Since 191U ·• '·lry Newark's Home Town Newspapet·

,.------- C:u iJog" I b Since 191U ·• lry Newark's Home Town Newspapet· \'OL 5 , No. 16 14E ii ======== PHI CE SE VEN CJ.o:NTS

Transcript of Since 191U ·• '·lry Newark's Home Town Newspapet·

,.------- C:u iJog" I b Since 191U ·• '·lry

Newark's Home Town Newspapet·

\'OL 5 , No. 16 14E ii ARIE;'=otf}l(~====-==========

========PHI CE SE VEN CJ.o:NTS

Two The Newark l'os t, Newa rk, Delaware, Thursday May 16, 196

Mill Creek Hundred News 'I r~au.i ~;··uhh He.atls Ja·. Houoa· Socie ty ,~""" (;rmlu.llte Sara Pennington l<~ vans, Correspondent 1 Clwasltana Jr. Htgh Holds Jucluction ·

Honor was paid to the h~~~,~~d?39~~.;d:,~ s n inr a t A I. du Pont i Student f~ouncil IFoa· :t·~ Mcmhe t·s I c r ick Klolr or Mars ha ll ton l1" l' Hi gh School, described lite in h is II The student body 11! Chri sti ana VlCek when n tree was p lan ted in the nntJvc la nd . Ju nior High School has e lected I The 'h ri sti nn n chapte r of the center ma ll at th e en trance to I . 1 • Stud ·nt Cou ncil o fficCJ'S fo r the .hmlor lf on fJJ" Society inducted :~3 R_n mrhvyl n e sp,·i n ~ s Stuf f' Par-k i n 8 1 ~ 1 · n Sf'n ~r nt ~ on.rud, dl l llfiR-119 schol .vcar. with Preslder:t n£'w J'l'lcmbe,·r.; tJL n recen t a ssembly Ius memory, A Stone monument I ell customs ~md c du c.JUOn 111 n ls I P·1ttl G1·ubb lhughtcr of Mr and in the L:hristlnm& Hi ~h Gd 1uo l nud i-~~~n~~~~ the tree, u Eu1·opcun pur- cou ntry. ;u~d Mrs. ll~Jbc:·t L . Grubb o.r ~90 •l I tl)ri um. and ida tcs were chosen fo r

· I Bot h boys hll~ nc~er seen snow and


Sn lcm . Church .noud . . schoht rsh ip, sP rvicc. lcoHicr ship. Klair , u former· sta te se na tor, was I e xpressed then· d tsnppol n tmcn t or Putlt , un c tghth grader, ts a l c: ha l'ilc tcr, ,'J JHI c i.ti ;-.cns hlp.

inst rument.n l in obtainin g this park- so littl e thi s wln te t·. When con'ling I member of the Cheerleaders Club, I lnduc tL'd rrom ~r:1dc nine nr la nd . A Dcrn ocl'at, he represen t - to t his coun try: they thought t hey S t ud n t Cou n cil home r cp r esentti vc Stephani e B eaud t. Chari s Chic-Cd Mlil Creek Hu ndred in the stu I.e wnu ld r es ide tn large cities bll t 1 and 4-H. "wski. Na n cy F'rederl cks. Ca thy


s en a t e f rom J040 to 1052. H e a lso 1 both ure in urhan a rcus. Vlcc-prcs lcl cnt-c lect is J oey L loyd , IIH r ttnan . Sus nn Haz I, athic Ma c· was New Castl e County S her iff. The fc ll nw l-lhip e lected offi cers son or Mr. nnd Mrs. C litrcncc W .


kuy, Rose Po squ,t linJ , Wil!J.un a n d n t raff ic s u perviso r of t h e for t h coming ye;1r a s fo ll ows; L loyd . Joey pa rticipated jn school Pete rs. K .1thy Whttdkcr. nnd D en · :1 Delawa re 'furnplke section ot the E d wnrd Ho wnrd,, prcr;i dlCJl t: Ed- wrestl ing. f..ll Zlnn ISf' Wa cdt.:n m~m 1 '41_~--- ----~ _

.lohn F. K enn edy Mcrnor in l H igh- WOI'll Ln Fron d , vice-p reside n t , Scc rctllr.Y .Josette Hopkins, <laugh- Dl•••~ on·' Sll·Jintock Chemica l Co ·I zr tE. l ~J· ho.tvlc•"'g ,A·",',tsr:t' 's"·rhGu iMo,",'eg •. ~t' c"t· Al' oltb•: ~- ArtliUr E Olsen I wny. H e died i n Ap ril 1067. M r~ . E. llu wa rd , secretory nnd ,,.,. or Mr nnrl Mrs. 'fii'OPSt Hop· " u ~ ~ " .. ..

•rhe tree and monu ment were t • ·~~~~~~~~~Y Grunge w il l spon sr: r· a ~,! •··~~~li~1h~~~11;h~~~orctte and s in gs ~tJ~ ",\~~~~rc~ 1~~o~:~ .~t~~~~~~~~t ~~~~~ ~ ~~:nr~~~0a:11 )~~ !;·tc~~rt~~J.h s;J'h~~~~~: IE b~;~e~."!~~~~r ~r.A~~~u1~1 5A~\1~~~ g iven by Cup ilol T r a il 'Lion s C lub, white c tophn n t. Ha le n ex t Mondn.v . 'l'rcasut·c•· He id i Martin ez , daugh- dlfCJ fo 1 p lnsll cs nl the compuny 's ll.w n le111 , Suz.t nn 1-I,J l!i lead , E li za- I hen A Sd1 t.: r of 750 AI bolll n 11vc, MHI Creek F ire Co.. t he Demo- Pt·occcds will be used towurds p ost _ te r or Mr. a nd Mrs . E . . 1. Mnrtincz , Dc lawa Jt:> C ll.Y racll JtJes bt t h Hauer, Wayn e Hy~;on , Ja u d J,I 1 'l' w ,Jrk has comple ted bas ic tJ 3 111-c r nUc c lubs, e mployees or th{> t urn · n~e for S .O.S . Vlc tnnm mul the an - belongs to t.hc school band. s ings Zinn·~ appointment was ~m~oun c- 1 Lt:nwl' . Vn i C'ric L;11n ison . 1i cha I i ing at Lack lunrl AFB, Tex. and has p ike, a nd o t her fr iends. n uH I cJ rcss conte s t in Wil n'l in gton In Uw rn lxud choJ•us, and is a >'l· H ~·cl IJy Ge n e W . Noce, who so1~d thnt Mo:1 rvc l, S us 11n Owe n , Pam Ia P~ t.- ! bee n asl) igncd to the Air Fo rce

N ew officer s for the Hockessin Members arc tu bring club mcmbc l'. Zlnn. n. lrc~ ~~ ~. has assu_m e d hJs n ew I u•rsfm , Htmdall Hobc r·tson . S hetla I Techr icn l Tl'n in ing Cen te r rn K ees-Yorklyn Lions C lub were e lecte d cook ies nnd contuincrs to th is s cs· Fa •ul ty advisors or Student Coun - rcs pons lbil llt cs. Nocc ts plant ma n- Homano. S usan lloscn bcr g, Robi n 1 . AFO Miss rn r spec ialized a t the r ecent sessio n . s ion. ell iii'C fU chnrd D. Groo unci Ke n - a ~er for a ll or Diamond ~hm~uock's I S tacy, A rthu r S ti t; il e, Marga re t s~~'IO ling '38 <1 n 3'jr tra ffi c s pecia lis t.

Eric Wide n is president succeed- M r·s. S tephanie Snntnw-Wi nston, Jll'th S . Wi l litarnson . Delaware ope r a tions •. wh.Jch mcJ~dc I Vcrgc, and Kathy Waksmon ski. Airman Olsen. a 1966 graduate of ing William Ch e t•nish . Ralp h Dewey , chul nna n of th e women nc ti viUeR - --------- ~~ ch lor-n lknll produ cm g '.ns le:.d lntw n 1-fonor Soc ict.v offi ccns 'Ire Sh ny hri still ni a Hi g h SchcJol . attended

N estor Lopez, and Geor ge Brown , cp·oomtnm<>nllatocG <~o,,rn .. Nc.ew··• ~:u'"clsl ot Catou ntlll.YC The study wi ll be led by the ns ~~~~~~It:~~ .~h~Yp ll~~~:~o~r~l t~.h a mrock I Rcycnnlvnt· c~~~·~ l"c'.~,~<sl ci·<ni ct ~l: J .~,:~:~an ~~~::~! Brandyw ine Jll nl or Co llege in Wil · II a r e vjce·prcRidcnts: William Dono- · ,., · ~ Rev . • James Moq:an , N egr·o l ead- "' • .. - •· • ..... mi 1g ton

t I, b J'cccnt mcctin ", dl scttssed tJ1c Me- 1 s in ce 195:1, Zin n cumc to De lnwa rc s< 'CI't· ta ry·. Dcbornh . t.rcasur·· 1

.• I v an, s ecrc nry ; ·\o crt Yearsley, "' urs . a nd M ayor· .J ohn Babiili'Z o

~~~a~::~: ~a";:~~ ~:1~s•{,;, /~~c~·; ta1~~~j :~~ .. :~ 1 ~'!{m \',~~:·:,~. to he he ld Ma y :~ ~·~ilt~;.l:o~~l ;';h~cril~~o~~Tim e Fot· ~'i'~;, ,.:~·~~~;, .. ~:~~s ';,~"\h~l "'~~~11111:~:~ C l\'::~ ~: ~~01;u~~c l tM ~;~;:~· :. ! j

G eorge Parris , .Jr ., W a llnce Gebhor·t , A line P ierce, yolllh chnlrmun r o- S pl' in~w r l.unc llom c Econnmicc; plnnl. nt Deer Pu rk , 'I'£'x . I Schoch of Lh r school s ta ff . ; 1\H l\ I EO F OU CES ll t\ \ '

Alfred P eo ples. ll lld J ohn Wilson , POrted :ts took tho bus trip t o Club •lcctcd officers lor the nex t --- - -- I d irectors. Wash in gton . t wo .v~un: a t its MuY mcet :ng w il h / • • . . . I Two. flre pow(' l' .d monstrcd lo n ~

T wo exchange s tuden ts _ Eric A Mother's Duy program w ns Mrs. Thomas Ha le. . liat•t•y A. Bt'111l011 S w <a tl Ca·umr·a· \Vans Hunor· fo•:11 un ng th · lato•st m Arm.v wea.p-Conoy o r the Phil ippines, an d Wii- g iven by Mt•s Edwa rd Holl e r . Icc- They arc Mrs. F red Budm k, p!'C· I n· A . A Of 8 L As Ldmncm Vullr·y F a·ush ( >lf i'V aod ' u ppot'l C<JU fiJITIOn l . Wi ll

~~~~ ~:~~~:t~o ~he~~~~ r·s 0~r i~:~~~ ~~: : ·.~~· J-~~;~~ ~~r::~t~~~ ~~~;/i1~~~~\/,11~1cl~~~ ~~~~~:~c~ ~ ~~;·sM~::v.IJ!:l~u~:~~:l ~·~~~1;·,v~~~: ICS l ge I Sutja n E C r~a fl'~shman ni l ~it~~ li::;~e r·,~~~ <.'l~o~:t ~~~:~~1C'c~01~~~: cssin F ri ends F'c llowship at Jnst Holle r conducte d n <1ulz. rc tnry: nnd Mrs . Erlward Philhl'ick . , A fLC I' H CHI'l A llack l.<'ba no n Vnlloy Cnllcw·. rccl'ived Sa turda y. With " Forces for J ' riday's s uppe r meeting. Thi s Sntur·day at I p .m., th e Po- tt·cwm rc r . !l a rry A. Brln l nu 81 r 1400 tht.· , .,·ma n Awnrd la'! l Tu c~idny ~~ l F'1 cNio m" :l'i ih lhcrnc , the d ay's __ _ _ monn C o Uon dress sewin J.! co n test New r hnlrmcn wer P na med by Millluw n Hd . wns Jll'~nou~ce d dcnd Lf'ba non Va ll ey's nnnua l SC I'\'k~ fcs ti v lt it' !-1 w ill b{>g jn ;It s. :1 .10. a n d NOTI CE OF REDUCTION OF CAPITA L wi ll be h e ld iu Diamond S ta t<' t he J)l'l'Sictcnt il R ro l lo ws; Mrs . . John nn ;nT ivu l :~ t M cn'lor iH I Divi s ion I or reco g nit ion in tht• col lc•gc ch<~p£•1 . '' lose a t 4 p.m .. w ith ftring :m el

o . J-1. RODSI'::~t~ COMJ.IANV Gnm gc, Stanton . Swel' Jlf'Y. w 11 ys <Jncl me,uts, Mr s r 1 iclnv urtc r noon r1um tJ he~trt ;~ t - Mi c;;s Crnnwr I s o n<' of ')2 L rbu n(Jil v<.hlclt,• rl<'monstnnlon s s ln t£' d f o r I w2c" c~8>~~~?;}~ . cg~~~~~( i

10 DctWU Mrs. S. Snnt.ow · Win st.on , Pnm - Genr gt> C dr l y, p ubll It ~' M1 s 1 .. a w~ t.1ck li e h.HI h('l' n un dc t •1 phys t- V11 1lev s tudt•nt s hnncu L• d nt 'I U C's~ n 20 to 11 .00 a m. nnd 12·50 to 2:30

provJsJOns of Sect ion 244 nt. the Gcn- on ~l'~~~~il ;·;;1 a~j. I :~~.:}J I~li1V~·~~~::~~~~ - ol r t.•ntc C sco n , su ns hlll C, Ml s ,J ,nnes CliHI s cn rp fnr two ycm s a nd w.l s I dew's cc r <'rn on y. p m ct·u l Corpo rntlon Low or the Stnh~ or · ' · (' g 0 Ur Yll ll , comrmanrt y, Ml s Ruft i CJ l1 vin g 111 lh • homf' of h rs son. Jos -Delu w nrc hos reduced its cauilul b,y, l Mr. un d Mrs . . Jesse 1-lal'lnon or Vnl - , lnug il t l'l lwnlth. MI S John P a l- cph B IJ i i n lon

~~~n~~1l~~!s 0~"'~?~1·: 101~ ;?(7 g~c~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ I I(•,Y llond, wns one ~r t wo D~lf.1 - nu·r . c iv il de tense> , M1 s. .Joseph HI · '"'as 11 flnnsl r01 •• 1 ~; I mer I ll~~su1'(JV stock . _ 1~'~;;;~'::~:110~: ~c;,'t i.:'~·~~ ~:.~g~~~~cl~~~ e~~~ ~~~~':"~~ : ~·:.~ .. :',',~~::Y~~s:·sRilcll~~· ~~ ;~·~~~: ~i~u,:e ;: :::11;;~~ si 1:·, ,: 9~:~. yours be fore

NOTJ CE 01•• HEDU a}' I ON OF CAPITAl. I cr ·~~is~i~ : :,cg:~n~~1 ~~~~;:;·cd :fo r· t. hrcc i.ll !\ :'.nd Mrs . lludgcr Lambe rt , r cc- Ocsicl t•s his son . he is survi ved _b.v J

CA~~wr~:~:~~AL1f CCOOM~AArfv~ a r cuns?cu t ivu ~f'a i'S on t.h ~ d c un 's lis t. J e~:.~~ · Bl evins nnd Mr·s. Pa lm e r· ~~;~;~~:l ~!:~ .. ~~~~;·~=~ ~~~·i c~.:l i~I'!:O~~';~ D c lownrc co rpornt um. I)Ursunnt to l h t~ S h e IS 11. mnJo r Jn rc ligrun . . gii\.'C. cl c lnonstrn.·t io ns on cx t rn d in. ~., H b ' ·ts l" l'im c• r (' mtcl Mrs Ali . 'I :?,~,·:t~c?t~o~fth~t~c~:~~~·. ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ t~c:~r llt t•d Olu y £' n•c k l'rt•s hyl•·rlun C~ hu rch I ym:r .food ~"~.l n r : . . , . , , JI~P~


in ~ . ~pwark .' . n Dclnw.uc, hns t cduccd 1ts C :;J pi t :.~l hy J . 11 Gil l'· ~ 1. 1. Fo i i .Y· fou r carts of f1Utl. \\e ae sent i S e r vicC's wcr<' l'Unduc t Pd 'l'ucs-:~I~~,J,~~urd~ l~~~r!tr\)5~.5~o ~/,;,)usg~ct ~~~~~ rrc t'~~~ c:lf ·t.hc• • c!.~~~~~~ ·c J:x~~~~n~~~g t~~~ to tlu- l.n y ton J-lom r ror Easte r. dny mm·n.ln~ nt the IL '1' . • Jon es and ~~~~~~J 1 "11vc11 n~u n"3:~~:n~52~~~') -t~j;';. r~~' 0~f Deve lopmen t Council Housin ~ Cor - ~:1l1 11 ;•s~l •. ~ ~ ~ t hing to the Baco n ~on F'un c ~ ·HI II OI'Il {>, with in te rm nt 1 Its common stock uf the J>Or vnluc uri poratlun nnd Le ighton c. Du n lnp. f'll . 1 e n c r . . . rn All S at nl s ' t' m c tc r:-•.

g~;~~ p6ollnr CSI.OO) cnch . J r· .. of t.h ' e mployee re lations d e- or ~.;~·~c~~·~c~~,~~~~.:~~:~~~~ 1 ~~n ~:-:l~1~~~ ·- - -- - -- · 1 pnrtrncnt or . the DuPo nt . Co .• com- 'J'hur;-; day n t Uw home of th e new Dc rn)>scy home as <I benefit Jor




T o•lbt .& inL•mwlunt;OI,tl}ill, eslmcnt.lall anJ h tlpful LHtuJI i'li" ll.:lcl\ , JWIIJ•I)' wntr, ,,til o1 ' '''I' iu .auJ ,,,il 11 \o .

L i\l R.O. Dt S E LL

& M EEDS. INC. Mrmi'"'Ntw )'(l,J.aml ,ol moi. tlu \ lml: E.,,, !, /1/f.t'S ow.J , ,tl• l I'IJ IIII /'•"·' IIu l.

ttml omm ... l tt)' I H it.w~: fl

' 1 E. Main S1., Nl \\ ,u k, Drl. 1971t Telephone: 3 68 ·<"~120



I IO ·I· 11.111.

l>l'i sed a pa n e l d lscussm~ nroh- PI CSidcn t llu t h A. Ball. to p iau the ir 'J<orca or·phnn fu nd . .l ~·ms of ghet~o dewc ll e J'S. at the ror lhc 11; 11 mee t ing. Mr. :md Mrs. Oon n lcl Bowe r or

t l u.c~ c~u~ . mec t,• ~ g ~f tiH' Red Cln:~ '!'he br:.mch w il l cele brat e its (iOth No rth S tllr . m cmbcr·s or Ebe neze r . 1 men s g i Oilp. J h c R ev Don nld Me a mli vc nmry 0 11 Nov . ::!, w ith n l u nch ~ \V ( ' I' t ' co ngrntu lntcd o n 1hc bi r th

F erren wns moclc rn tor · 0 1 a daughte r on Mother's Dny.


1. A scwil';g -ror tl.;c . Need lework ~:~l:~ . i~:~~ ~·rs~· · s~~~~~~~ ~ i ·~:·;m~~~;~\'; ~ V:11·shu S hah or ~ndin . a !{rnduat" I G uild w ill br h e ld. a ll -dny n ~xt J Mr:; n cmi t•l Cecil , and 'Dn n ie l lia r- studcn l at t he Un1 vc r·s it.y of De la-Mon du,v ;:1t Fc llmvs h tp ]~a ll . w tth ' rig ;,1 h e r comml lt t" c . '~' :He, spnkc t~t t he l~u l ~ y . ~1:um- ~ Mr·s. Ma r vi n S. l~akcspeare Ill .charg.c. A fll n d rnising co. mmitl cc . was lllUncl .1-1 11 1 Assoc t.nll on l u e s ~

be Ah~~~~ t ~:.~o~·~."~~p~r ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ '~,'t'~, ~~::~~c~val~~~th'r~;~.~. M,':~i·o~hn~~~~~b:~: clu;.i l~ ' ~!~t ~:! t cE~~~·: cz;z:,bc~~\~ :-lcl:;1ect sa nctua r y, nnd the con grc,gntl on I ~ I Mrs . . I . W . Penn ington , and Mrs. tontgl'lt w it h n t· r~c· . '"n rdcll . invit ed . . I S ue Sm ith . Pions were cll scussccl Mr. :mrt Mr:;. Wrllram e dd a n d - -

The aclu lt .dlOII' w ill J.!O ~0 New fo r ;l hak N I goncls !-la ic twx t fa l l. d nug hi Pr Pn mclu , of F1~ ll s hll rch. Ynrk C' it y tln o.; Sund~l~' · 1f'avln g ~l: c1 Ma n ' 1< . Mit ch e ll , s<•w in~ chair- Vt:! ., W (' J'(' ,.:uc·.s t.s. lns t S:ltlll'dny of C lny HI l ~ l · :HJ :1111 : I h ?v ' Ill _;1_ol11

111111 11. r<.' J'I UI'!t •rl thr ~ l x t. h :llld t m :tl .f\1r. a 1~d Mr~ lllll111:t.;; Wa tson in

n lhl'l' du'I IT'S to S ill~ rn the l· rfllt . , . , w ill he lll'\d .Jun e u. liydc .( nrk .

I VC' IHI L' Pn:·~~lY i l' l ' ian Chu r c·h for ~ 1 ~\'.~· Sn rn I ' . Jo: va no.. r e p la ced Miss Uni o n GrnngC' will mc<•l n<'x t n vf'SIJI'I' xc rvll' l' al 11::-tO D.m . B· 11 r' . tl E'm il v p Biss ,11 llo .;;- l ' l ' u~e• :olday ut lhP .l! l'nng(• w\1

Huth f"il'd w ill m<'e t. n ex t "''ll {>$\- pi!nl ~I:H an ~~O I ;. ' · . . - -- --


da,v a t H P·111 · a t llu". home or Mrs. I tt was t·cpur tNI that 12, a r l icl t>s C t'SSIUlOis - St!l)t ic Tanks

a ' l~ ~~'t'~~!;ll tcli:·1~ 1 1 ~~~~~~ :~ ~~; ~"1~: ~ ~ ~:~~ gi n c,v r r lid last mont h . (' LEA~:~~; ~~ ~~:;.~~~~,1~·~~a"11 tlug

n uhc·r·t 1 .ollmun on 1 , Jt~ P ~ lor~ r Hoad.l oJ cloth ing wP rP g ivl' ll to vrncr-

;~ ; ;~tt y 11t t;::w p.m. in fe ll o-wsh ip ~~im;;~~~:~~,? ~:~·~~ ~, Y~~~~!:~~~1 . C'~:t: :·thiJc .• ~~·:rj~.c. ~VA~~,~A .

'!'he' jun ior hig h l'hurch schun l hCl l 1 here thi s Su n day a t 5::!0 p .m . I'II ONE 215-932-96:13 d t•partnw nt wil l spe nd this Sun- , A mu s icnl proJ;.·ram w il l be provid rt c! a ,v ttl l l npp,v Vn ll ,\'. syn od t.;Oi l· b,v lht• s--n ior C hoir d i rC' Cl Ccl by I

.fCI'cttcc <'C nl c r . , Mt• . Ve rnon Fi she r . I l:Juse!" w ill lcuvc the c·hun·h a t I Mt' ll of this church wi ll oatt c ncl

!J:I 5 a .m . a n cl r e t urn i n Jnt c Hfl · the Phillics-Cardtna ls g:tmc in Phil­e ntutJJI. A cti\· iti e ~ w ill includ e s tudy idelphia tomorrow. lt'avi ng the :uul wor ship, a cook-out. a n d rcc- church b:o• bus ul 5:45 p.m . A box rcation . suppCI' w il l be served on the bus.

Thi s c vP n ing a t 7:45. the ihn Circl e I nll't Tucsdn,v wi th Mr~ . "M,v Name i"\ hi ldrc n" w ill Uc W. W. Berryh ill : C ircle I I a t the

f:1,~,~~~s~~:~ . t he Ma:-· 1cnchc r t ra in - ~~t:~;~·!~ ; "; ::,1:1 ~:-~~h~V i 1 i· ":~~~1 c~1 ~~~~


H O$l' C ircle. Hnseville Par·k An 111b.1 n •cnn nn t In s tudv 1 •


E 1 Toml c 'e w a\1 -hrick r:uwh home w ith pn1t s or t he Na tton nl Advlc::mv Com - M,ll l hn 13u rn r tt Dom w McQueen.

full b u.:,f'ml' nt . 1 1 :!- lm ths , t hree m 1sswn on C1vl1 Di sOiclt•l c:; w Jll h ' .Juch t h M .J t th cw PP(C' I M1 Jl e tt nn <l

