Ruti 004 - Grace Notes Bible Training

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 1 RUTI 004 - Ruti 2:8-14 Ifili Mukate RUTI 2:8 ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 RUTI 2:9 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 RUTI 2:10 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 RUTI 2:11 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 RUTI 2:12 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 RUTI 2:13 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 RUTI 2:14 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 UMWINA KRISTU MU NCENDE YA KUBOMBELAMO - The Christian in the Workplace.............................. 9 UKUPELE LAMBO NE FYABUPE KWA BENA LEVI - Levitical Sacrifices and Offerings ................................ 10 RUTI 004 AMASHINDANO ........................................................................................................................... 63 RUTI 2:8 Ruth 2:8 Elyo Boasi atile kuli Ruti, “We mwana wandi umwanakashi, umfwa kuli ine. Tecakwesha ukuya mukusotasota mwibala limbi kabili wiya kumbi ukufuma pano. Lelo wikalefye pano pene na bakashana bandi. Then said Boaz unto Ruth, Hearest thou not, my daughter? Go not to glean in another field, neither go from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens: Boasi naishikubo pali ino nshito kuti muntu umo uwafuma mulupwa lwa ba kalubula mu cupo. Uposeko amano no kwishiba ibala ilyo balesombolamo, elyo na iwe ulekonka abakashana panuma yabo. Ine ninjeba abaume ukuti tabalingile ukukwikatamo. Kabili ilyo lyonse waumfwa icilaka, ufwile ukuya nwa amenshi ukufuma mu mitondo iyo abaume batapile.” Boaz knows by now that Ruth is a kinswoman by marriage. The most that we can see in this passage is that Boaz takes extra concern for Ruth because she is a member of his extended family. We see that he is a gracious man and would allow any poor person to glean in his fields. But he obviously is making special provisions for Ruth. Boaz also gives Ruth extra status by advising her to stay with his maidservants. Lelo cinshi ico ine nasangila ukusekelelwa pa cinso cenu elyo no kunsakamana inefye ne mwinafyalo. Boasi atile, “Ine, nabanjebafye fyonse ifyo wacita kuli nokofyala ukutulafye apo umulume obe afwila. Ifyo washile abafyashi bobe bawiso na banoko. But, again, love at first sight is not in the picture here, Hollywood movies notwith- standing. We cannot infer more than that Boaz is making extra provision for a member of the family. Lekeni nkonkanyepo ukusanga ukusekelelwa pa cinso cenu mwe mfumu yandi, pantu mwampeela icikoselesho no kulanda ifisuma kuli ine ne mubomfi wenu, nangu ine nshilingene na babomfi benu abanakashi nelyo umo. He cares for her as one of the family. She will be able to glean enough during the barley and wheat harvests to provide for herself and Naomi for many months. Umutwe: UMWINA KRISTU PA NCITO Topic: CHRISTIAN AT WORK

Transcript of Ruti 004 - Grace Notes Bible Training

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 1

RUTI 004 - Ruti 2:8-14

Ifili Mukate

RUTI 2:8 ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

RUTI 2:9 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

RUTI 2:10 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

RUTI 2:11 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

RUTI 2:12 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

RUTI 2:13 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

RUTI 2:14 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

UMWINA KRISTU MU NCENDE YA KUBOMBELAMO - The Christian in the Workplace .............................. 9

UKUPELE LAMBO NE FYABUPE KWA BENA LEVI - Levitical Sacrifices and Offerings ................................ 10

RUTI 004 AMASHINDANO ........................................................................................................................... 63

RUTI 2:8 Ruth 2:8

Elyo Boasi atile kuli Ruti, “We mwana wandi umwanakashi, umfwa kuli ine. Tecakwesha ukuya mukusotasota mwibala limbi kabili wiya kumbi ukufuma pano. Lelo wikalefye pano pene na bakashana bandi.

Then said Boaz unto Ruth, Hearest thou not, my daughter? Go not to glean in another field, neither go from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens:

Boasi naishikubo pali ino nshito kuti muntu umo uwafuma mulupwa lwa ba kalubula mu cupo. Uposeko amano no kwishiba ibala ilyo balesombolamo, elyo na iwe ulekonka abakashana panuma yabo. Ine ninjeba abaume ukuti tabalingile ukukwikatamo. Kabili ilyo lyonse waumfwa icilaka, ufwile ukuya nwa amenshi ukufuma mu mitondo iyo abaume batapile.”

Boaz knows by now that Ruth is a kinswoman by marriage. The most that we can see in this passage is that Boaz takes extra concern for Ruth because she is a member of his extended family. We see that he is a gracious man and would allow any poor person to glean in his fields. But he obviously is making special provisions for Ruth. Boaz also gives Ruth extra status by advising her to stay with his maidservants.

Lelo cinshi ico ine nasangila ukusekelelwa pa cinso cenu elyo no kunsakamana inefye ne mwinafyalo. Boasi atile, “Ine, nabanjebafye fyonse ifyo wacita kuli nokofyala ukutulafye apo umulume obe afwila. Ifyo washile abafyashi bobe bawiso na banoko.

But, again, love at first sight is not in the picture here, Hollywood movies notwith-standing. We cannot infer more than that Boaz is making extra provision for a member of the family.

Lekeni nkonkanyepo ukusanga ukusekelelwa pa cinso cenu mwe mfumu yandi, pantu mwampeela icikoselesho no kulanda ifisuma kuli ine ne mubomfi wenu, nangu ine nshilingene na babomfi benu abanakashi nelyo umo.

He cares for her as one of the family. She will be able to glean enough during the barley and wheat harvests to provide for herself and Naomi for many months.


Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 2


Ibuku lya kwa Ruti lilatupela ukulolekesha pa bwikashi bwa mu calo na mulupwa mu Yuda pa nshita y aba pingushi. Cikankala lyonse ukutontonkanya pa mashiwi nga aya, no kufwaisho kumona ifilangililo fya kusenamina kwa kutontonkanya ne mbela isho twi ngamona.

The book of Ruth gives us an intimate look at so-cial and family life in Judea during the time of the Judges. It is always profitable to meditate on a narrative like this, with the objective of seeing what examples of grace thinking and behavior we can see.

Esheni ukutontonkanya ifyo Boasi aikele ukubomba umulimo wakwe uwakusakamana abalanda. Bushe imbela yakwe ku ilyo kuli ukukumuna ne imbela yacalo. Bushe imbela yak we iya pa cekumi ngaili shan? Bushe amatontonkanyo yakwe ku cekumi indali shani? Belengeni amashiwi mu bena Levi pa mulimo wa kwa Boasi.

Try to think of Boaz living under the obligations of taxation and care of the poor. What would his atti-tude have been toward tithing? What would his thinking been when faces with the social oblication to provide for the needs of poor, landless people? Read the article on Levitical sacrifices to get an idea of Boaz' obligations.



Boasi ngalipele icekumi ica 10% pa filimwa fyakwe, mu myaka imbi nga cali ni 20 % no kucishapo

Boaz would have had to give 10% of the harvest he was gathering to the priests; in some years it would have been 20% or more.

Ngalipele ifisabo fyakubalilapo nge fyabupe, pamulandu wa kuwama kw mutima kwa kwe, pa mulandu wakuti impendwa yalupiya tayaishibikwe.

He would already have given a first-fruits offering - determined solely by his own generosity, since the amount was not specified.

Nangu uku[itila mu kupelo musonko kwa kwe kwali ukwa 30%, alyenekelwe ukupela abalesombola.

Then, even though his taxes and offerings might have been as much as 30%, he was expected to leave grain in the field for gleaners!

Moneni: anga tapele kumi pali ifyo ifyashele mwibala ifyo abantu baletola. Ruti na Naomi ngabalipele icekumi – 10% ifya fisano na cimo ifya ephah.

Note: He would not tithe on what was left in the field for gleaning. Ruth and Naomi would tithe on that - 10% of six ephahs is 0.6 ephahs.

Boasi alikweto luse sana, teti ntontonkanyo kuti Boasi alikwete akaso ka kupele cakumi. Alemoneko kubo muntu uwaishibe ukuti Lesa alimupelo ubunonshi ilyo talayambo ukupelo musonko.

Boaz was very gracious; and I can't imagine Boaz whining about having to pay tithes. He seemd to be a man who understood that God had to prosper him first before he would have anything to pay taxes with.

Bethlehemu yafuma ukupita mu insala. Cilemoneko kuti Boasi alikele pa myaka iingi ukwabula ukupelo musonko pamulandu wa busomboshi ubushali bwingi. Ngalitemenwe ukupelo musonko uwingi.

Bethlehem had recently been through a desperate famine. It's likely that Boaz went for years with very low taxes to pay, because of the very meager harvests. He would have been glad to pay high taxes.

Ibukisheni – Naomi ilyunfwile ku Moabu ukuti Shikulu alitandalila abantu ba kwe ukuba pelo mukate. Elyo Boasi aipwishe umubomfi wakwe

Remember - Naomi had heard in Moab that the Lord had visited His people in giving them bread. I don't think she said "Well, that just

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 3

uwaleyangalila abasomboshi ati kuli bene Bethlehemu yali ni ncende ya kupelelwamo.

means that taxes are going up in Judea!" No - she got herself and Ruth back to Bethlehem as soon as she could - is was the place of provision for them

RUTI 2:9 Ruth 2:9

Uposeko amano no kwishiba ibala ilyo balesombolamo, elyo na iwe ulekonka abakashana panuma yabo. Ine ninjeba abaume ukuti tabalingile ukukwikatamo. Kabili ilyo lyonse waumfwa icilaka, ufwile ukuya nwa amenshi ukufuma mu mitondo iyo abaume batapile.”

Let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap, and go thou after them: have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee? and when thou art thirsty, go unto the vessels, and drink of that which the young men have drawn.

Bana mayo abancito bali niabo abalekaka ifishinga , ilyo abaune balesombola ne fikwakwa. Bshibantu na banamayo balebombela mu mabala pamo pamulandu wakuti calefwaiko kuti ba pwisho mulio bwangu.

-The women workers were probably those who tied the bundles into sheaves, while the men would do the reaping with scythe and sickle. The men and women worked in the fields together be-cause of the urgency of getting the job done.

Boasi atile kuli Ruti, We mwana wandi umwanakashi, umfwa kuli ine. Tecakwesha ukuya mukusotasota mwibala limbi kabili wiya kumbi ukufuma pano. Lelo wikalefye pano pene na bakashana bandi. Uposeko amano no kwishiba ibala ilyo balesombolamo, elyo na iwe ulekonka abakashana panuma yabo. Ine ninjeba abaume ukuti tabalingile ukukwikatamo. Kabili ilyo lyonse waumfwa icilaka, ufwile ukuya nwa amenshi ukufuma mu mitondo iyo abaume batapile.

Boaz also arranges for Ruth's protection. The other gleaners might be inclined to resent Ruth's being given such privileges and might repulse her if she came too close to the harvesters. Ruth might also be exposed to rude talk and even mishandling. However, Boaz guarded against this possibility by his instructions. As an employer, he has taken an iron stand against bad behavior, as a protection for the somen workers.

Boasi atile, Ine, nabanjebafye fyonse ifyo wacita kuli nokofyala ukutulafye apo umulume obe afwila. Ifyo washile abafyashi bobe bawiso na banoko, nefyo washa ne calo cobe umo wafyalilwe no kwisa mukwikala na bantu abo ushaishibe kale. Yawe engakulambwilapo pali fyonse ifyo wacita. Kabili Yawe Lesa wa bena Israeli akakupeelelepo icilambu icituntulu, uyo wishile mukuuba mu mapindo yakwe.”

Boaz' kindness does not stop here, however. Ruth is invited to drink water from the jugs the young men have filled at the well. This water was proba-bly carried from the town, or there may have been water nearby. Valuable time would be lost if Ruth had to draw her own water; so Boaz was offering her this additional kindness.

RUTI 2:10 Ruth 2:10

Ruti ilyo aumfwile aya mashiwi, awa ubukupeme no kushimpa impumi yakwe panshi. Elyo atile, “Bushe cinshi ico ine nasangila ukusekelelwa pa cinso cenu elyo no kunsakamana inefye ne mwinafyalo?”

Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou should take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger?

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 4

Ukufukama pa nshi nabanjebafye fyonse ifyo wacita kuli nokofyala ukutulafye apo umulume obe afwila. Ifyo washile abafyashi bobe bawiso na banoko, nefyo washa ne calo cobe umo wafyalilwe no kwisa mukwikala na bantu abo ushaishibe kale. 12Yawe engakulambwilapo pali fyonse ifyo wacita. Kabili Yawe Lesa wa bena Israeli akakupeelelepo icilambu icituntulu, uyo wishile mukuuba mu mapindo yakwe.”

Bowing to the ground was a token of gratitude and humility. Ruth recognized that Boaz was do-ing more than was strictly required, and she was grateful accordingly. She was content to take a place among his servants; she did not presume on his kindness. Yet she wonders why Boaz is show-ing such kindness, expecially to a foreigner.

RUTI 2:11 Ruth 2:11

Boasi atile, “Ine, nabanjebafye fyonse ifyo wacita kuli nokofyala ukutulafye apo umulume obe afwila. Ifyo washile abafyashi bobe bawiso na banoko, nefyo washa ne calo cobe umo wafyalilwe no kwisa mukwikala na bantu abo ushaishibe kale

And Boaz answered and said unto her, It has been fully showed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother-in-law since the death of your husband: and how thou hast left thy father and mother, and the land of thy nativity, and are come unto a people which you knew not hereto-fore.

Ruti emwaba amalyashi yasuntinkana na malyashi ya mu citabo ca Bapingushi. Kanshi e mulandu wine cabela pakati ka Bapingushi elyo ne fitabo fibili ifyakwa Samwele. Ecapwililisha amalyashi ayaba mu citabo ca Bapingushi.

Ruth has left everything to follow the Lord. There is often a tremendous wrenching away from the past that a believer faces when he commits himself to the Lord. Some tough decisions have to be made in many areas of life.

Nefyo akonkele nafyala ku Betelemu, uko aile upwa kuli Boasi umuntu wakwa naomi. Ici ecalengele nokuti nomba abe nakulu uwalumbuka nganshi uwakwa Davidi. Na pakulekelesha, ici citabo calanda pa bonaushi bwacitikile abantu ilyo basangukile Lesa.

Decision breaks may have to be made with family, friends, religion, social life, career, and the pursuit of wealth and the good life. One's activities in Christian service will take up time which would have been devoted to self improvement. All of this requires a sacrificial attitude and resolute deter-mination.

Luka 5:10-18 Luke 5:10-18

0Bamwana Sebede, Yakobo na Yoani abalebomba na Simoni nabo lumo lwine. Yesu epakweba Simoni ati, “Iyoo, witiina, ukutula nomba wakulaba umulondo wa bantu.”

10 and so also were James and John, the

sons of Zebedee, who were partners with

Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be

afraid. From now on you will catch men.”

11Awe cilya bafisha amato ku mulundu, basha fyonse balakonka na Yesu.

11 So when they had brought their boats to

land, they forsook all and followed Him.

12Yesu ilyo ali mu musumba umo, awe paishile umuntu umo uwalwele ifibashi umubili onse. Cilya amona Yesu, awa panshi ubukupeme alamupapata ati, “We Mfumu, nga nautemwa kuti wamposha.”

12 And it happened when He was in a

certain city, that behold, a man who was

full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his

face and implored Him, saying, “Lord, if

You are willing, You can make me clean.”

13Yesu atambalika ukuboko amukumya ati, “cisuma nintemwa, pola!” Awe apopene ne

13 Then He put out His hand and touched

him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.”

Immediately the leprosy left him. 14 And

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 5

fibashi fyapola. 14 Elyo Yesu amukonkomesha ati, “Wiebako umuntu nelyo umo. Lelo kabiye, uye ilanga kuli shimapepo. Uye utuule no mutuulo uo Mose amukonkomesha, pakuti cibashinine ukuti naupola.”

He charged him to tell no one, “But go and

show yourself to the priest, and make an

offering for your cleansing, as a testimony

to them, just as Moses commanded.”

15Ululumbi lwakwa Yesu lwalalundulukilakofye. Amabumba ya bantu ayakalamba yalalongana kukumfwa na kukuposhiwa ku malwele yabo. 16Lelo Yesu ena ilingi alebasha, aya eka ukutalele kukupepa.

15 However, the report went around

concerning Him all the more; and great

multitudes came together to hear, and to

be healed by Him of their infirmities. 16 So

He Himself often withdrew into the

wilderness and prayed.

17Ubushiku bumo ilyo Yesu alefunda, pali Abafalise na bakafundisha bamafunde nabekala. Bafumine mu mishi yonse iya mu Galile na mu Yudeya na ku Yerusalemu. Yesu ena ali na maka yakwa Lesa ayakuposha abantu. 18Elyo kwaisa abantu basendele icite cilele pa musengele. Balafwaya ukumwingisha mu ŋanda pakuti bamubike apali Yesu.

17 Now it happened on a certain day, as He

was teaching, that there were Pharisees and

teachers of the law sitting by, who had

come out of every town of Galilee, Judea,

and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord

was present to heal them. 18 Then behold,

men brought on a bed a man who was

paralyzed, whom they sought to bring in

and lay before Him.

Abena Filipi 3:8 Philippians 3:8

Teifi fyeka iyoo lelo, mona ifintu fyonse ukuti fyafyefye pa mulandu wa cintu ici icikankala icacilapo, icakwishiba Yesu Kristu Imfumu yandi. Pa mulandu wakwa Kristu nalisuulako kuli fyonse. Ifintu fyonse mfimonafye ifinangwa pakuti nshukile Kristu

"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but

loss for the excellency of the knowledge of

Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suf-

fered the loss of all things, and do count

them but refuse, that I may win Christ.

RUTI 2:12 Ruth 2:12

Yawe engakulambwilapo pali fyonse ifyo wacita. Kabili Yawe Lesa wa bena Israeli akakupeelelepo icilambu icituntulu, uyo wishile mukuuba mu mapindo yakwe

The Lord recompense thy work, and a full re-ward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.

Icipandwa caba nge pepo, ilyasoselwe kuli Ruti, lelo no kwishibo kuti icilambu cifuma kuli Lesa.

This verse is a sort of prayer, spoken to Ruth, but with the acknowledgment that the recompense, the reward, are from Jehovah.

Boasi naishibo kuti icitetekelo muli Lesa calikwata icilambu. Ulefunda abaume abakalamba ukuti bali nokuba abantu aba misango isuma, abamano, kabili abatekanya. Tabali nakunenuka mu cisumino, mu citemwiko, na mukushipikisha.

Boaz knows that faith in God always has a full reward. He is a mature man in the sense of Titus 2:2. He is "sound in faith" because of years of ex-perience in trusting the Lord and seeing God keep His promises

E ico Boasi taleshinshikila ukweba Rutui ukuti nacita icintu icisuma.

So Boaz does not hesitate to tell Ruth that she has done the right thing in trusting Jehovah.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 6

1 Yoani 3:16-19 1 John 3:16-19

16Kristu alenga ukuti twishibe ifyo icitemwiko caba ilyo alekele umweo wakwe pa mulandu wa ifwe. Kanshi na ifwe bene tulingile ukuleka imyeo yesu pali bamunyinefwe.

16 By this we know love, because He laid

down His life for us. And we also ought to

lay down our lives for the brethren.

17Umuntu uwakwata ifintu fya pano calo nga amona munyina alekabila, lelo akaana ukumumfwila uluse, bushe kuti atila alitemwa Lesa mu mutima wakwe?

17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and

sees his brother in need, and shuts up his

heart from him, how does the love of God

abide in him?

18Mwe bana bandi twilaleka icitemwiko cesu cibefye pa kanwa na mu mashiwi, lelo icitemwiko cesu cibe mu ficitwa fyesu kabili icacine cine.

18 My little children, let us not love in

word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

19Kanshi muli ici emo twingeshibila ukuti tuli bantu bacishinka. Lyena tukekala ne mitima tondolo pa cinso cakwa Lesa,

19 And by this we know that we are of the

truth, and shall assure our hearts before


Yakobo 2:15-18 James 2:15-18

15Nomba nga cakuti munyinenwe, nangu nkashi yenu alisapula, elyo ne fyakulya takwete.

15 If a brother or sister is naked and

destitute of daily food,

16Bushe cikabawamina shani nga umo pali imwe abeba ati, “Mwende umutende, mulefwala mulekaba, mulelya muleikuta,” nga tamubapeele ifi fintu balekabila mu bumi bwabo?”

16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in

peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do

not give them the things which are needed

for the body, what does it profit?

17Kanshi efyo ne cisumino caba, nga tacilebomba imilimo ninshi califwa.

17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not

have works, is dead.

18Nalimo umo kuti alanda ati, “Iwe walikwata icisumino, na ine ndabomba imilimo isuma.” Pakumwasuka kuti namweba nati, “Cisuma, iwe unange icisumino cobe ukwabula imilimo isuma, na ine nalakulanga icisumino candi ku milimo iyo ncita!

18 But someone will say, “You have faith,

and I have works.” Show me your faith

without your works, and I will show you

my faith by my works.

Boasi naishibo kuti umuyantanshi bufuma kuli Lesa, kabili naishibo kuti ni Shikulu eupela ifintu fyonse ifyo akabila ifya kuntanshi. Tafwilo kusungilile ndalama pakui akwate ifintu ifisuma.

Boaz knows that his prosperity has come from God; and he knows that the Lord will supply his needs in the future. He does not have to hoard all his money and goods to be sure to have a good retirement, so he can be a channel of grace blessing.

Amapinda 11:24-26 Proverbs 11:24-26

24Umuntu kuti alepeela peelafye icuma cakwe, ninshi elyo alacililako ubukankala,

umbi nao kuti aleumfwila icuma akaso, nomba elyo bacililako mu bupina.

24 There is one who scatters, yet increases

more; And there is one who withholds

more than is right, But it leads to poverty.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 7

25Umuntu kapekape alamona ishuko,

no wafwako bambi nao balamwafwako bambi.

25 The generous soul will be made rich,

And he who waters will also be watered


26Abantu balatipwila uubika iŋanu shakwe pakuti akese shitisha pa mutengo uukulu,

lelo uushitisha ena balamupaalilapo.

26 The people will curse him who

withholds grain, But blessing will be on the

head of him who sells it.

Amapinda 13:20-21 Proverbs 13:20,21

20Umuntu uwenda na bamano nao alakwata amano, nomba nga walaenda ne fipuba awe ninshi waonaika.

20 He who walks with wise men will be

wise, But the companion of fools will be


21Ishamo likonka uubifya, lelo abololoke balambulwa ubukankala.

21 Evil pursues sinners, But to the

righteous, good shall be repaid.

Luka 14:12-14 Luke 14:12-14

12Kabili Yesu alaeba uumwitile ku cakulya ati, “Kanshi ilyo wateyanya imitebeto iya kasuba nangu iya cungulo, wilaita bacibusa bobe nangu bamunonko nangu ba lupwa lobe nangu abena mupalamano abakankala. Pantu nabo limbi kuti baisa kwita, lyena ninshi bakufutilapo.

12 Then He also said to him who invited

Him, “When you give a dinner or a supper,

do not ask your friends, your brothers,

your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they

also invite you back, and you be repaid.

13Kanshi ilyo wacita imitebeto, uleitako abalanda, abalemana, abasunta ne mpofu.

13 But when you give a feast, invite the

poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.

14Lyena Lesa akakupaala, pantu tabakwete cakukufutilapo. Kabili ukalambwilwapo pakushukuka kwa bantu abafwile abakaele pa cinso cakwa Lesa.”

14 And you will be blessed, because they

cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid

at the resurrection of the just.”

Amalumbo 36:7-8 Psalm 36:7,8

7Ifyo kwawama ukutemwa kobe ukushipwa we Lesa, abantu bonse bafisama mu cintelelwe ca mapindo yobe.

7 How precious is Your lovingkindness, O

God! Therefore the children of men put

their trust under the shadow of Your


8Balya ifyanona mu ŋanda yobe ubanwesha mu mumana wa nsansa shobe.

8 They are abundantly satisfied with the

fullness of Your house, And You give them

drink from the river of Your pleasures.

Amalumbo 41:1 Psalm 41:1

1Alishuka umuntu uusakamana abalanda na babusu, ico nao bakamwafwa kuli Yawe mu nshita ya mafya.

Blessed is he who considers the poor; The

Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.

Amalumbo 57:1 Psalm 57:1

Umbelele uluse we Lesa wandi, umbelele uluse pantu ine naisa mukushina uko uli. Mu cintelelwe ca mapindo yobe emo nakulauba, mpaka napo icinkunka cikapwila.

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to

me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the

shadow of Your wings I will make my

refuge, Until these calamities have passed


Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 8

Amalumbo 63:6-7 Psalm 63:6,7

6 Ilyo ndala pa musengele wandi ine ndakwibukisha, no kutontonkanya pali iwe ubushiku bonse.

6 When I remember You on my bed, I

meditate on You in the night watches.

7 Pantu niwe ungafwa lyonsefye, mu mapindo yobe emo ine nyimbila inyimbo shansansa.

7 Because You have been my help,

Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I

will rejoice.

Amapinda 3:9-10 Proverbs 3:9,10

9 Cindika Yawe mu fyuma fyobe, no kulamutuulapo ifisabo fyantanshi fyobe fyonse.

9 Honor the Lord with your possessions,

And with the firstfruits of all your increase;

10 Elyo ninshi amatala yobe yakulaisula paa no kupala, ne nsupa shobe shikalaisula paa no mwangashi upya.

10 So your barns will be filled with plenty,

And your vats will overflow with new wine.

Esaya 58:10 Isaiah 58:10

nga mwalapeelako abali ne nsala icakulya, no kutulanyako ababusu, awe ninshi imfifi iyo mwabamo ikasanguka ulubuuto, ulukalabalika nga kasuba akali pakati ka mutwe.

If you extend your soul to the hungry And

satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light

shall dawn in the darkness, And your

darkness shall be as the noonday.

