Perception UMY Students of Government Science toward Development of Local Political Party in Aceh...

i Perception UMY Students of Government Science toward Development of Local Political Party in Aceh Proposal Created by: AGUSTIYARA 20120520064 Department of International Program of Governmental Studies Faculty of Politic and Social Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

Transcript of Perception UMY Students of Government Science toward Development of Local Political Party in Aceh...


Perception UMY Students of Government Science toward

Development of Local Political Party in Aceh


Created by:



Department of International Program of Governmental Studies

Faculty of Politic and Social Sciences

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta



A. Background of the Problem ........................................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation .................................................................................................. 6

C. Objectives and Benefits Research ............................................................................... 7

1. Objectives ............................................................................................................... 7

2. Benefits Research .................................................................................................... 7

D. Basic Theory Framework ............................................................................................ 7

1. Perception ............................................................................................................... 7

2. Democracy .............................................................................................................. 9

3. Politic Party ........................................................................................................... 10

4. Local Political Party .............................................................................................. 11

5. Students ................................................................................................................. 12

E. Definisi Concepsional ............................................................................................... 13

F. Operational Defenition .............................................................................................. 15

G. Research Methods ..................................................................................................... 15

1. The type of research .............................................................................................. 15

2. Research Locations ............................................................................................... 16

3. Analysis unit ......................................................................................................... 16

4. Data and Data Sources .......................................................................................... 17

5. Types of Data ........................................................................................................ 17

a. Primary Data ..................................................................................................... 17

b. Secondary Data ................................................................................................. 17

6. The technical data collection ................................................................................. 17

1. Questionnaire .................................................................................................... 17

2. Interview ........................................................................................................... 17

3. Observation ....................................................................................................... 18

4. Docummentation ............................................................................................... 18

H. Sampling Techniques ................................................................................................ 18

1. Population and Sample.......................................................................................... 18

2. Teknic Analysis Data ............................................................................................ 20

3. Referensi ............................................................................................................... 23


A. Background of the Problem

As we known, in principle a political party is an organized group whose

members have ideals, orientation, view and values of the same. The goal is to gain

political power and seize the political constitutional way to implement policies of

or interest group. A political party is a powerful tool for people to achieve their

political goals. The relationship between political parties as a human to be a tool

to control the power of the community is very broad.

As a powerful tool in the development, As a tool of political parties in

Indonesia has experienced ups and downs until the issuance of Law Field politics

namely law No. 3 year 1985 which was revised several times until the Law No. 2

years 2008 about political party.

The government at that time realized that, Political parties have a very

important meaning and has become a common phenomenon in democratic

political life. But, in modern political life and the implementation of democratic

system of representative democracy, existence of political parties is a must,

because the main functions of political parties are competing to win the election,

aggregating the various interests of the community, providing policy alternatives

and prepare future leaders in the government. Therefore, political parties became a

means of connecting the people and policy makers in democratic governance.


In the historical development towards modern nation, House of

Representatives members are initially determined by the king who needs support

in dealing with the usual elite aristocracy. In Western Europe the king appointed

community leaders who are considered important. Of course this system does not

satisfy the people, who have realized their rights as a free man. Therefore,

representative electoral system was changed. Learning from the previous system

deficiencies, elections held by the people, to participate in the elections. Formed

committees to support a prominent elected representative of the people, these

committees, which is a close group around the hero, later developed into what is

known today as a political party committee or committee other than the election,

political parties also stand on one or a combination of a number of social

organizations to struggle their interests, who feel neglected by the existing parties.

Thus political parties emerged in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th


addition, political parties became an important component of democratic political

structures that the link between rulers and citizens who elect the ruler. An

increasingly Democratic state, possible to implement the functions of a political

party's primary. In an authoritarian communist state, political parties (single)

became the official state hierarchy.

Local political parties in Indonesia, which is a hot issue in 2005-2006,

actually appeared a few previous years, as one solution for peace in order to

resolve the Aceh conflict with the government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).

Before discussing the emergence of the discourse of local parties for Aceh, it's

good to discuss briefly about the central conflict such areas.