~~~~:~~lO';;~~·k ~~~~i:~~~! ::~~ udi'Pfl~~~\\~~. j'~; ! ~~ \'.ll.~: 1 dn ~~~ 'l'u c~dnv M,I Y 18 I ~,t:~· ~~~lt~·" ' l.'\.:~~.c ~~~: :~~~ !,'~k~~~~ s~~~~!


the great crippler of young adults :;,.

Send &itt to MS • c 1 o Postma$tlf~ Pn t - rn kl ldll"ll nn cl di ni n g ro~Jm: ------- --- - , lt) b{' g a\' t.' 11 in Dr c kl n !'i o n Jh ~h lnl'g, . non -cl£" vl' I01 1111t' nt lot 7. x- SdH)tt l tn ntght I OillOI I O\\, a n d 1 ~5 ; concr e te driveway. CWAL l'NE'r & f.O Sn tllt <l .l\' n l U pm - - -- --- --


• ~ ' • 'l'h<' Th tce· m-Onc Home Etonom- ~ A ( ; llt•cl Buy I HEAL EST AT E I its Club. tm•olln g la <l Thursda)' J. i\JEHH ITf LYNCH

" ,. hn\·t· ~~o~;;~lgOe m oury' 1'110 E 7:17-:HitlO ;:~ ::: ~~~::: ... ~~ ~;~~t;t,"~~~~~';r ·twc~, t~·~·~~.! ~ I A. ON I Y WOR K s c it th is Sun<hl )' . May I ~) ' 1 ::!0!1 Capitol 'frail. N l'Wll l'l\ i w llh Ot•J " "' Klrl<. Prt''id<'n l : ' Irs . o f all l y pt'~

I A C';1 r l N~l >.;on. v it_·c-p r esicl {> n t ; I

Din•dionR' Drh' l' oul upi-l 1 Tra il t n H<•tl Mill Nursrry. turn in bv A ll uulic Ser vice Stu­lion, ro ll ow HoSl' C ir c le to 1hc 1'1 ht, Set~ OJ')l ' ll house S i !! ll ~.

• ~.-con..,,., 1\ l r .~ Dl'XIt'l' ;llul 1r ~ Pusl',V , .

I IW utA II.,. ~~~ ~~~l~~~~~~·.~~n~ r.~~~~~~~~ L'~~n1c~ 1 \tc~~~; ~;rntn 11' !-;. 1t•lson . h'''- Cit·:JcC' oc·h - l JOliN c.mmoN

ll EAL'I'OHS ( 'a ll a n · ti m <•

737-Gl 85 Ot' 9!M-O!J93

i\1rs . l!:vl.·lyn WL~:l ' l"r. :.;rcr c t nr,\·: :mel I ~----=------_;;;_....., 11\l n; Dnnil' l C'c•eil , tn•n, un•r .

gro ver S\ l'll ll , und ~ll·s . D<·XI CI' \\'('1'(' the l I

on I.' nwmbL'I'"' who . ntt C' ndrrl \tw l 45 n1oln stree l anmw l Stall' 1 a:- program nt Dov- ~ newt~rk , dolownr r r . lkport .s wt·n• ~ j\(• n by II'S. ------ -----..J

·~=========~~;;~~~~~~~~~ I Nl~ i ~OJ I tln d i\11'~ . Coch ra n . 11

;:; 1'1w dub wil l not nu•r t in June

~~~) ";~.~ hold it , " n """ t pkni e on Roofing & Siding Newark Real Estate & Insurance Co.

' 'See Don Armstrong f'ir .•t"

FOR HENT 114 W. Main S t.. , 5 rm. 2nd floor apt. ........ ........... $125

57 Murtindale Dr .. :1 BR ranch dwelling

Rehoboth Beach- Furn. cottngc Avail. .July & Aug. Weekly rental .. ........... ..


.......... $ 11 5


801 Dallam lld ., 4-Bil. 2 Vz balhs .... .. .. .. ............ :J .500

81 East Purk Place, 3-Bil. 2-Haths ......... .... .. .... Sl 9.000

' ht•tH"trr l\ l c t hodi~t C'h urf h I 'l'hl' Ht'' l~obl' 1 ' 1 H l'lm<::. pastor.

will n ih•n ct th(' nnnun l Peninsul.1 onfl' l'(' I\Cl-' n l St. 1\la l'k's l\·1etho·l

di st Churrh in F.ns ton . let .. from ll t'x t 'l' u e~ <lny to ln:-• 24,

l.lnci ~J n:-· \. l'{>t' npl: lt c is the lnY d t• lt'J:Wlt• to t he con fcn"nc . nnd

I M ~~·:~ n ~~~~~ ~ t i gl;·n:;~~1r~~,, l:1~~~~o~lc~~:~~~e~ \\i ll !-IPOII SOI' il ha~'1' ide th is nt ­UI'dtly nt 7:30 p .m . fr om th Loui s

r.u ll rr & Sflo llt 117or1.·

THORP BROS. 2208 O le n A vor, Rd .


Come out to Brandywine and yell at a horse.

It'll make you feel good.

.th • .:I.L IIIJi'l I (Mtt 11 ltu

r!l l>t II I'~ 01 lt1

The term highway was brought to America by colonists from England. There, as in America, wild an imals traveled the grassy high ground in search of the best grazing land . Public thoroughfares between communit ies that followed these animal paths became known as " high roads," " high weye, " and finally highway.


Professional precision safeguards your health

Y o ur registe red phannac ist worka hand iD h an d wit h your physicia n for the proteOo t io n of your h ealth •• • fills eaoh preacrip• li o n with the utmost precision so that you m ay e njo y the full beuefit of your doctor'• ekill



Pr esented as a public service by:


The Newark Pos t, Newark, Delaware, Thun;day May Hi, 1!)6 Three r

Mr·s .. J.~~~~SFo~!. !~~~ondent I Phone 328-6484

• • I People, Spots In The News I • • [§l~f-~

l:l· "E. Bclys 1-,t) s,lenk j " I'm h<' lpi ug l.ndy Bil•rl' s t amprd gn I doon as lll liCh n:; possible.' ' I.ouls . • S to b nu tlfv l\ n~t• r ' i ('n - I .s lnv in ~ 1 Cir·n,••s. N n ~hv i ll c (Ark) cws

Fm· Hose . ociet y · I · · ________ · ___ · _ Ou Pcsl i('iclt• lJse HEALTH & SAFETY----·------_.., Mrs. Ed w in Ratlcd ~c of Hed Lion I Att end ing the cou ple wer e rvti ss

j c;; a pat ient In M emor ial Hospita l Sharon Humsd~JJ om d Eddie St ep- ~ n f tcr . urgcr y ·""hi s we k . hen son .

Miss B l'l v .lc> an Wn ..; sm e r an rl Friend s o f J amPs Cros b y o r C hris -L:nvr nCC' W. Tam l in ~on wer e mar - t ian a w ic;; h h im n speC'rl y r ccov<' r .. 1

r ied April 20, at H~d Lion Method ist Hl is a pa tien t in De l:l\\'a re J-l o'i-1 l : ~u·ch b.y t.hc Rev. Ir v in P usey. I pi tnl a ft er nn ncd cl cnt Ht hi s honll' . •

Dl'. Oui t lll N' . uu r in f, ll-m:u inn !'pt•c·ial i:· l, i~ lwr P>' to 11 11 1'\ \H'I' hi.,

~~~:,'~l:~.~: J~~;~e:.~~~~~·;n ~~~ :,~,~~ ,':.:~:;~~;{ Mainly for ~1nthers FPah t n~d Spt•n kr t· :d the 1\ l n,v

1\Wt't ing o f tlw Dela ware Hose ~o-

: ~:~:~\:~. ~~ \\'~~~~~ j ~ : : ;11 r ~ ·~~~~: J u1~\ R tJ1 ;);: .. .; ,a g1;\ ~

!he bt·1dc s pan·n:s u t~ r . a nd ll t:>rmnn l\ lit l'( Y o f B!'a t· h ad hi 'i Mrs . Wnltc r .I \.Y nsc;;mcr of Boar , leg r mm• c1 :1l Hive rs ic! C' H ospita l. and the is t he s~n of M t·.: !lis lncnds o f B l:'nr wi~h him w~..· IJ . j n~,~o~~~~:s ;~,!l li nm W. Tomh nso·n· o( / n;IM~-~~ ~i!~tw~ ~:~~ ~~~~;{~~~ £· ~ ~: ·-~~~~~ I

