Ntroduct N and General Ind-Ex - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Ntroduct N and General Ind-Ex - Forgotten Books




HIL 'L DIRE CTORY CO. , Inc . , pub lishers “

of Sou theaste rn Dire ctories , present to sub scribe rs and the genera l pub li c , th is , the 19 59 e dit i on o f the Wh itevi l le C i tyD irec tory, wh ich a lso inc ludes the ru ra l ro u tes em anating from the Wh i tevi l le Post Office .

T h is i s the f irst Hi l l D irecto ry of Wh i tevi l le , andi s com p letely standardi z ed acco rding to the po l ic iesand practice s of the Association o f North Am e ricanD ire cto ry Pub lishers .

Confi dence in the growth o f Wh itevil le ’s industry,popu lati on a nd wea lth , and in the a dvancem en t o f its

c ivi c and soc ia l activiti e s, wi l l be m aintained as se cti ons of th is Dire cto ry are consu lted , fo r the D irectoryi s a m i rror truly re f lecting FWh i tevi lle to the wor ld .

T he enviab le pos i tion o ccup ied by HIL L ’

S D irceto rie s in the e stim atio n o f the pub lic , has been establi shed by rende ring the best in D irec to ry se rvi ce . Wi than unriva led organ i z ation , and having had the cou rteou sand hearty cooperation o f the bu s iness and pro fe ssi ona lm en and re s i dents , the pub lishers feel that the resu lto f the ir labo rs wil l m ee t wi th the approva l o f everyuse r , and the W'h itevi'l le D irec tory wi l l ful fi l l its m is

s ion as :a sou rce o f au then tic info rm ation pertain ing ‘


the com m uni ty .

F i ve Ma j or Departm en tsThe f ive m a j or departm en ts are a rranged in the

fo l lowing o rder :rI. THE Y E LL OW PAG E S consti tu te the f irst m a

j or departm ent o f the D irectory . Th is em b races a complete l ist of the nam e s and addre sse s o f the bu s ine ssand pro fe ssiona l co nce rns of the c i ty and vic in i ty, ar

ranged in alphabe tica l o rde r under approp ri ate headings—4a cata lo g of a ll the activi tie s o f the c ity andvic ini ty . Pre ceding th is cata log , l ikewi se gro uped underappropr iate headings, are the advertisem en ts and bu s iness cards of firm s and individua l s de siring to presen ta m ore com pl e te l ist o f thei r pro ducts or servi ces thani s possib le in the catalo g i tse l f . The Y e l l-ow Pages repre sen t re fe rence a dverti sing at i ts bes t, and m eri t theatten tion of a l l buyers and se llers seek ing so u rces ofsupp ly o r m arke ts for goods . In a p rogress ive com m un i tyl ike ‘Wh itev'i l le , the necess i ty o f having th i s k ind o f

info rm atio n u p- to - date and always im m ediate ly avai lab le is obviou s . The Di rectory i s the com m o n interm ed1ary b e tween buyer and se l ler , and plays an i mportant rol e in the dai ly a ct ivi ties of the com m erc i al ,industri a l and pro fessiona l wo r ld .

II . THE ALPHABETICAL L IST OF NAME S of re s iden ts and bu s iness and


prof‘e'ssiona l conce rns i s the

second m a j ordepartm en t , p-

ri nted o n wh i te pape r . Th isi s the on ly record i n existence : that; aim s !.t

oé‘show the

nam e , m artia l statu s , occupation and addre ss of e achadu lt re s iden t of Wh iteville . .

-and_ vic in i ty and the nam e ,o ffi c ia l personne l , na tu re and addre ss of e ach firmand co rpo ration in the com u n i ty.

III THE DIR ECTORY ’OF HOUSEHOLDERSCLUDING ISTR‘EE T AND AV ENUE GUIDE , i s the th ird;m a jor departm ent prin ted on


g reen p aper. In 1th is see;tion the nam es of the streets arearranged in alphabeti - I

cal orde r ; the n u m bers o f the res1dences and b usinessconce rns . :a

-re arranged in numerical order _ u nde r.nam e o f e ach stree t , and. the nam es of thand conce rns are placed oppo si te! , the 1

_nam es of the in te rsecting s tree ts appeapective .

acrossi n’

g p'

o i'

nts zon e ach stree t . Specia l feature sof th is '

iSGCti OD.

'are the des i gna tion o f tennanti owned

hom es and the : l i sting of te lepho ne numbers .'

IV THEon b lu e pape

The D irecto ry. re f lects the achievem ents and am »

b itions o f the com m un i ty, dep icting in u nbiased term s -


What i t h as to off-er as a fplace Of re s idence , .as a bu si -i- t

ness lo cation , as a m anu factur ing Isi te and-

zas an educati onal cen te r . T o b roadcast th is inform ation , the publ i shers have p laced copies at th is 'i - “ssue '

o f the D ire ctoryi n D irecto ry L ibrar ie s , whe re they. are re adi ly avai lab le for free re fe rence , and serve as perp etua l and reliab le adve rtisem en ts o f Wh i tevi l le and vicin i ty .

Through the cou rtesy of the pu bl1shers of theWhi teville C i ty D irectory, a Di recto ry L ibrary is m ai ntai ned in" the offices '

of the Wh i tev1l le Me rchants Ass'

ociati on", Inc fer. free refe rence bythe general pub li c .Thi s i s one of m o re than 730 0, D 1rectory i nstalled i n the ch ief c1tiss .of theUS. and Canada by,


ci ati on of: North Am erl can D 1rec

The pu bll shers ’apprem at

‘Wely acknowledg eo g

ni ti on" by those preg resswe bu sm ess ahd pro

m en wh o"

have dem onstrated ‘th ‘

eir c'onfidenC

C i ty'D i rectory as an adverti sm g medi um


With -assu rancethat i t wi ll'b ring ‘a com m ensurate re turn"


Ash ley Joli right si de l ines and 3 3

fAvah t Sholar bo ttom l ine s and "54

gBeason Ralph L Insu rance“ 'ri ght bdtt-Om l ines Iand .


B est Cabi net -ft_

si de’ l ine s, 15 and 5 2

Black ’

s T ire Service 63

iCam pbe l'l 'W‘ade $5

Carte r A G'

Jr General .Contractorbook m ark , right top l ihesand 18

“Col l ie r G as App l iance Cc IncI cove r I left IItop l inesI





C o l l ins Departm ent Store le ft bo ttom l ine s and I I X“Co l l ins H H So ns

back cover , left bottom l ines a'

n‘d i I 37

Co lu m bu s Co ld S torage Co Inc'



. back‘ cove r , le ft bottom 115 455 21116 3 6‘Co lumbu s Drug S tore

back co i fer, right bottom ‘


i nes and 28

{Co lum bu s Pavin g Co Inc r ight bo ttom li nesand 25I ICol u m bu s I Supply Co le ft cent e r li nes and


Coo l; JW 'Sons 19

"Co ok’

s of

fWhi te'vi l le N C left bo ttom lines andCu l li ga’n Jsoft Wate r Sérvice' rig ht side l ines and 6 6

D T Supe r Marke t bo ttom li ne s 'an’ i 'd 6 1ID em ery

F reddi e _

2 0‘Edm unds' ‘R'

e a lt'y Co 3 3 left : bo ttom line s and ‘58

" F irst Natio na l B ank The I

ri g’h t s‘ ide l ines and I9

f-F loydl’

Barkl é yI Agency le f-t bo ttom l ines a nd


CF owle r Co The top stenc i l , le ft si de lI Ii nes an

d I

F u l le r L K App l iance F urn iture ‘Storeb'a'ck cove r , right top l ines and : 40


G C Pontiac Inc front cove r , le ft top l ines and 5G enera l W indow Cle an ing Co r ight s ide lines and“ : 6 8

fG eorg e s “

1eff Side l ine s, 16 and 65

G ore ’8 Qua l i ty Shopfront cover , right s i de l ines and 44

G ro ss F rank J le ft s i de l ines and 2 1

G ui ton ’s Drug Store 3 0IHawks E L I

. s ide l ines andHe rring’s Radio T V 6 3

Hi l l D irecto ry Co Inc“ 2 7

Hinson E F Cabine t Wo rksfron t stenc i l , right bo ttom l ine s and

Jones F urn i tu re Co Incb ack cover , ri ght bottom l ines and


s C leane rs I

. right s ide lines andLangley Ed le ft s i de l ines andTeder Brothe rs Inc

fron t cover , le ft bo ttom l ines andMark s Truck Tractor Cobackbone le-fzt bo ttom l ines andMc-G irt A F le ft s ide l ine s andMcN e i ll Ne i l Hector Agency le ft bo ttom l ine s andMcPherson We l l Dri l li ng Service

r ight bo ttom l ines , A “and


McQu een’s Nu rse ry

bo tto m stenc i l , right s ide l ines a ndModern Dry C le ane rs

b ack cove r , le ft s ide l ine-s andNance C L cove r, right top l ines andN ewsom e

s Lum be r Bu i lding Supp l y,le ft bo ttom l ines and

Powel l G au lt Agency ri ght top l ine s andPridgen B ros Con tracto rs right si de lIi nes '

and'Pri dg en C abine t IWorks le ft bo ttom l ine s andPri dgen Sand 'B lasting Contractor

le ft s ide l ine s andQual i ty Mo tor Co Inc le ft top l ines andReed’s “Jewe lers r ight s ide l ine s andRe l iance G uano Co IncR ow Les l ie H r i ght top l ines andRu ss R V App l iance Sho p right s ide l ine s andShaw ’s John H Isoms le ft si de


Il i nes andSim m ons Drug CI


fro n t l ip m argin , le ft bo tto m l ines and"

Sm i th ’

s F unera l Hom e le ft s i de l ines and

Stan ley S P Jr ri ght s i de l ine s andStevens Hasty Co le ft top l ines andStephe l

s Dry C le ane rs right s i de l ines andTo dd F urn i tu re Co front cove r , right top l ine s and

“Townsend B u i lde rs Supp lyb ack cove r , right top line s and

Townsend P lum b ing C-o ri ght bo ttom l ines , A andWf

accam aw B ank Tru st Cofron t cove r , r ight bottom li nes and

We ave r’s Jewe lry ’Store le ft bo ttom l ine s andWe ste rn Au to As soc iate Sto re

bo ttom l ine s andWh i tevi l le 'Body Sho p

b ack l ip m argin , le ft s ide li nes andWh i te vi l le Coca- Co la Bo tt l ing Work s Inc

le ft s i de l ine s andWhi tevi l le Laund ry C le ane rs

fron t cove r , right bo ttom l ines andWooten The lm a Dr

6 2





Stati sti cal R evi ew(Cou rtesy G eorg e G old , pres . Whi tevi lle Credi t Bu reau )F o rm o f G overnment— Ci ty manage r . Inco rporated as a

town ;Popu la tion— 19 50 U. 8 . C en sus repo rt, loca l es

t imate at present T o ta l co lored popu lationAmerican - bo rn populat ion i s 9 9% o f the who le .

Are a— 2 square m i les .

A l ti tude— 6 6 fee t above sea leve l .Climate Mean annua l tempe rature 64 degrees F . ;

ave rag e annua l rainfa l l 50 inch-es.

Parks— 1, w ith to ta l of 4 acres .Asse ssed 'V aluation w i th pe r

tax rate .

Bonded D eb t 53 6 , 50

F inancia l D ata—2 banks w i th to ta l deposits of $3 2 ,

(M arch to ta l re sou rces o f2 16 (M arch 19 59 ) and '1 Bu ilding and L o an Associat ion .

Posta l Rece ipts (year endedT e lephones in 1Se rviceChu rches—13 , representing 8 denom inati ons .Bu i lding and Constructio n—4 3 5 bu i lding pe rm i ts issued

i n 1958.

Indu stry— Ch ie f indu stries o f the ci ty and su rroundingterritory ; To b acco , lumbe r and sow ing .

T rade Area—JRetai l are a has radius of 2 0 m i les , andpopu lation o f Whol esa le are a has radiu s o f“

3 5 m i le s , and popu lation o fN ewspape rs— 1 sem i - week ly .

Radio B roadcasting Stations—WENC

Ho te ls—2 , w i th to ta l o f 6 0 rooms .

Rai lroads—Ci ty served by Atlant ic Coast L ine .

Bu s L ines— Ci ty served by 1 intra - ci ty bu's l ine : QueenCi ty T rai lway .

Highways— 7 4, andU. S. 7 01 .

Au tomobi le RegistrationsAmusements— “

L argest audito rium in ci ty se ats 9 7 5 persons .

Ho sp ita l s—1 , w i th to ta l of 125 beds .E ducation— 5 pub l ic scho o ls . pup i ls in pub l ic

schoo ls .Pub l ic L ibraries— 2 .

Ci ty Statisti cs— 1 ci ty bu s l ine . wate r me te rs . C-a

paci ty of mun icipa l wate r wo rks , dai ly ave ragepumpage o f ga l lo ns . F ire department h as4 paid men , w i th 1 stat i on and 3 p ieces of mo to r

xi i

equ ipment . Po li ce departm ent . hasfé-S'

m e

nfand 2

p ieces o f m o tor equ ipm entHi story of Wh itevi l le, NorthCaroli na

Wh i tevi l le , the cou nty seat o f Co lumbu s County ,

i s located somewhat west and north of the geograph iccente r of the county The courthou se i s si tuated in thecro ssroadsof north sou th and east -West “

h i gh'WaYS, fortyni ne m i le s due “

west . of the port_


i ty. of Wi lm ington . I ti s the heart o f -

a rich coasta l farm ing “

sectio n -

gand issupported prim ari ly by agricu ltu re .


Or1g 1n ally called Whi te’s Cro ssing , the town wasnamed for James B . Wh ite who gave the s ite for thecou rthou se , two of wh ich have been bu1lt sinceo ri gina l o .ne Around the cou rthou se, streets and lo tswe re _

'lai d o u t and th i s sect ion i s now re ferred to local lyas Old Whi tevi l le orUptown Wh1tevi l-le. Wh en the rai lroad came through in the 1840

’s, some cons idered thati t wou l d be a nu i san ce , since it wou ld be no isy and di stu rb thei r sto ck , co nsequ ent ly, i t ran a m ile an an e i ghthto the sou th , and the depo t th i s di stance sou th of thecourthou se was known as V ine land . T he tWo nam es conti nu ed unti l the nam e V ine land Was d ro pped and i t ihrecam e a

part -'Wh -i te

‘vi l le. T he Old V ine land section of

the : tow.n i s' I10W.


en - io f fas D owntown . i h contrastto Uptown or Old Wh i tevi l le .

’Wh i tevi l le was incorporated by the le g is latu re in1883 . T he o ldest map ofWh i tevi lle on fi le in the cou rthou se i s dated : 189 7 It shows two or three squ ares i n

r eijther direction from the cou rthou se and thre e streetsle ading to the depo t where a few more lot s are shown .

Addi tiona l p lats have been fi led show ing subdivisionsof farm s lying be tween the two cente rs and estab lishing

r the c ross stree ts Wh1ch are on the pre sent map .

e road between thecou rthou seand thedepo t wasa sand road unti l - 19 12 , when a sand c'lay surface waslai d . A si dewa lk was bu ilt abou t 189 0 . T he town i ssu‘edbonds and e stab l ished a wate r and sewe r system in 19 2 2


19 2 3 . T here was a paving program in 19 24, anothe ri n 19 3 8 and anothe r in 1941 .

N o fine r ”chapte r in Wh i tevi l le ’s h i story has _been

Wri tten than that conce rn ing i ts p articipat ion in Wor ldWar I I . In se rvice s on/ both the hom e front and them i l itary front , Wh i tevi l le Ci ti z ens did the ir pWh i tev i l le m en - fought in eve ry - theatre o ff- o pera

tions and se rved in eve ry b ranch of the se rvice T heyranged in rank from, private to fu l l c .o lone1 In. proport ion to popu lation ; they won the i r share of awards formeritoriou s service .

On the hom e front , a l l phase s of the Ame ri can RedCross’s vo lu ntee r program we re carried o u t in a


ti ng u i shed manner and in the“ War Bond D ri ves , nati onal prom inence Was gained by l oca l part icipati on .

By legi slative enactm ent , the schoo ls of theWh i te


vi l le district comprise a schoo l adm in istrative un i t seperate f rom the county system . A recent fi re has destroyed the h igh schoo l p la nt bu t p lans are unde rway to bu i l da more mo de rn and we l l- equ ipped school for the h i ghschoo l students wh ich w i l l bea r rich fru i t in the edu cation o fWhi tevi l le you th .

In the fie l d o f re l igion , Wh i tevi l le is b lessed wi thstrong !churches , magn i ficent bu i ldings and good m in iste rs . Me thodists , Bapt ists and 'Presbyte rians are thepredom inating denom inations , a lthough Penteco s ta lHo liness , Catho l ic, and E p iscopa l Chu rches have be au tifu l structures and are p rogre ssing w i th Wh itev i l le . Inaddl ti on , .

_ there are F ree Wi l l B aptists Christian Missi bnary A l l iance , Church of G od and Jehovah’s W1t


D uring the past. ten ye ars, Wh itev i l le? s recre ational

pro gram has“ been form u lated and now consistsof a fu ll’

t im e dire ctor, sp aciou s p laygrounds and equ i pment anda we —ll rou nded program fo r the you th and adu lts of the .g

commun i ty; T he Wh i tev1lle Country Clu b provi de s 'a

n ine hol e g olf cou rse , and the re are nu m erous p rivate ,

tenn is courts and sw imm ing poo ls .Co lumbu s Cou nty Ho sp i ta l i s located i n Wh i tevfl le

and has grown from a sma l l insti tu t ion in a hforne'

to i ts'


present c apaci ty of 125 beds . I t has amp le equ i pm enftand competent =- we l l -trained physrci ans for properm edical care .

Wh i tevi l le has a Well appointed and w e l l equ ipped - 3




gr l ib rary w i th a w i de ci rcu latio n T he Wh i tevi l le Post ;we , located in a be au ti fu l bu i lding on Madison Stree t ,

hasa f irst c lass rating .

T he Nationa l G uard Armory i s amp ly bu i lt to prov1d‘e training space for th i s area s nat ional gu ard . g

T he Whitevi l le T obcco Marke t, of worl d w i de famehas steadi ly prog re ssed o ve r the years and , new averag ing over pounds of tobacco so ld. e ach ye ardu ring the three months sell



n g season .

Wh itevi l le i s rich ly endowed w i th indu stria l pos-

gsi bi l i ties in the lumbe r and agricu ltu ra l f ie l d . .


It has a

ci vic .

- m inded c1t1z ensh1p Who are anxiou s to promo te ‘

the civic deve lopment of the town .


It has bu siness menw ith vi sio n and ene rgy and i t has natu ral be au ty . I thas c iv ic o rgan i z ations wh ich have p roved th e ir 'worthas civ ic ente rpr ises .

L ocated as i t is in the he art of a gre at county wherevirgin o pportun ities sti l l a bound , the fu tu re of Wh itevi l le has possib i l i ties ye t un imagined . T o the indu stria li sts, particu lar ly tho se Whose indu stries are based i n

farm or forest products, who are looking for new te rrito ry where labor and raw materials are avai lab le o n

a year- round b asis at a reasonab le co st ,Wh itevi l le o ffe rsa go l den Opportun ity . To small bu siness men , who arelook ing for a congen ia l atmosphere i n wh ich to l ive andwo rk and edu cate the ir ch i ldren , they w i l l find -i n Wh i tevi l‘le the fu lfi l lment of the ir dre am s .

* lt is cu stomaryto include

a Yellow Page Section in

the CityDirectorybecau se

The Yellow Page Section is a necessary supplement

to the reg u lar listings; it is good CityDirectory in

formation EXTENDED.

It g ives bu siness firm s the

opportu ni ty to elaborate upon

a description of theirprodu cts

and servi ces im possible in

the lim i ted space of reg u lar

A com plete library of ou t of town City Directoriesis m aintained especially for the reference u se of ou r

su bscribers. We invite you to consu lt this library of u p

to - date Directories when in need of nam es, addresses,

and other inform ation abou t firm s and individu als inother cities. This is a part of ou r service to local CityDirectory u sers.


All. FORMS OF INSURANCECou rt Hou se Squ are

N am es appearing u nder head i n g s m arked th u s are i nserted on lywhen specially contracted for.

Copyri g ht, 1959 , By Hi l l D irectory Co . , Inc.

AbattoirsColu m bu s Cold Storage Abattoir Wilm ing ton rd nr F orest dr

(BW)Thom pson’

s Abattoir Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd RD 3 (Si lle )

Accou ntants—Certifi ed Pu blicMoore Clesson P 3 06 SMadisonMoore Price 3 06 SMadisonPrice A'llen E 3 06 SMadisonWard John 101WMain

Adm i nistratorsF IRST NATIONAL BANK THE , S Madison, T el Mi dway

2- 2174 (See Yellow Page 9 )Advertising—Di rect Mail

POLK R L CO, 43 1Howard, Detroit 3 1, Mi chAgricu ltu ral Im plem ent D ealers

Co le’s Store 911 SMadison

F u llerS L Co 416 N MadisonG u rganu s F arm Su pply Milli ng Co 13 4E Com m erce

MARKS TRUCK 8; TRACTOR CO, Wilm i ngton rd nr F orestDr (BW) , T el MIdway 2—2117 (See Yellow Page 3 4)

Sm i th Seth L 110 E Com m erce

Waccam aw Tractor Co 13 0 E Com m erce

Whi teville Tractor Im plem ent Co Chadbou rn rd nr City Limits RD 1

*Alterati on ShopsSTOPHEL ’

S DRY CLEANERS, Opposite Railroad Depot 122E Main, T el Mi dway 2- 3 718 (See Page B)

*AlterationsKRAHNKE ’

S CLEANERS, 13 1 W Com m erce , T el Mi dway2- 23 13 (See Yellow Page 3 1)

JEWELERSThe Hom e of

Q u al ityJewelryNationally



2 - 2054


Mi dway 2- 23 11 (See Yellow Page 51)Am bu lance Service

SHAW’S JOHN H SONS, 411 WVirgil, T el Mi dway 2- 2713 (SeeYellow Page 3 8)

SMITH’S FUNE RAL HOME , 219 W Virgil, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 206

and Chadbou rn NC, T el 357- 1 (See Yellow Page 3 9)

Am u sem ents—Places of

(See al so Parks and Playgrou nds)Am erican L egion Ball Park Chadbou rn rd RD 1Bu dnick T ee G olfWilm ington rd nrCity L im its (BW)

Anim al HospitalsPet Clini c Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Apartm ent Bu ildingsMearsApartm ents 107 WColu m bu s


S OF WHITEVIL LE , NC, 617 S Madison, T el Mi dway2- 2804 (See Yellow Page 3 )

*Appli ances—E lectricalRUSS R V APPLIAN CE SHOP, W Cedar cor Tabor City Rd

(SWhitevi lle ) RD 4, T el Mi dway 2- 3 673 (See Yellow Page2)

*Appliances—G asCOLLIER GAS APPLIANCE CO INC, 1008 S Madison , Day

T el M i dway 2- 3 247 , N ight T els Mi dway 52- 3 493 and Mi dway2—253 0 (See Yellow Page 43 )

*Appliances—Hou seholdFULLER L K APPLIANCE FURNITURE STORE , 407 SMadison , T el Mi dway 2- 2202 (See Yellow Page 40 )

JONES FURNITURE CO lN C, 814 S Madison , Tel Mi dway2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)

TODD FURNITURE CO, 614 S Madison, T el Mi dway 2- 3 3 77(See Yellow Page 42)

*Appliances—Wholesale and Reta ilF OWLER CO THE , 611 S Madison, Tel Mi dway 2- 2244 (SeeYellow Page 64)

*Arch itectu ral WoodworkPRIDG EN CABIN E T WORKS, Wilm ington Rd nr F orest Dr

(BW) , Tel Mi dway 2-2091 (See Page Y)

*Art G oods

GORE ’S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Main, T el Mi dway 2—2250 (See

Yellow Page 44)

Au thors and Com posersBu bbettMary D Mrs 207 E Clay

*Au to Accessories—Retai lF OWLE R 0 0 THE , 611 S Madison, T el Mi dway 2- 2244 (See

Y ellow Page 64)Au tom obile Accessories and Parts—Retai l

AVAN T SHOLAR INC, 411 S Madi son, T el Mi dway 2- 3 857

(See Yellow Page 4)G C PONTIAC INC, 413 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 3 153 (SeeYellow Page 5)

QUALITY MOTOR CO i N C, Tabor City Rd nr City L im i ts‘

( F a irfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2 2288 (See YellowPage 6)

WE STERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE , 112 E Main , T el Mi dway 2- 3 066 (See Yellow Page 62)Au tom obile Accessori es and Parts—Wholesale andJobbersBraxton Au to Parts Inc 140 E MainColu m bu sMotor Co 103 WMainPowell Au to Parts 914SMadison

Au tom obile Body RepairersSTEVENS HASTY CO, 126 Pecan, T el Mi dway 2—3 73 9 (SeeYellow Page 7 )

WHITEVILLE BODY SHOPS, WWalter nr Powell Blvd, T elMi dway 2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)

WalkerBros Body Shop 115 E Com m erce

*Au tom obile Brake RepairingSTEVENS HASTY CO, 126 Pecan, T el Mi dway 2- 3 73 9 (SeeYellow Page 7 )

Au tom obile DealersAVAN T SHOLAR INC (Chevrolet) , 411 S Madison, T el Mi d

way 2- 3 857 (See Yellow Page 4)G C PONTIAC IN C, 413 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 153 (SeeYellow Page 5)

QUALITY MOTOR CO i N C, Tabor City Rd, nr Ci ty L im i ts(F a irfax Heights) RD 3 , T el M i dway 2- 2288 (See YellowPage 6 )

Wells Oldsm obile Inc 507 SMadison


CleanersSince 1916


DIAL Mi dway

Com m erce

(See Y ellowPag e 3 1)

Au tom obile D ealers—Used CarsAVANT 85 SHOLAR INC, 411 S Madison, T el Mi dway 2- 3 857

(See Yellow Page 4)Carolina Motors Inc 112WMa inG C PONTIAC IN C, 413 S Madison, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 153 (SeeYellow Page 5)

Midway Motors Tabor C ity rd nrC ity L im its ( F airfax Heights)RD 3

QUALITY MOTOR CO IN C, Tabor City Rd nr City Lim i ts( F airfax Heights) , RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 2288 (See YellowPage 6)

Reliable Motors Inc 508 S LeeW HMotorCo E VirgilWells Oldsm obile Inc 508 SMadisonWhiteville Motor Co 101 E Walter

Au tom obile G arages(See also Au tom obile Repairing)

AVAN T SHOLAR i N C, 411 S Madison, T el Mi dway 2- 3 857(See Yellow Page 4)

G C PONTIAC INC, 413 S Ma dison, T el Mi dway 2- 3 153 (SeeYellow Page 5)

QUAL ITY MOTOR CO i N C, Tabor City Rd, nr City L im i ts( F a irfax Heights) , RD 3 , T el Mi dway 22 288 (See Yel lowPage 6 )

WHITEVILLE BODY SHOP, WWalter nr Powell Blvd, Tel

Mi dway 2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)*Au tom obile G lass

WHITEVILLE BODY SHOP, WWalter nr Powell Blvd , T elMi dway 2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)

Au tom obile LocksWHIT E V ILLE BODY SHOP, WWalter nr Powell Blvd , T el

2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)*Au tom obile Oi l

COLLIN S H H SONS, 200 Magnolia , T el Mi dway 2- 3 3 42 (SeeYellow Page 3 7 )

Au tom obile PaintersWHITE VILLE BODY SHOP, WWalter nr Powell Blvd , T el

Mi dway 2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)Au tom obile Radiator Repairers

STE V E NS HASTY CO, 126 Pecan , T el Mi dway 2- 3 73 9 (SeeYellow Page 7 )

WHITEVIL LE BODY SHOP, WWalter nr Powell Blvd, TelMi dway 2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)


“Qu ality for less


Au tom obile Repairing(See also G arages)

Bu ster’

s G arage Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Cribb’s Body Shop rear 111 E VirgilDavis G arage Body Shop 102WWalterD u ncan

’s G arag e and Chain Saw Co Shallotte rd nr T abor City

(S i lle ) RD 3Powell MotorCo Inc 109 E VirgilQUALITY MOTOR CO IN C, Tabor City Rd nr City L im i ts

( F airfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 2288 (86 9 YellowPage 6 )

Rogers Jam es Chadbou rn rd RD 1

STE V E NS HASTY CO, 126 Pecan , T el Mi dway 2—3 73 9 (SeeYellow Page 7 )T B G arage 109 Ca'ldi sT i son

gGarage T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F airfax Heights)

R 3

Vance Au to '

Service 102 PecanWalker Bros G arageWilson .nr Com m erce

WHITE VILLE BODY SHOP, W Walter nr Powell Blvd, T elMi dway 2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)

William s G enera-

1 Au to T ractor Repairs Mill Pond rd nr

T abor City rd (S i lle ) RD 4

Au tom obile Seat Cover Manu factu rersCarolinaUpholstery Co rear 111 E Virgil

Au tom obi le and T ru ck Owner L istsPOLK R L CO, 43 1Howard, Detroit 3 1, Mich

Au tom obile Wrecker ServiceWHITE V IL LE BODY SHOP, WWalter nr Powell Blvd , T el

M i dway 2—3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)Au tom ob i le Wreckers

Whi tevilleUsed Parts Inc Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Au tom obilesCHEV ROLE T AUTOMOBILE S, Avant Sholar Inc, Sales and

Service , 411 S Madi son , T el Mi dway 2—3 857 (See YellowPage 4)

F ORD MOTOR CARS, Qu ality Motor Co Inc, Sales and Ser

vi ce , Tabor City Rd nr City L im i ts (F airfax Heights) RD 3 ,T el Mi dway 2—2288 (See Yellow Pag e 6 )

LARK AUTOMOBILE S BY STUDEBAKER , G C Pontiaci nc Sales and Service, 413 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 153'

(See Yellow Pa g e 5)PONTIAC AUTOMOBILE S, G C Pontiac Inc Sales and Service, 413 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 153 (See Yellow Page

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D i al Mi dway 2 - 2061

N o j ob too larg e

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )


O Tailoring



DIAL Mi dway

Opposite Depot

122 E. MAIN

(See Pag e B


(See Y ellow Pag e 43 )

*Au tom otive StatisticsPOLK R L CO, 421Howard , Detroit 3 1, Mich

Baby Si ttersHig hsm ith Virginia D 108 E Webster

Baked G oods—RetailWhiteville Bakery 505 SMadison

Bakers—Wholesale and Manu factu ringHolsu m Bakery Tabor C ity rd nr Prison Cam p rd (F airfaxHeights) RD 3

Bank D irectoriesPOLK R L CO, 13 0 4th avN , N ashvi lle 3 , T enn

*BanksF IRST NATIONAL BANK THE , 700 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2- 2174 (See Yellow Page 9 )*Banks—National

F IRST NATIONAL BANK THE , 700 S Madison , T el Mi dway2- 2174 (See Yellow Page 9 )

’f‘Banks—SavingsF IRST NATIONAL BANK THE , 700 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2- 2174 (See Yellow Page 9 )WA'CCAMAW ‘BANK TRUST CO, 622

{S Mad ison , T el Mi dway 2-4101 (See Yellow Page 10)

Banks and Tru st Com paniesF IRST NATIONAL BANK THE , 700 S Madison , Tel Mi dway

2-2174 (See Yellow Page 9 )F irst National Bank (Uptown Drive In) 708 N MadisonWACCAMAW BANK TRUST CO, 622 S Madison , T cl Mi d

way2-4101 (See Yellow Page 10)

Waccam aw Bank Tru st Co Drive In Branch 822 S MadisonBarber Shops

Colu m bu s Barber Shop 517 S MadisonG ODBOLT BARBER SHOP, 709 S F ranklinHarden F red H 109 Washing tonLeRoy

’s BarberService 816. SMadison

Pau l’

s BarberShop S Mau ltsbyPeoples Barber Sh0p 808 SMadisonReevesAsa 123 MillRu ssell

’s Barber Shop 207WVirgil

Sani tary Barber Shop 706 SMadisonY u nge StevenM 104Banta

* Bottled G asCOLLIER GAS APPLIAN CE CO INC, 1008 S Mad ison , Day

T el Mi dway 2- 3 247 , N ight T els Mi dway 2- 3 493 and Mi dway2- 253 0 (See Yellow Page 43 )

Bowlers—Carbonated BeveragesSevenUp Bottling Co Tabor City rd nr Prison Cam p rd ( F air


L ewis, T el Mi dway 2- 3 002 (See Yellow Page 11)*Box Storage—Clothes

WHITEVILLE LAUNDRY CLEANERS, 107 E Walter, T elMi dway 2-23 11 (See Yellow Page 51)

* BrasswareGORE ’

S QUAL IT Y SHOP, 106 E Mam , T el Mi dway 2- 2250 (SeeYellow Page 44)

* Bridal G iftsWEAVER’

S JEWE LRY STORE , 701 S Madison, T el Mi dway2- 2246 (See Yellow Page 50)

* Bu ilders’ HardwareNEWSOME ’

S LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLY, Shallotte Rdnr Tabor City RD (SWhiteville ) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 604(See Yellow Page 12 )


By-Pass atRailroad Bridge, T el Mi dway 2- 3 054 (See Yellow Page 13 )

*Bu i lding, L oan and Savings AssociationsPEOPLE S SAVING S LOAN ASSOCIATION , 600 S Madison,

Tel MIdway2-23 3 2

Bu ilding Material and Su ppliesHobbsWB SonWCom m erce cor F raz ierNEWSOME ’

S LUMBER 8; BUILDIN G SUPPLY, Shallotte Rdnr Tabor City RD (S Whitevi lle ) RD 3 , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 604(See Yellow Page 12)


Railroad Bridge , T el Mi dway 2- 3 054 (See Yellow Page 13 )Twin-State Perm a- Stone Co 701WestWhiteville Bu ilding Su pplies Chadbou rn rd nr City

,L im its RD 1

Wholesale D istribu tors Inc 414E Main* Bu lbs

MCQUEEN ’S NURSERY, Prison Cam p rd, Tel Mi dway 2- 2694

(See Yellow Page 54)

Bu ildings—Office and Pu blicArm ory Bu ilding 100WWycheCity Hall 3 08 SMadisonCity Hall Bu ilding 3 06 SMadi son

Colu m bu s Cou nty Agricu ltu ral Bu ilding 110WSm i thColu m bu s Cou ntyE du cational Bu ilding 100WSm ithCou ntyCou rt Hou se Annex 112 WSm ithColu m bu s Theatre Bu ilding 101 E MainCou nty Cou rt Hou se Cou rt Hou se Squ areF irst N ational Bank Bu ilding 101WMainPostOffice Bu ilding SMadison corColu m bu s

Sm ith Seth. L Bu ilding 803 SMadisonWaccam aw Bank Bu ilding 100WMain

Bu rial AssociationsMcKen z ie N ational Bu rial Assn 112 JeffersonSm ith ’

s Bu rial Association 219WVirgil* Bu rial Insu rance

SHAW’S JOHN H SONS, 411W V irgil , T el Mi dway 2- 2713 (See

Yellow Page 58)Bu s L ines

Qu een City Coach Co 219 E Main

Qu een City Trailways 219 E MainBu s Stations

Union Bu s Station 219 E Ma inBu siness Mach ines—Sales and Service


s Bu siness E qu ipm ent Co 1013 SMadison* Bu tchers


Mi dway 2—2721 (See Yellow Page 3 6)Cabinet Makers

BE ST CABINE T WORKS, 3 15 W L ew is, T el Mi dway 2- 3 408

(See Yellow Pages 15 and 52)HINSON E F CABIN E T WORKS,US Hwy 701 S By Pass nr

Benton Rd, .( F airfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2—2456(See Yellow Pag e 14)

PRIDG EN CABINE T WORKS, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest D r(BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 2091 (See Page Y)

Worthington E u g Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd (S i lle ) RD 3

* Cabinet Work—SpecialHi N SON E F CABINE T WORKS,US Hwy 701 S By-Pass nr

Benton Rd ( F airfax Heights ) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2—2456 (SeeYellow Page 14)


Cabinet Work—Specia l—ContdPRIDG EN CABINE T WORKS, Wilm i ngton rd, nr F orest Dr

(BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 2091 (See Page Y)* Cafes

B IICAF E , 200WWalter* Carbonated Beverages

WHITEVILLE COCA-COLA BOT TLIN G WORKS i NC, 218 WLewis, T el Mi dway 2- 3 002 (See Yellow Page 11)

* Catalog—Ma il OrderSEARS ROE BUCK CO, 819 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2-4161

* Cem ent ContractorsG EORG E ’

S CONTRACTOR , PO Box 214, Chadbou rn, NC, T el

3 966 (See Yellow Pages 16 and .65)

* Cem ent PorchesLANG LEY E D , 3 06WVirgi l, (See Yellow Page 22)

*Cem ent Porches—ContractorsG EORG E ’

S CONTRACTOR , PO Box 214, Chadbou rn NC, T el

3 966 (See Yellow Pages 16 and 65)* Cem ent Repa irs

LANG LEY E D , 3 06WVirgil, (See Yellow Pag e 22)* Cem ent Steps

LAN G LEY ED , 3 06WVirgil, (See Yellow Page 22)Cem eteries

Colu m bu s Cem etery Clarkton rd nr City L im itsColu m bu s Cem etery AssnWCom m erce cor F raz ierCOLUMBUSMEMORIAL PARK INC, Office 103 WWalter, TelMi dway 2- 2590 (See Yellow Pag e 58)

Colu m bu s Mem orial Park Tabor City rd nr City L im its (F airF ax Heights) RD 3

* Checki ng Accou ntsWACCAMAWBANK TRUST CO, 622 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2-4101 (See Yellow Page 10)Chem icals—Wholesale

Border Belt Chem ical Co Inc S Canal nrColu m bu s* Children’

s and Infants’ Clothing—RetailLEDER BROTHE RS INC, 718 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2-2840

(See Yellow Page 26)Chi na and Crystal

WEAV ER’S JEWE LRY STORE , S Madison , Tel Mi dway

2—2246 (See Yellow Page 3 0)* Ch ina Ware

GORE ’S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Main , T el M i dway 2- 2250 (See

Yellow Page 44)

ChiropodistsSchaferHenry,E 1013 S Madison

Chiroprac torsJam es J L , Colu m bu s Hotel Bldg, 515 S Madison , T el MIdway

2- 3 240

Wooten Thelm a Dr 104Chu rchChiropractors—D isc Inj u ries

WOOTEN THELMA DR , Tabor City NC, T el 5091 WhitevilleOffice , 104 Chu rch, T el Mi dway 2 -2824 (See Yellow Page17)

* Chiropractors—HeadachesWOOTEN THE LMA DR , Tabor City, NC, T el 509-1 Whiteville

Office 104 Chu rch, T el Mi dway 2- 2824 (See Yellow Page 17 )* Chi ropractors—N eu ritis

WOOTEN THE LMA DR , Tabor City NC, T el 509 -1 WhitevilleOffice , 104Chu rch , T el Mi dway 2—2824 (See Yellow Page 17

Chu rch F u rn itu re Manu factu rersiHNSON E F CABIN E T WORKS, US Hwy 701 S By-Pass nr

Benton Rd ( F airfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 2456'

(See Yellow Page 14)Chu rches

Calvary Baptist Chu rch (Bapt) Tabor City rd (S i lle )Central Baptist Chu rch 401WWalterCherry G rove Baptist Chu rch Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd (S

i lle ) RD 3

Christian M issionary Al liance Chu rch 106WColu m bu sChu rch of G od 3 0614 E Walter

E ast Side Com m u nity Baptist Chu rch 220 MillF irst Baptist Chu rch 510 N MadisonF irst Presbyterian Chu rch N MadisonF riendsh ip Baptist Chu rch 3 01 S Mem oryG race E piscopal Chu rch 105 SMadisonG race Holiness Chu rch 407 WVirgilKing dom Hall of Jehovah’sWitnesses 406 W Main and

V irgilPentecostal Holiness Chu rch 107 N MadisonSacred Heart Catho lic Chu rch 402 N Lee.StJam esAME Chu rch 225WWalterfStM-

arks AME Zion Chu rch 120WV irgilSecond Presbyterian Chu rch 13 2WVirgilTrini ty Bapti st Chu rch S Thom pson se cor E ClayWestm inster Presbyterian Chu rch S F rankl in cor Colu m bu s

Whiteville F ree Will Baptist Holiness Chu rch 415 E Colu m bu s

Whiteville Hebrew Center N Powell blvd

DIAL MIdway 2 - 2456

Chu rches—JContdWhi teville Methodist Chu rch 202 Pinkney

City D irectory L ibrariesCITY DIRECTORY LIBRARY, Whiteville Merchants Association Inc, E Ma in, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 171 (See Yellow Page 27 )

* City D irectory Pu blishersHIL L DIRECTORY CO IN C, 2910 WClay, R ichm ond 6 , V a , Tel

E Lg in 9- 6001 (See Yellow Page 27 )

* Cleaners—G eneralG ENERAL WIN DOW CLEANIN G CO, Evergreen nrWoodland


Dr (BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 3 03 8 (See Yellow Page 68)

Cleaners and DyersKRAHNKE ’

S CLEANERS, 13 1 W Com m erce , T el Mi dway2- 23 13 (See Yellow Page 3 1)

MODERN DRY CLEANERS, 1001 S Madison , T el Mi dway_2- 23 17 (See Yellow Page 3 2 )

STOPHE L ’S DRY CLEANERS, Opposite Ra ilroad D epot, 122

E Ma in , T elMi dway 2—3 718 (See Page B )WHITEVILLE LAUNDRY CLEANE RS 107 E Walter, Tel

Mi dway 2- 23 11 (See Yellow Pag e 51)* Cleaners and Pressers

WHIT E VILLE LAUNDRY CLEAN ERS, 107 E Walter, T elMi dway 2- 23 11 (See Yellow Page 51)

Clergym en

Bees John j r (Bapt) 426WColu m bu s

Black Sam lM 210 E Sm ithCooperCorben L (Bapt) 404E ClayDawsey Allie B jr (Bapt ) Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Dawsey JWUS Hwy 701 S By-Pass nr Benton rd RD 3 (F airfax Heights)

D u ncan Arth (Cath ) 402 N Lee

E ll isWm L (Bapt ) 207 E Lew isF osterRobt C (Bapt) 502 N MadisonF rancis Jam es B (Presby) 13 0WVirgilG ore Danl C (Bapt) 604WVirgilHardee Roland E rear 109 S Thom psonLeach Cu rtis A (Bapt) Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd RD 3 (S

i lle )Lee Percy O (Meth ) 105 E NanceMarshbu rn Henry Dn 101WCalho u nMci ntire Thos R (Bapt ) 3 04SMem oryPierce Danl (Meth ) 3 11WWalter

Sellers L onz ie OW Cedar nrUS Hwy 701 S By-Pass (S i lle )RD 3

Sim m ons C Odell 509 S Thom psonSteward Richd G (Bapt ) 3 02WColu m bu sStewart E dw H (Meth) 402WVirgilStewart G eoW (Meth ) 118WVirgilWalku p John S (Presby) 203 E Colu m bu sWilliam s R ichd B (Bapt) E Cedar nr Tabor City rd (S i lle)WorthWChas (Presby) 600 N F rankl in



Clothes—Pressers and Cleaners

E dwards CleanersMoore nrWVirgi lKrahnke’s Cleaners 13 1WCom m erce

Modern DryCleaners 1001 SMadisonN u -WayCleaners 608 S MadisonPowell ’s Cleaners 406 WVirgilStophel

’s DryCleaners 122 E Main

WHITE V E LE LAUNDRY CLEANERS, 107 E Walter, T elMi dway 2- 23 11 (See Yellow Page 51)

* Cloth ing—Ladies’ and Misses’COLLIN S DEPAR TMENT STORE , 811- 813 SMadison, T el Mi d

'Way2- 2791 (See Page X)

* Clothing—Lad ies’, Misses’ and Ch ildren’s

COLLINS DEPARTME NT STORE , 811- 813 S Madison, Tel

Mi dway 2- 2791 (See Page X)* Clothing—Men


COLLIN S DEPARTMENT STORE , 811- 813 S Madi son , Tel

Mi dway 2- 2791 (See Page X)* Clothing—Men

’s and Boys’

COLLIN S DEPARTMENT STORE , 811-813 S Madison , T el

Mi dway 2—2791 (See Page X)

Clothing—RetailBaz aar The (wom en

’s) Wilm ington rd nr F orest dr (BW)

Bu dget Shop The 720 SMadisonCato Stores Inc (wom en

’s) 712 SMadison

COLLIN S DEPARTMENT STORE , 811- 813 S Mad i son, Tel

Mi dway 2-2791 (See Page X)E lm a

’s Shoppe (wom en

’s) 119WCom m erce

G lam or Shops (wom en’s)


719 SMadisonKram er

’s Ladies Shop 800 SMadi son

KRAME R’S MEN BOYS’ SHOP, 707 - 709 S Madison , Tel Mi d

way 2- 2006LE DER BROTHE RS INC, 718 S Mad ison , Tel Mi dway 2-2840

(See Yellow Page 26)Rachel’s Tot to T een ShopWilm ing ton rd (BW)Style Shop The (wom en

’s) 715 S Madison

WARD ’S CLOTHIE RS, 114 E Main , T el Mi dway 2- 3 282

Clothing Manu factu rers—Men’s

Blu e Jeans CorpWi lm ington rd nr Brickyard rd (BW)Whiteville G arm ent Mfg Wilm ing ton rd nr brickyard rd(BW)Whi teville Mfg CoWilm ington rd nr Brickyard rd (BW)

Clu bs

Ju niorWom ans’

Clu b (social) 3 10 E College


Clu bs—Oon-fld

Whiteville Cou ntry Clu b Clarkton rd nrBy-PassWh itevilleWom an

s Clu b (social ) 3 10 E CollegeCoal Dealers—Retail

HOBBS W B SON , W Com m erce cor F raz ier, T el Mi dway2—2855


L ewis, T el Mi dway 2- 3 002 (See Yellow Page 11 )Cold Storage Warehou ses

Colu m bu s Cold Storage Co i nc 806 N Madison* Com m ercial Contractors

CARTER A G JR G ENERAL CONTRACTOR , 505W College,T el Mi dway 33 - 2459 (See Y ellow Page 18)

COOK JW SONS, 600 N Madison , T el Mi dway 2-23 01 (SeeYellow Page 19 )

* Com m ercial and Indu strial E lectricWi ringASHLE Y JOHN H, 204 Jefferson , T el Mi dway (See Y el

low Page 3 3 )Concrete—Ready Mixed

ReadyMix Concrete ofWhiteville Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Confectionery—Reta ilBal dwin’

s Jessie Store 3 10WMainDavis Zeno 406 S Mem oryJohn ’

s Soda Shop G rocery SMem oryPierce’

s Place rear 3 11WWalter

Confectionery—WholesaleG ibson Candy Co 3 07 N Thom psonTaylor Biscu it Co 608 N L ee

T om’

s F ood Produ cts Old T ram rd nrWilm ington rd

ContractorsCARTE R A G JR G ENERAL CONTRACTOR , 505 W College,

T el M i dway 2- 2459 (See Yellow Page 18)G ROSS F l

ztANK J , Red Hill rd, T el Mi dway 2-4114 (See Yellow

Page 1)PRIDG EN BROS CONTRACTORS, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest

D r (BW) , T el M i dway 2-43 07 orMi dway 2- 3 950 (See YellowPa g e 23 )


T el Mi dway 2—2205 (See Yellow Page 60)Contractors—Alterations

CARTER A G JR G ENERAL CONTRACTOR , 505 W College,T el Mi dway 2- 2459 (See Yellow Page 18)

Contractors—Bri dgeColu m bu s Contractors Inc 101 E Main


Contractors—Painting and D ecorating—'ContdG arrel-l

s 918 S MadisonPopeJohn 102 E Wi ll iam son

STAN LEY S P JR , Chadbou rn rd, RD 1, T el M i dway 2- 3 464

(See Yellow Page 55)Contractors—Plu m bing

F oster F rank B 104E William son

Herring Chas S Brickyard rd nrWildwood av(BW)TOWNSEND PLUMBIN G CO, 215Magnolia , T el Mi dway 2- 3 217

(See Page A and Yellow Page 56)Wh itevil'le Plu m bing Co Inc 605 S F rankl in

* Contractors—Rem odelingCARTER A G JR G ENERAL CONTRACTOR , 505W College,

T el Mi dway 2- 2459 (See Yellow Page 18)GROSS F RANK J, RedHi ll, rd, T el Mi dway 2-4114 (See Yellow

Page 21)PRIDG EN BROS CONTRACTORS, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest

D r (BW) T el Mi dway 2- 43 07 or Mi dway 2—3 950 (See YellowPage 23 )

* Contractors—Rem odeling and RepairsCOOK J W SONS, 605 N Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 23 01 (SeeYellow Page 19 )

Contractors—RepairingCARTER A G JR G ENERAL CONTRACTORS, 505WCollege ,

T el Mi dway 2- 2459 (See Yellow Page 18)DEDIERY F RE DDIE , G eneral D elivery,

E liz abethtown , NC

(See Yellow Page 20)G ROSS F RANK J, Red Hill rd, T el M i dway 24 114 (See Y el

low Page 21)PRIDG EN BROS CONTRACTORS, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest

Dr (BW) , T el Mi dway 2-43 07 or Mi dway 2—3 950 (See: YellowPage 23 )

Contractor's—Roofing and SidingPolston Roofing Co 105Pecan

Contractors—Sand Blas tingColu m bu s Sand Blasting Co 215N F rankl inPRIDG EN SAN D BLASTIN G CONTRACTOR , 215 N F ranklin ,

T elMi dway 2- 2205 (See Yellow Page 60)

Contractors—Street PavingCOLUMBUS PAV IN G CO INC, Chadbou rn NC, T el 488-1,

N ights Call 454- 1 (See Yellow Page 25)Credit Reporting Agencies

Whiteville Credit Bu reau 109 E Main* Cru shed Rock

McG IRT A F , Shallotte Rd nr F orest City Rd Whiteville RD 3 ,T el Mi dway 2- 3 695 (See Yellow Page 24)

All. FORMS OF INSURANCECou rt Hou se Squ areCu rtains and Draperies

T extile Produ cts 918 SMadison* Cu stom Made Cabinets JEWELERS

HINSON E F CABIN E T WORKS,US Hwy 701 S By-Pass nr The Hom e of

Benton Rd, ( F airfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2—2456 Q u alityJewelry(See Yellow Page 14)


Dairy Produ cts—Wholesale Advorflse

Sealtest Dairies Inc T abor City rd nr Sha llotte rd ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3

GUARANTEEDDay N u rseries den and

Children’s N u rsery 3 01 E Clay

OliverHeights N u rsery 3 03 WNorthDIAL Mi dway

* D ecorat'ing Consu ltants—Hom e2 - 2054

GORE ’S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Ma in , T el MIdway 2—2250 (SeeYellow Page 44)

* D ecorators—InteriorSTAN LEY S P JR , Chadbou rn rd, RD 1, T el Mi dway 2- 3 464

(See Yellow Page 55)* Deepfreez e Dealers

FULLER L K APPLIAN CE FURNITURE STORE , 407 SMadison , T el M i dway 2- 2202 (See Yellow Page 40 ) JHASIIIeJONE S FURNITURE CO m e, 814 s Madison , T el Mi dway Y2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41) ELECTRICAL

TODD F URNITURE CO, 614 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2—3 3 77 CON(See Y BIIOW Page 42) TRACTOR

Dentists N. C. l icense

Johnson Marle L 803 3 Madison N° 40"

T odd Hu bert A 511 S F ranklinWard E Ben 511 S F ranklin Residential

Wooten Clem ent L 101 E MainCom m ercial

D epartm ent StoresBelk-Hensdale Co 721 sMadison Indu strialBu llock’s D epartm ent Store 807 S MadisonCollier’s Departm ent Store 717 SMadisonColl ins D epartm ent Store 811 SMadisonLEDER BROTHERS i N C, 718 S Madison, T el Mi dway 2- 2840

(See Yellow PageLei nwand

’s D epartm ent Store 711 SMadison


way 2- 3 873Moskow H D epartm ent Store 729 SMadison

DIAL Mi dway

2 - 3 057


Wh i tevi lle Pag e 3 3 )


Departm ent Stores—5c toRose

s 5, 10 and 2se Stores 725 SMadisonWood’

s 5 and 100 Store 722 SMadisonD iam onds and Preciou s Stones(See also Jewelers—Retail )

REED’S JEWELERS 613 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 2054 (See

Yellow Page 49 )WEAV ER ’

S JEWE LRY STORE , 701 S Madison, T el Mi dway2- 2246 (See Yel low Page 50)

D irect Ma i l AdvertisingPOLK R L CO, 43 1 Howard , D etroi t 3 1Mich

* D irectory Pu blishersHILL DIRECTORY CO IN C, 2910WClay, R ichm ond 6 , V a , T el

E L g in 9- 6001 (See Yellow Page 27 )* D isability Insu rance

ROWLE SLIE H, 108 Bu rkhead , T el Mi dway 2- 3 963 (See YellowPage 48)

D isplay F orm s and F ixtu resColu m bu s D isplay CO 622 SMadison

* D resses and G owns—RetailLE DER BROTHE RS INC,


718 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2840

(See Yellow Page 26 )Dressm akers

Au ger Zilla JMrs 111WWi lliam son

Newm an D essie B Mrs 406 N Mem ory* Driveways

LANG LEY E D , 3 06WVirgil, (See Yellow Page 22)Dru ggists—Reta il

COLUMBUS DRUG STORE , 629 S Madison, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 009(See Yellow Page 28)

GUITON ’S DRUG STORE , Seth L Sm ith Bldg, 803 S Madison ,

T el Mi dway 2- 3 061 (See Yellow Page 3 0)McNei ll J A Sons 612 SMadisonSIMMONS DRUG 0 0 Cou rt Hou se Squ are , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 106

and 104 E Ma in , T el Mi dway 2—3 255, N ight Tels MIdway2- 3 3 51 orMi dway 2- 2945 (See Yellow Page 29 )

* Dru ggists’ Specialti esCOLUMBUS DRUG STORE , 629 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 3 009

(See Yellow Page 28)

Sales and Servi ce(See Y ellow Pag e 7 )

E xpress Com paniesRailway E xpress Agency E Main corMadison

Expressing and Moving(See also Tru cking)

Best Transfer CO rear 3 15WLewisNANCE C L TRAN SF ER , 210 Magnolia , Daly T el Mi dway

2—3 856 , N ight T el Mi dway 2- 3 644 (See Yel low PageF arm Bu reau s

Colu m bu s Cou nty F arm Bu reau Inc 105WSm ith* F arm Im plem ents and Machinery

MARKS TRUCK TRACTOR CO, Wilm ington rd, nr F orestDr (BW) Tel Mi dway 2- 2117 (See Yellow Page 34)

* F arm T ractorsMARKS TRUCK 85 TRACTOR CO, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest

Dr (BW) T el Mi dway 2—2117 (See Yellow Page 34)

F arm ing—Chem icalColu m bu s Trading CO 607 S F rankl in

F eed D ealers—RetailColu m bu s F CX Service 609 S F rankl inWasham Warlick F arm Su pply Co T abor City rd nr Mill

Pond rd ( F airfax Hei ghts) RD 3F eed Mills

Colu m bu s F eed CenterUS Hwy 701 S By-Pass nr City L im its( F ai rfax Heights) RD 3

* F ertili z er DealersRE LIANCE GUANO CO IN C, 400 E Main, T el Mi dway 24 128

(See Yellow Page 3 5)F ertiliz er Manu factu rers

RE LIANCE GUANO CO i NC, 400 E Main , T el Mi dway 2-4128(See Yellow Page 3 5)

* F ill D irtMcG IRT A F , Shallotte Rd nr T abor City Rd , (S Whitevi lle) ,

RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 695 (See Yellow Page 24)F inance Com panies

Sou thern Au to F inance CO 509 SMadisonF ish and Sea F ood D ea lers—Reta il

Boswell’s F ish Market 13 2WCom m erce

Brooklyn F ishMarket G rocery 403 WVirgil

City F ish Market 118WMainClifton’

s F ish Market 115WCom m erce

* F loor CoveringsNEWSOME ’


nr Tabor City Rd (S Whiteville ) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 604(See Yellow Page 12 )

* F loor F ini sh ingSTANLEY S P JR , Chadbou rn rd, RD 1, T el Mi dway 2- 3 464

(See Yellow Page 55)* F loor Sanding

STANLEY S P JR , Chadbou rn rd, RD 1, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 464

(See Yellow Page 55)* F loor Scru bbers


land Dr (BW) Tel Mi dway 2- 3 03 8 (See Yellow Page 68)* F loor Waxi ng

GENERAL WINDOW CLEAN IN G CO, Evergreen nr Woodland Dr (BW) T el Mi dway 2- 3 03 8 (See Yellow Page 68)

F lorists—RetailMoss Robt O 702 N F ranklinMyrtle Hill F lorist 408 SMadisonWhiteville F lorist 500 SMadison

F ood F reez er Plans


Mi dway 2 2721 (See Yellow Page 3 6)* F ood Processors


Mi dway 2 2721 (See Yellow Page 3 6 )* F oods—F roz en


Mi dway 2- 2721 (See Yellow Page 3 6)* F ou ndations

LANG LEY ED , 3 06WV irgil (See Yellow Page 22)* F ou nta in Service

COLUMBUS DRUG STORE , 629 S Madison , T el Mi dway2- 3 009 (See Yellow Page 28)

* F u el Oi l

COLLIN S H H SONS, 200 Magnolia , T el Mi dway 2- 3 3 42 (SeeYellow Page 3 7)

F u neral D irectorsMcKenz ie Mortu ary 110 JeffersonPeacock F u neral Hom e 402 SMadisonSHAW’

S JOHN H SONS, 411WVirgil, T el Mi dway 2- 2713 (SeeYellow Page 3 8)

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D ial Mi dway 2 - 2061


N 0 j ob too larg e

F ree E stim ates

2 3 2 2 6116 Wash i n g ton

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )


Com m ercial

of you r

F u neral D i‘rectors—OonltdSMITH’

S FUNERAL HOME , 219 W Virgi l, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 206and Chadbou rn NC, T el 3 57- 1 (See Yellow Page 3 9 )

* F u neral Hom es

SHAW’S JOHN H SONS, 411WVirgi l, T el M i dway 2- 2713 (See

Yellow Page 3 8)* F u r Storage

WHITEVILLE LAUNDRY 8» CLEANERS, 107 E Walter, T elMi dway 2- 23 11 (See Yellow Page 51)

F u rnished Room s

Cotting ham's Room s 412 S F ranklin

McNa ir Bertha C Mrs 114E VirgilF u rnitu re D ealers—Reta il

COOK’S OF WHITE V ILLE NC, 617 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2 - 2804 (See Yellow Page 3 )Evans F u rnitu re Hardware CO 115PecanFULLER L K APPLIANCE FURNITURE STORE , 407 S

Madison , T el Mi dway 2 2202 (See Yellow Page 40)

JONE S FURNITURE CO INC, 814 S Madison , Tel Mi dway2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)

Thom pson B S CO 616 SMadisonTODD FURNITURE CO, 614 S Madison, T el Mi dway 2- 3 3 77

(See Yellow Page 42 )Wilson F u rn itu re CO 125WCom m erce

F u rnitu re D ealers—UsedBargain Hou se 93 1 SMadisonT odd

sWarehou se Salvage CO 214E Walter

F u rnitu re Repairing(See alsoUpholsterers)

BE ST CABINE T WORKS, 3 15 W L ewis, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 408

(See Yellow Pages 15 and 52)* G ardeners—Landscape

McQUEEN ’S NURSERY , Prison Cam p rd , T el M i dway 2- 2694

(See Yellow Page 54)G as—Bottled

COLLIER GAS APPLIANCE CO IN C, 1008 S Madison , DayT el Mi dway 2- 3 247 , N ight T els Mi dway 2- 3 493 and Mi dway2- 253 0 (See Yellow Page 43 )

Cu m berland Bu tane. Inc T abor City rd nr City L im its ( F airfaxHei ghts) RD 3

Su bu rban R u l-ane G as CO 710 SMadisonG as Appliances—Sales and Service

COL LIER GAS APPLIAN CE CO IN C, 1008 S Madison. DayT el Mi dway 2 - 3 247 , N ight T els M i dway 2- 3 493 and Mi dway22 53 0 (See Ye llow Page 43 )

D evane G as Appliance CO Inc 710 SMadison

(See Pag e“C")


G eneral Merchandise—Reta il—iOon‘tdHigh Oscar Sons Cou rt Hou se Squ areL ennon John C Cou rt Hou se Squ areWhiteville T rading CO 124E Main

G ift ShopsArt Shop The 610 S MadisonGORE ’

S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Ma in , T el Mi dway 2- 2250

(See Yellow Pag e 44)G rading Contractors

COLUMBUS PAVING CO INC, Chadbou rn NC, T el 488- 1,N ights Call 454- 1 (See Yellow Page 25)

McG IRT A F , Shallotte RD nr T abor City RD (S Whiteville) ,RD 3 , Tel M i dway 2- 3 695 (See Yellow Page 24)

G rain D ealers and T radersCarolina G rain F eed CO Inc Wi lm ing ton rd nr F orest dr


G rass Seed—R eta ilMcQUE E N ’

S NURSERY ; Prison Cam p Rd,T el Mi dway 2- 2694

and 621 SMadison , T el Mi dway 2- 2094 (See Yellow Page 54)* G ravel

COLUMBUS PAV ING CO INC, Chadbou rn N C, T el 488- 1,N ig hts Call 454- 1 (See Yellow Page 25)

* G reases

COLLINS H H SONS, 200 Magnolia , T el M i dway 2- 3 3 42 (SeeY ellow Page 3 7 )

* G reenhou sesMcqUE EN ’

S NURSERY , Prison Cam p rd, T el Mi dway 2- 2694

(See Yellow Page 54)* G rilles—Wood

PRIDG E N CABINE T WORKS, Wilm ington Rd nr F orest Dr(BW) , Te l M i dway 2- 2091 (See Page Y )

G roceries and Meats—RetailA P F ood Stores 111WWalterAllred

’s R ed andWhite Su perMarke t 116WCom m erce

CALDWE LL ’S G ROCERY , 200 W V irgil, T el Mi dway 2- 3 027

Clew-i s Cu rtis Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Cox: E F G rocery Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd (S i lle ) RD 3

D 80 T SUPER MARKE T , 124WMain , T el M i dway 2 - 2857 (SeeYellow Page 61)


s G rocery 208WWalter

Evans G rocery T abor. City. Rd nr Prison Cam p rd (F airfaxHeights) RD 3

F riendly Su perMarket 114WashingtonG ore

’s G rocery 805 S F ranklin

Hawkins G rocery Shallotte rd nr T abor C ity rd (S i lle ) RD3

Hilbu rn Jack Chadbou rn rd RD 1


Hill’s Thriftway Tabon City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3

Inm an Lonnie B Clarkton rd nrBy—PassLeach Jam es V Shallotte rd nr Tabor City (S i lle ) RD 3

Marlowe Italy G rocery, 109 PecanMem ory’s Su perMarket 110Washi ngtonN orris Produ ce Market Tabor City rd rm Mill Pond rd ( F air

fax Heights) RD 3Price G rocery 407 S CanalRockwell’s G rocery Tabor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3

Sh ipm en Al bert T 413 E Ma inSm ith’s Cash Store 802 SMadisonThom pson’

s Cash Store T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3

Thom pson W L Son T abor City rd nr Sha llotte rd ( F airfaxHei ghts) RD 3

Veterans Produ ce Tabor C ity rd nr M ill Pond rd ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3

G rocers

Kasond Henry R 110 BantaG rocers—Wholesale

Singletary G V Sons 200WMainG u nsm i ths


s G u n Repair 106 M ill* G u ttering RepairsHAWKS E L , 116 Washington , T el Mi dway 2- 3 226 (See Yellow

Page 59)Halls

Masonic Hall 115 SMem oryMasonic Tem ple 120 Pecan

Hardware D ealers—RetailMeares Ellis Hardware CO Inc 726 SMadisonSchu lken

’s Hardware Co 118 E Mai n

TOWNSEND BUILDERS SUPPLY, Located On By-Pass atRa ilroad Bridge , T el Mi dway 2- 3 054 (See Yellow Page13 )

Wilson Hardware CO 804SMadison*Hau ling Contractors

McGIRT A F , Shallotte Rd nr Tabor City Rd (SWhi tevi lle) RD3 , T elMi dway 2- 3 695 (See Yellow Page 24)

*Heaters—G asCOLLIER GAS APPLIAN CE CO IN C, 1008 S Madison , Day

T el Mi dway 2- 3 247 , N ight Tels Mi dway 2- 3493 and Mi dway2-2530 (See Yellow Page 43 )

*Heating and Air Conditioning RepairsHAn

S E5

L . 116 Washington, T el Mi dway 2- 3 226 (See Yellowag e 9)


*Heating F u elsCOLLIN S H H SONS, 200 Magnolia , T el Mi dway 2- 3 342 (See

Yellow Page 3 7 )*Hom e F u rnishers


Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2202 (See Yellow Page 40)JONES F URNITURE CO INC, 814 S Madison , T el M i dway

2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)TODD FURNITURE CO, 614 S Madi son , T el Mi dway 2- 3 3 77

(See Ye llow Page 42)


*Hom e F u rnishi ng sGORE ’

S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Main , T el Mi dway 2-2250 (SeeYellow Page 44)

*Hom e Heating System s

COL LIER GAS APPLIAN CE CO IN C, 1008 S Madi son , DayT el M i dway 2- 3 247 , N ight T els M i dway $ 3 493 and Mi dway2- 253 0 (See Yellow Page 43 )

Hom e PlaningTOWNSEND BUILDERS SUPPLY , L ocated On By

-Pass at

Railroad Bridge , T el M i dway 2- 3 054 (See Yellow Page 13 )Hospitals and D ispensaries


M i dway 2- 3 13 1

HotelsCOLUMBUS HOTE L , 515 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2—3 121MotorHotelWhitevi lle 200 SMadisonN ew Colu m bu s Hotel 515 S Madison

*Hou se CleanersG ENERAL WIN DOW CLEANIN G CO, Evergreen nr Wood

land D r (BW) T el Mi dway 2- 3 03 8 (See Yellow Page 68)Hou se Movers and Storers

Boege F red D 501WWilliam son

Hou sehold Appli ances—DealersF ire stone Hom e and Au to Su pplies 611 SMadisonF owler CO The 611 SMadisonFULLE R L K APPLIANCE F URNITURE STORE , 407 S

Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2202 (See Yellow Page 40)JONE S F URNITURE CO INC, 814 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)TODD F URNITURE CO, 614 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2—3 3 77

(Se e Yellow Page 42)V ANCE APPLIANCE CO, 4 Miles Sou th ofWhiteville on Hwy

130, Bru nswi ck NC, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 472

Hou sehold Appliances—RepairersR u ss R V Appliance ShopWCedar nr Tabor City rd (S i lle)Woode

'll Charlie 416 E Clay

Insu rance - Bu rial—40 0ntdSMITH’

S FUN ERAL HOME , 219 W V irgil, T el Mi dway 2- 3 206And Chadbou rn , NC, T el 3 57 - 1 (See Yellow Page 3 9)

Insu rance—Casu altyMcNE ILL NE IL HE CTOR AG ENCY, 122 W Main, Tel Mi d

way 2—3 3 91 (See Yellow Page 46)NAT IONAL GRANG E IN SURAN CE SERVICE S, 1009 S Madi

son, T elM i dway 2- 4218 (See Yellow Page 45)* In-su rance—F arm L iabi lity

F LOYD -BARKLEY AGENCY, 908 S Madison, T el M i dway2- 2142 (See _

Page C)* i nsu rance—F ire


T IN SURAN CE , Cou rt Hou se Squ are , T el

M i dway 2 - 2061 (See Page Z)F LOYD - BARKLEY AG ENCY , 908 S Madison , T el d ay

2—2142 (See Page C)McNE ILL NE IL HE CTOR AG ENCY, 122WMain , T el Mi dway

2- 3 3 91 (See Yellow Pag e 46)POWE LL GAULT AG ENCY , Cou rt Hou se Squ are , T el Mi d

way 2- 3 784 (See Yellow Page 47 )* Insu rance—G eneral

BEASON RALPH T IN SURAN CE , Cou rt Hou se Squ are, T elM i dway 2- 2061 (See Page '

z )POWE LL GAULT AG ENCY, Cou rt Hou se Squ are , T el Mi d

way 2- 3 784 (See Yellow Page 47 )* Insu rance—Hai l

F LOYD -BARKLEY AG ENCY, 908 S Madison , T el Mi dway2 - 2142 (See Page C)

Insu rance—HospitalROWLE SLIE H, 108 Bu rkhead, T el M i dway 2- 3 963 (See Yellow

Page 48)* Insu rance—L ife


T el M i dway 2 4218 (See Yellow Page 45)F LOYD -BARKLEY AG ENCY , 908 S Madison , T e l Mi dway

2- 2142 (See Page C)McNE ILL NE IL HECTOR AG ENCY , 122 WMain, T el Mi dway

2- 3 3 91 (See Yellow Page 46 )POWE LL GAULT AG ENCY , Cou rt Hou se Squ are, Tel Mi d

way 2- 3 784 (See Yellow Page 47 )

*Insu rance—Marine

F LOYD -BARKLEY AG ENCY, 908 S Madison , T el Mi dway2—2142 (See Page C)

”i nsu rance—WindstormF LOYD -BARKLEY AG ENCY , 908 S Madison, T el Mi dway

2- 2142 (See Page C)

(See Y e llow Pag e 46 )


Insu rance AgentsBatten LloydMu tu al Insu rance Agency 101WMainBEASON RALPH T INSURANCE , Cou rt Hou se Squ are , T elMi dway 2- 2061 (See Page Z)

BULLARD LONNIE M, 3 01 Jefferson , PO Box 745, T el Mi dway 2—3 753

Cam pbellWade Associates (genl ) 1009 SMadisonF loyd- Barkley Agency 908 SMadisonMcN ei ll N eil HectorAgency; 122WMainMem ory T S Insu rance Agency (genl ) Cou rt Hou se Squ arePOWE LL GAULT AG ENCY, Cou rt Hou se Squ are , Tel Mi d

way 2—3 784 (See Yellow Pag e 47 )PRE VATTE BRAXTON MUTUAL AGENCY, 140 E Ma in , 2d

F loor, Tel Mi dway 2- 2953ROWLE SLI

)E H, 108 Bu rkhead , T el Mi dway 2- 3 963 (See Yellow

Page 48Roz ier’

s Insu rance Agency rear 201 E LewisSears- Sm ith Insu rance Agency 105WWalterSMITH’

S F UNERAL HOME , 219 W V irgil, T el Mi dway 2- 3 206

and Chadbou rn NC, T el 3 57 - 1 (See Yellow Page 3 9 )VAUGHAN DAN , R ichardson , Tel Mi dway 2- 2904

Insu rance Com paniesAll State Insu rance CO 819 SMadisonD u rham L ife Insu rance CO 3 06 S MadisonF irst N ational L ife Insu rance Co of Phoenix Ariz 1009 S Madi


Hom e. Secu rity L ife Insu rance CO 3 06 SMadisonJefferson Standard L ife Insu rance Co 3 04WashingtonLIBERTY LIF E IN SURAN CE CO, Colu m bu s Theatre Bldg 101

E Main, Tel Mi dway 2- 2701L i fe Insu rance CO of G eorgia 3 06 SMadisonL ife Insu rance Co ofThe Sou th 101WMainN at ional G range Insu rance Services 1009 SMadisonNationwide Insu rance Com panies 140 E MainOccidental L ife Insu rance Co Cou rt Hou se Squ areOhi o State L ife Insu rance CO 114W.WychePilot L ife Insu rance CO 3 06 S MadisonReserve L ife Insu rance CO 511 S MadisonSou thern L ife Insu rance CO 100WMainState F arm Insu rance Com pani es 3 01 JeffersonWESTERN AND SOUTHE RN LIF E IN SURANCE CO THE ,

Seth L Sm ith Bldg 803 S Madison , Res T el Wi lm ingtonRoger 24 586

Insu rance Cou nsellors

ROW LE SLIE H, 108 Bu rkhead, T el Mi dway 2- 3 963 (See Y ellow Page 48)

Interior D ecoratorsSTAN LEY S P JR , Chadbou rn rd, RD 1, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 464

(See Yellow Page 55)*Janitor Service


land Dr (BW) , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 03 8 (See Yellow Page 68)


* Jewelers—Credi t Insta llm entREED ’

S JEWE LERS, 613 S Madison, Tel Mi dway 2 2054 (SeeYellow Page 49)

Jewelers—RetailJewel Shop The 708 SMadisonRay’s Jewelers Inc 116 E MainREED

’S JEWELERS, 613 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 2054 (SeeYellow Page 49)

WEAVER ’S JEWE LRY STORE , 701 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2- 2246 (See Yellow Page 50)* Jewelry—Costu m e

GORE ’S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Main, Tel Mi dway 2- 2250 (See

Yellow Page 44)Jewelry Repairing

REED ’S JEWE LERS, 613 S Madison , Tel -Mi dway 2- 2054

(See Yellow Page 49)

Ju stices of The Peace

Moore Andrew J Cou rt Hou se Squ areSasserE Hu bert 812 N Madison

*KeroseneCOLLIN SHH SONS, 200 Magnolia , T el Mi dway”342 (SeeYellow Page 3 7

KindergartensF osterLeonaWMrs 510 N MadisonWh iteville Kindergarten 502 N F rankl in

*Kitchen CabinetsBE ST CABINET WORKS, 3 15 W Lewis, T el Mi dway 2- 3 408

(See Yellow Pages 15 and 52)PRIDG EN CABINE T WORKS, Wilm ington Rd nr F orest Dr

(BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 2091 (See Page Y)*Kitchen Cabinets—Bu i lt In

HINSON E F CABINET WORKS, US Hwy 701 S By-PassBenton Rd ( F airfax Heights) , RD 3 , T el Mi dway 242456(See Yellow Page 14)

* Lam psGORE ’

S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Main , T el Mi dway 2- 2250

(See Yellow Page 44)Landscape G ardeners

McQUE EN ’S NURSERYME N , Prison Cam p Rd, T el Mi dway

2- 2694 (See Yellow Page 54)* Lau ndrettes

MODERN DRY CLEANERS, 1001 S Madison, Tel Mi dway2- 23 17 (See Yellow Page 3 2)

511155 RENTALS


Loans—MortgageWACCAMAWBANK TRUST CO, 622 SMadi son , T el Mi dway

2—4101 (See Yellow Page 19)Whiteville Produ ction Credit Assn Cou rt Hou se Squ are

* L u ggageGORE ’

