2021 Prayer Journal - West Chester Nazarene Church

Prayer & Fasting Journal January 2021

Transcript of 2021 Prayer Journal - West Chester Nazarene Church

Prayer & Fasting JournalJanuary 2021

Dear Friends,

This past year has been a year unlike any other.  As we begin 2021, there is no better way to start than by spending time fasting and praying. Our focus this year is on the Lord’s Prayer. Over the next month, I encourage you to follow along with this devotional as we worship through and study this prayer.

Prayer is essential for the church. We cannot be Christ-like if we do not know Christ. And we cannot know Christ without knowing His Word and taking the time to speak and hear from Him in prayer. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray in Matthew 6. This was in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount. This prayer is not just a collection of unrelated words or ideas. In the Lord’s Prayer, there is great theology that should guide us as we grow in our relationship with God. This prayer is bold. It is a prayer that keeps God at the center of our world. As you walk through this prayer journal and worship with us on Sundays, I pray that your time with Jesus would be rich and would draw you closer to God. I pray that this prayer would not only be spoken, but lived out.  

In addition to prayer, you have the option to fast. Fasting is a way that we shift the focus from ourselves and our circumstances to God and God’s will. There are many different ways to fast. You can give up certain foods, certain activities, etc. When we fast, we abstain from something that is a regular part of our lives in order to deeper focus on God in prayer. I would challenge you to fast something this month. 

Regardless of what 2021 holds, it can be a year that you grow in your relationship with Christ. This journal is a guide to help you as you connect with Jesus. Please join us on Sundays as we continue to dig deeper into this prayer.

Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.And forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from the evil one.

Pastor Alex



Why do we pray AND fast? It’s simple. Jesus fasted and prayed. He said his followers would fast after he was gone. Jesus devotes a large chunk of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:5-18) to instructions on how to pray and fast. Amazing things happened in the book of Acts related to prayer and fasting. We are the 29th chapter of Acts. Prayer and fasting still precedes miracles and powerful moves of God.

Fasting with common sense—If you are thinking of fasting more than one or two meals at a time make sure you are healthy enough to do so. If you are on medications or dietary restrictions, check with your doctor about what is sensible regarding fasting.

As you consider the power of combining prayer with fasting, there are multiple methods for fasting. Here are some ideas:

Food Fast Ideas

One meal each day—The fast is not about only giving up food, but also includes praying during mealtime. Jesus said, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” Matthew 26:40 It takes about an hour to prepare a meal or travel to a restaurant or get ready to eat. So this time is a perfect opportunity to pray. Those who work in hot exhausting jobs cannot fast completely because they need their strength and stamina for physical exertion. However, they can sacrifice one meal a day for the Lord.

Two meals each day—Some people can pray for two hours each day, sacrificing two meals to the Lord.

Eat only veggies—The Daniel Fast involves giving up meats, desserts and snacks, eating only the food that Daniel most likely ate. While the fast doesn’t give extra time to pray, it is a commitment of the heart that when joined with prayer, moves the heart of God.

Cut out refined sugar—Give up desserts, sodas, sweet tea, and colas, Snicker bars and donuts. 

Behavior Fasts

Give up television or video gaming—Secular people might laugh at “fasting television” or “sacrificing television” but it is a commitment to God to place loyalty to Christ first above all else. This is a spiritual choice in response to Christ, who promises, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Give up sports or watching it on TV—Giving up the bowling league, golfing, fishing, jogging or other activity for a season to pray during that time is a choice. It places spiritual exercise above physical exercise. “Bodily exercise profits little, but godliness is profitable for all things.” 1Timothy 4:8

Give up pleasure reading—Beyond what you must read for your work or preparing for teaching the Word of God, pleasure reading could be turned into prayer time. You could consider laying aside reading the daily newspaper (or news websites) too.


Restrict mobile phone and other social media—While some of these communication devices are necessary, they are serious time robbers that could be placed aside for praying. Use of cell phones, tablets and social media can consume huge chunks of time. Part of a fast could be to limit or stop social media and use the time for prayer and intercession. Some people may choose to restrict their music choices to Christian music only.

Other—There may be something else that the Holy Spirit brings to mind that you could place aside for a season while you focus on more prayer.


The keys to prayer are simple:1. Prepare yourself personally. Find a time and a place where you can focus on God.2. Just pray. Start talking to God about needs, concerns, hopes and dreams.3. Join with another person or small group for accountability and encouragement.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with Him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23

This is prayer, opening the door to Jesus, inviting Him in, conversing with Him and following His advice. In this prayer and fasting effort we want to keep the door continuously open to Jesus for the month of January.

The Power of Agreeing in Prayer

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:19-29

Get a prayer partner or join a small group so you can agree with other believers for God to work in your life. This is how miracles often begin! Even if you are not in a small group, if you follow the daily prayer prompts you will be agreeing in prayer with everyone else using the guide.


Personal Prayer and Fasting Goals 2020

The most important thing about prayer is to simply start talking to God! Then, make it a habit. We are all aware of many needs, so it usually helps to list those needs and organize them.

The corporate purpose of this journal is to help us cover the ministries and outreach at WCN with God’s grace, protection and favor throughout all of 2021.

Also think about your personal prayer goals for this spiritual journey. You may want to revisit and revise this page during the journey. Here are a few possible areas to consider.

Personal spiritual growth:

People in your circle of influence who need God:

Families and relationships that need help:

Material or physical needs:

Dreams for the future:


Day One – Pastor Alex

“Hallowed be thy name”

“Our Father in Heaven”. These words and this prayer have been spoken more than any other prayer in history. Think about this. These words are said by almost every denomination. These words are said around the world by sports teams getting ready to go into competition. It has been said for thousands of years all over the world. What an incredible prayer. As I sit and think about the significance of these words, it blows me away to think that God is OUR FATHER. Those two words are extremely significant.  First, is the word OUR. We are one in the family of God. There is great unity in that. Second, is the word Father. God is over ALL people. When we pray this prayer, we are coming together with believers over all times and places to affirm that we share one Father. 

The second part of this prayer is where I really want to focus. “Hallowed be thy name”. In one of my favorite Disney movies, The Lion King, there is a scene with the three hyenas. One of the three says the name of the King, Mufasa. The others tremble. They respect that name. They fear that name. When we say “Hallowed be thy name”, it is not something we say flippantly. That phrase is an indication of what we think of God. God is Holy. God is to be feared and honored. How can we put into words who God is? Many Jewish people will not even use the name of God, Yahweh, because it is so holy.  

One thing is for sure. If we pray that God’s name is hallowed, this in itself is an act of worship. Don’t just brush by this part of the prayer. Ask yourself this question: Do you really revere and honor the name of God? To start our prayers with this declaration is to proclaim that God is worthy of all praise and honor. God is worthy of our submission, our obedience, our affections, and our worship.  

What does God’s name mean to you?

Do you treat God with the amount of respect and honor that He deserves?

How can you ‘hallow’ the name of God with your words, thoughts, and actions today?



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day One

Whatever you have decided to do during the few weeks, it is an offering to God because He is God. Jesus set the example for us to pray and fast. If we are faithful, God will be faithful. God will be honored and He will help us spread the Gospel and make disciples. Remember, Jesus started His ministry with a forty-day fast.

Day One – The Man or Woman of God

Step one in following God is to encounter God. Psalm One describes the person who has had a real encounter with God. Jesus is the clearest picture of that man of God. Jesus is the point of reference. He also told us how to be blessed in the Sermon on the Mount. Help those in need, pray and fast.  To become that man or woman of God, Jesus said, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him.”  That’s how we love God and love our neighbor. 

Our prayers and fasting will impact what happens in West Chester, Mason and southwest Ohio, and our nation as well as in El Salvador, Target Dayton, Cincinnati Urban Promise, and wherever we go to serve in 2021.

Find a time and place to shut out distractions and think about who God is. When and where can that happen for you?

Have you truly realized your need for God and asked him for forgiveness? When did that happen?

If you have not asked God for forgiveness or have fallen away from your original commitment, renew that conversation with God.

What is God doing in your life currently?

WCN Prayer Focus Day 1 – Help us, Lord, to find a quiet place and hear your still, small voice speaking each day. Show us your majesty and holiness! Help us to see Jesus clearly!


Day Two – Ann Bowen - WCN Prayer Guide 2009

His Name is Wonderful

In the name of Jesus, In the name of JesusWe have the victory.In the name of Jesus, In the name of JesusDemons will have to flee.When we come in the name of JesusTell me who can stand before?In the name of Jesus, JesusWe have the victory!

This was one of the many choruses I learned shortly after accepting Christ as my Savior. Choruses emphasize biblical truth and lift our spirits in praise to God. I had known of God the Almighty Creator and Lord of All from the religious instruction and hymns of my childhood, but now I know Him in a personal way, with God as my loving (Abba) Father and His Son Jesus as my Savior and friend. The Bible uses different Hebrew names of God to reveal the various aspects of His impeccable character/nature. His Name is Wonderful…God reveals my needs and meets them through His names.  He is Savior and Redeemer because I needed my sins forgiven and to be freed from the slavery of sin, self and Satan. He is my Healer, my Sanctifier, my Peace, my Provider, my Righteousness and so much more.

