, AM/ FM casset­te, S9300. 549- 1217

·7 1 2002 - Xlnl cond See to apprec $3500 842· 4274 or 840-4853

'67 2000CS, 25.000 ml. on rebui lt , snrl , must sell $3900. 768-4572.

' 78 3201: Auto, Sun rl. Blau AM/ FM Cass. New Brakes. new tires. $9000 obo Janet, 675-3656

' 79 3201. red, &Jc. am/Im cau. mini cond. $9200 646-2088

f~1.r! .•.......... !.~!¥ Capri '76. V-6. auto. Al c . P/ B, P/ S , xlnt $2195 pp 548-3844

'll DITSUll 210 Runt greall Very cleanl (391NLQ)


19202 Beech Blvd. Hnllnotn Bch 962-0829


* TWll Z CUI* A HIS AND HER MODELI 1 Auto .. t 5-speed 1tlck, both have Lux. Pkg w/ pow. windows, air cond .. cruise & have plush lnte· rV>rs. W iil sell one or both (068ZSR) ( 150721) Just need reliable par1y to make small monthly pmts. No old contracts to a11ume No back pmta due Aak lor Rose 842-4400, Proto LIM.

'll DITSUll 310 01lu11e Llltbeck , very clean. (#6059)

$2875 Bill M AXEY TOY OT A

19202 Beach Blvd. Hnllngtn Bch 962-0829

'11 DITSUll 210 W i t h automatic , a i r cond . & lesa than 8,000 actual mil•. ( 10UI079)


19202 Beach Blvd Hntlngtn Bch 962-0829

1110 DlTSUll 210 5 1p1ed trenamlulon. tow mllea, exoellent con­dition. clean , AM /FM radio, 2 new tires. '83 11-c1nae paid & MUST SELLI Cell 675-3017 or 642-0138

'78 280Z. 5 apd fuel lnj, aunrool . 49K. $5900 obo.

ANGELIQUE'S BOAT INTERIORS [)ya 979-0500 )(8S8, eve ll you r1ffd new cushions. curuina, bedApr.oda. d 4-81 88 flu~ sheet.a, uphobtery. cupei., I.h i. I• the ' 79 280ZX OL package, p~ et a pricoe you can afford! 27.000 ml Mini cond.

FOR FREE ESTIMATES 645·6166 18900 875.&241. 435 W. 19th St . Coato MMa ' 8 1 2eozx GL pkg wll ·

,5iia8;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;m;:;;ii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~W=~====~===~====~ top. llvr blue, •W• clean. iii t ake oYef peymenll. P.P.

32' BOAT GI &O' ........... lt1dl moortnc.


C.O. Iv mag, 730-9321

·eo 200SX, auto , etc. em/ I m , 28.000 ml , •liver blue, grut cond 18200. 552-8803

·79 280ZX. euto. ale, amt Im 11treo, greet cond. '7400. 552-6803

' 77 Oet1un 280Z. AIC, 4 • Pd .. AM/FM, Kini cond. Low mllU $ 5200 , 552·5297 IV9I

'80 280ZX. T-toP, 8 ll)d, etc, xtrH, btl ut. l llV/ grey. OL Pkg. Take over feH• p ym11 (2 yre) 11 1336 or buy ou tr ight SH80. 840-3818

For Cl.Ufted Ad ACTION 01111

OellY Pilot A0-~180~ 84JMS8H

- ·--- ---- -Orenge Ooall DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Auguet 29, f982 ( ' t)


l • ) iv ~I ' I I I ,, "'

S.Hd ,I AllJ •, '• .' l !I

'81 Porsche Super 90 Sunroof, rebll eng, very clean $6100 or o ffer 891-0523

$345.42 per month plus tax

48 mo nth c lo sed end lease on approved cre ­d I t Cos t - $1 5 . 375 . $652 t5 cash requ ired Come In and ask tor de· tails' ( t 6924 1

IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street



Orange Coast Jeep Must Liquidate Its New Jeep Inventory!! You Owe It To Yourself To At Least Test Drive A New Jeep

At These One· Time Prices! 2 DAYS ONLY! TODAY AND SUNDAY!


•r« '82 lllP Cl-S'\ S\0,473 SER .2951

SER. 3573 Sl0.538

SER . 2949 s\0,650

OE.Mo SER. 3535 Sl0,867

SER . 5655 sn .206

SER . 3253 Sl'l,051

SE~ - 3'261 S12,477

SER . 5658 S\l.747

SER. 3263 sn.'261

SER. 3255 S13.tl98

SER. 3257 sn .001

SER. 5464 Sl\,3\9

SER. 2oos $\3,109




SIB,832 Sl5,254

SIS,366 SIJ, 125

Sl6.5J9 S14,071

$15,659 SIJ,Jr2

0 a - ____, _____ ------,--.,~=

( '8 Orange Co 11 DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Augu1t 28. 1982

~ ... ~. ~'!!!.'!!. ...... ~ ... ~ ... ,.!fr.!.'!!....... ~!'·"' .!'!r..'.'!I. •••••• I~~' .......... ~~!~ r!!t!!!~lt~ ••..• l.~~f Y!l~!.-:~tt!. ••••• l!lf

Oal•• tier.IC• l H11t111 19 70 VW Squ11• b ac: ll '14 WW O&Wll

~!.'!.11.1/.•~ •••...•••• ~1.'!!1.¥1!1. •••••••••• ~1.'111.¥11! ••••••.••• ~--.~1.V!!l. •• , ••• u1•

Mlf. •......•. ... I.~ f~~l!t •..•••..•• l.~H 9/l!l!ttl!t ..••.. 1.~fl r11.IJ!! •••••••••• l.~f Ulllll&OI Su n • oof . 11110 11 • n • . 0000 cond, no ~Int ••• 1112 Miil llLL HWU 1111 ILllllllLI '12 TIHI Al

E'.L• L .. v1ng USA ' 71 Ca OITUll &•PRiii Pow wino & loc:k1, 1111 lltllll 1u111 gooo U 200 1.all l tbOO/obo 831~6 IJ l•I040 4ft-4f4f IH3 94"8 between 8 1 1074Rug H C4111tnt Cond.

~ maro new r1ctlal1. 1Uver, coupt Aulo Iran i auto cu11 ''' · c rullt ITATIH WAIOIS 10 1000 Xl Nl CONDI economical dlHtl Po""t' tully tQulpl*f (644&32)

--- -11'" tll r ougll Oul Atd WI

80 4 Wllldrl¥tw•oon. Ol 6110ug AM1'M t H• 1un1 b l e o k l nl 12 5 0 0 10 S 3 9 O O ' o b o P t P a 1010.01 (2642) Anr.c SU 1 •H .. IJ + t11 8S7 2070 live cai l Cap coil I 12. 100. ttal ·

To Ohoo11 Fro111 '76 Cem1tr l), IUIO. un/lnl llLY 141111 dual 183&7 oe. IOl• I 01 A II up 11 0 " • & c 0 10 ,, red low ml, great co111.1 llWAlll OlitYrtltt p,.ym1nt1 lot 48 mon1111

Cu1tom, loaded 16000 good, no1 PllOI, $1400 845 2:175, 875-8030 845 6425. 642-3 40• 404 6111b _.._

f1nt1 1116 . 71 BUS, rebll eng •111/lm • • ,.. ... . . ... . . . ... ... C•••. radial• S23601oun

'll OHYllTllLI excel. c: o11d 57,000 ml. 16995 Daniel 831· 8541

1va1labl• llurrv. wlllle S:OOO 552· 01103 Dove/Quall Si t St 1 , ~88 + t•x

• •ltcllOll IHt• C.t• lllll 1110 NEWPO!\T BEACH Wt'rt Dt1ll1~ • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 111·0111

'88 wracked rlghl elOt, SEE US FlllSTI '11 OHSSIDA 54s·692 t Loa(led wltll auto power ' 79 VW Convtrllblt, ltO· 11.,,1ng. Air cond tit· red 3 veara On1v 2800 BUG , run• 8 r ••I OllllH OOH ' 78 Cut1a11 Supreme

19001080 5411· 1 47. AIO/ JHP/HIAILT W• 1111\'I. gooo HllC· * ... , HLL * rto, ale (884UXS) tllllb A rara ont for Ille 64 BUG, rabulll tnO-;; 2524 Hart>Ot Blvd . C M 11011 of NEW & USED SUPREME DELIGHT ''

.3188 Bu g lover S 10 500 528 ·47 t9 breku . llrtl , clutcll 5• 9 8023 846-7770 Chevrolal ll llow you'll IHI eltar Ori

BILL M AXEY TOYOTA t9202 Beacll BlvO

Hntlngtn Bell 982· 0829

' 7 t Toyota Stellon W•· gon , Runs good , xlnt con d, $ 10SO / oller 841· 2820 or 836-6724

$ 1500/ 080. 588· 5 110 111ng 11111 lullv equipped M111t ttll lteve me11•ge '84 RAMBLER 8 cyl Xln1 m1d1111 wllll onlv 48,000

'11 Rtlt OtlV 1111 .72 BUG Good cond. motor & Irani. nHds mllet, 1111 wlleet. Landau omllm tape, 29,000 ml .. $ 1550 . . brek11 and tlree roof. wire wl1Ht1 & morel Orig owner, lmmac cone.I S<19 •8457 ~$~15~0~~~~6~4~6~·8~4~8~5! Wily settle tor teas, enjoy Rog gas $7,000 OBO ---------- _ botll economy & com· 673-2643, •97· 3249 ' 70 vw Fastback l•itk 1110 -"--:---:-___________ , lorlf ( 1BEZ9131 Ju11

NHOS llelp $500 • • • •• ••• , • ••• • • • • •• • • • '89 CHEV ELLE need re liable perty 10 ' 78 Corolla SAS. al e, am/ 73 VW Supet Beetle, Sun Alt 6 pm call 640-8520 SEE US 4 OR SEDAN $900 make 1mall monlllly Im stereo, lmmec 26K Rool. Mags. N- Paint 842·808S pm•• No old con1r1c1s

ml only. $3500 731· 8630 s257s obo en-11~ ·7~1 ~~~~1 !,:"~~~:! ~~l~~~,~~g~~· n8."~ ~·~ 7- 9- Cneveue 4 ,-p-d-. .. - kt-ng-

1 ~~,:·~~:'~akNl':,, bReo~ '82 Toy Cellca. every op · MUST SELL 1970 VW CV & upholstery Am/Im used Buick• In Orange $2600 Call John. 842-4400, Proto L I M llon $9,000 Combl Bua New eng, $27SO, 960· 2823 County todllyl S52-0328

7 • 760 393 •Int price Call me toduy. - -. -- ' 80 Toronado diesel, dk ,.,. • 1 7S2· 11s3 72 VW Super Beella. • lnl 72 Cnevy Luv wlehell new brn met 48K miles •Int

'69 Corona parting out mechanical, new 11111 & ~ point . xlnt mecll cono . cond wl;e wllls loacteo Call & 1 m's ·72 VW Bug. x1111 paint. trans $2300 497.4153 lqts o f xtros. $2,800 58000· PI P 77s: 1s9s ·

" g body & eng, new 1ao1a111 642-04S2 alt S 83

1• 1s97 $2300 49S·9S27 all 6PM ' 7 1 Camper Needs pelnl ----=-

I $ 8"S 1980 Cne11e11e. AIT, AIC. '81 Omega Bmugllam. 6 ' 79 CRESSIOA, must sell, 7 P Runs very wel 1 • AM / FM

19K ml $' tOO cyl, 2 dr. wilt w/ tan lnlr

l ast, excel cond nu llras. 4 VW Westlalla OP· Top 213·S92·2 t 10 " I In Or.,. C-'V .. '6K II I ceml)ilr extra Clean $S • S48-432 1 m es. wi re wll a.

a. magnon pontiac / subaru HarbOf Blvd II Fair Of

In Colle Mesa 549 ·4300 549-1457


* MUIT SELL * I SU MMERTI ME FUN I Mldnlglll blue met . vt· l our buckel sea11. con· sole, all powtr e•tras. 1111 & morel ( 1BCB2621 Ju11 need reliable potty 10 make amall mon1111y pmta Nu old con tractt 10 anume No back pm1a Oue Aak tor Rosa 842-4400 Proto LIM

78 T1an1Am 32K 1 Owner 6 6 Mlcll car-go gBS ml

Full pwr $6900 640-0394 $6000 S36·0973 000 63l-8646 • 1973 THING mint cond 292S Harbor Blvd - --- $6500 PI P 775- 1S95

1 $3000 or beSI oflar Days COST A MESA C•r'l.1111 1925 - A t V d fri••#. 116 61 BAJA runs gd S650'0r 966· S232, eves & wknds 979-2500 ••• ••••••••••••• ••••• '79 Ol~s Osl w~on. to~·, • • ". .~~ • • !! ..... ...... . • •• · ·~ •••• •• ••• • ••• • • best oiler. 83!·9387 '69 Cnrysler 300 All po- deO mmec ust se

11 l1tlttlrt 963·S856 ---------•--------- wer. good cond Lo ml $6850 644-0837 29k I E II h '75 Skyhawk 2 dr, ntchbk , I NABERS cond mS3.0~eO~~ mec ' 7 1 Squareback . needs '11 IEETLE 6 cyl, pwr , AC. Burgundy $ 1,00 SS t -8296 al1er 6 1972 Vlata Cruiser Station ~ .,

673•6438 dllleren1lal, s1sot o tr 1 o wner . low mileage, w / blk & wilt Int New PM Wagon. 8 pass Full po· j ( ~Al)ll ( \~ 548-3194. 64S-3i 46 new paint , mint cond, tires & bauery 36,000 CollilllHll/ 1130 wer. air cond New ltres • J ~I '- ,

'64 Triumph Conve1llble S27SO obo 499- 1882 ml. $2200 S4S· 7983 •••• • •• • ••• • • • • • • • •••• Exc e1111nt cond $1250 Sport a 6 Good cond 70 vw Bus, re bit eng . '82 CONTINENT AL 080 646· t289 $ 500 968 6 3 eeds I 0 0 k ' 70 Bug or1glnal Pllnl, Centuru Stat ion Wagon . ------

1 obo. · 14 " m n 1 w 1 ' * MIST SELL * --72 OLDS 98 $780 $ 1 8 O O /o b o R o n runs gOO<I $l 4SO ' 78, Must Sell! $2300 ' 73 TR6, nu eng & clu1c 11. xlnl cono Hard i soft IO'PS . $4000 /o lr S48·8110

' 78 Sp i tfire Low m l .

63 l -9069 642·87 t7 S49·0206 Beautiful new body s1v1e. Days 64 t -2673 similar to Seville bu1 de· Eves 644· S469

·10 Converhble. 1as1 o l the true convertibles, all new mecn $3SOO 64S-2 10 1

7 1 VW new engine Mo- 81 Bulcl< Regel lid all v1ng out o f state MUST options except sunrl. iow SELL841-0316 w holesale book

signed w / llmous l ne comlort Lu•ury Int. & 80 Toronado. Olds. incl comple tely appointed sunr I , low wllolesele


super101 cond 1n1o u1 $3200, 5S2-18S7

7 2 VW Super Beetle , su nrl . AM / F M cas s. c lean, good cond $2300 759-0701

Volvo 1111. _4_9_5·_S6_o_i ____ _

••• •••• ••••• ••• ••• •••• C1dil/1e 1115 # 1 Ytlv1 lt1ltr • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• ••• •••

Incl. elec Inst panel & book 498"6601 1979 CADILLAC entrv sys tem Auto . w 1 ' 79 CUTLASS LS , V6 . ELDORADO COUPE overdrive 10 give you auto . AC . 4 5 K ml . great gill mileage wnlle $3900/ 0BO 64S·7202 driving In s1ylel Jusl need Terrs $99S S51· 1440

79 Triumph TR 7 convert , w lllte, 2S.OOO m l 11lnt cond Ex1ended warr AC . AM / FM cass. $ 7 000 SS1 ·2 t9 3 o r 5S2·9S49

11 Or111• Ct11tyl THE LARGEST 74 Bug xlnt cond . nu l rr es & paint , SSK o rig m1 $2900/ bst 963 -63 13 or dys 673·4186 Louise

r!!~!.'!~I!!' •.... .!.~~~ Whit:~a~ ~~JJ; 1$7350 '76 RABBIT 645-8272



Int/ext like new runs ------greet , stereo S259 5 ' 79 Rabb•I . xlnl cond · 1966 Harbor Blvd OBO Mike 631· 461S tuns reg gas $4200/best COSTA M ESA


SELECTIOI ol lata model. low milea­ge Cadillacs In Southern Calilornlal See us today!


2600 Harbor Blvd. COSTA M ESA


reliable party to make , small mon1111y pmts. No 111111 HS1 old contracts to assume. ••• • • • •• • • • ••••••• ••• • No bacic·pmts due Ask ·74 Pinto 2 dr sdn. xlnl for Rose 842-4400, Proto tranaporlallon , 1llck LIM shift , radlo/lltr, very

' 66 Lincoln Continental , l ine mecnanical cond . Needs some body & trim work $495 / 0BO 642-7033

clean $ t 4SO. 548-3S5S

( 1CVA850)

SI0,995 1971 CADILLAC


s9395 otr 494- 1679 141-1303 140-Hll

' 82 Rabbit d1esel d l x. ·73 CADILLAC 00 sunroof. al e. S3SO Ste· 63 Bug. xlnt cond mus1 1981 Bert o ne Coupe, ITllHTlL reo. 1 mo old tires . sell $1500 0 8 0 2 dr nardtop, $2000 or CUSSIO lllRl 111

' 74 Pinto Hatc llbk. xlnt cond. orlg ' owner. AMI FM 8 lrk, AC. $ 1600/olr 6"S·91S4

1977CADILLAC SIVILU (468259)

37 SK m l. •tnt cond . S81 -2 932 . 67 S S84 0 blue, loaded, St8,900 or bes1 offer 642-806S ~ best o II er Days 1-,---,......-........,----- $2200 obo 642-7500

$6SOO Alan 494·S116 eves 16021997 - 9684 , eves ' 78 Cao Seville M oon/ ---------1

!!l!'!!~!~ ........ !.~~ '11 ARROW s3995

t97S vw Bug. E11cel lent G9 BUS. xlnt c:>nd, many (602)943-6606 sunrl , Yellow/ yellow Contlll 1132 cond. Low miles. Sunrf xtras, $1800 hrm Cafl leath 52,000 ml . wire ••••••• ••• ••• • • •••••• •

Super Sllarp wlln many ex11aal (226XZL)


( 1EAL545)

$3300 or best o iler all 6, 675-62 t8 A•IOI Died wll ls, AIC, atereo, all S46-6247 • ••• • "••••••• • •••••••• pwr $8200 760-9278

' 73 SUPER BEETLE, ex· G J 1101 eel cono rebulll eng . !~~'.'.•••••••••••••• • ' 73 Ceo CdV Full p wr .

Lillie Miss Mullet sat on a $3000 S57·0175 Come 1n & see Newport e•lres Good cond As· Tullet, along came 11 Beacn's l1nes1 selechon king $1SOO Len's Auto sp10er and read In 111e 63 BAJA BUG 183S eng o l previo usly owneo Apr 1202 151 S t SA Dally Pllol Class1fleO goo d c ond $lO OO Porsche' s , Audi ' s and S42· t7S1 section abOul Miss Mui · _6_7_3_-2_9_1_2_ ____ Volkswagens •-.7- 8_ C_a_d_ E_x_ce_l_le_n_I -c-on_d_ let 's Tuite! and bougnl 11 ·77 Rabbll. 4 spd, sunroof. & - L $7 19S lor $9.9S You can sell S9K ml, new Ores. runs ..,N •Oii 0

mr 675· S977 your lullet and lolS ol like a cllarm , never ,._ •-o tller tilings 1111ougl1 scratched , look s l ent 44S E Coasl Hwy Dally Pllol ClasstlleO as11c1 $29SO Call Jim , Newport Beach Ads Call 6"2· S678 548-724S 673·0900

M ake yuur allopplng ea· sler by using tile Dally Piiot Classllled Ade

~-~ ~~·,. '!.~'! ...... -~~~¥ ~ ... ~o.·,. '!.~'! ...... !.~~¥ ~ ... ~· .. ,. ~!.'! ••• ..• !.~~ ~ ... !~,. '!.•!! •••••• !.~~

1982 Continental Sedan 11.93 A.P.R.

Lease For $397 Per Month Huge Selection Of '82 Continentals,

Mark Vi's & Lincolns At Huge Discount 11 629046 48 mo. lease. Monthly payment $383 97 + 1ax. Cash down $2329.97 823248


We're loaded w ith Capris 4 , 6 , & VS 4 Speeds # 605281

1982 ZEPHYR 5300 Under Invoice

Big Selection to choose from # 632890


$500 BELOW



19202 Baacll Blvd. Hn11ngln Bch 962-0829 ---

'11 YIUllE Stallon wagon, V8. 318. 73,000 ml, ps, pb, ale. au10 $ 1000 760-1940

'11 •a• Oar RtllHt Black, auto, amlfm.

$S5001obo 5S2-3S19

$}5,995 1980 CADILLAC


$}3,995 HWllll Olitntltt


ltlltiot llfS 1982 CADILLAC • ••••••• •• •• •••• •••••• IMARRON SEDAN

833-0555 ' 77 Vene. wh1 /1an lntr 40 ,

1980 Gren Pm V6 10,000 mites. l•ka new. want 10 sell by Fr i day $6500/obo. 720-166S

000 ml, fully equipped. · 8 1 Ponllac Gr an Ptl x $84SO, 673· 2282 d11y1 or Cpe All options. sunroof 675-S487 eveslwknds. A sk In g S 9 5 0 0 . Mr

Gl/Stav 540 -2500 f !!A~!•.• ••••••• !.~~1 __ '7_7_F-lr-eb- l-rd_ F_o_r_rr._.u_la­'67 COUGAR. all 011g, ex- 350 auto. xlnt cond. lo•· eel cond , tact man l ded brow n11an. must trans $ 1700 644- 6829 see• $3099/ obc . Must

selll P/ P, 848-7266. P!:iA! ••••••••••• !.~~¥ -19_7_6_ V_e_n_tu_r_a_2_d_r.-a-11-. -6

'II ltlt1• Ohar1tr Bes1 oiler casll only

67S· 11S3

cyl New paint very de· penoable S t3SO COM 760-8160


( 1C RZ458)

SI0,995 1982 BUICK



s11,995 Oller Good Thtu M onday, 8-30-8 2

for' IHO ' 7 '4 F I r a b I r d 6 c y 1 • ••••• • • • • •••• •••••••• $ t6SO / be s t oller NABERS

'11 ESCORT 642· 5080 111 6PM

Priced 10 Sell (lBOR-4131 !1' Sr all Safari W11 { • A I )I ( ( \ r"' $3975 All pwr, 9 pass. 8 Irk , • 1 ' .J J/ '- •

BILL MAXEY TOYOTA S7K. $2000 842·SS6.:l 2600 HARBOR BLVD. 19202 Beacll Blvd. GRAN PRIX 1977 Besl COSTA MES A

Hntlngln Bell 962-0829 condl11on, nice runner, 540-1860 1,....-...._:'--------1 radio. FM / A M stereo

' 71 FORD M averick Good $2800 ObO 645-9246 ········-cond 3 n- tires. econ .. ---------$850 494-3211 -----------------..

' 71 T· BIRO. e)(cel cond 1oaOed. priced to sell $800 below blue book $2950 962-0S92

' 7 1 TORINO Driven by llltle old lady ONL YI S2K ml. PS/ PB. lmmac. ln1r. 2 minor dings. $1SOO/OBO 54S-S673

' 16 Granada Ghia. xln1 condl11on

$2600 873-2491

' 78 RANCHERO GT. eu1o trans • pi s, p /w, pl seats. 1111 wlll, am/Im atereol tape . $4 500 / obo 662·23S7

' 72 COURIER truck, gd. cond economy, $ 2SOO/ OBO 648· 6154 evea

' ll FOlll LTI WAI. Auto Irani. air cond, Low ml Many extras $2,000. Alt S. 644-0442

' 10 LTD Best Oller

&42·0S48 mornings.

' 89 Ford Ven . 6 cyl ex· cellenl cond $119S Or bit ol r 536-6646

Ll•etl• IHS .•..•......•........•. '74 Miik IV, 78.000 ml . lmmac cond .. full po-. lealhar. new tlrea. ale .. mual 11111 $3500. firm. 675-6974

·72 M ark 4 Linc. Cont. Xln1 running condlllon $800 675- 4488

' 76 Merk IV, xln t cond , btue llllr Int. oflg o­$3150. 545-3380 Verna

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DEADl.INE,S For Tuesday through Saturday publications. 5:30 PM the previous day. For Sunday and Monday publications. 12·00 noon Saturdey

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• 2 - Orange County Real Est An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982



PERFECT STARTER HOME Lovely Eastside Costa Mesa 3Bdr .. 2 Bath with Spa - pleasant rear yard, tree lined street. easy terms. $195,000. 675-6670

Ill CUYll llEUICE Prestige and security are found in this lovely Dover Model with dramatic city lights and Bay views. Excellent seller -Assis t ed fina ncing to qualified buyer. 2 Bdr. and den . Expanded living room. $450,000. 760-8333

Plll LllE SETTlll Large 4 Bedroom family home with Spa in super University Park area. Lots of trees - Close to schools and shopping. Excellent buy at $240,000. 760-8333

SPECTICIW nmwATEI VIEW from this 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath entertainment palace. Pool and Spa are located in private courtyard. A stairway leads to a beautiful Cameo Shores beach. $2,225,000. 760-8333

• A Division of


CUSTOM YICTORlll New and elegant 19th Century Charm with m od e rn conveniences. 3Bdr. and library. Exquisite wallpaper, quality construction. 180 degree bay and ocean View. $750,000 . 675-6670

l 111cu1111um

View of golf course and night-lights from extra large. custom size Cul-de-sac Jot . 4 Bedrooms. Formal dining. 3 car garage. Submit on financing. Asking - p95,000. 760-8333

SACRIFICE SALE Reduced price $50,000 to avoid foreclosure 3 Bdr. & Den - 6 plan in delightful Jasmine Creek - partial Ocean View -Security Gate Tennis, Pool - fantastic buy at $329.500 with excellent financing . 760-8333

llLF 111111 VIEW Outstanding Monaco with terrific location on fairway in Big Can yon ., 3Bdr., formal dining. Oak paneling, bookcases. Delightfully decorated throughout. 3 car garage. Owner will finance at 13%. $625,000. 760-8333



2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92683

• J

/ ,,.


Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982 - 3


PElllSIU PDllT Fabulous bay v1ew. 3 Bedroom and den. Formal dining. Large spacious rooms, adjacent to s.wimming beach. 20% Down, owe balance al 12% - reduced tO $675.000. 675-6670

TURTLE ROCI IUDliE Beauti fully Decorated end unit "A" plan 2 Bedrooms. parquet e n try. custom shelves and paneling. Air conditioned . Shows like a Model. Large assumable loan. $169,990. $760-8333

DESllilERS NOllE Exqu1s1tely upgraded "Palermo" in Harbor View Homes 4 Bedrooms, forma l Dining, Country K itchen, upgraded appliances, imported tiles. fre nch doors. skylight. wetbar, Spa

- Assumable loans. fee land . $339,000 760-8333

LllllllOIS IAYFllllT ESTATE 60 ft slip and side tie. Spacious marble entry with cathedral ceiling. S unny patio - 5 Bedrooms, 5 Baths - formal dining. Assume existing 10% loan. Submit on down payment. Reduced to $1,200.000 for immediate sale. Will Trade Down. 760-8333

• A Division of


EITEllTAJIEllS DELllilfT Fabulous family room with exciting ocean view. Atrium, spa, 3 Fireplaces. 3 Bedrooms, assume 9% first . owe large second -priced at $585,000. 760-8333

SQUEAIY CLEAi Supel' s harp 2 Bdr. " Walde n'' Model on great corner location in Universi ty Park Deane Homes. Vaulted ~ihngs make for light and bright living. Assume 1st and 2nd. owe 3rd Submit down payment. $179,000. 760-8333

CORGI& DEL llAR REMODEL Beach cottage in perfect old Corona location. One block from Beach . Partial ocean view. 3 Bedrooms. beamed L't'1 hngs, bnck pauo. Great potential to remodel and make money O ffered at $325.000 760-8333

IUmFIL IAYOllEST Large 4 Bedroom. family room home with Pool. 3 fireplaces. immaculate move-in condition. Perfect location for famil y living - priced right at $279,500. 67~-6670

.r JACO~S REAL TY, INC. 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard

Newport Beach, CA 92883

• J

4 - Orange County Real EaiatwAn Advertle'n Supp'8ment to Ulo OAU.Y PILOTl&aturd1y, Au_gutt aiw le&e


MAGNIFICENT BAYFRONT LOCATION Spectacular 180 degree view . 14 5 ft. of pierhead line will accommodate 3 large boats. Five spacious BRs. each with private bath . Fully equipped " sltdown" bar - large playroom for billiards SecludeC: sundeck / roof garden $4.300,000 Including prime land Cathy Schweickert (S 11)

CUSTOM COLONIAL Simple yet e legant 3. BR home in Newport 's fines t guarded community. Quality workmanship & appointments plus very livable floor plan for the d1scetning couple or small family View. $1 195,000 Land included Martha Macnab (S 12)

EQUESTRIAN ESTATE Stately Georgia Colonial on 2.2 acres. 6 BR. 5•17 VA. dining & family. Pool. pding ring & stables. Substantial price reduction $1 ,850.000 including land. Martha Macnab (S13)

22 APTS. ON BLUFFS OF NEWPORT BEACH Overlooking nature Park & preserve Each apt has 2 BA, p 1, baths. most w/ fireplaces. 2 car garages or carports Comm. pool nearby Excellent financing. Walk to Corona dcl Mar High, Catholtc Grammar School. Eastbluff Shopping Center . $1 ,800 000 Leasehold . Jan Young ($ 14)

LINDA ISLE Spectacular location! Dramatic architectural desrgn; high ce11tngs. plantation shutters. elegant master suite t 4 additional BAS. Slip for 2-3 lg boats. Seller will finance. $1 ,650,000 Leasehold . Cathy Schweickert (S 15)

EITERTAll Ill A IRAID MANOR One of Newport 's finest residences. Years under construction on an unbelievable view lot. Grecian pillars & sparkling pool. The home has high ceilings, detailed heavy crown mouldings. Two formal d ining areas, breakfast rm. gracious living rm, paneled study, luxurious marble & onyx baths - Garden bedrooms and servants wing. $1 ,575,000. Barbara Aune (S16)

RARE OPPORTUllTY - UIOISTRUCTED' Panoramic View - Ocean, jetty, Big Corona. Steps to beach. 3 BR, 3 BA. library. 2 car garage with guest house. Beautiful oak plank floors $1 .500,000 Fee Maureen White.

