Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898): 1905-03-25


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Transcript of Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898): 1905-03-25

hnon Tmotraii mmtwn fvthVMnn or tmmiM AND ooMPAMi tmm


tn MTV Ml RIIA9 Blrmit

DAY HI nm wurk nrW PAIUJ.



Mrs. Mary Brockwell Loses All But One

of ttert by Poiienint.

Mice tafMUgitlif.

A iRMtcrlMt MMilag cm* ta la-

ir rpmltiR the police terct Md Coro-

imr Jumps Crow, nnd d«r*lopinMlt«

nil' i x|H ( li (1 wlii ii Itin Mioiniii Im rif

(he lliMc iIiIIiIm-ii <i( Mih Mniv

Brorkwcll. of :!:i7 Anliltrook nv»'nup,

M« MwlyMd In LahUvIIU and tb« r«-

mH fvnitalMd tiM corM*r.

} t^Ait nlgkl akeui ( 30 o'clock

Mrn. Miiry BrocVwrll and hrr tour

(lillilirii. Ilii/i'l. ^n;i'i| 11; Nsiiry I.u-

< >. HKcii !*. Ola M>i>. nR«d 0. and Ml

II* Jcrlinc, nK«d 3 year*, nat down

t« MMPcr. Tb* Mpp«r tfoMitUd of

iRMt, brMd. aabtac* ud oaloM.|

anil tho Intlor IhrM at« iMWrtllr

tho inlil'iiKP In pnrllcnltr. After

• HIIPIHT III'* lll'Kiin III •.|hi«

Ikhm uf HitTplncHH and ihortly aftvr

wer* all aoiind aslaop sad Um Matter

vaablo to wak« tbvai.

1 RMomhlK alarmed nhr xunimnncd

iii'iKhbort. who III iiiin ti li pliiini'il

for phralelaaa, I>ih Curl N. s<-ura, J.

8. TroHtman. J. W. Pendtoy and

Jobaaloa Bdaa rMpoadlag. Tbty

found tbo cblldm aadar tbc lafti-

Piin- of what aeoaiod to b« opIuBi, aadIx'Kiin iidnilnlaterlnR drum to roua-

A U-rnrl Ihe ••ffoi ln.

Tb* pbyalclana workod beroMH)bat eoaid act vnnom* Um daadly

effort of lb* drac, wbatavar It ailsfct

h»ve lM>pn, and at X o'clock laat

lil::lil. l»ii liiniiH anil ii liiilf iifici

• KiipiMT Ola .Ma> iIIimI At :'. :;ii iliU

liiornlnK t.llllf illrd iinil nt Ti :!ii l.iii'y

, Brockwell followed. Ilaial. the old-

cat dauihtor. did aot partaka of th«

laliiiaK" eseapfpooalblir a mouthful,

mill illil not become 111. Her niothi«r

hIho all' lllllf of Ihi' laMiaKi' lull i'\

Iperlenced no palnn or hIcppIiu'hm. and

' tho thaory tbat Paria Qreen had b«en

pat oa tba eabbaga to kill wonaa la

not borne out.

\l r , III iir Ivm II w as Hi-vn In a Sim

ri'iKtitfi iIiIh niuiiiInK and told Iilt


"My huabaad, Plaaa Brockwall.

waa taken to tba aaylaia aovafal

iiionihs aKo " ^ aald. "aad 1 bate

liail iiiN foiii Illlle onea to care for

\ him.' I.ahi ni>:lii wr al.' Miiii" r and

were all feeling well, but adt-r eai-^

lag. ny tbraa yoaagoat children bo-

cama alaapy aad I could aot wakathem. Pbyalclana ware aummonadmill -liiii'il ilic iliUilirii liail lii'on puIk

(iiH'il aii>l lii'^aii III mill- Willi Itn'iii

I iliiii I kliou uhi'ii' llir liKlsiMi iiiiiM

bava r'onie (rum, becauae we havf

.aoaa about tha bouaa. aad bava ao

nadlclaaa of aay klad. axcapt a lit'

tie paraRorlc. which could not af-

fi'i I iliiii'.is \n\ ihllilrrn wen-. Tlioy

Miy iliHl l'ail'< t'l n mil"! Iium' li<'<'n

oa tba raliliaKi' iiiohalilv piil on

thera to kill worwa, but the cabliuKi'

waa waabad aad praparad b> myaelf

for aupper. iiml waa claaa. Wbta I

got Ihe riililiiiK.' II waa freab."

MrK liiiiikwill -i.i'ril iliiii tho

lime llio ilillUieii well' Hit' •••l»'< d

With aleapy apaila waa whiu- .lolm

\aad Albart Baraa. two man of bar

a«|ualntance. wara auklag a mil.

Thay iiHpix'iii-d lu paaa 'bar houoe,

and bilnK old fiienda. ainpiHud In.

Thf> hiiiiinioiii'il iii'khlioiM whea It

waa aaan the t hlldrvn wt>re ill.

Thla araraing Dra. H. H. Oni- .

J W Pendley. J. i. TroaUaat. ». T

Hall and C, Harkey raaiovad tb*

atomaoba of all i!ii>'<' iliUdK'n. plat-

ad Ihein In Jmix. ami >lii|>i>< il ili<-in to

Uouiavlllt', on advln' of I'oiiniv Ai

toraay Kugaaa Urava*. to b« aualyi-

a« aad tlM aaaaa afdaatk laanad.

. Oa tka aiviM of Altoraay Oravaa.

} (teroaar Jaaiaa Crow alao poaipoaad

(lui llMim-t-i mil II I'm il.o afii'ihoon

al l ::!tl o I lin k wlii n ilo- Jiii> *MrejKiri at Ihe N'antu A I'ool undertah-

lag aaUbllahalaal to lavaatlgaia.

Tka |«nr A iiBimi al Maaara.

•. 0. WtHMg. M. T, UmH. Jon* Bur-

ton. Joba OAllkar. «. D. Wnda aad

^li I 'Swafavc aai waa avara tkuIIIOi llllltf.

The phyalilaBN alaie tbAl HH»Qraoa woaid alaat dMaraally Ifwa

tka way Iha aMMraa wara afaatad

by tPkaiavav klad of poIhou wan tuk

aai and the lanerul oiiinmii and lif

||0f i.t I ill 'lll.llll> Is llull lll.ll till'

fdniK wuii upluui. The lMMttt>it luiiii-d

a UttW altar daatk, Ika lawar liiuba


SBBM mi mm


If ItHrts iMtiffd TtdAj art

to Maka llw Omtartw—lla>

no nommi rkportkd robAt

bacoming puiplp. Tim Ktomnrha

wara aot opanad bara but aaalad la

)an aad aaat dIraMIr la Laalavllla,

nnd all Intnrt with aothlBg t« iftvaat

a ihiiiKiiKli analyala. The at^tnacha

ulll iraili LiiiMmmIIi' tiiiliiitliiw and

by Monday night at leaat a report la


Tba aMtbar aMaiad to Uka tba

death of bar chlldraa hard, but talk-

ed clpnily nnd lnt<'llli;irilly. Shr In

II wdi'kinc uiiiM.'in ami luis lii')>n xiip-

ponlnK hi'isi'll ami ilillilti'n Nlni'e

Iter huaband wah taken to the aay-


Coroaor JaaMa Grow aad aararal

pollc* offieara mada pa lavaatlgatlea

iml fjlli'il to Irarn If any dnm wnK|i'i 1 1 li.i>~i'il ill any dniK hIofp in thai

1 11(1 of III!' iiiwii, Iml Itclorllvi- Moore-

Ih working on the caae and especta

to aoaelada hia work bafora tba In-

quaat aad kava aodMtklag tataraat-

Ing to ahow.

F)nlirnn'nl riinH hlnh and tho

liiiiis)' hill roiinili'il In a i ruwil of

• III Inns propli' all III)' imMiniii.^ Mih.

Brockwall alaled thla niurnlng that pi-uce

Aa bad baaa cairjrlag Inauranca on

baraalt aad cklldraa la tba Pradaa-tlal Co. at a amall paymant eachweek, lull ilnippi'd It n'M'ial immihH

HKo when t-hf bi'iaiiir iiiialili' to meet

the pay iiiiMitH.

The bodiea of ih? three chlldrof

were tumad over .to ITndartakora

Nanca aad Pool lor aaibalaHag andWIN ba kapt uatlt tka lavaatlgatlon

haa baen completeJ.


hirti Vi'kii-nliiy '.tfirriuKMi at

UooM la WaahlBBtoa.


ParIa, Mar. IR. The proapaeta of

peace beiwi'< u Kn-si i ami .lapaa aa*

mmrd n iiMMf ili'llmi" and almnotl..'i -;M' .1 I a- llii' ir-iill of Ihi'

annuuucement of the reauinptlon of

nagotlatloaa far the Ruaalan loan.

Tba paatpoaawaat of tka loaa oe>

cun%d througb tba' ataad takan bytba iaanrlal p|pnit>nt HKalnxt prn-

Ci'eJInR whilp ih<- iiiii'PrtHlnilr'< of

war 1 1)1)1 liiir il wliilsl u wlllliiuii' 'n

irHiinii' iD'Koi lat iuns waa conKtriu'd

aa mcanlnK that their atrong Influ-

anca Hnally baa pravallad at At.


Coupled with the announcement of

Ihe reaumplinn of Ihe loan negolla-

I'liii raiiit' a siioiin Inllinalioii fromI'lfli lal anil illiilonial ir (|iinrlera thai

| |l^ iiioi. iiiK iiiwaiii pcai " had baawlifflnltfly taken by Kuaala.

The foralga oAca dacllaad to con-

urm tka raport tbat Fraaea waa Ilka

ly to ba tba iatamadlary, but diplo-

luatg who are actlraly Interest i>d for

Ihe flrat lima gave credit lo ihr Ktai"-

Mi'nt tliHt RuaaUuhail il<'< i h il m ki rk

It waa aalu in iIu'hi' quarterH

that Ruala would d<-al dlrpclly with

luklo through the French ralnlatar,

who tmk dkarga of Raaala'a lataraata


The receipt of an official diapatch

.1 S I' "IrrsliiirK Marrli L'n, ^avlnu

ilii' .la|ian 'M' wrro apiMnarliliin \'lail

i.Dstiik is Milil to havi> Imliii'il ilii^

lUivrnilnalloD to ae >k a pm itii solu-

tion. On tha other hand, II is insisi-

ed tbat Japaneae proximity to Vladl-

vuatok proBiiaea to ba a eblaf obata*

In tba way of paace, ae dlplomatt

coBvaraant with the aliuatlon nyJapaa will aaak to avi-n pinrr uniil

aha poaaaaaa Rnaaln a only outlet to

tba PaelAe.

ail HmIU DMMiMlt-TktAphMiM Bvt'lCt lit

CMro Cnbl) -< TliMl In ( MNr

VaaaaatU WoaM

BMi niui or ciM<t7Mm», o.

WaahfngtoB. D. 0.. Mar. tB.->It la

alatad on ihe heat aathorlty tbat lae*

lellry of Hiatf Hay will no! reanmeIII'- plaic In ;lii' laliinri on lijs r"'iirn

riiMii Ills vara ion Ills brilliant rn-

r.'i r as a pi inlrr iii Mi Kinlay and in

liooaevelt admlnlatratloDa it practi-

cally eloaad. IM haalth la tha aoia

canaa of kla datanalaatloa to ra-

alga. No oaa lUAfKa tkia aetloa amrethan PraalAaat Haaaavalt.

( lilt ro'a Clone Bur.Ni'w Voik, .Mar. 2r>.— Prpull^n'

Caatro, of Venpiueln. In nnKW?r to

aeaueata for a atatament on Ihe prea-

ent Vaaaaaalaa tfwablaa, cablaa froai


"I do not ballbva thera la to ba aayiroiiiii ' If ihiTP Rhouid Up, VaaaatI'la will win lii-rniiK- sh<' never

drifis awa\ fiiiiM iIkIii. u.i-iiii and

jualice, which are airengtb lo a weal:

natloa." ' «

mms& A FiiM


Hi'Vi'riil l'i'r«oiis lliirl ill a I lilinico

Car ArcMcnt—()ii<- KHtAlly In-

Waablagtoa, D. C. Marak IB.—Tka auu dapartnaat today raoalVad

n rablagram from MIniator Dawaon.Mil UKrHl InK a |i!aii fm a liilipoiaiy

Roliillon of inli'rnal lonal dlfDcultlea

of Hnnto DotnlnKo pending flnal ac-

tion by tha United gutaa aaaata oa

tha raaaatly aafotlatad traaty. Haauggaau that aa AaMrtaaa attlaaa ba

appointed commlaalonar to eotlaet

ami ill^liiiist' ilii' riislonis ri'ii'ipis of

ihi' roiiniry in aci ordunce' w ith the

ti-rma nf tho tronly. Tba ofllclala of

tha OoBlnlcaa govaraaMat agraa to



.Madrid Mar. 26.—Tba govern-

n.ini HHthorltlea have received wordfrom tho New York pollrp. thai ; woiliin^i'i iiiifi Spanftli anarchists cmhark il fmiii N w Vork for Harroln

11... The police of Barcelona are in-

tiructed to kaap k dh^dM^ watek for

iicir arrival. «

Waaklaaton, March 2.'.. Scnor

T>on Manuel Do Arplroi. MpxIco'm

llisi amiiassailoi m ilir I'liili'il .Siali'H,

died )t'att>rday ufioiiioon at ih<- .Mex-

ican embaaay pt 10 minutea to 6

o'oloek, aarroaadad by tba nambaraof bla family. Although a aiek maa

I Hint'o last fall, the ambaaaador'a

iloath was iliH' to a rolapnp raiMied by

• xpiisiiii' on liiaiiKiirallon ilav

AKainai the advice of hla phyalclan,

Mr. Aaplrai laft bla room oaldiKk4 laat aad attaadad tka laaugural

ceramoBlea at the capltol, where hflaiiH' m-ar falnliim

Fill M ais ilii' aiiili.issador haw .fcal^ rji

ti iiii tioiii k'astiiiis. and tbif weak- b^i

oued bla heart. ,"*

. V

IVII Into a IN^iMllflaaB Her HatlH-i^a

Farm' hi flravea Cnuaty.

llNniaged llaaiilMi Hlilpa.

Paria. Mar. ti.—The Martln'a Bt.

I'etaraburg corraapondant aanda ua-

coaflrmed raporta that Japaaaaa tor-

pedo boata bava auccaadad la daaMMi-

Ing Rojeatvanaky'a battlaaklpa llaael.

Veliky and Naravin.

yittrv l'«'««o 'I'alli.*

London. March 25. - Talk of |>eace

in tha far eaatern war la revived bara

today aad even, mora latareat to auta-

ifeeted h tka nitraora than ahown in

tVe paal. Tbia ia I)"'K<'I> due to the

r.ii t thr.! hi'if'K H L-.i'iirial foi'iing In

1^ (juHi'UTii ut hope fur a ceaaatlon

BiiiNiaa.^ '

Moruiin ( I'uld .^rrangr IiONna.

.St Pi li'i shii, K. Mai I h LTk a


36. I.ubW


Muyflcld. Ky., Mara race, Httia dtugktarCraea, of Hickory Qdo^

north of tha eHf. **iVI!^V<*ffaround a pnsiholi'. arrldpataierfall

ill and ilrowiii'il ai t; u'clucla-'Vaa*

terday aiii>rmioii

T*»» Vcan, for luiiri'iiy.

UopklaavlUe, K).. Mar. 20. The

jury la tba caae of David Cunnlng-

him. ekargad witk graad lareaay. i«k

turned a verdict of guilty aad flaed

I "iitiisiiine-nt at two yaara la tha

Irniivni lai y


TODAY'S lARKimWboa^ OpOB. Cloaa.

May. ... 1.13%

July. . .


• aaeaai* \^ M\May. .


41% .4*

July, ... 48% 4»%

May. ... •BO% .10%

JalTi ... taia*«*a #80


May, . .


tl.lT Il.TT

1 11 h , , , , ^ a • a • • • He00 tl.ll

CotloU'WMay. ... ttiati** Te0^ 7 .M»

July. . .


T.m 7 50

Aug.. .


. . 1 . . • . • T 53

o<-t MdHtocka

1. 1 N.. 1 tlVi 1.41%

1 I' Ml l.«l%

T. 0. 1..

yort la In circulation hero thui .1

{ Margaa haa latimaicd to Ruaaia that

ha aaa arraaga for a loan which could

\bo aaeufad by tha bypotkaeatloB of

vataaUa laraat laada.

No attio l lkoly.

St. Petaraburg, .Mur. The

Ruaalan rear guard la now o< cu|i>inK

c Una of atroag aatural poallloaa 34

mllaa aouth of Ouaaha Paaa. tka can-

11 hoInK the village ol tiank* covcrlnK roada on elthor

sjilr, wlilrh ii Is aiipai .'III l> 111' In-

tention III lil t till liiIlK rllolDlll to

force Ihi' lapiiiii > • to show ili ir

baada, Tba Kuaaiaua aa>, howevoi.

havt baaa adtlaakad aad kava aa la>

leailon of making a aarloaa ataad.

I -peflally aa all correapondaala con

linuc to ii'iioii lunioiH of wida lurn-

iiiK i>|ii'i 41 lulls nil liiiih flanka, Imli

laiiuK a inolialil- liaols 111 i.u 1 I'lu'

( ()rret.puu>U'liik h«lli'>t' rceiinipilon ui

hoatlllllea on a grand Mcale and an

tupartagl baiila la Iniprobabia in-

alAa cf tkraa moatba.

WaaliiiiKloii >•'•> I'cHci'.

WaahlnKUin. .Mai I The majorlty of dlplutttat* bare who are lu

poallloa to follow tha Inalda work-

inga of Burapaaa ahaaaallartaa ha-

I tv« peace batwaaa Raaala aad Ja-

pan U now poaaibla. Aa oaa diBlagiat

(kprebBcd It: "If Ihe mailer eaa be

i,pi iiarlit il lu a way that will mil

ii,u aeriuu»l> embairau Ituwid I

huvi reaauu to bailiff) peace prupon

ala jiUI raaalva aarloaa aaaalAaraiioa

ft ft. pptaiabarf.**

Slill Tliniuiiiu Walor.

Colnniiiiis. ») .Mai 'J ' Kironion

ure atlll throwing: wan i on tho build-

lag of the Columbua Dry Oooda Co.'«

)»«JIAI«s,^WkhMt^waa^iad by Bra

laat alght. The loaa IwaatUaata* at a

quarter of a million.





Klobi'H ltlfl«. W<*at Off—Boy oa WaalrcunctiMeF HtnHM ItfHvhred a

Usiit Uaaabot Wowid.

KIkIiI liix't in « ollisiuii.

Chicago, .Maiili : i;i«ht per-

wera Injured,' two aerloualy. la

a atraat oar eolllaloo today. Aa alae-

trie ear waa tbrowa from tka track

and a cable ear craahad Into It. Alianir I'liMH'il atiiDTn; tho liassonRiTS.

A miaundei'MtandlnK of aignala la

aald to kara baaa tka eaaaa.

fMaily mui by Oar.

Cincinnati, O., March 16.—Anxiety

to ratrh a atreet car Saturday mayII. I Ci iirKe Taylor bla llfo. Sovi'ral

crowilod cara paaaed him and llnally

he atpppcd In the middle of the

tracka. tblaklag tha car would atop.

Tha ear raa klai dowa. eaaaiac la-

taraal iajarlaa.

Bank claarlaga thla weak.. .Mli>MdUat year * . . . ••4.118

Local wbelaaala report huainpaa

very active In all llnea. Collactlono

are Rood and Ihe general loM at tonditloaa healthy.

Retail trade tba pact week haaiiponod np with a ninb aatf tbo iBdl-

I at Ions ai l' fill a iiiK aprlng trade.

.'^•MMal 111 iln priMtv dnyn tho past

week Htoadwa) waa throagad With

ahoppara. The trade thto aaaaoa ia

ruaalag to high price gooda.—one re-

taller aaya It la a remarkable feattire

of till' Iraili'

DiiililInK nillvily has conimonred

and all tho contra<'ior«, liiiildora andpaintara are ruahad with work.

Mr. Jacob Wall baa xoid hin hard-ware bualaaaa oa South Third atraat

to Mr. J. W. McHnlgbt, the banker.Mr. Hughea MeKalght will probablyhave a poaltloa la the atore. If haooncludea to give up his position

IrflVPllnn for tho Forked Moor To



Waa Mrtckea wHli Paaalyala LeanThaa a Week Am ' Laatrea

a raHllir*

>laiirico lliirrynioro l><-n<1.

New York, March 26.—Maurice

Barryaion .tba acta^ aa laauta of

the tdmg laland Home at Amltyvllie

for the paat alx yenra. died today of

pnralvsls llo was fatliiT of Ktln l

and Jack llarrymore, the well-known



tlchool ikwrtl lo Ask for lllda .011

uri: s< ii<M>| Moaday.

llaleu. the H-year-old aon of Mr.

/(eke BrowB, awaagar of tba Metro-

polltaa laaurance Co.. waa abot aa-

dar the right arm thla moralag

about I or 9 o'clock l<y I'otiot Pow-

ell, aged 10 yoai'H, hoa of Mr. (!oo.

Powell, of .lefforson sin'ol. the shoot-

ing belBg accidental. The wound la

not tboagbt to be aarloaa bat will lay

the llttto fellow up for aoma tloM.

. Several boya had gone to the farm

of .Mr ICil Itamlli'. nf tlic Caiio road,

lo HhIi 'riu'v liaii mi );iiiis Iml mi

rcaihlnt; the Itantllp lumir a .smi i>l

.Mr. Randle had left a (lobert rllle on

tha baak porek. Tka Powell boy

picked it up to examine It and tba

gun waa dlachargad, the ball alrlk-

ing the Urown boy. aataflBg aadarthe rlKhl arm.

Drs IV II Si.'wail. .1. T, KaddlCh,

It. B. Qrtfflth and Heraaa Mvarawere aaMaaaaad aad draaaad tka la*

Jury, later brMuMS UM IttUa IMIavto town;

A aboatlag waa reported to the po-

lice today aad lavaatlgatad by De<f ilve Will Baker. Robert MrPar-land, aged 15. of 1603 Tenneaaeesifi'i'i, I lalmril ill, II amiilii'i lii>\

sliiii liim III till' ,11111 It ni'i'iiiM tlii'ri'

liuil lit'ou a tl^lii liiiui'i'ii Ihe liovs

l>eie«itva Baker found tbat ibara waalittle Ml the eaaa. the boy aaytag bki

arm waa only grated and allgblly

burned by the bullet, aud no arreata

were made.

Tho ImllillnK roniniltt«>e of Iho

cbool board haa Aalabed plana,for

the aew aebool la Maehaaloaburgaad today aaaoaaced tbat It wouldMoaday advartlae for blda. ThepkUM are at tho MiRh school In thr

ofllce of .Mr. Kroil Hover, suporlr.-

ii'iidriil of lillildtnK!'. and run li.' M'cn

here. Tho comniiiii-" oxpec'a l» b^ve

'he achool well iindi r way helor#tbacloee of achool In June.

\ll Till.-.- \Vcr«- HuH..loo l.a\. of 'I'yk'r. Kiod Ailklns. of

tho loiiniy and a trader named lil-

ram Bdaa, eagaged in a light thla

aftaraooa at I o'eloek wear tka aity

aealea on South Second atreet, in

which all three came out bloody but

Mill i iiiHish Injured. Lay tried to

ti nil' a walih. It is nlloKod, and a

luiHiindorhlHiiilinK iohiiIioiI from the

deal. Lay attacked Bdan, be clajma,

witk a kalle aad baara aaa alight

cut la the head, white Lay received

a blow on Ihe right cheek bone

whirh laisod a laiKi- luimii and cut

the lleah. Adklua tiled lo aeparate

the mea aad waa atmak te tka oath.All tbraa wara arraaldd.

