Mass Media bibliography

Mass Media: Politics, Political Economy & Law—A Select Bibliography Patrick S. O’Donnell (2020) Aaker, Jennifer and Andy Smith (with Carlye Adler) The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways To Use Social Media to Drive Social Change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Abramson, Jill. Merchants of Truth: The Business of News and the Fight for Facts. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2019. Alia, Valerie. Media Ethics and Social Change. New York: Routledge (with Edinburgh University Press), 2004. Alia, Valerie. The New Media Nation: Indigenous Peoples and Global Communication. New York: Berghahn Books, 2010.

Transcript of Mass Media bibliography

Mass Media: Politics, Political Economy & Law—A Select Bibliography

Patrick S. O’Donnell (2020)

Aaker, Jennifer and Andy Smith (with Carlye Adler) The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective,

and Powerful Ways To Use Social Media to Drive Social Change. San Francisco, CA:

Jossey-Bass, 2010.

Abramson, Jill. Merchants of Truth: The Business of News and the Fight for Facts. New York:

Simon & Schuster, 2019.

Alia, Valerie. Media Ethics and Social Change. New York: Routledge (with Edinburgh

University Press), 2004.

Alia, Valerie. The New Media Nation: Indigenous Peoples and Global Communication. New

York: Berghahn Books, 2010.


Alia, Valerie and Simone Bull. Media and Ethnic Minorities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh

University Press, 2005.

Allan, Stuart. Online News: Journalism and the Internet. Berkshire, England: Open

University Press, 2006.

Alterman, Eric C. What Liberal Media? The Truth about Bias and the News. New York: Basic

Books, 2003.

Aptheker, Herbert, ed. Newspaper Columns of W.E.B. Dubois, 2 Vols. White Plains, NY:

Kraus-Thompson Organization Ltd., 1986.

Arceneaux, Kevin and Martin Johnson. Changing Minds or Changing Channels? Partisan

News in an Age of Choice. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Armstrong, David. A Trumpet to Arms: Alternative Media in America. Boston, MA: South

End Press, 1999 (J.P. Tarcher, 1981).

Arnold, R. Douglas. Congress, the Press, and Political Accountability. Princeton, NJ:

Princeton University Press, 2004.

Atkinson, Joshua D. Alternative Media and Politics of Resistance: A Communication

Perspective. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

Atton, Chris. Alternative Media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2002.

Atton, Chris and James F. Hamilton. Alternative Journalism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Publications, 2008.

Atton, Chris, ed. The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media. New York:

Routledge, 2015.

Bagdikian, Ben H. The New Media Monopoly. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2004 ed.

Baker, C. Edwin. Advertising and a Democratic Press. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University

Press, 1994.

Baker, C. Edwin. Media, Markets, and Democracy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University

Press, 2002.

Baker, C. Edwin. Media Concentration and Democracy: Why Ownership Matters. Cambridge,

UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Baldasty, Gerald J. The Commercialization of News in the Nineteenth Century. Madison, WI:

University of Wisconsin Press, 1992.

Baldasty, Gerald J. E.W. Scripps and the Business of Newspapers. Urbana, IL: University of

Illinois Press, 1999/

Baldwin-Philippi, Jessica. Using Technology, Building Democracy: Digital Campaigning and

the Construction of Citizenship. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Banet-Weiser, Sarah, Cynthia Chris, and Anthony Freitas, eds. Cable Visions: Television

Beyond Broadcasting. New York: New York University Press, 2007.

Barendt, E.M. Broadcasting Law: A Comparative Study. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1995



Barendt, Eric. Freedom of Speech. New York: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2005.

Barendt, Eric, ed. Freedom of the Press. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009.

Barlow, Aaron. The Rise of the Blogosphere. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007.

Barnhurst, Kevin G. and John Nerone. The Form of News: A History. New York: The

Guilford Press, 2001.

Barsamian, David. The Decline and Fall of Public Broadcasting: Creating Alternative Media.

Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2001.

Benkler, Yochai. The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and

Freedom. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006.