UllOISTllUCTED PAIOllAMIC VIEW Ocean. 1etty. Big Corona. 3 BR, 3 BA. den. 2 car garage. guest hOuse. Steps to beach. Beautiful oak plank floors. $1,500 000 Fee Maureen White (S 17)

VIEW I SECLUllOll Courtyard entry w/ pnvate gate leading into fabulous home ottering the best decor & quality. 4 BR + study + -+ gourmet kltchel'\. Pool, spa, magnificent garden, lavish use o f brick , panoramic view. Special offering at-$1.295,000 incl. land Jane Paquin (S18)

IRVINE COYE IARGAlll Buy 1n exclusive Irvine Cove. Spacious single story 4 BR. tam rm home situated on extremely lg lot w/pool, spa & paddle tennis court . Private beach, ocean view & guarded gate. Land Included In price. Owners extremely motivated. Low down payment Owner will carry financing. ONLY $975,000. Donna Godshall (S 19)

SPYIUSS VIEW Panoramic ocean . bay & c ity lights view from th is two story " Southport " model. 6 bedrms, formal dining rm. family rm , + a bonus rm professionally decorated in bright colors. Beauti ful sparl<ling pool & spa. $895,000 incl. land. Donna Godshall (S20)

VIEW VIEW VIEW This sunshine bnght 3 BR. den. Deauv1lle in exclusive Big Canyon has a view you will want to call your own. The sparkltng pool & spa overlook all of Big Canyon & beyond to the hills & lights of Harbor Ridge. $785.000 Terry Aune Hanes ($21)

LARCE LOT AND LARGE FAMILY HOME Wonderful views of all of Newport from this large 5 bedrm family rm home on quiet cul-de-sac Owner will assist w.'flnanclng $750.000 l orn Alltnson or Terry Hanes ($22)

REDUCED TO $695,000 Top view tn Harbor Ridge - ocean. bay-city hghts Popular Lucer11 Model with MBA retreat . 3 BR. 3 BA. Fam rm. 3 fireplaces Highly upgraded throughoul. Maureen White (S23)

°CAPE COD TRADITIOHL" 011 LIDO ISLE 21 1 years new Exqu1s1te detailing! 1 101 to beach w/a little bay view 3 BR. 2''2 BA. lam rm , 3 fplcs $685,00u w/ $299.000 assum B of A 1st Dona Chichester (S24)

LOOKING FOR A DEAL 1 Pri va te lender 1ust forec losed - Must sell 1mmed1ate1y1 5 BR. Spyglass Hill home with pool . spa & pastoral view - under market n $515,000 including land. Martha Macnab (S25)

II SHOREOLIFF Charming country home w/lots of wood & used brick featuring 3 BR. ramlly rm . This split level home has a delightful master suite w/ an ocean view off deck. The location 1s unequaled! $495,000 Sharon Smith (S26)

VIEW! YIEWI VIEW! IEAUTIFULLY DECORATED " Seaview" home 1n lush garden setting with panoramic view o f ocean. city lights and coastline. This fine 3 BR executive home features garden atrtum & country kitchen with breakfast area. Priced for last sale. $4 75.000 Anita Schandel (S27)

HARIOR RIDIE CREST 0 RHAISSHCE" Priced to sell at $475,000. Assumable low interest loan and low down. Anita Schandel ($28)

DOYER SHORES IEW EXCLUSIVE Spacious tradltlonal , terra cotta tiled family 1m w/ flreplace. Formal dining rm w/ beamed celling. 4 BR or 3 + convertible den. Nearly '13 acre w/20 x 40 pool & spa. $465,000 LH Cathy Schweickert (S29)

llUIOR RlllE IMMACIUTE " Dynasty" model with 2 BR, 2 BA, Conversation area. sauna. jacuzzi Lush landscaping. Sh.ows like a model home. $465,000 Fee Maureen White (S30)

SEAYIEW - NEW IEIFORI VIEW Spacious 4 BR. forma\ dining rm, tam rm . 3 BA home situated in the prestigious guarded gate area of Seavlew. Great ocean & city light view Community tennis courts and swimming pool. $459,000 FEE land Donna Godshall (S31)

LIDO ISLAND DELUXE HOME Lovely bright 5 BR formal dining rm, fam rm, wet bar, sunny patiol Tastefully decorated. Assumable 1st. T.D. Priced right at $455.000 Betit Mitchell (S32)

0 SOllERSET" LISTlll Prestigious HARBOR VIEW HOMES • 5 BA. tam rm. formal d in rm. plus beautiful pool & spa. Complete1y upgraded - French doors & windows. plantation shutters, panellng & new kitchen. · Too many amenities to list . $429.000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall ($33)

644-6200l •

. I


Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982 - 5


PlllOE IEHCTill CllllU llllUlll Y11W Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR, 2 BA, dining area home situated on very lg lot - room for expansion & pool. $425,000 Fee land Donna Godshall (S34) ·

IEW PlllCE - UYSllE CIYE The " legend" model - one BR, den condo situated with steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor . Financing is excellent on this prestigious . home. $415,000 Fee Donna Godshall (S35)

IEWNllT IUCI - HPl.D "STEPS Tl 1001" Excellent rental area. 2 & 3 BR Both units have fireplaces, new drapes & paint. Owner will help w/flnanclng. $320,000 Berit Mitchell (S36)

Ca.El llllUllS VIEW Fanta9tic panoramic ocean view & within walking distance of the three private beaches. Single story 4 BR, fam rm residence situated in Cameo Highlands. Great potential - close to shopping and schools. ONLY $369,900 including the land. Call Donna Godshall (S37)

l IEST Ill 11 Ulllll VIEW llLLS This " Sandpiper Model" Is a fantastic family home featuring 4 BR. 3 SA. 2 fireplaces. wet bar, lg kitchen w/ eating area. Needs some redecorating and landscaping. $100,000 under some models In Harbor View Hills. $319,000 including land. Sharon Smith (S38)

LIW llWll YIEW Port Durness - the best view street In prestigious Seawlnd. Carmel model, professionally decorated & landscaped. Kol pohd & great view. Setler will coop w/flnanclng. Bring your offer with low down buys this home. $310,000 Jane Paquin (S29)

TIY Tiii YIEW II Fiii llZEl Water. mountains & llghts and a beauty of a house just newly refurbished. The best of everything In a big 2 story, 3 BR home. $310,000 Coby Ward (S40)

PElll SIU N iil Absolutely charming 3 BR beach cottage. Superb corner location -Walk to beaches, harbor, parks - Low Down - Seller truly motivated at only $310,000 Suzanne Shuler (S41)

I YEllY SPECIAL IFFEll• In Eastblutt for those who love the back bay view & mountain vistas beyond. A beautifully remodeled 4 BR home. $298,000 Coby Ward (S42)

Mm SELL - SIUIT IFFEllS Customized Oerores end unit w/ bay & ocean view. Large master suite w/ spa tub & sun deck. 2 secondary BR's, 21/t BA. Gourmet kitchen Includes new oak cabinets, JennAlre cook-top & BBQ. $295,000 LH White (S43)

TIE IEST II USllllFF This outstanding floor plan lends Itself to entertainment galore. Formal dining rm, llv rm & master suite look out onto on of the best views In the area. This 3 BR, 21/t BA Lusk home Is located on quiet street. $279,000 Maxine Propp (S44)

ILIPFS "I" PUI II U M lllEDllLT With excellent assumable loan. 3 BR, tam rm. plantatlon shutters, mirrors, decorator wallpapers. Beam ceilings - open, airy, balconies & patio. $265,000 Jan Young ($45)

Plllll PE.alU llPLDl 3 BA. 2 bath duplex 11/t blocks from the ocean. Fantastic Investment winter or summer rental. $260,000 Low down and owner will carry AITD. Sharon Smith ($46)


Al llVllE TEllUCE IEST Ill PlllOEI Tl SELL Two bedrm, single level home w/great potential. Needs " tender loving care" and has room for expansion. Large lot w/room for pool or spa. Lowest priced home in Irvine Terrace incl. land. $259,500. Donna Godshall. (S47)

WUTCLIFF Bright'n sunny home in great neighborhood. 3 BR + fam rm low maintenance yard . Good financing. Close to park, shopping, & schools. $239,000 Fee Jane Paquin (S48)

um ClllT •n11 Elegant living near theatres - Performing ts &

South Coast Piela. A jewel of a home, decorated beautifully. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. Perfection In every detail - 2 BR, Elegant living near theatres - Performing Arts South Coast Plaza. A jewel of a home, decorated beautifully. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. Pertect~on In every detail - 2 BR, Oen $219,500. Barbara Aune (S49)

IUlllFICEIT llCUll Ill CUY• ctlll Highly upgraded 2 BR, 2 BA residence that shows like a model. Security gated, community pool, spa & tennis. Formal dining rm w/ mlrrored celling. Dramatic step down llv rm. Excellent· flnanclng. $205,000 Furnished $215,000 Suzanne Shuler (S50)

ILIFFS - "lllT llY" Professionally decorated 3 BR " Carmelita" w/ greenbelt view. Custom carpet & shutters. Reduced for quick sa le. lmmed. possession $195,000. Belle Partch (S51)

tt =--llltlDl-i Two darling houses on R2 lot In Newport Heights - charm & great rentals $187,500 Terry Hanes - Tom Allinson (S52)

STAITEll .. E Cute & comfortable 3 BR & 3 BA home. Quiet cul-de-sac locations adds to great family living. 2 brick fireplaces. loads of charm. $178,000 Terry Aune Hanes (S53)

UST OISTl MESA OIWIMEll 2 doll houses, each 2 BR, Separate yard and garage. $170,000 Berlt Mitchell (S54)

llPLO OISTl MESA Just llstedl Great eastsJde location 2 BR each on lg corner lot. Great investment at $170,000 Berit Mitchell (S55)

l TllE Y&LIE II TIE OILHY - lllYllE This great 3 bedrm, 2 story home In a fine family area Is vacant and ready forJou. Spacious & spotless, a lovely property. $159,900. Coby War (S56) •

.. .lllT UITll - ILIFFS

Charming 4 bedrm home w/ brand new gourmet kitchen & cozy famlly rm. Owners are ready to move. $149,000 LH. Anita Schandel ($57)

UST lllTI •EU INN 2 BR 2'Ar BA, atrium large encloMd patio. Lot• of privacy. 2 years old. Immaculate. Al8Umable loan $147,900 Betit Mitchell ($58)

YIUAllUI 111111.• -Upgraded plush & Immaculate. Lovely coortyard & fountain view. CtubhOuee, pool & spa. Security gate. Excettent flnanclng. $94,500 Incl. land. Dick Halderman (S5G)



, . " ..



• •

l I

6 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILQT/Saturday, August 28, 1982


HARBOR RIDGE Prestigious Living in Newport Beach


represent more homebuyers and sellers in this private community than any other real estate agents firm in Newport Beach. They are thoroughly knowledgeable about the Harbor Ridge market, both past and present, and can find the right home for you at the right price and terms.

Harbor Ridge offers privacy and security with a 24-hour guarded gate and roving security patrol. Its Tennis Courts and Swimmir.g Pools with Spas and many Parks provide for pleasant recreation. Incredibly beautiful panoramic views add to the community 's charm, whi le its close proximity to Newport Center and John Wayne Airport makes Harbor Ridge the choice 9f those who want convenience of location .

To experience Harbor Ridge call Ed or Judy today and find out how the best can be yours.


(714) ~4_4-7-=0-=2..:..0 ___________ _

EMERALD BAY Private Beach Community - North Laguna Beach

ROD DALEY and DAVE HIRSCHLER are long- time residents of this beautiful beachside gated community with its six tennis courts, parks. pools, etc. Rod and Dave have raised their families in this idyllic setting. Each of them has been top salesmen In Lingo, and together they represent more Emerald Bay homebuyers and sellers than any other real estate agents in Laguna Beach.

If you 've never explored the beauty and charm of Emerald Bay. why not call either Rod or Dave for an appointment?


(714) 644-7020

2123 Sin .lo1quin Hills Ro1d, Newport leaoh



- ' /,.:. ..




In the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms + den, 2'.lt baths, fireplace, private beach. $825,000.

SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCINGI Seller packing, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to kill. $495,000.

EXQUISITE WHITEWATEJ' VIEWS A country kitchen and skylight windows will light up your llfe when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 3'.lt bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500.

WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 41h bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of llvlng space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft . boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,000.

ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for flrst time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, country kitchen. room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Setler will carry with 15•;. down or will consider trade down.

OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedrocm unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. -Seller will carry at -1-2-.5"• wtth 20% down. $475,000.

SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000.

LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom"""lt1 GIUY O"'?"' 'IRIA•I~ with 20-25•1. down. $225,000. .

RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000.

HARBOR VIEW-MINI ESTATE Try AITD or trade on this 6 Bdr 4 Ba Harbor VifNI home with over 'h acre, 2 frplc, skytltes, French doors. gorgeous pool, spa. Kol pond and huge ~ot. $495,000. Open dally 1-5. SYbmlt any offer.

HARBO ,,~ CPfl FAMLIES Submit tiff offers on thll OID 111 home wtth financing and fireplace. $310,000.


Spacloua 3 Bdrm. family rm executive rMldenoe on Trinidad laland, Huntington Harbor. AMUmable 1st with additional Miier financing available. $399,950.

NEWPORT GLEN-PRICED TO SEW Juat 2 ml. fo the Orange Cty alrJ)Ol't, this 2 Bdrm light & airy upgraded townhome features additional den + uae of pool, epa & BBQ. $120,000.

SAN JUAN EQUESTRIAN RANCH " The Hunt Club" 8 bedroom, '8~ bath' home with pool, spa. 4 nrec>flM*. owe. $1.soo,.000.


Aaaume $564,500 at 11. 75•1. on this 3 bedroom, 2'h bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000.

"LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Sel1er wtll carry an AITD of $519,000 at 12.759/• for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 eq. ft.. 3 bedrooms. 31h baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $850,000.


"DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Aaaume extstmg 30 year $295,000 F1rst at 13.259/, fixed or seller will conalder trade on this 4 bedroom, 3'.lt bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city tight views. Seller relocation. $775,000.

MAGNIFICENT CUSTOM MANOR Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home wtth French marble fireplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the mas1er bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 additional bedroom suites, elevator, full security system. 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1,895,000.

"CASABLANCA MODEL" Wl.TK-UPGRADl!S Mirrors, ceiling fans and pavers accent this llke-new 4 bedroom, 21h bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520.000 with excellent owner financing.

CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. format French home with no houses behind or bestde It. Create your "estate" that will rival all others. Seller must liquidate but will consider a joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000.

CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on an unusually large lot, this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property or seller wlll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms. 7 baths, projection room. wine cellar, family ~oom & large kitchen. $2,700,000.

"EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom. 2500 sq. ft. home wtth spectacular ocean and night light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000.

LUXURY' VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedroome, famlly room and 3'~ baths. Lg deck overtook• reeerYOlr 19ke. $595,000.


Loc.,ted on a large comer lot, thla 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home haa a large patio wtth spa. cuatom landscaping, famlly r0091 and full uae of recreational facllltles. Try leeee/optlOn or low down. S825,000.

$517,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spect9CUlar 2 bedroom oceen vtew home with awtmmlng pool and eddttlOnal ...... ftnanetng. $&50,000.

WALKING DISTANCE TO RECREATION Charming S bedroom, 4 beth home In exctullve gate-guarded community wtth uae of privet• beach. $700,000. '4t\ •

JUST LISTED WITH COUNTRY CHARM A 6 bedroom ocean vtew resldenee with meld'• quarters. format dining and aeveral flreplacee. $790,000.

. I

. ~ ....


-· -8 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982



A full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 "lean, mean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property.,

UYflNT wrTI 41 n SUP - View, airy, 4 Bdrm, large master suite/ f ireplace. 3 sundecks, cheerful & quiet. Owner w/ flnance. $595,000.

FMIT Lm YllW - Best from Irvine Terrace. 4 Bdrms, pool and owner wlll finance. Only $600,000. Leasehold. NU • OUM - Family home, Beacon Bay waterfront, tennis, needs TLC, owner wlll fl­

.11ance. Leasehold Is attracilve. $850,000.

... Flllfl ll•IW - Llttie corner of the IOCal coastline: surf. dramatic rocks. exquisite 4 Bdrm, pool and spa. Nothing else like ltl $2,-500,000. fll YllW HHl IHlll - Turtlerock Glen, woodsle, top view. Dramatic 3 Bdrm Jasmine model. Upgrades, Redwood deck near pool & tennis. $269,000. IDT 1111 IM AIU - Low malnt., no noise. Ja­amlne Creek 3 Bdrm, one level, Immaculate $355,000. l&YfHIT, 1111,111. 11~ &Pl - Vacant Beacon Bay, owner retired, wants to sell i:> bdrm, 3 ba Bayfront. Ananclng at 109/e APR. Alklng $695,000. .... , ,... - - • bdrm, 2'h baths, vacant wtth 30 yr. loan of $150,000. AnxJoua. Reduced to $260,000. ..... OUlllU - Victorian on the Island! 3 bdrms, 3 baths, new and vacant. Beveled glass, rock fireplace and different! At $595,000.

UST - tllfl llU - Cul-de-sac locatlonl Nothing this low on this large of a lot. 3 Bdrm•. owner wMI carry. $13-4,900.

E X :\ \1 P l _ l : ~

IPEI IMSE SIT. 1·1 420 De Sola Terr., CdM

Highlands, 3 bdrm, lse opt price: $329,000 910 Nottingham. NB (

Traditional Dover Shores. pool. $279.0110

OPEi lllSE Sii. 1·5 17 Canyon Island, NB

Big Cyn, 3 bdrm, clean $259,000 601 Patollta. CdM

3 bdrm. fireplace. fee $352,500

4 Rue Fountain Bleu, NB. Big Cyn, low price, seeks cash $350,000

IPEI llllE UT /Sii. 1-1 211 Opal Balboa Is!

On Balboa Isle-new-vacant -charm $595,00d" 1315 Santanella Ter.

Vacant-sparkles-spa & pool price: $369,000 5 Point Loma, NB

Spyglasa. 5 bdrm, view $925,000 2706 Lighthouse, CdM

4 bdrm, ownr fin. fee price; $429,000 978 Sandcastle, CdM

Low price, view, ownr deeperate $295,000 2211 Francisco. NB

Backbay, 4 bdrm, pool, vac. $260,000 61 Canyon Ridge, Irv.

Turtle Rock super view 3 br $259,000 12 Beacon Bay, NB

~ayfront. ownr fin. tennla $860,000 21 Beacon Bay, NB •

Bayfront, 3 bdrm, beach $695,000 210 Grand Canal, Bat Isle

Lt. Ilse, canal front, dock $575,000

- -

ULlll ...._ 11111• - Bay view! Half block to water, clear shot! 2 story, fireplace, 3 Bdrms, 2 baths. Owher finance. Only $375,000. l llUET llYMI UYFHIT - 3 Bdrm remodeled ifl Beacon Bay, large master suite, 1 Bdrm apt, must see to believe. Owner will help finance. $1 , 195,000. 111 OUH I MO OUll - A 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, townhome, security & financing. S 000.

llllltlS .. AOCllATI PllGI - ' Canyon (McClain). Tast eful gra gorgeous appointments, assu ble 11% an. Security, serenity, swimming & nls. $320,000.

YUY UYSIMU - Cottage nr. beach, country kitchen, wood floors, 3 bdrms, used brick fireplace. patlb. Ananclng. $310,000 leasehold.

.. - · unu APT. - Charming 3 bdrm, den large famllY area, up to date. A block to the beach. Apt rents at $600/ mo. Large 11 'h% loan. $475,000. 11m1• - ft.IS APT. - 3 bdrm with sunny kitchen & courtyard . Spacious 1 bdrm apt. io•1. loans avallable with $150,000 down. Realistic at $«9.500.

4 lllT llYll'lml - Solld rental area. $50,000 down to 13•~ loan. Gross multlpller of 11 . Management history available. $225.000.

Ol.IM -. IUT LIU - Jasmine Creek single level 3 bdrm condominium, lush patios, spa. Assume loan• - fess than 1~-'· $369,500. IUll,.. • ILUI - Cute Clean, 3 Bdrm wtth dock fOt 2 boat•. OW... flnan<*f. Prtoed .. MAI '575,000.


• j

Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT / Saturday. August 27, 1982 - 9

Dalebout Bay • Beach ·Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949

UYHOllES ••• Bayfront Mediterranean villa In • ex ctu s I v e B a y sh ores - o n fee I end .

Spectacular bay view. Private courtyard entry. Massive hand carved entry doors. Library with stained glass skylight. Antique maho,g,an~ fireplace. Country kitchen with -ell liffienitles. Five bedrooms. E1aoorate sound system . Owner m o t ivated t o se ll . Will consider lease/option .................................. $1 ,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 2500 Bayshore Drive

Ill CAIYOll ••. Magnificent! . . . In its charm and elegance . . . in its warmth and comfort. The superior quality and line craftsmanship will be obvious when you walk through this spacious five bedroom home. Formal d ining room. Immense family room. Pool and spa. Another outstanding feature Ts the locat ion . overlooking the 18th fairway of Big Canyon Golf Course. ........ .. . $1.495,000

DOVEll SHORES • • • An elegant bayfront home that dramat izes superior craftsmanship 1n every detail. This masterpiece was designed to till a particular need - yet 1t is quite flexible. One master bedroom plus convertible den in the main building. Also. across the used brick patio Is a separate two bedroom guest suite. The spacious baylront with pier and float. accented by the shimmering nigh t lights on the bay. complete the dramatic picture. You own the land. ..... .......... ..... ... . ....... ..... ....... .... .. $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ..... 308 Morning Star Lane

lllVIH THUC£ •• . A rare opportunity to acquire one of Newport's f inest view propert ies. Tremendous living room. Three spacious bedrooms. Large famlly/ billlards room. Huge patio with gazebo. This ottering Is o f extreme value because o f Its diverse and unspoiled ocean view. The listing price includes the land . .. worth as much as the total ask ing price. Motivated seller. ... .. ........... ............... $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........ 1301 Dolphin Terrace

IOVEI HORES • •• Dramatic entry of carved wood and Ital ian fossilized marble . • and your Impression becomes more exciting as you continue through this spacious four bedroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with temperature controlled wine vault. Solar heated pool. Spa. You own the land . ........... $895,000 Open Sun 1-5 .. .................. 1244 Polaris Drive

Ill OllY .. ... This elegant four bedroom home measures up to the name .. " The Versailles." It is rich but not gaudy . glamorous but not ostentatious ... just a comfortable prestigious home . Custom decorating thr o ughout. Extensive use of beveled glass. Parquet floors. Corner lot. Great golf course view . . $850,000 Open Sun 1-5 .............. ........ .... 12 Rue Verte

HYU SHIRES • • • Extraordinary value. Two master bedrooms In one wing. Separate third bedroom in the other wing with own entry and private bath. Fascinating sit-down view o f ocean, upper bay and city lights. All rooms open to Indoor dehumidified pool. Security system. Servac vacuum system. Located on cul· de-aac street with eight homes. $835,000



UllOR llllll . . . How many times IDld many ways can you ~i:eaP.' In describing a GREAT ham~ :-:- mcated on the bay ... with a breaffitaklng view in all d irections . . . with a pier and float for a 48 foot boat plus a skiff. Five spacious bedrooms. Huge entertainment room with bar. Family room. Formal dining roo~ fit for a king. Dining area in kitchen. Separate master suite over garage .. ideal for in-laws or guests. Lovely- pool 11nd spe. Etaborate-securlty system. Three car garage. You own the land. This spectacular home was built in 1980. $2,350,000

Ill CHYOlt • • • A popular and very practical · · townhome· · in a prest1g1ous locat ion overlooking the sixth fairway of the golf course. Three spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Oak plank floors. French doors Vacant and ready for qu ick occupancy Attractive assumable financing. You own land. $599,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ................ 14 Rue Deauville

DOVU SNOllES ••• Owner w ill assist with financing. Impressive · two story home. Lovely bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement with one downstairs and three up. Sparkling pool in front cour tyard . PRICE JUST REDUCED $150,000 ................................ Now $550,000

DOVER SNORES •• • A home of distinctive charm and taste. Four bedrooms. One or its many features is a ten foot solid oak bar. complete. even to brass ratl. Pool. Dramatic view. Exciting trnanclng ............................................ $550.000

UlllH lllHE • • • Spectacular front row view of mountains, c ity lights and lake-like reservoir. Three bedroom .. Renaissance" floor plan. library/loft overlooks huge living room. Wet bar. Three view decks. Pools-tennis. $510,000

HWPOllT ISL&llD • •• 116' of waterfront . Three bedrooms. Large den or bonus room. Huge patio. Your own pier and slip. .. . ... $479,000

DOYH SHORES • • • The qual i ty runs deep. Fantastic view. Four bedrocrms. Dining room. Family room. Pool. Excellent owner financing. Excellent buy. ... ........ . . . .... . ..... $475.000

WHTCLIFF •• • Prominent builder's own home. Prestigious four bedroom home Lavish use of trench doors and windows. Extensive built-Ins such as bookcases and china cabinets. Loads or storage Including attic. 90x 132 pool size yard with gazebo and off-street parking for six cars You own the land. Liberal financtngl $475,000 Open Sat 1-5 ................ 1118 Somerset Lane

DOVER SHORES • • • Magnificent four bedroom waterfront. Enjoy the dramatic view of water and night lights. Large pier and sllp . Priced reduced $135.000 ............ .............. $460,000 SPHUSS HILL • • • Least expensive home In Spyglass. Three spacious bedrooms. Family room. Two baths. Two fireplaces. The much sought after " Portsmouth" model. Pr ivate courtyard with pool and spa. Property highly upgraded throughout. ......... ....... :. $435.000 Open Sat-Sun t -5 .............. 8 Monterey Circle

IHCllHT • • • The inspired work 'of a mester craftsman. Completely rebuilt with rare artistry. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Seldom does a property o f this callber come on the market. Don't miss ltl ................................ ..... $395.000


UYOllEtT •.. Attr~tive four bedroom home. Large tamlly room w ith f ireplace. Br ick driveway. Shingle front . All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style." PodT. .. $339,000 Open Sun 1-5 .... ... . . 1924 Leeward Lane

WESTCLIFF ••• Gracious one story, custom built home wraps itself around inneratrium providing a very intimate feel ing - a little world of your own Thlfee ~acious bedrooms. plus convertible den. Ideal for mature family. The nine foot ceilings specifically designed for art collec tion Wide doors - great for wheel chair. Solar heated jacuzzi in garden. $300,000

HlRIOR Ml&HL&HS • • • Lovely tree lined street Three spacious bedrooms plus ma1d·s quarters with bath. Formal dining room. Family room with wet bar Significant upgrading includ ing new root Price reduced $26,000 .. $299.000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ... . . . . 1530 Anita Lane

THE YHSAlllH •. • A place o f dignity and elegance. Two bedroom penthouse overlook ing the bay a~ ocean. Security gate. Pool/Spa Clubhouse. Gym Excellent financing $259.500 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .. 100 Scholz Plaza, PH 10

lllHA VHDE •• • This sensational four bedroom dwelling has 11 all. Oversized yard Pool. Spa. Mult i-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining. Price reduced $34.000 $245,000 Open Sun 1-5 .. . . .. . ... 1944 Flamingo Drive

Tiil ILIFFS ••• The popular " Franciscan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue. . ... .. $229,000 Open Sun 1-5 . 685 Vista Bonita

HWPOllT CREST ••• Conveniently located condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two and half baths. Restful peek-a-boo view from decks. Assume attractive financing. ...... .. . . .. . . $210.000

CAMEO MllHUHS • •• Never a better time to buy' Th is three bedroom dwelling has extreme value . Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool Lease/option avlalable ................. $199,900 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........... 5 12 Rockford Place

CISTA lllEU (USTSllE) • • • A condo with character . This Intriguing trl- level three bedroom

dwelling Is made warm and comfortable with the lavish use or wood and used brick . Will trade or finance ... ... ... ............ . $185,000

VILLA IALIOA • •• Lovely one bedroom and den condo. Pleasant view Pool and spa. Security gate. $104,000 loan at 10'1t%. Owner will carry second trust deed ...................... $ 149,000

PlRI LllO llEWPOllT ••• Neat and clean condo. Three bedrooms Overlooks pool and garden. Convenient to shops, banks and beaches. Quick possession Submit offer . .. $145.000

• FOR LUU • • • ON LIDO BAY ... Enjoy huge family bayfront home through August 1983 Four bedrooms. Three and one-half baths Dock for 40 toot boat . Not fancy but clean , spacious and unbelievable at $2,200 per mon•h. Avail.Ible nowl







I 1


10 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to tne DAILY PILOT/Satul'dey, Augult ~· 1982


NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES Tll lllffl 1211,HO 3 BA C-Plan. Price reduced to sell. Owner will . consider lease option. Great location on tree shaded greenbelt near the pool. LOCATION.

UIOlls.t SIH,000 Beautiful c ustom home . Remodelecf. redecorated & ready to move Into. French doors enhance the brick &.latticed patio. Family room. 3 BR. owner highly motivated. 111........ SMl,llO Unique expanded 5 BA 4 BA Palermo. Newly

. painted & carpeted. Assume the first at existing rate. Owner wlll help with financing - low down possible! Best price per square footage In town. ...... ..... .... A spectecular townhome located on the 6th F&Uway. Ttle megnlflcent English decor wifl be featured In Or.-nge County Home & Garden. Includes prlvat~ garage. Good financing Is avaffable. ·

llllM YIEW _, SIM,• For the activity minded family maximum livability with minimum down. 4 BR, near greenbelt area. Has maids or teenage separate quarters & pool. Most desirable area. Offerll

WUTIUff ....... You can't beat this for a great traditional family home~ 5 BR with gorgeous pool/spa & large deck area, formal dining room. warm living room w/ flreplace. trench door & wood floor, 3 car garage. Perfect!