Life involves many difficult situations and trying times but being able to call on Jesus’ name gives me instant access into the throne room of God, into the very presence of the Almighty. Jesus is the sweetest name I know and Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about that name and Jesus, Jesus, Jesus sweetest name I know…He intends us to have life abundantly, regardless of our circumstances. How often do I settle for less instead of trusting in Jesus to be everything to me? The more I trust Him, the sweeter He grows, not because He changes but because my perception, trust and experience of Him deepens. There is power in the name of the Lord for us to appropriate, and oh, how our faith pleases Him. Satan and his demons are subject to Jesus, as are life, death and everything else. Victory is ours through the precious name of Jesus, God’s Son, our Redeemer and Risen Lord! And He’s crazy about us! To quote Max Lucado, “If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.”

Jesus, Oh how sweet the Name.Jesus, every day the same.Jesus, let all saints proclaimHis worthy name forever.



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Two

If you are fasting solid food today, remember to drink plenty of water or whatever liquids your fast allows.

Day Two – Humility

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 Jesus continually taught humility to his disciples. Wash your followers feet. Don’t let your right hand know that your left hand is helping a needy person. Pray in your closet. Do fasting with a smile on your face. The first will be last, etc. Humility wasn’t natural for them. It’s not natural for us, either. However, it is the first step in actually being used by God to build his Kingdom, win a lost person or see spiritual growth in one’s own life.

Many people think being a servant makes you look weak, but Jesus always demonstrated humility in servant leadership. How can you be a servant leader?

In your family-

At work-

In your neighborhood-

At WCN –

At school if you are a student-

Part of humility is to love your neighbor (think of the Good Samaritan story), especially someone that probably can’t pay you back. Who is a neighbor you can or need to help?

WCN Prayer Focus Day 2 – Lord, help us at WCN to recognize that we really are hopeless without you. But more than that, we have your forgiveness, restoration and guidance if we will simply humble ourselves and receive it from you!


Day Three – Ron Von Bargen - WCN Prayer Guide 2003

What an Awesome Thought

My prayer is not for them alone, I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one. John 17:20

We find our Lord Jesus in prayer with His Heavenly Father. He is about to be betrayed and crucified. At such a time as this, He was praying for you and me. What an awesome thought!  

Should one dare ask the question, “Does Jesus care?” We should respond with a resounding answer, Yes, oh yes, He cares!” He cares so much that He was willing to lay down His life for us so that we may be one in Him.

Jesus, thank you for caring so much that you were willing to lay down your life for me. Help me to so live that I will bring glory and honor to your precious name!



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Three

If you are fasting solid food for an extended time (more than one day), expect a little discomfort and possibly a headache. This is fairly typical, especially if you have also cut out caffeine and/or soda. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive exercise during days when you don’t eat. Listening to inspiring worship music or audio Bibles is also helpful.

Day Three – Repentance/Forgiveness

The Lord’s Prayer

In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:9-15

Just like many of Jesus’ parables and also many Psalms, the focal point of the Lord’s Prayer is the middle of the passage.

Verse 12: ‘And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.’ In verse 15, Jesus pointed out that we must forgive others just as God forgives us. He said nothing about any exceptions.

Is there anything in your life for which you need to ask forgiveness?

Is there a deep pain, hurt or grudge from the past that you need to let go of and forgive?

If there is a serious issue about forgiveness in your life, whether it is accepting God’s amazing love and grace for yourself or knowing how to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply, please contact one of the pastoral staff for help.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 3 – Help us, Lord, to remember your forgiveness of our sins enables and empowers us to forgive people who have hurt us deeply. Help us to be deep springs of mercy and grace to everyone we meet: our family, our friends, our church, even our enemies. Lord, we thank you for your grace and mercy to us.


Day Four – Heddy White - WCN Prayer Guide 2003


I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20

How big is your God? How big is your mountain? How big is your faith?

The size of your faith will be the size of your God! In February 1979, when I was told that I would not live over six months from having cancer, my faith was weak! I was too sick to exercise the faith I needed to move this mountain. 

But my church came together and prayed, and they had “the faith.” They knew we served a “Big God,” who could move a “Big Mountain.” Praise God!

In faith, they prayed and expected a miracle for me. My faith was weak, but theirs was strong. They knew that Jesus knew me by name and knew exactly what I needed, and He knew exactly where I was!  At 1:00 pm, on February 11, 1979, in Bethesda Oak Hospital, God touched and healed me, performing a great miracle.

It was through the people of God, in faith, reaching out to the Glorious Healer that heard and answered their prayers! It has now been more than twenty-four years* since that prayer was answered.  There is no problem too big for God!

Faith in God can move a mighty mountain.Faith in God can calm a troubled sea.Faith in God can make a desert like a fountain,Faith in God will bring the victory

*now 42 years



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Four

If you are fasting a particular food or activity, renew your commitment. If you slip up, don’t be discouraged. Remain faithful to your goal and restart! Drink plenty of water, juice or broth if you are not taking solid food.

Day Four – Awakening and Revival

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6

Since our nation’s birth over two hundred years ago, there have been several times of national spiritual awakening. Sincere praying, fasting and repentance always preceded these moves of God. Spending time in prayer, fasting, Bible reading and repentance is the way we diligently seek God.

It’s hard to feel desperate when your stomach is full and you are busy and fulfilled in your physical or economic situation. Are we at WCN willing to deny ourselves and pray to God for awakening and revival? What would happen if hundreds of churches across the USA prayed sincerely for revival?

Satan wants groups of people to be isolated and full of fear and mistrust. God calls us to love all people, as He does. The theme for National Day of Prayer 2019 was “Love one anther!” How might loving one another bring revival?

Pray for God to awaken your spirit to be in tune with His Holy Spirit! He will equip you to share His love as you pray. What do you need?

WCN Prayer Focus Day 4 – Lord, we love you and thank you that you supply our needs. Give us the backbone and heart to do your will in helping others and spreading the Good News of Jesus. Unite us in worship, awakening and revival!


Day Five – Sherri Rindfleisch - WCN Daycare Director

Psalm 106

The Lord’s Prayer

As I reflect back to my younger days, I remember praying The Lord’s Prayer growing up and reading the cross-stitched Lord’s Prayer hanging by my bed. I loved going to the little four room Sunday School building behind our church each Sunday. This is where I learned the true meaning of The Lord’s Prayer.  Many, many years later I truly understood how powerful it is. This past year I have found myself praying to God more than ever before. With COVID -19, I found myself fearful of death for the first time ever, I guess I don’t want to die alone. I even began to believe that the virus was even too much for God to handle. However, my faith was stronger than my fear and any time those feelings hit I would stop and pray. I found myself praying not just for myself and my family, but for my WCC families, scientists, doctors and nurses, families touched by the virus for healing, the entire world and for those that have never talked to God to learn to pray with him. I have learned from praying that Our Almighty Father is truly in control! 

The Lord’s Prayer “Hallowed be Thy Name” is so powerful to me at this time. I pray that the holiness of God will be recognized by all the people throughout the world. I pray that more people will learn to trust and cherish God with their whole heart. I know I continue to find peace in praying daily and I know that God will always be with me!



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Five

Prayer and fasting are primarily about growing closer to God. In essence we are displaying that we are hungering and thirsting after righteousness more than we want food, social media, money or fun.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 

Day Five – Transformation

Transformation is a process that begins in childhood. Childhood is the best time to plant the seeds of faith into a person’s life. Everyone who comes to God must become as a child to start the journey.

Think of your own transformation process. How did it begin? How is it ongoing? Paul said we are being transformed into the image of Jesus. It’s a lifelong growth process!

Are you involved with a small group of other believers to work on your ongoing spiritual growth? It’s always a two way street. We need each other’s input and perspective.

As we think of transformation, let’s make the children’s ministries at WCN a focus of today’s prayers. Could God be prompting you to help teach and transform our children? If so, contact Pastor Emily.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 5 – Father in Heaven, in this unusual year of COVID restrictions and the stresses related to the pandemic, help us at WCN to provide our children with examples of faith and trust in you. Help us to spread the hope, peace and joy of Jesus to our children. Lord, help Pastor Emily, Ruth Anderson and the Children’s Ministry team as they teach Bible stories and biblical truths to our children and grandchildren. Help them as they bless the children in the nursery, the preschool age classes, the Connection group classes, Clubhouse worship, musicals, Sunday and Wednesday evening activities.

Lord, be with Sherri Rindfleisch and her staff of committed teachers and assistants as they minister to daycare and preschool children and their parents every day.

Father in Heaven, enable us to be transformed into the image of Christ. Help us to be disciples before we try to make disciples. Make us one in Christ as we are transformed to share the good news of love, hope, and transforming power!


Day Six – Chris Coffing - WCN Prayer Guide 2005

Trusting God

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Proverbs 3:5

In the spring of 1991, my wife and I walked through the doors of West Chester Church of the Nazarene.  The floors of the hallway had no carpeting and the walls of the church were unfinished. Services were being held in the gym while the sanctuary was being finished. God spoke to both of us that day. We were home!

