Paper Managing of Management Institutes Three mishap (Beware or Perish)

Name of the Faculty: Mrs. Kalpana Lodha Name of the Institute: Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s Rajgad Institute of Management Research and Development, Pune Email Id – [email protected] Cell No: 9922137285 Discipline: Human Resource Management Title of the Paper: Managing of Management Institutes: Three Mishaps (Beware or Perish)

Transcript of Paper Managing of Management Institutes Three mishap (Beware or Perish)

Name of the Faculty: Mrs. Kalpana Lodha

Name of the Institute: Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s Rajgad Institute ofManagement Research and Development, Pune

Email Id – [email protected]

Cell No: 9922137285

Discipline: Human Resource Management

Title of the Paper: Managing of Management Institutes: Three Mishaps

(Beware or Perish)

Managing of Management Institutes: Three mishap (Beware orPerish)


Prof. Kalpana Lodha.

“The management of most MIs in modem times are sufferer of three

forms of mismanagement viz. Misplacement, miscommunication and

mistreatment. In order to ensure smooth-sailing progress, if

every MI should detect these three dangerous Ms and take

necessary steps to protect it definitely the MI can run

successfully. The management should know that a self-controlled

superior subordinate relationship works wonders for Management

Institutes. Wherever the there is a boss and subordinate

relationship is there it becomes the part of the organizational

behvaiour. And organizational behavior which also includes the

above functions .If these functions i.e. right placement,

communication, right treatment are not carried out properly, then

certainly these three Mishaps are going to be happened. At all

levels for the smooth flow of work and for harmonious relations

which is the fundamental symptom of the HR practices should get

maintained by focusing on these functions sincerely”

Key Words: Misplacement, Miscommunication, Mistreatment,

AICTE/DTE/UOP, Teaching and non teaching staff

Contemporary Issues in Management

Managing of Management Institutes: Three mishap (Beware or Perish)

Prof. Kalpana Lodha.

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s Rajgad Institute of Management Research and

Development, Pune


The Teaching and non teaching staff is one of the important and

unavoidable pillar of the MI without which it is not possible to

run the MI. This is the only resource that can give other

resources such as money and good quality students which gives the

meaningful value. Though the staff is inevitable factor still it

is very difficult for them to survive in the education industry

Experiment and re-experimentation may result in huge financial

losses and ethical deterioration of the MI. Very few MI can

afford such financial loss which can be compensated, but ethical

deterioration is a deep loss. Professionally managed MI do not

wait for chances and opportunities, they work hard to adopt the

best policies which will suit to for their staff to nurture

rather than increasing the turnover , and remain flexible to

change if required. On the other hand, unprofessional

managements are less concerned regarding staff. Frequent changes

in policies, pursuing inappropriate plans, poor infrastructure in

implementing a plan………etc , In brief not following the guidelines

of the AICTE/UGC/UOP….. etc., leads to Management institutional


Bu mismanagement categorizes three ferocious viruses -

misplacement, miscommunication and mistreatment-into Management

Intuitional environment. The trios individually and conjointly

exhausts out the imperative power of the HR in the MI. Only

opening the institute and running it is not enough to build the

good brand but the efforts should be taken properly by the

management to run the MI

This paper tries to focus on these there important fundamental

functions which if properly done success is yours but if not what

will be the impact on the MI . Following are the objectives :


To study the factors resulting the mismanagement :

misplacement, miscommunication and mistreatment ( 3 Ms) in

the MI

To study the effects of these three ( 3 Ms)

To suggest the remedies to avoid these three mishaps


Misplacement (Wrong Recruitment)

In case of the MI handing over the wrong subject to the wrong

faculty is misplacement. Misplacement is a common problem whether

it is an industry or any type of organisiation; only it changes

according to the job profile. In this tough competition, no MIs

can afford such wrong evaluation for a extensive period of time.

