M O N T H - Amazon S3

M O N T H 4

Transcript of M O N T H - Amazon S3

m o n t h 4

m o n t h 4

BoBBy Rio RoB Judge

4P e R s i s t e n c e

Don’t believe the hype: acting “disinterested” in women simply does not work. Often when guys think they’re “playing the game” by not texting women, pretending be indifferent, or put ANY sort of intentional emotional space between them-

selves and a woman, they’re only setting themselves back.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, such as what we outlined in the “Get the Girl” report (free with purchase of this product, if you haven’t received it email [email protected]). However, under normal circumstances, you should NOT resort to the tactics outlined in the “Get the Girl” report until you’ve exhausted all your other options.

Needy versus

Going All In



Welcome to Phone Game


Thus, the best option is usually to remain persistent. Yet, this begs the question: doesn’t that come off needy? If you’re con-stantly pestering a woman who’s not giving you positive sig-nals, aren’t you better off cutting your loses and trying some-thing else?

The simple answer is no.

I’ve had plenty of situations where I pursued a woman, got no positive feedback, and eventually succeed with her. You may remember the report from Month 1 where I included an actual transcript of this happening. That’s just one of the (literally) dozens of examples I have in my phone archive of girls who initially blew me off, but later changed their mind.

I’m no special snowflake. You can inspire the same “turn around” with women, but you need to know how to play the game. Because, if you don’t know how to attractively pursue women, you WILL come off needy and that WILL turn her off.

Learning how to attractively pursue women is not only a skill that will get you more first dates, it can actually save a rela-tionship. I recently “coached” my friend on how to win back his ex, and much of the advice I gave him involved the simple concept of attractive persistence.

Rather than look at specific texts, this month’s report will fo-cus on the theory of how to pursue women attractively. In-

Going All In


Welcome to Phone Game


deed: tell a man what to text, he’ll win over a girl; teach a man HOW to text, he’ll win over womankind.

Going All In


The most important thing to remember when it comes to persistence is EMOTIONS. I realize that this is a concept we’ve beaten to death in the Magnetic Messaging book, as well as this course, but when it comes to persistence, you need to tattoo this equa-

tion into your brain:

Persistence = Emotions

Until you get a woman emotional, nothing else matters. You’re simply spinning your wheels until she’s emotionally invested. Therefore, all your texts should be trying to:

• Get her to laugh• Get her to flirt• Get her to stop what she’s doing

Be honest with yourself: if what you’re about to send isn’t hi-larious, isn’t super flirty, or isn’t so awesome that it would get a woman to stop in her tracks, don’t send it. Seriously. Delete the text. DO. NOT. SEND.

Rules of the Game

Welcome to Phone GameRules of the Game


Welcome to Phone Game

Often I ask myself: is this text a 12 out of 10. Really, that’s is 12 what you need. You don’t want to send a joke that’s a 7 out of 10. It will fail. Your joke has to be so funny that it’s literally off the charts. We’re talking knee-slapping hilarity. Not a little chuckle.

Also, the entire point of the text should be to spark an emo-tion. It shouldn’t be to tell her again how much you like her (she probably already knows). It shouldn’t be to ask for a date (unless you’re asking in a very funny way). It shouldn’t be to say hi or to “check in” on her. When you’re texting out of per-sistence, you’re texting to evoke an emotion—and ONLY an emotion.

Now that we know the RIGHT texts to send, let’s examine some of the WRONG texts. If you’ve ever come off “needy” or “desperate” to a girl you’re pursuing, it’s because you prob-ably sent a text that “needed” a reaction. Obvious examples are texts like, “What’s up?” or “What are your plans for the weekend?” but it can be even subtler.

While I don’t have time to name “every” type of needy text, I can say this: if you were constantly looking at your phone af-ter you sent the text, it was probably needy! Sometimes even when guys try to make girls laugh, they constantly check their phone to see if she “lol”’d. Stop doing that!

You may not think it’s a big deal, or that a woman can’t tell if


Welcome to Phone Game

you’re checking your phone or not, but it IS a big deal. And she WILL sense it. I don’t know why…but she will. Therefore, write texts you think are hilarious, flirty, or awesome, and trust that they’ll get through. Check your phone in an hour, 2 hours, or even at the end of the day.

Often my favorite times to send out “persistent” texts are right before I’m about to do a long activity like go for a 10-mile run or see a movie. Often I get so caught up in what I’m doing, I don’t constantly think about the text I just fired off (even if I REALLY like the girl). Then, when I finish after a few hours, I’ve usually forgotten I even sent the text. Therefore, if she texted back, it’s a bonus; if not, it doesn’t ruin my day. (That’s how you keep your sanity when pursuing women!)

If your first few persistent texts get lackluster responses, who cares? Just keep trying every few days. There’s really nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I’ve gone on dates with girls who ignored me for 9 months! Later on, I usually find out these “dead air” periods had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with her—she had a boyfriend, she was studying for a big exam, etc.

Fact is, if you persist in an attractive way, even if you’re not getting positive signals, you’re slowly winning. The only time you should stop is if a woman specifically asks you to stop, tells you flat out that she’s not interested, or says she has a boyfriend.


Welcome to Phone Game

Otherwise, it’s game on! So get out there and demonstrate some persistence!


Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation

Conversation Escalation is a step-by-step system that will show you

how to use flirtatious and sexy “small talk” to quickly engage, connect with, and “turn on” a woman…

The program is jam packed with step by step instructions and word-for-

word examples of exactly what to say (and how to say it)… so that your words nestle their way in, and take complete control of her emotions…

And will completely IMPLANT the skill of carrying a “flirtatious” conversation with a woman into your game, brain, and personality, and make it a PERMA-NENT part of you. (So you never struggle again)


Further Resources: Dating Advice from Bobby and Rob


Welcome to Phone Game


The 4 Elements of Game: Date the Girls You REALLY Want

The 4 Elements of Game won Dating Skills Re-view Editor’s Choice award for its simple ef-fectiveness. This classic of men’s dating ad-vice makes improving your ability to meet and attract women a simple process.

Written by award-winning writer Rob Judge, this easy-to-read book isn’t go-ing to dramatically change your per-sonality. Instead, it’s going to teach you how to use BALANCE to attract more women with less effort.

Women will see your MOST AT-TRACTIVE personality whether you

are the life of the party or more of the QUIET and CHILL type. This book

will teach you a dating philosophy that fits to YOUR personality like an expensive, perfectly tailored suit.


Further Resources


Welcome to Phone Game


The Natural ApproachI call this program “The Natural Approach” because it allows you to learn to meet women in the same way you learned ev-erything else you’re good at... Naturally…And, it allows you to still be your natural, authentic self while still doing things that actually work and attract dozens of women into your life…

You will learn a simple secret that gets rid of your fears of ap-proaching women, and actually makes it a lot easier.


The Advanced Dating StrategiesThe Advanced Dating Strategies translates the exact behavior that women find sexy into an easy-to-follow system that you can master. Whether you want to meet and date more women or just attract one special woman, The Advanced Dating Strat-egies will give you everything you need to display your most attractive personality.

Unlike any other dating product, The Advanced Dating Strat-egies is completely revolutionary because it’s a compressive training course.


Further Resources