Product Design

Product Design Higher Prelim Notes

Transcript of Product Design

Product Design

Higher Prelim Notes


-When you are asked to STATE something you are only being asked to name whatever you are being asked e.g. State 2 materials that could be used? Aluminium and Stainless Steel could be used -When you are ask to JUSTIFY this means that you need to back up you answer with an explanation of why you believe what you are saying E.g. A User Trial could be used because .......... -When you are asked to EXPLAIN this means that you have to explain yourself either by giving an explanation or by giving an example.




Specifications are statements of the characteristics a design must possess in order to meet the requirements of the Design Brief. It sets a criteria that should be met when designing a product. The areas that should be considered when writing a specification are: - Function - Ergonomics - Safety - Materials - Aesthetics - Ease of Use - Manufacture

When you are asked to write a specification here is what you should consider: 1) What INFORMATION has already been given in the question that I can use as part of

my outline specification?

2) What are the SAFETY requirements of the product? 3) What assumptions can I make about PERFORMANCE? 3) How has ERGONOMICS influenced the design of a product? 4) How has AESTHETICS been used to influence the appeal of the product? 5) What FEATURES/FUNCTIONS have been included in the product to improve its function?

When considering the USE OF MATERIALS you should consider the following:

1) In what type of ENVIRONMENT is the product expected to be used? 2) Consider the SAFETY of the person who uses the product? 3) How is the product expected to perform its FUNCTION? (weight, strength, stability etc) 3) Consider the AESTHETICS of the product to its intended market group 4) What type of MANUFACTURING PROCESSES have been used to make the product? 5) Is the material able to be RECYCLED or REUSED?

TOP TIP: If you are asked to JUSTIFY something you should give a reason which supports your claim that what you state is true. E.g. Stainless Steel is used in the kettle this is important as it does not corrode which is vital for a metal that will come in contact with water.

When considering the influence of FUNCTION you should consider the following:

1) Is the product FIT FOR PURPOSE and makes it so? 2) What is the main purpose of the product and how does it perform that purpose? (manually, electronically) 3) How is the product being used? (duration of time, number of times etc) 3) Is it important that the product be clean? (Hygiene) 4) Does the product need refilled? 5) Does the product need to be maintained?(Battery Changing)

FUNCTION is simply what is this product meant to do and what needs to be done to allow the product to carry out it is meant to do.

When considering AESTHETIC appeal to consumers you should consider?

1) Aesthetic appeal to the intended market group - Traditional/Homely/Modern/Sleek/Stylish/Simplistic/Quirky/Futuristic - How is the shape, how would you describe it? - Does the product look easy and comfortable to use for age of user - Will it compliment existing similar products? - If colours are available are there enough options?

2) SAFETY features? 3) Brand name and reliability 3) Cost compared to other similar products 4) Features and functions and what benefits they provide? TOP TIP: When you make a claim that a product would appeal to a consumer try to support the claim with a reason. For Example, It is true that kettle A has a range of features but its appeal is that consumers will find that these features make the kettle more convenient to use. If possible write about different things for each product.

When considering ERGONOMICS appeal to consumers you should consider? REMEMBER that ERGONOMICS is the design of products to with human beings at the heart of the design. How do they Interact with product. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR A HUMAN TO USE.




Anthropometrics deals with the measurements of the physical characteristics of human beings. However human beings come in different sizes this is provided for in Anthropometrics as there are what are called percentiles. 5th Percentile – Smallest 50th – Average 95th – Largest Consider what part of the body is touching the product, and why is this important. Physiology, Products must be designed to avoid stress, strain, fatigue, and injury to a person using a product. A persons strength, muscle control, posture, flexibility, joint movements and reaction times must be considered. E.G. How does a person, pick up, push, lift, open, close, hold, put down, weight of item, surface texture to prevent slips WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO MAKE THIS PRODUCT EASIER TO USE REGARDS PHSIOLOGY Psychology, Mental and emotional triggers can stimulate human behaviour. It is important to design products that appeal to people. How people receive, perceive and process information is important in design. This may include the thinking that is product, is safe, easy to clean, maintain, etc

Injection Moulding – Is used when a large number of plastic components are required , very accurate very quick. Plastic granules are heated until soft enough to be injected under pressure into a mould. It then cools then can be removed.

Plastic injected in mould and compressed

Plastic is allowed to cool and mould formers removed

Plastic is granules are heated until soft

Why Injection Moulding?

- The Process is very accurate, which is important with snap fit lids - Textures can be applied can be applied - Air tight seals are made possible by using this process - High volume production results in mass production with varied shapes and thickness possible

Visual Evidence?

- Sink and injection pin marks - Difference in material thickness - Split lines

Material Used?

- Polypropylene

Vacuum Forming – involves a a thin sheet plastic being heated and a mould pushed into it to form the shape. A variety of colours are available, and moulds are very cheap. The whole process can be completed in a few minutes.