S QUALITY SHOP, 106 E Main , T el M i dway 2- 2250

(See Yellow Page 44)* L u m ber—D im ensional


Rai lroad Bridge, T el Mi dway 2- 3 054 (See Yellow Page 13 )L u m ber—Retai l

LOVE LUMBER CO, endUS Hwy 701 S By-Pa/ss ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3 , POBox 415, Te l Mi dway 2- 3 717


nr Tabor City Rd, (SWh iteville ) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2—3 604(See Yellow Page 12)


Railroad Bridge, T el Mi dway 2- 3 054 (See Yellow Page 13 )L u m ber—Wholesale

Love L u m ber Co endUS Hwy 701 S By-Pass (F airfax Heights)RD 3

Sledge L u m ber CorpWMain nr By-Pass

* L u m bering Tools and Su ppliesNEWSOME ’

S LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLY, Shallotte Rdnr Tabor City Rd, (SWhiteville) RD 3 , Tel Mi dway 2 3 604(See Yellow Page 12 )

*Machinery—F armMARKS TRUCK TRACTOR CO, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest

Dr (BW) Tel Mi dway 2- 2117 (See Yellow Page 34)

MachinistsCain S E Machine Shop 123 PecanHinson’

s Machine Shop T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F airfaxHeights) RD 3*Maga z ines

SIMMONS DRUG CO, Cou rt Hou se Squ are , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 106and 104 E Main, T el Mi dway 2- 3 255, N ight Tels Mi dway2- 3 351 orMi dway 2- 2945 (See Yellow Page 29 )

Mail Order Hou sesSEARS ROEBUCK CO, 819 S Madison, T el Mi dway 24161

*Ma i ling L i stsPOLK R L CO, 43 1Howard, D etroit 3 1, Mich

Manu factu rers AgentsBlackwell Sam l J (alu m inu m produ cts) 209 S F ranklinMoore Henry E (sporting goods) Sm yrna rd nr F rink

*Marine Su ppliesCOLUMBUS SUPPLY CO, 107- 09 W Main, T el Mi dway 2- 2163

(See Yellow Page 57)*Markets—Su per

D T SUPER MARKE T , 124WMain, T el Mi dway 2- 2857 (SeeYellow Page 61)


*Masonry CleanersPRIDG EN SAND BLASTIN G CONTRACTOR , 215 N F ranklin ,

T el Mi dway 2—2205 (See Y ellow Page 60)*Meat Cold Storag e


Mi dway 2 2721 (See Yellow Page 3 6)*Meat Cu ring


Mi dway 2- 2721 (See Yellow Page 3 6 )*Meat Cu tting


Mi dway 2- 2721 (See Yellow Page -3 6)

*Meat Sm oking


Mi dway 2—2721 (See Yellow Page 3 6 )


MIdway 2- 2721 (See Ye llow Pag e 3 6 )D T SUPER MARKE T , 124WMa in, Ted


MIdway 2-2857 (SeeYellow Page 61)

COLUMBUS DRUG STORE , 629 S Madison, T el Mi dway2- 3 009 (See Yellow Page 28)

SIMMONS DRUG CO, Cou rt Hou se Squ are , T el MIdway 2—3 106and 104 E Main , T el Mi dway 2- 3 255, N ight T els Mi dway2—3 3 51 orMi dway2—2945 (See .Yellow Page 29)

*Men’s F u rni shing s

LE DER BROTHERS IN C, 718 S Madi son , Tel Mi dway 2- 2840

(See Yellow Page 26)*Men

’s Wear

LEDER BROTHERS IN C, 718 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 2840(See Yellow Page 26)

*Metal CleanersPRIDGEN SAND BLASTING CONTRACTOR , 215 N F ranklin,

T el Mi dway 2-2205 (See Y ellow Page 60)*Milling Cu tters

BEST CABINE T WORKS, 3 15 W L ewis, Tel Mi dway 2 3408(See Yellow Pages 15 and 52)


DIAL M i dway

Comm erce

Pag e 3 1)

*M illworkBE ST CABINE T WORKS, 3 15 W Lewis, T el Mi dway 2- 3408

(See Yellow Pages 15 and 52)CHADBOURN WOODWORKS, Chadbou rn rd, PO Box 8, Chad

born NC,


Benton Rd ( F airfax Heights) RD 3 , Tell Mi dway 2- 2456(See Yellow Page 14)

Monu m ental WorkCape F ear “

Mem orials Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Sou thern Marble Co T abor City rd nr Cedar ( F ai rfax Heights)*Mortic'ians

SHAW’S JOHN H SONS, 411W Virgil, T el Mi dway 2-2713 (See

Yellow Page 3 8)SMITH’

S FUNERAL HOME , 219 W Virgil, Tel Di ldway 2- 3 206and Chadbou rn NC, T el 3 57- 1 (See Yellow Page 3 9 )

Motels and Au to Cou rtsHolidayMotel Clarkton rd nrBy-Pass

*Motor OilsCOLLINSH u SONS, 200 Magnolia , T el Mi dway 245342 (SeeYellow Page 3 7 )

*Movers—Hou sehold G oodsNANCE C L TRANSF ER , 210 Magnolia , Day T el Mi dway

2- 3 856, N ight Te l M i dway 2- 3 644 (See Yellow Page 53 )*Moving—Interu rban

NANCE c L TRANSF ER , 210 Magnolia , Day Tel Mi dway2- 3 856 , N ight T el Mi dway 2- 3 644 (See Yellow Page 53 )

*Moving—Long D istanceNANCE C L TRANSF ER , 210 Mag nolia , Day Tel Mi dway

2—3 856 , N ight T el Mi dway 2- 3 644 (See Yellow Page 53 )Movi ng Vans

NANCE C L TRANSF ER , 210 Magnolia , Day T el Mi dway2- 3 856, N ight Tel Mi dway 2- 3 644 (See Yellow Page 53 )

Mu sic and Mu sical Instru m ents—DealersPolly’sMu sic Store 607 SMadison

Mu sic T eache rsBraxton F lorene T Mrs 3 01 N Thom psonE dwards Polly B Mrs (piano) 109 N LeePowell Em ilyWMrs (piano) 3 05Pinkney

Sales and Servi ce


Oils and L u bricants—Dealers—Con‘


L indsay Oi l Co IncWilm ington rd nr F orest dr (BW)Pu re Oi l Co Tabor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F airfax Hei ghts)

RD 3

Sincla ir Refin ing CO 200 MagnoliaT T Oi l CO T abor City rd: nr Shallotte rd ( F airfax Heights)

RD 3

T exas CO The 902 F raz ierWhiteville Oi l CO Chadbou rn rd nrCity L im its RD 1

Optom etristsT errence Anthony C 604SMadi son

WHITEHEAD SAMUE L H, 515 S Madison , Tel Mi dway

Organiz ations—Benevolent and F raternalEverReady L odge NO 765 115 SMem oryLebanon L odge N o 207 (AF &AM ) 120 PecanRainbow Assem bly ofWhiteville 120 Pecan

2 -2 3 11 Whiteville ChapterNO 211 (CBS) 120 PecanWill Help Y ou Clu b 115 SMem ory

Organiz ations—Bu siness, Professional and CivicBu siness Professi onalWom en

’s Clu b 200 SMadison

Civitan Clu b 200 S MadisonL ions Clu b 200 SMadisonRotary Clu b 200 SMadisonWhiteville Cham ber of Com m erce 109 E MainWhiteville Merchant’s Assn Inc 109 E MainWhiteville Tobacco Board of'h '

ade 109 E Main

Organiz ations—Patriotic and V eteransAm erican Legion Post NO 13 1 623 N LeeCallan T om m y Post No 8073 (V F W) 113 WWyche

Organi z ations—Welfare and ReliefAm erican National Red Cross Colu m bu s Cou nty Chapter Cou n

tyCou rt Hou seColu m bu s Cou nty T u bercu losis Assn Cou nty Cou rt Hou se

Organiz ations—Miscellaneou sColu m bu s Cou ntyMedical Society 200 S MadisonWhiteville G irl Scou ts 103 Bu rkhead

Ou tboard Motors—Sales and ServiceCOLUMBUS SUPPLY CO, 107 - 09 WMain , Tel Mi dway 2-2163

(See Yellow Page 57 )




*Packers and ShippersNANCE C L TRAN SF ER , 210 Magnolia , Day T el Mi dway

2- 3 856 , N ight T el M i dway 2- 3 644 (See Yellow Page 53 )*Pa int Shop


APPLIAN CE SHOP,WCedar cor Tabor City Rd, (SWhiteville ) RD 4, T el Mi dway 2—3 673 (See Yellow Page 2)

*Painti ng ContractorsSTANLEY S P JR , Chadbou rn rd, RD 1, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 464

(See Yellow Page 55)Paneli ng Wood

PRIDG EN CABINET WORKS, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest D r(BW) T el Mi dway 2- 2091 (See Page Y)

*Parking L ot PavingCOLUMBUS PAV ING CO INC, Chadbou rn , NC, T el 488- 1,

N ights Call 454- 1 (See Yellow Page 25)Parks and Playgrou nds

Herm an LederPark N Lee corWyche*Partitions—Wood

PRIDG EN CABIN ET WORKS, Wilm ington rd, nr F orest D r(BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 2091 (See Page Y)

*Patelnt Med icinesSIMMONS DRUG CO, Cou rt Hou se ‘Squ are , T el Mi dway 2- 3 106

and 104 E Ma in , T el Mi dway 2- 3 255, N ight T els Mi dway2- 3 3 51 orMi dway 2- 2945 (See Yellow Page 29 )

*Patent and Proprietary Medi cinesCOLUMBUS DRUG STORE , 629 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2- 3 009 (See Yellow Page 28)Pawnbrokers

L einwand’

s Pawn Shop 711 S MadisonPest Control

Beski e Edw J 205N Thom psonPharm aci es

COLUMBUS DRUG STORE , 629 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 3 009

(See Yellow Page 28)SIMMONS DRUG CO, Cou rt Hou se Squ are , T el Mi dway 2- 3 106

and 104 E Main, T el Mi dway 2- 3 255, N ight T els Mi dway2- 3 3 51 orMi dway 2-2945 (See Yellow Page 29 )

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D ial Mi dway 2—2061

N o j ob too larg e

F ree E stim atesDIAL M i dway2 3 2 2 6

116 Wash i n g ton

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )


Com m ercial

PhotographersBaldwin Stu dio 803 S MadisonNorrisJoe D 112 Mill

Physicians and Su rgeons—MDBaldwinWm E j r 813 N MadisonBarefootW F red 700 N Thom psonBlack John R 210 JeffersonBu nn David G 107 E MainCarnes G W, 707 S F ranklin T el Mi dway 2- 3 004

F loyd Anderson G 605 S MadisonG reeneWm A 104E Com m erce

Hoskins William H, Office 103 E Main,T el M i dway 2- 3 720,

Res T elMIdway 2 - 3 817

HoskinsWm H 103 E MainMillerWarren E 700 N Thom psonMu ldrow Miriam M 205W.VirgilSad-lerRalph C 615 S “

MadisonSm ith Slade A 605 S MadisonWalters He z ekiah G 711 N Thom psonWyche Joseph T 615 S Madison

Pictu re F ram es and Pictu res—DealersWalkerArt Shop Chadbou rn rd RD 1

*Plu m bersTOWNSEND PLUMBIN G CO, 215 Magnolia , T el Mi dway

2- 3 217 (See Page A and Yellow Page 56)*Plu m bing Contractors

TOWNSEND PLUMBIN G CO, 215 Magnolia , Tel Mi dway2- 3 217 (See Page A and Yellow Page 56)

Plu m bing Su pplies—D ealersCOLUMBUS SUPPLY 0 0 , 107 - 09 W Main, T el Mi dway 2- 2163

(See Yellow Page 57 )TOWNSEND PLUMBIN G CO, 215 Magnoli a , T el Mi dway

2- 3 217 (See Page A and Yellow Page 56 )Pou ltry and G am e Breeders

Waccam aw. Qu ail F arm 119WVirgil

Power Tools and E qu ipm entCam pbell Chai n Saw CO Tabor City rd. nr Shallotte rd ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3

D u ncan's G arage Chain Saw Co Shallotte rd nr T abor City

rd (S i lle ) RD 3WhitevilleMotor Sales Service 205Magnolia


(See Y ellow Pag e 43 )

*Radio and T elevision Sets—Reta i lF OWLE R CO THE , 611 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2244 (See

Yellow Page 64)Radio and T elevision Sets—Sales and Service

COOK’S OF WHITEVILLE , N C, 617 S Madi son , T el Mi dway

2- 2804 (See Yellow Page 3 )Crowell-

s TV Radio Service 109Washing-tonF ULLER L K APPLIANCE FURNITURE STORE , 407 S

Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2202 (See Yellow Page 40)JONE S F URNITURE CO IN C, 814 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)Modern Radio Service 411 SMadisonTODD F URNITURE CO, 614 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2—3 3 77

(See Yellow Page 42)Railroad Passenger Stations

Atlantic Coast L ine Railroad CO E Main corMadisonRailroads

Atlantic Coast L ine.Railroad CO E Main corMadisonReal E state

E DMUNDS REALTY CO, 103 WWalter, T el Mi dway 2- 2590

(See Yellow Page 58)F abbel RoyL 116 BantaSpau lding- Sm ith R eal E state Agency 219WVirgil

*Real E state AppraisalsE DMUNDS REALTY CO, 103 WWalter, T el Mi dway 2—2590

(See Yellow Page 58)*Real E state Rentals

EDMUNDS REALTY CO, 103 W Walter, T el Mi dway 2- 2590

(See Yellow Page 58)Refrigerators—Sales and Service


Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2202 (See Yellow Page 40)JONE S FURNITURE CO IN C, 814 S Madison , T el Mi dway

2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)Pri dg en

’s Refrigeration Service 407 S '

MadisonStevens A Bru ce 3 02WWilliam son"

TODD F URNITURE CO, 614 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 3 77

(See Yellow Page 42)*Residential Contractors

CARTER A G JR G ENERAL CONTRACTOR , 505 W College,T el Mi dway 2—2459 (See Yellow Page 18)

(See Y ellow Pag e 46 )


Rest Hom es

Cowan’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Restau rantsB H Cafe 200W.WalterCarolina G rill 103 Washing tonCircle Drive -In 926 SMadisonClifton’

s G rill 117WCom m erce

DeL u xe G rill 217 E MainEm pi e

s Cafe 921 SMadisonF lam ingo G rill Clarence nr S CanalF owler

’s Drive InWi lm ing ton rd nr F orest dr (BW)

G odbolt’s Sandw ich Shop 709 S F rankl in

Hide-A-Way, Drive In 215 E Ma in

Ideal G rill 406WVirgilJordan’

s G rill 512 SMadisonMary’s Sandwi ch Shop 83 0 F raz ierNew Y ork Restau rant 603 SMadisonOki nawan G rill 701 S F ranklinP T Barbecu e T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F airfaxHeig hts) RD 3


s G rill 821 SMadisonPri dg en

’s Restau rant 125Mi ll

Roadway G rill T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F airfax Heights)RD 3

Sou th Madi son Drive -In 917 SMadisonSou thern Kitchen The 606 SMadison “

Starlite Drive- In Restau rant Wilm ington rd nr Brickyard rd


s G rill 704SMadisonWarner’s G rill T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F airfax Heights)

RD 3

*Roofers—T in and CopperHAWKS E L , 116 Wash ington , T el Mi dway 2- 3 226 (See Yellow

Page 59 )*Rose Bu shes

McQUEEN ’S NURSERY, Prison Cam p Rd, T el Mi dway 2- 2694

(See Yellow Page 54)* Safe D eposit Boxes

WACCAMAW-BANK a TRUST co , 622 sMadison, Tel Mi dway

24101 (See Yellow Page 10)

Sales Prom oti on Servi ceG ore John S 118WL ewis


* SandCOLUMBUS PAVIN G CO IN C, Chadbou rn, NC, . T el 488-1,

Ni ghts Call 454- 1 (See Yellow Page 25)*Sand Blast Apparatu s


T elMi dway 2- 2205 (See Yellow Page 60)* Sand Blast Bu ilding Clea ners


T el Mi dway 2- 2205 (See Yellow Page 60)*Sand Blast Cleaners


T el Mi dway 2- 2205 (See Yellow Page 60)* Sand Blasting Contractors


TelMi dway 2- 2205 (See Yellow Page 60)Sand and G ravel—Dealers

McG IRT A F , Shallotte Rd ar Tabor City Rd, (SWhitevi lle) ,RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 695 (See Yellow Page 24)

* Sash and DoorManu factu rersHINSON E F CABINET WORKS,US Hwy 701 S By-Pass nr

Benton Rd , ( F airfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2-2456

(See Yellow Page 14)* Savings Banks

WACCAMAWBANK TRUST CO, 622 SMadison , T el Mi dway24101 (See Yellow Page 10)

*Savings and L oans

F IRST NATIONAL BANK THE , 700 S Madison , T el Mi dway2- 2174 (See Yellow Page 9 )

Savings and Loan AssociationsPeoples Savings and Loan Association 600 SMadison

Saw F ilers, Setters and RepairersTyreeWill 107 Britton

CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL , 210 S Mem ory, T el Mi dway 2- 3 546EDGEWOOD ELEME NTARY SCHOOL , E Calhou n, nr

Thom pson , T el Mi dway 2- 3 201NEW HOPE E LEMENTARY SCHOOL , Tabor City Rd, Tel

Mi dway 2- 3 579

WHITE VILLE CITY SCHOOLS, Su p Office E Calhou n nr

Thom pson , Tell Mi dway 2—3 23 7WHITEVIL LE E LEME N TARY SCHOOL , 409 N Lee, T el Mi d

WHITEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL , 501 N Lee, T el Mi dway 2- 2765

Seeds—Reta ilMcQu een

’s Seed Store 621 S Madison



Lewis, T elMi dway 2- 3 002 (See Yellow Page 11)Sporti ng G oods—Retail

F OWLER CO THE , 611 S Mad ison , T el Mi dway 2—2244 (SeeYellow Page 64)

G 'lobe Trading Co 126 E Main

Sporting G oods—WholesaleF OWLER CO THE , 611 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2—2244 (SeeYellow Page 64)

* Sports ApparelOLLIN S DEPARTMENT STORE , 811- 813 S Madison , T el

Mi dway 2- 2791 (See Page X)* Spray Pai nting

STANLEY S P JR , Chadbou rn rd, RD 1, T el Mi dway 23 464(See Yellow Page 55)

Steremphon ic andHi - F i Record PlayersCOOK’

S OF WHITE V ILLE , N C, 617 S Madison , T el Mi dway2-2804 (See Yellow Page 3 )

StorageNANCE C L TRAN SF ER , 210 Magnolia , Day T el Mi dway

2- 3 856, N ight T el Mi dway 2- 3 644 (See Yellow Page 53 )* Store and Office F ixtu res

BE ST CABIN E T WORKS, 3 15 W L ewis, T el Mi dway 2- 3408(See Yellow Pages 15 and 52)


Benton Rd ( F airfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 2456

(See Yellow Page 14)* Su ndries

SIMMONS DRUG CO, Cou rt Hou se Squ are , T el Mi dway 2- 3 106and 104 E Main , T el Mi dway 2- 3 255, N ight T els Mi dway2- 3 3 51 orMi dway 2-2945 (See Yellow Pages 29)

* Su per Markets

D T SUPER MARKET , 124WMain, T el Mi dway 2- 2857 (SeeYellow Page 61)

Su rveyors—LandBland Johnnie P Shallotte rd nr Tabor City,rd (S i lle ) RD 3

Bu rns John K 812 N MadisonSchnibben Herm an T 213 E Clay

* SweatersLE DER BROTHE RS IN C, 718 S Madi son, T el Mi dway 2- 2840

(See Yellow Page 26)

KRAHNKE ’S CLEANERS, 13 1 W Com m erce, T el Mi dway

23 13 (See Yellow Page 3 1)

STOPHE L ’S DRY CLEANERS, Opposite Railroad D epot 122

E Ma in, TelMi dway 2—3 718 (See Page B)WHITEVILLE LAUNDRY CLEANERS, 107 E Walter, T el

Mi dway 2- 23 11 (See Yellow Page 51)* Tar Roofi ng

HAWKS E L , 116 Washington , T el Mi dway 2- 3 226 (See YellowPage 59)

Taxi cab ServiceCheckerCab CoWWalter nrPowell blvdD eL u xe Taxi 217 E MainService Taxicab 112 Pecan

T elegraph Com pam es

WesternUnion T elegraph Co 519.SMadisonT elephone Com panies

Carolina T elephone T eleg raph Co 113 WCalhou n* T elevision Repairs

HERRIN G ’S RADIO TV REPAIRS, 108 Mill , Tel Mi dway

2- 2057 (See Yellow Page 63 )* Television Sets—Salesand Service


Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2202 (See Yellow Page 40)JONE S FURNITURE CO IN C, 814 S Madison,

T el Mi dway2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)

TODD FURNITURE CO, 614 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2

(See Yellow Page 42)WE STERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE , 112 E Ma in, T el Mi d

way 2- 3 066 (See Yel low Page 62)Theatres

Colu m bu s Theatre 627 SMadisonStarlite Drive -In Theatre Wilm ington rd nr Brickyard rd (BW)

* T ile RoofingHAWKS E L , 116 Washington , T el Mi dway 2 3 226 (See Yellow

Page 59)* T ire Retreading

F OWLER CO THE , 611 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2- 2244 (SeeYellow Page 64)

* T ire D ealers—RetailWE STERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE , 112 E Ma in, Tel Mi d

way2- 3 066 (See Yellow Page 62)

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D ial M i dway 2- 2061

F ree E stim atesDIAL M i dway2 3 2 2 6

116Washi ng ton

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )









DIAL Mi dway

Shallotte Rd. near

Tabor City Rd.

(S. Whiteville)

(See Y ellowPag e 24)

T ire Dealers and RepairingBLACK’S TIRE SERVICE IN C, Tabor City Rd nr Shallotte Rd

( F a irfax;Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 191 (See Yellow

Page 63Valentine T ire Service Tabor Cityi rd nr City L im its ( F airfaxHeights) RD 3

* T ires—Reta ilF OWLER CO THE , 611 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2244 (SeeYellow Page 64)

* T ires—WholesaleF OWLER 00 THE , 611 Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2244 (SeeYellow Page 64)

Tobacco—Warehou sesCarolina Warehou se No 1 Wilm ington rd nr City L im its (BW)CarolinaWarehou se No 2 501 S CanalColu




fCou nty Warehou ses Wilm ington rd nr Brickyard rd

WCru tchi ield

’s T obaccoWarehou se 13 0 E Main

F arm ersWarehou se 901 SMadisonLea

s Big D ixieWarehou se Clarkton rd nr City L im itsL ea

sWarehou se 3 02 S CanalL ibertyWarehou se Clarkton rd beyCity L im itsMoore

’sWarehou se 208 S Lee

Motley’sWarehou se S Canal nr ClayNelson

’sWarehou se 211 E Walter

PlantersWarehou se 3 09 E Colu m bu sVirgini a T obacco Co end E MainWhiteville Tobacco Co 214E Main

* T op SoilMcG IRT A F , Shallotte Rd nr Tabor City Rd (SWhiteville ) RD

3 , T elMi dway 2- 3 695 (See Yellow Page 24)T ourists’ Hom es

Bu llard L illian N Mrs 115Washing tonPrevatte E dna R Mrs 610 N

MadisonSm ith G ola 505 N Madison

* ToysF OWLER CO THE , 611 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2244 (SeeYellow Page 64)



CO, Wi lm ington rd, at F orestDr (BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 2117 (See Yellow Pages 3 4)

* TractorParts—N ew andUsedMARKS TRUCK TRACTOR CO, Wilm ington rd , nr F orest

D r (BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 2117 (See Yellow Page 3 4)

Transfer Com paniesBE ST TRAN SF E R CO, rear 3 15 W L ewis, Tel Mi dway 2- 3 408


*Wall Paper ContractorsSTANLE Y S P JR , Chadbou rn Rd, RD 1, Tell Mi dway 2- 3 464


See Yellow Page 55)Washing Machines—Sales and Servi ce

FULLER L K APPLIANCE 83 F URNITURE STORE , 407 SMadison , T el Mi dway 2—2202 (See Yellow Page 40)

JONE S F URNITURE CO IN C, 814 S Madison , T el Mi dway2- 3 3 04(See Yellow Page 41)

TODD FURNITURE CO, 614 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 3 3 77

(See Yellow Page 42)Watch , Clock and Jewelry Repairing

F aircloth Repair Shop 110 M illREE D

’S JEWE LERS, 613 S Madison , T el Mi dway 2- 2054 (See

Yellow Page 49 )Stroscio Anthony 613 S MadisonWEAV ER ’

S JEWE LRY STORE , 701 S Madison , T el M i dway2-2246 (See Yellow Page 50)

*Watches, Clocks and Jewelry—RetailRE E D

’S JEWE LERS, 613 S Madi son , Tel Mi dway 2-2054 (See

Yellow Page 49 )*Water


ConditioningCULLIGAN SOF T WATER SE RV ICE , 801 West Jam es, PO

Box 3 46, T el Mi dway 2- 3 419 (See Yellow Page 66)

*Water Conditioning E qu ipm ent—Sales and ServiceCULLIGAN SOF T WATER SERV ICE , 801 West Jam es PO

Box 3 46 , Tel Mi dway 2- 3 419 (See Yellow Page 66)


'West Jam es, POBox3 46 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 419 (

See Yellow Page 66 )*Water F ilters

CULLIGAN SOF T WATE R SERVICE , 801 West Jam es, POBox 3 46 , T el M i dway 2- 3 419 (See Yellow Page 66)


-1008 S Madison , DayT el Mi dway 2- 3 247 , N ight T els Mi dway 2- 3 493 and Mi dway 2- 253 0 (See Yellow Page 43 )

*Water RepellentG EORG E ’

S CONTRACTOR , PO Box 214, Chadbou rn , NC, T el

3 966 (See Yellow Pages 16 and 65)Water Softener Service

CULLIGAN SOF T WATER SERVICE , 801 West Jam es , POBox 3 46 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 419 (See Yellow Page 66 )

*Waterproofing MaterialsNEWSOME ’

S LUMBER BUIL DIN G SUPPLY, Shallotte Rdi n Tabor City Rd (SWhiteville ) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 604

(See Yellow Page 12)




Rai lroad Bri dge , Tel Mi dway 2—3 054 (See Yellow Page 13 )Welders and Braz ers

Wilson A 0 PortableWelding Service 1017 SMadisonWell Drillers (Water)


T el Mi dway 24 275 (See Page A and Yellow Page 67 )*wen E qu i pm ent and Su ppli es


Tel Mi dway 2—4275 (See Page A and Yellow Page 67)*Well Pu m ps

McPlfl lRSON WELL DRILLIN G dz SERVICE , 215 Magnolia ,

T el Mi dway 24 275 (See Pag e A and Yellow Page 67)*Wheel Alignm ent

BLACK’S TIRE SERVICE IN C, Tabor City Rd nr Shallotte Rd

( F a irfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2- 3 191 (See YellowPage 63 )

Window Cleaners

GENERAL WINDOWCLEAN IN G CO, Evergreen nrWoodlandDr (BW) , T el Mi dway 2—3 03 8 (See Yellow Page 68)

*Window Cleaners—Com m ercialGENERAL WIN DOWCLEAN IN G CO, Evergreen nrWoodland

Dr (BW) , T el Mi dway 2- 3 03 8 (See Yellow Page 68)

*Wom en’s Apparel

COLLIN S DEPARTMENT STORE , 811- 813 S Madison , T el

Mi dway 2- 2791 (See Page X)Wom en

’s Apparel—Reta il

LEDER BROTHERS INC, 718 S Madison , Tel Mi dway 2—2840(See Yellow Page 26)

Wood DealersBestJim Moore nrWVirgil

*Wood WorkersHIN SON E F CABINE T WORKS,US Hwy 701 S By-Pass nr

Benton Rd ( F a irfax Heights) RD 3 , T el Mi dway 2—2456(See Yellow Page 14)

*Wrecker Servi ceWHITEVILLE BODY SHOP, WWalter nr Powell Blvd, TelMi dway 2- 3 820 (See Yellow Page 8)

Tens of thou sands ofpeople who were

form erly strang ers to the City Directoryare consu lting it on qu estions of citiz enship, em ploym ent, sou rces of su pply,

com m u nications, etc'

. Also , D i re c t o ryu sag e is u p am ong


reg u lar su bscribers.

People Are



O 0 O 0 O 0 O O O O Oadj u su radm in i strator

or adm ini strati on. atverti sing

- 1 ag encyagricu l ture


e e e e e e e0 0 s ee e e e e e e

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blockblksm i th blacksm i thblrmkr boi lerm akerblvd bou levardbm o . . bu elnese m achine

operatorhr brananbrki yr

bri cklayerbrk'mn brekem anbu r bu reau

CSP Chri sti anScience Practiti oner

cebtmh ' cabinetm akercarp carpenter

cu h cash i erchant chau ffeu rchem chem i st or

chem i cal

elk clerkcln . .clean ing or cleanerclo clothingcollr collectorcom l com m erci alcomn comm issi oncom u r com m i ssionercomp com posi torcondr condu ctorconfr confecti oner

constn .constru cti oncontr contractorcgr corner

corres correspondentcou rtct

a b b o t - D e e

di str distri bu tor

drsm kr

O or E . .

edu c c o c o a - c o

elecOi ecm - 0

electroelev0 0 8

0 0 0 0

. o - o o e e e e o e o o

e e e e e e e o

footfi tter

fu rni tu refu rni sh ings

g ardener

g oods

g eneralgCOIOg lst

g overnm entgrocer

hou seholderhairdresserhardware


headqu artershou sekeeper

heatingHei ghts

im plem entsi nsu rance

inspector or

inspectioninstru ctor

. interi ordecorator

int rev. lnternal revenu einvestm entjani torjeweler


fu rngs

a e o e e l e o o e e

librari anlinotypeli thographerIau ndresslau ndryli m i tedlawyer

m ach .machin i st orm achine

m erchandi sem echanic

or m echani calm ed m edicalMet Metropoli tan

drftu mn dreftsm en m eter rdr. .m eter reader


e e e e e

o c e D O O O o



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- e

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sm stm C Q Q o

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e e ee e e e e e et h e .

a c e

U ArmyAir F orce

8 Coast G u ard

USMCUS Marine Corps


0 0


O O O O O O O O Q e e e e e e e e e e

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jam esJoseph

KatherineMarg aret

Mi chaelNathani el


8“phThu , n e e e o e e

8 44 0

m fg m anu factu ringmfr m anu factu rerm gr m anag er

m kr m akermkt m arketm ldr m o iderm lu r m i ll inerm n m an

m ono m onotypem sngr m esseng er

m str m asterm tce m aintenancem tg e m ortg ag e

m tr.m otorm an or m otor

m u s m u si cm u tn or NNatl

officeODD opposi teOpr operatoroptn optici anoptom optom etri stosteo osteopat


PS Pu bli c SchoolPTS PostalTransportati on Servicepass passeng er

pharm Pharm acist

photog photographer

phys physi cian

pk park



plu m ber or

plu m bingpoli’sherplastererpainter

presi dent



prod produ ce

prof professor

prsfdr press feeder

prsm n pressm an

prsr presser

ptrnmkr'patternm aker

pu b pu blicpu bl pu bli sher or

pu bli sh i ngpu rchasing

resides or room s

readerreal estatereceiving

recepti oni st

refri g erati on or

refri g erator

representativerepairm an or

repai r

restau rant

retai lReverend


w orW .Weatwhoi wholesaleW‘hsem n warehou sem an



wtchmnydm n

ydm str

All. FORMS OF INSURANCECou rt Hou se Squ are

Copyri g ht, 1959, by Hi ll D irectory CO. , Inc.

of G eneral Abbreviations See OppositeSPECIAL ABBREV IAT ION S

Wives nam es are li sted w i th h u sbands, the nam e of the w ife i s shownn parenthesi s following the hu sband's as follows : G reg ory Richd M (Mary L ) .

In case of a wi dow by death , wherever possi ble the nam e of the deceasedtu sband is shown in parenthesi s as follows : Greg ory Mary L (wi d R ichd M) .

T he occu pati on and .p lace of employm ent i s li sted as follows : G reg orytiohd M (Mary

-L ) slsm n Starr Cloth ing Co.

Nam es in heavy type denote adverti sers in thi s City D irectory.

Ownersh ip or co—ownershi p of a firm i s ind icated by showi ng the i ndivi dtal's nam e in parenthesi s following the firm nam e, as follows: Carson G rocery20 '(Geo B and Pau l N Carson) .

A firm nam e enclosed by parenthesi s indicates ownersh ip or co—ownersh i pvy the igggvi dual whose nam e precedes, as follows : Carson Geo B (Carson


T he head of the hou se i s indi cated .by h preceditgg

the street address ;a

ttrher“: g





lnbers of the fam i ly and room ers are indica


by r preceding theee ress.

P F ood Stores HenryHWard m gr 111WWalter.dam s c

garli e H (Minnie M) carp h 0 1d Tram rd nrWi lm ing

ton r—Clyde (E dna) carp JW Cook Contr h Chadbou rn rd RD 1-David em p i l

'le Mfg rClarkton NC

-JasA tchrCou ntyBd ofEdu c rAcm e NC

The Hom e of

Q u alityJewelryNati onally



2 - 2054


—Minni e M Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Old

ton rd—Sarah em p i lale Mfg r RD 2—Taylor =

j r (Mary A) driver G V Single?S F rankl in

Adcock Hattie ag tReserve L ife Ins rBladAddison D ock (Rosanna M) cook N ew


(See Y ellow Pag e 57 )

Whitevi lle’s Oldest Jew.

(See Y ellow Pag e 50)

—Rosanna MMrs cook New Y ork Restrr:Alderm an E lder em p Sledge LbrrRD 3Aldrich Chas tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rHa

-INDary D Mrs .tchir Central Hi gh Sch' ir ilAlexanderWm A ( F rances P) m ini ster c

h101 Chu rchAlford A Jam es ( F rances J) sec PowellVirgi l

All State Insu rance Co 819 S MadisonAllen Dewey J (Rosalie S; Bru nswick

Chu rch—L eo hlprG V Singletary Sons rWilm ir.—Mary Anna Mrs V - pres Colu m bu s Mcm l

sonville NC

Al’lred Henry L (Mary B ; Allred’s Redh107 E Webster

Allred’s Red White Su per Market (II116WCom m erce

Alston Calli e M tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rI-Morris em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick NCAm erican L egion Ball Park Chadbou rn rd—L egion Post No 13 1 623 N Lee—National Red Cross Colu m bu s Cou nty

L Hu nt exec sec Cou nty Cou rt Hou se—Oi l Co T itu s CWilliam son m g rChadbou lAm m ons John 0 (Sarah E ) h111WCollegeAnderson Bessie Mrs m aid h110 SMem ory~Bfru ce KF Dan'ce's M ) driverMddelm D ry—E ll is driver StateHwyDept rHallsboro—F ate pntr h Clarkton rd nr City L im its—F rances M Mrs chkr Modern Lau ndel—G race J' tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r F airI—John C (E lneda L ) m g r Bru nswick

Corp h E Calhou n nrCanal—Missou ri Mrs h Tabor City rd nr Sin

Aydell Bertha Mrs em p i lleMfg rRD 3-B H CAF E (Joseph E and Bertha F Kelly) , We Serve F u ll

'Cou rse D inners, Steaks and Seafood , Com plete Line OfHot Sandwiches , Soft Drinks, Beer and Wine, 200 WWalter

Babb Al ice L bkprColu m bu s Cold Stge r105 E Sm ith- Everette D (Irene L ) em balm er McKenz ie Mortu ary h105 ESm ith

Babson Lloyd N (Blanche M) em pMarks Tru ck Tractor 1408S Mau ltsby

BaconWm M (Rosa C ) bu yerAm Tob h103 E WycheBaggett Marylou T tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro NCBailey F loyd C (Carrie L ) driver Checker Cab h3 07 E Wal ter—Rosa M Mrs m aid r102 S Mem oryBain E lla P (wi d John) em p Sledge Lbrh407WMain

Baker E Carson (Mary P) line repr Caro T el T eleg h403E Lewi s

“ E‘blhd

n S Mrs em p Reigel Paper r Sm yrna rd near Powellv

—Iris B tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rT aborCity NC—L u t1her H (Evelyn S) state police h Sm yrna rd nr Powellbvd—'Sylvi'a em p i lle Mfg r Bolton NC

Baldwin Alton (E u ni ce R ) linem an Bru nswick E lec Mem bership r TaborCity rd—Artel1'a (wid Chester) h3 09WVirgil

- Arth W j r (Dorothy S) eng State Hwy Dept h Wilm ingtonrd nr Bri ckyard rd (BW)—Boyd C ag t Sou L i fe Ins rRD 1—Calvin (Margt S) planer W M R itter (Hallsboro NC) 11215WWalter—Carey F (wi dWm E ) h Mary la nrEvergreen (BW)

driver J Clayton Baldwin Sons r Wilm ing ton rdB—Casey J ( F rances B) slsm n Hearing Aids h115 E Wyche

slsm n J Clayton Baldwin Son's r Wilm ing ton rdB—D aisy m aid r409 WColu m bu s—DavidW (Hattie L ) h609 N Madison

- Dorothy S Mrs tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c rWilm ington rd nr

Brickyard rd (BW)—Baw V (Eva) barber Sanitary Barber Shop r Hallsboro NC'E li z W Mrs bkpr J Clayton Baldwin '

Sons r Clar—E loise m aid r409WColu m bu s—Ernest L (Olga G ) h100 N Thom pson—E u nice R Mrs slswn F am ily Shoe Store rRD 3—Evelyn PMrs recpt Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r RD 2—JF rances B Mrs tchr i lle E lem Sch 11 15 E Wyche—'

F relon em p Sledge L br—G ertru de S Mrs asst Baldwin Stu dio r114Bu rkhead—G race (widAW) h200 Jefferson

—JClayton (Elvira W; J Clayton Baldwin Sons) h Wilm ington rd nr City L im its (BW)—JClayton Sons (J Clayton Wm 0 and Jam es C Baldw m)Wilm ington rd nr C ity Lim its (BW) bu lk plan t S Canal

—Jas C (Carolyn W; J Clayton Baldwin Sons) hWilm i ngtonrd nr City L im its (BW)—Jessie (L ena G ) em p Sledge Lbrh3 12WMain—Jessie j r (DaisyM) lab h3 01 WWalter

- L D j r (Marg t D ) em p R iegel Wood Paper h3 03 E Calhou n—Lesli e L (G ertru de S' Bal dwin Stu dios) h114 Bu rkhead—Lou ise C Mrs (Lou i se 5 Beau ty Shop) r425 W Colu m bu s—Mattie C (wid Chas) 'bdg 411 E Main h do—Marg t A Mrs m ed sec Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rao3 E Calhou n—Mau rice r100 N Thom pson—McN ei 1atndt N ewsom e

s 66 Service rRD 2—Pau l lab Caro G rain F eed rOld Clarkton rd

R (Annie E ) barber R u ssell’s Barber Shop r RD 3

Box 400—Ru th (wid Bo F ) tchr Whiteville High Sch h112 E Virgil—Stu dio (L eslie L Baldwin) photog 803 SMadison—Sylvester (Lou ise C) carp h425WColu m bu s—T illm an lab h409WColu m bu s-T om (L u laM ) lab h Clarence nr Baldwin—WM Rea em p Sledge Lbr—Wm D (Jim m ie M ; Sing Service Station) h607 N Madison—Wm E j r (Martha D ) phys 813 N Madison h Mary la nr Evergreen (BW)—Wm 0 (Evelyn ; J Clayton Baldwin Sons) h Wilm ingtonrd nr City L im its (BW)

Baldwin ’s Jessie Store (Jessie Baldwin) confr 3 10 W Main

BaltonWm hlpr G u rganu s F arm Su p Milli ng rRD 2Bannerm an Robt Q (Mary B ; Christian Book Room ) h Chad

bou rn rd RD 1

Barefoot Anne F tchr cou nty Bd ofEdu c rDec o NC—F rank equ ip oprCaro G rain F eed—W F red (Li hn

'a P) phys 700 N Thom pson h420 Wash ing ton

Barfield Lacy 0 (Wanda) servm n Coll ier G a’

s Appliance r

Chadbou rn NCBargain Hou se (T im othy White) u sed fu rn 93 1 S MadisonBarkley Jessie B Mrs (Whiteville Beau ty Shop) r104 Pine—John F h109 S Thom pson—JohnM (Jessie B ; F loyd-Barkley Agcy) h104PineBarksdale Mam ie S (wid Herbert) tchr Bladensboro Sch h101Bu rkhead

Barnes Anni e L Mrs sec DrWm E Baldw in j r rMill Pond rd nrT abor Ci ty rd (SW) RD 4

-David T (Annie L ) slsm n D ixie G rain F eed (Chadbou rn) hMill Pond rd nr Tabor City rd (Si lle ) RD 4—G race W em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Lake Waccam aw NC

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D i al MIdway 2- 2061

F ree E stim ates

2 3 2 2 6116 Washi n g ton

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )


(See Y ellow Pag e 48)

—Lawrence M (Mary S) dist m g r Singer Sewing Mach h TaborCity rd nrC ity lim its ( F faxHts“

; RD 3 )—Loleta waitress Circle Drive-In r410 S Canal—Matti e McN Mrs r403 WLewis—Mildred HMrs bkpr T odd F u rn rRD 1—Ru ssell (Mildred H) whsem nWhol D istrs rRD 1—Sam l JtchrCou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro NC—Sylvia G tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r F airBlu ffNC—Vernon W stu dent r Tabor City rd nr City L im its (F faxHts;

RD 3 )Barney Thetu s nu rse DrWm A G reene -rRD 4

BarnhardtMargt tchrCou ntyBd of E du c rDelco NCBarr Jas H hlpr Colu m bu s F eed Center r Bladenboro NCBarrier Earl em p i lleMfg rClayBartley Dan C m em ber Cou nty Bd of Com nrs r Evergreen NC—Lorene em p i lle Mfg r Chadbou rn NCBaslow F loyd M (Toby M) v- pres- m g r Blu e Jeans Corp h224 E

Sm ithBass Jean B Mrs em p i lle Mfg rl 07 W Colu m bu s apt 2—L ind'a F stu dent rClarkton rd nr By Pass—Nettie M slswn Schu lken

’sHdw rChadbou rn NC

—Raym ond J (“Rena C ) livestock d'lr h Clarkton rd nr By ‘Pass—tRena C Mrs nu rses a ide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Clarkton

rd nr By Pass—Ri§hd D (Jean B) em p Peacock F u neral Hom e h107WColu mu s apt 2

- Rose L cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—T S m ech Cou nty Bd ofE du c rClarkton NCBatchlor Jas m ech G V Singletary Sons rPine L og rdBartie Joan stu dent r410Wards—Joe C (SarahM ) driverWB Hobbs Son h410WardsBatten Beth Mrs ofc sec LederBros r607 BobWhite la—Carl N (Lois E ) br m g r F irst Natl Bank h210 N Thom pson—CarolMrs

“bkpr Kram er’

sMens Boy’s Shop rRD 2—Clara E slswn Rose’s r408 S F rankl in—DorisM Mrs (The Baz aar) r802 N Lee—E stherMrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 2 Box 227

—G eo H (Doris M ; F riendly Su per Market ; Hi ll’s Ice CreamCo) h802 N Lee

~G ordon F (Ann W) servm n Braxton-Warren h Shallotte rdnr Tabor City rd (S i lle )—JC asst m g r i ‘

lle L ivestock Mkt rHallsboro rd—Jim A (D ora B ) h3 11 E Walter—Lloyd (Beth ; Lloyd Batten Mu tu al Insu rance Agency) h607

BobWhi te la—Lloyd Mu tu al Insu rance Agency (Lloyd Batten) 101WMain—Marg t rCowan’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

—Nellie J (Nell ie’s Beau ty Salon) r RD 2—Raym ond E bkprCaro G rain F eed rRD 2

—Carlos 0 slsm nWaccam aw Tractor r F reeland NC-Henry T constn wkr r3 02 SMem ory—John R (E leanor B ) hl 15 E Webster—John W (Arthalia S; John’

s Soda Shop) h3 03 S Mem ory—L i'11i e S (wi d John T ) h3 02 SMem ory—Wi llie em p Sledge L br rHal lsboro NCBenson L ila M waitress Hide-A-Way Drive In r506 S F rankl inBenton Alice F Mrs em p i lleMfg rRD 1—Chas (Nancy H) r106a E Webster—Denz il C Mrs sm strs Kram er

’s Ladies Sh0p r W Cedar nr

USHwy 701 S By Pass (S i lle)—E the1Mrs tchrN ew Hope Elem Sch rRD 3-G eo H (Jacqu eline ; Benton Sasser T exaco Station) r400 SF ranklin—IlaM Mrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 1—Lois slswn i lle ShoeMkt rN Thom pson

—Page m em berCou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rne NC—R u by L Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Cerro GSasser T exaco Station (G eo H Benton Bu g C Sasser) 93 0S Madison—‘

Sim eon T ;(D enz i~l C ) collr B '

S Thom pson “

Co hWCedar nr

USHwy 701 S By Pass ('S i lle ; RD 3 )Berkley Rachel C ofc sec John H Shaw’

s Sons r RD 2 Box 3 66

Berney F red (Rosa) h Clarkton rd nrCity L im itsBernstein Martin A (Sara K) bu yer Leder Bros h702 N Lee

Beski e E dw J (Rosali e M) pest control 205 N Thom pson h doBest Barbara A efc sec Dr Hez ekiah G Walters r107 S Thom p


BEST CABINE T WORKS (Wilbu r G Best) , Makers ofAll Kindsof Cabinets, Kitchen Cabinets, Book Cases, Hou seholdF u rnitu re , E xpert Boat Repa irWork, All Work G u aranteedF ree E stim ates, 3 15W L ewis, T el MIdway 2- 3 408 (See Y el

low Pages 15 and 52)—Carolyn stu dent r514Washing ton—Everett (Su e M) hlprAlred’s Red WhiteM-kt h247WWal ter—F ann ie Mrs hsekpr Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r3 12 Jefferson

—G eo F (Betty C ) hlpr City Pu b Wks Dept h608 N F ranklin—G ertru de B (wid T .Roland) h102WWebster—Horace (E thel C ) j an G u iton’s Dru g Store b251 WWalter—Jim wood dlrMoore nrWVirg il h do—Kim b1e (Ru by S) cityfirefighter h107 S Thom pson

-L E lbert j an Caro Pwr L ight rRD 1—Leo G (Pau line D ; Best Transfer Co) h3 11WLewis—Lloyd D (Mattie P) lab i lle T ob h202WVirg il

D j r (Theresa S) tchr Central Hi gh Sch h3 04WColumu s—Martha h249WWalter—Ru by S Mrs tech Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r107 S Thom pson—Thelm aWMrs clk Sim m ons Dru g r3 15WLewis

-Theresa SMrs tchrArtesia Sch r3 04WColu m bu sBEST TRANSF ER 0 0 (Leo G Best) , Moving and Hau ling,

Local and Long D istance Moving, All Cargo Insu red , F reeE stim ates, rear 3 15WR wis, T el MIdway2—3 408—WBert hlprCity Pu bWks Dept h108WNance

—Wilbu r G (Thelm a W; . Best Cabinet Wks) h3 15 W LewisBillu ps Carlene Mrs m aid h421WColu m bu s

Black Annie E (widJohn R ) h rear 210 Jefferson—Hettie V Mrs h T abor C ity rd nr Shal lotte rd (SW) RD 3—.John R (Alm a M) phys 210 Jefferson b2l2 do

4 am l M Rev(L u cy A) pastor G race E piscopal Ch h210 E

—W Crowell (Mau de B) pres-m g r Black’s T ire Service Inc hTabor C ity rd nrSha llotte rd ( F fax Hts)

RD 3—Wm D em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3BLACK’

S TIRE SERVICE IN C, W Crowell Black Pres-Mg r,Recapping, R im s, Wheels, Wheel Ali gnm ent, Wh eel Balancing, “ The Men Who Know T ires Best,” Tabor City rd nr

Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts; RD 3 ) T el MIdway 2- 3 191 (See Y ellow Page 63 )

Blackm an B B lab State HwyCom n r Bru nswick NC-HM bridgem an State HwyCom n rRD 4

Blackm on Chas R em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rRD 4—Clyde tchr Cou nty,Bd of Edu c rNakina NC—Eli z Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r RD 4 Box 3 41—G rady C (Willie B) su pt Western Sou Life Ins h Airway

. rd nr TaborCity rd ( F faxHts)~Je'


se bridgem an State HwyG om n rChadbou rn NC—L eon P j r (Thelm a ; Modern L au ndorette) 11101 S T hom pson—Missou ri Mrs sm strs Modern Dry Clns r Chadbou rn NC

Blackwell A Jam es (Eva M) whsem n G V Singletary Sonsh3 06 E Colu m bu s

_ BarbaraWMrs clk Cou nty Su periorCt Clk rRD 3—‘Bradley m ach opr State HwyDept r Cer‘ra '

G ordo NC—E tta M Mrs tchr i lle E lem Sch r2o9 S F rankli n—Eva M Mrs m ach opr i '

lle G arm ent Mfg r3 06 E Colu m bu s~Hom er m tcem n State HwyD ept r Bru nswick NC—Sam 1J(E tta M ) m frs ag t 209 S F ranklin h doBlake Arth J(E dna ) CityPolice rRD 4—

.G ertru deMrs tchr E dgewood E lem Sch r RD 4—G race McL tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Evergreen NC—Kirby A (G ertru de ; Colu m bu s Su pply Co) rRD 4—Thelm a bkpr Braxton Au to Parts rChadbou rn NC-Wm K 'bkpr Qual ity [MftirrChadbou rne NC

Blakeslee KWtchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rD elco NCBlanchard G erda C Mrs m em ber City Bd of E du c r600 N

Thom pson-Harold C stu dent r600 N Thom pson—Harold E (G erda C ) em p Sledge Lbr h600 N Thom pson






“m ien!


Hom e of


Bu fi al

nsu ru nce


24 Hour

nbu lance


411 w.

'irg i l Si .

lee Y ellowPag e 3 8)

13 0

Bland Jim pntr r Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd—Johnnie P (Bertha ) land su rveyor Shallotte ré

rd (S i lle) RD 3 h doBlanks G iles R (Josie M ) j an i lle Mfg h224WBliz ard L R em p Reigel Paper h110W F rinkBlu e Je'


s Corp F loyd M Baslow v- pres-m g r

i ngton rd nr Bri ckyard rd (BW)Boege F red D (E lsie E ) hou se m over 501 WWBoehm Mary K Mrs bkpr G &C Motor r102 E Web.

—R ichd G (Mary K) asst su ptWM R itter Lbr lBoice Su e T (widWilbu rM ) h600 N Madison—Wilbu rM ir stu dent r600 N MadisonBoineau Archie G (L i llian C) su pt bldg s and gror

E du c h T abor City rd nr City L im its ( F faBon—T on Beau ty Shop (Mrs Madge M Bu tler)Boone John B (Jessie N ) h106 McKenz i e—Mae P cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r

Bordeau x Haz el D cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd ofE d‘

—M-a1colm M (Ida J) clk ACL h Brickyard rd n

(BW)Border Belt Chem ical Co Inc Clifton Stephens pi

nal nr Colu m bu s

BosticMu sic Co (Jas B Reaves j r) 105E VirgilBoswell Barbara traffic m g rRadio StaWENG rR—Lawrence (L oll ie ; Boswell’s F ish Market) r P1—Lollie Mrs tchr i lle Elem Sch rPrison Cam p—M ildred (Jean ) em p i lleMfg h Chadbou rn rd—Thelm a Mrs (Boswell’s F ish Market) rRD 4Boswell’s F ish Market (Lawrence and Mrs TIM

13 2WCom m erce

Bowen Bronnie cabt m krPridgen GabtWks rRD 1—Calvin F (D orothy G ) m ech h208 S Thom pson-Christine Mrs clkA&P rClarkton NC—Clarence F (Rosa C ) cu stdn PO hi 11 E Webster

- Dan1J (Vaner S) h Chadbou rn rd RD 1- Dorothy G -Mrs em p i lle Mfg r208 S Thom psm- Em ory A em p Sledge Lbr r RD 2—G ordon K (Helen B) em p R iegelWood Paper


—Reba BMrs m g r The Style Shop rRD 3—Ronnie S (Mary E ) cabt m kr Pridgen Gabt ShonrWoodland dr (BW)

-Willard B (E dith H) barber Sanitary BarberVirgilBowers G lenn Wv- pres Colu m bu s Contractors

NC—JL ester (Evelyn B ) pres Colu m bu s Contra<

F u ller—Lawrence R (Ju lia V) cash Waccam aw BankMill Pond rd nr T aborC ity rd—Princess (wi d J S) h107 SMadison

Bowm an J 0 tchrWhiteville High Sch 501 N LeeBowyer Roberta M tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r


Brabham Nancy tel opr Colu m bu s Cou nty HospBracey Wiley A (E arline) clk Braxton Au to Par—John orderly Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rWanani slBrady B J tchr Cou nty,Bd of Edu c r Evergreen N (


Brooklyn F ish Market G rocery (Chester G rah am Jas Jefferson) 403 WVirgil

Brooks BookerB tchrCentral High Sch t4o7WMain—Jas A (E li z H) slsm n OscarHigh Sons h405Pinkney—Olivi a G Mrs extension clk Cou nty Neg ro Ag rl Agt r407 W

—W D Inc Wm D Brooks pres E d L McG irt sec- treas oils 607S Thom pson

-Wm D (Jane E ) presWD Brooks Inc r Evergreen NCBrown Anni e M h Tabor City rd nr M ill Pond rd ( F fax Hts)

RD 3—CC1

Brantley j r (Mill ie W) pilot State F orestry Servh400 Eay—Cora C tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Chadbou rn NC—Daisy SMrs tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r109 E Nance—D an1 P (Am anda T ) m g r D evane G as Appliance r

RD 4—D orothy nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp 3 10 Jefferson—E dw (Ru th M) hlpr City Pu bWks D ept h Clarence nr S Canal—E liz C Mrs tchr Cou nty Bd of E du‘


r Chu rch nr F ranklin—G ertru de M tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro NC—Howard (Corinne ) slau ghterer Colu m bu s Cold Stge r RD 2—Hu bert em p Sledge Lbr rPOBox 424—Hu bert T m ill wkr Colu m bu s F eed Center r Bladenboro NC

M Mrs tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Cl'

arkston rd nr C ity—Ina J Mrs em p i ll e Mfg rClarkton NC—Irvin P (Helen) v- pres Wholesale D istribu tors Inc r RD 2- Jas R tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC

-Joe W (Daisy S) lwyr Cou rt Hou se Squ are h109 E Nance—John J (Lou ise ) farm er h Clarkton rd nrCity L im its—Jonathan H (E liz C) with Brown ’sAm ana F ood Plan h Chu rch

nr F rankl in—Joyce Mrs bkpr F irst Natl Bank blo7 E Will iam son

- Lorrene asst DrHu bert A T odd r509 S F ranklin—Mabe1m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Chadbou rn NC—MaryMrs r E Cedar nr TaborCity rd (S i ll e )—Rebecca C bkpr JWCook Sons r605N Madison—Redahlia R tchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c r Chadbou rn NC—Roland W (Vernal C ; City F ish Market) h100 S Powell blvd—Roy em p Sledge Lbr rBollon NC4 ylvia A stu dent r Chu rch nr F rankl in—T eru tha chicken picker Colu m bu s Cold Stge r Hallsboro NC—WE prin Cou nty Bd of E du c r Clarkton NC—Xenthos j r (Peggy W) v- pres- sec Qu ality Motor Co Inc h211

E Sm ithBru baker Coreta N tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor City NCBru nett Horace R (Lou i se A)USCG r3 07 S Powell blvdBru nswick E lectric Mem bership Corp John C Anderson m g r 3 07

S Lee

BRUN SWICK SUPPLY CO (E rnest L Vinson) , General Mer

chandi se, Hwy 13 0, Bru nswick, NC, Tel MIdway 2- 3 294, Res

T el MIdway 2—3 218Bru ton L eslie A (Anne T ) city su perintendent of Schools h520

PinkneyBryan Ann B stu dent r3 03 SMadison—Carl (L iberty L ive StockMarkt) rWhite Oak NC—John N j r (Martha J) field m nUS Dept Ag rl h3 03 SMadison


assoc editorNews Reporter h207 E Claywkr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r T abor City NCclk G u iton

’s Dru g Store r604 S Thom p

N Spivey m g r wom en’s d o 720 SMadi

ngton rd nr city lim i ts (BW)

Lee r Chadbou rn NC

rRD 3

bu s Theatre r W Co

h911 N Lee

1rd (Della S) 'clk N ew-Colu m bu s Hotel blo8 Brittonvi d j r (Cherry C ) rep Beltone Hearing Center h Washton nr Powell blvdck (Carrie) asst m g r Collins D ept Store r Cerro G ordo

Le r108 Britton,n N Mrs tou rists 115Washington h doIRD LONNIE M (Jane E ) , Representative State F arm

u rance Com pany, Handling Au to , L ife and F ire Insar:e , 3 01 Jefferson , PO Box 745, T el MIdway 2- 3 753 , h dole Mrs em p i l‘le Mfg rWananish NCug (Marg u erite ; Whiteville Lndry Clns) r Wi lm ingNC

M (Virginia K) hlpr City Pu b Wks Dept blo4W Colu m

B tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Chadbou rn NCy J r115Wash ington(wi dWillisM ) h220 E Sm ithA C (F lorence D ) m ech h420WLewisaC lab r420WLew isN tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NCe W Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp 1703 N Lee

E (CarrieW) tchr h703 N Leevi d (Mary A) em p i lleMfg r122 Mill


Madi son St. (See Y ellow Pag e



Com m ercial

Bru sh or



Residential0 Com m ercial

0 Indu strial

Estim ates


2 15 N.

.LlN ST.

(See Y ellowPag e 60)

-J Horace (Kitty V; Bu llock’sbou rn NC- L ee R (wi d D ock) h122 MillBu llock’s D epartm ent Store (J Ho

—Iola F Mrs tchr Bladenboro NC r2o8N LeeBu rchett Caroli ne Mrs record searcher i lle Pr

ditAssn rHallsboro NC RD 1-JLewis form n StateHwyDept rHallsboro NC—Jas E washer i lle Lndry Glns rRD 2 Box 66Bu rckett Lau ra Mrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 4Bu rleson F anni e P tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r T abor—Randall prin Cou nty Bd ofE du c r TaborCity NCBu rnsAl 0 m em ber Cou nty Bd ofCom nrs rAcm e NC—Al ice S Mrs ofo sec Sledge Lbr r Evergreen nr F ore

W)—Chas B (BettyM ) constn wkr h Sm yrna rd near-ElbertW em p L ove Lbr rRD 3 Box 48—F annie r Cowan’

s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1—Herm on L em p L ove Lbr r RD 3 Box 64

-John K lwyr and su rveyor 812 N Madison h2o6—Lela G tchr Cou nty

,Bd ofE du c r D elco NC—Robt H j r (Martha L ) lwyr 809 N Madison and City

E F rink—WClyde (D esbert R ; Pet Clinic) h402WNance—Wal ter G (Alice S ; Bu rns F i bbs; Chadbou rngreen nr F orest dr (BW)

Bu rris Chas (D oris S) barber Reeves Barber Shop h2'ips

—Doris ofc sec Central High Sch r207 S LeeBu rrou ghs Allen stu dent rMcG i ll nrWWalter—Pau l M (Rosali e S) h224MillLu siness ProfessionalWom en

’s Clu b 200 SMadi son

Bu ster’s G arage (G eo C G reene ) repr Chadbou rn rc

Chadbou rn rdBu tlerAnnie E (wi d David L ) hl i 5WSm ith—Carl E (Hilda W) pres D ixie Motors Inc h Mill Ponf

Tabor City rd (S i lle) RD 4—D oris L Mrs clk Raybu rn’

s T ransfer (Chadbou rn N

West—E dw B tchr Cou ntyBd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—E u lalia P (wi d JWalter) h121Washington—

.G eraldine stu dent r420WVirgil—G ladys cash Clifton ’

s F ish Mkt rRD 2—Helen C tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Tabor City NC—Helen M tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r TaborCity NC—Hi lda WMrs cash Sou L ife Ins rMill Pond rd nr Tat

rd (S i lle )—L u la G (w i dWillie ) h420WVirgil—Madge M Mrs (Bon-T on Beau ty Shop) r Tabor Cit:Cedar ( F faxHts; RD 3 )—Marqu een T Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Chadbo

—Marion C (Madge M ) em p Black’s T ire Servh‘

TabornrCedar ( F faxHts; RD 3 )—Mau de B tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor City NC

F ifteen Com plete Modern Departm ent Stores

Everything In Ready- To -Wear


~W§de B (Creola S ; Wade Cam pbell Associates) h112ou n

Cam pen Ju lia (w i d J H) h Shallotte rd nr T abor Cityi lle ) RD 3

Canady.Ag nes em p i lle Mfg rWananish NC—F letcherM (Marg t E ) h111Washington—F letcherM j r r111Washing ton—G ertru de (wi d Arth ) h609WVirgil—Joe C m ach opr State HwyD ept r T aborCity NC—John M (Arm enta E ) h Mill Pond rd nr T abor City (SRD 4—Kath AMrs em p i lle G arm entMfg rRD 4—Mabel SMrs em p i lle G arm entMfg rNakins NC—Wm D hlpr Coca-Cola r Naki na NC

Cannady Effie L Mrs wai tress E m pi e’s Cafe t2o3 N Ma

Canterbu ry Kenneth NUSMC r104E Nance—Mabel K Mrs designerWhiteville F lorist r104E Nance

-N ewton C (Mabel K) area drainage eng US Dept AgrlE Nance

Canty Sam em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick NCCape F ear Mem orials Allie B D awsey rep

bou rn rd RD 1

Carlisle Craven body m n Cribb’s Body Shop Sarner F red r T abor Ci ty rd nr Shalotte rd ( F fax—F rench (E llen) h Tabor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd

RD 3

Carner Ralph hlpr Black’s T ire Servr Tabor City rdlotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—Wal ter r T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F fax Ht

Carnes G W (Evelyn S) , Physician 707 S F ranklin, Tel

2- 3 004, h do—John L r400 SMadisonCarolina G rain F eed Co Inc Lem u el Singletary presWi ln

ton rd nr F orest dr (BW)—G rill (Mrs Carrie B Stanley) restr 103 Washington—Motors Inc Ju liu s R Sm ith pres C Lynn D uncanv- pres E 1

Dyson sec- treas u sed cars 112 WMainCAROLINA POWER LIGHT 0 0 , Hu gh M Leam an

Helping T o Bu ild A F iner Carolina , 615 S Madison ,

MIdway 2- 3 175- Power L ight Co Wm W DeLaney elec eng engineeringE Webster nr Thom pson—T elephone T elegraph Co L E T u ten m g r 113 W Cal—Upholstery Co (Clyde B Cagle ) au to seat covers rear 1

Virgil—Warehou se N o 1 (Ralph C and L u cian Stephens ArthWill

son E rnest W sm ith) Wilm ington rd nr City L im its—Warehou se No 2 501 S CanalCarrAlice H (wid Barry) h112 SMem ory—Robt H slsm n Colu m bu s Mtr r L u m berton NCCarrie ’

s Beau ty Shop (Mrs Carrie L Sim m ons) 412 WCarroll Andrew J em p i lleMfg r Bru nswick NC

- Ang eletaMrs em p i lle Mfg r Bru nswick NC—Doris L bkprWells Oldsm obi le r601 S F ranklin—Elm er slsm n H Moskow Dept Store r S Madison nr V

SHOES CLOTHING and READY - TO-WEARN ever Know ing lyUndersold


dbou rn rd


actor) h

enl Contr hso7 W

404S F ranklinBlu ff NCY ork Restr h rear 404

105 S L ee

r M (Dorcas) servm n Collier G as Appliance r

ie em p i lleMfg r Chadbou rn NCevelt tchr Cou nty.Bd of E du c r Nakina NCe W m ach opr i lle G arm ent Mfg r Chadbou rnfeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r T abor City NClettie M ) emp Love Lbr h Chadbou rn rd RD 1me D Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r113 Brittonnu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Chadbou rn NCMcPherson Well Drilling Servr Chadbou rnor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F faxHts) RD 3(Alene D ) electn Waccam aw Elec h113 BrittonIll]. wkr Colu m bu s F eed Center r Chadbou rn NC1p Love L br r Chadbou rn NC7 Thom pson’

s Abbattoir Shallotte rd nr Tabor C itylle) RD 3i lle Mfg r RD 3ina) slsm n T exas Co h Chadbou rn rd nr C ity Li1

ichd D (E sther S) bri dg em n State Hwy Gom n h

The Hom e of

Qu alityJewelry



2 -2054

(See Y ellow


Com m ercial

Indu strial



Pag e 3 3 )


Carver Eleanor M Mrs (Whiteville Bakery) r505 S Madi- John M (E leanor M ; Whiteville Bakery) h505 S. MadiCashwell .F rank rou tem n i lle Lndry Clns r Clarkton I—Will S (Nettie ) saw m ill wkr h209WL ewisCaswell Blanche M (wi d Wm H; Caswell

s Service Station jChadbou rn rd RD 1—Ernest m g r Caswell’s Service Station r Chadbou rn rd RI

—F Reid (E liz ) farm er r Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Caswell’s Service Station (Mrs Blanche M Caswell ) Chadbor

rd RD 1

Cato Jas (Annie ) farm er h Shallotte rd nr T abor City rdi lle ) RD 3—Stores Inc Mrs L ois D Sasser m g r wom en

’s d o 712 SMadis

Cau sey Hom er C (G ertru de R ) floor coverer h412 S Cal

Cavanau gh E dw driver i lle Oi l h Chadbou rn rd nr City Im its RD 1—Evelyn waitressMotorHotel i lle rChadbou rn rd

Center E sso Station (D ock D Powell ) 900 SMadisonCentral Baptist Chu rch RevJohn Bees j r pastor 401WWal lCENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL R G rayer Powell Principal, 214Mem ory, T el MIdway 2

-High School (Au ditoriu m ) 410WColu m bu sCHADBOURN WOODWORKS (WM McArthu r) , Cu stom Ca

net and Woodwork, Com m ercial and Residential, All W4

G u aranteed, Chadbou rn rd, PO Box 8, Chadbou rn,

CHAMBEROF COMMERCE (See Whiteville Cham ber of Co

m erce

Cham bless Donald (Jackie T ) em p Reigel Paper h Airwaynr TaborC ity rd ( F faxHts)—Harold M (Joyce M ) hlpr Reigel Paper h104 McKen

Chancey Steph atndt Soles T exaco Servr N ew Hope NCChau ncey E l iz em p Caro T el T elegF —L Winfield (G race) slsm n Caro Pwr L ight r Lake Wacc

m aw NC—Netti e L m aid r219 PhillipsCheckerCab Co (Pu rl 0 Ward) WWalter nrPowell blvdCheers RonnieW (Leona ) slsm nWhol D i strsCherry G rove Baptist Chu rch RevSam l Stanley pastor Sh

lotte rd nr TaborC ity rd (S i lle ) RD 3

Che stnu t JW (Mary F ) h226 Mill—L inwood m ech D u ncan’

s G arage Chain SawChesnu tt Norwood B (Mable C) dist su pvr State Dept Pu b I

stru ction hi 06 N MadisonChildren’

s N u rsery (Mrs Reba L William son) 3 01 E ClChri


stian Book Ro om (Robt Q Bannerm an ) Chadbou rn rd I

—Missionary Alliance Chu rch RevRoland E Hardee pastor 1W Colu m bu s

Chu rch of G od RevC Odell Sim m ons pastor E WaltCi rcle Drive- In (LeRoyWatts) restr 926 SMadison

(See Y ellow Pag e 50)


2 - 2 3 17

Cole Li ll ie C (wid Donald H) r509 N F ranklin-

.Willard W (Marjorie K ; Cole’s Store) h Clarkton rd nr


s Store (Willard W and Mrs Marjorie K Cole) farm911 S Madison

Colem an Blanch e Mrs m eat wrapper D&T Su per MarketS Canal—ChasW (Hester S) lab h402WWalter—Danl D (EvaW) farm erh3 ol N Lee

—Ernest gu ard State Prison Cam p rCerra G ordo NC—Ernest cabt m kr E F Hinson Cabt Wks h E Cedar nr

City rd (S i lle )—E stherMrs m aid T odd.

F u rn rWVirgil- E stherA slswn Collins D ept Store rRD 4Box 182—E u la m ai d Radio StaWENG rRD 3—EvaWMrs clk Cou nty Tax Collr r3 01N Lee- G eoWhlpr Coca

- Cola r Chadbou rn NC—Hester SMrs m aid T odd’

s F u rn r402WWal ter—Howard slsm nWaccam aw T ractor r RD 4—Howard (Jessie B) glass m ech Whol D i strs h Tabor City

nrShallotte rd—Jessie B Mrs glaz ierWhol D i strs r T abor C ity rd nr Shallotrd ( F faxHts)—Joe (Annie M ) h200 Mill—Melvi s cabt m kr E F Hinson GabtWks—Myra D stu dent r3 ol N Lee

—Tom (Alm a ) tob wkr h Clarence nr Baldwi n—Wesley B (Blanche ) city police h411 S Canal—Willie R em p Sledge Lbr rBru nswick NCCollier Anna J Mrs clkUS Dept Ag rl r Sm yrna rd nr Nam—Clyde M (E liz ) pres Collier G as Appliance Co Inc r Hallboro NC

—Eliz S tchr Cou nty.Bd ofEdu c rHallsboro NCCOLLIE R GAS APPLIANCE CO INC, C M Collier Pres, J

Collier Sec- Treas, Propane G as Service , Bottled and Bu lCom plete L ine ofAppliances, 1008 S Madison , Day T el mway 2—3 247 , N ight T els MIdway 2- 3 493 and MIdway 2-25

(See Yellow Page 43 )-G eo E (Opal ) credit m g r Collier G as Appliance r RD 1 B(821—Herbert L (Marie C) conservation aide US Dept Ag rl h3 lJefferson

—JF red j r (Anna J) radio TV tech F owler Co h Sm yrna rd 1


—Jas L (Dorothy S) pres Collier-McLau g hl in h109 F u lh—Lloyd (Stenz a R ; Collier’s Departm ent Store ) bi ol F u lh—L ‘

loyd j r slsm n Collier’s Dept Store r101 F u ller—Marie C Mrs em p Marks Tru ck Tractor r3 03 Jefferso



-McLau g hli n Jas L Colli er pres D F red McLau ghl in v—presClyde M Collier sec- treas htg andventilating contrs 111 EVirg i l—N ina Mrs tchrWhiteville Hig h Sch rRD 1—Ralph T (Aileen) watch repr Collier’

s D ept Store r RD 1

fi Stenz a R Mrs bkpr Col'lier’

s D ept Store r101 F u ller—Su sie Mrs prsr i lle Lndry Glns h13 7 E Com m erce

Coll ier’

s D epartm ent Store (Lloyd Coll ier) 717 S Madi son

COLLIN S DEPAR TME N T STORE , (Harold A Collins) JHoytEdwards Mg r,

“The F ri endly F am i ly Store ,” Where Qu ality Merchandi se Is N ever E xpensive , Never Know linglyUn

der Sold, Com plete Ou tfitters F or The E ntire F am i ly, 811813 SMadison , T el MIdway 2- 2791 (See Page X)

-E dw (Helen N ) 515 rep Lance Inc h604N Powell blvd—Eva L Mrs h229WVirgilCOLLINS H H 80 SONS (Holland H and Holland H Collins Jr) ,

Sincla irProdu cts, “D rive With Care—Use Sincla ir,”Whole

sa le G asoline , Kerosene , F u el Oi l , G reases, Motor Oi ls,Hom e Heatin g F u els, 200 Magnolia , T el MIdway 2- 3 3 42 (SeeYellow Pag e 3 7—Harold A (Coll ins D epartm ent Store ) r Sou thern Pines NC

—Hattie L (wi d Thos) h13 2 Mill—Helen N Mrs sch tchr (T abor City NC ) r604 N Powell blvd—Holland H (N ellieM) distr Sinclair Refining rRD 1—Holland H j r (Charlotte ) slsm n Sinclair Refi ning r RD 1—Holland H (H H Colli ns Sons) r RD 1—Hu bert slsm n Sealtest Dairies r RD 3—Mildred T Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Cerro G ordo NC

Collu m Danl N em p Sledg e L br rRD 6- LesterA m ach opr State Hwy Dept r Belton NCColson Roosevelt (Kath) lab h3 12 WLewisColu m bu s Barber Shop (John B L ong j r) 517 SMadison- C em etery Clarkton rd nr CityL im its—Cem etery Assn Wm B Hobbs pres W Com m erce cor F ra z ier—Cold Storage Abattoir Robt A D u ncan m g rWilm ing ton rd nr

F orest dr (BW)COLUMBUS ‘

COLD STORAG E CO INC, A D ial G ray Pres ,Darins L Love V -

‘Pres, Robert Alan D u ncan Mg r, The F roz en F ood


Center, Cou ntry T ype Ham s F or Sale , Storage ,Processors and Su ppliers of F oods F or The Hom e F reez ers,Meat Sm oking , Cu ring , Cu tting, and Bu tchering, N Madison , T el MIdway 2—2721 (See Yellow Pag e 3 6 )—

,Contractors Inc J Le ster Bowers pres G lenn W Bowers vpres L awrence R Bowers sec- treas bridge 101 E Main

-Cou nty Agricu ltu ral Bu ilding 110WSm ith—C ou .nty E du cational Bu ilding 100WSm ith—JCou nty F arm Bu reau Inc D u pree D Cox m g r 105 W Sm ith—Cou nty Hospital (nu rses hom e ) 3 12 JeffersonCOLUMBUS COUN TY HOSPITAL IN C, F rances T E anes Ad

m i nistrator, 3 10 Jefferson , T el MIdway 2- 3 13 1—Cou ntyMedical Society 200 S MadisonCOLUMBUS COUNTY OFCOURT HOUSE , Cou rt Hou se Squ areCOURT HOUSE ANNEX , 112 WSm i thACCOUNTANT , Mrs Joseph ine F Ray Cou n ty Cou rt Hou se ,T el MIdway 2—3 860

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D ia l MIdway 2- 2061

N 0 j ob too larg e

F ree E stim ates

2 3 2 2 6116 Washi n g ton

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )

Colu m bu s—Cou n ty of—ContdAT TORNEY, E dw K Proctor Cou nty CtHou seBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, Leam on P Ward C'Al 0 Bu rns, Lacy R Thom pson , Willie B Bu ffkinBartleyMem bers, Cou n ty Cou rt Hou se

BOARD OF E DUCATION , Ross M William son Cha ir.

