Meningitis cases, deaths alarm parents - Local History Archives

Those chIldren most at nsk for streptococcus pneu- mOnia menmgltts are between the ages of 6 months and 2 years Fortunately, there IS a new vaccme, Prevnar, whIch has been recommended for all mfants at two, four, SIX and 15 months of age Tms has only been avaIlable smce spnng Certam chl1dren older than two years of age may have nsk factors and also benefit from thf' vaCCIne All parents should dIscuss thIS With theIr doctors dunng thE' annual VISit The disease IS also trace- able to those shanng close hVlng quarters, such as col- lege dorms and the armed forces The Army does vacci- nate Its men and women Doctors are now recom- mendmg students get the shot before gomg to college The moculatlOn protects agamst three-quarters of the strams of memngItis, FranCIS SaId FranCIS recommended that parents to be Vlgllant WIth their chIldren and urges parents to explam about not shanng lunches, snacks, washmg theIr hands and aVOldmg fnends who are SIck The bactena IS transmit- ted from person to person VIa respIratory secretlon, mcludmg sneezmg, cough- Ing, nasal congestlon, or shanng toys or eatmg uten- SIls It IS not spread by casu- al contact or pets, FranCIS saId ThIS IS a very common, well known bactena whIch has always been around, he SaId The bactenal memngltls that kIlled ll-year-old EmIly Greco last week stems from the bactena streptococcus pneunontae, FranCIS saId Brad Stertz ~ws Home: Grosse POInte Farms Age: 40 Family: Wife, Bndget Janson, stepdaughter, Maureen Mecke, 15, stepson, Patnck Mecke, 11 Claim to fame: Co- author of "Taken for a RIde How Daimler. Benz Drove Off WIth Chry"ler" and asslc;tant managmg edItor of local natIonal new~ of The DetrOIt New<; Quote: "The Idea of a book seemed to makf' a lot of "cn~(' ~ See story, page 4A "We set It up as a tempo- rary public service because of the volume of calls and mqwnes we were gettmg at the hospItal and because there were no publIc agen- CIes to offer mformatIon over the three-day weekend," saId St. John spokesperson Greg Jakub Volunteer physlClans and nurses answered over 1,700 phone calls between Fnday, Oct 6 and Monday, Oct 9 "What we're trymg to do IS calm the public and gIve them some good mforma- tlOn," saId St John mfec- tlOus control speclahst Donne Beml-Cass In the Grosse POlntes, there has only been one reported case of Vlral memn- gltIs The VIctIm, a RIchard Elementary School first- grader, IS now well and back at school Bon See ours HospItal has one patIent m cntIca! care, a 12-week-old boy from Harrison Townshlp, WIth bactenal menmgItis Beml-Cass said parents should be alert to a hlgh fever over 102 degrees FahrenheIt as well as a stiff neck, frequent vomltmg, confUSIOn, dlsonentatlOn, lethargy, sensltlVlty to lIght and rash "If these SIgnS are pre- sent, parents need to bnng theIr chIldren to the doctor LIke most diseases, the ear- her you can dIagnose menm- gItIs, the better your chances are for a good out- come,. saId pedlatnclan Peter FranCIS, M D Meningitis cases, deaths alarm parents By Bonnie Caprara MenmgItIs, an mfectlOn of and Ann L. Fouty the flUId surroundmg the Staff Wnters spmal cord and bram, can be WhIle the number of cases a deadly dIsease of memngItIs m the metro DetrOlt area is not out of the ordmary, the number of deaths IS - mcludmg one of a LakeVIew mIddle school student In St ClaIr Shores Such a pamc had Jammed a temporary memngltIs hot- hne at St John HospItal and Memcal Center last week. end Any leftover pump- kInS and decoratJon~ Wlll he donated to area food pantnp~ and non- profit orgam7atlOn~ bent runmng for reelectlon to the Wayne Count~ Commumty College board of trust~s. and • TImothy Beck candIdate for Wayne County Sher;ff The candldal-e forum WIll be held on 'fuesday, Oct h at 7 30 P m at the Grosse Pomt, 'War Memor:al, 32 Lakeshore RGad m Grosse POInte Farms AdmIssion I~ free For more mfor- matIon, call 'I~m McCleary at (313) 822.2709 On a mission fat Christ Christ Church Grosse Pointe River melll. ber Ann Wetzel presents a pumpkln dec\ rated wlth the Grosse Pointe Farms lteal \ Farms mayor Edward Gaffney wbUe invll. lng him to vlslt the Pump1t1n Patch ~ Christ Church Groue Polnte Oct. 21-3~ The pumpkln &ale will rai8e funds f\ youth group mlulon trips. What do pumpkms have to do Wlth Honduras a~d the MISSIssipPI RIver and NavajO Land? A great deal If you're a member of the RIver (hlg lJ school) or LITES (mId- dle school) youth groups at Chnst Church Gross~ Pomte To offset the costs of theIr mISSIOn tnps, the tw~ youth groups are hold- mg a pumpkm sale In the backyard of Chnst Chl n ' ch Grosse POinte The Pumpkm Patch and Cider House Wlll be 0l\n Oct 14 and 15 to buy- ers of pre-sale vouchers, each good for $10 off PU'chases of pumpkms and fall decoratIOns The PumpkIn Patch Wlll roll °'1t 1ts goods to the pubhc Oct 21-30 The Pumpkm Patch will be open 10 a m to 6 Pm each day WIth a staff of volunteers to help select, tote and even delIver ~umpkms Shoppers can have their pumpkms whimSIcally decorated whll~ plckmg out harvest dec- oratIOns, slppmg hot CIder or munchmg on Hallo"ween cookIes ThIS past year, 13 RIVer youths and three ad~lt volunteers traveled to Honduras for 10 days to help rebUild houses tor VlctIms of Humcane MItch SIX LITES students and two adVIsers went to Tennessee to work on constructIOn projects for elderly and home- bound persons "Both tnps were mcredlble expenences for the youth and adults Involved, but there was a sense that we should be domg more to help ourselves get there," said Alan Akndge, dIrector of youth and young adult mlmstnes at Chnst Church Grosse POInte "A successful pumpkm sa1e Will allow our young people and adult volunteers t6 raIse theIr own fundmg for these types of mlS~lon tnps. To obtam pumpkms for the hmlted-access Oct 14-15 pre-sale, call (313) 885-4841 Bud's Clydesdales hitch to Village's Santa Parade By Brad Lindberg She's also bO~ked remdeer Staff Writer The Budw~ Cmdy Mehcan was lookmg for geldmgs tha 1ser Clyd~sdales are bay somethmg new _ and fOLnd It the shoulder Th l stand SIX feet at th~ BudweIser Clydesdales each Incred'eY weIgh 2,000 poundl:! Next month, 16,000 pounds of the eIght horses 1bly strong, the team of world's most famous team of draft gold 1903 S\ pulls a red, wmte and horses Wlll clop down Kercheval as Based In ~ beer wagon the crown Jewel m the Grosse Pomte five teams o~t LoUIS, Budweiser has Santa Claus parade th eIght-horse hItches that MelIcan m her second year as rteceIVe hO\1~ands of parade mVlta- , f Ions eac y~ parade dIrector, saId, "The presence 0 ar the BudweIser Clydesdales maJestI- The team~ Grosse Pomte appear- cally trottmg along the parade route ance Wlll cOlltclde Wlth an appearance IS truly an hIstone moment for the at the DetrolC ThanksglVlng parade Grosse POInte Santa Claus parade" The Gros\e Pomte Santa Parade The horses are part of Mehcan's presented by the Grosse Pomt~ effort to arrange somethmg speCIal Village AsSllclatIon Wlll step off on for the parade's 25th annIversary Fnday, Noy 24, at io 30 a m Four RepublIcan candidates WIll dIscuss election Issues at next week's meetmg of the EastSide RepublIcan Club The club's candidate forum WIll mclude • Andrew RIchner, who I;' runmng for a third term as the Grosse Pomtes' Republican State RepresentatIve, • Enc Stemer, a Grosse POInte Woods city counCilman who IS run. mng for a first term as Wayne County CommIssioner, • Mary Ellen Stempfle, an mcum- GOP candidate fOrnm set .. ...... 6A ......... lOA 12A 13A 14A . 16A BB 4C WEEK AHEAD IN BRIEF ... Opmwn . Schools Autos Ob~tuanes Busmess SenIOrs Entertamment ClaSSIfIed ads The CIty of Grosse Pomte Councll meets m the CIty'S hall, 17147 Maumee, at 7 30 p m The meetmg IS open to the publIc The Grosse Pomte Woods CIty CounCil holds ItS regular counCIl meetmg at 7 30 p m In the Woods CIty hall, 20025 Mack Plaza The Grosse Pomte Hlstoncal SOClety IS holdmg a free tour of the Provencal-WeIr House from 1 - 4 pm For more mformatlon, call (313) 884- 7010 Monday, Oct. 16 The Grosse Pomte Farms CIty CounClI meets at 730 pm m the Farms Clty hall, 90 Kerby The pubhc IS mVlted to attend Saturday, Oct. 14 Grosse Pomte North HIgh School holds Its Homecommg football game at 1 pm The Norsemen play UtIca Ford Pnor to the game IS the Homecommg Parade, wmch begIns at 10 a m at Monteith School Thursday, Oct. 12 Ken MacGregor of the MIchIgan EducatIOn AssOCIatIon speaks at Grosse POlnte Umtanan Church, 17150 Maumee, at 7 30 pm about "What's Wrong Wlth Vouchers. The talk IS a part of the Amencan AssociatIOn of Umverslty Women's free commumty mformatlQn program Sports Grosse Pointe South's football team overcame a 14-6 halftlIDe defiClt to beat Sterhng HeIghts S~venson 17-14 on Rob Rogers' 27-yard field goal with 11 seconds remammg m the game The Vlctory was the tmrd straIght for the Blue DeVlls and left them one Wln away from clmchmg a berth In the state playoffs Page lC Features • Halloween fesbVlties Wlll be tak- mg place all over the Grosse Pomte toward the end of October, Wlth tnek or treating m the Village scheduled for Halloween Itself Page 1B Schools • It's report card bme agam for the state's pubhc schools and, once agam, the Grosse Pointe Public School System made the honor roll Page lOA • Road repaus have uncovered the need for more work m Grosse Pomte Woods ConstructlOn costs Wlll nse accordmgly Page 2A News F0rmCr ~11Ch!g!,n G0V Ann Mr" James Blancard were on hand to offer theIr opmlOns followlJ\g the first pres- Idenbal debate Whl1e they thought theIr man, Al Gore, won, they were not wIthout constructIve cntlclsm Page 3A Grosse Pomte Farms busmess woman Betsy Breckels was surpnsed to find out that she mhented $500 from a complete stranger She was even more surpnsed to learn that for- mer Grosse Pomter Jane Cadwell Lott left her the money for the SImple reason that her name was randomly pIcked out of the telephone book Page 3A \,

Transcript of Meningitis cases, deaths alarm parents - Local History Archives

Those chIldren most atnsk for streptococcus pneu-mOnia menmgltts arebetween the ages of 6months and 2 years

Fortunately, there IS anew vaccme, Prevnar, whIchhas been recommended forall mfants at two, four, SIXand 15 months of age Tmshas only been avaIlablesmce spnng

Certam chl1dren olderthan two years of age mayhave nsk factors and alsobenefit from thf' vaCCIne Allparents should dIscuss thISWith theIr doctors dunngthE' annual VISit

The disease IS also trace-able to those shanng closehVlng quarters, such as col-lege dorms and the armedforces The Army does vacci-nate Its men and womenDoctors are now recom-mendmg students get theshot before gomg to collegeThe moculatlOn protectsagamst three-quarters ofthe strams of memngItis,FranCIS SaId

FranCIS recommendedthat parents to be VlgllantWIth their chIldren andurges parents to explamabout not shanng lunches,snacks, washmg theIr handsand aVOldmg fnends whoare SIck

The bactena IS transmit-ted from person to personVIa respIratory secretlon,mcludmg sneezmg, cough-Ing, nasal congestlon, orshanng toys or eatmg uten-SIls It IS not spread by casu-al contact or pets, FranCISsaId

ThIS IS a very common,well known bactena whIchhas always been around, heSaId

The bactenal memngltlsthat kIlled ll-year-old EmIlyGreco last week stems fromthe bactena streptococcuspneunontae, FranCIS saId

•Brad Stertz


Home: Grosse POInteFarms

Age: 40Family: Wife, Bndget

Janson, stepdaughter,Maureen Mecke, 15,stepson, Patnck Mecke,11

Claim to fame: Co-author of "Taken for aRIde How Daimler.Benz Drove Off WIthChry"ler" and asslc;tantmanagmg edItor oflocal natIonal new~ ofThe DetrOIt New<;

Quote: "The Idea of abook seemed to makf' alot of "cn~(' ~

See story, page 4A

"We set It up as a tempo-rary public service becauseof the volume of calls andmqwnes we were gettmg atthe hospItal and becausethere were no publIc agen-CIes to offer mformatIon overthe three-day weekend,"saId St. John spokespersonGreg Jakub

Volunteer physlClans andnurses answered over 1,700phone calls between Fnday,Oct 6 and Monday, Oct 9

"What we're trymg to do IScalm the public and gIvethem some good mforma-tlOn," saId St John mfec-tlOus control speclahstDonne Beml-Cass

In the Grosse POlntes,there has only been onereported case of Vlral memn-gltIs The VIctIm, a RIchardElementary School first-grader, IS now well and backat school Bon See oursHospItal has one patIent mcntIca! care, a 12-week-oldboy from HarrisonTownshlp, WIth bactenalmenmgItis

Beml-Cass said parentsshould be alert to a hlghfever over 102 degreesFahrenheIt as well as a stiffneck, frequent vomltmg,confUSIOn, dlsonentatlOn,lethargy, sensltlVlty to lIghtand rash

"If these SIgnS are pre-sent, parents need to bnngtheIr chIldren to the doctorLIke most diseases, the ear-her you can dIagnose menm-gItIs, the better yourchances are for a good out-come,. saId pedlatnclanPeter FranCIS, M D

Meningitiscases, deathsalarm parentsBy Bonnie Caprara MenmgItIs, an mfectlOn ofand Ann L. Fouty the flUId surroundmg theStaff Wnters spmal cord and bram, can be

WhIle the number of cases a deadly dIseaseof memngItIs m the metroDetrOlt area is not out of theordmary, the number ofdeaths IS - mcludmg one ofa LakeVIew mIddle schoolstudent In St ClaIr Shores

Such a pamc had Jammeda temporary memngltIs hot-hne at St John HospItal andMemcal Center last week.end

Any leftover pump-kInS and decoratJon~Wlll he donated to areafood pantnp~ and non-profit orgam7atlOn~

bent runmng for reelectlon to theWayne Count~ Commumty Collegeboard of trust~s. and

• TImothy Beck candIdate forWayne County Sher;ff

The candldal-e forum WIll be held on'fuesday, Oct h at 7 30 P m at theGrosse Pomt, 'War Memor:al, 32Lakeshore RGad m Grosse POInteFarms

AdmIssion I~ free For more mfor-matIon, call 'I~m McCleary at (313)822.2709

On a mission fat Christ

Christ Church Grosse Pointe River melll.ber Ann Wetzel presents a pumpkln dec\rated wlth the Grosse Pointe Farms lteal \Farms mayor Edward Gaffney wbUe invll.lng him to vlslt the Pump1t1n Patch ~Christ Church Groue Polnte Oct. 21-3~The pumpkln &ale will rai8e funds f\youth group mlulon trips.

What do pumpkms have to do Wlth Honduras a~d the MISSIssipPI RIverand NavajO Land?

A great deal If you're a member of the RIver (hlglJ school) or LITES (mId-dle school) youth groups at Chnst Church Gross~ Pomte

To offset the costs of theIr mISSIOn tnps, the tw~ youth groups are hold-mg a pumpkm sale In the backyard of Chnst Chln'ch Grosse POinte

The Pumpkm Patch and Cider House Wlll be 0l\n Oct 14 and 15 to buy-ers of pre-sale vouchers, each good for $10 off PU'chases of pumpkms andfall decoratIOns The PumpkIn Patch Wlll roll °'1t 1ts goods to the pubhcOct 21-30

The Pumpkm Patch will be open 10 a m to 6 Pm each day WIth a staffof volunteers to help select, tote and even delIver ~umpkms Shoppers canhave their pumpkms whimSIcally decorated whll~ plckmg out harvest dec-oratIOns, slppmg hot CIder or munchmg on Hallo"ween cookIes

ThIS past year, 13 RIVer youths and three ad~lt volunteers traveled toHonduras for 10 days to help rebUild houses tor VlctIms of HumcaneMItch SIXLITES students and two adVIsers went to Tennessee to work on

constructIOn projectsfor elderly and home-bound persons

"Both tnps weremcredlble expenencesfor the youth andadults Involved, butthere was a sense thatwe should be domgmore to help ourselvesget there," said AlanAkndge, dIrector ofyouth and young adultmlmstnes at ChnstChurch Grosse POInte"A successful pumpkmsa1e Will allow ouryoung people and adultvolunteers t6 raIsetheIr own fundmg forthese types of mlS~lontnps.

To obtam pumpkmsfor the hmlted-accessOct 14-15 pre-sale,call (313) 885-4841

Bud's Clydesdales hitchto Village's Santa ParadeBy Brad Lindberg She's also bO~ked remdeerStaff Writer The Budw~

Cmdy Mehcan was lookmg for geldmgs tha1ser Clyd~sdales are baysomethmg new _ and fOLnd It the shoulder Thl stand SIX feet at th~BudweIser Clydesdales each Incred'eY weIgh 2,000 poundl:!

Next month, 16,000 pounds of the eIght horses1bly strong, the team ofworld's most famous team of draft gold 1903 S\ pulls a red, wmte andhorses Wlll clop down Kercheval as Based In beer wagonthe crown Jewel m the Grosse Pomte five teams o~t LoUIS, Budweiser hasSanta Claus parade th eIght-horse hItches that

MelIcan m her second year as rteceIVe hO\1~ands of parade mVlta-, f Ions eac y~

parade dIrector, saId, "The presence 0 arthe BudweIser Clydesdales maJestI- The team~ Grosse Pomte appear-cally trottmg along the parade route ance Wlll cOlltclde Wlth an appearanceIS truly an hIstone moment for the at the DetrolC ThanksglVlng paradeGrosse POInte Santa Claus parade" The Gros\e Pomte Santa Parade

The horses are part of Mehcan's presented by the Grosse Pomt~effort to arrange somethmg speCIal Village AsSllclatIon Wlll step off onfor the parade's 25th annIversary Fnday, Noy 24, at io 30 a m

Four RepublIcan candidates WIlldIscuss election Issues at next week'smeetmg of the EastSide RepublIcanClub

The club's candidate forum WIllmclude

• Andrew RIchner, who I;' runmngfor a third term as the Grosse Pomtes'Republican State RepresentatIve,

• Enc Stemer, a Grosse POInteWoods city counCilman who IS run.mng for a first term as Wayne CountyCommIssioner,

• Mary Ellen Stempfle, an mcum-

GOP candidate fOrnm set

.. ...... 6A......... lOA


. 16ABB4C



Opmwn .SchoolsAutosOb~tuanesBusmessSenIOrs

EntertammentClaSSIfIed ads

The CIty of Grosse Pomte Councllmeets m the CIty'S hall, 17147Maumee, at 7 30 p m The meetmg ISopen to the publIc

The Grosse Pomte Woods CItyCounCil holds ItS regular counCIlmeetmg at 7 30 p m In the Woods CItyhall, 20025 Mack Plaza

The Grosse Pomte HlstoncalSOClety IS holdmg a free tour of theProvencal-WeIr House from 1 - 4 pmFor more mformatlon, call (313) 884-7010Monday, Oct. 16

The Grosse Pomte Farms CItyCounClI meets at 7 30 p m m theFarms Clty hall, 90 Kerby The pubhcIS mVlted to attend

Saturday, Oct. 14Grosse Pomte North HIgh School

holds Its Homecommg football gameat 1 pm The Norsemen play UtIcaFord Pnor to the game IS theHomecommg Parade, wmch begIns at10 a m at Monteith School

Thursday, Oct. 12Ken MacGregor of the MIchIgan

EducatIOn AssOCIatIon speaks atGrosse POlnte Umtanan Church,17150 Maumee, at 7 30 pm about"What's Wrong Wlth Vouchers. Thetalk IS a part of the AmencanAssociatIOn of Umverslty Women'sfree commumty mformatlQn program

Sports• Grosse Pointe South's football

team overcame a 14-6 halftlIDe defiCltto beat Sterhng HeIghts S~venson17-14 on Rob Rogers' 27-yard fieldgoal with 11 seconds remammg m thegame

The Vlctory was the tmrd straIghtfor the Blue DeVlls and left them oneWln away from clmchmg a berth Inthe state playoffs Page lC

Features• Halloween fesbVlties Wlll be tak-

mg place all over the Grosse Pomtetoward the end of October, Wlth tnekor treating m the Village scheduledfor Halloween Itself Page 1B

Schools• It's report card bme agam for the

state's pubhc schools and, once agam,the Grosse Pointe Public SchoolSystem made the honor roll PagelOA

• Road repaus have uncovered theneed for more work m Grosse PomteWoods ConstructlOn costs Wlll nseaccordmgly Page 2A

News• F0rmCr ~11Ch!g!,n G0V Ann Mr"

James Blancard were on hand to offertheIr opmlOns followlJ\g the first pres-Idenbal debate Whl1e they thoughttheIr man, Al Gore, won, they werenot wIthout constructIve cntlclsmPage 3A

• Grosse Pomte Farms busmesswoman Betsy Breckels was surpnsedto find out that she mhented $500from a complete stranger She waseven more surpnsed to learn that for-mer Grosse Pomter Jane CadwellLott left her the money for the SImplereason that her name was randomlypIcked out of the telephone book Page3A




Road workcosts go upBy Brad LindbergStaff Writer

A road repavmg project 10Grosse Pomte Woods uncov-ered nearly $15,000 m unex-pected repairs

The charge represents thediscovery last month of dete-noratmg pavement exposeddunng scheduled repavmgof sectIons of FaIrway andHampton streets The extrawork has been completed

"The extent of the workcould not be determmeduntil the old asphalt wasmilled, expo"mg additionalfailed concrete base and avery wet subgrade," saidWllham Westnck of theWoods engmeermg con"ult-mg firm, Anderson, Eck"temand We"tnck of ShelbyTown"hlp We"tnck madehIe; "tatement m a report toWoods offiCIal"

The extra road repairsmdudf'd rl'placmg 265-"quare-yard" of concreteeIght mchc" thIckCon"tructlOn crews al"o laIdmore than fi60 feet of four-lOch dlametE'f underdram

"Th{' dommant rpac;on forthp (co"U overrun," "llidWe"tnck, "I" thp addItionalconcrptp patchmg andundprdram reqUJrpd to com-plpte thl" work m a satIsfac-tory manner"

have pledged to put moremen on the Job

The complamts have cen-tered on the 600 block ofWestchester A reSident ofthe block, who saId he saId25 years expenence as amechamcal contractor, hascalled the lack of progress a"catastrophe"

- Brad Lmdberg

October 12, 2000Grosse pointe News












field ,ald the school dlstnctagreed to comply WithWoods zonmg ordmancesthat, in effect, made ItImpOSSible to erect hght tow-ers

• Respondmg to com-plamts of slow work, offi-CIals of a constructIOn com-pany hued to separate sew-ers 10 Grosse Pomte Park

_fi", ...../ .../k~/I'RESII I'l.OWER


I'¥'----$699 MIX fLOWER

BOUQUETSr----------.,.1 Top QUALITY (( MICHIGAN PEAT I( & TOP SOIL II (~T Fill DIRT) I:$n,!lG }I111 REG S2A9 ~ !!:iI II I(40 LBIlAG lI~IT 10 I~~:;.u=,~..:=:.s~=.J

If you would LLketo have your pet conszdered for Pet POl1lter of Interest, submzt yourpet's photo (no photocopzes and photos cannot be returned) along wzth a brief summa.ry telling us why your pet IS unzque, mclude your address and phone number Send allreplies to Pet Powter of Interest, 96 Kercheval ALe, Grosse Pomte Farms, MI 48236, e.mall at Petpomter@aol com


$249981 UP


Age: 13 weeks oldResidence: Grosse Pomte FarmsAdoptive mom's occupation: TV

hostess, Channel 5, "Thmgs To Do,Places to Go, People to See~

What would Ditto like to be .....-;,when she grows up: A lady ofleisure

Born: DItto was born 10 a garage,where she and her bIOlOgIcal momlIved until they were relocated to theMacomb County Humane Society

Type of Pointer. Orange tabbyFamily: DItto and her natural Ditto, 12 weeks old, with Bonnie

mom, Marmalade, hve Wlth Bunny Brooksand John<, Claim to fame: WIth only four days of hfe left at the Macomb County HumaneSocIety, thIS bI;lryteen almost used up one of her mne hves when both she and her momlucked out and were adopted Manneri>, house rules, mamcures - so many thmgs tolearn m thIS new hfe But DItto, a spmt and Image of her mom, carefully watchesunder the protection of sofa skirts, and follows her lead, while they both make them-selves comfy m theIr new upscale home

Favorite toy: Baby MouseFavorite food: Ice creamFavorite pastime: playmg WIth her two momsFYI: Among the cats that are not purebreds, the brown stnped and blotched cats

most closely resemble theIr Wild Afncan and European ancestors ThIS stnped andblotched pattern _ properly called tabby, but popularly known as tiger - occurs mvanous shades Among these are red (orange), cream, blue (gray, brown, SIlver andsmoke) (Ref Comptons com)

New arrival

Ditto Brooks


.' T ~; , By Jo Maldonado

The widening of Mack Avenue and its conversion into a two-lane superhighway through Graue Pointe Farms and a portion of the Woods has beencompleted. The project took most of the summer. Traffic conditions haveimproved immeasurably over this busy thoroughfare. The appearance of thesection greatly enhances this fastest-growing area of the pointes. Thisphoto above shows Mack north of Moross. (Photo by Fred Runnells, Fromthe October 12, 1950 Grosse Pointe News.)

Mack Avenue takes on new look

50 years ago this week

• Opponents of mght foot-ball games at Grosse PomteNorth HIgh School saythey've found school boarddocuments that WIll keepthe Norsemen m the dark

In mmutes to a schoolboard meetmg that schooloffiCials said they over-looked, reSidents opposed tohghts around the football

5 yea. ago this"'Week• Grosse Pomte's munIcI-

pal courts could be headedfor trouble If MIchIganSupreme Court JusticeJames H Bnckley gets lusway

Addressmg a Jomt sessionof the state Legislature,Bnckley saId, "Mumclpalcourts should be mergedmto the mstnct court sys-tern"

Matthew Rumora, munlCl-pal Judge 10 Grosse PomteFarms, countered,"ImmedIate steps should betaken to head off any move-ment to merge us WIthanother mstnct court ~

10 years ago this week• A Sixth Pomte? That's

what a group of SIX north-east DetrOit neighborhoodswould hke to become

Saymg Motor City offi-cials have failed m theirbaSIC obhgatlOn to protectreSIdents, the CltJzens groupwants to form the town ofEast Pomte

East Pomte would be bor-dered roughly by Mack andKelly, and Morass, Hayesand Bedford

• A Grosse Pomte ParkCIty councIlman hopes a$100 mllhon bond referen-dum passes for the modern-izatIOn of DetroitMetropolitan AIrport

"If the expanSIOn (ofMetro) IS blocked,~ saidCouncIlman James Robson,"then (aVlatlOn offiClals) Wllllook at (expanmng) DetroitCIty AIrport"

• The populatIOn IS up forGrosse Pomte school clul-dren

Based on a count takenthe fourth Fnday of theschool year, the school popu-lation stands at 7,386, up117 from last year

Elementary enrollment ISup 109 students to 3,466,while the distnct's 2,334mgh school students repre-sent a drop of 66

setthng tank to reduce thenumber and amount of over-flow spIlls 1Oto Lake StClair

• Seven months after aceremomal groundbreakmg10 March, Improvementshave been completed atLake Front Park m GrossePomte Woods

In another ceremony Oct19. Cltv officials WIll demcatethe park's new sWlmmmgpool and eIght tennIs courts

• The husband and wifeactmg team of HumeCronyn and JessIca TandywIll open the Grosse PomteWar Memorial',> "LighterSide" dmner theater seneson Oct 15 With "The ManyFaces of Love ~

The event IS black tie


25 years ago this week• The offensIve odor ema-

natmg from the MIlk RIverPumpmg StatlOn remams aproblem for nearby resI-dents m Grosse PomteWoods

The problem stems fromhavmg to dral~ and cleanthe setthng tanks afterheav) rams A long-rangesolutIOn to the problemmvolves bUildIng a larger

emergency repairs to watermams

• The popular glft sh"poperated by Mr and MrsEarl Wnght has expanded asecond tIme

Wright's GIft & LampShop, located on Mack mGros"e pOlllte Farms nearthe mtersectlOn of Warren,no\\ has a depth of 175 feetThe 0\'"'lE'r" han extJRndedthe store two years ago


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yesterday's headlines50 years ago this week

• Rev Albert Melvm, pas-tor of St Paul's CatholIcChurch In Grosse POinteFarms, has turned the firstspade of earth fo! an addl-tlOn to St Paul's School

Melvin used the sameplated shovel used m break-mg ground for the orlgmalbUlldmg

• Meetings are takmgplace by local cIvIliandefense officials to preparethe Grosse Pomtes for aCold War disaster

Sites have been selectedfor the collectlOn of wound-ed, the Grosse PomteBu"mess Men's AssocIatIOnhas asked members to regls-ter thelf dehvery vehIclesfor emergency ambulanceserVIce, local doctors arebemg registered for emer-gency work, and crews arebemg orgamzed to make



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The Navy Log has thus farcollected the names, semcemformatlOn and pho-tographs of over a quarter ofa ffilll.on service personnelAll enrollments form a partof Amenca's endunng navalhentage, a permanent andpubhcly acceSSIble Vldeo reg-Ister avaIlable for reVleWlngat the Naval HentageCenter next to the NavyMemonal on PennsylvamaAvenue, or on theMemonal's Internet website

Did you serve? TheUmted States NavyMemonal FoundatIOn mWashmgton, DC, hasestabhshed the Navy Log man effort to honor all navalveterans that have servedour country The Navy Logmcludes Navy, ManneCorps, Coast Guard, andMerchant Manners

HonoringWWII, Koreanand Viet vets

Farm.sbusiness wotnan gets$500 legacy out of the blueBy Jim Stlcldord "She was a 1936 graduate benefactor As to what she'sStaff Writer of ConnectIcut College Tom gOlng to do Wlth the money,

Betsy Breckels had never Lott, an attorney m DetrOit, she said she's gumg to spendmet or heard of Jane was mamed to Jane for 62 It "on somethmg I wouldn'tCadwell Lott, so you can years, and sumves her. Her normally buy for myself.Imagine her surpnse when husband and son Antone "I don't know what I'mshe was contacted by repre- hved WIth her m Grosse gomg to do with all of It,"sentatlVes from the Lott POInte and later moved to Breckels saId "Sometlungestate Wlth news that Mrs Russell Island off of Algonac fun My husband ClemLott had left her $500 m the St Clalr RIver Fortuna and my son Jeffree

Breckels has a massage "She bequests m her w1l1 are eXCIted I told my friendstherapy practlce on the Hlll that two people shall the story and said 'tms kmdoffice m Grosse Pomte receIved money just because of thmg never happens toFarms they were m the DetrOIt me.' But when you think

"I was notified' on phone book ~')u are one of about It, thIS kmd of thmgThursday, Sept 28, that those people She Wlshes you doesn't really happen to'Bob the dehvery man wants well" anyone My fnends areto drop somethmg off on What's on that sheet IS aU eXCIted Just to know some-Fnday before 1030 a.m,. Breckels knows about her one 1t happened to"

s81d Breckels "I was sur-prised to find hIm, Bob Lott,at my office the next dayWlth flowers and balloonsand a $500 check He appar-ently called the TV news sothere was a crew there aswell •

Breckels has been on theHIll for over a year and beenIn busmess m the Pomtesfor 15 years She saId shehad the feeling that MrsLott was a "free splnt" andenjoyed thlnkmg about herlegacy

The way Breckels waspIcked was SImple She andanother Inhentor werepIcked from the DetrOIt tele-phone book Accormng to themformatlOn sheet shereceIved from the estate,"Jane Cadwell Lott (1915-2000) nee MaJorle JaneCadwell, passed away onApn129,2000 As the NorthAmencan ChampIOn andworld record holder m sever-al breast stroke events, Janewas named to the 1932Umted States OlympICwomen's sWlmmmg team

Democratic voters, independents back and forth on debateIy Patrick Wright statIstics and also seems to from the heart and that IS environmental standards, heard that '1 percent of numbers," added BykowskI)peclal Wnter have a greater passIOn" what I saw up on the they want a prescnptlOn Amencans' one more tIme or "People get 10ht m what hc I~

The mood was festIve and "I thmk he dId an excel- screen," Dr Amboyer contm- drug plan that works for all If I heard 'lock box' one more trymg to ~ay",upportlve as the Democrats lent job m reprehentmg the ued "It wasn't hke he was Amencans, and they want time, I was gomg to be ~Ick "My gue<,s I~ that he wa,net at Macomb County people, the common, every- holdmg a command perlor- semors to be able to buy food to my stomach But the too dommant," tntlqued Jim:::ommumty College's Center day workmg people," saId mance or anythmg It was and drugs and not one or the news mema played Gore up Blanchard "The I~we~ favor:::ampus to watch the presl- Dr Donald Amboyer just hIm and my WIfe and lather" to be a very accomphshed Gore and the debate tOOlghtientlal debates Tuesday Amboyer had two dlstmct talkmg about all the Issues Yet, some people m atten- debater, and 1 hone<,tly dld- was on IShues that favoredrught, Oct 3 connectIOns to thl~ debate he brought up here" dance saw the debate a bIt n't thmk he came atross as Democrats like educatIOn

A crowd of about 50 gath- He was one of the orgaruzers "I thought Gore seemed mfferently well as they made hIm out to and socIal secunty Gore hasered m a room m the of thIS meetmg m Macomb, very focused on the Issues "I thmk It was pretty even be" to soften himself a littleStudent Center to eat pIzza one of three m the metro and very focused on the qUIte frankly,. saId mdepen- Even from those who ~up- because the I»sues WIll takeand support theIr l-liuJIJate DctrOlt arca The other ('('In- "pf'cdics of those Issues,. dent voter Norm port the vice presIdent there care of themselves ..for president, Al Gore nectIon was hiS WIfe, Ann stated Dana BykowskI ::'Chlafmallll "Du"h didn't was sl1m!' rnl1m for Improve- Despite the fact that moreMterward, they expressed She was one of the people BykowskI IS the press secre- look as nervous as 1 expect- ment than halt lelt belorc the 01"ttheIr dehgpt over their can- chosen to be on Vice tary for Michigan VIctory ed Although m most cases 1 "I thmk he should have hour was over, tho»e whomdate's performance PresIdent Gore's debate 2000, a Democratic orgam- thought Gore was pretty talked about how great the stayed enjoyed thlb true

"I thmk It was outstand- preparatIOn team, a group of zatlOn workmg to elect Gore, dommant Overall 1 thought economy IS sooner than an mamfestatlOn of democracymg: said former MIchIgan 12 Amencans selected to and another orgamzer of It was a good debate. hour and 15 mmutes mto "I always try to !J,ten toGov JIm Blanchard help the Vlce presIdent get thIS event In Macomb "He "1 was surpnsed at how the debate," saId Janet the debates and »ee what

"1 thought Gore was more hiS message across to touched on the Issues that well Gov. Bush dId agamst Blanchard "That IS what each other ha» to offer," saidfamlhar Wlth the Issues,. Amencan cltlzens are Important to the the vIce presIdent,. saId Impresses everyone He Democrat Kofi Boatengsaid Janet Blanchard "I "When he was m our home Amencan people They want Vlewer Bob Klann should emphaSize the econo- "Behmd the candidates youmean he had the facts, the he really expressed hImself tax cuts, they want clean Klann, hke Schlafmann, my and how many jobs have know, there are campaIgnwas one of the few mdepen- been created 1fi the past folks who can put Spin on

dent voters m the audIence eIght years" Issues and people, but It ISwho was hopmg that the "He sometimes loses peo- good to hear the candIdatesdebates would shape then pie because he IS so detall- themselves and see howchOlce "I came away from It onented that sometimes they respond to thmgs ~with the lmpresBlOn that If I people get lost m all the

For more mformatlOn,VlSlt the Memonal's websIte at wwwlonesallor org ,or write to US NavyMemOrial FoundatIOn,AttentIOn Navy Log, 701Penn,ylvama Ave NW,SUIte 123, Washmgton, D C20004-2608, or call (800)821-8892 extenSIOn 730

edmund t. AHEE Jewelers20139 Mack Avenue

Grosse POInte Woods, MI 482361-800-987-AHEE (2433) wwwahee-jewelers com

~LE PETIT PALAIS•will be 011 displaY through Friday, November 3

Groups are welcome.Admission SS per person (after October 20)

Brad Stertz and BillVlaslc will brmg theIr road~how to the Central Libraryon Wednesday, Oct 18, at7 30 p m for a book talk andslgnmg The program IS free,but re~ervatlOns are reqUiredand can be made by callmg(313) 343 2074

october 12,2000Grosse Pointe News

throughout It became more,md more ..lpparent that theGerman~ prevmled It washard to report and keep upIIIlth the ba"'c detal);, "

Even mal e challengmgwa~ thdt Sim tz was hvmg mWa~hlOgton, DC, andVlasll In Blrmlllgham

. We did It over a lot ofphone cal1s and over a lot ofe-mail,' Stertz explamed

Arkl cun.;;Ltl"l' "f th('book 111 January 1999,Stertz moved fromWa"hmgton where he wasthe News' Washmgtonbureau chlef back to theNews' downtown DetrOItoffice where he I;' now as;,ls-tant managmg editor oflocal natIOnal news HISWife, Bndget Janson, andhl'l stepchIldren, Maureenand Patnck Mecke, followedback to Grosse Pomte Farmsm June at the end of the~chool year Life IS not qUiteyet back to a crUIse controlsettmg

Smce Its July release,"Taken for a RIde" has beena bestseller With that suc-cess, the book has takenStertz on a nde throughcountless mtervlews, bookslgnmgs and talks

Not surpnsmgly, the bookhas also thrust Stertz andVlaslc mto high gear ontothe lecture CirCUIt to bUSI-ness schools at Wayne StateUmversl1y, Michigan StateUmverslty and HarvardUmverslty to gIVe studentsa fast-track look at how twocompames continue tomerge ldentlttes, culturesand corporatIOns

And the story contmues tounfold

Ifled that no one ha., (orneout and ;,ald thiS IS all com-pletely off-ba~e and ni'verreally happened Nobody'schallenged the tact;, of thenarrative

"We had qUite a bIt of goodaccess It was "urpns1l1gSometimes you \\ould thmkthat people wouldn't "ant totalk about some of the~ethmg~, e;,peclally on theChry"lel "Ide There were ,,0many people who bpent ;,0

much of then lives revIVlI1gthIS company at least onetIme and there was a lot ofpnde m that so when It gotsold out from underneaththem, there were a lot ofpeople who were unhappyOn the German SIde, It waslike talkll1g about a big con-quest so they were prettyforthcommg m provldmgmformatlOn, too"

What Stertz and Vlaslcdidn't know untIl 1999 wasthat Mercedes-Benz CEOHelmut Werner had contact-ed Chrysler's Eaton onlydays after Kerkonan madehIS mtentlOns public With avague offer of assistance

"It was somethmg weheard and suspected, but weknew somethmg was gOlngon," said Stertz

Even for an edItor andreporter who IS used to dallydeadlines and who wasalready familiar With thestory, Stertz said the 10months he and Vlaslc spenton the 348-page book feltpretty compressed

"When we started out,thiS was bemg billed as thegreatest, most lOgical merg-er 111 world history," saidStertz "But thmgs keptchanging The stock pncesdropped dramatically

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To reserve Display AdvertISIng space by 2 p m Fnday

Grosse Pointe Farms resident Brad Stertz has beenhitting the high road with a book co-authored withDetroit News staff writer, Bill VIasle, "Taken for aRide: HowDaimler-Benz Drove off with Chrysler."Stertz was called to a more real story whIle workmg onactive reportmg duty Stertz their book, ~Taken for awas no stranger to Chry~ler Ride How Daimler-BenzHe had covered the company Drove off With Chrysler"exclUSIvely smce the late "The Idea of a book1980s as a Wall Street seemed to make a lot ofJournal con espondent sense: said Stertz "Therebefore commg on board the were a lot of mterestmgNews m 1993 characters lllvolved and It

For the next three yem s, was about two compamesStertz and Vla;,lc kept a vIg- that a lot of Amencans couldIIant watch on the No 3 Identify with"automaker - trackmg the The book reads like a fly-value ofKerkonan's stock on on-the wall account of nota dally baSIS to pubhshmg only the events leadlllg tomemos leaked by d Chrysler the current daylll~lder on top-secret talks DalmlerChrysler, but alsoWith Daimler-Benz top brass what went on 111 the mmd;,to heraldmg the "merger of of the men who engmeeredequals" on Nov 17, 1998, the dealwhIch balance was tipped to ~A good bit of It was fromthe German sIde wlthm talkmg to partiCipants whoweeks were at different events,"

It wasn't untll February ;,ald Stertz "We'd talk to1999 when Stertz and Vlaslc two or three people andtook a 10-IILOllth leave of heard the same story andabsence from the News were able to reconstruct thewhen they b~gan to get the events We were pretty grat-

"toLk, All hdl broke loose, ..,ald

Stertz lecalhng the event"of that day a, he ,a\\ themflom the per~pectl\ e oj the,lUtomotl' e pdltor at thattIme at the Ne\\~ 'l\h paltner, BIll (Vla, \\a" at the~cene and e\ eryone \\ a"pretty "hocked It \\'h apretty dramatll moment forDetrOIt"

For the next fOUl \ PM",that scnpted stat~ment\\ould chart a much differ-ent cour"e m the way Stertzand News reporter Vlaslc\\ ould cover the evolutIOn ofa com pan) hailed as corpo-rate DetrOIt s comeback kIdthrough KerkOlwn'sattempted coup to a be com-mg "'econdary partner III amerger-turned-takeover byGermany stop automaker,Daimler-Benz

After Kerkonan's wal cry,


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In ...tead of C'hn "Ier lh,lIl-man Bob Eaton ...teallng the"ho\\ WIth the new ..ehldeanlld much f,mfare, topC'hn "Ier "poke"pcnonAI thul ~Bud' LlCbler madE'a much dlffllent announle-ment - a pI epal ed, do and...ombel pI e ....., reled"'cTJ acmda COlpOlatlOn, \\ hlCh0\\ ned 10 percent ofChI) "leI'" stock and \\ a" ledby bllllonalle caSillO tycoonKuk Kerkonan, planned onpurcha;,lI1g the remammg~hare;, of the company s

By Bonnie CapraraStaff Wnter

Brad Stert7 \\ a~ In hi ~office at TIll' Detroit Nl'\\ Son the mUImni'( of -\pnl 12,1995, l'Xpl'l tlllg to Iell'<I~1' .l..,ton about thl' UD\ elll11g ofChi) sler" Iedl"lgned mllli,an at thl' Nc\\ York .\utoSho\\ Big, but l'xpected

Pointer at the wheel with an automotive bestseller4A



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We are pleased to announce that Maico Grosse Pomte has jOmed ComprehensiveAudiology as part of the Amencan Heanng Centers network of audiology and hear-mg aId centers American Hearing Centers operates practIces m MIchIgan,Massachusetts, and Pennsylvama and allows smgle-office busmesses lIke ours to takeadvantage of volume purchasmg discounts and improved operatIons that are general-ly assOCIatedWith large chams.

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October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News 5A

Opinion4 excellentnominees topnational ticketA

Having hstened to the firstpreSIdentIal debate and theone and only vIce-preSidentIaldebate, I have come to a cou-

ple of conc1u~lOns, both of whIch aresubject to change as you wIll find mthe following comments

FIrst, and most Important, IS thefact that the first two debates con-vInced me that the Umted States wIllbe In excellent hand", regardless ofwhlCh partv wms the presIdentIalelectIOn

My VIew IS that the addItIOn of theGOP vIce-presIdentIal nommee to thetIcket has strengthened Gov GeorgeBush's chances to WIn the pre"ldency

Yet, I confes" that I stIll favor VIcePreSIdent Al Gore for the top Job, but

that deCISIOnIS subject to change as aconsequence of the next two preSIden-tIal debates.

Gore's presentatiOn and generalattitude were supenor to those ofBush, who seemed unsure of hIS pre-sentatIOns at vanous POInts In hISfirst debate

In fact, It was no surprIse to methat Bush faIled to conVInce hIS lIs-teners that he was fully prepared tobe preSIdent

However, after the strong perfor-mance of hIS runmng mate In the firstand only vIce-presIdentIal debate, Itwould be unfaIr to call the contest forthe preSIdency over at thlS earlystage

If the Repubhcans wm the presI-dency and control of Congress, WhIChwould appear hkely, my VIew IS thatthe GOP leaders would tend to hmltgovernment spendmg, but not kIll allthe good proposals recommended byDemocrats

The Democrats, at the same tIme,are unlIkely to accomplish all of thenew alms that the vIce preSIdent pro-poses, espeCIally smce the economyseems to be slOWIng down

In fact, even If the money comes Inas expected, there are claIms that gowell beyond the funds that the twopresldentIal candIdates have calledfor

The CongresslOnal Budget Office

reported Just last week that "despItethe substantIal mcrease In the pro-Jected surplus In the next decade, thesltuatlOn In subsequent decadeswould detenorate rapIdly"

The CBO added that "assummgthat the portlOn of the surplus gener-ated by SOCial Secunty IS ubed toreduce the natIOnal debt, WashIngtonwould run a surplus untIl about 2020but then would fall back Into defiCItfinancIng"

That IS conservatIve talk the GOPpeople like to hear, but the rest of usmust pay attentIOn to It, too, as wevote for the preSidency

In fact, It IS unlIkely that the eco-nomIC surge of the last few years wIlllong contmue If the CongreSSIOnalBudget Office IS close to correct m ItSfOreLdl:>L.

Unpleasant as that vIew may be tothe Democrats espeCIally, and, In fact,to all of us as CItIzens In thIS greatdemocracy, all of us have the respon-SibIlIty to Inform ourselves as well aspOSSIblebefore we vote

- Wilbur Elston

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Or Sn. t N Plolbhshed Wft'kly by James M Shckford Stali \f\nterOSe r'oln e ews ~~-:;~~;~::~;:,M1482'6 D,ane Morelh Ed.,,,nal A'S!>tant C~:~U~:;I~s~~.(~:r:'~~:~

Vol. 61, No 41, October 12,2000, Page 6A Belty Brosseau P",o(read" Amy Fmlan Ass,stant


Evel')'Thursday, we provide the Pointes with completecoverage of the people, organizations, businesses, sales

and events in our community.

One has marvelous opportul1ltIes tosee other lands and explore and meetfascInatmg people along the JourneyMany sohd frIendshIps have resultedthrough busmess lIaIsons and myfnend certamly doesn't WIsh to diS-count the pOSItIve Side whIle recognIZ-mg the humorous angle

Wlth vamlla lce cream completed thetheme

She warns that one be prepared forevery secretary to know your nameand use It often. However, dorrt wasteyour tIme trymg to remember eachname, because chances are they willbe transferred or terminated .bY nextyear Be a good lIstener, but be carefulnot to blow It on the personal stuff,lIke how are the kids when they don'thave children Always play It safe.

One of the sad-but-true tales shetold concerned the woman who foundout her husband was being naughtyand decided to pay hIm back by spend-Ing her days as a QVC addIct, ordenngcountless Items and chargmg them tohis account. Too often you learn morethan you want about thIngs 'thatshould remaIn prIvate. Pretend not tohear.

Another pIece of adVlce is to alwayscarry a book A great deal of tIme WlIlbe spent walkmg or waitIng and Walt-mg My frIend isn't stupid. She hasspent countless hours tounng CitIesand museums However, she IS humanand her tootsles do get tIred.

It's also hard to shop on tired feetwhen you know you Will have to standat a party for several hours that nIghtand be ready to meet the gJrls for golfbnght and early the next mornIng.Even If you don't golf, you can rIdealong in the cart and keep score WIththe gJrls

Now let's talk about clothes ThISbecomes a diplomatIc Issue Onewants to appear smart, tasteful, dIS-play respect rather than decollete,however, never outshme your hosts

Some homework 1S necessary here.Learn the customs of the country andwhich expect flowers and whIch small,approprIate gJfts Body languagereads dIfferently In dIfferent coun-tnes, so be cautlOus WIth hand ges-tures and behave WIth decorum LessIS best

Never take the venue for assuranceof a swell time There have been manytimes when the 10catlOn sounds glam-orous, but there IS no tIme scheduledfor beach or Idle nonsense Rather,tIme IS spent playIng cruIse directorand tour guIde.

Last but not least, always beadorable, but not so adorable that youhave perenl1lal house guests PromIsea lunch, real soon, and to enJoy thegood parts

Offering from the loft

Corporate spouses' rolesShe has been relatmg tales

from the corporate WIves' clr-CUlt for years, and I belIeveher when she tells me she

truly trIes to be and do what IS expect-ed of her at vanous busmess func-tIons.

I can't help It, I howl at some of thestOrIes she tells, and before I getJumped on because It sounds stereo-typIcal, she and I are the first to admitthIS could just as easIly be the rolesome husbands play while Joiningtheir executIve Wlves. LIke It or not,these games are a very real part of cor-porate lIfe

DurIng the course of the year, myfnend WIll VISIt assorted gathenngsfor chanty events, plant openIngs,retIrement partIes, several hohdayfunctlOns and vanous board and cor-porate gathenngs both natIOnal andmternatlOnal. These may reqUIre vari-ous spon and other skills, such as golfand brIdge

There was also a benefit that turnedout to be a surprIse walkathon thathad not been on the agenda and,therefore, approprIate footwear was2000 mIles away at home m the closet.

Language IS often, If not an outrIghtbamer, certaInly a slzable obstacle.ThIS IS espeCIally true dUrIng thosethree-hour lunches WIth the otherWIves where you are the only one whodoesn't speak the language TheymIght be CrItlclzmg your halr, clothesor figure, but you contmue to smIleand laugh when they do, praymg thatthIS mIrth Isn't at your expense

Above all one must be a good sportThIS IS partIcularly dIfficult whenanother woman asks you to dance.Thls can be a bIt awkward, but onemust not offel.d, espeCIally when youknow she Just won the local dance con-test

Some adVIce my frIend suggested Ipass along to up-and-comIng youngspouses who have thIS ahead of themwould Include the followmg

Approach your meals WIth greatcautlOn, espeCIally when you can't rec-ogmze the fare On one occaSlOn sheattempted to cut a mysterIous sub-stance which turned out to be anentIre dehcate bIrd on a nest ofscorched starch and she shot theentIre vertebrate across the table andstIli ItS head remaIned Intact.

It Isn't unusual to dIscover color-coordInated themes at vanous venuesOn one such occaSIOn, she encountereda red buffet table whIch mcludedeverythmg from rare beef to marInarasauces, beets, red Jello molds andtopped off With strawberry Ice creamAnother hall offered an entIre whIterepa<;t, mcludmg fish, chIcken, pota-toes, nce, cauhflower, cottage cheeseand coleslaw WhIte on whIte cake

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Letters are on page 8A

an unt:::xcd benefit, employ-ee" are bhs~fully Ignorant ofthe employers' burden Ifworker;, had to purchasetheir own health m;,urance.1, they do auto and hometflVerdge, they'd be callmgfor mburer,,' heads to roll

If enough voter~ com-pldlned, then ;,omethmgwould he donI' to ..,tem esca-Idtlng hedlth lO;,urdnce pre-nllum,

Health tare m the UmtedState.., 1, d ca"e of extremesOn thc one hand, you have(mpluyee, WIth full cover-age health m,urance that'sbankruptmg employer;, Onthe other, you have semorswho dre choo..,mg betweenfood and medlune And mdlL- liuJJIL-, ..~vu. hu H_ pCvplcwho aI e 'Ick but can't getany kllld of coverage

Somethll1g mu"t be doneBut It doe"n t "ound like anyof the tandldate;, thiS politi-cal ,ea"on have the fightpC{~cnptlOn

their employee.., a, d co..,t ofdomg bU"lneb'"

But now bu"me'>;, ownl'r"are lookmg at health IBbUr-ance premium, nearly dou-bhng over the Pd..,t "everdlyear.., Thl' "frmge benefit"I;' now turnmg Into a mdJorwmpen..,dtlOn expen,e fOIemployer" dn l'Xlwn,e nottwd to an) ml a,ure of produLtlvltv mU ntlve,

It\ not unu,udl for dnemplo~er tu Pd) ';700 dmonth m famll~ hedlth tdt lCQvelUg(' for dn ('mplo~l'l At40 hour, d wetk, thdt, mfJf('than $4 dn hour Ju,t forhealth care

And eveI' more \vOlrhometo employer" I'" thdt thpre..,cem, to he no ('nd m "'Ight

'Yuu \\uulu Liliuh LJu"')!1!\.......,owner, oncl Chamhtr... ofCommerce '>Iiouldbe malthIllg on Wa,hmgton, D C 111

prote"t Maybe the~ 01 e, blltthey're not mokmg heodhne"

And 'lOLl health care I'

ernment program kIck 10

And even then "en,or" oftenarE>foned mto homb thatyou wouldn't even allowyour dog to "ta) dt whIle youare away on vacdtlOo

But we young, workmgpeople don't perceive healthcare a;, an ls'>ue, let alone aCrlSI;, Mter all, mo;,t of u,enJoy the be"t hedlth Cdremsurance our employer, t dnbuy

We con"lder health tare aright as untaxed compen"atlOn And some employer'>conSider the purcha;,e ofhealth care coverage for

ISayJohn Minnis r'

hve-..,avmg medlcmes Theyhave nv other chOICe Eitherthat or drop dead from a"troke or hedrt attack

And, God forbid, ~houldthey ever need long-termnur~mg care, they WIll lObetheir home, their bavmgsdnd everythmg else of vdluethey've got

It IS my under"tandmg,though T could he wrong,that Medicare Will not coverlong-term nursmg care untilall the patlCnt';, a~sets havebeen exhausted Then onlywhen the patient I;' brokeand homelebs Will tLe gov-

expen"lve health care 1',

Thank God we hdvehealth m..,urance, you ~ay?You bet But what aboutthose who don't have healthcoverage? You better believethey are not runnmg to thedoctor with every mlment,every hangnoll, every cough01 ..,ore thloat They arcfor ced to tough It out dndhope the 1IIn('..,.., doe..,n'tdevdop 1Oto ,omethlOg IIfe-threatenmg

We dll hdVI' ,enlOr.., In OUIextended tnmllle~ or knol,', of..,ome who ..,pend I'. hat littlehmlted mcome.., they haveon pre..,cnptlon.., and "sup-plemental" health In~ur-ance Indeed, my I,',lfe'~grandmothel ,pelld~ mo"t ofher ~oual betunty check onsupplemental m"urance

Often ..,eolOr..,are forced tochoo'>e between food andmedKlne It I'> nothmg foroldel people to ,pend hun-dred.., of dollar'> a month unblood pf(>,..,ure and other

Health care - I e thehigh cost of - should be thesingle most Important IssuedJscu~sed at all levels thiSelectIOn campaign ~eason

But nght from the outsetlet's make It clear that thequality of health care I;' notthe Issue here The UmtedStates IS second to none In

quality of health care avail-able, and our own backyardboasts some of the best doc-tors, nur~e~, ;,upport ;,tdlland facIlities anywhere

In fact, we have the besthealth care money can buy

If you've had the misfor-tune of spendmg any time 10

the hospital lately, you knowJust how tremendously

Health-care cureneeded

Grosse Pointe NewsOctober 12, 2000, Page 7A

The Op-Ed Page

See FYI, page SA

Weber's hotfor veterans

"\Vhat's In a name?"Shakespeare wrote, "Thatwhich we call a rose by anyother name would smell as;,weet" But flowers aren'tpeople Dr. Mark Weber,that's one "b," had hiS lastname misspelled 10 vanousmedia tWice In the pastweek m connection WIth hiSteam runmng m the ManneCorps Marathon mWashmgton, DC, on Oct22

But Mark Isn't hkely tocomplam If you misspell hISname, partIcularly If youmake a contnbutIOn to theVeteram Legacy ProJect, anmteractlve kIOsk that WIll

Macomb, Oakland andWayne counties

The theme of theChildren's Home of DetrOit'sfourth annual auctIOnfundral"el that IS runthrough the pages of thiSne\\ ~paper and others andalso on an Internet webSIte,IS "ChIldren Have Dreams"The auctIOn ads wIll appearThursday, Nov 9, and youcan bId bye-mall untilMonday, Nov 13 The web-site I~ wwwbld4klds orgThe e-maIl IS bld4-klds@aol com And the tele-phone number IS (313) 886-9944

Farms CounCilwomanLisa Gandelot JS one of themalO dnvmg forces behmdthe auctIOn that has raisedseveral hundred thousanddollar~ for the reSIdentialfaclhty dunng the last three)car'-,Mission

laudableB) the by, while the)

share a common concernand mlSblOn - care of trou-bled children and their fam-Ihes, there IS no offiCial hnkbetween the ChJldren'sCenter and the ChIldren'sHome of DetrOIt, whIch qUI-etly serves ItS clientele 10 areSidential ;,ettmg on CookRoad 111 Gros,e POInteWoods

The Children's Home ofDetrOIt ddtes Its semce to aflu epIdemIC 10 1836 thatleft a lot of orphaned chil-dren WIthout homes Thatwas a year before l\hchlganachieved ~tatehood TheChildren s Home latermoved to It., current locatIOnnear the Hunt Cluh andUmver«lty LIggett School Itnow ha~ three campu"e~ In

and their families from It..,headquarters IB the MedicalCenter area For more mfor-matlon, you can call (313)831-5535

The feel of the crowded,happy pldce With foot andcar traffic ~treammg b) onJeffer"on was remll1lSCent ofChicago OT Washington,DC do....ntown on a week-end mght Sure a good Signfor DetrOIt, even If borne oftho,e car., were headed forthe Wmdsor CaslBo To Illus-trate the ;,mall worldlinessof metro-DetrOlt, our next-door nCighbors Gaylordand Betsy Creedon of theCIty and our former NorthRosedale Park neIghbors,Dennis and Sally Perkins,now of Farm1l1gton Hills,were all on the Goombayevent committee

New Tom'sbenefits kids

Pomter Tom Brendel ofTom's Oy<;ter Bar famerecently ho<;ted the fi r, tGoombay Fe<;hval to t)('nt'fitThe ChIldren'" ('i'nterLocated In the dl'functGalligan'., at '519 E.Jefferson acro<;<; from thi'Ren-Cen the ~rand oppmngof the new Tom'<; Ov<;tl'f Balfeatured the Rohl'ft PennBlues Band and a CanbhC'anthemp that turni'd a fro<;tyl'venmg mto a fe,tlvPfundral<;er Thl' ChildrE'n,CentPT run., 21' program,and servlc('", for chlldren

Rally 'roundthe flag

The power of the pres;,was eVIdenced last weekwhen the Grosse PomteNews ran an Item about thecollectIOn of American flagsthe Fanns polIce gatheredfroT.1 South semors, who"borrowed" them dUllngHomecommg Week DotNixon of the Park saId sheretneved hers and It IS backon ItS mlS~IOn to fly everyday 111 the year 2000 Dot\father \'I as a MannI' 10 WWIand her husband, Burt,served m Korea ~o they flythat flag proudly

Kiska is girls'best dad

Kevin Kiska of the HIli'sKlska Jewelers IS a mansurrounded by women "Heworks WIth all guls and nowhe goes home to all gIrls,"one of hiS asso-ciates saIdrecently afterKevm's Wife,Dori, gavebirth a monthago to Emily,4 Ibs 14 OZ,and Molly, 4Ibs 13 oz Ben BurnsBemg a fellowwho works dally With precI-sIon Instruments, Kevmgave a demonstratIOn of howhiS daughters sleep byarrangmg watchmaker'stweezers on the counter

Speakmg of babies, PeterWaldmeir the elder, of theWoods, not to be confubedWIth Peter Waldmeir, theFarms counCIlman, IS a newgrandfather HIS daughterPatti has adopted GraceShu Min, born Nov 7,1999,10 Yangzhou, ChIna Theannouncement says sweetly"Placed m my grateful armson July 30, 2000 RejOiceWIth us"

Patti IS a renowned Jour-nahst 10 her own TIght,bemg hsted as one of the topfinanCial reporters m theworld a few years back Sheworks for the LondonFmancial TImes mWashIngton, D CGrandmother Marilyn ISvery proud Pete the cur-mudgeonly colummst forThe DetrOit News has notyet been heard from

___~_i bY_B.en_B.u.rn.s

See DR. BLOOM, page SA

sCientists are workmgfevenshly on computermodels of climatology, andthere are indicatIOns hemay be nght The carbondIOXide concentratIOn In theupper atmosphere IS steadi-ly T1smg, along With theEarth's temperature, espe-Cially thIS past decade

In hIS section, "Stnkmgthe Balance," hIS recom-mendatIOns for meetmg thechallenge of not upsettmgthe ecolOgIcal balance mChapter 14 titled, "ANewCommon Purpose," he says

"Modem mdustnal CIVl-hzatlOn, as presently orga-filzed, IS colhdJng VIolentlyWith our planet's ecolOgicalsystem The ferOCity of ItSassault on the Earth ISbreathtak1Og, and the hor-nfic consequences areoccurring so qUIckly as todefy our capacity to recog-mze them, comprehendtheir globallmphcatlOns,and orgamze an appropn-ate and timely response"(p 269)

On page 8 of Gore's mtro-ductlon, he quotes GeorgeWill, commentmg on hiScandidacy as bemg motIVat-ed by "a consummg mterestm Issues that are, m theeyes of the electorate, noteven penpheral These arels"ues such as the 'green-house effect' and the thm-mng ozone"

Gore contmueb, "Worse, Istarted to wonder whetherthe Issues I knew to beImportllnt really werepenpheral after all I beganto doubt my p01ltlcal Judg-ment, <;0I began to ask thepollsters and profe<;slOnalpohtJclan~ what theythought I ought to talkabout A<;a result for muchof th(' campaign, I dl~\.l.lssedwhat eVl'rybody l'l~e dl~-cu"ed, whIch too often wasa famIliar h.,t of what them'lder<; agree arl' 'theI.,..,ue<;'The American peo-pll' ,omC'tlme., ,uspect thatcampaIgn agenda<; corne,tralght from the pollstE'rsand pohtlcal profes<;lOnal<;Too oftpn thl'Y ar(' nght

"In my own defensf', I WIll,aY that throughout the(ampalgn r did look foropportl101tlC'<; to return tothl' I",UC' of thl' global pnvl-ronment And ('vC'n though I

Dr. Victor Bloombalance of thiS planetEarth He \,as convmcedthat over-populatIOn andtOXICwaste, the product oftoo many humans, wouldeventually, If unchecked,make the planet umnhablt-able

He saId that hlb mteg1ltyas a person would dependon whether he was suffi-Ciently courageoub to be themessenger of thl~ all-Impor-tant truth to the rest ofAmenca And It Ib true thatthe UOIted States consumesthe largest portIOn of theworld's available energy,and therefore contnbutes adisproportIOnate amount ofcarbon dlOxlde to the atmos-phere, which adds to the~greenhouse effect," whicheventually Will wann theplanet to the pomt that thepolar Ice cap Will melt, theocean., \VlII nse and eventu-ally flood our seacoasts,mundatmg our coastalCities

He was al~o concernedabout hole' 10 the ozonelayer, allowmg destructIVeultraVIOlet I1.JV) ray,> topenl'trati' thl' atm~sphere,cau~mg an mcrra,e m skmcancer among other thmgsSure enough thi' rate of<;km canc( r I' rapidlymcrea'1.1g e,peclally underthe holf''' In the OlOJ1(' layer

Thi' hair \Va<;cau~ed byfreon g.a<;,(conta'nmgCPC., J e'lapmg from rl'fng-erator.." alr conditloner<;and 'pra\ can<; evpntualhn,mg to thp 070nr IavE>r,tartmg a chpmlcal proc(',.,that contmualh hrpak,dO\,n 070JWIthne ox~genatom,) Into ordmary oxv-gpn whIch I' t\\ 0 oxygE>natom,

Hr Uln ~pp mto thefutun' and \l,p cannot Hpwill toll thl' W:HnJng bell,and unlr.,<; \\r hrl'd hI'> calldl,a<;tPr will follow Soml''Cl('ntl..,[.., agrf'(' \~lth hImOthl'f' do not :"0 far Wl' donot know ....hf'n' our l'cologlcImbalanc( I' he,ldmg but

Politics and ecology

CorrectionIn Dr Bloom's column

last week, the followmgparagraph should havebeen worded as followsThe error was mtro-duced by the GrossePointe News editors

In the mIdst of thISmISery, DmItriShostakovlch was compOSIng the LenzngradSymphony, a work ofmusIc that bore thestamp of genIUs, from aman who hImself hadsuffered StalIn's scornHIS answer to StalIn washIS Fifth Symphony,whICh spoke volumes tothe RUSSian people andrestored hIS reputatIOnShostakovlch not onlysuffered WIth the peopleof Lenzngrad, but wasknown to feel deeplyabout the plIght of hISfellow countrymen, afeeling whIch znsplredhIm to wnte a ~peclalsymphony about II hatwas happenzng In

LenmgradHIS answer to Stalm

was hiS FIfth Symphony,not the Seventh as Itwas pnnted m la~tweek's Grosse PomtRNews ShostakoVlchrestored hl~ reputationWith the FifthSymphony, becau<;e afterthe Fourth, hi' wa"~everely cntlclzed hyStalin The Fifth provrdso popular that the peo-ple were looking forwardto the Seventh, aftl'r theSixth, the latter wa,compo~ed dunng thrSlCge of Lenmgrad

There may be a few Goresupporters In the GrossePomtes, and a few morewho are on the fence Forthose who are undeCided, Itwould be worth\'lhile toread Gore's famous book onecology, "The Earth 10

Balance"In that book, which IS

largely autobIOgraphical,one can get a sense of theman He wrote that hedeCIded to run for preSIdentIn 1987 Before that, he con-VInced hImself that themost Important Issue m theworld was the preservatIOnof the delicate ecolOgIcal

If you have comments or suggestions, e-mait Doggo & Mark [email protected]

Farms'CHICKENStir Fry



in a pag




Dr Bloom IS cllnlcal asso-ciate professor of psychiatry,Wayne State UnIVersitySchool of Medlcme He IS amember of the AmencanAcademv of PsychoanalySISand on the edltonal boardof the Wayne CountyMedical Society He wel-comes comments at hiS emati address, ~bloom@com-puserve com, and VISits tohiS webSite,www factotem comhbloom

necessary? Is there a hld-den agenda? Do we wantthat much governmentalpower to change our hvesfor the benefit of futuregeneratlOns because we areshort-Sighted and don'tknow any better? Or has AiGore already caved m to thepollsters and pundIts?