Newa of tho d-'nlh al Si l.unls of

.Mr. .lake llorht. form i h of the

Iiocht dothini; romiiaiiv of radii, ,i|i,

cached llie liiy loilay. .\li. Hecht

had been a rosUI -nt of Si. I.ouls for

the paat four or five yeara. Laat 8ua-day be bad a paraljrtle atroka aadcradoally became worae, dying at

7 : 40 o'clock thia morning.Mr. Ili'ilil was 12 yearn old, and

hail nnny frionds hprt*. A few yenra

anil III' was iiiarrioii lo .Mliw Clara

icaddoi, of I'adiicab, and she, with

two children, a boy aad a girt, eur-

vlvaa hiai. He leavee aeyarat broth-

era aad alatora, aa followa: Mra.

Helen Hecht and Mra. Joe Klein, of

Padvrah; and Mra. O. Wolff andMiss .1 Iiocht. aiiit Mi'.ssrs. .M.ix an.


lli itiian Ili'chl. of Si l.oiiis.

rhc remains will lio IiidiihIii to

i'aducah tomorrow, and the fiinerai

will take place from the home of Mr.

Earn. Pala^ SIP North Ninth atreet.

Moaday at 10 a'ehMk, barlal at the

Jewlah eaanatery.

baeeo faetgry bara. Mr. Oeorgn

Wright, who haa been with Mr. Well

Sim I' ilio siiii ' was . si nhllnhpd. Will

romnin aa manager for Mr. Mc-

KnlKht, Mr. Well derided to retire

from baaiaeaa aararal montba ago,

haaea tha Mia t* bla atore.

Mr. Itaary Oraee baa bought nut

the Inlereat of hla partner, Mr. Tay-

lor KIshor, In tho rlgar siom on

lliiiail\«a\ mar Koiirth, and will

have sole charKe <>f the bualneaa af-

ter April 1. until which time Mr.

Taylor will raaula la the atore.

Theea yoaag bm* bava Bade a aue*

cpfia of Ihe cigar bualaeaa, and have a

line trade. Mr. Fiaher haa not yet

deaidad what bualaeaa he will aatar.

Mr. W. r. Colder, of Sumpler, Or>

agon, la in the' city conferring with

Maaara. C. . Jennlnga. B. P. Ollaoa,

J. A. Baaer aad other Paducahaaawho are iBtereated la a gold alae af

which .Mr. coidor Ih superlBteadeat.

Mr ("olilor KooK east from herp.


ovm BcnooL wumacf no. aa,

m CLARK'S nnm bkction.

ONUMy Nii|M>riiili>m1<.nt Haa MviiadIt—.%p|M«l LUtely to State

Ijicrnard ti> >larry. .

Charloa .1. Havia. of the city, age.'1. and Sophronia Bmellne Collier,

age 24, of the elty. were today II-

caaaed to wed. U will ba tha^Brat iMrnage of each.

Thomaa Chambera, of the county.

aRp 42. and Mra. Kate Newbto, of the

(onnty. a^o tt>, were today licenaed

lu wed. Ii will III' the tliHl marriugo

of tba groom and the aecond of the


Tlirii' atliitlii'r cnni iiivimy over

I III' miw faimiiis school district No-.'>. iivir which thoio were Injunc-

tion KUita. flghta, appeala to the atate

auperlntendeat and aucb thlnga, a

few moatha ago, two truataaa beiag

ouated and aflarwarda rataauted.

Thla diatrict la la the Clark'a river

aertlon of the country.

It U claimed tbat County Siiin rln-

fnnd"iii RflKwIalp has diyiilod the

s liool (list rid. There wr* fornu-rly

>3 pupile in the diatrict, it la claimed,

and la the adjotalag diatrict ware41. According to aoaie of the peopla

from that aerllon. 13 of Ihe pnpito

s.ere taken from the No. 2."i district

nnd moved lo the oihtr. which !»•


known as llio ItoHoliowcr liisirii t.

1 makhiK :!.'> In the No. 25, and Ii3 in

. ho oi her.

From what la reported both aldaa

cbjeet te the divlaloa, eapeelally tbapeople in district .No. II, who hareI'ut yet paid for ih?ir achool. while

:!u' people in t!i" lloseb«Wi>r district

have. Ah 18 puplld are taken from

the .No. 25 diatrict by tha division.

It makaa it that much harder aow for

diatrict Na. IB to pay for the aebaal.

Preparatlona are belag mada to

appeal the actloo of the ooaaty aa-

periniondent to tha alata aaparta'


Hopklnavllle, Ky.. Mar. IS —Ra-

. mil' liiiili U .Ml (iaiiKlic.v one of

Ihe uiofi promiiii'iii plaiiiois in thlt

(ouaty. died Ittsi infill uf u mmpllratloa. He waa 7 a aud died la the

hoaieatead wbara ba waa bam. Haloavea a wldaw aad ibfae

Retaraa Have to Ure.Mr. Eugene Oleavaa, who laft

here aeveral yeara ago oa accouat of

I'lo hoa I ill of tils wife, who haa alaee

lied, will I'tiirii April 1, lo take

charge ol the l>|i > i i ' ili'iia 1 1 in 'nt of

(ileavea A dona, of which be (oriuarly

had akarga.


A nieaaage from Benton thla aftar^

noun at proHx llnie Htalea that the

,as.' ai;.iiii-i W W lliillalnl fm klll-

lUK lluiily Koyn will ko lu the Jury

late today. The apeechea will ka In-

iahed probably by avaalai.

An oglceholder who haa a pull

I fegt'dta «tt8b paabi

HwuMrag.Today at noua the Palmer Tran-

ter Co baggage wagon, driven by

'i (' lliiwt'il was .-liili k Ilk a siie'l

.1 m-.ii llic pusiiilHi • N< III,' diuel

\ da piililUK liiiiiKs mill d iioUBe and

lau Into a Waguu bilouaing lu .Mr

I harlea Ipaab. The waguu uf Mrkpack waa overturned agd lha b«Hl

dumped aa tba atreet aaar tba Ce-

laaiMa bvlMlBf-

o UOOOOOOOOt» fO WWrHR' MNT TMAb. »O OII PVaakfort. Ky.. Maarti BB. OIt — riio MpiM'llali' louil liMlay <t

(I K ti iM'd till' Itairisoii ili'<uil (I

(I K.UIi's d.'lllll s. III! IIIC III ( ui'l «(

(I JHii aad rruuuMkd U fur a U'» aew Mdal. O

Tba aaan abm aiiiiBlit O<i the pamiaa of the fwaino. O(> wraMb far a n in .uiiiK "< ii"' <*

l> t'Nlt*b HuHl'ls I.IS,'. iiimI II oO llOU lilM s ll.K k III lIlC lt.1,11 tl

«> ciftaM nmrt fwr a ufw iri«l. It

Q O000000 0000

WI<low andllopl.ihsMiii

. Ky., Mat. IB.-' JohnIt .Sli"llr a well kliiiwii illl^fU uf

.Slaii iiiiua, liiiil. a>!iil "^'i veils lie

Ikaa llilie limes maiiti il ami i.'i »in

vlveU by a widow aud ii n ciiiidren.

a Briafc at Wtm.The railroad Hobo bead OMda a

I'll and afl'r llie p:irail>< Mm little

soreiiaiiiiiK I'll" iir ii li'i-a were giv-

eii a rill ilial in 'pi inn ,ii all plHi'O..

aiid the affair pass I oft very plean-

antly. .Mr. Wiliiatn Hmalley went

home with two of the big Iron baaa

<:r«Bu. Ha aacured the aid of two aa>

groea to carry them aad oa reaehiag

home on> became Impertiaaat. aadv.h.-n ri'iM iiii.imli'il by Mr. Sauillay.

ihiew a iiriiU ai iiiin, but fortunately

Ihe brick weni wild. Mr. dinalley

ibuve cbaae to the negroaa. whp raa.

but dM aot evartaka tbMB.

H'Nal VRMh MaetaNew Orleaaa. La.. Mar. IB.^aa-

i>|i I'uhen uf Pitubars. waa ateated

hief jnsiice uf the oaift of appaaleI 111 ' ('.Ills: it III ioa OraB4 LsAb*


lUu y .Nai II Itith.

ItkMtaB la t>«to.

Aibaaa, Mar. IB.—Keparta faomCrete atate tbat riotlag la going oathere owing lo diaputea over the ef-

iiiii* to ualta Crate aad Ure«c« \

. uiiiber of people have baaa Injured.

I'oiMilar Yoaag Maa Dead.

.Mr l-'.'llx 1. Ilinfio, aK'd l'-*. "i"

i»on of .Ml .l.imos It. U Kinriii. of

847 flciiMiii - sii.'i'i, .Meili.iiilcslmi

and Junior member of the tlriu of

J. Reafro A Boa., dtod thia morataig

at Kits o'clock of lagrippe aad pae««

niunia after an lilneaa of one BUWtb,

rill- wiiiiii; 111,111 »,i^ iiiiin In Bllia*

heihiiitsii, III . .iml hail inin a real-

dent of III'' <ll^ tor »e>en >eain. lie

waa popular and well kuuwu aad

loavea a faihor, mother, two hroihera

and three alatara. Tba decaaaad waa

a member of Ihe Woodmaa of tba

W .iiM ,iml I he funeral Will be Uk*

del Ihe dilsplcen of I be ludKe.

A vttiu wuaiaa BMy tatum a atan

of being a lattarar. bat aaver af be-

laf a liar.

Mr. Tltua, MubkjB'a Vaaaval,

The fuaeral of Mr. Thomaa T. Ra*

biou waa held Ihto afternoua at l:l»

o'clock at Qraae Kplacopal chureb.

H«v l^avld C. Wright oltl'iii' d The

burial waa at Oak (Irov .rui lery.

I'la- ^lu 1 1 hearer* w>ie M. - i . \V.

inadahavk .Ir. I .a '« i .-m " DalUul, C' K JtiiiiiiiK^ lam I- rile^th, W. V'


Noble att4 Hd UUmmi.


mm MmOF M, GOHmiSi

ItirlT Aiv llowrTir. \.. Clinnar* In

tim WUmttmg la Any of Uw

I he ierond lit .T. Xj. Wolff't, for the

tfeim roDtMt, at Warrrn A Warrsn'R

Tk« bnRitr for the moit popalar

li ths conotr, It o«« Poirall AMil tor «ai MS to mm




John I'linnway IM,H3n.-rl (!lll.»Tt 142. 1K4

Willi* riercf in.?.r.n

llMiMll liOBf, «t*i< 7.4:in

joki AiMia •••• ••<•• 6,8CG

|4lM •MMMMf t.lta

M WfeMl«r *M*"Om" BuM* 4*>l>

JoJin Dye 1200

H. 1^ Jiidd

3. O. Swltier >••••••• 27


Virgil Barry. I »i* 113

Jo Ymc# •••• •••<•••••••• 2(

B. L. nrrk •


Paallne IllntoSi •.'.•••>••

Mra. A. Oa^kar 171,841

Mrs. llt]r*(V> H,S#f

Mn. CkU. BplllAiur ,. 1M>7Mn. Autndft Taetnan t.STO

Mr«. Ilrruy I.onhard 4,012

Ming Mz7.le Eddlngloa 706

Mr«. Wtaitnifr • 171

lllaa ZoU Famalaj til

MlM B«rtto Pelatar ^ 111

MM BtrtlM X«tttor» tlO

kM AMtolatw « 110


Mabel Hough 111.865

Mrn. Hownrd Randle 133,233

}A/.tAp L.twrpnca 1,866

I. iioy Chiles 880Mrs. Rnima Hall «.»..•: 817

Miaa Oraca Millar, 80

MAN ON BUBAL BOOmDr. Tonas 366,617

J. W. Harrta. 81.408Chas. Thnrnliill 7.649

W. T. Lawrence 1.816F. II. Cbilat IttR. A. Walatoa IllOltat Raadla. ..' \, IIH. T. Cox 30

Tbe prize* to be glrea away arf

aa followa:

To tkt Boat popular laOtea la Pa-MsAftoM.A OoM WatdkAn UinhrclUi.

To tbe most popular man (c Pa-durah:

•100 la Gold, «

A CMd Watck,Aa Umbrella.

To the moit popular lady iMldlafon the runil routes ll tkll MWl^SA Gold Watch.

To the moat popular maa raatdlag

«• tto raral roatM U tkkt MUtj:

tMi aC ItoM MBttata. All yea Imtoto do It It 111 out tbe balloU to be

found fa aaek Issue of Tbe Sun andsend them in. Yon will note that tbe

balloU hara a tlmo UalV—most be

otad wlthlB a trMk «C it* data


The piano Is "The Valley Oem,"sold by W. T. Miller, and la one of

the beat plaaoo ho Mlla. It If Taluad

at III*.

The watch tor tho flrot eonteat is

on eihibltlon at Nagal * Meyer's, for

MM popalAT lady

M Hm ffwal fwtoa to

\m' ! ">m1 after Marek 17.

• .•••.•*•••••••••• ••••••§

As th«< atoat popular manreaMlag oa tho rarai roatoo to

tho roaalv.

Not Rood nfter March 87.

Not good after .Varrh 87.

•••••••••0««««*tt*« •••••••

Aa tfao

Not good after March 27.

OMth Wear fldtoa.

Mrs. Buck, liioiher of Lansltrr anil

n. Iliirk, dl<?d at her home near

Diikedom. Mra. Buck waa about 80

}iars old.

A maa aaldom acta llko a fool na-

i«sa h«*a tho real thing.


Thi'ic's i\ mild, hut rich and sat-

sf.\iiii; llavor Karly llr'-akfast

CiilTe.' that i)Uis iliis popular biaiiil

in a claa* by itaelf. Fifty yeara oi

esportoaao aai aaportmaat art back

of It. It coatataa Jnat tho right pro-

portions of aereral of tlie cholceat

ijiics Id make it i)prfprt. PackedII :iir-l intil. j>arafliie-line(l caiions,

.iii'l ilic hiMiifs |mli.>'h<'(l so the poiea

are cloMd, it opens up fresh andcrisp, with all tha natural aromaand flaror prooarred. Sold at 16

lenta per pound. It haa no aaparlor at

US centa. Try it oace in tho eap aadyou'll use it always. Oet it at any^roceiy. A premium u nlfli alf in t y-

ery package. Trade supplied by The«a*l|»«MUaMrOano 0»., WL Lonla.

Mo.^1 I ssmasssaSBsstt

INTEREST PAIDOn time depoatts left withthe Padacab Banking Com-paoy. A Mfe tad profitable

wtf to Mvt jrow money.

J I iiro L F F• Lo IfJEWELEI

R E P A IRI INQ.'^t()Ilr Sctllii;; Mii^raviiix

I'irst cIsHS wiiik. UrttSdtialile prices

TMF or rii \in o\i,,

rpw Pooplo Know How Uavtal M la

N'rnrlr pvprvhodv Vnfiws ttmt

rhun oal Is the piifpRt R«id <<<'<M i :V.

rient illsinfei iiiiii nnd piirinei In na-

ture, but few realise ita ralue whanukth lato tfee hanaa ayeteai for tie

OlMraMt la a tkat tie

moro you take of It the better; It

In not n driiR nt nil, lutt »lniply fth-

KOrl'M llio j;;n"'.. ini |MI t 1 1 i<"l 111-

ways present In the stomach and tp-

leatiaM aai vIMmAm Mt «f 1|aayatoM.

Oharaaal aweetMa tfee ferMtfe af-

ter aiuhlag. irtaktui or a^•r oa-

loaa aad other odnroiia rpit^tablea.

rhnroonl (frt.iinlh (lr:irs and

Inipriivex (he roliiplexlun, it whitens

(he tppih and further acta aa a aa-

tunl aad eatoe^tly eafe eathartl^

n alaerto tto tajartoae gaaea

wfeleh eollert in the atoBiaefe aadbowela; It dNinfp< tn tho month andIhront from the polKim of catBnh

All dr\ia(flHtK Bell rhnrconi In (ine

form or nnolher, but proliaMv lh<'

boat charcoal and the moat for tbe

amey. M to ftaarl^ Oharooal Lo-

tenges; they are toapoead of the

flnest powdered Willow charcoal,"

snd other harinlesn antlsepthn In

tablet form or iath<'i hi lliu form of

large, pleasatii liiHiinK lo/engoa, the

aharcoal being mUed with heaey.

The* dally om oI tkoM loiMgaawill aeon toll to a maeh lauprotiil

oonditton of the general health, hot-

ter coiiiplt'xldu. swerter hrenth and

purer blood, and ihe beauty of It Is,

that no possible haini can result

from their continued uae, but on the

contrary, great boaott ,

A Buffalo phyaiclaa to apaaklng

of the beneflia of ctiarcoal, says: "I

ndviKe Sluait'.'i Cliairoal Lo/enjjes to

all patients surTerUiR from Kaa In

atOOMch aud bowels, and tti dear

tlie eomplaaloB fad purUy the

breath, aoatfe aad throat; I alao be-

UOTO tho llTor la greatly heaoHted b>

the dall7 use of them: they cort but

t«i'nty-five cents a box at drug

stores, and although In some itense

a patent preparation, yet 1 believe I

got more and better charcoal in

tuart'e Chareoal Laaeagoe thaa to

any at the acdtoary ohareoal Uh-leta."

not hnaelinll wll he iiIrv"iI hrn'Mttinier. A d-'t-'rmloe I effmi i-

I ina mnd.> lndi«y nnd wilt b> cont oned tomorrow, and It la In be hop-

ed that the ahoruge wlU he fally

'ubacrthed aad ao tepefied at ih<t

.iieetlng. If th^ learn I* a*rur«d It

will probably lie thn lest which ha<i

iver I ,'pn S MI' • il ll'ipk Inevllle. K;iaile li.-n mIumwI i.i' -ti i Iii-..'.! « (ih n

I'lan for I'liiiiiiL r hi- --iiii -

fully mnnaged n winning team fd>

Ihe iMKt two seasons and who Is w ii

known peraonally, not oaly to the

iM.vera bat «• ev^rt faa In town. If

h la aoeaied the .team will have to

play wiaaflg Mil or hew nea will lie

aecgtod In their placea.

How the Stomachaad Kidneys

Depend ofl the Iflside NervesI'iMieo ioenmaa

oououooooAWePAMi Dom.

rltlXAdK CAnNIk

Mdrh tfprrtllalInN llrfo m to WhatTItey Ave.

An nntiauat amount of talk la be-

ing Indulged In In I'lulmah In rPCnrd

to "peoaagp." a iii'ii ioii of nie

Uaited States supreme court a short

lime ago the term haa booa taken to

Include a treat nuay Mitoga^ aad it

Is reported that the Moral court

' ind Jury will when It meeta here

month i.iiir IIP the matter In


It (a not knon n here what conall-

tulea "peonage" under thia new de-

rlsloii^ ^ M>* higheat oourt la the

land*,' bat aatoral locat laiV^ra havesent for copioa, aad oapect to aoon

nnd out.

In l.oiiHvl!!,- till' crand Jury HOWhas the caseH up, and the following

fTMB yeaterday'a LoatoMHe TImeaglvea aomo |doa of what "peeaaga"must he. and Indlcatea that worhingpriHoiK I S on iIk' street may ha "


aKe." The Tinu's aays:

.lohn H. .Metrair, clerk of the clly

workbou|o, lippeared thIa morningbefore tfee federal graad Jury with

the reeordf of the Inetttutloa. la ac-

cordance with the order taaued at the

nnucst of Disliirt Atlorn"v Tt. I),

mil. The purpose of the Inve^ilmi

tion is to ascertain whi ther or ni"

priaonera have been confined in th>

workhonao who hoTo booa placeii

under head and ^ro booa unable t<>

give It. Mr. Hill Jkya that he Itelleves

• asi>:< nf this kind cxint aad that theylonKlililte peoniiKe

dliitl m-\

II"" sinipli' unit iiinrr lertnln. Hlm-• t| li\ iinii irMiiliil> >!i> linnil In 1 1

I' , I . I, II, I' U:fi li lirtli'il Kllllr III, I,

tir l,l,lll\ ill>:, ;t^'i s. yi't lllilf tin- l-nl

fi«- I, III , ,11-..^ ,.f illUMFi' 'lllll |«

I I nil' •« tiy whirhk' "Ml i'mIiis iinA dIoanirrKII i'f ii'> iiitmeftie atiriiiH

! 1 In-i, Ii'llirestlitn. sniir.iMii.iili. ii, ,1' 1 1 111 n. <i t >|i('pii|i« nnrt nilsliimiirh Iroiililrs illiihrK'S. ttrlslil-illspnse nnd other klilni y illpnritir.'

Iieitrt triniMen. t>iiw«>l ironlib s. m i \

niislifs«. fn lf iilliess. stri tilvB«n' <s. Ii

rllaMlliv nil of iheiN> iillm.m i .i.

dne t<i a sinain rnuM^ I'ltlnful. iIkimri'Mililn nnd dniigrrntis. tliniiKh iii.\lie. iiii'v iir<* not *e|M<*nti< dlsm-,mil lliiv nrr nut to lip (riMifil«it' h, 'I'hry iii^r iiipm U n-i I i\-;i I,| -lU-ir-

nf InWnrd Inmhlp- nirx. it<,'ii,|.'

t'l'il, rslnii.l nrst llrii «. l.iv l«• Iltll l\ Bl'li;! I ;llr Tltr\ , «\ •*! IM, Wh,"V. Wiim. i.r l^llk nr Ml « .nil lli'M

!|il:l> ,1 it'f llltll iif TV I \ , « n, I \ ,-


Willi li iilii y Mill III, Ml;, I . . nil" 111 I-

TIiMl \m wliv III.' :irni • n ii l>, i .| '..| <!


lllr mmilll iipi 111 1 iir II- .\. iliiii II


thr sllghliKt i|. ill.' Ill,' I- nii\ .•

f1na>-r« i-nn ili'lli:iii1\ pii k up ' i

>n« moment, nnd hidd ii henvjr li i

mer Ihe nett.inii these nra »M»t Ihe nerrea we "

to ponsldpf her*.Thnre Is iinnlhrir Set of nerves

wlili'h miirnaps nnd governs and n<


tiinii's thii lunrl nnd th" stnmnrh ii

kidnpys nnd thr liver nnd nil of "\ Itiil funrllolis. Yoti ciinnot ronli. l

III. ^. in ivi s. Tly no siiprrmn rlTnrt"f I'llinl I'nn yoii makp ymir h"nrt.i.,|. ,ir •inii -iiiir mn yon vvrn mnk»It x.iry liv 11 «lnirlp lifiit ii nilniitp.Anil 111 with l*'P sliimni h iiiiil tlip ll\-»'r

:iiitt lhi> kiilni^H .mil lllf Imwi l« tlipv

/iri' miliifii,! 1 1' ir.x il.i I',, It- « '.rK nt-

II (-.rliiln M.I M|>i , I nil. III! r vnn iirp

;Mviik." iir ii-lii-p will I'll r \ i w.iiit

llipni III iir Tint.

It l< in 111. «• Inride n.rn. Hiii lif.'

nml li, iltli ill iii nil" .''n i.itik ii« tlii »rn,-i\'i I" If. I 111 llulr ptiitM-r i|iil|.«

wi' ;ir<' \\-\\ iiiil .'•ti,iiur Will 11 ll'.v

fnll. we know It liv ilip Inpvli^ilil'ymptnnia—slumneb, hpiirt. Ilvpr. kiil-

npjr Ironlil^s. And Ihpsp troiii,|rii Iimmno other origin, ever, thnn In thpp-siiinr nrrves. F\>r the stomarh, thrh.arl. Ihp llvpr. thr kidneys hnve nnf>nn-, r ..f llirlr nwn. nn SP|f poTltrnITli. v ii«

. Ihrlr I'vi ry Inuml"- In tiniiiMld.' iiprvps. Till' III I \ in iiri' Ihimasters. Thr orirntis tlu'lr slnvt's

Thpsi- iiilne' t n<'evnR nrp sntin •

Iltll. 1 :i|i.'il 111. rui 'ill. " niivi-'''I''* ' iTlif 1^ , I iTt It.., ;lllHi> iif

til.. I.. ,1 "infill, v will. Ii

1 \ I ^ l« tw. . ,, 1•

• . Tijis ex-

fSlalns wliv slomnih Ir.nii.lp nflen de-\'l>ms Inlii luiirl Iriiiilili why Inill-Ri-tltin hrlngs on iiirviitisniss wliyIII"! IK, K |i. 1 niiip . oiii|it|,>>lllHl, 11 eS-iiiiii iiH. iviu .n itiiiiirji inedlrnl111 11 I'll winiin why' mrdi-I llll- Mil If . '|l|i III I \- fll lis

I ,.1 ,|. -Int. I h. ili -I 111 rr|,.« i.f

- I. Tl, , till ' .,111111.111 f. lilt lit' nf tllf

.l.iy nil' ill .iKiiril In ti' i i In nritiii.

nut till' n.iv -(III H^miitma lii.<t<iiil

nf |ll< , :lll"..

t Ii III I \ 111 I lliiiiu Ii \ -III TIKI \ hilt

Kiinw 111! ill. In. Ill nil. " .' Hint tills« 1 ii'i


Till II !' |.iii. h-

My Free Dollar Offer

Any fick one who has not

tried niy remedy—O.". Shoop'a

RcitorAtlvt— have « Pull

Dolfar'f Worth Free. I Mk nodcposif, no reference, m sc

curity There is nothing to

pay, either now Or lattr* I will

send yoa Ml otdcr on your

drugrlgt which he will accept

fn full pjyment for a refiu'ar,

standard size Dollar bottle.