M r s. Wa. lt c> r W~hSnt£' 1" of R !Sill .£{ Ha r ri n g to n o n Th ur :-id nv. · I Sun. l\ ld.: ~"·a- ma. t ~on of honOI\ a nd I nn d Mr". A II C'n. B rown nf

~~~~~: .~v~ .~.~~\·n~a!~~i'~~~:~ , a ~~. Nort h J g!~~~g~~~ ~ ~~,~~ 11~0 ~: ,~ :~~ 11~1~~\~ a~~ t~\~ i Hob~rt Tom l m son w as bcsl m an . 1 T hllt''irlay <'Vf'n in ~ I

an d usher s \\'l"' l:c. Wa lt e t~ nnd Guy 1 V aughn Ji'o • who u n dC' r Wt, nt \V~SStnC' I ' nncl _ Wi l li ~ Do ll~n gt' J" . ' ... Ht'gC'ry o n TueFda y in Memoria l I ~~~s co~~ ~.~ 1 1,~1 l'~~dl~.g ~~1. ~~~~~· of I Jlo·~p i t a l , ha s t lw. w isi.u•s f01: a sp<' ~dy

G lns;ow , n_~ d) Fre d e r ick J: ~~Rws~n ! rcc~~:~~~~c~· o~~ 1~1~0 ~~:~.n~~. ''~~~~~~l'. Wl.' r c ma rne d Jn :;n S t~ nda y 111 Hed . ' : -io_n ~~ethodis t Chu l'ch b,l; the R ov . ~:•;n~·cc~~;·t~: . '\, 1~' e ;';,/o~~il~•~ il:~:~:; "~r\~~ b~~~~· i t h ct a ughh''l' of Mr. 1\Torn.i ng N~ws. Mr. a nd M rs . B t·o wn I

a n d Mrs Wi lli am lli gh ·tm of Gi'ls· lin• I :l 200-ycnr-olcl houRc twa r I go w. an d t h e bri.dc,L! I'OOI~l is lll C ;on ~~)t:~~·r~~~d a rl.• tlw pa ren ts o r three

Ol MJ· · M:l!'gurn t c Dawso n o f cw t ur k ry ctin ne r· w il l 1w st.•n c d i n ~~c; tl e . /~nd Mu r;-ay Dil WSon o f I p, ncndC' r Grant.t"C' ll n ll, G \usgow , I

or oug 1 n r<', · · ___ I thi" Sunday, w il h Mr~. Aud rPy I L.:·\• . .-.. tlwil ma n

1 T lw Hev. Sy d.IH!.\' VPnubk• dl•liv-\VIty ltrld l ht" ~crmon in Pc ncnd 1' 1' Prcs-, ~Y I L'I iun Church nn Sunday morn - ,

TJte '"\voodlanl \ Vd so n ' ; con d it ion rch

I m:n n ~ abou t lfll' snnll.'. Il l' i: !'('St in g 1

1'1~-~~··•s' f· ·· •all cnlllf<ll·tnblv a1 I* holll< on Gin, .[ tJ 'II • · I J,:nw-Summ it B r icl g<" R o m! I' i f\.lr .... PHu l 01\l'f!C celt•brntN I her ScJ•eJtCe hirth r! ny ·Jil Mo~y 10. ..._. I V l'r nnn :UHI Ed w a r d Com ly nn d

'I.(()Jli• ",o·r 1 ~"'' Ma• lun Rne spent Mother's Dny I l l 1 1 ''·ilh llwir •n o tllC' r ,Mrs . .M nbc l C'o m -


recoiiiJilellds 1 !\l r . and 1\l r:o;. Eugc n f.' Bu r r i :~ nncl

I ; n11 s wei'C din ner guests of his l"'<' rl' nt s Mr . :md Mrs. Ba y cwcl ,

YOII reatl Cromp to n on Sunday . I t . / t c~o);~;~, i~~~·;;;~·c .' 1 "g~b~~-1,~11~1 i;~~:a~.',~

YOIIr local I and J ea nctl ·on·c il were among I th ' sturl (> n t s fro m Ede n Elcn'l(' nt Hr~,

lle"lTS(J~I 1 Sc hoo l w ho sn n g Ht Chl' is1inn n Hig h •• t . .ftef schoo l su nday a fl~·n oon. __ _

i~.~e~oc:~ ~~~t~~ a~:~p~~~~: rn°~oil~; area- community event s, publ ic meetings, stories about people in yourvicinity. Theseyoucan't -and shouldn'i-dowit hout.

hy Fuu k K \\ lt~· •mll -; !" tuu tl.u d Ht•fr• n •nr •· Enl') L'IliJ Wtl i:! .

l'l'hn 25-rolu mc ~\:•r ';~~~~~ ... ~;~:~:::~

d in l l l'lt' 1\UII

! h i~ \\I 'd .. ' " : .l ol \ ] aC"k-u n ltll"

~:i~~i:'\t'~:.:.:.::: ; : ~ :,•·, ~ I ~\~ : · j~tl ,: :: nlt •"- '! "

Cumpu i ~O t)' (' 0 1\"t' t i tH iPn . Ol' ll ll' .ln-dt, 111\ i lir .,t W•L·d in 177i in Vi r g iII in n II ti \\ :1 ~" 1\t ' h 11 ~1·\ I ...

~ :c'O t'A '! Wa:-.hi ll! '- lnn I' OIII Illl' ll tlt•c l

tho t•lan 10 tlt r Con t inc•nl .ll Cun­J.! I'c'c;" \dtich ou t ~ ) •' ,It' l a h •t' ll l!.!t' il

th r ntl l(' l' ro toui ,•tt \(• HH' th ,· dr.t fl. '.J'h C'O \\'n t t' I' :O . \t ho \\ IIII I ~ \u

l..n O\\: '' \\l w l i . ...: lltc • tl l•t•itu t iu u o r lhC wm·d ' J. n., .,"! H

T IH· \\'OI't l COIIW" fll\111 I he• n ull h

WOI' t! h·:t•:l-!11 H\1'1\ttine, 111,1..,1 • I' o t'

l t t' ll t l of a h on -t· lt n ld . t lt i;.d uall ) , l ht, w vrd \~:I !I IJI· I't l i1 , I he l 'ni le.( St , tl ~·!i 1u dcs<' li iJt' a ptl liti l'nl ll·a .J ­,.,. m· a fin nnci:d tt i:I J.! II ll l t' .

, EJ, •nttot· Ft nt. i• ·r \t hn .. (~ cptC'"Ii cl n i ... : " .J', ,• lu ·:n ·•l thal llt c· l'> ll t:dl t• .. L (•lutt ' t•h in lht· u n dtl i ~'> iu lm t a - c(l ultl :''"II plc •a :,o l t•ll 111 0

\th t• t' l ' il j :!)'! H

J\ l'lunll r, tht · ,,nrJtl 'l'l !'ntu l! ,• .. l t•lwrch is lho Uninu Chtil'l'h in \\i r.:; ra -=c:l'l, J\ lui nc. It s lloor n rc' ll

mf'nl'lun•s 31 ~ ~ ~f J mu·, : ft•t•r nutl ir .. tl imt' ll r- iO rt !' nru ~ ' ' '' "II f, •,• r It)' 11 1 ~ ft•l' ! , Jwrdl )' (' II O U ~h 1'110 111 for O IH ~ t·lt ·r!!. ) llla n, onc: worshitlJlt'l' llllll Ul\1 ' c•httrt •Jtii\0\I Sf' !

If you :m : th e firslto bllhn lit n qu t'hliou wh ic lt nppPnrs in 1hi ~ t•tdunlu, you willrf•cc iw , frcr, rltn full 2!i·\'O iumo !lf't o£ Fun k & " ' :• :r; nn lls Stnt11iarcl lldf'rCJWt; Eu­t•yd opt!clin. The writ er o£ t lt is t·ol­lut ln is 1111' sole judgf' ns to who i:i li r .. l. Al ui l your tJII f'Sti nn to Ur. (2Ui i.UWU in CIII"C O[ this 1\ CWS JHIJ lL' J'.

I cu ltur:ll clwm ii..•:J ls '11 lhf' t.~ IIL Utnn lupy I d f \) i-l l' t lllt'HI or tht• 1 l rti \'l' rSily U f

1 Dt• la\\n n • seh01 1l o f ag ri ~..·u \ l u•·t· n n tl

I t·~\';~:~·i~1 '~:~~ ~ ~ r;~ :~: i .t:.:~·t na·nl'li<·ll l hi nt -.: ' tlll ll "il' uf pP:-. Ii dd"s in C"nnt ro l or

in •.l'l'ts which utt.:u·k ro..,t•.:; ·met ,JIIH•r s.•n nkn p la nt :-;, ;111d w ill s how t' olot· ~ l hlt•..; to ill uo.; t ra tp hi s J'Pm nrk .:;

Follo wing J! r :uhm tlon f rom iiH• ll n h t•r~ lty o f lk \awnrC' In 19·HI , Bo:s wos crn ployt•tl by Union Cnr · htdl' :w tl h: C'Pn l l'i! l r' hf' tnit'a l C'o . bl'fon· Jel in i n•: t ht• Dt•lu wnn• :-~ t'lw ol

•H 'H! r i<' u lt u n • in J!)(i<l . li t• j .;; nll l ho r IJ f a n l '" t t•rt sinn /o l ct ~

l'l 'Lil t '!' ~' tl w l.1tiW I P t·Ps t•ttt s J\ Pcw lH• t .u idt• lu PP"\1 k id{' !-;," w h ich liM ..; i n ~t>dlr ic h.'~. fun gil'i tl t•s and ht •rbi r id C'S hy both common and ur ! I'Hdt• IH\ 111C' ; an d i .; a V i ti Uilblt~ g U( clt•

fOI' hU IIlf' JW rrll' lh' I'S ill (Ill' p u r ­<'llt tS£:' or t-. )li 'UY m al t.' l' i ;ll s, J\ IJ . Cohb

, l't porll•d . 'l'hP IIW(•II Il g \\il l !)p i ll•Jd in :ll£:'

S.H' fllll O I't' A vl' ll ll •' S <"huo l l11 l':l r;-1 H'n' a t n p .m IH'xt Wc dn Psd uy t1 11d \· i ll lw OPt' ll ttl th t• publi · w ithou t

·~·~:~ i n• ( )f V it·n·inia I t'l I

Aliee M. Bowles ·1

I !1il~· A l i~:,~·}!.~~P-~ ~~:!~ 2:10 1 Wollas lou J1oad, l!:ns t bllrn 11 igh t s, l l ied Tuesdi!V lu st w et•k nt the M c­morinl Divi~lon Hfl e r· a brlrf illtH!fiS.

Bu1·n in J\bln ).{citlll. Va .. s h e had li ved in the Newa rk area for f;cvc rnl

~~,';:~' ... ;:lid wns employed at Bln g'H i Sl1c was widow of Leslie F' . Bow- l

h's. Su r vivin g- nr a son , Charles F .

Bow les, at home; si x b rother s, L ew­is . • sam, and 'l'crry H enry , nil or Abi n~do n : .J ohn .R . H enry or Wit -

Scott Nixon Seeks :_; -;;~ ~~~:·, ~~~ t;1~-~~~~~~..vo:)r.Mn~~:~~~~i. ~~ ~! : ; --- - - ---- ------ - Plant-Animal Need ;:~~ ~~~- s ~~~.·;~~ h~."~ ;;,~~i/.1 ~,:t~'' '~kr

1y Cm:ol I-Ia.r~

F ire and Children Don't l\lix 1cvC' r mul cl'cs l imalc tho 1)0\\ 'C r of n m nlch.

In th hnnds o( littl e childr ' ll It can b come till instrumrn t of in j u 1 ' ~' :uu l C\'eu dra th in llw homl' . I

An u ually i11 t ho nit.cll Sln tcs s me ,000 pcr sonq nrc kill f'tl hy fires nnd burns in th o hom C' . l\ lo ro than 1,000 oC ihe ~c a rc children. under fh·o yca r~ of age. Abou t • - --,-,-----,-------­on thi rd o i' th o child r en nrc nloua n t th o lin lc•.

'.l'hc ouncil on Family lfcalt h, n n n· profit n J·g-ani znl ion stab ~ li s hcd b~r mcmhc t·~ of L.he d rug­in dus try t·o promote Inmi ly hcnllh nnll homu Hafct.y, sug-g-ests i ~=:::;.;..;:;;;;.;......:;;;.._.;;;;;;;;;;;o;~A some wnys of prl'vcnl i n ~ acc i~ d nts caused by heal and fl am s in tho honlC,

Never leave lit,fl o t hildl'cn n lono at hon\C1 no mnt tc r w hat 1 he lll'g'Cil Cy.

Ncv<' L' lcavo smnll childt·cn nlonc in a room wi th a hrnlct· g-oi ng, a lmrnin~ firep lace, o L· li ghtc<i cund les. hildrcn nrc f ns­cinnlcd by fla m('S,

itl~·;I;)~~\C~Ol\\~l;~~~ ::.~~~~ ~~~~~~ Cji~~O T~t , -,--,o:.···: ; ... ~ .. •··

cnn not bo touched by lit.<l o ehil­clt ·c n, l':;o il llt u c(IWl nearby, out -or •·each of iiWo hands.

Cloth " of fl ro rcsistu nt ma­ter ia ls hel p provide RO illc 1n·olcc~ tion, but C!IL'O should be exe rcised whe rever h cnt .is used i 11 th o homo. Somo clothing mntcdnls n ro 'so hi gh ly fl umma hl o t hey cnn bul'lt to nshcn in un ins t.nn t. Olhcr mnterinl s melt nnd bum in to the body.

Heaters shoulil hnve protective covers, nnd bo loCated wh er e members of tho family cnnnot brush nguinst them. Fireplaces shoulil bo screened nnt! tho en­tire fnmily should keep n snfo distnnco f rom the hcnrth.

Burning cnndlea should bo

snufl'cd out hct'o ro cv ryouo leaves n room .

Keor> ciga r tle lighl e•·s nnrl matches out of l'Cnch o£ young­ster s .' 1\fany a ]lal'cnt hns h~c11 surprised to discover a hild unric t· fi vo is slro nr: and skillful enoug h to fli cl a lig hte r, or s ll' ikc a mateh.

It tnkes only nn i11 stnnt fo r n flro to stnrt. Tho presence o:f a t•esponsiblo adult in tho home en n bo the b st guard ngninst children plnying willt fire, ad­vises tho Council on ~'umlly Health.

v;· ~ 1 Enjoy your Family

HOW THE MONITOR COMPlEMENTS YOUR lOCAl PAPER The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national and world n • • . •• with exclusive dispatches

one of the largest news bu­' · . In the nation's capital and from Monitor news expert s in 40 overseas countries and all 50 states. TRY THE MONITOR- IT'S A PAPER THE WHOLE fAMilY Will ENJOY

There's a place

for mentally retarded

Pony r;I CC' S on t he fo rm of Ch;u· lcs ]> • I p , -~- R ] S I I Dri s tol ; Ruby H e nry nnd Mrs Li l ~ B. Moore. Ben I' . began S:ll t.ll'dny nnd t.Ctll'ef . lll I) te1• . . II CSetll'C 1 .tll(. Y linn Orndorff. o f Abingdon :' nnrl wi ll contin ue coch wee k ·, hrough - E 1 1 G T I - - MI'S. fillth C r e nshaw . Meadowview,

, ou l the ~cason . _ _ . 1

( lJllJD( . • ay Ol"I Do plants need nnlmnl s as much Va ~ . . Mrs. Lllltt• Hull of W1l nu ngton JS D' A . A O£ (J~ : t". otnlm ~tl s need plnnts'! Fncnds cu ll ed nt the William .J.

s p('nrl in g some t ime with ~~ : r s iste r l eS . f ·. ge )~ S ott Ni xon. :-1 ~rad ll n t.e stlld L• n t I Wul'wlck Funeral Home in Ncwu rk, Mrs. Marga r~ t S hc;lts of h. Irk wuocl.j _ _ in botany a t the Uni versity of NOJ'lh Just P.riduy.

.Jer ry F' l e rn~ n g . so n of Mr. und M1.'s.


E.: d. munct c . Ta ylor, 65 , .or Bear C:1rolina thinks they do , und. is t ry-I Servi ces we re he ld in Abingdon . A lfr ed "F' Icm m g or G lc nrtnl e . w tll di e d S un d ny at Dclnww1·c Stntc Has~ in g to prove it. w ith inte rment in Knollkrcg Me-

moru when you se r ve nn uld -f1.1Shioncd ~'D utch 'frcnt", n tnJiy quuHt11 meal sn quick nnd cnay to ftx. The CI ICI'gy-bu ildin~ goodness of

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l ' il VC F' ri duy '.l~ _ng for the G r ut pit;ll after a long: illn ess. I Nixon , n nati ve of Newark, has moria I Park t.hcr c . l .:1k cs .Na v:1l J nn nm g _ccn~c r.


A n a ti ve of De la wa re, he li ved I nttcmpted t.o cr cnt c a si mple bi n-A d1nncr wns ll c ld 111 Ius honor ir.:. Wilmington be fore movln , . to toglcu l system under laborator y c;on - ZEITI . I-~ It IU~COIU> (iU•: ItNSE\'

Su nday vcnh~~ · Those presen t BL·nr· 17 yea rs a go . He wns H re~i red ditlon s in orde t· to obHCrvc inter- Zeitl er Curdlnul Actor PorUn, n were Barbaro H1chtc r. Mr . .:~ nd Mrs. I pu fo rmc J·Iy employed at the 1 dependen cy a nd balance be tween Junior 10-ycar~old r egiste red Guern -. J :u~es C. Wul.kcr ; 'n l.h y, M1kc, Put , Du Ponl ClwmbCr.s Work~. ~ p l a nt and cmimnl species. se.v owned by Zeitler Br·others, New- , Kc1lh a n d R1cky Wa lker ; Mr. a nd M'·· Tuy lor was :• membe r o f

1 The expe rimcntnl project i3 nrk, r ecen tly completed nn offic ial


sausage 8/. scrapple Delawnrc Vnlley'A ow n

unlctu t•,fltlfllit/lllH'Ulf4

Mrs. Paul Bo~tom l ey, M•r . and Mrs. Wnshlngton Lodge No. 1 AF&AM I in fou1· f ibe rg lass P<~n s in n con ~ Dairy H e rd Improvem ent Reco re! nr 1 Bu yn rd F lcm ll_l t!. Du~ c nnd G len mHI the Scottish Rite Bodies of De l- trolled e nvironment chnmbe t· in 12,000 pounds of milk :md 52H ~ l emin g , Mrs. Elvc1 Ptcrce, Charles awu.r c. nnd Red Lion Methodist the UNC ecology laborutory which I pounds or butter fat in :105 days 'l cmplc . Mr. and Mrs. G . Rober t Church. I ~imu1nt Ps t.l·np ica l condiUon r; ofj testin g by U nl vcrs il.v of Dclnwa r e Mom~c , J r .. and ~r. a nd M.1·s. Geor~c I He is sllrv ivcd by his widow, Pue rto Ri co. otTiclnl s. ' Moor e, Judy .tn d J?ycc Moot c, Mrs. Mary B. Huhn Taylor ; n daugh- ·- ---- ·-----Gn i'Y .Jones . " nd LoiS and .Judy ter : M•·s Pri sciiln Tautnln of f'l em· ~----- LANCASfER BRAND TENDER SIRLOIN F lem ing. I in gton , N .. J. : two son s , Edmll nd c. I t.l~rncrl hom e ~rom IJelawllre llos-; W. T:Jylm·, serving w ith the m·mc d I 1~1tal aftc•· sur·gery on her right eye. I fo rces: " sist.c•·, Mrs. Gertrud e Toy-She wi.shcs to thank lwr many lor of Wilmin gton , a nd four ~:,rran d -

Editor's No(,l' : 1\frs. FQrd has rr·- I ,Jr· .. of St. G eoJ"gcs, and Sgt. C harles TEAKs 1 fri ends ror mtnl s, flowt_.·rs . . J,honrl ch ildren.

calls. ami vis its.

I Sc_n_i_t)_J·-. \_,--.-e-n-ter Huhc r·L SLcvcns Caulions. .,.

. . Homcownc r·s On Con Men ~ Calenc Jar i The nn ·iva l of SPI'Ing usually ,_ 7-INCii CUTS _ 1 hf' J'ai ds urr ivn l of Jandscvpc con SAVEl' N · .·. ·· . ~ R•b Sf k 89"

Friday, Mn y 17- Biblc di ~cusslon , I fl l'llsls wiiO ha ve " I'Cgulnr fi eld day ' •• :-·' · "NtW ORLE~NS1t €AI41Sltt : I ea s lb . ' I b. IO.:w cun .; r c l ir·cU 1"11C' n's meeting, a t the homeownt'r' s expense, C~lll - IDEAL'• (· o· .I!"EE'•. E':::::··.::! TENDER •• 1:30. lions Robcl'l F. Sl vcns, exl nslon r · '···· ·-" h k 55 MORREll'S NEW TRIM

Mondu y- Cr·afl s: wcnvin g, quil t· I hnl'ti culturi st al the Univc•·sity of · ,., . - · '::. ::·:· .. : :ti/:O::j ( U( Steaks .lb . C FUlLY-COOKED

~~7,; e~:·a; ;~~ntin g, 10 a .m.: bl'i dgc, I D~lfa~~:;"-dou bl th l'ell abil lly or " -~!~· .,. z;,;;:t;ml~!~!~t~}i

vn;,uc:~~;.~~"'~~:.~;,;,o ~~~.-.~ lu:~~',; ~~·~: · ~~~~~~~~ "~~~ ~:~,~~.~c •· Busi- '•.••••.:!.' )


R.b R thi<UIO 79( 1 oas ·~.~~.~~ lb . "Slid es of Lower Delaware," 11 :15; Th ere is no chun!e fol' srrv iccs, · · ···

I"" ''"'' ~~~:o~·:"'~~: King LANCASTER BRAND

6' • oz . 31cCalif. Roast .. a . 59c



Maxwell House ... -~~~· 71 c Bacon ....... ~~; : 69 c

Canned Hams 3-lb. $259 can




The Kabob's the king or the barbecue. Ami with green pepp~ r . pineapple and onions al te rnating with meat on skewe rs , thut,'s rea l barbecue !casting. Luncheon meat, ollen thought or as lowly in the meal kingdom, lakes to a ma rinodo in this recipe ami cmPrgcs delectably.

Currant jelly, crushed pineapple, dry mustard and ginger blend to lotm the marinarlP-nnd o basting sauce Ia ior as tho kahobs cook over hot coals. Add a super-size sa lad and your barbecue becomes an outdoor dinner deluxe.

Kona King Kabobs l (10-ouncc) jar cu rra nt jelly Gre ' II pe1>1>0rs, qua rlNed 1 (9-ounce) can crushed · Pineapple, cut into la rge

pineapple chunks 'h teaspoon dry mustard M edium sized onions, 'I< teaspoon ginger quartered 3 ( 12-ou ncc) cans luncheon

mea t

m3~.m~n~ej~l~~·c~!~~n~~:·t 'dY:!~~~~i~dt!:~·r~ 1 r~~~ ~~~::~~~\~ shaped pieces. Add meat to jelly mixture tu marinate ; a llow to sta nd at room lemperatura for 2 hours.

All.ernnle meat, green poppenr, onions and pineapple on skew·

~~th ~;11~ ~;~;o hu0~til0::,1,~~~~~~~~~,n~:3~1~11~1{c h~~te.'d~i;~~~~h~f~h~ v•gctabl es crisp-tender.


(riSCO .............. ~~~: - 79cFiounder .... lb . 79c ' snced 1b~ •••• 1b. ss· All GRINDS Boneless ••• lb. 69'

Ideal Coffee ...... ~~~- 6 7 c f'5~i-~~-~iL2:_;!;_;;_!·:i;t; __ ;;_ .. •;;;'i(f1f.[1;)·[JW~lt:i5i:li~~ij~· AllHAVORS, GLENSIDE ' • gal. (STRAWBERRIES Ice (ream ......... . ,.... 6 9 SUCREST GRANUlATED

~U,ar .. ~ ,~-·. :.\;,· ...... 5b~~ 5~c Lt:ft~US , 1-pt. $100 SAVE 4•,., CAMPBELL'S " :- ,,; • ~ boxes _ p-,~~ a: "BEIN$] 5~i~~~!!hr~a~~,!~~Qu::[~::~:~.~~::;v~.9 ( ,"L J ~lb. IS' ~'', .<:, l"'ilJT~:Mi'l·h+'ID 'U &ns ' . ', : 1 • =J _: 1 t . • ~•ll

.~.. ~ ..... · .. ~ ... _., W~[K] ~:

$J,OOO Play Acme's

Exciting Game •••



i00600mmoooo ooo o o oo oo ooo o oo oo o oo o o o o oo oooo o oooo o o o o ow



~~~~ND"hR'Uo~p J Wllh~~~~t~~';;•eof I withtheoutcha .. ofany2


11 ~~~~~~a~~!F f FR~ZEN DINNERS

One Coupon per Family Pleas&. One Coupon per :amity Pl e~se , J On~oc::~!~' ::~:~!it!~~:~ ... ·~~s7~~ ;O;;H- T-~s~o;,~ ;"o7t;- -~-;;s7o;,~ ';o';';;" ·


Nith the puuho•e of a I ~~';r'Nh:,~u~~h&o•,;, ~~= .. ~~!' 1 with the purchase of 21oavn

3-POUND BAG I V, IUGAU \-\ PlAIN I SUPREME WHOLE WHEAT ONIONS 1 DONUTS BREAD Void After May 18, 1968. Void After May HI , 1968. I laid After May 18, 1961.