Ben Burns IS director ofthe Journaltsm program atWayne State UnIVersity andcan be reached at burns-ben@home com or by phoneat (313) 882-2810

David Halberstam, whogamed fame as a New YorkTIme" correspondent In

VlCtnam before gomg on toan out!>tandmg career Innon-fictIOn books, WIll be ata new program sponsored bythe hbrary Oct 28 called"Books on the Lake" LorenEstleman, DetrOlt mysteryfiction wnter, andAlexandra Stoddard willalso !>peak DuMouchelle'swlIl also do an "Ask theAppr,llser" program consec-utively WIth the author pro-grams Tickets are free atthe hbrary

the Grosse Pomte PubhcLibrary IS now clrculatmgEach book wntams 10 booktitles You can check themout 101 two weeks There aretwo of the electromc readersavaIlable at Central LIbrary,two at Wood!> and one atPark

New Crop'Maclnto5h


69~.Farms' Angus Standing


$799LB. {,


$399_"'" lB.-""~ "-"iIIlI" ... ~

The questIOns remamAre we ready for thIS? Is It

The unemployment thatwould result mlght well beturned to the manufactureof mllhons of Wlnd turbmesand solar panels We mIghtmhent a Brave New WorldIf Gore were elected

It might be a good thmgIf we can stamp out escalat-mg consumensm and lrre-sponslble consumptIOn ofIrreplaceable resourcesThere would be a lot lessC02 produced If our auto-mobl1es were leg!slated tobe small and/or electnc, andcould not go faster than 50mph, and that our electncl-ty were largely powered bysolar panels and wmd tur.bll1es And gasolme were $4per gallon, as IS the caseeverywhere else


On line, on deckat the library

If ~ou are an ommvorousreader, you might try Slgn-mg up for one of the E-books

Antonio'sin the Park

I heard a chef the otherday explam that there aretwn typf''i of pf'onlf' m theworld those who areItahan ...and those who WIshthey were In either event,Antonio Scerri wlll offi-cJally open hIS 'iecond areaItahan le"taurant, Antomo's111 the Park, on Oct 17 at 11am

HI!> Antomo's Ca!>ualDmmg hd!>been a fixture onMack m the Woods for yearsAntomo has revamped andreVIsed the old SparkyHerbert's that DarrellFinken made famousFmken, of the Park, IS nowdlrectmg operatlOns at theGrosse Pomte Hunt Cluband gettmg great reviewsfor the food

Pomte Rotary when It meetson Mondays at the WarMemonal And when he"mg!> "God Bless Amenca,"you know It comes from theheal t








We must conSIder theposslblhty that VicePreSIdent Albert Gore has ahidden agenda, that If' he IS

elected, he Will use all thepower!> of the preSidency,espeCIally If he has aDemocratlc Senate andHouse, to enact legtslatlOnturnmg back ~modernmdustnal clVlhzatlOn "

He went on to further saythat m splte of growmg eVl-dence of "the dangeroushole m the sky aboveAntarctica, (SlC) ," the pressrefused to report It

From page 7A

came to downplay It m mystandard stump speech, Icontinued to emphaSize ItheaVIly m my meetmgsWlth edltonal boardsthroughout the country"

Dr. Bloom

October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

OPEN SUNDAYS10 am. 5 pm

882.5100 • Fax: 882.0220F WEDEL'VER

355 FISHER RD.A ~ ~ F~ F~ ~ w~ OPEN MON .• SAT. 8am.7pm

Sale prices good through October 18th

From page 7A

even allow !>ome vetel ans totell thClr war expenence!> mtheir own WOId" If you wantto donate to the proJect, youcan call (313) 881-7511

One of tho"e telhng theIr.,tone!> Will be Ray Laenen,who wa" aboard a LlbertyShip that was torpedoed mthe IndIan Ocean nearWorld War II's end WhenLIlt- G-LUdt tlt«t ~l-1.uh."hip surfaced, Ray and the19 other survIvors figured Itwas all over The NaZIS hada pohcy of leavmg no trace ofa sunken craft !>osub-hunt-mg alhed aIr craft couldn'ttrack them down the nextday But the German !>klp-per looked at Ray and theother men and left thescene The Clew then floatedand dnfted for 22 daysbefore they were rescued

Last !>ummer, Ray attend-ed a reumon, but It wasn't areunIOn of the 19 sumvorsIt was a reUnIon m Germanyof the submanne officersand crew, who had also sur-vwed the war Ray thankedthem for not follOWing pohcyand told them he had nohard feehngs "We were allJust domg our Jobs," RaySaId

Ray usually leads thesmgmg for the Grosse

FyI----------Ellwyn and

Johanna Gilbert

Grosse Pointe Shores

Yvonne Rottach

Grosse Pointe Park

There have been manymIsconceptIOn" and mis-gUIded informatIOn Proposal One ThiS ISwhat It actually !>tates

First, It mcreases mlm-mum fundmg guarantee forevery child, whIle protectmgpubhc school fundmg fromfuture budget reductIOn

Second, It WIll inItIate reg-ular testmg for teachers mtheir academIC subjects only

Thlrd, It Wl]) empowerparents m falhng school dls-tncts (those that don't grad-uate two-thlrds of their stu-dpnts) wlth an OpportumtyScholarship, also known asa voucher, a SImple plece ofpaper that represents half ofthe tax dollars spent ontheir chIld In a pubhc school(roughly $3,250) whIch canbe used to place their childm a non-pubhc school Theother half goes back to thepubhc school

Fourth, schools that grad-uated two-thlrds of theIrstudents can also particI-pate If thelr !:>chool boardapproves or voters can gath-er petitIOn slgnatures num-benng 10 percent or more ofthose votmg In the lastschool bClflrd electlOn Thlsenables It to be voted on Inthe local electron by all reg-Istered voters

Misconceptionsand misguidesTo the Editor:

dIrectly With the provldel bythe school dlstnct

It IS Important for ourteacher!> to have the bestcoverage aVallabll' Webeheve the Gro!>!>l-'PomteNews ha., the 0pPOliulllty togather and pubh~h pel tl-nent fact~ that explam whythe cun ent "y,tem eXI...t"


Phone (810) 324-2662


• Fresh Cider & Donuts

O ·Pony Rides• Unique Country Store

.~s • Antique Shop':s • Old Fashioned (arousel

• Dracula's Den-! Trolley Tours of

400 acre tree Plantation

Hours: 11 :00 am . 5:00 pm Saturday (, Sunday

Explain factsTh the Editor:

Recently the Gro"sePOll1te New" pubh"hed anOpll1lOn piece by TomBowles, "What I learned 111pubhc school" (July 13), thatshould have had a responsefrom you

Bowles que'itlOned whyschool dlstncts contmue topurchase health Il1surancefor our educator" throughMESSA, a thll d party,whIch results 111 a com mls-slOn/fee paid to MESSA

Thl' question raIsed waswhy the negotiatIOn IS not

my dad, who ha, had a!>troke, been dlagno"ed WithParkm,on'" dl,ea"e, ha" atrach ,md I" on oxygen, thelevel of cal e that he receIVe.,Without this !>upporl

It I" one of the very rea-'ion, I hve In Gros"e PomtePark

Lynn Lutomski.Kiley

Grosse Pointe Park

No Duty, No Sales TaxFull Premiums on U.S, Funds

- DOWNTOWN-484 Pelissier, Windsor 1-519-253-5612

Open Mon Through Sat 9 00 - 5 00




[n addlhon to Its top rankIng, thIS money market fund offers• A h,ghly competlt\ve yIeld• Dally access to your cash• Free checks and ched.wrltlng

A mInImum Inthal Investment of $25,000 IS reqUIred



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The OLDE Premium Plus Money Market Series won the ~--C:::::-U-R-R-E-N-T-::'Y""I-E-L-D---'IMoneyNet, Inc (formerly mc F'oanclal Data) award for the 6.48Of,,*number one total return performance for the five-year penod -/1./and number three for the one-year perIod through June 30.2000, out of 197 and 242 General Purpose fetal! funds, respectIVelyPast performance \s no guarantee of future results



When I have called 911thle' ambulance and pohcecar are here almost before Ihang up thle' phonl'

I can alwa,,, count on mydad recelvmg con!>lstent,profeSSIOnal and canng Sl'r-vice from the officers

Whether It IS 4 a m or '*p m I know I can rely onthem

I would not be able to gIVe

Appreciatesexcellent workTo the Editor:

Pll'a"e alcept thl'i long-overdue \l'ttPI of apprecIa-tIOn for tht' POhlt' officer~,md thell ('"wllent ambu-Jance work

I take care of my father,Harry Lutom!>kl IIho IS 87He ha!> been a re'ldent ofGro!>se Pomtl' Park for more~!-..o.l ... 10 ,) ,--,,-U...,. III LL.&'::' LI.-L-11vel} III fOI the pa"t fouryear!> and ha~ had to beIu!>hed to the ho"pltal over adozen tune ...


Ruby Farms Is located In Ruby. MI. about 9 miles west of Port Huron and the DlueWoter Bridge to Canada. Approximately one hour from Detroit. via 1.94 f~way.From Detroit 0... 0: 1-94 East to Exit 271. follow to 1-69 West to ExIt 196 WadhamsRoad. Tum right follow signs. Approximately 1 hour from me Detroit OreG.

Grosse Pomte Woods .. 313 884 800020916 Mack Ave.

•H.RILOCKfinanCial adVISOrs

*Rank'd 1/2 out of 264 O.""al Purpost moM)' mark'i funds for Ih. 7 day p'rlod .ndl'll! 10 '03100 Source theMoney Fund Report'" () gULlet of IMoneyNet Tnt (formnly 18C F,naru:lal Datal OT.-DE has a"d co"t'nues toabsorb a portIOn oflh •• xpenses ofth. fund U/ltd January 1 2001 Had the e:rpeTlMS /lOt be," absorb.d th. fulld.curre,,1 a"d .{f.C/IV' ylPld, would hav. het" 6 42% and 6 61%, ",'pec/lV.lyFor more eompllt, U1f"rmtJI.on on tM OWE Pre""u", Phut 1II~ lIIarUl &ria, ....."agemml f ...eAor,.. and ."",nlft, obttun a pl'Olpectu. by coll'lI6 or ~... tt,., a local o(ffce Read il c4refully be(Orl yo';.n~," or ".nd rno..., An .n~.t .n lit. ,und .. nOl ",.ured 01 ,uorontted by III. l1,d"ol D.po .. 1l... urone. Corporo/.on or any otller ,o~.rn_nt O(,ney Altlto A tA. fund .. ,Ir. 10 pr,,,",' tit, ~olu,of your .n« 41 '1 00 p" .IIor" it If po ... bl. 10 10" 0..., 6y .n~.. "n, .n 110. fund Yltld.fluNuote~2000 H&R Block F\nanc'al AOV\ROrlTne member NYSEISIPC, a 8ublld,aryofH&R Block Tne H&R BlockIne \R not R regutered broker deal.r


October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News News 9A

-- Brad Lmdberg

A mdn from Gro%e PomteWood'> wa'> ~urpnsed tolearn that ~omeone hadcharged a nearly $14,000necklace to hl~ credit cardThe purchase had beenmade d local Jewelry store

The fraud of which thecredIt card companymformed the man ld;,tmonth, was reported on theafternoon of Thurbday, Oct5 The VIctIm ha'> de~troyedhiS credit card

Jewelry fraud


On, Oct 4, ,It11 1') pm, the uwner of apickup truck parked In thpICl700 block of Harper dl~-covered ~omeone"hed the pa~~Lnger \\In-Ju ...~ (...lI~J -,tulLr~ ~ laptopu,mputer

The \ Ictlm, a rel>ldent ofEabtpolnte told Wood'>police the $2,000 computerWd'>made b) Unysls but car-ried the Dell label

ParkThe officer arre~ted the

~uhJect and took him to thepohce ,>tatlOn The manpo,>ted $100 bond and wa~reled,>(.d at about 7 30 P m

Cama WI~S Brooch

"Fine Jewelry From All Over the World"

Wanted driverOn Saturday, Oct 7, at

5 08 pm, a Grosse PomteWood" pollee officer wa~enforcmg the state's manda-tory seat belt law when hediscovered a DetrOIt manhad been dnvmg on a sus-pended license The 44-year-old subject was also wantedon a $150 warrant for a traf.fie VIOlatIOn In HIghland

'ffJr/! ~(p~M(1e1!t,httJ fl' &;/ule }uJeIkI'!; {/ :ftIJl(ikyr.;/J

Opm Monday. friday 10 5

Holuwy Hours TumJay 'laturday 10 S Harm/I( Nor.t'mbrr 1st

Nap time overA 59-year-old man found

sleeping on a bench In the20000 block of Mack wasawakened by Grosse POinteWoods pohce at about 7 30P m on Wednesday, Oct 4

The man, a reSident ofHarnson Town~hlp, wasfound to be clear of anycrlmmal wrongdomgs andwas sent on hiS way

Joseph DuMolUh~/k, G.G. • M~lmda AtMUCCl, G. G.5 Kcrchcul Gros-~c POlntc Farm~ /l.l1chlgan 4il236

n 13) ilil4 4ilOO • (ilOO) 475 (,I- 1'.15

Gas leakOn the eV6mng 01

Wedne~day, Oct 4, GIO:"I'

Pomte Wood~ police la~tweek responded to dn odorof leakmg ga~ In the 21400block of Goethe

In additIOn to ~melhnggab, a pubhc ~atety othcerheard "what sounded hke aga, leak commg from a utJl-Ity room"

The officer helped ventthe home by opening door~and Windows A call toMlchcon resulted In employ-ee., arriving "wlthm a fewmmute~," Said the officer

Tire troubleDunng the mght of

Sunddy, Oct 1, ,omeone,tole two tire,> off a ~arparked m the 1400 block ofWayburn

Swam thingPohce searching along the

canal below Alter In DetrOItcaught a man who mmutesbefore had allegedly tned tobreak Into a home In the 800block of Pemberton

The 3uspect gave a fakename: but a fingerprintcheck proved he was wantedon out-of-state drug chargesLocally, the man IS a suspectIn other inCidents In thearea

He has been sent to theWayne County JaIl awaItmgextraditIOn to Chesapeake,Va

Trucker troubleOn Saturday, Oct 7, at

6 30 P m a man dnvlng alate-1980b Ford Rangerpickup truck m the area ofKen~mgton and Mack InGro~se POinte Park pulledover to ask directIOns from awoman pedestrian

He drove away, thenreturned and In an unarmedrobbery stole the woman'spurse

last week Neither mCldentcau~ed any InJune,> normuch damdge

On Friday, O(t 6, at aboutmidnight, oflker" convergedon a hou~e m the 1000 blockof Beaconsfield where Itturned out a re'ldent had,>prdyed an aero:,o! productunder the ,>tove, whichcau'>ed a ~malllile

The next afternoon anewly mstalled heatmg umtIII the cd! fJUll uf ,. <-:",., <-l, d.the 1400 block of Whittier~tarted smoking

Park fire runsGrosse POinte Park fire

umts responded to emergen.lies on two consecutive day:,


~~SINCE 1900



Someone ha~ reportedly~tolen more than $2,125worth of computer-relatedmusical gear from GrossePomte North High School

A school offiCial suspectsan as-yet unknown studenttook the eqUIpment, whichIS useless unless hooked upto a computer and bynthe-sizer

The mlssmg Items are two$494 Korg X5DR.64 vOIcesound modules

The umts, which measureabout Inches,are colored black and usedm con~unchon WIth comput-ers to create the sounds ofmusical mstruments Alsoml'Ssmg IS a $1,137 RolandJP8080 syntheSizer module

The Items were discoveredtaken from room C 106 onSeptember 3

In another high schooltheft, on Fnday, Oct 6, at10 46 pm. a North ~tudenttold pohce someone stole hi:'pants and a small amount ofcash from a varsity locker

Acting on a call from theCitizen, Wood~ pohce,>topped the '>ubJect onMonday, Oct 2, at 941 pm,ab he wove hiS pickup truckflam lane to lane ,lnd 01T theroad on ea~tbound Vermernear F dlrway

Upon bemg ,>topped, the31-year.old -.ubJe(t, wholIv('~ m EabtpOlnte, bat 10

hI;' vehIcle shakmg "Heacted confu;,ed and Justlooked Mound, ;,dld thearre~tmg officer

HavlI1g been taken to alocal hospital, the manexplamed hl~ conditIOn He~ald that at about 1 pm, hehad swallowed three Tylenolcap~ule;, and three do~eb ofa barbltuate mu;,de relaxer

Why" "To feel good," hesaid



HOURS MON THRU FRI 10 - 6 THURS TILL 9 SAT 10 - 5 30 SUN 12- 4

funnel neck sweater ~ith subtly blended shades of toasted almond. warmberry and pumpkin give you a glimp~e of her "Rustic Chic" look.

More in store, come soon!

- JIm Stlckford

Cover upCity of Grosse Pomte pub.

hc safety officers were calledto a store In the 17000 blockof Kercheval on Monday,Oct 2 to investigate a caseof fraud A customer hadused a credit card to pur-chase a vanety of cosmeticsworth $410

When store employepsphoned to check the card,they discovered that the per-son whose name wa~ on thecard dJdn't have such a cardthat she could remember Amore thorough checkrevealed that the suspecthad been usmg the fraudu.lent card to make purchasesthroughout metro DetrOitPohce contmue to investi-gate

Garage openedBetween Fnday, Sept 29,

and Monday, Oct 2, some-one broke Into a garage Inthe 800 block of St Clair mthe City of Gro;,se Pomteand stole a $350 bIcycle and$1,000 worth of golf club~

The garage door wa~closed and locked, but It wasbroken open The bicyclewas chamed to a post, butthe chain was cut

Drugs &driving

Grosse Pomte Woodspo1Jce can thank a CItywoman for alertmg them toa pos;,lble drunken dnver

cdr also contamed an uncon-sumed 12-pack The officergave everyone In the car aPBT The driver, a 16-yearold Farms girl, blew a 09The five pa~senger~' PBTsmdlcated blood alcohol lev-els of between 093 and 166

All were charged underFarm'> lero tolerance law~a'> bemg mlnor~ In po~se:,-slOn of dlcohol The driverwas al~o Cited for operdtlngwhJ1e under the InfluenceThe matter ha~ been turnedover to Juvemle court offi-"Jell"

Grossi Pojnt~ N~ws(USPS 230.400)

Published every ThursdayBy Anteebo Publishers96 Kercheval Avenue

Grosse Pointe, MI 48236PHONE: (313) 882-6900

Se<ond Cia" Pmlage paid al Detro" and addilional madlO~011"",

C;Ub'inlptlofl Rlfr'\ n, per year \Iamall SJP, out 01 !lrdre

POST"lA,T£R <,end add,.« {hJn~e<10 (ro'iS(> Pmnte N(>wS 96Kcr( Cr~se Pomt(> F.arm~ ~11481JI>

The d •• dlme lor new; <CljlY " Mond"noon 10 lnSUff' In'S(>t'ItOO

Advf'rll'ilng copy tor S<-ctlon "p," m J"be m Ihe advem'lng dep.nmrnl bv11 00 a m 00 Mood' y The O<'adhnefOf cld .....( r1 o;,ln~ (Op't' lor S<-cl OO'i A &f " 10 JO , m T,ll'l<

fORRE( TIONS AND ADIlJ<;TMFNT<;R"'P"""hthty for d,'+J!"" "nd (I""hr<!aOo.r«tl~~ l'fJ()' IS 11m 100 10 <'1thl:'r ( ,n,c-Ilabo1 01 thr (h.l~( IOf Of "H~' run of

lhr ponlOn In c'nlY No(lllCafl(Yl mU"l he-P;1'."ffi In IJt'l1(' klf rorrf'( tJon In th<' to!lowm~ Kq)(' VVf:" a~<,(lmc 00 r~~lhll!', 01 to. ",me ,fIe< ,"" bN ,nl('<1>OO

The (~ PllOn4t' N<"M """"'l'< t!lt' n~hlno! to ¥(('pf ,:m .tdv( (11~f ~ ordrr( r()l;ot;(>POIllfe N('\ol{'l, ad ....ffil'itn~ r(1lrt

~a(IVf'li MV(l 00 ..,utt"k""ly 10 hind Inl'l,~JX"I'" <mdooly puhlu ,lll('(l A )..,

ddvNtI o;.('m<>nl \hall (OO~11111'f' 1m II"«(!lllance 0l1l1c a<1v!'<11<l< < ()'(~

Party downFarms police were called

about a loud party takmgplace at a home In the firstblock of Fair Acres at 1031p m on Fnday, Oct 6 Whenthe officer was pulhng ontothe block, he spotted severalyouths hauhng a clear trashbag to their car InSide thebag were beer cans

The officer pulled thevehicle over and determlOedthat the bag contained emp-ties Unfortunately for thednver and passengers, the

Steiner hasfundraiser

Enc Stemer, theRepub1Jcan candidate forWayne CountyCommiSSioner, Will host afundralser next week

The event Will take placeat Marge's Bar & GnU,15300 Mack, at the corner ofBeaconsfield, m GrossePomte Park The fundralserIS scheduled for Wednesday,Oct 18, from 5 30 to 8 30pm

Tickets cost $20 and Willbe available at the door

Stemer, who IS a GrossePOlnte Woods city makmg hiS first bid forcounty office, said hiS cam.palgn IS m high gear

"I'm up until mldmghtstuffing envelopes, runnmgfrom one thlOg to another,"he said "There's not enoughtime In the day"

Failed break-inGrosse POinte Farms

police were called to a homeIn the first block of GrossePOlnte Boulevard onThursday, Oct 5 A screenWindow frame had beenpned open, but the InnerWindow was locked

Drunk driversA Gro~se POinte Shores

patrol officer spotted a 1995Chevrolet pickup truckgomg 52 mph on Lakeshore,a 35 mph zone, at mldmghton Fnday, Oct 6 When theofficer pulled the vehicleover, the dnver, a 23-year-old Muskegon man, said hehad one dnnk 30 minutesago

While the dnver managedto pass his field sobrietytests, he blew a 10 on hispreliminary breath test(PBT) He I~ currently treeon $100 bond

On Wednesday, Oct 4, at9 10 pm, a Shores patrolofficer stopped a 1996 Dodgefor traveling 48 mph whiletraveling south onLakeshore The dnver, a 31-year-old St Clau Shoresman, had no dnver's hcenseon him He said It wasstolen It turned out It hadbeen suspended - threetimes

The dnver said he hadthree drinks "a little whileago" After falhng his fieldsobnety tests, he blew a 13on his PBT He was chargedWIth dnvmg whJle under themfluence of intoxicatinghquors and dnvmg whJiehcense suspended He IS freeon $200 bond

10A Schools October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

District, schools, students score well in annual report

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I2 Room Minimum I810-779.0411 • 800-690-2677 ,,, _ .....-A..-- Stfe f\oooN.. Wltlll (oupoon:J1~.~c~~A("NOntr

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Plck.Up & DelIVery • Window Blind Cleaning rS-ROOM-S'Onental Be Alea Rugs Plant Cleaned I I

"Your Neighborhood Cleaning service' $95 .00:::...~ FImlyOwnNAOpcrmd '~ I~~~=!:~Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Since 1954 1"'~~IIlooom"Wllh(OUfI'OII I

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( eil ~,,~~ , -; U~=...~IF~~~E11.'.1T:'''.91T;~~T71 I .. $45.00 *.. ~ _ = I 7 ~..=f,=,DwsI~ =s L:-'-'-:J_ c...-.e-.- .........---

Year Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 9822775

Grade 12Number Percentage

304 4558%271 427%



, .• ,a,.,Grade 11

Number Percentage260 3698'1<271 406%

64581 2

Grade 10Number Percentage

14 19%7 10%

.. ." I



,.. . ...Year L _~rade 9

Numbe Percenlag99-00 1 1

0'1< I

98-99 None


Comprehensive Testing Program III (CTPIII)Average national percentile achieved by G P students in grades 2 and 5

Year I National Test Readmg - Grade 2 National Test Reading - Grade S99-00 74 75

National Test Math - Grade 2 NatIonal Test Math - Grade 5~~ I M ~

School Number of Tests Number of Tests Percentage of AP TestsYear Taken Passed Passed.99.00 1,075 768 71%98-99 1,054 770 73%

• Pa~slngan Advanced Placement test means eligibility for early college credits before achieVinghigh school graduationThe AP passing rate for students In Michigan In 98 99 was 65% the passmg rate for the nation the same year was 64%

Advanced Placement (AP) Course Enrollment and Test Results

Grosse Pointe Writing AssessmentPercentage of stUdents achieving satisfactory

APs are voluntary tests taken by high school students for possible college credit

2000 Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP)19992000 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade II'MEAPResults GP State GP State GP State GP State GP

Malh I 91 1 I 74 8 INoiasses,oll~ 51 837 62 8 NoI~r1~81 973 81 0SCience I Nol assessed n grade 4 I 69 9 I 43 6 No! assessed In grade 7 39 81 242 i 953 80 3

Reading I 787 I 58 2 INoI~II'\~ 51 7091 48 4 NoI:1"~8 928 82.2Writing INol assessed In grade 4 I 87 6 I 67 8 INot assessed 111 grade 7 84 2 66 8 945 854Social Studies NoI~.,gade41 7231 510 Notasseesedll~7 863 577 88858.1

The moSI currenileSI results are Irom Apn I Y99 I he siale IS expected 10 release Apnl May 2000 results someume '" lhe tall LOOJThe Impact Ii> a.;,tollli>h-

mg " i>ald Par,>on""Attendance Ii>up 47 percentIllth le»s tlme bpent III thedlIllC, \~altlng to see a coun-»elor or waltlllg to i>ee anddmlllistl ator The parentpal till pat IOn rate Ii> up 72percent With 18 out of 19 ofthe students who had par-ent" who attended confer-ences Grades are a httlehdrd to measure becaui>esome of the clai>ses al etaughtjomtly, but we had noDs at the end of the semes-ter"

Parsons saId that MEAPi>wre» were a succeSi> WIthCommumty School studentsWIth four out of four stu-dents who took the testsrecelvlllg a MIchIgan MentAward

A new analySIS that wasadded thl' year to the diS-trict's PA 25 report was a cIr-culatIOn report from' theschool's IIbranes/medIa cen-ters About 350,298 ItemsCIrculated durmg the 1999-2000 school year WIth eachItem bemg borrowed 2 3tImes dUring the school year

"Even though the kIds areon the Internet all the time,prlllt medIa IS still a bIg partof school hfe," saId Parson,>

revICW, part of that IeVlewII III look at the tlmlllg to beeII hen certalll learnlllg con-l('pt» should be IIltroduLed

While mo"t .;,tudents and~<-hooli>have kept on pili'" Ith a»i>ei>sment, atten-dancl' dnd partiCipationlal(',>, "tudents 111 the dl»-tnlt'» newei>t i>chool,Commumty School, have.,hown dramatIc Improve-ment~

P::II,>on<, '>,ud that ou rkid" dId verv 1\('11" on theMEAP Illth -82 pelu'nt, 01

419 01 la~t \L'al\ '>l'11I01'>IeLel1 llIg thl' "t,ltl'\ $2 500Michigan !\1Pllt A\I.II d»t holdl"hllh

Thl' »t,lll' h,l'> pI 0\ Idld Ii'>

II ]th a pOll l'l ful, 101 11,11 d-lookmg cUlllculum, ",udPal "OIl'> "Tlll" h a 1eformdfort and IIell' ,llIgnl'd our\.-u,i II\-U:Uih l\J ""ldl\.. "l~ul

uaJd"HOIH'H'I, llll' ME.\P "1I-

cnll' te~t Ipm 'lllh .l Lhal-lenge 101 dl"UICI "t lIdt'nti>,partlculaJ h III lhl' ,,('I enthgrade WhCll on I) to pel <:pntof thl' dl"tnll" "tlldenl'> pel-formed "dtl"fallolll)

'Wl' h,l\ l'l1 t h,ld dataanah "I» 01 ~hol t e",>a)an"\\ l'I", ",lid P,u"ons"The tl'"t a~k" I (IU to thmkWe haven t done thl" ('noughIn thl~ bubjeLt mattel "

WhIle Par.;oni> .,dld the<;;clenc(' curnt ulum I" under

By Bonnie CapraraStaff Writer

It\ report card time agaIn101 the i>tate's public i>choolsrmd once agum, the Glo,»ePOlllte Pubhc School Sy»temp,h'ed wIth flyIng colors

Sthoo):, aclUss the districthal l' ,hared their PublIc Act25 reporti> - the state-man-d,ltl'd report all i>tudent,1LhH'vement, attendance,gr aduatlOn rates, parentfhli LH.'4p",tilJH J'"'t~" dl•.A.! t..-J.-tatlUn cun lculum and~Lhool Improvement effort,- wIth parents 01er the

pJi>t month Ai>sli>tant,uperlntendent for admmls-t Iatlve "el vI<-es MarjoriePal »Olb ple,ented the dli>-tIlLt'» report to the Gro»sePomte Board of EducatIOnon Monday, Oct 9

The dlstnct'i> report:,howed consl!>tent and highattendance (93 percent high,chool attendance rate 1,gl aduatlOn rates (96 per-<-ent) and parent participa-tIOn late!> (98 pelcentl



95% 91)0/"1% 1%

99% 99"/.99% 99%99"/. 99"10

School SchoolYear Year

1997-98 1998-99rounded rounded



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CARROTS lib bag. "

PRICES IN EFFECT THROUGH October 18th.• • , lEG OfLAMB $269

BABY $169 Ifll£0100RDlI)____ _ _ LB


~BG~~~~S $2~~~~~~~~NJ~~_~~~~T__$1~~MEATlOAFMEAT MIX Jib bag








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natural cunasrty sense of wonder and love af IeamIl1g

From Pre-K thtu Grade 8 For turtI\er 1T110rmatJ0n on this",fj. urwque melhod of teachll1g. please cOlI DetrOIt Waldorl~ • SChool of (313) 822-0000

c ~~tro.t~1.~£rf3Chool

Grosse Pointe Public Schools 1999-2000overage days-hours instruction: 183 days, 1,055 hours

The followmg rates are computed by the MichIgan DepartfTIent of EducatIOn for use In the statesannual School Report Card The most current PubliC Ac/25 data that was supplied to local schooldlStilCts (follOWing a state audit) IS for the 98 99 school year rather than 99-00

ComplebonlGraduation Rate - High school students who graduate 10 4 years (grades 9-12)Dropout Rate - Percentage 01 our students who do nol complete the dlstnct s high school programRetention Rate- District average (100% - high school enrollment minus high school dropout rale)Retention Rate - G P North High School (1DD.~ Norlh enrollment minus North dropout rate)Retention Rate - G P South High School (100% - Soulh enrollment millUS South dropout rate)

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If }ou're a ~eOlor facmg a deCISIOnabout where \OU wJllltveor Ifyou are makJng thiS deCISionfor a loved one - youkno", It Isn't easy It means gJ\1ngup what's familiar, It rneansstartmg ane\\, It means changeThat s \\hv St John Senior Communi!) 1'1 focused on ennchlOgthe ltves of our re"ldent" Here, reslut:nb can enjoy gardens,aVlanes, aquanums as weU as llme ",1th our two lIvelydogsWe encourage our reSidents to talk to us about what Willmakethem most comfortablr what ~11lmake them feel at homeChances are that we've already found a way to accommodateIhelr requestsOur reSident" also take comfort In knowmg Ihat St John~nlor Community proVIde<;livmgoptlOn~and skJlled staff forurylOg degree" of lOdependence That mean" ,hould ourre'lldenb lI\e" change, theIr homc docsn t ha\c to


October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News Schools 11A

Sheriff Robert Ficano


tPresd1~GIr15&~Cla$eS : 110 off Fall:tPowerTurml~' Parent &Tots{2\'T.oIdsll Registration It Team Compettions tlllltl1day PartIes : :t28YearsExpeneoce I E,p 1130<00 I• field Tnps • safety Certr!ed

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cau nocDI81~779-4414Oroeee Pointe. BinnmgblUD • RocbesU;t. w. BloomfIeld

We've arf('"tLd dot tor.,Pl'l 1'l,\'\)(1 ....' ....,Hi FIf Inn

'There are no "()llo!'conomllbounddrJe ..."

For more informatIOn onthe Internet ,afcty cla .......lall (313) 3'13-2094

SllllC' It ... J1HcptlOn two"P<Ir... <lgo, the WdyneCount) Internl't Crime.,1d~k Force ha ... arre ...ted 26pI 0 plL 24 ,'l re chdrgpdWith .,ex re],ltld tTlml"IlH olvlng Juvenile... twowerl chdrgl'c! With Id('ntlt)theft

Whd!' Flcallo "Ill dhlU ......lommon .,en ...e up... hkel'nwuragmg chddn'n to letparent" know If thl) rllllVl'dny ('-mall ... or ml'"agc,~h,--) f2['1 ur 1'Y)r •• 'IfWIth to kCPplng pel ,011.11

computer" 111 d Lcntr.!l locatlOn where It\ Cd"''' to kpepan eye on kid,,' cyhl'r dltlV'tICS Glnd not lettmg lhlldrcnpo.,t public profile ..., hI'

Announce yourwedding or engagement

in theGrosse Pointe News

~J'4~ j,"". -.+7., .-....,;. .

Happy birthday!Children at Mason Elementary School celebrat-

ed a special birthday bash for lunchroom serverJean Bartos' 80th birthday on Wednesday, Sept.27. complete with flowers, cake, balloons and arousing rendition or "Happy Birthday." Bartos.pictured with principal Elaine Middlekauf. hasbeen with Mason for the last four years.

The an ...wI'r wuuld 1)(' ,I

re.,oundmg no hut thepotentl<ll fUI a .,ltUdtlOll likethat through thc U.,l of thl'Iilt<...--j iu .. t a'> l~~dUIU;hl) L.1t.).l

Filano WIJl lead a III 1'1 n-tatlOn on Inte!nl't S,dl tv ofChtldren on Tue.,dav Olt17, at Pll'rU' Mlddll ;.,d1001at 7 pm

"It.;, d proglam dhout

Ficano to discuss Internet safetyBy Bonnie Caprara Cyher '>dfpty, I'redatoh and ddl m...thl' th I( <it to dllldrcnStaff Writer othcr .,cam., like Idelltlh I., ...tlll prevalent

"Would you ll't d UlmplPlp thelt thl cdh and h,lI d~""trdnger walk m your door, ml'nt' .,ald Flc.lOo 'WI talk,It down m JOUI IrVII1~ tuom ,lhout thm~ ... l,kl flll'Wall.",md have a ,,('xudl!> (,<pIlot hut mdny time., the kld~ <If('tdlk With your lLlughll'r) m',f(' ddvdnLPu 'lhout wma"ked Wdync ('ounl\ Sht't jff putl'r, than tlWIl poill'nh "Robc'l t FICdllO

SEPAC meetingThe Gro.,.,e Pumte Special EducatIOn Advisory

Committee (~EPAC J will meet Monday, Oct 16, m theWlckIng Llbrarv at Gro.,.,!' POInte South HI!!h SchoolIrom 7 tu 9 pm

Fur more InfOl matlOn, call 1313) H1:l4-2462

Special Board of Education meetingCarolyn Callahan, Ph D, will addre'i'> the Gro."e

POinte Board of Education on a study wnducted of theCltStllCt., prog! am rOl glft(d '>tudent;, on Wedne;,day,Oct 18 at the Wlckmg Library at Gro""e Pomte SouthHigh School at 8 p m

Callahan I'>a profl';,'>or uf educatIOn at the Umver;,ltyof VII gmw and a natIOnally recogmled expert on giftedI'duCdhOI1 She Will present the re;,ults of her study aswell a;, make recommendatlOn;,

SCHOOL NOTESNorth homecoming

Gro;,~( POInte Nurth High Sthuul klck~ off It, hume-tUmmg fe~tlvltJC~ Saturday, Oct 14, with a paradetlavehng down Cook .md Murnmg~lde !Odd, !legmnmgat 10 a m at Monteith Elementary Schoo] and endmg atNurth

Wdtch the NOI,emPIl takp on Utica Hl'my Ford IIHigh ~chool begmmng at 1 p m

Grosse Pomte S01..LthHIgh School semor Lauren Padillahas been recogmzed as a scholar finalist In the NatIOnalHI'ipamc RecogmtlOn Program

The NatIOnal Hlspamc RecogmtlOn Program IS a CollegeBoard program that prOVIdes national recogmtlOn of theexceptIOnal dcademlc achievements ofHlspamc hIgh schoolsenIOr;, and Identifies academically well-prepared HI;,pamchigh school semors for post-'iecondary educatIOn

Scholars & honorsUmvenltj Liggett School announces Its Terrill Newnan

Scholars for the 1999-00 academiC yearThe award" were estabhshed at the school In 1938 by Mr

and Mn Henry L Newnan, III memory of their son. TedThey are awarded tu the top 10 percent of student;, III eachgrade who have the highest academIC averages

Terllll Newnan Scholars for the 1999-00 academiC year!Delude fre;,hmen Nishant Dixit, Timothy Hamel,Byron Hauck, Katie Hollerbach, Karen Michael,Jordy Rossen, Beth Sanders and Patrick Schafer,sophomore;, Maggie Dillon, Suzanne McGoey, LizzieNeilson, Ben SLyman, Puja Venkat and Lisa Wood,Jumors Nick DiLoreto, John Durant, Gennette Faust,Andrew Jovanovski, Kathryn Maurer, Parth Venkatand Jeffrey Zens, and senIOr;, Shaka Bahadu,Alexandra Brown, Adrienne Fragatos, MassoudKazzi, Shyla Kinhal, Ryan Schafer, Amelia Tompkinsand Andrew Watkins

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12AAuto:motive October 12, 2000

Grosse Pointe News

PIIU'~ out at 'j,bH,500Thl' b,l',[ model I~ a lIlore

aflol d.1b1l' 'f,:i4,OO'iP.11 k ,j.,.,l ,t ~l'Il'>()I, can

ddelt Itpm, a'> ~mdll a'> 2-1/2 lIlche~ fOl example, aparklllg meter pole Whenthe ..,y~tem ~en'>l" an ob~ta-ell', It put, a picture on themultl-lIlformat\On dl~play(or navlgatlOll i>y,tem'icreen, 11 the Cdl ha" thl..,sy,tem) Thele al..,o IS a\varnlng buzzel that beep"more frequently a" the carapproaches the Immovableobject When the vehicle ISabout 10 mche'i from theobject, the beep.., become asteddy to!1r

Othel mfty gadget, avaIl-able III optIOn packagesInclude an . auto' ,ettlOg forthe wmd,hleld wIpers thatwill automatically turnthem on - even to the COL'rect speed - when rambegms to fall VandeLmdef>ald an mfrared-bascd LEDand photo dIOde receIverdetect the prei>ence andamount of prpclpltahon hit-ting the WIndshIeld ThewIpers turn on and thespeed IS adjusted accordingto the volume

"Whether you getsplashed flom an oncommgvehicle, you're gomg slowlyor very fast, the wIpers wIl!cycle accordmgly," he saId

"Dealer" already hav~6,000 orderi> for the L8 430,"said Clements "Our "alestarget IS 25,000 annuallyFor calendal yeal 2000, weexpect to 'ell H,500 car, '

Clementi> "dId hI" be,tgue,.., Ii>15 to 20 pel cent ofLt'xu~ hu) ers Wll! opt for thenew EUlopean-i>tyle ..,u"pen"IOn, whIch currently I"bemg offered at no additIOn-al charge

ThiS IS one of the featul Pi>that mdkei> the ne\\ L8 430more fun, he ~aJd

An optIOn which ll1Lrea,esItS i>afety IS the new lai>ercrUl..,e control that can be f>etfor a preferred dtstance fromthe vehIcle ahead and whichwill begm to close the throt-tle valve, downshIft thetransmISSIOn and apply thebrakef> (and rear brakelIghts), accordmg to theneeds of a ,ltuatlOn

When the tl affic clear",the 'iystem acceleratef> slow-ly to ref>ume the set speed

"ThiS i>ystem Ii> notmtended to be an auto ptlot,and IS by no means a colh,!>lOnaVOldance sYi>tem," saidDave VandeLmde, Lexuscentral area techlllcal man-ager "The driver stJll needsto pay attentIOn to the roadand the surroundmg vehI-cles "

Lexus Said the dynamICcrUIse control 1" the firstapphcatlOn of a laser radarcrUIse control system for theU S luxury market It andthe IntUltlve Park ASSIstsystem (thiS uses ultraSOnicsensors m the front, rearand corners of the vehIcles)are mcluded m the UltraLuxury selectIOn packagewhIch represents the top ofthe Ime for the L8 430 and

Lexus targets younger buyers for LS 430,)u~t \\hen \ou thought It r1.lg...hlp ,,11 IIlOll' fun to goP'" on ,alp ThUl~da), Oct 8500 (wIth 13-htel en!,TJoe) t!t

\\ a, OK to glO\\ older and dllH' AlIlltheJ I' to attlalt 12 by more than half a i>i'wnd...l'ek ,I largi' ]UXUI\ ...edan, thl' 47-5'i .lgl' ",'t Th,' medl- Th( thlrd-gl'neratlOn L8 (69 i>cwndi> for MClcede~1 ;..' -::..up'tall' Japdlll"l' (;:11 makel ,m agp of 1.S 400 0\1nel' Ii> b new fJ om the ground up Lexui> Ipngthl'ned thl' '1.exu, ,mnOUJl(,'''' It h gomg "iH,hl' "lid h(' ',lid It look, dllTelent, wheelbd'>p ofthr 20011.8 by A taftel \oungPI hu\cl'" tor lh A\.llL(bll' Illth thl('l' '>u, 1\lth thl'l'led thardtti'r "ome thrl'c 1Olhei>, but kept U 0 Sfull-,17e L5 430 pl'lhlOn ..., 10dudlllg a nev. 1mI" It dllve, dIfTerpntly, the overall length the ~ame

At thl' 1OtlOdUl tlOn 01 the Europl'an- k ,pOl t 'u ...- 1\lth d new 4 3-htl>1 V 8 that as It had been 1967 1Othe'>200l modl'l 1,8 t30 hl'f[' pelhlO" optIOn \\lth 17-1Olh tdke ... the leal-dll\<> ,>pdan By mov1Og the gai> tank8( pt 12 I (xu ... Cll 1ll'1 .11 .1110\\ Illwl'l, th(' lOOI LS flom lero to 60 mph In 63 undel the rear i>eat trunkManagl'1 Ih 11111'Cllll1l'l1h I Hl \1 III bl' .\In thll1g but 'l'loJ1(l~ That '>kullk, ..,pace Ii>ImprovPd by ovel 30'>ald ,l ~o,11\\ I' It 111Ik.l' thl' htlllllg "'Ild I Il'IIlPllh 11 II l 1111\.11 11lt-lllU'''' h'!li. lJu ..eul

The luxury i>edan boa,>t.,added mtenor i>pace dndsome dazzhng refinement..,on It:, top-of-the-hne modelmcludmg power-adJui>table,heated rem scab With mem-ory capauty and With anadjustable maSi>age feature

The rear i>eats lan bemade more accesi>lble andrear headrests lowered fromthe dnver'f> seat, as well, soIf the last backseat paSi>en-ger has adjusted the seat toa more reclImng posturebefore gettmg out, the drivercan readjust It from behmdthe f>teerlng wheel

Same goes for the frontpassenger seat - the dnver,usmg buttons on the left

The 2001 Lexus LS 430 breaks away from boring with a more sculpted exteri- SIde of the seat, can changeor and the addition of two optional suspensions. Its posltlOnmg

The front seats have 14power adjustments for thedriver and 10 for the passE.'n-ger In case you cannotremember what you lIkefrom among the 14 adJust-ments, the drIver's seat ha"a memory system for up tothlee different users

Those front seats can alsobe ordered WIth optIOnal ch-mate control With the ablhtyto warm or cool the userthrough the perforatedleather upholstery

The standard suspenSlOnof the 2001 L8 430 IS firmerthan on earlier modelsThere also Will be an adap-tIVe variable suspensIOnWith electrOnically modulat-ed aIr suspenslOn, plus the

Driver's and passenger's front seat-mounted and side curtain air bags front Euro sport suspensIOnand rear are standard equipment on the 2001 LS 430.


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Full Tank Of Gas With Each Sale!

October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News Obi,tuaries 13A

Agnes W.L'Heureux

Former Gro!>se PomteShores resident Agnes WL'Heureux (nee O'Brwn), ofSt Clair Shores, dIed ofcomphcatlons of cancer atBon Secours Hospital onThesday, Oct 3, 2000 Shewas 80

Mrs L'Heureux wa!> bornIII DalmUlr, Scotland, andwas a graduate of KennedyCollegiate High School mWmdsor, Ontano, and theW D Lowe Busmes!>Institute m Wmdsor

MI" LH~uI~ux Wd" d

member of the Boca Del MarCountry Club and theGrosse Pomte Yacht Club

She enjoyed golf,antlqumg, travelmg and

family gathenng!>Survivor., mdude hpr hu.,-

band, Dr Maunle P, twudaughtpr" Dr LlOda Wetzeland .Janl't (Tim) MC(\Jlfelty,two .,on", Paul and Jen.ISu"an) nnd eight grand-children Shp wa" pr('detea.,ed by d "hter Le"hpO'1311Cn

A funl'ral "1'1 VIW for Mr..,LHeureux Wd' hpld Fnday,Oct 6, at A H Peter"Funeral Hom(' III Gro.,<;ePOlOte Wood., IntNment I"

at St Alphon,u" CemeteryIII Wmdsor

"lemur Idl gl It" III ,I) Ol'

"ent to the Ho",plce<; ofHemy Ford Nur"mg Home,Office of Phdanthropy, OneFord Place, SUite 5A,Detroit MI 4El202

Donna MarieWilson

A memonal ..,erVlt(. will beheld dt the G! o""e POlOt,'War Memonal on MondayOtt 16, at 7 p m for City ofGros..,e POinte re..,ldentDonna Mane Wd..,Oll Inep.10.,e) MI.., WIJ"on dwdThur"day, Ott 5, 20U() SheWd" 64

Mr" Wd"Oll wa.., a gl ddu-ate ot DetrOIt'.., South, .t"t,'rnIhgh School dnd ..,tudlul atwhat 1" now known a" thpCenter for ('I patl ~e ~tudle"

MI" WlhOll "'pille lIel

chJldhood YPdl., trdllllOg,then later pprformlflg, 10

balletShL became dlrpttor 01th('

ballet program In Gro.,.,e

POlOte Wood"Mr" Wd.,on Wd'" <11,0 dll

,Irtl"t m the ml'dl,l of p,htel", penul, pen ,md IlIk "iI..,,lOd wdtl'rwlor"

She wa" d memb, f 01 thlGrO"'''I' POlOte Altl'!'>A".,Oll<ltlUn SOlllL of 1](r\\olk" w('re dLUJltld IntoJurwd .,how" and O:'lln III IIpuTthd"'l'd dt GPAA 'llIill'<It tht Gro"e }'o 111 It \\-,IfMl mondl dnd 10 the VlIl j~1

~h(' al..,o dlmated tllO ofhi r WOIk.., tl' Rich LI dElempntary ~th(Jul 1\ JlIC hwere hung 10 the t( ,l( hi I ,

IlJunge dunng the '" [lIIL,] ,I LUU\'dLHjjJ

Alt eXCUI"lOn Vdcatllllh III

northern MH,hlgan, L 'piually m the t ppl J

Pellln"ula and <.,( 11' ~

Wildhf .. Rl IU~I, With hprfdmtl) I\('I( dH Tl"hul ,11 tl\Itl(,'"

Blhltll1g with IH'! hi othl I

lOd I,th I \~/\h hll ,llhthnlll d hi I

-;hl • nJ('~ (d lh. I h <I-I. 1l~1" "f d,,\~nhill ,kLJIlg,!llmh '1\ 1 mmlllg and II h,llPIl'I kl pt hl I "n llf nIdi th.1\ dll I

C,hL ,II,,, lllJ";1 d \~1 It I Ill-,

" III I()Im\ d,lflLJ ng III ( dk1\ 01 k g.lrdl Illllg, thl <ltl t

I 1'1)( l 10111~ IIhl'n hi I ,(,I!

(r,lIg, \Id' [Jlrf"flllfllglooking hooH tiLl"l at Ion

\ ' 1 , I\!t. \ IJ lJl. jjl <lL .I.UUl'l I l

mg hi f kno\1 !l'Ugl ,md ldp,l-bllltlL' 1\ Ith othl'r,

-;h(' I~<i'" ,d"o In\OJldl,h"l"tlOg \lltll pi ogl dm, ,It-,,/..ff P,lIk plugram" <it

Mdlre <lnd RIchard clemen-tdn "cholJl." Pierce andHI lJwneJ! middle ..,chool" andGro.,.,1 POInte South HIgh~(ho(,1 \\ hll,. her ..,on~ weregl 0\1 109 up dnd the AllI'omh" ,md }'omte Aquatics,1\lm t(<lm..,

"'hi Wd" a memher of"I'.th Church 01 Chn<;t,C,LJI ntl;,t, 10 Detrult, where,he t,lUght :':>undd) "Lhool,'. r\l'd a, a rl'allE'r mU..,lclhdlrpel "on and .,at onmdn~ lommltl,'e..,

\Ir, Wrl"on \\orked a" apr 1\ dte taterel for ~everal('flh"e PIJlllte famllie" and

SUr\I\or, lOdude her hus-b,lOd Philip two ;,on", Perry,md Crdlg, and d brother!{ob('rt S Jo"e

Smoke exhaust caused by car neglectAn elderly couple, dnvmg

on a country road, had beenstuck behmd a smokmg carIts noxlou" exhaust wascausmg breathmg problemsfor the woman, who sutTeredfrom em physema

Th1S scenano IS remml'l-cent of the cartoon of a dn-ver wearmg a gas mask mrush- hour traffic It's all toobehevable cons1dermgwhat's produced by a poorlymamtamed vehicle

The "menu" of lethalexhaust componentsmc1udes

• Carbon monOXide lethal• Hydrocarbons hnked to

lung cancer• Carbon dlOXlde a cause

of the "greenhouse" effectthat causes global warmmg

• OX1des of mtrogen a

pnmary cau"e of "mog anda"soclated problems

• Sulfur dlOxlde an IOgre-dlCnt In aCId ram

Some harmful exhaustemISSlon~, "uch as carbonmonox1de, are mVI'llble tothe naked eye, but other"are all too ObVlOUSHydrocarbons, fromunburned fuel, produce ablack exhau<;t They're theproduct of a malfunctlOnmgfuel system or dirty aIr fil.ter

It al'lo can be tnggered bymlsfinng spark plugs Thednver may not reahze 1t'shappening, but themcrea"ed fuel con"umptlonwLlIbe a clue that "omethmgIS wrong

Blue-black "mokp genpral-Iy come, flom hurnlng 01]

u'>ual1y the re'>ult ofadvanced engme weal or amalfunctIOning CIankca~eventIlatIOn "y"tem

In both of the above ta.,esthe catalytic LOnverter maycamouflage the problemACtlOg hke a furnace wlthmthe exhaust ,y<;tem, It burn~ofT the harmful mgredIents10 the exhau<;t gas So, If theconverter render" theexhaust harmless the envI-ronmental problem goe"away, right?

