Mastering Quantum Linguistics The Art of Confusion

A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Quantum Linguistics The Easy Way Copyright @ Life Training Systems Ltd

Transcript of Mastering Quantum Linguistics The Art of Confusion

A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Quantum Linguistics

The Easy Way

Copyright @ Life Training Systems Ltd

Mastering Quantum Linguistics The Art of Confusion

Imagine, just for a minute how it will be for you, now knowing, you are able to listen to the linguistic structure of a clients presenting problem in a new therapeutic and resourceful way.

Taking the syntactic structure of the language that they are using and on the fly, of the top of your head, totally unconsciously, spin the content of their language in such a way as to cause maximum confusion.

Changing and moving their mental and emotional functioning, as you continue to spin them again and again and again!!

Literally bending and warping their perception of reality so much so, that you take them from the stuck place of negative certainty and masterfully spin them out into a positive expanded state of possibility full of resources.

Taking what used to be certainty in who they thought they were and creating doubt and uncertainty about their old belief.

Reprogramming and re-patterning all those negative neurological pathways that used to lead to that old problem, effectively disengaging them in such a profound way that they are forever lost in the confusion.

And imagine doing this process so well that the client could never find their way back to that old way of being.

Because you have already learnt from your NLP practitioner level material, so many exciting ways in which you can use your language with volition to facilitate change in others, through the

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expert use of Milton Model, Meta Model and Linguistic Presuppositions.

What I’m about to share with you is the advanced linguistic skills that are the next level of mastery that you need, to become an elegant expert of conversational change and hypnosis.

We are about to delve into science and quantum theorem to learn, understand and adapt, so that we can utilise this scientific representation and explanation of reality as a basis for our formula to create change with our linguistics at the quantum level.

This amazing skill and set of tools will empower you to easily bend and warp the illusion that your client claims as their reality, this is the key to your true mastery of conversational change.

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The Theory Behind Quantum Linguistics The basic (keeping it simple) concept of Quantum Theory is the study of the interaction of matter (atoms and subatomic particles) and the energy that surrounds it.

To get your head around this it is important to understand that the densest matter known to us, still has more space within it than matter yet we quantify it on its lesser component or do we?!!

Are we perceiving the shape and form that is the matter, or are we perceiving the energy that creates and maintains the shape and form of the matter or is it both?

Bottom line is, energy and matter interact and give form, and that form becomes our perceived reality.

So for something to exist in reality, then everything else around it must NOT BE IT!!! So whether you think it’s real or not, you need to not think of what it isn’t not being when you didn’t know what it was before you realised what you think you thought it is right now!!?

I know my head is hurting already as well, but bear with me because this is really cool stuff.

Let’s first of all think of a very simplified example. Have a look around your room now and I’m sure there will be a chair and as you notice that chair you will realise that everything else around that chair is NOT that chair.

The chair is only real to you because it has its own unique boundaries that defines it. There may be another chair, it may even seem to all intents and purposes the same style of chair but it can never be the same chair, because it is a second chair, unique in its own right.

Also have a think about the solid reality of that chair and try and work out in your head, if you were to begin to break down the components of that chair at what point in your perceptions would it stop being “A Chair”

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If you removed the fabric that was covering the chair, would it still be a chair, and if your removed just one leg of the chair would you still see it as a chair?

Have you ever bought a flat pack chair from Ikea? and was it still a chair in your perception on the shelf in a box, before you even bought it? So when is a chair NOT a chair!!?

How about we think about a slightly more mind bending example. Say you have a glass of water (we will call it water 1) and a bowl of water (we will call this water 2).

The water in the glass is obviously different from the water in the bowl!?

Now what happens when you place the glass directly into the bowl, both water 1 and water 2 are theoretically in the bowl but water 1 and water 2 are still separated by the glass.

This is what we call the boundary conditions that define it.

The bowl has changed, water 2 has changed even the glass has changed yet water 1 is still exactly the same.

Now if we were to remove the glass as it is the only boundary that is causing water 1 to be unable to change then we end up with complete change.

When you pour the water from the glass into the bowl, the bowl has changed because it has more water in it, water 1 and water 2 have both changed because they have become water 3 and the glass has also changed because it is now empty.

So think of your client as the bowl and your client’s neurology as the water within it and think of the water in the glass as the client’s problem and the glass itself as the linguistic boundaries that continue to define and contain the water within it.

With quantum linguistics and Cartesian logic we can easily break down the boundaries that defined the problem allowing the un-resourceful thinking that was held within it to dissolve and vanish in the client’s neurology.

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The Theory Behind Using Cartesian Coordinates For Language

The Theorem A = B: This is effectively the problem; “I am frightened of failing” an example of the question to prove and validate this reality within the clients neurology would be. “What would happen if you were?”