Bennett, W. Lance. News: The Politics of Illusion. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,

9th ed., 2011.

Bennett, W. Lance, Regina G. Lawrence, and Steven Livingston. When the Press Fails:

Political Power and the News Media from Iraq to Katrina. Chicago, IL: University of

Chicago Press, 2007.

Bennett, W. Lance and Alexandra Segerberg. The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media

and the Personalization of Contentious Politics. New York: Cambridge University

Press, 2013.

Berges, Marshall. The Life and Times of Los Angeles: A Newspaper, a Family, and a City. New

York Atheneum, 1984.

Berkowitz, Edward D. Mass Appeal: The Formative Age of the Movies, Radio, and TV.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Bernstein, Carl and Bob Woodward. All the President’s Men. New York: Simon &

Schuster, 1974.

Bernstein, Dan. Justice in Plain Sight: How a Small-Town Newspaper and Its Unlikely Lawyer

Opened America’s Courtrooms. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2019.

Berry, Chris, Janet Harbord, and Rachel O. Moore, eds. Public Space, Media Space. New

York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Bessie, Simon Michael. Jazz Journalism: The Story of Tabloid Newspapers. New York: E.P.

Dutton, 1938.

Bettig, Ronald V. and Jeanne Lynn Hall. Big Media, Big Money: Cultural Texts and Political

Economics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2nd ed., 2012.

Bielby, Denise D. and C. Lee Harrington. Global TV: Exporting Television and Culture in the

World Market. New York: New York University Press, 2008.

Biewen, John and Alexa Dilworth, eds. Reality Radio: Telling True Stories in Sound. Chapel

Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2010.

Bimber, Bruce. Information and American Democracy: Technology in the Evolution of Political

Power. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.


Bishara, Amahl A. Back Stories: U.S. New Production and Palestinian Politics. Stanford, CA:

Stanford University Press, 2012.

Blum, Eleanor and Frances Goins Wilhoit. Mass Media Bibliography: An Annotated Guide to

Books and Journals for Research and Reference. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois

Press, 3rd ed., 1990.

Blumenthal, Howard J. and Oliver R. Goodenough. The Business of Television. New York:

Billboard Books, 2006.

Bock, Joseph G. The Technology of Nonviolence: Social Media and Violence Prevention.

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.

Boczkowski, Pablo J. News at Work: Imitation in an Age of Information Abundance. Chicago,

IL: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Boehlert, Eric. Bloggers on the Bus: How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press in 2008.

New York: The Free Press, 2009.

Boler, Megan, ed. Digital Media and Democracy: Tactics in Hard Times. Cambridge, MA:

MIT Press, 2008.

Bollinger, Lee C. Images of a Free Press. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

Bollinger, Lee C. Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century. New

York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Boydstun, Amber E. Making the News: Politics, the Media, and Agenda Setting. Chicago, IL:

University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Brock, George. Out of Print: Newspapers, Journalism and the Business of New in the Digital

Age. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page, Ltd., 2013.

Broder, David S. Behind the Front Page: A Candid Look at How the News Is Made. New York:

Simon & Schuster, 1987.

Brown, Joshua. Beyond the Lines: Pictorial Reporting, Everyday Life, and the Crisis of Gilded

Age America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002.

Bunt, Gary R. iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North

Carolina Press, 2009.

Bunt, Gary R. Virtually Islamic: Computer-Mediated Communication and Cyber-Islamic

Environments. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2000.

Campbell, W. Joseph. Getting It Wrong: Ten of the Greatest Misreported Stories in American

Journalism. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2010.

Carey, Michael Clay. The News Untold: Community Journalism and the Failure to Confront

Poverty in Appalachia. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press, 2017.

Carter, Cynthia, Linda Steiner, and Lisa McLaughlin, eds. The Routledge Companion to

Media and Gender. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Castells, Manuel. Communication Power. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.


Castells, Manuel. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. 1: The Rise of the

Network Society. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd ed., 2010.

Castells, Manuel. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. 2: The Power of

Identity. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd ed., 2010.

Castells, Manuel. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. 3: End of

Millennium. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd ed., 2010.