Unknown to many of our newfound church family, Kim and I were struggling to have children. Infertility blocked our way and our prayers were not being answered. Little did we know that God had a plan for us, as he has for all his children. In 1993, our prayers were answered, and the answer was NO!  Although we were blessed with a pregnancy, God chose to take our child one hour after birth. We were devastated. We were blind, numb and angry, but we held on to our faith. Our church family surrounded us with prayer, love and an intense focus on how God is using us for His glory. To add to our grief, Kim’s father passed away due to illness, just five months later. What kind of plan is this?

God refused to lift the burning desire from Kim to be a mother. “Take care of my children,” God whispered, so we became foster parents. In January of 1995, we were blessed to have our first child, Mia, a healthy strong-willed baby of 6 months. Mia was born November 26, it was our Thanksgiving. God had opened the doors of our heart and love poured out.

“Trust in Me,” God whispered again and in December 1995 we were blessed with Christopher, our biological miracle.

God answered our prayers in His own way. Our faith has continued to grow with the many blessings given to us and the many times God has carried us through in times of sorrow. God has used our church and our church family to bless our lives over and over again. Our faith is renewed every day and strengthened every hour. We love our Lord and our church family.


How do difficult times in the church family bring unity?


WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Six

Praying and fasting are also about self-denial. Then Jesus said unto his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” Matthew 16:24 This is not about inflicting pain on yourself or doing good works. It is about setting priorities. It is about putting your desire to get closer to Jesus ahead of a full stomach or whatever other thing, maybe social media, you are denying yourself.

Day Six – Unity

One of the major themes in the New Testament is unity. In John 17, unity was Jesus’ prayer for all who believe in Him. The letters of Paul, Peter and John constantly told the churches to be unified instead of quarreling over food, drink, their favorite preacher, religious holidays, circumcision, leadership positions, and on and on.

The solution to disunity is to keep our eyes on Jesus, our hope of resurrection and eternal life with God. Hebrew 12:2

How do you renew your mind daily?

How do you love and forgive others as God has forgiven us?

How do you keep from judging others? What does judging someone else really mean?

As you take time to be still today, think of what keeps you from being unified with other believers.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 6 – Lord, your prayer to the Father was that we, your followers, would be one in you, just as you are one in the Father. Help us to look after each other and support each other rather than judge and criticize. You said the world would notice if we loved each other. Help us be branches of the True Vine!


Day Seven – Jim Stock - WCN Prayer Guide 2009

Names for God

God identified himself to Moses by saying, “I AM EXISTENCE” (“I AM THAT IAM,” or “I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE”). The Hebrew alphabet at that time had no vowels, only consonants. For Hebrew characters (consonants called Tetragramation) translated into the Greek Septuagint were listed JHVH and with vowels added was pronounced “YAHWEH.” Ancient Hebrews, not wanting to mispronounce God’s Name, deferred from any attempt at pronouncing it and simply called God “The Lord of Hosts,” as it appears most often in the Old Testament.

The writer of the fourth Gospel, writing in Greek, in John 1:1, identifies God with the name, “Logos.” “In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God.” The most common English translation of “Logos” has been “Word,” but the Greek “Logos” means much more than simply “Word.” Logos can also be accurately translated as meaning, purpose, understanding, or rationale. J.B. Phillips, in his remarkable translation of the New Testament, starts John 1:1 with the sentence, “In the beginning God expressed Himself.” This is probably a more complete understanding of “Logos.” The lesson here is to recognize that God is much, much more than our simple vocabulary or understanding.

The Hebrews placed a great store in proper names for people, places and things. The names do not project or give any personal traits to whom the names are assigned, but they do indicate the interpretation the name-givers have for their own hopes. Assigning names tell more about the name giver than it does about the recipient of the name; thus, sometimes it results in a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The results of what we choose to call our God reveals our deepest convictions. Most of our names are really adjectives that modify the noun. Hebrews wanted to emphasize the verb, that which does the action. Greeks on the other hand, tended to emphasize the noun, the thing.

When we pray, “Almighty God and Father of us all,” we use the adjective “Almighty” and the nouns God and Father. Sometimes we use an adverb to modify a verb or a verb phrase. Thus, we might speak of God as the Most (adverb) Holy (adjective) Father (noun), or Divine (adverb) Giver of Life (verb phrase).

If we think about it at all, the names we give to God are really what we want Him to be to us. 



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Seven

Most of us doing the food fast are likely on a Daniel type fast by now. If you are fasting solid food, hang in there. Drink plenty of liquids. Be diligent. Have faith. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

Day Seven – WCN

The scope of ministry and activity at WCN is very broad. As we listen to God today let’s think about the many ways WCN touches our congregation, our community and beyond.Listed below is a partial list of WCN ministries and activities we host:

• WCC Daycare and Preschool• Children’s Ministries• VBS• Eggstravaganza• Fall Fest• Junior High • Senior High• Young Adult• Adult Connection Groups• Nazarene Missions • Work and Witness• JOY Club (55+)• Women’s Ministry and Thrive

Conference• Women’s Bible Studies

• Choir • Naz Jazz Concerts• Upward Basketball• Bluegrass Jam Sessions• Meet the Need• God’s Threads• Compassion Ministry• Men’s Bible Studies• Pal Packs and Comfort Care Kits• Prayer Meeting • Discipling Group• 1 on 1 Discipling• National Day of Prayer Site • Prayer Groups• Divorce Care and Grief Share

• Recovery Groups• Family Promise• Christmas Outreach Event• Butler Philharmonic Messiah

Concert• Target Dayton• Cincinnati Urban Promise• Blood Drives• First Responder Appreciation• Polling place for elections• Community Clubs • Open Gyms• Scouts

There are plenty of places to join in and volunteer to help. Perhaps God is leading you to find a place of service in one of the ministries at WCN. Think about it. Pray about it! Talk to a pastor.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 7 – Father in Heaven, we ask your blessing and favor on the people of West Chester Nazarene Church. In the coming months of 2021, please bathe every ministry and outreach effort in your Holy Spirit. We ask for your guidance as we seek to help people physically and spiritually both here and around the world. Help us manage the ministries, the facility and resources you have given us wisely. Strengthen our faith to do your will!


Day Eight – Pastor Teresa

“Thy Kingdom Come”

When I was a kid, I would have times where I would think about heaven. I would wonder what heaven looked like. I would wonder what Jesus and God looked like. I would think about what it would look like to worship God forever. I would wonder if we would take time to eat or sleep. I had read in the Bible about His kingdom coming to earth and imagined a place where there would be no more sin. It was both overwhelming and exciting to think about at the same time. We learned the Lord’s Prayer in church and the phrase “thy kingdom come” would always stick out to me. I would think...what does that mean, and when is His kingdom going to come?

This part of the Lord’s prayer is a very powerful one. Not only does it summarize the entire Bible in one phrase, it is a prayer that summarizes what God wants to do on the earth.

And what does He want to do? He wants to bring restoration to our broken and hurting world. If you are like me, you find yourself overwhelmed with all of the sin that is around us. We live in a hurting and broken world full of hurting and broken people. If you watch or read the news on a daily basis, or scroll through your social media news feed, you will see this being played out in the lives of strangers and in those who are close to us.

I know that I cannot wait to see what His kingdom will look like here on earth. It is going to be so great!  Even as an adult now, I still want God to show me just a glimpse of what His Kingdom will look like because it gives me hope about what God has in store. Imagine a world without sin, without any political unrest, and without any death! God has something great in store for our world.   



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Eight

During an extended period of fasting, it is a good idea to limit watching commercial television. As time passes the food ads look better and better. The food and cooking shows are definitely problematic, even on the Daniel fast. Worship music and videos can energize your spirit and take your mind off of your food cravings.

Day Eight – Discipleship/Accountability

There is an old evangelism model that says if each person would win one person each year the whole world would be saved in just a few years. Why doesn’t something like that happen? Many people that start out after Christ never make it to maturity as a believer. It could be because no one ever connected with them regularly to focus on following Jesus.

In the 1700’s, the Methodist revival in the British Empire and America was miraculous. One key to that revival was John Wesley’s insistence that people belong to small accountability groups. As groups grew, they split to form new groups.

Connection groups can help meet this need but it is ideal to have a person or small group that you meet with regularly to help you stay on track and encourage you to be faithful.

As you reflect today, what does discipleship look like in your life?

Who is helping you grow closer to Jesus? Who helped you in the past?

Who are you guiding to a closer walk with Jesus?

WCN Prayer Focus Day 8 – Father, help us to be faithful and intentional to link with other believers for the sake of ongoing regularly scheduled accountability and discipleship. Lord, may every person in our congregation have trusted brothers or sisters in Christ with whom to share the joys and struggles of following Jesus.