• un• 1411.­At last a one story townhome with lots of privacy. Its own pool & spa. In model perfect condition & realist ically pr iced In th is prest igious gate guarded community.

IUYllW PH .... Super 4 BR home on choice corner with panoramic view! Enjoy pool, spa & tennis In guard gate community. Provides privacy & St1Curlty for your famlly. You own the land.

MIT& mu s 111,HO Good rental Income. Two 2 BR units. To be purchased with adjoining property for super development. Will exchange up. Best eastslde location. Don't miss this rare opportunity!

llfYlllm PAii TDUOI 1111,llO Value - Price - Terms. Cannot be duplicated 1n area. Beautifully decorated. Many upgrades. Skylight , floor safe, near pool. school, park , shops & freeways. 3 BR, dining room & patio. Compare!



ua• YllW llll I IHt,IOI Very anxious se s made tnls a great buy! Lusk built 3 BR fa ome with large secluded yard in quiet area. an't last at this pl'lce & owner will help finance.

CtllU Ill IUI 'l211,­Great corner location. Charming 2 BR front unit. Newly remodeled back unit 2 BA plus den. 3 bath & private pat io . Very rentab l e . Assumable loans & owner will carry paper.

.Ju.II UEH 1141,HI Have#OU been looking for the best buy - here it is. 3 SR plus Study. 2 fireplaces, fam. rm. Lovely wall coverings, good condition - a great find to be sure. - -- .,.,.... Sparkling ci..n on wide greenbelt. 3 BR with large master suite. Plan 6 Ear1htone decor. End unit. Priced to selln

lnlUU ...... Front row & centerl Spectacular view! Modified Cape Horn. now 3 spacious bedrooms. Large formal dining room. Gorgeous pool & spa with Mexican paver patio. Owner will carry 1st T.O.

Clltu Ill 1111 Pti,111 Duplex - bay/ocean view. Large 3 BR owner unit plus 2 BR penthouse on Bayside Or . Surrounded by city owner green belt. 2 year old large assumable loan. A choice property at an excellent price - $595,000

CAllH SHIES 1 1711,MO Shazamll Before your very eyes this 3 BR, 3 bath ocean-view pool home will become a 4 BR. 4 BA ocean-view pool home with a dream workshop. It's almost a miracle!!

CllllAIEL llM SIM .... Just reduoed $400,000. A mllllon dollar view from flowering terraced qardens right down onto Newport Harbor. Wood & glass custom home with spa, sauna, 3 BR, den & 4 baths. Outstanding value.


111vnsm raa1 11n .­High1y upgraded Deane Home, 3 BR & Fam. Lovely brick patio on 2 sides. Parquet floor9 & remod. kitchen. Light, open airy feellr»- Large assumable loan. Owners are very mofTvated to sell.

11111 W IU 1111,MO Fabulous No Laguna prime McKnight Drive 1

address walking distance to ocean. Well maintained 3 BR home recently recarpeted & new security system. Seller will assist with financing.

nmnu 1211,000 Heaven for 2' In this Immaculate 2 BR cottage % block to ocean. bay & wedge. Owner financing.

UYSMUI 1211,MO Sparkling white sand & beautiful Newport Bay Just s1eps ~om your rront-door. Oetlghtful 3 bedroom, den. 3 bath home with spacious private patio. Great buy.

llLll& 1211,000 Why rent when you can buy this summer your best buy on the peninsula within steps of the bay and beach. Recmodeled 2 BR & family room with skylight. Owner will help finance.

Ill.II& llUll 1441,000 Lease/option or buy one of Island's most charming aingte ....tdence. 3 bedrooms + loft & custom jaoum. Light open airy feetlng inside. Fonnat cobbtestone dining room. Owner will consider all offers.

IA~ .... Stunning, custom 3 BA home in gated, private community with two lrg beaches. The gourmet kit has been featured In a leading magazine. faultless decor & quallty detail throughout.

TIEllft SllG,llO Move In & enjoy the Newport summer on the water with $20,000 option money, $3,000 per month. 2 BR. formal dining room. comm pool & beach - a real opportunity for the shopper!

PDmlU I"'• Immaculate bayfront duplex. pier, slip & sandy beach + a 3 car garage are a few of the pluses. Bay & night light view of the harbor from living room . formal d ining room & kitchen .

PlllllAU 11,M0,000 New Bayf ront with outstanding floor plan & exquisitely decorated All the amenit ies including hardwood floors. formal entry & dining room. pier, slip plus sandy beach.

FAUii• .... . 13 ac<es. Avocado ranch with a fabulous 3 BR 4 BA home. Brick flooring, 1400 sq ft pool. A real showplace. Best possible use as a grea get away home or subdivide Into separate lots. Total privacy.

llEIOllT U Y IHl,000 Laguna views of water splashing over rocks from almost all rooms. Beautiful light & airy home. 3 BR. maid's area & lrg famlly room with fireplace & bar .• Prestig ious neighborhood.

CMOl M.USOlll ~ IO CMOl tUITtJ OMA POlllllS Fu. 91.-s .


COIA ....-OSlll • EYM a.m ll1llDA .-StON ··= ...... ..... Ul.l.IM l TllDI £Wll8 .. ..,CllO U Tl C. USA Mlll RllUm SUZJI Dl£Y CMOL£ MCIMHM ~ ... --llMCIA IOOS MAcaamt £111: OUOll LUCY llOS( -~ -- lllMY MMVll llAT P.a cnmu uam.o Oil.Tl


" -



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• t

Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT / Saturday, August 28, 1982 - . 11

HARBOR RIDGE MANOR HOUSE Now under construction In gate--guarded Harbor Ridge In spectacular view tot. Elegant new rminslon being developed to the highest standards of quality and lu"ury. It you · purchase now. you can stlll tallor the finish details to your r~ulrem!tf)lS. Contact Susah Trlvison to review the plans. PriCed at $2,200,000.

OLDE CORONA DEL MAR On the bluffs overlooking bay and ocean. Custom-built home. Architecturally designed . Magnificent views. Beautiful woods. Handsome appointments . Abtmdanrctoset-and storage space. 160 ft. frontage on Ocean eoulevarcr.-For more details, call Cathryn Tennille.

SPECTACULAR VIEW Two large thre&-bedroom homes, PLUS teen retreat, PLUS secluded studio ... all on one bluff-top lot in Corona dei Mar. Remarkable view of bay, ocean, and Catalina. 1st T .O .• and seller will carry balance. Priced at $ 1,500,000. Call Sharon Collins for details.

INTERNATIONAL FLAIR A most luxurious five-bedroom bayfront property, with pier and slip and for a large yacht. Superbly crafted interiors dramatically counterpoint the bay and city views. Remarkable priced at only $ t ,350,000, fee. Please contact Cathryn Tennille for details regarding owner-assisted financing.

NEWER BA YFRONT Smashing bayfront contemporary with view the length of Promontory Bay Spectacular wood and glass home. with three bedrooms and convertible den Huge family room. many decks. private dock. PRICE REDUCED TO $1 .200.000 TRY CASH FOR FURTHER PRICE REDUCTION. Call Marilyn Jw11chell.

FABULOUS BAYFRONT VIEW PRICE REDUCED! Five (plus) bedroom home with private pier and slip. Exceptional Bay View! Perfect home for the watersports-oriented family. Priced at $875.000/leasehold. or S 1.996.600/lee. Try CASH for fur1her price reduction. Call Marilyn Twitchell.

RARE QUALITY With views to the hills. city lights and ocean, this quality custom home is a must for those who appreciate fine things. To name just a few amenities. this 4-bedroom home has a large Italian t ile entry. solid mahogany doors, cabinets. and baseboards. artistic brass bathroom fixtures. etc Quality has been used throughout! Located In North Tuslln's most desirable area. Call Dion Schmehr.

THE PRIVACY OF EMERALD BAY An urbane sophistication keynotes this ocean v!ew property In private Emerald Bay. The handsomely styled three-bedroom home is Ideal for the busy professional coup~e. ~sklng $635,000, and with a substantial down payment, the seller will assist with financing. Furnishings negotiable: Call Joyce Oabolt

BIG CANYON Townhouse In Newport Beach's prestigious Big Canyon. Shows like a model -bright , cheerful decor. Huge master suite plus private guest bedroom and bath.

- Owner/ agenl will financ&. Askmg $405.006. 0911 John Merritt.

ELEGANTLY UPGRADED Possibly the loveliest of the Harbor View Homes. Completely redone with great fla i r . French doors, p lantation shutters. anllque bath f ixtures, tastefully coordinated color scheme. The patio/deck and gardens are a virtual paradise. Call Joan Lambe for a personal showing.

BRAND NEW Just completed in a woodsy setting with three bedrooms. two baths, family room, dining room. Also. two fireplaces. French doors. central air and secluded location. Ail this makes your home a delight for many " equity-grow1h" years to come. Present a creative otter, you may be surprised at the owner's llextbthty

LUSK IN EASTBLUFF One of Newport's most desired family areas. Beautifully maintained tlve-bedroom family home features formal dining room, huge family room and remodeled k1tctien This Is the largest Lusk/Eastbluff floor plan. Excellent fl~anclng . Call Sally Shipley.

THE CHARM OF CORONA DEL MAR Darling two-bedroom home In Old Corona del Mar. Perfect cottage wUh fireplace country kitchen. and wonderful patio. Lot is zoned R-2 Outstanding opportunity 1~ own !n COM . only $252.000. Call Sharon Collins for a showing

OPPORTUNITY AT SHADOW AUN Tradllional Warmington-built family home In Irvine's village of Northwood. Four bedrooms, two and one-half baths. and a big bonus room. Formal dining room separate family room with wet bar. and a three-car garage. Cul-de-sac location: Priced to sell. and the seller will assist with financing. Give Carol King a call.

NEWPORT HEIGHTS Low. low priced three bedroom with living and dining areas opening to secluded patio Near beach. schools. shopping. Custom cabinetry. Good assumable loan. Pnoed at $175.000. Call Binnie Dixon lor details.

CHARMER Delightful rwo bedroom traditional Spanish In Costa Mesa. Recently remodeled and redecorated . Sparkling. with an air of perfection. Assumable loan. Aaklng $159.000. Call Binnie Dll\on.


$10,000 DOWNlll Charming three-bedroom Laurel Pointe townhome. end unit located in desirable northeast Costa Mesa. Fireplace. skylight, and k itchen with greenhouse window. Try $10,000 down. assume the existing loan, and the owner will even assist with financing. Contact Susan Trlvlson for more details.

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS TWICE We have two delightful family homes now available on a quiet street in Costa Mesa. Each home has three bedrooms. one and one-half baths. One has a remodeled kitchen , skyllghts. and numerous upgrades; the other features a huge family room. spa, and cabana. Priced at $ 109,900 and $115,900, with Interesting f lnanclnd options , these are excellent properties for first-time buyers. Call Donna or Biii Webster .

STEAL A CONDO! In Irvine's Woodbridge area. Three years young. 10~1Wo financing. Located on cul-de-sac. Fenced yard Owner extremely anxious. Asking on ly $135,000. Call Susan Trlvison.

1863 BRAEMAR WAY, N.B. $365.000. SUN 1-5. 114 VIA ENSUENO. Mariners. SAN CLEMENTE $875.000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 542 HARBOR ISLAND DA .. Prom. Bay, N.B. $1 ,200,000. SAT/ SUN 1-5. 2752 BAYSHOAE DRIVE, Bayshores, N.B $895.000 SAT /SUN 1-5. 618 HARBOR ISLAND DR . Prom Bay, N.B. $1 .350,000. SAT 1-5 587 W. BAY ST .. Westside. COSTA MESA $109,900. SUN 1-4. 619 W. BAY ST .. Westside, COSTA MESA $115,900. SUN 1-4. 2124 COLLEGE DRIVE, COSTA MESA $129.000. SUN 1-5 10521NEWPORTAVE . NOATHTUSTIN $275,000. SUN 1-4 7 RUE VILLAR$, Big Canyon. N.B $650,000. SAT(SUN 1-5. 2642 VISTA ORNADA, Bluffs. N.B $209,000. SAT 1-5.

759-9100 # 2 Corporate



TERMS, TERMS, TERMS! Seller wlll lease/option. Very private, well-built home In rural North Tustin area ... three-bedrooms, SUP« tireptace. homey kitchen, and a remarkable solar water-heating system. Even a solar-heated spa. Nicely maintained property. The price Is right , the lerms are flexible!! Call today.

RETREAT AT ROAD'S END - $81,500 Remodeled two-bedroom home in secluded rural setting. Tasteful use of cedar. wallpapers, and paint throughout Nice deck , woodburnlng stove, and renovated kitchen. Assumable tst TD .. and owner wrn carry 2nd T.O. Fantas11c opportunity ror llrst-tlme buyer. Less than 15 minutes to Orange, or El Toro Call Mary Richards.

Newport Center

... .

. ,

- I

I .. _


SPECIALS Many owners are offering substantial price reductions and terms. Some will ex~hange and ."'cash speaks" -

Lower than listed price, if you have cash . . . Call for details and submit your offer

.__ __ •E_0

w_r_o1_1_1_u_c_a ____ ll ~----u_au_1_1_1_u_ca ____ ._ BEACH HOUSE-$138,900

Block to beach + pool & tennla In a caeual irtmoa~•· Great 3 bed. 2 ba. atarter home or for lnveatment. OWNER out of atate - MOTIVATED!

NEWPORT CREST Large Tri-level 4 ~d. plua lam. rm. near pool and tennla. Eeay at..,. to Beach. $249,000.

BALBOA IS. COTT AGE- LOT VALUE! Not • flHrl Abeolutety edoH1bl• 2 bed. home with brtck petlo. Near ahopa and beac:hea. m4,000.

NEWPORT HEIGHTS CORNER - POOL Pool. Nicety lendacaped, convenient loc:atlon with 3 bed. home plua f..n, rm. urge aaaumable loan. 1275,000. 631-1400. DrtYe by .01 Tustin An. & Cell.

OWNER SA VS " NO QUALIFYING" REDUCED AGAIN • . . now $230,000 for thla adorable corner 3 bed. POOl end petlo. NMr Faahlon la. & beach. Open S.l/Sun. 1538 Sefenede Ten'-

CLIFFHAVEN- VU, VU-TEAMS le ... / option or trede down for unite of smaller home. VU with two 2 bedroom unit• on lerge loL f'tene for home plue gueet houM and pool Included In price. Submit $399,500. Drive by 2001 King• Roed. Newport. 631-1400.

LIDO ISLE-40' LOT New on martiet with Sunny South petlo and remodeled and new decor. Hardwood floon, ~lea•, goumMt kitchen In thla 2 bedroom plua den. Pr undef merllet for quick Nie. Aleumeble loen• and OW hefp fin~. $431,500.

NEW LISTING-PENINSULA PT. Totally remodeled 4 bed, 2 1h ba, 2 ftrepleen, petlo & deck. Two atory home ont, one houM from oe.en. OW e«111der &erge AITD or wlll eaehange. Dme bJ 1541 E. Oc:Mn & c:ell ' 9470,000. A trulJ tabuloua home.

SPYGLASS- PASTORAL SETTING Skyflght11, atrlum + two petloe and peetcwel VU of htll1. Open and weB-planned 4 bed. hoflle with femltJ room adjoining kitchen, & format dining room. FIHlbt• ftnandng: AITD, °' 7 .... .000.

FOREVER VIEW- REDUCED! Terrlfle loc:atk>ft and lerge home with fatevet view for only SMl,500 on ... land. Or H CNnge fof ameffet home or Income unff• In thk .,... L.,. 2 ... tory, 3 bedroom ~J:. femlty room, d!Nft9 room plua 3 cat gerege.

loen. Terme ftexlble. OW ..... /opffon.

BAYFAONT GRAND AND SPACIOUS Mein baJfront location, penoqmlc view from ""' o•• 4000 eq. n. residence. Pier for two 551 yechts, large and open. br., "'*'• qtn. 5Vt be, r.mod•"d kltchMt, deft and maet• Mite wtttl view & ftreplece. OWC TD at 12"' Int fOf' 4 yun with $400.000 caeh. '" land. S1,115,000.

NORTH LAGUNA-VU Tri-level, remodeled home In • auper loc:atlon, cloee to Beach. Wood and gla11 3 bedrooma. OW help ftnanee. 1311,000.

OCEANFRONT-LAGUNA. BCH. Elegantly decorated 2 bed. 2 ba. co-op unit right on the beach. 8'curlty bkSg., and fabulou• VIEW. All Htrn for heelthy IMng r9Ct'Mtlon, lndudlng a POOL

PRICE REDUCED! LAGUNA Wae $515,000 ............................ - ................... NOW $525,000 An OCEANFRONT trl - level re1ldence for the dlM:rlmlMtlng buJer. Beautlful 3 bed. 3 ba. condo In Blue Lagoon. OWNER very motivated to NII thla unit In a guarded get• comples with a prMtlga eddrM1.

OVERLOOKING EMERALD BAY Magnlflc:ent "whlt-•t•" ocean VIEWS from thla cu1t. contempor1ry home with maatet ault• + 3 bedroom•. maid'• q"8rter• and 4 Vt bathe. Elegance •nd warmth, gourmet kitchen, formal dining room. Motivated Miier wlll carry Flrat T.D. •t 10% lntere1t. Call for detalla. M5t,OOO. 631-1400.

LAGUNA-FOREVER VIEWS Pool-alze propeny on 3 lev•~ with ape, .. un• I VU dec:kl. Contemporary wood & gleaa with open 3 bed. + lam. rm. tlt5,000.


NEW LAGUNA ESTATE-EXCHANGE Privacy, grMftetY, cloee to all on almolt 2 9"91. View~ af hllla, oeHn & llght1. Tri-level home wllh generoua emenltlff, all m8'n entertelnlng room• + 4 bed. AH - a never llved In. R .. ulatlon tennla court with llght• & fencing. OW EXCHANGE. PMeM be lnw.ntM & submit $2,I00,000.


REDUCED TO S411,500. Quiet Uttte ... comer with 3 bed. hoffte by dec«ator + rentel unit I malde. l7>-tlOO.

BALBOA ISLAND-LAROE DUPLEX On quiet Uttle l9land ,..., .., and llMChM. Tw••tory 4 bed. and 2 Md. unit• with XLNT r9ntel rKOrd. fles!We tetma. 1571,000. Walk by 11' Cryetel I call fn-llOO.

COAST HWY. COMMERCIAL-1IO' Excellent COfMr bualnHa property with ••t•btlshed ,_, .. ow help ftnenoe. 11, 111,000 Of' ,,.,.... pwcNM for lll0.000.



LINDA ISLE-10% CASH! Beautiful corner property with the be•t In decor lhroughout 5 bed. + ell main entertaining rooma. Pler/ allp for 3 boat•. OW hefp ftnence a, 11% with 10% caeh doWn peyment. A large home for family llvlng & eduff enlertetnlng. 11,395,000/631· 1400.

NEWPOATIS.BAYFAONT An atfotdeble prkle on the w .. er with plef/.Up for 30' boat. Enjoy outdoor llvlng with large p1tlo a dock. Adapteble residence can be duplex or home. OWC i.rge 2nd T.D. $415,000. FM.

OCEANFRONT HOME-AEDUCEDJ Beautttul cuatom with " pride of O'fllnerlhlp" C9f9 & detaH. Two atory 4 ~- 3Vt. ba. Owner wHI hefp finance. Supet land & ... BEACHFRONT. Now sets,000. Walk bJ 2I04 W. OcMnfront I call fof detetls.

BAYSIDE COVE BAYFAONT Prime See Diamond plan on one lefff with 2 bedrooma, 2 bathe ptu9 den. Freeh l*ltrel dee«. PrlYe .. buc:tl, baJ YMw, pool and epe. 8ecutitJ ptH. 9oet IUp avlllleble. FM 1anc1.

WATERFRONT W/LO BOAT SLIP TENNIS Preltltk>ua Linde .... , security, tennfs. clubhouM bead\. Over 4000 eq. It., w/ 4 bed. 4 ba. + meld'• quartel'9. Sunken wet bar. Low"t prtc:. on lagoon on Unde. Tall• OWt approx. 9550,000 In not... Selt9f YetJ motivated. Wll con1lder all terma on balance, lncludlng tred•• or leeM/optlon. With cash to loena, wlll Mii few $1,115,000. Ow net NJI "IM• edventege af thl• •muat NII' altuatlon." 111-1400. NEW ON MARKET-BALBOA IS. BAYFAONTI Panoramic View on the turnlft9 balln with a large 4 bedroom hoffte and boat dodl. 8oftul feature af • -bed. epertment. A fabulous loc:atlon and • f•r prtc.. 11.515,000.

BAYFRONT- 50' BOAT SLIP SUftftM to eunMt & Ngttt VU ,,_, tNI grKlou I etegent WATE9'FROtf1"'"°"'9. Large meeter suite + ' bedrootM few temlty. •::=. U.. rm .. formal din, rm., gourmet kltcMn wtth I --. Frencf\ doon to brktl petto I cototM ...... Many extnl & deccwetcw MMftlttelJ. Reduced to 11,AI0.000 .... 111-1400.

WARM a WONDERFUL LINDA ISLE Owner Med• to reloc.ete. Wiii trede tor commerclel, lnduMrtal • .._.. "' 9eMf1y ....... lleeutttul 5 bedroom. play/sllp tor boet up to 50'. On • gate guerded llland. Aeklnt 11,IOO,OOO.

ON WATER-FORMAL a LARGE LafeMI af tM unlta In '"=.lou9 Udo ~ condo compieL ApproJ1lmetefJ eq. n. with &erge ltwlng and


51 epece p8ltl + ' 41Pts. >CLNT toc.tlon ... - ..... to OCMI\. Aaklng 11, 1M,OOO w/S.0,000 caefl. V.._ ,af tM 2+ acrn In land alone. OrNt tax IMttet. ·

... ...., plus two bedroom ""'" and deft (could be W .,.._) v.w from -. and baJ to mount...., lloat lllp ft ...... DecOf le whtt. cerpet with formal Wal cowetlngs • ....,.000. L.,. boet .up av....,... Rem ...... ocadll1llilll1C1d ,..._, .._.. ..... CIOH. vu af ..,, ......

_..,. end nlgtlt .... ta. Ent.rtaln enlof.W. ,,_, tMe 3 Mdroom, f9l'ftllJ room plU9 prtvate petto. Owner ftealble with good ftnenctng. IMl.000 FM land.

EXCUSIVE 71 UNITS On etlft09t 5 ec,.. with lot• af grMtlel J and open epeoe, plua pool - and rectMtlon .,.._ EJr~t Coeta ..... location and nNr Newport. Well-malntelned and MV9f • veeencr. i..,.. 2-etory towfthouae ....,. .. with a Mdloo"" ... with petloe. Cati for ~ detalll end Aoor ptaM. ..... 8NWMJble toen •• ... land.

LINDA ISLE-GLAMOROUS Owner wlll llaten to exc hange olfere for • ranc fl , commeteUll of? Thie I• • tr~ttng I open reskMnce with large Nvt~O:tett tooma . .. rivet• m•ter ...... + 4 other L ftter/ hw 3 boetl ~750,000 (lncfudee land) •


Sales. Rehtals. Property Mrmagemen1

315 Marine Ave. 2436 W. Coast Hwy. · Balboa Island

Newpon S.-ath 631-1400




.. - J

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Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982 -- 13


This custom lvan We)ls designed home wa.S built with executive entertaining in mind. Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of the . numerous featu res are: SensationaJ view of Fashion Island & ocean, pool-& spa wk>ul8i<Je. bar, ~ ear-garage. complete secwity system and of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE.

*8AYCREST* 1 2~ financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs. fplc, large lot & fee "land! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-73'13 for appointment to view.


Sensational 3 br home on quiet street with pool sized yard. 11.2:>% assumable financing!! Priced at $223,950 fee. Call 759-1501or752-7373.


When you takeover existing lst Trust Deed on this abeolutely beautiful PLAN 4. This former model jfeatures 3 Br, 2 'h Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139,800!! 75Q.11501 or 752-7373.

* 113 FINANCING* • 103 Down Payment

on this builder cloaeout!! Extremely spacious townhome featuring 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to sell now at $149.950. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 few detaila.

•SOPS TO HACH* Thia .enaational beach· cottage features an ocean view and sundeck. existing lat T .D. $110,000 is payable at $400.00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offered at $165,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details.


Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring •wi.mmint pool, bonus rm, akyUte, lulh private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759- 150.1 or 752-7373. .

*Cliff HA VIN* •OCIAN & 8AY VllW*

Unbelievable VIEW 't:rcm wpecio.19 3 bl' home oo extremely l.arse lot ove rlooking Balboa Bey Club & Channel $675,000 FEE with great tenna! (714) 709-1501 or 752-7373.


Beautiful PLAN 1 in'WOODBRIOO-E LANDING located across su-ttt from LAKE #2. Features 3 br & formal dining . OwneT assisted financing at lOIJ.!!! Only •244,900 on FEE LAND. 759-1501 or 752-7373.

. '

NEWPORT BEACH OfflCe 2170 Ian lllguel Drive

Newport leoctt, CA NH0 .(714) 11•1101

*DESPERATE* Owner says sell it!! He wiU finance this six year new home for ~0-INTEREST!! S Br; 2 1.1 -ba;-pJtBh carpets, ceramic tlle,­parquet entryway, the works! $20,000 down and it's yours. Priced $20,000 'below market @ $139,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams Ave .. Huntington Beach.

REALTOR MURDERED This couJd be the headline next week if we don't sell this spacious 4 br home near Huntington Harbor. New decor inside. Seller moving out of area. Asking $125,000. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035.


You must see this backyard to believe it: pool, waterfall. Kol pond & malibu U,hls. The house comes in threes: bedrooms, fireplace and ovens plus a wine cellar. Sacrifice: $185.000. 556-7035.

I *ABANDONED* Artiat'a chalet w / panoramic ocean view alf the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035.

$765/ MO Buys this channing 3 br townhome wtonJ.y $8.500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location . 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035.


lnto a handsome prince. -Spacious 3 Br 2 Ba home w/dble at tached garage. Neeck help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,500. 9032 Adams, Hunfinaton Beach. 556-7035.

*53 DOWN* Brand new ·townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedroom modela with two baths. ·Builder will finance at 12 .~ and pay buyers non-recurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035.

*OWNIR DESPERATE* Mwit sell t.hia coey custom home near the ocean in ''Old Town" Huntington Beach. The aoaring cathedral ceilings with 5 akyu,hts and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard completes the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 556-7035. 9032 Adams, H untington Beach . • ...,,000 TOTAL FIE* Real Estate Llcenalr\i School. Walker & Lee Real Estate. (7 1,.) 963-5671.

•••iow MARKIT * . Thia Mesa Verde beauty is at least $10,00<flow at $1~4,900. Cozy

country kitchen, a brick fireplace, and fruit trees at back add up to irresistible charm. 556-7~.

*NIWPORT RIVllRA* . 3 br, 2~ ba. family condo located on g:reenbel{f Amoe lncludes pool, tennla & clubh<>U9e. 769·1501 cw 762·73?3 .


HunttngtOn leacb, CA 12141 (7.14) 111-7031


• I .... .

..... - - -· --- .. ·- -

I 14 - Orange County Reai Eatate/An Adwrtiling SuppMNnent to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Auguat 28, 1982



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• I

l.=~==~==~:?:-=z?: _____ -···~-~.:....:__:..;..;..._ ___ _:;__::_~~~~.;...~..;;._:;.~---~~~~::;:-~~~-~--:-~~-"""irl"' ~ • ~

Orang~ County Real Estat~/ An Advertising Su~plement to the DAILY PILOT / Saturday, ~ugust 28, 1982 - 15


cart nrnLrr © mvrsrnrnr conrnnr PUBLIC FORUM

Wea~ ~~-#~ tc ~


(When, in a down market, selling may not be the answer)


6JfiU«unt §'. ~~~ f!/J~ WHERE:






7:30 - 9:30 P.M.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? * Sellers with homes on the market • Leasehold homeowners

fCome with your agents)

* Sellers considering selling

• Commercial property owners

* Industrial property owners

• Real estate agents & brokers (Come wit11 your clients)

• Buyers who would consider purchasing a leasehold home

• Sellers facing or already in foreclosure

• Lending institutions w /RE.O's

Space is limited Please call for a reser.,vation

0 ,.

• A public service, courtesy Cote' Realty & Investment Co., Inc. •

760-1900 . 220 Newport Genter Drive, Newport Beach, California

' • I ... ..

·' " · ' - - -------- - .... - ~


- .

16 - Orange County Real Estate/ An Adverttllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982

3 II CllllSI Very Sharp lrg condos by So. Coast Plaza. Were $120,000 now $105,000 + $109,999 w / $5000 to $10,000 down only . For details call Patrie• ., Frt4 TtHrt 760-8702 or 631- 1266.

Ill CllYOI 2 Bd. 2 Bath condo in perfect cond. Steal It w/ $20,000 On for $180,0001 (Have others also) Call htrlo• tr Fre• TtHrt 631-1266 760-8702.

FOllECLISlllE! Lrg. 4 Bd. Spanish estate w/ pool in mint condit ion a t 1412 Santiago . Dover Shores-must be sold. Price cut $100,000 to $318,000 w/ terms! Open Dally. Call Patriot er Fre• TtHrt 760-8702 631- 1266.

3 u • ...., Cllllll No S down! Only $124 ,900 w / terms remodeled larg. beauty In good Costa Mesa area. Assume $79.000 T.D. at 10% owner will carry balance! Don' t miss this one investors! Contact Patriot tr Fre• , , .. ,. 631- 1266 1 631-27 11.

llPLD 10. UllU New ocean view contempory 2 Bd 2 Ba units (2 of each) Just off PCH. Nr. Las Brlsas restaurant. Only $385,000 w/low down and Great terms! Call Patrfek TtHH 760-8702 631- 1266.

Ulllll lllllE Only $399,900 with great terms and view. Call for details, Patrie• TtHrt 760-8702 631-1266.

1n. a II., IU + SPA 2200 Sq. Ft. of almost new luxury home w/f or eve r view! Only $359 , 900 w/tremendous terms! Call Patrie• er Frt4 ,...,. 760-8702 631- 1266.