Chadwick, Andrew. The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power. New York: Oxford

University Press, 2013.

Chakravartty, Paula and Katharine Sarikakis. Media Policy and Globalization. New York:

Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Chambers, Deborah, Linda Steiner, and Carole Fleming. Women and Journalism. New

York: Routledge, 2004.

Chancellor, John and Walter R. Mears. The News Business. New York: Harper & Row,


Chaney, Lindsay and Michael Cieply. The Hearsts: Family and Empire. New York: Simon

& Schuster, 1981.

Chomsky, Noam. Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda. New York:

Seven Stories Press, 2nd ed., 2002.

Clark, Jessica and Tracy Van Slyke. Beyond the Echo Chamber: How a Networked Progressive

Media Can Reshape American Politics. New York: The New Press, 2010.

Clark, Naeemah, ed. African Americans in the History of Mass Communication: A Reader.

New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2014.

Clayton, Charles C. Newspaper Reporting Today. New York: Odyssey Press, 1947.

Clurman, Richard M. Beyond Malice: The Media’s Years of Reckoning. New York: New

American Library, 1990.

Clurman, Richard M. To the End of Time: The Seduction and Conquest of a Media Empire.

New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.

Cockburn, Alexander and Jeffrey St. Clair. End Times: The Death of the Fourth Estate.

Oakland, CA: CounterPunch and AK Press, 2007.

Coleman, Stephen and Jay G. Blumler. The Internet and Democratic Citizenship: Theory,

Practice, and Policy. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Collins, Ronald K.L. and David M. Skover. The Death of Discourse. Durham, NC: Carolina

Academic Press, 2nd ed., 2006.

Connery, Thomas Bernard. Journalism and Realism: Rendering American Life. Evanston, IL:

Northwestern University Press, 2011.

Cook, Timothy E. Governing with the News: The News Media as a Political Institution.

Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2nd ed., 2005.


Coronado, Raúl. A World Not to Come: A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013.

Cose, Ellis. The Press: Inside America’s Most Powerful Newspaper Empires—From the

Newsrooms to the Boardrooms. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1989.

Cowhey, Peter F. and Jonathan D. Aronson. Transforming Global Information and

Communication Markets: The Political Economy of Innovation. Cambridge, MA: MIT

Press, 2009.

Coyer, Kate, Tony Dowmunt, and Alan Fountain. The Alternative Media Handbook. New

York: Routledge, 2007.

Crane, Diana, Nobuko Kawashima, and Ken’ichi Kawasaki, eds. Global Culture: Media,

Arts, Policy, and Globalization. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Crook, Tim. Comparative Media Law and Ethics. New York: Routledge, 2010.

Croteau, David R. and William D. Hoynes. Media/Society: Industries, Images, and

Audiences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2014.

Curran, James and David Morley, eds. Media and Cultural Theory. New York: Routledge,


Dahlgren, Peter. Media and Political Engagement: Citizens, Communication and Democracy.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Danesi, Marcel, ed. Encyclopedia of Media and Communication. Toronto: University of

Toronto Press, 2013.

Daniel, Marcus. Scandal and Civility: Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy. New

York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Dary, David. Red Blood & Black Ink: Journalism in the Old West. New York: Alfred A.

Knopf, 2002.

Dates, Jannette L. and William Barlow. Split Image: African-Americans in the Mass Media.

Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1990.

Davenport, Christian. Media Bias, Perspective, and State Repression: The Black Panther Party.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Davies, David R., ed. The Press and Race: Mississippi Journalists Confront the Movement.

Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2001.

Deibert, Ronald, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, and Jonathan Zittrain, eds. Access

Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering. Cambridge, MA: MIT

Press, 2008.

Deibert, Ronald, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, and Jonathan Zittrain, eds. Access

Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace. Cambridge, MA:

MIT Press, 2010.

de Jong, Wilma, Martin Shaw, and Neil Stammers, eds. Global Activism, Global Media.

London: Pluto Press, 2005.


Dennis, Everette E. and William L. Rivers. Other Voices: The New Journalism in America.

