Методичні вказівки щодо самостійної роботи з навчальної

дисципліни «Основна іноземна мова: практична граматика» для студентів

ІІ курсу денної форми навчання за напрямом 6.020303 – «Філологія»

(частина І)

Укладач ст. викл. Ю. М. Шульженко

Рецензент старш. викл. К. В. Коваленко

Кафедра перекладу

Затверджено методичною радою Кременчуцького національного


імені Михайла Остроградського

Протокол № ___ від _____ 2016 р.

Заступник голови методичної ради __________ доц. С.А. Сергієнко




1 Теми та погодинний розклад практичних занять і самостійної роботи……..6

2 Перелік тем практичних занять……………………..………………………….8

Практичне заняття № 1-2………………….……………………………………...8

Практичне заняття № 3-4….………….……………………………………........16

Практичне заняття № 5-6………………………………………………………..28

Практичне заняття № 7-8…….………………………………………………….38

Практичне заняття № 9-10………………………………………………………45

Практичне заняття № 11-12……………………………………………………..61

Практичне заняття № 13-14……………………………………………………..69

Практичне заняття № 15-16…………………………………………………….86

Практичне заняття № 17-18……………………………………………………107

Практичне заняття № 19-20……………………………………………………119

Практичне заняття № 21……………………………………………………….140

3 Питання до модульного контролю………………………………………….157

4 Критерії оцінювання знань студентів……………………………………….159

Список літератури……………………………………………………………..162



Методичні вказівки для практичних занять призначені для студентів 2

курсу за напрямом підготовки 6.020303 – «Філологія». Тематика

методичних вказівок охоплює всі аспекти англійської граматики

(модальність (умовний спосіб та модальні дієслова), неособові форми

дієслова (інфінітив, герундій та дієприкметник), що вивчаються на 2 курсі,

і засвоєння яких передбачено програмою. Згідно з вимогами освітньо-

професійної програми студенти повинні

знати :

основні поняття і категорії системи сучасної англійської граматики;

які моделі речень, форми і конструкції, структурні частини мови

вживати в тій чи іншій комунікативній ситуації;

як досягти комунікативної цілі, використовуючи при цьому ті чи

інші граматичні конструкції.

уміти :

застосовувати отримані теоретичні знання з граматики в практичній


розуміти різноманітні граматичні структури та розкривати

імпліцитну інформацію;

ефективно та гнучко використовувати знання з граматики в

різноманітних ситуаціях соціального, навчально-академічного та

професійного спілкування;

висловлюватися з необхідним ступенем деталізованості й тематичної

складності, демонструючи вільне володіння прийомами структурної

побудови тексту, засобами зв'язності та цілісності на синтаксичному



Головна мета методичних вказівок – систематизувати набуті знання, що

створює базу для подальшого вдосконалення мовленнєвих умінь. До кожної

теми підібраний комплекс вправ, що містить як одномовні, так і вправи,

спрямовані на формування перекладацьких навичок та вмінь. Таким чином,

через систему граматичних вправ забезпечується розуміння, осмислення,

запам’ятовування та застосування у мовленнєвій діяльності того чи іншого

граматичного явища, створюються сприятливі умови для розвитку

перекладацьких навичок на основі сформованих рецептивних та

репродуктивних граматичних умінь.

Основна увага приділяється граматичним вправам, у яких увесь

матеріал, що вивчається, відпрацьовується у контексті. Усі граматичні

вправи, за винятком перекладних, базуються на автентичних текстах.

Достатня кількість вправ дозволяє довести граматичні навички до


Методичні вказівки призначені як для роботи на практичних заняттях,

так і для самостійної роботи студентів удома.





Назва теми Кількість



1 Modality (general). Conditional sentences. Real

Conditionals. Factual conditionals (Real Present

Conditionals, Real Past Conditionals). Predictive

Conditionals (Real Future Conditionals)

4 7

2 Unreal Conditionals. Unreal Present Conditionals. Unreal

Past Conditionals. Mixed Conditionals

4 8

3 Words other then If (Only if, even if, unless, whether, if

so…). Implied Condition (inversion)

4 7

4 Wishes and regrets (I wish..., If only…, I’d rather… etc.) 4 7

5 Subjunctive. The Formulaic Subjunctive. The Mandative

Subjunctive (Formal Subjunctive)

4 8

6 Were-Subjunctive, Past-Subjunctive, modal verbs in Finite

Purpose Clauses, Clauses of Comparison etc.

4 8

7 Modal verbs (general). Modal verbs can, may, be able to, be

allowed to: ability and permission. Absence of ability.

Modal verbs can (could), may (might): certainty, possibility

and deduction

4 8

8 Modal verbs must, have to, to be to, need: obligation,

necessity, absence of necessity, unfulfilled obligation or

arrangement (were to + perfect infinitive), prohibition,

advice. Modal verb must, to be to: certainty, deduction

4 8

9 Modal verbs should, ought to, be supposed to, had better: 4 8


obligation and advice. Should, ought to + perfect infinitive:

unfulfilled advice, regret

10 Modal verbs will, would, be going to, shall: prediction.

Modal verbs will (would), used to: willingness, habits and


4 8

11 Modal verbs expressing offers, requests, permissions,

suggestions: can (could), may (might), would, must, shall,

would you mind etc. Modal verb dare

2 7

Усього : 42 84



Практичне заняття № 1 – 2

Тopic Modality (general). Conditional sentences. Real Conditionals. Factual

conditionals (Real Present Conditionals, Real Past Conditionals). Predictive

Conditionals (Real Future Conditionals)

Aim: to learn about modality in English and Real Conditionals.

Short theoretical points

Conditional sentences are used to show how one action (event) depends on

the other. Thus a conditional sentence usually consists of two clauses: (A) – a

condition, (B) – a result. (A) may follow (B) or vice versa. (A) is connected to

(B) by if or its synonyms: unless (if not), suppose, supposing, provided,

providing, as long as, on condition that etc.

e.g. If the weather is fine (A), we’ll go out of town (B).

We won’t go out of town (B) if the weather is not fine (A).

English conditional sentences can be divided into the two broad classes of

factual/predictive and hypothetical (counterfactual), depending on the form of

the verb in the condition.


Real Unreal


(zero conditionals)


(2nd conditionals)


(1st conditionals)


(3rd conditionals)


(zero conditionals

in the past)



1. Real Conditionals

Real Present/Past Conditionals (zero Conditionals)

(to describe something that is generally true; general rule or fact in present or



(unless etc.)

Present Simple Present Simple

Past Simple Past Simple

e.g. If children have fun, they are happy.

Unless children have fun, they are not happy/

I was scolded if I was late for school.

Sometimes a sentence may look like a second conditional, but in fact it is not:

If he was angry, he would always shout and slam doors.

This is actually a zero conditional that refers to past time. Here was in the if-

clause is not a past subjunctive but the past tense of be, while would in the main

clause expresses repeated past actions.

Real Future Conditionals (1st Conditionals)

(to describe what will happen in this particular situation under certain condition)


(unless etc.)

Present Simple Future (will)

e.g. If children have fun, they will be happy.

They won’t be happy unless they have fun.

If you drop that egg, it’ll break.

There are a number of variations in the tenses or verb forms that can be used

in 1st Conditional sentences: in the if-clause present continuous, present perfect

simple, can may be used; in the main clause – “be going to”, future continuous,

future perfect, can/could, may/might, should, ought to, must.

e.g. If she is still waiting for you, he’ll be very angry.

If Rob has received your letter, he’ll phone you today.

If it’s been raining in the night, you’ll have to wear wellingtons.


If I can finish work early, I’ll come and help you.

If Helen passes all her exams, we’re going to buy her a big present.

If we book this holiday, we’ll be lying on a warm beach in two week’s time.

If they win this next match, they’ll have won every match in the season.

If you need my help, you may call me.

If you phone me after 12 o’clock, I might be in bed.

If they don’t eat their dinner, they can’t have any ice-cream.

Imperative Mood in Real Conditions

(instructions depending on a certain condition)


(unless etc.)

Present Simple Imperative Mood


e.g. If you find the book, bring it here at once.

Should in if-clause

(the condition is less likely to be fulfilled)



happen to


do Imperative Mood


Future Simple

e.g. If you should find the book, bring it here at once.

If I happen to see him, I’ll tell him about it.

Will in if-clause

(requests for help and cooperation)









be done

be doing

e.g. I’ll clean the flat if you will go shopping.


Practical assignments

Task 1 Report the statements. There are three examples (0), (00) and (000) at the


MODEL: 0. Generally: I – feel – not well – stay at home

If I don’t feel well, I stay at home.

00. Last year: I – feel – not well – stay at home

If I didn’t feel well, I stayed at home.

000. Tomorrow: I – feel – not well – stay at home

If I don’t feel well, I’ll stay at home.

1. Tomorrow: I – have free time – go to the cinema.

2. Last year: she – meet friends – stop to chat.

3. Generally: she – have money – buy some books.

4. Tomorrow: he – shot time – go by taxi.

5. Last year: weather – fine – go out of town.

6. Generally: I – like – a book – give to friends.

7. Tomorrow: she – promise – never come late.

8. Last year: he – not feel well – go to see a doctor.

9. Generally: I – miss classes – call friends.

10. Tomorrow: he – be late – apologize.

11. Generally: a baby – not drink enough milk – not be happy.

12. Last year: I – can’t cope with my work – call a friend.

13. Tomorrow: it – rain cats and dogs – stay at home.

14. Generally: a person – not eat enough vegetables – not be healthy.

15. Tomorrow: a temperature – to be high – call a doctor.

Task 2 Translate into English (Zero Conditionals):

1. Якщо йде дощ, люди беруть з собою парасольки. 2. Якщо вам не

подобається фільм, не дивіться. 3. Якщо ви живете у центрі міста, то рідко

користуєтеся міським транспортом. 4. Якщо горить червоне світло, то не

можна переходити вулицю. 5. Якщо не маєте достатньо досвіду, то не


спроможні виконати роботу. 6. Якщо болить зуб, йдуть до зубного

лікаря. 7. Якщо людина не має знань, вона не може вчитися в університеті.

8. Якщо вам не відповідають взаємністю, ви часто відчуваєте себе

ображеним. 9. Якщо контрольна робота написана погано, викладач

пропонує студентам ретельно її проаналізувати. 10. Якщо ти любиш свій

фах, то й праця не здається важкою. 11. Якщо не доглядати за будинком, то

в ньому не буде ладу. 12. Якщо не працюєш над англійською щоденно, то

не вдосконалюєш свої навички. 13. Якщо мені були не зрозумілі

правила, я звертався до викладача. 14. Якщо ліфт не працював, ми

піднімалися нагору сходами. 15. Якщо квіти не поливали, вони засихали.

16. Якщо я не спав уночі, я приймав снодійне. 17. Якщо я бував у тих

краях, я обов’язково відвідував своїх друзів. 18. Якщо я бував вільний

увечері, то приходив до Еліс або телефонував їй. 19. Якщо мені бувало

погано, я викликав лікаря і сидів вдома. 20. Якщо відключали електрику, я

не встигав зробити домашнє завдання.

Task 3 Translate into English(1st Conditionals):

1. Якщо ви посадите дерева цією весною, то через пару років зберете з них

урожай. 2. Якщо Мері не буде багато працювати, то вона не складе іспити.

3. Якщо він прийде завтра, покажіть йому нашу бібліотеку. 4. Я не піду

туди, якщо дощ не припиниться. 5. Якщо я побачу його знову, я впізнаю

його. 6. Якщо у вас є миші, купіть мишоловку. 7. Якщо ви не переглянете ці

газети, ви не зможете написати звіт. 8. Якщо вона прийме мою пропозицію,

ми укладемо вигідну угоду. 9. Якщо ви не знаєте, як виконати роботу,

зверніться до Сіріл, вона допоможе. Якщо лікар буде вільний, він огляне

тебе. 10. Якщо я не одержу від Мері звісточку до середи, мені доведеться

поїхати до неї. 11. Якщо книгу надрукують до жовтня, ми зможемо її

вигідно продати. 12. Якщо Джек не дістане квитки до театру, ми підемо до

кіно. 13. Якщо в нас будуть гроші, ми влітку поїдемо подорожувати

Австралією. 14. Якщо ти не вмієш плавати, не запливай далеко. 15. Якщо


Білл буде жити за містом, ми будемо рідше його бачити. 16. Якщо земля

буде суха, ми зіграємо пару сетів у теніс після обіду. 17. Якщо незабаром

інфляція не припиниться, на країну чекає глибока економічна криза. 18.

Якщо завтра я не побачу у вас домашнього завдання, то виставлю

незадовільну оцінку з усієї теми. 19. Якщо годинники переведуть на годину

вперед, то завтра нам доведеться рано вставати. 20. Фелікс буде дуже

вдячний вам, якщо ви виконаєте це маленьке прохання.

Task 4 Make the sentences less probable, using “if…should”:

MODEL: If you find the book, bring it here. → If you should find the book,

bring it here.

If I find this book, I’ll put it on the shelf. → If I happen to find the book I’ll

put it on the shelf.

1. If I fall ill, I’ll call a doctor. 2. If I get to know how to do it, I’ll tell you. 3. If I

am in Paris, I’ll send you a postcard. 4. If there is a problem, I’ll tell you. 5. If I

am free tomorrow, I’ll go shopping. 6. If I park my car here, I’ll be fined. 7. If

you do as I tell you, it’ll be wise. 8. If you come home late, you’ll be scolded. 9.

If you do this work today, you’ll have the day-off tomorrow. 10. If you tell me

any more lies, I won’t believe you any more. 11. If you wash your dress in hot

water, it’ll shrink. 12. If the sea is rough, we won’t go swimming. 13. If I meet

him, I’ll ask him about it. 14. If our ship call at some big port, we’ll have a

chance to go sightseeing. 15. If we start immediately, we’ll have finished by


Task 5 Translate into English, using “if…should”:

1. Якщо раптом знайдеш Пола, приведи його сюди. 2. Станеться так, що ти

вивихнеш ногу, намагайся не ходити. 3. Трапиться вам бути в цих краях,

заїжджайте сюди. 4. Якщо трапиться так, що Kейт доведеться зустрічатися

з містером Оттером, нехай замовить слово про мого сина, гаразд? 5. Якщо

вам раптом трапляться незнайомі слова, пошукайте їх у словнику. 6.


Станеться так, що ваш син буде два метри заввишки, я візьму його у

баскетбольну команду. 7. Станеться так, що гості не прийдуть, ми самі

з’їмо все, що приготували. 8. Трапиться так, що мені куплять собаку, я буду

найщасливішою людиною на світі! 9. Станеться так, що я спізнююся, їдьте

без мене, я наздожену вас. – Станеться так, що ти нас не наздоженеш! 10.

Трапиться так, що в моєї кішки буде десять кошенят, я обов’язково

подарую тобі одного з них. 11. Якби сталося так, що на світі не стало б

жодних хвороб, то всі люди жили б довго і не хворіли. 12. Станеться так,

що в мене з’явиться молодша сестричка, я нікому не дозволю її ображати.

13. Станеться так, що ти поїдеш до Лондону, обов’язково відвідай

Національну Галерею. 14. Станеться так, що ми зустрінемося з ним, я

запрошу його додому і познайомлю зі своєю родиною. 15. Станеться так,

що Джек раптом занедужає, йому буде складно встигати з фізики. 16.

Станеться так, що я одержу погану оцінку, я зроблю все можливе, щоб

виправити її. 17. Трапиться так, що у мене будуть цукерки, я обов’язково

пригощу тебе. 18. Якщо станеться так, що ти потрапиш у біду, я допоможу

тобі незважаючи ні на що. 19. Станеться так, що він усе розкаже, ой, що

тоді буде! 20. Станеться так, що нас виженуть з університету за пропуски

занять, що ми тоді скажемо батькам?

Task 6 Make up sentences according to the model, using “if+will”:

MODEL: A – clean the flat B – go shopping

I’ll clean the flat if you go shopping.


help about the house

translate the article

plant the flowers

bring some books

buy some food

make a cake

go shopping

do the washing up

make a salad

stop talking loudly


buy something for dinner

stop making noise

buy a washing-machine

mend the radio

carry that suitcase

repair the alarm-clock

help with the text

book a room in a hotel

make your bed

do your lessons

earn enough money

make some coffee

take this bag

dust the furniture

iron a shirt

cook dinner


buy you a present

give you some ice-cream

buy tickets

Task 7 Translate into English, using “if+will” wherever possible:

1. Якщо будеш жорстоким і примхливим, у тебе не буде друзів. 2.

Станеться так, що не одержите ліцензію адвоката, ви не зможете вести

справи в судах. 3. Подай на нього в суд, якщо він не хоче віддавати борг. 4.

Бачиш злодія – затримай його. 5. Якщо ти помиєш посуд, то я вигуляю

собаку. 6. Якщо я до восьмої не спакую речі, я запізнюся на поїзд. 7. Якщо

Мері прибере в квартирі, Брюс сходить в магазин, а Террі випере білизну, я

приготую обід. 8. Я поведу дітей на прогулянку, якщо ти підеш за

покупками. 9. Якщо ти поллєш квіти, я просапаю грядки. 10. Якщо у бабусі

руки в тісті, скоро будуть пиріжки. 10. Станеться так, що ви знайдете ці

документи, негайно віднесіть їх до поліції. 11. Якщо я впевнений у тому,

що роблю, я не зважаю на думки інших. 12. Можна буде вибратися хоч на

один день за місто, якщо знову не підуть дощі. – Тоді сповісти нас, якщо

надумаєте їхати, ми приєднаємося до вас, якщо, звичайно, ви не проти. 13.

Якщо ти вирішив переїхати до іншого міста, це означає, що ти маєш вагомі

причини. 14. Якщо тобі не хочеться йти до нього на день народження

самому, візьми з собою когось. 15. Якщо ти заздалегідь не замовиш квитки,

то не зможеш потрапити на цей спектакль. 16. Ми не їздили до села, якщо

стояла погана погода. 17. Якщо він мав час, ми грали в шахи. 18. Якщо


Джон знову спізниться, ми не будемо чекати на нього. 19. Якщо я складу

свою першу сесію з гарними оцінками, я буду найщасливішою людиною у

світі. 20. Трапиться так, що ви знайдете мого кота, поверніть його мені.

Questions for self-control

1. What is the difference between a real and an unreal situation?

2. What is the difference between real and unreal tenses?

3. Which modals can we use in the main clauses of sentences in the different

types of conditionals?

4. Can we use the modal will in the if-clause?

Literature: [4, с. 135-152; 6, с. 76-99; 7, с. 161-236; 11, с. 12-14; 16, с. ; 17, с.

139-168; 24, с. 46; 25, с. 82, 85-86; 26, с. 185, 199].

Практичне заняття № 3 – 4

Тopic Unreal Conditionals. Unreal Present Conditionals. Unreal Past

Conditionals. Mixed Conditionals.

Aim: розглянути особливості будови та вживання речень нереальної


Short theoretical points

Unreal Conditionals

Unreal Present/Future Conditionals (2nd conditional)

(to talk about a present situation which is impossible

or future event which is unlikely to happen)


(unless etc.)

Past Simple

were (Past Subjunctive)

Past Continuous



be done

be doing

e.g. If I were a young man now, you wouldn’t be looking for a patner.

I would buy this dress if I had money.

I wouldn’t speak to you unless I were determined.

If John weren’t living in Australia, we would see him more often.


There are a number of variations in the tenses or verb forms that can be

used in 2nd Conditional sentences: in the if-clause could may be used; in the

main clause – could/might.

e.g. If I could have the day off, I’d come with you.

If we had more money, we could go out more often.

If you asked Tony, he might do it for you.

Unreal Past Conditionals (3rd Conditionals)

(to talk about something in the past that didn’t happen;

unfulfilled condition in the past)


(unless etc.)

Past Perfect

Past Perfect



have done

have been


have been


e.g. If John had got a job at university, he would have finished his research long


If John hadn’t been living alone then, he would have been speaking much

more English.

There are a number of variations in the tenses or verb forms that can be

used in 3rd Conditional sentences: in the if-clause could+perfect (continuous)

infinitive may be used; in the main clause – could/might+perfect (continuous)


e.g. If we could have got a taxi, we would have come round to see you.

If I had known there was no more work to do, I could have stayed in bed.

If the ambulance had come sooner, he might have been saved.

Mixed Conditionals

(it is also possible to mix conditionals;

the context defines the meaning)


Type 1

(a hypothetical condition in the past with an imaginary result in present)


(unless etc.)

3rd Conditional

(Past Perfect,

Past Perfect Continuous


2nd Conditional





be done

be doing

e.g. If John had got a job then, he would be happier now.

If John had not been living alone until he graduated, he would speak English

much better now.

If John had learnt English, he would be working at university now.

Type 2

(a general hypothetical condition (fact, characteristic or situation)

with an imaginary result in the past)


(unless etc.)

2nd Conditional

(Past Simple,

Past Continuous


3rd Conditional




have done

have been done

have been doing

e.g. If he weren’t so absent-minded, he wouldn’t have lost his wallet yesterday.

If he knew German, he would have translated that article then.

Negative Condition

(one situation is dependent on another situation or on a person;

such expressions have the meaning “without”)


But for…

But for




be done

be doing

have done

have been done

have been doing

e.g. But for the rain we would go to the country.

But for my gloves I would be freezing now.

But for his broken leg he would have taken part in the competition then.

But for his loneliness he would have been speaking much more English then.

But for



having been




be done

be doing

have done

have been done

have been doing

e.g. But for his being late he wouldn’t be punished.

But for his being lonely he would be speaking much more English.

If it were not/had not been for…

If it were not for

If it had not been for








be done

be doing

have done

have been


have been


noun _______


e.g. If it were not for his broken leg he would be playing football now.

If it were not for his having been late he wouldn’t have been punished.

Practical assignments

Task 1 Make up second conditional sentences for the following situations:

MODEL: I can’t give you a lift because I haven’t got a car. → If I had a car, I

could give you a lift.

1. We won’t have a holiday because we haven’t got any money. 2. I don’t know

the answer, so I can’t tell you. 3. There aren’t any eggs, so I won’t make an

omelette. 4. We have three children, so we won’t take a year off and travel the

world. 5. I’m not very clever, so I won’t be a doctor. 6. He spends all his money

gambling. He isn’t a wealthy man. 7. I haven’t got any spare time. I won’t learn

Chinese. 8. Jim works very hard. He has no time to spend with his family. 9. I’ve

got a headache. I can’t go swimming. 10. We haven’t got a big house. We can’t

invite friends to stay. 11. I’ve no money. I can’t pay you back. 12. He is absent

minded. He easily forgets things. 13. I’m very lazy. My spoken English doesn’t

improve. 14. John drives too fast. Policemen often stop him. 15. Jane is out of

town. She’ll miss the school meeting.

Task 2 Translate into English, using second conditionals:

1. Якби він хотів, він би багато чого домігся. 2. Якби наша армія була

контрактною, туди б йшли служити із задоволенням. 3. Якби я знав, що він

за людина, я б мав з ним справу. 4. Якби ти працював хоча б по три години

на день, ти б склав ці іспити. 5. Якби Ненсі не гуляла, а вечорами вчила

уроки, їй було б легше складати сесію. 6. Якби він працював, йому б не

довелося постійно просити гроші у матері. 7. Якби вона не хотіла бачити

тебе, вона б не телефонувала. 8. Якби його не призначили командиром, він

би міг багато чому навчити хлопців. 9. Якби Майкл мав мільйон, то купив

би віллу на Маямі. 10. Якщо б усе легко давалося, жити було б нецікаво. 11.

Якби він не витрачав гроші на дрібниці, то став би мільйонером. 12. На


твоєму місці я б не їздив до Криму, а краще б зайнявся дипломом. 13. Якби

я жив з батьками, мені б не доводилося витрачати зароблені гроші на їжу.

14. Якби ти знав, як я сумую за старими добрими друзями. 15. Якби фільм

був кольоровий, віе справляв би більше враження. 16. Він думає, що теж не

знав би, як вчинити, якби був на її місці. 17. Якби вона була більш

терплячою, з нею було б легше мати справу. 18. Якби ви пофарбували

вікна, в кімнаті б стало світліше. 19. Якби зараз не йшов дощ, ми б поїхали

до лісу по гриби. 20. На вашому місці я б зайнявся спортом.

Task 3 Make up second conditional sentences for the following situations:

MODEL: I didn’t know you had mobile phone. I didn’t phone you. →If I’d

known you had a mobile phone I would have contacted you.

1. Mary overslept. She forgot to set her alarm clock. 2. She was late again. Her

business trip was cancelled. 3. She was so upset. She forgot to meet her

boyfriend for lunch. 4. She didn’t come to the restaurant and her boyfriend ended

their relationship. 5. She cried too much. She lost one of her contact lenses. 6.

She had to wait at the bus stop at the pouring rain. She got wet. 7. She caught a

cold. She had to stay at home. 8. She forgot to meet her boyfriend three times. He

ended their relationship. 9. Mary didn’t feed her cat. The poor cat ate the budgie.

10. I saw it with my own eyes. I could believe it. 11. I was taking my wife to the

hospital. I broke the speed limit. 12. I didn’t know the jumper was so expensive. I

bought it. 13. I didn’t know when your birthday was. I didn’t buy you a present.

14. I had I shellfish for dinner. I got ill. 15. I didn’t know your address. I didn’t

send you a postcard.

Task 4 Translate into English, using 3rd Conditionals:

1. Якби я знала про це вчора, я б прийшла. 2. Якби вчора світило сонце, діти

могли б піти погуляти. 3. Він, звичайно, відповів би на телефонний дзвінок

учора, якби був удома. 4. Якби моя сукня була готова, я б одягла її вчора. 5.

Якби я не поїхав до села на вихідні, я б у неділю подивився змагання по


телевізору. 6. Учора я б купила блузку, якби вона підійшла до моєї

спідниці. 7. Нам би передали пакунок ще вчора, якби ми були на роботі. 8.

Комісія атестувала б цю роботу ще минулого місяця, якби ви вчасно подали

всі документи. 9. Якби машина не їхала з такою шаленою швидкістю тоді,

аварії б не сталося. 10. Якби вчора не було так холодно, ми б поїхали на

пікнік. 11. Якби вчора було трохи тепліше, ми б пішли на ковзанку. 12.

Якби він більше тренувався, на минулих Олімпійських іграх він би

встановив рекорд. 13. Ти б не допустив такої помилки тоді, якби звернув

увагу на мої слова. 14. Ми б учора додивилися цей фільм до кінця, як би

нам не завадила Джейн. 15. Ми б переїхали до нового будинку ще взимку,

якби будівельники добудували його. 16. Якби влітку я склав вступні іспити,

мені б не довелося шукати роботу. 17. Якби мені відшкодували збитки

вчасно, мені б не довелося позиватися до суду минулого місяця. 18. Якби

медикаменти були доставлені вчасно, хворих вдалося б врятувати. 19. Якби

Том взяв би свої слова назад під час тієї сварки, Джейн на нього не

розсердилась би. 20. Ми б не вирубали кущі малини восени, якби вони не


Task 5 Complete the following sentences according to the model:

MODEL: But for John… (we wouldn’t have been late yesterday).

1. But for the strike of bus-drivers…. 2. But for the absence of his own secretary

at the meeting, Mr. Jones… 3. But for my recent appointment as assistant at the

local hospital… 4. But for the necessity to take the dog for a walk. 5. But for the

accident in the morning… 6. But for the haste… 7. But for her bad manners… 8.

But for my unexpected flight to Paris… 9. But for the rain… 10. But for the

pizza… 10. But for my unexpected flight… 11. But for my bad Spanish… 12.

But for my younger brother… 13. But for that broken car… 14. But for that

crowd of people… 15. But for the


Task 6 Translate into English, using “But for…” or “If it weren’t for/if it

hadn’t been for…”:

1. Якби не парасолька, ти б зараз мокнув під дощем. 2. Якби не твоя

допомога, я б нізащо не закінчив роботу вчора. 3. Якби не ангіна, він би теж

взяв участь у роботі конференції. 4. Як би не всі необхідні засоби, робота

була б зіпсована. 5. Якби не іспит, я б пішов з тобою до кіна. 6. Якби не

спека, було б приємно пройти з тобою до твого будинку. 7. Якби не дощі,

ми б увесь час були на палубі. 8. Як би не ти, я б не був таким агресивним.

9. Якби не сильний мороз, ми б пішли покататися на ковзанах. 10. Рівень

злочинності був би набагато нижчим, якби не високий рівень корупції. 11.

Якби не кохання, життя було б сірим.12. Якби не контрольна у понеділок,

усі були б щасливі. 13. Якби не мрії, не було б чого прагнути у житті. 14.