Wrong, say'> the Car C dreCounCIl Eventually It" ownmtense heat de"troy., theconverter, cau"mg a dramat-IC lOcrease In emiSSIOns Onmost vehicles thiS Will causea ""ervlce engme" hght toturn on

Soon the cham IedctlOn

ha" cau<;ed the englOl toguzzle ga<;, run pOOll~ dndbecome hard to .,tart ,\11 lJfthl" I~ m additIOn to ~H,LltlI1g the atmosphere

For these rea'>on" ,lOdmore, October "ene_ a..,NatIOnal Car Care MlJnth dremmder to give yoU! \ ehlcle the mamtpnancp Itneeds, mcludll1g Iegularcheckup<;

The counctl offer., a h PIbrochure on thIS tOPiC cntltied "An Annual Ph~ "lcalFor Your Car" To orde!, ..,enda stamped, self-addH'''''cdenvelope to Car CareCouncil, Dept PKO-XI 42Park Drive, Port C1IOtonOhIO 43452 AddItIOnallI1formatlOn IS aval1ahlp onthe councIl's web "Ite dt\\ ww carcarecouncil 01g

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o R I

1 he n..Illwnt Sal"' .../l'(jlll"ll~ Iwh'\llil giLl"<'enter ,'olwnll ..nci TOf>..t""lt'd an'" .. ith h.."d,'ol"lH"d ",-..<t«1 octa~"'l

!>""JUl/: drop' "nd "hnon<h

What you needto know aboutabsentee votingBy Candice S. MillerMichigan Secretary of State

Absent voter ballots areavailable for all electIOnsThey prOVIde voters Wlth aconveOlent method for a ballot when they areunable to attend the polls onelectIOn day

As a reg:Jstered voter, youmay obtam an absent voterballot If you are Age 60years or older, unable tovote Wlthout assistance atthe polls, expectmg to be outof town on electIOn day; mJal! awaltmg arraignment ortrJal, unable to attend thepolls due to rehglous rea.sons, or appomted to workas an electIOn IOSpeCtor 10 aprecmct outSide of yourprecmct of reSidence

Your request for an absentvoter ballot must be 10 and can be submitted toyour city or township clerkYour request must mcludeone of the SIXstatutory rea-sons stated above and yoursignature You may requestan absent voter ballot With aletter or post card, or youcan obtam a preprmtedapphcatlOn form at yourlocal clerk's office Requeststo have an absent voter bal-lot mailed to you must besubmitted to your clerk nolater than 2 p m theSaturday before the elec-tIOn

Once your request ISrecelVed by the local clerk,your sIgnature on therequest Will be checkedagamst your voter registra-tIOn record before a ballot ISIssued Requests for absentvoter ballots are processedImmediately Ab<;ent voterballots may be Issued to youat your home address or anyaddress outSide of your cityor townshIp of reSIdence

After recClvmg yourabsent voter ballot, )IOU haveuntIl 8 p m on electIOn dayto complete the ballot andreturn It to the clerk''I officeYour bll.llot WIll not be count-ed unleb<; your 'ngnature 1<;on the return cnvelopp andmatches your "'Ignature onfile If you receIved aSbl'>.tance voting the ballot, thenthe 'lignature of the penonwho helped you mu<;t al'lo hpon the return envelopp Onlyyou, a famIly member orpenon rp'Ildmg m yourhousehold, a mati rarner, orlectlOn officlall 'I authonzedo dehver vour ,>Ignedb~ent voter ba 1I0t to yourlerk's office

14ABusiness October 12, 2000

Grosse Pointe News

Bartering: a dose of consumer medicine

Jo<eph Mengden IS a resI-dent of the City of GrOSsePOlllte and former chaIrmanof FIrst of Michigan He /,S

also a member of theFl1lancwl Analy~ts Societyof Detro£! [nc

"Let's Talk Stocks" IS spon-sored by FIrst of MIchigan,John M RIckel. CPA PC,and Rickel & Baun, PC mGrosse POlllte Farms

11'111 btate how many sharesyou own

Multiply the number ofshareb owned by the neta%et value, and that's themarket value of your hold-mg

To aVOId large short-termtapltal gams thl;, December,<;ome finanCial adVIsers sug-gest you look up the tax costof all your shares (mcludmgthe i>hares purchai>ea byremvestmg pnol dIVIdends)

Now comes the moment ofreckomng Is your mutualfund above or below water,market-Wise?

If you presently have anunrealized losi>, that fundshould be a candIdate for a"tax-loss" sale before theyear-end cash diVIdends go"ex-dIvIdend"

Even If that fund, market-WIse, IS aboat even, or hasonly a moderate unreahzedprofit, you mIght stili con-SIder It a probable sale, toaVOId receiving the year-endtaxable diVidends

PrIOr to dIstributIOn onthe ex-diVIdend date, thefund's realized gams,through Oct 31 fiscal year-end, are part of ItS net assetvalue and thus mcluded 111ItS market pnce

Ifyou sell your entIre fundholdmg pnor to the declara-tIOn of the year-end dlstnbu-tlOn, the entIre profit onyour sale (proceeds, lesscost) would be a long-termcapItal gam (If held morethan one year), and yourmaximum tax rate would be20 percent (plus state andcIty taxes, If any}

If you do nothmg, the taxconsequences of the year-end dlstnbutlOn Will be amaxImum 20 percent rateon the long-term capitalgams portIOn, and 15 to 39 6percent graduated rate onthe short-term capital gamsand ordinary mcome por-tIOn

ObVIOusly, you should con.suit your tax adVIser beforemakmg any deCISIOns

And be sure you have alarge magmfymg glass toread the stock tables m yourpaper'

26101 /clfermn AvenueSt (1m "'hore" MIChIgan 48081

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LOugh-up the ta.,h to P.1YtheL1Xei>from other i>ourcei>

Some mutu.1l fundi> are\ el \ dggrt'''Slve traderb.,llmo"t day-tr<lder"

Thl;, ",ho\~" up 111 their"tUI novel I.1tlO,' a mathe.m<ltlt.1l ('lltulatlan of howmany tlme<; per vear, theybuy and .,ell thell dvel ageportfoho

A 'buv and hold" mvest-nwnt pOI tfoho would have a!1l'gllglbl(' turnovCl

But a turnovel of 1 to 2time", or more, In an mdlca-tlOn of hIgh tradmg activItyAnd "hOt t-term trading pre-"ume... a pI epondel ance of"hlJ! t-term (apltal gamsand/ol 10"i>es

RemembCl that long-termcapital gams are taxed at amaxImum 20 percent rate atthe federal level (plus state.1nd local taxe;" If any),whIle "hol t-term capItalg-aln;, are taxed the same asordmary II1come, WIth grad-uated tax Iatei> from 15 to39 6 pel Lent (plus state andClty taxe;" If any)

Come mld-No,ember, 'you"hould telephone the share-holdel berV)('e 800 numberat your mutual fund andmquIre If they have esti-mates of the capItal gamsdIVIdend Iates to be dlstnb-uted m December

You should also ask fOlthe "turnover ratIO" for thefi. ;al year ended Oct 31Also ask If your fund has a"back-end load," whlch isdeducted from the proceedsas a ;,ales charge

Then look up the currentmarket value of your mutualfund 10 the busmess sectlOnof your local paper under"Mutual Funds"

The first problem you WIllencounter IS that the tablesare not hsted alphabeticallyby fund name, only by "fundfamIly manager's name"

To further confuse you,some fund names werechanged when they SWItchedmanagers

There al e almost 8,000open-end eqUIty mutualfunds outstandmg, exclud-109 all the tax-exempt bondfunds

Last Saturday's DetrOItFree Press (Oct 7) devotedonly one full page contammgabout 2,600 mutual fundI>So good luck on findmgyours

When m doubt, phone the~hdreholder service 800number at your mutual fundand a"k them for last mght'sclo~mg net asset value

Your last quarterly state-ment from your mutual fund


SpoosofPd by' 'hI" Sc;tprc; ol Bon ~A)U(S ~

Art IIA'ed w Ih aon SPCOlJrS Hpallh Sysfpm loc ~

_ ""'" OPvP opf"'(1.:tndmanaqed by 0 l le Care ServKes llC =-=#'__~ __~_~~ll~~"~E>~P~LLC 29113

• By APPOintment• Gift certtficates

LOri Z Bahnmlleller l~

Lice preSident of a,soC'wtlOnservices for the MichiganCredit UnIOn League

II1surance company aboutcoverage, and have learnedthat the reabonable and cus-tomary fees for these proce-dures WIll only cover about20 percent of (Dr Out-of-Network's) fees .,

BD 'Somehow that doe<;-n't i>UrpIISe me .,

ME "Well, I under"tand(Dr Out-of-Network) IS thebest speclahst for thIS Job,but I'm uncomfortable pay.109 "u much out-of-pocketfor these procedures"

BD "Would you hke totalk WIth (Dr Out-of-Network)?"

Wlthm mmutei>, I receIveda call from DI Out-of-Network

Seconds later. he d kmdlvagreed to split the out-of-pocket difference WIth meand as;,ume addItIOnal co<;tsIn the event the surgeryproved more comphcated

ThIS I" not to 1>uggest thatone should liken medIcalcare to bargam huntmg orbartering at the border

HO\l ever, If you feel amedIcal expense can benegotIated, It never hurt<; toask

Mutual fundscapital gains

Mutual fUlld" aTl' not likebtock"

They aJ e reqUIred to pay.1ll thell net 01 dlllarvII1Lome. aftt'l e:-,pl'n"e" andall of their capItal g.1m" andlo""e" to fundholdCl ,

Hence, the mutual fundIhell pay" no laxe,

The mcomc tax lIabllltvon theIr ca,.h dl~tllbutlOn., ;<;pai>;,cd through to you, thefundholder", 1'\ en thoughyou elected to Iemve<;t thedIVIdendi> b~ purcha"e ofnew bhare"

Whlth meam, yOU mUi>t

bId to a nO!1."top fhght. butwould ha\(' to ,ILLept a 1\\ 0-

,top to tht' "amp de"tll1atlOnl'o \\a~ I\a" LrS gOIng to

L1GUdi dla \ 1.1 I)l'lta \llth at h<lIH~1' 01 plant''' 111

CmCml1<1tl ;o.Jow,wl

WhIle he empathIzed WIthmy Insurance plight, hecould not 10 good consciencerefer me to anothel phY~I-clan for my i>urgery, he saId

Dr Out-of-Network wa<;most quahfied to performthe procedures and he vol-unteered to write the msur-ance company accordmgly

The Illsurance companywasn't phased, but I wasTwIce I'd been referred toDr Out-of-Network by aphysIclan I've come to tru"tand respect

Shoppmg around wa<; nolonger an optIOn, but bal ter-Ing wa;,

"I Instruct people who goout-of-net\'.ork to talk op('n-Iy about fec~ With the spe-claltst and/or the bllhngdepartment, "aid .hmFourmer, du ector nf m.,U!-ance and benefit:> servIce"for Cucare

He added, "Don't be sh vabout a"kmg lor prltebreak" These phYi>lclanshave made a deus !On to notparticIpate In plan", "0 theyare aware patlent<; are bear-Ing conSiderable finanCIalburden ~

True, the ...ubJect of moneywas a bIt unwmfortable forme to bloath I ~tarted lI.nththe bllhng department IBD)

ME "I've checked \\ Ith my

1': , J r-, - rll,~ _,e; • I ~ . _ ~~'- _- .

__ ~~.'_'.J'_:s~' _I ~ '"* ': 4 '.:.. -+

tant large tdpltal gdln" taxhalllhtw., They .1ho ,\vOIdthe bad publICIty of a pubht"ale b\ an m"lder"

Plltehne tom I I'CLN,..hout ') i>fi down 6 31 pOInt-.1.1.,t \lLek, of! )31 pellenti'" back m the IW\I"

It., olf"plll1g, Webhou.,c,clo,ed .,hop la"t wl'ek Nomore bldd1l1g fOl grotCrWi> orgai>olme

Barron'" (Oct CJI Ieporhthat Pllcelme'., . name.voU!.price alrlme ticket;,' arehdvmg problem" Seem" thealrlmes ha\ e "et up theIrown webl>lte, Hotwlre com

The Prlcelme wan ant-.gIven to the alrlme" la"tyear are bO far "out of themoney" that there'i> littlemcentlve for the alrlmes tomake plentiful beats avaIl-able to PTlcelme

LTS ~1i>lted the Pllcellneweb"lte last yeal. but foundyou could not rei>tTlct your

DetrOIt and the GrossePomtes who work togetherto Improve the eastSIde

The event IS open to thepublic and lOcludes freepIzza and refreshments

St Clalr Catholic ChurchIS located at 1401 WhIttIerm Grosse Pomte Park, nearEast Outer Dnve and MackAvenue

"ConversatIOns" WIll takeplace m the church's lowerlevel meetmg faclhty, theentrance to whIch IS off theparkmg lot

hospItal would chargeIf a PPO consumer

deCIdes to go out-of-network,the consumer IS responsIblefor paymg the dIfferencebetween coverage and feesfor servIces rendered

In my case, Dr Out-of-Network's servlces wereestImated at roughly $3,600,whIle "reasonable and cus-tomary" coverage fell under$800

Because the doctor wasactually performmg two pro-cedures m one surgery,chances were great thatmsurance coverage would beeven less

Although the procedllreswere Independent of eachother, when performed con-currently or succeSSively,medIcal reImbursement ISdlscounted 50 percent

ThIS IS sort of like askmgan auto mechamc to gIveyou a break on a new set oftIres because the car ISalready on the hft for an 011change "But It'S 10 thegarage already"

Fortunately, the surgerywas scheduled at an m-net-work hospItal and thereforecovered In-full

Stlll, nearly $3,000 out-of-pocket seemed steep to meand hardly "reasonable"

Frustrated, I contactedDr In-Network for a referrallI1-network

about 84 25. off 694), whichwas the target of Iumorsthat It had buffered blzabletradmg los"es 10 the market, where manytelecom bOJ'di> collapsed 10recent week, Morgan offi.clals countered that buthreports were "greatly exag-gelated"

Telecom "tocks were tnI' Roth AT&T ITabout 27 25, off 2 13 last\'. eek) and WorldCom(WCOM, about 25 19, off5 19 pomts on weekly vol-ume of 205 mllhon share,,)hIt new yearly lows

Lai>t week, WorldComCEO Bernard Ebbersannounced he had sold 3mJlhon of hIS 19 mJlhonshares of WCOM to meet amargm call at hIS broker

Many "mslders"(founders, dIrectors andexecutIves) of tech firms arereported to have huge mar.glO loans, collaterahzed bytheIr company stock hold-lOgs They borrow cash todIversIfy theIr portfohos,thus aVOIdmg a sale of theunderlymg stock and resul-

Gro~~e Pomte Park re"ldent LibbyIrwin ha., been promoted to conferencedIrector m the DptrOlt offic(' of the CramAutomotIve Group, whIch mclude"AutomotIVe New", AutomotIve NewsEurope, Automotlvl' New" IntNnatlOnal,automotlvenew" com and Aut0Week

IrWin wa<; pr(,\lOu"h "peclal cv(>nt" man-agcr for the AutnmntlW Npw<;Group

Bpfore j(lInmg thc company In 1CJCJ6,Irwin IrWin wa" <;pcclal ('vpnh manager at the

Dl'trOlt Metro ConvpntlOn and VI"ltor"Burp:lu Shp ha" a hachelor\ degrep m pohtlcal "Clencefrom thp l'l11v('r"lt~ of MIchIgan

St('ve Brown ha< h('('n appnmted to the .J WalterThomp~on WorldWIdE' hoard of dlrpctor"

Brown I" <In eXE'cutIVE'V1CPprp"ldent ilnd thp gpnl'ralmnn,lg'pr of .JWT-DE'trOlt, the largp"t of thE' advE'rtl~mg,lgl'n( \ , W() pIll., fa(llltlE''' In CJO countnE'''

BrOIl n :ll"o work" it" glohal bU~1I1E'<;<;dIrector for theKpllogg account

An expert will dISCUSSways to market the MackA~enue bu;,mess stnp at afree semll1ar thIS afternoonat St Clare Church

"Com ersahons AcrossMack" WIll take place today,Thur<;day, Oct 12, from 5 45to 7 p m

Speaker" will mcludePatty Formo"a, a senIOrrptall analy~t of the GIbbsPlanmng Group

The free dl~cu~slon IS"pon~ored by JOint Cltle", ag-roup of re<;ldents from

Business Peo~le

Marketing Mack

by Lori Z. BahnmuellerI SWItched health msur-

ance coverage last year froma health mamtenance orga-mzatlOn, or HMO, to a pre-ferred prOVIder orgamza-tlon, PPO

TIred of obtammg refer-rals, I was wllhng to pay a$10 co-pay to obtam greaterphySICIan freedom

Unhke HMOs, PPOs per-mIt consumers to VISit In-network speclahsts and hos-pItals freely WIthout firstobtammg a pesky referral

Women WIth PPO cover-age, for Instance, can VlSlt agynecolOgist for theIr annualexam WIthout Wlnnmg per-miSSIOn from theIr pnmarycare phySICIan

The deCISion fared me welluntIl a speCIalist m-net-work, "Dr In-Network,"referred me to a speclahstout-of-network, "Dr Out-of-Network"

Whlle Dr In-Networkpenned a referral to ensureII1surance coverage followedme out-of-network, PPO cov-erage IS hmlted to what themsuranLe mdustry deems"reasonable and customary"fees

Partlclpatmg phySICiansagree to accept reasonableand customary reImburse-ment for servIces, whIch canbe less than half of what anon-partlclpatmg doctor or

The 4-0'dock bell lastPllday wal> a welcome rehefto the hammering, thepoundmg and the slaughter-IIlg at the NASDAQ la"tIIeek

A \\alk down NASDAQlane requIred a deftne"" 10meandelmg around theroad loll "

The NAS-D .\ QComp0l>lte.1b.,orbed ameltdown\\ Ith themdex off 311pomts, or 85percent clo,,-mg at 3,361

The DJI By Josephfared much Mengdenbetter,helped by strength 10 Coca-Cola (KO, about 5844, up331 POints on the week) andProcter & Gamble (PG,about 73 94, up 6 94)

The weekly loss was only54 pomtl>, clo"mg at 10,596

Fmanclal and brokerageI>tock" were clobbered lastFriday, especlallv MorganStanley Dean WItter (MWD,

October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

Business 15A



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This policy has limitations. For costs andcomplete details of the coverage, call or write:

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C/1olce of 150fabnc.1ltld1ea1l\llr1l 03'!'II •• BUIll tolast Budl toi0oi<9'''1'

Can day traders sleep at night?

If they had our guaranteesthey could.

MmeralsFossilsGemsLapidaryCompetitive DisplaysChallenge CupJelf SCOVIl PhotographerRaffieHobby MagazIIle

Lon Z Bahnmueller II>

LIce preSident of aSSOClQtlOnservzces for the MlchzganCredzt UnIOn League

able mcome vs savlOg Willbecome very real

• Make mvestments forchIldren 10 stock~ and mutu-al funds and explam them toyour children

If young children areaware enough to be targetedfor marketmg by big con-sumer compames, they cancertamly recognize and dls-tlOgUlsh between brandsAnd If there are brands theyuse and hke, by all meam,Invest In a few shares ofstock Then they'll get annu-al reports With pictures ofthe company';, products, andperhaps feel some pride ofownership

There ale several mutualfunds deSigned to appeal tocluldren whIle stili concen-tratmg on mvestment per-formance Stem Roe Youn~Investor Fund (SRYIXl hasbeen among the top per-formers, whIle send10gmformatlOn and actiVIty kitsto teach children aboutmvestmg

• Get Involved 10 schoolturnculum chOIces thatteach the value of work andmoney

JUnIor AchIevementreaches cluldrpn throughoutthe country, m coursesdeSigned for kmdergartenthrough high school, to edu-cate them about communIty,the workplace enVIronment,entrepreneurship andmvestmg

Credit UnIons are alsowell known as classroomeducators m the means offinanCial mdependence forall ages Keep apprIsed as toyour child's finanCial educa-tIOn

For more mformatlOn mregards to finanCial educa-tIOn for young adults, VISitcredltumonsrock com, anoncommercial Web sitesponsored by Michigan cred-It umons

FOf' I.formadollCall 248-398-6693

Open to the Public:

SIlOW ~ Fn 9 II 7, Sat. 10 111. Sell '0., 5




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moneyThe followmg Ideas were

found on moneycentral com• Treat your own money

With respect and let yourchildren share that respect

If you bend down to pickup a penny, your childrenlearn that even smallamounts are to be treasuredIf you carefully conSider thepnce of a purchase msteadof Just saYIng, "charge It,"you mstlll a sense of value mthose watchful eyes

• Let your children makemoney deCISIOns from anearly age

Work out a budget foryour chIld based on necessI-tIes such as school lunchmoney and bus fare beforedowelIng out allowancesFeel free to bUild m enoughextra for some dIscretIonarychOices

• Give your child anattractIVe alternative tospendmg

Many local crewt UOlonsand banks offer accountsspeCIfically aimed at chil-dren that let them add a fewdollars at a tIme Explamthat the finanCIal mstitutIOnpays you "rent" to use themoney and that the mterestbUIlds up and earns moremterest

• Make sure your chIldunderstands the connectIOnbetween work, paychecksand taxes

Let them know that thehours you work translatemto the dollars you canspend

Be sure to gIve them someIdea that the governmenttake" about one-third ofyour earnmg;, 10 taxes

• When your child IS atan appropnate age, encour-age hum or her to get somework expenence

It could be as Simple aswalkmg the neIghbor's dogor babY-Sitting to baggmggrocenes at the local store orworkmg m a restaurant

By the time your childreceives a paycheck, mmustaxes, the concept of spend-

~ 2'OOCl 1001.f5.--"

whIle havmg an mSlgnifi-cant Impact on our strongcapital base," saId DaVId FSimon, chairman ofFranklm

The redemptIOn won'tImpact Franklin's TlCr 1capital levels and has anommal effect on total capi-tal

FranklIn Bank has $540mllhon m asset", IS head-quartered m Southfield andha., a branch on Mack mGro.,.,(' Pomt(' Wood.,

to buy goods What manylack, however, I;' an appreCj-atlOn for the value of money

The back-to-school shop-pmg experIence can prOVidean excellent opportUnIty forparents to mtroduce theirchildren to baSIC personalfinance skills, such as bud-getIng, savlOg and wise con-sumen"m

A reader recently wrote tome about how her motheremployed financial Incen-tives, budgetmg, and evenmventory, mto their shopplOgtreks

"Mom always adhered to astnct budget - set well Inadvance ofleavmg the housefor the mall

"Each of the three gIrlshad a separate budget,based on grade performancem the prevIOUS school year,and bonuses mcurred hereand there for additIOnalchores completed through-out the summer

uWe were also responsiblefor taklOg Inventory of;,hoes, Jeans, and otherItems to make sure we onlypurchased Items we needed

"I bebeve these practIceswere excellent In teachingme the value of money aswell as bUYlOg only thethmgs necessary as opposedto Impulse bUYing"

The Internet and libraryare rIch WIth innOvative, funand mteractIVe ways to helpteach chIldren the value of

Franklin Bank toredeem its nutes

Franklm Bank (NASDAQFSVB) WIll redeem ItS out-standmg 8 5 percent subor-dmated note", effective Oct15,2000

The actIOn I'> mtended toreduce the bank's futuremterest cost" by about$3:+'>,000 over the remammgterm of the note", which hadan expiratIOn date of .Tan 1,2003

"RedemptIOn of the note<;allow., Franklm to reduce It"future IOterest expen"e,

Teaching kids the value of moneyby Lori Z. Bahnmueller

While rIflmg through themisfit summer tlearancewares at a department storerecently, the plamtlveprotests of a preteen daugh-ter back-to-school shoppmgWIth her mom sent me backsome 20 years

Haymg been denIed a pairof expenSive, fashIOnableCapn pants, the youngwoman suggested that If hermom lacked the funds she"should Just put It on hercharge card"

While I would never haveberated my mom m publlc, Idid my share of pubhc whm-109 over Glona VanderbiltJeans Instead of leadmg meto a discount departmentstore or sale rack, my momtypically folded

BelOg a full-tIme profes-SIOnal and mother of five -and ndlculously generous -she was probably too tIred toargue

Unfortunately, It wouldtake '>everal year;, and thou-bands of dollars before Iwould learn how to be a,avvy consumer

Not surpnslOgly, sex andmoney are the two mostaVOIded tOPiCS m AmerIcanhouseholds But, tune In toa Sitcom, surf the Web, catcha movie or peruse the maga-zme rack, and you can'taVOId either tOPiC

Most kids understand thepower of money That IS,that they need cash 10 order

The bottom line on Social Security benefitsThere's good new~ for Under the new law, your Ing age 65 the system, you will receive month" before your blrth- benefit~ beyond full retire.

most retll ed workers. says annual earnings affect the a higher monthly theck at day ment age, you'll receive ~lg-the Michigan AbboclatlOn of amount of your Social What to expect retirement than If you had nIfitantl) larger monthlyCertified Public Secunty benefitb only until While those who have lower earnings It's your choice thech when you ultlmat(.lyAtcountants you reach full retirement reached full retirement age The best place to calculate Keep III mmd that you deCide to call It gUll-.

Now many ~ge - currently 65 no longer need to worry your benefits IS to go to the deude when to "tart wllect- Social SetUnty bene!It~retirees can Once you reach age 65, about the earnlOgs limit, Social Secunty 109 Social Security benefit~ are merea~ed b) a tertamwork all you tan receive your full there are other Issues to con- AdmInlbtratlOn's (SSA) Web Ba~lcally, you have three pertcntage each year up tothey want benefits no matter how Sider In decldmg when to bite at www ssa gov/retlre optIOns age 70 dependmg on a perand btIlI much you earn ;,tart collectIng benefits ThiS site feature~ an The earlle~t you tan ;,tart '>on\ date of birthreceive full (Be aware that for those Before you can make a online retirement planOlog collectmg monthl) check~ I~ For example, people bornS 0 c I a I born after 1937, the full knowledgeable deCISIOn, you calculator to e;,tlmate your age 62 and that will not In 1943 or later. who mu;,tq p (' U r 1 t v r"t'rplT'f'nt agf' 1" "C'hNllllpd "~,,t1ld nndpr<tfl'1d hf\W Yf\\lr benefits based on your pro- th,m~p a, the normal retlrl'- be 66 10 order to retire Withbenefits . to rIse above 65 m two- benefits are calculated and Jected earnIngs and othpr ment age lOcrea~es lull beneht~, will get an

The month steps) how much you can expect to mformatlOn However, If )OU ;,tart col- extra 8 pcrtent a jcar ofS e n lor Rickel For those below the full receive All onhne benefit estl- lettmg thl;, early, ) OUI bene- their full benefit amount forC I t I zen s retirement age, the earnmgs The size of your monthly mates are based on your fit~ will be reduced for life each year they delay clalm-F'reedom to Work Act of te;,t stIll applies retirement benefit IS based mput The exact amount 01 the 109 benefit" However, once2000, Signed IOta la"" earher In 2000, mdlvlduals tak- on a number of thmgs, Also, the SOCial SecurIty reduction deppod, on how the.,e mdlvldual~ rpach agethiS year, allows semor;, 109 reduced benefit;, at age mcJudlOg how much you AdmlOlstratIon I" now auto- earl) you begln collectmg 70, there are no bcnefitbetween the age;, of 65 and 62-64 Will lo;,e $1 of benefits have earned durmg your matIcally mallmg out ;,tate- Bear m mmd that although mcrea;,es69 to em n a paycheck and for every $2 of benefit;, over lifetime and how much you ments showmg proJetted ;,tartIng early mean'> you'll A word of cautIOn If) ouclaim SO("dl Security bene- $ 10,080 For mdlvldual;, paid mto the SOCial SecurIty benefits at age 62, your full get ;,maller checks, It'S lIkely deCide to delay collectmgfits Without penalty attamIng age 65 thiS year, system retirement age, and age 70 that you Will be getting more SOCial Security benefib, be

The change I" retroactive the earmngs 11mIt I;' $17,000 If you earned higher Expect to receive your fir"t of them sure to sign up for Medicareto Jan 1,2000 for the perIod before reach- wage;, and paid more mto statement about three "Present ~alue of money at age 65 In ;,ome Clrcum-

dictates an earlv start on ,>tances, medical msurancecollectmg benefit", unle,,;, costs more If you delayyou expect to hve to a very applYing for Itold age," said John Rickel, a When It comes to paymgGros;,e Pomte Farm" attor- taxes on your SOCIalney and member of the Secunty payment;" age ISMACPA board of directors not a factor AccordlOg to the

He said, "The mcrea"e 10 Michigan As,oclatIon ofbenefits pays for 36 month;, Certified PublIcor more of benefit" never Accountant", the amount ofreceived Do the calcula- benefits that IS taxabletlOn " depends on the total amount

At your ufull retIrement of your SOCial Security bene-age" (as defined by SSA), fits and other Incomeyou can begm coJlectlOg full Some people Will not needbenefits Although the cur- to pay tax on their benefitsrent age for full retIrement However If your mcomeIS 65, thiS age WIll gradually exceed" certam basemcrease to age 67 by the amounts, up to 85 percent ofyear 2022 your benefits may be tax-

If you delay applymg for able


16A• Seniors October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

JOUInah!>t for 40 year, at theBObton Globe After retmng,he deCIded to become anactor, not Just a I1Ight andweekend commul1lty theateractor, but a pro

He went to actmg .,chool,took hIS resume around toagenb, got some "mallpart", did ~ome commer-CIals, dInner theater, !>um-mer !>tock He made a new('.lrppr

Intellectual pursuits arenot the only way to go Manyolder people are mto phY!>I-cal achlCvements JohnGumer, 72, has been pump-Ing Iron for 25 years andlooks It Enc De Reymer, 85,took up hang ghdmg at 72and !>tlll ~tays for an hour ata time E T SmIth, knowna!>"SmItty the Jumper," wasone of seven members of theworld champIOn sky-dIVingteam He was 87

Stones of people Itke the!>eare remarkable but notunusual

There are mllhons of peo-ple m theIr seventh, eIghthand even ninth decades whocarryon WIth great VIgor,agIhty, mtenslty and phYSI-cal courage Elder heroesand elder heromes are wor-thy role models

III 1~7u, the NatIOnalOffice of the UmtedPre!>bytenan Church Ietlred65-year-old MagglC KuhnFunous, she formed a radi-cal group known as the GrayPanthers ThClr purposewas to overturn society'!>ageist wa)s For nearly twodecades Kuhn led the GrayPanthers In campaIgn!>deSigned to ehmmateageIsm m Amenca

Seventy-four thousandmember~ WIth chapters In30 states acted as the VOiceof elders for senous SOCIalehange

Henry Matisse, the greatpor:.t ImpreSSlOl1Ist painterhad been a cultural revolu-tIonary for 40 years Hereached a time 111 hfe whenhe could have rested on hiS

By Marian Trainor

Prime Timetn /\)p'l y"rl. :lnd st:::rt<.-J thefin,t Amencan ml.,SlOn In

the dangerous Fort Apachearea of the South Bronx At60, she won the Nobel Peacepnze At 80, she wa~ stIllactive

Albert Schweitzer beganhIS adult years as arenowned mUSICian - anorgamst and mterpreter ofBach At 30, he became aphYSICIan At 38, he estab.lIshed a hospItal 111 FrenchWest Afnca where he prac-ticed until the French (dur-Ing World War 1) 1I1carcerat-ed him a~ enemy ahen Hewas 50 when he wasreleased HI~ hospItal was mIum!> But he started allover agam He rebUilt thehospItal and ran It until hedied

their own field In their later\ 1al" after attemptmg newpel ,anal and !>oclal chal-lenges at an age when theycould have Ie!>ted on theIrlaure]"

Onl' that come, to mmd h

Anna Mary Robert"on _Gr,mdma Mose., afal me!'" '" Ife, untl alned In

art She began pamtmg mhel 70., WIth no formaltl ammg, "he produced color-ful, ",mple and carefree,lelle" of tann hte and wonIcwgOltIOn for her pnmltlveAmenlan art

Another IS Mothe! TeresaEven a., a teenager, she hadearly pa~~lOn fOJ ml!>slOnarywork She entered a conventand wa!> sent to Calcuttawhere "he taught for morethan 20 years at St Mary'~HIgh School, a bastIOn ofpnvJ!ege One mght, she!>81d"he heard ~a call wlth1l1a call' to leave the conventand help the people "'hllehvmg among them Shechanged her habIt for awhite san and took to thestl eets of Calcutta barefootAt 49, she moved Into themdustnal !>Iums of Calcuttawhere the lepers hved andbegan to give out medICineand food At 60, she moved

Common, astonishing seniors give strong, dynamic livesEvery group ha!> It, heroes

and herome., Cel tam pl'oplrare slOgled out for honorbecause of their achieve-ments and contnbutlOns to!>oclety and lor their extraor-dmar) powel to ,way Oplll-Ion The "arid, of 'pOI t::.,entert,i1nment, teachmg,sCience and plofe!>'lOns, allhave people '" ho areesteemed as example::. ofwhat It IS pos!>lble toachieve

A.t th:~ jJvUlL 1U lU"lUl v,when people are hVlnglonger, more vigorous !lve",many of them are anxlOu~not to wastl' those precIOusadded year" Later In theirhves, they pur!>ue IOterest~or causes that they hope Willmake a dIfference 10 theworld They have preVIOuslybeen busy earmng a hvmgNow they are ready to pur-sue goals they had longdreamed of

Some people hold backbecause they think the) aretoo old or haven't the energyor the talent What thesepeople need for In!>plratzonare examples of "elder"heroes who have eitherachieved SUCCI'S!>In a newfield after retirement orhave reached their ,,;tnde III

• Skaten under age 14mu~t be accompamed by anadult

• Entrance to the arenareqUlre~ park passes and aSIgned waiver form

Woods hasindoor skating

plus" rule to detennme Ifyou're gIvmg yourselfenough space between your-self and the vehicle aheadCount "one thousand andone, one thousand and two"as the vehicle m front of youreaches an overpass or otherstatIOnary mark If youarnve at that pomt m two

seconds or less, you're tooclose - back off

Under Ideal conditIOns,addmg an extra second oflag time behmd the vehIcleahead of you could make thebig difference m aVOldmg acolliSIOn ThiS IS assummgthe vehIcle's tires and brak-Ing system are 111 optImumconditIOn and the dnver'sreactIOn time IS normal

The council suggests that,m additIon to paYIng specIalattentIOn to safety functIOnsof the vehIcle and observmgthe two-second rule, olderdnvers or those WithImpaIred VISion or reactIOntime should pay speCialattentIOn to theIr vehIcles'safe operatmg condItIOn

For a free brochure onbrake safety, send astamped, self-addressedenvelope to the Car CareCounCil, Department SREO-B, 42 Park DrIve, PortClmton, OhIO 43452

• Skater'i under age 14mU'it wrar a 'lkatmg orhockpv hl'lmet Bicycle hel-meh arl' not PPfmltted

• Skaters under age 18mu!>t ha"e thp wntten con-.,ent of a parent or guardIanRplea~l' forms are availableat the Wood~ commul1ltycent('r, Lake Front Park andMcMann Arena

A popular famIly aetlVltyhas returned to GrossePOInte Woods, as reSIdentshave begun a second seasonof city-sponsored Ice s~at-mg

Every Sunday throughMarch 25, except Dec 24and 31, from 5 to 7 pm, res-Idents and theIr guests canskate at Umverslty LIggettSchool'~ McMann Ice Arena

PartICIpatIOn IS accompa-l1led by several rules

• Hock!'y ~tlcks, phY'ilcalplay or game~ ~uch as tag,are prohlbltpd

For morp mformatlon, callth(' Wood::. commul1lty cen-ter at I,~11) 343-2408 atLakl' Front Park at (313)343-2470

Average IeactIOn time,aCLOrdmg to the NatIOnalSafety Coune:!, IS three-fourths of a second At 60mph, for example, )ou'lltravel 66 feet In that penodof time At that speed you'llneed 162 to 202 feet to bnngyour car to a complete stop

Ur:.e thr two-second-

subconscIOusly may hope forhIS faIthful vehicle to gethIm through a dnvmg cnslsThIS can mean steermg outof a dangerous traffic sltua.tlon or mamtammg stabilitywhen one wheel gets ontothe ~houlder It alba canml'dn qultk, steady re~pon.,eto emergrn(') hrakll1g'

ver causes them to A dnverWIth good VIsIOncan see sur-roundmg danger andrespond only If lIghts, wmd-shIeld WIpers, brakes andsteenng <111are up to par

If a dnver's reactIOns area httle slower, e)eslght ISnot qUIte as sharp and hear-mg not qu:te as acute, he

Not necessanly, says theCar Care CouncIl, who con-tends that any dnver,regardless of age, IS at n ~k Ifthe vehIcle I~ not suffiCientlyresponsive The theory thatthe velucle IS an exten"IOn ofthe dnver IS a valJd one,says the council The brakesfunctlOn only when the dn-

An Issue that's been withus almost as long as theautomobile IS whether or notolder dnvers should be test-ed more frequently for reis-sue of theIr licenses If a per-son's VISIOn, reactIOn timeand dextenty contmue to beup to standard, then thatdnver should be ~afe, nght?

OrOSK Point~~ws eaturesSt.~ction IJ

Churches page 4

Health •.u ~~.., ~I 5-6

Famety fea~s pa9. 8

Metro cakmdat pag. 9

. October 12, 2000


IN STOCK'"*other sizes available at 25% OfF

o - 50% oFt-AREA RUGS




All PuppIes are hand-carved out of 18ktgold as a three-dImensIOnal sculpture,set wIth a dIamond collar, and fimshedwith a specIal durable enamel. Can be

worn as a pendant or hangIngfrom a bone-shaped pm All

breeds are avallableand custom

...t~1. ~ _


9~9S Mark Ave. (.rosse Pnlnte Woods MI48236

313881 5882 17670 Mack Avenue at University • Grosse Pointe City

r 1•

28 Weddings October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News


The bnde graduated fromOtterbem College She IS amIddle school teacher III

WestervIlle, OhIOThe groom graduated

from John CarrollUmverslty He IS an mvest-ment analyst

The newlyweds hve mWestervIlle, OhIO

Mr. and Mrs. DerekGarden

tram She car fled a bouquetof yellow and Ivory ro;,es

The matron of honor wasJe""lca Sterzbach ofIndJana

Attendants were StacIeWard and Jdl Rheutan, bothof OhIO

Attendants wore full-length blue pastel Frenchsatm and crepe tIara dress-es They carned bouquets ofwhIte and yellow lTIses

The best man was thegroom's brother, BnanGarden of Okemos

Groomsmen were BnanMehaffey of South Carohnaand Brett Stertzbach ofIndIana

GI05SP Pomte New; & The (onnechon96 KerchevalGrosse Pomle farms MIChIgan 48236Atlent,on KJm Mac.ey Display Mvef1,slng



~96Kmh",I, Grm", 1'01OIt F,nmM"h,g.n 48236AttenllOn KIm Mack'l,D"pl" Ad\C"",n~{J J}) 1liI1 3;00 FAX 1liI1 I ;~5

-------Send phOto andS 1200 to

{TwInSS 1800 pleasesendonephotoof eachchlldl


Mehssa Erin Mahaffey,daughter of Barbara andPatnck Mahaffey of Salem,OhIO, marned DerekGarden, son of Pat and BJlIGarden of Gro;,se PomtePark, on Aug 5, 2000

The Rev Jensen offiCIatedat the 4 30 p m ceremony,whIch was followed by areceptIOn at the Salem GolfClub

The bnde wore a satmgown that featured a fittedembrOIdered bodice, asquare necklme decoratedWith seed beads, spaghettIstraps, a box-pleated fullskirt and a chapel-length

AccompulIIbt Wd., Lmd,eyWJ!;,on SOlOl;,t;, were thegroom\ ;,I"ter;" K,lthprlllt'and Sal ah Dale, and Eh.,dBOJ gelt

The hi Ide eal ned d bache-lor 01 lim> allb dl'glee m the-ater pel formance and de;,lgnIIom Denl;,on llmvel ;,It)She I" an event;, managerand wUege fall toOrdll1dtOlfor the NatIOnal A;,.,oclatlOnfor College Admlb;,JOnCoun;,ehng m Alf'1I.andna,Va

The gloom earned a bach-Llvl'~ JL!51 '-'- III r::J1~I,~h,wntlng and "peeth commu-mcatlOn from Dem;,onUmverblty He I;' a commu-mcatlOn;, and graphiC de'lgn~peclahst WIth LeonardResoune Group 10Alexandna

The newlywed;, honey-mooned on Martha'sVmeyard and NantucketThey hve 10 Alexandna


Toreserve Dlsplav AdvertiSing space bV 2 P m Fndav

GT\"\~!i~p""te 1\('v" ,md Th( C"nnt:dl,n nt\l,~partr~ art: phnnmg then 61hannu:j,l s.['(l,.(al eJ\t1( n leJ[lumg rht: h~hlt.s of ,he rl~t ~eJI We hnre ~(U lanJ,he httle one).dl pa"'''pare ~\ "rpiling u, >11" a phMlgr'rh '" \ lurchllJI"nll ~l\lJb,b,<s ria,,) for pubh, II \n In th" ",I","

Th" "He IJ "II be pu,II,heJ l.num 1; 2001 1, lit ,hlJ \ r'elure long""h orher ~l\\J",t<. ,,11 be Ihe mlln '1II1L111n\e" 1nJ aJ"rtllmg ,\>out\.hthln~ ktJm~ eJu ..1tmg mJ ...'mn~ f, r, ur ..hllJ 'Jldl ,11"1"\t--t" mduJeJ It II.dl~ \eri mtltmal \t" 1'\ ',l,c:ll hi ...lmm m nmC" du elf' br lj) I

Plea<esenJ t "Ie ,I,u ro, ,I" ,H"U,.h re 11, m, , l\1J) rr-J"dn)[ " )mr"1d ~t'ranlcJ rrdt"nhl1 11\1l lh In il '\/1 It (,n c P mte \ "" &The C0nnt'lnnn q~KeTl,.h ..\ll l r »)e P \lIUC F Hrn" \hlhl£1n .;..,230 Atl ..ntltm

KIm \hde~Dbr1il\ -\J\.t"It~sm~ L rrr1e[e rhl: m(lrm:m(1n ,lip \l,lth ~()ur "hdJ sfull name J'I' ,t ~",h 'OJ h. >plnl 'rJ !"Urn II • ,h ,our rhll" Pleas<rnn,,ne ~a"\ < mm,"o the bck ,t,n, rh 'to" \I <I "n rl<k It r at nUl offLLe alterr"o'lng "'o,luJ, J s<1t,JJle<'.,j "amr<J emehr<

)(\!It pldure mu-e;th: Itct':neJ In Nit tlIU.' n. I hilt [hln TUtJli Dt>"em'bcr 191nC111t« >oulJ as"" "r r' -J, ,tlon ,,'d<ll, Il", \"\em"'r anJ

• • DMmb<thrrhrh" ,m'l ""~ll'ltreJun"IJJnu.,») 20.l1)

We l"k I"",J,' rnJudng "mn<l.1 B"I EJIlIon ,nJ1ft" )Ult': \0U ',\ mt \t m lltllt" \ne n ..l J~J -\ 11m ItJ number I

e~rn (lr1e( ....i1Il-e nld(l.~lt t I rt r...ha-f 1 I ~ \l [(1 hmd~.lnJIllmJ,"'j The l;r 't Pi'lnl~ \e'o') &. The ( nncdl n Tl-tUlrt 1 ~11 OJ f(e r l

l,,1\er rTcJUd In l ~b rl"l,e Uh.ll1ic il I.he ...k m. n.t" rJer llr "Ida\,..,uJ nu.mi'-<I Ilt\th II T rnnrn

Please Print

CALL 313.882.3500

ChildsName jFirst&Lastl _

Visa. MC. # Exp D?te _

S'gnature' _

Dateof Blrth, Hosptal,----------Pnone.--------

Parents Name Iflrst (, Lilstl _

and decorated With pearl"and ,equm., Stl ap" covereJWith tmy .,I1k flower" fellacro.,,, her ;,houlders andthree la)erb of the tldlllwer(' ;,\;ept up mto .,ilkdoupplOllJ flowpr;, on tht>back and the dr,>;,,, featureda thapel-Iength trdlJ1 Shealso de;,lgned and made theveIl of whIte tuUe whlth wa;,held In piaL(' by .,Ilk douppl-om flower;, She carned aca;,cade of whIte ro;,e;"lavender btock, In"e",alstromena and IVy

The IlJ'lIJ of IWllu! ","

Sarah Emery of Lan;,mgBnde;,mmd;, were Eh~a

Borgelt of Columbu;" OhIO,Jenlyn Culhson of Lewl~Center, OhIO, StefanuMorton of Indlanapohs, Inddnd the groom's ;,Isters,Kathenne and Sarah Dale ofGrosse Pomte

The flower girl wabMargaret Mayo RIve;, ofKeSWIck, Va

Attendants wore floor-length hlae dresses WIthsatm bodices and full organ-za skIrts They carned bou-quets of VIOlet", blue tnsesand whIte roses

The best man was KalBlckenbach

Ushers were Byron Hurstof Arhngton,. Va , AlexanderLee of Los Angele;" DaVIdMay of London, England,Ryan Rutter of Columbu~,OhIO, and the bnde's broth-er, Nathan RIckard ofMedma

The mother of the bndewore an Ice blue Silk brocadedress and a short matehmgJacket tnmmed m satm

The groom's mother wOlea three-pIece gold kmtevenmg SUlt Both motherscarned nosegays of Insesand whIte roses

.f ,~I"U;.. ,~.. , .

• f




Mr. and ~. AlexanderSpencer Dale

Melame Caryl RIckard,daughter of Dr and MrsDaryl Rickard of Medma,OhIO, marned AlexanderSpencer Dale, son ofMr andMrs LeWIS Dale of Gros~ePomte Farms, on May 27,2000, at the Chapel 10

Akron, OhIOThe Rev Spencer Brand

and the Rev Eloy PacherooffiCIated at the 4 p m cere-mony, which was followed bya receptIOn at CuyahogaCounty Courthouse mCleveland, OhIO

The bnde wore a whItesilk douPPlOm gown that ;,hedeSIgned and created her-self The bodIce and hemswere covered WIth re-embrOIdered Alencon lace


The bnde earned a bache-lor of sCICnce degree fromMldml umver;,lty .sheworks for the NatIOnalIn"tJtute for FItness andSport

The groom em ned a bach-elor of sCIence degree fromIndiana Umverslt) andworks for InteractiveIntel1Jgence

The couple traveled toMaUl They hve JJl Carmel,lnd

The glOom'" mother \\ orea pa;,tel pmk crepe dressand tal ned a no;,egay oftulJp;,

Readers were L RobertRoe, l\ihchael Glaves andGelald Vander Pia.,

Indl<inapohbThe mother of the bnde

WOle a raspberry "llk shan-tung dre;,,, dnd jatket andcarned a nosegay of tuhp"

Attendants wore duskblue ;,atm crepe two-piecedresses and carned bou-quet" of whIte and pmkFrench tulips, hyaCInthsand astJlbe

The best man was KeIthGraves of Clearwater, Fla

Groomsmen were thebnde'" brothers, B1IlHuntmgton Jr of New YorkCIty and Jeff Huntmgton ofChicago, Bnan Farmer ofHardmsburg, Ind, andMatthew Greller and TateSchuetz, both of

Bndesmalds were thegroom'~ SIsters, ChrystalJones of EvanSVille, Ind,and Wendy Jones ofIndlanapohs, TheresaZanghn of Chicago, RachelHankms of Washmgton,DC, and Karen Drew ofDayton, OhIO

The bride wore an IVOryItahan satm gown that fea-tured a beaded and embrOI-dered bodIce and a pnncess-lme skirt Her chapel-lengthmantIlla of heIrloom rose-pomt lace has been worn byfive generatIOns and she car-ned a bouquet of whiteFrench tuhps and pale pmkroses

The maid of honor wasBeth Bonanm of Chicago

Mr. and Mrs. RoeGarland Jones nl

Jenmfer SommerHuntington, daughter of Mrand Mr;, W1I11am PierceHuntmgton of the CIty ofGrosse Pomte, marned RoeGarland Jones III, ;,on ofSharon Jones of Greenwood,Ind , and the late Roe JonesJr, on June 17, 2000 at theGros~e Pomte Academychapel

The Rev John WynnyckyoffiCIated at the 5 30 p mceremony, whIch was fol-lowed by a reception at theGro;,se Pomte Yacht Club


Mr. and Mrs. RobertAlter Jasper Jr.

Bndesmalds were PelagiaKouloumbens and JenmferKean, both of DetrOIt

The best man was DenmsKInder of Oxford

Groomsmen were thebnde's brother, Joe Sucherof New York, Wllham LIttleof Grand Rapids, and BnanEttInger of OhIO

Where safety, beauty and quality go hand in hand.


Kelly Darlene Sucher,daughter of Jo~eph and LouSucher of Gros~e PomteWoods, married Robert AlterJasper Jr , son of Robert andMary Ann Jasper of OxfordLake, on Friday, Apnl 142000

The Rev Gerald O'Gradyofficiated at the 6 30 p mceremony at the Blos;,omHeath Inn A receptIOn fol-lowed

The matron of honor wasLIsa Steward of Canton ThemaId of honor was DamelleZelasko of Denver

Announce yourwedding or engagement

in theGrosse Pointe News

The solOIst was AnneMaters of the CIty of GrossePomte The r~ader wasGlenn Moore of DearbornHeights

The brIde graduated fromMIamI Umverslty WIth abachelor of sCience degree Infinance She IS a dIrector forRe;,ldentlal Fundmg Corp,a dlV1slOn of General Motor;,In Denver

The groom earned a bach-elor's degree III busmessadmlmstratlOn from FernsState Umverslty He IS acon;,ultant WIth OnyxSoftware III Denver

33226 Woodward • Birmingham • (248) 644-0525

The newlyweds honey-mooneG m AntIgua Theyhve III LIttleton, Colo

Photo b, Ken Borktn

Among those who attended were, from left. Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus.and Grosse Pointers Lynne Girard Dewey. Alfred Glancy and Ann Lawson.

DSO opening partyThe Gala Opening for the Detroit Symphony OrchestJ'a's 2000-01 season

attracted some 500 guests to Orchestra Place on Sept. 22. The concert,held afterward in Orchestra Hall, featured the DSO and Harry Connick Jr.


The evening will include gourmetcheeses, breads and fruits. Proceeds of theevent will support the publication of abook, "The Germans of Greater Detroit.1776.2000,' an official partnership projectof Detroit 300,

Honorary chairman of this year's eventis Grosse Pointer John Rickel, at the left,whose family was a leading malt supplierto Detroit's brewery industry since 1876.

General chairman is Mary Bonten ofGrosse Pointe Woods, Tickets for the partyare $40. Call (313) 882-3097.

The German-American Heritage Founda-tion International will hold its fifth annualwine tasting party at 7 p.m Friday, Oct.20 at the Grosse Pointe War MemorialPaul Mann of L&LWine World will presentnotable vintages of the Rhineland in honorof Germany's 1990 reunification.

German-AmericanHeritage Foundation

Faces & nlaces

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Symphonyboardplans benefit

The Gro~.,e POInte8)mphon) board of dlrl'etm,will hold It, 16th annualInner CIrcle of MU~llalChair" a fundral~er, onThur~day Oct 19, at theCountry Club of DetrOit Theevpmng \\111 II1dude dInnerand 11'1'(, entertamment featunng the Grunyon, a maleVOla IJazz group

('ontnhutol' to thp c\pntwill have a Ch01U' of whichIn~trunl('nt or ()rch(.~trampmhpi to ~UppOlt Dunngth(' ~\ mphon\ ,,;a~on ~up-porter, H( I('cogmzcd Inedch plogram

Black tiP I~ optIOnal ((llktilll~ !>('gIn ,lt h ~() pm dm-nPI I' at ~ .lD pm Tht'mlnJ-mum contJlbutHln I~ :\>100 ap('r~on Fm mOl(' mform,]tlOn ('all \)01('( n Ta) lor ,lt

I ~I ~I HH2 0711

October 12 2000Grosse POinte News

48 Churches October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

The Pastor's Corner

Yom Kippur - Dayof Atonement - 5761By Roger SkullySpecial Writer

Yom Klppm IS a bolemn da) of IOtrospectlOndnd i>elf-dPPlali>al Dur1l1g thli> tune. self-examl-natlOn and pemtence are the themes - as IS thedesJre to do better 111 the commg year

The 'Book of LIfe" IS closed at the end of theday, but gOOddeedi> dlld LI ue WIILIILIUli l.dll .. llda bad decreE' The sIlent confessIOn 111 the prayerbook the "Gates of Repentance," offers anebbence of thli> solemn day

'In my mdlvlduahty, I turn to You, 0 God, andi>eekYour help For You care for each of YourchIldren You are my God and mv RedeemerTherefore, whIle around me others th1l1k thelrown thoughts. I thmk mme. and as each one ofthem seeks to expenence Your presence, so do I

"Each person's ablhtJes ale Imnted by natureand by the circumstances we have had to faceWhether I have done bet tel or worse wIth mycapacltles than others wIth theIrs, I cannotJudge

"But I do know that I have falled m manyways to hve up to my potentJahtles and Yourdemands Not that You expect the ImpossIblE'You do not ask me Why have you not beengreat as Moses? You do ask me Why have younot been yourself? Why have you not been trueto the best m you?

"1 WIll not lay the blame on others, thoughthey may have wronged me, nor on Clfcum-stances, though they may have been dIfficultThe fault hes mamly m myself

Auction 2000The Presbyterian Women of

Grosse Pointe Memorial Churchwill present Auction 2000 onFriday, Oct. 27. at the GrossePointe War Memorial. 32Lakeshore. Proceeds from theevent will benefit the RonaldMcDonald House, a home awayfrom home for sick chlldrenand their families, and theInternational Justice Mission ofWashington, D.C., which seeDreferrals from oversea. miAion-aries and relief workers andattempts to intervene on behalfof victims of injustice andabuse. Other mission projectswill also benefit from the f~dsraised at the auction.

Auction items include a gold5eiko watch, three new HuffychUdren's bicycles, a 14-footsailboat with sails and traUer,the new American Girl doll, aquilted patchwork throw madeby the Presbyterian Women's&ewing group and an originalwatercolor painting of GrossePointe Memorial Church byDick Reins. Groue Pointer AmyLiang, a seventh-grader, basdonated an apple pie. Liangearned a blue ribbon for cook-ing at the recent MichiganState Fair. Other items wiDinclude hand-lmitted sweaters,vacation homes, restaurant andsports event packages and a

christening gown made in theEuropean tradition.

The sUent auction andstroWng dinner portion of theevening begins at 6:30 p.m.;the live auction begins at 9p.m. Tickets are $35 for theentire evening. Call (313) 882-5330.

At the left are Cynthia Hemp-stead. chairman for the dinner.and Maudl Moody, chairman ofdecorations for the dinner. Atthe right. are Lisa Turner, auc-tion chatnnan, and churchmember Anne Lees, a boardmember for the Ronald McDon-ald House.


. _,' CHURCH OF CHRIST1175 Lakepomle al KerchevalGrosse Pomte Parle. 822-3823

Sunday. Worshlp Ilf30 a mTuesday. Thnfl Shop 1030 - 330Wednesday' Amazmg Grace Sentors

every second Wednesday atTompk.m Center 11 00 - 3 00

Wlfidmlll Pomle Part IJ 00 300

COME JOIN USPastor Rev Henry L Re'newald

A STEPHEN MINISTRY and LOGOS Congregation16 Lakeshore Drive, Gros.'le Pointe Farms • 882-5330

The Grosse Pointe Memorial ChurchEslabhshed 1865 Th< Presbyten3l1 Church (US A)

REV. DR. V.BRUCE RIGDON, preaching9 00 & 11 00 a m Wor~hlr ServtCe~

10 10 a m - Church School for Chlldrcn & Youth845 a m 12 1~ P m Cnhffoddler Carc

400 P m - Healmg 'iCrvICC

St. Columba Episcopal Church"The little church that caresft

Sunday: 10a m Holy CommumonTuesday. 9 15 a m HolyCommunion and

tHeallog SeMCe

ThoU Shoo Tuesday + Fnday10am-3pmCrossroads Monday - Fnday830am to430pmAA... Tuesday + Fnday7pm .9pm

3 blocb IOU1IIlMI d GlOMI PoInte PaolI II JeIlerton IIlCl Manlsbqueln De1rtHl (313) 122-2217

Grosse Pointe Baptist ChurchChr~l Centered and Carmg - CommItted to Youth and Community

Sunday Worslup - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AMSunday School- 9:45 AM for Age 2 - Adult

Kid~ Clubs, Age 3 - Grade 5, meet Wednesda)'s at 6 15p m.Muldk School Youth meet Tuesdays at 6 30 p.m.

Senior High Youth meet Sundays at 630 p,m21336 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte Woods

Phone: (313) 881-3343 Wpb Page www.!(

730 am Ecumcnlcal Mcn\ Fnday Brcakfast

51. James Lutheran Church170 McMIllan Rd , near KerchevalGrosse POlOle Farms' 884'()511

Sunday Worslup &\ Communion 10 15 a.mSunday School all ages 9ilO a.m.

FellowshIp 9 45 am\oUT .. "

,.~ ~'. Nursery proVIdedfIlS a~~':.GQ 99 ~ Wednesday. Noon"~ ~: Word &\ Sacrament

~::VKoPkaJr.PhD •

Nursery SeMC8S Available

worstllp 11:10 p.lII.

lundeya et 7141, t:OOMIl HI1S .om.

81 Q __ Po""e "vd.0-_ Pointe, MI 48ae

(3t 31eea-484t--.-....-

saturday Vigil Massat 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Massesat 8:.30 Br 11: 15 a.m.

S! Ambrose Roman Cahoic Church15020 Hampton, Gtosse POIIl1e ParkOne block flOl1h Ii~,at Mar)Iand

Christ Church Grosse Pointe(EpIscopal)


E~II g!Jj!qj rISaint



Celtic CelebrationThe Crossing. a Chicago-bued Chri8tian

musical group. will present a Celtic Celebra-tion begJDn'ng at 6 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 22, inGrosse Pointe WoodsPresbyterian Church's

Fellowship Hall. 19950 Mack in GrossePointe Woods.

The group blends Celtic muatc with themes .. ge of Chri8tlanlty and features celtic

musical instruments.Cider and doughnuts will be served. Tickets

are $8 in advance: $10 at the door: $2 forchUdren under age 12. To order tickets. call

the church at (313) 886-4301.

Grosse PointeUNITED



A Fnendly ChUTCh forAll Agc~

2tI Moross Rd.Grosse Pointe Farms

886-23639 30 a m WorshIp


""'f}Y", 'it '.li r-,...... 1- '.. l.," I;.~

't '1 ~ f '" '". "



884-3075''EstabIWling Justice"


1000 A M CHURCH SCHOOl~ E A Bny Put«

Rev &ntl Dam .usoc Pastorwwu gpunlted org

Grosse Pomte UnttananChurch

''Redaiming the Common Good" I....10 30 a m Worship SeMce ............-

17150 MAUMEE88 HI420

Rev John Corrado MIIllSIeI

FIt'{ Fr D!mt1r~" ~ ProtoprlSbvttt'~~ f r C()ll,u,r1uw .... flf'lQ'l Pnntflt\' fr Leo C<>p.kll Jr Pntsl

~600 p m Holy lilurav (1IIl.f.QlIIl.ll)

~, 0 3() • '" HOly lrtwoy «d:l ¥lll !llo"'''1

ReligiOUS EducallOll101 All Age$



20475 Sunnmgdale Park",ear Lochmoor ClubGrosse Pointe Woods

Sunday8 ("Xl a m Holy Euchanst

10 I~ a m Church So::hool10 1(J a m Cllora I Eoctlansl

(Nursery A'a,lable)

884.4820 ~

tAaM ....0rtII ChrcIIz,aoo_Ild-SlCloir_


Sllare Joylully lIle CIwIIlIanF.t1Il. TIiIlItlOll.nd WonlIIp

GIllie Holy AjloIllII

Christ the KingLutheran Church

Mack at Lochmoor884-5090

8 15 & 10 45 a m WorshIp SefVIce9 30 a m Sunday School &

Bible Classes

SUpefVI>ed Nursery ProViderl\\-WI\' chnstlhektnggp orgRand) S Boeller. Pastor

TlDloth) " Holzeriand. Assc. PMtor


The 1928 fino. ofComm,,,, Pr.l)Cr

'liNDAYR lr am Hol) \omrnumnn

10 1~ a m .. dult R,~lc ,rudyII 00 1 m Holy ComrHm,on

Church ~undav '>chool an,1 ",u"or.

.",f[f;',ilia 0(,\.

\~~~j... 1,10:-

St. Paul Ev. Lutheran375 Lothrop at ChaUORt.


900 & 11 15 a m Worship10 lOp m Education for All

Nursery Ava,lable

RoY Frtdo<1cl< Harms Past ..Rn IIonaI ColIit\' InttrIm Assoe Past..