And h« viH tend th« bUI tomeC(SHOOP,M.D.

iTMinrTrff!5T!!n!T"^rSrs» hislot rKtiliiln to you why ralaps* ao fre-luinily follows H stippos.'d iiir*'**

I m this linl III ! nlint fttr tlM lin, iT-mlntliMi of nii'illi tneTMnre than Ihlrlv v<-iirs uffn Ihls

thought ismi' In III,'

"If Mfp iin.l In lllll it. |.. ml ii.'i


fPI I ln';irl II. linn,> priippr slniii-

.11 h illMi'st It'll, upiiii I'lirrpi t kldiii'viii'v lili.iliiK wliy lints 11. it Mfp llsplf'li 1 tml ii|.iiii II.. -1 llf,' Kiivi rnliiKI. .',. . I M. I I . '« II,.-.. iiisj,!.' In rvt

I K. lllll,.!. I...' Hull III! MllMlt-lltSwliiili iiMiill finti iiiHP iii.iy. fif

I ..III 1. . Ill- . 111. il l.\ nil. Tl In. tlv. t

II solveil mil tn diM inr Hi' nrrniis Imt

"\ -1 1 II n III' Il

nnl\ 1 II- «\ if|i-

lin il\ fi.i ,11, £1

iilv piilllliilU I'.

I A 1 ni l , nil

to IrenI Ihi' nil,. Ill I X


otiernli'!. i i|i m ,


Fnr III, IS' nil, I ir.Miloms iii pil II ,1 1 rr, i ni rMill 11 In Hliiii iiiM II I

111.- ri'«iiliM il I 1,1-

II.M l I nlni' hi illH M. nf Ihc •lllTTWH h,In Ml I. Ih.r or klilni vs. iinill llip In-"i.l. Ti.iM. |,..w , I In •'lori il. Whi'nI till l« il.ini'. .Viiliire rpinovrs (He«> iTipi.,ii,. i i„ rr Id no nei d of dm-tt.ring 111. 111.

My rtiniily n.iw known liv Uriig-111 l»i. Hill. .Ills 111'.i-i«iili of II Miinrti r• ivnl- mIiiTIH tills

111. I ilnS). Ihi- nrKilllI lllll II ilni M Kn 111

I 1 . Ill 1.1. I . IM. -

I ml liiilMa II lip,mil n il k. t H wpII.

tin liilT-.l. 1. I

lit In yi.ii iin

gists evprywlipnstnrHtlve— In ilu.of n rsnlni\ . f .

vpry line, li .i . .

or deaden iii.- | . n' II. -e to till' hrl >

11' pnwi I II. \ 1

'it slrenKlh. 111. II

1 111 r" I* nil iiiy>ti.rivpl ilii my In nil

|| V I- I



1 nt| I II vml wiM 1 .llll'111 I lllll « li> III III nil Itsiln I I I I llll II i||>i, ,,\ • r\ Korill of my inntiiMiii i'< ImupiI

"iittis no fiindnnii'niiil llinl non«'I' iiy thpni. And pvi-ry Ingri'dlenlmy iiiedli-lnr Is na ul<l ns (lie lillla

1 tcrows on. I slniply oppll,.,! theiiiiili- iin4 ihi- Ingrpiil.nis

rpmnly ilmi im inm ii, ,,iiy ,.,.r.

I "">r» thiin 11 iiiiliiiiii iiniTi, a myriiinily Is now known, ami i,li,.,|ii|M.n. T« ynu may not hii«i hmr.! ..fII. Hrt I mnkp this i,tt>t in you utrii.K.'r, Hint ,.,,.-11,1,. piriise"I ii'.iii.i iiiMv I..' I. Ml, mil. n^nd no

"il"' ^.""'h' "" l'"""l"f tnke nori-U .''liiii.l, will,, niiil n.i,. |r y„„

III V.I III.. I Miy rrinpily, I willV".'.

".",."'''1 on your ilruKglstlull ilnllar l.nllli ool H siimple,

lilt' rtK'il.ii ntniiiliiril lmt|||. heK '.'P- iniHtntilly nii his sliplv. n. Th.!iltn«mt.t will n.iulrr no londlllons.II.' will i. ri'pi niv or.l. r ns t hpt rfullyII. tli<iii«l, your liiilhir lay l„.f„r,. hint.II. » II n.nd Ihp l.lll 111 „,p

«lll V"U mi'ppt Ihls uppnitiinllv toIt'll rn at Mr espeaae «IhmIhIp|> i,

to be rid forpypr of nil fnrin.. ,,r miv -

troukip, hut of III. v. iv , in., wi.i, 1,«l It? Wilt, ,,.,|.,y


['or II fr.'p or.lor for a fulllint 1 1.' villi TMii.i addreaa Iir..

Till, limine, wis. Mate111.


... nilf-'t

1. 1,1



wMctiItt.tik I nn t»V"l .


MiMik J nn Ih.' n..|.Ilniik :i nil III.. Kill,ll.iiik 4 fi.r n k r.«- Mm.11.. . k n nn Itlipumatlam.

Mil'l .ii».-« nr.' often cunO htKit l.nillt' Kor sill* nV tsiiii.l ilrua sloraa.

foHya Bin-thau-

OO«O«OO0*OOOHere la a sample of the ointment

spread by the Calru CilUcn:

Manager McCarthy Is landiuf ev-

ery good Player be can get hia hands

oa, aad whoa the time comaa for

weedlag out tbe poor ooaa, It will be

a very hard matter, for Cairo will

have very fi'W "poor <iii 's" ihls y -ar.

Uvery pla> er signed to dale is a star.

It's really a shame, Padueah, Wo hate

to take jrour moaey.

It Is an even bet that HopklaaTllle

will have no trouble In flnancfng Its

n am. Tlicre ar' othec towns In tht?

).-:ii;n" n. i iliiiK the prayiT.s of th."

;ii. .1 !i iiiiil\ (i^;lll woiM' Ihati Mop-

lUusviUe and "Uttle WHUe" Hau-coek.—Headoraoe Oleaker.

Chil HtiTiee Ksamiuatloa.Mr. Fred Aahtoa. dvll aervieo ex-

aminer, thia moralng received ordersto bold seTdfal examinations In April

ill addition to ihn-n aln .i'l.v ordered,"tin lati I vgui.nai ionx «ill |i - held astollow . .Mmi li.iiiii'.il diaftt^nian. ord-

nance depafiinent, April 26, 27 andhydroRfaphie aid, aiaaleipal wa-

trr aupply, geological aurrey. April

!• aad SO; phyaiclaa (feaiale) government hoapltal for Insan?, April

20 and 27; mechanical draftsman,

latent otTld'. .\|,iy : liiiciiian .\iii !

:'tj; cliirk in tariff division, di'iiari-

iiieiii uf riimmerce and labor, April

26 aad 27: dork esperta la Interaa-

tional commeree atatlatica, depart-

ment ot. oooiiMree aad labor, April

26 aad t7: ta^lC export, departaoato( commerce aad labort April SC aadr7.

Dr. Shoop's RestorativeW lllll .1 Niw i lllll I II.

.-\ niiiiii" : t i;i;i'. Ill Worten'aadditluu and in ilif vk'iuli> of 18thaad Tennessee streets have decidedto eatablish a church in that aec-

tlon, and have purchased a site, andare uwnlting the arrival of Itev

Cheek, til? new Baptist pastor. In

begin the work of raising fundi

Tbat section Is building up rapidly

and It Is believed thatlitti) dlBcultywill be enoouaterod la aocartag agood start.

OlToa Two VeaiB.

Kd Keadall, a aegra who waacaught atealing canned goeda fromthe ateamer Tenneaaee, on which he

waa a deck paaeeager. aad who af-

ter ht iiiK pill off, m>: mad and shot

at tho boot, narrowly mlaalag a pea-eenger, was tried at Paris, Teaa.. the

neareat county aeat to the place the

atair occurrcJ, and fltoB two yeara.


FLORIDA OBAMOM-Bitraf.Hiiry and very largo, the sameiii>iii);e that yon pay 40e per dozentui at ( thtrr plaeea. Oar prli e mlo«tK .s» Ihcy toll,


par ilu^cn

BANANA.s - Urea Mlleionrr, US lu:;|{ ss they laali Aaper doicu, 9wAl'PLKS Nice smooth freehtVCiioass, per peck, only £vwi.KMtiNs-Thawry kait it youKet ti.ciu uf ua. tumjfmmf,j>er du/ea „. 9c

RHRrBARD-Oanaed.aa aire,fresh aa 11 |a«alBMtfeali full • H3 pound raaa. Ooe pnm to- 4ilsy 2 cans for I Uu

I.IHI': Tlir Ideal lirrAkf.ibl


t'.R ANOMA'S 111 IK > \ l'( iW'I il'IR.

I'ii) SOAH A li Hi-rh ,1 111- r-siiy

legultti piU r sr pel psiliS);!: C*uur piiie tuilay J psikaK'* VW(

. ilA .s I tMA'MBoaax vow i > i.k

laiboAi'^aiariialHla- 1R«iluy iiDIv . I viv

Kukher Sausage and Koaber Tongue at all ol our stores.

il yoa eat fiuU come and Ift ua- We carry Ibe laf^itat aa-

it oi chaiaa ifooariai sMi sMMn hi Ito diljr vtA can


Jake Biederman Groceryand Baking Company, Inc.


The Padaeah team la aoarly all

lu re and tomorrow there will he a

r;ame between Ibe Toledo team amii

l.loyd'H luillans. I

Taylor, McClain. Ferry and South

ot ta thto aoralag aad thIa after-

Boea Potto, Prakoe. MeAlllaier aadDoyle came In on tho tt.. O. it St. L.

lain l.lll^ll put thini Iniii liiiiiiiili

aiu trttiiitug and with those already

here, makee about tlteea ladlaaa.

Tho h. A. L. team, laat year hgr far

tho beet anwtaor team la thta endof the atate, haa beea reorganlaed for

llll- heasiiii and .Manager I.. K.

aniiiiiiiH i-n ihat he is out ufiei- tin-

I haiiipiiiiihhlp iIiIh season and in

lends to laud it. The team laet year

played toaam from all earroaadlngjlowna aad outolaaaed them all. Thelineup will show a few changes, hut

ull are liiipi in i iiii'iii h. 'I'lii' lini- up:

Vnilri'i'lil and llloik, < ; l''i cili i ii l\

ml 'riii'tiliiild, p; Sehlii'i, lli; ItuiKal.

iii Jlaea, ab; J. Hugg, a»; Andrecbi•r Bloek. II: Daeker. e(| W^, rt.

Frank Adams, of Cairo, haa been!i|i.i>iiii il an iimiilrc liy President

lliiiwii IK' U a mail idriii'i-. IIjii-

ili-i'aiin has a few mall lunUrs whouitfbi uaka aa aaod umplrea aa the

calia »radaet.->llaaderaaa Oleaaer.

Olvra lleailli. Vigor and Tone.

Horblne is n boon for aulTerera

from aaoamla. By Ita aao the blood

la qnlekly receaeratod aad the eolor

bocoroea normal. Tho droaplagstrength is revived, the languor la

diminished. Health, vi^'nr and tone

predominate. Now life ami hapiiy ac-

tivity resulta. Mrs. lit-Me II. Shirul.

MIddlesboro, Ui.. wrlloa: "I havj

been troubled with llTor eomplalLi

and poor blood, aad have found noth-

ing to bcjeSt mo like Herblne. I

hope never to be without It. I bttvo

ui hi'il Ihat I had known of It la ui;

liiiflliaiurs lifetime." .^|||•. Sold by

DuDoia, Kolb * Co.. Padueah, Kv.

a OUaRANTgtO CURg roN RILie.IlckUig. aUaO. aissaiag m. Pielraaiax Hlln

Year dragltsl wlU nfaad Maayii raio Uin r

Unrr Ml* la aaas yeota* le Mdavs. |k

l)«mi«Si.: .yitHK

Metsrs. Karnca and Hill founJ

yeaterday Ihat tho atroag wlad of th0

preceding day had blowa dowa their

new brkk kiln sh -d on North Sixth

.-street. The l ilmr of i i I 'ini; li m •

about IfiOO, but the malA-lal Is not

Ki tally daawffd aad caa ho used


Headachea aad Naaralgla train CeldaI^MlUr llromo Qalalae, Ifet worM-wl-** I 'tl.l

ind I'.np rHm«4yi leaMva* lbs saasa Oau Imthtiiiii iiiimt aM laah faHinalaii at K. w.Grove, l^r •

A maa la never quite auro wheth-

er a woBtaa la aorry or glad whoaabe criea.

AT LASTTVTIr arc pleased to announce to our frii iuls

am] patrons that wc art- lot aful at

133 South 1 hird street, with a full stoek of

Wall Paper.

As you know, from the past, we carry

all the staples in Wall Paper, as well as the

new thingt. We make a careful study of

the styles, showing what we know will please

our patrons.

We make a specialty of fine and deeo-

rative papers and are certain to please you.

WAMU & SONlaa South Third mu

•ii«vi'« TAtrivf•• eMiu TONIC

•eai?' tarsals|

Teaierday'a HaphlaavlUe New Bra•..lyii:

The basebaH ailualion Is IlllW

more favoruhle than ii 1... i, i, ,,i

Muy time, siiii about ItCiu u IuiKIukon tbe B«i'«Mary |1,|M aad ualoaa


tbUt la raUad bir tomorrow algbt ih<-

uam will yet bo loet to Uopklas- i

vt'le. This stateuieul Is anal aceord-liig lo ouL' of the leading promolsrH


111 lhi> IrJIll, Ullil lollKHlOW IliKir

Win eiibsr at>ttuli«ly toctila whether|

HAVEYOUTRIEDIT?WIITE Ut FRCEIY. "SMCAUm all yaw tyasMu. Wa uisliiii i nail ul i^aUaluN i _iiimMt. *^ wolilif >itw v4ii4ta4 |U«Ms^>ka. a* sal knllali, bat »rU* aa lti*i>. |t>la| skiMMif d >«ar Vaiaaii ui wt will mti in ,Ula 1

It will pay you to make a trial of the nio^t success-

ful medicine known* fur the relief ui llie ills «uid pdiwi ol

womankind, vi«

Wine of CarduiA Non-Intoxicating Female TonicThis grand curative medicine b a pure, sclentlllc extract

of medicinal, vegetable ingredients, which have a special,

soothing and healing effect upon women's delicate Internal

organs. Cardiii will quickly relieve your headache, back-

ache, dragging down pains, dizziness, etc., restore your

natural menstrual functions, stop excessive drain^i, cure all

womb diMiafi, Urcngthcn your vitality, itcady your nerves,

ud tk fviry way put you upon ft loolliig of pmMt iMillk

Il If for lak In Sl.QO bottles At every drug store,

lutt dlraetloiii lor uae on fht wn$pm. Try it;

nATi nrnv. M »n» H an.


riiK PAmjc^AH wvKNiNo arm

Rudy, Phillips 4 Co.219-223 Broadway

1 4i

Spring MiUinery QpeningWednesday and Thursday

March 29 '! March dO


C)L are cordialh in\ ited to attend our Spring Milllne y Open-

ing on next Wednesday and Thursday* March 29tl;i and

30di» This depaitfiienl; is now in charge of our new mana*

ger, Miss Wimsey, recently of Chicago, and she proposes to

show you the smartest and most up-to-date line of hats ever shown

in the city. The most exquisite creations, emhodying ideas so essen-

tially "different'' from last season^ models, will be on view, and fair

faces miist perforce take on added ^harm when framed by these

lovely new things, while even the plainest face will surely find some-

thing to bring out its best points in all this bewildering display of


fdusic FloWers

OpenWednesdayevening7 to 9

No Sales

A iUCADV'IIAOH HMTAI*II.(fur «R Up-lo-Daia Woniaa.) fuui"

HmvIlM km 1m«4 m tka af

mnh,pFtor !(>•' iii^i lioii' hill' u <\a bImc tke

litiiii i>r Ik'i liliili,

H«rf»iiM.i', I. II' MKtia wcr* Mkbuuwu lu Urn*.

AU Urna ti kar «A)r *• WH "OMNih-ler" m4 "Mm*."

Mm iMlongod lo twulve rlulix, andrtiilil lliiiaii' ill sIkIiI

AS<I MrVuil (III llii' M liiiiil Imi.ikI Willi

ktH«kl> (li-llKhi

At tk« WMilM of mulkvra nk* *l-

Wftjra VHmfiTt l«N Itmm Uim Uttl» «bm kll ||»tM

b« rMrad.

Ik* Kolii il ha fealikM Mi AH'luuiuliiltiU,

AM wMMm tt fUumt ak*

tuniMl IR and wha«ledliinrhoonii and toBa uiid

I liiii-^ r.'ilix t*

Wituu tvi'iM iii'i iiij iiiiiiiiii iiiitUti litir

hiiiiliiiiitl Hiiif.

Wkea aka'd uuwkera to fo, aa ake

fOHMl OM dVi•ka fall to tka Uar uU «M wk«ra

k« l%y.

And nuM h. ii«r kaa4 M tlM IM •<tiiii'ili,

Kur tb« iliiii Unit! bhp ruiita alMa (bv' kour iti kar Mrtk.

—LIpplMMtt'a MMMina.<v « #

.\lHitt liif riHii w«MMi OafWItk aa MMMMiaa Ikai kai

scoiiu'd aliiioat culpable, lias nimliuifiiliiiiii. biH'RH hia t>(i liiKioii riiMii

MM'Icly III llll, il.iv III' sviilllfu'b rlllll-i

and arierauoit ruaitluiMi bul «i Uai

It iMka M If, Hka tka tmarktel

Moiiii, he U Kulng to lurn, aad ia a

HUHMHT Mat waipattad. At laaat,

It la on dil llial u iril il.i pii|iiilai

caadldsta (ur rupruiteiiiallvt) from

MrChMka* eouBiy In ih« romtiis

prilMrr. alMia pladgad ta kava abill paaaad fatftatlinr any womaa vkolaavaa honu> iifii-r dark wiihoiii h«r

hulband, or aii\ iiiaiiliil woiiiaii whoU tt iiieiiilii'i' (it n I'liili 'I'lic Kfnili''

man U a bacbDiur, it la iruii, but be

baa practically aaaarad kla laiyoaad-

upon frlanda (kat "Way dowa la mybaart I bave got a faallng for you."

aiiil ilii ( iM' r\ ispi'i ai lti>;l\ lriiiiii|ili

am III ilieu iiuunur tu (Uvlr womuii'


Jaat Mv> tka aiara la la tke

kanda of tka marrtad ma« altogetbar,

liiK il Ih |iru|ilu<8ii'il ilial ilir mmiiik

iiii-ii. mIio littva long liiM'ii ili'liaiu'il

(roiii iiaillt'ii unluiiti Ihto KHi* oiii-

ihuiiiMiivfti, will a4# Ikalr litlittaaiia

lo ibe oikara. mUm Mil It ka mUtIndlciakla far My flrt ta aalaruinla tka aftaraoaa. Tkara muat ba a

I'i'iiirn lo tht* I- \ fill II u |iaiil«'» A nil

laiiirlv, ait III iliK tto^ ulU tta>a wttoli

' llarlitflur Maiiltt" WMi MkMWS 'ki'tura la atxial Ufa.

J»at yrkat aykaavftl (kla wlU wark

la Macak aaclatTi aa4 wkatkar It

wm mmtA kayaa4 ika OMraHar dto-

trlrt. It la impoaalkla ta aay In tkUi "bealunlBR of thiaia," but aa i( la


the wniiiaii Is prut I ir ill.s Im IiiIi'h.v

(or ahe riiiiiioi miIi', iiiiil ilic liiir.

baada, auua and HMLi iin aits Hlie can

uaually laluaat-a ara all leagued

acalnat kar. 0( oaaraa, wa ara for

the t'lub woman IMM, laat|lM iU tkttimo The i lub-Maa waa frat taMflr*fd Ilk Miaii. ami If abe haa |>rovaa Mf*okU .III >>iu iiuir^ 'Vlubalila anl- III. Ill lie, /Sat la not bar fault,

lull bur auperlor (a«ar aad ability.

Ht rbapa. tkarata iIIm tka atlag farman. and. alao. tkilt ka cannul aayIS ilM ihf Hint mkn, "the womanUllilll llloll III I.I' Willi lll«.

ah« t>u>>' nif III I III- tri'e, and I didcat."

• • • •- cm

tflaktaded ihlH

weak for tka jkaftjir. vitkoui h.iiii

iiiK a iii.-vtliK, It ^ ">' '"<l

I.I III' had a Saal and bu:>lu«Mia

n i l HIV III! Tuaaday afieruouu with

Mia. H. II IHilVi l^a aaciatary, butMil ifeaaaca al'ankial »a«lkara »»a-


TMa aiuk kaa tuiiad f>«i>«tia'l la

taraat oa[ jtaaaaat af Ita aama balaf

ratkmr iMIM«|i%k a«(l tka BMatkarakaTa kaen muck «ueatlona4 aa to It.

I( ta a clever arrancement of the In-

111. lis iif .-arh iif 1 111' li'ii liii'iiiliiM

III.-' iialin'f, hi) iiu'.iiis null llmii llif

IIMlal rlllll ll.llllr Wlllli' ull aflil'

noun (lub. ihcru havu Utsun a nuiubtir

of very delightful evening aSaIrt

£r«a dgrlu tk« wlatar, wklck kavailk«a« tka kubkMl4a. All af tka

aatlaga kava kaaa aapeclally at-

tractive and picaaant. and have va-

rlt'll Willi .-aril I>'»'IliliiM \ l«y|i'. lull

there liuv been no I'aril Kauit>^ at all.

• « • •Till- ruriiii llall.

Tlia Keasl ul I'urlW rvlt-Urat-

»d ihia weak wMk kfifopriBte cere-

MiaJal by tka aaagratatlaa of Teiu-

lOa laraal. it la aa aipaalally loyouafeatlval, roniiiiemnratlM aa It doen

Queen Kiiiher'a releaaa of her |>eu-

|ili< fiiiiii ilii' ileal h deiri'i' iindiM

Kliiis Alia:>uri iia, aiij la al«ka>i< so oli

i!t*r V ed.

The annual hall lo tka vbildreuwaa Kivan aa Monday avaalM at iba

»tMter4 eluk. Tka cblldraa ware la

daailaaaa aad tka aeena waa moatptcturaaqae liautinK wa.^ mjoyad,

kki • IMWtly aupitar waa aaryed late.

A larga auBibar of cklldraa, mtA laa-

ay older"pabpV arere' praalat."

®.\lr. <;||Im-m'h OrKuii |(«n-|UI.