The Converse ~A = B: This is the converse thinking to the problem; An example of the questions to validate this as a possible reality would be. “What wouldn’t happen if you were?”

The Inverse A = ~B: This is the inverse thinking to the problem; An example of the questions to validate this as a possible reality would be. “What would happen if you weren’t?”

The Non Mirror Image Reverse ~A = ~B: This is the non mirror image reverse of the problem; And an example of the questions to validate this as a possible reality and effectively blow the boundaries of the problem would be “What wouldn’t happen if you weren’t?”

NOTE: In the theories above “~” the squiggle sign simply means NOT. So the converse is NOT A = B and the inverse is A = NOT B and the non mirror image reverse is NOT A = NOT B.

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How To Easily Master Quantum Linguistics (Phase 1)

The first thing we want to do is understand negation and how to apply it to the clients problem statement in a way that will cause them to have to look outside the problem to understand what is being said.

To do this easily we simply need to split the clients problem statement into two parts.

Then either choose to negate the first part (converse) or negate the second part (inverse) or negate both parts (non-mirror image reverse)


Problem Statement: “I am frightened of failing” now this can be split anywhere but for this example we will split in the logical place of…

“I am frightened (A) // of failing (B)”

When we apply cartesian logic to this statement it would look like this…

Problem – “I am frightened of failing” Converse - “I am not frightened of failing” Inverse – “I am frightened of not failing” Non-mirror Image Reverse – “I am not frightened of not failing”

Now this is the traditional way of teaching quantum linguistics though I grant you not very elegant and I know of lots of NLP graduates that never seem to get much beyond this basic practice of sentence splitting and double negating.

For us we want to be far more free flowing and elegant with our skill set so please just view this as the founding principles that allows you to fully understand the concepts of what you are looking to achieve.

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The Holy Trinity to Effectively Linguistically Blow Someone’s Mind

I know you are keen to get to the level of mastery, where you can scrabble someone’s old ineffective, limiting thought patterns so effectively that their problem will become a bit squidgy like a metaphorical mush.

If you can imagine what it would be like if it were to just dribble out of their ears, along with a little bit of steam, as their eyes boggle in their head and they drool ever so slightly down the front of their shirt.

Well hold on tight because I am about to reveal to you the secret formula “the how to” that will now allow you to easily master this incredibly powerful skill.


In every problem statement there will be the magic of the trinity, the archetypal power of THREE.

Like in western Christian culture we have Father, Son and Holy Ghost, or In eastern Hindu culture we have Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

In western Esoteric culture we have Conscious, Unconscious and Higher Consciousness and in Psychology we have Ego, Soul and Self.

So we may as well tap into and use this deeply unconscious hard wired structure and powerful metaphoric meaning that we already have held deep within our psyche as a resource for good.

So when a client gives your the linguistic structure of the internal representation of their reality it will have languaged within it A) The person themselves, B) The problem, and C) the Causative.

So let’s look at our previous problem statement “I am frightened of failing”. There is the client or person “I am” there is the problem or

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emotion in this case “frightened of” and there is the causative which for this example is “failing”.

Now we can look at how to cycle through changing the syntax of the sentence as well as negating some or all of it.

Here is just some of the mind boggling permutations of the formula that for this presenting problem statement, appears the order and sequence of - Client / Problem / Causative

Not the Client / The Problem / The Causative

The Client / Not the Problem / The Causative

Not The Client / The Problem / Not the Causative

Not the Causative / Nor the Problem / but still the Client

Not the Causative / The problem / Not the Client

Not the Problem / Sometimes the Client / Never the Causative

Not the Client / Sometimes the Causative / Never the Problem

The Causative / Actually has the Problem / Not the Client

And the Client / Doesn’t Understand the Causative / That doesn’t have the problem

Or in simply not accepting the Causative / the Client / can never truly have the Problem

What problem!!? and who said anything about failing!!? it wasn’t me, I don’t know what your talking about!!

Is understanding this formula starting to expand your awareness of the power of never accepting the created reality and boundary conditions set up by your client in their neurology!?

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Let’s have a play around and look at some examples…

These would be delivered to the client in the form of a question with an implied deeper meaning that is relevant to the problem that they think they have.

The key is delivering it in a a way that makes it sound plausible!!

More than likely what you are saying if it was broken down into the rules of the english language, wouldn’t actually make any sense.

Like the structure of their problem we are not looking to necessarily make sense, just to give a plausibility and familiarity to a statement that is designed to force their thinking beyond the structured boundaries of the problem.

You don’t need them to answer you each time, but you do need them to fully consider what you are saying.

