luminesce firefly

GROUP 4 Group member : • Israel • Jeffy • Kirana • Luthfie • M.Isa

Transcript of luminesce firefly

GROUP 4 Group member :• Israel• Jeffy• Kirana• Luthfie• M.Isa

Luminesce Firefly


In a small forest, there was a firefly were lived a pair with his mother. His name is Patrick, he is a weak firefly who has no luminescent of him. Mother said to him that he is different to others. He can not fly and has no luminescent since he was born. They were live until Patrick grows to be teenagers. The bad things are he has no friends and can not fly happily in the air like others.

ComplicationHe was sad to mother and locked his room for a whole day. Mother was worried about what is going on him.“Patrick, why you are not going out from your room and take a meal for a while?” “Are you sick?” Mothers knocked his door and try to pursue him out from the room. “I will put the meal out of your door, so you can take it when you want.” Patrick was unable to say ‘Yes I will mom’ his mouth was locked and his heart was too ego to kick out the bad things run on his mind.He just take the meal when the days gone to be midnight. “I don’t want to come out the room you know mom, till you were die !” “This is my worse life! I am just flawed boy! No one cares me!” He said when mothers try a thousand time to make him out from his room.The condition were going bad. It is a year since he locked himself in his room. “Dear, I was sick. I got flu and terrible cough, please go outside. I am sorry for make you born in worse condition. In deformity, and no one want to be your friend. I just want to let you know that I love you as Mom and friends.”Patrick still don’t want to talked to. He just covered his face with blanked and seems frustrated.


Day by day run. In the next week, mom never gave him a meal again. “It is strange, why mom didn’t give me meal for three days? I can’t hear her anything!”He was so hungry, and this condition makes him want to go out from his room. So unexpectedly and dramatic, he caught his mom dead with a letter on her hand.

And the letter shows;Dear My Lovely PatrickI don’t know what going on me..I had checked my health to the doctor when you just locked your room.Doctor said to me that I got cancer.It is final stadium.So my life just in a couple of monthsI am so sorry that were got accident when you are in pregnancyAnd your dad were deadYou got the physical defect after itIt is not easy to make you understandThat luminescent is youNot what you just thinkThat I love you till the day endsForever.Best regards,Mom

After he read that letter , he was cry and he felt guilty to his mother. he is determined to change attitudes in the face of the reality of life and striving to be grateful for the circumstances.

Kunang-kunang yang Bercahaya

OrientasiDi suatu hutan yang kecil, hiduplah sebuah kunang-kunang bersama ibunya. Dia bernama Patrick. Dia adalah kunang-kunang yang lemah yang tidak memiliki cahaya di ekornya. Ibunya mengatakan kepada dia bahwa dia bebrbeda dari teman-temanya. Dia tidak dapat terbang dan tidak memiliki cahaya seperti yang lain sejak ia lahir. Mereka hidup hingga Patrick beranjak remaja. Hal terburuk baginya adalah dia tidak memiliki teman kerena dia tidak dapat terbang sesenang teman-temannya.

KomplikasiDia sedih dan marah terhadap ibunya lalu mengunci pintu seharian. Ibunya sangat khawatir terhadapnya.“Patrick, mengapa kamu tidak keluar kamarand tidak makan?” “Apa kamu sakit?” Seraya ibunya mengetuk pintu kamar nya dan mencoba membujuknya keluar. “Atau aku taruh saja makanan mu di depan pintu, jadi kamu bisa mengambilnya kapanpun kamu mau. Patrick tak bisa berkata-kata “Ya akan ku ambil bu” Mulutnya terlalu terkunci dan egonya pun begitu, terlalu besar untuk dikalahkan. Dia selalu mengambil maknanya ketika tengah malam. “Aku tak mau keluar kamar bu, sampai kau mati!” “Hidupku sudah hancur! Saya hanya anak yang cacat! Tidak ada yang mau peduli padaku!’ Ucapnya kepada ibunya yang mencoba ribuan kali membujuknya keluar dari kamarnya.Kondisinya semakin memburtuk. Dia sudah mengunci kamarnya sampai hamper genap satu tahun. “Sayang, aku sakit. Aku mendapat flu sepertinya dan juga batuk yang parah, tolong keluar kamar sayang. Aku minta maaf telah membuatmu lahir menjadi seperti itu, cacat sehingga tidak ada yang ingin berteman dengan mu. Saya hanya ingin kamu tahu bahwa aku mencintaimu selayaknya ibu bahkan seperti temanmu.”Patrick tetap tak mau bicara. Dia hanya menutup wajahnya dengan sprei dan terlihat semakin frustrasi.


Hari demi hari pun berjalan. Di minggu ini, ibunya tak pernah memberikan makan lagi. “aneh, mengapa ibu tidak memberiku makan selama tiga hari ini seperti biasanya?” Saya pun tak mendengar suaranya sama sekali!”Dia pun semakin lapar, dan kondisi inilah yang membuat nya mau keluar kamar. Tiba-tiba dan begitu daramatis dia melihat ibunya tak bernyawa lagi, dengan sepucuk surat dityangannya.

Dan surat itu berisi;Patrickku tersayang,Saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi padaku…Aku telah memeriksakan kesehatanku ketika kau sedang mengunci diri di kamar.Dokter mengatakan bahwa aku memiliki kankerDan sudah stadium akhirJadi hidupku hanya beberapa bulan lagi paling lamaAku minta maaf karena dulu ibu mendapatkan kecelakaan ketika kau sedang dalam kandunganDan ayahmu pun meninggalKamu mendapatkan cacat ketika kemu dilahirkanItu bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk membuatmu mengertiBahwa cahaya itu adalah kamuLebih dari hanya cahaya kunang-kunangDan aku mencintaimu sampai akhir nantiSelamanya.Salam,Ibu Setelah membaca surat itu, ia menangis dan ia merasa bersalah kepada ibunya. ia bertekad untuk mengubah sikap dalam menghadapi realitas kehidupan dan berjuang untuk mensyukuri keadaan

QuestionWhat is the title of this story?Who cannot fly and don’t has luminesce ?Why he sad to his mother and lock his room for a whole day?

Why he unable to say ‘yes, I will mom’?When he ate the meal provided by his mother?

What his mother do while her son don’t want to go out from his room?

In what condition that makes he want to go out from his room?

What his mother hold when she died?Who got cancer?what is the moral messages that contained in this story?

Thank You for Your Attention.