San Francisco, CA: Canfield Press, 1974.

DiMaggio, Anthony. When Media Goes to War: Hegemonic Discourse, Public Opinion, and

the Limits of Dissent. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010.

Douglas, George H. The Golden Age of the Newspaper. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,


Downie, Leonard, Jr. and Robert G. Kaiser. The News About the News: American Journalism

in Peril. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002.

Downing, John D.H. (et al.) Radical Media: Rebellious Communication and Social Movements.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001.

Drake, William J. and Ernest J. Wilson III. Governing Global Electronic Networks.

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008.

Draper, Robert. Rolling Stone Magazine: The Uncensored History. New York: Doubleday

and Co., 1990.

Dubber, Andrew. Radio in the Digital Age. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2013.

Dunbar-Hester, Christina. Low Power to the People: Pirates, Protest, and Politics in FM

Radio. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014.

Duncombe, Stephen. Notes from Underground: Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture.

New York: Verso, 1997.

Dunsky, Marda. Pens and Swords: How the American Media Report the Israeli-Palestinian

Conflict. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.

Durant, Alan. Meaning in the Media: Discourse, Controversy and Debate. New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Edelman, Murray. The Politics of Misinformation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University

Press, 2001.

Elkin-Koren, Niva and Neil Weinstock Netanel, eds. The Commodification of Information.

The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002.

Entman, Robert M. Projections of Power: Framing News, Public Opinion, and U.S. Foreign

Policy. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Entman, Robert M. and Andrew Rojecki. The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and

Race in America. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2001 ed.

Epstein, Edward J. News From Nowhere: Television and the News. New York: Vintage

Books, 1973.

Ess, Charles. Digital Media Ethics. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2nd ed., 2014.

Ettema, James S. and Theodore L. Glasser. Custodians of Conscience: Investigative

Journalism and Public Virtue. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.

Ewen, Stuart. Channels of Desire: Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness.

Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2nd ed., 1992.


Fahs, Alice. Out On Assignment: Newspaper Women and the Making of Modern Public Space.

Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2011.

Feintuck, Mike and Mike Varney. Media Regulation, Public Interest and the Law.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006.

Felsenthal, Carol. Power, Privilege, and the Post: The Katherine Graham Story. New York:

Putnam, 1993.

Fenton, Natalie, ed. New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010.

Fink, Conrad C. Inside the Media. New York: Longman, 1990.

Finkle, Lee. Forum for Protest: The Black Press during World War II. Cranbury, NJ:

Associated University Presses, 1975.

Fisher, William, III. Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment.

Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004.

Fishman, Mark. Manufacturing the News. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1980.

Fiske, John. Media Matters: Everyday Culture and Political Change. Minneapolis, MN:

University of Minnesota Press, 1994.

Fiss, Owen M. The Irony of Free Speech. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.

Forcade, Thomas King, ed. Underground Press Anthology. New York: Ace, 1972.

Fowler, Gene. Skyline: A Reporter’s Reminiscence of the 1920s. New York: Viking Press,


Frankfort, Ellen. The Voice: Life at the Village Voice. New York: William Morrow and Co.,


Franda, Marcus. Launching into Cyberspace: Internet Developments and Politics in Five World

Regions. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001.

Franda, Marcus. China and India Online: The Politics of Information Technology in the

World’s Largest Nations. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001.

Frantzich, Stephen and John Sullivan. The C-Span Revolution. Norman, OK: University of

Oklahoma Press, 1996.

Freeman, Laurie Anne. Closing the Shop: Information Cartels and Japan’s Mass Media.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000.

Frith, Jordan. Smartphones as Locative Media. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2015.

Fuchs, Christian. Social Media: A Critical Introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Publications, 2014.

Fuller, Jack. News Values: Ideas for an Information Age. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago

Press, 1996.

Gans, Herbert J. Deciding What’s News. New York: Pantheon Books, 1979.

Gans, Herbert J. Democracy and the News. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.


