Port of Muziris-Arrival of Christianity, Apostle Thomas or Thomas Merchant from Cana with Bishop...

1 Port of Muziris-Arrival of Christianity, Apostle Thomas or Thomas Merchant from Cana with Bishop Rabban (Former Rabbi of Nazarene sect)? By: Bipin R. Shah Introduction: It is claimed that based on Jesus’ instruction as recorded in the New Testament , Jesus directed his Apostle Thomas to travel east and go to Syria, Persia and India and spread his Gospels and the Christian mission. This is what church clergy would teach you and make you believe. We have seen many scholarly debates on the historicity of Gospels, Apostles and Jesus himself. Some of my early writings on this subject and the continuing debates on early formulation of Christianity and power struggle within Roman Empire and later among early church fathers remains an open question. Adding fuel to the fire is surprise discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls and Gnostic scrolls at Nag Hammadi library. Apostle Thomas is believed to have travelled to southern coast of Kerala and established his first Christian mission there. We also find the historical presence of Indian Jewish Diaspora who was of Essence-Nazarene origin related to Gnostic text and as mentioned in Dead Sea scroll and Josephus. Apostle Thomas as per Act and Gospel of Thomas is also believed to have travelled to Taxila near Indian-Persian border that is now part of Pakistan. This is a considerable travel and we need to examine, if this travel by sea and land although possible and of long duration has any historical values. We know the land route of travel through Silk Road and Persian royal road was open and available since Achemenians and Alexander’s armies have marched through there. However, Act of Thomas describes his travel in details that involves his first landing at Port of Muziris now called Kodumgalloor in Malayalam and Craganore in English. The ancient port of Muziris is said to be located within 15 to 18 miles north of Craganore but the change in river course shifted the port to the North of its original location. Muziris served as a riverine port Junction “for exchange of goods from the west and east”. This in a way was known as strategic point of exchange for the sea “spice route” and worked in similar way the land route of the “silk road” that brought silk from China to the west. Most of the ancient ports were located inlands where major rivers emptied to the sea and these riverine ports facilitated the exchange of goods. The river ports were located near the mouth of the sea so docking,

Transcript of Port of Muziris-Arrival of Christianity, Apostle Thomas or Thomas Merchant from Cana with Bishop...


Port of Muziris-Arrival of Christianity, Apostle Thomas or Thomas

Merchant from Cana with Bishop Rabban

(Former Rabbi of Nazarene sect)?

By: Bipin R. Shah


It is claimed that based on Jesus’ instruction as recorded in the New Testament , Jesus

directed his Apostle Thomas to travel east and go to Syria, Persia and India and spread his

Gospels and the Christian mission. This is what church clergy would teach you and make you

believe. We have seen many scholarly debates on the historicity of Gospels, Apostles and

Jesus himself. Some of my early writings on this subject and the continuing debates on early

formulation of Christianity and power struggle within Roman Empire and later among early

church fathers remains an open question. Adding fuel to the fire is surprise discovery of the

Dead Sea scrolls and Gnostic scrolls at Nag Hammadi library.

Apostle Thomas is believed to have travelled to southern coast of Kerala and established his

first Christian mission there. We also find the historical presence of Indian Jewish Diaspora

who was of Essence-Nazarene origin related to Gnostic text and as mentioned in Dead Sea

scroll and Josephus.

Apostle Thomas as per Act and Gospel of Thomas is also believed to have travelled to Taxila

near Indian-Persian border that is now part of Pakistan. This is a considerable travel and we

need to examine, if this travel by sea and land although possible and of long duration has any

historical values. We know the land route of travel through Silk Road and Persian royal road

was open and available since Achemenians and Alexander’s armies have marched through


However, Act of Thomas describes his travel in details that involves his first landing at Port of

Muziris now called Kodumgalloor in Malayalam and Craganore in English. The ancient port of

Muziris is said to be located within 15 to 18 miles north of Craganore but the change in river

course shifted the port to the North of its original location. Muziris served as a riverine port

Junction “for exchange of goods from the west and east”. This in a way was known as

strategic point of exchange for the sea “spice route” and worked in similar way the land route

of the “silk road” that brought silk from China to the west. Most of the ancient ports were

located inlands where major rivers emptied to the sea and these riverine ports facilitated the

exchange of goods. The river ports were located near the mouth of the sea so docking,


loading and unloading of cargoes and transfer to the land was relatively easy. The use of steel

and concrete structure was not discovered that required building a deep water port as the

ports of the modern time requires for large ships.

Dispersal of Jewish Tribes along the trade routes:

We know from the historical records that after the second temple destruction and perhaps as

early as Babylonian captivities, the Jewish community has been dispersed as far away as

Tarim basin, Afghanistan, Persia and Armenia. The port Muziris had some sort of Jewish

presence for a long time perhaps before Common Era but not in a significant or sizeable

numbers. During the Roman period, the exchange of goods increased as the wealth of the

empire increased. The foreign merchants that consisted of Jewish and Roman nationalities

stayed in India for management and disposal of merchandise. Since the ancient travel

depended on monsoon winds that changed the direction every six months, sometimes the

stay got extended and the traders ended up maintaining two families household. Ultimately,

the offshore manufacturing facility resulted for processing commodities and some permanent

presence of foreigners developed in Guild set up where the local help was always integrated

and became part of that. Later on Egyptian Arabs and Persian traders became part of this

distinct community socially separate but equal under Indian caste system. We also find

evidence of foreign presence in Stumbh (Port) of Bhriggu-Kachha (Bharoach), Sopara and

some other ancient ports of western India. There was larger presence of Greeks and Jews in

North India near Taxila, Afghanistan along the Silk Road route but the long historic presence

of Jews in Kerala known as “Cochin Jews” or “Cochinis” was unique. There is no easy

explanation other than to assume that Pepper route was more important than silk route as

Visigoth painting suggested. After the sack of Rome, Visigoth asked “Pepper” as ransom from

Romans considered a scares commodity in Europe. For North Indians, extreme southern

Tamil speaking region was considered a “Mlechha” region where only few like to venture.