Hobbs, J T Wooten E rvin T R ichardson , Carl SClyde M Collier and Page Benton , Mem bers T W:

Su pt, 100WSm ith , T el MIdway 2- 3 848

BOARD OF E DUCATION (G arage) Chadbou rn l'I

T el MIdway 2- 2586


log raph ian Cou nty'

Cou rt Hou se , T el MIdway2- 3 869

CORONER , John B L ongJr, Cou nty Cou rt Hou seDOG WARDEN , Richd A Shaw , Cou nty Cou rt Hou seF ARM AG ENT , Chas D Raper, 110 W Sm ith , T el

2—2795, MIdway 2—2788HEAL TH DEPAR TMEN T , F loyd Johnson —D ir, Ch

rd RD 1, T el MIdway 2- 283 4HOME E CONOMICS AG ENT , Mary E G ibson 110 l

JAIL , D ennis G William s Jailer, 108 W Sm ith T el2JUVENILE COURT , Hon L ee J G reer Ju dge , Cou n

Hou seLIBRARY , N E dna Creech L ibra , Chadbou rn rd BMIdway 2—283 2


“WSm ith T el MIdway 2- 2605


110WSm ithRE CORDER ’

S COURT , Hon W Al William s Ju dgeCou rt Hou se


Cou rt Hou seRE CORDE R

’S COURT CLERK, Lee J G reer Cou n

Hou se T el MIdway 2—3 847RE G ISTER OF DE E DS, L eo L F isher Cou nty Cou )T el MIdway 2- 3 091

SCHOOL MAINTENAN CE DEPARTMENT , W AMtce Su pvr, Chadbou rn rd RD 1 T el MIdway 2- 283 0

SHE RIF F , Arth L D u ke Cou n ty Cou rt Hou se T el

2—3 869SUPERIOR COURT , Hon Raym ond Mallard Ju dgeCou rt Hou se

SUPERIOR COURT CLE RK , Lee J G reerCou n ty IC‘ou

T el MIdway 2- 3 847

TAX COLLE CTOR , Wm A Wei r Cou nty Cou rt H1

M i dway 2- 3 849

TAX SUPE RVISOR , Mrs V enie H Rou se Cou nty CouT el MIdway 2- 3 840

TUBE RCULOSIS ASSN , Mildred Dorward E xec SecCou rt Hou se , T e l MIdway 2- 3 83 8

WAREHOUSE , (A D ial !G ray'Jack N eal) Wi lm ing t

Brickyard rd (BW) T elMIdway2WE L F ARE DEPARTMEN T , Mrs Alice SWright Sn]bou rn rd RD 1 T e l MIdway 2- 23 49

—D isplay Co (B 'S Thom pson) 622 S Madison

ALI. F ORMS INSURANCE(See Pag e D i al MIdwa

COOK’S OF WHITEVIL LE , N C (L Pau l and David C Cook)

G eneral E lectric Appli ances and Televi sion , F ine F u m

i tu re , Stereoph-oni c and Ri - F i Record Players, 617 S Mhdi

son , T el MIdway 2- 2804 (See Yellow Page 3 )Cooke Cecil J (Joyce R ; Reed’

s Jewelers) h104E Sm ith—Kath HMrs tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r21‘5N F rankli n—Wa1ter (Kath H) m ech Marks Tractor h215 N F rankl inCooper Corbin L Rev(Joann A) pastor Trini ty Baptist Chu rch

h404 E Clay,—E R tchr Central High Sch r S Mem ory—Edythe B tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—G ran.t (Ru th M ) h McG i ll nrWWal ter- Joann AMrs tchr E dgewood E lem Sch t404E Clay—Olive H tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rRD 4

Corbett Am erida ( F loyd H) brick layer h3 05 SMem ory- F J (Virginia M ) prin Arm ou r High School (Acm e NC) h3 07W Colu m bu s—F loyd HMrs tchr Carver E lem Sch r3 05SMem ory—Jas E (G ladys B ) r402 S Lee—Virginia M Mrs tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r3 07 W Colu m bu s

Corbin E lla J tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rAcm e NC

Corey E dwin laby tech Dr C L Wooten h Sm yrna rd near F rinkCorn Everett M u phol Davis G arage Body Shop r112 Britton—Marcu s B bl 1z BrittonCornel iu sWillie tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rHallsboro NCCottingham Jas L (N ina ) h412 S F rankl in—N inaMrs ag t Reserve L ife Ins r412 S F rankl inCotting ham

s Room s (Mrs N ina Cottingham ) fu rn rm s 412 S

Cou ncil Annie M Mrs nu rse 510WVirgil r do—E m m a (w i d K Clyde ) h402 N F rankl in—G ladys T (wid Jesse K) h101 N Madison

-HildaW tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rHallsboro NC—Wesley A (Anni e M ) carp h510WVirgilCOUNTY OF F ICEH ee Colu m bu s—Cou nty ofCou rtney Beatrice B Mrs r Cowan

s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd

RD 1

Cou trou ki s T om N (Coralia ; The Sou thern Kitchen) h1004 N

LeeCovington Annie L opr Modern Beau ty Shop 803 S Madison—HClay (Bertie C ) slsm n i lle Oi l h102 Pinkney—Mary E Mrs tchr Central High Sch h4l 0WWalter—Morris exam State HwyPatrol rPinkney—Ned stu dent blo4RichardsonCowan Annie L Mrs (Cowan

’s Rest Hom e ) h Chadbou rn rd

RD 1~R u th L br m g r Waccam aw Bank T ru st r Chadbou rn rd


s Rest Hom e (Mrs Annie L Cowan) Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Cox Bertie L tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c r TaborCity NC—Connor tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rNakina NC—D u press D (Cloteal) m g r Colu m bu s Cou nty F arm Bu r r

Clarendon NC—'E F G rocery (E theredg e F Cox) Shallotte rd nr T abor Cityrd (S i lle) RD 3—E theredge F (Vera ; E F Cox G rocery) sawyer Love Lbr

h Shal lotte rd nrT aborCity rd (S i lle RD 3 )—F u lton E em p Love Lbr rRD 3 Box 3 5l a

(See Y ellow Pag e 3 )


F (L inda K) servm n Caro Pwr L ight h F orest dr (B CULLIGAN—Ru th cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r T abor City NCCraven Wm B (Whiteville Tractor Im plem ent Co) r F air

Blu ff NCCrawford Martha B Mrs m aid h3 02WVirgil

- Retha F Mrs cook Leder Bros h413 WLewisCreech A F bridg em n State HwyGom n r RD 2 Box 195—BettyA ofc sec Qu al ityMtr r RD 2 Box 203—E Ann sec J Bru ce E u re rRD 1 Box 98—Bu g V form n StateHwyDept rHallsboro NC—F A bridg em n State HwyGom n rRD 2 Box 195—N Edna Cou nty L ibrn rRD 2 Box 248

Creekm ore Jos P stu dent r1003 N Lee—L u ci lle PMrs tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c 111003 N Lee

Crenshaw G eo E tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro NC

Cribb Carl em p i lle Mfg rChadbou rn NC w m an—Connie V em p i lle G arm entMfg rClarendon NC m

—Em m a L em p i lleMfg r Bru nswick NC—~Evelyn ofc sec Sears-Sm ith Ins Agency r Clarendon NC—G ertie I Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Chadbou rn NC—G r‘ady J (Mary S) ctr i lle Mfg h3 09 E Virgil—IV em pBlack’s T ire ServrRD 4—Kenneth D (Pau line P; Cribb’

s Body Shop) h405WWilli amson

—L illi anMrs slswn Rose’s rRD 3 Box 87a 7c

—Mary J Mrs cash Rose’s r RD 3 Box 447—Mary SMrs em p i lle Mfg r3 09 E Virg il—M ildred L oprCaro T el Teleg h111WWebster

—Pau line P Mrs (Pau line’s Beau ty Shop) h405 WWill iam son—Roy.em p Love Lbrr Chadbou rn NC

Cribb’s Body Shop (Kenneth D Cribb A Jackson Im nan) au to

reprs rear 111 E VirgilCricket Servi ce Station (Wm HMcG irt) 101 JeffersonCrou ch Ru fu s T forester N orth Caroli na Pu lp h114 E Virg i lCrowell WAu brey j r (Dorothy M ; Crowell’s T V Radio Serv

i ce ) h905 N WestCrowell

’s T V -Radio Service (W Au brey Crowell ‘

j r) 109 Washlu g ton

Croz ier Hom er H (Lou ise W) distr Wilm ing ton Morning StarhMill Pond rd nr T aborCityrd (S i lle) RD 4



fL USA r Mill Pond rd nr Tabor City rd (S i lle)

—Lou ise WMrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r M ill Pond rd nr

T abor City rd ‘

(S i lle ; RD 4)Cru tchfield Bros (whse) WWalter nrPowell blvd—G ai ther E (Eliz A; Cru tchfield’s T obacco Warehou se ) h 3 01 SMadison

—R%ym ond (Cru tchfi eld

’s Tobacco Warehou se ) r Reidville N

Cru tchfi eld’s T obacco Warehou se (Raym ond and G ai ther E

Cru tchfield) 13 0 E MainCu lli ferAu dreyMMrs bkprNews Reporter ri 08 E Clay—John D (Au dreyM ) slsm n Todd F u rn h108 E Clay


CULL IGAN SOF T WATER SERVICE (George 0 Rogers Jr) ,Serving Bru nsw ick, Colu m bu s and N ew Hanover Cou nties,Soft Water Service , Wi tter F ilters, Cu l Soap, and Com er

cial and Ind u strial Wa ter Conditi oni ng , 801West Jam es,PO

Box 3 46 , T el MIdway 2—3 419 (See Yellow Page 66)Cu lpepper Edw S (Shu la S) slsm n Schu lken

’s Hdw h110 S

Thom pson—Jerry G stu dent ri l oS Thom pson—Mary G ofe sec Powell G au lt Agcy r110 S Thom psonCu m bee G ladysM tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rRD 4Cu m berland Bu tane Inc W Bru ce McPherson m g r T abor City

rd nr City L im its ('F fax 'Hts)Cu nningham Peyton C (Lettie C ) hlpr City Pu b Wks Dept h

Clarence nr S F rankl inCu rrie Bu rnie j r em p Sledge Lbr r E liz abethtown NC—Dean Mrs tel opr Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r WWilliam son

- Dock whsem n L ederBros 714- 18 SMadison—Wayland D tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c rChadbou rn NCC u rr

byCJohn K sec- treas Colu m bu s Trading Co—Inc r Chadbou rn

—JMyrtle ag t Reserve L ife Ins R Clarkton NC—SarahWMrs bkprWD Brooks Inc rRD 4Cu tler Leanna m aid h425WLewis

-Ru by m aid r404WLewisD &

L?Service Station (Ju liu s C T edder) Clarkton rd nr City


m itsD StT SUPER MARKET (Clyde D D u tton and F Curtis Tam er) ,

Com plete F ood Store , Ai r Conditi oned , Conveniently Lacated In The Heart ofWhiteville , With The F riendliest Personnel T o Serve Y ou , 124 W Main , T el MIdway 2-2857 (SeeY ellow Page 61)

Dahlor E lm erC (Irm a) slsm n h906 PortserDai leyMarvin (Evelyn ) carp h200 N Thom psonDai ry Qu een (C L ynn D u ncan) i ce cream Jefferson nr Ci ty

L im itsDallas Alice Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r T abor C ity


Dalton Clara S tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r F air Blu ffNCDan

’s G rocery (Dan F rancis) 208WWalter

Daniel T ook waitress F lam ingo G rill r Clarence nr S Canal—Wilbu r ( F l am ingo G rill ) h Clarence cor S CanalDarden N ina G asst m g r Motor Hotel Whiteville r2oo S Madi


Dau ghety Effie E (wid Jesse M) hl 16WWycheDavid L ewellyn P tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 4D avis Anni e B Mrs m ai d Collier’s Dept Store r RD 3


Box 3 27—Ben J (Mable ) repr C ity Shoe Hosp h Shallotte rd nr Tabor

City rd (S i lle RD 3 )—Bobbie C r115 N Lee—Clarence em p Sledge Lbr rRD 3—JCIarence j rem p Black’s T i re Servr RD 3v—Dessie JMrs h Moore nrWWalter—D on t em u Lee t e hMoore nrWVirgil—Elbert A (Pearl ) r3 15 E Main—E u g F (Ru th ; Colu m bu sMotor Co) h Maple nrWest—Ever=1ene tchr Cou nty. Bd of E du c r T aborCity NC

D ew—Au drey (Odessa) slsm n G C Mtr rRD 4-Avery slsm n Qu alityMtr rHallsboro NC—C1yde T (Marge D ) em p Marks Tru ck Tractor h104 Bu rkhead—CoraM bkprColu m bu sMtr 1203 WColu m bu s

—L u etta em p i l'le Mfg rHallsboro NC—Marg t D Mrs bkpr D evane G as Appliance r104 Bu rkhead

—Mattie H (wi d Hom er) h203 WColu m bu s—Odessa C Mrs (Roadway G rill) rRD 4- Sara R cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of Edu c Chadbou rn rd RD 1

D ewit-t RethaM Mrs'h MdG i ll nrWWater

D ickens Mildred H Mrs ofc sec Colu m bu s F C X Servr102 WCalhou n

—Pau l M (M ildred H)'

ofc m g r N ews-R eporter 11102 WCalhou n—Wa:llace J (Barbara H) su pt Border Belt Tob Research StahWoodland dr (BW)D ickerRolie (Em m a L ) lab h402WL ewisD icu s Jas Pv- pres The F owlerCo r T abor City


NCD illard Perry driver State HwyDept rBru nswick NCD ingessPau l E em p i lleMfg rRD 2

V i lle Merdhant’s Association Inc, E Ma in , T el MIdway

2- 3 171 (See Yellow Page 27 )D ixie Motors Inc Carl E Bu tler pres G eo WHoltv- pres (side

entrance ) 509 S LeeDodson E lsie tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c r D elco NCD orsette Blanche slswn Leder Bros rChadbou rn NCDorward F Jane stu dent 12 03 Pinkney—J-

enni e (wid John ) r203 Pinkney—Kenneth P (Mildred) cash The F irst Nati onal Bank h203

Pinkney—Mild‘red Mrs exec sec Colu m b u s Cou nty T u bercu losis Assn

r203 PinkneyDove E dwin B (Thelm a ) servm g r Walker Bros G arag e r

Bladenboro NCDowless Ethel em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rClarkton NCDrau g hon G eo F (Caroli ne F ) m g

-r Leder Bros h108 N Madison

Driggers Henry W (L illy D ) form n Chadbourn Veneer h3 06 ELewis

D u dley D L j r (G ladys R ) shopm n Colu m bu sMtrh3 03 E Virgil—E dw m ech Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Clarkton NC—G l'adys R Mrs extn sec Cou nty F arm Ag t r3 03 E Virgil—Josephine G tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r RD 3 1—Wi lson R (Marie) shop form n Colu m bu s Mtr r Hallsboro NCDu ke Arth L (Alice E ) Cou nty SheriffrEverg reen NC—Joan E tchr Cou nty Bd of.E du c r Chadbou rn NCD u kes Annie B Mrs ki tchen hlpr 'P T Barbe'cu e r3 03 WWal

ter—Jas (Ann ie B ) em p Sledge Lbr h3 03 WWalter—Mabel L r206WWalter—Wm r3 03 WWal terDu ncan Agnes S Mrs (D u ncan

's G arage Chain Saw Co) h

Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd (S i lle ) RD 3—Arth Revpastor Sacred Heart Catholic Chu rch h402 N Lee


§ssie S Mrs h T abor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd (F fax Hts) RD

—Bi11y (Barbara ) sht m tl wkr E Leroy Hawks r E Lewis_ Bru ce J (Joan E ) m etal wkrWalker Bros Body Shop h Tabor

City, rd nrC ity L im its ( F faxHts) RD 3—C Lynn (G race S; Dairy Qu een ) v- pres Carol ina Motors Inch3 o1 E Calhou n—Ceci1O N em p Love LbrrRD 4Box 27—D orothy G Mrs ofc clk i lle Lndry Clns r208 E Calhou n

—E arlineMrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 1—Ebbie m tcem n Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rRD 3—EdgarP slsm nCoca-Cola rRD 3 T aborCity NC—Ervin J (L iz z ie) sec- treas T T Oi l Co Inc rRD 4—E sther clk Colum bu s Cou nty Hosp rRD 3—q F Belane clk Avant Scholar rBru nswick NC—H G lenn (Iris D ) m g r Colu m bu s L ivestock Mkt hl 10 Rich

ardsonv—Harold G (Maxine ) slsm n Powell Au to Parts r Bru nswick N

C—Hom er G (Lorena ) clk Braxton Au to Parts rRD 3h Horace M (Dorothy G ) em p Marks Tru ck Tractor h2o8 E

Calhou n—Ii‘i s D Mrs clk Sim m ons Dru g r110 Richardson—Jesse K (Hassie M ) h209 E Colu m bu s—John M lab Polston Roofing rRD 1—Jos O (Agnes S; D u ncan’

s G arage ) h Tabor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—La1r(


:on D (Lotti e ) sht m tl wkr E Leroy Hawks r Bru nswick

N—L ill ie E (wi dMartin V) hs01WWilli am son

—Mari anWsten Cou nty Health Dept rRD 2 Box 62-Marie r113 Britton—Mary em p i lleMfg r Chadbou rn NC—Mary J slswn G arrell ’s rRD 4

-P E dwi n ‘(Alllene D ) body 'repr Avant ida Sholalr h118W 0 0

lu m bu s

_ RayM slsm n Coca-Cola r RD 4-Robt A (Henrietta M ) m g r Colu m bu s Cdld Storage Co Inc h—Robt L (Em m a S) asst m g r Marks Tru ck Tractor h3 03

N Madison—Robt L bridg em n StateHwyCom u r Bru nswick NC—Ru by S waitress P T Barbecu e rRD 4Box 3 3—Sterling (Rachel ) servm n Coll ier G as Appliance r Chad

'b'ou rn NC—’Valli e C j r (Dorothy C ) slsm n Holsu m Bakery 11114W 0 0

lu m'bu s

-Wade H bkpr T T Oil rE Lewis—Wm A (Mary L ) m tce su pvr Cou nty Bd of E du c h412 E Clay—1Wm A

'j rm tcem n Cou nty '

Bd ofE du c rRD 2Du ncan

s G arage Chain Saw Co (Mrs Ag nes S D u ncan)Shallotte rd nr T aborCity rd (S i lle) RD 3

D u nivant Jewel W Mrs clk Cou nty Su perior Ct Clk r606 NThom pson

—Noe1N (JewelW) tobacconist h606 N Thom psonD u nn JasWtchr Central High Sch r114SMem ory


Du rham L ife Insu rance Co Worth E dwards su pt 3 06 S Madiso—Wm D (Myrtle P; Whiteville T obacco Co) h112 W LevviDu tton Clyde D (G ladys E ; D T Su per Market) h122

Thom pson—Hu bert L dept m g rD T Su perMkt rRD 3—Mild~

red waitress “

Sou Kitchen rPrison Cam p rd—V Darrell stu dent r112 S Thom psonDwyer John A (Ru by W) lwyr 808 N Madison h T u cker 11]

R ichardsonDyen


lna Mrs asst cash Waccam aw Bank Tru st Co r109

yc e—~W‘m 'F (E dna) 'com p News Reporterh109 (E 'Wydh'eDyson E rnest (Thelm a W) sec- treas Carolina Motors Inc hlBu rkhead—Magdalene K bkprSou Au to F inance r T aborCityNC—R L eon (Martha M ) m g r Travelers Oi l Co hli 1 WWye

Eanes F rancis T Mrs adm n Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp h3 12 Jefferson

Earle Theo W (Carol H) forester Acme Wood h207 E Calhouapt 4

Eason Allen J dep Cou nty Sheri ffrAcm e NCEast Side Com m u nity Baptist Chu rch RevJohn Shaw pasto

220 M illEden L u ther C m eat ctr Mem oryfs Su per Mkt r800 N L eE dge E arl bu tc‘her Thom pson’

s Abattoir r Clarendon NC—Myrt1e F em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rClarendon NCEDGEWOOD ELEME NTARY SCHOOL , JR Parker Princ .

pal , E Calhou n , nrThom pson , T el MIdway 2- 3 201

Edm ond Jas C j r (Virginia M ) slsm n h Mill Pond rd nr TaboCity rd (S i lle) RD 4

E dm u nd Billy driverState HwyD ept rR'

D 1—Howard J form n StateHwyD ept rRD 1'e'm p i l‘be Sen ti ent Mfg trChadbourne NCREALTY CO (Wm S E dm u nds) , Sales and Rent

Appraisals, Managem ent, and Mortgage Loans, NevUsed Hom es, F arm s, Bu siness, and Resort R oper

(E loise P; E dm u nds Realty Co ) r L'a'ke Waccam aw -1‘

Alton C (Janice V) sealer Reigel Paper h907 N LeaMrs ofo su pvr G V Sing letary Sons r Chadbourn rc

WWal terMfg r Cerro G ordo NC

E dwards) Moore nrW

h S Canal m

r223 W Virgil

—Moss R m ach oprState HwyDept rRD 4E thredg e Leland cooler servm n Coca-Cola r RD 4—Thu rm an clk A P rWColu m bu sE u re J Bru ce (Am anda) lwyr 811 N Madi son r F air Blu ff NCE u tslerN ell J (wid E dw M ) r113 WLewisEvans “

Alice G tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbourn NC—Blanch -

eMrs slswn Rose’s rNakina NC

-Carrie N cashWood's 5 100 Store rRD 3—Dorothy HMrs em p i lle Mfg rChadbou rn NC—E1i z recpt DrWm A G reene r Chadbou rn NC—E li z Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Chadbou rn NC—E u g E em p i lleMfg rRD 1 Box 2l2a—F u rni tu re Hardware Co (Norm an Evans) 115Pecan—G rocery (Lee Roy Evans) Tabor City rd Prison Cam p rd( F faxHts) RD 3—'JB prin'Cou ntyBd ofE du c rCerro G ordo NC

—Jessie waitress Circle Drive -In r410 S_

Canal—Lee R (N ina S ; Evans G rocery) h Tabor City rd nr PrisonCam p rd (Pi axHts)—Marg t T tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro NC—Mary E Mrs bkpr SingerSewing Mach rRD 3 Box 177—Mem ory (Marie J) driver Sledge Lbrb216 E Sm i th—Norm an (Ru th N ; Evans F u rnitu re Hardware Co) h209

(3 13 ) N Thom pson—Sarah IMrs tchr Central High Sch rWananish NC—Shir1ey waitress Circle Drive-Ih r410 S Canal-Wm J (Mari lyn M ) slsm n King Dru g h T u cker nr—Zolr'a W ltcli lr County Bld ofEdu o tr Calfro G olfd'o NCEver Ready Lodge No 765 115 SMem oryEverette N eill M em p Sledge LbrWMain nr ByPassE z z ell Colon L (Vera A) farm er h Mi ll Pond rd nr Tabor City

RD (S i lle ) RD 4—F red M (Anni e G ) li nem n Caro Pwr L ight h Airways rd nrT aborC ity rd ( F faxHts)—G ladys Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Nakina NC

- G lenni e Mrs slswn J S Mann’s Dept Store r Bru nswick NC—H E u g (Hi lda M ) c‘lk PO h Mill Pond rd nr T abor Ci ty rd

(S i lle) RD 4—Hu bert m tcem n Cou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 4—MaryMrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 4—PC bridg em n State HwyCom n r Bru nswick NC—R E bridg em n StateHwyCom u rRD 4—R(4bt L stu dent rMill Pond rd nr Tabor City rd (S i lle ) RD

F abbel] RoyL (Barbara) real est 116 Banta h doF aircloth G ertru de L Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r604

N Thom pson—Jerry E ( F aircloth RepairShop ) h110Mill- Jos R (G ertru de L ) driver Checker Cab h604 N Thom pson- RepairShop (Jerry E F aircloth) watch reprs 110Mill—RholettaMrs weigher D T Su perMkt rRD 1F aison John R em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 4Box 22B—Leaxu s B em p Sledge Lbr rRD 1 Box 220F am ily Shoe Store (Sim on H Steinberg Sol Mann) 713 S Madi


F arley.Mildred tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rHallsboro NCF arm ersWarehou se (D ial G ray, Jack N eal ; Reidsvi lle NC ) 901

S MadisonF arriorMortie S (wid E dw J) r408 PinkneyF au


lk Bernard G (Helen S) em p Black’s Tire Servh100 Harney—Ed ith slswn Rose’s r Nakina NC—E stherM tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rHallsboro NC

- F lora Mrs em p i lleMfg rRD 1

All. FORMS OF INSURANCECou rt Hou se Squ are

—Joe (Sadie ) farm er h Clarkton rd nrCity L im its—Jos ( F lora L ) atndt F letcher’s E sso Sta 100 Washing ton—Robt servm n Cook’s ofWhi teville rRD 1n—Thelm a cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r T abor Ci ty NCF echer Ladosca S Mrs ofc sec Colu m bu s Cou nty F arm Bu r r

T abor City NCF ereen Jo Ann P Mrs asst case wkr Cou nty Welfare Dept r

E Leu rs

F ipps G eo slsm n BorderBelt Chem r Clarendon NC—Jas A (Kathleen S) driver Am Bakery h Mill Pond rd rn


Tabor C ity rd (S i lle ) RD 4—Joe em p Thom pson Sign r E Colu m bu s NC—MaryA em p Caro T el T eleg—Robt D (Ju anita S) slsm n Am Bakeries h T abor City rd nr

Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3

F irestone Hom e Au to Su pplies Jas E Moore m g r 611 S Madison

F irst Baptist Chu rch RevRobt C F oster pastor 510 N Madison

F IRST NATIONAL BANK THE , Ralph L Sholar Chairm an of

Board, C Bion Sears Pres, Sam l L F u llerWCrowell BlackV -Prests, Kenneth P Dorward Cashier, E Wayne Hu ghes,E tta H Powell Asst Cashi ers, 700 S Madison , T el MIdway2—2174,Uptown Drive In Branch, Carl N Batten Mg r, 708 NMad ison , Tel MIdway2—2029 (See Yellow Page 9—National Bank Bu ilding 101WMain

—National L i fe Insu rance Co of Phoen ix Ariz Wade B Cam pbell g enIag t 1009 SMadison

—Presbyterian Chu rch RevW ChasWorth pastor 618 N Madison

F isherE liz L sec SankeyWRobinson rRD 2 Box 440—G 11

adys C Mrs chkr D T Su perMarket r Chadbou rn rd RD

—Henry (G ladys C) farm er h Chadbou rn rdRD 1—L au rie Mrs em p i lleMfg rRD 1 Box 282a—Leah L Mrs nu rse 206W F rink h do- Leo L Cou nty Register ofD eeds h806 N L ee—WJ j r carp Pridgen Bros Contrs rRD 3F iz er Bonita Mrs dir of nu rses Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Chad

bou rn NCF lam ingo G rill (Wilbu rDaniel ) Clarence nr S CanalF lem ing Carey H j r (Ru thW) pres- treas Qu ali ty Motor Co Inc

h1003 WestF letcher E stelle Mrs tchr E dgewood E lem Sch r RD 2 Clark

ton NC-Wm R (Josephine M ; F letcher’s E sso Station) hUS Hwy 701S By Pass nrCity L im its ( F faxHts)

F letcher’s E sso Station (Wm R F letcher) 100 WWashington

Whi tevi lle

JEWElERSThe Hom e of

Q u alityJewelryNationally



2 - 2054

N. C. License

No. 409


Com m ercial

Indu strial

Pag e'3 3 )

F loyd Ada C (wid Bernie A) sl

Madison—Anderson G (Beu lah S) phys


G eneral Insu rance,“If It


Accident, Windstorm , Au toMadison , T elMIdway 2-2142 (See Page C)—E arle H tchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c r T aborCity NC—E lm erA stu dent r23 6WWalter—Bu land D (Miriam H) slsm n Avant Sholar h115WC

-Evelyn tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r F air Blu ffNC—G eorgia P tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r F air Blu ffNC—'L eonard lab Reliance G u ano r411 E Mai n—L inda N stu dent r6051/2 N Madison-Marilyn stu dent r N Thom pson corCollege

- JMaryD Mrs l ibrn i lle High Sch r4o8N Thom pson—Ma'

ry L nu rse Cou nty Health D ept h Chu rch nr Thom ph—Princess D m aid r23 6WWalter—Ru sse‘

11M (Mi ldred F ) h23 6WWalter


—Ru th T Mrs waitress Sim m ons Dru g (No 2) r104 E V ir,—Sam slsm n Sealtest Dairies r F airBlu ff NC—Snowie‘

Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Cerro Gordo NC—1Wi l‘bu 1r (Ru th T ) .siervm n CollierGas‘Appli lamae h104E V ir—Wm F (Mary D ; F l oyd-Barkley Agency) h408 N Thom ps

F lu harty Harry L (Irene H) slsm n Sinclair Refini ng h204Calhou n—Irene H Mrs ofc sec

Sears- Sm ith Ins Agcy; r204W CalhoF lyDonald E (Shirley S) ins adj h110WNance

F onvielle Mih ona K tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Tabor C ity IF ord Allen C cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Clarkton I—Calvin em pMarks Tru ck T ractor rRD 3—Harvey L (L etha J) driver C L Nance h rear 123 W V ir—Maggie F IMrs r413 WLewis—Mary

£1Mrs m aid h T abor City rd nr Sha llotte rd ( F faxH1


F ORD MOTOR CARS, Qu ali ty Motor Co Inc, Au thoriz ed Deers, Tabor City rd, T el MIdway 2—2288 (See Yellow Page—Randolph r2o6 Rosem ary—Wilbert em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3—Willie M r419WLewis

(See Y ellow Pag e 50 ) D ial MIdway 2-224l


0 Com m ercial0 Residential

Indu strial


Estim ates

3 96 - 6

P. 0 . Box 214

Chadbou rn

(See Y ellowPag es 16 65)

—Jas B Rev(Mary E ) pastor Second Presbyterian Chu rch h13 0WVirg i l

F raz ier Rosa T Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Clarkton NC

F reem an Dorothy m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Bolton NC-Ira D r240 Mill-Jatha tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rHallsboro NC

- Melba I tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Chadbou rn NC—Sarah E tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rClarkton NC—Wm hlprVance Au to Servr,

Bolton NCF riendly Su per Market (G eo H Batten) gros 114Washing tonF riendship Bapti st Chu rch 3 01 SMem oryF rink G eneva m aid r202 Mill—Katie R m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rChadbou rn NC

-Lena Mrs dept m g r Belk ’s rChadbou rn NC—L ou is r202 Mi ll

—Mary C (wi d Isaiah) h202 Mi ll—'Mildred B Mrs su pvr Rose’s r Chadbou rn NC

—Rena cook Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Chadbou rn NC—Wm L store m g r Colu m bu s F eed Center r Bladenboro NCFULLER L K APPLIAN CE FURNITURE STORE , (L eon K

F u ller) , Com plete L ine of F u rnitu re , Refri gerators, Washers, Hom e F ree z ers , G as and E lectric Ranges, Space andWaterHeaters, F rigidaire Appliances and Zenith T elevision,407 SMadison , T el MIdway 2 -2202 (See Yellow Page 40)—L eon K (Willie B ; L K F u ller Appliance F u rni tu re Store)h109 WCollege

-Ru by.h405 N Madison—S L Co (Sam L F u ller Roy E ll iott) farm m achs 416 NMadison—Sam L (Helen B ) livestock 416 N Madison h500 do

F yfe L eo W (Ju dy) em p i ll'e Mfg 11108 E V irgilG C PONTIAC INC, Ben H G illam Pres, Mrs Ann M Cobu rn

V -Pres, Jesse M“

Cobu rn Sec- T reas, Pontiac Sales and

Servi ce , Lark Au tom obiles By Stu debaker, N ew andUsedCars , 413 S Madison, T els MIdway 2—3 153 and MIdway2- 2203 (See Yel low Page 5)

G adsden Mitchell lwyr 207V2WVirgil rClinton NCG adsden Rhoe (M itchell G adsden , Henry 0 Rhoe) “ At

torneys- at- Law WVirg il , TelMIdway2-4126

G aines Zonnie Mrs h Cypress nr F raz ierGali m b'earti Chias P (Mam ie B ) slsm n Colu hn‘bu


sMar111103 N L‘


Mam ie B Mrs dep Cou nty Register of Deeds r103 N LeeG annon KathMrs em p i lle Mfg rCerro G ordo NCG anu s D L hlpr G V Singletary Sons rNakina NCG ardner L G ene (Janet R ) instru m ent m ech Reigel Paper h

111 Bu rkhead—OscarM em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick NC—Wm S em p Sledge Lbr r Eliz abethtown NC


G arrell Barbara A r416 S Canal_ Bertha T Mrs (T extile Produ cts) r402 E Lewis

- Doris C tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c rRD 3—Ervin L j r (Violet G ; Carrell ’s Pu re Oi l Station) h Chadbou rn rd RD 1—G eo W ( F loris M) clk Braxton Au to Parts h416 S Canal—Hilda SMrs clk Cou ntySu periorCt Clk rRD 4Box 3 75

—Hom er L em p Dove Lbr r Clarendon NC—Johni e J (BerthaM ; T extile Produ cts) h402 E Lewi s—Kathleen Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Chadbou rn NC—MaryMrs em p i lle Mfg rChadbou rn NC—Violet G Mrs ofc sec J Bru ce E u re r Chadbou rn rd RD 1—Wm T m tcem n Cou nty Bd ofEdu c r Chadbou rn NC—Woodrow em p Love Lbr r Chadbou rn NCG arrell

s (Mrs Bertha T G arrell) int dec 918 SMadison—Pu re Oi l Station (E rvin L G arrell j r) 416 SMadisonG arrett Jas B (Vera E ) m eat m g rA&P h104E Webster—Rosa HMrs m aid h3 o8 SPowell blvd—Vera E Mrs m eat wrapperA&P r104E WebsterG ar

gis Cam eron M (Evelyn) asst Cou nty F arm Ag t h2o8 Em i th

G aski n Davi d L (Hattie P) constn wkr h407 WColu m’

bu s—D ianne cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r T abor City NC- E dou i e B city police rRD 4—E rnest L (Shirley) hlprWells Oldsm obile rRD 3—He1en B stu dent r407 WColu m bu s

G asqu e David H slsm n L indsay Oi l rRD 3G ates Hannah tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Cerro G ordo NCG au se B Layton (Marg u erite C ) driver Vineland Ice h Mill

Pond rd nr Tabor City rd (S i lle ) RD 4—C hasH (E lva G ) em p Sledge Lbr h424WColu m bu sG au lt F rank A (G ene C ; Powell G au lt Agency) h211 E Clay—G ene CMrs tchr i lle Elem Sch r211 E ClayG eddi e Leanna M (w id Danl C) h706 N Madison—Olive S clk State HwyPatrol r706 N MadisonG ENERAL WINDOW CLEANIN G CO (N obert C Sm ithers) ,

Residentia l, Com m ercial and Indu strial Service , We

Speciali z e In F loorWaxing Service, No Job T oo Large , No'

Job T oo Sm all , Call F or F ree E stim a tes, All Work G u arante ed , Everg reen nrWoodland Dr (B W) Tel MIdway 2 - 3 03 8

(See Yellow Page 68)G eorge D ora S (wid Pink) h402WMai n

- F'rank (L ida C ) constn wkr h403 WColu m bu s—Jas C (Velm a B ) em p T odd’

s F u rn h407 WLevvi s—Ledrew orderly Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rRD 2—L iz z ie T (wi d F rench H) m aid h2oz WWalter—L u bertha C Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Clark

ton NC—Pink K r125WVirgil—R ichd lab Reliance G u ano 400 E Main

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D i al MIdway 2—2061

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )

All Types



0 Residential0 Com m ercial






3 15 W. Lewis

(See Y ellowPag es 15 52)


(See Y ellow Pag e 43 )

—Sarah L tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c


r TaborC ity; NC- Virgini a J tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rHal lsboro NC—Wm lab Caro G rain F eed Wilm ington rd nr F ores

GEORG E ’S CONTRACTOR (H Roosevelt G eorge) ,

WaterRepellent, POBox 214,Chadbou rne , N‘O,

Yellow Pag es 16 and 65)G eorgis Pau l D (E tta ; N ew Y ork Restau rant) h210G erald Joyce A (L ois W; Peoples Barber Shop) r Chad—L i llie B tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r F air Blu ffNC—L oisWtchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NC—Patk R tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r T aborC ity NCG eralds Lettie em p Starlight Drive Inn r4001/2WVirgi lG errell G arland (E loise ) brklyr h415 S Thom psonG ibson Candy Co (Henry B G ibson) who i N Thom pson—Chas D ( F lora G ) m g rBelk’s hl10 E Sm ith—Harvey L driverC L Nance Transfer rWVirgil

- Henry B (Ru th E ; G ibson Candy Co—John H (E thelene M) pharm Sim m ons

-Mary E Cou nty Hom e E conom ics Ag t r E Chu rch nr Thson

—Millard B (Jo F ) asst sec- treasWhiteville Produ ction CAssn h205 Pinkney

—R u th E Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r3 07 N Thou

G illam Ben H (Bess P) pres G C Pontiac Inc h105G ill is G eneva N tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor Cit)G ilm ore Katie C Mrs h3 11Washing tonG lam or Shops Mrs Marie l-I Su ggs m g r wom en

’s d o 7

MadisonG las




John B (Ru th M ) tobacco bu yer Im perial Tob h]w1s

G lobe Trading Co (Clyde W G ore) sporting g ds 126 EG lover F rank M soil conservationistUS Dept Ag rl r Lake

cam aw NC

GODBOLT BARBER SHOP (C N G odbolt) , Haircu ts, SI)and Showers, 709 S F ranklin—Corneliu s N (G odbolt

’s Sandwich Shop) h709 S F ra

- Jas r3 11WVi rgil—Priestley lab h709WVirgilG od


’s Sandwich Shop (Corneliu s N G odbolt) 709 S F 1


G odwi n Au ty. dep Cou nty Sheri ffr Chadbou rn NC—Clyde em p i lle Mfg rChadbou rn NC—Derotha Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Chadbou ri


D IAL MIdway 2'

N i g ht T elephones MIdway 2 3 3 51 or MIdway 2 - 2945



o F ILL mar

o 10 ? son

0 cau sseo


All Work



Shallotte Rd. near

Tabor City Rd.

(S. Whiteville)

(See Y ellowPag e 24)



—CWilbu r (E stalane ) sht m tl wkr h516Washington—'Carolina T (wid Ike ) r3 12WMain—Chas P (Anna F ) sawyer Waccam aw Veneer h240 W

ter-Chas R j r stu dent r240WWalter—*Clifton (G ore’

s G rocery) rRD 1—C lifton L (N ina C) clk Braxton Au to Parts b4loE Clay—ClydeW (Pearl E ; G lobe T rading Co) h104WNorth—Danl C Rev(Lou B) h604WVirgil—DonaldM (Vada) slsm n h108 E Calhou n apt 1—Doris slswn L eder Bros r218N F ranklin—E ffie M (wid ClydeM ) 1105 E Clay—E lbert R m ach opr StateHwy D ept rRD 4—~E1deree G tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 4—Em m a P (wi d D Pressie ) h Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd(S i lle ) RD 3

-E staleen T Mrs ofc sec Todd F u rn rRD 1- F lora B tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rT aborCity NC—Haz el ag t Reserve Life Ins r Bolton NC—Henry (Helen M) plm b F oster l b h140Mill—HowardM (G eraldine B ; Ideal G rill) h202 Rosem ary—Irene Mrs em p i lle Mfg rN akina NC

-Jas V (Marg t B) driver h415S F ranklin—Jas V j rUSN r415 S F ranklin—JasWtchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c rNakina NC—Jean L stu dent r104E Lewis—Jesse C (Rachel M) m gr F ri endly Su per Market h3 o6 Washing ton—John S (Kathryn T ) sls prom otion serv118 W Lewis h do

—Johnni e L em p i lle G arm entMfg rRD 3 Box 65-Kathleen CMrs slswn Colu m bu s Dru g Store rRD 2—Lacey B form n StateHwyDept rRD 4—'L'awrence J (Haz el W) rep T exWkrs of Am A F of LC IOh205 N Madison

—L et:ha S tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r T abor City NC—Lou B (wid Vance) r410 SMadison—L u cille cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor City NC—Madalene Mrs cash Evans G ro r E Cedar nr Tabor City rd(S i lle )—Marg t B Mrs dept m grBelk’s r415 S F ranklin—Marilyn D tchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c r TaborCity NC

w Marj orieWtchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rNaki na NC—Mau rice F (Sally A) lab Hill’s Ice Cream h3 02 S Madison—Maybell r604WVirgil—Mi ldred Pwaitress Em pie ’s Cafe rClarkton rd—Myrtle Mrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 4—Pau l V binderNews Reporter r Clarendon NC

-Pau line M Mrs servrep Caro T el T eleg r3 21 Jefferson—Preston (Alice H) em p Sledge Lbrh408WVirgil

-Ralph (Madalene ) slsm n Holsu m Bakery h E Cedar nr TaborCity rd (S i lle )—Ralph R slsm n Ray’s Jewelers r203 E Webster—Royl em p Sledge Lbr r F airBlu ff NC—Sam T (Thelm a G ; G ore

’s Qu ality Shop ) h119.E Virgil—Sandy labWhoi D i strs r RD 1—Thos E driver T T Oi l rNakina NC

-Vada Mrs tchr Whi teville High Sch r108 E Calhou n apt 1—Virginia D Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Nakina NC—WChas (Minnie ) m g rWil son Mu sic Co rRD 4—WCordell m ach oprStateHwyD ept rRD 4-

.Wayne H hlpr G V Singletary Sons rChadbou rn rd—Wi lbu r roofer E LeroyHawks r Chadbou rn rd—Wm B (Pau line M ) carp h3 21 JeffersonG ore

’s G rocery (Alfonso and Clifton G ore) 805 S F ranklin


(Sam T G ore) , G ifts F or All Occasions, Hom e F u rnishi ngs, F ree Hom e Decorating Consu ltantService ,

“ The Best F or Less, 106 E'Ma in, T el MIdway

2- 2250 (See Yellow Page 44)G OV ERNME NT OF F ICE S See United States G overnm entG race E piscopal Chu rch RevSam l M Black pastor 105 S Madi

son—Holi ness Ch u rch WVirgilG rady F loraWMrs m aid h3 07 S Powell blvd—Jim m ie r3 07 S Powell blvd—Roxanna T Mrs cafeteri a wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r (mad

bou rn NCG raham Alvadine stu dent r604N Thom pson

-Chester (Mary B ; G raham ’s Shell Service ) h3 10 S Mem

—Cleveland em p L ove Lbr r RD 3 Box 97—Corleaner cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Cerro G ordo

NC—Donnie (Hannah M ) prin Oak F orest E lem Sch 113 10 W Co

lu m bu s—E dwardine F Mrs bkpr Thom pson Sign r604 N Thom pson—Hannah M Mrs tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r3 10 W Colu m bu s—Henry H em pSledge Lbr r F airBlu ffNC—Jas A hlpr G V Singletary Sons 200WMain—Jas A (E dwardine F ) sig n pntr T hom pson Sign r604N Thom p


—JasperH em p Sledge L br r F airBlu ffNC-Jim G driver State Hwy dept r RD 3—Kanew em p Sledge Lbr r F airBlu ffNC—L Sanders em p Sledge Lbr r F air Blu ffNC—Mary BMrs tchr Central High Sch r3 10 SMem ory—Will ie J em p Sledge L br r Balton NC—Will ieM tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rAcm e NC

G raham’

s Shell Service (Chester G raham ) g as sta 401WVirgil






Hom e of


Bu riali nsu rance


24 Hour

Ambu lance


411 W.

Virg il Si .

(See Y ellowPag e 3 8)


G raingerAddi e A (wid R ichd) h412WLeWi s—Carolyn B Mrs cash Plee-Cing F ood Store r203 N T .

son—Dennis R (Carolyn B ) advm g r G V Singletary Son

N Thom pson—Jewell Mrs asst dieth Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r3 12 Jef—Mae cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor Cit-Otto body reprStevens Hasty rChadbou rn NC—R1

M (Leola ) shop form n Waccam aw Tractor h600 S Im—Rowena Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Clarktn

G rant Dorothy prsr i lle Lndryr5o8 SMem ory—Sylvester h40.7 S Mem oryG raves David driver N u—WayClns r Chadbou rn NCG ray A D ial (Kea C ; Colu m bu s Cou nty Warehou se ) hJ

Lewi s—A D ial III stu dent r110WLewis—WL ou stu dent r110WLewisG reen Addie S (widJim ) nu rse 242WWal ter h do—Archie carp Pridgen Bros Contrs rRD 1—Billy em pMarks Tru ck Tractor r Cerro G ordo NC—C W j r clk Washam Warlick F arm Su p r Cerro G OI


—E Leo j r stu dent r2o9 Pine—E ldon L (Lyda M ) dist eng StateHwyD ept h209 Pine—G eo K (Ila M ) carp Pridgen Bros Contrs h215 (3 15) N T]son

—John em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick NC—Johnni e E (Mary E ) m tcem n G C Ponti ac Inc l.

Phi llips- Ju liu s em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick NC—Lela L (wi d G eoW) h125WVirgil—L eroy (Hattie B) h Clarkton rd nrCity L im its—Lyda MMrs tchr i lle E lem Sch r209 Pine—'

Mary E (wid Andrew J) hl 14SMem ory—SandraM stu dent r2o9 Pine—Willie EUSA t 3 04PhillipsG reene Annie L Mrs cash Belk’s rHallsboro NC—Bu g slsm n Thom pson’

s Aba ttoir r Cerro G ordo NC- G eo C (E tha L ; Bu ster’s G arage ) h405WNance_'Id-a r Cowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1—Jas E (Mildred L ) state police h226 E Sm ith—Phil ip D (Mae H)USA r Tabor City rd nr Shallotte rd

Hts) RD 3—Rom olu s (G ladys) body repr Wells Oldsm obile r Lake

cam aw NC—Wm A (Kate ) phys 104E Com m erce hso2 PinkneyG reer F rancis B ( F rances A) servm g r G C Pontiac

Sm yrna rd nr F rank—Irene (wid G rover) nu rse 203 E L ewis h do—Lee J Hon (Marg u erite H) ju dge Cou nty.Juvenile Cou r

N Thom pson—Margu erite H Mrs tchrWhiteville High Sch r502 N Thor—Mary E Mrs nu rse Cou nty Health Dept r Sm yrnaNance



Max N (Mary E ) dept m g r CapefearWood h Sm yrnaNance

—Ril1a O (wid Noah J) r114McKenz i e



0 Aller

Resi dential

Com m ercial

Indu strial

Gu aranteed



Red Hill Rd.

(See Y ellowPag e 21)


G u yLorena SMrs tchrWV i lle E lem Sch r112WCollege—T Ward (Lorena S) su pt Cou nty Bd of Edu c h112 WCdllegHall Conrad N (Mavis) slsm n B S Thom pson Co r St Pal

NC—Dru silla Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Bolton N I

—Mattie waitress Em pie’s Cafe r203 N Madison—R F orest j r (Theresa ; Waccam aw T ractor Co) rWi lm ing to

NC—Sevesta'l R (Su e C ) tchrWhiteville Hi gh Sch h N Thom pso

cor Chu rch4 u e C Mrs laby tech Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r N Thom pso

cor Chu rch—Vernon H tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rHallsboro NCHallm an Viola Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r F air Blu i


Halsey Willi e M tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn N 1

Ham es E liz H (wid E arl S) bkpr A P h111 E Colu m buHam i lton Thelm a beau ty cpr h108 E Virgi l—WE dw driverStateHwy Dept -r Acm e NC

Ham m ond Billy J (Lena J) driver r214E Clay—B=lanche cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Cerro G ordo N1—Carolyn asst cash Belk’s rRD 1—D F u rney m ach opr State HwyD ept r Bru nswick NC—E u g (Alease S) with Wooten Motors 11 F orest dr (B W)(—F Wilbu r (Agnes B) m tce yard su pt State Hwy D ept h600

F rankline—Lena JMrs wrapperD T Su perMarket r4o9 S Canal—L ina J Mrs slswn HMoskow Dept Store r214E Clay—Marion S agt Sou L ife Ins rRD 2—N ettie B tchr Cou nty Bd .ofE du c r TaborCity NC—Ru ss-

ell H (Lena) li no oprNews Reporterr409 S Canal—Sadie J (Wild L onn i e ; D eL u xe T axi ; DeL u xe G rill) h217Main—Theo E tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r Cerro G ordo NC

Ham m onds Bonn ie E Mrs nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosr112 W Nance

—Clem entine Mrs em p i lle Mfg r115 E Clay—E1ton I (Bonn ie E ) pipe ftr Re igel Paper h112 W Nanc—J'as “

(Mary E ) m ake - u p m n N ews Reporter r RD 3 Box 9—Lloyd F (Mary R ) form n State Hwy D ept h3 11WWi lliam so:

—0 rvia (Marg t; Whiteville Body Shop ) r Bru nswick NC—Robt T repr G riff Shoe Shop r RD 3—Rodney slsm n Holsu m Bakery rCerro G ordo NC- Thos (Clem entine ) hlpr Stevens Hasty hl 15 E Clay—Willie V (


Mae) lino m ech N ews Reporter h3 10 E WalteHam pton Preston A em p Sledge Lbr rRD 1 Box 72- b

Hankins G lenora E tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn N (—L ethia S tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro NCHarmon John D (Li llie M) dish washer New Y ork Restr h41W Virgil

Hardee Annie P Mrs clk sten i lle Produ ction Credit AssnRD 1—Arlen L (Dorothy R ) em p Reigel Paper h Airway rd n

Tabor City rd ( F faxHts)—Bobby atndt Sing ServSta 1017 S Madison_ Bobby E stu dent r404S Mau ltsby—Carl (G rethel) h Chadbou rn rd RD 1

SINCLAIR PRODUCTS200 Ma g no li a St.

(See Y ellow Pag e 3 7 )D IAL MIdway 2- 83 42


—D avi d H (Eva T ; W H MotorCo) h Shallotte rd T abor Cityrd (S i lle)—E Pau l (Pau l ine W; Pau l ’s Barber Shop) h404 S Mau ltsby

—Eva T Mrs ofc sec Ralph T Beason Ins r Shallotte rd nr

Tabor City rd—F rances L tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r TaborCity NC—Jos B (Blanchie M ) elec contr Tabor Ci ty rd nr City L im its( F faxHts) RD 3 h do—Lawrence (Rilda ; Whiteville E lectric Motor Repair) r RD 4

Box 178a—Pau l j r em p Reigel Paper r404SMau ltsby—Roland E Rev(T erry A) pastor Christian Missionary Alliance Chu rch h rear 09 S Thom psonrd RD 1

—Willard C slsm n G V Singletary Sons r Wilm ington NC


F red H (Myr'tel G ) barber 109 Washing tonh 201WColu m u s

Hardie Bi1=1m ech Seth L Sm ith Co rRD 2—Martin V (Lau ra D ) h509 S F ranklin—Mary L ofc sec F loyd- Barkley Agcy rRD 3 Box 443 a4 am JMrs ship clk i lle G arm ent r115 Britton—Wm H jr (Sara J) m ech h115 BrittonHardin G ary L tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r Evergreen NCHardy G eo O ( F lora O) h106 Chu rch—Hom er L em p CityPu bWks D ept rRD 4—Jos C (Lonnie W) lab Reliance G u ano h225 W Colu m bu sHardwick O’

Nei l J (Madi son Am oco Service Station) r501 SMadison

Harper E lwood J (Mary E ) m g r Colu m bu s F C X Service h107E Nance

—Hi1da A Mrs asst bkpr Avant Sholar r RD 3 Box 192A—Jessie B tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rRD 3—Mary E Mrs rep Stanley Hom e Produ cts r107 E NanceHarrell OpalMrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rRD 2Harrellson Jo Ann tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 4—Joyce E Mrs slswn B S Thom pson Co r Chadbou rn rd RD 1—L E j r (Joyce E ) em p Thom pson’

s Abattoir h Chadbou rn rd

.RD 1

Harrelson Bertha T Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Old Tram rd nr

Wilm ington rd_ Betsy L Mrs clk Caro Pwr L ight rRD 3—Bobby W ( F redia ) ag t L ite Inc Co of G a h Airway rd ar

T abor Cityrd ( F faxHts)- Ch




E (Jan) stock m n Rose’s 5- 10&25c Stores r RD 3 Box

—ClaraMrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 2—Edw (Mattie) m echWells Oldsm obile rRD 3—Effi e Mrs r4o3 S Canal

0 Resldenrial

Com m ercialIndu strial



Estim ates

DIAL Mi dway

2 15 N.


(See Y ellowPag e 60)

Harrel'son—E lsie tchr i lle E lem Sch rRD 4-Haz el SMrs privsec C itySu pt ofSchs r RD 4—Herm an R em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3—John A (JoAnn) m g r Colu m bu s Trading r Bru nswick NC—Jos E (Li z z ie) barber Colu m bu s Barber Shop h Chadbou rn

rd RD 1—L ila P bkpr C L Nance Transferr T aborCityrd—Otha T j r (Joyce E ) whsem n B S T hom pson Co r RD 3—Rosa R r203 WColu m bu s—Sal1ie B (wid Lawrence E ) h703 West—T u rm an (Betha T ) carp h Old T ram rd nr Wilm ington rd .

—WThos hlpr G V Singletary Sons 200WMai nHarris Veda Mrs clk Colu m bu s Cou ntyHosp rRD 2—Virginia B tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r F airBlu ffNCHaréi son


E lwi nW (Carolyn ’G ) dept m g r Reig el Paper11114Mc

en2 1e—Wm M (Arm inta C ) atndt Center E sso Station h111 E ClayHart Rosa C Mrs h13 9 E Com m erce—V alu rm a opr i lle Beau ty Shop rRD 4Box 104Harwood Clete L m ach opr StateHwyD ept rRD 1—Thu rm an S (Doris E ) credit m g r T odd F u rn blo8 W Cal

hou nHastyWMalcolm (Pearl W; Stevens Hasty Co) h210 E ClayHatcher Jos D (Ru th M ) bodyirnn Davis G arage Body Shop

h103 Richardson—L eola J tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NC—T Everett (Ann J ) dep '

co‘llr State D ept of Revenu e r R ich


Hathway G ertru de Mrs slswn Rose’s 5 Stores r RD 4

Box 178

Hatley Betty H Mrs slswn L ed-

erBros r3 02 N F rankl in—JPau l (Betty H) sec- treas Leder Bros Inc h3oz N F rankli nHattiway Oscar (Leola C ) su p clk Bru nswick E lec Mem ber

shi p h3 20WCollegeHawes Jewel slswnWood’s 5 100 Store rRD 3Hawkins G rocery (O’

Neal Hawki ns) Shallo tte rd nr TaborCity rd (S i lle) RD 3—Henry em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick NC—Ollie Mrs r Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd (S i lle ) RD 3—'O’

N eal (Hawki ns G rocery) h Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd

(S i lle ) RD 3

HAWKS E L (Rem elle B ) , Roofing and Sheet Metal Works,Heating and Air Condi tion ing, Com m ercial and Residential , Call F or F ree E stim ates, 116 Washington, T el MIdway

23226, h208 E L ewis, T el MIdway 24 355 (See Yellow Page


Hayes Ada H Mrs h501 S F ranklin-A'lex (Elsie) m illwright Reigel Paperh1002 N Lee—AliceWtchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NC—E dwM rCowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

—E lsie Mrs nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp t1002 N Lee—Eva M Mrs nu rse Dr D G Bu nn r106a E Webster—JH bri dg em n StateHwy.Com n rRD 4Box 217—Joel C (Eva M ) tru cking l o6a E Webster h do—L loyd annou ncerRadio StaWE N C r Chadbou rn NC—L u therP (V irlie M)USAF h107WColu m bu s apt 1




Headqu arters

F irestone


2 - 2244

6" S. Madlson

Pag e 84)


Hewett Berli e B (D oris C ; Sou th Madison Drive-In) r NewHope NC

- D oris C Mrs (Sou th Madison Drive-In) r New Hope NC—E arline m ach opr i l

'le G arm ent Mfg Wilm ington rd (B W)—E thelene Mrs em p i lle Mfg rHallsboro NC—Norm an (Bertha ) h3 09 E Walter

—Pau l r506 S F ranklinHi ckm an Jas B (Annie S) asst m g r Braxton Au to Parts h118Washi ng ton

Hi cks Martha B tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor City NC

Hide-A-Way Drive In (Mrs E u la W Ward) restr 215 E MainHig h Beu lah Mrs slswn Belk’

s r RD 1—Carolyn T Mrs tchr i lle E lem Sch r102McKenz i e—Chas L (JoyceM) atndt Hi nes Shell ServrRD 2—F annie Mrs slswn Rose

s 5-101/225c Stores r RD 1—He1en D Mrs m u s tchr City Bd ofE du c r107W F rink—Jas C (Carolyn T ) advslsm n N ews Reporter h102 Mc

Kenz ie-Jas T em p Sledge-

Lbr rHallsboro NC—Oscar (Annie ) h3 06 Pinkney—Oscar Son (Walter P and Robt 0 High) genl m dse Cou rtHou se Squ are—Robt 0 (Helen D ; OscarHi gh Sons) bl 07WF rink—Robt O j r stu dent r107W F rink—Sarah H stu dent r107W F rink—Wa1ter labWhol D i strs rRD 1—Wal terP (Mary D ; OscarHi gh Sons) bi l 6 JeffersonHig hsm ith Clara W Mrs teller Waccam aw Tru st Bank r104

Chu rch—D orothy E (wi d John L ) cafeteria wkr E dgewood Sch h108 EWebster—L uvi e (Pearl P) plstr h T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3

- Pearl P Mrs em p i lle Mfg r T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd

( F fax Hts)—Virg inia D baby sitter 108 E Webster r doHi lbu rn Jack g ro Chadbou rn rd RD 1 h do—Kath Mrs tchr N ew Hope E lem Sch h-111McKenz ie—WRay ag t Sow L ife Ins r RD 3

Hi ldebrand D orothy H Mrs opr Vogu e Beau ty Shop h MillPond rd nr T abor City rd (S i lle )

Hill Cal (Am y J) h3 06 S Mem ory(wi d Jim ) m aid r218WVirgil

—4Christine K Mrs m ai d Myrtle Hill F lorist h rear 127 WVirgil- D ewey L (Opal ; Hill’s Thri ftway) h Tabor City rd nr Cedar

( F fax Hts)HIL L DIRE CTORY CO INC, City D irectory Pu bli shers, 2910W Clay, Ri chm ond 6 , V a , T el E L g in 9—6001, Au tom obileand T ru ck Owner L ists, Au tom otive Statistics, D irect Mai lAdvertising, Ma iling L ists 43 1 Howard Street, D etroit 3 1,M ich ig an (See Yellow Page 27 )—Dora (wi d Lee ) h411 S Thom pson—D .oretha h rear 425Wards—F enner B (Ai leen S) h209 N F rankl in—G ladys B (w idJam es O) h704WVirgil

-G lenn L (Sarah L ) sht m tl wkr h rear 115E Clay—HD form n State Hwy G om n r Bru nswick NC

SHOES CLOTHING and kEADY - TO-WEARN ever Know i ng lyUnderso ld


—Hilda H Mrs wrapperA P r108 E Webster—JC driverColu m bu s F C X ServrRD 3 j EWEu Rs—Ju l ian (Ag nesA) r201 S F ranklin—L ’

au rence S (Betsy P) dist m gr Massey- F erg u son Co h607 N The Hom e of

Q u alityJewelry—Les_ter (Rosie ) h Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd (S i ll e) Nafi onauy

RD 3 Advertised—Mabel C (wi d Roland E ) h112 E Virg il—otto (Latha ) h T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts) RD3—Sarah L Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r rear 115 E Clay—Vance em p Love Lbr rRD 3 Box 3 3 3—Wm A (Katie H) blpr City Pu b Wks Dept h104W Colu m bu s

Hi ll ’s Ice Cream Co (G eo H Batten) 212 Bu rkhead-Thri ftway (D ewey L Hill ) g ro T abor City rd nr Shallotte. rd

( F faxHts) RD 3HindsWm A (Jean H) slsm n E sso h110 F u ller—E dW (Violet E ; Hines-Shell Service ) h3 o6 E Calhou n—F rank (Rose L ) with Wayne Eng i neering Constru ction) h

F u ller—She11Service (E dWHines) 415 SMadisonHinnant Berry L (Ru th M ) City E lectrical Inspector h406 S

F ranklin—Pau l Wsec- treas I-Iinnant’s Inc r406 S F ranklin—Ru thMMrs V - presHi nnant’s Inc r4o6 S F ranklinHinnant’s Inc

“Berry L Hinnant presMrs Ru thM Hinnantv- presPau l WHinnant sec- treas htg contrs 111 Caldes

Hinson A Crowell (Crady G ) slsm n West Bend Alu m i nu m hClarkton rd nr City L im its

- Alm a C Mrs m ach cpr i ll e Mfg r121WColu m bu s—Ann SMrs slswn Colu m bu s Dru g Store r211 S Lee—Arnold M atndt Sav-Way ServSta Tabor City rd nr Mill

Pond rd (F fax Hts)—Billy R slsm n Avant Sholar rRD 3_ Bobby J (Margie) delm n B S Thom pson Co r RD 4Box 47—Cleon G (Reba) m ech Wells Oldsm obile r Clarendon NCHINSON E F CABINE T WORKS (E ston F Hinson) Cu stomMade Cabinets, G u aranteed Repair Work, Sash, D oor,Screen Windows, Bu i lt In Kitchen Cabinets, Chu rch F urni tu re , Store F ixtu res, Mill Work,USHwy 701 s By Pass nr Indu strial

Benton rd ( F fax Hts; RD 3 ) T el MIdway 2- 2456 (See Y ellow Page 14)—E lroy lab i lle L ivestockMkt rRD 3—E lsie em p i ll e Mfg rCerro G ordo NC

-E m m a H cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—E ston F (R ita E ; E F Hinson Cabinet Works) hUS Hwy 701S By Pass nr Benton rd (F faxHts) RD 3—Bu g (Melba L ; Hi nson ’

s Am oco Stati on) h Brickyard rd nr

Wi ldwood av(BW)



Pag e


H inson

—Jas 0 (G race D ) ag t Hom e Secu rity L ife Ins—JoannMrs sec Robt H Bu rns j rrRD 3

-L illie Mrs em pi lle Mfg rChadbou rn rd—1.ou rie A (E llen F ) h405 S Canal—L u ra A j r (Maxine ; Hinson’s Machine Shop) h Ta

nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—Marjorie S bkpr JohnWard rRD 4Box 151—Mary E em pWv'i lle G arm entMfg—Melba L Mrs teller Waccam aw Bank Tru st r

rd nrWildwood av(BW)h—Naom i tchr New Hope Elem Sch rRD 3—Patty HMrs clk- typ Cou nty Health Dept rRD 3—Violet Mrs slswn Rose

's 5- 10 25c Stores r

Hi nson ’s Am oco Station (Eng Hi nson) g as sta 102

~Machine Shop (L u ra A Hinson j r) Tabor City rrd ( F faxHts) RD 3

HippsAda L tchr Cou nty—Herm an H tchrCou ntyHircek Thos (Carol ) carp h407 Kirk blvdHobbs Cleo W cafeteria—Clyde H (Ou ida P; WB Hobbs Son) h3 04S F rank]

HOBBS W B SON (Wm B and Clyde H Hobbsfand Coal , Also Com plete L ine of Bu i lding MaCom m erce cor F ra z ierT el MIdway2—2855—WL m em ber Cou nty Bd of Edu c r D elco NC

—Wm B (Lonnie F ) pres Peoples Savings Loan AF ranklin

Hobson Mae F (wi d F rank A) h101 S MadisonHocu tt John C (CathW) condrACL h207 SMadisonHodges Cecile L Mrs sls wn Mann

’s Dept Store r101—Leota H Mrs asst su pt Cou ntyWelfare D ept r Bru

—Marion G tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rAcm e NC—Mary R Mrs tchrCentral High Sch r3 08 S Lee-Qu entin W (Virginia H) m g r Reliance G u ano h205—Robt A (Cecile L ) band dir Cou nty Bd of E du c h10—Sewell (Mary R ) bell m n Motor Hotel i lle 11—Virginia HMrs tchr i lle Elem Sch r205 E WycheHofler Thu rm an P (Bessie E ) ofer in chge State I-I

blo6 E William son

HoganMary tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rEverg reen NCHoll



rook Thelm a tellerWaccam aw Bank T ru st hou n

Holden L indbergh (Nellene P) repr Caro T el T el

Thom psonHoliday Motel Jadi e E Ratl iff m g rClarkton rd By-


Whi levi lle’s Oldest Jewelers(See Y ellow Pag e 50) D ial m a

Cleaners—E lsie KMrs r200WWalter—R u dolph (Betty J) l inem n Bru nswick Elec Mem bership r

Clarkton rd—Ru th (wi d H H) r210 N F ranklin4 al lie T Mrs (Myrtle Hi ll F lorist) r210 N F rankli n—W F lyford (Dottie F ) m ech Avant Sholar h507 S Thom pson—Willis M (Mary F ) linem n Bru nswick E lec Mem bership h110McKenz ie

Hoskins William H (E liz abeth W) , Physician and Su rgeon Office 103 E Main , T el MIdway 2- 3 720 , h102 F u ller, T el MIdway 2- 3 817

Hou se Jonathan tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor City NCHoward Lenora M (widCharlie) r227WWal ter

- Lottie m aid Cou nty Health D ept rRD 3 Box 402—Ran g eley L (Annabella G ) m g r Motor Hotel Whitevill e h200

S Madison—Shade r803 S F ranklin-Wm (Lottie ) prsrModern DryClns rRD 3 Box 402Hu cks Ira M tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r TaborCity NCHu dson IdaM em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rAsh NC—Patsy M Mrs slswn G u i ton

’s Dru g Store blo2 W College

Hu fham Blan E tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r T abor City NCHu ggins David E (Peggy C) bu dget dept su pvr F owler CO hW

Cedar nrUSHwy 701 S By-Pass (S i lle)—D ewey W j r (Kath D ) pri n i lle E lem Sch h T u cker nr

Pinkney—Pegg y C Mrs slswn J AMcNe i ll Sons rWCedar nrUSHwy

701 S By-Pass—Robt L (D orothy) repr Jack’s Shoe Shop r RD 1 Box 446—Willard G (Opal H) farm er h Sm yrna rd near F rink—Wm S (E stherC ) city m anager and eng b1l z E F rinkHu ghes Clifford E (Thetu s) m g rSav-WayServ'ice Station r LakeWaccam aw NC—Dorothy D Mrs teller F irst Natl Bank r603 Bob White la—E Wayne (Dorothy D ) asst cash F irst National Bank h603BobWhi te la

—Hom er E em p Sledge Lbr r Chadbou rn NC—Ju anita bkpr F irst N ational Bank r Chadbou rn NC—Karolyn tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—Le .na contact clkUS D ept Ag rl rChadbou rn NC—L eRoydriverWD Brooks Inc rRD 4—Maddry S (Helen P) slsm n G V Singletary Sons h417 S

F ranklin—Madison gu ard State Prison Cam p rNakina NC-Myrtie B ‘

Mrs cash D '

&T Su per Market r Chadbourn NC-Robt H tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Evergreen NC—Ru by Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor CityNC—Thetu s R Mrs clkUS D ept Ag rl r'Lake Waccam aw NCHu g hn Exie C (wi dWm D ) r3 01 N Madison


Hu nt Donald E (E the l) carp Reigel Paper h203 WLewis—E thel Mrs em p i lle Mfg 1203 WL ewis- Eva rCowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

- F rances L Mrs exec sec Am erican National Red Cross Cclu m bu s Cou nty Chapter r103 F u ller—Jas L tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c r Chadbou rn NC—Lacy ( F rances L ) ag t ACL h103 F u ller—Patricia tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r Bolton NC—Sam (Peggy) em p “

Reigel Paper h106 S LeeHu nter Lewis H lab r3 08 SMem oryHu tchins Dou glas r403 WardsHu x Sam l M (E liz B) bible distr 3 04E Calhou n h doHyatt J C j r em pOrkin Exterm inating h2141/2 E Sm ith—John C (Daisy P) m ach opr State Hwy D ept h T abor City rd

nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—PatMrs bkprL eder Bros r214E Sm ithh Ru byL Mrs cash Modern DryClh s r RD 1 Box 150—Willis S (L inda G ) driver i lle G as h400 S F ranklinIcardMa z elle SMrs em p i lle Mfg r Evergreen NCIdeal G rill (Howard M G ore ) restr 406WVirgilIkner E dw E (G race ) em p Sledge L br h Shallotte rd nr Tabor

City rd (S i lle)Inm an A Jackson (Sarah L ; Cribb’

s Body Shop ) h Clarkton rd

nr By—Pass

—AlfO slsm n Avant Sholar rRD 1b Anne Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd (S

i lle ) RD 3—Erm an F (Evelyn M ) slsm n L eder Bros h Clarkton rd nr ByPass

h -Evelyn M Mrs dir City Recreation Com n r Clarkton rd nr

By-Pass—G eraldine J tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c rHallsboro NC—Herm an driver Colu m bu s F eed Center r RD 3—Jack D (Marg tA) carp hlpr h3 20 Olive dr—Jay G ( F lossie B ) farm er h Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd (S

i lle ) RD 3—Lonnie B (Iola M) g ro Clarkton rd nr By

-Pass h do—1Mabe1C (wi d Clarence ) h Clarkton rd nr By

-Pass—Mam ie D (wid Carl) slswn Kram er’s Ladies Shop r209 S

F rankl in—Margt AMrs opr Caro Tel Teleg r3 20 Olive drH Sarah L Mrs nu rse Clarkton rd nrBy

-Pass r do—'Si -las B (Anne ) driver Am Bakeries h Shallotte rd nr T abor

City rd (S i lle) RD 3

Israel E dwin J (Nancy G ) servm g rWells Oldsm obile h Woodland dr (BW)

—John E (Mary C) bkpr Black’s T ire Servh W Cedar nrUSHwy 701 S By-Pass (S i lle )—Nancy C Mrs slswn Braxton-Warren r Woodland dr (BW)—PerryJ(Rosa S) h404S F ranklin—Rosa S Mrs slswn H Moskow D ept Store r404 S F ranklin

Ivey Alex em p Sledge Lbr rRD 3

JBR Mu sic Am u sem ent Co (Jas B Reaves j r) 105 E VirgilJack’s Shoe Shop (John A Dwyer) reprs 123 W Com m erce

Jackson Asbu ry tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r D elco NC—Cedell (Mabel P) lab hMcG i ll nrWWalter-C1arence stu dent rCenternrWWalter

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D i al MIdway 2- 2061

N o j ob too larg e

F ree E st im ates

2 3 2 2 6116Wash ing ton

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )

—C larence P (Lanie J) em p Sledge Lbr h3 02 Bu rkhead—Clau de lab i lle Mtr rRD 1Box 3 58—Davi d (Maggie L ) em p Sledge Lbr h Center nr WWal ter—De‘lbert m ech Cou ntyBd of E du c r T abor City NC—Doni es P em p Sledge Lbr rRD 3 Box 3 09—F loydWm ach oprState HwyD ept rHallsboro NC—Hattie m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Chadbou rn NC—Horace (Su san C) em p Sledg e Lbr h Center nr W Walter—Hu bert atndt Carolina Motors rRD 1

-Jas em p Sledg e Lbr rRD 3 Box 3 09- John H (Madelyn S) h206 E Main—Ju l ia B em p i lle G arm entMfg rHallsboro NC—Ju ni or (E thel L ) j an‘

i lle High Sch h418WLGWIS-Mabel L Mrs r rear 405WVirgil—Mabel P Mrs prsr i lle Lndry Clns rMcG i ll nrWWalter—0 scoW'

(Ru th G ) su pvr F HA h112 McKenz ie—Pau l hlprAvant Sholar rRD 1—Pau l (Mary B ) em p Sledge Lbr h Center nrWWalter—Pau line Mrs nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Hallsboro

NC—Sadie L tchr Cou nty Bd Of Edu c r TaborCity NC4 am em p Sledge Lbr r F air Blu ffNC—Sam jr em p Sledge Lbr r F air Blu ffNC—Sarah rCenter nrWWalter—Virginia Mrs waitress Sou Kitchen h3 06 E Walter—WO j r tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r RD 3

Jacobs B G lendal e cabt m kr Pridgen Cabt Wks r6.02 S F ranklin

—Herm an rCowan’

s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1—Lottie M cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c Chadbou rn rd RD

1—Roosevelt hlprCoca- Cola r Bolton NC—Sam 1 B (Lola M) plant opr Vineland Ice h602 S F ranklin—Tru dy -M Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Clarkton NC—WoodrowW tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Chadbou rn -NC

Jam es Harold (Evelyn M ) farm er h Sm yrna rd near PineJam es J L (Will ie T ) Ch iropratic Physician Spi nal and Back

Conditions, D isc Inju ries and Bu rsitis, Colu m bu s HotelBldg 515 S Madison , T el MIdway 2- 3 240 , h3 07 Jefferson,T el MIdway 2 - 2072

—Willi e K em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick NC—Willie T Mrs nu rse Dr Jos L Jam es r3 07 JeffersonJarm an R u th cafeteria wkrCou nty Bd ofEdu c Chad

bou rn rd RD 1

Jarrel'l G ladys h Clarkton rd nrBy—PassJayroe BennettW (E stelle J) slsm n B S Thom pson Co h105 S


—E stel-le JMrs bkpr B S Thom pson Co r105 S Canal

Jeffcoat C (Moore’sWarehou se )

Jefferson Jas (Ru thie B ; Brooklyn F ish Market) r RD 2 Box3 08

—Ru thie BMrs tchrCentral High Sch rRD 2

—Standard L ife Insu rance Co Robt P MacRae ag t 3 04Washing ton

Jeffri es F annie h Powell nrClarence



Johnson—OliverA (El iz M )USA r203 WVirgil—Pau li ne B Mrs recpt Dr Marle L Johnson r510 Pinkney—R u th C Mrs ofc sec N eil H McNe i ll Agency r203 N Madison4 arah B Mrs h Cypress nr F raz ier—Walter (G ladys) h228WWalter—Wm J (Haz el E ) sht m tl wkrCollier McG lothl in hW

Cedar nr By-Pass 701 S (S i lle )—Wm MUSN r3 o8WWalter—Willie tinner Collier-

‘McLau g hlin r RD 3 Box 83

Johnston Arch R (Lou ise M ) bu yer R J Reynolds Tob h104R ichardson

—L ou i se M Mrs clk in chgeUS Selective ServSys Local Bd No24 r104R ichardson

JOlly, E z elahWMrs slswn L eder Bros r3 01 E Colu m bu s—Jewel slswn Leder Bros r Chadbou rn NC—Jim m ie asst m g r Colu m bu s Trading rClarendon NC—Lau ra Mrs slswn Kram er