Tile Rev RK'hard W 1nllall,Reclor

Kenneth I .... eelman()Illsnl'l and ( IIolrma.~ltr


THURSDAY12 III r m Hal> (,'mmu", on

Mann'''' 0" Hart PI4:o01 ,h, T."",IF"t ')"."d Pork,n/('ford (,.,o/(t

fnlfT a! Woodward & I'ff'''o''

Firsl English Ev. Lutheran Churchvemlcr Rd at Wcdgcwood Dr

Gro,se Pomlc Woods884 5040

8 I~ a m T,,,,lH,en,1 Se" ICe9 '0 a m Com r:mpolllt) Se'rux

9 1,() a m Tradltlt)nal Graded Sunda.,.. SchoolII 00 a m TradrlH)nal Sa\ I..C

1100. m Inle'E"eral,nnaJ SuOOa) SchoolDr Walle'.\. ~chmldt Pasto,

Re\ Barton L Becht. Awx.,ate Pastor

Inscnbe us, our fflends, netghbors and lovedones (even those not-sa-loved ones, 10 the Bookof LIfe for another year of hfe and health

Amen and amen.

"1 have been weak I have not loved enough,not even those closest to me And do I not sharesome responslblhty for the soctal eVils whIch Isee, hear about, and read about daily? Have Ialways used my opportumtJes as a CitIZen torelieve suffenng, to speak out agamst mJustice,to promote harmony III the hfe of my CIty,mycountry and the natIOns of the world?

"Help me then, 0 God. Help me always, butespec13l\y now on thIS sacred Day of AtonementHelp me to bamsh from myself whatever ISmean, ugly, callous, cruel, stubborn or otherwiseunworthy of a bemg created In your ImagePunfy me, revIve me, uphft me Forgive my pastand lead me mto the future, resolved to be Yourservant"


I ;3nistorir$ .1ltariners'


October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News Health 58



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ervices, Inc., DRAPERY


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'I hI

Rose SocietyThe Gro<,~(' 1'1J\l1 t<' I{O'l

:-:'olletv met on Oct 11 dtthe ~;lghbOlhoocl (lull

Woman's Club

c1t 12 30 p rn Wpdlll "d,(\(Jlt IH Jll th( C I\ ~t,11B,llI room of tht' (;!(h~(

POinte \\l,Jr M('moflcll tel«,Iebrcltl Ih jOt h anrl! Vll


Th( 'J!ulk( I, Ruth!llIlme, \~Ill t 11k ahout'Wholt You I 1I'II\lh\lltmg:-'dY" Ahout You'I{I 'l'rvat\On~ mu,t hrmade no latl'l than norm'-,aturday Olt 14

People mtere"ted m thedevelopment of a performmg art<, center for the Thp "peak( I \\a~ GPI ,lidGro%e Pomteb drp mVlted Cal ne), fi I "t \ lLe prL ~I

to Jom the group for lunch dent and pi ogl dm chairand to share their man of thc DptlOlt Ro"t'thought" on tht' tOpIc SOlletv, ARS Judge andEntertalllmpnt WIll be ((jn~ultlng ro~arIan HcprOVided b\ the "haled hl~ mlthod of proGentlemen of S\\ 109 a tectmg Michigan I0" ~Mel Stander tno dunng the \\ mtel

ClassicalMusic League

The Glo""e POint,Cla""lcal MU-,IC Lt'aguLwill hold a gem'ral mem-ber-,hlp meetmg dt 10 '30am Thur"day, Oct 19, atthe Gro,,~e Pomte HuntClub Memher" will get anupdate on legal proceed-109" between the leagul'and the Gro""e POinteSvmphony Board

CO-ho"tl""r" \\ 111Carol "tephen~(lnLOUl"e Papl"ta

MeetingsQuesters I{e~( rV,ltlOlh <1ft' ..,[)

m,lkp (h( lk~ 1)d~<lbJl toN 147 thl Gro~~( "OHllr

O. (LI~~ll<l1 \1u~]( I I ',.;U<Gro~~1' POllltl qUl."tl'l ~ lilt! m III till m [(, I r,UI

No 117 will mlPt Oil LlI,LJ '-,}H')(UI,t (,eI,FJ 1(1d~ Olt Ll dt thc Cro,~c POII,t, '-,)" I

homl' (,I ,JL'~,ll D<lvl( ~ .J 0 1H2 lh b~ \1c,,,d 1\ ( !l I

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Jeff Jay IS DIrector of Program Development forBnghton Ho!>pltaland the preSIdent of the TerryMcGovern FoundatIOn m Washmgton, D C DebraEnckson Jay IS an mterventlOnlst and the managmgdIrector of "Take Charge! Amenca » Take Charge lS

avadable at all Grosse POinte churche!>and publtchbranes Send questIOns to Jeff Jay, c/o BnghtonHospital, Dept Gp, 12851 Eo!>tGrand Rever,Bnghton, MI 48116, (810) 227-1211 Jeffand DebraJay lwe m Grosse Pomte Farms

Dear Readers:We'd like to announce the pubhcatlOn of our new

book, "Love First A New Approach to InterventIOnfor AlcoholIsm and Drug AddIctIOn" PublIshed byHazelden, the book dlrectb famIlIes on how they canlovmgly mtervene on someone WIth an alcohol orother drug problem The book stresses that by usmglove first, famlhes may never have to use tough love

The book Ib aVailable at bookstores, on-Ime book-sellers or dIrectly through Hazelden Pubhshmg bycallmg (800) 328-9000

As for your employee, talk WIth him Tell him youheard about what happened WIth hIS family Let himknow that you've notIced that he Isn't at hIS best mthe mormngb Tell hIm that you support treatmentand, If alcohol I.. problematIc III hI>. lIfe, you hope hemakes the nght chOIce and gets help ImmedIately

Smce famihe" u>.ually recogm:le addIctIOn 1!l d

loved one yearb before the workplace recognLlP" It In

an employee, famlhe" are a valuable reboune tobUbmebhe>. wncerned about correctmg thll> w"t!yproblem Educatmg employees, superVISOrf>, dnd1I1c111....14Ll" ....Lvut thL ,,\urhpla~c's ro]c In [3m:]) :1" nr

ventlOn Ib a good btdrtmg pomt Offenng wncernedfamlhe" confidentIal support through employeeabsI"tance programs or company help !Ineb can ea"efears about mdudmg the workplace 10 the plannlOgof an mterventlOn

E'mployer, the succebb of the mterventlOn II>dlmo"tcertam Yet, In prepanng for an mterventlOn, con-tactmg the workplace cam,e" famlhe>. more (oncernand fear than any other Issue Many time:> thl'y willn"k a failed lllterventlOn rather th<1n lOntact thedkoholIc':> workpldce


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Dear Supportive:You are nght to be concerned AddIctIOn IS devas-

tatIng not only for the health of your employees, butfor the health of your busmess. Corporate Amencapays out $102 bllllon every year m losses dIrectlyattnbuted to the alcohol and drug problems of Itsemployees ThIs pnce tag mcludes $500 mIllIon lostworkdays every 12 months Other losses to busmess-es mclude decreased producbV1ty, poor Job perfor-mance, mcreased dIssatIsfactIOn by customers, ven-dors, and clIents, detenorabon of product qualityand relIabIlIty of serVIces, hIgher health care costs,workplace theft, stramed employee relatIOnships,lower workplace morale, and hIgher occurrences ofaccIdents

James Fearmg, Ph D , author of "WorkplaceInterventIOn," puts these costs mto perspectIve whenhe tells the story of a Pennsylvama OIl-refinery direc-tor who commIssIOned hiS human resource depart-ment to research the cost of addIctIon to hIS compa-ny Feanng wntes' "After months of gathenng mfor-matlOn and testmg models, they (the humanresource staff) presented their findmgs The dIrectcost of substance abuse and dependence was conserv-atIvely estImated at more than $2 rmlhon a year"

WhIle addIctIOn goes umdentIfied 1ll the work-place, employees' famIly members and fnends areusually acutely aware of the problem As alcoholIsmor drug addictIon becomes IncreaSIngly IntolerablewIthIn the famIly, the alcoholIc may be successfullyhidmg the problem at work When a family performsa structured mterventIon deSIgned to motIvate analcohohc or addIct to accept help, work IS the num-ber one ObjectIOn used to aVOld treatment.

ProfessIOnal InterventIOnists strongly recommendthat familIes prepare for this objectIon by contactmgthe workplace prIOr to the IllterventlOn to arrangefor medIcal leave, and, when possIble, to ask thesupervIsor to support the employee's decIsIOn to gethelp When the famIly has the support of the

Dear Jeff and Debra:I run ,1 bm,mebi> WIth JUbt under 50 employeeb

Rewntly, I heard bomethmg through the grapevmeabout one of my employeeb Accordmg to one of hlbto-worker", the employee's family got together andabked him to get professIOnal help for hi>' alcoholproblem He turned hIS famIly'>. reque>.t down wIththE' exwc;e that he'd be fired If he went mto treat-ment

AltI10ugtl thl>. employee bhoWb up lor work on timeand doe"n't have any senous problems on the Job,I've notIced that he seems a bIt bleary m the morn-mgs and I>.slow to get started Now that I've heardabout hi>' dnnkmg, I reahze that he's probably hungover most mornmgs

I'm dlf>pleased to hear that he told hiS famIly we'dfire hIm If he got help In fact, It would be qUIte theOppoblte We would support any employee who need-ed help for an alcohol problem. Do you have any sug-gef>tlOnb >'0 we can let our employees know that wedo bupport treatment?

Families, bosses are partners for interventionsBy Jeff and Debra JaySpecial Wnters


,October 12, 2000 II"

Grosse Pointe News

suggestsThe researchers are

prepal mg a database to ana-iyze the aSSOCiatiOn betweenblood level!:>ofvltamm C and"ubbequent inCidence ofheart attack In the "amepopulatIOn

Co-author;, al e ChlguJ:,aDate, Ph D, Dr YoshlhlroKokubo, Dr NobuoYoshllke, YasuhlroMat!>umura, Ph D , and DrHelzo Tanaka

Stephanie Erin Lieboldand Gerrltt B.

Lemmen n

Renee Marie Rossmannand Mark Thomas Riefe


Terrance and RandeeRossmann of Grosse POinteWoods have announced theengagcment of their daugh-ter, Renee Mane Rossmann,to Mark Thomas Rlefe, sonof Thomas and SuzanneRlefe of Lansmg A Juneweddmg IS planned

Rossmann earnE'd a bach-elor of arts degree 111 audIOl-ogy and speech sCiencesfrom MIchigan StateUmverslty and a master ofsCience degree In com mum-caban sCiences and dIsor-ders from the Umverslty ofWlsconsm She IS a speechand language patholOgIstWIth the Holly area schools

Rlefe earned a bachelor ofsCience degree m mecham-cal engIneenng fromMichigan State UmverSityand IS work1l1g on a masterof sCience degree m mechan-Ical engmeenng fromPurdue Umverslty He IS amechamcal engmeer WithGeneral Motors Corp

Lazarski earned a bache-lor of artb degree fromWabash College He IS ateacher With the ChicagoPublic Schools and I" com-pletmg a ma"ter'!> degree 111educatiOn at Roo..,eveltUmverslty In Chl13g0


Cheryl and Tom Llebold ofGro~se Pomte Woods haveannounced the engagementof their daughter, StephameEnn Llebold, to Gerntt BLemmen II, son of Judy andGerntt Lemmen ofBloomfield Hills ADecember weddmg ISplanned

LlCbold graduated fromAlbIOn College WIth a bache-lor of <;cICncedegref' She I~a CPA and a commerCiallender With StandardFederal m Troy

lRmmen f'arned a bache-lor of sCience degrcf> fromthe lJnlvenlty ofMI<;~I<;<;IPPIHf> I~ a <;alesmanager With TaxAssl<;tance Corp


MIchael and BerdeanSmIth of Grosse PomteFarms have announced theengagement of theIr daugh-ter, Katherme ElIzabethSmith, to ChnstopherJames LazarskI, son ofRichard Lazarski ofLaGrange, Ill, and JoanneLazarskI of Elmhurst, III ANovember weddmg ISplanned

Smith graduated from theUmverslt) of MichIgan WItha bachelor of science degreeShe IS a thIrd-year law stu-dent at the UmversIty ofChicago Law School

of hiS daughter, Lesa ManeRadechl, to Phlhp KirkwoodHamilton n, son of Ellen Pand David M Hamilton ofGrosse Pomte Farms ADecember weddmg ISplanned

Radecki earned a bachelorof arts degree m educatIOnfrom Northern MichiganUmverslty

She IS a teacher m theFarmmgton Hills school sys-tem

Hamilton attendedNorthern MIchiganUmverslty He IS m man-agement With HamptonInns













Christopher JamesLazarski and ltatheriDe

. Elizabeth Smith

Walter Frank RadeckI ofBenton Harbor hasannounced the engagement


Because a fisk reductIOnwas ob!>erved 111 both typesof stroke, Yokoyama says therespon"lble mechanJ!>mprobably extends beyond VIt-amm C'., known antIOXidanteffects Cerebral mfarctlOnsare con!>ldered to be there"ult of atheroscleroSIS, thebUild-up of fatty depo~lts '1"}

arteries AntIOXidants canprevent the bUIld-upHemorrhagIC stroke, on theother hand, results from a



ruptured blood vessel m thebram

"One plaUSible explana-tIOn IS that vltamm C maybe a marker for highermtake of other nutrientswhich may protect agamststroke," explams Yokoyama

Although Widespread~lrf'ellmg to determmeblood vltamm C levels mighteventually be a good Idea, ItIS too early to make such arecommendatIOn, Yokoyama

Eng!!;gementsUI:l1Verslty and a

master of educatIOn degreefrom the Umverslty ofOttawa She IS a formermathematics teacher atGrosse Pomte South HighSchool

Brind'Amour earned abachelor's degree m cnmI-nology from the Umversltyof Ottawa He works for theCanadian government

For more mformatlOn or a lon5ultatlon call1-888-434-7636 or go to


Admit It You ve thought about cosmeticsurgery So what are you waltmg for? The

experts that makc up the Henry Ford Centerfor Cosmetic Surgery have both surgical andnon ~urglcal procedure~ to Improve the way

you look and bve Be~t of all, our doctor~ areboard-certlfled speC1ahst~,50 your entIre

health care w111be comldered before,durrng and after the procedure

Ml~h Brind'Amour andJoanne Davies

when the study began andtherefore re!:>earchers cannotconfirm the same benefitfrom them

The 196 stroke!> thatoClUrred mcluded 109 cere-bral mfarctlOns - a strokem WhICh blood flow to thebram IS blocked - and 54hemorrhagIC strokes, whichoccur when an artery m thebralll bursts Another 33"trokes were of undeter-mmed type

Dr and Mrs DesmondDaVIes of Pnnceton, N J.,formerly of Grosse PomteFarms, have announced theengagement of their daugh-ter, Joanne DaVIes, to MlchBnnd'Amour, son of Mr andMrs Bob Brmd'Amour ofCampbell River, BntlshColumbia A July weddmg ISplanned

DaVIes earned a bachelorot SCience degree 111 mathe-matics and secondary educa-tIOn from VanderbIlt


When researcher~ exam-mcd strokes ba"ed on thenumber of day;, per y, eek theparticipants ate frUIt;, andvegetables, the) found a"Imllar relatlOn"hl p Thedeal est a!>socl3tJon \\ ,I" for\ egetable con"umptlOn

'The nsk of all type" of"tJOke wa.., 58 perlPnt 10\\eJ

among tho"e \\ho consumedvegetabl'.:s SIX to seven day"pE'r wE'ek, compared to thosewho onl) con!>umed them upto two days a \\eek,' notesY0K0vama

Higher concentratIOn!> ofvitamin C m the blood pro-\Ided benefit" even Inpatients WIth other nsk fac-tors, such as high bloodpre!>sure, heaVier alcoholconsumption, smokmg orlower phySical activityHowever, these fisk factorsdid reduce the benefitssomewhat The reasons areunclear, but smokmg andalcohol may mterfere WIthvltamm C absorptIOn ormetabohsm

"Thus, we recommendhealthy behaVIOrs such aseatmg frUIts and vegetablesfrequently, not smokmg,aVOIdmg excessIve drmkmgand bemg moderately phySI-cally actIve," Yokoyamasays

Although blood VItamm Clevels also nse With vItammC ~upplements, It was rareto take VItamm supplements111 tlns Japanese commumty


Thursday, OCtober 19 andNovember 2, 10 • 11 a.m.

St John Hospital and Medical GenterMorass Road at Mack Avenue(In Medical Educalron BUIlding

located near Norttl Entrance at rearof hospital Park FREE In rear lot)Call 1-888 751-5465 to regIster

or for more information


Attend our FREE seminarand learn more aboutadvanced treatments thatmay offer dramaltc reliefof your knee or hIp pamincluding Informalron onmedicatIOns nutnlionand exercIse

': 7....".1-1Ir~

.f.v".~, I -i.i.I~. III

I haven't got time lor pain.I'm too busv being retired.

Indlvldudb with highblood level!> of vltamm Chave a '>lg111ficantly reducedn ...k of "troke accordmg to along tel m ...tud) I epol ted 111thl' Octobel I'>"lil' of StrokeJ OUI nal of th£' Am{'ncanlll'(ll t A..."oclatlOn

Hlghel mtak£' of fruits,\ pgl'tdbll''> and othel food!>nlh III \ Itamm C and potas-"mm hd\ P bl'en associatedWith 10\\ el "troke ratl'J> mpi eVlllUJ>"tudH''''

'To 111\ knowledge, thl" ISt~C' fi,.. ...t rr ,.....P(\,..,.tl\ (l l.",tlU''iy tnmakl' the lOrrelatlOnbetween \ Itamm C m theblood;,tream dnd mCldenceof "troke," sa)" author DrTet"uJI Yoko) ama, researchassociate m epIdemlOlog't atthe Medllal ResearchInstltute of Tokvo Mpdlcaland Dental UOlversIty "Thensk of stroke y, as mverselyrelated to vItamm C 111 thebloodstleam and frequencyof \ egetable consumptIOn"

The researchers e},.anuned880 men and 1,241 women111 rUlal Japan WhICh werediVIded mto four groupsaccordmg to the level of Vlt-amm C' In their bloodAmong the partlClpanb, 196strokes occurred dunng a20-year penod begInmng 1111977

"The nsk of stroke was 70percent higher among thosem the lowest quarter thanthose 111 the highest," saysYokoyama

STJOHN. Hospital andHealth System Medical Center

Participants May Receive:• Regular Bone DenSIty Tests• Regular V1SltS & EvalutlOns• InvestIgatIOnal Drug• CalCIUm & Vltamm D Supplements• Travel Compensation

For more information call:1-888.844.901 0

WHO: • Generally healthy men orpostmenopausal women

• Not takIng drugs for osteoporOsIs

WHERE: MichIgan Bone & Mineral ClImc, PC atSt John HospItal & MedIcal Center

Stroke rate may be associated with vitamin C level68




,'''''"'' "",',,' Sch""

ch('e,p 'OUp lIlto mdlvldual"ervmg b()wl~dnd .,prmklp\\ lth paprika

St'rve I,',Ith torn pwce" ofCI u~t) bread and d "alad

Blue Skies Skin & Vein Center230()\ Gr~.II~r Mad. SultC A SI ClaIr Shores

Dr. Colene Calo, D.O.Board Cemhed Dennallllogr>l


• Sclerotherapl torSp,der &.Vanco~e Veln'i

• A\Old Vem StnppmgSame Ja) OUlpat,ent\em ~urgc.r\ J\Jllable


• L'i,mculplure• C(Jllagcn• BolO\"" tor \\nn"-k",• Ullrapcel t\1 1\11LTOlkrmJhra<;,lnn• G ~ylone Peeh I\1

• D"c" "' 01 ',e '>~In

The League of Women Voters of the UnitedStates president Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkinscame to celebrate the League of Women Votersof Grosse Pointe's 50th anniversary meetingand celebration on Sunday. Oct, 1. at theGrosse Pointe War Memorial. Also on hand were

local and state poUti-cos Sen. Carl Levin,Rep. Andrew Richner.Wayne CountyCommissioner ChrisCavanagh. HarperWoods mayor KenPoynter, Grosse PointeWoods MunicipalJudge Lynne Pierce,Grosse Pointe Woodscity councilwomanVictoria Granger andGrosse Pointe Farmscity councilwomanFran Schonenberg.

Happy 50th

CommunitHearty soup warms the soul

Thl' Kitchen Cookbook minute" or untll thl' pot a-Bubbly Beer top., are vl'ry tl nderCheese Soup Removp pot fnill1 hl'd.t. cool

lor 10 mlflute,> or ,o,lfld1 quart chicken broth ,tlr 1Il thl' milk In ,mdll1 small onion, diced IMtlhl''>, pUll.' thl nux 111 d

2 1/2 lb. potatoe'i, bll'Ill]. r or !lHH! pI 0([ ,,(J!

peell.'d and coar'iely .lIld n tUI n to thl pol '-,tlrchopped III thl' '>0) '>,lllll Ind thl

1 quart 2 perc('nt milk P['PI)( I BI JIlg t h. pot IMlk4 table!>poon'i .,oy to ,I ,lll1nll I IlId "dd thl'

sauce l hee'l , "tll nnh uulJ! th.1 teaspoon black pcp- dwl',( I' nllitl d A(ld thl

pel' bpu and .,t Ir I h( beer will4 cup!> 'lhredded ehed- mdkl' the .,Oup buhhll'

dar cheese (mIld or Lldl!' hot bubbly bl'erbhal'J))

1 cup beerIn a large pot bnng thl

chIcken broth to d hudAdd the potatoe" and theonion and 'nmmer fur 10

The local branch of the American Associationof University Women recently held a New Mem-ber Tea at the home of Ann Stricker. CoUegegraduates of all ages are invited to considerbeing part of the Grosse Pointe branch, which isthe third largest in the state. From left. areLynne Pierce, Ann Stricker, Diana Kryszak andEUzabeth DeRooy. who attended the tea.

For more information about the group or aboutjoining, call DeRooy at (313) 824-7734.


Beer .,oup ha~ bel'naround ~JnLe the 17th cen-tury when the aver ageEnglri>h per~on (mcludmgchIldren) LOn~umed abuut,-I liter, of bper per day

BeCt wai>LOn;"ldprcd ,j

pnm<lry ,oune of nOUII.,h-ment "ec(md only tobread Onl' of the 011 V, III a Ireclpe\ for bel'l "oup ClIll-

!>I!>tedof hot bel'l mixedWith buttel dnd <lcouple ofegg;", poured ovPr <.l roll 01

a chunk of breadFortun<ltl'lv Tllodprn

times hav(' lpd to the addi-tIOn of chep"e a od othermgledlent" to ple<.l,e our21st centuly palate"

The foll(J\\109 reci pe I"from th(' 'Wild Women 10

October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

Bon Secours Cottagesponsors support groups

Bon Secouri> Cottage Care Center. 26001lIedlth Sl'rvIWs offeri>to the Jefferson In St Clair10lal community a vanety of Shores For more mforma-I".p i>upport groupi> tlOn, call (810) 779-7032Mel tmg" take place at P 0 s t par t u mCottage Ho,pltal. 159 Depression Groups - AllKlldreval Glo,,,e Pomte new mothel" wpmg With dFdl m" 1lI ,It Bon Selours range of emotIOnal reactIOn"I[O,PIl.ll, 4b8 C<ldICUXm the followmg the b.rth of a thlldCity of Ul o~.,p Pomte are inVited to attend month-

Alcoholics Anonymous Iy support ~eSSlOn" For- Meetmg<. <Irefrom 730 to more mformatlOn, call (HID)9 p m Tul'i>day~ and 10 a m 498-4419 <Monday mornmgIIntll noon Saturdayi> at sessIOns) or (810) 774-0310Cottagl' Ho~pltal In Board (Wednei>day evening ~e~-Room:-.A & B, lower level slOns)

Al Anon -- Meetmgi> take American Lungplace from 10 a m until Association Breather'snoon Saturday~ 1Il Cottage Club - Thl!>IS a free educa-Ho~pltal Conference Rooms tlonal support group fOl peo-1-4, fir"t floor pie With chromc obstructive

Eating Disorders and lung dlseai>e !>uchas emphy-Recoverers Class - For serna, bronchitis or asthmamformatlOn about a support The group meets from 3 togroup for family members 4 30 p m the thlrd Mondayand fnend!> of mdlvlduals of each month at CottageI,',lth eatmg dIsorders, call Hospital, lower level(810) 779- 7900 PartICipants may Jom at any

Man i c - D e p re s s i ve time For mformatlOn, callWomen's Group - ThiS (313) 640-2582group offers "upport, hope Bon Secours Cottageand educatIOn for mdlvldu- Hospice - Staff from Bonals challenged With mamc- Secours Cottage HosOicedepre~slOn and depre~slOn faclhtate vanOUi>me~tmgsMeetmgs take place from which take place at 7 p m7 30 to 9 30 p m the third and are directed at anyoneTuesday of each month Call who has encountered aKathenne BlasIUS at (313) death as well as IOdlvlduals535-2307 for meetmg mfor- whose spouses have diedmatlOn and room locabon For mformatlOn on speCific

Alzheimer'slDementia meetmg dates and loca-Support Group tlons, call (313) 343-6051Commumty care gJvers are Bon Secours HospitalmVlted to attend monthly _ Any adult who has expen-se°i>lons whlch focus on cop- enced the death of a lovedmg WIth thpse debl1ltatmg one IS welcome to attendconditIOn" and place empha- monthly afternoon orSISon care givers canng for evenmg seSSlOns at Bonthemselves Meetrngs are Secours Hospital For Infor-held from 1 to 2 30 p m the matlon or to regJster, callthIrd Monday of each month (313) 343-1656at the Bon Secour" Nursmg

Have you !,ud ac1,eck up lately?

Parents take theirchildren to thedoctor frequentlyfor immunizations,ear infections andcheck ups, whileoften ignoring theirown health.

In addition. a physiciancan provide valuableguidance about:

So try to remember when youlast had a physical and contactyour health professional ifyou're uverdue You'll lookand feel better and be moreproductive if you ..... healthy.

pn(l' j man i fOr en 7 1 t j

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If (OJ' e an adult 50 or older you

should "'S t 'QU' phiS clan every year

toe 1 ge'1e' I MediCal exam Adults n

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,holcsterol can be 'nanaged most

'(ect,vc1y ,.,hen detelted edr y

(810) 778-2410

Have }'Oll had a ph}'sicaltJ,l"'cheex"rebe 1'10 lately?

Dr Schreiber ISan Internist and themedical director atHenry Ford Medical

Center-Pierson Locatedat 131 Kercheval trl

Grosse Potrlte Farmsthe Pierson Center offers

Henry Ford quality Inyour neighborhood


or VISit

HenryFord comfor phySICianmformatlOn orto schedule anappointment

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Birthing Centers


Simply. the hlghesllcvel ot oh<;tptllr 3nd rw';;born [,He When yml choose your doctonmd tile 1l0S~.pltal v,here VOldl oelivtr, ,,/ou'H pf0tJ,ll11'i m.1KPIh,1! choire with a healrhy pregnancy and healthy babyIn O1lncL That's where St John care IJfglllS But It qoes mucll further St John doctors ar~ leaders inneon3tal inlensl':e CJr~ as ,.'!pll as lJ,qh-1 wk obsh'lrlC ('are Irs Just another reason that your familyshould start Ime. fInd <;til\,' \'.'ItiJ SI .Jolin for .111 'i[1tl[ h,:Jlth care For Irfe. For tours or information,pl,:3se c3111-888.757-5.163 Or vrslt \'I\'.';":.5110Iln org

LookWhat's Behind

EverySt. John Baby ...


St John Hasnlt;]1 ;mn Mrrl,c;]1 l:rnlpl • St .fohn Drlrort RIVp.rVIp.wHospital • St John River Distnct Hospital • St John Macomh Hospital

88 Famil~ features October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News


. "- .

Great Lakes, along With per-manent exhIbItIOns the doomed shipEdmund FItzgerald and afreighter pllothoul>e Themuseum IS open Wednesdaythrough Sunday, from 10a m to 5 p m AdmiSSIon IS$2 for adult;, and $1 for chIL-dren, ages 12 to 18 Call(313) 852-4051Detroit's past

Stroll the Streets of OldDetrclt, expenence morethan 100 year.> of automo.tlve hl;,tory, marvel at theGlanty Tram;, and travelfrom Frontiers to FactOriest~, ough th(' pPf1TlllnentexhlbltlOns of the DetrOItHlstoncal Museum, 5401Woodwal d m DetrOItInventor/author DanRobbllls WIll present an tn-depth lecture on hl8 bookWhatever Happened toPamt-By-Numbers? Sunday,Oct 15, from 2 to 4 pmVIew Images of DetrOIt andMlchlgan, from 1898 to1924, as captured m the newexhibitIOn The DetrOItPubhshmg CompanyLooklllg at the World, run-IlIng through Feb 2001More than 100 years of bfeon DetrOIt's mam street ISthe focu;, of the new photo-graphlc exhibItion PastVISIOns, Present InSIghtsThe Woodward AvenueRephotographlc ProJect,open through September2001 Expenence Pamt ByNumber, the story of howDetrOIt's own Palmer PamtCompany invented thepamt-by.number hobbycraze m 1950 Youngsterscan expand their knowledgeof the toys, games, trans.portatlOn, office matenalsand home bfe of the pastthrough the hands-on expe-rIences of the I DIscoverexhIbit The Museum ISopen Wednesday throughFnda from 9 30 a m to 5pm dnd Saturday andSunrlay, from 10 a m. to 5p m The suggested admiS-sIOn IS $4 50 for adults or$2 25 for semors, childrenages 12 and under enterfl ee Call (313) 833-1805


Sailor artFolk Art of the Great

Lakes, an exhibItion ofworks treated by saIlors, canbe VIewed at Belle Isle'sDossm G~ dt LdkesMuseu. ccesslble vIa theMacArthur Brldgp at E", [ers()Jl and r,> GrandBoulevard m DetrOItCelebrate the 50thAnmversary of thehydroplane MISS PepsIthrough a new exhIbItChildren can explore thehands-on exhIbitIOn Racmgon the Wmd Satllllg on the

By Madeleine Socia s c r e e n-mg;, willb e

alTered, on a rotatmg baSIS,begmnmg at 9 am, on thehour m the mornmg and onthe half-hour III the after-noon and evelllng TIcketsare $10 for adults or $8 for"enlOl;, and children ages 12and under The PlowsharesTheatrp Company Will brlllgThe Old Settler to the ,tageof the Ander;,on CenterTheater, through Sunday,Oct 22 T1cket;, range from$10 to $18 Call (313) 271-1620African-Americanexperience

Explore the wonder;, ofthe Charle;, H WnghtMuseum of AfncanAmencan History, 315 EWarren 111 DetrOit The1I1l1que talents of localartists, Carl Owens andJother Woods, are capturedm two exhIbItIOns, UrbanSalvage.J other's Art, run.nlllg through Sunday, Oct29, and A Salute to BlackClaSSical Composers, run-nmg through Sunday, Del'31 Expenence the travehngexhibIt Honor and ValorAfncan Amencans m theUmted States Mlhtary,1775.1953, through Sunday,Jan 21

The Museum IS openTuesday through Sunday,from 930 a m to 5 pmAdmiSSIOn IS $5 for adultsand $3 for children over theage of five Call (313) 494.5800

ope ndally,from 9a m to 5 p m Adml;,;,lOn IS$6 for adult;" $5 for ;,emorsand $4 for chJ1clren age.> 5 to12 Call (313) 317-7474History alive

The Hemy Ford Mu"eumdnd Greenfield Village,20<)00 Oakwood In

Dt ,II bOln, bring hl"tory tohfe Hot Lldel, doughnut:".,qual e dancmg andhaVllde" a1eJu;,t a few of thedehghh of AutumnEvenlllgs at the Vrllage'sFlre.,tone Farm, through1\!p"dflv Oet ~1 Plen!c dm-nel" are available uponreque"t Resel vatlOn;, aren>qulred Travel through thepu;,t 100 year;, VIa tht> spe-Cial exhibit Your Place III

Time 20th-CenturyAmenta Patron.> can alsotOUI the mu.>eum'sCommunicatIOns, Llghtmg,Tran;,portatlOn andDome;,t!c Arts exhibitionsThe Museum IS open from 9a m to 5 pm, dally, exceptfor ThanksgIVing andChnstma; days The VillageI" open from 9 a m to 5 pm,Apnl 1 through Jan 1AdmiSSIOn to the Museumrange" from $7 50 to $12 50AdmISSIOn to the Villageranges from $8 50 to $13 50Children under the age of 5and members are admIttedfree Showlng In theMuseum's $15 mllhon IMAXTheatre are Journey of Man,T-Rex Back to theCretaceous, Wolves and TheMagIC of Flight Dally


exhIbit;, dunng Zoo Boo'from 6 to 9 pm, Fllday, Oct20 thlough SundRY, Oct 22and Thur;,da\, Oct 26through Tue"day, Oct 31TIcket;" which mu"t be pur-cha"ed 1Il ad\ ance throughTlcketma"tt'l outlet;, are $4for pdtlon" age" 2 andaboH' ('all (218) 645-6666Bl' tht' iii ,I kId on \OUI blolKto VI"lt the new $6 millIOnNallOn<11 Amphlbldn('on.PI vatlOn Centel at lh(Detloll Zoo, at Tt'n l\Iilt' andWood\\ al d 111 Ro\ al OakThl" ~tate of the-a; t vtllage,dedicated to the wn"el va-tlOn, pi esel \ ,ltlOn, C'Xhlbl-tlOn and lIltel pi datIOn otamphIbian hte, house" aho"t of am'lZlIIg ammal ~II1dudll1g Jdpane"e gIant"alamanders, hellbendel",emperor newt'> and dartmgpOlson flog;, Toul CuitUl alReflectIOns, an exhibitIOn ofNative Amerl(an drt of theArctiC IeglOn, now In theWrldhfe InterpretiveGallery, through Sunday,Del' 31 The ZOO I" openMonday thlough Saturda),from 10 a m to 5 pm andSunday, from 10 a m to 6p m Zoo admiSSIon 1;' $7 50for adults, $5 50 for semon,and student", ages 2 to 12Call (248) 398.0903

Auto excitementIntroduce your young auto

enthUSIast to all aspects ofdeSign and productionthrough the hands-onexhIbIts r The Spmt ofFord, 1151 Village IIIDearborn The museum IS


ReservatIOns are reqUiredCall (313) 884-4222

Beautiful balletSpend quahty time With

,our family \'ohen Mu;,tardSeed ProductlOn;, pre;enbBall!'t Folklorlco MavahuelFllda\, Oct 13 at 7 p m 111

the Detlolt WaldO! f SLhool231);) Bu In" 1Il DetloltTIlkPh ale $') ('all IJlJlb22-0300


Aspiring artistsEnhance your a,plllllg

arlht'~ talents with cour.,e;,at the DetrOlt In;,tltute of"'\1 t... ~~oc "\YvuJ ~\,..u J ...Jot.

DetrOIt Young"tt'r" age, ;) to8 lall create thell ownMar lllnette" dUring a YouthWork"hop, Sunday Oct 15from 1 to 3 p m The fee;, are$10 for Chlldl en and $8 foradult:., \Hth a $2 discountlor DrA membels Call <31JI833.4249

Performing puppetsAudience;, of all ages WIll

applaud Jahra l\lIchelleMcKrnney's Trickster Talesof the African;, from the OldWorld to the New, Saturday,Oct 14, at 2 pm, mPuppetArtiDetrolt PuppetTheatl 25 E Grand RIVer1Il Detlolt The playFlreblrds Will be performedeach Saturda), at 2 p mCall (313) 961-7777

Zoo newsLIttle ghosts and goblms

can tnck or treat along a;,pooky traIl of Halloween

\I'll''' tlleatre WQ)'11eedu



Steve Martin'saward-wmnmg comedy

YlaaSSDat theLapI" AgIle

(313) 577-2972

Oct. 6 • Dec. 9tickets from $11.$18


Th(> Clo,.,e POll1te Warl\lemollul, 32 LakeshOl e III

(ill,."t' PUlIlte Farm", olTer",I lull 'chedule of educatlOn-11 and ,oual adventure., for

1hddrl'n Little actor" dlldIl trl''>'>e', age" 4 dnd 5, l,lnl\luld tlwl! "kIll" \'olth Tot'>III thl' Trcl'hou'I"Ihlll,da\" Od 19throllgh\('\ ,30, hom 1,30 to 213p m The fet' I" $60<. 'el( bl dtl' tIll' "L.1T\ ,ea"oll,It .. ll.llhmeen Middle-,dlOUI D.lllc<, Fllda:. Oct20 h om 7 30 to lOp mIjl.~ll'" UiU"'ll ut.: VUIlJld

111 ,ld\ dille \\ Ith a Vdhd \Val!'I11'moll,l] ID Card tor $3,I lInllll gl ('I'll thumb, calltIll lllto ~ Ll'ave" Sl'ed. To(iIO\\ On ploglllm,~aturda\, Oct 21, flom 10 to11 a m The fee IS $3 Pre-I t'ghtl dtlOn for all Ilewcla",p, can be Chdl gl'd to'Olll ~Ia"tt'r Cm d or VIsa\ 1,1 fa:>. at (313) 81,4-6631:'> 01

phone at (313\ 881.7511

Little goblinsIntlOduct' :.our httle co.,-

tumed ghoul to a ternf:'lIlgtllLk" n' treat:. toU! andmon"ter munchle" dunngLIttlE.' GobIIn~' NIght Out,Sunda\ Oct 29 andMonda, Oct 30, from 5 to";'30 p'm at the Ed;,el &Eleanor Ford House, 1100Lake<;hOl e m Glosse PomteShore<; Tickets are $7

SundayOctober 15th

7 AM - 4 PM

The 32nd Season

Future DateAll Shows 70m - 4pmSunday, November 5th

Ger 300 Dealers In Quality Antiques & SelectedCollectibles. All Under Cover (7 buildings). All items guaranteed as represented. Locatorservice for specialties and dealers; on site delivery and shipping service. Lotsof homemadeand custom made food. No pets please!

5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MIWashtenaw Farm Council Grounds

(Exit ,.175 off of 1-94, then south 3 miles)

Nancy StraubP.O.Box 1260, Panacea, FL32346

(850) 984.0122


October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News Metro calendar 98

Last week'spuzzlesolved

DetrOIt Comic SteveMartln\ award-wmnlngplay Plcas;,o at the LapmAgJle can be ;,een throughSaturday, DeL 9 WIlhamShake;,peare'; A" You LIke ItWill delight romantlc~Fnday, Oct 20 throughSaturday, Dee 16Performance~ will be offeredIn rotatl ng repertory,Thursday, Fnday andSaturday, at H p m andWedne~day and Saturday, at2 p III Tldwt" I dl1~'" fl Ulll $7to $18 A speCIal SweetestDay performance of A;, YouLike It Will be offered onSaturday, Oct 21, at 8 p mTIcket;, are $15 Call (313)577-2972Handel on Baroque

The Emerald SmfomettaWill open ItS season ofMUSical Milestones - GomgFor Baroquel Concerts WIthGettmg a Handel on UmqueMUSIC,Sunday, Oct 22, at 7pm, m the Grosse PomteWar Memonal TIckets are$20 for adults, $15 for stu-dents and seniors or free forchildren, ages 12 and underCall (313) 438-0780

Exhibitions& ShowsAt the DIA

From the old masters tothe finest 10 modern art, diS-cover the exqUIsIte majestyof the gallenes and exhibi-tIOns of the DetrOit Instituteof Arts See All Tied Up TheArt of Shlbon, Japanese TieDyed Textiles, throughSunday, Nov 26 Rare-booklovers can revel m Ink andImpnnt Book IllustratIOn Inthe Western World, throughthat same date The revolu-tIOnary splnt of the 1960s ISthe mSplTatlOn for Pop ArtPnnts and Multiples fromthe DIA CollectIOn, on VIewthrough Thursday, Dee 21Runmng through Sunday,Del' 31, IS The Fme Art ofWoodworkmg The BohlenCollectlOn Explore ancientuniversal themes throughthe VIdeo installatIOn by BillVIOla, through Sunday, Jan7 Dunng that same penod,take In the photogtdphlcexhibition Small WonderWorlds In A Box Museumhours are Wednesdaythrough Fnday, from 11 a mto 4 p m and Saturday andSunday, from 11 a m to 5p m Recommended admiS-sIon IS $4 for adults and $1for children and studentsCall (313) 833-7963Pewabic galleries

The Bertom/HememanexhibitIOn can be expen-enced, through Saturday,Oct 28, m the gallery ofDetrOIt's hlstonc PewablcPottery, 10125 E Jeffersonm DetrOIt Make reserva-tIOns today to shape and fireyour own ceramics dunngPewablc's annual RakuParty, Saturday, Oct 14,from 10 a m to 8 p mAdmiSSion IS $50 per personfor one pot or $80 for twopots Call (313) 822-0954Wonderful watercolors

Artists from across theGreat Lakes region andCanada Will display theirwork during the 58thAnnual WatercolorExhibItIOn at The ScarabClub of DetrOIt, 217Farnsworth, through Fnday,Oct 27 Call (313) 886-2993Personal portraits

FIVe Grosse Pomte artistsJam a host of other areapamters In Me, Myself andI, an exhibitIOn of self-por-traits, on display throughFnday, Oct 20, at the ACTGallery, 35 E Grand BlvdGallery hours are Fndayand Saturday, from noon to5 pm Call (313) 961.4336

.DOYOU •••want to be in the metro calendar?

Then fill out thiS form send It to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinteFarms, 48236, or tax to (313) 882-1585, by 3 P m Fnday

EventDateTimePlaceCostQuestIons? CallContact Person

by Madeleine SociaLmda Down;" head of educa-tIOn at the NatIOnal Galleryof Art In Wa~hmgton, DC,wlll pre"t'nt the freeLelture, Memory andMpafilng Diego Rivera';,DetrOIt Indu ...try Mural;,Pre-regl"tratlOn I~ reqUIredfor ~ome (.,(Jur...e ... Call (313)833.4249Singles mingle

Gro;,;,e Pomte Smgles mthe 40-plu" age category can"hare fun and friendship ofa Solo Smglp~ Club ChlhDog Dmner, Sunday, Oct15, at 5 30 pm, at Chn;,tChurch Gro;;,e POInte, 61Gros,;e Pomte Boulevard mGrosse Pomte Farms Call(313) 821.1505Open auditions

Take a shot at stardomdunng Open AuditIOns forthe Grosse Pomte Theatre'sproductIOn of the comedythnller CommumcatmgDoors, Saturday, Oct 14 andSunday, Oct 15, from 2 to 5pm, 10 the Theatre's head-quartf'rs, 315 FIsher mGro'iSe Pomte Scnpts areavailable Call (313) 884-4685Calling all crafters

Craft vendors are neededfor the 14th Annual HolidayArts & Crafts Bazaar at theAssumptIOn CulturalCenter, scheduled forSaturday, Nov 11, from 10a m to 4 p m Call (810) 779-6111 Grosse Pomte NorthHigh School IS also seekmgcrafters for their Saturday,Nov 11, Holiday Craft ShowCall (313) 885-2543Senior games

From ballroom and 1mI'dancmg lessons to computereducatIOn, card tourna-ments, luncheons and more,the St Clair Shores SemorActiVIties Center, 20000Stephens, offers a full calen-dar of fun The UmtedStates Post Office OnWheels will be at the Center,Wednesday, Oct 18, from 11to 11.30 a m Make yourreservatIOn today for upcom-Ing Tour Company TnpsIncludmg Soanng EagleCa';lno, Bran'ion, Mo, andDetrOIt's Motor City CasinoThe Center IS open Mondaythrough Fnday, from 8 30a m to 4 pm, Tuesdayevemngs, from 7 to 9 pm,Wednesday evemngs, from 7to 10 pm and Thursdayevemngs, from 6 to 9 pmCall (810) 445-0996Ford Houseexperiences

Expenence the grandeurof an Auto Baron hfestyleWith a VISit to one of"America's Castles," theEdsel & Eleanor FordHouse Tours WIll be offered,on the hour weekdays andon the hour and half-hourweekends, Tuesday throughSaturday, from 10 a m to 4pm, and Sunday, from noonto 4 p m The Tea Room ISopen Tuesday throughSunday, from 11 30 a m to2 30 p m Tours are $6 foradults, $5 for semors and $4for children GroundsadmiSSion IS $5 AnnualPasses are avadable for $18Call (313) 884-4222Literary views

Semors can share theirhterary VIews dunng a freeBook Club at St Peter theApostle Elementary School,19800 Amta, on the thirdWednesday of each month,from 2 to 3 pm Call (810)778-8674

On Stage& ScreenMartin & Shakespeare

Applaud the gemus of twogrept playwnghts at WayneState Umverslty's HilberryTheatre, 4743 Cass m

$17 for GPGC member;,ReservatIOns are reqUIredTicket; for the lecture onlyare $6 Call (313) 881-4594For the birds

RO'iann KovalCik ofWlldblrds Unhmlted wJlIhelp you Identify some 150;,pecle~ of bird;, a~ you strollthrough the beautifulgrounds of the hlstom Edsel& Eleanor Ford Hou;,e, 1100Lake;,hore In Gro""e PomteShore'i Saturday Oct 21 at8 a m The fee I;' $5 Call(313) 884-4222

Mark CalendarsSaturday,Oct. 28Interesting appraisals

Discover the true value ofyour Jewelry, pamtmgs, Sil-ver and other obJets d'artfrom the experts when theGrosse Pomte PubhcLibrary hosts Ask theAppraiser, Saturday, Oct28, from 10 a m to 3 pm, mthe Grosse POinte WarMemoflal Representativesof the Joseph DuMouchelleJewelry AuctIOneers will beon hand to evaluate yourgoods as part of theLibrary's Books on the LakecelebratIOn JosephDuMouchelle WJlI also offera free lecture on Buymg andSelling Jewelry at AuctIOnm the 21st Century, at 9am, in the CrystalBallroom Other celebratIOnspeakers at the CentralBranch of the Grosse PomtePubhc Library Includeauthor DaVId Halberstam,at 10 30 am, Loren DEstleman, at 1 p m andAlexandra Stoddard, at 2 30p m ReservatIOns arereqUired for each lectureCall (313) 343-2074

Live & LearnCourses & adventures

Enhance your mmd, bodyand spmt by partakmg mthe courses and adventuresoffered by the Grosse PomteWar Memonal MerltageWmes from The West CoastWill be featured dunngBonme Delsener's TastmgsThe FlOe Wille Group,Tuesday, Oct 17, from 7 to 9p m The fee IS $50 EnJOYanafternoon of beautiful musIcdunng a Grosse PomteChamber MUSIC Concert,Sunday, Oct 22, at 2 30 P mTIckets are $6 Protect yourgood health WIth Flu Shots,'fuesday, Oct 24 orWednesday, Oct 25, from 10a m to noon Shots are $10Expand your artistic talentsWith a Figure PamtlngWorkshop, Saturday, Oct28, from 9 a m to 4 p m andSunday, Oct 29, from 9 a mto 2 30 pm The fee IS $75Make your reservatIOn byThursday, Oct 26, to getgouhsh at the Fnends of theGrosse Pomte WarMemonal's Halloween Ball,Saturday, Oct 28, from 8p m to mldmght Come mcostume and bnng your ownbeverage Tickets are $20Pre-register for classesusmg your Master Card orVisa, VIa fax at (313) 884-6638, e-maJlwww warmemonal org, orphone at (313) 881-7511Art appreciation

Develop a greater apprecI-atIOn for art of all kmdsthrough courses and expen-ences offered at the DetrOItInstltute of Arts In DetrOitTake In the free VIdeoPortrait of an ArtiSt FndaKahlo, runmng contmuouslyIn the PrentJs CourtScreemng Room, throughTuesday, Oct 31 Make yourown cards, envelopes andboxes dunng free CreativePaperwork Drop-InWorkshops, Thursdays, Oct12 and Oct 19, from noon to3 p m MUSICand poetry WIllenhance tales of EI SalvadordUflng a free Storytellingprogram, Saturday, Oct 14,at 2 p m Explore MeXicanDay of the Dead traditIOnsdunng a free Sugar SkullsDrop-In Workshop, Sunday,Oct 15, from noon to 4 p mAt that same date and time,enhance your artistic skillsWIth a free DraWIng In TheGallenes program Also onSunday, Oct 15, at 1 pm,partiCIpate m a free NAMESProject AIDS MemonalQUilt Drop-In Workshop At2 pm, on that same date,

The program will feature 10organl;,ts In collaboratIOnWith dancers, smgers, nar-rator;, and other mstrumen-tahsts Free-will offenng;,WIll be accepted Call (313)8H2-5330

Monday, Oct. 16Istanbul adventure

Expenence btanbul ATale of Two CIties dunng aGrosse Pomte CmemaLeague shde Illustrated lec-LUll', il-Iumld.y, Od 16, d.L7 30 pm, 10 the GrossePOinte War MemonalTickets are $4 or $2 for stu-dents Call (810) 774-9471

Tuesday, Oct. 17Africa examined

The Rev Morsal Colher, anative of Sierra Leone, WlIIexplore the role of thechurch m solVing sub-Saharan Afnca's pohtlcaland economic problemswhen the Lay TheolOgicalAcademy presents Cup ofJustice Afnca Despair andHope Side By SIde,Tuesdays, Oct 17 and Oct24, from 7 to 9 p mPrograms Will be held In theFireSide Room of St PaulEv Lutheran ChurchAdmiSSIOn IS $5 per sessIOnReservatIOns are requestedCall (313) 881-6670Eastern Germanytreasures

Eugene Carl Strobel,Ph D , WIll offer a narratedvisual presentation from 7to 9 p m Oct 17, at theGrosse Pomte WarMemonal "West meetsEast A VISit to theTreasures of EasternGermany. IS based on preVI-ous VISltS and thiS year'sEXPO 2000 resf'arch tnpTickets are $10 Call (313)881-7511

Wednesday,Oct. 18Car talk

Authors Bdl Vlaslc andBradley A Stertz Wlll pre-sent a free diSCUSSIOn oftheir book Taken For a RideHow DaImler-Benz DroveOff WIth Chrysler,Wednesday, Oct 18, at 7 30pm, In the Central Branchof the Grosse POinte PubhcLibrary, 10 Kercheval mGrosse Pomte FarmsReservatIOns are reqUIredCall (313) 343-2074, ext220Thursday, Oct. 19

The Grosse PomteCommumty Blood CouncdWlIl hold a blood dnve from2 to 8 pm, Thursday, Oct19, at the Grosse PomteUmted Church, 240Chalfonte Babysltters andtransportatIOn WlIl be aVaJI-able on request Walk-illSare welcome, but appomt-ments are preferred Call(313) 884-41'31 for anappomtment or for moremformatlOn

Friday, Oct. 20Contemplative concert

DaVid Wagner, associateprofessor of musIc atMadonna Umverslty, WIllcelebrate the talents ofJohann Sebastian Bach dur-mg a free MUSIC forMeditatIOn senes concert mGrosse Pomte MemonalChurch, Fnday, Oct 20, atnoon Call (313) 886-3259

Saturday,Oct. 21Creative crafts

More than 100 exhibitorsWill gather at St IsaacJogues Scho~, 21100Madison m St Clair Shores,for the 22nd Annual StIsaac Jogues Parents Club'sJuned Arts & Crafts Show,Saturday, Oct 21, from 8a m to 430 pm Patronscan also partake m a BakeSale and RamI' AdmiSSIOnIS $150 No strollersallowed Call (810) 415-8864Great gardens

Kate Jerome ofChlcagoland GardenmgMagaZine WIll be the fea-tured speaker durmg anEska Ilnd Raymond BerryMemOrial Lecture, spon-sored by the Grosse PomteGarden Center, Saturday,Oct 21, at 10 am, m theGrosse Pomte WarMemonal Tickets for thiSluncheonllecture are $23 or

14 RemnanIII Not


GO!lfUIIon,. CMwIle

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81 MInIIIndlt

Oct. 14Incredible kitchens

Find out what';, cookmg In

deSign dunng the CottageHospital Auxlhary';, KJtchenTour, Sunday, Oct 15, fromnoon to 5 p m Be among thefirst to ;,ee these ;,evenunique klt<.hen;" and enJoyscrumptlOu;, refreshment;,dunng a Preview Party,Saturday, Oct 14, from 5 to8 p m Preview tJcket;, are$25 and $50 8ho\\ ticketsare $10 They can be pur-cha;,ed m advance at the fol-lowmg locatIOns theCottage HospItal Gift Shop,159 Kercheval m GrossePomte Farms, HurstApphance;" 23210 GreaterMack m St Clair Shores,Mutschler KItchens, lnc,20227 Mack In GrossePomte Woods and ThePomte Pedlar, 88 Kerchevalm Grosse Pomte FarmsTickets Will be available onthe day of the tour at 58Putnam Place In GrossePomte Shores and 852Whittier m Grosse PomtePark Proceeds benefit theBon Secours Cottage CancerCenter Call (313) 886-6829Historic house tour

Step back mto historyWith a free tour of theGrosse Pomte HlstoncalSociety's Provencal-WenHouse, 376 Kercheval InGrosse Pomte Farms,Saturday, Oct 14, from 1 to4 pm Call (313) 884-7010Seasonal sale

Discover delightful diS-cards, Jewelry, plants, bakedgood'l, candles and otherexciting Items at A FaIr ForAll Seasons, Saturday, Oct14, from 9 a m to 4 30 pm,m Grosse Pomte WoodsPresbytenan Church, 19950Mack m Grosse PomteWoods Call (313) 886-4301

Sunday, Oct. 15Help the hungry

Jom members of theAncient Order of Hlbermans10 helpmg metropo!ltanDetrOIt's hungry by attend-mg a Souperbowl 2000 bene-fit for the Capuchin SoupKItchen, Sunday, Oct 15,from 3 to 8 pm, In theAssumptIOn CulturalCenter Tickets are $7 Call(313) 579-2100Pipes spectacular

PartiCipate 10 theAmencan GUIld ofOrgamsts' natIOnal celebra-tion of the pipe organ dunnga PIpes Spectacular TheWorld's Largest OrganConcert, Sunday, Oct 15, at4 pm, m Chnst Church,960 E Jefferson In DetrOIt

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Thursday,Oct. 12Senior Expo

DI;,cover great way;, toenhance your golden year;,Wlth free mformatlOn fromthe Ninth Annual SeniorExpo 2000, Thursday,October 12, from 830 amto 2 30 pm, at theAssumptIOn CulturalCenter, 21800 Marter In StClair Shores TheAssumptIOn Center and theMetro East Chamber ofCommerce are sponsonngthis free event, hosted byEnk Smith of WXYZ-Channel 7 The afternoonWlll also feature !lve enter-tamment b) the Gentlemenof Swmg Call (810) 779-6111Views on vouchers

Ken MacGregor, of theMIchIgan EducatIOnASSOcIatIOn, will explamWhat's Wrong WithVouchers durmg theAmencan Association ofUmverslty Women of GrossePomte's frpe commumtymformatlOn program,Thursday, Oct 12, at 7 30pm, 10 Grosse PomteUmtanan Church, 17150Maumee 10 Grosse PomteCall (810) 296-4449

Friday, Oct. 13Religious repast

Nounsh your body andspmt by partakmg m aMen's EcumemcalBreakfast, Fnday, Oct 13,at 7 30 am, at GrossePomte Memonal Church, 16Lakeshore 10 Grosse PomteFarms The Rev EdwardHanna of St Peter and PaulSyrian Orthodox Churchwill be the featured speakerAdmissIOn IS $5 Call (313)882-5330Great gifts

Get your Yuletide gIVmgoff to a great start when 30vendors from across thenation gather Fnday, Oct13 through Sunday, Oct 15,at the Grosse Pomte WarMemonal, 32 Lakeshore mGrosse Pomte Farms, forHohday Mart 2000 Browseand buy decorative Items,food, Jewelry, toys andapparel for the entire familyFnday, from 9 30 a m to 6pm, Saturday, from 9 30a m to 5 p m and Sunday,from noon to 5 p mAdmissIOn IS $5 Proceedsbenefit the educatIOnal pro-grams of PlannedParenthood of SoutheastMichigan Call (313) 884-7624



108 Babies October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

Deadline for Featuresis 3p.m. Friday before the published issue

Emma Helene Kuhr Paternal grandparentsRobert A and Kathleen A are Frank Kuhr of Warren

Kuhr of GrOi>"e Pomte Park and the late Helen Kuhr

Sydney JaneHoward

Kevm and JenmferHoward of St Clair Shore,are the oalent!> of a daugh-ter, Sydney Jane Howard,born Sept 18, 2000Matel nal gl andparen'!> areChuck and Sandi W.czke ofthe City of Gros'ie Pomteand John and Susan Plelceof Gro!>se Pomte Farms

Paternal gl and pal ent!>are Tom and Kerry Howal dof Dparhorn flnd M'1rv .hnf'Howard of ChntonTownshIp

Great-grandparents areLeonard and Helen Witzkeof St Petersburg, Fla

Elizabeth CareySchmidt

Tom and MaureenSt-hnlldt of Sh,lkel Height!>,OhIO, <1rt>the parent, of a(bughter, f:hlabeth Cal eySLhmldt, bO!n Aug 1, 2000Maternal grandparent!> areMI and Mr!> John Conro) ofGI o~,p Pomte Pal k

Paternal gr"ndpdrentb<Ire LlIlda Schmidt of LabVPg<ls and the late MIchaelSchmidt

GI eat-grandparent" dl eBeatnce H Conroy ofSouthern Pille", N C andHarr) Rocbke of BowhngGreen, OhIO

Kristin PaigeKudialis

Shelley dnd Scott Kudlahsof GrOb,e Pomte Wood!> drethe parentb of a daughter,Krl!>tm PaIge Kudldh" bornJuh 2J, 2000 Matel nalgl andpm eub are AhceStamet- of Gl(h,e PomteShm e" and the late Edwal dJ Stamet- Patel nal grand.pal ents .II e Robel t and

Malian Kudlah'i of HarpelWoods Great-grandmotherI" Agneb Wals

Sarah FrancesCharbonneau

FrdllLI' LOUI'>Charbonneau Jr and LauraCharbonneau of HarperWOOdb an. the pal enl'> of adaughter, Sarah Frant-ebCharbonneau, born July 19,

2000 Paternal grandpar-ents are Mr and Mrs FrankL Charbonneau of the Cityof Grobbe Pomte

Maternal gl andparentsare Dr and Mrs MyronBarlow of Groi>"e PomteFarm"

are the parents of a daugh-ter, Emma Helene Kuhr,born Sept 17, 2000

Maternal grandparentsare Brendan O'Connell ofChnton Township and thelate Juha O'Connell

Ed MaliszewskiCarpeting


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Sunday, Oct 15, Noon-5:00 pmGrosse Pointe War Memorial.

Your gtft to the 2000 Holiday MartWIll enable Planned Parenthood

to contmue prenatal andcommumty educatIOn programs.


Don't DISGUISE yourself whenyou can look fabulous thIS fall inBEWITCHING clothes from BON-LOOT! If your COSTUMES areHAUNTED with things that don'tcoordinate, we'll SCARE up anENCHANTING item or two toTRANSFORM your wardrobe andjust like MAGIC pull everythingtogether. 17114 KerchevalAve. in-the-Village, Grosse Pointe,(313)886-8386.


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Speciahzzng znKltchen Desrgn & Cabmetry Sales

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Sweetest Day is Saturday,October 21st. Hurry into KiskaJewelers and check out thehottest new items avaIlable foryour sweetheart. You'll receive20% off all fine jewelry includmgthe latest styles of diamond andcolored stone earrings, pins,pendants and bracelets all in avariety of prices to suiteveryone's taste at... 63Kercheval on-the-Hill (313)885-5755.

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16980 Kercheval Ave. at NotreI in lower levd McCourt bldg.

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All types of embroidery andscreen printmg.

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Michelle Beaudette800.991.5110


The Miracle Skylight4D

Something special for SweetestDay';' Saturd~Yh October 21st. TheNOIRE DAMl!. PHARMACY iscarrying a nice selectIOn ofCaswell Massey Fine lme of soaps,bath gels, lotIOns and toIletries.Plus you must see our Taylor ofLondon soaps, body gel, lotions,s~chets and more ... A mce umquegIft. that WIll be very apfreciated... at 16926 Kercheva in-the-Village, (313) 885-2154.

Your mvitation to a beautifulkttchen where style and designbegin. Don't be ordinary, giveyour kitchen a hand-crafted Sub-Zero by KItchen StudIo.