When a statement sounds plausible the person is driven by a need to make sense of it, which will give them an internal answer and meaning. Literally making sense of the nonsensical.

If and when they do feel compelled to answer, then whatever they give you can and should be weaved in, to create a new starting point which will already be, no longer the problem as it was.

This will allow for another mind bending spin of your quantum language.

So the Problem Statement is “I am frightened of failing”

“What is failure frightened of that’s not you?”

“What are you realising now that is not fear of failing that could be you?”

“What is within you that is definitely not fear, that failure doesn’t understand?”

“What would happen if you could fail successfully without any fear of you not being you?”

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“If you could hear what your feeling when you weren’t frightened of failing what would that look like?”

“Is failure frightened of your success?”

“If you can see what isn’t frighting wouldn’t you have to then be successfully not failing?”

“What isn’t failing when you are not being frightened?”

“If you weren’t not being you then could failing never be frightening?”

“What is now you that you didn’t realise before that you aren’t frightened of in successfully not failing?”

We could go on forever!! These are just some examples of how this spin within the syntax of the clients problem statement can be created, causing them to have to look out with the problem in attempt to make sense of and understand your statement.

If and when your client answers you, rest assured they will feel a need to. Then their new statement will include some sort of shift in their thinking.

And as you take advantage of this incremental shift you can create spin on that and as you do, they have to move further and further away from the structure of the original problem statement.

Fifteen to twenty minutes of this will have the client a bit dazed and confused, we call it discabooberized!!

Neurological changes can be made using this type of internally directive language to affect the clients model of the world. This can, and done well, usually does create a completely new reality that in that moment the client will believe to be true.

At the very least you skills with quantum linguistics will cause them to very much doubt what it was that they used to believe to be true.

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Quantum Linguistics in of itself is not a full intervention, it is more a set of powerful linguistic tools that allow you to very much loosen the grasp the clients has on the perceived reality of the problem.

Having said that I have experienced many times a clients problem disappearing altogether using this process completely on it’s own.

Or in more difficult cases to compound the effectiveness of this technique I use it in conjunction with another NLP Master Practitioner technique called Logical Levels of Therapy.

NOTE: A problem will be structured in one of only four ways.

The reason that your client has come to see you is because they have a problem and that problem will predominantly fall into one of these four categories. 1. They are feeling something they don’t want to feel, for instance

a negative emotion like fear, anger, sadness, hurt, guilt or phobic response.

2. They can’t feel something that they do want to feel which could be something like love or maybe confidence.

3. They are doing something that they don’t want to do, such as, smoking, drinking, gossiping, lying, cheating and so on.

4. They are not able to do something that they do want to do, like, changing their job, leaving a relationship, going travelling and so on.

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How to Easily Master Quantum Linguistics (Phase 2)

To truly be a master of language and influence, you must train yourself to do the process’s that you have learned intuitively and unconsciously.

The tools, techniques and methodologies that create the process that is Quantum Linguistics must be first learned consciously but cannot be utilised to create change consciously.

The elegant flow that is the level of mastery in Quantum Linguistics can only be achieved unconsciously and this happens when your conscious and unconscious minds are working together as one.

Remember the four stages of learning.

Unconscious Incompetence: Blissful ignorance, you don’t even know that you don’t know.

Conscious Incompetence: The most uncomfortable stage where you become painfully aware that you don’t know something that you now want to know.

Conscious Competence: Where you learn the tools, techniques and processes and with conscious volition you can pretty much do them. All be it in a slightly uncomfortable and awkward way, occasionally forgetting a step or two.

Unconscious Competence: The level of mastery, where you have consciously practiced and practiced what you have learned to the point that you have got so good at the processes that they get handed over to your unconscious mind to do for you.

NOW you’re a linguistically intuitive genius!!

It is not uncommon for students of NLP and Conversational Hypnosis to feel a bit overwhelmed when starting to practice using Quantum Linguistics.

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The key is to remember that there is no rules no right nor wrong, just trust in your unconscious mind to do the process for you.

Because I want to help you achieve this level of mastery there is just three simple and easy steps for you to follow that will guarantee your ultimate success.

Step 1 to Mastery – Image Streaming (See Paul Sheele “The Genius Code”)

Allow your unconscious mind to give you a scene or an image, let it be imaginary, not a memory but a purely imagined completely random new experience.

Begin to describe this scene out loud in sensory rich language (note: best do this when you’re on your own, not while at the supermarket).

Now what I mean by sensory rich language is to really describe whatever you are seeing in fine detail. “I see a gate” is not sensory rich.