Conflict between Aceh and the central area has been known since 1953,

where broken "Republican revolt" under the chairmanship of Tengku Muhammad

Dawud Beureu-ur. This rebellion was ended through peaceful with lower Tengku

in 1962 to reunite the country RI. The conflict re-emerged in December 1976,

with a new character named Tenku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro. Contrast to older

generation of Republicans (remain faithful to RI). Tengku Hasan voiced demands

of Aceh's independence. However, the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) was attacked

by the military: some GAM leaders who survived emigrated to other countries,

including Tengku Hasan himself. GAM had forgotten came back in 1989 in Aceh,

led by some deserters military / police and local leaders, as a result of the

repressive system and oppressive system the New Order government to win

elections GOLKAR in 1987. " revival” GAM is addressed by deploying military

government, such as (Operasi jaring merah), atau the expression of a more

general-imposed Aceh a Military Operations Area (DOM), The new DOM status

revoked on August 7, 1998 that left deep wounds for Acehnese human rights

(human rights) is violated, and stripped of its natural wealth, violence against

citizens and acts of human rights violations continue to occur despite apparently

DOM was revoked, especially after the military operation was held back by the

government. 1

The political Aceh party is part of a political compromise with the Free

Aceh Movement, in order to bring about peace in the province. The agreement

the Free Aceh Movement to leave violent means to achieve their goal under the

1 Ahmad Farhan Hamid,”Partai Politik local di Aceh",Kemitraan,2008, h. 205 -207


1.007.173 232.728




73.964 41.278




Vote Totals 1 Partai Aceh (PA)

2 Partai Demokrat (PD)

3 Partai Golongan Karya(GOLKAR)4 Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN)

5 Partai keadilan Sejahtera(PKS)6 Partai persatuanpembangunan (PPP)7 Partai Keadilan dan PersatuanIndonesia (PKPI)8 Partai Daulat Atjeh (PDA)

9 Partai Suara IndependenRakyat Aceh (SIRA)10 Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB)

Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Compromise the success of achieving the

commendable considering the suffering of the people of Aceh as a result of armed

violence that occurred for decades. Therefore the compromise measures that

retains of NKRI and maintains the good name of the Republic of Indonesia can be

considered a success in the conflict in Aceh. Local parties who have registered in

Kanwil Dephuk HAM Aceh is Partai GAM, Partai Generasi Aceh Beusaboh

Thaat dan Taqwa (Gabthat), Partai Serambi Persada Nusantara Serikat (PS-PNS),

Partai Aliansi Rakyat Aceh Peduli Perempuan (PARA), Partai Darussalam, Partai

Rakyat Aceh (PRA), Partai Aceh Meudaulat (PAM), Partai Lokal Aceh (PLA),

Partai Daulat Aceh (PDA), dan Partai Pemersatu Muslimin Aceh (PPMA).2 The

results of the development of local political parties in Aceh election in 2009;

2 Muhammad Jafar. Aw, Perkembangan Dan Prospek Partai Politik Lokal Di Propinsi Nanggroe

Aceh Darussalam. Skripsi UNDIP, 2009, Page 18.

Sources : KIP Aceh 2009


There could be a political party that just wants to be a local political party

just because of limited ability. Or local political parties are more interested in

politics at the local level so that only interested to nominate candidates in

elections at the local level (maybe even only in one province). Another reason to

ban the use of local political parties is likely the large number of political parties

in Indonesia. It is not predictable that the number of political parties increased, but

there is an only local political party at the local level so that local political parties

that no province do not necessarily existing in other provinces. So is the amount

of nationally big party, but can be seen at the provincial level, the number of

parties is not so big. National party cannot thrive only in specific areas because

they cannot compete with the local political parties. This helps to make the

number of political parties are not so big. The establishment of local parties is

threats to national political parties exist, such as Golkar, PPP, Partai Demokrat,

PDI Perjuangan, PAN, PKB, PKS dll. It could be dominated the local parties

when they are able to get closer to the people, esciapially Aceh party. Aceh

regional flag that resembles the flag of the Free Aceh Movement controversy, as

we saw earlier, that the raising of the flag that is similar to the GAM quite

disturbing. Because the historical wounds inflicted by the GAM has negative

implications for society at large. Especially lately, there have been two demands

of the people of Aceh between opposing and supporting the moon star flag that

resembles the flag of the Free Aceh Movement. Aceh created Aceh flag as a

symbol of the Acehnese. Flag Aceh has existed since time immemorial before

birth (nation) Indonesia. Flag Aceh also is one of 33 provinces in the Indonesian


flag. But because of politics nature, Aceh flag from the flag adopted Aceh past,

used to inflame the spirit of Acehnese identity Nations in the conflict between the

Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the government of the Republic of Indonesia -


Besides Aceh flag, the Bintang Kejora flag that actually owned the

Papuans as Melanesians of Papua entities also pose problems, and flag RMS

(Republic of South Maluku) owned the Ambon has always been controversial.