Mateo 23:37 Matthew 23:37

37“Yerusalemu, we Yerusalemu, we wipaya bakasesema no kwipaya ku mabwe inkombe Lesa akutumina! Yangu imiku ubwingi iyo nalefwaya ukulonganya bamwano, nga filya nankoko afukatila tumwane mu mapindo, nomba tawalefwaya.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills

the prophets and stones those who are sent

to her! How often I wanted to gather your

children together, as a hen gathers her

chicks under her wings, but you were not


RUTI 2:13 Ruth 2:13

Elyo Ruti asosele ati, “Lekeni nkonkanyepo ukusanga ukusekelelwa pa cinso cenu mwe mfumu yandi, pantu mwampeela icikoselesho no kulanda ifisuma kuli ine ne mubomfi wenu, nangu ine nshilingene na babomfi benu abanakashi nelyo umo.

Then she said, Let me find favor in your sight, my lord: for that you have comforted me, and for that you have spoken friendly unto your hand-maid, though I be not like unto one of your handmaidens.

Ruti apapa kabili ali ua nsansa. Ci e cintu icakusekesha ica kubalilapo ica citika kuli Ruti panuma yakuba muka mfwila ku Moabu. Ruti aibukisho kuti mweni pa banakasi bonse.

Ruth is astonished, and very happy! This is the first cheerful thing that has happened to Ruth since she first appeared as a widow in Moab. Ruth remembers that she is a foreigner, a stranger among the other servant women.

RUTI 2:14 Ruth 2:14

Awe pa nshita yakulya Boasi atile kuli Ruti, “Palama mupepi, wise ulyeko umukate, uutumpikeko na mu mwangashi uwasasamina.” Elyo Ruti aikele mupepi na

And Boaz said unto her, At mealtime come here, and eat of the bread, and dip your morsel in the vinegar. And she sat beside the reapers: and he reached her

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 9

basomboshi, na Boasi amupeelako imbuto ishasalulwa. Ruti nao alilafye apo alefwaila no kushapo shimo

parched corn, and she did eat, and was satisfied, and left.

Ingano shali ishisuma ishafumine ku mutwe kufisabo ifyo baocele,.

The parched grain consisted of fresh ears taken from the new barley crop and roasted in a pan. Or, as described by W. M. Thompson...

Alisendele no kubwelelamo ku musumba, alanga na nyinafyala ifyo alesotasota. Elyo Ruti nao afumishe icakulya icashelepo ilyo aikwite, apeela na nyinafyala. Nao nyinafyala atile kuli wene, Waciba ulesotasota kwi? Kabili ni kuli ani wacibombela? Abe uwapaalwa umuntu uyo uukulangulukileko!”

A quantity of the best ears are plucked with the stalks attached. These are tied into small parcels. A blazing fire is kindled with dry grass and thorn bushes, and the grain is held in it until most of the chaff is burned off. The grain is roasted enough to be eaten.

Ruti alesotasota mwibala casuka caba icungulo. Ilyo apumine fyonse ifyo alesotasota ifya mbuto sha bale, afumishemo ifyafika ku cipimo ca efa umo. 18Alisendele no kubwelelamo ku musumba, alanga na nyinafyala ifyo alesotasota. Elyo Ruti nao afumishe icakulya icashelepo ilyo aikwite, apeela na nyinafyala.

Ruth's place beside the repears shows that she was an accepted member of the group now. This place of some honor was more than just a courtous ges-ture, however, for the context indicates that she had plenty to eat, with quite a quantity left over, as verse shows.

Ishibeni: ishiwi lya kuti “ukufika” telintu lya seka. Kuti lyakwata ukucita mukupekanya kwa fya kulya, kabili kuti lya pilibula ukutulike fintu mukupekanya kwa fya kulya.

Note: the verb "reached" is unusual. It may have something to do with the preparation of the food; and it may mean to "heap up" a portion in the serving of food.


Tito 2:9, 10 Titus 2:9,10

9Abasha balenakila bashikulwibo no kulabasansamusha mu fintu fyonse. Tabali nakulabakaanyapo nelyo cimo ilyo balelanda, 10nangu ukubebila ifintu. Lelo bafwile ukuilanga ukuti bantu abasuma lyonse, kabili bantu abalingile ukucetekelwa. Epakuti fyonse ifyo balecita fileleta umucinshi ku fifundwa pali Lesa Umupusushi wesu

"Exhort servants to be obedient to their

own masters, and to please them sell in all

things; not answering again; not stealing,

but showing all good fidelity; that they

may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour

in all things."

Ifi fipandwa filelangisha ifipope ififwile ukutunguula ubwikashi bwesu ubwa nshinku shonse.

These verses show in capsule form the principles which are to govern the everyday life of a Christian who is an employee and who wants to be a witness for Christ on the job.

Umwina Kristu abombela pa cipope ca kusenamina. Apele cilangililo ca fisabo fya Mupashi wa Mushilo. Abomfya ifipope fya mu Cipingo icapala icitetekelo icitusha, ukwenda mwisenge na Kristu, ukwikala pamo na Kristu, ukucipanga ubushiku bumo.

A Christian operates on Grace principles. He is gracious. He gives evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. He uses Bible techniques such as Faith-Rest, Walking in Fellowship, Occupation with Christ, to make it through each day producing divine good.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 10

Umwina Kristu Kangalila wa basomboshi nao atile, Uyu mukashana, mwina Moabu uwabwelele ukufuma ku calo ca Moabu pamo na Naomi. 7Ena acisa lomba ati, ‘Napapata lekeni nsotasotemo imisonso ya bale iyileshala no kukaka imyanshi, ndekonka umulesombola abasomboshi benu.’ Kanshi ukufumafye ulucelo ilyo aciya mwibala, acibafye alebomba ukufika na nombaline, elyo acituushakofye pa nshita inono mu cintelelelwe.”

A Christian does his job as though Christ himself were boss - "as unto the Lord." He does a more than a day's work for a day's pay. He is the first to arrive and the last to leave. He takes sick leave only when sick. He doesn't cheat on break time, lunch, etc. He works diligently, cheerfully, enthusiastically, without complaining.

Ukubpmfya icitetekelo icitusha, umwina Kristu acetekela Lesa Shikulu pa lwa . Ukubutuka te kwenda ukulelangilila ukukabila kwa kufwaya ukucita ico tutemonwe ukulola kwisambililo lya ca nkama ca lukuta ulwa ino nkulo litupela ifwe bonse amalyashi yonse ukulola kukwishiba ukupekanya kwakwa Lesa, umulimo, elyo no bufwayo bwakwe palwa myeo yesu panuma yepusukilo.

Using Faith-Rest principles, a Christian trusts the Lord for salary, promotion, status. He is aware that only God knows how much prosperity he should have and when he should be promoted. He rejoices when others get ahead as evidence of the grace of God in their lives even when they don't deserve it.

Umwina Kristue uwiisunga, uwaikanya. Naishino kuti apwali pakuti Shikulu , teeka iyo ukuti bamu bomfye kuli Shikulu, tekuba fye ngo mu bomfi lelo nge mboni ya kwa Kristu.

A Christian is modest, self-effacing, supportive of others, cooperative. He realizes that he is there to be used by the Lord, not only as an employee, but also as a witness for Christ.

Umweo wa mwina Kristu uukwe, uwamulupwa, mu bwikashi ulasansamuka no kuba bwino ilyo balishimikila Kristu

The believer's personal life, social life, family life are happy and stable so that they enhance his work life rather than hinder him on the job.

Kwaliba inshila ishingi isho tupepelamo Lesa, lelo shonse shifwile shalola ku kukula kumupashi kwesu. Fyonse mukulongana mukushinshimuna fifwaya ukucita kushimika icebo cakwa Lesa, umulandu tulecitila ici wakuleta ukukulana.

He exercises grace principles -- recognizes fellow workers as objects of God's grace, does not bear grudges, forgives readily. Every day is a new day. He does not contribute to office gossip or politics, because he has no need to build his success on someone else's failure.

Alelolela pakuti inshita ifike iyakuti ashimikile nokuitulo mwino. Ii nshita yasungwa iyakushimikila pa mweo wa muntu kuti bambi bamone.

He waits patiently for the opportunity for verbal witness, which is almost certain to present itself. The stage has been set for a vital witness by his life witness which others have been able to observe.


Ubulondoloshi Introduction

Kwaliba amashi ayabomfeshiwa mu Cipingo ukulangisga amasambililo ya kupele lambo. Ica kubakilapo kutotela Lesa tacilepilibulo kuti nacishapo napali wene,

There are several terms used in the Bible to describe the act of sacrifice. The first has to do with something given or offered to God, and is used particular with regard to bloodless offerings. Examples are the use of the word "gift" in:

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 11

Ukutendeka 33:13-20 Genesis 33.13-20

13Lelo Yakobo amweba ati, “Shikulu nawishiba ukuti abana tabalakosa, kabili ine nine ndi nokusunga impaanga, imbushi ne ŋombe ishileonsha utwana. Elyo nga cakuti bashensha lunkwa lunkwa akasuba konse nangufye pa bushiku bumo, inama shonse ninshi shikafwa.

13 But Jacob said to him, “My lord knows

that the children are weak, and the flocks

and herds which are nursing are with me.

And if the men should drive them hard one

day, all the flock will die.

14Kanshi shikulu, natangilekofye, na ine ne mubomfi wenu nakulaisa buce buce ukulingana napo ifitekwa fili pantanshi na bana bandi bakulaendela, mpaka nkese fika kuli iwe shikulu ku Seiri.”

14 Please let my lord go on ahead before

his servant. I will lead on slowly at a pace

which the livestock that go before me, and

the children, are able to endure, until I

come to my lord in Seir.”

15Esau epakusosa ati, “Kanshi leka nkushileko abantu bamo abakwenda nabo.” Yakobo ayasuka ati, “Nga ico ulecitila ifyo cinshi? Ine ico ndefwayafye cakuti iwe shikulu unsekelele.”

15 And Esau said, “Now let me leave with

you some of the people who are with me.”

But he said, “What need is there? Let me

find favor in the sight of my lord.”

16Kanshi pali ubo bwine bushiku, Esau aima abwelelamo ku Seiri.

16 So Esau returned that day on his way to


17Lelo Yakobo wena aya ku Sukoti, eko aikuulila iŋanda, kabili akuulako ne misakuta umwakwikala ifitekwa fyakwe. Kanshi eco betila ilya ncende Sukoti.

17 And Jacob journeyed to Succoth, built

himself a house, and made booths for his

livestock. Therefore the name of the place

is called Succoth.

18Panuma ilyo Yakobo abwelele ukufuma ku Padani Aramu, afikilefye umutende ku musumba wa Shekemu mu calo ca Kenani. Acita ne nkambi mupepi no musumba.

18 Then Jacob came safely to the city of

Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan,

when he came from Padan Aram; and he

pitched his tent before the city.

19 Iyi mpanga acitilepo inkambi ashitile pa ndalama isha silifa umwanda umo (100) kuli bamwana Hamori wishi wakwa Shekemu.

19 And he bought the parcel of land, where

he had pitched his tent, from the children

of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for one

hundred pieces of money.

20Muli iyi ncende, emo akuula ubulambo, abwinika ne shina lya Eli Elohe Israeli.

20 Then he erected an altar there and

called it El Elohe Israel.

Ukutendeka 43:11 Genesis 43.11

Elyo shibo Israeli abeba ati, “Kanshi nga

nifyo cili nokuba, ninshi mucite ifi.

Mubuule ifintu ifyawamisha ifyo twakwata

muli cino calo kuno, mubike mu mifuko

yenu. Elyo mukafitwale ngo bupe kuli uyo

muntu. Mukasende utumafuta

twakupangilako umuti, utubuci, ifinyamuti

ifyanunka ubusaka, amafuta yalesha

ifitumbi ukubola muri, ne nseke sha kamuti

ka pisitakio na ka alumondi.

And their father Israel said to them, “If it

must be so, then do this: Take some of the

best fruits of the land in your vessels and

carry down a present for the man—a little

balm and a little honey, spices and myrrh,

pistachio nuts and almonds.

Ishiwi lyakuti ukupelo bunte mu: the word "tribute" in:

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 12

2 Samwele 8:2, 6 2 Samuel 8:2,6

2Kabili Davidi acimfya na bena Moabu.

Abalalika panshi mu milongo, elyo

alabapima na ku mwando. Abali mu

mitande ibili abapingula ukwipaiwa. Elyo

abo bonse abali mu mutande wacitatu

basuminishiwa ukuba abomi. Kanshi abena

Moabu epakusanguka ababomfi bakwa

Davidi no kwamba ukulaleta umutuulo

2 Then he defeated Moab. Forcing them

down to the ground, he measured them off

with a line. With two lines he measured off

those to be put to death, and with one full

line those to be kept alive. So the Moabites

became David’s servants, and brought


6Davidi epakubika utwamba twa bashilika

bakwe mu calo ca bena Aramu wa ku

Damasiko. Elyo abena Aramu nabo baba

ababomfi bakwa Davidi, bayamba no

kulasonka umusonko. Yawe alengele Davidi

ukucimfya konse uko aya.

6 Then David put garrisons in Syria of

Damascus; and the Syrians became David’s

servants, and brought tribute. So the Lord

preserved David wherever he went.

1 Ishamfumu 5:1 1 Kings 5:1

lyo Hiramu imfumu ya ku Turi yaumfwa

ukuti Solomoni nasubwa ukuti eo apyane

pa bufumu bwakwa wishi Davidi, atumako

bacilolo bakwe kuli Solomoni pa mulandu

wakuti Hiramu ali ni cibusa wakwa Davidi

Now Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants

to Solomon, because he heard that they

had anointed him king in place of his

father, for Hiram had always loved David.

2 Ishamfumu 17:4 2 Kings 17:4

4Nomba imfumu ya ku Asiria yasangile

ukuti Hoshea ali ncenjeshi, pantu alitumine

inkombe kuli So imfumu ya ku Egupto,

kabili aleka no kusonka umusonko ku

mfumu ya bena Asiria ngefyo alecita cila

mwaka. Kanshi Shalimaneseri

epakumwikata amubika na mu cifungo.

And the king of Assyria uncovered a

conspiracy by Hoshea; for he had sent

messengers to So, king of Egypt, and

brought no tribute to the king of Assyria,

as he had done year by year. Therefore the

king of Assyria shut him up, and bound

him in prison.

and the word "offering" in:

1 Imilandu 16:29 1 Chronicles 16:29

Mulelondolola ubulumbwa ubwalinga

ishina lyakwa Yawe,

muleleta no mutuulo pakwisa pa cinso


Mulepepa Yawe mu bucindami bwamushilo


Give to the Lord the glory due His name;

Bring an offering, and come before Him.

Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of


Esaya 1:13 Isaiah 1:13

Lekeni ukundetela imituulo yenu


akacena ka bubani mutuula kalenselausha.

Inshikunkulu shenu isha mitebeto ya pa

kumoneka kwa mweshi upya,

ne nshiku she Sabata , na shimbi shine


awe nomba nasho shine nashikowela kuli


Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense is

an abomination to Me. The New Moons, the

Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies— I

cannot endure iniquity and the sacred


Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 13

pa mulandu wa bufibi bwenu.

Nacimbi cintu mulopa uwapelwe lambo umo umulopa wasumine e cintu icikalamba no kupusanako ilambo lya koca. Ishiwi lya mu Cigiliki (thusia) lilabomfeshiwa Icinti ici kankala ukuti ulukuta lubombe bwino kukulana. Ukukulana, nangu ukukula kumupashi, e cintu icikankala mu mweo wa mwina Kristu. Mu Cipangano Cipya ilambo ni (holokautoma)ico icilepilibulo kuti conse (icilatni holocaustum). moneni

The other type is the bloody sacrifice, in which the shedding of blood is the main idea, as opposed to the whole burnt offering which is completely burned. The Greek word (thusia) is used for both the animal in the sacrifice and for the act of burning, whether literal or figurative. In the New Testament, a sacrifice (or offering) is ‘ (holokautoma), which means "wholly consumed (Latin holocaustum). See

Imilimo ya Batumwa 21:26 Acts 21:26

6Kanshi ubushiku ubwakonkapo Paulo

epakubuula aba bantu, aisangulula pamo

nabo. Elyo aingila mwi Tempele.

Alaishibisha abantu ilyo inshita

yakusangululwa ikapwa, nelyo cila umo

umo ali nokutuula umutuulo.

Then Paul took the men, and the next day,

having been purified with them, entered

the temple to announce the expiration of

the days of purification, at which time an

offering should be made for each one of


Imilimo ya Batumwa 24:17 Acts 24:17

“Kwena pa myaka imo imo nalifumine mu

Yerusalemu. Nabwelelefye kukuleta

ifyabupe ku mushobo wandi ifyakwafwako

abalanda, elyo no kulekela Lesa ilambo.

Now after many years I came to bring alms

and offerings to my nation,

Abena Efese 5:2 Ephesians 5:2

2Kabili muleenda abatemwana, nga filya

Kristu atutemenwe, asukile aileka ilambo

pa mulandu wesu, umutuulo uwa cena

cisuma kuli Lesa

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved

us and given Himself for us, an offering

and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling


Abahebere 10:5 Hebrews 10:5

Eico Kristu pakwisa pano calo asosele ati,

“Amalambo ne mituulo taufifwaya, lelo

walinteyanishisha umubili.

Therefore, when He came into the world,

He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not

desire, But a body You have prepared for


Mako 12:33 Mark 12:33

Kabili ukumutemwa no mutima obe onse,

na mano yobe yonse, na maka yobe yonse,

elyo no kutemwa umubiyo ngefyo

waitemwa we mwine, ifi fintu fyalicila

amalambo yonse ayo balekela Lesa no


And to love Him with all the heart, with all

the understanding, with all the soul, and

with all the strength, and to love one’s

neighbor as oneself, is more than all the

whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”

Abahebere 10:6-8 Hebrews 10:6-8


Amalambo yakoca inama yonse nangu

amalambo ya pa fyabubifi

tayakusansamusha nakalya.

6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin

You had no pleasure.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 14


Na ine epakutila, ‘Mona naisa, we Lesa,

kukucita ifyo ufwaya, nga filya fine

calembwa palwa ine mu malembo.’ ”

7 Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come— In the

volume of the book it is written of Me—To

do Your will, O God.’ ”


Ico abalilepo ukulanda, atile, “Amalambo

ne mituulo, amalambo yakoca inama yonse,

na malambo ya pa fyabubifi taufifwaya,

kabili tafikusansamusha nakalya.”

Amafunde yakwa Mose yena yalandile ukuti

aya malambo yali nokutuulwa.

8 Previously saying, “Sacrifice and offering,

burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You

did not desire, nor had pleasure in them”

(which are offered according to the law),

Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God.

Ukutendeka 4:3-4 Genesis 4:3,4

3Mu kuya kwa nshiku, Kaini aletele ifisabo fya mwibala lyakwe ngo mutuulo kuli Yawe.

3 And in the process of time it came to

pass that Cain brought an offering of the

fruit of the ground to the Lord.

4 Lelo Abeli ena aletele ifyamafuta ya mabeli ya fitekwa fyakwe atuula kuli Yawe. Yawe asekelele muli Abeli no mutuulo wakwe,

4 Abel also brought of the firstborn of his

flock and of their fat. And the Lord

respected Abel and his offering,

Icabipe ca kwa Kaini cali ca bupe ca kubalilapo ica mu mushily kabili na Abeli apele ica kubalilapo ica finama. Elyo Nowa alangisho kutotela pamulandu wakupusushiwa. Mukukoshanya mukulenga ukuba uwakuibakilila we mwine no ku bomba panshi ya mubunfisolo bwa bu shimapepo bobe ukupwisha amafya yobe palobe ukubikapofye na mafia ayakalamba sana mu bumi bobe. Panshita watetekela palobe muli Kristu Yesu, umufula walikulilwe umuli ifintu ifingi ukufuma kuli Lesa. Umufula ni Yesu Kristu.

Cain's offering was "of the fruit of the ground," and Abel "of the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof". Then, Noah expressed his thanks for deliverance from the flood by offering burnt sacrifices on an altar he had constructed. The patriarchs consistently built altars and offered sacrifices, particularly in places where God had revealed Himself to them. As Edersheim has put it, in his book The Temple, "Indeed, to sacrifice seems as natural to man as to pray; the one indicates what he feels about himself, the other what he feels about God. The one means a felt need of propitiation, the other a felt sense of dependence."

Mu ma buku ya mafunde, ayakankala ifya kupele lambo kuleimininako ilambo lyakwa Kristu ilyo ilyasendele ulubembu lwesu. Mu nshita ya mafunde ya kwa Mose icabupe celambo cali cilayo ica milimo ne fyalefwaika ifya kupela fifwile fyabapo.

In the Pentateuch, the fundamental idea of sacrifice is that of substitution; and under the Mosaic law the offering of sacrifice was a covenant duty, with the materials of the offering and the ceremonies described in minute detail. The ground on which the legal offering of sacrifices is based is the commandment, "None shall appear before me empty".

Ukufuma 23:15 Exodus 23:15

Ilyo bafikile ku Mara, amenshi ayali kulya

yali ayalula. Kanshi bafililwe no kuyanwa.

Ici ecalengele palya bapenike ishina lya


You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened

Bread (you shall eat unleavened bread

seven days, as I commanded you, at the

time appointed in the month of Abib, for in

it you came out of Egypt; none shall appear

before Me empty);

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 15

Ilyo bafikile ku Mara, amenshi ayali kulya yali ayalula. Kanshi bafililwe no kuyanwa. Ici ecalengele palya bapenike ishina lya Mara.

or "Appear not empty before the face of Jehovah". That is to say, "Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath given thee"

Amalango 16:16-17 Deuteronomy 16:16,17

16“Abaume benu bonse bali nokuya monekela pa cinso cakwa Yawe Lesa wenu imiku itatu pa mwaka pa ncende iyo akasala, emukuti, Inshikunkulu iyakulyamo Imikate Iyishatutumuka, Inshikunkulu ya Milungu elyo ne nshikunkulu ya Nsakwe. Takuli mwaume wakumonekela pa cinso cakwa Yawe iminwe nkutwa.

16 “Three times a year all your males shall

appear before the Lord your God in the

place which He chooses: at the Feast of

Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks,

and at the Feast of Tabernacles; and they

shall not appear before the Lord empty-


17Cila muntu ali nokusenda icabupe ukulingana ngefyo Yawe Lesa wenu amupaala.”

17 Every man shall give as he is able,

according to the blessing of the Lord your

God which He has given you.

Takwali imisango yamipepele mu Cipangano Cakale icapwilikishe ilambo lya kwa Kristu, ici cintu capangilwe na Lesa pakuti imbela ya bantu iya lubembu isuke kabili ukukana samba nokulangisha ukupokelela ukwelelwa kwa lubembu pakuti abantu babe abalungami paccinso ca kwa Lesa.

No religious act in the Old Testament was complete unless accompanied with sacrifice; the system was designed by God with the intention of awakening a consciousness of sin and uncleanness and of showing the possibility of obtaining the forgiveness of sin and becoming righteous before God.

Mukukoshanya mukulenga ukuba uwakuibakilila we mwine no ku bomba panshi ya mubunfisolo bwa bu shimapepo bobe ukupwisha amafya yobe palobe ukubikapofye na mafia ayakalamba sana mu bumi bobe.

Amafya yapwishiwa munshila shibili: ukupitila mukubomfya ifisolobelo fya mu Cipingo ifya kupwishishako amafya, elyo no kupitila mukwishiba ifikomo fimo ifya cebo cakwa Lesa. Ukukulana cikoselesho mukubomba kwa citemwiko mu lukuta, ukupitila mukushipikisha kulaleto kukula ku mupashi.

The presenting to God a gift of a portion of the results of one's labor implied a surrender of the person to God. But man is unholy and sinful, and is thus unable to surrender himself to the holy God. Therefore, laying the hand upon the head of the animal was a symbol of transferring to the victim of the sacrifice the sinfulness of the offeror. The animal thus took the place of the offeror and became his substitute; and the killing of the animal pointed out the necessity of death of the man whose sin alienates him from God.

Lelo, amalambo, ayapale nge fyo tayakwete anmaka ukuposha kwa kupusana pa kati ka bantu na Lesa. Ilyo Yesu Kristu uushabembwike kabili umulungami uwali ni Les kabili umuntu, aipeleshe umwine pa musalaba, afikilishe ifunde kabili no kwiminininako amalambo ne fyabupe fyonse.

However, sacrifices, as such, had no power in themselves to heal the rupture between God and man, because an animal cannot make an adequate satisfaction for the sin and guilt of man. When Jesus Christ, the sinless and righteous God-man, voluntarily offered Himself on the Cross, He fulfilled the Law of sacrifices and ordinances; and the typical meaning of each sacrifice and offering was brought out in full.

Mukukoshanya mukulenga ukuba uwakuibakilila we mwine no ku bomba panshi

The rest of this study is devoted to a description of the Mosaic sacrifices and

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 16

ya mubunfisolo bwa bu shimapepo bobe ukupwisha amafya yobe palobe ukubikapofye na mafia ayakalamba sana mu bumi bobe.

offerings, including a study of the materials used in each offering, the ceremony employed in making the sacrifice, and a brief discussion of the spiritual meaning, the typology, of each.

Ifikomo fya malambo ya bena Levi The Classes of Levitical Sacrifices

Kwali fikomo fibili ifya malambo mu Cipangano Cakale

There were two classes of sacrifice in Old Testament times.

Ilyakubalilapo lya li lilambo ilyapelwe pakuti abe mwisenge na Lesa. Ifi fishibikwe ukuti malambo ya kukonsolwelako ifyali lubembu nama mpulu.

The first class was those sacrifices offered to enable a person to enter into communion (fellowship) with God. These are known as propitiatory offerings and included the sin and trespass offerings.