Garde-Hansen, Joanne. Media and Memory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,


Gardels, Nathan and Mike Medavoy. American Idol after Iraq: Competing for Hearts and

Minds in the Global Media Age. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Gauntlett, David. Media, Gender and Identity: An Introduction. New York: Routledge, 2nd

ed., 2008.

Georgiou, Myria. Media and the City: Cosmopolitanism and Difference. Cambridge, MA:

Polity Press, 2013.

Gerbaudo, Paolo. Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism. London:

Pluto Press, 2012.

Gillers, Stephen. Journalism Under Fire: Protecting the Future of Investigative Reporting.

New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.

Gillespie, Tarleton, Pablo J. Boczkowski, and Kirsten A. Foot, eds. Media Technologies:

Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,


Ginsborg, Paul. Silvio Berlusconi: Television, Power and Patrimony. London: Verso, 2004.

Gitlin, Todd. The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the

New Left. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2nd ed., 2003.

Glessing, Robert J. The Underground Press in America. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,


Goldberg, David, Gavin Sutter, and Ian Walden. Media Law and Practice. New York:

Oxford University Press, 2009.

González, Juan and Joseph Torres. News For All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the

American Media. London: Verso, 2012.

Goodale, James C. Fighting for the Press: The Inside Story of the Pentagon Papers and Other

Battles. New York: CUNY Journalism Press, 2013.

Gorton, Kristyn. Media Audiences: Television, Meaning and Emotion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh

University Press, 2009.

Goulden, Joseph C. Fit to Print: A.M. Rosenthal and His Times. Secaucus, NJ: Stuart, 1988.

Graber, Doris A. and Johanna Dunaway. Mass Media and American Politics. Thousand

Oaks, CA: CQ Press, 9th ed., 2015.

Gray, Jonathan, Jeffrey P. Jones, and Ethan Thompson, eds. Satire TV: Politics and Comedy

in the Post-Network Era. New York: New York University Press, 2009.

Gross, Larry, John Stuart Katz, and Jay Ruby, eds. Image Ethics in the Digital Age.

Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2003.

Gunner, Liz, Dina Ligaga, and Dumisani Moyo, eds. Radio in Africa: Politics, Cultures,

Communities. Rochester, NY: James Currey, 2011.


Gutiérrez, Félix, Clint C. Wilson, and Lena M. Chao. Racism, Sexism, and the Media:

Communication in Multicultural America. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications,

3rd ed., 2003.

Hafez, Kai. The Myth of Media Globalization. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2007.

Hafez, Kai, ed. Islam and the West in Mass Media: Fragmented Images in a Globalizing World.

Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2000.

Hafez, Kai, ed. Arab Media: Power and Weakness. New York: Continuum, 2008.

Hafez, Kai and David L. Paletz, eds. Mass Media, Politics, and Society in the Middle East.

Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2001.

Halaas, David Fridtjof. Boom Town Newspapers: Journalism on the Rocky Mountain Mining

Frontier. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1981.

Halberstam, David. The Powers That Be. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2000

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Hallin, Daniel C. The “Uncensored War”: The Media and Vietnam. New York: Oxford

University Press, 1986.

Hallin, Daniel C. and Paolo Mancini. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and

Politics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Hamilton, James T. All the News That’s Fit to Sell: How the Market Transforms Information

into News. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004.

Harcup, Tony. Alternative Journalism, Alternative Voices. New York: Routledge, 2013.

Harcup, Tony. A Dictionary of Journalism. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Hayes, Danny and Matt Guardino. Influence from Abroad: Foreign Voices, the Media, and

U.S. Public Opinion. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Haynes, Richard. Media Rights and Intellectual Property. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University

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Hedges, Chris. Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle. New

York: Nation Books, 2009.

Henry, Neil. Journalism Under Siege in an Age of New Media. Berkeley, CA: University of

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Herman, Edward S. The Myth of the Liberal Media: An Edward Herman Reader. New York:

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Herman, Edward S. Triumph of the Market: Essays on Economics, Politics, and the Media.

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Herman, Edward S. and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of

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Hofmeyr, Isabel. Gandhi’s Printing Press: Experiments in Slow Reading. Cambridge, MA:

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