Day Nine – Pastor Rick

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6

When I was a teenager, I loved video games. I would spend hours upon hours playing video games. I specifically loved playing baseball video games. I can remember staying up until 3:00 am in the morning playing. When I started playing the game, I wasn’t very good but as I invested my time into it I was hooked to get better and better. The longer I played, the better I got and I started moving up levels and unlocking secret rewards, but it took time and intentionally investing my time in the game. It made the game so much better to have those rewards. 

Have you spent much of your time being this intentional in growing closer to God? Have you put aside your need to do other things and prioritize growing closer? Are you earnestly seeking Him? Some synonyms for the word earnestly are seriously, sincerely, eagerly, and intensely. When I replace earnestly from the scripture with each of those words it immediately convicts me to ask myself “How much am I pursuing God and the blessings He wants for my life?” 

In order to receive those rewards, it takes faith. We must invest our time to know God on a spiritual level. He wants to spend time with YOU, the maker of the universe wants to know you in a deep way and wants to reveal Himself to you and “unlock” all of His “secret” rewards for you. When we understand and hear Him on a spiritual level, that’s when we see the rewards that God has for us. He loves us and wants to make Himself known to us. Everyday can become a new level and reward with God because we are intentional about developing and growing our relationship with Him. 

“Lord, we thank you for all the blessings you have given us and many times we don’t deserve them. Help us to follow you intensely and sincerely. Help us to hear you on a spiritual level and be obedient to the call on our lives to live for you, in Jesus name, amen.”



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Nine

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you. 2 Thessalonians 3:1 Throughout the letters from Paul, Peter, and John, there is an ongoing request for prayer. Pastors still want and need lots of prayer.

Day Nine – Pastors

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Which pastors are currently being major influences in your life or the life of your children?

Pray for the pastors at WCN, especially those that minister to you and your family.

Pastor Alex – Lead PastorPastor Deb – Executive PastorPastor Dale – Connections PastorPastor Emily – Kid’s PastorPastor Jay – Youth PastorPastor Teresa – Outreach & Young Adult PastorPastor Rick – Community Life Pastor

WCN Prayer Focus Day 9 – Father, we ask for your Spirit, wisdom and power to be poured out on Pastor Alex as he leads the staff and preaches from the pulpit each Sunday. We ask for your Spirit to bless and guide each of the other pastors and lay leaders that direct ministries of the church. We ask for your blessing, strength and renewal for each leader in Connection groups, Bible studies and other projects.


Day Ten – Jerry Call - WCN Prayer Guide 2005

We are not strangers to God Do not forget to entertain strangers.  Hebrews 13:2

The time was 1954. I had just spent three months aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Kului, anchored in the Kwajalein Atoll, building a LORAN station. During those three months, I had lots of time to think about spiritual matters. I had promised the Lord that upon my return to the home port of Honolulu I would look up the pastor of a Nazarene Church. We arrived in Honolulu on Thanksgiving Day. I was granted liberty that afternoon and went to the Armed Forces Y for rest and recreation. I remembered my promise and went to get a telephone book to look up the address of a Nazarene Church. Next to the phone was a bulletin board and right in the middle was the address of the Nazarene Church and the name of the pastor, who at the time had missionary status. Next to the bulletin board was a map and I was able to find the directions to the church. The street of the church was right behind Sears. I knew I could get to the church via bus, so I took the bus, walked through the parking lot of Sears and up the street about half a block and by this time, it was dark. 

I found the church; it was a duplex. The church was on the left and the parsonage on the right. As I was standing there the pastor and his family pulled into the driveway. The pastor got out of his car, saw me and asked if he could help me. I said that I was looking for the Nazarene Church so I could attend on Sunday. He invited me into his home. After talking he invited me to pray. That’s when my life changed, and I became a Christian.

Riding the bus, finding the church, the pastor arriving as I stood there, being invited into the pastor’s home --- these are not just coincidences. God heard the faithful prayers of my mother and others. God answers prayer, even in far-away places!



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Ten

Whether you have committed to an extended food fast of some type or certain days of fasting or fasting some particular thing during this prayer and fasting challenge, stay true to your commitment. Satan would like nothing better than to have us loose heart and give up. Be diligent! Don’t give in to the deceiver! Don’t Quit! Reboot and restart if you need to! Read Hebrews 11:6 again (see day seven)!

Day Ten – Church Board

We have been blessed to have a talented and dedicated group of men and women who are elected to serve on the WCN Church Board. They have the responsibility of providing leadership and wisdom and accountability for the pastoral staff. They manage the finances, maintenance of the building, safety and security, and oversight of ministries and mission outreaches. They have the ultimate responsibility for decisions regarding WCN and the WCC Pre-school and Day Care. We should pray for them regularly and thank them.

Upward: Clarice Brenner, Debbie Williams, Ray Murray, Steve Caddell

Forward: Darrell Dodson, Kim Coffing, Kalyn Vogelmann

Operations: Eric Anderson, Chris Pernice, Jayson Morris

Outward: Mike Aaron, Chris Hardiman

WCN Prayer Focus Day 10 – Lord, we thank you for leaders willing to give up their time to make decisions and provide leadership for our church. We ask that you help them to hear from you and be unified in leading this congregation. We pray for your protection and favor to cover them and their families. Most of all, we ask that you would build your Kingdom through their work and stewardship over the resources you provide for this body of believers.


Day Eleven – Jay Morris - WCN Prayer Guide 2009

The Rock

As I was looking through the different names of God, the following verse caught my attention. He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He. Deuteronomy 32:4

Growing up at home we had four large rocks in our front yard. Our father had put them there while our house was being built to protect us. How? Well, our house was at the end of a road where the road T’s.  You can go left or right, but if you go straight you would be in our front yard. What’s more, our house sat at the bottom of a hill, so if an errant driver ever did end up in the yard, they might have ended up in our dining room! As children, my brother, sister and I climbed on the rocks, we stood by the rocks while waiting for the school bus and sometimes our punishment for misbehaving was to go outside and sit on the rocks.

God as the Rock stirs thoughts of strength and permanence. I’m amazed at how our experiences growing up mirror our relationship with God. Sometimes we are intimately aware of God (times we climb on the rock). We know what He wants from us and are in communion with Him. At other times, we are aware that He is there (standing by the rock waiting for the bus) but we don’t really pay attention to Him.  Finally, there are times spent with God that we don’t really enjoy. These times, though, are just like the times I had to sit on the rocks as a child, they had nothing to do with the rocks but rather my attitude and behavior. If we spend time with God and don’t enjoy it, we must look at ourselves.

The wonderful thing about God the Rock is that He is always there. Strong. Waiting for us. Protecting us. Is He your Rock?



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Eleven

Congratulations! We have made it past the half-way point in our commitment. Revelation 3:20 tells us Jesus is waiting on us to open the door to our hearts so he can come in and sup with us. We have had the door open for eleven days. Hopefully, you have sensed His presence often, even when just going about your normal routine.

Day Eleven – Teachers

My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. James 3:1

It is a heavy responsibility to stand before a group of people, from the very young to the very old, and lead in a study of God’s Word! In this age of communication, teaching God’s word is tricky. To say, “This is the way, this is truth, this is what the Bible says about this,” requires diligent preparation and experience. WCN has a wonderful corps of Bible teachers and mentors. Pray for each one!

What teachers have influenced you to know God in a deeper way?

Take a moment to pray for your teachers and the teachers of your children and grandchildren.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 11 – Father, help us to be like Jesus in willingness to serve, which sometimes means leading. When we lead by teaching a class, help us to prepare our lessons well and know the passages we teach thoroughly. Thank you Lord, for faithful teachers of your Word!


Day Twelve – Linda Stoughton - WCN Prayer Guide 2010

Blessed with Peace

Most Christians want to honor God with their lives. But fewer welcome the thought of God actually calling us from a life of comfort to a world unknown.

In September 2005, I was seated on the couch when Greg turned to me out of the blue and asked, “How would you feel about going overseas?” My response: “You mean, like for a week?” My husband had no huge agenda, but God did. The very next morning, also unexpected, a good friend asked Greg if he thought he and his family could be open to joining them on a mission’s experience.

We weren’t talking of going to a jungle in Africa. But the thought of a year or two in a city in China was enough to stir some fear in my heart. I had come to appreciate a relatively easy life, two boys, a good church, annual passes to King’s Island and extended family nearby. God was rattling my cage.

We prayed and God orchestrated circumstances to bring us both to a point of peace. In a Beth Moore Bible study, our group studied the patriarchs of the Bible. Specifically, we looked at the life of Abraham.  He was led by God to a new land just as we were being asked to do. He left all that was familiar in obedience to God. Through His word and prayer, God helped me embrace this call.

I had months of anxiety as we prepared to go. But by the time we boarded the plane in September 2006, I wasn’t afraid to go. God had taken the fear I had once felt and instead given me a measure of His peace.  

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11Reflection:


WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Twelve

As we pray and fast for our church during this call to prayer, we are laying the foundation on which God can build amazing things in the coming months and years. Be diligent. Be faithful. Drink plenty of liquids while you fast.

Day Twelve – Adult Ministries

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:18-20

Adults and Senior Adults who are mature in their faith are the foundation of the church. They have seen the hand of God move and lead in the past. They have seen God lead through both the mountains and the valleys of life.