One Coupon ptr,amily Please. J OnoCoupon perfomilyPieate, I One Coupon per Family Plea1e,



Social Events EDJTH DES C8LLl~S llrMnsic Tcaclle t·s MARRIES :JOHN ROSELLE

Mi ss Edi th Y vo nn e des Cell os and fo Meet S nncb •

ELIZAB IO:'l' ll A. S l~ L'l'ZF: R WJ·: Jl AT S'T' . ANDREW'S

~~~~~ .. ;:;~'~1a .vR ~~ ~~ ~"~:~m;'~Tt~~ L Student Cc r· CH thcdra1 Chu r ch of St. ."Joh n by the Rev. 'L io.v d E. Grcss•e.

A r ece pti on followed in the Du­B i.l rry Ronrn of the Hotel D uPont.

The bride is the: d a ughte r of Mr . and Mt·s. Gus A . rJes Ce ll es or u G t·ismill Lan • O ld Mi ll Manor, Ne wark. Parents of th e br idcgroorn nrc Mr. and MI'S. Carson F . Roselle or 309 K enyon La ne, Newa r k.

Single and

Double Loads

METROPO LITAN H air Coiffures

Newark Shopping Center

Hair S tylrs of Disti,.ction

e Custom Permanent WavtnJ,

Open Wed . & Fri. Evenlnao

PHONE 737-5837 for Appointments

The Newark Pust, Newark, Dela ware, Thursday May 16, 1968

Angel Cakes Are Heavenly Fare




From fiiskltl Nutrl!lon Research Konntls

l!ffENTION.I tJ\ORE "TH,.._N SOO co:; SHOWS I'>..R.E I--I.E.LD INTHE US. ANNUI>.LLY IN ,.._00\TION , ii-IOUSA.NDS Of= COMPETiiiV E': F \E.LO "-.NO O BC OIE.NC E. 'TRI "'-S ~e; HE\..0,





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Presc riptions Since I 856 To compound your ph ysicia n '~ prescri p!'ions wit h the utmost precision is t he prime respon­Ribili ty of Rhodes registered ph<.,:macists. There is never any compromise \\'ith accu­racy I


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WALLPAPER REMOVED by steam. Free estimates. Call 737-581./ m·

737-5578. 1-14 -tf. PIANO TUNING & REPAlR-=Eril­

est B. Thompson, 707 Brook Dr Newark . 368-9~ 1 5. 3-11 -tfr ----------



JUST PHONE 368-1691

The Newark Postll E ight ents A Word 75-cent MINIMUM

The Newark Pos t , Newark, Delawart>. Thursday l\tay Hi, .1968 Five

.+ I But, t he impo r ta nce o f Goodwill Industr ies Cl1nnot b e ')£. 1 n· . s THE NE ~P,. K POST m easured in m oney a lo ne . lt.s m ost im po r ta n t. contribulion II Jlll l ISll'Wl _· eat.

~ i>'l\. 1

t o lh nat io n 's life li es in wha t it gives to those it h e lps in In 1-Jonse Souoht ·


t e r ms o r ho pe, h e lf-res j ec t a nd a c hance to build productive, B 1\/f •• S rh l

Ui\1..1'11\tOR E I'Oit1' 1'U l !KS I obsc rvn n cc of Ma r.v lnn d Wo1·ld I We can o!l'er u.o much Jn the Free publi · tours of th C' po t·t of 'l'rndc Wt•ek. T he' firs t tour w ill l n r~e. but to make sncri fices in lit-

11H I1 1morc w ill be av:lila blc to t)l(' beg-nn at 10 n .m .. the second nluoon ; tie thin gs is whu t we are seldom genera l p u lie this Sund :t~·. with a nd the last t wo nl 2 and :t p .m . I eq ual to. -Goethe

------ ---- - ----- ittle r sl ing li ves. )' IUIJOll e1 . e .-.unded J anu•~:, 2;~d,:pl:;,;~,tlh~.',::·paEp::·•tl c. JohiUOil r· Th e spit·i t. of in it iat.i ve a nd e lf- he lj r epresented by Housewif~ llrnoksid<·

thi s f ine o rganization is e xempla ry. Publi st,':~1 6E~·~·;;n~!:,u~·s~:~c~YN~:~~r~·~=~:w~~:t· Inc. Thi s nalion could us ' ln •ge d oses o f t lH' Ra m e spiri t in ~eeks COP Nmninatinn

Loca lly and Jndep ndently Owned and Operated th e runnng of m or e o f il. afra irs. A Dis trict R eJircs entuti\'C

Legal rmd 01splnr ndverti!Jing rntes fur nished on request. I Mr·s. Marion Se ibe l or Brooks iclt•

~MT. :A:~ccA:~IAi-i ... iR: .... ·.:: ·.·. :·.:·. ·.·.: :· .. ·.·. :·.·.·. ··. ·.·.: :·:. ~uBib~~~~ ·~eo~·g~Ja•·vi~ -R I ~rs. El!isTa~mi I ~;~,e":~i~·:~~~~~·:,'; c;;~~~:·:~!~!f.~:,i~E En!ered OS second clnss ma ll er. Mnrch 10. \910. nt !he PosloiTice nl Newark, II ee -s onse eat ~ unera ervJces from the new 2Hih Distr ict .

~-1·· A -



it pays to shop first at Food .Fair


STORE HOURS ] MOll. 9 am to 6 pm


TUIS. 9 aM to 9 pm ___ _ _ oe~o wnro. undc•· lhe Acl ot Ma rch

3' IS?!l. In 2ilt•tl Dist1•ict Coudncted Today The rli slricl is one created in

Newark, IJ f' lawure, 1'hursd1ay, 1\lav 16. 1968 1 C f H H 11 il Ne w Castle Cou nt y by recent r cnp-

.. / n C'n~o~M:wd ~~ " ' ~n~lO IIf;~~~~o ;~;~ Ci1

111~ !\1J s Ella T.u11mt 78 or Sandy POI'ti onmc nt.

SUPERMARKETS Food Fair'• New Game


CAM E BOOK AND A CAPJTAL lD F.A j d!d,,cv 1.1sl Tlnn sdav f01 th e Slatc , B1"c' Ro,1d Ncwa1k. died Monday Rep Joseph R M111phy H-B•ook-ll ou ';c of 1 rp 1 r ~rnt u tt vcs r1 om t h€' 11, 01 111 11g a t h c t home uftcr n long s tele conhnut"'s to1 cs ld (' m the 211th n ewlv-ct ca tcd 23 t d He p t e: s cn t.l ti VC' tllnc ss D ts t rtct. wht r h Js !\C' J)tll'fl h •cl f tom 1hc

I D b l t t(' t I The w tdow of E rml T.tmmi , who 2fHh by MatJ ows Hand

Win UJI tn $1,000-Sony AM-FM Radios - Pnlnroid No. 215 Cameras


POSTCARD 1'0 P 0 nOX 4200 C AMDEN.

N .J . A Hcpubll can J4uv ts tnad c h as dkn 111 196.1 Mt s Tammi, n nntlve l Mt s Sc1bc l hns 11\ c cl m Btook­

announ ccm c nt bc fo 1 c 11 1 em gnlll - or r'mlnnci . h nd lived on the fnm l- s1dc sm ce 1057 ,mel Js mm1.1 g 1 of

I Jo n mcctm g: of the 2.11 d D JStJ'ICt I h uoultl y fnrm on Sandy Brae lh <' GOP's Second Con vC'n twn Da s­GOP om nutt cc Rn,\d since 1 9~3 t11ct hcn clqu ,ut e J:; a t W11low Run

I The cll st t Jc t encompasses th.ll l SurvJ Vlll J! h e r m c a s on Leo A . S he has been a s e lection dis h aci l ·ll ca no1 th or the K irkwood }h gh- of th e snme nddress. and Uu·ce tncn1 1Jc1 for yc,lJ's .mel was cn m-

~~~ ;~e bl~~~~cn Ncwm k .md Lunc- \ g-t ~~~~ : ~~~~ re~ve t c conduc t ed this I ~lt ' g:~~~:,~~~~~~t ~ t o~u~~u~~~~s~~~ .. J ~:~~~~ I A s P I CS!dc nt Of the H ~t t rnon v tn01 1111l ~ nt the W il llcim .J Wa1- Plll g'll !01 Con g t css

JIJI\-. C1v1c As~oc J .t llot~ 111 ~964-6;1, 1 w1ck F unm al l;omc, N~w:wk , En •·h e r thiS yc:u·, the Sublllhcm J<~tVIs p.ll tJ c J P~•t cd tn zonmg _ l~c.~u- 1 mtctmC'nl m 1 cn cndC1 Ccm c t mv, j Women 's He p u bltcun C lub, of: whi ch i np;s . w ork ed fot· count~· a c.q~t ~ S itt on


Glasgow. I M. rs . Seibe l is a pas t-pres ident. pas-nnd d eve lop me nt of 26 ..tC! CS or sed a r eso lution urging her to seck pnrlt lnn d n ow know n as Harmony HO\'Ert i\FI\ OPEN HOUSE the House sca t.

~~~~~klllPL:'::k · ;~ ~~~'~;.~~~~~ d~~-~~:~~~~n~~ I Dovf' l' A ir Force Hasc wi ll offe r wi~l~lcn!~~~~l"~ ;- r ~n,Y, - : ~;ci ~I Y w~rlt

There's n o lim it to the numbe r of prizes you cun w in .



·~~~,.IIIME t h roug h t h e Crca( C" I" Ne wa rk Rcc- 0\1(' 11 house thi s Satu i'Clay from 10 I b I ~ ~'111 1] ~I S ,, OI S or Sli-1" C':t ti o n .1\ s<;ociut.ion . I ;1 ·m . to 'I p .m .. in nbscrvnn e of ~~r Jan

1 cw ?81 0 oun~ y h ns p ro-

A GO P election di s tri c t comm itt N' A'·mrd F(\tTC'S Week . The p rogram V i de~\ 1

101" '~ 1 ~ 11 . c~pcncncc that

chn inn n n s ince HW6 .. Ja r v_is h a s \Vi i i in c lude comba t cnpnbiliti cs of '~~u - ~ 1>0

1 u~c lu 1,11 , 0~~"~, ~h~ ~lso

wo•·kc r\ wi t h lh ' p. W illi nn: F . l-~ art I t hL' Mi lit nn·. Airl ift Command : :mel I ~,;• c:~~~~n t~~:1 :,~1cT-~~~11:b l~~~11 :11! 1 ~~ e~ ~ : ~~~;1~c·~~:~'i.~l : ~~~; ~~~~ :~~L; : :;: ;~,ti~~ : o~~ l~:md n~~~e~1 perform~'~-- publi c k lndc r gnrtcns.

ctossm~ gnt c s u t h C' P <' nn Ccnl t.1l l Sht•f' t l'rogr ·•m M1·s S !be l w .1s p t csidc nt of the 01 1 lld llllOn v H •1d t1 o~ lfl c coullol A toniJ,fl cl fOI s t r c.c t con shuc- PTA .1 1 Fond du l .. lC, Wls , ll n d wns

SMOKED ~ ·PICNics· IWhb 1t 11 .11 mon\ Ho:HI nnd he d rl t .1 m cm bc , of the N cwn1 k Lc,Jguc of 1

Kn kwc;od 1 IJghw,lY d C's tgn n np10 VL'- \' ~'11,1 1 fl '11L:111 :~P~:~u;;~' :11~ 1 /~:~'"~~ fo~ Women Vot e rs

uwnt of the m ll•rsccti OII 1t Kt rk-1 ' c 1

· 1 f $ l Or: RR2 :lO \ V k . A membe r of K m gswood ·of I ,, 00 r1 r ru~ h w:l\' nne! l lcu mon y Honcl t lw low h i( 0 a ~ 01 ~n - 13 JooloHdc Mc thodtst Chw ch s he

c • • I M t S i l Wood i.H1cl ,lnd M ,m n s .,venues nt <.:C t ns comm tSSIOil nnd s m gs 111 the m d schoo l u:,s ~:nfC' I ~' tmp t o vC'mcnts cl u d <>s ~ tt ec t llnp t o vcm <' nt s Ot scJ vcs o n t hC' Ch tJ s lw n socr.l l con- ~

M;~;1;,~51 ~0 1j~~:11 : 1~f~mm~:~~ 111 g ·~';1 1 s:n_:.lf,2 50 :md $~ 570 s idf'wnlk con - <ho n

un d ~· 1 the G 1 Bil l of Rig h t s, ' w on 1 s l! u t:l Jon .utcl s t m rn sewe r fm S he .md Jt c r hu sbnncl .fohn with d BS d c~U CC' w 1th n m.tJOt 111 h n;-~ Woncll .nHI Avc n u C' n t $G·420 .mel $4 • t hen th1 cc childr en, li ve nt 20 I lot\' .llld l c tle t cd ' " b,H;k ct b nll 400 t h<'Ch u •ch S tt ect t ul -ciC'-s nc, $ 1,- KnJ c.: keJbo c.: k c , Dt ivc I

·~::::.'!! - ·-r· - - r~" _,

Lean, Tender, 3 5 ~ Sugar-Cured ' lie sc Jvcd Ill t h e US N,tvy ch n - fi ~ l gl• n cl nl .stJ ect nhun t cnnn cr :-md 'J'hc new 26th m cludc's th e south- ~

045 d 1911(' I g 10 ' s $4 7 176 nnd s tm m sewer C'lll po tti On or Ncw.u k the wcst-:~:~11 1 :1 ~ Ill ;\~c Ph JI! ;; P , ~~C ill: l~~ds I spo1 cn tt Ccl lons $fi 100 e 1n sec tio n of Brookstdc . . 1nd the

('OO DWII 1 WFEI\ In 1051 he JO!IlC rl th e DuPont Thomns III J:c <l ch mmah on of dev lopmcnt s of Hob colt M,mo• , 'I ' ' ' ~ I o a t Scafo1 d , .m el 1s n t cch nt cn l1

~~~<~~~;~~~~~~ . ~~~~1 s~~~~~~~~~~~ w~;~~~~ Ar·bou1· P:u k , S ll vc1 bt ook nnd Ym k-

Natio no l Cood1\ t il W cf' k was ob~e 1 vcd Ma v 5- 11 Found - """ ' Ice I CP!esc nl" 1' "" 111 t he tex tile st1uct1on th 1·oughnul the me11 bul l ~: 1 11 0j pilus '1 "0'

11011 01 Pcncade• I

etl at the t u1n o l 1 he c nlu t \', Good\\' tll Tndustnes has b t11l l f•~:s ~:~"' ~~ ~n t,J n • v • s hnv" fotu 1

C1l v Scc•elnl\' hatl es D Lon g 1111


' -----• 1 d l 1 I I PO!ntcd ou t that " s1dcwntks n1·

t he larges t ne lwo l'l< o l Pit va t vocatiOilll • e uca lo nn agen-~ ch ! lri~<' n ' """"eel w1t h ln sldll.>tion or new E li :t.ahc lh S IP]zc t• Nmu c d t il'~ Ill t h e II'Ol'l rl sl' l'l'i llg all tl p ,; or hAndlca p pcrl peoplr • • I st reets" ' To I C h c mis lr Scuim·l T he re arc II OW I ;(i HIILOIIO illOliR Goorilll ll l ndustne~ , t1 2 C1ty Cou DCI i Altlt·""•111 F•'" ' ' ' llaiso· I r, l! ,.1he1th Ann s teizZ., who at-Jm111c h \\'O i ks h i>' in 17S cit teH in t he Un 1tcd tat eR. nmJI __ C~unnl mn n ~~•thu• P :t"~er: t cndcd h1 gh school 111 Newall<, has

w ho1c lb s1ic~ed lb. 39c:

Gard e n Fresh C l'i sp F lorida Pascal

Hnothcr 22 ab1 oHd. I fConUnLu.!-0 from Page 1) ~~~~ ;~:~~~ ;11~1 F~1

111;~.~ 1 ~: ::,~un l (.':; : ! been sele cte d :1 s the outstunding 1

, ' • ' , · . . Counct lma n O l.m H Thomn s pto-1 nl y b y $500 HI SI X-mon t h m t C' Jvtt18 1 s; niOI In ch c m JSI IY nt Musl<ingum I I he puq os e ol ( .ood\\ d l 1 ll1 d lll S t he s ,\lllC - to I c- posed mclus!Qn of 1 sectiOn o! th e ~9 000 1 l 1 1 $ IO CollcMc 1n Oh10 by the Columbus

habilitate d u~~t bled lin.;s tt nd l i mb~ opC' n h ous m g ord;tn cmcc adopted ~ ~~~m l:i\,~ ,t. w~t;~" ~~~~'i l ~ ~t~t o~yu pcr='l seclJ ?n o f th e Amctica n C hcm zcul

h . th d r 1)\ th C!l l' of Mil wa ukee, nnd f . f tl nil •man' s ''" ' " Society I ) n r ecent veHr:..;, l hP mp . a:-;J!'i 0 11 c 1 CH 0 se t VICe l l h l s I h e rnaym 's PI oposa ls . and .

01~11;~:~~0 ~: tel 1 ~h:1/ : Ill ~m;twl S'lOO M~~:u' ~ le l z ., 1 ccc tvcd nn in 8Cttbed

h.1s h 11 g realh c pa nel ed 0 1 80 ,000 _l eopl be tng h e lped 1

nih<• am end ment s offo•cd by ou n-1 111 c 1 en s~ had bern npp•ow d last ~~~~·f:~"~~/~~c 1~ 1 ~ne-ycn t member­ill' ( :oodl ' l iJ. ~0111<' {i(),QQQ I CCe iV lr.ltil l1011cli]OU OJ)J)O i lll lll l ,v , cll •11 0 lobe lllCOIPOIH icd Wl lh .l 11ne 1 l!O,tCI! vC lo Ap11 l I IOHli l dt co mplclcdhC! unde!gll<lu alc l

n~H I t' X]1e rience Hut hal[ or these pe l son s Hlso a r e be1ng ~h~~~ ~t ~~~: ~ ~111 1:!tc~n b~n~~ ~~cnt cd fOJ I :/~(~C'c ~' \ (l~~~~m ~ •·;~~i 111 ~1°~.\~~~ ~~0 ~~~~ wor~c m t wo and onc-h .1~fyc~: .s a~nd .CELERY stalk.

ltvlpc I by ndd ltt r>!l•l l f'Vf! lll n tt on o unsch ng. ps~ ·h olog lc. tl l Two Oldlll.>nccs WCIC .lPPIOVCd ,,, S IOOOO CC !i lll ~, !Cl!oacl! V<' 10 lnsl bcgnn Jl l udualo WOi k ml ci)! lla!Y nl Hll (l 111edica l ca 1'e, :tnd t herapy . j fl uu l J t..! /I Chn gs u l a~v ])IOVJrll n g Ot.l. 1. ~km~n_, ___ _

\ ' . . t·cn l es ta te t ax c ·emnt •on for pr r-1 C it y Mi!IHI J.(C t s tiff r por t r rl Uwl

In 1067, t he GO, OOO cm plo~' cl hancliCilppctl pe r sons ea rn- 1 sons 65 nnd ove r wilh incomes nol l he 111,·d fil ed '"'"!ien ti on lnr Newark erl $:~?-m i ll ion in ~tca <l of living 11 ch ;w ily from fri e nds o r exceedi ng $:1,000, on lhc first $5,000 ro oblnin $~79,250 in sla te fu nd' rl' lal ivcs . o r o n 11 dol e f rom gove r nm e nt a genc ies . Th ey paid

1 ~1 ilsscss;d. propc.•·t;v vt".uc; nnd cs- for pm·klnnd ncr,uisil.ion on n on-,. , • . . '"' r . . ' t~tb iJ sh l ng ''. non -J c~u n~ ~lbl c fc c or !10 matching fund basis, nn d Coun -<1 tol,tl tax b tl I or :;; .• . o-m ti lt on. I S50 for zomn ' apphcal! on. I cil mn n F !·nnk ·.'· OsbO!'IlC . .Jr .. com--------- ------ - - ------- -·--- - - -- mended the ma n ngc 1· nnd s tnrT "fnr

I p r omptness' ' In be in g first in lin C'


for s u ch a ssista nce .