What causes the flag is so important to a nation? ,The importance of the flag the

nation of Aceh which also split into several ethnic, as Gayo, Jeumpa, etc. Aceh

current flag is a representation of past memories. Flag is a symbol of the past. So

now when Aceh using momentum to determine the symbol and flag of Aceh,

reminded the past which is a basic reason for a sense of nationality of a nation,

pushed back and be a mainstay in eliciting a sense of nationalism Nations in


B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background described above, this research problem can be

formulated as follows: “how development processes and mechanisms local

political party in Aceh use perception UMY Students of Government Science.

This is the group interests or the interests of Acehnese. Whether the local political

parties have played an important role for the people of Aceh or whether the local

political parties as democratic or Disintegration.


C. Objectives and Benefits Research

1. Objectives

To knows the perception UMY students of Government science

toward the development of Local Political Party in Aceh.

2. Benefits Research

To understands UMY Students of Government Science toward

Development of Local Political Party in Aceh, to found the points raised in

the process and mechanisms of local political parties.

D. Basic Theory Framework

This Basic Theory Framework describes where from the research

problem or it is associated theory. According Sofian Effendi theory “Series of

logical words, from professional will more and is the scientific information

gained from the abstraction of concepts and relationships proposition”

Proposition Kerliger said: theory is a set construct of interrelated concepts,

definitions or propositions made with a view to systematically predict

symptoms.” Some understanding of the above it can be concluded that the

theory is the phenomenon.3 Therefore, the concepts related to this study are:

1. Perception

Some experts define perception in different ways. Forgus and Melamed

define perception as “the process of information extraxtion,” Harris and Levey

in The New Columbia Encyclopedia define perception as “mental organization

3 M. Sya‟Ban Nur, Peran Partai Golkar Dalam Pendidikan Politik, Skripsi, UMY, 2008, page 10


and interpretation of sensory information,” according Litterer, perception is

“the understanding or view people have of things in the world around them,”

whereas Hillgard said that “perception is the process of becoming aware of


Whereas perception according adam ibrahim indra Wijaya, that anyone

who takes the initiative to communicate its purpose is always hope can be

accepted and understood by the receiving. This is called receipts for the

perception. For the perception is a basic cognitive process or psychological


Perception is the way people absorbs and organize information in the

surrounding environment. Perception is a personal process, where one's

perspective on an object may only be between one another. This is due to a

person's perception is influenced or determined by various factors, by Indra

Wijaya mentioned among others: 5

a. Factor environment

b. Factor concept

c. Factors related to the concept of a person about himself.

d. Factors related to the motive and purpose.

e. Factor Past experience

f. Faktor knowledge.

This is clear that the perception that happen there are things that are included in

the process of perception:

The terms or things that should be there is:

4 Adam Ibrahim I. W, Perilaku Organisasi, Sinar Baru, Jakarta, 1986. Page 24

5 Ibid. Page 24


1. The observed object or target,

2. The senses are good enough to capture objects,

3. Attention, which in this case is in the preparation make observations.

So, it can be concluded that the perception is a process that occurs in one's

personal to understand or interpret the information in their assessments of an

object based on the factors of experience, knowledge, conceptions, motivations

and environmental factors.

2. Democracy

Democracy is the state of the country where the system of government

sovereignty vested in the people, democracy is in different countries depends

on how the state provides the breadth of rights and obligations to the people in

terms of governance.6

Democracy is a form of government where policy formulation, directly

or indirectly, is determined by the majority of people who have the right to

vote through the election.7 Democracy is a form of government that all citizens

have equal rights in decision-making that can change their lives. Democracies

allow citizens to participate either directly or through representatives in the

formulation, development, and making the law. Democracy includes social,

economic, and cultural practices that allow for free political freedoms and


6 Dr. Inu Kencana Syafiie,Pengantar Ilmu Politik, Tahun 2012, hal 114.

7 Leo Agustino,Pilkada dan Dinamika Politik Lokal, Tahun 2009, hal 39


With the above explanations show that democracy is government by the

people, either directly or through chosen representatives, people have the right

and respect for human rights equally appreciate freedom. So people have the

freedom in social interaction, including making organization has political

values or not.