Till' til l I iif a M Tii-M of organ ract-

inla by Mr. Harry Ullbart. at tkai^rat OkHaMM ekairak aa Waiaaa-day afMraoaa from • ta < a'elaak,waa a mAalcgl event of more thaauaual InK .\ laiKi- and fusliioua-

ble andleni'i! usiitled to Mr. t]||-

litrt's poimlariiy and lama. Theproeram waa n:o'.:r attrgcttT* au4

iifally arrantii-d mim IfoMla Ikry>fuaa aang aevernl aalaatlaM «ary af-


llr..Oilbart'a aait realtal will li<-

Wadaaaday afternoOT from 6 lo(I I Ini k itiid Mra. W. C. Icoteld

will lie (he aololal.

l-:\iiiiiig Hiiii Wagacr.A vir) ilfliKliifiil affair waa the

"VVaKUer i'oihtii" Ii> lleal'a Or->hi Miai inaii Ml Tuaatey atraalag at>»» Y M. «i A. tell, lalaatlaaa froMiilauabauaar, l^heagrla. and l'ai>

fal wara raadarad, and ihj Lo.iiii>;aM kaarar of Wagser were fonlbly

Impraaaed u|iou (he auJkni'eAa |ild>>'iH of |iii|iiilui iiiuvk- ihla

baad b4» bvci Juatiy jwyuiar. kgi aa

aii interpreter of Wagner It baa acor*

ed anotbar and more enduring auo*

• « ® •Oalphlr t^k.

A vary 4allikl|al waalaa a« tkaDalpMa aiak «M taM aa Taaadayamraiag at lk«4lak laaa la Ika Oar>negu llbrarir. The "RlatarlealSketch" lit (he I'al.u'tt nf W-rHulllfa

waa Klvt'ii b> .Miaa lli leii l.owery "ADay at Veraalllea Aiiioni; lia Oaller-

Bad Qardcua" wa:. detiSktfulS/

kataka* ky Mra. uuuia m.1 1 ••

Miaa UMk iHkir WInatead .m. r-

lained tka HkAa Noua club ami iwohonor Kii»si», M, llauv (illberi andNir Waiirr Iti ranii, \,.iy dellgbtful-'« nil h'lil.iy aliiiaoiiu at bar bomaun \Vai>hliii|iiiii aiu.i There were

(Coollnued on Himh Page.)

Have you heard ot

Oevirg Islgnd

lliaMalplaaaasIand wkoleaomatitiuk la Anarlca,S«e ad. on gth


9^ PAtacoli 0itiu


•UMonimoN NATiai

Monnd elMMinMWr.)



0M(n\rt I

T»i.W«0»». W*.

a. %omin» u







BTATRMKirr.rtb. li..4.481

Mk. IT..I.I4>

Ml. 20. .S.303

r«b. St. .3,310

Feb. 12. .3.315

Feb. IS..S.824

r«b. t4..i.ti4

rtb. M..MitIf..Milii..M«»

Tertge for tbt Month 3.478

Ptraonallr apptartd btfort me

Iftii tar a. X. Ha»m, tMtnl mana-

OT of Tkt tan. «k« •>• ttet tiM

abovt Btatamtiit et tka ttfnilKttaa if

The Sun for the month of Febroarr.

1»06, la true to the beat of hia

ftMWtotCb and brllpf.


Mr iiMlMlm tnum Jw. k.IMI.

oniocniATioNi ..Ml*



. .6,018

. .3,223

. .3,2:i5

. . 3,241)




Partly cloudy tonlglK Ml4 ludAywith warmtr tonight.

•II I •III 1


Tht Kmocktr Md the Kkker have

both bata dtopottd of in efflxy. It is

to be hoMd tktr will wfi HBanquo'l fb'oat. It la alnetrtfr tni«>

cd that i'adiKiih Is forever freed

from each and Uh baleful InfluenieH.

and that tlM Bootur luM tomt to

Tht OomflMreial elab'a dtmoaatra-

tlon ytattrday waa a Oaa uMm^ment. It waa the reeult of hari.

quiek work In n nood ciiuia. It

bowH what can lie ac ( (iinpllBbad

when our reprettenlaiive business men

put thtir ahottldtra to the whttl.

Pada«ali haa tha ttocimrktaal aad

othtr advaatagea to makt htr grtatht haa every reason to betlert aha

aui baeonie >;reat. all that haK

bttn laiklUK wan the iiruper effort

by the right men.

Our bKatllag oUlataa art now oa

tht right track. Thoy h|iT« toaadout what they Clin do, and have

ahown other iieople. We have plen-

ty of Kood, live nii'M in i'Hiliicah.

There are huHilerH galore, and they

are ifiiw awake. A great deal of

tint baa bttn loat. bat tht ball la

BOW relllag.

The eyei of WMMf 9%«pH t» m»Mfplaeeu have been foeoaatd on Padu-rah durhiK (he paHl few daVH. Ilii^i

lers In other cIlieH have learned ibat

we "art a few" oumelveH. It is

kaowa to tht world that tht Padu-aah OoBUBntrelal elab haa addtd iO«menibePH lo Iih rnllH In a few weeks,

Olllel llill^ few lilllei' C'llleM In the

t'lilltil lies ran liiiasi iif li hh(i»-

us what we can du, and shows other

ptopit what wt eaa do.

"Tlwt aaat ha a haatltas plaat."

•tarr haatlar will thlak whta htrtada about what tba Padiuuh com-Mtrcial rlub has aeeomiillMhed,

aad a lot lit em will read alioiii II,

because M'oreH of paptra, ladudlngthe iargtat luduMirial papara. luivt

•Iraa4r toM about It. or hava wrtttaa

far tota aa thtjr eaa tail about It as

aoon as pnagihla. Wa ahull be advvrilHed far and wide, and wb> ii ic

111111.1 lieKill to eouie In, Whicli mu>b« lu a few days or waaka,—iKMalbly

MM for aMMtha. -It la to bt hopedwt riMM ha fauMl dotag haalaaM at

tha aM alaa«—atlll haatllag.

€ftr Oaaiaieri iai ti«h rally, to re-

Vtrt to tht flrm Hubjert, waa ntit

elaliiii.ile a« Week.s iil »,iik alicl .1 big

supply uf woaey uiighi have utadt It,

b«t M waa MBpla. Mtaa, H waatka ilMrtt af (ha thiag that shouldaauat ua to rtjolea. It wa* the enI b ilnla-^lll ami llililexl ill"!'!.!!. I

\V Uu dill nut uulliti lliu biinilieila

aad ihuuMtuda uf ptople whu tbrong-

«d tht alraaia Mid kclMlaga aadtrawM MM* Ika vIMmmT kahowtd ttel publlo-

»lrlt Umimm —4mmmim havtMat mwmM. aM tUM all va attd

now la a MM pall Mi • auaat tall

» "aether

Therp n Einnf d*'Tl f>f WftrU to

'In in biilldlna up n <'ity. If niir Rood,

irfive men In tht Commerrlal rinb

will trr, Umt aaa aaaaaipina a traatdaal. it lilia sNr tial taallaa far

ihlaga that lata Ihaa.^ It la tbamen of Inllnenre and eneray wllo

riiHke n litv liiiJili' \\ !• hnye tb"

I'lty end the men, and the himlllnR

han begun. Ltt UB ktep It up. NOoat will am lajrat H. Tha paaabaa baaa ttt Nf nMaagft) lat^ feava

no (|tilffer«

It Pndii'nh hml « few nxiro menlilfe ("ill A .1. Dei k"t Ktid Mi «.^i*

Will V Miimmel and Hen Wellle It

wiiulil not he long until we began to

grow llkt a grata bay trta and proa-

par lllia a ataatord Oil iiataata. Pa-

inmk watM havt ••••N paapla la

am laaa tlaa thaa wa Mllaata4 ta

Ml than.

m tab' COURTS


Maap li

The grand Jury at Btnton waa yaa-

Nrdiiv dlwliarard by .TiidR" Reed,

h.ivinn reliirn'-d during the term Kil

Iridirtmenta. They were iiiosily for

misdemtanora, and it la the largeal

Bumbtr rataratd at oat gtMlaa at

tha aaan tor aMnjr jraara.

laTotaauNfPaper* have Man flItA la tht fe4>

eral (<iiirt at l.diilsvllle to force tha

Padiitah Wagon Co. Inio Involunta-

ry bankrupt<y. The plalntilfR are the

Olobt Bank and Truat Co. tha Orr

Iraa Oa.. aad A. B. WlllttMa. Tktwagon eoaeem mada aa aattgaaiant

here to Attorney Oeorge Ollvtr daybefore \esterilay. with four af avtthousand dollars llabllltiea.

Migr CM Lift Heataaee.

It U Mftalr that roaag iaaiaa

Batll will ati a Hit aaataaaa at Ua-lontown. Pa., for the mardtr of a

rallroiid jdTdniasier. The trial Judge i .,„y advanlnge over It iB alit.


The 111' 'nberp of tlm Commnrrln'

club are vaiilly pleaRnd with tb"

etaa a( thtIr big parad' Mini lalu mraa4r a aiovtmant la on foot whirii

haa aa lu ebjtet tht aptt^r aphaiid*

ing at tha talira eaaaty. Tba plaaa

nty aat faltf niatarad, bat a praTneni member osld tatap:

"We Intend in organise erery pra-

1 ini I In Ml < ' ;li W 111 lo'l'lU III oilie,

liavltiK leKiilai ibalrniin for each

ineiinri nnd rrgiitnr m->ptinK timat.

We will make every effort to la*

prava tvtry part of tht eoaaty, aa

wall aa tba attp, aad hallava that weshall hara tha baartr ea-oparatlea of

inii the beat Ihrawra In the coaatf.

.' inie rnllroads. lelephon'<N and rural

I In ' ib liM i v lia\e 1 oini In. Ii ni.ikeA

llie roiiiil) aIniiiHl a pari of llie town,

and Ih" farmera are getting to feel

mora like 'town folka' every day.

"Wt laiaad lo advartlaa far and

wMt tot aaod. har«r aMkltre. WaIntend to taad tMlaga af Patacahverywhere, and have nn ngrncy la

.New York City. We WHtii mme newR'fK-k ill the roiinn . and will Im t i

get It. Our flrat effort will be made

lo get a taw car loads of honeKt im-

lalgraala aad wt tapttt to pay their

fart htrt. Thara abaaM aot bt aiuoh

trouble, and afttr We aat tharaaghly

organized In the rotinty. we will

start the oiKanlzed etTort for more

people, betier fartiin. and n general

proaperlly I'liai will iiuan a grea'.

deal to town and louni.s alike."

Tba club is eneouiaK''d In d<i Ihli

ly tht Bucceaa of yttterday'a>Batra.

Thf Parada.

Seldom was there ever n larger

crowd thaa llatd ap on tht alrttU

ytatartay aa boar or mora bafore

the parada aUrttd. No elraaa. car-

nival or tabor day crowd avar had

' hiindredn of Indlnn present, the bal-

'oiiv tiring reserved for them.

\iiioiiK the giienia present werethe tollowUif lllinola Ceatral adclala

la a baai,

tntm A. taatl* aniMaai iWiiialpaaaaagaf naatit, of Memphia, Taaa.:

F. W Marlow, divlnlon pnauenner

agent, of l<oul«vllle; .1. ('. I'lalr. In-

iii-<irial eommlaaloaer, Chkago; .t HPeachy, aaalolaat aaaeral freight

agaat, M. Laala, Ma.: D. W. taaa*atrttl. aaalatant general freight ageal

lionlarllle: Hiiperintendent A H.

Rcnn, of l.niilnvllte dIvlRlon. I'bailiH

(' Mi<'iirl\. illvlKion p««f<enB'T auent.

Bt. I^oiiIn: R. M. Hberwooil. travel-

ing freight agtat, Jackaon. Ttaa.;' Wllllaal lailtb. tr., aaalataat aMMralfralgbt acent, VraBaTtlle. Col. Sv-aa Proaaer, Ibe genial traveling pas-

nenRei Mti iit iif (he II <> .iiid Col.

K H Teai bout, iif Ihe N , C & 8t, li,

roads, were also In the box.

The program announced yeatardaywaa carried out to the latter, ttetpithat Dr. Marrtll waa unable to bei<reaeat. The apaaehaa were all aa*'eptionaily faaa, aa« wata wall fa>

and pi (iseriii iiiK aiiorney will recom-

mend It m llie governor, and il Is be-

llaved the latter will commute the

aattaea. It-li aa ugly caae, and ma-

ay tbink tba young Kaataahlaa will

to well to get off with httllfa.

pptltlon in Rnnkraplry.

ilidinas I, Sutton, of Mayfleld, •

filed a peililou in bankruptcy this

morning gltrlag Uabllltlaa at |«tO

Police OiNirt.

There were only a few rnaeit today

In iiollie court. Tticy were ,1. K.

Owens, drunk, 1 1 : I'reas Harris and

Will Taylor, breach of the paaaa. II

aad oaata; Harry MeAfaa, attallac a

platol, thirty daya; Paaala Beott,

ateallng gooda at Ba«r. PhUllpa.

thirty days.

Balba! ll«lbaSI

tA* roat and ealMlam haiha at

Planting Time.

.Flour attd tbat will produce fine

flawara, vtaatabit attda that will girt

aaa4 laaalta. Tuba rata balha aadealadlaa hatha.

C. U BRITNSON £ CO423 Broadway.

For Plaata.

'bulpho-Tobacco soap win Mil all ^fbay. Padueah TraaafarInaects on plaata and makt theplants grow, ia« per cake,


The lllinola Central ran a apeclal

train around to First nnd Broadway,

aad there the huadrtda of men for

the ahopa prapartd to Jala tbt pro*

( essinn The line of marcb waa from

Klrst nnd Waabingfba tO NlBth,

I hence to Broadwar aB4 dowa to tha


The proctaalon was led by Grand

Marabal Kraua aad aaalattata, and

thaa followtA: Dtal'a haad. tba Ora

aad pafM eoaualarioaam fia aaipolice departnwnta, the mayor and

rity ofllclaN. us escorts to Ihe vislt-

ora, members of the Commercial

club, and tht eorpaa a( tba baatktr

on Bta Boyd'a dray.

Tbt Inacrlptiona on tba baaatra

were vi'r\ :i|iiirii|irl.ite and one nt

the most iiimi'-iiu' features was the

I .C. Ktiopiiiens r.iiibandle I'ete"

With bla goat, and the "bolw band."

Tbay alao bad tbt "abop baocker,"

who waa dumptd lata tba Hrerwith the town knocker.

Vehicles re|ireseiitlng tht follOW-

ing colli ei lis lame next:

Helvedere beer. Old Terrell wbla-

ky. Rex Maaufacturlag company.

Ceob'a Brawfry, Padaaab raraltare

coaipaay, Klag Mill 4 Laaihar com-

pany. Kd. Jonea Coramlaaioa houae,

I'lilted States (ias. Coal & Coke com-

pany, Pudiicah reainil factoiv, City

Traaafer coiupanv. Conliaator.s lioli

A Oardner. Farley Coal com-


Waetem DIatrlet Tobacco WaNhousecompany, Mergenthaler-Horten Bas-

ket tai tor\ . fi I veils < 'la rk whnli -.ale


Anioni; i||.. lie,: were tbof • of Mr.Sol Dreyfus, on "The Wholeaal^1 rade of Padueah." It was repl't?

with good, common aeaat, aad Mr.Dreyfua waa warmly applaadod.

The ad<li>-s of Hull .1 C Kliiiir-

vtt\, who was l;iKt mi ili" |iriii;riini

\ lis also nni" I'linitiB; the Kollern

I'nder the Knocker" was handled in

a moot artlatle aianner, %ad thotc

who bad baard all tht apeaehee oftba avaataa wart pleaaNI that theylemalatd aatil after the last "venfhoA wboot patience had been taxedb7 the exciting araaUaC tba day aadI lie evening.

The visitors wi re

413 Uroadwuy. Klorel > , .)

1 lll|llellielll

K .Jones,


I'owell Uiiners

Krank lllacl<.

Mra. T, Miller glaaoo. of tbla city,

haa gaaa ta Maaiphla. Ttaa.. for a

vlait, aocompanitd by her slster-in-

iaw, Miaa Delia Biaaon, of Bdgewood,III., who waa viaitlng hart.

There are but fewIn tht worl^ytt tbay all


Probably more men wouldfamouM If they didn't ailaaipt

write poetry.




We ilioroiiKWy cxamiue ourUuhlier (iu<)J<i and g|U Donewbiili ate not BMlMaMabao-Inttly |)ar iect.

H«l Wattr Bolllti,


Complete atock, Viaab. Daw

haul iiMd){e



B. ••''arlty * Bob.. Bd. Uaaaaa. J. W.Orr.

Naturally aome of tha luadMaHahad to be on hand, iiiid they brought

up Ihe rear. Chief Wood anil the

Aremen of Padueah at Kourib and

Broadway burned the Kl< Iter in Ibe

praaaaat of a largt aad taihuaiaatlc

eraard. Wbaa tba preaaaataa raaab-

aA the river froat tht obaaqulea of

the Knocker took place. The coffin

was laKi'ii to the fei i > liiiiil llettle

Owen, curried out to the middle of

tba rlvar. aad walgbad dawa wHbatoaaa BaMalaat ta baap It at tba bat-

toK, aad duaipad avarbaard aiild

the cheers from hundrata af tbraaUoa tbt river bank.

lha Baiober.Tba BMaa gwatlag. ar "aaiakar" at

the Kaataaky tbaatar wag aMva Ibaathe aaetaaa presided. Aa aarlr aa

T p m. (he Iieople btgaa la arrlvt,

.mi lis ^ I here waa baldly B VBaBBlaeat lu the lioiiHe.

Tha Commerciar club oMciala,

gueata. and Praf. Dtal'a atabaatraoccaplaid tht ataaa, aad tbtra wart

» 11 i-i I-. .1

with Padueah and her enterpriae andIhey will tall otbata ahoat aa wbar-evtr wt aa. A great deal of good la

expected to come of the big demon-Giratlon.

Mr. S. A. Fowler, seireia'v of the

board of piiMIr witiks alsi wade a

Tne speech and It took well. V'bat

wat) eipeclally appUUdod waa bis as-

sertion tbat tha town cow waa to be

rtltsattd to tht backgronad. Mr.C^wltr'a rtaiarka HMowed that hewaa thordliitilir" f^Wklliar' Vrim the

iibjeii and entirely ia ' agMPatbyV. th civic progress!^

Tht RaUfoad Knocker.

Tha railroad employes are aatis

nt4 with tba funeral of their knock-

•<r aad have prtpdViU'a 'idtaaa of ad-

vertiatng tht city M tba flnding ot

iht eoflUl IB which be was burled.

The coffin wka neatly made, being

built In Ihe povrn depart nr'nl , ami

sunk Jusi fur enoiiKb in ibe riv -r to

make the top percepllbie to the eye

In tbs bottom of the ooflla waa plac-

ed tba following IttUr:

"Bs it known to all' that eneloaod

in this lasket lbs the only original

"Knocker" of the city of Padueah,

Ky ,that baa tbla data htta dlaptaa-

c(i with.

Aa a matter of Information to iho

iindtr of tbla caaket. tba following I*


"Oa Prtday, March 14. l»os, the

Plllsena of the city of Padueah, Ky ,

lave fiiiinil II neiessary lo rid iliecliy

of I hi* alureaald Knocker and the

above data haa beta aat apart for


"Here Ilea tht Kaaobar af sraat' re-

aawBHt baa kaackad aa abaut trarytblna

We Haul Ibe men ol l*u-

llucull In lierollll- IM'l|Ualul-

i-<l Willi ilUr i lolliiiig i|e|mn-

mufuU We have aa t>sc«l*

war af aalllaa

ruaHM bMowa aa vaII llils will Ik*


Wa art aaUlag alatbiaB

MloMtb«t same aanneRt la aaMt'lxe\«bi ri' ill I'liiltii all. Weknow Ibli. alisolulel>, for

rtery day or mi Miiiie un«

ia aad «•

$10 nlll buy a kul' liei

tlial jrou pay IIIUIO fur <i

VOU DON'T HAVC TO IMBITKvcly iluBC iii*krti you l«cl ti«ll«r fof

Il reps youl Mrtiwlv liitlJra light MiiM uu i||9

luuuoy bu'k plmi rfcryvticic fruc ctutt

0 Port, tbarry. Blaekbarry,

9 Virilala OtreauJA Rtcaparnoog WInea


TOc haya a palp afalbi you itay Bl.aA tor i

liuy your S|irlag Kuil

f I Dili Ui aiul Mive ciiouult

!• bm a bat. MaaiamhwllliaHbitba



DepwtMeit SUni^aaia Iwmm Maaaway aa ll>


••Pa-ni-na it an Excellent Sprinf Ctttrrh

Remedy— I am as Well ae Ever.**

W. P,. flflflllli, C.nnp«n, Tr«n«, w? I .eaf•* t •nfT'r^'l W illi nlironle entr^rh f.lf

mnny yi nr., | tnrik Pi-riina anil II eom-pl-lely Piir,.<1 ni". 1 Ihlek Pernna 1« Hitbest mc<«||e|n« in fbe w..rMf..f ralarrh.My general hr niiii i imii h lm|iTo»»»1 bfUa WKe, an I mil u HiK tiirnT tbaalhart baeaM yearii."-W. K. uria«.b.

—— Ha BtweBi RaiMa^lRai^ivail anaair, ^t%^ wrlitMi i

H. /lON CM,

nn>. i).\N. A. flRosmoB, fPtu PJUi6ini ouo fA>lLT.Hon. Imi. V. n. r, lH']>iity Aodllog tUt tba WbT Ptpailt<l|la B Ittttt


written fr. Ill \\^ti.n, |i. C, -.iy«:(

«• Allow me to express my gratittidc to you for the benefit dfrival

from «aa bottit ol Pemna. One week has bnuight wonderfulehmagea

mm4 1ammvwmwll m» ever. Besides bslng one ni lit twy iaM

DAN, A, imosvahOit,la a recent letter he says t •

consider Peruna really mora mtrtfortoM tham 9Hi wktalwrot*you last. I receive numerous letters from acQualntsn€$$JtU arar the

country asking me If my tertificate is genuine. I 'nvartaUytuawar,

jra»."-^Dan. A. Orosvenor.

A Comiity roiiiii.l..l..n. r'. I rllrr. IA < .ni:r.-..i,mii'. I . ltrr.

Hon. John William-, i ..u-Hv ••..inmU- Hon, II. W .iiirili ii.l •.iniTen-inan frnin

ploner.ortlTWestSooondalrwt.Imlulli. ' l-onl"' I' wfn- " '>' "•!>•

Minn.,*systha faUowlBf ta ragaid to in^t.m. ! • . - n.e r.ii..wiMk: ..f IV-

IVruna:'• An s remedy tor catarrh I ran cheer-

fully recommend IN-runa. I know w bat

Mr. Prwl. I), H oil, t*rne.f>bk»,lll»blriituril ..f lllri.ii, K.,..| llnll Team, WTMaai

* \ I .| .. III.. f,,r iiiMK IronbtnfyliHa

Pcrinn nl till' 111 ,1.1. | lin vo ua«4 It **«i lf fi reolil. Mid cnliirrhof tbt hOWtlaand II ! a rpi< mild remedy. It reatoraavl«slltT, It" reaaea bodilr atranglb aaimakiK anlck

t>< r*nBwtlltaaaboftttaN>I Bive rrniim Miy

rrud. II. Hootl.

Oea. Ira 0. Ahbntt, BMM atreei, ». W,WaahlBftoa, D. c, writ. .


"laatfaUreonvlnred that yoni rem-MbrM aa aatellettl loalc. Many i f my^MMbbavaaaed it wllb the nionf lien-efletai raaalla tea eoaghs, eolda aaaa»iarrhaTlrifBhle.**-lra r. Ablntt.

Mm. Ulii" r Pleiiiiiin, nrnlor i.f lle«i r-

volr I oiim ll No. li*<, N..rll,w. «t..rn !«•glon of Honor, of Minn. lip.. II-, MlnOaiWtitea from Poll, mr. t, M' ,t

"I hiiVM lieen • - • • »tTOUMeil ,1.1 my I

life W nil . ilai rli

in niy .1, i


look IVriiiiit for t

about t II r e K*

in o n t li 1 , and i

now tii.nli I mil

permanentlyCUriHl. I la llevn

lh.1t fur rnlarrh|

,11 nil Ita foriiK

P 1 r II II -x la tlie

III li. ini- i.f tim

ai;e. It 1 iirei when Rlli iber 1. iiii.<l|«a

fall. I can heartily riHoiiiiiiinil l'erun|k.^4 m eaiarrb*taaiodr>'*— Mra.



»>lr». Kimer Plemlni,' MUMMpuUe,Mllta.