Якби не таксі, я б запізнився на вокзал. 15. Якби не погані новини, він би не

потрапив до лікарні через серцевий напад. 16. Якби не важливість цієї

справи, я б залишився вдома. 17. Якби не його популярність, він би так

багато не подорожував. 18. Якби не величезний натовп людей, у кімнаті не

було б так душно. 19. Якби не похилий вік, наша сусідка б сама ходила за

покупками. 20. Якби не моє погане самопочуття, вчора я б поїхав з вами.

Task 7 Match the clauses and write the mixed conditional sentences in your


MODEL: 1F – If you had told me about this problem earlier, everything would

be all right now.

1. If you had told me about this

problem earlier,

2. If you were a more sensitive


3. If they don’t contact you soon,

4. If he had not died so young,

A he probably won’t be at the


B you could always ring them up.

C his wife would have never left


D you wouldn’t have said that to


5. If he didn’t work so hard all the


6. If the train hadn’t been delayed,

7. If he was feeling ill this morning,

8. If you are coming with us,

9. If I really wanted to have children,

10. If you worked harder

last month,


E I would have had them now.

F everything would be all right now.

G would you hurry up and get


H you wouldn’t be so busy this


I we would be there by now.

J I’m sure he’d be a famous

musician by now.

Task 8 Translate into English, using Mixed Conditionals of the 1st type:

1. Якби ви не порушили правила поведінки в університеті вчора, сьогодні

вам би не довелося писати пояснювальну записку. 2. Якби вона склала

літню сесію, то зараз би вчилася на другому курсі. 3. Якби він вибачився

переді мною тоді, зараз я б не сердилася на нього. 4. Якби ми вчора купили

квитки, то сьогодні пішли б до театру. 5. Якби ти не забрав іграшку у свого

молодшого брата, він би зараз не плакав. 6. Якби ми вчасно одержали

зарплатню, нам би не було так скрутно зараз. 7. Ти б міг поїхати зараз до

Європи, якби оформив закордонний паспорт півроку тому. 8. Якби майстер

відремонтував кран учора, зараз з нього не текла б вода. 9. Якби вона не

поїхала з міста ще минулого тижня, то на вихідних прийшла б до нас. 10.

Якби я зранку не почув прогноз погоди, зараз я б мокнув без плаща. 11.

Сьогодні наш ксерокс працював би краще, якби вчора ви не копіювали

стільки матеріалів. 12. Якби Кріса не затримали в аеропорту вранці, зараз

він був би вже в офісі. 13. Зараз черевики не мучили б тебе, якби ти тоді

купила потрібний розмір. 14. Якби ти відвідував заняття лінгвістичного

семінару минулого семестру, ти б знав багато мовних фактів. 15. Якби ми

купили продукти ще в четвер, зараз нам би не довелося бігати по

крамницям. 16. Якби я не помилилася вчора, то закінчила б усі розрахунки


сьогодні. 17. Якби вчора був вихідний, я б не була така стомлена сьогодні.

18. Якби вчора пройшов дощ, зараз не довелося б поливати город. 19. Якби

ти вчора раніше пішов спати, зараз у тебе б не боліла голова. 20. Якби ми

скінчили свою роботу ще вчора, то сьогодні були б вільні.

Task 9 Translate into English, using Mixed Conditionals of the 2nd type:

1. Якби Стів не був таким егоїстом, він би не поїхав у подорож сам, без

Сюзан. 2. Ви б помітили цю помилку, якби були більш уважними. 3. Якби

ти не допускав постійно одні ті й самі помилки, твої переклади були б

набагато кращими. 4. Якби він був одружений, він би не фліртував з усіма

дівчатами учора на вечірці. 5. Якби ця дівчина не була такою легковажною,

вона б йому сподобалася і він би познайомився з нею учора. 6. Якби вона

була експертом з цієї справи, то вчора б вона виступила з доповіддю на

конференції. 7. Якби вона не була такою дурною, то вирішила б це завдання

вчора без його допомоги. 8. Якби ти не був таким неслухняним, ми б взяли

тебе з собою на дачу вчора. 9. Якби ти був трохи уважнішим, ти б учора

помітив її у театрі. 10. Якби Мері була хоч на три сантиметри вище

зростом, вона б виграла цей конкурс краси минулого місяця. 11. Якби він не

був таким хворобливим, він би не пропустив так багато занять минулого

семестру. 12. Якби ви мали більше досвіду, ви б обов’язково пройшли ту

співбесіду минулого тижня. 13. Якби Брюс був знавцем картин, він би

пішов на виставку сучасного мистецтва два тижні тому. 14. Якби він добре

знав німецьку мову, він би з легкістю переклав ту статтю. 15. Якби Стів не

був таким грубіяном, він би не пересварився з усіма своїми друзями. 16.

Якби студенти читали англійські газети регулярно, вони б вже давно

вдосконалили свій словниковий запас. 17. Якби моя подруга не була такою

наполегливою та працелюбною, вона б не досягла таких великих успіхів.

18. Якби він не був таким сором’язливим, він би давно з кимось

познайомився. 19. Якби Джон не був таким вразливим, він би на тебе вчора


не образився. 20. Якби він не був такий легковажний, то вже давно б


Task 10 Complete the following sentences in an appropriate way, using

“might” or “could”:

MODEL: If I don’t have too much work tonight, I … → If I don’t have too

much work tonight, I might go out.

1. My car’s being repaired at the moment. Sorry. If I had it, I…

2. If I earned more money, I …

3. Four people died in a fire at their home. If they had had a smoke detector,


4. If you were more understanding to other people, you…

5. If it’s nice day on Sunday, we…

6. I’ve got terrible toothache. If the dentist decides I’ve got a bad tooth, …

7. The ship had no life boats, and twenty-five people drowned. If…

8. I started writing poetry after I’d met a famous poet at a cocktail party. He

encouraged me to start. If…

9. It’s a lovely day, and the sea’s beautifully warm. What a pity we didn’t bring

our swimming costumes! If…

10. If I weren’t going out tonight, I …

11. If they weren’t having a row…

12. I’m afraid of travelling by air, so I had to go to America by boat. If…

13. She doesn’t know anything about the first aid, so she couldn’t help him. If…

14. I’m going to the theatre tonight, so I couldn’t accept Peter’s invitation to go

round for a meal. If…

15. If I see some shoes you’d like at the shops, …

Task 11 Translate into English, using modals in conditional sentences:

1. Якби ви вирішили кудись відправитись у відпустку, я міг би

порекомендувати вам чудову туристичну фірму. 2. Мабуть, вона не


розплакалась би, якби його слова не були такі образливі. 3. Мабуть, зустріч

була б зовсім даремною, якби ми не змогли досягти компромісу. 4. Якби

вона не була такою впертою, ми могли б спробувати почати все спочатку. 5.

Можливо, він би завершив дослідження, якби університет не припинив

фінансування його програм. 6. Він міг би стати добрим дизайнером, якби

трохи підучився. 7. Мабуть, він сам би розповів тобі про свою розмову з

шефом, якби вважав це за потрібне. 8. Якби лютий не був таким теплим, ми

могли б поїхати у Карпати кататися на лижах. 9. Якби він зміг подолати

хвилювання, то зіграв би значно краще. 10. Він би міг претендувати на

вище місце, якби не травма. 11. Можливо, ми б не пішли до церкви, якби

раптово не розпочалася гроза. 12. Він не зміг би працювати реставратором,

якби не пройшов спеціальні курси. 13. Можливо, вона погодилась би грати

в нашому ансамблі, але ми не наважилися пропонувати їй це. 14. Мабуть,

ти оцінила б його шляхетність, якби подивилася на те, що трапилося з

іншого боку. 15. Мабуть, вона була б ще більше схожа на Мерилін Монро,

якби фарбувала губи по-іншому. 16. Урожай міг би бути кращим, якби

червень не був таким засушливим. 17. Якщо хочеш, ми могли б обмінятися

адресами. 18. Якщо ти запізнюєшся, ми могли б піти на станцію прямо

через ліс. 19. Він міг би помститися за всі образи, якби не слово, що дав

матері. 20. Можливо, вранці у неї не боліла б голова, якби вона не забула

відчинити вікно на ніч.

Questions for self-control

1. What is the difference between a real and an unreal situation?

2. What is the difference between real and unreal tenses?

3. Which modals can we use in the main clauses of sentences in the different

types of conditionals?

4. Can we use the modal would in the if-clause?

5. Which types of conditionals can be mixed?

6. Which modals can we use in the different types of conditionals to express that

a condition is less likely?


Literature: [4, с. 135-152; 6, с. 76-99; 7, с. 161-236; 11, с. 14-18; 14, с. 98-

109; 15, с. 126-139; 17, с. 139-168; 24, с. 46; 25, с. 85-86,88; 26, с. 188, 190].

Практичне заняття № 5 – 6

Topic Words other then If (Only if, even if, unless, whether, if so…).

Negative Condition. Implied Condition. Inversion.

Aim: to learn words other then if in Conditional sentences, Implied

Condition and Inversion.

Short theoretical points

Words other then If (Only if, even if, unless, whether, if so…)

Conditionals can be introduced in a variety of ways other then if.

Whenif in zero conditionals;

In the other types of

conditionals, we cannot

use when instead of if.

e.g. If you heat water to 100

degrees Celsius, it boils.

When you heat water to

100 degrees Celsius, it boils.

Even if emphasises that

something will happen,

would happen or would

have happened

whatever the condition

e.g. Even if we leave right

now, we still won't catch the


I wouldn't go into the

water even if I could swim.

Even if we had booked

our flight earlier, it

wouldn't have been cheaper.

Only if makes the condition

more restrictive

e.g. Acetaminophen is

dangerous to children only

if dosage is too high.


* If the if-clause is first,

the subject and the

auxiliary in the main

clause are inverted

e.g. Only if you like

classical music is it worth

coming tonight.

So/As long as

and providing/provided


can be used instead

of if to express a


* providing/provided

(that) is a bit formal

e.g. You can stay here as

long as you keep quiet.


(that) the bills are paid,

tenants will not be evicted.


and what if

can replace if, mainly in

everyday conversation,

and are often used

without a main clause

e.g. Suppose/supposing you

won the lottery, what would

you do?

Suppose/supposing you

can't find a job?

What if you are not

accepted to university?

What will you do then?

Unless is followed by an

affirmative verb to

express "if ... not"

e.g. My leg's broken. I can't

stand up unless you help

me. (I can't stand up if you

don't help me.)

If in doubt, if possible,

if necessary etc.

We can make the if-

clause shorter by

omitting the subject and

the verb be

e.g. If (you are) in doubt,

consult a dictionary.

e.g. If necessary, you can

call Jake at home.

I'd like a seat by the

window if possible.

If so, if not

can stand for an if-

clause which is

e.g. "According to the

weather forecast, it might


understood from the


rain tomorrow." "If so,

we'll go hiking another


I hope Peter gets here

soon. If not, we'll have to

start without him.

In case and if

An in case-clause gives

a reason while an if-

clause describes a


e.g. I'll buy a sandwich in

case I get hungry. (I'll buy a

sandwich because I may get

hungry later.)

e.g. I'll buy a sandwich if I

get hungry. (I'll buy a

sandwich when I get


We can use should after in


e.g. Take an umbrella in

case it should rain.

Were to/were to have done

(is used to express unlikelihood; the condition is even less likely

or how one event depends on another)


were to do

were to have done



be done

be doing

have done

have been done

have been doing

e.g. If I were to see him, I would tell him about it.

If he were to have asked me, I would have said ‘yes’.



(in if-clauses with had, should, were; the subject can be inverted and if omitted;

is used in literary English)

e.g. Were I to see him, I would tell him about it.

Were I you, I wouldn’t say so.

Had I learnt English then, I would find a good job now.

Should it be raining, I will take the umbrella.

Implied Condition

An implied condition is not openly stated in a clause, but is suggested either

by an adverbial part of the sentence, or else by the context – from the preceding

or following sentence, or coordinated clause. Conditionals can be implied (i.e.

not directly introduced by if) in a variety of ways:


With luck, we'll be there by tomorrow (= if we're lucky).

Given time, they’ll probably agree (= if we give them time).

To hear him talk, you’d think he was

Prime Minister

(= if you could hear him talk).

I would write to her but I don't know

her address

(= if I knew her address).

But for his pension, he would starve (= if he didn't have).

Except for the sound of his breathing,

I wouldn’t have known he was there

(=If I hadn’t heard).

Without your help, I couldn’t have

done it

(=If you hadn’t helped).

I would have gone too, but I was tied

up to Joseph.

(=If I hadn’t been tied up to Joseph,

I would have gone too.)

In different circumstances, I would

have said yes

(= if circumstances had been



It is raining or he would go jogging. (=If it weren’t raining, he would go


Practical assignments

Task 1 In your notebook rewrite the sentences replacing “if” with the most

appropriate conjunction:

MODEL: Mr. Davidson says he’ll come and give a talk at the conference if we

pay him a reasonable fee. (supposing that/unless/on condition that) → Mr.

Davidson says he’ll come and give a talk at the conference on condition that we

pay him a reasonable fee.

1. I won’t help him if he doesn’t ask me properly. (provided/ unless/ as long as)

2. If I could get a job, life here would be perfect. (what if/ even if/ if only)

3. If you had a lot of money, do you think you would give up work? (Supposing

that/ Providing that/ As long as)

4. If the train arrives on time, they’ll be here in a few minutes. (What if/

Assuming that/ On condition that)

5. If he doesn’t agree to my request, what will I do then? (Imagine/ What if/

Provided that)

6. You can go out tonight if you get back by midnight. (as long as/ assuming

that/ supposing that)

7. If the helicopter hadn’t been there to save her, what would have happened

then? (If only/ Imagine/ Unless)

8. If you’d offered to pay me a thousand pounds, I wouldn’t have done it. (If

only/ Provided that/ Even if)

9. If Rosie gets this new promotion, we’ll have enough money for a holiday

abroad this year. (Even if/ Provided that/ Supposing that)

10. I won’t come if they don’t invite me. (unless/ supposing/ provided)

11. What would you do if he left you? (supposing/ in case/ unless)

12. If you join the tennis club, I will too. (Provided that/ in case/ supposing)


13. We’re going to install a smoke alarm if there is a fire. (provided that/ in case/


14. If the lifeguard hadn’t been there, what would have happened? (Unless/

Imagine/ In case)

15. She won’t get that job if she doesn’t learn to speak French. (in case/ unless/


Task 2 Translate into English, using words other then “if”:

1. Навіть якби його викликали, він би не пішов туди. 2. Уяви, що я сказав

би щось подібне своїй тітоньці, вона б подумала, що я не сповна розуму. 3.

А що, якщо тобі б довелося несподівано поїхати, ти б залишив мені

записку? 4. Навіть якби я затримався ще на якусь мить, це б нічого не

вирішило. 5. Я буду вдома увесь вечір на випадок, якщо ти передумаєш. 6.

А що, якби пішов дощ? Я б промокла наскрізь, якби одягла ту легку сукню.

7. Уяви, що обставини б були іншими, він би вів себе інакше. 8. Він

відмовився б від цієї пропозиції, навіть якби вона була найпривабливішою

у світі. 9. Уяви, що я б зустріла його знову, я б тоді знала, що робити. 10.

Уяви, що вона була б вільною, вони б закохалися один в одного і

одружилися б одразу. 11. Ти не покращиш своє здоров’я, допоки не

їстимеш більше фруктів. 12. Ти не зможеш потрапити на цю виставу,

якщо не замовиш квитки заздалегідь. 13. Якщо ти відкладаєш роботу до

наступного дня, ти не в змозі її вчасно закінчити. 14. Уяви, що ти не

поливав би квіти, вони б засохли. 15. Якщо тільки ви торкнетеся цього

питання, суперечкам не буде кінця. 16. Уяви, якби тільки він не був такий

схвильований, він би легко відповів на це питання. 17. Якщо тільки буде

слушний момент, натякніть про наше питання, будь ласка. 18. Навіть якщо

він відмовлятиметься, я постараюся переконати його. 19. Він би не

приймав усе так близько до серця, якби не вважав, що це його також

стосується. 20. Доки ви не обґрунтуєте свій план детально, буде багато



Task 3 Make the sentences even less probable, beginning them with “if+ were

to do/were to have done”:

MODEL: If I were in town now, I would be able to see him. → If I were to be

in town now, I would be able to see him.

1. If I won the lottery, I’d have a lot of money. 2. If I become a president, I’d be

in charge of the country. 3. If I met a genie, I’d have three wishes. 4. If I moved

abroad, I’d live in France. 5. If I become richer, I’d buy a sports car. 6. If I were

leaving on a business trip, I’d book the tickets in advance. 7. If I went to

England, my English would improve. 8. If I had fount 100 dollars yesterday, I’d

have bought a present to my mom. 9. If you had been to the theatre with us last

week, you’d have met him too. 10. If we had left at 9, we’d have caught the

train. 11. If I had seen him yesterday, I would have apologized. 12. If I had

found out it yesterday, I’d have come to help you. 13. If you had taken my

advice then, everything would be different now. 14. If I had been asked about it

then, I’d have explained everything. 15. If you had won the competition, you

would go to Oxford.

Task 4 Translate into English, using “if+were to do/were to have done”

1. Якби нам довелося судитися з ним, що б ви зробили? 2. Якби нам

довелося перекладати такі тексти, ми б скористалися словником. 3. Якби я

раптом дізнався, де він, я б обов’язково його знайшов. 4. З чого б ви

почали, якби вам довелося організовувати гурток з малювання? 5. Якби

раптом у нього знайшлася вільна хвилинка, він би показав вам виставку. 6.

Якби мені довелося поговорити з ним тоді, я б довів йому, що цей проект –

звичайне шахрайство. 7. Якби мені довелося висловитися на користь цієї

пропозиції тоді, вона б привернула набагато більше уваги. 8. Якби раптом

ви розповіли їй про цю новину вчора, вона б не спала цілу ніч. 9. Якби я

раптом отримав усі дані минулого тижня, я б закінчив цю роботу завтра.

10. Якби мені довелося побувати в Криму, я б оглянув усі мальовничі


місця. 11. Якби йому довелося побувати у Києві, він зайшов би до нас. 12.

Якби раптом ваш лист застав мене вдома, я б відповіла на нього і

повідомила вам про свої плани на найближче майбутнє. 13. Якби мені

довелося піти у відпустку влітку, я б поїхала до моря. 14. Якби раптом

погода в неділю була гарною, ми б поїхали за місто. 15. Якби вам довелося

пропрацювати з ним чотири роки, ви б знали, що це за людина. 16. Якби

мені довелося мати можливість публікуватися у цьому журналі, я б

обов’язково нею скористався. 17. Якби йому довелося відмовитися від

спроби познайомитися зі Сюзан, він не був би убитий горем. 18. Вона б

мала вигляд на свої роки, якби їй не довелося так багато пережити під час

війни. 19. Якби мені довелося самому складати звіти, я б, мабуть, наробив

багато помилок. 20. Якби я раптом поспішала, я б узяла таксі.

Task 5 Rewrite the sentences, using inversion:

MODEL: If I were you, I wouldn’t waste my time on him. → Were I you, I

wouldn’t waste my time on him.

1. If I should feel sick, I wouldn’t go on holiday next weekend. 2. Ashley is

allergic to cheese. If he hadn’t eaten cheese, he wouldn’t have got an awful rush.

3. If I were really famous, I would go all over the world. 4. If the fisherman had

been less patient, he wouldn’t have caught so much fish. 5. If you had let me

know yesterday, I would have brought my book. 6. If there should be a good

film on TV on Sunday, I’ll stay at home with you. 7. He would have never

phoned you if I hadn’t reminded him of that. 8. The dish would be much tastier

if she were a better cook. 9. If the weather were to be fine, we would go for a

walk. 10. If she hadn’t sold her car, she wouldn’t have much money for it. 11. If

my brother were in trouble, I would help him. 12. If they were not busy, they

would play football.

13. If I were to find 100 dollars, I would buy a present to my Mum. 14. If he

had warn me, I would have done my work in time. 15. If the rain should stop,

the children will go for a walk.


Task 6 Translate into English, using inversion wherever possible:

1. Раптом її не буде вдома, він залишить записку. 2. Якби наш бухгалтер не

помилився вчора, то закінчив би розрахунки сьогодні. 3. Якби він

зателефонував учора, вона б зараз не хвилювалася. 4. Якби вони написали

диктант учора, вона б його сьогодні перевіряла. 5. Якби вона раптом усе

розповіла, їй би стало краще. 6. На її місці, вони б його дочекалися. 7. Він

би не прокинувся вранці, якби не задзвонив будильник. 8. Якби її раптом

не привітали, вона б образилася. 9. Раптом погода зміниться, ми не

станемо сидіти вдома. 10. Було б краще, якби ти міг сприймати все

спокійніше. 11. Якби йому в дитинстві читали казки, зараз він би вірив у

дива. 12. Якби вона змогла прийти учора, ми б усе обговорили. 13. Якби

вона позичило учора гроші, сьогодні вона б усе повернула. 14. Якби вона

була дорослою, то робила б усе, що забажає. 15. Якщо я раптом не забуду

взяти парасольку, дощу не буде. 16. Якби він не зміг згадати слово, то

подивився б його у словнику. 17. Якби це раптом трапилося з нею, вона б

засмутилася. 18. Якби він був заклопотаний, він би не прийшов. 19. Якби

не було темно, він би не впав. 20. Якщо його раптом не зустрінуть, куди

він поїде?

Task 7 Write a sentence containing the underlined words as a main clause,

and an appropriate conditional clause:

MODEL: I think Alison should apply for the job. She would make a very good

managing director. → She would make a very good managing director if she got

the job.

1. The problem is that she doesn’t work very hard. I know that she could do

really well. 2. We’re lucky it’s sunny today. It wouldn’t be horrible sitting out

here otherwise. 3. He would not be able to live on his own without the help of

his neighbours. 4. With luck, we’ll finish the job by the end of the day. 5. I hear

you’re thinking of going to Indonesia for the summer. You’ll love it there. 6. I


hope those refugees aren’t deported, but I think they will be. They may be

imprisoned or even executed. 7. It’s a good job you brought all those tables and

chairs in from outside last night. The rain would have ruined them. 8. Mark

should have told her the truth. I’m sure she would have ruined them. 9. Without

the help of the Red Cross doctors, many more would have died. 10. Please come

out with us tonight. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. 11. With a bit more help, I would

have finished have finished it on time. 12. I’m sure we’d really enjoy going on

holiday with you but we just can’t afford it. 13. I’m glad you didn’t tell Matthew

about it. He would have been furious. 14. The negotiations may break down.

The consequences for the whole country would be disastrous. 15. I would have a

degree now but I didn’t work hard at university.

Task 8 Translate into English, using sentences with implied condition:

1. Учора йшов дощ. А то сьогодні не було б так вогко. 2. Він би так не

втомлювався, але він працює по 12 годин на день. 3. Ніхто б і не сердився,

але вона така галаслива. 4. Він не читає французьких книжок в оригіналі, а

то знав би французьку мову краще. 5. Я завтра зайнята, а то пішла б з вами

на концерт. 6. Палаючий сірник потрапив до бензобаку. А то він би не

спалахнув. 7. Той лікар – справжній професіонал. А то Сюзан би не

врятували. 8. Ми б уже давно переїхали до нової квартири, але там дуже

холодно. 9. Я не бачив у тих словах нічого розумного, а то прислухався б

до них. 10. Добре, що тобі вчасно вирвали зуб. Інакше почався б запальний

процес. 11. Ми б швидко впоралися з роботою, але не могли дійти до суті

справи. 12. Я б не втратила витримку, але мене довели його безкінечні

нарікання. 13. Ти не взяв з собою куртку як я тобі казала. Інакше ти б не

тремтів зараз від холоду. 14. Я знаю, що вона брехуха. А то б я їй повірив.

15. Ти їси багато солодкого. Інакше ти б давно схудла. 16. Ми могли б

зробити це сьогодні, але ви відмовилися нам допомогти. 17. Моя подруга

від’їжджає до Америки. Я б поїхала її проводжати, але я дуже зайнята. 18.

Ти дуже необережний. Інакше ти б не розбив цю дорогу вазу. 19. Я б


надягла нову літню сукню, але ще дуже холодно. 20. Ви дуже неуважні на

заняттях. Інакше ви б добре знали цей матеріал.

Questions for self-control

1. When can if be replaced with when in conditional sentences?

2. What is the difference between a real and an unreal situation?

3. What is the difference between real and unreal tenses?

4. What is the difference between if and in case?

5. Which modals can we use in the different types of conditionals to express that

a condition is less likely?

6. When can we invert the subject and auxiliary in the if-clause?

Literature: [4, с. 135-152; 6, с. 76-99; 7, с. 161-236; 15, с. 126-139; 17, с. 139-

168; 24, с. 46; 25, с. 91, 92; 26, с. 192].

Практичне заняття № 7 – 8

Тopic Wishes and regrets (I wish..., If only…, I’d rather… etc.).

Aim: to learn about the patterns introduced by «I wish..., If only…, I’d


Short theoretical points

Patterns introduced with I wish... are used to express wishes about the present,

past and future.

1. This pattern is used to express wishes or regrets about the present:

I wish

If only

I’d (would) rather

Past Simple

Past Subjunctive

Past Continuous

e.g. I wish I lived nearer. Then we could meet more often. (I'm sorry that I don't

live nearer)

Cathy wishes she had blond hair. (Cathy is sorry that she doesn't have blond



Instead of the Past Subjunctive, we can use could + Infinitive:

e.g You're brilliant. I wish I could play the guitar like you. (I'm sorry that I can't

play the guitar like you)

2. This pattern is used to express wishes or regrets about the past:

I wish

If only

I’d (would) rather

Past Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Subjunctive

Past Perfect Continuous

e.g. I wish I had never told him my secret. (I'm sorry that I told him my secret)

Santiago wishes he hadn't spent so much money last night. (Santiago

regrets spending so much money last night)

Instead of the Past Perfect Subjunctive, we can use could + perfect infinitive:

e.g.If only I could have been there. I'm sure it was a great concert. (I'm sorry

that I couldn't be there)

3. This pattern is used for wishes about the future when there is a chance that

something may happen or somebody (but not the person who wishes) may

change their behaviour:

I wish

If only

I’d (would) rather

I’d (would) prefer

would do

e.g. I wish it would stop snowing. I wish Mark would call me back. I wish more

people would read my blog.

Wish + would can also express not-so-polite requests or complaints:

e.g. I wish you wouldn't smoke in here.

We can make second and third conditionals more emphatic by

placing only after if:

e.g. If (only) I knew the answer, I'd tell you.

If (only) I had revised more, I would have done better on my exam.


If only can be replaced with I wish, and the main clause can be omitted:

I wish I knew the answer. I wish I had revised more.

NB: Would rather/sooner + clause with the Past Subjunctive expresses that we

would like someone else to do something.

e.g. I'd rather you didn't smoke in here. (I'd prefer you not to smoke in here.)

Tim would sooner I returned his camera. (Tim would like me to return his


Where would you rather I slept? (Where would you prefer me to sleep?)

This pattern can be rephrased by using a second conditional with prefer:

e.g. I would prefer it if you didn't smoke in here.

Would rather/sooner + clause with the Past Perfect Subjunctive expresses

preferences or wishes about the past. The subject of would rather/sooner and

the subject of the subjunctive are different:

e.g. I'd rather this whole thing had never happened. (I wish it had never


What would you rather I had done? (What would you have preferred me to


This pattern can be rephrased by using a third conditional with prefer:

I'd prefer it if this whole thing had never happened.

Practical assignments

Task 1 Rewrite the sentences using “I wish + Past Simple/Past


MODEL: The streets are very dirty. → I wish the streets weren’t dirty.

1. I like chocolate so much. 2. I can’t lose my weight. 3. I’m not having a

holiday this year. 4. I haven’t got a car. I would like very much to have one. 5.

We don’t live in a nice big flat. I would like us to. 6. I don’t have an interesting

job. I would like my job to be very interesting. 7. My family live a long way

from here. 8. I’m not with him now. I would like very much to be. 9. I can’t

speak another language. 10. I hate winter – it’s very cold. 11. I’m going to the


dentist tomorrow. 12. He is so selfish. 13. There isn’t anything good on TV

tonight. 14. Mike is too old to start a new business. 15. John doesn’t understand

his parents very well.

Task 2 Translate present wishes into English:

1. Шкода, що зараз холодно, ми б скупалися в річці. 2. Шкода, що ви

ведете з нами подвійну гру. 3. Шкода, що дитина ще мала, ми б узяли її

з собою. 4. Шкода, що ти витрачаєш свій час на всілякі дурниці. 5. Шкода,

що він боягуз. 6. Шкода, що джемпер не новий. 7. Шкода, що останнім

часом ви залишаєтеся осторонь наших справ! 8. Шкода, що ти не маєш

ніяких доказів. 9. Шкода, що наш бухгалтер такий некомпетентний. 9.

Шкода, що ти не визнаєш свій обов’язок сказати мені про це. 10. Шкода,

що мрячить дощ! 11. Шкода, що село розташоване так далеко від міста! 12.