One goal of this prayer and fasting challenge is to help prepare us to make disciples. As an experienced follower of Jesus, have you asked God to open doors for you to mentor or counsel a younger believer?

If you are early in your walk with God, try to find older experienced believers to help you grow and strengthen your faith.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 12 – Lord, thank you for the adults in our congregation! Please help Pastor Dale and our adult Connection group teachers and Bible study leaders be guided by your Spirit in teaching and studying the Bible.

Father, we thank you for the outreach and impact of the J.O.Y. Club (Just Older Youth, 55+) at WCN. Please help Bev Dowler and Donna Stewart as they lead the J.O.Y. Club and plan for outreach and support for the senior adults.


Day Thirteen – Greg Stoughton - WCN Prayer Guide 2010

Fear Not

We had spent ten days in China the day we lugged 11 bags into the 19th floor apartment that would be our “home.” Our Chinese, English speaking friend dropped a bag and said, “I need to go and help your friends.” Over the next ten minutes, chaos reigned. Ryan locked himself in his room; a Chinese cleaning service arrived wanting to know what to do. We didn’t speak the language. And, of course, right then our cell phone went dead. I fumbled through fifty keys on our chain and finally talked Ryan out. Linda tried to play charades with the crew before plopping on the couch and burying her head in her hands in dismay.

Later that night I couldn’t find the chain of keys. Unfamiliar and untrusting of our new culture, I was certain the young men cleaning our apartment had stolen the keys. Tired, sore and beaten down, engulfed in mystery and surrounded by bags unpacked, I fell into bed feeling anxious and depressed.  Lord, what have we done?

You’ve been there. We’ve all been there. It’s that time when life’s circumstances are too much. We shudder in anxiety and dread, fearing the worst as to how something might turn out. 

Fear not! The situation probably is TOO great! You can’t go it alone. Nor does He want you to. He just asks that we give our problems to Him. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 43:10

His word comforted my soul that night as it would many times during our two years there.  (Oh yeah, three days later I found our keys!)



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Thirteen

As we fast, be reminded that as we pray, we will be seeing God’s answers for months and even years to come. His timing is not necessarily ours! Be diligent. It’s a long-term investment.

Day Thirteen – Local Outreach

Pray today for Doris Yinger and Shirley Brown and their co-workers as they direct the God’s Threads outreach.

Pray today that Ralph & Dale Funderburg and their co-workers in Meet the Need are able to provide food for those who need a helping hand in that area.

Pray that the healing and redeeming presence of God be in every recovery and support group that meets in our church.

Pray for Ralph and Dale Funderburg and their team as they lead the Family Promise program at WCN.

Pray for Pastor Rick, Matt Aaron and the production team as they broadcast the Sunday morning worship service each week.

Ask God to open doors for you to share your faith with a neighbor and invite them to church.

As you pray for the ministries of our church, is there a place God might use you?

WCN Prayer Focus Day 13 – Father, we ask that you would help us to share the Good News of Jesus effectively in the teaching, preaching and worship that takes place each week. Help us to multiply our outreach and effectiveness by providing easy access to our Sunday services on the internet. Also, enable us to help people in need with food, clothing and support in making their life better here and now.


Day Fourteen – Sue Call - WCN Prayer Guide 2005

Teaching a Teacher

Teacher, don’t you care. Mark 5:38

On a Sunday evening service, we had a guest speaker. As he gave his text, I leaned over, nudged my husband and said, “That’s the same scripture used last week.” Now, I wasn’t being critical.  I just thought it was a coincidence. But, as I made my comment, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Well, Sue, maybe you didn’t get the message last week.” Then a conversation began between God and me. Let me share the scripture with you. Teacher, don’t you care… Mark 5:38 Okay God, so I’m a teacher. I really do care for my students. The one whose father recently left home, the one who’s struggling with writing cursive, the one whose mother has cancer, the ones who are reaching adolescence early. Even the one who doesn’t like science (my subject). I really do care. God said, “This scripture isn’t just for schoolteachers. It’s for every Christian.” That really set me thinking. How am I being a teacher outside the classroom.

What am I teaching? God’s love, understanding, patience, kindness, compassion? Am I showing people I care as He cares – in the grocery check-out line, the filling station, the mall, my neighborhood?  

Lord, help me to be aware of every teaching opportunity so I can show others that you care for them through me.



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Fourteen

Jesus spent forty days fasting and praying to begin his public ministry. Before the major events of his ministry he spent entire nights in prayer. As we take deeper steps into discipleship it is essential that we have planned, intentional strategies of personal prayer and sometimes fasting.

Day Fourteen – Sanctity of Life

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. 1 Corinthians 3:19

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Luke 1:41-44

Do you know anyone who is dealing with these types of situations? • Considering or dealing with abortion • Single parent• An older person needing assistance• A person or family dealing with a disability

Are you able to help them? How can you pray for them?

WCN Prayer Focus Day 14 – Father, we lift up to you those in the political, legal and activist arenas who are working to protect unborn babies, the aged, the handicapped who can’t care for themselves, and the laws defining marriage. We repent for the sins of our nation in these areas and the church’s failure to confront these attacks on the value and dignity of human life.


Day Fifteen – Pastor Emily

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”

Bread was a significant symbol for the Israelites. As the Israelites wandered in the wilderness prior to entering the Promised Land, they were hungry. So hungry, in fact, that they complained about it, saying they would have rather stayed in Egypt as slaves then be in the wilderness and starve. God knew their need and He provided manna, or bread, for them to eat every morning. But even then, the Israelites were tempted to take care of themselves by hoarding extra food. I’m sure in their minds they were thinking, “But what if the bread doesn’t come? We need to make sure we have what we need to survive.” As a result, those who held onto the bread from the previous day always found that it was spoiled the next morning.

It may be easy to wonder why the bread would spoil in the morning. But the Israelites had to learn to depend on God’s provision for each day. As the Israelites learned what it meant to depend on God’s provision, they discovered so much about His character: He sees our needs, will provide for those needs, and is faithful and will continue to provide.

When we pray “Give us this day our daily bread,” we are acknowledging that God is our ultimate provider and sustainer. Today, instead of trying to provide for your own needs, or assuming you know exactly what is needed for your circumstances, surrender it to God. Make your needs known to Him, and trust God daily to provide what He knows you need. He will provide for you in the very best way.



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Fifteen Some churches attach fasting to missions by taking the money they would have spent on the food for a week or a month and donating it to missions. So if you eat beans and rice instead of going out to dinner some time, give the cost of that meal to missions. It would be even better if you were going to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.

Day Fifteen – Global Missions

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8

One of the best ways to have your eyes opened to the broader scope of making disciples to the end of the earth is to go on a Work and Witness mission trip. WCN members have impacted parts of Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Papua New Guinea, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, the Bahamas, Senegal, Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Jordan, Ukraine and several locations in the United States. Nearly everyone who goes on a mission trip will testify that they gained more from the experience than they gave. Mission work opens our eyes to the incredible blessings we enjoy at home as well as how God is changing lives for the better around the world.

There is an order of priority in all mission efforts:1. Pray and fast for the project (right now).2. Give to support the project.3. Go on the trip to help out.

We can’t all do step three but we can all do steps one and two!

Review the ways God has used you in the past to help missions.

Ask God what he wants you to do for our mission’s programs.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 15 – Father, in this very unusual time of difficult travel and personal contact due to COVID-19, please help in the preparations for the El Salvador Work and Witness trip and other stateside projects. Please help in the assembling of the teams, safety in the travel to and from the sights, the successful teaching and sharing programs, safety at the work sites, and providing money for the projects and travel costs.

If you are interested in participating in Work and Witness to El Salvador this summer, other Mission work for WCN or the SW Ohio district, contact Chris Hardiman at [email protected].


Day Sixteen – Sharon Winhoven - WCN Prayer Guide 2005

Let the Candle Burn

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 15:14

When you let your candle burn brightly, you let someone see God.

Through prayers God has completely healed my heart. God did what I couldn’t do. He destroyed the Jericho walls that surrounded the area of my heart that I couldn’t give to the Lord. God asked me to surrender everything in my heart to Him, to trust Him, to let Him in. God kept saying, “Sharon, won’t you let me in?” My answer was, “No!” I couldn’t do it.  

It took me eight months to let God into my heart, to give Him everything He wanted. I sought Him through prayers for guidance. He led me and I followed. God healed the heart and replaced it with love, joy and excitement at being a Christian. God drained everything that was stored up in my heart and replaced it with the Holy Spirit. God used this time frame to establish and build my faith on the Solid Rock, Him! He also taught me that forgiveness begins at home (in my heart) and everything else will follow.

I want to say thank you to everyone who let their candle burn brightly, to allow me to see their faith in God. Seeing your faith and obedience to God gave me the courage and strength to be obedient to God’s will. I was a stranger off the streets who went from a non-Christian to a Christian by watching your candle being burned brightly. Thank you.

Let your candle burn brightly for all to see.