Icacibili yali lilambo ilyapelwe iyapelwe ku wasumina ifi fyalundilepo fye ilambo lya mutende, ilya kutasha, ilambo lyakulaya kabili ne fyakulya ne fyakunwa ifya bupe.

The second class was intended to be offerings made by believers in fellowship; and these included the burnt offerings, peace offerings, thank offerings, votive offerings, freewill offerings, and meal and drink offerings.

Icintu cimo icisangwamo ilingi lingi mubumi bwa mwina kristu kweshiwa. Twikala mwisonde ilya wa muncende umwabula ukupwilila mukati ka bantu abo inshila shabumi bwabo shitungululwa na shetani elyo ne mbela ya membu shabo. Teti tukanye ukukwesana, ukulwishanya, no kutalalikana ukufuma muli ifi.

Keep in mind that when several sacrifices were offered on the same occasion, the propitiatory offerings were offered first, followed by the burnt offerings, and then the peace offering. The meal and drink offerings were offered with the burnt offerings, or by themselves.

Materials Used in the Sacrifices

Tukumanya amasanso yacilabushiku ayanono na yakalamba aya letwa pali ifwe mumikalile yabubumbo, mukukan ibukila, limbi na bantu mumicitile iyakumufulo, limbi nangu limo kumulandu wakulufyanya kwesu nangu imembu shesu.

With respect to the materials used in the sacrifices, they were divided into two classes: the blood sacrifices, in which an animal was killed, and the bloodless offerings, the "meal" (vegetable and mineral) and drink offerings.

Inama ishapelwe shali ni mpanga, ingombe, imbushi no tuni. Utuni twa nseba twalebomfeshiwa na bantu abashingakwanisha inama sha mutengo.

Animals offered included oxen, sheep, goats, and turtledoves or young pigeons. The pigeons were used by people who could not afford the more expensive animals and to serve as lesser sin offerings.

Abena Lebi 5:7 Leviticus 5:7

Nga cakuti umuntu takwete umwana wa

mpaanga ali nokuleta utupele tubili nangu

utubondo twa nkunda tubili kuli Yawe

icifuta mulandu pa bubifi acita. Kamo ka

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi acitile elyo

na kambi ke lambo lyakoca.

If he is not able to bring a lamb, then he

shall bring to the Lord, for his trespass

which he has committed, two turtledoves

or two young pigeons: one as a sin offering

and the other as a burnt offering.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 17

Abena Lebi 12:8 Leviticus 12:8

“Nga cakuti umwanakashi uyu takwete

umwana wa mpaanga, ninshi afwile

ukuletafye utubondo twa nkunda tubili,

nangu utwana twa fipele tubili, kamo ke

lambo lya cakoca, kambi nako ka mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa bubifi. Iyi e nshila

shimapepo ali nokutuulilamo ilambo

lyakufuta pa fyamukowesha, nao lyena


And if she is not able to bring a lamb, then

she may bring two turtledoves or two

young pigeons—one as a burnt offering

and the other as a sin offering. So the

priest shall make atonement for her, and

she will be clean.’

Both male and female cattle could be offered.

Abena Lebi 3:1-6 Leviticus 3:1-6

1 “Umuntu nga alepeela umutuulo

wakwampana, elyo atuula icitekwa ca pa

mukuni wakwe, nalimo cilume nangu

cikota, ico ali nokutuula kuli Yawe cifwile

caba icabula akalema.

1 ‘When his offering is a sacrifice of a

peace offering, if he offers it of the herd,

whether male or female, he shall offer it

without blemish before the Lord.

2Natambalike ukuboko kwakwe pa mutwe

wa nama ya mutuulo wakwe nokuipaila pa

mwinshi wa mpongolo ye Tenti

Lyakukumaninamo. Elyo bamwana Aroni

abaume bashimapepo bali nokukana

umulopa mu mbali shonse isha bulambo.

2 And he shall lay his hand on the head of

his offering, and kill it at the door of the

tabernacle of meeting; and Aaron’s sons,

the priests, shall sprinkle the blood all

around on the altar.

3Kabili atuule icipande ce lambo

lyakwampana ukuba umutuulo wacakoca

kuli Yawe, emukutila amafuta yonse

ayalambatila ku fya munda pamo na yonse

ayaba munda,

3 Then he shall offer from the sacrifice of

the peace offering an offering made by fire

to the Lord. The fat that covers the entrails

and all the fat that is on the entrails,

4imfyo shonse shibili na mafuta yabako

mupepi no musana na fyonse ifyalambatila

ku libu, efyo ali nokukambatwila pamo ne


4 the two kidneys and the fat that is on

them by the flanks, and the fatty lobe

attached to the liver above the kidneys, he

shall remove;

5Bamwana Aroni abaume bali nokocela

fyonse ifi pa bulambo, pa mulu we lambo

lyakoca ilili pa cininkwa ca mulilo wa

nkuni, ngo mutuulo wa cakoca uwa cena

cisuma icisekesha Yawe.

5 and Aaron’s sons shall burn it on the

altar upon the burnt sacrifice, which is on

the wood that is on the fire, as an offering

made by fire, a sweet aroma to the Lord.

6“Nga cakuti umuntu atuula impaanga

nangu imbushi imo iya mu mukuni wakwe

ukuba umutuulo wakwampana kuli Yawe,

alingile atuula iyilume nelyo iyikota

iyabula akalema.

6 ‘If his offering as a sacrifice of a peace

offering to the Lord is of the flock, whether

male or female, he shall offer it without


Among the sheep and goats special prominence was given to the male animal.

Impendwa 15:5 Numbers 15:5

5Atuule ne cipimo ca pakati ka citika wa

hini wa mwangashi ngo mutuulo wa

and one-fourth of a hin of wine as a drink

offering you shall prepare with the burnt

offering or the sacrifice, for each lamb.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 18

cakunwa ukulunda pa mutuulo na pelambo

lyakoca ilya cila mwana wa mpaanga.

Impendwa 28:11 Numbers 28:11

11“Pa bushiku bonse ubwakutampa

umweshi mukaletuula Yawe ilambo lyakoca

ilya fiponti fya ŋombe ifilume fibili,

sukusuku umo no twana twa mpaanga

utulume cine lubali utwa mwaka umo umo,

fyonse ifyabula akalema.

At the beginnings of your months you shall

present a burnt offering to the Lord: two

young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs in

their first year, without blemish;

The animal had to be at least eight days old.

Abena Levi 22:27 Leviticus 22:27

27“Ilyo lyonse iŋombe, impaanga, nangu

imbushi yafyalwa, ifwile ukuba na nyina pa

nshiku cine lubali. Elyo ukufuma pa

bushiku bwa cine konse konse no kuya

kuntanshi, awe lyena naisuminishiwa

ukuba umutuulo we lambo lya cakoca kuli


“When a bull or a sheep or a goat is born, it

shall be seven days with its mother; and

from the eighth day and thereafter it shall

be accepted as an offering made by fire to

the Lord.

Ukufuma 22:30 Exodus 22:30

Uli nokucita cimo cine ku ŋombe shobe ne

mpaanga shobe. Amabeli ayalume yakabe

kuli banyina inshiku cine lubali, elyo pa

bwalenga cine konse konse mukayapeele

kuli ine.

Likewise you shall do with your oxen and

your sheep. It shall be with its mother

seven days; on the eighth day you shall

give it to Me.

Impanga ne mbushi shapelwe iyo sha kwanishe umeaka umo,

Sheep and goats were usually offered when a year old (Exo. 29:38; Lev. 9:3).

Ukufuma 29:38 “Ifi efyo uli nokutuula pa

bulambo cila bushiku, lyonsefye ukaletuula

ilambo lya bana ba mpaanga babili abali no

mwaka umo.

Exodus 29.38Now this is what you shall

offer on the altar: two lambs of the first

year, day by day continually.

Abena Lebi 9:3 Leviticus 9.3

3Elyo eba abena Israeli auti, ‘Buulenipo

sawe umo ukuba umutuulo wakwelelwa pa

bubifi, iciponti ca ŋombe no mwana wa

mpaanga fyonse ifyakumanya umwaka umo

umo ifyabula akalema fibe ifye lambo


And to the children of Israel you shall

speak, saying, ‘Take a kid of the goats as a

sin offering, and a calf and a lamb, both of

the first year, without blemish, as a burnt


Oxen were offered when they were three years old. Any animal offered had to be free from any blemish.

Abena Lebi 22:20-24 Leviticus 22:20-24

20 Tecakwesha ukuleta conse icili na

kalema, pantu tacakapokelelwe


20 Whatever has a defect, you shall not

offer, for it shall not be acceptable on your


21Ilyo lyonse umuntu aleta ice lambo

lyakwe ukufuma pa mukuni wa ŋombe

21 And whoever offers a sacrifice of a

peace offering to the Lord, to fulfill his

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 19

nangu impaanga kukuba umutuulo

wakwampana kuli Yawe, kukufikilisha

umulapo nangu umutuulo wakuitemenwa,

ninshi inama ya mutuulo we lambo ifwile

ukuba iyabula akalema akali konse pakuti


vow, or a freewill offering from the cattle

or the sheep, it must be perfect to be

accepted; there shall be no defect in it.

22Tecakwesha ukutuula inama ye lambo

iyishimona, iyacenwa nangu iyafunika,

yonse iyakwata ifipumba, iya filonda

ifyatukila nangu ifilesuma. Tecakwesha

ukubika ishi nama pa bulambo nge lambo

lya cakoca kuli Yawe.

22 Those that are blind or broken or

maimed, or have an ulcer or eczema or

scabs, you shall not offer to the Lord, nor

make an offering by fire of them on the

altar to the Lord.

23Nalimo kuti mwatuula inama ye lambo

lyakuitemenwa iŋombe nangu impaanga

iyatusa, atemwa iyalemana mu musango uli

onse lelo talili nakupokelelwa nge

cakufikilishapo umulapo.

23 Either a bull or a lamb that has any limb

too long or too short you may offer as a

freewill offering, but for a vow it shall not

be accepted.

24Tecakwesha ukutuula kuli Yawe inama

ilume iyo intoyo shakwebululwa,

ishatinaulwa, ishalepulwa nangu

ukuputulwa. Tamufwile ukucita ifi mu calo


24 ‘You shall not offer to the Lord what is

bruised or crushed, or torn or cut; nor shall

you make any offering of them in your


“Umuntu nga alefwaya ukuleta umutuulo wa cabunga kuli Yawe, umutuulo wakwe ufwile ukuba ubunga bwa ŋanu ubwapeleka bwino. Pa bunga alingile ukwitilapo amafuta, apupilepo ne cinyamuti ca fulankinisenshi icanunka ubusaka. (Abena Levi 2:1-15)

Vegetables offered were grain, olive oil, wine, salt, and incense, which was partly vegetable and partly mineral. The grain was offered roasted in the ear or as fine flour, to both of which incense and oil were added (Lev. 2:1-15), or as unleavened bread or biscuits.

Belengeni Abena Lebi 2:1-15 READ Leviticus 2:1-15

Nga uletuula umutuulo wa cabunga uwaocewa mwibuku, ufwile ukupangila no bunga bwa ŋanu ubwapeleka bwino no kupangako imikate umushaba citutumushi.

The bread was either baked in an oven, baked in a pan, or fried in oil; in each case the flour was mixed with oil.

Fyonse ifyabupe fya nama no musalu fyalibikulweko mucele.

All of the animal and vegetable offerings had to be salted .

Abena Lebi 2:13 Leviticus 2:13

13Mu mutuulo wa cabunga onse,

ulebikamo umucele. Tecakwesha ukulaba

ukubika uyu mucele wa cipangano cakwa

Lesa obe mu mutuulo obe uwa cabunga.

Kabili lundapo umucele pa mutuulo obe


And every offering of your grain offering

you shall season with salt; you shall not

allow the salt of the covenant of your God

to be lacking from your grain offering. With

all your offerings you shall offer salt.

Ezekiele 43:24 Ezekiel 43:24

mukafilete fyonse kuli ine ne Yawe.

Bashimapepo bakasansapo umucele, no

kufituula nge lambo ilyakoca.

When you offer them before the Lord, the

priests shall throw salt on them, and they

will offer them up as a burnt offering to

the Lord.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 20

Mako 9:49 Mark 9:49

9Nga filya balunga umucele mu fyakulya,

efyo onse akalungwamo umulilo wa


For everyone will be seasoned with fire,

and every sacrifice will be seasoned with


Takwali nangu cimo icakututumusha icabikilweko.

Neither leaven nor honey were allowed in any offering made to God by fire .

Abena Lebi 2:13 Leviticus 2:13

3Mu mutuulo wa cabunga onse, ulebikamo

umucele. Tecakwesha ukulaba ukubika uyu

mucele wa cipangano cakwa Lesa obe mu

mutuulo obe uwa cabunga. Kabili lundapo

umucele pa mutuulo obe onse.

13 And every offering of your grain

offering you shall season with salt; you

shall not allow the salt of the covenant of

your God to be lacking from your grain

offering. With all your offerings you shall

offer salt.

Fyonse fya bupe fya nama ne fyakoca fyasalilwe mukupelwe lambo ukufuma kufyakulya lyonse Ukweshiwa kobe kuti kwaba ukwalingana napamo ukwakosa nangu cimo pakati. Kwaba amafya mundupwa ya ndalama, ukulwishanya mu mikalile, amafya pancito. Aleshiba amesho yenu yonse neyo tayalacitika kabili alapekanya kalibela ifya kutwa fwa muku kabila kwesu.

The animals and meat offerings selected for sacrifice were from the ordinary food of the Hebrews, in order to express gratitude for blessings bestowed and to pray for continuation of His goodness. As these offerings were the fruit of their life and work, and presenting them showed a consecration to God of their life with all its ability and energy.

Inshila umo balepelelamo amalambo The Method of Presentation of the


Amalambo ya nama yaletelwe pa mwinshi nangu mwu hema mupepi ne cintamba. Umuntu uwalelete nama abikile iminwe pa mutwe wa nama, kabili noikuipaila mupepi ne cintamba.

In animal sacrifices, the animal was brought to the door or the tabernacle, near the altar. The person bringing the animal placed his hand on the animal's head, then killed it at the north side of the altar.

Abena Lebi 1:4, 5, 11 Leviticus 1:4,5,11

4 Kabili natambalike ukuboko kwakwe pa mutwe we lambo lyakoca, elyo lyena lili nokupokelelwa nge cakufutilwako pa bubifi bwakwe.

4 Then he shall put his hand on the head of

the burnt offering, and it will be accepted

on his behalf to make atonement for him.

5Elyo panuma yakwipaya cilume wa ŋombe pa cinso cakwa Yawe, bashimapepo bamwana Aroni abaume babuule umulopa no kulakana mu mbali shonse isha bulambo ku mpongolo ye Tenti Lyakukumaninamo.

5 He shall kill the bull before the Lord; and

the priests, Aaron’s sons, shall bring the

blood and sprinkle the blood all around on

the altar that is by the door of the

tabernacle of meeting.

Uuletele nama ye lambo afwile aipaila ku

kapinda ka ku kuso ka bulambo pa cinso

cakwa Yawe. Bashimapepo bamwana Aroni

abaume bali nokukana umulopa waiko mu

mbali shonse isha bulambo

11 He shall kill it on the north side of the

altar before the Lord; and the priests,

Aaron’s sons, shall sprinkle its blood all

around on the altar.

Abena Lebi 3:2, 8 Leviticus 3:2,8

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 21

2Natambalike ukuboko kwakwe pa mutwe

wa nama ya mutuulo wakwe nokuipaila pa

mwinshi wa mpongolo ye Tenti

Lyakukumaninamo. Elyo bamwana Aroni

abaume bashimapepo bali nokukana

umulopa mu mbali shonse isha bulambo.

2 And he shall lay his hand on the head of

his offering, and kill it at the door of the

tabernacle of meeting; and Aaron’s sons,

the priests, shall sprinkle the blood all

around on the altar.

8Ali nokutambalika ukuboko kwakwe pa

mutwe wa mutuulo no kuipaila pantanshi

ye Tenti Lyakukumaninamo. Elyo bamwana

Aroni abaume bakane umulopa wa mwana

wa mpaanga mu mbali shonse isha


8 And he shall lay his hand on the head of

his offering, and kill it before the

tabernacle of meeting; and Aaron’s sons

shall sprinkle its blood all around on the


Abena Levi 6:25 Leviticus 6:25

Sosa kuli Aroni pamo na bana bakwe

abaume, utile, aya e mafunde yakukonka

pakuleka umutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi

ukalaipailwa pa ncende apo bepaila ilambo

lyakoca kuli Yawe. Ili lilambo lyamushilo


Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying,

‘This is the law of the sin offering: In the

place where the burnt offering is killed, the

sin offering shall be killed before the Lord.

It is most holy.

Abena Lebi 7:2 Leviticus 7:2

Umutuulo wakufuta pa fyabubifi uli

nokwipaiwa pa ncende iyo bepailapo

ilambo lyakoca. Elyo umulopa wena bali

nokuukana mu mbali shonse isha bulambo

In the place where they kill the burnt

offering they shall kill the trespass

offering. And its blood he shall sprinkle all

around on the altar.

Shimapepo uuli nokutuula uyu mutuulo e ulifye no kulyako. Afwile aliila mu ncende iyamushilo iya mu lubansa lwe Tenti Lyakukumaninamo. Na conse icili nokukumya ku munofu waciko cili nokuba icamushilo. Kabili umulopa nga watonena ku cakufwala, ufwile ukucisamfya mu ncende iyamushilo.

When the sacrifice was part of the regular services on festive occasions or offered on behalf of the whole people, the animals were slaughtered and cut up by the priests.

Inongo umwipikilwe iyi nama, ifwile ukutobwa, kanofye nga epikile mu mupika wa mukuba, wena naukuuswe no kusambwa na menshi bwino bwino. Umwaume onse uwa muli bashimapepo euli nokulyako uyu mutuulo, wamushilo nganshi. Lelo ilyo umulopa wa mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi waletwa kwi .

Once the animal was slain, the priest caught the blood in a vessel, and depending on the nature of the sacrifice, sprinkled some of it either on the side of the altar, on the horns of the Altar of Incense, or on the Ark (Day of Atonement). The remainder of the blood was emptied at the foot of the great altar.

Ukufuma 29:12 Exodus 29:12

Nomba senda inkonto iyo wikete mu

minwe, eyo ukalacitilako ifisungusho.”

You shall take some of the blood of the bull

and put it on the horns of the altar with

your finger, and pour all the blood beside

the base of the altar.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 22

Abena Lebi 4:17 Leviticus 4:17

Nomba senda inkonto iyo wikete mu

minwe, eyo ukalacitilako ifisungusho.”

Then the priest shall dip his finger in the

blood and sprinkle it seven times before

the Lord, in front of the veil.

nangu abifya muli uyu musango uwa bucenjeshi, alingile ukubwesha ifi fintu aibile nangu asendele mu bucenjeshi nangufye ni filya fine umunankwe asekesheko, na filya fine atolele, 5elyo na conse ico alapilepo umulapo wabufi. Fyonse ifyo asendele alingile ukubwesha no kulundapo cimo pali cila fisano no kubwesesha ku mwine pa bushiku bumo bwine ali nokutuula umutuulo wakufuta pa fyabubifi.

The animal was then skinned and cut into pieces by the offeror (or priest), and either entirely burnt on the altar or just the fat burnt on the altar, with any remainder being burnt outside the camp. This "burning" amounted to cooking the animal, and the animal was then eaten by the priests, or by the priests along with the one who had brought the animal.

Nge cifuta mulandu alete kuli shimapepo, emukutila kuli Yawe, umutuulo wakufuta pa bubifi, ukufuma pa mukuni wakwe, sukusuku uwabula akalema, uwa mutengo uwalinga. Na muli iyi nshila, shimapepo .

If the sacrifice was a bird, the priest wrung off the bird's head and allowed the blood to flow on the side of the altar. He then threw the viscera on the ash heap beside the altar, and the head and body were burnt on the altar.

Abena Lebi 1:15 Leviticus 1:15

Shimapepo ali nokucileta ku bulambo,

acinyongotola no kucocela pa bulambo.

Umulopa waciko auleke ukonkolokele

mumbali ya bulambo

The priest shall bring it to the altar, wring

off its head, and burn it on the altar; its

blood shall be drained out at the side of

the altar.

Umusalu wa Umuntu nga alefwaya ukuleta umutuulo wa cabunga kuli Yawe, umutuulo wakwe ufwile ukuba ubunga bwa ŋanu ubwapeleka bwino. Pa bunga alingile ukwitilapo amafuta, apupilepo ne cinyamuti ca fulankinisenshi icanunka ubusaka.

If vegetable offerings were being made at the same time as burnt offerings, part of the flour and oil, some of the ears of corn and the cakes, along with the incense, were burned on the altar, the remainder going to the priests, who were required to consume it in the court of the tabernacle without leaven.

Abene Lebi 2:2 Leviticus 2:2

Kabili atwale ifi fyonse kuli bashimapepo

bamwana Aroni abaume. Elyo shimapepo

ali nokubuula ulupi lwa bunga bwa ŋanu,

na mafuta ne cinyamuti ca fulankinisenshi

conse no kufyocela pamo pa bulambo

mukuba icibukisho ca mutuulo wa cakoca,

uwa cena cisuma icisekesha Yawe.

He shall bring it to Aaron’s sons, the

priests, one of whom shall take from it his

handful of fine flour and oil with all the

frankincense. And the priest shall burn it

as a memorial on the altar, an offering

made by fire, a sweet aroma to the Lord.

Abena Lebi 6:9-11 Leviticus 6:9–11

Eba Aroni na bana bakwe abaume ifyebo ifi,

pakuti efyo balekonka ilyo lyonse baleka

ilambo lyakoca. Ilambo lyakoca lili

nokubafye pa bulambo ubushiku bonse pa

cininkwa ca mulilo mpaka bwaca.

9 “Command Aaron and his sons, saying,

‘This is the law of the burnt offering: The

burnt offering shall be on the hearth upon

the altar all night until morning, and the

fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it.

10Elyo Shimapepo ali nokufwala umwingila

wa nsalu iyatelela elyo na kaputula wa

10 And the priest shall put on his linen

garment, and his linen trousers he shall

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 23

nsalu iyatelela mukati ka mwingila no

kukusa imito ye lambo lyakoca ilipiile ku

bulambo no kuibika mu mbali ya bulambo.

put on his body, and take up the ashes of

the burnt offering which the fire has

consumed on the altar, and he shall put

them beside the altar.

11Elyo ali nokufuula ifi fyakufwala no

kufwala fimbi pakutwala imito kunse ya

nkambi ku ncende iyasangululwa.

11 Then he shall take off his garments, put

on other garments, and carry the ashes

outside the camp to a clean place.

2Umulilo wa pa bulambo uli nokulaaka lyonse, taufwile kushima iyoo. Ulucelo lyonse shimapepo ali nokubikapo inkuni no kupekanya ilambo lyakoca pa mulilo no kocapo amafuta ya mutuulo wakwampana

If the offering was a thank offering, one cake was presented as a wave offering (see below) to God, and was given to the priest who spilled the blood.

Abena Lebi 7:14 Leviticus 7:14

Ali nokutuulapo cila umo ngo musangulo

kuli Yawe. Uyu musangulo wakwa

shimapepo uukana umulopa wa mituulo

yakwampana ku bulambo.

And from it he shall offer one cake from

each offering as a heave offering to the

Lord. It shall belong to the priest who

sprinkles the blood of the peace offering.

Ifyabupe ifyasheleko fyalilwe na bantu abo aba pele

The remainder of the offering was eaten by those who presented it.

Icabupe ca lubembu The Sin Offering

Ica bupe ca lubembu casoselwe paku bala mu Bena Nga ni shimapepo uwasubwa ewacita ubu bubifi no kulenga na bambi abantu balebifya, alingilefye ukuleta iciponti kuli Yawe no kufuta umulandu onse. Alingile ukuleta icabula akalema ngo mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi acita. 4Nalete uyu cilume wa ŋombe ku mpongolo ye Tenti Lyakukumaninamo pa cinso cakwa Yawe. Ali nokutambalika ukuboko kwakwe pa mutwe wa ciponti no kucipaila pa menso yakwa YaweElyo shimapepo uwasubwa na mafuta, ali nokusendako umulopa umo uwa cilume wa ŋombe nokutwala mwi Tenti Lyakukumaninamo. 6Natumpike umunwe mu mulopa no kukana imiku cine lubali pa cinso cakwa Yawe kuntanshi ya cisalu icicinga ku cifulo camushilo.

The sin offering was first directly commanded in Lev. 4. "If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which ought not to be done, and shall do against any of them", then that conduct would required a sin offering. The idea is that some sins are unintentional, "in error", and may have been committed through ignorance, hurry, lack of consideration, or carelessness, in other words, sins which came from human weakness, as opposed to sins which are deliberately and knowingly done in rebellion against God and His commandments. [The penalty for presumptuous sin was to be cut off from among God's people.

Abena Lebi 15:30 Leviticus 15:30

Shimapepo nao ali nokutuulapo kamo, ngo

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi, kambi nako

nge lambo lya cakoca. Na muli uyu

musango emo shimapepo ali nokufutilako

uyu mwanakashi kuli Yawe pa mulandu wa

kukowela kwakwe palwa kupompa.

Then the priest shall offer the one as a sin

offering and the other as a burnt offering,

and the priest shall make atonement for

her before the Lord for the discharge of her


Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 24

Ubukankala bwe lambo lya lubembu bwali kwelela kwa lubembu no kusamba ukufuma kulubembu

The effect of the sin offering was forgiveness of the sin and cleansing from the pollution of sin.

Abena Lebi 4:20, 26, 31, 35 Leviticus 4:20,26,31,35

20 fi efyo alingile ukucita kuli cilume wa

ŋombe uyu, nga fintu engacita kuli cilume

wa ŋombe uwa mutuulo wakwelelwa pa

bubifi. Iyi e nshila shimapepo ali

nokutuulilamo ilambo lyakufuta pa

fyabubifi fyabo, nabo bakelelwa.