Шкода, що демократія у нас тільки на словах. 13. Шкода, що ви ведете з

нами подвійну гру. 14. Шкода, що нам з вами не по дорозі. 15. Шкода, що

ви не знайомі з цією роботою. 16. Шкода, що вони дружно живуть. 17.

Шкода, що човен зламано: ми б покаталися. 18. Шкода, що у вас немає

повітроочисника над плитою. 19. Шкода, що йде сніг. 20. Шкода, що ти не

маєш вищої освіти.

Task 3 Rewrite the sentences using “I wish + Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect

Continuous/could + Perfect Infinitive”:

MODEL: It rained the whole of my holiday. → I wish it hadn’t rained the

whole of my holiday!

1. I went to bed late last night. I regret it now. 2. I didn’t buy that dress. I regret

it now. 3. I lost my temper. I regret it now. 4. I didn’t go to that concert. I regret

it now. 5. I spent all my money on that new coat. I regret it now. 6. I’m really

hungry now. We didn’t eat before we came out and I regret it now. 7. I didn’t

win the lottery. 8. I left school at sixteen. 9. I didn’t go to university. 10. My

girlfriend didn’t ring me last night. 11. I overslept this morning and I was late


for work. 12. He couldn’t complete it on time. 13. She had her hair cut really

short. 14. I’ve been given the sack! 15. They were speaking so quickly!

Task 4 Translate past wishes into English:

1. Шкода, що ви не пішли подивитися цю виставку. 2. Шкода, що вона не

встигла закінчити цей твір. 3. Шкода, що ти вчора не прийшла, у нас було

весело. 4. Шкода, що ти не відремонтував дах. 5. Шкода, що ти не

скористався двомісячною відпусткою та не з’їздив до Англії. 6. Шкода, що

дебати були перервані. 7. Шкода, що на десерт не подали морозива.

8. Шкода, що ти довів Лізу до сліз. 9. Шкода, що розмова виявилася такою

недовгою. 10. Шкода, що він не довіз тебе до станції. 11. Шкода, що

видобування вугілля в цьому районі припинилося. 12. Шкода, що ти довів

розпочату справу до кінця. 13. Шкода, що ми не зустрілися двадцять років

тому. 14. Шкода, що ми не дограли партію в шахи. 15. Шкода, що наша

довголітня дружба припинилася. 16. Шкода, що ти про це нічого не чув.

17. Шкода, що цю посаду віддали не тобі. 18. Шкода, що вас

проінформували. 19. Шкода, що ти не доїв цю страву, вона така смачна.

20. Шкода, що Майкл зламав ногу.

Task 5 Rewrite the sentences using “I wish + would”:

MODEL: He can’t stop smoking. I would like him to. → I wish he would stop


1. He speaks so loudly. 2. He won’t stop shouting. I would like him to. 3. You’re

playing that music. I would like you to stop playing. 4. You are not listening to

me. I feel very annoyed about it and I would like you to listen to me but I don’t

think you will. 5. I will have to go to work tomorrow. 6. You worry so much. I

don’t want you to. 7. He criticizes me all the time. 8. You are so careless! You

don’t want to settle down and find a decent job. 9. He drinks too much. 10. He

lies too often. I don’t believe him. 11. My car won’t start. 12. You’re getting at

me all the time. I’m sick and tired of it! 13. She always stays out so late. I don’t


like it. 14. They won’t come to our wedding. I’m so sorry. 15. He will tell

everything to her. He can’t keep secrets.

Task 6 Translate into English, using “I wish + would”:

1. Шкода, що він повсякчас впадає в дитинство замість того, щоб приймати

відповідальні рішення. 2. Я не хочу, щоб ти був таким зухвалим. 3. Шкода,

що ти не зробиш мені цю послугу. 4. Шкода, що тобі доведеться вирушати

у далеку дорогу саме зараз. 5. Шкода, що у нас не буде ялинки на новий

рік. 6. Шкода, що я не зможу тобі більше довіряти. 7. Я б хотів, щоб ти не

витрачав час на всілякі дрібниці. 8. Шкода, що дівчина не зможе вийти

заміж за цього красеня. 9. Шкода, що вашу доповідь ніхто не почує. 10.

Мені б хотілося, аби ви скоріше повернули всі свої гроші. 11. Я не хочу,

щоб ти був таким несерйозним. 12. Я б не хотів, щоб ти був таким

боягузом. 13. Я б хотів жити ради свого задоволення. 14. Я б не хотів,

щоб ви так думали. 15. Шкода, що вам доведеться проходити практику

не в нашому інституті. 16. Шкода, що тобі доведеться робити це всупереч

бажанню. 17. Я б не хотіла, що ви ставилися до мене з такою неповагою.

18. Я б хотів, щоб ви дочекалися мого приїзду. 19. Шкода, що ви не хочете

з’їздити до Смітів. Я б поїхав з вами. 20. Я б не хотів, щоб ви страждали

через свою надмірну скромність.

Task 7 Respond to the following facts with a wish, beginning with “I’d

rather…/If only…”

MODEL: I’ve been given the sack! → I’d rather I hadn’t been given the

sack!/If only I hadn’t been given the sack!

1. She is desperately shy. – If only… 2. I don’t want you to drive so far in one

day. – If only… 3. My father didn’t want me to marry Jim. – If only… 4. I had

to lie to her. – He’d rather… 5. Everybody except us has a word processor these

days. – If only… 6. I don’t want you to tell her. – I’d rather … 7. I regret saying

that to her. – If only… 8. I wasn’t watching the road. – I’d rather… 9. I didn’t


work hard for my exams. – I’d rather… 10. I can’t speak Spanish. – If only…

11. I didn’t invite him to the party. – I’d rather… 12. John won’t come to my

party. – If only … 13. I hit him. – I’d rather … 14. The party was boring. – If

only… 15. I spent all my money. – She’d rather…

Task 8 Translate into English, using “I’d rather…, I’d prefer…” etc.:

1. Я б залишився вдома. 2. Я б випив чогось холодненького. 3. Ви б краще

йшли додому. 4. Я б сьогодні не прибирала. 5. Відчинити вікно? – Я б не

відчиняв. 6. Ви б поїхали до Криму у відпустку. 7. Краще б запитати цього

бізнесмена. 8. Я б хотів, аби вона залишилася з чоловіком. 9. Йому б

хотілося, аби ви припинили це обговорення. 10. Я б краще зустрівся з

Смітом і розставив усі крапки над «і». 11. Йому б хотілося, щоб ти

припинив теревенити по телефону. 12. Я б хотів, аби ви обговорили ці

питання вже сьогодні. 13. Він хотів би, щоб вона залишилася у нього. 14.

Ви б краще забрали дитину додому. 15. Краще б ви знайшли в собі сили і

залагодили всі непорозуміння з братом. 16. Ви б краще приїхали на пару

тижнів раніше. 17. Йому б хотілося взяти участь у цьому проекті. 18. Я б

краще подумав, на яку тему писатиму реферат. 19. Я б краще спав із

відчиненим вікном. – Як на мене, краще зачиніть. Надворі холодно. 20. Я б

краще почитав якусь книжку.

Questions for self-control

1. What is common in sentences introduced with I wish... and the second and

third conditionals?

2. What does wish + would express?

3. What are unreal tenses?

4. What is the similarity between conditionals and sentences starting with I

wish.../If only...?

Literature: [4, с. 135-152; 6, с. 76-99; 7, с. 161-236; 15, с. 126-139; 17, с.

139-168; 24, с. 54; 25, с. 77-78]


Практичне заняття № 9-10

Тopic Subjunctive. The Formulaic Subjunctive. The Mandative Subjunctive

(Formal Subjunctive)

Aim: розглянути особливості вживання форм Subjunctive.

Short theoretical points

The subjunctive is a mood used to express necessity, unreality, wishes or

hopes. It is usually difficult to notice, as it has no distinctive forms in current

English, only those that resemble other verb forms (bare infinitive, past simple

and past perfect, modal verbs (mostly should and may/might+proper form of

bare infinitive).

Subjunctive Mood



(=bare infinitive)

Past Subjunctive

(past tences;


Past Perfect


(=past perfect




form of bare


Present Subjunctive

The present subjunctive is identical to the bare infinitive form of the verb

in all persons, including the third person singular (no final -s). It is usually used

in formal or literary styles:

Formulaic Subjunctive (in certain set phrases)

e.g. I see what you mean. Be that as it may, I can't agree with you. (even so,

still) e.g. Come what may, I will not resign! (whatever happens)

e.g. "I am a Jedi. Like my father before me." "So be it... Jedi." (it's okay with

me, I accept this)

e.g. I do not want to bore you; suffice it to say, we finally got a full refund. (it is

sufficient to say)


In exclamations that express a wish or hope

e.g. Rest in peace!

e.g. Bless you!

e.g. God save the King!

Mandative Subjunctive

The Mandative Subjunctive is also called Formal Subjunctive, that is used

mostly in formal contexts. The Present Subjunctive or should and

may/might+proper form of bare infinitive can be used after certain kinds of

verbs, nouns, adjectives, phrases etc.

We can sometimes report advice, orders, requests, suggestions, etc. about

things that need to be done or are desirable using a:

That-clause+should or may/might +bare infinitive

e.g. They have proposed that Lim should move to their London office.

We advised that the company should not raise its prices.

They directed that the building should be pulled down.

We insist that the money should be available to all students in financial


Mother is afraid that her daughter might have caught a cold.

The Simple (Indefinite) Infinitive Active or Passive is used for actions,

simultaneous with that of the main clause; the Continuous Infinitive shows that

the action is temporary and not a usual one; the Perfect forms show that the

action is precedes that of the predicate:

e.g. It is necessary that you should visit the language laboratory regulary.

Isn’t it surprising that he should be waiting for her here?

It’s a pity that I shouldn’t have been there yesterday.

That-clause+Present Subjunctive (in formal contexts)

e.g. They have proposed that Lim move to their London office.

We advised that the company not raise its prices.

They directed that the building be pulled down.


We insist that the money be available to all students in financial


Should in that-clause is used to talk about both a situation that exists


e.g. It’s not surprising that they should be seen together – they are brothers.

Or one that may exist in future:

e.g. We believe it is important that she should take the exam next year.

If we are talking about an intention or plan, we can often use a

Subjunctive or Indicative Mood rather then should:

e.g. I’ve arranged that she come/comes to the first part of the meeting.

NB: in less formal contexts we can use ordinary forms of the verb instead

of Subjunctive:


I suggested that

he should give up golf

he give up golf

he gives up golf

The Mandative Subjunctive (that-clause+should+bare infinitive/Present

Subjunctive) is used:

1. After verbs expressing order, request, suggestion etc. involving implied

obligation (to advise, to ask, to beg, to command, to demand, to direct, to insist,

to instruct, to intend, to order, to prefer, to propose, to recommend, to request,

to require, to stipulate, to suggest, to urge, to warn etc.):









smb. should do

smth. should be done

smb. do

smth. be done


e.g. The police issued an order that all weapons (should) be handed in


He urged that in future these relations (should) be more friendly.

He commanded that the lady (should) be shown in.

2. After these verbs in passive:

It is


will be







smb. should do

smth. should be done

smb. do

smth. be done

e.g. It is ordered that you (should) come.

It is requested that all students (should) read this book.

3. After nouns related to the verbs expressing order, request, suggestion etc.

involving implied obligation (advise, command, demand, instruction, intention,

order, recommendation, request, requirement, stipulation, suggestion, warning









is (was,

will be)


smb. should do

smth. should be done

smb. do

smth. be done

e.g. His order was that everybody (should) be present.

The recommendation is that students (should) read this book in original.

Smb. give(s)

(gave, will give)

an advice

an instruction

a recommendation

a suggestion

a warning

smb. should do

smth. should be done

Smth. smb. do

smth. be done


e.g. The weather forecast gave a warning that people (should) prepare for

heavy snow.

The doctor gave a recommendation that I (should) take these pills twice a





will be

an advice

an instruction

an order

a recommendation

a suggestion

a warning

smb. should do

smth. should be done

smb. do

smth. be done

e.g. There is a warning that people (should) prepare for heavy snow.

There was a recommendation that students (should) read this book in


4. After certain adjectives (advisable, appealing, in(appropriate),

in(conceivable), crucial, essential, imperative, important, obligatory,

un(necessary), urgent, vital etc.) :




will be








smb. should do

smth. should be done

smb. do

smth. be done

e.g. It is inappropriate that he (should) receive the award again.

It is impossible that he (should) go there alone.

Only lest-clause+should+bare infinitive or that-clause+may/might is used:

1. After verbs and expressions of fear:

In that-clause may/might or Indicative Mood is used:




feel(s/felt) uneasy




smb. may/might do

may/might be doing

may/might have done

smth. may/might be done

may/might have been done

may/might have been doing


Indicative Mood is


will be





e.g. We fear that it may be raining.

Jim was afraid that Ann might have missed the train.

Sally fears that they have come too late.

When the conjunction joining the clause is lest, should+bare Infinitive in proper

form is used:



feel(s/felt) uneasy




smb. should do

should have done

smth. should be done

should have been done



will be





e.g. I am nervous lest it should rain.


Sam feared lest he should have made his mother angry.

2. After words of probability, possibility:

In positive sentences may/might is used:




will be





smb. may/might do

may/might be doing

may/might have done

may/might have been doing

smth. may/might be done

may/might have been done

e.g. It is likely the weather may change.

It is possible that he might have forgotten about it.

In negative sentences should is used:




will be





smb. should do

should be doing

should have done

should have been doing

smth. should be done

should have been done

e.g. Is it possible that he should refuse to come?


Should+bare Infinitive in proper form is used:

1. To talk about our own reaction to something we are reporting:




will be











smb. should do

should be doing

should have done

should have been doing

smth. should be done

should have been done

e.g. I am concerned that he should think I stole the money.

The Indicative Mood is also possible in such sentences:

e.g. I am concerned that he thinks I stole the money.

2. After certain phrases and exclamations:




will be

a happy coincidence

considered strange


smb. should do

should be doing

should have done

should have been doing

smth. should be done

should have been done

e.g. It is a happy coincidence that we should meet here.


How wonderful

What a shame

How strange


smb. should do

should be doing

should have done

should have been doing

smth. should be done

should have been done

e.g. How wonderful that he should have such a feeling for you!

3. After It+link-verb+noun or adjective:






a custom


smb. should do

should be doing

should have done

should have been doing

smth. should be done

should have been done



e.g. It becomes a custom that he should be late.

It seems strange that he should have forgotten about it.

NB: such use of should is considered to be emotional and the Indicative

Mood can be used in such sentences as well:

e.g. It becomes a custom that he is late.

It seems strange that he forgot about it.

How wonderful that he has such a feeling for you!

It is a happy coincidence that we have met here.


Practical assignments

Task 1 Find an adequate translation into Ukrainian for the following

traditional expressions:

1. “Was it you I saw there?” – “What should I do there? However, be that as it

may, I never was there.” 2. “Far it be from me”, he said, “to interfere with your

arrangements.” 3. Suffice it to say that his idea lacked originality. 4. My aunt

believes she is doing good to the village, as it were. 5. “I like your young boy

Dinny”, said her grandmother. “Be yours a happy marriage”. 6. The actress, as

it were, didn’t suit the role. 7. As luck would have it, I got a ten-pound check

from my father that morning. 8. Come what may, he decided to sell the house. 9.

They were busy packing and, as it were, took no notice of me. 10. I have written

few pages that I feel I could not improve, but I could do no better, as it were. 11.

Heaven help us! 12. May your dreams come true. 13. God save the country! 14.

Far it be from me to say that! 15. May New Year bring all your heart desires.

Task 2 Rewrite the sentences to include a that-clause with the Present

Subjunctive or should:

MODEL: I insist on her telling me the truth. → I insist that she should tell us

the truth./I insist that she tell us the truth.

1. He promised to come on time. 2. I admit telling you lies. 3. He recommended

having the trout. So I did. 4. I propose setting another date for the meeting. Do

we agree? 5. I am asking to allow him to go free. 6. The king ordered his

followers to raise an army. 7. “I suggest getting an early night,” I said to my son,

who was yawning. 8. I complained about the cold food and the bad service. 9.

I’m convinced on his honesty. 10. The company requests visitors to fill in a

name tag. 11. I command every citizen to swear allegiance to me. 12. I insist on

your listening to our convincing arguments. 13. The doctor insisted on all the

children having vitamins. 14. I suggest answering them within a month. 15. The

dean ordered all the students to pass their exam on Monday.


Task 3 Here are some of the things that were said at a recent meeting of the

Spanit Engineering Company. Report them using a that-clause with “should”

or the Present Subjunctive:

MODEL: Mr. Leeson said: “I think it’s important to expand our business in

South America”. → Mr. Leeson felt that business in South America should be


1. Mr. Leeson said: “Philip Whittaker would make an excellent export manager.

Let’s promote him. – Mr. Leeson urged…

2. Mrs. Appelby said: “It would be valuable for us to send a sales representative

to South Africa.” – Mrs. Appelby recommended…

3. Mrs. Appelby said: “The Delavare Bridge project ought to be completed by

August next year.” – Mrs. Appelby reported …

4. The Chairman said: “It is vital to keep to our work schedules.” – The

Chairman insisted…

5. The Chairman said: “I’d like all monthly reports sent to me directly.” – The

Chairman instructed…

6. Ms Wells said: “Perhaps we could involve trade union representatives in

major decisions.” – Ms Wells suggested…

7. Mr. Clarke said: “It’s okay for us to sponsor the European chess league for

the next three years. – Mr Clarke agreed…

8. Ms Wells said: “Our head office must remain in London.” – Ms Wells


9. Mr. Clarke said: “In future, all claims for travel expenses are to be made in

US dollars.” – Mr. Clarke announced…

10. Mr. Clarke said: “We could expand our business looking for new markets in

Eastern Europe.” – Mr. Clarke suggested…

11. The trade union representatives said: “The workers must have higher

wages.” – The trade union demanded…

12. Mr. Clarke said: “All the terms of payment are to be made clear.” – Mr.

Clarke announced…


13. The Chairman said: “We must keep financial information in secret.” – The

chairmen demanded…

14. Ms Wells said: “I’m going to discuss further details with the heads of

departments.” – Ms Wells intended…

15. Mr. Clarke said: “I think it will be wise to hire some software specialists.” –

Mr. Clarke advised…

Task 4 Translate into English, using “should” or the Present Subjunctive in

that-clauses after certain verbs in active and passive:

1. Я пропоную, щоб цього хлопця запросили на вечірку. 2. Просять, щоб

студенти зайшли до деканату. 3. Було запропоновано, щоб меморандум був

підписаний напередодні зустрічі на вищому рівні. 4. Він порадив нам

відвідати виставку, бо вона справила на нього неабияке враження. 5. Ми

запропонували відкласти поїздку через погану погоду. 6. Він вимагав, щоб

ми дали пояснення з приводу нашої відсутності. 7. Усі наполягали, щоб він

детально розповів нам про цю незвичайну подію в Нью-Йорку. 8. Комісія

рекомендувала відкласти це питання до наступного засідання. 9. Він

вимагав, щоб ви припинили поводитися з ним, як з дитиною. 10. Лікар

порадив, щоб хворий повторив курс лікування через рік. 11. Я

запропонував, щоб його послали на стажування до Лондону. 12. Я

наполягаю, щоб ви зустрілися з професором ще раз. 13. Менеджер

запропонував, щоб усі рахунки були ще раз перевірені. 14. Ми вимагали,

щоб нам повернули наші гроші. 15. Декан порадив, щоб наказ щодо

призначення був узгоджений. 16. Офіцер наказав, щоб його розпорядження

передали до штабу. 17. Директор розпорядився, щоб збори були перенесені

на наступну неділю. 18. Він запропонував, щоб усі висловили власну

думку щодо цього питання. 19. Містер Браун вимагав, щоб скарги

подавалися у письмовому вигляді. 20. Було запропоновано, щоб будинок

охоронявся і вночі.


Task 5 Translate into English, using “should” or the Present Subjunctive in

that-clauses after certain nouns:

1. Начальник дав розпорядження, щоб вони негайно навели довідки з цієї

справи. 2. Суддя видав наказ, щоб в’язня перевели до іншої камери. 3.

Його вимога полягала в тому, щоб зустріч розпочалася рівно о сьомій. 4.

Рекомендація лікаря полягає в тому, щоб ви приймали ці ліки тричі на

день. 5. Його прохання полягає в тому, щоб комісія розглянула його

проект. 6. Директор видав розпорядження, що усі були присутні на зборах.

7. Його прохання полягало в тому, щоб усі документи були передані пану

Джойсу негайно. 8. Наказ начальника був про те, щоб Джеймс їхав у

відрядження вже завтра. 9. Домовленість полягає у тому, щоб досліди

проводилися у нашій лабораторії. 10. Його бажання полягає у тому, щоб ці

безглузді обговорення припинилися. 11. Наша домовленість така, що ми

зустрінемося після п’яти. 12. Наразі існує необхідність, щоб усі були

присутні на конференції. 13. Необхідність полягає у тому, що вам слід

більше читати. 14. Рекомендація лікаря полягає в тому, що мені слід

поїхати на південь. 15. Є пропозиція, щоб вони не брали участь у грі. 16.

Існує ймовірність, що Дік уже дістався до Едмонтона. 17. Є необхідність,

щоб ви ознайомилися з усією літературою цього тижня. 18. Є сумніви, що

книгу буде перекладено вчасно. 19. Необхідність у тому, щоб ви взяли до

уваги всі деталі цього проекту. 20. Наше прохання полягає у тому, щоб

фільм показали ще раз.

Task 6 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the

first one, using the word in bold:

MODEL: You should talk to John. (necessary) → It’s necessary you should

talk to John.

1. She wants you to come home early. (desirable) 2. They think it to be the right

moment to start learning English. (time) 3. She thinks a good university degree

is of great consequence. (important) 4. She does not think it to be wise to get


married before you graduate from university. (advisable) 5. Of course, learning

a third foreign language is not compulsory, but it might help later.

(recommended) 6. The company recommended John to take a crash course in

computers to have any prospects for the job. (suggested) 7. The company asks

all candidates to present their CV during the interview. (requested) 8. The

company says all candidates must present their CVs during the interview.

(demanded) 9. The boss told all employees to work 60 hours a week for the

duration of that visit. (ordered) 10. They agreed to fix the price at ₤ 6000.

(agreement) 11. The department office says that we must complete all the tests

by December 29. (emergency) 12. They decided to give that house to the

Ministry of Education. (decision) 13. The officials say that university teachers

must have at least a PhD degree. (necessity)14. They are going to make such

festivals annual. (intention) 15. The doctor says that Mary should keep a diet.


Task 7 Translate into English, using “should” or the Present Subjunctive in

that-clauses after certain adjectives:

1. Бажано, щоб усі виступаючі дотримувалися регламенту. 2. Необхідно,

щоб ви зустріли делегацію на вокзалі. 3. Важливо, щоб ви вжили всіх

заходів безпеки. 4. Необхідно, щоб усі їхні бажання були задоволені. 5.

Неможливо, щоб літак вилетів у таку погоду. 6. Важливо, щоб урядова

делегація була відправлена вчасно. 7. Бажано, щоб усі переписали текст

начисто. 8. Необхідно, щоб ви віднеслися до цього з належною увагою. 9.

Природно, що перекладач володіє мовами добре. 10. Необхідно, щоб ви

ставилися до нього як до дорослого. 11. Цілком природно, що вона була

прийнята до університету. 12. Дивно, що він вийшов із себе. Він завжди

такий спокійний. 13. Неприродно, що вони так поводяться. Вони такі

виховані люди. 14. Сумнівно, що Ірена грає в теніс: я ніколи не бачила

ракетки в її руках. 15. Цілком природно, що Джек перекладає з англійської

мови так легко: він три роки вчився в Оксфорді. 16. Неможливо, щоб він


плавав добре. 17. Дивно, що Кейт не знає цього закону: його прийняли ще

тиждень тому. 18. Важливо, щоб усі документи були підписані. 19. Бажано,

щоб всі студенти мали однакові шанси. 20. Чи можливо, щоб вони

перетнули кордон так швидко?

Task 8 Supply the necessary forms of the verbs in brackets after the

expressions of fear:

1. I’m afraid we (to have) bad news for you. 2. She was afraid he (to leave)

without seeing her. 3. She was overcome with fear that I (let) her down. 4. I’m

afraid you (not to have) a pleasant journey. 5. I’m afraid I (not to make) my

point so clear. 6. I feared lest I (not to get) back in time. 7. I’m afraid they (to

misunderstand) my intention. 8. I’m afraid I (not to sleep well). 9. I was afraid

that my father (to be) upset when I broke the news to him. 10. I’m afraid lest

they (to change) the time-table. 11. She was afraid lest she (to grow) too stout.

12. He feared lest he (to be punished) for coming home very late. 13. She is

afraid that he (to see) her. 14. He seemed nervous lest he (to set) his son a bad

example. 15. He was fearful lest the nurse (to hear) the noise of the slumming


Task 9 Translate into English, using proper forms after verbs and expressions

of fear:

1. Я боюся, що загубила ключі: ніде не можу їх знайти. 2. Сестра

хвилювалася, щоб я не забула слова. 3. Він боявся, що не скоро засне через

галас у сусідній кімнаті. 4. Ми турбувалися, щоб вони не заблукали. 5. Ви

легко одягнені. Я боюся, аби ви не захворіли. 6. Вона боялася, щоб її

промова не розсердила слухачів. 7. Діти хвилювалися, щоб тато не забув

про свою обіцянку купити цукерки. 8. Вона боялася, щоб не розбудити

сина і швидко вийшла з кімнати. 9. Він боявся, що старший хлопчик може

над ним пожартувати. 10. Вона хвилювалася, щоб вони не залишилися на

чай. 11. Я побоююся, що з ними щось трапилося: їх досі немає. 12. Я


боюся, що він відмовиться поїхати з нами за місто. 13. Я побоювався, що

можу затриматися. 14. Він боявся, що просидів на сонці занадто довго. 15.

Він боявся, щоб люди не дізналися правду про його походеньки. 16. Я

боялася, що він може прочитати мої думки. 17. Мама побоювалася, що

дочка обманює її. 18. Я боюся, що мою доповідь можуть не схвалити. 19.

Жінка побоювалася, що за таких обставин може втратити роботу. 20. Я

боюся, що зробив забагато помилок у диктанті.

Task 10 Translate into English, using proper verb forms after words of

probability/expressing attitude:

1. Можливо, він прийде вчасно. 2. Досить ймовірно, що погода зміниться

на краще. 3. Неможливо, щоб вони наробили стільки помилок. 4.

Можливо, ви ще про нього почуєте. 5. Досить ймовірно, що конференція

триватиме до кінця тижня. 6. Досить ймовірно, що така дощова погода

може тривати довго. 7. Не може бути, що він таке сказав. 8. Малоймовірно,

що він застане Рені вдома. 9. Чи можливо, щоб він кинув живопис? 10. Не

може бути, щоб він запізнився на потяг. 11. Я дивуюся, що він вийшов із

себе. Він завжди такий спокійний. 12. Я дивуюся, що ви не знаєте таких

простих речей у вашому віці. 13. Я не дивуюся, що про нього всі тільки й

говорять. 14. Я ображений, що такі дрібниці вас засмучують. 15. Мене

дратує, що мені доводиться повторювати ці заїжджені фрази. 16. Мені

прикро, що погода зіпсувалася. 17. Я здивована, що ці літні люди мають

такий гарний вигляд. 18. Я так нервуюся, що могло статися щось страшне.

19. Мені дивно, що їх досі немає вдома. 20. Мені неприємно, що вони

запізнилися на роботу.

Questions for self-control

1. What are unreal tenses?

2. When the Mandative Subjunctive can be used?

3. When the Formulaic Subjunctive is used?

4. What is Present Subjunctive?


Literature: [4, с. 135-152; 6, с. 76-99; 7, с. 161-236; 11, с. 9-10; 16, с. 89-90,

с. 181; 17, с. 139-168; 24, с. 54; 26, с. 167].

Практичне заняття № 11 – 12

Тopic Were-Subjunctive, Past Perfect Subjunctive in clauses of Comparison

etc., modal verbs in Finite Purpose clauses

Aim: to learn about peculiarities of Subjunctive in certain types of clauses.

Short theoretical points

Past Subjunctive

The Past Subjunctive has the same form as the Past Simple tense except in

the case of the verb be. Traditionally, the Past Subjunctive form

of be is were for all persons, including the first and third person singular.

However, today I/he/she/it was is more common while were is mainly used in

formal styles and in the set phrase if I were you.

The Past Subjunctive is used in subordinate clauses and refers to unreal or

improbable present or future situations:

e.g. If I were you, I would apply right now. (I am not you.)

What would you do if you won the lottery? (You probably won't win the


It's time the kids were in bed. (The kids are not in bed.)