Dny Bmuls wlaere you work. lie does. H e's working in Vietnam- f o r freedom. And he's supporting fr~e­

dom with hi s d ollars , too, Every m onth he invests in U.S. Savings

Bonds ••• s aving up for a coli gc education or a home, p e rhaps.

The re's a g ood way to show him you ' re on hi s s ide. Buy Savi ngs

Bonds where you bank or j o in th e Payroll Savings Pla n where you J work. You'll walk a bit taller.

Buy U.S. Salri11gs Bonds

• •


: ·• ~ f(s~! :f;i:~?~~~:Ia:; ,J!~f"~:~r~~;o~~::i~rir7~~~~~:::f~1~ - The Newa rk P ost ---

The pnrk proposa l wa s r c fcn t'd t.o th e p lanning commiss ion for

j ~~~:~t~ ~~~ t~v~tsp~J~ct~,~~~z~~ ,:o 2.~~~ \ K VA substation to ser ve the fi outh

I ·~~~~c~~!~!~ ~~~1u!l~d~~~~- ~~~ -;~~.:·.~~~~~~ i : ~ :~~ ~~~dli~~c •;OI':x,~~~=~~~~ ~ ; ~::~

t Vv O ord inanres s loJt cd for fin n I rc:Jdi n gs.

" Wiu1 t "Vet the wo r ld mn r bf' com­i n I~ t o, it 's cv irlen ll y nnt t n rni nJ.{ lo its scn~C"S ' ' - Oli n M ille t·. <Cressun-G;_tllit ?.~ n ) Ma inli n r & I (Portage. Pa .l Di s pa t ch .

I "One Hcl vanta gc of a l ar~C' vo­

cn bld tt r y: it lc_•t r,; y ou in su lt the oth c •· fe llow und ge t nut o f ra n gt· bt•forC' he r c:lii z s it." - Wrn .


( ' hafTcc, Waln ut Bureau.


VALII/\nT. F. MF:HC' II AND JSE Thls Is to s r rvc ns publtC' nottCt! lh·~l

!here w ill ))c fl pu blic Sfl lC of :t IUG I


P1mtwc ntolln:.t. 2 door hard top. 11 c y Un dc r 011 tlw pn•miM's ~Jf W tlml n J.!­tOn J nthi~trlnl Plll'k. E. 7th St., Butld .

l:~~oh~~~~~o~;.:~~i~Y~~.:~!;J\~,J~~N~:~~~ ::: sr~ tl~fy a Jc>l n oh t~lncd bY woy of n crm­clitlom~l ttnles (.'011\t'<.lcl which h ns I.H'<: Il :l!ih l ~nc..;d to the Farmers Bonk of IH' Stntc o f Ocl.1wnrc, rtnd who Is IIH.' holder t!,c>,·cof.

t)A\~ k!; ~f~r.~ 5t~~~t P~0 :-~~~~sr~o~~1ftt~~~~~ ~n ics c-on tract nU:tiiHil Robert J. . J.o w. n·Hl n Ma y 20 . 1!l68 ~:!h.


VA L ABLF: MF.R (' II A N DI S~~ I Th is Is to serve :ts pub l ic nntlc<.' t hul

there will he n public Anlc of a J9f,fl

~g1 k1j~~og1~~~~~~~~~on0r' :z~f~~;1 1 ~ J(c(~,~~~nf\~~~ I clust ri nl Pnrk , F.:. 7111 St.. Buildm.a:t Nu.

10. Wllrn.lnrtiCII1, Dclnwa rr• nt 0 :20 A.l\1.. I I

T h ursd ny, M oy 2:\ , l!J08 Th is nutomobllc Is bc lnt! 1>0ld t o

sa lls rv a llf'n obt.1lned by wav of n conclltlonnl sa les contnu•l which h n& b een ns!ligncd t n the F'nrmcrs B:mk Q( the Stlltc or DPlaw:t rc. and who Is I l hC' holder 1hct"f'Of.

It Is l)roln rt: sold to sn tis fv the sold bnnk 's clil lm uncl<>r JWid condttionnl sa les con t rnct :uralnst Wllll om ("tt•tn ~ cn ts.

' l'crms-Ct~ sh . • Mnv 20. 1 ~!18 I

,---J'UBI>I C' ;;_'-" -


0~f;n c JI A NDI SE I This is tu t.e t·vc ns lltlhli C' nnlicc th :l l

tht:' r w ill be a pu blic snit' or n 19110 Pon tine o n vert lh ll•. 8 rvli ndcr on ttw pre o f W llm ln r, ':.ion l nflustri nl

I :;1~~~- n~: 7tB ~~V~~~1c1 1~~ N9c~ 1 0 ro. A~;~ .~

I ~:~~~~l aEl• i~ii~~!~~ ~ ~~qt~\~~~v~~l~[ ~ I ("Ondillnnnl sa le ~~~; f'ontrnct which h ll~ 1 hrcn :tsslnncd o the F'nrm c.o rs B nnk I

nr !he StAt or Dclnware. and who i,; th<' holclf"r thcrf"of.

II 1'1 hf'illll M id t o S1 tiRfV thro s:tld h ;o11 \c '!1 f'l .. fm unc1 ,.r ~rdd rnndltfonnl <~;1 l(' lll conlrnct :~gn\nst Arthur K Ycl-lowdy. .

1<' ' "'<- noh I \hi\ 2') . 1 G8 '

Here are 7 knotty problems facing the Air Force: can you help us solve one?

1. RepCJirs in spCJco . If s<imet in goos wrong wi lh a vehic le in orbit, how con it be fixed? Answers must be lound, illorge­scolc space ope rat ions ore to become a reality. For 1his and other ossig nmon ls Ai< Forc e sc ie ntis ts a nd enginee rs will e called on to answer in the next lew years, we need the best brains CJvoiloble.

2 . LunCJr londing. The ,..

e xcel co mposition of .... ,.

~:~~~~~~;r~~;~~~~' OS '\ , 't ~ ond propu lsion char· 't

oclerislics of the space "t "' "' ~ vehicle, enle r into "' thi s problem. lmporlonl study remains to bo done- and, os on Air Forco offic;_er, you could be 1he one to do it!

3. Lifo-support biology, The filling of meta bolic needs over very extended peri· ads ol 1ime in space is one o l the most

ioscinaling subjects tho! Air Force scientists ore ln­vesli goling. The resul!s promise to hove vital ram­ifications for our life on earth, as well as in oulcr 'PQCL

4. Space o rien tCJtion. The orbita l prob-' lems o f a spacecraft, in cluding its abil ity to mo nouver over sc lec od points on tho eor1h, ore al vita l imporlonco 10 1he mill­lory ulilizolia n ol spoce. There ore plonly ol a ssignmen ts for young Air Force·physi· cisls in this orca.

5. Synergetic plane changing. The ob1-ily ol o spacecroft to change aililude con also be crucia l to space operations. Where but in !he Air Forco could Sc.B.'s got the chance to work on such fa scinating pro j· eels right a t tho slorl o l their co<eers?

6. Space pro~ulslon. As alJf'· space flight s cover grea ter and grea ter distances, pro-pu lsion-more th an any· thing e lse-will bocomo !hf Umit ing foetor. New fuel! and now propulsion 1ech­niquos must bo found, if we oro Ia koop on exploring tho mysteries of spa co. And it may woll boon Air Fore<> scientist on his fi rs t assi0n menl who makes the big breakthrough!

7. Pilo t p e rforman ce , lmpo<lonl tests musl still be mode lo delormine how the pilo ts o f manned aero· spec croft will reocl to long periods away from the earth. Of course not overy now Ail Fo rce oflico r bo- '-'----­comes involved in research and develop­ment right away. But where the most ex-

citing advances ore

laking place, young A 1r forco sctenl tsts,

CJdm•nislrolors, pilots, a nd e ng 1neers

o ro on the scene.

W on! to find cui how you fit into tho Air Force picture?Contoct your locoi.U.S. Air force Recruiter.

Contribu t ed by

Th 1ell'nrk P o t

a ~ n pttl>l ic ser vice


John M. Tweecl I RnJ.1·•·L H. Davis lluno•·•·•l

Suc·cumhs At 70 1 ~.7,b!;;· ~~'r. ~;·,:~;~ 1 ~:~~N~~·!~~~·~ ~·:: . I tni ncd t he hunor roll w ith a H 1

I 11 v A H osp• tal av~ra Jl.'' l n ~ t . scnws~e r n ~ " stud<•nt I ,l ohn Mrmr·IJ T wrNI, 70 , of ~Hi H Eu st ~ roltnn Um v,•rsity. .

]lrospect Ave n ue Newark die I JJl t VIS I') 011(• or ll w I(J Pt: r f' lll

Wt•dn c~dny last we~k ut. th V~ LC' ra n~ n t.o.t:_t l o f ~ ,46! st~tdt • nts ~ ~lut~~ng J

~~~::il:'r~~~~~~~:~or~r~1s/~i:~~. in E J ~- I ~·L~trt;1 r1l~u uc1u.h rni c hono t .'t at E.1 ~ t I Bot·n ;n I.C\v lsv lll c , P o., he li ve<! I ------ I

~:~-c~e'~;1~,~b~a~s~:~~ !~.~,~ < ·~~c. \~~ ~/·r:~ Git·l Scouts Ca n1 p ~~~~~~.,~~st47:"tera ns or Fore ign At Grove Pojn t .

M ~·~ . J ~ nr:i~rv~~~ ~~ex~~~d ~~i s t~;;:; 1 On Past Weekeml

Mt·s. Mnry J\ nnu ·nwrntnn , bot h I --nr N rwu,"k, 'r~11.· s. li (I IPn V 1 rtvi o;, Thr th i r d nnn un l ('Xodus nr Uni t Wi ll o w Hun, Mrs. Mari e n I.. D uck , · 10 rir l S('Ollts l ool< n lncc las t Fri­P C' nnsy lvnni u, Mt·s . Evn ll. l<i losk l, I dtl .Y, whc r 211fJ .Jun io r , Cade tt e :m el. Wilrnln g tnn , nnd Mrs. P enr l M S c• nif, r S ·ou t s boii rdrcl buses a t lw Cn111 t , Mnrs lw ll lon. and t \VO broth- Ncwal'k H igh School p arkin g Jot e r·s . G orge T . <HHI L<'onm'd 13., bolll ror a W(IC'k r n d o r a mp ln g ;a Gro vt· ol N('wnrlt. I Poinl . 'l'hC1H' ~.: ir i s wc•n • join •d Sat -

Ser vi ces W(' l'(' held Su turda y nt urday hy 2fi0 B1·o wni t•s ;111<1 t heir the Hobf' rt 'l' . J ones & Son F'u rw ra l lf'ndc•rs fur u cl :•v of picnicki n g and Jlc)mt', with burin I In Sl. John 's ' touri n g ca 1np~l1 r s. C<'mctc ry, l .ew isv lll c, Pn . I St>ni or S ·uu l s, in Hddll ion 1u ;u;-

!. l fi t in~ troop lcndf'rs w ith lhc YOIHl i{-

FFA EI.E(' 'I' ION r r g i r ls , p c·<•st•n l rc.l . n f l og cc.• rcmony

Dci';CWill'f' . Future F ar mc1·s o f I ~~~~ i nt~ l 11~,~:;11 1~1~ 1 ·8 10111 Cl.~~~n ~n~~;,.d;:~~

~mcnc~ e lected (~fl cc 1·s at the c los- They a lso g:~vc.• n "Seou l 's wn " <•n 1ng sessron of l hCII' :lnth .nnn tlul con - Su nctuy morn ing for ' ''' ca mpers v cntion .nt th C' Uni versity ol JJC'In- 1\t th is s t' I'V iN• spcc l:.ll awo r:cl "i wa re, w1th h nr l e~ Pos tl e~, a stu- Wtln• givc'n tv Mu r'y \Vi m b<•r ly an 1 d nt nt the u nl vc c·sJty, preside-nt HPI 'i.Y C: nd dl s, S<' ni or 'cu ut s fr om

un it l(i chnsc n b.v !he <·ou nc ll to


PIJBLg;.. SA Lr~ r<'P r<'sene l hem thi s yon1· nt tnl er·- :JAMES EARL RAY, also known as Eric Stnrvo Galt, VALUA B LE M EflC II ANDISJ<.: nn li u na l cv(' n is. I

'l'hls Is to SCI' VC ;o s l,> llhllc nollcc thn l C'a d li e 'l'l'()(ljlq 4?.0 allfl ~00 led Harvey Lowmyer, John Willard, James McBride, l.!~';!~" }.~111~ 1 ~~~~ 'C ·F."~1 ' ~.v~~: ~c~.1 ,;~, ~ ~~:~ i by Mrs. Gln n v .Joh nso n nnrl Mrs. James Walton, W. C. Herron and James O'Conner. P I C tn hlc~ or Wllming l on lnd us t rml 1 Gin ny (;oh l(•y , nnd by Mrs. 1-h.oll' ll

~~~1'.~;1 nit'0 11~ 1 h1).;1,:~~· n •!~u l~t111 ft :(}{~uA . rJt I. ·wfq nnd Mrf.l. Pat Cunninghnrn , f Wcdncsdn,v. Mn.v 2~. IOfm :md Troup No. 10:1 IN I by M rs. •


t1~E,': ~J~~~~~~t~~1~~,:~~~~:~~ 1 :~ : ;~ 11 ~! :~ c r:··t~~~.c;~; ~ , ~~~~~~~~~t~c~ 11~,i~~·i n~ 11; ~\!; ?J t; :t:l~t::~~~~~dt~~~:.c~:~~~w~~~:n~,;~d a;~~~~ ~~~::~~ :~ ln~r~J~!.',~ s. 11~~~~11l il~S~.d en noes to

It Is holng sold to sn tisf v the snld .luniOJ' 'l'roop :tJ 5 i('cl by Mrs. lu y

~~·,'~.~ ·~~.0~11~.~~~t ;:~:1111~~~ L s;111~1w;~~du~ l t ~~,{: ~ ctnd Mrs. Se ld rH' I' , Troop No. 77fi by cy . Mrs . Murrn.v nnd Mrs. Wh cc l(' r ; M:~:~n~~-1~G:;h I troop 4_75 b,v Mrs. I ,cBourd;lid an d

-- - Mrs. NIL' Iscn ; troop :H:l h:d by Mrs. l.ET'l'F; RS or A DM I N ISTH N I'ION C h c VH ii UJ' 1111d Mrs . , 'cop ik; troop

N~i~~~t ~s0f, c~~~~~~1 1~'/Vc~,tnil~f,~\.1~~~~~~8~~ :w:i I •d by Mrs. Mci< l'e and Mrs. Adminh;trntlon Cum 'l'cs tmncJ:lt.o An- 11ichlt c ll i c; and troup ·10 1 J d by Sf1~1~rrcl1~polr1~ tt'!th~r E~~~~ 0l l n~: II C~·cL~ic· Mrs. Dunhnrn 11 11 cl Mrs. O 'Donnell llundrcd, dcccn.scd, were lluly ~rant - c:Hl"' PCd in u nit houses and slept in ~~v u~,toM~Zh~ . 6 : ;~;};,~·c~:l rto •,~lltl;,~ r~~:;~! pi:IHonn tent s. i11 dcbtcd to th e sn ld dcccnscd nr(' Mrs. Da vid S l. l<1i1· or Covered ~cc.~'~~~i~~:g.11 ~~1 • 11'.~~c w'NW~:~~~~~~ 1 .,\~ ~:11J Bridge wus in ch:1rge of the week-n il pc•·sons hnvln,:: dcm nnrls .il{nins t end progrnm . the dcccnsf'd n1·c r·cctuh't"d to cxh lbi l Hlld lli'CSelll lhC RlllllC du ly PI'O bU!Cd

:~ r~~.~~ f,~~d n~~~n~ ~!~o; t~~~~!~b ,.~:rv0'J, . ?{ Juc·k ~fn i ~nu \Vi u s $H,OOO 10~,~~:c·~~~c:~~ ~~;~ . ~l 1 e1.:~ ~~~:~,t,'~ ,'i~~~~~~; Eu~illcH~ I"i 11~ Ft•llow~h i p

. Ja mes Earl Ray, n Missouri p rison escnpee, sou~h t unde1· the nllns Eric Sta1·vo Ga lt In connection with the gunshot s laying of ci vil r ights !Pnder Dr . MarLin LuthCI' Kln11, J1· .. Is one of the FBI 's "Ten Most Wan ted Fugitives." FBI Director J . J,:dga r Hoover ordCI'Cd the special add ition of Ray to tho "Top Ten " lis t to Insure wldeslll'ead dissemination of Ray's photograph and description to SJ>eed h is loCittion .

Ray has been In tensively sought since the murder of Dr. King on April 4, 1068, ns he stood on the balcony or u Memphis, T en­n essee, motel. t\n exhaustive FBI fin gerprint search, comparing Intent tlngcrprlnts uncovered In the Dr. King case ngnlnst tlnger ­prlnts of ovc1· 53,000 persons on whom wanted notices were posted, determined that Galt and Ray nrc ldcntlcnl.

A l"edcrnl wannnt, Issued at Binnhlghnm , Alnbrunn , on April 17. 11!68, charges Ray, under tho nltns of Galt, with consph·Jng to tntcrfei'O with a Constitutiona l Right of a clti?Alll . Ray, who escaped on April 23, 1967, from the Missouri St;ntc Penitentiary, Is also sought for unlawful !light to avoid confinement for robbery. His long crlmlnnl record also Includes convictions for burgln ry nHd forging U.S. Post;nl Money Orders.

A white American, born In Alton. Dltnols, on Mnrch 10, 1928, Ray Is 5' 10" tnll , weighs 163 to 174 pow1ds, hns blue eyes nnd short brown hair. He bns n nervous hnblt of tugging at nn enr lobe and h is lef t enr protrudes noticeably. Known ns a " loner" and "dl'ifter," Ray hns worked ns a baker, laborer and color matcher. He hns taken dancing lessons and completed a course at a school of bartending.