It U to KUfler from that terrlMe ili-eii,.<

run*. 111' II I' '11. ii I'ttiarrli r"iiie<ly :

"/ C4in con%elenilou\ly rtcommendyour I'eruna aa a linn toale aad all

\m4 goad! mtedMaa la (baaa wm• 1 . 1 .1 .1.1 ,. i„. . . ,u . *f * catarrh remedy, h

and I fcl timt :i N my duty to k,.. ,ik abeen commended lo me by people

p,«»l for the t.iiii.- ih:ii c. lit Mf p uxiJ It, as It remedy par-


ImmMliale relief. INrnnainr .|iiii...(.i iif_ularly ett-ctl\e In ihc i-m- c»-

liMteaiM^ uf ealitrrli ami I I. now It wii: tarrh. Far Ih'isc » tin .'!.>.,.' a tri'-j]

ear-jany oHh.* Ruffervr (rjni tbat die- 1 oefarrfi uiedMaa I know ul uotUlagi

tti^.w^lohn WIIUaBMi 'baMM"

Tha apflat ta tbt that to treat catacrb.Cold, wet wlatar weather oftta retwdaa eare af eatarrh. If a eoogse of ISraaala tahea darlag tht early sprlag atoatheU»e eare will ha ptoaapt aad pernuaaat.There eaa bt Bo faUaraa It IV>rBaa to

tahea laleUlieaUr dartaa tba favorahlaw eather of aprlag.

A* a syxtemie eatarrb reaadr Faraaaerailleatea ratarrb from the ayalemwherever II may )>< lot-ated. II i'ur<-«

catarrh of Ihe (toninch or liowelii withthe «r.mererlalnly tt< • .ilar^ b "i lli.' bc:id.

If you do ni't ib rlxe [.r i:!].! :.ii I »at! 4-

faeaorr raaalta from Um uro • f t'cruna,

write at once to Dr. Ilarlman, i.U ins afull Ktalemi nl of your r.i 1

' uiiil li. Mill

Im> |i|ea*ei| to Ktve yua hi< vitliiuM'- lui-

vl >• prjlU.

.\ddriMi Iir. Iliirtnian, lVe«ijtM)l ofThe Uarimaa tiarliatiam. l.'«a«tnhne.(b


*X«MpBOiJH itz

*XNVe 80NIAVS .SHaWHVH GNV .SOINVHOaW•sXnp ,0;d pun shi9|u Anpjnujg 'ui "d

8 0} ^ UIOJJ AIM^'P (I r 0} LU i? () LUOJJ U3do 3JB 3yVV "^MHSSau-isnqun os^b si )x J^ ^o sssuisnqjo 33e[d jo siuoq jnoX punojuXauooi OAvq 6% snojoSuep si m 'uncni jnoj-X^uaM) ui ;no )i mbjpnoX ji U3A3 oq nfM )i aiaqM 'sfuvQ OABq Xbui noX Xsuoin Xuv^isodapoj jipj J3.\ou 01 'puoD3s puR im-) noX sb j^auouu 3qi Siiupupq jo

X^ijiqisuodsaj nqi jo qoniu sb jspiiioqs >|UBq aqi 3>iblu o) '}sjij "op

O) )q:3no Xsuouj ^ipuBq oqiVk aidosd qafiiM sSuiq) om) 3jb aaaqx

3(1) JO J9pjo o) )03|qni si >tuBq ifq) q)(M pomiodap Xauopi *axai|

SBMll 0|tqM 3JBS SBM )! ^Bljl 3UIM0U>1 JO UOipT?|SI]t?S Oq) 3ABq \\\}^

noX auoi icm 3jaq Xb^s }.us3op )i ji ^sajajui ujb3 him aeaX u jo

8iI)uouj xts 8Xb)s )i ji puB sn q4iM )i )isod9p *)0U JO dsn niM noXlOiodqA iif«vi99un aiv noX qamM iaaam jo toni i oa«i| noX'ji

*j«aX V 90nm All-punodiuo.-) 11I3D J3d

t' jo ojbj oi{i ir; isoja^uf SMBjp jaSuoi jo sq]uoiuxis joj ^isodap uo 3J3q su|Buj.)j j^qi Xouolu kiiy •)s;).i:)un judoJ3d V O) japjO UI 34B0yi)Jd3 3UJJ4 b UQ St\ q)IM XdUOUJ )isod

-op 0) iiBndOdu |ou ff )i f)|iod9p uo'iXid i|u«q sfq; qamM ;iaja|•ii|)ino aad|p aqi jop|tuo9 pinoqt noX ifuvq'wauiiodiai udi|M

in town.

What he did not knu<k on is hard toteli

bo wa will bury him dwsp aad asm'

bla ta H~."(Tha iadar af tbla will pttaas ad


K. .\ U lil.'KI.KIt il, . .: ,,f i|,t)

ilubo Hand, I ( It l( .Shopa,

Padueah, K)

HEALII4i ; I ,

•'i e^ » •

Th'i tt«\\ r«ii>>

aruMia of ailia^i«Biiy

' aucu or

<• wsa vi>i«asar«i mmamIN n.irfuu* iirotiraii la avi ui Ui««aKf ol iho taaerativs

lU'ravi.kuil. aa Ntrvuu* t'NalraUwe, ralUaaor Loat Maabuudliai«t«oii|r, NiL'iiily giD<Miue«, Youihfal Krrora. Moatal Waof Toi aucu or U|.iuni, aaicb load M d


tai Worry, eaeeiiaive ua^iicb taad M Cuaauspiuia aaaiaaaaiw. VTlih efor/>uu!Lif (>>• rioei'j' bou M f(.aaBarbaa.

0I4» sir UUBUUk KUUI A OB., fAIHJt^AM Ml.

Dtor Ml. UM ltor«Nla.

Ut #• MlUft fi. to aa allay ouIhe north alda of Clay atrtat, btlweenilih and Uih. Oaly aaah. Ooodplacd to build two reatlaC boUHeMVVhltteuiore Itul Batata An'io.t

Kraiernliy Uulldlug. Mb Fhout'>

laaMi la Iha alir at H. N.

Hava y 0 tt



UUnd Ku-daraacaOiuAak lor It,

Vou'll lik« It,

Mh ad oa btb

NultH Flleal TiMlay,

Th.< cl.: of I'l.iliiiah I idaN ItUdkilli :iK,ilni>l Jaiiiih K Clow, ex iiifi'

-«>al, and hIa bundsuiiu, Messrs. Jl> Puryear, J. K. Baaduraat ^ndUka HlederaiaB. far lltt. The p^ii-

I in ullecaa that Mr. Crow, wh -n aet-

iiiK a» niaiabal of Ihe el « of I'udii

I ah, III, llie hU Anal aeitli in m in ,\u-

V llile I I 'lo 1. and owed llie l ll> Ubulanr. ol t:'»l for flncn, It- m, ele.

t liy Uullciior Ud Puryear brouahi(he 4ult, baviug bata dlrteitd la aol-let i Ibe nioney. u la aa-ltntaa* Mr.ciuw ciaiBH ba «aaa Bit awt tha cHyanylkiag.

(ItiurKU l.uiiK^i'iU and ollr ir. Iia\e

llic.l kuli uKuinni I'loi ucu Jjiiklna

i-ud iiihcra to coUkii a uule ol 18110.

J. Hlghiuwer baa Atad aalt aialaat

T. i. IpUtU far IlLIf aa aaaauai

VBP Kent.I ail roaai baaie vkiiii ii.uii, Nmih.<Uih Ktrttl, |lll iici nioiiib UiMiiil

loai lo aaiall fumil) m Oiiobui 1

(or |4t par mom it iniiuhlied

VthltisBMrt Ueal Kalalt Acaaay.rraiaralty BalMlaf. Batb Pbaata

Ill I. I' lliii.;-; Ihe ill imi;!"! baaKoiie lo l.iniliivilli) lu VlsU aUil hit

iiuniueAH la being aMUMlM by Ur.lohii .NIehaua.



OUMlS. KOL9 4 Co.PHONl'. 3





Mar. 28

KITCHEN LAMPCcnplclc with Butnbtr

two banitr, cklMtfand v.irk, (jtB-ii ti)itnt.

•lapancd fttrcl irame, tin

cflMMTi WhHt titjr




Men or n^K HtichclINMUMMTI*

422 VA Broaiwaj

•^rot Dr. PMAItf riM 411.

—Mga aa4 atrrtaga patatlaf. 0.

ft. Baatoa, hotk »li«M«.' — Cardboard and mat''«ar4i all

ColorM, Hiiliiil'li' foi I'liiiKn PartOSttBI.

at H. I>. Cli'iiM iits At Co, I

I'lir I'l.D.I. < U'.iii 1 onlor of

OII« UverHtreet, S33 llarrtson. Old.

phone 47»: m« phona Bll.|

—Call I'almar TraHfar Oo. lor

rnrrlnc' s. I>:ip«»n» waRona and llral-

( i.uH liv. iy I Ik. Iliick fnrPB ai. l

truuKi Klrlclly caah. Uoiii aervlic In

the cltr-

—For good, clean t-oul order of

Otia Oraratraet. IIS Harrlaoo. Old|

pkoae 47* : new phoaa- IlMtiilfnl rod hale on aale to-

tlio'iiiw, Sii'nr.l:i\. iil $:!r,(» nilil

MiH. A rink, BCHcind

floor. H. OKllvIe & To.

—DaautUul red bau on lala to-

Morrow, alardajr. at fS.i* and

14.00. Mra. A. C. Clark, aaeond

noor. I., n. Orllrle A Co.

Til" 11'.II M'Mix' ronimlaslon has

niiiioiiiK <'i| cxiiiiiltiai lonR here April

20. for liookkceiw 1 ami on May 3.

for departmental ilerkahlpa.

—Mr. Robert Whitlow and Mlaa

Budle OriflMi. iMdMiiiii'iit young peo-

ple of till' Ma xiii > I Moll, whlli> <>n

rouii' III a wi^l.liiiK it liUlil III l»>i

ago wcri' liudly liuit. Tboli IniKgy

WBM turned over in a ditch In the

road, the horae falling on them.

They were foand halplaaa aometlme

iifii'i wnrda, and It to feared tko youtm

laily iiKiy be fatally Injured. Mi

wiiiiiuu i.iiiiiv paiiifully Injured.

.Mr. li. (i. Slntil 'ton la III al bUhome on North Sixth afreet from a

riaing In the ear and may not be ablp

to get out for aeveral daya yet.

- Mhx lliMii ('i<is--lainl. ak;iil J I


died ou Tcrrttll ati-fpt rrnia loiiniiinii

tlon, and having had no dm tor, Cur-

oner Crow waa called and hehl an

Inqueat. The burial waa la the eoun-

ty gra\f \aiil

- ("ill 'riKiluas I.. I'oU'lalsi'. will)

algncil llii- i<iliti.i< i lor a iirw I lii'Mi

Iral i*nKlnti wnd book and luUilvr fur

the Are depariinrut. left laat avenlng

for Chicago. Col. Polglalaa la wall

and favorably known hera, kavlng,

aotd III" iiiN iiir iirHi modai|i Are

apiurultiH ll I'Vt-r had.

— Martin Herrlngton died «'

Brookport, aged about at yeara. M<-

leavaa a wife and one ehlM.

-Mra. Kulf MI>iIi<'II, ai;<'i| L".i.

(Iitughlar of Mr Sam liaKlaiKl, nf In

gleatde, UallurU, tmiiity, Ih iliail

from lung iruublv. Hhe leavea r,

huaband and three phlMrM.—There will ha a kapUatai to-

morrow afternoon at tke foot of Ken-

tiK'ky nvpnilo by K<>v. IMIIaa Chlld-

II' l oloinl. lit Hie ' Chiin h of Ood."Tlifri' uri> llvn candidate*.

—Mlaa Kate Aahoff will leave Bun-

day for Chlei^ to attend tko draaa-

NMkara* convention.

- HcHlH for tiiiiiorrnw'R ball gamearp on K.ilr m linivvn K Slu-lton i Ikiit

"liiri'. ami ilif ilnwn iinvii Imv ollli i-

for the ball paik will be in lirown MShaltoa'a tka nml»Ba» M tka aea-

M>n. .

riiiiikill Hill lt«>al KHtntP.

W I' iifli I iwii fonr riMini Iiiim> 's onI'l II 11 Im 1 1 11,11 (in III! lol a I a III ii •'

-o low mill uu terms ao paay that a' ad man or any other man ran

iiTord to buy aa an lavaatment If beHd not want U for a koow. Tke ua>aau wo«M kny It. All fkr 94fiO. 9B0caah. nainnr* |in pr>r month. Only A

I't r fi'ni Inii ri ,nI

\\ liiiicmorc lt«ul ICmaie Agency,Kraienlty BnlMlnc. Botk PkMaa83&.

WoodMo^ af WaiMi MMtaatAll membera of iera^y Camp No.

10, W. «) W . iiii' ii'ipi. -II I! Ill hi' al

thfir liull, Tlihil anil KlUali'lli

Hiinduy aft'TiiKon at oneo'elock aharp. Mtuibera of Olive

camp and vlaltlng Woodman, are In

vltad to altead tka fanaral of Bover-

cign Felix Ren fro.

.M.VUTI.N .1 Yon*. (" C.

V.EO. n. IlUOADKOOr. Cloik.

-The .Idvrniun-v uf Hlicrlurk

HitiiH*H In every fliindaya Poat Ma*patch. Uec MM aariir tnm

—Mr. si iiMirh la (ka cMr ft . B.

ii<>ll'« (onlulil.


WEDNESDAY.!"' 29?ii M. CihN mi Sm N. Htrrit

PRESENTIhi Timely Musical Comuy Hit



40 Hiii.itiK Kuil liMiii 111^ Ciuii'iliiini

is It'K .Muiiii'al .N'unilit'i .\ Score ol

Kunuy l-cllowK A lliiiirh (.( Prrtty(•nil A lauyh far crrrv nimute. )u*((lir khuw yuu Witnt to .re

Mp«ulul—Matioee given at gre.tckpanielor aseaial Ifala la B««fa vkela great aWw to ••RU.MKINO FOROHFICB.".raiCRS — Maltoaak ifo aad |aa.

NUkt. |r.oo. fse, faa. ||e. (la,


lltaa Mdy FarlPv, of \V!iltt»«tTinr^

OOWa, Will civr n ro<lln1 ni Ihp Iliali

tchool (niliioniim on TiiPBilny rvrn

Itg. Minn Farley la vialllng relatlvea

hi re, and to «tHlB B UtoBUi !•>rutlonlel.


Mra. Atem lUllar will arrita to-

day trMR Owaaakw* «• ttoH fear Ma-

ura. Mra. i. N. mmn mi Mn, iga.r>lpp1e. •

Mr \Mni:ini tlondloe, tka well-

known conductor who la BOW raa-

nlns on the rrtaea raad In Alabaaa,arrlvad tkto MonittiB 'roai WtaBo.wkara he and khi wlfk have been ete-

IMpR rt'latlvpK

Mr .1. O. Hwliter, the macblnlat,

wnt to maaatoB tkto mtbIbb onbualneaa.

ft«i4maater r. L. Thompaon, of

tka Uatovilla' divlaloB at tka I. 0..

waa In tka ctty teat ntgtit.

Mrs II M rnnnliiuliam nnd ala-

tiT. MI«M ttiiili DIiikhIiI, rctnrnpd

fiotii Si I.<inl.>< IIiIr mnrnlnK.

Mr. Joe A IIman returned from St.

Louia thia momlns-Mr. J. R. Martin, the well-known

tobacco man. arrived from Ijonln-

yll'i' Mils inoi'iilnK.

iVIr. Harry ClciiiPnla la at Ifardin,

Marahall rounty, rcrniicratlng from

an Injury to kto aide ha racalvad

akont two waaka afo. Ha BM aot

feci It nt flrtit. but a few daya ago It

lii'L'an palnlnK lilni ho bo had to take

a rc-^i

Mrw. W. M. .lanea baa gone to Mt.

Vernon, ind.. to vtolt kor Baacbtar,

Mra. Clint Wlloos.

Cnpuin ioa Woada. of tka follaa

force, la III today and «MMa t« ka asduly.

.Mr .lolin Blatok. Jr.. has rri lim-

ed from St. Uoato, wkara ke haa been

attaaBlBB a watekmaking college.

Mr. J. D. HallttMPdMad and daush-' ter, of DaTehport and Oktongo, will

arrive toniorrnw lo vialt Mr. nnd Mra.

, Harry iiullinKMlK'nd.

I ntict^or iiAiiY

And It Was Taken ItOO Mllea AwayOn the Tnta.

Hllladalo. III., Marek 14.—Tka alx-

weeka-old babe of Mra. E. R. Merrl-

. nian ba.s arrivi d lionic afn'v having

been carried I'liii nilli-H liy rail be-

fore the anxiotiH mother dlarovered

what had become of the chlldt

Mra. Marrtauw aai kar kabydaughter were viaHlas la a aaarkytown. On returning home the

Mioilicr waa met at tlir irain liy her

hUter. Mra. Merrlinun was so anx-

ioua lo get home thai »hc forKot

about kor aleaping Infant and hur-

rla« away, talklas akoat kar Tlalt

After a time aka want to tka bad-

room where ahe thought ahe hadplai ed Itii' i lilM. liiit 1 ln' infant » aH

Igone. .Mi'H. Merriinan after collect-

I Ing her thoughta dlm-overeB aka kad' forfottan the baby. TetognUM waraaant after the train and In Iowa tka

child waH found Htill aaleep In the

care uf trainmen. The babe waapromptly aent home.

ftae, T. J. Nawall will k« M kto

put|)ll al nroadwa> Mdhoilloi 1 hiirrh

Fiindnv inoTiiiPK anil cvnina Rv-

InlMK -II \ ill 1 I

"1 P'lP KllllJ^fl of

III" liioiiiiiiK Mrinon will he "TheCtninh. Ih" Mrlile of Chrlol .A<

ikight, "The ladlcatlona of a rorgot-

ten lUllBlok."

pworth MagiM Bt f B^gak. Iv*eryhody Invited.

.liinior leaRne Will meal at l:loo'dfirk In the afternoon.

Rev. A. 8. Ch'^ek. of KuMMIville

haa arrlvad and la a gnext ai the

boma of Mr. and Mra, WIU M Cov-

ington of JaffanNHi, katwean Baveatht

and RlRhth Ktreetii. He IIIIk the pul-

pit tomorrow morninK and night at

tka nrat Baptiai 1 imn ii.

flerman liMheraa.Tomorrow morning at > o'clock

Buaday school aarvleaa will be kald

at tka Oannan LBtkarga ckurak onBoulk Ponrth atreat, at 10 o'clock

Oerninn worshlii will he h<lil In ihc

evrnlllK Key illeii preacli's In KncIIhIi on "lie tluil Is .Vol fnl .\|.' |y

AKaiiisi .Me." ,\«xl Wednesday ov-

cninK a' 7 :!<> o'clock LoBlaa aarvicei

will be held.


TRI.HPHOm 442 for hickory

tovewood. R. R. Bell A Hons.

FOR RBNT—NIealy fnrnlakad

witk kBBfi. IllITN.

WANTKD A siirrpv or rnrrlaga

In Rooil londlllon. I'hoiie 11(19.

WANTBO—Good, sound, gentle

ourrlaia iMfM. Umbb ItW.

kTIUII.TnBB featB. ttiM yBBf

Beyond Raptlat fYNiNli,

Rev. R. H. Cunningham will

pr«arh niorniim and evening tomor-

row at I lie .'^ lonii liapttat church.

Flrat l*reabyteHaa.

Rev. W. R. Cava, of the Plrat

Pl-esbyterlan ekarek. will praaali fo-

morrow morning OB "POrfaitad

Kiessintcs- Al the moTBlBB koar tka

theme fur the evening aaraiOB WlH ko


' "Oar Opportnnltlaa" will ka tka

heme tomorrow morning at the

Trimble street Methodist {hiirrh by

Rev. W. W. Armatrong. while at

night he speaka frop "MarafcalUis

I he Forces."

Third Street Metbodlat.

Rar. Patar PtoMa, of ^a T^rdH'raat MathodUt church, )^u racov

ered froBi hia lllneaa and will ha In

Ills piiiptt tonaorrow arafalas andivcning. .

Oermaa Rvaaaallfipl*.

- TMHorrow morning Rati. Wllltoai

Bourquin, of, tka OavaMta iBraagell-

ral church, of Bontk Flftk atreat,

will preach In German, in tha avaa-

Ing in KnKlish on "The Better L4knd."


Qmta ^^JcLsat*For SundayAnd Im HBppy Bt Hom^a

ill till' kiiprciiic KUtlafNiliuu iif M giMxl

aiiii It taali ptoaalBRi afta^tlillDcr Klliokc.


kBi B IBNm loiMln*i>-grMU4le, fm* aiuu<

ItulNM'cu i-lgar llfci* tiar

Ii waHli Iwtoa Ik* 1


» A r 0 •


AtH And B*wiiy


Ttiiii' air sioinaih s|iriialisis as

«cll HH eye and cur and oili'r .siir


Oaa of tkeie told a young lady of

Naw Rraaawtok, N. J., to Bait aiadl-

riaaa and aat Orapa Nats. Bke says:

"For about 11 months I snfftred

Heverely wlili Kasirliis I was rcialii iiiiirh of aiuMiiiiK on iii>

Kioniai li. aiiil I onM-i|iit III u w.i^ roiii

pellcit to kIvc ii|i iii.n orrii|ial Ion. I

look (luaniltleH uf nicdU lnc, and had

an Idda I was dlaMag. but 1 eoatln-

aad ta aafar, aad aoaa laat l(

pounds In weight. I waa depreaii>d In

K|itiilH and lout Inlereiil in evei.>

thing generally .Vly mind wan so af

feri.Ml thai II waa Imposalble to Ue-

ii.ieieiited la avaa tka UbI»**i

rcudiug matisr. '

"After aBMrtBR tor BMaiks I 4a<

cidad to BO ta a atooMak apaotaUet

Ha put me on Orapa Nuta aad aiy

kaaltk beKun m Improve immediate-

ly. It wa» the k.'Mi.iii- of a new life.

I foiiiul tli.ii i li.iil III < n i'.ii.n»; loo

iiiiirli Hiart h) fuuti w bit h 1 did noi

digvat, and that the rereala which I

kad irlaB ha# heea too heavy. I

saaa Br*va4 itot II to BOl Ike quanti-

ty of looB ttol oaa oatoi koi ifeo


in a f'» » rki 1 waa ubid lu go

li.o k 111 ui> old liiiaineiiii uf doUiK

I 111 leal wurk. 1 hH\ ' loiiiiiitit'd local

Urapa Nuts (ur butli the moruiug and

avaaiBB aaol- 1 vaku lu ih<i uioralag

«ltk a slaar ailad aad feat raat«4. I

ragalai>d m toat^alBkl la aiakari

I mm I am wall aai koppy again and

ow • \i to Orapa Nuta," Name given

ll, I'o.iiiiii Co Haiti' fr rk .Mull

i |.uuk iu oacb package fur ihu lii-

itto koak, "Tk* Raad M Wallvttto."

Tenth HIm t t'hriiOiiin.

"The Light of the Church" will be

tomorrow momlng'a subject at the

Toatk Btraat Ckrtktlaa akarek by

Rev. B. W. Baaa. Hla evening tkemeIs "Religious Decision."

( 'uiiilicrluiid I'ri'sli.v Irrlaii.

Rev. J. P. HIrks. of Vimiiu.i. ill..

it here to preach tomorrow niurning

aad eveaing at the First Vumberland

rraabytartaa ekurck on Btotk aadKentaeky avaane.

Grar«> titurrh.

Uirior Davlil WriKlii. of the (irarr

kipikcupal rhnrrh. will tomorrow

morning dellvi r .1 rnioii on "I'ar

OBtago." At night on "The Banctliy

of Uf*."

Nofth Twelfth Nlsalpa.

Tomorrow nfternoon at t o'alaek

the reKUlar Sunday srholtl aarvlees

Mill he ll i.t al iiie .\ortk Twelfth

tiredi OaptlHl minkiun.

Pint Clirlatiaa.