I wish you were here. (You are not here.)

I'd rather your boyfriend stopped calling you in the middle of the

night. (Your boyfriend keeps calling you.)

He looks as if he knew the answer. (He gives the impression that he knows

the answer, but he probably doesn't.)

Past Perfect Subjunctive

The Past Perfect Subjunctive has the same form as the past perfect tense:

Had + Past Participle


It is used in subordinate clauses and expresses unreal past situations:

e.g. I wish they had arrived on time. (They didn't arrive on time.)

I would've bought the dress if there hadn't been such a queue. (There was a

long queue, so I didn't buy the dress.)

She would rather I had gone to bed earlier. (I didn't go to bed early.)

He seems as if he hadn't slept for days. (He seems not to have slept for

days, but he has.)

It’s time…

We use the structure It’s time someone did something when we are

complaining or criticizing or when we think someone should have already done


It’s time

It’s high time

It’s about time

smb. did smth.

smth. were done

e.g. You’re very selfish. It’s high time you realized that you’re not the most

important person in the world.

It’s about time Jack did some work for his exams.

NB: When we say that the right time has arrived for something and we are still

in time, we can use the following patterns:

e.g. It's time (for you) to go to bed.

It's time to say goodbye.

It's time for breakfast.

As if/as though clauses

Clauses that start with as if / as though describe an unreal or improbable

situation if they are followed by an unreal tense (the Past Subjunctive or the

Past Perfect Subjunctive). Otherwise, they express that the statement is true:

to do smth.

as if

as though

Past Simple

Past Perfect



to look

to be

to seem

to feel

to taste

to smell

as if

as though

Past Simple

Past Perfect

e.g. She said it as if she knew us.

She speaks with us as if she had known us earlier.

He looks as if he were ill.

The house looked as if it had been deserted for years.

The past subjunctive after as if / as though indicates an unreal situation in the

present. However, if the situation is true, we use a real tense to express present


e.g. He looks as if he knew the answer. (he gives the impression that he knows

the answer, but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows

or not)

He looks as if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)

If we put the verb preceding as if / as though into the past tense, the present

simple knows changes into past simple, whereas the past subjunctive knew stays

the same. Therefore, both sentences will read as follows:

e.g. He looked as if he knew the answer.

Consequently, the meaning of this sentence (whether he knew the answer or not)

can only be deduced from the context.

The Past Perfect Subjunctive after as if / as though is used to refer to an unreal

past situation. If the situation is true, we use a real tense to express past time:

e.g. He seems as if he hadn't slept for days. (it seems that he hasn't slept for

days, but he (probably) has or we don't know whether he has or not)

He seems as if he hasn't slept for days. (he hasn't slept for days)


If the preceding verb is put into the past tense, the present perfect hasn't

slept changes into past perfect, while the past perfect subjunctive hadn't

slept stays the same:

e.g. He seemed as if he hadn't slept for days.

NB: a Present form also may be used in such sentences:

e.g. I feel as if I’m getting cold.

If/whether clauses

In these sentences if/whether clauses are used after verbs and expressions of


not to be sure

to doubt

to disbelieve

to have doubts

to greet with scepticism



Past Simple

Past Perfect

e.g. He had doubts if it were possible to cross the river at this time of the year.

NB: Indicative Mood also may be used in such sentences:

e.g. I’m not sure whether it is possible to pay by credit card.

Finite Purpose clauses

Finite Purpose clauses often begin with so that, in order that or so.

The choice of the form in subordinate clause depends on the tense used in the

main clause:

Future Tenses

Present (Perfect) Tenses

or Imperative Mood

so that

in order that



will/shall/can/may or

bare Infinitive

Past Tenses could/might/should or

bare Infinitive

e.g. I’m going to start early so that I don’t (won’t) get stuck.

I was going to start early so that I should not (could not) get stuck.


NB: lest is sometimes used at the beginning of a purpose clause in the meaning

for fear that:

e.g. We erected this monument lest our children (should) forget.

Lest is considered to be rather archaic so it’s better to avoid using it in oral

communication as well as in neutral writing.

Practical assignments

Task 1 Transform the sentences according to the model:

MODEL: You ought to stop smoking. → It’s high time you stopped smoking.

1. You should finish the work. 2. You should read this book. 3. You ought to go

in for sport. 4. You have to learn the poem by heart. 5.You ought to overcome

difficulties. 6. You have to learn to fight. 7. You should discuss the problem. 8.

You should visit your sick friend. 8. You are to start working regularly. 9. You

should see the doctor. 10. You should learn to swim. 11. You ought to help your

mother. 12. We are to plant the trees in the garden. 13. You should clean your

teeth. 14. You must spend the weekend with us! 15. You’ll have to buy new


Task 2 Translate into English, using “It’s time…”:

1. Нам би час перехопити чогось. 2. Нам час пакувати речі. 3. Йому час

лягати спати. 4. Вже час вам придбати нове авто. 5. Їй час пофарбувати

волосся. 6. Уже давно час Майклу закінчити свою дисертацію. 7. Уже час

студентам складати іспит. 8. Уже давно пора закінчити прибирання

квартири. 9. Усім давно пора спати, бо вже пізно. Але усі заклопотані

роботою. 10. Час повертатися додому. 11. Час би організувати виставку

картин Гріна. 12. Тобі давно час вибачитися перед Смітами. 13. Час йому

вже прискорити справу і висловити свою точку зору. 14. Час нам включити

його до нашої команди. 15. Їм час серйозно братися до роботи. До іспитів

залишився лише місяць. 16. Час уже знати загальноприйняті правила! 17.

Час Джону помиритися з усіма. 18. Чого ми чекаємо? Час уже починати.


19. Час уже обговорити його доповідь зі студентами. 20. Чи не час нам

оголосити перерву?

Task 3 Complete the following sentences using “as if/as though”-clauses:

MODEL: You look tired as if… → You look tired as if you had been working

for hours.

1. We felt at home with her as if… 2. The room looked untidy as if… 3. I don’t

understand you at all as if… 4. Everybody was silent as if… 5. It was as

though… 6. They burst into laughter as though… 7. She was speaking in a low

voice as if… 8. I was fond of him as though… 9. He felt as though… 10. They

stared at her in surprise as though… 11. He speaks Spanish as if… 12. Try to

behave as if…

13. He looked healthy as though… 14. He treated his family as if… 15. She

spoke to me as if…

Task 4 Translate into English, using as if/as though-clauses:

1. Він виглядає, наче хворий. 2. Вона посміхається як янголятко. 3. Вона

розсміялася, наче ситуація була кумедною. 4. Він виглядав так, наче у

нього боліла голова. 5. Йому так пасує пальто, наче його шили на

замовлення. 6. Їй здавалося, що вона от-от впаде. 7. У нього були такі

витрати, наче він був мільйонером. 8. Був такий сильний вітер, і було так

холодно, наче був не квітень, а січень. 9. Вони подивилися один на одного,

наче хотіли сказати, що чудово розуміють серйозність свого становища.

10. Ви так розповідаєте, наче це добрі новини. 11. Він подивився на

будинок, наче бачив його востаннє. 12. Вона так розповідала про Англію,

наче прожила там усе своє життя. 13. У нього був такий вигляд, наче він

мав якісь сумніви. 14. Вони зустрілися як друзі. 15. Здається, буде дощ. 16.

Він провів долонею по обличчю, наче згадав щось. 17. Пан Честертон

подивився на мене, наче не розумів, чому я хочу покінчити з цією справою

якнайшвидше. 18. Вони говорили пошепки, наче боялися розбудити


дитину. 19. Здається, у нього поганий зір. 20. Вони пройшли повз неї, наче

її там не було.

Task 5 Transform the sentences according to the model:

MODEL: I’m not sure if he knows my name. → I’m not sure whether he knew

my name.

1. She cannot imagine what he is doing there. 2. I don’t know whether the doctor

means what he is saying or whether he is having a joke at my expense. 3. I’m

not sure if all the doors have been locked for the night. 4. I have doubts if he is

my real friend. 5. I don’t know whether he is a fool or a wise man. 6. I don’t

believe if he troubles himself to think about it. 7. I’m not sure whether she is

doing the washing tomorrow. 8. I’m not sure if he is staying for supper with us.

9. I have some doubts whether my luggage has been sent directly to the hotel.

10. I greet with skepticism whether he is going to excuse us at all. 11. I doubt if

he believes us. 12. I don’t believe whether he is going to spend Christmas at sea.

13. I’m not sure if he is going to live in France. 14. I have doubts if there is a

footpath over there. 15. I doubt if we are going to have more rain.

Task 6 Translate into English, expressing hesitation and doubt wherever


1. Я сумніваюся, чи розповість він нам про все, що сталося. 2. Я скептично

настроєний щодо того, чи поверне він нам гроші. 3. Я не вірю, що вона

захоче поговорити з ним сама. 4. Я маю сумніви щодо того, чи захоче його

дружина розповісти, що з ним. 5. Я не вірю, що він згодився на цю

пропозицію. 6. Я не впевнений, чи погодиться він приїхати і погостювати у

нас кілька днів. 7. Я сумніваюся, що вона захоче сходити до лікаря. 8. Я не

впевнений, чи зробила вона свій вибір. 9. Я маю сумніви щодо того, чи

знайдемо ми спеціаліста, який візьметься за цю справу. 10. Я не вірю, що

він написав диктант без помилок. 11. Я сумніваюся, що від досі пам’ятає

про свою обіцянку. 12. Я не впевнений, чи поїхав містер Сміт лондонським


поїздом сьогодні вранці. 13. Я не впевнений, що він уже отримав мого

листа, я відправив його сьогодні вранці. 14. Я маю сумніви щодо того, що

ти пам’ятаєш, як водити машину, ти не сідав за кермо багато місяців . 15. Я

сумніваюся, що цього тижня матиму час хоч проглянути новини в

Інтернеті. 16. Я не вірю, що він забув про нашу сварку. 17. Я сумніваюся,

що бачив того чоловіка раніше. 18. Я не впевнений, що вона вивчала

історію в університеті. 19. Я скептично ставлюся щодо того, що ваш досвід

може зацікавити цю наукову лабораторію. 20. Я не впевнений, що він

чекатиме на вас довго – він такий нетерплячий!

Task 7 Complete the following sentences using clauses of purpose:

MODEL: He put on his warm coat lest… → He put on his warm coat lest he

should catch a cold.

I’ll call you early so that… → I’ll call you early so that you may catch the


1. She turned away so that… 2. Helen had her party at the restaurant that… 3. I

kept a diary so that… 4. They spoke in a whisper lest… 5. We’ll start earlier so

that… 6. Close the door of the window lest… 7. He’ll have the car sent down to

your place tonight so that… 8. They kept the gates closed lest… 9. The boy

stood aside so that… 10. Father repeated his words so that… 11. You muat be

very attentive lest… 12. I’ll leave a message for him so that… 13. I prefer to

keep in the shade when it’s hot so that… 14. Put a book into your bag lest… 15.

Take the child from the ladder lest…

Task 8 Translate into English, using clauses of purpose:

1. Він одягнув тепле пальто, щоб не застудитися. 2. Дівчина зблідла і

зупинилася, щоб остаточно не втратити свідомість. 3. Я записав її адресу,

щоб не забути. 4. Поклади листа до сумки, щоб не загубити. 5. Діти

поквапилися додому, щоб мама не хвилювалася. 6. Студенти вже почали

готуватися до іспитів, щоб скласти їх успішно. 7. Сестра принесла мені


журнал, щоб я прочитала статтю про англійських художників. 8. Вона дала

йому підручник з граматики, щоб він підготувався до контрольної роботи.

9. Ходімо до іншої кімнати, щоб ніхто не заважав нам працювати. 10. Я

відправлю їй листа електронною поштою, щоб вона приїхала на

конференцію вчасно. 11. Увімкніть світло, щоб у залі сало світліше. 12.

Поясни йому його помилки, аби він не робив їх знову. 13. Він ішов

повільно, щоб ми могли його догнати. 14. Загорніть картину, щоб вона не

зіпсувалася по дорозі. 15. Доповідач говорив голосно, що усі могли чути

його. 16. Мама дала мені гроші, щоб я купила сестрам подарунки. 17.

Дівчинка заховалася за дерево, щоб брат не помітив її. 18. Він опустив очі,

щоб не зустрічатися з її поглядом. 19. Давайте купимо морозива, щоб

порадувати дітей. 20. Слідкуй за м’ясом у духовці, щоб воно не


Questions for self-control

1. Which modals can we use in the main clauses of sentences in the different

types of conditionals?

2. When is as if / as though followed by a real tense?

3. What are the types of that-clauses unreal tenses can be used?

4. What are unreal tenses?

Literature: [4, с. 135-152; 6, с. 76-99; 7, с. 161-236; с. 89-90, с. 181; 11, 9-12;

14, с. 86-87; 16, с. 162; 17, с. 139-168; 24, с. 54; 26, с. 167; 26, с. 200]

Практичне заняття № 13 – 14

Тopic Modal verbs (general). Modal verbs can, may, be able to, be allowed

to: ability and permission. Absence of ability. Modal verbs can (could), may

(might): certainty, possibility and deduction.

Aim: to learn about modal verbs can (could), may (might) , be able to, be

allowed to.

Short theoretical points



Modals include modal verbs, semi-modal verbs (also called marginal modals)

and other modal expressions. They combine with main verbs and modify their

meanings. A modal may have several different meanings, while similar

meanings may be expressed by using different modals:

e.g. He can't be at home; I've just met him. (deduction)

Unless you finish your homework, you can't go to the cinema. (prohibition)

Can I help you? (offer)

May I help you? (offer)


The modal verbs (or modal auxiliary verbs) are: can, could, may, might, will,

shall, would, should and must.

Modal verbs always come first in a verb phrase and are followed by a bare

infinitive. When used with a perfect infinitive, modal verbs usually refer to past


e.g. I could hear the dog barking outside. (modal + simple bare infinitive)

You must be joking. (modal + continuous bare infinitive)

He may have caught the train. (modal + perfect bare infinitive)

You must have been waiting for hours. (modal + perfect continuous bare


Contracted forms of will and would are often used in spoken and in informal

written language ('ll and 'd):

e.g. I'd tell you if I knew. They'll be here soon.

Modal verbs take no -s in the third person singular:

e.g. He might be at the office.

Modal verbs form their negative and interrogative like other auxiliaries and not

with do:

e.g. I can't swim.

Can you swim?


The following contracted negative forms are often used in spoken and in

informal written language: cannot » can't; could not » couldn't; might

not » mightn't; will not » won't; shall not » shan't; would not » wouldn't;

should not » shouldn't; must not » mustn't

Modal verbs have no proper past tense; however, could, would,

might and should may be used to refer to past time:

e.g. I could swim when I was five.

Modal verbs have no infinitive, -ing or past participle forms and cannot be

followed by other modal verbs. When necessary, modal idioms or other

expressions are used instead of them:

e.g. If you want to be a sailor, you must can swim.

If you want to be a sailor, you must be able to swim.

I have canned swim since the age of five.

I have been able to swim since the age of five.


The semi-modal verbs (or marginal modals) are: dare, need, used to and ought

to. They behave similarly to modal verbs but also share some characteristics

with main verbs:

e.g. How dare she criticise us? (as a modal verb, the interrogative formed

without do)

He didn't dare to look back. (as a main verb, followed by a to-infinitive

and the negative formed with do)

Need you make so much noise? (as a modal verb, the interrogative formed

without do)

You needn't have been so rude. (as a modal verb, the perfect infinitive

used to refer to past time)

Do you need to use the hairdryer? (as a main verb, followed by a to-

infinitive and the interrogative formed with do)

They used to live by the sea. (unlike a modal verb, followed by a to-



You ought to know that by now. (unlike a modal verb, followed by a to-



Besides modal verbs and semi-modal verbs, there are other expressions which

can express modal meanings. Some of these are formed with be: be able to, be

allowed to, be about to, be bound to, be going to, be likely to, be obliged to, be

supposed to etc.

Other expressions that carry modal meanings are: be to, had better, have (got)

to, would rather.


Present and future

Can/be able to present and future ability e.g. Tom can play the


We can't enter this street

because it's blocked.

I am not able to help you

at the moment.

If you ask him,

he can probably help you.

I will probably be able to

get there by 9.

Be able to ability when can

grammatically is not possible

e.g. I’d love to be able to

fly (Infinitive).

I like being able to make

a noise when I want



Could and

was/were able to

general past ability e.g. I could swim when I

was five.


I was able to swim when

I was five.

was/were able to past ability to perform a

particular action on one


e.g. Although the current

was strong, I was able to

swim to the other bank. (I

managed to swim to the

other bank)

was/were able to

managed to

succeeded in

To indicate achievement


this rule is relaxed in the

negative and with verbs of the


e.g. I was able to win the


I managed to win the


I succeeded in winning

the game.

Cf: I could not win the

game = I didn’t have the

capacity, that’s why I

didn’t try or did not

manage to.


e.g. I read it but

I couldn't understand /

wasn't able to

understand it.

I could see / was able to

see him through the


I couldn't walk / wasn't

able to walk any further.

Be able to past ability when could e.g. I have been able to


grammatically is not possible swim since I was five

(Present Perfect).


Present and future


Can and may are used to give permission. May is more formal and less common

in everyday contexts:

e.g. You can borrow my car if you want.

Children may use the pool with adult supervision.


The negative forms cannot/can't and may not (more formal) are used to express


e.g. I'm sorry, but you can't stay here.

Non-committee members may not vote on committee issues.


are used to ask for permission. Can is the most direct of the three, could is more

formal and tentative, and may is the most formal:

e.g. Can I use your phone?

Could I have a glass of water?

May I start my presentation?

Might, which has a more tentative meaning, is very formal and is rarely used:

e.g. Might I ask you a question?


When we talk about permission but we are not actually giving, refusing or

asking for it, we can use can/can't or be allowed to:

e.g. Students can choose any topic for their project.

We can't eat in the library.

Are we allowed to smoke in this restaurant?


Will journalists be allowed to ask questions?



general permission in the past:

e.g. When I was a child, I could/might

do basically anything that I wanted to


about a particular action which was

permitted and performed, we

use was/were allowed to:

e.g. Although I was underage, I was

allowed to enter the race.




Possibility can + be + adjective or noun e.g.The sea can be quite warm

in September (The sea is

sometimes warm in


She can be very charming

when she wants to be.

Smth. that

is possible

to do at any


can/may + Infinitive (often


e.g. Suitcases can/may be left

in the luggage office at the


Stamps can/may be bought at

most shops which sell cards.



may/might + Simple Infinitive

* May expresses a greater

degree of certainty

e.g. I may/might arrive



or general

can/could + Simple Infinitive e.g. You can go by train. (It is

possible to take a train if you


possibility want to do that).

Winters in Minnesota can

be really cold. (It is possible)


in the



may/might/could + Simple

Infinitive (usually the verb “to

be”) or Continuous Infinitive

* May expresses a greater

degree of certainty


May and might are usually not

used to introduce a question.

Instead, we can use Do you

think? or be likely to/that.


The negative form couldn't is

often used with comparative


Except for this

use, couldn't expresses negative

deduction, not possibility

e.g. Where’s Tony? – I don’t

know. He may be outside.

Whose is this? It could be


Alison’s not in the office today.

So she may be working at


I won’t phone Jennifer now

because she might be having a



e.g. Do you think he

may/might know Susan's

telephone number?

Are you likely to get here

before 8?

Is it likely that you will get

here before 8?


e.g. The food is delicious, and

the staff couldn't be more

polite. (they are very polite)

e.g. e.g. It's only 10 o'clock.

He couldn't be at home. (He is

usually at work at this time of

the day.)

Possibility may/might/could + Perfect e.g. It’s 8.30. so she may have


in the past =



reference to

past actions

Infinitive (Simple or


left by now.

I don’t know why they’re so

late. I suppose they could have

got lost.

Sue wasn’t at the party last

night. She might have been

feeling too tired to come.

(Perhaps, but we don't know.)



possible but

did not


may/might/could + Perfect

Infinitive (Simple or


e.g. He was very careless when

crossing the road.

He might/could have died. (He

didn't die.)

e.g. I could have caught the

bus if I had hurried. (I didn't

hurry, so I didn't catch the bus.)

Reproach or


may/might/could + Perfect


e.g. You could at least have

met me at the station, could

you?(You don’t fulfill your


You might have opened the

door for me (irritation).




Couldn't + Perfect Infinitive e.g. It was a great year, and

I couldn't have

been happier. (I was very




Negative deduction

about present events


can’t + Simple

Infinitive (usually the

verb “to be”) or

Continuous Infinitive

e.g. The office is closed

now so she can’t be


He can’t be driving here:

he hasn’t got a car.

Negative deduction

about past events


can’t (couldn’t) +

Perfect Infinitive

(Simple or Continuous)

e.g. He can’y have

forgotten about the

meeting: he talked to me

about it only this


Eddie couldn’t have done

the robbery: he was with

me the whole weekend.

NB! Mind the ways of expressing negation with “can’t/couldn’t” used in the

meaning of improbability:

e.g. Can you have failed to see him?

Could you dislike the book?

Could nobody have seen him?

Could he have never written that letter?

Uncertainty May/might not +

Perfect Infinitive

e.g. I had better call

Anne. She may/might not

have read my e-

mail. (uncertainty)

Cf He may not be ill. (uncertainty) – He can’t be ill.


He may not be working. (uncertainty) – He can’t be

working. (deduction)


Practical assignments:

Task 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of “can, could or be able

to”. Sometimes more than one choice is possible:

MODEL: He is very fit for his age. He can run (run) really fast.

I’d like to be able to work (work) with you one day.

1. He ________________ (not climb) up to the top: he was too scared. 2. If they

hadn’t phoned for an ambulance, he ______________ (die). 3. I love

_________(spend) all morning in bed at the weekends. 4. We__________(go) to

that concert tomorrow if the tickets haven’t sold out. 5. I think you should go in

the spring: it __________(be) very crowded there in the summer. 6. I

___________(not understand) what he says: he speaks too quickly. 7. Do you

know where Nick’s glasses are? He __________ (not see) very much without

them. 8. ___________ (speak) another language fluently is a great advantage

when you are looking for a job. 9. Jonathan __________ (not say) anything

until he was about three years old. 10. We ________ (not phone her up) because

her phone had broken, but unfortunately we _______ (get) a message to her. 11.

Amy’s exam results weren’t very good. She _________ (do) better. 12. I

_________ (sleep) very well for the last four nights. It’s been very hot. 13. She

tried to think of other things but she _________ (not put) that awful memory out

of her mind. 14. You should _________ (go out) when you want to. 15.

____________ (you come) to the party on Saturday? 16. I ____________ (ride)

this bike soon: I just need more time to practice. 17. He doesn’t do very much

when he’s here. He _________ (be) more helpful. 18. I ____________ (play)

tennis really well a few years ago, but not anymore. 19. You __________ (read)

textbooks in German when you’ve finished this course. 20. I ________ (work)

much faster since I got that new summer.

Task 2 Complete the sentences with “could/couldn’t” or “manage to” or “be

able to” in an appropriate form:

MODEL: I phoned the plumber because I could smell gas in the kitchen.


We managed to put out the fire by throwing water on it.

1. Jane and John saved and saved, and finally they __________buy the house of

their dreams. 2. I phoned you yesterday, but I ______get an answer. Where were

you? 3. The neighbours were having a row, and I _______hear every word they

said. 4. _________you to speak French before you moved to Paris? 5. I went for

a ten-mile run last Saturday. It nearly killed me! I _______move on Sunday. 6.

__________you________ find all the things you wanted at the shops? 7.The

police ________ find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison. 8.

My grandfather ______ speak four languages. 9. When we got to the top of the

mountain we ________ see for miles. 10. What’s forty-eight divided by eight? I

_________ never _________to do sums in my head. 11. A girl was drowning,

but I jumped in and I save her. I _________swim since I was six. 12. Why don’t

you stop smoking? You _________ do if you tried. 13. Anna’s operation was

very successful. The doctors say she _______walk again in a few weeks. 14. I’m

learning Russian because I want _________talk to people when I go there next

year. 15. I had a row with Sheila last night about nuclear arms. I________

understand the point she was trying to make, but I still didn’t agree.

Task 3 Fill in the blanks with “can” or “may” in the correct form:

1. _______ I visit you one of these days? 2. _______ lift this box? 3. When the

fog lifted we ______ not see where we were. 4. She asked me if she _____ use

my dictionary. 5. The telephone is out of order. I ______ hear anything. 6.

______ help me a little? 7. _____ read the letter? 8. You _____ think whatever

you like. 9. I _____ not walk so quickly. I have a weak heart. 10. You _____

take the textbook. I don’t need it any longer. 11. Do you think you ______

command an army? 12. Such difficulties _____ be easily put up with. 13. I think

I ____ do the work myself. 13. You _____ stay a little longer if you like. 14. I

_______ not hear you. Speak louder, please. 15. ______ leave my bag with you?


Task 4 Put “can (could), may (might), be able to, manage to, be allowed to”

into each space:

1. In spite of her poor command of English she ______ explain what she

wanted. 2. You wouldn’t believe it, but he ______ speak English pretty well

while he was living in London. 3. John says he ______ play the piano when he

was three. Can you believe it? 4. She _______ translate the book, but it took an

ungodly amount of time. 5. The police ______ understand how the criminal had

got into the room, but he did. 6. She ______ smell something burning, but she

_____ understand what it was. 7. With a bit of luck, he finally______ find the

dictionary he needed. 8. To crown it all, she _____ call her work as it was

Sunday. Bad luck! 9. She believed she ______ see something in the dark, but

she _______ sure. 10. He had planned to go to the capital by an express train,

but _____ get a ticket. 11. We’ve got our hands full right now, but we ______do

it tomorrow. 12. Of course, you ____ hand your translation in, but I don’t think

the teacher _____ read it. 13. You ______ to talk to the company manager at 5.

14. Because of operation, she _____ use your right hand only in a week. 15.

They _____ give you a lift if you ____ leave right now.

Task 5 Write sentences about these places. Use “can” or “allowed to”:

MODEL: a restaurant →You aren’t allowed to play tennis in a restaurant. You

can have a meal or drink coffee.

1) a hospital; 2) a museum; 3) a swimming pool; 4) a cinema; 5) an airport; 6) a

library; 7) a plane); 8) a prison; 9) a parking place; 10) a skating-rink; 11) an

exam; 12) a laboratory; 13) an office; 14) a train); 15) an underground.

Task 6 Translate the sentences into English, using modal verbs “can” or


1. Ви можете їм допомогти? 2. Ви зможете взяти участь в обговоренні

цього питання? 3. Ми знали, що вона зможе зробити цю роботу. 4. Він не


міг вийти в сад, оскільки йшов дощ. 5. Моя подруга ніколи не могла грати

на скрипці. 6. Не можна все вміти (не можна бути майстром на всі руки). 7.

Анна знала, що не зможе (їй не дозволять) взяти цю книгу додому. 8. Йому

було гарно видно. 9. Я вмію грати в теніс, але зараз не можу, бо почуваюся

зле. 10. Що зроблено – не повернеш. 11. Можете взяти цей підручник,

мені він сьогодні не потрібен. 12. Лікарю, мені можна приймати ці ліки?

13. Можна мені приєднатися до вас? 14. Можна пройти цим лісом багато

миль, нікого не зустрівши. 15. Зразки цих підручників можна отримати,

зробивши запит до видавництва. 16. Якщо буде нічия, їх команда може

виграти змагання. 17. Мені сумно. Можна я увімкну музику? – Ні, не

можна. Вже пізно. 18. З тим самим успіхом я можу відправити листа і

завтра. 19. Не вміючи плавати, я ніколи не ходжу на річку сам. Та мені й не

дозволяють. 20. Мамо, можна я принесу додому цуценя? – Ні, не можна.

Подумай, хто буде вставати рано вранці, щоб гуляти з ним?

Task 7 Fill in the blanks with the verbs “can” or “may” in the correct form.

Translate into Ukrainian:

1. When you get there tell them to wait. I _____ be a little late. 2. _____ this old

man be Tom Brown? He ______ not have changed so much! 3. I’m not sure, but

she ____ have gone to the village shop. 4. I told them he ____ in the garden. 5.

How strange! _____ you believe that? 6. I haven’t seen her for ages. She ____

be quite middle-aged by now. 7. I fear they _____ miss the train. They left rather

late. 8. It _____ be seen that he was puzzled. 9. He _____have thought of it by

himself. Who suggested it to him? 10. He ____ be a medical student, but I’m not

sure. 11. But what more he _____ have said I don’t know for I left. 12. You

_____ have warned me beforehand! 13. It was a year or two ago, or it _____ be

three years ago. 14. Watch out! You ____ have fallen! 15. Who ____ have said

such a thing?