Hippalus Monsoon Wind and “Pepper Route” To India:

India ocean Trade route was not unknown to the west, since the early Achemenian’s times.

Xerexes-1 invaded Babylon, Anatolia and Greece and he had Indian warriors in his army. The

Periplus of the Erythraean Sea was the first document that credited Hippalus of discovering

the direct route from the Red Sea port of Bernice to Muziris and Bhriggu-kachha in the first

century AD. The Periplus also talked about port of Minnanagara off the River Indus further



Some scholar interpreted the name Hippalus as a name of another Greek sailor of unknown

era. Achemenian’s record told us of Admiral Skylax sea journey from Persian port to India.

However, the main purpose of the Skylax was the military nature than the trade. The

exploration was designed to find a marine route to the hinter land of India via rivers. The

Persians had established themselves as sea faring naval powers with their conquest of

Greece. Achemenians expected a major challenge of conquering Indians due to formidable

military machine of Magadha Empire who had over 1,000 ancient tanks called war elephants.

Alexander’s historians credited Porus with his formidable elephants war machine that

exacted considerable tolls from Macedonians. The Magadha had 10 times more elephants

than Porus and same ratio applied to Magadha cavalry.

Pliny the Elder surmised that Hippalus meant the monsoon seasonal wind that was called by

Greek as “Hippalus” (the south-west monsoon wind). In Hellenistic vocabulary, the Greek

name of the wind current is called “Hypalus”. The sea routes and seasonal monsoon wind

were known to ancient seafarers like Indians, Phoenicians and Mesopotamia’s Semite long

before Greek explored the Indian Ocean.

Hippalus Wind-Monsoon Wind Pattern of Indian Ocean Zone


Ancient Port of Muziris:

Muziris was the ancient harbor of India, it was nearly 3000 year old, from the time of Indus-

valley civilization. The Jewish, Egyptian and Roman traders frequented this port based on

monsoon wind sea routes. In those days, it required number of months to complete the

journey without the help of the steam powered sea vassal and relied on natural switching of

wind currents. The archeological discovery of Roman coins placed the ancient port of Muziris

near present Cranganmore. The traders lived here and maintained their residence either as

paid guests or formed the guild colony with slaves from their countries or hired local help.

They also established their families by intermarriage. The Jewish community called

themselves “Nasarane” derived from Nazarene-Essence sect of Jews. The Jewish merchants

who were involved in sea trades the port of Muziris the “East Jerusalem” where they

experienced the freedom.

In nearby villages and location of the ancient ports, the archeologist also have found many

Roman era coins displayed here as the confirmation of the trade link of Port Bernice, Egypt

and Port Muziris, Kerala , India. One such proof of the Roman era document that exists is

called “Muziris Papyrus”. The excavation also reveals the beads made out of semi-precious

stone that may have pleased Roman aristocrats’ ladies for beautiful jewelries. The artisan

guilds manufactured them. It is also possible that from here sandal and teak woods, ivory and

pepper were exported to the west.

Raw beads discovered at Muziris-two images and on the right side are two Roman Jewelry from Museum


The link on Muziris papyrus is given here;



Monsoon wind travels-depart December from the west and return back in June. Average sea travel 28-30 days

from Bernice-Egypt to Muziris-Kerala, India.

Augustus Cesar Roman Silver coin Coin of Pauline

The above Roman coins were discovered at the ancient site of Muziris, Kerala accidently by

Indian archeologists in collaboration with others doing the survey. The map below shows four

possible locations due to flood of 13th

century AD that moved the site more northward and


Possible Location of Ancient Port Muziris (1, 2, 3, 4) due to shifting and silting of the river mouth


Replica of Sea faring vassal Roman coins found at sea port Muziris Papyrus listing details on duties

Among traders from archive of Nicanor

Muziris became a thriving port in the Indo-Roman trade in the First Century BC when the

Parthian-Roman war broke out that blocked the normal Silk Road route. The Kushan

emperor sent an embassy to Roman court from Barygaza (modern Bharoach) at the request

of Rome. Curiously, Rome requested and Kushan emperor Vasudeva obliged to send a

Gymnosophist sage (either Jain or Ajivikas sect), however he did not survive in his return trip

and died at Athens, Greece on his way back and a tomb was erected in his memory at

cemetery in Athens. See my earlier articles on the early Christianity. The Islam and

Christianity in significant number may have arrived later around 6th

through 8th

century AD

but their presence was transitionary until after the middle age. After the conclusion of

Sassanian-Roman peace treaty with Byzantine Christian emperor Maurice and his daughter’s

marriage to Sassanian emperor, the Silk Road trade became normal. The synagogue, churches

and other shrines were probably built after this period or later during the time of Portuguese

arrival in 16th

century AD.

The discovery of amphora in south India raises some additional question beyond the trade

links. Why would India need amphora? What did the traders of the Chera, Cholas or Pandya

kingdoms import from Rome? Is that olive oil, Gurum (made from fish) or wine? The answer

lies with the long term residency of the traders from the west who formed a colony or a

manufacturing zone that was called by Indians as a “guild’. The presence of Amphora actually

signified the import of three liquids from broader studies of the various ancient Roman ports

of settlements. The amphora contained Olive oil, Wine and Gurum (fish based picklish liquid).