KItchen Studio IS celebratingtheIr 15 year annIversary.CongratulatIons for wmningnumerous deSIgn competitions,including bemg the WInner ofSub-Zero's prestigious designcompetition in the last six yearsin a row. Not only do they deSIgnkItchens .. their creations andstyle in entertaInment centers,bars and master bathrooms arebeyond your ImagInation. Visitor call them at. 248-645-0410,(fax) 248-645-0705. 353 S OldWoodward,

Elegant Solutions for Any Interior.

Let ambIent sunhght flow mtoa dark room WIth SOLATUBE,engineered for superior quality

which ensures maXImumlIght transfer.

ALBERT D. THOMAS, Inc.Local supplier and installer




ANTIQUE LOVERS ...Jom us at the famous Ann

Arbor Antiques Market ThehaBpemng IS Sunday, October 15,20 0 There are over 300 out-standmg dealers m qualItyantIques and select collectIblesAIl are under cover ThiS IS AnnArbor AntIques Market's 32ndseason All Items guaranteed asrepresented The tIme IS 7 00a m to 4.00 Q m at 5055 AnnArbor - 3alme Road (Extt #175 off1-94h then south 3 mIles).Was tenaw Farm CounCIlGrounds Only $5 00 admISSIOn.FREE parkmg


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At Last A new kmd of gtft shopm town. Umque gIfts, homedecor, some antIques and vmtagepIeces Custom wreaths andarrangements, gIft wrappmg,personal shoppIng and much I

more to make your shoppmg apleasant experience M-F 10-5,Sat 10-4 21035 Mack Avenue, Inthe Woods (313)417-0884.


Jacobson's• Fur Collection Show. See

a special collectIOn of DommieBelIislmo ShearliI!gs and PaulaLishman Beaver KnItS. Friday'>October 13, from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. In Designer.

• Lancome Gift WithPurchase. October 18 throughNc:1rerober 4, receive your free'(rtft with any Lancome purchaseof $21.50 or more. In Cosmetics.

• Erno Laszlo CosmeticEvent. Meet NatIOnal SkmcareSpecialist Frank Ziegler for afree skm consultatIOn onThursday, October 19, from 11a.m. to 6 p.m. In Cosmetics.

• Clarins Facial Event.Make your appointment todayfor a complimentary personal-ized consultation and faCIaltreatment with our ClarinsInstructnce on Fnday andSaturday, October 20 and 21.Please call 313-883-7000, ext.4179 for reservations. InCosmentics.

Jacobson's17000 Kercnoval. Grosso p","", '(313) B82 7000

Se<....t i()ll CI:LH551FIED

Sca.t"'" Wes PII" 4

......... ....... JiI •• 2.........Victory over Stevenson extends Blue Devils' streak to three

Another first for South girls

It wa, clear that the ball hadbeen tIpped by the defenMveend"

Suuth ,-uL Sk YCll"UIl"

lead to 14-12 m the thudquarter on another one-yardrun by Danko It was set upby IInehacker MarkPeppler'b 20-yard Intercep-tIOn return to the TItans' 20

The try for a two-POIntconversIOn wab ;,topped

"It was the optIOn playthat got us a first down Inthe first half," McLeod saId

See SOUTH, page 2C

The TItans bloe-ked theextra pomt kick

The 7-6 lead held untilSt ....~l..u""un'~ AuthuH)Lalama "cored on a "Ix-yardrun WIth 31 secondo. remam-Ing In the firbt half Thetouchdown came three playsafter the TItans recovered afumble at the South 28

"We made two mIstakes Inthe first half and they capI-talIzed on both of them,"McLeod saId "The mtercep-tlOn came on a tIpped ballAndrew had blamed hImself,but after watchmg the film,

South's second oflenslveplay, moments alter the1'Jtans were btopped at theB!ue Dc', J!S' 35 \\ her. II.l.J"rSamhal backed quarterbackRyan MalUr! for a 10-yardlos~ on fourth down

South came right back toscore on a one-yal d run byfullback Juhan Danko Thetouchdown was set up byJarboe's 82-yard kIckoffreturn to the Stevenson 11

"ThIS IS the thIrd week In

a row that OUI kIckoff returnteam hat> done a great Job ofblockmg," McLeod saId

Grosse Pointe South's girls cross country team dominated both the varsityand junior varsity races at last weekend's Saginaw Heritage Invitational. Fromleft. are medalists Megan Zaranek, Kirsten Winfield. Bridget Scallen, MaureenHoehn, Mary Gibson, Jenny Gerow, Heather Whiteley and HUary Zaranek. Notpictured is Kate Finkenstaedt,

The victory In theMacomb Area ConferencecrObbover game was South'bthIrd str::ll;;ht ::nd JmprJ', dItS record to 5-2 overall

"We had a lot of kids stepup," McLeod SaId "It was agreat vIctory Stevenbon ISstIll a good football team"

The defeat was the fourthIII a row for the 2-5 TItans,who haven't had a lOSing;,eason ~lnce 1977

Stevenson got on thescoreboard early when KeIthBrennan mterceptedAndrew Vlasak's pass andreturned It 25 yards for atouchdown

The touchdown came on

CIty Jean Mane Beaupre,round Shannon O'Donnell,

Christina Jacovldes andLauren John~ton

"Our JumOl varsIty run-ners contInue to excel andshme m every meet," saidSteve Zaranek "The meetsthIS pa<;t week were noexceptIOn No one, all seasonlong, has been close to ourJV kIds"

South dommated the meetWIth Mott, takIng 17 of thetop 20 places

GIbson, Scali en, Hoehn,HIlary Zaranek andWhIteley led the way mSouth's fifth dual meet WInof the season

Others WIth season-besttImes Included MollyDamm, Sara Swenson,Jenny Kamerud, Ally CahIll,Jaclyn EgnatlOs, RoryO'Bryan, HillaryCunmngham, JulIaFehmgel, JulIe VandeVusseand Jackie McMillan

btate champIOnshIp game,"saId coach MIke McLeod"He told hIS teammates thatthf'v'd hf'ttpr 1<crp wmmn:;bO he could play one moregame"

South's victory, whichcame on a 27-yard field goalby Rob Rogers wIth 11 sec-onds remammg In thefourth quarter, moved theBlue Devlb another stepcloser to the playoffs

They have to wm one oftheir remammg two games- at home Fnday agamstSterlIng Heights and atL'Anse Creuse North on Oct20 - to clmch a playoffberth

WIth 51 and Ba)Western had 114 toout the top four

"Our varsIty gIrls had ahuge breakthrough thiSweek," saId coach SteveZaranek "The gap from ourfirst to fifth runners wasonly 32 seconds We've beenworkmg all season to getthIS gap under one minuteWe were very successful atSaginaw and we WIll work tomaIn tam thIS level"

In the 90-runner Jumorvarsity race, South took thetop four spots The BlueDeVIls were led by MeganZaranek, Heather WhIteley,Jenny Gerow and BlaIrHanrahan EmIly Meza andBnana Jones were also mthe top 10

Other South runners WIthpersonal best tImes for theseason were ChnstmeCampbell, KatIe Sulhvan,Kelhe Schott, AnneMackenZie, JackIe Whelan,

By Chuck Klonke~ports Editor• It's a tall ordel, but GrosseP0\flt .. <;;"l1th nH1nm~ h~<,kMatt Jarboe would hke toplay one more football game

tor the Blue Devll~Jarboe suffered a broken

one Just above hlb ankledunng the final minute ofthe fin,t half of last Fnday'sthnlhng <'ome-from-behmd17.14 vIctory over SterlIngHeIghts Stevenson

He'b probably out for theseason - wIth one excep-tion

"The earlIest he couldcome back would be the lastweek m November - for the

Grobse POinte South'sgirls crObS country team hadanother successful weekWIth a WIn over MacombArea Conference RedDIVISIOn nval Warren-Mattand a firbt-place fimsh atthe Sagmaw HeritageInvltahonal

The WIn at Sagmaw wasSouth's third mVltatlOnalchampIOnshIp of the season

The first five Blue DeVIlseach finIshed m the top nmein the field of 56 runnersSouth was led by MaryGibson's fourth-place fimshTeammates ElIzabethOsburn, Maureen Hoehnand HIlary Zaranek took thenext three places andJ3ndget Scali en was nmth

Followmg closely behmdwere Kate Fmkenstaedt andKIrsten WInfield: South wound up ",nth 31POints Mount Pleasant wassecond WIth 45, whIleSterlmg Helght~ was thIrd, -

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October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

<Igam led by Imebacker MattKoppmger He had an mter-ceptLOn and knocked down apa;,;, 111 the end zone to ;,topa converSIOn attempt KyleSouth aho ;,tood out ondefen.,p

In the tre;,hman game, theRed Baron~ w,ed a dlvel ;'1-

lied ofTense, led by quarter-baLk Mark Rlashl, to gamIt;, fil ~t wm after two tiCS

Kla~tll tlll~W d 2J-y,uJtouchdown pass to JackMonark, then ran for a four-yard "core to gIVe hIS team aqUick 14-0 lead

HI'" four-yard touchdownpa~., to Jim Saros made It20-0 at hallbme

A 49-yard TUl'l by Sarosand Rlashl's four-yard TDpas;, to DaVId Casslemancompleted the ;,corlng

Runmng backs StephenReaume and Bobby Peltzalso had out~tandIng games,and each ran tWIce for suc-w;,;,ful conversIOns

Mark Karam prOVided~evel al .,tLOng blocks

The defense completely;,hut down the MustangsJIm St John, RCld Fragel,Frank FerrettI, Jeff Simonand .Joey Kunly were amongseveral defenSIve standouts

The Baron.... defen;,e,which IS LOathed by TomBorland, has held opponent.,.,COIele;,s tOl ...even qual ler"Among many defen;'lve~tal s, llllemen Brent Brownand Scott Koppmger hadout;,tandIng gamt';,

In the JunIOr vdr"ltygame, Macomb, which \Va;,led by quarterback RichBeebe, ;,cDled tWice 1II thefmal seven mlllute;, for thevictory

The Barons had fir.,t-and-goal In"lde the 10-yard ImetWIce In the fil st half butfalled to score

The JV ofTense wa~ It'd bythe runTllng of BrandonBrown, MIke DallaIre,Geoffrey Osgood and quar-terback Marc Reno

Coach Doug LuttenbergerpraIsed the blockmg of PeteMItchell, ChT!;' Kemetz andJ P Gallagher

DefenSIvely, the team was

"The Iunnmg game wentwell," Kunly "We had alot 01 great blocklllg "

Kunly praised the block-lIIg of fullbacks Max Yankleydnd Cameron CeLchllll, line-man BIlly Matouk and tIghtend DaVId DeBoe I

Pomte Red Balon ... val~ltyfootball team wa;, a nwmo-lable on('

Blyant. on the RedBarons' fir;,t offenSive play,_LOred from ,eVt'll ydrd" outto ;,tart hl~ team on the wayto a 66-0 VKtOlY over theMaLOmb Mu"tang~ at thePontiaL Sllverdome

Bryant abo ,COIed 111 thethIrd quarter a., Red Balo'1scoach Brett Kunly u~ed 12different runnIng baLk;, man effort to hold the :,coredown The Red Baron;, did-n't attempt a pab;, lTl thegame

In the other two gllmes,the Red Baron~ JUIIIOIvarsI-ty lost a tough 13-0 deCI.,LOnto Macomb and the Baron;,freshmen po;,ted an Impres-sIve 34-0 vIctory

In the Val slty game, quar-terback Bllan St Hllall eI an for two touchdowns andfullback Bnan Dempsey ranfor one touchdown andreturned an mterceptlon foranother The other touch-downs were ~cOled by ChaseMItchelson, Ryan Stephens,Tommy Peltz and KyleDeBets DeBet;,' score cameon a 36-yard mtercephonreturn •

Red Barons-MacombWllhe Bryant's first run of

the season for the Grosse

qU,ll tel bdtk Marc R"no andTUlllllllg b,ILk JohnathanRo""

It w a;, the Bal 011;, JV'~be"t offemlve ..,howmg of the~ea",oll Among tht, blockmg~LII~ were Mlkp Dallal! e.CllI1'> Kl'metz, Brandon~heffield, J P Gdlla!{hel ,lIId.Joe COnWfl) AIel\. Symond.,kltked the team';, fil "t two-romt ('llnVel _IOn of the "ea-,on

Dan Wal,h and DanKdl dm pi ,Iyed well ondetensl'

In the fle,hman game,Mal k Kal am ~cored on atwo-~ ard Iun fOI the BalOn~'only pomt;, The team 1~ now1-1-2

Coach Jack Mondrk wasplea;,ed With the defen;,('that kept hi" team In con-tentIOn untIl late 111 thefourth quarter

Those who pia) I'd welldefenSIvely mcluded hne-men Andrew Faber and Zal{Schrade and defenSive backsJim St John and AndrewPhllbnck Phllbllck had an1l1terceptlOn In the end zone

remallllllg III thp g,mw StHilam"s kKk Ill,lde It 16-8

St ClaIr Shore ...' hope fOI atomebatk ended whenMcClung led a defen;'lve Imetharge that Il'"ulted 111 ,J~alety 111 tlH' final mmute

"OUI defen;,e dam matedtIlt' ..,ecolld hall," ,>,nd KUlllyThe, kept them deep 111

thell zonp.KIlll!- ~,1\1inllP of thp kp\

play ...m tht, ...eLond half wa;,a ...ack bv Cecchml ttl end api oml~lIIg St Clair ShO! e~dnve

"It v.a;, another gut checkgame fOl u., and we camethlough,' he said

In thl' other game" theRed Barons JunIOr var~ltylo;,t to St Clair Shores 40-27and the freshman team wasdefeated 25-6

In the JUl110r vari>ltygame, Iunmng backBrendan Howe put on anoutstandmg performance Ina lO~Ing cause for the Barons(0-3-1)

Howe rushed for morethan 150 yards and ;,coredtwo touchdowns He alsocaught three passe" and was3-for-3 passmg

The Red Barons' othertouchdowns were scored by

Bpcau~e of the plav of It~leader~, the Gro~ ...e PomteRed Baron;, val :'Ity footballteam I;' ofT to a 4-0 ;,tart

The Barons overcame a12 0 fh~t qual tel defiut andti\ e tumo\ en, to defeat StClair Shores at Lake ShoreHigh School

When we well' down, It1\ a~ our leaden, who i>tepped,If) 'lnri tnnl{ thn (l' ....p'nn. nVflr"

~~Id Baron~ c;ach BrettKunly "They did the Job"

Thel e were a number of~tar;, for the Baron;, andKunly espeCIally Mngled outthe offenSIve and defen.,l\epia, of Brian St HJlam',Bnan Dempsev, Cha~eMItchelson, Austm McClungand Cameron Cecchlm

Mter St ClaIr ShO!es tooka 12-0 lead, scormg tWlte onIts first five offenSIve plays,the defense, coached by TomBorland, adjusted and.~tart-ed to take control of thegame

Tom Paglia's 39-yardtouchdown run and StHLialre'~ two-pomt conver-''Ion kick narrowed the mar-gIn to 12-8 at halfhme

The Barons took the leadfor good on Dempsey's 10-yard run With four mmutes

_2C __ S:eortsTeam leaders play key role as Red Barons varsity wins first four

Mickey D. Todd,(lty (hr\

City of Grosse PomtePublic Work~ Department

Standouts on defensewere Imebackers Wl1hams,who had 12 tackles, andCntchell, who made eIghtstops

"Those kIds are domg agreat Job," Sewell SaId"Leython IS only 15 andAndy Just turned 16 lastweek They're playIngagamst 17- and 1S-year-oldmen"

Sewell was pleased WIththe Krughts' defenSive effort,espeCIally 111 the second half

"Clarencevllle's coach puthIS hor;,es back 111 a coupleof tImes to get first downsand we were able to <;topthem." Sewell saId

"Shaw, who has the bestVISIOnof any player I've seenthiS year, made one catchwhere he got hIS bIg paw up,tipped the ball a couple oftimes and went 60 yards fora touchdown," Sewell saId

Trojans also have a receiverwho IS a top college prospect

"'AI~ot ( In \HII( I~'

( IIv ( Ink( lh of ."rpf'r \\no.h1%17 Jfar~r \HnlH

II•.".. """,,, \f1 4H22~ 2119<




(.IIVOf~:rOSS.e~oint.e, Mlchl~an



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Than" \OUlor )our loopcr,lIlOn

,\, 01 OllOher 16 20()(} Ihe ell) 01 Gro"L POintereque'h IhalLlllIen~ no hmger h"g their gra" l lippmg, lor lolieltlOn torIh. rem"mder 01 thc ye.u In,lc,ld gf"" llipPl1lg~ ,11OuldheIalcd wllh 1e,\VC~ BEl WEEN THf.. ....IDEWALK AND THECURB, IN ;\ LONG NARROW ROW. AS CLOSE TOTHE CURB A....POSSIBLE. To c\ped\le Ihl~ pro"" IheCltV r<'4ue~" Ihat Ie,,\ e~ NOT he ra"ed 11110 the ,lrecl nor LontJm ,tllk' or hr,mlhe,

I'hd lit ,. t'Ot: f( ( \1 11"1\09' 00 am fhuMa" Ocrotwr 2t1 2000 HI 11K tll { If lht ( .1....Cltrk It)f,17Ih~r\H'nlt HuptrW('o(xI", MI{hli'11l4"("'l~ 'iNe; l!""h hlH'Jklhr. ... wI11ht cptrKt111llIplhll,I)\'I "llltll1 lOt (ll\1n If' Ihl n h!t rtltl.l In.., Ill<llllhuj<;[illl ...nll ..I ht \llhmlll('d In 1 "it II I np1<Jlll C'n\llClf" In lr~l I 1\ h II ....

PO\,! DO' )lx'rtJ 'noo(, r N fJ'ht ( I!I!lH 11 In lOti '1m

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'\11 DI(11\ VIHI(II <;

"I thmk It was fun for thekids to practIce thiS weekAnd It gave us a betteropportumty to move thefootball "

Clarencevllle runmngbacks TIm Shaw and SteveMeadows are among thebest 111 the area and the

"Once Jeff relaxed a httlemore In the second half, hewas able to hold the ball Justa haIr longer to get off thebetter pass," Sewell SaId"Audl and Charles bothmade some mce catches

Legree completed 24 pass-es, mciudIng- mne for 78yards to Lowe

Sewell saidThat's the fOImatIon

where a tackle and a reCeIV-er are spread to one SIde mfront of the runmng back

"We had Audl Moss andAndy Crltchell splIt m frontof Charles and they bothmade good blocks," SewellsaId

Louise Warnke,Clly Clerk

"That helped get us mtothe game," Sewell ~ald

In the fourth quarter,Legree completed a ;,WIngpass to Charles Lowe for a20-yard touchdown

Freshman Barre' Mackiereturned the second-halfkIckoff 70 yards to thetroJans' one-yard ImeQuarterback JefT Legree gotthe final yard on a sneakthrough the hole created bytackle Ley than Wilhams

"We were m our superspread formatIOn that weused m the "tate playoffgame agamst (Ann Arbor)Gabriel RIchard last year,"

I (j1l2100(,I'N

Ml lie I J" HI RI BY mvr N Ihat m .IlUlrd.ln<e "lIh ( h,lpter7X<'uhlh\I"',"' ArtlLie If l;)llcPlao RC\lew "'l!lon 7,~~, ofIhc 1997 (It) ( ode of Ihe CIt) of (Iro"e P<\lnll Wood, thePl.lonln!! (Oll1l11l"l<'TI.",iii hold a puhlll hllrlo!! 10 Ihl( oUTlLlI(ourt Room of Ihc MUTlILlp,tIRulldJng 2002~ Mad ..1'1.11,1(,fO"C POinte W""d, on 1111"DAY OC10RI R 242000 It 7 ~OP 111 to hC,lf,I rcvll v. ollhe '1tc plan for "'ummllOr II &. M,l\llInl.ILlal "urgcry 2067'\ M,ll~ Au (<'outhwc'll orner oj Veflllcl and Mat ~) tor \\ hllh ,I ,ondlllon,11 approv,llh,\, hecn ",ued h\ the /)1\ 1~I(lnoj ",llel) In'plL1l<l1I'IBurldIn!!Code OfflLl,tll l11cIlic ",I\,ul,lhle "I (II) H,tlilor publicfc\1C'" All Jnllfl,l,d pef,on, ,Irc Invllld 10allcnd

'34.1.2181 NIl1t' MIle and Mack m StSouth Lakt' I" located at Clillr Shore~

The KnIghts fell behmdearly agamst ClarenceVllleand traIled 33-0 at halftIme

"I thmk our young kIdsmIght have been a lIttle bItmtImldated when theIr bIghorses got ofT the bu~, butonce they got over the fearfactor, they played a lot bet-ter," Sewell saId

shot of makIng the stateplayoffs but the Kmghtshave to WIn their last twogames, at home Saturdayagamst Harper Woods andat Lutheran Northwest onOct 21

Division champsThe Pointe Girls Soccer Association under-13 Mustangs took first place in

the Major Division of the Michigan Youth Soccer League with a spring sea-son record of 8-1-1. In front. from left, are Jaime HoUerbach. Megan Moore.Christy Sandmair. Alexa Johnston, Alex Matthews and Carly Adams. In themiddle row, from left. are Elisabeth Alber, Lauren Burke. Melissa Carron,Katie Gerow. Rachel Zurek and Pierce Pavle, In back. from left. are JessicaBartel, Samantha Palazzolo aod Laura Lovasco. Not pictured is coach RichCarron,

ULS "cored It., first touch-down early 1Tl the third

ULS stIll ha~ an outSide quarter

J<'or mort' mform,lt tnp (~ro",p POintt'South ilth letl( officp nl n 1 II

High ,"hoo] dthlptp.., par-('nt, and cORche" .In' IIIvlt('dto attt'nd thp frpr _prnlllar

Th(' fratured ...peak<'r I.,

,Jack Renken" who ha ... 20y<,ar<; of ('xpt'Tlrn('C' a" <l

teacher, coach and <Idmllll.,-trator at tht. hIgh ~('hoolJUfilor colleg-e ilnd <;f>filOrcnl-Irgl Irvrl,

Thp ,emlllar \\Ill hpr<,p<,att'd at Milcomh Dakotaon Tur ilnd atMarywllir on Wpdn(,.,dav

Thl' tIme for Monday ..._t'mlllar on Rp,Jhtlt''' of('o!lpge Rl'lrtlltmg nl SouthLake HIgh School ha~ bpenchanged from 7 p m to 7 30

Time changed for recruiting seminar

"We used every passmgformatIOn you could thInkof We spread our receIVersall over the field and threwthe ball 44 tImes We'vebeen USIng pretty much thesame offense for the lastseven years and peopleknow what we're gomg to doThIS will gIVe them ;,ome-thmg else to thmk about ~

"We threw the ball all overthe field," Sewell saId afterthe KnIghts' 33-13 MetroConference lo;,s to unbeatenLlvoma Clarencevllie

and got some POInts on thescoreboard

Change in offense lights a spark under ULS football teamBy Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

Mter two straight shutoutdefeats, Umverslty LIggettSchool football coach TracySewell decIded It was tImefor a change

Although It dIdn't resultm a VIctOry, the change didput a spark m the KnIghts

SouthFrom page Ie"I thought It was a good play,but they stopped u;, " ,

That dIdn't faze the BlueDeVIls

Vlasak pmned Stevensondeep m ItS territory WIth oneof several good punts andthe defen~e did Its Job byforcmg the TItans to puntfrom theIr five

South's Barry Novakblocked the lock and ChnsGetz pounced on It In theend zone, but It eluded hISgrasp and went out of theend zone for a safety to tiethe game at 14-14

The Blue DeVIls' BrianBerschback came up WIthanother key defen;'lve playon Stevenson's next posses-sIOn The T1tan~ had drivento the South 30 and theytned a fourth-down pass,but It was broken up on aJarTlng hIt by Ber~chback

On South's fin,1I posses-"lOn, Vlasak completed a 54-yard pa% to Paul Lochlrcothat took the Blue DeVIls tothe Stevenson nme

"I con;,ldered gomg for thefield goal then. butSteven"on callt.d a timeoutto Ice the kIcker," McLeod"aId . When that happened Itold VJa~ak to throw the ballout of the end zone and we'dkick on ...econd down"

Samhat replaced Jarboeat tailback m the ~econdhalf and ru.,hed for 81vard" When he got hurt.Ja"on Klme came m andpIcked up 17 YdTd~ In threecarne ...

'Wp ju..,t kept runnmgtaIlbaLk~ mto the game andthey all dId a great Job."McL<>odsaId

The dpfpnslve effort wasal"o Imprp""lvP for the BlueDev)l"

Peppler madl' 20 tatkl(',rind Lukp Parchmpnt ,mdHer~chhilck l'aLh had nmr.Jack 'facto and Sam hat wrrpal.,o among thp IC'ildmg t,lckIrr... LochlTCO ;lndHer"chhack al.,o had Il1tprcrptlOn.,

".Jarrrtt SVl'nd"en andSl',lI1 O'Sulh\ iln both did agrl'at lob m"'ldp on d('frn.,(' "McLl'od ...,1\(1 "Thpv took outthr('( hlo('kN~ on every"nap

M' Leod ,11~o had prm"rfor thp off('n"lvP Ime play

'WI' domllliltl'd thp Imppla~ m thl' ,,('('ond half' hp.,md 'WI' \\INP rpally gl'ttmgoff the hnll qtJ1ckh Thr on(thmg WI' havp to work on I"holdmg thp hlock ... il htt Iplongt r"

Senior captain steps up for Norsetnen

Norsemen ~et two easy victories


* Gron. POIOI.McCann

NoVl lee Arena

Onyx - ROC!1es torIce Arena

Sobortlan Tra n ogCenterIFarmlnglon ~ tl<l

Deamom IceS.. I"9 Center

See ULS, page 10C

"The) ~tarted puttmgpres.,ure on u" and \\e lom-mltted a lot of tUI nover~ Wetned different thIng" tobreak the pre~" but nothmgworked We pla)ed muchbetter In the ~econd half. butwe had dug too deep a hole

The KnIght" led 20 1.'1 ,after their 7-0 run but b\halftime the Mu,tang~ helda 34-21 ad\ antage

CLS, whIch traI!t'd 44-27after three quarter~, whit-tled the lead do\\ n tv 10pomb m the fourth quarterbut the Kmghts '" ere fOlLedto fuul "' UI th an ~\\ 1 reu bymakIng nmp of Ib 17 fourthquarter pOlnh fJ om the fl ee


By Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

The "tory of School" gtrl., ba!>ket-ball game WIth LutheranNorth was WrItten dunng aslx-mmute stretch m thesecond quarter

That's when the Mu<;tang~outscored lJLS 19-1 on theway to a 61-49 \Ietory ovelthe KnIghts In the battle ofunbeaten Metro Conferenceteams

"We out~cored them 7.0 mthe first two mmute!> of thesecond quarter and then wedldn t !>core ag,lln untllthere '" a" a mmutl' and ahalf left ,n the fir::.t halfsaId ULS coach JohnBandos

Mustangs' spurtspoils Knights' day

Ph .t_ I .. DJ I{ ...h1.rd Dun] If)

Liz Halpin hit the 1'"ustbasket in overtime lastweek to boost Grosse Pointe South's girls basketballteam to a victory over MacombArea Conference RedDivision rival Utica Eisenhower,


"Jenmfer Makowski IS afreshman who has beenImprovmg all the tIme Shehas taken seven mmutes offher tIme from her first raceAnd KatIe Rabldoux has cutnearly Sl), mmutes off herfirst race She's a goodexample of a runner whoprobably won't break mtothe top group thl" year butIS workmg a::. hard a::. an)-body"

Lauren Saffron are a coupleof first-year runners whohad been basketball play-ers," Cooper ::.ald "They'rebest frIends but they're con-stantly pushmg each otherto go faster and they're mov-mg up WIth every meet

MeredIth Farmer led thescorIng With 17 pomt"FranCIS finIshed With 11POInts, five steals and threea!>!>lsts and .Jlll Bramos had10 pomts, SIXsteals and fiveassIsts

BIgham had a season-hIghnme assists and five stealsand Lmdsay Koerber fin-Ished With SIX pomts, fivesteals and three rebounds

With 13 POInts and four"teals Jaime FranCIS con-tnbuted nIne pomt" and fiverebounds, Beth BIgham hadSIX assIsts and ShelbySimmon collected five pomtsand three reboundb

Everyone who dressed forthe Mott game broke mtothe SCOrIng column forNorth

fir.,t qU<lrter, but we didn't'The ledd <-hanged h,.lnd~

~everdl tIme., m the ~elul1dh,lIf before Rltok hit thetyll1g ba.,ket

The overtime "'<I~ <IllSouth Halpm qUllkly putthe' Blue DevJ1~ In front ,mdthe) uut~(.Ored EI.,enhowPI80m the extra penod

South ,pI cad out It"offen"l on<-e It got the kddThe Eagle!> werp foned toluul ul.l.J Shap.~ J, \l.h 1(d '"111

!>corerb WIth 22 pomt", madefi\ e of her "IX free throw~ III

the overtIme'Megan wa~ on fif( In the

!>e<-ond quarter,' VanElkoute "aId . She had 11pomtb In the quarter Thenm overtIme, w.. tned to getthe ball m her hand~because <;he's "0 good fromthe lIne"

Lynd<;ay Dalby had ~IXpomt~ and five rebound~ forSouth and RIdgway pulleddown ~even rebound"

"SylVIa also had a greatdefenSIve game agamsttheIr 6-2 girl," Van Eckoute~aId . SylVIa's only 5-10 - mher ~hoes"

"Michelle BroderIck and

Secord led the North var.slty group, followed byPalazzolo, Thomab, Walton,Bryzlk, Kathryn Veryserand Su~an Rhee

held her out," Cooper SaId"You never lIke to lose, but Itold the glrb that they allran theIr best and that's allyou can do

"We had 58 gtrls finIsh therace and 39 of them had PRs(personal recOld,,)," Coopersaid "How can you be upsetwhen you do that?"

Although the game wa!>never really In doubt,Bennett also lauded theefforts of the StallIons

"You have to give Tom'!>kids (SterlIng Heights coachTom Dailey) a lot of credIt,"Bennett saId "They're hav-mg a tough year but theystIli work hard They neverlet thIS game get totallyawav from them"

Stephame Rose led North

lIghtly They had dIfficultydomg anythmg agamst ourdefense We didn't have a lotof steals, but we usually gotthe ball back WIthout haVingthem score"

North led 13-4 at the endof the first quarter and!>tretched the margin to 24-10 at halftIme

fouled Megan Shapiro atmldcourt and ShapIrodropped In both tree throw~With 11!>ewnd!> to go

South put pre".,ure on thembound~ play and PHNfaIled to grt the ball a(.fO~~tht' mldwurt lint' beforetime expired

Moraw.,kl had an out-.,tandIng game With 16pomts and five rebound.,Sht' had 11 pomt~ In the fir.,thalf

"The) were playmg man-to-man and Lawren brokethem down," Van EckoutesaId "She Just kept gOIng tothe babket"

ShapIro fim!>hed WIth 13POInts, fOUl ab"lbts andthree bteals and SylVIaRidgway had "evenrebounds and played a!>trong defen!>lve game

The EI!>enhower gamewas a dIfferent "tory ThIStIme South trailed early TheEagleb led 9-4 after the fir~tquarter and they stIll had a20-18 edge at halftIme

"We kept fightmg," VanEckoute said "We couldhave folded at the end of the

Severalperfonnersturnedm exceptIonal effort,; dunng

"We knew It would be the raceclose and then when JuliaWemert had back pam, we

In last week'!> MacombArea Conference WhiteDIVISIOn dual competItIon,North blanked East DetrOIt15-50 but suffered a 27-30loss to Chippewa Valley

the last three years but thISseason has been a strugglefor her because of a lot ofphySIcal aIlmen,ts," Coopersaid "She has stayed pOSI-tive through It all and wasour mnth runner atYpSilantI She's a gooclexample of someone whodIdn't give up when thmgsweren't gomg well "

"Chippewa's qUIck, evenqUIcker than we are,Bennett said "And theFra"er game should be atough one, too"

Bennett won't have toworry about complacency mthose games, but It couldhave been a problem lastweek

"I thought we played real-ly hard agamst SterlingHeights," Bennett saId"They've been havmg atough time and It wouldhave been easy to take them

hosts Chippewa Valleytomght, Oct 12, then travelsto Fraser for a showdownagamst the Ramblers, whowere bed WIth theNorsemen for first place Inthe MAC White

Red DIVli>lOnat 2-2 and theyImproved thp Blue DeviI~'overall mark to ')-5

The PHN game turned outto be a thnller after Southdommated the fir!>t half TheBlue DevIl" Ipd by 10 P0Int~after one quarter and ~t111held a 22-1fi lead at h,df-tIme

South took a 35 26 leadmto the final quarter, but Itwab a different Hu"kle"team that <-ame out aILl'1 thetImeout

"They came out like gang-buster!> m that fourth quar-ter," Van E<-koute bald"They pressed and we com-mitted some turnvoer!> "

PHN tied the score onthree free throws With 17"econd" left

"We all thought thatLawren Moraw<;kI, who hadblocked two bhot!> before,had another dean block onthe three-pomt attempt butthey called her for the foul,Van Eckoute said

Then one of the Huskws'player had a mental lapsethat proved co<;tly WIth thescore tIed at 45- .. 5, she

"She ran a 20 28, that'sher best tIme by a mmute,"saId North coach ScottCooper "I thmk she JustdeCided that she had to stepIt up And she took that nextstep and set an example as asemor captain

"After the race she saIdshe had never felt that goodShe saId It was fun to runWlth the top group"

Wemert's tIme was goodenough for thIrd place over-all In the meet

Laura Secord, ErIkaPalazzolo and KatIe Waltonwere the next threE' Northrunners to hIt the fim"h Imeand they al"o earnedmedals

Anoth('r Impre"~l'!t' pN-formance came from another.,enIor captam, l':mI!vBoru"hko

"EmIly had be('n one ofour top var"lty runnN~ for

Roundmg out the topseven were Sharon Thomas,Renee Bryzlk and AlyssaSImon SImon broke 1I1tothetop seven for the fir"t tIme

"That was the best our toppeople have run as a groupall season," Cooper "aId

North posted 20 p('r.,onalrecords m thE' meet Onethat "tood out was by fre~h-man Eh"e FIelds

"She ran hl'r be!>t race ona tougb cour"e," Cooper"aId

She stepped up and set anexample for the rest of herteammates last weekend tohelp North's gIrls crosscountry team finIsh thIrd 111the ll-team YpsilantIInVitatIOnal, only threePOInts behmd second-placeLlvoma Ladywood

By Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

Grosse Pomte North'sJulIa Wemert did Just whata senIor captam IS supposedto do

By Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

It was probably too muchto expect Grosse PomteNorth's gIrls basketballteam to be at Its sharpestagamst a pall' of teams thathave been strugglIng thISyear

So Nortp coach GaryBennett was pleased WIththe effort hiS team showedm rollIng to Macomb AreaConference Whtte DIVISIOnvictOrIes against Warren-Mott (76-27) and SterlingHeIghts (44-22)

"We played hard," BennettsaId of the two wms thatgave the Norsemen a 10-0overall record and a 4-0mark m league play

It gets qUIte a bIt tougherIn the week ahead North

October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

South wins twice in MAC RedBy Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

It wa~ more than Ju!>t the!>t.utmg lineup that madekey tOntnbuhon~ to GrossePomte South's two ba!>ket-ball vlctones last week

In a 43-35 overtIme WInagam!>t Utl<-a Eisenhower,Stephame Rltok !>ent thegame mto overtIme wIth alate basket and LIz Halpmput the Blue DevIls ahead to,tay In the extra penod

And In South'!> 47-45 Winover Port Huron Northern,LIz Laclura came off thebench to glVe the BlueDevils a huge boost In thesecond half

"LIZ dId a great Job off thebench," bald coach PeggyVan Eckuute "She had alleIght of her POints In thethird quarter when we need-ed somebody to !>tep up andkeep us In the game Andshe also had SIXrebounds

"We have to contInue toget contnbutlOns lIke thatfrom everyone on the team"

The two vlctones evenedSouth's record In theMacomb Area Conference

Thursday, October 12,2000Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

Other willner;, fOI ULSwell' Lauum Ealoa, JulieMegler and Beth Sand!'rs 111

smgles and the doublesteams of Nayla Kazzi andKatie MaUl er, Llzzl€Campbell and SeJal Pankhand Reml Allp and KatieJones

7 5 \ IctOl \ and at fourthdoubleb when> CallieShumake I and PUJa Venkatpo"ted a 6-3, 6-4 WID

Two fre.,hmen po;,ted' PRsat Yp::,JI anti KevlllKWlatkow"kl knolked about30 ;,econd~ off hi' bp~t timeand John Herb~t Improvedby more th,lIl 20 ~Lwnd;,

In la;,t week\ wm ovelN 01 th, the closest matche;,well' at No 4 smgle;, whereJes::'lca Spnet pm,ted a 6-2,

"We'll go III a;, the No 1team (111 the !Bnkmg;,) butN 01 th MUbkegon, MuskegonCatholic and Country Dayarp ;,trong, too," Wnght bBld

Thr foIlowmg week I;' thp.,tate meet and Wlight fOIe-;,ee., a four-team battle

Kenny wa, fourth OVI'I all,two plal('~ ahead of LuudoThe) (,dch eal Bed m( dabalong with Vandenbroelk("who ilia., 2bt, andKapoldeh" who linl~h('d

formanLC with a thlrd-plael' 2Jrdlim.,h at la.,t weekend'::, "It';, a tough LOlIP,e ;,0 weYp"i1antl InVitatIOnal did pletty well, WII"on said

"Country Day IS strongerthl::' year and we had someclose matches 111 our dualmeet with them ..

Count ry Day and Sacl edHeart Academy look like ourtoughest competitIOn III theregIOnal," said ULS (.OachChuck Wnght

tuneuJl for FndaY'b Dlvl;,lOnIV I eglOnal tournamenthu,ted b) the Knight"

Ja"on Gal Vll1, A J Seater,Paul Fnck and Steve OgJlvy

"It ",as qUite a day,"WII~on ."ud 'It wa" a meetthat \\e felt" ("d wm, ::'0 wetl ampd thlough the mept,but \\ p had a bIg lTOwd andthat mu;,t have m"pired thekid;, ,

N 01 th lollowed that per-

The Knights rolled to an!:I-O victory over Glo::,sePomte North to remamunbeaten III dual meets

ULS tennis team tunes up for state regionallJ 111ver.,lt) Liggett

Slhool';, girl;, tenl1lb teamwon one of the battle;, of theGru;'be POinte., III convmllngfa::,hlOn la"t ....eek

Other wIth PR::, wereStevp 11eland, ,Jeffl!ohlfpldt, Todd lJlm h, BillS'lffron, Enc Burton, RobprtRIZZO, Rich Thoma MattSta~ll'\\ ICZ, Dan Z) Im;,kl

thlrd-f,l',te~t fre::,hm,m Inmy 12 ypal::' LoaLhmg here,"Wlbon ::'aJd

Thl'i week, ULS expectedH Iunnel to get a stiffer test fromhe'::, the Gro".,e Pomte South a" a

,orne young kld~ on thl::.yeal '" team who CJn d('vplopmto good runnel" If the) fol-low Pat\ and John, lead'

K,'nn) ;,et a I ecOl d fll!North';, Vermer Pal k lOlll,ewith ,I 1641 dOlkmg Yoihl(h\II.I' aho a pel 'onal I elO! dfOl him

Luudo '" a, "'lOlld m17 26 folio" ed b\ AndvKapOl dell;" Roland\'..LIlULJlLHU ..'l,.h." <.tUl.! X(.1LLMikula

U Andy and Roland bothhad IJlg dlOp" -- 30 to 40~eLOnd" Nate and GregBlalkburn palh dloppeddown to ;,ome good tlm(>~ Ithmk we're ready 101 th('regIOnal (on Oct 2H),"WIl"on "ald

There were ;,evelal othelrunner" who po"ted pel ::,on-al record;" mcludmg Ire::,h-man DaVid Secord

"He wa" our Nom the mert and

Senior~ross country runners set a good example at NorthBy Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

The \ oung I UI1l1e1 ~ onGro::,::,e i'OIntl> J\m th'" bo\'cro;" LOuntl \ team would dowell to follo\\ thp k'ad of::,emor, Pat Kl'nm and ,JohnLucido -- and not Ju,t on thecour::.('

"Pat dnd John <11 e !{rhltexamplh of hO\\ pellph' ,.Indev('lop \\ Ith the light Jttl'tud!' and a lot ollMld \\ 01 K,"aid NOIth walh Pat \Vlhonafter Kenn) and LUCIdo ledthe N 01 ,enlPn to l\laLOmb

• Area Confel ence WhiteDlvl~lOn Vlltolle~ O\el Ea,tDetrOIt 115-50) andChlppeYoia Valle) (15-46 J 1<1::,tweek

"A::. fleshmen, the\ \\eleboth average at b(',t butthey've become quality runners who have medaled In

every mVltatlOnal we\ e ranIn thl;, yeal They\ e come along way I thmk we have


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Thursday, October 12,2000Grosse POinte News I The Connection



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clerical & high tech jobsPlease call or fax

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MOLLY Maid EilstGrossp Pomte MiChlgan now acceptingapplications for exponenced cleaning Pf'rsonnel FUll or rarttimE' ben!'flt<; avadable Monday FridilYPleil<;e call (113\8841441

PART time medical billerlor beautltul GrossePaine office Experi-ence preferredPlease fax resume to3136408031

PART lime dental assIs-tant establish~d general pracllce Crownbndge and cosmeticonented Excellenthourly wage and bonuses Mtnrmum 3years experience andresume reqUired Call(810)7731050 for Intervlew

HYGIENIST needed October 18 30 FleXiblePlease call Sara(313)2590300

FULL or part time ddtdentry clprk HarperWoods Send resumeto Box 07043 c 0

Grosse POinte News& ConnectIOn 96 Kercheval Grosse POinteFarms MI48236

DENTAL receptloilistl

DENTAL r(.cef1trorI"texper e(lc(. preferredbut wrll tra n ylldlilledmdlvidual ClmtonTownship 810 4590931

DENTAL hygienist lorfnendly penodontalpractice Part timehours negotiable Call(313)882 5600

DENT AL hyglemstneedr d lor Fa"tpOlnteoffice (81O)T75 0520


DENTAL asslstantl Recepttonlst supportstall member neededFull or part time POSIlion Computer expenence allentlon to detall profeSSionaltnendly manner Stateat the art high qualitybeautllul 01lice Wagecommensurate WithabIlity Senel or fax resume to Offrce Manager 20039 MackAvpnue Gro<;sePOinte Woods MI48?36 Fax 3138856919 Nole Last weekfax machme mal/unctlOoed F'lease r('submrt resume

DENTAL assistant lulllime Expenence necessary Great hoursBenehts 10 Mile KelII' (810)775-4260

DENTAL ASSistantGrosse POinte' practtce seeking careerminded chalrslde asslstant to be a valuedmember of a dentalleam Full lime POSI-tton Call Mary1313)8844014

ACCOUNTS Receivableanallsl expenencepreferred (810)775-9239 or fax resume(810)775 4221


DENT AL assistant aneXlremely high qualitylast paced pracllcehas an excellent fulltime opportunity lorInendly energeltlc asslstant Competltavesalary With benelitscall (313)881 2480ask for Debbie

PART time child careGrosse POinte FarmsExcellent referencesreqUlfed Full benelltssome travel Fax re-sume (313)4172002orcall (313)4172000

PART time nanny needed to care for our 11/2 year old 2 3 daysper week In ourGrosse POinte homeRelerences reqUired(313,8867236

SEEKING responSiblechild care MondayTuesday Thursday3pm 6pm Transportatlon needed Ollice,313-222-9534

NANNY- In home 3040 hours hourly ratelor 1 year old Must beclean & profeSSionalWith references(313)6404894

HELPI Help' Help' 5month old tnplet boysFull time fleXible Occaslonal travel F-axresume relerencesand contact InformatlOnto 3138860014

IN home day care hasan Immedrate openlnylor a full lime Asslstant Caregiver Paidholidays no weekendsl If your Interested In workmg In a lunfast- paced enVilonment please call 8104(\3472'


Forfln IntrrUIp.1lIPll'ase fall:

Barhara 1I1'th~(kf'H \ 11112(,')00

I<t. ~(,-


• General OHiuBal:kground

• Great TelephoneManners

• Basic ComputerSkills

• Typing &> Spellinga Mustl



Daytime Cashier ancNight Crew

DAMMAN HARDWAREhas full lime openmgs atour Grosse Pomle slore

Compe/rtJ ve wagesmedical & dental familydiscount paid holidays

vacallon pay IExperience conSidered

Application can be madedally atlllOJ Kercheval

BABYSITIER neededIn our home lor active2 year old Part time15 20 hours perweek Call (313)8856127

CAREGIVER. Part time2 children 20 hours!week S150 weekNon smoker leferences (313)881-8251

EXPERIENCED nannyneeded In my homelor 11 month old 3fulldays a week Must beItcensed driver & haveown transportaliOnMust like anrmalsNon smoker References & resume requ red '1 q 117 ') 7?3

SALON Rlelle posillonsavailable lor full limenail techniCian andlull or part lime assIs-tant Please call Danlelle (313)886 3990

WAITSTAFF, full & parttime days flights Willtrain apply 20710Mack Grosse POinteWoods EO E

WORK \\Ith books' Mature IndiViduals wanted lor part time Central Library POSitionsshelVing shelf read

I .....,.., 'h"•• ~ ...H ........ ~........ ";1 I ....

library Perlect lor retrrees $5 15 per hourApplications availableat the Central branchof the Grosse POintePublic Lrbrary


Try Our Job ShareProgram-

- Earn [Htra Ca$$h- Make Your Own

FleHlble Schedule(Office Hours

Mon-Frl Ba- Spl-Work For An Award

Wmnmg ~ewspape-Stay In Your Own

~elghborhoo d





HAIRSTYLIST pas Ilion Looking for aopen Health Insur- new career?ance Joseph 01 Call and see If you qualiGrosse Pomte ty to earn $50 000(311)8822239 We have the systems

l.IBRARY IS hiring sub and the schooling tostttute libranans Day make your dreamslime availability prel come trueerable MLS reqUIred Call Richard Landuyt at

313-885-2000$1400 per hour Ap Coldwell BankerphcaliOns are avalla Schweitzerble at any branch or Grosse POinte Farmssend resumes to Personnel Grosse POinte MR C'S DELIPublic Library 10 Ker No expenence neces<;acheval Grosse POinte ry Cashiers cooksFarms MI 48236 clerks stock help Must

()~ <it It'd::>t 1G Stuj tlll'JLOCALL Yawned coffee pay up to $7 50 based

house looking for on expenenceInendly rehable Indl- Apply at Mr C s Dell,Vidual who loves cof 18660 Mackfee FleXible hours Grosse POinteFarmsNo evenings $8 $9/ Mack at E Warren

881 7392hour Includmg tiPS ask for ChenApply In person 98 Or 20915 MackKercheval, Grosse Grosse POinteWoodsPOinte Farms between 8 & 9 Mile

MAMA Rosa's Plzzerta 884.3880 ask for Donnaneeds phone help RECEPTIONIST admm-cooks, w8Itstaff, pizza Istratlve assistantmakers & delivery needed tor the frontpeople Apply alter line of a busy admlnls4p m 15134 Mack trahve office Must be

MASSAGE Therapist pleasant, patient andMust be certified prolesslonal onContact John or phones Must be reha-Chartes at Lamia & ble well organizedLamia Salon & Day and able to do multi-Spa,313.884-1710 pie tasks qUickly and

accurately Jobs InMOTOWN Gospel Cale clude answerlno a

seekmg help for multi-line phone sys-cooks, walters, walt tem, stulflng and mall Jacobson's, a speCialtyresses dishwashers mg the weekly billing store. has a rich tr8£hExpenenced 313 frllng out SOCialserv tlonal of fine quahty886-4467 313~350.. Ice and Jnemploy- merchandIse and per3265 ment forms and much s01'1ahzed serV1ce We

havtI career opportunlNAIL Tech Part time more 2 years experl ties for the followmg

POSition, Thursday ence With a strong 01 full t"me posItions ACCOUNTS payableSaturday tor busy flce background and a Perma(1ent part limeGrosse POinte salon stable work history re- 'Sales ProfeSSIonals Accounts Payable313-881.4500 qUired Experience In 'Styhsts clerk for east Side In

Unemployment and Jacobson's offers surance Agency 20-PERMANENT part time SOCialService forms a 30 hours per week

evemng cleanmg POSI- piUS but not reqUired reward.1llg careers ,n pnor experience Int G e Po nte a friendly environIon ,n ross I Very competitive sal Accounts payable or

C d d t t h ment with anan I a es mus ave ary, benefits and AIS (Applied) softwaret rt t & attractive benefitsown ranspo a Ion 401 K Please fax re- reqUired Send re-

reliable work history sumes With cover let- package whIch sume to BHA P 0{313)8855571 includes medical,- terto 313-821.0788 viS10C,dental, life Box 36626 Harper

PHOTO lab POSition No RECEPTIONIST need- Insurance, 401 (k), Woods MI 48236expenence necessa- ed for area salon days pensIon plan, 0626ry Mature attitude re- and Saturdays Call long term cbsal"hty,qUire, permanent hire (313)881-7252 lor In. merchancbse ENERGETIC, computerApply In person at tervlew literate clerical assls20229 Mack Avenue, --------- cbscounts, vaoatlon tant needed for downbetween 7 & 8 mile RELIABLE transporta- and holiday time town office Full hme

tlon needed from Apply In Person entry' level generalPUBLIC safety offlcer- Grosse POinte Woods 17000 Keroneval Avenue office POSllton Must

The City of Grosse to Catholic Central GrossePowle have ability to learnPomte Woods IS hlnng High School morn- propnetary programsa full time public safe- mgs (313)885.6520 .J:lcobson:'s and assist With dataII' officer wtlh a start- SALES- full or part time ~ entry proposals andmg salary of $37 124 Benefrts Great for ex- <QUO Opporlun 1\ tmp o,e, correspondence on aResponSibilities m- deadline molivatedClude performing the tra Income Apply,; .~.~. • • • • • • :'l

th J set's P t dependable and ableduties of a police off!- WI m a as ry ~ ..

Shop 21550 Mack ~. JOIN • to work well With othcer, llrefrghter and ba- Closed Mondays • • GYMBOREE'S '. ers Immediate openStC emergency medl --------- •• PLAY & MUSIC. mg Fax resumes tocal techniCian Inter. SECRETARIAU office'. PROGRAM " 313-962-5070ested IndIVIduals must clencal typing and' TEAM. • _be In excellent health computer skills re- • JOB~ AVAlLABn_ , OFFICE manager! c1enhighly molivated, have qUIred Prefer an up PI., & MuSIC cal Mmlmum 30a minimum of two beat molivated' InurU,lors, Olli« &., hours a week Must

rI reacher- ASSistantsyears of college (60 chee ul personality Skill ~nlhUSla,"(& have at least 2 yearscredit hours) and be who enJoys working hardworkongAblhlV expellence With QUickMCOLES certifiable With people 28- 35. 10 lr.d P.rrnt/( h,ld Books applicationPolice oftlcer, flreflght- hours! week 9 30am- .CIIV"''' hpwencc Mlcr0Soft Word and baSIC emer- 500pm Tuesday with chold"'n structlon contracting... Pa.n um~ pOSl1lOni •gency medical technr- Saturday, $101 hour .' ... liable offtce skills (313)885-clan certlflcahon and! Mall to Box 08042 c/o • Morning>,Ahcmoom, 2248or prevIous expen- Grosse POinte News • • beninI!' & Weekend.ence In a muniCipal & Connection 96 Ker- • • No" hmng &~ Irammgsettmg ISpreferred All cheval Grosse Pomte. (,rour POIn,e&.candidates Will be re- Farms MI48236 •• (hnton 1,,1' (en", ,

qUired to submit to SHAMPOO assistant' ~ r!ll ~l~ l!ol_9:-8.~. •phySical and psycho- needed busy salon lo.: •••••• A A • :.l

logical evaluallOns Grosse POinte Farmsand a background m- (313)884-9393vestlgatlon InterestedindIVIduals may re SHORT order cookquest an application wanted Expellencedby willing or m person or Will tram tlexlbleat City Hall Human schedule days orResources, 20025 nights Good payMack Plaza Dnve Harvard Gnll, Mike48236 Applications (313)8829090Will be accepted until TELEPHONE collector,the POSition IS Illred typing skills reqUIredThe City of Grosse Weekdays 30 hourPOinte Woods is an r'1lnlmum $7001 hourEqual OpportuMy (313)884-3346Employer No phonecalls please WAIT staft days part

time No expellencenecessary No Sundays or holidays Apply Within Little Tony's Lounge In TheWoods 20513 MackGrosse POinteWoods


APPU(:ATIOM'J; .... 'l' '81!: O'8T"'lN!:D AND R1!SUMI!'Io


DEP."TMII!:NT 0'"' ~\JfH.'C: SAP'ET'I" 17'4:50 M AllMII!E

gPlOSSE "OINT'II: M I 48230

:,H:l. 88e :l.200














l!\Y~Jj.t& ..LE ATLn:YC:l...e;BK~QFFEE~D' HAw..2L..6QQj.Ef.fE;~..soN.Lll.Y 4..QQr~~~...2QQO



• Full lime eveningHOSTESS & full time

LINE COOKneeded Immediately

Apply Tom's OysterBar, 15402 Mack Ave.Grosse Pomte Park

HARVEY'S CompleteTraveler needs holi-day help 313-881-0200,313 886-8387

W8Itstalf needed, busyrestaurant Apply With.m Village Gnlle16930 Kercheval

HAIRSTYl.IST assistantfor busy GrossePomte salon Full limeposlliOn, excellenttrammg opportu nlty forrecently licensed cos-metologist Please call313-8814500 for In.tervlew

GRAPHIC deSign, desk-top publishing, wordprocessing High pro-file real estate IlrmFleXible hours Sendrc..:;umes to Box33041, cIa GrossePOinte News & Con.nectlon 96 KerchevalGrosse Pomte FarmsMI48236

GROSSE Pomte HuntClub- MaintenanceSupervisor SalanedWith vacation andhealth benelits In-qUire ....Ith Club Man-ager (313)884.9090

GARDNER! handyman-Grosse POinte, fulltime IndiVidual Withextensive gardenmgexpenence for perma-nent pOSitIOn Somemamtenance/ handy-man work Excellentreferences and dnvlngrecord reqUired Faxresume (313)4172002 or call (313)4172000

FULL lime receptionistfor Harper Woods lawfilm Employer paidmedical, disability &life Insurance also401 K plan EO EMail or lax resume toAdministrator, 20480Vernier Road, HarperWoods MI 48225Fax 313.882-7630

EXPERIENCED Pamters & carpenterswanted GrossePOinte area Top pal'lPlease call (313)8857300

FASHION deSign com-pany- lookmg tor ahighly organized de.tall onented person toperform clerical tasks,receptlonlsV data en-try Salary commensurate With expenenceBenefits Call Debbie@ 313885-1355 orfax resume to 3138850644

EDUCATIONAL professlonal deSired m childdevelopment BA InEarly Childhood Development ASSOCIates or C 0 A accepted 313886-1916


CADIEUX Cafe now hI[Ing kitchen staff, waltstaff & hostesses Apply at 4300 Cadieux

CAREGIVER to supervise prepared mealsfor elderly gentlemanWeekends approximately 10 12 hOLlr"total $81 hour Students welcome Leavemessage 810 2931766


Grosse Pomte News &Till! COflfllMIQII

~~Mature person needed

lor ollice help8 30am - 2 30pmMonday - FridayResponsible for

processing paymentsbilling vendors,

helping With telephonescustomer service

data entryGreat workingenvlronmentt

Please send resumeor letter to

Circulation Department96 Kercheval,

Grosse POinte Farms,MI48236

DEPARTMENT of Public Works The publiCsafety offlcer- TheCity at Grosse PomteWoods IS acceptingapplications for three(3) temporary POSI-tions In the Depart-ment of PubliC WorksResponslbllilies Include, but are not lim-Ited to curbSide leafpick-up, grass cuttlrgand general mainte-nance The POSitionsWill not extend beyonda 90 day employmentpenod The wage rateIS $900 per hourHours 01 employmentare Monday thru, 7 30am to4 OOpm Applicantsmust possess a highschool diploma or theGED eqUivalent Inter-esled IndiViduals mayrequest a'1 applrcabonby wntlng or In personat City Hall, HumanResources 20025Mack Plaza Dnve48236 ApplicationsWill be accepted untilOctober 23, 2000The City of GrossePointe Woods is anEqual OpportunityEmployer No phonecalls please

DIRECT care Job train-ers needed In Sl ClairShores, 8 30am-430pm, Monday' Fn-day MORC or CLStraining preferred, butwill train Competitivebenefit package Must have validMichigan dnver s li-cense If Interestedplease call (810)771-5077

DIRECT care staff forgroup home, full timeBenefits 810-7754013

DISHWASER wanted-Apply at Harvard Gnll16624 Mack GrossePOinte (313)882-9090

DRIVER and deSigner HOSTESS, server,needed Smoke- free cook dishwasher Ap-environment Mancu- ply at Telly's Place,so Flonst (313)886 20791 Mack Avenue,8200 Grosse POinte

EARLY bird needed to Woodsopen parking structure INSURANCE staff POSI'at Cottage Hospital t'on Grosse Pomte5a m- 3p m Monday ASSist Agent With mar-thru Fnday, Must be a ketmg, serviceself- starter & highly Knowledge of msurmotivated $7 50/ ance helpful Willhour Benefits after 90 train Fax resumedays 3t3-640 2550 313886-1058
















I FAX RI!SUMI! TO 3 I 3 259 3744 III, fqu3I OplX'r un,ly F mplOy.~ :v~e~dlU9 Iree .. ork 1".01 I

COOK- ~'III r'lrt ''''''eDays, nights ResponSible punctual appli-cants only Apply atYour Place Lounge17326 E Warren

COOKSI waitressMornings and afternoons good tiPSIGrosse POinte area(313)824-4624

Customer ServiceReps (Harper Woodsoffice) needed5 30pm- 9 30pm Mon-day- Thursdayl 9am-3pm Saturday Goodohone skills & salesbackground helpfulWill train Work athome IS option. 32year old family bUSI-ness also needs man-ager/ supervisor Ex.cellent pay plan Ka-ren 313.886.1763

DELIVERY Agent,Downtown DetrOit$$$ Great 2nd Income$$$ USA Today hasan early morning de-livery route availableIn downtown DetrOitroute takes about 2hrs!day delivery timeand earns approxI-mately $160- 200/week Must be avail able 4 -9a m Monday-Fnday, have goodcredit, dnver s licenseand a fully msured de-pendable vehicleQualified candidatescall 800- 778-5266 ext235

DEPARTMENT of Pub-lic Works- The City ofGrosse POlnfe WoodsIS hlnng two (2) fulltime Operator II pOSI-tions to work m theDepartment of PublicWorks Responsibili-ties Include but arenot limited to the oper-ation and routine serv-ICing of trucks load-ers, tractors back-hoes and other lightconstruction equip-ment, operaling'streetsweepers leaf load.ers, mowmg andspraYing machines,all compressors per-forming manual laborby maintaining repair-Ing, constructing, in-stalling or servicingCity equipment andproperty, and snow-plowing Interested m-dlvlduals must have avalid dnver's licensewith a CDL endorse-ment ability to walkand stand for long pe-nods of lime and per-form strenuous physl'cal labor Wage ratevanes from $1498 to$15 76 per hour ThiSIS a union poslllOnApplications may berequested m wntmg orm person at City Hall,Human Resources20025 Mack PlazaDnve 48236 Appllcatlons Will be accepteduntil October 232000 The City ofGrosse POinte WoodsIS an Equal Opportuni-ty Employer

COMPUTER assistantlibrary IS hiring acomputer assistant for19 hours per week,flexible schedule Fa-mllianty with computerhardware and software essential Salary$11 00 per hour Appllcatlons available atand branch or sendresumes to Personnel Grosse POintePublic Library, 10 Kercheval Grosse POinteFarms MI 48236

Thursday, October 12,2000Grosse Pointe News I The Connection





'RaU<t-~92~ THRH \111 F OR


HAll RI'I(' Very Inqr I Ihnpej tf<, I", Wl'hf( If nw IT It!( hl()(kl hH.Jlli1Q(' ()(fH"'. ht1lr\ ! ...tN'" h Inrito ~<.. ~ H It I... )ftH r ~11rph(<, • h('\t .. f dr(lw( r<, 1-.. m, rt

')r1l( In h 1\. mr-nl oN. q Iwqt ,nit~lrrrl nllmbt'rs honort'd at 900 fnday

lOOK fOR THE RAIN1l0W'"O,T01lFR 211TH HAll ~AI £1

VINTAGE CLOTHES 8r ACCESSORIESW. 011have IIemt t<>o nIC. to ~ or tel In 0 gorov-sole CoNldet NlIng 1Mm. Looking for -.ry t'OO • to

1970 l ~ tI\oes, hon<I>ogI, ~ J-elry.hOts. ~' -"'*'0 w_. C<lUture.