Task 8 Open the brackets using the correct form of “can/may”+ proper form

of the Infinitive. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Do you know where Ben is? – I’m not sure. He may (play) games on the

computer. 2. I can’t find the thing that changes the TV channel. – The remote

control? Stand up. You could (sit) on it. 3. Look over! It’s Kate and Alex. – She

can’t (hold) his hand. She doesn’t like him! 4. What’s happening outside? – I

don’t know. They could (fix). 5. People were waiting, but the bus didn’t stop. It

may (be) full. 6. I know she was in because I heard her radio, but she didn’t

open the door. She may not (hear) the bell. 7. I wonder who broke the cup; it

can’t (be) the cat, for she was out all day. 8. Is it your dog running in the

garden? – No, it can’t (be) my dog. My dog is at home. 9. She can’t (read) four

hours running. She has read only two pages. 10. The lecturer is a tall thin man

with white hair. – Then it can’t (be) Dr. Smith because he is short and fat. 11.

We went to the restaurant and had a very good dinner for 75 p. – you couldn’t

(have) a very good dinner for 75 p.! 12. What’s happened to Jack? We said 7:30

and now it’s 8:00 and there is no sign of him. – He may (forget) that we invited

him. He is rather forgetful. – Or he may (get) lost. He hasn’t been to this house

before. 13. I’ve lost one of my gloves. – the puppy might (take) it. 14. Could he

(translate) the article since the very morning? 15. I could (help) him, but I didn’t

even receive the letter.

Task 9 Write “may/might/could+an appropriate Infinitive” in each gap. Often

all three are possible, but pay attention to the form of the Infinitive:

1. I wonder why Alan didn’t buy me anything for my birthday. I suppose he

(a)_________(forget). Or he (b)________(think) that now I’m getting on, I

don’t like to be reminded of my advancing years. On the other hand, he

(c)_______(forget)! He (d)_______(give) me a present this evening when I see

him. Oh, no! He (e)________(plan) a surprise party, as he did last year. What a

disaster it was! I hope he isn’t doing it again! 2. Every time I phone Jane, it’s

engaged. It’s very annoying. I suppose she (f)______(try) to phone me while


I’m phoning her. I’ll wait a while. 3. I can’t help worrying when Jack is late

back home. I always think that he (g)________(have) an accident, and that he

(h)______(lie) on the side of the road with ambulances and police cars all about

him. I know it’s irrational. Wait a minute! It’s Tuesday, isn’t it? He works late

on Tuesdays. He (i)________(not leave) the office yet. I’ll give him a ring. 4. I

wonder why Helen has got all these books on Greece from the library. I suppose

she (j)__________(think) of going there on holiday. On the other hand, she (k)

________(not get) them out for herself. They (l)_________(be) for Henry. He

(m)___________(write) a project on Greece for his Geography course.

Task 10 Translate the sentences into English, using the correct form of modal

verbs “can” or “may” + proper form of the Infinitive:

1. Не може бути, щоб він збрехав. Це на нього не схоже. 2. Невже це

правда, що він став відомим актором? 3. Не може бути, що вони брат і

сестра. Вони зовсім не схожі один на одного. 4. Навряд чи це так. У будь-

якому разі, ми не можемо це довести. 5. Цікаво, що б ви могли

запропонувати за таких обставин? 6. Може, це вас усіх здивує, але я

отримав запрошення на цей вечір. 7. Подзвони Інку, він, можливо, вже

бачив новий фільм. 8. Насправді, Джон, ти міг би пояснити мені з самого

початку, настільки це важливо. 9. Ніхто не відповідає. Можливо, вона ще

не повернулася з роботи. 10. Якби ми не наткнулися на нього у метро, то,

можливо, більше б ніколи його не зустріли. 11. Цілком можливо, що вони

чекають на нас внизу. 12. Я думаю, що вона не захотіла зі мною

розмовляти. – Я б так не думала. Можливо, вона просто вас не помітила.

13. Може, це правда, а, може, й ні. 14. Куди б це він міг піти? 15. Ви могли

зробити це самі, просто. Ви навіть не намагалися. 16. Не може бути, що він

знав про це. Він би поводився інакше. 17. Хто б це міг сказати таке? – Це

міг бути Том. – О, так, він міг. 18. Спочатку він не міг відчувати пульс і

вирішив, що його серце перестало битися. 19. Я б давно міг це зробити, аби


знав, що це терміново. 20. Я приніс вам великий ящик, щоб ви могли

спакувати всі книжки.

Task 11 Translate the sentences into English, minding:

а) all possible ways of expressing negation with “can” used in the meaning of


1. Невже твоя подруга не знає англійської? 2. Не може бути, що я

неправильно переклав це слово. 3. Не може бути, що він досі не дійшов

додому. Він уже давно пішов. 4. Не може бути, що студенти не поговорили

з деканом. 5. Не може бути, що він не побачив записку, я поклав її на столі.

6. Не може бути, що Стів не приїхав. Ми ж учора отримали від нього

телеграму. 7. Не може бути, що мама не відповіла на листа. 8. Ця новина не

може бути правдою! Не може бути, що він не зрозумів цього. 9. Не може

бути, що йому не вдалося замовити квитки. 10. Не може бути, що вона вас

не помітила.

b) all possible ways of expressing possibility using “can” or “may”+proper

form of the Infinitive:

1. Можливо, він був поранений (точно невідомо, але можливо). 2. Його

могло поранити! (але все обійшлося) 3. Вона могла б прийти, аби ми її

запросили (але ми не запросили). 4. Ви могли б запросити мене на своє

весілля (докір). 5. Завтра може бути дощ (теоретично). 6. Він сказав, що

завтра, можливо, буде дощ (можливість). 7. Він ще не повернувся. У

нього могла трапитися аварія (точно невідомо, але можливо). 8. Вам не

слід було їхати на тому автомобілі з несправними гальмами. У вас могла

трапитися серйозна аварія (але все обійшлося). 9. Ви такі необережні! Ви

могли розбити дорогу чашку(докір). 10. Ця новина ледь не вбила її (але все


Questions for self-control

1. Which form of the main verb is used after modal verbs?

2. Can a modal follow another modal?


3. Does a modal have only one meaning?

4. Can the same meaning be expressed with different modals?

5. How do we use modals to refer to past, present and future times?

Literature: [ 4, с.119-124; 6, 162-170; 11, с. 18-30; 14, с. 56-74; 15, с.70-75;

16, с. 30, 34; 17, с. 100-116; 24, с. 65-67, 72-73; 25, с. 94-95, 97, 99-100; 26, с.

28-30, 32, 34-36].

Практичне заняття № 15 – 16

Тopic Modal verbs must, have, to be to, need: obligation, necessity, absence

of necessity, unfulfilled obligation or arrangement (were to + perfect infinitive),

prohibition, advice. Modal verb must, to be to: certainty, deduction

Aim: to learn about modal verbs must, have, to be to, need.

Short theoretical points


Present and future


1) refers to obligations which come

from the speaker and may be directed

at the speaker or the listener:

e.g. I really must give

up smoking. (directed at the speaker)

You must keep this secret. (directed at

the listener)

2) strong invitation:

e.g. You must come and see me

sometimes (emphasis).

3) must to be to for instructions,

notices and orders:

external obligations, which come from

outside of the speaker. These may be

rules and regulations imposed by an

external authority:

e.g. I have to get to work by 9 every


Do you have to wear a uniform at your



e.g. Passengers must cross the lines by

the footbridge (the railway company

instructs them to).

Guests must be out of building by



it is necessary not to do something or


e.g. You mustn't tell anyone. It's a

secret. (Don't tell anyone.)

You mustn't touch that Ming vase.

The girl mustn’t go home alone. It’s

very late.

absence of obligation:

e.g. I don't have to get up early

tomorrow. It's a holiday. (I can get up


Must and will have to can be used to refer to future obligations:

e.g. You must be home by 10 o'clock.

I'll have to pay my bills next week.


has no past form past obligations:

e.g. When I was at primary school,

I had to wear a uniform.

e.g. We had to start all over again.

*Have got to has the same meaning as have to, but it is more common in

informal, spoken language



Must + infinitive deductions about present


e.g. That child is really

talented. His


parents must be proud of



Must + perfect infinitive deductions about past


e.g. That dress looks

expensive. It must have

cost a fortune.

Must expressing deduction isn’t used:

With reference to the future e.g. They are not likely to come.

He will probably feel lonely.

She will evidently be busy.

In negative and interrogative forms e.g. You must have misunderstood me.

(You mustn’t have misunderstood me)

They must have been inattentive.(They

mustn’t have been attentive)

She must have failed to recognize

you.(She mustn’t have recognized you)

The letter must have never reached

them.(The letter must not have reached


No one must have seen him there.

(They must not have seen him there)

NB! Must, could, may, might and can’t are used to express different degrees of

probability about the present or past events:



He must be in love (=very probable that he is in love).

You must be joking (=very probable that you are joking).

He must have been in love (=very probable that he was in love).

95% sure

He could be in love.

She could be having a shower. (=possible, but less probable)

He might be in love.

He could have been in love.

It may/might have been raining (=possible, but less probable)

He might have been in love.

45% sure

He can’t be in love (=very probable that he is not in love).

He can’t have been in love (=very probable that he was not in


He can’t have been reading this article for three hours (=very

probable that he is not reading).

45% sure

The semi-modal NEED

Need can behave either as a modal verb or as a main verb:

Present and future

modal verb: need+bare Infinitive

(in negative sentences or in affirmative sentences with a negative meaning)

absence of obligation or necessity e.g. You needn't worry about that.

No one need be surprised at what


You need only just ask.

I doubt whether I need help you.

occurs in interrogative sentences, but

this use is much more formal

e.g. Need you make so much noise?


Need as a main verb is followed by a to-infinitive

something is necessary (in affirmative,

negative and interrogative sentences)

e.g. Do you have a minute? I need to

talk to you about something.

I don't need to be told that I should

lose weight.

Do you need to use the hairdryer?

If you want good results, you will

need to work harder.


Need as a modal verb has no past form, but can be used with Perfect Infinitive in

negative form

actions which were performed but

were unnecessary

e.g. We needn't have bought any milk.

We still have plenty at home. (we

bought some milk, but it wasn't


The past tense of the main verb need to is needed to/didn’t need to

past necessity e.g. I needed to have my hair cut.

Why did they need to change the lock?

didn't need + to-infinitive => actions

which were unnecessary and were not


e.g. We didn't need to buy any milk.

We had plenty at home. (we didn't have

to buy any milk, and we didn't buy



To be to with Simple Infinitive expresses

Present and Future

1) previously arranged plan

or obligation resulting from

the arrangement

e.g. The British Ambassador is to meet the

President at the White House on Friday.

The factory is to close for three weeks for repairs.


She is to become the youngest Member of

Parliament in our history.

2) orders and instructions

(= must)

Passive forms are often used

to make orders and

instructions more


e.g. You are to stay here until I return.

This medicine is to be taken three times a day.

e.g. Children are not to be left unsupervised in

the museum.

3) Used in the negative, be

to can also express


e.g. You are not to do that again!

4) events that are likely to

happen in the near future (in

news reports):

e.g. Police officers are to visit every home in the


5) things that should be


To be to can be used in

rhetorical questions

e.g. What am I to do?

e.g. What am I to do? What is to become of me?

Where am I to go?

6) a possible aim when

saying what should be done

to reach it

e.g. If you are to work here for more than three

months, you must have a residence permit.

7) possibility (=can or may) e.g. Where is he to be found?

8) future events that can be

controlled by people

e.g. In the next few years thousands of speed

cameras are to appear on major roads (=will


BUT: Scientists say they can’t predict when or

where the disease will appear again (=this can’t

be controlled).

9) in 1st Conditionals to be e.g. If the human race is to survive, we must look


to is used to say that

something must happen first

(the main clause) before

something else may happen

(in the if-clause)

at the environmental problems now.


When referring to the past to be to can be used either with Simple or Perfect


To be to+ Simple Infinitive

1) something what

happened to someone

whether they were able to

influence events or not

(=something that is destined

to happen)

e.g. Clare Atkins was to write two more books

about her experiences in Africa before her death

in 1967.

Matthew Flinders sailed past Tasmania in 1770,

but it was to be further 30 years before he landed

there.He was to become my teacher and friend for

many years.

2) past possibility e.g. Nothing was to be done under the


3) fulfilled past


e.g. Mr. Jones was to speak at the meeting (=it

was arranged and he did).

To be to+ Perfect Infinitive

1) the arranged event which

did not actually happen

e.g. Mr. Jones was to have spoken at the meeting,

but he had to cancel because of his illness.


You must be more attentive. Obligation directed at the listener

I must speak with him. It’s very


Obligation directed at the speaker


You have to be more attentive to your

mistakes, because you will fail the


External obligation coming out from


I have to earn money for my parents,

because they don’t have enough for


External obligation coming out from


You have to speak with him yourself if

you want to lend money

External obligation coming out from


You are to speak at the meeting It’s a plan (arrangement)

I need money. Necessity

May I take this dress? — No, you


Permission Prohibition

Must I write a new article? — No, you


Obligation Absence of necessity

We were to play tennis yesterday. I

won 3:0.

Fulfilled arrangement

We were to have played tennis

yesterday, but it rained.

Unfulfilled arrangement

He can’t be thirsty. He must be hungry. Negative deduction + positive

deduction (95% of certainty)

Practical assignments

Task 1 Match the pairs of sentences with their meanings:

MODEL: 1) I must have a drink of water. a The doctor told me so.

2) I have to drink lots of water. b I’m really thirsty.

1. 1) I must do my homework tonight.

2) I have to do my homework


a I’m telling myself it’s important.

b This is why I can’t come out with

you tonight.

2. 1) We must go to Paris sometime. a Another boring business trip.


2) We have to go to Paris next



b It would be really nice.

3. 1) I must wear something nice to go


2) Men have to wear a shirt and tie

to go into a posh restaurant.

a I want to look good.

b It’s the house rule.

4. 1) I must water the plants today.

2) You have to water plants daily.

a I haven’t done them for ages.

b They need lots of water.

5. 1) You must do my register for the

next term before Thursday.

2) You have to register for the next

term before Thursday.

a It says on the notice board.

b One student is talking to another.

6. 1) You must be home by 11.00.

2) Bye! I have to be home by 11.00.

a The father is talking to his daughter

b I’m talking to my friends.

7. 1) You must stay in bed for a few


2) I have to stay in bed for a few


a The doctor is talking to his patient.

b I’m telling myself.

8. 1) I must wash my hair tonight.

2) I have to clean all rooms in the

hotel every day!

a I’m looking at the mirror.

b I work here.

9. 1) I must go and see the doctor.

2) I have to take this medicine twice

a day.

a I have often headaches.

b The doctor prescribed so.

10. 1) You can borrow my camera, but

you must look after it.

2) I have to be very careful, it’s my

father’s camera.

a My father is telling me.

b I’m telling myself.

Task 2 Underline the correct verb form:


MODEL: We have a lot of work tomorrow. You mustn’t/don’t have to be late.

1. You mustn’t/don’t have to tell Mary what I told you. It’s a secret. 2. The

museum is free. You mustn’t/don’t have to pay to get in. 3. Children

mustn’t/don’t have to tell lies. It’s very naughty. 4. Terry’s millionaire. He

mustn’t/doesn’t have to go to work. 5. I mustn’t/don’t have to do my washing.

My mother does it for me. 6. We mustn’t/don’t have to rush. We’ve got plenty

of times. 7. You mustn’t/don’t have to play with guns. They’re dangerous. 8.

This is my favourite pen. You can borrow it, but you mustn’t/don’t have to lose

it. 9. “Shall I come with you?” “You can if you want, but you mustn’t/don’t have

to”. 10. She believes people mustn’t/don’t have to wear formal cloths at work.

11. It’s Sunday today. She mustn’t/doesn’t have to go to work. 12. She

mustn’t/doesn’t have to change her plans because of this. 13. She is a pupil. She

mustn’t/doesn’t have to go out to work. 14. My husband mustn’t/doesn’t have to

do the cooking. 15. You mustn’t/don’t have to press this button! It’s prohibited.

Task 3 Complete the dialogues using “must/mustn’t/need to/needn’t/have to”:

MODEL: You needn’t worry if you really like the look of something.

What else I must be careful about.

a) Delegate 1: The latest figures on the Ukraine economy are very positive, and

GLT ______ enter the market now. In my opinion, we _____ delay by even 12

months. We really ______ take action this year.

Delegate 2: I disagree. I believe that we really _____ do a lot more research

first, and we _______ act too fast. And really, you know, we ______ rush. I

don’t think market conditions will change very much in the next year or two.

b) Emma: Excuse me, but I _______ have a ticket for this talk?

Flavio: Yes. You ________ get one from the Conference Reception


Emma: But that’ll take too ling. It’s starting in a moment, and I ________ go

in late – my boss is speaking!


Flavio: It’s all right. You _______ go all the way to Reception. I’ve got a

spare ticket. Here you are.

Emma Thanks a lot!

c) Jacques: Well, it’s been good talking, but I’m really tired now, and I ______

go and get some sleep.

Katia: Really? _________ you go so soon? Let’s have another drink at the


Jacques: No. really, I ________. If I stayed for another drink, I know I’d be

useless tomorrow. And I ______ start work at 6.00 in the morning.

Katia: At 6.00? Why do you _______ start so early?

Jacques: Because my head of department wants me to run a breakfast

seminar, and I still have some preparation to do – I ________ make any


Katia: Why ______the seminar_____ start so early?

Jacques: I don’t know. Stupid, isn’t it?

Katia: The things we ______ do for this company! I think we all work far too


Task 4 Read the sentences and complete them with a suitable past expression

from below:

had to didn’t have to was allowed (to)

couldn’t weren’t allowed to were forbidden to

1. I was the youngest of six daughters and like many middle-class girls, I

________ become a teacher. I had no choice. I _________ earn a living any

other way. 2. My day started at seven o’clock in the morning, when I _______

sweep and dust the classroom, and we _________ leave at the end of the day. 3.

I had two grey dresses and I wore one of them every day. It ______be grey.

Black _______also_______, but we _________ wear anything fashionable or

colourful. 4. We __________ride in automobiles with any men except our


fathers or brothers. This was no hardship because our family had no car. 5. The

most ridiculous rule of all was the one about visiting ice-parlours. I can’t

imagine why we _________go there. 6. Eventually, when I was 29, I did meet

and marry a young man, Jack. Then, of course, I __________give up teaching.

You___________ continue as a married woman.

Task 5 Underline the correct verb form:

MODEL: Eden went to the café where she was to/had to meet her brother.

She is ill. So, she is staying in bed and aren’t to/doesn’t have to do

the cooking.

1. The train has to/is to arrive in ten minutes if it’s not late. 2. As far as he

remembered, he had to/was to pay the house rent in advance. 3. She has to/is to

come here. There is no other way. 4. She had to/was to go there because of the

rain. 5. Do you have to/Are you to wear a formal suit at this company? 6. When

you finish the letter, you’ll have/be to translate this text. 7. Because the party

was over, the students had to/were to go home. 8. She does not have/is not to

change her plans because of this. 9. They have/are to go to a conference next

week, right? 10. She has to/is to organize her working day in a more rational

way. 11. They had to/was to light a fire to cook their supper. 12. It was the first

and the last ceremony I had to/was to see. 13. What do you have to/are you to

do to earn so much money? 14. The children are not to/don’t have to touch

anything in this room. 15. I didn’t have to/wasn’t to turn around to know they

were coming down the street.

Task 6 Translate into English using modals “must/have to/need/to be to” in

the meaning of necessity and obligation:

1. Ти не маєш хвилюватися за мене. Тобі не можна хвилюватися, у тебе

хворе серце. 2. Ти повинен зрозуміти, що не можна здаватися. 3. Тобі

доведеться провітрити кімнату перед сном. 4. Ми повинні зустрітися

завтра о п’ятій біля метро. 5. Ви обов’язково повинні зайти до нас на


чашку чаю. 6. Не можна все приймати так близько до серця. 7. Ця угода

повинна бути підписана у найближчому майбутньому. 8. Містер Дженкінс

каже, що ми повинні закінчити цей звіт до середи. 9. Ми дуже нудьгуємо

без тебе. Ти повинен заходити до нас частіше. 10. Боюся, що це

скарлатина. Нам доведеться ізолювати дитину. 11. Не можна обговорювати

такі проблеми у присутності сторонніх. 12. Мені часто доводиться

стикатися з такими людьми. 13. Я загубила бібліотечну книгу, і тепер мені

доведеться платити штраф. 14. У нас зараз гостює свекруха, і мені

доводиться проводити на кухні цілі дні. 15. Коли ви маєте йти в похід? 16.

Зустріч повинна розпочатися рівно о третій. 17. Ми повинні зробити

пересадку в Манчестері. 18. Тобі не треба йти на базар, я вже все купила.

19. Вам не треба приходити ще раз, ви можете зателефонувати. 20. Тобі не

треба мене чекати, я маю ключ.

Task 7 Translate into English using modals “must/have to/need/to be to” in

the meaning of necessity and obligation:

1. Перед тим, як іти спати, вона повинна була прибрати зі столу та вимити

посуд, тож лягла спати пізно. 2. Того дня мені довелося написати близько

двадцяти запрошень. 3. Їй не було кому допомогти, і вона повинна була

виконувати всю хатню роботу сама. 4. Тоді я не знала, що нам більше не

судилося побачитися. 5. Йому не треба було писати твір, тому що вчитель

захворів. 6. Мені не довелося ставити йому питання, я все зрозуміла за

виразом його обличчя. 7. Хто тобі сказав, що треба вчити цей вірш

напам’ять? 8. На щастя, нам не довелося йти на вокзал пішки. 9. Мені не

треба було прати сукню, вона була чиста. 10. Я мав нову пральну машину,

і мені більше не треба було витрачати на прання цілий день. 11. Їй

пояснили, що кожного ранку вона повинна з’являтися в офісі рівно о

дев’ятій. 12. Нам нема чого слухати всі доповіді, вони вже роздруковані та

роздані всім учасникам. 13. Директор вимагав, щоб я не приходив на

роботу в джинсах та светрі. 14. У мене жахливо боліла голова і мені


довелося залишитися вдома. 15. Директор сказав, що я повинен негайно

зайнятися звітом. 16. Можна мені тут палити? – Ні, не можна. 17. Нам

треба шукати всі нові слова у словнику? – Ні, не треба. 18. Ми повинні

відразу ж піти з гімнастичної зали? – Ні. 19. Я повинна відразу ж піти

туди? – Ні. 20. Грета обов’язково повинна це зробити.

Task 8 a) Read the lines from the dialogue. What do you think the people are

talking about?

Hi! Carl? It’s Andy. Yeah. How are you? Feeling better?

Really? Still using a crutch, eh? So you’re not back at work yet?

Two more weeks! That’s when the plaster comes off, is it?

No, I’m fine. The suntan’s fading, though. Josie’s is, too. She sends love,

by the way.

Yes, yes. I have. I got them back today. They’re good. I didn’t realize

we’d taken so many.

Yes, the sunset. It’s a good one. All of us together on Bob and Marcia’s

balcony, with the mountains and the snow in the background. It’s

beautiful. Brings back memories, doesn’t it?

Yes, I know. I’m sorry. At least it was towards the end; it could have been

the first day. You only came home two days early.

Yes, we have. Yesterday, in fact. Bob wrote it and we all signed it. I don’t

know if it’ll do any good, but it’s worth a try.

Yeah. They found it. It arrived on the next flight. Marcia was delighted.

Sure. Some ups and downs, but generally I think we all got on well and

had a great time. Shall we go again next year?

Good! Great! It’s a date. Next time look out for the trees! I’ll ring again

soon, Carl. Take care!


b) mark with “+” the two sentences which you think are possible. Mark with

“–“ the one you think is not possible:

MODEL: What is the relationship between Andy and Carl?

a) They must be friends. +

b) They could be father and son. –

c) They can’t be business colleagues. +

1. Where have they been?

a) they must have been on holiday.

b) they can’t have been somewhere sunny.

c) they might have been to Switzerland.

2. What happened to Carl?

a) he must have broken his leg.

b) he could have broken his arm.

c) he must have come home early.

3. How many people went on holiday?

a) there must have been at least five.

b) there might have been more than five.

c) there must have been three.

4. Where did they stay?

a) they could have stayed on a campsite.

b) they must have stayed in a hotel.

c) they might have stayed with friends.

5. What did they do on holiday?

a) they must have taken a lot of photos.

b) they could have been sunbathing.

c) they can/t have been skiing.

6. What did Bob write?

a) he might have written a letter to his wife.

b) he could have written a letter of complaint to the hotel.

c) he could have written a letter to the tour operator.


7. How did they travel?

a) they must have flown.

b) they must have gone by train.

c) they might have hired a car.

8. What arrived on the next flight?

a) it could have been Marcia’s skis.

b) it must have been Marcia’s suitcase.

c) it might have been Marcia’s coat.

c) use some of the ideas in the sentences 1-8 to say what you think happened

to Andy and Carl:

MODEL: Andy and Carl must be friends and they must have been on holiday

together. They might…

Task 9 Rewrite the following sentences, using “must/can’t/might+proper form

of the Infinitive”:

MODEL: I’m sure Harry’s at least sixty. – Harry must be at least sixty.

Perhaps he’s having a party. – He might be having a party.

1. I’m sure he hasn’t retired yet. He still leaves the house every morning. 2. I’m

sure he isn’t very well off. His house is in a terrible mess. 3. Perhaps he spent all

his money when he was younger. 4. I’m sure he does a lot of gardening. His

garden looks beautiful. 5. I’m sure he has read a lot of books about gardening.

He’s certainly an expert. 6. I’m sure he’s working in his garden now. I can hear

someone digging. 7. Now I can hear voices. Perhaps he’s talking to Miss

Appleby. 8. No, I’m sure it isn’t Miss Appleby. It’s two men’s voices. 9. They

are shouting. Perhaps they are having an argument. 10. They’re talking about

money. Perhaps Harry owes the other man some money. 11. Now I can’t hear

anything. I’m sure they’ve gone inside. 12. My God! A gun shot! I’m sure Harry

has killed him! 13. No, there’s Harry outside, so it wasn’t Harry who was shot.

14. There’s a siren. I’m sure this is the police arriving. 15. Look at all those

lights and cameras. Ah! Now I understand. They were making a film!


Task 10 Write “may/might/must/can’t” with an appropriate Infinitive:

A detective is investigating a burglary at the home of Mr and Mrs Smith:

“I wonder how the thief got in. He (a)_________(use) a ladder or he

(b)______(have) a key. Ah! What’s this? Brocken glass by the kitchen door, and

the door has been unlocked. He (c)__________(break) the window, put his hand

inside, and turned the key. That (d)_______(make) a noise. I wonder if the

neighbours heard anything?” (He goes next door to talk to the neighbours and

knocks on their door.) “There’s no reply. I suppose they (e)_________(be) on

holiday, or they (f)___________(watch) television”. (He listens at the letter-

box.) “I can hear voices. Someone (g)________(be) in. Rather odd. (He goes

back to the Smiths’ house.) “Now, I wonder what was stolen. I don’t think the

Smith family is terribly well off, so the thief (h)_________(find) a lot to steal. It

was clever of him to come in just after Mrs Smith went shopping. He

(i)_________(know) she would be out. What was that noise? It came from

upstairs. The burglar (j)___________(not leave) the house yet! He

(k)__________(hide) upstairs! I’d better go and see.”

Task 11 Underline the correct word or words. Sometimes two are correct:

MODEL: I mustn’t/needn’t/don’t have to do this exercise but it might help.

1. You mustn’t/needn’t/don’t have to think I’m always this tired and irritable

after work. I’ve just had a bad day. 2. We mustn’t/needn’t/don’t have to book a

table, the restaurant won’t be full on a Monday night. 3. Do you really

must/need to/have to go now? Can’t you stay a bit longer? 4. You mustn’t/don’t

need to/don’t have to eat all your vegetables. Just eat carrots. 5. You didn’t need

to wake/needn’t have woken me up, I’m not going to work today. 6. The doctor

said that I didn’t need to take/didn’t have to take/needn’t have taken the tablets

any longer because the rush was so much better. 7. Have I got to/Must I/Need I

ring and confirm my room reservation? 8. We didn’t need to buy/needn’t have

bought all that champagne for the party. Only three people come! 9. We needn’t


have paid/didn’t need to pay to get into the museum. It was free. 10. You

mustn’t/don’t have to/don’t need to go to France to learn French, but it helps. 11.

You mustn’t/don’t have to/don’t need to drive if you’ve been drinking. 12. I

didn’t need to put/needn’t have put on my Wellingtons yesterday. It wasn’t

raining. 13. I put on my Wellingtons yesterday, but I really didn’t need

to/needn’t have to as it wasn’t raining. 14. I didn’t need to hurry/needn’t have

hurried, so I didn’t. I took my time. 15. I didn’t need to hurry/needn’t have

hurried, but I did. The film started at seven, not six.