The aeries of meetinica at tka Plrat

Cliii^ilali iliniili are ^ili lesaful agdInleiesllliK as c\ lilelii nl liy the torgO

aiidlenci'H and the hearty reapouau to

the Qoapal plea being mada la aar-

inoa. aeana and aoac- It to aat aaoal

to have a Hcrvlce Saturday avenlng

In I'ailiiiah. but there la a demandfor a Hei'vlce ut Ihls lime. Mr Ken-

dull will aUiK luulgbl, with Htereopll-

can illuatration: ".Nearer My (hid to

Thea." Tkara will ba a baptismal

aorvloa after praaaklas BBi Mr.

PInkerton will preack aO **BBBIIMB.

tke Puriiori of the Ordiaaaaa." Ta-

BMrrOW iiiuiiiint; the subjoet Of tke

sarmon will b«. "Camiug the Net on

tko Right Bide." The evening aub-

ieet Will ka, "Uyiaa • 9%n Poundatloa." Mr. Kaadall will ataB-the

"Holy City" tomorrow evening with

violla obllgato and stereopiicou il-

lustration. Mra. Keniiiii will mael

tka aklUraa ot t o'viuvk.

V. M. r. A. Hervlee.

Ui v H M Kendall of Indlaait

V. Ill <pruk looioiiow afiernooa at S

u t io.k al iho V. U (.'. A. kail oa"Hlup.-. on the Rocka." Mr. KaodBll

has had a aavea yaar'a sgfarlaBaa ta

ila taark. aad kto addraaa will be

t.pmsiklaB wattk while. Tka auito

i|uariet. Meare. Bagby, Oreea. Cbaa-I: lue and Mall will hiuk upprutiriai^'

telaciloas. All atea are cordially la-

vUad. •.

WANTRD—A ilrl to ill. house

work. Apply to BtX Kentucky Ave,

FOR RRNT—Two turatokaB roona

witk katfc. liol MNraaB atraat.


.^^9 H Third St. NaW pkOBO IIBI. A.

Iv McCormack.*

I liBT L. A. Lawler bid oa year

your palntlnfe.' Prtoaa raaaeaakto.

Old pkoaa lOdl.

riCTnnKfl framed up to date at

the Paducah Book store, 414 Broad-

aanuATiD ai •nohbRroi., Ml Kaata^ ataaao. OMfkaaa ITt rad.

CHERRY'S Cough Cure relieves

areap, cures eougka aat gaMn Oatd-

aar'a Drug Btora.

GURDNRR'B Dr«8 ilofa toHl HIyour preaerlptleaa aad laaalHa wttk

tka kaat aaUrtal. Phood IN.

FOR RB.NT—New 7 room cottage.

MoJem conveniences. Rxcollont loea-

thia. Apply <!• Kaatacky avanaa.

rANNia ATAlfT-TlB i. iWk,Bhampooning, Scalp

curing. Phono 1C78.

FOR SAUB—Desirable five room

aattaBa. Applp to owaar. 114* Trlai-



priea list. Insurance. Notary public.

Piatatattr Baiiding. Pkooao IN.

WANTED—By everybody, 16 pho-

toa. 6 poaltlons. 16c. Boara. StSHBroadway.

COOKING AND HRATINO WOODfor sale. Quick dellvarfi

437, Leavlns Ore.

POR 8T0VB claanlaB. yoUafclas

aad rapalrins. aaa Rroak Hatdi. BOS

WaaklaBtoa. or naw pfcoao. IIM.

FOR .SAM': Cas stovi>; i^ooil as

new; cheap. Mrs, O. O. Bachman.

Ill i. Mgtk.

POR BALS—My proparty oa aor-

ner of Tfclrtf and Tanaaaaaa. A kar-

guin for oaak. Call oa or addraaa

Mra. BoekaMB, 7SS 8. tklrd.

WANTBD—A house boy, muKi

l:now aomatklag aboat kseping horse

aad ka aaal la' aBpsOtaaaa. AB»ly at

OH«a loai Jatsraoa.


Monday and 1 >day we will aell

all grooerlea at coat. R. g, BaiBalt.

Ill OtoaMBto atraat.

WANTED - Soap asaala. soap

crew orKanliers and braneh ofllrc

liMiiaKiif lo haiulle iiKelils iL'nn

I'ark.'r Chitinirui Co., Market

traat, Chicago.


PIANOR-^ aaiakltokad rapuu-tlon used by your friends neighbors

and relatives, are sold on easy pay-

ments. I'rurtlral plunu lunliiK ao-

llclted. Fred I'. Wamon A Bro. V.

II. rhomaa, aHHistaut maoaflMlf litBroadway, Old pkoae 6S r.

HART SELLS EMNt pai^M grwaUtoc* bo hodinf*

A fMi Mir ihtvt M7 tMM*

Wilt complete «ti cany, rom.

I^Ubla gbava on any beard InTHE EVER READYawkward baada ia two niRRlIB

R«Adr Now»«ll llt«M Ftr Aiy ItMy IIJl




^ $5.00

l»...l*.\.ll... .H.i.T



Radft PWNipa • ea.t1«*M» BNOAtoWAV

Wb ShoB Tho Town

Or nearly so wHk tht (BtH$hnK9i

S2.60 *'uy* Patent Vicl Oxford.

2.60 Buys DocgoU Gibson Tie.

8.50 Buys Chocolate Vici Oxford.

S3.00 Buys Patgat Vlcl Draaa BoU.

Baseball TomorrowPADUCAH VS. TOLEDO

Only geaertl RdmiMioii will b« cht^gtd. Ticktti

at BroWo k Shtlioo'i.


WANTRD—A aood vklta Sin to

do general houae work la aBHtU laai-

Ih .\o wa»hlng. AfBly Bi Itl •tClr veil III tlllect

FOR 8AI.10 (ieueiul .slor.' in noo.l

town lu ekcellcnt comuiunil.v I'lne

(i«Ntalaf far a kaattor. Addraaa X,

tlon to both horse and carriage. 0.

R. Holland. 110 Baatk Tklrd, old

pkoaa T«l.

AU AreAll the vtrtlroa of tka aawBilll ai>

|iio.-.loii :ii Si'iliill.i. (iravcH county, a

liionlli .i.?oaif now ri'coverillK .\e*

lliaiillnei > Imin liei'ii IioiikIiI lol I lie

mill, aad It will be etgriad agtlp lu a

few dapa.


Solicit! depoiiti be they

•ver 10 iomU.

FOR NATONINO—Wbltai.eKhorna. fl-** par 11: Baa alaek

aud good toyera. Ordar aarly. Oao.

Raaaa. al Ruage e Bhaa MBVa.

TQ RXCHANQR—A light run a-

keat koBSr, la aaaaUaat aaadltlna far

a pkaatBB IB Baa^ atoi4HlBB. AMiaaaI. i. BB^^a tBB.

BOARDINO 8TAB1.& — Board

jroar karaa vUk bm aad sat tka

Bl MUfBl. parMBBl BtlBB'


The first tea who clip this notice lio|u

the .Suu ami stnd lo


PAOUCAM, 3141 RROAOWAVwill, withoui Laviu^ to K<ve note*, rt-

galea an atrremt-nt hIIumiu^ tticiii lo

pay KVKKV CI.M' ul luiliuu out ot

.alary utter course Is cuuipletnl itiul

^UOd potiKi'U is secured. It not kccku

f0 pay rcijuircd.

MAIL CuUKiiK fKKit.II you are not ready la eeler Cullcnc

NOW, you atey take leaauna by m.ii

VRMR. aalil ready, «hich would mvc«igM.ata Oreugkun'aP B. C Co hs.Ijuoioouu cipiUl, *«T*nte«u haukeifuu it« boaid c( directors, aud • chain ol

TWti.NTV Culiegus, iu TIIIKTUliNatatCK to I1.11 U cvciy claiot it m.kes.

Mi'Uad BlXriiUN jreatia.

1^ aallaa iB4ap.






TKSTHWa do all kluda oi

work H prkBB IB

•Bit IkB pBliBRt*


PAnn MX niE rADU( All EVENING SUN. MTi im«v, M«ncii «t.


A Wealth of White Fabrics..


At 600 * connter full of small fignrti tilkt-

Thty art anoBg iht ttflish iiilk<« for cprlnf wt)lr«

At S 1 .00 « >>>jr line of

ct«an(r«hle aiiH flgnrtd lillii

wkichV xht corrKt ^hing

tor ablrt wtl<t Mtu ia4 mytyliih.

At S 1*88 our celehraleit

Wlndtor Taffeta, j6 iacliea

wide, fa«l b'firk.

At S 1 .00 our raarcntcvd

wattrpront bia k china allk,

saitable for summtr miibiand abirt waNt suits.

At Si.00 ^lack silk warpmohnir (c.r <tfrpet dressM.

At SI.26 black chifTon

flUMWl, tht latest materialfir iMiklac akirta.

wpnv (tiiit nhowfnn

iif t<>rr(i nti'l Km-hroMerlfi tor <!rM»

Mti'l walft Itiiiim

IbK* «jrh •* you

M9 h»n Is BOt to

be laMt kan-

A treat many

Iniporteil uml rz-

clutivr noM>ltii«.

Wc adviM early

teteetion to svoMpoMtMa disap*pol

For Summer and

G)nformation Dreisci*Fine white drcis fahrici ere dii

played ia • magnificent lelcction,

which incluriei the following ma-terial! of forri>rn production:French Phimentis, Kmbroidcred

Mulli, f landkerchief Linen. Piquet,il.tin, fii;iirc({ aiui embroidered:ilairline Cloth. SiJk and MerccriieaChriitalinei, Pirfi Mulli, Chlffoni,U.itiites and Organdies.Oicanditi—Sccniniily organd'M iff OMi>

Bafidtag aert netfce thia year than vm. Wtli«*e a Vautifnl nMorfmeat of pattMM at

15c 25C 40c 80cMohair Luster A hMtidM iiir f^luic, nn rx-

art reproduction of Ibc gruulne mihait , at

20c ?•«• yrdDrtaa Nata—With haud-tome floral pat-

terns, new and up to datr, itt 60C aod 78Cpar )ard

Tht Time—Pitee—Opportunity—for Fine UncnlPure, clean, inowy, ipotlcM Table linen, without • blcmiihl Howoften has it tempted you to a bite, nmther you will it or not? Back

in our L nen Department we have prepared something Ifttcial for

lovers of ){ood Tabic Linens both in quality and price.

Fieavy unbleached Table linen, the wear wellkinds, at 50c, 760. $ 1 .00

Blenched Ta'ole Linen, 68 inches wide, a special valve, at T6cHeavy all linen craih, will in«k^good towels, per yard 1 Qq

Tailor Made Soto and JiekdiThe Ble«•bfler^!l1^tlil^t1^(^^{fnl^ that itampi the well-dreiied lady.

Our showing of styles meets all the requirements in material, cut, fit

and trim. Our Covert Jackets have a degree of style not to be seen

in the sam: priced goods as other stores and have an indefinable,


jaunty air that costs so much in a jacket.

HILUNERY OPENINGWill takfiflaet FrMay aid Satmday. Maitk st aad > April t The flUatrjr do*

partment on second floor will be beau'ifully decorated, and als JMng ladisa

dressed in Japanese costumes will serve cups ol tea to all callers

Busy Tlmn In Our

• Carpet Department

Wtarljr ertr/ aort oi Carpet andFloor Covering iacludtd, aad bybrewd aelectioa jroa caa a«Tt half

the money yon wonid nataraUy ex*

pact to pay Ik Carpata eC Ikemmquality.

Bmaaala Carpcta, aada laid anti linadpaf yafd at. .....«•»«....... SSO

laxrain Carpets, best quality, all

wool, lateU spring patterns, peryard 70C

Good quality Cotton Chain laarainCatffMta per ymd SOO

Japanese cottoa waep Mattlnga, a bar-

gain, at 12«CCotton warp Matttaga to earprt de-

•liMat. 20cIraaaal Ruga, large iOMI aiata

at eio.oo

Japanese KimonasWomen's Kimonos, mide of Japa-

nese wa:.h ctepe, trimmed witb

satin ribbon, d«ioty, atylifb andceesiaetaMe, at S3.00la cloak depariaicat m Batiwid near.

L. B. Ogilvie & Co.Agents for Butterick Patterns




(CaaUwMd from Tlilr.l VaB,'.)

thrs* taMaaatswaU black eata. The Brat yrlsa waawon b]r Mr. Harry Ollbert. The boobjr

prize, a liirt?t' k tat. w.ns won bjf

Ming .Nell Holland. After the game a

£ellaktt«l aoawa laaahaaa waa aarr-


The KueHla were: Mvk. Haarjr

Oraaa, Miiaaa Mariorla B«|by, Bruro

WaaiM, Maaltta Ma>ktaa, Nell Hoi-

Iaa4. Baulah Rogars, May Owsn. Sa-

rah iaadars, Robbie Loving, Mr.

narry Ollbtrt, Mr. Walter Irsraee.

• • • •AMMiiwMMMa.

Tka DaliAia afeib. maats oa Tues-

day morning at tka Carnegie library

KiilKhls T'liiplar has Issiud Invila

lions to an iiispii'l iun anil ruccplioii

on Tuesday evening from St::i(J to 11

at ih'> AHyhim In the Fraternity

building. Sir Knigbta Harry Hank.Oaorga O. lagram aad rrei Aekarai« the iBVttalion aoi

Tlu- I'.nl, 1 li( 'oiii tin ii 1. 1 \ \'i t I

Miss May Owen will aatertala the

Batra Nous olub on Tburadair attar-

Booa at bar bona en Joearaoa street.

, ^ V ^AUOLT l*liO(*U£.

Mr. Oaorge DaBols retemed hoaMthis week from Philadelphia. Wherehe haH been atl'-iilinK college.

Mr. and .Mrs David Klouii!':.v andMrit. (jeurg« Klournoy left on Tburs-

day for St. Lionia to rtstt relatlvaa

fer aeveral taya.

Mr. Heary Oaive wh* haa raeeatly

returned koma from WashlagtoaOlty. wbere he attended the Inaugu-

lal cirenionleg of I'ri'wident

Vi I I :i I I. MM M I K 111 ' M i I'll

.s(lii>ol on Thui.^da.. n iiii;, KlvInK

his ini|irr>sii)ns of liis 1 1 iji .Mi . Cave

ri'pri senled the i'uducah llleh Heliool

In the Inaugural parade where Con

HIgb Bcbool boys took part.

MIsa Bthel Brooks will leave Mon-ilav for JuokHnnville. F'loriila She

will vUlt frlanda In that city fur itev-

oral weeka.

Mra. H. H. Duley haa l>e«n asked

to take part In a rerltal to be glvon

: under the uuMplrPH of the .Meihodlsi

Ifhureh ut lirHndenhurK. K.\ . TIiIh

'in near l.oulnvllle, Mth. I)ule.v'» for-

mer borne, aad ahe will be the gueiit

af frienia white hi Btaadoahare.Miss Mary K. Sowell and MIsa

Carllna Rowell will leave for ChlcaRo

aboat April 4th lo vir,lt Miss Kiliia

ipeer, and l>e bridasmalda at the

wedding of MIsa Bpeer aad Mr. Rob-ert Dow. at Wtaeoaaln, en AprtI lltb.

MIsa Speer la very attreetlve and hasvlhlti-d ih.' MNsi-s Sowed h<

w e.lil i IIL' will t ie 1 \ 1-1 \ c



the following cele-

brated linei:

AIM Ih* iTMVtHlw






QBO. ROCK, . aai Broadway

Mrs. Palmer Wheat aad aon, wheluive been on n visit to reliitlvt»« In

i'udiiiiih. expert to return lo Manila

next month, und will kiiII from Han-

Franclaco about the loth. Major

Thomaa . Moaa, Mra. Whenfa fath-

er, will nr ( nmpaay her home and will

visit .lapan. China and other points

before returning.

Mrs. Birdie Campbell retaraed:liis week from Mobile, Ala., wherexhe vliited Mrs. C. A. Mobr end Mra.1). K. Dade. She had a moit eharm>UiK vImII, a paiiirulurly dellKhtful

t aliu'e lieiiiK a tilp lo Culia with a

parly of Mobile peopl.> Thev wi le In

Havana during the carnival and aawCuban life In Its moat latereating

and brilliant phaM.

A pivluro of MIks Adeline Ragbyi> KiX'ii pioliiiiiet; I .iliniiii; Ihe slit;,'

|ieop!i of iMilr In III'' Ki'tl liook for

.vprll I' i- Ml, 'n by t-'iirony, and ha*

attracted much notice. It hua rondci-

«J the Bed Dook a mo4t popular pub-

lleaMon aaioaf her eeuntljaa friaadahen.

Mif,, .l.r.ia S( (i: .: ' Ml .M i ,

^<oll, of Ihla city. Well' illllolIK the

Mill of lown gnaela ai a Kaiiiia Alpha

fraternity daaee at ibi Chapterlouse in Naabville, Taaa., reeeatly.

Mlaa Mary Beott Is In Naahvllle at

Ward'a Bamlaary, and Mlaa Jalla

Sean Is BOW vlBltlag her there.

B. L. Apple, e«-Prohate J«4«a Ot-

tawa Co., Kanaaa, writaa; "ThIa la

to aay that f have used Ballard'a

liorfhoiiud Uyrup for ytiars, and that

I du nut bealtalf lo rt'i omiiiend It an

lliu beat cough kyriip I have ever

used " SBc, 60e and ft oo. Hold by

OuBota. Kolh * Co.. Fadaeah. Ky.

\f » *


Prof. E. E. rhcin-". of n.iriinontli I 'niveriitJT,

the diKuvercr of the fnriniil.t of fame's Celer|t

Compound, always ii).iit)t.-)itii-il tliat rheuma*tism COMld be traced back to direascd narvattMt fsiltd to do their work propcrK.Bear this la mind while rea4MC Ike i

John C. Rowan follows.Mr. Rc)w;iii WT'dc I's Dvci to yr.irs .irh tclK

iilfj lis liiivs' iniiili lie lirin^,' hrlped byI'aino's ( ilcry C i)ni|)i uind. \\ < wrnic hiiii gshort time ago to find out ii he atill relied OMfahit's Cdcry CempoMnd.

•^evre ef the Sd inst. Is at hand, and Inlaply would aay that I have never had any•a«se te etMHige my eplnlen ae te the need««elNtae e« Pelne^ Celery Oeenpeund. Aayou are aware, some tan yaara or thor»about! ago, I waa a martyr to rheumatism,and auffered Intense pain with H Inknees; could net real M aMU hi'the fleer with pain.

"All nunner ef remedica were triad; aemegave me temporary relief, othere have hadne elfeet whatever."New, my reaaena fer taklnf Pained Ceh

ery Compound In prefereneo te ether was that on an occaalon once before I

had taken two bottica of Palne'a Celery Com.pound and was relieved to much that I didnet teho any more at that time, after myfaflawee with ether remadlee whiah M m*MlMC Later. I waa MaHlve then that Ihag net Bl«sn PtHttm.^tSh naim •fair trial la «!«• Nw abSlnfely e» rheawjtiam.

"I concluded to iakt twelve boltlet, and I

did so, and I can ataure you that you have acompound that le honee^ g|HI a aaCB dl^atreysr ef rheumatiam.

*! have found n ae, fer up te this preeenldale I have never feH any aymptema ef rhe»Ktlsm. I take H every apring, but for the

od only."Now. we have a remarkajble caie here In

one of cur ichooli. thr janitor. Mr. VMlliamOaflow. He Is a man between acvtnty andaeventy five yeare ef age."He had auffered very much with rhsum»

tIam, ae he felt he mnel give tw Me paeMaifcI had fre^wenfly riisiwiniHdaa Pained Odhery Compound to him, and, like myaeW, IMhad taken one or two bettlea ef It, hut didnot give It a fair trial. | informed him ef mycaif. and laid: 'Try a dozen bottlea. and (|

Will convince you that my etatemant la eo^eeet' Ha purchased five bottlea; ene hd k^tthe achooi. ao he could take It as dirse*

le eall for. New he le well and faellRftatlar than ha haa fer yeare, and la a atrenieupporter of Palne's Celery CoeMMINld. Miaddrese It. Wrillam Garlnw. Oakddw avaM%or Humboldt Mign School."Othera have atked if It la a fact

Palne's Celery Compound has dona aofar me and keepe me ee healthy.

"That and the urav I live have been the•auae. At the time I had the rheumatiam I

wea affaeted with catarrh. Vou can be aa.aured I shall always be a friend of Palne'eCelery Compound, for I am Indebted to It—


debt I can never pay. You can refer to meand uie thit letter at you tee At in the caueeOf Paine'a Celery Compound. I am, youretruly."—John C. Rowan, 1S7 Beet WhiNMd•Ireet. at Paul. MImi.

When yon art alek in aome part oT your ho^fi$ la-bdCatlSt some !>! luit (IninR- its wnrk.That i« bacaaaa THE NEKVES ARE NOT

STR( )N r. ENOUGH lofcaap thai oigMi «pt«Its wrrW.

Till- i>. ttor the Narva Vtatt tKr hcttar H Hitortrans can work and give perfect health.

Paine's Celery Compound feeds the nerve*-—reatorea them to their strength—(fives themWW power to send ritality and health to everypart of your body, nrw rnnrage tO yOW fcaST^«ew animation to yotir hrainRemember tMs— P.line's rdiTv romiiotind

la the presrrltitiiin of ,,ur ,,f tli,. most famoushviici.ins this roimtrv Ins evrr known, Prof«

v.. Fiicips. f.f l\irttii.,iith University.All reput.ihir <iriijr>;ists recomtnaati and psM

Paiac's Celery Cntiipoiinrl


KIIXKI) m i ll.

Choice Winei ior

sick room.


Ikt^u ill "iktgiimn" Ut'cuuiluii VeryVJeiMM, M la Bald.

Tlia da«a In "Dogtown." Padurah'sriver front jiuburli, aru iH-conilug

very vleioim and daii,!erou>*, ii,iord-

iloA 1,1 lepoili. Il I, e^l iiiial.-il iluit

ilitire uiv a hundiud or uioiu of ihem,and nearly all are aa wild aa woIvmm

Mr. Oaoraa Hebertaoe, the too man.had Saw Baa deera to hta yard mriiird'saad Harrlsaa Btreci:< h»I'' pi them within a strong eni lo.^ure.

lull lime iiIkIiI' ,iK" iI" <I,i,^, r,oiii

' Dogluwu," he iM>.'<, tiuiiw In a pai U

and killed one of thu duer.

He thaaaht ha had the iwnaladerimfo, bat alahl helaga hMl the raveo-

uM ggimahi roiurnod aad aetually


duk tiudvr the fauce «u«l killed the

doe, leaving Mr. Behartaan with only

tarn daora.

1l la likely that effort will uMin be

mede to thto out the breod Th«yraanwt be eauaht aad Imponaded ux

they are loo wild. They live oa ibf

iikriaH.ii'h of lioi and other ani-

iiiiil.s ihai ail' .-,kiii I and thrownliitvii l,> I III Illy iliiiiip. and oil whatoilier rrfuite they ttsd U> the iraah

aud dump pllaa Ihsil ahaahd IB thai


They haunidd the temporary mmIvi! wlillt* II wtiK In a liiliuiiii vsare

lioiiM' i'«ii'eutl> mil II If a m l up of

iiiKul wun thrown uui II waa grabln 'l

iHfd swallowed the huagry cu-

hHnA before It Mer touehed the

t; round.

rays RemaxBtive

Sber the Pull N^i.u -


A rAtiMim niN A iiAftitfnr km.


Mtotnnh WHitfnw Nl H'agim lar«l foe

h iMh

Toh«> Ill n rwiitri of .iliniil

tr> \i'-\rn. walked oiil of n windownl Ihp iHi'fiian whkiui Mird, Breondend WsKhlnainn aireeia, ihls morn-'INB ahotti 6 n'tloek aad frsrtnrMi hi*

Mt loB at the bip aad tbtgh ii < dne*ant kaanr eaaetly how It happoned.bnt sera he thlaks he mast hate heeaRKleep.

Vnuuhan woiku fm Mi V\ III <',ili'.

i> fniim r In .VtamliHll rminiy, andI.line to (he rliy yesterday on bual-

h 'ta. securing a reoM over the wag- ^oa yard. He retlfad laet aight late

^and thto merateg iraa talklag to afrtoad to hta raoa when he dnsrd off.

Vaughan RayH he nm i have itniirn

lip In linve (he rouin while half»^iei p III'! mistaken the wtodaB farli.e door.

He wan taken to the ofllee of Dr.