Sll,oOo MICE IEllOTllll That' s right ! Prime Mesa Verde golf course home. 5 Bdr., fem. rm, bonus rm, pool & spa. Priced to sell quickly $510,000 Jackie MM•••••• 631-1266.

1-11-l·E-l ·T Must sell howl Property reduced $20,000 4 Bdr. fam. pool/spa. Prime M6sa Verde loc. $265,000. Jaokl• IH•l•• H 631- 1266.

IESA YElllE Lovely custol'!l b'4ilt 3 Br. pool home on cul-de-sac. Sellers will carry large 2nd T.D. at 12% asking $299,000. Call AH• l oCnllll4 631-1266.

30 UllTS • I.I I UOSS Assuma~le 8 'h% 1st T.D. plus owner f inancing 12% - Hurr y! hit lluta lrthr/ .... r 759- 1221.

LIM WITEIFllllT LWE 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx . 2600 sq. ft. Poss. boat dock /fantastic vu. All nu paints/crpts. $1800 mo. Ill er HYIE IHP 759-122 1.

111111111 lllME LWE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r . f.r .• study, beautifully dee. lge decks, feb. vu. Prl. grd. gate. pool & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. Ml ., ..... 759-1221.

IEWNllT CIEST Cllll 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge master ste/ sitt1n11 rm. vu, largest model. $210,000. Subn\lt any offer on terms. Ill er llYIE HIP, 759- 1221.

lllLI Tl SllT • C.1.1. Here's your chanoe to haye the home of your dreams! Great lot available so. of PCH a $50,000 below market w/excellent financing. Act now, treat yourself, save big money. Call IH Satter 759-1221 .

OIEOl 11UE IDT llYI vC.M. 3 br on R-2 lot. $89,900 v1rv1ne 3 br.SOLDhome $129,000 vNewport Bch. Nu 3 br. pvt. yd. $169,000 vEastslde. Nu 4 br. mini ranch $199,000 All have tremendous financing tool Call ... ..... 759-1221.

tlUOIJOfT ..-:a .-m 111¥111 • 4412 IQUIOA PIWY.

11111 --.aM L 1m n.

• _ .- no • OQI)


2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avall. In Newport. Sec. Bldg.. pool, boat dock w/notlc~ . $525,000. 1M er NYIE IMP, 759- 1221. \

llPLU-011 Country antique. different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, hlghly upgraded kitchen, brick fplc, $295,000. Seller wlll finance. Must see. Submit any offer. IN• llYIE I•, 759-1221.

IEW'PllT IEllOS. 4 Bdrm 21h Ba w/ game room. Beaut. decor In every room. Over 'I• ac. w/jac. Asking $340,000 Fee. Wm trade for smaller home or condo. Ill er NYIE IMP, 759-1221 .

IEW CISTOM FllEICll IOlllUIY You mu~t see to believe ell this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr. 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tlle, choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13%. IN er 11Y11 IMP, 759-1221 .

llYlll llHU Name your t~ on Ihle lrg. 4BR. 48A. Home W/ocee . +Sep. In-law qtrs. $297,000. St ' 'Yl.000 1st T.D. 121A0

/. with exc"·· ,I I) dn. or trade equity for C.M. or 1'6.Utte or condo. .. ., ........ 759- 12~ •.

ICWFllllT - ICWFllllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & llve on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd of $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000. Ml et llYll INP 759- 1221.

llUlll llME 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly upgraded, ltallan marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r ., study & f.r . has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. - ., ....... 759- 1221.

111111 SHiii Feb. Ocean & coutllne vy, 3 br. 3 ba. form . d .r ., f .r .• stud y , lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bcha. $895,000. Fee . .._ er .... ""759- 1221.

IOUllRllT ... Just 2 years new. very contemporary. ;J br. 4 ba. corner loc. fab view, two kitchens. Best oceanfront b u y t oday . Very motivated. $650,000. Submit any offer. seller needs cuh fast . ... ., hfte 1 .. ' 759-1221.


BOB or DOVIE KOOP 759-1221 ...T EACH (l'flC(

Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlsi~plement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, August 28, 1982 - 17

Set on a pla teau u p agains t the Santa Ro!->a Mo unta ins, Ironwood is literally tht> highc~t coun try club in th e desert.

This prime loc~tion, a va riety o f graciou~ hou~e styles and custom ho mesitt;s. an d first-da~~ a meni ties a re a ll good rea!:>ons-to start your search fo r a second ho me in the de~L·rt by com ing up to lron wood.

COME UP FOR THE VIEWS. The h omes a t Ironwood a re sited on a va ridv of

topographical levels. And w he ther you' re looking o ut over the golf course or a t the va ller, floor below, the scenery is incredibly beautifuk Beeausc o f our secluded loca tio n you'll also enjoy protec­tio n from the desert winds as we ll as p n vacy from your ne ig h bors.

COME UP FOR THE GOLF. Bo th of o ur cha lle nging, 18-hole champions hip

cou rses were desig nea in consultation with the Club President, Arnold Pa lme r. The So uth Course, w hich lies back in the mounta in coves, is unique in that the re are no ho mes lining the fa ir­ways or even n earby. There a re p icn ic areas set around th e lakes, so that you can play a ro und of golf, commune w ith na ture or sh a re the seclusion and beau ty w ith loved o nes.

COME UP FOR THE TENNIS. Some clubs e ither igno re ten n is o r have o nly a

ha ndfu l o f courts. Ironwood has 14 ch ampio nsh ip q ua lity courts, 13 o f w hich a re lig h ted for nig ht play and one o f w h ich is a recessed Stad iu m Cou rt for match es an d exh ibitions. Both golf an d tennis faci li ties h ave their own locker rooms and fully stocked pro shops.


COME UP FOR THE LIFESTYLE. Fo r location, facilitie~, cho ice!-> and price, no

o ther club comes close to Iron wood. Here you can ~elect a golf a nd view-orien ted ho me, an intimate townho use n ext to the courts, o r a custom ho m e­si te . Yo u can join the clu b an d e njoy a full rou nd of social acti vitic~ o r escape the world a ltogether in the q uie t tra nq uil ity of you r ho me . Best o f a ll, you' ll find a warm , friendly a tmosphere and people w ho a re read y to welcome you as well as respect your privacy.

COME UP FOR THE VALUE. All the pres~ige a nd a men itie of o ne of th~ fin~st

count ry d ubs an th e d esert can be yours sta rhng tn -the low $150,000s. For a limited time only, Iron -wood is o ffe ring 30-year financing s ubsidized to 103/4 % (11 % A PR) for 5 years o n som e m odels. There a re subs tantia l d iscou n ts for cash bu yers . Those w ho p urchase a ho me before Aug us t 31 an d close escrow w ithin 30 days w ill receive a gen er-o us decorating a llowance from Iron wt)()d 's Desig n Cente r. An d sh o uld you d esire to purchase a comp le te ly furnis hed hom e, we have severa l models available for immedia te occu pancy.

A with a ll gt)()d th ings, h owever, the. op~or­tunities to secure yo ur place a t Iron wood w ill e nd soon . Before that h ap pens, please call o ur sales office a t (714) 346-05.51 today. Or to morrow you may have to set your sig hts lower.

Ironwood Country Club 49-200 MaripoSa Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260

(714) 346-0551

Sales nfficc op.·n 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


t -..



-.,... .

18 - Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982

Patio Deck

Master Suite

t '


LAKE HAVASU c1r·Y, -ARIZONA The Most Complete Fun Facilities on the Colorado River! Arizona's " royal resort" City

* Home of historic London Bridge and other great attractions. * Boating, water-skiing, fishing and beaches on beautiful Lake Havasu! * Marina, Tennis Courts. * Campgrounds, Travel Trailer Park. * Hotels, M6tels, Restaurants, Entertainment! * Two 18 hole championship golf courses. * Airport facilities for Private Planes, as well as commercial flights.

Living Room

Sitting ._ __ Room


Carport Garage



MODEL OPEN DAILY The EL RIO VIL LA S CO MPLE X is a subdivision consist ing of 12 townhouses, each on its own individual lot. Each townhouse is approximately 1 ,453 sq . ft . of luxury living space.

From: $106,000 to $114 ,000

FEATURES * Nominal Association Fees due to minimal common area. * Individual, energy efficient spa pools on a private patio deck. * Extra long garage for boat storage. * One block from downtown. * Ceramic tile floors, countertops, and showers. * Wet bar with icemaker. * Solar water heating option. * Built-in microwave oven.

Clip and mail:

To: Real Estate by Edie McDougal Box 1123 lake Havasu City, AZ 86403

YES. I am Interested in more Information about the El Rio VIiia Town houses.

NAME ~------------------------~

ADDRESS ------------------------­

CITY. STATE, ZIP CODE ------------------­

TELEPHONE -------------------------



•' ,

Sat. Aug. 28th & Sun. Aug. 29th ,. Noon to 5:00 p.m. "k ~~ ctq_ *



Buy Now thru Aug. 29th and Receive:


Who said you can't afford the best1 Town Square's air con· d1t1oned, full ·fHture homes in the heart of Santa Ana otter '2 tennis courts, poof and spa, !>aunas and showers, private clubhouse with b1lhard room, fireplace, barbecues •• 1. '2 & 3 BEDROOMS

Sales office open daily from 10 a.m.

@ ~ 700 W. Third Street .11:.~:: ~ Santa Ana, CA 92701 •19v.%APR -•--------~~ (71 4) 541·4107 . ''\f• .... - ·_,_ . ...... ,..__...,, ... ,_ ... _ ·"""'

A,no(,,., Qudftl 'f de~·. o.,. Go'<:l• •t" . 'e" 41\d s~ CiO¥ t HO<.~nl). In<

... l'n<tottll- ,....alpullll<- S...,... oo- - on,. 1119f 4"dllM 5-..oe<"""'l..__..IO ___ ,..~.,.,..,. elilll'«...,... .



•• I

" • I


. -

20 - O range County Real Es tate/ An Advertising S upplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Aug ust 27. 1982

INJ ,,,,,. ....••••.••..••. ...•.. !'.!'.!!.~·!.'9! ••••••• !e.~!.~'!.~! ....... ~'.!!!!.~'.'.!!.'! ....•.. ~ ... ~~!!.~'.'.!'.'.' •...•.. l«•t1al Jiil lnnll JOO Q1•1t•I lOOZ Ot•t1•l lOOZ

~ ~ ~ ......•••...••.....•....••••.•...•.•••.•••.• ······················ . ...... .............. .

~~."5. ';l:'.~ ~ I IEW E.m • Ullll ISUll

Pidillsher's lttfoti First lime listed. Charming nr. new 2 sty, All real estaie adverllsed arc hitectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam. rm. 1n thu newspaper 11 Qualit y design and decor throughout. sub1ec1 10 1"8 Federal Designed for guest quarters. Priced lo Fair Hooslng Act of 1968 u s 5nc. 000 C'-u f " N I { wti•cl'! aillJl.t$Jl. 1lt1M1al t~ se .,..,, ~ er mance. o oan ee.

-advertise .. any preferen· 213 lllHll - OP£1 llT I St• 1-1 ce, limlta1 lon or dlscrtml· nation besed on race. color, ret1g1on, sex or WISE SEUD PtllCH TllS TO SELL national origin, or ant Unquestionably the best buy in Big In tention to make any Canyon. F ou r bedrms, and family room. such pretarence. Urt\.11.&· 11on or dlacrimtnation .. fmmaculate tnrougffout. New car pets, nus newspaper will not drapes. marble entry & decor. Elect1onic knowingly accept any ~urity system . Wet bar, 2 fire places, 3 advertising for real es- car garage. Artistic pool and s pa. Priced tale w111ch 1s 1n v1ole11on 01 the law right a t $695,000. Gate guarded area

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Call 644-4910 for permission to enter ERRORS: Adverti - l 1• IUIUlllQ TUE Ill. OPEi Siii 1-1

ser~ should . check I DI IHI CHYOll Hl.f COHSE their ads daily and Builder's own personal residen ce. Not repo~t errors rm- the average s~ulator built home . The mediately The · . . DAILY PILOT as- arc hitectural de~1gn and m e t1culo"'.s sumes liability for attention ti> delall reflect the owl)er s the first Incorrect des1~e to c r eate an unusually high insertion only. quality home but!~ to please the most

d1scnm1nating family. ;> bedrooms. 6 1 ~

-------• baths. plus all the ameruties one w ould BH1•1 lt1 S1l1 .......•..........•... 1111 £11111 . ........ ............. Gt•t11l I 002 ••••..••..•......•... .

ASH I HU Cute clean. sharp 3 Br Mesa del Mer home Huge 101 on a cul-de.sac sf Grea1 loan Call now on thlS Costa Mesa cutte 631-7370 or 545-7836

TIUDIT 10\,\ l RL \ l.T\

anticipate. $1,950,000. Owner financing.

1 ILOCIS TO IEWPOIT 11111 - 1221,000 C ha rming 4 Br. & family room. 2 brick fireplaces . c ountry kiJc hen , qu1 e,.l residential area in young development by Buccola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. 421 • 11ttt PL., C.I. OHi SH 1-1

VIEW - UIE • Miili - sn1uss Two s tory Nantucket 5 Br . with beauuful S unset pool s urrounded by 14 ,000 red bricks. Tastefully d ecora ted throughou t with wallpape r s a nd shutters Shows like a model h ome!

iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiill-iiiiiii- Ma n y upgrades. Selle r will finam·c IEW LISTlll II Submit down . $760.000 incl land lllYl•E THRACE

~~~e: h~!c!~.~e~~o~~~ .. HOit YIEW llUS - HIE YAlll rated with cream color Q uiet. park-like setting. Rm for paddle carpets. plan1a1ion shut· tennis and pool Great for orchard Cul ters & WOOd 000'9 II has . . . bdck planters. a spark· de sac st. 3 bdrms, fam. rm. $379.500 hng Po<>' ano separa1e 1211 IEY WEST, CIM IPll SH 1-4 so• Ask for t111alie (11gt)

673-6571 or 675-0000 OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5

1311 SHIHtlla Terr U~lf)lJI: t1f)MI:

OPEN HOUSE SUN IOAM Free country braaklaal.

JttME sn1,ttt - YllW nu Earthtones thruout. 4 br, 2 111 ba. family rm , dinmg rm 2.378 sq .ft Vie w o f Pavi11on. nite Lites & Catalina. 1211 SllFUIE, CIM SAT I SH 1-1

j;~~";to..I.~~t>":if ~or c~:~ WHLEY I . TAROll Ct., llW. TOllS rec1lon1 4:!0•6030 2111 S.. ...... lilh ltH

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IEWPOH CDTD, I .I . 144-4111

TERRIFIC HOME Prof. decor, warm 3 Bdrm, faro rm, big kitchen, h.igh beam ceilings. fireplace+ a large private m a nicured yard; A real value at $375,000 and you own the land. Open Sat/Sun 11 -6~ 1218 Keel Dr. CdM. Patrick T enore, RE/MAX. 631 -1266.

Rr!Mt-X of Costa Mesa

I lllM 1 STORY Fast escrow possible. Large assumable loan s C lose to sch ools and shopping. Only $1 50.000

TUUUFIC TOWllMOIU Spacious 2 s t o r y lownh o me , woodburning fireplace. Huge master suite, sunny pauo plus ronununity pool. S pa. sauna and tenrus. Assumable loans. Only $129,900. Call


Sharon Exner


BEST IN BLUFFS HST Ill. Lovely 2000 sq. fl. 3 bdrm. 2 'h baths. Cam. rm , wide greenbelt, near pool. Only $249,000. IHLOtll Tll WI. WILL WSl onltl. By a ppl.

tPll 1-1

2lU Yim l•MtSI 4 M w/ laH Ml Plafa., I M, wMI laM

U11,llO Ult,111 SHl,000 2111 Yl1t1 traa4a. Sltr, •I••

HELEN B. DOWD IUL TllS. llC. 144-1111

WHY RENT? Renl money P•YI toward a home & big tu break

It ..... ,,.., Yery Lhtlt hw1

Call John 5411·21189 or Ktthy 11 875-1416

Want Adi Call 842-5878

MEIHITI UllHI $111.000

Spacious 3 er 3 81 home. features t>eaulltul family rm, w/cu1tom ca­binetry & llreptece, for­mal dining rm. 3 cer ga· rage Must - to believe et thl• price. 751-31111 •HUIPllOIT

BEST FI SHIN G ANO SWIMMING BEACH plus 2 bdrm home · 2 csr garage. etc! $625.0001

•SPYIUIS BAY & OCEAN VIEWS' 4 bdrm , 2'~ bat hs. li re­place, 3 car garage plus much more• $650.0001


Two well prlCe<I units In a vacation selling near fun & sun Two and one t>e­droom units with fire· pieces New roof Good financing $259.000


C:::. ' ,l ' I ' . ...,..., PU1 1PI 1J • • '

--- -..... . 2100 "· " · Offlot ~ 1200 14. ft.

lalMa lar Pr••· ......... •lll-lDIO* ........... ,

2 story 5 bdrm. 3 Oath ~ with COVflfed pallo and mlcroweve oven. Fle~tt>lt ttrmtl Owner auitled flnenclng Only s 125.000 Call 1119-5370 today

. \ f : ·/ l / 111~. If ! • ' • \ '• .,., "•'

01H IU·llOO

TWE PH NAT Newer 3 bdrm 2 bath unit• with llr991ec:.1 and only sttpa to ooeen and bay Auume 11t TO. Own.., would Ilk• 38 It Hllt>oat u part of down payment J350,000 Cell 831· 1400

W1\TI Kl KONI llOMI' I.e. RfAL[Sl~IE

6.11 14lln

4 ldr11., 3th 11th with llHt sll11.

$1050000 FEE s160,ooo •• 121h%

OPEi MOUSE UT / Ill 1·1 Ill 111114• Ir. ,,, .. ,, ... "" 675-7852

•• Ltt 120l 120

SHt,000 •• , ......... , lltr.


For Ad Action Cal a

Oaiy Plot AD-VISOR 642-5671

I TllE YA&.R II Liii This 3 bdrm home offers one o t the best st r eet to street locations on the Is land . Features a lovely patio pertect fo.r entertaining. Den. extra wide lot. 3 car garage. A must to see. $495,000.

UYfltlT .... IUTU

Furnished 2 bdrm, 2 bath bayfront condo. Located in securi ty building wilh outstanding view of turning basin. Boat slip available at best rate In townl


Prfce d to sell at $ 1 l9,CJOO. 2 bdrm, 2 bat h , pool , w a lk to shops. Move In condition & vacant.

LIDO ISi.i •EW lllTlllC Permanent bay view , large 3650 sq . ft of goo d living. 30 st eps t o Nord bea c h & playground . 6 bdrms. 4 baths. Sunny south patio . Separate guest quarters downs tairs. Best financing. $575.000.


2421 YISTA MOHR Lowest priced 3 bdrm, 1 'h ba, 2 s t ory In the Bluffs . Freshly painted , close t o schools . shopping /,. pool. VACANT . Reduced to $ 124,500.

UN llLI + NIL Extra w ide lot plus pool. 3 bdrm, 3 bat hs, fabulous decor. Assumable financing . Walk to Lido Village. $595,500.

• IEW II LIN Immaculate 4 bdrm, 3 bath home on a 35' lot wrth a sunny red t iled patio. Remodeled with new kitchen & baths . Some city lights view. $505,000.

US TIU ff Bank repo 2 s t ory, 5 bdrm, family room, c orner lot. Great family home with lots of room. Near park. Bank offering new 30 year loan at low Interest with 20'/e down. See & save $$$s. $232,000.

UH ISll 4 112 bdrms, 3 baths, family & dining rooms. Large 50 foot corner lot. South sunny private patio plus poor. A dramatic custom h om e . $595,000.

tll O&llH Most unusual customized home In area. Indoor/outdoor pool with sliding glass roof. 18' bar, screening room . gourmet k i tche n . playroom w ith full kitchen & beth . Good financing Seller reserves right to accept best otter. $699.950 .

Lido Realty 673-7300

H•rau• 111 Silt ••••..... ..... ........ (h.,,,J I 002 ···•···••·•···········

LllO ISLE tmTUltll

OOITE•Nlllf tHl 1111-1 124 Yla Mace

2 story IMng room. oak ttoors. skylights, master suite wllh ltreplace 4 sundeck 2 bdrms. dining rm convert lble den II · t>rary plus studio $645 000 with assumable u. nanclng.

Lawson Re.illy


OP£11 MOUSES 1-i s.,histicat1~ City

Style C1d1 H FAMILY Ill. Walls of 1lau ~ri11 ut-4 .. , 1ar4us l1to s liy llt ru••· 11 ' Y11ltd otiliap, eali fl11rs, HtrlJ tffl• ci11t stlar lltt water syste•, l1ulat14 tl1t1~ &fast. Fleli~lt ter••· Ofhr-4 at $370,000. 111 lari-101~


UtS I. CHt l HwJ c .......... , .... 1575.5511

•• , .. 1.1 .. , '""' .....•................ 2400 s •. Ft.

or CUSTO M HOUSE Excellent financing $539. 000


OPEi HE SH 12-4 113 OIYl

2 Bdrm 2 Ba plus dt>I gar. lovely patio. stan­dard size lot owe ,,_ nancing S325.000


a vance rultor 61 l 101.J

'••iu•l• l 001 ····•••·•·•••·•·•····· ecwntll Charming beaeh house. lrg R-4 lot Best loca11on 2 Bdr & den. 1.,, bfks Ba. o we . $598,000. Kan 673-5410. Coast Prop

• OCEANFRONT • 400K-besl buy on beach! By owner 640· 7990 c.,.., ,,, 11•1 I OZZ .••....••.••••.••.....

TERllSI 10 Ill your needs. Prime duple•, lo down. lo price buy pArt or all Darrell, o wnr / egt RE I MA X 759-1221 •FULL OCEAN VU 111 12%1oan Jumlne Cr11 °"''* egt 8A0-1515

Cl' OHH LOT Wiii'! 3 Br. w. Be, lrplc

By Owl'l8f 846-8586

l1•111t fear lffer Home+Gueatttncome owe 11t . Re• Term• 509 ACl(;la Cc:IM nr t>Ctt Spotless Vacanl Oup .. • Huoe 6brl3b.+3br/3t>a «OI< own/t>kr 845-7048

Find what you wen1 In o.iry Pilot CIU11fled1.

, -·


. . Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT./Saturday, August 28, 1982 - 21

a .. 1n 111 S.l• •••Hf l•t --ll!"INimii~iiiiiii-1111!'-• c;;;;;j ......... i.ooa Q.";;;;j ......... i.iiz NlllllllU 11•1 •••••••• •••••• •••••• •• ••••••••• ••• • •••••• •• • 114 •• 11,f 11'11 .. , 1·1

II Yll WUT Tl NtlUL" A 111111' SIU.II ...., llWI

Leaving countr y SO price reduced $49,000. In pres tigious Turtlerock , gorgeous 3 Bd 2 ~ Ba, pool sized yard.

IHI HISE llllAY 1-1 I PllPll IAll

• Call agent, Toni Mo rri s-La y field . RE/MAX 559-9400

UIE ILIFFI IPNUlllm Just listed-front row view. Lowest priced " E" Plan 3 Br. family room . $197,000 Assume loans. Submit on dwn. 2645 Vista Omada $315,000

Open Sat/Sun 1-5

Priz:e West Bey bayfront. SUJJ9 foe 2 boata, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200.000. .

Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 lq.ft. $1,385;'000. Oceanfront.

.... Ill.I ... lllNl.91- ... 1 .. Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn. 5~ bath. Lge L .R .. 2 boat slips $1 ,500.000.

I<.rmodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath+ lar1e rec. rm. beam Ceilings, fumilhed, patiOI. $420,000.

LW llLI ., ...... Laaoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. darlt nn. den, Boat allp. Now $1,000,000.

- UYllll ft.Ill ~ Spec:1.liCUlaT baytron' dplx 2 bl', 2 be up; 2 bi ~ ba dn. 2 boat~ ~uced - ···'°°·000.

Clllllll CAYS Coronado laland cwt. baytront lot. M ' boet dock. P1am avail. Now $370,~ w / t.emw.

ILIFFS LOSE 2 Bdrm, water view, $950/mo. Rlffl -

Slncle atory end unit. expanded, upended 3

11HlililllliliiiiZilit ________ l

111 ... ._..H .. l_.I br. 3 ba on largest gn!enbelt, lake. S250,000.

II~ .... mllD! A home with the ultimate features for a luxurious life style. 60' boat slip, 3 BR, fam rm & formal dining. Stained glass everywhere, Jennaire, centrtal vacuum & air cond., Ma rble fire p laces , security system$. bays ide patio & 2nd story balcony. $1 ,550,000 Bobbi Ryan 752-1414 (S60) PllH IHIOH. Over l acre w /lovely 4 BR custom home, 5 stalls + tack room, tennis court. pool, spa, central vacuum & AJC & complete security system w /gated drive way. $750,000 Bobbi Ryan 752-1414. (S61) IUITIFIL WIU Home, ocean view o n lg lot. This fully restored 2 level seaside cottage o ffers warmth & c harm w /"early country" flavor. There are 3 bedrooms, 2 Yi baths. fam rm, country kitchen & guest qtrs w/ 3 fireplaces, vaulted beam ceiling & F'rench windows. The large lot offers sund e cks , flagstone patio w /spa & richly Landscaped garden . Don' t miss this one. Offe red at $425,000. Bill Wedmo4' e · 551 - 8700 -OPEN HOUSE SAT 1-5. 1003 VAN DYKE - LAGUNA BEACH.(562) WALi Tl PllHTI IHH. T his custom home has recently been renovated by owner and is the least expensive home available ln this exclusive area of Dover Shores . Seller I s h ighly m otivated . $375 ,000 . Duffy RJebe 551-8700 ($63) ........ wm ..... This 3 BR h o m e offeu a spacious, Ugh\ & airy feellna w / lg bedrooma & plenty of at.oraae. ~ yard ia very private w/lg pool, BBQ & cabana. Good financing a. available . $249,500. Bill Wedmore 561 .. 8700. ($64)

BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR JJ .. f'i. t;• • .I .. •• :"" ,.. •, ' ... f_;

l&Y WllllFIMT W/ LU ll&T IUP

IEIUCED TO 1111,881.11

Ill YHI ,._ 18 TEllll

Prestigious Linda Isle prime lagoon bay location . Guarded gate , a ll amenities, over 4000 sq ft . Appraised recentl y at $1 ,700,000. T ake over $560,000 in notes. This is a must sell now sit u atio n . Will co n side r lease/option , trades for income, comm' l, residential properties o r large yacht or joint venture. Leave mesaage with Answer Ad 730, call 642-4300, 24 hrs.

JEAN E. COLE, REAL TOR PRESENTS: --.......... ......,_ .... ............. ~ ............... .

..... ~ ..................... leftlJ ... .. . . ':.:/:'''• ... -.. ......... ..

.. tatr. let. Wiii ,..._et Ml0,111. ........ , .................. .., ............ Ml IHI Olllla 11•1 .. 11 ... ,,.-.. ,._....., .......... ., ......... . IM Iller• tee." I'• HW ...... _, ... wtll IH1t•• Pt11 II tlalt 11 flat l1rc• ... , ...... ,. •• , ••• Ir ,... ' •• , •• , ...... , ....................... .. :eiaR. .... •· '"" ,, ... =-~· ,,........... .. .... , ........ .

llVllT•l llldl• PLUll& ................... ...., ...... (SlaltH~T .......... llh ....... , ...... .. ...... ... ...................... . .......... ............. 1 .... • ,.. llalT1 ..... ~ ...... .. .... ,. ..... ...., .. ....,....., ........ a:·-......... ... ....... ..... ........ ... .................. _......, .. ................. ,., "'" ....... . ......... -.. .... .

PWSE CAU DI E. car (714 17Mlll ...

..... #t laJ. •• ..n JN S.h •••HI /11 S.Jt ...... /# laJ. •.••.••••••••••...•.•• •...............•....•..........................••..•......•...... ~=":::._··:_::.·!:._~~~~"-=··=·l·~! ~~~~{ ......... !.'.!! ~~~ ......... !~~ '<4fa4A.Wfo4-K.UA.a..A£M..UJUlll

RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT? IRVINE . . . In Deerfield the popular plan 3 Larkspur ... 3BR·2 V? BA, patio, 2-ear gar. Low priced $1 33,500. . .. In Turtlerock Ridge a two year new . .. 2BR Den upgraded home. Pastoral view $299,000. . .......... . COSTA MESA ... Three (3) large lots with existing home or units each wned for 6 new units or condos .

OW. Fii llFlllUTlll M0-1211 IUnDIUln

BOAT ON THE BAY. PLAY ON THE OCEAN. Resjdent.ial.COmmercial•lndustrial Spaclou1, open & 1unny all view home • w/~anortmlc deck1, on huge prime llland CW.... •I llM 1111 C... '-I ,,_ 1111 "Point.~ & pii<g gil'ota, 'T you own lift- --·· --.-........... land. + ownet financing, au for 1985,000. ILi CIM 1231..800 lfll SAT 1 I Open Sat/Sun. 11-5. •028 Chann.I Piao., So. of hwy, R-2 3 B; ~;

1117 ... •

Newport lalMd, Newport 8-ctt. 873-0202. model L111 rm opens I --•• p\11 backyard. Mo11e-ln ll¥m Tiii*

.--...~~ G oond. real term&. Must 11 ...

FORECLOSED HOMES Owned by the Bank

Excellent Locations -Lo down payments.

114/ M2-4a0 C.anry 21 E••ry Ask for Rande Johnson


..... Della. 631-1266. egl 1at n.. llten4.

TRADE ... Y<l'K l>Ol'lng Income pro­perty or outgrown resl-4enoe with large equity tor thll nMt ruatlc and roomy 4 Bdrm 3~ba home with 180 deg . ocean vie• In walk to beK'h. Corona def Mar k>callon. $495.000 lee.



Thia nHI 3 Bdrm 2ba with OV9r 1800 lq " end lovely palloe and gar­den•. Owrl4lt 'Nill llnance aubatanllat 111 TD at 12% Int., 7 yr term. A leulhold Mtate. Priced to Mii in t ...


e...... 1114 .••...••......•...•... .... mi .. ,

- •Alm ,_ 11 YU/11~ With 20% down you can ~ mo..,. Into this lovely 4

Immacul a t e 3 Bdrm Bdrm home , f reshly 2bath owner's unit. and paint.CS In end out. Tcw­spllcious 1 bdrm rental, rifle loc ation . Asking both with lolled beam S 147,000. For appoint · <*llnge. lrplee and a ve<y m e n t I o 1 • e , c;a fl private~· Localed on 540-1 151

~r~1~f ~:~~~:: ea•••r!1TJ:'j:'J,QilT.;Ti;n~l1 BMch. $294,000 -


/Jn >; IG EL [}AIL[ r & ASSllCIA! ES


Custom Country Kitchen with Antique Lace C urtains in Breakfas t Nook , 4 •-------­Bedroom Suites each wi th Bath & ~~~1~ !...,,~;:

IHMIHI REDUCEb- lor F ... Salel 8 year old 3 8dr home. Immaculate. A11um1 loana. Aalllng SlH,000. RAE ROD· GERS '31- 12&6 Fireplaces. Formal Dining, Triple property I• loaded w /

G arage. Securi"', 3200 Square Feet, 2 potent111. 41• beamed •J LR/ w/FP. Only 1329,000

Years New , H igh Assumable First Trust tee. Deed BEA T Y AND THE


. 8 EACH re 5 BR 4 8a CUiiom, ect lor the U.. I • 'IWml 411 n MllEIA

...... UY" 1-4

Discover the Details Which Make this Home Distinctively "Above the Crowd" - Hand Fini.shed Oak Hardwood Floors, H igh Ceilings, Authentic W yoming Ranch Oak Fireplace, Skylights, Beveled G lass Peek-thru into Country Kitchen, 2 Woodburr\ing Fireplaces , P "n e le d Family Room, Triple Garage. ~ exlble Financing.

Ill nLLDTM 'Wiii llllAY" 1~

.... ...., ......... , ... ,, 11111 Ni&IL-VM.PE ........

1xecu1111a. ty 1 blk to with 2 '.4 baths, 2 cat encl ocHn. Supe value et gar & ywcl • ..$5000 down 5735,000. Cll Georgine and pymt ueiatad prog-at 55&- 1809 rem. Rick. Owner/

MUST SELL home w/ unlt. _Ag ......... 1._"4-l __ 1_11 _ _ _ wide lot, 2 bib to beech. llUI varw Mtlke on.r. S73-9208. IHI

2 8dnn, 2.J>a, Qondo. Full • .. 1, ••• M*lltlee and MC. gate ..... I .... No qullllfylng With $8000

5 Twin LakM Cr. down . 10. 75% loan Oi'EN SUNDAY 2-5 progrem avalteble. Cati

S 8drm Soulhport. Ve- R la.h . Owner / Agt Clitlt & redocad to $469, _9&4_ -8_ 11_1 ____ _

500. ... ..... 120.000 dwn tor • 21~ ~ln~yw/tax lhal1• baneflte. Owne< occupi.d or lnvettOf' • poeltlon av.It. Call Aldl ~/agt, ~171

WATER'S FINE No quetltytng, eupa!' 3 bdrm with roc:ti pool In ooun1r y Nt\lng. Mull

• Mii. APl fttl t117,800 . .. •• - Bkf. 84M70t

&-... Ill.. J. e.n.. '-/ • I t Muir Beach Ctr, 1IO ---------rr.::::•••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••-••• deQ. vu. 5 ldr 8\t 8& --- If IWlll ternlly/lllfM ""· t l!l.EGANT ~Style' - dining. Opn Set/Svnl bdr,.., WU191 country

811•llllto U. .... Oft CclM duplex, l>eet locl WM f-6. a.2 ~Fe. t r alHlh decor, a t H I ... land. a • .1 ... WV & Pri de o t ownerehlp . v.. •~ 111-7800 .,..,,. o..-e true. .iuet din ''"· It ,_ ~J all Or99t ~ ftMnclnO , .... , IOO -· ....... "'70I ~Illa ..... ey 1324,800. t-1142.aseo ' Mn,_..._ we - " ' ' .,.. - . O wner . fltl ,1 00 . I-•• • - ._~-·--ti: .._..,...._~115,000 ..0-7001. ••- ,..._, A1r•. IM!Md. '

1 .,. "°"'Meet\ . ... ~ .• Y'O'I a.,. " · ........... Of .. bW tn COM. 11M ooo. I* tft•l'• not 1at1tn1 cow.. """' ......._ ,.._ ~ "',..., ...... o;;p: .-.._ .... - ..... ~ .......... ,... ~tS. .. 0 I - fM .,.-_



1 l J


. t



I t

·I I .

22 - Orange County Real Ea1ate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 198~ I

This Weekend! Keep this handy d irectory with you this weekend as you go hous..._,ntlng. All the locations listed below are described in greater detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patrons a dvertising open houses for saJe or rent in The Daily Pilot may list such information in these columns each Saturday and Sunday.


2 BEDROOM 101 Scholz Plaza (Versailles) NB

631-1400 $149,000 Sat 1-5 "" .

2308 Cliff Or. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 642-5200 $397,500 Sun 1-5

31 Sllkleaf (Woodbridge) Irv. 857-2045 $133,900 Sat/Sun

209 19th Street, Penln, N.B. 631- 1400 $319,000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

1 17 Marine, Balboa Island, NB 631·1400 $254,000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

752 W. 20th St., Costa Mesa 631 -7600 $105,000

138 Walnut St., E-side, C.M.

Sun 1-5

556-6996 $139,900 Sun 10-5 . 581 Brook St. Laguna Beach

494-8595 S249,500 Sat/Sun 12-5

313 Onyx, Balboa Island 673--1062 $325,000

3101 Seavlew, Corona del Mar

Sun 12-4

558- 1809 $329,000 Sat/ Sun 1-4

2 BR plU9 FAM RM °'DEN 104 Via PaJermo, Lido Isle, Nwpt Bch

631-1400 ~39.500 Sat 1-4

408 E. Oceentront (Balboa) NB 673-5410 $598,000 Sun 12-3

1829 Port Sheffield (HVHms) NB 673-7781 &295,000-fee Sun 1-5

7 Rua Cannes (Big Canyon) NB 760-6333 ~50.000 Sun 1 ~5

1824 Port Stlr11ng (HVHms) NB 646-71711720-0505 $21-4,900 Sa 1-5

481 Abbie Ln. (E/Slde) CM 831..e<>11 $179,500 Sun 1-5

**827 Via Udo Soud, Lido lat, 'NB 873-7300 S1,850,000 Sun 1-5

*#30 Rue Fontalnbleau (Blg'Cyn) NB

*19 Curl Or., Jasmine Crk, Vu, CdM 840-151511-728-51&1 Sa1/Sun 12-5

3 llEDftOOM 11 Rue Verte. Big Cyn, Npt Bch

(213) 470-2880 $499,000 Sa/Sn 11-6

* 2031 Yacht Defender. Seaview, NB 844-2187 $445,000 Sat 11-5

587 W. Bay St., Westsfde, C.M. 759•9100 $109,900 Sun 1-4

• 2298 Red!M\d•. Newport ~ 631-1400 $248,000 s.t 1-~

* •21 8eeOof\ Bey (Beacon Bay) NB 675-9000 Mt5.000 Sat/Sun 1·5

1218 Devon Ln, (W.cllff) NB 631-1266 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-5

1280 Conway. Costa Mesa 751-3191 $129,000 Sat 12--4

504 Redlands, Newport Beach 631 -7600 $178,500 Sat/Sun 1-5

*1315 Santanella Terr, Nwpt Bch 675-6000 $369,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

**210 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl. 675-6000 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1003 Van Dytce, Laguna Beach 551 -8700 ~25,000 Sat 1-5

2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 540- 1151 $124,900 Sa 1-5/Su 12-4

1901 Yacht Marla, Newport Beach 646-7171 $339,500 Sun 1-5

1614 Santanella Terr, CdM 646-1171 $249,000 Sun 1-5

1107 Valley Cr, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $120,000 Sat 11-2

**1418 W. Bay. Penin. Pt., NB 675-6161 $1 ,200.000 Sat 1-5

* 15 14 Ruth Ln., Newport Beach 646-9028 $2~.900 Sat 1-5

3 15 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sun 2-5

3 M plus FAii RM or DEN 1607 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB

642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5

108 Turquoiae, Balboa Island/NB 631 - 1400 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

**305 N. Star (Dover Shores) NB 6-42-5200 $525,000 Sun 1-5

1654 SunMt Ridge. Laguna Beach 494-1171 Sat/Sun 1-5

2811 Clrd9 Or. (Baystiores) NB 6-45-6218 $299,500-L/F Sun 1-4

* 1472 GaAaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 6'42·2510 $895,000-fee Sat/Sun 1·5

2268 Golden Cir (Upr Bk Bey) NB 642-8448 $299,500 Sat/Sun 10-6

619 W. Bey St., Westside, C.M. 759'-9100 $115,900 Sun 1-4

1863 8'aemer Way, Newport Beach 759-9100 $365,000 Sun 1~

* * 38 Belboa 0.>-W.. Newport 8ch 876-7080 $525!®0 Sun 1~5

1903 Yacht COiina. Newport Beach 844-1017 '485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5

**1036 PoYlr& Dover ShOtes NB 64&-0523 · •76,000 &it1Sun 1·5

*32641 Adtlatlc, Monarch Bay Tetr ..

4~_... 3422 ~ Dr. (Hunt Hrbr) H8

&44-7020 '308.tSO Sun 1·6

* 2007 Holiday Ad. (Baycrest) NB . 645-8100 $289,000 Sun 1-6

250{ Harbor View Dr (HrbrVuHls) NB 760-8333 $585,000 Sat 1-5

602 Kings Rd., Newport t3ch 760-8333 $750,000 Sun 1-5

10261 Wesley (Mer. Grdns). Hunt. 8ch 751-3191 $179,000 Sun 1-5

215 Walnut St., Newport Beach 675-~70 $1 ?2,000 Sun 10-1

1218 Key West, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-4

870 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $312,000 Sat 2-5

211 Opal, Balboa Island 675-6000 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $885,000 Sun 1-5

* * 12 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) NB 675-6000 $250.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

14 Rue Vlilars (Big Cyn) NB 760-8333 $625,000

62 Drakes Bay (Spygls) NB

Sun 1-5

644-7020 $495,000 Sun 2-5

**748 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isl. NB 64-4-9060 Sun 1-5

6 Jetty (Jasmine Creek) CdM 675-6000 $369,500 Sun 2-5

* 15 catmel Bay Or, Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 $595,000-Fee Sun 2-5

1515 Cumberland (Westcllff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4

2527 Buckeye, E-Btuff, N.B. 644-6200 $279,000 Sat 1:30-5

*512 Rockford Pt .• Cameo Hghlnds, CdM 831-7300 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5

*204 Via Ebofl, Lido Isle, N.8 . · 873-7300 $595,500 Sa 1-4/Sn 12-3

2301 Aralla, Eastbluff, N.8. 6«-6200 $189,900 Sat 1-5

069 Joan St., Costa M ... 546-2313 $13-4,500 Sat 10-3

1718 Port Weatbourne, HV Homes. NB 759'-1501 $223,950 Sat/Sn 1-5

14 Rue Oeeuvllle, Big Cyn, NB 631-7300 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

•e Mon18f'ey Clrc, Spygls Hiii, NB 631-7300 ~5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

618 MattgokS, Corona de4 Mar 075-5511 $370,000 · Sa1/Sun 1~

1301 OOlpNf\ Terrace, Irv. Terr, NB 831·7300 $M5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

**308 Morning Star Ln, OoVWShra, N8 031~7300 MS.000 Sat/Sun 1·6

1907 Ctlubeloo. 1rvtne T..,., C4M 044-7211 11961000


Orange County Real Estate/ An Adv~f1ising Suppleme11t ,to ttie DAILY PILOT /~turday, ~gust 28, 1982 - 23 ""' ... .

4 BEDROOM 2 124 College Or., Costa Mesa

759-9100 $129,000 Sun 1-5

* 10521 Newport Ave .. No. Tustin 759-9100 $275,000 Sun 1-4

1589 Skyline. Laguna Beach 494- 1177 $255.000 Sun 2-5

760 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isl, NB 673-9060 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 2221 Francisco, Newport Beach 675-6000 $260,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• 2 1052 Indigo, Huntington Bch 962-0293 Sat/Sun

222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. forest 760- 1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5

959 Springfield (Mesa North) CM 645-0303 $150,000 Sun 1-5

4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 2032 Swan Or .. Mesa Verde, C.M

557-2472 $205,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 •

1222 Sussex (Westclll l ) NB 642-5200 $237,000 Sun 1-5

* • 633 Bayside Or . Warerlront, NB 756-6505 $ 1,050,000-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5

114 Via Ensueno. Mariners Pt , SanClem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

**542 Hrbr Island Or, Prom. Bay. NB 759-9 100 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 1840 Tradewlnds, Newport Beach 644-9060 $375,000 Sun 1-5

133 Via Undine. Lido Isle, NB 644-9060

1007 Tiiier Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-9060 $349,000

2015 Windward, Baycrest. NB 644-9060 $349,000

* 1 Aue Valbonne, Big Cyn, NB

Sun 1-5

Sun 1-5

Sun 2-5

673-9060 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

7 Winged Foot Ln .. Big Cyn, NB 644 -4904 $785,000 Sat/Sun 12-4

678 Diamond St , Laguna ~each 494-8595 $595,000 Sat/Sun 12-5

427 - 1~th Pl. E-S1de. C M. JM<-l910 $229,000-Fee Sun 1-5

\ 1251 Surlllne Way, HV Hills, CdM

644-4910 $275.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

213 Diamond. Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5

* 14 Burning Tree Ad, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $695.000-Fee Sun 1-!>

• 978 Sandcastle. Newport Bch 675-6000 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 1412 Santiago (Dvr Shrs) NB 631- 1266 $318.000 Sat/ Sun 12-6

* 3 165 Bermuda, Costa Mesa 631 - 1266 $160,000 Sun 1-6

4912 Corkwood (Univ Pk) Irv. 760-8333 $240,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1501 Keel, Harbor View Hills 644-6200 $319,000 Sat 2-5

434 Begonia, Corona det Mar 759-1221 $595,000 Sat 1-5

222 Via Palermo, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $389,000 Sun 1-5

937 Azalla, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $182,500 Sat/Sun t0-4