’s Ladies Shop rRD 4—

= SWoodrow Rev(E z elah W) h3 01 E Colu m bu sJones Annie L m aid h201M ill_ Betty J em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rRD 4Box 189—Bu rlon G (Kate N ) pres Jones F u rnitu re CO h500 N Tho-m p

son—C L em p Washam Warlick F arm Su p r Bladensboro NC—D V

C(Mary) slsm n J SMann

’s D ept Store r Lake Waccam aw

N—Daisy L Mrs hlpr Cowan

s Rest Hom e r Chadbou rn rd RD 1—Dol1ie L tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c r Clarkton NC

- D orothy G D tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r F airBlu ffNC—E dw J (Vivian G ) m g r Colu m bu s Theatre h112 W Lewis—E ffie C em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rWanani sk NC—E1m a L (E lm a

’s Shoppe ) r RD 4

- F rances h7l5 S F ranklin—F rances Mrs tchrCentral High Sch r3 03 WColu m bu sJONES F URNITURE CO INC, B G Jones Pres, K N Jones V


Pres, Wm P G reer Jr Sec-T reas, ,Com plete Hom e F u rn ishers, Modern and Contem porary, E arly Am erican andPou nd Pieces, Com plete L ine of Carpets, D rapes, Lam psand Accessories, N ew andUsed F u rnitu re , 814 S Madison ,

T el MIdway 2- 3 3 04 (See Yellow Page 41)W tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Chadbou rn NC

—G eraldine tchr Central High Sch r3 06 S Powell blvd—Henry D em p Sledg e Lbr r Bru nswick NC—Ida r Cowan

s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1—Isaac (Kathleen ) lab h3 03 Ph i ll ips—JWhal en (L illie C ) farm er h Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd

(S i lle ) RD 3—Jake lab Caro G rain F eed r Clarkton rd—Jas P bonerThom pson’

s Abattoir r T aborCity NC- Jim m ie j r r3 06 S Powell blvd—Jim m ie B (Sadie H) j an F u llerCo h3 o6 S Powell blvd—Joe L atndtCricket ServSta r Cam p G rou nd rd-John H ( F rances) tchr Carver E lem Sch h3 03 W Colu m bu s—John T tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r Delco NC—Joshu a clk Retail Credit Assn r110 Bu rkheac.—Kate tchr Cou nty Bd Of E du c r T abor City NC—Kate N Mrs v- pres Jones F u rnitu re CO r500 N Thom pson

(See Y ellow Pag e 3 )


athleenMrs m aid Belk’s r3 03 Ph illipsavi hlpr City Pu b Wks D ept h Mill Pond rd nr T abor C1tyrd (S i lle ) RD 4

ll i e C Mrs cook r Shallotte rd nr T abor C1ty rd (S WV i lle)RD 3

Ju is (Daisy L ) hlpr Cowan ’s Rest Hom e rChadbou rn rd RD


M prin Cou nty Bd of E du c r N aki na NCOliviaUSAF r3 o6 S Powell blvdary0 Mrs clkUS D ept Ag rl r LakeWaccam aw NCaryS tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c r RD 4i ldred m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rRD 4m lW (E liz M) h216 E Colu m bu saggy T Mrs r605 S Thom psoni th Mrs tchr Central High Sch r114SMem orylady E atndtMadison Am oco Sta r3 02 Bu rkheadIn F lwyrCou rt Hou se Squ are r410 SMadisonm H (Hilda F )USAF h4o8 E Clayilton M (Carlene S) driver State Hwy D ept h408WWi ll iamson

[an F rank r T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3f

ace C Mrs circu lation m g r News Reporter r709 WestLorena em p Caro T el T elegi lph W (Pru dence T ) atndt N ewsom e

’s 66 Servh Chad

bou rn rd RD 1

iddie R (G race A; Jordan’s G rill ; Jordan’

s G u lf Service )n7o9 Westllie Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Clarkton NC

Ian’s G rill (Roddie R Jordan ) 512 SMadison

ofAm erica h904West

h4o8 Kirk blvd

of E du c r Cerro G ordo N C

G arm ent Mfg r Cerro Gordo

r E'

Mainr Cerro G ordo N C

William son



Waler F illers

Pag e 66 )

Kelly—Ru th G Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r401 N F rankl in

apt 3—Wm 'J(Ru th G ) h401 N F ranklin apt 3Kem m erlin Michl G (Patricia W) slsm n Ki

ngan Co h219 WWilliam son

—Kem p Chas (G eneva) m ech 'h Clarence nr S F ranklin—L loyd j r orderl y Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Hallsboro N C

Kendall Pau l . T ( F rances W) rep Twin- State Perm a-Stone CoKennedy G ro (L eona H) constn wkrh204WWalterKerser John E atndt F letcher’

s E sso Sta r Sm yrna rd

Ke z iah Chas T (Naom i ) servm n T odd F u rn r Bru nswick N C

King Alice M Mrs_r223 WWalter

—David McD (Retha M ) h rear409WVirg il—Henry em p Sledge L br rHallsboro N C—Jam es T j r (D orothy R; Western Au to Associate Store )

h405 N T hom pson—Macy Mrs em p i lle Mfg rHallsboro N C—Minnie C (wid G eo ) h3 17 E Main—'

Su s'

ie M wa itressHide-A-W'ay Drive In r506 S


F ranklinKing dom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses 406 W Main and

E VirgilKin-law ChasM (Violet 'S ; N u -W'

ayCleaners) 11105WWill iam son

Kirby Jam es T (Sedem ola -A) pharm Colu m bu s Dru g h102 WN orth

KiserAM tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r D elco N CKissam Mary A slswn L eder Bros r Chadbou rn N C

Knotts L u cetta cook Sou Kitchen r3 06 S Mem oryKrahnke Au g J (E ssie H ; Krahnke’

s Cleaners) h208 NMad ison

—Au g Jj r (Sarah B) genl m g rKrahnke ’s Clns h7o3 N Madison

—E ssie H Mrs (Krahnke’

s Cleaners) 1208 N Madison—Sarah B Mrs tchr i lle E lem Sch r703 N MadisonKRAHNKE ’

S CLEANE RS (Au g Jand Mrs E ssie H Krahnke )Au g JKrahnke Jr G en] Mg r, Whitevi lle’s Oldest Cleaners,T he Hom e of F ine D ry Clean ing, One Day Service Also

Pick-Up and D elivery Service , 13 1 W Com m erce, Tel

MIdway2- 23 13 (See Yellow Page 3 1)Kram er Dora . S Mrs m g r Kram er

’s L adies Shop r Maple nr

Wheeler—Hym an (Doris ; Kram er

s Men Boy’s Shop ) h208 E Co

lu m bu s—Isadore (Dora S; Kram er

’s Men Boy’s Shop ) h Maple

nrWheeler—L'arry stu dent rMaple nrWheelerKram er

’s L adies Shop Mrs Dora S Kram er m g r wom en


0 10 800 S MadisonKRAME R ’S MEN BOY’S SHOP (Hym an and Isadore Kram

er) , Com plete L ine of Cloth ing, Shoes and Accessori es F or

Men and Boys, 707- 709 S Madison , T el MIdway 2—2006Kre i en

bau m Clara E (wi dAnthony) r105 E LewisKu nselm an Mahlon B (Barbara J) forester State F orest“

Servhl16 W Sm ithL'

acks Oscar H (G ee E ) tobacconist h F orest dr (BW)[ lam b R obt J j r (E thel M ) h115 Jefferson—T heda B em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Lake Waccam aw NC



—Cath P Mrs (Powell Lee Lee) r101W F rink—Cortis hlprC ity Pu bWks D ept rNakina N C—F red driverColu m bu s T radi ng rRD 4—G irlie M (wi dWalter) h204WMain—Henry stu dent r419 W Lewis—Herm an carp r3 11WVirgil—Jas 0 (Ru th W) distr T om s F ood Produ cts h Old Tram

nrWilm ing ton rd—Ju niu s B j r (Cath P; Powell L ee Lee ) b101W F rink—'L Howard m ech '

Avant Sholar rChadbou rn N C—Nath'an E (Beatrice ) m g r Holsu m Bakery r Prison Cam p

rd-Ned F tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c rChadbou rn N C—Pate Mrs rCowan

s RestHom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

—Percy 0 Rev(Bernice B) pastor Whiteville Meth Ch h105E Nance

—Rac‘he1 cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor C ity N C—Robt E atndt Hi nson’

s Am oco Sta 102 S Powell blvd-Ru th WMrs rep Avon Produ cts r Old T ram rd nrWi lm ington rd

fi Shi rleyM em p i‘

lle Mfg r12'

2 Mill-Vetu s (Ann ie M ) lab h411WColu m bu s—Wilton T (Pearl P) slsm n Thom as Howard Whol G ro h

203 G 'ar‘rell

L eigh E L avern (Doris) tire retreader F owler Co r F airBlu ff N C

Leinwand Arth (L einwand’

s D epartm ent Store) bl 08 E Cal

hou n apt 2

L einWand’s Departm ent Store (Arth Le inwand) 711 S Madi


—Pawn Shop (Arth Leinwand) 711 SMadisonLennon Alm a J tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro N C

-Annella tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn N C—Annie L tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c rChadbou rn N C



Ca~r1S (Doris G ) em p R iegelWood h206 E Clay—Eva T tchrMtOlive High Sch r3 12


S Mem ory—Horace W (D orine A) pu reh ag t Colu m bu s Mtr h Woodland

dr (B W)—Irene (Beau ty E m poriu m ) b101 SMadison-

‘Jas plm b T ownsend l b rChadbou rn rd—Jas (Haretha) hlprC ity Pu bWks D ept rRD 1 Box 51—J'ohn C (E liz P) genl m d-

se Cou rt Hou se Squ are h Clarktonrd nr City L im its

—'Joyce HMrs bkpr Jones F u rn h6‘16 N Lee—Pecolia G tchrCou nty Bd (of E du c r Chadbou rn N C—Rob't M (L u la S) h222 WVirg ilLennox Ai r F lo Heati ng Air Conditioni ng Collier-McLau g h

lin reps 111 E Virgi lLeRoy

's Barber Service (LeRoy Stocks) 816 S Madison

Lewis Blanche E (wid E dw ) 11707 N Madisonw Cl


ayton C prin Cou nty Bd of E du c r RD 3—Dock em p Sledge L br r RD 3 Box 48-E thel Mrs h2

21 Phillips—G ardner (E sther) 'hlpr T odd F u rn r221Phillips

L‘e’wli s—Helen K (wid R ichd M ) asst cash Waccam aw Bank Tru st

Co h105 E Lewis—Holly BMrs dishwasherMtrHotel i lle r4o2"

S Lee—J1ga


vin (Kathleen) atndt F letcher’s E sso Sta r Chadbou rn—Jack D (Virginia L ) driver C L Nance Transfer h3 02 SMadison

—Jacqu eline T Mrs ofc sec Robt H Bivins j r ri l5 E Virg il—Jas E (Marilyn B) rep Retail Credit h110 E Colu m bu s—Jane H r105 E Lewis—Ju lian D r3 07 N Madison—'Lois F (wi d Jas M ) clk Cou nty T ax Su pvr hl16 E N ance—Mae (wi d E dw S) nu rse DrWA Green h210 E L ewis—Margt C (wi d Rone H) h3 07 N Madison—Marie A (wid E dw S j r) r210 E Lewi s—'

Marilyn B Mrs clk Caro Pwr L ight r110 E Colu m bu s—‘Mary B tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 3—Mary E 1116 E Nance—Mau de Mrs elk- sten i lle Produ ction Credit Assn r Chad

bou rn N C—Pegg y N tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rHallsboro ‘

N C—Rone H (Kath S)USAF r3 07 N Madison—Slim (Holly B) h402 S L eeA tead-m


an D (Mattie ) farm er h Shallotte rd nr Tabor Cityrd (S i lle) RD 3—Wm H (Jacqu eline T ; Whi teville Motor Sales Service )h115 E V irgil

LIBERTY LIF E INSURANCE 00 , C P “ Sm oke” Wayne

M gr, L ife Insu rance , Office In Colu m bu s T heatre Bldg101 E Ma in , T el MIdway 2-2701

—L ive Stock Market (Carl Bryan Wentou Hester) Clarkton rd

bey City L im i ts-Warehou se (J Walter Hooks) tob Clarks'ton rd bey C ityL im its

Life Insu rance Co of G eorgia Jas W Su ggs staff m g r 3 06 S

Madison—Insu rance Co of the Sou th Theo Webb j r m g r 101 W MainL indsay Carlton ( F annie) pres L indsay Oi l Co Inc r L u m ber

ton N Cr—Car1ton j r (Margu erite) sec- treas L indsay Oi l Co Inc r

L u m berton N C—Oi l Co Inc Carlton L indsay pres Carlton L i ndsay j r sec

treasWilm ington rd nr F orest dr (BW)Lions Clu b 200 SMadisonL ittle Betty J bkprHi nnant’s Inc r LakeWaccam aw N Ch Eva A Mrs stock clk Rose

’s 5—10 25 Stores n6o7 N Madi


—Hu bert D em p Black’s T ire Servr RD 3- JAlton (Doris) rep Beltone Hearing Servh Tabor City rd

nr Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts)- Mam ie P Mrs ofc sec Waccom aw Bk Tru st r Clarkton

N C—Mary V (wi d Robt B ) h512 S F rankl in—R T om m y (Lou ise F ) hlpr Coca-Cola Btlg h108 S F rana—'

Sem er em p Black’s T ire Servr RD 3- Zelm a em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r RD 4


Littles Ralph W m ach cpr State Hwy Dept r Cerra G ordr

N CLocklearCal lie J tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rBolton N C—Clyde tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r Bolton N C—Willard prin Cou nty Bd ofE du c rBolton N CLogan Charli e (E dna L ) h500WVirgi l- Clarence L stu dent r500 WVirgil—E dna L Mrs dishwasher Sou Kitchen r

5ooWV irgil—'F rank M r


500 WVirgil-Henry H cem ent wkr r500WVirgilLom bardJas K em p i l-le Mfg 108 N Mad i son

Long Barney C em p L ove Lbr rRD 1 Box 275b Bennyem p Black’s T ire ServrRD 4_ Billy L Mrs waitress Sim m ons Dru g (N o 2) r216a E Sm iti—C oyM (Barbara ) slsm nWhol Di strs r103 WWyche—'

D N bri dg em n State HwyCom n r Naki na N C—D elia C otc sec G V Sing letary Sons r Chadbou rn N 1-E ddie em pCity Pu bWks Dept h508 SMem ory

- E lton m echWaccam aw T ractor 13 0 E Com m erce—G eo D (Nell M ) m ech G C Mtr h100 N F ranklin—Haz e1slswn Rose’s 5-10 25 Stores r4o5N Mad-ison

-Henry L hlpr Coca-Cola Btlg r RD 4—'Jack (Bill ie L ) lab h216a E Sm ith—Jessie L slsm n Qu alityMtr rT aborCity N C—John B j r (L orine W; Colu m bu s Barber Shop ) cou nty coroner r RD 4—John H em p Sledge Lbr r Tabor City N C—John H (Marg t) slsm n Singer Sewing Mach Co r Chad

bou rn N C- Josephine Mrs em p i lle Mfg r F reeland N C—L ‘

awson em pMarks Tru ck Tractor rRD 4—L eona slswn Rose

’s 5—10 25 Stores r TaborCity N C

-Mabe1r508 SMem ory—'

Mary L Mrs waitress E m pi e’s Cafe r RD 1 Box 483

—Robt A stock clk Allred’s Red White Su per Mkt r Acm e

N C—Thi

os (Ottie E ) linem n Bru nswi ck E lec Mem bership r RI

—Will ie M plm b T ownsend l b r'

RD 4Box 166

Lottie’s Beau ty Shop (Mrs LottieM Reeves) 403 WardsLou ise’

s Beau ty Shop (Mrs Lou ise C Baldwi n) rear 425 V

Colu m bu s


ove ChasM (Bess P) pres Love L u m berCo h104 F u ller—Dariu s L (Thelm a R ) v- pres Love L u m ber Co h3 06 E Co]

legeLOVE LUMBER 0 0 , Charli e M Love Pres, D L Love V

Pres, Walter H G rim sley Jr Sec- Treas, S Whitevi lleendUS Hwy 701 S By Pass (F airfax Hts) RD 3 , PO B0 1

415, T el MIdway 2—3 717Lovette Minette G Mrs asst case wkr Cou nty Welfare Dep

r G reen Sea S C—Thos bri dg em n State HwyGom n rChad-bou rn N C

Loyd E S tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Chadbou rn N CLu dlu m AnnMrs clk Sim m ons Dru g r109WWebster—G lenn (Ann) pntrS P Stanley h109WWebster—Jas B (Au drey C ) stockm n D T Su perMkt h605 S Thom p

Marlowe-Ernestine M Mrs (T eenie’

s Beau ty Shop ) r205 E G—H§31d G stu dent r T abor City rd nrMill Pond3—Italy (G racie B ; Italy Marlowe G rocery) r

m aw N C—Italy G rocery (Italy Marlowe ) 109 Pecan

- John D (Ernestine M ) carp h205 E Colu m bu s- Wa1ter B (Irene R ) farm er h Tabor C ity rd nr

rd (F faxHts) RD 3

Marsh E Mae Mrs bkpr G V Sing letary Sons r2—E rnest C (E Mae ) installer—Lettie A tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rAcm e N C—Robt D r208 G arrellMarshall Ann HMrs slswn Belk’s r4o6 S Thom pson—Kent (Nancy 0 ) electn Reigel Paperh100'1N L ee—Patricia L asst cash Belk’s r406 S Thom pson—WThos (Ann H) asst m g r Caro G rain F eed h406


Holiness Ch h101WCalhou n

Martin Archie F (G eraldi ne H) asst cou nty fer nrPinkney

_ Bessie E Mrs em p i lle Mfg r13 6 E Main—Beu lah MMrs tchr i lle E lem Sch r206 SMadison—Chelli'a M (w idAM ) h23 ‘3 Phillips—David L r51‘

4Washing ton(w id D avid C ) r‘5ul


4Washi ngton—Jas M (Beu lah M) tchr Whiteville High Sch h206


—Jeanette (wi d J A) h209 E College—John driverHill’s Ice Cream rClarendon N C-L

eloIna S Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r E



Ma'jor F (Bessie E ) em p i lle Mfg h13


6 E Main—Myrtle E nu rse Cowan Rest Hom e h514Washington—Su dieWtchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rCerro G ordo N C

-Worth lab Caro Grain F eed rChadbou rn rdMary’s Sandwich Shop (Mrs Mary A Britt) restr 8


Mason Charli e C (E dith C ; Moore’s Warehou se) r

V aMasonic Hall 115 SMem ory—T em p1e 120 Pec'anMasten Jas C (Carolyn) em p Canal Wood h3 03 N

blvdMasters F lorence S (wi d John) r220 N F rankl inMatherson Carlene Mrs cash Confidential L oan F i

3 22 WCollegeMatthews Hu gh D (Clara ) m g r Waccam aw Tractor

( 215) N Thom psonMau ltsby Allyn E (Mary L ) parts clk Avant Sho

E Lewis—Ann ie S (wid Charlie H) m aid 113 11WVirgil-Chas T stu dent r1201N L ee—Dan B stu dent r109 R ichardson—D ave R m ach opr State HwyDept rHallsboro N C—D onM stu dent r109 R ichardson—D ow A (Marie B ) exec staff asst State Natl G u



R ichardson—F rank h3 00WVirgil

(Am anda T ) pres Waccam aw Veneer Co 11e


r r109 R ichardsonT abor City rd nr Shallotte rd

m g r G len Ravin Kni tting Mills

ar b101 N Canal

sec- treas. Braxton Au to Parts

bou rn rd nr CityTractor h Chad

F inance h R ich

elia S tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rBolton N Carl em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3 Box 1981by S tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn N C

:k cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn

ll (L illi e ) prsrKrohnke G lns h3 09 Philli psrKrahnke

’s Clns 13 1WCom m erce

a A (wi d Clarence) h408 S Mem oryrebie A (Marg t P) form n R iegel Wood Paperlay.hn C (Thelm a) field m ech State Hwy h ClarkCity L im its


‘S ofc sec Anderson G F loyd r Clarkton rd nr


3 thy M prsr i lle Lndry Clns r'

407 S Mem ory0 G ) washer i lle Lndry Clns h411 W. LewisEva G dir religiou s edu c Methodi st Ch r Chu rchi son

.rm a tchr Whi teville High Sch r Chadbou rn N C

LrCou nty Bd of Edu c rChadbou rn N C

i m bu s F eed Center) r Bladenboro N Cfeci l L Mrs (Twins Beau ty Shop) h111 WWebsao (Hattie R ) h211)WWalterdk prin. Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn N C

Whi tevi lle

JEWELERSThe Hom e of

Qu alityJewelryNationally



2 - 2054

—Ru th T tchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c rChadbou rnMccollu m Anna M (wi d Danny) h3 08WMainMccorm ack Nathan m ech Waccam aw Tract

m erce

McCorm ick can E (Em ily L ) cau stic opr

Paper blo7 Chu rchMcC-

reary G irlie J Mrs r600 S Thom psonMccu m bee F red C (Cecil C ) ag t Hom e Se

T aborC ity N C

McDaniel E tta R (widWm E ) h203 Jefferson—Marg t L asst su pt Cou ntyWelfare D ept r203McDonald F lorence (wi d Jas) h618 S Canal

McD u ffi e G irlie cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bdgreen N C

-Kathleen tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rCha'

db-Oscar m tcem n Cou nty Bd of E du c rChad

McF arland Willie (E thi c M) dishwasherrear 12 3 WVirgil


McG ee“

L ee D (L u cy) h3 09 Bu rkhead-L ee J (Rosa B) em p Sledge Lbr h200WLewis—Rosa B Mrs cprCaro T el T eleg r200WLew is

h Wi llie D (Iris H) m ech N C N atl G u ard hl l

McG i ll Bertha L Mrs tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c—John


R (Bertha L ) orderly Colu m bu s Cou ntyWa ter

McGIR T A F (Alm a ) Hau ling Contractor,“

Cru shed Rock, F ill D irt and T op Soil F orOr By The L oad , F ree E stim ates, ShallottCity rd (S Whiteville ) RD 3 , Tel MIdwa‘

Yellow Page 24)_ 'CIaire B Mrs tchr Whiteville High Sch r601—D u ncan E (Mary) ofor in chgeUSN Recru i ti i

boro N C—E dw L (Claire B ) sec- treas W D BrooksWhite la

—WHu bbard slsm n r121 E Nance—Wm H (Annie S ; Cricket Service Station)McG ou g an Ann B tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r


McIntire Owen ( F rances) h417 WLewis

Whileville’s Oldesl Jewelers(See Y ellow Pag e 50)



Estim ates

3 96 - 6

0 . Box 214

Chadbou rn

(See Y ellowPag es 16 65)

McMenam in E J (Betty) h105 E WycheMcMi llan Alberta m aid r413 WColu m bu s—C larence (G eneva J) em p Sledge L br h416 W Col

—C u r'tis (Minni e B ) lab h413 WColu m bu s—E u g em p Love L ‘

br r Bru nswick N C—Hayes (Jani e C ) barberG odbolt BarberShop rRD 2-Jasper R (G ath‘

a M ) pntr h T abor C ity rd nr Shall( F fax Hts) RD 3

—'Oscar cook P T Barbecu er

rRD 3 Box 50

—Ru by cafeteria wkr Cou ntyBd of'

Edu c Chadbou rn rd

McNairBertha C Mrs fu rn rm s 114E Virgil h do—F rances P m ai d hl

'3 6 Mill

—Ralph S j r (Connie M ; McNair Upholstery Co)F rankli n

- 4Upholstery Co (Ralph S McNair. j r) 840 F raz ier—Victoria L tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r F air Blu ffN CMcNei l E llis j r hou sem n MtrHotel i ll e r604WVirgil-


E lsie D tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rAcm e N C—Jas (Mary A) constn wkrh706WVirgi l—L u cy Mrs nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Bru ns

—Pearline dishwasherMotorHotel i lle h228WV irgil—Rosa dishwasherN ew Y ork Restr 603 SMadison—Ru thW tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r F airBlu ffN C—V irgi ni a F tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c rAcm e N C—Willie J tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rAcm e N C

McNei ll Annie C Mrs cafeteria wkr Central Hi gh Sch r403

Lewis—David T (Dorothy C ) electn h4ooSMadison—D or-othyC Mrs bkprWhol D ist-rs r'400 S Madison—Ha z e1 tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Chadbou rn N C—Howard T pntrr403 WLewis—'JA “

Sons (John A McN ei ll ) dru gs 612 S Madison—John A (Marg t P; J A McN ei ll Sons) h105 WWebs—John D electn Howard G ore r400 SMadison—L yd'a R (wi d G eo R ) h206 SMadison—N eil H (

‘Kyard B ; Neil Hector McNei ll Agency) h203


E stablished 1948, G eneral Insu rance, Representing Cat

al Stock Insu rance Com panies , Mem ber of NC Assn

Insu rance Agents and Mem ber of Colu m bu s Cou

Assn Insu rance Agents, 122 W Ma in, T el MIdway 2—5‘(See Yellow Page 46 )—Nora B Mrs prsr i lle Lndry Clns r104S Lee

—Perry (Annie ) pntr h403 WLewis


—Roz ier (Sara A) pntr h405WLewis—'

Sandra V tchrCentral High Sch r403 WLew is—Walter P (Nora B) m eat ctr Thom pson’

s Abattoir h104 SLee

—Wm C (Em ily M ; Colu m bu s Dru g Store ) h511 N MadisonMcPhau l Clau de T (E lsie C) slsm n 11707 N Lee—E lsie C Mrs bkprCollier-McLau g hl in r707 N Lee

McPherson Ag nes M Mrs nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hospr204WNance

—Alf driverHill’s Ice Cream rChadbou rn N C—C arl (Marie R ) m gr Colu m bu s Hotel hUS 701 S By Pass

( F fax Hts) RD 3—Clyde Mrs em p i lle Mfg Wilm ing ton rd (BW)—E lbert MeN em p Love Lbr r Clarendon N C—E tha B dept m g rBelk’s rClarendon N C—Haz e’

1em p i lle G arm entMfg r RD 1 Box 70—Hom er L (AgnesM ) carp G ore Constn h204WNance—Isaac driver Seth L Sm i th Co rHallsboro N C—J Phili p (Thelm a ; McPherson Well Dri ll ing Service) r

Chadbou rn N C-Lewis em p i lle Mfg rClarendon N C—Lois Mrs oprCaro T el T eleg r413 S Thom pson—‘Mable C em p Caro T el T eleg—MarthaMrs em p i lle G arm entMfg rRD 2 Box 3 5—Melvin ’

j r (Mari e) m etal wkr Walker Bros Body Sh 0p r

Clarendon N C—Nora Mrs nu rses a ide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Clarendon

N C—Rodney slsm n Belk’s rClarendon N C—R oland (Mable ) driller McPherson Well Drilling Servr

Chadbourn N C—Ru by L em p i lle G arm entMfg rChadbou rn N C—Ru th em p i lle Mfg rWanani sh N C—W Bru ce (Lois) m gr Whi teville G as Co ; m g r Cu m berl'andBu tane Inc h413 S Thom pson—Wa1ter form n Polston Roofing rClarendon N C

McPHE RSON WELL DRILLIN G SERVICE (Woodie PWade and JP McPherson) Wells Dri lled 2” T o Re

sidential , Com m ercia l, Irrigation , 215 Magnolia, T el'

MIdway 24275 (See Page A and Yellow Page 67 )—Wi ll ie (Annie B ) m ill wkr Colu m bu s F eed Center h TaborCity rd nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts)

McQu een G Merli n (Jessie R ; McQu een’s N u rsery) r Prison

Cam p rd—JRu ssell slsm n CocaC ola r RD 4

- Jessie R Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rRD 3—L u ci ]l e Mrs slswn The Style Shop r Prison Cam p rd—Wilbu r F form n State HwyDept r RD 3

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )

All Types


0 Residential

0 Com mercial






3 15 W. Lewis

(See Y ellowPag es 15 52)


(See Y el low Pag e 43 )

ery, Com plete Landscape Service and Com pleteOf Seeds, Prison Cam p rd ,

T el MIdway 73 -2694Store 621 S Mad ison, T el MIdway 2—2094 (SeePage 54)

McRackan Marg t B Mrs tchr N ew Hope E lem Sch r

Pond rd nr T abor City rd (“

S i lle )—W Robt h405 S Madison—Wa1ter C (Magg ie B ) farm er h Mi ll Pond rd nr Tabor

rd S i lle ) RD 4Meadows G eneva em p i lle Mfg r Bladenboro N CMeares Arth C (Carolyn S) clk PO h7o6 N F ranklin—E llis D (Whi teville Tractor Im plem ent Co) r F air—E llis Hardware Co Inc L u ther A Meares pres

Sim m ons v- pres J E dgar Pierce sec- treas 726—F anny cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r F air—L u ther


A (Cecili a) pres Ellis Meares Hdw Co Inc r

na r



Qu itteyC ag t Sou L ife Ins r E li z abetan N C—Ru th su pvrCou nty Bd of Edu c r Chadbou rn N CMears Apartm ents 107 WColu m bu s

- G eo lab Reliance G u ano 400 E Main—M Taft (All ie ) driver T odd F u rn r Clarendon N C

Medlin Minnie M (wi d Chas R ) nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hr105W Nance

Meekins Mattie S chicken picker Colu m bu s Cold Stge r L

Waccam aw N C

Meggs Monroe J (F rances) parts m g r G &C Mtr r Clarkton i—Shirley Mrs nu rse Colum bu s Cou nty Hosp r Clarkton I

Melton Bobby L (Hattie B ) clk Braxton Au to Parts h607174Madison

Melville Bertha S Mrs hsekpr Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r

1—Henry (Bertha) m ech Qu ality Mtr h Chadbou rn rd R i

Mem ory Adolphu s E (Alm a P) whsem n G V SingletarySons h406 E Colu m bu s

—Am anda W (wid Wm A) r Old Tram rd nrWilm ing ton—AnnW stu dent r2o9 N Powell blvd—D





ghd tech Jerry’s T V Appliance Servr2o9 N Pmv

—Em ily R (T S Mem ory Insu rance Agency) h Sm yrnanr F rink

—F ay h4o5 Washing ton—F u lton G (Idelle F ) farm erhl 02 E Colu m bu s—JAlex ir (Wynette T ) bu yer B S Thom pson Co h201

Powell blvd


N i g ht T eleph ones MIdway $ 83 51 or MIdway 2 - 2945

-Raym ond D fnshr Reigel Paper rlIAlllING te rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—Warren E (E dna W) phys 700 N

CONTRACTOR Mill ican Addie (wid J D ) h T abor City( F fax Hts RD 3

—JD (R u th) slsm n Singer Sewing Mach—Maggie ofc m g r Colu m bu s Cou nty Hos—Otto E (Kittie ) h Shallotte rd nr T aborMilliken E arl (Clare L ) slsm n Whol D i strs r Shallotte N—L u cille Mrs waitress The Sou Kitchen r203 N Madison—Roney (L u cille ) j an Colu m bu s Theatre r203 N MadisMills Chas (Barbara) em p R iegel Wood Paper h106


Webster—Eva L tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r TaborC ity N C

O SAND —Jerry E farm er h Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rdGRAVEL Mincey Ben‘j O



(Doshi e-L ) constn wkr h re

'ar 121 Jeffers

F ILL D'RT Mishoe E arl (Elm da ) m eOh G C Mt!vr RD 2 BOX 3 00—Jacqu elyn tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r TaborC ity N CTop SOIL Mitchell F u llerM em p Sledge L brWMain nr By Pass—Jessie M Mrs chkr i lle Lndry G ins r226WV irgil

O CRUSHED —L u tterlohM (widAndrew T ) m aid h428Wards—Rem e11M tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r F air Blu ffN CMiz e L u cyM Mrs teller F irst Natl Bk h400 N Thom psonMobley Ru th C m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Hallsboro N—Wm em p Sledge L br r Hallsboro N C

Modern Beau ty Shop (Mrs G lad-

ys S Pait ) 803 S Madi sor


DRY CLEANERS (Leon P Blackm an Jr) , Y ou )

Assu rance of G ood Appearance , “ The Cleaning L ine Is

Where We Sh ine,” One Day Service On Requ est, PickUp and D elivery Servi ce , Modern Lau ndere tte Service1001 S Mad ison , Tel MIdway 2—23 17 (See Yellow Page 3 2)

“fu nny—Lau nderette (Leon P Blackm on j r) self serv104 Caldi s—Radio Service (Pete Xanthos) repr 411 SMadisonMoffitt Mae G (widOliverH) h105WNanceMonroe Cecil M hlprSou Kitchen r23 7 WWalter

A"Work —JArth (Bessie H) h23 7WWalter—L ou ise m aid 123 7 WWalterMontgom ery Chas (Allene C ) farm er h702

‘WVirgilMoody Jessie em p Sledge L br rRD 3 Box 3 68

-Roosevelt 11414WVir'gilDIAL MIdway Mooney Au brey ‘

(Doris H) with Mooney’s Blacksm ith Shop 1910 N Lee—E loise slswn Colu m bu sMem Pk r207 WLewis

—John (Effie R ; Mooney”s Blacksm ith Shop ) h207 W LewisMooney’s Blacksm ith Shop (John Mooney) 848 F raz ier

Shanong Rd. near Moore A‘

br h3 06 WColu m bu sTabo, m y Rd.

—Albert H (Mi ldred B ; Moore’s Warehou se) r924 S G arneti

(S. Whiteville)

(See Y ellowPag e 24)

IS THE BEST IN THE COUNTYan at Rai lroad Bri dg e D ia l MIdway 2- 8054

(See Y ellow Pag e 13 )

J_(Beu lah M ) ju stice of peace Cou rt Hou se h113


p L ove L br rRD 3 Box 3 41prClifton’

s F ish Mkt 115WCom m erce

cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Bolton N C

N Mrs tchr i lle E lem Sch r105McKenz i eP (D orothy; Moore Price ) r F ayettevi lle N C

p i lle G arm ent Mfg rRD 4ey j r r101 N Thom pson(Mary G ) h101N Thom psonMild-red H) asst m g r Western Au to Assoc Store r

ox 11

(Beverl y D ) slsm n E lectrolu x Corp h205W Northrs nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r PO Box

tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Delco N C

rah ) g dnr h2o3 S Powell(Bettie M ) m frs ag t Sm yrna rd nr F rink h doem p Sledge L br r Bru nsw ick N Cs bkpr T T Oi l h209 E Lewisdette ) agt L ife Ins Co of G a r F air Blu ffN CCelestine N ) m g r F irestone Hom e Au to Su ppliescKenz i e

(Irm a ) servm n Collier G as Appliance r Bru nsN C

Mrs m aidMotorHotel i lle r407WardsKatie L ) hlpr City Pu bWks D ept h407 Ward-s

.p Sledg e Lbr rBru nswick N C(wid Sam ) 11205WVirgi lMrs tchrCentral High Sch h419WVirgilPMrs

'slswn L eder Bro-s r3 02 SMadison

R slswn L ederBros h127WVirg ilswn L eder Bros 714- 718 SMadison(Clesson P Moore Allen E Price ) acc'ts 3 06 S Mad-i

lsm n i lle T rading h216 E Colu m bu s1dt T u rbeville E sso Serv401 S Madison(w i d Matthew M) r102 E Lewis( F lorence ) lab T own Street Dept h Meares nr Mill(Mi ldred P) slsm n L K F u ller Appliance F u rn hMadisoni lp


rC ity Pu bWks D ept r223 WWalterE em p i lle G arm ent "Mfg rRD 4Box 214

Varehou se (Albert H and Charlie C Mason C'

E Jeff208 S Lee

Ethel M (wid Melvin) li brn Central Hig h Sch r3 0 3 1/znoryladys clk L ife Ins Co of the Sou th r RD 2


Vin slsm n Sealtest Dairies r Nakina N C







Com m ercial

Indu strial


All Work

Gu aranteed


Everg reen nr.

Woodland Oriv







Home of


Bu rialInsu rance


24 Hour

Ambu lance



411 W.

Virg il St.

(See Y ellowPag e 3 8)

—Hilda M tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Evergreen N-Robt A (G race R ) m g rWood’s 5 10 Store h1103—Rosa cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r F ai

Morse Chas D (V elieree P) m g r Seven-Up Bottlir.Will iam son

Mosby Danny (Marie) em p State Natl G u ard h“


—Marie Mrs bkpr Townsend Lbr r105R ichardsonMoses Stanley ( F lorence) hlpr City Pu b Wks I


Moskow Abie H (Charlotte S) dept m g r H MStore h409 N F rankl in—HD epartm ent Store (Hym an Moskow ) 729 S Mao

—Hym an (Ida ; H Moskow D epartm ent Store ) h i-Morris chem h609 N MadisonMoss Robt O (Mildred) em p State Hwy D ept ant

N F ranklin h doMotley’sWarehou se tob S Canal nr ClayMotor Hotel Whi teville Rangeley L Howard m g r


Mottinger Edw C (Marg t L ) em p Black’s T irePinkney

—Wa1ter T ( F annie S) em p Sledge L br h rear

Moz u ck Boyd em p Sledge L ‘

br r Bru nswick N C

Mu ldrow Cou rtney S tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r

N C—M i -riam M phys 205WVirg il 1113 1 doMu nford G eo (Margie) prsr Modern Dry Clns r R

Mu nn Mack (R etha ) constn wkrh McG i ll nrWWa—Wilhe1m ina m ai d r220 MagnoliaMu nns R ichd F servm n Western Au to Assoc St:

F rink—Robt F (Lyncie H) pharm C u iton’

s Dru g Str

F rinkMu rphy David J orderly Colu m bu s Cou nty Ho:Walter

—Donna M prsr i lle Lndry Clh s h705WV irgil—E dw (Clara T ) hlpr G V Singletary Sons

—F letcher stu dent r222 W Virgil—Iris tchr Central Hi gh Sch 210 SMem ory

- L u m inia C Mrs cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E (

boro N C—Wm L (Dorothy C ) slsm n Sealtest Dairies h A

T aborC ity rd (F faxHts)Mu rray L ou ise G tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 3

Myers John (Wini fi ed C) em p Marks Tru ck Tr.

S F ranklin-Winifred C Mrs clk Sears r2081/2 S F ranklinMyrtle Hill F lorist (Mrs Sallie T Horton) 408 S Mad

NANCE C L TRANSF ER (Charles Lee Nanc

L ocal and Long D istance , Storage , Crating, 1Sh ipping, Low Rates, All Carg o Insu red, F o

tim ate s 210 Magnolia , Day T el MIdway 2

T el MIdway 2- 3 644 ( See Yellow Page 53 )—Chas L (Ju anita ; C L Nance Transfer) r .T al



0 Bu i lding

0 Repairs

0 Alter



Comm ercial

Indu strial

Gu aranteed



Red Hi ll Rd.

(See Y ellowPage 21)


NEWS REPORT ER 0 0 THE (Leslie S Thom pson) , Net

paper F or The Cou nty of Colu m bu s and Her PeepPu blished Every Monday and Thu rsday, 815 S Madi siT el MIdway 2- 3 162

Newsom e Cli fford E (Newsom e’s 66 Service ) r T abor C

rd nr Shal lotte rd ( F faxHts)—L es1ie E (Sybil P; Newsom e’

s L u m ber Bu ilding Su pp]hMill Pond rd nrT aborC ity rd (S i lle ) RD 4—Mae C (wi d John C ) h Tabor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd (Si


(LeslieN ewsom e) Bu ilding Materials, F loor Coverings, N i

Constru ction , Repa irs and Ma intenance , All Nati or

Brands of Merchandise , F ree E stim ates, Shallotte rd

Tabor C ity rd (S Whitevi lle ) RD 3 , Tel MIdway 2- 3 ("(See Yellow Page 12)66"Service (Clifford E Newsom e) g as sta 904 N Pow4

blvdNichols Bertha L cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hal

boro N C—C larence cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro N—Marshall M em p Cou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro N C—Mary D cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro NN ickolau

s Chas A (Virg inia C ) dept m gr R itter Lbw h408Mad-ison

- JohnM stu dent r403 N Madison—Ru th C sch tchr (D u blin N C ) r4o3 N Madison-Virginia C Mrs tchr Whi tevil le High Sch r403 N Madi sr

N ickols G raham r405 S LeeNoble Wilson J (Thetu s) sht m tl wkr E L eroy Hawks r Cha

bou rn rd

NoblesAlene em p i lle Mfg a'Chadbou rn N C

_ Betty H Mrs nu rse Dr t E Baldwin i r r Chadbou rn N_ Billy G (Peggy N ) ‘

atntdt Travelers Oi l h201 Washing tr—Haz el Mrs em p i lle Mfg rChadbou rn N C—Irene waitress Penn ’s G rill rWilson—JB m ech Seth L Sm ith Co hWilson nr Com m erce

-Jim m ie Mrs em p i lleMfg rChadbou rn N C—John T slsm nWaccam aw T ractor rChadbou rn N C—Ju l iu s C em p i lle


G arm ent Mfg r Chadbou rn N C—Marg t cpr Vog u e Beau ty Shop r Chadbou n N C—Mary A cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn N—Nettie B (wid Jesse V) r220 E Sm ith—Peggy N Mrs .ofc sec L iberty L i fe Ins r201Washington—R32§

evelt servm n F irestone Hom e Au to Su p's r RD 3 Br

—SandraMrs ofc sec F irst Natl Bk r Chadbou rn N C

a Spu rg eon D (Lannie) dep cou nty sheriff r Chadbou rn N—Wm B (Vick L ) r220 N F ranklinNodol Clifford J (AnneW) tool m kr h910 PortserNolan L eroy C (Mary B ) slsm n L eder Bros h509 N F rank]—Mary B Mrs slswn Leder Bros r509 N F ranklin—Mary S nu rse C ity Sch Bd r509 N F rankl inNoran Ru ben m eat wrapper Thom pson’

s Abattoir r RD

Norris ArdithJem pCaro T el T eleg_ Billy I stu dent r106 E Clay—BillyWm ach Reigel Paper r7o9West


(S ee Y ellow Pag e 3 7 )DIAL MIdway 2- 8842



—Chas P (Dare G ; Veterans Produ ce Market) h Tabor Cityrd nrM ill Pond rd ( F faxHts)—Dare G Mrs dept m gr Belk’s r T abor City rd nr MillPone rd

—D o_

nni eM (Jean) pntr h104Pinkney—D oris S Mrs bkprWV ille G as rRD 1—Dorothy em p i lle G arm entMfg rRD 3 Box 43 1—E arl (Dorothy) collr Jones F u rn rRD 3—E arl G (Doris) form n N ews Reporter rRD 1—E1l§1eta T Mrs slswn Sim m ons Dru g (No 2) r111 W Colu m

u s

—F redk L (Doris) sht m tl wkrE Leroy Hawks rRD 3—Hom erJem p Love L br r Chadbou rn N C—Isaac D (Charlotte M ) u tility m n R iegel Wood Paper h

rear 408 N F ranklin—JHu bert (Carrie L ) chf clkUS D ept Agrl r Tabor C ityN C

—J1m m yR (Mildred) ag t Sou L i fe Ins rRD 1—Joe D (SadieW) photog 112 Mill h106 E Clay—Ma_

rve1 Ann W dep cou nty register of deeds r Chadbou rnN C

-Martha E em p i lle Mfg rClarendon N C—M ildred B bkpr L K F u llerAppliance F fi i rn rRD 1—P E lwood (Willa M) parts m g r Wells Oldsm obile r Tabor

City N C- Patricia W Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r905 N Lee

—Produ ce Market (Chas P Norris) g ro Tabor City rd nr

Mi ll Pond rd ( F fax Hts)—'Raym ond L pro‘jectionist Colu m bu s Theatre r203 N Madis


—Robt D (Mary) prsm n News Reporter r Bru nswick N C

—Ru dolph C (Patricia W) slsm n M idway Mtrs h905 N Lee


SadieWMrs tchrP S r106 E Clay—Val entine em p Love Lbr rR D1 Box 212

-W Ralph (Elveta T ) hlpr City Pu b Wks Dept h111 W Col

u m bu s—Wi


llis J (Maz ie J) carp h405MaxwellNORTH CAROLINA STATE OFDEPARTME NT OF RE V ENUE , Richd E Stone , T Everett Ha tcher Dep Collrs, Cou nty Cou rt Ho u se , T el MIdway2- 2732

F OREST SERVICE , Henry Melville D ist Mg r, Chadbou rn

rd, RD 1, T el MIdway 2—3 752HIGHWAY COMMISSION , Clarence R Roberts Su pvrMtoo Dept, Pri‘son Cam p rd nr Tabor City rd (S i lle) ,

ResidentialCom m ercial

Indu strial

stim otes

AL MIdway

2 1S N.

. lIN ST.

See Y ellowPag e 60)


North Carolina—State oi—Co‘

ntdHIGHWAY DEPARTMENT , E Leo G reen DistOfc) , Pr

’ison Cam p rd ar Tabor City rd‘(8

MIdway 2- 3 760

HIGHWAY PATROL , Thu rm an P Hofler 0 c



BAT TAL IODE lliott In Chge , 100WWyche , T el MIdway2- 298

PRISON DEPARTM NT CAMP NO 062 , WmSu pt, Prison Cam p rd nr Tabor C ity rd (S l

Norton Clayton m ech S L F u ller Co rClarkton NNorwood Larry N di st m g r Hom e Secu rity L ife In

ton N C

Nu e F entress porter F irst N atl Bk rChadbou rn N C—F rances m aid Belk’s r2o3 Rosem ary—K David (Athali'ah B ) h203 Rosem aryNu nnery F rances cash Cato Stores r RD 2 Box 13 6

N u—WayCleaners (Cha's M Kinlaw ) 608 SMadisonOakley Clyde C (Velm a L ) m g r Whiteville UsedWest

Occidental L ife Insu rance Co Andrew J Moore

Hou se Squ areOdom Barbara tchr Central High Sch h3 03 1/2 S Mem

Odu m Ernest prsrStophel’s DryClns rPine Log rdOh io State L ife Insu rance Co Joel G White rep 11

Oki nawan G rill (RichdAPowell) 701 S F ranklinOldham E lder (Bernice W) lab Sledge L br h3 06—Mary rCowan’

sR est Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Oliver Betty Mrs bkpr Waccam aw Bk Tru st r3'


son—Clau de j r (E liz W) carrierPO 113 10WWi ll iam son

—D or-othy cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Cl

N—E dna G asst OliverHts N u rsery r3 o3 WNorth—'

E liz W Mrs bkpr Waccam aw Bk Tru st r3 10son

—G ary G (F rances A) pharm Colu m bu s Dru g StCalhou n

—G ene M ofe secWhiteville Hi gh Sch r3 03 WNorth—Heights N u rsery (Marg t C Oliver) 3 03 WNorth—Marg t C (OliverHeights N u rsery) h3 03 WNorth- Percell (Mau die M ) h Old T ram rd nrCraytonO

Neal Robt L (Ru by M) repr Caro T el T elegson


Qu inn E ldred slsm n G V Singletary Sons r‘


Osborne Myrtle C Mrs bkpr JohnWard rsol S F ran]—R u by L Mrs m eat ctr Allred’s Red White S

RD 4—Wm C (Myrtle C ) rate clk ACL h601 S F ranklinOwen Jas P (Lau ra E ) h405 N F rankl in—Su e G tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r D elco N C

Owens N ora L tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn ]—T hu -

rm an Q ( F lo R ) sec- treas Sim m ons Dru gL ewis


F ifteen Com plete Modern Departm ent Stores

Everything In Ready-To -Wear

(See Y ellow Pag e 26 ) D ia l m




Headqu arter.

fi restone


2 -2244

6" 5. Madison

Pag e 84)


Peavey Josephine J Mrs opr Caro Tel T eleg t404 S F rani'lin

—Wm L (Josephine J) tobacconi st h404S F ranklin_

Peg u se Zanni e orderly Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Chadbou r


Pelda Doris (wi d Ronald) n4o6 Kirk blvdPennMerle tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn N CPenn

’s G rill (Bu g WEngen ) 821 S Madison


ing ton Ann Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Halloro N C

Penny Jason F em p Sledg e Lbr r Bru nswick N C—Jeanette M cash L ife Ins Co of G a rRD 2—Kenneth m ech Qu ality Mtr 'r RD 2—Seth (Nellie P) parts m


g r Qu al ity Mfr h Oak nrUS HW,

701 S By Pass ( F faxHts)Pentecost F rank J ofcr in chge USA R ecru i ting Sta r Wi ]

m ing ton N CPentecostal Holiness Chu rch RevHenry D Marshbu rn pas

tor 107 N MadisonPeoples Barber Shop (Brooks M Sm ith Joyce A G erald) 80


Pres and D ir, D L Todd V -Pres and”Dir, F

'M Sm i tl

Sec- T reas and D ir, L R Bowers, Dr F loyd Johnsonl, L 1

T hom pson , E K Proctor, J R Marks and A JKrahnlr“

D irectors, 600 SMadison , T elMIdway2- 23 3 2

Perrette E thel Mrs em p i lle Mfg Wilm ington rd (B W—L u ci'lle Mrs em p i lle G arm entMfg rClarendon N CPer-ritt Em ory M (L eecie ) plm b h Shallotte rd nr T abor Cit

RD (S i lle) RD 3—Jas M m ach opr Reigel Paper r Shallotte rd nr Tabor Ci t:rd (S i lle ) RD 3

Perry J Mu rphy tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro N

—L u la M Mrs bkpr Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Tabor C ity r(nrMill Pond rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—Mary L Mrs tchr E dgewood E lem Sch r Hallsboro N—N eil (L u la M) em p Rei g al Paper h Tabor City rd nr Mi lPond rd ( F faxHts) RD 3

PE T CLINIC (D W Pittm an DVM ) , W C Bu rns DVM Assocl

ate , Chadbou rn rd , RD 1, T el MIdway2- 3 776

Peterson J Wm (Jean C ) linem n Caro Pwr L ight h Airwayrd nr TaborC ity rd ( F faxHts)—Jean C Mrs rep Avon Produ cts r Airway rd nr T abor Ci t:rd ( F fax Hts)

—Mildred H tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r D elco N CPhelps Oscar D (Valley P) farm er h Shallotte rd nr Tabo:

C ity rd (S i lle) RD 3

Phifer Bru ce (Orbenia ) cln Modern Dry G lns h410 W Lewi—E £ fie M Mrs slswn Hom e Decorators r109 N F ranklin—E leanor G stu dent r109 N F ranklin

-Herbert G (Effie M) m g r Sou thern Marble Co h109 N F rank

lin—Nove11a tchrCentral Hi gh Sch r Clarkton N C—Or‘

benia M Mrs tchrCentral High Sch r410WLewisPhillips C R bridg em n State Hwy Com n r L u m berton N—G i1esW ( F lossie P) h105WLewis

SHOES CLOTHING and READY - TO-WEARNever Know i ng lyUndersold

All. FORMS OF INSURANCECou rt Hou se Squ are

t 11802 S F rank

h rea-r 125 W

Evergreen N C

Hallsboro N C

y Sons h

Hardware Co Inc

Lew isdu c r Hallsboro N

- Thos E tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r T aborCity N C—V an E (Myrtle G ; P P Barbecu e ) h Shallotte rd nr Tab

or City rd (S i lle )—Walter C (Mattie M ) slsm n Schu lken

’s Hdw r RD 4 Box

200a—Whi taker (Ju dy) whsem n G V Singletary Son's h E Cedar

nr T abor City rd (S i lle)’i erce

’s Pl

'ace (

RevD anl Pierce ) confy rear 3 11 W’i g ford L ena C tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rHallsboro N C’ilot L ife Insu rance Co Chas F Branton m gr 3 06 S Mad-i s’inerMam ie rCowan’

s Rest Hom e Chad'bou rn rd RD 1’inkston Eva E Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp blo6Calhou n

J‘inyan Carl J em pLove L br rChadbou rn N C’inyatello Jas D (Ru by B ) plm b i lle l b h Airway

nr TaborC ity rd ( F faxHts)~Phi llip E (Lou ise R ) driver C L Nance Transfer h119

Colu m bu s’ittm an Danl W (Marg t N ; Pet Clinic) h Chadbou rn—G eraldine B tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r Everg reen N C- Ru th W hom e econom ist Caro Pwr L ight’lantersWarehou se tob 3 09 E Colu m bu s? lasky Jos G stu dent r E Calhou n nrAnderson—Jos J (Mary V) dir R itter L br h E Calhou n

411 8 . Madi son Whi tevi ll e

h—Lorrai ne M stu dent r E Calhou n nrAndersonPlylerOscar F (PlylerUpholstery Shop) h107 Caldis—4Upholstery Shop (Oscar F Plyler) 107 Caldi sPOLK R L CO, City D irectory Pu bli shers, 2910 W Clay,

R ichm ond 6 , V a , T el E L g in 9 -6001, Au tom obi le and T ru ckOwner L ists, Au tom otive Stati sti cs, Bank D irectories,D irect Ma il Advertising, Ma iling Lists 43 1 HowardStreet, Detro it 3 1, M ichig an (See Yellow Page 27 )

POLK’S BANK DIRE CTORY, R L Polk Co Pu blishers, 13 0

F ou rth avN orth , Nashvi lle 3 , T enPolly’sMu sic Store (Mrs Jane B Britt) 607 SMadisonPolston Benton P (G ladys R ; Polston Roofing Co) h3 08 Wash

ing ton—Roofing Co (Benton PPolston ) contrs 105 PecanPONTIAC AUTOMOBILE S, G C Pontiac Inc Sales and

Service , 413 S Madison , T el MIdway 2- 3 153 (See YellowPage 5)

Nance Beu lah Mrs sm strs Krahnke’s G lns r Bru nswick N C

Pope A Ben’j m ech Avant Scholar r Hallsboro N C—Eva (wid Harold G ) contact clk US D ept Ag rl h Brickyard rd nrWildwood av(BW)—F rank driverHill’s Ice Cream rHallsboro N C

—Helen B cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro N C- John (Hi lda ) pntr 102“

E William son h do—Maxie G slswn G lam orShops r Tabor C ity rd—Olen carp Pridgen Bros Contrs r Hallsboro N C—Ru th I em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rHallsboro N C—Shi rley A Mrs clk Caro Pwr L ight r204 JeffersonPorter Benny driverSeven -Up Btl g r Nakina N C—E u g M (Ina B ; C ity Shoe Hospital ) h109 N Powell blvd—Ina B Mrs slswn Leinwand

s D ept Store r109 N Powell

blvd—JasWrtem n i

'lle Lndry Clns r601 Crayton

—Wm J (Velm a R ) city plu m bing inspector h601 CraytonPotterJoe m ach S E Cain Mach Shop r Chadbou rn N C

Pou ghWillie em p Sledge Lbr r Bru nswick N CPowell A N orm an (G ladys D ) slsm n Sealtest Dairies h202 E

ClayA Alex E j r r509 N Madison—Annie L tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c r1003 N Lee—Annie M (wi d Taft) -h Clarkton rd nr City L im its—Au drey E em p Love Lbr r RD 3 Box 147—Au to Parts (G F red Powell ) whol 914S Madison_ Ben W (L u cille ; Wh iteville Motor Co ) h4oo Washing ton

- BenW j r (G ayleW; Wh itevilleMotorCo ) h807 Bryce—Bessie E (Wid John J) h202 Washing ton—‘

Carroll R tchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c r T aborCity N C—'

Char1ie J pres- treas Powell Mtr Co Inc h414 S F ranklin

Whitevi lle’s Oldest Jewelers


2 - 23 17

—Mattie Mrs tchr Cou ntyBd of E du c r3 o8WColu m bu s—MonaW tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r T ab-orC ity N C—MotorCo Inc Charlie J Powell pres- treas A JasAlford

sec au to reprs 109 E Virgil—Pau l L sch tchr h212 E Colu m bu sPowell (Walter H Walter H j r and F rank M Powell )lwyrs 807 N Madison

—R G rayer (Mattie ) prin Central Hi gh Sch h3 08 W Colu m bu s—R Monteith (Powell G au lt Agency) r700 N Madison—R ichdA (Ru th P; Okinawan G rill ) h204WVirgil—R u th L tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r Bolton N C_

Su e h205 S Madison—Vivian HMrs (The Art ShOp) r118 E Nance- Wa1ter H (T occoa C ; Powell Powell ) h7oo N Madi son—Walter H j r (Virg i nia C ; Powell Powell) h203 S Madison—'Willie V tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r Hallsboro N . C


Nei l Powell) , Qu ality'

Cleaning, Clean ing and Pressing, Alterati ons, We Pick

gill) and Deliver, 1 Day Service On Requ est, 405 W V i r


Powers Clifton bellm n New Colu m bu s Hotel r Chadbou rn rd—Vernon E sports editorN ews Reporter 815 SMad-isonPratt Eliz nu rse Cou nty Health D ept r3 03 Pinkney—Johnnie Jr (Mildred V) m g r Collier G as (E liz abethtown

N C ) h107 N Powell blvdPressleyOK tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r F air Blu ffN CPrevatte AbnerwaiterCircle Drive- In r410 S Canal_ Braxton L ( F lora B ; Braxton Prevatte Mu tu al Agency) h


Prevatte ) All T ypes of Mu tu al Insu rance , Au to , L iabi l

ity, Colli sion, Com prehensive , HoSpitali z ation, Workm en

’s Com pensation, F i re , L ife , Hai l, Accident and Sick

ness, G arage , Bu rglary, Nationwide Insu rance Com

pany Representative , 140 E Ma in, 2d F loor, T el MIdway2- 2953—Danl E (Morti eW) h608 N Madison—E dna R (wid Boyce ) tou rist hom e 610 N Madison h do—E1i z A stu dent r206 N Thom pson—F lora B Mrs ofc

'sec Nationwide Ins r206 N Thom pson—Mabe1M (widWG ordon) h201 S Madison

Price Al ice Mrs em p i lle Mfg rHallsboro N C—Allen E ( F rances D ; Moore Price) h103 E F rink—C larence T (Ada M ) m ech D u ncan’s G arage Chain Saw

h Shal lotte rd nrTaborC ity rd (S i lle ) RD 3—Dollie A em p i lle G arm ent Mfg Wilm ington rd (B W)- E arl (Bertha B ) electn J H Ashley h104Britton—G rocery (Jesse M Price ) 407 S Canal—JasO (EdithM )USAF h3 04Phi llips


M (E li z W; Price G rocery) h'407 S Canalsen waitress Em ple’

s Cafe rRD 1 Box 483

0 (L inda R ) acct Moore Price 'h Sm yrna rd nr N orth

31S (wi d Jesse ) 11409 S CanalAnnie M Mrs tchr Central Hig h Sch r RD 2

e R (Bobbie L ) cabt wkr Pridgen G abt Wks h510

hi ng ton


I'gen ) G eneral Contractors, Com m ercia l, Residentand Indu strial, We Also D o Rem odeli ng, AlterationsRepa irs, Call F or F ree E stim ates, Wi lm i ngton rd

Torest dr (B W) , T el d ay 24 3 07 or MIdway 2—3 9505 Yellow Pag e 23 )EN CABIN ET WORKS (E rnest D Pridg en ) , Cabinet(ers,

“ If It’s Made of Wood , We Can Make It,


Bu ilt T o Order, Kitchen Cab inets, Book Cases,n ing ton rd, nr F orest dr ('B W) , Tel MIdway 2- 2091

Pag e Y)L (Sh irley M ) cabt m kr Pridg en Gabt Wks 11401 N

nkl in apt 4

M (Barbara E ) carp Pridg en Bros Contrs h Milld rd mm T aborC ity rd (S i lle ) RD 4

B (Em ily B ; Pridg en Sand Blasting Contractor;im bu s Sand Blasting Co ) h215 N F ranklinD elores r510Wash ingtonIbkpr Pridgen CabinetWksM Mrs tchr Wh iteville Hi g h Sch h503 N Thom psonorR ofc sec Cou nty F arm Agt rRD 1

t D (Thelm a L ; Pridgen Cabinet Wks) h409 E Clayr F tchrCou ntyBd of E du c rChadbou rn NCE cash Colu m bu s Theatre rN Thom psonart L carp Pridgen Bros Contrs rRD 2

tchr E dg ewood E lem Sch r RD 2 Clarkton NC,el A (Hilda N ; Pridg en

’s Refrigeration Serv) r

ottsbu rg NC

r L (Viola C ) tchr Braden Cou nty h3 07 S Mem oryI(Pri dg en

’s Pool Room ) rRD 1

okpr Pridgen Bros Contrs r RD 2

m ach cpr State HwyD ept r Tabor City NCj r (Mary E ) m ech Stevens Hasty h102 E Wyche7 D cabt m kr Pridgen GabtWks r409 E Clayod cabt wkrPridg en GabtWksE Mrs cpr Caro T el T eleg r102 E WycheA Mrs sm strs Kram er

’s Ladies Shop r Hallsboro NC

.C carp Pridg en Bros Contrs rRD 1

11 L (Mary E ) cabt m aker Pridgen Cabt Wks h3 09 E

lou n'

Om ie ; Pridgen Bros Contrs) h Evergreen n-r Woodtdr (BW)EN 'SAN D BLASTIN G CONTRACTOR (Davi s B Pri d


, We Make That Old Bu i lding Look L ike N ew, BrickMetal Clean ing, N o Job T oo Large—No Job T oo Sm all ,9 E stim ates, All Work G u aranteed , 215 N F ranklin , Tel

{way 32,- 2205 (See Yellow PageC Mrs tchrCentral Hi gh Sch r3 07 SMem ory

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D ial MIdway 2- 2061

N o j ob too larg e

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )

—Wilbu r J (Anne A; Pridgen Bros Contrs) h Evergreen nr

F orest dr (BW)Pri dg en

's Pool Room (Jewell Pridgen) 4 WVirgil—Refrigeration Service (Ishm ael A Pridgen) 407 S Madison

—R estau rantWill ie Beck m g r 125MillPriest Marjorie Mrs clk Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Cou ncil NC—Otis C (Shelby J) m ech Avant Sholar h'414WWilliam son

Prince C 0 Dell m eat ctr ItalyMarlowe G ro rRD 2’

—Ju anita oprCaro T el l& T eleg r208WCalhou n—Mayo (L u z etta C ) carp h208WCalhou nPringle El lis (T helm a J) em p Sledge Lbr h Moore nrWVirg ilProctor A Lenox (Doris C ) slsm n Colu m bu s Mtr r Sm yrna rd—Dois C Mrs asst m gr Sears r RD 2—Edw K (G ladys B ; Proctor Proctor) cou nty atty h110 W

College—JD ick ( “

Proctor Proctor) h110WCollegeProctor (E d-w K and J D ick Proctor) lwyrs Cou rt Hou seSqu are

Pu rdy Byde (Beu lahW) lab h421WardsPu re Oil Co E rvin J D u ncan distr T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd

(F fax Hts) RD 3

QUALITY MOTOR CO INC, Carey H F lem ing Jr Pres- T r‘eas

X Brown Jr V -Pres—Sec, Au thoriz ed F ord Dealers , Sales

And Service , G enu ine Parts, F actory Approved E qu i pm ent,F actory T ra ined Mechani cs, Tabor City rd , nr City L im i ts(Fairfax Hts) RD 3 , T e l MIdway 2- 2288 (See Yellow Page


Qu een C ity Coach Co Lacy C Stanley ag t 219 E Main—C ity T railways Lacy C Stanley ag t 219 E MainQu ick Alex BUSA r re


ar 112 E Virg il_ Boyd ( F rances P) atndt Cricket ServSta h rear 112 E Virgil—D avid “

MUSN r rear 112 E Virg il—F rances PMrs su pvrJA McN ei ll Sons r rear 112 E Virg ilQu idley Dallas E j r ofcr in chgeUSAF Recru iting Sta r L u m

berton NCQu ince Obediah r Cowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Qu inerly Joseph P'h rear 706 N F ranklinQu inn Jas P (Reba M ) m eat ctr A'

llred’s Red White Su perMkt h119 WVirgil

—Reba M Mrs slswn Moskow’s Dept Store r119 W Virgil

R S Mu sic Co (Jas B Reaves j r) 105 E VirgilRabon Evelyn bkpr Colu m bu s Trading r RD 4—F u lton B driver T T Oi l rRD 2—Jas R tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r F ai rBlu ffNC—Ru byM tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Everg reen NCRachel’s T ot to T een Shop (Mrs Mary L Spradley) Wi lm ing

ton rd (BW)Radio Station WE NG Jerry Honeycu tt m g r T abor City rd nr

Cedar (F fax Hts) RD 3

Ra ilway E xpress Agency Henry G Reeves ag t E Mai n cor

MadisonRainbow Assem bly ofWhiteville 120 PecanRanda l F red lab N ewsom es L br Bldg Su p rRD 3Randall MaryMrs tchrCentral High Sch rWLewisRansom Hooper m ech Cou nty Bd of E du c r Clarkton NC—Robt m ech Cou nty Bd of E du c r Clarkton NC



Regan John P (Rhou le P) slsm n h3 04SMem ory—MaryMrs em p i lle Mfg rCerro G ordo NC—Rhoni e P Mrs lu nchirm m g r Central High Sch r3 04 S Mem

oryRegisterArchie T Mrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 4—C l-au de (Maz ie E ) em p Black’s T ire Servh3 03 S Thom pson—Ernest D (G eorgiana B ) slsm n Coca-Cola h213 E Sm ith—Evelyn em p i lle Mfg rRD 4—G eorgia B Mrs slswn The Jewel Shop r213 E Sm ith—Hattie Mrs em pWV i lle Mfg r RD 4—JPu rvis hlprCoca-Cola rRD 4—Jas A (Addie L ) em p Sledge Lbr h Shallotte rd nr Tabor City

rd ('

SWV i lle ) RD 3—Jas B em p L ove Lbr rRD 3 Box 64—Marie M Mrs em p i lle Mfg—Mattie em pWV i lle G arm entMfg rHallsboro NC—Virginia slswnWood

’s 5 10 cent Store rRD 4

—Virginia C Mrs em p i lle'

Mfg rRD 4Box 251—Wm H em p Sledge L'


Rel iable Motors Inc Ju le William son m g r u sed cars 508 S Lee

RELIANCE GUANO CO INC , Qu entin W Hodges Mg r, Manu

factu rers of Reliable F ertili z ers, 400 E . Ma in, T el MIdway24 128 (See Yellow Page 35)

Renfrow Maggie H tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r F air Blu ff NCReserve L ife Insu rance Co John W Sm ith m g r 511 S MadisonReynolds T M tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NCRhodes D orothy D Mrs em p Marks T ru ck Tractor r403 Stan

ley—G ol‘a m echWaccam aw T ractor r RD 4—L iz z ie M em p i 11e G arm ent Mfg r N akina NC—T hos B m ach oprState HwyD ept rRD 4—Wm G (D orothy D ) city police h403 StanleyRhoe Henry 0 (E thel W) lwyr W V irgil h407 WWalte'r—Re'ginaldM tdhrr407 WWalter

Rhyne Thos S j r (Helen) rep State F orest Servhi o8 R ichardson

Rich Albert (G race P) m ach opr State Hwy Dept h T abor Cityrd nrShallotte rd (F faxHts) RD 3—F rankie (Peggy J) clk Colu m bu s F CX Servh E Cedar nr TaborCity rd (SWV i lle )

—G rady B (Betty J ) em p Reigel Paper11209W F rink—Jas B em p G V Singletary Sons rHallsboro NC—Jettie P (w i d Ballard) r Clarkton rd nr City L im its—Magg ie Mrs r Cowan

's Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

—N ina ag t Reserve L ife Ins rHallsboro NC—Peggy J Mrs slswn F am ily Shoe Store r E Cedar nr T aborC ity rd (8 WV i lle )

—Peggy T Mrs em p i'

lle Mfg r_RD 4

Richardson Bru ce A em p Sledge Lbr rRD 4Box 7 -A_ Bru ce G em p Sledge L br r RD 4—Carlton R (V ina C )USA h219 Phillips

- Ervin T m em berCou nty Bd of E du c rNakina NC—'Mettie C cook Okinawan G rill h701 S F ranklinR i‘ckborn D avid E em pSledg e L br h

3 11 N Powell blvdRidgeway John C (Mar

g t C ) cook Sou Kitchen h McG i ll nrWWalter

—Marg tC Mrs cook Sou Kitchen rMcG i ll nrWWalter

(See Y ellow Pag e 3 )


ins Scofie'ld C (Nellie M) lab Townsend Bldrs Su p h226 W’i tafl CULLIGANle Chas D (Marg t B ) d i st m g r Taylor B i scu i t Co hl 19 E

na E bkprRadio StaWENC r610 N Madisonrs Al ice m aid h402 Wards.way G rill (Mrs Odessa D ew ) Ta


bor City rd nr Shallotted ( F faxHts) RD 3ins Mildred S Mrs cash Bru nswick E lec Mem bership r


‘abor C ity rdCarl (M iriam ) slsm n Kram er

’s Men Boys Shop r RD 3

rsom H'arnetha S Mrs h rear 706 WVirgil

rts Al ice J (wi dJas B) r3 05 S Leer’bara waitress C ircle Drive -In r Airway rd nr Tabor Cityd ( F fax Hts)rence R (Alm a R ) su pvr State Hwy Gom n h404 N F rank11

V (Ru th) slsm n Sealtest Dairies hUS Hwy 701 S By-Pass

r Benton rd ( F fax Hts) RD 3m e"

i son E dw em p Sledge LbrWL (Wanda L ) research '

agronom istUS D ept Agrl b lo6 Shom pson

hlpr Carolin-

a Mtrs rChadbou rn NC(Bessie N ) hlpr City Pu b Wks D ept r110 S Mem ory

fry E (Sarah N ) em p Sledg e Lbr h3 05 N Powell blvduse m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r RD 2 Box 286i sOl

l Sankey W (E liz abeth W) , Attorney-At—Law Cou rtTou 'se Squ are , T el MIdway 243 743 , h505 Bob White la , T el

[Idway 2- 293 7

tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c rAcm e NC

well Clyde H (Sana ; Rockwell’s G rocery) h Tabor City rd

rShallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3

Well ’s G rocery (Clyde H Rockwell ) Tabor C ity rd nr Shalltte rd ( F fax Hts) RD 3nborn Jas L v- pres-m g r i lle G arm ent Mfg r Lake Wacrs D ellW (wid T ate M) 113 04N F ranklini e W Mrs ofc sec

_i lle Merchants’ Assn and i lle


am ber of Com m erce 18 01Westgar L m ech PowellMtrr203 WNance

m a SMrs slswn L eder Bros r110 E Colu m bu sO (E thel C ) slsm n E lectro-L u x Corp h3 01 Washi ng ton

l O j r (D ixie W; 'Cu ll igan Soft Water Service ) h801 Westdys T tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c -r F a ir Blu ffNCem pMarks Tru ck Tractor(Ru th H) m ech Chadbou rn rd RD 1 h don P (E m m a S ) slsm n Capp Co (Colu m bu s SC ) h110 E

Pag e 6 6 )

non hlpr F riendly Su perMkt r SWh itevilleO tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Cerro G ordo NC

z ie (wi d Preston E )_ cafeteria wkr Central Hi gh Sch h406Main

la (wid Chas) r203 WNancevecca P instrUnivofM ichig an r3olWashington5 (E lsie ) floor c'overer T odd F u -

rn rRD 4I B (Carolyn I) tchr i lle High Sch h Sm yrna rd nr



(See Y ellow Pag e 10 )


Rooks D ou glas L (Haz el ) barber Sanitary Barber Shop hi o4Pinkney—Mae S ofc sec G V Singletary Sons r Bru nswick NC


s 5, 10 25 cent Stores Harvey B Jeffri es m g r 725 S Madison

Roseboro Joseph lab Polston RoofingRoss M ilton D (Lau ra R ) asst m g r Rose’

s 11207 E Calhou n apt


Rotary Clu b 200 S MadisonRou se Howard ( F lossie ) lab h Clarence nr S F rankl in—Norm an stu dent r408 S Mem ory—Veni e H Mrs Cou nty T ax Su pervisor r Cerro G ordo NC

ROW LESLIE H (Anne T ) , Insu rance Cou nsellor, Specializ ingIn D isab ility, Hospital And L ife Insu rance 108 Bu rkhead“h do , Tel MIdway 2—3 963 (See Yellow Page 48)

Royals Kem wood tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rN akina NC—Mi nni e L Mrs tchrS L u m berton Sch h3 12 S_

Mem oryRoz ier Am os L (Agnes C ; Ro z ier’s Insu rance Agency) h201 E—D orothy elk Colli er G as Appl iance r T abor City NCRoz ier’s Insu rance Ag ency (Am os L Roz ier) rear 201 E Lew


Ru shin Raym ond R (Rose M ) m g r sears h402 N Thom psonRu shing Archie A (Robbie T ) chief C ity F ire D ept; City Bldg

Insp em pCaro T el T eleg h102 E Clay-Marth-

a C (w id Carl ) nu rse D rsW F red Barefoot andwarrenE Miller hi o3 S F ranklin

—Robb ie T Mrs chf oprCaro T el T eleg rl 02 E ClayR u ss Jessie L Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Chadbou rn rd nr C ity L b

m i ts RD 1—John H (Jessie L ) pipe ftr Reigel Paper h Chadbou rn rd nr

C ity L im its RD 1—Ju anita S Mrs sten Thom pson’s Abattoir rW Cedar cor T a

bor C ity rd (SWV ille )RUSS R V APPLIAN CE SHOP .(Robt V R u ss) , Au thoriz ed Repair Service On All Makes And Models of Appliances,Sales And Service of E lectrical Appliances, All WorkG u aranteed, WCedar cor Tabor City rd (SWh iteville ) RD4,


T el MIdway 2- 3 673 (See Yellow Page 2)RUSS ROBT V (Ju anita S; R V Ru ss Appliance Shop) W Cc

dar cor T abor City rd (S WV i lle ) , T el MIdway 2—3 673 h do ,Res T el MIdway 2—2508

Ru ssell F rank (L illie M ; Ru ssell ’s Barber Shop ) h Clarence

cor Bal dwin—L'

onnie J form n State Hwy DeptRu ssell

s BarberShop ( F rank R u ssell ) 207 WVirgi lRu therford G eo L (Cleo P) sht m tl wkr E Leroy Hawks r

R u tledge Marjorie W tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Hallsboro NCSacred Heart Cath olic Chu rch RevArth D u ncan pastor 402 N


SadlerRal ph C (Hatti e C ) phys 615 SMadison h106 doSt Jam es A M E Chu rch 225WWalterSt Marks A M E Zion Chu rch RevG eo W Stewart pastor 120

“W Virgi lSam pson Clau de tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Bolton NC

Sealey—L ou ise em pWV i lle Mfg r Evergreen NCSealy Pau l m ach opr State HwyD ept r RD 1

Sealtest D airies Inc Pau l R E dwards m g r T abor C ity rd nr

Shallotte rd (SW) RD 3 r ( F fax Hts) RD 3

Sears C Bion (Mary C ) pres The F irst N ational Bank h409 NT hom pson—B u g F (L eota H) sec- treas Sears-Sm ith Insu rance Agency hT abor C ity rd nrCity L im its ( F faxHts) RD 3