20 And he shall do with the bull as he did

with the bull as a sin offering; thus he shall

do with it. So the priest shall make

atonement for them, and it shall be

forgiven them.

26Ifi efyo alingile ukucita ukoca amafuta

yonse pa bulambo pamo nga fintu engacita

ku mafuta ya mutuulo wakwampana. Iyi e

nshila shimapepo ali nokutuulilamo

umutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi pa

mulandu wa bubifi bwa iyi ntungulushi,

nayo ikelelwa.

26 And he shall burn all its fat on the altar,

like the fat of the sacrifice of the peace

offering. So the priest shall make

atonement for him concerning his sin, and

it shall be forgiven him.

31Ali nokufumyako yonse amafuta, pamo

ngefyo amafuta yafumishiwa ku mutuulo

wakwampana, elyo shimapepo ali

nokufyoca pa bulambo ngo mutuulo uwa

cena cisuma icisekesha Yawe. Iyi e nshila

shimapepo ali nokutuulilamo umutuulo

wakwelelwa pa bubifi pa mulandu wa

cabubifi cakwe, nao akelelwa.

31 He shall remove all its fat, as fat is

removed from the sacrifice of the peace

offering; and the priest shall burn it on the

altar for a sweet aroma to the Lord. So the

priest shall make atonement for him, and it

shall be forgiven him.

Ali nokufumyako yonse amafuta, pamo

ngefyo amafuta ya mwana wa mpaanga

yafumishiwa ku mutuulo wakwampana,

elyo shimapepo ali nokufyocela pa

bulambo pamo ne mituulo ya kuli Yawe. Iyi

e nshila shimapepo ali nokutuulilamo

umutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi acitile,

ninshi uyu muntu akelelwa.”

35 He shall remove all its fat, as the fat of

the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of

the peace offering. Then the priest shall

burn it on the altar, according to the

offerings made by fire to the Lord. So the

priest shall make atonement for his sin

that he has committed, and it shall be

forgiven him.

Abena Lebi 5:10 Leviticus 5:10

Elyo nomba shimapepo ali nokutuula

akapele nangu akabondo kashele nge

lambo lyakoca ukulingana na mafunde.

Shimapepo ali nokumutuulilako umutuulo

wakufuta pa bubifi, nao akelelwa.

And he shall offer the second as a burnt

offering according to the prescribed

manner. So the priest shall make

atonement on his behalf for his sin which

he has committed, and it shall be forgiven


Abena Lebi 12:8 Leviticus 12:8

Elyo nomba shimapepo ali nokutuula

akapele nangu akabondo kashele nge

lambo lyakoca ukulingana na mafunde.

Shimapepo ali nokumutuulilako umutuulo

wakufuta pa bubifi, nao akelelwa.

And if she is not able to bring a lamb, then

she may bring two turtledoves or two

young pigeons—one as a burnt offering

and the other as a sin offering. So the

priest shall make atonement for her, and

she will be clean.’

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 25

Abena Lebi 14:20 Leviticus 14:20

no kuyatuula pa bulambo, pamo pene no

mutuulo wa cabunga, kukulenga uyu

mulwele abe uwasangululwa.

And the priest shall offer the burnt offering

and the grain offering on the altar. So the

priest shall make atonement for him, and

he shall be clean.

Abena Lebi 16:19 Leviticus 16:19

19Elyo atumpike umunwe mu mulopa no

kukana ku bulambo imiku cine lubali ukuti

busangululwe ukufuma ku kukowela kwa

bena Israeli bonse.

Then he shall sprinkle some of the blood

on it with his finger seven times, cleanse it,

and consecrate it from the uncleanness of

the children of Israel.

lyo Aroni apwisha ukufutilako Umuputule wamushilo icine cine, Itenti Lyakukumaninamo pamo pene no bulambo, ali nokuleta nomba imbushi iyituntulu.

Its presentation assumed that the offeror was conscious of sin; and the laying on of the hands was understood to mean that the sin was to be transferred to the animal.

Abena Lebi 4:4, 14 Leviticus 4:4,14

Nalete uyu cilume wa ŋombe ku mpongolo

ye Tenti Lyakukumaninamo pa cinso cakwa

Yawe. Ali nokutambalika ukuboko kwakwe

pa mutwe wa ciponti no kucipaila pa

menso yakwa Yawe.

4 He shall bring the bull to the door of the

tabernacle of meeting before the Lord, lay

his hand on the bull’s head, and kill the

bull before the Lord.

Ilyo ububifi bacitile bwaishibikwa, ulukuta

luli nokuletafye iciponti ngo mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa bubifi. Bali nokumuleta kwi

Tenti Lyakukumaninamo

14 when the sin which they have

committed becomes known, then the

assembly shall offer a young bull for the

sin, and bring it before the tabernacle of


Umweo lyakukumaninamo no kufuula ifyakufwala fya bushimapepo, ifyo acifwala pakwingila mu Muputule wamushilo icine cine, no kufisha mulya mwine mwi Tenti. 24Aroni ali nokowa umubili onse na menshi mu ncende yamushilo elyo nokufwala ifyakufwala fyakwe. Nga apwisha ukufwala, ali nokuya panse mukuleka ilambo lyakoca ilyakwefye umwine ne lambo lyakoca ilya bantu bonse, mukuifutilako umwine elyo na bantu bonse.

The soul was brought into fellowship within divine grace through the pouring out of the blood of the sacrifice, analogous to the death of Christ on the Cross. The burning of the fat on the altar was an offering of a "sweet savor" to God, and was symbolical of the handing over to God the better part of man, that which is capable of cleansing and renewal, in order that it might be purified by the fire of God's holiness and love.

Ifyalefwaika pakupele lambo lyalubembu The Material of the Sin Offering

Inama iyali nokwipaiwa yasalilwe nokulingana nembela yelambo no mulandu uyo umuntu apangile.

The animal to be offered was determined by the nature of the offense and by the position, or rank, of the one making the offering.

Ka bulu akanono kalipelwe kulu bembu lwa cilonganino conse.

A young bullock was offered for a sin of the whole congregation

Abena Lebi 4:13 Leviticus 4:13

“Nga cakuti ulukuta lonse ulwa bena Israeli

lwacita icabubifi cimo mukukanaishiba ico

Yawe alesha mu mafunde yakwe, nangufye

‘Now if the whole congregation of Israel

sins unintentionally, and the thing is

hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 26

ulukuta talwishibe umo umulandu ulolele,

nalyo line mulandu.

they have done something against any of

the commandments of the Lord in anything

which should not be done, and are guilty;

Pa lubembu lwa kwa shimapepo mukalamba for a sin of the high priest

Abena lebi 4:3 Leviticus 4:3

“‘Nga ni shimapepo uwasubwa ewacita ubu

bubifi no kulenga na bambi abantu

balebifya, alingilefye ukuleta iciponti kuli

Yawe no kufuta umulandu onse. Alingile

ukuleta icabula akalema ngo mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa bubifi acita.

if the anointed priest sins, bringing guilt

on the people, then let him offer to the

Lord for his sin which he has sinned a

young bull without blemish as a sin


Pa lwa kwa shimapepo ba bushiku bwa kulubulwa

for the high priest on the Day of Atonement

Abena Lebi 16:3 Leviticus 16:3

3“Ifi efyo Aroni afwile ukulaingila mu

cifulo camushilo. Ali nokuleta iciponti ngo

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi elyo na

sukusuku nge lambo lya cakoca.

Thus Aaron shall come into the Holy Place:

with the blood of a young bull as a sin

offering, and of a ram as a burnt offering.

Kabili pakupela kwa bashimapepo na bena Levi.

and for the consecration of priests and Levites to their offices

Abena Lebi 29:10, 14, 35 Exodus 29:10,14,35

0“Ukalete ne ciponti pa ntanshi ye Tenti

Lyakukumaninamo, elyo Aroni na bana

bakwe abaume bakatambalikila amaboko

yabo pa mutwe wa ciponti.

10 “You shall also have the bull brought

before the tabernacle of meeting, and

Aaron and his sons shall put their hands on

the head of the bull.

14Lelo umunofu wa ciponti icilume,

umukupo na fyonse ifili mu cifu na mu

mala fyena ukaye fyocela kunse ya nkambi.

E mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi.

14 But the flesh of the bull, with its skin

and its offal, you shall burn with fire

outside the camp. It is a sin offering.

35“Ukabombe umulimo wakupeela Aroni

na bana bakwe abaume bushimapepo

ukulingana ngefyo nakukonkomesha.

Ukubapeela bushimapepo kukapwe inshiku

cine lubali.

35 “Thus you shall do to Aaron and his

sons, according to all that I have

commanded you. Seven days you shall

consecrate them.

Impendwa 8:8 Numbers 8:8

8Babuule iciponti cimo, pamo no mutuulo

wa cabunga bwa ŋanu ubwapeleka bwino

ubwasanshiwamo amafuta. Elyo babuule ne

ciponti cabubili icakutuula umutuulo

wakufuta pa bubifi.

Then let them take a young bull with its

grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil,

and you shall take another young bull as a

sin offering.

Imbushi iya ume pa mweshi upya kabili na pakusefya kwa mwaka.

A he-goat was offered on new moon and annual festivals

Impendwa 28:15, 22, 30 Numbers 28:15,22,30

15Elyo pelambo lyakoca ilya nshiku shonse

pamo no mutuulo wa fyakunwa,

15 Also one kid of the goats as a sin

offering to the Lord shall be offered,

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 27

mulelundapo sawe ngo mutuulo wakufuta

pa fyabubifi kuli Yawe.

besides the regular burnt offering and its

drink offering.

22Kabili mulundepo na sawe umo uwe

lambo lya pa fyabubifi pakumufutilako

22 also one goat as a sin offering, to make

atonement for you.

30Kabili mulundepo sawe umo


30 also one kid of the goats, to make

atonement for you.

Impendwa 29:5, 11, 16, 19 Numbers 29:5,11,16,19

5Mulundepo na sawe umo


5 also one kid of the goats as a sin

offering, to make atonement for you;

11Mubikepo na sawe umo ngo mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa fyabubifi, ukulunda pa

mutuulo wakufuta pa fyabubifi, ilambo

lyakoca ilyacila bushiku pamo pene no

mutuulo wa cabunga no wa fyakunwa.

11 also one kid of the goats as a sin

offering, besides the sin offering for

atonement, the regular burnt offering with

its grain offering, and their drink offerings.

16Mubikepo na sawe umo ngo mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa fyabubifi, ukulunda

pelambo lyakoca ilyacila bushiku pamo

pene no mutuulo wa cabunga no wa


16 also one kid of the goats as a sin

offering, besides the regular burnt

offering, its grain offering, and its drink


9Mubikepo na sawe ngo mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa fyabubifi ukulunda

pelambo lyakoca ilya cila bushiku pamo

pene no mutuulo wa cabunga no wa


19 also one kid of the goats as a sin

offering, besides the regular burnt offering

with its grain offering, and their drink


Pakupepelela kwa cihema (ne tempele) at the dedication of the tabernacle (and Temple)

Impedwa 7:16, 22 Numbers 7:16,22

Atuulile na sawe umo uwakuleka umutuulo

wakwelelwa pa bubifi,

16 one kid of the goats as a sin offering;

22Atuulile na sawe umo uwakuleka

umutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi.

22 one kid of the goats as a sin offering;

Esra 6:17 Ezra 6:17

7Pakutuula iyi ŋanda kuli Lesa, bapeela

ŋombe ishilume umwanda umo (100),

basukusuku imyanda ibili (200), utwana

twa mpaanga utulume imyanda ine (400).

Umutuulo wakufuta pa bubifi bwa bena

Israeli bonse wali basawe ikumi limo na

babili (12) ukulingana ne mpendwa ya nko

sha bena Israeli

And they offered sacrifices at the

dedication of this house of God, one

hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four

hundred lambs, and as a sin offering for all

Israel twelve male goats, according to the

number of the tribes of Israel.

Na esra 8:35 with Ezra 8:35

35Pali iyi nshita bonse ababwelele mu

busha ku Babiloni, batuula Lesa wa bena

Israeli ilambo lyakoca. Batuula iŋombe

ishilume ikumi limo na shibili (12)

ukulingana ne mitundu ya bena Israeli,

elyo na basukusuku amakumi pabula na

The children of those who had been carried

away captive, who had come from the

captivity, offered burnt offerings to the

God of Israel: twelve bulls for all Israel,

ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 28

mutanda (96), abana ba mpaanga nabo

amakumi cine lubali na cine lubali (77), no

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi basawe

ikumi limo na babili (12). Ifi fyonse fyali

lilambo lyakoca kuli Lesa.

twelve male goats as a sin offering. All this

was a burnt offering to the Lord

Na palubembu lwa mwana wa mfumu umwaume

and for the sin of a prince

Abena Lebi 4:23 Leviticus 4:23

23Eico kanshi ngoyu mulandu acita

waishibikwa kuli ena, ali nokuleta

umutuulo wa mbushi iyilume iyabula


or if his sin which he has committed comes

to his knowledge, he shall bring as his

offering a kid of the goats, a male without


Imbushi iyanakashi iyapelwe pa mulandu wa lubembu lwa bantu bafye.

A she-goat was offered for a sin by one of the common people

Abena Lebi 4:28, 32 Leviticus 4:28,32

28Uyu muntu nga aishibishiwa ukuti

nabifya, alingile ukuleta umutuulo wa pa

bubifi acitile, imbushi iyikota iyabula


28 or if his sin which he has committed

comes to his knowledge, then he shall

bring as his offering a kid of the goats, a

female without blemish, for his sin which

he has committed.

32“Kabili nga aleta umwana wa mpaanga

ukuba umutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi,

alingile ukuleta iyikota iyabula akalema

32 ‘If he brings a lamb as his sin offering,

he shall bring a female without blemish.

Abena Lebi 5:6 Leviticus 5:6

6Uyu muntu pa bubifi acitile, ali nokuleta

kuli Yawe akana ka mpaanga akakota

nangufye imbushi ukufuma pa mukuni

wakwe ngo mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi

acitile. Shimapepo ali nokumutuulilako

umutuulo wakufuta pa bubifi.

and he shall bring his trespass offering to

the Lord for his sin which he has

committed, a female from the flock, a lamb

or a kid of the goats as a sin offering. So

the priest shall make atonement for him

concerning his sin.

Impanga iyanakashi iyali umwaka umo yapelwe pa kusamba abantu abalwele ifibashi

A she-lamb of a year old was offered for the cleansing of a leper

Abena Lebi 14:10, 19 Leviticus 14:10,19

10“Pa bushiku bwalenga cine konse konse,

uyu muntu uwasangululwa ali nokuleta

utwana twa mpaanga tubili utulume na

kakota kamo aka mwaka umo utushaba na

kalema. Afwile abikapo ne fyapekumi fitatu

fya cipimo ca efa umo ifya bunga

ubwapeleka bwino bwino ubwa ŋanu kabili

ubwasanshiwamo na mafuta, ukuba

umutuulo wa cabunga. Aya mafuta yafwile

yaisula umusukupala umo.

10 “And on the eighth day he shall take two

male lambs without blemish, one ewe lamb

of the first year without blemish, three-

tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with

oil as a grain offering, and one log of oil.

19“Elyo kabili shimapepo ali nokuleka

umutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi. Uyu

mutuulo wakwimininako umuntu uyu

uwakowela pakuti abe uwasangululwa ku

19 “Then the priest shall offer the sin

offering, and make atonement for him who

is to be cleansed from his uncleanness.

Afterward he shall kill the burnt offering.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 29

fyamukowesha. Na panuma ya ifi,

shimapepo ali nokwipaya inama ye lambo


Nelyo umwina Nasarite akakwilwe mukulaya kwa kwe

and when a Nazarite was released from his vow

Impendwa 6:14 Numbers 6:14

14Palya epo ali nokupeelela imituulo yakwe

iyi kuli Yawe: Akana ka mpaanga akalume

aka mwaka umo akabula akalema akakuleka

ilambo lyakoca, akana ka mpaanga akakota

aka mwaka umo akabula ubulema aka

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi, elyo na

sukusuku umo uwabula ubulema

uwakutuula umutuulo wakwampana pamo.

And he shall present his offering to the

Lord: one male lamb in its first year

without blemish as a burnt offering, one

ewe lamb in its first year without blemish

as a sin offering, one ram without blemish

as a peace offering,

Akoni akabomfeshiwe ukusamba namayo panuma ya kupapa.

A pigeon or turtledove was used for purifying a woman after childbirth

Abena Lebi 12:6 Leviticus 12:6

6“Inshiku shakwe ishakusanguluka nga

shapwa isho apapilepo umwana umwaume

nangu umwanakashi, alingile ukuleta kuli

shimapepo pa mwinshi we Tenti

Lyakukumaninamo umwana wa mpaanga

uwa mwaka umo nge lambo lya cakoca,

ukubikapo na kabondo ka nkunda nangu

icipele ngo mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi

When the days of her purification are

fulfilled, whether for a son or a daughter,

she shall bring to the priest a lamb of the

first year as a burnt offering, and a young

pigeon or a turtledove as a sin offering, to

the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

Pa mwaume nangu umwanakashi ilyo umulpa walefuma pa nshite itali.

for a man or woman who had protracted issues of blood

Abena Lebi 15:14, 29 Leviticus 15:14,29

4Na pa bushiku bwalenga cine konse

konse, afwile abuula utupele tubili nangu

utubondo twa nkunda no kwisa pa cinso

cakwa Yawe, pa mwinshi we Tenti

Lyakukumaninamo, no kufipeela kuli


14 On the eighth day he shall take for

himself two turtledoves or two young

pigeons, and come before the Lord, to the

door of the tabernacle of meeting, and give

them to the priest.

29Pa bushiku bwalenga cine konse konse,

uyu mwanakashi ali nokubuula utupele

tubili nangu utubondo twa nkunda tubili

no kutwala kuli shimapepo pa mwinshi we

Tenti Lyakukumaninamo.

9 And on the eighth day she shall take for

herself two turtledoves or two young

pigeons, and bring them to the priest, to

the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

Na pa mwina Nasarite uwakoweshiwe pa mulandu wa kwikata umubili uwa fwa.

and for a Nazarite who had been defiled by contact with a dead body

Impendwa 6:10 Numbers 6:10

10Elyo pa bushiku bwalenga cine konse

konse ali nokuleta utubondo twa nkunda

tubili nangu utupele tubili kuli shimapepo

pa mwinshi we Tenti Lyakukumaninamo.

Then on the eighth day he shall bring two

turtledoves or two young pigeons to the

priest, to the door of the tabernacle of


Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 30

Icuni naco calipelwe ukwimininako impanga pamulandu wa macushi.

A bird was also used as a substitute for a lamb in the case of poverty, for an ordinary offense

Abena Lebi 5:7 Leviticus 5:7

7“Nga cakuti umuntu takwete umwana wa

mpaanga ali nokuleta utupele tubili nangu

utubondo twa nkunda tubili kuli Yawe

icifuta mulandu pa bubifi acita. Kamo ka

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi acitile elyo

na kambi ke lambo lyakoca.

‘If he is not able to bring a lamb, then he

shall bring to the Lord, for his trespass

which he has committed, two turtledoves

or two young pigeons: one as a sin offering

and the other as a burnt offering.

Inshila umo balepelelamo icapu ca lu

bembu Method of Presenting the Sin Offering

Nga cakuti icabupe cali ni bulu uwapelwe pa mulandu wa kwa shimapepo nangu icilonganino conse, umulopa uwaiko wasendelwe mu ncende ya mushilo kabili no kusanswa imiku isano naibili kuntanshi ya nsalu iyali mukati, kabili na kumasengo ya cintamba. Ifyasheleko fyasanshilwe kulukasa lwa cintamba ca cabupe cakoca.

If the offering was a bullock offered on behalf of the high priest or of the whole congregation, its blood was taken into the Holy Place and sprinkled seven times toward the inner veil, then upon the horns of the altar of incense. The remainder was poured at the foot of the altar of burnt offering

Abena Lebi 4:5 ne fyakonkapo Leviticus 4:5 (and following)

Elyo shimapepo uwasubwa na mafuta, ali

nokusendako umulopa umo uwa cilume wa

ŋombe nokutwala mwi Tenti


Then the anointed priest shall take some of

the bull’s blood and bring it to the

tabernacle of meeting.

Natumpike umunwe mu mulopa no kukana

imiku cine lubali pa cinso cakwa Yawe

kuntanshi ya cisalu icicinga ku cifulo


If the animal was a ram, a she-goat, or a lamb, the blood was merely put on the horns of the altar of burnt offering.

Elyo shimapepo akashinge umulopa ku nsengo sha bulambo bocelapo ububani ubwanunka ubusaka, ubwaba mwi Tenti Lyakukumaninamo pa cinso cakwa Yawe. Kabili umulopa onse uwashalapo uwakwa cilume wa ŋombe, shimapepo ali nokuwitila mwisamba lya bulambo bwe lambo lyakoca pa mpongolo iye Tenti Lyakukumaninamo.

On the Day of Atonement, the high priests took the blood of the sin offering made for himself (the bullock) into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled it on the Mercy Seat of the Ark. He then returned to the altar and took the blood of the goat offered for the sins of the congregation into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled it in the same manner.

8Ali nokufumya yonse amafuta kuli cilume wa ŋombe ya mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi, elyo na mafuta ayatabilila ifya munda, nangufye conse icakambatilako kuli fyene

In all cases, the next step was to separate the fatty portions of the animal and burn them on the altar.

Abena Lebi 4:8-35 READ Leviticus 4:8–35

imfyo shonse shibili na mafuta yabako mupepi no musana, elyo na fyonse ifyalambatila ku libu, nafyo fine ali nokufifumisha kumo kwine ne mfyo, 10pamo ngefyo bafumya amafuta ku mutuulo wa ŋombe yaocewa uwakwampana.

In those cases in which the blood was sprinkled either in the Holy Place or in the Holy of Holies, the flesh, along with the skin, head, and all other parts of the animal were carried outside the camp (later, outside the city of

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 31

Elyo shimapepo ali nokufyocela pa mulu wa bulambo bwe lambo lyakoca.

Jerusalem) to a clean place where the ashes of sacrifice were usually placed, there to be consumed by fire.

Abena Lebi 4:11 Leviticus 4:11 (and following)

Nomba umukupo wakwa cilume wa ŋombe

ne minofu yakwe, pamo pene no mutwe na

molu yene, ifya munda pamo ne cifulu,

But the bull’s hide and all its flesh, with its

head and legs, its entrails and offal

Abena Leb 6:23 Leviticus 6:23

23Umutuulo wa cabunga onse uo

shimapepo atuula, ulingile ukuocafye

umupwilapo. Tecakwesha ukulyako.”

For every grain offering for the priest shall

be wholly burned. It shall not be eaten.”

Abena Lebi 16:27 Leviticus 16:27

27 Cilume wa ŋombe pamo pene ne mbushi

ifyalekelwe ngo mutuulo wakwelelwa pa

bubifi, no mulopa wafiko watwalwa mu

Muputule wamushilo icine cine nga

ifyakuifutilako kuli Yawe, fifwile

ukufifumisha kunse ya nkambi. Imikupo

yafiko, iminofu ne fya mu mala fyonse fili


The bull for the sin offering and the goat

for the sin offering, whose blood was

brought in to make atonement in the Holy

Place, shall be carried outside the camp.

And they shall burn in the fire their skins,

their flesh, and their offal.

Mu nshita ya cabupe ca lubembu cimbi, ifisuma fyaleliwa na ba shimapepo mu ncende ya mushilo.

In the case of other sin offerings, the flesh was eaten by the priests in the holy place

Abena Lebi 6:26 Leviticus 6:26

Shimapepo uuli nokutuula uyu mutuulo e

ulifye no kulyako. Afwile aliila mu ncende

iyamushilo iya mu lubansa lwe Tenti


The priest who offers it for sin shall eat it.

In a holy place it shall be eaten, in the

court of the tabernacle of meeting.

Impendwa 18:9-10 Numbers 18:9,10

9Pa mituulo yamushilo icine cine iyo

mushocele pa mulilo, imwe

mwakulakwatapo iciputulwa. Pa fyabupe

fyonse ifyo bandetela ngo mutuulo

wamushilo icine cine, cibe imituulo ya

cabunga, nangu imituulo yakwelelwa pa

bubifi, nangu imituulo yakufuta pa

fyabubifi, fyena ifi fyobe pamo na bana

bobe abaume.

9 This shall be yours of the most holy

things reserved from the fire: every

offering of theirs, every grain offering and

every sin offering and every trespass

offering which they render to Me, shall be

most holy for you and your sons.

10Mulelya ifi fintu nge fyamushilo icine

cine. Kabili baumefye balingile ukulyako.

Mufwile ukufimona nge fyamushilo.

10 In a most holy place you shall eat it;

every male shall eat it. It shall be holy to


Any earthenware vessel from which the priests ate was broken; copper vessels were scoured. Garments on which blood had fallen were washed

Abena Lebi 6:27-28 Leviticus 6:27,28

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 32

27Na conse icili nokukumya ku munofu

waciko cili nokuba icamushilo. Kabili

umulopa nga watonena ku cakufwala,

ufwile ukucisamfya mu ncende iyamushilo.

Everyone who touches its flesh must be

holy. And when its blood is sprinkled on

any garment, you shall wash that on which

it was sprinkled, in a holy place.

28Inongo umwipikilwe iyi nama, ifwile

ukutobwa, kanofye nga epikile mu mupika

wa mukuba, wena naukuuswe no

kusambwa na menshi bwino bwino

28 But the earthen vessel in which it is

boiled shall be broken. And if it is boiled in

a bronze pot, it shall be both scoured and

rinsed in water.

Icimininako icabupe ca lubembu Typology of the Sin Offering

Icabupe ca lubembu caleimininako Kristu uwafwile pa mulandu wa lubembu lwesu.