Normally the candidate is selected through the selection

committee appointed by the university. After passing through the

selection committee the candidate is appointed for the post

according to the norms of selection committee which are laid down

by the UGC/AICTE/UOP norms. This standard process is procedure is

not always followed by the many MI. Many times even after the

selection committee interviews the candidate may not be

appointed. Or if selected, the faculty may be loaded with some

other tasks, when it is found that he is academically and

professionally capable to accomplish those imposed

responsibilities. But, if the HOD or the management looks into

the job thoroughly and sincerely and according to the job

analysis, allots the workload definitely there will be a

spontaneous and positive response from the staff under the

guidance of the Director and ultimately will remove the term

Mismanagement from the MI


Sending a right signal to a person or wrong a signal to a person

is miscommunication. Any Management Institute’s structure is

based on a formal system, a hierarchal structure. At the same

time an unrecognized system of communication or an informal

network runs side by side. But directors or HOD may make use of

both the channels of communication cleverly to make the system of

communication with teaching and non teaching staff, peers and

higher authority more fruitful.

Mistreatment (Exploitation)

Faculties be worthy of reasonable financial, physical and

psychological compensation. When the management fails to maintain

a balance between expectations of the faculties and the

remuneration offered to them, mistreatment takes place. Not

paying attention towards the good performers, not inspiring

through good training programs, lack of required material-

infrastructural facilities, etc., are the various features of

mistreatment. Besides, there are some common expectations of an

employee/HR – to get the information of compensation package,

leave policies, Provident fund, basic, important documents like

salary slip, appointment order etc….. ; and if any of these are

not satisfied , it will be as good as to employee-

mistreatment. All these may lead to miscommunication.

Root Causes of the Three Mishaps (Disaster)

All these three outcomes- Misplacement, Miscommunication and

Mistreatment outcome from mismanagement. Whenever any management

or the director (individually or jointly) works unprofessionally,

any of this mishap affects badly on the career of the HR as well

as the progress of the organisiation.

A) Reasons of Misplacement

According to Parkinson, it is the most important but the ignored

area in MI i.e. – underutilization of talent management. Many

times faculties do not get the subject of their specialization or

according to their choice. Even their hidden potential is not

properly grabbed by the management or the Head. Ultimately it is

like doing the work forcefully rather than proactively.

Misplacement is the result of un-professionalism. In any

organisation it is one of the most important duty of the head of

the MI to see whether the faculty members have been allotted the

right subject, proper work load according to AICTE norms , also

equal participation in the extra and co-curricular activities or

not. Because this mainly affect

the result o the student

Branding of the MI which mainly based on the result and the

activities conducted in the institute

Performance of the staff and thereby their career.

For accomplishing the positive results on the above points, the

HOD or the Director has to channelize the talent properly with

the help of best leadership practices leveraged by the financial

and non fianacial incentives.

Lack of clarity of job specification: Lack of improper

induction may cause to create the confusion among the

employees. Because the induction is that function of HRM

which reduces the anxiety of the employee and minimize the

complications of management by guiding the employees that

how they have to do the work. But this will only possible

when the higher authority is clear about their thoughts i.e.

according to the job specification the employees should

allotted the job responsibilities.

Improper post –The another extension to the above point is

that i.e. if wrong person is placed at wrong place will

create more chaos which may increase the turnover in future

and ultimately there will be recurring expenses on

recruitment and selection function may create the bad image

in the educational field in the minds of faculties and

students as well.

Nepotism :In the above cases it has been observed that there

is lack of job specification or wrong person placed at wrong

place may create the problem due to wrong induction

programme .But in case of favoritism the person may get the

job of his choice but the other people has to pay the cost

of same by taking the responsibility of the job which is not

of their job specification also causes misplacement

Wrong assessment of performance appraisal: Appraisal is one

of the important functions of management which is directly

affecting on the career of the employees. It is very

important to take the precautions before and after the

appraisal i.e. who is going to evaluate , which method , how

much importance should be given to the evaluation (eg;

if the feedback of the teaching staff is taken only from the

students then the question arises that whether that student

is really attending the lectures of that particular faculty,

here it is equally important to evaluate the faculty with

other norms of AICTE i.e. how many papers the faculty had

published or books written, FDP attended….etc) what is the

basic objective behind the evaluation eg; whether it is

for promotion or the development of the staff often causes


Grudges between the boss and the employee: may be a reason

of misplacement. Many times there are many hierarchies

within the organisation. i.e more supervisors subordinate

relationship. If your superior subordinate relationship is

good then he may report to the higher authorities. If

personal relations are good then \the above problem may not

arise. Unfriendliness of boss leads to the authority the

veneer (finish) of misplacement.