* 101 Via Florence, Lido late, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-5

#8 Aue Vlllars. Big Cyn, NB 640-,6137 $775,000 Sun 1-5

226 Poppy. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $585,000 Sun 2-5

1749 Port Hemley Cir, HVHomes. NB 64-4-9060 $395,500 • Sun 2-5

**319 Morningstar Ln, Dov. Shrs, NB 644-9060-FEE Sat 1-.4/Sun 2-5

4931 Loriann, Calif. Homea. Irv. 759· 1501 $138,000 Set/Sun 1-5

11 San Sebastian, Hrbr Ridge, NB 760-1900 Sl,600,000 Sun 2-5

* 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor Vu Hiiis 760- 1900 $695,000 Sun 2-5

2021 Port Bristol Circle, NB 760- 1290 $347,500 Sat/Sun 12-4

1118 Somerset Ln, Westclllf, NB 631 -7300 $475.000 Sat 1 - ~

* 1244 Polaris Dr . Dover Shores, NB 631-7300 $895.000 Sun t-:

12 Aue Verte. Big Canyon. NB 631 -7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5

* 1924 Leeward Lane, Baycrest, NB 631 -7300 $339,000 Sun 1-5

1530 Anita Lane. Hrbr Highlands,. NE 631-7300 S299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 1944 Flamingo Or., Mesa Verde. CM 631-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-5

2705 Cardinal (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $189,900 Sar 1-5

1255 Somerset , Newport Beach 631 -7370 $384,000 Sun 1-5

2 10 Via San Remo. Udo Isle, NB 675-3048/ 673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5

1441 Galaxy Or (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

S BEDROOM 16392 Sundancer Ln, Hunt Hrbr

848-8080 $849,500 Sat 1 30-5.30

* * 708 Via Udo Nord, Lido Isl, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5

* * 219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle 760-1900 $1.995.000 Sun 2-5

5 Twin Lakes Cr . Spyglass. CdM 760- 1468 $459,000 Sun 2-5

* * 4028 Channel Pl, Nwpt Isl., NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 11-5

2912 Carob, Newport Beach 646-1044 $249.000-L H Sat /Sn 1-5

5 BR plus FAM AM or OEN 1t * *'29 Beechwood (Wdbrg) Irv.

551-6829 $410,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1t * 2752 Bayshore Or, Bayshrs. NB 759-91 00 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* • 618 Hrbr Island Or (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1 ,350,000 Sat 1-5

2 t57 Miramar. Bal Penln, N.B. 673-9060 $395.000 Sal/Sun 1-5

5 Point Loma (Spyglass) CdM 675-6000 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1520 Highland Or, Westclltf, NB 644-9060 $455,000 Sat /Sun 1-5

* #9 Muir Beach Cir . CdM 631-7600 $2 2 mlllion Sa/Sun/Wed 1-5

* .a 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Adg) NB 760-8333 $1 ,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* # 3 Muir Beach (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $2,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $260,000 Sa 10-2/ Su 1-4

* # 2 Winged Foot, Big Cyn. NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1-5

• 35 Aldgellne Or , Harbor Ridge 760- 1900 $2,650,000 Sun 2-6

* 70 Hiiicrest, Big Canyon 760· 1900 S 1,595,000 Sun 1-5

14941 Rancho Cr .. Irvine 979-5370 $159.900 Sat/Sun 1-4

* 1608 Galaxy Or , Newport Beach 631-3550 $8-49,900- fee Sun 1·5

* • 2SOO Bayshore Or. Bayshrs. NB 631 -7300 $1 ,650,000 Sun 1-5

* *-401 North Star, Dov ShtS, NB 5-48· 1188 S 1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

2724 Mendoza (Mesa del Mar) CM 83 1-7370 $159,000 Sun 1-5

I BA pfua FAM RM M DEN • 1~8 Newport Hiiis Or. E .. NB

8-'4-7020 S495.000 Dally 1-5


938 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5

233 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 2-5

7 BR plua FAM RM or OEN * 110 Via Trieste, Lido Isle, NB

631-7300 $875,000 Sun 1-5


1 BEDROOM 11' 300 Cagney Ln " 107, Versailles, N.B.

631-2918 $120,000 Sat/Sun 11-6

2 BEDROOM 1973 Vista del Oro, Bluffs, NB

760-88 16 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

100 Scholz Plza Ph.10 Versailles. NB 631 -7300 $259.500 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 1738 Westcllff Or, Westclf, NB 673-7300 $119,000 Sat 1-5

2 BR plu1 FAM RM or OEN 2 1801 Ocean Vista Or, So Laguna

499-1771 $258.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

3 BEDROOM 1984 Vista Caudel. Bluffs. NB

760-88 16 $315.000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

685 Vista Bonita. The Bluffs NB 631-7300 $229 ,000 Sun t-5

* 2428 Vlsla Hogar, Bluffs. NB 673-7300 $124,500 Sun 1-5

3 BR plu1 FAM RM or OEN 2645 Vista Ornada, Newport Bch

640-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• 2642 Vista Ornada (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $209,000 Sat 1-5

:: 7 Rue Villars, Big Canyon , NB • 759-9100 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5


2 IJ&OROOM • 25 Canyon Or . Big Canyon. NB

759-9051 $249,000 Oly 3-5/ 7-9


1 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 300 E. Coast Hwy Unit 113, Npt Bch

675-3347 $60,000 Set/Sun 1-4


3 15 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500

3 BR plue 2 BR 423 Narcissus. Corona del M ar

760-8333 $274,900

4 BR pfua 1 BR * * 132 S. Bflylronf, Bal Isl., NB

Sun 2-5

Sat 1-5

631 - 1400 S 1,595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

s BA pfua 3 llR 509 Acacia (Oceanside of hwy) CdM

6-45-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5


1930 Pott Chelsea, Newport Bch ""\ 644-0937 $1800 lease SatJSunp 0-5

4 IA pfu• FAM AM or DEN 1939 Port Weybridge Pl ' N 8

644-8053 Sat/Sun 1·5

* Pool * ft Water1ront * * * Waterfront & Poot


~ 1






,. I

24 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28, 1982

~.'.!!!!. {'.'. !!~'...... . ~~~!!!. {~~ !~'!.. ... .. !~~!!!. ~~~ !!{•..... .. !~!-!!!. {'.'. !!~~~ .... .. ¥.~!!!.{'.'.I!.'!.... ... !'.'.~ .{'.'.~'....... !'.'.!!!!.~'.'. !!~'.... . . . .'.~!!!. !'!. !!'! ...... . ~.~.'hf .. ! .... ~.'-!!~ .. !.'~ ••.::1• lH' !mt!! ........... !.~1 ~.':r.!!.~!~ .. .!.'!! ,,.'P.!!.~ .. I.~ !'!!r.!!.!ffl! .. /.'.@ !'!!r.!!.~! .. !.'!!

• S5000 MOVES YOU IN 11.1~ Ill, NII. ...................... WlllUIMI 1111111111111111 Wiii gamble wllh you on Meea Vetde/4Bdrm, ape BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Ba Hara'• the 1taal you 've l~IT IElllTS UIUllll Interest rate lluctuatlon By Owner 557-2472 hme, 8'>Pf'OJC 2900 sq.n. bean k>Olllng for. ~t ~,.,.. & mow you In w/S5000 $205,000 Open Sat/Sun Nr. Meadowlark Golt priced Avalon on corner caah. New luicurlou• A/C, 2032 Swan Or. C.M. CourH. S236K , 11'n~ I 0 t . A c • 1650 sq tt, (not counting loan avail up to S 170K. upgradad/lmmae .. mo-double garage w/alectf. 112 - NWI also w/lalla back 2nd vlng to Europa, musl 94111 opener) , 2 & 3/3 Ba ...,,.... .. 848-0450 nowl Aaaumabla l inen· condos . Next to all cing ol $118,000. A steal •hopping & theaters. Spaeloue 38r + 2'n8a, CLOSE TO ICUI at 1 133 900 By owne< 631-5055 or 642-2000 redwood patio & spa, No money down , no 857-2045 ·

S handsome brlell frplc . qualifying . } own your•---------VA REPOSSE SION 4bf. xtra lg 2 car g11..,,. w/ home on our unique 2 BR condo. $86.500. prl-3ba. pool, S6000 dn -..- d t II 14678 G I $136,000. Agt 546-7739. wine cellar or darll rm. shared appreciation fl· ce o M · o •

Must s e 11 AS AP . n an e tng . we have 5 den Glen. 4g7. 1037 * 12YI~ &n•l•f 6-4&-5680 homes In Hunt Beadl .. 3 TllTLE llOI

Ullll YIEW llLLS

c.-. .......... 144-21n

38r 288 College Parlt ••••&1• •a1 • BA 2',..,ba. UIOO to 2100 • l&U.MI - -- - sq fl Payment• run Lovely 3 8f/2 BA, hOme 1111111111111111 rs••• 1tff U.... $l200 to $1600 P8I' mo plus I.and. See to ap!>f• Xlnt Terms $134,900 Mesa Ve<de . t sty 49R Call Geo . Brooks at c;tata. $1n.900. owner.

0-/Agant 979


2'"' ba. owner \#Ill sell 7 14/891· 5556 7 1



. l•----------------MHWSHR. & ARB. DIS~. 10~ below eppral•ed -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ...VAT£ VIEWS-- N(wnnDT Ul'UJS-ELEC GARAGE. COMM. value. Carry substenllal lfW ltl,. rnH ftr\11\ r-nvl1 POOL 2nd to qualllled buyer 0 11 Brookhurat 6 Her- POOL REDUCED $75,000! GORGFX>US Cape-

¥•'"' '1o " & 'n/¥. OPEN SATURDAY 1•5 cullls Oftve Super tamlly Cod with POOL and FAM ROOM. ~~'~-~7~~la~~~~~ hOme Only 2 mues to ~r~: ~nb~~J!'~ Realistic SELLER SAYS SUBMIT

.--. llTI Tl( y••t ~:ithy. :,::'~';'~,~~ ::~:: Model 1n Turtle Rock OFFERS! BARGAIN PRICED AT ••IP" - Gian Patio Homes. Lots $550 000

Lease option's Close 10 lorac:losure, 3bd 2ba 98K no 2nd Agenl Susan 964-7249

•1111 ••u 6 step Into Hawa ii , utnlly rm Larg•1 y~d of prtvscy E11eellant • ·

beau I. e icottc pool & wtlh covered pat 0 · • · neighborhood. You owe waterfall 2 BR & den, king '169·000· 11 to yourself 10 - this huge lam rm w /bar . 1-.... -------- one $369,000.

Goll course view. Must sell. $185,000 with 10"4 down

MULL.AN REAL TY 540-2960 uk for Lon

$179.500 631-8011

SELLER IS PURCHASING c:ondo. needs IHI sale on th'' adorable e..s1s1c1e Lido n 00 lty 111.111111 UYlll 3 BR 2 88 country style r'lll:

In this 4 bdrm home with with quert8'S above ga· 67J. 7300 tamlty rm, rnco yard and rage Asking S165.000 tots of extras Owner wlll Financing is good. Call assist w/flnanclng Only agt. 642· 6368 LHe,ffHerlale

JUST LISTED SP AR.KLING 2 bedroom home for $350,000 PLUS adjacent VACANT LOT for $260 ,000 . Both properties have spectacular views and

~..... U1·12tt

R&"Mt-l< of Costa Mesa $135.000. Call 979-5370 1__::...11- ... --,-.. --.-. -11-now. R·2 IOI w/2 Br 1 Ba, build

'~• CASH or ? 38< 1¥· ba. •523 CAM1u5J)a~~ s1ar,ter home No quall· ---------• ·---------------­tying nee, super terms. w•u• J.Mt IHI

.\f >ll/ 111:·11 I.. :. .. ···' .,,., '• ..,

another A steal at $ 105 000. Op11 Sun 1· 5. 752 w 201h St Ilea Sllnson 631-7600

640 .. 5078 Dennis ••'•• •••••••••••• • •••• -------- - •Call Emerald Bay Alty • • BR 2 Ba, S 103,000. Prl- we' ll ~ you a llst of

o4ld lo Mii 10381 Mat- avall1ble homes w /

&n1•••• .. Lft PlllE ,. .. Dll'f•

REDUCED $100,000 Builders Cost! BRAND NEW CUSTOM 4 Bdr. With F .R. Has it All! ................ $349,000

COUNTRY COTTAGE 2 plus den Lge lot FINANCING .............. $235,000 NEWPORT CHEAPIE! 2 Bdr. Fam Rm Inunaculate ...... .......... $179 ,000 HEIGHTS FIXER 2 Bdr. and Cute! ........... ....................... $169,000 HEIGHTS TEAROOWN Owner financing ...................... $14 7 ,000

IOYEI llllEI 1441 Galaxy Drive

Remodeled 3 Br. 2 •,;, Ba tn Bayshores $299.500 . L.H. $189K fee eonv«­s lon . Renewal 1991 2611 Circle Or 645-62 18

Brand New Homes & 4 Br Oen. Formal Dining condos no money down Room. 2 Fireplaces. 3 while t


hty laat (7 14) ear garage plus large 546-9522 Agt . Hobby Room. Poot sized l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lot. beau1. randseaped .18

Owner wlll aaslll al fl. nancing. Only '420.000

Open Sat/Sun. 1-5 Robinson Realtor


lllfn UIUll You own the land. 2.000 'Cl fl , 38r. tam rm. 2'h Ba. wide Greenbelt. near pool. Far below market $245.000 Wiii lease op. llon. Bkr. 64+.6368

WlTDfltlT Vacant alt• In Cannery IUMllm VIiiage. Wiii like 60' SEAVIEW • Elegant & boat. $650,000. Call for cha rmin g Hampton details. modal , fabulou• views.


k a i 9 9 S - 1 4 • 4 o r amenities 1n Errlllf'ald Bay 497- 1037 494- 1840

142•1200 decor, apa. pvt comm

(Deauv1Ile) 4 BR - A+ condition with ~~~ '~c!,'~!': 1---------M OV E IN NOW We' ll 4 magnlfloanl Lag. unite view - Pool - Spa. PRICEDTOSELL Sat / Sun 12 · 5 1903 NOW - OnJy $619,900. Substantially Yacnt Colina 644- 1011

$235,000 Enter1aln 1ha wttole fa· mlly with swimming 6 880. Baauttrul 4 BR home features , lge spark llng pool & huge cu stom family room Take over tow lnterell loan Hurryt

E tide 3 Br 2 Ba condo. pool 6 tannla C'1 . Only S 159.900. Rbl Mntlllen 631· 1266

close the escrow In 10 l rptc., patio•. SA75.000 days Aasume my 9'n% Rab j o hn P owell R/ E NA & 11.7% 2nd Sfjnl 497· 1751

under market! Must be in escrow by PORTOFtNO 48r. 2 Y,8a+ September 1st. SEE NOW! Call Tom · ~~~~~~~~ bonus rm, fee l and

645-0303 COLDWe&J. BANl(C!RO

mo. 4 bd + 2 stry $142,1------- --000 own/ agt 842-2S81, EDISON SCHOOL DIST 548-8365 t3% Int-I It har9 for

this 4 Bdr 1V. ea~ 48r , 28a, pool/Jae. I ml to sac for only $112,500 beh 2 1052 Ind i g o , 8kr 960-9609 9e2--0293

wmTEW&TIL ~l~! ...... !!! •u1I.11H BUILDER Will TRADE ~ ... , IHI Ne. 38r IO 59t homM: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tor yours. 1 HW, l h1ed lerl""I Wlttrfr'Ht rale financing tor 30 yrs. <fPEN 1:30 to 5:30 P r I c t r • n !I e 163112 Sundaneer ln $ 220 ,000- $28 0 .000 58r 3 'hba 40 fl boa1 4911- 525' lor Info dock 4000 sq tt Spa. '

-L~-- II •-• l'3Z yrs ,,.... '3'9.500. Ag1. ~~~~~~~~ ••• ~!':~••••••••••••••• Dlanne RettOt 848-8080

.. and night tights views. Thi s 3 bdrm wood & glut home IOeated In a quiet nelghb<'fhOod fea­tures several daeks & patio• tor easy outdoor llvl1>Q Assumable llnan· c tng S ellar wlll trade down $330,000

.. Ul1WI •lllll

Fresnty remodeled spa· elous 3 Bdrm 2ba, large maa1er bedroom. 10· I•· euul. 111 TO at 12% -$94,000 Aaklng $1 59, 500. 28 17 Sen Juan Ave. Wiii trade lor larger hOma, duplex CK Income unite. Wa.LhMlh.


A DUCKY DEAL .......... SIM TITll. PmS

Spacious 2Br + 2 full bathl located on tl'la waterfront . Perfeel for bachelor & lrlelld. Tl\a sound of dUClll at YOU< dOOf' & tool water IPI•

, .. _...,_ ~-Cll-1

C71414t4- l 177

ahlng on tl'ta rc>ctca. u~ nnanclng and owner wtfl 000. Armbruater. Ctur­beflevably Pf'tc.d al $89, conelder carrying 2nd. m • n . 8 r o w n C o 900. AMUIM $64,400 Ill TO Aeklng s 118,SIOO. 494-8685

Allinson. 644 -6200.


Ill CllYDI TOWfffM COll>O Mull Mii- owner out of state. 2 bdrm, cathedral ceiling. 2 bath. oyerlooklng golf course. 3 balconle9, Jecuut. tennis. pool, wet bar, tinted glaH. tlreplaoe. lots of m irrors, 2 ear g.,age, exotic landscaping, muc;h more. Immac ulate condition. A.ssumable $130,000 mortgage. Red"'*' to $249.000 . Wiii acc ept cars. boat, diamonds In trade. Broker participation lnvi,led.

21c..,.......,1rm OPOt DAl.Y 3-5 & 7.9 759-9051

TO •t 13~% par mo ln-ilu S.0- 16 1 l -F-A_N_T_A_S_Tl_C_ O_P_P_O_R_T_U_-1

TllAY'S 1111' llT eluding tu ... Owner ~ i'i'f~,1~~1 NtTY: CRESCENT BAY. • •••••••••••• with low down & low mual Mii ASAP. PteeM J. • FOf'eclosure foroet sale ED P•Y'"!"ll you can m•a c:all 63 1-4567. ! 3f e~ below market velua. • I IOU $211,111 • thll Coat a Maea cull• ··--·· -- - - l>MUtlful aplit leY9I OCMn • =· =:.2 &~;,me: f•UIM8 V.-1&.. llJ4 8 d N H & vi.- home. tlcM .. UIYll'I lllT NJ • dining Seller " moving . ...... ,;.;vesW~...... ~. !,w~~!.n ~~:.:n:,r~":;~ e sq.ft . ot tamuy uvtng, e =-\=·~;6~~· $5000 down ano $200 ::~:s~~·i :~·· · (7 14) r.-. .... am. ,,,, • entertainment facilities for • ------.,....-..--~! per mo nwtlve eaeh g :';"I'.":'::'............... entire family ~ Bdrm. 7 baths S15,000 down. SlS9,900 flow for • 3 R 1ba.-g1

1 ..... ._... .at llU. • p. 1u 1 ma 1 d. • 1 q u • r . er a' • • Ml prtoe. E· IMH houae. family datatctled home .....,.._, • All brand new Hcapl C all Rich . Ownr/agt 5 Br/3 8a, IOI lam. det. Nellie Galt ~. lwlu• • Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacuDia, • foundation. 2 br. 2 ba. 864-6171 dream home. Pool. )ae.. rlOue new wttom home. ooun1ry charm, a deCo- lake vtewt. Fr. doors tn Hlllt09 ..,._, Big houee. •• •1•8'ubarna ,rsodaoom ,fo_!l"notain.rmocomua pplelat.ey • rMOf''s dream. O•k eabl· IOllWlll Mbr to v•- belcony & Big rooma. 4 0# GI'~ .,. nete & tn1ry brick ExecutMI fl•tr-upper, 4 many o1het amentti.a. Horat p r operty. I ll rooai. onunnet kitchen, 3 •ub • pl1n1ara & porch. n.- Br ~ ea. 3 yn old. 1269 AW!tng "'10.000. Owntl trade )'OUI' Of n •r d ener gy saving bttna. O«f. Bllr. eeo-eeoe A9• r41iocatlng. 842-0112 169S,OOO. • 1.ero refrl1. an many more • 1rp1c, 1ge deell off m111 or ss 1-ee2g •~ 6-tlll• ,-. • • amen l ll ea . S 6 9 9 , 9 5 0 . By IUltt. Mvch m«a. s.. at on MIU<'I\. llnan. 71'-75t-0706 appointment with Mud Coope,r • 13& Walnut St. Open SUl'I To pl~ metMOB 11 ,....,__. INp i-- .,.,_, 1• • 644-7844. Seller re9erves rlghca • 10· 5. 5~986. ---o1.u. • ~ Cuatom At'*1on model. ...,. ....... ;".-..r.:-........ to L- f( r-"'" pu ...... , auper 1anc1ecac>1nO. hllfd• llLLE II ORlll • accept ua1t o er. • .... /&lllT =phoneP"~ wood lloort , l!'rench • • ..... ll•Y 1-1 • AQumt toe VA loan at ""' .. • "'t9 BEAUTIFU\. wrUI

9~%. 4 bf. 2 be. f~. rm. CIMal • 84:Z.&e78 doora, e .. uuera. •• • 01.0 WORLD ..... - -..._ _,..., llv 900 Oyt. 774· 7500; TAlM...uv..o. re ._ ~·

:.~· ;;;: 2r · EVllWMd•. "7-4827 by~"M'~eo. • u. uan 111-1111 • a q_ I I S 1 It , 5 0 0 1t11r9 ... wfth Deify Seit thlngl fMt Witt!, lrom S t$t.000 ••••• Mt-6172 Plot Wint Ada. Nol_.,. Acta. 416-4a44 ltCMat7




~7.500. 760-121)()

Eleganl 3 B r & den . country style home French doors. bay win· dowa, hrdwOOd floott, 3 trplc;'s, very lge lot owe total, 5% ctwn. 11ln1 loc• llon. S179,900 Fee land By Owner 631-2 134

HIT II LllO Lge new cuatom home on 1 ·~ lots Open Sall Sun 1- 5 210 Via San Remo. ()wnar/agt

67S-3048 Of 673-2556

HARBOR RIXI .,......,12-4

View ol ~n end city lights. 3 Bdrm. 2 '"' 81 plus otfloa. 2 frpk:s. Jodelle Modal, Reduced to S595,000.


CUSTOM LOT p~~"!~.! 3 HARB<I Hill Br, L.A .. O.R , F.R .. big Gf'Nt vi.- of ocean and kllCh .. high beam eel· city light•. Wiii tubofdl• "nga. rrp6c. ptus 8 ptlvate nata. Wiii bulld to 11111. lrg manicured yard wte 3 808 HALLEY. REAL TOR ear oar. A raa1 value at __ c_A_L_L_84_ 4-"_ 4ss __ '375,000 end yOu own ..,.,... LWe hie the land. Patrtcllc T-.. .... ""' ....

ChOlce IOc . .x1111 fin. Prin oftfy Own 873·7~8.

In .......... Urgent HI•. Condo. 2

UlmlT .... bdrma, 2'~ ~. Xlnt loG. Thia ltately 4 8dt 3 'A Be 1110,000. •12,000 On. eMCU1"'9 home~ Paymentl "47 50 Call bMtl reclllCed 4, OWMt. 7 t4-M1-4818 ooo. Amenitlae 5 Bf llgillt bftt• ~ car G•raoe. wet ber, 2 level Eltlte alH lot frplea and nwctl • h 1 " ola tli A .. 11me exl1t1nn loan 1 opp ng, ' 01 0

"' . ,_ by. °"'* mut1 .... Melte WI o"9t a1 -7370, & will finance. Whet a 54W54e dHll Agent 1141· 1044

P rla• redu ction ,

TR \OI T l<l\ \ I ~! \I l I

$248,000/ make o ffer. L .H., a1eO may ......

A l way• a aatt In C-..fled·reitd the edt e«llY ~. 94!~71

H1a111 /or Silt Roast• 111 Silt ....... .......••...... ··· ••••····•····•····· ~!!!l!!!.~~!~ ••• !~! !~.~!! .. !.'!!


Water front Condo ADULTS ONLY SJ>t'(Ult'Ular V1.,w

Si'll!!.~ Wrn t'OlE- Brok.,r

Park Lido Adult Condo 3 Br pool near hospllal. t>eacn S-14!1,000 Owner w111 help Agent 646- 1044


Security pool Reduced proce uecause no really fees• S t20K 631-2918

3 Br 2 Ba lam 1m pool many <11T1en111es S 178 000 Owner 548 8665


Buy - L11se Opt. o, .. Tiiis Wtthftd

401 ltrtll Star ' •• , •• 4 bath

StHrt FIH, Rtalttr i41-21l 1 541-1111


JUST LISTH-FEEI 1114 Ylst1 Caall1I

3 B drm. 2 yrs ne w , .snows like model. super loca11on, e~cellent linan­clng, covered deck, put­t ing green S3 15.000 O w ner/Agt Call 760-8816

1113 Vista 1111 Ore 2 Bdrm, lee land. 2 yrs new, back bay lll8W PfOI decoraled. reduced to S265,000 Wllh U 0 .000 down Owner will help II nance. llO·llll Hl-tOH



Take over great loan. will car ry over $200 ,000 w/NO monthly paymen11 S585,000 676.0652

VERSAILLES CONDO t br / 1 ba, so. exposure. "'- ol ocean Sub1erra­nean prkg, sec entran­c;es. oute tandlnO pool / c;lul>hM By OWMI' S98. 900 auum Sandra 642-6149

N•wpo rt B•ach Open HOUH Sal. Aug 28th 11 10 5 2031 Yachl Defen· d•r Broadmoor Sea­v1ew. 3 br, 2'it l>a, vi-. gate guerd•d. decora­ted. fannla, pool. spa. A 1kln g 144 5 000 (7 14)644-2167.

Qwner will fl!\~ 90% of vf/fy al1rAC11\/e 2400 sq n 3 bdrm nome In New­Pofl e UPC* 81Clc Bay OrMI velue II $209.500 842-GA46



Assumable 1st T O s 149.000 81 10. 5% & OWC 3 yrs nu, 3 Br. 3 Ba. upgraded Oak coun-1ry kitchen, l ormal din, 1am11y rm , cloa& 10 schools RuSly Guin I Mr. agt 631- 1266

OCEAN VU. open bale. spac 2 BR 2 Ba sec un<'.~rgrnd pkg Under mkt Only $209 000 Agl 714-759-0120

4 + FR + NOL + 1 H A11t.

EAcepllonal custom bu•ll w f Roses. rru l1 rrees, Q.Qg run, great oil-street pkg Only $320,000, Ruth Laurie, Rllr 646-4380

HYSIDE COYE I Bdrm plus den w •th t bay view Pr1vucy and securny beside tile v.;11e1 For sale or tea!i.e include~ wasner dryer I etrigerator Has riqnt to

teJs.e boat sllp Call Cookie Allison lor de 1a1ls


-FEE LANO Weterlront prer & slip Custom home $975K 645-0523


SH0,000 hll 11rloe SH0,000 f1111otll



11 RH Y1rt1 o,a S1t/ S11 11·1 3 BDRM · 2 '!t BATH

Appro ... :£235K Assumable at l2'Ye

$499.000 Own/ Bkr (113) 410-2110


ror r1Slden1111 or Income properly 1n Cahf Ari ­zona or HawaM 1 1% II· nancing +cash flow u­cettent Orange Co loc Full price $600,000 and 3 3 Million Agt


Pleye RE 673- 1900

Neuse w/ A''"' Pf••• . ., """" " doors 10 Hndy b41ach 2 bdrm hOuM on Peoln-1u11 Ptan1 f()( 1200 aq fl addlt'°'1 Only $225.000 t2•h financing $50,000 down 117 E 38th St

W•. E. h•ll I ITJ-1100

IY OWllEll westetlfl 3 br, huge y&td. top con d Nr p11k & Klloots Sec sytl Pri­ced fOf qutck Hie

lllOUYH Broadmoof Plan IV, <I br, 2~ b• o, .. , .,,.... On cul-~. 17JSK ~-490A/754-7T2•

Sell kl141 Item• ,.2·5878 Wen1 Ade C.11 042-~76

Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT / Saturday, August 28. 1982 - 25

HHltl ,., Silt HHIH ,,, Silt °''" ••• , hl•t. •··•••··· ·••·········• •...••................ ••••••••••...••...•••. Othr 1111 E111t1 g,.,,, F•r•is•H H1111t1 Ual•r•ish' o;;·;;c;;~;;·· · · ···· ~-ii:;·,~i;~-; ··· 3i;; c.~;;;i · ······ · · ·;uz ~!.!r.!!.~~~ ... !.Oj! s .. 1 ...

AFFORIAIU •• £~!!~1!.~! .... J.~!~ ,, ... ,,~ zsso ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

•• •• •~•,J"••••.•• •••••• Clean 3 BR 2 Ba . lplc. RENTALS /h1/uH/

Uail1 111 S•l• II •••.•••••.. .. ......... AOUL T MOBILE HOME $600 mo payment lor PARK ON THE BAY t, 2Br 2Ba condo 9'1t'le VA 2 3 bdrm& wUh t and 2 lo11n.1 u k ing $94 500 ba ALSO RE N TAL s 881-a380


pa110, gar wintsr saoo SAii LUIS OllSPO mo 675-3683 Yearty-Weekly-W•nlor, 2. 3.4 Bdrms

'525,000 to $68,500 4 00 -San Clemente pride o f COUllTY Bayl ront home avail now JACOBS REAL TY ownership modern Spa- Ha s NO Smog. N O $13<>0fmo summer or

E Cst Hwy Unit 1 New- ~~!'J~.!-.':.f~!'.'. ••. !.~!~ n1sh Rl yle 4 uni t apt Trall ic , uncrowded Bea winter yearly! 3 Br 2 B:i PROP house with or.ean-hllls & che:5 g Lalles INVES r ,,, Also interior home 3 Br 2 MAMA~EMEllT POii Beach Bkr. First time ollered Hide&

675-3347 way 1n this rom11n11c 2 br, goll course view Close your l amlly's lutuie B.i $900/mo By Ownr " • 10 everyth1no only 3 lllYEST 760-1977 _ 675-6113

NEWPORT MEl&llTS 3 Bdrm 2 ba. pool . lge lot $350.000 By owner 646-1514

den 2'~ bath plus olflce condo & watch the deer pier & ocean all at once Private & ma1n1enance rree $258.000 Gate no 43 2180 I Ocean Vtsta Or Open Sat & Sun 1-5 499-177 1 Ownr/ Bkr

years Old & shows like NEWI New ownet couto in SLO County! Wltttr 1 yrly 11111111 l•lb,. 1111114- 3Z06 occupy 'I Bdrm 2 t>atn avail. $750-S 1100 11r •••• •••••• •• ••••• ••••• city & ocean view apl 11 l y Rlt Oellgll llu l 3 BR 2 Ba appllce11>te & rent the PLAZA • 0 • "a aace r cottage. 2 patios. lplC, t.

VERSAILLES P~n 1house 1 bd cond o Best 1oca11on Foun tain Court Fur ­nished. Only $1251( or best Oller. o wner lor appl call Sal/Sun t -5. fi3 1-5-064 or 983-2529

other 3 apartmenls for REAL ESTATE 113·4012 gar Very near baytronl income Seller wlll help Jim Gailun BilJlo• Yrly $925 AY9tl 10120

r. .. ~,!~ ........... !.~~~ finance & SAVE buyer J Call wknds 675-06 u 1nousanos 01 dollars• 441 Marsh Street Ptaia111l• 10'1 REOUCEO selling pnce •s San Lu rs Obispo Ca ••••••••••••• • •••• .... l•lh•

e1u11s-sm<1l1 ~ br single story condo Good loc $189.500. Ag l 644 5215

I MEW COHOS ~ Bdrm, 2"i ba , Jow down 10'•% linen avail Call R1cn OwnerlAgt 964-6171

way BELOW curreni re- 9340 I


Oceanlron1 w1n1er ren1a1 Ptaioral• 320'1 plaFtimenl cost Ill Prine•- 18051 54 I ·483 I 2 br. t ba. comp! refu r- ••• • • •• ••• •••• • • • • , • , • paJs ONLYlll eau owner R w nase• b•Shed Garage, washer Puri Po1n1 4 br 2 ha ;> att 714J StOOE'ICaminoReal I oryer (} 'IM. P.llTIO . frtitr'5 !m!IOS'. no gllf GA A ••,?? Ren a re S tlOO lmn 675-SOJO 2-0138 Ala$Cadero C~3422 548-5133 646-7 t71

HlRIOR RIHE LOT -- 18051 466-9698 Co1oa1 del M., 3222 P 2000 £11.u., 3148 ... . •••••••••• •• •• · •• • Besl view De51 vahrn

best privacy Gerry Long 760· 1397 or 673-7761

••• !'!! •• !~r.!!l ...... - •• ••••••••••••••••••• 1pll1 tevel 2 Br-cJen bt! • E-slde C M T•1-pleK sep Out ol St•t• Emerald Bay pvl ueaw mt>•I c e11111g $795frr

1 00 $t6000 p Z600 pools. 1en111s court:. I 1u1 Ac. Jcoa 840-61!18 ~~ ~ 8 0 0 0 QrO!.S • •• • ~•)!!!!.'... . .. . . .... oct•an y•Pw 3 B<lrrn 30:1 675-2144


1· 303 887 2887 ~IS~;~ ~,~;~, ~t~r.'li.ltl N1.., l.dM HM JB1 2 S.1 Approacnedbya11rival,. ---------·! So Oregon Coast or $2200 m• 111'; llfll. $3000 "'" 'll"'

•Cllll Du,lu d11ve ana n !led' n a COil& llESl 11 1 759-0047 " • .,, ~" tt' a c: ' II wootted enciav ol r ol 20.000 '-Q II tnoustnal 13 Octal Y11 Acres bd I o ,,, 1 q.5 M I

Nt!•I 10 Begonia Par~ CJtean vie"' <> & 3 be drooms * S.avi1w/ a.r llatJ

hon <lollao esta1 this Strta-s • Tf•""tr lonerald Bay ~1 Br "'t'"" I - - t>ldg In c;onYttn1Pnl west ... • • 00 ( l!•Qv•~·"' home was me s1<1e IOC,jt•on Divided antJ PAST URE Coas1 I Quiet st· .. 12 merald t iculousl~ conceived and Hww lrontage $ t 75 000 _Bay Atty 49• 1840_ t>ulll for lhe preseni ow· 1n10 4 un11s eacn w1tt1 2 , nars and was never be- restroom1t and an o ll1c11 wllh $40K dn balance Laguna 011 sar1d wm1 e1 •