This suggests the presence of “Yavanas” or foreign colonies of traders who lived there on a


long term basis with their family at this location. The term “Yavanas” in general applied to

westerners and Greeks who visited from the west.

The recent discovery of Muziris Papyrus document is new. However, the trade with ancient

Egypt goes back to the earlier period than Roman. The goods were exchanged at this strategic

Port where the ships carrying spices, silk and ivory from Java and Ceylon met to exchange

goods and sold the goods from far east to far west. The teakwood, ivory, beads, jewelry, spice

and cotton will be the key commodities of all the period. During the Ptolemaic Roman period

(third century BC to sixth century A.D), Berenike or (Bernice) served as a key transit port

between ancient Egypt and Rome on one side and the Red Sea-Indian Ocean regions on the

other. Exotic goods from Rome and Egypt flowed into Berenike (Bernice) along the same

desert road from Nile River Port at Aswan from Alexandria before being loaded into large

ships bound for the Indian Ocean sea ports.

We know now that there are adequate evidence to conclude the historical presence of Jews

in Kerala coast that arrived from Persia during Achemenians period or even prior to that. In

addition to their presence, their customs bores many similarities of other Cochinis Jews.

We reviewed the early history of Christianity during Julio-Claudian and Flavius dynasty in my

previous Academia publications, one can conclude that after second temple destruction the

situation in Judah was somewhat stabilized as the Zealots fighters were demolished. The last

Jewish defense at Masada had fallen, the second temple was destroyed and Jews who can

escape enslavement and crucifixion had departed to Asia, Egypt and Asia where they had

previously resided during the Babylonian and Persian period to seek refuge and safety. India

was the land of protection during ancient times as America is today for those destitute

refugees. The 6th

century reformist teachers like Mahavira, Buddha and other preached the

same human values of Piety, non-violence, kindness and generosity towards others. It is

normal to assume that the Some Jews reached India through sea route from Bernice to

Muziris and some may have come through Silk Road route to Taxila and Afghanistan. But,

they were relatively in very small numbers at start but grew steadily as indicated by the

various census reports from the British time.


Amphora found in India Roman Ship-Model Roman Painting-Visigoth asking for Pepper as Ransom

Cochin Jews or Malabar Coast

Cochin Jews, “Cochinis” as known and called in Israel is one of the smallest Jewish

communities in the world. Since living in India for several centuries, they are of mixed origin

like other Jewish community around the world. Today, only handful live in Kerala but most of

them have now settled in Israel since 1956. When the traveler Benjamin of Tudela visited

India in about 1170 AD, he reported that there were about a thousand Jews in the south.

When Moses Pereira de Paiva visited in 1686 AD, he listed 465 Malabar Jews. However, the

historicity of these statements cannot be verified. The Jews have spread out all around India

during Rajput and Mogul period due to trade opportunities.

By most account, they practiced mostly to Nazarene-Essence sect of Judaism. Some of them

have adopted the Christianity. As to the exact timing of the Jewish arrivals to India, the date

varies from king Solomon’s time to Roman period but there is no historical evidence or

corroborative evidence other than the tradition, marriage and burial customs. Historically,

Egypt had a large presence of Jewish community during Roman period where they worked as

traders, slaves and they may include Hellenized Pharisee, zealots and Essenes. The Essenes

branch may have one branch that practiced the Nazarene way that resembles the reformist

sect of India like Jainism and Buddhism in its earliest form.

Since they lived in Tamil or Dravidian speaking language area, they learned to speak

Malayalam beside Hebrew.


Nasarane-Essence Christian Jews of India:

The early Christian church of the east namely Syrian and Egyptians were composed of the

followers who knew the Nazarene’s way of Yehoshua (Jesus). I described in details their

belief system during the early Common Era. What Apostle Paul preached under the name of

Jesus was entirely different so we are far away from knowing who the true historical Jesus

preached or believed in. Yehoshua Pantera fits more closely to the profile portrayal of New

Testament but we have no way of knowing with certainty, if he was chosen as a role model

to appease the Jews as he fit the profile of messiah but the real teacher may be someone like

Apollonius. If Yehoshua was the one who lived around 100 BC as Pantera or someone else

with the same name who was crucified, Regardless of the speculation, there is no one who is

sure of his historicity.

The review of the scripture is suggestive of their similarities in beliefs, religious philosophies

and rituals resembled more of Nazarene-essence-Pythagorean-Apollonius form of Indian

asceticism all commingled together. This early group of followers became known as the

“Notzerim” or “Nazarenes” and the Indians called them “Nasarane”. This is in no way

suggesting the label attachment to a place called Nazareth. Josephus informs us that they

lived in secluded area and were judged by the authorities as heretical and they claim their

deviation arose from the Zadokite or Manichaeism as explained in my earlier publication. The

officiating Rabbis referred this Jewish-Christian group as a Heretical Jewish Sect of the

Notzerim (Nazarenes) and Ebionites (Evionim). This rejection and Roman prosecution made

them to flee to Egypt, Persia and elsewhere but outside of Judah.

There is interesting version of this sect as described from Jewish sources that can be

compared with the Josephus version in my earlier article posted on Academia. I regard

Josephus as Roman or Herodian historian than Jewish historians due to his proximity with

Romans and distance away from common Jews.

How were the Nazarenes Viewed Initially by the Pharisees?

The Pharisees, who were at this stage not opposed to the movement, had a wait and see

attitude. This is typified by the statement of Rabban Gamaliel, Nassi or head of the

Sanhedrin, a great leader of the Pharisees and thus the majority of the Jewish people in Acts

5:34-39: ( Source :Encyclopedia Judaica)


“But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people,

stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the common men be put outside for a little while.

Then he addressed them: "Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these

men. Some time ago Theudas (Thomas) appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four

hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to

nothing. After him, Judas [i.e. Yeshua or Judah] the Galilean appeared in the days of the

census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were

scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go!