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Sixteen

The health benefits of a Daniel fast or even an ongoing Daniel Plan diet are well documented. You may be experiencing a new feeling of health and wellness if you have fasted products loaded with sugar, fried foods or fast foods. Even though feeling good is not necessarily a spiritual thing, if you feel good and your mind is clear then you can pray more alertly and for longer periods of time.

Day Sixteen – Elected Officials

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9

If ever there was a time when peacemakers were needed in American society and culture, it is now. Praying and fasting can help us become mature children of God. The more we grow as sons and daughters of God, the better peacemakers we become. Be faithful in prayer and fasting as well as action!

Pray for the President and Vice president and the officials they appoint.

Pray for our US Senators, Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman, and for our Congressmen.

Pray for Governor DeWine, and the state legislators as they govern Ohio.

Pray for your local elected officials such as school boards, trustees, and county officials.

Pray for the Supreme Court Justices, Ohio Supreme Court Justices, federal, state and local judges.

Many moral and religious issues are tied to the decisions of lawmakers: abortion, euthanasia, sexual identity, even freedom of speech. We must not neglect to pray for leaders. No one can keep the Holy Spirit out of the back rooms where decisions are made. We need to ask God to work for the sake of the Kingdom and our children and grandchildren in this country.

In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him. Proverbs 21:1

WCN Prayer Focus Day 16 – Lord, we pray for your Holy Spirit to move throughout the working of politics in our nation. Just as we pray for revival among the people of this nation, we pray for revival among the elected and appointed leaders of this country. Lord, draw our leaders to yourself and move them to make wise decisions and honor you from village trustees to the President and his cabinet.


Day Seventeen – Kathy Rose - WCN Prayer Guide 2009

God’s Name is Faithful…Little Did We Know

During the winter of 2000-2001, God began to plant a seed in Bob’s and my mind that maybe it would be a good idea to move Mom and Dad Goodworth to Ohio. They were retired from the ministry, yet both were working due to increased living expenses and limited income. After much discussion, a plan was in motion and they moved to Ohio in July, 2001. Little did we know at that time, why this was God’s plan.

In August of that same year, Mom Rose passed away rather unexpectedly. She had some health issues but not anything that would have caused us to believe she would soon be going to see the Lord. Little did we know that in this circumstance, God’s timing was perfect.

Several months later my job assignment was changed, and I was going to be working for a different client located in Arkansas. I was scheduled to go to Arkansas the first week of January 2002 to meet the client and get some training on their computer system and policies. The paperwork for making the change was delayed and my trip was postponed a week to January 14. That morning, Bob took me to the airport for my trip and little did we know that it would be the last time I would see him alive. That evening, shortly after I talked to him at 9:30 pm, Bob had a massive heart attack at home and passed away. It was not until the next morning that my Dad found him, and I was called as I was driving to meet my new client. My new co-workers returned my rental car and got me on the next plane home. I was immediately surrounded by family and friends that gave me support and encouragement that, along with God, got me through those days and the months to follow.

As I think back over the events of that year before Bob passed away, it all seems clear now what God’s plan was, but little did we know at that time that God was mapping out our future; providing family to be nearby; bringing a blessing to Mom Rose that she didn’t have to live through the loss of her youngest son; and being merciful to me, easing the pain and loss of Bob, by me not witnessing the tragedy.  I don’t know if it would have made a difference if I was at home or not, but God knew. Often, we cannot see the big picture as we go through various events in our life. We do not know what God knows, yet He remains true and faithful, always providing exactly what we need at exactly the right time. He is FAITHFUL!



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Seventeen

As we go into the home stretch of this prayer and fasting challenge, keep up your commitment. Be diligent. Be faithful. Stay sweet, even if you cut out sugar!

Day Seventeen – Marriages and Marriage

In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus had this to say about marriage:And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?' So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

In Genesis 1, God creates the universe and the world. In chapter two He creates the family. The most important institution in human civilization is the family. The family is supposed to be the safety net for individuals. Because of this, in every culture, families are aggressively attacked by Satan. Whether by adultery, selfishness, poverty, wealth, pornography, war, alcohol and drugs, career or whatever, the family is under attack worldwide. As believers, our first loyalty after God is to our husband or wife and family.

If you are married, do you take time to make sure your husband or wife knows that you love them above every other person on earth?

Do you know any couples that are struggling in their marriage? Is there anything you can do to help them? Spend time with them or watch their kids for an evening? Help them with a project? List couples that God is directing you to pray for?

Do you know any single adults contemplating marriage? Pray for them as they establish the priorities for their life in finances, sexual purity, children, career and education.

If you are single, what questions do you have for God about marriage? Talk to God about preparing yourself for your future, whether it is married or single.

The most important thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 17 – Lord, strengthen families at WCN. Help our married couples grow closer to you. Help our youth to understand the importance of purity before marriage. Help us to flee from sexual immorality and pornography.


Day Eighteen – Paul Lloyd - WCN Prayer Guide 2003

The Best is Yet to Come!

And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt harken to the voice of the Lord thy God. Deuteronomy 28: 2

I believe God has blessed our church. Why? Because He has given us such a wonderful place to worship and serve Him.

I remember being at a board meeting back in the mid 80’s. It was a very exciting time in our church. We were growing and winning souls to the Lord at an unbelievable rate. The church services were very spiritual, and people were being blessed in every service.  

It came to our attention we had a problem; not enough parking spaces. People would come to our church, drive around the building and exit out the other side because there was nowhere to park. So, we met to see if we could enlarge the parking area. We could not. The only option was to build a parking deck, which would cost one million dollars.  

One of the board members had a real estate man come and tell us about a woman who had land for sale. She told him she would only sell it to a church. She wanted a million dollars for 69+ acres but was willing to sell it to us for $750,000.   

Our desire was to see God’s Kingdom enlarge and reach the people of the community. For this to happen, we had to come up with $150,000 in a short period of time. We believed we could do it with God’s help. People gave their stocks, bonds, money, collections, and most of all they prayed! As you can see today, we raised the amount needed.

The next blessing was to sell 10 acres to Kroger. We were able sell our old church on Cox Road.  We were now able to build. As soon as the gym was finished, we moved in. We praised the Lord for the beautiful building!

Then God taught us a lesson to wait on Him. We met in the gym for the next five years, but our attendance grew every year. 

I tell everyone I meet how God gave us this Church. The best is yet to come!  



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Eighteen

Review your goals for the call to fasting and prayer. Renew your commitment. The people you have on your heart are worth more than we can fathom! They are eternal souls! Jesus asked the question, “What will a man profit if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” Mark 8:36

Day Eighteen – Families

God instituted the family with Adam and Eve. Throughout the Law of Moses the family is the cornerstone of society. Passing the faith to the next generation is a family responsibility. If we really believe that eternity hangs in the balance, we will do everything we can to persuade our family members to put their faith in God through knowing Jesus.

Who in your family is living apart from God and going their own way?

Do you have a Christian heritage and know that the prayers of parents and grandparents are still lighting your path?

Do you need to begin a tradition with your children and relatives knowing that you pray for them regularly?

Are there any families that you could in some way help as they raise their children? Is there a single parent family you could encourage? Some free babysitting? A gift card? An invite to your house for a meal?

WCN Prayer Focus Day 18 – Lord, help us to fully understand our need to care for our family members. Help us to honor our parents. Help us to guide our children in your ways. Help our hearts to be broken over family members living in spiritual darkness. Move us to pray every day for our family members. Help us to be family for those who have no family.


Day Nineteen – Pastor Rob Allred (former WCN Youth Pastor) - WCN Prayer Guide 2010

God is My Shepherd

The Psalmist starts out the 23rd Psalm with “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” I’m not sure about you, but I want a lot of things. Our culture is obsessed with wanting things. We want the newest and biggest thing money can buy. In light of the global economic crisis, it’s obvious our world is obsessed with wanting things they don’t need or have the ability to afford. I realize that our current economy is a bit more complicated than this, but ultimately it boils down to wanting.  

Our fixation with “wanting” comes from trying to fill a void in our life. People like you and me who want stuff, do so because we believe it will make our life better. This means we are putting our trust in things, relationships, and job promotions to provide us with whatever is missing.

Things that are needed are happiness, love, respect and security. There is not a single person, place, or thing on this planet that can truly give us any of the things we need. We can only receive these first through God our Shepherd.

The way we allow God to be our Shepherd is by offering up all the trust we have put in stuff, people, Wall Street or the governments of this earth and placing it in the hands of our God in Heaven. If you can trust that what He wants is better than what you want, then true peace, happiness, love and security will surround you even when you walk through life’s darkest times. Read through Psalm 23 and ask yourself if God truly is your Shepherd. He’s leading. Are you following?   Reflection:


WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Nineteen

As we are coming closer to the end of this season of prayer and fasting, think about what God would have you do as a regular routine for prayer and fasting each week for the rest of the year. Would fasting a meal or even a day each week in 2021 be a reasonable offering to God on behalf of specific family members, friends, and co-workers?

List the teens or young adults at church or in your neighborhood or family that need help in avoiding the moral and spiritual traps promoted and popularized in today’s media and culture. Are you trying to have a relationship with them and be an influence in their lives, however small or large it may seem? Pray that Jesus will help them grow in favor with God and man.