The sin offering presents Christ atoning for the guilt of sin

Abahebere 13:11-12 Hebrews 13:11,12

1 Shimapepo mukalamba asenda umulopa

wa nama no kuutula ilambo lyakufuta pa

fyabubifi mu Ncende Yamushilo icine cine.

Lelo ifitumbi fya nama fyena bafyocela

kunse ya nkambi.

11 For the bodies of those animals, whose

blood is brought into the sanctuary by the

high priest for sin, are burned outside the


12Kanshi eico Yesu nao afwilile kunse ya

musumba, pakuti ku mulopa wakwe

asangulule abantu babe abamushilo.

12 Therefore Jesus also, that He might

sanctify the people with His own blood,

suffered outside the gate.

Nangula ukweshiwa kube ukunono nangu kube ukukalamba, kulasuminishiwa na Lesa ukuti icitetekelo cesu cipimwe kabili no kubomfya ifintu ifyo atupela mu mweo wesu uyu.

It shows Christ as actually burdened with the believer's sin, standing in the sinner's place as his substitute. This offering tells of the Lord's death as presented in Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, and

1 Petro 2:24 1 Peter 2:24

24 Kristu umwine asendele ifyabubifi fyesu

mu mubili wakwe pa musalaba, epakuti na

ifwe tutaluke umupwilapo ku bubifi,

tuleikala abakaele pa cinso cakwa Lesa.

“Filonda fyakwe efyamundapa.”

who Himself bore our sins in His own body

on the tree, that we, having died to sins,

might live for righteousness—by whose

stripes you were healed.

Cilinda bumushilo bwakwe uwapangilwe ukuba ulubembu pa mulandu wesu

It carefully guards the holiness of Him who "was made sin for us."

Icabupe ca mampulu The Trespass Offering

Umutulo wa mampulu waleba ukubomba nga cakutetekwila, lelo walipangilwe pa milandu iya ibela, eltyo umutulo wa lubembu wapangilwe kulya umuntu uwalufyenye.

The trespass offering was also a propitiatory offering, but it was made for a special offense, while the sin offering was made for the person of the offender. "In fact, the trespass offering may be regarded as representing ransom for a special wrong, while the sin offering symbolized general redemption" (Edersheim, The Temple, p. 100ff).

Umutulo wa mampulu wali ni nama ya ramu, iyo iya mutengo walepimwa na shimapepo kulingana na ma shekel ya mwi tempele.

The trespass offering was a ram, which was valued by a priest according to the shekel of the sanctuary.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 33

Abena Lebi 5:15, 18 Leviticus 5:15,18

15“Ilyo lyonse umuntu alufyanya acita ne

cabubifi mukukanaishiba muli fyonse

ifyamushilo ifyakwa Yawe, ali nokuleta kuli

Yawe icifuta mulandu pamo nga sukusuku

wa pa mukuni wakwe, uushaba na kalema,

kabili uwalingana no mutengo wa kufina

kwa silifa pa cipimo ca shekeli wa cifulo

camushilo. Uyu mutuulo wakufuta pa


15 “If a person commits a trespass, and

sins unintentionally in regard to the holy

things of the Lord, then he shall bring to

the Lord as his trespass offering a ram

without blemish from the flocks, with your

valuation in shekels of silver according to

the shekel of the sanctuary, as a trespass


18Ali nokuleta kuli shimapepo sukusuku

wa pa mukuni wakwe, uwabula akalema,

uwamutengo uwalingango mutuulo

wakufuta pa fyabubifi. Iyi e nshila

shimapepo ali nokumufutilako pa cilubo

acitile mukukanaishiba, ninshi uyu muntu


18 And he shall bring to the priest a ram

without blemish from the flock, with your

valuation, as a trespass offering. So the

priest shall make atonement for him

regarding his ignorance in which he erred

and did not know it, and it shall be

forgiven him.

Abena Lebi 6:6 Leviticus 6:6

6Nge cifuta mulandu alete kuli shimapepo,

emukutila kuli Yawe, umutuulo wakufuta

pa bubifi, ukufuma pa mukuni wakwe,

sukusuku uwabula akalema, uwa mutengo


And he shall bring his trespass offering to

the Lord, a ram without blemish from the

flock, with your valuation, as a trespass

offering, to the priest.

Abena Lebi 19:21 Leviticus 19:21

1Lelo umwaume afwile ukuleta sukusuku

pa mwinshi we Tenti Lyakukumaninamo

ngo mutuulo wakufuta pa fyabubifi kuli


And he shall bring his trespass offering to

the Lord, to the door of the tabernacle of

meeting, a ram as a trespass offering.

Nga cakuti niulya umuntu uwa lwele fibashi nangu umwina na Nasarite, uyu mutulo wali mwana wa mpanga. Iyi imitulo yapelwe pa mulandu wa milandu iyi:

In the case of a leper or a Nazarite, this offering was a lamb. These offerings were offered for the following offenses:

1. Amampulu yakukanaishiba iyakulufyanishisha Shikulu, emukutila, ukufumya kuli Lesa icali cakwe, ifye lambo, ifisabo fya kubalilapo, ifye kumi nafimbipo. Ukulipila pa kulufyanya kwakonkelepo limbo ne cabupe ica cisano pa bukankala kuli shimapepo.

1. Trespass in ignorance against things of the Lord, that is, to inadvertently take away from God that which belonged to Him, of sacrifices, first fruits, tithes, etc. Compensation for the harm done accompanied the sacrifice, with the gift of a fifth part of the value to the priests.

2. Amampulu yakukana ishiba ayo ayakanishiwa nefunde.

2. Ignorant transgression of any definite prohibition of the law

Abena Lebi 5:17 Leviticus 5:17

17“Nga cakuti umuntu abifya no kucita ifyo

Yawe ashifwaya mu mafunde yakwe,

nangufye acitile mukukanaishiba, nalyo

line ninshi ali no mulandu kabili ali


“If a person sins, and commits any of these

things which are forbidden to be done by

the commandments of the Lord, though he

does not know it, yet he is guilty and shall

bear his iniquity.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 34

3. Ukwiba, ukunyantilila icishinka, ukubepesha umwina mupalamano, no kulambula uyo uo babepeshe no kulundapo ica cisano ica cintu icili conse ku muntu uyo balufyenye.

3. Fraud, suppression of the truth, or perjury against a neighbor; with compensation to the victim and an additional fifth part of any property in question to the person wronged

Abena Lebi 6:1-5 Leviticus 6:1-5

1 Kabili Yawe asosele kuli Mose ati, 1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:

2“Umuntu nga abifya mukukanaba

uwacishinka kuli Yawe kufyo acenjesha

umunankwe pa fintu asekesheko nangu

ukumusungilako nangu ukumwibila, nangu


2 “If a person sins and commits a trespass

against the Lord by lying to his neighbor

about what was delivered to him for

safekeeping, or about a pledge, or about a

robbery, or if he has extorted from his


3Nangu ngo muntu umo atola icintu

icilubile nomba akaana ati teutolele, nangu

alapa umulapo wabufi, nangu acita

ifyabubifi ifyo abantu bengacita,

3 or if he has found what was lost and lies

concerning it, and swears falsely—in any

one of these things that a man may do in

which he sins:

4nangu abifya muli uyu musango uwa

bucenjeshi, alingile ukubwesha ifi fintu

aibile nangu asendele mu bucenjeshi

nangufye ni filya fine umunankwe

asekesheko, na filya fine atolele,

4 then it shall be, because he has sinned

and is guilty, that he shall restore what he

has stolen, or the thing which he has

extorted, or what was delivered to him for

safekeeping, or the lost thing which he


5elyo na conse ico alapilepo umulapo

wabufi. Fyonse ifyo asendele alingile

ukubwesha no kulundapo cimo pali cila

fisano no kubwesesha ku mwine pa

bushiku bumo bwine ali nokutuula

umutuulo wakufuta pa fyabubifi.

5 or all that about which he has sworn

falsely. He shall restore its full value, add

one-fifth more to it, and give it to

whomever it belongs, on the day of his

trespass offering.

4. Ukulungana no musha kumaka 4. Rape of a slave

Abena Lebi 19:20-22 Leviticus 19:20–22

20“Nga cakuti umwaume umo asendama no

mwanakashi uucili umusha, uo balaya ku

mwaume umbi, lelo uyu mukashana talati

alubulwe nangu ukuba umuntungwa,

balingile ukupeelwa umulandu no

kukandwa. Lelo nangu cibe ifi, tabalingile

ukupingulwa ukufwa iyoo, pantu uyu

mukashana umusha talaba umuntungwa.

20 ‘Whoever lies carnally with a woman

who is betrothed to a man as a concubine,

and who has not at all been redeemed nor

given her freedom, for this there shall be

scourging; but they shall not be put to

death, because she was not free.

21Lelo umwaume afwile ukuleta sukusuku

pa mwinshi we Tenti Lyakukumaninamo

ngo mutuulo wakufuta pa fyabubifi kuli


21 And he shall bring his trespass offering

to the Lord, to the door of the tabernacle of

meeting, a ram as a trespass offering.

22Elyo shimapepo ali nokubuula sukusuku

wa mutuulo wakufutila pa fyabubifi

nokufutilako uyu muntu pafyo acita kuli

Yawe. Elyo no bubifi bwakwe bukelelwa.

22 The priest shall make atonement for

him with the ram of the trespass offering

before the Lord for his sin which he has

committed. And the sin which he has

committed shall be forgiven him.

5. Pakusamfya uwalwele fibashi 5. At the purification of a leper

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 35

Abena Lebi 14:12 Leviticus 14:12

12Elyo shimapepo ali nokubuulapo akana

ka mpaanga kamo akalume aka mutuulo

wakufuta pa fyabubifi. Ali nokubikapo no

musukupala umo uwa mafuta, elyo no kuya

fituula kuli Yawe ngo mutuulo wa


And the priest shall take one male lamb

and offer it as a trespass offering, and the

log of oil, and wave them as a wave

offering before the Lord.

No mwina Nasarite uwali uwakowela and of a polluted Nazarite

Impedwa 6:12 Numbers 6:12

12Afwile ailubwila umwine kuli Yawe

inshita yonse ilya aipatula, kabili afwile

ukuleta na kana ka mpaanga akalume aka

mwaka umo aka mutuulo wakufuta pa

fyabubifi. Inshiku aipatwile kale tashakabe

nelyo cimo pantu aisa kowela panuma


He shall consecrate to the Lord the days of

his separation, and bring a male lamb in its

first year as a trespass offering; but the

former days shall be lost, because his

separation was defiled.

Muli uyu mutulo, inkanda ya nama nenama ili yonse yaile kuli shimapepo uwaletungulula, ukufumyapo fye lulya ulubali ulwasankene na mafuta nangu yayakanishiwe naba shimapepo bonse.

In this offering, the skin of the animal and any meat offering went to the officiating priest, except that portions that were mixed with oil or were dry were divided among all the priests.

Ukwimininako umutulo wa mampulu Typology of the Trespass Offering

Icitetekelo icitusha: umwakupita pa kwishiba, ukutetekela, ukubika mukucita ifyo isambililo lilelanda elyo nefilayo fya Cebo cakwa Lesa munshita ya kweshiwa mubumi bwa mwina kristu.

This ritual shows Christ's atoning for the damage caused by sin and has in view the injury of the sin as opposed to the guilt of the sin. This aspect of the trespass offering is seen in

Amalumbo 51:4 Psalm 51:4

Ni kuli iwefye weka nabifyako, no kucita

ifintu ifyabipa pa cinso cobe.

Ilyo ulanda, bonse balamona ukuti

ulalungika, kabili taulufyanya mu

kupingula kobe.

"Against thee and thee only have I sinned,

and done this evil in thy sight; that thou

mightest be justified when thou speakest

and be clear when thou judgest."

Umutulo wa koca The Burnt Offering

Ishina lya kuti umutulo wa koca lya fuma kwishiwi lya ci Hebere ilya kuti holah, “ukwikila” pantu ilyo inama yalepya yonse mu mulilo (ukufumyako fye inkanda), icushi caleima ukulola mu mulu. (inama mu malambo yambi yalepyako panono pa cintamba). Umutulo wa koca waleimininako ukuipelesha konse ukwa muntu nangu icilonganino, kabili e ico ukuwamya no kubwekeshiwa kwa muntu kuli Lesa. Uyu mutulo tawali wakufiba pa lubembu, nge fyo cali ku mitulo imbi.

The name for the burnt offering comes from the Hebrew word holah, "ascending", because, as the animal was wholly consumed in the fire (with the exception of the skin), the smoke would rise toward heaven. (The animals in other sacrifices were only partially consumed on the altar.) The burnt offering symbolized the entire surrender to God of the individual or congregation, God's acceptance of that surrender, and therefore the renewal and restoration of the individual. This offering was

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 36

not made to atone for sin, as were the other offerings.

Uyu mutulo walelangisha ukufwaya kwa mu mutima kwa mwina Hebere uli onse e ico yalefwaikwa ukutwala ilingi mu nshite shi:

This offering was supposed to reflect the inward volition of every true Hebrew and so was required to be presented regularly on the following occasions:

1. lyonse akacelo ne cungulo 1. Every morning and evening

Ukufuma 29:38-42 Exodus 29:38–42

38“Ifi efyo uli nokutuula pa bulambo cila

bushiku, lyonsefye ukaletuula ilambo lya

bana ba mpaanga babili abali no mwaka


38 “Now this is what you shall offer on the

altar: two lambs of the first year, day by

day continually.

39Ukaletuula umwana wa mpaanga umo

ulucelo elyo umbi nao icungulo.

39 One lamb you shall offer in the

morning, and the other lamb you shall

offer at twilight.

40Pakutuula umwana wa mpaanga

uwakubalilapo, ukatuulile pamo ne

capekumi cimo ca cipimo ca efa wa bunga

bwa ŋanu ubwapeleka bwino

ubwakasawilwamo amafuta ya miolifa

ayalingana na pakati ka citika wa hini umo.

Kabili ukatuule icipimo ca pakati ka citika

wa hini

40 With the one lamb shall be one-tenth of

an ephah of flour mixed with one-fourth of

a hin of pressed oil, and one-fourth of a hin

of wine as a drink offering.

uwa mwangashi, umutuulo wa fyakunwa.

41Ukaletuula ilambo lya mwana wa

mpaanga uwabubili icungulo mu musango

umo wine ngo lucelo pamo no mutuulo wa

cabunga no wa fyakunwa. E lambo

lyakocela Yawe ilya cena cisuma


41 And the other lamb you shall offer at

twilight; and you shall offer with it the

grain offering and the drink offering, as in

the morning, for a sweet aroma, an offering

made by fire to the Lord.

42Mu nkulo shenu shonse mukaleleka ili

lambo lyakoca inshita yonse pa cinso

cakwa Yawe pa mwinshi we Tenti

Lyakukumaninamo. Apopene epo ine

nkalamukumanya no kulalanda na imwe.

42 This shall be a continual burnt offering

throughout your generations at the door of

the tabernacle of meeting before the Lord,

where I will meet you to speak with you.

Impendwa 28:3-8 Numbers 28:3–8

3Ulande kuli bena utile, uyu e mutuulo wa

cakoca muli nokutuula kuli Yawe, utwana

twa mpaanga tubili utwa mwaka umo umo,

utwabula akalema, nge lambo lyakoca cila


3 “And you shall say to them, ‘This is the

offering made by fire which you shall offer

to the Lord: two male lambs in their first

year without blemish, day by day, as a

regular burnt offering.

4Mulepekanya akana ka mpaanga kamo

ulucelo, kambi nako icungulo,

4 The one lamb you shall offer in the

morning, the other lamb you shall offer in

the evening,

5pamo pene ne capekumi cimo ca ku

cipimo ca efa wa bunga bwa ŋanu

ubwapeleka bwino, ubwasanshiwamo ne

5 and one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour as

a grain offering mixed with one-fourth of a

hin of pressed oil.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 37

cipimo ca pakati ka citika wa hini umo

ukufuma ku cikamino ca miolifa.

6Ili e lambo lyakoca ilya cila bushiku,

ilyatendekele pa lupili lwa Sinai, ngo

mutuulo wacakoca uwa cena cisuma

icisekesha Yawe.

6 It is a regular burnt offering which was

ordained at Mount Sinai for a sweet aroma,

an offering made by fire to the Lord.

7Umutuulo wakulundapo uwa fyakunwa,

cipimo ca pakati ka citika wa hini umo uwa

fyakunwa ifyakantuka pali cila kana ka

mpaanga. Muleitila umutuulo wa cakunwa

kuli Yawe mu cifulo camushilo.

7 And its drink offering shall be one-fourth

of a hin for each lamb; in a holy place you

shall pour out the drink to the Lord as an


8Mulepekanya akana ka mpaanga akabiye

mu nshita ya cungulo, no kucita umusango

umo wine ngo lucelo, pamo no mutuulo wa

cabunga no wa fyakunwa. Uyu mutuulo we

lambo lyakoca uwa cena cisuma icisekesha


8 The other lamb you shall offer in the

evening; as the morning grain offering and

its drink offering, you shall offer it as an

offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the


2. Pa bushiku bwe Sabata, umutulu imiku ibili 2. Each Sabbath day, double offerings

Impendwa 28:9-10 Numbers 28:9,10

9“Pa bushiku bwe Sabata, tuuleni utwana

twa mpaanga tubili utuli no mwaka umo

umo utwabula akalema, no bunga bwa ŋanu

ubwapeleka bwino utwapekumi tubili twa

ku cipimo ca efa ubwasanshiwamo na

mafuta aya miolifa, no mutuulo wa


9 ‘And on the Sabbath day two lambs in

their first year, without blemish, and two-

tenths of an ephah of fine flour as a grain

offering, mixed with oil, with its drink


10Ili e lambo lyakoca ilya pali cila Sabata,

ukulunda pelambo lya cila bushiku, pamo

no mutuulo wa fyakunwa.

10 this is the burnt offering for every

Sabbath, besides the regular burnt offering

with its drink offering.

3. Pa mweshi upya, ukusefya kutatu, pa Bushiku bwa Kwelele membu, no kusefya kwa lupenga.

3. At the new moon, the three great festivals, the Day of Atonement, and Feast of Trumpets

BELENGENI Impendwa 28:11-29:39 READ Num. 28:11 to 29:39

Umutulo uwaibela uwa koca walefwaikwa: Special burnt offerings were required:

1. Pa kupala ba shimapepo 1. At the consecration of priests

Ukufuma 29:15 Exodus 29:15

15“Ukabuulepo sukusuku umo, na Aroni na

bana bakwe abaume bakatambalikepo

amaboko yabo pa mutwe wakwe.

“You shall also take one ram, and Aaron

and his sons shall put their hands on the

head of the ram;

Abena Lebi 8:18 Leviticus 8:18

18Kabili apalamika sukusuku uwe lambo

lya cakoca, nao Aroni na bana abaume

batambalikilapo amaboko pa mutwe wakwa


Then he brought the ram as the burnt

offering. And Aaron and his sons laid their

hands on the head of the ram,

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 38

Abena Lebi 9:12 Leviticus 9:12

2Elyo kabili Aroni aipaya ne nama ya

mutuulo we lambo lyakoca. Abana bakwe

abaume bamutambika umulopa, nao

aukanawila ku mbali shonse isha bulambo.

And he killed the burnt offering; and

Aaron’s sons presented to him the blood,

which he sprinkled all around on the altar.

2. Pa kuwamya bana mayo 2. At the purification of women

Abena Lebi 12:6-8 Leviticus 12:6–8

6“Inshiku shakwe ishakusanguluka nga

shapwa isho apapilepo umwana umwaume

nangu umwanakashi, alingile ukuleta kuli

shimapepo pa mwinshi we Tenti

Lyakukumaninamo umwana wa mpaanga

uwa mwaka umo nge lambo lya cakoca,

ukubikapo na kabondo ka nkunda nangu

icipele ngo mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi.

6 ‘When the days of her purification are

fulfilled, whether for a son or a daughter,

she shall bring to the priest a lamb of the

first year as a burnt offering, and a young

pigeon or a turtledove as a sin offering, to

the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

7Shimapepo ali nokumutuulilako kuli Yawe

pakumufutilako, elyo lyena ali nokuba

uwasanguluka kukufumishiwa kwa mulopa.

Aya e mafunde ya pa mwanakashi onse

uwapapa umwana umwaume nangu


7 Then he shall offer it before the Lord,

and make atonement for her. And she shall

be clean from the flow of her blood. This is

the law for her who has borne a male or a


8 “Nga cakuti umwanakashi uyu takwete

umwana wa mpaanga, ninshi afwile

ukuletafye utubondo twa nkunda tubili,

nangu utwana twa fipele tubili, kamo ke

lambo lya cakoca, kambi nako ka mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa bubifi. Iyi e nshila

shimapepo ali nokutuulilamo ilambo

lyakufuta pa fyamukowesha, nao lyena


8 ‘And if she is not able to bring a lamb,

then she may bring two turtledoves or two

young pigeons—one as a burnt offering

and the other as a sin offering. So the

priest shall make atonement for her, and

she will be clean.’ ”

3. Pa kuwamya abalwele ba fibashi 3. At the cleansing of lepers

Abena Lebi 14:19 Leviticus 14:19

19“Elyo kabili shimapepo ali nokuleka

umutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi. Uyu

mutuulo wakwimininako umuntu uyu

uwakowela pakuti abe uwasangululwa ku

fyamukowesha. Na panuma ya ifi,

shimapepo ali nokwipaya inama ye lambo


“Then the priest shall offer the sin

offering, and make atonement for him who

is to be cleansed from his uncleanness.

Afterward he shall kill the burnt offering.

4. Pa kufumyapo kwa fyakowela fyonse 4. For removal of other ceremonial uncleanness

Abena Lebi 15:15, 30 Leviticus 15:15,30

15Shimapepo nao ali nokufituula ilambo,

icuni cimo ukuba umutuulo wakwelelwa pa

bubifi, cimbi naco ce lambo lyakoca. Iyi e

nshila shimapepo ali nokufutilako uyu

muntu kuli Yawe pa mulandu wa kupompa

kwa mubili wakwe.

15 Then the priest shall offer them, the one

as a sin offering and the other as a burnt

offering. So the priest shall make

atonement for him before the Lord because

of his discharge.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 39

30Shimapepo nao ali nokutuulapo kamo,

ngo mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi, kambi

nako nge lambo lya cakoca. Na muli uyu

musango emo shimapepo ali nokufutilako

uyu mwanakashi kuli Yawe pa mulandu wa

kukowela kwakwe palwa kupompa.

30 Then the priest shall offer the one as a

sin offering and the other as a burnt

offering, and the priest shall make

atonement for her before the Lord for the

discharge of her uncleanness.

5. Mukulufyanya kwa kulapa kwa kwaNasarite nangu mukupwisha

5. On any accidental breach of the Nazarite vow, or at its conclusion

Impendwa 6:11, 14 Numbers 6:11,14

1Shimapepo nao ali nokuleka kamo ngo

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa fyabubifi, elyo

kambi nako ilambo lyakoca pakufuta pa

fyabubifi fyakwe, pantu alikowela pakuba

apali icitumbi ca muntu. Pali bulya bushiku

bwine, ali nokusangulula umushishi wakwe


11 and the priest shall offer one as a sin

offering and the other as a burnt offering,

and make atonement for him, because he

sinned in regard to the corpse; and he shall

sanctify his head that same day.

14Palya epo ali nokupeelela imituulo yakwe

iyi kuli Yawe: Akana ka mpaanga akalume

aka mwaka umo akabula akalema akakuleka

ilambo lyakoca, akana ka mpaanga akakota

aka mwaka umo akabula ubulema aka

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi, elyo na

sukusuku umo uwabula ubulema

uwakutuula umutuulo wakwampana pamo.

14 And he shall present his offering to the

Lord: one male lamb in its first year

without blemish as a burnt offering, one

ewe lamb in its first year without blemish

as a sin offering, one ram without blemish

as a peace offering,

Mukutulo wa koca uwakuipelesha uwapangilwe pa bushiku bwaku sefya ilyo balepepele tempele

Freewill burnt offerings were made on any solemn occasion such as the dedication of the tabernacle or the Temple

1 Ishamfumu 8:64 1 Kings 8:64

64Pa bushiku bwine bulya, imfumu

yasangulula incende ya pakati ka lubansa

ulwali ku ntanshi ya ŋanda yakwa Yawe,

epo atuulila amalambo yakoca, umutuulo

wa cabunga na mafuta ya mituulo

yakwampana, pantu ubulambo bwa

mukuba ubwakwa Yawe bwali ubunono

ubwakutuulilapo amalambo yakoca,

imituulo ya cabunga na mafuta ya mituulo


On the same day the king consecrated the

middle of the court that was in front of the

house of the Lord; for there he offered

burnt offerings, grain offerings, and the fat

of the peace offerings, because the bronze

altar that was before the Lord was too

small to receive the burnt offerings, the

grain offerings, and the fat of the peace


Kwaba imilandu ibili ico abena kristu bafwile ukukula no kuya pantanshi mubumi bwa bwina kristu, no kufilwa ukunonka ukufuma mu mapalo yonse, ifilango elyo no kupekanya kwa fikabilwa ifyo umulandu uwaseka sana palwa kufilwa ukwingila mukutusha.

Umulandu uwaishibikwa sana uwalengele ukuti beingila mukutusha kukanaishiba inshila ya kwa Lesa kabili nefintu ifyo atupela.

The burnt offering was the only sacrifice that non-Israelites were allowed to bring. The emperor Augustus had a daily burnt offering brought for him of two lambs and a bullock; and this sacrifice was regarded as indicating that the Jews recognized him as their ruler. At the commencement of the Jewish war, the high priest Eleazar rejected this offering, which was seen as rebellion against Rome.