For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not

be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God." (NIV)

Under Josephus version in his “antiquity of the Jews”, he made a similar argument in defense

of Apostle Paul. The details furnished here talk about the rebels who perhaps were killed

long time ago and may include the historical Jesus and Thomas, the one who were hung from

the tree.

Rabban Gamaliel was speaking before the destruction of the Second Temple. Please note that

the word “Rabban” means “Rabbi” same way I described later on Bishop Rabban. According

to Josephus’ version, Josephus and Paul met at Gamaliel and Perhaps Apollonius also taught

there at the school. It is important to know how this movement reacted to Paul and his

teachings. What the Nazarene-essences sect thought of Apostle Paul is given below:

'They declare that he was a Greek....He went up to Jerusalem, they say, and when he had

spent some time there, he was seized with a passion to marry the daughter of the priest. For

this reason he became a proselyte [through the Sadducee movement, hence his working for

the Temple police] and was circumcised. Then, when he failed to get the girl, he flew into a

rage and wrote against circumcision and against the Sabbath and the Law'

- (Epiphanius, Panarion, 30.16-9 as quoted in The Mythmaker by Hyam Maccoby, p 182)

Nazarenes or Nasarane of India:

There are number of copper plate grants in ancient Tamil script (Vattezhuthu) that existed

but the interpretation remain very controversial. During the reign of Bhaskara Ravi Varman

(962-1020 AD), of Chera dynasty clans, the Jews were granted seventy-two privileges



“The right to use a day lamp, the right to erect a palanquin, the right to blow a trumpet, and

the right to be exempt from and to collect particular taxes. The privileges were bestowed on

the Cochin Jewish leader Joseph Rabban (or Abban or Habban of Act of Thomas), the

"proprietor of the 'Anjuvannam', and his male and female issues, nephews, and sons-in-law."

So, there is a considerable variation in understanding. My interpretation here is that Bishop

Rabban came during early 4th

century AD as documented in Edessa chronicle of Syria. So the

copper grants are given to descendants and followers of Joseph Rabban. The date of the

copper plate is not important or relevant but just a way of formalizing what the Christian

followers were doing already for the centuries. A local complaint was mitigated through

copper plate grants.

See the copper plate’s inscriptions below:

Kollam Tarrispali copper plate Copper Plate Grants

There are differences of opinion exists as to the exact date of the grants but the consensus

emerges to the issue date somewhere during 6th

through 9th

century AD. There may be other

records not known or discovered that can be either in palm leaf or Papyrus form that can add

further historic validity. On the other hands, the humid climate in Kerala may not be very

conducive to the preservation of any kind of ancient records. It is my belief that Thomas of

Cana is credited with leading migration of Syriac Christian of Jewish origin during fourth

century AD when council of Nicaea banned the Nazarene Christian theology altogether.

Interestingly, “Knanaya” Christian community of India claims descent from the same man,

Thomas of Cana.

Please note in my earlier article, I wrote about the meaning of the word “Chrestus” by many

Roman and Greek historians. The use of word “Chrestus” by Suetonius and other Roman

historians can be equated to “Christna” or in Sanskrit “Krishna” meaning good. “Kananaya”

either can be derived from Thomas of kana (Cana) as his followers or “Kanaya” in Indian also

means Krishna (good against evil mythology of Vishnu)


The meaning of the word "Anjuvannam" above probably means a seaside community or

place that was an artisan class, a trade center, or a specifically Jewish guild with inexpensive

labor as an outsourcing center for semi precious stone work for necklace and jewelry. It is

more likely that some ancient Jewish settlers stayed there permanently as outsourcing

centers with local help to manufacture these handmade items for export to the western


Thomas of Cana (Kana) Bishop Joseph Rabban of Edessa Edessa (Rabban) & Emesa (Julia) Connection

Julia Severus- Empress came from Emesa (Syria), worshipped Apollonius of Tyana who probably practiced

“Nazarene” way of life. Bishop Joseph Rabban came from Edessa (Syria) with Thomas of Cana in 4th

century AD.


Cochin Jews in their early dresses showing Indo-Persian influence Sassanian emperor letter to Rabban (WIKI)


“Madhayi” of Thomas document is a small place in Cannanore (Kannur district), Kerala, and

South India. It is located near Payangadi.

“The hillock of Madayipara, which carries several signs of historic relevance, is also a place

important from a religious point of view. Here, a pond in the shape of a hand held mirror,

connected to ancient Jewish settlers is another historic attraction.”

Chronicle of Edessa:

Edessa (Şanlıurfa in Syria) was a center from apostolic times and was the principal center of

Syriac-speaking Christianity. Strategically located on the main trade routes of the Silk Road, it

was easily accessible from Antioch, where the mission to the Gentiles was inaugurated. When

early Jewish Essence sect of Christians were forced to flee abroad because of persecution,

some had found refuge at Edessa. Thus the Edessa church traced its origin to the apostolic

age, and operated as a synagogue before the Christianity became the state religion. Most of

their early bishops had Jewish name like Joseph, Abraham and were former Rabbi or Rabban.

They all were all proficient in officiating the rituals and prayers and they took over the

organizing the masses on a daily basis.