Day Nineteen – Friends and Co-Workers

Think about your circle of friends and neighbors. What are their needs? How can you help them? Who among them needs to know Christ? List those friends and acquaintances you feel God is placing on your heart and how you are praying for them and serving them.

On Day 5, we focused on praying for the children’s ministries. Today, let’s focus on the Students and Young Adults. This pandemic has been rough on high school and college students. Many have missed graduation ceremonies, proms, sports seasons, concert performances and even just going to school. Unintended home schooling is not easy either. 

Who are the students and young adults in your life? Pray for them, their schools and the church outreach activities geared towards them.

Who are the college students in your life? Pray for them.

Who are the young adults in your life? Pray for them.

Pray for parents as they watch over their children’s education, exposure to media influences and materialism, morality and God.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 19 – Help Pastor Jay as he and volunteers lead and teach the junior and senior high students at WCN. Help as he plans Bible studies, activities, outreach ministries and mission projects. And Lord, help Pastor Teresa as she leads the teaching, fellowship and outreach ministries to the young adults at WCN. Give her and her team patience and creativity for young adults in a very important time of life.


Day Twenty – Blanche Reuter - WCN Prayer Guide 2003

Living an Eternal Legacy

“…and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

God chose Abraham to set the divine standard for “passing our passion to every generation.” This was not always evident in Abraham’s life. He made several serious blunders, but “Abraham believed the Lord, and it was accounted to him as righteousness.” Genesis 15:6

We can all find ourselves either in the lineage of an “Abraham” still passing on the godly heritage we have been given, or an “Abraham” in the making. That is, one who is breaking free of darkness and stepping out to follow God, establishing a heritage of grace and truth and blessing to countless ones who follow. Both are equally exciting and rewarding.

Giving to God is also a part of this heritage. It is so important that it is recorded in Genesis 14:18-20, when Abraham gave an offering to the “priest of God Most High,” Melchizedek. 



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Twenty

And when He (Jesus) had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Matthew 4:2 After Jesus had fasted forty days, He was hungry. He was also ready to battle Satan and begin His three year mission of training the disciples to build His Kingdom. If you have fasted or given up something for the past twenty days you may be hungry for something but you will be spiritually stronger.

Day Twenty – Addictions

Who do you know that is struggling with an addiction? Do you have an addiction? If you need help or advice on how to help someone, contact the church office for counsel from a pastor. It can be very tricky helping someone caught in an addiction. Don’t try to go it alone.

Lift up those battling addiction to God in faith, knowing that He is their ultimate hope.

Do you know of anyone who has a family member dealing with addiction? Pray for them and pray for God to show you how to encourage or support them.

How hard is giving up food, or sugar or caffeine? Think about how much more difficult life is for a person who has been exposed to the addictive power of alcohol, drugs or pornography.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 20 – Lord, we ask for your Spirit to lead and move in the recovery ministries and support groups meeting here at church. We ask you to help Linda Romer and Jessica Fresquez, as they lead Celebrate Recovery, Debbie Rudd and Wilmer Jones as they lead the GriefShare group and Pam Prather as she leads the PAL group.


Day Twenty-One – Thomas a Kempis - WCN Prayer Guide 2010 Imitation of Christ - Latin Devotional Guide - Germany 1420

Man of Sorrows

What do you seek here, since this world is not your final resting place? Your true home is in heaven; therefore, remember all things of this world are transitory. All things are passing, and yourself with them.  See that you do not cling to them, lest you become entangled and perish with them. Let all your thoughts be with the Most High and direct your humble prayers unceasingly to Christ. If you cannot contemplate high and heavenly things, take refuge in the passion of Christ, and dwell within His sacred wounds. For if you devoutly seek the wounds of Jesus and the precious marks of His passion, you will find great strength in all troubles. And if people despise you, you will care little, having small regard for the words of your detractors.

Christ himself was despised by people, and in His direst need was abandoned by his friends and acquaintances to the insults of his enemies. Christ was willing to suffer and be despised; and do you presume to complain? Christ had enemies and slanderers; and do you expect all to be your friends and benefactors? How will your patience be crowned if you are not willing to endure hardship? Suffer with Christ, and for Christ, if you wish to reign with Christ.



WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Twenty-One

As we fast and pray, consider the people who would like to benefit from your prayer of faith. In the Middle East, the first thing a pastor wants for his congregation and from visiting believers is prayer, even more than financial assistance.

Day Twenty-One – Israel, the Middle East and the Persecuted Church

The Church of the Nazarene has a dynamic ministry in the Middle East. We have churches, schools, and compassionate ministry for refugees, as well as evangelism.

Pray today for our schools in Amman and Zerka, Jordan; Damascus, Syria and Beirut, Lebanon. Our schools minister to Christian and Muslim students and accept as many refugees, both Christian and Muslim, from Syria and Iraq as possible. You can sponsor a child through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.

We have five churches in Syria and two in Iraq under great pressure due to ISIS and government instability. However, many people are coming to Christ. Please pray for them.

Our churches in Nazareth and Haifa have daycares ministering to Christian, Muslim and Jewish families. Pray for our pastors in Haifa and Nazareth as they lead their congregations in difficult places to evangelize. Imagine bringing Christians, Jews and Muslims together in that setting.

If you would like to sponsor a child at one of our schools in Jordan go to the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries website.

Many Christians around the world put their jobs, safety, lives and families at risk when they profess to be a follower of Jesus. North Korea, parts of China, Iran, parts of the Middle East, parts of North Africa and Nigeria are a few such places. We dare not forget to pray for, and help if possible, our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted for the name of Jesus.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 21 – Lord we lift up Pastor Khalil Halaseh, from Amman, Jordan as he directs the Church of the Nazarene in the Middle East. Please fill him and his team of pastors with your Spirit, protect them, and give them wisdom. We lift up those who live under the oppression of Satan around the world. We ask that you protect them and enable them to lead their nations to Christ!


Day Twenty-Two – Pastor Dale

“Forgive us our debts…"

The fourth theme of the Lord’s prayer is “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”. It is critical that we live out this prayer in our relationship with God and with others. We know that God is gracious (Ps. 86:5), that He sent Jesus to die on a cross to pay for our forgiveness (Rom. 3:25) and that He wants to forgive us (I John 1:9). But, God’s forgiveness - while it is never earned - requires us to repent, confess and have faith. In this part of the prayer, while it is not specifically stated, Jesus’ implies that, in asking for forgiveness from God we will take responsibility for our sin, forsake it and choose to trust God to forgive us. Isn’t it an awesome experience to be forgiven? The common response I get from folks who have prayed this prayer is “I feel so light, like a burden has been lifted from me!” 

The second half of the prayer is challenging. We love to be forgiven, but it is much more difficult to offer forgiveness to someone else. But, if we have truly experienced being forgiven, we will freely pass it on. During a time in my life when I experienced great pain as a result of someone else’s choices, I found it very difficult to offer forgiveness...until I realized how much I have been forgiven. I wanted to hang on to the pain, I wanted the other person to hurt like I had been hurt...until I remembered how liberating it was for me to be forgiven by God. How selfish it would be for me to not pass on what was freely given to me! So, in response to that person’s confession, I was able to forgive that person. The broken relationship was restored!  That situation was years ago and my relationship with this person is stronger than ever!


As you reflect on your relationship with Jesus, take some time to think about anything in your life that is standing between you and God. Maybe it is something that you have done that needs to be confessed or something you have failed to do that Jesus wants you to do. Be honest. Confess it. Repent. Choose to turn from that sin and obey Jesus. Ask Him to forgive you and celebrate that He will.

Reflect on your relationships with others. Has someone done or said something that hurt you? Do you find yourself estranged from that person? Are you hanging on to resentment? Have the courage to confront them, and if they repent, forgive them, just as you have been forgiven.

“Jesus, thank You for being such a forgiving God. Thank you for forgiving me. And thank you for the healing work of forgiveness in my relationships. You are restoring all things! We praise You!”


WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Twenty-Two

Congratulations, if you are still working through this journal you have made it to the end of the challenge. To God be the glory! Now, let’s remember to praise God as he responds to our prayers in the rest of 2021! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Day Twenty-Two – Are you all in?

Reflect on the past three weeks.

What has God been talking to you about?

Next Sunday’s sermon emphasizes the forgiveness phrase of the Lord’s Prayer. We talked about that in Day 3 of the prayer guide. However, it is such a crucial piece of our prayer life that Jesus put it in the center of the model prayer and then added emphasis by saying if we expect God’s forgiveness, we must also forgive.

Have you been able to acknowledge your sins and repent?

Have you reached the point of forgiving and releasing resentment or grudges into the hands of God?

Studying the Bible is the best way to hear consistently from God. John Wesley said Bible reading and prayer are the only way to grow spiritually. Commit to read the Bible every day if at all possible.

What prayer and fasting goals do you have for 2021?

What is your action plan? A set time and place are the key.