B) Main Reasons of miscommunication

Positive interpersonal relationship between superior and

subordinate primarily keeps up the "good health" of communication

system. Many other small distractions can be conquered if

understanding between the two is well-adjusted. A bitter

relationship, on the other hand creates major hurdles. The

following are the major behavioral aspects between a boss and a

subordinate that cause miscommunication

Behavioral barriers often cause miscommunication. The

behavior of two people consists of aspects-acquired and

learnt. Some sort of behaviors are deep-rooted human

psychology right from birth, while some others are learnt

from the surrounding environment as social and cultural

environment, political environment, familial environment and

even nature.

A Director's physical gestures and linguistic: may send a

different to the listener depending upon the sender's

acquired and learned behavior and vice versa Siddhartha K

opines: Many a time people interpret different meanings of

the same word and expression in different times and

contexts. Hence, words do not always mean the same thing to

all people. This creates misunderstanding unintentionally.

C) Causes of Mistreatment

Usually the reasons for job-hopping are far more serious than

poor salary. The problem could stem from the way employees are

treated in the MI.

Mistreatment is a grotesque/ an act of dictatorship that degrade

the staff of the MI more than anything else. Like any other

resource "Human Resource” is a resource to be looked after

carefully; but unlike other resources, it is irreversible once

lost. David Sirota' says that all employees want to be treated

fairly and respectfully. They need a sense of achievement from

work and they need camaraderie. Mistreatment is a visible evil

that weakens staff of the MI completely.

Main Reasons of mistreatment:

Bitter relationship between director and staff : is an endemic

cause of mistreatment. There are numerous reasons why a

relationship between a superior and subordinate turns bitter.

Sometimes due to the inappropriate behavior of both or any

one of them leads to a stressful environment.

Again, external intervention from other group members,

colleagues may also raise tension.

Unexpected results often cause mistreatment. Specifically an

autocratic boss is not keen to show the right way of doing

a job, or the boss is not keen to make a matter clear to

the subordinate repeatedly

Sometimes, misunderstanding due to cultural and behavioral

difference leads to mistreatment some bodily gestures and

words can connote different meanings in different cultures

these are not interpreted properly by the receiver, then

misinterpretation occurs and may lead to mistreatment.

Effects of the Three 'M's

From the above discussion it has been found that following are

some effects of the Three Ms on the employees and management. The

result of these mishaps is not only shocking for the students but

also for the MI and future of the staff.


1. Affects the MI profusely. Particularly, the institute having

the intake capacity of 120 or lesser is quickly affected by

misplacement. Big Institutes do not realize its effects

immediately, but in long run it tramples (crush) on the HR

function of the MI.

2. If the subordinates are not given appropriate and deserving

responsibilities, they will neither perform their roles

diligently nor will the Director get the desired output.

3.Accoring to Parkinson, "Over-Staffing is another cause of

wastage of time. Drucker suggested a rule: If a supervisory

spends more than one-tenth of his time resolving disputes and

quarrels, it is a clear indication of over-staffing.

5. It is a cause for dissatisfaction. A misplaced worker does not

get enough scope to utilize his fullest expediency; neither does

he receive any motivation to focus on the new responsibility with

extra attention. The quality of output degrades, which in turn

dissatisfies the boss.

Misplacement brings out the psychological negativities in the

misplaced individual as well as the boss; he is almost an lien

for the group! Hence ignored.