TOP PRICES PAID0Qn't MIltcD cQII todaY. :Me-N4-~



"Michigan's Largest Bookstore" Smce 1965- Clip & Save this Ad -

._.;:-~ $YF ~-

Grosse Pointe sales, IDe..Estate -AppraL~ -HOU'iclloId lJqwdabon Serv1ce

Renee >\. Nixon

p pboard! setller La~speaker tuner Dlnl'"room lable (Kmdell), Achairs (cherry) PairCane back chall'$,Chinese framed PIColure Pair Brandt endtables Green lIellietsofa Mahogany cof-fee table Round endtablel chest (He nt-age) Howard Millerclock! CUriO Framedpnnts Schwmn XR7exercise bike Metalsheilies TV tables:"'.:.rrp;; (910)777

4953 between 4 00-9 OOpm


(Fine Furniture& Antique Shop)

506 S WashingtonRoyal Oak, MI

Antique baroque andir-ons Selleral sets of

mahogany Chippendaledining room chairs by

Baker Furniture Compa.ny (4 to 12 per set)

Additional sets of claSSICstyled dining room

chairS Fabulou~ tradi-tional mahogany diningroom tables (condo to

banquet size) Complete9 piece mahogany1930 s Chippendale

style dmlng room setHand made Onental

rugs (Sarouk, Kashan,Klrman, Deco, morelLarge Baker break-

fronts china cabinets,Sideboards, buffets

Kmg and queen Sized 4poster beds mahoganybedroom sets and mis-

cellaneous bedroompieces ExqUiSite Pem-broke tables (Williams-burg reproduction andBaker Company) a,lpalntmgs, bookcases.

CUriOcabinets, chande.hers bonnet- top hIgh-boy Chippendale cam-

elback and DuncanPhyla sofas Secretary

desks (CIrca 1850.1940's) Expandawaytables. game tables


248-545-4110MOVING must sell Drex-

el bedroom set. glasstop 1940 dining roommahogany. table. SIXchairs, buffet, best of-fer (313)882-7105

ENTERTAINMENT Cen- NEW Bentwood rocker.ter- 3 piece pine Broyhill dinette tablel$700 Desk- girls' 6 chairs, dmette tablelwhite and hutch, $60 2 Chairs (313)886-Couch With 2 green 2856rocker rechners $200 ---------Antique 1877 buller QUEEN Anne diningchurn cabmet, $100 room set, Includes,(313)882-2448 78' ollal table, 6

Shleldback chairs &EXECUTIVE desk. 70X hghted china cabinet

36, matching creden $2,0001 best offerza 70X 20 contem- 313-885-1359porary oak lIeneer QUEEN size motionlessglass top book- water bed, wood basesheilies leather Side With drawers hardlychair (313)884-7435 used $300 NordiC

KING sIze name brand, Track Pro $75 3 per-complete mattress son sofa eclecllc de-set Neller used s1111 slgn- 18 months oldIn package Warranty $350 (313)640-7725can delilier Retail RCA TV sofa. chair, ta-$999 sell $369 810- bles, lamps mlsc306-1999 Items (313)884-5083

ARMOIRE- gorgeousdeSigner piece Mustsell $1 4001 besl810-790-1199

BAKER sofa 100 mch- 4cushion, blue lIertlcalpaltern like new Bestolfer (313)886-7022

BEDROOM set- frUItwood dresser Withmirror chest doublebed With mattress,spring (313)884 7059

BEDROOM set- fullSized headboardfootboard. dresserl~ th rnlrrnf'" mFtUfpc;c;-

es maple $2001 best(313)885-9272

BEDROOM set tWingirls off white FrenchProllenclal Good con-dition $500 Call after3pm, (313)882-6672

BLACK Iron double bedgilded hlghhghts."Rutherford- CharlesP Rogers Co Cata-log $1,499 Must sell$475 (313)886-7824

CHARMING vintage din-Ing room table, 6chairS and setller$350 beautiful ma-hogany chma cabinet$300 2 contemporaryend tables and coffeetable $75 (313)640-9113

CHINA! armolre- 3 Sidedglass, frUitwood Cus-tom by ThomasllilleExcellent condition(810)726-9550

CHURCH pew- Wonderful onglnal 8 foot pewWith finials and ongl-nal fllllsh from oldestchurch m DetrOit$1 ,500 King Books(313)961-0622

DINING room set- Hent-age Collection. a 14piece solid cherrywood, 94" double padestal table With 2leaves 8 Chippendalechairs, buffet. hutchAll DOlle tall nelleropened stili boxedCost $11,000 sell$2750 Sell/er $395313-477-0979

DUNCAN Phyle tableand 4 chairs, $100Weight bench With at-tachments $50 Deskand chair, $35 Twotwin headboard! foot-board sets $50 each(313)642 0659

.......~:::t'" e C.e ~,..G ..."'l 0"';:: <::ro l.-~ a.... ... ~-

1 ~...~..(;.",,,

{ ...nthli.( 1III phtl I111 ~H2 -~6"l




50'S 60'S furniturelamps, tables, chathbedroom furmture

lamps tables chaIrSbedroom furniture

desks, good &: costumeJewelry, TV's, kitchenItems, tools. refngerator, palntlngs, lots ofnew picture frames

glass, clothingMuch, much more'


M &"l-" F<;T I>. TF <;1>.1FS23119 ALGER





A bed- brand newName- brand queenmattress and box setNeller used stili Inpackage Retails$599, sell $18900Warranty and can de-hiler 810-306-1999

A bed- a brand newname brand 18'queen mattress setWith manufacturerswarranty, neller usedstili m package Cost$899 Sell $235 Candehller (313)477-0979

EXCELLENT dry, seas-oned hard woods forsale $65 face cord.dehllered PioneerTree Setlilce(810)463-3363

FIREWOOD- free dellll-ery, free stacking, freekindling Mixed, seas-oned $701 face cord313-882-1069


SUPERB French deskThomasllille bedroom.queen KillengerFrench dresser, Kin-del chest on chesl 4Onental rugs rare18th c Chinese urns,pair of alabasterlamps GreenhillApartments 21514Greenhill Rd 3pt 142building 38 Farmington Hills 248427-1444

"Iarc" \1ll~n I RRI 2R49

.~~tatL ~aJc\

.Ha~emcnt to ~ttll OrganJlatlOn

2 dryersMaytagi





A TremendousAntique Estate Saleby Everyth ing Goes

Friday. Saturday. October n- 14. 10- ..Sunday. October 15. 11 ~

204 Osprey Drive. Walled taket 0", Ponttac Tnll J mlk '\OU(h of Mapte (I,. Mile)

Entirehouse slud0 & t"nll Packed wllh ant quefur"lilure &. accessor f'S Cohec' O'"'1~')f 0 I K "de,.

')c ude f gunnes steln\ n' nloture' cloe" b ae,orl due" teapol' tins botll'" to¥, bell' c::mdl"

,tlds patb"lly stoves IndiO'], (rock, lobv scarvlnQs dolloe;. hats fnrm h..Jl. ;, Of m t v('s patternglass clowns loW, "Ie-ouelt", /lollery artwork

rugs& mare AI,o ch",ls ,toods P e '01'" museboxes bureau oak furn t Jfe d splay~ mirrors chinacabinet chOlrl & roryers dop hm blltter churnsIcebo, wash stondl slaves bokers tobl" HOOSIer

cabinet Oe(rll ana I"bl"s /lPW barber cha rV,tlorlon I Jrnlur" & tons more

Sole hothne 2118'188 1077www everl{lhl'"lQ Qoes com

ESTATE SALE'55 Woodland Shores,Grosse Pomte Shores

Antique furniture modern dmmg room set,outaoor furnllure, Silver, chma, V"tonan

laveseal 1mem, /ewelrr., bedroom set, mirrorsphotography eqUipment, pam'mgs,

~94 Je~p "Grand CnerolreeMuch more'

Saturday, 8am 4pm

II 'l\!1tfimne 5I.mofd attd .=L~oClate.:...


i.,.\tau ....a{(\


~ \(trlJrlj ...aft,

. lPt"L'"~• R..! rrtrl(1


HOUSE & garage In-cludes Stlffel lampsEthan Allen dinetteset & end tables.desks, bedroom setchest twin bed,books linen, kitchen-ware, washer & dryer,trunk, patio set, snow-blower, tools powertools & much more'Fnday & SaturdayOctober 13 & 14Open at 10am Num-bers exchanged at930am 14238 l'lan-hoe Warren Off 12Mile east of Schoenherr, north on St Edmunds Dnlle left onTalbot to the saleEhte Estate Sales

SATURDAY onlyl 9am-4pm sharp 4135Bishop Antique ChI-nese fumlture Noearly birds

E~ECTRIC "tv.... $6~Gas stove. $95 Refrlgerator, $120Washer $110 Dryer$100 Deliliery 810293-2749

FREE electllc stolle AIso Kenmore extralarge capacity washer.$50 (313)642-0659

G,E. gas dryer brandnew used 2 months$285 Aller 5p m313.881.8382

GOOD buyl Washer &dryer electnc $75each 313-886-1821

KENMORE automatICwasher. 70 senesheally duty $135(313)865-7437

KENMORE washer & .---------.dryer, 8 years old ex- BOOKScellent condition l3ough~ & Sold$150 or best oller LIBRARY BOOKSTORE(810)285.1005 248-5454300

WASHER. rehable extra III H_ llllYfllgll'l'fld4bklarge Whlrlpooll dryer It! s.-mnllllt'lGE gas $135/ pairKaufman storm door36x 80, $20 313.642.0834

2 washers.$501 $75Whirlpool5906

DRYER Kenmore gasRecently recondi-tioned $50 (313)4172270


TWO wrought Irongates 7 high slopinggates Can be usedfor dnlleway gates$500 each 313-8826316 after 6pm


I \ I \II ,\. 1 '\ \ II \ \1 t "-

\ \\ j :,\1 '\ ~,\ t-..

, \ I 'II \1'll' \ \ \1\








$300 WITH AD



I'IE AREALSOl()()~"(, TOrVRC H -\Sl F1n< Ch .. a

< no'lotal SlIHf 011 PoIlntln)CSFunllture C01tume &


If 'ou Ha\e Lnu!oualllrm\ IIIou Iffl \Iould \ppeal To ,,-SeII theTreasures '" Your Home on ebay.rom

\ \\OR] D \\lDl 'W We do the war" -- vou get thl monevl

l\lU\E1 AUDIf\CE I Call expulenlcd onhne aUltlOn bro"cr~ at\1<1\111wa:ch PhOloAnd 1\C,rldmar"Llalll \\ ) J \-886-5196

StIl'ourll"",forlouThrou~!1 I WeorEmdllU\al "orldmar"elallL\\(ahomelom

PI,a~I~;~~:~;,I~~o:t~'I e Speclahze In AUCtI~on~sO~fVI~ntd~" ~~

locum 1\THrowCHLRCH U

'ih~ l.afa\eIlL I "ie~ t:! ..._... SaltJRO\aIOa~ ~

\Iandal ';alurdaj II 6 II


~lhJ'ifuii @~Gr~ lbint~ N~ws


(313)882-6900 ext. 3

TOWN Hall Antiques forthe best seleclion ofquality merchandiseDowntown RomeoOpen 7 days a week10-6 (810)752-5422

WANTED: collectibles,antiques, artwork ofall types Immediatecash Free appraisals(248)b52.0158

THE Grosse PomtePublic Library ISspon-SOling "Ask the Ap-praiser" on Saturday,October 28 2000 atthe War MemOrialBring In your jewelrysculpture. palnllngssillier and objects dartto be appraised by Joseph DuMouchelleand Melinda Adducciof Joseph DuMou-chelle Jewelry Auc-tioneers from lOam-3pm There Will be alecture at 900am onbUying and sellmgJeweln; at auction mthe 21st century Formore information goto our web sitewww gp lib ml us andclick on 'Books on theLake


/)/ !lrt/,Itt/lJtI,,~ ART ArPR"'I\~R~ & A' (TIO'ttR~ "'1( ~ 1'127

409 E JeHerllOn Ave Detrol'TEL (3t3) 963-6255 FAX (313) 963-8199

wwwdumouctlelles com

• -t",,,//{'/; q/ Mr' :~rl/Ir/'l"'';Friday,October20that 6 30 P m

Saturday October21st alII 00 a mSunday, October22nd at Noon

ExhltKtlon Ho\IrsFrida,. October13th9'30a.m..5.3OIl m

SatllnWt,October14th9:308m • 5.3Op mTu y, October' 7"' 9 300 m •• 5 301>'m •

W " October' 81h9,30a.m.•5:3Op,m.


~f AT I~ ",r THE E'S"A.TE or VAfW \. I: .....H q () Ex f.('TO~ ~Y g BAl'1ArmO-,'~ F "'CLUON(, VPOP,~"'N'" AN .~(S vSlC..,ART")TSA'i

I)~N F ~Ef.l ~ ~G .,~ W II A\l 'Nl IA'MS ... "" .. IE; l-'E:'.r YA t<~~ AOOI..F-"Cr"EI'ER H~NRv STlJLl GFOR(',E cNSUl c,TE-r~ ~~( SLVff'~Cl I IN[,APA ROFCA.N)FLA~R" ATl'"A~COFFrf ....U AF .. fm Elf AN)CO~J1POTEo:., rO ....,.- E~iA ,ol."TW.AlH- FeArY&

((} e,-rEH "i. ~ f"lA. ....kl nqE~")(R sr A ~ 1 F NE £Wf ~v ~r~E ~STA.~[

)~t ~~e,~;T~~~r~~oH6TT~~~6~~~~~~TEt,~~JH( r" NT "it", rl~OM

o A NT NC'" fW i/V Ll A.~ <;HA.VER C;~~ (J~E.F ", 1M" S r~OBF '1 <;conDl NCAN MATI--' A<.,JO<;r::l H Al-(f>l ~Ot1N G rROWN O';Ef,.-l W C. E')

~~l~~f~~';:~l~~~:~;~ AV JA.COA EP'-lTE N rJ ~ CH PAH ~ f'~N E

1, '-'I ') Thr F ~n"'TlPf ... nfrORATO'N Ar.Fq~"N"H~1lE lOu"-l\(\1 "'TV EAR ';'>O~ uP~Ol ",TH~F D SIl, O. t At: 'i HI: {~E V VAl W~ t.u'" rA~E' v CTORIA", P Eli ~ ~ {1)4( "-CA<"ON ~ HAML'"~A'W CR .. >.; p ~~O An'" (' A')~ LA'JIP<; fW" n ,,"'....HAM F A~[)A HF 0' T r ;~Oi\,jl£ AMP flY O<.,C"A 8,1l,C r )~"'JOO VA":.F ~yH RIIVA,IoJIl, UJ ('~()nrE 1/ c, VER r ... F ArNA F fW W') H"W~P~

A [) ') ......, ...,~EQl Nf F ..,TWA.RE WAl AC .... 1..'1) VA 1 ~ CHA. f... ONE" A V CHEtAN('"ElO INiH~"'M '"A "('VA }••~'-:.HFA~ Ff N'-:. ~O'("'L WOf,r[s"'(R OONC,Il,C,.E ... V()(ES (H lLONr f O~(t AN')N:NEn~€RVrE<;C~"" rr A ~nc:r,EST 0 TOMA~.('Olr rAr ~ .ATE" 1<0 ~'"( 1M (E~~A.N W'rlf-El lOC~ P ~TOL (fl FAll '.( "')( (A"l

ON Vrr ...A-. CAL OA.W( C !fIBS A 1')f,q F~OL~'"~IOVrt .., \IF ~ ';HAf)('WSf )""-1 A W.P E-ry OF FINE JEWEl ~~V on f~~TAl'~ ('" ~POl,ol -,['.-1"'~T Quf"'O VOOErlN



ANTIQUE SHOWHistone Franklin

Village & Cider MillOctober 20, 10am-8pmOctober 21. 1Dam-5pm

FranklinCommunity Church

Franklin Road atWellington between13 & 14 Mile RoadWest of Tei':::graphAmencan, English

antiques decoratille arts& accessones,

linens onentals brass,Majolica, etcBake Sale-

Country CafeAdmiSSion $6 00(248)626-6606


ANN Arbor AnliquesMarket October 15Sunday. 7am- 4pm At5055 Ann Arbor Sal-lI1e Road. eXit #175off 194 then south 3miles At the Washte-naw Farm CounCilGrounds Over 300booths In quality anti-ques and IIlntage col-lectibles, all undercOlier AdmiSSion$500 Free parkll1gNo pets please Don'tmiss the hunt Hopeto see you there"


CARE gilier for elderlyand mflrmed Will helpWith bathing, admlnlstenng medicatIOnhouse c1eanmg, laundry, cookll1g, transportaMn, etc Excellentreferences (313)527-0881

CERTIFIED aid, f,lleyears expenence. de-pendable, rehable,own transpprtatlon.seeks one client, fleXI-ble (313)527-6713

EXPERIENCED caregilier allailable Ten-der iOllmg, canngFleXible hour, referen-ces 313.922-6430


NEAT Nlks will clean for FURNITURE refinished,you 2 hard workll1g repaired stnpped anygirls, honest depend- type of caning Freeable Reasonable estimates 313 345rates Excellent refer- 6258 248-661-5520ences Call Nicole MAKE- up lIanlty and(313)871-2466 double bed dark wal

OPENINGS allallable for nut ornate and beaucleaning 8 years ex- tlful $1 0001 bestpenence Grosse Ellenll1gs 313884POll1tel Bloomfield 3237Hills references Lille ---------In Grosse POintePark Reasonablerates Call Julia al734-383-6547

POLISH ladles allailable Housecleaning 6uears experience mGrosse POinte areaReferences 313.875-5470, lealle message

SEEKING pOSitionhousekeeping laun-dry, cooking Excel-lent referencesPlease call (810)447-1071


teamsResldenllall CommerCial

Setlllcing since 1981313-582-4445

www houseketeers com

WOULD you hke yourhome cleaned? Start-II1g, $50 Good refer-ences Marla(810)725-0178




(MAID) from heallenll

Home or office clean-Ing Call Chnsline(810)773-2826

BEST cleaning Sell/lCel


DANA and Ella clean-II1g Ladles clean yourhouse qUickly Cheap,good, experiencedreferences (GrossePOinte) Please call313-850-8313, 313-365-9483

ENGLISH speaking Pol-ish lady seeks housecleaning POSition De-pendable, references(313)869-8216

EXPECT THE BESTEuropean Style House-cleaning ProfeSSionallaundry & Ironing Supel\llsed expenenced.hardworking Experts

since 1985 In TheGrosse POinte area

Known for rehabillty, effi-ciency and dependabl-Ity Bonded & Insured

Please call313-884-0721

EXPERIENCED clean-Ing With a personaltouch, makmg yourlife easier Tammy(610)775-5604

EXPERT cleaning doneIn your office Willwork ellenlngs 810-801-7898, 810-776-,900

GRIFFIN Cleanmg Company Residential!commercial (313)393-0285

LISA'S Quahty CleaningSetlilce. Reliable af-fordable Homes &apartments only References allallableSaliSfacllon guaran.teed (810)778-2646

MATURE lady Wishes tobe companion for eld-erly & run errands810-774-9032

PO I NIT CRRE SERUlCESFull Part TIme Dr llue-m

Personal Care,CompanionshIpInsured BondedMary Ghesqulere

GrossePOinte ResIdent313-885-6944


DAY CARE FACILITIES(In-home & centers)

must show theircurrent hcense toyour adllertlslngrepresentatille

when plaCing your adsTHANK YOU


DAY CARE FACILITIES(m-home & centers)

must show theircurrent hcense toyour adllertlsmgrepresentatille

when plaCing your adsTHANK YOU

LICENSED day caremom has opemngsMonday- Thursday,8a m- 5p m 10 & Jef-ferson area (810}779-5577



& ..


looking for a change?

WaoNermultiple pay program. to meetall at your needs

NEWAGENTSTakead.anlage at our exclusive mentorand

tree training program.

FREECAREERSESSIONSEVERYWEDNESDAYCall today 'or your privataandconlld8nllal IntervieW

Ask 'or Mrs Nelson313.886-5040MORETHANA JOB IT S A CAREER'




Pt£Kj' IQ__a!!Qn fro.!!' 1S ''!!@ld wrnnrll9..2t!i!;t.,BrIghton Clarkston Clinton Town.hlp Fraaer

GrossePolntaWoods,LeXIngton.New Batllmore

Novi Port Huron,RocheslerHIli. RoyalOak,St Cia" Shores,Sterling He'ght. Troy



COfIlIptIJI'IOft C4Il"tflvtrs prc\ IdePe'r~ora lare r e2'1 T' 2, rooking& l,lL .. l"d \ \ & I j \ Ralf"~

Ins ... d & 800do4Ott AUfD GrossI' POUUI! Rt1o!dfl:lt




rA+ Live-ins Ltd.


DAY CARE FACILITIES(In.home & centers)

must show theircurrent hcense to your


when plaCing your adsTHANK YOU



CAREGIVER! compan-Ion- seeking elderlycare Monday- FndayOwn car References(313)388-4976

ALWAYS rehable li-censed Mom Com-fortable, stable home1-941 9 mile Mealsactlllities References810-777-8602


PRIVATE aide for moth-er m nursing homeSaturday & Sundaymornings, 7- 11 Mon-day thru Fnday elle-nlngs, 5 8 Call 313-882-5844

SOFTWARE- Account-Ing & Medical Full orpart time Go gellersonly DBC Systems(810)776-2650

,; ..~ .. .. . ..

~ LOOKING~ FOR A NEW• • CAREER'? .4•• Call &Ddoee Ir""u .'• quallf,.", earn •• (150.000 W. have the .,

4 syateDlJl aDd the ., 4• .cbool.Dlf '" •~: dn='::"~ur &rue : 4

: '<:&11 Richard Landuyt. :~ ' .. 313-885.2000 • •• •Coldwell Banker' •.' Schweitzer • •• G P Farms •.... .. .. .. .. .. ~~ :.tI

GROSSE POinte interiordeSign firm Immedlate opening for parttime In store salesKnowledge of deSignhelpful not reqUiredMust work Saturdays313-886 1880

Are You Setlous AboutA Career In

Real Est3te?We are senuu::.<louul

your success''Free Pre licensing

classes'Exclusille Success'Syslems Training

Programs'Varlety Of CommisSion

PlansJOinThe No 1

Coldwell Banker affiliateIn the Mldwesl'

Call George Smale at313-886-4200

Coldwell BankerSchweitzer Real Estate

DISORGANIZED execu- r-v------Y"'Itille seeks part time ~-.( OHl't TENl HOME I

assistant 10 orgamze ( .tHE \fRH( Eslacks of paper and ("re~IIr" ''''"\( keep",~,It ,,(fo"/Clt>Ie",tesdocuments Looking LIce","" Ho",ledfor 2 4 hour shilts hmlll, o'''''d "'''" 19MEllemngs and! or • ,~IO 772 (lOi~ - •

weekends Pay andtime flexible 3134382177

f ,

Thursday, October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News I The Connection


1990 BUick Somerset,auto Runs great$950 Big 0 Auto(313)5262070

1998 Cadillac SeVilleSLS 35000 miles,white diamond walnulwheel tflm Sharpwarranty $26000(313)8820650

1988 Cadillac SedanDeVille Runs great$950 81g D Auto,(313)5262070

1985 Cadillac Fleetwood8rougham light blueWith blue plush inten-or one owner 60000actual miles $4 000(313)882.3470

1987 Cadillac 2 doorblack super sharpMust see & dnve$2,995 810-523.3356

1996 Chevrolet Corslda4 door, auto air, V6,38 000 miles Powerlocks Stereo- cassette Warranty in-cluded $6,950 RinkePonllac GMC 810-497-7699

1996 Chevy Monte Car-io Z34- 65 000 milesCourtney, (810)776-0036

1991 Chevy Baretta- Ex-cellent carl conditIOnClean, 84,000 miles$3,5001 best 313-882-8016

1988 Chevy Cavalier72,000 onglnal milesdeep red, minI Inten.or Great car Hate togive up (313)331-6857

1998 DeVille, moonroof, 12 CD changer,moonstone 36Kmiles $21 500 313-5985268

1995 Grand PriX SE, 4door excellent condl-lion (313)884-4726

1991 Oldsmobile Royale88- 6 cylinder, 33,000miles 4 door autoair, power Windows &locks, very cleanWarranty Includedl$5 450 Rinke PontiacGMC, 810-497-7699

1994 Pontiac SunblrdLE, 4 door, red,65,000 miles GreatconditIOn $4 0001best offer 810-776-1588

1989 Pontiac Sunblrd,$950 313-824-4412

1997 Saturn SW 2 wag-on, automatiC, air,42,000 miles PowerWindows & locks Veryclean warranty In-

cludedl $9 850 RinkePontiac GMC 810497-7699

1997 Saturn SU- se-dan, automatic air,stereo- cassette, tilt49 000 miles, likenewl Warranty Includ-ed, $8,350 RinkePontiac GMC 810-497-7699

1986 Sunblrd GT Fastback auto 27 000one owner real miles$3,000 Big D Auto,(313)526-2070

1994 Sunblrd, 2 doorair, 85,000 mIlesclean runs good$3595 810-7799057

1990 Sunblrd autoGood winter dnve$950 Big D Auto(313)526-2070

TAX deductible dona-tions- auto boat, etcSpeCial OlympiCs!Wertz Warnors, 1-877-3662831

LEASE: get out erly'Wanted to buy yourlast 6 month CallAlan (313)8858619

DONATE your carsboats R V trucksproperty to MISSingChildren ProJect- for atax donatIOn(313)8849324

DONATE your boat'clean Lake St ClalrlWe are here founda-tion (810)7782143,100% tax deductible!non-profll

1997 BUick Park Avenue43,000 miles excellent condition pres.tlge option $14000(313)8845083

1994 BuICk Regal GranSport 3800 V6Moonroo! ledther42 000 miles Oneowner warranty m-c1uded $7 950 RinkePontiac GMC 810497-7699




1994 black Cadillac Se-dan DeVille 4 doorfront wheel dnve au-tomatic V8 fUllyeqUipped leather Inteflor $9900 (313)6400201

1993 Chrysler Concord,clean automatiC, air$3450 17355 Mack

1989 dodge Dynasty 4door V6 one owner55 000 miles I FUllyloaded very clean I

$4 450 Rinke PontiacGMC 810497 7699

1989 Dodge Dynastyvery clean dependa-ble $3 495 Call(313)882-5488

1990 Laser, AutoDreamer special$450 Big D Auto(313)526-2070

1998 Plymouth Breeze4 door excellent con.dtlOn 29,000 miles$9500 (313)8844726





(313)882-6900 ext. 3

Gr~ Pomt~ N-zwsCO)]4JloN




1980- 1990 Hondasfrom $500 Police 1m.poundsl For Iislings1-800-319-3323 ext3750

1993 Cougar LS Brougham- Very clean, Ask-Ing $6,500 (313)566-7199, (313)999-1739

1998 Escort Wagon- lowmiles, factory warran-ty, automatic, air,AM/FM cassette$8,9001 best(313)882-4309

1991 Escort, 4 doorhatchback, auto, all'AM/FM cassette$2,500/ best 313-882-4309

1991 Escort, bnght redCute car Winter drive$1,200 Big 0 Auto,(313)526-2070

1997 Ford Taurus LXblack, 4 door 6 cylln'der 43 000 miles$10,750 (313)884-7098

1997 Ford Taurus GL-59,000 miles, darkgreen, $8,950(313)886-6572

1997 Ford Escort- LXwagon, auto air, tilt,crUise, stereo- cas-sette 34,000 milesWarranty Includedvery cleanl $7850Rinke Pontiac GMC810-497-7699

1993 Ford Ranger. Ex-tended cab XLT, 5speed stick, 80 000miles $5,900 810-942-9586

1992 Ford Explorer- Alu-minum wheels run-ning board, new transmiSSion warranty$4,000 Pager 313-601-0131, leave num-ber no messages

1995 Grand MarqUIS LSloaded, $7,4001 bestNice car, loaded 313-886-9860

2000 Lincoln Continen-tal perfect, leather,heated seats 5000miles Days 810-773-7760, evenings, 313-881-2578

1999 Chrysler Town and 1994 Mercury CougarCountry Llmlted-Loaded dual doors XR7 black Like newleather heated seats low mileage $8,900

313-886-7953gold exterior taupe In-tenor 43000 miles 1992 Mercury Cougarmostly highway LS V-6 Full power$22000 (810)826- clean, excellent condl-8814, (313)331 4275 tlOn, $3,800 313-886-

34631999 Chrysler Sebnng

LXI' 9000 mllesl 1987 Mercury Sable-leather V6 auto air 41,000 real milesmoonroof perfect' Leather auto $2 500Save thousandsl Bal- Big D Auto (313)526-ance of factory war. 2070ranty $14950 Rinke 1995 Mustang GT con-Pontiac GMC, 810 vertlble Greenl tan497 7699 top Garage kept

--------- Great condition1996 Chrysler Town & $10,800 (313)640-

Country $11645 4110Non-smoker 54 498one owner 16820 1990 Mustang GT con-Kercheval vertlble 2nd owner,

low miles stored Win-1998 Dodge Neon- Mint ters excellent condl'

loaded automatiC, tlon $8 0001 bestCD sunroof many 313-8858466extras 48k Asking 1989 Probe- auto runs$7500 (248)373- great $950 Big D Au-8868 to (313)526-2070

1992 Dodge Colt hatch- 1998 Taurus SE load-back. 4 speed 50 000 ed high mileage ex-miles AMI FM cas. cellent condlllOnsette runs great $9000 313-885-3669$2150 (810)7799319 1988 Taurus well main-

tained automatic fullpower new tires69 000 onglnal miles$1 700! offer 313885 7827

DOG owners. Completedog waste removal$9 weekly, 1 dog, $3each addilloral dogCall Poop ScoopKing (810)725-9646,Satisfaction guaran-teed

FAIRYGODMOTHER313-343-9866 SpecI-alized people carePet sitting Bonded,Insured Vacationhome VISitS

DOG cage, 2'X 2'X 3,$50 313-885-8957

LOST cat Injured,brown white tan Nocollar, deaf Harvard!Mack (313)881-3820

LOST cat- black Withwhite paws Yorkshireand Kercheval Call(313)882-4711

GROSSE POinte AnimalCliniC has 2 Neopoll-tan MastlHs male &female, Collie or-ange bandana maletan Chihuahua 313-8225707

PURE breed Beagle- 6month old femaleShots Smart friendly,escape artist $50 tolOVing home(313)642-0659

SWEET female blacklab needs good home5 year old pedigree(313)881 4222

VIZSLA, female, 16month adored familyfnend needs new lov-Ing home 313-881-9209

GROSSE POinte Animal('I,nlr h~" mill" Chihuahua female OldEnglish Sheepdogmale Boxer mix 2Shepherd mixessome kittens 313822.5707

GROSSE POinte AnimalAdoption Soclety-pets lor adoption(3t3)8841551

ADOPT a rellred racinggreyhound Make afast frlendl 1 800 3984dog Michigan Greyhound Connection


\{Y INHERITAl'ooCES RL' '1'(' on BUT STILIr" 1'(, ror ISS FOR TIlE

fOIIO\\oI'G.(111'\ (R\\TAL 'IlUR

.( o'n \H- In ....u R\~\l( E'...V;;'ORlf,'" (IOTHI,\t-n J.,'\,ITl Rf

.F! 1'.\.LI ....E"

.\11:' ':l (l FFlI'~')-\It \1(.. \L I, ...n.l \ IF' n.01 n TO' ') P,.)U'I RIl( 'l

Bl \Nh r\RrJ \1 ORf,-nRf ~~T\Tf~248 670-9626


.. Gurian Mandolins •BanJo, Ukul,lesPocket Wa.tches

• Old To» Toy Tram. ,SwonU

Old Wrist WatchesAu 10 Mtmorabll1.a


313886-4522~.....- ..~

GUITARS, banJOS andmandolins ukes wanted Collector 3138864522

PIANO, 1984 KimballVlenese edlhon model 5860 black laquertuned concert pitchexcellent condition$72001 best 313824 9232 after 6pm

PlANO- Kohler Campbell Best oHer Bari-tone tenor saxo-phones (313)8867609

STEINWAY grand planowanted for an accom-plished pianist(313)862-6858

STUDIO used acoushc& digital pianos From$588 Jerry Luck Stu-diOS, 21103 GrahotEastpOinte 810775-7758

BASSOON and saxophone (bantone tenor and alto) wdnted(313)8626858

Shores Center13 & Harper




Grosse POinte Woods19')95 Mack

313-881-6458Donate clothing jewelryfurOilure & households

YE OLOE TOY SHOPPE27510 Harper 2 blks S '1

(810)775-7927Hours Tue Thurs 10 6

Wed Frl12 7 Sat 10 4Specializing In

Previously Loved Toys

Amencan Cancer Society"Discovery ShopQUALITY RESALE

C"It, J1J 882 6900 "'T J





THRIFT SHOP17150 Waterloo313-885-0773

Tue Thurs 9 30 11 30& 1 30330

Sat 10001230Something for Everyonel

SAMIRA'SSpecialiZing In

Deslgnerware & fursExtended Layaway Plan

Mon Sat lOa 5p Thu 10a-7p313-886-5043






GROSSE POinte City,16 Village Lane, sat-urday, 10- 4 BeanieBabies Nordic Track,bikes, SkiS, Futon bed,sporting goodsclothes, children stoys, lots of miscella-neous


11l(,I,>AII' I7l~ 1'1 \IBI Ill()'('ro .......t f (lIHI f Ir~ I n I Hl r....Oll

Ire j 1\ 1 I """ 111 ~ I 1\ , i\llllqlll.... c If II~1.... III c I I 1111 III 1 tI III 'I

~H11 ( ' ....1111 II ... h ~ r II I ~I I... I I.... I 1\'"

I fI I.... 1'-0 1 .... 11 _II ...B III I I••••••••••••••••••••••••



Fast Service313-886

SINCE 1965


Griffin Fence Company'AII Types Of FenCing

'Sales'InslaliatlOn Repairs

'Senlor Discount313-822.3000800-305.9859

MODERN FENCEWhrte Cedar SpeCialISts

Serving the GrossePomtes since 1955

Automatic Gale Opener29180 Gratiot RoseVille



BOB TOMALicensed Master

Electri cal Co ntractor.313-885-9595


S & J ELECTRICResidentialCommercial

No Job Too Small313-885-2930

SKII.L Electnc, 24 houremergency servICe 7days a week li-censed, free 6stl'mates 810-344-5485


CO.John, Master Electrical

810-776-1007Emergency Service

Violations, RenovationDoorbelll Rangel Dryer

Senior CItizen DiscountNo service call charge


GREAT Lakes Building& Restoration Cell.mgs flattened 313-415-1358

RESERVE nowl Wmterstorage for boats upto 26' With shoring oron your trailer Bottomwashings also availa-ble (313)882-9268

CUSTOM boat covers &cushions Fabricatednew & r~palred Rea.sonable pncmg(810}777-1419

MARINE WOODWORKCustom deSigned & bUiltCabinetry Repairs, dry-

rot 23 Years Experi-ence Have Portfolio

& References(248)435.6048


ZODIAC, 11' 3" With 99Nissan motor, Withtrailer, like brand new$3800 Pager 313-301-8051

1976 Bayllner Saratoga-25 foot, 350 enginelow hours, trailer, lotsof extras Excellentcondition $4 600(810)779-2207

MERCURY outboard 10horse power 60 smodel, excellent con(i'l,on Best offer(810)779-2207

DONATE your carsboats, R V, trucks,property to MISSingChildren Project- for atax donation(313)884-9324

DONATE your boaUclean Lake St ClalrlWe are here founda-tIOn (810)778-2143,100% tax deducllblefnon-profit

929 DltYWALL



B.K'S drywall- 15 yearsexpenence Malorl mi-nor repairs drywallhanging! finishing andPillnllng speCialistReasonable ralesSenior discount(313)885-3302

~TI?JEMV MASONRYComplele Chimney

Repair &. Rc~lOrat\OnBriel. & Bloc\.

Grlndll1!! & C"lor Mat'Tmf.. P",nIInC

!-Ire Box RepairCUQOIl1 Bmf.. De"cnPmlc,"on,,1 ~h'(lnry

ImurulJOl \lull

313 881.9205

DECKS, patios wlntenz-Ing speCials & bUll<lingspeCials Treated &Redwoods Build now15% olf 810.397-5258










SYSTEMS, INC.MICH. L1C. # 71-65125

Chimneys repairedrebUilt re.llned

Gas flues re-linedCleaning Glass Block

Certified Insured(810)795-1711



- Chimney Cleanxng• Ca~< and


• Mortar andDamperRepa"

• Animal Runo\al(e",',ed Masle, S"elp

TOM TREfZER(313)882.5169


1992 Caravan SE- Auto9 passenger $1,900Big D Auto, (313)526-2070

1995 Ford Aerostar fullpower, cruise luggage rack excellentcondllon $6700 313-8865479

2000 GMC Savannah,1500 cargo van ex.tended warrantywhite 42 000 miles$18500 313-882-3289

1996 GMC Safan-74000 miles, excel-lent condition $8,500/best 810774-0101after 5pm

1994 Plymouth Voyag-er- 7 passenger bUiltIn child seats Goodcondition All pewer$6,900 (313)885-3193 after 6pm

1990 Plymouth GrandVoyager- Excellentcondition New ex-haust system $3,2001best (313}884-5951






TOW CEMENTAll Your ReSidential





ClaSSIfied Advertlsmg313.882-6900 ext 3

e...- ""'"< N<.....~

GREAT Lakes Masonry'tuck pOinting, match-Ing color and texturechimneys, porchesSpecialize In restora-liOn of old houses(313)417-1942



AFFORDABLE plaster-Ing 25 years experi-ence, guaranteedwork free estimates,Lou Blackwell 810-776-8687, Pager 313-796-9845

1974 MGB-(313)8820583

~ffil~D~iI •••••••••••••••••••5(8VI[(5

9'1 CEMiNT WOltK



DR!\ FWo\y<; • FI OOR~ .PORI IUS(, \R<\(,F<; RO\l<;f[l Ii RF",.t.WFD

MW 1,,\RA<,F<; HUllhposed A~~re~at(' .RTlck Pa\('N

licensed (,I o\~'i 1lI ()( 1\'1 Imured810-774-~020


PINTAn.fmlsll carpentry

I(ltchen, den! familyroom, lIecl( Cabmets,

molllmgs, trimllcen~ell/l nsurell3U-268-7117


GARY'S Carpet ServoIce InstallatIOn restretching RepairsCarpet & pad availa-ble 810-228.8934

ANDY SqUires Plaster-Ing & Drywall Stuccorepair Spray texturedceilings (810)755-2054

PLASTER & drywall re-pair and pallltingGrosse POinte refer-ences Call Charles.Chlp' Gibson313-884-5764

PLASTER repalrS'painting Cheapl NoJob too smalll Callanytime Insured(810}774-2827

SEAVER'S Home Main-tenance Plaster, dry-

EXPERIENCED carpen- wall, textures, paint-ter smce '67 Allera- Ing 19 years InliOns Windows, Grosse POinte 313-doors, decks porch- 882-0000es garage straighten. -S-M-O-O-T-H--p-Ia-s-t-e-r-an-dIng seamless gutters, drywall repairs WithoutVinyl Siding Referen- sanding Other main.ces (810)779-7619 tenance services

GARAGE available LicensedSTRAIGHTENING and InsuredRoof ralsmg. door (313)824-0869

alignment & adjust.ments House & floorraIsing and leveling.Replace ro"en woodIn garage structural

members Doors lubri-cated John Price



CARPENTRY- Porches,doors, decks FinISh &rough carpentry Re-pairs & small Jobs,Free estimates 25years expenence313-885.4609

CARPENTRY work-Reasonable rates, 30years expenence, li-censed, Insured(810)776-9398


REMODELING speCial-Ists- Kitchen and bath,linlshed basements,decks, and muchmore Small Jobs wel.come Licensed! in-sured Free estimatesDynamiC BUildingConcepts, Inc 810-775-3428

o f



PULCINI ConstructionYou receive honestquality workmanshipon all cement work,waterproofing, bnckwork & perchesCommerclall reSiden-tial Free estimates810-773-3310

"QUALITY RenovaliOn-;Bathrooms kitchensbasements Very reasonable rates Freeestimates Call Kurt313.610-7871

RED Oaks ConstructionCommerCial & resl-denlial Licensed & In-sured Free estimates810749-8494



B2 Budding Co CustomadditIOns, kitchens &baths All your remoo-ellng needs GrossePointe references313-884.7990

BRICK repair, tuckpOint.lng, porches, walks.steps, chimneys &small concrete workViolatIOn correctionsCommerCial & resl'dentlal 810-397-5258

ALL masonry work-Tuckpolnt, chimney,bncks block, stonesLay patio slate Ce-ment steps Reinforcehouse foundatIOnsReferences 810-779-7619



Rnt~ S~1GJUh".,.,. Art of -.king

~ Work !?iNPfMW!!$pec'-Itzlng In:

- Joint Relll()/'lIt!on.Chl~. P6I'ChM

• LIme Stone,r~8Uon .. repairs)• water SlIne! Slntlng

Ucensedwog tiuannuedDetaJ]1'~

btllftate., ''''2-''04__ hant L PttM 8.D.

SEAVER'S Home Main-tenance Bnck re-pairs- porches, chlm •neys, steps Molarcolor matched Insur-ed (313)8820000



BRICK repairs Porches,steps, tuckpOlntlng,small Jobs KeVin,(810)779-6226




Brick, block and stonework and all types

of repair'SFlagstone Patios

& Walks, Porches.Chimneys Tuck.Polnt.lng, Patching ViolationsCorrected SpeCialiZIng

In Small JobsFree EstimateS/Ltc


MASONRY repairsBnck layer since1948 Licensed & in-sured Semi-retiredReasonable(810}772.3223

A.l bnck work, chim-neys. porches, bUilt &repaired, tuckpOlntmg40 years expenenceLicensed (810)294-4216

1990 VW Corrado, 140MPH superchargedGerman sports car,green, 70K miles ex-cellent condition Ong-mal owner ABS, sunroof Second set ofnew Continentals,$7490 313-882-22499a m -9p m





AND REPlACED ..• 10 YEAR r.-1




InSide I OutSIde SystemHigh Pressure InjectionCommerclaVResldentlal

LtcensedJ1nsuredBBB. Free Inspections

Members of CAMCall toll free




Waterproofing- 40 Yrs Expenence

-OutSide -InSide Method-Walls Straightened

& Braced-FoundatIOnsUnderpinned

-Licensed & Insured313-882-1800


Some Classificationsare reqUired by law to

be licensed.Check with proper

State Agencyto verify license.

1989 Mercedes 420SEL, good condition,blue Intenor & exteri-or 230,000 miles$5,900 (313)882-0055or 690-7272

1994 Mazda 626 LX68000 miles, black,power moon rool, 4cylinder, automatiC,power locks and wm-dows Onglnal owner$7300 (313)881.3440

1991 Honda Accord LX-White autol air Excel-lent condition $3,5001besU (313)882-3455

1991 Honda SE, 4 door,well mamtalned,Grosse Pomte car,leather A-1 conditionsunroof air, bluelgreen, automatic$5800 313-885-3726




A Ihmness BUIlt On Honesty.IntegrIty k Dependability

With Over 20 Years FxpenenceServing The Pamteslipeciflcatiom:

.rh .......ood around .-nllN' oIl"ta 10 protC'{t 1,lOd'K.<Ipt_ \11UC't\ "hnlh\ hmh('" tl{ "'111tW' prOltc1td-f )(.<1\..11('(hand dl~l aff'a ofba\t"rmn1 wall 10 f)(' walC'fpTooftd_HalI13W.n all da" ....nd ck-t>rn-Rt'"movt u..~hU~ dram tll( and f'tpl~{I!"Wlth new dram tile_\, rapt and WIl't' bnl\h ~all rfmo\.1nJl; all dirt lnnu1nx a ~ood

~lndIR('p1lr all ma1M ("ral k\ with hvdranl!( (f'mfnt-lrn\lllt"llUadr Tar and h mill V1'iQ1llt'nr apph('d If) witll-~lIn 'hMf' In l>lrt"l1rrl\llo In'lourt "ufflclC'nt dralnaR:C' C'ltctn( \lUkhlN'"dlt'rlQ I' nr(('\\an

-Pl"JI..fnnC' or W" \1",11:,tonC' \Ill ,thin 12 of KTildlt'-lour mch mt"moonr Tar<' aprh('d at top uam 01 \'hqult'lllt'

-Inp \OIl 10 ~T'",d(' Vo'llhpr lrrr pilch"Intrnl T nac'\o.\ flllt'"d,1 nlt'(!f'\'\.oaT')'-Ihl T011XhwM\l.mamhlp and titan tip."hTnfnam In\Ulilitlon ..ppllt'd 10 wall If f't'qUMtw

\~ \\n~RV IU\f\.4'''''' """rrllP1tilOfI'( (0'( RUtf'or .. Rl<Kk \I('ITa "'.II HII(hti'tlf'd ..nd Pk'~l'd nnvC'wI)\I r h .... (h mnt'l" ' ..1IIIk 1I11 Poll mI "poUlt n)l; R('p"'''' ~ Ill' r1lr' I ndnfllnMd \\a1_\ l<tllm' <1(1(' WM\ 11,.10rwtI"\V\ltrm. r(Hchr,

313/885-2097 \TAlFllnN~FO10 Vur TrAn\ftrahlf' (,uaranll"("

,\ (,l AB \) If l 1\ 0)' t 4* {,f)(?{)1S ZIti; kL 'Mt)ZPR



In The ClassifiedsVrO!l5C Pomt~ News

5)')'I;(»ON(313)682-6900 ext. 3


e&p~.11fe.• ResurfaceDnveways• seal Coat & C rack Filler




-All New DraIn Tile-Light Weight 10Aslag stone & backfill-Spotless Cleanup

-Walls Straightened &Braced or Replaced


-Brick & Concrete Work-20 Years Experience-10 Year Transferable

Guarantee-Drainage Systems

InstalledLicensed & Insured

A-1 QualityWorkmanship

810-296-388251. Clair Shores, MI


1995 Honda CIVIC LX 4door, extras, 72 000miles, $8,000(810)776-5747

•••••••••••••••••••• m7~ift1Ftm3 ~j~14"""it"'~~

1996 Explorer Sport 1994 Jeep Grand Cher-red leather Intenor okee, 4 door Laredo67,000 miles Excel- hunter green 4x4,lent conditIOn 97 000 highway miles$14400 313-640- looks & runs perfect0201 $8,995 (313)884- 1950 Chevy pickup Ex-

1994 Ford Explorer 2499 cellent, restored, no100K miles, loaded, 1994 Jeep Cherokee, rust $10000new brakes, new tires 70 000 miles, black (313)417-5110$7,000 (810)445- 4x4, looksl runs good 1995 Dodge Dakota

1996 Z3 Roadster, 4 cyl- 0249 $75001 best pickup, auto, V6mder, 28,000 miles 1999 GMC Jimmy SLT- (313)8827095 Runs excellent High-upgraded stereo With moonroof leather, 1999 Mercury Mountam- way miles $3,1956 CD changer, 4x4 4 door, all op eer loaded, $19,5001 (810)523-3356$21,000 Must ::>ell

'I,v"", '1"''';''':)0 Q~'i b",,: 3~3 SS6 9860 ---------

248-548-8264 $18,950 Rmke Pon- 1994 Dudg<: O;,;,;:;l:llIac GMC, 810-497- 1997 Range Rover- 40 4x4- extended cab,

JAGUAR 2000, S type, 7699 WhIte, gold Under V8 Ongmal owner,black, 240 horse pow- warranty 35,780 garage kept Veryer, loaded 17" Plrell's, 1998 GMC Jimmy SLT- miles Excellent condl' clean $87004400 miles $41,0001 4x4 4 door, CD lion $32,000 (810)772-3814

1991 Mercedes 230SL best Evenmgs 313. Leather, fully loaded (519)7391162

d d A 884-3237Warranty mcluded 2 1990 Dodge Dakola-

goo con Itlon sk- E II dtone, whltel gray Only 1996 Toyota Land xce ent con ItlonIng $26,000 Call 248- I 106k $405-1574 .. .. $16,950 Rinke Pon- CrUiser, red With tan manua 2250

VOLVO tlac GMC 810-497- leather mtenor, sun (313)885.7827SPECIALISTS 7699 roof, towing package 1993 Ford F150, regular

Swan~Auto CD, 3rd row seats cab, short bed Excel-6100 East Warren 1998 Jeep Wrangler Sa- Excellent conditIOn, 1hara automatic V6 lent condition. $5,900Comer of [)evonshll'e) a - tt ;8000 year onglnal warranty, 313-585-3166

c sse e, ~ , 40,000 milessales &: Service miles Both tops, war- $31,000 313.882- 1994 GMC SonomaMog;~~tl!hdaY ranty Included I Only 6375 SLS, extended cap,

8 R I$16,950 Rinke Pon- V6, automatic,

1990 Audl 100 pearl 19 2 abblt convertlb e, 313 882 7760 t GMC 810497I h d K

- - lac, - - 110,000 miles, load.w'llte, gray eat er 5 spee , 100 miles, 7699Bose sunroof, high repainted, leather ed $4600 (313)417-miles, excellent condl- seats, cassette 1996 Jeep Cherokee 1999 Jeep Wrangler 9807 AAA Cash for cars,tlon great car $2,500 313-916-9826 ClaSSIC-4 door, 4 x 4, hardtop tan $975 ---------- trucks vans Top dol-

$3 800 3

138822249 fully loaded New 248-583-9800 1986 Toyota pickup lar paldl

Please cali-_ _ -1-996--V-o-l-kS-w-a-g-e-n-J-ett-a1998 Chevy Tracker, 4 tires, low miles Many Runs temblel looks 810902-04459a m _9p m wheel dnve, automat. 2 sets (4 each) aluml- greatl $500 Big 0 Au- ---------

GL, dark green, excel- extras Call for details, num wheels, $100 to, (313}526-2070 ALL Junk cars, motorcy-1988 Camry- Runs lent condition, 68500 IC, air, 38,000 miles, 1 313.884-9975, 248. set (313}417.2270 cles wanted Serving


CrUise, air, miles Power locks, owner, excellent con- 945-3875 Grosse POinte Harperpower Windows, locks alarm, air, 5 speed, dltlon, $8900. 313- HITCH, heavy duty 2" Woods, St Clair$1,1001 best call 810-773-5915 885-4802 1~5 J~ep ~rangl~r ~IO receiver, fits large 1991 Aerostar, runs Shores & Detroit's(810)4471493 ran e, spee, COx Ford, Mercury, lIncolr go d $1375/ eastSide 810-779-

1986 V Ik J tt 1991 Chevy Blazer- 4 Dual tops, $30 (313)884-9385 0 '8797o swagen e a, changer, good condl- best (313)821-1224

1999 Corolla VE, 15,600 65000 miles 5 4X4, 4 door, loaded, lion Contact Joanne, ~miles Side all bags speed, $1,850 313- excellent condition, 248-945-3875 or eve- 1996 Ford Aerostar XLT A,@llJIj(jb DEA'"$12,800 810-771- 885-8680 126k, $6,000 nlngs, 313-884-9975 LA C T minivan- 6 cylinder, 7 OONWHEELS~4637 (313)824-6343 C SSI red, 1974 n- passenger, privacy V'

1998 Volvo V70GLT 1994 Jeep Grand Cher- umph Spitfire Con- glass Fully loaded In The ClasslfiedsWagon- Red leather, 1991 Chvey Blazer- okee Larado, 4 wheel verltble Good condl- one owner Warrantysuper clean, 56,000 4X4, new tires, runs drive, 4 door, 115,000 lion $2,500 Included' $6,950 ~ lbinte Newsmiles $21,500 good $4,8001 best miles, 1 owner, 4011- (313)881-5211, leave Rinke Pontiac GMC, <;''o/NtfIIDN(313)882-9273 (313)881.4509 ter.6 810-773-7138 message 810-497-7699 (313)882-6900 ext. 3

1991 325 BMW Conver-tible- mint, automatiC,CD $14,900(810)201.5588

1967 Mustang 289 high;:2.,..f'.),.~~n"E1 V-8power steenng/brakes $9000 Tom3132788622

COLLECTORS ClaSSIC,Lincoln Mark VI 1983new engme 4 yearsold, black With maroonIntenor spotless$50001 best(313)417-9438

1964 122S Volvo Ama-zon two door Totallyre done mSlde andout SaCrifice $3 500(313)642 0659

1961 Ford F-100 1966Ford F-250 1949DeSoto 2 door 1987Toyota MR2 1985Volvo turbo 740 313363-3427

Thursday, October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

Thursday, Ul..lOUtlr loG, LVVU

Grosse Pointe News I The Connection






FAMOUS maintenanceserving Grosse POintesince 1943 Licensed,bonded, Insured Wallwashing! carpetcleaning 313-884-4300

S500 Off 6wlndowsormoreS300 Off bay or bow window

S500 Off sldlng& trim job(~ ..'lOI:l,.. • ...,. ,

"'~ID7taar...-.~ ::~,~;';(iCablnetClad .:::.

c•• for I tr.e in hOrne ~llNIeor wit 0"," Y1owrOOm..