Thus it was from Edessa that a missionary movement began which gradually spread

throughout Mesopotamia, Persia, Central Asia and China. According to the Christian tradition,

the Christianity had spread to Media, Persia, Parthia, and Bactria from here. The twenty

bishops and many presbyters were more of the order of itinerant missionaries, passing from

place to place as Paul did and supplying their needs with such occupations as merchant or

craftsman during missionary travels. The ecclesiastical authority of the east lied and stayed

with Edessa until 424 AD. Since Edessa was an important point on the East-West trade routes

which extended both to India and China, Java and Japan. All the mission work started in the

merchant’s garb. The establishment of an independent patriarchate with nine subordinate

metropolises in Asia contributed to a more favorable attitude by the Sassanian Rulers that no

longer had to fear an ecclesiastical alliance with the common enemy Rome and its control by

Vatican. The Syrian, Greek and Armenian Church always maintained their independence from


Now to understand the story of Joseph Habban of the chronicle of Edessa, we have to make

some changes in translation by cross referencing encyclopedia of Judaism. Bishop Habban

should be read as (former Rabi) Rabban. We know that there were many Syrian Jewish

synagogues that existed due to their large population of Hellenized Jews. So, after

Constantine’s Milan decree, the pagan worship was terminated and some Rabbi due to the

division of Jews into Christian and non-Christian group became an overnight Bishops and he


became known as Bishop Rabban as earlier translation suggest. The letter “R” in Hebrew got

substituted with Arabic letter “H”. He may belong to Nazarene sect of Jews who adopted the

early Christianity of prophet Yeshua and he may have visited India during 4th

or 5th


AD with trader or missionary name Thomas (Theudas) of Cana (Kana). The place Cana was the

town near Sea of Galilee in Israel. We can safely assume that Thomas of Cana himself was of

Jewish origin with Jewish name of Theudas or in short English word Thomas and he acted as a

merchant in missionary garb.


Eusibius is recorded to have said that “Saint Thomas was assigned the mission to the east by

lord himself.”

Location of ancient Cana in ancient Palestine

Major chronology of Edessa chronicle- equated to Common Era:

Some chronological steps as far as this topic of the article is concerned are irrelevant and

were skipped in the narrative but can be viewed in its entirety by following the links below:


1. In the year 180 kings began to rule in Edessa. - equals 113 BC

2. In the year 266 Augustus Caesar was made emperor. - equals 27 BC

3. In the year 309 our Lord was born. - equals 16 BC but Gregorian calendar adjusted to 4 BC

4. In the year 400 Abgar the king built a mausoleum for himself. 77 AD- Gregorian

5. In the year 449 Marcion forsook the Catholic Church. Meaning went back to Jewish



6. The year 465, in the month Tammuz, on the eleventh day (i.e., July 11th, 154 A.D.),

Bardesanes was born.

7. Lucius Caesar, with his brother, subjugated the Parthians to the Romans in the fifth year of

his reign.

8. In the year 513, in the reign of Severus, and in the reign of Abgar the king, son of Maano

the king, in the month Tishrin.

I will skip now some less important chronology and go to:

14. The year 635, Ethalaha became bishop in Edessa; and he constructed the cemetery, and

the eastern side 6 of the church.

15. And the year of 636, a synod of three hundred and eighteen bishops was assembled at

Nicaea.-equates to 325 AD. (Council of Nicaea)

16. the year 639, there was building and enlargement in the church of Edessa- equates to 328


17. In the year 649 AD, died Mar Jacob, bishop of Nisibis equates to 338 AD.

18. The year 657, Abraham became bishop in Edessa, and he built the house (or church) of the

Confessors-equates to 346 AD.

19. The year 660, Constantius, the son of Constantine, built the city of Amida.

20. And in the year 661, Constantius built Tela, a city which was before called Antipolis.

21. The year 667, Abraham of Chidon, a recluse, became (bishop).

22. In the year 670, Nicomedia was overthrown.

23. In the year 672, Mar Abraham, bishop of Edessa, left the world.

24. And in the same year, Vologesh, bishop of Nisibis, departed from this world.

25. And in the same year came Barses, the bishop from Haran to Edessa by command of the

king (i. e., the emperor Constantius, then in that region). Skip here the chronology of no


38. The year 705, in the month Ab (August), on the twenty-second day in it, they brought the

glossocom (i.e., coffin) of Mar Thomas the Apostle to his great temple in the days of Mar

Cyrus the bishop. Skip here some chronology of no importance-equates to 394 AD.

Skip More…..

51. The year 723, Rabula became bishop in Edessa. And he built the house of Mar Stephanus,

which had been formerly a house of Sabbath (synagogue) of the Jews. Now he built it by

command of the king.

Some selected observation of Edessa chronicle can be made and allowed to be interpreted

here. (Marked in Red)


A. Bishop Jacob Rabban (Rabbi) came to India sometimes after Emperor Constantine declared

Christianity as a state religion. All pagan worshipping places and synagogues throughout the

Roman Empire including the one at Edessa became Christian place of worship under Milan


B Bishop Jacob (Former Rabbi) came with the Merchant (missionary) Thomas of Cana and

went to Muziris, India. This probably happened around closer to 346 AD when Another

Jewish (Rabbi) Bishop Abraham took charge of the ministry in 346 AD. The Jacob and Thomas

died in 349 AD (E 17). Thomas of Cana died in India of unknown causes and Bishop died up on

his return or on his way back of unknown causes or illness.

B. during 349 AD, they brought the body of Merchant Thomas of Cana back to Edessa (E 38).

The obvious conclusion is that merchant Thomas died in India while Bishop returned back

safely with his body or remain and died after him.