6. Personnel block the flow of information due to resentment.

This lack of connectivity hampers every of the Management

Institutes structure.

7. Workplace conflict is a very occurrence, where misplacement is


8. Misplacement leads to bad relations between Director and

staff. Conflict and decision making cause mishap, this degraded

work ethics erodes the work culture.

9. Misplacement is a prime cause of procrastination Undoubtedly,

a misplaced employee possesses very low grades on all these

indicators and hence procrastination creeps into his working



1. Miscommunication is the most vulnerable (weak) mishap that may

MI could face. Its effects are not widespread but also shattering

for the MI, which destroys its short term as well as long term


a) Leads to misunderstanding. When the Director is unable to

deliver the intended message to the subordinate, the entire

working system is disturbed. As a result, the output may be

different from the desired result. If such things happen

repeatedly, misunderstanding develops leading to trouble between

the boss and the subordinates.

b) Results in work place conflict. When the Director intends to

say something and the staff interprets it differently leads to


c) Results in unreasonable behavior towards the staff. In both

these cases not only the interpersonal relation is affected but

also the Management Institutes resources may be damaged.

2. Miscommunication side tracks informal network. Moreover, it

takes place when more of the staff relies on informal network for

proper information. Once staff members are habituated to an

informal network, it is very hard to get them back into the

conventional channel.

3. Hackies decision-makers-"In the absence of right communication

channels, decision-makers do not receive proper information", As

a result, decision-making on different aspects of Management

Institutes events becomes cumbersome.

4. Miscommunication in turn creates misunderstanding; thus, other

problems pop up consequently.


1. Mistreatment is a prevalent form of mismanagement,

particularly in a dictatorial environment. It generates many

other detrimental (unfavorable) events, which are sufficient to

wipe out the very existence of the MI. It is perhaps the most

harmful factor which demoralizes the HR in the MI. It

deteriorates superior-subordinate relationship. Depending upon

the personality trait of an employee, mistreatment recreates

three types of employees:

a. One who can absorb the shock professionally-this type of

subordinate remains very poised in any situation and does not put

his heart into the job or workplace.

b. One who cannot bear the shock becomes depressed.

c. One who thinks that mistreatment is an abomination( dislike)

of human values-this type of subordinate becomes

vengeful(revengeful) and his burgeoning(growing) anger gives rise

to Management Institutes militancy Mistreatment is a reason of

informal groupings.

2. Depending on the extent of mistreatment in the MI, various

informal groups-each consisting of different dimensions-are

formed. Even groupings among the teaching or non teaching HR from

different MIs are not rare. Informal groups do not maintain

hierarchal structure as in the formal system of MI. This means

that a group leader of such an informal group is not always a

senior in the formal system of the MIs.

3. Wherever mistreatment is out of control absenteeism,

retrenchment and attrition rates are higher than the industry


4. Mistreatment catalyzes the development of informal groups.

Mayo saw (The famous Hawthorne studies) the development of

informal groups as an indictment of a society that treats human

beings as insensitive machines and is concerned only with

economic self-interest.

Discussions on misplacement, miscommunication and mistreatment

have so far revealed that unprofessional management is the prime

reason behind the pollination and later unhampered growth in a

Management Institutes environment. There are many instances

where two or three of these miscreants appear together causing


Misplacement creates employee dissatisfaction. A misplaced

employee, being dissatisfied, is psychologically outrageous. The

motive of harming the MI always perfunctory for such an employee.

Therefore, in such cases, information blocking, information

making and information distorting are common forms of

manifestation (sign) of such outrage (anger).

Again, posting an employee with an intention to repress him due

to personal resentment is misuse of power by the boss. This

implies such mistreatment brings about misplacement where the

employee is not promoted as he deserves.

On the other hand, a misplaced employee faces many problems like

the lack of skills, knowledge and motivation which may affect his

overall performance. Degraded work performance often brings

reprimand from the head.