3. Politic Party

a. According Carl J. Fredirch, Political party is :

"Group of people who are organized with stable the objective of winning or

retaining control toward the government for party leadership and based

supervision gives usefulness to members of his party who are ideal and


b. According Raymond Garfield Gettel impose limits that :

" Political party comprised of a group of citizens who are a little lot

organized, which acts as a political entity and that by using the power to

choose a destination government oversee and implement their public


c. According Mark M Hangopian,Political party is :

“The organization set up to meet the form and character of public policy in

the framework of principles and practice ideological interests through direct

power or citizen participation."10

d. According Goerge B de Huszr dan Thomas H Steveson, political party is :

8 Soelistyati,Ismail Ghani, Pengantar Ilmu Politk, Tahun 1989, hal 111-112.

9 Ibid, hal 111-112

10 Mark M, Hangopian, dalm iklasul amal, Teori Mutakhir Partai Politik, PT Tiara Wacana 1998,

hal 84-85


“The group of people organized to participate in control a government, So

that it can be implementing the programs in position.”11

e. According Mirriam Budiharjo, political party is, an organized group

members have orientation the same values, this group tried to gain

political power by constitutional way to implement their policies.12

So it can be interpreted that the political party is a group of people in

an orderly organization, have ambition, orientation and purpose, which grab

and defend power and implement set wisdom.

4. Local Political Party

Based on Government Regulation No. 20 Year 2007 on the local

political parties, Local political party is a political organization formed by a

group of Indonesian citizens, domiciled in Aceh based on equality and the

desire strugle for the ideals of the interests of members, community, nation,

and state through the election members of DPRA / DPRK, Governor / Deputy

Governor, the Regent / Deputy Regent and the Mayor / Deputy Mayor 13


Aceh Qanun No. 3 of 2008 on Local Political Parties Party Election

Members of the House of Representatives and House of Representatives of

Aceh Regency / City provide an understanding of local political party

Based on the Law No. 11 Year 2006 on the Governing of Aceh, Aceh

that regulates, the Acehnese to establish local political parties by residents at

least 50 Indonesian aged 21 years old and have lived in Aceh. to consider this


Sukarna, Sitem politik, Alumni, Bandung, Tahun 1989.hal. 86.


Peraturan Pemerintah Tentang Partai Politik Lokal Nomor 20 Tahun 2007. Hal. 1


representation of women at least 30%. Local party is a political organization

which was founded on the basis of equality ideals, values, and orientation as

within the scope of regionalism, the local political party formed as a place to

absorb aspirations (local) as the local level of political participation. 14

5. Students

The student role is very important in political life because of the fact

that students often opposed politicians and unstable political conditions, And if

the political system not suitable the expectations of the cast with sharp

criticism because the student view of the politicians (the power) is deemed to

have failed in their promises and creating expectations and given to the

community. Students‟ according Lewis Causer is: „Those people who never

seems content to accept reality as it is. They questioned truth that happens in a

moment, in relation to a higher truth and wider‟.

Edward Shills mentioned: „The students in his view as intellectuals who

seek the truth‟

From the above two opinions can be concluded that students are

individuals who are conducting studies in college, such as institutes,

universities, high schools, academies and other, where they always find out the

truth and questioned truth in the political system.


Mirriam Budiharjo, dasar dasar ilmu politik, Gramedia, Jakarta, 1998 hal 160-166


E. Definition Concepsional

Conceptual definition is an attempt to explain the restriction of

understanding a concepts with another concept in order to avoid

misunderstandings, the definition used in this study are:

1. Perception

Perception is anyone who takes the initiative to communicate its purpose is

always hope can be accepted and understood by the receiving and a personal

process, where one's perspective on an object may only be between one another

2. Political party

A political party is an organization formed by citizens who have a purpose,

ideals and orientations to obtain and maintain power for the interests of its


3. Democracy

A democracy is participating either directly or through representatives in the

formulation, development, and making the law. Democracy includes social,

economic, and cultural practices that allow for free political freedoms and


4. Local Political Party

An organization formed by citizens on the basis of equality desires and ideals,

that the interests of members, the community, the nation, and the State.