Imagine you are describing it to someone that cannot for whatever reason see it and you desperately want them to have the same magical experience that you are having. “I see an old wooden gate so old the colour is bleached out of it with five upright struts held together with a cross strut top and bottom and a diagonal creating the frame behind the five uprights, the second upright is broken just above the middle and the soft brown wood is crumbling around the break, rotten with moisture, with two large crude rusted iron hinges hold the gate to a thick square post that is loose and at an angle………………”

And so on and so on as the picture develops into more and more sensory rich detail. The more you describe it the more sensory rich the image or movie will become.

Allow it it to develop naturally and guard against trying to consciously attempting to skew it or change the flow of it.

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This process of image streaming encourages the communication between your conscious and unconscious minds.

Speaking out load allows your unconscious mind to hear that you are consciously interpreting what it is giving you accurately.

How many times in the past has your unconscious mind given you information and detail that you have subsequently chosen to ignore?

Usually creating an unpleasant, unhelpful experience or problem, followed by the inevitable hind sight statement of “I knew that was going to happen!!”


Image Streaming will develop for you a deep trust between your conscious and unconscious minds.

The more you do it the more the speed and the detail will become fast, flowing and fluid for you as you build a quicker more limitlessly flexible, versatile and conceptually advanced thinking mind.

Practice this every day for 5 – 10 minutes and watch as your intuition and intelligence increases exponentially.

Step 2 to Mastery – Learning to spot and bring into your clients awareness the tiny nuances that they weren’t in the moment Aware of. (See Milton Erickson)

Milton Erickson was the master of non awareness and utilisation and had a heightened state of sensory acuity that we will all do well to develop.

As you are doing Step 1 you will begin to notice that the work you are doing with the Image Streaming process keeps getting easier and more elaborate.

Now with the addition of oscillating between the conscious and unconscious mind by utilising your awareness of their non-

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awareness you will be begin to pick up on things and respond to things in a far more unconscious and intuitive way.

Start to look for what your client is doing but they don’t have an awareness of and notice how you could begin to utilise all that you are becoming aware of in every interaction.

At this stage begin to actively link just one thing that you spot in every interaction that you have with people to a resource or a point of influence that you want to create and gauge your results as you perfect your ability to do this completely out of the other person conscious awareness.

Step 3 to Mastery – GET ON WITH IT!! Actually consciously and with volition begin to use Quantum Linguistics theory to create just a simply light spin in each interaction you have with anyone and everyone

The final piece of the puzzle is to now actually practice using Quantum Linguistic patterns with people in every day conversations.

Little and often the key to unconscious competence!!

Look for innocuous problem statements or even just general statements that people make and in your reply look to add in a little bit of quantum spin.

This can be silly and playful whilst being done with aligned intent and integrity in a very gently and easy way.

If I couldn’t be you knowing that your not me, then obviously these wouldn’t necessarily be some examples that you couldn’t not play around with yourself…..

Statement: “You know I really fancy a biscuit” Response: “What sort of biscuit isn’t not going to fancy you?”

Statement: “I don’t know what to have for tea tonight” Response: “What wouldn’t you know that your eating if it wasn’t tonight?”

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Statement: “I’m sick of people being rude” Response: “Who aren’t the people that can’t be sicker in realising you’re certainly not a rude being.

This really can be fun if you follow the rule of less is more, if you take it to far you will be at risk of being annoying. The key is plausibility and it remaining out of the person conscious awareness.

What will begin to happen for you, is the process will start to feel far more comfortable and natural. The more you practice the more of the process will begin to flow unconsciously.

So from today onwards really pay attention in each interaction that you have and listen for a presupposed problem statement, when you hear it then look for the trinity within it.

Having spotted it, then simply trust your unconscious mind to break down the syntax, spin it and negate the appropriate parts of it.

If you practice this every day by only looking to create one statement with spin and gauge your results. I promise you that within a very sort period of time you will have mastered it creating for yourself unconscious competence.

NOTE: Always remember, when asked “how do you eat an elephant”, the answer is “you eat an elephant one spoon at a time.”

Doing a little bit every day allows you to avoid overwhelm whilst incrementally increasing your skills.

And lets not forget the golden rule. Make sure you learn from an expert and then having learned never measure yourself against that expert. Because if an expert is truly and expert they will never stop developing themselves, thus the gulf between you and them will always appear the same.

Always measure yourself against the outcome and where you were yesterday, that way you will notice the progress that you are making.

It is only experience and repetition that are the keys to the mastery of Quantum Linguistics and Conversational Hypnosis.

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So if you have any questions please feel free to give me a call on 0800 910 1163 or email me on [email protected] and I will be happy to advise to on how to get the very most out of this comprehensive guide to mastering quantum linguistics the easy way

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