SEARS ROEBUCK 0 0 , Raym ond R Ru shin Mg r, CatalogMa i l Order Office , 819 S Madison , T el MIdway 2-4161—Sm ith Insu rance Agency F elix M Sm ith pres Bu g F Sears

sec- treas 105WWalterSecond Presbyterian Chu rch RevJas B F rancis pastor 13 2 WVirgil

Sellers Ali ce ag tReserve L ife Ins r RD 1—Arthala slswnWoods 5 10 cent Store r RD 3_ Beatrice F Mrs elkUS D ept Ag rl _


r_WCedar nrUS Hwy 7018


CSi lle ) RD 3_ Betty L -r3 o9 E V irgil


—Bu rru s V asst m g r Colu m bu s F CX Servr RD 2—Bythe1K (Beu lah ) ‘h T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F fax Hts)RD 3

—David (Peggy; Sellers’ Service Station ) r Clarenden NC—D ewey (Agnes) -h T abor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts)RD 3

—E~dgar L (Margie K) atndt Sellers’

ServSta 11417 S Thom pson—E lisha j r (Mary S) com p N ews Reporter hWN orth nr Sm yr

na rd—G‘raham bu yer Thom pson’

s Abattoir rRD 3—H L awrence (L ena B ) dept m g r Wootens Mtr (Chadbou rn

NC ) h111WLewis—John K j r m eat ctrThom pson’sAbattoir rRD 3

—Joe C (Eloise H) tchr Whiteville Hi gh Sch h202 W Nance—Katie T (wi d F erny S) r'411 E Colu m bu s

—Kaywood L slswn R ose’

s rRD 2 Box 3 0—L eona D Mrs em p i ll e G arm ent Mfg r Clarendon NC—L ola Mrs em p i lle Mfg r RD 3—L onz ie 0 Rev(Alm a P) pastor E m anu el Holiness Ch hWCe

dar M USHwy 701 S By—Pass (SWV i lle) RD 3—'Margie K Mrs em p i lle Mfg r417 S F ranklin—Marie Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r RD 2 Box 61

—Mary L r111WLewis—Oneil m eat ctr Thom pson’

s AbattoirrRD 3—Ordie em p i lle Mfg rChad-bou rn NC

-Owen (Pearl ) 'slsm n Western Au to Assoc Store r RD 1 Box3 61

—Pau l G (My-rti e G ) bkprWV i lle Oi l h605BobWh ite 1a—R C m eat ctr Thom pson’

s Abattoir—Roland m ech h4li E Colu m bu s—Sim s (Mae A) slsm nWV i lle Oi

'l h Chadbou rn rd RD 1—Wayne (Beatrice F ; Sellers’ Service Station) h W Cedar nr

'USHwy 701 By-Pass (SWV i lle) RD 3Sellers

’Service Station (Wayne and David Sellers) g as sta 3 20

S Powell blvdServi ce T axicab (Herm an MWard) 112 PecanSessions Robt E slsm n Reliance G u ano rRD 1

(See Y ell ow Pag e 46 )

—Thetu s B Mrs ofc sec Drs W F red Barefoot and Warren EMiller r RD 2

Seven-Up Bottli ng Co Chas D Morse m g r Tabor City rd nrPri‘

Szorl Cam p 1rd {(F fax (Hts) RD 3

Sfi tsos T om m gr The Sou Kitchen 1515 SMadisonShackle‘

ford Clayton W tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r N akina NCShaw E thel B Mrs tchr E dgewood E lem Sch r115 E Nance—F rances L tdhr Cou ntyBd of E du c r Evergreen NC—G ary (Berni ce )USA -h E Cedar nr T abor City rd (SWV i lle)—4H B I(J

'dlrnH Shaw ls Son'

s)—Horace L (E thel B ) dactyli-o‘

g raphi an Cou nty Bu r of Identificati on h115 E Nance—Isla M r115 E Nance


3 :

Revpastor E ast Side Com m u nity Bapt Ch r Chadbou rn—L onn ie A em p Sledge L br r Bru nswick NC—Magdalene cafeteria wkrCou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor City NC_


Magg i e m ai d N ew Colu m bu sHotel rChadbou rn NC—Mattie R m aid Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp rHallsboro NC—'Mildred G em pWV ille Mfg r Chadbou rn NC—N ealli e G tchrCou ntyBd of E du c rHallsboro NC—R i chd A Cou nty D og Warden r Everg reen NC—Ru by em p i lle Mfg r Evergreen NC—Ru th tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NC—'

Sessie Mrs slswn J S Mann’s D ept Store r Clarendon NC

—Wm (Betty L ) barber LeRoy’

s Barber Servr Clarkton NCSHAW’

S JOHN H SONS (W L Shaw and H B Shaw) , Herm an

Wallace Manager, F u neral D irectors , 24 Hou r Service ,Colored Morticians, 411 W Virgil, Tel MIdway 2—2713 (SeeYellow Page 3 8)

Shearin Ann i e R Mrs bkpr Leder Bros rl ‘ll E Wyche—Barbara Mrs slswn The Bu dget Shop—Stanley E (Anni e R ) asst sec- treas L eder Bros 11111 E WycheSheffield E Harold j r (Betty J) asst m g r Coca-Cola Bottling

h115 McKenz ie—E noch H (Bessie C ) m g r i lle Coca-Cola Bottling Works

Inc 11115WWilli am son

—Le'land H (Lou ise R ) forester State F orest Se'rvbl 07 McKenZle

Shelley Mildred W tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r T abor City NCShelly Cecil m ill wkrColu m bu s F eed Center r RD 4—Ru nt linem n r203 E Web


sterSherrill E llen r Cowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbourn rd RD 1

Shi pm an Albert T (E lla J) g ro 413 E Main h do- Avis H Mrs ofc sec Dr Clem ent L Wooten r RD 2 Box 141—D orc ie G tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NC—E dw (E ttaW) lab Hill ’s Ice Cream h402WMain—E lsie L tchr Cou nty B'd of E du c r Evergreen NC—E ttaWMrs tchrArm ou rSch r402WMain—Isaac H (Isabel M ) ydm n h210 Phillips—Jessie Mrs nu rses aide Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Hallsboro

NC-Willie hlp'r G V Sing letary Sons rWVirgilShi rd Calvin driverAlbert F McG irt—Jas H (Nelli e S) asst m g r John H Shaw’

s S'

ons h412WWalter—'Violet r202 Mi'll

Shird-Willie J em p Sledge LbrSholar Ralph L (Clyde B) sec- treas Avant Sholar Inc h406

N Thom psonShu m an Clarence B (E th el B) h Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd

(SWV i lle ) RD 3—Ethe1 B Mrs slswn Rose’

s r Shallotte rd nr Tabor City rd (SWV i lle ) RD 3—Ou i d-a G stu dent r Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd (S WV i lle )RD 3

Shu ping J Brooks (Mary B ) dist rep G enl Mtrs AcceptanceCorp hi o7 WNance





IBert (Adele W) g raderWaccam aw Veneer h404 E Co

u m u s—Cu rti s em p Sledge L br r404E Colu m bu s—John C (E dna M) form n State Hwy D ept h117 W Colu m bu s—Sam r Cowan’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

—Victor (Ru th L ) em p Sledge Lbrh211 S Lee—Wm R stu dent r211 S LeeSibbette Ponli lh

e em p i l'

le G arm ent Mfg r Hallsboro NC

Sibert Melvi na P tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC

Sikes Chas slsm n L indsay Oil rRD 2—Earl D (Berni ce J) back tndr Reigel Paper h Sm yrna rd nr

—Roym '

gr P T Barbecu e rRD 3 Box 80Sim m ons Abrah am (E stelle ) h426Wards—Andrew (Nonni e M) h3 11 E Main—Annie L Mrs h221 E Sm i th_ Barbara slswn Rose

’s r RD 2—C Odell Rev(Dorothy J ) pastorChu rch of G od h509 S Thom p


—Car1i e D (Marg t) v- pres Ell is Meares Hardware Co Inc r

RD 2—Carrie L Mrs (Carrie’s Beau ty Shop ) r412 Wards—Conni e slswn Rose

’s r RD 2

- D Wbri dg em n StateHwy Com n r F reelan d NC—Don bu tcher Thom pson’

s Abattoir r RD 3SIMJWONS DRUG CO, WRoss Davi s Jr Pres, T Q Owens Sec

Treas, Prescri ptions Carefu lly Com pou nded , Dru gs , Su n

dries, N otions, and Magaz ines We D eliver, Two LocationsCou rt Hou se Squ are , T el MIdway 2- 3 106 and 104 E Main,T el MIdway 2—3 255, N i ght T els MIdway 2- 3 3 51 or MIdway2- 2945 (See Yellow Page 29)—E stelle Mrs cafeteria wkrCou ntyBd ofEdu c rRD 4

—E u la M Mrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 3 Box 3 43—HarryL (Carrie L ) porterACL h412Wards—Harry N slsm n Coca-Cola r RD 4—Henni e (wi d B G ) h E Cedar nr T abor City rd (S WV i lle)—Jas E ri o5WWill iam son—Jas E em p Love Lbr r Chadbou rn NC—KM m tcem n Cou ntyBd ofE du c r RD 4- Leam on em p Sledge Lbr—LenaMMrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rRD 4Box 145—Lo'

rah E stock clk Allred’s Red Wh ite Su per Mkt r RD 4

-M ilton m tcem n Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Boardm an NC—Nonni e M ‘Mrs chkrWV i lle Lndry Clns r3 11E Mai n—Pete hlprWellsOldsm ob ile r Hallsboro NC

Sm i th—Addie P (wi d SWalter) h118 Jefferson



Alex J em p Sledge L brr RD 2 Box 269 - F-Alvah P (Eva ) carp r118 Jefferson—Anni e L tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—'Betty cook Cowan

’s Rest Hom e r Chadbou rn rd RD 1

_ Betty T Mrs bm oWaccam aw Bank Tru st rRD 4_ Brooks M (Pearl ; Pe0 p1es Barber Shop ) r4o5 S Madison—Chas L dep Cou nty Sheri ff rHoneyHill rd—Clarence em p Sledge L br r Bolton NC—C u rtis L r205 E Calhou n—David M (Vineland Ice Co ) r204N Madison—DavidM j r stu dent r204 N Madison—D illon (L illie C ) m ortar m ixer Roland Henson h109 E Web

ster—Dou gla's (L ou ise C ) bldg contr216 N F ranklin h do—


E L ewis (Nancy M ; Seth L Sm ith Co) h501 N Madison—'

E dd-i e ( F rances) h Clarence nr S Canal—'E lla H (widWalter) M 00WVirgil—'Em ili ne C (wid David ; Whi teville Kindergarten) h502 N

F rankli n—ErnestW (CarolinaWarehou se N o 1) r RD 4—E u dell Mrs em p i lle Mfg rAsh NC—Eva M Mrs slswn Leder Bros r118 Jefferson—Everette cabt m krE F Hi nson Ga‘

btWks (SW)—F L bri dg em n State HwyG om n rNakina NC—'F annie M Mrs m aid -h Powell nr Clarence—F e‘

lix L (Martha G ) hlpr R iegel Wood PaperF ranklin—F elix M (Margu erite B ) otc 600 S Mad-ison h204 N Madi son—fG eo D (Virginia) prsm n N ews Reporter h Shallotte rd nr T a

bor City rd (SWV i lle ) RD 3—G eo H j r tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro NC—JG eo M hlprWells Oldsm obile r


805 S F rankli n—"G irth B (Carrie ) barber Peoples Barber Shop r N aki na NC—G ola ( Sm ith’s Cash Store) tou rists 505N Madi son h do—G rady (D orothy) barber F red H Hardin h Shal lotte rd nr Ta

bor C ity rd (S i'lle ) RD 3

- Hattie J cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro NC—Henry L stu dent r206 E Lewis—HenryWprin Cou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NC—Howard bu tcher Thom pson’

s AbattoirrClarendon NC—Irene G tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r F air Blu ffNC—Irving E (Retha M) bldg contr 206 E Lewi s h do—JE lbert (Mildred R ) hlpr Reigel Paperh906 N West—JG arfield hlprWilson Mu sic—JHorace (G lennie C ) bld'g contr 208 N F ranklin h do-

‘Jas j‘

r em p Sledge L br r Bru nswick—Jas F driver G V Singletary Sons r Lake Waccam aw NC—JasWem p Sledge Lbr—'Jehovah J (Peggy) h Shallotte rd nr T aborCity rd (SWV i lle)

RD 3—'Jim (Nelson’

sWarehou se ) h3 07 Bu rkhead—John W m g r Reserve L ife Insu rance Co r505 N Madison—Ju lia C nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Clarkton rd nr By

—Ju l iu s R (Mary L ) pres Carolina Mtrs Inc h3 o5 Pinkney—Kini e F cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Cerra G ordo NC—LathaWMrs tellerWaccam aw Bk Tr rRD 3—Lorah G tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—Mae 0 (wid G eo H) h Clarence nr F ranklin—Maggie L em pCaro Tel T eleg

-Margu erite C tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r T abor City NC-Marg t E Mrs DrSlade A Sm ith r3 08N Madison

All. FORMS OF INSURANCECou rt Hou se Squ are

—Marg t S tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NC—Marvi n (L u cy) farm er hUS Hwy 701 By-Pass nr Benton rd

( F faxHts) RD 3—Mary L bkpr r118 Jefferson—Mattie P (wi d H Allyn) clkUS Dept Ag rl h3 06 N F rankli n—'Mi'ldred C Mrs tchr E dgewood Sch r108 E Will iam son—Mi lton L (Shi rley L ) em p McKenz i e Mortu ary h4o2 Jefferson

-Naom i spl tchrBd of Edu c r3 03 N Madison—Pear1L Mrs tchr i lle E lem Sch rRD 4

—'Pegg y Mrs nu rses aide Colum bu s Cou nty Hosp r Shallotte rd nr T aborCity rd (SWV i lle) RD 3—'Pe'gg y A tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rAcm e NC—Rebecca Mrs r Cowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

-R ichd (Mildred C ) em p Reigel Paper h108 E William son

—Richd F j r (Hilda R ) 11110 E Calhou n—Roland L (Virginia C ) em p Reigel Paper h205 E Calhou n—Roy (Doris L ) m ech Walker Bros G arage h Chadbou rn rd

—R u th h Clarkton rd nr City L im its—Sally L r707 N Madison—Sara S tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Chad-bou rn NC—Seth C (Shirli j o K ) personnelm n R iegelWood Paper h500 N

F rana—Seth L Bu i lding 803 SMadison—'Seth L Co (E Lewis Sm ith) farm equ i p 110 E Com m erce—SIa-de A. (Marg t E ) m ayor of city, ju dge City Mayor’s Ct

phys '

605 S Madison h3 08 N Madison—'

Su e (wi d J C ) h508 N F rankl in—WPerrin m ach eprStateHwyDept r Bru nswick NC—Wm E (G loria P) slsm n Merita Bread h210 Anderson—Wilton (Latha) agt Life Ins Co of G a rRD 3Sm i th ’

s Bu rial A'ssociation (Sm ith’s F u neral Hom e) 219-W

—Cash Store (G ola Sm ith) gros 802 SMadisonSMITH’

S FUNERAL HOME ('A Reddi ck Sm i th) D ig nifi ed

Services Qu i etly Rendered , F ri endly, E ffi cient Service ,Colored Morti cians, 24 Hou r Am bu lance Service, Hom e of

Sm i th Bu rial Insu rance, 219 W Virgil , T el d ayAnd Chadbou rn, NC, T el 3 57- 1 (See Yellow Page 3 9 )

Sm ithers Norbert C (Dorothy; G eneral Window Cleani ng Co)11 Evergreen nrWoodland dr “

(BW)Sneed Robt (E stelle T ) h220 MagnoliaSoares Leg te m aid 11423 WardsSolesAnnie M em p i lleMfg rRD 2—Avery G (L illi an ) farm er h Evergreen nrWoodland dr (BW)_ Betty em pWV i lle Mfg rRD 1—Dorothy cash LederBros r RD 4—E dgar O (Marg t; Soles Texaco Service) r Hallsboro NC

Whi tevi lle

JEWELERSThe Hom e of

Qu alityJewelry


2 -2054

(Merle R ) whsem n G V Singletary Sons hwi s—1G eneva Mrs tchr i lle E lem Sch rRD 4—G lycafeteria wkrCou nty Bd ofE du c rTaborCityNC

- L ou is farm erh Chadbou rn rd RD 1- Mona F Mrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 1-

'Myrtle slswnWood’s 5 10 cent Store rRD 4—Roscoe slsm n Leder Bros rRD 4—T ed tinnerCollier-McLau g hlin rRD 3—T exaco Service (E dgar _

O and V T Soles j r) 101—V T j r (Annie Mae ; Soles Texaco Serv) r Halls

Sou th Madison Drive-In (Berlie B and Mrs Doris C

restr 917 S MadisonSou thern Au to F inance Co Henry G Mayfield m gr 509—Kitchen The '(T om N Cou trou kis) 606 SMadi son—L ife Insu rance Co G ayKMercerdist m g r100WMain—’Marble Co Herbert G Phi ferm g r Tabor City rd nr

( F fax Hts) RD 3


Sparkm an Christine em pWV i lle Mfg r401 N F ranklinSpau lding E u la tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rNakina NC—John M (Josephi ne F ) Cou nty N egro Agricu ltural A

S Mem ory—'Josephi ne F Mrs tchr r211 SMem ory—Mab1e E (wid Wm G ; Spau lding-Sm ith Real E state

711138 Mill—‘

Sadie B tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rClarkton NC—Sm ith Real E state Agency (Mrs Mable E Spau ldingReddi ck Sm ith ) 219 WVirgi l

SpearAnnie M (wi dWardi e F ) h203 WashingtonSpence Jas R tchrCou nty Edo f Edu c rHallsboro NCSpivey Anni e N m g r The Bu dget Shop rChadbou rn NC—Bes‘sie C nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r Spivey rc

_ Bessie M waitress Mary’s Sandwich Shop r83 0—D ennis h '

Clarence nr Baldwin—DennisMrs r Cowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

—Dorothy D Mrs ofc m g r rUS Dept Ag rl r Brickyard rd

m ington rd (BW)—’

E dgar tinnerColl ier-McLau ghl in rClarendon NC—E stherL Mrs cafeteria wkrCou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 3

(See Y ellow Pag e 50) D ial Mi dway

—'Sam l A (Allie ) slsm n SingerSewing Mach rRD 3IIMIIJIIG —Sarah Mrs h2ogWVirgil


os (Ru th L ) h Chadbou rn rd RD



u l C h405m “ u rm an M (Barbara C ) pntr S P ta'

ey ou tr ‘

C0 (TOR —Wm A (L illian R ) cu stdn PO h3 05 S LeeStarling Rom an i r (G aynell C ) u phol CarolinaWashi ng ton

Starlite Drive-In Restau rant (Marion H Davis)rd nr Brickyard rd (BW)

-Drive-In Theatre (Marion -H Davis) Wilm ington rd

yard rd (BW)State F arm Insu rance Cos L onnie M Bu llard rep 3 01STATE OF F ICE S (See N orth Carolina—State Of)Steele Alphonso hlpr City Pu bWks D ept r125WVirgilSteinberg Beatrice Mrs (J S Mann

’s D epartm ent Store

-S im on H (Beatrice M ; F am ily Shoe Store) h105 EStephens- see al so Stevens

F ILL DIRT—‘Ben'j F driver StateHwyD ept rRD 3—'Betty C tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r3 0‘

4SMem ory0 TOPSOIL —'

Car1m em ber Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Clarendon NC—JChas E em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3 Box 150 CRUSHED —Clifton ('Orene) pres BorderBelt Chem ical Co Inc rClarendo

—E liz BMrs bkpr ‘B S Thom pson Co rRD 1Box 257—G eorg iaW tdhlr Cou nty ‘Bd otfE du

'c r Clarkton NC

—Harrell tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rNaki na NC—Janie SMrs slswn Cato Stores rRD 3 Box 3 06—Lawrence whsem n Leder Bros rRD

- L indell D hlprAvant Sholarr RD 1 Box 292—Lu cian (CarolinaWarehou se No 1) r Cerra G ordo NC—’Marion (L ill ie ) slsm n E llisMearesHdw rRD 3—Mi1d-red tchrE dgewood Sch rRD 3—Myrtle waitress Carolina G rill rRD '

4—Ralph C (Carolina Warehou se No 1) r Ce'rro G ordo NC—Ru th chkrModern Lau nderette rChadbou rn rd

StephensonAnn ie M (widWill ) h426WardsStevens see also Stephens—A 'Bru ce (Mae G ) refg rm ech 3 02 NWill iam son h do

Guaranteed E tch'r Cou nty ’

Bd ofEdu c r TaborCity NC_ BessieWMrs em p i lle Mfg rWananish NC—Billy slsm n Stevens Hasty rRD 3

DIAL MIdway —Dorothy L Mrs servasst Caro Tel T eleg r401WWi lli am sm

—Ernest 'H (Margt) m ech Stevens Hasty h Shallotte rd n

Tabor C ity rd (S WV i lle) , RD 3—F arney D em p B'lack’s T ire ServrRD Box 3 11—F red L (Eva M ; Stevens Hasty Co) N Powell blv'

Shanon. ad, m a,—G lenn T Mrs cash Colu m bu s Th eatre t1108 Thom pson

Tabo, m y Rd,

—HD ewey form n State HwyDept rRD 3(S. Whiteville)


(See Y ellowPag e 24)

Meat Sm oking Cu ring Cu lling Bu tchering


CO (F red L Stevens , W M Hasty) Ai rand V acu u m Brake Service , We Install G lass F or Any Ca l’,SeeUs F or You r F ree E stim a tes On You r T ru ck Or Au toBody Work, E xpert Rad iatorRepa irs 126 Pecan, T el MId

—Irdell (Loretta P) driver G V Singletary Sons h Airwayrd n

r Tabor City rd ( F faxHts)—JE thell (Mattie) em p Marks Tru ck Tractor h Shallotterd nr T abor City rd (SWV ille) RD 3—Jay (Ru th E ) pntr h Chadbou rn rd RD 1

- JeanM tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r TaborCity NC—Joanna L tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r TaborC ity NC—Loretta PMrs em pWV i lle Mfg rAi rway rd nr T abor City rd(F fax Hts)

—M E u g (Dorothy L ) form n State Hwy Dept 11401WWilliamson—MaryA (wi d D u ff) r401WWilliam son—Mathew J (Lois ‘J) slsm n G lobe Trading rRD 3—Ru th -E Mrs cashModern Clns rChadbou rn rd RD 1

- Sterl ing slsm nHolsu m Bakery rTaborCity NC—Wm C lab Townsend Bldrs Su pStevenson Herm an lab F lam ing o G ri ll 123 0WWalter

-Nettie (wi dOdom D ) h23 0WWalterSteward Richd G Rev(Naom i '

B) pastor Second St Pau ls Chh3 02WColu m bu s


't Dana P cafeteria wkr Cou nty '

Bd of Edu c r Chadbou rn- EdwH Rev(Levada L ) 11402WVirgil—G eo


WRev(T ossie A) pastor St Marks AME Zion Chu rch h118W Virgil

- L illian L tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r Bolton NC—Morris S '(Cecelia D ) annou ncer Radio Sta WENC blo8 E

Calhou n apt 3


lkIs Agnes G Mrs cafeteria wkrCou ntyBd of E du c r Naln‘naC

_ BrendaWMrs society editor N ews Reporter r Clarendon NC- Bu


S Mrs em p i ll e G arm ent Mfg r221WWill iam son

—Ervin W (Au drey M) barber L eRoy’s Barber Servh222 E

—J,O em pMarks Tru ck Tractorr RD 4

- JNathan (Kathleen H; Vogu e Beau ty Shop ) h2o2 N Thom p

- Kathleen H Mrs librn Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r202 N Thom pson

—LeRoy (Bu rline S ; LeRoy’s Barber Service ) 11221WWilliam


Stone Az aliaMrs em pWV ill eMfg rWananish NC- P V ardell (Merle T ) slsm n Sears h Su nnyside nr Oak (F faxHts)

RD 3

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D ial MIdway 2—2061

2 3 2 2 6116 Washi ng ton

(See Y ellowPag e 59)

0 Residential

0 Commercial






3 15 W.


(See Y ellowPag es 15 52)


(See Y ellow Pag e 43 )

Stone-rR ichd E

'(Mildred C ) dep collr State D ept of

Waccam aw NC—WLester (Ethel N ) m ech G C Pontiac Inc—Chas C (Sarah L ; Stophel’s Dry Cleaners)Stophel Chas C '

jr stu dent r503 S F ranklin

Cleani ng Service , Ta iloring, Alterations Spots Ou t,D irt Rem oved , Longer la sting Press, 1 Day ServiceRequ est, G u aranteed Service , Pick-Up and Delivery,posita Railroad .D epot 122 E Main, Tel MIdway 2—3 718

Stou tWini fred P tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rRD 3Stoval l F abin '

(Jean M) insp H L G entry h106 E VirgilStover Wm T (Marian H) serg t City Police blos E

WaStrau ss Lena P tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rD elco NC—E F tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rG erro G ordo NC—E tta M Mrs cafeteria m g r i lle E lem Sch r63 4—G rover h229 WVirgil—Harry R (Dorothy) del m n Colu m bu s Mtr r Cerra G ordo N1—L u ray C Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg 13 13 WLewis—Myrtie PMrs em p i lle Mfg r RD 2

-Prince E (Ru byW) tobacconi st hi l l N Thom pson-Randy rCowan’

sRest Hom e Chad-bou rn rd RD 1-


Ru byWMrs bkpr Reliance G u ano r111 N Th om pson4 pence~r '

(L u ray C) "

driver R itterL br h3 13 WLewis—T h‘el!m lavcihlr Cou nty [Bd of Edu c r Carine G ordo NC—Thu rm anW “

(E tta M ) carp h63 4PinkneyStroscio Anth ony (Norm a S) watch repr 613 S Madi son 1120

Bu rkhead—N or'm a S Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp 1201 Bu rkheaeStu rgeon G eoW (L u cy H) asst Cou nty Su pvr F HAh409 S

F ranklinStyle Shep The Mrs Reba B Bowen m g r wom en

's 010 715

MadisonSu bu rban Ru lane G as Co Danl P Brown m g r 710 S MadismSu gg s B ill ie D Mrs recpt Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn N1—Carl form n StateHwyDept rRD 4—'Cleo C tchrCou ntyBd ofE du c rTaborCity NC

- Dorris parts m an Qu alityMtr rChadbou rn NC-E stherD tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rTaborCity NC—Evelyn '

HMrs servrep Caro T el T eleg r110 E Clay- G arl-and

'j r (Evelyn H) slsm n Coca-Cola h110 E Clay

- JasW (Margie E ; Confidential Loan F inance Co) h3 05 VWilliam son

-Leo H form n State HwyDept—L'

eo S (Marie ) g rard State Prison Cam p h Tabor City r

nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3


N i g ht T elephones MIdway 2 -3 3 51 or MIdway 2—2945

e Aller


Resi dential

Com m ercial

indu strial


Estim u les

Red Hill Rd.

(See Y ellowPag e 21)

Teachy Moz ell m aid hMoore nrWVirgilT e


boe E liz C (wi d Henry 0 ) nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp100 N Madison

Ted-der Avery A m ach opr State HwyD ept rRD 3—Byron F (Alta C ) constn wkr J W Cook Son 1163 0 Pinkney—F los-

sie S Mrs sls wn Coll ins Dept Store r RD 3 Box 3 08—Ida B Mrs ofc sec WV i lle “

G arm ent Mfg r Hal sboro NC—'Ju l iu s C (Magdalene ; D C Service Station) h Clarkton rdnr C ity L im its

-M D ick (Moll ie C) em p Reigel Paper h Ai rway rd nr TaborC ity rd ( F faxHts)—MaggieMrs slswn G ore

’s Qu ality Shop rRD 1—Mau die Mrs m ach oprWV i lle G arm ent Mfg r RD 3 Box 913—Mol

lie C Mrs tchr C ity Sch Bd r Airway rd nr Tabor Cityrd (F fax Hts)

T eeni e’

gBeau ty Shop (Mrs E rnestine 3M Marlowe) 205 E C01

u m u s

Terrence Anthony C !(Mary L ) optom etri st 604S [Medi son [hl107N Thom pson

Terry Billie H (Wid Wm W) slswn Whi teville Bakery h3 01 NMadison

—Harvey S acct Moore Price r113 E VirgilTexas Co The Chas H Lytle distr oils 902 F raz ierT extile Produ cts (Mrs Bertha T and Johnnie J Harrell )

tai ns 918 S Madison—Roberta C r600 N MadisonThom as Clara B Mrs bkpr Collier’s D ept Store r101 N Lee

-David em p Sledge Lbr-E t~hel PMrs m aid i lle L ive Stock r Tabor City rd nrShallotte rd “

( F faxHts) RD 3- G eo (E thel P) em p Love L br h Tabor City rd nr Shallotte rd

( F fax Hts) RD 3—Henry (Dorothy 'M) hlpr City Pu b Wks Dept r3 o2 S Mem ory—JE arl (Clara B) r101 N Lee—Joe (Lau ra L ) distrMerritt Holland h211WLewis—Ju liu s E h101 N Lee—Larry stu dent r211W LeMs

—L au ra L Mrs slswn Polly’sMu sic Store r211WLewis—Oliver R (Lou ise C) em p Sledge L br h201 W Will iam son

—Robt em p Sledge L br r Bru nswi ck NC—V'ernon A (B'arb'ara C ) bkpr L igget Myers Tob Co (D u r

ham Co) 11107 WWebsterThom pson Alice B cafeteria wkr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Hallsboro NC

_'B S Co


(Belton S Thom pson) fu rn 616 SMadison_ Belton S (Christine W; Colu m bu s D isplay Co ; Colu m bu s Mo

torCo ; B S Thom pson Co) h103 N Madi son—Belva '

Mrs tchrNew Hope E lem Sch rPOBox 44_ Boyd L '

(Joyce ; Thom pson Sign Co) rRD '

4—Bu nyon h240 Mill


(See Y ellow Pag e 3 7 )D IAL MIdway 2—3 3 42

r Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts)

Tabor City rd

rd nr Tabor

Hwy Dept h Tabor Ci tyrd nr


Shallotte rd ('F faxHts) RD 3—Horace E (Ada) farm er r T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd

(F fax Hts) RD 3—Jas r N ew Colu m bu s Hotel—Jean W stu dent r103 N Madison—John E (Kathryn M ; Colu m bu s Su pply Co ) 11615 N Madison—John E '

jr stu dent r'615 N Madison—John T (L ou i se F ; W L Thom pson Son) hUS Hwy 701

S By—Pass nr Benton rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—Joyce ofc sec Whol D i strs r T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd

( F fax Hts) RD 3—Ju liu s em pDove Lbr r RD 3—L acy R (


D oris W) m em ber Cou nty Bd of Com nrs r Chad

bou rn NC—Leola C (wid J Bryce) 113 01 S Thom pson—Leslie 8 (Margt F ) editor The N ews Reporter h408 Pink

ney—MaggieMrs cook Carolina Grill r419Wards—Margie em p i lle Mfg r Hallsboro NC—Marlie H Mrs ofc sec Thom pson’

s Abattoir h105 E Webster—Marvin B em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3—Patricia A stu dent r103 N Madison—Pearl F (wi d N eil ) h203 S F ranklin—Rachel G Mrs m u s tchr 104N Madi son r dofl Ralph em p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3







Hom e of


Bu rial

i nsu rance



24 Hour

Ambu lance

ServiceDAY wear

D IAL MIdway

411 W.

Virg il Si .

(See Y ellowPag e 3 8)

- Ray (Marg t) m i ll wkr Colu m bu s F eed Center hUSS By-Pass nr Benton rd ( F lax Hts)

-R ethaW tchr Cou nty Bd ofBeu c rRD 3—Robt C em p Sledge Lbr r RD 4—Rosa K (wi d Pearson) slswn McQu een’s Seed Store

F rankl in—R u byMrs slswn HMoskow Dept Store rRD 3 Box 341—<Ru b WMns bkplrSedr L Sm i th Co fr ’Da

‘bdr C ity 1rd—S ig n Co ( Boyd L and Ernest A Thom pson ‘

j r) Tabor Cnr Shallotte rd (F fax Hts) RD 3—Tabitha tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rHal lsboro NC

—Vance (Lou la M ) h104 E Clay—Vernon (Rosabelle) m ech oprState HwyD ept h TaborC ity rd nr Shallotte rd (F laxHts) RD 3—Vernon D tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rRD 3

—W L Son (John T T hom pson) g ro T abor C ity rd nr

lotte rd (F faxHts) RD 3Thom pson Wal ter D (Carlene W) , Attorney- 'at-Law,

Hou se Squ are , T el MIdway 2- 3 007,h410 S Madis

MIdway 2 -2 353—Wilbu r (Maggie ) lab h419Wards—Wm E (Rachel G ) tob bu yerh104N Madison—Wm J (Mildred) slsm n Ellis Meares Hdw—'Y ancey P (Macie 0 ) slsm n G V Singletaryterson

—Yvonne ofc sec F irst Natl Bank rRD 1Thom pson’

s Abattoir (G rady L Thom pson) Shallotte r

C ity rd (SWV i lle ) RD 3-Cash Store (Calton Thom pson) g ro TaborC ity rd nr

rd ( F faxHts) RD 3Threadg ill G eo em p Sledge Lbr



G eo driver C L Nance Transfer rRD 1'Ilhu lr


m on G raci e m iaziid Colum bu s Cou ntyHolsp trHal lsboroThu rston B Kent (E llen M ; Whi teville Bu ilding Su pplies) 1

E Wyche—Birdie S (wi d John L ) h110 N Madison—JJ L onni e (Mary T ) m g r Wh iteville Tractor Im plen

h601 N MadisonT illeryMabelM (wid F rank ) 11228 SMem oryT inney Louvem'

a H (wi d Marion) rMoore mmWWal terT ippett Patsy S Mrs su pvr i lle G arm ent Mfg r

rUS HwyS By-Pass nr Benton rd ( F lax Hts)—Roger L (Patsy S) m ech Cou nty Bd of Edu c hUS HwyS By—Pass nr Benton rd

( F faxHts)T ison Ham pton D (


Alm a ; T ison’s G arage) h Tabor City re

Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts) RD 3—Henry M (MarVa'lene ) m ech T ison’

s G arage r T aborrd nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3

T ison’s G arage (Ham pton D T iso‘

n) au to repr Tabor City nShallotte rd

( F fax Hts) RD 3ToddAl ice HMrs bkpr F owlerCo r401WNance—Anm ’

e PMrs em pWV i lle Mfg rChadbou rn NC_ Barbara C bkprRay’s Jewelers r Clarendon NC—Carolyn tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rTaborCity NC—D an1L (Em m a F ; T odd F u rni tu re Co ) h2ooPine—D ora S (wi d Edw) rChadbou rn rd RD 1



(See Y ellowPag e 8)

—L u ke (Earline) lab G C Pontiac r202WWalter—L u ke C washerWellsOldsm obile r200Mill—‘M E dw (Ora L ) sh ip clk Colu m bu sMtrrNakina NC—Mathew driverWV i lle Bldg Su pr202WWalter—Oscardriver StateHwyDept rHallsboro NC—'

Pete C (E stelle M ; T ownsend Bu ilders Su pply) h109 Jeffe

2- 3 217 (See Page A and YellowPage 56)

son cor ClayTrondsen Valeria B tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rDelco NCTroy Aaron chefMot-orHotel i lle rPOBox 542

—Aaron jr (Ju ani ta G )USA 4 3 02 Phi llips—B E (Adeline ) h Tabor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd ( F fax HtsRD 3

—Henry L asst fu neral d ir Sm ith’s F u neral Hom e h219 W Vig i l—Jas P tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r TaborCity NC

—Jas P b100 '

S Mem ory—'Joseph C atndtWrig ht’s G u lf ServrRD 1—Marie m aid h106 S Mem ory4 am cook MotorHotelWV ille rPOBox 542—W-arren hlpr Stevens HastyT u pper Haz el T Mrs tchrWV ilIe E lem Sch r113 WNance—'

Myr.on W j r (Haz el T ) field rep North Caro Pu lp hl 13Nance

T u rbeville Clyde J (Janie ’

S ; T u rbeville E sso Servi ce ;Wright’s G u lfService ) h Sm yrna rd nr F rink

—D elano P (wi dWm S) clk Reigel Paper h'


4N Lee—E sso Service (Clyde J T u rbeville ) g as sta 401 S Madi son—Harold R teller Waccam aw Bank Tru st h103 McKenz 1e—Jackie atndt T u rbeville’

s E sso rSm yrna rd nr F rink—T enny R (wi d Harvey S) r103 McKenz ieT u rner D iantha M tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC


E -dw whsem n G V Singletary Son-


—'F Cu rtis (G ladys H ; D T Su per Market ) h208 Jefferson—Kath B tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r F air ‘Blu ff NC

- L eroy (Ru th D ) h rear405WVirgil—Marcu s S (E dith) v- pres Whi teville Produ ction Credi t Assnr F air Blu ffNC

—Mary Mrs tchr Central High Sch rRD 2“

—RoyT (E stherH) lab Qu a lity Mtrs rrear'

405WVirgil—'Wm H ( F redrica W) m eat ctr D I&


T Su per Mkt h Wood-land

dr (BW)Tu ten L E (Clara H) m g r Carolina T elephone Telegraph

h116 W I£ wisTwin-State Perm a Stone Co Pau l T Kendall rep bldg m atls

701 WestTwins Beau ty Shep (Mrs Cecil L Mcclenney) 111 WWebsterTyler Bob‘

by KUSN r W Cedar nr By-Pass 701 S (S WV i lle )—'Erlene Mrs em pWV i lle Mfg rHallsboro NC—Li ll ie M cprCaro T el T eleg r213 WLewis

SHOES CLOTHING and READY - TO-WEARNever Know ing lyUndersold



—Lloyd (Mae C ) atndt Sing ServSta 11213 WLewis—Mary L cprCaro T el T eleg r213 WLewis-Raym ond (Erlena) slsm n Belk’s r111 N F rankli n—Rosalie cprCaro T el T eleg r213 WLewisTyner L E dw (Lettie O) form n State Pri son Cam p h111 S

F ranklin—Lettie 0 Mrs slswn Bu llock’s Dept Store rm S F rankl in—Lewis E jr stu dent r111 S F ranklin

- The]m a Mrs em p i lle Mfg r Bru nswick NCTyree Khou ia A (ViolaM ; T B G arage) h111 Britton—Olivia Mrs em p i lle Mfg r RD 3—Will (G eorg ia S) saw fi ler 107 Britton h doTyson Ervin (L ila B) em p Black’s T ire Servr408 S Mau ltsby—F red (Retha) bod-

ym an Cribb .

’s Bo‘

dy Sh0p 11601 S Thom pson—Keaton (G ladys P) em p Black’s T ire Servh418 E Colu m bu s—L loyd (Mary) slsm n

'G C Pontiac rRD 4

—Mi lton R m g r Mem ory Twins Service Station r106 Chu rchUlrich Dorine U(wid E Evans) m u s tc'hrWoodland dr “

(BW)r do

Underwood Marg t B (wi d F redk S) slswn Kram er’

s LadiesShop r105 E WebsterUnion Bu 's Staiton Lacy C Stanley m g r 219 E WainUNITED STATES GOVERNIVIENTAIR F ORCE RECRUITING STATION , Dallas E Qu i dley Ofcrin Chge, bsm t Post Office Bldg

ARMY ADVISOR TO STATE NATIONAL GUARD , Ra lph WCaldwell Ofcr in Chge , 100 WWyche, T el MIdWay 2- 2681

ARMY RE CRUITING STATION , F rank JPentecost Ofcr inchge , bsm t Post Office Bldg


F ARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION , Osco W JacksonSu pvr, 110 'WSm i th , T elMIdway2- 23 68

F EDERAL CROP INSURANCE , D u pree D Cox m g r

105WSm i th , T el MIdway 2- 3 43 1SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE . F rank M G lover Conservati oni st, 110WSm i th, T elMIdway2—23 48



NAVY RECRUITING STATION , D u ncan E McG irt Ofcr inChge bsm t Post Offi ce Bldg, T el MIdway 2- 2470

POST OF F ICE BUILDING , S IVIadi son cor Colu m bu sPOST OF F ICE , Josiah A Mau ltsby Jr, Postm str S Mad isoncorColu m bu s, T el MIdway2- 3 3 3 6


ResidentialCom m ercial

0 Indu stria l,


Estim ates

D IAL MIdway

2 15 N .


(See Y ellowPag e 60)

23 0

Uni ted States G overnm ent—0 0mmSELE CTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM, LocalL ou ise M Johnston elk in chge , bsm t PUtley Jam es B (Olene W) tobacconi st Im pehou nValentine Billy E stu dent r102 S Thom pson—Dorothy V—Howard L

—Howard LE Lewis

- T ire Service (Howard L Valentine)L im its (F fax Hts) RD 3

VANCE APPLIANCE CO, W T VanceKelvi u ators Appliances, Com pleteRad ios , and D u ro-Therm Heaters,


Sam L (E sther; Vance Au to Service ) rRD 3

Vau ghtJesse B tchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c rRD 3Vereen Annie L tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Delco


‘Jack G ("Jo Anne P) servm n S L F u ller Co

—'Jack J (Mae R ) cu stdn PO h408 S F rankl inVerene Christine V r413 E MainVeterans Produ ce Market (Chas P N orris) Tabor

M ill Pond rd (F fax Hts) RD 3

Viets Donald W (Ahneda W) program dir Radio StaBrickyard rd nrWilm ington rd (BW)

VINELAND ICE CO (D avi d M Sm ith) , Ice In Bu lk 0 1'F orm , Com m ercial and Residential D elivery, 205T el MIdway 2-23 24

Virgini a T obacco Co (G arland Carter) whse end E MaVog u e Beau ty Shop (J Nathan Stocks) 101WMainW H Motor Co (David H Hardee ) u sed carsWaccam aw Bank Bu ilding 100WMainWACCAMAW BANK TRUST 0 0 , C Lacy Tate Pres,Wyche Asst V -Pres and Tru st Officer, B L Nesm

Pres, L R Bowers Cash ier, Henry B Wyche AssE dna G Dyer Asst Cash , Helen K L ewi s Asst 0Whitley Au di tor, 622 S Madison , T el MIdway 2-4

Yellow Page 10 )—Bank T ru st Co Drive In Branch Ru th L Cowan'S Madison—Qu a1i F arm (Jam es B Qu inn ) 119 WV irgil

-TractorCo '(R


F orest Hal l j r) 13 0 E Com m erce

-VeneerCo Inc John:C Mau ltsby pres m frs 420 E Mai :

Waddell J B tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rD elco NC- Ju dy D Mrs ofc secUS Dept Ag rl r103 E Wyche—L eam on (L illie M ) chkr Mem ory Su per Mkt h Tabc

nrShallotte rd'( F faxHts) RD 3—Robt A (Ju dy D ) tch'rHal lsboro Sch h103 E Wyche

F ifteen Com plete Modern Departm ent Stores

Everything In Ready-To -Wear



Ward—A1bert J (L'ou ise) clk BraxtonAu to Parts rRD 3—Alphonso (Thelm a H) em p (fi ty Pu b Wks Dept h4009/2 W—'Anni e 11409 WLewis—Arth ru g clnrKrahnke’s Clns r Bru nswick NC—Berm eyP m tcem n Cou nty Bd of E du c

_ Bobby F em p Caro Tel T eleg—Brattie T Mrs waitress Clifton’s G rill r409 E Colu m bu s—C Hu gh (L inda H) farm er h Old Tram rd nrWilm ing ton rd

—Car1m ech Qu alityMtr r Chadbou rn NC—Carl E (Annie ) m ill cpr G u rg anu s F arm Su p M illing n'4o3“

S Canal-Cha‘

s L em pSledge Lbr rRD 3 Box 265-Chas R tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rHal lsboro NC—Charlot'te Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s. Cou nty Hosp rRD 4—C lyde M (w


d Jam es) m a id h425Wards—Cora F tchr Cou nty 'Bd of E du c r RD 3-Corbett delm n Evans F urn Hdw rNakina NC—Corby lab Polston Roofing r RD 3—C onnie D Mrs em pWV i lle Mfg rClarendon NC—D N orm an em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rChadbou rn—D ewey A (Mary E ) slsm n Jones F u rn h E Calhou n nrG arrell

- D'ock (Lottie B) carp h E Cedar nr T obar City rd (SWV i lle)

—D onald R m ech W H Mtrs r409 E Colu m bu s-D u rrny (Marcella) m ech Cou nty Sch Bd h203 Washing ton—E Ben (Martha B ) dentist SI1 '

S F rankli n h604 Crayton—E li z L Mrs su pvr i lle Mfg h502 S F ranklin-

Em m-

a G Mrs slswn Rose’

s 5- 10 25 Stores r Nakina NC-

E sm erE plant su pt Hill’s Ice Cream '

rRD 3—Etha C Mrs em p i lle G arm entMfg rNaki na NC—E the1 -M Mrs em pWV i lle G arm ent Mfg rNakina NC



Bu g P (Marie H) adm n m n N C N atl G u ard h908 N L ee-


E u laWMrs (Hide -A-WayDrive In) 1506 S F ranklin—E u nice Mrs em p i lle Mfg rRD 3 Box 168—EvaM Mrs cash The Style Shop r3 13 WWilliam son

—'Eva M Mrs hlprP T Barbecu e r RD 3 Box 28A—'

F Kerm i t (V irginia 'S ; Ward’s G rill) h Sm yrna rd nr North

—‘F lora (wid'Zell ) h603 S Thom pson



F rances G tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c rRD 3—HE bridgem an StateHwyGom n rNaki na NC—Harold teller F irst Natl Bank r Hallsboro NC—Henry H (Martha E ) m g rA P F ood Store

- Herbert (Mary H ; Ward's Cloth iers) h3 06 S Thom pson—Herm an M (Service Taxicab ) r603 S Thom pson—Irene G Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg r Chadbou rn NC—JBrooks (Eva M ) city firefighter h3 13 WWilliam son

—JD h409 Stanley—'Jas D em p Sledge Lbr r Nakina NC-Jer'ry N stu dent r9o8N Lee—Jesse J driver CheckerCab r21

5 E Clay—Jewell N tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rRD 4—Jim m ie S tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC-Joe E (Anni e W) farm er h Old T ram rd nr Wilm ing ton rd—John (L indsay S) acct 101WMain h202 E College—John IHstu dent r2oz E College


All. FORMS OF INSURANCEand REAL E ST AT ECou rt Hou se Squ are


rendon NCBarber Shop hso'6 S

Board of Com nrs r

3 Box 82

RD 1 Box 84

RD 3 Box 248

ti e S Mrs slswn Coles F eed Store h Airway rd nr T abortyrd (F faxHts)tie N Mrs waitressMotorHotel i lle t2l5 E ClaylA em p Love L br r Chadbou rn NC'

y (Brattie T ) em p Thom pson Abattoir h409 E Colu m bu sO (Myrtie N ; CheckerCab Co) h215 E ClayCd (L inda 0 ) atndt Benton Sasser T exaco

Sta r502 S

erta J tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c r TaborCity NC.nd (L aru l R ; Ward

’s E lectric Motor Shop ) h110 Britton

;ie H (Clau d-i e M) slsm n G u rganu s F arm Su p Millingrear 201 E Wyche31 Mrs nu rses a ide Colu m b u s Cou nty Hosp r Bru nswick)1ph Z atndt N ewsom e



Servr603 S Thom psonP driverD elu xe Taxi r217 E Mainion reprWard’

s E lecMtr Shop r N akin'a NCel form n Seth L Sm ith Co rRD 3

drew W (Ann ie P; Whi teville E lectric Motor Repair)Shallotte rd nr T aborC ity rd (SWV i lle) RD 3l’S CLOTHIERS (HerbertWard ) , Com plete L ine ofMen


im en’s and Chi ldren

’s Clothing, Also Sewing Machines,

les and Service , 114E Ma in , T el MIdway 2- 3 282stric Motor Shop (RolandWard) 920 S Madison

l. Mad ison Whi tevi lle

JEWELERSThe Hom e of

Q u alityJewelry

2 -2054

Pag e 49 )

N. C. License

No. 409


Com m ercial

Indu strial


2 - 3 057


Pag e 3 3 )

—G rfll ( F Kerm itWard ) restr 704SMadisonWareWA prin Cou nty Bd ofE du c rT abor City NCWaring L ee S (Rosa P) pntr h3 12 WVirgilWarlick Jam es G (Evelyn F ; Washam Warlick F arm Su pply

Co) h505a N F ranklin—Jam es G'

j r stu dent r505a N F ranklinWarner Carrie S Mrs (Warner

s G rill ) r T abor Ci ty rd nr Shallot'te rd ( F faxHts) RD 3—Cath J Mrs recpt D r Sam l H Whitehead r Tabor City rd nr

Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3- JChas E slsm n Leder Bros r RD 3—‘

E Worth slsm n Reliance G u ano rClarkton NC—John P (Cath J) h T abor C ity rd nr Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts)RD 3

—John P j r (Carrie S; Warner’s G rill) ag t Sou L ife Ins Co hT abor City rd nr Shallotte rd (F fax Hts) RD 3


s G rill (John P j r and Mrs Carrie S Warner) TaborCity rd nr Shallotte rd ( F faxHts) RD 3

Warren G eoW -

j r (Myra M ) pres Braxton-Warren Co h201 Pinkney—'

Martie N Mrs r T abor City rd nr Shallotte rd ( F fax Hts)

-Myra M Mrs sec- treas Braxton Warren Co r201 PinkneyWasham Otis L (Mildred H; Washam Warlick F arm Su pply

Co) 11501 N Thom psonWarlick F arm Su pply Co (Jam e


s A Warlick and Oits LWasham ) T abor City rd nr Mill Pond rd (F fax Hts) RD 3

Washi ng ton F rances tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NCWaters Lloyd P 13 00 S Madison—Lloyd R (Mabel M) em p Sledge Lbrh207 S Lee—Mabel M Mrs cprCaro


I‘el T eleg r207 S Lee

Watkins John W (Peggy S) servm n Caro Pwr L ight h201G arrell

Watson Chas L stu dent r204 E Colu m bu s—C lyde A (Em m a H) slsm n Kram er’s Men Boy’s Shop h204E

Colu m bu s—'G 1enn (Minnie) plm b h Shallotte rd nr T abor City rd (S Wville ) RD 3

-Harry L (Barbara B ) stu dent r102 F u ller—Le Roydep cou nty Tax Collr r TaborCity NC-Nancy E tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c r F air Blu ffNCWatts A Odell (Em m a L ) servm n Colu m bu s Mtr h3 19 E Virgil—Alvie 0 USA r3 19 E Virgil—Cecil M r


3 19 E Virgil—Cleveland H (L illie C ) h3 06 S F rankl in—David N m ach cpr State HwyD ept rRD '

4—David P (Barbara G ) linem '

an Caro Pwr L ight 11 Mill Pondrd nr TaborC ity rd (S i lle) RD 4

—D orothy slswn Rose’

s 5- 10 25Stores r405 N Madison


We Specia liz e In Tru ck and Passeng er Car Brakes

Sales and Servi ce(See Y ellow Pag e 7 )

—JKenneth (Carolyn ) plm b i lle l b rWild-wood av(BW)—John P (Lou ise W) pres Whiteville Plu m bing Co Inc h603S F rankli n

—L ou ise WMrs sec- treas Wh iteville Plu m bing Co Inc r603 S"

F rankl in—Robt L (Ru th C ) v- pres Whiteville Plu m bing Co Inc h103 W


T ru etou e T e levision , Radio , Hi - F i Record Players,Com plete RepairService 'On All Makes and Models,WesternF lyer Bicycles and T ricycles, F u l l L ine of Toys, SportingG oods, Wiz ard Appliances, Au tom obile Parts and Accessori es, Davis T ires, 112 E Main , T el MIdway 2- 3 066 (See‘Yellow Page 62)

WEST ERN SOUTHE RN LIF E INSURAN CE 0 0 , THE , G radyC Blackm an Local Sales Representative Seth L Sm ithBldg 803 S Madi so-n , Res T el Wilm ington ROg er 2—4586—Uni on T elegraph Co Constance D T aylor m g r 519 S Madison

Westm inster Presbyterian Ch u rch RevJohn S Walku p pastorS F rankl in corColu m bu s

Wheeler Lou is D ( F rances S ) slsm g r Avant E8; Sholar h100 PineWhite Alton G (Maxine L ) slsm n Hays Au to Su pply h207 N

Thom pson—Annie L Mrs cash StalyMarlowe G ro r


201 S F ranklin—Beatrice C (wi d G eoW) r


20 WCollege_ Bennett cou nty su pvrUS D ept Ag rl rChadbou rn NC

-Bessie em p L eder Bros—D ella r2‘

40 Mill—Dovie B su pvrWV i lle G arm ent Mfg rChadbou rn NC—Dowe‘

ll rCowan’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

—'E u g m ech D u ncan’

s G arag e Chain Saw r RD 3- F rances (wid F M ) h408 N F ranklin

-G E bridgem an State Hwy Com n r R!) 4—H-

arm on J bkpr Colu m bu s F eed Center r Bladenboro NC-Herbert L m g r Bu llock’s D ept Store rChadbou rn NC—Hinton ( F aye E ) em pReig e l Paper r103 S Powell blvd—'Ice Cream Milk Co Pau l R E dwards m g r T abor City rd nr

Shallotte rd ('

F fax Hts) -RD 3—JRaym ond bkprPolston Roofing r404 S F rankl in—Joe'E slsm n Powell Au to Parts r RD 4—Joel G (


Rosa P) rep Ohi o State L ife Ins Co h114WWyche—Jo i =ceyL tchrCou nty Bd of Edu c rAcm e NC- Joyce bkprWaccam aw Bank Tru st rClarkton NC—Ju stin B store m g rColu m bu s F eed Center r RD 4- Kathleen S Mrs teller F irst Natl Bank r Spivey rd (BW)—L -

awrence constn wkr A G Carter r13 2 Mill—L eonard B (Sarah ) ag t L ife InsCo ofG a r RD 1-


Mary E tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rHallsboro NC—'M~ary L c lk Cou nty Su perior Ct Clk r RD 1

-Mary R Mrs bkprWilsonHdw rRD 4Box 51—Maxine L Mrs asst adm n elkUS Dept Ag rl t2o7 N Thom psen—Opa1Mrs bkpr F irst Natl Bank r Chadbou rn NC

—Ray L (Dovie ) m g r Singer Sewing Mach r Chadbu rn NC—Rosa P Mrs ofc sec Peoples Sav Loan Assn r114WWyche-Ru by rCowan’

s RestHom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1—‘

S Virgil m ach eprStateHwyDept rChadbourn NCG (L i la ) m eter rdr Caro Pwr L ight r RD 3

—T im othy (Minnie M Barg ain Hou se ) rRD 2 Box 355—Wade L (Annie H) chi efCityPolice h201 S F rankli nWHITEHEAD SAMUE L H (Betty T ) . Optom etrist, Eye E x

am i nati ons, Office Hou rs Daily, Alli PM , 515 S

W on , Tel MIdway 2- 3 845, h3 05 Jefferson , T el MIdway

Wh iteville Bakery John M and Mrs E leanor M Carver 505 SMadison

-Beau ty Shep (Mrs Jessie B Barkley) 102 E MainWHITEVILLE BODY SHOP (R ichard C Spivey, Orvia “Boley

IHam m onds) , Body and F ender Repa iring, G lass Replacem ent, Au to T ru ck Pain ting, G u aranteed Color Match ing,24 Hou r Wrecker Service, WWalter nr Powell Blvd , T el

MIdway243 820 (See Yellow Pag e 8)—Broadcasting Co Inc Josiah A Mau ltsby pres S Lee Braxtonv-lplres J“Herm an L ederv-p'res L ash‘e S Thom pson selcWCrowell Black T re‘

as T aber City rd nr Cedar ( F fax Hts)

—Bu ilding Su pplies (B Kent Thu rston) Chadbou rn rd nr CityL im its RD 1


Exec Sec , 109 E Ma in , T el MIdway2- 3 171—Chapter N o 211 (OES) PecanWHITE VILLE CITY DIRECTORY, Hill D irectory Co Inc

Pu bli shers, 2910 W Clay, T el E L g in 9-6001 R ichm ond 6 ,Va (See Yellow Page 27 )

WHITEVILLE CITY OFCITY HALL , 3 08 S MadisonAT TORNEY, R H Bu rns j r, Ci ty Hall 3 08 S MadisonBOARD OF EDUCATION , Jam es L Collier Chairm an , A

Dial G ray, Mrs Gerda C Blanchard , H -H Collins, AltonE dwards, J Herm an Leder and C L Nance Mem bers, ECa lhou n nr Thom psonBUILDING INSPECTOR , Archie A Ru sh ing, City Ha ll 3 08 SMadison

CIVIL DE F ENSE , COORDINATOR , B L Hinnant , City Hal lCLERK, Mrs Meda H William son, 3 08 S Mad ison , T el MIdway 2- 3 3 44

COUNCIL , Hon Slade A Sm i th Mayor, Sam T Gore , N HectorMcN ei ll, Jim m y T King j r andWMalcolm Has tyMem bers

3 08 S MadisonE LE CTRICAL IN SPECTOR , B L Hi nnant City Hall 3 08 SMadison

ENG INEER , Wm S Hu gg ins, City Hall 3 08 S Madison, T el

F IRE DEPARTMENT , Arch ie A Ru shing Ch ief, City Hall

3 08 SMadi son , T el MIdway 2- 3 111

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D i al MIdway 2- 2061

N o j ob too larg e

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )

GARAG E , 3 19 E MainMANAG ER , Wm S Hu ggins , City Hall , Tel MIdway 2- 3 3 44MAYOR , Hon Slade A Sm ith , City Hall , 3 08 S Madison, T el

MAYOR ’S COURT , Hon Slade A Sm ith Ju dge , City Hall 3 08

S MadisonMAYOR ’

S COURT CLERK, Mrs Meda H Wi lliam son, Ci tyHall 3 08 S Madison

PLUMBING IN SPECTOR ,Wm JPorter, C ity HallPOLICE DEPARTME NT , Wade L Wh ite Chief, City Ha ll 3 08S Madison , Tel MIdway 2-3 3 3 3

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT , Wm J Porter Su pt, CityHall, T el MIdway2—3 3 44

RECREAT ION COMMISSION , Mrs Evelyn Inm an dir, Ci tySUPERIN TE NDENT OF SCHOOLS, L eslie A Bru ton , E Cal

hou n nr Thom pson , T el MIdway 2—3 23 7TAX COLLE CTOR , Mrs Meda H Wi lliam son , City Hall 3 08S Madi son , T el MIdway 2—3 344

TREASURER , Mrs Melda HWilliam son , City Hall, Tel MIdWHI'TE VILLE CITY SCHOOLS, L eslie A 'Bru ton Su pt, ECalhou n nr Thom pson , T el MIdway2—3 23 7

WHIT E V IL LE COCA-COLA BOT T LIN G WORKS INC , E nochH Sheffi eld Mg r, Coca-Cola D istribu tors, 218 W Lewis,T el MIdway 2—3 002 (See Yellow Page 11)—Cou ntry Clu b Jonni e Clark m


gr Clarkton rd nr By-Pass

WHITEVILLE CREDIT BUREAU, G eorg e W G old Mg r, 109 EMai n , T el MIdway 2—3 171

—E lectric Motor Repair (Lawrence Hardee Woodrow WWard)83 6 F raz ier

WHITEVILLE E LEME NTARY SCHOOL , Dewey W Hu gginsJrPrincipal , 409 N Lee , T el MIdway2—3 3 3 0—F lorist (Mrs Annie W andMartin H '

Sch u iken j r) 500 S Madison—F ree-Will Bapti st Holiness Chu rch 415 E Colu m bu s

—G arm ent Mfg Jam es L Rodenbornv- pres- plant m grWi lm ington rd nr Brickyard rd (BW)

WHITEVILLE GAS CO, WBru ce McPherson Mg r, G as Bottled ,Heaters and Appli ances , Tabor City rd u r City L im i ts( F ai rfax Hts) , T el MIdway24 151 RD 3 POBox 288,—G irl Scou ts 103 Bu rkhead

—Herbrew center N Powell blvdWHITEVIL LE HIGH SCHOOL , John T Sasser Principal , 501

N L ee , T el MIdway 2- 2765-High School au ditoriu m W College bet Lee and N Powellblvd

—Kindergarten (Mrs Em iline C Sm ith) 502 N F ranklinWHITEVILLE LAUNDRY CLEANERS (M E u gene Bu llard) ,Harriss E Bu llard Mg r, Cleani ng, Pick-Up and DeliveryService , Tailoring and Alterations, Pressing and DyeingF u r Storage , 107 E Walter, Tel MIdway 2-23 11 (See YellowPage 51)—L ivestock Market (V an E Pierce) Tabor City rd nr Shallotterd (F fax Hts) RD 3



(Wi lliam s—E leen Mrs nu rse Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp r F ore-

st dr (BW)—E lsie R Mrs m a i d -Dr E Ben War-d Dr Hu bert A Todd r‘

422 W Virgil—E m pie (Betha G ) h23 0WVirgil—E thel N tchr Cou nty Bd ofEdu c rHallsboro NC—E tru lia C tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NC—E -u nice slswnWeaver’s Jewelry Store r RD 3 Box 217—EvelynMrs cafeteria wkrCou nty Bd of Edu c rChadbou rn NC—G eneral Au to Trac


tor Repairs (Thos AWilliam s) M ill Pondrd nr Tabor City rd (SWV i lle ) RD 4

- Ha‘rold cre'dit m g r Reed’

s Jewelers r RD 3—Harold K (Mary) slsm n Ram sey Chevrolet (Chadbou rn NC )

‘h W Cedar nrUS Hwy 701 S By-

P'ass (S WV i lle) RD 3

—Helen M tch'r Cou nty Bd of Edu c rRD 3—Herbert F tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r Chadbou rn NC’

-Howard (Bertha) m ech Stevens Hasty r Chad-bou rn NC-Jas W stu dent r Mill- Pond rd n


r Tabor City rd (‘S WV i lle )- Jewel em pWV i lle G arm entMfg r F reeland NC—Joann r709 N L ee—JohnW (E lsie R ) h42‘2 W V irgil

- 2Joseph ('Alice P) em p Reigel Paper h Oak nrUS Hwy 701 S'By

-Pass (F fax Hts)—L ou i'se Mrs dept m g rBelk’s rClarendon NC—L u cian A (Lenn ie H) farm er h709 N Lee-



arym aid h405Wards—Mary PMrs tchrCentral High Sch rRD 1—M illie A (wid Jesse M ) 11409 S Mem ory—'

Minnie M Mrs tchr Central Hi gh Sch rHi'llsboro NC—Naom i bkprWaccam aw Bank Tru st r7o9 N Lee—Patricia ofc sec WV i lle E lem Sch—Retha G Mrs cook Central High Sch r23 0WV rg i l—Richd B Rev(L eatha ) pastorCalvary Bapt Chu rch h E Cedar

nr T abor C ity rd (SWV i lle)—Rosier j an Cou nty Cou rt Hou se—Roy (E leen) w ith Dairy Qu een h F orest dr (BW)—'I‘heo R em p Sledge L'b'r—Thos .A (L ottie M , William s G eneral Au to T ractorRepairs)hM ill Pond rd nr T aborC i'ty rd (8WV i lle) RD 4

-WAIHon ju dge Cou nty Recorder’s Ct r TaborCity NC

—WL en-wood asst Cou nty Je i ler r108WSm ith—'Wm N prin Cou nty Bd of E du c r T aborCity NC—Wood~row W (Shi rley D ) hlpr C ity Pu b Wks Dept h rearWilliam son A Jack j r ag tWade Cam pbell Assoes rWananish—‘

Arth (Carolina Warehou se No 1) r Cerro G ordoNC_ Betty S ofc sec G V Singletary Sons_ Blanche P tchrCou nty Bd of E du c r Evergreen NC_ Bru ce P (E stherL ) city police h109 N Thom pson—C arl C ( F ay) servm n Crowell

’s T V Radio Servh Sm yrna

—Davi s E (Re‘


a -L ) bkprWB Hobbs Son 113 01 E Clay—D el ilah tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rCerro G ordo NC—D ennis (Lou ise ) em p Cu lligan Soft Water Servh Chadbourn

rd nr C ity L im its RD 1—E d~w L (Sara B) lwyr Washing ton h E lm nrWest

(See Y e llow Pag e 46 )

—E ~dw T tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rEverg reen NC—E dw 'Wem p Black’s T ire ServrRD 3 Box 22- Eliz B tchrCou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NC—E thel Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rAsh NC—E thleen Mrs teller F irst Nati onal Bank r . Bru nswick NC—Eva B tch'

r Cou nty Bd of E du c rChadbou rn NC—F rances C tchr Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Evergreen NC—G race L tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NC-

'Haz el Mrs p’

rin New Hope Elem Sch r RD 3-Hi lda Mc P em p i lle Mfg rRD 3—Hu gh M (Madison Am oco Service Station) h501 S Madison—Jay -D (Beu lah) collr L K F u ller Appliance F u rn h Chad


bu rn rd RD 1

—Ju le m g rReliableMotors Inc rWashi ngton- Lois tchr Cou nty B'

d of Edu c r Chadbou rn NC—L'o'ttie S_

tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r T aborCity NC- Lou i‘se B em pWV i lle G arm ent Mfg r RD 1—"Mae T Mrs em p i lle G arm ent Mfg rRD 4Box 116-Marg t D tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NC—JMaryC tchrCou nty Bd‘ofE du c rHal lsboro NC—Mary L tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rCerro Gordo NC—Meda H 'Mrs city Tax Collr Clk and treas r Chad-bou rn NC—Miriam Mrs em p WV i lle G arm ent Mfg r Cha-dbou rn NC—Moll ie L em p Caro T el T eleg—Pau 1 presWhitevilleUsed Parts Inc h200Washington—R~

ay (Occie ) city pol ice h3 05 S Thom pson—'

Reba L Mrs -(Chi ldren’s N u rsery) r3 01 E Clay—’Ross M cha irm an Cou nty ’

Bd of E du c r TaborCity NC—Ti£1



s (Mary F ; Whiteville Oi l Co ) h Washington nr Powellv

—Tracy A (Mary B ) m ech Walker Bros G arage h205Webster—Verna Mrs em p i lle Mfg rWananish NC—WD slsm n T exas Co h203 N Lee—W-

eyland servm n Cook’s ofWhi teville r Chadbourn NC-Wm K rCowan

’s Rest Hom e Chadbou rn rd RD 1

Willi s Maysie E tchr E dgewood E lem Sch r106 E Colu m bu s—Myrtle E bkp'rColu m bu sMtr t lo6 E Colu m bu s—T iffany B (w i

dWm K) h106 E Colu m bu sWi ls


(A0 PortableWelding Service (Alvin O Wilson) 1017 S

a 1son

-A1vin 0 (Lau ra B ; A 0 PortableWelding Service ) h100 S Lee—'

Alvin O j r stu dent r100 S Lee—C L j r tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rCerro G ordo NC—E liz Mrs sch tchr'h207 N F ranklin-

F u rnitu re Co (Le RoyAWilson) 125WCom m erce—Hardware Co (John T Wilson) 804SMadison—Harr'i'son J) em p Sledge 'Lbr 7h3 04WMain—Henry lab Reliance G u ano r “

F air Blu ff NC-Jenny L Mrs (Jenny’s Beau ty Shop) r Hallsboro NC


'John (Ma z ie W) lab 11415WMain—‘John T (Polly N ; Wilson Hardware Co) hWoodland dr (BW)

- Johnny slsm n Holsu m Bakery r Lake Waccam aw NC- LeRoyA (Wilson F u rnitu re Co) h125WCom m erce—Marg t sm strs Nu -WayClns r RD 1—Mu sic Co W Chas G ore m g rvending m achs rear 125 W

Water F ilters

—Olden (BerthaW) em p Sledge Lbrh3 02WMain—'Polly,

N Mrs bkpr Cash Kram er’

s Ladies Shop rWoodland dr(BW)

Winstead E rm a J tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Tabor City NCWom ach Chas S em p i lleMfg r Cu rrie NC—E tta IMrs tchrCou nty Bd of E du c 1113 2 MillWom ble J D prin Cou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NC—Kathleen P tchr Cou nty Bd ofE du c rChadbou rn NCWood John D (Kathleen) slsm n Todd’s Store h402 E ClayWood’s 5 100 Store Robt AMorris m g r 722 S MadisonWood-all Pau l D (E u pha M ) sl


s su pvr Lance Inc Clarkton rd

nr C ity L im itsWoodard Mary P prsr 'Wvi lle Lndry Clns 1113 4E Mai n—Rachel D Mrs su pvr instru ction City Board of E du c r105 N


alph H (Rachel D ) sch tchr (Newbern NC ) h105 N Madison—Robt M tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r TaborCity NCWoodell BWade (Carlene) clk A Ph112 E Webster—Car1ene Mrs em p i lle Mfg r112 E Webster—4’Ceci l (Marg t B ) prod m g rA P h209WCal-hou n—Char1ie (G u ssie E ) elec appl repr 416 E Clay h do—E dw (Margie) h Chadbou rn rd RD 1—G u ssie E Mrs clk A P r416 E Clay


a L tchrCou nty Bd ofE du c r Bolton NC—’

Margt B Mrs oprCaro T el T eleg r209 WCalhou nWoody Beth R tchrCou nty Bd ofEdu c rT aborC ity NC—Eva slswn Rose

’s 5-10 250 Stores rRD 3—O ttis (D ean) driverWhol D i sti s rRD 1

—Virgil (Pegg y) servm n Collier G as Appliance rE WebsterWooltz Marg tM Mrs ofc sec Proctor Proctor r Hallsboro NCWooten Bertha P tch'r Cou nty Bd of Edu c r Evergreen NC—'

Chris'tine G sch tchr r104Chu rch—Cem ent L (Thelm a) dent i st 101 E Main h104Chu rch—E arl (Martha J) rep BadgerMeterCo h3 05 N Madi sonA G



(Peggy G ; Wooten’s Bu siness E qu ipm ent Co) h104 E



adys G (wid E dgar) dep Cou nty Reg ister of D eeds h Sm yrna rd nr F rink

-JT m em berCou nty Bd of Edu c r Chadbou rn NC—Ja‘

ck (Helen P) atndt G raham ’s Shell ServrRD 2

—Nettye tchr Central Hi gh Sch rWLewis—'

Patsy B tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC—Peggy G Mrs tellerWaccam aw Bank Tru st r104 E LewisWOOTEN THE LMA DR , Ch iropractor, Office Hou rs AM

PM , T abor City, NC, T el 509- 1, Whi tevi lle Offi ce , 104

Chu rch, T el MIdway 2-2824 r do (See Yellow Page 17 )Wooten’

s Bu siness E qu ipm ent Co (G eo G Wooten) bu inessm achines 1013 S Madison

Worley F annie S tchr Cou nty Bd of E du c r Chadbou rn NC

Worrell Clara PMrs ofo secWalterD Thom pson rRD 1Box 518—F lora M slswnWood’

s 5 l oc Store r RD 2—John G (Joyce C ) advslsm nWT A B Radio Sta bl o7 R ichardson

—Wm M (E stherI; G riffShoe Shop) rRD 3 Box 95WorthWChas Rev(Hilda B ) pastor F irst Presbyterian Chu rch

h600 N F rankl in




Each edition of you r City Directorywidely distribu ted to free reference CityDirectoryLibraries located at the Cham bersof Com m erce ofHu ndreds of other cities.

Therefore you r ad in the City Directoryis seen by buyers from coast- fo - coasi

All. FORMS OF INSURANCEC ou rt Hou se Squ are

Directory ofHou seholders, Occu pants ofOffi ceBu ilding s and

Other Bu siness Places.Inclu din g a Com plete Street

and Avenu e G u ide

Copyri g ht, 1959 , by m u Di rectory Cc. , 1nd.

In the follow i ng li st: the nam ed streets are arrang ed i n alphabeticalorder, the intersecting streets bei ng shown . T he nu m ber of each bu i ldi ngon the street i s g iven i n nu m erical order, and opposi te the nu m ber i s placedthe nam e of the occu pants or hou seowner or tenant. In the bu siness blockscontaining offi ces the occu pants are shown by room nu m bers where prac

ticable , i n apartm ent hom es the nu m ber denotes the nu m ber of th e apart

m ent. In al l streets both si des of the street are i nclu ded in one l ist. T he

professi on or bu siness of indivi du als or firm s i s g iven only at the ir respective place of bu siness ; to find occu pation of others refer to AlphabeticalL ist of Nam es.

T he sym bol followi ng a hou seholder’

s nam e indicates that we havereceived inform ati on du ring the canvass that the hou se i s owned by som e

m em ber of the fam i ly, bu t as the pu bli sher cannot and does not g u aranteethe correctness of the inform ati on fu rni shed , nor th e com plete absence ofm istakes no responsi bi li ty for errors can be or i s assu m ed , nor can the

pu b li sher fu rnish fu rther i nform ati on than that shown .

T elephone nu m bers, as su pplied to u s on ou r canvass are shown opposi te

F i g u res in parenthesis denote old nu m bers.