C. Edessa chronicle gives the year of death of Bishop Rabban (Habban) and Merchant Thomas

as 349 AD. The intended purpose was to spread Christianity among the Jewish settlers. Since

they died while they were doing missionary works abroad it can be assumed that under

earlier Christianity they became “Mar’ or Martyr per Edessa chronicle. This designation was

automatic per ancient traditions.

d. How the word Apostle was inserted in the text remains a mystery. Let us extend our thanks

to Master Eusibius who helped us account for one of the Apostle who had gone east almost

over 300 years earlier. Therefore Act of Thomas and Gospel of Thomas has no historical

values but for religious purpose it serves a useful purpose by providing myth and miracles to

inspire confidence of the believers.

e. Merchant Thomas probably frequented two different guilds, one in west southern coast

near Madras and one near Muziris, Kerala. He may have visited both. This will account for

two shrines of Thomas in India one in west and other in east. Assuming that the Edessa

chronicle accurately reflect the events of mission to india and dates are reported accurately.ly

Thomas died in India of Unexplained causes and he was buried or cremated under Indian

customs then rest of the relics could have been repatriated back to Edessa with the Bishop

and then his relic was moved to Italy where he would be housed at the church of Apostle

Thomas. But, Merchant Thomas of Cana was not the twin of Jesus or Apostle Thomas of the

new testament. Damis Thaddeus who accompanied Apollonius in his journey to India never


made it to south india he went as far as Bihar to east india where he found ascetics of all

kinds. To what extent, Bishop and Thomas were successful in converting the early Nazarene-

Essence community of early Jewish settlers in India is unknown but many christians of Kerala

now claims descent from Thomas of Cana (Kanaya of India), they may have been partially

successful and Portuguese finished the their unfulfilled jobs in 16th

century AD.

f. Thomas of cana carried the Sassanian rulers letter of introduction so that reaffirms one

thing that they first travelled by land through Persian held territory and came down south to

india. Ardeshir-1 did control the western coast of India up to Gujarat. They could have sailed

by sea from Taxila to Bhriggu-kachha and traveled south by land route in India. To go direct to

Muziris, they will not need any Persian recommendation. The Pope’s determination that they

went to western coast of India does have some merit based on Sassanians letter.

g. The historical Apostle Thomas lived in first century AD or BC depending on which Jesus of

historicity is believed. Yeshua (Jesus) was very common Jewish name like Abraham, Jacob,

Joseph, Simon, and Thaddeus.

The Myth of Apostle Thomas as described in “Act of Thomas”:

1. Judas Thomas is sold to the merchant “Rabban” or “Habban” and taken to India by sea

from Egypt.

2. Thomas went by sea route to the south western Indian port of Muziris (Now Malayakara,

India near Cranganmore in Kerala). When he arrived, he was invited to the royal wedding

party along with his Master Habban. Thomas succeeds in urging celibacy on the bridal couple

(chapters 1 to 16). This is Essence-Nazarene religious concept of celibacy tradition of Jewish

sect just like Jainism. Now Bishop Rabban is castigated as the merchant and Thomas of Cana

as missionary. Quite a contrast with Edessa Chronicle.

3. After Thomas’s visit to south India and few conversion to Christianity he travels North to

Taxila with Habban and there he meets Satrap King Gonophores, who commissions him to

build a royal palace. Thomas then spends the money on the poor before being imprisoned by

the King. The king releases Thomas after his brother Gad dies and returns to tell him of a

palace in heaven that Thomas built for him. (Chapters 17 to 29). Here travel seems to be in

reverse order. The Sassanian is more likely to give him the letter of recommendation so why

first travel by silk road or Bhriggu-kachha or Minnanagara or Debal close to Karachi and go to


Taxila for a letter. King Gonophores of 1st century AD may not be there but some Sassanian

satrap may be there. So, this part looks like copied from Apollonius journey to Taxila.

4. St. Thomas performs some more miracles and raised a man killed by a serpent (chapters 30

to 38).

5. Thomas exorcised the woman possessed by a demon (chapters 42 to 50). This is an

illustration of divine power given by Jesus. This also meets the canonical requirement for

anyone to gain the sainthood in Christianity.

6. Thomas also brings to the life a woman murdered by her lover. Her vision of hell is

described. (Chapters 51 to 61)

7. The Siphor, the Indian priest of Indian King Misdaeus finds Thomas to ask him to exorcize

his wife and daughter. (Chapters 62 to 67). Thomas addresses the problems and exorcizes the

demon(s) (chapters 68 to 81). The Indian texts does not confirm the historicity of such a king

or the priest as described in Act of Thomas during firs century of common era.

8. Mygdonia, a kinsman of the king, is also converted by Thomas. Charisius initially reacts by

having the king agree to kill Thomas. Siphor (Priest) testifies on Thomas' behalf to the king.

The Hymn of the Pearl is sung by Thomas in prison (chapters 82-118).

9. Mygdonia is baptized after Thomas is released from prison (chapters 119 to 133).

10. King Misdaeus' wife, Tertia also was converted. Misdaeus has Thomas arrested again and

threatens to kill him (chapters 134 to 138).

11. King Misdaeus's son Vazan is converted by Thomas when he visits him in prison (chapters

139 to 149).

12. Vazan, his wife and Tertia are baptized by Thomas (chapters 150 to 158).

13. When he was in Muziris (Mylapore) he had to hide himself in a cave at the Little Mount

near the present St. Thomas Mount (about five kms. away from Mylapore). He was caught

and murdered there by his enemies. His body was brought to Mylapore and buried at a spot

which was forgotten for many centuries. Thomas is martyred. A vision of Thomas appears

and the king's son is cured of an illness. Then King Misdaues also converts. Most of the names

mentioned are not Indian names but names of Greek living or lived during early period.

This summarizes the Act of Thomas consistent with mythology and miracles that we usually

find in all the religions but of no historical values.