Consider Hay armed and extremely dl\ngerous. Report any In· formation conccmlng him to the nearest FBI office. ~~inlA't~~~i. 4~cl~!'~!1:~11 n.l1 . ~~l·':1':::,~· Wll- :lt cA ~i~::!~~ ~~s i 1t1~ 8 o~J~~11 n;~:~;:~d~ ~t' c~-~ ;~

Achnln ist•·nto•· ' I'A l ·$lf.OOO Am cricnn Iron Stee l In s- ------ -- ----------- - - - -M ny Hl -2:l ~ :IO titute En gin 'C I' ing F ellowshi p f or

fl'/.'-Jim e lnrlcpenrl cnt research at HEALTH & SAFETY-------'------, lhf' univf' rs lt ,v.

Roht. T. Jones cut ' ';~~ ~:;CM,;~~~~~'l:~~c~~'~;,.~;~:~~·:~': : 'Mainly for Motliers and Son I Cll i lind IIOI'Oti PII ·e engineeJ'ing, re-

ce ived on e or seve ra l nwards pre- 1y Carol 1-Inrl; ~ci~l~~:c~a~l1;,.;c~~<1~n b.~r A~~-~ · .Jack H.l


Since 19011

Phmw :~6H-l 627




11 ml PLANTS

I<' H E S II




Viuson . PI'Ofessor an d chHirrnau of i lll<'t:hunicnt :m d Hl_'ruspm:c c u g l n - J ('Cr in J,!. Mai son will investigate a l new f.! t•om c t ric c lnss of she ll struc­t u rPs ror us t• a s deep ocCilll su b- ~ mc 1 ·~en ce cruft.

- - - --"Go ld Di ~gc r : A g ir l who doesn't I

:ll'L' for il lll/lti 'S 'UillP:l ll ,Y un( ('SS 1

he owns il ·· - nunn" r ·. (:l'ig' ~-:· s. f New 1 .uud on J ulll' lllll. f

Ill SIGIITL}ml i. I


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-1:\lll \1 11 11' .l ,l dO.III •II{ I ol.\ll l{ U') ,J,I IlS ,t•p;ttl ' S'I•)(lS !f11 111 .11:p .HI ' S J,hltf -,l, l t-:S,)Il! l" IH{ ' ~f.I0.\\{ 01Hp-: .Wj ,,J !U

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is for

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'Don' t Say Goodbye to Accidents

Accidents lhnt cause Injuries, J>ulu u1 11l uds~ •· .v 111'0 here totlny-nnd' hcro tomorrow. '

Keep n cleur nnd detnlled account of the accid ent l'ecorrl f or cnch m cmba1• of the fumi ly, advi ses the Council on Fnmily Jl cnlth, uch l'ccords se rvo to refresh memory which cnn ]llny tr·icks, :uul JH'ovido v ital inJol'mnLion to doctors io•·•·==-------­propcr ding nnsis and trcntmcnt.

The l'Cco rll s neccl not Uo ns complete ns those kept by doctors :tnd mn·scs. 11'hcy need only bo s imple accounts of t ho accident nnct lt·('nfm cnt. They will como i n hnncly whe n a r hild ente r s cot4

l er;e, r:;o ts n job, joins tho nrmed :fo rces, llH\l'l'ics, or applies ior s )iec in l benefit s.

Noto w hether th e a cc ident wns n p Cl iso ni ng , full , bur n or scald, cu t or nny other typo of inju ry.

' Vrilo down tho date and plncc, nnd tho exact nnlm·o or tho in­j ury: broken bones , clnnwged areas or fl cs:l nnd s ldn, injury to n vitnl pnr t o( the bod;-. P.rPO!'<I any surgery !hat \\' li S rcqui r ccl . Nolo I he n•ncLion to th o su rgery or mcdi r a lio11 .

U o ~cn erou ~ with the i zc or :CoTll\ )rou ww. You may di RCOVCt' to ~~our su t·pri ~<· lh t• I'IJ i:-; mora i nfor mation lo he rC'co rcl cd tlu\n ~· o tt cx pcclccl. And you may fi nd out t hat a mrmbC' r o t' ~·our fall\­ily i~ mol'~ acl•id cnt. prone th an you realized.

F ami ly hrnlth anti ncciclcnt r ecords should L • ftlcd ' ' lh:r' tlwy nrc f•usily :l('('C'Ss ih lt• . i\l o rc 1 han one lli C'mhc t· of th e family ~hou ld know th e sa fc·kCl'ping p i arc.

' l'oo often. Rm·h l't.'t'tn·cl -; a o k C' pt faithful!~' hr the h tHn• makr r, \\ ho kN· p~ th l• s tt )l':l plnt't' a ~t'C' I'C't t'r 'tllll othC'r llt l'

hC'r~ of the f: 11n ily. In Cll ~l·~ • rmcr)!cn t· ~· , \\' lwn the h o mcm:t k hC I '.~c)f h rl'O ill t'!i iJJ. it i nt pO~i•<t 1111

additional but·dcn on till' fnm ih· i( no on e else know~ wh ro t h~· fa milv accid en t reco rd s are slore;l.

Tips from a Pro






Patt·icia Waltet·s 1 ~~

I Electccl As DECA 1

1! ~ U M l\'atioual Officet· · 7 '2 17

Pd l rl< 1,1 W,tl t r ~. ~~ N (•wa r k Hu~h I ~ ~ ~~:~,i~,uitmr,~·11 ,~.u~o i;,\~::;';t~~i'~ Sch ol s t ud (• nt , w ns t•l cd ed Nor th i r• ·ndq -,' 11 uc l iCJ ni in hi, \H ~Jv A tlan ti t• l'l'l! iOil il l v lct•-prcs ide n t fil l column. ,\11 ~'~ '" l lCJil"l'"" nn· , ,.rifi,·•l the May 2~ '1 utlonn l DF.CA L •ad- JJy Fuuk &. \ u~no ll 'l Standa rd }{ , £. t·r .. hip Conh• r c• nl'C' Jn lfoust•Qn j ct• ·nt~· .Enqdnp1·t liu . Tl'X. I 'rlw 2.)·\olunu, l'll'li n£ F unk &.

C' ho'" '-·n no.; !IH· Dl•lnwurc female ~~~::7~~,~~·~:~~~~~:;~~ : MIJrit•nt or Uw yt•n r at th e stat e I

W f•rt• won t),,.,

~ ·~:·t~;h :~' ~~~~';" ~~~';;o';~'~~~~~~·c~;:al~ ;~·~ h /~":" l<~;l1t1~ a\HJJ'd, Pa t js prcsl dc>n l or th C' Ne w- ' U"k··d llw •lot '"' :

rk JJECA c:hn ptl'l' a nd slill e v i cc- ~1 "\\ J11



tJ fJI'(.'s id l•n t. , d w r'P tl! Jf slw

S lw p lan <; to bt ·COI11(' n dls l l'ibu- " II II k i n /: u r f iw• L• duca tion teache r , an d this fa ll . 1 111111 ~· u d:.;' u~ w ill a tl<' nd Ol· lu w ;JJ·c T ech n icn l l 11 11•'!'' Schuo l in G C'urg:Piown or DL•1awuJ'f• P rulmiJiy Jl t li~t· 1•nd•·nt ·