Ukwimininako kwa mutulo wa koca Typology of the Burnt Offering

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 40

Muli uyu mutulo, umulandu wa lubembu tecintu no kubikwapo kwa kwa Kristu umwine uwabula kalema kuli Lesa Mwalemona mu malembo aya mu Cipingo ukuti ukukula ku mupashi mwina kristu ku mutwala mukuba na maka munshita isha kosa isha mukweshiwa. Cintub cayanguka ukubaka imimonekele ilyo ifintu fileya bwino, ilyo kuli indalama ishingi, ubumi ubusuma, elyo nefya kusakamana ifinono.

In this offering, the idea of sin is not conspicuous, and sets forth Christ offering Himself without spot to God to perform God's will with joy; the offering is a sweet savor to God, so-called because it deals with Christ in His own perfections and devotion to the Father's will, as opposed to the non-sweet savor offerings which show Christ carrying the believer's sin.

Inama ishalepelwe lambo shaleimininako Kristu mu nshila imo iyakulubula. Inama yalelangisha ukutekanya kwa kwe ngo Mupusushi.

The sacrificial animals symbolize Christ in some aspect of His redeeming character. The ox shows His patient endurance as Savior

1 Abena Korinto 9:9-10 1 Corinthians 9:9,10

9 Calilembwa mu Mafunde yakwa Mose

ukuti, “Wilakaka ŋombe ku kanwa ilyo

ilenyantaula pa ŋanu pakushisokola.”

Bushe iŋombe eingasakamika Lesa?

For it is written in the law of Moses, “You

shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out

the grain.” Is it oxen God is concerned


10Bushe te mulandu wa ifwe alandile ifyo?

Ee nifwe bene fyalembelwe. Atulangafye

ukuti umuntu uulima no usokola iŋanu

bonse balasubila ukupokako kufyo


10 Or does He say it altogether for our

sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is

written, that he who plows should plow in

hope, and he who threshes in hope should

be partaker of his hope.

Esaya 52:13-15 Isaiah 52:13–15


Yawe aletila ati, “Moneni umubomfi wandi

akashuka mufyo akalabomba, akaba

umukalamba, akacindikwa kabili

akasumbulwa nganshi. bashatala


13 Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently;

He shall be exalted and extolled and be

very high.


Lelo kwena abantu abengi balisungwike

ilyo bamumwene,

pantu imimonekele yakwe yalyonaike

ukufuma mu cata ca buntu.

Alemonekafye cimbi cimbi kwati te muntu.

14 Just as many were astonished at you, So

His visage was marred more than any man,

And His form more than the sons of men;


Lelo akacilimusha abantu ba mishobo

iyingi , na bashamfumu bene tabakasosepo,


Pantu bakaimwena ico bashatala


bakalaishiba ifintu ifyo

15 So shall He sprinkle many nations.

Kings shall shut their mouths at Him; For

what had not been told them they shall see,

And what they had not heard they shall


Abena Filipi 2:5-8 Philippians 2:5–8


Fyonse ifyo mulecita, muleficita no

mutima Kristu Yesu akwete!

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in

Christ Jesus,

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 41


Kristu wena nangu aba ni Lesa,

lelo tashintilile mukulingana na Lesa.

6 who, being in the form of God, did not

consider it robbery to be equal with God,


Lelo aisangwile uwafye, aicitile ifyaba

umusha. Ayaluka umuntu no kuba ifyo

abantu baba.

7 but made Himself of no reputation,

taking the form of a bondservant, and

coming in the likeness of men.


Kabili apo ali ngo muntu, aliicefeshe,

alebeela mpaka na ku mfwa, nayo imfwa ya

pa musalaba.

8 And being found in appearance as a man,

He humbled Himself and became obedient

to the point of death, even the death of the


Imbushi shaleimininako Kristu muku kana tine mfwa.

The sheep or ram portrays Christ in His unresisting facing of death

Esaya 53:7 Isaiah 53:7


“Balemutintanya, balemucusha,

lelo ena tasoseleko nangu ukulandako


Ali ngo mwana wa mpaanga uubafye

tondolo ilyo balemutwala kukumwipaya,

ali nge mpaanga iyibafye iyanakilila ilyo

kabeya aleibeya,

awe nao tewakulandako no kulanda


He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet

He opened not His mouth; He was led as a

lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep

before its shearers is silent, So He opened

not His mouth.

Imbushi ileimininako umubembu kabili ilyo lya bomfeshiwa kuli Kristu, cilangisha umwine ngo w aba mu ba manpulu. Akoni kaleimininako ukulosha kwa muntu uwa kaele kulangisha ubucushi.

The goat typifies a sinner, and, when it is used for Christ, shows Him as the One who was "numbered with the transgressors." The turtledove or pigeon symbolizes mourning innocence and portrays poverty. It shows forth Him who became poor that we might become rich.

Esaya 38:14 Isaiah 38:14


“Nalelila nga kamimbi,

no kuloosha nge nkunda pakuteta.

Amenso yandi yalinakile pa mulandu

wakulolesha ku mulu.

Ninshi ndetilafye, ‘We Yawe,

wingampusushako kuli buno bucushi.’

Like a crane or a swallow, so I chattered; I

mourned like a dove; My eyes fail from

looking upward. O Lord, I am oppressed;

Undertake for me!

Abahebere 7:26 Hebrews 7:26

26Yesu, kanshi e Shimapepo mukalamba

untu tulingile ukukwata. Pantu wena

wamushilo, taba na cilubo, wakaele,

alipatulwa ku babifi kabili alicindikwa

pakumusenda ukucila ne myulu yonse

For such a High Priest was fitting for us,

who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate

from sinners, and has become higher than

the heavens;

Abena Lebi 5:7 Leviticus 5:7

7“Nga cakuti umuntu takwete umwana wa

mpaanga ali nokuleta utupele tubili nangu

utubondo twa nkunda tubili kuli Yawe

icifuta mulandu pa bubifi acita. Kamo ka

‘If he is not able to bring a lamb, then he

shall bring to the Lord, for his trespass

which he has committed, two turtledoves

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 42

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi acitile elyo

na kambi ke lambo lyakoca.

or two young pigeons: one as a sin offering

and the other as a burnt offering.

2 Abena Korinto 8:9 2 Corinthians 8:9


Imwe mwalishiba icikuuku ca Mfumu yesu

Yesu Kristu. Nangu wena ali umukankala,

ayalwike umupina, epakuti ico wena

ayalwike umupina, imwe mumone ukuba


For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus

Christ, that though He was rich, yet for

your sakes He became poor, that you

through His poverty might become rich.

Abena Filipi 2:6-8 Philippians 2:6–8


Kristu wena nangu aba ni Lesa,

lelo tashintilile mukulingana na Lesa.

6 who, being in the form of God, did not

consider it robbery to be equal with God,


Lelo aisangwile uwafye,

aicitile ifyaba umusha.

Ayaluka umuntu no kuba ifyo abantu baba.

7 but made Himself of no reputation,

taking the form of a bondservant, and

coming in the likeness of men.


Kabili apo ali ngo muntu, aliicefeshe,

alebeela mpaka na ku mfwa,

nayo imfwa ya pa musalaba

8 And being found in appearance as a man,

He humbled Himself and became obedient

to the point of death, even the death of the


Umutulo wa mutende The Peace Offering

Umutulo wa mutende wali lyali lilambo ilya pelwe nowasumina mukuba mwisenge na Lesa. Yalyakashiwa mu mitulo itatu:

The peace offering was another sacrifice offered by a believer in fellowship with God. It is divided into three kinds of offering:

(1) umtulo wa kutotela, nangu ilambo lya kutotela

(1) the thank offering, or sacrifice of thanks

Abena Lebi 7:12 Leviticus 7:12

12“Umuntu nga atuula umutuulo

wakulanga ukutotela, afwile atuulila

capamo ne mituulo yakutotela iya mikate

umwabula intutumushi lelo utwashingwako

na mafuta, kabili ne mikate iyapapatala

umwakandawilwa na mafuta, kabili ne

mikate iyapangwa no bunga bwa ŋanu

ubwapeleka bwino umwasanshiwafye na


If he offers it for a thanksgiving, then he

shall offer, with the sacrifice of

thanksgiving, unleavened cakes mixed with

oil, unleavened wafers anointed with oil, or

cakes of blended flour mixed with oil.

Abena Lebi 22:29 Leviticus 22:29

29“Ilyo lyonse muletuula umutuulo

wakutotela kuli Yawe, utuuleni mu nshila

yakuti ukapokelelwe mukumwimininako

And when you offer a sacrifice of

thanksgiving to the Lord, offer it of your

own free will.

(2) Umutulo wa kusala nangu ilambo ilyakonkelwepo ukulapa

(2) the votive offering, or sacrifice which accompanied the taking of a vow

Impendwa 6:14 Numbers 6:14

4Palya epo ali nokupeelela imituulo yakwe

iyi kuli Yawe: Akana ka mpaanga akalume

aka mwaka umo akabula akalema akakuleka

And he shall present his offering to the

Lord: one male lamb in its first year

without blemish as a burnt offering, one

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 43

ilambo lyakoca, akana ka mpaanga akakota

aka mwaka umo akabula ubulema aka

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi, elyo na

sukusuku umo uwabula ubulema

uwakutuula umutuulo wakwampana pamo.

ewe lamb in its first year without blemish

as a sin offering, one ram without blemish

as a peace offering,

Impendwa 15:3, 8 Numbers 15:3,8

3mukaletuula Yawe amalambo yakoca

ukufuma pa ŋombe nangu pa mukuni,

ukuba icena cisuma icakusekesha Yawe,

nangu umutuulo wakoca nangu amalambo

ya pa mulandu wa filayo nangu aya bupe

bwakuitemenwa, nangu imituulo ya pa

nshikunkulu shenu.

3 and you make an offering by fire to the

Lord, a burnt offering or a sacrifice, to

fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering or in

your appointed feasts, to make a sweet

aroma to the Lord, from the herd or the



Nga mwapekanya iŋombe ilume ngo

mutuulo wa cakoca nangu ilambo, pa

mulandu wa mulapo nangu mutuulo

wakwampana kuli Yawe

8 And when you prepare a young bull as a

burnt offering, or as a sacrifice to fulfill a

vow, or as a peace offering to the Lord,

Na (3) umutulo wakuipelesha. Umutulo wa mutende lyonse walekonka umutulo uli onse uwalecitika

and (3) the freewill offering. The peace offering always followed any other sacrifices that were taking place.

Umutulo wa mutende uwapalwalala walepelwa pa nshita ya kusefya, pa kusale imfumu kabili nalyonse ifintu ifyalecitika ilyo fya endele bwino.

Public peace offerings were customary on festive occasions, the election of kings, and whenever some important enterprise had been successful.

Ukufuma 24:5 Exodus 24:5

5Elyo atuma abalumendo abena Israeli,

nabo batuula amalambo yakoca, kabili

baipaya ne fiponti fya ŋombe shilume

ishakutuula kuli Yawe amalambo

yakwampana pamo

Then he sent young men of the children of

Israel, who offered burnt offerings and

sacrificed peace offerings of oxen to the


2 Samwele 6:17-19 2 Samuel 6:17-19

17Ifi efyo baletele Imbokoshi yakwa Yawe

no kuibika mu cifulo mukati ke tenti lintu

Davidi aimike umwakwisa ifikilisha. Elyo

Davidi acitile amalambo ya cakoca ne

mituulo yakwampana pa cinso cakwa Yawe.

17 So they brought the ark of the Lord, and

set it in its place in the midst of the

tabernacle that David had erected for it.

Then David offered burnt offerings and

peace offerings before the Lord.

18Elyo panuma yakupwisha ukutuula

amalambo ya cakoca ne mituulo

yakwampana, Davidi apaala abantu

mwishina lyakwa Yawe umwine wa fita.

18 And when David had finished offering

burnt offerings and peace offerings, he

blessed the people in the name of the Lord

of hosts.

19 Elyo apeela umukate umo umo,

icimamantwa ca tuncindu cimo cimo elyo

ne cimamantwa ca myangashi cimo cimo

kuli cila muntu mwibumba lyonse ilya bena

Israeli, bonse abaume na banakashi. Elyo

abantu bonse epakubwelelamo cila umo


19 Then he distributed among all the

people, among the whole multitude of

Israel, both the women and the men, to

everyone a loaf of bread, a piece of meat,

and a cake of raisins. So all the people

departed, everyone to his house.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 44

1 Ishamfumu 8:63 1 Kings 8:63

63Solomoni atuula amalambo yakwampana

kuli Yawe, iŋombe amakana amakumi yabili

na makana yabili (22,000) elyo impaanga

ne mbushi amakana umwanda umo na

makana amakumi yabili (120,000). Ifi efyo

imfumu na bena Israeli bonse balubwile iyo

iŋanda kuli Yawe.

And Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace

offerings, which he offered to the Lord,

twenty-two thousand bulls and one

hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So

the king and all the children of Israel

dedicated the house of the Lord.

1 Samwele 11:15 1 Samuel 11:15

5Kanshi abantu bonse epakuya ku Giligali

no kuya bilisha Saulo nge mfumu pa cinso

cakwa Yawe. Kulya kwine eko baile tuula

imutuulo yakwampana pa cinso cakwa

Yawe, elyo Saulo na bena Israeli bonse

basansamuka nganshi.

So all the people went to Gilgal, and there

they made Saul king before the LORD in

Gilgal. There they made sacrifices of peace

offerings before the LORD, and there Saul

and all the men of Israel rejoiced greatly.

Amalango 27:7 Deuteronomy 27:7

7Palya pene epo mukalekele amalambo

yakwampana, ukuyalya no kusansamuka pa

cinso cakwa Yawe Lesa wenu.

You shall offer peace offerings, and shall

eat there, and rejoice before the Lord your


Yoshua 8:31 Joshua 8:31

pamo ngefyo Mose umubomfi wakwa Yawe

akonkomeshe abena Israeli. Akuulile

ukulingana nefyo calembwa mu citabo ca

Mafunde yakwa Mose ukuti, “Icibumba ca

bulambo cifwile ukukuulilwa na mabwe

ayashakomaulwamo ne cela, yalingile

yabafye ayatuntulu.” Apa epo baletuulila

umutuulo we lambo lya cakoca kuli Yawe

kabili no mutuulo we lambo lyakwampana.

as Moses the servant of the Lord had

commanded the children of Israel, as it is

written in the Book of the Law of Moses:

“an altar of whole stones over which no

man has wielded an iron tool.” And they

offered on it burnt offerings to the Lord,

and sacrificed peace offerings.

Iyi mitulo yalepelwa pa kusefya kwa Pentekoste

These offerings were specifically prescribed for the Feast of Pentecost.

Abena Lebi 23:19 Leviticus 23:19

19Kabili muli nokutuula sawe umo ngo

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi, no twana

twa mpaanga tubili utwa mwaka umo ngo

mutuulo wakwampana.

Then you shall sacrifice one kid of the

goats as a sin offering, and two male lambs

of the first year as a sacrifice of a peace


Ukusefya kwa leibukishiwa no mutulo wa mutende; na Solomoni alipingula ilambo lya kusefya ukuti kubepo imiku itatu mu mwaka.

Festivals were observed with peace offerings; and Solomon ordered a sacrificial festival of burnt and peace offerings to be held three times a year.

1 Ishamfumu 9:25 1 Kings 9:25

5 Imiku itatu cila mwaka Solomoni aletuula

amalambo yakoca ne mituulo yakwampana

pa bulambo akuulile Yawe, no koca

ububani pa cinso cakwe. Pa nshita imo ine

elyo afikilisha ne fyalefwaikwa ukucita mu

ŋanda yakwa Yawe.

Now three times a year Solomon offered

burnt offerings and peace offerings on the

altar which he had built for the Lord, and

he burned incense with them on the altar

that was before the Lord. So he finished the


Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 45

Umutulo wa mutende ulanda pa lwa kusenamina Apa epali ubulayo bwa kwa Lesa ubu cingilila kabili e cipela ukusenamina ukupala. Shikulu alikwata ubwasuko pali Abrahamu ukulingana no kusenamina uko Lesa amubikile ukufuma kumu yayaya. Amapange yakwa Lesa pali Abrahamu yalebomba kale. Ni Abrahamu fye eufwile ukwibukisha ifilayo fya kwa lesa ifya kunuma nokusumina.

The peace offerings speak of the state of grace of the believer in fellowship with God, and they took place mainly in connection with feasts commemorating God. They helped to establish people more firmly in their walk with Jehovah and to be more mindful of God when enjoying prosperity and mercies. The peace offering also enabled the Hebrew to be reminded of God's nearness and protection whenever adversity threatened to take his mind off the Lord.

Cintu icaseka ukubika icilubo pa banobe lilya wapiti mu mafya ayapala abafyashi, mu ncende emo twikele, mu mushi twikala, abafikansa fya calo, abatwingishe incinto, nafimbi. Lelo uyu musango tausakamana ukupekanya kwa kwa Lesa, ipalo ilili lyonse, ifunde ilili lyonse, kabili nefilengo kuti tucule.

The thank offering was offered in times of personal or national prosperity or success, at any time, in fact, when the believer felt thankful to God for what He had bestowed.

Umutulo wakuipelesha cilemoneka wali pakati ka kuti Lesa ukusekelamo kwa kupekanya kwa kwe.

The freewill offering seems to have been centered in the desire to thank God for the enjoyment of His provision and to make supplication for its continuance.

Inama isho ishalepelwa ngo mutulo wa mutende tawakwete akalema.

The animals in the peace offerings were either unblemished oxen or smaller cattle of either sex.

Abena Lebi 3:1, 6 Leviticus 3:1,6

1 “Umuntu nga alepeela umutuulo

wakwampana, elyo atuula icitekwa ca pa

mukuni wakwe, nalimo cilume nangu

cikota, ico ali nokutuula kuli Yawe cifwile

caba icabula akalema.

1 ‘When his offering is a sacrifice of a

peace offering, if he offers it of the herd,

whether male or female, he shall offer it

without blemish before the Lord.

6“Nga cakuti umuntu atuula impaanga

nangu imbushi imo iya mu mukuni wakwe

ukuba umutuulo wakwampana kuli Yawe,

alingile atuula iyilume nelyo iyikota

iyabula akalema.

6 ‘If his offering as a sacrifice of a peace

offering to the Lord is of the flock, whether

male or female, he shall offer it without


Abena Lebi 9:4 Leviticus 9:4

4Kabili buulenipo cilume wa ŋombe na

sukusuku ngo mutuulo wakwampana uwe

lambo kuli Yawe, pamo no mutuulo wa

cabunga uwasanshiwamo na mafuta. Pantu

ilelo line, Yawe alemoneka kuli imwe.’”

also a bull and a ram as peace offerings, to

sacrifice before the Lord, and a grain

offering mixed with oil; for today the Lord

will appear to you.’ ”

Inama ishi shali bwino shalesuminishiwa mu kupelo mutulo wakuifwaila.

Deformed animals were allowable in freewill offerings.

Abena Lebi 22:23 Leviticus 22:23

3Nalimo kuti mwatuula inama ye lambo

lyakuitemenwa iŋombe nangu impaanga

Either a bull or a lamb that has any limb

too long or too short you may offer as a

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 46

iyatusa, atemwa iyalemana mu musango uli

onse lelo talili nakupokelelwa nge

cakufikilishapo umulapo

freewill offering, but for a vow it shall not

be accepted.

BELENGENI Abena Lebi 3:3-16 READ Leviticus 3:3–16

BELENGENI Abena Lebi 9 READ Leviticus 9

E ico umutulo wa mutende kwa lelanda pa fya kuwikishanya kwa muntu mubembu na Lesa kabili nobukata bwa mweo wakwe nge shintililp lyakuba mwisenge na Lesa.

Thus, the peace offering presupposed the previous reconciliation of the offeror with God and the holiness of his life as a basis of admission to fellowship with God.

Icifuba ne fipeya fyalipatulwilwe ukufuma kucibiye, icipeya icabikilwe ngo lubali lwa kusefya Mulungu, muli kulukuta, muleshinshimuna Lesa, ukumfwa bwino isenge na ba tetekela, fyonse ifimisekesha ukuba abena Kristu, elyo nomba ukumona fye imbela yenu yayamba uku cinja ku ncito pali Cimo ilyo incite yenu

The breast and right shoulder were then separated from each other, the shoulder being laid aside as the portion for the officiating priest. The breast was "waved", that is, raised in symbolic presentation to the Lord, and was given to the priests to be eaten either boiled or roasted in some clean place.

BELENGENI Abena Lebi 7:30 nefyakonkapo READ Leviticus 7:30 and following

BELENGENI Abena Lebi 10:13 nefyakonkapo READ Leviticus 10:13 and following

Inama iyashele yapelwe kuli ulya uwalufyenye pakuti babikepo ifyalefwaika pa kupele lambo ilya kwe no lupwa lwakwe. Nge calo, abana ba Israeli tabali abakula ku mupashi. Tabakwete amaka yak u mupashi kabili tabakwete ukwishiba ifyo Shikulu aba nefyo engacita. Aya e mesho aya kubalilapo ayo ba ponene, amesho aya kubalangisha ifyo bali abapelelwa ukwabula Lesa.

The rest of the meat belonged to the offeror, furnishing food for the sacrificial feast for himself and his family. In the case of the thank offering, it must be eaten the same day; in other cases it could have been eaten on the second day, but no later. Whatever was not eaten had to be burned, but not on the altar.

Abena Lebi 7:15-17 Leviticus 7:15–17


Inama ya mutuulo wakwampana kabili

iyakutotela, ifwile ukuliwa mu bushiku

bwine ubo ipeelelwepo ngo mutuulo we

lambo. Tafwile kushako nelyo kamo mpaka

ukufika ulucelo.

15 ‘The flesh of the sacrifice of his peace

offering for thanksgiving shall be eaten the

same day it is offered. He shall not leave

any of it until morning.


“Nga cakuti umutuulo we lambo lya

muntu wa cilayo nangu wakuitemenwafye,

ninshi uyo mutuulo we lambo ufwile

ukuliwafye ubo bwine bushiku

wapeelelwapo. Lelo nga cakuti pashala

fimo, kuti fyaliwa ubushiku bwakonkapo.

16 But if the sacrifice of his offering is a

vow or a voluntary offering, it shall be

eaten the same day that he offers his

sacrifice; but on the next day the

remainder of it also may be eaten;


Umunofu wa nama nga washalako ku

mutuulo mu bushiku bwalenga shitatu,


17 the remainder of the flesh of the

sacrifice on the third day must be burned

with fire.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 47

Abena Lebi 22:30 Leviticus 22:30

30Ufwile ukuliwa pa bushiku bwine ubo

mwautuula. Tewakushako nangu kamo

mpaka ulucelo. Nine Yawe.

On the same day it shall be eaten; you shall

leave none of it until morning: I am the


Ngo muntu uwalufyenye no lupwa lwa kwe ilyo balile ifya kulya ifya mutende, caleimininako bumupashi no luse lwa kwa Lesa, ukusekesha kwa kupwililika kwa nsansa mu cinso ca kwa Shikulu.

As the offeror and his family ate the material food of the peace offering, it was a symbol of their being spiritual fed with the mercies of God, of being satisfied with fullness of joy in the presence of the Lord.

Amalumbo 16:11 Psalm 16:11


Walinangilila inshila iyitwala ku mweo,

no kuba ne nsansa ishishaifulila pa cinso


no kusansamuka ukwa pe na pe ku kuboko

kobe ukwa ku kulyo.

You will show me the path of life; In Your

presence is fullness of joy; At Your right

hand are pleasures forevermore.

Uku kwali kusefya kwa kutemwa, insansa, ukwimininako ukwikala mu nganda no lupwa lwa kwa Shikulu, kabili cilangisha insansa sha bantu bakwe pa cinso ca kwe.

This was a feast of love and joy, symbolizing the privilege of dwelling in the house and family of the Lord, and so pictured the joy of His people before him.

Amalango 12:12, 18 Deuteronomy 12:12,18

12Kabili kulya kwine eko

mukalesansamuka pa cinso cakwa Yawe

Lesa wenu, imwe, abana benu abaume na

banakashi, ababomfi benu abaume na

banakashi, na bena Levi abakalaikala mu

misumba yenu, abashakwata icitungu

nangu icacishilano cabo.

12 And you shall rejoice before the Lord

your God, you and your sons and your

daughters, your male and female servants,

and the Levite who is within your gates,

since he has no portion nor inheritance

with you.

8Lelo mukalelya fyonse pa cinso cakwa

Yawe Lesa wenu pa ncende apo Yawe Lesa

wenu ali nokusala. Mukalelya pamo, imwe,

abana benu abaume na banakashi,

ababomfi benu abaume na banakashi, na

bena Levi abaikala mu misumba yenu. Muli

nokusansamuka pa cinso cakwa Yawe Lesa

wenu pa fintu fyonse mwabomba ne minwe


18 But you must eat them before the Lord

your God in the place which the Lord your

God chooses, you and your son and your

daughter, your male servant and your

female servant, and the Levite who is

within your gates; and you shall rejoice

before the Lord your God in all to which

you put your hands.

Luka 14:15 Luke 14:15

15Elyo umuntu umo uwali pamo na Yesu

pakulya, ilyo aumfwile ifi, aebele Yesu ati,

“Alishuka umuntu uukalyako imitebeto ya

mu Bufumu bwakwa Lesa!

Now when one of those who sat at the table

with Him heard these things, he said to

Him, “Blessed is he who shall eat bread in

the kingdom of God!”

Luka 22:30 Luke 22:30

30Kanshi mwakulaandama na ine pakulya

na pakunwa mu Bufumu bwandi. Kabili

mwakulaikala pa fipuna fyabufumu,

muleputula imilandu ya nko ikumi limo na

shibili isha bena Israeli.

that you may eat and drink at My table in

My kingdom, and sit on thrones judging

the twelve tribes of Israel.”

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 48

Ukwimininako umutulo wa nsansa Typology of the Peace Offering

Ngo mutulo uwalowa, umutulo wa mutende ulangisho kuti Kristu mutende wesu. Yesus Kristu alileto mutende, alashimikilo mutende kabili mutende wesu.