F, II. Blewart. where hia Injtiry w%dressed by Ors. Blewart aad Heraae BHrers. Mo was removed fromthe aMea te the reaidence of a frieil /aa the Bwith Bide.

MOON UifftimniT.

si fwr orww DHB.

I)ne of the new Kleamboat roRiiln-

lluna JUKt elfeet Ive la that of n Bra

drill on ataamboeta at leaat once *week, to make the oMeere aad erewfamiliar with what la nperied In

enw of Or" It vecniM llial ilie hU'lier

authoritli'B have nut ronti'inplaled

the eftaet en the

Yesterday aomewhere below here

the IMek rowler had her aaeond Bre

drill alaee the rule went Into elfeet.

The WhlHiIe wa'. Idow n live lliiirn In

rapid mil I •'^'l,in, and Roiiie of the

pIlKsenU' l H Ipi ratlie fl Ik'lllelll ll .\

colored preacher ran towarda the Iwwand began pipytos. havlag a artp In

each hand, and one man ahelled outof hia eoat and pnt on a ltf» pn>M>rv-

er, aayInK that be dldn i Kii<.» iiM

thing aboiii Ihe boat, lull tie Knewthe river wnm'l golna tn tiiirn. It In

aald that the fun waa faat aad furl-

oaa for a few aeeenda, antll all

caught on.

The drllln arc quite n novelty, but,

Ihe erexVH and ottliein liave cnUKhton quit'klv, nnd If there Is ever n

aleamboat lire it^aln Ihe irewH und

ofleera will be found cooi and well

drtlM. The new mle will do morethan aaythtas elsa to eatahUah aaa>Bdenre In river travel.


UvlngirtoM Canaty Boy VanHhiil.

Ode I''i\(':. fill nil I |\ ,if 1 .1 v m ^ ,| oneountv. and who married u dauKblorof T II l urry, alao of that county,

a few yaara ago, waa killed at AbbIO't*. Me., where they had been reald-

lag fer aeveral mentha, aaya the Ma-rkNii ICy.i pTMHi.

ffl« was about 22 M-ars ot ai^i'. andH to aald that he lived a <|iieMUouable


Oar report of the tragedy to to theeffeet that Fryer and hto eompanlon,named nanKhtney. while diiink,wero rhiirired wllh dlHorderh mn-d«<t and Ihe luarahal at .\nnl..ion,

waa ordered to arreat tbetu. Theyraetotad arreat and attempted to flght

whereapoa the narakal ahot Fryerdead and weaaded Danghtney aothat he It not nsporled to lUe

Fryer left hlH wife and rlilUI des-iiiiiie III hii .i.'i. iiK e and Mra. Pryer'afatbtfi wau apprlaed of the situationand he made arrangemento for htadnaahter to eoaM home. o. r. WIKtaguLaC Ihto e«ty, who, vlBtiing r«la-

Mvaa to Aanlnion m ihr im r ihntragedy, brousht Mix fnei wnii hertiild il . fill a . M '

, i.,ii w li.'ie theywere met by her father Who lookIhem to hia home.

Cresceat NixedPlantation Implement anil

Wb|oo Painl. $ ^ Ready*NIxdd Cirriaie Painl. ^ ^

We are local ageata lor whatwe liclU've to lie iba lieatrrail> iiiitcd |>ainl> lo Aueri-la. I rl im nut yi u colorrbarl aud talk uvri the i ,,|

ort aud appioaunatr ro»itnth yen.. Also ruuiidrlr hueOf Met ami WUiuwaibBiukliei.

Hotli l*lionwa 77'7

L r. Hugg. Ph. 0.l>ru||||l«t

Twelfth sad




-r^-l »,.

sowings of they.i-.v.\v!


Morniiv^ ,„:^m:By LOUIS



onAPTKR r. .

:iwr>it(« to flntl ih« mm bigb InI lie lM<(i^Tnii. Iria WM fNTpnr-ii>u limiUrnKlt a Ihi* Art wa«irnrklinR ckmrnlljr, and

pitMittiiiK RdidMa bad m altand IwraptM'nraiicK tiiiit Ito aallw MrT«f«lb«r with aftonhibnMiLHp iialM>;r.idlx aaaumfd aNtliiff po*

luro, tnrli(>(l Ma tet^ bciwalh hlni ondbllnkvi Tb« itfm fRft waa mn tM-Me from wbm bt aat, and for n fvwa«roti«!a be Ibooctit ht mxmi muwtf \mdrMtnlng. She waa attlrpd la a tmtaavjr liitio 4hm awl ataart bia«ai^ ttt^r

wblto i-nnraa abara wm rvplnccHl hjBtrong iM'ltar boot*. Mw waa q«l*«

ai>kk nml nimhi, Mtfml llebe.

no aaundljr bad ba Bk<pt tbat bin

aanwn rvturoad bat atowljr. At laat

be Rtiaaaed wliat bad bappened. tbpboil liacn witb tba dawa and, ronaaarImt ber MinrBi fMhw of repnialon.aelpctad from tbo atort bt acciintt<

latrd reaterday oomo araro anltabiofnrtiienta tbaa tbooe la wbleb aht a»eoiwd from tbo wracfe.

Ho qaletly took atork of Ma oiratatien<«i cooditloa and paaaad a r>>

flpctlio linud over tlie atubbio on MicMn. lo n low daya bla face woakirea«>iut)lo a acniliblng brtwh. In tbataioaniful morjent he would bnre otcbangrd eren lila pipe and tutMcro boa,worth nntold gold, for abavtng taehla.

Wbo ran mix whr bla thoacMa tookBuch trend T Twenty-fonr hoara caneffort great cbaugoa in tbo bnaunitad If GoatrolUnc Indooaeaa an acthre.

Then camo a abarp roralalaa of fool'

lag. Ula aamo waa Bobort—a aalal.Ho reacbod for Ma boota. aad Iria

board Mm"Uond momingr abo-criod, aollln.;

aweetljr. "I thought foa wonM oevcawoke. I adppoao jrott were vary, rorytired, rieuae waab quickl/. Tbowin Iv hard."


•fraa. I made a eolloctlon aoMat tb*treoa. I taated ono of a lot that lookedgood. It waa fimt mto."lie had not tiio moral coarosa to be-

gin tke day with a retmke. Mm waaIrrepreiwltile, but abe mlly mnat aotdo tbt-oc tbinga. Uo mnotbered a algb

fb tbtf luttH>viied"baalU wMek wasphiced read/ for bim.

Iliaa Iloane bad praporod a capital

meal. Of couroe the bam oad blaculta

Bliil balked largo lo the Mil af fare,

but there were boiled enga, fried bo-

aaaaa and an ekltYly ewoonat. Tboaotidngn, aupnieuientod by doar, «oM wator, were mH ao bad for a eoapio ofeaatawajra boadreda of adloo froai


r<<r t?ii' llfo of lilni tlip man coul<l

nul ii-<'rilii from dlH|>lii.vlii;{ the rou-

V»'iM,:il m il lil t III Willi li III' OMM'Meil.

Til. r i il'i (l.Mit wltli Ii:il.v, Iv.'viit, In

dill. Il<- puko %vltli till' I'.isi- (if I'lilturr

ciiil iMitlriHii'mu. (iiii-f hv ?<ll|i|ird lut i

iin<'t'.l<ilt> nprapoa of llie lirltileaoneaj

of ItriMiili otdlera In any iimtter out-

aUlc I' I' 'I' 'I• lit ttir kitiK'M n'Riilatloii*.

I ri ii.r iilicr," lip wild, "Kifliin n ciiv

I'll,. > ill ,111' II alii! till' iiiriiiliciK of nil

«T 'iirt 'll in; li ilf /i|:il\i'i| mi !1

i>r buH I'ili'l w,> '11 lilt' Simklii <li'-<i>.t

Aiiil ulial ill) .Mill tliliik \vi'i(> III llii>


I iliui't know," Nulil Iri^. k<'<'iil,v

all I t liir iliiliu'tiiiiia.

"lii 'i lilts: Tlioy thought the bug*ron:.!' • I iMioiit fodder aatll 1 onllgbt-

I'ln il I 1


It \v.i.-< nil till' I |> i>f Iii'r t iiiKUi* 111

pounu' on Imii Willi llu- I'oiiiliu'iit,

"Tbeii ,^<>ii li iM' l»>'ii III! iilllccr III lliu

nrni.N " IllM bill rmiM.ii' Slu- li:iil

4,'lii'^ 111 llil I'li ii r \i l till- luNi liif

Villi-: li,:lit 111 licr vfiM detliHl t-uutrol.

Ill , v\ Mil l lu time and pulled

bmiMclf up aburt• You read mr (M> Uka baak." abe


*'Ku printiM iwge waa ever ao—IpkI

bk'. Nuw, Mlaa lt«>uuo, we hove goe-

aliHHl t<Mi lung. I BUI 11 liiggunl Ihia

MrMnf. but before atnrtlug work 1

feavt a few aerlotta remaika to make."•Voro dlgar abo M«Mrod aauclly.

••i lopudtale -dkia.' la tbu drat ptaco^

jroQ muBt uut uinke aay mote experi-

iuaa(a In llie mulit>r uf food. The egga

were n wotulerful effurt; but. dattcii a

by aucerea, you uwy polauu youraeir


•'•eeoHdlyr"Voa waat nevor paaa oat of n

algbt wllliont rarrylug a revolver, i .

B9 maeb M defeuao, bat a* a aU i. i

Ml >-aM take oua arbaa yaa wt«| Itii

aaolbigr"No. WbyrTbara wua a troubled look la Ma e) <><•

wbeuboanawerod:Kit ta boat to tell you M

berore liolp reacbea u« w<> mny lie \Ih

tied by t-riel and MwMlllilrHty »iv

8i;i<B. I would nut evi'ii niiiiilou ii.:

If It were u r«>mul«> i iiiilii|{<'ii<y.

malteta r|nnd. yuu uusht to kuuw tin

aiuU a (tii.u luiiy liii|i|ieu. 14*1 1-

tnHt ta Cliid'a guudm>iM tiwl a*''


RiKo limy ("Niio B >jn. Ttie lalaiid i

w i iiriuTl.v t ovn diaorted for in i >

Nonilui. bimI t!«-rclu Uea uur i'<'

•k< u<-o cf e»cap«i pK% I am obllgt-.i <

wc.rn yaa toot yoa abouiu bo tuk< <


Irlft wn" aorlmn enough now.' iloxv || I yiii kwV liMtt *UVb dun

CO" th ftito""! mV Bhe demanmnl.Ill' <• «iii.l«'i-i I ii-mllly I

happoB to haw roai a gond deni nl>oiit

til* rliinrt ptn aiHl tta fre<im>iitni^," lir

anld. "I n'r till- innl man In tlie wnr ii

to aliiriii }iMi ui'i>dlmi|ly. All I inenn

to ronvey ta tbat certain preraatlonM

ahottM be takoa agalnat a rM tbat la

poaatblo, not probable. No more."be couM not lapraaa a abadder. The

anikv iram.d to tan Mr fkat be wmiiddefend ber RgaMat a boat of aavnicni

If he wore endowed wItb nMny llraa,

bat bo waa perforeo toagoed ttod. lie

em rovltad Maioolf for bavlng ^lo-

ken, but abo aaw tbo angalah In bki

fhcOk and b«r froman'a baart aeknowl-ediTPd Mm aa ber protector, her%bMd."Mr. ionka," abo aaM almply, "we

art In Ood'a bando. 1 ptit my tmat mbin and M yoo; I am bopofnl—, ronddont I tbaak yon tor whatyr>«i linve dono, for all tbat yon win d.x

ir y»u caaaol praaarra aw fMa tbraot-

antag porlta ao aaa oonM, fkr yon arc

aa bravo and galbint a gaMlanak oaHVea on tbo earth today."Now, tbo atrango foatara of tbia ox*

traordlnary and atrntpoctad oatbnratof pent np ooMtlon waa that the girl

pronounced bki name with the allghtiy

emphaalaeil areentuatlon of one whoknew It to tie a mere diagnlae. Tlie

man waa ao taken al>ack by ber dorIqratlon of faith tliat the minor Inci-

dent, tbotigh It dM not oacape him. waaomotheml in a tnmult of feeling.

He could not tmat himoelf to apenk.

lie roae hnaUly and aelaod tbo as todeliver a ranrderona aaaattt t^ak aanffo pntm tbat atood cbiao at band.

Iria WBB tbo fnt to rocover a degreeof aelf pooBcoalon. For a moment abobad bared ber aooL With reacUon<-nii)(> B aeaaitiro abrlnMag. Ber dcll-

f.'itt' ii.itaro dhMpprovod. tbeoe acntl-

luental dlaplaya. Bhe wantad to bosher owli oera.

With Innate tart she took a keen In-

tercet lu the felling of the tree.

"Wbiit du you forr abe in

q ilrcti when tlio atunly tronk crmktHl

and fell.

Jonkn felt better now.•TlilB IB a oliiiiijre of diet." lie e«

plained. "No; wo don't boil the l<»nvM

or nibble t' e bnrk. Wlioii I apllt tb;a

palm opeu you will tliul that the In-

trrtor la fu'.t of pith. I will cut it r :l

lit yuu. ond then It will be your tnak

to knend It with water after well n uati-

Ing It, plrk out all the Bber nnd nunli.v

permlt the water to evaporate. In n

cjuple of day* the rooMuum will tic-

<. >nio o wblto powdar, which, whenlijllrtl. la aagok"

•Ouod gr.!doaar aaU Iria.

"TUi) atoiy aoundo nMonvladng, but

I beiievt I an eorrcet It la worth n


"I ahonU haTo.lmaglaatf that aagoKiew on a atalk Uko rico or wheat""Or Topay!"8bo fainghrd. A difflrult altuatlon

liad paaaod without undue efTort. T.'n

li:ip;illy the man reopened It. Wliiu-

ualng a rpiWlMr aa a wadgo bo ende^vorrd to put mattora on a ttraigbt-

fur^rartl foatlng.

-.V little while ago," ho aaM, "yonHot'iiii'd to Imply that I had aaanmedI lie n.iiiii' (if .Ifuka,"

Itnt .Mlas |i<-iiiu''B t>ooCdentlal moodlind KOiKV "Nuttiing of the kind," abev'lid coldly. *-I tUnk Jenka la an ex-

I'llcnt name."Slio roOTi'ttfil the worda even na tboy

fp|l friini lipr Ilpa. The aiilliir Kuve ii

nilulilv wi-oiii'li Willi the luir, a|ilittlnK

ll;<» I If; lit llx cliiHii'i-liiK loaves.

"YiMi iii'o rU-lil, " ha BoM. "It ta dla

tiiK'tivo, iii'i-r, diigOMtle, I cilag to it



Iin iiliiiilili< I'lir KIm'IiiiiiiINiii. I

I liiivi' lii-n iitli'iinK f(ir lln> piist

few )eura with a aevere atiack u(

ihouniBilam aad foaad that Ballard'a

Hnow IJMinaat waa tta only tMggthat gave mo aattaSMtion aad tandodto alleviate my p«|Mb Mutik llth,

not, Juiin ('. Dogaan, Ktaaawa. III.

tte, BOr .m l ti nil. Sulil hy DuBoia,Kolh * c.i . r.i.i iiMii. Kv.

mmlUnaird nmtti Ur aiMl, ^'~>kOanarrhu* aa^ tuaataaa fMirwl

PIMPLES'I Iri'-l All bin U i>r blixxl r#w><tUg «hi<ih faii»4

to du lu* ftiiyjl 1 t'Uk I fuuMU ri«ltiit>ti.^

M U«|, My r>'-« u»g full i>t piiu|il.a ail I bia> k,

• After lAhliitf Oka< grcia tliuy an I. it I mm{•laltunliitf klia uoa v( klivui ftntl rt i ><uiiti< ixi


k»m wjl friaiiila. I f«rl Aii» »li*'i> 1 riai< i. iiie

Bi'trutuii ll<'|f« Itkva t «liAUi:«i W ivo'iuiutiiitltocutfu.

&«4t For


•iiia ill I


L'k.u, Wii4iiait « nHMTHo, ««-

>ui>. Tku gaauln* IMlal•4liait ar ariH, Uc, »i,Mf. a>fa>u gaauln* IMlal (UWVM CVO

IB ten M i*Bf vaai a***.BfM.V.•MrUaa geawir Co., CMaafa e»

nniMiirwi liiin irrff

r»oi.i8M rfcAa; SILVER SERVICE

QCotiMlpntion la the reauttof indtgCBtloOiliili<ii!»M«'M, flntiilpncy, loaa of appetite,*<'lf ]Kiisiiiiiiii', iiiH Tiiln, riim< intion, iirio

a<i'l, 1.1 111 \,itt(.ii'< j»i'^ i)f Ilia

ayMetti rat.inlinl iii(1 ininrntmn nf the it|.

tCStinni raniil riuI nmniT'in* titlirr nll»

menu that rfib life of iu pleaaurea if theydo not Inally rob yon of lUb UaaKf •• I'm timind in (he bowcto." to a aoai.

exprcssintiof peoptowho lookerahV nn ) ni> mlawable—y«t wlioperatolin " li tdii,; n itiirr liikf Itn eimtw.''^Wli it n fiHili-ili [I'.^n, ^heti nnturc couldbe aided bv the uw of Green's AttguatFlower, which ta antnrB'Bown reaaidy forconBtlpation and all atomach ilia,

CAagnot Flower gvra new life to tholiver and insurra hmltliy stixiU. «

^wo liics, 25c nnd 7jC. All drut;giBlak

Sold bv DUHUIS, KOLB ft CO.



GLOBESGuaranteed Curefor all Kidney andBladder Diseases.


Two doBoa Klve relief, and one bnwill cure nny ordinary rase of Kid-

ney or Miiililor troublo. Itrmnvi'.'

Oravel, curoa Ulobetea, SeminalRmtaalona. Weak and Lama Baak.Rhenmattam. and all Irregalarltlaa ptthe Kidneya and Bladder In bothiiifn nnd wotiicn. Sol, I ;ii "n fi'iiis

por lior 111 the nci nir- im ji.iy liaj)'

by Mi'l'Mer.'ion's Driin h<lorr, Koiinw

and Uruadway, sole agout fur Paducah. or aent by mall upon receipt ot

price by Lark Modlelaa Co., Lonla>

vine. Kr.


^pii: ki 11*; '1 tint cuf « chittlrrii of urlfir Ail-Aiu'.irn Jl it ihd lhf*rr w iiI'l )>r it w thiM*^rnthat wtnil4 do |t. T hrrc i« n eunktiititlonn'ctunv li»r lhi». Mr« M. Siinimt-n*. t'ox 401*.

Ni»lre Uamr. In.! , will >rii'i iirr honn- irralmenl lo a'ly m iMi -i li ;i - W « ra inonr* .

A'llte her t<)<f(iy if \ mm « hiMc m i t wntut \<>u int>tUwiy. Ootrt bfiinif thr i hild, 'IhccbancMarc It can't hrip It.

k PAIN IN THE SIDE.1. r l»,.'.^> In n inln'.[,!,. i.i ;i.^i

Rheumatism, Colds

Coughs, Weak Chest

Weak Baok. Laa.


yiqr Mins In Um rcahmof tha JkaaMtrs or Ifir aSsiTiMk tl. , rWrrhunld ba •|i|illr<l ait

aiiowD In IIIUKlritllun.

TbIa painfultrovbleMB bv r«-ilavsd and rurrd

Ni> >lc4-tliiK Held.

On iii iiMini III' I 111' ( 'iiiiinit'i't'lul ('lull

i.ill> hi^i niL'hi. ilirii' uitM no moot-

iiig uf the CorulvKl aaaoctatioA, the<lef»rred baalneaa to be takoa ap thoni'Hl lliliiK iii-xt wook



Somebody Sick in

Your House?

It there la you no doubt want

the very best of madieina that

you can get. If >ou In ing your

dootOI' PtMCiiplioo to out store

It will ba flttml fro* the purest

fic^,h(>t. hi^ quality drugsulildlnalile It will bi com-

pjuudcU by Ihorogghlj cxpi-

riMM4 pbaraiaelat, at

McPhcrson'sORtO SlUiC.

Wll.l, UK ritKHKMI'.ll 10 illi:

(Vtmmert'liil riuii in t|i|Hiin( n t i,m-

nOMea uf Ladlea lo ItalBc

Mr. Daekir aflnounred last night

At the caniHiervlal club amoker thai

br would la a few dava appoint n

rommlltao of lHdl>H to i;iki' m (hnrp"

tb > rfltnlnv nf n f'wul wHli w hirh ui

pillrll,l-f II hIIviT M'lVli 111 111 '"ftll

iIm' Kiinliimi "rmliii iih. " In his ro-

iiiiikK hr siiiil III' ilid nul caro howthe iadiea raised the moaay, that

ibpy cenld gtva a pink tsa, or a prl«i<

fiRht or any Ihiag their ttrtlto nladatnlaht dpvlae, he wonid leave Ihp

Vayv :in(I nipnn* In Hum.In I hl« c(inTii'( I Ion It nun ln;pr>s

riuliH nhans In know I lint ilw ti l,il

I rip of the "I'aJurah" will be held

rnmpilme in June, and the mayor has

licen invited to attend, aad that Ihr

I'ndiirnh delegation tbat ttfendedI lip launching laat October rerelved

ll<c Bsrtirnnrc that It might be within

the boiinil 111 1111'- ihiliiv iluu ilir n;i

\v depart nicnt wimlil iihIim iIw mmI ont lo come up to I'ailiiiah nl hoiiic

i<mj wbea the eiaKc of water por-

ii:ltted and tho prcaanUtion of a sil-

ver aervlea aonid bo made than.

If anch a thing eoald ba deaa It

iiinlil, Hnd nn doubt would, be mado.1 «if!ii ocradon for the city. TheI ii.iinii'i rial (lull nuw haa tha Batteri.niU'f consldpratlon.

ICowfauMHown Boay Paymwit MoMo.Reed Ave. Lot 60>1«6 ft. to allay.

Two room new hoii?" tn.'io. $10 eaah,

lialanrp only $0 per iiionili, rolored

n«'lKti lioi hood.

C'lK'nprr llinn piiyinc irnl.

Whiltpniore Hrnl Ksiiiio .\k 'ncy,

Fraternity Building. Both Phones835.

Buy Furniture From the Factory

ses now m \m mm goes here.

No. 2. 18x40 top Price, S6.00No. 1 1-2. 18x3:? top " 4.00No. .3. F^oIislieH, 1H,\40 top; UxLM Fretuh bevel glail - " 9.50No. 1. 18x33 top; 12x20 French bevel glasi > " 6.25No. 2 1-2. 18x40 top; 14x24 French bevel glau , " 8.50

All lolid cak, golden finiih, well made. , .

Such VALUES in Furniture can only bt bought from our factory.

Paducah Furniture Mfg. Co*Salesrooms 114 116'207-213 South Third Street.

(iiM'K lo I'Hiinnin.

Mr. .M r Ohiclfolt.M- of .Soiitli IL'di

atreet, will leave Sunday morningfor the iBthmua of Panama to woiKas b)ackamlth oa.tbo Panama canu!

Mr. Gladfelter received bla governmrnt HpiioliitiiK'iii .M'sii'idny. His

family will rollow liitor on.

>r from on* toWe'olf'er from 6na to Ave acres of

Innd with plenty^f shade trera onilio HInklevllle road, where 2l8t

.sirci'l woiilil roiiio thriiiit;li. for |300per acre. TbIa is a fine chance to

pet an acre, of taoArat tha prtea of alot.

'-'^ ^

Whittemore Real Batata Agency,rratamlty Building. Both phonea83S.

Will sitiii Onlliutnre.

.Mii.Mii Yt'lsci- Htated today that

Willie he bad not fttachod bla aigna-

ture to tho ordlaaimo roanlrlng eoa-

nection with the aanltary KeweraRcby 1S07, he thought ho would hlRii

It. 'I'lii' liKiiiir in lil.-^ Mii->s:t;;)>

reroiiiiiii'iuli'il ((iiiiicitUiii with the

xewerBKe, and tin- Keneral auppoai-

lion la tbat the time allowed la am-pb> for all to maka tha raanttad oon-nect

Now's the tliii' • ii::' .lilt

last .spiini? painii'Tiis in Imv '

rli'iiiird, piisscd and iciuwed.