Sl ~l t (' C olll'J.(C. I ; !~': ~ ~~~i ~ l i~lllr;:~r':.u\':,r~ult;,'.'r'ur~: J(l~l~: ;~~;: She rs the cfa u~h t ( r· or IJr•, and I ~t'r q ll un · ~t· t·o r d., !hut a " 11

~~~~· ~ ~~~·~l~~:: t N~~~~~~~ ll rs. ·I Qu •en / ~~:'~i;~l.~~ ·~',~~ : ~~ ,:,~;~ '\ ~~~,': ,. utl;,~:··r.~,·: With Pa t Wnlt t• rs Delaware hnsl •· ~t .. nrt l\Ui ti ;:lt l.'' ' !he h!.·u ''J·•

~~.~~·~~~~~, ~~~~~·.l!l n~~:/l~~~~ ~ ~~:fi l~l;~ 1~r t~J~ ; ::~:~~I ,\\ : ::~", .,:n ·\"~:: .~~~ml~i~~i ~~\~~~.:~··z·~ Amt' l'ic:r , l wadin ~ o ll u.H· s tat e :asso - \lr,. , J:, ,•J)u \ 11hur ,, hr. \\ uui,J

ll' t a tion ~ o f Conrwctlcut. M tl i'.Y i a. nd , Ji l. t· tu kilO\\ : .: llu w tl id riH· • ·in ~o: -M H 't:O: nl'IHI ~i(' ll 'J, Nl·W l fnmpshin•, ill (: uf til• · l ' lldPw o r· i ~; i u a t l' '!n

N< w J <· r .o-wy, cow York. Pc nn syl -~ In tlw \l idlilt• _ \ ;.t;t·~, thl'uu:h·

/ ~OJ:~~~';., ~~~;:/11~01:!iu n:l·:· : !HI ~//·gi~::~ ~; ; ~~'t;~:~::,'; • s/:\, ~::·~:l ::::~r u', ::') '~:\ u11,: t J'i<'t or Col um bia. I t itit.t'H"' "'' n· to )lut bU t li l!ht.:, ,.,,\ , r

'l'li t•n• nl't' U!i,OOO D EC' A nwm bc r s fil' • i u r11 l J.!O tu lwd. O• i: iu.tlh·, lh•! j {, fhp 11n lt L•d S t:ll t·s. purpo t: \\ll'i It pt n:u ut iun uoain l

Th b SunrlHy :•t l :!~:w PM ,, Pn t I fin·.

;'.,':1c~ .. h :.~ ·11 ~ L·; ;~·' J;;u~::t~·l l':;:1 (~~:~~ ~~ ''i t~~ r ~·h;: l 11t1f'·lt( ;:~~ ;)": \\.~lj: r :l: ll•;, . ~: : s, h o tJh on Parade· o n Hmllo !oi l a- tl w t t lwr·c· IU' 4' .. urh th i ng., u s llun \V HK to dl;< uss lw r JH:w of-1 ~.· lir ulriu~ fi .., l• ''!" lin .J JHI tiw D fo:CA prog r;un. I ,,.,, In lmli,c, t l u• r , : o~ u (i,h that

Ollll'lllllt' I rani, un l.wd IJ) lwll·

l{t)IIJ Allll(} IIII CCS : :~:.~ /' , ;il\~1;;~:~~ :·, .~ '1~,:1 :~: :' ~:~:t,'.~ S . A I I dillliJ I H 'I''i \d lh il-l ~llill" · lik·· till , <.' I'VI <'e eac enty r o' '"' '"1 '1 hr ll\n l~ " ' tt nol• • litt

I i11 11!,• bnl'k c,r Jr, ...... Applic·.atious Open If ) OU nn• lit. , lir-1 IO ,uluni l II



Ftom friskles Nutnt m n.-w.u· h Kenneh

BIG- DOG-.. . rHE f~r- FF W ITH PEkAl'l' . kY S HORT,

g~~~O d~'t;ST~;"SED TO AIT BeARS " NO OTh eRHU6E f' I MALS

S..ttt <Ill Vv<Jr l

I -----Liuola '~ ' i:..::..:iu ~ U ir·<'l'l s 1

"Fd .. ,; B•·ll••" F .. .. PTA i • Tlw f:dc n PTA P lu\c·r, \\i ll prc•.l c~S

~~ nt "The Ech n Bt' ll l·." a val' iH)! • uLTif'L • • cL u o• '• nl CliP. · 1nu. kn l ~how di t'<'l't <'cl by Mrs.' HQPr. CHE T JHope cln W 1 ~glm·. thi.;; Frl rlu.v nnd Sn t - [. urduy at 8 p. m In Uw Edc n F.IC'-ml'nla r·y Sdwu l Attd ltol'iu m. I Sen d con tributions to MS e/o Postmuter

Ti ck •ts mn y be pu r chiiSCd f 1·om Mrs. h nr! C's Wi ~td n s. Old P o rte r --- - ---. ..:=:::;:._. llond. Wrn n~ l c IIIII Esl!l.tes, o ~· nl J)HINKI 'G PHOBLEi\1? I I IJ IIt'' lion '\hit-h UJlJIPfl l' -, Ill tl.i.;

<:ongi'L•ssnlll n Wlllinm v. Hot h , JJ·., I •o lumn. you ,, jJI l •' t' t'i\t ' , fn 't', tl~<·

lll lllfJII nct.·d thi.o; w l•t•k l hn t y ou n g ~~·~~11~·:j~o;c:~;;; , a;;~L H ~~ ~,. , . ' :·1':.'.~k 1. ,~ ----- Alcoho~~~~va~~.l O~~m~ue . t~~ ""'" lnl c• rcstc'd in " PPoin lnwuts in qdupn lin. Tit, · nll l•r of till ' ·'· ( :l·tr•t. S ll• !Ill S(•t' e-·tt(•C p.m. Wednes days and Sat-

the:> door, M1·s. Mnrl c Durkm a dv tscs

I !W!J tu l h p U.S. M ll i t ury , Nuv u l 1111111 Jo; t ilt• ~o l t · jud w· u .. 1,, hh. 1-4 4 ...

or- Ai l' Force OICMh'mies should ~IP- ~ f1r .. 1. ,\l ,lil your ,111 n tw11 ' " J•r. Sci•V i (•('S .e.;,.. ply th roug h hi s u fflc c by .June 30. tJullnw·· in c.crt.· of tl u .. Ht'h"l·IJ' r. .:_ htmJnster House

llolh snid th • firs t serl t•s or tests . NE\\'t\llK NE W ENTUil\' C L Uil ~- W. Main St. llaines St. & Ddaware Avenue

I \\h ich mu st uc taken by nppllc11nts, I · - -- ~ E:very Su nday _ 8 p.m. ~Welcome " ill be ~ 1\"' 11 in mid-.J.uly In Wil- \Vt•tlnt•stlay (.;unt•t•rl lalt·d ALL ARE WEL ME • • •turdays 111 1.~~ton~1 u

1~~~-~r ·~~~~ G~~~~~·~~~~;;~ls A I Br-andyw ine~ S pt•ing:-; '---------- • -----------·

;.~H u~g '~u~ n muqt b~· b~ l.w<'cn 1: a n~ . Th e mus ic lay advisory commi tt ee _ .. .'tf'lii S n l t he li me or cnt1ance. ,o r the Stunt on school d l~1rir t w ill

IIIUS I be •.•h ie In pn< strict physicnl . presPnt il s fou rl h nnd finn I con- I Wesley Mennonite Chapel ''""~' l n n t1ons . a nd h11 ve )(oorl 11 Ca - , r e r t ur the ycn r next Wc cl ncsct;1y rl• •m1c rec:onls. a t 7:30 !>.m . 111 Brandyw ine Spr ings I Ho ul e !Jij Northwest o f Newa rk , Oe l.

Dr hiWtll'C Is nl so a llott ed t wo ;t p - .J un ior High School. poi nt mC"n ts l"nrh year to the u.s.l 1\l c rdw nl Mnri nc. Aca demy. Int ,._ Th e conce rt will featu re lh c S t.nn-/ r ~ t f"Cl .voti n g m en shou ld contnct ton-Mcu shn llton Honot''i Brm d of 50 Con g rr ssman Roth by J u n£' 30. outstanding pup ils from lh t wo

To apply for uppnlnl ml'tll to nn y s ·.h~o l d istr ict!'i , :ual the M cK en n ­or th acndcmlcs, int rested young DJX Iclancl Bnnd. m~n shou ld wri te to Congr ('ssman I The pub li c is in v 1ted to n tl cnd . Will i:1m V noth . • Tr .. Houm 304 f e el - Thcrr i no ch:u·g lor uclmlssion.

S und a .' ' School- I 0 a .m . Morning \\ urs hip-1 1 a.m.

Evening Services -First S unday of ca. month-7 :30 p.m.

Pastor Herman N. G li ck, A l g le n, P a.

Phone 5!)~1- 5757

C> n il nui lcl in J.!. Wil min gton . __:_M::_:I:_'"·~'~'ri~Bo::_::n::_:rd~_::"::::d v:_::i s:::_es~·· ___ .:...::====::::::::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:'

~'If there's one God, why are there so many religions?"

That's a question that nas plagued

1thoughtful people for centuries.

Religions often have seemed to divfde men rather than join them-which. could hardly be God's will.

In our lime, so full of worrders, we~re

'wi tnessing what may be the greatest wonder of ail: the growing force ot

inter-faith understane!Tng.- lt seems to promise a fuller flowering of God'$ hopes for man. You and me.

Great new things are happening' In churches and synagogues these dayS~. But find out for yourself. This week.·

Then take your strengthened laith out. into the world_"'-MJQ_o.ut it ta_w.olk.l

P'••••nted M • '"'""" _,.,. ao,tl



A f ri end ll· vis it F rom · Th e commun ity hostess Will put ~·o u Hig h t at home.

She has Comple te infor111at ion About Y< ur ne\\' to\\'n At h r f in)!et·-Ups - a nd G IPTS. too.

.fu .<l f'rl llh f'l'


IJe laware

PI . A '\' '-J • , f ; f 'O MM J S SJO I'I S pecia l Meeting

A(;!<; 1DA

MA Y 2 1. I!J68- :00 1'. M. 0 !'ICIL CHA 1B ERS, ACA DEMY B JLnt NG

J. l\ E I\' B I"S INESS:

~l ay

Publi t HP:1 ri ng on Zonin _s.! Orcli nan ct' to mend Exis ti n.c Zonin ~,: rd inn ncc f haptcr XX III. 'it.'' of Newark Code of ll rchnanr-N: 1 T tH\ nlrri nl tn h,.. rcvicwPrf nt th i'i Hea r­in g con i. t s of Artic le V-U~c Regula tions for Un iver sity Dlst r·ic•ts: Arti c le VI- Us(' R (·~u i Jtions fo r Bu siness Dist rict s: nnd Artic lt' V IJ-Uo.;c Rc>gu la tions for In dus tria l DistricL;. Mcm brr~ of City Counc il and the ~cn rra l publ ic are in ­vi ted to a ttend T 4· xt rcl 1 ti n ~ to t hl ~ ll l'ar ing iCJ avai la b i(' for rx;_un l nnUon 1n Olt• oiTJt· of t he Nt>wurk P lann ing Dl' ­nu r hn t•nl Thi rd Floor. Ac:~ti C'my Build ing. b t ween he hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P .M., Mondays through Frida.n, jn clu sh C' , e xcep t l-t olid<.I .VS. 16

C ITY OF' NEWAHK Dc lttWitru

' ITY COUNCIL :'uiJ iic l l cHrlnc

NOTICE June 10, 1968 - 8 :00 P .M .

1-' ursuuut tu Sccllon 103 and Sec-1 ion 402 of t he (;it y Char t e r .:lnd Ch:m. l<'r XX III . Sec tions 1000 and J GO J o f I tl• c o d e o f Ordlmmccs o f the <.:ily o r Newat•k . nnd lurtl1er· pursunnl to Section :t04, T ille 22. De lawa re Code Anno ta tec.l. Notice Is hcr·cby s.:i vcn o f o Public ll ear inl! In the Councr l hom­hers. A cad t~my Buildiu)( . M nin nne.! J\codtmv Streets, Ncwurk , Dclnwnrc, M n nrluy , June 10, 1068. n t H:OO PM .• E.O.T ., n t which lirnc, the Coun c il wi ll consid e r !or Pma l Rend ing .'lnd P '~'~· •l<c:: it i•ronf'::;Cd ord inn nc~ en tttl cd : A N ORDINANCE AN NF.:X I NC T O 'I' JJ F; C ITY OF N EWII.RI<. 07.4 A 'RES OF' LA ND. MOnE: Ofl LESS. ROUNDED BY OGLETOWN JiOAD O N 'rHt; NOHTH. M AH RO \V S TIOAD

1 ON Tm: EA. T . AN D Til E P RF.HENT

I ~\J,j WJI;.I.OA~ lFfj~ g~ 'l);'r::;"~W!~g I II APTF.R XX !!! OF' T !!E EWARK


I Chil r lcs D. t...o n J(

l1y Secretory Mnv 10·~0 : Ju ne 6


$~.00 PEH YEAR /u.~ l di11 thi.• cortp on anrl nwil with ch eck to:


,.H 01


11 -1 6 Thom p on La ne, Newa r , Del.

1 Address ~-- ------------- - --- --- --... - I


The Newark Post, Newark, Dela wa re, Thursday 1\tay Hi, 196



Fr om frlskles Nu1rl1ion llesearch Kennf! .



1""££0/NG TIP 'f1-4g, CAT Fe.O~~MTHE T,._BL E I I> PT TOOI!VE.l.QP I=IHtCKY T .A.Sr E«; . BVS'T .... RT t N G YOUR to4EW PET R tt;H r <p,. ON I- ' lt..~•LITV ~QP,., Rtl! r't F':"l) rl fiJ'. ' YVON'1 •• ,...,. to. TO C.,...T I!.R "TO HIS.Wt'IUA,S ,

Support Vourloui S.P.C.A. or llul'l\lneSocltly .

rnls'.0;r~~,Yh~a~s~k:Jlfn~~T,ct:~~c ~!:~~.t~ ~ ~~ rl}t1~ac~~=~od j~,~~j~~~~; diffC' rr nl'! Pour over them an ornn1-w hultor suucc modo by bl nd­ing t hnwcd. undi luted frozen Florida ora nge juice concent ra te wil.h mr llf'd hufl cr.

The rf' frcHh ing swcctrwss of o rn ng<• a nd the mcll ownt•ss of mol oss~s uddccl to ca nned baked bcuns makes them u delicious supper su rprisc, too.

Ora nge nutte r Sa uce 2 t a lj~~~~o~~~c~~~~~~~.:.F[h~i,~~~r~~Jft utcd 2 toblcspoons butte r

. t ir ora nge juice con ent rale into melted but le r ond heat unti l just wurm. S£"rvc ovr• r hot cookrd vegetables such as ln.'t: t-s, car­rots, green heu ns, spi nach or swee t potatoes. YIELD : 3 to 4 serving.

F'lorida Baked Ucans 1 can ( I pound ) baked beans 2 ta~~j~~o~~~c~~0t~~~c,F~h~i,~~-d~1~~3ftul cd 1 tablespoon molas.• s

Combi ne baked beans, ora nge juice con entrato and molasse•. H cnt in sauce pa n on top of ra nge or turn into casserole and heat in u 375° F. ov•' n 30 minu tes. YIELD: a to 4 servings.


The City Assessment of Real Estate in New­ark, Delaware for the taxable year 'beginning July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969, will be displayed at Rhodes Drug Store, 36 E. Main Street, April 26, 1968, to and including May 8, 1968, and ·at Cap­peau's Pharmacy, Park 'n' Shop, Elkton Road, May 9, 1968, to and including May 20, 1968.

The Council will sit as a Court of Appeals in the Council Chambers, Main and Academy Si' reets on May 21, 1968 between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time ..

Appeals shall be filed with the City Assessor no later than five (5) days before Appeal Day.

Appeal Forms may be obtained at the City Business Office, Main and Academy ·streets, dur­ing regular working hours, and will be m·ailed upon request.

Ap1·il 25; May 2-9-16


The store that cares about you!







SEEDLESS s~:g 59'


21-lb., 6·0Z.s 5 e loaves






SMOKED PICNICS .sliced lb.

MORTON SALT ~~6~z~R 1 -lb~k~~oz. lO' SAVE 38c SAVE 16c

EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE 3;;'~~$1 45 ~-~~49 4


,2·oz. $)19 pkg.

1-lb. 23' pkg.

5 1! ·oz.'99' )OrS

A&p JUICE DRINKS ORANGE, GRAPEORA l ·quart, 99C TROPICAl PU NCH ...... 14-oz. cans ,...

" .. ' '--

MOlT'S' APPLE SAUCE __ '3ri~ 59~ IONA GREEN BEANS <Ill I'· •• 10(


R~y Ciesinski's Yellowiackets Cop Two

~~.~~~Ynni~5~i~r~~~~~·~~~n1Jl!~."~:!k ~c~1idninY1,!~~ I jack e ts u pset. th7 Hcd D ev ils 05 1/ 2· with KC' ppc l and TC' I'I'Y Kitson ti e- l 50 1/ 2 ~1t Wtlmm ~:orton Hi gh School in g: for 1h ird. 1 last Monda y, nnd de!ea ted DeLa - ~

:.i~l'l' ~~~~6 ~~ ~PWi~;·k J~anck~~~~~~~ Gl~~~e ~~~:,i;'~!~h~~C;, I~~ln1,1 iJ~l;:e L~~~ li Pid v icto1·ies. wilh the s hot.

THE NE-wil1lK POST ~

E ig-ht 'l'he Newark Pu. t, Newark, Delawa re, 'l'hur. day M:~ y 16, 1968 Bluo 1-1 n Co n rerc n t:P t tack .-m d I rnile ; a nd Joe S t<'enson took sec nd

e t:~\~~ ~'~;:;:~~"r''t~·~~~~~~~i,'s~~~~~: lw l~; "~~:~. ~~~~: ~;~;~i.;:;·c~~~:,l:;~?~ Swauu , ~ alJwa·, -I Yellow·,acl<etGaryludwa·gHurls6th "~in· Randy Glines Tops , J e sse Mo re Hur l ree-Hitter To Win if,J..fion , Wtn n Jn g lh C' hu J di es 111 16 0 , ' 11C'J CrJ en , <l n cl Ch i IS Dun n W.JH J1 I • ' • •

~g~ lhe ' oo-.v,"d '" w hllld l " • n~~~~~~~:, ;>t~~~. , u;. ,~~~;;,'niu:~"o~~:"~ ,~:;,I Ma,tthcws, Sta·a u i!;s N k To Play Dickinson For BHC Lead DJSt fano V~longs Over Howard For Turnberger's V ikin gs Bob 'l'uckel Uelng fol thud ' H .llll J{ecor( l Rchy ewar Fo·· TJH'CC Fu·s ts I <~ Pl 'J'om Cu11.1n won the fl60 SJCmt•n .mel Swnn. 1 took second 1 '" Co" ' " ;"1oncJS F'ulghum 's Ye ll ow-~ And Fu lghum 's Ye llow)ackc ts Jal- Jesse MoOJc fu·ecl a thrcc-IHttll I do', .md hosl A r clu PonJ 's T1 ~

a nd rl11 1 . nnd .fun S1cmcn f mtsh •d ~lnd 111 11 c1 111 the long jum p I -- JnckNs twd :; . J DJ ck Jn !I'IOll 1o1 th e !J ed with t wo 1un s 111 a Jnsl dt t ch 1 fiu n dy Glin es t ook th;, , ~ Jlr.., t .1 1 VJSJttn g Howatd J,tst 1~w .. • .:,dn~ as cr~ n ex t Tut.•sdnv at -t p .m . ru sl Ill the 440 ollld l ong j llmp to I Ag:"llllSI Del nW Il l ru sf p l lf'C Coa h Hdy 'll'SIIl 'ik t 's y •I l ow· I BltJ C Jl en Conferen ce Jcdd Iel St 'J'ues- st an d Ill the seventh plnct•s to l uri Coach Ju 1 DJSI ·~- Coc~c h Tut nbergCI'S Cfu ast wn a Vik-p,tcc NewaJk's w an OV"I t h L IOnS I fJ ni s~ CI~ Ill cl dd~ lloLn lo 'UI/ dl1 .. ;nd Jc~ kct lcr~m ur Pcd JO Swnn n, K eith d ay ns Hu~hthandc • Gd! Y Ludwtg Th Y c iloWJiit:kc ts host DJ ckm- fa nu's Chns li .m a VJk ang:.s tJ H 73-I Jngs d e fe a te d th e \V!ldcats 7- l \ ' ak m gs VS Jl o\\~~rd r h bt

'ul'aan took lhc 800 1n 205 8, clnd / SJCmcn wcJc Swnnn ovc , th e J ')() _ \V id ke l , ll1ck y Md.lthews L~ n d Mdi'C hUJ ied a t h1cc-h1ttca .1 t M t Pl ea- son 111 ,1 con fe Jcn cc Je€u.J t tc- bt edk- 40 w 1n o ve1 winless Ram -; n t Dll 1{- Second Sacke r Mel B 1ooks spark-, ' Jed ti lt ... w ,Jy home o vc1 th ~ rru lc

1 htl! d lcs' 111 I ll i · . • md th . Jro lay l c~m S u a uss won I he 480-y;ud hUJ dl cs sn n t t o w111 a 1-0 Lluille r l ' ' th iS F 11day, t~nd pl<Jy at 2-4 WJI-

1 Htt·w n la!s t MondflY , w 1t h ~cp t eel t he s ax-ru n f ourth 1011111 ~ fu1 Glln T homP"011 cf 3 1 1 1

cout sc 111 4 4tl 6 of Wt.~ l kP l , Sm tih , We be t nnd 5 , _ 1

In a 1 i:! ~ ot d I 06 6 las t Sd lUI dn y .tt Second Bd s m .tn Gtu y C onnell , m m gton Htgh St hool next Tues- Pete Suka lo a n d C u1 t P . t'r' •i~· bt'OJ Ch JJ s t mna w tth a sm glc to b1mg Meh Ill 8 1

ook<;, 2

b 4 1 1

::! S Jcmc n 1.1n the 140 111 52 .2, '"Hid men w ttl • N .1:4 1.7 m ll c. lh C' .Pc nnts ultt Hc l.l.YS 111 Wtlm Jng· l sco r-:~d t he wuwJn lt ttu1 With ,_1 sm-

1 day :1 t t p .m .

1,ng a p all' of / u·st apu)~" . t\\O t amma tes hom<.'. Don Dea l , ll.> 3 ° 1 0

Jlll n pL· d l.u n f irsl p laL·c 1.0- 7. Mayc· r won Lhc Pol , v ;cult td 10_ t.on 's . IJa ynnni St.a di urn , ns e::wn r k gl c UJ the midd le in ihc fi fth jn- ) New:.u·k vs. l\lt. Pl ea · Lilt nes w on t he I UU in 10.4: t he I Turn be rger used 17 men i n the en..: Wt'IJ.·.,h.·r. c 3

0 1

U In de fea ting \Yi lm ing ton on Tu cs- 6; Tu t kc r high jumped to a 5_10 tonk si x th p1t1 cc w ith a 10-po int n ing , ·comi ng n il the wny home w i t h nb f h b i 440 in 55 .7; a n d t he l on g jump a t Viki ng v ic tory . D~a~ e Dca ~ , ~b 3 1

dn ~, lhc Y e lluw J ~1 c k tteu ~1'l of Capt. fi l'st ; an d G r('t: n , th e d isc· u'i Ht 126- jota l. a pni r of Mt. Pl easa nt errors in il l 'l'om Sc·wczyk, :J b 0 0 0 18-3. . . Lns t F'ridt~y a t W il mi n gton H igh , RJuc.:e ~ ,V ~('t, J ·f· 1 K c 1th Wa lke !', .Joh n Sm1th , Bruce 0 112. Coa ch J i m Di S ll~,qn no's Ctwi t; li un a pickoff a ttemp t. I Wnync Massudo, cr 0 0 0 1 Suka lo won the m Ji c 111 4:45 . a n d I Chri sti:ma dropp d .:1 5-4 dec i sion AI Qu~n lu n , :'lS :l 1 1 1 Weber and S icmcn w on th e m il e NPw;wk wns schc.:du lcd tu host V i k in gs f ini sh ed seven th w ith si x F'i J·st Ru>;t• mu n Di ck D;.~uc r co- I Gary lt aymnn . c 0 0 0 the 880 in 2:05 . a s t he Hect D ~v ii s broke a ·l-4 t ic Bob Wd~on . If

3 1 1 0

J'e lay in :1 :35.4; Cnpt. K c.· it.h G r •cn l Mt. P lca.san t ycs l c• r cl ny; i s to co m - poi nts .. . :lh ad of McJ< cnn , 'on - ~Jcc t ed t wo of N w.a!'k's three h its I Tom M c· Oon ;dd, rf :t 0 0 0 I Pay n e fini shed fi rs t o ver the in t h e hom ha l f of th e f inal frnlllc. J esse Mno~· l;.' . P 3 1