Why Vacuum Forming?

- Thousand can be produced at a time using large sheets - Low cost materials which keeps the manufacture cost down - Simple designs that are low quality and suitable for throw away items e.g. food

Visual Evidence?

- Rounded corners - Simple shapes - No complex texture detail - Material thickness the same

Material Used?

- Polystyrene

Rotational Moulding – is used to produce “closed and seam free” made from plastic polymers. The products produced are hollow and stress free and come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Moulds are from steel.

Why Rotational Moulding?

- Tough rigid shapes can be made - Hollow sections with same thickness - Fast production and process is automated keeping costs low - Symmetrical designs can be made - Quality is assured as all products are the same

Durability Durability basically means that a product will withstand wear, tear and decay. Answering a question You should mention the part of the product or the product, how it is a durable and an explanation as to why has to be durable. PRODUCT PART HOW EXPLANATION

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is the automatic construction of physical objects using additive manufacturing technology. A drawing is done on a 3D software program (Inventor) this model is then produced using Rapid Prototyping giving you the designer an example of the product almost immediately. Advantages – Alterations can be done and new models produced very quickly - Cost reducing regards hiring a skilled model maker - Excellent visual aid that can be used to show clients - Allows for a very accurate model to made - Allows the designer hands on time with product so can assess, ergonomics, stability, aesthetics


A User Trial is where a user will use the product to see how it performs in specific aspects. A clear cross section of the target market should be chosen. A User trial allows a designer to generate improvements to a product and changes that a designer or manufacturer may not otherwise consider. A USER TRIAL COULD BE USED TO DETERMINE THE PRODUCTS FUNCTION, ERGONOMICS, EASE OF USE.

When considering evaluating a product you could consider?

TEST RIG A Test Rig is where a product will be continually used over and over sometimes automatically and in different environments/conditions e.g. A hover could be tested over different surfaces for a varied length of time. TEST RIGS ARE BEST USED TO TEST PERFORMACE ISSUES, RELIABILITY, DURABILITY

SURVEYS THROUGH QUESTIONNAIRES Questionnaires are linked in with user research. This could involve watching experienced and inexperienced users. They should be watched closely so that improvements and further developments to the product can be identified. Such observations can then be followed up with questionnaires . QUESTIONNAIRES COULD BE USED TO DETERMINE HOW A PERSON THINKS ABOUT A PRODUCTS AESTHETICS

PRODUCT PLACEMENTS A product placement is when a company will give a customer the product and ask them to try them out for them. The company may be there to observe the customer use the product, this allows for the customer to: 1) Make a comparison of there existing product with the new 2) Provide a wow factor for the customer (TV Ads, with normal people) Product placements allow the company to: 1) Observe the customer use the product in their own home setting, not all are the same

When evaluating success of a product a company can use?

Many companies today are keen to take advantages of Technological Opportunities e.g. Think of the mobile phone you had 3 years ago and how technology has allowed them to move on. TECHNOLOGICAL OPPORTUNITY Technological Opportunity allows for companies to use advances in technology to develop products and offer customer new innovative products. Examples include: -Mobile phone was developed due to miniaturisation -Satellite navigation and TV was developed due to launching of satellites -New tennis rackets were developed because of new light weight materials COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE Commercial Enterprise is when companies look for a new markets and opportunities to sell their products, or develop products to suit that market. Think about the Ipod/Iphone using new technology for people to download music, games, movies, the internet etc. “PEOPLE DID NOT KNOW THEY NEEDED IT UNTIL THEY HAD IT”

A company may have their own designers or they may hire design consultants this can sometimes cause problems with regard to who owns the right to certain aspects of a product. Imagine having invented something only to have someone steal your idea, and pretend it was theirs. There are a number of ways to protect yourself one of which is Intellectual Property (IP) rights. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) RIGHTS In House Designers In house designers have no rights to any designs they make. Their designs belong to their employer. The employer will then protect the product by the use of patents or trademarks. Design Consultants A design consultant can protect their designs by the use of patents. However you get national and international patents, which cost a lot of money. So if a designer only has a national patent it is possible for companies internationally to copy it.

Obsolescence Obsolescence is when a product or part of a product becomes obsolete (Out of Date) Think of the features that are now on a mobile phone that were not their 3 years ago. Would you still want the same phone you had 3 years ago now, obviously not, WHY... Well because the feature that had have now become obsolete. People always want more. INFLUENCES THAT ENCOURAGE OBSOLESCENCE ARE: 1) New Technological features, people want what is new e.g. Camera or internet, or

BBM on their phone 2) Design features that encourage the fashion/trend regards aesthetic appeal, style

changes PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE 1) Is where certain components will break and need replaced, resulting in more

money for the company

2) A company will hold back certain feature so they can be put out as part of the next product in the line e.g. White Iphone, No flash on the 3GS camera