( T he nu m erals that appear at ri g ht edg e of colu m ns, ahead of streetdescripti ons and som e street intersections, are m erely for the g u idance ofthe pu bli shers. and have no other si g ni ficance. )

( T h is section inclu des som e li sti ng s read i ng -N o Retu rn . In each case thePu bli shers tri ed d i li g ently, by vari ou s m eans, to obtai n the inform ati onfor the occu pants bu t were u nsu ccessfu l . F i rst, two personal calls were m adeby an enu m erator ; next, a dou ble postal card was m ai led and the telephoneu sed when possi ble. )

Cham b less DonaldAIRWAY ROAD ( F airfax Pinyatello Jas D AMIHel g hts) F rom T abor City 2—2546rd west, 1 sou th of Cedar Blackm on G rady C

V acant steven


r acanMatti e S Mrs AMIE z z ell F red M AMI

Peterson JWm AMI 28 423 2 4888

Mu rphyWm LHarrelson Bobby W ANDE RSON F rom E Calhou nHardee Arlen L north , 1 eaSt of Mau ltsbyT edder - M D i ck AMI 205 Pa i l: Jas E AMI 2 -24802—3 264 210 Sm ith Wm E AMI 24 3 95

Whi tevi lle


Qu alityJewelry


2 - 2054

ARTHUR F rom Powell’

east,1 sou th of Clarence

BALDWIN F rom Mi ll sou th , 1

BAL DWIN WOOD S A su bdivi sion north oi Wi lm i ng ton rd,

.3—4 m i le beyond C i ty L im its

BANTA F rom Spru ce wesit toPine 1 north 0 L C u rti s

104. Y u ng e Steven M barber107 Skalla Herm an A

BAY—F rom 224 Mag nolia sou thwest, 2 west of F r



z i er


G rove west (au d east blk) ,1 sou th of Chadbou rn rd

501 Heath N orm an W AMI2- 423 1

502 Wayne 0 Pi erce AME243 165

Heg e G erald D (9 AMI2- 3 042

505 Robinson Sankey W (0) AMI2 - 293 7

G rove beg ins

601 McG irt E dw L AMI2- 3 3 80

603 Hu g es E Wayne f?) AMI243 3 81

605 Sellers Pau l G G) AMI2- 3 903

607 Batten L loyd 6) AMI 2- 2126

Bryce beg ins


BRICKY ARD ROAD (BaldwinWoods) F rom Wi lm ing tonrd north , 2 cast of ci ty lim i ts

V i ets D onald W AMI2- 3 13 8D avi s JR obt AMI 2—3 921Spivey L iston D g enlcontr AMI 2- 2221Pope Eva Mrs AMI2—3 9 3 6Hinson E ng AMI 2- 3 229Bordeau x Malcom W (0) AMI 2- 2415Herring Chas S plm b AMI 243 23 6M i ller N orm an 69 excavating contr AMI 2 -2720

BRY CE F rom 607 . Bob Whi te151 north , 1 west of G rove807 Powel l Ben W j r AMI

DURM AD F rom 205 N

Madi son west, 1 sou th of Willlam son

101 Barksda le Mam i e S Mrs

AMI 2 8829103 Wh i tevi lle G i rl Scou ts104 D ew C lyde T108 Row L esli e H

sellor AMI 2—3 963109 N elson N eresa Mrs AMI

ins chu n


CALDIS F rom 920 S Madi soneast. 1 sou th of Com m erce

104. Modern L au nderette selfserve

107 Plyler Upholstery Shop AMI 2- 2290

sou th , 1 cast of S Thom pson

103 Bri g ht Jas A104 Pri ce E arl106 Coates Sam l E107 T yree Wi ll saw fi ler108 Bu l lard Howard

T odd G leat W110 Ward Roland111 Tyree Khou ia A “Q112 Corn Marcu s B113 Cartrette D ewey L

110 D u ncan Robt A AMI 2- 2144

111 G ardner L G ene

112 Dyson E rnest AMI2 3 018

113 Britt N im R i r AMI 2- 32 79

114 Baldw in L esl i e L AMI2 - 3 269

115 Powell F lossi e W Mrs AMI2- 3 3 74

116 Wa lker W E dw AMI 2- 3 875L ee intersects

201 Strosci o Anthony AMI245892

205 Braxton N oah C AMI 2—3 3 3 9206 V acant207 V acant212 Hi ll’s Ice Cream Co AMI

23 02 Jackson Clarence P3 04 Soles'Wi lli e K3 07 Sm ith Jim3 09 McG ee L ee D AMI 2- 2462

Mem ory beg ins

408Under constn

P. 0 . Box 214

N . 0

Baldw in J C layton Sonso i ls AMI 2—3 3 73

Walter intersects

Main intersects

CEDAR E (Sou th Whi tevi lle )F rom T abor C i ty rd east, 1sou th of Mi ll Pond rd

Shaw G aryWard D ock AMI 2- 2514C lewi s Robt AMI 2 - 3 56 9Sim m ons Henni e Mrs

Co lem an E rnest

Stanley Au stinPi erce Wh i takerV acantG ore Ralph AMI 2—2903R i ch F rank i eWi lliam s R i chd B RevAMI 2- 3 589

CEDAR'W (Sou th Wh i tevi lle )

F rom T abor C i ty rd we st,1Sou th of Mi ll Pond rd

R u ss R V Appl Shop reprsAMI 2—3 673R u ss Robt V AMI 2- 2508Johnson Wm JAMI 24 221

US Hwy 701 S By Pass intersectsHu g g ins D avi d E AMI$ 43 93Sel lers L onz i e 0 R ev AMI 2—3 551Benton Sim eon T G) AMI2 -2640Sellers Wayne 69Wi lliam s Haro ld K (9 AMI2—2669E lli s T hu rm an


Israe l John E (9

7CENTE R F rom 3 11 W Waltersou th , 1 west of Mem ory

Jackson HoraceJackson D avi dSinkler Wi ll i eJackson Pau l

CHADBOURN ROAD RD 1 Acontinu ati on Of Washing ton be

yond city li m i ts

Cartrette R obt AWi ll iam son D enn isMayes R em bert E (Q AMI2—3 126

G rove endsCavanau g h E dwR u ss John H AMI 2-43 82

Wh itevi lle T ractor Isn

plem ent Co AMI 2- 3 081Wh itevi lle Bldg Su ps AMI

Am eri can Oi l Co AMI2-3 188Whi tevi l le Oi l Co AMI

Bu ster’s G arag e AMI 2—3 878R eady M ix Concrete ofWh i tevi lle AMI 2 -3 145Pet C lini c AMI 2—3 776Pi ttm an D anl WBowen D anl J69 AMIHardee CarlCape F ear Mem orials m on

u m entsSellers Sim s AMI 2—3 888D awseyAll i e B j r R ev(9AMI 2—3 3 28Adam s C lydeWal ker D ew


ey A 69 AMI

Walker Art ShopE dwards Ralph L AMI

Wi ll i am son Jay D G) AMI243 270E dwards Worth



D awsey All i e B G)Harrelson Jos EHarrellson L E j rCou nty Welfare D ept2- 23 49Cowan

’s Rest Hom e AMI

2 -23 49

Cowan Anni e L Mrs AMI2- 3 922'Wa lters H G rover AMI2- 2677Soles Lou isCarro ll Ro land CCou nty L i brary AMI 2—283 2Cou nty Health D ept AMI2—283 4Cartrett Jesse JSki pper Alton DBosw ell M i ltonG arrel l E rvin L i r (9 AMI2- 3 842T odd Jos AHardee V ernon L G) AMI2—2297Rog ers Jas m ech

Am L eg i on Ball PkCou nty Bd of Edu c (g arag e )AMI 2 2486Co u nty Sch Mtce D ept AMI2—283 0Cou nty Bd of Edu c (cafeteria ofc)

Chadbou rn Rd Rd l—ContdState F orest ServAMI2—3 752Melvi lle HenryJordan Ralph WStanley T hos AMI 2—4281Christi an Book RmBannerm an Robt Q AMI2—2511Stanley S P j r pu tt AMI2- 3 464

Clew is Cu rti s g ro

F reem an KenHi lbu m Jack g rpSm ith R oyWh i tevi lle Used Parts Inc

AMI 2—2028Woodell E dwCasw ell’s ServSta AMI243522Caswe ll Blanche M Mrs

Colu m bu s L ivestock MktAMI 2- 3 083Stevens Jay

CHURCH F rom 511 N Mad ison east, 4 north of L ewi s101 Alexander Wm A AMI

2—4273 Y 11103 . A



laD ewey J o@ AMI

‘Sfii g e



104Wooten Clem ent L 6) AMI2- 2824Wooten T helm a Mrs ch iro

praetor AMI 2- 2824106 Hardy G eo 0 AMI 2423 2107 Mccorm ick Carl E107%Walker Bi lly

E lkins E dw C 69 AMI 2—3 787F ranklin i ntersects

Sing letary J Howard (9 AMI 2—3 742E lli ott Ivan M© AMI2- 3 248Brown Jonathan H AMI

Hoose Weldon W AMI2—2772T aylor Constance D Mrs

AMI 2—3 058F loyd Mary L 6) AMI$ 23 25

CLARENCE A conti nu ati on ofE Com m erce

F ranklin intersectsCu nn ing ham Peyton CRou se HowardL awrence L eathaKem p ChasSm i th Mae 0 Mrs

Patri ck F rances Mrs

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D ial MIdway 2- 2061

Spivey D enni sR u sse ll F rank

Baldwin IntersectsBaldw in T om

V acantCo lem an T om

Sm ith E ddi eCarter PrestonMack L u ther i rBrown Edw AMI 2 -2065F lam ing o G ri llD an i el Wi lbu r

Canal intersects


CL ARKTON RD F rom end ofPinkney north at city lim i ts

US Hwy 701 By Pass ends

D&C ServSta AMI 243 780T edder Ju li u s CSm ith R u th

G reen L eroyBerney F red

Powell Anni e M Mrs 69 AMI 2- 2179E rvin Jas AMI 2—2200Colu m bu s Cem eteryL ea

's B i g D ixi e t e tob

F au lk JoeAnderson F ateCole Wi llard W AMI2- 3 053L ennon John C 69 AMI2—3 679Woodall Pau l D AMI2- 3 558

Brown John J5@ AMI 2—25I0Hinson A Crowell AMI2- 4106Hooks Mae Mrs G) AMI2—2549Walters L am ar A 6) AMI2—3 43 8McCaski ll John 0 AMI2—2687Sing letary L onz i eHol iday Motel AMI 2- 3 803

Ratl i ff Jad le E

Inm an'

E rm an F AMI2- 2642i lle Cou ntry Clu b AMI2—3 623Clark Jonn i eSqu ires R ex AMI 2—257 6Squ i res R ex Sls Stablesl ivestock AMI 2- 2591

Inm an Mabel C Mrs 69Inm an Lonni e B 63 g ro AMI 2- 2664Bass Raym ond J 69 AMI2 -6 594Inm an A Jackson (0) AMI2-43 83Inm an Sarah L Mrs nu rse

All Types


0 Resldentlol

0 Comm ercial




3 15 W. Lewis

(See Y ellowPag es 15 52)


(See Y ellow Pag e 43 )

Clarkton Rd—ContdHooks D elm as AMI

Jarrell G ladysHooks Pau l AMI 2—3510Byrd L ocky AMI 2- 3 690L i berty L ivestock Mkt AMI2—2850L iberty t e tob AMI2—23 23

9CLAY E F rom 201 S Mad i soneast, 1 sou th of L ewi s

102 R u shing Arch i e A (6) AMI '

2 - 9085104 T hom pson V ance AMI

2- 3 3 26105 Johnson Lo lly G Mrs 69 A

MI 2- 3 3 15rear V acant106 N orris Joe D G) AMI 2- 2842108 C u ll i fer John D AMI

2—23 27110 Su g g s G arland j r AMI

243 777111 Harri son Wm M115 Ham m onds T hosrear Hi ll G lenn L AMI 2—3 475

F ranklin i ntersects202 Pow e ll A N orm an 6) AMI

2—293 9205 Sm al l N eu z on H206 L ennon Carl S AMI

2 - 3 909207 Bu bbett V ictor L j r AMI

2- 23 3 0Bu bbett Mary D Mrs wri ter

209 McCallu m Archi e A AMI2—2806

210 Hasty W Malcolm AMI

211 G au lt F rank A AMI2 - 2875

212 V acant213 Schn ibben Herm an T 6) su r

veyor AMI 2 - 2269214 Batten Reba S Mrs AMI

2- 2427215 Ward Pu rl 0 AMI 23 148

T hom pson intersects3 01 Wi ll i am son D avi s E “SD A

MI 2—3 414Ch i ldren’

s N u rsery

Canal intersects400 Brown C Barntley j r AMI

2—4206402 Wood John D404. Cooper Corbin L RevAMI

2- 2859406 Jerni g an Carlton R 69408 Jones Wm H G)409 Pri dg en E rnest D G) AMI

2—23 65

410 G ore C l i fton L 6) AMI

412 D u ncan Wm A (9 AMI2- 3 295

414 Sm all H Collins416 Woodell Charl i e elec appl

repr AMI 2-43 70

COLL E G E E F rom 416 NMadi son east, 3 north of L ewis

F ranklin intersects

McKenz i e ends

3 06 L ove D ari u s L G) AMI2—3 3 49

3 10 i lle Wom an’s Clu b

Jr Wom an's Clu b


N i g ht T elephones MIdway 2 3 3 51 or MIdway 2—2945

201 V acant202 Ward John AMI 2- 283 9203

’McN e i ll N ei l H AMI2- 2807

204 Braxton S L ee AMI2- 2289

205 Mau ltsby Josiah A i t 6) AMI 2 2902

206 V acant207 Beason Ralph T -AMI

2—2777209 Martin Jeanette Mrs 69 A

MI 2- 3 486

COLLE G E W F rom 708 NMadi son west, 1 north ofWWi lliam son

102 Hu dson Patsy M Mrs

108 Sch u i ken Joe S AMI2—23 12

109 F u ller L eon K AMI2—3 877

110 Proctor E dw K AMI2—3 808

111 Am m ons John 0 ©"

AMI2- 2495

112 G u y T Ward AMI 2- 2714L ee intersects

i lle Hi g h Sch

(au di tori u m )Powell blvd intersects

3 06 T aylor D on M3 19 Pate H Watson AMI 243 0453 20 Hattiway Oscar AMI 2- 21923 21 Skipper Ralph C 6) AMI

23 6653 22 Matherson Carlene Mrs

623 V acant402 Carter Arm and G j r A

MI 243 751501 Brewer Wm L503 F orm yduval Henry L AMI

2- 3 3 41505 Carter A G j r g enl contr A

MI 2 - 2459507 Carter Jerry L


conm cron





DIAL Mi dway

Shallotte Rd. near

Tabor City Rd.

(S. Whiteville)

(See Y ellowPag e 24)

Colu m bu s—Contd424 G au se Chas H425 Bal dw in Sylvester AMI

2—2082rear Lou ise

’s Beau ty Shop

426 Bees John j r R ev429 V acant

COMME RCE E F rom 720 SMadi son east, 2 sou th of Main104 G reene Wm A phys AMI

110 Sm i th Seth L Co farmequ ip AMI 2—2022 AMI2- 3 865

115 Walker Bros Body Shop A

13 0 Waccam aw Tractor Co A

164 G u rg an u s F arm Su p 8: Mi lling 0 0 AMI 2- 3 064

13 7 Co lli er Su s i e Mrs

13 9 Hart Rosa 0 Mrs

F ranknn intersects

COMME RCE W F rom 720 SMadi son west, 1 sou th of Ma in115 Clifton’

s F ish Mkt116 Allred’

s Red Wh ite Su perMkt g ros AMI 2 -2775

117 Cli fton’s G ri ll restr

119 E lm a’s Shoppe wom en

's clo

AMI 2—23 47123 Jack’s Shoe Shop reprs A

MI 2 - 3 83 0125 Wi lson F u rn Co AMI 2 - 3 297Wi lson L eRoy A

rear Wi lson Mu s Co vendingm achs AMI 2- 3 297

127 Confidenti al Loan F i

nance Co AMI 2- 245813 1 Krahnke

’s Clns AMI 2- 23 13

13 2 Boswell’s F i sh MktHobbs W B Son bldgm atls AMI 2 -2855Colu m bu s Cem etery Assn

F raz ier intersects


COURT HOUSE SQUARE Located at th e j u ncti on of Jefrenson, N Madi son, Pinckney andWashington

Cou nty Cou rt Hou seCou nty Bd of Com nrs

Cou nty T ax Collr AMI243 849Cou nty T ax Su pvr AMI2—3 840Cou nty Reg i ster of D eeds AMI 2- 3 091Cou nty R ecorder

's Ct

Cou nty R ecorder’s Ct Clk A

MI 2 3 841Cou nty Su peri or CtCou nty Su perior Ct Clk A

Cou nty Juveni le CtCou nty R ecorder

's Ct Solr

Cou nty Sheri ff AMI 2- 3 869Cou nty Bu r of Identifi cati onAMI 2 3 869Cou nty Coroner

State Hwy Patrol AMI

Brown Joe W lwyr AMI

CRAY T ON F rom Garrell east,1 north of E Calhou n

601 Porter Wm J G) AMI 2-2868602 R eaves Jas B j r AMI

2 - 3 296603 Cook Irvin AMI 2- 3 218604Ward E Ben AMI 2- 3 086

Am N atl R ed Cross Colu mbu s Cc Chapter AMI 2—3 3 64State D ept of R evAMI2—273 2Cou nty D og WardenCou nty AttyCou nty Acct AMI 2- 3 860Cou nty TB Assn .AMI 2- 3 83 8i l le Produ cti on Credi tAssn AMI 2 -283 5Rob inson Sankey WV lwyr AMIT hom pson Walter D lwyr A

Hooks D Jack lwyr AMI2—23 93Proctor Proctor lwyrs AMI 2 - 2758Beason Ralph T Ins AMI2- 2061

Jones Wm F lwyr AMI2- 2965Powell 8: G au lt Ag cy ins AMI 2- 3 784Moore Andrew J j u sti ce of


Occidenta l L ife Ins Co AMI 2-4 254

Sim m ons D ru g Co AMI2- 3 106Hi g h . Oscar Son (whse )Schu lken Robt C lwyr AMI2- 3 715L ennon John C g enl m dseAMI 2—3 3 12Mem orvT S Ins Ag cy AMI2- 2409Hi g h Oscar Sons g enl'tngdse AMI 2- 3 077

CY PRE SS—F rom F raz i er northwest, 3 s ou th of W Com m erce

Ju n ior AndrewJohnson Sarah B Mrs

G a ines Zonn i e Mrs


EDWARD F rom Powell east,2 sou th of Clarence

1ELM F rom Wheeler west, 1north of MapleMem ory Robt E 6) AMI

Wi lliam son E dw L AMI

West intersects

E V E RGRE EN (Baldwin _Woods)F rom F orest dr east, 1 north

of Wi lm ing ton rd

Worth ing ton M i lton G AMI 2—3 466Bu rns Walter G ‘AMI2 -23 91G ross N i cho las R AMI2 -2908Pri dg en Wi lbu r J AMI2- 3 950

Pridg en S E AMI 2- 2798Soles Avery G AMI2- 3 953Sm i th ers N orbert C 6) AMI124

G en l Window Cln Co AMI2—3 03 8

Woodland dr beg ins

Mary la beg ins


F AIR F AX HE IGHT S A su bdivi son located sou th of ci tyli m i ts

F ORE ST D R (Ba ldwin Woods)F rom Wi lm ing ton rd north ,

1 east of Bri ckyard rd

Cox L oyd F AMIL acks Oscar H AMI243890

Everg reen beg insT owne G u y B (9 AMI 2—3 981Hooks D Jack (0) AMI

Ham m ond Bu g AMI2- 3 908Wi ll iam s Roy 69 AMI 2 - 2402

Wi ldwood avintersects

F RANKLIN N F rom 109 EL ew i s north , 1 east of Madi son100 L ong G eo D AMI 2- 3 3 20

Wi lliam son ends

3 02 Hatley JPau l “93 AMI 2—213 2604 Ro g ers D ell W Mrs 69 A

3 06 Sm ith Matti e P Mrs 68 AMI2 - 27 46

3 12 G reer Wm P j r AMI2 - 243 2

3 14 Mau ltsby Robt G AMI2 - 3 049


101 V acant105 V acan t106 F ow ler Arth W MI

2- 2263107 C li fton Walter JAMI 2-4292

1075é G ri ffin M i tchell B AMIM 77

109 Ph ifer Herbert G AMI2 -293 5

110 T aylor Wm R AMI 2 -3 056111 Y arborou g h Jani e A Mrs A

MI 2—3 879Calhou n interse cts

G odw in Jason 0 D AMI2- 3 017

Heath Cooper D AMI

Sm i th F el ix L AMI 2—3 996Wi lson E l i z Mrs

Sm i th J Horace bldgcontr AMI 2—3 73 3Hi ll F enner B 69 AMI2—3 3 57Horton D onald H elec contr

AMI 2—23 57Cooke Walter AMI 2—3 960Pri dg en D avi s B AMI 2—2205Pridg en Sand Blasting 0 0

Sm i th D ou g las bldg contr

AMI 2- 273 7Avant Pi erce K 63 AMI2 -2851L ane Annabel W Mrs G?) AMI 2- 3 3 71

Colleg e intersects

401 Apartm ents1 V acant2 V acant3 Ke lly Wm J4 Pri dg en Chas L

Stre e t continu edrear V acant

402 E m m a Mrs AMI

404 Roberts C R “95 AMI 2 - 3 811

405 Owen Jas P AMI 2—2773407 Britt E A408 Wh ite . F rances Mrs 63 AMI

2—3 024Anderson Bru ce

rear N orri s Isaac D409 Moskow Abi e H AMI

2—2245412 Holsonback V irg i n ia L Mrs




Hom e of


Bu rialInsu rance


24 Hour

Ambu lance



411 w.

Virg il St.

(See Y ellowPag e 3 8)

F ranklin N—C ontdChu rch i ntersects

500 Sm i th‘Seth C AMI 2- 3 708

502 Sm i th E m i line“ C Mrs G) AMI 2—2114i lle Kinderg arten

5o5a Warli ck Jas G AMI2- 3 444

505b L eam an Hu g h M AMI2—2110

506 Sau ls John M AMI 2- 2744

507 Wh i tley Horace B AMI2 - 2442

508 Sm ith Su e Mrs AMI2—3 716

509 N olan L eroy C AMI 243185

510 V acantWyche intersects

600 Worth W Chas R evAMI2—2251

602 Malpass Wm T AMI2 - 3 9 3 4

603 N eely Jack AMI 2 - 23 70 .

604 F ore Carl AMI 2- 3 015605 Sm all John F AMI 2

607 Hi ll L au rence S AMI 2- 3 861

608 Best G eo F AMI 2- 23 82

Sm i th intersects

702 Moss Robt 0 flori st AMI 2 -4270

704 Bri g ht D ew itt AMI2 3 417

706 Meares Arth C AMI 2 - 2170rear Qu inerly Jos P G) AMI

2- 2869

F RANKL IN S F rom 109 EL ewi s sou th , 1 cast of Madi son102 L eder Herm an AMI

2 - 3 809103 R u sh ing Martha C Mrs

AMI 24 424»104 T hom pson R osa K Mrs I?)

AMI 2 - 3 275L ee Am anda H Mrs AMI23 275

106 G u dg er Jesse M AMI2 - 23 08

107 F ow ler Barcey E AMI2—23 77

108 L i ttle R T om m y111 T yner L E dw

Clay intersedts201 Whi te Wade L AMI

2 - 2769202 F orm y D uval Marg u eri te

Mrs 69 AMI 2- 3 022203 T hom pson Pearl F Mrs 69

AMI 243 614205 G u rkin Herbert AMI 2 - 23 95208 V acant208%Myers John209 Blackwel l Sam l J “52 m frs

ag t AMI 2—43 17Webster intersects

3 00 Hobbs Wm B 69 AMI 2- 28153 04 Hobbs Clyde H AMI

2- 23 443 06 Watts Haver‘ W AMI 2 - 2646Westm inster Presby Ch AMI 2 - 2762

10Colu m bu s intersects

701 Okinawan G ri llR i chardson Metti e C

7 01%V acant703 Pow el l Ju l i u s L C0) AMI

2—3 454705 V acant

707 G am es G eo W phys AMI


Peavey'Wm L AMI 2-4294rear Carter V irg inia M Mrs

MI 24 3 3 8405 Whi tm an Su e P Mrs 63 A

MI 2- 2748406 Hinnant Berry L G) AMI

2—2841407 Heafner Arvel E AMI

2—2483408 V ereen Jack J AMI

243 13 0409 Stu rg eon G eo W AMI 2—2826410 Herring Ag nes Mrs (03rear V acant411 Hesson Irw in G

412 Cotting ham Jas L AMI2—2825Cotting ham

’s Rm s fu rn rm s

413 V acant414 Pow ell Charl i e J 69 AMI

2—2275415 G ore Jas V417 Hu g hes Maddry S

419 Sing letary G eo V 69 AMI2—23 71

rear Adam s T aylor j rV irg i l intersects

501 Hayes Ada H Mrs 026) AMI2 - 3 6 61

502 Ward E l i z L Mrs AMI2—3 085

503 Stophel Chas C G) AMI2 3 03 6

504 McN ai r Ralph S Jr AMI

Ward Jos H AMI 2- 3 196E lli s W Jas AMI 2—3 267

509 Hard i e Martin V 63 AMI23 676Ward E Ben dentist AMI

2 - 3 754

T odd Hu bert A denti st AMI2—3 754L i ttle Mary V Mrs AMI2- 2702Clem m ons L incy D

Walter intersects

Ham m ond F Wi lbu rG rai ng er R MOsborne Wm C AMI 2-83 60

Jacobs Sam l B AMI 2- 2401

West John P 69 AMI 2 -6 986

i lle l b Co Inc AMI2- 3 257Colu m bu s T rading Co Inc

ferti l i z ers AMI 2—3 702Colu m bu s F CX Servfeed

AMI 2 - 3 3 9 6



o Aller

al iens



Indu strial

DIAL Mi dway

Red Hill Rd.

(See Y ellowPag e 21)

Jefferson—Contd117 Applewh ite Ralph L AMI

2 - 2073118 Sm ith Addi e P Mrs 69 AMI

2—3 807121 Wi lkins E m m ett JAMI

2 - 3477rear M incey Benj O AMI 2—3 3 68

F rana intersedts

200 Baldw in G race Mrs AMI

202 F ore L eona N Mrs C?) AMI2- 3 853

203 McD an i el E tta R Mrs 63 AMI 2—3 095

204 Ash ley John H elec contrAMI 2- 3 057

206 T hom pson Y an cey P (Q AMI 2—3 166

208 T u rner F Cu rti s AMI2 - 3 020

210 Black John R phys AMI2-8080

rear Black Ann i e E Mrs G) AMI 2- 23 02

212 Black John R AMI 2—2291214Wa lters Hez ekiah G AMI

2—2079Thom pson i ntersects

3 01 Bu llard L onni e'

M (9 AMI2 - 3 753State F arm Ins Cos AMI

3 03 Co lli er Herbert L'

(6) AMI2—3448

-3 05 Wh i tehead Sam l H AMI2 -2260

3 07 Jam es Jos L AMI 2—20723 09 Honeycu tt Jerry AMI

2 - 3 8466 10 Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp Inc

AMI 2- 3 13 13 11 Johnson Clyde E AMI

Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp(nu rses hom e)E anes F rances T Mrs

G oldston A F red j r (9 AMI2 -43 10O’N eal Robt L AMI 243 3 22

Sasser John T (9) AMI2- 3 3 9 7G ore Wm B (5) AMI 2- 3 284

Olive dr beg i ns

Sm ith M i lton LDa iry Qu een i ce cream AMI 2- 2810

KIRK BL V D F rom 814 Oaksou th to L ake av402 Y u ng e Steven M I


406 Pelda D ori s Mrs 69407 Hircek T hos408 Kasond Henry R 69

LAUREL F rom Mag noli asou thwest, 1 west of F raz i er

(not open bet Main and Magno


Colleg e intersects

702 Bernste in Martin A AMI2 -43 01

703 Bu llock Chas E AMI

Spivey Isaac

704 Atk ins Howard L AMI2—3 968

707 McPhau l Clau de T AMI2 - 3 882

709 Wi ll iam s L u cian A CD AMI2—2097

Sm i th intersects

800 Mem ory Sim m s E (9) AMI2- 2457

802 Batten G eo H AMI 26 768806 F i sher L eo L AMI 2- 3 823

Washing ton intersects

N orris R u do lph CRay Jos J AMI 2- 2098

907 E dwards Alton C AMI

908 Ward E u g P AMI 2- 3 446


Pnooucrs200 Mag noli a St.

(See Y ellow Pag e 3 7 )DIAL MIdway 2- 3 842

LEE N F romnorth , 1 west of Madi son101 T hom as Ju li u s E AMI

2- 3 014103 G alim berti Chas P AMI

2- 2954107 Bri tt D anl 0 R evAMI

2- 2249109 E dwards Pau l R AMI

2-43 87E dwards Polly B Mrs m u s

tchr111 BraceyWi ley A113 V acant115 D avi s G ertru de L Mrs AMI

2 -3 2721151s Skipper R i chd L203 Wi l liam son W D

205 Avant Wi lbu r S AMI2- 3 069

207_ L ytle Chas H AMI 2- 2464208 Bu np B D avi d AMI 2 - 2929

3 01 Colem an D an l D AMI 2- 3 7463 07 Sledg e W F erbee AMI

2- 3 010402 Sacred Heart Cath Ch A

MI 23 895D u ncan Arth R ev

409 Wh i tevi lle E lem Sch AMI2 - 3 83 0

V acanti lle Hi g h Sch AMI 2- 2765

Marks L D ew i tt AMI2- 2990Spivey F rank IT aylor Bi scu i t Co whoiconfyG i bson Candy Co (whse)T u rbevi lle D elano '

P Mrs AMI 2 3 789L ennon Joyce H Mrs AMI2—3 73 1Am L eg i on Post N o 13 1

Herm an L eder Pk


L ee N—Contd910 Mooney Au brey AMI

911 Bu llard ClarenceN ance intersedts

1001 Marshall Kent AMI2- 3 3 01

1002 Hayes Alex AMI 2- 28121003 Creekm ore L u ci lle P Mrs

AMI 2 - 3 992

1004 Cou trou ki s T om N AMI2—2010

1005 N ance Strang e AMI 2 - 2771

F ri nk intersectsN orth intersectsPine intersects

1201 Mau ltsby John C I@’


LE E S F rom 200 W L ewi ssou th , 1 west of S Madi son

100 Wi lson Alvi n 0 AMI2 - 2096

101 Cl ifton Joel C CD AMI 243 911E ng en E ng W AMI 2—283 8

104 McN e i ll Walter P AMI2-4268

106 Hu nt Sam108 Ward A D 69 AMI


2—223 7Phi lli ps b eg i nsWebster ends

207 Waters L loyd R “Q AMI2- 2972

208 Moore’s t e AMI 2 43 11

209 D avi s Steadm an E211 Si bbett V i ctor AMI 2- 2876

Colu m bu s intersects3 00 V acant3 05 Stanley Wm A AMI 2- 2218

3 07 Bru nsw i ck E lec Mem bersh i p Corp AMI 2 - 2068

3 08 Hodg es Sew ell AMI 2 - 3 700 Mau ltsby intersects

3 10 V acant L am er Everett.

V i rg i l intersects Marlow e Arch i e R AMI

401 V acant 2—2416402 L ew i s Sl im403 V acant405 Savag e Wi ll i e R407 Henry Jas-409 McL ean Thos i r

Walter intersects508 R el i able Mtrs Inc u sed cars

509 D ixi e Mtrs Inc (si de ent)


LEWIS E F rom 101 N Madison east, 1 sou th of Calhou n(base li ne divi ding north andsou th streets)102 G lass John B AMI 2- 2890104Wooten G eo G (0) AMI

2- 2487105 L ew i s Helen K Mrs 69 AMI

2—23 16

107 Moskow Hym an AMI_2—23 61

107%V ereen’

Jack G AMI 2—43 51F rana intersects

201 R oz i er Am os L AMI243 804

rear Ro z i er’s Ins Ag cy

202 Sasser E u g C203 G reer Irene Mrs nu rse

AMI 2- 3 043205 V alentine Howard L j r 69 A

MI 2- 3 3 07206 Sm ith Irving E 69 b ldg

contr AMI 2—3 028207 E ll i s Wm L Rev AMI

2- 2914208 Hawks E L eroy AMI

2—43 55209 Moore Ila R Mrs AMI

2- 43 88210 L ew i s Mae Mrs “92 AMI

2 - 3 43 0

Thom pson m tersects

3 02 G ri ce G rover AMI 2- 3 703

806 D ri g g ers Henry W AMI—23 06 ‘

3 08 Ray Ona J Mrs (C) AMI'2 - 2171

rear Soles E lton H3 10 Heath R obt B 6) AMI 2- 2180

Heath Bob elec contrs

Canal intersect

400 Pi erce J Edg ar AMIasz ss

402 G arrell Johni e J 016) AMI2—2801

403 Baker E Carson AMI 2- 3 03 2

404 Xanthos Pete AMI 2 - 2984

405 Lgau i

jtgby Allyn E AMI

- 3 4

LEWIS w F rom 100 N Madi

son west, 1 sou th of Calhou n

105 Ph i ll ips G i les W AMI2—3 767

109 Owens T hu rm an Z AMI2- 3 3 51

110 G ray A D i a l I© AMI 2- 3 728

111 Sellers H Lawrence AMI2—2021

112 D u rham Wm . D AMI 2- 2015Jones E dw J AMI 2 - 3 207

113 Sledg e T hos D AMI2—2853

114 Apartm ents2 V acant

Street continu ed116 T u ten L E AMI 2- 9080


0 Residential0 Com m ercial

0 Indu strial



Estim ates

D IAL MIdway

2 15 N.


(See Y ellowPag e 60)

L ew i s W - Contd118 G ore John S (9 sls prom o

ti on servAMI 2- 3 246200 McG ee L ee J G) AMI 2 - 2573

Ph i llips ‘W J203 Hu nt D onald E AMI

2- 42 17 C

207 Mooney John (6) AMI 2 - 2153209 Cashwell Wi ll S AMI

2—3 3 3 1211 T hom as Joe 69 AMI 2- 3 496213 T yler L loyd AMI 2- 2912218 i lle Coca—Cola Btlg Wks

Inc AMI 2- 3 002L ee intersects

3 04 T olley John T3 11 Best L eo G AMI 2 - 27673 12


Co lson Roosevelt AMI24 287

3 13 Stri ckland Spencer3 15 Best Wi lbu r GBest G abt Wks AMI 2- 3 408rear Best T ran sfer Co AMI f

2 - 3 408402 D i cker Rol i e403 McN e i ll Perry AMI 2- 3 501404 T oon M inni e405 McN e i ll R o z i er AMI

2 - 2740

406 Powell J O'N eil AMI 2-43 3 8

407 G eorg e Jas C409 Ward Ann i e410 Ph i fer Bru ce AMI 2- 2747

411 McCla in Henry AMI2—2223

412 G ra ing er Add i e A Mrs

413 Crawford Retha F Mrs

417 McInti re Owen418 Jackson Ju n i or

Pag e R obt419 Atkinson E lla Mrs AMI

420 Bu llock A C425 Cu tler L eanna AMI 2- 3 416

5MADISON N F rom 104 E L ewi s north

. 1 w est of F ranklin100 F orm yduval Mary C Mrs

AMI 2-83 50T eBoe El iz C Mrs

101 Co u n ci l G ladys T Mrs AMI 2 - 3 800

103 T hom pson Belton S 6) AMI2—23 64

104 T hom pson Wm E (9 AMI2—2856'T hom pson Rache l G Mrs

m u s tchr

105Woodard Ralph H (6) AMI2—3 211

106 Chesnu tt N orwood B AMI 2 3 722

107 Pentecostal Hol iness Ch AMI 2—3 782

108 D rau g hon G eo F AMI2

110 T hu rston Birdi e S Mrs 69 AMI 2- 2105

Calhou n intersects203 R eeves Kati e D Mrs G) A

MI 2—3 3 92Johnson Benj F

204 Sm i th F elix ‘

M 69 AMI2—3 075

205 G ore L au rence J AMI2-4210

208 Krahnke Au g J AMI2 -2115 Bu rkhead beg ins

3 01 T erry Bi lli e H Mrs AMI2—2766

3 03 D u ncan Robt L AMI243 771

3 05 Wooten E arl AMI 2 - 20423 07 L ew i s Marg t 0 Mrs A

MI 2- 3 3 13

3 08 Sm ith Slade A AMI2 - 3 3 98

Wi lliam son intersects

401 MacIntyre John T 63402 E dwards Mary C Mrs i© A

MI 2- 3 880403 N i ckolau s Chas A AMI

405 F u ller R u by AMI 2- 3 827416 F u ller S L Co farm m achs

AMI 2- 3 078F u ller Sam L l ivestock AMI 2- 3 07 3

607 Baldw in Wm D AMI

L ittle Eva A Mrs

607 i tMelton Bobby L AMI

608 Prevatte D anl E 69 AMI

609 Baldw in D avid W AMI2 - 2864Moskow Morris AMI 2-43 3 9

610 Prevatte E Ri st hom e AMIT hom pso2 - 3 101

Colleg e intersects

F u ller Sam L 69 AMI 2-2214Sm ith E L ew is G) AMI2 -23 80

502 F oster Robt C RevAMI2—3 203Sm ith Go la tou ri st hom e AMI 2 3 3 79Powell E tta N Mrs £6) AMI2—23 81F i rst Bapt Ch AMI 2- 2258

F oster L eona W Mrskinderg artenMcN ei ll Wm C AMI2—3 762

Chu rch beg ins

600 Bo ice Su e T Mrs 69 AMI2- 3 011

601 T hu rston J L onn i e AMI2- 3 826

604 Sing letary John B 69 AMI2- 3 791

605 Cook JWarren AMIn2 8125Cook JW Sons bldgcontrs AMI 2 - 2 3 01M i ll ican Mag g i e AMI 2—2712

605%F loyd Ada C Mrs AMI


W. Walter, Nr.

(See Y ellowPag e 8)


Headqu arters


2 -2244on 3 . Madison

Madi son S—C ontdAvant fi z Sholar Inc au tod irs AMI 2 - 3 857

412 Avant Sholar Inc u sedcars

413 G &C Pontiac Inc AMI2- 3 153 AMI 2 - 2203

415 Hines She ll Servg as sta AMI 2 2087

416 G arrell’

s Pu re Oi l Sta AMI2—23 43

V i rg i l intersects

500 i lle F lori st AMI 2- 2722501 Madi son Am oco ServSta A

MI 2—3 220Wi ll i am son Hu g h M

502 Schu i ken= Arm i e W Mrs (0)Sch u i ken Martin H j r

505 i lle BakeryCarver John M

506 Schu lken M inni e H Mrs G)AMI 2—3 089

507 Wells Oldsm obi le Inc AMI2 - 2185

508 Wells Oldsm obi le Inc u sedcars

509 Sou Au to F inance Co AMI

511 R eserve L ife Ins Co AMI2 - 3 088

512 Jordan's G ri ll restrJordan’

s G u l f ServAMI2-4202N ew Co lu m bu s Hotel AMIBon- T on Beau ty Shop AMI2 - 3 293Whi tehead Sam l H optom AMI 2—3 845Jam es Jos L ch iropractorAMI 2—3 240Co lu m bu s Barber Shop AMI 2—43 19Western Union T eleg Co AMI 2 - 23 15

Walter intersects

Peoples Sav Loan AssnAMI 2- 23 3 2Sm i th F el ix M (ofc) AMI

N ew Y ork Restr AMI 2- 2809T errence Anthony C optomAMI 2—2062

605 F loyd Anderson G phys AMI 2- 3 3 17Sm ith Slade A phys AMI2—2743

606 Sou Ki tchen The restr AMI2—3 704

607 Po lly’s M u s Store AMI

N u—Way Clns AMI 2- 3 859Art Shop T he g ifts AMI2—3 221F irestone Hom e Au to Su pAMI 2—2244F ow ler Co T he elec appl AMI 2 - 2244McN e i ll J A Sons dru g s

AMI 2—3 605R eed

’s l rs AMI 2 - 2054

Strosci o Anthony watchrepr

11Main intersects

700—F irst N atl Bk T he AMI2 - 2174

701 Weaver’s l ry Store AMI2 - 2246

703—05 Mann's J 8 Dept Store

AMI 2—3 873704FWard’

s G ril l restr AZMI

719 G lam or Shops wom en's clo

AMI 2- 3 265720 Bu dg et Shop T he wom en


721 Belk-Hensdale Co dept storeAMI 2 -3 23 5

MI 2—2226AMI 2—2649AMI 2 - 2817

728 V acant729 Moskow H D ept

2—23 20Com m erce

800 Kram er’s Ladi es

wom en’s 0 10 AM

801-03 G u iton’s D ru g

MI 2 - 3 061

614 T odd F u rn Co AMI 2—3 3 77‘615 Sad ler Ralph C phys AMT;

2—2706Wyche Jos T phys AMI2 -2706

615- 19 Caro Pwr L i g ht Co AMI 2—3 175

616 T hom pson B S Co tu rn AMI 2—2797

617 Cook’s of i lle NC elecappl AMI 2—2804

621 M cQu een’s Seed Store AMI

2 - 2094622 Waccam aw Bank T ru st

Co AMI 24101Colu m bu s D i splay Q0 AMI2 2797

627 Co lu m bu s T heatre AMI2- 23 3 4

629 Co lu m bu s D ru g Store AMI2—3 009

706 San itary Barber Shop707-09 Kram er

’s Men Boy’s

Shop AMI 2 - 2006708 Jewe l Shop T he AMI 2—3 3 58710 Su bu rban R u lan e G as Co A

MI 2 - 2428D evane G as Appl 0 0 IncAMI 2—2428

711 L e inwand’s D ept Store A

MI 2—2764L e inwand

’s Pawn Shop A

MI 2 - 2764712 Cato Stores Inc wom en

’s clo

AMI 2- 2064713 F am i ly Shoe Store AMI

2 - 3 03 47 14- 18 L eder Bros '

Inc deptstore AMI 2—2840

715 Style Shop T he wom en’s clo

AMI 2—423 4717 Coll i er’s D ept Store AMI

Cou rt Hou se”

Squ areMadi son S—Contd802 Sm ith

’s Cash Store g ros A

MI'2- 2814803 Sm ith Seth L BldgWestern Sou L i fe Inc COBaldwi n Stu dio p hotog AMI2- 3 793Johnson Mari e L denti st AMI 2 2268Modern Beau ty Shop AMI2—3 713

804 Wi lson Hdw Co AMI 2—3 063805 Braxton-Warren Co elec

appl AMI 2—3 7 12806 Sing er Sew ing Mach Co A

MI 2-3 864807 Bu llock’s D ept Store

808 Reoples Barber Shop AMI2—43 3 7

809 - 11- 13.Coll ins D ept Store A

MI 2- 2791810-12 V acant814 Jones F u rn Co Inc AMI

23 3 04815 N ews R eporter Co T he

pu bi s AMI 2—3 162N ews R eporter T he newspaper AMI 2—3 162

816 L eRoy's Barber Servbar

ber shop AMI 2- 3 451817 N ews R eporter Co T he

printers AMI 2- 3 076818 V acant819 Sears Roebu ck and Co m ai l

order hse AMI 2—4161All State Ins Co AMI 2- 4161

821 Penn’s G ri ll AMI 2- 2779

822 Waccam aw Bank T ru stCo D rive In Br AMI 2—4192

Pecan beg ins

900 Center E sso Sta AMI 2- 3 863901 F arm ers t e AMI 2—4296

Y ou n g T B Co pecan dlrs902-04 V acant

908 F loyd- Barkley Ag cy g enlins AMI 2- 2142

911 Co le's Store farm su ps AMI2—3 819

914. Powell Au to Parts whol AMI 2—2829"

916 V acant

917 Sou th Madi son D rive Inrestr AMI 2 - 297 3

918 T exti le Prod u cts cu rta insAMI 2 - 3 291

918 G arrell's int dec AMI 2 - 3 291

920 Ward’s E lec Mtrs Shop A

MI 2—2768921 E m pi e

s Cafe restr AMI2—3 813

923 Em pi e's T elev Appl A

MI 2 - 227 3'

924Under cosnt

JEWELERSThe Hom e of

Qu alityJewelry


2 -2054

N. C. License

No . 409



Indu strial


926 C ircle D rive-In restr AMI2-9882

93 0 Benton Sasser T exaco StaAMI 243 27

9 3 1 Barg ain Hse u sed fu rnCaldi s beJam es be

1001 Modern D ry Clns AMI2—23 17

1008 Colli er G as Appl Co IncAMI 2—3 247

1009 Cam pbell Wade Assocsins AMI 2-4218N atl G rang e Ins ServicesAMI 24218

F i rst N atl L ife Ins Co ofPhoen ix Ari z AMI 2—4218

1011 V acant1016 Wooten

’s Bu siness E qu i p Cc

bu s m achs AMI 2—2248Sgh

azfer Henry E chiropo

i s

1017 Sing ServSta AMI 2—203 2Wi lson A 0 Portab le WldgServAMI 2- 3 244

MAG -NOL IA F rom 902 Praz i cinorthwest, 1 sou th of Comm erce

200 Sincla ir Refining Co oi l AMICollins H H Sons whoio i l AMI 2- 3 3 42

205 i l le Mtr Sls Servcha in saws AMI 2- 2989

210 N ance C L T ransfer AMI2—3 856

215 McPherson Well D ri ll ingServAMI 2—4275T ownsend l b Co contrsAMI 2- 3 217

220 Sneed Robt222 Beau ford Pari s224 Johnson Jas H AMI 2—2261

MAIN E F rom 629 8 Madi soneast, 1 sou th of E Walter

Ry Exp Ag cy AMI 2- 3 862ACL RR AMI 2 -3 862ACL RR (pass sta )

101 Colu m bu s T heatre BldgL i berty L ife Ins Co AMI2 - 2701Wooten Clem ent L dentistAMI 2—3 3 53Co lu m bu s Cou tt s Inc bri dg eAMI 2-46 71

102 WV i lle Beau ty Shop AMI2—3 3 14

103 Hoskins Wm H phys AMI2 - 3 720

104. Sim m ons D ru g Co (N o 2)AMI 2 - 3 255

Mai n - E—C ‘

ontd106 G ore

’s Qu al i ty Shop g i fts

AMI 2- 2250107 Bu nn D avi d G phys AMI

2 - 2016108 i lle Shoe Mkt AMI 2- 2709109 i lle Merchants

’ Assn IncAMI 2- 3 171i lle T ob

Bd of T rade AMI 2 - 3 171i lle Credit Bu r AMI2- 3 171WV i lle Cham ber of Comm erce AMI 2 - 3 171

110 C i ty Shoe Hosp AMI 2- 2242112 Western Au to Assoc Store

AMI 2 - 3 066114 Ward

’s C loth i ers clo AMI

2 - 3 282116 R ay

’s l rs Inc AMI 2 - 3 449

18- 20 Schu lken's Hdw Co AMI

2- 3 867122 Stophel

s D ry Clns AMI2 43 718

124 i lle T rading Co g enlm dse AMI 2—3 741

126 G lobe T rading Co sporti ngg ds AMI 2- 23 18

13 0 Cru tchfi eld's T ob t e

13 4Woodard Mary P13 6 Martin Ma j or

yF 63 AMI

2- 23 60140 Braxton Au to Parts Inc

whol AMI 2 -21212d fl Prevatte Braxton Mu t

Ag cy ins AMI 2—2953AMIN ati onw i de Ins Co


2 - 2953F rankli n intersects

N o retu rnV i neland Ice Co m frs AMI2- 23 24Jackson John Hi lle T ob Co whse AMI2—3 102Hi de -A-Way D rive In restrAMI 2—9889D eL u xe G ri ll restr AMI2 - 3 050D eL u xe T axi AMI 2- 3 050Ham m ond Sad i e J MrsUn ion Bu s Sta AMI 2493 69Qu een C ity Coach Co AMI2- 3 3 169Qu een City T rai lways AMI2—3 3 69

T hom pson intersects3 09 V acant3 11 Sasser Albert J

Sim m ons Andrew3 13 Wri g ht E lm o L3 15 D avi s Herbert B3 17 K ing M inn i e C Mrs

3 19 City G arag e

MAIN W F rom 700 S Madi sonwest, 1 sou th ofWWalter100 Waccam aw Bank Bldg

Sou L i fe Ins Co AMI 2—223 6N elli e’

s Beau ty Salon AMI

101 F i rst N altl Bank BldgBatten . L loyd Mu t Ins Ag cyAMI 2 - 3 3 16

V og u e Beau ty Shop AMI2 - 23 28Ward John acct AMI 2-2763

L ife Ins Co of the Sou th AMI 24 3 45

103 Colu m bu s Mtr Co whol au to

parts AMI 2—2161

Powell blvd intersectsMcG i ll ends

200 Sing letary G V Sons whoi

g ros AMI 2- 2146204 L ee G irl i e M Mrs

Mem ory ends6 02 Wi lson Oldenrear V acant3 04 Wi lson Harri sonrear D avis Jas AMI 2—3 6773 08 McCollu in Anna M Mrs

3 10 Baldw in’s Jessi e's Store


3 12 Baldw in Jessi e AMI2- 3 818

Center ends402 G eorg e D ora S Mrs G)405 V acant406 King dom Hall of Jehovah's

Wi tnessesR og ers Maz i e Mrs 69

407 Ba in E lla P Mrs (03409 G ordon Wm S411 Walker Johnn i e

Canal intersects400 R el iance G u ano Co Inc fer

i li z ers AMI 2-4128411 Baldw in .Matti e 0 Mrs G)

bdg AMI 2 - 217 3418 Sh i pm an Albert T g ro

414 Whol D istrs Inc bldg su ps

AMI 2—4111420 Wacca maw V eneer Co Inc

m frs AMI 2 - 2193end V irg i nia T ob Co whse

L ee ends

107-09 Colu m bu s Su p Co plm b

su p AMI 2- 2163

112 Caro Mtrs Inc u sed cars AMI 2- 2465

118 C ity F i sh Mkt122 McN e i ll N e i l Hector Ag cy

ins AMI 2—3 3 91124 D&T Su per Mkt AMI 2 - 2857

128- 3 0 T hom pson B S Co

(whse ) AMI 2—43 91

2 - 23 17


We Specia liz e In Tru ck and Passeng er Car BrakesBOD Y WORK—EXPERT RAD IAT OR SERV ICE—G LASS F OR ANY CAB

Sales and Servi ce(See Y ellow Pag e 7 )126 Pecan

Mem ory S—ContdSing leton Hom er D

3 03 $§Odom Barbara3 04 R eg an John P (0)

McInti re T hos R Rev(CD3 05 Corbett Am eri da

McL ean Wm C3 06 Hi ll Carl3 07 Pridg en Jasper L AMI

2 -3 2663 08 Bri dg es G eo

Ward be g ins3 10 G raham Chester AMI

2 3 1173 11 G ore Bi ll812 R oyals M inn i e L Mrs AMI

2-43 59V irg i l i ntersects

406 D avxs Zeno confy407 G rant Sylvester408 McCall Cordia A Mrs

409 Wi lliam s M i lli e A Mrs

420 Savag e CarlWalter intersects

500 V acant508 L ong E ddi e

Main intersects


MILL F rom 718 S Madisonsou theast, 1 sou th of W Main106 Callahan’

s G u n R epr108 Herring

’s Radi o T V

R eprs AMI 2—2057Caro Pwr L i g ht (su b sta)AMI 2- 3 995F ai rcloth Repr shop watchreprs

F ai rcloth Jerry E112 N orri s Joe D photog122 Bu l lock L ee R Mrs AMI

2- 2968123 R eeves Asa barber125 Pridg en

’s R estrBeck Wi ll i e

Harri s beg insWom ack Etta IMrs (Q AMI 2—3 814Coll ins Hatti e L Mrs

V acantMcN a ir F rances PSpau lding Mab le E Mrs

AMI 2- 283 6G ore HenryBell E u la M Mrs

12F ranklin intersects

Colem an JoeJones Ann i e LF rink Mary C MrsUnder constnSim on


s HarveyE


lst Side Com m u ni ty Bapt

Bu rrou g hs Pau l M

D i al MIdway 2- 3 73 9

226 Chestnu t JW


MISSION F rom 516 W Wash

lu g ton northwest, 1 west ofSm yrna rd


MILL POND ROAD (S Whi tevi lle ) RD 4 F rom Tabor Ci tyrd east, 1 sou th of Ci ty lim i ts

G au se B L aytonBarnes D avi d T AMI2—3 864Croz i er Hom er H AMI2 - 3 485F i pps Jas A AMI 2- 2600Watts D avid P (9 AMI


2- 2980Merri tt JF ran kl inHooks Wm E (6) AMI 2 -2558Hi ldebrand D orothy H Mrs

AMI 2- 2558'Wi lliam s G enl Au to T rac

tor Reprs

Wi lliam s T hos A AMI2—2604McKe ithan D eweyN ewsom e L esl i e E O AMI2—3 622Ho lt G eo W AMI 2 6 658Bu tler Carl E (9 AMI 2—3 625N ewm an Hu bert H (6)N ewm an F rank A O AMI2—2629McRackan Walter C 69 AMI 2- 3 565

E dm ond Jas C i r AMI2 -3 565Jones L eviPri dg en D avid ME z z ell Colon L AMI

E z z ell H E u g AMI 2—3 871CanadyJohn MBowers L awrence R O AMI 2- 3 3 23


MOORE F rom 216 W Walternorth , 1 west of S L ee

D avis D essi e J Mrs

Savag e Everlena H Mrs

V irg il intersects

D avis D on AMI 2—4218Best Jim wood dlrE dwards Clns AMI 24 924T eachy Moz ellHem m ing way O

'Cedar Mrs

Mears JordanSu m m ers N orm an

Pring le E ll is


2NANCE E F rom 201 Pinkneyeast, 1 north Cou rt Hou se sq104 Canterbu ry N ewton C © A

MI 2—3 260105 L ee -Percy 0 R evAMI

2—3 7 75107 Harper E lwood J AMI

2—3 447109 Brown Joe W AMI 24 261115 Shaw Horace L 63 AMI

2 23 73116 L ewis Loi s F Mrs AMI

2- 3 3 11118 Powell Jas E AMI 243 91312 1 -McG i rt Wm H (0) AMI

2—3 759F ranklin intersects

1NAN CE W F rom 201 Pinkneywest, 1 north ofJefferson105 Moffitt Mae G Mrs (6) AMI

2 - 2183106 Hodg es Robt A 69 AMI

2—3 785107 Shu ping J Brooks AMI

2—43 46108 Best iW Bert110 F ly D onald E111 V acant112 Ham m onds E lton I113 T u pper Myron W j r


AMI2 - 2404

L ee intersects202 Sellers Joe C203 Swarts Jas C j r AMI 2 -4285204 McPherson Hom er L AMI

206 RayHom er L AMI2 -3 868

West intersedts

(not open bet We st andSm yrna rd)

Sm yrna rd i ntersectsTodd J Clyde AMI 2- 2995Bu rns W Clyde AMI2- 3 801Zandy Johu L (Q AMI2- 3 792G reene G eo C 69 AMI 2- 2759Ca in Bru ceBram e Lacy M AMI 2—3 778

Mi ssion ends'504Under c onstn

NORTH W F rom 400 Pinkneywest, 1 sou th of Pine

100 Mem ory Jerom e AMI2 - 3 882

102 -Kirby Jas T AMI 2- 3 3 03 .

104 G ore Clyde W AMI 2- 223 3105 G u rg anu s Hou ston B 69 A

MI 2—3 891G u rg anu s Su san Mrs

L ee intersects201 Wi lletts A L arnell G). A

MI 2- 3 151205 Moore Donal d N AMI 2- 247I

West intersects3 03 Oliver Marg t C “Q AMI

Ol iver Hts '

N u rsery day805 G i bson John H AMI

2-3 975Powell blvd intersectsSm yrna rd intersects

Sellers E lisha j r AMI2—299 2

OAK ( F a irfax He i g hts ) F romUS Hwy 701 8 By Pass sou th , 1

sou th of ci ty lim i tsPenny Seth (9Wi ll iam s J0 5

OLIV E D RIVE F rom Jefferson north and west, 1 cast of

N T hom pson

3 20 Inm an Jack D (9 AMI2—4155

N ance intersects

PHIL LIPS F rom 108 S Leewest, 1 sou th of W Lewi s

' 206 Slade N orm an C (Q AMI2 - 3 929

207 V acant208 Bu rri s Chas210 Shipm an Isaa c H211 V acant

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D i al MIdway 2- 2061

116 Wa


zfi ng ton

(See YellowPag e 59 )

Com m ercial

OL D T RAM ROAD F rom end

of E L ewi s northeastMcL ean Charli e EOl iver PercellV acantWard C Hu g hWard Joe E 5@ AMIL ee Jas 0 AMI 2—2805T om

s F ood Produ ctsAdam s Charl i e H AMI2 03 910Ray Phi l i p HHarrelson T u rm an

PE CAN F rom 822 S Madi son

northw est, 1 sou thwest of Com

m erce

102 V ance Au to Servreprs

104 Jones F u rn Co Inc (whse )105 Polston Roofing Co cou tt s A

MI 2 2854107 Jerry

’s T V Appliance

ServAMI 2- 2844

109 Marlowe Ita ly G ro AMI2—3 006

112 Servi ce T axicab AMI 2—2882115 Evans F u rn Hdw Co A

MI 2 - 2217

120 Masoni c T em pleRa inbow Assem b ly of

WV i lleL ebanon L odg e N o 207

(AF &AM)WV i lle Chapter N o 211

(OE S)123 Ca in S E Mach Shop AMI

2- 273 4126 Stevens A: Hasty Co au to

reprs AMI 2 - 3 7 3 9F raz i er intersedts

Phi lli ps—C ontd219 R i chardson Carlton R221 L ewi s E thel Mrs

23 3 Martin Chellia M Mrs

7Powell blvd intersects

3 02 G reen Johnn i e E AMI2—3 954

3 03 Jones Isaac3 04 Price Jas 0 AMI 2 42823 07 Mack Sylvester AMI 2—24263 08 R eeves L aconya C AMI

3 09 McBride Sam l

PIN E F rom 501 Pinkney west.2 north of F ri nk100 Wheeler L ou i s D AMI

2—3 241104 Barkl ey John M G) AMI

2—3 156105 G i llam Ben H V9) AMI 2- 2020

L ee ends

Whee ler beg ins

200 T odd D an l L AMI 2- 3 242

201 R eeves Henry G AMI2 - 3 109

20 3 Weaver R i chd E 63 AMI2 - 2460

205 Schu lken Robt C 69 AMI2—3 3 09

207 M em ory Wm E 5162 AMI2

209 G reen E ldon L AMI2—3 3 25


PINKN E Y F rom Cou rt Hou sesq north , 1 west of N F ranklin

100 M em ory Tw ins ServSta AMI 2—3 021

101 Soles T exaco ServAMI2—2745

102 Coving ton H C lay AMI

104 N orri s D onn i e MRooks D ou g las L

108 Powell L ee L ee lwyrs A

MI 2N ance beg ins

201 Johnson F loyd (0) AMI

Warren G eo W j r AMI2—3 287

202 i l le Meth Ch AMI 2 - 3 3 76

203 D orward Kenneth P 69 AMI 2—3 7 79

205 G ibson M i llard B “Q AMI2—4276

206 Bu rns John KF rink intersects

3 01 V acant6 03 T oon Pau l ine AMI 2—41093 05 Powell E m i ly W Mrs m u s

tchr AMI 2 - 2783Sm ith Ju l i u s R 69 AMI2 - 2270

806 Hi g h Oscar AMI 2- 3 83 1N orth intersects

400 L yon Kate B Mrs AMI2 - 3 090

401 Sim m s Bernard G

402 Spradley C lyde AMI2—4203

404 Sau nders Al ex D G) AMI24 212

405 Brooks Jas A AMI 2- 2014408 T


ggggson L esl i e S AMI

T u rner beg ins

63 0 T edder Byron F

R i chardson begi ns664 Stri ckland T hu rm an W

PORT SE R F rom 4100 E u cli d

90 3 Brennda F rank (CD905 Wh irr Asa906 D ab i ot E lm er C CD910 N odol C l ifford J


POWE LL—F rom Clarence sou th,

1 east of F ranklin

Wi ll iam s E dna MJeffri es F ann i eT hom pson F ann i e MSm i th F ann i e M Mrs

Bu rkhead intersects

3 01 V acant3 03 Masten Jas O AMI 2w’l479

3 05 R obinson Harry E AMI

3 11 R i ckborn D avi d E

Wi lliam son intersects

407 Stevens F red L (9 AMI2- 3 83 6

409 Watts Rebecca L Mrs (Q) AMI 2- 2050


Colleg e i ntersects604 Co ll ins E dw


Wash ing ton intersectsSm yrna rd beg ins

Pine beg insF u ller beg insT u cker beg ins

501 Motting er E dw C502 G reene Wm A AMI

2 - 3 706

504 M i ller Warren E AMI2- 2224

505 Marks J R u fu s AMI2- 3 283

509 G u iton Martha C Mrs AMI 2- 207 7

rear Wells Harold B510 Johnson Mari e L (9) AMI

2- 3 855520 Bru ton L esli e A AMI

POWE LL BOUL E V ARD NF rom 13 5 W L ewi s north , 2west of Madi son

101 V acant107 Pratt Johnn i e i t109 Porter E ng M AMI 2- 2287111 L and Wm C AMI 2- 293 1

Calhou n intersects

205 McKeel Jean Mrs

209 Mem ory J Al ex j r AMI2- 3 755


5SMITH E F rom 708 N


Madison east, 1 sou th of Jefferson102 Byrd L ocke j r AMI 2 43 80104 Cooke Ceci l J AMI 2-6 274105 Babb Everette D AMI

2 2293108 Powell. Mary L (9 AMI

2 3 409110 G i bson Chas D AMI

2 2066110%Walsh Jas E112 Spivey Wi ll i e M j r AMI

2 2473F ranklin intersects

208 G arri s Cam eron M G) AMI2 3 228

210 Black Sam l M R evAMI2 207 5

211 Brown Xenthos i r AMI2 3 812

213 R eg i ster E rnest D 63 AMI2 23 75

214 G ri ce L i ston AMI 2 4244rear Wi lli am s Woodrow W214%Hyatt JC j r215 Jeffri es Harvey B AMI

2 3 023216 Evans Mem ory216a L ong Jack218 G ore C Robt i r AMI 2 23 78220 Bu llard V i ola Mrs AMI

2 43 28221 Sim m ons Anni e L Mrs 69 A

MI 2 2962222 Stocks E rvin W224. Baslow F loyd M 63 AMI

2 3 443

226 G reene Jas E AMI 2 23 29

SMITH W F rom 708 N Madison w est, 1 sou th of Washi ngton

100 Colu m bu s Cou nty E du cati onal BldgCou nty Bd of E du c AMI2 3 848

105US D ept of Ag rl F ed CropIns AMI 2 - 3 43 1Cou nty F arm Bu r Inc AMI2 3 43 1

108 Cou nty Ja i l AMI“

2 3 079Wi lliam s D enni s G

110 Colu m bu s Cou nty Ag ri BldgUS D ept ofAg ri Stabi l i z ation ConservationCom m i ttee AMI 2 2196US D ept of Ag rl So i l Conservati on ServAMI 2 23 48Cou nty N eg ro Ag rl Ag t AMI 2 2605Cou nty N eg ro Hom e E cono

h om i es Ag tUS F arm ers Hom e Adm n AMI 2 23 68Cou nty F arm Ag t AMI2 2795 AMI 2 2788Cou nty Hom e E conom i csAg t

112 Cou nty Cou rt Hou se Annex114 Waiters T h eria C i r AMI

2 43 74

115 Bu tler Anni e_

E Mrs 69 AMI 2 3 83 3

116 Ku nse lm an Mah lon B AMI2 43 79

117 E ng l i sh Mary A Mrs

119 G o ins E arlSMY RNA ROAD F rom 904Prowell blvd northwest, 1 north


Baker L u ther H VQ AMI

Co lli er F red i r AMI 2 4243

Nance intersects

Swe u m G eo A AMI2 3 204G reer Max N 69 AMI 2 - 3 060G reer F ranci s B AMI2—2909Wooten G ladys G Mrs AMI 2 2780

North ends

Sikes E arl D AMI 2 3 897

R og ers Wm B AMI 2 2948Wi lli am son Carl CPri ce N e lson AMI 2 4297Jam es Harold




sp ivnr ROAD (Baldwin Woods)F rom F orest dr east, 1 north

of Wi ldwood avSpivey Wm M (9 AMI2 8118Spivey R ichd C AMI2-43 64

STAN LE Y F rom end ofWWil li am son north , 1 west of

Maxvvei i403 Rhodes Wm G AMI 2 4298

405 Stan ley T hu rm an W407 Wri g ht Marg t Mrs AMI

409 Ward JD

SUNNY SID E ( F a irfax Hei g hts)F rom end of Oak north , 1

west ofUS Hwy 701 S By Pass

Stone P V ardell “95 AMI

F rink ends

McL au g hT iri D F red AMI2 - 2049Mem ory E m i ly R AMI2 3 3 63T u rbevi lle Clyde J AMI2 - 2149Moore Henry F m frs ag t

AMI 2 3 3 86Corey E dw inHu g g ins Wi llard G (0) AMI2 2941Ward F Kerm it AMI2 - 23 89

Bu rns Chas B (QT odd Hu bert A AMI2- 2095

TABOR CIT Y ROAD ( F ai rfaxHe i g hts) ; Also known as US

'Hwy 701 S) A continu ati on

of S Madi son from Ci ty L im i tssou theastWhi tevi lle G as Co g as sta

AMI 2-4151

Cu m berland Bu tane Inc AMI 2 4151'

Caldwell Ralph W AMI

Neal Chas G AMI 2 3 457D u ncan Bru ce JHardee Joe B elec contr

AMI 2 2754M idway Mtrs u sed cars AMI 2 3 3 3 5Boin eau Arch i e G (9 AMI2 4150V alentine T ire ServAMICo lu m bu s N u rseryColu m bu s Mem orial ParkCem eteryQu al i ty Mtr Co Inc AMI2 3 843V acantBarnes

_Lawrence M AMI

2 4269Sears E u g F AMI 2 3 798Perry N ei lMarlowe Walter B 016) AMI2 2255Sav-Way ServSta AMI2 43 96

Washam Warlick F armSu p Co AMI 2 2749

Mi ll Pond rd beg ins

N orri s Prod MktV eterans Prod MktBrown Ann i e MN orris Chas P AMI

Hi ll D ewey LCedar intersects

Pi erce Herbert BE dwards OscarSou Marble CoBu tler Marion 0 AMI2 3 555i lle Broadcasting Co IncAMI 2 213 3Radi o Sta WENC AMI2 213 3

Airway rd beg ins‘Warner

's G ri ll restr AMI

Black W Crowe ll AMI2 23 3 7Black Hetti e V Mrs AMI

_2 2550Sealtest D a iri es Inc AMI2 2044Whi te Ice Cream M i lk CoAMI 2 2044Black’s T ire ServInc AMI

Holm es Alm a C “QHi ll Otto AMI 2

Hi ll’s T hriftway g ro AMI2 3 669R i ck Albe'

rt AMI 2 2658

Su g g s L eo S (9 AMI 2 3 626N ew som e Mae C Mrs AM I 2 3 508T hom pson W L Son g ro

AMI 2 3 612T hom pson D oci e Mrs AMI 2 2523Hyatt John C o©Andrews M i ssou ri MrsWarner John P (0) AMI2 3 609Warner John P j r AMI2 6 521R oadway G ri ll AMI 2 3 6 3 2

Shallotte rd beg ins

F ipps R obt D 69 AMI 2 3 544M i lli can Addi e Mrs (62L i ttle JAlton AMI 2 2092Hi g hsm i th L uvi eP&T Barbecu e restr AMI2 3 511

Pu re Oi l Co AMIT &T Oi l Co Inc AMI 2 2002

Hinson L u ra A j r AMI2 2690T hom pson Si g n 0 0 AMI2 2584Calvary Bapt ChHinson’

s Mach Shop AMI2 2626Wh itevi lle L ivestock Mkt AMI 2 3 595Waddell L eam on

V acantMcPherson Wi lli eV acant


Mau ltsby Oscar AMI2 3 541T hom as G eoF ord Mary H Mrs AMI2 2527Colem an Howard 6)T roy B ECarner F rench

Wallace RobtM i ller R B (9 AMI 2 3 586D u ncan Bessi e S Mrs AMI2 2414

Sellers D eweySellers Byth el KT hom pson Herm an B AMI2 - 3 504T i son

’s G arag e

T ison Ham pton D AMI2 2048Sykes L loyd DCartrette DallyV acantMcM i llan Jasper R 69 AMI2 3 659Cam pbell Cha inMI 2 2955D u ncan Jos 0 AMI 2 2418T hom pson V ernon AMI2 3 605Rockwell Clyde H AMI2 2449Rockwell’s G ro AMI 2 3 822T hom pson

’s Cash Store g ro

T hom pson Calton AMI2 2612

Pri son Cam p rd beg insEvans L ee R (6) AMI 2 43 29

T abor_

Ci ty Rd (F H) -Contd

Evans G ro AMI 2 2276Holsu m Bakery AMI 2 243 5Seven -Up Btlg Co AMI2 6678

6THOMPSON N F rom E L ewi snorth , 2 east of N Mad i son

100 Baldw in E rnest L2 3 797

101 Moore D avi d B AMI


107 T errence Anthony C 69 AMI2 2120

109 Wi ll iam son Bru ce P (0) AMI 2 23 3 1

111 Stri ckland Prince'

E AMI2 2447

Calhou n intersects200 D ai ley Marvin G)202 Stocks J N athan 6) AMI

2 3 961203 G ra ing er D enni s R AMI

2 2259205 Beski e E dw J pest con


tro l206 Prevatte Braxton L CD A

207 Wh ite Alton G AMI2 3 23 8

208 Cook JWarren i r (0) AMI

Evan s N orm an (9 AMI 2 2272

210 Batten Carl N G) AMI

G reen G eo K (0)3 01 Braxton Wade H e AMI

26 476

Braxton F lorene T Mrs m u stchr

Matth ews Hu g h'

D 69AMI 2 43 14

3 07 G i bson Henry B 6) AMI

G ibson Candy Co wh oi

Colleg e endsF loyd Anderson G G) AMI2 2150M i z e L u cy M Mrs AMI2 2071R u sh in Raym ond R AMI2 3 3 65King Jas T j r i i i) AMI 2 3 209Sholar Ralph L AMI2 2845F loyd Wm F AMI 2 4227Sears C Bion AMI 2 2822

Chu rch endsHal l Sevestal R AMI 2 3 469

500 Jones Bu rlon G (9 AMI

561 Washam Oti s L re AMI2 2189

502 G reer L ee J Hon AMI2 3 819

503 Pridg en Doris M Mrs AMI 2 2005

Wyche ends600 Blanchard Harold E A

MI 2 2723604 F a ircloth Joe R

606 D u nivant N oel N AMI2 2705

Sm i th ends700 Barefoot W F red phys A

MI 2 23 3 6M il ler Warren E phys AMI 2 23 3 6

711 Walters Hez ekiah G physAMI 2 3 214

714 Colu m bu s Cou nty Hosp(si de ent)


Jefferson intersects804Wallace Wesley S AMI

2 2879808 Holden L indberg h AMI

2 246 3

THOMPSON S F rom 210 EL ewi s sou th , 2 east of Madi son101 Blackm on L eon P i r A

MI 2 3 93 2102 V alentine 'Howard L G) A

Clay intersectsT rin i ty Bapt Ch AMI 2 3 286

208 Bowen Calvi n F AMI 2 43 03210 Arth u r John M AMI 2 23 87

Webster i ntersects3 01 T hom pson L eola C Mrs

AMI 2 24203 03 R eg i ster C lau de3 05 Wi lliam son Ray3 06 Ward Herbert (0)

Walter intersects600 Mercer Carl D601 T yson F red6 0 3 Wa F lora Mrs

604 R aw ls Wm AMI 2 2957

103 Hayes Wm M G) AMI 2 3 3 52104 G ri st R i chd P AMI 2 2225105 V acant106 R obinson E dw L AMI

2 4226107 Best Ki m ble AMI 2 283 1

108 E ll is Marvin E AMI2 3 197

109 Barkley John F G) AMI2 23 85

rear Hardee Roland E R evAMI 2 3 401

110 Cu lpepper E dw S 69 AMI2 3 43 2

112 D u tton Clyde D AMI2 2243


Colu m bu s initersects

Y ow R alph JMarshall W T hos AMI243 957V acant

Hi ll D ora Mrs

Mcph erson W Bru ce AMI2 2479G errell G arlandSellers E dg ar L

V irg i l intersectsSasser H V anceHorton W F lyford AMI2 3 828Sim m ons C Odell R evAMI 2 3 3 3 7

F rancis Jas B RevAMIL ee intersects

13 1 Mu ldrow M i riam M AMI 2—3 806

13 2 Second Presby Ch200 Caldwell's G ro AMI 2—3 027

Caldw ell E ng J AMI

202 Best L loyd D AMI 2 - 3 917203 Mau ltsby L i z z i e M Mrs

AMI 2 - 3 985204 Powell R i chd A AMI

Moore inltersects

205 Mu ldrow M i riam éM physMoore L orena Mrs AMI24 3 26

207 R u ssell's Barber Shop

207%G adsden Rhoe lwyrs AMI 2 -4120G adsden M i tchell lwyrRhoe Henry 0 lwyr AMI2-412 6

209 Stan ley Sarah Mrs G) AMI

218 Bellam y E m m a H Mrs (Q219 Sm i th

’s F u neral Hom e AMI

243206T roy Henry LSm i th

's Bu rial Assn

Spau lding—Sm ith R ea l E stAg cySm i th A R eddi ck notary

219’7é a Mu rphy E dw219’é b D avi s R i chd i t222 L ennon Robt M223 E dwards Oscar j r224 Blank s G i les R (5)

226 R i g g ins Schofi eld C AMI2—2266

228 McN e i l Pearl ine229 Stri ckland G rover AMI

2—4264Coll ins Eva L Mrs AMI2-4664

23 0 Wi ll iam s E m pi e AMI2- 3 740

7Powell blvd intersects

3 00 Mau ltsby F rank3 02 Crawford Martha B Mrs

3 04 Powell Everett3 06 L ang ley E dw contr3 07 V acan t3 09 Baldw in Artel ia Mrs

3 11 Mau ltsby Anni e S Mrs

3 12 Waring L ee S3 13 V acant

400 V acant400%Ward Alphonso401 G r


’s Sh ell Servg as


402 Stewart E dw H R ev AMI 23 03 5

408 Brooklyn F i sh Mkt G roAMI 2—9778

405 Pow ell’s G lnsJohnson Blanche E Mrs

rear T u rner L eroy405%Pridg en

’s Poo l R z n

Mem ory intersects

WALT ER E F rom 519 8 Madi son east, 1 sou th of E V irg i l101 i lle Mtr Co u sed cars A

MI 2—3 786105 Stover Wm T AMI 23 128107 i lle L ndry Clns AMI

2—23 11F ranklin intersects

211 N elson’s t e

2l 2a Bri tt L em u el R2 l V acant214 T odd

’s t e Salvag e Co

u sed fu rn AMI 2 - 3 73 2

Thom pson intersects3 04 V acant3 05 Stanley Lacy A3 06 Jackson V i rg in ia Mrs

BOG’é Chu rch of G od

3 07 Ba i ley F loyd C3 08 N ance E m ory G3 09 Hew i tt N orm an

3 10 Ham m onds Wi lli e V G) AMI24271

3 11 Batten Jim A AMI 2 - 2181

Canal intersects

WAL T E R W F rom S Madi sonwest. 1 sou th of V irg i l

102 D avi s G arag e Body ShopAMI 2- 3 7 66

103 E dm u nds R ealty Co AMI

Colu m bu s Mem orial Pk IncAMI 2- 2590

105 Sears-Sm ith Ins Ag cy AMI

406 Ideal G ri ll restrrear Horton Donald40? G race Holiness Ch408 G ore Preston 69 AMI 2- 3 467409 McKoy Mary Mrs

rear King D avid McD411 Shaw

’s John H Sons fu neral

dir AMI 2- 2713

Wallace Herm an

414Moody R oosevelt415 Hannon John D416 V acan t418 Jenkins E u ni ce419 Moore Mary L Mrs AMI

2- 2045

420 Bu tler L u la G Mrs

421Under constn422 Wi lliam s John W500 L og an Charli e510 Cou nci l Wesley A (OD

Cou nci l Ann i e M Mrs nu rse

600 V acantrear Belam y Benj1504 G ore D anl C R ev(9 AMI

2- 2956609 Canady G ertru de Mrs

700 Sm ith E lla H Mrs 69701 Wi lds Alex (9702 Montg om ery Chas704 Hi ll G ladys B Mrs

705 Mu rphy D onna M706 McN e i l Jasrear Roberson Harnetha 8 Mrs

Walter W—Contd111 A P F ood Stores AMI

2- 9888200 E&H Cafe restr

Kelly Jos E z

202 G eorg e L i z z i e T Mrs

204 Kennedy G eo206 Powell yJWallace AMI

2—2500208 F rancis D an

D an's G ro

210 McL ean D anl L

211 V acant212 V acant

Moore ends

215 Ba ldw in Calvin AMI2 -2274

216 E dwards Oscar AMI2 3 411

218 Be lam y Joe219 Mcclenton G eorear Pag e Wm221 V acant223 T hom pson Harry L AMI

2 -2478224 Ravenell Mam i e M Mrs 63

T eachey L ou ise Mrs‘

AMI2- 2489

225 StJam es A M E Ch

227 McL ean V i rg ina Mrs

228 Johnson Walter G)Mu rphy David J69

23 0 Stevenson N etti e Mrs

Ch ecker Cab Co AMI 2 - 2213

Wh itevi lle Body Shop AMI2 6 820Cru tchfield Bros (whse)


powell blvd intersects

F loyd Ru ssell M23 7 Monroe JArth

McG i ll beg ins

240 G ore Chas P (9242 G reen Addi e S Mrs nu rse

245 McG i ll John R AMI

247 Best Everett249 Best Martha.

251 Best HoraceMem ory intersects

3 01 Baldw in Jessi e i r3 0 3 D u kes Jas3 04 Powell F lora3 06 Oldham E lder3 08 Johnson Mack 693 10 L each Rose S Mrs

3 11 Pi erce D anl Rev AMI2—3 407

rear Pi erce's Place confy

Central beg ins

401 Centra l Bapti st Ch u rch

402 Co lem an Cha l 6340? Rhoe Henry 0 AMI

243 729408 E dwards Hom er L G)410 Coving ton Mary E Mrs A

MI 2—3 3 89412 Sh i rd Jas H “92


WARD S F rom 3 08 S Mem orywest, 1 sou th of W Colu m bu s402 R ivers Alice403 R eeves Asa AMI 2 -23 84

Lotti e's Beau ty Shop

404 V acant405 Wi lli am s Mary406 V acant407 Moore L enni s409 V acant410 Bati e Joe C412 Sim m ons Harry L 69 AMI

2- 3 969Carri e

’s Beau ty Shop

412%V acant413 Sm all Robt S414 Pag e Carri la L Mrs

416 V acant418 Holl i day Mag g i e419 T hom pson Wi lbu r421 Pu rdy Byde423 Scares L eg re

425 Ward C lyde M Mrs AMI 2—321


rear Hi ll Doretha42 6 Sim m ons Abr

Stephenson Anni e M Mrs

WASHIN G TON F rom Cou rtHou se sq west, 3 north of Colleg e

100 F letcher’s E sso Sta AMI2- 203 8

103 Carolina G ri ll restr AMI2 -2452

109 Harden F red H barber

Crowell’s TV Radi o ServAMI 2—4224

109%Wi lliam son E dw L lwyr AMI 2—243 0

110 Mem ory's Su per Mkt g ros

AMI 2 - 2966110%L u po Chas D

Clarke Ki ldon N

111 Canady F letcher M114 F ri endly Su per Mkt g ros

AMI 2 3 208115 Bu llard L i ll ian N Mrs tou r

i sts116 Hawks E L eroy roofer A

MI 2- 3 2261-17 Cartwri g ht R ichd D

118 Hi ckm an Jam es B (53) AMI2 - 3 974

119 V acant12 0 Stanley Matha N Mrs

121 Bu tler E u lal ia P MrsBeasley ChasL ee intersects

200 'Wi lliam son Pau l201 N obles Bi lly G

202 Powell Bessi e E Mrs AMI2 - 3 216

203 Spears Anni e M Mrs 69 AMI 2 - 3 087Ward D u rm y

West intersects

3 00 E lliott Roy D j r AMI2 - 3 3 85

3 01 Rog ers G eo 0 AMI2- 283 7

3 02 V acant3 04 MacRae Robt P AMI 2-4251

Jefferson Std L ife Ins Co

AMI 2—42516 06 G ore Jesse C AMI 2—23 03

Washing ton—Contd3 08 Po lston Benton P AMI

2- 28283 11 G i lm ore Kati e C Mrs AMI

2—2959Powell blvd i ntersects

Sm yrna rd beg ins400 . Powell Ben W AMI

2 - 3 224405 Mem ory F ay AMI 2—3 841Bu llard J D avid i r A

MI 2—2052Wi ll iam son T i tu s C AMI 2—3 492

420 Barefoot W F red AMI2- 3 256

G rove ends506 V acant508 Cag le Clyde

Starling Rom an i r510 Pridg en Bonni e R512 G o ins Albert514 Martin Myrtle E 016) AMI

2 203 7516 G ore C Wi lbu r

Mi ssion beg insCity li m its

WE BST E R E F rom 3 01 SMadi son e ast, 2 sou th of Lewi s2102 Boehm R i chd G AMI

2- 3 3 66104 G arrett Jam es


2—3 3 3 4104aV acant104bV acant104c att Jam es E AMI

2- 43 62lo4dN o retu rn105 T hom pson Marl i e H Mrs

AMI 2 - 23 19106aHayes Joel C tru ck ing A

MI 2 -243 7106bM i lls Chas106 0Bowen G ordon K106dAtk inson John D AMI.

