Nov_2017_English_Blessing.pdf - Blessing Youth Mission


Transcript of Nov_2017_English_Blessing.pdf - Blessing Youth Mission

What the Blessing Readers said....Blessing magazine has been a blessing to me. All the articles are ministering to me and are a great encouragement to continue in victorious Christian Life. - Prakash Kant, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

I have been regularly reading the Blessing Magazine since my childhood days and have been very blessed by it. Sound Doctrine, attractive presentation and emphasis on the inspiration and anointing of the Holy Spirit are some of the characteristics of the magazine right from the beginning.- Pastor Osborn, Hosanna Tower,

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

In my 45 years of ministry in Sri Lanka, India and UK, I have found Aseervatham (Blessing) magazine to be a constant source of edifi cation, warning and challenge. Articles by Bro. Stanley, Dr Lilian and countless others, have helped, encouraged and blessed me. Amidst hundreds of Christian magazines two stand out for me: “Herald of His Coming and Aseervatham,” both plain in appearance and excellent food for the soul.

- Pastor Gnanadesingan, London

Promptness is excellent. In an interior area your magazine is on time. Praise the Lord for your hard work.

- Ganesapandy and Perinba Ida, Amravati district, Maharashtra.

Blessing magazine is written in simple understandable language and Biblical ly oriented subjects. I eagerly read, “Beautiful feet” which is a small biography of missionaries who minister quietly, humbly and sincerely. It is encouraging to see how the Mission cares for the missionaries’ health and their children education.

- Shanta R. Wllagaddi, Dharwad, Karnataka

We grew up surrounded by Christian books and magazines. There wouldn’t be any magazine which we didn’t receive. But the one I never failed to read was “Blessing.” The best thing about Blessing magazine is the “self-evaluation questionnaires.” I still remember few questions which helped me to evaluate myself in the days of my youth. As an ardent reader, I used to read and re-read articles to evaluate myself and fi ll my memory with God’s Word. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the fact that Blessing magazine has contributed signifi cantly to my spiritual growth. - Dorathy Prince, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

2 BLESSING / November 2017

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500th Issue

God had a great idea. He wanted to publish a book. He had the matter but He needed writers, editors, publishers,

promoters, etc. God started planning and working from the scratch. He looked around for the right candidate to start and his eyes fell on a little baby. He said, “Right, I can make this boy write though he will turn out to be a stammerer. But let me put him through some training.” It was a very costly training. He had to be separated from his parents to go to a hostel where he’d be trained. Thus the child Moses became mighty in “words” (Acts 7:22). Moses was spared a homicide because he had to write an important book.

When Moses had lost all faith in himself God said, “You write.” “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered” said God (Ex 17:14a). Thus was birthed the history of the Bible. From this minuscule start, Moses went on to write the Pentateuch, that has stood the test of times, not only as a spiritual masterpiece but also as a literary jewel.

It is interesting to note that God Himself wrote with His fi nger in the original manuscript. “When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the fi nger of God” (Ex 31:18; 32:15,16,32). That shows how much He was involved in His book.

“Write the Vision!”Dr. Mrs. Lilian Stanley

The Writer: I think the above introduction is enough for us to realize the awesomeness of writing for God. Biblical writers spoke (or wrote) as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. “Knowing this fi rst, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but HOLY MEN of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet 1:20,21).

Religious writing is a prophetic ministry. Herein is the quintessence - holiness. We can hear the Lord more clearly if we come to Him with a clean heart. The writer should not think he can just study the Scriptures and write something. “To the wicked person, God says: What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant

on your lips?” (Psa 50:16-20).It would be naive to think that

the writer needs to be a paragon of virtue. But he should be one who fears the Lord and loves holiness. A writer may be charged, “You write, but you don’t live up to your writings.” The writer and others must have in mind that they are human beings on whom

God is still working. The verse in NIV goes like this. “Prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, THOUGH HUMAN, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” Neither Moses nor David nor Paul - the three prolifi c writers of the Bible were perfect. So let us be encouraged. As we walk along the path of perfection we keep writing.

Writing is a prophetic ministry and should not be taken lightly. The writer must

Moses was

in touch


God, not



but face to


BLESSING / November 2017 4

500th Issuebe spiritually sensitive to know the mind of the Lord. His heart must be close enough to God’s heart to understand its beatings. Moses was in touch with God, not through facebook but face to face. Then the writer must be able to put it in black and white so that God’s heart and mind will be made plain to people. The writer is literally a pen in God’s hand. God’s ideas must fl ow from Him to the paper through the writer.

This is what we see in the case of Habbakuk. Israel was being whipped by the barbaric Babylonians and Habbakuk had many questions to ask God. How will he approach God? How could he know the mind of God? Habbakuk made some special efforts to get close to God.

Let’s see the setting in which Habbakuk wrote. “I will stand at my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected. Then the Lord answered me and said: ‘Write the Vision and make it plain on tablets, so that he may run who reads it’” (Hab 2:1,2). “Watch” literally means to look and wait expectantly, mentally alert, in anticipation. Habbakuk was standing still, lest he miss anything. He climbed up the rampart or tower in an attempt to be on higher grounds where he could listen to God clearly, undisturbed.

A writer who has dedicated himself to reveal God’s mind to people must live close to God. He must have a dedicated mind. He must “stand” before God, alert, and not be at ease, casually listening to God, half-heartedly. His ears must be cocked to hear God and not let any word drop out

of his concentration. He waits for God’s message for ‘him.’ It is not some message he writes. He writes down the message that God personally entrusts to him. ‘The Word of the Lord’ must come to the writer, or else he will feel empty. He may keep getting heart-sparks like blips on a video screen, now and then — as he is eating or lolling, as he is reading or in travel. He immediately jots them down or else they may drop off his brain.

Another window opens into a writer’s life in Psalm 45. It is a prophetic psalm about the Lord Jesus Christ and His bride, the church. The writer received the theme in his heart. “My heart is overfl owing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” (v1). He knew it was a message for the Lord, because when the thought or the theme sparked in his heart, his heart was stirred. An anointed

writer will experience this ‘heart-stirring’ before he writes. It is an unexplainable feeling, a feeling of your heart jumping in your chest case. The NKJV calls the experience as an ‘overfl owing.’ The writer could not keep it to himself. He started singing it to the King of kings and then for the sake of the future generations,

put it down on paper. He had his ‘writing kit at his side’ so that he could quickly note down his thoughts before they faded away from his memory (Eze 9:11). “Moses then wrote down everything the Lord had said” (Ex 24:4).

Why Write?: Till the time of Moses, human history was passed on from generation to generation through word-of-

The writer is

literally a pen

in God’s hand.

God’s ideas must

flow from Him

to the paper

through the


BLESSING / November 2017 5

500th Issuemouth transmission. It was Moses who fi rst wrote down in all accuracy, the history from creation. If today we have to depend on what somebody teaches us from what he heard from someone about Creation, Kings, Prophets, life of Christ and the Apostles’ teachings, just imagine the utter chaos we’ll be in! Today it is all in black and white giving no place to dispute. Memory cannot replace records.

Moses’ writing was put to immediate use. “Keep this book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Josh 1:8). What would Joshua have done without this ready reference? When Joshua wanted to build an altar, he quickly turned the pages of Moses (Josh 8:31). Now do you understand why God urged Moses to write? Jesus used Scripture to defeat the devil (Mt 4:4). It was useful for the Jews to recognize John the Baptist and Jesus when they arrived on the scene (Mt 11:10; Jn 1:45). If not written, how would they have recognized them? Moses set the example, emphasizing the importance of writing and probably taught the principles too, that, out of Zebulun came those that handled the pen of the writer (Jud 5:14c KJV). Writing became knit in the fabric of Hebrew culture. God’s Book was in the writing for thousands of years.

Havoc followed when the Book was lost. People lost their vision and went astray. Josiah got rid of the mediums and spiritists, the household gods, the idols and all the other detestable things seen in Judah and Jerusalem. This, Josiah did to fulfi l the requirements of the law written in the Book that Hilkiah the priest had discovered in the temple of the Lord (2Ki 23:24). This is what

happens when the vision is not written or if the written vision is lost (1Chron 28:19). Kings were supposed to keep a copy of the law with them (Dt 17:18).

The coming generations should not be left without a message. Not just the Scriptures but God has been using men and women to bless unborn generations with the inspirations He gave them. “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord” (Psa 102:18). It is a legacy we leave behind. “When you sell a book to a man, you don’t sell him just 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life” said Christopher Morley.

Why write? John the Apostle gives the reason: “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (Jn 20:31). All through the Scriptures people needed revival. A dullness, a coldness, a routine and ritual lull people into a sleep mode. Every now and then they need a jolt, a shot in the arm, an awakening and a revival. That’s why we must keep on writing, warning, encouraging, waking up, pushing and pulling them towards God (1 Jn 2:1,26).

The devil also has his employees to churn out false teachings to flood Christendom. We need to counteract them and protect the fl ock.

Can I try my hand at Writing? you may ask. Why not? You don’t choose writing; writing chooses you. In the beginning

your writings may be rudimentary and amateurish. But if you feel God stirring up your heart, you should keep at it even though you may feel incompetent. Once you

BLESSING / November 2017 6

500th Issuesort out the initial hiccups, you will become more confident. Moses was singularly ill-equipped for the task, that God had to literally drag him by the collar to do His job. Even though all can write, it must be accepted that some have a natural fl air for writing; or in spiritual language — the gift of writing. It is an itch they have to scratch. If you recognize the seeds in you, keep watering it. That means to keep at your fl edgling efforts, whether it gets published or not. Unused muscles atrophy. Make it a habit. You have become a writer, albeit in embryo. Don’t be scared of mistakes. Seventy years of mistakes built me up. Keep honing your writing skill. You may take a training too or do a course in journalism. Improve your language and knowledge by reading lot of books. Your adoration of books will be translated into good writing. It will up your success rate. Have a diary to note down idioms, proverbs, expressions, quotes and illustrations that you may tuck in, in your writings. Glean kernels of practical wisdom from magazines and books you read.

There is a dearth of Christian literature in the vernacular. If you write in your native tongue you must have a storehouse of proverbs, idioms and short poems in that language. For example, Thirukural in Tamil writing will gladden the hearts of readers. One thing to remember is, never to use your vitriolic pen for personal attacks.

Many are those who have the potential but do not put their pen to paper. They preach, shuttle frenziedly across the world, immerse themselves in administration, and their life is gone. We must leave these alluring jobs to those gifted in those ministries and give ourselves to writing

(Acts 6:2-4). It does not mean we should not do other things. They add fl avour to our writings. But if writing is close to your heart, then commit yourself to writing. You have to decide what’s important. Keep your priorities straight and remember that the pen is mightier than the gun.

Now we come to the nub of the issue — The contents. What do we write? “Write the Vision” means the writer must have a

vision, or as the NIV puts it ‘a revelation.’ He must hear from God. One need not ask, “How do I hear?” When you hear, you will know, and you’d want others to hear it. Sometimes you will sit down to write and be scratching your head, throwing paper balls into the waste paper basket. Other times you will have diffi culty writing at the speed of the thoughts that bombard you. Don’t worry, both are ok.

Luke took extreme care in writing the Gospel according to Luke and the Book of Acts. He was particular about accuracy. This is a must for a writer. If a writer is not theologically accurate he will be misleading many. So Luke collected fi rsthand information from eye witnesses and servants of the Word (Lk 1:1-4). Before putting it down as words, he himself, not from hearsay, carefully investigated everything, not some facts, but all details to make a fl awless write-up. Do not take a casual attitude when it comes to writing.

In the Book of Daniel, the Book is mentioned as the Book of Truth (10:21). When we write we must make sure it is the truth and nothing but the truth. It is better that our writings go through the scrutiny of a sound Biblical scholar. An oft repeated phrase in the Bible is, “It is written.” We

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500th Issuemust take care to confi ne our writings to the boundary of the written Word, that is the Bible. “Brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefi t, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, Do not go beyond what is written” (1Cor 4:6). We must learn to “rightly divide the word of truth” (NKJV) or “correctly handle the word of truth” (NIV) (2 Tim 2:15).

During Luke’s time many were writing down whatever information they could gather about Jesus. But only a few were found fi t to be published. If we write, it should be good enough — the content, the presentation and the language. The religious market is deluged with books. So avoid type casting. Does your writing have something what the others lack? Does it have quality? Will a reader recommend it to others? A good book is one of the fi nest things the world has to offer. The quality of the contents depends on the time the author spends with God’s word. Milk is the word. You need to take out the butter. Consult Study Bibles and other means within your reach. “The Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh BY THE WORD OF THE LORD. And THE WORD OF SAMUEL came to all Israel (1 Sam 3:21; 4:1).

The ultimate purpose of Christian writing is to confi rm the faith of the reader. Article after article, book after book, do the job. There is a strong undercurrent of spiritual knowledge. Supply it. Wake up the conscience of people and rekindle the vision.

One can write evangelistic messages for unbelievers, edifying articles for believers, stories for children or songs for worship. Israel had a song book to minister

through songs at the temple which today we call as the Psalms. They are rich in prophetic content. Song writers also must wait on the Lord to receive a ‘message’ or ‘theme’ (Dt 31:19,22,25), for the songs they plan to write. Songs must be rich in Word content, whether they be songs of praise, supplication or thanksgiving. It must minister to the hearts of people and bring joy to the heart of God.

A catchy title, a striking thought, an interesting illustration, an experience of the author, good language and an appealing format make the reader to sit glued to the end.

We may not be able to do the article or book in one sitting. We may have to write, rewrite, alter, delete, add, change, improve the language, insert pictures, etc. Some magazines are so full of grammar and spelling mistakes that make one loathe to read them. Sometimes we have to collect material for the subject and then organize it. That’s what Luke did. After gathering material, he had the big job of putting the pieces “in order,” into an unifying whole, making it easy for the reader to grasp. “We do not write to you anything you cannot read or understand,” writes Paul (2 Cor 1:13).

While writing we must have the reader in mind. Matthew had the Jews in mind and Mark the Gentiles. Some may write to children while others target youth. Some write for mature believers and some for young believers. Some things in the scholarly Paul’s letters were diffi cult for the fi sherman Peter to understand (2 Pet 3:15). The Greek and barbarian must be catered to. The matter must touch the heart of the reader and not just the head. The writing

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500th Issuemust have, not just a body but a soul and a spirit.

God told Habbabuk to, “Write the Vision and make it Plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” God’s messages must be succinctly spelt out. Moses and the elders commanded the people, when they had crossed the Jordan into Canaan, to set up “large stones” and “coat them with plaster” and “write very clearly” all the words of the law (Dt 27:1-8). They wanted the law to be written in large letters, standing bright against the plaster background (white wash with lime), very clearly, so that people need not strain to read it. God wanted Isaiah to take a “large scroll” and write on it (Isa 8:1). May be those days the prophets wrote and put it up in the temple or public places for all to read. “See what large letters I use, as I write to you with my own hand,” wrote Paul. His writings had a signature effect (2 Thess 3:17). He had the habit of setting forth the truth “plainly” so that the reader would not be confused in any way (2 Cor 4:2).

The writer should always remember that his writing cannot be as authoritative as the Bible. Words like, “The Lord told me to write this,” should be avoided. The days of “Thus saith the Lord,” are over. The feeling that we are fallible human beings keeps us humble. The writer must receive criticism humbly and respond politely.

The written vision spurred Habbakuk’s readers to action. It made them run. Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses and nailed it to the church door. People started to run after

reading it and it makes us run even today. “The fi ngers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote. His face turned pale and he was so frightened that his legs became weak and his knees were knocking” (Dan 5:5,6). The writing was not in a scroll.

It was on a large, plastered wall where it would stand out, and near the lamp-stand so that it will be brightly lit in the night. That’s why it had the desired effect.

The Blessing Magazine is dedicated to Revival and Evangelism and it has made its readers to run, carrying the vision to others. “Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the

cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucifi ed was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek” (Jn 19:19,20). Note the all capitals. I suppose in their languages also it was written in prominent letters that “many” could read, people of many languages. Today Bible is the book that has enjoyed the maximum translation. Let us pray that it will set people running that, “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and LANGUAGE,” may stand before the throne in front of the Lamb, wearing white robes, holding palm branches in their hands (Rev 7:9). May our writings have the same propelling force.

For our writings to have this effect we should bend our knees. As much as we intercede and prostrate at God’s feet before going up the stage to deliver a message,

had crossed the Jordan into Canaan, to set up

The Blessing

Magazine is

dedicated to

Revival and

Evangelism and

it has made its

readers to run,

carrying the

vision to others.

BLESSING / November 2017 9

500th Issueso much we must do before, during and after writing an article or book. A message spoken may be heard by a thousand people but a written one by thousands. What an awesome responsibility!

A writer can expect persecution for writing the truth and not for itching ears (2 Tim 4:3). Jeremiah, the prophet of doom, wrote something which neither the people nor the king wanted to read. Jeremiah was a young priest from the little town of Anathoth, a few miles northeast of Jerusalem, when the Lord called him for a specifi c prophetic ministry. He was reluctant because he was quite young and not a ‘speaker.’ Then the Lord reached out His hand and touched his mouth (Jer 1:6,9). How much a writer needs this touch!

The people of Anathoth who accepted his priestly ministry were not ready to tolerate his prophetic ministry because it exposed their sins and hurt them. They plotted to kill him (Jer 11:18,19). His prophecy was ridiculed and mocked and consigned to fl ames by King Jehoiakin (Jer

20:7-11). How weary Baruch would have felt to do it all over again on a scroll with stylet! (Jer 36). Jeremiah was thrown into prison. Paul was kept under house arrest for two years during which he wrote four epistles (Acts 28:30,31; Col 4:18). The ageing apostle John was exiled to Patmos where he wrote the vision, against all odds.

How diffi cult it was those days to write! No paper, pen, electricity, office room, laptop, journalism, coffee, tea, printing presses, Google pictures and what not. But they had the anointing. That’s all that mattered. They wrote with stylets on scrolls, laboriously, wherever they were, in the prison or in the bobbing ship, in daylight or chimney light. How much more should we!

To conclude, I would like to highlight what God told Baruch: “Do you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not” (Jer 45:5). Put the emphasis on “yourself.” Seek only God’s glory!

A Brief History of Blessing Magazine

The periodical of the Mission ‘BLESSING’ magazine is prepared and published monthly in English and Tamil since 1972. The year of inception of the Blessing

vernaculars are as follows: Oriya - 1976 Kannada - 1976 Hindi - 1979 Telugu - 1983 Malayalam - 1987 Marathi - 1988 Gujarati - 1990 Assamese - 1996 Bengali - 2006.

The combined circulation in 2017 is around 56,000 copies. We have started to publish the Blessing E-Magazine in English from the year 2016.

It is available in our website: www. Thank God for the Editors, Translators, Proof-readers, Typists, Designers, Printers for their consistent contribution to this ministry. Continue to uphold the ‘Editorial Team’

of all the ‘Blessing’ vernacular magazines in your prayers.

A Brief History of Blessing MagazineA Brief History of Blessing Magazine

The periodical of the Mission ‘BLESSING’ magazine is prepared and published The periodical of the Mission ‘BLESSING’ magazine is prepared and published monthly in English and Tamil since 1972. The year of inception of the Blessing monthly in English and Tamil since 1972. The year of inception of the Blessing

vernaculars are as follows: vernaculars are as follows: Oriya - 1976 Kannada - 1976 Hindi - 1979 Oriya - 1976 Kannada - 1976 Hindi - 1979 Telugu - 1983 Malayalam - 1987 Marathi - 1988 Telugu - 1983 Malayalam - 1987 Marathi - 1988 Gujarati - 1990 Assamese - 1996 Bengali - 2006. Gujarati - 1990 Assamese - 1996 Bengali - 2006.

The combined circulation in 2017 is around 56,000 copies. The combined circulation in 2017 is around 56,000 copies. We have started to publish the Blessing E-Magazine in English from the year 2016. We have started to publish the Blessing E-Magazine in English from the year 2016.

It is available in our website: www. It is available in our website: www. Thank God for the Editors, Translators, Proof-readers, Typists, Designers, Printers for Thank God for the Editors, Translators, Proof-readers, Typists, Designers, Printers for their consistent contribution to this ministry. Continue to uphold the ‘Editorial Team’ their consistent contribution to this ministry. Continue to uphold the ‘Editorial Team’

of all the ‘Blessing’ vernacular magazines in your prayers. of all the ‘Blessing’ vernacular magazines in your prayers.

BLESSING / November 2017 10

500th IssueWe praise God for the continuous publication of the Blessing magazine since 1972. The

Editorial Policies were never written down, but under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the editors of this Magazine have consistently maintained the following 10 policies in publishing every one of the 500 issues released so far. It has pleased God to bless this literature ministry with His stamp of approval for the glory of His Name and good of His people. Pray with us that these godly traditions may be upheld in all the years to come.

1. The Blessing Magazine will carry messages of edifi cation for believers rather than evangelistic articles for unbelievers. Even though the Blessing Magazine is the offi cial organ of the Blessing Youth Mission, it will not essentially be a promotional literature for the organisation. Not more than 25% of its space will be allotted for the ministerial news and such items.

2. Although each author is responsible for the content of his or her article, all the messages will be checked for their Scriptural relevance. The contents should be practical and balanced. Eccentric views and extra-Biblical stuff will not be encouraged. Delicate issues will be examined in Biblical light but with cultural sensitivity. The articles must have a “message.” The Magazine on the whole should be a prophetic voice.

3. False doctrines and unscriptural methods can be exposed without subjectively attacking any preacher. It is possible to be analytical without getting critical. But if someone hates us for teaching the truth, it cannot be helped (Gal 4:16; Eph 4:15). Because copyright laws are not so stringent in In-dia, several publishers reprint our articles (most of the time without permission!) blowing up certain sentences and paragraphs to their advantage, for which we are not responsible.

4. The photographs of the writers or the main preachers of the Mission will appear only rarely in the magazine. Action pictures which convey a message and fi eld photographs which will challenge or encourage the readers will be used.

5. We will not hesitate to freely use reliable modern Bible translations for quotations. Obsolete words and language style which cannot be understood by the younger generation will be avoided. We will spare no pains to produce a magazine free of printing errors.

6. Utmost care will be taken to be as accurate as possible in reporting. Exaggeration does not glorify God. If we cannot count our catch as “153 fi sh,” we would say “over 100” rather than “about 200!” (Jn 21:11). In the present situation in India, it is advisable to say so many people have “believed” on Christ instead of so many have been “converted.”

7. Appeal for money in the Magazine will be as minimum as possible. When we bless the readers spiritually, they will bless the work materially in turn (1 Cor 9:11). Needs will be presented plainly. Pressure tactics, sympathy appeals and enticement techniques will be avoided. If contributions exceed the need for any project, the same will be unhesitantly announced in the Magazine (Ex 36:4-7). The fi nancial report of the Mission will be published annually.

8. We will not accept any paid advertisements. We ourselves will inform our readers of worthy programmes and materials.

9. We will clear all the bills of the printers before the next issue is sent to the press. For the fi rst few years the number of pages of the magazine was only 12. Now it is 20. Requests to increase the pages and go for multi-colour print for every issue are many, but counting the cost we still use ordinary paper. Continuity is important.

10. We will not give our mailing list to other publishers or organisations. People have trusted us with their addresses and we must continue to enjoy their favour along with that of God!

Editorial Policies of the Blessing Magazine

BLESSING / November 2017 11

500th IssueSelf-Examination Questions on Reconciliation

As we are approaching the end of this year, let us take time to refl ect on our relationship with our fellow children of God. We have meditated on this subject of ‘Reconciliation’ for the past 10 months and we would encourage you to take a self-examination so that as we enter the next year, let our hearts be fi lled with the

love of God and love of our brethren. 1. Am I taking the fi rst step towards reconciling with others? Mat 5:22-26

2. Am I accusing others not knowing that accusing is the work of the devil? Rev 12:103. Am I growing in humility? 1 Peter 5:5

4. Am I talking directly to others if a glaring sin is found in his/her life? Mat 18:155. Am I fi nding fault with others when my own life is not right? Mat 7:3,4

6. Do I hate any believer in Christ not knowing that it amounts to murder? 1 John 3:157. Am I harbouring bitterness towards anyone? Eph 4:30

8. Am I angry with anyone? 1 Jn 2:99. Do I keep a record of wrongs done to me? 1 Cor 13:5

10. Is there evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in my life? Gal 5:22-2311. When evil triumphs, am I losing belief that God is in control? Gen 45:8, 50:20

12. Am I repaying good for evil? Mat 5:44-4813. Have I forgiven all who sinned against me? Mat 6:14,15

14. Am I making every effort to live in peace with everyone? Heb 12:1415. Am I loving others as Christ loved me? Jn 13:34,35

16. Am I mistaking reconciliation for compromise? 2 Cor 6:1417. Am I quick to judge a person? Rom 14:10

18. Am I thinking that I am better than others? Phil 2:319. Am I gossiping about other’s sins? Pro 10:12, 1 Pet 4:8

20. Am I postponing reconciliation? Mat 5:23,24Prayer

Loving Heavenly Father, I come into your presence in the name of your dear Son Jesus Christ. Today I forgive all the wrongs done by __________ as you always forgive

my own sins. Help me to love him/her with all my heart as you have loved me. Purge away the roots of bitterness and hatred by the fl ames of your Divine love. There is

only one life to live and let me live a life full of love, joy and abundant peace. Amen!

BLESSING / November 2017 12

500th Issue

Paul charges Titus, “You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1). Such a mandate makes it obvious that sound doctrine is important. But why is it important? Does it really make a difference what we believe?Sound doctrine is important because our faith is based on a specifi c message

The overall teaching of the church contains many elements, but the primary message is explicitly defi ned: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures [and] . . . he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). This is the unambiguous good news, and it is “of fi rst importance.” Change that message and the basis of faith shifts from Christ to something else. Our eternal destiny depends upon hearing “the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation” (Ephesians 1:3; see also 2 Thessalonian 2:13-14).Sound doctrine is important because the gospel is a sacred trust

Let us not dare to tamper with God’s communication to the world. Our duty is to deliver the message, not to change it. Jude conveys an urgency in guarding the trust: “I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 1:3; see also Philippians 1:27). To “contend” carries the idea of strenuously fi ghting for something, to give it everything you’ve got. The Bible includes a warning neither to add to nor subtract from God’s Word (Revelation 22:18-19). Rather than alter the apostles’ doctrine, we receive what has been passed down to us and keep it “as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 1:13).Sound doctrine is important because what we believe affects what we do

Behavior is an extension of theology, and there is a direct correlation between what we think and how we act. For example, two people stand on top of a bridge; one believes he can fl y, and the other believes he cannot fl y. Their next actions will be quite dissimilar. In the same way, a man who believes that there is no such thing as right and wrong will naturally behave differently from a man who believes in well-defi ned moral standards. In one of the Bible’s lists of sins, things like rebellion, murder, lying, and slave trading are mentioned. The list concludes with “whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:9-10). In other words, true teaching promotes righteousness; sin fl ourishes where “the sound doctrine” is opposed. Sound doctrine is important because we must ascertain truth in a world of falsehood

“Many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). There are tares among wheat and wolves among the fl ock (Matthew 13:25; Acts 20:29). The best way to distinguish truth from falsehood is to know what the truth is.Sound doctrine is important because the end of sound doctrine is life

“Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16). Conversely, the end of unsound doctrine is destruction. “Certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord” (Jude

Why is sound doctrine so important?

BLESSING / November 2017 13

500th Issue1:4). Changing God’s message of grace is a “godless” thing to do, and the condemnation for such a deed is severe. Preaching another gospel (“which is really no gospel at all”) carries an anathema: “let him be eternally condemned!” (see Galatians 1:6-9).Sound doctrine is important because it encourages believers.

A love of God’s Word brings “great peace” (Psalm 119:165), and those “who proclaim peace . . . who proclaim salvation” are truly “beautiful” (Isaiah 52:7). A pastor “must hold fi rmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus 1:9).

The word of wisdom is “Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28, NKJV). If we can apply this to sound doctrine, the lesson is that we must preserve it intact. May we never stray from “the simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3).

- Selected

For Contribution Towards Blessing Youth Mission

All those who want to send their offerings to BYM, please note the following:

Home & NRE donorsName : Blessing Youth Mission

A/c No. 10545849472Bank: State Bank of India

Vellore 632 006Branch Code: 007274

IFSC No: SBIN0007274MICR Code: 632002012

Overseas DonorsName : Blessing Youth Mission

A/c No. 1074703964Bank: Central Bank of India

Vellore 632 004IFSC No :CBIN0280887MICR Code:000016000

Gulf DonorsA/c Name : T. Prince Stachys Ravindran

A/c No: 35374362080Bank Name : State Bank of India

Branch Name : Siruthozhil,Vellore 632 004

IFSC No : SBIN0007274

Do not miss the revival

messages that we air in the Sathiyam

TV every Wednesday 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM.

Kandul Sahi Church

The church building at Kandul Sahi was dedicated for the glory of God by the partners from Andaman and Nicobar islands. This building was demolished twice in the past but the believers kept vigil day and night, during the time the church was constructed. Praise God for His deeds! Continue to pray for the persecuted Church.

BLESSING / November 2017 14

500th Issue

Dear fellow-warriors in Christ, Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has always been faithful (2 Tim 2:13). We are pleased to submit the Financial Report for the year 2016-2017. A comparative statement is given below for a quick reference. A detailed statement of accounts containing balance sheet and income and expenditure statement are attached with this report. The total receipt from April 2016 to March 2017 was Rs. 12.04 Crores which is Rs. 55.5 Lakhs less than the previous period. The expenditure for the period from April 2016 to March 2017 is Rs. 10.27 Crore which is Rs. 4.5 Lakhs more than the previous period. Though we have experienced a slight dip in the income this year, let us not forget to thank God for His goodness. He faithfully provided our needs during the National Staff Retreat(NSR) and for the Bishop Caldwell Training Centre building project in Odisha in the last period. Our hearts overfl ow with gratitude to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for His faithfulness during the past 46 years.

SI. NO. PARTICULARS 2016-2017 (In Lakhs) 2016-2015 (In Lakhs)1 Receipts 1204.34 1259.922 Payments 1027.26 1022.76

We gratefully thank and acknowledge God’s people who gave sacrifi cially and liberally and contributed for this noble cause of missionary evangelism. We would like to record our special word of thanks to each of our Missionary Offering Collectors (Mission Mobilizers) who prayerfully visited Christian homes, fellowships and Churches to raise prayer and fi nancial support. They rendered this noble task in spite of their personal, professional and social commitments. We also would like to thank the individual donors and people who contributed during special occasions for the missionaries. We are also thankful to our auditor, Mr. C.A.K. Ponpandi Inbarasu, B.Sc.,F.C.A.,Tuticorin and his team for their good services and guidance to our staff in the Accounts Department in our Head Quarters at Vellore and Blessing Literature Centre, Chennai. The Mission thankfully records its appreciation for the staff at Mission fi elds and at Head Quarters for their sincere works. The Mission also thanks the Offi ce-bearers, Director, Regional Shepherds, State Coordinators, District Coordinators, Advisory Committee Members, Executive Committee Members, Tamil Nadu Ministerial Team Members and also the lay volunteers for their support and encouragement. Yours in His Service,

(T. Prince Stachys Ravindran)Hon’ble Treasurer, Blessing Youth Mission

“ There shall be showers of Blessings” Ezekiel 34:26

FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017(Submitted to the members of the 46th General Body of the Blessing Youth Mission)

BLESSING / November 2017 15

500th Issue

FIELD FRAGRANCE!karnatakaPraise

✴ 165 participated in the Blesso at Alnavar. 59 ESAP prayer cells were formed and 9 committed for ministry. All the expenses were met locally.

✴ 83 youth attended ‘Friendship Evening’ meet and 45 youth were edifi ed in a ‘Transform Meet’ at Hubli.

✴ Gangavva, Savitha, Meghana, Renuka were delivered from evil spirit.

✴ 20 people heard the Gospel. ✴ New prayer cell was started in one village

and 4 villages were visited in Bagalkot. ✴ 250 from 7 churches attended ‘Bible

Lovers Camp’ at Mysore. Missionary Paul Dhinakaran was the resource person.

✴ 5 made a public commitment to the Lord. ✴ Ranjini is in family way after 9 years of

marriage. ✴ 40 were revived in a Holy Spirit Rally at

Katur. 8 received the Holy Spirit anointing. ✴ Missionary Albert shared the Word of

God to 190 people in Hosur.Pray

✴ Healing - Bhimavva (Lost eye sight due to high dose of medicines); Harish (Skin problem) and Ramesh (Mental illness).

✴ Salvation - Sachin, Kittu, Shravan, Uday family, Savita, Meghana, Renuka, Tulsavva, Ashok, Suraj, Guravva, Shilpa, Ashwini, Sujata, Shalu, Shilpa, Lokesh, Muttappnaavar Family, Rahibai family, Sindhu, Sunitha, Datta, Nirmal, Rahul and Rada.

✴ New Contacts - Kasturi, Gouramma, Meenakshi, Sanjana and Asoka.

✴ Chidambar, Basuraj, Dundesh, Prakash and Durgappa to be delivered from alcoholic addiction. keralaPraise

✴ 15 people participated in the Vattapara prayer cell and16 people were blessed in two cottage prayer cells.

✴ 11 Cancer patients committed their life to Christ during the visit of missionary Ruby and team.

✴ Usha came to the Lord. ✴ 600 tracts were distributed in Malapuzha,

Dhoni and Pallakkadu. ✴ 13 partners visited Karnataka fi elds and

were challenged. ✴ 32 attended a Holy Spirit Rally at


✴ Police questioned one of the team members while he was sharing the Gospel in a village. Pray for open doors.

✴ Healing - Reji (Infl ammation in Uterus); Suthakaran (Kidney failure): Manju Suresh (Cancer) and Varkeyachan (Kidney Stone).

✴ For Salvation - Suthakaran, Shayee, Sidhu, Priya, Minni and Anju.madhya pradeshPraise

✴ 2 monthly Bible studies have been initiated in Jabalpur and Katni.

✴ 86 heard the Gospel for the fi rst time. ✴ The land registration work was

completed in Badamalera. Pray for the Church construction work.

BLESSING / November 2017 16

500th Issue ✴ Missionaries Srikanth and his wife have

shifted to Jabalpur. Pray for an effective ministry.

✴ 58 people were blessed in a ‘Reconciliation Meet’ held at Shahgarh.

✴ 22 Church elders were trained in Shahgarh. ✴ 123 girls attended a Sozo held exclusively

for girls in Banda area. ✴ Missionaries Jeba Dhinakaran and

Shivaram had a minor accident but were protected by God’s hand.

✴ 17 young people were blessed in a youth retreat held in Sagar.

✴ 15 professed their faith in the Lord. Pray

✴ Birijipan, Balbhothi and Pheetham are opposing the Gospel. Pray that they should come to the Lord.

✴ For the backslidden believers - Kaderi, Bhali, Chote, Balram and Pancham.

✴ For Salvation - Vinoth, Mukesh, Piyarelal, Lallabai, Jalan, Pooja, Munnalal, Brijesh, Sriram, Gijendar, Reba, Sanjay, Tomar, Rathiram, Gangaram, Arjun, Ramcharan, Birjesh and Kamlesh.

✴ For healing - Chanthini (Asthma); Guman, Dulsi, Bathi (TB); Lakshmi and Anju (Cancer); Roshan, Ghasiram, Sakuntha, Edwin (Paralysis) and Nalini Parmar (Unable to speak).

✴ Hardoss to be delivered from evil spirit. ✴ Mrs. Lydia Walter (65), mother of our

missionary Daniel Mashi went to be with the Lord on 9th September 2017. Pray for consolation of the family members. odishaPraise

✴ Raidhar who persecuted the believers has now come to the Lord.

✴ Kuni was delivered from evil spirit after 2 years.

✴ God saved Andriya from snake bite.

✴ 311 participated in a ‘All Night Prayer’ held in our fi elds. 36 received the Holy Spirit anointing.

✴ 9 made a public commitment to the Lord. ✴ Gurudass miraculously escaped when

he was attacked by three bears. ✴ 2 believers were bitten by a snake but

were healed after prayers. ✴ 2 new villages were visited. ✴ 2 families faced severe persecution after

they came to the Lord. Praise God they stood strong in the Lord.Pray

✴ Salvation - Sitaram and Raidhar’s family. ✴ Mulabati Santa (80), mother-in-law of

missionary Indhra Santa went to be with the Lord on 10th September. Pray for consolation of the family members.

✴ Healing - Phirozi a 12 year old girl (Paralysis); Renu (Paralysis) and Lakshmi (Mental Illness).

✴ Abi and Ganesh, new believers in a village were fi ned Rs.10,000/- for attending the prayer. Both of them paid the amount. Now the villagers are forcing them to leave the village. Pray for God’s intervention.rajasthanPraise

✴ 30 new contacts were established. ✴ 5 made a public commitment to the Lord. ✴ 29 women were encouraged in a Ladies’

Retreat in Nimkathana. ✴ Rajabala experienced a miracle when he

was delivered from an evil spirit and was able to speak again. Praise God!

✴ Anguri, Kama, Kala and Rasli were delivered from evil spirits. Sangathi was delivered from evil spirit after 20 years.

✴ Manglia was bitten by a snake but was healed after prayers.

✴ 40 people heard the Gospel through the Word brought by Mr. Subramanian.

BLESSING / November 2017 17

500th Issue ✴ Praise God for the following healings:

Vimala (Kidney Stone) and Mamta & Lalli (Bleeding).

✴ Even though Vishal’s family was suffering and was not able to pay the house rent for three months, he refused a job offer since he was asked to work on Sundays. But God granted him a better job now. Praise God!

✴ 80 young people listened the Good News for the fi rst time on the ‘Friendship Day.’Pray

✴ 110 heard the Gospel in a village. Pray that they should come to the Lord.

✴ Contacts - Vedhu, Barka, Mohanlal and Rakesh Verma.

✴ Guddi, Kala and Sukma are childless. Pray for miracle.

✴ Padheshyam to be delivered from evil spirit.

✴ Komal and Shalu are facing opposition from their family members for accepting Christ.

✴ Healing - Banwari (Paralysis); Narender (Back Pain) and Urmila(Gall Bladder Stone).

✴ Suitable life partner for Surendran, Ashok, Ashish, Sindhu, Anitha, Chanchal, Saurav, Manoj, Mukesh, Rakesh, Pooja, Seema and Sonu. As many of these are fi rst generation believers, pray that a suitable person may be found.

✴ Shyam, Sunil, Ashok, Pinki, Mukesh, Rakesh, Parsingh, Mohan, Ambaram, Bajji, Prakash and Rinku to be delivered from alcoholic addiction.

✴ Salvation - Mulchand, Ramnivas, Sunitha, Shanthi, Koyali, Mahima, Bhavari, Ladi, Mohith, Twinkle, Choudrem, Rajendra, Pinki, Vikram, Sonu, Jala, Thavriah, Ramdayal, Navadeep, Gulabi, Laksmi and Surendra.

✴ For backsliders - Vinod, Vijay and Vijender.

✴ For the persecutors to come to the Lord - Harchand and Dhanji. telanganaPraise

✴ 2 villages were visited. In one village, 7 people heard the Gospel and were very much responsive. In another village, Catholics listened to the Gospel eagerly.

✴ 60 partners interceded for our Nation in a special ‘Bless Bharat’ meeting in Warangal. 150 partners were blessed in another meeting at Karimnagar.

✴ 200 people were revived in a Revival Meeting in Naim Nagar. Missionary Paul Dinakaran shared the Word of God. Pray

✴ For Salvation - Anitha, Laxmi, Sumalatha, Vijyalaxmi and Yaku.

✴ For suitable life partner - Chitti, Annapoorna and Bavani.

✴ Vijayalaxmi and Bindu to be blessed with children.uttar pradeshPraise and Pray

✴ 85 people heard the Gospel. ✴ Ramkumar, Kamala and Sudhama were

delivered from evil spirit after 2 years. ✴ Mahend was bitten by a snake and

Saradha bitten by a scorpion but was healed after prayers.

✴ 32 deacons from 14 villages attended ‘Deacons Meet’ in Shahabpur.

✴ Praise God for the following healing - Sona (severe stomach pain); Devendar (Mental Illness) and Nirmala (TB).

✴ The doctors initially advised Mrs. Binodini Singh to undergo a surgery for a Tumour. But after prayers, she was healed.

✴ Pradeep was delivered from alcoholic addition.

BLESSING / November 2017 18

500th Issue

I am a 60 year old retired teacher. Next to he Bible I prefer to read the Blessing magazine. During times of sorrows and sufferings it has been a source of comfort. All the issues are precious. Many people throughout the world must have been benefi tted by your magazine. I wish you continue your good work till the second coming of Jesus Christ.

- J. Annie Mary, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu

Blessing- what a blessing you areLionel uncle’s loving lessonsEncouraging exhortations passed on to the young generationStanley uncle’s and Aunty’s soul stirring sermonsSozos’, Revivos’ and Blessos’ updatesInspiring insights of missions, missionaries and church plantingNational prayer and praise pointsGod you are greatly glorifi ed through these humble yet powerful pages that come to us month after month. - Hephzibah Shalini,

Hyderabad, Andhra Predesh

What the Blessing Readers said....For the past 49 years I am serving the Lord in North India and been pastoring Agape Fellowship Church in Jaipur, Rajasthan. I receive a number of Christian magazines. Most of them are just to promote their organization or to raise funds. But Blessing magazine has powerful, anointed and inspiring articles and testimonies which has been a great blessing to me and to the church.

- Pastor Peter Kuruvilla, Senior Pastor Agape Fellowship, Rajasthan.

The editors of “Blessing” magazine identify quality and anointed writers and give them a chance to write. Hence, the articles appearing in this magazine are distinctively different. The page for real life incidents sets an example for us to follow. The magazine’s warning regarding the wrong teachings is commendable.

- K. Meshak Parimaleswaran, Essen, Germany

Glory to God! I have been reading Blessing magazine since 1973. The magazine contains vivid thoughts and enables us ‘to examine the Scriptures to see if what is said was true.’ It has helped me grow in the Lord in the areas of speaking in tongues and guiding others to walk in the Spirit. Thank you. - Saroja Jebachandran, Satthur,

Tamil Nadu

BLESSING / November 2017 19

500th Issue

BLESSING / November 2017 19

500th IssueWhat the Blessing Readers said....

I am a Hindu convert. Ever since I started to follow Christ, Blessing magazine has been with me. I have been very much edifi ed through it. I read the magazine from cover to cover. It has been an antidote for story books during my initial days. Praise be to God.

- A well-wisher, Sivakasi.

First of all I want to CONGRATULATE you and all your offi ce and supporting staff who have worked hard over the months and years to reach this milestone. There is no doubt that this magazine has blessed me in many ways. I have always found it very good, sound Biblical messages, articles, poems etc., which are really enriching, encouraging, inspiring and challenging me personally. - Rt. Rev. John Maurice, Associate Bishop, ECI, Allahabad-Delhi Diocese, Allahabad,U.P.

The speciality of the magazine is that, every article is like an exposition of the Bible. The articles of Brother Stanley and Dr. Lilian Stanley which have been the same throughout these years without any kind of contamination in the foundational truths have helped me grow in the Lord. - Prema Dhanraj,

Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu.

The magazine is indeed a blessing to me. This is the only Tamil magazine that I receive in Germany. I started reading this magazine in the year 1995. It has ever since brought joy to my heart. Once, there was an article on how to be a writer. It instilled in me a desire to write. First, I began to write Christian thoughts for a Tamil radio station. Later I began to preach. In 2013, ‘Crowns’, a Tamil book was printed. Subsequently, “Women of the Bible” (Tamil) was also released. There are yet 3 more books to be printed. All this has been possible through this channel of blessing. My heartfelt thanks to the team involved in this ministry for blessing us. - Janet, Germany.

Every month end, from 25th my eyes will start looking into the post box for Blessing Magazine. Immediately after opening the cover I will look into the front page to fi nd the topic of the month. The quality and standard of the magazine are good.

- V. Jeeva Stella, Trichy, Tamil Nadu.

‘Blessing’ magazine’s uniqueness can be very much perceived when you read magazines from other ministries. When I read most of the other magazines, I can feel an undertone of using Jesus to propagate some kind of “spiritual business” and it is very sad. At least so far, I have not seen that in Blessing magazine.

- Susmitha, Vellore, Tamil Nadu.

19 BLESSING / November 2017