1642E.as1I' MlW!-M .~Heioh'~2

MYERS MaintenanceWindow washing, gutters cleaned! repaired(810)226.2757

TO PLACE AN ADCAll 313-882-6900 ext 3

EXPERIENCE. referen-ces available Freeestimates. Interlorl ex-tenor 24 hour mes-sage 810514-1779Larry

MADAR MaintenanceHand wash Windowsand walls Free estlmates & references313-821-2984

MADAR MaintenanceHand wall washingand Windows Freeestimates & referen-ces 313-821 2984


I-lealli '~'''i'~I- -Iu: pia ~~Mar le,~ne

31 -268- II


A-1 Tile & Marble Repair SpeCialist 35years expeflenceGuaranteed! Insured(810)7555895


ReSidential snowremoval We use snow

blowers and shovelsServicing the Grosse

POlntes & SI ClairShore~ for 14 years


RESIDENTIAL, commerclal all typesJacks extra linescomputers networksetc Save tlmel money AppOintments(.51.5/tJtlo< cUI'eJ


J &JROOFINGl810) 445.6455 OR I 800-459.iMS5

"'H HOW AHORDABI t Qll-\UTY (.\ ....lit'10 year worl<manshlp warranty

25 year or longer mateoal warrantySpeCIalIZing In TEAR OFFS




fu«lIcnce In RoofingFanllly "net 1924

Ucen.scd In.surcd










Res,dcnl1a11CommtrClal.Rcshlnglc .T<ar-olf

.Flat Roof 'New/Repa"



%0 ROOfING SlaVla


ALl. PRO ROOFINGProfeSSional roofs, gut

ters sldmg new repaired Reasonable

Reliable 25 years ex-penence

L1CENSED/INSUREDJohn Wllhams810.776.5167 Al.l. types ceramic tile

new or repair workK & V ROOFING Thirty years expen

ResldentlaV ence (810)7714343Commercial BEDROCKTii8~

Tear offs, Reroofs. censed Insured relNew Construction erences Neat clean

Free esllmatesl work Kitchen! Bath810-774.0899 remodeling (810)321

NEW Honzon Roofing _8_4_5_3 _Expenenced h- CERAMIC tile mstaHacensed, bUilder for tlon Free estimatesyour new roof Free Reasonable pncesestimates reasona 8%t Tile and Marbleble reliable. great Brian (810)777-7196work, Will beat your ---------best eslimate Grosse SAN Marino Tile & MarPOinte references ble- Trained In Italy810-778-7087 35 years expenence

(810)7254094SEAVER'S Home Mam

tenance Roof repairsIce shields, gutter,chimney mainte-nance Insured(313)8820000

Some ClaSSificationsare reqUired by law to

be licensed. Checkwith proper State

Agencyto verify license


Repairs remodelingcode work fixtures

Watf'r heaters InstalledSewers & Drains

licensed and Insured8tO /722614

WINTERIZE your deckPower wash stain &seal 27 years experlence Free estimates3138854609



Plumbin~ NeedsWHY PAY"MORE!'Scwer~ & Dra,"~Reasonable Rates~ DAYS 24 flOURS






PAINTINGI ",-1lull I'l"b\l(n~

'tlI\1l\. fOf IA \'\...dI'I \i......'tl.tJVlfIIII ~lt'op ..'" I'.UJ Itul~ '>1dIIUIlg


\~::t xi- dluJi WIUJIl 'ldul~

\ll '" '"' ,-'ll3IllcXtl~.,n-lJmt ,,:lcm ....,,>


Experienced qualItywork dependable,

lowest price


BENNO Jordan's drainand sewer cleaning$35 and up No resuits, no charge(313}522-2417


MARTIN VERTREGTLicensed Master Plumb-

erGrosse POinte Woods

313-886-2521New work repairsrenovations water

heaters sewer cleaning,code viola lions

All work guaranteed

DAVE'SSewer Cleaning

&Plumbing Repair

Sewers & DrainsCleaned

Hot Water Heaters-DIpTubes

Faucets TOiletsReplpes ViolationsLicensed --- Insured




*Free Estimates*Full Product Warranty

*Senlor Discount*References

*AII Work Guaranteed



Father & SonsSmce 1'J.J9

Bill TO')

\I~~TFR PI1'\IBf R~313.882-0029

l..S. WALKER CO,Plumbing

Drain CleaningAll Repairs Free

Estimates' ReasonablelInsured

810-786-3900313-705.7568 pager

T.G. MOREY CO.Complete Decorating

Service.Palntlng .Stalnlng

.Wallcoverlng removaland installation 'decora-tlve finishes .mouldlngs


Thomas G Morey(810)778-0796

----------TOM'S ReSidential

Painting MeticulouspreparallOn Wallpa-per removal Pleasecall (313)882 7383


\rn n~ (If( \\(' P(lUl1~ \1'11(' Iv,r" \lulJnl ('Jlf' \illlr/Oll/tlli 'r'

(313)884.576411U Il,",ul &. In'LlrI.J. 111\1\\\ In lnlul


INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES~ponglOg Ra~~ln~ Spackl" Dr,1Mln~ ("arpt ntry()rv"all Pia'!! r Repair Kllch"n, Bath, Sa'! mpnlRr mrxipllO~ Npw Wlndo", [X.", Deck, Fpncp,Port-he, Dr ,,~n




STEVE'S Painting Inten.orl Extenor SpeCialiZ-Ing In plastenng anddrywall repairs,cracks, peeling paintWindow glaZingcaulking Also paintold aluminum Siding(810)4694565(313}874-1613

ERIC'S PAINTINGInterior IExterior

SpeCialiZing In repairIng damaged plaster

& cracks Drywallpeeling paint caUlK-Ing Window glaZing

power waShing,repainting

aluminum SidingInsured/ReterencesWork Guaranteed

(313}874-2431Free Estimates


GHI Palnllng- Intenorlexterior plaster repairProfeSSional, experi-enced Insured CallGreg at 810-777-2177

INTERIOR, extenorpalnllng, 2 rooms, 3rdfree of equal sizeDrywall & plaster re-patr Door & Windowadjustments Lightcarpentry work 810-397-5258


Power washing, plasterand drywall Siding Wnt-ten guarantee, licensed

ReSidential and com-merCial Free estimates



-Husband-Wife Team-Wallpapering-Palnllng



Plaster repairDrywall cracks!peeling palnf

Window puttylcaulklngPower washing!

repaintingAluminum Siding

Grosse POinteReferences

Fully InsuredFree Estimates313.885-0146

FIREFIGHTERSI painters Interlorl exterior,resldentlall commer-Cial power washing,wall washing Call810-381-3105 Pager810-406-1732


DMS Home Improve-ments Interior paint-Ing starting at $89 00Exterior Painting VI-

nyl Siding! tnm Powerwash that houselfencel deck Reasonable rates Excellentresults Insured Callfor free estimate 8107736624




Local &Long Distance

Agent forGlobal Von Lines

•822-1100• large ond Smoll Jobs• Plonos (our speclolty)• Appllonces• Saturday, Sunday

Service• Senior D,scountsOwned & OperatedBy John Sfelnlnger11850 E, Jefferson

MPSC-L 19675licensed Insured


A+ Painting Interior, ex-tenor Plaster 8. dry-wall repair WindowglaZing, power wash-109 & painting Alumi-num Siding Free esti-mates Insured CallRyan Painting 810-775.3068

BEST quality With rea-sonable pnces Paint-Ing, wall paper remov- ---------ai, plaster rep8lr, light JOHN'S PAINTINGplumbing Intenor & Intenor- Extenor Spe-extenor Commercial clalizlng In repalnng& reSidential damaged plaster, dry-(810)776-3796 wall & cracks, peeling(810)5062233 paint Window put1ymg

BOWMAN Painting In- and caulking, wallpaper-tenorl extenor Resl- Ing Also pamt old alu-

minum Siding All workdentlal 26 years ex- and matenal guaran.penence Call Gary teed Reasonable810-326-1598 Grosse Pomte referen-

BRENTWOOD Painting ces Fully Insured(mterlor! extenor), Free estimatesWallpapenng 35 313.882-5038years quality & serv-Ice m thiS areal Free MARSH Home Improve-estimates Bill. 810- ment- Intenorl extenor776-6321 or 810.771- painting Drywall re-8014 10% oH With pair FInish carpentrythiS ad Licensed Insured

Tom Marsh 810-246-BRIAN'S PAINTING 8780ProfeSSional palnllngIntenor and extenor

SpeCialiZing In all typesof palnllng Caulking,Window glazmg and

plaster repair All workguaranteed

Fully Insured'For Free Estimates and

Reasonable Ratescall 810-778-2749


AtJtJ:jJ.rh::C ..c,.......c .:1 GJrage yard basement

c1eanouts ConstrucllOndebriS Free estimatesMR, B'S 313.882-3096

810-759.0457------ ---REMOVAl. OF Al.L:

AppliancesConcretel Dirt

Construction DebriSGarage Demolition

Basement Clean outCan Movel Remove



EZ removal. You call Ihaul Garage yardbasement clean outsConstruction debriSExcellent pricesDouglas (313)3711816


AA home Impromenl-Fair reliable, best pn-ces Big or small JobsLicensed 248 2496592

944 GUnERS


Speoaliling "1,,lenor'Ex1enor Pa,nllrg We oHerthe beslln preparallOn bplore pa nlln9 and use only the

Ilnesl maler als lor the longestla<t ng resUlI'Great Weslern people "'(' qually m n1Pd and couMous




• Small Home Rep., rs• Guner Clean ng & Repa rs• Small Roof Repa rs

: w~~~~e~~val• Sldmg & Deck InstaUahOO


Insuredform e

, ,74:0781954 PAINTlNG/DE(ORATlNG



Lands<.ape deSign!installation, patio

sprinklerGardening fall

clean up, Christmaslighting and snow

removalFree Estimates(313)885-0993

GUTTER cleaning- Bestrates qUick! provenservice 313 5064035

SEAVER'S Home Maintenance Gutters repaired replacedcleaned Roof repairs20 years Insured(313)8820000

---- ------



FAMOUS MaintenanceWindow & gutterclea-'" n~ j l('pnc;~d

bonded Insured since1943 313884.4300


• landscape DesIgn

& Construction

• Irngatron Systems• Sod Replacement

• Bnck Pavers


STAR landscaping Fallclean up & snow re-moval Reasonablerates ResldentlaVcommerc,al licensed,Insured (313)884-7027


Spring start ups,wlntenzatlons

New installatiOns!service & repair

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10C s orts October 12, 2000Grosse Pointe News

Results, highlights from GPSA house leagues

ASSIst Breltmeyer !Tornado)

Chloe Tennyson

Blue Beasts I,Wicked Smurfs 0

Goal Josh Busch (Blue Beasts!Ass",t Evan Case (Blue Beas!>!Comments Defenders On w

Blohm MIke Pokladek, Stev.Ruppe Dan Sauer and AndrewShaum blanketed the Smurf; forwards for the enttre game MikeRAvrnonn m~dp qnm,p pxcplll>ntsaves In goal Alex Duncan JohnGay, John GillIs, Greg Gurney,RIchard Seleno RobbIe SessIOnsand Derek Trombley kept the offenslve pre.sure on GoalIe ElI Wilsonplayed an out,tandmg game for theSmurfs Andrew CavanaghElIzabeth Cramer, Tom Karpmskland GillIan Pramlto aloa olayedwell

Blue Beasts 3,St Clair Shores 0

Goals Joe Pampalona, GregGurney, John Gay (Blue Beasts!

ASSists Pampalona, DerekTrombley, RIchard Selena (BlueBeasts)

Comments Once agam the BlueBeasts' defense was outstandingWIth Katy Vandeputte, 1"'lIkePokladek, Steven Ruppe, DrewBlohm and Andrew Shaum cantnbutmg MIke Raymond and DanSauer combined for the shutoutAlex Duncan Evan Chase, JoshBusch, Robbie SessIOns and JohnGillIs each played a

Tornado' 5, Wicked Srourfs 0Goals DaVId Haberkorn 3

Michael Haberkorn, AlexBreltmeyer (1bmadoJ

Tornado 3, Blues 0Goals W,ll Belerwaltes 2, Alex

Breltmeyer (Tornado)

ASSISts Kate Ansaldl, WillBelerwaltes, John WilkinS(1bmadol

Comments The Smurfs' EllWIlson was excellent m goal andteammate Lauren McCartny playedwell at several pOSitIOns KatIeRygwelskl played a powerful gamefor the 1bmado and the team'sdefense, featurmg EriC Palmer, wasextremely t'ght

Comments It was a battle thatfeatured PIerce Middle School stu-dents on both Sides of the ballBlues goahe Austin Pnce playedwell behind an offenSive attack ledby GUlllan Curtm and C C MengelThe Thmado's effort featured goodgoaltendmg by DaVId Rlchardsan-Rossbach and MIke Mails and anoutstandmg game by stnker JustinMcMIllan

Fme midfield play fromMIke Wolklng and ScottBerschback kept Fraser'sforward attack under con.trol GoalIe Pete Marantettemade several clutch savesbefore he left the game WIthan injury

South got strong defenSIvesupport from Tom Baxterand LapIsh

ULSFrom page3Cthrow lme

"The gIrls were dlsap-pomted but they know theytned and I can't be dIsap-pOInted WIth theIr effort,"Bandos satd

The tlefeat left ULS 7-1 mthe Metro Conference whIleNorth completed the firsthalf of the league scheduleWIth an 8-0 mark

"We11 get them agaIn athome (on Nov 2), but wecan't look ahead to thatgame yE't,"Bandos saId "WeJust have to take care ofthings one game at a time.

Mana LeWISled ULS WIth16 POints and also had fourrebounds and a stealSherma Brown scored 10pomts and had four stealsand SIX assIsts

"Sherma really dlstn b-uted the ball well, espeCIallym the fourth quarter,"Bandos "aid

Alexa DaveIJport had ninePOInts, three rebounds andfour "teal" Courtney Hillshad seven pomt" and fiverebound", KIa WIlham"onhl'rJ SIX r('bound" and fivepOInts and Tara Terry pulleddown four rebounds

The Kntghts hostLutheran We"tland, WhIChI'> thIrd In the Metro WIth a6-2 record, tomght, Oct 12

record the shutout Bnan &hmltz,BIlly SesslOns, Momque SquIersand Danny Surmont played aggres-SIve defense Blair Colson, KyleDetloff and Andrew Redzlnlak keptthe ban m the offenSIve end TheJaguars were ",splred by theappearance of John Vmson, whosuffered a broken leg durmg theprevIous game

Cyclone 6, Rebels 0Goals Peter Belerwaltes,

Charhe ~'lsher, Thmmv Qumn JoshKelly Tim Greemng (Cyclon!')

ASSists Maya Reeves, ScottyMaxwell Ian Talbot Chad Fisher,Belerwaltes (Cyclone)

Comments The rusty first gamefor both teams featured determmedplay from Rebels goalIes GarrettK1dd and Austin Abessmo, backingup the field play of Blake Bowmanand GIllian Seaman Cyclonegoahes Chns McMIllan, Maxwell,CharlIe FIsher and Stefan Pfaehlercombmed for the shutout

Cyclone 5,Purple PengulDs 0

Goals Joe Plerom 2, ScottyMaxwell 2, Peter Belerwaltes(Cyclone)

ASSIsts Josh Kelly, Maxwell,Belerwaltes (Cylcone)

Comments The Penguins wereled by Mack Thpper In goal, RobbieFIsher and MIchael Doyal ondefense and John Butts at mIdfieldCyclone standouts mcluded GarrettCox, Ryan Humphnes andMatthew DZUlba

UNDER-14Tornado 4, Monsters 0

Goals Alex Jendrusma, MIchaelHaberkorn, Wtli Belerwaltes 2(Thrnado)

ASSISts Alex Breltmeyer 2, NIckHy (Tornado)

Comments Monsters goahesStevan Seales and StevenDentrates kept the game cloae,whIle Colleen Spencer played astrong game 1bmado goalkeeperM,ke Maus recorded the shutoutWith defenSive support from RobGreenlllg, Enc Palmer and JustlllMcMillan

Tornado 10, Fraser 1Goals EflC Palmer 2, Kate

Ansaldl, DaVId Haberkorn 3,MIchael Haberkorn, AlexBreltmeyer 2, Wtli Be,erwaltes(Tornado)

ASSists Adam Dzulba, EmIlyRIchardson-Rossbach, AlexJendrustna (Tornado)

Comments Tornado goahesDaVId RIchardson Rossbach andDzulba played well The 1brnadoalso had strong mIdfield supportfrom NIck Hy, John Wllkms and

South soccer teamwins three thrillers

Grosse POinte South'sboys soccer team bouncedback from two early-seasonsetbacks In the MacombArea Conference WhIteDIVISIon to post three one-goal vlctones

The wmnmg streak start-ed With a 1-0 Win overRomeo

Althoug-h the Blue DeVllscontrolled the game, theonly goal was scored byDemetn SalvaggIO on a freekICk from Rob Rogers

The Win featured solIdgoalkeepmg by BrandonMcRIlI, strong defense fromNate MmnIck and smartmIdfield play from DaVIdMmmck

"It seems theIr mtensltyhas pIcked up a bIt," saIdcoach Steve Adolph "Wehave been working on fin-Ishmg.

South followed that effortWIth a 2.1 WInover Utica

Cameron Barnett convert-ed a crossmg pass fromRogers for the first BlueDevils goal The winnercame from ETion LIkaJ dur-mg a goalmouth scramble

DaVid Mlnmck scored apaIr of goals and SalvaggIOhad a goal and an assIst mSouth's 4-3 victory overGrosse Pomte North

Ryan McKenZie scored theBlue Devtls' other goal EdBommanto pIcked up anassist

The WIn was hIghlIghtedby excellent defenSIve playby South sweeper AndyLaplsh

EarlIer, South dropped a5-1 deCISIOn to L'AnseCreuse North

SalvaggIO scored the onlySouth ~oal on a penaltykick

The Blue DeVlls dominat-ed play agamst Fraser butthe Ramblers came awayWIth a 1-0 VI.tory



excellent defense for Aston Villa

ArsenalS,Sheffield Wednesday 4

Goals Enc Rogers 2, Ben Kelly,Stephen Haberkorn (ArsenaD, MIkeVan 'Ilem 2, Chns Thomas, MattGaggm (Sheffield)

A,slst> Kelly 2, RogersIArsenall, Thomas 2, Gaggm, Nick&hrelber (Sheffield)

Comments Arsenal's Hannah.:>lel.>eTndkand Joshua l,relghtonshowed sh ong defenSive skills,whIle Michael Harrison plaved wellon offense Sheffield Wednesday'sGeordan Garza "as strong defen-SIvely and Mitchel Reberts had agood game at forward

UNDER. 12Jaguars 3, St. Clair Shores 0Goals MIke Pampalona 3

(Jaguars)ASSists Alex Keller, Karl Tech,

Cara Mlserendmo (Jaguars)Comments Enc Jorgenson made

some difficult saves 10 goal to

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7023 I 4 Mile RdPhone (810) 274-4440

Aston Villa 3,Tottenham Hotspur 1

Goals Sarah S,wak AlexAtsalakls, BIlly Mestdagh (AstonVIlla) Zachdry Ko.. alczyk(ThttenhamJ

ASSIsts Ben Ross, Monty SWIft,Kurt Hollerbach, Peter McMillan(Aston VIlIal

Comments Goalkeeper J JLmd) d.d an excellent Job forTottonham Hotspur as dId AstonVilla s Jo,eph H.,sburg El IIattParcells and Dre" Bro"nell pla)ed

Arsenal 3, Liverpool 0Goal. Ene Rogers, Ben Kelly 2

(Ar.endl,A"",sts Fredrick SchaIble,

Hdnna Sreberndk Martv Fleszer11,1verpool J

Comment> Fle,zer had an out-"tandmg offen'lve game forAr-enal .. h,le Evan GrunbergerW,b a ,tandout defenSivelyLIverpool s Chnstopher Pokladekplayed a ,trong mIdfield, EthanBrock played well defenSIve and2 ........' Cv:" .... '\04100 dbblt::O"'i'Y~ dL iu,,\ard

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good offenSIve gdme and Chn,Pokloddk pdssed well

Sheffield 3, Southampton 3Goals NIck &hrelber Matthew

Gaggm, Chns Thomas ISheflleldl,Patnck Haum Reed Dixon PIersonFa .. ler (Southampton)

ASSIst. Scott Steven", MitchellRoberts Jon Gutsue ,Sheffield I,Aaron Lechner (Southampton I

Comments Southampton',o;:t,..n'''H'I' p.,,,..-t '1 "l«" I....,..h, ''''''....It ..,.........

Lann~ng Heuel and F~\~ler Sll'angdefens"e play by Geordan Garzaand Matt Serafano helped Sheffieldcame from behind to tie the game

Aston Villa 1;Coventry 0Goal Alex Atsalakls (Aston

V I J I a )ASSists Kurt Hollerbach Peter

McMIllan(Aston VIlialComments The close game fea

tured excellent defense and tack-lIng Pete Relk helped post thes h u to ut

5howroomHours Mon-Frt 10-9501 10-65un 12-5

BLOOMFIELD HILLSwww thomasyJ!leofbloom~ek:I com

4080 Telegraph RdPhone (248) 646 0800

RigifJJtt 1\1jp~J)~ t((IJ~e 38~50%Off8JJJittik .1\10 JI:piJerteSf! & 1v/o PatyvrJlvt1#tS f(/JI1f 11.2 J..~o1!ldths.

UNDER-6KIckers 3, LIons 1

Coal. Steven Zak 2, Sdh atoreR,zzo rK1ckelsJ >'11chaelPetrouleasILIOn,)

Comment. The KIckers d,spla)ed fine team pla~ m a.slstmgtheIr goal .corers wIth accuratepasse. Maggie Stemhauer made.ome key de/I'n",ve block. andstea)" dnd Mans". RuggIrelloplayed "I'll In goal DefensemanAndrew Corsenllno held "ff .ameoffen"lvf" orlVPI;l; h\ thf' T1""0;:: 1'hpLIOns had good etforts from Emil)Joseph, "ho controlled the ballwell and Alex Gamero .. ho hadseveral hard shots on goal

UNDER. 10Blackburn Rovers 8,

Liverpool 0Goals Adam Brewster, Justin

Grabbel 3 Ivan Moshchuk 3, CollInBayer ,ROHrs)

Comments Andrew Callewaertplayed a strong defenSIve game forthe Ro~ers and teammate MaxCorbin made some fine passesLiverpool', Andrew White pla)ed"I'll defensl\eh Alek Smllh had a


~~ RdCeivd .1 l'i:.ebaCeup to $50(J!'Offer Valid From Sep/emller 301h 10 Novembef 141h, 2000 See Siore for Complete Detals.

~~ l~l'\ie 1:J-1\.lt2t:tit't! Z"'t;rble Ptlii .with Dining Room Purchase, a $199 Valuel

Offer I'CIIid IHlly lII1Thomasvie cmng room purdloses mods from Seplember 30th 10 Nol'tlllber 141h, 2000Mmtmoo1 dining room purdlose cOII5llI5of one table and four SIde them Color Cafe noIlnduded. See Store for Complete Details

Ut.e Ilim£ News&(Y)NNECQQN

Octoher 12, 2000


1 •

Page2 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000

Omr Photosby Rosh SIlt/IrS



SHORT DISTANCE to Lakeshore and the Shores park.Modem addition featuring custom gourmet kitchen,great room, huge master bedroom suite, first floorlaundry room, and professionally landscaped yard.



TUDOR STYLE, ARCHITECTURALLY INSPIRED,spacious and casually elegant. Three floors of livingspace. Library, formal living room with dominant

fireplace. Natural woodwork: wainscoting, balustrade,recently refinished hardwood floors. Two octagonal fourseason sitting rooms. Abundant natural light. New two

car garage. Closing and possession January, 2001.$765,000

See LANDSCAPER, page 4

over-wintering insects and dis-eases.

Spraying is not hard to do andthe chemicals are not nearly astoxic to people as some othersprays. When you do any sprayingalways wear rubber gloves andwear a hat, long-sleeve shirt andlong pants. It is important too tospray with the wind at your backso the drift does not blow back atyou.

Next year you will need to startin the early spring with the samespray then later start using a fruittree spray like Ortho's homeorchard spray. This will need to be

How to enjoy the manyfruits of your labor

Q. My new house has an appletree in the yard and it looks dis-eased. What can be done to saveit?

A. This year we saw diseasesspread on many trees. The leavesand fruit of your apple tree proba-bly have black spots on them. Thedisease is called scab and the besttime to control it is in the earlyspring. Scab is common on appletrees if they were not sprayedthroughout the year. It does notmean that the tree cannot besaved. This fall the leaves willdrop off and we will have a newopportunity to start allover againnext spring.

It is best to clean up the fallenleaves this fall and put them outfor recycling with your weeklytrash pick-up. These leaves con-tain many disease spores that willover-winter and spread next year ifnot cleaned up. Next you shouldspray the tree with a dormant oilspray and lime sulfur spray. Thesetwo can be mixed together andsprayed as one. This will help kill

BELINE OBEID - (313) 343-0100The Prudent.,. Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co.


RANCH WITH EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. Threebedrooms, two full baths. Spacious kitchen with

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ARCHITECURALLY DETAILED HOME in earlyAmerican tradition. Built in 1939 - one owner. On cul-

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Large two car garage, with additional heated work room.$695,000



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IThursday, October 12) 2000 YourHome Page 3


Belirze's Bese Buys



Forestville, Conn., about 1910.This rare clock is worth more than$4,000.

Q. I have inherited a marquetrycenter table from my grandpar~ents. They purchased the tabledecades ago when a Chicago man-sion was being tom down and all ofits furnishings sold. The table is inthe Renaissance Revival style andis made of walnut with walnutveneers. A faded paper label underthe table top is hard to read, but Ibelieve n reads, a~rge Gilbert,261 Wabash, Chicago."

A. Mr. Gilbert probably owned aretail furniture store at theWabash Avenue address. The styleof your table was popular duringthe 1870s and '80s. Many similartables were made in the Midwest,especially in the furniture-makingcenter of Grand Rapids, Mich.Depending on the workmanshipand condition of your table, itshould sell from $1,000 to $2,500.

- Ralph and 7eny Kovel,Cowles Syndicate

end of a 10- or 12-foot pole with arope to close the pruners. If yourtree is larger than you want totackle you may want to hire a com-pany to trim your tree.

David Soulliere is a MichiganCertified Nurseryman at SoulliereLandscaping and Garden Center)23919 Little Mack in St. ClairShores. Between Nine and 10 mile.Phone (810) 776-2811 or go on theInternet for further information. E.mail at [email protected].

, Jjltym~ • )e/lillE. 6I1nleJrm!1. JmjJruVI!JJJl!/I1

, Published by'Anteebo Publishing, Inc.

96 Kercheval,Grosse Pomte Farms, MI 48236

John Minnis - Editor(313)-882-0294

Display Advertising(313)-882-3500

Real Estate Resourcet (313)-882-6900~ Fax (313)-882-1585 ~~>"l:~""'''''''''~~ e •• AtllO:J 1 1;.- it ..... ~ .... "* ~ l;t ~~

lies'and CO/teeJust as in the past, today's

advertisers want to put their mes~sage in front of buyers. The placeschosen for ads are often unexpect-ed.

From about 1870 to 1900, clocksplaced in public spaces, like bar-bershops or drug stores, were pop~ular with advertisers. The earliestclocks were wooden with a pendu-lum or a spring-wound mechanism.Later clocks were electric withmetal cases or, since the 19408,plastic cases. The advertising clockis still used, but it might havelights or neon trim. The old, wood~en barbershop clock often dis-played ads for razors. Many pic-tured a man shaving. Clocks wererented or loaned to the barbershop.

The Gem Damaskeene Razorclock pictures a man busy shaving.He has a small mirror, shavingmug and brush perched on the armof a chair. With one hand, he'sshaving, while the other handholds a squirming baby who hasgrabbed the man's towel. The clockwas made by Sessions of

LandscaperFrom page 2

.repeated about every two weeksthough the summer. It sounds likea lot of work, but each sprayingshould only take you 15 minutesonce you have all your materialsand sprayer.

Spraying your tree this fall andnext spring will control the insectsand diseases that will be aroundnext year. This time next year youwill be picking bushels of apples.

The same procedure is needed tocontrol scab on crab apple trees aswell as roses and other plants thatare susceptible to leaf spot andscab disease. Youwill not be usingthe home orchard spray in thesummer unless it is a fruit tree.

This fall is also a good time totrim that tree back. Trimming willmake the tree stronger and giveyou more fruit too. Just trim withthe goal of thinning the tree outand keeping it symmetrical inshape. Don't be too worried aboutdoing a bad job trimming. It is likegetting a haircut. Even if you cuttoo much it will always grow back.

Trimming IS easier with theright tools. Have a sharp pair ofJ?ppers and a tree saw to do the jobnght. A pole trimmer is great forthe higher up branches. This is asaw and a pruner attached to the




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Page 4

Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 5

Beli",e's Best Buys




GROSSE POINTE WOODS $179,900PRICED TO SELL Bungalow In mce area of GrossePomte Woods. New carpet and pamt, some newWindows, new kitchen floor, paneled recreatlonroom (GPN-H-07COU) (313) 885-2000.

GROSSE POINTE WOODS $257,000ClASSIC WOODS COlONIAL Featunng SpaCIOUSbedrooms, famIly room with gas fireplace, formaldining room, IIvmg room With natural flfeplace and afinIShed basement. (GPN-GW-73SEV) (313) 886-4200

GROSSE POINTE FARMS $239,000TUDOR STYLE BUNGAlOW. Excellent conditIOn, eatingspace m updated kitchen, refinIShed hardwood plaster in dining and Irving rooms. newer bathwrth JacUZZI tub, finished basement. (GPN-H-17MOR)(313) 885-2000

GROSSE POUfTE em 1880.000WONDERRJl FRENCH COlONIAL haS tour bedrooms,remarkable new gourmet kitchen and great room.Located Just a few houseS from Jefferson wi1h coo-venience to the park. (GPN-H-95WAS) (313)885-2000

-GROSSE POINTE PARK -$199,900EXCELLENT INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Two uOltincome, mcely kept up, mostly new Windows,updated kitchens, aluminum trim, natural parlong (GPN-H-07BEA) (313) 885-2000

GROSSE POINTE WOODS $215,000WONDERFUL BRICK COLONIAL that offers threebedrooms and one and one half baths Lovely lIVIngroom WIth fireplace family room and large deck forextra entertaining. (GPN-H-54HOL) (313) 885-2000

GROSSE POINTEFCMS $279,900CHARMING CAP€ COD. Three bedroom, two bathhome. FaIntly room off kitchen. Arst floor bedroomWIth full bath. Anished basement with neutral decor.Many updates. (GPN-GW-62RIO) (313) 886-4200

-GROSSE POINTE WOODS $450,000SPACIOUS COLONIAL Prime Woods location. Largeremodeled kitchen wi1h eatk19 space. FamHy roomwrth fireplace. Master bedroom with full bath.Anrshed baSement WIth wet bar and half bath.(GPN-GW-79PEAl (313) 886-4200.

GROSSE POINTE WOODS $235,000VERY AFfORDABLE COLONtAl Move nght In to thISbeautifully mamtalned Colonial on a desirable streetFeatures Include new krtchen, large family room,centra! aIr and more (GPN-GW-72LOC) (313) 886-4200

GROSSE POINTE PARK $'89,000CHARMING ENGUSH TUDOR with beautifulhardwood floors. leaded glass WIndows andpewablc fireplace, mce courtyard between houseand garage With new fencing (GPN-H-OOBED) (313)885-2000

GROSS( POINTE FARMS $299,900MANY UPDATES. This four bedroom home includesmany updates. kitchen, central llIr, WIndows, refin-Ished hardwOOd floors, new carpet, and root. caulISting broker for more details Home warrantyincluded 323 MORAN (GPN-GW-23MORj (313) 886-4200.

- -GROSSE POIN1l SHORES $1,3OO,ODOOISTlNCnVE GROSSE POINTE SHORES COLONIAl..Located mll1utes frOm lake St. ClaIr This charmmghome features Six bedfOOmS, four full and three IlaIlbaths. updated MutllChIef kItChen WIth center islanO,Gaggenaw and sub-zero appliances, professlonaI1yfinisI1ed baSemenl (GPN-GW-62WEB) (313) 886-4200

Thursday, October 12, 2000VourHome

GROSSE POINTE PARK $439,900GREAT COLONIAL Offers Immedtate occupancy, fiVebedroom, two antl one half baths and only threebloclc) from waterfront park. Custom kItChen withdoorwall to deck. Many new windows, third floor isfimshed and has skylIghts (GPN-H-67PEM)(313) 885-2000.

For more properties visit our website at:

GROSSE POtIfTE WOODS $240.000CHARMINGTUDOR This three bedroom, one and onehalf bath bnck home WItl1 refinIShed hardwood floors.natural fireplace wrtll gas logs and hIgh ceilingsProfesSIonally paInted ,menor, updated krtchen andlOVely large IandSCaPlld Jot. (GPN - GW -98HOl) (313)


GROSSE POIr1'E SHORES $1,541.000SPAOOUS COLONIAL RYe beQroom Coloma! withunoostrueted VIews of L..akeSt. Cllllr. Many updatesInclude complete painting of intenor. refinishedhardWood floors and painted exterior. NewerfumaC8S and atr conditioning units. (GPN-GW-99l.AK) (313) 886-4200.

$450,000ELEGANT AND SOPHISTICATED With beau1Jfulupdates. Many VIews of the lake from both Sides -JacuzzI in master bath, popular lakeview Club, planta-bon shutters throughout, two furnaces and central arrconditioning, end unrt (GPN-H-38JEf) (313) 885-2000

Page 6

Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 7


bcBRUSHWOOD CORPORATIONInvestment Real Estate, Brokerage, and Property Management

Unique Tudor updated and renovated throughout. Four - five bed-rooms, fIfth bedroom presently a dressing room. Master with walnutbookshelves and natural fireplace. Two remodeled baths upstairs.Hardwood floorS throughout. First floor lavatory. Custom bar withbunt-in refrigerator/icemaker. Fabulous chefs kitctten with ceri'terisland for six, JennAir oven six burner Viking cook top, Northland36" built-in refrigerator. Walk-in pantry. Mud room off kitchen.Finished basement. Wine cellar. Two new hot water heaters andzoned heating and cooling systems. Security/fire system. Plantationblinds thro,,!ghout and much more.

Classic three bedroom one and one half bath farmhouse completelyrenovated. Remodeled kitchen with center island. New gas boiler",.and central air, windows lavatory and bathroom. Refinished hard-,wood floors. Natural an(tgas fireplaces, built-in bookshelves in li~ing room. Detailed molding throughout. Ceramic tiled family roomwith Pella doorwall. 1\vo car attached garage with new door andfloor. New asphalt driveway. New roof in 1996 (complete tearoOff).First floor laundry room.

Both Open Sunday October 15th 2 - 4 p.m.Call: (313) 331-8800


15312 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe, Michigan 4~230Phone (313) 331-8800 • Fax (313) 331.8811

•Send questions or home repair

t~s [email protected], orwrite This Is A Hammer, c 10 KingFeatures Syndicate, 628 VirginiaDrive, Orlando, Fla. 32803.

there, too. If you see any signs ofdecay or damage, have a technicianlook at the unit and find outwhether it would cost less to repairor replace it.

If your refrigerator has only afew signs of rust, treat repair asyou would an old car. Remove therust with a fine rubbing compoundto minimize scratching, then dabtouch-up paint over the area tomatch the refrigerator's color.

Prevent rust on all your largeappliances by cleaning them fre-quently and keeping them dry.Sears HomeCentral recommendsapplying a coat of paste wax, thesame used on your car, to repelmoisture. And keep a bottle oftouch-up paint in a kitchen drawer(away from the kids) to dab onscratches as they occur.

Send your questions to; Mr.Hardware c/o Gilbert's ProHardware at 21920 Harper in St.Clair Shores 48080; call (810) 776-9532, [email protected], or for a recapof some of my columns.

Always start the season with aclean furnace filter, be it electronicor a filter media. Clean or replaceit every 30 days. Bring the vacuumcleaner with the assorted attach-ments and clean out everything insight.

While you are at it, check thehumidifier. Dry air can make one'sthroat sensitive and scratchy. A lit-tle humidity can greatly increasethe comfort level in the house.

Eli samantha M4IZZo\18Keeping applianceshealthy

Q. My 8-year-old refrigerator isbeginning to show some corrosionand rust on the door and sides,especially on scratched areaswhere we slide it in and out toclean behind it. The warranty hasexpired. Any chance I can repairthese rusted areas? - Greg C.,Pine Bluff, Ark.

A. Depending on the amount ofrust, the refrigerator's surface canbe patched up, but I'm a little wor-ried about corrosion attackingother, less visible areas. A damagedcoil or failing compressor will cer-tainly negate the amount of elbowgrease you plan to put into improv-ing the refrigerator's looks.

Slide the refrigerator out of itsnook and inspect the coils and sup-porting frame along the back forsigns of rust. Then, clean awaydust and debris from the undersideof the fridge and check the coils inthat area as well. Look for drippingor pooled water while you're down

Furnace filters, how bestto capture the dust?

Q. Mr. Hardware, my electronicair filter doesn't do a good job ofcapturing the dust. I'm not sure itever did a great job, but my wife isttying to get me to replace it with anew one. What do you suggest I dobefore I become "king of the dustb~es and not king of the cas-tle?" Dust Mite in St. Clair Shores.

A. Dear Mr. Mite, you could startoff with a "furnace professional" toevaluate the status and quality ofyour electronic air filter. Then youdecide whether to have it repaired,replaced or retrofitted with a pleat-ed filter. More and more we areselling these expensive pleated fil-ters that replace the electronic fil-ters. They aren't cheap but theycan last up to a whole year!

H's not a bad idea to have yourfurnace professionally inspectedwhile you are having the filterchecked. Some furnace heatexchangers are failing in less than10 years. While a technician isthere, it is a good idea to have olderunits checked for carbon monoxideleaks. If the furnace is approaching10 years old, you may consideradding a carbon monoxide tester toyour list of household safety appli-ances.

































Thursday, October 12, 2000





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884.7000Page 8

Thursday, October i2, 2000 YoU,.Huiiie Page 9











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- -l<.~fIS 100 e~len~lve 10 11slhere but slarT With - new garagedn\e kltchcn ""mdO\\S central all crc [.asy access to

shoppmg ;~hool~ and freeway Mauer west of HarperCALL BErrY MORRIS

affiliates covering the entire state.Over 1,500 homes have been builtin Michigan with the assistance ofover 100,000 volunteers. Habitatfor Humanity was founded inAmericus, Ga. in 1976. The non-profit group seeks to eliminatepoverty housing and homelessnessfrom the world and to make decentshelter a matter of conscience andaction. Habitat for Humanity hasbuilt 100,000 houses around theworld, providing over 500,000 peo-ple with safe and affordable shel-ter.

The NKBA display will provideinformation on project planningand design and will feature infor-mation about its members. Habitatfor Humanity's display will havebooks for sale and information onthe organization, such as how tovolunteer. -

Admission is $6 for adults; $4 forseniors; $3 for children 6 to 12; andchildren under 6 are admitted free.Ample parking is available at NoviExpo Center for a fee. For moreinformation, visit or call(248) 862-1019.


~ www.mi$.~/tappan (313) 884-6200 u:.r

Page 10 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000

Kitchen and bath sale helpsHabitat for Humanity

The National Kitchen and BathAssociation (NKBA) is holding asale to benefit Habitat forHumanity of Michigan at the FallRemodeling & Furniture Showwhich runs Thursday, Oct. 12,through Sunday, Oct. 15, from 2 to10 p.m. on Thursday and Friday;10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday; and10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at theNovi Expo Center, located at 1-96and Novi Road.

"Homeowners will find greatdeals on cabinets, counters andvarious discontinued items at theshow," says Cindy Mraz, CKD,NKBA committee chair and indus-try consultant for 20-20 of Flint."All profits go to Habitat forHumanity, which is especiallymeaningful for us during Octoberwhich is National ~tchen andBath Month. We've raised over$150,000 in the last three years."

Proceeds will be used to buildhome~ around Michigan. Habitatfor Humanity of Michigan is anorganization whose mission is tobuild simple, decent homes in part-nership with people in need.

Habitat for Humanity has 84


rawliDg and ~ous four bedroom ranchjust off Lakeshore Drive. The kitchen has been

remodeled and has Carlan counters and aceramic tile floor. The master bedroom bath hasa sunken tub, and the :master bedroom opens toa serene patio with beautiful perennial gil.rdens.


All the fine old world crattsmanship has beenpreserved in this home. The living room has

stunning wood acoents, beamed ceiling, randompegged oak floor and an outstanding fIreplace.

Master bedroom with fJreplace!

This exceptionally gracious home in a primelocation is in absolutly pristine condltion fromtop to bottom! Beautifully situated on a largelot, extra rooms include library, family room

and a year round garden room. MultiplefIre laces, three car e. $659,900.

Build your dream home on this spectacularsite in the heart of the Farms. Nestled at the

foot of Lothrop in a historic setting, this is anopportunity to create an architectural jewel in

an unparaUe1ed environment. $849,900.

Gracious and stWly pillared Ca1oniallocated ona prime cul-de-sac! The lovely home has a grand

two tory entrance, marble floors, a largepaneled family room, a cozy library and a first

floor laundry room. $592,000.

Walk to your own private lakefront park at theend of the street. Spacious five bedroom with his

and her dressing rooms plus a second floorlaundry room. Large "island" kitchen. family

room, and slate terrace. $845,000.:ift. tours.bamboo.comlusaJmil11001142.htm

One of the finest locations! This lovely fivebedroom, four and one half bath home has asecond 1100ractivities room with a wet bar,

tiM floor library with fireplace and a familyroom too. Now $899,000

One floor living ai its finest on Lakeshore inthis renovaied two bedroom, two bath homewith a third bedroom as a dres8ing room.

Stunning new sunroom with heat and cenU&lair. State of the art kitchen, baU1s and

Andersen windows!

Elegance and BUperb architectural detailthroughout Uti.s unique residenoe on a cul-de-

sac street near the lake. The f11'8tfloormaster suite has a spectacular bath, dressing

room and gourmet kitchen without equal.$1.950000.

LfUCUry Lil1ing In Gro se Pointel

This stunningly decorated shtlwp1ace is in themost meiiculous condition. Three bedrooms,two and one half baths, den and Florida room.Pride of ownership in every detail. $l599,000JP ~urs.bambOO.comtusalmil11000811.htm

Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 11_, ......-""'" -"",eww: ~ r 7 m;;rnrsft' ... '7

Wonderful open floor plan in this stunningfour bedroom residenoe just a stone's U1row

from the lake. This home sparklesthroughout and offers both a CfYl>1library

with fireplace and a family room filled withnatural . hi.

82 Kercheval, on the BillGrosse Pointe Farms

Exquisite luxury seven bedroom countryestate. This magnificent home, set on a

gracious site of over two acres in a privateneighborhood of elegant homes. offers total

seclusion and tranquility. $5,100,000.

Page 12 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000


NEWWCATIONVisit our bveautiful and

expanded showroom







DIC.xt Imm ASKO USAlnc Oil I~W600 washer when purchased (onnJ"y l'lhmughl October 31', 2eIOIrom any aulhorllcd reI.,1ef

Here's how 10 j!CI your rd!;lte• Auaeh vcnrlQlllOll 0( saIc fmm Ill.:

.ll1honIrd rcwler or a saIcs slip orInVOICe

• Mad no lalCr lhan No",'nlhl:r m200010

ASKOW'" ReNkP.O 11m &SIltSRlClllInIIoa, TX 75115-1115


• 1100 WIlt Mic:nlwave Oven

• warmng DnIwer WI!hTempera1ure 8fld MacstinControl

• Convecbon O¥en fiDf MuIbpIeRICIc CookIng ReducesCDablg rme up to 25%

A Laundry Care System Your Can Put Your Faith In.The innovative ASKO front.1oading washers and dJyers are designed as a true laundry Care System, Together they cleanand dry noticeably beUer. Remove more!Dins. Use far less water and energy, ADd last longer. Our washers and dryerspamper cIod1es in staiaIe88 steel tanks that newer snag or rust. And do it all in less space than o!her leading systems,What's more, the ASKO Lauodzy Care System can S8W! you more than $300 per year in water, electricity, detergent andbleach compared to a traditioaaIlaundry pair. ADd if that'll DOt heaveD on earth, we don't know what is.a ASKO .JIJ, :..... - .(-,


Coc* up to 25% the COfMICtian owen.

Keep your _ hotIn the warming drIwef.

Defrost, reheat or just pop itin the microwne,

The Wme Grotto cre-ates a stable environ-ment for \\line storage,free from excessIvevibration and IIghlUp to 30 bottles ofwme are stored at theperfect InchnatlOn tokeep corles mOistTemperature adjusts

Harper Ave. • S1. Clair Shores, between 9 & 10 Mile





Truly Elegant


"Home of the Built-ins"


Th~rmiJdDr~SMW Ovens






Our SMW IS the most complete coolung Unit of Its kind With the con-venience of having three indIVIdual ovens In one--an II ()()..wau micro-wave oven, temperature and mOIsture controlled warming drawer andconvection oven This innovative oven combination redefines Ihemeaning of effiCiency In the kllchen It allows you to reduce yourcooking time up to 25%, have multiple rack convection cooking andkeep what you've already cooked at serving temperature for hoursAnd clean up IS easy WIth the self-cleaning convection oven It's the

rfect com amon to our cookln saVOir-faire

from 13 to 63° FThe mtenor hght may be set for conlnuous Illummallon or to~l\bsnlt.~hen the dorr IS openedDoor limed, Tempered glass door IS standard Door Ihat accepts1/4" CUSlom panel IS opuonalIntenor light low profile Iubular hghtShelves chrome-plated Wll'l:


Page 13YourHome

St. Clair Shores Office(810) 778.81 00

St. Clair Shor'e' OffIce(810) 778-8100

FABULOUS GROSSE POINTE WOODSCOLONIAL Wowl Super three and one half bath bnck Colomal With anicely finished basement, remodeledkitchen. updated baths. natural fireplace. andbeautlful family room off back G33.RO.1 '4$249,900

Grosse Pointe Woods OffIce(313) 886.5040

DRASTICALLY REDUCED'" Threebedroom Colomal WIth newer kItchen. roof.WIndows and central aIr French doors todeck and profeSSionally landscaped yardMove In for Chnstnlas!' 10019558

JUST WAITING FOR YOU" EnlOYhvmg InthIS three bedroom bnck ranch nesded ona deep tot. Updated Iotchen, wmdows. roofand hot water heater. Ronda room andfinrshed basement 10021757

TWO FAMILY HOME. All brick two familyhome With two ranges and refrigerators,New gasl water furnace. Beautlful woodarched doors. wet plaster and hardwoodfloors 10021860

CIutt1uy II.........Corporate .....

I ......(148)""""

Thursday, October 12, 2000

St. Clair Shores Office(81 0) 778-8 I00

TRULY A MUST SEE'! SurprlSel The charmon the outside ISmatched on the inSIdeWithbeautIful space and amenltlesl family roomWith fireplace and cathedral ceiling. IKEAkitchen and much more' G33.AN-16$198,500

0nIu~-21-_......._r ~Associates

Grosse Pointe Woods Office(3 13) 886.5040

SPECTACULAR IN EVERYWAY' SpaCIOUShome on oversized comer lot m greatlocatlon Fabulous entrance Fully renovatedthroughout. Three • four bedrooms WIthseparate baths. hardwood floors. marblefoyer, and four car garage. G3l-IO-SP$429.000

Grosse Pointe Woods Office(313) 886.5040

JUST REDUCED! WONT LASTI Movenght Into thIS charming three bedroom, twobath bungalow With updated kitchen andbath. beautiful hardwood floors. neutrallydecorated, natural fireplace. and new twoand one half car garage G33-RO-16$197.500

Grosse Pointe Woods OfficeJ IJ 886.5040

GREAT HOME GREAT LOCATION!! Brickthree bedroom ranch offers freshly paintedrooms. newer bathtub, fireplace In kitchen,breakfast room, patlo and fimshed basementWith bonus room" 10025338

Day lighting made morecomfortable and efficient

Day light- Because of aing, or the design trendeffective use toward light,of natural open rooms,light to illu- windows andminate an doors areindoor space, increasinglyis certainly bee 0 m i n gnot a new focal points ofconcept. In home remod-fact, the eling projects.a n c i e n t It's easierE gyp t i a n s than ever forcreated spec- homeownerst a cui a r to replacemurals deep drafty oldinside the Physiologically. sunlight aids our win d 0 w stombs of metabolism and nutrient absorption and with beauti-their kings helps us maintain proper hormone levels ful new ones,by' using for muimum weD-being. thanks tometal shields inn 0vat iveto reflect the sun's rays into the solutions like Pella Precision Fitdark burial chambers. replacement windows. Designed

Throughout history, daylight has for a sash-only type of replace-been used to light church altars ment, these wood and aluminum-and temples because of its symbol- clad double-hung windows areic meaning. In modern times, fully assembled and factory-testedarchitectural design with bright, for air infiltration.airy spaces and natural light was In a more extensive remodelingpopularized by Frank Lloyd project, a traditional picture win-Wright, who said, "The best way to dow can be replaced with a charm-light a home is God's way." ing bay window.A breakfast nook

Today, advanced window tech- is tucked into an existing kitchennologymakes it possible to use nat- by adding windows that curve in aural light to its fullest advantage. graceful bow. French hinged doorsWindows are important architec- with overhead transoms take thetural elements, affecting a home's place of a row of windows in a din-style and personality, inside and ing room. Skylights are a popularout. Not surprisingly, modern win- choice for adding light to baths,dows and doors have evolved to bedrooms and other rooms wherebecome more beautiful than ever. privacy is important.No longer just square frames with For new construction or remodel-glass, windows are a form of per- ing projects, Pella has a casementsonal expression. Circle heads and window insect screen that's popu-unique muntin designs are popular lar with homeowners craving moreways to "design with light." light. The Rolscreen retractableWindowsand doors also function to insect screen rolls down when it'sbring the outdoors in and make aspace feel larger. See Windows, page 18

~~:~ A L~~ .how to install glass block: .::~St. Clair Shoru Community beautiful nft vistas' and special-&tueation, iI). cooperation with effects iA the hOme. The instrue-~akland Builders Instituter will tor will demonstrate how to

:~er a three-hour, one evening remove old windows, measure~p to leIU'D how to instaD and ine-taU glass block. 'Ibols,'.l1ass block forbeauty and secu.ri.. mortar prepmi'm and finiahing11~ the home ilU Monday. Oct.. techniques will be shown.13 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 11te The seJl1iaar costs $45 and

,.&urse will be held at Lakeview includes a step by step brochure._ School, 21100 11 Mile in~ Preregistration with payment is~ Shores. , ~required no later tha:ri Thursday,

;t~"The course shows people the Oct. 19 to St. Clair ShoresJteclmiques and materials needed Community ~catiOD, For moreto install glass block8 to replace information:or to register, call'basement windO'ws\' or create (810) 285-8880" ~ ~... ") '( :-.. ~ ".:':-....... ~ ~ "'" '1 ... l.

~."-: ... ). ...»" .v..'1'-•• ('.;, "" f...~ ... "~~.'\.:,.,.,.4;."' ~.t:4.,.:....<;\>~A .. ')..."*i'_~.t'<lo/,, .... 'l':..... ~

.... ,)... , ." , .. ~ot'"

Page 14 YourHome Thursday O('tober 12, 2000

Luxunous mnch In Grosse POinte Shores Fourbedrooms, library WIth pnva!e cnll) The centerpIecea!trnctJon IS a two level exqu1SJle aggrega!e courtyardFentures. generous SIZe teak kitchen cabll1cts. threeflrepl~ first floor laundr). zoned he<lnng and coolll1gLo\\ er Ie, eJ. kllchen. \\ et bar. c:u'pet~on momfireplJlc.ofticearea. QS#1l002279.~'"

Ar~hltetturall> detailed home Budl In 1939-oneowner On cui-dc-sac seHn houses from La"e SIClair. Early Amenuln, large common rooms RIchlymalnlamed m ongmal claSSIC slyle Features severalnatural fireplace~ and il!>raf) ~ Ilh bUIlt In boo"sheh e~Separale Inmg quarter~ dual aLCess Large I" 0 cargara!'c "lIh_""lidiliunaL heJted ~or"room

S#l 1002281. l,oJI.71""-

Ranch with exceptIOnal value Three bedrooms.two full baths SpacIous kitchen WIth convertiblepantry/laundry room LIVing room with fireplacefamIly room wIth lots of wmdows, dl'!l..ngroomHardwood !loors QS#11002339. (313) IDOOII7

Move In condHlon multI-family home bemg usedas a smgle family Features glass French doors.hardwood floors, glass block wmdows. all upperappliances stay A must see house. Great&l81stment opportuOIty QS#11002259. (313) 882-

$334,900 GBOI8I POIND PARKGreal home and great locatIon m the Park ThIsfour bedroom two and one half bath ColOnial hasnewer wmdows. very sh;up extra large customkJlchen with bUIlt IDS and loads of extras Secuntysystem, hardwood floors. spnnkler system and ahot lub m an enclosed gazebo One year HomeWarranty Included l!llro.~dJate 'occupancyaVaJlable QS#1l002171.\;,13} BI2-OO81

$15',900 DE'I'KOrfBeaJlIful family home In great kx:aPoo llus 1900 SQIIlR foothome has been Iotall Y refwb1shed. don 'I l11ISS ltus threebedroom, one and one half bath, W1lh fllllllly room, formald1l1ng room, bvmg room W1lh nalUfltI fftplace. new laldlellW1lhIile floor Updaies Include. pau .. ClIpeI, roof boder 1996.msuIaoon, ~ p1u1Ttlmg. sllhng and front porch and ~QSitUOO2Z73. OQ_ SW

• Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 15

Page 16 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 200050

Brickstone Stufeatures ItsMantelArt firepissystem, which uglass fiber reinfcconcrete. Chaosfrom several patterns or create yown deSign.

Evergreen Home and Garden Centeloffers a wkIe selection of mantels

Mantels ~~~ designed by ~ntonjo MattereJlI.

If you're ftreptace~ a new mantej, or if you're looking tccmate a toiaDy niw.Jock around. your fireplace, EvergreerHome and Garden center offers a full selection of mantelsand surrounds. Antonio MattereIIi has created a completeline of mantels in fiVe-, six- and seveA-foot sizes, as well ascustom sizes. These American made mantels and surroundsare made of finished and unfinished red oak and are in Classic, Old English, Italian Provincial. Florentine,Yorktown, Italianetta and many other styles. Also availablefrom Antonio Matterefli are hearth pads for gas or woodstoves. If you're looking for a unique mantel deSignBrickstone Studios features its MantelArt fireplace system,which uses glass fiber reinforced concrete, Choose from sev-eral patterns or create your own design. Expert Installation isavailable from Evergreen Home and Garden Center

Electric Fireplaces and S! vesAmong thepopular itemsat EvergreenHome andGardencenter aree!ectricfireplacesand stoves.VermontCastingsAddisonElectricStoves are1300 wattsand start at$699 and their Majestic Fireplacesproduce 4,500 BTUs and start at$1,099, with an oak finish full cabinetsurround. Electric fireplaces and stoves

are clean, convenient, have realisticflame patterns, and can fit in any areaof your home.

As the temperatures dip, natu-ral~ .. and your family spend~ Inside ..Nothing addswai1nth and ambIance to thegreat indoors like the dancingflames and crackling embers inyour fireplace. Whether you neednew gas logs, fireplace tools,screens or glass doors, or anentifJlt.:gew flfeplacef visit o~ of


<: ... n Home and Garden. two_ tooettons: 36000

> '~~_~', jUst horth 01"15 MileRoad~r 1&145 -E.. Eight MileRoad, between Kelly and Gratiot.

Outdoor FireplacesMake braving the elements a bit easier with anItalian Outdoor FireplaceJBarbecue fromEvergreen Home and Garden Center. Made ofreinforced quartz concrete, these outdoor fire-places can be painted or finished with stucco.They are great for outdoor barbecues or just tokeep warm while you're outside. Choose from sixstyles, prtced $599 to $1 ,099. Chimneas, outdoorMexican fireplaces, are also available at

EvergreenHome andGarden Center.These fireplacesfit on a standand come inreinforced clayor cast ironmodels in sizesfrom small tojumbo. Thereare severaldeSigns and Col-ors from whichto choose.Prices rangefrom $99 to$269.

Eastpointe16145 E. Eight Mile Roadbetween Gratiot and KellyS10-nS-7400

Italian Outdoor Fireplaces/Barbecues are great for cookingout or just keeping warm while you are outside.




Chimneas (right), outdoor Mexican fireplaces (above), are alsoavailable at Evergreen Home and Garden Center. These fire-places fit on a stand and come in reinforced clay or cast ironmodels in sizes from small to jumbo.

Clinton Township36000 Groesbecknorth of 15 Mile Road810-791-2277

Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 17

,... ,; ,--

Home and Garden gCenter also features a C

".complete line of grill ~accessories, tool sets ~and replacement parts,as well as smoking chipsin mesquite, cherry,apple, hIckory and otherflavors. Smokers and tur-key fryers are alsoavailable.

For ~ who like to cook out aU year round~vwgreen Home and Garden center carries gas,~ and -Charcoal grills from Weber. BroiIrnaster.~~ ~_AlfrescQ. - -GrillsNo matter how cold theweather gets, some foodjust tastes better on thegnll. And for that reasonEvergreen Home andGarden Center carriesgas, propane and char-coal grills from Weber.Sroilmaster, Broilmate.Ducane, Viking andAlfresco. Evergreen

Evergreen Horne and Garden center has a completesekK:tion of fireplace and gas fog accessories, includ-ing fireptaeetools, screens,Jog carriers,extra gas logs.crackling- ash,extra embers,lava cinders,pine cone setsand colorflame rocks.

Fireplace AccessoriesEvergreen Home and ling ash, extra embers, ..Garden Center has a lava ciAders, pine conecomplete. selection of fire- sets' and color flameplace ~ gas fog acces- rocks.-;1b 'keep your fire-

, =' sories,-*,udinij fir-epl~ce plac$4area clean the "tools, screens, log carri- Smoke--Off spongeers, extra gas logs, crack. removes soot from almost

any surface.

Monessenmakes the.only ratedheat--pro-ducinggaslogs. From24 to 30inches,Monessengas logsproduceheatfrom~14.000 to."18,000 ~¥ ..


Bohanna a Pearce'. Ambiance line Ofgas logs come in several styles andare avallabfe with a safety pilot.

logs come in several styles and are available witha safety -pilo.t. The Classic, Pren)!ere Split Oak andAuturt'IB Oak are popular styleS':and start at $199in 18 tri 30.inch sizes. Monessita makes the onlyrated heat-producing gas logs. From 24 to 30inches, Monessen Duzy gas logs produce heatfrom 14,000 to 18,000 BTUs.

Glass Fireplace DoorsEvergreen Home and Garden Centerhas more than 50 glass fireplace doors ondisplay. From top manufacturers such asDesign Specialties, Hearth Craft,Thermo-Rite and Portland Williamette inbrass, bi-fold, tinted glass styles,Evergreen Home and Garden Center hasthe perfect model for you. ~tom shapesand sizes are also available.....Pricesrange•from $119 to '$2,000.

Gas LogsEvergreen Home and Garden Center carries aoomplete line of vented and unvented gas log sets,with more than 15 burning displays. Rasmussen's"Chillbuster" unvented gas logs help keep the heatinside your home. In sizes from 18 to 30 inches,these gas logs produce heat from 23,000 to 40,000BTU's. Bohanna & Pearce's Ambiance line of gas

Full Fireplace SystemsMonessen offers direct vent and vent-free fireplace systems with vanous options and trim packages.Evergreen Home and Garden Center has everything you need for a complete custom firepiace sy&tem,starting at under $1,500.

Gas and Wood-Burning StovesEvergreen Home and Garden Center features a great selection of vented and Ufwented gas and wood-burn-ing stoves from Napoleon, Vermont Castings, Jotul and Comfort Glow, with prices startl~g at $749 andheat output ranging from 16,000 to 32,000 BTUs. New this season is Vermont Castings Jefferson directYented gas stove, which features split oak gas logs and 28,000 BTUs. Unvented gas heaters from VermontCastIngs are also available. They are 99.9 percent efficient and produce from 10,000 to 2O,odo BTUs.


"dioa f,.



Page 18 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000

We're customers satisfaction!

John Rosenow, the foundation'spresident.

The trees will be shipped post-paid at the right time for plantingbetween Nov. 1 and Dec. 10 withenclosed planting instructions. The6- to l2-inch trees are guaranteedto grow or they will be replacedfree of charge.

'Ib receive the free trees, send a$10 membership contribution toAutumn Classic Trees, NationalArbor Day Foundation, 100 ArborAve., Nebraska City, Neb. 68410,by Tuesday, Oct. 31.

light. PhY'3iologically, sunlight aidsour metabolism and nutrientabsorption and helps us maintainproper hormone levels for maxi-mum well-being.

Day lighting is not just a resi-dential building trend. Accordingto utility companies, lighting canaccount for up to 50 percent of abuilding's energy costs. In commer-cial buildings, the time of heaviestelectricity usage is dUring weekdayafternoons, also the peak load timefor utility companies. Day lightingcan shift electric light usage awayfrom this time period, saving thehigher costs associated with peakenergy consumption. Commercialand retail properties are discover-ing that these savings can add upto tens of thousands of dollars peryear. In addition, the pleasingeffect of natural light also has thepotential to increase retail sales.Customers like the brighter,warmer atmosphere it creates andmay shop longer - and buy more.

Pella Corp. continues to be onthe cutting edge of building tech-nology. As products evolve to aneven greater level of performance,the day lighting benefits they offerwill likely make "designing withlight" an architectural imperativefor homes and commercial build-ings in the new millennium.

A world leader in the manufac-ture of premium windows anddoors, Pella Corp. has long beenrecognized in the window industryfor its technology and innovation,having been awarded over 50 U.S.product and design patents.Headquartered in Pella, Iowa, thecompany is represented by selectbuilding materials retailers, fivemanufactUring facilities and aDirect Sales Network operatingPella Window stores and windows-caping centers nationwide.

- Courtesy of ArticleResource Association

Ten free trees, autumn classics,will be given to each person whojoins The National Arbor DayFoundation during October.

The free trees are part of thenonprofit foundation's Trees forAmerica campaign.

The 10 trees are two sugarmaples, scarlet oak, sweetgum, redoak, silver maple, white dogwood,Washington Hawthorn and two redmaples.

"These trees will produce vibrantred, orange, yellow, scarlet andpurple leaves in the fall," says

Ten free trees offered

WindowsFrom page 13

needed and up when it's not. Whenit is rolled out of sight, the windowlets in up to 40 percent more lightthan if a traditional screen coveredthe window.

Besides aesthetics, there are twoother major benefits of day light-ing. The first is energy savings.Especially on a bright, sunny day,effective day lighting potentiallyreduces the need for electric lights,which are usually generated at theexpense of a non-renewableresource. Even using dimmerswitches for a combination of lowerartificial light and sunlight cansave electricity.

A decade ago, day lighting, withsuch massive expanses of glass,would not have been energy-effi-cient. The abundance of windowsin today's homes has been madepossible by the development ofinnovations like high-performance,insulated glass. Clear low-emissiv-ity (Low-E) coatings filter out thespecific type of sunlight that canfade carpet and furniture.Wmdows with two or more panes ofglass filled with argon gas are alsoreadily available and prevent heatfrom escaping in the wintertime orentering in the summertime.Innovations like Pella's windowshades and blinds between twopanes of glass can make a windoweven more energy-efficient.

Second, natural light is essentialfor the health and well-being of thehuman body, mind and spirit.Think about how juice and toast ina sunny breakfast room starts theday on an upbeat note. Or thinkabout the warm feeling of a goldensunset shining through a patiodoor in the dining area during anevening meal. It's no wonder lightcan greatly affect our mood andwell-being. The human body wasdesigned to operate under natural


We're MORE ...thanjust lumber'

Imagine. hmged patio doors that open easdyand close tightly. .gluImg pauo doors that actually glule.That's the kl7ld of perfarmance you can expect year after year.W1uch IS why choosing Andersen@ pabo doors is a decisumyou'll neWT lose sleep otlfT.

For Professional Design and Installation:Call Our Home Improvement Department

• High Quality Unber • Roofing & Siding• Praff & Umbert Paint • Quality Replacement Windows• Custom Kitdlens & Baths • FunctionaJ Garages/Sheds• Additions of All Types • Unique Interior Trim & Doors• BNutifui Basements • Gorgeous Stair Systems• ProfessioMly Designed Oeds • & Mueh, Mueh, More• Distinctive Exterior Doors • Serving the Community for

Over 50 Years

In-Home Estimates or Visit Our Showroom

JOHN'S LUMBER.. j!-..~

Clo~d Sunduy so OUT employees may go to cJum:h and spend the day with their families!



21375 GOETHEOutstanding new home built 10 1996. First floor master

suite with JacuzzI tUb. First floor laundry Great room withvaulted ceilings. Natural fireplace, hardwood floors,crown moldings and walk 10 closets. Professionallylandscaped, pnvacy fence, new bnck paver patIO


Three bedroom, one bath Colonial on one of GrossePOinte Farms' favorite streets Charrmng curb appeal,needs TlC. Pnced to sell at '189,500.

Thursd.qy, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 19


457 MANORCharming two bedroom Colonial with two full baths. newhardwood floors and fabulous curb appeal. Attractively priced at$189,000.