As a sweet savor offering, the peace offering shows Christ as our peace. Jesus Christ made peace, He proclaims peace, and He is our peace.

Abena Kolose 1:20 Colossians 1:20

Lesa apingwile nokuti ku maka yakwa

Mwane, eko Lesa awikishanye ne fintu

fyonse. Lesa alipanga icibote

mukuwikishanya ne fintu fyonse ifya pano

calo ne fya mu mulu pa mulandu wa mfwa

yakwa Mwane iya pa musalaba.

and by Him to reconcile all things to

Himself, by Him, whether things on earth

or things in heaven, having made peace

through the blood of His cross.

Abena Efese 2:14-18 Ephesians 2:14-18

14Pantu Kristu umwine atucita umushobo

umo. Aleta icibote pakati ka Bayuda na

Benafyalo. Ku mubili wakwe eko

abongolwela icibumba icalebalekanya no


14 For He Himself is our peace, who has

made both one, and has broken down the

middle wall of separation,

15Alilesha Amafunde yakwa Mose ne

ntambi na fyonse ifyo yalekonkomesha.

Acita ifi pakuti awikishanye iyi mishobo,

elyo umwine kuli iyi mishobo ibili

apangeko umushobo umo uupya


15 having abolished in His flesh the

enmity, that is, the law of commandments

contained in ordinances, so as to create in

Himself one new man from the two, thus

making peace,

16 Kristu ku mfwa yakwe iya pa musalaba

alyonaula ulupato ulwali pakati ka iyi

mishobo. Kabili ku mfwa yakwe

auminkanya imishobo iyi ibili ukuba

umubili umo, aubwesesha na kuli Lesa.

16 and that He might reconcile them both

to God in one body through the cross,

thereby putting to death the enmity.

17Kristu aishile bila Imbila Nsuma yacibote

ku bantu bonse, kuli imwe mwe Benafyalo

mwe bali ukutali na Lesa, elyo na ku

Bayuda bene abali mupepi na Lesa.

17 And He came and preached peace to you

who were afar off and to those who were


18Ni pa mulandu wakwa Kristu eco ifwe

bonse Abayuda na Benafyalo twishila pa

cinso cakwa Wishi ku bwafwilisho bwakwa


18 For through Him we both have access by

one Spirit to the Father.

Umutulo walengele Lesa ukuba nge cakutetekwila kabili no ku wikishanya pa kati ka kwa Lesa no mubembu bashile pamo mu mutende, kabili bonse balisekelamo.

The offering sets forth God as propitiated and the believer as reconciled - God and the sinner brought together in peace, both satisfied with the finished work of Christ.

Umutulo wa cakulya ne ca kunwa Meal and Drink Offerings

Umutulo wa cakulya no kunwa kulasuminisha ubulungami bwa kwa Lesa no busuma bwa kwe mukupela amapalo pa calo, e ico icabupe icisuma fyalipelwe kuli wene ngo bunga bwa

The meal and drink (libation) offerings recognized the sovereignty of God and His goodness in providing earthly blessings; thus the best gifts were dedicated to Him, such as

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 49

mukate, amafuta, icimininako icuma, umwangashi nge cakumwenako ukufumwa bwino.

flour, as the main support of life; oil, the symbol of richness; wine, as the symbol of vigor and refreshment.

Moneni Amalumbo 104:15 (see Psa. 104:15)

Ilitontonkanyo lilelondololwa na Dibidi muli The idea seems to be expressed by David in

1 Imilandu 29:10-14 Davidi alumbanya Yawe pa cinso cabalongene bonse alanda ati,

“Ulumbanishiwe we Yawe, Lesa wakwa Israeli shifwe wesu, umuyayaya no muyayaya. Pantu fyonse fyobe we Yawe, ubukulu na maka, ubukata no bucindami, elyo no bukankala.

Pantu fyonse ifyaba mu muluelyo na pano isonde, fyobe.

1 Chron. 29:10–14, "All that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine...All things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee."

“Mu mutuulo wa cabunga onse uo muletuula kuli Yawe, tamufwile kubikamo icitutumushi, pantu tamwakatale amocela icitutumushi no buci mu mutuulo mutuula kuli Yawe uwa cakoca. 12Ifi mulefileta kuli Yawe ngo mutuulo wa fisabo fyakubalilapo lelo fyena tafili fyakutuula pa bulambo nge cakusekesha ku cena cisuma.

The material of the meal offering was sometimes grain, offered partly unground and partly in refined flour, in both cases with oil poured on and incense added. At other times cakes were prepared, in three different ways (see above), with oil, but without leaven. Both kinds of meal offering were to be seasoned with salt.

Abena Lebi 2:13 Leviticus 2:13

13Mu mutuulo wa cabunga onse,

ulebikamo umucele. Tecakwesha ukulaba

ukubika uyu mucele wa cipangano cakwa

Lesa obe mu mutuulo obe uwa cabunga.

Kabili lundapo umucele pa mutuulo obe


14“Nga mutuulo wa fisabo fyakubalilapo

kuli Yawe uwa fya nseke, tu

13 And every offering of your grain

offering you shall season with salt; you

shall not allow the salt of the covenant of

your God to be lacking from your grain

offering. With all your offerings you shall

offer salt.

The drink offering was always wine.

Umutulo wa cakulya tawali wa pa cintu bwingi nangu kumbali kabili kwali mukuba kwa mutulo wa mutende. Tafyapelwe pamo no mutulo wa lubembu nangu uwa mampulu.

Meal offerings were either public or private, and were either brought in connection with burnt or peace offerings or by themselves. They were never offered with sin or trespass offerings. The established public occasions for the meal offering were;

(1) Ukupela kwa mikate ikumi limo naibili mu ncende ya mushilo

(1) the presentation of the twelve loaves of showbread for the Holy Place,

(2) Umukate walepelwa pa bushiku bwa cibili ubwe Pasaka

(2) the omer, or sheaf of wheat presented on the second day of Passover, and

(3) Iyi mikate ibili pa bushiku bwa Penteloste . ifyakulya fine nafilondololwa:

(3) the two wave loaves at Pentecost. Four private meal offerings were prescribed by law:

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 50

1. Umutulo wa cakulya ca kwa kashimikila mukalamba, ukulingana na mafunde y aba Yuda.

1. The daily meal offering of the high priest, according to the Jewish interpretation of Leviticus 6:14 and following.

2. Umutulo wa ca kulya pa kupepelela ba kashimikila.

2. A meal offering at the consecration of priests

Abena Lebi 6:20 Leviticus 6:20

20“Uyu e mutuulo Aroni na bana bakwe

abaume bafwile ukutuula kuli Yawe pa

bushiku bwakusubwa. Bali nokulatuula

icapekumi cimo ca cipimo ca efa ca bunga

bwa ŋanu ubwapeleka bwino pamo ngo

mutuulo wa cabunga uo batuula lyonse.

Bali nokubwakanya pakati no kutuula bumo

ulucelo, na bumbi nabo icungulo.

“This is the offering of Aaron and his sons,

which they shall offer to the Lord,

beginning on the day when he is anointed:

one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour as a

daily grain offering, half of it in the

morning and half of it at night.

3. Umutulo wa ca kulya waiminineko ku nama pa mutulo wa lubembu nga mu nshita ya nsala.

3. A meal offering in substitution for an animal at the sin offering, in case of poverty

Abena 5:11-12 Leviticus 5:11,12

11“Nga cakuti umuntu afilwa ukumona

utupele tubili nangu utubondo twa nkunda

tubili, ninshi alingile ukuleta icapekumi ca

cipimo ca efa umo ica bunga bwa ŋanu

ubwapeleka bwino ngo mutuulo

wakwelelwa pa bubifi. Tafwile kusanshako

amafuta nangu icinyamuti ca

fulankinisenshi icanunka ubusaka, pantu

uyu mutuulo wa kulapila pa bubifi.

11 ‘But if he is not able to bring two

turtledoves or two young pigeons, then he

who sinned shall bring for his offering one-

tenth of an ephah of fine flour as a sin

offering. He shall put no oil on it, nor shall

he put frankincense on it, for it is a sin


12Alingile nokuleta kuli shimapepo, nao ali

nokubuulapofye mu lupi kukuba icipande

ca cibukisho, elyo ali nokubocela pa

bulambo pamo ne mituulo yakoca iya kuli

Yawe. Uyu mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi.

12 Then he shall bring it to the priest, and

the priest shall take his handful of it as a

memorial portion, and burn it on the altar

according to the offerings made by fire to

the Lord. It is a sin offering.

4. And, a meal offering in the case of a husband's jealousy of his adulterous wife

Impendwa 5:11-15 Numbers 5:11–15

11Elyo Yawe aebele Mose ati, 11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

12“Landa ku bena Israeli no kubeba ukuti

ngo mwanakashi apondokela umulume

wakwe no kukanaba uwacishinka,

12 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say

to them: ‘If any man’s wife goes astray and

behaves unfaithfully toward him,

13alala no mwaume umbi mu bumfisolo,

kabili ifyo acita tafishibikwe ku mulume,

no kukowela kwakwe takwishibikwe ico

kushali bakambone abamusangilishe,

13 and a man lies with her carnally, and it

is hidden from the eyes of her husband,

and it is concealed that she has defiled

herself, and there was no witness against

her, nor was she caught—

14nga cakuti umwaume aikatwa no bufuba,

alatunganya no mukashi, elyo kabili caba

icacine nangu limbi tecacine tabembuka,

14 if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him

and he becomes jealous of his wife, who

has defiled herself; or if the spirit of

jealousy comes upon him and he becomes

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 51

jealous of his wife, although she has not

defiled herself—

15kanshi umwaume uyo ali nokutwala

umukashi wakwe kuli shimapepo. Pakuya

kuli shimapepo, ali nokusenda ubunga bwa

mutuulo bwa bale icapekumi cimo ca ku

cipimo ca efa , ubwa pa mulandu wa

mukashi. Lelo tafwile ukwitilapo amafuta

nangu ukubikapo icinyamuti ca

fulankinisenshi icanunka ubusaka pa

bunga, pantu mutuulo wa cabunga uwa

mulandu wa bufuba kabili mutuulo wa

cabunga uwa cibukisho pakuti icishinka


15 then the man shall bring his wife to the

priest. He shall bring the offering required

for her, one-tenth of an ephah of barley

meal; he shall pour no oil on it and put no

frankincense on it, because it is a grain

offering of jealousy, an offering for

remembering, for bringing iniquity to


Muli fyonse ifyaipikwe ifya mutulo wa cakulya kwali oma nangu insembe, yalipangilwe mu mikate ikumi limo, ukufumyapo fye ica kulya ca kw aka shinikila mukalamba iya kwete imikate ikumi limo naibili iyaleimininako imitundu ya ban aba Israele iyali ikumi limo naibili. Mukupelo mutulo wa cakulya. Takwali amenshi ku Raphidim, kabili abantu ba baikile icilubo pali Mose pa kuba fumya mu Egypt pakuti abana babo kabili ne ngombe shabo shifwe ne cilaka. Ukuilishanya kwabo kwali ukukalamba icalengele ukuti Mose enike incende Meribah ico icilepilibula ukuilishanya. Ee kwena Lesa alibapele amenshi ukufuma mwi libwe, pa nshita imo ine icikope icisuma ica mbila nsuma. Ibukisheni ukutila ukusenamina kwa kwa Lesa kushintilila pa mbela yakwe, te pa mbela yesu nangula ukucetekelwa kwesu. Abantu bapokelele ifyo tabayene ukupokelela.

In all of the baked meal offerings, an "omer", or sheaf of grain, was made into ten cakes, except for the high priests' meal offering of twelve loaves, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. In presenting the meal offering, the priest brought it in the gold or silver dish in which it had been prepared, then transferred it to a holy vessel, putting oil and frankincense on it. Standing at the south corner of the altar, he took a "handful" that was to be burned, put it in another vessel, laid some of the frankincense on it, carried it to the top of the altar, salted it, and placed in on the fire. The rest of the offering belonged to the priests, except in the case of the twelve loaves of showbread and loaves offered at the consecration of priests, which could not be eaten but were entirely burned

Abena Lebi 6:16-18 Leviticus 6:16-18

16Ifyashalapo, Aroni na bana bakwe

abaume bali nokulya, lelo bafwile ukulya

umwabula intutumushi mu ncende

yamushilo. Bafwile ukuliila mu lubansa lwe

Tenti Lyakukumaninamo.

16 And the remainder of it Aaron and his

sons shall eat; with unleavened bread it

shall be eaten in a holy place; in the court

of the tabernacle of meeting they shall eat


17Pakupanga umukate tabafwile

ukubikamo intutumushi. Nabapeela ifi ifya

pa mituulo yandi iya cakoca cibe cabo. Ifi

filyo, ala, fyamushilo nganshi pamo ngo

mutuulo wakwelelwa pa bubifi elyo no

mutuulo wakufuta pa fyabubifi.

17 It shall not be baked with leaven. I have

given it as their portion of My offerings

made by fire; it is most holy, like the sin

offering and the trespass offering.

18Umwaume onse uwa mu lupwa lwakwa

Aroni ali nokulyako. Ici e cipande cakwe pa

mutuulo kuli Yawe uwa cakoca icili

nokutwalilila ku nkulo shonse. Na conse

18 All the males among the children of

Aaron may eat it. It shall be a statute

forever in your generations concerning the

offerings made by fire to the Lord.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 52

icili nokukumyako, cili nokuba


Everyone who touches them must be holy.’

Abena Lebi 6:20-23 Leviticus 6:20-23

20“Uyu e mutuulo Aroni na bana bakwe

abaume bafwile ukutuula kuli Yawe pa

bushiku bwakusubwa. Bali nokulatuula

icapekumi cimo ca cipimo ca efa ca bunga

bwa ŋanu ubwapeleka bwino pamo ngo

mutuulo wa cabunga uo batuula lyonse.

Bali nokubwakanya pakati no kutuula bumo

ulucelo, na bumbi nabo icungulo.

20 “This is the offering of Aaron and his

sons, which they shall offer to the Lord,

beginning on the day when he is anointed:

one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour as a

daily grain offering, half of it in the

morning and half of it at night.

21Bali nokusankanya ubunga na mafuta

pakukandawila no koca pelata lyakocelapo

no kutuula ngo mutuulo wa cabunga uwa

cena cisuma icisekesha Yawe.

21 It shall be made in a pan with oil. When

it is mixed, you shall bring it in. The baked

pieces of the grain offering you shall offer

for a sweet aroma to the Lord.

22Umwana mwaume onse uwakwa Aroni

uuli nokupyana nga shimapepo uwasubwa,

euli nokupekanya uyu mutuulo kuli Yawe

lyonsefye. Onsefye umutuulo, wakocela

Yawe epela.

22 The priest from among his sons, who is

anointed in his place, shall offer it. It is a

statute forever to the Lord. It shall be

wholly burned.

23Umutuulo wa cabunga onse uo

shimapepo atuula, ulingile ukuocafye

umupwilapo. Tecakwesha ukulyako.”

23 For every grain offering for the priest

shall be wholly burned. It shall not be


Takuli ifunde ilipelwe pa fyo umwangashi wapelwe

There is no regulation given as to how the wine was presented or how it was disposed of!

Ukwimininako umutulo wa ca kulya Typology of the Meal Offering

Uyu mutulo uleimi ninako Kristu mukupwililika kwa bumuntu bwa kwe uwa eshewe mukucula. Ubunga bwa mukate buleimininako bumuntu bwa kwa Kristu ubwabulo lubembu.

This offering typifies Christ in His human perfection tested by suffering. The fine flour represented His sinless humanity. The fire is the testing by suffering, even unto death. The frankincense symbolizes the aroma of His life toward the Father.

Ukufuma 30:34 Exodus 30:34

4Elyo Yawe aebele Mose ati, “Buula ifintu

ifyanunka ubusaka, ifinyamuti fya sitakite,

ifya onika, ifya galibanumu ne cinyamuti ca

fulankinisenshi icanunka ubusaka, fyonse

fikalingane ubwingi

And the Lord said to Moses: “Take sweet

spices, stacte and onycha and galbanum,

and pure frankincense with these sweet

spices; there shall be equal amounts of


Kalebu na Yoshua balishibikwa ukuti nga bantu babili impalume mu bwikashi bwe sonde, abantu abaishiba amano no kusenamina kwa kwa Lesa kabili balefwaisha ukuipelasha abene.

The absence of leaven, a type of evil, shows forth His spotless character. The oil mingled with the offering speaks of his conception by the Holy Spirit.

Mateo 1:18-23 Matthew 1:18–23

18Kanshi ukufyalwa kwakwa Yesu Kristu

kwali nifi. Maria nyina wakwa Yesu

18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as

follows: After His mother Mary was

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 53

akobekelwe kuli Yosefu. Lelo ilyo tabalati

bekale nankwe, Maria asangwa ukuti ali

pabukulu ku maka yakwa Mupashi


betrothed to Joseph, before they came

together, she was found with child of the

Holy Spirit.

19Nomba Yosefu umwina mwakwe ico ali

umuntu umololoke talefwaya

ukumusebanya, epakupanga ukumulekela

mu bumfisolo.

19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just

man, and not wanting to make her a public

example, was minded to put her away


20Ilyo acili aletontonkanya ifi, malaika wa

Mfumu amumonekela mu ciloto. Alamweba

ati, “Yosefu we mwana Davidi, witiina

kusenda Maria kumobe ukuti abe umukashi

obe. Ala pantu ico aimita, cafuma kuli

Mupashi Wamushilo.

20 But while he thought about these things,

behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to

him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of

David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary

your wife, for that which is conceived in

her is of the Holy Spirit.

21Akafyala umwana umwaume, na iwe

ukamwinika ishina lya Yesu, pantu

eukapususha abantu bakwe ku fyabubifi


21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you

shall call His name Jesus, for He will save

His people from their sins.”

22Ifi fyonse fyacitike pakufikilisha

amashiwi ya Mfumu ayo kasesema asosele


22 So all this was done that it might be

fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord

through the prophet, saying:

23“Umukashana uushakuma ku mwaume

akemita, akafyala no mwana umwaume.

Kabili bakamwinika ne shina lya Imanueli.”

Ishina lyalola mukuti, “Lesa twaba


23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child,

and bear a Son, and they shall call His

name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God

with us.”

Amafuta ayaitilwe pa mutulo ulanda palibu mupashi bwa kwe.

Oil poured on the offering speaks of his enduement with the Spirit

Yohane 1:32 John 1:32

Kabili Yoani alanda muli bukambone

bwakwe ati, “Namwene Mupashi aleika

ukufuma ku mulu kwati ni nkunda, aisa

ikalilila pali Yesu.

And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the

Spirit descending from heaven like a dove,

and He remained upon Him.

Yohane 6:27 John 6:27

Mwilabombela icakulya icishili

cakubelelela. Ala akubombeleni icakulya

icakupeela umweo wape, ico Umwana wa

muntu akamupeela. Pantu Lesa Wishi

umwine eo asuminisha.

Do not labor for the food which perishes,

but for the food which endures to

everlasting life, which the Son of Man will

give you, because God the Father has set

His seal on Him.”

Umutulo wa maka no kwenda Heave and Wave Offerings

Umbi umutulo witwa umutulo wa maka no kwenda pantu ulanda mu nshile yo walepelelwamo. Kabili no bupusano citetekelo ici tusha. Kalebu na Yoshua balitetekele ifilayo fya kwa Lesa, aba bambi ikumi limo

Some of the offerings are called "heave" or "wave" offerings because of the special manner in which they were presented. Those portions of the offerings which were "heaved", or lifted up, were regarded as gifts to God, and were

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 54

tabatetekele. Kalebu na Yoshua balikwete ukushipa, aba bambi ikumi kimo tabashipile.

understood to be handed over to the priests to be used only by them and their families

Impendwa 18:19 Numbers 18:19

“Ifyashalako ku mituulo yamushilo yonse

iyo abena Israeli bakalatuula ine ne Yawe,

napeela kuli iwe pamo na bana bobe

abaume na banakashi, nge

cakumwakanyako lyonse. Kanshi ici e

cipangano ca pe ica mucele pa cinso cakwa

Yawe kuli iwe na ku bana bobe


“All the heave offerings of the holy things,

which the children of Israel offer to the

Lord, I have given to you and your sons

and daughters with you as an ordinance

forever; it is a covenant of salt forever

before the Lord with you and your

descendants with you.”

Abena Lebi 22:10 Leviticus 22:10

“Umuntu onse uushili wa mu lupwa lwa

bushimapepo tali nakulyako umutuulo

wamushilo. Nangufye mweni wine uwakwa

shimapepo no mubomfifye wakwe wine tali


No outsider shall eat the holy offering; one

who dwells with the priest, or a hired

servant, shall not eat the holy thing.

Shikulu mukalamba ukucila icipokapoka icili conse mu mweo wa mwina Kristu. “mukalamba uyo uuli muli imwe ukucila uyo uuli mu calo.” Shikulu alishibe kalibela ukutila kukaba ifipokapoka mu musumba wa Kanani, elyo kabili alipekenye fyonse kalibela pakuti bene bapyane umusumba. E ico, napanuma yakupita no kupona amesho ayengi, elyo nspanuma yakumona amaka ya kwa Lesa mu fisungusho

The wave offering was placed upon the outstretched hands of the offeror, and the priest put his hands under those of the offeror. Then the priest moved the whole backward and forward in a horizontal movement. The following offerings were to be waved before the Lord:

The breast of a private thank offering

Abena Lebi 7:30 Leviticus 7:30

30Alingile ukuiletelafye umwine uyu

mutuulo wa cakoca kuli Yawe. Ali nokuleta

ifyamafuta pamo ne cisao elyo atambike

icisao kuli Yawe ngo mutuulo wa


His own hands shall bring the offerings

made by fire to the Lord. The fat with the

breast he shall bring, that the breast may

be waved as a wave offering before the


Amafuta, pa cifuba na pa cipeya ca mutulo wa kutasha pa kupepela ba shimapepo

The fat, breast, and shoulder of the thank offerings at the consecration of the priests

Ukufuma 29:22-26 Exodus 29:22–26

22“Kabili kuli sukusuku uyu ukabuuleko

amafuta, umucila, amafuta ya mu fya

munda, fyonse ifyalambatila ku libu, ne

mfyo shonse shibili na mafuta yabako elyo

no mwendo wa ku kulyo.

22 “Also you shall take the fat of the ram,

the fat tail, the fat that covers the entrails,

the fatty lobe attached to the liver, the two

kidneys and the fat on them, the right

thigh (for it is a ram of consecration),

23Mu museke wa mikate iyabulamo

intutumushi iyili pa cinso cakwa Yawe

ukabuulemo umukate umo na kamukate

kamo akasakanishiwamo amafuta elyo na

kamukate akapapatala.

23 one loaf of bread, one cake made with

oil, and one wafer from the basket of the

unleavened bread that is before the Lord;

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 55

24Ifyakulya fyonse ifyo ukafibike mu

minwe yakwa Aroni na bana bakwe

abaume, nabo bakafimishe mumulu ngo

mutuulo wakutambika ukuti nafipeelwa

kuli Yawe pa cinso cakwe.

24 and you shall put all these in the hands

of Aaron and in the hands of his sons, and

you shall wave them as a wave offering

before the Lord.

25Elyo kabili ukafibuule mu minwe,

ukafyocele na pa bulambo pa mulu we

lambo lyakoca. Ili e lambo lyakocela Yawe

lya cena cisuma icimusekesha, umutuulo

wa cakoca kuli Yawe.

25 You shall receive them back from their

hands and burn them on the altar as a

burnt offering, as a sweet aroma before the

Lord. It is an offering made by fire to the


26“Ukabuule icisao cakwa sukusuku uo

ukepaya pakupeela Aroni bushimapepo,

ukacimishe mumulu ngo mutuulo

wakutambika pa cinso cakwa Yawe, elyo

cikabe icakaniko cobe.

26 “Then you shall take the breast of the

ram of Aaron’s consecration and wave it as

a wave offering before the Lord; and it

shall be your portion.

Abena Lebi 8:25-29 Leviticus 8:25–29

25Elyo Farao aitile Mose na Aroni abeba ati,

“Kabiyeni mukulekela Lesa wenu amalambo

muno mwine mu calo.”

25 Then he took the fat and the fat tail, all

the fat that was on the entrails, the fatty

lobe attached to the liver, the two kidneys

and their fat, and the right thigh;

26Mose nao amwasuka ati, “Ico cena

tacilungeme pantu inama shintu tulekela

Yawe Lesa wesu ilambo, abena Egupto bena

balishipata. Kanshi nga bamona tulelekela

Lesa wesu ilambo lya nama isho bapata,

bushe tabakatwipaye mukutulasa amabwe?

26 and from the basket of unleavened

bread that was before the Lord he took one

unleavened cake, a cake of bread anointed

with oil, and one wafer, and put them on

the fat and on the right thigh;

27Tufwilefye ukuya ulwendo lwa nshiku

shitatu mu matololo kukutuula Yawe, Lesa

wesu, amalambo ukulingana nefyo


27 and he put all these in Aaron’s hands

and in his sons’ hands, and waved them as

a wave offering before the Lord.

.” 28Farao nao amweba ati, “Ndemuleka

muye kukulekela Yawe, Lesa wenu,

amalambo ku matololo cikulu tamwile

kutali. Nomba mumpapatileko.”

28 Then Moses took them from their hands

and burned them on the altar, on the burnt

offering. They were consecration offerings

for a sweet aroma. That was an offering

made by fire to the Lord.

29Mose nao amwasuka ati, “Cisuma

nalafuma pano, nalaya papata Yawe ukuti

mailo utusembele tukafume pali Farao, na

pali bacilolo bakwe na bantu bakwe. Nomba

Farao ekesha ukubepa ubufi nakabili,

elesha abantu ukuya lekela Yawe


29 And Moses took the breast and waved it

as a wave offering before the Lord. It was

Moses’ part of the ram of consecration, as

the Lord had commanded Moses.