Task 12 Fill in the blanks with “didn’t have to/needn’t have”:

1. You _________(bring) your umbrella, as we are going by car. 2. You

_______(water) the flowers, as it rained. 3. I _________ (translate) it for him, he

did it himself, he understands Latin. 4. I ________(answer) the questions, which

saved me a lot of trouble. 5. I knew I ______(lock) the door after me, but how I

was to know you wanted to come out, too? 6. I _______(ring) the bell because

the door opened before I got to it. 7. I _______(help) them at all, they

themselves knew themselves knew what to do. 8. I _______(write) to him

because the news was already known to him. 9. You ______(listen) to him. His

information was misleading. 10. You ______(buy) such a lot of flowers. We’ve

already got more than necessary. 11. He ________(get up) so early every day. It

was only on that particular occasion that he did. 12. You _______(stay) if you

didn’t want to. We could have done without you just as well. 13. She washed all

the plates, but some of them had not been used, so she__________(do) it. 14. I

bought two bottles of milk. – You ________ (buy) them; we have lots in the

house. 15. My sister lent me her shoes, so I________(buy) new ones.

Task 13 Translate into English using modals in the meaning of deduction:

1. Вашому дядькові, напевно, десь 40 років. 2. Гарольд, напевно, дуже

голодний після такої довгої прогулянки. 3. Він, певно, не в тому місці

звернув. 4. Певно, він запізнився на поїзд, тому його й немає тут. 5. Їм,


напевно, було весело. 5. Жаль, що тут немає Роджера. Він, можливо, забув

про нашу зустріч, чи, можливо, він приходив, коли нас не було. 6. Не може

бути, що її сестра перекладає той текст уже три години. 7. Ти міг би сам

здогадатися почистити картоплю. 8. Він не міг вам про це нічого сказати,

він сам не знав. 9. Напевно, вона просто божеволіє від нудьги. 10. Напевно,

у нього закінчився папір для принтера, він не роздрукував документ. 11.

Напевно, вони живуть далеко один від одного: вони зустрічаються раз на

рік. 12. Напевно, він увесь час літає літаком. У нього було багато

відряджень останнім часом. 13. Напевно, вона має гарний смак. Вона

завжди одягнена дуже елегантно. 14. Мабуть, матч був зупинений через

негоду. 15. Хто розбив цю вазу? – Мабуть, Сем. 16. Не може бути, щоб

вона знехтувала твоїми порадами: вона дуже високої думки про тебе. 17.

Невже його сестру насправді звуть Віола? 18. Напевно, дощ уже

закінчився. 19. Напевно, вона втомилася і пішла спати. 20. Не може бути,

щоб вона так змінилася.

Task 14 Translate into English using “must” in the meaning of negative


1. Там, напевно, нікого немає. 2. Він, певно, нічого не зрозумів і

образився. 3. Вона, напевно, не пам’ятає, що обіцяла принести нам ті

фотографії. 4. Ви, вочевидь, не знали, що він переїхав до одного з

передмість Лондона. 5. Вона, напевно, лишила двері незачиненими. 6. Ви,

напевне, не зустрічали такого кумедного хлопчиська, як наш Тім. 7. Вам,

напевне, нелегко в це повірити. 8. Діти, напевно, не помітили, що вже

стемніло. 8. Вона вочевидь нічого про це не знає. 9. Вона, напевно, зовсім

не має досвіду з перекладу медичних статей англійською мовою. 10. Це

вочевидь здається вам неймовірним, але це факт. 11. Вам вочевидь нелегко

в це повірити. 12. Він, певне, не пізнав вас у натовпі. 13. Йому, напевно, не

вдалося взяти відпустку. 14. Напевно, в наших лісах зовсім не залишилося

вовків. 15. Він, напевно, зовсім не знає, як поводити себе в такій ситуації.


16. Напевно, вона знову не вивчила правила. 17. Напевно, хтось з дітей не

доїв морозиво, і воно розтануло на столі. 18. Напевно, вона просто не

зрозуміла, про що її питали. 19. Напевно, йому так і не вдалося здійснити

свою мрію. 20. Напевно, ти вже не віриш йому після того, що він зробив.

Task 15 Translate into English using modals “have to/to be to/need” in the

meaning of fulfilled and unfulfilled obligation (arrangement):

1. Учора мені треба було бути на роботі на годину раніше, тому що я не

встигла надрукувати всі документи. 2. Учора я мала прийти на роботу на

дві години раніше, але проспала. 3. Ми повинні були зупинитися в готелі,

але вирішили зупинитися у знайомих. 4. Я повинна була поговорити з нею

вчора, але не могла з нею зв’язатися. 5. Він повинен був купити квитки ще

вчора, але захворів. 6. Таксі мало приїхати ще о 17.00, а зараз уже 17.15. 7.

ЇЇ виступ повинен був бути першим на концерті. 8. Він повинен був іти,

тому попрощався з усіма. 9. Я повинна була здати курсову роботу в

понеділок, а вже п’ятниця. 10. Я повинна була замовити ці ліки вчора, тому

я звернулася до фірми-постачальника. 11. Я повинна була замовити ці ліки

ще вчора, але їх не було на складі. 12. Щоб продовжити роботу, йому

потрібно було хоч трохи відпочити. 13. Я повинен був купити подарунок

мамі вчора, але забув гроші удома. 14. Я був щасливий, тому що більше не

треба було вчитися з ранку до ночі. Сесія закінчилася! 15. Пітер має

сьогодні вилетіти до Лондона. 16. Автобус від’їжджає через 15 хвилин. 17.

Вони повинні були повернутися вчора, але їх літак не зміг злетіти через

погану погоду. 18. Конференція повинна розпочатися у середу. 19. Нам

треба там бути о 17.00. 20. Наш план повинен бути виконаний до кінця


Task 16 Translate into English using “needn’t have done”/”didn’t need to



1. Пітеру не треба було йти так рано на роботу, він зміг виспатися досхочу:

була неділя. 2. Дарма Пітер прийшов на роботу так рано: перемовини

починаються опівдні. 3. Не треба порпатися у кишенях, я дам вам монетку.

4. Не треба було посилати листа поштою, достатньо було б і електронного

листа. 5. Мені доводиться вставати рано щодня. 6. Дарма ти випрала

сукню, вона й так була чиста. 7. Тобі не треба було приносити мені ці

матеріали сьогодні, все одно я зможу їх продивитися лише завтра. 8. Не

треба було чистити картоплю, я могла б зварити її «в мундирі». 9. Тобі не

слід було купувати так багато хліба, гості все одно не прийдуть. 10. Не

треба було заводити будильник, все одно собака розбудив нас о шостій. 11.

Дарма ви взяли плащ та парасольку. Дощу не буде. 12. Тобі не треба було

їздити на вокзал по квитки, міг би їх замовити онлайн. 13. Дарма ви

телефонували опівдні, він зможе поговорити з вами лише ввечері. 14. Мені

не треба було дзвонити йому опівдні, я знав, що він буде вільний лише

увечері. 15. Мені не потрібно було дотримуватися дрескоду: всі прийшли у

шортах і футболках. 16. Йому не треба було приходити, ми б обійшлися і

без його допомоги. 17. Мені не треба було переписувати твір, бо я отримав

за попередній високу оцінку. 18. Дарма я переписував конспект: їх ніхто не

перевіряв. 19. Під час навчання у коледжі вона жила у родичів, їй не треба

було платити за квартиру. 20. Дарма я так ретельно готувалася до цієї

зустрічі: її відмінили.

Questions for self-control

1. Which form of the main verb is used after modal verbs?

2. Can a modal follow another modal?

3. Does a modal have only one meaning?

4. Can the same meaning be expressed with different modals?

5. How do we use modals to refer to past, present and future times?

Literature: [4, с.124, 127-130; 6, с. 170-179; 11, с. 18-30; 14, с. 56-74; 15,

с.70-75; 16, с. 24,36, 38; 17, с. 116-125, 136-137, 139; 24, с. 65-67, 72-73; 25,

с. 103-104; 26, с.38, 40, 41].


Практичне заняття № 17 – 18

Topic Modal verbs should, ought to, be supposed to, had better: obligation

and advice. Should, ought to + perfect infinitive: unfulfilled advice, regret,


Aim: to learn about modal verbs and expressions should, ought to, be

supposed to, had better.

Короткі теоретичні відомості


Present and future

Should and ought to +


obligation and duty e.g. I think you should leave.

If you see anything strange

you should/ought to call the


Should a subjective opinion e.g. You should stay in bed

and consult a doctor.

Should/ought to/had


advice e.g. You should smoke less.

We'd better leave soon.

You ought to thank her.

*Ought to is less frequently

used and is more formal.

ought to more general and

more objective

meaning, moral duty

e.g. We ought to protect the


should/shouldn't +


(Can, could, might +

infinitive are used in

this meaning as well)

are used to express

criticism or

disapproval with

reference to present

or future time

e.g. You can be really

annoying, you know!

You shouldn't be sitting here

just doing nothing!

You might be more polite.


George could really help you!

Should and ought to +



something that can be

naturally expected

(ought~must, but

must denotes near


e.g. We needn’t get ready yet.

The guests shouldn’t come

for another hour.

This film should be very good

as it is starring first-class


You ought to be hungry now.

Apples ought to grow well


If he started at 9, he ought to

be here by four.


Should and ought to +

perfect infinitive

an action which was

desirable was not


e.g. You should have

consulted a doctor.

You ought to have

told me earlier. Why

didn't you tell me?


+ Perfect Infinitive

(Can, could, might +

perfect infinitive are used

in this meaning as well)

are used to express

criticism or disapproval

with reference to past


e.g. I should have

booked a table in

advance. Of course, you

feel sick.

You shouldn't have

eaten so much chocolate.

You might have told me

you weren't coming!

George could really have


helped you!


You should clean your car. Advice

You must take your driving license

with when you are driving a car.

Strict obligation

He ought to be more careful at the


Moral duty

He shouldn’t go out so often. Negative advice

You should have taken your umbrella

yesterday as it was raining.

action which was desirable was not


You shouldn’t have said this, he got



You might have opened the door for



You could have studied better last


You was able to do it, but you didn’t

You needn’t have taken your umbrella

yesterday, it wasn’t raining.

Unnecessary action was done

I didn’t need to take my umbrella

yesterday as it wasn’t raining.

The action wasn’t necessary, I didn’t

do it.

The modals SHOULD, OUGHT TO to express surprise

Should in that-


as an alternative to

present or past tenses

to express surprise or


e.g. I'm sorry that he should

feel that way.

It's funny that we should be

living in the same block of flats.

It's surprising that she should


have said that.

Should in rhetorical


and why-clauses

to express surprise or


e.g. Why should I do it?

Why shouldn’t you it?

I don’t know why they shouldn’t

get on very well together.

There I no reason, why they

shouldn’t get on well together.

He didn’t know why he should

have expected them to look


Should in certain


e.g. The door opened and who

should come in but Tom.

Should in set phrases e.g. How should I know?

That it should come to this!

To think that it should have

happened to me!

Ought to + Infinitive to describe smth.

exciting, funny or

beautiful (=I wish

you could)

e.g. You ought to hear the way

he plays the piano!

Practical assignments

Task 1 Give advice to people in the following situations. Use “should”:

MODEL: I’m unemployed. – You should find a job!

1. My twenty-year old son just stays at home all day watching television! 2. My

car keeps breaking down. 3. I just can’t get to sleep these days. 4. Since my

father retired, he doesn’t know what to do with himself. 5. I just don’t know

what to do with my hair. It looks awful! 6. You look tired. 7. He made me so


much upset! 8. I’m so nervous about my future job interview! 9. I’m in love, but

he lives in California and I live in Scotland! 10. My husband spends all his time

at his mother’s! 11. My wife has a tiring and stressful job. 12. My sister spends

all her time in social networks. She has no real friends. 13. We live near a busy

road. I can’t sleep at nights. 14. I always forget everything. 15. I often put off

until tomorrow what I can do today.

Task 2 Your neighbour is a foreign visitor. Answer your neighbour’s

questions, giving advice about your culture. Choose from the verbs in a box:

should/shouldn’t ought to/ought not to must/ mustn’t

can/can’t have to/don’t have to need to/needn’t/don’t need to

1. Tell me about day-to-day living – giving tips, for example. Do you pay tips in

a restaurants? If so, how much? _____________________________________

2. What about tipping in cafes and bars? And fast food places? And what about

taxis? _________________________________________________________

3. And how about shopping? My new job will keep me busy five days a week,

so when is the best time to make a big weekly shopping trip? On a weekday

evening? Or on Saturday morning? Or on Sunday? ______________________

4. And where is the best place to do my basic shopping? At small local shops in

town? At a big out-of-town shopping mall?_____________________________

5. I’ve got a couple of days before I start work. What do you think I should do to

get to know the place? Where should I go? What should I do? Is there anything I

ought to avoid? __________________________________________________

6. Do I need to do anything official? For example, do foreigners have to register

with the local police? If so, how soon? And do I need to carry an identity card?

As a foreigner her, is there anything I shouldn’t do?_______________________

Task 3 Complete the dialogue. Use “must/mustn’t/should/shouldn’t”:


Mark: This is my first sales conference with GLT, and there’s so much going on

that I can’t possibly get to everything. What should I do?

Carmen: Well, the first thing – and this absolutely necessary – is that you

_______ go to all talks and seminars on your part of the world – South and

Central America, isn’t it?

Mark: Right. And what about the opening talk by the President?

Carmen: Well, you ______ go to it, if possible, but it won’t matter much if you


Mark: And what about the discussion of new technical developments? Do you

think I __________ go?

Carmen: You __________ miss that, whatever you do. It’s very important to

keep up with these things.

Mark: Right, and what about this talk: Globe Link Technologies – the first

years? It’s at the same time as one of the regional seminars on my part of the


Carmen: Well, in that case, you _________ waste time on it. The other seminar

will be much more useful to you.

Task 4 Complete the sentences using the modals “should/ought

to/must/need/have to” in the correct tense and form:

1. We _____________ (leave) at 11 o’clock last night because the last bus went

at 11.20. 2. I don’t think you __________ (offer) to help him. You’ve got

enough work to do yourself. 3. They _________ (not pay) to stay in a hotel.

They can stay with us. 4. We’ve been staying in a hotel for the last two weeks so

we ________ (not cook) our own meals. 5. You __________ (come around) for

dinner one evening. We haven’t had a good talk for a long time. 6. We

__________ (run) all the way to the station because we were late for the train. 7.

Why ________ the prisoners _________ (be locked) in their sells all day? 8.

Hurry up. You _______ (not have) a bath now. The taxi’s coming in twenty

minutes. 9. You _________ (not allow) Max to walk home from school every


day on his own. He’s too young. 10. I don’t like __________(do) everything my

boss tells me to do. 11. You ________ (go) to that new French restaurant in

town. It’s the best restaurant I’ve ever been to. 12. Tom _________ ( not get up)

early in the morning but everyone else in the house does. 13. If I fail any of my

exams, I __________ (take) all of them again in November. 14. I _________

(tell) him what you really think of him next time you see him if I were you. 15.

The wedding’s been cancelled so I ________ (not buy) that new suit: it was a

waste of money. 16. I ________ (take) care of children to school every morning

before I go to work. 17. You _______ (eat) in the lecture halls: it’s against the

college regulations. 18. I’d like you to come to the meeting but you ________

(not come) if you don’t want to. 19. Please don’t say any more. I already know

the truth so you ________ (not lie to me). 20. Employees _______ (follow) the

safety regulations.

Task 5 Translate into Ukrainian, using modals “should/ought

to/must/need/have to”:

1. Варто поїсти перед подорожжю. 2. Не завадило б випити кави. 3. Варто

було б потрапити до банку до обіду. 4. Їй варто піти до дантиста. 5. Йому

варто провести її до вокзалу. 6. Не завадило б збиратися швидше. 7. Варто

невідкладно йти додому. 8. Йому не завадило б одягатися тепліше. 9. Їй не

завадили б теплі рукавиці. 10. Їм не варто палити. 11. Не можна гратися на

дорозі. 12. Їм довелося негайно поїхати. 13. Йому варто висипатися. 14. Їм

треба зустріти батьків. 15. Лікарі рекомендують, щоб діти більше часу

проводили на свіжому повітрі та менше перед телевізором. 16. Зварити

тобі каву? – Не варто турбуватися. 17. Вона дуже порядна людина, не слід

думати про неї погано. 18. Не можна кричати на дітей, навіть якщо ви

більше не можете слухати їхній лемент. 19. Роботи повинні лежати на

моєму столі через 15 хвилин. 20. Тобі потрібно змінити розпорядок дня,

якщо ти постійно не висипаєшся.


Task 6 You have to read the situations and write sentences with “should

(have)/shouldn’t (have)” or “didn’t need/need’t have”:

MODEL: Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. – You

should stop smoking. You should have stopped smoking long ago.

I don’t know why they left so early. The train lives at 5 p.m. – They needn’t

have hurried.

1. You friend has had a bad toothache for several days. ____________________

2. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom was driving at 50. ___________

3. When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables. We hadn’t reserved


4. It’s very cold. Mr Taylor who has been ill recently is walking around without

a coat.__________________________________________________________

5. Ann bought some eggs but when she got home she found that she already had

plenty of eggs. So_________________________________________________

6. Ann didn’t buy any eggs, she had plenty at home. So____________________

7. We went for a walk. While we were walking, we got hungry but we hadn’t

brought anything with us to eat. So__________________________________

8. I went to Paris. Marcel lives in Paris but I didn’t go to see him while I was

there. When he saw me later, he said: You______________________________

9. The children normally go to bed at 9 o’clock. It’s now 9.30. They are not in

bed. They ________________________________________________________

10. The accident happened because Tom was driving on the wrong side of the

road. He________________________________________________________

11. I ate too much chocolate. Now I’m feeling sick. _______________________

12. Tom went out and took an umbrella with him because he thought it was

going to rain. But it didn’t rain. _______________________________________

13. I don’t know why he read the whole book. ___________________________

14. Mum washed my T-shirt, but it was clean. She_______________________

15. We had enough food at home so we _______________________________

16. Jack got very angry with Jill and threw a book at her. Later Jill said: You __


17. Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won a lot of

money in a competition. So__________________________________________

18. Tom was offered a job, but he refused it. He__________________________

19. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is not 9 o’clock

but the shop isn’t open. We_________________________________________

20. I don’t know why she cancelled her holiday. She______________________

Task 7 Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive:

1. I should (send) him a birthday card, buy I forgot to. 2. He didn’t mean to be

rude. You shouldn’t (be) so angry with him yesterday. 3. It’s three o’clock and

I’m feeling very hungry. I should (eat) more for lunch. 4. The little boy was

playing with his father’s iPhone, and, of course, he broke it. He shouldn’t

(allow) to play with it. 5. The old man ran to catch the bus, although he had a

weak heart. He shouldn’t (run). 6. I was tired last summer and I should (take) a

holiday, but there was too much work to do. 7. When he went into his bedroom,

he found it icy cold; he shouldn’t (leave) the windows open. 8. The workers are

very slow; the job should (finish) a week ago. 9. To someone who wasn’t at the

party: “We had wonderful time; you should (be) there”. 10.You shouldn’t (go)

out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught a cold. 11. You should

(cross) the road by the subway, but you didn’t. 12. He should (check) that his

brakes were working properly, but he didn’t. 13. You should (warn) him that the

ice was dangerous but you didn’t. 14. Tom’s had another accident. He should

(wait) till the main road was clear. 15. Why are you so late? You should (be)

here two hours ago! 16. It’s your own fault that you’re tired. You shouldn’t (go)

to bed so late. 17. You shouldn’t (tell) him what happened. He would never

forgive us. 18. You should (work) when I came into the room, not talking. 19. I

had to walk home yesterday, I had no money. – You should (tell) me. I would

have lent you the money. 20. She shouldn’t (pick) berries in the garden now.

Tell her to come into the house.


Task 8 Translate into English, mind the ways of expressing criticism, absence

of necessity, useless actions in the past etc.:

1. Ти могла б пришити ґудзик раніше. 2. Він міг і не приходити, ми

обійшлися й без його допомоги. 3. Не потрібно було розпалювати камін, бо

стояла тепла погода. 4. Сподіваюся, тобі не довелося пожалкувати за свої

слова. 5. Не можна ховатися від грози під деревами. В дерево може

вдарити блискавка. 6. Ти могла б і не поливати квіти. Скоро буде дощ. 7.

Не потрібно було тобі заводити собаку, якщо ти не можеш гуляти з ним. 8.

Вам би слід було перевірити розрахунки іще раз, там десь має бути

помилка. 9. Не потрібно було їсти цукерки перед обідом. 10. Треба було

дати йому з собою кілька бутербродів. 11. Масло зовсім розтануло. Слід

було покласти його до холодильника. 12. Тобі слід було відразу сказати,

що тобі нецікаво, я б вимкнула телевізор. 13. Можна було й не писати твір.

14. Треба було одягти теплі шкарпетки, якщо в тебе мерзнуть ноги. 15. Не

треба було вам починати цю розмову. Вона не могла заснути всю ніч. 16.

Мені не потрібно було купувати форму, тому що я міг взяти її у брата. 17.

Тобі слід було завести будильник, щоб не проспати. 18. Слід було здати

піджак до хімчистки, а не прати його самотужки: він полиняв. 19. Тобі не

слід було братися за цю справу самому, ти все зіпсував. 20. Не треба було

згадувати його ім’я.

Task 9 Translate into English paying attention to the use of “emotional


1. Ось я й подумав, адже це абсурд, що ми живемо поруч і не

розмовляємо. 2. Дивно, що він нічого не знав про це. 3. Дивно, що Джон

виявився таким зайнятим, що у нього цілий тиждень не було часу

побачитися з нею. 4. Я не бачу підстав, чому вони повинні сердитися. 5.

«Як його звати?» – «А для чого я буду тобі говорити?» 6. Не знаю, чому

вони повинні сердитися. 7. Як трапилося, що ти привів його з собою? І

чому це він захотів прийти сюди? 8. Що могло з ними трапитися? Уявити


собі не можу, чому він так запізнюється. 9. І все ж вона не розуміла, чому

вона повинна піти. 10. Ви знаєте, як це робиться? 11. Не бачу причини,

чому б їй не допомогти своїй сестрі. 12. Для чого їй треба було замикати

двері на ключ? 13. Кого б ви думали Роджер зустрів там? Не інакше як

свого старого друга Ніколаса. 14. Джульєтта відчинила двері, і хто б ви

думали стояв перед нею? Ніхто інший як її племінниця Віолетта. 15. Для

чого йому треба було йти туди так пізно? 16. Мені жаль, що ти так погано

про мене думаєш. 17. Кумедно, що вона виявилася права. 18. А чому він

повинен був виглядати інакше? 19. А чому він повинен так думати? 20.

Було дивно, що у її віці вона така байдужа до вечірок.

Task 10 Translate into English, using “can/may/must/have to/ought

to/need/should/to be to” in all possible meanings:

1. Тобі слід було ще раз перечитати твір. Там, мабуть, є помилки. 2. Невже

зараз тільки шоста година? 3. Дарма ти так з ним розмовляв. Він міг

образитися. 4. Та вже ж він повинен про це знати. 5. У нього, певно, є

почуття гумору, а то він би таке не сказав. 6. Завтра день народження моєї

сестри. Я думаю, тобі слід їй щось подарувати. 7. Напевне, йде сильний

дощ. На вулиці нікого немає. 8. Не може бути, що він забув про свою

обіцянку. 9. Дарма ти не послав їм телеграму. Зараз вони б були вже тут.

10. Вона нічого не повинна знати про твої справи. 11. Вона, напевно,

нічого не знає про твої справи. 12. Цей іспит я маю складати через

тиждень. 13. Вибачте, що запізнився. Вам довго довелося мене чекати? 14.

Я нікуди не виходив у той вечір, бо після роботи до мене повинен був

зайти Джордж. 15. Йому довелося повернутися до готелю, бо його рейс

затримали через негоду. 16. Він знав, що має бути ще на двох нарадах

наступного тижня. 17. Тобі треба буде ще раз їм зателефонувати? 19. Тобі

не потрібно йти сьогодні до магазину, ми обідаємо в гостях. 20. Про що

вони розмовляють? – Можливо, сперечаються про сценарій.


Task 11 Translate into English, using “can/may/must/have to/ought

to/need/should/to be to” in all possible meanings:

1. Вона знала, що повинна все пояснити їм. 2. Ця новина може її налякати.

3. Тобі слід самому заробляти на життя. 4. Їх будинок повинні були знести,

і йому довелося переїхати. 5. Я сподіваюся,твоїй дружині не доводиться

мити машину. 6. Погода хороша, і ми могли б проїхатися за місто. 7. Мені

жаль, та я маю йти. Я повинен зустріти Бетті біля кінотеатру. Вже за

чверть сьома! Вона, напевно, вже чекає на мене. 8. Ти не міг би зробити це

сьогодні? 9. Мені можна йти? 9. Для чого мені йти туди пішки? 10. «Уже

пізно. Де може бути Дік?» – «Мені все одно». 11. Тобі слід навідати брата

в лікарні. 12. Можна було подумати, що він – літня людина. 13. Тобі не

слід винуватити тільки його. У цьому є й твоя вина. 14. Де мої окуляри? Їх

тут немає. Певно, я залишив їх удома. 15. Ти міг би нам сказати, що

відбувається. 16. Можливо, вони вже зробили свій вибір. 17. Я не знаю,

чому вона не хоче поговорити з ним сама. 18. Дивно, що вони включили

його до своєї команди. 19. Він, напевно, нічого їм не сказав. 20. Напевно,

вони зараз пакують речі. Поїзд від’їжджає за годину.

Task 12 Translate into English, using all possible means you know to express


1. Ти б краще подумав, як вирішувати подібні задачі. 2. Тобі слід

розмовляти з дорослими шанобливіше. 3. Ти б краще не обговорював такі

питання у присутності сторонніх. 4. Тобі слід повторити експеримент з

самого початку. 5. Кожен повинен відвідувати зубного лікаря двічі на рік.

6. Тобі не можна так багато лежати на сонці. 7. На кухні не можна

танцювати. 8. Ти б краще не переривав доповідача. 9. Не можна в’їжджати

до країни без паспорта. 10. Тобі варто було б випити кави. 11. Треба було

раніше лягти, якщо ви збиралися вставати так рано. 12. Ти б краще зустрів

своїх батьків на вокзалі. 13. Якщо ти бачив, що пожежа вже давно

почалася, варто було викликати пожежників. 14. Тобі краще зробити це


завтра. 15. Тобі слід було ретельно готуватися, якщо ти хотів вступити до

університету. 16. Ти не повинен палити. 17. Ти повинен обов’язково

покуштувати цей сир! 18. Ти мав би купити хліба, у нас немає хліба до

вечері. 19. Ви б краще поїхали подорожувати. 20. Вам краще тримати себе

в руках.

Questions for self-control

1. Which form of the main verb is used after modal verbs?

2. Can a modal follow another modal?

3. Does a modal have only one meaning?

4. Can the same meaning be expressed with different modals?

5. How do we use modals to refer to past, present and future times?

Literature: [4, с. 127, 6, с. 179-180; 11, с. 18-30; 14, с. 56-74; 15, с.70-75;

16, с.40; 17, с. 125-132, 138-139; 24, с. 65-67, 72-73; 25, с. 103-104; 26, с.41].

Практичне заняття № 19 – 20

Topic Modal verbs will, would, be going to, to be to, shall: prediction. Modal

verbs will (would), used to: willingness, habits and preferences

Aim: to study modal verbs will, would, be going to, to be to, shall, used to in

all their meanings.

Some theoretical points


Will predictions that are based on

personal judgement, opinion or

intuition, and not on present

evidence. Whether or not the

event will happen is not certain.

Such predictions are often

introduced by I think / I don't

e.g. I don't think he'll

come tonight.

I predict that Congress will

pass an anti-piracy law soon.

If you ask him,

he'll probably give you a lift.



shall can be used instead of will in

formal styles

e.g. Whatever happens,

we shall always be best friends.

shall promise, oath, strong intention,

obstinate attitude

e.g. It shall be done as you


You shall never know a sad

moment, dear, if I can help it.

I want this prize and I shall

win it.

shall + 2nd

and 3rd


threat or warning e.g. That day shall come.

She shall pay for it, she shall.

shall formal rules and regulations or

commands in an archaic style

e.g. Visitors shall be

accompanied at all times by a

security guard.

You shall not kill.

Will general predictions about facts

that are always true or events that

always happen

e.g. Salty water will freeze at a

lower temperature than pure


A gentleman will hold the door

for a lady.

Be going to to predict future events that are

very near (and can be seen) or

seem sure to happen. Such

predictions are based on present


e.g. I'm going to faint.

Look at the clouds; it's going

to rain.

My sister is going to have a


Be going to to express future intentions that, at

the moment of speaking, have

already been decided

e.g. We are going to

redecorate the living room next



Are you going to propose to


Do you think Sam's going to

apply for the job?