The greatest miracle was yet to occur in 1523 AD when Portuguese first brought their

mission, nearly fifteen hundred years after the saint was supposed to have died. A

rediscovery of the tomb and remains of the murdered Saint Thomas by the priest in charge of

the Mylapore church takes place perhaps with a divine vision of the priest. Under local

Christian tradition, they discover the pieces of bones, a skull, a vessel containing mud

supposedly from the place where the saint's blood was shed, and a spearhead of the shape of

an olive leaf fixed on a wooden shaft. The most astonishing of this finds was the remains of

the Saint Thomas. After 1500 years they still remains unfossilized and uncrembled. Finally,

the papal seal over the whole story was stamped in 1956 AD when Pope Pius XII gave it

recognition as a Minor Basilica, and called Apostle Thomas as apostle of India. There are two

shrine containing relics in India in either end of southern coast of India and other remains are

distributed outside India where he had visited in the past. The Edessa relic was brought at

Ortona, Italy as per the official record during 12th century AD. The Edessa chronicle makes no

mention of that.

St. Ephrem, a PHD in Syriac Christianity, writes “Carmina Nisibina" that the Apostle Thomas

was put to death in India. He is using Edessa chronicle as a source of his information, and that

his remains were subsequently buried in Edessa, brought there by a merchant “Khabin” in

early century. The Edessa chronicle bears a passage confirming this but provides no

corroborative details to the cause of the death. Again name Khabin is a variant of Rabban

(Rabbi) of the chronicle. Thomas of Cana is no Apostle Thomas, at best he was the missionary

posing as merchant and the merchant was really Rabbi changed to Bishop. Now, let us review

Vatican’s shifting position on Apostle Thomas.

Vatican’s Position on Apostle of India:

Pope Benedict XVI, after his comments on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, faces dissent

among his flock for his rediscovery of history of Thomas as per various news articles

published worldwide.

“The Pope, in a general audience at St Peter's Square on September 27, 2006 said: "Let us

remember that an ancient tradition claims that Thomas first evangelized Syria and Persia

then went on to Western India from where Christianity also reached Southern India."

Please note the missing of the word “Apostle” in his speech. We do not know if it is an

oversight or he is speaking the truth.


So if we read his statement with some creditability as the head of the Vatican and custodian

of Christian history correctly point out that “Doubting Thomas” of the testament or Apostle

Thomas did not visit south India at all. Obviously, that made the Christian Bishop of Kerala

very angry and Vatican had to issue a correcting statement withdrawing his initial statement

by saying the press misquoted him.

The western India means the entire coast from Sindh to Gujarat. We have no evidence of the

presence of Christianity in entire history of western India nor there any shrines or the

churches in western India. The only thing of the record, we have is the journeys of Dames

Thaddeus, Magi with the Greek Apollonius to Taxila from Roman and Greek sources.

The article written by Shalli Itamann in Times of India during this controversy reflects the

anguishing Christian view points of India and I quote “Historically, it has never been fully

accepted that St Thomas landed near the Cranganmore sea port in Malabar and introduced

Christianity to the Indians. There is no material evidence to prove it. His bones were also not

found at the Mylapore tomb in Tamil Nadu, and hence, even his martyrdom there is suspect.

(A version about the Portuguese excavating bone parts and a spear head at the tomb is also

doubted.) However, the traditions and practices of St Thomas’s of Christians in India, the

descendents of those whom St Thomas supposedly converted, have pointed to his being

there and attaining martyrdom. If the story is true then it would put one of the founding

fathers of Christianity in India centuries before there was an agreement on a uniform

Christian doctrine which was achieved only after the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. In

India there is little room for debate as far as the validity of this story is concerned. This story

is part of our school curriculum. It is mentioned in official government documents and books.

It is part of the story of India and the history of Kerala. It is used as an example to show that

Christianity was in India long before it was in Europe. But the question is whether the stories

surrounding Saint Thomas in India are real or mythical just like the stories of many other

gods, saints and angels.”

This obvious contradiction of chronologies and accuracy puts the Vatican in a tough spot. The

Catholics for the most part believe that Jesus Christ is the only son of god. However, the

main source of information for Saint Thomas comes from the “The Acts of Thomas” and the

“Gospel of Thomas” both of which indicate that Saint Thomas was the twin brother of Jesus

Christ. These Gospels supposed to have been judged excised and heresy by council of Nicaea

and were ordered to be burned by the early church fathers. The Pope Benedict statement is

trying to reconcile the previously establish church’s official position and unexpected

discovery of Gnostic texts at Nag Hamadi library. Pope Benedict is walking a tight rope over


here. On one hand, he want to maintain the existence of St. Thomas of new Testament as a

historical person while on the other hand he wants to deny the Gnostic account of him

coming to India. While we know that real Jesus may have preached a Nazarene type of early

form of Christianity that resembles the reformist sect of Jainism and Buddhism.

Church and shrine of Thomas in India Apostle Thomas Image

Mythology and use of sacred numerology in Christianity:

We have already reviewed the “virgin birth” concept that is so old as Mithra, Mitra, Helios

and Attis just to name few. The sun is God to all in early civilization. Sun god finds a way of

entering all the religious scriptures and mythology. Jainism was bit advanced technologically

and they came up with “embryo transfer” concept well ahead of 21st

century AD when

surrogate mothers are hired for the money.

Number 12:

Saint Thomas, as it is believed by the Christians to be one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, in

reality the number 12 is now judged to be a part of sacred numerology by some experts. The

origin of number 12 is the full circumnavigation or rotation of earth around sun. That was our

universe (Holy Sun God Mithra per ancient belief) what the ancients believed. They had no

knowledge of Milky Way or availability of high power telescope or orbiting observatory. This


as expected became a common tradition in of all the ancient religions. Indian worshipper

circles around their sun temple to indicate their mark of respect to God Mitra and now a

common procedure with all the temples to pay the homage. Jaina did this temple round

seven times to indicate complete homage to all divine in the known universe.