Exhibit: Three Mishaps


Misplacement Mistreatment

This means, misplacement leads to mistreatment. There are many

instances where an employee considers misplacement itself as a



Having discussed individual effects of misplacement,

miscommunication and mistreatment and also their cumulative

effects and also examined their disastrous effects on the MIs.

But few steps, which are very simple to adapt, have remarkable

capability to amend the cracks that are created by these three


A good understanding between the Director/HOD and teaching

and non teaching abolishes many problems. In this regard, a

Director/HOD should take the leading role to dissolve all

forms of relational and role complexities.

The Director is like a father of a family (MI) who should

come forward to sort out the problems of subordinates. In an

autocratic form of management, instead of sorting out

problems in a clam manner, the boss warns staff publicly,

creating unrest among them.

Chinmay Kumar Poddar" advises, "Encourage open

communication and create an atmosphere that fosters free

expression of criticism and disagreements.

Be generous with positive feedback. When a job is well done,

say so.

If the situation so demands, one can even reprimand one's

subordinates for correcting their mistakes, but remember

that people will be willing to take negative feedback only

if their good points are appreciated".

Being aware of a subordinate's deficiency and thereby

imparting him with the proper knowledge and skills can put

an end to the pain of misplacement and mistreatment.

Kothari Commission: In recognition of the importance of

teachers and their role in developing the nation's human and

material resources, the Government of India appointed two

National Commissions on Teachers, in February 1983 ( the

other for higher education (including technical education))

The basic issues underlining the 12 terms of reference of the two

Commissions are :

Measures to give to the staff/faculty the status he needs

and deserves to help him do his duties at the highest

possible level of performance, which implies a suitable

salary that, in the prevailing economic conditions, will not

only meet his economic needs but be commensurate with his

professional status and powerful enough to attract and

retain 'talent' in the profession; so that it will help to

avoid the mistreatment.

To indicate the board Parameters of a code of conduct which

would motivate and help the teacher gives of his best in the

performance of his duties; and to point out other conditions

that are necessary for such a code's effective enforcement

will help in avoiding the miscommunication

If the Director guarantees to keep a friendly environment, then

there will be no miscommunication or mistreatment, neither will

there be any hazard of misplacement.


In today's competitive environment, when the wind of competition

is flowing through every corner of a MI, no one can afford to be

reluctant about its staff .Due to the recession people from

industry and fresher’s are jumping into this profession at

whatever the package is available without negotiations with the

management .So even many MI management is ready to take these

people ignoring the norms fully or partially laid down by

AICT/DTE/UoP..etc . Very few MIs feel for their employees and the

rest …….? That is why the mismanagement is so common and

employees in many MIs have grown habituated to it naturally.

On the other hand, if a little care from the management in the

form of motivation, appreciation, compensation, behavior, and

networking , works wonders for both the faculties and the

Institutes. The best MIs to work for have a few qualities in

common: They make their teaching and non teaching staff feel

appreciated, offer good pay and benefits and help staff to

achieve a healthy work life balance. The management needs to

realize that its whether teaching or non teaching staff are not

just another resources, but each one of them has a heart and a

brain, which regulates their regular activities. Understanding

their emotions, their needs and their values doesn't cost much;

instead a generous return can be expected.


Kothari Commission Report,Feebruary,1983

"Realities of Management", by C Northcote Parkinson and MK

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Peter Drucker A - Critical Commentary on His Philosophy of


Human Resource Management ,Ashwatthappa

James Stoner, Edward Freeman and Daniel Gilbert, Management,

Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2000, p.


Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management,

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990, p. 108

Henry Feyol, General and Industrial Management, Sir lssac

Pitman, London, 1949

Fred E Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New

York, International Editon, 2005, p.166

Fred E Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, International

Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, 2005, p. 440

Kurt Lewin, 'Frontiers in Group Dynamics: Concept, Method,

and Reality in Social Equilibria and Social Change,' Human

Relations, Vol. 1, June 1947

Dale S Beach, The Management of People at Work, McMillan,

New York, 1980, p. 558

L M Prasad, Principles and Practice of Management, Sultan

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