5. Students

Students are individuals who are conducting studies in college, such as

institutes, universities, high schools, academies and other, where they always

find out the truth and questioned truth in the political system.



F. Operational Defenition

Operational definition is a useful indicator details as guidance in

collecting data in the field, as said, Jimly Asshidiqie political parties created

democracy therefore, the party is a very important pillar for strengthening the

institutions (the degree of institutionalization) in any democratic political


This research about the perception UMY students of Government

science toward the development of Local Political Party in Aceh, the indicator


1. Student knowledge of local political parties

2. Student knowledge of the functioning of local political parties

3. Students' knowledge of the local political party ideology

4. Students' knowledge of the local political party victory strategy

5. Students' knowledge of the system and the patterns are conducted of local

political parties

6. Students' knowledge of the local political party leaders

G. Research Methods

1. The type of research

Quantitative researchers, on other hand, have addressed theory in a

variety of ways. Descriptive research is a general term and includes several

techniques descriptive including research that said, classify, describe, and

analyze the data. And to resolve the problems that exist at the present time by


Jimly Asshidiqie, Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Tatanegara, (Jakart: sekretariat jendral dan

kepaniteraan mahkamah konstitusi Ri, 2006 hlm. 153


using interview techniques and documentation. A major purpose of many

social studies is to describe situations and events. The researcher observes and

then describes what was observed. 16

In addition type of research is a research that said, describes, and

explains of events or phenomena that occur in the field.

2. Research Locations

This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah University of

Yogyakarta, department of government science as respondents in this study,

taking views of government science students, on the development of local

political parties Aceh province, Local political parties are growing very fast in

principle privilege and democracy in 2009 and 2012 has implemented direct

elections, Aceh local parties were able to dominate the national political


3. Analysis unit

The meant by unit of analysis is specific units which in the account as

object of research. In this study were used the unit of analysis is UMY Students

of Government Science Faculty of Politic and Social Sciences, Muhammadiyah

University of Yogyakarta.


Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, Year 2012, page91-93


4. Data and Data Sources

Data used in this study is that the data obtained from the study as the

questionnaire directly to the object of research and books. So, from the data

collected will be used to obtain a conclusion that researched.

5. Types of Data

a. Primary Data

Data obtained directly from responder that is department of government


b. Secondary Data

Data obtained from books, journals, articles and documents or literature

relating to the research conducted.

6. The technical data collection

1. Questionnaire

The questionnaire is a data collection technique to provide a list of

questions to be filled out by the respondents.

2. Interview

In addition to the questionnaire, this study uses in-depth interview

technique by asking questions directly to the subject, subject are those

considered to have knowledge the relevant with this research. This method

is used to obtain clear and in-depth information about various aspects,

especially respondents who have a determining role in the organization, to

obtain responses, their opinions of the data or information needed. In this

study, the respondents in the data collection, through this interview


technique is the perception of Government science students of

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.

3. Observation

Observation technique is a technique which is data collection

researchers conducted direct observation, position researchers to examine all

aspects of the subject being observed. Observation is the observation and

recording of an object with systematic phenomena investigated 17


4. Docummentation

According basuki is defined as activity that involves documents 18

. To

strengthen the data, this study will also use these documents, websites,

reports, data are needed as well as books related to this research.

H. Sampling Techniques

1. Population and Sample

In conducting this study the authors researching only a part of the total

population UMY Students of Government Science Faculty of Politic and

Social Sciences, Muhammadiyah Univercity of Yogyakarta, Based on data

from teaching of faculty Fisipol UMY number of students is as follows:



Sulistiyo Basuki, teknik dan jasa komunikasi, PT.gramedia pustaka utama, jakarta, 1992 hal


Active Student of UMY Students of Government Science Faculty of Politic

and Social Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Academic

Year 2013-2014

Sources: Academic data, FISIPOL, UMY year 2014

In order to minimize the unit of analysis, the possible extraction of

samples, because if all populations studied in analysis unit, certainly requires

time, effort and considerable expense. The amount of sample to be taken from the

population according to the Earl Babbie:

The population for a study is that group (usually of people) about whom

we want to draw conclusions. We‟re almost never able to study all the members

of the population that interests us, and we can never possible observation of them.