The historical Jesus did not have 12 disciples not did Mahavira or Buddha but the 12 names

somehow were included in the text to make the number 12 on advise of horoscope and


The historical Jesus (Yeshua) was probably an ordinary man living well before the time

specified in the New Testament and from Jewish sources had five followers and not twelve.

Thomas is thought to be twin of Jesus but virgin birth story of New Testament does not take

about twin birth where one child is divine but other is not divine. He is also known as

“doubting Thomas” or “Didymos” in Greek that may be a corruption of the world we know as

“Damis” who was the companion with Apollonius of Tyana and he visited king of Taxila along

with Apollonius. The companion Damis full name was Damis Thaddeus. The word Thomas

derives from Thaddeus. At this time, we do not see any correlation of two separate events,

but why would Emperor Caracalla worship Apollonius and Empress Julia ask Philostratus to

write his biography based on Damis diary? However under Roman emperors’ order, the

history can get a make-over and Roman historians may be ordered to lie for political


The copper plate grants given to the Jews still exist but it is dated to later time. The early

presence of Judaism in India is never in doubt; however the numbers are very small. The

recent discovery of Jewish scroll in Afghanistan and discovery of the lost tribe of Israel in

North India lends supports this version. We also had Khazar Khanate Empire in Asia who was


It is also a true fact that since the arrival of Portuguese, the Christianity’s spread and numbers

in India have received significant boost but they still follow Syrian version that is derived from

earlier essence version that was basically a Jewish reformist movement. The ancient Jews of

India were the first Christian converts and local Indians were converted after the arrival of

Portuguese. There were no further recorded attempts after Bishop Rabban’s journey to India

for additional missionary activities until the arrival of colonial powers. Today, in India, the

Christian comprise slightly over 2.0 % of the one billion plus population.


The History should give credits to the Portuguese and Spanish explorers who often travelled

with extreme risk with priest accompanying them on expeditionary travels. The history

proves their success in Latin America and Africa where the colonists were biggest propagator

of catholic Christianity.

Number 7:

We know the story of Apostle Paul who established first seven churches of the Christianity in

Roman Empire, again the number seven originates from the sacred numerology that Indians

believed in. The Indian astrologers have assigned spot or star to each Vedic Rishi who were

seven. The seven stars of “Big dipper” in the sky represent the adobe of “Septa Rishi’.

Accordingly one week is divided in to seven days. See my article on Academia on “sacred

numerology”. There is no evidence of the “Seven and a Half Churches” established by Saint

Thomas in India. What does half church mean?

The story about the Saints’ death in Mylapore at the hands of an unknown Brahmin is

controversial and lacks historical confirmation. India has no tradition like that and Jews have

lived in India like Parsee (Parthian) for thousands of years in equality. Edessa chronicle only

states both returned dead in the same year but did not assign blame to Indians as did act of

Thomas. They could have fallen to Tropical diseases after a long voyage to India.

Big Dipper in sky (number 7) Seven churches of Paul Paul and Damis’ travels in Roman Empire



Pliny’s letter for gold drain Augustus’ coin Thomas Tombs at Muziris Thomas relic at Ortona (Italy)

To India


1. New Light on Maritime Loans: P. Vindob G 40822 – L casson, Ships and the development of

maritime technology on the Indian Ocean- Ruth Barnes, David Parkin, Periplus Maris

Erythraean, The Natural history of Pliny

2. Rome's eastern trade: international commerce and imperial policy, 31 BC-AD 305 -Gary

Keith Young, The monetary systems of the Greeks and Romans -William Vernon Harris.

3. Curtin, Philip DeArmond; el al. (1984), Cross-Cultural Trade in World History. Cambridge

University Press. ISBN 0-521-26931-8.

4. Young, Gary Keith (2001). Rome's Eastern Trade: International Commerce and Imperial

Policy, 31 BC-AD 305. Rutledge. ISBN 0-415-24219-3.

5. McLaughlin, Raoul. (2010). Rome and the Distant East: Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands

of Arabia, India and China. Continuum, London and New York. ISBN 978-1-84725-235-7.

6. Miller, J. Innes. 1969. The Spice Trade of The Roman Empire: 29 B.C. to A.D. 641, Oxford

University Press. A Special edition for Sandpiper Books. 1998. ISBN 0-19-814264-1.

7. Sidebotham, Steven E. (2011). Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route, University

of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-24430-6.

8. http://apostlethomasindia.wordpress.com and http://ishwarsharan.wordpress.com


9. The chronicle of Edessa-sacred Text


10. Locating the Ancient port of Muziris by Sajjan, shevlakumar, Tomber and Cherian


11. Schaff, Philip; Wace, Henry, eds. (1890). The Seven Ecumenical Councils, Nicene and Post-

Nicene Fathers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.: Erdmann Pub Co. ISBN 0-8028-8129-7.

12. Works of Eusebius Pamphilus (ca 263–339), also known as Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea;

participant at the First Council of Nicaea http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf201.html

13. Epistle of the Emperor Constantine


14. Jews of India


15. Joseph Rabban http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Rabban

16. Thomas of Cana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_of_Cana

17. A History of Christianity in India: The Beginnings to AD 1707, By Stephen Neill, Cambridge


18. Swiderski, Richard Michael (1988). Blood Weddings: The Knanaya Christians of Kerala.

Madras: New Era, retrieved, June 8, 2012.

19. www.academia.edu/bipinshah1 Articles on early Christianity and Apollonius and

Pythagoras Journeys to India.

20. Act Of Thomas http://gnosis.org/library/actthom.htm

21. Nag Hammadi collection http://gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html

22. Gnostic society Library http://gnosis.org/library/gs.htm

23. Dr. G. R. S. Mead collection http://gnosis.org/library/grs-mead/mead_index.htm