took the d is ·us w ith u toss of 11 11- pe te in th e. cou nt y me' t thi s Sa t ur · rad , DcLt~Wa r r, W m. P e nn , Jfow- on a Lwo-fo r4thrcc p lilt c pcrfo1·m- Tom Sn ow, rf 0 U 0 0 hurd les in 16.4 ti nct 22.2. Turn berge r's Vikings ~u·c sch d- ~ Dnn Da lph l n, rr 0 0 ° I 1/ 2; nnd LC'S Bax ter, Er ic Mnyc r da y; and tb c Yc ll owjncl(ct s n r · ~ nrd ;a nd Sa l si nnum . an cc. I Di ck Ball ·r, I I) 3 0 0 ' St ve Sn owbc l'go r w on the 220 ulcd at Gun ni n g B bd rorU thi.s Fri- ~urt G el~s<.Jntrm rf 1 0

:~~~ ~~~;:~. M ~ Ji.n tied ~~ t. 9-0 in the: ~~~a~o~~~a~~ i ~,'~i:ll s~~d~,;~d •~:l ~;\\£~:~~ J n.v~ t.~~~~a s,t:n~c:~·,~n t~~~ ~G ·;~;·'Pn~~·~;. orT~~:d.~:t~~."'~ ;~ ct'~! l~,(~~~" iJ~ ; : s;~~~!~ I~:~,~; ~~~~~~t~~~ : \'r \ oo ~ ~il :4i~; ~~ e~~:Ya :,;"7,~~n~i k\~~ tt~~~ Bt••ttl'Oil FJ e tchct• I c;: ~~~~~ ~~·,~~~.:~. :.~ I ~ Matth ews r1mshcd t.h 1rc1 ove 1· th o week . I Mid Wilm ington li c·d fo r second li!St F' l'i cln y by scor ing o n s tn rtc1· Ga r y 'onn ell. 2b 2 I 0 o f Ed lwnd lcJ·, Fred Nea l. Ccny · " - ' · · ' I Rob Hu bbat d, .ss

Garner wf' re t wo-three tn th e 100 a a w i t. l1 1:1 , nnd P.S. duPont w as f ifth th e lc omc ha ll' nf t he seven th f o r a J 'l'o tals 211 1 0 re lay in :l :43.4 I 1 lT... Bt ucc ':"n z, .!b 120-ynrcl hurd les ; Grec H. an.d Ne il l w i tll 14; Bram.lyw inc fini shed f ourth Don S lici .n s ki 's lnfi r ld . si ng'lc in To m St opy rn, ss -.2 0 0 1 Ccrhn1·t , and Pay n e won .lt.le mile IS .n ·t'll Of N Te .r•-tt•k- . I'

0~ 11 5. h:~ n o.r .. 2b ! 0

0 01

0° won by Wi lm in gton 's Turn e r in • • j w ith 11 . 7_6 victory o ver v is itin g Conra d . j T he Viki ngs lost 71-5 1 to Wi l-~ T" •) ' . J F , H :.\ L te hJd C'..., t l' t'. :lb ~ 0,., 0 0

10,1; and Curran nnd Art Keppel ! I Sli cinski h;ICI moved int o left fi eld E .. r s . f ·ll mington ll igh nt Chri sti nna on . l C ~.ete( . Ol . en s Toto!> 32 ' II 6 WCrP second a:~ llhii'Cl 111 the mi le ti·D '[:J 'II B· .. .. w·· when reli eved by Ludwig on t.h e hilL JliCI)- 0JJI1ell c (. . I Wednesda y Ja< l week bul p,,yn ThJ ee membeJS of NC\\,llk J-h gh I wu .. ~ by Re el Dcv t l Murr~IY 1n tt ;37 .0. 1 p o S _) J ,11 I f)W Ill S Con rud m oved int.o n 6-5 lead i n ~ • • ~> ·~,~ , N , , •] w on both hLII di es eve nt s, t.t k tng t he Schoo l s undefea t ed football t eam ( 'I . • . •. . N

SJemcn ."'"S second 111 the 440; ll\\'Jr 7tl c ... t T"t·l. lhc top of the scv nlh . aft er New- ,..,(01 c .. 01 .. cw,•.· ( I 120 Ill 160, nnd the 180 Jn 225 h.J ve de Jd Cd to a tt end the UnJVCJ-1 . 11. ·.s iJana l e llltell

- -- - -- - . !II 'F . r,~ .. 'I •. 0' I in th <· sixlh. l 't ll 1 .. f- IliUS ·•) StCfil no's Viki ng we re Pau l ThOl'P Center Tom Bratton, Tackle Lnr-1 e.t l. 0\\731 ( ;)-

CENrrER I . . -·-. . I OJ I .. tps JOOllll t':l I . The Newa rk doubles team of Em- \~ llh " 10-6 !]Ole va ul t, anrt Ch;ll'ii e r,\' Sm ith un d Full back Bill F' lct.cb-: F . I .. . - . M· .

Wnl keJ', thJJ'd over lhe 180 hurdl es; .ldt "'{ .' I 1 ~01111 .Y I e ark ti ed llle gam with five r uns ' V/ ' I 1'. . . PI · T I Other l'u st pia e WJnn eJS fol Dl - bi ll' or De l o~ wa J C. B ~ · 1-f ·l r:: fl

. ...J . . .. '{ ~ ~f\\1 -- . 1 11 ery and Sonncnfc lcl scored :HI I.HJ, Colt w i th i l 122- 11 lteave o f the dJs- l ' l' IHIVC JlldH..:Htcd ! hu t 1hcy Will i . 01 S&.t .. l C ap}l

BARnER S'LJOP I ·i Bil Bari'OW of Newe~rk w o n ll i . .;

1 Ilei"I S 'l,flll BltC {JlC 7-5 w in uvc r the Mt. P\e:,Jsan t duo t.:us. j oin t he De lnwnrc fresh ma n t enm in I --. ~ r . . s c Nt'w ~; t s ll e. Cou nl ~ tra p- r -, ..., . . _ • . ol C'<Jr ly <l nd Slufsky, bu t the Y e.l- Ch ri s tl:.m a is schedtii L' d a t Mt. tlw fa ll. I Coach f:;nac Mapp's'i "h ilL'·

Newal"k ShOJ)ping Center I . . 1 .s hoo ll.n g' clwmrHon shiP last S c·J.ndny , .1 f) E tlf J MAC .IJ.1·1 \' (~ lowjackcl s of Coa ch John M eN. i1 s Pleasn nt. nex t .l\1onday, and . c?n-~ Bra.ttun , who u.J. o p l ayed gua J'cil v .. a ~hc cl \' l ~lt in g' HowHrcl 5-0 in \V in.-br(l;tkmg Ufl o llt of 100 clny PJI..{Co n R . • . W(' l' (• rlcfcal ccl IJ- 1 h.Y t he hostm g eludes th e scnson by cntcr tammg a nd hnebaci(CI' fol' onch Bob Ho f- nmg th(•i r (JfLh of nine o u tin gs

JACK \ at l." e. ~i l mi n gl.on J.( W Jl:h 7-IJ, Sca SOJl Knl ghls lasl Tuesday in Bl u H n Newa rk on Wednesday at 4 p.m. fma n's champions, wo firsl tcam , Jnst TuesdtJ.'f,


v ~;~;~~~~~11~ · .~ n~ ~~nun l rvcnt nn I he D 1

. . - .. -, - B 1 11

.. . . h ' . Lf~r.l'l'~~~~~s:~>~ itl .Y~x t e n cl ecl i ts und .I j~.~! ~J~~~ ~ -1~~~~ "~~~·~c:~. ~:c nc~~~d 1 ~\·:~ d yPI~~~o;~-~~~~~; r: ·c ~\'~~r'~%~i rn n ~\ ,~1~~~; F.XPEit1'S 1 v v v fJnno w, !>4. ?"ol<c . 72 st! ·ni g!l t. ta r- Hc.m ~ 0 ~~~·/e~ tt• do<~~:wkn'~~~ · !i:~111 ~;1c r~ feat si r ing to se ven in t 11rning back 'l'wo Ft•on-1 76et•s, i m os l va luabl seni or on the Ye ll ow- 1 S(·ssions ti -0. ti-0 ; 0·0, 6- t ; an d G-0 , In ~en's I F'i sh we re.• flippin g o n the S us- gc ~.s !)C foro h ts lone ll'I JSS tn th o lns l. Munda y to con eludc th e ir Mid- lhe M ~N Ji smc n . . . . , JH('~C~ t eam . , . 'I ti ~ 2 . . .

J.arlles a~1d J qHchttnntt 's gurfc.lce, c;Ji m bet ween s t1mg or. 100 . . . , . d ie. A ll nnt ic 'onrc,·encc campa ign '" s111 glcs play, Newark s La m- Petei'SOll To (,oach Sm1tl1 Hnd f lclcher we re Jmpor- . Ch r ls t nl na ·s do ubles t eums 01 Children s intcrm itl cnt gusts blowin g f low n I C urre n t JlcJJw Oc l trn pshont.111g .

11 7 4 1 , b<·rl was c.t e rr a tcd ti-2, (j-4: N;tl es- t :-~n t member s of N w:u·k's 19tH SI C\'P Pi I nick a n d Guy 'J'in gos a nd flair Cutth!g II he ca ny;m bc l wC(' Jl Ceci l nnd Hal'- ; ~hnmp, Bur row . . firc~l ~~ pcl'f c t ~Ox~O I W l t\~ t~ r ~uc~:~·e ll h; td scOI'Ccl t wice nik lost ti- l , 6·0: nn tl Hccsc r was ]~. C)r G1•e0'0t•y Cai'Llp powcrhou s.. ,. J 1111 Owen Maio Hodrigu ~ dC'-

Boys lllllrcuts-$1.25 ro rd counti es last Frid ay aftcrn oo.n , j '··llu W~cln·c~dn y ~ w,11 m-up fo t t.hc I in th e t.op of th e si x th . D c lnwar " 1 u r~wd ?<H:k .~ . ~- ~~ .. 6-4. ,.. ·- 1 T w o p lnycr s t:(l'om t he Phil ad c l- ~ IS th~ son of ~ r . ;-~n~ ~~:~- ~f':;tt·d t h W i lclc~Jts 6- 1, 6-0, o ncl ti-0,

~~rtw~, t i ~\l:!~~~·~~~~ ~td , c~~~·~~~ nf~o r:~ t a ~~~~~-~ j c.:o n::::·~.o~~ o ~~;;s w on fi vc CIJUnl y ;-c tulia~c·dl f with three runs in th e I p ll~, l~~n ct' i~~~\Jl~~~ cri - 1 ~c6J~~,. of M ur l p i~ it ?Hers.· nnd eig_ht college ~on chcs ~~~u~ ~~~ ~i[ ~:.~~t~,~~~i ~\:~. r ~tt/i,~~~ I IJ · ~I'h c ' .. ' ·! ··l''ct ar c schedu led fOJ '

I Dc oosit. , ·M ~; ., ·but aside ':r,:om a I ~hampion ships . w ith hut one m iss 10.'1~:\:0

1'1 0;TUI'S by ccnte rfieldc r Newark enterta ins Di cki n s on t his \'/J.ll foJ·m the s.tnff at I he OJamo~d C . Fl etcher ; fi nd Sm ith is Lh e son the sHll • nurnam nt nex t week , CINEMA CENTER COL;.p l c of t c nt:~li vc lugs we fnil cd Ill eucJJ 100 round s, and last h C' Id the F .. k A. I . .. . I D· ' C· ll .F'r i da.v at :l ::JO. I Slate B .. oys .B.Isk c t ba \1 Camp m of Mr. and Mrs. Eugen e B. Smith . nncl cnh~"t·· i'J Vl m. Pen n on Ma y ii i .

to fee l a f i s h ~ · · : , , titl e in 1061

1. _______ c~ ;·~1~s g r~~:~ cJ~~.~~\C:'d~:~~l c ~~~cd •. 1


~ / • . H?r~~ce~~;:~·Pt!~1 ~ i~~~~~~~:~ 1~y Vi llano a --- - -- - ---·-Newark Shopping Ce nter "f ca n't und erstand 11 .. ' Canu ll Hens' up ri sin g. Hm•u•c·kcn 's Blue H e n s 1 Footba ll Coach .Jack Gregory. RDA Y. l\'IA Y 2!i, 1 !JGS

Newark, Del. e 737-3866 w. MtllnfoJ·d fro wned, and the frow n un expec ted icc cream '"" ' cake fo 1· They scored single ru n in the Fac·c Lions ln Lnc"I'OSSP ' Wa lly ./ones of the Phi lnd !ph il' Fa ir Hill .. l Weeks.' ~L1'.~t~~c ~~v h:,~u·:·,o\~~~~r c~;1 et. ro ~i~:'g~ f:::~~ ~~~ i~~~~r:~~ ;~ , surpri sed puir uf ~n nd- seventh nnd eighth. but had some Defeated 5·3 in l acrosse l ast Tucs- p ros will t each at t he July 7- 11 Pour ·Miles \ •Ve st of

anx ious moments in the top of t.hc dny by vi sitin g f'air l eigh-D ick in - SC'!:iS i on , alon g- w ith Coach s .Jof' [\fe wark , Oe lawct re o n Route 273 E~ve. At 7 and D g len:; pnss('d c lose by, trai ling "If A b~I!Ted ~w l hoolt~' h.o ll o\\:l .v ninth w hen Buck n ell jumped on sun , Coach Mickey H c inccke n ·.::. 1\lu ll :wcy o( Pl'ov iden cc. J ack M e- II" } ( I H }}

111 ~~~c~~t.t~~~1;1u t~~~~~t~~ ~~:~~~c ~·~cltl~h~~:l~ ,::~~ ia~g~~~c~· . sp~~~~~~~~d ~ ~~~~c~~~ n\~~ LHI'l'Y Wa l ker fo r t wo ru n s. Dclnware s lickmcn face powe rful Ki nney o ( St. Joseph 's Dan Peter - . 1g .I 311( Cf11·a( ·1 011 Mat. W e d . a nd S un .

2 p.m . sorJnw nt or du ll darts "'"'""d wilh I touch ol' real wildern ess amid lhc th:a:;~ 11~,~~vne~·s ~~,~~/"~L;tn~~~ ~~~~ :;n;:' :h~' ':~~ i~~;;~ ~';~~:;;~';~ YL~n! ;:;;~~~ ~~i~ k~~Dc l a wnre a n d Hon Rain .Y or I 7 Heav,vwe ig ht e ve n ts inc lud ing

WINNEU Jou g usc, nnd c:~mc on i n a t 5:30 I r·nttu ,:!cs Cl'owdi n g- the bnnks o C w hat. f' nc!N ill'w gnmf' whe n hn go! cHic:hPr been s topped but once. ChC't Wal ker oF the 7lic rs w ill h C' Ct:tber to:~ - Hig hla nd Dancing ~\\l~;11 ~;~~ ~~ ~~i~Z 1< tt~H!~1~~P ; 1': ~::~~!r~ 011:1Y-:, ~:;~:· 11 :1~1'~) i:~;111\\~;1~~ r~~::\~ l~c ~~~~~d '\::~ .Joh n Ga rbark to fly to le ft. o et11 wn 1·c. 5-ti for t he season , ou t - on t he .Jul,v 14- 19 fnc ult .v . j o ini n g Pipe Bands - Scott ish S heepdog ·~~~~-~~


" R<'s t Acll·css"

Fo r Walker , n soph omore w ho :-:hoi Jt'air l ci gh-Dickin son 42 -:i :i, but 'I Conchc~ Pe t e Carr ill or Prine ton . Den1011Stration m i os in J.{ what probab l,v p ro ved to l bi g o w l may h; tvc bee n p t·epa ril't•.: 1 1 u , 0 ith ·1 :.J 1 r ecord 1 be the shank or the shad fi shing for hi s t wili ght hunling wit.h some ~nr cc 1~ src.s II w . ~ - .· ' droppPd out of the tic J,.! ll m w ht' n La tTy Wf' i ~ o. r S t. Bonaventure- , 9 AM 5 30 I•.l\JI Jus! hdorc t w ilight. sunti mc- con fusion becnusc uC the ~~leW~ll~ri~·:~ . .fu·st complete gumc of th e vis itors scored a pn i r o l' goals Bob Knight of the U . S. Mili ta r .v I F'rec Pa rli:ing e Hcft·c·~h:t~cnl s .Ava iln b l

The next a ft c rn onn . w it.h Hosts dr izz le a nd dar lt, e:1rly a[t.c rnoon . H e spaced seve n hits .a nd struck ~~c~t~d s L;~,~~~; ~s at the st ;H·t or t he ~\~;.~~ ~~~:tc~ nd Enrl Voss of B looms-1

Admis"S i n $2., C h ildrC' n undr r 12 FJ·c l{athul'inc II CJJburn " llest SCJ'CI!UJt l lty"

Ly nam n eed an d A rthur Hillen - And t hr n we happened unon :1 uut six . ll o u ~c o n the Chc!'-: t.c r Hi vc1· just sho r t h andl ed, aluminum l'r:1111 •d Dc lnwm·c wns ~ch edulcd to wi nd be lo w it s M illington h, net of impressive depth tmd diamc- things up yest erday n t GlassbOI'O . \\'(' observed ;t slream ncar full of ter - nnd quick ly di pped up some I ~~i; h~~,:~~~ ~}[::~g r~·~n~~r~l ~o 1~~)-~ ~~ ~h~ I fOL~~e cto;~~ ~~ltcl h c,~·.~~!~g ;i~ l c~~~ k~h ~~o·~~~: ~~rut· I< f-lur.n• ~ lli II 1'11 ur•·a y f ish t ha t n a ~ hc cl n ank s ~o ld en in t runk w ith fi sh . bu t took onl y ns rro Play ;\ lluuui I~tu·ros~.-t lrp 1 ·a-colo red wu lt •r u f th e hL·~ I - ! 1 • 1.1. 11 ,) .!:. \\c lh.: li evl!d w e cuul cJ L'llil --('1' Ri vl' l' as I hey sd HH JI Cd close hy ] nn cl t on vl'ni cntl_y g i ve aw ay. OJ. Ma r k Hunn . .:mel "Bu ll dog'' t he bn n ks on th i r s pr in g spaw ni n.1~ I "G ood f l -.; lt !." .Pos t PICS~ Il lO ll ?i l l 13\ ll Murn1y of NPWitrk _£11'~ nwmhc rs r un far from 11tc scu. Durham d cd:t!'NI as one r ecip Jcnl o f t he B lue H en .alumni lanossc

!\ncl IIH.''if' fi sh Wt' I'L' no more r c- o f fn·sh hc t' J'IIl !.!. "Bon •s :tn d ;il l. " squad l:11 ed to fn ce Con ch M ick'-1.v I .-----------,1 bl·C'n r es id l'nt s a t' tlw Susquch tHHI<J A nti L"rr d Brown. a fi sh fn n tic t· gtllllC open t.o th e pu b li c nt no ch a r g e'

CL'Pli VL' to OLJI' o(fl' l'i n gs thnn h nd


. .M 1·. D urhutn . .nrld <1. Hc in L'C I<cu 's Dc lnwnrr va r sity in :t

Hi~· ~~· r a<:~~. :~~\~1 }!1.n '1\;~~u~.~~~:tt;;.no1t~i.ver ~~ :~i~~,:~ ~i~: : ~. ~~tc/: i ~P~~i1~:.~~1(;~ ~1f:: r~' ~~~\\~~ ;,l~i~ h.c u;:~:~~· H~~ ~ ~~~~~:1~o11~ ~l~e \~~~~i~~~~ I Newm·k Notes


.s i tu1-1t i on was nwn• fr tt '-. t ra tin g , be - ]~ l i n or·s. Hc an cckcn w11l p lay w at h the I l':ltt s l' we l'OUi d ;td ua ll y SC' c the I l'vl r . Brown hn d r ccPnt ly rr~ .u rn ed ulumn i sti cltmen, nlong w i ~h form-

1 fi ~ h hundn•cl >i of lik'lll - purpose~ from a S ll CCl'S~ f u J mack er el J lgl{ i ll J;! er De l ;~ war e lncrQ f.:fo;e l'Hpt :nns Co.r -

0 1. () S'l't\ u s To I' Lt\ \' ! fu l/1;· ~~ ~~~~ll~ ·~~ ;;'~ n~~~~~, :.l.h;~t;;~~ ~~r:~n~.~~ I ~~rN:~i: io::, ~~~w' h~ <'/~~~;u J~i~t· f ~c~;: ~~ ~~ .(~tt~ ): B~:: :n • t~ln u~ I u~~:t:ts l.~~~2l~t u;~i~ : ~ B i!! Bi l l l\lhHTU.Y, one o f th e H . "ort r d to \\' orm~ . hu t 1ht•sr . too .


1 shou l d hnve h nd f' nough fresh fi'>h I Ld1 mn n ('62) ; P a ul hc•sm orC' (' t~:Jl; I G. Youn g Associat es , n n rt a form 4 wrr e o f no :~v n i l. ns tnblt..•fnre 10 sn t isfy a starv ing Hay ter O s bo rn ('t)4 ); mHI r..'l i k~ · Pt' f(JoLlmJI s t a r for another B i ll Wilh n spinu C' r, h , p lu cked 11

1 st.:l l. Bul Brownie .li k es spri n g- run I F lc 111 ing, l06G. 1

urI' n Y n s l>t' :Jtl li ful dnrk gl't't' ll l'l'~) pp ic ! rum· hr nin~ - nn rl so do we. -- - --coa L'h u f Dl' l a- :1 sil vC' rN I , ~hon lin l.! IH.' IT in L! hordl',l t\lex 1) , t'obiJ. g l• nin l L:c ntlenwn .~'Jilif' O~ ~IH.'U ~ ( 'O I' f'l'l J\t •t~

nnd hi !-~ l'OIIlJli1 11inn ma nnJ.!l' r\ to t ul< l.! from tn clia n n. Wl' lcomNI a pntket: \~1 • 11 , , .1 . C IJ ·r ~~~ i~·~(: ''~ 1 ('ti~~~" \ ·~:.';;~,i: ~~~;· ;.:~ .~~~~ ~:~a ~~~~~ j ;)c~u:·1 ~:·ri;.!~r .~~~~~~~.~ ~·~· J·~~~ ~/;~.~:~ ~ ~ : . Mi k


c ~ · ' h t •~.~~~gsC'l;·i ~~· tit ~~~ : .. ~ ~~ a fl vrorl. but lil a! wns ;1\1 the h ook 11 '-PHrn gus an ti struwiJCJ'l',v beds. an d l ltl l lll l!J gh 'thuo l. shu~ :I ho i P- ~ n­nn d. l ino t~ c: tion Wl' could must •r .l in ~o;pPt' ti o n or va rimt s trc f'S nllt'llli 'NI one M ondn,v nn .t h f' a;·.-yard llllh

Howc\'l'l', thr hcning .in the I fnd ian a 11d PL' t'haps ln rlinn a fn shion . I. J o l ~ nl the Lot"'!"rs Llllks. . hest er Hi v t~ r indi ratl~ d lhnt thf' nlso. w it h p lnn lcct fi .s h , ther e m a .v 0 S lw:t used a ::H r o n to sco 1·c hi "

s urfa ce ;~ct lv ii .Y Wt' had n oticed on bC' .some doubt ns l o w h e the r t he ace. He we nt on l o ca rd <J 52 i n '1

tl1C Su:-;queh; rnnn had \.lCr' ll d 11e C'het; t CJ' Rivl' r hen in!! evf'r r each - mnt <:h ag:li n st McK ca l\ . to v · l nr gcl y to th e~l' s:l!Ht..' u n rC'" POn~ivl' l~d M t· ;~ n rl Mrs. Cobb's l.nblc . Dcsp it r O 'S h c:l 's ft•n !. Md<: en n

ri sh . and no t to ~hnd . HC' min isd n g of somC' ~ u pe t • l a t h 'L' ciC IC' Htcd ihc V ik in g::; 9-0. (· n ·s currC'n t \ 'a r sil y slit:k m C' Jt.

A nct w ith vur f ri end w. c ~·tu r- F'ro m wlwt '''t..• hm•p rt>a d . henin g · fi shi ng wi th son- in - lnw P e te Powell l'it Y, wil t bl' l h.•i n ccke n h i;nsr l f. a rc suppOS('c\ to h it ~~ ti n ~· d nt·t or ! in t h ~ t u kt~s or I he Bi ,q Scrub ncar l\ft· ~. C lifl'or·rl \V iulon a s a mrmbcr o f the a lun tn i squad. n w i sp of :t fl y. bltl thcs{' he:. tc r I Ocn ln. F la .. Alr x Cobb reca lled nn \Vi n :-: N (•Wal'l{ Go If and H lin t·~ c p nf former Dt' la - Ri ve r lw ning appurent b • ltacl n ot imp. rcssivc rH tch o[ j;H'! l\s as p icke re l Mrs. C' !ifforcl \Vi n ton won t lw ware cal .. w in s going bn ck lo l!l·IH . r ead the s:llll f' m at eria l. a rc ~omc\\'hat scorn full y 1c rmNI h:m ct i cnp st ro iH! pltl.Y Ladies D ny Mo re PO\\'<'r to ·~·m ; Lynn m Ht• ' ci, wi t h a ~mil l I d in me- \\' ith li t tl e t'<'W\ rd b.Y Flori da fi sher- g-o lf ~ ,·e nt lust Tues. day nt t he Nc.\\'- ~

It er dipn l'i u 11 a ::-lmrt. pJ·o v ldcd II Ill.' II - j tt1...h:;, thn t. Wei c t l 'C·ndlL'd at •k Countr .v C lu b w it.h a n et 70.

G Y n hnl(- f!()I. L~ Il hcrr iu g for us to take ill'O\ltHI a t ree 110\\' flouri sh in g n~ a 1\·t rs . Willia m .J ones an d !\'Irs.

II. . oung :~~~"~;,;;l'; ' n~: r .re':~f,'~~ ~;~· ·~; · ' , o\"1~; l l'C~I'I'~ :i n g " I'Oll lld of golf sandw ich- ::. ~~,~~eri: •. Mcnil rcl li ed fo r second Associates work with ma ny misses aud li.ltl c I eel be tween bnss nncl speckled pr rch

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