We have aq eapecial departmentfor thla work, giving careful atton*

tioa to bttUoa' wool akirts and coat


M. N(>l,<»>|(>\,

1 tU Huulh Thin] • . Uld l>liuno 101* a

Ctienp l/Ot.

To anyone wbo would like to buy a• heap lot in a plaaa whar* thraahouaea would always rent we offer

a lot 06x1 IS ft. o nthe aouth side oflluitliaiiil.s lilii'it, between N'liiih andTenth. Till' piiir Ih only $:iO(».

U lillti'niiii i< li^Hiate ARenry,Ki iiiii iiii.s i: I 'Mw:- liuiii piioni'i


Just ReceivedAB tbt Uliill •ftphf

pirat ItcoHi

Daeta, ioloB, quartet:*, maicht!>.

two-steps, talking, laugbinf andwbidtling pieces, tomic coonaongt, nukic of all hinds byArthur fryor's, the Ifarlaa, thaOreat Brittaiu and a nttmbor o{

other bauds, being the vary bast

the world can ofiord- CWM al

u ice and get yowr cMqS •! tvavso ) icconls


Phoaa 77i 438 Iraadway

Killed Hfai Rrother.

Prank Welaelte, son of WllltnmWelneke, of ReevesviUe, n^ai .M

tropotla, 111., was killed Ir.

broihir, Kriir,;. while 'ili .v w.'i '

pi.iwiii; 'liny »rr" pin>in:; wliai

lull'd "(Iri'k on lioar I." in wtilrti

lUey use a ball. Krneat mado a bal

of clay nnd threw It at hla brother.

I raak, airiking him over the heart.

After being hit Frank went only a

few sirpa, th^-n f'll ami ili< il liefuio

Ihey coiilil I hii;. ;ii ii - Ih.iiiu,

HalMM-rilie (or TIte Hun.

Our Saturday lliabt

eeneerts uMUDY, PHILLIPS & CO.

Salardv. Moh. 18. IMS, 1 till


M .n il Wattem Itlrl . . \. .1 Hartirl.1t*I '

' UM.i il ("I |>lito.i bv tbe Tiillwit R.I , ,1111 .Mii«i>' Co., U«Bvar, < 'iil.

tivi iiiiK' (i.pui'uii . . . ofleubwhlalvruiariiu rri>Bi CitvalleriB KlMlliMUia ....

.\ni<ii'>Mi Wuiiiu's t'laraaBBChrlBaHiBI ' ii'ii'tiiitfMu, OlBMiMeUt~-...

I' .1... i.ui lor puiiu by aauwiiiaJiiiiu>. ctiicano. III

llleadail Melodira Iroai I'aeay fn'Oi I'arli' aelarUaa BmI nouKii lapsrawlT pub-

ll*haa by M Wiiuiitrk Huiw. NewYurh.I'owilllull iiniiMe.Tbalruiihii>lor W (', I'liii

I'ublQhM lof iilauo iijr J H Kenlak,« osalBk atmi. New Vurk.



aaiaeilaaa traoi Nursa .aaUia

M frow Th* YaahM LlunMl—Ya Uo. li'ur a Hullur'* Llla.Ill l>u)> ul (lid.

|*ul>llkli<il fi.r iiiiiiiii I'll' by M. Wl^lUttilt .\ Munn, .Ni'w Virk i Ity

I'll. s. It. . , r i, ii.i.iii'f I'OBt^Mill III, 1 hr V\ .1 ilii.i 1 1 Uiul > li K K^DSllU.Suu. l .|i...i . l ij.i lly ll.i' I. i.hl uf IMM.Hiu III M> II. Hill- 1

IDi.itii .'11 itii' Auiui .i. II'

I',,!, ..I mill II..I1U Willi('. I'li.i.l.i U 1 I I- Ilk S\ .»

All lii.. Itlii.l I l.lllM'.l U ViM'ul

i«li nil I .1 L..1 lill III r.'i |.l.ll.i< rli' I V ll

iMil^ Ukuuu Mu*u >'>' I ii'Uvi r. I ul

•JX'l'HAM -

Mitrcta 1* lar l*<|Mir « H ItMuyi'ulil -.Ui ll fui |. u.o l.y JOK \N SlBraA I u Nt a \ .1 .. . .ly

Uaaii)| Wi4l«.iutr"<iiti'iu« ia ih« HtaolBaltlicOta Aaiil»Tiiv and iKtaii lu ib8gi»w»t UcdUi U uuJ rhkiuearrkil.Ukhod for ptttii.i liy J 11 KMblck,4i HIU.I 3n\t ulrvel Nuw Voik

•BBt tiib atraat. NewYMk

Capt. Bd Woolfolk haa bought lh'>

Sycamore, formerly belongiag to

the Nashville Powdsr Co. The boat la

now on the docks here undergoingii.|i:Ui-^^..aiiJ will bii uhi'd in.4JbJ Eork*od Ui-er Ulver liiiiili'r trade.

The Jo<5 B. Williams left I'lttshurg

on It feet of water with eighteen

eoaiboata. The fuel boata are ot a

new variety , nnd each contains SS,-

000 bosheU of ront. They nr-> made(specially for IiIkIi w.iii r >lii|Hii"iiis.

The Willlama will stop a; H. ii.iln .

where aho will retolv • ei,L;hl .^iiiiil;ii

boata.from the Crulaer, making her

total tow abottt SOa»af0 bushels, one

of tbe largest over sent out of Pitts-


'I'lir Joah Cook hit the brldi;< at

111 llaire, O., coming down W 'rtniK-

i:i.\ iiiiiiniii^. .'^Ik' iiLi^-'hed ber head,

•Hid eni.-lii il a fiii l Hat.

The g.iiiv.i. iiMi;i\ al 7 a. iii. w.ii-

Sl foot and (filing, with dear, pleaa-

ant waathor,

The packets are now all on time.

TIm' Dili: Fowler left at S a. ni. for

Call 11

Tlie John S. Ilii|iltlns luiiio In (roiii

Kvnnavllle and departed al lo ii. iii.

ju ber rotam. Tbls t^rowg tba Hop-

kins aad tho Joa Fowlar badi Into

thair proper Hihedule, the Joe urrlv-

Ing tomoriijw and letiirnlnK Mondayal 1 11 a. in.

Tbe Cliarleiiton will be due tomor-

row from Ti-nuenitee river.

Tho H. Wf. Uuttorft will be duo to-

morrow frons NaahTllla, aad toatrea

at noon Monday for Clarfcarllla.

The Rusaell Ixtrd left today for

Teiini'-^i'e ilviT iiflrl- lies

The Kentucky leuvea ihlH evening

tot Tenaeaaao rlror. Tho Tenaaaaae

vtll be duo oat tomorrow or Monday.Tho Nevlna toavoa today for Aah-

land City, Tenn.

The Kiurle, of A\. I.oiils, iirrlveil

.M'si i<i-ila> anil li'fi Iml.iv ullli u llout

for Marrett A Co. tihw leaves todayfur lieltua. Ark.

The J, B. IMiarfaon arrlvai iraa-

tordny fraoi Naahvlllo light, aad laft

for tha Ohio for u tow of com.The Mary Slew art i« getilng raady

lo leuve loniorriiw for I'lllHliurg With

Prtvo's fbotv boat No. I. Tbo Argnadwltk tha No, 1 boat laft a waak or

tea tejra ago, Tlila la tha last af theafeoar boata that wtntarod hare, to


CHpl. .Iiiliii .Miiri II of ihe eoinlilni

itiiui'il l.i.^i iii^:lii tiiiiii IMiLiliiHK

Mr. Waller WUklua, who is la the

employe oC tha KalhiyAthlaafla Oa»*atraatlBil'Ce.. whiab hi doiag tha troa

work OB. Tonaoaaoe river bridge.

loft llii> liioinliig fur the IjiMsm lo

brlUK >l<>»ii Itu' Ka.iolliii' liii.ti lUzi'l

The iimi i wun fiiiiiii'iit iiM'ii I. III!

Bates Uitgers Co.. wbiie Ike cuuvieUaad voodvork waa beiag dana, andthe Srni having aniabeU iia coairaci,

naada tbo haat a* langar. Tha boat

win ba kroafbt to l*adHwih and naad

for pleasurq purposca.

Tbe Sadie Loo, tbe Cairo and Ca-

ruthersvlMo pachet, which wantaahorj below Wlcklllfe Thurada>niRht, Is now high and dry on the

l ar, with only a f 'W f i c i of water

>iirniiin(liii|; licv. Tlie siroim windlili'W ll T a^lloll' and siiirl< lii'i so

fusi in the Hand und mud that ih-j

combined efforts of tlie Ferd Herold

her and tba boM now rests la ahal*

low water.

Cured C'oiisnmpilOB.

Mrs. B. W. Kvaaa. Charwatsr,

Kan., writaat **Vtr hnahaad lajr alek

for three raontha. Tha doetora aaMho had qnick eonannptlott. We pro>

1 III I'll a liottla of nallard'n Ilnre-

lioiiiul ^\vrtip,*and It cured him. That

was six .M'ius aito and aince tliun we

have always kept a bottle in tbe

hoaae. Wa cannot do wlthont It

For cobgha aad aolda It haa aoequal." ISe. SOo aad ll.OO. laid

by OaBoki. Xolb ft Co.. Padneah. X/.

WeNt Kud lad llurKtiiii.

We offer s genuine bargain In I lie

way ot a West Bad reaidonee or in-

vestment lot In ona IStzlCS feet to

an alley, altaated on tha gonthweatKMH r of Broadway and Slat atreet.

i 111 {iriie ta only fl.BOO. Third eaah.

iMiiii.\ nf siiaiii' trci'H. Lat largo

clioiii'li fur l«o fanillins.

Willi I' liiiiri' Heal K^Iali' .\M''M' y,

l''i .1 i-'i 11 1: \ ll'i ililini;. llnMi iih. in


S. p. POOL, Manager,

GUY NANCIl, Ass't.

til taath Thiii Siroot.Re»idenri> over t ore

planes no ^ril'r^ RsiMinHliir.

C. C. GRASSHAMfurwcrly of tfrnitblaad.


OL O HM O N E >l» 7 - A


Libt ui new subacfibaii •44t<l bjr

tba Kast Traaaaaat TtfaylWSteoaipaajr lodaf i

mil—Bmary, M. %, Resldoaae.

Sisib and Jegersoa.

I I Mi I. it lie, Will. It.'nldeui-e,

II I I l.ll I I.^Oll

I Ml" iiiiiliic .M s.iii 8uui'i Uui.

ii:',i I h.imIi'.^, .Mi.- Kd, amUuihrlB Ury Quoda tfiure.

i<l»—aauth. Vm. aaMaaaa4 100 Harriaoa.UBS r—aurgls a Smlib, aeooad

Hnd Hiuudwa)K«uiauib«r we gtva liaa eouatry

ii'ivire, i'oiii|>l«t«, lung dUlanca cou-

uacllutts. Bud s list of over HlOO sub-

•srihars for ib« sava price uur ooai*

potitara abarga far In* Itai^ teV Ifea



^AOK Rtnirr fftft PADUOAII r VRNmo 8Cir# >

OUK GRAND SPRING MILLINERY OP£,NINGOur ^ralu^ Spring Millinery opening of superb Pattern Hats

will be next I riilay and Saturday, March ^Ist and April 1st. I liis

di^lajr will be • perfect rmlatlon of beauty, loveliness, style, taste

and elegance. Mrs. Mtrbour ranMcke^ New York's great Milli-

nery Emporiums for the daintiest, lovelicM and most exclusive

achievements of the milliner's skill. You are most cordiilly in-

vited to see this beautiful exhibition in artistic millinery.

Alre uly Spring bu} injr broadens. As the days lengthen ac-

tivity incTeases. Tlu- replenishing time is here and for months this

store has been preparing for it. Fvcry section offers its best andnewest merchandise. Just the sort of merchandise that you arc

looking for. fricct and qualities are right.


They're hrniiHwi, pvprv ono of

ihnm, frwiih from fnnhlnn cpnlprw.

i'tip«tf ON tM protr»wly. 4«lf>k-Mi«

nii'l •iiii illI I'lflt pliin

Yard-wlfit TaCtUa In drawn, blue

Kioen «a4 0tk»r mIM wton M ITe

n rard.

whitp -iii<« art fe«f« nt lie,

tiOc and 7i>c a /ard.

TnN*#Mn t«iniMM« Mack Tar

fi'iAM nrr liprn for 99c a yard.

Yard-wide rhnnitpabla TnffaUuiarp

bfra for VPic a ynnl.

f<'<h Una TkMtM V Nrt fW 11 •


' ToM'll aptrnffatt t1lMN> altka at

Ihpup pricPR. hill till' iiiiii I'..111.,

aoon, for Ihp.v'll not b« here long fur

anybadr lo apprectatt.

TRtnM lIKW MINM dOOOikSIH'lvPB nili'il Willi thrill, roiinlnrn

niled with thpin. anil thp (hoo«lnR

Imm alran^r tocnn. TMr atw »rinR

Kiiwn ('< hrrr If v'l't' "fllv fl>>|,>( | II

Coiiip IpI UK (iRura with yuii.

In Ihi'in

Hhoiilil Mill not know thai wn hip

iMia^HM HaCiaN'* MylM pattafMat

I Br? Coma and lnvMtl|ia<p Ihrm.


Tha priaa la a aiattar of aawa that

Voil Khoiild kiKiw Soiiip nrr |t T'l;

Mimp are III; noinp are |l2..'iii, and

ItS.ftfl; aiMM art fU and llC.lo.

Rvn v woiniin akooM Boa Ml toew

nhoiii ihpm.

There an /foah arrivaia Ip women

anil Mlaoaa aklrta and ladlaa walme

tkat we wlak we had upare to (ell

you alinnf. The pretty hInIpk imd low

prlroB WiMiM tampt tm t« Mimtl*ftntp.


.I^rkapa yea are flRiirtait m a aaw

pair or two. W.- ll nt Mim iiiiir or

.Mg nea^a la Ibla particular la youraathrfaftloB.

in \\ \\»}\ T Ml :> s AMI IlO^M-M.w St ITS roil sniiNtr.'

t i.iiM' iukI II I iIh IlKiire with yitii.

U p nre In olmpe tO tlo tN elOthlnRbualaeaa of tbia aoaiiaa It M« alyleii

batter ^aallty aad lowar prieaa >hanothera will lillaaMk jroa ta alapt oarra*h nyettn.

Harbour's Depart North Third StreetHALF SQUARE FROM BROADWAY

ttoBt week at "Tfce Kaaiucky:"

Walaaaday, BMtiaee aatf aigbt,

The Big Maalcal Ceaiadr, "Ruaalng(or Office."

Thursday, matinee aad algkt Mll-

Icr-Bryant Co.

Friday, matinee aad alffct. Miller-

Ilryant Co.

Saturday algbt, "Tlia Murphy."

Tktao BMtlaeea neat waok.

Tha way to play ShuKi six'are well,

wrltea a correapondeni who aaw the

flothem-Marlowr company .laat au-

tumn, and who hat lately aeea tkem,la lo play him oflpn. Ton would be

Biuiirlsi il 111 -I . III.. cluiiiKc lliul tlM-

months iif Koiii' II an I .liilliM"

"Much Alio. ami llainl.'i.' iiIkIii

after night, bub iiiud'.' In the per-

toraiaaco. Kvery one apeaka kla llaea

now oaally aad naturally, aa thoughhe ware at home In verait. iTery one

Weara hia coRtnnii- as fainlllarly ai If

they were ordinary cIoiIipk. and ev-

ery detail (if ilir .11 I Ion .mi' s as siu i-

ly aa U would hi a modern play, andWith no touch of atifrnpia. Sbakea-

peare baa taught them to play

fhakeaptara. The rarlewera In Lon-don hatra boon aaying the aame thing

of the Bsnaon company, which acts

Shnkrsiiear" the .Mar round, Khlni;

a (Idzi'ii or iiiiiii' nf h\s pl.Tj.s, Tlicv

liavi' i viMi ">iiniairil iliat In a yoar

the "UeuHouians" apeak more of

Shakspeare'a Macliak tkaa tkay doof their owa. •

Murine ih l uKani'iii mi: of ' In ihr

East" played by the Van Uyke-Eatonoopipaay In Now Caatle, Pa., Tory re-

eoatly two of the moat popular mem-toeiw'of the company, Boaale Jacksonand Jam«s K. MrCoy, w rn marrlfdThey were In radmali recently with

tko ooapaay.

While "When n Man Marries" thaioiiiim1.\ hi ^;ivi i In rim .Murphyand his spU-udlU I'Uliipan.N , liu.^ Ii?en

iHonounced one of th'> "rUhnKithings" of the itaaon, that ahouldnot be conaldered In the seaae of any*thlag bordering on the suggestivefor Jt laiBafrom such, being In real-

ity one t^lke clcan -Ki l ui. mo'iclpverly construiiid sioili s linaKlnabli- and Kivlim In thin h iii i-v.-i.n op-

|)oiiiiii|i> f,ii ilr- Wx|pies>,lon of biswoiih a» III! ill i-iii sAil iiainstaklagplayer. Mr. Murphy hip doai both

^ Mrso Ao Co Clark's

InteresUng Millinery AnnoimcemeiitOur Spring opening will occur nc.\t week, i riday, March

Silt, and Saturday, April lit.

We will have on dtiplay itylei in moderate and high-pricedMillinery, an exposition of the most exquisite creations fromNew York and Parii, tupplemented by ntw and bcAutiiuIideufrom our own work room. From every fashion centei comeithe word that Turbans and Small Hats will he ever more in

vo^uc this season than ever before. Our display compriresboth uniciuc and popular models and is so wide in its variety

as to please every customer to the last dcj^ree. Inspection of

our Millinery will convince you that our prices are below the

minimum ever before charged for high quality patterni.

Remember the date, Friday, 31it, and April 1st. Secondfloor L. B. Ogilvie & Cq*s.

Preparations for this event is being made by Mrs. A. C:Clark and L. B. ()[;ilvie on a scale characteristic of the estab-lishment. Millinery department, second floor, will be beauti-fully decorated in Japaneie decorationi with lix pretty Japmaidi to serve a dainty cup of tea to all callen.


''i.|..iin. and will xlnr In a pUy ninv

lif'lnK^ writen for her, the name fur

which has not been selecled.

Her busbaad, Mr. Jaawa Yoang.has signed for the aeaaoa with the

t.illinn Mortimer company to play

loads, and Ih now with ih^ company.

After It" H'nulai ••a'-iin i In- |i will

liegin a suiumcr cnisuKcnient In iIk-



Manager Dnallsh haa' secured the

Mllli-r llivant .Simk

I ights next week.

CO. for two

.Mr I'rank F. MllliT. tin- il^vpr

and vi'iKaiilo riinu'dian with riii- Mil

ii'i-nr\Hn Co.. IK kn"«M aiinnik; li ''

iKociulP pla.Ni rH in thp muitU' world

Pf the Chauncpy Olrott of repertoire.

Ihe musical oumbera Introduced by

.Mr. Miller belag a dlatlnct feature at

each performaaeo of thta clever or

ttanlsallon. The MINer-Bryan ("o

will play an cnRaRpnient nf two

nlKhiii and t»ii luaiini'i's m iIm> Ki'h-

liicky thiMii I . iiiiiMH'iirlni^ wnh an

afternoon pt-rfoi ni.iiiri- on I'liiirHday.

March 30. The ronipany Is a larae

niid capable one, the plays all aiaged

In an elaborate nMnaar and tho spe-

ilaltlpn liptwppn Ihe acta irst clas*

III every particular.

At The Kentnrky Thur^iilay and

I'rlday, with biK liamaiii iiiHtIn m k.

each day. l.adlPK f)'> 'Ihiir.'.day

I igbt, under the usual cundilions.

Devil*s Island Fndurfinro Gin

!«M oaly in 1-2 Plati. Plats m# Qotrls—Nmr la Bulk

ing at aay time that har boea la the

remotest decree offensive or even

questionable. His engageaMBta have

alwaya attractod tiM Hbat elaaa of

playgoers aad aeqaalataaea wtUblastandard has begotten aecnrtty la

tiiUliiK liidiis and younn [h'oiiIb withI 111' imiuilx' of A wholl\ i li'.in. ele-

vulinK and aiiMi-mn . n' iiIuk If there

is a reward for liiisfi and direri

Ideala. Arm adhereme theieio. and

clever portrayal of them, it baa been

earaod by TIa Murphy. *

Mr. Murphy aad his capable coiii-

paay with* that talented comedienneDorothy Iherrod in the principal

rolo aaHMg the foailaine meabem.will preaent "When a Maa Marrioe"at the K-'iiiih ky, mattaoo aad aight.

on net. .^^ai m iluy.

The .N'i'W Vnik paiif in OOnUBeiM

iiiK on ilir I'liiii Coh.iii.s' big succe>-• KiinnliiK for Olflre." w tili li ()i'iir>;i'

.^1 {"ohin wroti- aH a Hiirrc«><or lo

"ThP (fOvernor'H Son," naid: "The

Four Cohans scored a bit."—>New

Yorh TIBM8. "Haa oomedy enoughfor a doaen abowa."—New TorhPrenK. "The audience was Immensely111. . I 'll .Moiiilni; 8un. ".N.'W Co-

liaii |ila.\ .1 ii.i|ii.l.i! lilt." Ni'w Voik

lli rald "Tlif ('iilinn> iii.iki' a iiutm

campaign." .New York World.' Here'a a real hit."—New York

Joamal. "Their perfonaaaeo la one

a( the few aaaalcal eoaMdIea whichla thoroughly worth while,"-r-lvea-

iuK Son. And Ihe Run contlnulikg.

.MInh l.lllian Lancaster (Ptora.Mae Clark), will arrive about April

1 to vielt her mother aad sister, Mrs.

B. H. Clark and Mtaa Mugenla Clark,at .Ninth and Clay atreeta.

Mlaa Clark who la one of Padureah'a talented girl* who have aMdea aucVea on the atage, haa recently

been with "Alone In th<» World."Whirh rio.ieh noon. .Mism Cl.nk haf

nIkii'mI for till- Hiiniiiii'i with a hlu

>^IOl k rolii|\ u( llari IhliiM i: i'a

! and coni«i> fur a vltili before thi' en-

gagement openti. 8he also signed a

'c6ntraet with Mlltenthal for neii

fald: ".Moil' Miap and kIiik 'r In a

nlDgie a<'t than iiioki of iIih ihusIi-hI

comedies of the aeaMin hav liown

lb the aggregate."—And some of ih

biggeat "Broadway" auecMesa uf

yeora were at that time lavading

New York.'Ham M Harris and the author of

'KiiiiiiiiiK for Oflic} " will preKenl

III" |Mi|Hii,ii' Huccess, Willi a l.i.K'

nieliupulllan cast. At Th > K -n-

jiucK)', matlao* aad alght Wcdnes-tday.


















CNOU!?AE^C£ GIN^WrcH roafiuuVJilN»i>rf!Mn««t»,PNeirvtAii ocfuiuviisNvdM

KBb'.\«i<A. rttitoviu«t. « MK*itaanr MMKIASMirmN'>i\. A MR UK rw KiNiY.uaaMtk nap ihsmw~ MTIUtO ANOWriilS iv






WhoUaom«s Pleasant to th« Taate

Bucchii Icavei, phoiphatr. liihia, juniper berriei and

other v\ lu)U-soiiie iiujrrili t<, properly prepared and

pruportioncii Sold cvn > v\ here in the United Statei.

DREYFUSS, WEIL d CO.,Fuducah, Ky.

Cotit !*< foi* L'* A,For sale by Bars

and Druif Sloren








THE KENTUCKY— MidAeiNCiiT JAS. I.mim Two BIG Nights and Two Big MatineesTHURSDAY AND FRIDAY. . . MARCH 30 AND 31 . . . The Show With a Record a a a



nifi'LAK PHICKii




FRANK MILLERMatinee, 10 and 20 cents. Nielit, 10, 20 and 30 cents. Ladies Free Tliiirsiiay Niglit under Usuai Conditions

MAUD CLIFTONThuriday Matinee, The Iriih Deteclivf. Thuridiy Night, Grit The Ntwiboy. Skats on Sali. WeoNesDAV. Secure your icati early.