2 - 3 302107 Allred Henry L AMI


108 Hi g hsm ith D orothy E Mrs

Hi g hsm i th V i rg i n ia D babysitter

109 Sm i th D i llon AMI 2 - 2018111 Bowen


Clarence F AMI2 2265

112 Woodell B Wade118 V a cant115 Bennett ‘John R G) AMI

23 040F ranklin intersects

203 Stone W L ester if?) AMI2 3 03 3

204, Malpass Ivi e205 Wi lliam son T racy A AMI

Hays Kenneth E208 V acant

Caro Pwr L i g ht Co eng ineering and constn deptsAMI 2- 2145

210 V acant211 Walker Roedell AMI

243 920

T hom pson intersectsPlanters t e (rear



F rink inte rsects

1101 Wells Joseph R (Q AMI2- 3 3 45

1103 Morri s Robt A AMI2—23 21

N orth intersects

1211 Hooks JWalter AMI

Pine intersects

WHE E LE R F rom 200 Pinenorth , 1 west of Madi son


WILDWOOD AV E NUE (Baldwi nWoods) F rom Bri ckyard rdeast. 1 north of Wi lm ington rdHenley L ou i se C Mrs AMI 2—3 518Mahaney Henry L AMI2- 2088

WEBST E R W F rom 3 00 SMadi son west, 2 sou th of L eM s

102 Best G ertru de B Mrs AMI2 4262

105 McN ei l J'

ohn A AMI 2—3 258rear McMahon Arnold J A

MI 2- 4284

107 T hom as V ernon A AMI2—43 77

109 L u dlu m G lenn111 Tw ins Beau ty Shop AMI

2- 3 850McClenney Ceci l L Mrs

2—3 850Cri bb M i ldred L AMI 2—43 43

3WE ST N F rom 200 W Wychenorth , 1 west of N L ee

701 Kendall~—Pau l T O AMI2—4195Tw in - State Perm a—Stone Co

b ldg m atls AMI 2—4195703 Harre lson Sall i e B Mrs so

AMI 2 - 3 809

709 Jordan Roddi e R (0) AMI2 - 2726Bu tler Royce

Sm ith intersects

801 Cu ll i g an Soft Water ServAMI 2 - 3 419Rog ers G eo O j r AMI2—3419


Pinkney i ntersects

Oakley Clyde C AMI 2 - 2921

Joyner John A AMI 2—43 24Crowell W Au brey i r G) AMI 2- 3 978

Sm ith J E lbert AMI 2—2553D avi s W Ross i r AMI2 -2945Walker G E ng AMI 2 - 3 059

N ance intersects

F lem ing Carey H i r AMI2- 3 227

WY CHE E F rom 703 N Madi

son east, 2 sou th of Jefferson102 Pridg en Lacy i r AMI

2- 2757103 Bacon Wm M AMI 2- 3 710Waddel l Robt A

104 Sanderford H R u ssell AMI 2—3 949

105 McMenam in E J AMI243168

106 Stanley John T (9 AMI2- 3 298

108 E lkins Anni e L $16) AMI2 - 3 3 06

108%Jerni g an Chas L109 Dyer Wm F (9 AMI 2- 2802

111 Shearin Stanley : E (0) AMI2- 23 46

113 T hu rston B Kent (9 AMI2- 2154

115 Baldw in Casey J (0) AMI2- 3 3 08

119 R ipple Chas D V9) AMI2- 2872

F ranklin intersects201 Ray Patk W AMI 2—2673rear Ward Rossi e H205 Hodg es Qu enti n .W AMI

2- 3 810207 Palm er E lton L AMI 2 2819

208 Cook Wm B AMI 23 750

111 Dyson R L eon AMI2—2493

112 V acant113 Callan T om m y Post N o 8073

V eterans of F orei g n Wars114Wh i te Joel G (9 AMI 2—2865

Oh iO‘

St-ate L ife Ins Co AMI 2 - 2865

116 D au g hety E ffi e E Mrs

AMI 2—3 825Lee intersects

200 G ordon John F AMI 2 -2987

West intersects

WY CHE W F rom 618 N Mad

ison west, 2 sou th of Washingn

100 Arm ory BldgUSA Advisor to State NatlG u ard AMI 2—2681State N atl G u ard Hq HqBattery 13 0th AAA Battali on AMI 2 - 2986

103 McKeel E l i z A .Mrs© AMI2—3 874West Robt L

105 Stanl ey Hu bert107 Y oder Ceci l R i r AMI

Copyri g ht, 1959, By 11m D irectory Cc . , Inc.

D u e to the necessi ty of frequ ently chang ing telephone nu m bers‘

assi g ned to ’u sers, we su gg est that you veri fy thi s inform ation by referrin g to you r local telephone book to see if anychang es have been m ade since thi s D irectory was com pi led .

d ay E xchang ePu re Oi l Co

2-2002 T T Oi l Co Inc2- 2003 Cham bless HM2-2004Ward

’s G ri ll

2 -2005 Pri dg en D M Mrs

2-2006 Kram er’s Men

Boy’s Shop

2- 2007 D rau g hon G F2- 2010 Cou trou kis T om2 -2011 F letcherWR2 2012 Stanley B D2-2013 G i bson H B2 2014 Brooks JA2- 2015 D u rham WD2-2016 Bu nn D G2 2018 Sm i th D i llon2- 2020 G i llam BH2- 2021 Sellers HL2 -2022 Sm ith Seth L Co2- 2026 Kem m erlin M 02-2028 Whitevi lleUsed

Parts2 -2029 F irst N atl Bk2- 203 0 Moore G i les2 203 1 Moore Pri ce2 203 2 Sing Serv2 -203 5 Bu rnsJK2 -203 6 Cook L P2-203 7 Martin Myrtle E2- 203 8 F letcher’s E sso2- 2042 Wooten E arl2- 2043 Rob inson H E2-2044 Sealtest D a iries Inc2 2044 White Ice Cream

M i lk Co2- 2045 Moore M L Mrs2- 2048 T i sonHD2 2049 McL au g hlin D F2-2050 Watts R L Mrs

2 2051 Israel P J2-2052 Bu llard JD2 -2054 Reed’s l ry2 -2057 Herring Lacy2- 2057 Herring Radio a:

T V Reprs2- 2061 Beason R T Inc2 -2062 T errence A C2- 2064 Cato Stores2-2065 Brown E dw2- 2066 G ibson C D2 2068 Bru nswi ck



2 -2071 Mi z e L M Mrs

2- 2072 Jam es JLApplewh ite R LWri g htMarg t Mrs

2- 2075 Black S M2-2076 Moore Mi ldred R2 2077 G u iton M C Mrs

2- 2078 Powell JK2- 2079 WaltersHG2 -2082 Baldw in Sylvester2-2083 EvansWJ2 2 087 Hines Shell2- 2088 MahanyH L2- 2089 Cook JW2—2091 Pridg en G abtWks2- 2092 L ittle JA2 - 2094 McQu een

’s Seed

2- 2095 T odd HA2 -2096 Wi lson A 0

2- 2097 Wi lliam s L A2 2098 Ray JJ2 -2101ville G arm entMfg2—2104 Colem an W B2- 2105 T hu rston B 8 Mrs

2 2108 Hi g h R 0

2 -2110 L eam an H M2—2114 Sm i th E C Mrs

2- 2115 Krah nk e A J2- 2116 D u ncan C L

2- 2117Marks T ru ck T rac


2- 2120 T errence AC2 -2121 Braxton Au to Parts2-2196 Batten L loyd2 -2127 L ewi sWH2- 2128 McKenz i e Mortu ary2- 2128 McKenz i e T M2- 213 1 Bu rns R H2- 213 2 HatleyJP2- 213 3 R adio Sta W E N C2-213 3 Wh i tevi lle Broad

casting Co Inc2- 213 6 Moore JE2 -213 7 Moore D B2 -213 8 Powel l R A2- 2140 L i fe Ins Co of Ga2- 2141 D u ncan B 8 Mrs

2 2142 F loyd-Barkley ,

2- 2144 D u ncan R A2 2145 Caro Pwr

'& L i g ht

2- 2146 Sing ! ry G V Sons2- 2149

'T u rb li e C J

Elec Mem 2- 2153 Mooney John2-2154 Thu rston B K2-2159 Sadler R C

2 -2161 Colu m bu s Mtr2- 2163 Colu m bu s Su p2- 2164Waccam aw T ractor2-2168 T u rbevi lle HR2 -2170 M eares A C2- 2171 Ray 0 JMrs

2 -2172 Mem ory F G2- 2173 Baldwin M C Mrs2 - 2174 F i rst N atl Bk2-2177 Hu nt Lacy2- 2178 R ay R L2- 2179 Powell A M Mrs2- 2180

’Heath R B2 2181 Batten JA2 2183 Moffitt M G Mrs

2 2184 Heath F L Mrs

2—2185 Wells Oldsm obi le2- 2189 Washam 0 L2 2192 Hattiway Oscar2-2193 Waccam aw V eneer2- 2196US D ept Ag ri2- 2200 E rvin Jam es

2- 2202 F u ller L K ApplF u rn

2- 2203 G C Ponti ac Inc2 2205 Pridg en D B2- 2205 Pridg en Sand Blast

ing Contr2- 2208 N ell i e’s Beau ty Salon2-2210 Walker Bros Body

Shop 1

2- 2213 Checker Cab2- 2214 F u ller 8 L2 2217 Evans F ur-n Bdv2-2218 Stanley .WA2 2219 McN air u phol2- 2220 Ang el B 02- 2221

, Spivey L D2- 2223

McclainHenry2 - 2224 M i ll -erW E2 2225 G ri st R P2- 2226 Wood

’s.5 10

2-223 0 Baldwin WE2 -223 1 Sou L ife Ins2- 223 3 G ore CW.

2 223 4 T ownsend P C2- 223 5 Hinson'sAm oco Sta2 223 7 Ward A D .

2 223 8 Byrd JE2 - 2242 C ity Shoe Hosp2 -2243 Bu tton 0 D2- 2244 F irestoneHom e

Au to Su p2—2244’ F owlerGo



8: Clns

Brooks-W D IncG u lf oi l CorpL i berty t e

V ineland IceF loyd Mary LCu llifer JDV og u e Beau ty ShopG reene JEBobbett V L i rWi ll iam son B PPeoples Sav LoanAssn

2- 23 3 2 Sm ith F M2 -23 3 3 Rog ers JP2- 23 3 4 Colu m bu s Theatre2—23 3 5 DwyerJA2- 23 3 6 BarefootW F2—23 3 6 M i llerW E2- 23 3 7 BlackW C2- 23 3 8 Anderson JC2 - 23 40 Ol iver C lau de2—23 43 G



’s Pu re Oi l'


2 - 23 44 Hobbs C H2- 23 46 Shearin S E2—23 47 E lm a

’s ShoppeUS D ept ofAg ri

2—23 49 Cou ntyWelfare Dept2—23 49 Cowan’

s R estHom e

Mau ltsbyJASkipper C S

2 - 23 53 T hom psonW D

2723 54 Brown JW2—23 57 Horton D H2- 23 60 Martin M F2—23 61 Moskow Hym an

2 - 23 63 L am b R J '


2- 23 64 T hom pson B S2—23 65 Pridg en E D

2 23 66 A&ant Mary McCrs

2- 23 68US F arm ers Hom e

Adm n

2—23 70 N eely Jack2—23 71 Sing letary)

G V2- 23 72 R ipple C2- 23 73 Shaw H L

2—23 75 R eg i ster E D

Schu lken AW Mrs

2 23 77 F ow ler B E2 - 23 78 G ore C R

2- 23 79 Y ates D R2- 23 80 Sm ith E L

2 - 23 81 Powell E N Mrs

2- 23 82 Best G F2—23 83 Prevatte _

E R Mrs


- 23 84 R eeves Asa2—23 85 BarkleyJF2—23 87 Arthu rJM2- 23 89 Ward F K2- 23 91

_Bu rnsW G

2 23 93 Hooks D J2- 23 95 G u rkin


Herbert2 - 23 96 L eeW T

2 2401 Jacobs S B2—2402 Wi ll iam s Roy2 - 2404 T u pperM W2 2406 Bennett L SMrs

2 - 2409 Mem ory T S Ins

2 - 2412 SibbettJC2- 2414 Jolly SW2—2415 Bordeau x M W2 2416 Marlowe A R

2 - 2418 D u ncan J02- 2420 T hom pson JB Mrs2- 2421 G reen L L Mrs

‘2—2423 Moore A J2—2425 Watson C A2- 24426 Mack Sylvester2- 2427 Batten R S Mrs

2 - 242 8 D eV ane G as ApplCo Inc

2- 2428 Sgbu rban R u lane G as0

2- 2429 Brown RW2—243 0 Wi lliam son E L

2 243 2 G reerW P2 - 243 4 Baker L H2- 243 5 Holsu m Bky2—243 6 CaroUphol2 243 ? Hayes JC2—2442 Wh itleyHB2—2447 Strickland P E

2—2449 R ockwell C H2- 2452 Carolina G ri ll2- 2453 Boone JB2-2456 Hinson E F Cabinet


2- 2457 Mem ory S E2—2458 C



iidenti al L oan

2- 2459 Carter A G i r2- 2460 Weaver R E

2- 2462 McG ee L D

2- 2463 Ho lden L indberg h

2- 2464 L ytle'C H

2- 2465 Carol ina Mtrs2—2466 Boeg e F D

2- 2469 Hatcher JD2—2470USN R ecru iting2- 2471 Moore D N

2—2473 SpiveyWM2- 2477 Sledg e Carol2 - 2478 T hom pson H


2- 2479 McPherson WB2- 2480 Pa i t JE2 - 2483 HeafnerA E2- 2484 E z z ell C L

2- 2485 Cam pbell L u ther2- 2486 Ju sti ce M JMrs2- 2487 Wooten G G .

T eachey L ou ise Mrs2—2491 Weaver Arlin2- 2493 Dyson R L

2 - 2495 Am m ons J02 - 2500 P owell JW2 -2504 Hardee D H.

R u ss R V2- 2509 Bowen D J2- 2510 Brown JJ2 2511 Bannerm an R Q2 - 2514 Ward D ock2- 2521 Hooks D elm as

2 - 2524 Pow el l B W2—2526 Caro l ina G rain

F eed2- 2527 F ord M HMrs

2- 2529 Colu m bu s Cold Stg e_Abattoir

2—253 7 Hooper Qu een- E sther2- 2546 Pinyatello JD2- 2549 Hooks Mae Mrs

2- 2550 Black H V Mrs2- 2551 L indseyOi l2- 2553 Sm ith JE2- 2558 Hi ldebrand D HMrs

2- 2558 HooksW E2 -2569 Phelps 0 D2-2571 Woodell Ceci l2 -2573 McG ee L J

Squ i res Rex2- 2584 T hom pson Si g n2- 2586 Cou ntyBd of E du c

( g arag e)2-2590 C


u m bu s Mem Pko

2—2590 “

E dm u nds R ty Co2- 2591 Sq u ires Rex Sis

Stab les2- 2594 M i lls JE2- 2600 F i pps JA2- 2604Wi ll iam s T A2 2605 Cou ntyAg ri Agt2 - 2606 Thom pson JT2- 2607 Powell R G2—2612 T hom pson Calton2 - 2624 G ore E PMrs

2—2626 Hinson’s Mach Shop

2- 2629 N ewm an F A,

2 - 263 0 Corbett F J2- 2640 Benton S T2- 2642 Inm an E F2 2645 Mi llican O E .

2- 2646 Watts HW


rs Su p


2—3 100 Talbott A C2- 3 101 Th om pson JE2- 3 102 Wh iteve i lle T ob—3 106 .Sim m ons D ru g Co2- 3 108 Prevatte D am

2—3 109 R eeves H G2 3 110 McRackanWR2- 3 111 C i ty F ire D ept2- 3 116 L ennon HW2—3 117 G raham Chester2- 3 118 SpiveyW M2- 3 119 Baldw in W E j r2 -3 121 .N ew Colu m bu s Hotel2 3 125 Cook JW2 - 3 126 Mayes R E2- 3 128 StoverW T2—3 129 Y oder C R i t2 3 13 0 V ereen JJ2—3 13 1 Colu m bu s Cou nty

Hosp23 13 8 V i ets

pD W

2 3 13 9 Harden F H2—3 141 Crou ch R T

2 - 3 141 McN a ir B C Mrs

2 - 3 145 R eady M ix Concretep fWh itevi lle

2—3 145 Wh itevi lle Bldg Su ps2 3 148 Ward P 02- 3 151 Wi lletts A L

2—3 152 Cam pbell W B2 - 3 153 G C Pontiac Inc2- 3 155 Si m m ons WH2-3 156 BarkleyJM2 - 3 161 Cru tchfi eld G E

2- 3 162'

N ews R eporter2 - 3 165 Wayne C P2—3 166 T hom pson Y P2—3 171 i lle Cham ber of

Com m erce

2-3 171 i lle Credi t Bu r2—3 171 i lle Merchant


Assn Inc2- 3 171 i lle T ob Bd of

T rade

2- 3 175 Caro Pwr L i g ht

2—3 181 Cobu rn JM2- 3 182 Sim m ons Roy2- 3 183 Colli er’s D ept Store

2—3 185 N o lan L C

2- 3 188 Am Oi l Co2—3 188 Whi tevi lle Oi l Co2 - 3 191 Black’s T i re Serv2 - 3 193 Sledg e L br2—3 196 Ward JH2—3 197 E ll i s M E

2 3 198 Cal lawayW C

2 3 201 E dg ewood Sch

2- 3 202 Colli er L loyd2 - 3 203 F oster R C

2 3 204 Sweu m G A2 3 20 5 Marshbu rn H D

R ev2—3 206 Sm i th ’

s F uneralHom e

2- 3 207 Jones E J2—3 208 F ri endly Su per Mkt2—3 209 King JT2 - 3 210 Ward C M2- 3 211 Woodard R H2- 3 213 Cook Irvin2 - 3 214 Walters H G2- 3 215 L ove C -M2- 3 216 Powell B E Mrs

2- 3 217 T ownesend l bg2- 3 219 Moore T H2- 3 220 Mad i son Am oco

2—3 221 Art Shop2—3 222 D ew M HMrs

2—3 223 Israel E J2- 3 224 Powell BW2 3 226 Hawks E L

2- 3 227 F lem ing 0 H.

2—3 228 G arris o M2 3 229 Hinson E ng

121- 3 23 2 E dwardsWM23 23 3 State Hwy Com b2 -3 23 5 Belk-Hensadale Cd2- 3 23 6 Herring C S2 3 23 7 C i ty Su pt of Schs2—3 23 8 Wh i te A G2- 3 240 Jam es JL2 3 241 Wh eeler L D

2- 3 242 T odd D L

2 3 244 Wi lson A 0 Portab leWelding

2- 3 245 Cri cket Serv2- 3 246 G ore JS2 3 247 Coll i er G as Appl2- 3 248 E lli ott IM2- 3 250 N ewsom e

's 66

Serv2—3 255 Sim m ons D ru g Co

(N o 2 )2—3 256 BarefootW F

Serv4—3 257 Wh itevi lle l b

2—3 258 McN e i ll JA2—3 260 Canterbu ry N C2 - 3 261 Stone P V

2-3 264 T edder M D

2 3 265 G lam or Shop2—3 266 Pridg en JL2- 3 267 E lli s W J2- 3 268 Pi erceJE2-3 269 Baldw in L L

2 3 270 Wi lli am son JD2- 3 272 D avi s G L Mrs

2- 3 273 W HMtr2—3 274 Cooke C J2- 3 275 T hom pson R K Mrs

2- 3 276 Sim m s B G2- 3 279 Bri tt N R

2- 3 282 Ward’s C lothi ers

2—3 283 Marks JR2 3 284 G ore WB2—3 285

_Pri son Cam p N o 062

2 3 286 T rin ity Bapt2- 3 287 Warren G W2 3 289 Cau seyH C

2- 3 290 Hu g g insW S

2- 3 291 G arrell’s

2- 3 291 T exti le Prods2 - 3 293 Ben- T on Beau ty2- 3 295 D u ncan W A2—3 296 R eaves JB2- 3 297 Wi lson F u rn Co2—3 297 Wi lson Mu s Co

2—3 298 Stan leyJT2 3 3 01


Marshal l Kent

2- 3 3 02 Atk inson J. D2- 3 3 03 1Ki rbyJT2 - 3 3 04 Jones F u rn Co Inc2- 3 3 05 D u ncan H G

2- 3 3 06 E lkins Anni e L23 3 0 7 V alentine H L

2 3 3 08 Baldw in 0 J2 3 3 09 Sch u lken R C

2- 3 3 11 L ew i s L F Mrs

2—3 3 12 L ennon JC2 3 3 13 L ewi s M C Mrs

2- 3 3 14 Whi tevi lle Beau ty2 3 3 15 Johnson L G Mrs

2 3 3 16 Batten L loyd Mu t Ins

2 - 3 3 17 F loyd A G2 3 3 18 Qu i ck Boyd2—3 3 19 Cole’

s Store

2—3 3 20 L ong G D

2 3 3 22 O’N eal R L

2 3 3 23 Bow ers L R

2- 3 3 25 G reen E L23 3 26 T hom pson V ance


2- 3 3 28 DawseyA B


M i dway Exchang e—Comn2 3 3 3 0 Ci ty E lem Sch2 3 3 3 1 Cashwe ll W S2 3 3 3 3 CityPoli ce2 3 3 3 5

"M i dway Ma's2 3 3 3 6 US P 02 3 3 3 7 Sim m ons C 02 3 3 3 8 Carter V M Mrs

2 3 3 3 9 Braxton N C2 -3 3 40 Hi ll’s Ice Cream2 3 3 41 F orm yD uval H'

L2 3 3 42 Coll ins HH Sons2 3 3 42 Sincla ir Refining Co2 3 3 44 C ity Ofcs2 3 3 45 Wells JR2 3 3 49 L ove D L2 3 3 50 F orm yduval M C


2 3 3 51 Owens T Q2 3 3 52 HayesWM2 3 3 53 Wooten C L

2 3 3 54“

Hinson E F2 3 3 55 Pri ce R S Mrs

2 3 3 56 McN ei ll D T2 3 3 57 Hi ll F B2 3 3 58. Jewel Shop2 3 3 60 Osborne W C


2 3 3 61 Hayes A -H Mrs

2 3 3 62 Powell Mtr2 3 3 63 Mem ory E m i ly R2 3 3 64 Am N atl R ed Cross2 3 3 65 R u shin R R2 3 3 66 Boehm R G2 3 3 67 Ham es E HMrs

2 3 3 68 M incey B 02 3 3 69Un i on Bu s


2 3 3 70 M u nns R F2 3 3 71 L ane A

'WMrs2 3 3 72 Horton WM2 3 3 73 Baldw in JC Sons2 3 3 74 Powell F W Mrs

2 3 3 75 Avant Au stin2 3 3 76 i lle Meth Ch2 3 3 77 T odd F u rn2 3 3 79 Sm i th G ola2 3 3 80 McG irt E L

Hu g hes E W1 2 3 3 82 McPhau l C T2 3 3 84 Powell Mary Mrs

2 3 3 85 E lli ott R D2 3 3 86 Moore H F2 3 3 88 G reeneWA2 3 3 89 Coving ton M E Mrs

2 3 3 90 Myrtle Hi ll F lori st2 3 3 91 McN e i ll N H Ag cy2 3 3 92 R eeves K D Mrs

2 3 3 96 Colu m bu s F CX Serv2 3 3 97 Sasser JT2 3 98 Sm ith S A2 3 401 Hardee R E2 3 402 Hom e B W2 3 403 Mooney Au brey2 3 405 E dwards 0 C Mrs

2 3 406 T & B G ar2 3 407 Pi erce D anl2 3 408 Best Cab inetWks2 3 408 Best T ransfer Co2 3 409 Powell Mary L2 3 410 Mau ltsby A E2 3 411 E dwards Oscar2 3 412 Harri son E W


2 3 414 Wi lli am son D E2 3 416 Cu tler L eanna2 3 417 Bri g ht D ewi tt2 3 418 Hi lbu rn Kath Mrs

2 3 419 Cu lli g an Soft WaterServ

2 3 419 Rog ers G'

02 3 420 Jones P. W2 3 423 Peterson JW

Ru sh ing M C Mrs

2 3 425 Bryan JN2 3 426 Bli z ard L R

1 2 3 428 .Baldvfi n WD2 3 43 0 L ewi sMaen s

2 3 43 1 Cou nty F arm Bu r2 3 43 1US D ept of Ag ri2 3 43 2 Cu lpepper E S2 3 43 3 Motti ng erW T23 43 8 Walters L A2 3 443 Bas low F M23 444


Warlock JG2 3 446 Ward E P2 3 447 Harper E -J2 3 448 Colli er H L

2 3 449 Ray’s l rs

2 3 451 L eRoy’s Barber

2 3 454 Powell JL2 3 457

'N eal C G

2 3 458 Sm all JF.2 3 460 Mau ltsby D A2 3 463 F loyd E D2 3 464 Stan ley S P2 3 466 Worth ing ton M G2 3 467 G ore Preston2 3 468 Hinds W A2 3 469 Hall S R

_ _

2 3 470 D u ncan L E Mrs

2 3 475 Hi ll G ~L'

2 3 476 Braxton WH2 3 477 Wi lkins E J2 3 479 Masten JC2 3 485 Croz i er H H2 3 486 Martin Jeanette2 3 489 Worrell J G2 3 492 Wi ll i am son T C2 3 493 F loyd Wi lbu r2 3 495 Parker JR2 3 496 T hom as Joe2 3 501 McN e i ll Perry2 3 503 Cole WW2 3 504 T hom pson HB2 3 505

_Reeves L C

2 3 508 N ew so‘

m e JC Mrs

2 3 510 Hooks Pau l2 3 511 P T BBQ2 3 513 Hen ley L C Mrs

2 3 519 Hi l l Otto2- 3 521 Warner JP2 3 522 Caswe ll’s Serv2 3 524 Stevens Irdell2 3 53 4 Bland JP2 3 53 9 C lew i s Robt2 3 541 Mau ltsby Oscar2 3 544 F ipps R D2 3 546 Centra l Hi g h Sch2 3 551 Sellers L O2 3 555 Bu tler M C2 3 558 Woodall P D

2 3 563 G riffin JW2 3 565 E dm ond JC2 3 565 McRackan W C2 3 567 Hines E W2 3 577 Bennett JW2 3 579 N ew Hope E lem Sch2 3 580 Cam pen Ju lia. Mrs

2 3 581 Baldw i n 'JC Sons2 3 586 M i ller R 'B2 3 589 Wi ll i am s R B2 3 593 Baldw in J'C2 3 594 Bass. R .J2 3 595 Wh i tevi lle L ivestock

Mkt2 3 601 Mercer G K2 3 604 N ewsom e

’s L brBldg Su p

2 3 605 T hom pson V ernon2 3 609 Warner JP2 3 612 T hom psonW L Son2 3 614 T hom pson P F Mrs

2 3 618 Warner’s .G ri ll

23 62 Newsom e L E2 3 623 i lle Cou ntry Clu b2 3 625 Bu tler C E2 3 626 Su g g s L S2 3 6 3 1 Walker D A

2 3 6 3 2 Roadway G ri ll2 3 649 Coll i er-McLau g hlin

2 3 655 T roy Mari e2 3 658 Holt G W2 3 659 McM i llan


JR2 3 665 Skipper R C2 3 669 Hi ll’s T hriftway2 3 67 3 R u ss

R V Appl Shop2 3 676 Hard i e M V2 3 677 D avi s Jas2 3 678 Seven-Up Btlg2 3 679 L ennc


m JC2 3 681 Starli te D rive-In

Restr2 3 681 Starli te D rive- In

T heatre2 3 690 Byrd L ocky2 3 695 McG irt A F2 3 700 Hodg es Sewell2 3 701 Sm i th R F2 3 702 Colu m bu s T rading2 3 703 G ri ce G rover2 3 704 Sou Ki tchen2 3 706 G reeneWA2 3 708 Sm ith

S C2 3 710 Bacon WM2 3 711 Wi lli am son E L2 3 712 Braxton-Warren

2 3 713 Modern Beau ty2 3 715 Schu lken R C2 3 716 Sm ith Su e Mrs

2 3 717 Love L br2 3 718 Stophel

’s D ry Clns

2 3 720 HoskinsWH2 3 721 Harwood T S2 3 722 Ch esnu tt N B2 3 724 F i sh er L L Mrs

2 3 725 Martin A F2 3 726 Wi lli s T B Mrs

2 3 728 G rayA D

2 3 729 . Rhoe H 02 3 73 0 CookW B2 3 7 3 1 L ennon JH Mrs

2 3 73 2 T odd's t e Sal

vag e23 73 3 Sm i th JH2 3 73 4 Colu m bu s Cou nty

t e

2 3 7 3 5 HastyWM2 3 73 6 Planters t e

2 3 73 7 Mi

cKen z i e N atl Bu ra

2 3 73 8 Maxwell JR2 3 73 9 Stevens Hasty2 3 740 Wi ll i am s E m pi e2 3 741 i lle T rading2 3 742 Sing letary JH2 3 743 R obinson SW2 3 744 Bu nn D G2 3 746 Colem an D D2 3 748 D avis M B2 3 750 Hom e Secu rity L ife2 3 751 Carter A G2 3 752 State . F orest Serv2 3 753 Bu llard L M2 3 753 State F arm Ins2 3 754 T odd H A

2 3 754 Ward E B2 3 755 Mem ory JA2 3 759 McG irtW H2 3 760 State .Hwy D ept

(di st ofc )2 3 761 T hom as O R2 3 762 McN ei llW C2 3 763 Batten G H2 3 764 D i ckensWJ2 3 765 F oster F B2 3 766 D avis G ar Body

ShopPh i ll i ps G W

2 3 769 Kram er Hym an

2 3 770 Sch u lken 3 B .

2 3 771 D u ncan R L_


L 1

l iness

2 3 818

2 3 8502 3 850

Hi g h W P2 3 853 F ore L N Mrs

Johnson M LN ance C L T ransferAvant SholarT hom pson L SN u -Way ClnsCou nty AcctHi ll L SACL RRRy Exp Ag cy

2 3 863 Center E sso2 3 864 Barnes D T2 3 865 Sm i th Seth L Co2 3 867 Schu lken’s Hdw2 3 868 Ray H L2 3 869 Cou nty Bu r of Iden

tifi cation2 3 869 Cou nty Sheriff2 3 871 E z z ell H E2 3 873 Mann

's JS D ept

Store2 3 874 McKee] E A Mrs2 3 875 WalkerW E

2 3 877 F u ller L K2 3 878 Bu ster's G arag e2 3 879 Y arborou g h JA Mrs2 3 880 E dwards M C Mrs2 3 881 Hyatt W S2 3 882 M em ory Jerom e

2 3 883 Ste inberg S H2 3 885 G rim sleyWH2 3 888 Sellers Sim s

2 3 889 Hu g g ins D W2 3 890

L acks O H2 3 891 G u rg anu s H B2 3 892 Strosci o Anthony2 3 893 i lle Pu b L i brary2 3 895 S




red Heart Cath

2 3 896 T ravelers Oi l2 3 897 Sikes E D2 3 898 Kram er


’L adi esShop

2 3 903 Sellers P G2 3 906 E arle T W2 3 907 Johnston A R2 3 908 Ham m ond E u g2 3 909 L ennon C S2 3 910 Adam s 0 H2 3 911 C l ifton JC2 3 913 Pow ell JE2 3 914P erri tt E M2 3 917 Best L D2 3 920 Walker R oedell

2 3 921 D avi s JR2- 3 922 Cowan A L

'Mrs2 3 924 E dwards Clns

2 3 926 G ore C L2 3 929 Slade N C2 3 93 2 Blackm on L P j r2 3 93 4 MalpassW T

2 3 93 6 Pope Eva Mrs2 3 93 7 Hooks D J2 3 941 Border Belt Chem2 3 942 Su g g s J W2 3 945 E dwards A C2 3 949 Sanderford H R2 3 950 Pri dg en W J2 - 3 953 Soles A G2 3 954 G reen JE2 3 956 Jones JH2 3 957 Marshall W T .

2 3 960 Cooke Walter2 3 961 Stocks JN2 3 963 Row L H2 3 964 R achel’s T ot to T een2 3 968 Atk ins H L2 3 969 Sim m ons H L

2 3 970 V alentine H L

2 3 974 Hickm an JB2 3 975 G ibson JH2 3 978 CrowellWA2 3 980 E dwards Howard2 3 981 T owne G B2 3 982 T u rnerWH2 3 983 G ore D M2 3 985 Mau ltsby L M Mrs2 3 986 WestJP2 3 988 Ol iver G G2 3 989 Bi llu ps Carl ine Mrs2 3 991 Cribb K D

2 3 992‘Creekm ore L P MrsSm ith F L

2 3 994 D avi s M H2 3 998 Kelly R H2 3 995 Caro Pwr L i g ht2 4100 Bri tton R L Mrs2 4100 Krahnke A J2 4101 Vl

aaccam aw Bkr

2 4106 Hinson A C2 4108 Batten C N_2 4109 T oon Pau line2 4111 Whol D i strs2 4114 G ross F J2 4115 Herring W L

2 4117 N orri s C P2 4118 Blu e Jeans Corp 0 02 4118 i lle Mfg2—4126 G adsden Rhoe

24 128 R eliance G u ano2 4141 Peacock F u nera l2 4150 Boineau A G

2 4151“

Cu m berland Bu taneInc

24151 Wh i tevi lle G as Co2 4155 Inm an JD2 4157'Covington H C2 4158 T hom ps


on’s Abattoir

2 4160 Wyche JT2 4161 All State Ins Co2 4161 Sears Roebu ck Co2 4169 Hooks D M2 4170 Sm i th A R2 4195 Kendall P T

2 4195 Tw in- State Perm a

Stone Co2 4196 W


oam aw Bk T r

r2 4202 Jordan”5 G u lf Serv2 4203 Spradley C lyde2 4206 Brown C B2 4208 i lle E lec Mtr Repr


2 4210 G ore L J2 4212 Sau nders A D2 4213 Allen D J2 4214 Walker Bros G ar2 4216 D avi s D on

2 4217 Hu nt D E

2 4218 Cam pbell Wade


2 4218 F irst N atl L ife InsCo of Phoeni z Ari z2 4218 N atl G rane Ins

Servi ces2 4221 Johnson W J2 4222 Jones J B2 4223 Jonson C E2 4224 Crowell's T V

R adi o

2 4226 R obinson E L

2 4227 F loyd W F

2 423 0 D u ncan’s G arag e 3 :

Cha in Saw

2 423 1 Heath N W2 423 2 Hardy

G 0

2 423 4 Style Shop2 423 5 Bowen W B2 423 6Utley J B2 423 7 Wri g

yht's G u lf

2 423 8 Pi erce V E

2 4241 Caldwell R W2 4243 Coll i er J F2 4244 G ri ce L i ston

2 4245 BraceyW A2 4246 Hocu tt J C2 4251 Jeff Std L ife Ins Co2 4251 MacR ae R P2 4253 N orri sW R

2 4254 Occidenta l L i fe Ins2 4255 Watkins J W2 4256 Hinson E F G abtWk


monol ing F rom The Whitevi lle Post OfficeCopyri g ht, 1959 , by Hi ll D irectory CO. , Inc.

Ca lvin RD 1 Box 205Carri e RD 1 Box 210I‘hos H RD 1r F F RD 4 Box 24r L eah Mrs RD 4 Box

rch i e RD 2 Box 455rn i e JRD 2 Box 3 07’

m H RD 2 Box 176.erta Mrs RD 2 Box 290wey JRD 3 Box 2w RD 2 Box 290ad RD 3 Box 110ry JRD 1 Box 424Wi lli e RD 1 Box 3 48

1 Bakeri es Co RD 3 Box

F rank RD 4 Box 54tArth RD 4 Box 23 1LD an l RD 4 Box 216LG T RD 4 Box 23 3I. Jasper F RD 1 Box 161Jewell H RD 3 Box 1181John RD 2 Box 16L L eRoy RD 2 Box 3 3 71Martha Mrs RD 2 Box

1 Sarah Mrs RD 2 Box

Blanch i e RD 1 Box 247C C RD 4 Box 3 07W A Mrs RD 3

Box 25Wi lli e RD 4 Box 421

Arno ld Clark L RD 2 Box 176Arnold L u la RD 2 BOX 176Arp B 0 RD 4 Box 3 54Arp JH RD 4 Box 172Arp Jessi e RD 1 Box 23Arp Joe M RD 4 Box 3 58Arp Marvin RD 2 Box 3 9

Arp V ela Mrs RD 2 Box 3 9ArpW Marvin RD 4 Box 168

Atkins Ray RD 2 Box 456Atkinson John L RD 2 Box 13 8Atit



gson Molli e Mrs RD 2 Box

Au nt Eva M RD 1 Box 551Avant R u fu s RD 3 Box 77

AvantWoodrow A RD 1 Box 27

Aydell Pau l ine RD 3 Box 81Bai les A B RD 1 Box 166Ba i ley Jam es RD 3 Box 43Baker L ee RD 4 Box 107aBa ldwin Add i e Mrs RD 2 Box117

Baldw in Alf RD 4 Box 3 91Ba ldw in Anni e B RD 2 Box 145



dw in Bertha Mrs RD 3 Box6

Ballldlw in Carleton E RD 2 Box

Bailtdw in Carolyn Mrs RD 2 Box

Ba ldwin Carri e Mrs RD 2 Box3 08Baldw in E ddi e RD 2 Box 102Baldw in E lla M RD 2 Box 85Baldw in Hort C RD 2 Box 109lBaldwi n JCalvin RD 2 Box 150

Whi tevi lle

The Hom e of

Qu alityJewelry

2 -2054

Baldw in JCarlyle RD 2 Box 118Baldwi n JC layton RD 2 Box 44Baldw in JMack RD 4 Box 60Baldw in Jesse RD 3 Box 3 85Baldw in Joe A RD 2 Box 112Baldw in Joseph RD 3 Box 106Baldw in Ju lia RD 2 Box 683Baldw in L ena Mrs RD 3 Box 3 85Baldw in L ennon RD 2 Box 102Bi


gow in L eo la Mrs RD 3 Box

Baldw in L eroy RD 3 Box 400Baldw in L i ll i e RD 2 Box 126Baldw in L loyd D RD 2 Box 143Ba ldw in L o i s Mrs RD 2 Box 200Baldw in L u ci lle RD 3 Box 23 5Baldw in Melorah Mrs RD 2 Box109Baldw in 0 H RD 2 Box 148Ba ldw in Olg o RD 2 Box 15Baldw in Oscar R RD 2 Box 123Baldw in Otto RD 2 Box 200Baldw in Pau l RD 2 Box 68



ldzw in Pearl Mrs RD 2 Box

Baldw in R obt R RD 3 Box 400Baldw in R u th Mrs RD 2 Box 718Baldw in T om RD 2 Box 126Baldw in W C D r RD 2 Box 3 08Baldw in Wyli e RD 2 Box 104“

Baldw in Zeb RD 2 Box 116Balg er L u cy RD 3 Box 448BBallard Mari e RD 3 Box 3 3 8

Ballard Wi lson RD 3 Box 3 10Bannerm an R Q RD 1 Box 517Barefoot Anni e RD 2 Box 199“

Barefoot Jam es RD 2 Box 246Barefoot Johnson RD 4 Box 227Barefoot R E RD 2 Box 41BarefootW D RD 2 Box 23 4BarefootWi lli e RD 2 Box 40Bagfi eld Ani ta Mrs RD 1 Box

4 8Beirnes Carolyn Mrs RD 3 Box16Barnes D avi d T RD 4 Box 43 03Barnes G u i lford N RD 3 Box 216


z gnes Jenni e Mrs RD 3 Box8Barnes Joseph RD 4 Box 208Barnes L C RD 3


Box 218Barnes Peg g yMrs RD 3‘

Box 97

Barnes Walter RD 3 Box 97Barney A A RD 4 Box 29Barney T hetu s Mrs RD 4 Box 29Barnh i ll G eo RD 1 Box 468Barnh i ll G rady RD 2 Box 102Barr Corine RD 3 Box 6 29Bartley Sam RD 2 Box 408Bass A B RD 1 Box 3 40Bass Au drey RD 3 Box 3 78Bass Cora B Mrs RD 1 Box 3 57Bass HM RD 3 Box 13 9ABass M B RD 3 Box 13 9A

Bass Marg t H RD 3 Box 6 78Bass P HMrs RD 1 Box 3 57Bass Raym ond RD 1 Box 56Bass R ena Mrs RD 1 Box 56Bass V i o la Mrs RD 3 Box 13 9ABatchelor E dw RD 3 Box 408Batchelor Jim m i e H RD 3 Box

3 21ABati e Chas L RD 1 Box 127Batten Ag nes Mrs RD 1 Box 58Batten Albert Mrs RD 2 Box 283Batten Ann i e Mrs RD 2 Box 262Batten Bradley RD 2 Box 212Batten Carol Mrs RD 2 Box 264Batten Chas R RD 2 Box 223Batten E tta Mae RD 2 Box 261

t zt

fn G eneral L ee RD 2 Box

Batten G enn i e Mae Mrs RD 2Box 223Batten G raham F RD 2 Box 262Batten Helen Mrs RD 2 Box 218Batten Irvin S RD 4 Box 3 3 5Batten JC RD 2 Box 3 06

Batten JR RD 4 Box 197Batten Jack RD 2 Box 267Batten Jan i ce Mrs RD 2 Box 267Batten John A RD 2 Box 13 2

Batten L ou C RD 2 Box 224Batten L u th er C RD 2 Box 219


tten Matti e Mrs RD 2 Box

3 4Batten Mau di e RD 2 Box 283Batten N ann i e Mrs RD 2 Box

Box 13 2Batten Odi e F RD 2 Box 13 4Batten R aym ond E RD 2 Box

264Batten R ebecca B RD 1 Box 551Batten R el ia A RD 2 Box 13 7

Batten T hos J"

RD 2 Box 218Batten Walter C RD 2 Box 293Batten Wi lbert H RD 2 Box 13 7Batten Wi ley B RD 2 Box 284Batts E m m a RD 1 Box 3 9Batts Jam es RD 1 Box 41


ger Colu m bu s C RD 1 Box

3Beau fort Allen RD 1 Box 174Beau fort Mary B Mrs RD 1 Box

174Beck N orm an RD 1 Box 82BeckW K RD 4 Box 3 4Beebe E dw ina Mrs RD 3 Box

452ABeebe Jack T RD 3 Box 452ABell D onn i e R RD 3 Box 23 5'Bell E d RD 4 Box 4118.Bell E li RD 3 Box 295Bellam y D C RD 4 Box 692Bellam y E dw RD 1 Box 429Bellam y E stella I RD 3 Box 476ABellam y G ertru de Mrs RD 3 Box








Gu aranteed

fiDIAI. l [ fi hway

Shallotte Rd. near

Tabor 'Cify Rd.

(See Y ellowPag e 24)

Bowen Hez H RD 2 Box 457Bowen Jas j r RD 3 Box 444Bowen M P RD 3 Box 451Bowen Marion T RD 3 Box 450Bow en Mary E Mrs RD 2 Box3 12Bowen Ralph RD 4 Box 86Bowen Ralph T RD 1 Box 3 75Bowen R eba Mrs RD 3 Box 450Bowen W C Mrs RD 1 Box 3 91

Bréadley G wendo lyn RD 1 Box04

radley Mab e l RD 1 Box 226rann JL RD 4 Box 112Braxton E l i z RD 3 Box 3 22Brewer Powell RD 4 Box 3 23Bri ck R og er RD 1 Box 43 8Bridg er G eo RD 4 Box 106Bridg ers Ann i e B RD 4 Box 106Bri g ht Arth RD 4 Box 3 42Bri g ht H B RD 1 Box 74Bri g ht Joe RD 1 Box 129Bri g ht Joe A RD 1 Box 163Bri g ht L u cy Mrs RD 4 Box 3 421Bri g ht Ralph RD 1 Box 72

Bri g ht T L RD 2 Box 427Bri g m an L awton RD 3 Box 149Bri g m an R em on RD 3 Box 13 5Brinkley Marg t T Mrs RD 3 Box84Bri tt JL RD 1 Box 67Bri tt Jam es P RD 1 Box 259

Britt N elli e T Mrs RD 1 Box 259Bri tt Peg g y Mrs RD 1 Box 67Bri tt R obt H RD 1 Box 192



t7Robt H (Bobby) RD 1 Box

Britt Sm i th i e RD 1 Box 151Bri tt T hetos Mrs RD 1 Box"

53 9Brock Johnn i e RD 4 Box 276Brock T om V RD 1 Box 245BroddyWal ler RD 4 Box 102BrooksWi ll i e RD 4 Box 3 85Brown Carri e RD 3 Box 401Brown C larence RD 1 Box 7

Brown C lem entine C Mrs RD 1Box 3 021

Brown Coy RD 1 Box 141ABrown D P RD 4 Box 3 86Brown D eloney RD 1 Box 3 19Brown D orsi e Mrs RD 1 Box 118Brown E l i z C RD 3 Box 3 94Brown E m ery RD 2 Box 455ABrown H 0 Mrs RD 1 Box 118Brown Henry D RD 1 Box 191Brown Jack RD 2 Box 147Brown John H RD 2 Box 213Brown John JRD 1 Box 3 8Brown John Jj r RD 1 Box 3 8Brown L ou i se Mrs RD 1 Box 3 8Brown Mable RD 1 Box 119Brown Marg i e RD 1 Box 3 02Brown Mariah RD 2 Box 3 70Brown Mari e Mrs RD 6 Box 7

Brown Mau de E RD 3 Box 298Brown Pu rvi s RD 3 Box 7Brown Rosena RD 1 Box 61Brown R os i e RD 3 Box 3 10Brown R u dolph RD 3 Box 13 2Bru nson Jam es RD 1 Box 296Bryan R eba Mrs Box 470Bryan W JRD 1 Box 470Bu ffkin A B RD 4 Box 7 3Bu ffkin A F RD 4 Box 84Bu ffkin Bessi e Mrs RD 4 Box 84Bu ffkin E H RD 4 Box 83Bu ffkin E dna Mrs RD 4 Box 73Bu ffkin E th el Mrs RD 4 Box 83Bu ffkin L C RD 4 Box 161Bu ffkin L u cy Mrs RD 4 Box 74Bu ffkin M i riam Mrs RD 4 Box 81

Bu ffkin P V RD 4 Box 74Bu ffkin Sad i e Mrs RD 4 Box 161Bu ffkin W B RD 4 Box 81Bu llard Alm a Mrs RD 1 BOX 260Bu llard Anna Mrs RD 1 Box 260Bu llard C lyde RD 1 Box 260Bu llard D avid RD 1 Box 260Bu llard Henry RD 1 Box 260Bu llard Iris RD 4 Box 55Bu llard L u la B RD 1 Box 208Bu llard Ora Mrs RD 4 Box 80Bu llard Sam RD 4 Box 80

Bu llard Zeb RD 2 Box 448Bu rch ett E la Mrs RD 4 Box 96Bu rch ette Bessi e RD 2 Box 462Bu rch ette V irg in i a RD 2 Box 66Bu rnette L u d i e RD 3 Box 247Bu rn ey F red RD 1 Box 7Bu rney Martha RD 2 Box 210Bu rn ey R osi e Mrs RD 1 Box 7Bu rneyW F loyd RD 2 Box 13 3Bu rns Berne i ce RD 3 Box 613Bu rns Cretty L RD 3 Box 64Bu rns E di th RD 3 Box 52Bu rns F an n i e Mrs RD 1 Box 551Bu rns F rank K RD 3 Box 4SEBu rns Herm an L RD 3 Box 64Bu rns Rosanna RD 3 Box 64Bu rns R o z ell Mrs RD 3 Box 57Bu rns Zo-ll i e RD 4 Box 3 85Bu ri


’ou g hs Ada Mrs RD 3 Box

25Bu rrou g hs Au to Serivce RD 3Box 169Bu rrou g hs G arland Mrs RD 3Box 169Bu rrou g hs Sam l RD 3 Box 252Bu rrou g hs Sam l C RD 3 Box 252Bu rt E th el M RD 3 Box 43Bu rt E ng RD 1 Box 166Bu tler A L Mrs RD 1 Box 191Bu tler Bi ll RD 2 Box 43 3ABu tler C larence RD 1 Box 3 98Bu tler D ora Mrs RD 1 Box 191Bu tler E u lal i a N RD 3 Box 74Bu tler Evelyn RD 3 Box 200Bu tler G eo W RD 1 Box 191

Bu tler Irw in RDBu tler JasW RDBu tler L ee RDBu tler Mary MBu tlerMary MBu tler Sharon RD 4 BByrd Arth L RD 1 B0 x 85Byrd D B RD 2 B0x 2Byrd F aye Mrs RD 1 Box 85Byrd Jerry E RD 2 BByrd L u la Mrs RD 2 Box 43 4Byrd Pau l R RD 2 Box 225B32?

R D ew i tt RevRD 2 Box4

Byrd V ance RD 3 Box 12Caffee Arth RD 2 Box 56Caffee E G RD 2 Box 264Ca ines Cora Mrs RD 1 Box 43Caines E dg ar D RD 1 Box 43 1Ca ines JC RD 2 Box 43 3Callag han E rm a L RD 3 Box 7 3Callihan G W RD 2 Box 6 3Ca ll ihan JF RD 1 Box 117Call i han J0 RD 2 Box 117Cail

ghan Myrtle Mrs RD 1 Box

Cam pbell A B RD 1 Box 278Cam pbell A W RD 1 Box 3 4Cam pbell Andrew RD 1 Box 488Cam pbell E llen RD 2 Box 99Cai in

lpbell E m erlon K RD 1 Box

Cam pbell E tter E RD 2 Box 3 53

Cam pbell F ann i e RD 2 Box

3 54Cam pbel l H R RevRD 2 Box253

Canady E dg ar RD 4Canady G oley RD 4 Box 3 46Canady Melvin RD 3 Box 287Canady R u th RD 4 Box 3 25

Cannady E lsi e Mrs RD 2 Box122

Cannady G eo E RD 2 Box 3 50Call

i gadyJohnn i e A j r RD 2 Box

Carm i chael Al lene Mrs RD 1Box 119

C arm i chael Betty RD 3 Box 167Caiigi i chael Howard RD 1 Box

1Carglina F rog F arm RD 4 Box

21Carolina G rain F eed Co RD 2Box 3 6A

Carroll F lora Mrs RD 1 Box 549Carroll Johnny RD 1 Box 61Carro ll Row land RD 1 Box 549Carg

r Annette Mrs RD 1 Box5

Carter G lenn RD 4 Box 196Carter G race RD 3 Box 49ACarter Jas F Mrs RD 1 Box 567Carter L i z z i e RD 4 Box 61

(See Y ellowPag e 59 )

Calgtr R etha WMrs RD 4 Box

Carteret Ann i e M RD 3 Box 187Carteret JC RD 3 Box 187Ca




reet Beck i e Mrs RD 3 Box




reet Cleveland M RD 3 Box



rett Ann i e M Mrs RD 4 Box

Cartrett Bu rri s '

RD 4 Box 95Cartrett E thel G RD 4 Box 98Cartrett John C RD 4 Box 116Cartrette Alton T RD 1 Box 3 89

Cartrette E lveretta RD 3 Box 187

Cartrette Jason RD 1 Box 3 88

Cartrette Jesse RD 6 Box 400B

Cartrette John D RD 4 Box 110BCartrette L C leveland RD 3 Box


étlirett Maston V RD 3 Box


rette Raym ond JRD 3 Box

8Cartrette Robt RD 3 Box 221

Cartrette Robt L RD 1 Box 565

Carét'Irette Seym ou re RD 3 Box



étlrette V i o la Mrs RD 6 Box

Cartrette Walter JRD 3 Box 23 1

Cashwell Blanch Mrs RD 1 Box

508Cashw ell Wm S RD 1 Box 465

Caswell Sam RD 2 Box 270

Cato Wi lli e RD 3 Box 3 46A

Chandler F JRD 2 Box 49

Chau nceyH B RD 4 Box 3 7

Chavi s Marion H RD 4 Box 43

Chavi s Stella M Mrs RD 1 Box

442Chestnu t Ann i e M Mrs RD 1 Box

511AChestnu t Clara L Mrs RD 3 Box

218Ch estnu t L inwood RD 1 Box 511A

Chestnu t Mary F Mrs RD 1 Box

511ACh estnu tWm H RD


2 Box 242

Chestnu tt D anl C RD 6 Box 218

Chosen D avid RD 2 Box 43 6

Chosen D ora RD 2 Box 43 6

Chri stianson JW RD 4 Box 191

Clem ents D ove RD 3 Box 43 2

Clem m ons M i ldred S Mrs RD 3Box 3 08

Clem ons Alf E RD 3 Box 3 08

C lew i s C B RD 4 Box 285

Clew i s D allas RD 4 Box 291

C lew i s H B RD 4 Box 289Clew i s Jas P RD 4 Box 287

Clew i s Mack RD 4 Box 270

C lew is Pau l RD 4 Box 293

C l i ff Alberta Mrs RD 3 Box 43 2


Cl iff Clyde RD 4 Box 29AC li ff Jam es E RD 3 Box 43 2Cl iff Maci e RD 2C l i fton Chas E RD 1 Box 3 61Clgtfn F rances Mrs RD 1_


Clilders L eonard F RD 1 Box 3 2Cole Arm entror RD 2 Box 174Cole Marjori e Mrs RD 1 Box 3 2Cole R obt RD 1 Box 64Cole WW RD 1 Box 3 2

All Types Colem an Anni e HMrs RD 1 Box3 69

Co lem an L eon RD 1 Box 3 69Colem an L ou B RD 4 Box 1821Colem an W T RD 4 Box 181Coll i er Bessi e Mrs RD 1 Box 180

o Colli er Chas E RD 1 Box 179“b d Coll i er E lsi e Mrs RD 1 Box 179

Coll i er F F RD 1 Box 180Cosl


zer F ranklin T j r RD 2 Box

Coll i er G eo E RD 1 Box 81Colli er JF red RD 1 Box 177Coll i er N ina Mrs RD 1 Box 181Coll i er Ral ph T RD 1 Box 13 4Coll i er Roscoe S RD 1 Box 181


gins E rne


stfiF 112151 Box 341

0 ins E the ox 60Coll ins G i lbert RD 11 013 ox 21Coll ins Holland H RD 1 Box 3 54031



18 Marg t H Mrs RD 1 Box

FURNITURE Coll ins V iola RD 1 Box 60Collu m D N RD 1 Box 455Collu m L ou i se Mrs RD 1 Box 4

REPAIRS Conn erHiram B RD 1 Boox 267Connor E llen Mrs RD 3 Box 42Connor F rench RDD 3 Box 42Connor JH RD 4 Box 87ACook Cora M RD 2 Box 43 2Cook E D RD 1 B 422



Dooley E K RD Box 3 01CooleyOll i e M RD 1 Box 3 01Cooper Corbin R evRD 2 Box 7


it F loyd H RD 1 Box 507

REPAIRS1Ann i e M Mrs RD 3 Box

Cou nci l John WRD 3 Box 3 93



u 1


'tney E ffi e Mrs RD 1 Box5

Coving ton E lli s RD 3 Box 48Cox E F RD 4 Box 9Cox E F RD 3 Box 3 51ACox H B RD 4 Box 79Cox JW RD 4 Box 3 04Cox L loyd F RD 2 Box 3 15


d f’“

1333 ; 83


reec o ph x 95DIAL Mi dway Creech BettyA Mrs RD 2 Box

Creech Bi lly RD 4 Box 191Creech Brenda RD 2 Box 87Creech Cath Mrs RD 1 Box 98


3 15 W. lowlt


Pag es 15 52)

N ig ht T elephone. m an y 2 3 3 51 or MIdway 2—2945

Creech F orbert A RD 2 Box 195Creech Howard M RD 2 Box 5Creech JE RD 2 Box 206Creech L B RD 2 Box 87Creeck L eRoy RD 2 Box 199Creech Mag g i e RD 2 Box 87Creech T Row land RD 1 Box 98Creech T helm a B RD 2 Box 250Creech Wm RD 2 Box 273Cri bb A B RD 3 Box 222Cribb Alene RD 3 Box 240ACribb Bru ce R D 3 Box 222Cri bb Bu rri s D RD 3 Box 21

Cri bb Carl i s RD 3 Box 222Cri bb C larence RD 3 Box 221ACribb

Conn i e RD 3 Box 219

Cribb D W RD 3 Box 215

Cri bb D ella Mrs RD 3 Box 222Cri bb D u than RD 3 Box 4080Cri bb E rbi e RD 3 Box 241

Cribb G erotha Mrs RD 3 Box

222ACribb G raci e Mrs RD 3 Box 3 67Cri bb Jenni e L RD 3 Box 159B

Cribb Jewell D RD 1 Box 450

Cri bb Johnn i e L RD 3 Box 222

Cri bb Martin RD 3 Box 219

Cri bb Martin RD 3 Box 219Cri bb Mary E RD 3 Box 161

Cri bb Sarah B Mrs RD 3 Box 221

Cri bb V erni e Mrs RD 3 Box 215

Cribb W 8 RD 4 Box 3 17ACri bb Wash RD 3 Box 240ACri bb i r 3RD Box 3 67Cribb Wm M RD 3

I)Box 222A

Cri bb Wm M )“

D 3 Box 219Cri bb Wm T



3 Box 222

Cu m bee R L RD 4

Cu rri e Chester RD0

Box 163Cu rrie D ock G RD 2 Box 3 39Cu rri e Myrtle Mrs RD 3 Box252A

Cu rri e N C RD 3 Box 252ACu tihins E u ni ce Mrs RD 1 Box

54Cu tchins T om B RD 1 Box 541Cu tler Marg t RD 3 Box 3 821Da i ley T om RD 2 Box 290Dani els JC RD 1 Box 23Davis Arth RD 1 Box 174D avi s B JRD

R3DBox 644

D avis Bertha RD 1 Box 283Davi s Bi lli e RD 2 Box 462Davi s Calvin RD 1 Box 128Davi s Charli e RD 1 Box 3 49D avi s C larence RD 3 Box 3 27Davi s E llen Mrrs RD 1 Box 102D avi s E lneta RD 3 Box 3 56Davi s F red W RD


3 Box 10Davi s G eo RD 1 Box 3 44




0 Aller

! l ions


Com m erclal

Indu strial

Red Hi ll Rd.

E lps Ann i e L Mrs RD 3 Box 64E lps E th el M-rs RD 3 Box 64E lps Jod i e RD 3 Box 483E lps Jod i e RD 3 Box 64E n z or F rank Mrs RD 2 Box 455E nz or L loyd K RD 1 Box 148E n z or T helm a Mrs RD 1 Box 148E rw in Barbara RD 4 Box 59AE rw in Wi ll i e J

_RD 4 Box 103 A

E theridg e Alda RD 4 Box 269E theri dg e Avery RD 4 Box 268E th eridg e D D RD 4 Box 278E th eri dg e JC RD 4 Box 279E theri dg e L T RD 4 Box 23 5E th eridg e L o la Mrs RD 4 Box251

E th eridg e M D RD 4 Box 27 6E theridg e Moss RD 4 Box 23 7E th eri dg e B RD 4 Box 251E th eri dg e Wm H RD 4 Box 269Evans Al i ce Mrs RD 1 Box 279AEvans Arch i e 0 RD

3 Box 101AEvans Chas RD '3 Box 96Evans G rocery RD 3 Box 59AEvans Jack RD 1 Box 27 9AEvans L eeRoy RD 3 Box 59AEvans Odell RD 3 Box 79AEvans Om a RD 1 Box 247E z z el l Anne G RD 4 Box 274E z z ell Colon L RD 4 Box 422E z z ell F red RD 3 Box ISAE z z el l V era Mrs RD 4 Box 422F az



cloth Am anda Mrs RD 3 Box7

F a i rcloth Bent T RD 3 Box 27 3F a ircloth R etha RD 3 Box 16F a i rfax G rady RD 3 Box 3 56F airfax Jam es M RD 3 Box 3 27F a i son Anthony RD 1 Box 477F a i son Bessi e Mrs RD 3 Box 142F a i son Jam es RD 3 Box 142F a i son L u ther RD 2 Box 453F a i son Mag g i e RD 3 Box 3 3 2F a i son R i chd j r RD 1 Box 491F au lk E arl W RD 2 Box 220F au lk E lla RD 3 Box 115F au lk Joe RD 1 Box 18F au lk Mary Mrs RD 2 Box 220F a u lk N orwood RD 4 Box 262AF elton E B RD 3 Box 3 2F i elds Jerry B RD 1 Box 219F ipps G rover RD 1 Box 3 58F i pps Jas A RD 4 Box 429A

F ipps Ju ani ta S RD 3 Box 27F i pps L arson A RD 2 Box 289F iggps'L orrai ne Mrs RD 2 Box


F i pps Robt D RD 3 Box 27F ipps Sally Mrs RD 1 Box 3 43F isher Alm a RD 1 Box 53 9F i sher Ann i e Mrs RD 2 Box 43 9F i sh er Betti e RD 1 Box 544F isher Bi ll i e RD 1 Box 543F ish er G ladys Mrs RD 1 Box 492

(See Y ellowPag e 21)


(See Y ellow Pag e 3 7 )DIAL MIdway 2- 3 3 42

F isherHenry A RD “

1 Box 492F i sh er Joe RD 1 Box 3 84F i sh er L aR u e RD 1 Box 3 84F i sher L u th er j r RD 2 Box 43 9F i sher Marley Mrs RD 1 Box 544F i sher Sarah RD 1 Box 543F is


éger V i rg in ia T Mrs RD 1 Box

F i sherW JRD 1 Box 544F i sherWi ll JRD 3 Box 459F lov

gers L i lli e B Mrs RD 1 Box

19F low ers Satvi tor RD 1 Box 195

F low ers Wa lter JRD 2 Box 3 69F lgyld Bertha R Mrs RD 1 Box

7 .

F loyd Bu na RD 2 Box 3 25F loyd Chas C RD 3 Box 105F loyd C i g u a l P RD 3 Box 15

F loyd E dw in L RD 3 Box 107F loyd E l i z RD 1 Box 27 0F loyd Jam es IRD 1 Box 27 0F loyd Jenn ey RD 1 Box 202

F loyd L R ay RD 1 Box 3 71

F loyd Ona L Mrs RD 3 Box 107F olds F rankl in RD 2 Box 3 52AF oleyHaz el W RD 3 Box 13 5F oley N ell i e B RD 2 Box 296F oem an Cali ster Mrs RD 1 Box163

F ord Bi shop RD 3 Box 6 27F ord C larence RD 1 Box 3 3 3

F ord Costella Mrs RD 2 Box 3 78

F ord D an i el H R evRD 2 Box

3 97F ord E lla JRD 3 Box 3 27F ord Hannah RD 1 Box 47 3

F ord Jessi e C Mrs RD 3 Box 3 7F ord Johnn i e RD 4 Box 420

F ord Lydi anna RD 3 Box 44SE

F ord Mary Mrs RD 3"

Box 3 7

F ord R oxi e Mrs RD 1 Box 3 3 3F ord Wa llace RD 3 Box 4488F ord Wi ll i e L RD 2 Box 3 78F ore E dna S RD 2 Box 403F ore G raham RD 2 Box 3 22

F ore Hom er L RD 2 Box 403F ore R u th Mrs RD 2 Box 3 22F orm yduva l JW RD 4 Box 3 50F orm yduva l Jessi e RD 2 Box 41F ow ler A B Mrs RD 4 Box 3 19F ow ler Addi e Mrs RD 1 Box

454F ow ler Alm a RD 3 Box 174

F ow ler Bonn i e F RD 3 Box 110F ow ler Charl i e RD 1 Box 454F ow ler C larence H RD 1 Box 453F ow ler D ella Mrs RD 3 Box 115F ow ler D olph u s RD 3 Box 228F ow ler D onald RD 3 Box 445F owler E dith RD 3 Box 149F ow ler E dna RD 3 Box 228F ozvs

vlzr E ste lle Mrs RD 3 Box

IS THE BEST IN THE COUNTY(See Y ellow Pag e 13 )

F ow ler G u sty 0 RD 3 Box 115

F ow ler Herbert B RD 1 Box 461

F owler Kati e Mrs RD 1 Box 115F ow ler L ee RD 3 Box 3 51

F ow ler L ee RD 4 Box 3 19AF ow ler L evi RD 3 Box 174

F ow ler Pau l ine RD 3 Box 3 51

F ow ler Pearl H RD 1 Box 552

F ow ler T hos H RD 3 Box 257AF ow lerWesley RD 3 Box 3 51

F ow lerWm T RD 3 Box 445F ow lerWoodrow RD 3 Box 149F oxworth G ary RD 3 Box 3 88

F reem an Adell Mrs RD 2 Box


F reem an Arvi e RD 2 Box 3 78F reem an F loyd RD 2 Box 181

F r




em an Hatti e Mrs RD 2 Box

8F reem an Mack RD 1 Box 516F reem an Marshall RD 1 Box 3 3 6F ri eda L i la F RD 3 Box 43 5

F rink E dw in S RD 1 Box 440

F rink E lo i se Mrs RD 1 Box 276

F rink Jake RD 2 Box 410

F rink L eroy RD 3 Box 3 3 1

F rink Morri s RD 1 Box 276

F rink R en i e E Mrs RD 1 Box 440

F rink Sylvester RD 1 Box 46

F rink W G RD 1 Box 43 9

G addy F lowers RD 2 Box 3 85

G addyHannah Mrs RD 2 Box

3 85G an u s D L RD 4 Box AG appins JCoy RD 1 Box 413

G appins M artha Mrs RD 1 Bo


G ardner Ju n e JRD 3 Box 3 18

G arrell Carson L RD 1 Box 59

G arrell D ori s W Mrs RD 1 Box


G arrell G ladys Mrs RD 1 Box 59

G arrell Jesse W RD 4 Box 181A

G arrell Mary Mrs RD 4 Box 181A

G arri son L owda RD 3 Box 6 22

G askins E arli e RD 3 Box 3 80

G askins E arnest L RD 3 Box 3 80

G askins E rnest L RD 1 Box 485

G askins Sanford RD 1 Box 472

G asqu e D avi d H RD 3'Box 175A

G asqu e R u by Mrs RD 3 Box

175AG ates JB RD 3 Box 408AG au se Betty L Mrs RD 3 Box

201G au se Bi lly L RD 4 Box 428AG au se G o lda Mrs RD 3 Box 247

G au se Ph i lm oor RD 2 Box 290

G au se Wi ll i s D RD 3 Box 201G eorg e Alex RD 1 Box 115

G ec

égg e Ann i e L Mrs RD 2 Box


G eorg e Arth RD 1 Box 144

G eorg e Barbara A RD 1 Box 3 10


G eorg e BettyMrs RD 1 Box 3 10G eorg e Chas RD 1 Box 3 09G ec

érg e C lara E Mrs RD 1 Box

8G eorg e D L RD 1 Box 149

G eorg e D avid L RD 1 Box 88

Gi gg

g e D ora L Mrs RD 1 Box

G eorg e E dna Mrs RD 2 Box 209G eorg e Eva Mrs RD 1 Box 141

G e

grg e Eva M Mrs RD 1 Box

1 1

G eorg e E z eki el RD 1 Box 27 9

G eorg e F intress RD 1 Box 3 5

G eorg e F loyd RD 2 Box 86

G eorg e F rank RD 1 Box 124

Gelorg e G ladys Mrs RD 1 Box


G eorg e Henry RD 2 Box 202

G eorg e Horace RD 2 Box 3 63

G eorg e I Mae Mrs RD 1 Box 3 5

G eorg e Ida M Mrs RD 1 Box 3 07

G eorg e Jetho R D 1 Box 3 07

G eorg e John RD 1 Box 141

G eorg e Johnn i e RD 2 Box 97

G eorg e L arcey RD 1 Box 3 09

G ec

gég e L ena S Mrs RD 2 Box


G eorg e L etha E RD 1 Box 155

G eo

gg e L i ll i e B Mrs RD 1 Box

27G eorg e L i lli e Bell RD 2 Box 453

G eorg e L u cyMrs RD 1 Box 3 18

G eorg e L u key RD 3 Box 449

G eorg e M C Mrs RD 1 Box 160

G eorg e Ol iver R RD'2 Box 208

G eorg e Ol ivi a Mrs RD 3 Box 449

G eorg e Otti e P M rs RD 1 Box

27 9G eorg e R i chd RD 1 Box 13 1

G eorg e R obt H RD 2 Box 90

G eorg e R u ssell RD 2 Box 209

G eo

gg e Sall i e A Mrs RD 1 Box


G eorg e Sm i th i e RD 1 Box 2 3 7

G eorg e T hu rm an RD 2 Box 202

G eorg e Wm H RD 2 Box 209G eorg e Wi ll i e Cos RD 2 Box 209

G eorg e Wi lton D RD 1 Box 127

G eorg e Y ork RD 2 Box 97

G erald Ci cero RD 3 Box 107

G erald Ina M Mrs RD 3 Box 107

G erald R i chd RD 3 Box 253

G ibson Ada Mrs RD 1 Box 244

G ibson Harley RD 1 Box 244

G ibson M oll i e Mrs RD 1 Box 244

G ibson W A Box 144

G i llam B en H RD 2 Box 3 45

G i llam Bess Mrs RD 2 Box 3 45

G eog e E ffi e Mrs RD 1 Box 100G lover Persell RD 1 Box 144

G odbolt Selena Mrs RD 3 Box


G odfrey Mary RD 1 Box 118

Go dfrey Melree RD 1 Box 152G odfrey M inn i e RD 2 Box 3 26AGolgf


rey N ovella Mrs RD 1 Box

G odw in D avi d E RD 3 Box 159G odw in Jas RD 3 Box 257Gagg

in Ju an ita Mrs RD 3 Box

G téggvin L i lli an W Mrs RD 03 Box

G og g ins Melvin RD 1 Box 247G o ins A G RD 1 Box 3 53G o ins Albert RD 1 Box 564G oins Attee Mrs RD 1 Box 564G oi ns Matti e Mrs RD 1 Box 3 52

G o5


idw in D alm a Mrs RD 3


G ordon L etti e S RD 3 Box 205G ore Ann i e M RD 1 Box 3 68G ore Arnold RD 3 Box 288G ore Barbara A RD 4 Box 3 06G ore C A RD 2 Box 423G ore Carolina RD 3 Box 3 85G ore Cath RD 4 Box 6 77A

G ore Ceci l Mrs RD 3 Box 182G ore Chas RD 4 Box 3 75G ore C l ifton L RD 2 Box 10G ore D anl 0 RD 3 Box 3 94

G ore D ock N RD 3 Box 201

G ore D u ffi e RD 4 Box 4021G ore E lbert R RD 4 Box 3 11AG ore E lvi e Mrs RD 3 Box 183

G ore E rnest L RD 4 Box 3 06G og;

E tta M Mrs RD 1 Box4

G ore F red L RD 3 Box 29G ore G rady RD 1 Box 478

G ore Henry RD 3 Box 281

G ore Jas N RD 3 Box 3 27

G ore John K RD 4 Box 3 06

G ore Joseph A RD 3 Box 183

G or

eL eeBelle Mrs RD 3 Box

3 2

G ore L ou E lla RD 3 Box 288G ore Loy Belle RD 3 Box 3 94

G ore L u ci lle JRD 1 Box 20G ore Mabel Mrs RD 2 Box 423Goz gg

Mag g i e M Mrs RD 3 Box

G ore Mary M RD 3 Box 59AG ore M itch ell RD 3 Box 182

G ore N ina Mrs RD 2 Box 10G ore Qu een E sther RD 3 Box

3 85

G ore R u by RD 1 Box 478

G ore Sam C RD 1 Box 3 62G ore Sinclare RD 3 Box 201G ore V io la RD 2 Box 3 00G oss E l i jah RD 1 Box 228G oss John RD 1 Box 228G oss Mary RD 1 Box 206G raham Carri e RD 3 Box 610G raham Chas M RD 1 Box 247Ggal

éam C leve land RD 3 Box

G raham E rn est RD 1 Box 100

G raham Irne Mrs RD 3 Box 69G raham Jim G RD 3 Box 69G raham John RD 3 Box 3 88G rah am John L RD 1 Box 277G raham L au retta RD 2 Box 95G raham L ena Mrs RD 3 Box 3 88


G rizl

gam Mag no l ia RD 1 Bl

G raham Major 0 RD 1 E at

G raham R achel RD 3 BoxG raham R i chd RD 3 Box 4G raham R oyce RD 2 BoxG i




Ling er C l inton M RD 3 I4

G ra ing er Ju an i ta RD 1 Bo:Gaz i

ng er Ju eleno L R D 3 I

G ra ing er L eo RD 4 Box 58G ra ing erWH RD 4 Box 2]G reen A Jane RD 2 Box 3 0G reen Clem en RD 2 Box 45G reen E L RD 2 Box 3 48G reen L eroy RD 1 .Box 13

G reen L u creti e RD 2 Box 1

Ggeen Lyda M Mrs RD 2 E


G reen W C Mrs RD 1 Box

G reen Wm A RD 1 Box 3 94

G reer F Bob RD 2 Box 471

G reer F rances A Mrs RD 2


G re'


r Max M RD 2 Box 47 .

G ri ffin C linton RD 1 Box

G riffin Hatti e B RD 4 Box

G riffin John R RD 3 Box 2 !

Ggi f

gin V i ctori a Mrs RD 1 l


G rim sley Bi ll RD 4 Box 191

G rim sley D orothy Mrs RD

570G rim sleyWm T RD 1 Box

G rog an Ju l i a Mrs RD 3 Bo:

G ross F rank Jj r RD 2 Box

G ross F rank L RD 2 Box 4:

G u yton G roven RD 1 Box 4

G u yton G rover RD 3 Box 3Hal l F loyd RD 1 Box 3 3 7

Ha ll Henry RD 2 Box IG3A

Ha ll Sad i e Mrs RD 1 Box 3

Ham i lton Ceph u s RD 3 Bo :

Ham i lton G eorg ia Mrs RD

3 8Ham i lton R oy RD 3 Box 3 8Ham m ond Charl i e RD 3 Bo

Ham m ond L u ci lle Mrs RD

43 6Ham m ond Wm E RD 3 Bo

Ham m onds Arth RD 3 Box

Ham m onds D ori s RD 1 Bo:

Ham m onds G ladys Mrs RI

Box 404AHam m onds Jas RD 3 Box

Ham m onds L ina M RD 1 E

3 58Ham m onds Mary E Mrs R

Box 92Hannah F red RD 1 Box 463Hannah G rady RD 2 Box 23Han nah Marg t Mrs RD 1 E

463Hannah Moncinia Mrs RD

Box 227AHardee F lora Mrs RD 4 BcHardee Joe RD 4 Box 3 8Hardee L aw rence RD 4 Bo:176AHardee R i lda Mrs RD 4 Bo176Hardi e Bess i e RD 2 Box 3 7Hardi e Bi l l RD 2 Box 22

W. Walter, Nr.

Pag e 8)




Headqu arlen


2 -2244

6" 5. Madison

Pag e 64)

Hi g h F anni e L Mrs RD 2 Box 79Hi g h H Seym ou r RD 2 Box 124Hi g h Inez Mrs R D 2 Box 125Hi g h Kath leen Mrs RD 1 Box 188Hi g h L eroy RD 2 Box 125Hi g h L onn i e H RD 2 Box 84Hi g h L u ther RD 1 Box 188Hi g h Mary Mrs RD 2 Box 75Hi g h 0 H Mrs RD 2 Box 75Hi g h Pau l ine Mrs RD 1 Box 77Hi g h R T hu rm an RD 2 Box 127Hi g h Rhoda Mrs RD 2 Box 82Hi g h R u by Mrs RD 2 Box 77Hi g h Walter RD 3

‘Box 3 49Hi g h Wa lton RD 1 Box 95i g hsm ith L JRD 3 Box 283i g hsm i th Pearli e Mrs RD 3Box 28B

Hi lbou rn E lb ert RD 2 Box 296Hizl

géi rn All i e W Mrs RD 3 Box


gii rn D em psey C RD 3 Box


lbii rn E llen P Mrs RD 6


Hi lbu rn E u la Mrs RD 3 ,Box 115D

Hi lbu rn F lau da Mrs RD 3 Box191A

Hi lbu rn F red C RD 3 Box 192Hilgs


’i rn L otti e M Mrs RD 3


Hi lbu rn M V ander RD 3 Box 189Hi lgéi rn Mary E Mrs RD 3 Box


Hi lbu rn Tyner RD 3 Box 191AHi lbu rn W R RD 3 Box 115DHi lbu rn W R RD 4 Box 43

Hi l l Alatha Mrs RD 3 Box 23Hi ll Calvin RD 3 Box 192Hi l l Dewey L RD 3 Box 23Hi ll E leryH RD 2 Box 3 97Hi ll G ladys RD 3 Box 3 98AHi ll Isabell RD 3 Box 610Hi ll JP RD 4 Box


165Hi ll Jeff RD 3 Box 466Hi ll Mari etta RD 3 Box 3 3 3Hi ll Oi l Co RD 4 Box 165Hi ll Opal Mrs RD 3 Box 23Hi ll Otto RD 3 Box 2 3Hi ll V ance RD 3 Box 3 3 3


Hi ll Warren B RD 3 Box 3 4Hines John RD 2 Box 3 3 2

Hines M i ldred RD 3 . Box 65Hinson Adam 0 RD 1 Box 3 6

Hinson Barbara Mrs RD 1 Box445Hinson Carl RD 4 Box 63 2Hin son Carl S RD 1 Box 445

Hinson D a i sy RD 3 Box 167Hinson D anl 0 RD 3 Box 111Hinson E dg arH RD 3 Box 152Hinson E dw RD 1 Box 558Hinson Evelyn M RD 3 Box 129Hinson F loss i e L Mrs RD 3 Box111

Hi nson G rover 0 RD 3 Box 167Hinson Horace RD 1 Box 447Hinson Ila V Mrs RD 3 Box 193Hinson Iredell M RD 3 Box 126Hinson Jam es E RD 3 Box 19Hinson L A j r RD 3 Box 3 1Hinson L M Mrs RD 4 Box 103AHinson L R u ssell RD 3 Box 95

Hinson L i z z i e Mrs RD 2 Box 406Hinson L onn i e F RD 3 Box 193Hinson L ouvi e I RD 4 Box 72Hinson Mallard RD 3 Box 6Hins

on Marti ne Mrs RD 4 Box1

SHOES CLOTHING and READY - TO-WEARN ever Knowi ng lyUndersold

Hinson Maxine Mrs RD 3 Box 3 1

Hinson N aom i Mrs RD 3 Box 152Hinson N eal RD 2 Box 406Hinson Pau l ine RD 4 Box 3 3 2Hinson R C l i fton RD 4 Box 151Hin son Seth L RD 3 Box 23 2Hinson Wa ller RD 3 Box 410AHinson Wi lson M RD 3 Box 129Hcézi

ge Anna B Mrs RD 3 Box

Hodg e Benni e RD 3 Box 243

Hodg e Sam RD 4 Box 117Ho5<

51g es L eota H Mrs RD 1 Box1

Ho lden L eon RD 1 Box 13 9Holder C R RD 3 Box 41

Hollom an C F RD 2 Box 23 3

Ho llom an G ertru de Mrs RD 2

Box 23 3

Holm es Alm a HMrs RD 3 Box

23Ho lm es E llah Bell RD 2 Box 404Hood Bi ll RD 2 Box 270AHoc


>ks Ann i e M Mrs RD 1 Box


Hooks Bi ll RD 1 Box 144

Hooks C JRD 1 Box 7 3

Hooks E arl RD 2 Box 76

Hooks G eorg i a G RD 1 Box 3 67

Hogks Helen B Mrs RD 1 Box

4 6Hooks JA RD

1 Box 40

Hooks JD elm as RD 1 Box 58

Hooks Mae Mrs RD 1 Box 40

Hooks M i ldred Mrs RD 1 Box 62

Hooks Pau l JRD 1 Box 66

Hooks Stanley D RD 1 Box 426

Hooks T h eti s Mrs RD 1 Box 144

Hooks W Hi lton RD 2 Box 23 2

Hooper Hez i kiali RD 3 Box 3 43

Hooper Qu een E sth er RD 3 Box

3 43Horn E d D RD 2 Box 13 4

Hom e A C RD 1 Box 268

Hom e Ada Mrs RD 1 Box 3 16

Hom e Beu lah Mrs RD 3 Box 429

Hom e Charley Mrs RD 3 Box

42 6AHorne E dd i e V RD 3 Box 429

Hom e F on z i e RD 3 Box 426

Hom e Henry RD 1 Box 285

Horne Jas L RD 1 Box 451

Hom e Ju an i ta H Mrs RD 1 Box

3 16Hom e Kate E Mrs RD 1 Box 285

Hom e L ena Mrs RD 3 Box 443

Hom e P F Mrs RD 1 Box 249

Hom e Sim on RD 1 Box 250

Hom e T h elm a Mrs RD 1 Box

268Harri e T helm a W Mrs RD 1 Box

50Hom e W T all i e RD 3 Box 443

Horton Arth B RD 1 Box 103Hggi


on C lara M Mrs RD 1 Box

Horton H R u do lph RD 1 Box 76



Horton John W RD 2 Box 250Howard L otti e S RD 3 Box 402Howard V i lety RD 2 Box 201Howard Wm F RD 3 Box 402Howell A M il ls RD 1 Box 3 68How ell E llen Mrs RD 2 Box 10How ell Kati e M rs RD 1 Box 3 68Hu cks Wm C RD 1 Box 100Hu dson Orlando F R D 2 Box 3 51

Hu dson Syrena Mrs RD 2 Box3 51Hu g

zg i ns Beu lah Mrs RD 1 Box

44Hu g g ins D orothy Mrs RD 1 Box446Hu g g ins G u ster RD 3 Box 3 10Hu g g ins Ju ni or RD 1 Box 83 6Hu g g i ns Mag g i e Mrs RD 1 Box442

Hu g g ins Robt RD 1 Box 446Hu g g ins R os

a L ee Mrs RD 3'Box

3 10Hu g h es Jack M RD 1 Box 403Hu g h es Joyce Mrs RD 1 Box 403

Hu nt H C RD 3 Box 109

Hu rst Seleno RD 1 Box 195Hu tto Betty A Mrs RD 3 Box 3 24Hu tto C li fford RD 3 Box 3 24

Hyatt C Au stin RD 2 Box 402

Hyatt F red Mrs RD 2 Box 423Hyatt John RD 3 Box 3 78Hyatt R C RD 1 Box 150Hyatt R u by Mrs RD 1 Box 150

Ikner E thel Mrs RD 3 Box 3 57Ing raham Cora RD 2 Box 3 7 6

Inm an A Jack RD 1 Box 57Inm an Betty L Mrs RD 1 Box 40Inm an E rm an RD 1 Box 49Inm an Evelyn Mrs RD 1 Box 49Inm an F lora Mrs RD 3 Box 155Inm an F lossi e Mrs RD 3 Box 3 65Inm an Iola Mrs RD 1 Box 50Inm an JN u b i e RD 3 Box 155

Inm an Jay G RD 3 Box 3 65Inm an Jim M RD 3

Box 156

Imgan Kath leen Mrs RD 1 Box


Inm an L B RD 1 Box 50Inm an Marg t Mrs RD 1 Box 57Inm an Marion L RD 1 Box 40Inm an R u dolph RD 3 Box 289Inm an Sarah Mrs RD 1 Box 57Inm an Sarah RD 2 Box 227Israe l Avi s A Mrs RD 1 Box 258Israel E dw i n RD 2 Box 3 19Israel H B RD 1 Box 258

Israel Harvey C RD 3 Box 129Israel Jonathan RD 3 Box 6 3 8Israel Oldia RD 3 Box 129Ivey All i e F Mrs RD 3 Box 3 10Ivey JohnH RD 3 Box 3 10Jackson D avid RD 3 Box 3 89Jackson Hannah RD 3 Box 454Jackson Helen RD 1 Box 472

Jackson Jasper RD 3 Box 613Jackson Jerom e RD 1 Box 488Jackson L ou ise P RD 3 Box 446AJackson Mag g i e Mrs RD 3 Box

Jacobs Ander RD 2 Box 151Jacobs Odell RD 2 Box 180

Jacobs V elm a Mrs RD 2 Box 181Jam es H L RD 4 Box 2AJam es Wi lli e RD 4 Box 103 AJefferi es Alex RD 3 Box 464AJefferi es Mag g i e Mrs RD 3 Box464AJefferson Jam es RD 2 Box 3 70Jeffri es Alex RD 1 Box 522Jeffri es Arth RD 1 Box 141AJeffri es F rank RD 1 Box 125Jenkins Abr RD 3 Box 3 910Jenkin s E u n i ce RD 3 Box 3 91CJenki ns F rank RD 2 Box 175Jenkins G lori a M RD 2 Box IG5AJenki ns Jasper RD 3 Box 3 25

Jern i g an C R u dolph RD 2 Box 8Jern i g an D ew i tte RD 1 Box 127Jern i g an D ew i tt RD 2 Box 3 07

Jern i g an D ori s Mrs RD 2 Box

257Jern i g an E lbert RD 3 Box 43 5

Jern i g an G eo Mrs RD 1 Box 165

Jern i g an G ladys Mrs RD 2 Box 8



éi i g an Jessi e Mrs RD 1 Box


Jern i g an R andle RD 2 Box 226Jem ig an W H RD 1 Box 127

Jern i g an Wi lli e RD 1 Box 03 13

Jern i g an Wu yford RD 2 Box 257

Jern i g an Zera Mrs RD 2 Box 226

Johnson Alven i a Mrs RD 2 Box

Joigson Am anda Mrs RD 1 Box


liggson Clari ce Mrs RD 1 Box

Joglizfson Clarine Mrs RD 1 Box





son E dna Mrs RD 1 Box 3 3

Johnion E m m a Mrs RD 3 Box

3 46Johnson F lossi e F Mrs RD 1 Box

3 26Johnson Helen RD 1 Box 3 72Johnson JH RD 3 Box 3 46

Johnson Jack RD 1 Box 3 26

Johnson Joe RD 2 Box IG5AJohnson Kati e L RD 2 Box 165AJohnson Kelly RD 1 Box 3 3Johnson Lot RD 1 Box 61Johnson L ouven i a RD 1 Box 41Johnson L u ci lle Mrs RD 3 Box 3 46

Johnson L u ther RD 1 Box 190Jofir


son Matth ew j r RD 2 Box

Johnson Matti e RD 1 Box 61



nson Maybe lle Mrs RD 1 Box6

Johnson N al l i e L RD 1 Box 3 26Johnson R u by Mrs RD 1 Box 3 3Johnson V i ola RD 1 Box 60Johnson WJRD 3 Box 86JohnsonWJRD 4 Box 2AJohnson Wi ll i e RD 3 Box 3 46AJolly G ladys Mrs RD 2 Box 43 3BJones A Q R evRD 2 Box 161Jones Ada Mrs RD 1 Box 551Jones Albert D RD 3 Box 284Jones Casey RD 3 Box 262Jones E rnest P RD 4 Box 3 58Jones F loyd RD 3 Box 202Jones G W RD 2 Box 161Jones G eo H RD 3 Box 262

Jones G ladys RD 1 Box 3 55Jones Helen S Mrs RD 2 Box 178Jones Herbert RD 2 Box 99Jones Ila B Mrs RD 3 Box 202Jones Jam es G RD Box 99'

Jones Jam es W RD Box 178Jones Jas W RD 3 ox 3 42AJones John R RD ZBox 65Jones John R Jr RD 2 Box 65Jones Joseph MM RD 3 Box 264Jones Joseph ine RD 2 Box 88Jones L evyH RD 4 Box 424AJones Mary E RD 2 Box 99Jones Mi ssi e R RD 2 Box 7Jones Moan ia RD 1 Box 128

Jones Ol ive JMrs RD 3 Box 262Jones Pau l RD 2 Box 3 24

Jones Pau l RD 4 Box 146Jones Ponce D eL eon RD 2 Box


Jones B eaford RD 3 Box SB9AJones S V RD 2 Box 89Jones T om H RD 4 Box 205

Jones V eresia Mrs RD 3 Box 284Jones W E RD 4 Box 3 51JonesWalter F RD 2 Box 92Jones Wi ley A RD 2 Box 160Jones Wm H RD 2 Box 9Jones Wi ll i e RD 1 Box 273

Jones Wi ll i e RD 4 Box 3 56Jordan Pi rly RD 1 Box 3 00Jordan Pru dence Mrs RD 1 Box

521Jordan R alph ’W RD 1 Box 521

Jordan Sall i e RD 1 Box 3 03Jordan Wi lbu r RD 2 Box 83

Ju dson Charl i e W RD 1 Box 282’

Ju dson Pearl L RD 1 Box 282

Ju ne Andrew RD 3 Box 3 80Ju ne Pearl JRD 3 Box 3 80Kem p D ora B RD 2 Box 3 25Kem p D oretha M RD 1 Box 13Kennedy E thel RD 3 Box 296Kennedy Irene RD 3 Box 29 6

King F lora RD 2 Box 81Ki ng Herbert RD 3 Box 4480King L ew i s D RD 3 Box SS4AKing Mari e Mrs RD 3 Box 4480King Rosalee RD 3 Box 3 94AKinlow D ew i tt RD 1 Box 248

Kirk N eal RD 1 Box 281Korneg ay D a i sy RD 2 Box 72

Lacewe ll Bi ll i e RD 2 Box 3 82

Lam bert John RD 2 Box 111

Lam bert John D RD 1 Box 551Lane Chas HRD 3 Box 51




F ifteen Com plete Modern Departm ent Stores

Everythin g In Reody-To -Weo r

(See Y ellow Pag e 26 ) D i al MIdway 2- 2840

Lane E m i ly Mrs RD 3 Box 51Lane G i les P RD 1 Box 87Lane R u th Mrs RD 1 Box 87L an i er Everett RD 2 Box 25L an i er Inez Mrs RD 2 Box 419L an i er Isaac RD 3 Box Z3 1AL an i er Otti s RD 2 Box 419L ani er R u by Mrs RD 2 Box 443L an i er R u th Mrs RD 2 Box 25L an i erWoodrow RD 2 Box 443Lash ley G loria JRD 1 Box 457L





ley Marg t P Mrs RD 1 Box

L ash ley Oscar RD 3 Box 2DALaw ing Adell RD 2 Box 63L each Carri e Mrs RD 3 Box 3 3 7L each Cu rti s RD 3 Box 3 3 7

L each F lora Mrs RD 3 Box 3 3 8L each Harry RD 2 Box 185L each Jam es RD 3 Box 3 3 8Lea


ch L ou Bertha Mrs RD 3 Box


L each McKinley RD 3 Box 65L ee C lyde F RD 4 Box 3 56

L ee Evelyn Mrs RD 4 Box 3 56

L ee‘

Helen Mrs RD 4 Box 3 19AL ee Jam es 0 RD 2 Box 28

L ee John E RD 4 Box 3 19AL ee L awrnce RD 3 Box 159

L ee Mag g i e Mrs RD 1 Box 442

L ee N athan E RD 3 Box 70AL ee R u th Mrs RD 2 Box 28

L ee Walter RD 3L eek Jan i e RD 1 Box 118L eg g ett Chas RD 3 Box 192

L eg g ett Stella Mrs RD 3 Box 192

L ennon Arch ester RD 1 Box 164

L ennon Blanch e L RD 2 Box 99

L ennon Byron S RD 2 Box 152

L ennon C D RD 2 Box 3 3 5

L ennon E li jah RD 1 Box 3 56

L ennon Eva T RD 1 Box 507

L ennon Harry L RD 1 Box 221

L ennon Henry RD 1 Box 502

L ennon Horace W RD 2 Box 3 21

L ennon Jam es RD 1 Box 61

L ennon Jas A RD 1 Box 158

L ennon Jean C RD 1 Box 164

L ennon Jetti e V RD 2 Box 102

L ennbn Joe N RD 1 Box 157

L ennon John P RD 2 Box 144

L ennon Mari ah Mrs RD 2 Box


L ennon Mari lda RD 2 Box 161

L ennon Oti s RD 1 Box 289

L ennon Sylvester RD 1 Box 3 45

L ennon W C RD 2 Box 154

L ennon Wi lbert RD 1 Box 458

L eonard Ada Mrs RD 3 Box 260

L eonard H N RD 3 Box 26

L esane G eo W RD 2 Box 91

L esane"

Jas H RD 1 Box 3 46

L esane Robt RD 1 Box 3 54

L esane Wi ll i e T RD 2 Box 44

L ew i s Chas RD 3 Box 3 3 3L ew i s D anl RD 4 Box 273

L ew i s G eran i e M RD 1 Box 3 97L ew i s JM RD 1 Box 410

L ew i s Kath leen RD 1 Box 410L ew i s L u e M RD 2 Box 99

L ew is N aom i RD 3 Box 3 3 0

L ew i s Steve RD 3 Box 107L ew is T L Mrs RD 1 Box 3 97



M23G irth R eatha Mrs RD 1 Box

5McIntyre John G RD 2 Box 3 91

McIntyre Oll i e Mrs RD 2 Box

McIntyre R i chd RD 1 Box 256

McIver Ben JRD 4 Box 3 9McIver L em RD 2 Box 148

McKay Marti e RD 1 Box 3 00

McKe i tchan Ag nes Mrs RD 1

Box 443

McKe itchan Annabelle RD 1

Box 441

McKe i tch en Ben RD 1 Box 496

M cKe i tchan Benj N RD 1 Box 441

McKe i tchan Jas N RD 1 Box 443

McKe i tchan W D RD 1 Box 22

McKei than W D RD 3 Box 166McKen z i e Belle


Mrs RD 1 Box3 19

McKen z i e Charl i e RD 2 Box 413McKenz i e D JRD 1 Box 3 17McKen z i e D i ana RD 1 Box 3 02Mc

ii en z i e E ssi e Mrs RD 2 Box

4 3

McKen z i e G rady RD 1 Box 3 11Mgél

fgen z i e L u ci lle Mrs RD 1 Box

McKen z i e Myrtle RD 1 Box 3 02MgKen z i e N aom i Mrs RD 1 Box24

McKenz i e N etti e Mrs RD 1 Box3 26McKenz i e R u dolph RD 1 Box 3 19McKenz i e Wi lson C RD 1 Box 224McK inn i s John W RD 3 Box 247McKn i g ht E lletto RD 2 Box 72McKoy Hom er RD 2 Box 106McKoy Ida RD 2 Box 93McKoy Iri s Mrs RD 1 Box 499M cKoy JF red RD 2 Box 103McKoy John RD 2 Box 93cKoy L ove L RD 2 Box 106A

McKoy L u k e RD 2 Box 86McKoy L u th er W RD 2 Box 3 98

McKoy N ath l RD 2 Box 86McKoy Peter RD 2 Box 201McKoy R obt C RD 1 Box 499McKoyW Ch ester RD 1 Box 225M cL au g h lin D F red RD 2 Box 470McM i llan Bru ce RD 3 Box 412McM i llan D onald RD 2 Box 3 92McM i llan Oscar RD 3 Box 50MgéVIi llan R osa Mrs RD 3 Box

McM i llon D oll i e Mrs RD 1 Box191

McM i llon Harley RD 3 Box 420

McM i llon L eatha RD 1 Box 491MgMi llon Mag da l in e RD 1 Box9

M cM i llon R i chd RD 1 Box 3 24McM i llon Wi lli e D RD 1 Box 191McN a i r Stella RD 1 Box 210McN e i l E l i z RD 3 Box 142McN e i l M ary R RD 4 Box 19McN e i ll E lli s RD 3 Box 3 95McN e i ll Marg t RD 1 Box 273McPh erson Allen RD 3 Box 3 89McQu een D F Mrs RD 3 Box 74McQu een JI RD 3 Box 7 3McQu een JIreland RD 3 Box 73McQu een L ou i se Mrs RD 1 Box


Merri tt E stella Mrs RD 1 Box



McQu een Mary L RD 1 Box 175

McQu een M erl in RD 3 Box 74

McQu een M i les RD 3 Box 75

McQu een S'

W RD 1 Box 178

McQu een W Chester RD 1 Box


McQu een W F elton RD 3 Box 76

Meares Al l i e Mrs RD 3 Box 206

Meares Ji m m y RD 3 Box 189AMeares M T aft RD 3 Box 206M earse L awrence RD 2 Box 102

Me i r F ann i e RD 2 Box 259M elvin Sam l RD 1 Box 473

M em ory A E RD 2 Box 3

M em ory Alm a Mrs RD 2 Box 3

Mem ory N e i l RD 2 Box 3 0

Mem oryW A Mrs RD 2 Box 29

M ercer E lec Co RD 3 Box 3

M ercer Martha L RD 4 Box 208

Merri tt Benn i e RD 1 Box 280

Merri tt Betty M Mrs RD 1 Box

Merritt F loyd H Mrs,Box 400

Merritt JE RD 1 Box 401

M erri tt John F RD 4 Box 3 29

Merritt John H RD 1 Box 40

M e

ggi tt Maxi e B Mrs RD 1 Box


M erri tt R F RD 3 Box 100

Metts MaryJRD 1 Box 424

M i lég

r B lenn i e Mrs RD 1 Box


M i ller Hym ond RD 1 Box 468

M i ller N orm an RD 2 Box 3 3 4

M i ller Oscar RD 2 Box 3 92

M i ller R B RD 3 Box 3 9

M i ller R og ers RD 2 Box 195

M i ll i caan Otto RD 3 Box 3 54

M i ll i can E D RD 2 Box 21

Mi lli can E ffi e Mrs RD 4 Box 3 82

M i lli can E lwood RD 4 Box 3 82

M i lli can JD RD 3 Box 28

M i ll i can L u la Mrs RD 3 Box 3 54

M i ll i can Mab le Mrs RD 2 Box 21

M i ll i g an Mavi s RD 1 Box 405

M i lls Jerry E RD 3 Box 3 59

M i lls L i z z i e B Mrs RD 3 Box

3 59

M i shoe E arl JRD 2 Box 3 00B

M i shu e Bessi e Mrs RD 4 Box 289

M i sh u e Johnson RD 4 Box 289

Moody E ssi e RD 3 Box 466

Moody M i nn i e B RD 3 Box 466

Moore Cu rt RD 2 Box 269

Moore D avid RD 1 Box 3 86

Moore E arl RD 1 Box 99

Moore E ddi e RD 2 Box 179

Moore G enevive RD 2 Box 187

Moore Ishm el RD 2 Box 18

Moore Jetti e Mrs RD 2_

Box 187


i'e L ena M Mrs RD 3 Box

3 4Mgg

re L ou i se.Mrs RD 1 Box

6Moore N ell i e Mrs RD 1 Box 99

Moore T h u rm an RD 2 Box 180

M oss C 0 RD 2 Box 41

Moss Jess i e Mrs RD 2 Box 41

Mu ll i s Acton A RD 2 Box 461

Mu rphy Alm a Mrs RD 1 Box

Cou rt Hou se Squ areM u rphy D inah Mrs RD 3 Box 3 96M u rphyJohn D RD 1 Box 509M u rphy L ith er Mrs RD 1 Box 6 10Mu rphy Salli e RD 2 Box 23 6Mu rphy Wal ter RD 1 Box 3 10M u rphyWm L RD 3 Box 3 80EMu rry Calvin RD 1 Box 3 121Mu rryHerbert RD 1 Box 3 3 1N ance JH RD 1 Box 3 46N ance Strowdi e RD 1 Box 489N ance V erney Mrs RD 1 Box 3 46N ance Wm RD 3 Box 3 3 9N ealy D essi e RD 6 Box 94N ealy F red RD 3 Box .187N e i ll C A RD 1 Box 452

N ei ll L i z z i e Mrs RD 1 Box 452N elson Henry L RD 4 Box 113A

N elson L u cy Mrs RD 2 Box 212N ewm an JC RD 1 Box 286N ewm an Stella Mrs RD 1 Box

N ew som A L (Bert) RD 1 Box

N ew som May Mrs RD 3 Box 3 7 9N ew som e L esl i e E RD


3 Box 3 7 7N ew som e L br Bldg Su p RD 3Box 3 77

N ewton All i e L Mrs RD 1 Box

N ewton C A Mrs RD 1 Box 412N i cho ls G eo W RD 1 Box 3 27Nob les E m m a Mrs RD 2 Box 58N ob les L B RD 2 Box 58N obles Roosevelt RD 1 Box 450N orri s Bi ll RD 1 Box 3 43Norri s E arl RD 3 Box 427N orri s E li z RD 3 Box 229N orri s E u ri s JRD 3 Box 284Norri s Hann i e G RD 3 Box 447AN orri s Mari on P RD 3 Box 180Norri s MaryMrs RD 1 Box 426Norri s M i ldred Mrs RD 3 Box 2N orri s N oah RD 3 Box 23 9N orri s Pink R RD 3 Box 228N orri s R obt L RD 1 Box 409Norri s V irg in i a Mrs RD 1 Box

Norri s W C RD 3 Box 284N orri s Wa lter RD 3 Box 228N orton E lm i ra RD 1 Box 118

N u nnery G C RD 2 Box 13 6N u nn ery Sarah Mrs RD 2 BoxOdom G R RD 2 Box 3 96Odom L ou i se Mrs RD 2 Box 3 93Odom V irg in i a Mrs RD 2 Box 3 96Odu m Robt E RD 2 Box 3 93


Oldham Mag g i e RD 2 Box 115Oldham Mary RD 1 Box 551Orr Mary L RD 3 Box 91Osbou rn Hi lda Mrs RD 2 Box 287Osbou rn Machell RD 2 Box 287Osbou rne Howard RD 2 Box 287Oti s L ou i se RD 1 Box 143Ow ens B L eonard RD 3 Box 404B

Whi tevi lle

The Hom e of

Qu al ityJewelry

Pag e 49 )

Oxindine Percell RD 1 Box 3 55Pace Wm RD 2 Box 228Pack D elm a RD 1 Box 13 9Pag e Island RD 2 Box 3 54Pag e M C RD 1 Box 13 3Pag e Mab le RD 1 Box 128Pag e Marvin RD 3 Box 4ISAPag e Mary JRD 1 Box 13 3 ‘

Parker C E RD 2 Box 68

Parker JG RD 3 Box 104Parker Lonn i e RD 3 Box 458Patri ck E lla RD 3 Box 449Patterson E m m a L RD 1 Box 174Payne Reba RD 3 Box Z3 1Aearsall Wi ll i e L RD 1 Box 123

Penney Kenneth RD 2 Box 268Penny Cog ey RD 2 Box 211Penny D evon RD 3 Box 187Penny F letcher RD 3 Box 288

Penny F letch er RD 4 Box 168Penny F rank JRD 3 Box 402

Penny L ena. Mrs RD 2 Box 268Penny N e i lli e Mrs RD 4 Box 2APenny Seth E RD 4 Box 2APenny Y F RD 2 Box


268Pepper Arth RD 1 Box 496Pepper Arth RD 3 Box 404

Perkins E lestez Mrs RD 1 Box

Perri tt E m ery RD 3 Box 3 66Perri tt E m ery RD 4 Box 12

Perri tt L eec i e Mrs RD 3 Box 3 66Perry Jack RD 2 Box 68

Perry N e i l M RD 2 Box 7 3 2Peterson JW RD 3 Box 1GAPh elps Oscar D RD 3 Box 3 50Ph elps V alli e Mrs RD 3 Box 3 50Ph i lli ps F rank RD 3 Box 3 3 5APhi ll i ps Odessa RD 2 Box 163Pi ckett Berti s RD 3 Box 449

Pi ckett Percell RD 3 Box 454Pi ckett Percy RD 2 Box 244Pi erce Ang e lo RD 2 Box 54

Pi erce D ori s Mrs RD 3 Box 14

Pi erce F aye Mrs RD 2 Box 54

Pi erce G rady RD 1 Box 499

Pi erce Henry A RD 2 Box 3 3 8

Pi erce Herbert B RD 3 Box 14

Pi erce Jas RD 3 Box 72

Pi erce M inc i e RD 1 Box 156Pi erce N etti e Mrs RD 2 Box 3 3 8Pi erce Sam l RD 3 Box 14

P i erce T hos H RD 3 Box 13 9Pi erce V E m bert RD 3 Box 3 21

Pi g ford Ida M Mrs RD 2 Box 157Pi gford Otis RD 2 Box 157Pine F rances RD 1 Box 3 58Pinellnen Alberta RD 2 Box 3 51A

Piner Mam i e RD 1 Box 551Pinyatello JD RD 3 Box 16Pi ttm an Alex RD 2 Box 452Pi ttm an Hannah RD 1 Box 23 2Pope D L RD 4 Box 3 45


F ranki e B Mrs RD 1 Box

Pope G ladys Mrs RD 1 Box 70Pope Jas F RD 1 Box 70Pope Jas 0 RD 1 Box 147Pope L ou i se RD 4 Box 3 45Pope T hos M RD 1 Box 451Pope T hos RD 1 Box 451Pope T i ldon RD 1 Box 56Porter L oi s C Mrs RD 1 Box 264Porter Manley E RD 1 Box 264Poston Kati e Mrs RD 2 Box 427Poston L eon RD 2 Box 427Poston Mari e Mrs RD 2 Box 427Powell Alf RD 1 Box 215Pow ell Bertha Mrs RD 1 Box 3 27Pow ell Bobby R RD 1 Box 3 74Pow ell Chas RD 2 Box 3 53

Pow ell Chas L RD 1 Box 549APow ell D JRD 1 Box 3 74

Powell D orothy M RD 2 Box 3 03Pow ell E arl JMrs RD 1 Box 3 74Pow ell E dg ar V RD 1 Box 224Powe ll E dna RD 2 Box 3 91

Powggll E ste lle Mrs RD 2 Box

3Pogfll E sth er A Mrs RD 1 Box

2Pow el l E the l JRD 2 Box 100


53 39



1? Pow e ll JE rvin RD 1 Box 298Pow e ll JR alton RD 2 Box 3 00Powell J'R oston RD 2 Box 299Pow el l Jas RD 1 Box 516Powell Jane RD 3 Box 147Powell John M RD 3 Box 284Pgw ell Kath leen Mrs RD 2 Box73

Powell L D Mrs RD 3 Box 147Powell L eo RD 1 Box 223

Powell L etsy Mrs RD 1 Box 211Powell L i ll i e B Mrs RD 1 Box 298Powell L u cy RD 2 Box 52

Pow ell Mari e C Mrs RD 2 Box3 01

nzvaell Messiah Mrs RD 1 Box

Powell Pau l P RD 2 Box 3 01Pow ell Penny RD 3 Box 6APow ell Robt E RD 2 Box 210Powell S L ee RD 2 Box 99Pow ell T heo R RD 1 Box 22 3Pow ell Wm H RD 1 Box 211

Pow ell Wm JRD 3 Box 758Powell’s D airy RD 2 Box 299Pow ers Clayton RD 1 Box 473Pow ers Han nah JRD 1 Box 472Pow ers Hannah P Mrs RD 1 Box473

Pratt Blanche Mrs RD 1 Box 47Pratt JE RD 1 Box 47Pratt John E RD 1 Box 47Prease Owen D RD 1 Box 3 67Prevatte Ann i e M RD 1 Box 280Prevatte Howard RD 1 Box 280

Pri ce Alene RD 2 Box 449Pri ce Chas L j r RD 3 Box 163Pri ce

_Ch esleyJRD 2 Box 216

Pri ce C larence T RD 3 Box 3 75Pri ce D anl W RD 2 Box 43 0Pri ce D orothy Mrs

_RD 2 Box 216

Pri ce E lton RD 2 Box 291Pri ce E lwood RD 2 Box 449Pri ce E sther RD 3 Box 3 70Pri ce F ord RD 1 Box 3 79APri ce JL u th er RD 2 Box 292Pri ce John JRD 2 Box 285Pri ce L u ci lle Mrs RD 2 Box 216Pri ce Lynda RD 2 Box 464Pri ce Molci e Mrs RD 1 Box 3 79APri ce N elson RD 2 Box 464Pri ce Su san RD 2 Box 285

Pri dg en Alm a RD 1 Box 23 1


gzgen An n i e B Mrs RD 1 Box

Pridg en Ann i e M Mrs RD 2 Box3 51

Pridg en Clara Mrs RD 2 Box 3 51

Pri dg en C larence RD 1 Box 3 3 4

Pridg en D ou g las S RD 4 Box

423Pri dg en E leanor R RD 1 Box 3 92

Pri dg en E rnest D RD 2 Box 3 7Pri dg en E stella Mrs RD 1 Box

160Pri dg en Everell RD 1 Box 227Pridg en G i les M RD 1 Box 23 2

Pri dg en Haynes RD 1 Box 227

Pridg en Hez K RD 2 Box 3 51

Pridg en Joe P RD 1 Box 23 4

Pri dg en Lacy i r RD 1 Box 556

Pridg en M D RD 1 Box 247

Pridg en Mam i e RD 2 Box 453

Pridg en Mary A Mrs RD 1 Box


Pri dg en Obed T RD 1 Box 246

Pridg en R alph C RD 1 Box 3 94

Pridg en R u ssell L RD“

2 Box 3 6

Pridg en Solom on RD 1 Box 290

Pridg en T helm a Mrs RD 2 Box 3 7

Pridg en Wi lm a RD 1 Box 23 2

Pri dg ens Cab inet Shop RD 2

Box 3 7Pri estWm H RD 1 Box 551

Prince Bobbi e RD 3 Box 1S7APrince C lyde V RD 3

Box 195

Prince G eo N RD 3 Box 175APrince L 0 RD 3 Box 194

Prince L u ci lle Mrs RD 2 Box 60

Pri nce Odel l RD 2 Box 60Prince Ol i e Mrs RD 3 Box 195Prince Sa ll i e 0 Mrs RD 3 Box

I7SAProctor A F RD 1 Box 43 5

Proctor JE RD 2 Box 29 3Proctor L etha Mrs RD 2 Box 293Pu rd i e Carri e RD 3 Box 401Pu rdi e Pau l RD 1 Box 172Pu rdi e Pearl Mrs RD 1 Box 172

Sales and Servi ce(See Y ellow Pag e 7 )

Sellers F E RD 6 Box 13 9A

Sellers F loyd S RD 1 Box 266

Sellers F rances V Mrs RD 2 Box


Sellers G eo D RD 2 Box 414

Sellers G rah am RD 3 Box 3 68

Sellers Hasley R RD 1 Box 270

Sellers Henry RD 2 Box 67Sellers JV RD 3 Box 13 1

Sellers Jenn i e Mrs RD 2 Box 58

Sellers John W RD 2 Box Z4OA

Sellers Ju n i or RD 3 Box 243 0

Sellers Kati e Mrs RD 2 Box 4

Sellers L awrence A RD 3 Box 159

Se llers L i z z i e Mrs RD 2 Box 3 80

Sellers L ou i se Mrs RD 2 Box 414

Se llers Mae Mrs RD 1 Box 557Sellers Mary L Mrs RD 1 Box 272

Sellers Obi e RD 3 Box 171Sellers O’

N ea l RD 1 Box 3 59Sellers Pau l in e Mrs RD 1 Box 3 59Sellers Ra lph L RD 1 Box 272Sellers R obt RD 3 Box 13 8Sellers R oland RD 2 Box 4Se llers R oy RD 3 Box 13 3Sellers R u fu s RD 2 Box 61

Sellers Sam R D 1 Box 165

Sellers Sim s RD 1 Box 557Sellers WP Mrs RD 3 Box 144

Sessi on’s F eed Store RD 2 Box

70Sessions A H RD 2 Box 70Sess ions Bennon Mrs RD 2 Box

205Sessi ons E sso RD 2 Box 70Ses

osi ons F ann i e Mrs RD 2 Box



fsions Hatti e M Mrs RD 2 Box

Sessi ons JHarrell RD 2 Box 42

Sessi ons Jam es R RD 2 Box 71

Sessi ons Mary JMrs RD 2 Box

71Sessions R C RD 2 Box 205


Sessions R obt E RD 2 Box 74

Seszsions T h etu s Mrs RD 2 Box

4 1

Setters L Mae Mrs R D 1 Box 174

Setters Odell RD 1 Box 3 48Sewell Carri e RD 4 Box 104A

Shaw Ada A Mrs RD 2 Box 174

Shaw Arch i e RD 2 Box 190

Shaw Au stin RD 3 Box 62

Shaw Bess i e Mrs RD 2 Box 3 92

Shaw F red RD 2 Box 180

Shaw G eo F RD 2 Box 166

Shaw Ju l i a Mrs RD 3 Box 62

Shaw Kenneth M RD 1 Box 61

Shaw L onn i e RD 3 Box 62

Shaw L u cy RD 1 Box 3 09Shaw L u etta Mrs RD 2 Box 180Shaw Mag g i e RD 3 Box 466Shaw Mari e Mrs RD 3 Box 55Shaw Sm i th i e Mrs RD 3 Box 55

(See Y ellow Pag e 3 )

Shaw Wi ley R RD 2 Box 174ShawWm M RD 1 Box 12Shelby D an l JRD 2 Box 424Shelby E sth er Mrs RD 2 Box 424ShelleyJ0 RD 3 Box 87She lley Joe RD 3 Box 22AShellyJessi e Mrs RD 3 Box 87Sherri ll E llen Mrs RD 1 Box 551Sherrod Arth RD 3 Box 3 05Sh ipm an Al i ce Mrs RD 2 Box 143Sh ipm an Al i ce RD 2 Box 145Sh ipm an Arth RD 2 Box 126Sh ipm an Ben RD 1 Box 156Sh i pm an Blanch i e RD 1 Box 154Sh i pm an Charl i e RD 2 Box 121Sh i pm an C lem m i e RD 2 Box 3 84Sh ipm an Co lu m bu s RD 2 Box 189

Shipm an D etlow RD 1 Box 60Shopm an E dna Mrs RD 2 Box 126Sh ipm an E lm a RD 2 Box 154Sh ipm an E u g RD 3 Box 3 94Sh i

glm an Evelyn Mrs RD 2 Box


Shi pm an G eo RD 1 Box 153Sh i pm an Hom er RD 2 Box 243Sh i pm an Jas A RD 1 Box 143Sh ipm an Ju li a RD 2 Box 405Shipm an L onn i e RD 1 Box 126Sh i pm an Mag g i e RD 1 Box 3 4Sh i

pm an Marg t Mrs RD 2 Box

1 1

Sh i pm an Mary RD 2 Box 3 92Sh i p

em an Mayella Mrs RD 1 Box


Shipm an Myri lle RD 1 Box 155Sh ipm an N e i l A RD 2 Box 142

Sh i pm an R obt RD 1 Box 169Shi pm an R u th RD 1 Box 160Sh i pm an T eed RD 1 Box 13 0Sh i pm an W M RD 2 Box 141Sh ipm an Wm D RD 1 Box 246Shird Ca lvin RD 1 Box 127‘Sh i rd F lorence RD 3 Box 3 86Sh i rd Jas H RD 3 Box 3 91G

Sh i rden Wm RD 1 Box 3 7Sh i rod L eavy RD 2 Box 3 85AShu m an Clarence B RD 3 Box

3 74

Shu m an L u c i le RD 4 Box 83Shu m an Mart RD 4 Box 83

Si bbett L ee RD 1 Box 254

Sibbett R u th Mrs RD 1 Box 254

Si bbett Sam RD 1 Box 551

Sikes Bern i ce Mrs RD 2 Box 465

Sikes E arl D RD 2 Box 465

Sim m ons A E RD 4 Box 225

Sim m ons Alb erta D RD 4 Box

3 46Sim m ons B G RD 3 Box 11

Sim m ons Berm ease RD 4 Box

3 47

Sim m ons Bethaleen RD 4 Box 211

Sim m ons Carl i e D RD 2 Box 55

Sim m ons C larence RD 2 Box 78


Sim m ons Conn i e Mrs RD 2 Box 78Sim m ons D avid N RD 3 Box 166ASim m ons E aster M RD 4 Box 3 49Sim m ons E stelle RD 4 Box 225Sim m ons E u dell R D 4 Box 250Si

zm ons Horace H RD 1 Box5

Sim m ons Iva RD 4 Box 243Sim m ons JE RD 4 Box 3 46Sim m ons JE di son RD 4 Box 3 46Sim m ons JJRD 4 Box 242

Sim m ons Joseph S RD 4 Box 3 47Sim m ons K M RD 4 Box 224Sim m ons L enora RD 4 Box 220Sim m ons L oran RD 4 Box 222Si m m ons L ou R RD 4 Box 254Sim m ons L ou della RD 4 Box 224Sim m ons L o u i se RD 4 Box 3 45Si m m ons L u cy M Mrs RD 1 Box223

Sim m ons Marg t Mrs RD 2 Box55

Si m m ons Om eg a RD 4 Box 3 49Sim m ons R ale i g h RD 4 Box 262

Sim m ons R obt RD 4 Box ’3 45Sim m ons S W RD 4 Box 250Sim m ons Sm ith i e RD 4 Box 254Sim m ons Su san Mrs RD 3 Box217

Sim m ons V MRD 4 Box 220Sim m ons W E RD 4 Box 243Sim m ones Wi lm a D RD 4 Box199

Si ng letary Albert RD 2 Box 3 87Sing letary D an RD 1 Box 23 1Sing letary E lm er RD 4 Box 187Sing letaryHelen RD 2 Box 3 87Sing letaryJAlton RD 3 Box266

Sing letary L ez z i e M RD 4 Box 187Sigg letary N otre D am e RD 1 Box3 1

Sing letary Raym ond RD 3 Box266

Sing letaryWJasper RD 3 Box

268S inkler Wi ll i e R D 3 Box 3 89Skiper Clarence RD 4 Box 149Skiper D a i sy R D 4 Box .3 57Skipper L G RD 4 Box 3 57Skipper M i ll i e RD 1 Box 3 72Sm a ll C W RD 1 Box 551Sm a ll Otto RD 2 Box 3OOBSm i th RD 1 Box 190Sm i th A JRD 2 Box 3 40Sm i th A JRD 2 Box 3 40Sm i th Alease RD 2 Box 50ASm i th Alf RD 1 Box 446Sm i th Alf RD 3 Box 68Sm i th Alf E RD 2 Box 50ASm i th Alru n i a Mrs RD 3 Box3 41

Sm i th_Am os JRD 3 Box 299

Sm ith Ann i e RD 3 Box 3 41Sm i th Archi e C RD 1 Box 418Sm i th Atlas T RD 1 Box40 3Sm i th Charey RD 4 Box 68ASm i th Chas C RD 3 Box 412Sm i th Chas H RD 2 Box 1Sm i th Cli lea Mrs RD 1 Box 262Sm i th D i llon L RD 3Sm i th D orothy RD 3 Box 4OSASm i th E arly RD 3 Box 264

Sm i th E l i z RD 2 Box IG3ASm ith E lla RD 3 Box 3 95Sm i th E stelle RD 4 Box 110ASm i th F ann i e Mrs RD 3 Box 425Sm i th G eo D RD 3 Box 3 52

“Sm i th 'G eo W RD 4 Box 221ASm ith G lenny RD 1 Box 29Sm i th Haro ld RD 3 Box 456Sm i th Harry RD 1 Box (304Sm i th Isdell G RD 2 Box 277Sm i th JB RD 1 Box 10

Sm i th JD RD Z B0 x 110Sm ith JT RD S Bcx 49

Sm ith JW RD 2 Box 147Sm i th Jas RD 3 Box 452

Sm i th Jan i e Mrs RD 2 Box 277Sm i th Jim RD 1 Box 59Sm ith John D j r RD 2 Box 115Sm i th Ju l i a C RD 1 Box 56Sm ith L athaW M rs RD 3

'Box 3 07Sm i th L au ra A RD 3 Box 411411

Cou rt Hou se Squ are(See Pag e Z)

D i al MIdway 2 - 2061

Ai r Condi ti oni n gN o j ob too sm allN o j ob too larg e


Com m ercial

of yo u r

Sm ith Lavern RD 2 Box 405Sm i th L eander RD 3 Box 404ASm ith L eon RD 2 Box 3 25Sm i th L inn i e D RD 2 Box 153Sm i th L i z z i e B Mrs RD 3 Box 92Sm i th L onn i e RD 3 Box 457Sm i th L u ther RD 1 Box 496Sm i th Mac RD 3 Box 3 88Sm i th Mag g i e RD 2 Box 152Sm i th Marg t E Mrs RD 2 Box



i th Mary E Mrs RD 1 Box4 6

Sm i th Oscar RD 3 Box 127Sm i th Pau l P RD 1 Box 257Sm i th Peter RD 3 Box 3 41Sm i th Plu m m er S RD 1


Box 486Sm i th R B R D 3 Box 425Sm


i iih R ebecca Mrs RD 1 Box


Sm i th Wade RD 1 Box 419Sm i th Waym on RD 3 Box 456

Sm i th Wi lton RD 3 Box 3 07Sm i th ’Worth D RD 1 Box 262

Sm i th ers D orothy Mrs RD 1 Box3 93

Soles Anna B RD '3 Box 243

Soles Ann i e M Mrs RD 2 Box246

Soles Arth oli a RD 1 Box 549ASoles Avery G RD 2 Box 53 1

Soles D ock RD 1 Box 28Soles E dg ar RD 2 Box 249Soles E thel Mrs RD 1 Box 28Soles E u n i ce Mrs RD 2 Box 13 0

Soles E u n i ce RD 4 Box 3 2GBSoles F ranklin RD 3 Box 216So les Jay RD 4 Box 3 6 7Soles John D RD 1 Box 43 5

Soles L eam on RD 3 Box 270So les L eo RD 3 Box 164ASoles L i ll ian Mrs RD 2 Box 53 1So les L i ston RD 1 Box 24

Soles L u ci an RD 1 Box 549ASoles L u c i an RD 3 Box 411

Soles Marg t Mrs RD 2 Box 249So les Monroe RD 2 Box 13 0So les Monroe RD 1 Box 3 203

Soles N etti e RD 3 Box 270Soles O F aye RD 4 Box 63Soles Ola L RD 4 Box 63

Soles V T ir RD 2 Box 246So les V alentine RD 2 Box 1

Soles Wing ate L RD 3 Box IG4ASoles Zu la Mrs RD 3 Box 270

Solom on Helen Mrs RD 2 Box 182

Solom on Mari lyn RD 2 Box 182Solom on V ester RD 2

Spau ld in g A Mack R D 2 Box 181“

Spau lding Au drey M RD 2

Spau lding D Morg an RD 2 Box


Spau lding Mam i e RD 2 Box 177

Spau ld ing McIver RD 1 Box 551Spau ld inf R alph RD 2 Box 194

Spau l ding Sadi e B RD 2 Box 166Spau ld ing Sarah B RD 2 Box 194

Spears Jas S RD 2 Box 23 9

Spivey Add i e Mrs RD 3 Box 210

Spivey Arch i e RD 3 Box 208

Spivey Az i er JRD 3 Box 212

Sp i

gfy Bessi e C Mrs RD 1 Box


Spivey Betty JRD 3 Box 210

Spvi ey Carvin RD 03 Box 214Spivey D enn i s JRD 2 Box 226

Spig yD orothy Mrs RD 2 Box

3Spivey E C Mrs RD 2 Box 427

Spivey E m m a RD 3 Box 203Spivey E rnest E RD 1 Box 26Spivey E ssi e RD 3 Box 221B

Spivey E ssi e RD 3 Box 222ASpivey F red RD 2 Box 46Spivey G o la M RD 3 Box 181

Spivey JL u ther RD 3 Box 210

Spivey Jim m y N Mrs RD 2 Box

46Spivey Joe G RD 3 Box 214

Spivey L awrence RD 3 Box 442

Sp ivey L eam on RD 3 Box 210A

Spivey L i ston D RD 2 Box 3 27

Spivey L u ci lle Mrs RD 3 Box 210Spivey N orm a Mrs RD '3 Box208

Spivey R B RD 3 Box 205

Sp ivey R i chd C RD 2 Box 3 3 0Spivey Roland JRD 3 Box 181

Spivey Rosa M rs RD 1 Box 551

Spivey R osher L RD 3 Box I7ZA

Spivey R u be RD 3 Box 210

SpiveyW M RD 2 Box 3 29

Squ ires L oll i e A Mrs RD 1 Box

55Squ i res R ex RD 1 Box 55Stafford G W RD 2 Box 405

Stafford Jas W RD 2 Box 415

Stan ley Bell RD 3 Box 279

Stan ley Carri e B RD 2 Box 3 7

Stanley E th eredg e RD 3 Box 61Stanley R obt RD 2 Box 6Stanley Robt C RD 2 Box 3 7Stanton Ceci l RD 2 Box 153Steele Alm eta RD 2 Box 3 69Stgg'ih ens Ann i e Mrs RD 1 Box

Steph ens Ann i e M RD 3‘Box

464BStephens Ben F RD 3 Box 79St

ggyens Carrie Mrs RD 1 Box


i ens Clau de L RD 1 Box

Steph ens E D RD 1 Box 218




Stesphens E li z B Mrs RD 1 Box3 1

Step7hens E lo i se Mrs RD 1 Box


Stephens Isadora RD 3 Box 412

Stephens JA RD 1 Box 3 04Steph ens Jas L RD 3 Box 3 06Stpehens L i z z i e JRD 1 Box 3 3 5St§5e


hens L ora P Mrs RD 1 Box

Stephens Mari on C RD 3 Box

3 6Steph ens N M RD 1 Box 3 51Steph ens R u dolph RD 1 Box 3 00Steph

ens V i ctori a Mrs RD 3 Box

3 6Steph ens Wi lli e A RD 1 Box 3 07Stevens Adm iral D RD 3 Box 78

Stevens C E RD 3 Box 3 08Stevens C T redell RD 3 Box 18Stevens E lg y W Mrs RD 3 Box4136

Stevens E l i z R RD 2 Box 3 94

Stevens F orney D RD 3 Box 3 11Stevens G eo W RD 2 Box 3 94Stevens JE th e ll RD 3 Box 62Stevens JE th ell RD 3 Box 3 60Stevens Olym pia C Mrs RD 3Box 3 04

Stevens Oscar A RD 2 Box 3 24Stevens Oscar M RD 3 Box 3 04

Stevens Otto RD 2 Box 454Stevens R obt C RD 3 Box 43 6

Stevens T ressi e Mrs RD 2 Box454

Stevens V ina A Mrs RD 4 Box

149Stevens Wm C j r RD 1 Box

3 56Stevenson Ha z el RD 2 Box 44

Stocks In ez RD 4 Box 110A

Stone R C RD 2 Box 227

Stone T heti s Mrs RD 2 Box 227

Stri ckland Addi e F Mrs RD 1

Box 551

Stri ckland Bern i ce Mrs RD 3

Box 240

Strockland F red j r RD 3 Box

243AStri ckland Hom er B RD 3 Box


Stri ckland L u ra Mrs RD 2 Box 1

Stri ckland Mack RD 4 Box 3 17A

Stri ckland R W R evRD 2 Box


Stri ckland Spencer S RD 2 Box

117Stri ckland T W RD 1 Box 5

Stri ckland W T RD 2 Box 117

Stu bbs Clyde RD 1 Box 248

Stu bbs John R RD 2 Box 23 5

Stu bbs Wm RD 2 Box 227

Su g g s Barney RD 4 Box 262

Su g g s C M RD 4 Box 23 1

Su g g s Carl RD 4 Box 23 0

Su g g s E d RD 4 Box 3 4

Su g g s E m og ene RD 4 Box 3 02

Su g g s E thel RD 4 Box 229

Su g g s F red RD 4 Box 3 02

Su g g s Hatti e RD 4 Box 23 1

Su g g s Haz el W RD 3 Box 13 4

Su g g s JB RD 4 Box 13 5

Su g g s L R RD 4 box 229

T ownsend G ertru de Mrs RD 2Box 3 75

T ownsend Mab le Mrs RD 1 Box191

T roy Add i e RD 3 Box 3 50T roy Alex RD 1 Box 159T royAllean RD 1 Box 3 49T royAllene RD 2 Box 120T roy Arn i e S RD 2 Box 117AT roy Carri e Mrs RD 2 Box 177AT roy Cicero RD 2 Box 452T roy C icero RD 3 Box 4088T roy F elm a RD 2 Box 44T royJoseph RD 1 Box 170T roy L u ela M RD 2 Box 3 52T royMae I RD 2 Box 3 63T royMaha lia RD 2 Box 105T royWarren RD 2 Box 3 52T royWi ley RD 1 Box 497T u cker Alex RD 3 Box 3 99T u rbervi lle Roscoe RD 3 Box165

T u rner Al ice RD 1 Box 1T t



ser F redd i e W Mrs RD 2 Box

T u rn erWm H RD 2 Box 3 20T u ton A L eam on R D 3 Box 145T yler Ann i e RD 3 Box Z3 1ATyler Kati e Mrs RD 2 Box 4Tyler L eni s M RD 2 Box 40Tyree Clyde H RD 3 Box 157T yree Cleveland RD 3 Box 272T yree Herm an W RD 3 Box 273Tyree Mari on C RD 3 Box 108T yson H B ew i ll RD 3 Box 45T yson Ki lton RD 2 Box 3V ereen D e lla Mrs RD 1 Box 460 -Bvereen D ella RD 03 Box 44SEV ereen Kath R RD 2 Box 3 25Vou g ht Am i s JRD 2 Box 2900Vau g ht L onu s Mrs RD 2 Box 290V ou g la T hos B RD 2 Box 197Waccam aw E lc Co RD 2 Box 13Wag ner Chas JRD 2 Box 3 00AWag ner E lla 0 Mrs RD 2 Box3 00AWaéker Am anda Mrs RD 3

Box4 6Walker Art Shop RD 1 Box 555Walker Chas B RD 3 Box 3 20Walker Chas B RD 3 Box 416Walker D ewey A RD 1 Box 555Walker E m i ly Mrs RD 1 Box 555Walker E stelle Mrs RD 3 Box 43 7Walker G arland H RD 3 Box 83Walker Henry j r RD 3 Box 416Walker JoAnne RD 2 Box 195Walker Johnni e E RD 3 Box 3 86Walker L eonard RD 1 Box 464WalkerWm RD 3 Box 43 7Wall Baxter RD 3 Box 3 15Wal lace Jan i e RD 3 Box 402Walls B C RD 3 Box 3 15

Walters Cherry M Mrs RD 1Walters D olli e G RD 1 Box 487Walters D avid RD 2 Box 447Walters G race Mrs RD 1 Box 550Walters H G rover RD 1 Box 550Walters Jane Mrs RD 1 Box 19Walters Joyce S Mrs RD 1 Box97

‘Walters L E u g ene RevRD 1 Box

Walters L am ar A RD 1 Box 19

Waltzers M i ldred Mrs RD 2 Box


Walters N aom i Mrs RD 1 Box 487Walters Peg g y Mrs RD 2 Box 447Walters Woodrow RD 2 Box 442Walters Zelm ar Mrs RD 1 Box 487Walton D JRD 3

'Box 245Wa lton M inn i e Mrs RD 3 Box 171Walton Ra lph RD 3 Box 171

Walton R al ph RD 3 Box 17 3

Ward Ada Mrs RD 1 Box 3 25Ward Al bert JRD 3 Box 82Ward Albert L RD 4 Box 169AWard Arch i e T RD 1 Box 256Ward Au ty C RD 3 Box 2 0Ward B Ba i ley RD 3 Box 413Ward Betty C RD 3 Box 168W252 Blanche B Mrs RD 2 Box

Ward Bu rnease RD 4 Box 3 47

Ward Corby RD 3 Box 220Ward D ayton F RD 4 Box 347

Ward D ew ey A RD 3 Box 428

Ward D ock RD 3'Box 12

Ward D onn i e W RD 3 Box 289

Ward D ori s RD 4 Box 200

Ward E lli s S R D 4 Box 3 67

Ward E sm er E RD 3 Box 271

Ward F lossi e L RD 3 Box 246

Ward F red RD 43 0 1: 113

Ward G ola Mae Mrs RD 3 Box 81

Ward G rady K RD 4 Box 192

Ward H K RD 4 Box 183

Ward Hatti e B Mrs RD 3 Box 270

Ward Haz el RD 4Box 3 04

Ward Herm an N RD 3 Box 210

Ward Hetti e P RD 4 Box 3 15A

Ward JCederc RD 4 Box 127

Ward JD RD 3 Box 181

Ward Jackson RD 3“

Box 13 4

Ward Jas G RD 2 Box 294

Ward Joe E RD 2 Box 27

Ward John G RD 3 Box 269

Ward John H RD 3 Box 282

Ward Josh RD 3 Box 23 4

Ward Kerm it RD 2 Box 467

Ward L Bi lly RD 4 Box 3 04

Ward L eavyyJRD 6 Box: 209

Ward L eci evyRD 3 Box 265

Ward L endsay j r RD 3 Box 172

Ward L i la'R RD 3 Box 271

Ward L i z z i e Mrs RD 2 Box 2

Ward L ou i se Mrs RD 3 Box 220

Ward Mab le L RD 3 Box 209

Ward Marg t Mrs RD 3 Box 220

Ward Marg t L RD 3 Box 210

Ward Martine Mrs RD 3 Box 246

Ward Mary RD 4 Box 178

Ward Mary E RD 4 Box 187

Ward M i ldred Mrs RD 2 Box 57

Ward N ancy Mrs RD 3 Box 246

Ward N ell i e RD 4 Box 3 67

Ward Perry RD 2 Box 4

Ward R alph RD 4 Box 200'Ward R etha RD 4 Box 113

Ward Sally RD 1 Box 160

Ward Sam L RD 4 Box 178

Ward Sim on RD 4 Box 187

Wi g?

V irg in i a Mrs RD 2 Box

Ward W Albert RD 2 Box 57

WardWest RD 1 Box 3 25

Ward Wi ll i e JRD 3 Box 127Warner Carri e S Mrs RD 3 Box26

Warner Cath Mrs RD 3 Box 26Warner John P RD 3 Box 26Warren Wi lli e RD 3 Box 66Watkins Jenn i e Mrs RD 2 Box 21Watkins L eg rande RD 3 Box 408Watkins Martha S Mrs RD 2 BoxSE

'Watkins Minni e RD 3 Box 458Watk ins V ance RD 3 Box 3 20Watson Ben T RD 1 Box 203Watson D E RD 1 Box 196Watson Henry L RD 4 Box 3 3 3Watson Martha Mrs RD 1 Box 203Watson Molli e RD 4 Box 3 3 3Watson Sadi e Mrs RD 1 Box 203Watts D avi d P RD 4 Box 429BWatts H JRD 3 Box 13 6Watts Hom er RD 3 Box 128Watts Jake RD 4 Box 3 77Watts L i lly Mrs RD 3 Box 10Watts L o i s Mrs RD 2 Box 158Watts Pau l ine RD 4 Box 3 77Watts R i chd RD 4 Box 163Wearing G eo RD 2 Box 72Wgsa


ver Maebelle Mrs RD 1 Box

Wells E m m a A RD 4 Box 4Wells Jas H RD 1 Box 265Wells JasW RD 1 Box 261Wgtl




s Mam i e B Mrs RD 1 Box

Wells R onald D RD 4 Box 4Wgél


s V i ctori a Mrs RD 1 Box

Wh ite A A Mrs RD 1 Box 203{Wh i te Au drey RD 4 Box 45


5?Barbara 0 Mrs RD 1 Box

li ite Beatri ce Mrs RD 3 Box74

Wh i te Carri e D Mrs RD 3 Box 9Wh ite D i ck RD 1 Box 13 8Wh ite E Asa RD 4 Box 45Wh i te E dna A RD 3 Box 77Wh ite E rnest H RD 3 Box 289Wh ite E thel Mrs RD 1 Box 13 8

Wh i te E u n i ce Mrs RD 2 Box 167Wh ite G eo W RD 3 Box 274Whit

;H Browni e i r RD 1 Box

1White H Crow ell RD 1 Box 112Wh ite Herbert E RD 1 Box 13 4Wh i te Herm an RD 2 Box 3 65Wh ite JD RD 4 Box 3 8Wh ite John RD 2 Box 165Wh ite L eonard B RD 1 Box 13 7Wh i te L orine Mrs RD 1 Box 123White L u cy D RD 3 Box 279“7121

3126 Mag g i e Mrs RD 1 Box3

Wh i te N orwood C RD 3 Box 279Wh ite 0 B RD 3 Box 116Wh i te Patri cia RD 1 Box 3 44W15


51te R u by L Mrs RD 1 Box1

Wh i te Stowdi e RD 1 Box 120Wh ite V irg in ia RD 1 Box 120Wh ite WA Mrs RD 1 Box 120Wh i te WHanson RD 1 Box 121Wh ite Wi ley RD 2 Box 177

Wh ite Wm E RD 2 Box 167'Wh i tevi lle G arm ent Co RD 2 3 0 x


Water F ilters

Pag e 6 6)

Wh i tevi lle L ivestock Mkt RD 3Box 3 2

Wh itevi lle Mfg Co RD 2 Box 3 4Wh i tfi eld Am y RD 3 Box 3 85Wi lds Alex RD 3 Box 3 96Wi lds R ora Mrs RD 3 Box 3 96Wi lkerson John A RD 1 Box 488Wi lkins M i les F RD 1 Box 551William s Ali ce M Mrs RD 3 Box

Wi ll iam s Am anda Mrs RD 3 Box3 07

Wi lli am s Chester RD 3 Box 23 6

Wi ll i am s C larence P RD 1 Box226Wi ll i am s D onni e RD 1 Box 143Wi ll i am s D ou g las RD 3 Box 143 AWi lli am s D ou g las RD 4 Box 53 AWi ll i am s Evelyn Mrs RD 1 Box


Bam s F anni e M RD 3 Box

Wi llgam s G eorg in i a Mrs RD 1 Box


Wi ll iam s Harley RD 1 Box 202Wi lliam s H Carson RD 1 Box 3 09

Wi lli am s Herm an C RD 3 Box

3 01Wi ll iam s Ida M RD 2 Box 72

Wi ll i am s JD ou g las RD 1 Box

Wi ll iam s Jim W RD 1 Box 3 3 8Wi ll i am s Joe E RD 3 Box 3 07

Wi ll i am s John RD 3 Box 3 91E

Wi lli am s Joseph D RD 3 Box 3 00A

Wi ll i am s L eo RD 3 Box 23 6Wi lli am s L eonard RD 1 Box 3 13

Wi lli am s L i ll i e D Mrs RD 1 Box

219Wi ll iam s L i lli e M RD 4 Box 53 AWi ll i am s L u evina RD 1 Box 3 17Wi li am s Mary Mrs RD 1 Box 202Will i am s Mary P Mrs RD 1 Box

26Wi ll i am s M i llard F RD 1 Box 3 14

Wi ll iam s R i ch RD 3 Box 11AWi ll i am s W G arland RD 3 Box

1B9AWi ll iam sWm JRD 3 BOX

Wi ll i am s Wi lli e 0 RD 1 Box 21

Wi ll iam son Atlas RD 1 Box 3 19Wi ll i am son Beu lah M Mrs RD 1

Box 554Wi lliam son Carl 0 RD 1 Box 21

Wi lli am son Carri e RD 1 Box 210rWi lliam son Chas M RD 4 Box 16

Wi lligam son Clyde V RD 3 Box

43Wi ll i am son E dw W RD 3 Box 22

Wi ll i am son E m ery L RD 1 Box411Wi lliam son E sth er A Mrs RD 1

Box 224Wi lli am son G arland E RD 4

Box 57Wizli iam son Haz el S RD 3 Box

4Wi lliam son Jane RD 3 Box 402Wi lli am son Jay D RD 1 Box 554

Wi ll iam son Ju le L RD 3 Box 197Wi lli am son L i z z i e RD 2 Box 3 75

Wi ll iam son Mae RD 4'

Box 16Wi lliam son O H Mrs RD 1 Box


Wi ll iam son R u by Mrs RD 1 Box


Wi lliam son She lba RD 4 Box 57Wi lson Ann i e Mrs RD 1 Box 13 2Wi lson Ann i e RD 2 Box 210Wi lson Booker T RD 3 Box 415AWi lson D olli e Mrs RD 4 Box 3 48Wi lson G eo P RD 2 Box 295Wi lson Harry RD 2 Box 171Wi lson Jam es RD 1 Box 217Wi lson Jas T RD 1 Box 151Wi lson Jenny RD 2 Box 3 8Wi lson Rosia B RD 1 Box 3 82Wom ble

_Joseph RD 1 Box 229

WoodberryKetru n RD 3 Box 216Woodell B F Mrs RD 1 Box 511

n ii ell Ben W Mrs RD 1 Box


gdell Cora B Mrs RD 1 Box

3 5Woodel l E D RD 1 Box 511Wgt

fii ell E tta M Mrs RD 1 Box

Woodell G ordon RD 1 Box 511Woodell P T ate RD 1 Box 3 61Woodell Pau l RD 1 Box 3 61Wgo

ii ell Pau l Mrs RD 1 Box


Woodell Su si e Mrs RD 1 Box 3 61Woodell W D RD 1 Box 3 85Woods E ng ram Mrs RD 1 Box

154Woods G eorg i a Mrs RD 1 Box 74Wooten Charl i e RD 1 Box 46 2Wooten Hannah RD 1 Box 3 3 4Wooten Inez Mrs RD 1 Box 3 3 5Wooten JM RD 1 Box 3 3 5Wooten Myrtle Mrs RD 1 Box 3 35Worley Chas H RD 3 Box 179AWorley Evelyn Mrs RD 3 Box221BWorleyJB RD 3 Box 179AWorley Maj or Box 86Worley Roy RD 3 Box 221BWorley V irg i n i a Mrs RD 1 Box 86

Worrell Au stin E RD 2 Box 140Wgr

gell Bertha Mrs RD 2 Box


Worrell Brenda A RD 3 Box 94Worre ll C M Mrs RD 2 Box 256Worrell C R oss RD 2 Box 251Worrell Herbert M RD 2 Box 266Worrell John T RD 2 Box 254Worrell Mag g i e B Mrs RD 2Box 254

Worre ll Marvin RD 2 Box 260Worre ll N ell i e Mrs RD 2 Box 260

Worrell S Bru ce RD 2 Box 47Worrell WJRD 2 Box 259Worrell Wm E RD 2 Box 48Worrell Wm M RD 3 Box 94

Worth ington Bessi e M Mrs RD 3Box 3 7 3

Worth ing ton John W RD 3 Box

3 7 3

Worth ing ton L ou i se Mrs RD 2

Worth ing ton M i lton G RD 2 Box

211Worth-ing ton O H RD 3 Box 3 73

Wray Hannah‘

T Mrs RD 1 Box

167WrayM i lton C RD 1 Box 167

Wray Peg gyMrs RD 1 Box 176

Wri g ht Ali ce S Mrs RD 1 Box

552lWri g ht D ou g las RD 2 Box 843A

Wri g ht Hatti e RD 2 Box 404


g ht L ena Mrs RD 2 Box 343 -A

Wri g ht Rog er G Mrs RD 1 Box


Wyatt John T RD 1 Box 253

Wyatt N etti e Mrs RD 1 Box 252

Y ates Bertha Mrs RD 1 Box 217

Y ates Carri e Mrs RD 3 Box 401

Y ates E S RD 3 Box 401

Y ates E dna R RD 1 Box 402

Y ates F ennell RD 1 Box 217

Y ates Maxi e RD 1 Box 154

Y eom an Chester RD 2 Box 98

Y ork Printess RD 4 Box 147

Y ork Roberta RD 4 Box 147Y ow Henry D RD 2 Box 60AZeff Zenn i e L RD 3 Box 4SE

Ou t of Si g ht ou t of Mind

Ou t of Bu s iness

The im portance of keeping firm and produ ct nam es

in the pu blic eye is recog ni z ed byall bu siness m en.

It is astonishing to see how a firm or produ ct, how

ever m eri torio u s, w ill slip into the lim bo of the for

g otten i i not persistently adverti sed.

The City Directory is the natu ral m ediu m for keep

ing a bu siness or produ ct nam e in the spotlig ht.