Will express future intentions that are

decided at the time of speaking

(spontaneous offers, promises and


e.g. Come on, I'll help you with

those bags. (offer)

I will always love you. (promis


I'll have a wiener

schnitzel. (decision)

shall will to announce intentions (shall is

more formal than will)

e.g. I shall definitely give

up smoking this year.

Would +


refer to unreal situations in the

present or future

e.g. It would be nice to live by

the sea. (I don't live by the sea)

It would be great to go hiking

in the Appalachians again. (I

may or may not go)

in the main clause of a sentence in

the second conditional

e.g. I wouldn't do that if I were

you. (I am not you)

I would help you if you asked

me to. (you may or may not ask


Would +



unreal situations in the past/a

hypothetical past situation which

did not happen. We often use

an if-clause to describe the


e.g. It would have been

wonderful to meet you in


I would have helped you if you

had asked me to. (you didn't

ask me)





Will willingness in the present e.g. I will take you to the airport. I have

nothing to do tomorrow.

If you will wait for a moment, I'll see if

Mr Hawking is available.

Won't unwillingness or refusal e.g. My bank won't allow me to make

international transactions.

Greg just won't answer the phone.

The door won't open.


Wouldn't unwillingness or refusal

in the past

e.g. I took the phone back to the shop,

but they wouldn't give me a


Try as I might, the door wouldn't open.



Would annoying habits which are

typical of a person

e.g. Tom would do something like

that, wouldn't he? It's so typical of


Will to emphasise the

characteristics of a

person rather than

describing the person

himself or herself

insistence, resistence,

persistent actions

e.g. A friend will always help you.

(this is one of the characteristics of a


e.g. He will try to mend it himself.



characteristic behaviour

e.g. What will be, will be.

Accidents will happen.

Boys will be boys.

Truth will out.

If people study, they will learn.

Oil will float in water.

This car will hold six people



will +



the thing fails to perform

its function

e.g. The door will not open.

The orange won’t peel.



refusal to do smth. e.g. I won’t accept you offer.


Used to past habits and states

which were true in the

past but are not true any

more. It can be used with

both action verbs and

state verbs

e.g. On Sundays, my parents used to

take me to dance school. (habit,

action verb) I used to hate dancing

in those days. (state, state verb)

The negative and

interrogative forms

of used to

e.g. I didn't use to like dancing in

those days.

Why did you use to hate dancing?

Used to + infinitive

should not be confused

with be/get used to +

gerund (verb-ing)

e.g. She used to live alone in a small

apartment. (it was true in the past,

but not any more)

She was used to living alone in a


small apartment. (she was

accustomed to it) She got used to

living alone in a small

apartment. (she became accustomed

to it)

Would repeated past actions

but not states;

disapproval of smth.


e.g. From time to time, he would

call her to ask if she wanted to meet

for lunch.

e.g. You would be late!

You would forget!

used to

or would ?

with action verbs, often

either used to or would is


e.g. On Sundays, my parents used to

take me to dance school.

On Sundays, my parents would

take me to dance school.

with state verbs,

however, only used to is

possible because we talk

about situations, not


e.g. I used to hate dancing in those


I would hate dancing in those days.

with would past time

reference is necessary;

used to can be used with

or without it

e.g. I used to go out a lot.

Before I got this job, I used to/would

go out a lot.

would always

do smth.

irony, criticism e.g. She would always send us

strange birthday presents.

would never it happened before, not


e.g. Sally would never arrive early in




the thing failed to

perform its function

e.g. The engine wouldn’t start.

He tried to open the suitcase, but it







refusal to do smth. e.g. They wouldn’t listen to me.

NB! In the secondary uses the modals (exept shall) can be arranged according to

the degree of certainty (probability) or certainty that the speaker feels. Might is

the most uncertain modal, while must is the most certain.

Certain Must That must be Jane.

↑ Will That will be Jane.

More Would That would be Jane. More hesitant assumption

that will

↑ Ought to That ought to be Jane.

Probable Should That should be Jane. Should and ought to are not

always interchangeable

↓ Can That can be Jane.

Less Could That could be Jane.

↓ May That may be Jane.

Least Might That might be Jane.

The negative of all sentences (except with must) is formed according to the

regular pattern:

e.g. That should not be Jane.

That won’t be Jane.

Instead must we use can’t to form the negative:

Certain Positive Certain negative

That must be Jane. That can’t be Jane.

That must have been Jane. That can’t have been/couldn’t have

been Jane.

The past of all the modals in the scale above is formed by adding:


have + Past Participle (V3)

e.g. That must have been Jane.

That will have been Jane.

That would have been Jane.

Practical assignments

Task 1 Complete the following sentences using “will” or “going to” in the

correct form. Sometimes both are possible:

a A I ____________ make myself a sandwich. Do you want one?

B No thanks. I ___________ have something later.

b A Helen and Les ______ Florida this year for their holidays.

B How wonderful! The boys _______ love it, especially Disneyland.

c A Bye, Mum. I _____ meet Tom and Mel. I _____ be back at about ten


B Have a good time, but don’t be late again or I _______ be furious.

d A Jo _____ be mad with me when she finds out I’ve smashed the car.

B She ______ understand. Just tell her it wasn’t my you fault.

e A I (not) _______ work today, I feel awful.

B Don’t worry, I ______ ring your boss and tell her you’re sick.

f A I’m tired. I think I _____ go to bed.

B Goodnight. I _______ watch the news, then I _____ join you.

g A My boss has told me I _____ be promoted. I’m afraid that means longer


at the office, darling.

B Don’t worry. I ________ get myself a dog for company. I’m sure we


Have more to talk about!

h A Mr Smith, now you’ve won the lottery you _____ be the richest man in

England. How do you feel about that?

B I _________ tell you next week. I’m too overwhelmed to think about it now.

i A I’ve got to phone a Paris number. Do you know the code?


B No, I ________ in the directory for you.

j A What are you doing over the Easter holidays?

B Absolutely nothing. We _______ rest.

k A Did you hear the weather forecast?

B Yes. ________ cold at first, then _______ a little warmer this afternoon, and

this evening ______ some light showers.

l A Why did you buy a house in such terrible condition?

B It was cheap. We _______ modernize it from top to bottom, and we ______

Make it into a restaurant. What do you think?

m A If you are elected, what ______ your party _____ about unemployement?

B We have carefully considered this issue. When we are elected, as we most

certainly be, we ________ create half a million new jobs.

n A What are you doing here? Annie’s expecting you for lunch.

B I completely forgot! I ______ a ring, and tell her I ______ be late. Thanks

For reminding me.

o A How will the proposed tax increase on petrol affect your business?

B To be perfectly honest, we haven’t thought about it yet. We _______ cross

That bridge when we get to it.

p A When is you baby due?

B Next month.

A What _________ call it if it’s a boy?

B Thomas.

Task 2 Future probability: put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

Choose from the following forms:


Might do

May be doing




1. There’s no point in phoning him this afternoon. He _______ (work) in the

garden, and he _______ (not hear) the phone. 2. Don’t forget your umbrella.

You never know, it ______ (rain). 3. I hope we _____ (not disturb) Pat when we

drop in tonight. – Don’t worry. She ______ (not work). She told me yesterday

she never works in the evenings. 4. It’s a crazy idea, but it _______ (work). 5.

I’ve invited Jane to the party on Saturday. – She _______ (not come). She hates

parties. 6. I’ve bought ten kilos of cheese for the party. – That’s rather a lot, isn’t

it? They _____ (not like) cheese. 7. Why haven’t you gone to the airport? I

thought you were going to Rome. – I’m sure the plane _____ (delay). The

weather’s too bad. 8. Be careful with a dog. She turns a bit nasty sometimes, and

_______ (bite) you. 9. I don’t know why I bother with my girlfriend. I know

exactly what _______ (happen) tonight. I ______ (go) round to her house to

pick her up, she ________ (have) a bath or ______ (do) her hair as she always

is, and I ________ (have to) wait three hours for her to get ready. 10. I have

nothing to wear for this party. All I’ve got is this old black dress, and Suzy

_______ (wear) something spectacular, as usual. 11. We _______ (move) to

Oxford. We aren’t sure. 12. Harry is packing his suitcase. He _____ (go) on

holiday. 13. It’s been snowing all night. It ______ (be) difficult to drive to work.

14. Who’s at the front door? It _______ (be) Tom. 15. You _______ (not pass)

your exam. You haven’t done any revision at all.

Task 3 Present probability: respond to the statements or questions using the

words in brackets. Put the verb in its correct form.

MODEL: Jane’s got a lot of spots. (might, chicken pox) → She might have

chicken pox.

1. Jenny looks really unhappy. (must, miss, boyfriend). 2. Where’s Kate? It’s

eleven o’clock in the morning! (can’t, still, sleep) 3. Where are the scissors?

(should, the top drawer). 4. Why are all lights on in their house? (could, have,

party). 5. James has been working all night. (must, have, deadline to meet) 6.

Timmy can’t find his little sister. (may, hide, in the wardrobe) 7. The Science


Museum is very well signposted. (shouldn’t, find, difficult) 8. It’s incredible!

(can’t, be, the truth). 9. I don’t know where she is. (may, do the shopping) 10.

They haven’t arrived yet. (can’t, come) 11. Where’s Ann? (could, wash her hair)

12. I won’t phone Jennifer now. (might, have the test) 13. The train got in half

an hour ago. (they, should, be) 14. The weather’s lovely at this time of a year.

(they, should, have a nice holiday) 15. Barbara’s back at work now. (must, feel


Task 4 Deductions about present and past: complete the sentences, putting

the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. What are all those people doing with those lights and cameras? – They

_______ (must/make) a film. 2. I wonder how the thief got into our apartment? –

He ______ (could/use) the fire escape or he (might/climb up) that tree. 3. I saw

Harry waving someone off in a taxi. – That _______ (would/be) his cousin from

Australia. 4. Bill told me that he’d spent ₤50,000 on a birthday present for his

girlfriend, but he ______ (may/joke). He ________ (can’t/spend) that much. – I

think you _______ (must/mishear) him. 5. It’s five past eleven. Ken and Cathy’s

plane _________ (should/touch/down) in Kennedy Airport right now. – You

watch (must/be) slow. It’s nearly half past. Their plane __________ already

(will/land). 6. Bring very warm clothes. It ________ (could/snow) when we

arrive. It ________ (can/snow) in the mountains even in summer. 7. Stella’s

wearing a beautiful diamond ring. She _________ (must/get engaged) to Andy.

8. Look at the length of the grass in Bill’s garden. He ________ (should/cut) it

for ages. 9. The children ran away laughing and giggling. They __________

(might/do) something naughty. 10. There’s flour on grandma’s nose. She

_________ (must/make a cake). 11. My white jeans have turned pink! They

________ (must/wash – passive) with something red. 12. David’s pet gold fish

has died. He ________ (can’t/feed) it properly. 13. A tree has fallen across the

road. It _________ (must/blow down – passive) by the wind. 14. The car

windscreen is broken. It _________ (must/shatter– passive) by a stone. 15. It’s


after midnight. Henry and Sally left ages ago. They ___________ (will/arrive)


Task 5 Complete the sentences with “can/could/may/might/will/should/ought

to/must” and an infinitive in the appropriate form.

MODEL: Kerry’s rather late. She must have missed (miss) the train.

Traveller’s cheques can/may be exchanged (be exchanged) at most


1. They’re not answering the phone so they __________ (be) out. 2. Don’t

phone her now. It ___________ (be) the middle of the night in Australia. 3.

They ___________ (not move) house yet. I saw them in town this morning. 4. I

haven’t seen Molly this week. I think she ____________ (visit) her parents but

I’m not sure. 5. Her exam results are coming soon. She worked very hard so she

__________ (do) well. 6. That woman’s just fallen over. Let’s go and see her:

she __________ (be) hurt. 7. I don’t know where she is. She __________ (not

still play) tennis: it’s been dark for the last hour. 8. I sent the letter two days ago

so she __________ (get) it by now, but you can never be sure. 9. The

encyclopedias ___________ (be found) on the second floor of the library. 10.

Jim’ been very quiet since his girlfriend went away. He ____________ (miss)

her. 11. I __________ (come) and visit you at the weekend. Anyway, I’ll give

you a ring to let you know. 12. She was with a man I didn’t recognize. It

____________ (be) her brother because he looked a bit like her. 13. The roads

are fairly quiet today so we __________ (have) a good journey. 14. Do you

think Josephine __________ (be) at home now? – No, she ____________. She

____________ (have) a swim. She always does it at this time in the morning.

15. Why do you think Tricia was in such a hurry? – I don’t know. She

___________ (run) to catch a bus. 16. These glasses ____________ (be) Tim’s:

they look like his. 17. It __________ (not rain): the ground’s completely dry. 18.

I _____________ (join) the sports club in the summer but I haven’t decided yet.


19. What a terrible thing to have happened. You ___________ (be) terrified. 20.

I told her you were coming so she __________ (expect) you.

Task 6 Write “will/won’t/must/can’t/should” and an appropriate Infinitive

(present or past, simple or continuous) in each gap. Change the verb in

brackets as necessary.

1. OK. Don’t worry about the phone. I’ll answer it. It (a) ____________ (be)

David ringing me about tonight’s meeting.

‘Hello. 37885’

‘Hello John. It’s David. I tried ringing you earlier, but I got no reply. You (b)

_________ (be) out.’

‘I haven’t been out all morning. You (c) ___________ (get) the right number.

Never mind. What about the meeting? How many people can we expect?’

‘There (d) ___________ (be) quite a few, judging by the number of enquiries

we’ve been having. One thing’s worrying me. I haven’t heard from the speaker,

Joan Bakewell. I’m sure she (e) __________ (forget), but it isn’t like here not to

get in touch. Shall I give her a ring?’

‘Not now, no. She (f) ____________ (teach). You’d better wait an hour or so.’

‘I’ve bought twenty bottles of wine for the party afterwards. That (g) _________

(be) enough, don’t you think?’

‘Yes, plenty. I’ll see you later. Bye.’


2. ‘You (h) ___________ (be) very excited about your new book.’

‘Yes, I am. It (i) ___________ (sell) quite well if the publishers’ research is


‘It (j) ________ (take) you long time to write.’

‘About three years, yes.’

‘What about your first book?’

‘I’m not terribly sure, but it (k) _____________ (do) very well, because it hasn’t

been reprinted, and the first print run was only five hundred copies.’


‘Better luck with this one!’


3. My bank statement says I’m overdrawn. There (l) ___________ (be) some

mistake. I (m) ______________ (get) through a whole month’s salary already!’

‘We (n) ____________ (spend) too much money on the house lately.’

‘But how come I’m overdrawn?’

‘It (o) __________ (be) the desk we bought. It was over eight hundred pounds.’

‘How much have you got?’

‘About four hundred pounds.’

‘Oh, well. That (p) ______________ (get) us through to the end of the month if

we’re careful.’

4. ‘Do you think Joey (q) ____________ (get) my letter yet?’

‘She (r) _____________ (receive) it by now. I haven’t heard of any hold-ups

with the post. When did you send it?’

‘Last week. I just wonder why she hasn’t rung to tell us now she intends to pay

us back the money she owes us.’

‘She (s) ____________ (think) up a good excuse as to why she can’t, I bet.’

Task 7 Translate into English:

1. Ти отримаєш велосипед на день народження, я в цьому впевнена. 2.

Якщо ти запізнишся на роботу іще раз, тебе звільнять. 3. Колись ти

пригадаєш мої слова, але вже буде пізно. 4. Мені написати цю вправу іще

раз? 5. Ти нікуди сьогодні не підеш, якщо не вивчиш географію. 6. Я

обов’язково дістану тобі цю книгу. 7. Що б не трапилось, я обов’язково

тебе знайду. 8. Ключ ніяк не повертався в замку. 9. Ти не позичиш мені

свій фен? 10. Вікно не зачиняється, допоможи мені. 11. Він навіть і слухати

мене не хоче. 12. Я тебе покараю, якщо ти не припиниш битися. 13. Вона

не погоджувалася ні на які умови. 14. Він обов’язково зайде до вас перед

обідом. 15. Я впевнена, що він стане капітаном. 16. Допоможи мені

зачинити валізу, вона ніяк не зачиняється. 17. Хочеш помаранча? 18. Усі


речі будуть доставлені цілими і неушкодженими, я простежу за цим. 19.

Якщо ця робота не дістанеться мені, вона не дістанеться нікому іншому.

20. Ти ще почуєш моє ім’я!

Task 8 Translate into English:

1. Запам’ятай! Ти більше ніколи не з’явишся у цьому домі! 2. Ти не

перевіриш мій твір? 3. Тобі за все доведеться відповідати, стережися! 4.

Авто ніяк не заводилося, і він почав нервувати. 5. Він ніколи не відповідав

на мої питання. 6. Ну що ж ти хочеш, хлопці завжди залишаються

хлопцями. 7. Ти більш не зробиш їй боляче, я обіцяю. 8. Автобус ніяк не

відправляється, ми можемо запізнитися. 9. Повторити речення ще раз? 10.

Запам’ятай моє слово, тобі ніколи не доведеться перетнутися з ним. 11. Він

ніяк не закінчить переодягатися. 12. Вона намагалася заспокоїтися, але

тривога не відступала. 13. Він годинами говорить про здоровий спосіб

життя. 14. Собака все гавкав і гавкав. 15. Де поставити крісло? 16. Я

зроблю все залежне від мене, не майте сумнівів. 17. Хоч я й мав квиток,

білетер мене не впускав. 18. Що я не робила, телефон усе ж не працював.

19. Одного дня ти зустрінеш саме такого чоловіка. 20. Його лікують

найкращі лікарі, але йому ніяк не стає краще.

Task 9 a) Present habit: match a sentence in A with a sentence in B:


1. She’s really generous.

2. He’s so disorganized.

3. She’s so fashionable.

4. He’s so dishonest.

5. She’s incredibly house-proud.

6. He’s really stubborn.

7. She’s so rude.

8. He’s so gullible.

a He’s always working overtime.

b She never thinks before she speaks.

c He won’t ever do what he’s told.

d She’s always buying me presents.

e He’s always telling lies.

f She’ll only wear designer clothes.

g He never finishes anything he starts.

h She’s always dusting and polishing.


9. She’s very energetic.

10. He’s very ambitious.

i He’ll believe anything you say.

j She jogs to work every day.

b) Write similar sentences to those in B above. Use either the Present Simple,

always + the Present Continuous, or will:

1. She adores ice-cream. ___________________________________________

2. He’s dreadfully big-headed. ______________________________________

3. She’s very fussy about her food. ____________________________________

4. He hates all sport. _______________________________________________

5. They’re terrible spendthrifts. _______________________________________

6. He’s a real computer freak. _______________________________________

7. She’s a telly addict! _____________________________________________

8. He’s a total pessimist. ____________________________________________

9. Their children have terrible table manners. ___________________________

10. He’s such a loyal friend._________________________________________

Task 10 Past habit: complete the sentences with the correct form of “used

to/would” or Past Simple, positive, question, or negative:

1. There __________ be a beautiful old building where that car park is now. 2.

__________ have a Saturday job when you were at school? 3. She _________

be so moody. It’s only since she lost her job. 4. ___________ play cricket when

you were at school? 5. My grandfather never ___________ get so out of breath

when he climbed the stairs. 6. Julie ____________ be as slim as she is now.

She’s been dieting. 7. Where ____________ go out to eat when you lived in

Madrid? 8. ________ smoke 60 cigarettes a day? How did you give up? 9. We

________ Auntie Jean. 10. I _________ long blonde hair when I was married.

11. Pam _______ out with Andy for six months but then she ditched him. 12.

We ______ coffee and croissants every morning for breakfast. 13. We

_________ to each other every day when we were apart. 14. He ______ to me

for 25 years and then stopped. 15. In the old days people _________ you if you


were in trouble. 16. I ________ living so close to sea. 17. Dave ______ Molly

three times if she wanted to go out with him. 18. I _________ questions in class.

I was so shy. 19. The baby doesn’t cry so much now but she _________ every

night. 20. Now there is only one shop in the village but there _______ three.

Task 11 Rewrite the sentences below so that they express a criticism:

MODEL: My dad mends his motorbike in the living room.→ My dad will/is

always mending his motorbike in the living room.

She often gave us extra lessons. → She would give/was always giving us extra


1. My brother leaves the cap off the toothpaste. 2. My sister often borrows my

clothes without asking. 3. Uncle Tom smokes cigars in the kitchen. 4. My

grandpa used to chew tobacco in bed. 5. Our great-grandma didn’t use to turn on

her hearing aid. 6. He watches all the sports programmes on TV. 7. The cat

always sleeps in my bed. 8. Andrew always comes home late. 9. My sister often

left her room in a big mess. 10. My mum does the cleaning so often, she’s

obsessed about it. 11. He laughs a lot. 12. She often talked at lessons when she

was a pupil. 13. The trains are often delayed. 14. I often worked overtime last

year. 15. My mother often shouted at me for being late.

Task 12 Complete the sentences with “would” or “used to”. Where either form

is possible, write them both:

MODEL: I used to have lots of free time before I started working here.

In the long summer holidays, we used to/would go out somewhere with a picnic

every day.

1. When I was a newly-trained teacher, I _________ work till late every night

preparing lessons. 2. They ______ be happy together but they’re not now. 3.

When they came to London, they ________ (never) travel anywhere on the tube.

4. When I had a car, I ________ drive everywhere, but now I’m much fitter

because I always walk or cycle. 5. During my last year at university, I ________


go to the library to start work at 9 o’clock every morning. 6. When we shared a

flat together, we _______ (often) stay up talking late into the night. 7. When

Amy was a baby, people _________ (often) come up to me to tell how beautiful

she was. 8. He _______ be very overweight but he’s much slimmer now. 9.

When I was at school, I _______ (never) do my homework until Sunday

evening. 10. I _________ work in the same department as your sister. 11. When

I was a teenager, I ________ (often) spend the whole evening just listening to

music. 12. She _______ have a lot of friends when she was younger. 13. He

______ go for a run every day. 14. When we were children, my brother and I

______ fight all the time. 15. She ________ have long hair, but now she wears it


Task 13 Read the story of Henry Wardle. Which of the verbs in italics…

1… can change to both “would” or “used to”?

2… can change only to “used to”?

3… must stay in the Past Simple?

Put the correct number 1-3 next to the letters.

The villagers in Middleton, Yorkshire often (a) __ worried about poor old

Henry Wardle. Henry,86, (b) __lived alone except for his ancient cat, Tiddles, in

a tiny, one-bedroom cottage, and always (c) __ asked for credit when buying cat

food in a local shop. Then last month Henry (d) __ died leaving 4.5 million

pounds in his will. The truth was that Henry was a multi-millionaire, and he (e)

__ owned houses all over the country from which he (f) __ made a fortune in

rent. All this came as a complete shock to his neighbours. They believed that

Henry (g) __ was a poor window cleaner, and indeed he often (h) __ entertained

them with tales from his window-cleaning days.

However, his brother, Mr Sam Wardle, 82, said that this was all nonsense.

Henry had never been a window cleaner but had started work at the age of

fourteen as a bricklayer. Then when he was 30 he (i) __ bought his first house,

and after that he frequently (j) __ bought and sold houses. Sam says that his


brother’s only interest was making money, but he (k) __ hated spending it. He

(l) __ didn’t spend a penny of his own money unless he had to. Henry never

once (m) __ had a holiday, but for many years he (n) __ girlfriend, a lady called

Betty Barraclough, but he (o) __ decided not to marry her because a wife was

too expensive.

Henry (p) __ left his ₤ 4,500,000 to Tiddles and a local cat charity. His

friends and family received nothing.

Task 14 Translate into English (present and past habit):

1. Він годинами сидить перед комп’ютером. 2. Після обіду він зазвичай

дрімав у садку. 3. Після вечері вони зазвичай грали у шахи. 4. Коли він мав

поганий настрій, то відкривав томик Шекспіра. 5. Він перед сніданком

бігав. 6. У дитинстві бабуся розповідала мені казки перед тим, як лягти

спати. 7. Він завжди затримувався на роботі. 8. Він клацнув вимикачем

кілька разів, але лампа не горіла. 9. Вона проводила цілі дні на березі

лісового озера. 10. Я намагалася вмовити її продати будинок, але вона й

слухати мене не хотіла. 11. Я вже тричі запрошував її на танець, але вона

не хоче танцювати зі мною. 12. Раніше я їздила на канікули до бабусі в

село, а тепер надаю перевагу табору. 13. Колись він жив у нашому

будинку, чи не так? 14. Ти колись вчилася у цій школі? Неймовірно! 15.

Раніше я захоплювався фантастикою, а тепер мене більше цікавлять

історичні романи. 16. Колись він був таким скромним хлопцем, а зараз

перетворився на хулігана. 17. Колись я багато років працював над

вирішенням цієї проблеми, але так нічого і не домігся. 18. У ті роки я

ходив до кіна майже кожного дня. 19. Хто раніше мешкав у квартирі над

нами? 20. Бувало, він брав свої вудки і зникав на цілий день.

Task 15 Translate into English (present and past habit):

1. Вона годинами сиділа біля каміну, дивлячись у вогонь. 2. Пляма ніяк не

відмивалася. 3. Вона крутиться перед дзеркалом з ранку до вечора. 4.


Інколи в ясну погоду звідси можна побачити протилежний берег. 5. Цей

ніж не ріже, дай мені інший. 6. Він годинами розглядав марки в альбомі. 7.

Вона відчувала себе дуже самотньою після від’їзду сина. 8. Він годинами

цитував цілі сторінки з роману. 9. Він купив старе авто і годинами його

ремонтував. 10. Раніше у цій скриньці мама зберігала коштовності. 11.

Вона завжди купувала газету для дідуся, коли ходила за покупками. 12.

Раніше він розповідав нам про всі подробиці, а тепер приховує щось. 13.

Раніше я брала книги в бібліотеці, а тепер користуюся мережею Інтернет.

14. Мій син постійно забуває мити руки. 15. Він завжди вирішував свої

проблеми сам. 16. Він часто ходить плавати до річки. 17. Навушники не

працюють, я нічого не чую. 18. Він намагався відкрити банку з

помідорами, але вона ніяк не відкривалася. 19. Раніше він досить добре

говорив англійською, а зараз геть усе забув. 20. Раніше він приділяв багато

уваги заняттям музикою.

Task 16 Translate into English, making deductions about something:

1. Мабуть, у цьому магазині сезонний розпродаж. Подивися, які низькі

ціни. 2. Мабуть, наш сусід вийшов на пенсію. Тепер я зустрічаю його

кожного дня. 3. Напевно, у цьому магазині завжди багато покупців. Тут

найсмачніший хліб. 4. Я впевнений, це найвищий будинок у місті. 5.

Певно, ти не дуже любиш граматику, якщо отримуєш такі низькі оцінки. 6.

Мабуть, у тебе не дуже хороший принтер. Мені не подобається якість

друку. 7. Напевне, мільйони людей в усьому світі користуються

продукцією фірми Майкрософт. 8. Очевидно, у нього так болить зуб, що

він навіть вирішив піти до зубного лікаря. 9. Цього просто не може бути!

Він, мабуть, вимкнув свій мобільний телефон. 10. Не може бути, що річка

замерзла. Мороз не такий вже й сильний. 11. Напевно, вона має гарний

смак. Вона завжди одягнена дуже елегантно. 12. Не може бути, що мама не

помітила, що ми розбили люстру. 13. Мама, напевно, так розсердилася, що

не хоче з нами розмовляти. 14. Напевне, я захворію, у мене вже почався


нежить. 15. Напевно, вона знову не вивчила правила. 16. Очевидно, з мене

хтось пожартував. 17. Невже він залишився таким хвальком, як і в

дитинстві? 18. Напевно, він не вміє плавати: він ніколи не заходить

глибоко. 19. Учора я ледь не забула парасольку вдома. 20. Не може бути,

що ти спиш усього три години на добу.

Task 17 Translate into English, making deductions about something:

1. Напевно, вона помилилася, коли рахувала гроші. 2. Не може бути, що

вона зробила це навмисно. 3. Ви, напевне, не знали, що наша компанія

давно не займається будівельними матеріалами. 4. Очевидно, їй не

сподобалися мої слова, адже вона не приходить більше і не телефонує. 5.