Forevef vtew 01 ocean & mtns Spa & sol11rlum Open tor e;11change

lore o lfered lor :!ale. II OwfltH may llnanclil. at 10•,, BR ulll pd avail l011 10 tealurPs 5 Bedrooms. su t•m11 your t eoms &0312•1·2311 6/30 S1500mo Pvtpty

* Hltr Yu S111trset Special features + pr• vale gardens and decks CALL JO-ANN DORAN

tl\ctu dlng a separate $950 000 ---- 213- 795-2937 master wing w11n an ad· STEAM BOAT SPRINGS

l5t·Ol 1t


101111no den llY1no room COLORADO For real wtln CathPdral ceilings estate 1nlo 011 this world and r1cllly paneled walls tamous ski aoea 1uc.~ed lam1ly room w1lh high away 1n tt>e si>«:l•cvler Calhedrel ce11tngs end Colorado Rockies call used Drock fireplace , 1>11- l 0 1 1 F r e e llard room with sllyhght t 800 525 s~o8 co1

~'."!r.!!. ~!~!~ .. !.'.~? LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm him rm 4 Ba St/00 mo

OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm 1 Ba $700 mo 0111 Grund~ Rllr. 6H-616 1

/\ , )t\1 ... 1.ln h, . . . " 0 · and large kitchen wi th " redo w est Real Estate sl<yl1gti1 ano 11 breakfast ll arhor hl\'1•,lmi•111 l'o --- OCEA NFRONT duple" room Ouallty reatures ~~~~~~~~~!j J1adt1 f11•1 Winter $850 up S750



BLUFFS CONDO such as 'French Nor - - G11vt~ , 2700 d~rw~4J.4~\ ,2 Ba, lrpl mandy brick In all l•YESTORS CHOICE • ••••• ••• • •••••••••••• g -------

boll1111 enlertainment areas. pe- COSTA MESA OOUMTRY Bach apt . refer . u11ltt1es, rtmeter heattng systems, 3 newer units. 1254•950 REAL ESTATE on Pentn t OO ' f rom

3 Bdrms. 2 baths, 1 story charmer End unit on wide greenbelt Be1ull · fully remodeled painted and papered 1001

cenl ral air. celestory 4 sharp units. E/Side . 840 11111 Street beach S325+ deposit windows. shutlers, Ro- 642-7918. man tub, etc Enchanting $280 000 Paso Robles 93448 1iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pr1ve1e grounds with 11 t8 un11S 1one<1 tor con- •

s 175.000 ieesenotd Clltsllirt IU lH-1111


3 Bdrm5. 2''> t>a. spa. master bdrm su11e Eit · cellenr hnenctng availa­ble Asking $29 7 .ooo Agt 833 -2650 or 673-8849 •

WESTCLIFF 3 Bt. vacant. open 1218 Devon Ln $239.500 H Fredetlck 631-1266

RVM* - ---

dos large rectangular pool 0 Bourke Rllr/546_9950 Ind a 10- level spo<IS

76 acres 55 acres in young vineyard Drip 11-

r1ge11on 2 nouses B•· lanoe of ground ready lor ptan11ng $700 000 Terms

area wttn room lor tennis NewPorl Beacn 2 on a 101 court Ollerect at $895, t btk lrom Ocean 12 x 000 with owner l1nanc1ng Gross Wett malntalnecl 75% o r purchase price at Walk 10 shopping Bkr 13% annual rate tor 5 2 t3-306-t628 years For IUll de1ells call


~~ ~

100 acres While grapes In six th tease Full 1ros1

llYESTOllS protection system. sla-an eAcellenl 1nves1men1 ~ed & wired S 14,000 per p1oper1y availa b le In acre Terms available Coste Mesa. Ollera ta• Cell Ken Marks at "h•har & guatanteed In- (105) 231· llOJ i;ome wllh s11ono 1enan1 ---------Only S 135,000 Call to- fALLBROOK day tor de1a1ls

THE FOX COMPANY 1 31 ac grove, t60 avo-540-67S8 c:ados. 3 Br 2 Ba home nr

talce $131.500

l.1t1 /11 S1l1 22 fi l J 100 • •• • •• ••• • •• • • •••••. •• • 22 ac t60 avocado & .. !.. •. ! .. ••••. •••••. S&I JIAI lrull a trees. con11mpo-S PA F\T f'ol 30 classic, CAPISTRUO rary home 2150 s I 3

eal tor rellr- or st car ""r. In lusti lrOP1Gal WIAT A FIXER ~~n1 Min• 08;:;1115 A~- CHTOM HTAR LOT sem;;g overlooking take

Great Npl HglS 3 Bdr 2 5pm 213-793-5380 or WITH OCUI VIEW Reduced $48.500 Musi Ba Bring paint, hammer 71 4·960-3979 1 6 acres with large bull· sell for $198,500 & check book 10 50-4 dabte pad All cus tom 5 21 ac; avocado grove Redlands Opn S1Jt/Sun 2 new mobile names + 2 p roperttea 111 e~clusive 1n 3 parcels, 700 tree5, 1-5 $t78.500 VM S11n- 1lnt buy~ on resale area with vhlue 01 homea 17.00 • f near new home son631-'1600 •P •ce rant $185 lrom s7oO.OOO Prtced l rg g ar . grea t view

- - -- 646-88t2 $245.000 Su Cl••••I• 1016 ---------• under markel MISSION REALTY ••• • ••••••••• ••••• • •• • Live In Newporl Beacn tor Assumable ISi & Seller 714_728_8410 SIPH TAI SHELTER $ 2 t>drm 1 be •n w 111 subord Asktng --------

Fiil llYHTDlltl ~;i;:~e CS::'~ sv:~~ ~~~~~ 637-5519 r~~~:~.~:e~!F~~N': • • San Clemente pride of 675-27• 2 ---. -

0-1- 'T- L-, -.TI---1 clus1v1 homes Vtews

ownership, modern Spe- - From 40K Xlnl terms n1sh :: lyle 4 unll apt •EWHRT IUCI No quallfytngl No down. O w n eg1. 496-7076 . hOU98 with ocean-nllls & Bel A ire Hom e. llght $800fper mo Flllt>rOOll 676-204 golf cour.e view Close lnlerlors 2 bdrm. I t>ath, 8.6 lllCIW acres at 10% fl· ---------10 everythtng. only 3 froot kllchen. aKpanded nan SHI0.000 75~2968 I Jr years old ~ shawm like tlv. dining area Young aya. •• •lt•I• NEWI New owner could adults & pets welcome h1i•••• ZIOO oc~bdrm , 2 t>ath S24.500 540·5937 SPEOTAllUa •••••••••""•• ••••••••• city & oCt')in view apl II ,.U,AOllE See AD UNDER ~ltA appllcable & ren t lhe C•••l•q £1t1 •Ol'tl Tll~ POINT Hom• • .,...ate other 3 apar tmen19 for CTT'•ll /500 Fabutou• vt~! Roo IOf·~c_1u_s_10_2_8 ____ _ Income. Seiter wilt hatp •••• -,,~····••••••••••• ..,_ •• llnenc;e & SAVE buyer PACIFIC V IEW M EMO· hOrlls Ind tennta T l1at'11 1hou1and1 Of Oollarsl RIAL PARK, N.8 . 2 Pto ls - l r•d• s O w ner/ r •••••••••••••••••••••• REDUCEOMlllngprlc•ll Worth $ 1800 Malia ofr 73 1-<1444 Ot 731-511&

l 979-5360 --------•••••• htabAH w1y BELOW current r•· _ 11_m_eo ___ ____ 1

NEWPORT LOTS• .,...••••••••••••••••••• pt a c am• n t co a I 11 r p~ wrio nMd Poople 2 adjorntno $811,000 ... ,,,_ bJ.-1 31 H Prlndpale ONLYlll Cell Thal',What lhe 831-<11711 ••••••••••••••••••• ••• owne< at (714) DAILY PILOT ----------•call UI f or VUALY or

• •2-0131 SERVICE DIAEOTOAY He .... ~lhlnQ lo 1911? WINTER renlala A90lr • 11 all et>outl Clualfled ads do II w.n Properllee e1µooo

Ull lSU 2BR 2BA Obi Gar Pa110 W O No Pets W in ier $895 673-7968

Beaulllul home tor qua11 lied persons grac1oos ll­v 1 ng S2500 f mo lse 675- 1530

LIDO ISLE-4Br, 3•..,Be . Sept lo June $ tOOO mo 675- 7667

ICHIFHIT / PHh1. 2 story. 4br, 4 balllS, di· ning rm, giant screen TV hol tub. mod. kllch 2 ear encl parking Allalt Sept 15, 675-7650

At the Beach Oce1n & Volleyball 3 Br I ba new q>t new paint , avail Sept 15. 9 mos lse $8451mo John egt 631-2242

H,.,., U•f.,•i••H ..........••.....•.... ,.,,.,., 3202 .........•.......•.•••

llr~r 11111 btl V• 3 8drm w/famlly rm 11r11pl1 cas. 3 car gar Spa. secur tly, comm poot and tennLI E'llcet­lent vtewa $2600/ mo Sut>mll. OPEN SUNDAY 1-$ et 19 Montpelllet

lnfr1st 01141 Avell furn /unlurn FAnt ­Dtllc locallon Vtaw• . 2 B r , pool secu r ity $99Sfmo

0411/ lotll '"'· tnCledlbla OCH !I vlaWll, old ttma eteo•nce 3 bdrm, tge f1mlly room llome. 11605/mo.

YtrsafH11/ ,1r1/l't a.en. ~t. teroe a airy, 11~c•llen1 comm, leclll 1i.. 1325/mo . ...,., ........

U1· 1MI·

OCEAN VIEW HJobor View H1!ls 4 D• :?' IJn111y rm bonus •hi 1Jdlihsne1, $1700 mo l.a!U/340-6204

7 Ur collage · 2 adult-; only No pets S700 DnYO Agl 551·087S

OCHll VIEW Old Harbor View Sec-

11on 3 br 2 ba, paho nugE" yllrd beamed c.e1 11ng~ lrptc Lu•ury n~· S 1400fmo 760-0883

IRVllE THRACE 3 br 2'~ be. S 1400fmo

Call Nan agt. 644-2999

C0111 /1•11 3224 ·····•·•··•·•··•·••··· I.EASE WIOPTION

TO PURCHASE Wail and see what inte 1ea1 doesttll Option al loday·s price 10 pyrchase tor lull year Gorgeous 2 g 3 Br 3 Ba. air. AIC 1550 sq fl new condos 11 1st yeer 1s comple1ed automatic QuaJ111eat1on 1s 1nsure<1 (CHANCE OF A LI FETIME ) 63 t -5055 642-2000

DC-RENTALS 1·5br 's $200 to $ 2000

750-331• open 7-d ays

$500 Collage 2 BR 1 BA. d•n•ng area. ln<:d yd, gar, very clean Chlldreri OK. no pets 213-471-1671 btwn 7 & 8PM wkdys

$325 Cottagefdupte•. n1.>wly 1econdl11oned 'l&w carpet 1 BR w / souna g tntd yard No POIS 213 471-1671 l>IW'l 7 & 8PM wkdys

RENT TO OWN New 2Br 2' .oa condo Call Rich Owner fAgt 964-6171

3 01. ? ba on ,., &Qre w 3 cur gar plus gu~t nou se See 2530 Santo Ane DO NOT DISTURB TE NANTS $975 mo 851-~226

llOIEL HUii IOllE Decorelor perlec1. spa c;1ous 2 bdrm, 2'~ba, new Cape Cod Poot. lac, r~ atea, pvt patlO, balcony wine cellat & lg• gerage Oecora1or wall piper dreperles and more S 1050/mo Call 548-2239, 10:30 10 5:30 Pf'1

M ESA VEADE·3Br. 2Ba, $800 mo 1st + HO dep G11d Inc l Avetl 11- 15 751-3842

E'•l<I• 3 Br 2t>a. lam rm, tMng rm, MP dining rm Otlve by 2667 Elden $ 900, 842·2 1111

01• 28 r ' "'B• Twnnse, 1 ,,.111. petto, no P••• l a:M mo. 6-45-9846



26 - Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, August 28, 1982

•• ..., 11"'8nld-4 a .. ,,, Ual•nli1jH BH1n ll•l•nl1iH B••IH D.Janidw C••'•-'•i .. 1 ,Jurmalr l'anJIMtl •A,•1t•t1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• U•lmr•/ij.,/ 341! •'•-.•••••••••• •••••• , Ualarai1i•' g,.,,, '11l11•i1AH ·····•·•••···•········ f.9!!~.!!!!~ •••••• ~¥.1 BHti•1,.• Im•• . 3144 ~ti,..,, 3211 ·~tt IHti '111 ............ ... ....... ! ..... ,, IHt 3111 •••••••••••··•··••••·· IHti 3140 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·cHARM~·e;;;;;,;,~·;-9; ••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. dbl gar, frpt, crpt, I •• -..................... . C.11• #n11 31Z4 Backbay, " Br 2 Ba. dining rm, !pie. ·1rg yard . Nu crpts, drapes. painted Inside & out. $850 inc. gardener 675-703"

••• ••••••••••••••••••• W ..... INI 3 car garage HVH Ja· WISTOLlff drapes, no pets. $600 1 T E •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ·5b~·RS2EOONTAloLS$2000 TtWllMSI cuul. loaded w1tr$,,ch Lease 3 bdrm, "'alnt cond. mo 546·3630. ' l

rs Bra d w n windows , skyllghts . Large well Ian scaped I 750·33 t4 open 7·days piedn

2 ~~rooemve. r

2 O<ibacluh-. 11600/ mo. 640• 2523. with gardener. Nr Pk and 1 bdrm, lullury condo Enc

LOADED 3br. 2ba w/ party patio, blt·lns, now $500. OC·RENTALS 750·3314

""" schls. Sec system. $ 1, ga.rage. Fireplace. Pool, ''GOOD I me'StiBJIU NA BCH. 2br w/lg patio. flreplac• , 2 oar garag•. 833-2237. 000 •33 1290 spa micro wave oven • -

cozy kllch, l<ld 01<, $450. E"ce11':in1 . locatlo;, -Fo- r--le_a_se_o_r-te_e_se_op_tl_o_n, 1- --m_o_._., __ • ____ dlshwashe; Tiie kllch 1 APAm£m OC·RENTALS 750·33t.i across the street from St500/mo. 5 Br .. large l•1"l1ff L1Q 141" and bath. Wall< In clo· LIFE'' Beaut ifully landscaped

2 Br condo classy d-or lake • with view. Close 10 yard, schools, shoppi"" 4 bdrm. 2'1> be. S 1300 sets. Secluded patio fa. garden apts. Pool & Spa Sl"ARP 2br, 2ba w/lungle lrplc. cto~e 10 be';'ch '. shopp ing .. Full use of nearby. 646_ 1o«~ A vall Sept 9 . Days clng runnlnCJ stream Covered parking No pallo. pool , k i ds 01< s595/mo. M ika Crow . Woodbridge amenlllas. 833·4 765; Ev , Wl<nds $525 per mo. 642·7404 YEAR· ROUNO fUN: pets. $475 Sept 1 . $825/mo. John Harbor View 5 Bdrm So· 64"-2224 or 979-0289 Socia l Activit ies Bach $410 to $415 OC-RENT ALS 750·3314 Agl. 6" 2• 1423· 645•3176 645· 1037 merset w/pv1 back yard DI rec t or • F r a e I Br $465 to $470

and remodeled features. Santa Ana area Warner / s u " day 2250 Vanguard NICE lbr w/ulll pd, lg ba­kers kltch, now $330. OC· RENTALS 750.331.i

TOTALLY custom hovsel 3 & huge den. chels kit . Formal din, plush decor stone lrpl, finest area. 151 & dep & you 're In. $500 . Rentals R Us

Woodbridge Condo· 2 Avali s l600/mo . llOl llY Fairview 3 Br 1•,; BA, 2 Brunch• BBO's• 540-9626 or 642--4905 story 2 br, t 'l>ba, AIC, 759-06 t9 Lovely 4Br, 3Ba. tam rm. story. nr SC Plaza. AIC. Pantes•Plus

LANDLORDS/REALTORS Fast tree tenant provi­ders BEST Really


'2 Br condo, 1¥.ba, So CSt Plza a r ea $525/mo 962- 7521 or 979-1955 dys

SIPEll lllCI LANDLORD NEEDS big tax write of! says rent thos 4 BR 2 '>'• Bath C'JSlom pool house w/ chefs kit Formal d in . huge living room, natural rocll frpl designer decor thruout 11lew patio, spa, nowt S350 Renfals R Us 537-8970

E Side 2 Br t Ba . tncd patio, encl garage, new carpels. drapes. pa1n1 No pets. $525/mo & se­c u r Also duple• on W side $460 548-5442, 770· 5629

c BR 1 BA duplex p1vt patio 380 161h Place B $545 851-9522

Spotless Eastslde detat. ched 4 Br 2ba Never ren t ed belore O w ner particular 2 k Ids Ok. no pets no smo1<1ng $950/mo Cati 644· 72 t 1 agt

frplc . great 1oc11tlon big lanced yard lg sr.a + crpt , drapes, pool, Jacz. much m~·e $700/mo. 675· 7171 Bluffs 3 bdrm. 2 ba, good · I ~

toca11on . greenbelt , cool pool, quiet cu ·d• ~~~~s~~'. ~':; t:it~~~~ Q" EAT Walnut Square Condo. 2 some view S 11 50 sac. Avail Oct 1. ChSlldrenO mo. 714.53.i. 1029. REC" EAT I 0 N .

BR lba , gar , oomm 644·6368 fine, pet maybe. lt5 Tenn Is • Free Ull •OYES YA Po o I . UPP er u n 11 mo. Apt . 646-7274 f•ni••••• lessons (pro & pro

W .J~O/m_p 675·7171 NpcCrest vtew3Br. 3Ba. Ulitllff - ..JSZS shop) • 2 Health

537- 8970

elf: kepl 4rm pl8;ic + L ·- L 3z~1 Pran ll, s12oormo. Agenr NwptTerr condo 3 BR 2•;, ...................... C'lu6s•"Sauna• ~;9~:1ig ·,e:est Alty .!1.".'!~.'!!.".~-. •••••• ".. 840·6206 ba. nopets $725 Poof. Rancho San JoaQuln , Hydromassage• ----- - --- EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 Newport C:est. 2Br dupleK all tacll Agt 646-2369 Model Townllouse In Ir- , Swtmmlrre•Golf

3 + 2, 1121 Ba trplc, brick palto with condo. Attach gar, dining Bluffs area. 3 br. 2'J\ ba vine 2 bd plus den. one Driving ange Just rlgllt for family, all spa S 1 5 0 0 2 1 3 I area: pool, tennt11. Clbh· condo, 2 car gar. w/elec. the nicest ln the deve· I E A U T I F U L major appliances. nice, 876-2255. se, 17 Wiid Goose Tl- opener 840·9350 wkdys; Io Pm en I t 8 2 5 /mo AP A ATM ENT S : plex. Besl Ally 539-6190 corideroga to Intrepid to 760-8398 evas. 728· 2146 SI n g I es . 1 & 2 fee 3 Br 2 Ba . ocean vu , w 11 dg 0 0 s e $ 8 5 0 , Bedrooms•Furnlshed

$825/mo, Arch Beach 2 13169 1.7537 Waterfront" BR l'am rm, 3 D11ltxn & Unfurnoshed• No Condo, avail 911 , 2 Br

t 'hba. trplc. poot, mature adults , n o pets $575/mo, lst/tasl & dap 968-5577 atler 4;30

2 br. w/gar .. stove Child & small pet OK $650 mo 536-7979

4 BR. 2 Ba, grdnr l"c. no pets. $650 & S.D t9611 Bushard St. 642· 7743

Exec. 4 Bdr 2 Ba, lamlly rm. trplc. bonus rm. nu crpl s/ paonl $995 Opn Hse Sal/ Sun 10-5 20521 Montauk Cir 962· 9597

Hg 1 s . Av a II 9 I 1 1---------- ba. •O sllp may be avall. Fsr•il~N 3600 Pets• M odels Open 633·9212 att 3PM. 3 BR 2 Ba spill level, NB $2080/mo 673-.i666. •••••••••••• • ••••••••• dally 9 to 6

-M-Od- er_n_3_ B_r_3_ B_a-.-p-a-no- -1 ~~~~~· ~og~!~~s·~~: NEWPORT CREST Agent 3 BR. 2 Ba. Bal Pen, un- 01kwood

ramie ocean/ coast view. $7851mo. Bllr 6'16.7332 has 2 beaut J Bdrm ~u;n0 Ja;z. ~0ea~ ;i1e;, I ,,_ $890/mo. 2131378-3119 ...... II llW condos $1000/mo un- 213•737• 7272 days •--~~~

HARBOR OCEAN FRONT n; f U r n S 1 2 0 0 f u r n . ...-•-••• Nu 3200' luK hm on bluff luxury Newport Terrace 645·0295 A letr,..t haclll/ h . 180 deg vu ot harbor, Condo 2 br Elltr8$ -S--C--t--P-1--1S- A- -3B- .~~1!'!!~!!.f~~~·!f!. 880 I I sur t, mtns. 3br. 3ba. Outell Only $695 mo 2° oads 1 aza2 · r .. ,.... rv ne

637-2686 'h De up e•. car gar - (81 16th) ;~~;~0 ~~~.'.;~;pa Air . yard S 700 incl ''•l•lllll 3101 (714) 645· 1104 ---------I oceanside 3 rm w/pool, 1g water Agent . 957-0222 •••••••••• •••••••••••• lew,..t hHlll/ le, Lse/opt 01 sale or trade 4 patio, blt·lns, $'480. Waterfront . 4 Br 3 ba, Wlmll 1700 16th S t Br 3 b a Ocean vu OC-RENT ALS 750-3314 $2080/mo. 40 f1 boat stip Speclaoular Bay View 2 655-05t7. 54.i. 2110 •EWPHT lfltm avail. 673.,.666 bdrm. 2 oa $950 per mo. (Dover al 16th)

Avail Aug 30 (714) 642·5 113 Beaut 3br e;icec tiome. 2 bdrm, l bath. Private. OCWFlltlT 673-0433 incredible city & ocean 645-9095 3 Bdr 2 Ba . furn or 111ew $1450/mo 2807t---- ---- C•llH ''' #Ir 31ZZ , I · 3244 Alta Laguna 494- 7200 Eastbtutt 4 Br, $1300 mo unturn • yearly E;iccell •••• • ••••••••••••••••• Peninsula 2Br 1ba, ir blk

.~'!.! ••••..••••••••.. 3

BA 1

, 2

lo mo. Split level. Rusty :=~~~3!:J5 962•9597 Ocean view, beautllully to bch Vrly . S600/mo

or 645· 3447

LUSESll t ba car gar . Guinther. agt 631· 1266 --- ------- furn townhouse, frplc , Agen t. 675-3890 eves & d!!Ck , oc view, quiet,--------- & s

3 Bdrm detached hOmes c1ear1 $900/mo 497· 5468 2 Br 2ba llOUS\!, Newport BEACON BAY 2 bd, Iba pool pello. 895/ mo wknds. Hl'I Mo to mo S700 No prvt bch & tennis. $650 673-0696 -W------- --

ln e•cellent area. Avail&· 3 BR 2 Ba home, Skyline d ·s 6• 2·740C · utlls lncld, avail 910 1, ll"ller Rental 1· 2 & 3 b I e 1 m m e d 1 a I e I y Dr , view gar 1950 Ma· og · 675•9826. Bachelor ground !Ir pvt bOrms Newport Pen In.

HIE 3 Ill• I S800/mo on 1 year lease roon Moine- Real Estele HARBOR VIEW c orner ------- -- entrance, park ing, refrlg . sula Playe Real Estate Kids/pets line This llat Five others to c11oose 494•6558 5 •11 er home 3 bd, 2ba, spa, S900 mo, m i crowave av all 673· 1900 must be seen, ha s 2 from We're the ones to $1800/lease. Open Sall tst & S600 security total 675· 66t t -B-lo_c_l<_ b_e_a_ch--I -b-d-.-u-t-ll

~1a~:1s .ag~~~~ c;i~g~t! (gcall for teases. f!1.'!.'!~.!'/!!! •... !.~~~ Sun. 644-0937 move tn cost 645·5735 BHti•tl•• Yrly S450 mo t823 w Bes t 539-6 •90 l ee ~'")(!bridge SOUTH LAG UNA Char· ILIFH TIWllOME BRANO NEW . Lux condo. "•ti 3140 ~ a31 b o II BI :: 2

~ R I ming 2 od 2 ba , bch 3Br + den 2Ba. Pool 3Br 3Ba , good loc • •••••• • ••••• •••••••• • l 1 )94 t ·3065 UH, 1111 HSE ta llJ nouse. walk 10 bch. lrg Frplc, wasn/dry, bll·lns ''200 mo 675-4333 UTIT( UYlll 2 bdrm winier rental ,

Walk ·m tutchnn for Moml ;1;; 1.:lf"Ht prvt yd single car gar, 2 Patios, 2 car garage Bluffs 3 br, ram11y, 2 •1t Beautiful parl< ·llk~ sur- across St trom Beach Garage tor Pops! Ya•d & ·~~~1 11.,,.n•· • 1·~ .. , , '" ono· on canyon $995 mo call Beautll Quiet Greenbelt bath. SI 400 mo. Agt roundtngs Tei raced 4612 Seasriore Or wt1h1n

Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba S.-25 3 Br t •,; Ba . $475 Laundry lac , pool 5•8· 9556 12· 7PM

I Fireplace . oool , dfsh­waS11er. pvt patio X LG El-itrderr? Br- $56& 557-2641


Westfield, FAMILT APTS .

Beaulllul garden ap1s Pallos/ decl<s. Heat paJd No pels 2 children wel· come 2 Br 2 Ba. $565

398 W Wilson 631-5583 or 642-4905

large 2 Br. 1 Ba . wtth garage. d/w, laundry rm. $495 Also tro 2 Br 1 Ba· $490

Avail 9-1. 645-6625

Don't wall only 1 large 3

I Br avall with 2 Ba . pa- _ llo. In quiet area, large pool. $675. 645-3361 o r 675-5949

PINE BLUFF APTS 1 Br. wltn Iott & 2 Bt . 2 Ba . Child ok . on the Blutls pallo, view, lrplc enc;I gar . gas 5tove, dis­hwasher. spa, lndry rm $600/mo. SPMC 631 -6107

Newer 2 Br 2 Ba No pets Avail appro~ Sept 1s1 $450 760 · 1418 or 5.i8 -8675

2 bdrm. t ' • ba Fireplace Dishwasher prtv pat io Gar No pets $5~0 mo 543 5478

WHTWE VILUCE yaroent Won t last • hur. 2 13·6 70-3 5 1 I ask too $ TOOO 1 yr lse 640.2098 644-6368, 644-0350 0001 Sunken gas bbQ. o r call 836-8663 ry t Best Alty 539-6190 HIT&LS J

6u11e or 2 t3·374· 5922 att BLUFFS CONDO . 2 Br, 2 sparkllng tounta1ns BEAC FRONT RE T I

fee I to 5 l'ldrms starting al Ba • Gr-nbell nr poot M•r~er Yl1w lt•IS Spacious 1oonis Sepa· H N Al 1

S6'i0 ' " $1395 ~ Somerset model, 5 BR J rat di 1 w I" 1 bdrm , end 2 bdrm

1 8 2 Bo ap ls avail pool, spa, lndry rm . no pets, 1mmed occupancy

1 Br $440-$450 2 Br $515

Call l or appt ANOTHER hOuse. Easlst- W1,00I lli•••I 3252 Living Rm wllrpl , Dining e n ng area a~ - n W 1 n I er or ye a r I y

der fo r $400 Crptd. bl· •• •••• • •• '•••• • •••• •• Rm · pvt patio · dbl gar Ba, no pets. non smkrs. closets. home lll\e kltch· 674- 1573 , 6•6- 5902 t ins. E-2 terms K tels? Condo 3Br. den, wet bar. s950 Call JoCarol (Agl) $1850 mo Avail 9/ 1/62 an &. cabinets Walk to ---------Call Best, sm lee, trplc . pool, 1st/ 1aslfMic. 644•9060 646-7171 Huntington Center

*539 6 90 $750 mo 495-6146 1 Bdrm- turn. $505

c 1 * 2 BR remodeled hse w/ 2 Bdrm-turn from $605 Costa Mua·s t1nes1 4 /11/,,i•• Vieio 3Zl1 gar. 1•t blks off sand 2 Bdrm. Townhouse furn bdrm hse. newer car ••••••••• •• 1•••••••• • • $725 yrly Asl< for Biii from $675 pets, 1" baths, warm HOME FOR RENT 631· 1266 ' No pe1$, UtllllleS tree' lrplc . lovelv k i t c hen , 3 Bdrm & 4 Bdrm $695 --------- W est st de Twnllm 2 LA QUINTA HERMOSA CIOuble garage. fenced IO $7]5 Fen~ yards & c1n unsttcW YI master bdtms. 2'Aba. 3 16211 Parl<alde Ln. 1 blk

A,.1t•••l1 Ual11•i1iH ..•..•.•••.••....•.•••

~, ... '" .. ' ""' ...•••...•...•.••..... 2 SR 1 ea. no pets, yrly, lndry lacll. decl<. S600 675·03.i9 yard S700 ' s Be s t garages Kids & pets 2 mealM bdrm suites. yrs new s73ot mo. Kids W 01Beach. 3 btl<s S

539-6190 lee " C wel c ome 5 45 - 2000 . dbte gar .. decl<s, spa. all oll . sml pet maybe Avail ot Edinger 647·544t. •-11. •• •5'3 4"PV,Da·IRV!flt Agent , no ree xtras. s795 96..._3,.66 w John, Agt 631- 2242 - -

------- N111 .. 1t J.11ei 3Zll IAY I OCW Y1£W Br. Wes1clllt, mo lo mo ~!!'!r.!!.~f!~ ... !.~~! .. !.~'!!~!~~ ..... !.~~! 3 BR, 2·~ BA, condo, d in, patio. dbl gar. bit -Ins. w / d rec lac . S 700 546-7:?90. 644·7298

WOOdbrldg- on the la~e. • •••~••• • ••••••••••••• 1260 Agl H Frederick, OCEA"'FRONT 01)( 2 • 8 2 bdrm. 2 be newer dpl;ic E

~ " OC· AENTALS 3 br, 2 ba Irvine Tarr . 631 · 1268 1218 Devon ~ • ., r 11ecullve 3 bd, 2 ,,., ba. l -Sbr's $200 to $

2000 home. s14oot mo Incl. l By weel< or month ytly Mature non-smkrs,

Many E~lras! S 1400/ mo 750 33

gardenet 1619 Bonnie n. 673· 7873 no pets. $750 X 3 2Br 1Ba, garage. nice lease . 552 - 95.i9 , • 14 open7· doys Dool"le 675 _ 1541 . f••l•All~ 3110 2 131799-ol195, 257·9792

yard. wshr/dryr hook-up, 551·2193 or 987· 8657 EASTBLUFF: 3Br, 2ba. 673· 2242 ••••••••••••••••••• ••• DIK 2Br, bltns. gar. no or (714) 673·3966 ~o P~t~;~s"'.1~96~208 2Br/dbl gar. Good area Avell Now Sl 100/mo Lge " br. 1 '~ ba, din rm, ~:~~ :~e~ln~~r . '(;'1~) $.i25. 1 br utile pd, .i 11 E

$695 Avall Sept 27th 640·90l9,831-0836 2 II Oest•• .... newly remO<I .. big yard, «6-9220, ••S-..750. Bay Balboa No pets E/Slda Ouplu. 2 br, 1 ba. 1 72-009 on Bat boa Peninsu la . gerd_,. S7SO. 547. 1155

rge fenced yard, 1 car collect 1412 7 Newpo<t Shores 3 Br 2'"' 11200 mo. 963.,.759 634- 1547 dyt/S4M249 lg Bachelor. frplc . no ----------1 gar 640·5195 2 Br 2•;, Ba. garage, frplc, Ba 2 blocks to beech. pets, steps 10 sand. '300 YEA Al Y RENTAL

comm""lypool, $750/mo close toschool&tennls. 4Wrat,2~h CMl•l•i .. 1 mo . Winter (213) 1 bdrm. $500 . Cpts.

S!~:ie! .B: !rB:a~7:i~: Broke ;52~3~2aa 0 8 5 t • ~-6=tc0tt 3 Bdr. ell· c~eSmTIBlylUrooFFm.E~~. 8~~:- L• u• x·" .• ~2!B~r •• •2•::~8· .·c·.·~~!!. 4.ifi...9220, .i'48 ... 750 drapes. 875-6606 no pet s . S97 5mo

1 ~ ~,...,..,,,..., -. ri-Lovety3bt,2ba, ger, Sml28 1bagar. apt.Bay

TSL Momt 645-8122

Nice 2Bdrm 2 ba Most utll pd 622 Hamtltori St $525/ mo: 548-0477

Deluxe 1 BR upper painted, patio. S375 & last . credit rel 645-1693

LUXURY COIDOS Wit t1 Se. Cat P1u1 Frplc. elegant French windows, AC, In home security, 2Br 2Ba lBr t Be & Sludlos. 19r S studio Incl Wshr/ dryr. also Includes pvt club w / tennts courts, gym , pools, 1acuut1 . .aunss. beaull lully Oec:o­rated c:lbhse & much more. From $450 mo tncts most utll too 5<19-3421. 3641 Bear St (btwn Sunflower & McArthur).

642-4371 °' 960·4395 2 br 2 ba. Cathedral eel- eel cond. lrg w ell 3 br. 2 ba. den, formal vu. AC, pool, •Vall 9.1. Steps to w.11\9'. Furn. or vu. gar 1p, W/O, S600, w llngllvlngrm. Peuo. Un· l•ndicped yrd w / dlnlng.21rpl1. garden S575mo. Nopell,Sher· un l urn V,£1y , O•yi . 979-6371.h87~6278 Avallablenowl tBr car ·

3 8r • 2Ba, Cape HrlH 111ers1ty Parle. S795 mo. gardener. sec, •yttem. pat I o . S I 2 6 O m o ry or Donne 9711· 2390 6 7 3 . 1 t>A 9. ( 2 1 3) ,. ___ & ,,__, M •••• P0<1. pool & laundry. No Condo. frplc, gar, pool, avell lmmed Wkdv $ 1100/mo . Nr park & 6'42-0350 d"* S8S-o92 1 _......, U -- pets, S425fmo. 931 W quiet no dogs $800 mo ' ~ achoots 833 1290 · ~- •••• •••• ••••••••••• • •• 19th. St. 54'8---0492 Aef1.'Nancy '4S7·2 t49 · 75:2-SO..(): eve 497-3042· · • Sharp 4 Br, comm. PoOI Garden Grow. N- 2 BR Ouple;ic 2 & 4 Bdrm avail BAY View, wait! to bcll, lg•----- - --- -

SUPREME bf, 2ba w/ lg W~tctllf 3 Br. den, office, S1195fmo. Have ottlers. 1~ ba. petlo. gar. 1550 & 2 Br winter $650, yrly newer. 2 b d . oar, no 2 bdrm. l 'h ba. 2 etory. D,.. '-'•1 31ZI '.:bat.. spa, -Ins, $575. 2 ~ ea, 2 car ger, g.,de- Agl . Fred Tenor e . , $100 dep . No pet 1 • 1850, • Bt Wini•· 1900. peta, l800. 64"'-6128. $650 Mo. Aleo beohe40t. •••••••••••••••••••••• 'WRENT LS 750·3314 n, ~~·7.n,~ .. .!'~t!.~.9509258· 031-1260 01 631·2711 Creto. 545-- 1370. OG, yrly 11200. ACfOM from " Br den frpl"' pat io '300 mo. Call after 5:30 2 B r 1 'A B a c o n d o . .._, ......, .,. ....., ... 304 .,. h • • '" • P M 2 8 8 • L a S a It e $890/ mo. Garage, ape , Tur llerocl< e" c. 2 BLUFFS LEASE IOfengetrM condo, 1600. OOHn. " 9 oa• ore, stepa to beach $950. 957·2740 l ptc, I ml to bch masters, den, 2~ b•. 1~ 1&.111111 llY 2 Br. wa1., vu. 11150/mo. 1 Bt & ton, tennlt, pool,

851·8070 O.trell 75~1221 , agent, ---------

•97-8"55 Rita 8"<4·90e0, 873· 8589 .411all. 911. lull. lwMM. Agl &4()..0020, 700·9978 11ream. NO pelt Avail I t)r oondo, beMlt. l\.lfn, RE/MAX. 2 Bt. 1+'• Ba., frptc, pool,

Securitygated 3br.2'~ba Ral"lc ho S an Joaquin ~9:?:'2°t,~~t3•:,ae:: 3 b f. 3 ba Big Canyon. 1911