We select a sample from among the data might be collected and studied. To

ddescribes methods for selecting sample that adequately reflect the whole

population that interests us.19

Of the opinion that the above it can be concluded that in determining a

representative sample is a problem faced by a researcher who will conduct the

research. But in determining the sample size should not hesitate because there is

no absolute rule. Sample size is determined to the limit that allows representing


Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, Chapman Univercity, Edition 12, Page 116

year force Students

2009 84

2010 120

2011 147

Number 351


the research population, so that the data obtained from the sample can answer the

problem appropriate with what is expected. known that the number of active

students UMY Students of Government Science Faculty of Politic and Social

Sciences, Muhammadiyah Univercity of Yogyakarta academic year 2013/2014

from force 2009-2011 in this study 351 peoples, force the number of active

students 2009 amount 84 peoples, force 2010 amount 120 people, and force 2011

amount 147 peoples. So the total number of active student is amount 351 people.

About the minimal amount of sample taken 10% selected from the population.

Writer taken 50% of the total population sampled so much 110 peoples. Samples

were taken only from force 2009 until 2011 because the student is still active and

to limit population size, besides due to ignorance or unfamiliarity avoid students

to question questionnaires filled out by respondents. So that, for the students of

2012 not able to meet the expected criteria, because it is not enough stock to meet

as a student of political science.

2. Teknic Analysis Data

a. Analisis kuantitative

In this research the perception UMY students of Government science

toward the development of Local Political Party in Aceh will use

quantitative analysis techniques, the use of quantitative methods based on

descriptive statistics analysis is a frequency table. Frequency table is a tool

to explain the trend of the data obtained from the field.


With this frequency table, the researcher will describe the the results

of the research if the trends obtained from the research the research have

described the perception of respondents. Quantitative data obtained from

the questionnaire will be processed and then put the appropriate

calculation of the frequency table. Furthermore, quantitative data analysis

stages as follows 20


1. Perform data entry

2. Perform the data cleaning

3. Issued a descriptive output data

4. Constructing response categories of descriptive data

5. Provide early interpretation of the tendency the descriptive data

Aceh Party case studies, using quantitative statistics data analysis

techniques, to conclude that the data obtained from the questionnaire

authors use the index scale.

Formula index scale 21



I: index

F: frequency

N: Number of Samples

Meanwhile, the interval of the value of the index calculation is as follows:


Sakir, akselerasi reformasi birokrasi pelayanan publik di DIY, 2012, UMY, Hal 45 21

Suranto, bahan ajar statistik Sosial

4F1 + 3F2 + 2F3 + 1F4

I =



Nilai tertinggi – Nilai terendah

Interval =

Banyaknya Data

4 - 1

Interval = = 0,75


By the following categories:

3.26 to 4.00 is very high

2.51 to 3.25 high

1.76 to 2.50 low

1.00 to 1.75 is very low


3. Referensi

1. Ahmad Farhan Hamid,”Partai Politik local di Aceh",Kemitraan,2008, h.

205 -207

2. Muhammad Jafar. Aw, Perkembangan Dan Prospek Partai Politik Lokal

Di Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Skripsi UNDIP, 2009, Page 18.

3. M. Sya‟Ban Nur, Peran Partai Golkar Dalam Pendidikan Politik, Skripsi,

UMY, 2008, page 10

4. Adam Ibrahim I. W, Perilaku Organisasi, Sinar Baru, Jakarta, 1986. Page


5. Dr. Inu Kencana Syafiie,Pengantar Ilmu Politik, Tahun 2012, hal 114.

6. Leo Agustino,Pilkada dan Dinamika Politik Lokal, Tahun 2009, hal 39

7. Soelistyati,Ismail Ghani, Pengantar Ilmu Politk, Tahun 1989, hal 111-


8. Mark M, Hangopian, dalm iklasul amal, Teori Mutakhir Partai Politik, PT

Tiara Wacana 1998, hal 84-85

9. Sukarna, Sitem politik, Alumni, Bandung, Tahun 1989.hal. 86.

10. Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, Year 2012, page91-93

11. Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, Chapman Univercity,

Edition 12, Page 116

12. Jurnal ilmu politik, POLITIKA, UNDIP, 2010.

13. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, Jornal of Government and Politics, UMY,


14. Nota Kesepahaman antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan

Aceh Merdeka 15 Agustus 2005


15. Peraturan Pemerintah Tentang Partai Politik Lokal Nomor 20 Tahun 2007

16. Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2008 Tentang Partai Politik

17. Undang-undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pemerintahan Aceh