Не може бути, щоб ваш телефон не працював цілих два тижні, ви могли б

викликати майстра. 6. Вона живе в цій квартирі, напевно, вже близько двох

місяців. 7. Очевидно, він добре пише, якщо його книги користуються

таким шаленим попитом. 8. Вона може не розуміти всієї серйозності

ситуації, і, мабуть, тому продовжує опиратися. 9. Він міг би приховати

свою думку, якби його не спровокували на відверту розмову. 10. Можливо,

його не було б зараз в живих, якби поруч не з’явилася машина швидкої

допомоги. 11. Напевно, ялинка не впала б, якби ви не ганялися один за

одним, як божевільні. 12. Мені не довелося за тебе червоніти, якби ти хоч

раз в житті міг промовчати. 13. Очевидно, шпалери не відпали б, якби ви

купили хороший клей. 14. Можливо, його б обрали президентом, якби він

не припустився такої прикрої помилки. 15. Очевидно, вона б розставила всі

крапки над «і», якби хтось поцікавився її думкою. 16. Можливо, молоко

вже закипіло б, якби ти не забув увімкнути газ. 17. Я могла б спробувати

знайти іншу роботу, але мало вірю в успіх таких пошуків. 18. Вона могла б

і не впасти, якби не полінувалася увімкнути світло. 19. Очевидно, я могла б

вам допомогти, якби мала відношення до цієї справи. 20. Якби ти зміг

зв’язатися з братом, ми б зараз не роздумували над тим, що робити далі.


Questions for self-control

1. Which form of the main verb is used after modal verbs?

2. Can a modal follow another modal?

3. Does a modal have only one meaning?

4. Can the same meaning be expressed with different modals?

5. How do we use modals to refer to past, present and future times?

Literature: [4, с. 130-132; 6, с. 182-186; 11, с. 18-30; 14, с. 56-74; 15, с.70-

75; 16, с. 18, 24, 32; 17, с. 126, 132-136; 24, с. 65-67, 72-73; 25, с. 109; 26,

с.32, 33].

Практичне заняття № 21

Тopic Modal verbs expressing offers, requests, permissions, suggestions:

can (could), may (might), would, must, shall, would you mind etc. Modal verb


Aim: to learn about modal verbs expressing offers, requests, permissions,

suggestions: can (could), may (might), would, must, shall, would you mind etc.,

modal verb dare.

Short theoretical points



Modals to express

offers and requests

Can, could,

will, shall

and may

e.g. Can I help you?

May I carry your suitcase, Madam? (only

in first-person questions)

I could give you a lift.

Shall I copy this document for you? (only

in first-person questions)

I will make you a coffee.

Will you pass me the salt, please?


Modals to express


Can, could,

will and


e.g. Can you lend me $10?

Can I borrow your car?

Could you tell me where the train station is?

Could I have a cigarette?

Will you turn off your mobile phone,


Would you open the door for me?

Would you mind stepping outside for a


Modals to express




might and


e.g. Shouldn't we have a pizza instead?

You could talk to your parents

and ask them.

You might consider taking up meditation.

Shall we throw a party sometime next


Might is often used with want or like to add


I thought you might want/like to read this.

in everyday

conversation to

suggest something

when you can't

think of anything

better to do


as well

e.g. We may as well call it off.

You might just as well order it on the



Dare means "have the courage to do something" and can behave either as a

modal verb or as a main verb:

As a modal verb: dare is in negative and e.g. I daren't think how


followed by a bare


interrogative sentences many victims there are.

How dare she criticize us?

Dare as a main verb can

be followed by a bare

infinitive or a to-


Present and past

To have the


To challenge

e.g. Do you dare (to)

tell him what happened to

his bike?

e.g. Who dares (to)

argue with me?

I dared him to jump.

expression Don't you


is always followed by a

bare infinitive

e.g. Don't you dare

interrupt me!

I dare say = I suppose,

no doubt

set phrases e.g. I dare say you are


I dare say he will come


Practical assignments

Task 1 Write what to say using “can, could, may, might, shall, would, would

like, would like, would you mind. There may be several possible answers.

MODEL: Offer to open the door for a stranger. → Shall I open the door for


Ask someone to answer the phone for you. → Would you answer the phone for

me, please?

1. Invite a friend to go for a swim this morning. _______________________

2. Offer to make someone a sandwich. _______________________________

3. Request an appointment to see your bank manager, Ms. Arnold. __________

4. Give someone a permission to use your phone. ______________________

5. Suggest going for a picnic this afternoon. __________________________

6. Ask someone to wait here for you. _______________________________


7. Give your son permission to go out but tell him to be back before dark. ____

8. You are in the train. Ask another passenger if you can open the window.


9. You are the teacher. Give your students permission to work outside today but

tell them not to talk too much. _____________________________________

10. Offer to answer the phone. _____________________________________

11. Ask a friend for a pen. _________________________________________

12. Invite your friend to go to the cinema with you. ____________________

13. You have a car and you want to give someone a lift. ________________

14. You have to go to the airport but you don’t know how to get there. ________

15. You are at an interview. You want to smoke a cigarette. _______________

16. You want to leave your work early because you have some important things

to do. Ask your boss. ____________________________________________

17. You’re on a train. The woman next to you has finished reading the

newspaper. Now you want to have a look at it. ________________________

18. You are sitting in a crowded bus. There is an old lady standing. Offer her to

seat. ___________________________________________________________

19. The person in the next room has some music on very. How do you ask him

politely to turn it down? __________________________________________

20. A friend has just come to see you in your flat. Offer him something to drink.


Task 2 Rewrite the following sentences using a modal:

MODEL: Why don’t we go and see a film tonight? → Shall we go to the cinema


1. I’m asking you to answer the door. 2. I’m asking permission to use your

phone. 3. I give permission to smoke. 4. You are allowed to drive for a year in

Britain with an international licence. 5. I offer you a cup of coffee. 6. I invite

you to have a cup of coffee. 7. You want to try on a jacket in a shop. 8. Is it


possible for me to sit here? 9. Am I allowed to smoke in here? 10. I suggest you

having a game of tennis. 11. I let you borrow these books wherever you like. 12.

I invite you to come round tomorrow. 13. I’m not sure whether it is possible to

leave my bag here. 14. I can’t open the door and I’m asking for help. 15. I’m

offering to make a breakfast for you.

Task 3 Underline the correct verb form in the sentences below:

1. I’m getting married, Dad! – Don’t you dare!/You’d better not! 2. Did he

dare/Used he to practice playing chess when he was a student? 3. She used

not/didn’t dare to have regular English classes then. 4. We used to have/had

three English classes last week. 5. They used to have/had three English classes a

week for a month. 6. Did she dare/use to call at your place after all that

happened? 7. How dare/should you? Get lost right now! 8. You’d dare/You’d

better start learning English seriously. 9. I dare say/should say it was not easy.

10. Will/Would/Shall we dance? 11. Will/Would/Shall you like to have some tea

with me? 12. I really will/shall/would start a new life on Monday. 13. Come in

and have a seat, will/would/shall you? 14. What will/would/shall I say if they ask

about it? 15. Will/Would/Shall I give you a lift?

Task 4 Translate into English

1. Не смій клянчити цукерки у молодшого брата. 2. А ну, порахуй від 1 до

50! 3. Вона не наважувалася попросити водія зупинити машину. 4.

Наважусь нагадати вам, що ви самі наказали подати вам обід до кабінету.

5. Я впевнена, що ніхто не наважиться ставити під сумнів результати

іспиту. 6. Я не наважуюся сперечатися з ним навіть щодо дрібниць. 7.

Учитель так суворо подивився на мене, що я не наважилася повторити своє

запитання. 8. Чи хтось наважиться сказати шефу, що він зробив помилку?

9. Якщо ти хоч колись наважишся сказати це слово в моїй присутності, я

тебе відлупцюю. 10. Мабуть, я ризикну сама зайнятися твоїм вихованням.

11. Не смій грати в карти на гроші, це погано скінчиться. 12. Можна я


пошию сукню для ляльки з твоєї блузки? – Тільки спробуй! 13. Боюся, що

ніколи не наважуся покинути роботу і розпочати свою приватну справу.

14. Якщо вона вже наважилася критикувати керівництво на зборах, то не

злякається підписати лист. 15. Ану, з’їж усе морозиво! 16. Як ти смієш так

нахабно посміхатися після того, що накоїв у школі! 17. А я розповім усе

мамі. – Тільки спробуй! 18. Я маю сумніви щодо того, що хтось

наважиться вимагати підвищення зарплатні. 19. Мені дуже потрібна була

його порада, але я не наважувалася турбувати його у таку пізню годину.

20. Дякую, більше не смію затримувати вас.

Task 5 Translate into English

1. Можна оглянути фортецю? 2. Ану, залізь на цю яблуню! 3. Можна

поросити соку? 4. Мені купити щось до сніданку? 5. Ану, перестрибни

через струмок! 6. Він відчував, що не наважиться відповісти. 7. Будь ласка,

розкажи, що трапилося. 8. Як ви смієте так зі мною розмовляти? 9. Чи

наважиться Стів визнати це? 9. Якийсь час Джейн не могла рухатися,

побачивши страшного звіра. 10. Ні керівник фірми, ні його секретар не

наважувалися озирнутися, побачивши податкового інспектора. 11. У Генрі

не вистачає сміливості сказати про все брату. 12. Потримай мою сумку,

будь ласка, поки я відчиню двері. 13. Не смій виходити з кімнати, поки я

тебе не покличу. 14. Чи йому почекати вас? – Не потрібно. 15. Допомогти

тобі зав’язати шнурки? 16. Дати вам з собою кілька бутербродів? 17.

Скуштуй салат, добре? 18. Давай обміняємося адресами, добре? 19.

Спробуй но обіграти мене в шахи! 20. Можна я сьогодні піду на

дискотеку? – Тільки спробуй!


Task 6 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence:

1. I don't think you could/should tell anyone yet. 2. I couldn't/shouldn't possibly

leave without paying. 3. That mustn't/can't be the hotel Jane told us about.


4. There are times when the traffic here can/could be really heavy. 5. We are

enjoying our holiday, though the weather could/must be better. 6. You

couldn't/shouldn't really be sitting here. 7. You could/may be older than me, but

that doesn't mean you're cleverer. 8. You might/should like to look over these

papers if you have time. 9. I'm afraid that nobody should/would help me in that

kind of situation. 10. No member of the association must/shall remove official

documents from these premises without written permission. 11. That can't have

been/shouldn't have been Nick that you saw. 12. You must have given/might

have given me a hand! 13. I caught a later train because I had to see/must have

seen a client. 14. I suppose Bill should have lost/might have lost his way. 15. I

didn't refuse the cake, as it should have been/would have been rude. 16. I don't

know who rang, but it could have been/must have been Jim. 17. It was odd that

you should have bought/would have bought the same car. 18. I asked them to

leave but they might not/wouldn't go. 19. It's a pity you didn't ask because I can't

help/could have helped you. 20. It's your own fault, you can't have/shouldn't

have gone to bed so late.

Task 7 Put one suitable word in each space. Contractions (can't) count as one


MODEL: Bill: This (1) must be the house, I suppose, number 16 Elland Way.

Jane: I pictured it as being much bigger, from the estate agent's description.

Bill: Well, we'd (2)______ go inside.

Jane: We (3)_____ as well. Wait a minute. I (4)_____ to just find my glasses. I

(5)____ see a thing without them.

Bill: I don't think much of it from the outside, to be honest.

Jane: Yes, it (6) _______ certainly do with a coat of paint or two.

Bill: Rather you than me! I (7) ______like to have to paint it all! And the gutters

_______ (8) replacing.

Jane: I (9)_______ think they haven't been replaced since the house was built.

Bill: They (10) ______ really be replaced every four years ideally.


Jane: And I don't like that big ivy plant growing up the side. Ivy (11) get in the

brickwork and cause all sorts of damage.

Bill: I wonder if there's a lock on that big downstairs window? It looks very easy

to break in to.

Jane: There's (12)_______ to be one, surely.

Bill: Well, (13) _______ we go inside?

Jane: Do we (14)_______ to? I think I've seen enough already. I (15)

_____possibly live here.

MODEL: I could have become a millionaire, but I decided not to.

1. You ______ have been here when Helen told the boss not to be so lazy! It

was great! 2. Peter wasn't here then, so he _______ have broken your vase. 3. I

_______ have bought that car, but I decided to look at a few others. 4. If you felt

lonely, you _______ have given me a ring. 5. Don't take a risk like that again!

We _______ have lost because of you. 6. It's been more than a week! You

________ have had some news by now! 7. We were glad to help. We _____

have just stood by and done nothing. 8. You really ________ have gone to so

much trouble! 9. I ______ have thought that it was rather difficult. 10. Don't

stand up in the boat! You _____ fall in the river! 11. Sue says she's stuck in

traffic and she _____ be late. 12. You _______ really start spending more time

on your work. 13. Tell Peter he ______ stay the night here if he wants to. 14.

That's a really stupid idea! You _____ be serious, surely! 15. You _____ realise

it, but this is very important to me. 16. Don't be silly. You ______ expect me to

believe you! 17. We're not sure but we ______ go to Prague for Christmas this

year. 18. Me learn to fly! You ______ be joking! 19. Bill cooked the lunch, so

you ______ expect anything special! 20. What ______ I say if they ask about it?

Task 8 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the

first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given:

MODEL: I couldn't be happier at the moment. (could)→ I am as happy as

could be at the moment.


It wouldn't have been right to leave you to do all the work on your own.

(couldn't) →I couldn’t have left you to do all the work on your own.

1. Although I tried hard, I couldn't lift the suitcase. (might) –

Try_________________, I couldn't lift the suitcase.

2. I'm sure that Peter won't be late. (bound) – Peter ___________________ on


3. Fancy you and I having the same surname! (should) – It's odd

_______________ the same surname!

4. I think you should take up jogging. (were) – If I __________ take up jogging.

5. It's possible that this kind of snake is poisonous. (could) – This snake

______________ the poisonous kinds.

6. You can't borrow my car! (won't) – I ___________ borrow my car!

7. I'm sure this isn't how you get to Norwich! (can't) – This

___________________ way to Norwich!

8. It makes no difference to me if we call it off. (may) – We _______________

call it off.

9. Although it's summer, the temperature is more like winter. (may) – It

_______________ the temperature is more like winter.

10. Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat. (might) – They ________ the

tyre was flat.

11. All that trouble I went to wasn't necessary in the end. (needn't) – I ______ all

that trouble.

12. Apparently someone has borrowed the cassette player. (have) – Someone

_________ the cassette player.

13. I'm disappointed that you didn't back me up! (might) – You ________ me


14. Our worrying so much was a waste of time. (needn't) – We _______ so


15. It's just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge. (possibly) – The

cat ________the fridge.


16. It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car. (could) – Helen

______ us a lift.

17. It's possible that the last person to leave didn't lock the door. (might) – The

last person ______ the door unlocked.

18. School uniform wasn't compulsory at my school. (wear) – We ______

school uniform at my school.

19. It was a mistake for you to buy that car. (bought) – You ________ that car.

20. It's possible that I left my wallet at home. (could) – I my wallet at home.

Task 9 Choose the sentence A or B that is closest in meaning to the sentence


MODEL: It's possible that we'll know the answers tomorrow. ...A.,...

A We may know the answers tomorrow.

B We should know the answers tomorrow.

1. I don't think you should ring him now. It's rather late

A You might not ring him now. It's rather late.

B You'd better not ring him now. It's rather late.

2. You needn't come if you don't want to

A You won't come if you don't want to.

B You don't have to come if you don't want to.

3. I think it's wrong for you to work so hard

A You don't have to work so hard.

B You shouldn't work so hard.

4. Perhaps these are the keys

A These might be the keys.

B These must be the keys.

5. It would be wrong for us to lock the cat in the house for a week

A We'd better not lock the cat in the house for a week.

B We can't lock the cat in the house for a week,

6. Ifs possible that the decision will be announced next week


A The decision might be announced next week.

B The decision will be announced next week,

7. Although I try hard, I can never solve The Times' crossword

A Try as I may, I can never solve 'The Times' crossword.

B Try as I can, I may never solve 'The Times' crossword.

8. I know. Why don't we go out to eat instead?

A I know. We must go out to eat instead.

B I know. We could go out to eat instead.

9. A: What did I do wrong?

B:1) YOU shouldn't have connected these two wires. 2) You didn't have to

connect these two wires.

10. A: Why is the dog barking?

B: 1) It should have heard something. 2) It must have heard something.

11. A: Why are you home so early?

B: 1) I needn't have worked this afternoon. 2) I didn't have to work this


12. A: Why did you worry about me? I didn't take any risks. B: 1) You must

have been injured. 2) You could have been injured.

13. A: You forgot my birthday again!

B: 1) Sorry, I should have looked in my diary. 2) Sorry, I had to look in my


14. A: We had a terrible crossing on the boat in a storm. B: 1) That didn't have

to be very pleasant! 2) That can't have been very pleasant!

15. A: Where were you yesterday? You didn't turn up! B: 1) I had to go to

London. 2) I must have gone to London.

16. A: What do you think about the election? B: 1) The Freedom Party had to

win. 2) The Freedom Party should have won.

17. A: There's a lot of food left over from the party, isn't there? B: 1) Yes, you

couldn't have made so many sandwiches. 2) Yes, you needn't have made so

many sandwiches.


18. A: What do you think has happened to Tony? B: 1) I don't know, he should

have got lost. 2) I don't know, he might have got lost.

19. It’s too hot today!

A We can’t have worn our raincoats.

B We needn’t have worn our raincoats.

20. You have been driving too fast!

A You must have caused an accident!

B You might have caused an accident!

Task 10 Complete each sentence with one of the phrases from the box:

couldn’t be couldn’t possibly may be need to

must be wouldn’t be might as well I might

don’t have to must like must be

MODEL: The heating comes on automatically. You don’t have to turn it on.

1. Of course I'll help! I _______ let you do it on your own. 2. It's a lovely hotel.

And the staff ________ more helpful. 3. George ______ it there if he has stayed

there for so long. 4. You______ right, but I'm still not convinced. 5. We

_______ go in this museum. There's nothing else to do. 6. I love these trees.

Without them the garden ______ the same. 7. There's the phone call I was

expecting. It ________George.

8. Thanks. And now you just ________ sign on the dotted line. 9. Try as

________ , I simply couldn't open the lid. 10. The cat ______ be somewhere in

the house.

can’t have shouldn’t have shouldn’t have may not have

may have ought to have can’t have didn’t need to

must have shouldn’t have should have


MODEL: You and your big mouth! It was supposed to be a secret. You

shouldn’t have told her!

1. The plane is late. It ________ landed by now. 2. You ______ met my

brother. I haven't got one! 3. There is only one explanation. You ______ left

your keys on the bus. 4. You _______ heard me right. I definitely said 204525.

5. The meat is a bit burnt. You _______ cooked it for so long. 6. I'm sorry. I

accept I ______ been a little bit rude.

7. You really _________ taken so much trouble over me. 8. Was it really

necessary? You ________ tell the police, you know. 9. Keep your fingers

crossed! The traffic warden _________ noticed the car's parking ticket has run

out! 10. You _______ studied better last term.

Task 11 In most lines of this text there is an extra word. Write the word, or put

a tick if the line is correct:

I may as well be admit it - I'm a secret admirer of all things connected 1 ...be

with trains! It's not with something you would want to admit to your 2……

friends, but I can't imagine life possibly without my collection of model 3…..

trains and train memorabilia. You're probably thinking I must be done 4…..

some kind of nerd who stands around on chilly platforms all day 5….

collecting train numbers, and yes, I have to admit for I've done my fair 6…..

share of that, but that's only a small part of it. I can just love the feel of 7….

railway stations, and I can cheerfully spend a whole of afternoon in 8….

one, just walking around soaking up to the atmosphere of the place, 9….

looking for things for my collection, and taking photos of new engines. 10…

Call me might a wierdo, but I'd far rather spend a day in a station 11….

than on the beach by sunning myself. I'd be too busy taking the train 12….

down the coast – coastal routes can be an absolutely spectacular. 13….

There's a convention for those railway lovers on the south coast soon 14…..

- rest assured that I shall be there. I wouldn't miss it for all the world! 15…..


Task 12 Correct any errors in these sentences. Some sentences are correct:

MODEL: Surely you mustn't have forgotten already! can’t

1. Even Paul couldn't have foreseen what was coming next _______________

2. Frances might not have understood what you said __________________

3. It was funny that she should have remembered me ____________________

4. Harry may have won the match with a bit more effort __________________

5. You must have told me you had already eaten _________________________

6. Look, there's £30 in my wallet. I shouldn't have gone to the bank after all___

7. You mustn't have been so unkind!_________________________________

8. I couldn't have managed without you________________________________

9. I have no idea who it was, but I suppose it would have been Ann__________

10. Shall you buy me a newspaper while you are shopping? ______________

11. You dare not play the music so loud. It’s late. _____________________

12. You better finish the translation at home, the class is over. ___________

13. I used to see this film twice last month. ____________________________

14. You would get a present, I promise! ______________________________

15. Will I give you a lift? _________________________________________

16. Will you like some breakfast? _____________________________________

17. Shall you like me to call later? __________________________________

18. Would you not have a sandwich while the lunch is being prepared? ______

19. Shall you lend me your computer for a couple of hours? _____________

20. When on holiday? She shall stay in bed until late in the morning. _______

Task 13 Underline the most suitable word for each space:

1. Someone obviously/currently/fortunately must have picked it up by mistake.

2. He could really/cheerfully/easily have stolen the painting without anyone

knowing. 3. I may surely/well/dearly have made a mistake. 4. You

really/clearly/needlessly shouldn't have spent so much on my present. 5. Bill

rarely/simply/certainly wouldn't listen to anything we said. 6. I couldn't

just/yet/already have left without saying a word. 7. Certainly/Rarely/Surely you


can't seriously believe that I am guilty! 8. I opened the window, I

greatly/surely/simply had to get some fresh air. 9. I still/unfortunately'/surely

couldn't have come to your party. 10. How dangerous! You could

still/strongly/well have been injured! 11. We can't be lost. It isn't allowed/I don't

believe it. 12. Jane is bound to be late. She always is/She must be. 13. Late-

comers are to report to the main office. It's a good idea/It's the rule. 14. You

don't have to stay unless it's necessary/if you don't want to. 15. Astronauts must

feel afraid sometimes. They're supposed to/It's only natural. 16. You can't come

in here. It isn't allowed/I don't believe it. 17. All motorcyclists have to wear

crash helmets. It's a good idea/It's the rule. 18. I ought not to tell Jack. It's not a

good idea/It's the rule. 19. We should be there soon. I expect so/It's absolutely

certain. 20. You'd better leave now. That's my advice/That's an order!

Task 14 Complete each space in the text with an appropriate modal verb.

Some are negative:

Dear Toshie,

Thanks for sending back the book I lent you. You (1) can’t have read it

already! You must be the world's fastest reader! Hope you enjoyed it.

Well, the big news is, I decided not to go to Italy to take up my job offer.

Basically, moving there (2)______ meant a lot of upheaval and frankly I

couldn't face the hassle. Maybe I (3) ________ just gone, and been a bit more

adventurous, and for sure, I've got mixed feelings about it, as if part of me

wanted to go. Who knows, I _______ (4) met the man of my dreams! But I

didn't take the decision lightly. I (5)________ spent several weeks thinking

about nothing else. Anyway, what's done is done.

My other news concerns my Dad. You remember I was getting very worried

because he'd been having dizzy spells and feeling all light-headed. Well, I (6)

_______ worried - he's been diagnosed as suffering from

low blood pressure, so he's on medication for that. The doctor said it's possible


that his vegetarian diet (7)________ set it off. It's a pity you weren't here! You

(8)_______ been able to help Dad, with your interest in holistic medicine. You

(9) _______ given him some of your aromatherapy treatments.

Anyway, hope to see you again before too long. By the way, guess who's

getting married in June? Brenda! I (10) _________ known it would be her! It's

typical; that girl has all the luck!


Love from, Sue

Task 15 Translate into English:

1. Мені піти й запитати, чи зробив він роботу? Він повинен був закінчити її

учора. 2. Тобі довго довелося чекати на нього? 3. Дарма ти прийшов.

Збори відмінили. 4. Він повинен був закінчити все учора, але несподівано

вилетів до Лондона. 5. Ти повинен був сказати нам про це раніше, а то ми

тепер не знаємо, що робити. 6. Усе влаштувалося. Тепер мені не треба

їхати до Лондона. 7. Він, напевне, не зумів передати їм нашу записку, і

тепер вони, можливо, чекають на нас. 8. «Невже він забув замовити нам

номери в готелі?» – «Він, напевне, замовив їх на ваше ім’я». 9. Не може

бути, щоб вона зробила таку дурницю. 10. Мені можна йти? 11. «Він

повинен був приїхати о п’ятій годині. Невже він запізнився на потяг?» –

«Звідки мені знати?» 12. Він, напевне, не сказав їм про це, і вони, мабуть,

не прийдуть». 13. Ви могли б це зробити для мене? 14. Ти повинен був нам

сказати, що не зможеш виступити за команду сьогодні. 15. Для чого тобі

відкладувати на завтра те, що ти можеш зробити сьогодні? 16. Я повинна з

ним побачитися у вівторок увечері. 17. Він міг хоч щось сказати, щоб

підтримати мене. 18. Вона ніяк не хотіла пояснювати, у чому справа. 19.

На жаль, мені не довелося поговорити з батьком. Я не побачився з ним

уранці, мені слід було б приїхати раніше. 20. Ти міг би мені сказати, що



Task 16 Translate into English:

1. Вона, напевно, не зрозуміла, якою дорогою їй іти, і, мабуть, заблукала. 2.

Адже тобі довелося залишитися там до кінця? 3. Ти вся намокла. Дарма ти

не попросила когось підвезти тебе. 4. Мені, можливо, доведеться поїхати

туди на таксі. Так, напевно, буде швидше. 5. «Я скрізь шукав його вчора. Я

хотів, щоб він теж виступив на зборах». – «Дарма ти хвилювався. Він міг

би все зіпсувати». 6. Учора мені не треба було перевіряти зошити своїх

учнів, бо мені довелося замінити іншого викладача. 7. Мені не треба

говорити вам, чому це потрібно зробити відразу. 8. Дарма ти ходив за

ключем. Двері були відчинені. 9. Його дружина, мабуть, народилася у

Франції. 10. Як ти думаєш, чому він так зніяковів? 11. Тобі слід взяти

плащ. Може піти дощ. 12. Земля вогка. Тут, очевидно, щойно пройшов

дощ. 13. Вам не потрібно було приходити. Ми могли б закінчити і без вас.

14. Увечері вона повинна була йти на вечірку. Тому після сніданку їй

довелося помити голову. 15. Дивно, що він пішов, нічого нам не сказавши.

16. А чому б нам і не бути друзями? 17. Обережно, ви ледь не впали. 18.

Тобі не треба було телефонувати їй так пізно. 19. Це несуттєвий пункт.

Можна було й не згадувати про нього у звіті. 20. Завтра не треба

приходити. Я буду зайнятий.

Questions for self-control

1. Which form of the main verb is used after modal verbs?

2. Can a modal follow another modal?

3. Does a modal have only one meaning?

4. Can the same meaning be expressed with different modals?

5. How do we use modals to refer to past, present and future times?

Література: [ 4, с. 119-133; 6, с. 163-187; 11, с. 18-30; 14, с. 56-74; 15, с.70-

75; 17, с. 125-139; 24, с. 65-67, 72-73; 25, с. 107]



1. Modality (general). Conditional sentences.

2. Real Conditionals. Factual conditionals (Real Present Conditionals, Real

Past Conditionals).

3. Predictive Conditionals (Real Future Conditionals).

4. Unreal Conditionals. Unreal Present Conditionals.

5. Unreal Past Conditionals.

6. Mixed Conditionals.

7. Words other then If (Only if, even if, unless, whether, if so…).

8. Implied Condition (inversion).

9. Wishes and regrets (I wish..., If only…, I’d rather… etc.).

10. Subjunctive. The Formulaic Subjunctive.

11. The Mandative Subjunctive (Formal Subjunctive).

12. Were-Subjunctive, Past-Subjunctive, modal verbs in Finite Purpose

Clauses, Clauses of Comparison etc.

13. Modal verbs can, may, be able to, be allowed to: ability and permission.

Absence of ability.

14. Modal verbs can (could), may (might): certainty, possibility and deduction.

15. Modal verbs must, have, to be to, need: obligation, necessity, absence of

necessity, unfulfilled obligation or arrangement (were to + perfect

infinitive), prohibition, advice.

16. Modal verb must, to be to: certainty, deduction.

17. Modal verbs should, ought to, be supposed to, had better: obligation and

advice. Should, ought to + perfect infinitive: unfulfilled advice, regret.

18. Modal verbs will, would, be going to, shall: prediction.

19. Modal verbs will (would), used to: willingness, habits and preferences.

20. Modal verbs expressing offers, requests, permissions, suggestions: can

(could), may (might), would, must, shall, would you mind etc. Modal verb




Вид контролю Максимальний


за дисципліну

Частина від балів на

змістовий модуль

1. Поточний


50 1. Контрольна робота

(змістовий модуль 1) – 10.

2. Контрольна робота

(змістовий модуль 2) – 10.

3. Самостійна робота – 30.

2. Практичні


50 1. Відвідування – 10

2. Конспект – 10

3. Активність – 30

Усього: 100



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