If you don’t already have a time set aside for Bible reading and prayer in your daily routine, make it happen! And tell a friend or family member so they can keep you accountable.


Day Twenty-Three – Carol Dockery - WCN Prayer Guide 2007

Larry’s Story - A story of true forgiveness

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

The nursing home just called and asked if Daddy’s room should be held during his stay in the hospital.  To keep from paying $335 per day to hold his bed, I told the lady I would be right over to clean out his room. As I left the hospital, I called the family and told them about the next plan of action. The question was, “How are you going to move his recliner and TV by yourself?” Oh my! I hadn’t thought about that.

Larry, the maintenance man at the nursing home, quickly volunteered to help me transport my dad’s belongings across the parking lot to his apartment on a borrowed cart. He said he had been given so much help in the past three months, he was eager to help someone else. I questioned his need for help.  He said, “My son was killed by our neighbor for walking across his lawn… three months ago.” My knees went weak. I couldn’t force back the tears. I turned around and hugged the father whose story had been the top news story in our community. A million thoughts and questions went through my mind. Before I could ask anything, the gentleman said, “I forgave my neighbor the day he murdered my son!” WHAT? Larry said, “That man will have to face his Maker someday and that will be far worse than anything I could ever do.” 

For the next half hour or more, Larry joyfully shared the life of his son. He called him a miracle child… he and his wife weren’t supposed to have children; star athlete… a freshman soccer player; good student… on the Honor Roll; and compassionate friend… helping needy kids in his neighborhood. Eight months prior to his death, he had asked Jesus to come into his heart. He and a friend were sitting in the backyard on a picnic table when he told her, “I missed my chance to become a Christian last night at church. I didn’t go forward.” She immediately got her Bible and convinced him it was NOT too late.  

Larry had an incredible story of forgiveness and God’s grace toward his son’s murderer. His son’s death had been placed at the foot of the cross, just like Max Lucado describes in “He Chose the Nails.”

It amazes me how God places special angels in our path to put things in the right perspective and provide reminders that He is in control of our lives. 



Day Twenty-Four – Pastor Bob Mahaffey - WCN Prayer Guide 2009

Christ Our Hope I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise. Luke 23:43

You have probably heard it said, “However long it took you to get into that mess, it will take you that long to get out.” Unfortunately, that statement is usually correct. Many university students enjoy their freshman year so much that their grades suffer.  Then they spend the remainder of the four, five or six years making up for the first-year party. A marriage that has slowly grown cold is not reversed in one counseling session. Months and sometimes years are needed to recover the romance of the courtship and early years of marriage. Financial crises take a long time to overcome. Yes, a plan is needed, but it is hard work to even get on a budget. If you overeat for a period of time, it will take a lot of willpower and a long time to lose the unwanted weight. But, enough bad news!

While hanging a cross, Jesus is flanked by two thieves. One hurls insults and makes fun of the (seemingly) powerless Savior. The other believes He is the Messiah. Rebuking the first thief, he states the innocence of Christ and asks for forgiveness by requesting that Jesus remember him in His Kingdom.

We would have answered, “Maybe I’ll think about it.” Some would have reminded the criminal of his lowly crimes and said, “Forget it!” Not Jesus. His words are as unbelievable as “Father, forgive them.” In human agony, Jesus made a promise He makes to you and me if we will ask.

The character of Christ’s love comes through as he speaks again, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” In the mess of your life, if that is how you would describe it, Jesus does not offer a long-term plan to remove your guilt. Yes, it will take a long daily walk of obedience to become like Him, but the pronouncement of life abundant, the promise of paradise is yours in an instant. It can happen right now, today! A mess or a messiah, which will it be?



Day Twenty-Five – George Lueking - WCN Prayer Guide 2019

Forgiveness and Failure

Like you, when I study the scriptures, there are times when it seems like the scriptures are talking directly to me. Recently I was studying Hebrews 11. As you know, it is the “Heroes of the Faith” chapter. As the author talks about the heroes, I am reminded how flawed they were. Sarah laughed at God, the story of Isaac blessing Jacob and Esau didn’t seem like a story of faith to me, and you could go on. God must see our lives differently than we do. God saw faith in all these people in spite of all their flaws and failures! It was as if God didn’t see the failures, only the faith of the people.  I was immediately reminded of a situation. A friend, years ago, had broken my trust. I thought I had forgiven him, but I knew I was holding something back. If God had forgiven him and only saw his faith and not his failures, how in the world could I hold something back in our relationship. It wasn’t a coincidence that those thoughts came to mind. The Holy Spirit was clearly telling me I needed to move forward. I was not to let it color my thoughts or our relationship in any possible way. God could take that same scripture and use it in many different ways in our lives. He meets us right where we are and directs our steps.  

What a God we serve, and how wonderful it is that God forgives my failures!

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  This is what the ancients were commended for.  By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.   By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.”  For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:1 – 6 



Day Twenty-Six – Ruby Asher - WCN Prayer Guide 2005

He Touched Me

Is any one of you sick? James 5:14

My story begins on September 21, 2004. I fell on wet concrete in our garage. I cracked two vertebrae in my back and a bone in my wrist. I have six titanium rods in my spine from previous surgeries. I ruptured a disk in my spine below the rods. I was in so much pain it was difficult to put my weight on my feet because of the pain in my hip and back. The doctor prescribed a strong pain medication for me. I was determined I would not become dependent on medication. I took it to go to church or to the doctor. The pain got worse.  

I cried out daily to the Lord in my pain. I would say, “You made the lame walk, the blind see, and you even raised the dead. I know you can take this pain from me.” I read in James 5:14, “Is anyone of you sick?” I said, “Lord, that even means me.” James 5:14 continues, “He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.” Pastor Bob anointed me with oil in the Sunday morning service on November 28th. The pain wasn’t any easier that day.  

I kept praising the Lord and telling Him that I knew He had healed me even though the pain was still there. I felt in my heart that He had touched me. I went to bed and usually would wake up around 3:00 am. I slept until 7:00 am, got out of bed “Pain Free!” The Lord had healed me in the night. Praise His Holy Name! He Touched Me!



Day Twenty-Seven – Pastor Jay

Looking Forward

Recently I found myself reading through an old journal from high school. The pages were filled with a plethora of stories, prayers and experiences. After scrolling through about 25% of it I realized that most of the material was the same. I would often come before God through my journal lamenting, asking for forgiveness, and wondering where I might get help. I always found myself trying to connect my present troubles with a sin I apparently committed. The words in my journal were always looking back at my mistakes instead of forward at God’s grace.

It appeared as though I was convinced I was serving a vending-machine god. If life were not going well, it must be because of a sin I committed. 

In chapter 9 of John’s Gospel, a different perspective is offered.

Jesus and His disciples come upon a man who had been blind from birth. His disciples ask the standard question, not that different from the question many people are asking today about the coronavirus:

Teacher, whose sin was it that caused this man to be born blind? Did he sin, or did his parents? Jesus’ answer puts away any easy-going vending-machine theology.

He didn’t sin, replied Jesus, ‘ nor did his parents. It happened so that God’s words could be seen in him.’ John 9:1-3

Jesus doesn’t look back as some hypothetical cause or sin that God had to punish. He looks forward to seeing what God is going to do about it. 

If you feel clouded by distress, filled with anxiety, or (like me) looking in the rear-view mirror stuck on past mistakes, God is inviting you to look forward because God is excited about the peace, grace, and restoration that lies ahead. 


In the past three weeks has God begun to show you any things he would like to do in your life?

What changes could you make so it would be easier to open the door for God to come in and make himself at home in your heart?



Day Twenty-Eight – Pastor Deb

“Lead us not Into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

It’s always a little disconcerting to read the phrase “Lead us not into temptation,” for we surely know that God does not tempt us to sin. 1 Peter 1:16 expresses God’s desire for us to be holy as he is holy. This phrase in the Lord’s Prayer follows a confession of sin and cry for forgiveness (forgive us our sins…). So we step into this next piece of the prayer with a clean heart. This plea expresses the believers heart to avoid the dangers of sin altogether.

Scripture gives us plenty of evidence that we are tempted and tested. Adam and Eve failed the test; Abraham did pretty well; Job was tested; and Jesus himself was tempted in the wilderness and again at Gethsemane. 

Sometimes the testing/temptations are a result of the broken world in which we live, sometimes a result of our own choices and sins; sometimes they are circumstances that the Evil one puts in our path.

“Jesus’ victory over evil is real and powerful. It is not only ‘out there’ but is available here and now for each of us. When we turn from idolatry and worship God, we are able to hold the line for another moment, another hour, another day, against the forces of destruction within ourselves and the world. We can pray this prayer in full confidence because Jesus has met that power and has defeated it once and for all.” 

“We are led to look out on the world and pray earnestly, do not let us be led into temptation that we are unable to bear (1  Cor. 10:12-13); enable us to pass safely through the testing of our faith... deliver us from the evil one.” 

(adapted from N. T. Wright, The Lord & His Prayer)





West Chester Nazarene Church 7951 Tylersville Rd, West Chester, OH 45069

1 (513) 777-6300 — wcn.church