Umutulo wakwamba uwapelwe pa bushiku bwa cibili bwe pasaka.

The first sheaf offered on the second day of Passover

Abena Levi 23:11 Leviticus 23:11

Shimapepo ali nokutambika uyu mwanshi

kuli Yawe pakuti upokelelwe

mukumwimininako. Shimapepo ali

He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to

be accepted on your behalf; on the day

after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 56

nokuutambika pa bushiku ilyo Isabata


Itwana twa mpanga tubili utwali mutulo wa kutasha pa kusefya kwa Pentecoste

The two lambs as a thank offering at the Feast of Pentecost

Abena Levi 23:20 Leviticus 23:20

20Shimapepo ali nokutambika utwana twa

mpaanga tubili kuli Yawe, pamo pene no

mukate wa fitwalo fyantanshi, ngo mutuulo

wakutambika. Ifi fyonse mutuulo

wamushilo kuli Yawe uwakwa shimapepo.

The priest shall wave them with the bread

of the firstfruits as a wave offering before

the Lord, with the two lambs. They shall be

holy to the Lord for the priest.

Umwana wa mpanga na mafuta ngo mutulu wa mampulu uwapelwe ukuwamya kwa mulwele wa fibashi.

The lamb and oil as a trespass offering for the purification of the leper

Abena Levi 14:12 Leviticus 14:12

Elyo shimapepo ali nokubuulapo akana ka

mpaanga kamo akalume aka mutuulo

wakufuta pa fyabubifi. Ali nokubikapo no

musukupala umo uwa mafuta, elyo no kuya

fituula kuli Yawe ngo mutuulo wa


And the priest shall take one male lamb

and offer it as a trespass offering, and the

log of oil, and wave them as a wave

offering before the Lord.

Umutulo wa kutasha uwapelwe kuli Nasarite The thank offering of the Nazarite

Impendwa 6:20 Numbers 6:20

Shimapepo ali nokutambika ifi fyonse kuli

Yawe ngo mutuulo wa cakutambika. Fyena

fyamushilo ifyo shimapepofye eka

ewingasendako pamo ne cisao icatambikwa

ne tanta ilituulilwe. Panuma ya ifi,

Umunasiliti kuti anwa umwangashi.

20 and the priest shall wave them as a

wave offering before the Lord; they are

holy for the priest, together with the breast

of the wave offering and the thigh of the

heave offering. After that the Nazirite may

drink wine.’

Umutulo wa kalumwa The jealousy offering

Impendwa 5:25 Numbers 5:25

5Shimapepo ali nokupoka ubunga ku

mwanakashi ubwa mutuulo wa bufuba,

abutambike kuli Yawe no kubuleta ku


Then the priest shall take the grain offering

of jealousy from the woman’s hand, shall

wave the offering before the Lord, and

bring it to the altar;

Umutulo wa Hefa ya kashika The Red Heifer Offering

Ilyo umuntu aishilekowela pakuti aikete inama iya kowela nangu umuntu uwakowela nangu mukwikata icitumbi. Ifyo balebomfya pakuwamya yali menshi ayalepita ne mito ya hefa iya kashika.

When a person became ceremonially unclean by some contact with an unclean animal or person or by contact with a dead person, he was required to go through a ritual cleansing. The material for this purification was composed of running water and the ashes of the "red heifer"

BELENGENI Impendwa 19 READ Numbers 19

The ashes were prepared as follows:

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 57

Yawe aebele Mose na Aroni ati, Ici ecilefwaikwa

mwifunde ilyo Yawe akonkomesha. Israeli na

benafyalo abo bakalaikala nabo.”

A heifer, without blemish, and which had never been yoked, was slaughtered outside the camp.

Ebeni abena Israeli ukuleta umusepela wa ŋombe iyikota uwakashika uwabula akalema nangu akabi kabili uushatala ausendapo ikoli. Mupeele kuli Eleasa shimapepo.

The son and successor of the high priest dipped his finger in the blood and sprinkled it seven times toward the sanctuary.

Ufumishiwe kunse ya nkambi no kuipaya pa menso yakwe. Elyo Eleasa shimapepo atumpike umunwe mu mulopa wauko, aukane imiku cine lubali ya kuntanshi ye Tenti

The heifer was burned in the presence of the priest, who, at the same time, took the cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wood, and cast them into the flames.

Lyakukumaninamo. Ilyo Eleasa shimapepo alemonako, boce uyo musepela wa ŋombe kumo kwine ne mpapa no munofu no mulopa ne fya mu mala. Shimapepo abuule ulusansu lwa cimuti icalepesha ica keda no tumisambo twa hisopo ne nsalu iyakashika cee, elyo afipose apalepya umusepela wa ŋombe.

A man who was free from defilement gathered the ashes and carried them to a clean place, still outside the camp, where they were stored for use as needed. All persons who were involved with this ceremony were considered unclean until that evening.

Ifyalekonkwa The Procedure

Panuma ya ifyo, shimapepo acape ifyakufwala fyakwe, elyo nokowa na pa muili wakwe na menshi. Lyena elyo ali nokubwelela ku nkambi. Lelo ali nokuba uwakowela ukufikafye ne cungulo.

When someone needed to have the purification rite performed on him, a man, who was himself free from defilement, took some of the ashes, put them in a vessel, and poured some fresh running water over them.

Uyo muntu uuleoca umusepela wa ŋombe nao ali nokucapa ifyakufwala fyakwe, elyo no kowa pa mubili na mensbhi, kabili nao wine ali nokuba uwakowela ukufikafye ne cungulo.

He dipped a bunch of hyssop into the mixture and sprinkled it upon the person to be purified, once three days after the uncleanness had been contracted, and again seven days after.

Kabili umuntu uwasangululwa akuse imito ya musepela wa ŋombe, no kuya ibika mu ncende iyasanguluka kunse ya nkambi.

At the same time, the tent in which a corpse had lain and all the furniture were sprinkled with the same water.

Ukwimininako kwa mutulo wa Hefa ya

kashika Typology of the Red Heifer Offering

Umutulo wa Hefa ya kashika The red heifer offering is called a sin offering

Inpendwa 19:9, 17 Numbers 19:9,17

Kabili umuntu uwasangululwa akuse imito

ya musepela wa ŋombe, no kuya ibika mu

ncende iyasanguluka kunse ya nkambi. Eko

yakulasungilwa, pakuti ulukuta lwa bena

Israeli luleibika mu menshi yakubomfya

pakusangulula ifintu. Ici e

cakusangulwilako ububifi

9 Then a man who is clean shall gather up

the ashes of the heifer, and store them

outside the camp in a clean place; and they

shall be kept for the congregation of the

children of Israel for the water of

purification; it is for purifying from sin.

Ku muntu uwakowela, babuulepo imito ya

ulya musepela wa ŋombe uwakashika

17 ‘And for an unclean person they shall

take some of the ashes of the heifer burnt

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 58

bacoca pakufuta pa fyabubifi babike mu

nongo elyo betilepo amenshi ayasuma.

for purification from sin, and running

water shall be put on them in a vessel.

“Lelo umuntu wakowela nga akaana ukuisangulula, uyo muntu wakutamfyafye mwibumba, pantu akowesha icifulo camushilo cakwa Yawe. Apo menshi yakumusangulula tayasanshilwe pa mubili wakwe, ninshi ashala uwakowela.

and it portrays the sacrifice of Christ as the medium of the believer's cleansing from the pollution contracted by his contact with the world. The order of cleansing is:

1. Ukwipaya kwe lambo 1. The slaying of the sacrifice

2. Ukusansa kwa mulopa imiku isano naibili, ukulangisha ukupwililka kwa kufumyapo lubembu lwa wasumina pa menso ya kwa Lesa.

2. The sevenfold sprinkling of the blood, showing the completed putting away of the believers sins before God

Abehebere 9:12-14 Hebrews 9:12–14

2Kristu aingile umukufye umo epela mu

Ncende Yamushilo icine cine. Kristu wena

pakwingilamo tasendele mulopa wa mbushi

no wa fiponti fya ŋombe, lelo asendele

umulopa wakwe, epakutumwena ukulubuka


12 Not with the blood of goats and calves,

but with His own blood He entered the

Most Holy Place once for all, having

obtained eternal redemption.

13 Ukukonka ulutambi lwa Bayuda

umulopa wa mbushi no wa ŋombe

ishilume, elyo ne mito ya musepela wa

ŋombe ilyo bafisansa pa bantu

filasangulula abantu abakowela.

13 For if the blood of bulls and goats and

the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the

unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the


14Apo ciba ifyo, palibufi umulopa wakwa

Kristu! Ku maka yakwa Mupashi wa pe

Kristu umwine aituulile kuli Lesa nge

lambo ilyabula ubulema. Kanshi umulopa

wakwe ulawamya kampingu wa mitima

yesu pakuti tutaluke ku ficitwa ifileta

imfwa, tuletumika na Lesa wamweo.

14 how much more shall the blood of

Christ, who through the eternal Spirit

offered Himself without spot to God,

cleanse your conscience from dead works

to serve the living God?

3. Ukoca kwe lambo kumito no kusungilila ngo kwibukishako ilambo.

3. The burning of the sacrifice to ashes and their preservation as a memorial of the sacrifice

4. Ukusamba pa kwitilo mulopa ne mito iyasankana na menshi, ukwimininako Mupashi wa Mushilo ne Cebo ca kwa Lesa.

4. The cleansing by sprinkling with ashes mixed with water, typical of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God

Yohane 7:37-39 John 7:37–39

37Ubushiku bwakulekelesha ubwa

nshikunkulu ya Nsakwe, ebwali

ubwacindamisha nganshi. Awe Yesu

aiminina aikatisha ishiwi alasosa ati, “Onse

uuli ne cilaka ese kuli ine, anwe.

37 On the last day, that great day of the

feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If

anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and


38 Mu Malembo Yamushilo calembwa

ukuti, ‘Onse uwansumina, mu nda yakwe

mukalatuntumuka imilonga ya menshi

yakupeela umweo.’ ”

38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture

has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of

living water.”

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 59

39Yesu pakulanda ifi, aloseshe kuli

Mupashi uo abakamusumina bali

nokupoka. Pali iyo nshita ninshi Mupashi

ali talapeelwa, pantu Yesu ali


39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit,

whom those believing in Him would

receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet

given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Abena Efese 5:26 Ephesians 5:26

Acita ifi, pakuti ulukuta lube ulwamushilo,

ulwasangululwa mukusambika ku menshi

na ku mashiwi yakwe.

that He might sanctify and cleanse her with

the washing of water by the word,

Efyo fine abalume bali nokutemwa abakashi babo nga filya fine batemwa imibili yabo. Umwaume uwatemwa umukashi wakwe ninshi aliitemwa umwine. Tapatala apaba umuntu uwapata umubili wakwe. Lelo alaulisha no kuusunga bwino, nga filya fine Kristu acita ulukuta. Pantu ifwe tuli filundwa fya mubili wakwe.

The whole ritual shows the fact that the Holy Spirit used the Word of God to convict the believer of sin, thus making the believer conscious that the guilt of sin was to be borne by Christ in His sacrifice. Instead of losing hope, the convicted believer confesses the unworthy act and is forgiven and cleansed

Yohane 13:3-10 John 13:3–10

3Yesu ena ninshi naishiba ukuti Wishi

alimupeela amaka pa fintu fyonse, nokuti

afuma kuli Lesa kabili ni kuli Lesa


3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given

all things into His hands, and that He had

come from God and was going to God,

4Elyo Yesu aima pakulya. Afumyako

icakufimbana. Abuula insalu

yakukumwinako amenshi akaka mu


4 rose from supper and laid aside His

garments, took a towel and girded Himself.

5Elyo aitila amenshi mu musambilo,

atampa no kulasamba amakasa ya basambi

bakwe. Elyo alayakumuna na ku nsalu

akakile mu musana.

5 After that, He poured water into a basin

and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and

to wipe them with the towel with which He

was girded.

6Aisa kuli Simoni Petelo. Petelo amweba

ati, “We Mfumu, bushe niwe unsambe


6 Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter

said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my


7Yesu amwasuka ati, “Pa nshita ino

tawishibe ico ndecita, ukeshiba limbi.”

7 Jesus answered and said to him, “What I

am doing you do not understand now, but

you will know after this.”

8Petelo ayasuka ati, “Awe tawakatale

aunsamba amakasa nakalya!” Yesu

amwasuka ati, “Kumfwa nga nshikusambile

amakasa ninshi tawakatale auba na ine.”

8 Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash

my feet!” Jesus answered him, “If I do not

wash you, you have no part with Me.”

9Simoni Petelo amwasuka ati, “Kanshi we

Mfumu winsambafye amakasa, unsambe

iminwe no mutwe wine!”

9 Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my

feet only, but also my hands and my head!”

10Yesu amwasuka ati, “Umuntu uowele

ninshi nasamba umubili onse, takabila

kusamba, kanofye ninshi amakasa. Mulifye

bwino tamuli na fiko, nomba te bonse.”

10 Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed

needs only to wash his feet, but is

completely clean; and you are clean, but

not all of you.”

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 60

1 Yohane 1:7-10 1 John 1:7–10

7Lelo nga twenda mu lubuuto nga filya

Lesa aba mu lubuuto, ninshi lyena

twalyampana na banensu no mulopa

wakwa Yesu Umwana wakwe ulatusamba

ifyabubifi fyesu fyonse.

7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the

light, we have fellowship with one another,

and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son

cleanses us from all sin.

8Nga tutila tatwaba na bubifi, ninshi

tulaibepa ne cishinka tamwaba muli ifwe.

8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive

ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

9Lelo nga tulayebelela ifyabubifi fyesu kuli

Lesa, apo wena wacishinka alacita ifyo

alaile. Alatubelela uluse ku fyabubifi fyesu

fyonse, no kutusamba ku fibi fyonse ifyo


9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and

just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse

us from all unrighteousness.

10Nga twatila tatwatala atubifya, ninshi

tweba Lesa ukuti wabufi, na mashiwi yakwe

tayabamo muli ifwe.

10 If we say that we have not sinned, we

make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

Ifyo balekonka cilamwa pa kupele lambo The Yearly Schedule of Sacrifices

Moneni mu Ukufuma 12, Abena Levi 16 na 23, ne Impendwa 2a na 29

References for the following are taken from Exodus 12, Leviticus 16 and 23, and Numbers 28 and 29

Amalambo ya cilabushiku Daily Offerings

Ilambo ilya pelwe cila bushiku, akacelo ne cungulo

The daily sacrifice, offered morning and evening:

• Umwana wa mpanga umo, ilambo lya koca

• One yearling lamb, for a burnt offering

• Ubunga bwa kupangilako mukate • A portion of flour, for a meal offering

• 11/4 umwangashi, uwa mutulo wa kunwa

• 1 1/4 pints of wine, for a drink offering

Umutulo wa bushiku bwe Sabata Sabbath Day Offerings

Pa bushiku bwe sabata, umutulo wa cila bushiku walepangwa ukubikapo fye nefi:

On the Sabbath, the daily offerings were made, plus the following:

• Abana ba impanga babili • Two yearling lambs

• Imifuko ya bunga ibili iyasankanishiwa na mafuta

• Two portions of flour mingled with oil

• 21/1 umwangashi • 2 1/2 pints of wine

• Imikate ibili na isano • Twelve fresh loaves of showbread

Umweshi upya New Moon Offerings

Pa nshita ya mweshi upya, umutulo wa nshiku shonse wa pangilwe:

On the occasion of the new moon, the regular daily offerings were made, plus:

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• Ba bulu babili, ramu imo, na ban aba mpanda basano n babili, umutulo wa koca.

• Two young bullocks, one ram, and seven lambs, for burnt offerings

• Ubunga ubwasankanishiwa na mafuta, na ba bulu ba tatu

• Flour mingled with oil, three portions for each bullock, two portions for the ram, and one portion for each lamb

• Umutulo wa ca kunwa • A drink offering

Ukusefya kwe mapenga (nangu imyeshi

isano naibili) Feast of Trumpets (or seventh New Moon)

Umutulo wamukate wa cila bushiku no mwshi upya no bikapo:

The daily and new moon offerings were made, plus:

• Bulu wa nkombe umo, bulu wa mbushi umo, umwana abana bampanga basano na babili, ifya mutulo wa koca.

• One bullock, one ram, seven yearling lambs, for burnt offerings

• Ubunga bwa mukate ubwasankanishiwa na mafuta, ba bulu ba tatu aba ngombe, babulu babili aba mbushi

• Flour mingled with oil; three portions for the bullock, two portions for the ram, one portion for each lamb

• Umwana wa mbushi umo, ica mutulo wa lubembu

• One kid of goats, for a sin offering

• Umutulo wa caku nwa • Drink offerings

Ukusefya kwe Pasaka Feast of Passover

Pa bushiku bwe Pasaka umutulo wa cilabushiku walipangilwe. Ukulundapo umwana wa mpanga nangu imbushi alisailwe pa bushiku bwe kumi limo ubwa mweshi wa Abib, kabili yaipailwe pa bushiku bwe kumi limo naisano, umulopa waiko wasanshilwe pa bushiku bwa kulenga bumo naine.

On Passover the daily offerings were made. In addition a kid (lamb or goat) was selected, on the 10th of the month Abib, and slain on the 14th, its blood being sprinkled on the doorposts and lintels.

Ukusefya kwa mukate uwabula

icitutumuko Feast of Unleavened Bread

Umutulo wa cila bushiku wa pangilwe pa bushiku bwa 15th ukufika pa bushiku Abib, ukufuma pa bushiku bwa 15 ukufika pa bushiku bwa Abib

The daily offerings were made on each day of the feast, held from the 15th to the 21st of Abib (following Passover), plus, daily:

• Imbushi iyapelwe pa mutulo wa lubembu

• One goat for a sin offering

• Ba bulu babili abaume aba ngombe, bulu umo uwa mbushi, abana ba mpaka basano na babili

• Two young bullocks, one ram, and seven yearling lambs, for a burnt offering

• Ubunga ubwa sankanishiwa nga mu mweshi uupya.

• Flour mingled with oil, distributed as in the new moon offering

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Ukulundapo, pa bushiku bwa shibili ubwa kusefya, ukusombola kwa kwa mba, kwali ukwapelwa. Ifi fyapelwe lelo te lubembu lwa muntu

In addition, on the 2nd day of the feast, the first sheaf of the new harvest (barley) was offered by waving, not burning. With this sheaf was offered a male yearling lamb, two measures of flour, and 2 1/2 pints of wine.

Pa Bushiku Bwa Pentekoste Pentecost (Feast of Weeks)

Ilambo lya cila bushiku , kabili no kubakapo: The daily offerings were made, plus the following on each day of Pentecost:

• Umwa wa mbushi wa mutulo wa lubembu

• A kid of goats for a sin offering

• Ba bulu babili abaume aba ngombe, bulu umo uwa mbushi, abana ba mpaka basano na babili

• Two young bullocks, one ram, seven yearling lambs, for burnt offerings

• Ubunga ubwa sankanishiwa nga mu mweshi uupya

• Flour and oil to accompany each burnt offering

• Umutulo wa caku nwa • A drink offering for the ram and for each lamb.

Panuma ya ifi fya pelwe, umutulo wa cakulya, umukate ubili walipelwa. Pali ifi kwa pelwe abana ba mpanga basano na babili, bulu umwana umo uwa ngombe, umwana wa mpanga umo, ba bulu aba mbusho babili.

• After the above was presented, the new meal offering, "two wave loaves", baked with leaven, were offered. With these were offered seven yearling lambs, one young bullock, and two rams (burnt offering); a he-goat (sin offering); and two yearling lambs (peace offering).

Pa Bushiku bwa Kulubukwa ukukalamba The Day of Atonement

Pa Bushiku bukalamba ubwa kulubulwa umutuo walipelwe

On the Day of Atonement the regular daily offerings were made, plus:

• Bulu umo uwa mutulo wa lubembu uwa kwa kashimikila

• A bullock for a sin offering for the priesthood

• Bulu wa mbushi uwa mutulo wa bashimapepo

• A ram for a burnt offering for the priesthood

• Imbushi shibili isha mutulo wa lubembu lwa bantu

• Two goats for a sin offering for the people

• Bulu wa mutulo wa koca uwa bantu • A ram for a burnt offering for the people

• Bulu umwana wa ngombe, bulu umo uwa mbushi, impanga shi sano na shibili.

• One young bullock, one ram, seven lambs, with accompanying meal and drink offerings

Ukusefya kwa Nsakwe The Feast of Tabernacles

Ukusefya kwa Nsakwe kwaleikala inshiku shisano na shitatu. Kwali imitulo isha pusana

The Feast of Tabernacles lasted eight days and there were different combinations of offerings

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pusana ishasankanishiwa. Kwali ba bulu 71, ba bulu ba mbushi abali 15, no twana twa mpanga 105 ne mbushi 8 ifyapelwe pa nshita ya kusefya kwa nsakwe, ifyakonkelwepo no mutulo wa ca kulya no kunwa.

made on each of those days. There were a total of 71 bullocks, 15 rams, 105 lambs, and 8 goats offered during the feast, with accompanying meal and drink offerings.

RUTI 004 AMASHINDANO Ruth004 Exercises

1. Boasi aebele Ruti ukutola mwibala ku Bethlehelemu. [Cishinka/Tecishinka]

1. Boaz advised Ruth to glean in all of the fields around Bethlehem. [ True / False ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

2. Boasi alisakamene pa lwa kwa Ruti kabili alimwafwilishe pantu ali [Umwina Moabu, Uwaleenda fye, uwali kulupwa lwa kwe, umubusu]

2. Boaz was concerned for Ruth, and helped her, because she was [ a Moabite; an immigrant; a member of his family; a poor person ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

3. Ngo muntu uwa kwete ulupiya ukufuma mwibala lyakwe, Boasi alesubilwa ukulipila ________ na ___________________

3. As a person with income from his farm, Boaz would be expected to pay _________ and ____________.

Ubwasuko: Answer:

4. Boasi tapangile amafunde pa lwa ba ncito ba kwe ifya kusunga abalesepa mwibala. [Cishinka/Tecishinka]

4. Boaz had made no rules about how his employees were to treat gleaners. [ True / False ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

5. Pa nshita imo ine, Ruti ali lile na baletola mwibala. [Cishinka/tecishinka]

5. At mealtime, Ruth had to eat with the other gleaners. [ True / False ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

6. Abena Kristu bafwile ukuba bwino ku ba bomfu pakuti [bapango lupiya kuba bengishe ncito; ifisambilisho fya kwa Lesa fya lacindikwa; kuti bakwata ifishalapo ifingi ifya kupela kuba pina]

6. Christians are to be good employees so that [they may make money for their employers; the doctrine of God will be adorned; they may have enough left over to give to the poor ].

Ubasuko: Answer:

7. Umwina Kristu alabombe ncito yak we kwati Kristu e Shikulu wa kwe. [Cishinka/Tecishinka]

7. The Christian does his job as if Christ himself were the boss. [ True / False ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

Ukubomfya icitetekelo icitusha, umwina Kristu kuti acetekela Shikulu pa _____________, ___________ na ______________-

8. Using Faith-Rest principles, a Christian can trust the Lord for __________, __________, and __________.

Ubwasuko: Answer:

Ruti 004: Ruti 2:8-14 64

9. Umweo wa mwina Kristu uwa mulupwa tawa kwata maka ayemgi pa ncito yak we. [Cishinka/Tecishinka]

9. A Christian's stable family life has little influence on his job. [ True / False ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

10. Ishuko lya mwina Kristu ukuba kamboni cilalengwa na [ukubombesha sana; ukube mboni ya muyayaya, ukucimfya pa ncito, mukwampana kwa kwe na shikulu wa kwe]

10. The opportunity for a Christian to have a verbal witness is made possible by his [ hard work; life witness; success on the job; relationship with his boss ].

Ubwasuko: Answer:

11. Lembeni mu ncende umu umushililwe: “Ukwabula ______ _____________ _____________, teti kube ukwelelwa kwa lubembu.”

11. Fill in the blanks: "Without __________ ___________ _________, there is no remission."

Ubwasuko: Answer:

12. Nilise lambo lya kwa mwana wa kwa Adamuilyo pokelelwe kuli Lesa? [Cain, Abeli, Sethi]

12. Which of Adam's son's offering was acceptable to God? [ Cain, Abel, Seth ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

13. Amalambo yalikwata amaka ya kusamb umuntu ku lubembu. [Cishinka/Tecishinka]

13. Sacrifices have the power in themselves to heal or cleanse from sin. [ True / False ].

Ubwasuko: Answer:

14. Mukulingana ifyo Abena Levi balecite fintu, kwali imbela shibili: __________________ na _____________

14. In the Levitical system, there were two classes of offerings: _____________ and _____________.

Ubwasuko: Answer:

15. Ukupanga bwino ilambo, umuntu mupina afwile ukwashima sana pakuti ashite inama iya ume nanfu imbushi pa kuwamya. [Cishibka/Tecishinka]

15. To make a proper sacrifice, a poor person would have to borrow heavily to purchase an ox or sheep for the ceremony. [ True / False ]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

16. tacali _________________ nanfu kwali ukukonka shikulu na mufipangwa no kupelo bumi mwa mutulu.

16. Neither _____________ nor _____________ were allowed in any offering made to God by fire (Lev. 2:13).

Ubwasuko: Answer:

17. kwaiba icelambo lya kulet bululu kwenu kwali ukufum mwisene na Lesa. [tishinka nangu tecishinka

17. The Peace Offering was for Christians who were out of fellowship with God. [ True / False]

Ubwasuko: Answer:

18. Ukuondolola: londolleleni imilimo imo iyo muntu k aka cema ukusangwapo ku mu pasha wa kowela.

18. Essay question. Describe some of the obligations that a man like Boaz had in participating in the Jewish ceremonies and

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handling his financial responsibilities for the religious community.

Ubwasuko: Answer: