No. 23.J [HIOO.

4' [Published by Authority.] 'Phis Gazette is putiiixheet, p.yr Bolice infornieiiiiiii only, mid the I'ulice throuqliout the Colony are inxiructeel io moke themselven ihoreiughly aceiuainied, u-iih ihe contents. FRED. HARE, Cemimissioner of Bolice. No. 23.] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. [1900. Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc. Vide Gazette. 1!)00, pai^'e l.'iti, X2/r>:i7.i. l^erth.—The scarf pin deserilied in the aliove reference, the propertv of Robert Arlmckh', ha.s been found, not stolen. /yo*(,/f/f'r.--During- the ni^^lit of tlie 26t]i ult,. from the owner's dwelling', Goldeu Pike Lease,—a yold flat bar bmoeh, wilh horse-shoe iu (•(•utre, dent on bar ou eaeh sidt,' of shoe, and a quartz speeinuMi searf pin; the propertv of Matthew .Jaekson.— A2,5498, SOth May, 1900'. Mt. Leonora. —On the 26th ult., from the owner's shop,- 1 gold braeelet, 3 plain gold buekle riui;-s, 2 gohl cla-S|)ed-hands rings, 1 gold wedding ring, 1 topaz brooch, 2 gold pi'k and shovel brooches, 1 gold swan brooch, 1 ruby brooch, 3 silver watches, 1 gold watcli, 2 lady's gold rings, set with a sapphire and 2 rubies, 1 lady's gold emerald ring, 1 gold-rimmed pendant, 1 silver exhibition medal, 1 gold-mouuted greenstone jiendant, 2 gold nuggets (5 and 8 dwts.), 2 sjieciineu scarf pins, 1 butterfly brooch, and a silver Waltham watch, No. 112062; the projierty of Frederick Kruger.--A2/5540, 31st May, 1900. Berih.-On the 31st ult.. from a hand-cart (the property of Lee Sam. gardener, Lord Street), in Wellington Street,-a small dark marone morocco purse, containing £6 or ^7, and p. gold star-shaped stud set with a pearl; the propertv of Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart.—A2 5519, Slst Mav, 1900. Per/./;..—On the Slst ult., from the })erson of Jolm Scott,—a new silver opeu-faced stem-windiug Swiss watch, No. Jl_l 0 0^ 6 0 6 1 " -A2 5533, 1st June, 1900. Boulder. —On tho 29th or 30th ult.. from 605 Forrest Street,-- a gold Albert chain, about 9in, long, alternate long aud short plain links, and gold jiendant about y'^in. thick, engraved •'C.P.C." (monogram) surmounted with square and compass, silver catch on chain, also two £5 and one ^1 notes ; the iiroperty of C. P. Christiansen.—A2 5529, 1st Jtuie, 1900. liniilder.- -On tht> StJth ull.. from .-il King Sti-eet,— a lady's 18ct. gold I'ing, set with 5 opals surrounded by () (IV 8 diamonds; an l8ct. gold two-bar brooch, opal in centre; an 18ct. gold heart and arrow brooch. small chain attached ; aud au 18ct. gold safety pin brooch with letter A rai.sed in centre ; the pro]iertv of Janies Vernon.—A2/5528. Lst June, 19(,M). Fre'mantle.— Ihu-iu'^ .Ajiril hist, I'rijm 17 Caiitun- ment Road.—a gentleman's gold ring set witli a white stone; the projiertv of Mrs, Annie (lihlions.— A2 o.'JiS, 1st Juiu'. 19U()." Coolgardie— (h\ th,' 27th tilt., from th<> owner's tent, Hunt street,--a gentlemiiu's ] riug, set with 3 rubies and 2 blue stones, and a, razor, stamjied '• SheHield," in black" case; tlie propertv of .Arthur Lcibig.—A2 5550, 30th May, 1900. Tjceelfrvdle—On the 21st ult., from the owner's dwelling, Bourke Street,—a gentleman's silver hunt- iug Geneva watch, No. 52210, " J. Sands " engraved on dome ; a silver chaiu and a steel chain, with imita- tion half-sovereign aud 3.3. 2d. attached ; the projierty of .John Sands. Suspicion attaches to Henry Nash [vide- Bolice Gazette-. 19U0. page 161. Prisom.-rs Dis- charged). Description: l\ledium build, age about 26 years, height Sft. 5in., fair hair, ginger moustache, wears black tweed coat going green, browu hat with slate-colo'.u-ed puggaree, aud brown cauvas shoes.—A2 5552, 4th June, 1900. Berth.—On the SOth ult., froui the premises of Dr. Horrocks. St. George's Terrace,—a gentleman's silver huuting key-wiuiling English lever watch, No. 45t>195, bv Ehrardt, London ; the propertv of Harrv Molau. A2/5499, SOth Mav, 1900. Alhiinij.—On ti.e 26th ult.. from a cabin on the s.s. •• Opbir." lietween Colombo and Albany,—a gentleman's silver open-fiiced English lever watch. and a single gold Albert, cable pattern, with a sjjade guinea attached ; the propei-tv of John Bradburn.— A2 5556. 4th .Tur.e, I9(t0. tt f, \lVESTERN A USTR . ALIA. [Published by Authority.] J'htx l )o lire UILl!!, a/ltl lit/' l'l)/icr tJtrunyJwut tlte CululLY (J,1'P, i1)s/T?lcfful 10 rYlfI/r1' fhorouylil.'l 11Clj1Willted witJl tltf No . 23.J Stealing III Dwelli ngs, from the Person, etc. JT 1 de I'oli cp Uuz e t/ p. HlOO, pag-' l :) li, A2/.;:l7:l. f> erlh . 'f l](' 8n lrf pin dt' ' cribl,a ill the ",1101"(' rden'l1Cl', tUl' prop e rty of H, ob'rt Arlmddl' , ba;; been found , not stolen. /Jot/ld l' f. Dllrill g' th' night of till' 26th lil t.. from th\' ownl'r';; (lwellillg', (j-oldl'll Pike Ll'a;;l' ,-,L gol,1 Ii<L1 bar broo ch, WiLh horse-s ho\' ill l'l'nhv, ,Iellt I,ll ha, 1' on e,u:h Rid.' (If "hoe, iUl<l a. (llmrtz specimen sl' urf pill; tIll' of l\1atthl'w J al'b;on .- A2 15498, 80th May , HHllI. 11ft. LeOll lli'£l. - On the 26th 11 It., from thp (l\\"lll'r'" 1 goh1 hml"PlI't, :3 pIa, in gold hlll:kl(' gold daspl:'l1.halllls ri llt.!· " 1 wel1Jillg ring, I l0l'ctz hrooch. 2 g'o lrl pi nk and 8l1O\'('1 hro b e·, 1 goll l SWcLll broUl·h, ] n lb\ ' Ill'l)(lch, 3 ] w,Lkh, :2 rin g',;, Rl' t with it 8ltpphi r l' and 2 ru 1 lad \" s u-ohl (, lll eraId rin g' 1 "'oll1-rnllnwll 1 siiver medal: 'I W)hl.motllJtt',1 greenstonl' Pl'l1<litnt , 2 go ld nugget,; (.') anll c dwts.). 2 sjll'<:inwu "tarf pius, 1 butterfly hr ooch, allll a siln'r \V<tIthltlll w ,Lte b, No. 112062 ; tllP property of Fr '(1 'rid;: Kl'll gn .- A2 5540. :) 1st Ma,y, J !)O(). Perth . Ou the 31st uIt .. from II h al1<l-l'art (tllt' property of L ee SlLll1. gardener, LnnI Strt'et), in \V dlin g- tull St red, - ,t small d ar k lllarone morOn:O pursl', £1; ur £7, anll n, go ld ;;tar- sh",pecl stud sl'l with ,t lH',trl; tlw prop erty of Mrs. Eliza ll eth ::3tua, rL A2 .5510, 31st M<ty, I DOO. PI 1'111. On the 3l ·t ult., from th' pe r son of John Heolt. -a ueW ope n-fal'ed stem-winding 8,\"i'" wat 'h, No. t.''t;'d(\'\-.-A:l. 5533, 1st Jun e. H100. HOII/cler. - On th e 28th or 80th nIL from l-i05 }-<\)rrl'::;t drl'f't. ,t g'ohl Alb ert eha, iu, ab\Hlt !)iu. altt!rnat p long' allll short plain links. allll golcl peudant 'lbuut \' d ill . thick, eng-n wecl .. C.P.C." (Illollogram) slU'JI1n ll lltell with 'qua re a11\l CO Wl <t ". silH'r catc h on eh'lin, a1 ,,(I two £.j ,\11<1 olte .£1 not es; ti ll' property ul' t. P. l'hri "tia u"t'11. bt -I1l111 ', l !HlO. FRED. HARE, Cmnll, uf l)ulice. [HIOO. H""I'{",-. Un thl' ;)IItll lilt.. f\'(ll] I :>1 Kill g' a lady's Ji-((.t. ;,\'"ld :--.t 1 with .i "1'il l-; :--'lllTtllllll ll'tl Ii or H diamond'; an Il-d. tWtl-1Mr hroodl, opal in l'l'utrp; an l8d. i1rt allll arrow broodl. snmll (·halll atta '!Jed; <lll(l an 18d. safety 1,iu l)\'(lI J(' h with ktter A rail-w,] ill (','utl'l'; tlw propl'rty of JallJes Venlllll. ht J\1IIl', UHI\) . {<'flll/ll//,'II '. Dllrillg \1,ril la"t. frolll ]f ('<tn loll- lIlent !toad. .L '>"('ut lelll<lll 't-- ,,·,.J(l rill" sd witlt a wllit(' stow'; tlH,I>rolH'rt.\ of ;\11"" (+ildHln:--.. A:! ht .JuIH'. ('IiIiIYfI/,li,'.- On tll' :!fth Itlt .. frOlll t]H' oWllvr 's tl'Ut, Huut "trel't,--a g"llt]I'\llilll'" gold riu;,\, s('1 \I,ith:3 rllllil''' all.! 2 ]11U "1,,1\1',,, awl a razor. :-.taltll,('d I. i-ih(.tfil'lll," ill hlad, 1',lS"; till' propl'rty of Arthllr T.I(,ilng. A2 .')'):")0, l\I"y, 1!1I111 . L""t/f-'fl'iI/,. Uu th,' tilt .. frolll tlH' ()\\Ul'r'" 1Iwellillg". Bour],;,' Stl'l" t. a "'I'ntle'llIilll'" i-;ilYl'r hllllt· iu," ",atdl, No . .'i:!21{), ".1. tiaud,'" 1'II<rraVe([ II l'hail! all(] a ,11'1' 1 dJain. \\ith"illlitft- tillll awl :!.L attachl',1 ; t ht'l'l'ol)('rly of .J ohn S,lllll,;. attal'iws to Ht:'ul'\' Na,h (ridl' P',{II'( U,nff,. HIIIIl. I"lg' If il. Plii-;'llll:rl-> Dii-;- De"l'ril'! ion: .\It-,1illlll llllild. agl' ahoul :20 h ... 3ft . .5ill .. fair haIr. \ll'Hlsta<-lll', llladi: hn't'11 ("oat going gn'ell, browlJ lUlt with au,l IIl'()wn ntl1V<l,., "h lll'''. 55;j:2, -4,th Jl1lH'. 1!\(IO. Pedh. - Ou rl1l' :1Uth ult .. irolll the prelllil--f'. of Dr. Horrocks. Sl. Tt'rra('e, -ll siln·r h ,"-,,"iu lling' English Ip"er watch, No. 45t11!l5. hy Ehrardt. L oo.lo11; the prol",rt.,· of Harry .-\.2 5-1,98, ilIa.'", 1000. ,1111"1I1/.-0n tLf' :26th ult.. from a ('allin un tl11' s.s ... Oi)b1r." hetwe"l1 C"lllllllll) awl .\11 la11.". a gentleman'S >,ii-ver Eugli"h le\'l'r watch. amI a "iug-le (!ol(] ,-\1bt rt, t'ahJt, I "lttt'rn. wi h al'adt gUiUt'il utLtl'lw1: till' prllpprty of Johll Bril(I]lul'IJ. ..\:2 '):).-I(i, 4th JllI ! t', H11Ill.

Transcript of No. 23.J [HIOO.


[Published by Authority.]

'Phis Gazette is putiiixheet, p.yr Bolice infornieiiiiiii only, mid the I'ulice throuqliout the Colony

are inxiructeel io moke themselven ihoreiughly aceiuainied, u-iih ihe contents.

FRED. HARE, Cemimissioner of Bolice.

No. 23.] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. [1900.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Vide Gazette. 1!)00, pai^'e l.'iti, X2/r>:i7.i.

l^erth.—The scarf pin deserilied in the aliove reference, the propertv of Robert Arlmckh' , ha.s been found, not stolen.

/yo*(,/f/f'r.--During- the ni^^lit of tlie 26t]i ult,. from the owner's dwelling', Goldeu Pike Lease,—a yold flat bar bmoeh, wilh horse-shoe iu (•(•utre, dent on bar ou eaeh sidt,' of shoe, and a quar tz speeinuMi searf p i n ; the propertv of Matthew .Jaekson.— A2,5498, SOth May, 1900'.

Mt. Leonora. —On the 26th ult., from the owner's shop,- 1 gold braeelet, 3 plain gold buekle riui;-s, 2 gohl cla-S|)ed-hands rings, 1 gold wedding ring, 1 topaz brooch, 2 gold p i ' k and shovel brooches, 1 gold swan brooch, 1 ruby brooch, 3 silver watches, 1 gold watcli, 2 lady's gold rings, set with a sapphire and 2 rubies, 1 lady's gold emerald ring, 1 gold-rimmed pendant, 1 silver exhibition medal, 1 gold-mouuted greenstone j iendant, 2 gold nuggets (5 and 8 dwts . ) , 2 sjieciineu scarf pins, 1 butterfly brooch, and a silver Wa l tham watch, No. 112062; the projierty of Frederick Kruger . - -A2/5540 , 31st May, 1900.

Berih.-On the 31st ult.. from a hand-car t ( the property of Lee Sam. gardener, Lord Street) , in Wellington S t r e e t , - a small dark marone morocco purse, containing £6 or ^ 7 , and p. gold s tar-shaped stud set with a pear l ; the propertv of Mrs . Elizabeth S tuar t .—A2 5519, S l s t Mav, 1900.

Per/./;..—On the S l s t ult., from the })erson of Jo lm Scott,—a new silver opeu-faced stem-windiug Swiss watch, No. J l_ l 0 0^

6 0 6 1 " -A2 5533, 1st June , 1900.

Boulder. —On tho 29th or 30th ult.. from 605 Forrest Street,-- a gold Alber t chain, about 9in, long, al ternate long aud short plain links, and gold jiendant about y'^in. thick, engraved • ' C . P . C . " (monogram) surmounted with square and compass, silver catch on chain, also two £5 and one ^ 1 notes ; the iiroperty of C. P . Chris t iansen.—A2 5529, 1st J tuie, 1900.

liniilder.- -On tht> StJth ull.. from .-il King Sti-eet,— a lady's 18ct. gold I'ing, set with 5 opals surrounded by () (IV 8 d i amonds ; an l8ct . gold two-bar brooch, opal in cent re ; an 18ct. gold heart and arrow brooch. small chain attached ; aud au 18ct. gold safety pin brooch with letter A rai.sed in centre ; the pro]iertv of Janies Vernon.—A2/5528. Lst June , 19(,M).

Fre'mantle.— Ihu-iu'^ .Ajiril hist, I'rijm 17 Caiitun-ment Road.—a gentleman's gold ring set witli a white s tone ; the projiertv of Mrs, Annie (lihlions.— A2 o.'JiS, 1st Juiu' . 19U()."

Coolgardie— (h\ th, ' 27th tilt., from th<> owner's tent , H u n t s t r ee t , - - a gentlemiiu's ]8ct .gold riug, set with 3 rubies and 2 blue stones, and a, razor, stamjied '• SheHield," in black" case; tlie propertv of .Arthur Lcibig.—A2 5550, 30th May, 1900.

Tjceelfrvdle—On the 21st ult., from the owner's dwelling, Bourke Street ,—a gent leman's silver hunt ­iug Geneva watch, No. 52210, " J . Sands " engraved on dome ; a silver chaiu and a steel chain, with imita­tion half-sovereign aud 3.3. 2d. at tached ; the projierty of .John Sands. Suspicion at taches to Henry Nash [vide- Bolice Gazette-. 19U0. page 161. Prisom.-rs Dis­charged) . Descr ip t ion: l\ledium build, age about 26 years, height Sft. 5in., fair hair, ginger moustache, wears black tweed coat going green, browu ha t with slate-colo'.u-ed puggaree, aud brown cauvas shoes.—A2 5552, 4th June , 1900.

Berth.—On the SOth ult., froui the premises of Dr . Horrocks. St. George's Terrace,—a gentleman's silver huu t ing key-wiuiling English lever watch, No. 45t>195, bv Ehra rd t , London ; the propertv of H a r r v Molau. A2/5499, SOth Mav, 1900.

Alhiinij.—On ti.e 26th ult.. from a cabin on the s.s. •• Opbi r . " lietween Colombo and Albany,—a gent leman's silver open-fiiced Engl ish lever watch. and a single gold Albert , cable pat tern , with a sjjade guinea at tached ; the propei-tv of John Bradburn .— A2 5556. 4th .Tur.e, I9(t0.


[Published by Authority.]

J'htx Ultz~tte ~I) l)/lI)li.~Jwt J~v,' l )o lire i1~ti)rtll(/fwlL UILl!!, a/ltl lit/' l'l)/icr tJtrunyJwut tlte CululLY

(J,1'P, i1)s/T?lcfful 10 rYlfI/r1' 111 1''Yt1.~1'/1l1',~ fhorouylil.'l 11Clj1Willted witJl tltf C(l/(tl'llt.~ .

No. 23.J

Stealing III Dwellings, from the

Person, etc. JT1de I'oli cp Uuzet/ p. HlOO, pag-' l :)li, A2/.;:l7:l .

f>erlh . 'f l](' 8nlrf pin dt' 'cribl,a ill the ",1101"('

rden'l1Cl' , tUl' property of H,ob'rt Arlmddl' , ba;; been found , not s tolen.

/Jot/ld l' f . Dllrillg' th' night of till' 26th lil t.. from th\' ownl'r';; (lwellillg', (j-oldl'll Pike Ll'a;;l' ,-,L gol,1 Ii<L1 bar brooch , WiLh horse-sho\' ill l'l'nhv, ,Iellt I,ll

ha,1' on e,u:h Rid.' (If "hoe, iUl<l a. (llmrtz specimen sl'urf pill; tIll' prll pf'rt~· of l\1atthl'w J al'b;on .­A2 15498, 80th May , HHllI.

11ft. LeOll lli'£l. - On the 26th 11 It., from thp (l\\"lll'r'" ~hop. 1 goh1 hml"PlI't, :3 pIa,in gold hlll:kl(' rill~~, ~ gold daspl:'l1.halllls ri llt.!· " 1 ~'oh1 wel1Jillg ring, I l0l'ctz hrooch. 2 g'olrl pi nk and 8l1O\'('1 hrom· be·, 1 golll SWcLll broUl·h, ] n lb\' Ill'l)(lch, 3 ~ilv('r w<ltdH:'~, ] ~'(lhl w,Lkh, :2 lady'~ g-()l~l ring',;, Rl' t with it 8ltpphir l' and 2 ru bl\,~ 1 lad \" s u-ohl (, lll eraId rin g' 1 "'oll1-rnllnwll pell(b~lt, 1 siiver ~xhihitiolJ medal: 'I W)hl.motllJtt',1 greenstonl' Pl'l1<litnt , 2 go ld nugget,; (.') anll c dwts.). 2 sjll'<:inwu "tarf pius, 1 butterfly hrooch, allll a siln'r \V<tIthltlll w ,Lteb , No. 112062 ; tllP property of Fr '(1 'rid;: Kl'llgn.- A2 5540. :)1st Ma,y, J !)O().

P erth . Ou the 31st uIt .. from II h al1<l-l'art (tllt' property of L ee SlLll1. gardener, LnnI Strt'et), in \V dlin g- tull St red, - ,t small dark lllarone morOn:O pursl', t~lIltaining £1; ur £7, anll n, gold ;;tar- sh",pecl stud sl'l with ,t lH',trl; tlw property of Mrs. Eliza lleth ::3tua,rL A2 .5510, 31st M<ty, I DOO.

P I 1'111. On the 3l ·t ult., from th' pe rson of John Heolt. -a u eW ~ib'e r open-fal'ed stem-winding 8,\"i'" wat 'h, No. t.''t;'d(\'\-.-A:l. 5533, 1st June. H100.

HOII/cler. - On the 28th or 80th nIL from l-i05 }-<\)rrl'::;t drl'f't. ,t g'ohl Albert eha,iu, ab\Hlt !)iu. lou~', altt!rnat p long' allll short plain links. allll golcl peudant 'lbuut \' d ill . thick, eng-nwecl .. C.P.C." (Illollogram) slU'JI1n ll lltell with 'quare a11\l COWl <t ". silH'r catc h on eh'lin, a1,,(I two £.j ,\11<1 olte .£1 not es; till' property ul' t. P. l'hri "tiau"t'11. -,\~ ."i!i~0. bt -I1l111 ', l !HlO.

FRED. HARE, Cmnll, i.~.~iollrr uf l)ulice.


H""I'{",-. Un thl' ;)IItll lilt.. f\'(ll] I :>1 Kill g' ~trl·L't. a lady's Ji-((.t. ;,\'"ld riJl~', :--.t 1 with .i "1'il l-; :--'lllTtllllllll'tl b~' Ii or H diamond'; an Il-d. ~"1'1 tWtl-1Mr hroodl, opal in l'l'utrp; an l8d. ~()l(ll\l i1rt allll arrow broodl. snmll (·halll atta '!Jed; <lll(l an 18d. ~(lld safety 1,iu l)\'(lI J('h with ktter A rail-w,] ill (','utl'l'; tlw propl'rty of JallJes Venlllll. A~ :,5~~. ht J\1IIl', UHI\).

{<'flll/ll//,'II ' . Dllrillg \1,ril la"t. frolll ]f ('<tn loll­lIlent !toad. .L '>"('ut lelll<lll 't-- ,,·,.J(l rill" sd witlt a wllit(' stow'; tlH,I>rolH'rt.\ of ;\11"" AlIll~' (+ildHln:--.. A:! .)5-1,;~, ht .JuIH'. l~IOli.

('IiIiIYfI/,li,'.- On tll' :!fth Itlt .. frOlll t]H' oWllvr's tl'Ut, Huut "trel't,--a g"llt]I'\llilll'" l~d. gold riu;,\, s('1 \I,ith:3 rllllil''' all.! 2 ]11U t· "1,,1\1',,, awl a razor. :-.taltll,('d I. i-ih(.tfil'lll," ill hlad, 1',lS"; till' propl'rty of Arthllr T.I(,ilng. A2 .')'):")0, ;~lItb l\I"y, 1!1I111 .

L""t/f-'fl'iI/,. Uu th,' ~ht tilt .. frolll tlH' ()\\Ul'r'" 1Iwellillg". Bour],;,' Stl'l" t. a "'I'ntle'llIilll'" i-;ilYl'r hllllt· iu," Ch'~e\'a ",atdl, No . .'i:!21{), ".1. tiaud,'" 1'II<rraVe([ oll~tl"lIIL'; II ~ihpr l'hail! all(] a ,11'1'1 dJain. \\ith"illlitft­tillll lulf-~\lYt:'rt'ign awl :~,. :!.L attachl',1 ; t ht'l'l'ol)('rly of .John S,lllll,;. ~lI"l)i('i"ll attal'iws to Ht:'ul'\' Na,h (ridl' P',{II'( U,nff,. HIIIIl. I"lg' Ifil. Plii-;'llll:rl-> Dii-;­('har~l'Ll). De"l'ril'! ion: .\It-,1illlll llllild. agl' ahoul :20 year~. h ... i~·ht 3ft . .5ill .. fair haIr. gin~.{t:'r \ll'Hlsta<-lll', "'l'ar~ llladi: hn't'11 ("oat going gn'ell, browlJ lUlt with ~latt:'-tol<)\\l'\'\l l'u ,.::~arel'. au,l IIl'()wn ntl1V<l,.,

"h lll'''. -A~ 55;j:2, -4,th Jl1lH'. 1!\(IO.

Pedh. - Ou rl1l' :1Uth ult .. irolll the prelllil--f'. of Dr. Horrocks. Sl. Geor~f:;s Tt'rra('e,-ll ~f'ntIelllan's siln·r huutin~ h ,"-,,"iu lling' English Ip"er watch, No. 45t11!l5. hy Ehrardt. L oo.lo11; the prol",rt.,· of Harry ~Iolall. .-\.2 5-1,98, ~uth ilIa.'", 1000.

,1111"1I1/.-0n tLf' :26th ult.. from a ('allin un tl11' s.s ... Oi)b1r." hetwe"l1 C"lllllllll) awl .\11 la11.". a gentleman'S >,ii-ver op\,l1 - f,l~·('t1 Eugli"h le\'l'r watch. amI a "iug-le (!ol(] ,-\1bt rt, t'ahJt, I "lttt'rn. wi h al'adt gUiUt'il utLtl'lw1: till' prllpprty of Johll Bril(I]lul'IJ. ..\:2 '):).-I(i, 4th JllI ! t', H11Ill.


Poulder.—On the 2iid inst., from Zappa's Hotel, -a gentleman's silver key-winding ,Waltham watch, No. 2306504; the property of F. J. Armstrong. Suspicion attaches to Davict Bennett. Description : medium build, age 45 years, height 5ft. lOiu., grey moustfiche aud side whiskers; dressed iu shabby grey suit and soft felt hat.—A2 5567, 5th Juue, 1900.

Blympton.—Betv/een the 28th aud Slst ult., from the Plympton Hotel,—a gentleman's Royal Prince bicycle, much worn, painted black, bent handles, felt grips, old Dunlop tires, 24in. frame, 28in. wheels, rat-trap pedals, tuie pedal broken, bell broken; the propertv of Chas. H, A. Stewart.—A2/5514, 31st Mav, 1900.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 1.56, A2;5345.

Fremantle—The dinghy described in the above reference, the projierty of the Ways and Works Dejtartment, has been ftmnd.

Ckireiiiont.—Between the 1st and 27th ult., from a building on Cottesloe Main Road,—a hollow-backed Disston hand saw ; a German jack j^lane, chisel blade for iron; a siufiothing jdaue with beech mouth; the property of George Moyle. Suspicion attaches to Thomas Hall, age 43 years, height Sft. 6in. or 7iu., dark hair and moustache, bald head, full visage, dark comple.viou, tattoo marks on arm, residing at Roe Street, Perth.—A2 5481, 29th Mav, 1900.

Jar ra held le -Betv/een the 21st and 24tli ult., from the owner's dwelling,—a blue cashmere dress, three rows of cream lace, about 2iii. wide across the front, and cream lace around the neck, plain sleeves and skirt, brown stain ou skirt uear bottom of dress; the property of Alice Rhodes. Susijicion attaches to Florence Healev, formerly Harper or Harford (no description given).—A2/5480, 29th May, 1900.

Kalgoorlie—On the 28th ult., from the Presby-teriau Schoolroom, Egan Street, — a gentleman's drab-coloured waterproof coat and cape; the property of Wm, J. McCahoii; also a woven woollen rug, about 6ft. .\ 4Ht., fringed on ends, marone colour on one side, browu and white check on the other, dull stain on marone side, and small burn, caused bv a spark; the propertv of the Rev. A. Crow.— A2 5539, 31st May. 1900."

PerfA.—Between the 12th aud SOth ult., from a jiortmanteau at the Weld Club,— a blue serge suit, double breasted coat, square cut, ju'obably marked " Davis t̂ - Co., Scnithamptou," no lining; a dark-grey frock coat and vest, " Gilham, Southampton," maker; a pair of dress trousers and vest, black ribbed luaterial, English make; a very fine black cloth dinner jacket, silk faced ; a jjair of patent leather dress shoes, rather old ; and 3 linen stand-up collars; the property of David Ellerton Brown.— A2/5516, 31st May, 1900.

Berth.—Duriug the evening of the SOth ult., from 166 Pier Street,—a pair of black leather Wellington boots, size 5, plain tops, round wrinkles, recently half-soled and heeled, riveted soles, and a pair of men's lace-up boots, with toe caps, size 6, hooks on top, pegged soles, much worn; the jjrojiertv of John Wellard.—A2 5518, Slst May, 1900.

Kalgoorlie. -On the 2Kth ult., from a .schoolroom, Egan Street,—a blue beaver Chesterfield overcoat, with black velvet collar; the propertv of John Lamont.—A2;'5523, 1st June, 1900.

Buubury.- On the SOtli ult., from the Parade Hotel,—a' black waterproof coat and cape, has a piece of red silk, marked " Gribble," across the inside of shoulder ; the property of William Maddren. —A2/5526, 1st June, 1900.

Claremont.—On the Slst ult. or 1st mst., from Claremont Railway Station,—an iron brace with long shank ; a set of bits ; 10 new files, small size, and a jack plane marked with 3 small dots; the property of Andrew Udd.—A2/5564, Sth June, 1900.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. Berth. —Stolen, on the morning of the 2ud inst.,

from Ah Fook's dwelling, Palmerston Street,—a ISct. gold curb double chain; the property of Lee Kow.— A2/S546, 2nd June, 1900.

Berth.—Stolen on the 30th ult., from the owner's dwelliug. Brooking Street, entrance being effected by forcing the liack door,— a lady's silver open-faced key-winding watch, chased case (St. Andrew's cross pattern) ; a gold chain about 18in, long, with square-cut links; a gold cross, cut from a solid jMece of gold ; a 22ct. gold shield-shaped medal " C.L.E." on front, engraved on back " Presented to L. A. Hol­brook, Cambridge Local Examination, Bristol Centre, 1885 " ; an 18ct. gold six-pointed star-shaped brooch, set with pearls, 1 small pearl missing; a 9ct. gold curb bangle with chased jiadlock; an 18ct. gold bangle, set with an opal with six small pearls on each side; a ISct. gold dress ring, set with 3 milky opals, claw setting; a gentleman's gold ring, set with a diamond surrounded by a square of pearls; a silver fruit knife (penknife shape) chased handle, with link at end; a gold pen and pencil case, engraved " R. H. Goodman," blue stone on top; an 18ct. gold solid bar brooch, set with 3 large pearls, each sur­rounded by small pearls ; a 9ct. gold small rope-pattern chain with heart-shaped amethyst pendant; a ]iair of gold-rimmed eye-glasses; a black ostrich feather boa : and 3 brushes with white bone handles ; the jjropertv of Misses Firks aud Holbrook.— A2 5503, Slst May, 1900.

Berth.—Stolen on the Slst ult., from 51 Moore Street, entrance being effected by forcing a door,— a gold scarf pin set with a diamond, claw setting, value 50s. ; 3 gold shirt studs, round tops ; a pair of gcjld sleeve links ; a sovereign peudant; a rupee, and a (Quantity of caslimere socks and white silk hand­kerchiefs ; the propertv of Wassimull AssumuU.— A2/5517, Slst Mav, 1900.

Coolgardie.—Stoleu during the morning of the 1st iust., from the Coolgardie Hotel,—a safe coutaining ^80 in bauk notes, gold and silver ; a gentleman's old silver Rotherham watch, " P . S . " engraved on front case, " P. Shanuahau" on dome ; a gentleman's old silver Waltham watch ; a gentleman's 18ct. gold ring, single stone ; a plain gold baud ring ; a gold ring engraved " J . W . " ou top ; an ISct. gold bar brooch with heart aud arrow ou bar ; 3 very small gold brooches ; lO small gold quartz specimens and a small bottle of alluvial gold; the property of Patrick Shanuahau. The safe was found broken open near the hotel. Suspicion attaches to two men who slept at the hotel on the night of the 31st ult. Description: ( i ) thin build, about Sft. l l in. , small fair moustache, dressed in dark grev suit, worn, and small light felt hat, narrow brim turned u]) all rouud; (2) stoutish build, Sft. 6in. or 7in., fair moustache, reddish comijlexiou, dressed iu grey suit aud browu felt hat.—A2 5557, 4th Juue, 1900.'

)joll/dcl'. On the 2nd in~t., frulll Zappa's Hotel,­a gentleuHtu's silver key-winding Waltham wateh, No. 2306504; the propert.v of F. J . Armst.rong. Su~pieion atta<.:hes to D avid Benn~tt. Description: mediulll build, age 45 year s, height 5~t. lOin., grey moustflche and side whiskers; drt>ssed III shabby grey suit and soft felt hat.- A2 5567, 5th June, 1900.

Plymptun.- Between the 28th ~tllU 31st ult. , from t he PlYlllpton H otel,-a g'entleman's Royal Prince hicyde, ml1(;h worn, painted black, bent handles, felt grips, old Dun10p tires, <:!4in. frame, 28in. wheels , rat­trap pedals, one pedal broken, bell broken; the property of Chas. H . A. Stewart.-A2/5514, 31st Ma.", HIOO.

rid,' P olice Gcuette, l!lOO, page l5u, A2 '5843.

Fl'emolltle.-The dingh." described in the above reference. the ]Jl'opprty of the Ways and Works Departmt'ut, has heen found.

(!l(1)'t'II/OlIt. - Betwt>en t he 1st rtllll 27th ult., from Cl building !lU Cottl'slOe Main Ron,d,-a hollow-backed Di:sston hanu saw; Cl Gel'lnn,n jack plane, chisel blade for iron; iL ~m (lot bing phLnt> with bet>eh mouth; tllt' pm]Jerty ,)f Georgt> l\1oyle. Suspicion att a,ches to rrhOUli:IS H all, age 43 years, height Mt.. Gin, or 7iu., aark hair and llloustacht>. hn.ld Ilt'ad. full visage, (lark ('omplexion. hLt.too nHtrk~ on arm, re 'iclin g- at Roe Street. Prrth.-A2 5481, 20th May, ] 900 .

J a l'l'uhdule. -·-Between the 21st and :24th ult., from the owner's dwelling,-a blue cashmere dress, three rows of cream lace, about 2in. wide across the front, and cream laee around the n<:'ck, plain sleeves and skirt, brown stain on skirt near bottom of dress; the pl">perty of Ali<.:e Rhodes. Suspicion attaches to Florence H ealey, formerly Harper or H arford (no ueseription given).-A2 5480, 29th May, 1900.

K"lgoo1'lie.- - On the 28th uIt .. from t he Presby­terian Sehoolroom, Egan Street. - a gentleman'S drab-coloured waterproof coat and cape; the property of Wm. J . McOahon; also a woven woollen rug, a bont 6ft. x 4Ft., fringed on ends, mal'one colour on one siGt', brown and white cheek on the other , dull stain on marone side, and small burn, caused hy a spark; the property of the Rev. A. Orow. -­A2 5589, 31 ·t May, 1900.


Perth.- Between the 12th and 30th ult., front cL

portmanttJau n,t the W del Olnb,- a blue ~e rge suit , donl)le breasted coat, sqnRre cut, IJroba bly marked " D avis &. 00.. Southampton," no lining; a dark­grey frock l:oat and vpst. "Gilham, SoutlHLmptOl1," maker; Cl, pair of urpss t rousprs rLnd vest, black ribbed lllc1,terial, English make ; a very fine black doth dinner j,wket. silk faced; cL pair of patent leather dress shop:s, mtlwr ohl ; Clml 3 linen shmd-up <.:() llar~; tue property of Davi d Ellertoll Brown.­A2 5516, 31st May, 1800.

Pel'th.--Dnring the evening of the 30th ult. , from 165 Pier Street,- a pair of black leather WelJino'ton boots, ~ize 5, plain tops, round wrinkles, rt'ce;tly half-soled and heeled, riveted solE'S, and a pair of men's lace-up boots, with toe eaps, size 5, hooks on tor. pegged soles, much worn; the property of J ohn Wellard.-A2 .5518, 31st May, 1900.

Kalgo/Jrlie . - On tht' 2Hth ult., from a scllOOlrOl!ln, Egan Street,- a blue bt'aver Chest~rfielel overeoat, with black velvet collar; the property of J aIm Lamont.-A2/5523, 1st June, 1900.

BIII//I/(I'!I. - On t.lll' 80th 1111'., fr0m the Parade Hotel.- a hla,<.:k waterproof coat and eape, ha, a piece of red, marked "Gl'ibb~e,:' aCross the inside of shoulder; t.he proper ty of Wllliam Maddrell. - A2 /.s526, 1st June, 1900.

Cla1'emont.-Ou the 31st ult. or 1st inst., from Olarel1lont Railwav Station,-all iron brace with long shank; a set ~f bits ; 10 new files, small size, and a jack plane marked with 3 small dots; the property of Andrew Udcl-A2/ 5564, 5th June, 1900.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. P erth . -Stolen, on the morning of the 2nd inst.,

from Ah Fook' . dwelling, Palmerston Street,-a 15ct. gold cnrb doublt> chain ; the property of Lee Kow.­A2j5546, 2ncl June, 1900.

P erth.--Stolen on the 30th ult., from the owner's llwelling, Brooking Street, entmn"e being effeded by forcing t lw l)a<,k dool',- a la.dy's si lver open-faced key-win<liug watch, chased case (St. Andrew's cross pattern); ,L gold d Ulin about 18in. loug, with square­('ut links ; et gal<1 <'ross, cut from a solid piece of golu ; a 22ct. goh1 Hhit>ld- shapt>d medal" O.L.E." on front, en~Taved on hack " Pre~el1tecl to L. A. Hol­hl'ook, Oa~n bridge Loc~tl Examination, Bristol Oentre, 188.5 "; ,Lll 18ct. gold six-pointed star-shaped brooch, :set with vearls, 1 ~mal1 pearl missing; a 9et. gold curb bangle with chased pa.dlock; an 18ct. gold bangle, set with an opal with six small pearls on each si , le; a 15ct. gold dress ring, set wit.h 3 milky opals, e]aw setting; a gentleman's gold ring, set with a diamond surrounded by a square of pearls; a silver fruit knife (penknife shape) chased handle, with link at end; a gold pen and peneil case, engraved " R. H . Goodman," blue stone on top; an 18d. gold solid uar brooch, set with 3 large pearls, each sur­rounded by small pearl s; a 9ct, gold small rope­pattern chain with heart-shaped amethyst pendant; a pair of g'old-rimmed eye-glasses; a black ostrich feather hoa.; and 3 bruslws wit.h white bone bandIes; the propert.y of Misses Firles and Holbrook.­A2 5.503, 31 t. May, IPOO.

P erfh. - Stolen on the 31st \lIt., from 51 Moon' Street. entrancE' beiug effected by forcing a door,­a g'old scarf pin set with a diamond, <.:law setting, value 50s.; 3 gold shirt studs, round tops; a pair of gold sleeve links; a sover<:'ign penuant; a rupee, and a (lucLntity of <.:ashmpre socks and white si lk hand­kel'l:biefs; the property of Wassimull AssumulL­A2 ,'5517, 31st Ma." , 1900.

. ()oo lyul'die.-Stulen during the morning of the 1st lllSt., from the Ooolganlie Hotel.- a safe contai.ning £tlO in bank ll()l e~, gold ctm1 silver ; a o'eutleman's uld silver RotllPrlHLIll watch, " P.S." e';;g-raved on front case, ,. P . SIULnnahan " on dome ' a O'entleman's o~d sil Waltham wak h; a gentlen{an'~ 18ct. gold r~ng, sll1 g1e :stone; Cl. plain gold band ring; a gold nng engraved" J.W," on top; an 18ct. gold bar broo<.:h with heart and arrow on bar; 3 very small gold broodws ; 10 small gold quartz specimens and a sn:aU bottle of alluvial gold ; the property of P atn ck Shannah1Lll. The safe was found broken open near t he h otel. Suspieion attaches to two men who s lept at the hotel on the nio'ht of the 31st ult. D~scription : (1) thin build, abgut 5ft. llin" small fall' mO~lstaehe, dressed in dark grey suit, worn, and slllall light felt l?at, na,rrow brim turned up all rOllnd; (2) st outish build, 5ft. 6in. or 7in., fair moustache, reddish complexion, dressed in grey suit and brown felt. hat.-A2,'5557, 4th June, 1900.'


Horses, Cattle, etc, Viele Police Gazette, 19IK), paj^e (115, .\2fiXV2.

Collie.—The mare described in the above reference, the proper ty of Christojiht^r Armst rong, lias lieen found, not stolen.

Bunbury.—Stolen, dur ing the night of the 28th ult., from a paddock a t Glen Ir is , - a bay pony horse, black points , about 13 hands high, shod all round, in good condition ; the jiropertv of Thomas Suther land.—A2 5513, S l s t Mav, 1900.'

Collie—Stoleu, ou or aVxjut the 2nd ult. , - a steel grey pony mare , 14 hands l i n . high, branded X F near shoulder, slight mark mi cannon bone oft' fore leg; the jirojiertv of J o h n McLeod. --A2/5515, S l s t May, 1900.

Coolgardie.—Stolen on or about the 15th ult., -a

brown gelding d r a u g h t horse, branded J . G . near shoidder, aud another brand ou uear rilxs, white s tar on forehead, long t a i l ; the propertv of J. Robertson. —A2/5571, 1st June , 1900.

A p p r e h e n s i o n s .

Vide Police Gazette, liKKi, page MB, W. :M,2 19()().

J O H N W I L L I A M H A W K I N S , at Wongoug, on the

29th ult., by P.C. D. Thomjisou. Brought uji at Per th on the inst. 14 days h.l.

Viele Police Geizette, 1000, page l.'iS.

H E N R Y P A T T E R S O N , bnu igh t uji at Pe r th on the

30th ult . Remanded in custodv to Svdnev, New South Wales.

Fide Police Gazette, 1900, page 4.9, W. K7/ 1900,

A R T H U R S T E V E N S S N E L L , a t Albanv, (ui the 29th

ult., by Det. J . H . Lyuch and P.C. J. P. Fu rhmg. Discharged. General war rau t issiied.

Viele Police Gazette, 1900, page l(i(), W. :iy2/I9U0,

E M I L Y A M E L I A A N D E R S O N has been arrested a t


Vide PoUce Geizette, 1900, page 10(i, W. ;i9S 1900,

J A M E S G O U G H , a t Wyola, on the 1st inst.. liy the

Northam Police. Remanded to Per th ,

A H L E E N , at Geraldton, on the Slst ult., liy P.Cs,

M. Griffin and Geo, Gannon ; rogue and vagatioud. 3 months h.l.

J O S E P H M U R P H Y , at Mt. Leouora. ou the 22ud

ult., by P .C. P . H . Nelson ; larceuy. 6 months h i . Property recovered.

G E O R G E L A W R E N C E , a t Kalgoorlie, on the 23rd

ult., by P.Cs. J a s . Por te r and F . M. D u n g e y ; larceny. Discharged under the Fi rs t Offenders Act. P roper ty recovered.

C H A R L E S P A R K E R , at Kalgoorlie, ou the 26th ult. .

hy P.Cs. J a m e s P o r t e r and F . M. Dungey, ou war ran t ; larceny. 3 nionths h.l. Proper ty re­covered.

J A M E S S H A K L E T O N , S A M U E L P A R K E R and IVAN

TEDMONSON, a t Coolgardie, ou the 29th ult., by

P.Cs. E . J . McLeruou and C. Mul l e r ; larceuy ^2 charges). S montlis h.l. eacli on each charge (con­current) .

H A R R Y THOIVIAS, at Pe r th , on the 26th ult., by

Det. F . G. EggU'ston. on search w a r r a u t ; larceny. 14 days h.l Pmjierty recovered.

S I M O N D E SILVA. at Pe r th , on the 26th idt.. by

Det . W . Douglas ; uulawful v>ossessiou. 2 montlis h.l. Proper ty recovered.

M A T T H E W H U R S T , at Pe r th , on the 27th ult,, by

P.C. W . E . Culmsee; idle and disorderly. 1 month imfirisonnient.

M A R Y F . N E W M A N , at Per th , on the 27th ult., bv

P.C. W. R. O'Shea ; idle aud disorderiv. 2 mouths h.l.

J O S E P H G E O F F R E Y , at Pe r th , on the 29th ult., bv

P.Cs. W . W h y t e and M. McAuley ; idle aud dis­orderiv. 4 months h.l.

M A R Y J A N E H A R D I N G , at Per th , on the 29th ult..

by P .C . G. W. Underwood; unlawful jiossession. 2 months h.l.

J O H N F I S H E R and JAMIJ,S K E L L Y , at Per th , on the Sls t ult., by P.Cs. W. Eynon, J . Conway, and M. Wol fe ; larceny. 14 days h.l. each. Projjerty re­covered. Fisher fur ther charged by P.C. W. Eynon ; i-esisting arrest . 14 days h.l, (cumulat ive) .

G I O V A N N I F E L I S E T T I , at Per th , on the Slst ult.,

by R.P.Cs . W . Rewell and F . B r a y ; idle aud dis­orderiv. 1 month h.l.

J A M E S W I L S O N , at Per th , on the Sls t ult., by

P.Cs. M. McAuley and \V. W h y t e ; idle and dis­orderly. 4 mouths h.l.

R O B E R T B A R W I S E , a t Pertl i , on tlie 1st inst., bv P.Cs. W . W h y t e and M. McA\dey ; idle aud dis­orderly. 1 month h.l.

P H I L I P P R I O R , at Coolgardie. on the 2nd inst., by

P.Cs. E . Daltou aud .T. .Savers; luilawful jiossession. 1 month h.l.

W I L L I A M M C K E N Z I E uliaa TOOMEY, a t Kalgoorlie,

on the SOtli ult,, by P.C. J . G. D o d d ; unlawful Jiossession, 1 month h.l.

C L A U D Y O U N G , at Midland .Junctiou, ou the 29tli

ult., liy P.C. L. H , (hmningham : idle and disorderly, 3 mon ths h.l.

H E N R Y D R A P E R , at Fremantle, ou the 26th ult., by

P.C. J. Leavy; ass;iulting jiolice, 2 months h.l.

T H O M A S RYAN and W I L L I A M COOK, a t Fremant le ,

ou the 29th ult., by P.C. J. T. S p a l d i n g ; uulawful Jiossession. Ryan. 4 months h.l, ; Cook, 3 mouths h.l.

M I C H A E L B R E N N A N . at F remant l e , on the 30th ult. ,

bv P.C. J . T , Sj ialding; idle and disorderly, 4 months h.l.

R I C H A R D D R Y D E N , exji., late Reg. No. 8831, at

Fremaut le , on the 1st inst., liy Sergt. .1. Duncan ; idle and disorderly. 3 mouths imjirisonment.

A L M A N I C H O L S O N , at Boulder, on the 1st iust,. by

P.C. H . W^illiams ; disorderiv. 1 inoutli h i .

W I L L I A M O L I V E R , at Boulder, on the 1st iusi,. by

P.C. J . E. Vaughan ; t rad ing as a h.iwkci-, i'2n tine or 3 mouths h.b

Horses, Cattle , etc. Vid'J i'o/irp OIlZett,-, IHIIO, pal{" n:l. \:!./I~:l:!..

Co71il'. -Tlw Illare dcscrih·<l iu tlw all<lw n·f(>ren("~. the property of Christo)llw)" A rlllr-;trllll!;. ha f; j,ppu fO llud , not stolen.

Bun"bul'y.-Stolpll, during the night of the 2 th nlt., from cL p~drl()(;k at GIE'1l Iris, a. ba .... pony horse, hla·k pomt.~, ahont 13 hands high, shod all round, in good (;ol1rlitioll; thE' IH·oP(>rt.1' of Thomas Sutherland .-A2 5513, :Hst McLY, ] 5)01).

Collie.-Stokn, on or a.bUllt tlll' ~ncllllt., -a htl' I grey pony marc, 14 banrliS l in. high, hmnded X F near sh onlder, slight mark on cannon i>on ofi' fore· le~ j t he pl'opprtv or John M(·TJ('1)11. A2 /!)515, 31st May, ]900.

Coolga1·d ie. ·-Stolc!n on or ahout th' 1.5th Illt., - ·a ...--...

brown gelding draugh t h Ol'l:;e, hralldE'll J. U. nt'a)" should er , and cLnotber brand on near ribs, whitE' star on forehead, long tail j th e property of J. Ro1H'rtson. -A 2;'55 71 , 1st J une, 1900.

A pprehens 10 llS.

Vitle e Ciazette, H) 00 , l' fI,~e l..j,(j, VV. :I,\,2 H100.

J OHN WTLLIAM H AWKINS, at WOLlg'OIlg', on t Ilt' 29th 111t., by P .C. D . Tholllj>SO Il . Bl'Il1lght 11 1' :1,t P el·th on t.he 1st inst. ] 4 days h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, WOO, 1.")H.

H ENRY P A'1"f ERSON, b ro ll g'h t llJl at P('rtl! on thp 30t.h ult . R pmanc1e<1 in cm;to<1v to 8.",l ney, N(·\V South Wales. .

Vide Police Gazet te, U100, p<Lg0 tB, W. Ki / HIU(l.

ARTH UR STEVENS SNELL. at A lIml1 Y, on tht' 2~)th ult., by D et. J . H . L ynch and P .C. J. P. FUrlOllg'. Dis(·hal'gec1. Gt'u era.l warrant is ne(l .

Vi de Polil'l' U(lzette, H100, page WH, W . :HU/l!IUO.

EMILY AM ELIA ANDERSO:\' lm>: heen arrt'~tE'cl at Bunhllry.

Vi de P olice Gttzette, WOO, pag'c I v(;, "'T. ;{(lH l !lOO.

JAMES G OUGH, at W YOhL, on t he ] st inst .. hy thl' Northam P oli (·e. R emLlllc1ccl to P ('rt h .

AM LEEN, at Gl'mldton , on t hE' 3bt nit., h\' P .U ·. M. Griffin and Geo . Gauuol1 ; J'Og'l.ll' (In(l vagabond. :1 mouths h .!.

JOSEPH MURPHY, at Mt. L t'o nom. on the 2:2u<1 nIt. , by P .C. P . H . N el OU ; la rcE'uy. (i months h.1. Property recove r 'cl

GEORGE LAWRENCE, a t K a lgoorlie, on t he 231'(1 \lIt., b.v P .Cs. J a.s. P or ter a,ml F. :\1. D ungey; larceny . Discharged u llll r the F irst Offendel'~ Act. Proper ty r ecovered ,

CHARLES PARKER, at K algoorlie, on t h e 26th ul t .. hy P.Cs. J a mes P orter ,tnd F. M. D ungey, (lll \\'ill'ntnt j lar('en.\'. 3 mouth ' b .1. P roperty 1'E'­covered.

JAMES SHAKLETON, SAM UEL P ARKER a nd I YAN r"'Dl\[oNSON, <"\,t Coolgal'di , a ll t he 29th nIt., hy P .Cs. E. J. Ml·L \' \'l1011 a,nt! C. Mulle1' j hn.'el1\' \"2 (·llilrW's) . ;1 Ill (lllth ~ h .1. l'<t('h 0 11 l'adl 'ha.l'g'c «('Oll­

l' UI'l'('ut ).


HARRY Tf-WJu<, . at P"rtb, vll the :!Gth lilt.. 11\ Det. F. (-t . E!!!!l(·.tllll. Illlearch w<\\'l'unt: Inn"'lI.;. 1 1- rla.\:-; h.1 Pr"I't'l'ty \"I"'II,ere,l,

' IMON DJ,; :::iILY.\.. at Perth. on thl' ~nth ult.. Ill' Det. \\'. Dou!.;lab; unlawflll po::;,;essinn. :2 lllonth", 11J Property 1'Pc'o,Pl'E'(l, .

MATTHEW HCR. T. at Pt'db, on the :2ith uIt., Il\" P.C . \V. E. C1l1w:-;,'I'; irlle and llisol'dE'rly. 1 month im prisoultlent.

l\L\.RY F . BWMAN, at Perth. Oil the :2ith ult., by P.C. W. R. O'Shea; idll' au<l di onlerl,'·. :2 month', h.!.

Jo EPH GEOFFREY, at Pt'rth, on the 29th ult., 11\' P.Os. W. Wl1Yte and M. McAuley; iclle and (lis­orderly. 4 months h.1.

MARY JANE HARDING, cLt Perth, on the 2~)th ult., by P.C. G. W. Untlpr\\,()oll; unlawful pOll ' SI01l.

2 months h.1.

J OHN FISHER anc1 JAl\H.S KELLY, at Perth, on the 31st ult., by P.Cs. ,v. EVllon, J . Conwav. and 1. Wolfe; lar(·eny. 14 cl<L.v~ h.l. e,L(;h. Propt:'rty !'l'­

covered. Fi her further dutrgecl by P.C. W. EYUOll; l'E'si ·tiug arre .. t. 14 days h. t. (·ulllulative).

GroVANNI FELISE'fTI, at Pl'rth, Oil the 31st ult., by R.P. s. VV. Rewell a.n(l F. Brav; i(lle awl d is-o~·der l y. 1 mouth h. 1. '

JAMES WILSON, at Perth, ou the 81 t nIt., Iw P.Gs. M. MeAnIev and "\V . "\Vhvte ; idle ,"\,1111 di~-orderly. 4 111ontl1s h.!. .

ROBERT BARWISE, at P'rth, on the 1st in ·t. , L,' P.O . W. Whvte and M. Ml·A\\I(,v; i<ll' aud c1iR. orderly. I ll](;uth h.l. .

PHILfP PRIOR, lLt CoolganJ.i<:'. on the 2nd iust., bv P.C. E. Daltl)l\ a.ud J. , a,yeJ's: unla.wful possr sioll. 1 month h.l.

W ILLIArll McKENZIE q/ia" Tooll1EY, at K,dgoorlic, tin the 30th Hit., 1lY P.C . J. G. Doc1rl; unlawful posses ·ion. 1 month 11.1.

CLAUD YOUNG, at Ii(llaud JlIllc·tioll, Oil the 29th lilt., IJI" P.U. L. H . ('Ilnllill~hall\; i<llp and (lisorderh' :3 month' h.1. ' . '

R ENIn DRAPER. at Frelllantle, on the ::!6th ult., hy P .0. J. L p"",:; ass,mlting jllllil·l'. 2 months h.1. .

THOllIAS RYAN a.llcl \VrLLIAlII COOK, at Fremantle, ou the 29th ult.,1I:- P.U. J. T .• paIding; uulawful l'(lSSPSSiOll . RynlJ, 41110uths h.!.; CrH)k,3 months h.!.

'hCHAEL BRENNAN. at FJ't'llHtntll', on the 30th \llt., hy P.C. J. T. ,palllillg; i'lle allll rli~ordf'rh. 4 month h.!. .

RICHARD DRYDEN, exp., Iatt> Reg. No. 81, nt Fl'E'maut lt', on tbe l ·t iUl';t .. hy Sel'gt. J. Duncan ; idle and disoI'l1t'rly. :3 months illllll'isOlllllf'ut.

AULA N ICHOLSON. at B(luld '1'. Oil t bp 1 ,t iust .. hI' P.C. H. "\Villi,lills; disorderly. 1 llHlUth h.1.

"\VILLIA)I \)LIYER.. at Bnnl(1l'1'. IIIl t hp l,t illS!.. 11\

P .C. J. E. Vallghall; trndill!! as a hal\ I, '1' , ,t;:!fl till'" or 3 ulOuths h .l.


HENRY HIGGINS alias RILEY, at Albanv. on the 29th ult., l>y P.C. A. N. Picnic ; dis .rderlv, " 1 mouth h.l. Unlawful possession; 1 month h.i. (con­current).

JACOB SMITH, at Albanv, ou tlu W.P.C. M. A. mouth h.l.

Lehrback ; unlawful 28th ult., by Jiossession ; 1

WILLIAM LITTLEJOHN, at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by Kalgoorlie Police; keeping a common gaming house. 40s. fine and costs.

CHARLES ELLIS aud MICHAEL MCCLUSKY, at Albany, on the Ist iust., hy W.P.C. M. Lehrback, on warrants; disobeying orders on board shiji. Ellis put on board ship ; McClusky 4 weeks h.l.

Miscellaneous. JOHN DEBAUN, charged at Perth, on the 16th

ult., by V/illiaui Sinclair; setting up and keej)ing a lotterv. Committed for trial. Admitted to bail.

FRED. MORRIS, charged at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by Det. P. D. Kavanagh ; keejjiug a common gaining house. 40s. fiue aud costs.

ABR.\.HAM BETSCHARTT (" Squash,") charged at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by Det. P. D. Kavanagh ; keeping a coiumou gaming house. 40s. fine and costs.

FREDERICK DRAPER, charged at Fremantle, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. J. Leavy ; loitering about hotels while on the jirohibited list. 7 days h.l.

Warrants Issued. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 114, W. 200/1900.

AUGUSTUS VARIAN not to be arrested. Warraut cancelled 2nd inst.

VIRGINIA VIVIAN, fairly stout build, excejrtionally large about the hips, erect figure, age about 25 years, height about 5ft. 5in., fair brownish hair, light eyes, straight nose, full round face, fair comjjlexion, probably dressed in a navy blue or fawn coat and skirt, and loug fawn-coloured coat reaching to the ground; an actress; native of Victoria; accom­panied Ijy her mother, Mrs. Buckley; being indebted to Harold et Cie, in the sum of »fi44 2s. ; to be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, Slst Mav ' 1900 . -W. 407/1900.

ARTHUR STEVENS SNELL : for descrijition ride Police Gazette, 1900, page 49, W. 87,T9U0; ; being indebted to Charles Moore in the sum of ^30 4s.; to be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel about to jiroceed to sea. Dated Albany, 29th May, 1900.—W. 408/1900.

GHOOL MAHOMET, medium build, age about 30 years, height Sft. Sin. or 9in., black hair, black eyes, sharp visage, dark complexion, camel driver, native of Afghanistan ; larceny of a grey bull camel, a dark browu camel, a single-barrelled lireech-loading shot­gun, a jiack-saddle, 2 saddle lines, 2 pairs of hobbles, and a iiell aud strap; the prop;'rtv of Charles Moss. Dated Peak Hill, 23r.i Mav, 1900.--W. 41(1 1900.

JAMES BARTON, slight build, age 22 years, height Sft. 4in.. browu hair, small moustache, long visage, fair complexion, generally wears black suit and grey soft felt hat ; a bottle gatherer; native of Melbourne. Warrant of coiumitment to E'remantle Gaol for 2 nionths h.l. in default of payment of £5 I9s. 6d., amount of fiue and costs for assaulting Carl Quaiu. Dated Fremantle, 30th Mav, 1900.— W. 4111900.

VERMALEN, stout build, age 19 years, height Sft. 4in., fair hair, light blue eyes, uose slightly flattened at j)oiut, fair complexion, round shouldered, speaks broken English, wears grey or black tweed clothes; seaman; native of Holland ; deserting barque " Serena," at Rockingham, on the 28th ult. Dated Rockingham, 29th May. 1900.—W, 412/1900.

Missing Friend. THOMAS HALFPENNY or HALPEN (no description

given). Inquiry by William Halfjjenny (father), 80 Cobden Street, South Melbourne, Victoria. Infor­mation to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth. B2/140S.

Inquests. Perth.—On the SOth ult., at the Coroner's Court,

before T. F. Quinlan, J.P., Acting District Coroner, on the body of Leonard Pether Mitchell, who was found dead with a bullet wound in the head. Verdict —" Suicide whilst temjiorarily insane."—B2/I406.

Williams.—On the 17th ult., at the Court House, before J. A. Roughau, R.M., Acting Coroner, on the body of Johu Waldock, who was killed on the 15th ult. by a fall from a buggv. Verdict—" Accidental death."—B2/1416.

Geraldton.—On the 3Ist ult., at the Court House, before M. Brown, G.R., Acting Coroner, on the body of John Hayman, who died at Walkaway on the 26th ult. from the effects of a bullet wound. Verdict—" Suicide whilst teinjjorarilv insane."— B2/I420.

Property Lost. Perth.—On the 24th ult.,—a gold horseshoe brooch,

engraved "Good Luck," large nugget iu centre; the projierty of J. Brook.—P.L. 241/1900. On the 2nd inst.,—a cheque for de34 Ss. 6d., drawn by E. S. Lazarus in favour of B. Struckman or order (indorsed), ou National Bank, Perth, dated June 1, 1900; the projjerty of B. Struckman.—P.L. 252/1900. On the 2nd inst.,—a black overcoat with velvet coUar; the property of Percy Stone.—P.L. 253/1900. Ou the 2nd inst., a brown leather jjurse, containing about 30s. and return half excursion ticket, Perth to Bunbury ; the property of J. Clifton.—P.L. 254/1900.

Fremantle.—On the 30th April,—a gentleman's heavy gold band ring, " W.A.G." on top; the prop­erty of W, A. George.—P.L. 240/1900.

Geraldton.—On the 22nd ult.,—a kit of plumber's tools; the proj)erty of E. Moorehouse.—P.L. 247/1900. On the 22nd ult.,—a gold bar brooch, engraved "H .H. , " nugget in centre, 2 chains attached; the property of Mrs. Clarke-Hall.— P.L, 248/1900,

T-h::"Il{'Y HIIHHNS IIli(/>{ U,rLEY. ",t, Alhl1lv. on 1111' :2!lth lilt.. In' P .C. ~\ , N. Pil'n'f': .j i ,.. '1'''1')'11' . • 1 Illtlilth h.1. UnhL~,'fnl possession; 1 Illonth' ll.i. (ClIll­

cnrrent) ,

JACOB SMITH, at Albany, 011 th~ 28th ult., 1n' W.P.C. M. A. Lehrbaek;' unlawflll possession; ':1 month h.1.

WILLIA.l't1 LITTLEJOHN, at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by Kalgoorlie Police; keeping a eommOll gaming house. 40s. fine anu co'ts.

CHARLES ELLIS and MICRAEL MCCLUSKY, ttt Albauy, on the ht inst., hy vV.P.C. M. Lehrback, on warranls; disobeying order::> on board ship. F,llis put on board ::>hip ; McClusky 4 weeks h.1.

Miscellaneous. JOHN DEBAuN, charged at Perth, on the 16th

ult., by William Sin clair ; setting np and keeping a lotter,v. Committeu for trial. Admitted to bail.

FRED. MORRIS, cha,rgeu at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by Dd. P. D. KavanaQ'h ; keeping a common gamin;,;' lltluse. 40s. fine and costs.

ABRAHAl\( BETscHARTT ( .. S(1nash.") charge<1 at Kal~oorlie, on the 2 th ult., by Det. P. D. Kavana,gh; keeping a t:onnnou gaming honse. 40s. fine anll eosts.

FltEDE RICK DRAPER, charged at Fremantle, on the 2nd inst., lw P.C. J. Leavy; loitf'ring' about hott.,ls while on the prohibited list .. 7 d[tys h.1.

Warrants Issued. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, pitge 114, W. 2601900.

AUGUST us VARIAN not to he arrested. Warrant cancelled 2nd inst.

V IRGINIA V IVIAN, fairly stout build, exceptionally large about the hips, ered figure, age about 25 years, height about 5ft. 5in., fair brownish hair, li ght eyts, straight nose, full round face, fair complexion, probably dressed in a navy blue or fawn coat and skirt and long fa wn-coloL1reu eoat reat:hing to the ground; an actress; lHLtive uf Victoria; at:t:IIlIl­panied 1)y her mother, Mrs. BlH'kley; [wiug indebted to Harold et Cie, in thp slim of .£44 2s.: to be arresleu at any sea.port of the Colony, but !lot elsewhere. Dated Perth, 31t M,w 190fl. - W. 407/1900. .

AR'fHUR STEVENS SNELL: for dest:riptioll rirl/:: Police Gazette, 1900, page 4!:J, W. 87 1900); IJei ng indehteu to Charles ~loortl in the Sllln of £30 4s.; to be arrested and brought a hore as often iLS h<.' may be found in any vessel about to proceed to sea. Dated Albany, 29th May, 1900.- W. 408 1900.

GHOOL MAHOMET, medium lmild, aO'e about 30 ,Vpars, height 5ft. 8in. or 9in., black hair~ black eve~, slmrp visa;..('e, dark complexion, camel drivel', nati ve of Afgh.wistan; letr 'en: uf ,L g'1'I'J hull vanwl, a dark brown camel, a single-balTPllerl hreech-Ioading s11ot­e:Ull, a pa.d:-,mddle, 2 sadJJe lines, ;2 pairs of hohLles, awl ,l iH .. lI an(l strap; till' pr"p 'l't y ot Charles Ml)s~. Datp(l Pe"k Hill. ~;~r, l .\hy, nl,)I) nr. 4]0 1 !lOO.


JAn",;s BARTUN. slig-ht hnil,l, agt· 2~ .,pars, 11l'i~ht ,')i'l. ·J·in .. ],rowll hair, SIII :lll b,il' llluw,ta.('br, long yisagl'. f:tir complexion, gellL'rally wears hlaek suit and "'rev soft felt hat; a buttle gatherer; native of Melb~Ul:ne. Warrant of cll1nmitnl ent to F'rrmantle Gaol for 2 month h .1. in default of payment of £5 19s. 6d., amount of fin(> and (;()sts for assaulting CfLrl Quain. Dated Fl'emH.ntle, 80th May, 1900.­W. 411 1900.

VERlIIALEN, stout build, agp 19 years, height 5ft. 4in., fair hair , light blnL> eyes, n08e slightly 8attened at point, bir c0mplexioll, roulld shonlderec1, sppa.ks broken English, wears grey or black tweed clothes; eaman; native of Holland; desertillg barque

" Serena," at Roebngham, ,m the 28th ult. D,tted Rockingham, 29th May. 1900.-W. 412/1900.

Missing Friend. THOMAS HALFPENNY or HALPE:'V (no description

given). Inquiry by William Halfpenny (father), 80 Cobden Street, South Melhourne, Victoria. Infor­mation to the Criminal Invpstigation Brancb, Pel'tu. B2/1405. ~

Inquests. Perth.-On the 80th nIt., at the Coroner's Court,

before T. F. Quinlan, J .P ., Acting District Coroner, on the body of Leonarc1 P et her IvTitchpll, who was found dead with a bullet wound in the head. Verdict -" Suicide whilst temporarily insane." - B2/1406.

Williams.-On the 17th nIt., at the Court House, before J. A. Roughan, R.M., Actlllg Coroner, on the bodv of John Waldock, who wa' killed on the 15th ult. 'by a fall from a buggy. Verdict-" Aecideutal death."-B2/1416.

Geraldlon.-On the 31st ult., at the Court House, before M. Brown, G.R., Acting Coroner, on the body of John Hayman, who died at Walkaway on the 26th ult. from the effects of a b).lllet wound. Verdict-u Suicide whilst telllporarily insane."­B2/1420.

Property Lost. P e1·th.-On the 24th ult. ,-a gold horseshoe brooch,

engraved " Good Luck," large nugget in centre; the property of J. Brook.-P.L. 241/1900. On the 2nd imt.,-a, cheque for £34 3s. 6d., drawn by E. S. Lazu.rus in favour of B. Stru(;kman or order (indorsed). on National Bank, Perth, dated June 1. 1900; thf' property of B. Struckman.-P.L. 252/1900. 011 the 21111 inst.,-a black overcoat with velvet collar ; the property of Percy Stone. - P.L. 253/1900. OIl the 2nd in st., a brown leather purse, containing. <Lhout 30s. and return half excursion ticket, Perth to Bunbury; the property of J . CliftoD.-P.L. 254/1900.

Fremantle.-On the 30th April,-a gentleman's lleav:, gold band ring, "W.A.G." on top; the prop­erty of W . A. George.-P.L. 240/1900.

Gemldton.-On the 22nd ult.,-a kit of plumber' tools; the property of E. Moorehouse.-P.L . 247/1900. On the 22nd ult. ,--a gold bar brooch engraved "H.H.," nngget in centre, 2 chains att~ched; the property of Mrs. Clarke-Hall.-P.L. 24811900,


]M of Unexecuted Warrant.^ for three .Months endin'^ .Slst Mav. Htoo.

Name. I l a t f lit i&Kiii: W l i c r c i s s u e d . Polii- Giizelli- UefiT.ii.

A b d u l B in R a h m a n A h B i n x A h P o o A i c h e s o n , I to i le r iok B a x t e r , B<^nj-iniiu B a r c h , E . G . B e c k w i t h , Bej^not t i , A lex . Ve tu r B e l a i r e , T h o ; . B e n n e t t , A .

B r e n n a n , .Tolui C h o i , A h I ' o n ^ ChoiiK F o e C h o w L a m ,., Cock , — C o c k b u r n , W m . .1 . C o s t a , R a p h a e l D e L u c a s , G e o i ^ e D i x o n , M r s , K. A. O u g ^ a n , D e n i s Elli.s, J . F fc'erraii, . l o seph G u r . U n e r , t ' redei ' i i 'k Ghi l t i , G u i l a m o ( j . l l an ( A f ^ h a u ) G!llesi>ie, A, L H u r r i n K t o n , H a r t l e y HiisB.m H u t c h i n s o n , Alf. 11. Hnz'/ .ey, . l u m e s J o h j i n s o u , J o h n Ke l ly , J o h n Ko l i l e r , F r a u k Lanil i ie , Kol ie r t ,,, L a n c e , H e n r i L e e , F o w Fjester, E r n e s t IjOiljfe, E . L u t t r e l l , U a n i i l t . i n G o r t i o n M i i h o n y , J a m e s M a r s h a l l , Ne l l i e M a r t i n , J M n n i e r , J o h n M c K e n n a , Hui fh .., M o i t ' m e r , H e n r y M o r t o n , F r a n c i s J o h u ,,, Myr t i s , A u ^ s t N i c h o l l s , G e o i x c P a r r y , F n m c i s Noel C l i n t o n P r i c e , F l o r e n c e P r io l i , M o r c e l l a Rat 'e l l , VVen/el S a c k v i l l e - W e s t , J . H. ,,,

D o S a l a m o n s , G a y S h e e n , M i c h a e l Si l ier i i i i , R o a s S m i t h , T h o m a s S p a r k , . l a m e s D e a n . , S t e w a r t , Davi i l GilUoway T e m p l c t i ' i i , A n d r e w T i m u u t i a alius T i m U i i k u o w u m a n

Do W a t k i n s J . A

D o . W a t s o n , E , H , B , W a t s o n , J a m e s W h i t e , C a r o l i n e

19t,h M a r c l i :iOth A p r i l 24th Ai i r i l 11th A p r i l 22n' l M a r c h 18th A p r i l i)th M a v :;r.a May 28tli A p r i l l l t h M a y

26111 A p r i l .•Jr<l M a r c h :ird M a r c l i :1r(l M a r c h 16tli M a v 16 th M a r c h 3 0 t h A p r i l 30 th A p r i l a . l th Mi iy , 3rcl -April 3(ith A p r i l 16th M a r c h 1.5th M a v 2Sth M a r c h 28th M a r c l i 4 th A p r i l 21st M a r c h 21st A p r i l 2 u d A p r i l IS th Miiv 2llth Apr i l 2litlj M a r h .Mi Mii rch 16th M a v 16th M a y 3rd M a r c h 20th M a r c h 27tl) M a r c h 17th M a r c h 23r(l M a r c h 23rd M a y Htb M a y 2nd M a r c h 16th M a v 26 th Apr i l 21st A p r i l ISth A|)rii 22ud M a y 2Sth Marc-h 21st M a v 2^th M a r c h 7 tb Apr i l Kith Ajiril Ulth Ai.r i l 12th M a r c l i .3rd A p r i l 16th M a r c h 2 l s t M a r c h IHlli Apr i l 24 th \ u i r c i i l l t h Ajiri l l l t h A p r i l 24 th M a y 2.5th M a y 25 th A p r i l 2.5th Ajn-il S t h M a y 2i.-.t A p r i l 19th A p r i l

F r e m a n t l e R o e b o u r n e P e r t h

D o Kal f roor l ie F r e m a n t l e P e r t h ( . 'oolgardie G r e e n b u s h e s , M e u z i e s

P e r t h F r e m a n t l e

D o D o .

N a n n i n e D o .

P e r t h D o

A l b a n y S o u t h e r n C n i s s F r e m a n t l e P e r t h Cool{<ardie F r e m a n t l e M e n z i e s F r e m a n t l e D o n n y b r o ' i k B r o o m e Knlt^oorlie P e r t h D o n n y b r o o k (JoUie N o r t h a m K a n o w n a Kalf^oorlie F r e m a n t l e I ' e r t h Kal ;^oorl ic l ' 'rciiiaiit Ic N o r t h a m Bulon.s;

) L a w l e r s , C u e 1 N a n u i n e

P e r t h Hrid^^etown ,,. F r e u i a n t l e

Do P e r t h F r e m a u t l e

Do . D o ,

K a n o w n a D o .

P e r t h G e r a l d t o n B r o o m e P e r t h K a u o w m i P e r t h C o s s a c k D e r b y F r e m a n t l e Gu i ld fo r i l Ka l i roor l i e

D o . P e r t h B r i d g e t o w n P e r t l i

Dese r t i na - s h i p H o r s e stealing'-D i s o b e y i n g ' s u m m o n s ,,, L a r c e n y bv I 'a i lee

D o . ' U e s e r t i n g s l r ip C o u s p i r . i c J t o def r.i ud ,, W i f e d e s e r t i o n F a l s e p r e t e n c e s D i so l i ey iug s u m m o u s ( b r e a c h ol

D e n t a l .Act) I d l e a n d d i s o r d e r l y i c o m m i t i u e u t 1 , P r o h i b i t e r l I i u m i t r r a n t ,,

Do, D o .

L a r c e u y Fa l se p r e t e n c e s L a r c e n y {prov i s ioua l ) ,,,

D o . A b s c o n d i n g d e b t o r (gene ra l ) ,,

b o . Do . ( gene ra l ) D o .

H o r s e k i l l i n g D e s e r t i n g s h i p A b s c o n d i n g * leb tor

D o . D i s o r d e r l y ( c o m m i t m e n t ) D e s e r t i n g s h i p A b s c o n d i n g d e b t o r D i s o l i e y i n g w i t n e s s s u m m o n s L a r c e n y D i s o b e y i n g s u m m o n s d l i so i -der ly) A b s c o n d i n g d e b t o r A s s a u l t ( c o m m i t m e n t ) I d l e a n d d i - o r d e r l y P r o h i b i t e d i m m i g r a n t ,,, K l n b e z / . l e n i e n t ,, A b s c o n d i n g d e b t o r A) i scondingdebt<5r ( g e n e r a l ) , , . F a l s e p r e t e n c e s A b s c o n d i n g d e b t o r I m p o s i t i o n A l ' s c o n d i n g d e b t o r L a r c e n y I i l l e a u d d i s o r d e r l y ( c o m m i t m e n t ) ,,, L'r.lawful J iossess ion Deser t in .g s h i p L a r c e n y by serv .ant A b s c o n d i u g d e b t o r L a r c e n y ,,. D e s e r t i n g s h i p ,, D i s o b e y i n g M a g i s t e r i a l o r d e r -Absconding d e b t o r

D o . E m i i e z z l c m e n t U n l a w f u l J iossess ion ( c o m m i t u i e n t ! B r e a c h of c o n t r a c t D e s e r t i n g fami ly A b s c o n d i n g d e b t o r

D o , Su j ip ly iug l i t inor t o a b o r i g i n a l n a t i v e s M u r d e r L a r c e n y by ba i l ee H o r s e s t e a l i n g L a r c e n y by ba i lee

D o . A b s c o n d i n g d e b t o r U n l a w f u l J iossess ion D e s e r t i u g c h i l d

P a g e . MJ ISOO

152 138 124 99

V.5'1 1.-.2 I4t; 138

152. 1.5S

1:J8 78 78 78

1.59 105 138 13S 167 115 l:.8 92

1.5S 105 UI6 115 99

15-; 115 159 l i o | i '5 7s

1.59 1.5!l

78 9S

105 92 99

167 159 s-i

1.59 138 13'1 l:io llli; 106 166 1U5 124 124 124

84 114 130 98

130 98

1.58 166 16ti 166 i:i8 i ; » 152 1.30 I.W


Li~t of Unehecnte(l "·arrant. · for three _'lonth:- Pllding ~M Jla~·. lfHlO.


Abdnl Bin RiJ.hwiJ.ll All Bin~ Ah 1'00 AichcHon, Ho,lel'ick Hu,xter, HPHj 1lllliu _, Harch, Eo G. Beckwith, He.c;notti, Alex. l'ekr Helaire, Tho '. llellllett, A.

Breunan, J ohn Chol, Ab }'ong CllollK .Foe CLowLaJlI Cock, -Cockburn, Wm. J. Costa, Raphllel De f .. ueas, G~orf.{c Dixon, MrA. R. A. IJu!!gan, Oenis Ellis, J. F . ~'el'rUll, J oscph G'lf.liuer, l!\ l'e(lel'i('k Uhiltl, Guilall1(J (hllnn (Af;:hunJ U I !m;pic, A . TJ. Hurring'toll, Ha,l'tley HU 8H,lU

Hutcitill8on, AIr. ll . HlI z1.ey, J ;unea JOh:nIBOll, Johll Ke ily, Jobn Kohlcl', Frank rIILml)ie, Hobert Lauce , Hellri Lee, Fow Lesit..or, El'llefolt Lodg-c, E. Luttrcll , HlL uiltdll U01'tlOll Mah cJUY , James Mltrshllll, Nellie Ma.l'tiu, J. Morccr, Jobn M~Kcnna, Hngh MorVlller, Henry M(}rtoD, Fraucis Johu Myros, AUgllst ... NichoHs. U ~.,rg·(' Pu.1"l'Y, [i'l'llucis N{Jel (;lintoll Pl'it'e, Plorellce PrlOli, MC)J'C'plhL Hltfelt, Wen 'l.el 8ilckl'i Jle- West. J. I r.

Do. Ro..hllHOHH, Gay 8heen, lVlichlLel Si hel'illi, R ons Smith, Thomas 81J1trk, .J allies I Je>ln Sb~w~l.l>t. 1>n,vid (3)11IoWll.Y Tellll,lcttlll, A!llll'cW 'l'ill IHll ~TL nlif/!' TiIl1 UUlcll(lWil 111an

Do. Wn,tldu..;, J, A.

IJo. WlLtSOll , E. H . U. W LLtSOlt, .J lLlues White, CarolillC

Uatf' of ib~IH:.

19th March ;;Oth April Z-lth April J lth AVril UlIIl March 18th April Oth May ;,1',1 Muy ~8tll Apl'il 11th Mety

;!6th April 31'(1 M U. f Ch ;1rtl Marcll ;)rd 1I1arch 16th May 16th March 30th April 30th April ~5tl.t Ma,Y. :lrd April :Wth April J6tb March 15th MI1Y 28tLt Marcll l!Bth M ,cl'c], ~tb April ~1 8t Mill'ch 21st Avril ~nd April 18th May 211t l, A1II'il ~(it h 1I1ur ·h .5tLt M"rch ltith May 16th M"y 3rd March ~IJtLt M,wch Z7tlJ M,lI'ch 171 II ll'fareil ~:Il'<1 March i;jl'll Ill" y 9tll MIIY ~ll(llHul'(;h H;t/1 MCl ) ZGtLt April 21st April IHth IIp''i, 2Zud May 2~th lIf,ll'd, ~ l st Mill' ~,tb Mard, 7th April lOth Apl'il IOtl, pril l~th March :JrLl April Illth March ZIRt Man·I, 18lh April 'l.41b "ian.:h 11th April 11th April :Hth May 25th May ~5th April 25th A]H-il tb May

2.,t April 19th April

Fremantle R oe bOUTI.le Perth

Do. Kalf<oorli(> Fremantle Perth ( 'o(,lgil1'die Green hush er) M euzies

Perth Fremantle

Do. Do.

NlLuuiue Do.

Perth Do.

All,,,"y .. Soutliel'll Cros:3 Fl'cmautle Perth C()(JIK,,-rllie Fl'em.Lutle Menzles P1'emantle DOllnyuro()k Broome Kal!(oorli e Pcrth Vonnyul'Ook Collie Nortll:lll1 Kanowlla. KIlIgoorlic Fremautle I'erth Kal:,;-uoJ'li e F'rem:Lutle

I Northalll HllloDK La.wl~rs Cue Nlllluille PCl'tl, Hl'id~etowll Premautle


Perth f<'JoeUHtn t}p

Do. Do.

Kn.nowna. Do.

Perth Gemldton Bl'oome P erth Kanowna P erth t:OR~lCk De rlly Fremantle Gnildfur(l Kakoorli e

Do. P erth Bridgetown Perth


DesertinK ship H orse stealing' . Disobe.dng summOD5 L:lrceny by hailee

Do. Oesertin~ ship conspiracy to defra ud Wife de 'ertiou E'alse pretences iJisobeyillg' SWlllllOllS (breach of

Dental A~t) Idle ,md disorderly I commitmeut \ Probiblted IIUlUig;.:lllt

Do. Do_

Larceny Fal.e pretences Lnrceny (provislOn"l)

Do. A ]'A('onclin!! dehlo)' (geneml)

Do. Do. (general) Do.

H orse killing Desertin!! shIp Ab.collcling tlehtor

Do. Disorderly (coJllUlittncnt) Deserting ship AI,scon,lin~ llebtor Disoheying- witness SI11JlmOllS Larceny Disobeying- summons (disol'derly) A hscondiuK dehtor Assault (rOllllJl itll1('nt) Tdl c Cluel ,li,orderly Prohihited iUlllligrtLnt .8mbezllelllcllt A l,scondinK deutor A hscontlin" dehtor (!!ellt~r,tl) .. F LlIRe )Jl'etences Absconclinl!' (Iehtol' 11lllJoaitiou .AhS(,Olldiug (lchto J' Larceny . Idle IIncl tli ~ol'(lerly (conllnitmeut) Ul!lawflll possession D esert ing ship T"crceny by sen':lnt ALscoUCUllg" dehtor Larceny DeRe l·tinK sbip Disouey ing- Mo~dstcria l 01'<.1(')' Ahsconding tlebtOl'

Do. Embezzlcment Ulllawflll })osseRsiotl (collllnitmcntl Brellcll of contl'llct ])escrtinK fllmily Abscouding ,lebtor

D o. Supplyiu!( li(juort ILbodg-iual D:ltive's Mm-del' LllrcellY hy bailee H OI'.e Rteu linK Lnrceny by bailee

))0 . Abscondin", deutol' UlIlawful lJossession Deserting' child

Page. ~I.! JHtl(1

15~ 13." l~~ ~!l

l:i I

i."):! l-l<; 13!l

151. l.,\q


7" iK iH

15!J 1115 1:lS l;l~

167 lI5 1.'"

l.''>~ 105 IOU 11.', ml

15, 11 5 15fl l:jll 11 1,~)

7'l'< l.'W I~!J


Condition. Rep:. No. or late

Reg. So.


Sentence. Where Committed. Date of Discharge. Bate of

Group Photo.

From Fremantle Prison, during the week ending Saturday, 2nd June, 1.900.

Female Do.

Free ... Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Female Free ...

Do. Do. Do.

E x p . ...

Pejiiale F ree ...

Do. Female Free . .


Do. Do. Do. Do.



F 9 F 7 2 1734 1257

1915 34.34 4263 4264

F 1 6 0 3329 3879 4279 4211


F 1 8 2686 3831 FG2 1896


4266 4267 4245 3860



Jones, Mary Jane . . . Molyneatix, Lizzie Ryan. Thomas Kelly, Ed. or John

Fisher , John Hogan, W m . Watson, Thomas ... Richardson, Peter . . . Wilson, Lizzie Cleino, Henry Seally, Edward ... Mills, Percy O t t o , Alf., alias

Hot t e r

Harr ison, John

Reid, Sarah Neilson, John McGrath , W m . ,,, McCaffery, Mar^faret Wallace, H u g h

Werner , Karl

Bolten, Will iam ,,, Bolten, Herman ... Thomas, John S. ... Jones, David, alias

Watk ins McDonald, Hugh ,

aiias Grant , Hugh Chambers, Henry , , ,

Id le and disorderly Disorderly Drunk Disorderly ; res is t ing ;

damaging uniform

Disorderly Do, "

P lay ing an unlawful game Disorderly

Do Idle and disorderly Larceny ... Disorderly (fine paid) ... Assaul t ; disorderly

Selling liquor without license

Drunk Unlawful possession Idle and disorderly Drunk Forgery and u t t e r i ng ...

Breach of Railway Regu­lat ions

Do Do

Larceny ... Idle and disorderly

Larceny ...

Rogue and vagaboml: in­decent exposure

6 weeks h.l. ,,, 44s. or 14 days h.l . ,,, 20s. or 14 days h,l. , , . 24s. or 7 days h . l . ;

7 days h.l. (cum.); £2 17s. or 7 days h.l. (con.)

14 days h.l. ,.. 14 days h.l. ,,. 7 days h.l. ... 22s. or 7 days h.l . . . . 228. or 7 days h.l. ... 2 months h.l. 12 months h.l. 20s. or 1 month h.l. 27s. or 7 days h . l . ;

22s. or 7 days h.l. (con.)

22s. or 14 days h i , , , .

21 days h,l. ... 3 mo n t h s h.l . 3 months h.l. 5s. or 3 days h i . 2 years h.l. ...

14 days h.l. ...

14 days h.l. ... 14 days h.l. ... 1 month h.l. 3 months h.l.

6 months h.l.

1 month h.L; 1 month h.l. (cum.)

F r e m a n t l e P e r t h ,., F r e m a n t l e P e r t h

llitllanct .Juurtinn

Do. Pe r t h ... F r eman t l e P e r t h ...

Do. Bunbury . . . F r eman t l e P e r t h ...


Do. F reman t l e

Do. Do.

Sup. Court, Pert l i

Wag in

Do. Do.

P e r t h Do.

Albany ,,,

Per th ,..

28th 28th 28th 28th

28th 28th 28th 28th 30th 30th 30th 30th 31st


May ... do. ... do. ... do. ...

do. ... do. ... do. ... do. ... do. ... do. ... do. ... do. ... do. ...

do. ...

1st J u n e ... 1st 1st 2nd 2nd


2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd



do. ... do. ... do. ...

do. .,.

do. ... do. ... do. ... do. ...

do. ...

do. ...

July , 1899

Sept., 1899 June , 1899

May, 1900

Jan., 1899 Jan., 190(1

June, 1900

May. 1899

From Carnarvon Gaol, during the three weeks ending 21st April, 1900.

Free ... Ab .na t . F ree ...

Do. Do. 1 ...

Brazier, Har ry Mima alias J immy Jones, J . Edwards , F . Ah Boon

Disorderly Breach of cont rac t Unlawful possession Drunk A ssaitlt

1 month h.l. 1 mon th h.l. 1 month h.l. 7 days h.l. .. 2 months h.l.

Carnarvon Do.

Shark 's Bay Carnarvon


2nd Apri l . 2nd do. .

18th do. , 17th do. . 20th do. ,

F ree ...

From Northam Lock-up. during the week ending 26th May. 1900.

Roush, John Adam I Idle and di.sorderly ,,, 7 days h.l. ,,. ... Nor tham | 23rd May

From Neivccirile Gaed, during Ihe ivi'ek ending 2tith May, 1900.

Free ...

Do. Female

Do. Do.

Hodder , Wil l iam .

Mack, John Sarah (ab. nat . ) Maggie (ab. na t . ) . Fannie (ab. uat . ) .

Breach of Railway By- I 40s. or 21 days h.l. ,,, laws I

Do ... ' 40s. or 21 diiys h.l. ,,, Disorderly ,,, ,,, 3 days h. l . ...

Do. ,., ,,, ,,. :? days h.l. ,,, Do. ... ,,. ... 3 days li.l. ,,,

Nor tham 21st May

Do. ... i 21st do. Newcastle ! 26th do.

Do. ... 2Gth do. Do. ,,, ' 26th do.

From Broome Gaol, during the four weeks endinq ,5fh May, WOO.

Free ...

Do. Ab. na t .

Do. Do.

F e r r e l l , Jus t ino , Supplying li(iuor to ab- | 3 months h. aiias Por to Rica original na t ives ; assau l t ; days h.l.

Su Sang Larceny ... 6 mon ths h.l. Macan alias Makan Breach of contract ... 14 days h.l. ...

aiias Bobby T ingar ry Kill ing cat t le 2 years h.l. ,,, Worida Do 2 years h.l. ,,,

* Deceased.

14 Broome

Do. Do.

l l t h April

*20th April 23rd do.

Hal l ' s Creek 2nd May Do. ... ; 2nd do.


Ite~. No. Condition. 01' la.te

lteg . .'i o.


Name. Offence.



Sentence. Where Committed.

Date o~ Discharlle I Date ot . a ,'ou p Photo.

---1---- ----

Fema,le Do.

Free ... Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Female Free ...

Do. Do. Do.

Exp . ...

Female Free ...

Do. Female Free .


Do. Do. Do. Do.



Free ... Ab. nat. Free ...

Do. Do.

Free ...

Free ...

Do. Female

Do. Do.

Free .. ,

Do. Ah. ll>\t.

Do. Do.

I F9 Ji'72 1734 1257

1915 3434 4263 4264

F lliO 3829 3879 42i9 4211


F 18 I 2686

3831 It' (j~ 1896


4266 426i 4245 3860



F?-01n Fremantle P1'ison, dnring the 1l1eek enilinq 8atu?'day, 2nd June, 1900.

Jones, Mary Jane ... Idle and disorderly (j weeks h.1. . Fremantle 28th May

Molyneanx, Lizzie Disorderly 4ts. or 14 days h.l .... Perth 28th do.

Ryan. Thomas Drunk 20s. or 14 days h .1.. .. Freman tle 28th (10. July, 1899 Kelly, Ed. or John Disorderly ; resisting 24s . or 7 da,ys h.1. ; Perth ~Hth do.

c1a,maging uniform 7 days h.1. (cum.); £2 17s. or 7 days h.1. (con.)

Fisher, John Disorderly 14 days h.1. )lirtland .Jul1rtiol1 28th do. Sept., 1899 Hogan, Wm. Do. 14 da,ys h.1. . Do. 28th do. '" June, IH99 Watson, Thomas ... Playing an unlawful game 7 days h.1. ... Perth ... 28th do. Richardson, P et er .. . Disorderly 22s. or 7 days h.1.. .. I Fremantle 28th do. Wilson. Lizzie Do. 22s. or 7 days h .1. ... Perth ... 80th do. ClelDo, Henry Idle :md disorderly 2 months h.1. I Do. . .. 30th do. Scally, Edward La,rceny 12 months h.l. I Bunbury ... :~oth do . May, ]900 Mills, Percy Disorderly (fine paid) .. . 20s. or 1 month h.1. Fremantle 80th do. Otto. Alf., alias Assault; disorderly 27s. or i days h.l.; Perth 31st do.

Hotter 22s. or 7 days h.1. (con.)

Harrison, John Selling liquor without 22s. or 14 days h.1 .... Do. :31st do. license

RE:!id, Sarah Drunk 21 days h .1. ... Do. 1st June Neilson. John Unlawful possession 3 months h.1. Fremantle 1st do. Jan .. 1899 McGrath, Will. Idle and disorderly 3 months h.1. Do. 1st do. J an., 1900 McCaffery, Margaret Drunk .)s. or :3 ChLyS h 1. Do. 2nd do. . .. Wall ace, Hugh Forgery and uttering 2 years h.1. .. . Snp. Court, 2nd do. June, HIOO

Perth \-Verner, Karl Breach of Railway Regn- 14 days h.1. ... V,'agin 2nd do.

lations Bolten, William Do. 14 days h.1. .. Do. 2nd do. Bolten, Herman Do. 14 days h.l . . .. Do. 2nd do. Thomas, John S. Larceny 1 month h.l. Perth 2nd do. Jones, David, alias Idle and disorderly :3 months h.1. Do. 2nd do.

Watkins McDonald, Hllgh, Larceny . .. G months h.1. Alha,ny . . . 2nd do. May. IH99

alias Grant, Hngh Chambers. Henry ... Rogue and vagabond: in- l1110nth h .1.; 1 month Perth 2nd do.

decent exposure h.1. (emu.)

F1'om Ca1'nm'von Gaol, dltring the thee 1I)fPlcs ending 2ht April, 1.900.

Brazier, Harry Disorderly 1 month h.1. Carnarvoll 2nd April ... alias Jimmy Breach of con tract 1 month h.1. I Do. . .. 2nd do.

. Jones. J. Unlawful possession 1 month h.!. Shark's Bay Ulth do. Edwards, F. Dl'lmk 7 days h.1. Carnarvon 17th do . I ... ... Ah Boon Assault 2 months h.1. Do. . .. 20th do. I

From Nrn·tham Lock-np. ell/ri/if! th e leeek ending 26th May. 1.9()().

Roush, John arlarn I Irlle and rliS()l'del'ly 7 days h.l. Northnm I 23rd Mn.y

From N elvc(/,;f{p G(/ol. d/(/'inU th e l()peT.- flldillft 2fith May. l.9()O .

Hodder, William .. . Bren. 'h of wa.y B.v- 40s. 01'21 days h.1. NOl'tlmlll 21st Ma.y laws

)bck, John Do. 40s. or 21 days h.1. . Do. ... 21st do. Sarah (ab. nat.) Disordel'ly :{ days h.!. Newcastlp 26th do. Maggie (ah. nat.) ... Do. :-\ days h.1. Do. 2lith do. FlLnnie (ab. nat.) ... Do. 3 rl a.y. h.1. Do. 20th do.

F,.om BroomI' Gaol, ell/ring thl:' fOI/)' I"Pelr.~ Priding 5th May, ).<)00.

F en'ell, Justino, Snpplying liquor to ab- 3 months h.!. ; 14 Broome 11th April ... ar ias Porto Rica. originalllatives ; a sf\.ult days h .!.

Sn Sang Larceny .. . 6 months h.1. Do. "20th April Macan alias Makan Breach of contract 14 days h.1. '" Do. 23rd do.

alias Bobby Tingarry Killing cattle 2 years h.l. Hall's Cre(~k 2nd May Worirla Do. 2 y<'ars h.1. Do. 2ncl do .

• D(·ren5"('(] ..


P r i s o n e r s T)isch.aTged.—continued.

BuiK. No. T'oiidltiou. or late

Ueg, No, Name. Offence, Where Com­

mitted. Date of Discharge. Gr.iiip r h o t ' i

Free ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Ab. nat. Do. Do. Do, Do.

Free ...

Refusing duty on board ship

3 months h.l.

3 months h.l.

12 months h.l.

3 months h.l.


From Boebourne Gaol, during the four weeks ending 5th May, 1900.

' Muroo Amujail .^ Sakiti Bin Salleh Pedro Gorteris Yekona Imperial Andris Hussan Ahmin Ahmeer Adriana Augustino Ahmat Bin Mahomet Wan Giza ,,. ... j Salley ... ... i Palis Domaso Kelchel Bin Hooker Steele, Gerald ... , Drunk; di.sorderly

I Teedingo ... • ~| Coopeb\ing... ,., ' | Wumanoo ,,, •-- i)- Cattle stealing Kingarangan [ Yellowgarrinberry J Christie, Thomas ... j Supplying liquor to ab

' original natives


Marble Bar

Cossack ...

3rd April

18th do.

26th do.

5th Mav

ESCAPE D 3r»K180:NEliS.

By Authority ; RICHARD PETHEB, Government Printer, Perth.

( ·011(1ItIOD .

Frpe . . , Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Ah.nat. Do. Do. Do. Do.

~'ree ., .

Rp-p;. No. ol"lale

Reg. No.


Prisoners Discharged-continlled.

Name. orrence. en tence. ,,"bere Corn· mitted .

From Ropurnml e Gaol, during th e JOla weeks ending 5th May, 1900.

Muroo Amujail ....


Sakiti Bin Salleh ... P edl'o Gorteris . .. Yekona Imperial ... Andris Hussan . .. Ahmin ... '" Refu~ing- duty on bU<Lrd a lIlonths h .l. Boodarie Ahmeer 'r ... . .. ship Adriana Augustino AbmatBinMahomet Wan Giza . . . Salley Palis Domaso Kelch el Bin Hooker J Steele, Gerald Drunk ; (lisorderly 3 mont hs h.l. Roebourne Teedingo . .. l Coopebung .. . I Wumanoo .. .

I I Cattle t ealing- 12 months h .l. Marble Bar Kingarangan Y ellowgarrin berry J Christie, 'l'bomas .. . Supplying liquor to <~h- :3 months h.l. Cossack . . '

original natives


Date or DI8c11"I"lI:e. \ GI'''UP 1'1101(>. ____________ 1 ________ __

3rd April . ..

18th do.

26th do.

5th May

Gazette I No. NtUllC. Date of escape. District from. Des cri ption and rem a.rk &.

540 5~:l 5.J.3 5-J.6 .'H~ 551 552 55'!' 556 557 560 569 57> .';i5

576 577 5RO SRfi 588

Sf!:! .';9::! 599 tiUI

6O~ 603 605 606

HalTis, Frank MOrl{aH, David McDonald, Jots . Burke, Wm. Evans, Robt . .

I McArthm', F . . SIIlCk, John ... BrosnllJl, Tilllotlly HO]JkiIlS, John J enkins, Wm .. .

I Wntson, 'I'homas . Watson, Chltrles Molyneux, Matthew Beiel, John, alin ~

Price, Cllas . 1 O'Briell, Nichol"R

Mindhllm McPhersoll, Donllld Cosgrove, \Vi!li1lJIl .. ' SillChtir, Henry, n 1 i({ ~

McDpugall, James, (Ilia ...... Cl'oniu, Col'~ nelius

I Stone, William .. ,

I Downs, EdwfU'd .' CI"rke, Andrew . . ., HU ,"flles, Wn1. aita ,",

I Ainsworth, Arthtu·

I Chichoug ... Jolly, Robert .

I ~Tltt SOll, Thomlls Jllckson, J !ls.! ...


6145 10·184



101-87 105H

Free do. do . do. do. do. uo. do. do . do. do. Free T.L. do .

Uo. nb. n<tt. Free do. do.

Free do.

T .I,. Free

Ilb. nat. Free T.L. do.

15th Angu st , 1895 .1 Fremantl e .. 12th Sept ., 1895 Coolgardie 12th Sept. , 1895 Gemldton 1st J anuary, 18f16 Victoria Plains Rrd March, 1896 ' P erth . 17th APli l , 1896 Alhauy 13th June, 1896 Coolgllnlie 20th Augu st, 1 96 Gemldton 9tll Sept. , 1896 Newcastle


9th Sept., 1896 NE'wcastle 17th Sept., 1 96 I Coolgardie Uth June, 1897 \ P erth 25th Dec, 1896 P erth 21st Augu st , 1897 I F reman tle

3Utll \)ct., 1H97 2-ith Dec., 189i 31st Dec. , 1897 4, th July, 1898 I 14th Oct ., l R98

I 9th Dec. , 189S

Do. .

I 31st J an ., 189 2-!th Oct., 1899

23rd Dec. , 1899 3rd March , 1900 A Ug ll st, 1899 :roby 22 , 1900

F remautle Fremltnt le Frelllant le 1{.aigoorlie M t . J\fuk ollll

Pert h Perth Fremantle .. . Collie fie lds

Gemldt on

Northltm " '1 P erth Fremantle

Vide Pofia (i(JZClif' Do. do., ' Do. ' ] 0., Do. do., Do. ,10 . , Do. uo., Do. 110 •• Do. uo., Do. do., Do. d o ., Do. do ., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do .,

Do. do., Do. do .. Do. uo ., Do. do., Do. do.,

Do. do., Do. do., J.JO. do., Do. do.,

Do. do., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do.,

1895, page 160 el o. do. 169 do. do . 169 1896 do. 13 do. do. 53 do. do. 9-i elo. (10. 130 do. do. l OO d c, uo. 207 U0. uo. 207 do. uo. 212 l R97 elo. 1 !I do. do. 2.59 do. do. 395

do. do. 395 do. do . 39.'> 189~ do. 4 elo . do. l25 do. do. 34.3

do. do. H O ilo. do. 410 l w.J elo 2911 do. do. :328

1900 do. l ~ do . do. 7" do. do. 99 do. do. 167

By Authority: RICHARD PETHER, Government PrintRr, Perth.



[Pnhlished by Authority.]

This Gazette is published for Police information only, and the Bolice throughout the Colony

are. insir-ucted to m.iike tliemselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents.

FRED. HARE, Commissioner of Police.

i\o. 24. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13. [1900.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information.

C.O. xlifo-—Notified, for f^eueral infonnatiou, that the following Promotions, Appointments, Dischargees, and Transfers have taken place in the Police Force:—

Promotions : To be Probation Detective, at 9s. per day, from

the 23-5-1900 : First Class Constable W. Douglas, No. 209.

To be Second Class Constables from the dates specified: Probation Constable R. Honner, No. 531, from

12-5-1900. Probation Constable T. Healv, No. 533, from

13-5-1900. Probation Constable W. A. Spark, No. 535,

from 1-6-1900. Appointments :

To be Probation Constables from the dates specified :

Patrick Cahill, No. 573, from 19-5-1900. Mark Pape, No. 574, from 19-5-1900. Edward O'Loughlin, No. 575, from 22-5-1900. Johu Pape, No. 576, from 1-6-1900. Fred. Dally, No. 577, from 1-6-1900.

Discharges -. Second Class Constable T. Wardle, No. 405,

from 31-5-1900. Probation Constable H. Corrj, No. 565, from


Transfers: Corporal J. Fee, No. 60, from Hamelin to Vasse,

15-5-1900. Second Class Detective J. H. Lyuch, No. 173,

from Perth to Albany, 26-5-1900. Second Glass Constable H. Wood, No. 321, from

Perth to Bunbury, 26-5-1900. Probation Constable C. J. H. Brown, No. 562,

from Perth to Fremantle, 26-5-1900.

First Class Constable C. Wisbey, No. 69, from Dongara to Gingin, 1-6-1900.

First Class Constable J. Casserley, No. 59, from Gingin to Dongara, 1-6-1900.

Second Class Constable G. J. Devine, No. 471, from Coolyardie to Marble Bar, 4-6-1900.

FRED. HARE, Commissioner of Police.


CO. y Ho-—Authority officers of the

has been granted for Police Force to wear the undress

patrol jacket of the pattern now worn by Military officers. . Full descrijition of the jacket can he obtained from Chief Office.

FRED. HARE, Commissioner of Police.


Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Vide Police Ga.zette, 1900, page 112, A2/4873. Berth.—The gold safety pin descrilied in the above

reference, the property of Miss Vivienne, has been found, not stolen.

Vide Police Gazette, 1899, page 386, A2/3627. Cossack.—The wa.teh and chain described in the

above reference, the property of Murratta, has been found, not stolen.

Berth.—On the 5th inst., from 315 William Street,—a gentleman's silver curb watch chain, with silver scjuare-shaped locket attached, ornamented case, which will not shut close; the propertv of George King.—A2 5586, Sth June, 1900.

North Eremantle—On the Stli inst., from the owner's dwelliug, Congdoii Terrace, — a silver open-faced key-winding English lever watch. No. 50<'t)i>, " Weudth, Adelaide," on works, and a silver chain.



[Published oy Authority.]

Irh",/< (-} II,zette is p'ublishea Jar Police infoTmation only, and the Police th,.u(~ylwut the Culuny

IJ,rP, in!;h'?lctprJ fo mukP f/,pm!;e.l1)e!; fhm'oughly acquainted with the contents.

FRED. HARE, Commissioner of Police.

No. 24.J WEDNESDAY, J UNE 13. [ 1800.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Informa tion.

C.O. 1 ~h·-N otified, for general information, that the fo llowing Promotiolls, Avpointments, Discharges, and Transfers have taken place in the Police Forc'e: -

Promotions: To be Probation Detective, at 9s. per day, from

the 23·5·1900 : First Class Constable W. Douglas, No. 209.

rl'o be Second Class Constables from the dates sp 'cified : Probation Constable R. Hunner, No. 531, from

12·5-1900. P robation Constable '1'. Healv, No. 533, frol11

13·5-1900. . P robation Constable W. A, ~park, No. 535,

from 1-6·1900.

Appollltments :

To be Pr bation Constables froll the da.tes specified:

P atrick Cahill, No. 573, from 19·5-1900. Mitrk P ape, No. 574, from 19·5-1900. Etlwaru O'Loughlin, No. 575. froll 22-5-1900. J ohn P al e, No, 576, from 1-6·1900. Fred. Dall y, N o. 577, from 1-6·1900.

Discharg('s : Second Class Constable '1'. Ward le , No. 40.5,

from 31·5· 1900. Pr lxttion Constable H. Corry, No. 565, from


Tran-fer : Corpoml J. B'ee, No. tiO, from Hamelin to Vasse,

L'i·5·HWO. ccona la,ss Det "tiyc J. H. Lvnch. No. 173, from Perth to Alba.ny. 2ti-5·H1()O.

el'oml Con ,table H. ,vooa, No. 321, from Pl'l'th to B Ull lmry. 2()-,')-1900.

I I'll ila, t in n COllst:thk C. J. H. Brown, No. 5G2, from Perth to }<'n'UluntlL'. 2G·5·1\lOO.

First Class Con ta.hle C. Wisbev, No. 69, from Dongara to Gingin. 1·6·1900 ..

First Class Constahle J . Cas 'erh'Y, J.. o. 59, from Gingin to Dunga.ra. }-6·1900 ..

Second Cla"s Cnllstahlp G. J. Devine. No. 471, from Coolgardie tu Marble Ba,r, 4·6·1900.

FRED. HARE, Commissioller of PolicE'.


c.O.) ecl".-Autbority has been granted for officers of the Poli('L' FOl'ct, to w'ar the u11o.res pa.trf)l ja,cket of the p,lttel'll now worn hy Military ufficers, Full de 'cription uf the jll 'ket can b· ohtaine<l from Chief Office.


FRED. HARE, Commis ion r of Police.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 112, ..1..24873.

Perth. - The gold safety pin described in the above reference, the property of Miss Vivienne, has been found, not stolen.

Vtde Police Gazette, 1899, page:3 6, A2/3627.

Cossack.-The wah·h and chain described in the aboye reference, the property of Murratta, bas been found, not stolen.

P erth.-On the 5th inst., from 315 William Street,-a gentleman' silvE'r (,l1rb watch ehain, with silver square-haped IOl'kt't attached, urnamenteu case. which will nut hut do;:e i the property of George King,-A2 55 0, 5th June, 1900.

North Fre/llUll fl e. On the .sth inst., fro111 tlw oWller's am·Hing-. Congdoll 'l'erral'e. -a, sil,er ol'l'n· fa('t'tl key.will\1ing English h',er watch, No. 50tHl!). .. \Vendth, Adeluiue," on worb, and a .iln·r chain.


about 12in. long, two links and bow knot alter­nately, with jubilee coin attached; the property of Bartholomew Heury Bainbridge. Suspicion attaches to a girl named Effie McGuinness. Description : — Age about 14 years, height about 5ft., full visage, dark hair and eves, fresh dark complexion.—A2/5606, 6th June. 1900.

Coolgardie—On the 5th inst., from the owner's tent, Renou Street,—a gentleman's silver hunting stera-winding English Waltham watch, " E. Patter­son " engraved inside front case; a gentleman's 15ct. gold small round link double chain, with gold square and compass pendant attached; also, a small nugget through which the chain passes; the propertv of Ernest Patterson.—A2/5608, 7tli June, 1900.

Norseman.—Oil the 26th or 27th ult., a 9ct. gold-mounted light yellow morocco purse, about 5in. by 2|^in., 7 compartments, with gold spring clasp; the property of F. Chales.—A2/5613, 8th Jvme, 1900.

Perih.—During the night of the l l t h inst., in a carriage of the Coolgardie-Perth express train, near Northam,—a gold bangle bicycle chain pattern, with 2 gold Coolgardie Exhibition medals attached; the property of Mrs. J. Fabricius.—A2/5648, 12th June, 1900.

Fremantle.—Duriug May last, from 49 Bellevue Terrace,—a pair of bicycle wheels, Westwood rims, Dunlop tires (new tires and inner tubes), 4 new spokes in front wheel; the propertv of Michael Noonan.—A2/5632, l l t h June, 1900.

Fremantle.—During the night of the 6th inst., from 50 Finnerty Street,—a lady's green striped umbrella, with a twisted green thorn handle, no ferrule on end; a lady's blue check cotton umbrella, handle broken ; and a gentleman's white umbrella; the property of Mrs. Sarah E. Spragg.—A2/5620, 9th June, 1900.

York.—On the 4th inst., from the owner's dwel­ling, Broadlands,—anew brown rug with red squares, size 7ft. X 6ft.; a blue rug, size 7ft. x 6ft.; a light green carpet, size 12ft. x 10ft., much worn; 2 white-handled knives; 1 butcher's knife with red handle and 2 silvei- forks; the property of A. E. Fraser. Sns]iicion attaches to Mark Classville (supposed assumed name), who was discharged from complain­ant's employment on the 4th inst. Description: Medium build, age 66 years, height Sft. lOin. or l l in. , grey hair and whiskers (chin shaved), brown eyes, aquiline nose, thin visage, swarthy complexion, very long arms, slightly stooped, wears dungaree trousers, old tweed coat and cloth cap; a farm labourer; supposed gone to Beverley.—A2/5637, l l t h Juue, 1900.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. Subiaco.—Stolen, on the Sth inst., from the

owner's dwelling, Perth Street, entrance being effected by forcing the back door,—a rolled gold open-faced stem-winding American watch; a lady's silver hunting key-winding English lever watch, ornamented case; a ISct. gold curb chaiu, with pendant attached, containing a stone, dark green on one side, light green on the other ; a lady's 18ct. gold 3-strand fob chain, with a movable clasp in the centre, and a gold bell-shaped locket attached; a

plain gold horse shoe pin ; a 9ct. gold ring set with a greenish coloured stone; an 18ct. gold brooch,_2 swallows and heart set with a small diamond in centre ; a gold bar brooch with a black beetle having two small rubies for eyes; a pair of gold drop-shaped ear-rings, each set with a small diamond; a pair of lady's gold dumb-bell sleeve links, connected by three small links; a red Morocco purse, containing 17s., a German pfenning, aud a wish bone ; a cigar box, coutaining three sovereigns and a receipt for a cash box containing title deeds deposited at the Deposit Bank, St. George's Terrace; a lady's black ribbed silk skirt lined with blatik lustre; a lady's light fawn satin cape, high collar, oval-shaped pearl buttons; a pair of black cloth dress trousers; a gentleman's Islack waterproof coat and cape, velvet collar, " General Gordon " pattern ; a white blanket, bound at ends with navy blue worsted; a pair of new " P.D." corsets, size 21 ; a white silk handker­chief, hand stitched, and a German rosewood musical box with one music disc; the property of Richard Ranch. A2/560S, 6th June, 1900.

Horses, Cattle, etc. Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 173, A2/5513.

Bunbury.—The pony described in the above refer­ence, the property of Thomas Sutherland, has beeu found, not stolen.

Vide Folice Gazette, 18i)9, page 326, A2/3010.

Mt. Malcolm.—The brown horse described in the above reference, the property of John Murdoch, has been found, not stolen.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1899, page 370, A2/3458. ICookynie —The horse described in the above refer­

ence, the property of J. H. Ehlert, has been recovered by P.C. H. S. Crommelin.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1899, page 348, A2/3235.

Mi. Morgan.—The horse described in the above reference, the property of W. F. C. Father, has been found, not stolen.

Boulder.—Stolen, during the night of the Sth inst., near Boulder Racecourse,—a sable and white collie stud dog, very heavy coat, large bushy tail, a recently-healed scar on flap of left ear, has on a leather collar 2iu. wide, answers to *' Jock " ; the property of P. J. Green.—A2/S644, 12th June, 1900.

Mount Morgans.—During the night of the 29th ult.,—a chestnut mare, aged 6 years, light draught, 1S | hands high, branded H 2 L over S W O near shoulder, star and snip on face; the property of William Chas. Stokesbury.-A2/S64S, 12th June, 1900.

Mount Morejans.-P-ar'm^ the night of the 24th ult., a black gelding, aged, branded J P (conjoined) near shoulder, S (sloping) L R (R reversed) on ribs; the property of Wm Chas. Stokesbury.— A2/5646, 12th June, 1900.

about 12i11. long, two 1111ks and how knot alter­nately, with juhilee coin attached; the property of Bartholomew Henry Bainbridge. Suspicion attaches to a girl named Effie M(·Gninness. Description :­Age about ] 4 yea,rs, height about 5ft., fu ll visage, dark hitil' and eyes, fresh <lark complexion.-A2/5606, 6th June. 1900.

Coolganlie.-On the 5th inst., from thE' owner's tent, Renou Street,-a gentleman's silver hunting stern-winding English Wa,ltlmm watrh, "E. Patter­son" engraved inside front (,a,se; a gentleman's 1.5et. gold small rouncllink double chftin, with ~old squarp and compass pendant attached; also. a sma,ll nugget through which the chain passes; the property of Ernest Patterson.--A2/5608, 7th June, 1900.

Norsemall. - Onthe26thor27thult .. lt 9ct. gold ­moulltedlight yellow moroc(;o pnrse, about 5in. by 2tin., 7 compartmPllt:s, I?ith !{old spring clasp; th'e property of F. Chales.-A2.5613, Sth June, 1900.

Perth.-During the night of the 11th inst., in a. carriage of the Coolgardie-Perth express train, near N ortharn,-a gold bangle bicycle chain pattern, with 2 gold Coolgardie Exhibition medals attached; the property of Mrs. J. Fabricius.-A2/5648, 12th June, 1900. '

Frelllarltle. - Dnring May last, from 49 Bellevue Terrace, - a pair of bicyde wheels, Westwood rims, Dunlop tires (new tire and inner tubes), 4 new spokes in front wheel; the property of Michael Noonan. - A2, ,5682, 11th June, 1900.

Fl'emantle.-During the night of the 6th inst., from 50 Fi!lnerty S~reet.-a. ' lady'S green striped um brella, WIth a tWlsted green thorn handle, no ferrule on end; a lady" blue check cotton umLrella. handle broken; and a gentleman'S white umbrella; the property of Mrs. Sarah E. 5620, 9th June, 1900.

York. - On the 4th in. t., from the owner's dwel­l~ng, ~roadlands,-a new brown rug with red squares, SIze 7ft. x 6ft. ~ a hlue rug, size 7ft. x 6ft.; a light green carpet, SIze 12ft. x 10ft .. much worn; 2 white­hu.n<1led knivf's; 1 butcher's knife with red handle ana ? 8ilver fork ' ; the property of A. E. Fraser. SmpH'Ion attaches to Mark Clas:lville (supposed assumed name ), who was discharged from complain­ant's. el11plo~ment on tbe 4th inst. Description: M~dlUm bUlld, age 66 years, height 5ft. lOin. or 11lD. , grerhair and ~hiskers (chin shavpd), brown eyes, aqmlme nose, ~hlll visage, swarthy complexion, very long arms, slIghtly stooped, wears (lungaree trouHers, old tweed ('oat and 'loth cap; a farm labourer; supposed gOlle to Reverlev.-A2/5637, 11th June, 1900. .

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. 8I1uioco.--Stolen, on the .sth inst. from the

o~vn 'r's rlwellin}5', Perth Street, ent{'ance being effected b.y forcll~g ~he back door,-a rolled gold open-fa<.:ed stem-wlllc1mg' Ameri('an watch· a lady's silver hunting key-winding English lev~r watch, ornamented case; a 15ct. gold ('urb chain with l)ellcbnt a,ttachec1, ('ontaining a stone, dark ()';een on one l>i<1e, light green on the other; a lady's 18ct. "old 8-stmnd fob chain, a movahle cla.sp in b the centre, and a gold locket attached· a ,


plain gold horse shoe pin; a 9ct. gold ring set with a greenish coloured stone; an l Sct. gold brooch, 2 swallow,.: and heart set with a sma.ll diamond in centre; tt gold bar brooch with a black beetle having two small rubies for eyes; a pair of gold drop-shaped ear-rings, eacb set with a small diamond; a pair of lady's gold dumb-bell sleeve links, connected by three smalllinh; a red Morocco purse, containing 17s., a German pfenning, aud a wish bone; a cigar box, containing three sovereigns and a receipt for a ca"h hox containing title deeds deposited at tbe Depo it Bank, St. GeOl'ge's Terrace; a lady's black rihbed silk skirt lined with black lUl>tre; a lady's light fawn satin cape, high collar, oval-shaped pead buttons; a of black cloth dress trousers; a gentleman'S black waterproof coat and cape, velvet collar, "General Gordon" pattern; a white blanket, bound at ends with navy blue worsted; a pair of new "P.D." corsets, size 21; a white silk handker­chief, hn,nd stikhed, and a German rosewood llJUsical box with (lne music di (;; the property of Richard Rauch. A2/5605, 6th June, 1900.

Horses, Cattle, etc. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 173, A2j5513.

Bunbn?·y.-The pony described in tbe above refer­ence, the property of Thomas Sutherlanu., has been found, not stolen.

Vide Police Gazette, 1sn9, page 326, A2/301O.

Mt. Malcolm.-The brown horse described in the above reference, the property of John M urdoch, has been found, not stolen.

Vide Police Gazette, 1899, page 370, A2 / 345S.

Kookynie. --The hor:se described in the above refer· en(;e, the property of J. H. Ehlert, has been recovered by P.C. H. S. Crommelin.

Vide Polire Gazette, 1899, page 348, A2/3235.

Mt . .Dforgan.-The horse descrIbed in the above reference, the property of W. F. C. Eather, has been fonnd, not stolen.

Boulde?·.-Stolen, during the night of the 8th inst., near Boulder Racecourse,-a sable and white collie tuu. clog, very hea.vy coat, large busby tail, a recently­

healed scar on flap of left ear, has on a leathrr collar 2in. wide, answers to "Jock"; the property of P. J. Green.-A2/5644, 12th June, 1900.

1J,Iount M01·gans.-During the night of the 29th ul\,-a cb('s~nut mare, aged 6 yearb, light draught. 152 bu.nds hIgh, branded H 2 L over S W 0 near shoulder, star and snip on face' the property of William Chas. Stokesbury.-A2/5645 12th June 1900. ."

Mount M01·gan~.-During the night of the 24th ult., a black geldmg, ag.ed, branded JP (conjoineu.) n.ear shoulder, S (slopmg) L R (R reversed) on nbs; ,tbe property of Wm Chas. Stokeshurv.-A2/5646, 12th June, 1900. .


Apprehensions. Vide Police Gexzette, 1900, page 98, W. 223 1900.

DAVID GALLOWAY STEWAET, at Fremantle, on the 7th inst., by Cox. W. F. Hopkins. Di.scharged. General warrant issued.

Vide PoUce Gexzette, 1900, page 167.

JAMES GOUGH (arrested by P.C. W. Brown), brought up at Perth, on the 6th inst. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 16.=5. WILLIAM G E I F F I N (arrested by P.C. M. P. Barry),

brought up at Perth on the 7th inst. Committed for trial.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 166, W. 391/1900. FLOEENCE PEICE, at Kalgoorlie, on the 6th inst.,

by P.Cs. W. Duggan and Wm. C. Cordell. Re­manded to Fremantle. Property recovered.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 99, W, 22.5/1900.

BARTLEY HARRINOTON, at Norseman, on the 6th inst., by P.P.C. W. J. Dunstan.

CARIM, at Broome, on the 19th ult., by Corpl. F-E. Fox and P.C. C. H. Watson; larceny. Com­mitted for trial. Property recovered.

HIDGEE, at Broome, on the 19th ult., by Corpl. F. R. Fox, and P.C. C. H. Watson; unlawful jjossession. 3 months h.l.

JOHN JOSEPHS, at Broome, on the 19th ult., by Corpl. F. R. Pox, P.C. C. H. Watson, aud W.P.C. Ellice; larceny. Coiumitted for trial. Property recovered.

HAREY WILTSHIRE, at Marble Bar, on the 10th ult., by P.C. W. Hughes; idle and (lisorderly. 7 days h.l.

ARTHUR O'CALLAGHAN, at Northam, on the 7th inst., by P.C. R. J. Furlong; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.l.

GEORGE ALDERTON, at Boulder, on the 31st ult., by P.Cs. G. W. Hornsby and H. Williams; larceny from dwelling. 3 months h.l.

JOHN B . CRANSTON, at Coolgardie, on the 7th inst., by P.Cs. E. J. McLernon and Chas. Muller; unlawful possessipn (2 charges). 1 month h.l. and 2 months h.l.

PATRICK BEENNAN, at Coolgardie, ou the 7th inst., by P.Cs. E. J. McLernon, and Chas. Muller ; unlaw­ful possession. 2 nionths h.l.

THOMAS SMITH, at Kalgoorlie, on the 31st ult., by Det. A. Dunn, ou warrant; false pretences. Com­mitted for trial.

ROBERT A. HILDITCH and A L F . THOMAS, at Kal­goorlie, on the 28th ult., by the Kalgoorlie police; assisting in conducting a common gaming house. 40s. fine aud costs each.

FREDERICK STEPHENS, at Boulder, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. G. A. Fraser; larceny. =£1 fine. Property recovered.

MAY SHAW, at Boulder, on the 2nd inst., by P.Cs. G. W. Hornsby aud G. A. Fraser ; larceny. 30 days imprisonment. Property recovered.

FREDERICK H . WALDRON, alias XELSOX. at Boulder, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. J. £ . Vaughan : disorderly, ^£1 fine or 48 hours impt.; attempted imposition, 2 months h.l. Further charged by Sergt. J. Kingston; imposition (2 charges). 6 and 3 months h.l. (cumulative).

ARTHUR HIGGS and JOHN BUTTON, at Boulder, ou the 4th inst,, by Dets. W. H. Renfrey and S. A. Fox ; larceny. Discharged under the First Offenders Act. Property recoverecl.

HARRY ALNWICK, GEO. H . WRIGGLESWORTH, and JULIAN MENDELSSOHN, at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by the Kalgoorlie police; assisting in con­ducting a common gaming house. Alnwick, 40s. fine and costs; Wrigglesworth and Mendelssohn, 20s. fine aud costs each.

DANIEL CARROLL, alias PATRICK CREEDON, at Ouslow, on the 22ud ult,, by P.C. Smith; disorderly. 3 months h.l.

MINIME (Japanese), at Cossack, on the 20th ult., by W.P.C. G. Fry; larceny (2 charges). 4 nionths h.l. on each charge (concurrent).

MAHOMET BIN A L I , at Broome, on the l l t h ult., by W.P.C. H. R. Ellice ; attempted murder. Com­mitted for trial.

OsMAN BIN OUSIN, at Broome, on the l l t h ult.; larceny, 3 months h.l.; deserting ship, 3 weeks h.l. (cumulative).

JOHN MONTEITH, at Kalgoorlie, on tiie 2nd inst., by P.C. W. Lynn ; rape. Committed for trial.

CHARLES DEMPSEY, at Kalgoorlie, on the 71 h inst., by P.C. Janies Burrows ; disorderly. 1 month h.l.

RICHARD BELMORE. at Northam. on the 7th inst., by P.Cs. J. Gollan and R J. Furlong; idle and dis­orderly. 3 weeks h.l.

JAMES LYONS, at Northam, on the 7th inst., by P.C. J. Gollan; idle and disorderly. 2 months h.l.

JOHN O'DEA, at Northam, on the 7th inst., by P.C. R. J. Furlong; idle and disorderiv, 1 month h,l.

ALFRED MORTON, at Perth, on tlie 1st inst., by P.Cs. W. Whyte and M. McAuley; idle and dis­orderiv. 2 months h.l.

SING LEE, at Leederville, on the 31st ult., by Corpl. E. Peirl and P.C. T. Richardson, ou warrant; indecent exposure; 6 months h.l.

WILLIAM WHELAN, at Perth, on the Sth inst., by P.C. A. Farmer; disorderly, 20s. fiue or 7 days h.L; idle and disorderly, 1 month h.l. (cumulative).

PETER VIGO, exp., late Reg. No. 10086, at Perth, on the l l t h inst.. by P.C. R. Love; idle and dis­orderiv. 4 nionths h.l.

CHARLES MCLEAN, at Perth, on the 6th inst., bv P.C. P. Carroll; unlawful possession, 2 mouths h.l.

ALFRED W I S E , t.l., Reg. No. 10S12, at Perth, on the 7th inst., by P.C. R, Love; breach of T.L. Regu­lations, 40s. fine or 14 days h.l. ; giving false name, 20s. fijie or 7 days h.l. (cumulative).

ApprehensioIls. V';d~ p(Jli ~e Gazette, 190f), pa~e n , 1V. 22:3 1900.

DAVID GALLOWAY STEIVART, a.t FrelIHtDth .. on the 7tl inst., by Cox. W . F. Hopkins. Dis('ha.r(J·ed. Genoml warrant issu(:'el "

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 167.

JAlIIES GOUGH (arrested hy P .C. W. Brown), brought up at Perth, on the 6th inst. Dis(·harw"(l.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 1f.i5.

WILLIAM GRIFFIN (arrested hy P.C. M. P. Barry), brought up :tt. P erth on the 7th inst. Committe(1 for t.rial.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 166, W. 891 /1900.

FLORENCE PRICE, at Kalgoorlie, on the 6th inst., by P.Cs. W. Duggan and Wm. C. Cordf'l1. Re­manded to Frema.ntle. Property recovered.

Vide Police Gazette, HJOO, page DU, W. 22.3 / H100.

BARTLEY HARRING'I'ON, at NorReman, on the Gth inst., hy P.P.C. vV. J. DUllstau.

CARIM, at Broome, on the 19th ult., by Corp1. F. R. Fox and P.C. 0 . H . Watson; larceny. Com­mitted for trial. Property recover ,d.

HIDGEE, at Broome, Oll th 19t.h ult., by Corpl. F. R. Fox, and P.C. C. H. WfLtson ; unlawful possession. 3 month ' h.1.

JOIIN JOSEPHS, at Bl'Oome, on the 19th nit ., bv Oorp1. F. R. Fox, P.C. C. H. Wa.tson, and W.P.C. Ellice; lar ·cny. CO lllmitted for trial. Property re c()vereel.

HAltRY WILTSHIRE, at Marhle Bar, on the 10th ult., by P.C. W . Hnglws; idle and disorderly . 7 days h.1.

ARTHUR O'CALLAGHAN, at Northam , on thl' 7th in ·t., by P .C. R. J. Furlong ; idle and di sorderly . 1 month h.1.

GruORGE ALDERTON, a,t BOlll<l 'r , on tht' 31st nit., by P .Cs. G. W. Hornsby antl H. vVillia.lllR; hue'ny from dwelling. 3 months h .1.

JOHN B. CRANSTON, a.t Coolgardie, on the 7th inst. , by P.Cs. E. J . McLernon and Chas. Muller ; unlawful possessiQn (2 charges). 1 montL h.l. a.nd 2 month h .1.

PAT RICK BRENNAN, at Coolgardie, on the 7th inst., by P .Cs. E. J. McLernon, ,md Cha . Muller; unlaw­ful possession. 2 months h.1.

THOMAS SMITH, a.t Ka.lgoorlie , on the 31st uIt., b:v D t . A. Dunn, on wa.rrH,nt. ; false pretpnces. Com­mitted for tri,d.

ROBER'l' A. HILDITCH and ALF. THOM AS, at Kal­gOOl'li" on the 2 th uIt., by the Kalgoorlie poliee; Cl:lsi ting in conducting a common gaming bou e. 40s. fine and costs eacL.

FREDERICK STEPHENS, ,Lt Boulder, on the 2nd inst., by p.a. G. A. Fra 'er ; lcLreeny. £1 fine. Property l' covered.

MAY i::iHAW, at Boulcler, on tbe ~1ll1 in 't., b.'· P .Cs. G. \V. Horn by and G. A. Fra er; larceny. 30 days impri onm nt. Property l' coverell.

1 1

FREDERICK B. \\TALDRO.T, ulia.~ ~~EL~O.". at Bouldpr, on the 2nd in<;t., hI' p, . J. E \Clllgh lll: disorrlf-'rly, £1 fine or 4 ~ h;)llrs iml't.; attellll tell imIJ(Jsitiun, 2 months h.1. Furtlwr l'han,!'<:,,1 h.'" . eJ'l..!'t. .T. King ton; iml",sitinn (2 l'har\!e". 6 anll :3 month' b.1. (cwnnlatiw).

ARTHUR HIGG an(l J OH," B tJTTOS. at Boulller, on the 4tb int., bv Det . W H. Renfre\' and . A, Fox; larcenv. Die'barge!l uncleI' the Fir~t Offender;; Ad. Propei'-ty recovered.

HARRY ALSWICK, GEO. H. 'YRIOGLE WORTH, anll J ULIAN }IESDEL OH~, at Kalgoorlie. on the :2 th ult., by the Kalgoorlip police; a, 'i,.ting in ('(In­ducting a. common gaming house. Alnwiek. 40'. fiue a.nd eo:h>; '\Vrigglesworth and lIenll 'l:s~ollll, 20.'. fine and wst pach.

DANIEL CARROLL, JlliJ/.~ PATRICK CREEDO., at On low, on the :2:2nellllt., b\ P.C. mitb: cli nnlvrh". 3 months b.1.· .

lINIME (Japanese). at Cos aek. on the :Wth lilt., by \V.P.O. G. Fry; lareeny (2 charges). 4 month h.1. on each charge (concurrpnt).

MAHOMET BIN ALl, at Broome, on the 11th nIt., by W.P.C. H. R. Elli('e; attempteel ll1unler. COlll­mitted for trial.

OSlAN BIN OUSIN, at Broome, on the 11th nlt.; larcen y, 3 month h.l.; ele 'crting hip,:3 w('eb; 11.1. (cunn~lati ve).

J OHN MONTEITH, at Kalgoorlie, on tlw ~nd imt., by P.C. W. L.vnn; rapt'. Committed for trial.

UHARLES DEl\lPSEY, ,Lt Kalgoorlie, on th· 7th inst., hy P.C. J Burrows; el isord>rly. 1 month h.1.

RI HARD BELl\IORE, at NOI'tham. Oll tll(' 7th inst., by P. 's. J. Gnllan anll R J. Furlong; idl(' awl (lis­orderly. :3 weeks h.1.

JAME LYONS, at orthalll, on the 7th inst., l)v P.C. J . Gollan; idle and disorclerlv. 2 months h.1. .

JOHN O'DEA, ,Lt Northam, on the 7th inst., by P.C. R. J . Furlong; i(11e and di ·ord!'rly. 1 month h.1.

~\.LFRED MORToN, at Perth, on the 1st inst., by F .C . W. Wbvte and 1. MeAnIe,...; iell., and dis­orderly . 2 month h.1.

Suw LEE, at LcelIerville, on the :31st nIt., by Corp1. E. Peirl and P.C. T. Riehardson, on warrant; indecent expo ure; 6 mont bs h.1.

\VILLLA.l\I ,\VHELAN, at Perth, Oll the .5tb inst., by P.C. A. Farmer; disorcll'r1.v, ~OS. fine or 7 clays h.1.; idle and disorderly, Imontb h.1. (cu1l1ulativp).

PETER VWO, exp .. late Reg. No. 100 6, at Perth, on the 11th inst., bv P.C. R. Love; idle an(1 dis­orderly. 4 months h.1.

CHARLE ;}lcI,EAN, at Perth, on tlw Hth inst., hv P.C. P. Can'oll; nnJcmfnl po' 'es ·ion. :2 months h.i.

ALFRED 'YISE, t.1., Reg. No. 1051:2, at Perth. on the 7th inst., bv P .. R. Love; breach of T .L. R"trll­lation , 40s. fiu'e or 14 day h.1.; giving fal ~e name, 20'. fine or 7 day' h.1. (cumulative).


GEORGE LIVINGSTONE, at Perth, on the 7th inst., by P.C. J. Goode, on warrant; assaulting a female. 20s. fine aud costs, or 7 days h.l.

WILLIAM HOGAN alias SNOWY HOGAN, at Perth, on the Sth inst., by P.Cs. R. Love and W. Eynon; idle and disorderly, "l month h.l.; obscenity, 14 days h.l. (cumulative).

HUGH WALLACE, at Albany, on the 6th inst., by Det. J. H. Lynch, on warrant; being indebted to Edward Reynolds in the sum of ^18 9s. Discharged. General warrant issued.

JAMES WALSH, at Fremantle, on the 7th inst., by P.C. J. W. Bailey, on warrant; assault and robbery. Remanded to Perth.

HARRY WILLIAMS, at Lawlers, on the 28th ult., by Corpl. H. P. Breen and P.C. Smith; larceny. 6 months h.l.

CRISTIA DOCK, at Lawlers, on the 29th ult., by Corpl. H. P. Breen; larceny. 6 months h.l.

WILLIAM MCGRATH, at Fremantle, on the Sth inst., by P.C. J. McTavish; unlawfully on premises, 21 days h.l. ; unlawful possession, 3 months h.l. (cumulative).

WILLIAM WILLIAMS, at Kalgoorlie, on the Sth inst., by P.Cs. James Porter a u d F . M . Duugey; lar­ceny. 2 months h.l.

WILLIAM LOHMAN, at Albany, on the 2nd inst., by S.P.C. Peter Mouchmore; attempted unnatural offence. Committed for trial.

GEORGE PHELPS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 9th inst., by Dets. P. D. Kavanagh and A. Dunn; obscenity. 1 month h.l.

EDWARD HALLES, at Kalgoorlie, on the 9th inst., by P.C. M. O'Donoghue; disorderly. 1 month h.l.

THOMAS DONNELLAN, at Mt. Morgans, on the 28th ult., by Corpl. M. Sullivan; larcenv from premises. Committed for trial. Pro2,ierty recovered.

ALBERT KISSEL, at Lawlers, on the Sth inst., by Corpl. H. P. Breen; assaulting Police. ^20 fine.

SAMUEL FLETCHER, at Menzies, on the 25th ult., by P.C. C. J. Hynes ; unlawful possession (2 charges). 3 mouths h.l. on each charge (cumulative).

HENRY OWENS, at Menzies, on the 2nd inst., by P.Cs. C. J. Hynes, J. B. Bretag, R. H. Kuhlman, and Jas. Williams; robbery under arms. Com­mitted for trial.

Miscellaneous. BooE SINGH, charged at Beverley, on the 4th

inst., by P.C. Ed. Campbell; illegal hawking. .£10 fine and costs.

PATRICK MCCORMACK, charged at Carnarvon, on the l l t h ult., by Sergt. T. Houlahan; supplying liquor to an aboriginal native. =£20 fine and costs.

THOMAS MURRAY, charged at Cossack, ou the ,28th ult., by W.P.C. Geo. Fry ; supplying liquor to an aboriginal native. £-20 fine.

MART LYNCH alias BLACK POLL (arrested on warrant for disobeying summons). Charged at Perth on the 6th inst., by P.C. J. S. O'Brien; supplying liquor to an aboriginal native. .£20 fine.

GEORGE AVERY, charged at Perth, on the Sth inst., by P.C. A. Farmer; interfering with Police. 7 days h.l.

THOMAS BROWN, at Broad Arrow, on the Sth inst., 01) the application of Corpl. A. E. Jones, was placed on the Prohibited List for 6 months.

P H I L I P GLIDDON, licensee of the Eoyal Mail Hotel, charged at Coolgardie, on the 29th ult., by P.C. J. Lyons; breach of the Wines, Beer, and Spirit Sale Act, by absenting himself from his licensed premises for a longer period than 28 days without permission. License forfeited.

ISAAC STEVENS, charged at Pinjarra, on the Sth inst., by Sergt. A. Loveday aud P.P.C. P. A. Dillon ; having liquor in his vehicle for the purpose of sale. Liquor confiscated.

Warrants Issued. DAVID GALLAWAY STEWAET (for description vide

Bolice Gazette, 1900, page 98, W. 223/1900), being indebted to Michael Matthew White in the sum of i£50 2s. To be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be fouud in any vessel about to pro­ceed to sea. Dated Fremantle, 7th June, 1900.— W. 431/1900.

HUGH WALLACE, stout build, age 39 years, height Sft. 6iu. or 7in., light brown hair, light moustache, grey eyes, round visage, fair comjjlexion; dressed in grey tweed suit, brown cap, and' tan boots; mine manager; native of England; being indebted to Edward Reynolds in the sum of ^£18 9s. To be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel alx)ut to proceed to sea. Dated Albany, 7th June, 1900.—W. 433/1900.

JAMES SIMS, slight build, age 21 years, height Sft. 7iu., fair hair, slight fair moustache, blue eyes, small straight nose, sharp visage, fair complexion, a miner, wears dark coat and grey trousers ; assaulting P.C. J. E. Vaughan, at Boulder, whilst in the execution of his duty. Dated Boulder, 4th June, 1900.--W. 430/1900.

WILLIAM THOMAS GEILVOIT alias THOMAS EDWARDS, stout build, age 29 years, height Sft. 9in. or lOin., fair hair and moustache, dark brown eyes, round visage, fresh complexion; walks with a swagger; a labourer; native of New South Wales ; supposed to be working in a brickyard between Kalgoorlie and Bulong; deserting his wife, Annie Geilvoit, on the 7th December, 1899. Dated York, Sth June, 1900.— W. 434/1900.

JOHN SCOTT, stout build, age 30 years, height about Sft. 7in., brown hair, small brown moustache, grey eyes, rather short and thick nose, sunburnt complexion, speaks slowly with thick voice, slow gait, wears brown tweed suit and white straw hat, tele­graph ojjerator, native of Western Australia; breach of the Post and Telegraph Act by altering a telegram

GEORGE LIVINGSTONE, at Perth, on the 7th inst., by P.C. J. Goode, on warrant; assaulting a female. 20s. fine and costs, or 7 days h.1.

WILLIA.M HOGAN alias SNOWY HOGAN, at Perth, on the 8th inst., by F.Cs. R. Love and W. Eynon; idle and disorderlv.·1 month h.1.; obscenitv, 14 days h.1. (cumulative): .

HUGH WALLACE, at Albany, on the 6th inst .. by Det. J. H. Lynch, on wa,rrant; bemg indebted to Edward Reyn()lds in the sum of £ 18 9s. Discharged. General warrant issued.

J AMES W ALSH, at Fremantle, on the 7th inst., by P.C. J. W. Bailey. on warrant; assault and robbery. Remanded to Perth.

HARRY WILLIAMS, at Lawlers, on the 28th ult., by Corpl. H. P. Breen and P.C. Smith; larceny. 6 months h.1.

CRISTIA DOOK, at Law lers, on the 29th ult.. by CorpI. H. P. Bl'een; larceny. 6 months h.1.

WILLIA.M MCGRATH, at Fremantle, on the 5th inst., by P.C. J. McTavish; unlawfully on premises, 21 days h.1.; unlawful possession, 3 months h.l. (cumulative) .

WILLIA.M WILLIA.MS, at Kalgoorhe, on the 8th inst., by P.Cs. J ames Porter and F. M. Dungey; lar­ceny. 2 months h.l.

WILLIA.M LOHMAN, at Albany, on the 2nd inst., by S.P.C. Peter Mouchmore; ~ttempted unnatural offence. Committed for trial.

GEORGE PHELPS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 9th inst., by Dets. P. D. Kavanagh and A. Dunn; obscenity. 1 month h.l.

EDWARD HALI,ES, at Kalgoorlie, on the 9th in st., by P.C. M. O'Donoghue; disorderly. 1 month h.1.

THOMAS DONNELLAN, at Mt. Murgans, on the 28th ult., by CorpI. M. Sullivan; la.rceny from premises. Committed for trial. Property recovered.

ALBERT KISSEL, at Lawlers, on the .5th inst., by Corpl. H. P. Breen; assaulting Police. £20 fine.

SAMUEL FLETCHER, at Menzies, on the 25th ult., by P.C. C. J. Hynes; unlawful possession (2 charges). 3 months h.l. on each charge (cumulative).

HENRY OWENS, at Menzies, on the 2nd inst., by P.Cs. C. J. Hynes, J. B. Bretag, R. H. Kuhlman, and Jas. Williams; robbery under arms. Com­mitted for trial.

------ - - - -----

Miscellaneous. BOOR SINGH, charged at Beverley, on the 4th

inst., by P.C. Ed. CampbelI; illegal hawking. £10 fine and costs.

PATRICK MCCORMACK, charged at CfLrnarvon, on t?e 11th nlt., hy: !3ergt. ~. Houlahan; supplying hquor to an abongmal natIve. £20 fine and costs.

'{'HOMAS MURRAY, charg-ell at Cossack. on the .28th ult., by W.P.C. Geo. Fry; supplying li<]uor to an aboriginal native. £20 fine.


MARY LYNCH alias BLACK POLL (arrested on warl'ant for disobeying summons) . Charged at Perth on the 6th inst., bv P.C. J . S. O'Brien; su pplying liquor to an aboriginal native. £20 fine .

GEORGE AVERY, charged at Perth, on the 8t.h inst., by P.C. A. Farmer; interfering with Police. 7 da.vs h.1.

THOMAS BROWN, 'at Broad Arrow, on the 6th inst., on the appliClttion of COl'pl. A. E. Jones, was placed on the Prohiuited List for 6 months. -

PHILIP GLIDDON, licensee of the Royal Mail Hotel, charged at Coolgardie, on the 29th ult., by P.C. J. Lyons; breach of the Wines, Beer, and Spirit Sale Act, uy absenting himself from his licensed premises for a longer period than 28 days without permission. License forfeited.

ISAAC STEVENS, charged at Pinjarra, on the 8th inst., by Sergt. A. Loveday and P.P.C. P. A. Dillon; having liquor in his vehicle for the purpose of sale. Liquor confiscated.

Warrants Issued. DAVID GALLAWAY STEWART (for description vicle

Police Gazette, 1900, page 98, W. 22::3/1900), being indebted to Michael Matthew White in the sum of £50 2s. To be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel about to pro­ceed to sea. Dated Fremantle, 7th June, 1900.­W. 431/1900.

H UGR W ALLACE, stout build, age 39 years, height 5£t. 6in. or 7in., light brown hair, light moustache, grey eyes, round visage, fair complexion; dressed in grey tweed suit. brown cap, and· tan boots; mine manager; native of England; being indebted to Edward Reynolds in the sum of £18 9s. To be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel about to proceed to sea. Dated Albany, 7th June, 1900.-W. 433/1900.

J AMES SIMS, slight build, age 21 years, height 5ft. 7iu., fair hair, • light fair moustache, blue eyes, small straight nose, sharp visage, fair complexion, a miner, wears dark coat rmd grey trousers; assaulting p.a. J . E. Vaughall, at Boulder, wbilst in the executioli of his duty. Dated Boulder, 4th June, 1900.-.. W. 430/1900.

WILLIAM THOMAS GEILVOI'l' alias THOMAS EDw ARDS, stout build, age 29 years, heiO'ht 5ft. 9ill. or lOin., fair hail' and moustaehe, dark brown eyes, round vi 'age, fresh complexion; walks with a. swagger; a labourer; native of New South Wales; supposed to be working in a brickyard between Kc11goorlie and Bulong; deserting his wife, Annie Gpilvoit, on the 7th December, 1899. Dated York, 8th June, 1~00.­W. 434/1900.

JOHN SCOTT, stout build, age 30 years, heiO'ht about 5ft. 7ill" brown hair, small bro~n mousta;he, grey ey~s, rather short and th ick nose, sunhurnt compleXIon, speaks slowly with thick voice, slow gait, wears brown tweed suit and white straw hat tele­graph operator, natiVe! of Western Australia' breach of the Post and Telegraph Act by altering a telegram


without the authority of the sender, at Paddington, on the 3rd ult. Dated Broad Arrow, Sth June, 1900.—W. 435/1900.

THOMAS MCNAMARA, medium build, age 28 years, licight Sft. 7in., moustache, full visage, fair com-])lexion; wears light coat, dark trousers, straw hat ; runner for a restaurant; larceny as bailee of a basket containing small goods, valued at £1 3s., the property of Thomas Baker, at Perth, on the Sth inst. Dated Perth, U th June, 1900.—W. 436; 1900.

Special Inquiry. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 138, A2/.5089.

JAMES ALFRED FIELDING was in Kalgoorlie about a month ago.

Viele PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 146, B l 3708.

Th<̂ widow and children of Thomas Stephenson or Stevenson, exp., late Reg. No, 6444, de(-ea.sed, have beeu fouud in Perth.

Special liKjuiry is requested for the whereabouts of William Gay who was a witness in re Regiua v . James Kenny, who was sentenced to three years p.s. at the Su]ireme Court, Perth, ou the 6th March last, for inflicting grievous bodily harm (vide IWice Gazette, 1900, page 125). Description : Stout build, age about 24 years, height Sft. 6in. or 7iii., very fair hair, slight fair moustaclie, blue eyes, oval visage, fair reddish complexion, inclined to be wall-eyed; a labourer, native of Victoria ; last heard of at Perth in January last, when he was dn.'ssed iu light grey tweed suit, round boxer hat, soft shirt, and collar. Informatiou to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Pertli .-B2/1433.

Escaped Prisoner. No. 607. —WAMBONBY alias - ' JUMBO," aboriginal

native, medium build, age about 50 years, height Sft. 3in., dark hair turning grey, full beard and moustache, dark eyes, broad visage, dark complexion, very much stooped, speaks very little English; absconding from the Police Quarters, Coolgardie, while under sentence, on the 2nd inst.--A2/S487, W. 428/1900.

Missing Friends. HENRY FITZGERALD ALLAN, Surgeon Dentist (no

description given). Inquiry by R. H. Jones, Solicitor, Gisbornc, New Zealand, on behalf of Lancelot C. Allan (sou). Information to the Criminal Investi­gation Brauch, Perth.~-A2/1411.

JAMES WHITE, age 32 years, height between Sft. Sin. and tiff., fair complexion, high forehead, heavy eyebrows, sliglit mole on chin, mark under nail of left thumb; believed to liave beeu at Mundaring and Perth within the last two years. Inquiry by Ellen White (wife). Friar Street, Kinsale, Ireland. Informatiou to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2/1374.

THOMAS HENRY PAULL, age 36 years, height about Sft. Sin., fair complexion, very light browu hair, beard, whiskers, etc., between fair and ginger, blue grey eyes, miner, native of England; last heard of in Perth about February last

Police on behalf nf Mrs. Paull ("wife). Charters Towers, Queensland. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2 1293.

W I L L I E MCMINN, stout build, age 15 years, light brown hair, light brown eyes, freckled complexion, pleasant expression, wears blue serge suit and cap. Inquiry by Mrs. C. F. Davidson fmother). Public Hospital, York. Information to the Criminal In­vestigation Branch, Perth.—B2/1387.

Inquests. Marble Bar.—On the l l t h ult., at the Court House,

before T. R. Byass. J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of Titherdav, alias Toby, aboriginal native prisoner, who died at the Marble Bar lockup on the l l t h inst. Verdict—"Death from natural causes." B2'1424.

Berih.—On the 7th inst., at the Conmer's Court, before T. F. Quinlan, J.P., Acting District Coroner, <m the body of George Hewiston Rawlins, who was found dead in bed at the Osborne Hotel, Claremont, ou the 31st ult. Verdict—" Death from an overdose of a sleerhng draught containing narcotic poison."—B2/14.34.

Cue—On the 21st A]iril and Sth, at the Court House, before Thomas Creer, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of Samuel Francis Kirkpatrick, who died in the Cue hospital on the 20th April. Verdict—"Death from narcotic poisoning taken whilst temporarily insane."—B2 1441.

Geraldton.—Ou the 6th inst, at the Court House, licfore H. Spalding, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the b<idv of Kenneth Black, who was drowned at Chamjiion Bay on the 3rd inst., through falling from the gangway of the barque '• Rose. " Verdict— " Accidental death."—B2/1442.

Berth.— Ou the l l t h inst., at the Coroner's Court, before Dr. O'Connor, J.P.. Acting Coroner, on the liodv of John Hudson, who was found dmid, hanging to a tree in Perth Parle, on the 6th mst. Verdict— "Suicide."-^B2/1445.

Boulder.—Ou the 4th and Sth inst., at the Polic« Station, before P. J. Greeu, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of the infant male child of Sarah Jane Williams, which died on the 3rd inst. Verdict— " Dt>ath from natural causes."—B2/1439.

Property Found. Perffe.—Savings Bank book. - P . F . 47/1900.

Gent's silver watch.—P.F. 48 1900. Purse contain­ing m(mev.—P.F. 50/1900. Lady's cape.—P.F. 511900. "Copper boiler.—P.F. 52,/1900. Bundle of letters.—P.F. 53,1900. Book, cap, and tie.—P.F. 54 1900. Metal b rooch . -P .F . 551900. Gold bar brooch.—P.F. 56 1900. Gold brooch—P.F. SS 1900.

-P.F. 59 1900. Gent's gold Silver-mounted meerschaum Twenty revenue stamps.—

Three billiard balls.-r i n g . - P . F . 61 1900. pipe.—P.F. 63 1900. P.F. 641900.

inquiry by Queensland

Freuuinile.—Lady's gold ring.--Parcel containing clothing. —P.F. 61; r o d . - P . F . 63/1900. Pawn ticket rings.—P.F. 661900.

P.F. 56 1900. 1900. Fishing for three irold

without the authority of tbf' sf'ndf'r, at Paddington, on the Brd ult. DatNl Broad Arrow, Sth june, 1900.- W. 43;') 1900.

TROM AS MeN AMARA, m ,dium huild, age 2S Yf'ars, h ('i~ht Mt. 7in., moustat;he, full visage, fair com­plf'xion; wears light coat, dark trousers, straw hat; nlllnf'l' for a restaurant; larc!'ny as bailee of a basket containing 'mall good, valUl:'d at £1 3., the prolJf'rty of Thomas Baker, at PerLh, on the Sth in!:lt. Dated Perth, 11th June, 1900.-W. 436 1900.


Special Inquiry. Vid- Police Oa,zette, HlOO, pftge 138, A.2/5089.

JAlI1ES ALFltED FIELDING was in Ka,lgoorlie about a month ago.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 146, RI 3708.

The' wic1uw and ehildl't'n of 'I'homas Stephenson or St(,V(~IlS()n, 'xp, late Reg. No . 1;444., deceased, bave ue'll found in Perth.

Special Inquiry IS requf'sted for the whereabollts of William Gay who was a witnc. s in re Regina v . James Kenny, who was sentpnccd to three years p.s. at the Suprl'me Court, Perth, on the 6th March last , for infii ·ting grievous bodily harm (vide Policl' Gazelle, H)()O, page 125). D('scription: Stout build, ago!' cLhollt 24 year", height 5ft. Gin. or 7in., very fair hail', slight f,Lir mOllstach , hlue eye~, ova.l visage, Ltir l'cd(liiih (")mplexioll, indiuf'cl to be wall-eyed; a lu,l)()llI'eI' , lIati ve of Vi<;toria; last heard of at Perth in Jallll<lry last, when IH' was drc>ssl'u in lighL grey tw('ed suit, round boxer hat, soft shirt, anu collar. Informatioll to the Criminal Investigation Brau(·h, Perth .-B2/14:i3.

Escaped Prisoner. No. 607. - W AMBONBY alias ., JUMBO," aborig-inal

llat iv, mcuium builcl, agt' abont 50 ,Years, height 5ft. 3in., tlark hail' turning grey, fulllwanl and moustache, dark eye , broad visage, dark complexion, very much tooped, sp aks very little Engli 'h; ab conding from

the Polic QuaTters, Coolgarche, while unuer sentence, Oll the 2nd inst.-A2l 5487, W. 428 /1900.

Missing Friends. HENRY FITZGERALD ALLAN, Surgeon Dentist (no

description given). Inq niry by R. H. J ones, Solicito~, Gisbol'lle, New ZL'aland, on bcha,lf of Lancelot U. Alla,n ( -·on). Information to the Criminal Investi­gation Branch, Perth. - A2 1411.

JAMES WHITE, age 32 ye,LI' , height between 5ft. 8ill. a,llll lift .. fa,il' l'omplHion, high foreb.ead, heavy evebrow' slio'ht mole on chin, rua,rk uuder nail of left thU~lb; \elieved to have been at MUlllla.ring and Perth within the last two :rear. Inquiry by ElIen White (wife). Friar Street, Kinsale, Ireland. InfurmMion to the Criminal Investigation Branch, P l'th. ·B2 1374.

THOllIAS HENRY PAULL, age 36 ) '('(ns, height about Mt. Sin .. fa,iI' eomplt·xinn, very light brown hair, bl\,trd, whi"l,crs, ete .. behl'('en fail' aml ginger, blue g're,\' eye~, miner, l1lLtiYe of Eng-lall:l; la,st heitrd of in l\'rth about February IaRt. InqUiry by Queensland

1 3

Police on hehalf (If ~Ir~ . Paul! (wife). Charter Towers, Queensland. Inf,mnati u to the riminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-B:2 129:3.

'WILLIE ~Ie~II~x. tout lmild, a~e 15 ,ear", light brown hair, light hrown eye, fre;'kll'<1 ~olllrlE'xi(\n. plea ant expre i0n, wear- blue erge suit and rap. Inquiry h,v :Mrs. C. F. DayidS0n (mother). Public Hospital, York. Information to the Criminal In­vestiga.tion Branch, Perth. -B2 13 i.

Inquests. lJIOl'bll' BaJ'.- On the 11th uIt., at the Court HOllse,

before T. R. Bya 's, J .P., Acting Coroner, on the hody of Tith"rdav, ali"g Tobv, aboriginal native prisoner, who died at tbe Marbie Bar lo'ckup on the 11th inst. Verdict-" Death from natural cau cs." B2 1424.

PPI·th.-On the 7th in. t., at the COI'Clller',; Court, beforc T. F. Quinlan, J .P., Adin~ Di,;trict Coroner, on the body of George Hewi~t()n Rawlius, who was foulld dead in ve.] at the Oshorne Hotel, ClareJllont, 011 the 31st nit. Vcrdid- " Death from an oVI'l'elose of a sleeping draught containing l1l11'cotic poison." - B2 1434.

CIlI'. On the 21st April ,lUll 5th in t., at the Court House, befor Tholl1<l 1'('er, J. P.. Acting ('ol'onpl', on the hod,v of Samuel Franci Kirkpa.triC'k, who died iu the Cue hopital ou th 20th April. Verdict - " Death from nan'otil' poisoning" taken whil;;t temporarily insane."- B2 1441.

Gera1clfon.- On the 6th in ' t, at the Conrt House, before H. S[Jalding, J .P., Acting Coroner, on th \ ho(lv of Kl'nneth Bla('k, who was dl'owneu a,l, Cluimpiol1 Bay on the 31'(1 inst., through falling from thc gani{W,Ly of the harque .. Rose." Verdict­" A('cideutal"-B2 1442.

Per/h. On the 11th inst., at till' ('oroner's ourt, hefore Dr. O'Clllluor, J.P., Ading owner, on the hody of John HUl1so11, who was fouud deaJ, h<Lllgillg to ,1 tree in P rth Par'.;:, on the 6th inst. Veruic "Suicide." -B2 1445.

Boulrler.-On the 4th and 5th inst., at the Police Station, hefore P. J. Green. J .P., Acting Coroner, on the bodv of the infant male ('hiM of Sarah Jane William', which died on the 3rd inst. Verdict­" Dt'ath from natural (·auses." - B2 /1489.

Property Found. Perth. - <Lvin~.. Bank bonk. - P .F. 47 1900.

Gent'" ilver wateh.-P.F. -it! 19()U. Purse e·ontain­ing money. - P.F. 50 1900. La,dy':; cape.-P.F. 51 1900. Copper boiler. - P.F. 5~ 1900. Bunrlle of letters. --P.F. 53'1900. Book, cap, and tip. - P.F. 54 1900. Metal brooch. P.P. 0.", 1900. Gold bar }n·oocb.-P.F. 56 1900. Gold brooch. - P.F .. 58 1900. Three billiard halls.--P.F. 59 1900. Gent's gold ring. -P.F. 61 1900. ilver-Ulolmted meerschaum pipe.-P.F. 63 1900. Twenty revenue stamp.­P.F. 64 1900.

F/'eIllantle.-Ladv' g'uld rin~.--P.F . ,'il) 1900. Pared ('ontaining ciothin~.- P.F. 61 191)0. Fislting l'l>ll.--P.F. 6311900. P,twu tiL:ket £01' three golf1 ring .-P.F. 66 1900.


North Fremantle—Pnrse containing money.— P.F. 5S/1900. Dinghy.

Esperance—Proinissorv note for ^£34.—P.P. 60/1900.

Geraldton.—Gent's gold scarf pin.—P.F. 62/1900.

The undermentioned articles have been claimed:—

Perth.—Pnrse and money (Police Gazette, 1899, p. 260).—P.F. 95/99. Silver watch (Police Gazette, 1899, p. 141).—P.F. 54/99.

Fasse.—Pair of boots (Police Gazette, 1900, p. 72). -P.F. 25/1900. Lady's sunshade.—P.F. 31/1900.

Property Lost. Perih.—On the 4th inst.,—a gold mounted shark's

tooth scarf pin ; the property of P. J. Sullivan.— P.L. 2551900. Ou the 7th inst.,—a silver mounted brown morocco purse, clasp fastening, containing ISs. and receipts ; the property of Miss Lucy Snell.— P.L. 256/1900. On the Sth inst..—a brown fur boa.

with 6 tails, quite new, spring fastening; the prop­erty of Miss Stafford.—P.L. 257/1900. On the 6th inst.,—a brown tweed waterproof coat and cape, plaid lining, "Foy and Gibson" on tab, bottom button on back missing; the property of J. E. Kenworthy.—P.L. 2581900. On the Sth inst.,—a tarpaulin,"size 10ft. by 6ft.; the property of S. Bradley.—P.L. 265/1900.

Vasse—On the 2Sth ult.,—a gold 3-bar brooch, nugget on top ; the property of Mrs. Marshall.—P.L. 261/1900.

Albany.—On the 23rd ult.,—a new black water­proof cape belonging to a gentleman's waterproof coat; the property of H. E. Parry.—P.L. 263/1900.

Fremantle—Ou the 7th inst.,—a browu paper parcel containing ^45 , consisting of two .£5 W.A. Bank notes, a £1 National Bank note, .^18 in gold, ^13 in silver, and a Post Office cheque for ^£3, pay 790, ou the W.A. Bank; the property of E. J. C. Campbell.—P.L. 266/1900.

R E T U R N O F L I C E N S E S issued under "The Wines, Beer, and Spirit Sale Act, 1880,' for the year 1900.



Free Do. Female ...


Name. 1 Town or District.

Aston, Frank Woodlock, Wm. Hourigan, Mary

Fremaut le . Do, Uo.

T R A N S F E R S .


From To

Denham, John P j Sherry, G. F . Williams, Frank Eichard ,,, Stephan, Willy Muddoch, Albert 1 Chipper, John Chas. George, John Shepherd, Clms, W.


Busselton Hotel Koyal Hotel Mundaring Hotel Geraldton Hotel

Towu or District. Date of Transfer, 1

Sussex Kunanalling Mundaring ,,, Geraldton

l s t May, 1900 12th May, 1900 l l t h May, 1900 31st May, 1900

Police Gaz«tie Reference.

Page 23, 1900 „ 22 „ „ 22 „ „ 22 „



Harrison, David


Peacock, Wm


Whim Creek Hotel ...

Town or Distr ict .

Whim Creek

Date of Transfer.

24thMarch, 1900 ,,,

Police Gazette Reference.

Page 27



Hanford, Alice

To Sign,

Hopkins, George G. ... Limerick Ees tauraa t ,.,

Town or Distr ict .

Fremant le

Date of Transfer.

25th April, 1900 ...

Police Gazette Reference.

Page 116,1900

North .F'remantle.-Purse containing money.­P .F . 58 1900. Dinghy .

Espemllre.·-Promi sory note for £34.- -P. F. 60 1900.

GemTdlofl. - Gent's gold scarf pin.-P.F. 62/ 1900.

The undermentioned articles been claimed :­

P erth. - Purse and money (Police Gazette, 1899, p. 260).- P.F. 95/99 . Silver watch (Police Gazette, 18$}9, p. 141) .-P.F. 54/99.

Vasse.- Pair of boots (Police Gazette, 1900, p. 72). - P .F . 25, 1900. Lady's sun hade.-P.F. 31/1900.

Property Los t. Pe1·th.-On the 4th inst.,-a gold mounted shark's

tooth carf pin; the property of P. J. Sulliva.n.­P .L. 2551900. On the 7th in t.,-a silver mounted brown morocco purse, clasp fastening, containing 18s. alld receipts ; the property of Miss Lney Snell.-· P.L. 256/1900. On the 5th inst .. -a brown fur boa,


with f) tai ls, quite new, spring fastening; t he prop ­ertv of Miss Stafford.- P.L . 257/1900. On the 6th inst.,-a. brown tweed waterproof coat and cape, plaid lining, "Fay and Gibson" on tab, bottom button on back missing; t.he property of J. E. Kenworthy. - P .L. 258, 1900. On the 8t.h inst.,-a tarpaulin, size 10ft. by 6ft. ; the property of S. Bradley.- P .L. 265/1900.

Vasse.--On the 28th ult .. -a gold 3-bar brooch, nugget on top; the property of Mrs. Marshall. - P .L . 261/1900.

Albany. - On th e 23rd ult. ,- a new black water­proof cape belol1ging to a gentleman'S waterproof coat; the property of H. E. Parry. - P.L. 263/1900.

.F'remantle.- On the 7th inst.,-a brown pa,per parcel containing £45, consisting' of two £5 W.A. Bank note, a £ 1 National Bank note, £ ] 8 in gold, £13 in silver, and a Post Office cheque fo r £3, pay 790, on the W.A. Bank: the property of E. J. C. Campbell.--P.L. 266/ 1900.

RE T URN 0 F LIe ENS E S i ssued under ,. T he Wines , Beer, a nd Spirit Sale Act, 1880,"

for the year 1900.


Denham, John P. Williams, Frank Richard Mnddoch , Alhert ... George, J obn ...


Hanison, David


Hanford, Alice


Cond i­tion. Nl1me. Town or Di~trict.

Free 0 0 . Female

Aston, Frank W oodlock, Wm. R ourigan, Mary


Fremantlf' . Do. 1)0.


To Sign. Town or District .

ShelTY, G. F. ... ... Busse lton Hotel Sussex ' .. Stephan, Willy . .. . Royal H otel Kunanalling " ... I Chipper, J ohn Chas. 1I1undaring Hot~i . .. Mundaring ... .. bepherd, Cbas. W . Geraldton Hotel . .. . .. Geraldton ... ..


To Sign. Town or District.

... 1 Peacock, Wm. ...\ Whim Creek H otel ... I Whim Creek


To Sign. T own or District.

.. I Hopkins, George G. .. I Limerick Resta\U'IUlt~remantle ...

. ..

. ..


Date of Transfer . I Police Ga .. tte Reference.

1st May, 1900 Page 23, 1900 12th May, 1900 . .. "

22 " 11tb May,19()() ...

" 22

" 31st May, 1900 ... "

22 "

I Date of Transfer . I Police Gazelle Reference .

1 24th Marcb, 1900 ... 1 Page ~ __

I Date of Transfer \ Police G,nettt . Reference .

. .. I 25th April, 1900 ... , Page 116, 1900


P R I S O N E R S I 3 I S G H A R G E I J .

' o i l , l J t , i o r i ,

Female Free ...

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Female Free ...

Do. Do.


Free ... Do.

Debtor Free . .

Do. Do.


Military prisoner

Free ...

Free ... Do. Do. Do. Do.

Free ...

or lat« lie!!. So.

F 4 2 2787

8675 41.53 4154 4271

F l l 229

3207 4248

P 119

4275 4278 4274


3851 3746


From I'remeii

Law.son, Alice Perkins , W m . John

Barker , Frederick Sandi lands, Saul ... Williams, Fredk. ... Dooley, Joseph

Palmer, Br idget ... Andrews, Samuel . . . Bates, John Henry Craig, Edward Branch, Cather ine ,

alias Leavis, Ki t ty Kerogan, John Hannan , Charles ,,, Bur ton , Wal te r ... Draper , Freder ick

Bennet t , John Lea, Charles


Thomas, Maggie (ab. na t . )

McNeil, Malcolm ...

Machin, George ...

From. Bl

Daly, Chas. C. Jones, John H. Joynsen, John Olsen, Augus t Bradfield, Thos.

From Ne

Loyons, James , alias Lawrence

Offence, Sentence. Where Committed,

1 Date of OischarRe.

He Prison, during the week endinq Saturday, 9th June, 1900.

Id le and disorderly Supplying aboriginals

wi th liquor Larceny ,.. Gross indecency ,,,

Do Larceny ; unlawful pos-

ses,sion Disorderly Unlawful possession Id le and disorderly Larceny ,,, Kefusing to give name , , ,

Disorderly Idle and disorderiv Debt ". Loi ter ing about hotels

while on the prohibi ted list

Lareeny ... Unlawful possession

Albany Gaol, during the

Loiter ing for purpose of pros t i tu t ion

Assaul t ing his superior officer


nbury Gaed, duriug ihe f

Larceny ,,, Do Do

Drunk Disorderly

wcastle Gaol, during ihe


6 months h.l. £20 or 3 months h.l.

6 months h.l . 3 months h.l. 3 months h.l. 14 days h.l. ; 7 day.s

h.l, (cum.) 42s. or 1 month h.l. (5 months h.l. 6 months h.l. 1 montli h.l. 20s. or 7 days h.l. ,,,

40s. or 14 davs h 1 14 days h.l. ,,, ^ 4 9s. 6d. or 14 days 7 days h.l. ...

2 months h,l. d£114s.or3 month h.l.

Pe r t h Moora

F reman t l e Sup. Court

Do. Pe r t h ,,,

Do, Fremant le Kalgoorlie F remant le


Do. Moora Fremant le


Pe r t h ... Broad Arrow

u-eek ending 2nel .Line, 1900.

1 month h.l.

12 nionths li.l.

7 days h.l

Wagin ,,,

Albany For t s

.-Vlbany ,,,

irtnight ending 9ih Juue, 1900.

3 months h.l. 3 months h.l. 1 month h.l. 3 days imp. ...

Bunbury , , . Do.

Donnybrook Bunbury, , ,

3 days imp. ,,. ... '' Do,

week ending 2nd June, 1900.

6 weeks h.l. ,,, ,,, Nor tham

oth J u n e ,,. 5th do. ,,,

Sth do. ... 6 th do. ... (Jth do. ,,, Oth do. ,..

7th do. ,,. 7th do. ... 7th do. ,., 7th do. ,,, Sth do. ...

Sth do. ,,. Hth do. ,,, Sth do. ... 9 th do. ...

9th do. ... 9th do. ...

27th May ...

29th do. ,,,

2nd J u n e ...

22nd May ... 22nd do! ... 24th do. ,,,

Srd J u n e ,,. Sth do. ,,,

2nd J u n e ...

! Date ot j Gix>up I'hoto.

June , 1900

Aug., 1899 June , 1900

Oct., 1899 June , 1900

Feb., 1899

Mar., 1900 June , 1900


From Northam Lock-up, during the week ending 2nd June, 1900.

Smith, John ,,, j Disorderly ,,, ,,. | 10s. or 7 days h.l.,,. i Northam 28th May

Free ... Do. Do.

Do. Do.

From Kalgoorlie Lock-up, during the mouth ending 31ri

Fraser , Donald H u g h Noonan. A r t h u r ... Healy, Timothy ,,,

Gorman, J o h n Cheseman, Henry . . .

Unlawful possession Lareeny ,,, Debt

Larceny ,,, Indecent exposiu-e

.£5 or 1 month h.l. ,,, *2 months h,l, ^ S 8s, 8d. or 21 days

1 month h.l. 1 month h.l.

May, 1900

Kalgoorlie Do.


Kalgoorlie Broad Arrow

.5th May .,, oth do. ,,,

22nd do. ,,,

SOth do. ,,. SOth do. ...

* Remainder of senteuce remitted.







Eeg. No.

of Prisoners tried at Quarter Sessions, Gei


Whitcombe, Lionel

King, Robert Mangles

Crowe, Thomas, alias Donohue ..,

Do. Do.

aldtoii, coinineucing Wednesday,


False pretences


Larceny from dwelling


6th June, 190lh

Police Town or District. Gazette Verdict,


1900. Dongara


Gerald ton

p. 129 , Guilty ,.,

p. 157 Do. ,,,

p. 1H.5 Guilty of receiv-

Do. p, IGo A'oUc prusc<j ui

How disposed of.

3 months h.l. (concurrent with former sentence. See Volicc Gazefte, 1900, p. 76).

Discharged under First Offenders Act, on making-restitution and pay­ing cost6 ; also bound over for 12 months.

2 years h.l.


FrmfLle ~'rf'e .,.

Do. Do. Do. Vo.

Female Fr('(' .,.

Df). Do.


Free .,. Do.

Dehtor Free . .

Do. Do.


Military prisoner

Free .,.

Free ... Do. Do. Do. Do.

Free .,.

Free . , . I

Free ... Do. Do.

Do. Do.

l{,'''' Nil, IJl'lfLt'·

11 ... ", ~fJ .

RG7;) 4153 1,154 4271

Fll 229

8207 421R

j;' 119

4275 4278 4274


3851 8746


'amf- , OtTpnce

, 1-1 A H. G E 1) .

Where Committed.

Date ot Discharge.

F'1'OtII /,,.PII/fI1t!le Pri.wln, during th e 1J·ppk endillq Saturday, 9th JUlle, 1.90U.

Lawson, Alice P erkinq, Wm. J ohn

Barker, Frederick Sanllilands, Sanl .. . Williams, F redk. .. . Dooley, J oseph

Palmcr, Bridgc·t Andrews, SamueL .. Bates, J ohn H enry Cmig, Edward Branch, Cathcrine,

alias Leavis, Kitty Kere>g'an , J ohn Hannan, Charles ... Burton, 'Valter Dl'aper, Frederick

Bennett, J ohn Lea, Charles

IdlE' and di30rderly Supplying aboriginal

wi th lill uor Larccny ... .. Grof:s inllecency ...

Do. Larceny; lmlawfnl pos·

ses~ion Disorderly Unlawful posses ion Idle and disorderly Larceny .. . Refusing to givE' name .. .

DisMIlerly Idle Itn<l disorderly lJebt Loitering ahout hotels

while on the prohibited list

Larceny ... Unlawful posf:ession

G months h .1. £20 or :3 month h.1.

6 month· h.1. 3 months 11.1. 8 months h.1. 14 days h.1.; 7 day.>

h.1. (cum.) 42s . or 1 month h.1. (j month h.1. li month~ h.l. 1 month h.l. 20s. or i <tays h.1.

40s. or 14 days h.1 .... 11- days h.1. ... £4 \)". od. or 14 day 7 clays h.1. .,. •

Perth Moora

Fremantl·> up. Court Do.


Do. Fremantle Kalgoorlie> Fremantle


Do. ~Ioora Fremantle


2 months h.1. Perth £1l4s. or 3 month h.1. Broad Arrow

F1'o1Jl Allmny Gaol, dn1'ing fh p l/'eek ending 2nd Jllnl", 1900.

'fhomas, Maggie (n,b. nat.)

McNeil, Malcolm ...

Machin, George ...

Loitering for purpose of prostitution

Assaulting his superior officer


1 month h.1. Wagin

12 months h.1. Alhany Fort

7 dnys h .1. .. ,

Prom Rltnbul'y GCtOl, cl/(l'ill~/lhe fortnight ending .4th JU IlP, 1.900.

Daly, Chas. C. Jones, John n . Joynsen, J ohn Olsen, August Bradfi Id, 'rhos.

Larceny Do. Do.

Drunk Disorderly

:~ month h.l. 3 months h.l. 1 month h.1. ;~ days imp .. ,. 3 days imp ....

Bunbury . Do. .

Donnybrook Bunl~ury .. Do.

From N ewcastl p Gaol, duriny th e week endillf/ 2nd JUIl I', 1.9UO. Loyons, Jamcs, alias I Disorderly

Lawrenco ... I (; weeks h.1. .. NOl'thalll

From N orthcun Locle-lIp , dlll'illlj the lI'epk etLdill1j :d1U1 .TIII/p, 1.90().

Smith, John ... I Disord erly lOs. or 7 days h.1. . I l. ortham

F1'om Kalgool'lie L ock-llll, durinfl the /Iw/dh eliding 81 .• f May, 1900. Fraser, Domtld Hngh I Unlawful possession £5 or 1 1I10nt h h.1. . Kalgoorlie

onan. Arthur ... Larceny 2 llWllth" h.l. Do. Hcaly, Timothy .. . I Deht £8 H . 8el. or 21 clay ' Kanowna.

imp. GOl'mall, John Larceny 1 month h.1. I Kalgool'lic Che"ellmn, Honry ... Illdecont expostU'e 1 month h.1. Broad Arrow

• Remainder of sentence remitted.

5th June .3th do.

5th do. 6th do. tith do. tith uo. 7th do. 7th do. 7th uo. 7th do. bth do.

bth do. Sth do. bth do. 9th do.

9th do. nth do.

27th May

29th do.

2nd June ...

22nd 1\1a.y 22n<1 do: Uth do.

3rd June 8th do.

2nd June ... I

28th May

5th :\lay 5th do.

22nd do.

30th do. 80th do.

[l,ltf ot (;ronp Photo.

Junl', HkJO, h99 Jun.,. 1$\00

O't., It-99 Jlme. HlOO

B'oh., 1!-i\}!)

~lar .. 1000 June, HlOO

Return of Prisoners tried at Quarter Sessions, Geraldtou, commencillg Wedne day, 6th June, 19()\\,

~ondi. 1 Reg . , tion. No. N'lme. Offence.

Frcc I .. Whitcombe. Lionel I F al e pretenceb

Do. King, Robert 1'Ilangles Do.

Do . Lorc€uy frou\ dwelling-

Do. Do. Do.

Town or District.





Police Go!p//e


1900. p. 129

p. 157


p. 165




How disposed of.

3 months h.1. (concnrrent with former sentence. See PnliCl Gn:1 fir, 1900, p. (6 ).

Discharl'ted unller Fll'st Offender' Act, OIl makin~ restitution and pay­ing co:-;tt:i; nl!-Oo hOUDU (l\'er for 1:! lllonth:--.

Guilty of recei..- ~ yenr, h.1. iu~

Xollc p .. nM'JU\



t lazette No.

510 51.2 543 546 .549 551 552 554 556 557 560 569 574 575

576 577 580 585 588

592 593 599 601

602 603 605 606

Name. i Reg. No.

i Harr i . s , F r a n k M o r g a n , D a v i d M c D o n a l d , J a s . B u r k e , "Wm. ,,, E v a n s , E o b t . ,,, M c A r t h u r , F . , , , S l ack , J o h n ,,, B r o s n a n , T i m o t h y H o p k i n s , J o h n J e n k i n s , W m , ,, "Watson, T h o m a s W a t s o n , C l i a r l e s M o l y n e u x , M a t t h e w Ke id , J o h n , alias

P r i c e , C h a s . O ' B r i e n , N i c h o l a s ,,, M i u d h a m M c P h e r s o n , D o n a l d , , , C o s g r o v e , W i l l i a m ,,, S i n c l a i r , H e n r y , alias

M c D o u g a l l , J a m e s , alias C r o n i n , Cor ­n e l i u s

S t o n e , W i l l i a m D o w n s , E d w a r d C l a r k e , A n d r e w H a y n e s , W m . alias

A i n s w o r t h , A r t h u r C h i c h o n g J o l l y , E o b e r t W a t s o n , T h o m a s J a c k s o n , J a s . ' , , ,

6145 10484



10487 10514


F r e e d o . d o . d o . d o . d o . d o . d o . d o . d o . d o .

F r e e T . L . d o .

d o . a b . n a t .

F r e e d o . d o .

F r e e d o .

T . L . F r e e

a b , n a t . F r e e T . L , d o .

\' of esoaptt.

1.5th A u g u s t , 1895, , , 12th S e p t . , 1895 ,,, 12th S e p t . , 1895 ,,, 1s t J a n u a r y , 1896 ,,, S rd M a r c h , 1896 ,., 1 7 t h A p r i l , 1896 .,. 13tli J u n e , 1896 ... 20 th A u g u s t , 1896. . . 9 t h S e p t . , 189(i 9 t h S e p t . , 1896 17th S e p t . , 1896 ... 2 4 t h J u n e , 1897 .,. 2 5 t h D e c , 1896 ,,, 21s t A u g u s t , 1897 ,,,

30fh O c t . , 1897 2 4 t h D e c , 1897 S l s t D e c , 1897 4 t h J u l y , 1898 U t h O c t . , 1898 , „

9 t h D e c , 1898 D o

31s t J a n . , 1898 2 4 t h O c t . , 1899

23 rd D e c , 1899 ,,, S rd M a r c h , 1900 ,,, A u g u s t , 1899 M a y 22, 1900

District from.

F r e m a n t l e ,., C o o l g a r d i e ,,, G e r a l d t o n ,,, V i c t o r i a P l a i n s P e r t h A l b a n y C o o l g a r d i e ,,, G e r a l d t o n ,,, N e w c a s t l e . . . N e w c a s t l e .,, C o o l g a r d i e , , P e r t h P e r t h F r e m a n t l e ,,,

F r e m a n t l e ,,, F r e m a u t l e ,,, F r e m a n t l e ,,, K a l g o o r l i e ,,, M t . M a l c o l m

P e r t h P e r t h F r e m a n t l e ,,, CoUief ie lds ,,,

G e r a l d t o n ,., N o r t h a m P e r t h F r e m a n t l e ,,,

i)escrit»tioii !tnil roioarhf,.

Vide Pali D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o .

D o . D o . D o . D o . D o .

D o . D o . uo. D o .

D o . D o . D o . D o .

-,e Gazelle d o . , d o . . d o . , d o . , d o . , d o . , d o . . d o . , d o , , d o . , d o . , d o . . d o . .

d o . , d o . . d o . , d o . , d o . .

d o . , d o . . d o . . d o . .

d o . . d o , . d o . . d o . ,

1895, d o . d o . 1896 d o . d o . d o . d o . d o d o . d o . 1897 d o . d o .

d o . d o . 1898 d o . d o .

d o . d o . 1899 d o .

1900 d o . d o . d o .

p a g e 160 d o . 169 d o . 169 d o . 13 d o . 53 d o . 94 d o . 130 d o . 190 d o . 207 d o . 207 d o . 212 d o . 189 d o . 259 d o . 395

d o . 395 d o . 395 d o . i d o . 225 d o . 343

d o . 410 d o . 410 d o 290 d o . 328

d o . 19 d o . 78 d o . 99 d o . 167


By Authority: EICHABD PETHEB, Government Printer, Perth.



iJazctle I I{eg. No. Vim-11 ;\lP (Ir t's~al't':.

I District., rrulll . llt>~cnpLJ(J 1I n. ll d I·Cluar ... ~.

~o. (litioll.

------540 I Harris, Frank Free 15th Angust, 1895 .. Fremantle Vide Po1i,'~ (]o2ellt!, 1895, page 160 .'}.j.~ Mor<ran, David do. 12th Sept., 1895 Coolgardie Do. do., do. do. 169 S43 McDonald, Jas . do. 12th Sept., 1895 Geraldton Do. do., do. do. 169 .>is Burke. Wm. '" do . 1st January, 1896 Victoria Plains Do. do., 1896 do. 13 549 Evans, Robt. '. , do. 3rd March, 1896 Perth .. Do. do ., do. do. 53 551 McArthur, F . .. do. 17th April, 1896 Albany Do. do., do. do. 94 552 Slack, John do. 13th J nne, 1896 Coolgardie ])0. do., do. do . 130 554 Brosnan, Timothy do. 20th August, 1896 r Gemldtoll Do. do ., do . do. 180 556 Hopkins, John do. 9th Sept. , 1896 Newcastle Do. do., d(' do . 207 557 Jenkins, Wm. do. 9th Sept., 1896 Newcastle Do. do., dv. do. 207 560 Watson, Thomas do. 17tIJ Sept., 1896 Coolgarclie Do. do., do . do. 212 569 Watson, Charles Free 24th June, 1897 Perth Do. do., 1897 do. 189 574 Molynenx, Ma tthew 6145 T.L. 25th Dec., 1896 Perth .. Do. do., do. do. 259 575 Reid, John, alia s 10484 do. 21st August, 1897 Fremantle Do. do. , do . do . 395

Price, Chas. 576 I O'Brien, NicholaR .. 10470 do. 30th Oct., 1897 Fremantle . " Do. do., do . do. 395 577 Mindham .. ab . nat. 24th Dec., 1897 Fremantle Do. do., do. do.39!> 580 McPherson, Donald . Free 31st Dec., 1897 Fremantle Do. do., 1898 do. 4 585 Cosgrove, William .. . do. ~th July, 1898 Kalgoorlie .00. do., do. do. 225 588 Sinelair, Henry, alias do. 14th Oct., 1898 Mt. Makolm Do. do., do. do. 343

McDougalJ, James, alias Cronin, Cor· n_lius

592 Stone, William Free 9th Dec., 1898 PertL. Do. do., do. do. HO 593 Downs, Edward do. Do. Perth Do. do., do. do. 410 599 Clarke, Andrew 10480 T.L. 31st Jan., H!98 Fremantle vo. do., 1899 do 290 601 Haynes, Wm. aZws Free 24t,h Oct., 1899 Colliefields Do. do ., do. do. 328

Ainsworth, Arthur 602 Chlchong ab. nat. 23rd Dec., 1899 Geraldton Do. do . , 1900 do. 19 60:3 Jolly, Robert .. Free 3rd MaJ.·ch, 1900 Northam Do. do., do. do. 78 605 Watson, Thomas 10iR7 T.L. August, 1b99 Perth Do. do., do. do. 99 606 Jacksoll, Jas .' ... 10514 do. May 22, 1900 Fremantle Do. do., do . do. 167

--- ----

- _ .......... _--= By Authority; }UCHARD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth.

[Published by Authority.]

Thix Gazette is publishea for Bolice inform,ation only, and the Bolice thniuqhout the Ijeiluny

ore instructed io make ihe.mseh-es ihoronghly (icquainted with the contents.

FRED. HARE, Commissioner of Bedice.

No. 2.5.] WEDNESDAY, J l 'XE 20. [1900.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 37, A2/t.ll8.

Kalgoorlie—The gold bangle and heart-shaped brooch, described in the above reference, have been recovered by Det. F. Gr. Eggleston and traced to the possession of Francis Nehmath (vide Apprehensions).

Boulder.—Between the 30th olt. and 1st inst., from the owner's shop, Piesse Street,—a large gold medal, having figure of a man kicking a football in front, and engraved on back, " Presented to the Boulder Junior Football Club by Kobt. Salter, Season 1900 ;" the propertv of Robert Salter.—A2 5651, Sth June, 1900.

Baddingion.—On the 9th inst., from the person of Edwin W. Mansfield,—a gentleman's I8ct. gokl hunting stem-winding watch, ring of winding stem missing; "E.W.M." engraved on inside of front case; the propertv of Edwin W. Mansfield.— A2 5681. 14th June, 1900.

Mt. Morgans.—Ou the 4th inst., from the owner's dwelling,—a lady's gold hunting stem-wiuding watch by McBean, Melbourne, white dial, gold bauds, uo seconds liaud; a lady's gold net-work fob chain, about 6iu. long ; a lady's plain gold riug set with 2 sapphires and 1 diamond (a fourth stoue missing) ; a lady's gold riug, pattern 2 snakes eutwiued ; a pair of gold sleevelinks, barrel aud shield pattern, and a bear­skin tippet; the property of Mary Taylor. Suspicion attaches to two men described as ( i ) medium build, age about 32 years, height Sft. lOiu., browu mous­tache, wearing dungaree trousers and browu coat; (2) stout build, age about 28 years, height Sft. 8iu., fair moustache, wearing working clothes.—A2'5686, U t h June, 1900.

Berth.—On the 14th iust., from the owner's cloth­ing, at the Esplanade Bo>vliug Grreeu,—a gentleman's silver huuting key-winding Waltham watch, and a double short-liuk silver chain; llie propertv of William Wise.—A2 5687,14th June, 1900.

Eremantle. -On the 14th inst., from the persou of Louis A. Morris, ou the s.s. " Wollowra,"—a gentle­man's new 18ct. gold huuting chronograph watch. No. 999235, and a new ISct. gold double Albert chain, weighing loz. 13dwts. 12grs., pattern : rouud bar links surrounding a twist; total value, i'40.— A2/S693, 15th June, 1900.

Albany.—On the 9th iust.. from the owner's dwel­liug at No. 3 Mill, Denmark,—a gentleman's silver hunting key-wiuding American Waltbam watch. No. 7181908, and gold-jilated chain, long aud small links; the propertv of Edward Chessher. -A2'S695, 16th June, 1900.

Berih. On the 18tli inst., from the persou of Place lun, —a gold scarf

pin set with a pearl.—A2'5724, 19th June. 1900. G-eorge Sykes. at the No

Coolgardie- On the 13th inst., from Sylvester Street,—a gentleman's Triumph bicycle. No. 56964, higli frame, painted black, straight handles, cork grips, Duulop tires, release saddle, rat-trap pedals, has a new cotter pin recently imt in; the propertv of Frank A. Davis.—A2/5714,'18th June, 1900.

Kalgoorlie.—On the 15th inst., from Hannan Street.—a gentleman's bicycle, jiainted a verv dull red colour, excejitioually high frame, straight handle­bar, felt grips, Dunlop tires, upright saddle-bar, beut near centre, large Brooks' release saddle with plain wire springs; the propertv of Edward H. Irving.- . A2 5720, l'9th June, 1900."

West Berth.—On the 12th or 13th iust., from the owner's premises, 5 Prospect Avenue,— a gentleman's riding saddle, stock knee pads. Colonial stirrup-leathers, uickel stirrup-irons, split leather girths, tau-coloured serge lining, in good repair, about 141bs. weight ; a small black patent-leather collar, straps on top, leather lined, nickel Inukle ; a driving saddle, square turrets, centre-piece; and breeching, nickel buckles; the propertv of Louis Seeligson.—A2 5672, 13th June, 1900.



[Published by Authority.]

1 },"'I' U().zp,tt~ '/.s l.rulAisltea fer Police i'Yl;torrnation only, Ilnd. the }Johct!. tlulJuylwut lite C/lICltlY

fir" i'YIstnl('tn1 10 moh> thpmsPl1'p.~ tllOr07ighly flcq1iuinied witlt the cont~)tl".

FRED. HARE, Cornmissiollcr of Police.


Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 3i, A'1-/4] 18.

Kalyoorlie.-The gold bangle and heart-8haped brooch, des Tibed in the above reference, have been recovered by Det . F. G. Eggleston and traced to tbe possession of Francis N ehmath (vide Apprehensions).

Boulder.-Between the 30th ult. anu 1st inst., from the owner's shop, Piesse Street,- a large gola medal, having figure of a man kicking- a football in front, and engraved on back, "Presented to j,he Boul(ler Junior FooLhall Cluh by Robt. SaIler, Season 1900 ;" the property of Robert Salter.-A2 56.51, 5th June, 1900.

Paddinylon.-On the 9th inst., from the person of Ellwin W. Mansfield,-a gentleman'8 l ~ct. gold hunting stem-winding watch, ring of winding stem missing; "KW.M." en~raved on inside of front case; tlH' property of Edwin W. Mansfielll. ­A2 5081, 14th June, 1900.

11ft. llIorgans .-On the 4th inst., from the owner's dwelling,-a lady 's gold hunting stem-winding watch by l\IcBean, Melbourne, white dial. gold ha.uus, no econd hand; a lady's gold net-work fob chain,

abont Bin. long; a. la,d}-'s plain gold ring et with ~ apphire ' and 1 diamond (a fourth stone mi.ssing) ;

f1laJy's gold ring, pattern 2 snake entwined; a pair of gold sleeve lin ks, barn' 1 ,1llcl shielLl pattern, and a bear­skin tippet; the property of Mary Ta."lor. Suspil'ioll attaches to two men deseribeJ as (1) mediu1ll build, ag-l' about 32 year, heig·ht 5ft. l Oin., brown mou -h~che weariu,,: dun,raree


trou 1" and brown coat· , :-'I 0 ,

(2) stout builLl, agp about 28 ."ea,\", beight ,')ft. 8in., fair mon 'taehe, wearing 'working e1othes.-A2 56 6, 14th June, 1900.

Pl.'rfh.-On tbe 14th inst .. from the owner's cloth­ing, at the Esplana(le Bo\vlincr Green,-,t gentleman' itn' r hunting kp.y-winu ing vValtham watch, aud a

aouhle short-link silver chain; Ilw property of Williall1 '\Vise.-A2 .56 7,14th JUllt', 1900.

F~·emantle. --.On the 14th in t., from the per 'on of LoUl A. Morns. on the s. '. ",\Vollowra," - a gentle­ma.n's new 18ct. gold hunting chronograph wat 'b, No. 999235, and et new 15ct. gold duuhle Alhert chain, weighing 10z. 13dwt . l:2gr:; ., pattel'll: round bar links surrounding a twist; total value, £40.­A2 5693, 15th June, 1900.

Albany. - On the 9tb iust .. from the owner's dwel­ling at No. :3 Mill, Denlllark,--a gentleman'!:; silver hunting k :--winding Ameri(·<tll '\Valtba.m watch, No. 71 1908, ,Lud gold-l'latell ehain, long and small links ; the property of Edwar<l Ch!'8sher. A2 .')U%, 15th June, 1900.

Pf'rth. - On the 1 tll imit., from the person of GeOl'ge ~'ke', at tllt-' No Plac(' Inll, ,L g'dlJ !:warf pin set with a Ilearl.- A2 '5724, 19th JUIlf'. 1900.

Coolgm·d:e.- Oll the 13th inst., from S"lvpstpr Strpet,- a gentleman's Triumph hicy<:lt', No~ .56!:164, high fmme, painteJ black, :;traight handles, cork grip ' , Duulop tires, relea 'e audIt', rat-trap ped,ds, has a. new cotter pin recently put in; the prol)erty of Frank A. Davi ·. - A2 5714, 1 th Junl', 19()o.

Kalgoorlie.-On the 15th in t., from Hannall tred.-a gentleman'S bieyde. paintpd a very dull

red colour. exceptionally high frame, straight bandIt-­bar, felt grip ' , Dunlop tires, upright sad<ll e-bar, bent nea-r centre, large Brook' releasp :;addle with plain wire springs ; the property of Edward H . Irying. ­A2 5720. Ulth Jllne, ] !:lOO.

We.~t Per/h.- On the 12th or l:~t h iu:;t ., from tlw owner's premises, .5 Proped A H'nue, -a gentleman's riJing sil.llJle, tock knl'v p,uh, (Joloni,tl . tirrul'­leathers, nickel stirrup-iron~ , . plit le'l.t her girth , tan-coloured serge lining. in goo(l repair, abuut 141],s. weight; a lllall hlack l'atent-Ie<ltber collar . strap. on top, leatber lille(l, nickel \lul·kle; a J riv illg sa.],}l.,. quare turrets, centre-picce ; anll brt'el' bi ll~, nil·kl'l

bu ·kle. ; the property of Ltl ui ~ tJt't'ligson. A~ .-) t i7 ~ .

13th June, 1900.


Berth.—Pnr'mg the night of the 26th ult., from 244 Murray Street,—a yellow tin box, about 2ft. x 20 inches, 'fastened with padlock, handles at ends, containing a quantity of men's working clothes, 4 or 5 white linen shirts," 6 coloured cotton shirts, and a number of collars, all size 16, probably marked " 5 7 " (laundry No.) ; the property of Michael Burke.— A2/5455, 14th Juue, 1900.

Berth.—Ou or about the 14th inst., from the owner's premises. Marquis Street,—au ingot of block tin, marked " CBS," weighing about 141bs ; the property of G. O. Crossley.—A2/5703,15th June, 1900.

Berih.-On the 6th inst., from the Madrid Res­taurant, Fremantle,—a brown tweed coat and vest, slop made; a black soft felt ha t ; a pair of men's lace-up balmoral boots, aud a browu leather jiocket book, containing letters, photos., and discharges (dated Zurich, Switzerland) ; the property of Ernest Schaeppe. Suspicion attaches to Edward Seebeck and Fritz Lutz. Description: Seebeck —medium build, age 27 years, height Sft. 7in., dark hair, browu moustache, dark eyes, thin visage, dark complexion, wears brown coat aud light trousers, a painter; native of Germany. Lutz—stout build, age 18 years, height Sft. 7iu. or 8in., fair hair, smooth face, grey or blue eyes, round full visage, fair complexion, wears light clothes; a blacksmith ; native of G-er-mauv; speaks very little English.—A2/5710, 17th June. 1900.

Guildford.—On the 12th or 13th inst., from the Instrument Room at Woodbridge Railway Station,— a gentleman's Vilack waterproof coat aud cape, velvet collar, several buttons missing; the property of William Peachev.—A2 5683, 14th June, 1900.

Cue—Ou or about the 5th inst.,from Tuckauarra,— an ordinary pack saddle (pads cut off), horse bell and hopple straps; the propertv of P. T. Bridge. Susjiicion attaches to Daniel Thomas. Description : Stout build, age 65 years, height Sft. 7in., gray hair, whiskers turning gray, blue eyes, round visage; a station cook; native of London.—A2/5707, 16th June, 1900.

Berth.—On the 16th inst., from the Swan River, near Bunbury Railway Bridge,—a fiat-bottomed boat, Sft. long, square stern, painted dark slate colour, jarrah rowlock blocks, patch of canvas on side, aud two oars painted green; the property of A. Dixey.-A2 5706, 16th June, 1900.

Coolgardie—Ou the 13th inst., from the Temper­ance Hall, Lindsay Street,—a lady's black silk umbrella, white amber handle, painted with flowers, plaiu silver tip, 2 black tassels ; ti-e property of Miss Florence Aruold.—A2/S713, 18th June, 1900.

Fremantle.—During the night of the ISth iust., from the Water Police Station,—3 pigeons—(i) a Jacobin male bird, white head from beak to eyes, white tail, aud liver-coloured wings, right wiug clipped, cannot fly; (2) a young bird, same descrip­tion as first, but wings are undipped ; (3) cream-coloured thoroughbred homer female bird, powerful build, smart appearance ; the propertv of William L. Hopkins.—A2/S716, 18th June, 1900.

Mt. Malcolm.—On the 13th inst., from the owner's livery stables, Star Street,—a double-reined racing bridle, large nickel bit, partly rusty, D-shaped silver buckles, tongue of oue buckle bent, knot iu centre of throat lash; the holes in the cheek straps are sewn round with white thread ; head band is white, set in packed leather : the pro]iertv of Richard Lancaster.— A2 5721, 19th June, 1900. "

Horses, Cattle, etc. JVia(/ara.—Stolen on the 10th inst., at Granites,

Yerilla District,—a bay gelding, about eight years old, about 15 hands high, branded something like

2 4 conjoined, under saddle on near side, star on

forehead, little white ou hind legs, scab patch like whip marks on off side, shod on hind feet; had bell and hopples on; the property of Thomas Farrell. Suspicion attaches to Albert Joues. Description: slim build, height about Sft. lOin., age about 28 years, dark complexion, small dark moustaclie, scar "on left side of jaw ; a runner and spieler; was in company with C. H. Ferguson. Description : slim build, height about Sft. 9in., age about 27 years, fair complexion, medium fair moustache; driving a brown pony and sulky ; believed arrived at Morgans on the l l t h inst.—A2/5694, 15th June, 1900.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc.

Perth.—Stolen, during the night of the 16th iust., from the owner's shop, 212 Aberdeen Street, en­trance, being effected by breaking the shop window, —a pair of French calf Balmoral boots, size 9, broad welts; a pair of golosh elastic boots, size 8, no toe caps; a pair of lady's two-strap tan shoes, size 4, no toe caps ; a pair of lady's black tweed leather lace shoes, size 4, no toe caps; a pair of men's black leather Blucher boots, size 8 ; total value £3 10s. 6d. Also the following repaired boots :—A pair of lady's tan-coloured pumps, size 3 ; a pair of lady's black pumps, size 3 ; a pair of men's goloshed Balmoral boots, size 7; a j^air of hoy's black leather lace-up shoes, size 13 ; a of girl's black leather lace-up shoes, size 13 ; value £2. - Also 4 pairs of un­repaired boots, including a pair of goloshed Balmoral boots, size 7, with grain calf leg ; and a pair of men's tan glazed kid buttoned boots, hand sewn, second­hand, size 6 ; the property of Charles R. Ingram.— A2 5711, 17th June, 1900.

Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 165.

JOHN MCINTOSH, brought up at Niagara, on the l l t h inst. Discharged. Property recovered by F.C. H. S. Crommelin.

I'iele Folice Gazette, 1900, page l o l .

GEOEGE DEANS, brought up at Nannine, on the l l t h iust. Discharged for want of prosecution.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 173. •

EMILY AMELIA ANDERSON, at Buubury, ou the Sth inst., by Corp. T. Kelso and P.C. J. W. Nesbit. Brought up at Dongara on the 9th inst. Ordered to return to jjarents and pay costs.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 174, W. 412/1900.

J. VERMALEN, at Fremantle, on the 12th inst., by W.P.C. W. J prosecution

Kestell. Discharged for want of

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 166, W. 393/1900.

GEORGE NICHOLLS has been arrested at Buubury,

Vide Police Gexzette, 1900, page 181.

FLORENCE PRICE, brought up at Fremantle, on the 15th inst. Discharged.

Perth.-Dnring the night of the 26th ult., from 244 Murrav Street,-a yellow tin box, about 2ft. x 20 inches,' fastened witl; padlock, handlps at ends, containin~ a quantity of men's working clothps, 4 or 5 white linen shirts, 6 colonred cotton shirts, and a number of collars, all size 16, probably marked" 57" (laundry No.) ; the property of Michael Burke.­A2 5455, 14th June, 1900.

P erth.- On or about the 14th inst., from the owner's premises, Marquis Street,--an ingot of block tin, marked "OBS," weighing about 1410s; the prvperty of G. G. Oros~ley.-A2/5703, 15th June, 1900.

Per/h.-On the 6th inst., from the Madrid Res­taurant, Fremantle,-a brown tweed coat and vest, slop made; a black soft felt hat; Lt pair of men's lace-u p balmoral boots, and a brown leather pocket book, containing letters , photos., and discharges (dated Zurich, Switzerland) ; the property of Ernest Schaeppe. Suspieion attaches to Edward Seebeck and Fritz Lutz. Deseription: Seebeck - medium builJ, age 27 years, height 5ft. 7in ., dark hail', brown moustache, dark eyes, thin visage, dark complexion, wears brown coat and light trousers, a paintPl'; native of Germany. Lutz-stout build, age 18 years, height 5ft. 7in. or 8in., fair hair, smooth face, grey or blue eyes, round full visage, fair complexion , wears light dothes; a blacksmith; native of Ger­many; speaks very little English.-A2j5710, 17th June. 1900.

Guildford. - On the 12th or 13th inst., from the Instrument Room at Woodbridge Railway Station,­a gentlemlln's black waterproof (;Oat and cape, velvet ~oUal', several buttons missing; the property vf Wilham Peachey.-A2, 5683, 14th June, 1900.

Cup.,-On or about the 5th inst.,from Tuckanarra,­an ordinary pack saddle (pads cut off), horse bell and hopple straps; the property of P. rr. Bridge. Suspicion attaches to Daniel Thomas. Description: Stout build, age 65 years, height 5ft. 7io., gray hair, whiskers turning gray, blue eyes, round visage; a sta.tion cook; native of London.- A2 15707, 16th June, 1900.

P edh. - On the 16th inst., from the Swan River, near Bun hury Railway Bridge,.-a fla,t- bottomed boat, 8ft. long, square stern, pClinted dark slate colour, jarrah rowlock blocks, patch of canvas on side, and two oars painted green; the property of A. Dixey.- A2, 5706, 16th June, 1900.

Coolgar{~ie.-On the 13th inst., from the Temper­ance Hall, Linusav Street ,-a lady 's black silk nmbl'ella, white aml~er hflon<lle, painted with flowers, ]Jlaiu silver tip, 2 black t :tssels; t!·e property of Miss Florence Aruold.-A2 571:i , 18th June, 1900.

Fremantle. - During the nig-ht of the 15th in ·t ., from the ~Water Police Sta.t.ion,-3 pigeons-( I) a Jacohin male bird, whit.e head from beak to eves, white tail, an(l liver-coloured wings, right >iing dipped, cannr,t fly; (2) a young- bird, same descrip­tion as first, but wings are uuclipped; (3) cream­<.:Olonred thoroughbred homer female bird, powerful build, smcu-t appearance; the property of William L. Hopkins. - A2 .5716, 18th June, 1900.

J1t. JI,[alrolll/.-On the 13th inst., from the owner's liyery stables, Star Street,-a double-reined racing briJle, large nickel bit, partly rusty, D-shaped silver buddts, ton~ue of one buckle bent, knot in centre of throat lash; the holes in the cheek straps are sewn nlUnrl with white thread; head band is white, set in paeked leathpr : tilP property of Ril'harrl Lancaster.­.A2 .5721, H)th .Tune, 1900.


Horses, Cattle, etc. Niago1·a.-Stolen on the 10th inst., at Granites,

Yerilla District,-a bay gelding, about eight years old, about 15 hands higb, branded something like

24 conjoined, under saddle on near side, star on

forehead, little white on hind legs, !'.cab patch like whip marks on off side, shod on hind feet; had hell and hopples on; the property of Thomas FmTell. Suspicion attaches to A Ibert J ones. Description: slim build, height about 5ft. ] Oin., age about 28 years, dark complexion , small dark moustache, scar on left side of jaw; a runner and spieler; was in company with O. H. Ferguson. Description: slim build, height about 5ft. 9in., age about 27 yel:Lrs, fair complexion, medium fair moustil.che ; driving a brown pony and sulky; believed arrived at Morgans on the 11th inst.--A2f5694, 15th June, 1900.

Burglary, House breaking, etc.

P el,th.- Stolen, during the night of the 16th inst., from the owner's sbop, 212 Aberdeen Street, en­trance, being effeded b., breaking the shop window, -a pair of French calf Balmoral boots, size 9, broad welts; a pail' of golosh elastic hoots, size 8, no toe caps; a pair of lady's two-strap tan shoes, size 4, no toe cap"; a pair of lady's bla.ek tweed leather lace shoes, size 4, no toe' caps; a pair of men's black leather Blucher boots, size 8 ; total value £3 10s. 6d. Also the following repaired boots :-A pair of lady's tan-coloured pumps, size 3; a pair of lady's black pumps, size 3; a pail' of men's goloshed Balmoral bo~ts, size 7; a pair of boy's black leather lace-up ~hoes, ~ize 13; a pa,ir of girl's black leather lace-up shoes, SIze 13 ; value £2. Also 4 pairs of un­repaired hoots, including a pair of goloshed Balmoral boots, size 7, with grain calf leg; and a pair of men's tan glazed kid buttoned boots, hand sewn, second­hand, size 6; the property of Oharles R. Ingram.­A2, 5711, 17th June, 1900,

ApprehensioIls. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 165.

J ORN McINTosH, brou~ht up at Niagara, on the 11th.. inst.. Discharged. Property recovered by P.O. H. S. Orommelin.

GEORGE 11th inst.

J 'ide Police Gazette, 1900, page 151.

DEANS, brought up at Nanniue, on the Discharged for W8,nt of prosecution.

Vid e Police Gazette, 1800, page I7:.l.

EMILY AMELIA ANDER~ON, at BUl1burv on the 5th inst., by Oorp. T. Kelso <tnd P.C. J. vV.' Nesbit. Brought up at Dongara on the 9th inst. Ordered to return to parents and pay costs.

Vtde P oHce Guzette, 1900, page 174, W. 412 /1900.

J. VERMALEN, at Fremantle, Oll the 12th inst., by W.P.C. W. J. Kestell. Discharaed for want of

b proseeution.

Vide Pol ice Guzette, 1900, page 1G6, W. 393/ UlOO.

GEORGE NICB.OLLS has been arrested at Bunbury,

Viae Police Gazette, 1900, page 18l.

FLORENCE PRICE, brought up at Fremantle on the 1.5th inst. Discharged. '


Vide Police Gexzette, 1900, page 370, W. 282, 283/19aj .

E. G. BARCH and AUGUST MYROS, at North Fre­mantle, on the 16th inst., by P.C; W. Cannon. Discharged for want of prosecution.

ARTHUR PETERS, at Mt. Morgans, on the 30th April, by Det. P . D. Kavanagh and P.O. J. S. O'Loughlin; unlawful pos.session. 3 mouths h.l. Brought up ou the Sth ult. Discharged under the First Offenders Act.

GHOOL MAHOMET, at Goldfield Creek, Upper Ash-buHon, on the 29th ult., by P.C. J. McDonald, on warrant; assault and robbery. Brought up at Peak Hill on the 6tli iust. Remanded.

JOHN HARRISON, at Coolgardie, on the 12th inst., by P.Cs. E. Dalton and C. Muller; idle aud dis­orderly. 7 days h.l.

, ARTHUR O'CALLAGHAN (under sentence, vide Pejlice Gazette, 1900, page 181), brought up at Northam on the 12th inst., charged by P.(J. R. J. Furlong; larceuy. 21 days h.l. (cumulative). Property recovered.

ANNIE PURCELL, at Southern Cross, on the 13th inst., by Sergt. R. H. Goodridge; luuacy. Seut to Asylum.

ARTHUR DOWLING, at Boulder, on the 7th inst., by Det. S. A. Fox and P.C. D. Buckley; larceuy. Com­mitted for trial.

WILLIAM THOMAS WHEATLEY, at Boulder, ou the 7th inst., by Sergt. J. Kingston; receiving. Com­mitted for trial.

THOMAS TATAN, at Nannine, on the 31st ult., by P.C. W. Mitchell; idle aud disorderly. 21 days h.l.

ROBERT MILROY, at Nannine, ou the 31st ult., P.Cs. A. Warnecke aud W. Mitchell; charged Sergt. L. V. Sim]ison; uulawful ])ossessioii. days h.l.

by liy 14

MICHAEL FUREY, at Perth, on the 9th inst., by P.C. W. F. Foster; idle and disorderiv. 1 mouth h.l.

FRANCIS ERNEST BEDFORD alias QUIGLEY, at Perth, ou the 8th iust., by P.C. James Goode; idle and disorderiv. 7 days h.l.

WILLIAM ROBINSON alias "BOXER," at Perth, on the 8th inst., by P.Cs. R. Love, P. Cahill, aud F. Dally ; idle aud disorderly. 2 mouths h.l.

FANNY BURTON, at Perth, on the l l t h inst., by P.Cs. R. Anderson aud M. McAuley, on warrant; larceny from persou. Committed for trial. Ad­mitted to bail.

THOMAS WATSON alias " B I R D I E , " at Perth, on the l l t h inst., by P.Cs. W. Whyte and M. McAidey; idle aud disorderly. 2 months h.l.

JAMES SMITH, at Claremout, ou the Pith inst., by P.Cs. E. Huxtable aud W. Lewis, ou warrant; threatening language. 2 months h.l. and bound over to keep the peace for 4 months.

RASMUS FYHN aud SARAH AGNES FYHN, at Perth, on the 12th inst., by Coriil. M. Lean, ou warraut; neglecting to maintain their children. 6 months h.l. each.

JOSEPH MOORE, at Claremont, ou the the 14th inst., by P.Cs. E. Huxtable aud C. Turner, on war­rant ; assaulting a female. 2 mouths h.l.

WILLIAM TAYLOR edias " Y O R K I E , " exp., late Reg. No. 8436, at Perth, ou the 15th instT, by P.Cs. T. Hickey and G. W. Underwood; unlawful possession. 1 month h.l.

WILLIAM OLIVER, at Perth, on the 15th iust.. by P.C. W. Lacev; assault. 40s. fiue or 1 month h.l.

FRANCIS NEHMETH (or MAHMOTH), at Perth, on the Sth inst., by Det. F. G. Egglestou ; uulawful possession. 3 months h.l.

JOHN GORMAN, at Kalgoorlie, ou the 14th inst., by P.Cs. James Porter and F. M. Dungey ; larceuy. 2 months h.l. Property recovered.

ALBERT EDWARD RUSSELL REES, at Kanowna, on the 12th inst., by P.Cs. M. Murjihy aud J. A. Cal­dow ; larceny. 3 months h i . Projierty recovered.

JAMES JOSCELYN, WILLIAM RUSSELL, and ERNEST MINCHEN, at Boulder, on the l l t h inst., by P.C. J. E. Vaughan; disorderly. 1 month h.l. each.

JOHN DOWER, exp., late Reg. No. 5218. at Fre­mantle, on the loth inst., l>y P.C. G. A. Metcalf; lunacv. Sent to Asylum.

FREDERICK WAKEFIELD alias GARDENER alias JOHNS, at Smith's Mill, on the 13th iust., by P.Cs. G. Johnston and G. J. Jensen ; brought up at Guild­ford ou the 16th inst. 1 month h.l.

Miscellaneous. FRKU. CHARLES BRAUBORN. charged at Boulder,

on the 13th inst., by P.C. G. W. Hornsby; cruelty to animals. £5 tine and costs.

SAMUEL WADDELL, THOMAS PORTEUS, .JOSEPH BROWN, ROBERT M . BOYE, THOMAS KING, CHARLES CALLICOTT, FREDERICK YOUNG, and ARTHUR E . POPE, charged at Fremautle, ou the 16th inst. by David Cormack, master of the barque " Desdeiuoua" ; refusing dutv. 6 weeks h.l. each.

Warrants Issued Viele Police Geizette, 1900, page 174, W. 407/19(X).

VIRGINIA VIVIAN not to be arrested. Warraut cancelled iSth iust.

A H GOON, very thin build, age over 60 years, height about Sft. 7iu., gray hair, small grey mou­stache, almond-shaped eyes, long thin wrinkled visage, olive complexion, a gardener, native of China; being indebted to James Nicol & Son in the sum of ^ 8 . TO be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 12th June, 1900.— W. 443,/1900.

LYDIA KNIGHT, thin build, age 40 years, height Sft. 9in., hair turning gray, gi'ay eyes, tliin visage. fair complexion, a nurse ; larceuy of a cheque for £4, at Coolgardie, on the 26th April, 1899. Dated Perih, 13th Juue, 1900.—W. 442 1900.

Vide Polire Gazette, 1900, pag!.' :no, '\". 2k2, 28:3/1900.

E. G. BARcH and AUGUST niYaos, at North Pre­ma.ntle, on the 16th inst., hv P.U. W. Cannon. Discharged for want of prosecution.

ARTHUR PETERS, at Mt. Morgans, on thp 30th April, hy D et. P . D. K avallag-h and P.C. J . S. O'Loughlin; unlawful posse sion . 3 months h.1. Brought up on the 5th ult. Discharged under the First Offender ' Act.

GHOOL MAHOMET, at Goldfield Creek, Upper Ash­budon on tllP 29th ult., bv P.C . J . McDonald , on warran't; assault and rolhei·y. Brought up at P pak Hill on tbe nth inst. H.emanded.

JOHN HAl~RISON , <Lt Coolgardie, on the 12th in st., llY P.(Js. E. Dalton a.nd C. Muller; idle a nu dis­orderly. 7 daYR h.1.

ARTHUR O'CALLAGHAN (unde r sentenee, l'irle Pulice Gazette, 1900, page 181), 1)l'Ollght up at Northam on the 12th int>t., charged hy P .C. R. J . Furlong; larceny. 21 days 11.1. (cumulative). Property r ecovered.

ANNIE PURCELL, at Sou1h 'm Cross, on the 13th iUt>t., hy Scrgt. H. H . Goodridg· ; lllll<Lcy. Sent to Asylum.

AR'IHUR DOWLING, at Boulder, on the 7th inst., by Det. S. A. Fox and P .C . D . Buc ldey; lareeny. COlU­u}ittcd for trial.

WrLLIAM THOMAS \tVHJ<JA'l'Lln, at Boul<1l'r, on the nh iust., by ~ergt. J. Kingston ; recvlvmg. COlll­mi tteu for trial.

rrHOMAS TATAN, at Nanl1ine, on the 31st ult ., hy P .C. W . Mitchell; idle and uisonlcrly. 21 d <LyS h .l.

ROBER'l' MILROY, at Na.l1nine, 011 the 31 ,t lllt., by P.O ·. A. \tVa,l'lleckc an<1 W. Mih-hell ; ·hargpd by Sergt. L. V. Simpt:ion; llUI,LWful poss' 'lSio ll . 14 days h.l.

MICHAEL FUREY, at P erth , on the 9th int>t., hy P.O. W. P. Poster; idle cLnd di orderly. 1 month h.1.

FRANCIS ERNEST BEDFORD alias QUIGLEY, at Perth, on the 8th inst., by P .O. Ja,mes Goode; illle lLnd disorderly . 7 days h.1.

\VILLIAlIl ROBINsoN alias " BOXER," at Perth, on th' 8th inst., bv P .O . R. Loyc, P. Oahill, and F . Dally· idle and 'disordel'k 2 months h.l. . , .

PANNY BURTON, at P erth, 0 11 the 11th inst., by P .O '. R. Anderson anu M. M eA.nle:-, on warrant; larceny from person . OOIllmitted for trial. Ad­mitted to hail.

'l'HOll1A S \VAT ON alia.~ "BIRDH}," at Perth, on the 111h inst., by P.O . W. Whyte and M. M eAuley; idl' and di ·onle~·I'y . '2 lllonths h.l.

J AlliES SMITH, a.t Claremont, on the l~th inst., hy P.O '. E. Huxta,hle lwd ,V. Lewi', 011 warra,nt; threatening la,ng-uage. 2 month h.1. and bouncl over to keep tllt' peace for 4 Illonth

RARlI1 us FYHN n na ARAH AGNES FYHN, eLt Perth, ou (h~' I ~I h jllSt.. hv Corpl. 1\1. LeaII, 1111 warrant; lll'gkding' to 1llaiuh~i\l their ~·hih1rell. 6 months h .l. \.'a('h.

1 9

JOSEPH MOORE, at Claremont, on the the 14th iust ., hv P.C. E. Huxtal)le anu '. Turner, on war­rant; a~sa.ulting a female. 2 month h.1.

WILL lAM TAYLOR IIlias "YORKIE," ec'!J ., latp Reg. No. tl436, at Perth, on the }·5th in ' t:, h~' P.l' ' . T. Hicker and G. ,V. Underwood; unlawful pos 'es ion.' 1 montL h.l.

WILLIAlI1 OLIVER, at Perth, on thp 15th iu t.. hy P.O. W. Lacey; assault. 40. fine or 1 month h.l.

FRANCIS NEHMETH (or MAHlIIOTH), at P erth , Oll the 8th inst., bv Det. P. G. Eggleston; unladul pos es 1011. 3 month h.!.

JOHN GORMAN, at Kalgoorlie, on the 14th ill 't., hy P.O . J ame P orter and F. M. Dun"e."; la rceny. 2 Jllouth h.l. Property rpcovered.

.\..LBERT EDWARD Ru 'ELL REES, at Kauown<l, 011

tu' 12th inst.. by P.O·. M. Murpby anu J. A. Cctl­dow; larceny. :3 month h.l. Property recovered.

JAMES J OSCELYN, WILLIAl\! Rus ELL, anu ERNEST MI NCHEN, cet Boulder, on the 11th inst.. by P .O. J . E. Vallghan; disorderly. 1 mouth h.l. each.

J OHN DOWER. exp. , Ltte No .. 'i21 . at Pre­mantle on the 10th iu .t., 11\' P.O. G. A. Mctcalf; lunacy.' Sent to Asylum . .

FREDERICK \VAKEFIELD u/i(lI; G~\RDE ER u/illS JOHNS, at Smith's Mill, on tIll' 1: th ill ·t., hy P.C,. G. J ohn ton ,md G. J. Jen~l'n; brought up at GUlld­f(,nl on the] 6th ill -to 1 month h .l.

Miscellaneous. FRED. C HARL ES BRADBORN, l'har~e(l at BOIII(h'r,

Oll the Btll illlSt.. hy P.O. G. W. HOrllt>hy; cruelty to <LlIimalt>. £5 fiu'e aud COlSt~.

,AJI1UEL \tVADD ELL, THOMAS PORTEUS, J o 'EPH BROWN, ROBERT M. BOYE, THOMAS KING. OHARLES OALLICOTT, FREDl<.:RICK YOUNG, and ARTHUR E. POPE, charged <et Fremantle, on the 16th inst. hy Davitl Oormack, master of the barque" D esdemona" ; refUbing duty. 6 weeks h.1. each.

Warrants Issued. I'ide Police Gazette, 1900, page 174, W. 407 / HJOO.

V IRGINIA V IVUN not to be arrested. \Varrant cancelled 15th illst.

AH GOON, very tlli n bui ld, age ov('r 60 ypars, height ahout .s£f 7in., gray hair,. 'm~ll grey .mou­·tache. a lmonJ-sbaped eyps, long thlll wl'Inkled VIsage, oli ve complexion, a ga,rdener, nati \'f' of Ohina; being illdebteu to J ame Nicol & Son in the sum of £8 . To he arre ·ted at any ,'eaport of the Oolony, hut not el'ewhere. Dated Perth, 12th June, 1900.­W. 4431900.

LYDIA KNIGHT, thin build, age 40 yeart-, hei~ltl 5ft. 9in., hair turning gray, ~Tay ?Yl>:; , thill :' it-a~(', fair ('(llll pleXlOu, a nurse ; larc\.'llY of a cbl'(lW' ior £1., at Coolga,n1i" on the :Wth Ajlril)89~) . DaiL·(l PI 'rtll, 13th June, HlOO.-W. 44:2 1900.


DAVID PENMAN, medium build, age about 30 years, height about Sft. 9in., light brown hair, heavy sandy moustache, prominent blue eyes, long pointed nose, long thin visage, fair complexion, has an impediment in his speech, wears a brown tweed suit and soft brown felt hat, a traveller and clerk, recently iu the em]>loyment of the Perth Ice Co., at Kalgoorlie and Perth; embezzling the sum of =£4 19s., the mimeys of Calthrop Bros., at Kalgoorlie, on or about the 12th inst. Dated Kalgoorlie, 15th June, 1900.—W. 450/1900.

B. P. RICHARDSON, stout build, age 35 years. height Sft. 8in., reddish moustache and imperial, prominent eyes, shai-p nose, plump visage, fresh complexion, well dressed, generally wears sac suit aud straw hat, speaks with a drawl, lately employed in the Electrical Engineer's Department, Midland Juuctiou; being indebted to George Washington Gray in the sum of £8. To be ari-ested at any sea­port of the Colouv, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 14th June, 1900.—W. 451/1900.

HENRY SHAW (no description given) ; disobeying magisterial order for payment of Ss. per week for the support of his illegitimate child (amount of arrears, dBll, and 3s. 6d. costs). Dated Busselton, l l t h June, 1900.—W. 449/1900.

The undermentioned offenders not to be arrested. Warrants cancelled on the 18th inst.: —

FRANK ROSSEGLAN, vide P.G., 1899, page 296, W-685/99.

CHARLES ERICKSON, vide P.G., 1899, page 296, W. 688/99.

A. OPPENHEIM, vide P.G., 1899, jiage 296, W. 689/99.

F. C. PLATTS, vide P.G., 1899, page 314, W. 720/99.

MARCELLO PRIOLI , vide P.G., 1900, page 105, W. 239/1900.

GUILAMO G H I L F I , vide P.G., 1900, page 105, W. 240/1900.

JACOB JACOBSON, vide P.G., 1899, page 335, W. 768/99.

REINHOLD RASSMUSSEM, vide P.G., 1899, page 335, W. 769/99.

E M I L PETERSON, vide P.G., 1899, page 335, W. 773/99.

OLIVER W E L S H , vide P.G., 1899, page 342, W. 779 99.

H. KRUGER, vide P.G., 1900, page 4, W. 1/1900.

W. LAUBERG, vide P.G., 1900, page 4, W. 2/1900. J. BEHR, vide P.G., 1900, page 4, W. 5/1900.

H. P. L I E B , vide P.G., 1900, page 19, W. 30/1900.

L . STORM, vide P.G., 1900, page 19, W. 31/1900. A. FRISCHKNECHT, vide P.G., 1900, jjage 19,

W. 32/1900. S. PERNUT, vide P.G.,1900, page 56, W. 109,1900.

T. J. SHAW, medium build, age about 42 years, height Sft. 9iu., browu hair aud full bi-own beard, trimmed, going gray, blue eyes, rather round visage, fresh complexion, wears spectacles, generally dresses iu browu tweed suit, a lawyer; obtaining the sum of .£3 by false pretences from John Maher on the 29th Julv,'1899. Dated Kalgoorlie, 15th June, 1900.— W."453,1900.

Missing Friends. Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 20, M.F. 3/91. Police

Gazette, 1893, pages 21 and 101, M.F. 8/93.

PATRICK MCFADDEN (for description vide above references), last heard of at Coolgardie in 1893. Inquiry by J. M. Sheridan, Saltpans, Rathmullen, County Donegal, Ireland. Informatiou to the Criminal Investigation Brauch, Perth.—B2/1457.

JAMES POUND, stout build, age 35 years, height 5ft. 8iu., thick neck, round fat face, bright blue eyes, reddish moustache and side levers, or may be clean shaved, dresses iu brown sac suit and large grey Terai hat, a canvasser ; lately employed on a Wool aud Stock Journal ; fond of horse-racing, and was at one tiuie Editor of the Turf Pilot at Sydney ; left Sydney iu April last for Western Australia; may seek employment as a billiard marker or can­vasser. Inquiry by New South Wales Police on behalf of Mrs. Pound (wife) whom he has deserted at Sydney. Informatiou to the Criminal Investiga-tiou'Branch, Perth.—B2/14SI.

JAMES HENRY SMITH, medium build, height 6ft., age 44 years, brown hair and moustache turning grey, browu eyes, long straight nose, slight scar on one side of nose, star tattooed ou left arm; a miner, native of Kent, England; last heard of at Cler­mont, Queensland, in 1897; believed to have corhe to Western Australia in that year. Inquiry by New South Wales Police on behalf of W. Smith (brother), 51 John Street, Pyrmout, New South Wales. Infor­mation to the Criminal Investigation Brauch, Perth. ~B2/1449.

RICHARD (DICK) KNUCKING (uo description given), telegraph operator ; last heard of at Menzies about February last. Inquiry by J. F. Phillips, Telegraph Ofiice, Kalgoorlie. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2/1453.

Special Inquiry. Vide Police Gazette, 1899, pages 114 and 170, B2/219.

Careful inquiry is requested for the whereabouts of WILLIAM HENRY CLERK, described in the above references.


Perth.—On the 13th iiist., at the Coroner's Court, before E. J. Bickf<n-d, J .P. , Acting Coroner, ou the body of Billy Marr, aboriginal native, who was killed ou the 3rd iust. by being run over by a train between Perth and Claremout. Verdict.— " Accidental death." —B2/1454.

Perth.—On the ISth iust., at the Coroner's Court, before T. F . Quinlan, J.P.. Acting Coroner, on the body of John Roderick Hawkins, who died suddenly on the 31 st ult. Verdict.—" Death from poisouinff."" —B2/1415. ^

DAVID PENMAN, medium build, age about 30 year'>, height abollt 5ft. 9in., light brown hair, hcavy sandy moustache, prominent blue eyes, long pointed nose, long thin visage, fail' complexion, has an impediment in his speech, wears a, brown tweed suit and soft brown felt hat, a traveller and clerk, recently in the employmcnt of the P erth Ice Co., at Kalgoorlie and pprth; embezzling the sum of £4 19s., the moneys of Calthrop Bros., at Kalgoodie, on or about the 12th inst. Dated Kalgoorlie, 15th June, 1900.-W. 450/1900.

B. P. RICHARDSON, stout build, age 35 years, height 5ft. 8in., reddish moustache and imperial, prominent eyes, sharp nose, plump visagp , fresh complexion, well dressed, generally wears sac suit and straw hat, speaks with a drawl, lately employeu in the Electrical Engineer's Department, Midland Junction; being indebted to George Washington Gray in the sum of £8. To be arrested at any sea­port of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 14th June, 1900.- W. 451/]900.

HENRY SHAW (no description given); disobeying magisterial ordflr for payment of 5s. per week for the support of his illegitimate child (amount of arrears, £1], and 3s. 6d. costs). Dated Busselton, 11th June, 1£)00.-W. 449/1900.

The undermentioned offenders not to be arrested. Warrauts cancelled on the l~th inst.: -

FRANK ROSSEGLAN, vide r.G. , 1899, page 2%, W· 685/99.

CHARLES ERICKSON, vide P .G., 1899, page 296, W. 688/99.

A. OPPENREIM, vide P.G., 1899, page 296, W. 689/99.

F. C. PLA'fTS, vide P.G., 1899, page 314, W. 720/99.

MARCELLO PRIOLI, vide P.G., 1900, page 105, W. 239/1900.

GUILAMO GHILFI, vide P.G., 1900, pag'e 105, W. 240/1900.

JACOB JACOBSON, vide P .G., 1898, page 335, W. 768/89.

REIN HOLD RASSMUSSEM, vide P.G., 1899, page 335, W.769/99.

EMIL PETERSON, vide P.G., 1899, page 335, W. 773/99.

OLIVER WELSH, vide P.G., 1899, page 342, W. 77999.

H. KRUGER, vide P.G., 1900, page 4, W. 1/1900.

W. LAUBERG, vide P.G., ] 900, page 4, W. 2/1900. J . BERR, vide P.G., 1900, page 4, W. 5/1900.

H. F. LIEB, vide P.G., 1900, page] 9, W. 30/1900.

L. STORM, vide P.G., ]900, page J9, W. 31 /1900. A. FRISCHKNECHT. vide P.G., 1900, 19,

W. 32/1900. S. PERNUT, vide P.G., 1900, 56, W. IOU 1900.

T. J. SHAW, medium build, age about 42 years, height 5ft. 9in., hrown hail' and full brown l)ea.l'd, trimmed, going gray, blue eyes, rather round visage, fresh complexiou, wears spedades. generally dresses in brown tweed suit, a lawyer; ol)taiuillg' 1he sum of £8 Ilv falt:ic pretences from Johu Maher on the 2\)th Julv: 1899. D,Lted Kalgool'liL', 15th June, 1900.­W."453, 1900.


~1issing Friends.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 20, M.F. 3,91. Police Gnzette, 1893, pages 21 and 101, M.F. 8/93.

P .A.TRICK McF ADDEN (for description vicle above references), last heard of at Coolgardie in 1893. Inquiry by J. M. Sheridan, Saltpans, Rathmullen, County Donegal, Ireland. Information to the Criminal Invest.igation Branch, Perth.-B2/1457.

JAMES POUND, stout huild, age 35 years, height 5ft. 8in., thick neck, round fat face, bright blue eyes, reddish momtache and side levers, or may be clean shaved, dresses in brown sac suit and large grey Terai hat, a canvasser; lately employed on a Wool and Stock J oUl'llal; fond of horse-racing, and was at one time Editor of the Tu?! Pilot at Sydney; left Sydney in April last for Western Australia; may seek employment as a billiard marker or can­vasser. Inquiry by ::'~ew South Wales Police on behalf of Mrs. Pound (wife) whom he has deserted at Sydney. Information to the Criminal Invest.iga­tion Branch, Perth.- B2/1451.

JAMES HENRY SMITH, :nec1ium build, height 6ft., age 44 years, brown hair and moustache turning grey, brown eyes, long straight nose, slight scar on one side of nose, star tattooed on left arm; a miner, native of Kent, England; last heard of at Cler­mont, Queensland, in 1897; believed to have come to Western Australia in that year. Inquiry by New South Wales Police un behalf of W . Smith (brother), 51 John Street, PVl'mont, New South Wales. Infor­mation t.o the Criminal Invest.igation Branch, Perth. -B2/ 1449.

RrCHAIW (DICK) KNUCKING (no description given), telegraph o}!erator; la::;t heard of at Menzies about February last . Inquiry by J. F. Phillips, Telegraph Office, Kalgoorlie. Information t.o the Crimina'! Investiga.tion Branch, Pertb.-B2/1453.

Special Inquiry.

Vide Police Gazette, 1899, pages 114 and 170, B2J219.

Careful inquiry is requested for the whereabout.R of WILLIAM HENRY CLERK, described in the above references.


Perth. - Oll the 13th inst., at tIp Coroner's Court, before E. J. BicUol'cl, J.P. , Acting Coroner, on the body of Billy MalT, aboriginal native, who was kill.ed on the 3rd inst. by being run over by a tram between Perth and Cla.remont. Verdict.­" AcciuentcLl ueath." -B2/1454.

Pel'fh. -- On the l.5th inst., at the Coroner's Court hefore '1'. F. (,Juinlan, J.P .. Acting Coroner, on th~ hody of John Roclerick Ha.wkins, who died suddenly on the 3J st ult. Verdi<.:t.-" Death froll] poi~oning"" -B2fl415.


Conditional Release restored to J A M E S C U T H B E R T ,

the 14th ins t .—B2/1468. Reg . No. 9422, on

if Property Lost. Perih.—Ou the 9th inst . ,—a Pos t Office Savings

Bank book; the property of Miss M. Lowe.— P.L. 267/1900. On the 9th inst . ,—an oilskin coat, a waterproof coat with red l ining, and a pair of leggings, spring (m top, and buckle in cen t re ; t he property of Louis H a s l u c k . - P . L . 268/1900. On the U t h inst., —a single-stone diamond combination scarf-pin and stud, screw at bo t tom; the jjroperty of Son H e r m a n . —P.L . 271/1900. On the 8th inst.,'—a browu leather purse, containing a crossed cheque for £1 7s. 7d. ou Bank of New South Wales , Per th , drawn by Jas . Millar in favour of J . aud J . L iv ings tone ; also 198. 6d., and sundry recei])ts and cards ; the jiropertv of F rank F r i e n d . — P . L . 269/1900. On the 16th inst.,—a two-bar gold broocli, having a butterfly on it set with 4 pearls ; the proper ty of H . Card.— P.L. 275/1900. On the 15th inst . ,—a gent leman's

Wolverhampton H u m b e r bicycle, No. 48387, cotted joints , medium handle bars , white t ips , in good condition. No. 17 in yellow paint on tube unde r the saddle ; the projjertv of Arms t rong &: Co.— P . L . 276 1900.

Fremantle—On the 10th inst . .—3 cheques : ( i . ) 308., on U m o n Bauk, Fremaut le . d rawn by J . J . Short in favour of liearer ; ( 2.) 3s. 9d.. on Unimi Bank, Fremaut le , payable to Secretary, Bucklaud Hil l Roads Board ,and bears t h e s t a m p o f t h e Buckland Hil l Roads Board, indorsed J . R. B y n g ; (3.) 20s., on Bank of Australasia , d rawn bv J . S. Campbell iu favour of beare r ; the property of J . R. B y n g . — P . L . 1900.

Plympdon.—On tbeSth inst . ,—a lady's 18ct. gold chain-bangle, small twisted links, each link orna­mented with flowers, with plaiu gold jiadlock a t t ached ; the property of ^liss Marion Collins.— P .L . 270 1900.

Kilgeioriie—On the 10th inst. ,—a lady's 18ct. gold-cased key-winding watch. No. 3662 or 2663, and a gold fob-chain, with gold pencil-case a t t a ched ; the property of Mrs . Saml. C. P a u l l . - P . L . 273 1900.

P R I S O N K H , S iJ> 1 S C 11 -\ ti^dr K IJ .

ItBlt. N... or late

Ilea. Su. Wherr

( 'oinmitted.

From Eremeintle Pri.ion. eluring the ii-eedc rudiuej Siiturilui/, IGth June, ItiOO.

Free ... Female Free .,,


Do. Do. Do.

Exp. .,, Free ...

Do. Do.

Female Do.

Free . . Do. Do. Do.

Female Do.

Free ... Do.


2486 1 P 2 7 iri06


39.59 2532 4301

9077 1373

4270 4102

F 14 F 107

3002 3781 3914 4287 F 3 5

F 1 6 3 4262 3230

2134 i

Stewart , George ... Gordon, Mar tha ... John , Hy., alias

Thomas Gibson, Wil l iam ...

Boag, Albert Ferguson, Robert Dale, Wil l iam

Byrne, Pa t r ick Will iams, Jno. , alias

Carey Li t to , Albert Tliompson, (Jeorge

Clements , Mary ... Doher ty , Eli/.a W a t t s , A r t h u r Kelly, .Tames Avery, George Hawkins , John W. F a n n y alias F lorr ie Annie (ab. nat . ) ... W r i g h t , Charles ... Johns ton , John

Wilson, Mar t in

W a n t of distress Idle and disorderly Larceny ,,,

Disorder ly; drunk

Larceny ... Unlawful posses.sion Assaul t

Idle and disorderly Unlawfully on premises

Unlawful Jiossession Unlawful possession (two

charges) Drunk Disorderly Drunk Larceny ... Interfering" with police Embezzlement ,,, Disorderiv

Do. ' Idle and disorderly Dis'^rderly (two charges)

Idle and disorderly

£-2 \oi. or 14 days h.l. 2 months h.l. 14 days li.l. ...

£0 or 3 months h.l,; .£1 or 7 days h.l. (cum.)

2 months h.l . 6 months h.l. £2 10s. ( ;d .or l month

h.l. 3 months h.l. 4 months h.l.

21 days 3 months h.l. ; 3

nionths h.l. (eum.) l i s . 6d. or 7 days h.l. 24s. or 7 days h.l. ... 7 days h.l. ,,, 14 days h,l 55s. 6d. or 7 days h.l 14 days h.l 2 months h.l. 2 months h.l. 1 montlr h.l, 1) nionths h,l. ; 6

F remant le Do.

P e r t h ..

l l t h J iuie 12tli do. 12th do.

Mt. Morgans ' 12th do.

Kalgoorlie 12th do. F reman t l e | 12th do.

Do. ... 1 12th do.

Pe r th ,,, I 13th do. Coolgardie i 13th do.

months h.l. 6 months h.l.


Fremant le Albany ,,,

Pe r th Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Kalgoorlie Do.

Nor tham Boulder ...

P e r t h ...

13th 14th

14th 14th 15th ) 5th 15th 15th 16th 16th 16th 16th

<lo. do.

do. do. .lo. do. <lo. do. do. do. do.

1 6 t h i\i:

Hat.- (it •i.nii r i in io.

June , KWO

April , 1899

June , 1900

Ju ly , 1899

June, 1900 June, 1900

Jan., 1900

J u n e , 1900

Oct., 1899

Fr I'ee ..

From Newca.rile Gaed, during the week ending 9ih June, 1900.

Duggan, James ,,, Drunk : idle and dis- j 7 days h.l.; 14 days j Northam orderlv h.l.

4th J u n e

Free .,

From Peak Hill Loe-k-up, during the iciek ending 9th June. 1900.

James, Daniel ... Unlawfully on premises i 3 days imp, ... ... | Peak Hill ! 4th June

Free .

. •T»o.


From Coolgardie Lock-np. during the mouth ending .jlsi May. 1900.

McLean, Chas. O'Connor, Wil l iam Cooke, Chas.

Idle and disorderly Drunk Idle and disorderly

1 month h.l. 14 days h.l, 1 month h.l.

Coolgardie Do. Do.

From Northam Lock-np, during the week ending Pith June, 1900.

Bourke, Thomas ... Drunk ... ... ... I 20s. or 8 days h.l. ,., Northam...

.5th :May 10th do. 18th do.

U t h J u n e


Conditional Release restored to J AMES CUTHBERT, Rpg'. No. 9422, on the 14th inst.-B2 146 .

r' Property Lost. Perth.--Ou th(, 9th inst.,-a Post Office Savings

Bank book; the property of ~liss ::U. Lowe.-­P.L . 267/1900. On the 9th im;t.,-an oi.lskin coat, a waterproof coat with reu lining, aucl a pair of leggirgs, spri~g on top, and buckle in centre; the propert.v of L OUIS H aslw·k. -P.L . 268/1900. On the 14th inst., -~L single-f:!tonp diamond combilULtion scarf-pin and stnd, screw at hot tom ; the property of Son Herman. - P.L.27] / 1900. On the 8th imt.,-a brown leather purse, containing a (Tossed cheque for £ 1 7s. 7d. on Bank of New South Wales, Perth, urawn hv J as. Millar in favour of J . and J . Living'stone'; a.lso 19H. 6d., ~Lnd f:!undry receipts and caruH; the property of Frank Friend.--P .L . 269 1900. On the 16th inst.,-a t wo-har gold brooch . heLving a, hnttprfiv on it set with 4 pe~Lrls; the property of H. Ca;·d.­P.L. 27.5/1900. On t he 15th inst., - CL gpntleman's

Itc'". Nit, I 0 11 11 11 11 11. 01' laJ·('

Itt'\C .• 'H.

Free .,. F~malo FreE' .,.


Do. Do . 00.

Exp. ' " FI'c ' .,.

Dr). Do.

l!'cllIale Do.

Free . . 00. Do. Do.

Female Do.

Frpe .,. Do.


24HG P 27 ] i)O(j

::185 1-

3959 2;5a2 1:301

9677 13n

t270 ·U02

.1<' It .1<' 107 :l002 :mll ;WH 421-17 F :~5

F 163 ·1-:W2 ;~2aO

Stewart, Georgo .. . Gorflon , Martha .. . J obn. H y., (tlias

Thomas Gibson, W illia lll

B oag. Albor t F er g uson , R obcr t Dale, IV illi<tJn

BYI'llc', P atrick "\Villia lll s , J no ., a l ias

Carey LitLo, Albert l ' holllpson , G eorge

Cle lJl l'n t s, M;try Dohcrty. Eli~m vY;ttt s, ArOmr K elly. J a m es Avery, GeOl'go ll;twkm • J ohn IV. .1<'anny al ias F lorrie

nnil' fab. met.) 'Vri<T ht Chm'les J ol1J;'st o'n , J ohn

" ilson , Mar t in

Wan t of distress Idle and disordt'rly Larc('ny ...

Disor<lerly; drun k

Larceny ... n lawful pusse sion

A s n.ult

Idle and di:;orderly Unlawfully Oil pl"l'llliReS

Un l<twf111 1)(lSSl'ssion U nl awful possession (two

charges) Dr unk Di 'orckrly Drunk • Larcenv ... I nh'rfe"i'ing "'it h police ... E mhezz]('lllt'ut ... Di orderly

Del. I elle an(l disorderly Dis ,]"(ledy (two 'harges)

r eUc and disorderly

Woh,prhampton Humher hicYcle .... TO. 4: 3'"'7. ("Itte(l joints. medium hanule har~. white tip.. in ~ood condition, No. 17 in yellow paint on tuhe under the saddle; the property of Armstr()n~ &- Co.­P.L. 2761900.

F,.elllantle.-On the 10th in t .. -:3 chellul?: (1.) 30 ., on Union Bank. Fremantle. urawn b,- J. J. tlhortin fa.yourof hearer; (2.) 3,;.~d .. on Lni(lu'Bank, Fn·mantle. payable to Secretary. Bllddand Hill Rnad' Boclrd. anu bear.' the stamp ofthe Bucklanu Hill Roads Boaru. inclorecl J. R. B.m~; (3.) :"20,; .. on Bank of Australa ia, drawn by J .•. C'lllll,lwll in fa,om' ()f bearer; the property of J. R. B."n~·.-P.L. ~72 1900.

Plymptoll.-On the.5th in't .. -a laJy's 1 et. ~old l"hain-hangle, small twiiSh·J lillks, each link orna­men tea ,~ith flowers. with lJlaiu ~olJ paJluck athtched; the property of J1i~s 1farinn Collins.­P.L. 270 19uO.

KII1!JlJodif'.-Ou the 10th in::-:t.. [L hul.v',.,. 1 et. gold-ca::;!!(} key-winding watch. n. 3fiti2 or :266:3. ana <L g"hl foh-('hllin. with gold pellcil-ca'e u.ttcl<:ht',l; t11l;' property of ~frs. Sa,ml. C. Paull. P.L. 273 1900.

iJl SC H A. H. G EU.

£2 I.'),. or H days h.1. 2 months h.1. 14 day8 h.!. ...

£5 0)" ;S months h.1.: £1 or 7 (lays h.1. ( ("HUl.)

2 lllonths h.1. Ii months h.1. £2 lOs. lid. or 11l1unth

h.1. 3 month>; h.l. .1- month" h.1.

21 (lay' :l 1I1Ouths h.!.; :3

11l(ln t h s h.!. (I·UIll.)

11 '. (jd . or 7 days h.1. 2"*s. or 7 days h.l . i days h.1. ... 11 dap h.l. . . .')3$. (i.1. Ul' i days h.l ].j, da \" h.1. :! 1lI0~th' h.1. 2 months h 1. 1 montlr h.l. li llIonths h.1.; 6

months h.1. (con.) 6 lllonths h.l.

\\ hpr,. ("""lInllt"\!.

Frelllautl,' Do.


Mt. Morgau8

Kalgoorli(, FrcllIan tIc' Do.

Perth Cuolgal"(li!'

Fn'JlI,lntle Alhany ..

Perth Dn. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Kalgourlie Do.

Xurthalll Boulder ...


11th ,Tunc 12th do. 12th (10.

I:!t h (10.

l:!th (10. 12th do. 12th ,10.

l:lth (10. l:lth (10.

l:lth do. Hth (lp.

11th (10. 1 Ith (10. 1:)th ,10. l.")th ,In. 1.")th .10. 1.")th (10. Ilith .10. 11jth (10.

lOth ,10. 1t)th ,10.

nat~· of (,rull p 1'hoto.

June. WOO

April, 11-199


-TIIly. 1k!l9

JlJnt'. H)OO JlJll('. 1!)OO

Jan ., l!JOO

J nne, l!)OO

From Ne ll' c(l .,tlf' Gu{)l, during the lI'eek elldillY .9th .JI/ne, 1.90(J. Frrc .,.

Frep ..

Frep . Do. l)o.

Du g-gan, J a llles . .. Drunk: idle >lnt! c1is- i days h.!.; 1"* days Northalll 0]", ledy h.l~

F ,.om Pea k Hill Lock-up. dlu'ing the Inek pncling 9th JOIlf'. 19(jO. Unlawfully on prem~ses 3 clays imp .... J a m c', Daniel . .. I Peak Hill

F rom Cnolg(lrdie Lock-lip . during thp I//al/tlt elldinu 31st Ma!!. 19(J().

l\I.cLean, Cha~: . "'1 Tdlc' and disorderly o Cou mw. ,\ Ilharu Drunk ... . .. Cook". Chas. ... Idle ana <li orderly

.. '11 month h.1.

... H days h.1. ...

... 1 month h.1.

Cool g-aI',lie Do. Do.

I?f(JIII NodhOIJ/ Lucl.--lIp. duriliy the 11'1:('1; el/dilly 16"th JIII/e. J.<)()().

"*th June ... I June .. ,

.")th ')Tay IlIth ,1.;. IMh ,10.

Hourke. Thomas Drunk :!l)S. or H day h.1. ... Xorth,ull. .. 11th .)uue ..



Return of Prisoners tried at (inarter Sessions. (Jue, commencing Monday, 28tli May, 1900.

Condi- Ee?r. t ion. No.

Free Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Seas^er, Heury Edward Smiat

I Mustapha Ja tu lah ,, Mahomet Goul Ahmeel Khan ,, Smiat Mustapha Ja tu lah Mahomet Goul Ahmeel Khan ,..

Offence. ' Town or Distr ic t . Police Gazette

reference Verdict . How disposed of.


S- Unlawfully wounding

f-Inflicting g-rievous hodily harm




1900. 1'

p .

, p .




Guilty ,,.

Not guilty

Not guilty

3 months h.l.



Register of Expirees and Conditional Pardon Holders who have left the Colony.

Name aud Condition.

Mason, Fred., expiree ...

Late Reg. No.


Date of Depart iu*e.

Name of Vessel.

18tli May, 1900 ... S.S. " A n g l i a n "



Ship in whicli arrived. Remarks.

" M e r c h a n t m a n " . . . | Fo r description, vide Police I Gazette, 1900, page 42,



540 542 543 .546 .549 551 ,552 5.54 556 .557 56-0 569 574 575

576 577 580 5&5 588

592 593 599 601

602 603 605 60(j 607


Harris, Frank Mortran, David McDonald, Jas . Burke. "Wm. ,., Evans, Eobt. ,,, McArthur, F.. . , Slack, John ,,, Brosnan, Timothy Hopkins, John Jenkins, Wm, ,, Watson, Thomas Watson, Charles Molvneux, Matthew Reid, John, alias

Price, Chas. O'Brien, Nicholas ,,, Minrlbam McPherson, Donald,,, Cosgrove, William ,,, Sinclair, Heury, alias

McDougall, James, edias Cronin, Cor­nelius

Stone, William Downs, Edward Clarke, Andrew Haynes, Wm. alias

Ainsworth, Ar thur Chichong JoUy, Eobert Watson, Thomas Jackson, Jas Wambonhy alian


Reg. No.

6145 10484



Free do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

Free T.L. do.

do. ab. mit.

Free do. do.



10487 10514

do. T.L. Free

ab. nat. Free T.L. do.

ab. nat

Date of escape.

15th August, 1895,,, 12th Sept., 1895 ,,, 12th Sept., 1895 ,,, 1st January, 1896 ,.. 3rd March, 1896 ,,, 17th April, 1896 ,,, 13th June , 1896 ,,, 20th August, 1896,,, 9th Sept., 1896 9th Sept., 1896 17tli Sept., 1896 ,,, 24th June , 1897 ,,, 25th D e c , 1896 ,,, 21st August, 1897 ,,,

30th Oct., 1897 24th D e c , 1897 ,, Slst D e c , 1897 4th July, 1K9S 14th Oct., 189,y

9th D e c , 1898 Do

Slst Jan . , 1898 24th Oct., 1899

23rd D e c , 1899 ,,, .3rd March, 1900 ,,, August , 1899 22nd May, 1900 ,,, 2nd Juue , 1900

District from.

Fremantle ,,, Coolgardie ,,, Geraldton ,,, Victoria Plains P e r t h Albanv Coolgardie ,,, Geraldton ,,, Newcastle ,,, Newcastle ,,, Coolgardie , , Pe r th Pe r th Fremant le ,,,

Fremaut le ,,, Fremantle .,, Fremant le ,,, Kalgoorlie Mt. Malcolm

Pe r th Pe r th Fremant le ... CoUiefields ,,,

Geraldton ... Nor tham Pe r th Fremant le ,,, Coolgardie , .

Vide Police Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. .uo. Do.

Do. Do, Do. Do. Do.


Gazette do. . do., do.. do., do.. do.. do.. do.. do,. do.. do., do., do. .

do.. do.. do.. do.. do..

do.. do., do., do..

do.. do, . do.. do.. do.,

Deacription and remarks.

1895, do. do. 1896 do. do. do. do. do do. do. 1897 do. do.

do. do. 1898 do. do.

do. do. 1899 do.

1.900 do. do. do. do.

page 160 do. 169 do. 169 do. 13 do. 53 do. 94 do. 130 do. 190 do. 207 do. 207 do. 212 do. 189 do. 259 do. 395

do. 395 do. 396 do. 4 do. 225 do. 343

do. 410 do. 410 do 290 do. 328

do. 19 do. 78 do. 99 do. 167 do. 1S5


By Authority: KICHARD PETHEB, Government Printer, Perth.


Condi- I Reg.' tion. No.

Name. Offence. I Police

Town or District. Gazette reference. I

Verdict. I H ow disposed of.

Free Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Sea,<"er, Henry Edwnru Smiat Mustaphn Jatulah Mahomet Goul Ahmeel Khan Smiat .. Mustapha Jatulah Mahomet Goul Ahmeel Khan

Larceny Uue ... ")

~ Unlawfully wounding Cue

j .. 'I

I ~ Infucting grievous bodily Cue I harm


1900. p.69 Guilty 3 months h.l.

p. 113 Not guilty Discharged.

1). 113 I Not guilty Discharged.

Register of Expirees and Conditiollal Pardon Holder;.; who have left the ('olony.

Name and Condition. I Late I Reg. No. Date of

Departure. Name of Vessel. Destination. Ship in which

an-ived. 1



M ason, Fred., expiree ... \ 8075 \ 18th May, 1900 I S.S. "Anglian ,,' Sydney I "Merchantman" ... For description, ~ide Police GI!zette, 1900, page ~2 .

Gazette )/0.

540 iH2 iH3 .546 iH9 551 552 5iH 556 557 WO 569 57-! 5i5

5i6 577 580 58.5 5'lR

592 50a 599 601

602 60~ 605 HU/; 607


Same. I Con- I Reg. No. dition. Date of escape. District trom. I Desoription and remarks.

Harri , Frank ...... 1 Mor<{an, David McDonald, Jas. ... Burke, Wm. ... . .. Evans, Robt. .. .. . McArthur, F. .. .. . Slack, John ... .. . Brosnan, Timothy .. . HOpki.J1S, John .. . Jenkins, Wm. .. .. . Watson, Thomas .. . Watson, Charles .. . Molyneux, Matthew Reid, John, nUa"

Price, Chas. O'Brien, Nichola~ ... MinrUlam . .. McPherson, Donald Cosgroye, 'Villiam .. Siuclair, Henry, alias

McDougall, James, alias Cronin, Cor­nelius

Stone, William Downs, Edwurd Clarke, Andrew ... HlLynes, Wm . al"'s

Ainsworth, Arthur Chichong Jolly, Robert Watson, Thomas Jackson, Jao. Wambonby "I,os


6145 10484


Free do. do. do. do . do. do. do. do. do. do.

Free T.L. do.

do. all. nat.

Free ,10. do.

Free do.

1048 .. 0 1 T.L. Free

ab. nat. Free

1O~7 T.L. 105H do.

15th August, 1895.. . Fremantle ... 12th Sept ., 1895 Coolgardie .. . 12th Sept., 1895 Geraldton .. . 1st January, 1896.. . Victoria Plains 3rd March, 1896 ... Perth .. .. . 17th April , 1896 Albany 13th June, 1896 Coolgardie .. . 20th August, 1896 Geraldton .. . 9th Sept., 1896 Newcastle ... 9th Sept., 1896 Newcastle ... 17th Sept., 1896 ... Coolgardie ~th June, 1897 ... Perth 25th Dec., 1896 .. Perth 21st August, 1897 . I Fremantle .. .

30th Oct., 189i 24th Dec., 1897 3lst Dec., 189i 4th July, 1;;91< 14th Oct., 189~

9th Dec., 189tj Do.

31stJau ., Ul!18 24th Oct., 1S9!=)

23rd Dec., 1899 31'(1 March, 1900 Au~ust, 1899 22nd May, 1900

Fremantle .. . .. I Fremltntle .. FrC'mantle .. . Kal~oorlie

Mt. Makohn

... I Pert!. Perth Fremantle ... Collietields

Gemldtoll ... Northam Perth Fremantle

"I,. uat 1 2ntl June, 1900 Coolq-ardie

Vide Police r;ozette, Do. do., Do. do ., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do ., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do., Do. clo., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do.,

Do. do., Do. do .. Do. do., Do. do., Do. do.,

Do. do., Do. do., .uo. do., Do. do.,

Do. do., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do.,

1895, page 160 do. do. 16!=) do. do. 169 1896 do. 13 do. do. 53 do. do. 94 do. do. 130 do. do. 190 cl0 do. 20, du. do. 207 do. do. 212 1897 do. 189 do. do. 25~ do. do . 395

do. do. 395 do. do. 39b 1898 do. 4 do. do. 225 do. do. 3.J:~

do. do. HO do. do. ~1O 1P!l9 do 290 do. dn . 328

1000 do . HI rl0. do. iH do. do. 99 do. do. 16i do. <10. 18:;

By Authority: l(,ICHARD PETHER, Governmpnt Printpr, Perth.

[Published by Authority.]

This Gazette is published for Police information only, and the Police throughout the Colony

are instructed, to make them,selves thoroughly acquainted with the contents.

FRED. HARE, Commissioner of Police.

No. 26.] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. ri9oo.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Beaconsfield.—During the night of the 16th, from the person of John Mahoney,—a gentleman's silver hunting stem-winding Waltham watch, dent on edge of back case; a silver double-curh chain, bar missing; a silver oval-shajied locket, containing a lady's photograph ; and a silver triangular-sha]>ed locket.--A2 5750, 20th June, 1900.

Per<^.—Between Sth May, 1899, and Sth June, 1900, from the owner's shop, 190 Barrack street,—a gentleman's 18ct. gold single stoue-diamond ring, claw setting (6 claws), value d£8 10s.; the propertv of D. E. W. Sonnadere.—A2/5771, 22nd June, 1900.

Geraldton.—During the night of the 20th inst., from the Club Hotel,—a plain gold bracelet, with a large diamond set in the centre, spring fastening, value d825 ; a plain gold brooch with diamond set in centre, chain and safety pin attached, value £7 10s. ; a plain gold 3-bar brooch, with diamond set in the centre, value dtlO; the property of Mrs. James Brookman. Susjiicion attaches to Sydney Inglis. Description: Medium build, age about 25 years, height 5ft. 7in., fair hair and moustache, oval visage, blue eyes, smart appearance, clerk in (xovernment Railwav Department, Greraldton; left for Kalgoorlie on the 22nd inst.—A2/5778, 23rd Juue, 1900.

Keilgoerrlie—On the 24th inst., from the owner's dwelling. McDonald Street East,—a lady's gold opeu-faced key-wiuding watch, steel hands, no seconds hand; an old-fashioned gold Albert, very clumsy link pattern; part of a gold muff chain ; two silver Coolgardie Exhibition medals, engraved with mono­grams " W.S.T." and " R.T." respectively ; a lady's gold ring, set with a blue stone and several pearls, 2 pearls missing; the propertv of William F. Furton.—A2/5800, 26th June, 1900.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 188, A2/570(J. Berih.—The dinghy described in the above

reference, the jiroperty of A. Dixey, has been found, not stolen.

Victoria Bark.—Between the 6th aud 14th inst., from the owner's dwelling,—16 or 20 iron spring opossum traps, 18in. long; the property of James Dromey.—A2/5734, 19th June, 1900.

Cue.—On the 14th hist., from Tuckauarra,—a grey opossum-skin rug, brown lining, strip of opossum tails in centre aud 3 tails at one end, value i l O ; the property of Norman Foote. Suspicion attaches to 3 young men (no description given) who camped at Tuckanarra on the 14th inst., and left early on the 15th inst. for Nannine.—A2 5753, 21st June, 1900.

Eremantle—Between the 16th and 18th inst., from the yacht " Clyanthus," while ashore at Fitzgerald Terrace, a 5-gallon stoue jar, covered with wicker work; a 1-gallon galvanised iron Inicket, 2 galvanised iron rowlocks, and 2 3in. patent roller blocks, painted blue; the propertv of A. McKinnon. —A2 5755, 21st June, 1900.

Yejrk.—On the 20th or 21st iust., from the Imperial Hotel, a case of Stronvaar whiskv, size 18in. X 12in., containing 1 dozen bottles; case branded WDM on side, U over 377 on end, PC over Y on top, in blue letters; the propertv of P. A. Commins. Suspicion attaches to a man who left for Beverley on the 21st inst., driving a lorry. Descrip­tion : Medium build, age about 32 years, height about Sft. l l in. , dark hair aud moustache, thin visage. dark complexion, two front teeth in upper jaw cross,, and are decayed; wore a black mackintosh cape.—-A2 '5768, 22nd Juue, 1900.

Boulder.—On the 20th iust., from the owner's shop, Richardson Street,—191bs. of Victory tobacco, 171bs. of Derby tobacco, and 6 bottles of White & McKay's whiskv, the propertv of J. Leadlv.— A2 5769, 22ud June, 1900.

Leederville.—On the 19th inst., from Native Dog Swamp, Wanneroo Road,—a spring-cart collar, nearlv new, rough on outside, fastened with one strap ; and brass-coated hames, brass worn off lioth rings; also old saddle and breeching; the propertv of Thomas Thick.—A2S772, 22nd June, 1900.



[Published by Authority.]

Thill Gazette is published for Police information only, and the Police th1'ouyhout the Colony

are instructed to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents.

FRED. HARE, Commissioner of Police.

No. 26. J WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. [1900.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Beaconsfield.- During the night of the 16th inst., from the person of John Mahoney,-a gentleman's silver hunting stem-winding Waltham watch, uent on edge of bftck C3,se; a silver double-curb chain, bar missing; a silver oval-shaped locket, containing a lady's photograph; and a silver triangular-sha,ped loeket.-A2,'5750, 20th June, 1900.

Pe1" fh.-Between 5th Mav, lS99, and 5th June, 1900, from the owner's shoP, 190 Ba,rrack street,-a gentleman's l Sd. gold single stone-diamond ring, claw setting (6 claws), value £S 10s. ; the property of D. E. W. Sonnadere.-A2/5 771, 22nd June, 1900.

Gemldto'l1.-During the night of the 20th inst., from the Club Hotel,- a plain gold hracelet, with a large diamond set in the centre, spring fastening, valne £25 ; a plain gold brooch with diamond set in centre, chain and safety pin attached, value £7 10s. ; a plain gold 3-bar brooch, with diamond set in the centre, value £ 1 (); the propert.v of Mrs. J ames Brookman. Suspicion attaches to Sydney Inglis. Description: Medium build, agt:' about ~5 .vears, lleight 5ft. 7in ., fair ha ir and moustach{', oval visage, blue eyes, smart a.ppearance, clerk in (+overnment R~Li lwa.y Department, Geraldton; left for Kalgoorlip on t he 22nd imt.-A2/577S, 23rd June, 1900.

Kalgo01·lie.-On the 24th inst .. from the owner's dwelling. McDonald Street East,- a lady's gold open-faced key-winiling watch, st.eel hands, no sec,)l1ds hand; ,tn old -fasbionpd gold Albert, very dumsy link pattern; part of a gold muff cha,in; two silver Coolgardie Exhibition medals, engraved with mono­grams" W.S.T." and" R.T." resprctively; a lady's gold ring, set with a blue stone and several pearls, 2 pearls mis:;;ing; the 11ropert.'> of William F . FurtOll .-A2 /5S00, 26th June, 1900.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 188, .A.2/570iJ.

Perth .-The dinghy uescribed in the above reference, the property ()f A. Dixe.'", has been found, not stolen.

VictoTia PaTk.-Between the 6th and 14th in t ., from the owner's dwelling,-16 or 20 iron spring opossum traps, lSin . long; the property of James Dromey. - A2/5734, 19th June, 1900.

Oue.-On the 14th inst., iTorn Tuckanarm,-a grey opossum-skin rug', brown lining, strip of opo'sum tails in centrf> and 3 tails at one end, value £10; the property of Norman Foote. Suspicion atta ·hes to 3 young men (no de cription given) who camped at Tuckanarra. on the 14th inst., and left early on the 15th inst. for Nannine.-A2 5753, 21st June', 1900.

Fremantle.-Between the 16th a,nu l Sth inst., from the yacht .. Clya.nthns," whilt' asbure at Fitzgeralu Terrace, a 5-gallon stone jar, ('overed with wicker work; a I-gallon galvanised iron bllcket, 2 g-a.lvanised iron rowlock, and 2 3in. patt'ut roller blocks, painteu blue; th e property of A. M(·Kinnon. - A2 .'i75.5, 21st June, 1900.

YOl'l.;. - On the 20th or 21st inst., from till' Imperial H otel, a cae of Stronvaar whisky, size lSin . x 12in., containing 1 dozen bottles; case branded WDM on siuf>, U over 377 on enu, PC over Y on top, in blue letters; the property of P. A. Cornmins. Suspicion a.tta.ches to a man who left fo], Beverley on the 21st inst., driving a lorry. Descrip ­tion: Medium huild, age a bout 3~ years, height about 5ft. llin., (lark hair and moustache, thin visage, dark complexion, two front teeth in upper jaw cros , and are decayed; wore a black mackintosh cape.­A2, 576S, 22nd June, 1900.

B ou ldel·.--On the 20th im.t., from the ,)w'ler' s shop, Richard soll Street,- 19lbs. of Victory tobacco, 171bs. of Derby tobacco, and 6 bottles of White &: MeKay's whi;1."Y, the property of J . Lt'adly.­A2 '5769, 22nd June, 1900.

L eede n 'i lle.-On the 19th inst., from Native Dog Swamp, Wanneroo Road,-a spring-cart ('olIar, nead: new, rough on outside, fastened with one strap; and brass-coated hames, bmss worn off both rings; also old saddle and breeching ; the property of Thomas Thi(·k.-A2 5,72, 2211t1 June, 1900.


Kalgoorlie—On the 20th inst., from Boulder Racecourse,—a black bag, containing a pair of jockey's silk riding breeches, a pair of riding boots, browii tops, a white web martingale complete, and a pair of flat nickel-plated spurs; the property of Joseph Cerf.—A2 5777, 23rd June, 1900.

Greenough.—On the 6th inst., from the owner's dwelling,—2 cheques on the W.A. Bauk, Oeraldton: ( i ) for =£1, drawn by Hugh Hamersley in favour of E. McDonnell; (2) for £2, drawn by S. Eakins in favour of E. Hackett; the propertv of John M. Maley.—A2/S791, 25th June, 1900.

Kalgoorlie—On tlie 22nd inst., from the owner's dwelling,—a gentleman's waterproof coat, with red and white check lining; the property of Uwoda Otomatsu.-A2/5801, 26th June, 1900.

Kalgoorlie.—Ou the 22nd inst., from the owner's camp,—a black leather portmanteau, 2ft. x I jf t . X 1ft., containing a black cloth sac coat and vest, tailor made, size about 6, with low collar to coat; vest also cut low, with 4 and 5 buttons respectively ; and a pair of dark tweed trousers, tailor made, size about 6 ; the property of Patrick White, A2/5802, 26th June, 1900.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc.

Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 188, A2/5711. Berih.—The boots described in the above reference,

the property of Charles R. Ingram, have been recovered by Det. F. Gr. Eggleston and P.C. T. Hickey, and ti-aced to the possession of David G-ordon and Robert Williamson, T.L., Reg. No. 10469 (vide Apprehensions).

Highgate Hill. -Stolen, on the night of the 23rd inst., from 26 Randell Street, entrance being eft'ected by forcing the front window,—a silver-mounted pipe, with straight amber stem, in a scarlet plush-lined case; the property of William Gray.—A2 '5796. 25th June, 1900.

Highgate Hill.—Stolen on the night of the 23rd inst., from 24 Randell Street, entrance being effected by forcing the front window,—a gold oval-shaped scarf fiin, with ruby set in the centre, aud a nickel Waterbury watch, the property of Frank Dalton.— A2/S797, 25th Juue, 1900.

Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 174, W. 410/1900.

GrHOOL MAHOMET was arrested at Ujiper Ashbur­ton on the 29th ult. (vide Apprehensions, page 189.)

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 189, W. 442,/1900. LYDIA KNIGHT, at Donnybrook, on the 19th inst.,

by Corpl. B. Slattery. Brought up at Perth on the 21 st inst. Remanded. Admitted to bail.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 190, W. 449/1900. HENRY SHAW, at Fremantle, ou the 19th inst., by

P.C. C. Hansen. Discharged on payment of amount due.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 151.

ALEX. J. CLARKE, brought up at Mt. Malcolm on 2nd inst. Discharged.

ROBERT WILLIAMSON, T.L., Reg. No. 10,469, at Perth, on the 19th inst., by Det. S. Condon and P.C. J. Goode; larceny. 2 months h.l. Property re­covered. Further'charged by Det. F. G. Eggleston; breaking and entering. Remanded.

THOMAS NICHOLAS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 16th mst., by Dets. P. D. Kavanagh and A. Dunn; obscenity. 1 month h.l.

WILLIAM RICHARDS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 16th inst., by Dets. P. D. Kavanagh and A. Dunn; dis­orderly. 14 days h.l.

MAMAT B I N SARIM, KASIM B I N KAMIS, USIN B I N MAHOMED, and DON MAHOMED ABDOL KAIR, at Broome, ou the 24th ult., by P.C. C. H. Watson and W.P.C. H. Ellice; refusing duty on board ship. 12 weeks h.l. each.

SARIMAN B I N I.TOU, at Broome, on the 27th ult., by Corporal F. R. Fox and P.C. C. H. Watson, on warrant; deserting ship. 7 days h.l.

S H E SIN, alias SYD, at by P.C. C. H. Watson; months h.l.

Broome, on the 6th inst., idle and disorderiv. 6

JoHNT D I N N , at Cossack, on the lOth inst., W.P.Cs. Geo. Fry and Geo. Brown; larceny, months h.l. and costs.

by 3

FREDERICK MARTIN, at Cossack, on the 15th inst., by W.P.Cs. Geo. Fry and Geo. Browu; aiding and abetting larceny. 1 month h.l.

ALFRED MAGGS, at Perth, ou the 17th inst., by P.C. J. S. O'Brien, on wan-ant; unlawful possession. .£3 fine and costs or 14 days h.l.

ALB'RED BRASH, at Perth, W. A. Spark, on warrant; Discharged.

on the Sth inst., by P.C. breaking and entering.

JAMES LAZENBY, at Perth, on the 20th inst., by Detective F. G. Eggleston ; unlawful possession. £2 fine and costs.

THOMAS OLIVER, at Northam, on the 18th inst., by P.C. A. H. TiUotson; larceny. 2 months h.l. Property recovered.

DONALD CORTIS and H U G H MORRELL, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by Perth Police; keeping a common gaming house. ^ 3 0 fine and costs or 3 months h i . each.

THOMAS VALLANCY and EDWARD CUNNINGHAM, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by Perth Police; acting in the conduct or management of a common gaming house. Cunningham, ,£15 tine and costs or 6 weeks h.l.; Valiancy, .£10 and costs or 1 month h.l.

MALCOLM CURTIS, THOMAS MULLINS, HENRY H I L L , JOHN BRIDGES, ROBERT PAGE, aud HENRY MCCANN, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by Perth Police; being found in a common gaming house. .£5 fine and costs each.

JAMES LAMB, at Roebourne, ou the 22nd ult., by P.C. J. Hamley; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.l.

JOHN MCCONNELL, at Roebourne, on the 22nd ult., by P.C. J. J. O'Reilly; obscenity. 14 days h.l.

Kalgool'lie. - On the 20th inst., from Boulder Racecourse,-a black bag, containing a pair of jockey's silk riding breeches, a pair of riding boots, brown tops, a white web martingale complete, and a pair of fiat nickel-plated spurs; the property of Joseph Cerf.-A2 15777. 23rd June, 1900.

Greenough.-On the 6th inst., from the owner's dwelling,-2 cheques on the W.A. Bank, Geraldton: (r) for £ 1, drawn by Hugh Hamersley in favour of E. lYlcDonnell; (2) for £2, drawn by S. Eakins in favour of E. Hackett; the property of John M. Maley.- A2j5791, 25th June, 1900.

Kalgootlie.--On the 22nd inst., from the owner's dwelling, - a gentleman'~ waterproof coat, with red and white check lining; the property of Uwoda Otomatsu. - A2/5801, 26th June, 1900.

Kalgo01·lie.- On the 22nd iust., from the owner's {;amp,-a bhwk leather portmanteau, 2ft. x Itft. x Ht., containing a black cloth sac coat and vest, tailor made, size about 6, with low collar to coat; vest alHo cut low, with 4 and 5 buttons respectively; and a pai r of dark tweed trousers, tailor made, size about 6; the property of Patrick White, A2j5802, 26th June, 1900.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. Vide Police Gazette, HJOO, page 188, A.2/5711.

Perth.-The boots described in the above reference, the property of Charles R. Ingram, have been recovered by Det. F. G. Eggleston and P.C. T . Hickey, and traced to the possession of David GorClon and Robed Williamson, T.L., Reg. No. 10469 (vide A pp re hensions).

Highgate Hill. --Stolen, on the night of the 28rd inst., from 26 Randell Street, entrance being effected h,v forcing the front window,-a silver-mounted pipe, with straight amber stem, in a scarlet plush-lined case; the property of William Gray.-A2/5796. 25th June, 1900. .

Highgate Hill.- Stolen on the night of the 23rd inst., from 24 Randell Street, entrance being effected by forcing the front window.-a gold oval-shaped scarf pin, wit.h ruby set in t.he centre, and a niekel Waterbury watch, the property of Fnmk Dalton.­A2j5797, 25th June, 1900.

Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 174, W. 410/1900.

GHOOL MAHOMET was arrested at Upper Ashbur­ton on t.he 29th ult. (vide Apprehen8ions, page 189.)

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 189, W. 442/1900.

LYDIA KNIGHT, at Donnybrook, Oll the 19th inst., b.v Corpl. B. Slattery. Brought up l4.t Perth Oll the 21st inst. Remanded. Admitt€d to bail.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 190, W. 449/1900.

HENRY SHA w, at Fremantle, Oil the 19th inst., bv P.C. C. Hansf>n. Discharged on payment of amoun"'t due.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 151.

ALEX. J. CLARKE, brought up at Mt. Malcolm on 2nd inst. Discharged.


ROBERT WILLIAMSON, T.L., Reg. No. 10,469, at Perth, on the 19th inst., by Det. S. Condon and P.C. J . Goode; larceny . 2 months h.1. Property re­covered. Further eharged by Det. F. G. Eggleston; breaking and entering. Remanded.

THOMAS NICHOLAS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 16th lI1st., by Dets. P. D. Ravanagh and A. Dunn; obscenity. 1 month h.!.

WILLIAM RICHARDS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 16th inst., by Dets. P. D. Kavanagh and A. Dunn; dis­orderly'. 14 days h.1.

MAMAT BIN SARIM, KASIM BIN KAMIS, USIN BIN MAHOMED, and DON MAHoll1En ABDOL KAIR, at Broome, on t.he 24th ult., by P.C. C. H . Watson and W.P.C. H. Ellice; refusing duty on board ship. 12 weeks h.1. each.

SARI MAN BIN I,TOU, at Broome, on the 27th ult., by Corpora] F. R. Fox and P.C. C. H. Watson, on warrant; deserting ship. 7 days h.1.

SHE SIN, alias SVD, at Broorue, on the 6th inst., by P.C. C. H. Watson; idle and disordprly. 6 months h.1.

JOHN DINN, at Cossack, on the 10th inst., by W.P.Cs. Geo. Frv and Geo. Brown; larceny. 3 months h.1. and costs. '

F&EDERICK MARTIN, at Cossack, on the 15th inst., by W.P.Cs. Geo. Fry and Geo. Brown; aiding and abetting larceny. 1 month h.1.

ALFRED MAGGS, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by P.C. J. S. O'Brien, on warrant; unlawful possession. £3 fine ",nu costs or 14 days h.1.

AU'RED BRASH, at Perth, on the 5th inst., by P.C. W. A. Spark, on warrant; breaking and entering. Discharged. .

JAMES LAZENBY, at Perth, on tbe 20th inst., by Detective F . G. Eggleston; unlawful possession. £2 fine and <.:osts .

THOMAS OLIVER, at N ortham, on the 18th inst., by P.C. A. H. Tillotson ; larceny . 2 months h.1. Property recovered.

DONALD CURTIS and HUGH MORRELL, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by Perth Police; keeping a common gaming house. £30 fine and costs or 3 months 11 .1. each.

THOMAS VALLANCY and EDWARD CUNNfNGHAM, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by Perth Police; acting in the conduct or management of a corn mon gaming house. Cunningharu, £15 fine and costs or 6 weeks h.1.; Valiancy, £10 and eosts or 1 month h.1.

MALCOLM CURTIS, THOMAS MULLINS, HENRY HILL, JOHN BRIDGES. ROBERT PAGE, and HENRY MCCANN, at. P erth, on the 17th inst., by Perth Police; being found in a common gaming house. £5 fine and eosts each.

JAMES LAMB, at Roebourne, on the 22nd ult., by P.C. J. Hamley; idle and disorderly. 1 month h .1.

JOHN MCCONNELL, at Roebourne, on the 22nd ult., by P.C. J . J . 0' Reilly; obscenity. 14 da.ys h.1.


GEORGE COOKE, at Lawlers, on the 13th inst., by Corporal H. P. Breen ; disorderly. £5 fine. Pi«sist'-ing arrest, £'15 fine.

FRANK GREENWOOD and ERNEST MCINTYRE, at Lawlers, on the 8th inst., by P.Cs. S. Pearce and Smith; illegally using a horse. 1 month h.l. each. Discharged under the First Offenders Act.

ALBERT KISSEL, at Lawlers, on the 8th inst., by Corporal H. P. Breen ; assaulting Police. £20 fiue.

ROBERT FERGUSON, at Perth, on the 13th inst., bv P.C. R. Anderson ; larceny. 6 months h i . Projj-erty recovered.

BRIDGET PALMER, at Perth, on the 16th inst., by P.Cs. T. Hickey and G. W. Underwood; disorderly. 1 month h.l.

MARY CLEMENTB, at Perth, on the 16th inst., P.C. C. Rowe; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.l.


CHARLES CLARKE, exp., late Reg. No. 10414, and JOHN CI,ARKE, at Perth, on the 16th inst., by Corpl. M. Leen and P.C. W. A. Spark, on search warrant; unlawful possession. 2Ss. fine each. Charles Clarke to pay costs.

HENRY MAZZINI, at Perth, on the 22nd inst., by P.Cs. T. Hickey and J. S. O'Brien; larceny. £2 fine and costs. Property recovered.

GILABONG (ab. nat.), at Perth, on the 20th inst., by P.C. W. A. Spark; disorderly, 1 month h.l.; assaulting police, 1 month h.l. (cumulative).

ALFRED NEEDHAM and ERNEST JOHNSTON, at Fremantle, on the 16th inst., by P.Cs. H. A. Laslett and J. Healey; idle and disorderly. 6 months h.l. each.

HARRY WILSON and GEORGE ANDERSON, at Fre­mantle, on the ISth inst., by P.C. H. A. Laslett; unlawful possession. Wilson, 6 mouths h.l. Ander­son, 1 month h.l.

MATTHEW SHERIDAN, at Northam, ou the 21st inst., by P.C. R. J. Furlong; escaping from custody. 7 days h.l.

PETER SMYTH, at Paddington, on the 21st inst., by P.C. A. Mark; unlawful possession. 3 months h.l.

WILLIAM CAREW, at Mt. Malcolm, on the Sth inst., by P.C. C. Harris ; lunacy. Seut to Asylum.

FREDERICK W . HAYES, at Mt. Malcolm, on the 14th inst., by Corpl. W. Feely ; lunacy. Sent to Asylum.

DAVID GORDON, at Perth, on the 20th inst., by Det. F. G. Eggleston aud P.C. T. Hickey; breaking and entering. Remanded.

JOHN Pox, at York, on the 25th inst., by P.C. Wm. Brown; obscenity, 14 days h.L; resisting arrest, 1 month h.l. (cumulative).

MARY GENTLE, at York, on the 25th inst., by P.C. Wm. Brown ; obscenity. 14 davs h.l.

JACOB SMITH, at Albanv, on the 16th inst., by P.C. T. P. Daily ; assault. " 15 days h.l.

CHARLES N . HASLETT, at Kalgoorhe, on the 19th inst., by P.Cs. James Porter and F. M. Dungey ; larceny. 2 mouths h.l. Property recovered.

MABEL HURLEY, at Kalgoorhe, on the 25th inst., by P.C. J. G. Dodd; idle and disorderiv. 1 month h.l.

THOMAS STEPHENS, at Northam, em the 23rd inst. by P.C. R. J. Furlong; drunk, 7 days h.l.; dis­orderly, 14 days h i . (cumulative).

Miscellaneous. JAMES LAMB, at Roebourne, on the 22nJ ult., on

the application of P.C. J. Hamley, was placed on the Prohibited List for 12 months.

WALTER BERGIN, at Roeburne, on the 24th ult., ou the application of Sei-gt. J. McCarthy, was placed on the Prohibited List for 12 months.

PATRICK O'TOOLE, JOHN CONDON, and EZRA ASHER, charged at Perth, on the 20th inst,, by P.C. W. Lewis ; illegal hawking. O'Toole and Condon, .£5 fine and costs each. Asher, ^£2 fine aud costs.

HENRY WALTON, charged at Roebourne, on the 9th ult by P.C. J. J. O'Reillv ; obscenity. 1 month h . l • • •

PADDY DURACK (Port Darwin native) charged at Broome, on the l l t h inst., by W.P.C. H. R. Ellice ; supplying liquor to aboriginal natives. =£20 fine.

CERUM (Asiatic), charged at Sharks Bav on the 4th inst., by W.P.Cs. T. Rogers and H." Notley ; supplying liquor to an aboriginal native. £20 fine.

PATRICK HERRICKS, charged at Sharks Bay, on the 6th inst., by W.P.C. T. Rogers; disorderly. 1 month h.l.

HENRY MORGAN and J.k.MES WILEY, charged at Perth ou the 19th iust. by P.C. W. F. Forster; falsely representing themselves to l)e bond fide travellers. 40s. fine and costs each.

HENRY HARMSWORTH, charged at Pertli, on th<; 20th inst., by Sergt. H. Thomas; supjilving liquor

•£20 fine and costs. to aboriginal natives

HARRY W. FALK, licensee of the Esplanade Hotel, charged at Perth, on the 22nd inst., by P.C. W. F. Forster; breach of the Wine, Beer, and Spirit Sale Act by allowing a liarmaid to serve in the bar on Sunday. 40s. tine and costs.

Warrants Issued. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 190, W. 4.53/1900.

T. J. SHAW not to be arrested. Warrant can­celled 21st. inst.

FRANK GALLAGHER, medium build, age 27 years, height about Sft. Sin., dark moustache, dark com­plexion, theatrical agent; larceny as bailee of a riding saddle, the propertv of James Burns. Dated Fremantle, 19th Juue, 1900.—W. 470 1900.

HERBERT MELLUSSON, thin build, age 35 years, height Sft. 6in. or 7in., dark brown hair, closely cut, big moustache, florid and tanned complexion, wears an Irish frieze overcoat aud brown boots, a chemist.

GEORGE COOKE, at Lawler s, on the 13th inst., bv Corporal H . P. Breen; disorderly. £5 fine. Resist­ing arrest, £15 fine.

FRANK GREENWOOD and ERNEST .McINTYRE, at Lawlers , on the 8th inst., by P .Cs. S. Pearce !ind Smith; illegally using a horse. 1 month h.1. each. Discharged under the First Offenders Act.

ALBERT KISSEL, at Lawlers, on t.he th inst., bv Corporal H. P. Breen ; assaulting Police. £20 fiu;.

ROBERT FERGUSON, at Perth, on the 13th inst., bv P.C. R. Anderson; larceny . 6 month s h 1. Prop­erty recovered.

BltIDGET PALMER, at Perth, on the 16th inst., by P.Cs. T. Hickey and G. W . Underwood; disord erly . 1 month h.1.

MARY CLEMENTS, at P erth, on the 16th in't., by P.C. C. Rowe; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.1. .

CHARLES CLARKE, exp., late R eg. No. 10414, and JOHN OJ,ARKE, at Perth , on the 16th inst., by Corp1. M. Leen and P.C. W. A. Spark, on search warrant; unlawfnl possession. 25s. fine each. Charles Clarke to pay costs.

HENRY MAZZINI, at P erth, on the 22nd inst., by P.Cs. T. Hickey and J. S. O'Brien i larceny. £2 fine alld costs. Property recovered .

GILABONG (ab. oat.) , at Perth, on the 20th inst ., by P.C. W. A. Spark i disorderl.,', 1 month h .1. ; assaulting police, 1 moot h h.1. (cu mulati ve).

ALFRED NEEDHAM and ERNES'!' JOHNSTON , at Fremantle, on the 16th inst. , by P.Cs. H. A. Laslett and J. Healey; idle !ind disorderly. 6 months h.1. each.

HARRY \VILSON and GEORGE ANDERSO N, at Fre­mantle, on the 15t.h inst ., bv P.C. H. A . L as[ett; unlawful possession. Wil 'on,' 6 month h .1. Ander­son, 1 month h.1.

MA'fTHEW SHERIOAN, at Northam, on the 21st inst., by P.C. R. J . Furlong; escaping from custody. 7 days h .1.

PE'fER S~1YTH. at Paddington, on th e 21st inst., by P.C. A. Mark; unlawful po,se ·slon. 3 month h.1.

WILL lAM CAREW, at Mt. Malcolm, on the 5th iost., by P.C. C. Ran'is; lunacy. Sent to As,vlu1l1 .

FREDERICK W. HAYES, at Mt. Malcolm, on t he 14th in t., by Corp1. W . Feely; lunacy. Sent to Asvlum.

DAVID GORDON, at Perth, on the 20th inst. , by Det. F. G. Eggleston and P.C. T. Hickey; breaking aud entering. Remanded.

JOHN Fox, at York, on th 25th in t ., by P.C . Wm. Brown; obscenity, 14 days h.1.; resisting arrest, 1 month h.!. (cumulative).

MARY GENTLE, at York, ou th 25th inst., by P.C. Wm. Brown; obscenity. 14 da.vs h.!.

JACOB SMI'fH, at Albany, on the 16th inst., by p.C. T. :Po Daily; a sault. IS day ' h.1.


OHARLE N. HA. LETT. at Kal~oorhe. on the 19th in t., bv P.C . Jame' Portt'r and F. :1[. Dung-e,; larceny ~ 2 months h.!. ProlJerty recovered. ~ .

MABEL HURLEY. at Kal~oorlie. on th., :2.5Ih in.t., bv P .C. J. G. DoJd i idle a'nd dillrderl,. 1 month h~l. .

THOMAS STEPHEXS, at N orthaill, llll the :2:3rd in't. by P .C . R. J . Furlun!!; drunk. 7 days h.l.; di'­orderly, 14 days 11 I. (<:umulati,e).

Miscellaneous. J AMES LAMB, at Roehourne, on the 22ntl ult., on

the application of P.C . J. Harnley, was placed on the Prollibited List for 12 months.

1V ALTER BERGIN, at Roeburne, 011 the 24th ult.. on the application of t'r~t. J. J<:Cilrthy, wa' placed on the Prohibited List for U month.

PATRICK O'TOOLE. JOHN Co DON. and EZRA ASHER, charged at P erth. on the 20th in ' t" by P. '. W. L E'wi ; illegal hawkin~ . O'Toolc and Condllll, £5 fine aud cost each. A>:hE'r, £~ fine and co t .

HENRY W ALTON. ch<tq.~ell at Roebourne, on the 9th ult by P.c. J. J . O'Reilly i ob ·cenity. 1 munth h.1

PADDY DURACK (Port Darwin native) tharg'd at Broome, on the 11th inst., bv W.P.C. H. R. Ellice ; supplying liquor to ab()ri~;ill<1l natives. £20 fi ue.

UEltUM (Asiatic), <:harl!;E'd a,t hark Ba\' Oll the 4th inst., bv W .P.Cs. T . Rogen:! and H.' Notlev i supplying liquor to an ahorig-in;ll native. £20 fine.

PATRICK HERRICKS. {'har~ed at 'harks Bay. on the 6th iust., by W.P.C. T. Rogers; di ·onlerly. 1 month h.1.

HENRY l\'[ORGA awl .J.\:\[ES 'VILEY, cha,rged at Perth on the 19th inst. by P .C. W. F. ForstE'r; fals ,ly reprt' enting thl'ill elve ' to be bOil" fide traveller '. 40s. fine ,tu!l costs each .

HENRY HA.RlI1SWORTH, charged at Perth, on the 20th in t., by Sergt. H . Thomas; supplying liquor to aboriginal natives. £:Zl) fiue and costs.

HA RRY W. F ALK, liecnspe of the Esplanade Hotl,l, charged at Perth, on the ~~nd inst.. by P.C. W. F. F or ter i breach of the Wiu , Beer, and pirit Sale Act by allowing a barma id to erve in the bar on Sunday. 40. tine and cost .

Warrants Issued. T'ide Police Gazette, 1£)00, page 190, W. '~53/1900.

T. J. SHAW not to be arrested. Warrant can­celled 21st. inst.

FRANK GALLAGHER, medinm build, age 27 years, height about Sft. 5in .. dn.rk mou"tache, dark corn, plexion, theatrical agent; lan·eny a bailee of a riding addle. the property of J ame Burn. DateLl Fremantle. 19th Juue, 1900.- W . 470 190().

HERBERT MELLUS ON, thin build. age 3.5 ~'ears, height 5ft. Bin. or 7in ., dark brown hair. closely cnt, big moustache, florid and tanned cOUlplexioll, w 'ar~ an Irish frieze over<:oat and hrown bl)(lt , a chemist,


native of E.iglaud, foreign appearance, aud decidedly French in laanner ; has with him a Gladstone bag and medicine chest marked Rev. F. R. Holmes; lareeny as a bailee of a Colt's revolver, the property of Francis Win. Reg. Holmes. Dated Perth, 13th June, 1900,—W. 471 1900.

PERCY H . SANGUINETTI, stout build, well propor­tioned, age 30 to 35 years, height about Sft. 2in., fair hair, and fair moustache curled upwards, steel blue eyes, short straight nose, oval visage, sallow com­plexion, Kalgoorlie agent of Guthrie & Co., Fre­mantle, native of England ; being indebted to Fisher & Dancker in the sum of £997 14s. 2d. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not else­where. L>ated Kalgoorlie, 22nd Juue, 1900.— W. 478/1900.

JOHN or JAMES THOMPSON, age about 30 years, height nearly 6ft,, reddish moustache, recently clipped, fair complexion, several finger-nail scratches on one cheek ; larceny of ^40 10s., the moneys of John Alex. Christie, at Perth, on the 23rd or'24th inst. Dated Perth, 25th June, 1900.—W. 479/1900.

PATRICK MCGOWAN, middling stout build, age about 20 years, height Sft. 4in., dark hair, full visage, fair complexion, wears dark suit and soft black felt hat, a lal)ourer, native of Melbourne; larceny of a pair of boots, the ])roperty of Henry Rooney, at Fremantle, ou the 12th iust. Dated Fremantle, 25th June, 1900.—W. 481/1900.

ALBERT BOURKE, short and stout build, age about 27 years, height about Sft. 6in., light brown hair, small ginger moustache, blue eyes inclined to be weak, aquiline nose, round full visage, fair complexion, slightly round shouldered, walks slowly with swing­ing gait; dresses ratlier neatly, usually in brown tweed suit, a clerk, native of Melbourne ; embezzling the sum of ^67 15s., the moneys of the Mayor, coun­cillors, and citizens of the City of Perth, at Perth on the 6th March last. Dated Perth, 26th June, 1900.—W. 482/1900.

Missing Friends. Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 1.59, B2/l;371.

MARTIN ESBENSEN has been found at Cue.

W. HICKS, height about Sft. 6in., fair complexion, blacksmith, formerly of Tinonee, Manning River, New South Wales, which place he left about eight years ago. Inquiry by Mrs. W. G. Hicks (wife), Tinonee, N.S.W. Information to tlie Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2/1135.

MATTHEW CLUNE, medium build, age 24 years, height about 6ft., fair hair, slight fair moustache, blue eyes, Roman nose, long visage, fair complexion, was wearing dark mole trousers, dark woollen jersey coat, and heavy boots, farmer, native of Western Australia; last seen at Newcastle on the 9th inst. going towards Northam, riding a dark iron-grey pony about 14 hands high. Inquiry by Jeremiah Clune (brother), Victoria Plains. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2 1482.

Inquests. Derby.—On the 12th ult.. at the Gaol, before

Henry Field, J.P., Acting Coroner, ou the bodies of Mullabudden and Woormillanah, who were executed on the 12th ult. Verdict—" Death by hanging, in accordance with the law."--B2 1472.

Berth.—On the 22nd iust., at the Coroner's Court, before Dr. M. O'Connor, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of Walter Pratt , who died at the Public Hospital on the 17th inst. Verdict—" Death from natural causes, probably accelerated by exposure."— B2/1483.

Broome.—On the 13th inst., at the Court House, before P . J. Gibbons, Acting R.M. and Acting Coroner, on the body of prisoner Mahomet Bin Ali, who died in Broome Gaol on the 12th inst. Verdict —"Death from natural causes."—B2/1484.

Property Lost. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 174, P.L. 252/1900.

Berth. —The cheque described in the above reference, tbe Jjroperty of R. Struckman, has been found.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 184, P .L. 263 1900.

Albany.—The cape described in the above reference, the property of H. E. Parry, has been found.

Berih.—On the 19th inst.,—a chamois leather bag, containing about 7 sovereigns and a very old gold ring ; the property of Peter Peterson.—P.L. 277/1900. On the 18th inst.,—a gold safety-pin, with letter H OD i t ; the property of Dr. Hope.—P.L. 278/1900. On the ISth inst.,—a vulcanite Swan fountain pen, engraved " G. A. Cooper"; the property of G. A. Cooper.—P.L. 283/1900.

Boulder.—On or about the 2nd inst.,—a gentle­man's silver hunting key-winding English Rotherham lever watch, " Allan McKenzie" engraved on outside of front case, " Allan McKenzie, Dumach, Vic, 28-3-96," ou inside of back case; the property of Allan McKenzie.—P.L. 285,1900.

Kalgoorlie—Ou the 18tli inst.,—a lady's gold hunting stem-winding Waltham watch. No! 507960, " J . K . " (monogram) engraved on outside of front case, and gold curb fob chain ; the property of Mrs. Jane Kruger.—P.L. 286/1900.

Roebourne.—On the l l t h inst.,—an 18ct. gold bar brooch, l i in . x | in., set with a large amethyst in centre and 3 amethvst; the 287/1900.

small pearls ou each side of the property of Mrs. Harris.—P.L.

Property Found, Berth.—Purse, containing money and tickets.—

P.F. 65/1900. Silver chain and pendaut.—P.F. 67/1900. Purse, containing cheque and railway tickets. — P.F. 68/1900. Child's tricycle. - P.P. 69 1900.

Albany.—Bn^.—P.P. 65/1900. Leather gaiter. P.F. 68/1900.

i<'remari,<^e.—Pawn-ticket for lady's gold watch and chain.—P.F. 70/1900. Lady's blue silk umbrella.— P.F. 71 1900. Felt hat.—P.P. 72/1900

Kalgoorlie.—Gent's silver hunting w a t c h — P F 69/1900.

native of E 19hmd, foreign ,Lppe,nan('e, and decidedly French in '.lanner; has \\'ith him a Glacl tone bag and nwJicine chest marked Rev. P. R. Holmes; larcenv a,; a bailee of a Colt's revolver, the property of Fn~n<:i" \Vll1. Reg'. Holmes. Dated Perth, 13th June, 1900 - Wo 4711900.

PERCY H. :::)ANGUINETTI, stout build, well propor­tioned, age :30 to 35 .Years, height about 5ft. 2in., fair hair, aml fair moustache enrled ~lpwards , steel IJlue eyes, short straight nose, oval vlsa.~e, sallow com­plexion, Kalgoorlie agent of Guthne & Co., .Fre­mantle, native of England; being indebted to Flsher &; Dancker in the sum of £997 14s. 2d. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony , but not else­wherp. uated Kalgoorlie, 22ncl June, 1900.­W . 478 1900.

JOHN or J AllIES THOMPSON, age about 30 years, heiO'ht ne,1r1v 6ft ., reddish moustache, recently clil~)ed, fair tomplexion, several lin ger-nail scratches on one cheek · larcenv of £40 10s., the monevs of John Alex. Christie, ~t P erth, on the 23rd or · 24th inst. Dated P erth, 25th June, 1900.- W. 479/1900.

PATRICK McGowAN, middling stout bnild, age about 20 years, height 5ft. 4in., dark hair, full visage, fair complexion, wears dark suit and soft bbck felt hat, a lahourer, native of MelLourne; larceny of a pair of boots, the propert.v of Henry Rooney, at Fremantle, on the 12th inst. Dated Fremaptle, 25th June, 1900.- W. 481 1800.

ALBERT BOURKE, short and stout build, age about. 27 year, height about 5ft. 6in., light brown hair, small ging-cr moustache. I,lue eyes inclined to be weak. aquiline nose, ronnd full visage, fair complexion, slightly round shoul<1ered, walks slowl.y with swing­ing gait; dre-'ses rather lleatly, usually in brown tweec1 suit. [1 clerk, natiYe of Melbourne; embezzling the ~um of £7 1.5s., the moneys of the Mayor, coun­cillors, and citizens of the CItv of Perth,' at Perth on the 6th March last. Dat~d P erth, 26t.h June, 1900.- W. 482 HlOO.

Missing Friends.

Vide PoUce Gazette, UlUO, page 159, B2/1371.

MARTIN ESBENSEN has been found at Cue.

W. HICKS, height about Sft. 6in., fair complexion, blacksmith, formerly of Tinonee, Manning River, New South WaJes, which place he left about eight years ago . Inquiry by Mrs. W. G. Hicks (wife), Tinonee, N.S. W. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-B21135.

MATTHEW CLUNE, medinm build, age 24 years, height ahout 6ft., fair hair, slight fair moustache, Llue eyes, Roman nose, long visage, fair complexion, was wearing dark mole trousers, dark woollen jersey coat, and heavy bouts, farmer, native of Western Au. tnllii1; last seen at NeWcltsile on the 9th inst. going' towanl" N ortlmm, riding a dark iron-grey ponyahout 14 hands high. Inquiry by Jeremiah Chme (iJrother), Victoria Plains. Information to the Criminal Investigation Bra.neh, Perth.--B~ 1482.


Inquests. Derby. - On the 12th ult .. at the GiLol, ?efore

Henrv Field, J .P., Acting Coroner, on the bodIes of Mulbi.budden and vVoorl1lilhllah, who wt're executed on the 12th nIt. Verdict-" Death by hanging, in accordance with the law." -B2.1472.

P erth.- On the 22nd inst., at the Coroner's Court, before Dr. M. O'Connor, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of WaIter Pmtt, who died at the Public Hospital on the 17th inst. Verdict- " Death from natural causes, probably accelerated Lyex]Josure."­B21483.

Broome.-On the 13th inst., at. the Court House, before P. J. GibLons, Aeting R.M. a.nd Acting Ooroner, on the body of prisoner Mahomet Bin Ali, who died in Broome Gaol on the 12th inst. Verdict - "Death from natural causes."--B2,'1484.

Property Lost. Vtlte Police Ga zette, 1900, page 174, P .L. 252/1900.

Perth. - The cheque descriLedin the ahovereference, ihe property of R. Struckman, has been found.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 184, P.L. 263 1900.

Albany.-The cape described in the above reference, the property of H. E. Parry, has been found.

P erth.--On the 19th inst..--a chamois leather bag, (;ontaining about 7 sovereigns and a very old gold ring; the property of Peter Peterson.- P.L. 277/1900. On the 18th inst. ,--a gold afety-pin, with letter H on it j the property of Dr. Hope.-P.L. 278/1900. On the 15th inst.,-a vulcanite Swan fountain pen, engraved "G. A. CoolJer" j the property of G. A. Cooper.-P.L. 283/1900.

BOlllcler.-Oll or about the 2nd inst.,-a gentle­man' · silver bunting key-winding Eng-li:;h Rotherharu lever wa.tch, "Alla,n McKenzie" engraved on outside of front case, "Allan McKenzie, Dumach, Vie.,

- 28-:i-96," on inside of back case; the property of Allan McKenzie.- P.L. 285 1}J00.

Kalgoorlie.-On the 18th inst.,- a lady's gold hunting stem-winding Waltham watch, No. 507960, " J.K. " (monogram) engraved on outside of front case, and gold cur)) fob chain; the property of Mrs. Jane Kruger. - P.L. 286/1900.

Roebonrne.- On the 11th inst.,-an 18ct. gold bar brooch, 1tin. x t in. , set with a large a.methyst in centre a.nd 3 mall pearls on ea<:h side of thE' amethyst; the property of Mrs. Hani .-P.L. 287/ 1900.

Property Found. P e1"th.- Purse, containing money and tickets.­

P.F. 65/1900. Silver chain and pendaut.-P.F. 67/ 1900. Purse, containing cheque and railway tickets. - P.F. 68/1900. Child's tricycle. - P.F. 69 1900.

Albany.-Rug.-P.F. 65/1900. Leather gaiter.­P.F. 68/1900.

Fremantle.-Pawn-ticket for lady'S gold watch and cba,ln.-P.F. 70/1900. Lady's blue silk umbrella.­P .F. 7l. 1900. Felt bat.-P. F. 72/1900.

Kalgo01·lie.-Gent's silver bunting watch.-P.F. 69/ 1900.





flemale ^ D o . Free ...

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Reg. No, or 1at«

K«g. .No.

F 9 1 F 5 9 302.5 4228 4222 4223 4260

Name. Oftence. Where Committed.

Date uf Discharge. Dftteor Group Photo.


E x p . . . . Do .

F r e e . . . Do.

E x p . . . . F r e e . . .


Do. Do. Do.

8999 U 2

I O 2 0 I

4180 20.59

10143 3854 4117

4251 4273 4321





Exp. . Free .


Free .






9764 2980


From Fremantle Prison, during ihe wee

Disorderly Id le and disorderly

Do Rogue and vagabond Larceny ... Idle and disorderly Lareeny (two charges)

Basset t , J a n e Newell, El len Bedford, Francis E. Clark, Rober t McGuinn, .James ... Tressider, Wil l iam Armieda, Charles , , .

Boxall , George

Brockington, H e n r y Bailey, Charles .,, Mot to , Pe t e r Cullen, Joseph Ward le , Thomas ... Gibson, Wil l iam ... Ta te , Janies

Hyland , J o h n Kruger , Chas. Frankl in , W m . G...,

Ryan, Pa t r ick

Walsh , J o h n

Hill , F rank M.

Hobbs, John P .

Henry, J ames Bourke, J o h n

Price, George

Inc i t i ng a prisoner to resist (fine p a i d ) ; lar­ceny ; disorderly

Larceny ,,, Idle and disorderly Larceny ... Idle and disorderly

Do Drunk Larceny (two eharges) ...

Idle and disorderly Refusing du ty on ship ... Breach of Railway Regu­

lat ions ; t respass ing on W.A. Government Rail­ways

Assaul t ; r e s i s t ing ;assau l t with in ten t to rob

Assault ; assault wi th in t en t to rob

Larceny (two charges) ,,,


Larceny ,,, D i s o r d e r l y ; violently

res is t ing ; damag ing uniform

Unlawfully on premises

k endinq Saturday, i

2 n ionths h.L 2 months h. l . 7 daj's h.l. ... 2 months h.l . 2 months h.l . 2 months h.l, 1 month h.l.; 1 month

h.l. (con.) 20s. or 14 days h.l ;

1 month h.l. ; 1 month h.l. (cum.)

6 months h.l. 3 nionths h.l . 3 months h.l. 6 months h.l. 2 months h.l. l i s . 6d. or 7 days h.l 4 months h.l. ; 2

months h.l. (cum.) 6 weeks h.l. 4 weeks h.l. 40s. (id. or 7 days h.l.;

22s. or 7 days h.l. (con.)

3 months h.l . ; 2 months h.l. (cum.); 2 years h.l. (con.)

3 months h.l.; 2 years h.l. (con.)

1 month h.l.; 1 month h.l. (con,)

£3 Is. 2d. or 14 days imp.

2 months h.l. i '5 or 2 months h.l.;

£o or 1 month h.l,; 22s, Bd. or 14 days h.l. (cum.)

(! months h.l.

ird June, 1900.

C o o l g a r d i e P e r t h , , .

D o . C o o l g a r d i e F r e m a n t l e P e r t h ,

D o .

N o r t h a m

F r e m a n t l e G u i l d f o r d

B r o a d A r r o w P e r t h ,,,

D o . F^re m a n t l e P e r t h

F i - e m a n t l e D o .

P e r t h

K a l g o o r l i e C o o l g a r d i e

K a l g o o r l i e C o o l g a r d i e P i n j a r r a , , ,

F r e m a n t l e

P e r t h , , . K a l g o o r l i e

P e r t h , , .

1 8 t h J i m e . . . 18 th d o . . . . 1 8 t h d o . . . . I S t h d o . , , . 1 9 t h d o . . . . 19 th d o . . . . 1 9 t h d o . . . .

19 th

2 0 t h 2 0 t h 2 0 t h 2 1 s t 2 1 s t 2 1 s t 21s t

2 1 s t 2 1 s t 2 1 s t

2 2 n d 2 2 n d

22n<l 2 2 n d 2 2 n d

2 2 n d

2 3 r d 2 3 r d

2 3 r d

d o . . . .

d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . , , .

t. ::: d o . . . .

d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . .

d o . . . . d o . ,.,

d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . .

do , . . .

d o . . . . d o . . . .

d o . , , ,

S e p t

J u l y J u n e J u n e O c t . , S e p t . J u n e J u l y ,

Jv i ly ,

J u n e

O c t . , F e h ,

O c t . ,

, 1899

1899 , 1899 , 1900

1899 , 1899

1900 1900



1899 1900


From Albany Gaol, during the week ending 16ih June, 1900.

Smith, Jacob ... j Unlawful possession ... ] 1 month h.l. ... Albany ... ' 16th J u n e

Return of Prisoners tried at Quarter Sessions, Coolgardie, commencing Wednesday, liUh June. ID'iu.


Free Do.


Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do.

Begr. No.


Latimer, Tliomas Latimer, Thomas

Spartfo, Charles

Spargo, Charles Spargo, Charles

Whit taker , Wm, E Smith, Bert Harris , John Hainey, Thomas Munro, Thomas McMasters, Johnston Flood, Frank Davis, Alfred McKail, Hugh McKail, Hugh Coleniuu, Wm. Allan Smith, John Joseph Donnellan, Thomas l^itzpatrick, Patr ick


Forgery False pretences

Hoi-se st«aliDg

Lareeu j Receiving-

Embezzlement (2charg^es)... Larceuy from, person

Do. False pretences Larceuy from person False pretences Shootm.a: ^-vitli intent Larcenv False pretences

Do. Embezzlement Shooting- with intent Larceny


Towu or District .

Coo l^ rd i e Do.


Do. Do.

Do. Kalguorlie

Do. Do, Do. Do. Do.

Boulder Broad Arrow ...

Do. Kanowna Mt. Morgan

Do. Laverton

Police GazHte


1900. p. 129 p. 129

p. 165

p. 151 p. 151

p. 165 p . 123 p. 123 p. 97 p . 1-29 p. 129 p . llU p. 113 p . 137 p 137 p. 1-23 p. 64 p . 182 p. 157


Guilty ., Do

Guilty of receiv-

Guilty Do

Not giulty Guilty Not guilty NolU prosc'iui... Guilty Not gail ty Guilty Not guilty Guilty NoJle pro^e'iui Not guilty Guilty Not guilty

Do. ...

How disposed of.

12 months h.l. 12 months h.l. (con

current) . 12 months h.l.

2 years h.l. 2 years h.l. (concur

rent). Discharged. 12 months h.l. Discharged. Discharged. 12 months h.l. Discharged. 12 months h.l.* Discharged. 3 months h. l .

Discharged. 2 years h.l. Discharged. Discharged.

Keturn of I'risouers tried at Kal<i;oorlie Quarter Sessions, commencing Wednesday, 2tith .!uii<\ llitid. Exp. Free Do. Do.

3194 Smith, Thomas Owens, Henry Dowling, Arthur Wheatlev, Wm. Thos.

False pretences Robbery under arms Larceny Receiving

Kalgoorhe Meuzies Boulder Boulder

p. 181 p. 182 p. 189 p. 189

Guiltv Guilty Not guilty Nolle pi-oseiiiti

6 months h.l. 2 years h.l. ( Discharyed.

* Sentence cancelled.


.. male Do.

Free ... Do. Do. Do. Do.


Exp .... Do.

Free ... Do.

Exp ... . Free .. .


Do. Do. Do.





Exp. Free


Free ... I

1«>11:. No. or late

lteg .• '10.

F 91 F 59 :3025 4228 4222 422:3 4260


8999 gO

10291 411;0 20:3H

1014:3 3854 4117

4251 427:3 4:321





9764 2980



Xamf". OtTence.



'\cntence. Where Commlned.

Dale ur Dlscharlle.

F1'Oln Frp,montle Prison, during the H'N·k pndi,ul Soturday, 28rd June, 1.9()(). Rassett, Jane Disorderly 2 months h.1. Coolgardie 1~th June Newell, Ellen Idle and disorderly 2 months h.1. Perth 1 th do. Bedford, Francis E. Do. 7 days h.1. Do. 1 th do. Clark, Robcrt ' Rogue and vagabond 2 months h.1. Coolgardie l"th do. :.\I[cGuinn, .Tames... Larceny... 2 months h.1. Fremantle 19th do. Tressider, William Idle :tnd disorderly 2 months h.1. Perth 1Hth do. Armieda, Charles... Larceny (two charges)... 1 month h.1.; 1 month Do. 19th do .

Boxall, GC'orge

Brockington, Henry I Bailey, Charles I Motto, Peter Cullcn, J oseph Wal'dle, Thomas Gibson, William ... Tate, James

Hyland, J ohn Kruger, Chas. Franklin, Wm. G ....

Ryan, Patl'ick

Walsh, John

Hill, Frank :.\1[.

Ilobbs, John P .

Henry, James Bourke, John

Price, George

Inciting a prisoner to resist (fine paid); lar­ceny; disorderly

Larceny Idle and disorflerly Larceny ... r elie and disorderly

Do. Drunk Larceny (two ~harges) ...

Idle and disorderly R.efusing duty on ship ... Breach of Railway Regu-

lations; trespassing on W .A. Governmen tRail-ways

Assault; resisting; assault with intent to rob

A.ssault; as ault with intent to rob

Larceny (two charges) ...


Larceny Disorderly; violently

resisting; damaging uniform

Unlawfully on pr('mises

h.I. (con.) 20s. or 14 days h.1 ; Xortham

1 month h.1.; 1 month h.1. (cum.)

6 months h.1. :3 months h.1. 3 months h.1. li months h.1. 2 months h .1. 11s. 6d. or i days h.1 4 months h.1.; 2 months h.1. (cum.)

G week h.1. 4 wceks h.I. 4lis. Lid. or 7 days h.I.;

22s. 0l' 7 days h.1. (con.)

:~ months h.1.; 2 months h.1. (cum.); 2 years h.1. (con.)

3 months h.1.; 2 years h.1. (con.)

] month h.!.; 1 month h.1. (con.)

£3 Is. 2d. or 14 days imp.

2 months h.1. £::; or 2 months h.1.;

£5 or 1 month h.l.; 22s . od. or 14 days h.1. «('urn. )

G months h.I.

Frelllan tIe Guildford

Broad Arrow Perth

Do. Fremantle Perth

Fremantle Do.


Kalgoorlie Coolgardie

Kalgoorlie Coolgardie Pinjarra .. .


Perth Kalgoorlie


From Albany Gaol, dlo'ing th e week ending 16th June, 1900.

I Smith, Jacob Unlawful possession 1 month h.1. A..lbany ...

19th do.

20th 20th 20th 21st 21st 21st 21st

do. do. do. do .... do. do. do.

21st 110. 21st (10. 21st (10.

22nd do. 22nd do.

221Hl do. 22nd (10. 22nd do.

22nd ,10.

23rd do. 231'(1 do.

16th June

Date or (~rl u p Ph' lto.

ept., 1K99

July, Hl99 June, 1 99 June, 1900 Oct., 1899 Sept., 1899 June, 1900 July, 1900

July, 1UOO

June, 1900

Od., 1899 Feh., 1900

Oct., 11;1.)9

Return of Prisoner tried at Quarter l')c::; ion::;, Coolgardie, commellcing Wedne (lay, l~th June. 1900.

condi- j ~g. -I

------------,---- ---------,.----------------

tion. No.

Free Do.


Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Latimer, Thomas Ll1tuuer, Thoml1s

Spargo, Chn.rles

Spl1rgo, Charles Spn.rgo, Chn.rles

Whittaker, Wm. E . ... Smith, Bert ... Hl1rris, John .. Huiuey , Thomas Muuro, Thornl1s McMusters, Johnston Flood, FJ'ank .. . Dttvi , Alfred .. . McKttil, Hugh lI:lcKail, Hugh Coleman, Wm. AlIan Smith, John Joseph Donuellan, Thomas ?itzputrick, Patrick ..

Offence. Police

Towu or District. r,auttc reference.

Forgery False pretences

H orse stealing

Ll1rceny Receiving

Cooll(8.rdie I Do.


Do. Do.

Embezzlement 12 charges) "I 1)0. Ll1rceny from person .. Kalguorlie

Do. ... Do False preteuces . Do. Larceny from person .. I Do. J<'alse pretences. Do. Shootmg WIth intent . I Do. Larceny .. Boulder Fttlse pretences 'Broad Arrow ..

Do. Do. Embezzlement Kauowna Shooting with intent l\1t. Morgan Larceny I Do.

D o. Laverton

1900. p.129 p.129

I p.l65


I p.151

1'.165 p.lt3 p.123 p.97 p.l29 p.129 p. HI.! p.113 p.137 P 137 p.l23 p.6i p.l :2 p.157


Guilty Do.

Guilty of receiv­in~

Guilty Do.

Not guilty Guilty Not guilty Noll e pro>c I'd Guilty Not guilty Guilty Not guilty Guilty ~"'oll e P,.osefll(j Not guilty Guilty .. . Not guilty


How disposed of.

12 months h.1. 12 months h.1. (con-

current) . 12 months h.1.

2 years h.1. 2 years h.1. IconCllr-

rent). Discharged. J2 months h.l. Dischareed. Discharged. 12 months h.1. IJ is charged. 12 months h.1.* Discharged. 3 months h.l.

Discharged. I 2 years h.1.

Discharged. . Discharged.

Retnrn of Prisonert'\ tried (Lt Ka,lgoorlie QtHlrter ~e8 ions. commenci ng Wed, ~Oth .J nul', UIIIII. Exp. Free Do. Do. I"" Smith, Thomas

Owens, Henry .. Oowling, Arthur .. Wheatley, Wm. Tho •

False pretences Robbery under arms Larceny Receiving

Kalgoorlie Menzies Boulder Boulder

• Sentence cancelled.

.. i

.. I p.181 p.182 p.1 9 p.189

Guilty Guilty Not !<nilty Nolle J}I'o$cflui

6 months h.1. 2 years h.1.

: Disch arl!ed.




540 542 M3 54« 549 551 552 554 556 557 560 569 574 575

576 577 580 585 538

592 593 599 601

602 603 605 606 607


Harris, Frank Morgan, David McDonald, Ja s . Burke, Wm. ,, Evans, Robt. ,,, McArthur, F., , , Slack, John ,,, Brosnan, Timothy Hopkins, John Jenkins, Wm. ,, Watson, Thomas Watson, Charles Molyneux, Matthew Eeid, John, alias

Price, Chas. O'Brien, Nicholas ,., Mindham McPherson, Donald,,, Cosgrove, William ,,, Sinclair, Henry, alms

McDougall, James, alias Cronin, Cor­nelius

Stone, William Downs, Edward Clarke, Andrew Haynes, Wm. alias

Ainsworth, A r t h u r Chichong .JoUy, Eobert Watson, Thomas Jackson, Jas . ,, Wambonby alia.-.


Reg. No.

6145 10484



10487 10514


Free do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

Free T.L. do.

do. ab. nat .

Free do. do.

Free do.

T.L. Free

ab. nat . Free T.L. do.

ab. nat

Date of escape.

15th August , 1895,,, 12th Sept., 1895 ,., r2th Sept., 1895 ,,, 1st January, 1896 .,, Srd March, 1896 ,., i r t h April, 1896 ,,, 13th June , 1896 ,,, 20th August, 1896,,, 9th Sept., 1896 9th Sept., 1896 17tb Sept., 1896 .., 24th June , 1897 ,,, 25th D e c , 1896 21st AugTist, 1897 ,,,

SOth Oct., 1897 24th D e c , 1897 ,,, Slst D e c , 1897 4th July, 1898 14th Oct., 1898 ...

9th D e c , 1898 Do

Slst Jan. , 1898 24th Oct., 1899

2Srd D e c , 1899 ,,, Srd March, 1900 ,., August , 1899 22nd May, 1900 ,,, 2nd June , 1900

District from.

Fremaut le ... Coolgardie .,, Geraldton ,,, Victoria Plains P e r t h Albany Coolgardie ,,. Geraldton ,,, Newcastle .., Newcastle ,., Coolgardie , , Pe r th Per th Fremant le ,,.

Fremant le ,,, Fremant le ,,, Fremantle ,,, Kalgoorlie ,,. Mt . Malcolm

Pe r th Perth Fremant le ,,, CoUiefields ,,,

Geraldton ... Nor tham Pe r th Fremaut le ,,, Coolgardie ,,,

Vide Police Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. JL>0. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Go.zette do., do. . do.. do., do., do.. do.. do., do,, do. . do. . do. . do..

do.. do.. do. . do., do. .

do., do.. do., do..

do. . do. . do., do. , do..

Description and remark a.

, 1895, page 160 do. do. 169 do. do. 169 1896 do. 13 do. do. 53 do. do. 94 do. do. 130 do. do. 190 do do. 207 do. do, 207 do. do. 212 1897 do. 189 do. do. 259 do. do. 395

do. do. 395 do. do. 396 1898 do. 4 do. do. 225 do. do. 343

do. do. 410 do. do. 410 1899 do 290 do. do. 328

1900 do. 19 do. do, 78 do. do. 99 do. do. 167 do, do. 183


Ky Authority: KICHARD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth.

Gazette So.

5-W 542 543 .>i6 549 551 552 5.'H 556 557 560 569 574 575

576 577 580 585 538

59'2 593 599 601

602 603 605 606 607

Harris, Frauk Morgo,n, David McDonald, Jas. Bnrke, Wm. Evans, Robt . .. McArthnr, F ... Sln,ck, John Brosuan, Timothy Hopkins, John Jenkins, Wm ... Watson, Thomas Watson, Charles MoJy:neux, Matthew Reid, John, alias

Price, Cho,s. O'Bl~en, Nicholas Mindbam McPherson, Donald .. Cosgrove, William .. . Sinclair, Henry, alias

McDongall, James, "Iias Cronin, Cor­nelius

Stone, William Downs, Edward CJarke, Andrew Hnynes, Wm. ah"s

Ainsworth, Arthur Chichong Joily, Robert . "\\' atson, Thomo, Jackson, Jus . .. Wambonby alia.,



614.5 10484


Free do. do. do . do. do. do. do. do . do. do.

Free T.L. do.

do. ab. nat.

Free do. do.

Date of escape.

15th August, 1895 ... 12th Sept., 1895 12th Sept., 1895 1st January, 1896 ... 3rd March, 1896 ... 17th April, 1896 13th June, 1896 .. . 20th August, 1896 .. . 9th Sept., 1896 9th Sept., 1896 17tb Sept., 1896 24th June, 1897 25tb Dec., 1896 21st August, 1897 ...

30th Oct., 1897 24th Dec., 1897 31st Dec., 1897 ~ th July, 1898 14th Oct., 1898

9th Dec., 189



District Crom. I FreUlantle Coolgardie ... Geraldton Victorin Plains Perth .. Albany Coolgardie '" Geraldton Newcastle Newcastle Coolgardie Perth Perth ..

, Fremantle

Fremantle Fremantle Fremantle Kalgoorlie Mt. Mnkolm


Desert ptlOn a,ud remar k 8.

Vide Police Gn .. lte, 1895, page 160 Do. do., do. do. 169 Do. do., do. do. 169 Do. do., 1896 do . 13 Do. do ., do. do. 53 Do. do., do. do. 94 Do. do., do. do. 130 Do. do., do. do. 190 Do. do., de:' do. 207 Do. do., dv. <10. 207 Do. do., do. do. 212 Do. do., 1897 <10. 189 Do. do ., do. do. 25~' Do. do., do. do. 395

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

do., do., do., do., do.,

do. do. 189R do. do.

do. 395 do.39b do. 4 do. 225 do. 343


Free do.

T.L. Free

Do. 31st Jan., 1898 24th Oct., 1899

... I Perth ... Fremantle Colliefields

Do. Do. .vo. Do.

do., do., do., do.,

do. do. 410 do. do. 410 1899 do 290 do. do. 328

ab. nat. Free

1().1,87 T .L. 10514 I do.

.. ab. nut

23rd Dec., 1899 3rd March, 1900 August, 1899 22nd May, 1900 2nd J uDe, 1900

Geraldton ... Northam Perth F r emantle Coolgardie

Do. Do. Do . Do. Do.

do ., do., do., do., do.,

1900 do. do. do. do .

-==== -- - -----By Authority: !,,!CHARD PETHER. Government Printer, Perth.

do. 19 do. 78 <10. !l9 do. 167 do. 183