Exclusive offerings by

.JIM DePUYS, ABR313-881-9020 ext. 109


RIVhIl< in the Pointes18472 Mack Ave. Grosse Pointe Farms

New Ex i luslve Offerings

1305 BELFOURExceptional center entrance Colonial with two and a half bathson one of Grosse Pointe Park's favorite streets, new Windows,privacy fence, large room sizes, master bedroom with privatebath, exceptionally large 21' x 11'6" Kitchen, finished basement,central air and a large lot. $350,000.

large side entrance, 1700 square foot Colonialfeatunn,g three bedrooms and one and one half baths.Third floor has 300 square foot room that could be fourthbedroom. Newer kitchen, fumace and central air. 28 x15 wolmanized deck. '274,900.

945 PEMBERTONSpacIous Colonial with open floor plan. New Windowsthroughout. First ffoor master SUite, hardwood floors,finIShed basement, Jots of storage area. *299,000.


----_. ---- .... _ ........



Wo'*rl'lll Townhouse .st)'le Condo with ,gotfCOWie view 'TW6 bedrooms, two fulf bal.hs, ml)-lng room, IaUlMky room inunit. 0Ile c:ar attachedgarage wirh opeDI!:ir. All ~ an! I1lClude.d.Association fee $J lS.OO per month tncludesinIuAftce and merior maiDtenatlce. Priced at$l28.SOO.

This. house is a good bIty! AD brick, two carprase, lIS fin:pJace, large finished basementwith a wet bat and ba.Jf bath.. You won't be dt:rappointed in what you get for YCJ'Il' don. in tblsbouse. Ill: Monreith school: distrid, duce bed-rooms IIld allforomy StS4.900.

Thursday, October 12, 2000

.......... _ ... _----_ .. - .. -- .. _- ..


BOLTOlV-JOIlNSTON-of Grosse Polute, ARealtors LJ18332 Mack AvenueatMora11Grosse Pointe Farrru

Page 20

Page 21YourHome

recommends that your contractorinstall a surge protector to safe-guard your new investment fromdamaging power surges. Surge pro-tectors divert surges of electricpower caused by lightning, as wellas temporary power spikes gener-ated inside the home.

The Leviton Institute is the edu-cational arm of the LevitonManufacturing Co. Its mission is toeducate consumers, specifiers andothers about the benefits of today'selectrical devices in the home.


Thursday, October 12, 2000

OPEN SUNDAY 1:00 • 5:003454-6 Jefferson, South of Shook RoadrlK.U Management Co., Developer • .31.3-885-7979


74 Meadow LaneGrosse Pointe Farms

2,200 square feet of gracious liv-ing on a secluded lane near the lakeand Hill. Three bedrooms (twoking size), two and one half baths,abundant closets, library, eatingarea in kitchen, garden room withslate floor, huge recreation roomwith wet bar, gas forced air, two cargarage, new roof, professionallydesigned garden and patio.

Broken Protected


OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY OCT. 15, 12 • 5pm) JJO!! »

sound advice on how much electri-cal power you need to meet currentand future needs.

Another thing to consider whenpurchasing a new hot tub or spa isa Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCl), which provides protectionagainst electrical shock. TheNational Electrical Code requiresthat a GFCI be installed whereveran electrical receptacle is near awater source, regardless ofwhether it is inside or outside thehome.

In addition, the Leviton Institute

Corne see "'here luxuryis Standard

• • •

At these eighteen stately grand cottages on lake St.Clair, charm and comfort are built in to each beautifullyunique home. There are three spectacular grand cottage

LAN DIN G floor plans, all with two car garages,three bedrooms andthree baths. Each home also features dramatic finishedloft spaces,and plentiful lake vistas. An optional elevatoris the ultimate convenience.

Every owner will enjoy the comfort of state of the artLennox gas forced air heating and cooling, recirculatinghot water, and a central station alarm system. Gourmetkitchens with stainles~steel appliances and a granitesnack bar, master baths with an Ultra Thermo Masseurtub, marble counters with double sinks are all standard.

Condominium Living from $300,000

Y~terd~'s Charm

New spa may require more electrical powerA hot more than

tub or spa 60 ampsmay be of electri-just what cal power,the doctor far belowo r d ere d the rec-for relax- ommend-ing tired ed mini-muscles or mum ofsoothing 100 amps.f rayed (A stan-nerves. dard hot

Yet , - "" -. tub withh ~,both ot "~~<''''''> " -, just a fewtubs and The LevitOD IDatitute BUgJests that you COD-feat~ress p ~ s suit with aD electrical contractor before pur- r e qUI resr e qUI r e chasta, a hot tub or .pa. at least 40plenty of amps ofelectricity to run their motors and electrical power.)heaters. In fact, the extra load Today's electrical panel boxescould be more than your current use circuit breakers and provide atelectrical service can accommo- least lOO-amp service. If you cur-date. That's why the Leviton rently have lOO-amp service, thereInstitute suggests that you consult must be at least two open slots inwith an electrical contractor before the panel box to accommodate anpur..chasing these appliances. additional 40-amp breaker. Even

How can you tell if your home's with two available slots, the addi-electrical service is adequate for a tional power required by a hot tubnew hot tub or spa? A quick visual or spa might be more than yourinspection of your electrical panel current electrical service can. pro-box should provide a clue. vide.

If your panel box has old-fash- If this is the case, it may be wiseioned plug fuses that screw into to up'grade to 200 amps whenthe box, your electrical service is installing a hot tub or spa, advisesprobably inadequate. This type of the Leviton Institute. Consult withpanel box generally supplies no your electrical contractor to get



-----~--..-.. -~- "..


Page 23YourHome




~'. ~'-ckJn. . ItEDUCED!#'O

Thursday, October 12, 2000

I baye a bouse In ),our price r~. Call toda, toscbedule a priyate ahowlni. There Is a 18J1e

number of homes ayailable, maklnt It a treattime to purcbase.

Thomas D. Steen Associatt: BrokerABR - Accredited Buyers RepresentatIve

CRS - Certified Residential SpeciahstGRI - Graduate of Realtors Insntute

~ R&'M~Ci~en;:l;ointes.. 18472 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI48236

~. Office: (313) 881.9020J;.n 114 Fax: (313) 881-9566- EMail: tdsteen@mi .... com Web page:



Stmwrv of COllfrau

~TE'VART TITLE"Enlu2ncJng the Real Effate

Closmg Pmc eS!J "

20311 Mack AvenueGrosse Pointe Woods


Branch Manager

prompt repairs and planning foremergencies; and

• MaximiZing tax advantagesthrough documenting expenses,keeping accurate records, andunderstanding depreciation.

If you own a small number ofrental units or are considering buy-ing rental property, this bookletwill give you valuable informationto be a successful property manag-er.

"Good landlords are important toa community," says Anne Lilla,housing coordinator at MichiganState University Extension. "Ifhandled responsibly, landlords canmake a decent profit as well as pro-vide affordable housing for peopleand maintain a neighborhood."

To obtain a free copy of"Becoming a Landlord," call (810)469-6430.

...~ ~~..,.,...,.,...,* ~.:.; ~ ..r-:. ............, ,,"" "'.Po ..... i"' ..

;:~i~<,~U~9~~~Heme." ..:...... >:-".r ,.... ... """.x '"

." ~ lpne co~ ',.~~, fioandU& builim.. ~ana~d- &dett"i,liJId ~~~ inS~e bUilding: ProCess; l r~.rfts a$ weD as ilie "

,"':p~ ,~~tmnuni9 basb '6l Wt)O(1' frame conatru~" "in:eo~ -With" ~~tion, ~"ma~ roofirig

. ~ ~1SQi1dera Instt~. will" an4more. ... ~.• ' 'Compreli~ l&-hour The seminat costs $2On plus

on How To Build Your $25 for two textbooks to the-.:~llome' on Mondays and instructor. Preregistratibn ~th"~ p~~~~. 23 ~thToqgh p~nt is required by: "'6V'to lQ ,1)4" at Thursday, Oct. 19, to Grosse

~ I, 260 Ch8lfOJlte 1'oiq!e Community Education.~ ~ "Pofute FQ.l'DUJ. " »<' ,. •

. eift,b!~.ieeded to plan ana For ~ infopnati()n~ call<a ~ti will be. coye~ (8IS) 34;i-2173. There will be DO

:,' .esti:rw!~ ~~ bu.y:~" gp.o~ ~ti~,; ~): ":;;,,,,~1,;< ',-. "," %-",'~ ", '.

A landl()rd'~ rewards,risks' arid responsibilities

Are you thinking about bUyingrental property and becoming alandlord? Are you currently a land-lord and need guidance- to betterorganize your business?

"Becoming a Landlord" is anexcellent booklet published byFannie Mae that discusses t11erisks and responsibilities of being alandlord and proven W~8 to man-age rental property SUCcessfully.The following topics are covered:

• How to advertise and find reli-able tenants through using income,credit and reference checks;

• Ways to legally evict unreliable-tenants;

• Tips on organizing the rentalbusiness with policies and proce-dures, budgeting, and followinghealth and safety regulations andFair Housing laws;

• Maintaining property valuesthrough scheduled maintenance,

1T~S is the sign of

q.dverfising in"~T H "-Iour orne




Page 24 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000

• Jim &~ lAaency ~ Inc\17108 Mack, Grosse Pointe, MI. (313) 886.9030


Exquisite Colonial with unique floor plan.Two story entrance foyer, first floor living

space with hardwood floors. Dramaticdining room, step down great room with

fireplace. Walking distance to GrossePointe South Hi h.



ThIS charmmg home With multiple fire-places resides In one of Grosse Pomte

Shores pristine streets, eloquent countrystyle Iotchen With pinewood floors, two

beautiful big bedrooms on each level, pan-eled Iibra with natural fire lace.

~'Sprawling ranch in quamt neighborhood.

Family room, with wet bar and naturalfireplace, central air, living room with

natural fireplace. Three bedroom, two andone half bath, full tiled recreabon room

With bath two car attached ara e.

Nice size home for the price. New roofand furnace in '91, updated 200 AMP clr.

cuit breaker electrical box. Newer hotwater tank in '96. Upstairs bedroom andbathroom new '94. Some newer windows

upstalTS. Large backyard With room tobudd a 3 car garage If needed.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 20001816 Aline •••••••••••.••• GPW1326 Lakepointe •.•••••.•••• GPP61 N. Deeplands •••••••••••. GPS



First floor master sUite. Great room Withcathedral ceilings, formal dining room, largeopen Iotchen with island and all apphances.FlTStfloor laundry room, full basement, twoand one half car attached garage, four bed-rooms three and one half baths. 79.000.


Turn of the last century Georgian revivalColonial. Stunning 7,600 square feetElegant tired foyer to staircase, round

library an breakfast rooms. Three floorswith fourth floor attic and garden green

house. over seven bedrooms and four nat-ural fire laces. $795 000

Fantastic "Park-like setting" only fourhouses on the court. Updated Colonial

features four bedrooms, two and one halfbaths, 24 foot family room, den, sunkenliving room, formal dining room, recre-

ation room in basement

Excellent rental area 4 umf income. Totalrents $2,250 each. UOItfeatures httle differentfloor plan. Each umt has beaubful hardwoodfloors, screen porch UpstaIrSand downstairs,

steam heat, separate water and electrical .



Great area! Very attractive home, beaub-[ullandscapmg, brick walkway, lawn

sprinkJing system. Newer kitchen includ-ing appliances. Three bedrooms, one per-fect for den. Rear Florida with large deck.

Home beautificatlon award winner.



Beautiful Colonial in excellent condition.Cathedral ceiling family room with natur-

al fireplace. Wond~rful newer kitchenwith eating space. One and one half baths,living room With natural fireplace, formaldining room. Three spacious bedrooms.

One and one half bath Colonial. ApproxInlately2,000 square feet Completely renovated. NewhardWoodfloors on first floor, new spacious

granite Iotchen, den, lower level family roomcarpeted with second fireplace. Brick patio in

bac rd.

Just move mto this charming bungalowand call It home!! Beautiful natural wood-

work, hardwood floors and SpaCIOUSrooms. Kitchen With all appliances.

Second floor bedroom features a generouscarpeted slttmg area room.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 200020559 Anita ••.•••.•• HW (l.3pm) 364 Belanger •••••••••••••• CPF1003 Cadieux ••••••••.••••• GPP 1816 Aline •.••••••••••••• GPW21 Fisher .••.•.•••.••••.•• GPC 21375 Goethe ••••••••••••• GPW636 Pemberton •••••••••••• GPP


Beautiful Colomal on extra wide lot In GrossePointe Shores. Fabulous newer gourmet

kitchen with loads of cabmets, Island counterand eating space. Oak floors throughout Fourbedrooms, two and one half baths, wonderful

famil room leadm to ver tio.




Wonderful townhouse half duplex close tothe Village. Ail appliances, central air,

natural fireplace. Pnvate basement, spa-cious rooms and closets. Tenants pay util-

ities, all separate. Refinished oak.

Gorgeous split level on huge corner lot inBloomfield VIllage. SpacIOus lIvmg roomwith natural fireplace, first floor master

bedroom, large second floor common areaslttmg room. Two car attached garage,

and much more!!!


$495,900!!!475 KEELSON

Beautiful custom built English Tudor 10DetrOIt's premIere community on

Grayhaven Island. 100 fe~rontage onfmest canal In Metro-DetrOit. Features

four bedrooms, two full baths, remodeledkitchen. Much more'"

20299.20301 ~tOROSS



Picture book Colonial one block from thelake on oversized lot 113 acre. Lots ofupdates; New roof (98), gas forced air

(98), hardwood floors on first level. Fourbedrooms that includes a master bedroomSUite, two and one half car heated garage.

Central air condition, many Improve-ments, new kitchen, dishwasher, garbage

dIsposal, (loor and more! Completelyrepamted and new carpetmg throughout.

FIOIshed basement. $127,5001!!

52Hl L:\\',OO

Well maIntamed two family lllcome 10great locatIOn for personnel of St JohnHospital Central air In lower, two car

garage. Low mamtenance,separate utilities.

Beautiful English style Colonial, featuresupdated kitchen, tile floor extendIng

through foyer, custom natural fireplace,formal dInmg room, gorgeous ornate wetplaster, hardwood floors, huge finished

basement and new first floor bath.


Relax on the front porch of thIS large,qualIty built Harper Woods home WithGrosse POInte schools. Four bedrooms,family room With skylIghts and naturalfireplace, all Anderson wmdows, slatefoyer, ceramic tile and hu e backyard.

Beautiful Coloma[ in great condition.Super kitchen, many new features. Largeclosets throughout. Creat ceramic tile,wonderful woodwork and leaded glass.

You have to see this one!"




Beautiful Englzsh Tudor Colomal Withfirst floor oedroom located In East

English Village. SpacIOus new kItchen,new flrs~ floor batllroom freshly pamtedand car[leted throughout. Great deck on

rear of house, natural fIreplace, spot-less""

Unique stY-ledEnglIsh style bungalowshows terrific. East English Village area,

features Include refmlshed recreationroom, natural fireplace in Ilvmg room,uodated kitchen With breakfast nook,

bUlft III dishwasher, new tloor and more!!

20296 .'IOROSS


Center entrance Colomal m quiet cul-de-sac. Open entrance foyer to formal hvmgroom, paneled library, spacIOus kitchenWith eatmg space, formal dining room,

large family room with brick hearth fire-place and walkout to patio. First floor

laundry, fourbedrooms, two full baths and more!


Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 25



Nestled in a private area thiS beautifulranch home features Informal Iivmg room

recently paInted with coved ceilIngthroughout and natural fireplace. Kitchenhas plenty of counter and cabInet spaceand view from a beauhfui ba window.

Sharp two bedroom ranch WIthopen floorplan m excellent Farms [ocatlOn.Woodpan-eled library WIthbUilt-mshelvmg. Natural

fireplace m hvmg room. Dmmg room. Flondaroom to well kept rear grounds. Large open


Great urban locatIon mcJudmg buildablecanal front Jot (l70'X148) Hlstonc Berry

SubdiVISIOn,natural fireplacem hvmg roomand master bedroom, three car garage,

house needs renovatIOn,but IS m generalood conditIOn Ex anslOnthird Iloor attIc

Nice home, move in condition New Win-dows, hardwood floors, coved cellmgs,OIcely decorated, large deck off back of

home, copper pipes, CirCUitbreakers elec-trical box, newer roof, newer furnace andcentral aIr. Newer cement dnveway. Move

n ht In ust brIO our SUItcases.

Jim 0aros A8ency, Inc.17108 Mack, Grosse Pointe, MI. (313) 886.9030

J 9 I 70 ;\L\LLlNA

Ready or Immediate occupancy!WonderfUl St. Clair Shores neIghborhood.Three bedroom brIck ranch" finished base-ment lots of storage' Glass olock Windows,

~as forced air furnace With central air.~ewer cement, two car detached garage.

A IIances Included

Has been used for weddIng rec-eptlOns andparties as well as over night accommoda-tIOns for the past ten years. Built in 1898thiS castle ISgreat for the exclUSive smglefamily owner or great potentIal for mufti-

family or condo converSIOn.


Great Grosse POInte Farms locatIOn.Excellent condition, three bedroom brickbungalow with one and one half baths.Harawood floors, formal dmmg room.

Screen porch, gas forced air furnace andcentral air.


Move In conditIOn, close to St. JohnHospital. Caved ceilings, nicely decoratedlarge kitchen, formal dmmg roo 111, natur-al fireplace, new furnace, new WIndows,CIrcuit breaker electriC box. Completely

fInished basement, new garage door Withdoor 0 ener, newer furnace, central aIr.


Page 26 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000


HARCOURT upper 2bedroom, 2 bath, din-ing room, den, fire-place, garage, centralair. $1,200. 313-881-3425

HARPER Woods- Quiet3 room apartment withappliances. (810)n2-4134


$3901 monthand

Large 2 bedroom$575/ month

Appliances includedImmediate occupancy

Open House, Saturday'11am-1pm


LAKEPOINTE- 3 bed-room. 2 full bath low-er, spacious Masterwith walk- in closet,new appliances floor, neWlyremodeled, central air,private basement withwasher & dryer.Shared garage & lawnservice. Great loca-tion, must see!$1,100, water includ-ed. 313-824-2687

LAKEPOINTE- spa-cious 2 bedroom up-per. All appliances, offstreet parking. Greatlocation. No pets, nosmoking. $725. 313-886-1821

fiX: 313-343-556'http://9'

813 Northern MIChigan Harn.814 North1lm MJchtgan Lots815 Out of Sbte Property816 Real E$/ote Exchange817 Real E$IoIe Wanted818 Sole or lease819 Cemelery Lots820 Busmesses for Sale

REAl. ESTATE RfSOURa830 Grosse Pointe Shcns831 Grosse Pointe Woods832 Grosse Pointe Forms833 Grosse Pointe QIy834 Grosse Pointe Pane835 Detrott836 Harp.- Woods837 51 Clair ShoresB38 Northern MIChigan Property839 Flancla .8AO All Other AreasnENT

GROSSE Pointe City, 2bedroom apartment,central heating! cool-ing, open garage,good condition. $ security deposit.313-881-2806


Lovely 2 bedroomwith natural fireplace,hardwood floors,freshly decorated.basement, new gasfurnace with air.$1,200/ month plusutilities, security,lease. No pets.(313)882-7274

GROSSE Pointe City-lakeland and Mack. 1bedroom condo, in-cludes washerl dryer,refrigerator, stove,garbage disposal,dishwasher, heat andair, snow removal andlawn service. $800/month. 1 year lease.(313)640-8966

GROSSE Pointe Park- 3bedroom upper. New-ly decorated, off streetparking. No pets, nQsmoking. $850 monthplus security. 313-885-6938

GROSSE Pointe Woodsattractive duplex. 2bedroom, appliances,den. Separate base-ment/ garage. Nosmoking! pets. $825.313-885-2909

722 Vocation Renlal-Ovt of State723 Voc:ohon Renlal-

Nortnem Midllgan724 Vocation Rental- Resort725 Rentals/Leasing

Out-State Michigan

REAl. ESTATE FOR SAlE800 Houses for Sole801 Commercial Buildings802 Comtnereial Proper1y803 Ccndos/Apts./FlabBOA Country I'bnes805 Farms806 Florida Property807 Investment Properly808 Lake/RiYer Homes809 Lake/Rmlr Lets810 Lake/RiYer Resorts811 Lots For Sale812 Mor1gages/lond CordroctsFun

950 Harcourt- 2 bed-room lower, livingroom with fireplace,dining room, remod-eled kitchen with eat-ing space, enclosedporch, 2 car garage,air, no pets. Availableimme<fialely. $925/month. (313)884-4037


AFFORDABLE Town-house living in GrossePointe Woods. Metic-ulously maintained,full basement, newkitchen with applian-ces, central air, cableready. No pets. 2 bed-room, $825 or 3 bed-room, $1,000.(248)848-1150.

BEACONSFIELD up-per- 2 bedroom, hard-wood floors. veryclean. Available No-vember. $800.(313)822-2518

BEACONSFIELD- 1bedroom penthouse,excellent natural light,new kitchen, applian-ces, hardwood, laun-dry, heat, parking.$625 per month.Available immediately.No pets. (313)822.8404, 6- 9p.m.

BEACONSFIELD- quietbUilding, 2 bedroomupper, laundry, stor-age, no pets. $525,November 1sf. 810-n2-0041

703 Apts/flots/Duplex-Wanted 10 Rent

70.. Houses -St Clair County705 Hou. - Grosse Pointe/

Harp.-Woods706 DeIroit/Baiance Watne County707 Houses - Sf Clair Shores/

Maccmb Counly708 Houses Wonted 10 Rent709 Townhouses/Condos For Renr710 Townhouses/Condos WaM!d711 Garages/Mil'll Storage For R...r712 Gorages/Mini SIoroge Wonted713 lndusInoI/Warehouse Renlal714 livmg QuoI18rs 10Share715 MoIa'Homes Fer Rent716 Offices/Cammerclal For Rent717 Offices/Cammercial Wanted718 Propwty Manogel'll.'"719 Rentwith Option Ia Buy720 Roams for Rent721 Vacation Rri:d- Florida


764 Harcourt, 3rd floorflat. Pristine condition,2 bedroom, 1, dining room,fireplace. Beautifullydecorated. fUlly car-peted, soundproofflooring. Perfect forsingle or young cou-ple, $9001 month.Lease, no pets, nosmoking. 313-886-3146

764 Harcourt. Spectacu-lar, updated, 3 bed-room, 2 bath flat, allappliances, samefloor laundry, fire-place. dining room,fully carpeted, centralair. alarm, garage,window treatments.Finest rental inPointes, no pets, nosmoking, 2 yearlease, $1,6001 month.313-886-3146

n4 Harcourt, 3 bed-room upper, fireplace,$1,1001 month.Please call 313-823-8261

873 Loraine- 4 bedroom,1 bath, appliances in-cluded. $1,500.(313)884-4887

LARGE 1 bedroom up-per. Hardwood floorsthroughtout. liVing!dining room. Kitchenwith appliances.Basement with laun-dry. $595/ includeswater. 248-400-0117



1418 Somerset, 6 roomupper. Immaculate.Appliances, no smok-ing. No children. Offstreet parking. $7951month. Security de-posit. and lease re-quired. Immediate.(313)882-9785

1740 Anita, GrossePointe Woods. 2 bed-room. Spacious mas-ter bedroom, newlydecorated. Central air,all appliances. Base-ment, garage. Quietneighborhood. Closeto shopping & church-es. No pets or smok-ing. $875. 313-884-1409

2 bedroom lower flat.$n51 month. Excel-lent condition. 1006Lakepointe. (248)393-6946

414 Neff, 4 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, central air,2 car garage, fullbasement. $1,400.Crane Realty, 313-884-6451

451 St. Clair- 2 bedroomupper. Stove, refriger-ator, dishwasher, 1/ 2garage. Available No-vember 1. $795/month plus utilities.(313)886-7066

474 Neff, upper, 6rooms, clean. $950/month, security.(313)885-2808, after6pm.


313-.-60 ext 3

n E 0 I



lUESDAY 12 NOON ~ '" ..........PAYMENTS

"., ..... ;,rpiqd;""!..-ClC~!I~'-VilQ. MaslerCord, CoIh, Check

AD~:Word Ad$. 12 words. $12 15,

odddlonol ~, 65c eadl~11lll!0CClllpIId.

Meosu<w:l ~ $21 55 per coIuml'lIl1chBorder Ad!. $23 70 per ,nchfUU PAGe S«X> 001/2 PAGE $27500l/APAGE $200 001/8 PAGE $12500I'tloto Ads $35 00 Ismal pholo WithIn<dulm 15 wordIl~ $925perl;ne

$3 50 per I".. wi., pIoc. WllhtlIIlIInun word ad in "Your Home"


1 bedroom apartment,$525. Heat incfuded.313-881-4127 Pager313-958-0800.

1005 Vernier, 3 bed-room, completely re-done, new Sub Zerokitchen, deck, 2 cargarage, $2.000/month plus securitydeposit. Next to Loch-moor Golf Course.313-640-0852

1030 Waybum- upperflat, stove refrigerator.Parking in rear. $5851month. (313)343-0153, after 2pm.

1041 Beaconsfield- 2bedroom upper, veryclean, $625/ month.(313)823-4071

1095 Beaconsfield. Up-per 3 bedrooms. up-dated kitchen andbath. garage, 1 yearlease, $875. GoosenRealty Services. 810-n3-7138

1240 Wayburn, verynice upper, 2 bed-rooms, air, newer car-peting, garage, lots ofroom. Lowered to$750/ month. 313-881-2830

1456 Beaconsfield- low-er unit. 3 bedroom, offstreet parking. $800month plus utilities.Totally renovated. Nosmoking, no pets.Available immediately.(313)884-9283



Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHomePOINTES/ HARPER WOODSLOWER 2 bedroom flat-

1 block from Village.$7251 month. 1 yearlease. Call Bill(313)882-5200

LOWER 2 bedroom, 2bath apartment. Livingroom! fireplace. Din-ing room, family room!screen terrace.$1.350.313-886-1515

LOWER flat for rent-680 Neff. Hardwoodfloor. $900/ month.(313)886-5565

NEFF Road, 3 bedroomlower, 2 bath, centraJair, new appliances,fireplace, freshlypainted, garage. Im-mediate occupancy.$1,300. 313-882-6631

NOTTINGHAM south ofJefferson. 3 bedroomupper. living room,dining room; naturalfireplace, wood floors.Separate basement. 1car garage. $8001month; plus utilities.References, credithistory reqUired.(313)824-2220

NOrrJNGHAM upper. 3bedroom. 2 adults on-ly. $800/ month.(313)822-1847, leavemessage.

ONE bedroom, 606 St.Clair. Excellent loca-tion, condition. Majorappliances. $700.(~13)885-4725

PERFECT location- 1bedroom lower, hard-wood floors, fireplace.Grosse Pointe Park.New appliances, heatincluded. No smoking!pets. $590. 248-542-6762, 810-758-4050

RIVARD- 927, Two bed-room lower. Centralair, appliances, finish-ed hardwood floors,garage, sharp decor.Lease $875. 313-505-1150

SPACIOUS 1 bedroomupper apartment withliVing, dining rooms;kitchen with applian-ces. A walk-out sun-deck, large walk- inclosets. Includesshared use of base-ment and garage.$415/ month, includesheat! water. No pets.Excellent area. Pleasecall, (810)775-7164,4- 9pm.



EXECUTIVE CONDOLuxury condo in the

Village. Available NOW.Two bedroom unit,

beautifUlly furnished,rent includes all applian-ces, china, silverware,

linens, TVI VCR, all util-ities, local phone, news-

papers, heat! air, etc.Minimum lease

two months.$1,500 per month.


SPACIOUS basementone bedroom fumish-ed apartment in primeGrosse Pointe Farmslocation. Utiltites, ca-ble, central air includ-ed. Non-smoking.$5001 month. $350security deposit.(313)885-6505

SPACIOUS, clean 1bedroom on Beacons-field. Hardwood floors.Available November1. $5751 month, in-cludes heat. 313-822-4965

SPACIOUS, Graciousupper- This well- ap-pointed 3 bedroom, 2bath flat on WindmillPointe Drive. offersbright, airy rooms, aneat- in kitchen, centralaIr and a two- car ga-rage. Ready for imme-diate occupancy at$1,400 monthly. Tap-pan & Assoc.(313)884-6200

UPPER- Grosse PointeFarms, 2 bedrooms.Garage, heat, cableincluded. $850. 313-885-6832

VILLAGE- 779 St. Clair.Attractive 2 bedroom,$875 plus utilities.313-343-8462, 313-882-4988


l\ear Wmdmlll Pomte,Includes all furnlshmgs.bedding, tully eqUipped

new Kitchen. TV,allutilltle~. phone, totally

redone 2 bedroom2 month minImum at $1,700

• 313-461-5022.•• ••Don't Forget-

Call your ads In EarlylClassified Advertising

313-882-6900 ext 3UrwN~ Nlnw

,\: ('9ti't9f¥11'?ijf

..U....ill!l,i".,I!II:s!tlliJ.,ii... iPJ£!II.!J!l,'lIllil'!lla~Ii....POINTES/HARPER VIOODS


2 and 3 bedroom.Grosse Pomte. Includes

cable, phone, alT. Sharp-well decorated.

RJvard. NeffFrom $1700.

Minimum 3 month.313-886.2496313.510.8835


1 bedroom apartment.Included utilities.$4001 month. 313-824-9174

4830 Grayton- 1 bed-room, 2nd floor apart-ment. $475+ securityincludes heat, water.(810)776-5632

APARTMENT- 1 bed-room. Cadieux! Mack.$500. Laundry availa-ble. Clean. Creditcheck. 313-882-4132

BEAUTIFUL 1 bedroomupper apartment. Sunporch. Must see to ap-preciate. $500. Availa-ble November 10. CallAnnie, (313)881-4871

BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroomlower unit. $525/month. Heat & waterincluded. Whittier/l-94area. (313)881-9651

CHARMING 2 bedroomupper. Morningsidecommunity. East War-ren/ Outer Drive. For-mal dining, fireplace,terrace. Freshly paint-ed. No children,smoking, pets; $575plus heat! security.313-886-8918

CREEKSIDE- Vintagelarge 1- 3 bedroomflats, and single family .homes. 780 squarefeet. Hardwood floors,secured parking onDetroit's Eastside.313-331-6180

DETROIT- 4014 Buck-ingham, near Munich.2 bedrooms, upper,carpet, side deck,$500/ month. Call forappointment only,(313)882-2544

EAST English Village, 2bedroom upper. Hard-wood floors. $500plus security deposit.313-881-4509

EAST English Village- 2bedroom, new carpet,heat and water includ-ed. (313)884-1988


3 bedroom, gorgeous,updated lower flat, ap-pliances, garage, .$7501 month plus heat& electric, no pets, nosmoking, references,credit check & depositreqUired. 313-571-4247

EAST English Village-4436 Grayton, 2 bed-room flat. natural fire-place. $750 apphan-ces included, utilitiesnot included. 313-885-6347

MACKI Cadieux, 1 bed-room, clean. $450 in-cludes heat.(313)885-5222


1 bedroom upper flat,downtown MI. Clem-ens, kitchen applian-ces. Non-smoking res-idence No pets.$550, including utilit-ies; first, last, security.(810)468-0924

LUXURIOUS 1 bedroomcondo type apartment.built 1995, aJlapplian-ces, private entrance,10 Mile! Gratiot area,Eastpointe. $465.(810)574-0199

ONE bedroom apart-ments for rent- St.Clair Shores. Onebedroom units availa-ble. Coin laundry andstorage. One monthsecurity. $575 permonth, includes heat.No petsl no smoking.The Blake Company,313-881-6102705 HOUSES FOR RENT

POINTES/HARPER WOODS$1,300 Farms- 3 bed-

rooms, 2 baths. Air,fireplace. Near school,shopping. (313)881-9687

1 bedroom carriagehouse. Cute, decorat-ed. Park. $495. Creditcheck. Appointments;313-822-6252

17836 MAUMEEcomer Lincoln

2 Bedroom CarriageHouse for lease.

New kitchen, all newpaint! carpeting.

No pets. Non-smokers.$9501 month. .

Lucido & Associates,(313)882-1010

705 HOUSES fO~ RftJTPOItHES/HARPER WOODS414 Neff, 4 bedrooms, 2

1/2 baths, central air,2 car garage, fullbasement $1,400.Crane Realty, 313-884-6451

890 Cadieux- 3 bed-room, 2 baths, 1,500square feet, 2 car ga-rage, appliances in-cluded. $1,700.(313)884-4887

EXECUTIVE home inthe heart of GrossePointe_Woods. Primelocation. Comer lot, 4bedrooms, 2 1/2baths, formal diningroom, Updated kitchenwith eating area. Flori-da room, natural fire-place, finished base-ment, ADT securitysystem. 2 car attach-ed garage, fencedyard. $l,800/month.Also available furnish-ed.810-792-3990.

EXECUTIVE rental,short- long term.Farms, 482 Touraine.Tastefully decorated &furnished. Masterbedroom suite & sec-ond bedroom. Gour-met kitchen. Every-thing plus cable in-cluded. $1,7501month. Call 313-885-8843 or 313-822-8660

Grosse Pointe Farms-Lovely 3 bedroom col-onial with family room.275 Beaupre, $1,400.

Grosse Pointe Farms-Beautiful 3 bedroomranch with family roomand attached garage.333 Chalfonte,$1,500. Kathy Lenz,Johnstone & John-stone, 313-813-5802

GROSSE Pointe Park,Wayburn. 1 bedroomrear cottage. Applian-ces, carpet, washer/dryer, air, no pets,credit check, lease..$575, security $675.


GROSSE PointeWoods, east side ofMack. 3 bedroom, 2bath home. Veryclean. Great location.$1,000/ month. 6month lease. 313-882-6316 after 6pm.

GROSSE PointeWoods- 2 bedroom,redone, ranch, finish-ed basement, garage,

. fenced. $800. RentalPros, 81Q-773-Rent

Page 27


Woods- 3 bedroomcolonial, 1 1/2 bath,fireplace, appliancesfinished basement, 21/2 car garage.$1,500. (313)640-4810

HARPER Woods 20517Anita, 3 bedroombrick, 2 1/2 car ga-rage. Grosse PointeSchools, lease withoption available. Petsok, $900- $1,150.810-716-2949

HARPER Woods, 3bedrooms. Basementgarage. Fenced yard.$845/ month. 810-446-3353/ 24 hours

HARPER Woods- 3bedroom, 2 car ga-rage. $790. 1 yearlease. 313-220-7256

PARK- 2 bedroomhouse with Frenchdoors and leadedglass windows. Largekitchen with applian-ces and pantry. Base-ment with washer Idryer, 2 car garage.$6751 utilities.(313)331-2317

706 HOUSES fOR RENTDETROIT /WAYNE COUNTY1 bedroom, fresh paint

throughout. Locatedon Ashley. Lawn serv-ice included. No ga-rage, $560/ month.Call 313-467-5502.

2 bedrooms, garage,basement. Creditcheck. Hereford,$625, McCormick,$600. Kelly, $525.(313)882-4132

4 bedroom home, all ap-pliances, pool table,waterfront, boathouse,. dock. Privatednve, $1,5501 month.313-331-3660

4115 Neff- 1 bedroom,liVing room, kitchen.$375. No pets. Securi-ty.810-776-7088

CHANDLER Park &Outer Drive- 4 bed-room, brick, 2 baths,library, basement, ga_rage, fenced. $675 .Rental Pros, 313-882-Rent

1-94/ Moross- 3 bed-room, 1 11 2 bath, fin-ished basement.$7251 month plus util-ities. (810)367-8066


Page 28 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000



ST. John area- 2 bed-room, $600/ month.Includes all applian-ces, water. (313)886-6791


ST. Clair Shores- 3 bed-room colonial, 1 1/2bath, basement, allappliances included.No pets. $850/ month.810-786-9791.


HARBOR Club Northcondo- 2 bedroom, 2bath. $1,300 month.(313)884-0874

LAKESHORE VIllage, 2bedroom condo.$750. Available No-vember. No pets, nosmoking. 313-938-4541

RIVIERA Terrace, St.Clair Shores, 9 Mile/Jefferson. One bed-room, appliances,clean, $700.(81 0)791-5377



GARAGE space availa-ble tor rent, St. ClairShores. Call Mary,810-296-9451

GARAGE storage, eachhalf, $42.50, minimum6 months. 9203 E.Outer Dr.


FEMALE or male room-mate to share spa-cious 3 bedroom flatin Grosse PointePark. Hardwoodfloors, washer/ dryer.Share with Grad stu-dent. (313)874.6459

FEMALE roommate,near the lake, dormer.1 bedroom, Jacuzzibath, kitchenette,$500.313-881-5013

NEED A ROOMMATE?All Ages, Occupations,Tastes, Backgrounds

and lifestyles."Our 20th Year"

Home-Mate Specialists(248)644-6845

ROOMMATE wanted, toshare 3 bedroom flatin Park. Call(313)821-8809

SHARE waterfronthome, rent & utilities.Professional, no pets.Non smoker. 810-7n-4448

WATERFRONT home,all appliances, pool ta-ble, boat house &dock. Fireplace, spa-CIOUS. 313-331-3660


21921 Harper. 1,000 sq.ft. small office, workarea, rear overheaddoor. 313.885-8957

CHARMING eastside of-fice bUilding, 957 sq.ft. available. Call Bar-bara Eaton or DennisDilworth at Colliers In-ternational, 248-540-1000 for details.

. '~_""'iIII_._-



TWP.6,000 sq. ft. buildlOg

Office, Medical orFratemal Organization

5 Restrooms1.3 Acres

Great Parking!FOR LEASE

HOOVERI WARREN4,000 sq. ft.

PrimeMedical/ Office Space

Plenty of parkingRent IOcludes

Utilities & MalOtenanceJIM BOMMARITOAssociate Broker



Space for lease.Individual office

& sUites available.Starting $3001 month.Lucido & Associates,


Opposite EasttandShopping Center.City of Eastpointe.Near 1-94 & 1-696

Single suites-5,600sq. ft. on main level.

By appointment810-n6-544O

MACK AVE. LEASESADDRESS sa. FT.20439 Mack GPW 310018424 Mack GPF 160022211 Mack SCS ..... 800

Sine & MonaghanGMAC Real Estate

31~84-7000MACK! Woods. 1 or 2

private offices, all ulti.lites included.(313)882-5200


STORAGE buildingavailable for rent, ap-proximately 1,500square ft. Phone(313}885-8326

UPSCALE office, $195/month, all utilities &parking. 15005 E. Jef-ferson, 313.824.9174

WANTED- Mental healthprofessional to shareoffice space. GrossePOinte Farms location.Quiet, furnished of-fice, good parking.Full or part time. Call(313)884-3030


GROSSE PointeSchools, newly deco-rated ranch, 3 bed-rooms, 2 full baths.$865/ month. 2 bungalow, $8051month. Appliances in-cluded. Excellent con.dition. (810)986-9670


BOCA Raton, luxuryocean view I 1 kingbedroom, 2 baths,clean leather sofabed. All amenities.$2500 month. 313-885-5352


CONDO- Bonita Beach,Florida, near Naples.All new large 2 bed-rooms, 2 baths, pool,full amenities. 2month minimum.$3,000- $5,000/month. (810)776-2462-- .....------

CLEARWATER condo-Beachfront with pools1 to 3 bedrooms FUllyeqUipped. 2 TV's,VCR. Close to golfcourses. 1-800-237-9831, www,lackcolllns[

NAPLES Florida- 7thfloor efficiency condoon Vanderbilt Beachoverlooking the GuH.Beautiful view. Ocu-pied: October, Janu-ary February March.Special rates; Novem-ber, April, May. 810-n9-5618

NORTH Naples rental- 2bedroom, 2 bath con-do, minutes frombeach & golf courses.January thru April,monthly. Video availa-ble. Call for details,(810)254-3978

SIESTA Key condos, 1/2 bedrooms, weekly/monthly. 941-349-5726


COZY condo- Uttle Tra-verse Bay golf course.4 bedrooms. 2 1/2baths. (313)823-1251

HARBOR Springs- 2units, 2 bedroom, 2bath. Sleeps 6.(248}540-0991

SLEEPING Bear Dunes.Glen Lake. Vacationhomes. Ski specials.Christmas week avail-able. Broker. 313-881-5693

WATERFRONT PortSanilac, 6 bedrooms,3 baths, Sandy beach.$1,500/ week. 313.882-5070


CASEVILLE on Sagi-naw Bay. Privatelakefront homes. Bythe week or weekend.Bookings for summerweeks, 20011 517-874-5181

RIVIERA Oaks Resort,Romona Califomla. 50miles from San Diego.2 bedroom, 5 starcondo, November24th. December 1st,2000. $1,400. Callowner, 810-415-0065



Page 29



3 bedroom brick ranch,completely updated withnew: kitchen, bath, win-

dows, roof. Finishedbasement with full bath;

on a huge lot.$169,900


beautifully updated3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath.New kitchen, new roof,2 family rooms, over2,600 sq. ft. of puresplendor. $479,900

44 FAIRFORD, GPS3 bedroom brick ranch,

library family room,first floor laundry.

Fir1ishedbasement,over 2,700 sq. ft.


843 LORRAINE GPSLarge 4 bedroom 2 bath

Capecod, updatesgalorel

Over 1500 sq. ft.$269,000


Completely updatedCape cod. 3 bedrooms,

2 full baths. All new:windows, kitchen, roof.2 car attached garage.Full finished basement.

Over 1,800 sq. ft.Don't miss this one!




Completely updated.3 bedroom brick ranch.

With 2 carattached garage.

New kitchen, bath,family room.

Ful! finished basement.$156,900

Don't Forget-Call your ads In EarlyfClassified Advertising

313-882-6900 ext 3

0..0- 1\3irte Newsi> i.?& 'T.'







MUST see- beautiful 3bedroom brick ranchin St. Clair Shores. 21/2 car garage, finish-ed basement, hard-wood floors, centralair, appliances includ-ed. $134,900. CallCentury 21 Kee, 810-779-7500

WELL designed andspacious Scott builtcolonial home. Ap-proximately 3,400 sq.ft. 4 bedrooms, mas-ter bedroom withdressing area. 2 fulland 2 half baths. 3walk-in closets withwood flooring. Elegantmarble foyer with oakstaircase. First floorlaundry room & firstfloor library with built-in bookshelves. Largefamily room. Formaldining room. Finishedbasement. Newercentral air and fur-nace. New bay win-dow. In-ground pro-grammable sprinkler

- -system. Gas fireplace.Gas lamp and barbe-cue. Well landscapedbackyard enclosedwith privacy fence.$495,000. Appoint-ment only, (313)881-8665

STOP Renting! Warrendoll house. New fur-nace with air condi-tioning/ windows, re-modeled kitchen andbath, garage.$63,900/ $550 pay-ment. Jane, Century21 Kee, 810-445-6518

TO' PLACE AN ADCALL313-882~ ext 3

FORThursday, October 12, 2000

, ,,



GROSSE PointeSchools or St. Peter'sSchool. First listing. 4bedroom, 2 bath re-modeled and newlydecorated ranch.What's new? Kitchencabinets, ceramic tilefloors, carpeting, win-dows, roof, copperplumbing driveway,patio, extra basementbath and shower andlandscaping. Seeingis believing. 20419Lennon, Open Satur-day or Sunday, 12 to5pm. Call 810-291-3868

GROSSE PointeSchools, newly dec0-rated ranch, 3 bed-rooms, 2 full baths.$97,900. 2 bedroombungalow, $87,500.Appliances included.Excellent condition.(810)986-9670

HARPER Woods starter,price just reduced forquick sale. $65,900. 2bedroom on a slab,Florida room, 1 12/car garage, fencedyard. Immediate occu-pancy. 313-382-412410- 6. After 6, 313-414-5050

HARPER Woods- 3bedroom, diningroom, finished base-ment. 2 1/2 car ga-rage. Updated, mint$107,500. 313-570-0627

THE Farms, 1 1/2 story,3 bedroom, 2 bath,1,900 sq. ft. Closeproximity to KerbySchool. 313-885-6831for information. Nobrokers please.


GROSSE Pointe Farms,452 Colonial Court.Open Sunday, 1- 5p.Pristine colonial locat-ed on a quiet Farmscourt. Charming pri-vate lot with a newbrick paver patio, gasgrill, in ground sprin-klers & fenced yard.New kitchen with re-cessed lighting, appli-ances and hardwoodfloors. Professionallypainted with neutraldecor throughout,brass fixtures & light-ing, gleaming woodfloors, large foyer, fin-ished basement, up-dated electrical andcentraJ air. Move- incondition, must see tofUlly appreciate I$309,000. (313)417-0685, aJ50 shown byappointment.

GROSSE Pointe Park,Nottingham, 4 bed-room, 2 bath, den.significantly updated,$200,000. 313-822-6366

GROSSE PointeWoods- 1976 Anita. 3bedroom, 2 112 bath,brick bungalow. Mustsee to appreciate, toomany extras to men-tion. Open house,SUnday, 1- 4pm. Formore infonnation call,810-291-6110, 810-915-0303, 810-412-0800.





DETROIT'S BEST BUYSuper sharp 3 bedroombrick colonial. New fur-nace and electric, manymore updates. 3 car ga-rage. FHA! VA terms.

Stieber Realty810-775-4900

EAST English Village- 3bedroom tUdor Colo-nial. living room withfireplace, dining room,1 1/2 baths, finishedbasement, library, 2car garage. $145,000.Seller motivated IJane, Century 21 Kee,810-445-6518

GROSSE PointeSchools. By owner- 3bedroom, 2 1/2 bath,Ijving room, diningroom, finished base-ment. $229,000 OpenHouse Sunday, 1pm-4pm. (248)816-4883,days, (313)886-6461,evenings.

MT. Clemens, 120 S.Wilson. Charming up-dated 1926 Tudor, 4bedrooms, 2 1/2baths, hardwoodfloors, 2 natural fire-places, Jiving room,dining room, sunroom,newer family room!kitchen, pantry,screened porch, 5thbedroom on thirdfloor. 3,500 sq. ft.(810)463-4204, forappointment.

RED L1675 severn Road

Grosse Pointe Woods3 bedroom, 1,700 +sq. ft. brick colonial,

built in 1951.1. 5 baths, newerkitchen with oak

cabinetry,new roof (tear off), newfumace and central air,

new windows, basementwaterproofed- all withextended warranties.Immediate occupancy





For Sale

~e" "Rl:Y O\X'Nf R" Reduced to $,-130,000. JU RR6-0041

538 St. Clair, GrossePointe City, 5 bed-room, 2 1/2 bath, car-port, guest house,www.forsaJebyowner&Q.[D reference num-

ber 9998537. Call:313-331-2009

5503 Gateshead (offMack). srnaU 1 bed-room. As is $22,500cash.810-285-0603

BY owner 1147 Bea-consfield. Open Sun-day 2- 5, price re-duced on this wellmaintained, 4 bed-room, 1 1/2 bathhome. Extensive new-er improvements in-clude, cherry kitchen,refinished hardwoodflooring, vinyl win-dows, tear off roof, 2car garage, baths,basement recreationroom and more. call(313)822-32n

760 Pear Tree LaneGrosse Pointe Woods

Michigan313 886-0042

A 2767 sq. ft., 1966 Ed Shultz built center entrance colomal near Star, GP Hunt and ULS.Four' bedroom, 2 1/2 bath. wlfirst floor laundry. Natural marble fir~place •. two storycircle staircase w/marble floor. Walkout paver patio (20 x 20) w/bnck pnvacy. wall.Two & half car garage w/ample storage. Oak floor under existing carpets. Ne. spnnklersystem. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!

.... YourHeme



ST CLAIR SHORES5 bedroom cape cod, 2

1/2 baths, updatedkitchen with island

counter all on a hugedouble lot. $124,900ST. CLAIR SHORES

Located by the lake andfeaturing private boatdockage. Pristine 4

bedroom brick colonialwith full basement,

family room with naturalfireplace. Formal diningroom, huge deck with

. hot tub and 3car garage. $279,900.ST. CLAIR SHORES

12 unit apartmentbuilding. $795,000.Lee Real Estate-

Ask forHarvey 810-nl-3954

ST. Clair Shores, 1,700sq. ft. 3 bedroom bun-galow on almost halfan acre. Huge familyroom, many updates.$129,900. Nancy Bidi-gare, Reality Execu-tives, 810-741-8200


17516 E. Warren600 sq. ft.

Office BUilding.Needs Updating

Buy or lease(313)521-5600

EASTPOINTEI 9 MILE3,600 square feet,

updated bUilding- use asone bUilding or rentout 1/2. Separate

utilities and overheaddoor on both sides.

Just West of Kelly.Reduced.

Jim BommaritoAssociate BrokerCentury- 21 AAA(810)n2-8000

GROSSE Pointe City,950 sq.ft. office build-ing on Mack Avenue.Call Adlhoch & Asso-ciates, (313)882-5200

MEDICAL office building(18150 Mack). Previ-ously a dental office.Approximately 2,000sq. ft. (248)540-8833


HARPER(between 8 & 9 Mile)

960 sq buildingStieber Realty



810 Beaconsfield,Grosse Pointe Park. 4unit income, South ofJefferson. Great loca-tion across fromTrombley School. 4unit income property.Two bedrooms ineach unit. Driveway,many updates. Newkitchens, baths, boil-ers, windows.$289,500. GoosenRealty Services, 810-773-7138

GOLF Course condo-first floor, 2 bedroom,2 bath, attached ga-rage. 313-325-2640,(313)822-4068, agent


COMPLETELY renovat-ed 2 bedroom, 2 1/2bath townhouse typecondo, 1005 Wood-bridge/ St. ClairShores. A must see!Call 313-884-1935 forappointment. OpenSunday, 2- 5.

CONDO Ranch- St.Clair Shores Golfcomplex. 2 bedrooms,2 baths, attached 2car garage, all appli.ances. Move in condi-tion. $160,000.(313)886-9124

FIRST offering- Out-standing townhouse.Grosse Pointeschools. Features 2bedroom, 2 1/2 bathsand basement. 19703Fleetwood. $110,000.Kathy Lenz, John-stone & Johnstone,313-884-0600, 313-813-5802

Faxyour ads24 hours313-343-5569~1bRa N.nwI._11&


HARRISON Twp.- town-house condo on pn-vate manna with boatwell, 3 bedrooms, 3baths, gourmet kitch-en, master suite WithjacuzzI tub, greatroom with fireplace.Spectacular view oflake. $542,000. Formore information: 1-800-803-4392 ext.3101. Real EstateNetwork 810-228-7598

LAKESHORE Village-St. Clair Shores spa-cious 2 bedroom con-do, just remodeled,carpet throughout, allnew appliances in-clUding washer, dryer& microwave. Centralair, clUbhouse, pool &day oare. Immediateoccupancy. Best unitin the complex. Mustsee to appreciate.$95,000. 810-598-9890


LAKESHORE Village.BUying! seiling. CallspeCIalist, Diana Bar-tolotta, AI Fiorini Real-ty,810-977-8232

LEXINGTON- beautifulcondo on golf course,1 mite from marina, 2years old, full finishedbasement including3rd bathroom & bed-room. Many extras!$215,900. (810)359-5053

POPULAR LakeviewClub condominium.Elegant updates withviews of the lake. Be-tween 11 & 12 Mile.$450,000. For an ap-pointment call SallyCoe, Coldwell BankerSchweitzer, 313-885-2000

RIVERHOUSE co- op. 1bedroom water viewoverlooking marina!Belle Isle beach. 11thfloor. Apt. 1118.Bs~utiful, $29,000.Linda, 313-821.~700




(810) 773-713821835 Nine Mile Rd. staalrShores,MI JB8)

E-Mail: egoosenctml-mIS.comEric COO5en. CRI ABR.

28900 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores

4$489,000o en Sunde I-s

HANDYMAN SPECIAL WIDE LOT Sf. CLAIR aRoSSE POINTESCHOOlSThree bedroom bungalow, Immaculate three bedroom This Channing home has tOIlS Four bedroom bncktwo car garage New vmyl bungalow Large lot (70 x of character and a large bungalow CompletelySldlflg and roof, Inside needs 117). Home features New pnvale lot. Recent updates updated New krtchen, bath,updating Lots of old world roof, Windows, doors, Include new kitchen. paint, paint, carpet, plumbln~,chann and character. Newer updated kitchen, Wlbullt-Ins new sldn'lg and vehicle door electrIC, furnace, all" Move-Inboiler; hardwood floors. Updated bath First floor on garage, refinished condition Grosse PointePIas1er.Reduced laundry and attached garage. hardwood floors Three Schools $125,500

$139,900 $136,900 bedroom. 2,400 square feet


BEAUTIFUL lakefront -Approximately 3,000 sq. ft.Completely remodeledinterior with two new fullbaths, new kitchen, all newtile, hardwood Berbercarpet, full finished daylight basement with thirdbath, steel seawall, twoboat hoists, mature shadedlandscape with panoramiclakefront view.810-294-5856.

66 Willow Tree PlaceGrosse Pointe Shores

IMMEDlATE OCCUPANCYCustom bUllt on Shores cul-de-sac.

Updated kitchen; breakfast room withd,oorwall access to courtyard; famllyroom With natural fireplace, wet bar,bUllt m speaker system With double

doorwalls overlooking patIo and pnvateyard, formal dmmg room; liVIngroom;first floor laundry; three generous SIZed

bedrooms, master bedroom mcludesbath and dressmg room; walk-m closets,

2 full baths; 2- 1/2 baths. Parttallyfimshed basement With lavatory;

attached two and one half car garage.

a ceater ealnuan.... of a wiIIIl,8GD .... ft. of rGDIIIy

• Major bapronmeat8 and decarallag.. last 3 ,ears by Kenaedy 8 Co.

... size 70x 120, newl, landscaped.fiDd at 8389,000. (313)8118--8478

OFFERING PRICE $596,000For More Information, Please Call 313-881-5387




Thursday, October 12, 2000 YourHome Page 31

452 Coloniat CQurt460 Fisf)er Road383 McKinley156 Kerby165 LakevJew



KALKASKA: 6.69wooded acres adjoin-Ing State land. Greathunting and camping.Includes driveway,cleared site, electric.$26,900; $500 down,$3301 month. 11%land contract. North-ern land Company. 1-800-968-3118. !l2.!1b:emlandcQ,com

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~1"1IIAIASI""Wf&"«U'T~~ -=========--Call The CIauIfIeds: (313)882-6900 ext 3


80 acre farm on pavedroad, in the thumb, 6miles from lake Hur-on. Slightly rolling withsmall stream & sometrees. Zoned agricul-turaV residential.$210,000. ColdwellBanker Schweitzer,Margaret, 810-871-5900, pager 248-235-1374

By Owner

Century 21 CampbellBy OwnerBrushwood Corp.Brushwood Corp.


HARRISON Twp. Boat-ers paradise home.Secluded setting onalmost 1 acre with177' of wide deep ca-nal. 3,600 sq. ft. 4bedrooms, 4 fullbaths, covered boathouse with 2 boatslips and hoist. Sparoom with hot tub,sauna. Swedishshower. For a virtual

~~dia~rK}:~ASj~~8a..b1m For privateshowing page Audrey,land & lake Realty,313-940-6526



ALGONAC, PointeDuchene. lakefronthome. 304 Edgewa-ter, $250,000. 734-420-0200

Cal31H82-&D)x3to Charge yourClassified Ad

Visal MC Acceptedor Fax 313-343-5569

Include: Ad Copy,Name, Address, Phone

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Expiration Date.

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ST. Clair Shores- Nauti-cal Mile condo. Wind-wood Pointe. 2nd floorunit, 2 bedrooms, 2full baths, Iivin~ room,library, waJk- In clos-ets, modem kitchen,recessed lighting, cus-tom wood shutters,screened- in porch,and much more. Pre-mium complex loca-tion. (810)775-0815


ST. Clair Shores, 2 bed-room, 3 full baths, pa-tio with deck, barbe-cue, finished base-ment with 3rd bed-room, first floor laun-dry. attached garage,extras, 1,350 sq. ft.$169,500. 810-774-6922



5765 Devonshire1097 Lakepointe1019 Somerset




, 313-882..flO87313--882...()087313-882-0087

1976 Anita1347 Hampton760 Pear Tree1648 Roslyn :



John Anton EnterprisesPrudentialBy Owner

Century 21 Associates

81o-291~11(), 313--882-6081,313..8864)042


"20707 Etizabeth $139,900 1-4pm By Owner 810-772-9105 '28900 Jefferson $489,000 1-4pm By Owner 810..294 ..5856

"-20424 Pteasant $222,000 1-4pm By Owner 81G-772...10831005 Woodbridge $147,000 2-5pm By Owner 313-884-1935 -

Page 32 YourHome Thursday, October 12, 2000

Newberry Grosse Pomte FarmsHandsome home in prime area just one half block from the lake!Every room endes fine taste from the form&lliving room withfireplace, gleaming white kitchen, CO'q library and enjoyable

ICreened porch all combining to create a total delightl$649.900.

Bi ys, Grosse POlllte WoodsPicture perfect three bedroom home with a dazzling new family

room. Beautifully maintained and decorated to perfectionthroughout, there is also a new roof, a wonderful rear deck and

central air conditioning. $215,000.

RIvard. Grosse POLllteA unique opportunity is here for you to restore this fabulous

property. Exceptional space throughout this six bedroom, fourand one half bath home with both a family room and a den.

Lovely Pewabic details and 8 spacious lot.$425,000.


2142 BawiborDe, Groae Pointe Woods159 Touraine, Grosse Pomte FarmslI29 Ridpmont, Groae Pointe Farms

Enjoy the view of the WMer and the privatelakefront park for residents only. The unique

design of this home provides a separateapartment with living room with ftreplace,

bedroom and kitchenette. Gorgeous grounds!$259,900.

This charming home is updated with tasteand filled with surprises! Incredible great

room, newer kitchen and beautiful newdecorating have created a unique place for you

to call home. Deep lot and early possessionible! $269,000.

Numerous updaies in this three bedroomincome include myIsiding, windows, exterior

doors and baihrooms completely redone.Separate utiliiies and storage area. Yardltwo

parking spaces.$129,000 .

206511101. Lane, Grosse Pointe Woods

658 S. RosecIa.Ie, Grosse Pobtte Woods20001 Woodmont, Harper Woods1788 Brys, Grone Pointe Woods1434 Ora Groae Pomte Parll

Charming four bedroom., two and one halfbath on a very deep lot. Great room with

adjacen~ well-equipped newer kitchen, cozyden, hardwood fioors and numerous recent

major improvements.Now $464,000.

Great curb appeal and so very special inside!Newer family room with natural fu-eplace and

garden room in this thr-ee bedroom, one andone half baUl Colonial. Recreation room willi

natural fll'eplace in basement.A best bu at $339,900.

This home is filled with fine archite<lmnldeiails. Gleaming wood noors, many leaded

glass windows and lovely plaster work. Familyroom. updated kUchen and second fioor

computerlsiffing room. $227,000.• ~h ://tours.i

ExAlWng and upbeat Colonial on a football sizedloi! Wonderfully versatile tloor plan with a great.ndes1gn. Newer goW'Dlet kiichen witllappIiances and adjacem familJ room with eGing

area. Library willi buil~ins, lower level rec:reatienroom willi and wet bar. $399,900.

'1'Irls unique resideRiial terrace home hasdelighU'ul professional decor

ibloughoutl WiUlfenced garden in the back,spacious rooms and updated kitchen, it is truly

one of a kind. Bedrooms galore! $315,000.•• 'tours. bamboo. com/usa/mi/ll 000889. htm

A real jewel! This four bedroom home has aden, a siU:ing rooat and a Florida room.

Beautiful tile in all"', hardwood floors andsuperb arohitecmJra1 cWail8. Priced to reflectthe need for imagiD&Cive. updating. $389,000.


:;: on can move right in10 this greai fourliedroom that has a private ma.sier bedroom

baIb. a f&Dilly room with fireplace, doorwall topaUo and well landscaped ga.rden.Many newer features. $378,900.


82 Kercheval, on the HillGrosse Pointe Farms

• I