·5 !~n~u. ·~~·er:.~·~ lfm''. C.11.... HM ::1~~~.~~o & cjen lwnhM . Poot, len- Townhou1• on g olf gar .. multl· lev•I. frplo, wallpaper thru0\.11. golf 3 bf. 2 ba. cfllUxa condo •••••••••-••••••::=:: $628/mo 831.,.984 nla. ~ ml to ~ 1850 courH; Spilt lavel, 2 bf & catn.Gral ~llf\O, alcYllte. coutM view. $1400/ mo. Lrg. patio, pool & 1p1, lffOI~. 875-"® 1 a t a I U. · Ag1 496-5980 den, 2 ~ bath. A/C, view. patio, tncl. watll'. New Agt. 142• 1183. . clllkt o k. nett SC P\an, 2&8 Bdrm winter rental• Newly decor. Gaa pd. 3 bt. 2 Ila. cion<lo

1975. 754· 7000 daya; crpl No pela. Comm. L 48 1 1

beach USS mo. 2134'4-2688. on N9wpof't P9nln. $525 enc l gar, dw•hr, pool , Lrg. patio, Pool & tJ>•, Y~,=~~~ .. ~.~~ aYM & wknda 559-4274, l)OOI. Ag! ~8-1ff2 2~· =~. comm Imm. I b<I, nt So c.t Pl, up. Agt, 175-1842. ~..6o~~~lta, no peta. = ~ .. ~~ .. place an ad In ttfa Diiiy La•Optlon, 3br. 2 Ila. AiicflhiCiiiiilftidiiditOI' PQC>tllennla, yrly, famlly . A/C, F/ F Refr. Pool, STEPS TO BCH, 3 8t & Piiot Wtrlt Ad•I Call now SFR. WoodbrldQe. M75 Ille bet1 dMll In &C*t· •1195 mo. Ml-3370 aft Ulll'• lnot. Sec. Ota. angl. ( 2 13) 285· 3507, • .....,.., ..... your Of-. Hciv. aomettllng to ... !? I 142·5f71, · I mo. + 09t1on. 652-MIM. "*" '9ntlll. ~2'-M18 &PM. "4'40. 094-2 108 3e0-64t~ 117-3615. atop~ oant9r. l...m.ct ad• do It ww11.

Orange Counfy Real Estate/ An Advertla4ng Supplemetlt to the DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, AuOu•t 28, 1882 - 27

,,.,,_..,, AJJ.ut•nll •··rt•••ll A---•lf ..,,11, llml1 fllf lntlh 19 Au. 43• ... 111111IUn4M '!!!'!!.~!~ ••.• ~ 11.i.r.JdfNI ,,.,,._ ,,_. ·- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • t400-900 PLUS 14'00 tq. tt . ...................... U•la111hi.J U1'l•rtlhi.J U8/8nlUlll llAUll mTl1. Shr 2. br. 2 ba C.M . 8')t, Walk to bMctl. 2 Br 2·8a Penthouee Baytront Sut-r., • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Wkty rentale now avalt. nicety decor, tulty turn. houM. NB 1326/mo to te . parklt\g. patloa . ••• H 1111 JIZ4 C.t1,,.,, Jllf Ba•ll•11N • .,,..,, .._. "'' 1 105 & up. Color TV. $ 250/mo + •,; utllt . wOl'k...., Fem. No tot;>eci- 673-10Q3

•••••••••••••••• • •••••• •••••••••••••••• ... ,L ··~o ••t•~••••tt:'le• 'f•••••• "'V -3 Br. 2 Ba. frplc, yard, 2 Br 1 Ba no """ti 1 aml I• . o#•'W 1 or. w11tove, r91rg, and Phone1 In room. 2274 &45·9300 alt. 5 co. Mull Ilk• catt & Ca-1----------


1rage, $700/mo, child S5SO 1;"°mo11e tn. ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• parking . $ 4 0 0 . call N-pon Blvd. CM. 2 F to ahf 3 br, 2,,; ba prklorna. 63f..e<>18 Seating Down? St1r1lng Br 1 B II Ttwl-H lllTAU 675 0612 ft 5 646-7445 out? Lower overhead . a. pa o, garage, Opn 10-1, 28/29. Avail. - • a • CdM dplx, t 0/ 1, $240 M/F ahr <4Br hM, lrvlne, maintain Image. office at

$425/mo. 9/1 , 1782 Crntmont . 2 br 1'n ba, $560 CONDO apacloua 3 BR, 2 B [AC H AR£ A mo, Sue 759-1174 $290 mo. + 'I• utll. Ml· Regency Center, Exec B r o k e r 6 4 2 • 0 II 5 1 , 3 br 1 •,; ba, $800 hael 551 2255 552-3388 1 Bd, 1 Be duple•. u t ll Oppty for opt. to buy BA, lrpl, dahwr , lndry Fem/pvt room & b ath, c - suites In Newport nr Air·

paid. $375 mo. $625 to Call 545-3367 hookup, 3 carpo111, pool, compl household prv. MALE TO SHARE port, fully ftqulpped & S325 • Bachetor apt. 333 move In. Agt , 675-1642. 1 &

2 BR, ~A"', ........ living, Pr \I t Pat Io · S 7 6 5 · $84/Wk CM . S290/mo. 'l'r utll. NWPT BCH CONDO stalled for every busl-

E. 21at. C.M . Apt B·D. >""" """ 851-9522. 63t-04 12 645-4224 nesa need. l/ldlv ottlces 845-6589. 645-8103 Sparkling clean. 2 br , 1•1. year round. $430 & up. ReMgerator-Meld-Pool mo/mo. from $ 375 --------- ba, $475. Utll. paid. R&- no pets, 220 121h st. 219 2 Br 2 Ba from S525, No Nwpt Blvd & Wllson M/F profeutonat 22-30 to Female roommate to snr



SpacJous 2 Story 2BR 1'A frig. 2 small children 9k, 15th st. pets. Across from Npt Coate Mesa 548-9755 ahr 2bd 1ba apt In CdM. 2BD 2BA townhouse 1n1----------BA. pool, pvt. patio. car- no peta. ~h Golf Course. Officer---- ------• Non·smkr. $300/mo + N.B. 1 block from bch. Sub-let Exec. office port, children OJ<. no 1960 Wallace. 642""4905 CONDO 3 BR, 1'/t Ba, In· hrs 9-4 546-4855 Yearly on the beach. hotel ulll . lat/last + dep . Nd own bdrm tum. $300 Prime airport locale on PETS. S<475/ mo. 2310 1---------- side lndr y rm . $650 --------,--- room , kitchenette & 760·6236 •v-1,.,.,nd. '"" II I c II MacArthur Blvd. Price Sanla Ana Ave 645-3017 2 Bdrm 1 Bath up111trs. 536-3976 or S<47""4437 Acroaa from beach, bright shower. 1280/mo. plus " - .. " mo. ,. ut . re 9'. req. a or 213-375-8107 fireplace. garage. $495 & airy 2 Br, patio, lncry sec. depoalt. 2306 W. Fem. wanted to ahr nice _D_ave_s.._e--0_ 3_43 __ . ___

1 red\1Qed4~':;r'

month. 645-3685 WALK TO BEACH rm $720/mo ytl'( Oceantront. Newport 2Br apl 1265 pr mo & Fam to ~r 2 br C .M.1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iii.iiiiiiiiiit $395/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba. en· Bachelor, stove & refrlg , 968-8263 Beach. 673-4154. utll . Be.ach area nr house w'isame, $225 ,11 clsd garage. lndry rm, Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba. on all utils pd. $350 mo. 2 B w 1 Warner/PCH a.0·9087 111, test & dep, 642-3251 *Sim IEAU* patio/ y$550/mo. 2 Br Eastslde, near schools, 536-7979 r upper condo, 98 • 1111 B••n 411S

0 c. Alrpor1 area. Prof.

1'/t Ba. Townf)ouse. bat- no pets. $450 631-6155 • 38 2 .,.,b cllll Dr . 5pool. lea;e/ •••• ••• •••••••••••• ••• SUPER 4 br, spa. tennis lnl'I stewardess wilt ~ environment, lull service,

cony, tndry rm, car pon. * ,..ttracllve r a. option S6 O. A\/all /1. P111 rooms. Loving care, courts, trpl , S275 mo furn . CdM ~2t. QB< 9/1 Of" 00

frills. lfldlYldutl ol-811 bl"°"'9, Avail-Sept, Larp 2 L L U _ spit 11/l, lrpJc;;, encl gar_ 6A6.4844,evea5'0.all02 bttl. dlet9; l'Ufal· aree. 24 759=1 of2S:- $4® 67S:-S-f48 - -

50 TSL Mgmt 542• 1603 patio. carpor t , 4-plex. $615, 842-2897 Executive retraat . 1 Br hr. care. 559. 7 107 or lsql~ ?'3~kc~~- Jo $435. 797 W. Wilson. l..:a• 31~~ PENTHOUSE Security, 731- 1247 Fem. roommate wanted to F. 25 plus, non smoke. ....,

$530...$540/ mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. 642-8843. 995-5813 • r• "' ,.,. share furn Ocean Front prof. to share 3br, 2ba FREE. 759-8978 1 story, Shag crpt, drps, I----.,.------ ••••••••d••••••••1;-··2 pool, spa, gym , S65o l••••r IHt•I• 4ZOO winter rental . Lag Bch. house on Bal Isle !~~~~~~~~~~ patio, frptc , beamed eel- 1 bdrm, $395, 2 bdrm, 1 Woodbrl go con °· 642·8868 or 646"4267 • • •• •••••• ••••• ••••••• Avail. 9115. $325. 675-5216 CdM dlx suite. AIC. ample Iii lsd ba $490 Poot. gar No bdrm. 2 ba s5oo mo. WEEILY llHTALS 1 240 7005 alt 6 PM d 2855 E c t ngs. enc garage. pets. 642-4470 673-8920 alt 6 or wknds YUILY Available. Agt. 675•8170 • - F to shr 3 br. 2 ba apt, on pkg. ~t~ll6900 · 5

TSL Mgmt, 642- !6031- --------- -L- ---._--1--3-1-4-1- 1 acro~s stree t tr om Resp F toShr beaut. 2 br, Canal. NB. S320 total. _H_ wy_. --·-----S325, utllltles lnct. Sm. 1 Nper~ve~~~o~~~i't":n!tg:e .~l.".'!~ •••• •.C. ••••••••• beach , 2 bd , 1 be . !Br sleeps•, acrossthe 2 ba So . Tustin apt , 675-7500Chuck 2000sqftolllcespacetor

bd. 1662 Newport Blvd. Studio, ,.., blk 10 beach, washer / dryer. carport stree1 tr om lhe beach $275/mo. 731·8630 Malure, resp. person 10

tse c 1 . avatl now. 625 • CM 631-7392 -=:;g :~~h~:::'pa~~~~~- unlurn $385 Incl utll. 673-9508 $:l95/wk. 675-5068 Steps to beech. 3 br, 2 ba. shr 3 br twnhse, Tustin, W 19th St, Costa Mesa

t:lean 2 bd, encl gar. w/d Large yard area. 778 Le a s e 4 9 4 • 2 7 9 7 · 2 Br. 2'-'t ba. den. upgra- Waikiki , blk to beach, 2 br M / F 19 . 2 6 . $ 2 15 $300/mo + ·~ ullls Call 64 5 -8830 , s ee Mrs hookup. patio. 2 people, Congress St , Costa 493-7137 or 494-5410. ded, $895 mo penthouse apt. $650/mo. 122-34th St N.B. Call Ann. 542-2880 _N_o_r_th_r_u_p_. -----$475. 642-0461 Mesa. 213-761-78 13 111 640-5324 Min. 1 mo. 759- 1::185 Answer Ad 1 2 1 . SUNNY Newport Beach

11• .... rt l••d 316., 642-4300, 24 hrs •• I . OOUNFIOIT Patio Office. a33 Dover. REOECORATEO 2br 1 Ulll pd, 1 br, $300/ mo ••·•~•·•••••••••••• ••• 2Br, 1Ba, $575 mo. yrty, I BR. lrplc. patio. only .. F nonsmkr to shr 4 br. Su 1 t e

2 $ ~

0 6 1m

0 • ba. duplex w/sngt ga- Qui er Patio. nr bch . NO FEEi Apt. & Condo carport, cpls, drps, open steps to beach on 36th MI F to shr Cd.,, house'. 2 2'h ba 3rd fir apt: frplc, 631

_1094 rage. $530. 559-5001 . Sept. 1 & 15. 644-6958 rentals. Vitia Rentals. beams 1116 W Balboa N.B avall Aug '28 to Sept lge br's, 1 ba, lrplc, sun- sunroof, balcony, lndry, ---------

675-4912 Broker. (213) 865-2542 6 $350. 675-4468 decl< & lndry. 3 blks from den Yrly $275, 1st, last & IESI sp•or 011 3 Br 2 Ba. bit-Ins. 1st & 1 Bdrm $360. Utll paid. No beach. $360/mo, ullls d 673 4742

• deposit. $650. 631·3537 pets. Carport 383 w YH IESUYI m ha c1 •••• ,, 311' Ne wpon . ava il now . Incl. 675-1721 1 ..,....,...,,e,_P·~=--· ....,,....-,...,---1 Allractlve rustic upstaJrs

Bay. 548-9516 NEW gated 20 Town- •••••••••••••• ••••• ••• Step110 beach. 127 34th 3 • s co Mp AN y . M selling. We supply desk. Duplex, 2 br, 1 ba, Cfpts, 1---------- home VILLAGE COM · 1 Br. pvt deck, old world S 1 3 Br . $500 wk . Fem to shr 2 BR 2 Ba, Ammie needed to com- space. copier Yoo sup. drps, gar.. patio. clean. 1 Bdrm. Laundry facll No MUNITY 2 & 3 Br 2.,., charm . spec t cular 673-5-410. Agt . CdM apt $337 mo plete our trio. Beaut. NB ply phone. & $95 pr mo ~8~~~4 No pets. $525. ~jS Weslslde. 646-4382 Ba. 1600-1800 sq fl of s:;n C~~t:~:~tgor at ac:,~ ICWflMT 833-9887, 673-1775; Baycresl hm. $435/nio. pr desk. Call 644-721 1

Nr 18th/Pomona, 1 Br 1 Newly decorated 2Br Ba, upstairs, D/W, car- 2ba , garage . beach port. water pd, 1 ohlld c I o s e . S 5 5 0 I mo OK, no peta $450. Agl ., 5'17· 2874

_no_1_ae_._5-4_s_-2_000 ___ 1-0-~-.,-1'-1/-.-1--3..,..1.-'Zf--Spaclous 2 Br 2 Ba. nu • ••••. ••• • • ••. •• . •••• . cpta, drap•1. good El 1 Br, lrg kit, utlls pd, $450 SIM location. $475. See mo Mgr. 147 E. l8th St, no. ~--4_96-_680 __ 4_•.::gen_.__t. _ _ 4

· ButU.11t• Lg !Br. new cpts, drps. ...... 3141 refr lg , stove, 1 quiet • •• • ••• perton only. Nr Ralph's WALK.TO.BEACH: &aeh~ Mkt, 17th St. All utll pd. stove & retrlge, g•• & $425 mo. 642-0538 water paid. S30 /mo.

2 Br. garden apt, no pets. 1_5_36-_ 7_9_7_9 _____ _

Small child o11 $440 mo. 2 bet, 1 ba, ~ mile from 546-9950. beach . Avail Sept 1.

Lge 3 br, 2 bl, crpt , drps. 1_968_-4_2_16 _____ _

carp ort . Nr OCC . No llAllllEl'I WILi peta. $550. 751-3696 Loe 1 & 2 br twnhae apts.

2 bd, t~ ba townhouse, lrptc, dt1hw11her, encl. Gat, Prv Patio, No Pets, gar. Nr Huntl11gton Har­Oulet. Imm .. $550/ mo bour. From M76. Chit· 97S..16511 dren OK 840--6807

1 BO. N- Carpets, No Peta, S400


1Br, expanal11a 1111 rm w/ frplc, relrtg, gourmet 1111 & din rm, gar. tennis, pool, jac, dbhse, close to bcti. S550 mo. 536-1980 ... ,;.,, ..

J.ui 31411-------1 ........•.•••.........

Kennebunkport? Isn't trtat the boat

tl'lat won The America's Cup in 75?

~fD~ If you're not sure wtlO (or wtlat) KeonywnkpOrt

was, don't feel t»d - yolirt not aivoe Kennybun1<po11 1s one of 14 dlstmct1ve1y

different ~rtment noe>rplans at ~awmd Villa<Je In Huntington Btactl. Suwind Vltli<Je •S a result

of 1ru11y Ptr50nahl.e<I professional planning Thf kind of .Jttenuon you dese~.

• A perfect blend of nature and IM"!!)­t'IC'Stlfd 1n a forest with bllbOllng Orooks and quiet ponds. cQOled by natural OCNn brtnes. Add to that tennis courts. swlmmrn9 ~ a JK1JU1 an<l

a convenient toauon near ShOPlltng arvi tmptoymtnt and you ve 001 a plac~ anyo"' would

proudly call home. (EVen Kenll)'bunkPortJ) Ont al'ld rwo bfelroom. one ano tw0 N•h

apartmeoti from ss 15 oo

~~-~ 15155!5 HIJM"'9t00 Vln19t Unt Huntonoton llNc11 CA

(7 f 4 ) IMMM1911 1 rrom the s.r. OlllOO rtw#lft dnw not1n on Bt.ic11 to McF'~. tl'4t1"""' on Mcf.iddtn to Sffwln<I VII~

turnal\1119" ~• ape., dilly 10 AM Ill 0\411

pure 1.u•ury. Garages, C 332 Encino Ln ..... p 1_._1 673·8340 Avalt now. Call Linda 2000 sq It w/500 aq It

spas in every home - · · • ti•-• F rmmte to ahr 3 br house, 559-9400 or 642-8610 storage, O.C. Alrpor1 master suite. dining S.•I• bl JU 2 stry 4br, • ba, dining, EJStde C.M. $225/tno. all , 325 mo Female non- a, ea . S 2 O O O I mo rooms . wood burning ••••••••• ••••• • •••••• • giant TV scr_.., hot tub, u t Its I nc j . Lorene smoker

10 shr

2Br apt on 851-8928

ltreplaces, micro-wave 3 br, 2 ba. deluxe condo. odern klloh, 2 car gar. 5-49'-3421 , 548 .. 927 Peninsula 675-3811 ovens, private patios &I Lrg . patio, pool , spa, I< all now to 9/15. lllWNIT llAll yards gardener provl· child Ok. Near SC plaza. 6 7650 You~ f'rolesslonal. open Straight F to shr 2 bd apt Private Ottlce. ,$4~5 ded

5 .


1t IMnFg o

1nty S665 mo. 2l3-964·2~ f•t• •• leat•l• fZSO min ed male seeks ~•me w/F 35 plus. S230 plus 1h Branch Offlce ... $75

1 m nutes r()fTI uh on IN'-• fvvv •••. • •• ••••• •••••• •• for 2 bdrm. 2 ba rvlne utli 548-0606. Answering SeNice .. $40 1 1 d 7 1 t t s c ,.. home Garage, yard . 1----------1 752"6408 s an , m nu ea o . . •• •••••••••• •• •••• •••• LK A OWHEAD·2sty Non-smoker $ 395 mo Plaza or O.C .Aliport . EASTSIOE CM . Private n~ 4Br loft, 28a, 2 ,., .... /.,•••I 4,SI Just eaat o f Newport furn. room & bath. Utll1. frplca. 2 b conlt1, ca- Incl utll. 551 .. 255 eves ••••'·•-••••••••••••••• SO. ~GUNA. 3 Arch Bay. Blvd. & so, of San OlegQ Incl.. relrlg • $315 mo. thedral celll GOlor TV. 633-(M50 days Limited acceaa. for 110- 2 Suites avati . Gd. Hwy Fr w y . S 9 O o I mo . 673-7544. Sipe 14. Nort Shore. Fem 10 shr 2er, 2B1 CM rage only. Hunt . Bch VlslbHlty. 497-.2351 631 ••39 2•73 O downtown $50 / mo 1 -~ • .. range Lg bdrm, pvt bath, pool, 1285/wknd . $3 wk. 8PI. non·s"*r. $225 mo. 960•1197 Low budget studo-offioe Aw .. Costa Meaa. garage, w/ d, no smo- $595/mo. 522-8631 + ·~ ulll. 64~ t049 ~---------1 avallabte. nr 0 .C Airport


Icing. $300/mo. 548-8058 PALM SPRINGS LABOR View ocnlrnt No La". Single car garage, storage 60¢ per fl ·Mike Cro'llt 11 onty, North Costa Mesa. Age n I . 6 4 2 • 1 2 • 3 ·Employed. non-smoking DAY New Condo 1 Br Furn. 2Br 2ba. $400/mo. $60/mo. 546-7214 645-3176

resp. Fem. Near OCC. sleeps 4, pool, spa, ten· Over 30 prof. pref ---------$225 $50 dep 957-8390 nts, 111all. anytime. $50 497-7019 SSO per mo. 343 Cabrlllo. PIOlflG Pl.W

COUNTRY CLUB L ING ' . day. Owner 548-5669. Roommate to ahr 3BR Avail Sept 1 Costa 23<4 Easl 17th S~. CM IN NEWPORT BEA L.aguna Beach Motor Inn Mesa 548 9516

A total en11tronmen ..985 N. Pacific Cst Hwy. Due to cancellation wtc of house In H.B. $230 plus • • 800 sq It. to 3 00 1q apartment community on Laguna Bch . Daily/ 8/28 to 9/4, a111ll. utll, 11111u1. 848-8453 Ollin •atll 4411 tt-$1.05 per It. Utll & J•· the Upper Bay. Private Wkly/ Kitchen 111111, Low 1500/wk. Sips 8. 212 CdM f an ••••u•••••••••••••••• nltortal lnc:I. See bldg clubhouse and health winter rates. 494-5294 Mar Ou• r I t e , Cd M lge ·be':ut1~ B~ ~~~:;:. ElllllM ..-0 mgr 645-3120 spa. 8 tennla ciourts. 7 Laguna Beach lite COO· 67!>-3130. pvt 1;1a, eep uv rm, tge tRVINE Phone an1we- •2500 aq,ft. lndu11rial unit pools, closeF ~o1 busln

1 ess, king, parking' area_ Nr. BEACHFRONT WINTER BR, gar. Walk to ooeen. r ing. conf. rm, 1.1111 pd, with 325 sq.It. of office+

airport. asn on la and. bu s . 4 9 4 - 6 1 7 6' RENTALS Npt Sch, Oct Avail 10/ 1 309~ lrla. sctry eerva, eta. Alto 5000 sq.ft. uptlall cove. Convenient shops on 540•7158 to May, 2 BR, or 3 BR. Eva 673-5602 dHk space. $ 150/up red & fenced yard. sHe. Unlurnlltled bache- · ne w 1 y re m 0 de1 ed . ' 5-40-9745 •2400 SQ.It . tnduatrlal ton, 1 & 2 bdrm apts and Furn room for renl. prl\I 714.s.4.2484. Balboa I• home. $250. -


1-00- -_,--*"'-1 unit wi th 9000 or

1owhllOU$8$, home. kltcti prf\I, Mesa 1st, la1t & $100 sec . ..... · · ,.., . ..., upgraded office . S540 • $1000 v er de Are a . wk l•atllr,. lh11 #'00 966-84791213-664-3107 ~ · · 40~1 lj;~h • . N B . •2400 ~.fl . lnOuatr tal

Sevefel bachelors and 1 6 4 2 • 4 5 4 8 , ho m • ••••1••••

1•••··· .... ·••••••• Prof. F to shr 2br, 2• __ t _ 1 ______ 1 unit with 1500 aq.ft Of

Bdrm units feature lfne 549-9847 ay ... N B. condo w /same. 1617 Westclllf. N.B. 256 upgraded office. Have designer furni ture and 0 _ 1 • plo ed 0 smkr Contact largest Gay $425 + ut1i.. 63 1•2535 to <4COO sq. It. tst. floor. sub-lease tenant for 900 acoessorlet. Move In to- ..,., "'"' Y n n Male Female Mrvloe In Agent 541-6032 sq.It. of olflee apace JI day or resetVe for sum- kitchen prlv Over 4o. So. Calif. 540-6716 M/F 25+ to thr 2br. 1be,1-:----------1 dealred. mer months. Smartly 5~·7586 nr SC Plaz.a. pool, tennla. • M otivated owner Is furnished models open Unfurn. room a11111. now, "':.9:~~'~m':~· J2°9~,~~'. $220. 966-2077 ready to make a deal. dally. beach apt, N.B Empl. Wendy 831•7332 F to shr 3 bf houM w. 1 M. Cell 7 14-751-4760. Prtn·

On Jamboree Rd 11 San Joaquin Hills Rd.


only. $100. 675-8319 1 F tn Hunt. Belt. 1200. ctpaJS onty. I Male 35,..5 shr 5br. 2ba 848-53 17 -, -... I -- I •

Good addreu (E. Slut • hae nr S.C.Plua/Frwy. --------=-...,....--,...... ~ c- ,_... t • .,.... • •H N.B.J. quiet, tor mature, Spa. S225tahare utile. M/F, 2 Br CM, Qlf, trpl, ~=- Olfl~ tulle overl()ol(lng busy t•ec, Pvt b81h . 64l-4913. yd. S285. ./t.,.__ Newport Harbor. Latt

••-• Wf N o~- 1 m k r . S 3 O O . . 645-te&e ./-- apaoe evtllat>le. APf)rO• KA9t- 84~369 (evet mostly) MIF move In to1181y home -------.,.--1 ./ t . o o o 1 q ft

Spaclout 2 bd1m, view, CM . Pvt 9 • & oompl NB. 1 btlc from bc:tl, 1295, 71~5-7100 pool, nice 81911. No pets. Compl. furn: waahlng l'clu .. hold p rlv Letlle F/non-amkr 2 Br oondo, $875. 64 ....... 7117 don.. TV Incl d. Working 1142-3211. 676-0563. .......... Sm ofllcM nr Hoag Hoe-

man. Reas. 536-8544 pltal , aome warellouH $750/mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba. en- Female roommate want- M/F to ttlr 3Br af>t, N.B. ----------1 alt c11u., clad qarage, wallc to ROOM unfurn . Pflll en• eo prefer etudent. Ado- $3io mo . + 'h utll. .... Ill WPllll* :::~82:11

' beach. yard/balcony. trance &hare bath, Sl50 rabte 2 br houte one... 1175-7797 -• • Won't test call for appt, mo. lat & 1111, $75 aec . .\ bot ltland S2llS mo From 1 room to 3 rooms. - --------TSL Mgmt 1M2-11103 c1e&n1no. 648-2042. 673-6900 uk ror earo1vn s~~. ~:i ~~ ~~ ~:: ;:: ~~~r~.,.dr· ~ ~~,;~:,e:~;;,s~~i.~ •- ht• Yin Fem. nr l>Qh, beaut. apa- Payaae a t W•tertront + \<i ulll. 549-50e2 l)Ofler Inn. 2l72 °"6)ont. Xlnt toe. 752-6408 _,, ctoue mattr. br, w/prvt Homea; avea 337-7238 ,._11 AM 833 32""

Archea at Old Newpol1 be. pool, light UM of kit & Vlcilt. M /F, student pref. eec:tt ..,.. . . '~ Office / Store/ 8ut1ne11 Blvd. I.Atoe Bachalof apt gar S376mo 908-5082 1 Bay, CM. 3 BR apt, 1146, E11ecull111 office aul ta, ~ tor '-M · 580 & $550. 776-1149 ev · · M/F to •hr 2Br. 18• apt, pool , retp . paraon corner ot 406 Fwy, Near nso sq. It . Top toe ..

•'•-•y .. LUii 2 roomt, $17& ... Coeta1 S365 mo. Incl utll' car- 74...otot Hattlof etvd. Telle over Harbor Blvd, /ult No . - n Meaa. A11all 911. Oall port. 578-0282 l•ue 1600 at 00. Baker St., CM. nq, mgr.

1 belrm apt. S<400 mo. any11rne 850-0180 ..,50 + ulll fem to 9hr h" Relf> tem• non--am«r to 11 c9it 751•8 191 · 645-8100 Allllll. Sept 11t. Walk to - -- · .,, • anr turn 219t, 219&, nr bch. ...;..;...;;.;:;;...;.:.;_;;.:..:...; __ -1 ":"-:--=--:--:--:-::-:==-Beactl: et~522 For Clautf*I Ad -.._etlOll ,!.~·817~7~garege, '300. All ut ll lnd'd 11t & Foun111n Valley OfUca lul.., ••Ill *'."

ACTION .. - .,., . .,.. .. ,.r1a . latt. 9e2·l5000 evet • ....,._ 25001qft ateot •••••••••••7-••••••••• L14t hft .,...,. • ...,........, ' . 8eautlfUI e•acUllyt offloe B•"'~ont ~t C.,I a F rmmta, - 1mo, ut1lt Prol llhr 3a.. lu• hm. $ZU, 1 h . Oood a•poaure, ~ ~ waretlouM lh

,. 76-4 0111y PllOt pd, Nwpt Shor", N.8 . ~ viii . en1plyd. no gOOd parking. Talbert & .,,_.~daMln oent« 2 bd, 165(), 87 840 AD-VISOR ~ nr beeeh. 1145-2541 Im 0 k . . Lag H 111.. a, 0 0 k h u, I t • ca I I on "*"""· t7f-e sq. " ·

Have tO!MtlllnO to Mil? '42·51178 Sell '""* t• W1tr1 Delly 831-1198 751 .. 101 1116•HH from 10·5: C1aa.lfled ads do It .-. Piiot Wint Ads. W11nt ed9/'42-1197 o-.."9d Ads t'2-Mte ~- after e


, .... I

I • ...I



28 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 28. 1982

2 II I LIT: ltlE + llPLD - Custom 3 Bdrm home! Separate duplex with 2 Bdrm units! like new! Close to the blue Pacific! Assume loans; no negative cash flow! Great investment! Call 963-6767.

IHUll NICH - Mesa Verde 2 Bdrm condo with community pool, microwave, fresh paint and minutes close to parks and shops. Seller will carry! Only $89,900 - call today! 646-7171.

II.I. HIE, S10l,OOO - Wow! What a value! 3 Bdrm. large family room & wine cellar tool Low Down and owner desperate! Call now! 963-6767.

'\ RHCR STYLE OISHI - Lovely custom built ranch style home on large corner lot in Newport Beach, close to Back Bay. Quiet cul de sac, huge roums throughout , big, big master suite with atrium spa off master. Family room includes ru stic wood ceilings . used brick fireplace. gourmet kitchen. home has been completely remodeled and decorated in last year. Reduced price. Call 546-2313.

llHl'S llUln SPECW. - Lowest priced 4 Bdrm 2 bath home in the area. with pool! Take over existing and seller will carry. Try 10% down! Only $135,000 - call now! 646-7171 .

HSllE •.• ASSllE - Beautiful S&S home, brand new carpeting! Assume $86,000 loan at 11 :so;. payaple $864 mol Shows like model , excellent location & financing. Call 963-6767.




MllU NIE, SH,tOO, W1U TUH - Quiet , adult oriented park! Priced below others! Owners will trade for home In West Orange Co., or Long Ereach1 Call 963-6767.

IEW, IEW, JEW - New paint , new carpet , new loving family wanted, big, big rooms throughout with huge living room, 4 big bdrms. quiet cul de sac, move In condition. Good assumable loan, etc .• etc. Call 546-2313 for details.

IEll FAST SAU - 3 Bdrm 2 bath Brookview Condo near South Coas t Plaza . Highly upgraded. Enjoy community pool , spa and tenni s! Call for d etai l s, 646· 7171 . Onl y

$138,900. ~ $11,IOO SllCLH PHTllllE - arefree llvlngl Sensational balcony overloo ng courtyard + fountain! Assume $63,500 lo og 12'1•%, $699 mo .• or try $6,000 down! 963-6767 .

lllll&TIC CWIELIT IOIEL - Most popular model in the Greenbrook tract. the home has had TLC and shows like a model. Definitely move in condition. Cathedral ceilings in living room and family room. Formal dining, space age kitchen. Hide-a-way master suite, separate chlldren's wing. Great financing with VA loan assumption. Better hurry. won't last. Call 546-2313.

REllOH $12,IOO - 4 Bdrm 2 bath custom home with pool and sweeping view of the upper Back Bay and city lights! Seller motivated! Now only $179,500 - call today! 646-717 1.

llUlllH l&Hlll - Harbor View Homes 3 Bdrm 2 bath Monaco on fee landl Assume ex~st lng at low rate and seller w ill carry! Reduced to sell at $214,000 - call today! 646-7171.

LEU THI 10'- llTHEST - Unbelievable! Mediterranean VIiia + pooll Steps to sand! Crackling f lreplacel Assume $63.300 loan, 9314%; $554/ mo. and owner will carry long term note at 10%1 Only $12 ,500 down! Call 963-6767 .

.IASlllU OUH 1um - Vacant giant two story Jasmine Creek planned unit development beauty. Guarded gate community, beautiful tennis courts. fantastic club house, giant pool. Big , big rooms. A great home at a ve ry excellent price. Asking $350,000. Way below market price In the area. Call 546-2313.

TIE FllHT If IEWPIRT I O• - 3 Bdrm 2 bath Back Bay area +terms. $237.5001 4 Bdrm + In-law 4'h bath, pool. views , terms, Dover Shores, $849,900 feel 3 Bdrm 3 bath pool + sweeping ocean & bay views. Irvine Terrace, $995,000 feel All properties on fee land and extend great- financing terms. Call for details 646-7171.


Bill Goodridge Bill Goodridge Betty Cordova

I & 5i

Costa Mesa

Steve Arndt Elsa Gutsch Cora Skelth


IEICI HISE IHI TIE SHI - Architectural masterpiece with waterfall + Koi pondl Assume $83,000 In loans. 10'!4% EFFECTIVE RATE; $630/mo. Only $129,500. Call 963-6767.

2 STIRY + POtl + BEACH, $99,900 - Beautiful garden home. Impressive stairway to master suite! Private patio! Bike to beach! Sparkling pool! Assume low Interest loans. no qualifying! Call 963-6767.

FAMILY UPUllll - Great 5 Bdrm home near Tanager Park and two golf courses. Big two story executive Buccola with approximately 3 ,000 sq . ft. o f living space. Beaut ifully decorated, big garage w ith extra sink and cupboard for whatever . AITD is assumable, very attractive terms. Call 546-2313.

WHLD'S HST llY, S10l,IOO - Immaculate 3 Bdrm homel Prime location! Huge family room with floor to ceiling fireplace! Only $6.000 down moves you in! 963-6767.

4 IR + PHU MME ltT CllN - Cozy fireplace! Executive neighborhood! Assume $73,400 loan 9'12°/o, $726 mo. or try $12,200 down! $121.900. 963-6767.

UR• YJEW llUS - Beautiful. executive home with private canyon view, this is the spacious Monterey m odel home, per fec t for famlly enjoyment or great for the lady who loves to entertain. Two stories with 4 big adrms, 3 baths, huge formal living room, etc., etc. Three car garage. Seller has reduced price drastically. Call 546-2313 for appt to preview.

Huntington Beach

Bob O'Hagan Fred Bassett Axel Metacher